LIBRARY OF THK University of California. GIFT OK MRS. MARTHA E. HALLIDIE. Class TREATISE ox THE ETYMOLOGY AND SYNTAX OF THE €nQlis)) JLattffuage. ^^^r^'^'^^ SECOND EDITION. OF, The Rev. ALEXANDER CROMBIE, LL.D. *♦ Ne quis tanquam parva fastidlat Grnmmatices elementa ; non quia magn% *' sit operae conjcnantes a vocalibus discernere, ipsasque eas in semivocalium nu- " merum, mutarumquc partiri ; sed quia interiora velut sacri hujus adeuntibus, " apparebit multa rcrum subtilitas, qua non modo acuere ingcnia puerilia, ^ ** eed exercere altissimam quoque eruditionem ac scicntiam possit." Qu^ntil, lib I. cap. iv. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, No.7», ST. PAUL'S CHUKCH-YARIJ, 1809. FRINTED BY C. 5T0WER, FATEKNOSTEK RrOW, LOKDOM. THE PREFACE The success, with which the principles of any art or science are investigated, is gene- rally proportioned to the number of those, whose labours are directed to its cultivation and improvement. Enquiry is necessarily the parent of knowledge ; error itself, pro- ceeding from discussion, leads ultimately to the establishment of truth. Were we to estimate our progress in the Jinowledge of English grammar from the num- b 103309 IV THE PREFACE. ber of works, already published on the sub- ject, we should perhaps be prompted to infer, vhat in a field so circumscribed, and at the same time so often and so ably explored, no object worthy of notice could have escaped attention. And yet in this, as in every other art or sci- ence, strict examination will convince us, that, though much may have been accom- plished, still much remains, to stimulate the industry, and exercise the ingenuity of future (enquirers. The author indeed is fully per- suaded, that it is impossible to examine the Ehglish language with any degree of critical accuracy, and not perceive, that its syntactical principles especially are yet but imperfectly illustrated, and that there are many of its idioms, which have entirely eluded the atten- tion of our grammarians. That these defects are all supplied by the present work, the author is far from having the vanity to believe. That he has examined a few idioms, and eluci-' dated some principles, Vy^Jiich have escaped the THE PREFACE. V observation of other grammarians, lie trusts, the intelligent reader will remark. The Treatise, the second edition of which now solicits the notice of the public, is in- tended chiefly for the improvement of those, who have made some advancement in classic literature. That an acquaintance with Greek and Latin facihtates the acquisition of every other language, and that by a kno vvledge of these the classical scholar is therefore materially assisted in attaining a critical acquamtance with his native tongue, it would argue extreme perversity to deny. But that an extensive knowledge of Greek and Latin is often associ- ated with an imperfect and superficial acquaint- ance with the principles of the English lan- guage is a fact, which experience demonstrates, and it would not be difficult to explain. To make any tolerable progress in a classical course, without acquiring a general knowledge of English grammar, is indeed impossible ; yet b2 VI THE PREFACE. to finish that course, without any correct ac- quaintance with the mechanism of the English language, or any critical knowledge of its principles, is an occurrence neither singular nor surprising. No language whatever can be critically learned, but by careful study of its general structure, and peculiar principles. To assist the classical scholar in attaining a correct acquaintance with English grammar, is the chief, though not the sole end, for which the present Treatise was* composed. That it is, in some degree, calculated to answer this purpose, the author, from its reception, is willing to believe. His obligations to his predecessors in the same department of literature, he feels it his duty to acknowledge. He trusts at the same time, that the intelligent reader will perceive, that he has neither copied with servility, nor implicitly adopted the opinions of others ; but has, in every question, exercised his own jndg- THE PREFACE. Vll ment, in observance of that respect, which all men owe to truth, and consistently, he hopes^ with that deference, which is confessedly due to transcendant talents. The Treatise, he believes, contains some original observations. That all of these de- serve to be honoured with a favourable verdict in the court of Criticism, he has neither the presumption to insinuate, nor the vanity to suppose. If they be found subservient to the elucidation of any controverted point, be the ultimate decision what it may, the author will attain his aim. The work having been composed amidst the solicitudes and distractions of a laborious profession, the author has reason to apprehend, that some verbal inaccuracies may have escaped bis attention. But, in whatever other respects the diction may be faulty, he trusts at least, that it is not chargeable with obscurity ; and Vlll THE PREFACE. that he may be able to say, in the humble language of the Poet> *^* Ergo, fungar vice cotis, acutum "^ Reddere quae ferrum valet exsors ipsa secandi/* HoR. Art. Poeti GREENWICir^ U July, 180^. THE CONTENTS. \ L - INTRODUCTION. Page Of Language in general, and the English Alphabet - 1 PART I. . Of Etymology --,-..- 17 CHAP. I. Of the Noun • 22 CHAP II. Of th^ Article - - - - - - . 52 CHAP. III. Of Pronouns - -,----70 CHAP. IV. Of the Adjective - - - - ^ - - 8^ CHAP, V. Of the Verb , . , ^ - - - 109 CHAP. VI. Of the Participle - - - - -^ - .. 146 CHAP. VII. Of Adrerbf ^ - ^ - - . . 207 X . contents; CHAP. VIII. Pag« Of Prepositions . - - - - - 211 CHAP. IX. Of Conjunctions - - « - « - 223 CHAP. X. Of Interjections - 232 PART II. Of Syntax - - - - - - - - ^34 PART III. Critical Rcmapks and Illustrations - - - -31^ INTRODUCTION. Language consists of intelligible signs, and is the medium, by which the mind communicates its thoughts. It is either articulate, or inarticu- late; artificial, or natural. The former is peculiar to man ; the latter is common to all animals. By inarticulate language, we mean those instinctive sounds, or cries, by which the several tribes of inferior creatures are enabled to express their sen- sations and desires. By articulate language is un- derstood a system of expression, composed of simple sounds, differently modified by the organs of speech, and variously combined. Man, like every other animal, has a natural lan- guage intelligible to all of his own species. This language, however, is extremely defective, being confined entirely to the general expression of joy, grief, fear, and the other passions, or emotions of the mind ; it is, therefore, wholly inadequate to the purposes of rational intercourse, and the in- finitely diversified ideas of an intelligent being. Hence arises the necessity of an artificial, or ar- ticulate language ; a necessity coeval with the ex- B il INTRODUCTION. istence of man in his rudest state, increasing also with the enlargement of his ideas, and the im- provement of his mind. Man, therefore, was formed capable of speech. Nature has furnished him with the necessary organs, and with ingenuity to render them subservient to his purposes. And, though at first his vocabulary was doubtless scanty, as his wants were simple, and his exigencies few, his language and his intellect would naturally keep pace. As the latter improved, the former would be enlarged. Oral language, we have reason to suppose, con- tinued long to be the only medium, by which knowledge could be imparted, or social inter- course maintained. But, in the progress of sci- ence, various methods were devised, for attaining a more permanent, and more extensive vehicle of thought. Of these, the earliest were, as some think, picture-writing, and hieroglyphics. Visible objects, and external events, were dehneated by pictures, while immaterial things were emblema- tically expressed by figures representative of such physical objects, as bore some conceived analogy, or resemblance to the thing to be expressed. These figures, or devices, were termed hierogly- phics*. It is obvious, however, that this medium * Beattie seems to think that the antediluvians had an alpha. bet, and that hieroglyphical was posterior to alphabetical writ- ing. ^' The wisdom and simple manners of the first men," says he, ^^ would iacline me to think, that they must have had aft INTRODUCTION. lU medium of communication must not only have embarrassed by its obscurity, but must have also been extremely deficient in variety of expression. At length oral language, by an effort of inge- nuity, which must ever command admiration, was resolved into its simple or elementary sounds, and these were characterized by appropriate symbols*- *^ alphabet; for hieroglyphic characters imply quaintncss and <' witticism." In this reasoning I cannot concur. Alphabetic writing is indeed simple, when known ; so also are most inven- tions. But, simple and easy as it appears to ns, we have only to examine the art itself, to be fully convinced, that science, genius, and industry, must have been combined in inventing it. Nay, the learned author himself acknowledges, *' that though <' of easy acquisition to us, it is in itself neither easy nor ob- '* vious." He even admits, " that alphabetical writing must be *^ so remote from the conceptions of those, who never heard of <* it, that without divine aid it would seem to be unsearchable '^ and impossible/' I observe also that in passing from pic- ture-writing to hieroglyphical expression, and in transferring the signs of physical to intellectual and invisible objects, fanciful conceits would naturally take place. It is true also that the manners of the antediluvians were simple ; but it is not from prudence nor simplicity of manners, but from human geniu^ gradually improved, that we are to expect inventions, which require the greatest efforts of the Human mind. * Cicero regards the invention of alphabetic writing as an evidence of the celestial character of the soul ; and many have ascribed its origin to the inspiration of the Deity. To resort to supernatural causes, to account for the production of any rare or striking event, is repugnant to the principles of true philo- sophy. And how wonderful soever the art of alphabetic writing W^J appear, there can be no necessity for referring its introduce. 1^^ IV INTRODUCTION, Words^ the signs of thought, came thus to be represented by letters, or characters arbitrarily formed, to signify the different sounds, of which the words were severally composed. The simplest elementary part of written language is, therefore, a letter; and the elements or letters, into which the words of any language may be analysed, form the necessary alphabet of that language. In the English alphabet are twenty-six letters, A B C D E F G H IJ K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. Of these there are six vowels, or letters, which tion to divine inspipation, if the inventive powers of man be not demonstrably unequal to the task. Picture writing is generally- believed to have been the earliest mode of recording events, or communicating information by permanent signs. This was pro- bably succeeded by hieroglyphical characters. How these pic, tures and hieroglyphical devices would either through negli- gence or a desire to abbreviate, gradually vary their form, and lose their resemblance to the objects which they represented, may be easily conceived. Hence that association, which existed between the sign and the thing signified, being founded in re^ semblance, would in process of time be entirely dissolved. This having taken place, hieroglyphical characters would naturally be converted into a mere verbal denotation, representative of words and not of things. Hence, as Goguet in his work, Del' Origine des Loix, &c. reasonably conjectures, would arise by a partial and easy analysis, a syllabic mode of denotation, which would naturally introduce a literal alphabet. This conjecture musfe seem highly probable, when it is considered, that both a verbal and syllabic mode of notation are still practised by some Easterly? juations. 4 INTRODUCTION. V by themselves make, every one a perfect sound. The remaining twenty are called consonants, or letters, which cannot be sounded without a vowel. This alphabet is both redundant and defective. It is redundant: for of the vowels, the letters i and 7/ are in sound the same : one of them there- fore is unnecessary. Of the consonants, the arti- culator c, having sometimes the sound of k, and sometimes of s, one of these must be unnecessary. Q, having in all cases the sound of k, may like-?- wise be deemed superfluous. IV appears to me in every respect the same with the vowel u (oo) and is therefore* supernumerary*. The double con- sonant .V might be denoted by the combination of its component letters, gs, or ks. It is to be observed also, that^, when it has the soft sound, is a double consonant, and performs the same office as the letter J ; each having a sound compounded of the sounds of dj and the French j. Thus g in general has the same sound as j in join. Jj however, is not, as some have supposed, resolvable into two letters, for we have no char- acter to express the simple sound of the French j, of which with the consonant d, the sound of the English J is compounded. To resolve it into dg, as some have done, is therefore an error; as the * I am aware, that in considering the letters y and w to be the same with i and u (oo) I maintain an opinion, the truth of which has been disputed. The reasons, however, which have been assigned for rejecting it, do not appear to me satisfactory. VI INTRODUCTION". soft g, without the aid of the other consonant, is precisely identical, in respect to sound, with the consonant J. The letter h is no consonant ; it is merely the note of aspiration. Our alphabet is likewise defective. There are nine simple vowel souhds, for which we have only six characters, two of which, as it hajbeen already observed, perform the same office. The simple vowel sounds are heard in these words, Hall, Hat, Hate, Met, Mete, Fin, Hop, Hope, But, Full Some of these characters occasionally perform the office of diphthongs. Thus, in the word fine, the vowel i has the diphthongal sound of the let- ters a e, as these are pronounced in French ; and the vowel u frequently represents the diphthong eu (e-oo) as fume (fe-oom). There are, besides, four different consonants, for w^hich we have no proper letters ; namely, the initial consonant in the word thin, the initial con-' sonant in then, the sibilating sound of sh, and the final consonant (marked ng) as in the word sing. Consonants are generally divided into mutes and semi-vowels. The mutes are those, which entirely, and at once, obstruct the sound of the vowel, and prevent its continuation. These are called perfect mutes. Those, which do not suddenly obstruct it, are called imperfect mutes. Semi vowels are those consonants, which do not entirely obstruct the. voice j but whose sounds INTRODUCTION. VII may be continued at pleasure, thus partaking of the nature of vowels. The nature of these consonants I proceed briefly to explain. A vowel sound may be continued at pleasure, or it may be terminated, either by discontinuing the vocal effort, in which case it is not articulated by any consonant, as in pronouncing the vowel ; or by changing the conformation of the mouth, or relative position of the organs of speech, so that the vowel sound is lost by articulation, as in pronouncing the syllable or. It is to be observed also, that a vowel may be articulated, not only by being terminated by a consonant, as in the example now given, but likewise by introducing the sound with that position of the organs, by which it had, -in the former case, been terminated, as in pronouncing the syllable ro. In pronouncing the consonants, there are five distinguishable positions of the organs*. The first is the application of the lips to each other, so as to close the mouth. Thus are formed the consonants, p, h, and m. In the second position, the under lip is applied to the fore teeth of the upper jaw; and in this manner we pronounce the consonants/" and v, Tlie third position is, when the tongue is * The mouth is not the proper organ for producing sound ; but merdy the organ for raoduiating and articulating the specific *punds. via INTRODUCTION. applied to the fore teeth; and thus we pro- nounce th. In the fourth position we apply the fore part of the tongue to the fore part of the palate,, and by this application we pronounce the letters t, d, s, z, r, I, m The fifth position is, when the middle part of the tongue is applied to the palate, and thus we pronounce ky the hard sound of ^^ (as in ga) sh^ j, and ng. In the first position we have three letters, of which the most simple, and indeed the only arti- culator, being absolutely mute, isj&. In the for- mation of this letter, nothing- is required, but the sudden closing of the mouth, and stopping the vowel sound ; or the sound may be articulated by the sudden opening of the lips, in order to emit the compressed sound of the vowel. Now, if instead of simply expressing the vowel sound by opening the lips, in saying for example pOy we shall begin to form a guttural sound, the position being still preserved; then on opeuing the lips, we shall pronounce the syllable ba. The guttural sound is produced by a compression of the larynx, or wind pipe; and is that kind of murmur, as bishop Wilkins expresses it, which is heard in the throat, before the breath is emitted with the vocal sound. B, therefore, though justly considered as a mute, is not a per-^ feet mute. INTRODUCTION. IX The mouth being kept in the same position, and the breath being emitted through the nostrils, the letter m is produced. In the first position, therefore^ we have a per- fect mute pi having no audible sound ; a labial and liquid consonant m, capable of a continued sound ; and, between these two extremes, we have the letter b, somewhat audible, though different from any vocal sound. Here then are three things to be distinguished. 1st, The perfect mute, having no sound of any kind. 2dly, The perfect consonant, having not only a proper, but continued sound : and Sdlj^ between these extremes we find the letter b, having a proper sound, but so limited, that, in respect to the perfect consonant, it may be termed a mute, and in relation to the perfect mute, may be pro- perly termed imperfect In the second position, we have the lettersy* and V, neither of which are perfect mutes. The letter/ is formed, by having the aspiration not altogether interrupted, but emitted forcibly be- tween the fore teeth and under lip. This is the simple articulation in this position. If to this we join the guttural sound, we shall have the letter ^, a letter standing in nearly the same relation to ,y* as b and ?w, in the first position, stand to p. The only difference between /' and "o is, that, in the former, the compression of the teeth and under lip is not so strong, as in the latter; and that the X INTRODUCTION. former is produced by the breath only, and the latter by the voice and breath combined. The consonantyi therefore, though not a mute like/?, in having the breath absolutely confined, may notwithstanding be considered as such, con- sistently with that principle, by which a nmte is un- derstood fo be an aspiration without guttural sound. Agreeably to the distinction already made, D may be termed a perfect consonant, and/' an im- perfect one, having no proper sound, though audi- ble. Thus we have four distinctions in our con- sonantal alphabet, namely, of perfect and imperfect consonants; perfect and imperfect mutes; thus, j& is a perfect mute, having no sound. b an imperfect mute, having proper sound, but limited^ m a perfect consonant, having sound, and con- tinued. f an imperfect consonant, having no sound, but audible. In the third position we have th as heard in the words then and Mf/?, formed by placing the tip of the tongue between the teeth, and pressing it against the upper teeth. The only difference be- tween these articulations is, that, like/and t;, the one is formed by the breath only^ and the other by the breath and voice together*. * The sound of th in thhiy is usually raarked with a stroke through the h^ to distinguish it from its other sound, thus^ thick. INTRODUCTION. XI Here also may be distinguished the perfect and the imperfect consonant ; for the th in thin has no sound, but is audible, whereas the //? in this^ there^ has a sound, and that continued. In the fourth position there are several conson- ants formed. 1st. If the breath be stopped, by applying the fore part of the tongue forcibly to that part of the palate, which is contiguous to the fore teeth, we produce the perfect mute /, havii^ neither aspiration nor guttural sound. By accompanying this operation of the tongue and palate with the guttural sound, we shall pronounce the letter^, which like b of the first position may be considered as a mute, though not perfect. For, in pronounc- ing ed the tongue at first gently touches the gum, and is gradually pressed closer, till the sound is obstructed ; whereas in pronouncing e/, the tongue is at once pressed so close, that the sound is in- stantly intercepted. 2dly, If the tip of the tongue be turned up to- wards the upper gum, so as not to touch it, and thus the breath be cut by the sharp point of the tongue, passing through the narrow chink left between that and the gum, we pronounce the sibi- lating sound of s. If we accompany this opera- tion with a guttural sound, as in b, v and th in then, we shall pronounce the letter z ; the same difference subsisting between s and z as between y and Vj p and b^ tk and ih. XII INTRODUCTION. 3dly, If we make the tip of the tongue vibrate rapidly between the upper and lower jaw, so as not to touch the latter, and the former but gently, we shall pronounce the letter r. The more closely and forcibly the tongue vibrates against the upper jaw, the stronger will the*sound be rendered. It is formed about the same distance from the teeth, as the letter dy or rather somewhat behind it. 4thly, If the end of the tongue be gently applied to the fore part of the palate, a little behind the seat of the letter d, and somewhat before the place of r, and the voice be suffered to ghde gently over the sides of the tongue, we shall pronounce the letter /. Here the breadth of the tongue is con- tracted, and a space left for the breath to pass from the upper to the under part of the tongue, in forming this the most vocal of all the con- sonants. 5thly, If the aspirating passage, in the forma- tion of the preceding consonant, be stopped, by extending the tongue to its. natural breadth, so as to intercept the voice, and prevent its exit by the mouth, the breath emitted through the nose will give the letter n. In the fifth position, namely, when we apply the middle or back part of the tongue to the palate, we have the consonants ^, g^ sh^ji and ng. If the middle of the tongue be raised, so as to press closely against the roof of the mouth, and intercept the voice at once, we pronounce the INTRODUCTION". xiU letter Z: {ek). If tlie tongue be not so closely ap- plied at first, and the sound be allowed to con- tinue a little, we have the letter o- (eg). Thus ek and eg bear the same analogy to each other, as et and ed of the fourth position. If the tongue be protruded towards the teeth, so as not to touch them, and be kept in a position somewhat flatter than in pronouncing the letter s, the voice and breath passing over it through a wider chink, we shall have the sound of esh. If we apply the tongue to the palate as in pro- nouncing sh^ but a little more forcibly., and ac- companying it with the guttural sound, we shall have the sound of the French j. Thusj is in this position analogous to the letters b, v, th in the first, second, and third positions, and is a simple consonant ; / in English is a double consonant, compounded of ^ and the French j, as in join. If we raise the middle of the tongue to the pa- late gently, so as to permit part of the voice to issue through the mouth, forcing the remainder back, through the nose, keeping at the same time the tongue in the same position as in pronouncing eg^ we shall have the articulating sound of ingy for which we have no simple character. The only remaining letter h is the note of aspi- ration, formed in various positions, according to the vowel with which it is combined. XIV IXTRODUCTIOir. The characters of the several letters may be seen in the following table. Perfect Mutes. P Sounded, or im- perfect. B Imperfect Con- sonants. Perfect. M F . ' V th th the T D S Z R _ L N K G Sh J French ng INTRODUCTTOK. XV What effect the compression of the larynx has in articulation, may be seen by comparing these pairs of consonants. With compression. ^ Without compression, B P G K D T Z S Th Th V F J Sh Tliese, as Mr. Tooke observes, differ, each from its partner, by a certain unnoticed and almost imperceptible motion, or compression of or near the larynx. This compression, he remarks, the Welch never use. For instead of I vow by God, that Jenkin iz a Wizzard. they say, I fow by Cot, that Shenkin iss a Wissart. The consonants have been distributed into dif- ferent classes, according to the organs chiefly employed in their formation. The Labial are eb, ep, ef, ev. Dental ed, et, eth, eth. Palatal eg, ek, el, er, ess, esh, ez, ej. Nasal em, en, ing. The association of two vowels, whether the sound of each be heard or not, is called a diph- XVI JNTRODUCTIOK. thong, and the concurrence of three is called a triphthong. Of diphthongs there are tvventy, viz. aiy au, ea, ce^ ei^ eo, euy fe, oa^ oOy ui, ay, ey, uy^ oi, oy, ou, mvy ew, ow. Of the diphthongs seventeen have a sound purely monophthongal ; hence they have been called Improper Diphthongs. It would be idle to dispute the propriety of a term almost uni- versally adopted; but to call that a diphthong*, whose sound is monophthongal, is an abuse of language, and creates confusion. The only proper diphthongs in our language are, eu^ oi, ou, in which each vowel is distinctly heard, forming together one syllable. The triphthongs are three, eau, ieu, iezv. Of these, the first eau is sometimes pro- nounced eu, as in beauty, sometimes o, as in beau ; the other two have the diphthongal sound of eu. PART L ETYMOLOGY. Of Words in general, and the Parts of Speech. A WORD, in oral language, is either a signifi- cant simple sounds or a significant combination of sounds. In written language, it may be defined to be a simple character, or combination of char- acters, expressive of significant sound, simple or compound. A word of one syllable is called a monosyllabic; of two syllables, a dissyllable; a word of three syllables, a trisyllable ; and a word of more than three syllables, is called a polysyllable. The last term, however, is frequently applied to words ex- ceeding two syllables. Words are either derivative, or primitive. A primitive is that, which is formed from no other word, being itself a root, whence others spring, as angel, spirit, school. A derivative is that, which is derived from some other wordj as angelic, spiritual^ scholar. c 18 ETYMOLOGY. A compound is a word made up of two or more words, as archangel, sp'tjntless, schoolman. In examining the character of words as signifi- cant of ideas, we find them reducible into classes, or denominations, according to the offices, which they severally perform. These classes are generally called parts of speech; and how many of these belong to language, has been long a question among philosophers and grammarians. Some have reck- oned two, some three, and others four; while the generality have affirmed, that there are not fewer than eight, nine, or ten*. This strange diversity of opinion has partly arisen, from a propensity to judge of the character of words, more from their I form, which is a most fallacious criterion, than from their import or signification. One thing ap- pears certain, how much soever the subject may have been obscured by scholastic refinements, that to assign names to objects of thought, and to ex- press their properties and qualities, arc the only indispensible requisites in language. If this be admitted, it follows, that the noun and the verb are the only parts of speech, which are essentially * Plato and Aristotle, when they treat of propositions, con- sidered the noun and the verb, as the only essential parts of speech ; these, without the aid of any other word, being capable of form- ing a sentence. Hence they were called 7a E(j.4jv^olpLl(t [^spv} m Xo/y, '^ the most animated parts^of speech." The latter of these philosophers in his Poetics admits four, adding to the noun and the verb the article and the conjunction. The elder Stoics made five, dividing the noun into proper und appeUatiTe^ ETYMOLOGY. 19 necessary ; the former being the name of the thing of which we speak, and the latter (verb, or the word by way of eminence) expressing what we think of it*. All other sorts of words must be regarded as subsidiaries, convenient perhaps for the more easy communication of thought, but by no means indispensibly requisite. Had we a distinct name for every individual object of sensation or thought, language would then be composed purely of proper names, and thus become too great a load for any memory to retain. Language, therefore, must be composed of general signs, that it may be remembered ; and as all our sensations and perceptions are of single objects, it must also be capable of denoting indi- viduals. Now, whatever mode be adopted to ren- der general terms significant of individual objects, or whatever auxiliaries be employed for this pur- pose, the general term, with its individuating word, must be regarded as a substitute for the proper name. Thus, man is a general term to de- note the whole of a species ; if I say, the matty this man, that man, it is obvious, that the words thCy thisy and that, termed definitives, serve with * Noun, Nomen de quo loquimur. Verb, Verbum seu quod loquimur. Quint, lib. I. 4. Horace has been thought by some to countenance this doctriire, when he says, ^' Donee verba, quibus voces sensusq ; notarent *' J^ominaquc invenere;" — -, — Lib, I. Sat. 3. C Z 20 ETYMOLOGt. the" general term, as a substitute for the proper name of the individual. Hence it is evident, that those words, which are termed definitives, how useful soever, cannot be regarded as indispensable. The pronoun is clearly a substitute for the noun ; it cannot therefore be deemed essential. The adjective expressing merely the property, or quality in concretOy without .affirmation, may be dispensed with ; the connection of a substance with a quality or property being expressible by the noun and the verb. Thus, *' a good man" is equivalent to ** a man of, with ov join goodness.^ Adverbs, which have been termed attributives of the second order, are nothing but abbreviations, as lierCy for in this place, bravely, iov brave like. These, therefore, cannot be considered as essen- tials in language. In the same manner it might be shewn, that all parts of speech, noun and verb excepted, are either substitutes or abbreviations, convenient indeed, but not indispensably requisite. But, as there will be occasion to illustrate this theory, when the generally received parts of speech are severally examined, it is unnecessary to enlarge on the subject at present. Though the essential parts of speech in every language are only two, the Noun and the Verb ; yet, as there is in all languages a number of words, not strictly reducible to either of these primary divisions, it has been usual with grammarians to ETYMOLOGY. 21 arrange words Into a variety of diifer:\nt classes. This distribution is partly arbitraiy, there being- no definite or universally received principle, by which to determine, what discriminative circum- stances are sufficient, to entitle any species of words to the distinction of a separate order. Henc^ grammarians are not agreed^ concerning the num- ber of these subordinate classes. But, into what- ever number of denominations they may be dis- tributed, it should be always remembered^, that the only necessary parts of speech are Noun and Verb ; every other species of words being admitted solely for despatch or ornament. The parts of speech in English may be reckoned ten, Noun, Article, Pronoun^ Adjective, Verb, Participle, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection. 23 ETYMOLGOy. CHAP. I. Of the Noun. SECT. I. NGUN (Nomen) is that part of speech, which expresses the subject of discourse, or which is the name of the thing spoken of^ as table, house, river. Of Nouns there are two kinds, Proper, and Appellative. A Proper noun, or name, is the name of an in- dividual, as Alexander, London, Vesuvius. An Appellative, or Common Noun, expresses a genus, or class of things, and is common or ap» plicable to every individual of that class. Nouns or Substantives (for these terms are equivalent) have also been divided into natural, artificial, and abstract. Of the first class, man^ horse, tree, are examples. The names of things of our own formation are termed artificial sub- stantives, as, watch, house, ship. The names of qualities or properties, conceived as existing by themselves, or separated from the substances, to which they belong, are called abstract nouns ; while Adjectives, expressing these qualities as con- ETYMOLOGT, 2S joined with their subjects, are called concretes. Hard, for example, is termed the concrete, hard- ness the abstract. Nouns have also been considered as denoting genera, species, and individuals. Thus mati is a generic term, an Englishman a special term, and George an individual. Appellative nouns being employed to denote genera or species, and these orders comprising each many individuals, hence arises that accident of a common noun, called Number, by which we signify, whether one or more individuals of any genus or species be intended. In English there are two Numbers, the Singu- lar and the Plural. The Singular is the noun in its simple form, as river; the Plural is generally formed by adding the letter s to the Singular, as rivers. To this rule, however, there are many ex- ceptions. Nouns ending in ch, sh, ss, or .r, form their plural by adding the syllable es to the singular number, as church, churches, Ch hard takes s for the plural termination and not es, as patriarcht patriarchs; distich, distichs. Nouns ending mf, ovfe, make their plural by changing / or fe into ves, as calf, calves; knife, knives. Except hoof roof grief dwarf mischief handkerchief, relief , muff, ruff, cuff, snuff, stuff, puff, cliff) skiff, with a few others, which in the fornaation of their plurals follow the general rule. Nouns in o impure form their plural by adding 24 ETYMOLOGY, es, as hero, heroes ; echo, echoes : those, which end m pure, by adding s, a,s folio, folios. Some nouns have their plural in en, thus following the Teutonic termination, as oa:, oxen; man, men. Some are entirely anomalous, as die, dice ; penny, pence; goose, geese; sow, swine; and b?vt her msik^s hrethren"^ ; when denoting persons of the same society or profession. Die, a stamp for coining, makes dies in the plural. Index makes in the plural indexes, when it ex- presses a table of contents, and indices, when it denotes the exponent of an algebraic quantity, Some are used alike in both numbers, as hose, deer, sheep, these being either singular, or plural. Nouns expressive of whatever nature or art has made doubly or plural have no singular, as bowels, lungs, scissars, ashes, bellows. Nouns ending in y impure form their plural by changing y into ies, as quality, qualities. Nouns purely Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, ^c. retain their original plurals. Sing. B. Lat. Arcanum Arcana Fr. Peau Beaux Lat. Erratum Errata Fr. Monsieur Messieurs, Messrs Heb, Cherub Cherubim Heb. Seraph Seraphim Brethren, in scripture, is used for brothers. ETYMOLOGY. Sing. PI. Lat. Magus Magi Gr. Phenomenon Phenomena Lat. Vortex Vortices Lat. Radius Radii Lat. Genus Genera Gr. Crisis Crises Gr. Emphasis Emphases . Gr. Hypothesis Hypotheses Lat. Genius Genii 25 when denoting aerial spirits^; but when signifying men of genius^ or employed to express the plural of that combination of mental qualities, which constitutes genius, it follows the general rule. A proper name has a plural number, when it becomes the name of more individuals than one, as the two Scipios, the twelve Ccesars, It is to be observed, however, that it ceases then to be, strictly speaking, a proper name. Some of those words, which have no singular termination, are names of sciences, as, viaihematics^ vietaphysics, politics^ ethics, pneumatics^ &c. Of these, the term ethics is, 1 believe, consi- dered as either singular or plural. Mathematics is generally construed as plural ; sometimes, however, we find it as singular. " It is a great pity," says Locke, (Vol. HI. p. 427, 8vo. 1794.) '' Aristotle had not understood mathema- ^' tics, as well as Mr. Newton, and made use of ^^ U in natural philosophy." 26 ETYMOLOGY. " But when mathematics/' says Mr. Harris, *' instead of being apphed to this excellent pur- *^ pose, are. used not to exemplify logic, but to ** supply its place, no wonder if logic pass into ** contempt." Bacon improperly uses the word, as singular and plural, in the same sentence. " If a child," says lie, '* be bird witted, that is, hath not the faculty *' of attention, the mathematics gvceih a remedy ** thereunto, for in thcm^ if the wit be caught '* away, but a moment, one is new to begin." He likewise frequently gives to some names of sciences a singular termination; and Beattie, with a few others, have, in some instances, followed his example, ^* Thus far we have argued for the sake of argu- ** ment, and opposed mctophysk to metaphysic/' (Essay on Truth), *' See Physic beg the Stagyritc's defence, ^' See met^physick call for aid on sense.'* Pope. This usage, however, is not general. Metaphysics is used both as a singular, and plural noun. *' Metaphysics has been defined, by a writer '* deeply read in the ancient philosophy, ' The ** science of the principles and causes of all things '* existing."' — (Encyc. Brit.) Here the word is used as singular; as likewise in the following ex- ample. ETYMOLOGY. S7 *' Metaphysics has been represented by painters *^ and sculptors, as a woman crowned and blind- ** folded, holding a sceptre in her hand, and having ^* at her feet an hour glass, and a globe/' *' Metaphysics is that science, in which are *^ understood the principles of other sciences/' ( Hutton. ) In the following examples it is construed as a pkiral noun. *' Metaphysics tend only to benight the un- '* derstanding, in a cloud of its own making." (Knox.) *' Here, indeed, lies the justest and most plau- ^' sible objection against a considerable part of *' metaphysics, that they are not properly a sci- ** ence.'* (Hume. ) The latter of these usages is the more common, and more agreeable to analogy. The same obser- vation is applicable to the terms politics, optics^ pneumatics, and oiher similar names of sciences. ^* But in order to prove more fully that politics *' admit of general truths." Hume. Here the term is used as plural. Names of mental qualities seldom have a plural, and perhaps it would be better in all cases to em- ploy a periphrasis. Thus instead of using with Hume (Vol. VH. p. 4]1.) the plural, insolences, the expression, acts of insolence would be prefer- able. It is a general rule, that all names of things 28 ilTYMOLOGr. measured or weighed have no plural ; for in them, not number, but quantity, is regarded ; as wheats wine, oil. When we speak however of different kinds, we use the plural, as the coarser xcoolSy the finer oils. Folk andyb//:^ are used indiscriminately ; but the plural termination is here superfluous, the word folk implying plurality. Means is us^d both as a singular and plural noun. Lowth recommends the latter usage only, and admits mean 3,s the singular of m€a?]s. But notwithstanding the authority of Hooker, Sidney, and Shakespeare, for the expressions this mean, that mean, &c. and the recommendation they re- ceive from analogy, custom has so long decided in fsLVouY of 77iea}is, repudiating the singular termina- tion, that the other phraseology sounds harshly to the ear, and is almost universally rejected. It is likewise observable, that the singular form of this noun is not to be found in our version of the Bible ; a circumstance, which clearly proves that it appeared to the translators to be inadmis- sible. That the noun means has been used as a substan- tive singular, by some of our best writers, it would be easy to prove by numberless examples. Let a few suffice. '■ By this means it became every man's interest, ** as well as his duty to prevent all crimes,'^ Temple, Vol. III. p. 133. ETYMOLOCr. 29 *' And by this means I should not doubt." TVilkins's real character, *^ He by that means preserves his superiority. " Addison, *' By this means alone the greatest obstacles *' will vanish." Pope, " By this means there was nothing left to the '' parliament of Ireland." Blackstone, Vol. I. p. ** Faith is not only a means of obeying, but a '' principal act of obedience," Young. *' Eterij means was lawful for the public safety." Gibbon. That this word is also used as plural^ the most inattentive English reader must have frequently observed. As a general rule for the use of it, as either singular or plural, it might render the construc- tion less vague, and the expression therefore less ambiguous, were we to employ it as singular, when the mediation or instrumentality of one thing is implied, and as plural, when two or more me- diating causes are referred to. *' He was careful to observe what means zcere *' employed by his adversaries to counteract his '* schemes." Here means is properly joined with a plural verb, several methods of counteraction being signified. *' The king consented, and by this means all ** hope of success was lost." Here only one me- 30 ETYAIOLOCr. diating circumstance is implied, and the noun is therefore used as singular. Nexvs is likewise construed sometimes as a sin- gular, and sometimes as a plural noun. The for- mer usage, however, is far the more general. '' A general joy at this glad news appeared.** Cowley. " No news so bad as this at home.** Shake^ spear e, Richard III, *' The amazing news of Charles at once was ** spread.** Dry den. ** The king was employed in his usual exercise ** of besieging castles, when the news !2;«5 brought ** of Henry's arrival." Swift. *' The only news you can expect from me is " news from heaven.** Gay. '* This is all the news talked of" Pope. Swift, Pope, Gay, with most other classic writ- ers of that age, seem to have uniformly used it as singular. A few examples occur of a plural usage. " When Rhea heard these news." Raleigh Hist. World. *' Are there any news of his intimate friend ?'* Smollett. " News were brought to the queen.'* Hume. The same rule, as that just now recommended in regard to the noun means might perhaps be useful here also, namely, to consider the word as singular, when only one article of inteUigence is 4 ETYMOLOGY. 31 communicatee], and as plural, wlien several new things are reported. Pains is considered as either singular or plural, some of our best writers using it in either way. This word is evidently of French extraction, be- ing the same with peine, '' pains" or '* trouble," and was originally used in a singular form thus, *^ Which may it please your highness to take the ^^ paxjne for to write/' (Wolsey's letter to Henry VIII.) It seems prabable, that this word after it assumed a plural form, was more frequently used as a singular, than as a plural noun. Modern usage, however, seems to incline the other way. A celebrated grammarian, indeed, has pronounced this noun to be in all cases plural; but this as- sertion might be proved erroneous by numberless examples'^. *' The pains they had taken was very great.'' Clarendon. ** Great pains has been taken." Pope. *' No pains is taken." Ibid. In addition to these authorities in favour of a singular usage, it may be observed, that the word muchy a term of quantity, not of number, is fre- quently joined with it, as, *' I found much art and pains employed." Mid- dleton, * Baker inclines also to this usage in preference to the other ; but does not affirm it to be a plural noun. 32 ETYMOLOGY. '* He will assemble materials with much pains." Bolinghroke on history. The word much is never joined to a plural noun ; vmch labours, much papers, would be insuf- ferable*. Riches is generally now considered as a plural noun; though it was formerly used either as sin* gular, or plural. This substantive seems to have been nothing, but the French word richesse ; and therefore no more a plural, gcfitlotesse, dis- tresse, and many others of the same kind. In this form we find it in Chaucer. ^' But for ye spoken of swiche gentlenessc, *' As is descended out of old richesse. '' And he that ones to lore doeth his homage, ^' Full often times dere bought is the richesse." Accordingly he gives it a plural termination, and uses it as a plural word. " Thou hast dronke so much hony of swete ** temporal richesses, and delices, and honours of " this world." It seems evident, then, that this word was ori- ginally construed as a substantive singular, and even admitted a plural form. The orthography varying, and the noun singular assuming a plural termination, it came in time to be considered by some, as a noun plural. • Much is sometimes joined with collective nouns ; but these denote number in the aggregate j thus, much coinpany.. ETYMOLOGY. 53 In our tratislatiori of the Bible, it is construed -sometimes as a singular, but generally as a plural noun. * ' In one hour, is so great riches come to nought." Bible. " Rlbhes take to themselves wings, and fly away." Ibid. ' Modern usage, in like manner, inclines to the plural construction ; there are a few authorities however on the other side, as, " fVas ever riches gotten by your golden me- ^^ diocrities ?" Cowley, '* The envy and jealousy, which great riches/.^ *' always attended with." Moyle. Alms was also originally a noun singular, being a contraction of the old Norman French almesse, the plural of which was almesses, '' This almesse shouldst thou- do of thy proper " things." Chaucer, '* These ben generally the almesses, and workes ^^ of charity." Ibid. Johnson says^ this word lias no singular. It was, in truth, at first a noun singular, and after- . wards^ by contraction, receiving a plural form, it came to be considered by some as a noun plural. Johnson would have had equal, nay, perhaps, bet- ter authority for saying, that this word has no plural. Our translators of the Bible seem to have considered it as singular. ** To ask an alms;" ^^ to give much ^Ims^" and other similar phraseo- 34 ETYMOLOGY. logies occur in scripture. Nay, Johnson Iiim&elf has cited two authorities, in which the indefinite article is prefixed to it. « My arm'd knees, *^ Which bovv'd but in my stirrup, bend like his '' That hath received an alms,*' Shakespeare, '* The poor beggar hath a just demand of an *^ ahns from the rich man." Swift. Lowth objected to the phraseology, a means, for this reason, that means, being a plural noun, cannot admit the indefinite article, or name of unity. Now it appears to me, that Johnson would have avoided his error, had he attended to this observation of Lowth ; and that the latter would not have repudiated means as a singular, and sub- stituted mea72, had he consulted authority and not analogy. Jims and means are used, both as sin- gular and plural nouns. It has been observed, that many of those words, which have no singular, denote things consisting of two parts, and therefore have a plural termina- tion. Hence the word pair is used with many of them, as, " a pair of bellmos, a pair of sci^sar&, a ^^pair of colours^ a pair of drawers'^ ETYMOLOGY. 35 SECT. II» Of Genders. WE hot only otjserve a plurality of substatices, ox of things of the same sort, whence arises the distinction of number ; but we distinguish also another character of some substances^ which we call sex. Every substance is either male, or fe- male, or neither the one, nor the other. In English all male animals are considered as masculine ; all female animals, as feminine ; and all things inani-* mate, or destitute of sex, are termed neuter, as belonging neither to the male nor the female sex. In this distribution, we follow the order of nature ; and our language is, in this respect, both simple and animated. The difference of sex is, in some cases, expressed by different words, as. Boy Girl Buck Doe Bull Cow Bullock Heifer Boar Sow Drake Duck Friar Nun d2 f{^ ETYMOLOGY. Gander Goose Horse Mare Milter Spawner Nephew - Niece Ram Ewe Sloven Slut Stag Hind Widower Widow Wizard Witch. Sometimes the female is distinguished by the termination e^^ or ia;. Masc. Fern. Abbot Abbess Actor Actress Adulterer Adulteress Ambassador Ambassadress Arbiter Arbitr6ss Author Authoress Baron Baroness Chanter Chantress Count Countess Deacon Deaconess Duke Dutchess Elector Electress Emperor Empress Governor Governess Heir Heiress Hunter Huntress ETYMOLOGT. Jew- Jewess Lion Lioness Marquis Marchioness Master Mistress Patron Patroness Prince Princess Peer Peeress Prior Prioress Poet Poetess Prophet Prophetess Shepherd Shepherdess Sorcerer Sorceress Traitor Traifress Tutor Tutress Tiger Tigress Viscount Viscountess. 37 There are a few whose feminine ends in u', viz. Administrator Executor Testator Director Administratrix Executrix Testatrix Directrix. Where there is but one word to express both sexes, we add another word to distinguish the sex ; as, he-goat, she-goat; man-servant^ maid- servant ; cock-sparrow, hen-sparrow. It has been already observed, that all things destitute of se^ are in English considered as of 58 ETYMOLOGY. the neuter gender; and, when we speak with logical accuracy, we follow this rule. Sometimes, however, hy a figure in rhetoric called personifi- cation, Ave assign sex to things inanimate. Thus instead of '* virtue is its own reward/' we some- times say, '' virtue is /^er own reward ;' instead of *■ it (the sun) rises," we say, ** he rises,'' instead of " it (death) advances with h^sty steps*- we 3ay, " he advances/* This figurative mode of expression, by which we give life and sex to things inanimate, and em- body abstract qualities, forms a singular and strik- ing beauty in our language, rendering it, in this respec};, superior to the languages of Greece and Rome, neither of which admitted this animated phraseology'^. When we say, *^ The sun his orient beams had shed," the expression possesses infinitely more vivacit} than *^ The sun its orient beams had shed." In assigning sex to things inanimate, it has been supposed, that we have been guided by cer- tain characters or qualities in the inanimate obr jects, as bearing some resemblance to the distinc- tive or characteristic qualities of male and female animals. Thus, it has been said, that those inani- ^ The gender of mors, virfus^ sol. ^ccvaroc, ccpuTr^, ^*^'0f? w;*3 ni)alterably fixed. rrYMOLoGT. 39 mate substances, or abstract qualities, which are characterized by the attributes of giving or im- parting, or which convey an idea of great strength, firmness^ or energy, are mascuhne ; and that those, on the contrary, which are distinguished by the properties of receiving, containing, and produc- ing, or which convey an idea of weakness, or timidity, having more of a passive than active nature, are feminine. Hence it has been observed, that the sun, death, thne, the names also of great rivers and mountains, are considered as mascu- line ; and that the moon, a ship, the sea, miHue, in all its species, are considered as feminine. Of these, and such speculations, it may be truly said, as the learned author of them remarks himself, that they are, at best, but ingenious conjectures. They certainly will not bear to be rigorously exa- mined; for there are not any two languages, which harmonize in this respect, assigning the same sex to the same inanimate objects; nor any one lan- guage, in which this theory is supported by fact*. Hence it is evident, that neither reason, nor na- ture, has any share in the regulation of this mat- ter ; and that, in assigning sex to inanimate things> the determination is purely fanciful In Greek, rfe^f/A is masculine; in Latin, feminine. In those languages tht sun is masculine; in the Gothic, German, Anglo Saxon, and some other Northern * It seems, howcTer, to be more applicable to the English lau- - ^uage, than to any other, with which I am acvjuainted. 40 ETYMOLOGY. languages, it is feminine ; in Russian, it is neiiten. In several of the languages of Asia, the sun i^ feminine. According to our northern mythology^ the sun was the wife of Tuisco. The Romans; considered the winds as masculine; the Hebrews, says Caramuel, represented them as nymphs. In the Hebrew language, however, they were of the mascuHne gender, as were also the sun and death. In short, we know not any two languages, which accord in this respect; or any one language, in which sex is assigned to things inanimate, accord- ing to any consistent, or determinate rule. In speaking of animals, whose sex is not known to us, or not regarded,* we assign to them gender either masculine or feminine, according, as it would appear, to the characteristic properties of the animal itself. In speaking, for example, of the horse, a creature distinguished by usefulness, and a certain generosity of nature, unless we be acquainted with the sex, and w^ish to discriminate, we always speak of this quadruped as of the male sex; thus, * ^* While winter's shivering snow affects the horse *' With frost, and makes him an uneasy course." Creech. In speaking of a hare, an animal noted for timi- dity, we assign to it, if we give it sex, the femi- nine gender; thus, '* The hare is so timorous a, *' creature, that ^^e continually listens after every ETYMOLOGY. 41 ^f noise, and will run a long v^ay on the least susr ^* picion of danger, so that she always eats in ^^ terror.'' The elephant is generally considered as of the masculine gender^ an animal distinguished not only by great strength, and superiority of size, but also by sagacity, docility, and fortitude. f* The elephant has joints, but not for courtesy ; *' His legs are for necessity, not flexure." Shakespeare. To a cat we almost always assign the female sex; to a dog, on the contrary, or one of the canine species, we attribute the masculine genden " A cat, as she beholds the light, draws the ball - of her eye small and long." Peacham on Draw ^ ing. *^ The dog is a domestic animal remarkably va- '* rious in his species." It would be easy to illustrate, b}^ more exam- ples, this ascription of either male or female sex to animals, when we speak of them in the species, or are not acquainted with the sex of the indivi- dual; but these now adduced,, will, I presume, be sufficient. By what principle this phraseology is dictated, or whether it be merely casual or arbitrary in its prigin, it would be of no utility at present to en- quire. It may be necessary, however, to remark, that, when speaking of animals, particularly those pf inferior siz^, \ye frequently consider J^hem as 42 ETYMOLOGY. devoid of sex. *' // is a bold and daring creature," says a certain writer, speaking of a cat, '' and also *^cruel to its enemy; and never gives over, till " it has destroyed it, if possible. It is also watch- " ful, dextrous, swift, and pliable." Before I dismiss this subject, I would request the readers attention to an idiom, which seems to have escaped the notice of our grammarians. It frequently happens, as I have already observed, that our language furnishes two distinct terms for the male and the female, as, shepherd, shep- herdess. It is to be observed, however, that the masculine term has a general meaning, expressing both male and female, and is always employed, when the office, occupation, profession, &c. and not the sex of the individual, is chiefly to be ex- pressed ; and that the feminine term is used in those cases only, when discrimination of sex is indispensably necessary. This may be illustrated by the following examples. If I say, ^^ The poets of this age are distinguished more by correctness of taste, than sublimity of conception," 1 clearly include in the term poet, both male and female writers of poetry. If I say, *' She is the best poetess in this country," I assign her the superiority over those only of her own sex. If I say, " She is the best poet in this country," I pronounce }ier superior to all other writers of poetry, both jnale and female. When distinction of sex is ne- cessary for the sakp of perspicuity, or wher^ the HTVMOLOGY. 43 iBex rather than the general idea implied by the term is the primary object, the feminine noun must be employed to express the female, thus, • * I hear, that some authoresses are engaged in this work," ( Political Register .) Here the feminine term is indispensable*. This subject will be resumed in ** the Critical Remarks an4 Illustrati- ons." * We remark, in some instances, a similar phraseology in Greek, ^nd Latin. ®sog and fisa, dens and dca^ are contradistinguished as in English, god and goddess; the former of each pair strictly denoting the male, and the latter the female. But the former, we find, has a generical meaning, expressing "a deity," whether piale or female ; and is frequently used when the female is de, signed, if divinity in the abstract be the primary idea, without iregard to the sex, thus, 'P^Ta txocA ojs-£ flsoV. Horn. II. 3. 380. Here the term OsoV is applied to Venus, the character of divinity, and not the distinction of sex, being the chief object of the poets attention. Qso; is, therefore, to be considered as either masculine or feminine. AAAa f^ a, Aiog y aAn/aa ^so^. Soph. A j. 401. MtjIs lii 8v SvjAsia 0£o;. Horn. li. 7. Descendo, ac ducente deo, flammara inter et hostes Expedior. Virg. iEn. 2. 6^32. JTere also, deo is applied to Venus, as likewise in the following x)assage, dt%m esse indiguam credidi. Plaut. Pocn. 2. 1. 10, 44 ETYMOLOGY. SECT. III. Of Cases, THE third accident of a noun is case {casus or fall) so called, because ancient grammarians, ^' it is said," represented the cases as dechning or falling from the nominative, which was represented by a perpendicular, and thence called Casus Rec* tusy or upright case, while the others were named Casus obliqui, or oljlique cases. The cases, in the languages of Greece and Rome, were formed by varvino' the termination: and were intended to express a few of the most obvious, and common relations. In English there are only three cases, nomina- tive, genitive, and objective, or accusative case. In substantives, the nominative case and the ob- jective have, like neuter nouns in Greek and Latin, the same form, being distinguishable from each Other^by nothing but their place; thus, Nom. Obj. Achilles slew Hector, Hector slew Achilles. v/here the meaning is reversed by the interchange of the nouns, the nominative or agent being knowa ty its being placed before the verb ; and the 3ub^ ETYMOLOGIf* 45 ject of the action, by its following it Pronouns have three cases, that is, two inflexions from th^ nominative, as /, mine, me ; thou, thine, thee. The genitive in Enghsh, by some called the possessive case, is formed by adding to the nomi-^ native the letter s, with an apostrophe before it^ as king, king's. It expresses a variety of relations^ and was hence called by the Greeks the general case*. The relation, which it most commonly denotes, is that of property or possession, as the king's crown; and is, in general, the same with that, which is denoted by the word of, as the crown of the king, the rage of the tyrant, the death of the, prince, equivalent to the king's crcKvn, the tyrant^ s rage, the prince's death. The nature of the relation, which the genitive expresses must, in some instances, be collected from the scope of the context ; for, in English, a& in most other languages, this case frequently involves an ambiguity. When I say, *' neither *' life nor death shall separate us from the love of " God,'* it may mean, either from the love, which we owe to God, or the love which he bears to us; for *' God's love" may denote either the re- lation, which the affection bears to its subject, or that, which it bears to its object. If the latter * H'tvoo'i; ysvsxr, : general caSe. It has been supposed by some, that the Latins, mistaking the import of the Greek term, called Jhis th« genitive case. See Encyc, Brit, Art, Grarum mar. 46 EtrMOLoor. be the meaning intended, the ambiguity may bd prevented by saying, ** love to God." An ambiguity likewise arises from it, as express- ing either the relation of the effect to its cause, or that of the accident to its subject. " A little *' after the reformation of Luther," says Swift. This may import either the change produced by Luther, or a change produced in him. The latter indeed is properly the meaning, though not that, which was intended by the author* lie should have said, ** the reformation by Luther/^ It is clear, therefore, that the relation expressed by the genitive, is not uniformly the same, that the phrase may be interpreted either in an active or passive sense* and that the real import must be eollected, not from the expression, but the con* text. Mr. Harris \ii% said, that the genitive is formed to express all relations commencing from itself, and offers the analysis of this case in all modern languages, as a proof. That it expresses more than this, both in English and Latin, and that it denotes relations, not only commencing from it- * Amor Dei denotes either amor guo Dcus amat^ or quo Deiii amatur. — Reformatio Lutkeri, either qua reformavit^ or qua re- furmatus est. Injuria patris, de&iderium, amiciy with many other examples, which might be produced, have either an active or passive sense, -jj cchi^r, Is Gss, nlH* n^HK) I'amore de Dio, Paraour de Dieu, severally involve th« same ambiguity with " th« love of God*" £TYMOLOCxT. 4? self, but likewise directed to itself, the examples already quoted are sufficient to prove. Nay,, were it necessary, it would be easy to demonstrate, that this ambiguity in the use of the genitive, is not confined to these two languages, but is found in Greek, Hebrew, Italian, and I believe, in all the modern languages of Europe. Concerning the origin of the English genitive^ grammarians and critics are not ag-reed. That the cases, or nominal inflexions, in all languages were originally formed by annexing to the noun in its simple form, a word significant of the re- lation intended, is a doctrine, which, I conceive, is not only approved by reason, but also attested by fact. That any people, indeed, in framing their language, should affix to their nouns insig- nificant terminations, for the purpose of express- ing any relation, is a theory extremely improbable. Numerous as the inflexions are in the Greek and Latin languages, I am persuaded, that, were we sufficiently acquainted with their original struc- ture, we should find, that all these terminations^ were at first words significant, subjoined to tlie radix, and afterwards abbreviated. This opinion is corroborated by the structure of the Hebrew, and sotne other oriental languages, whose affixes and prefixes in the formation of their cases, and conjugation of their verbs we can still ascer- tain, NaW; the English genitive being formed by 48^ ' iiTYMOLOGYi annexing to the nominative the letter s, with ati apostrophe, several critics, among whom is Mr. Addison> dehver it as their opinion, that this ter-^ mination is a contraction for the possessive pro- noun his. This opinion appears to be counten- anced by the examples, which occur in the Bible, and Book of Common Prayer, in which, instead of the English genitive, we find the nominative with the possessive pronoun masculine of the third person ; thus, ''for Christ his sake,'' *^ Asa " his heart was perfect." Dr. Lowth considers these expressions as errors either of the printers^ or the authors* That they are not typographical mistakes, 1 am fully persuaded* They occur in the books now mentioned, and also in the works of Bacon, Donne, and many other writers, much too frequently to admit this supposition. If er^ rors therefore, they are errors not of the printers^ but of the authors 'themselves. To evince the incorrectness of this phraseology^ and to shew that Addison's opinion is erroneous^ Dr. Lowth observes, that, though we can resolve '* the king's crown" into " the king his crown," we cannot resolve " the queen's crown" iTtito '' the '* queen her crown," or " the children's bread" into *' the children his bread." This fact, he observes, ought to have demonstrated to Mr. Addison the incorrectness of his opinion. Lowth therefore refers the English to the Saxon geni- tive for its real origin, and observes, that its ETYMOLOGY. 49 derivation from that genitive decides the question*. Hickes, in his Thesaurus, had previously dehvered the same opinion. Speaking of the Anglo Saxon genitive in es, he observes, " Inde in nostratium '' sermone noniinum substantivorum genitivus sin- '^ gularis, et nominativus pluralis exeunt in es, '' vel 5/' From the introduction of the Saxons into this island, to the Norman conquest, the Saxon genitive was in universal use. From the latter period to the time of Henry II. (1170) though the EngHsh language underwent some alterations, we still find the Saxon genitive. Thus in a poem, entitled, " The Life of St. Margaret/' in the Normanno Saxon dialect, we find the fol- lowing, among other examples, **christes angles," and the pronoun hyj'(his) spelled isy thus, " Theo- dosius was is name.'* (See Hickes. Thes. Vol. I. p. 226. ) Webster has asserted, that in the age of Edward the Confessor (1050) he does not find the Saxon genitive; and as a proof, that the pronoun his was used instead of the Saxon termination, he quotes a passage from a charter of Edward the Confessor, where the words, *^ bissop his land'' * Of the six declensions, to one or other of which the learned Dr. Hickes conceives, the inflexion of almost all the Saxon nouns may be reduced, three form their genitive in es, as wordy •wordes ; smithy smithes. In: e Moesogothic, a kindred lan- guage, the genitive ends in *, some nouns having is^ some w*, and others a$^ as^ fariffanifts ; faukagagjayfaukagagjis. 50 ETYMOLOGY. occur, which he conceives to be equivalent to *' bishop's land." Now, had he read but a small part of that charter, he would have found the Saxon genitive ; and what he imagines to be equi- valent to the English genitive, is neither that case, nor synonimous with it. The passage runs thus, "" And ich ke J?e eu J^at Alfred havet iseld '^ Gise bissop his land at Llyton," the meaning of which is, '' Know that Alfred hath sold to ^' bishop Gise his land at Lutton." In the time of Richard II. (1385) we find Trevisa and Chaucer using the Saxon genitive. Thus in Trevisa's trans- lation of the Athanasian creed, we find among other examples *' Godes sight." In Gavin Douglas, who lived in the beginning of the sixteenth century, we find is iiistead of es, t\\\\s faderis hands. In the time of Henry the eighth \yq find in the works of Sir T. More, both the^ Saxon and the English orenitive: and in a letter written in 1559, by Maitland, of Lethington, the English geni- tive frequently occurs. Had this genitive, then, been an abbreviation for the noun and the pro- noun his, the use of the words separately would have preceded their abbreviated form iu compo- sition. This, however, was not the case. To form the genitive plural we annex the apos- trophe without the letter s, as '^eagles' wings/' that is, '^ the wings of eagles'' The genitive sin- gular of nouns terminating in s, is formed in the ETYMOLOGY, --51 same manner, as, righteousness' sake, or the sake of righteousness. I finish this article with observing, that there are in Enghsh a few diminutive nouns, so called from their expressing a small one of the kind. Some of these end in kin, from a Dutch and Teutonic word signifying a child, as manikin, a little man, lambkin, pipkin, thomkin. *' Proper names ending in kin, belonged originally to this class of diminutives, ^^IFilkin, Willielmulus; Hah kin, Hazvkin, Henriculus; Tomkin, Thomulus ; &*m- Jcin, Peterkin, &c. Some diminutives end in ock, as hill, hillock ,^ bull, bullock ; some in el, as pike, pickrel ; cock, cockrel , sack, satchel; some ining, as goose, gosling. These seem to be the only legitimate ones, as pro- perly belonging to our language. The rest are derived from Latin, French, Italian, and have various terminations. i: 2 5S ETYMOLOGY, CHAP. IL Of the Article, LANGUAGE is chiefly composed of general terms, most substantives being the names of ge^, nera or species. When we find a number of sub- stances resembling one another, in their principal and most obvious quahties, we refer them to one species, to which we assign a name, common to every individual of that species. In like manner, when we find several of these species, resembling one another in their chief properties, we refer them to a higher order, to which also we assign a com- mon, and more general name than that, which was affixed to the inferior class. Thus we assign the general name man to the human species, as possessing a common form, and distinguished by the common attributes of life, reason, and speech. If we consider man as possessed of life only, we perceive a resemblance in this respect between him, and other beings. To this higher class or genus, the characteristic attribute of which is vitality, we affix the more generic name of ani- ETYMOLOGY. 53 mal*. Hence, when we use an appellative or common noun, it denotes the genus or class col- lectively, of which it is the name, as, '* The proper study of mankind is man," i. c. not one man, not many men, but all men. " Metal is specifically heavier than water," i. e. not this or that metal, but all metals. But, though our words are general, all our per- ceptions are individual, having single existences for their objects. It is often necessary, however, to express two, three, or more of these individual existences ; and hence arises the use of that spe- cies of words, which have been called numerals, that is, words denoting number. To signify unity, or one of a class, our forefathers employed ae or ane, as " ae man,'* ** ane ox'' When unity, or the number one, as opposed to two or more, was to be expressed, the emphasis would naturally be laid, on the word significant of unity ; and when unity was not so much the object, as the species or kind, the term expressive of unity, would natur- ally be unemphatical ; and hence, ae, by celerity of pronunciation, would become a; and ant be shortened into an. These words a and an are now termed indefinite articles ; it is clear, however, that they are truly numerals, belonging to the same * It must be obvious, that the terms general and universal be- long not to real existences, but are merely denominations, the result of intellect, generalising a number of individuals under one head. 54 ETYMOLOGY. class with two, three, four, &c. ; or, perhaps^, more properly, these numerals may be considered as abbreviations, for the repeated expression of the term one. By whatever name these terms a, an may be designed, it seems evident, that they were originally synonimous with the name of unity, or rather themselves names of unity, emphasis only distinguishing whether unity, or the species were chiefly intended. Hence a and an cannot be joined with a plural noun. Some grammarians, indeed, have asserted, that in every example, where a or an occurs, the term o/2e may be substituted in its stead, without, in the least degree, injuring the sense. As far as the primary idea denoted by these words, is con- cerned, this opinion is, doubtless, incontroverti- ble; for they each express unity : but with regard to the secondary, or implied ideas, which these terms convey, the difference is obvious. An ex- ample will illustrate this. If I say, ''Will one ** man be able to carry this burden so far?" I evidently oppose one to more, and the answer might be *' No ; but two men will." Let us sub- stitute the term a and say, '' Will a man be able .^' to carry this burden?" Is the idea no wise changed by this alteration ? I apprehend it is; for the answer might naturally be, ^\ No; but a horse *' will" I have here substituted a for 07ie ; the converse will equally shew, that the terms are by no means convertible, or strictly synonimous. Jf " ETYMOLOGY. 53 instead of sayings '* A horse, a horse, a kingdom *' for a horse/' I should say, *' One horse, one ** horse, one kingdom for one horse," the senti- ment, I conceive, would not be strictly the same. In both expressions the species is named, and in both, one of that species is demanded ; but with this difference, that in the former, the name of the species is the emphatic word, and it opposes that species to every other ; in the latter, unity of object seems the leading idea ; " one kingdom for one horse/' In this respect, our language ap- pears to me to have a decided superiority over those languages, where one word performs the office of what we term an article, and at the same time denotes the idea of unity. Donnez moi un livre means either, *' give me one book,'Vi. e. not two or more books, or '* give me a book,'' that is, " a book, not something else; a book, not a *' pen," for example. I acknowledge, that, in oral language, emphasis may serve to discriminate the sentiments, and pre- vent ambiguity. But emphasis is addressed to the ear only, not to the eye ; it can, therefore, be of no service in written language. It is true also, that, by attending to the context, error may often be avoided ; but let it be remembered as Quin- tilian observes* that language should be, not * Non ut intelligere possit, sed ne omnino possit non intelli. gere curandum. Inst. Lib. VIII. eap. 4. I am inclined to think, that our language possesses a superior- 56 ETYMOLOGY. such as the reader may understand, it' he will take t1ie trouble to examine it carefully, but such, as he cannot, even without effort, fail to compre- hend. When it is asserted, therefore, that one may in every case be substituted for a, without, in the least degree, injuring the expression, the position appears to me erroneous and false. What- ever creates ambiguity, whether with respect to the primary or secondary ideas annexed to words, in some degree, without question, violates the sense. It seems therefore undeniable that the word a, termed the indefinite article, was originally iden- tical with the name of unity, expressing either ity in this respect over the Greek itself. EysvsTO av^pouTtog aitsr^ aX[j^£vo$ TTapoc fa Qas may signify either '' man in the species, or an individual was " sent from God." The author of the article Grammar in the Encyc. Brit, observes, " that the word av^pooitog ^* is here restricted to an individual by its concord Avith the verb '' and the participle." If he mean by this, that the term must be significant of only one individual (and I can annex no other interpretation to his words) because a singular verb and participle singular are joined with it, he errs egregioilsly. Numberless ex- amples might be produced, to evince the contrary. Job v. j\ av^pooitos y&vvoiroLi xoircv, '' man, (mankind) is born unto trouble,'* where the subject is joined to a verb singular, Psal. xlix. 12. avSpMTtos £v ri[i7} ujv 8 (ruyrjKs, '* man being in honour abideth not." Here also man for mankind is joined with a participle and verb singular. And here it may be pertinently asked, would not the term one for a in the first example somewhat alter the meaning, and convey an idea different from that intended by the evaR- gelist ? ETYMOLOGY. 57 one of any species, as opposed to more of that species, or one of this kind, as opposed to one of that. Whether the distinction of its noting one or unity^ with less emphasis than the appropriate name of unity, should entitle it to be referred to a different class of words from the numeral one, and called an article, it is unimportant to enquire. To me, however, I must acknowledge, the dis- tinctive name of article assigned to this word ap- pears to be useless. Were emphasis to be ad- mitted as the principle of classification (and I see no other distinction between a and o?2e) the parts of speech might be multiplied beyond num- ber. Besides the words a and an, termed indefinite articles;, as not defining which of the species is signified, we have also another word the, named tire definite article, because it is said to point out the individual object. This word, I doubt not, proceeded from the word this or that, much in the same manner, as a and an from ae and ane. To what class of words this and that should be referred, has been a subject of controversy.* That they are not pronouns, as some have asserted, * They are the Saxon words, this or thes^ ^* hie," hcec, " hoc/' that or th(£i, " ille," ilia, " illud," which were fre- quently used by the Saxons for what we term the definite arti- cle, as sc?id us on thas suyn, send us into the swine. Mark v. ^\, tha eodon tha miclcenan gastas on tha swyn^ " then the un- '' clean spirits entered into the swine." lb. 58 ETYMOLOGY. seems abundantly evident ; for they never rep re* sent a noun. By some they have been called de- finitives; andj though this designation be not strictly consonant with their import, it is perhaps ^ the least exceptionable. When opposed to each other, they appear to be reducible to that species of words, termed adjectives of order ; the only difference between them and ordinal numerals be- ing this, that the former express the arrangement in relation to two objects, the latter in relation to a series. This means the '' nearer, " '' the latter," or " the second/* that, *' the more remote, " '* the. former,'* or the first." Their office, in general, seems to be, emphatically to individuate some particular object, whose character was either pre- viously known, or is then described; hence they have also been named demonstratives. ' Under which of the generally received parts of speech they should be comprehended, it may be difficult to determine. As, hke simple attributives, they accord with nouns, frequently denoting the acci- dent of place, they may be grammatically referred to the class of adjectives. Their import will ap- pear from a few examples : '* That kind being, vvho is a father to the father- *' kss, will recom pence thee for this." Here ^ species is referred to, distinguished by benevolence. Of this species one individual is emphatically particularized: "That kind being." Who? his distinctive character follows, " is a fa- 2 ETVMOLOGr. 59 *"' ther to the fatherless." The concluding word (this) points to something pl'eviously described* a 'Twas idly done " To tell him of another world ; for wits ** Knew better ; and the only good on earth '' Was pleasure; not to follow that was sin.'* Here the word that refers with emphasis to a thing previously specified, namely, pleasure. *' It is no uncommon thing to find a man, '* who laughs at every thing sacred, j^et is a slave *^ to superstitious fears. I would not be that man, ** were a crown to tempt me.*' Here, one inde- finitely of a species is mentioned, a man. The subject is afterwards limited by description to one of a certain character^, " who laughs at things '* sacred, and is a slavg^^to superstitious fears.** The word that selects aifff demonstrates the per- son thus described. The word the has nearly the same import; but is less emphatical. It seems to bear the same analogy to tJiat, vvliich a does to €ne. Hence in many cases they may be used in- differently. *' Happy the man, whose cautious feet shun the " broad way that sinners go." Here, '* happy that man," would express the same idea. The Latins accordingly employed the demonstrative word illey Beatiis ille, " happy the ^Mnan." What then is the difference between the and 60 ETYMOLOGY. that? To ascertain this, let us enquire in what cases the is employed, and whether that can be substituted in its stead. The word the is employed, 1st. When we express an object of eminence or notoriety, or the only one of a kind, in which we are interested, as, *' the king," when we mean, " the king of England." " He was concerned in *' bringing about the revolution," when we mean the revolution in this country. '^ Virgil copied *' the Grecian bard,'* or Homer. ** I am going to " the city," when I mean, London. In none of these cases can we substitute that for the, without laying a particular emphasis on the subject, and implying that its character is there described, in contradistinction to some other of the same spe- cies. Thus, ** he was concerned in that revolu- ** tion, which was accomplished by the English '' barons." — ** He copied that Grecian bard, who " disputes the claim of antiquity with Homer." 2dly, We employ it in expressing objects of repeated perception, or subjects of previous con- versation. I borrow an example from Harris. If I see for the first time a man with a long beard, I say, *' there goes a man with a long " beard." If I sec him again, I say, *' there *' goes the man with the long beard." Were the word that substituted for the, the same observa- tion would be applicable, as in the preceding ex- amples. ETYMOLOGY. 61 3dly, Mr. Harris has said, that the article a is used to express objects of primary perception, and the employed to denote those only of secondary perception. This opinion is controverted by the author of the article Grammar in the Encycl. Brit- tannica, Ed. who gives the following example to disprove its truth. " I am in company, and find- *' ing the room warm, I say to the servant, request ** the gentleman in the w^indow seat (to whom I ** am an entire stranger) to draw down the sash.'* The example is apposite, and is sufficient to over- turn the hypothesis of Mr. Harris. There can be no question, but the is frequently employed to denote objects of primary perception ; and merely particularize, by some discriminating cir- cumstance, an individual, whose character, per- son, or distinctive qualities, were previously unknown. In the example now quoted, that may be substituted for //?e, if we say, "' who is in the ** window seat f^" 4thly, The definitive article is used to distin- guish the explicative from the determinative sense. In the former case, it is rarely employed; in the latter, it should never be omitted, unless when something still more definite supplies its place. '' Man, who is born of a woman, is of few days, " and full of trouble." Here the relative clause is explicative, and not restrictive; all men being ^'bornof a woman :" the definite article therefore is not employed. '' The man" would imply, that all (i^ ETYMOLOGY. men are not thus born ; and would confine the predicating clause to those, who are. In the latter sense, that may, without any alteration in the phraseology, be substituted for the article; for the man^ and that man, are in this instance equi-^ valent. 5thly, The definite article is often used to de- note the measure of excess. *^ The more you '' study, the more learned you will become:" that is, " by how much the more you study, by so '' much the more learned you will become." ''The '' wiser the better," that (by that) wiser, that (by '* that) better." There also that and the may be considered as equivalent; and the Latins accord- ingly said, *' eo melior." From the preceding examples and observations, it must appear, that the definite article, and the word that, though not strictly synonimous, are words nearly of the same import. Their differ- ence seems to be, 1st. That the article the, like a^^ must have a substantive conjoined with it, whereas, that, like one, may have it understood. Speaking of books, I may select one and say, ''give me that," but not, *' give me the," " give me one,'' but not ^' give me a.'* Here the analogy holds between a and one, the and that, fdly, As the difference between a and one seems to be, that one denotes unity in contradistinction ETYMOLOGY. 63 to more, with greater emphasis than a, so the dis- tinction in general between the and that is, that the latter marks the object more emphatically, than the former, being indirectly opposed to this. I cannot say, '' there goes that man with that '^ long beard/' without implying a contrast with '* this man with this long btarci,'* the word that being always emphatical and discriminative. The opinion here offered, respecting these words,' receives some corroboration from the following circumstances. In Latin ilk frequently supplies the place of our definite article: ^* Thou art the man.'' 7u es illc (iste) homo. The le in French is clearly a derivative i'vomilk, of which the former syllable il expresses he, and the latter denotes that unemphatically, serving as the definite article. From the same source also proceed the Italian articles il, lo, la. In Hebrew in like manner our definite article is expressed by the prefix of the pronoun ille, thus, aretz terrUy earth*, haretZj ilia sen hcec terra^ the earth, the letter he abbreviated from hou, ille, expressing the; — f ash'i haishi heatm ilk vir, "- happy the man," or that man, the /ze in hke manner signifying the ov that. It appears to me, then, that as a^ ane, when not opposed to morey and therefore unemphatical. * ?;-)K 2fiNn. t ti^^^n n^v^. 64 ETYMOLOGY. by celerity of pronunciation were changed into a, an ; so that when not opposed to ihis^ or when it was unemphatical, was shortened to the. Hence the words, termed articles, seem to be the name of unity, and the demonstrative word that abbre- viated. Beside the words a, an, the^ there are others, which may be considered as reducible to the same class with these; such as, thisy that, any, other, some, all, one, none. This and that I have already considered. That they are not pronouns is evi- dent, for they are never used as the representa- tives of a noun, and always require to be asso^ ciated with a substantive. If ever they appear without this accompaniment, it will invariably be found, that the expression is elliptical, some sub* stantive or other being necessarily understood. If I say, 'Hhis was a noble action.'' This what? *' This, action." ^' This is true virtue." This what ? " This practice," '' this habit,'' '* this tem- " per." To what class of words I conceive them to belong, has been already mentioned. One is a word significant of upity, and cannot, without manifest impropriety, be called a prono- minal adjective; unless, by an abuse of all lan-^ guage, we be disposed to name two, three, four, pronominal adjectives. Some is reducible to the same class, denoting an indefinite, but, comparatively to 7nany, a ^mall number. ETYMOLOSY. 65 Many^ few, several, are words of the same or- ^er, significant of number indefinitely. Nofie, or not one, implies the negation of all number, exclusive even of unity itself. Other, which is improperly considered by some as a pronoun, is the Saxon o^er coming from o^^e. The Arabic ahd, the Hebrew had, or ahad, the Saxon o^^e, the Teutonic ^dp, and the Swedish udda, with our English word odd, seem all to have sprung from the same origin, the etymon express- ing ''one separately," or, " one by itself," an- sM^ering nearly to the Latin singulus. The English word odd, plainly indicates its affinity to these M^ords. We say, *' He is an odd character,*' or '^ singular character." *' He had some odd ones,'* that is, '* some separate from the rest, not paired, '^ or connected with them/' " single."^' * Horne Tooke appears to me to have erred, in deriving odd from otu'd. His words are these ; " odd is the participle ow'd, '' Thus, when we are counting by coupler, or pairs, we say, *' one pair," " two pairs," &c. and '"' oncowM," "two ow'd," *' to make up another pair. It has the same meaning, when we ^' say, *' an odd man," " an odd action," it still relates to pair- *' ing ; and we mean, " without a fellow" " unmatched." Now I must own, this appears io me a very odd explanation ; for in my apprehension, it leads io a conclusion, the very reverse of that, which the author intends. The terra odd^ is applied to the one, which stands by itself ; and not to that, which is ab- sent, or ow'd, to complete the pair. If I say, '* there are three '^ pairs, and an odd one," the word oc?c? refers to the single one, over and above the three pairs ; and not to the one, which is wanting. Yejt, Mr. Tooke refers it to the latter. His explan- F 6Q etymology. As he in soueraine dignify is odde, So will he in loue no parting felowes have. Sir J. More's Works^ Tlie same idea of singularity and separation is expressed by other; which is now generally used as a comparative, and followed by than. Other is sometimes used substantively, and has then a plural number, as, " Let others serve whom '* they will, as for me and my house, we will serve '' the Lord." The word one has a plural number when an assemblage of unit^ is expressed, not in the aggregate, but individually ; and then it is used as a substantive; as, '* I saw a great many fine '' ones." It is also used indefinitely, in the same sense with the French on, as, ** one would imagine *' these to be expressions of a man blessed with **ease." (Atterbury). And, in using it in this sense, it may be observed, in passing, that an error is often committed, by employing the personal pro- nouns as referring to one ; thus, '' one is apt to '' exaggerate his own injuries," instead of '* one's " own injuries." ^ny, an, a, one, seem all to be nearly equivalent words, and derived from one origin, I mean from ane, the name of unity. Hence a, or an, and ani/ ation seems at once unnatural and absurd. Had he substituted, according to his own etymology, add for and, saying, " three " pairs, add an ow'd one," he must, I think, have perceived its inaccuracy. It is the odd and f resent one, of which the singu- larity is predicated, and not the absent^ or ow^d one, i ETYMOLOGY. 67 are frequently synonimous. *VA considerate man ''would have acted differently;" that is, ** any " considerate man." Hence also, like one it is opposed to none, as, '' have you a book, (any ** book) which you can lend me?" " None; my '' books are in the country ; nor, if they were here, '* have I any (or one,) which would suit you." From expressing one indefinitely, like a, or an, it came, by an easy and natural transition, to de- note, ^^ whatever it be y'' ^^ what you pleased "Give '* me one, (ane) any, no matter which." In this sense it corresponds to the Latin qukis or quili' bet^, in affirmative sentences; whereas, in inter- rogative or negative sentences, it corresponds to qidsquam, quispiam, or ullus. The preceding obser- vations it may be useful to recapitulate. Nouns are names of genera, and not of indivi- duals; our perceptions are, on the contrary, all individual, not general. Hence, to denote one or more individuals of a species, numerals, or words significant of number, were invented. Some express a precise number, as, one, two, three; others number indefinitely, as, some, few, many, several. Our perceptions being all individual, and one being the basis of all number, the term, sig- ** * Quitis seu quilibet affirmat ; quisquam, quispiam ullus aut *^ negat aut interrogat," are the words of an ancient gram- marian. It is observable also, that jn Latin ullus, any^ is a dimi- nutive from unus^ one; as any in English is from ane, the name of unity, as formerly used. F 2 68 ETYMOLOGY. nificant of unity, must frequently recur, in express- ing our sentiments. To denote this idea, our forefathers employed ae, ane. In the progress- of language, where unity was not to be expressed, as opposed to two or more, the terms, thus be- coming unemphatical, would naturally be abbre- viated into ^, an. These latter, therefore, are the offspring of the names .of unity, and belong- to the class of words named Cardinal Numerals* To what part of speech these are reducible (if they can be reduced to any) it is difficult to de- termine. In some languages they have the form of adjectives ; but, if their meaning be considered, it is clear, that they have no claim to this appel- lation, as they express no accident, quality, or property whatever. In fact, they appear to be a species of words totally different in character from any of the parts of speech generally received ; all of them, except the first of the series, being ab- breviations for the name of unity repeated. It being necessary not only to express an indi- vidual indefinitely of any species, but also to spe- * As there is in nature neither genus nor species, but indivi- duals only, i^e two former being purely ideas of our own crea- tion, so there is in nature no such thing as number, as ivfOy three, four, these being merely abbreviations for es^pressing a collection of the urtits ; for units only are objects of perception. Thus, instead of saying owe, one, owe, I say three. It is to be remembered, however, that there is nothing in nature three'; and that the term expresses one added to one, and the sum increased by one, being an abbreviation invented for that purpose. ETYMOLOGY. 69 cify and select some particular one, which at first would probably be done, by pointing to the object, ■if in sight, the words ^to and that, hence called demonstratives, were employed ; the one to ex- press the nearer, the other the more distant ob- ject. From one of these proceeded the word the, having the same relation to its original, as a or an has to the name of unity. Hence the words sy- nonimous with this and that, in those languages, which have no definite article, are frequently em- ployed, to supply its place. The use of these terms being to express any individual whatever of a class, and likewise some certain or particular object; we have also the words few, some, many, several, to denote a num- ber indefinitely, and the Cardinal Numerals two^ three, four J ^q. a precise number of individuals. 70 ETYMOI^OGY. CHAP. III. Of Pronouns. WHETHER we speak of things present, or of things absent, of ourselves or of others, and to whomsoever we address our discourse, the repe- tition of the names of those persons, or things, would not only be tiresome, but also sometimes productive of ambiguity. Besides, the name of the ])erson addressed may be unknown to the speaker, and the name of the speaker may be un- known to the person addressed. Hence appears the utility of Pronouns, words, as the etymology of the term denotes, supplying the place of Nouns. They have therefore been denominated by some grammaria^s, Nouns of the second or? der. When the person, who addresses, speaks of him- self, the pronoun /, called the pronoun of the first person, is employed instead of the name of the speaker. As, '* TheXord said to Moses," '*/ ** (the Lord) am the God of Abraham." When the person addressed is the subject of discourse, the pronoun, ihou^ called the pronoun ETYMOLOGY. 71 of the second person, is used instead of his name, as, *' Nathan said unto David, thou (David) art '' the man/' When neither the person, who speaks, nor the person addressed, but some other person, or thing, is the subject of discourse, we employ the pro- nouns of the third person, namely, he, she, it; as, ** When Jesus saw the multitude, he (Jesus) had " compassion on them/' I have said, that Pronouns are employed, to pre- vent the tiresome repetition of names. It is not, however, to be hence inferred, that even the re- petition of the name would, in all cases, answer the same purpose, or denote the subject with the same precision, as the pronoun. For, as there is hardly any name, strictly speaking, proper or pe- culiar to one individual, the employment of a name, belonging to more persons than one, would not so clearly specify or individuate the object, as the appropriate pronoun. Hence it would often be necessary to subjoin to the name some dis- tinctive circumstances, to discriminate the per- son intended from others of that name; or the speaker would be obliged to point to the indivi- dual, if he happened to be present. Nay, though the person or subject designed might be thus sufficiently ascertained, it is easy to see, that the phraseology would have nothing of that simpli- city and energy, which accompany the Pronoun. 72 ETrMOLOGY. If in the first example, instead of saying, *' I ani *' the God," we should say, "the Lord is the " God ;" or in the second, instead of '' Thou art 'x* the man," '' David is the man;" the energy of the expression would be entirely destroyed. If any person, speaking of himself, should distin- guish himself from others of the same name, by subjoining the necess^iry discriminating circum- stances, so as to leave no doubt in the mind of the' hearer, it is obvious that this phraseology would not only be inelegant, but also feeble and unimpressive. To be convinced of the truth of this observation, it is only necessary to compare the exanimate, stiff, and frequently obscure dic- tion of a common card, with the freedom, per- spicuity, and vivacity of a letter. Pronouns may be divided into Substantive and Adjective; Personal, and Impersonal; Relative, and Interrogative. The Personal substantive pronouns are /, Thou, He, She, The Impersonal substan- tive pronoun is It, The personal substantive pronouns have three cases, and are thus declined. 1st. Person Masc. and Feminine. Sing. Plur. Nom. I we G>''K Mine ours us. ETYMOLOGY. 2d. Person Masc. ar id Fern. Sing. Plur. Nom. Thou ye or yga Gen. Thine yours Obj. Thee 3d. Person. MASC. you. Nom. He They Gen. His Theirs Obj. Him ' Them. J FEM. Nom. She They Gen. Hers Theirs Obj. Her NEUTER. IMPERS. Them, Nom. It They Gen. It's Theirs Obj. It Them. 73 Myy thy, our, your, their, being the represen- tatives of nouns, have the essential character of pronouns. Tiius, when Decius says to Cato, ^'Caesar is well acquainted with your virtues/' the pronoun is employed as a substitute for Catq's, As they express not only the subject, but also the relation of property or possession, they are by 74 ETYMOLOGV. some grammarians considered to be the genitives of their respective substantive pronouns. In usage, Jiowever, they are distinguished from the English genitive by their incapacity to stand alone. Thus we say, '^ It is the king's," ** It is your's;" but we cannot say, " It is your," the presence of a noun being necessary to the last expression. They are, therefore, more correctly named Pro- nominal Adjectives. For the purpose of denoting emphatically the relation of possession or pro- perty, the word own is frequently joined to them, as my '* Who is it?" ** What is it?" This phraseology h established by universal usage, and is therefore unexception- able. This being the case, there can be no im- propriety in repeating in the answer the indefinite term employed in the question. We may therefore reply, ** It is I,'* *' It is he," " It is she." Now, if the term be admitted in questions and answers, where the subject may be either male ox female, and of the first, second, or third person, it surely is admissible in those cases also, where the subject is in the plural number. Nay, to use, in the answer, any other word to express the sub- ject, than that, by which it is signified in the question, would he in all cases, if not }>roductive of ambiguit}^ at least less precise. '* Who is it ?*' <8ays a master to his servant, hearing a voice in the 88 ETYMOLOGY, hall. "' It is the gentlemen, who called yester- day/* replies the servant. Who sees not, that '' they are the gentlemen,*' would be an answer less accordant with the terms of the question, and would less clearly shew, that *' the gentlemen," and '' the subject of enquiry,'* both being de- noted by one term, are one and the same? Had the master known, that it was the voice of a gen- man, and that there were more than one, aiid had he accordingly said, " Who are they ?'* the answer would have properly been, '^ They are the gen- '^ tlemen." But when the question is, *' W^ho *' is it?'* I apprehend, the only apposite answer is, '' It is the gentlemen, "^ the identity of the terms (it being repeated) clearly evincing an iden- tity of subject, in the question and in the answer; in other words, that the subject of the enquiry, and the subject of the answer, are one and th^ same. I conclude with observing, that though I have here considered the word that as a pronoun, there can be no question, that in its import it is pre- cisely the same with the demonstative that, which has been already explained. '' The house that you ^' built, is burned," is resolvable thus, '* The *V house is burned> you built that.*' ETYMOLOGY. 89 CHAP. IV. Of the Adjective. AN Adjective has been defined by most gram- marians, to be *' that part of speech, which sig- *' nifies an accident, quaUty, or property of a '* thing." This definition appears to me to be somewhat defective and incorrect : for the Ad- jective does not express the quahty simply, but the quahty, or property, as conjoined with a sub- stance, or, as grammarians have termed it, m concreto. Thus, wlien, we say, '* good man," goodness is' the name of the qualit}^ and good is the adjective expre:>sing that quahty, as conjoined with the subject man. Accordingly, every ad- jective is resolvable into the name of the thing implied, and any term of reference or conjunction, as d/; wil/i. Tims " a prudent man" is equivalent to '' a man witii' or ''join prudence," or to '* a " man of prudence.'' An Adjective, therefore, is thatpayt of speecii, which denotes any substance or attribute, not by itself, but as conjoined with a subject, or pertaining to its character. This conjunction is generally marked, by changing the 2 90 ETYMOLOGY. termination of the simple name of the sub- stantive or attribute, as fool foolish, wax xoaxen. Souietimes no change is made; and the simple name of the substance, or attribute is pre- fixed to the name of the subject, as sea fowl, race horse, corn field. In writing these, and similar ex- pcessions, the conjunction is sometimes marked by a hyphen, a.s sea- fozvl, river-fish^ wine-vessel. As every Appellative denotes the whole of a genus or species, the intention and effect of the Adjective is, by Hmiting the generic meaning of the Substantive, to specify, what part of the genus or species is the subject of discourse. If I say '* man," the term is universal : it embraces the species. If I say '^ a man," the expression is indefinite, being applicable to any individual of the kind. If I say ** a good man/* I confine the term to an individual, distinguished by goodness. Here jnan expresses the substance; and good the quality in concreto. Sometimes, on the contrary, the Substantive is the general name of the quality or property ; and the Adjective modifies or deter- mines its degree, as wisdoin, little xvisdom. — Let us take another example. The word stone is appli- cable to a whole species of substances. If I say, round stone, I confine the meaning of the Substan- tive to that part of the genus, which is distin- guished by roundness. Here the substantive de- notes the matter, or substance, in general, and the Adjective limits its signification;, by expresing ETYMOLOGr, 91 the form. Sometimes the converse takes place, as golden globe. Here the Substantive is the generic name of a certain figure; and the Adjective, by expressing the matter, confines that figure to the 'substance of gold. Some grammarians have denominated this part of speech by the name of Adjective Noun ; to others this designation appears inadmissible. The latter observe, that neither is the Adjective the name of any thing, nor is it in l.nglish variable, like the Substantive. They allow, that in Greek and Latin, the designation in question is, in some degree,, justifiable, because, though the Noun and Adjective dififer essentially in office, in these lan- guages, they agree in form; — but in our language they deem it a singular impropriety.* * Mr. Toolie contends, that this part of speech is properly termed Adjectiye Noun, and *' that it is altogether as much the ^' name of a thin^, as the Noun Substantive/' Names and de- signations necessarily influence our conceptions of the things, which they represent. It is therefore desirable, that in every art or science, not only should no term be employed, Mhich may convey to the reader or hearer an incorrect conception of the thing signified, but that every terra should assist him, in forming a just idea of the object, which it expresses. Now, I concur with Mr. Tooke in thinking, that the Adjective is by no means a necessary part of speech. I azree with him also in opi- jnion, that, in a certain sense, all words are nouns or n^,mes. But as this latter doctrine seems directly repugnant to the con- current theories of Critics and Grammarians, it is necessary to explain, in what sense the opinion of Mr. Tooke requires to be understood ; and in presenting the reader witk this explanation, 9^ . ETYMOLOGY. I have said^ that the Adjective denotes a sub- stance, quality or property, *' as pertaining/' or in concreio. Novv, it is to be observed, that sub- stances do not admit degrees of more or less, in I shall briefly state the objections, which will naturally offer themselves against the justness of this theory. " Gold^ and *' brass^ and silk^ is each of them/' says Mr. Tooke, " the ''' name of a thing, and denotes a substance. If then, I say, ^' u4 gold-ring, a brass-tube, a silk-string; here are the Sub- '* stantives adjective pusita, yet names of things, and denoting ^' substances." It may be contended however, that these are not substantives, but adjectives, and are the same as golden^ brazen, silken, lie proceeds: " If again I say, a golden ring, '' a brazen tube, a silken string, do gold, and brass , and silk, '' cease to be the names of things, and cease to denote substances, '' because, instead of coupling them with ring, tube, and string, '' by a hyphen thus - I couple them to the same words, by add- *' ing the termination en?^' It may be answered, they do not cease to imply the substances, but they are no longer names of those substances. Hard implies hardness, but it is not the name of that quality. Atheniensis implies Jthence, but it is not the name of the city, any more than belonging to Athens, can be called its name. He observes ; '• If it were true, that Adjec- *^' tives were not the names ofthings, there could be no attribu- ^' tion by Adjectives^ for you cannot attribute nothing," This conclusion may be disputed. Au Adjective may imply a sub- stance, quality or property, though it is not the name of it. Ccrcus, " waxen,'' implies ccra, " wax," but it is the latter only which is strictly the iiame of the substance. Pertaining to wax, madeofxvaxj are not surely names of the thing itself. Every attributive, whether Verb or Adjective, must imply an attribute; but it is not therefore the name of that attribute. Juvenescif, " he waxes young," expresses an attribute, but we ihould not ca]}Juv€nescit the name of the attribute. ETYMOLOGY. 93 regard to their essential character. *' A wooden '"^ table" cannot be more or less wooden. *' Au '^ iron bar" cannot be more or less such. In these cases, the Adjective, as I have already remarked, It may be asked, what is the difference between captit homiuis. " a man's head,'' and caput hitmanum, '' a human head.*' If homifiisy " man's," be deemed a Noun, why should not huma. num^ " human," be deemed a noun also ? It may be answered, that kominis does, in fact, perform the office of an Adjective, expressing not only the individual, but conjunction also; and thatMfL. Wallis assigns to the English genitive the name of Ad- jective. Besides, does not Mr. Tooke himself maintain, '' that '^ Case, Gender, and Number, are no parts of the Noun ?" and does it not hence follow, that the real Nouns are not hominis but homo^ not man'^s but man ? for such certainly is their form, when divested of those circumstances, which, according to Mr. Tooke, make no part of them. — If the doctrine, therefore, Of the learned author be correct, and if the real Noun exclude Gender, Case, and Number, as any part of it, neither hominis nor humannm^ man^s nor human, can, with consistency, be called Nouns, . But let Mr. Tooke's argument" be applied to the verb, the lo pr,iJ-oi^ which he justly considers, as an essential part of speech. *' If verbs were not the names of things, there could be no at- '* tribution by verbs, for we cannot attribute nothing.'' Are we then to call sapit^ vivii, hgitj names ? If so, we have no- thing but names ; and to this conclusion Mr. Tooke fairly brings the discussion : for, he says, that all words are names. Having thus submitted to the reader the doctrine of this saga- cious critic, with the objections which naturally present them- selves, I proceed to observe,^ that the controversy appears to me to be, in a great degree, a mete verbal dispute. It is agreed on both sides, that the Adjective, expresses a substance, quality or property ; but -while it is affirmed by some critics, it is denied by others, that it is the name of the thing signified. The metaphy- 94 ETYMOLOGf. by expressing the matter, limits the form to one species of substance. The same observation is ap- plicable to the converse circumstance, in which the form strictly limits the matter, as ** triangular sician considers words, merely as signs of thoiiglit, while the grammarian regards chiefly their changes by inflexion; and hence arises that perplexity, in which the classification of words has been, and still continues to be, involved. Now, it is evident, that every word must be the sign of some sensation, idea, or perception. It must express some substance or some attribute: and in this sense all words may be regarded as names. Some- times we have the name of the thing simply, as person. Some- times we have an accessary idea combined with the simple sign, as '^ possession,'* " conjunction," ** action,'* and so forth, as personal^ personally^ personify. This accessary circumstance, we have reason to believe, was originally denoted by a distinct word, significant of the idea intended ; and that this word was, in the progress of language, abbreviated and incorporated with the primary term, in the form of what we now term an aflBx or prefix. Thus friguSy frigidus, fr^g^^t ^W denote the same pri- mary idea, involving the name of that quality, or of that sensa- tion, which we term cvld. Frigus is the name of the thing simply ; frigid us expresses the quality, in concreto^ or conjunc- tion Considering, therefore, all words as names, it may b« regarded as a complex name, expressing two distinct ideas, that of the quality, and that of conjunction. fnge^ (the subject being understood) may be regarded as a name still more com- plex, involving, first, the name of the quality ; secondly, the name of conjunction ; thirdly, the sign of affirmation, as either expressed by an appropriate name^ or constructively implied, equivalent to the three words, est cum fngore. According then to this metaphysical view of the subject, we have, first, Nonien simplex, the simple name; secondly, Nomen Adjectivum or No' men duplex, the name of the thing, with that of conjunction ; ETYMOLOGY. 95 ** board." Here it is obvious, that the substance limited to one form by the term triangular, can- not be more or less triangular. But this is not the case with qualities or properties, which may exist thirdly, Nomen Affirmativum^ the name of the thing affirmed to be conjoined. The simple question now is, whether all words, not even the Verb excepted, should be called Nouns ; or whether we shall assign them such appellations, as may indicate the leading cir- cumstances, by which they are distinguished. The latter appears to me to be the only mode, which the Grammarian, as the teacher of an art, can successfully adopt. Considering the sub- ject in this light, I am inclined to say with Mr. Harris, that the Adjective, as implying some substance or attribute, not per se, but in conjunction, or as pertaining, is more nearly allied to the verb, than to the noun ; and that though the verb and the ad^ jective may, in common with the noun, denote the thing, they cannot strictly be called its name. To say, th?it foolish and folli/ are each names of the same quality, would I apprehend, lead to nothing, but perplexity and error. It is true, if we are to confine the term Noun to the simple name of the subject, we shall exclude the genitive singular from all right to this appellation : for it denotes, not the subject simply, but the subject i?i conjunction — the inflexion being equivalent to " belonging to." This indeed is an inconsistency, which can in no way be removed, unless by adopting the opinion of Wallis, who assigns no cases to English nouns, and considers marl's, kings, &c. to be adjectives. And were we to adopt Mr. Tooke's definition of our adjective, and say, '* It is the name *' of a thing, which is directed to be joined to another name of " a thing,''* it will follow, that kings,, mafias, are adjectives. In short, if the question be confined to the English language, we must, in order to remove all inconsistency, either deny the appellation of noun to the adjective, and, with Wallis, call the 9(> ETYMOLOGY. in different substances, in different degrees* And, as it is sometimes necessary to express the existence of a quality, as greater or less in one sub- stance than another, hence arises the utihty of^ some form oi^ expression to denote these rela- tive degrees of its existence. It is in this c^se only, that the termination of the Adjective admits variation ; and then it is said to be in a state of comparison. In all qualities susceptible of intension or remis- sion, the number of degrees, from the lowest to the highest, may be accounted infinite. Hardness, for example, gravity, magnitude, genius, wisdom, folly, are sevexally diversified by an infinitude of gradations, which it M^ould elude the capacity of any language to discriminate. To denote these degrees is, therefore, utterly impracticable, as it is wholly unnecessary. genitive case an adjective j or we must, first, call man*s, king's^ &c. adjectives ; secondly, we must term happy ^ extravagant^ mercenary, &c. nouns^ though they are not names ; and thirdly, we must assigifi the appellation of noun to the verb itself. From this view of the subject, the reader will perceive, that the whole controversy depends on the meaning which we annex to the term Noun. If by thjs term we denote simply the thing itself, without any accessary circumstance, then nothing can be called a noun, but the name in its simple form. If to the term noun we assign a more extensive signification, as implying not only the thing itself simply and absolutely, but also any accessary idea, as conjunction, action, passion, and so forth, then it foU lows, that all words may be termed names. ETYMOLOGY. 97 In English, as in most other languages, we em» ploy two variations, the one to denote simple ex- cess, or a greater degree of the quality, than that, which is expressed hy the Adjective itself ; and the other to denote the greatest excess. Thus, if I compare wood with stone, as possessing the quality of hardness I say, '* wood is hard,** ^* stone is hanitr.*' If I con\pare these with iron, I say, ** wood is hard," " stone harder," " iron '' the hardest.'* Thus, in truth, tl.ere are only two degrees of comparison, viz. the Conparative and the Superlative, the Positive expressing the quality simply, and absolutely. The Comparative is formed hy adding er to the Positive, if it end with a consonant, or the letter r, if it end with a vowel ; as soft, softer ; safe, safer. The Superlative is formed by adding est, or si^ ^^ soft f softest ; safe, .safest*' . • The Saxons formed their comparative by er or ere, ar or ctre, er or ur, yr, and their Superlative by ast, aste, est, ist, ost, ust, yit. Now, tfT means 6e/'o?e; hence the English words ereandeyjf. Thus, in Saxon, rihtwisere means "righteous *' before,'*' '' just btfore,''^ or " wore thany The suffix is equi- valent to the Latin jyro", and the Hebrew preposition win, signi- fying also before, the only diflference being this, that what is a suffix to the Saxon Adjective, is in Hebrew a prefix to the* consequent subject of comparison, and that in Latin the pj-epo, sition following the.Positive stands alone. 98 EtYMOLOGY. Some Adjectives are compared irregularly, as, 'Pos. Comp. Super. Good Better Best Bad or Evil Worse Worst Little Less Least > Much More Most Many More Most Near Nearer Nearest or Next Late Later Latest or Last. The comparative degree is frequently expressed by the word jnore, and the surperlative by 7?zost, as, Pos. Comp. Super. Hard More hard Most hard. Monosyllabic Adjectives are generally compared by annexing r or er, st or est ; Adjectives of two or more syllables by more and most, as strong, stronger, strongest; certain, more certain, most certain. Dissyllabic Adjectives in y form an exception to this rule, as happy, happier, happiest. Adjectives of two syllables, ending in le, after a mute, are also excepted^ as able, abler, ablest. Some form their Superlative by adding most to the Comparative, as nether, nethermost ; lozver, lezvermost ; itnder, undermost; others, by adding ■most either to the Positive or Comparative, as hind, hindmost or hifidermost ; up, upmost or upper- most. From in we have inmost and innermost.* * Up and in are now used as adverbs and prepositions. ETYMOLOGY. 99 Besides this definite and direct kind of compa- rison, there is another, which may be termed inde- finite or indirect, expressed by the intensive words too, nery, exceedingly , &c. as, too good, mry hard, exceedingly great. When the word very, ov any other of the same import, is put before the Positive, it is called by some writers the Superlative of eminence, to dis- tinguish it from the other Superlative, which has been already mentioned, and is called the Su'per- lative of Comparison. Thus, very hard, is termed the Superlative of eminence ; most hard, or hardest, the Superlative of Comparison. 1 have said that the Comparative denotes simple excess, and the Superlative the greatest. It is not; however, to be hence inferred, that the Compara- tive may not be employed, in expressing the same pre-eminence or inferiority with the Superlative. If I say, "■ Of all acquirements virtue is the mc*.t valu- *' able," I may also convey the same sentimen^t, by saying, *' Virtue is more valuable, than every other *' acquirement." If it be asked, what then is the difference between the Comparative and Superla- tive ? I answer, 1st. That the Superlative expresses the abso- lutely highest or lowest degree of the quality, as, when we say, ^' O God most high ;" or the greatest or least degree, in relation merely to the subjects of comparison, thus expressing a superiority of excess above the Comparative, as when I say, h2 J 00 ' ETYMOLOGY. *' In estimating the worth of these human attain- *^ ments, learning, prudence, and virtue, it cannot '' be denied, that learning is valuable, that pru- " dence is more valuable, but that virtue is the *' most valuable.'' The Comparative expresses merely simple excess, but never the highest or lowest degree of the quality. This distinction is, perhaps, the most precise, and the most worthy of attention. I observe, however, that the sentiment in the last example may be expressed by the Comparative, but not simply, or by itself; thus, '' Learning is valuable, " prudence more valuable, and virtue more '^ valuable still," the word still implying a con- tinued gradation. Were this word suppressed, the sentence would imply, that prudence and virtue are each more valuable than learning, but would assert no superiority of virtue to prudence. The same sentiment may likewise be expressed, by combining the tv/o fi''st, and marking simply the excess of the third, thus, '* virtue is better than '' both." i2dly. When we express the superiority or infe- riority of one of two things, or of two aggregates, we almost always use the Comparative. Thus, speaking of Ceesar and Cato, I say, *' Cato was " the more virtuous, Caesar the more eloquent ;'* or of two brothers, we say '' John was the elder." In such cases the Superlative is sometimes em- ployed, as, '' the best of the two," instead of ETYMOLOGY. 101 *' the better of the two." The former phraseology, however, is more consonant to estabhshed usage, and is in every case to be preferred. ** Whether ** is it easier to say, ' take up thy bed and walk, " or to say, * thy sins are forgiven thee,' that is, " which of the two is easier/' not ** easiest," the simple excess of one thing above another being here denoted. 3dly. When we use the superlative, we always compare one thingj or an aggregate number of things, with the class to which they belong, or to which we refer them ; whereas, when we use the comparative, except in the case just mentioned, the things compared either belong, or are conceived as belonging, to different classes, being placed in opposition to each other. Thus, in comparing^ Socrates, who was an Athenian, with the other Athe- nians, we say, " Socrates was the wisest of the Athenians;" that is, '* of," *' out of," or " of the '* class of Athenians." Hence in Latin the superla- tive often takes the preposition ex ( out of) to denote that the object compared belongs to the order of things, with which it is compared ; the Compara- tive very rarely. Now the same sentiment may be expressed by the comparative ; but then the Athenians and So* crates, though belonging to one species, are con- ceived as opposed to each other, and referred to different places, whereas the superlative refers them to one common aggregate. Thus, if we employ 102 ETYMOLOGT. the comparative, we say, *' Socrates was wiser tha» '* any other Athenian.'* Agreeably to the observation now made, we cannot say, '* Cicero was more eloquent than the *^ Romans/' or *' than any, Roman;'' because Cicero was himself a Roman, one of the class, with which he is compared, and could not therefore be more eloquent than himself. As the objects com- pared belong, therefore, to one class, and are not two individuals, nor two aggregates, the compa- rative cannot be employed, unless by placing them in opposition, or referring them to different places, as " Cicero was more eloquent than any " other Roman/' Here the word o^/^er denotes that opposition, that diversity of place or species, which in all cases, but the one already mentioned, is essentially implied in the use of the comparative. I have observed already, that when the super- lative is employed, the things compared are re- ferred to one aggregate ; and that when the com- parative is used, they are contradistinguished by a different reference. This distinction obtains uniformly, unless when we compare only two in- dividuals, or two classes, both referred to one aggregate, as *' the elder of theCatos,'* '' of these ** two nations (speaking of the Greeks and Ro- /' mans) the latter were the more warhke." In such examples as these, the comparative, while it re- tains its own distinctive character, denoting simple excess, partakes also of the nature of the superlative, ETYMOLOGY. ' 103 the objects compared being referred by the preposi- tion to one and the same aggregate. But as the su- perlative is always followed by of, and the compara- tive, in every case except the one now mentioned, followed by than^ some writers say, *' the eldest *'' of the two/' " the latter were the most warhke." This phraseology, however conformable to the generally distinguished usage of the comparative and superlative, is repugnant to the characteristic power of those degrees, by which one denotes sim- ple excess, while the other heightens, or lessens the quality to its highest or lowest degree. From the preceding remarks will appear the iiji- prppriety of saying, ''Jacob loved Joseph more '* than all his children*/' Joseph being one of his children, the sentiment expressed involves an absurdity: it should be '* more than all his other *' children." " In the beginning of the 16th " century, Spain is said to have possessed a '' thousand merchant ships, a number probably *' far superior to that of any nation in Europe in '* that age.'* (Robertson's America. ) It should be, " that of any other nation in Europe ;" for Spain, being one of the European nations, she could not possess a number superior to her own. The comparative required the terms to be con- trasted by the word other. * This phraseology is Hebraistic—^' more than allhischil- " drea" is the literal translation of the original, V3D'^DD prae omnibus liliis sen, magis omnibus iiliis suis.. ^ 10* ETYMOLOGY. " Adam *^ The comelicst of men since born '' His sops. The fairest of her daughters Eve." Milton. '* Adam/' the antecd^dent subject of comparison^ is here improperly referred to the aggregate of " men since born.'' To this aggregate he cannot be said to belong, not having been *' born," nor being reducible to the class of " his own sons." Eve also is referred to a species, of which she was no part In neither of these comparisons can the second term include the iirst ; yet the preposition refers them to one class. Such phraseologies as these, though not ungrammatical, involve an ab- surdity) and should therefore be dismissed. Adjectives, whose signification does not admit intension or remission, cannot be compared. A- mong these are to be reckoned, 1st, All words expressive of figure, as circular^ square, triangular, perpendiaclar, straight ; for it is obvious, that if a body or figure be triangular, or square or circular, it cannot be more or less so. It is either circular, or not circular; triangular, or not triangular; straight, or not straight. If the affirmative be the case, gradation from more or less, or conversely, is impossible ; if the negative be true, then the attributes, denoted by the^ic Adjectives, do not belong to it ; and therefore the epithets circular, triangular, straight, &c. are inapplicable. Hence such expressions as these, " place the staff more '' erect,** ''make the field more triangular,'* are ETYMOLOGY. 105 highly Improper. We should say, '* set the staff " erect/' ^' make the field triangular." 2dly, All Adjectives, whose signification, in their simple form, implies the highest or lowest possible degree, admit not comparison, as, chief, supreme, univei^sal, perfect, e.vlreme, Sec. Hume, speaking of enthusiasm, says, (Essays, Vol. L p. 72.) *' it begets the most extreme resolutions." Extreme implies the farthest, or the greatest pos- sible;- and cannot admit intension. I am aware, that usage may be pleaded in favour of "more, and most universal, more, and most perfect '' This usage, however, is not such as will sanction the former of these phraseologies; for good writers generally avoid it. Besides, there is no necessity for resorting to this mode of expression, as we have an attributive appropriate to the idea intended: thus, instead -of saying, ** literature is more uni- *' versal in England than America," we should say, *' literature is more general." It is almost^ unnecessary to observe, that literature in England is either universal, or it is not : if the former be true, it cannot be more than universal; if the lat- ter, the term is inapplicable. The word general does not comprise the whole; it admits intension and remission; the Adjective universal implies to- talit}^ A general rule admits exceptions; a uni- versal rule embraces every particular. The expression " more perfect,*' is, in strictness of speech, equally exceptionable ; usage, however, 106 ' ETYMOLOGY. has given it a sanction, which we dare hardly con- trovert. It has been proposed, indeed, to avoid this and similar improprieties, by giving the phra- seology a negative, or indirect form. Thus, instead of saying, " a time-keeper is a more per- ** feet machine than a watch," it has been proposed to say, ** a time-keeper is a less imperfect ma- '' chine than a watch.*' This phraseology is logi- cally correct, perfection being predicable of neither the one thing, nor the other; it might likewise, in many cases, be adopted with propriety. In the lan- guage of passion, however, and in the colourings of imagination, such expressions would be exani- mate, and intolerable. A lover, expatiating with, rapture, on the beauty and perfection of his mis- tress, would hardly call her, '^ the least imperfect ** of her sex'' In all languages, indeed, examples are to be found of Adjectives being compared, whose sig- nification admits neither intension, nor remission. It would be easy to assign several reasons for this, did the discussion belong to the province of the grammarian. Suffice it to say, that such phrase- ologies should never be admitted, where the lan- guage will furnish correct, and equally apposite, expressions. I observe also, that, as those Adjectives, whose signification cannot be heightened or lessened, ad- mit not comparison, so, for the same reason, they exclude all intensive words. The expressions so ETYMOLOGY. 107 universal, so extreme, and such like, are therefore improper. Tlie former is indeed common enough; but it is easy to see, as it has been already re- marked, that whatever is universal cannot be in- creased or diminished : and that, what is less than universal, cannot be characterized by that epithet. The phrase so universal implies a gradation in uni- versality, and that something is > less so than an- other; which is evidently impossible. It has been questioned, whether prior, superior, ulterior, exterior, and several others, w^hich have the form of the Latin Comparative, should be deemed Comparatives. I am inclined to think, they ought not, for these reasons, 1st. They have not the form of the English Comparative; 2dly. They are never followed by than, which uniformly accompanies the English Comparative, when the subjects are opposed to each other, or referred to different classes ; 3dly. It is not to be conceived, that every Adjective, which implies comparison, is therefore a Comparative or Superlative, otherwise preferable (better than) previous (prior to) might be deemed Comparatives ; 4thly. Many of these have truly a positive meaning, not implying an excess of the quality, but merely the quality, as opposed to its contrary. The interior means sim- ply the inside, as opposed to the exterior or out- side ; the anterior, '* the one before," opposed to posterior, '' the one behind."* • Mr, Grant, the author of a very valuable work on Latin 108 ETYMOLOGY. I dismiss this article with observing, that the signification of the positive is sometimes lessened by the termination ish ; as, white, whitish ; black, hlackish, Johnson remarks, that the Adjective in this form may be considered as in a state of com- parison ; it may properly be called a Diminutive. Grammar, has offered some judicious obserrations on this subject in vol. 25. of the Monthly Magazine. His Institutes of Latin Grammar, I would recommend to the perusal of cTcry classical student. ETYMOLOGY. 109 CHAP. V, Of the Ferb. A VERB has been defined to be " that part of ** speech, which signifies to be, to do, or to suffer;" or more correctly, *' that part of speech, which *' predicates some action, passion, or state of its ** subject," as, ^' I strike, I am bounded, I stand" Its essence consists in affirmation, and by this property it is distinguished from every other part of speech. The Adjective expresses an accident, quahty, or property o^ 2i i\\mg in concreto ; that is, when joined to the name of a substance, it ex- presses that substance, as accompanied by some attribute : in other words, it hmits a generic name, confining it to that part of the kind, which pos- sesses the character, which the attributive specifies ; but it affirms nothing. Thus, if we say, '' a " zvisc man/" which is equivalent to *' a man with,'* or ** join wisdom," there is no aflirmation; an in- dividual is singled from a species, under the cha- racter of wisdom, but nothing is asserted of this individual. If we say, '' the man is M'ise,'' there is somelhing affirmed of the man, and the affirma- IJO ETYMOLOGY. lion is expressed by is. If the attribute and the assertion be combined in the expression, as in Latin mr sapit, it is obvious, that the essence of the verb consists, not in denoting the attribute wisdom, but in affirming that quality, as belonging to the subject ; for, if you cancel the assertion, the verb is immediately converted into an adjective, and the expression becomes vir sapiens, a wise man. The simplest of all verbs is that, which the Greeks called a verb of existence, namely, the verb to he. ' This verb frequently denotes pure affirma- tion, as, '' God is good;" where the verb, or co- pula, as it has been termed, serves to predicate of the Deity, the attribute denoted by the following word. Hence, as it expresses mere affirmation, the Latins called it a Substantive Verb, in contra- distinction to those verbs, which, with an attri- bute, denote assertion, and were called by some Adjective Verbs. Sometimes it predicates pure or absolute exist- ence, as** God is," that is, '' God edists.'* In the following example it occurs in both senses. " We *' believe that thou art, and that thou art the re- *' warder of them, who diligently seek thee." ,As Nouns denote the subjects of our discourse^ so Verbs predicate their accidents, or properties. Tlie former are the names of things, the latter what we say concerning them. These two, there- fore, must be the only essential parts of speech ; for to mental communication nothing else can be ETYMOLOGY. ill indispensably requisite, than to name the subject of our thoughts, and to express our sentiments of its attributes or properties. And, as the verb es- sentially expresses affirmation, without which there could be no communication of sentiment, it has been hence considered as the principal part of speech, and was therefore called, by the ancient Y\i^j grammarians, "oerh^ or the word, by way of emi- nence. The noun, however, is unquestionably of earlier origin. To assign names to surrounding objects would be the first care of barbarous na- tions; their next essay would be to express their most common actions, or states of being. This indeed is the order of nature — the progress of intellect. Mr. Tooke observes, that '* the Verb does not '' imply any assertion, and that no single word *' can.*' *' Till one single thing,'' says he, '* can *' be found to be a couple, one single word cannot *' make an assertion or affirmation; for there is join- " ing in that operation, and there can be no junc- *' tion of one thing." This theory he illustrates by the tense ibo, which he resolves thus : English Hi #ol. Ich Latin I Vol. O Greek I l^ovx Ew The first of each triad are the simple verbs, equi- valent to '' go." The second are the verbs, fVol, Vol, BoyX, denoting *' will." The third are the pronouns of the first person. Whatever opinion 2 112 ETYMOLOGY. may be formed, respecting the truth of this analy^ sis, its ingenuity will not be questioned. There are two objections, however, by which its justness may possibly be controverted. The first is; if the . personal pronouns are contained, as Mr. Tooke says, in the Greek and Latin terminations of the three persons of their verbs^ why is the pronoun repeated with the verb.? If the o in mlo be an abbreviated suffix for ego, why do we redundantly^ say ego mlo ? Now, in answer to this objection^ it might be observed, were we disposed to in- dulge in mere hypothesis, that -the involution of the pronoun may have eluded the attention of the Latins ; or, if this explanation should be deemed too improbable, it may be supposed, that usage, against whose decree there is no appeal, may have established the repetition of the pronoun, at the cxpence of strict propriety. One riling particularly deserves attention, that the pronoun was seldom, or never used, unless in cases where emphasis was implied, or an antithesis of persons was to be strongly marked. But, without resorting to con- jectures, which m.ay be deemed vague and unsatis- factory, we may appeal to a fact, which is decisive of the point in question. I have already observed, that in the Z^ebrew language, we can distinctly mark the pronouns suffixed to the verb; yet we find the Hebrew writers repeating the pronouns, even in cases where no emphasis is intended. Thus, in Gen. xlviii, ^2. Ve-ani natkatti, " and ETVMOLOGY. US ** I have given ;" Job xix. 25. Ve ani iadahgti, " and I knew;" Deut. ix. 2, attah iadahgh-ta^ ve-atta shamahgh ta, ** thou knowest, and thou* *^ hast heard/' In these examples, the pronoun is both incorporated with the verb, and repeated by itself. Whatever may be the abstract propriety of this phraseology, its existence in Hebrew is suf- ficient to obviate 4;he objection proposed. Again, it may be urged, if the pronoun ego be sufiixed to the verb, why do not all the Tenses in the first person singular end in o. This second objection may also be partly^ if not entirely, re- moved. The Latin language appears to be a com- mixture of Greek, and one of the Northern lan- o^uao-es. This commixture will account for the first person singular- sometimes ending in c?, in imitation of the Greeks, and at other times in m, in imitation of the Celts. The Present Tense of the Gaelic, a dialect of the Celtic, proceeds thus : sgriohh-ainiy " I write," sgriobli-air, sgriobh-aidh, sgriobh amoid, sgri^bh-aoidhesi, sgriob-aidsion. Here, as Wliiter observes, we have something re- sembling the Latin verb scribo : and it is to be re- marked, that the first person singular ends in m^ which the Romans most probably adopted, as one of their verbal termin'ations. And could we pro- secute the inquiry, and investigate the structure of the Greek and Celtic Tenses tliemselves, we should doubtless find, that they involve, along ivith the radical word, one or more terms, express- I il^ ETYAIOLOGT. ing the accessary ideas of action, passion, state, person, time, and so forth. The same theory, we are persuaded, may be appHed to all languages^ in which the Tenses are formed by variety of ter- mination. Nothing, I conceive, can be more evident, than that the inflexions of Nouns and Verbs, how in- , explicable soev^er they may now prove, were not originally the result of systematic art, but were ^ separate terms, significant of the circumstances intended, and afterwards, by celerity of pronun- ciation, coalesced with the words of which they now form the terminations. It has been observed, that the essence of the Verb consists in affirmation. This theory, I have remarked, is controverted by Mr. Tooke. It must be obvious, liowever, from the preceding obser- vations, that the difference between the opinion of this eminent philologist, and that which is here delivered, is more apparent than real. For Mr. Tooke will not deny, that an affirmation is implied in ibo ; he merely observes, that every assertion requires '* a couple of terms." Now it is of little moment to the point in question, whether the two terms be incorporated in one, as in lego, or remain separate, as '' 1 read." In either case, the verb affirms something of its nominative, v/hether that nominative appear in a simple, or in a compound state. Soiisetimes the affirmation is expressed by a separate and appropriate sign, as iile est dives. ETYMOLOGY.' 115 *^ he IS rich :'* and the verb of existence fto be) is supposed, by several critics and philologists, to have been coeval with the earliest infancy of lan- guage. In Englisl^, the affirmation, and also the action, are frequently denoted, simply by the junction of the name of the attribute, with the nominative of the subject, whether Noun or Pro- noun. Thus, if we say, ''my will,'* '' the chil- '*■ dren's will," there is no affirmation implied, and the term will is considered, as a mere name. But if we say, " I will," '* the children will," it be- comes invested with a different character, and affirms the volition to belong to the subject. Thus also, *' the hero's might,'* " the hero might," *' my ken," (my knowledge or ability,) '' I ken," lean, ox I am able, *' my love," '' I love." Mr. Tooke observes, that, when we say, " I love," there is an ellipsis of the word do. This appears to me a probable opinion, though not entirely unob^ jectionable. For, though we find the auxiliary more frequently used in old English, than in modern compositions, yet it does not occur so frequently, as, according to this hypothesis, we should naturally expect. Mr, Tooke indeed ad- mits the fact ; but observes, that Chaucer had less occasion to use it, because, in his time, the dis- tinguishing terminations of the verb still remained, though they were not constantly employed. NoWj I find, as Mr. Tyrwhit remarks, that Chaucer seldom uses the word do as an auxiliary, even in I 2 Il6 ETYMOLOCY. those cases, where the verb and the noun are iden- tical. This circumstance might lead us to infer, that the English present was derived from the Saxon, by dropping the termination, as lufige, love; the affirmation and the action being sufficiently crbvious from the construction, and that it was originally optional to say either, '' I love," or " I ** do love." — Be that as it may, the assertion ex- pressed by '" I do," equivalent to '' I act," appears clearly to be signified by the junction of the No- minative Pronoun, with the sign of action. VVhe- tlier a similar contrivance obtained originally in all languages, or whether a note of affirmation was at first separately employed, and afterwards in- volved with the persons, in the terminafions of all inflected verbs, is a question, which, I apprehend, it is impossible to solve. One thing is certain, that it is by the Verb, and the Verb only, that we can express affirmation. ♦ As every subject of discourse must be spoken of as either doing, or suffisring something, either acting or acted upon; or as neither doing nor suffering; hence verbs have been divided by all grammarians into active, passive, and neuter. The Verb Active denotes that the subject of discourse is doing something, as, I zcrite ; the Passive V^erb, that the subject suffers, or is acted upon, as, the book is burned ; and the Neuter de- notes neither the one, nor the other, but expresses merely the state, posture, or condition of the ETYMOLOGY. 117 subject, as unaffected by any thing else, as / sit, I sleep, I stand. Action, energy, or motion, may either be con- fined to the agent, or pass from him to something extrinsic. Hence Active Verbs have been divided into Transitive, and Intransitive. An Active Tran- sitive Verb denotes that kind -of action, by which the agent affects something foreign to himself, or which passes from the agent to something without him, as, to beat a drum, to whip a horse, to kill a dog. Beat, whip, kill, are Active Transitive Verbs ; and it is the characteristic of these verbs, that they admit a Noun after them, denoting the sub- ject of the action. An Active Intransitive Verb denotes that species ©faction, or energy, which passes not from the agent to any thing else; that is, it expresses what lias been termed immanent energy. Hence, an Intransitive Verb does not admit a Noun after it, there being no extrinsic subject or object affected by the action. Thus, / no?, I walk, the hor^se gallops, are examples of Active Intransitive Verbs* Webster, in his Dissertations on the English Language, delivers it as his opinion, that the di- vision of verbs into Active, Passive, and Neuter, is incorrect; and that the only accurate distribution * Iotransiti?e Verbs sometimes are used transitively ; as, when we say, '' to walk the horse," " to dance the child." They also admit a Nqun of their own signification, as, " to run a ic race. 118 ETYMOLOGY. is into Transitive and Intransitive. '* Is not a " man," says be, *' passive in hearing ? yet hear- '' ing is called an Active Verb." It is doubtless true, that to hear, and many other verbs, commonly called Active, denote chiefly, perhaps, the effect of an extrinsic or fo- reign act. But, whether we view the matter, as a question either in metaphysics, or in grammar, we shall pei ceive but little impropriety, in adopting the common distinction. For, though the verb to htar denotes, perhaps, chiefly, that a certain impres- sion is made on the mind, tlirough the auditory organ, yet even here the mind is not entirely pas- sive, as, were this the place for such a discussion, it would be easy to prove. I see, I hear,- 1 feel, I perceive, denote not only the sensation in which we are passive, but also a perception, to which the consent, or activity of the mind -is unquestionably essential. Hence these verbs have in all languages been denominated Active. But if the term Tran- sitive be the only correct name, it may be asked, why does Mr. Webster call this verb by that appel- lation ? He would answer, I doubt not, ** because *' something passes from the agent to something '^ else." What then is that something which passes ? I am afraid Mr. Webster would have difr ficulty in answering this question, so as to justify the term Transitive, without admitting the verb to be Active. For, if it be not an act, an energy, or some operation of the mind, what is it, orhp^ ETYMOLOGY. 119 can it pass from one to another? The truth is, this objection of Mr. Webster to the term Active in such cases, is founded neither on metaphysical, nor grammatical principles; for, by an Active Transitive Verb is meant that, which admits a Noun as its regimen ; and, for the purposes of grammar, this nam.e is sufficiently correct. If the point in question be metaphysically considered, it would be easy to demostrate, that, though in sensation the niind be passive, in perception it is active. I would here observe in passing, that there are many verbs Neuter and Intransitive, which, fol- lowed by a preposition, may be truly considered as Active Transitive Verbs. These have been de- nominated, by the learned Dr. Campbell, com- pound Active Verbs. To laugh, for example, is a Neuter Verb, it cannot therefore admit a passive voice, as, " I am laughed." To laugh at may be considered as an Active Transitive Verb ; for it not only admits an orjjective case after it, in the active voice, but is likewise construed as a Passive Verb; as, '' I am laughed at.'* Here an obvious analogy obtains between these two, and the verbs video, derkko, in Latin ; the former of which is a Neuter, and the latter an Active Verb. Nor, as the same ingenious writer observes, does it matter whether the preposition be prefixed to the Simple Verb, as in Latin, in order to form the Active Verb, or be put after, and detached, as is the case in 120 ETYMOLOGY. 'English. The only grammatical criterion in our language between an Active, and a Neuter Verb, is this ; if the Verb admits an objective case after itj either with or without a preposition, to express the subject or object of the energy, the Verb may be grammatically considered as a Compound Ac- tive Verb ; for thus construed it has a passive voice. If the Verb does not thus admit an objective case, it must be considered grammatically as Neuter or Intransitive, and has no passive voice. To smile is a Neuter Verb ; it cannot, therefore, be followed by an Objective Case, nor be construed as a Pas- sive Verb. We cannot say, she smiled hiniy or he was smiled. To smile on, according to the princi- ple now proposed, is a Compound Active Verb; we therefore say, she smiled on him. He was smiled on hy fortune^ in every undertaking^. As all things exist in time, and whatever is pre- dica'ble of any subject, must be predicated as either past, or present, or future, every action, energy, or state of being, coming under one or other of these predicaments, hence arises the uti- lity of Tenses, to express the times, or relative or- der of their existence. In regard to the number of these Tenses, necessary to render a language complete, grammarians have been xSon>ewhat di- vided in opinion. * Conformably to general opinion, I here consider the Englisjj, language as having a passive voice. How far this opinion ig w«ll founded, shall be the subject of future inquiry. ETYMOLOGY. 121 In our language we have two simple Tenses, the Present and the Preterperfect. The latter is generally formed by adding indeed, he were somewhat acquainted with Latin, he might, in the true spirit of modern gramma- rians, contend that let me go, or permit me to go, is truly the first person singular of the Imperative Mood, assigning as a reason for this assertion, that such is the designation o^eam in Latin. With the most correct knowledge, however, of his own language only, he could never be seduced into this absurdity. A Httle reflection indeed might teach him, that even eam in Latin is an elliptical expres- sion for sine ut eam, the word eam itself denoting neither intreaty, nor command. Intruth, vve may as reasonably contend, that our language has all the Tenses, which are to be ETYMOLOGY. 131 found in Greek and Latin, because, by the aid of auxiliaries and definitives, we contrive to express what they denoted by one word, as to contend that we have a Potential, an Optative or Imperative Mood, or a Passive Voice, because by auxiliaries, or variety of arrangement, we can express the cir* cumstances of power, liberty, duty, passion, &c* No grammarian has yet gone so far as to affirm, that we have in English a Paulo post future, be- cause our language^ by definitives or auxiliaries, is capable of expressing that time. Or, what should we think of that person's discernment, who should contend, that the Latins had an Optative Mood, because uiinam legeres signifies, *' 1 wish *' you would read/' It is equally absurd to say, that we have an Imperfect, Preterpluperfect, or Future Tenses, or that we have all the Greek va- rieties of mood, and two voices, because by the aid of auxiliary words^ and definitive terms, we contrive to express these accidents, times, or states of being. • I consider, therefore, that we have no more cases, moods, tenses, or voices in our language, as far as its grammar, not its ca- pacity of expression, is concerned, than we have variety of termination to denote these different ac- cessary ideas. As the terminations of Verbs in most languages are varied by Tense and Mood, so are they also varied according as the subject is of the first, k2 , 1^^ ETYxMOLOGY. second, or third person. Thus, in the only two Tenses that we have, in English, namely, the Present and the Preterperfect Tenses, the second person singular of each is formed from the first, by adding si or est, as / love^ Thou loxest, I loved, Thou lovcdst ; and the third person singular of the present is formed by adding^, or the syllable eth or th to the first, as love, loves, or loveth, read, reads, or readeth. These are the only variations which our verbs admit, in concordance with the person of the Nominative Singular. The three persons plural are always the same w^ith the first person singular. Before I proceed to the conjugation of Verbs in general, I shall first explain the manner, in which the Auxiliaries are conjugated. Of these the most extensively useful is the verb to he, denoting simple affirmation, or expressing existence. The next is that, which signifies action, namely, the verb to do. The third is the verb to have, imply- ing possession. The others are, shall, zvill, may, can, &c. I begin with the verb to be, INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. *Sing. I am Thou art He, she, or it is Plur. We are Ye or you are They are. * I be Thou beest He, she, or it be We be Ye or you be They be arc obsolete, unless ia the two cases hereafter mentioned. Thus, ETYMOLOGY. 133 Sino". I was Preterite, Thou wast* Plur. We were Ye or you were He was They were. Sing. Plur. Imperfect Conditional I were Thou wert He were We were Ye or you were They were. Infinitit^e. To be. instead of saying, *^ Many there he^ that go in thereat," ^ve should now say, " Many there are," . We find them however used with the conjunctions if and tho-itgh ; thus, *' If this be my '* notion of a great part of that high science, divinity, you will *' be so civil, as to imagine, I lay no mighty stress upon the ** rest." Voi^e. That this was his notion, the author had pre- viously declared ; the introductory clause, therefore, is clearly affirmative, and is the same as if he had said, *' As this is my *' notion. '> '' Although she he abundantly grateful to all her ^' protectors, yet I observe your name most often in her mouth." iwift, '* The paper, although it be written with spirit, yet " would have scarce cleared a shilling." S-wift. In the two last sentences, the meaning is affirmative; nothing conditional or contingent being implied. * Though the authority of Milton, Dryden, Pope, and Swift, can be pleaded in favour of aerf, as the second person singular of this Tense, I am inclined to agree with Lowth, that in con- formity to analogy, as well as*the practice of the best ancient writers, it would be better to confine vert to the Imperfect Coa itional. 134 ETYMOLOGY. It may seem inconsisteiut with the opinion, which I have delivered concerning Moods, to assign an Infinitive to this Verb ; and the existence of this Infinitive may appear, perhaps, a sufficient refu- tation of that opinion. I shall, therefore, briefly repeat what I have said, and offer a few additional observations. I have remarked, that the first care of men, in a rude and infant state, would be to assign names to surrounding objects ; and that the Noun, in the natural order of things, must have been the first part of speech. Their inventive powers would next be employed, to express the most common energies or states of being, such as are denoted by the verbs to do^ to be, to suffer. Hence, by the help of these combined with a Noun, they might express the energy or state of that thing, of which the Noun was the name. Thus, I shall suppose, that they assigned the word plant as the name of a vegetable set in the ground. To express the act of setting it, they would say, do plants that is, act plant. The letters d and t being nearly allied, it is easy to conceive how the word do, by a va- riation very natural and common to all languages, mi^'ht be changed into to \ and thus the word /o prefixed to a Noun would express the correspondent energy or action. In what light then are we to consider the phrase to plant, termed an Infinitive, or to what class of words is it reducible ? Previously to my answer-' ETYMOLOGY. 135 ing this question, it is necessary to remind you, that a Verb joined to a Noun forms a sentence ; that affirmation is essential to the character of a Verb ; and that, for this reason, and this only, it has been pre-eminently distinguished by the name of Verb, or the word. Destroy this charac- teristic, and it is immediately confounded with the Adjective, or the Participle. It is its power of predication only, which constitutes it a distinct part of speech, and discriminates it from every other. Firsapity 3indvir est sapiens, are equivalent expressions. Cancel the assertion, and the Verb is lost. The expression becomes vir sapiens^ *' a *"' wise man." This opinion, I am persuaded, re- quires only to be examined, to be universally adopted. If this be the case, the Infinitive, which affirms nothing, cannot, without impropriety, be deemed a Verb. It expresses merely an action, passion, or state abstractedly. Hence many gram- marians have justly considered it as no part of the Verb; and in the languages of Greece and Rome, the Infinitive was employed like a common Sub- stantive, having frequently an Adjective joined with it, and subject to the government of Verbs and Prepositions. This opinion has been lately con- troverted by a writer of considerable eminence as a Latin scholar. But, after ex.-mining the memoir with attention, I take upon me to affirm, that not a single example can be produced, wherein the Infinitive, as used by the Greeks and Romans, 2 l36 ETYMOLOGY. miglit not be supplied by the substitution of a Noun. Wlierefore, admitting the established principle, voces valent significatione, there cannot exist a doubt, that the Infinitive, which may, in all cashes, be supj)lied by a Noun, has itself the real character of a Noun. And, if the essence of a Verb consist in predication, and not, as some think, in implying time in conjunction with an attribute, which is the characteristic of a Parti- ciple^ then the Infinitive, as it can predicate no- thing, and joined to a Substantive makes no sen- tence, cannot therefore be deemed a Verb. When I say, kgere est facile, to read is easy^ it is obvious that there is only one sentence in each of these expressions. But lilegcre (to read) were a Verb, as w^ell as est (is) then there would be two Verbs and also two affirmations, for affirmation is insepa- rable from a Verb. I remark also, that the Verbal Noun lectio (reading) substituted for legere (to read) would precisely express the same sentiment. For these reasons I concur decidedly with those grammarians, who are so far from considering the Infinitive as a distinct mood, that they entirely exclude it from the appellation of Verb*. * If (lie expression of time nith an attribute*^ be sufficient to ^' make a Vc^Ij, ihe I^vrficiplc must be a Verb too, because it *" signifies time also. But the essence of a Verb consisting in *^ predication, wiiich is peculiar to it, and incommunicable to ^' all other parts of spcedi, and these Infinitives ne?er predi- ^* eating, they cannot be Vt-rbs. Again, the essence of a Noun ETYMOLOGY. 137 It may be asked, what then is it to be called ? In answer to this query, I observe, that it matters little, what designation be assigned to it, provided its character and office be fully understood. The ancient Latin grammarians, as Priscian informs us, termed it properly enough, Nomen Verhi, " The Noun or name of the Verb." To pro- scribe terms, which have been long familiar to us, and, by immemorial possession, have gained an establishment, is always a difficult, and frequently an ungracious task. I shall therefore retain its usual name, having sufficiently guarded the reader against a misconception of its character. Now, in our language, the Infinitive has not even the distinction arising from termination, to entitle it to be ranked in the number of moods; its form being the same with that of the present Tense, and probably, both in its termination and its prefix, originally identical. For, if the doc- trine just proposed be correct, the word do was put before each. To this rule the English language furnishes only one exception, namely, the Verb of existence, in which the present Indicative is am, whereas the Infinitive is to be. This, however, can scarcely be deemed an exception, when it is considered, that the present Indicative of this ^' consisting in its so subsisting in the understanding, as that it *' may be the subject of predication, and these Infinitives being '' all capahJe of so subsisting, they must of necessity be nouns.'" R, Johnson's Gram. Comment, JS8 ETYMOLOGY. Verb was originally be as well as am ; though th6 former be now in a state of obsolescence, or rather entirely obsolete. At the same time, as this is the only Verb in which the Infinitive differs in form from the present of the Indicative, I have judged it necessary to note the exception, and assign the Infinitive. Present Part. Being Past Part. Been. TO DO. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present, Sing. I do Thou doest or dost He doeth, doth or Plur. We do Ye or you do They do. [does Preterperfect. Sing. I did Thou didst He, she, or it, did*' Plur. We did Ye or you did They did. Participles. Present Doing Past Done, TO HAVE. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. Sing. I have Thou hast He hath or has Plur. We have Yc or you have They have * The words did, hast^ hath, kas, kady shaliy wilty qre evi- dently, as Wallis observes, contracted for doed^ havefh, haves, havedy shalVst^ mWst. ETYMOLOGY. 139 Preterperfect. Sing. I had Thou hadst He had Plur. We had Ye or you had They had. Participles, Present Having Past Had. Liberty is expressed by the Verb MAY. INDICATIVE MOOD. Prescfit. Sing. I may Thou niayest He may Plur. We may Ye or you may They may.* Preterperfect. Sing. I might Thou mightest He might Pkir. We might Ye or you might They might * This yerb is derived from the Saxon Magan, posse, the pre- «ent of which is Ic mcrg^ and the preterite Ic miht. Hence als. Fresent. Sing. I can Thou canst He can Piur. We can Ye or you can They can.* Frcttrperftct. Sing. I could Thou couldst He could Plur. We could Ye or you could They could. Futurition and duty are.expressed by the Verb- shall, but not each in the three persons. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present. fSing. I shall Thou shalt He shall Plur. We shall Ye or you shall They shall. ♦ This verb is derived from cunnan, scire^ posse, sapere. Hence the word cunning, f This Verb is, unquestionably, a derivative from the Saxon J^ceaJ, I owe or I oughty and was originally of the same import. I shall denoted " it is my duty," and was precisely synonimous ■liftth debeo in Latin.- Chaucer says, *' The faith I shall to God ;'* that is, S' the faith I owe to God." '« Thou shalt not kill," or '• thou oughtcst not to kill/* In this sense, shall is a present ETYMOLOGY. 141 Preter perfect. Sing. I should Thou shouldst He should ' Plur. We should Ye should They should. Tense, and denoted present duty or obligation. But, as all duties and all commands, though present, in respect to their ob- ligation and authority, must be future, in regard to their execu- tion, so by a natural transition, observable in most languages, this word, significant of present duty, came to be a note of fu- ture time. I have considered it however as a present Tense ; 1st. because it originally denoted present time ; 2dly, because it still retains the form of a present, preserving thus the same analogy to should, that cafi does to couid, maij to mighty will to would ; and 3dly, because it is no singular thing to have a Verb in the present Tense expressive of future time, commencing from the present moment ; for such precisely is the Greek Verb ,«,sAAw futurus sum. Nay, the verb will denotes present inclination, yet in some of its persons, like shall, expresses futurition. I have considered, therefore, the verb shall as a present Tense, of which should is the preterperfect. Johnson's explanation of the meaning of this Verb is so per- spicuous, that as foreigners are apt to mistake its use, I shall here transcribe his words. I shall love, '' it will be so that I '* must love," " I am resolved to love." Shall I love} '' will it be permitted me to love ?" " Will it be that I must love ?'* T'hou shall love, *' I command thee to love;" '' it is permitted ^' thee to love," " it will be, that thou must love.'' Shalt thorn love? ** Will it be, that thou must love V '* Will it be per- " mittcd thee to love ?'' He shall love. ''It will be, that he *' must love." '* It is commanded that he love." Shall he love? " Is it permitted him to love ?" The plural persons follow the signification of the singular. 14!^ ETYMOLOGY. Volition and Futurity are expressed by the Verb 10 will. Present, Sing. I will Thou wilt He will Plur. We will . Ye or you will They will.* I transcribe also the same author's explanation of the Verb I wilL I will come; "- I am willing to come," " I am deter- ^'^ mined to come. ^* Thou wilt come, *' It must be, that thou *' must come," importing necessity ; ^' or it shall be, that thou " shalt come,'' importing choice. Wilt thou come ? " Hast *^ thou determined to come V* importing choice. He will come, " He is resolyed to come ;'' or " it must be, that he must come/' importing choice or necessity. Brightland's short rule may be of some service, in assisting foreigners to distinguish the use of these two Verbs. It is this : ^^ In the first person simply shall foretels : " In will a threat, or else a promise, dwells ; '' Shall in the second and the third does threat ; ^' Will simply then foretels the future feat." In addition to these directions for the use of shall and will^ it is to be observed, that, when the second and third persons are represented as the subjects of their own expressions, or their own thoughts, shall foretels as in the first person, thus, " he *^ says he shall be a loser by this bargain." " Do you suppose ^' you shall go ?" '' He hoped, he should recover," and '^ he *' hoped, he would recover," are expressions of different im- port. In the former, the two pronouns necessarily refer to the same person ; in the latter, they do not. * This verb is derived from the Saxon verb willan, f f//f, the preterite of which is Ic wold, " . , ETYMOLOGY, * l43 Fi^eterperfect, Sing. I would Thou wouldst He would Plur, We would Ye or you would They would. ^ Priestley and Lowth, who have in this been followed by most other grammarians, call the Tenses, viay, can, shall, will. Absolute Tenses; might, could, should, would, Conditional. That might, could, should, would, frequently imply conditionality, there can be no question; but I am persuaded, that the proper character of these Tenses is unconditional affirmation ; and for these two reasons. 1st. Their formation seems to indicate that they are Preterites Indicative, proceeding from their respective Presents, in the same manner as did from do, had from have, and having therefore the same unconditional meaning. Thus, / may, is equivalent to, "• I am at liberty ;" I might, to '' I **■ was at liberty;" lean, means ** I am able;" I could, '* I was able;" I will ^ *' lam wilHng;" I would, '^ I was willing." 2dly, They are used to express unconditional meaning. If we say, *' This might prove fatal ^' to your interest," the assertion of thepossibihty of the event, is as unconditional, as absolute as, '^ this may prove fatal to your interest.'' '^ This, '^ if you do it, a;i// ruin your cause," is precisely equivalent to, ** This, were you to do it, would 144 ETYMOLOGY. '' ruin your cause," equivalent as far, at least, as the unconditional affirmation of the consequence of a supposed action is involved*. ** I may write '* if I choose/' is not more absolute than " I ** might write if I chose." If I say, "' I might " have gone to the continent,*' the expression is as unconditional, as, ^' I had it in my power," *^ I " was at liberty to go to the continent." '' Can '* you construe Lycophroti ?" *' I cannot now; '* but once I could." " May you do as you *^ please?" '* Not now ; but once I might.*' Is there any conditionality implied in the latter clause of each of these answers ? Not the least. They are unconditionally assertive. The formation of these * The preterite would is frequently employed, like the Latiti pretcrimperfect tense, to. denote what is usual or customary. Thus, Quintilio siqued recitares, Corrige, sodes, Hoc, aiebat, et hoc : melius te posse negares. Bis terque expertum frustra ; delere jubebat. Si defendere delictum, quam Yertere m^lles^ Nullum ultra verbum, aut operam insumebat inanera. Horace. where, the verbs aiebat, jubebat, insumebat, may be translated^ " hie would say," " he would desire,'' " he would spend.'* Thus also in English, " Pleas'd with my adn^iration, and the fim His speech struck from me, the old man would shake His years away, and act his young encounters, Then having shew'd his wounds, htH sit him down. ETYMOLOGY. 145 Tenses, therefore, being analogous to that of Preterites Indicative, and their import in these examples, as in many others, which might be ad- duced, being unconditional and absolute, lam inclined to consider them as Preterites Indicative, agreeably to their form, and as properly uncondi- tional in respect to signification. I observe, however, that though might, couldy would, should, are preterite Tenses, they are fre- quently employed to denote present time*; but in such examples care must be taken, that congruity of Tense be preserved, and that the subsequent be expressed in the same Tense with the antecedent Verb. Thus I say, ^* I may go, if I choose,'' where the liberty and inclination are each expressed as present, or, ** I might go, if I chose," where, though present time be implied, the liberty is ex pressed by the Preterite, and the inclination is denoted by the same Tense. Before I proceed to shew how these auxiliary •Verbs are joined with others, to express the in- tended accessary ideas, I shall offer a few obser- vations on the Participle. * In Latin the Imperfect Potential is frequently employed in the same manner to denote present time; thus, ircm si vellem expresses present liberty and inclination. And the same analogy obtains in Latin ; for we say either, tu, si hie sis, aliter sentias, pr tv^ si hie esses, aliter sentires. In such examples, it is in- tended io signify either the coexistence of two circumstances, or the one as the immediate consequence of the other. An identity of Tense, therefore, best expresses contemporary erents. 146 KTYMOLOGY. CHAP. VL A PARTICIPLE is a part of speech derived froH] a Verb, agreeing' with its primitive in denot- ing action, being or suffering, but differing from it in, this, that the Participle impHes no affirm- ation* * If it should be said, that the Participle may properly be considered as a Verb, since it implies an attribute with time, I would ask, .whether ff/?/r7wa/zow, the most important of all cir- cumstances, and without which no communication could take place, should be overlooked in our classification of words agree- ably to their import, or the offices which they perform. If the Verb and Participle be referred to one class, the principal part of speech, which has been pre-eminently distinguished by the name of Verb, or the Word^ is degraded from its rank, and confounded with a species of words which are not even necessary to the communication of thought. Surely, if any circumstance can entitle any sort of words to a distinct reference, it is t^^ o{ affirynafion. . If it should be objected, that the Participle, like the Verb, governs a case, I would ask, because /ec^/o, tactio, and many other Substantives, are found sometimes joined with an accusa- tive case, were they ever, on this account, considered as Verbs ? Besides, if the government of a case be urged as an argument, what becomes of those Participles which govern no case ? Nay, if the governmei'it of a case be deemed the criterion of a Verb, what name shall we assign to those Verbs which have no regimen at ail ? If any species of words is to be distinguished from an- , other, the characteristic difi'erencc must surely belong, hot to part only, but to the whole. ETYMOLOGY. 147 There are two Participles ; the Present, ending in ing, as reading; and the Perfect or Past, gene- rally ending in ^or ed, as heard, loved. The Present Participle denotes the relatively present, or the contemporary continuation of an 3 written. This Tense expresses time as past, and the action as perfect. It is compounded of the present Tense of the Verb denoting possession, and the perfect Participle, It signifies a perfect action either newly finished, or in a time, of which there is some part to elapse ; or an action whose conse- quences extend to the present. In short, it clearly refers to present time. This, indeed, the compo- sition of the Tense manifestly evinces. Thus, ** I •^^ have written a letter/* meanS;, '* I possess at ''present the finished action of writing a letter." This phraseology, I acknowledge, seems uncouth and inelegant; but, how awkward soever it may appear, the Tense is unquestionably thus resolvable. ETYMOLOGY. 155 ist, It expresses an action newly finished, as, *' I understand that a messenger has arrived *' from Paris," that is, ''newly/' or *' just now," arrived. 2dly, An action done in a space of time, part of which is yet to elapse, as, *' it has rained all *' this week," '* We have seen strange things this ** century.*' Sdly, An action perfected some time ago, but whose consequences extend to the present time ; as, ** I have wasted my time, and now suffer for '' my folly." This Tense has been termed, by some gramma- rians, the Perfect Indefinite, and ** I wrote,*' the Perfect Definite. The argument, which they offer for this denomination, is, that the latter admits a Definitive, to specify the precise tinie, and the former rejects it. Those, who reason in this man- ner, seem to me not only chargeable with a perver- sion of terms, but also to disprove their own theory. For what is meant by a definite term ? Not surely that, which admits or requires a Defini- tive to give it precision ; but that, which of itself is already definite. If, therefore, ^' I wrote," not only admits, but even requires, the subjunction of a defining term, or clause, to render the time definite and precise, ifc cannot surely be itself a definite Tense. Besides, tliey appear to me to reason in this case inconsistently with their own principles. For they call, / am w;riting, a definite 2 156 xTYMoLoer. Tense; and why? but because it defines thcf action to be imperfect, or the time to be relatively present*. But if they reason here, as they do in respect to the Preterite Tenses, they ought to call this an Indefinite Tense, because it admits not a definitive clause. They must, therefore, either acknowledge, that / ham written, is a definite Tense, and I wrote, indefinite; or they must, contrary to their own principles, cd\\ I am w)iting indefinite. Dr. Arthur Browne, in an Essay on the Greek Tensest, contends, that *' I wrote," is the Perfect ^ Definite, and I have written the Perfect Indefinite. " Iwrote^'' says he, *' is not intelligible without ** referring to some precise point of timCj e. g. *•' When I was in France. Why then does Dr. *' Beattie say, I wrote is indefinite, because it *' refers to no particular past time? No: It is '* indefinite, because the Verb in that tense does " not define, whether the action be complete or ^' not complete." And why does he say, ^' I have " written, is definite in respect of time ; for it " refers to no particular time, at which the event ^^ happened } Put this example; A says to B, ' I " wish you would vvrite to that man.' ' 1 have '* written to him.* The sense is complete; the ex- *' pression is not supposed to refer to any parti- *' cular time, and does not ^lecessarily elicit any * Here I would be understood to reason on their own princi- ples; for the truth is, that eaah of these Tenses admits a definitiTe. t See the Transactions of the R. I. Academy, Vol. III. / ETYMOLOGY. 15? *' farther enquiry. But if B answers, ' I wrote *' to him/ he is of course supposed to have in his ** mind a reference to some particular time, and it *' naturally calls on A to ask when ? Is it not *^ clear then, that / wrote refers to some particu- " lar time, and cannot have been called Indefi- ^' nite, as Dr. Beattie supposes, from its not *' doing so ?*' Dr. Browne's argument is chargeable with in- consistency. He says, tha,t heca,\ise I /tavezerltt en elicits no farther enquFry, and renders the sense complete, it denotes no determinate time ; and that I wrote refers to a particular time, prompting* to farther enquiry. This at least I take to be the scope of his reasoning; for, if it be not from their occasioning, or not occasioning farther inter- rogation, that he deduces his conclusion concern- ing the nature of these Tenses, his iirgument seems nothing but pure assertion. Now, so far from calling that a Definite Tense, which necessarily requires, as he himself states, a defining clause, to specify the point of time, 1 should call it an Indefinite Tense. He admits, that I wrote refers to time past in general, and that it requires some farther specification to render the time known, as I wrote yesterday. In this case, surely it is no't the term wrote, but yesterday, which defines the precise time ; the Tense itself expressing nothings but past time in general. For the same reason, if, as he acknowledges. 1 158 ETYMOLOGY. I have written, elicits no farther enquiry, it is an argument that the sense is complete, and the time sufficiently understood by the hearer. Besides, is it not somewhat paradoxical to say, that a Tense, which renders farther explanation unnecessary, and the sense complete, thus satisfying the hearen is Indefinite? and that a Tense, which does not satisfy the hearer, but renders farther enquiry neces- sary, is Definite ? This, to say the least, is some^ what extraordinary. The observations of Lord Monboddo on this subject, are not inapplicable to the pohit in ques- tion : I shall therefore transcribe them. " There are actions,'* says he, '' which end in " energy, and produce no work, which remains " after them. What shall we say of such actions? ** cannot we say, I have danced a dance, taken a ** walk, &c. and how can such actions be said in ** any sense to be Present ? My answer is, that *' the consequences of such actions, respecting the ^* speaker, or some other person or thing, are ^' present, and what these consequences are, ap- '' pears from the tenor of the discourse. '' 1 have '* taken a walk, and am much better for it." ''I " have danced a dance, and am inclined to dance '* no more." The order of nature being maintained, as Mr. Harris observes, by a succession of contrarieties, the termination of one state of things, naturally implies tbe commencement of its contrary. Hence ETYMOLOOr. 159 this Tense has been eniployed to denote an attri- bute the contrary to that, which is expressed by the Verb. Thus the Latins used vi^rit, *' he hath ^Mived," to denote '* he is dead;'' fidt Ilium, " Troy has been,*' to signify, 7roy is no more, A similar phraseology obtains in English, thus, ['- I hcwe been young," is equivalent to, ** now I '* am old/' Prefer Imperfect. S. I have been Thou hast been He has been -i P. We have been You have been They have been j ®* This tense, in respect to time, is the same as the last, but implies the imperfection of the action, and denotes its progression. Preter Pluperfect, S. I had Tkou hadst He had P. We had Ye or you had They had > wri ritten, This Tense denotes that an action was perfected, before another action was done. Pliisquam Pi^eterite Imperfect. S. I had been Thou hadst been He had been -\ P. We had been Ye had been They had been \ ^'"^*"^- This Tense, in respect to time, is more than past, and in respect to action is Imperfect. It denotes that an^action was going on, or in a state of progression, before another action took place. 160 ETYMOLOGY. or before it was perfected, as *^ I had been writ- '* ing before you arrived." Future Indefinite, S. I shall Thou Shalt He shall •> P, We shall Ye or you shall They shall j ^"*®- or S. I will Thou wilt He will P. We will Ye or you will They will } write. These compound Tenses denote the futurity of an action indefinitely, without any reference to its completion. The meaning of the several persons has been already explained. Future, Imp. Pi^ogressive. I shall or will be We shall or will be Thou shalt or wilt be Ye shall or will be J* writing. He shall or will be They shall or will be 7 . f wril This Tense agrees with the former in respect to time, but differs from it in this, that the former has no reference to the completion of the action, tvhile the latter expresses its imperfection and pro^ gression. Future Perfect, I shall have We shall hare -^ Thou shalt have Ye shall have t written* He shall have They shall have | This Tense denotes that a future action will be perfected, before the commencementj or comple* ETYMOLOGY. 161 tion of another action, or before a certain future time; as, ** before you can have an answer, I '^ shall have written a second letter." ^' By the *' time he shall have arrived, you will have con- *' quered every difficulty." In short, it denotes, that at some future time an action will be perfected. As it has been a subject of -great controversy among grammarians, what Tenses should be called Definite, and what Indefinite, I shall now offer a few observations, which may serve to illus- trate the point in question. Duration, like space, is continuous and unin- terrupted. It is divisible in idea only. It is past, or future, merely in respect to some intermediate point, which the mind fixes as the limit between the one and. the other. Present time, in truth, does not exist, any more than a mathematical line can have breadth, or a mathematical point be composed of parts. This position has^ indeed, been controverted by Dr. Beattie; but, in my judgment, without the shadow of philosophical argument* Harris, Reid, and several others, * Dr. Beattie observes, '' that the fundamental error of those " philosophers, who deny the existence of present time is, that *' they suppose the present instant to haye, like a geometrical " point, neither parts nor magnitude. But as nothing is, in '' respect of our senses, a geometrical point (for whatever we ^' see or touch must of necessity have magnitude) so neither is ^' the present, or any other instant, wholly unextended." His argument amounts to this, that as a mathematical point is not an object of sense, nor has any real existence, so neither lias a H 162 ETYMOLOGY. have incontrovertibly proved it. But though pre- sent time, philosophically speaking, has no exist- ence, we find it convenient to assume a certain metaphysical instant. It is granted. They are each ideal. But does this prove the author's position, that philosophers have erred in asserting their similarity } or does it evince that no analogy subsists between them ? Quite the reverse. The truth is, a geometrical point is purely ideal ; it is necessary to the truth of mathematical demonstration, that it be conceived to have no parts. Finding it convenient to represent it to sense, -we there-* fore give it magnitude. A metaphysical instant, or present time, is in like manner ideal ; but we find it convenient to assume as present an extended space. The doctor observes, that sense perceives nothing but what is present. It is true; but it should be remembered that not time, but objects which exist in time, are perceived by the senses. It may enable a person to form a correct idea of this matter, if he will ask himself what he means by present time. If it be the present bbur, is it not obvious, that part of it is past, and part of it future ? If it be the present minute, it is equally clear, that the whole of it cannot be present at once. Nay, if it be the present vibration of the pendulum, is it not obvious, that part of it is performed, and part of it re- mains to be performed ? Nor is it possible to stop in this inves- tigation, till present time, strictly speaking, be proved to have no existence. Dk\ it exist, it must be extended ; and if extended, it cannot be present ; for past and future must necessarily be in- cluded in it. If it should be answered, that this proves time, like matter, infinitely divisible, and that the most tedious process will still leave something capable of division, I reply, that — as what- ever may be left in the one case must be figure, and not a point, so the remainder, in the other, must be a portion of extended time, how minute soever, and not an instant. The process^ therefore, must be continued, till we arrive in idea at a point and an instant, incapable of division, being not made up of parts. ETYMOLOGY. l63 portion of the past and the future, as intermediate spaces' between these extremes, and to consider these spaces as present ; for example, the present day, the present week, the present year, the pre- sent century, though part of these several periods ,be past, and part to come. We speak of them, however, as present, as *' this month," '* this " year," " this day." Time being thus in its na^ ture continuous, and past and future being merely relative terms, some portion or point of time being conceived, where the one begins and the other ends, it is obvious, that all Tenses indicative of any of these two general divisions, must denote relative time, that is, time past or future, in rela- tion to some conceived or assumed space ; thus it may be past or future, in respect to the present hour, the present day, the present week. Again : The term Indefinite is applicable either to time, or to action. It may, therefore, be the predicate of a Tense, denoting cither, that the precise time is left, undetermined, or that the ac- tion specified is not signified, as either complete or imperfect. Hence the controversy has been partly verbal. Hence also the contending parties have seemed to diifer, while, in fact, they were agreed ; and, on the contrary, have seemed to accord, while their opinions were, in truth, mutually re- pugnant.* Dr. Browne confines the term to action only, and pleads the authority of Mr. Harris in his fa- M 2 1^4 ETYMOLOG?. vour. It is true, indeeci that Mr. Harris calls those Tenses Definite, which denote the beginning, the middle or the perfection of an action; but it is obvious, from the most superficial examination of his theory, that he denominates the Tenses Definite or Indefinite, not in respect to action, but to time. When, in the passage from Milton, ^' Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth, " Unseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep.'' he considers '' walk''' as Indefinite, is it in regard to action? No. '* It is," says he, '' because they *' were walking, not at that instant only, but in- " definitely, at any instant whatever." And when he terms. Thou shalt not kill, an Indefinite Tense, is it, because it has no reference to the completion, or the imperfection of the action ? No ; it is, ^' because," says he, ^' this means no particular '* future time, but is extended indefinitely to every '^ part of time." Besides, if Mr. Harris's and Dr. Browne's ideas coincide, how it, that the one calls that a Definite Tense, which the other term.s indefitiite? This does not look like accord- ance in sentim.ent, or in the application of terms. Yet the Tenses in such examples as these, '' The wicked flee, when God pursueth ;" '' Ad poenitendum properat, cito qui judicat ;'* ** God is good." " Two and two are four;" ETYMOLOGY. 1^5 which Harris and Beattie properly call indefinite, Browne terms definite. Nay, he denominates them thus, for the very reason, for which the others call them indefinite, namely, hecause the sentiments are always true, and the time of their existence never perfectly past. So far in respect to Mr. Harris's authority in favour of Browne, when he confines the terms definite and indefinite to action only*. But I forhear to prosecute this controversy further, or to point out the inaccuracies, with which I apprehend many writers on this subject are chargeable. I therefore proceed to re- view and illustrate the doctrine of the Tenses, which I have already offered. The present time 'being, as I have already ob- served, an assumed space, and of no definite extent, as it may be either the present minute, the present hour, the present month, the present year, all of which consist of parts, it follows that, as the present time is itself indefinite, having no real existence, but being an arbitrary conception * When we say, God is good, I would now prematurely assails " me." In all these cases, there is a clear refer- ence to present time. / have must imply present possession, and that the action either as finished, or proceeding, is present to the speaker. This must be admitted^ unless we suppose, that the term hwve has no appropriate or determinate meaning. On the other hand, the aorist excludes all idea of the present instant. It supposes an interval to have elapsed between the time of the action, and the time of speaking of it; the action is repre- sented as leaving nothing behind it, which the mind conceives to have any relation to its present circumstances; as, " three days ago I lodged in *' the Strand." But, though it unquestionably excludes the present instant, or the moment of speaking, which the verb have embraces, yet it does not exclude -serves, are harsh to the ear, and appear exceedingly awkward ; but a little attention will suffice to shew, that they correctly exhibit the ideas implied by the Tense, which we have at present under consideration. 174 ETYMOLOGY. that portion of present time, which is represented as passing. All that is necessary to the use of this Tense is, that the present now be excluded, that an interval have elapsed between the time of action, and the time of speaking of it, and that these times shall not appear to be continuous. When Swift says, *' it has snowed terribly all night, and '' is vengeance cold,'' it is to be observed, that though the former of these events took place in a time making no part of the day then passing, yet its effects extended to that day ; he therefore em- ploys the Auxiliary Verb. When he says, *' 1 have ** been dining to-day at lord Mountjoy's, and am '^ come home to study," he, in like manner, con- nects the two circumstances as continuous. But, when he says, *' it snowed all this morning, '^ and was some inches thick in three or four *' hours,'' it is to be observed that, contrary to the opinion of the author* 1 have quoted, he joins the aorist with a portion of time then conceived as present, or passing, but the circumstances, which had taken place, were no-wise connected with the time of his writing, or conceived as continuous to the date of his letter. If he had said, ^^ \X. has *' snowed all this morning, and is now two inches. *' thick/' the two times would have appeared as continuous, . their events being connected as cause and effect. * See Eiicyc. Brit. Art. Grammar, ETYMOLOGY. 175 / wrote I was writing I had writte?!. The first of these, as a Tense, has been ah'eady explained ; it remains, therefore, to enquire, whe- ther it be definite or indefinite, in respect to action, I observe then, that a Tense may frequently, by inference, denote the perfection of an action, and thus appear to be definite; though, in its real import, it be significant neither of completion nor imperfection, and therefore, in regard to action, indefinite. This seems to be the character of the Tenses, 1 zvrite^ I wrote, I shalt xvrite. '' Mr. Harris," says Browne, " truly calls I wrote ** and 1 write indefinites, although the man who *' wroteyhaswritteUy that is, the action is perfected, *^ and the man who writesy is writing, that is, the " action is imperfect; but the perfection and im- ** perfection, though it be implied, not being ex- '* pressed, not being brought into view (to do ** which the auxiliary verb is necessary) nor in- *' tended to be so, such tenses are properlycalled *' indefinites/' Though I am persuaded, that Harris and Browne, though they concur in designing certain Tenses Indefinite, are, in principle, by no means agreed, yet the observations of the latter, when he confines the terms to action, appear to me incon- trovertible. I would only remark, that it is not the presence of the auxiliary, as Browne conceives, which is necessary to denote the completion of the 17^ ETYMOLOGY. action, but the introduction of the Perfect Parti- ciple. Nay, 1 am persuaded, that, as it is the Participle in ing^ and this only, which denotes the progression or continuation of the action, this cir- cumstance in every other phraseology being infer- red, not expressed, so I am equally convinced, that it is the Perfect Participle only, which denotes the completion of the action ; and that, if any Tense, not compounded of this Participle, express the same idea, it is by inference, and not directly. According to this view of the matter, a clear and simple analogy subsists among the Tenses ; thus, First class. Second. Third. I write I am writing I have written I wrote 1 was writing I had written I shall write I shall be writing I shall have written. Now, if the progression, or the perfection of an action, as present, past, or future, be all the pos- sible variations, and if these be expressed by the second and third classes, it follows, that, if there be any precise distinction between these and the first class, or unless the latter be wholly supernu- merary, it differs in this from the second and third, that while they express, either that the ac- tion is progressive, or that it is complete, the first has no reference to its perfection or imperfection. / was writing. This Tense, like I ijorote^ is, in point of time, ETYMOLOGY. 177 indefinite; but, in respect to action, it is definite. It denotes, that an action was proceeding in a time past, ♦which time must be ^defined by some circumstance expressed or understood. 1 had written. This, as a Tense, derives its character from the Preterite of the Verb to hwve, implying past pos- session. Had being an aorist, this Tense, in re- gard to time, must therefore be indefinite. In re- spect to action, it is definite, implying that tire action was finished. As the aorist expresses time past, and by inference the perfection of the action, while the latter circumstance is additionally de- noted by the Participle, this compound Tense is employed to denote, that an action was perfected, before another action or events now also past, took place. The character of the remaining Tenses seems to require no farther explanation. I proceed there- fore to consider, how we express interrogations, commands, necessity, power, liberty, will, and some other accessary circumstances. An interrogation is expressed by placing the nominative after the concordant person o'i the Tense ; thus, '' Thou comest," is an affirmation ; " Comest thou?" is an interrogation. If the Tense be compound, the nominative is placed after the auxiliary, as, '' Dost thou come?" '' likst 'V thou heard ?" 178 ETYMOLOGY » A commanci, exliortation, or intreaty, is ex- pressed, by placing the pronoun of the second per- son after the simple form of the verb; as, Write thou Write ye or or Do thou write Do ye write : and sometimes by the verb simply, the person being understood ; as, write, run, be, kt% By the * T consider, that no language, grammatically examined, has inore cases, tenses, or moods, than are formed by inflexion. But, if any^erson be inclined to call these forms of expression by the name of Imperative Mood, I have no objection. Only let him be consistent, and call '^ Dost thou love ?'' an Interrog- ative Mood, adopting also the Precative, the Requisitive, the Optative, the Hortative, &c. together with the various cases in IfJouns, and Tenser in Verbs, which are formed by Prepositions and auxiliary Verbs ; I should only apprehend, that language would fail hira to assign them names. If it should be asked, '' Agreeably to your doctrine of the '' Verb, as implying affirmation, what part of speech would *' you make the Verbs in the following sentences, Depart in. '' Stan fit/, improve your time J forgive us om^ sins ? Will it be '' said, that the Verbs in these phrases are assertions?'* I should answer, that all moods, metaphysically considered, are, in my apprehension, equally indicative. Every possible form of speech can do nothing, but express the sentiment of the speaker, his desire, his wish, his sensation, his perception, his belief, &c. Whatever form, therefore, the expression may assume, it must be resolvable into assertion ; and must be considered as expressing, in the person of the speaker, what he desires, wishes, feels, thinks, and so forth. No one sur^Ijr -will deny, that " thou oughtest not to kill," '' thou shalt not " kill," " thou art forbidden to kill," are affirmations. And are not these expressions so nearly equivalent to " do not kill," ETYMOLOGY. 179 help of the word lei, which is equivalent to '* permit thou," or '^ permit ye," we express the persons of the Latin and Greek imperatives; thus, let me^ let us, let him, let them, write. Present Necessity/ is denoted by the Verb must, thus, I must Thou must He must •> .^ ^ We must Ye must They must > This Verb having only one Tense, namely, the Present, past necessity is expressed by the Preter- ite Definite of the Verb, significant of the thing- necessary, as, I must have Thou must have, &c. ■> ., ^ c written. We must have Ye must have, &c. 3 Present Liberty, I may Thou mayest He may 1^^\^q We may Ye may They may i t"hat in Greek and Latin they arc rendered indifferently, either hy ov (^ovsvasiSy or |u,7j cpovsvs ; 7ion occides, or ne occidito ? If then we say, " kill thou," will it be contended, that, though the prohibition implies an affirmation of the speakefj the com- mand does not ? The expression, I conceive to be strictly equi- valent to " thou shalt kill," '^ thou art ordered to kill.'' Hence ave and jubeo te avere, are deemed expressions of the same im- *port. If the question be examined grammatically, or as a subject of pure grammar, I am inclined to think, that, where there is . ;no variety of termination, there cannot be established a diversity of mood. * This verb is derived from the Saxon verb Ic most, ego dcbeo. N 2 180 ETYMOLOGY. Past Liberty, I might Thou mightest He might "> , • We might Ye might They might 5 On 1 might have Thou mightst have, &c. -^ ^^\^^^^ We might have Ye might have, &c. 3 Frese72t Ability, I can Thou canst He can 1 .. - __ > write. VV e can Ye can They can > Past Ability. 1 could Thou couldst He could We could Ye could They can > write. Or, >W] I could have Thou couldst have, Sec. . ..^^ ' > written. We could have Ye could have, &c. Couldf the Preterite of the Verb cati, expressing past power or abihty, is, like the Tense might of the Verb may, frequently employed to denote pre- sent time.' Of their denoting past time, the fol- lowing may serve as examples. '* Can you construe Lycophron now ? No; but '* once I could>" '' May you speak your sentiments freely ? No; ** but once I might." That they likewise denote present time, I have already adduced sufficient evidence. Might and <:ould being frequently used in conjunction with ETYMOLOGY. 181 Other Verbs, to express present time, past liberty and ability are generally denoted by the latter phraseology; thus, ''I might have written," '* I *' could have written." Some farther observations^, respecting the nature of these Tenses, I purpose to make, when I come to consider, what has been termed the Subjunctive, or Conjunctive Mood. Present Duty or Obligation. \to write. I ought Thou oughtest He ought We ought Ye ought They ought Past Duty, I ought Thou oughtest He ought ">to have We ought Ye ought They ought 5 written. The same is expressed by the Verb should. Ought being now always considered as a Present Tense, past duty is expressed, by taking the Preterite Defi- nite of the following Verb. Having shewn, how most of the common acces- sary circumstances are signified in our language, I proceed to explain, how we express the circum- stance of suffering, or being acted upon. The manner of denoting this in EngHsh is sim- ple and easy. All that is necessary is, to join the Verb to be with the Present Participle, if the state of suffering be imperfect or proceeding; and with the Perfect Participle, if it be complete; thus, lam Thou art He is 1 ,^^^^,,^ We are Ye are They are 3 182 ETYMOLOGy. Preterite, I was Thou wast He was ^ ^,\i^^n^ We were Ye were They were 3 I have been I had been I shall be I may be I might be I could be > wri ritten, If the state be imperfect, the Participle in ing must be substituted; thus. The house is buildin g The house was building V Progressive. The house shall be building} The house is built . "j The house was built > Perfect. The house shall be built \ Neuter Verbs, expressing neither action nor passion, admit, without altering their signification, either phraseology ; thus, / have arisen, or / am arisen ; I was come, or 1 had come, I conclude this part of the subject with a few observations concerning the Subjunctive or Poten- tial Mood. Various disputes have arisen respecting the ex- istence and the use of this Mood ; nor is there, perhaps, any other point in grammar, on which respectable authorities are so much divided. That there is not in English, as in Latin, a Po- tential Mood properly so called, appears to me un- ETYMOLOGY. 183 questionable. Amarem signifies ability or liberty*, involving the Verbs possum and Ucet, and may therefore be termed a Potential Mood; but in English these accessary circumstances are denoted by the Preterites of the Verbs mai/ and can ; as, I might or could love. That there is no Subjunctive Mood we have, I conceive, equal authority to ausert. If I say in Latin, cum cepisset, '* when he had taken," the Verb is strictly in the Subjunctive Mood ; for, were not the Verb subjoined to cumy it must have taken the Indicative form ; but I hesitate not to assert, that no example can be produced in Eng- lish, where the Indicative form is altered merely because the verb is preceded by some conjunctive particle. If we say, '' though he were rich, he ** would not despise the poor,'' was is not here turned mto were because subjoined to Moe^o^/?; for though is joined to the Indicative Mood, when the sentiment requires it; the Verb therefore is not in the Subjunctive Mood. In respect to what has been denominated the Conditional Form of the Verb, I observe, that the existence of this form appears to me highly ques- tionable. My reasons are these. * It belongs not to my province to enquire how amarem came to signify I might or could hve, or whether it be strictly in the Potential, or the Subjunctive Mood. I here take it for granted, that amarem does, without an ellipsis, signify / might, could, wouldf or should love, implying ?icef, possum, volo, debeo* S'jc Johnson's Comment, J 84 ETYMOLOOr. 1st. Several of our grammarians have not men- tioned it; among these are the celebrated Dr; Wallis and the author of the British Grammar. 2dly. Those who admit it, are not agreed con- cerning its extent. Lowth and Johnson confine it to the present tense, while Priestley extends it to the preterite^ 3dly. The example which Priestley adduces of the Conditional preterite, if thou drew, with a few others, which might be mentioned, are acknow- ledged by himself to be so stiff and so harsh, that I am inclined to regard them rather as anomahes, than as constituting an authority for a general rule. 4thly. If then this form be, agreeably to the opinions of Lowth and Johnson, confined to the present tense, I must say, that I have not been able to find a single example, in which the Present Conditional, as it is termed, is any thing but an ellipsis of the auxiliary verb. 5thly. Those who admit this mood, make it nothing but the plural number of the correspondent Indicative Tense without variation; as, / love, thou love, he love, Sec. Now as this is, in fact, the radical form of the verb, or what may be deemed the infinitive, as following an auxiliary, it forms a presumption, that it is truly an infinitive mood, the auxiliary being suppressed. The opinion here given will, I think, be cour firmed by the following examples. '* If he say so, it is well," i. e. '' jf he shall ETYMOLOGY. 185 '* Though he slay mc, yet will I trust in him/* (Bible) i. e. ** though he should slay.'* "Though thou detain me, I will not eat/* (Ibid.) i. e. '* shouldst detain nrie." If thy brother trespass against thee," (Ibid.) i. e. *' should trespass." ** Though he fall, he shall not utterly be cast *'down." (Ibid.) i. e. " though he should fall." *' If he ask a fish^ will he give him a serpent?'* {Ibid.) i.e. 'Mf he shall ask." There are a few examples in the use of the aux- iliaries do and have, in which, when ihe ellipsis is supplied, the expression appears somewhat uncouth; but I am persuaded, that a little attention will shew, that these examples form no exception to this theory. '* If noNV thou do prosper my way." (Bible.) It is here obvious, that the event supposed was future ; the appropriate term, therefore, to express that idea, is either shall or will. If the phrase were, ** if thou prosper my way," it would be uni- versally admitted that the auxiliary is suppressed thus, *' if thou shalt or wilt prosper my way.*' Again, when we say, " if thou do it, I shall be " displeased," it is equally evident that the auxili- ary is understood thus, " if thou shalt do it,"' Now, if these examples be duly considered, and if the import of the verb to do, as formerly ex- plained, be remembered, I think it will appear that the expression is elliptical, and truly proceeds 186 ETYMOLOGY. thus, '' if thou (shalt) do prosper my way." The same observations are applicable to Shake- speare's phraseology, when he says, *' if thou do '' pardon, whosoever pray." Again ; when Ham- let s^ays, ** if damned custom have not braz'd it so,' it is obvious that the auxiliary verb may is under- stood ; for if the expression be cleared of the nega- tive, the insertion of the auxiHary creates no un- couthness; thus, ** if damned custom may have */ braz'd it so." I am therefore incHned to think, that the Con- ditional form, unless in the verb to ^e,* has no existence in our language. Though this be not strictly the proper place, I would beg the reader's attention to a few additi- onal observations. Many writers of classic eminence express future and contingent events by the Present Tense Indi- cative. In colloquial language, or where the other form would render the expression stiff and awk- ward, this practice cannot justly be reprehended. But, where this is not the case, the proper form in which the note of cpntingency or futurity is either expressed or understood, is certainly pre- ferable. Thus, '^If thou neglectest, or doesc unwillingly,, what '' I command thee, I will rack thee with old * Why this verb forms an exception, it would be easy to explain. ETYMOLOGY. 187 ^* cramps. {Shakespeare,) Better, I think, *' if " thou shalt neglect, or do." '* If any member absents huiiself, he shall for- ^' feit a penny for the use of the club/' {Spectato7\) Better, ** if any member absent, or shall absent.*' '* If the stage becomes a nursery of folly and *' impertinence, I shall not be afraid to animadvert '* upon it." {Spectator.) Preferably thus, ** if *^ the stage become, or shall become." I observe also, that there is something peculiar and deserving attention, in the use of the Preterite Tense* To illustrate the remark, I shall take the following case. A servant calls on me for a book ; if I am uncertain, whether I hav^e it or not, I an- swer, " if the book be in my library, or if I have ^* the book, your master shall be welcome to it;" but if I am certain, that I have not the book, I say, ** if the book were in my library, or if I had '' the book, it should be at your master's service/* Here it is obvious, that, when we use the Present Tense, it implies uncertainty of the fact ; and when we use the Preterite, it implies a negation of its existence. Thus also, a person at night would say to his friend, '' if it raiii you shall not go,'* being uncertain at the time, whether it did, or did not rain ; but, if on looking out, he perceived it did not rain, he would then say, '' if it rained, you '* should not go," intimating that it did not rain. * See Webster's. Dissertations, p. ^Q3. 188 ETYMOLOGY. *' Nay, and the villains march wide between the '^ legs, as if they had gyves on;'* {Shakespeare.) where, as if they had, implies that '* they had not." In the same manner, if I say, ** I Nvill go, if I " can," my ability is expressed as uncertain, and its dependent event left undetermined. But, if I say, *' I would go, if I could," my inability is ex- pressly implied, and the dependent event excluded. Thus also, when it is said, ** if I may, I will ac- " company you to the theatre,'* the liberty is ex- pressed as doubtful ; but when it is said, " if I " might, I would accompany you," the liberty is represented as not existing. In thus expressing the negation of the attribute, the conjunction is often omitted, and the order inverted, thus, '* if I had the book,'' or ** had I '^ the book." *' Were I Alexander," said Parme- nio, ** I would accept this offer," or '^ if I were " Alexander, I would accept." /Fere is frequently xx^td iox xvould be, ^nd had for tvould ha've, as, '' it ** were injustice to deny the execution of the law ** to any individual," that is, *' it would be injust- ** ice." *' Many acts, which had been blameable " in a peaceable government, were employed to ** detect conspiracies," where had is put for would have*. (Hume's History ofl^ngland) * A similar phraseology in the use of the pluperfect Indicative for the same tense subjunctive, obtains in Latin, as, Impulerat ferro Ar^olicas fcedare latejbras. Vircii. ETTMOLOGY. 189 Ambiguity is frequently created by confounding feet with hypothesis, or making no distinction between dubitative and assertive phraseologies.. Thus, if we employ such expressions as these, " if '' thou knewest,*' '* though he was learned,*' not only to express the certainty of a fact, but likewise to denote a mere hypothesis as opposed to fact, we necessarily render the expression ambigu- ous. It is by thus confounding things totally dis- tinct, that writers have been betrayed not into ambiguity only, but even into palpable errors. In evidence of this, I give the following example. " Though he were divinely inspired, and spoke ** therefore as the oracles of God, with supreme '* authority ; though he were endowed with super- *' natural powers, and could, therefore, have con- ** firmed the trutli of what he asserted by miracles ; *' yet, in compliance with the way, in which hu- " man nature and reasonable creatures are usually *' wrought upon, he reasoned.*' {Atterhury's Sermons.) Here the writer expresses the inspiration and the supernatural powers of Jesus, not as properties or virtues, which he really did possess, but v/hich, though not possessing them, he might be supposed to possess. Now, as his intention was to ascribe these virtues to Jesus, as truly belonging to him, he should have employed the Indicative ^orm was, and notee^ere, as in the following sentence, '* though '^ he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor.'' 190 ETYMOLOOr. *^ Though he were rich/' would imply the non- existence of the attribute, in other words, " that ^' he was not rich." A very little attention would serve to prevent these ambiguities and errors. If the attribute be conceived as unconditionally certain, the Indica- tive form without ellipsis must be employed, as, *' I teach," '' I had taught,'* '' I shall teach." If futurity, hypothesis, or uncertainty, be intended, with the concessive term, the auxiliary may be either expressed or understood, as perspicuity may require, and the taste and judgment of the writer may dictate ; thus, '* if any man teach strange *' doctrines, he shall be severely rebuked.^' {Bible. ) In the former clause, the auxiliary verb shall is unnecessary, and is, therefore, without impropriety, omitted. '* Then hear thou in hea- ^' ven, and forgive the sin of thy servants, and of '^ thy people Israel, that thou teach them the good *' way wherein they should walk." (lb.) In this example the suppression of the Auxihary Verb is somewhat unfavourable to perspicuity, and renders the clause stiff and awkward. It would be better, I think, *' thou mayest teach them the good way.'* ' Harshness, indeed, and the appearance of affecta- tion should be particularly avoided. Where there is no manifest danger of misconception, the use of the assertive, for the dubitative form, is far pre- ferable to those starched and pedantic phraseolo* gies, which some writers are fond of exhibiting. ETYMOLOGY. 191 For this reason, such expressions as the following appear to me highly offensive; ** if thou have '' determined we must submit," ** unless he have ** consented, the writing will be void," ** if this *' have been the seat of their original formation/' *' unless thou shall speak we cannot determine." The last I consider as truly ungrammatical. In such cases, if the dubitative phraseology should appear to be preferable, the stiffness and affectation, here reprehended, may frequently be prevented by inserting the note of doubt or contingency. I observe farther, that the substitution of as for ify when the affirmation is unconditional, will often serve to prevent ambiguity*. Thus, Mdien the ant in the fable says to the grasshopper, who had trifled away the summer in singing, '' if you *' sung in summer, dance in winter," as the iirst clause, taken by itself, leaves the meaning some- what ambiguous, '^ as you sung," would be the better expression. • The Latins used si in both cases: and though their poets did not attend to this distinction, their prose writers generally ob- served it, by joining si for quoniam with the Indicative Mood. I9£ ETYMOLOGY. IRREGULAR VERBS. THE general rule for the formation of the Pre- terite Tense, and the Perfect Participle, is to add to the Present the syllable ed, if the Verb end with a consonant, or d, if it end with a vowel, as, Turn, Turned, Turned ; Love, Loved, Loved. Verbs, which depart from this rule, are called Irregular, of which I believe the subsequent enu- meration to be nearly complete*. Present, Abide Am Arise Awake Preterite. Abode Was Arose Awoke R Bear to bring forth Bore or Bare Bear, to carry Bore or Bare Beat Beat Begin Began Perf, Participle, Abode Been Arisen Awaked fBorn Borne Beaten Begun . * Where r is added, the Verb follows also the general rule, t Some have excluded bore as the preterite of this Verb. We hayc sufficient authority, -however, for admitting it ; thus, *' By marrying hecjwho bore me." Dryden. ETYMOLOGY. ly? Present. Preterite. Perf. Participle. Behold Beheld Beheld or be- holden* Bend Bent R Bent R Bereave Bereft r Bereft r Beseech Besought Besought Bid Bade or Bid Bidden Bind Bound Bound Bite Bit f Bitten, Bit Bleed Bled Bled BIqw Blew Blown Break Broke or BrakeJ Broken Breed Bred Bred Bring Brought Brought Build Built R § Built R Burst Burst Burst Buy Bought Bought Bake Baked Baken n Can Could " Cast Cast Cast Catch Caught R Caught R * Beholden is obsolescent. '' t So liept the diamond and the rogue was bit.'* Pope» " There was lately a young gentleman, bit to the bone.** Tatler. X Brake seems now obsolescent. § Though Johnson has not admitted the regular form of the Participle in this Verb, I think there is sufficient authority fot concurring with Lowth, in receiTing builded as the Participlej as well as Guilty though it be not In such general use. o 194 Present. Chide Choose ETYIHOLOGY. Preterite, Chid Chose Cleave, to stick Clave r or adhere Cleave, to split Clove, or clave, or cleft Clino^ Cluno; Climb Clomb r* Clothe Clad Rf Come Came Cost Cost Crow Crew r Creep Crept Cut Cut Dare, to venture Durst r Dare, to challenge is regular Deal Dealt R Dig Dug R Do Did Draw Drew Drive Drove Drink Drank Dwell Dwelt R Eat Ate Fall Fell Perf. Participle. Chidden Chosen Cleaved Cloven, or Cleft Clung Climbed Clad R Come Cost Crowed Crept Cut Dared Dealt R Dug R Done Drawn Driven Drunk Dwelt R Eaten Fallen * Lowtli has given clomb as the preterite of climb. I can find, however, no authority later than Spencer, and am inclined to think it is now obsolete. * The irregular Preterite dad is obsolescent. ETYMOLOGY. 195 Present. Feed Preterite, Fed Perf. Participle. Fed Feel Felt Felt Fight Find Fought Found Fought Found Flee Fled Fled FJie Flew Flown Fling Flung Flung Forsake Forsook Forsaken Freeze Froze Frozen Freight Freighted Freighted or Get Gat, or Got * Fraught Gotten, or Got Gild Gild R Gilt R Gird Girt R Girt R Give Gave Given Go Went Gone Grave Graved Graven r Grind Ground Ground Grow Grew Grown Have Had Had fHang Hung R Hung R * Fraught is more properly an Adjective than Participle, -f This Verb, Lowth says, when employed as an Active Verb, ^* may, perhaps, most properly be used in the regular form." Here the learned author appears to me, if he be not chargeable with error, to have expressed his meaning incorrectly ; for it cannot be disputed, that the irregular form of this Verb is fre- quently, and with unquestionable propriety, used in an active jense. Thus we say, " thcservanthun^ the scales in the cellar;" and passively, "• the scales were hung by the servant." I should o 2 im :^Pir-3idto&f. Present. Preterite. Per/. Participle, Hear Heard Heard Heave Hove 11* Hoven r Help Helped Holpen Rf Hew Hewed Hewn R Hide Hid JHidden, or Hid Hit Hit Hit Hold Held §Holden, or Held Hurt Hurt Hurt Knit Knit, or knitted Knit, or knitted Know Knew Known Lade Laded Laden II Lay Laid Laidf Lead Led Led Leave Left Left Lend Lent Lent therefore, rather say, that, when this Verb denotes suspension, for the purpose of destroying life, the regular form is far pre- ferable. Thus, '^ the man was hanged,'' not " hung." * The irregular preterite and participle of this Verb are em- ployed in sea language; but the latter rarely. t Lowth has given holpen as the Participle ; it is now obsoles- cent, if not obsolete. It belonged to the Verb to holpy which has been long out of use. X Several grammarians have rejected hid as a Participle, It rests, however, on unquestionable authority ; but hidden is preferable. §i?oMert is not in general use; and is chiefly employed hy attorneys. 4 il Laden, Vik.Q fraught, may be deemed an Adjective. H Priestley, I apprehc^tl, has erred in giving lain, as th« Participle of this Verb. ETYMOLOGy. 1^^ Present. Preterite, Perf. Participle, Let Let Let Lie, to lie down Lay Lien, or Lain* Lift Lifted, 01 •Lift Lifted, or Lift Light Lighted, or Litt Lighted, or Lit Load Loaded Loaden, or ., Loaded Lose Lost Lost Make Made Made May- Might Meet Met Met Mo\r Mowed Mown r:|: Must Pay Paid Paid Put ^ Put Put Quit Quit, or Quifted§Quit Read Read Read Rend Rent Rent Ride Rode, 01 Rid IIRid, or Ridden * hkn^ though not so generally used as lain^ is not destitute of unexceptionable authority. I have, therefore, with Johnson and Lowth, given it as the Participle. Murray has omitted it. -t Soipe grammarians liaye rejected 7i^ It can plead, however, colloquial usage in its favour, and even other authority. '' I lit " my pipe with the paper." Addison, X With Priestley andLowth, I have given this Verb a regular Participle; for which, I believe, there is sufficient authority, without adducing the example of Shakespeare. Most other gram- imarjians have rejected it, § ClmttdX^ far more generally used as the Preterite than ^m?V. II P;-iestley has rejected rvl^ and Murray riddcriy as the Par- 198 ETYMOLOGY. Present. Freteriie. Perf, Participh, Rid Rid Rid Ring Rang, or Rung Rung Rise Rose Risen Rive Rived Riven Run Ran Run Saw- Sawed Sawn R Say Said Said See Saw Seen Seek Sought Sought Seethe Seethed, or Sod Sodden Sell Sold Sold Send ,Sent Sent Set Set Set Shake Shook Shaken * Shape Shaped Shapen r Shave Shaved Shaven b Shear Shore Shorn Shed Shed Shed Shine Shone r Shone r ticiple, while Johnson makes rid the Preterite of ride. As rid Is the present and Preterite of another Verb, it would, perhaps, be better to dismiss it entirely from the Verb to ride, and conju- gate, with Priestley, ride, rode, ridden. * Story, in his grammar, has, most unwarrantably, asserted, that the Participle of this Verb should be shaked. This word is certainly obsolete, and, I apprehend, was never in general use. I have been able to find only one example of shaked as the Parti- ciple, '* A sly and constant knave, not be shaked/' {^hake" speare.) and one as the Preterite, " They shaked their heads. *^ Psal. cxi. 25. ETYMOLOGY. 199 Present. Pretej^ite, Perf. Partkipk. Shew Shewed Shewn Show Showed Shown Shoe Shod Shod Shall Should Shoot Shot Shot Shrink *Shrank, orShrun k Shrunk Shred Shred Shred Shut Shut Shut Sing tSang, or Sung Sung Sink Sank, or Sunk Sunk . Sit Sat :j:Sitten or Sat Slay Slew' Slain Sleep Slept Slept * Of these preterites, the latter is now more generally used. Our translators of the Bible used the former. t A. Murray has rejected sung as the Preterite, and L. Mur- ray has rejected ^«W|f. Each Preterite, however, rests on good authority. The same observation may be made, respecting sank and sunk. X Sitten^ though formerly in use, is now obsolescent. Laud able attempts, however, have been made to restore it. '' To " have sitten on the heads of the apostles." Middleton. *' Soon after the termination of this business, the Parliament, '^ which had now sitten three years, &c.'' (Belshanis Hist.) " And he would gladly, for the sake of dispatch, have called " together the same parliament, which had sitten under his '« father.'' Hume^ Vol. VI. p. 199. Respecting the preterites which have a or w, as slang, or slujigy sank, or sunk^ it would be better, were the former only to be used, as the Preterite and Participle would thus be dis, «riixuQ%ted. goo ETyMOLOey* Present. Preterite, Perf. Participle. Slide Slid Slidden Sling Slang, or Slung Slung Slink Slank, or Slunk Slunk Slit Slit II Slit, or Slitted Smite Smote Smitten Sow Sowed Sown R Speak Spoke, or Spake Spoken Speed Sped Sped Spend Spent Spent Spill Spilt R Spilt R Spin Spun, or Span Spun Spit Spat, or Spit Spitten, or Spit Split Split, or Splitted Split, Splitted Spread Spread Spread Spring Sprang, or Sprun] 0' Sprung Stand Stood Stood Steal Stole Stolen Stick Stuck Stuck Sting Stung Stung Stink Stank, or Stunk Stunk Stride Strode, or Strid Stridden Strike Struck Struck, or Stricken String Strung Strung Strive Strove Striven Strew, or Strewed, or -ji Strowed y Strovv StrowU Swear Swore, or S ware Sworn Sweat Sweat Swea^ ETYMOLOGY. §01 Present. Preterite. Perf. Participle. Swell Swelled Swelled, or Swollen Swim Swam, or Swum Swum Swing Swang Svvung Take Took Taken Teach Taught Taught Tear Tore or Tare Torn Tell Told Told Think Thought Thought Thrive Throve* Thriven Throw Threw Thrown Thrust Thrust Thrust Tread Trod Troddea Wax Waxed Wax^n E Wear Wore Worn Weave Wove Woven Weep Wept Wept Will Would - Win Won Won Wind W^ound Rf Wound * Pope has used the regular form of the Preterite ; ^' In the fat age of pleasure, wealth, and ease, " Sprung the rank weed, and thriv'd with large increase**' on Crit. Horsley, with one or two other writers, have employed th« regular Participle. t Pope, and our translators of the Bible, have used winded 4s the Preterite. The other form, however, is in far more ge- neral use. 202 ETYMOLOGY. Present Preterite. Perf. Participle. Work Wrought R Wrought R Wring Wrung R Wrung Write Wrote nVritten Writhe Writhed ' Writhen * Wrote^ as the Participle, is generally disused, and like- wise tcrit. STYMOLOGY. * £03 DEFECTIVE VERBS. THESE, as Lowth observes, are generally not only defective, but also irregular, and are chiefly Auxiliary Verbs, Present, Prett Must May Might Quoth Quotb Can Could Shall Should *Wit, or Wot Wot tWiU Would :|:Wis Wist Perf. Participle^ "^Ought * Wit is now confined to the phrase to wit, or to be known. It; is an abbreviation from the Anglo Saxon Verb pitan, to know. f This Verb, as an auxiliary, is inflexible ; thus we say, *Mie ^' will go ;'' and " he wills to go.^' X This verb, which signifies '' to think," or *^ to imagine,'* is now obsolete. § This verb is now used as significant of present duty. It was originally the Preterite, and the Perfect Participle of the Verb to owe ; and is corruptedly used in Scotland still to express a past £04 ETYMOLOGV, debt. ^' Apprehending the occasion, I will add a continuance ^' to that happy motion, and besides give you some tribute of ^* the loYC and duty, I long have ought you/* Spelman, *' This blood, which men by treason sought *' That followed. Sir, which to myself I ought." Dry dm. It is now used in the present tense only ; and, when past duty ©r obligation is to be signified, we note, as I formerly mentioned, the past time by the preterite tense of the subsequent Verb ; thus, '' I ought to read," '^ I ought to have read.'' The classical scholar knows, that the reverse takes place in Latin. Debeo Itgere^ Debui legere. Cicero, however, though very rarely in- deed, uses the preterite of the Infinitive, after the preterite tense of this verb. Murray has told us, that must and oifght have both a present and past signification, and, in proof of this, he adduces the fol- lowing examples : ''I must own, that I am to blam^.'^ ''He '' must have been mistaken." '' Speaking things, which they '' ought not." i* These ought ye to have done." — This is truly a strange, and, I verily believe, a singular opinion. Its inac- curacy is so manifest, that every reader of discernment^ must intuitively perceive it. The opinion itself, indeed, is not more surprising, than the ground, on which it is maintained hj the author. It surely requires but a moderate portion of sagacity to perceive, that the past time, in the second and fourth examples, is not denoted by must and ought ^ but by the expressions, '' have '' been," and '' have done.'' In Latin, as I have just observed^ necessity and dvty are expressed as either present, past, or fu- -ture, the verbs denoting these having the three correspondent Tenses, and the object of the necessity or duty is expressed as contemporary, or relatively present. In English, on the con- trary, the two verbs must and ought having only the Present Tense, we are obliged to note the past time^ by employing the Preterite Tense of the subsequent verb. Thus, Me ire oportet, 5* I ought to go," " I ipust^o." Me ire oportuit, ** I ought ETYMOLOGY. 205 ^^ to have gone,'' ^^ I must have gone.'* As well may it be affirmed, that the past time is denoted by ire and not oportuit, as that it is signified by must and not by *' have gone.'* In the time of Wallis, the term must^ as a Preterite Tense, was almost obsolete. '' AliquandOy he remarks, sed rarius in *' proettrito dicilur.'^ And when it was employed as a preterite, it was followed by the Present Tense. This verb in Geriiian, has, I understand, a Preterite Tense. OF IMPERSONAL VERBS. THE distinctive chamcter of Impersonal Verbs has been a subject of endless dispute among gram- marians. Some deny their existence in the learned languages, and others as positively assert it. Some define them to be verbs devoid of the two first per- sons; but this definition is evidently incorrect: for, as Perizonius and Frischlinus observe, this may be a reason for calling them Defective, but not for naming them Impersonal Verbs. Others have defined them to be Verbs, to which no cer- tain person, as the subject, can be prefixed. But with the discussion of this question^ as it respects the learned languages^ the English grammarian has no concern. I proceed, therefore, to observe, that Impersonal Verbs, as the name imports, are those, vi^hich do not admit a person as their nominative. Their real character seems to be, that they assert the existence of some action or state, but refer it -to no particular subject. In English we have very 206 ETYMOLOGY. few Impersonal Verbs. To this denomination, however, may certainly be referred, it behoveth, it irketh, equivalent to it is the duty, it is painfully •wearisome. That the former of tliese verbs was once used personally, we have sufficient evidence; and it is not improbable, that the latter also was so employed, though I have not been able to find an example of its junction with a person. They are now invariably used as Impersonal Verbs. We cannot say, / behove, thou behovest, tie behoves, or we irk, ye irk, they irk. There are one or two others, which have been considered as Impersonal Verbs, in which the per- sonal pronoun in the objective case is prefixed to the third person singular of the verb, as methinks, methought, meseems, meseemed; analogous to the Latin expressions me pcemtet, me penituit. You thinketh, him liketh, him seemeth, liave long been entirely obsolete. Meseems and meseemed occxxv in Sidney, Spenser, and other contemporary writers ; but are now universally disused. Addison some- times says methoughts, contrary, I conceive, to all analogy. JCTYMOLOGY. 207 CHAP, VII Of Adverbs, AN Adverb is that part of speech, which is joined to a Verb, Adjective, or other Adverb, to express some circumstance, quahty, degree, or manner of its signification ; and hence Ad- verbs have been termed Attributives of the second order. *^ As the Attributives hitherto mentioned," says Mr. Harris, " viz. Adjective and Verb, denote '' the attributes of substances, so there is an infe- '^ rior class of them, which denote the attributes *' only of attributes. If I say, Cicero was elo- '* quent, I ascribe to him the attribute of elo- '* quence simply and absolutely; if I say, he was '* exceedingly eloquent, I affirm an eminent de- *' gree of eloquence, the Adverb exceedingly de- *' noting that degree.'* If I say, 'Mie died, fight- '* m^ bravely iov his country," the word bravely here added to the verb denotes the manner of the action. An Adverb is, therefore, a word joined 20S ETYMOLOGY. to a verb, or any attributive, to denote some mo* dification, degree, or circumstance, of the ex- pressed attribute. Adverbs have been divided into a variety of classes^ according to their signification. Some of those which denote Quality^ simply are. Well, ill, bravely, prudently, softly, with innumerable others formed from Adjectives and Parti- ciples. Ctrtainty or -^Verily, truly, undoubtedly, yea. Affirmation 3 yes, certainly. Contingence Perhaps, peradventure, perchance. Negation Nay, no, not, nowise. E.vplaining Namely. Separation Apart, separately, asunder. Conjunction Together, generally, universally. Indication Lo. Interrogation Why, wherefore, when, how. £.rce55 or Pre- -^ Very, exceedingly, too, raore, eminefice S better, worse, best, worst. Defect Almost, nearly, less, least. Preference Rather, chiefly, especially. Likeness or -) Equality jSo, thus, as, equally. UnUkeness or -^ Intqmlity ] Else, otherwise. Abatement or Gradaiion > Piecemeal; scarcely, hardly JETYMOLOGY. 209 To or in a Place Here, there, where. To aplace, only, Hither, thither, whithen Towards a Place Hitherward, thitherward, wither- ward. From a Place Hence, thence, whence. Time present Now, to-day^ rYesterday, before, heretofore, al- ^ \ ready, hitherto, lately. J To-morrow, hereafter, presently, ^ \ immediately, afterwards. Repetition of "> Times indef: 3^^^'"^ ^^^^^™' frequently. I>efi7iitely Once, twice, thrice, again. Order First, secondly, thirdly, &c. Quantity Much, little, enough, sufficiently. On enquiring into the meaning and etymology of Adverbs, it will appear, that most of them are abbreviations, or contractions for two or more words. Thus hramly, or *' in a brave manner,'' is probably derived by abbreviation from brave- like, wisely from wise-like, happily from happy-like*, Mr. Tooke, indeed, has proved, as I conceive, incontrovertibly, that most of them are either corruptions of other words, or abbreviations of phrases, or of sentences. One thing is certain, * Denominativa terminantur in lie vel lice^ ut -Pejilic, Tirilis, •jelic legitimus, foelic marinus piplic muliebris, &c. Hanc ter- tninationem hodie mutavimus ia like Tel ly ut in godlike y el godly. Hickesii Thes. ^10 ETYMOLOGY. that the Adverb is not an indispensible part of speech, as it serves merely to express in one word, what perhaps would otherwise require two or more words. Thus, * Where denotes In. what place Here In this place There In that place Whither To what place Hither To this place Thither To that place. ^ * These three Adverbs, denoting motion or rest in a place, are frequently employed by us, in imitation of the French, to denote motion to a place, in the same sense with the three (oU lowing Adverbs. It would be better, however, were the dis,. tinction observed. The French use ici for here and hither^ let for there and thither, ou for tohere and whither. ETYMOLOGY. 211 CHAP. VIIL Of Prepositions. A PREPOSITION has been defined to be, *' that Part of Speech, which shews the relation " that one thing bears to another." According to Mr. Harris, it is a Part of Speech, devoid itself of signification, but so formed, as to unite words, that are significant, and that refuse to unite or as- sociate of themselves. He has, therefore, com- pared them to pegs or pins, whicli serve to unite those parts of the building, which would not, by their own nature, incorporate or coalesce. When one considers the formidable objections, which present themselves to this theory, and that the in- genious author now quoted has, in defence of it, involved himself in palpable contradictions, it be- comes matter of surprise, that it should have so long received from grammarians an almost univer- sal and implicit assent. This furnishes one of many examples, how easily error may be imposed and propagated, by the autlrority of a great name. But, though error may be repeatedly transmitted p2 212 ETYMOLOGY. from age to age, unsuspected, and unquestioned, it cannot be perpetuated. Mr. Home Tooke has assailed this theory by irresistible arguments, and demonstrated, that in our language at least, pre- positions are significant of ideas, and that, as far as import is concerned, they do not form a dis- tinct species of words. It is not, indeed, easy to imagine, that men, in the formation of any language, would invent words insignificant, and to which, singly, they attached no determinate idea ; especially, when it is considered, that, in every stage of their exist- ence, from rudeness to civilization, new words would perpetually be wanting, to express new ideas. It is not, therefore, probable, that, while they were under the necessity of framing new words, to answer the exigences of mental enlarge- ment, and, while these demands on their invention were incessantly recurring, that they would, in addition to this, encumber themselves with the idle and unnecessary task of forming new words to express nothing. But, in truth, Harris himself yields the point, when he says, that Prepositions, when compounded, transfuse something of their meaning into the compound : for they cannot transfuse what they do not contain, nor impart what they do not possess. They must, therefore, be themselves significant words. ETYMOLOGY. 2J3 But it is not so much their meaning, with which the grammarian is concerned, as their syntactical character, their capacity of affecting other words, or being affected by them. In both these hghts, however, I purpose to consider them. The name of preposition has been assigned to them, because they generally precede their regi- men, or the word, which they govern. What number of these words ancient and modern lan- guages contain, has been much disputed ; some grammarians determining a greater and some a less number. This^ indeed, of itself affords a conclusive proof, that the character of these words has not been clearly understood ; for, in the other parts of speech. Noun, Adjective, and Verb, the discriminative circumstances are so evident, that no doubt can arise concerning their classification. That most of our English Prepositions have signification per se, and form no distinct species of words, Mr. Tooke has produced incontrovert- ible evidence ; nor is it to be doubted, that a per- fect acquaintance with the Northern languages would convince us, that all of them are abbrevia- tions, corruptions, or combinations of other words. A few of Mr. Tooke's examples, I shall now pre- sent to the reader. Above, from the Anglo Saxon ufa, high ; hence hufan, oh bufan hove, above. With, from wlthan to join, of which, with is the 214 ETYMOLOGY* imperative ; thus a house with a party wall, a house, join a party wall ; or it is sometimes the imperative of wyrthan to be; hence by and with are often synoni- mous, the former being derived from beon to be. . Without, from the Saxon preposition withutan, extra, sine, which is properly the Impe- rative of the verb wyrthan-utan, ** to be " out." Withutan, beiitan, ** without/' *' be out," or *' but." The Saxon pre- position occurs frequently in the writings of Chaucer, and is still used in Scottish poetry.* fFrom, is simply the Anglo- saxon and Gothic noun fi'um, '* beginning," *' source," * For blithesome Sir John Barleycorn Had sae allur'd them i' the morn,- That, what \vi' drams, and mony a horn. And reaming bicker, The ferly is, uithoute7i scorn, They wauk'd sae sicker. Mai/ne^s Siller Gun, This animated little poem will be read with no common pleasure by every admirer of the Scottish muse. In felicity of description, the author is not inferior to Burns, while in delicacy of humour he may claim the superiority. t it is possible, that the Greek uiroy and the Latin ab derived from it, had their origin in ji< pater, principium^ ** author," or *' principle of existence,'* ETYMOLOGY. 215 ' \. " origin ;" thus, Ffgs came from Tur- key ; that is. Figs came; ** the source," or *' beginning/' Turkey, to which is opposed the word To, the same originally as do, signifying finish- ing or completion ; thus, " Figs camey>ow *' Turkey to England," ** the beginning, *' OT source," Turkey; *' the finishing *' or end," England. Beneath, is the imperative be, compounded with the noun neatk, of the same import with neden in Dutch, ned in Danish, tnedere in German, and nedre, or neder in Swe- dish, signifying the lower place ; hence the astronomical term Nadir Opposed to Zenith. Hence also, nether and nether* most. Between, '' Be twain,'' or '' be two." Before, ^ Behind, /imperative be, and the nouns fore, Beside, ^ hind, side, low. Below, y Under, i. e. on neder. Beyond, Imperative be, and the participle past goned of the verb gan^ to go, as, '* beyond *' the place," i. e. '* be passed the place." Among, from gemong, the preterperfect of the verb mengan to mix, used as a participle, and signifying *' mixed." Many other examples might be produced from 216 ETYMOLOGY. Tooke's ingenious illustration of his theory ; but those, which I have now offered, suffice to prove, that our prepositions, so far from being words insignificant, belong to the class of Nouns or Verbs, either single or compounded. Besides, if prepositions denote relations, as Har- ris admits, it is surely absurd to suppose, that they have no meaning; for the relation, whether of propinquity, contiguity, approach, or regress. Sec. may be expressed, and apprehended by the mind, though the objects, between which the re- lation subsists, be not specified. If I hear the word with, I naturally conceive the idea of cost- junction ; the reverse takes place, when I hear mthaut. If it be said a soldier with, I have the idea of a soldier associated with something else, which association is denoted by with. What is conjoined to him I know not, till the object be specified, as, ^' a soldier with a musquet;" but the mere association was before sufficiently ex- pressed, and clearly apprehended. - Again, if a person say, " he threw a glass under,** t have in- stantly an idea of a glass, and of inferiority of place, conceiving a glass removed into a situation lower than something else. To ascertain that something, I ask, under what f and the answer may be, under the table. Now, if under had no meaning, this question would be insignificant, or rather impossible. From the examples given, I trust, the younj| ETYMOLOGY, 217 reader sufficiently understands the difference be- tween the doctrine of Harris on this subject, and that of Home Tooke ; nay, I think, he must per- ceive, that the former is merely a theory, while the latter is supported by reason and fact. The syntax of our prepositions will he afterwards ex- plained. I shall only observe at present, that the words, which are in English considered as prepo- sitions^ and joined to the objective case, are these, Above About After Against Among y t 3 Amongs Amid Amidst Around Round At Between Betwixt Beyond Before Behind Beneath Below Beside By ?9f Froip In Into Near 1 Nigh > Of Off Over On 1 Upon J Through Till 1 Until J To Toward Towards Under Up With Within Without } i^lS ETYMOLOGY. Some of these, though they are commonly joined to an objective case, and may therefore be deemed Prepositions, are, notwithstanding, of an equivocal character, resembling the Latin Adverbs procul and prope, which govern a case by the ellipsis of a preposition. Thus we say, '* near the house" and *' near to the house," '' nigh the park,** and *' nigh Ho the park/' '' off the table" and '' off ''from the table." Several are used as adverbs, and also as prepo- sitions, no ellipsis being involved, as till, until, after, before. There are certain particles, which are never found single or uncompounded, and have there- » fore been termed Inseparable Prepositions. Those purely English are, «, be, fore, mis, un. The im- port of these, and of a few separable prepositions when prefixed to other words, I proceed to explain. ji, signifies on or in, as, a foot, a shore, that is, en foot, on shore. Webster contends, that it was originally the same with one. Be, signifies about, as, bestir, besprinkle, that is,^ stirabout; 2iho for ox before, as, bespeak, that is, speak for or before. For, denies, as, bid, forbid, seek, forsake, i. e. bid, not bid, seek, not seek. Fore, signifies before, as, see, foresee, that is, see beforehand. Mis, denotes defect or error, as, take, mistake. ETYMOLOGY. 2l9 or take wi^ongly ; deed, misdeed, tliat is, a wrong or eml deed. Oxier, denotes eminence or superiority, as, comey (wercome; also excess, as, hasty, over hasty, or too hasty. Out, signifies excess or superiority, as, do, out do, run, out run, that is, ** to surpass in '' running." Un, before an adjective, denotes negation, or privation, as worthy, unworthy^ or '* not *' worthy." Before verbs it denotes the undoing or the destroying of the energy or act, expressed by the verb, as, say, unsay, that is, *' affirm,'* retract the '^ affirmation." Up, denotes motion upwards, as, start, upstart, rest in a higher place, as, hold, uphold \ sometimes subversion, as, set, upset. With, signifies against, as, stand, zvithstand, that is, '' stand against, or resist." The Latin prepositions used in the composition of English words are these, ab or abs, ad, ante, con, circum, contra, de, di, dis, e or ea', ea:tra, in, inter, intro, ob, per, post, pros, pro, prceter, re, retro, se, sub, subter, super., trans. A, ab, abs, signify /row2 or away, as, to abstract, that is, *' to draw away." Ad, signifies to or at, as, to adhere, that is, ** to " stick to." 220 ETYMOLOGY. AntCy means before, as, antecedent, that is, ^' go- '* ing before/' Chxuniy round, about, as, ci?rumna>vigate, or '* sail round." Co?2, G?;??, Co, Col, signify together, as, convoke, or ^' call together," co-operate, or "work " together," colleague, "joined together." Contra, against, as, contradict, or " speak against." Z)e, signifies cfoa;/?, as, deject, or ■* throw down." J)f, &, asunder, as, distract, or *' draw asunder." JE, Ex, out of , as, egress, or *' going out,'* e/ec/, or *^ throw out," exclude, or ''shutout.** Extra, beyojid, as, extraordinary, or " beyond ** the ordinary or usual course." J^, before an adjective, hke w?2, denotes priva- tion, as, active, inactive, or ''not active;" before a verb, it has its simple meaning. Inter, between, as, intervene, or '' come between," interpose, or " put between." Intro, to within, as, introduce or " lead in." O^, denotes opposition, as, obstacle, that is, '' something standing in opposition/' ' ''an impediment." Per^ through or thoroughly, as, perfect, or '' thoroughly done," to perforate, or ^* to bore through." Fost, after, as, postscript, or " written after," that is, after the letter. Pm, Z>e/(?r^, as, prefix, or " fix before." ETYMOLOGY. 221 Pro, Forth, OX fonvards, as, promote, or *' move *' forwards.'* Prceter, past, or beyond, as, preternatural, or ** beyond the course of nature." Re, again, or ^^cA:, as, retake^ or " take back./' Retro, backzoards, as, retrograde, or ** going *' backwards.'' ♦Se, apart, or without, as, jfo secrete, '* to put ^' aside/' or '* to hide," secure, ^* without " care or apprehension." Subter, under, as, subterjluous, or *' flowing ^' under." Super, above, or ot;er, as, superscribe, or '^ write *^ above, or over." Trans, over, from one place to another, as, trans- port, that is, '* carry over.*' The Greek prepositions and particles com- pounded with English words, are, a, amphi, anti, hyper, hypo, meta, peri, syn, A, signifies privation, as, anonymous, or ** with- '^ out a name." Amphi, both, or the two, as, amphibious, *' having " both lives,'' that is, '' on land and on '^ water." Anti, against, as, anti- covenanter, anti jacobin, that is, ** an opponent of the covenan- *' ters," *' an enemy to the jacobins." Hyper, over and above, as, hypercritical^ or *' over," that is, ** too critical." 2S2 ETYMOLOGY. Hypo, under, implying concealment, or disguise, as, hypocrite, " one dissembling his real " character." Meta, denotes change or transmutation, as, to metamorphose, or '* to change the shape." Peri, round about, as, periphrasis, that is, " cir- *' cumlocution." Syn, together, as, synod, '' a meeting," or '^ comm^iogQthtv," sympathy, or '*feel- *' ing together." ETYMOLOGY. 223 CHAP. IX. Of Conjunctions, A CONJUNCTION has been defined to be *• that part of speech, which connects words and " sentences together." Mr. Ruddiman, and several other grammarians;, have asserted, that Conjunctions nev^r connect words, but sentences. This is evidently a mis- take : for, if I say, *' a man of wisdom and virtue '^ is a perfect character," it imphes not '* that a *^ man of wisdom is a perfect character, and a *^ man of virtue a perfect character," but '-' a man ** who combines wisdom and virtue." The far- ther discussion of this question, however, I sha4l at present postpone, as it will forrp a subject of future enquiry. Conjunctions have been distributed according to their significations, into different classes. Copulative, And, Also, But, (Bot.) Disjunctive, Either, Or. Concessive, Though, Although, Albeit, Yet Adversative, But, However. 224 ETYMOLOGY. Ea:cluswe, Neither, Nor. Carnal, For, That, Because, Since. Illative, Therefore, Wherefore, Thefi, Conditional y If. Eixeptive, Unless, This distribution of the Conjunctions I have given, in conformity to general usage, that the reader may be acquainted with the common terms, l)y which Conjunctions have been denominated, if these terms should occur to him in course of read- ing. In respect to the real import, and genuine character of these words, I decidedly adopt the theory of Mr. Tooke, which considers Con- junctions as no distinct species of words, but as belonging to the class of Attributives, or as ab- breviations for two or more significant words. Agreeably to his theory. And, is an abbrevia- tion for anad, the imperative of ananad, " to add," or '* to accumulate," as, '^ Two and two make ''four;" that is, *' Two, add two, make four.'* Either is evidently an Adjective expressive of ** one of two;*' thus, '^ it is either day or night,*' that is, *' one of the two, day or night." It is derived from the Saxon Mgther, equivalent to uterque ^' each.*** * That the Saxon word ctgther signified each, is sufficiently evident from a variety of examples ; and the Adjective either has continued to be used in that sense by reputable writers. Lowth, ■vfhoy I apprehend, did not advert to its primitive signification; 4 • ETYMOLOGY. ^25' Or is a contraction for othe7\ a Saxon and English Adjective equivalent to alias or alter, and denotes diversity, either of name ar of subject. Hence or is sometimes a perfect Disjunctive, as when it expresses contrariety, or opposi- tion of things; and sometimes a Subdi^junctive, * when it denotes simply a diversity in name. Thus, when we say^ i^ It is either ev^en or odd,*' or is a perfect Disjunctive, the two. attributives being di- rectly contrary, and admitting no medium. If I say, '^ Paris or Alexander;" (these being name* of the same individual) or if I say, " Gravity or *' weight/' *' Logic, or the art of reasoning,'* or in these examples is a Subdisjunctive or an Expli- cative> as it serves to define, the meaning of the preceding term, or as it expresses the equivalence of two terms. The Latins expressed the former by autf ml, and the latter hy seu or she. In the fol- lowing sentence both Conjunctions are exemplified, '' Give mQ either the black, or the white;'' i. e. *' Give me one of the two — the black — other, the " white." To these are opposed Neither, Nor, as, '* Give ** me neither poverty, nor riches;" i. e. *' Give me '^ not one of the two, poverty — nor, i. c. not the '' otller, riches." condems the use of it as ecj^uivalent to each : and notwithstanding its original import, I agree with him in thinking, that it is much better to confine its meaning to " one of two.'' The reason will be assigned hereafter. a 226 ETYMOLOGY. Though is tlie same as thof, an imperative from thafan, to allow, and is in some parts of the coun- try pronounced thof; as, '' Tliough he should '' speak truth, I would not helieve him;" i. e. " allow or grant, wliat ? he should speak truth," or '' allo'.v his speaking truth, I would not be- *^ lieve him." But, from heutan, the imperative of heon utcm, to be cutf is the same as without or unless, there being no difference between these in respect to meaning. Grammarians, however, in conformity to the distinction between 7nsi and sijie, have called dut a Conjunction, and without a Preposi- tion. But, therefore, being a word signifying ex- ception or exclusion, I have not termed it an *' Adversative," as most grammarians have, but an ** Exceptive.'* In this sense it is synonimous with prater, preterquam, or nisi ; thus, *' I saw no .** body, but John," i.e. " unless," or ** except '' John." But, from Lot, the imperative of t^o/fl'w, to hot or superadd, has a very diiferent meaning. This word was originally written bat, and was thus dis- tinguished from but*. They are now written alike, which tends to create confusion. Tiie meaning of this word is, '' add," or '' moreover." This in- terpretation is confirmed by the probable deriva- tion, and meaning of synonimous words in other * Bat sec that Virgil standis bui compare. Gauin Donglass. ETYMOLOGY. 22? languages. Thus, . the French wz^/,y (but) is from rnajus or magis, ^' more/' or '* in addition;" the Itahan w^j the Spanish mas, and the Dutch maar are from the same etymon, signifying "more/* And it is not improbable, that adslt (be it present, or be it added) by contraction became ast and at ; thus adsit, adst, ast, at. In this sense, hut is py- -^ nonimous with at, autem, cceicrum^ ''moreover/' or " in addition." It is justly observed by Mr. Tooke, that hot or hut allays or mitigates a good or a bad precedent, by the addition of something ; for hotan means to ** superadd," *' to supply," '' to atone for," '' to '^ compensate," *' to add something more,'* *' to ** make amends," or '* make up deficiency/* Thus, *' Once did I lay an ambush for your life,'' *^ A trespass, that doth vex my grieved soul.*' '• But (bot) ere I last received the Sacrament 'V.Ididconfess"^ Richard IL *' Add ( this), ere Ilast received," When hut means he out, or without, it should^, says Mr. Tooke, be preceded by a negative; thus, instead of saying, '' 1 saw but John/' w^iich means, *' I saw John be out," we should say, ** I ^' saw none, but John," i. e. *' none, John be out," or ^* had John been out," or *' John being ex- '* eluded." This, observes the ingenious author, is one of the most faulty ellipses in our language, and could never have obtained, but through the 228 ETYMOLOGY. utter ignorance of the meaning of the ^vord hut (hot). Yet, from the imperative of ^^-e/^w, '* to get." Still, from stell or steall, the imperative ofstel- Ian, ponere, '' to suppose." Home Tooke observing that these words, like if and mi^, are synonimous, accounts for their equivalence, by supposing them to be derived from verbs of the same import. His mode of de- rivation, however, appears at first hearing to be incorrect, the meaning of the Conjunctions hav- ing little or no affinity to that of the Verbs. Mr. Tooke himself does not seem perfectly satisfied Avith its truth. Both these Conjunctions are syno- nimous with. " notwithstanding," '' nevertheless," terms, the obvious meaning of which does not accord with Verbs denoting ** to get," or *' to '* suppose." I am inclined, however, to think, that Tooke's conjecture is founded in truth. If I say, '^ he was learned, yet modest," it may be expressed, " he was learned, notwithstanding *' this^ or this being granted, even thus, or be it so * An occurs frequently for if in the earliest English writers. Bacon frequently uses it in this sense. '' Fortune is to be ho- '' noured and respected, a7i it be but for her daughters, Confi- *' dence and Reputation." *' And certainly it is the nature of '^ extreme self-Iorers, as they will set their house on fire, mi it '^ were, but to roast their eggs.'' (Bacon's Essays, Civ. & Mor.) In the folio edition, printed in 1740, it is improperly spelled and. An for if is, still retained in our address to royalty, An'^t please your Majesty ; and in Scotland is in general use. ETYMOLOGY. 229 *' {licet if a ess€t)he was modest ;*' where the general incompatibihty between learning and modesty is conceived, not expressed, tlie expression denoting merely the combination of the qualities in the indi- ' vidua! mentioned. Notwithstanding indirectly marks the repugnance, by signifying that the one quality did not prevent the co-existence of the other; yet or still, supposes the incompatibility to be sufficiently known. This derivation is rendered the more probable, as the word though (thof, grant) may be substituted to express the same idea, as though (grant) he '' was learried, he was modest/* which is equivalent to, *' he was learned, yet (this granted) he was modest." Hence many re- peat the concessive term, and say, though he ** was '' learned, yet he was modest.'* Unless. There can be no doubt that this Ex- ceptive Conjunction is properly ojiles, the impera- tive of the Verb orJe^flfw, to dismiss ; thus, *' you '* cannot be saved, unless yon believe;'* i. e. *'dis- *^ miss your believing, and you cannot be saved," or *' you cannot be saved, your believing being ^^ dismissed." Lest, is contracted for lesed, the Participle of the same Verb, ojilesan or lesan, signifying '' dis- *^ missed;'' as, '' Young men should take care to *' avoid bad company, lest their morals be coj-- *' rupted, and their reputation ruined;" that is, ' ^' Young men should take care to avoid bad com- S30 ETYMOLOGY. ** paiiy, lest (this being dismissed, or omitted) *' their morals be corrupted," &c. That, is evidently in all cases an Adjective, or> as some consider it, a Demonstrative Pronoun ; as, '-' They say, thai the king is arrived ;" — ''They " say that (thing)— the king is arrived." Whether, is an Adjective, denoting *' which of '' two;'' thus, ''Whether he live ardie;*' that is, '' Which of the \.\no things, he live, or die." As, is the sanf?e with es, a German article mean- ing 2V, that, or which. So, is Sa or So, a Gothic article of the same import. These few examples will serve to explain Mr. Tooke's theory on this subject; and I am per- suaded, that, the further we investigate the ety- mology and real import of Conjunctions, fhe more probable it will appear, that they are all nouns or attributives, some belonging to kindred languages, and others compounds or abbreviations in our own. I am persuaded also, that, from a general review of th?s subject, it must be evident, that Adverbs, Prepositions, and Conjunctions, form no distinct species of words, and that' they are all reducible to the class either of Nouns or Attjributives, if their original character and real import be consi- dered. But, as many of them are deriv^ed from obsolete words in our own language, or from words iu kindred languages, the radical meanings of which afe, therefore, either obscure, or generally £TYMOLOGT. 231 unknown ; and as the syntactical use of several of them has undergone a change, it can he no impro- priety, nay it is even convenient, to regard them not in their original character, hut their jwesent use. When the radical word still remains, the case is different Thus except is by some considered as a Preposition; but as the verb to except is still in use, except may, and indeed should, be considered as the imperative of the verb. But in parsing, to say that the word unless is the imperative of the verb onlesan, to dismiss, that verb belonging to a different language, would serve only to perplex, and to confound. For this reason, though I per- fectly concur with Mr. Tooke, as to the proper and original import of these words, I have distributed them under tbe customary heads of Prepositions, Adverbs, and ConjunctioQs, 23^ ETYMOLOGY, CHAP. X. Of Interjections. AN Interjection has been defined to be, '' that '' part of speech, whicli denotes some affection or '^ emotion of the mind." It is clearly not a neces- sary part of speech ; for, as Tooke observes^ lur terjections are not to be found in books of History, Philosophy or Religion: they occur in novels only, or dramatic compositions. Some of these are entirely instinctive and mechanical, as ha ka ha, .sounds common to all men, when agitated with laughter. These physical emissions of sound have no more claim to be called Parts of Speech than the neighing of a horse, or the lowing of a cow. There are others, which seem arbitrary, and are expressive of some emotion, not simply by the arr ticulation, but by the accompanying voice or gesture. Grief, for example, is expressed in Eng- lish by the word ah ! or oh ! ; in Latin by oi ei, and in Greek by oi oi ai ai. Here the sounds are not instinctive, or purely mechanical, as in laughing • but the accompanying tone of voice, which is the same in all mei), under the influence of the same emotion, indicates clearly the feehng or passion of ETYMOLOGY. 933 the speaker. Others, which have been deemed Interjections, are, in truth, verbs or nouns, em- ployed in the rapidity of thought and expression, and under the influence of strong emotion, to de- note, what would othervyise require more words to express; a,s st7'a?ige / for it is strange; adieu, for J recommend you to God; shame^ for it is shame ^ welcome J for 7/0 u are welcome. The words, which have been c nsidered by our English grammarians as Interjections, are the following, expressive of 1 . Joy, as Hey, lo. 2. Griefy Ah, alas, alack. 3. JVonder, Vah ! hah ! aha ! 4. Aversion^ Tush, pish, pshaw, fob, fie, pugh, 5. Laughter, Ha ha ha. p. Desire of attention, Hark, lo, halloo, hem, hip. 7. Languor^ Heigh ho, , 8. Desire of silence, Hush, l^ist, mum, 9. Deliberation, Hum. 10. Exultation, Huzza. IL Fain, O ! ho ! 12. Taking leave. Adieu. }3. Greeti?7g, Welcome. PART II of SYNTAX Syntax is the arrangement of words in sen- tences or phrases, agreeably to established usage, OF to the received rules of Concord and Government. Sentences are either simple, or complex. A simple sentence consists of only one member, containing therefore but one subject, and one fi- nite verb, as, ''Alexander the great is said to have *•' wept.'' A complex sentence consists of two or more members, as, ** Alexander, when he had con- " quered the world, is said to hav^e wept, because ** there v/ere not other worlds to subdue." Complex sentences are divided into members; and these, if complex, are subdived into clauses, as, '' The ox knoweth his owner | and the ass his " master's crib |1 but Israel doth not know | my *' people doth not consider." This complex sen- tence has two members, each ofwhicji contains two clauses. SYNTAX. 235- When a member of a complex sentence is simple, ft is called indifferently a member, or a clause ; as, ** I have called; but ye have refused." The two parts, into which this sentence divides itself, are termed each either a member, or. a clause. When a complex sentence is so framed, that the meaning is suspended, till the whole be finished, it- is called a Period ; otherwise the sentence is said to be loose. The following sentence is an example of a Period; ** If Hannibal had nof wintered at ** Capua, by which circumstance his troops were *' enervated, but had, on the contrary, after the *^ battle of Cannse, proceeded to Rome, it is not '^ improbable that the great city would have fallen." The criterion of a Period is, that you cannot stop before you reach the end of the sentetjce, otherwise tlie sentence is incomplete. The follow- ing is an example of a loose sentence. *' One ^' party had given tlieir whole attention, during ^^ several years, to the project of enriching them- '* selves, and impoverishing the rest of the nation ; *' and by tliese and other means of establishing ** their dominion, under . the government, and " with the favour of a family, who were foreigners : *' and therefore-mJo;bt believe, thev were established " on the throne, by the good will and strength of ** this party alone.'* In this sentence you may stop at the words themsehesy natloiz, dominmiy gO' wernment, or foreigntrs ; and these pauses will Sjcverally complete the construction, and conclude 95G SYNTAX. perfect sentences. Thus in a period, the depend- ence of the members is reciprocal; in a loose sen- tence, the preceding are not necessarily dependent on the subsequent members ; vvhereas the following entirely depend on those, which are antecedent. The former possesses more strength, and greater majesty ; hence it is adapted to the graver sub- jects of history, philosophy, and religion. The latter is less artificial, and approaches nearer to the style of conversation ; hence it is suited to the gayer and more familiar subjects of tales, dia- logues, and epistolary correspondence. Concord is the agreement of one word with an- other, in case, gender, number, or person ; thus, • * I love." Here / is the pronoun singular of the first person, and the verb is likewise in the first person, and singular number : they agree therefore in number and person. Government is the power, which one word hath over another in determining its state ; thus, '^^ he " w^ounded us/' In this sentence, wounded h an Active Transitive Verb, and governs the Pronoun in the objective case. '- [ SYNTAX. ' 237 CHAP. T. Of Concord. RULE I. A Verb agrees with its Nomina- tive in number and person, as. We teach ^ He learns where we and teach are each plural and of the first person ; he and learns are each singular, and of the third person. Note 1. The Nominative to a Verb is known by putting the question, Who? or What ? to the Verb; as, I read ; Who reads? Ans. /. Note 2. The Infinitive often supplies the place of a Nominative to a Verb ; thus, '* To excel in ^' every laudable pursuit should be the aim of *' everyone." What should be the aim? Ans. " To excel." Note 3. A Verb is frequently construed with a whole clause as its Nominative ; thus, *' His " being at enmity with Caesar was the cause of *' perpetual discord ;" where, his being at enmity, the subject of the affirmation, forms the Nomina- tive to the Verb. --S SYNTAX. Note 4. The Nominative, when the Verb ex- presses command or entreaty, is often suppressed, as, *' speak" for *' speak thou/' " honour the king" for '- honour ye the king." Note 5. The Nominative generally precedes the Verb, and is, in some examples, known by nothing, but its place. This arrangement, how- ever, is sometimes altered, and the Verb placed before the Nominative. 1st. Where the sentence is interrogative, as, '* Does wealth make men happy ?'* Here the No- minative wealth follows the Auxiliary: *' wealth " does'' would denote affirmation. ** Stands '*" Scotland where it did ?" Here also the Nomi- native follows the Verb, to denote interrogation*. 2dly. In expressing commands or requests, as, ''go thou/* " read ye/' Sdly. When a supposition is elliptically ex- pressed, the conditional particle if being under- stood; as, " Were I Alexander," said Parmenio, *' I would accept the offer," where '* were I*' is equivalent to *' if I were." * This phraseology has been censured by Buchanan and the author of the British Grammar ; but, as I apprehtvrrd, without the shadow of authority. To ask a question with a principal V€ff;b, as, burns he^ the latter affirms to be a barbarism. To (HsproYG the assertion, I shall only, in addition to the one quoted from Macbeth, produce these examples — -^^ Simon, sou *' of Jonas, lovestfhou me V {Bible.)—'-' Died he not in bed ?" {Shaki'speare.)^^^ Or flies the javelin swifter to its mark ?'' (Id.) ** And live there men, who slight immortal fame?'* {Pope.) SYNTAX. 239 4tlily. After the introductory word there] as, '* There was a man sent by God, whose name '' was John." ''There are many, who have the '* wisdom to prefer virtue to every other acquire- '' ment/' This arrangement is preferable to " a '' man was sent/' '' many are," &c.; and, as a general rule, I observe, that this collocation is not only proper, but requisite, when a sentiment of importance is to be introduced to the hearer's particular attention. 5thly. When the speaker is under the influence of vehement emotion, or when vivacity and force are to be imparted to the expression, the Nomi- native energetically follows the Verb, as, ** Great '* is Diana of the Ephesians." Alter the arrange- ment, saying, '' Diana of the Ephesians is great," and you efface the signature of impetuosity, and render the expression frigid, and unaffecting. *' Blessed is he, that cometh in the name of the " Lord." '' He is blessed" would convert, as Campbell judiciously observes, a fervid exclama- tion into a cold aphorism. "Fallen, fallen is Ba- *' bylon, that great city.'* The energy of the last expression arises partly, I acknowledge, from the epijeuiis or reduplication*. Cthly. The Auxiliary Verb is placed before the * Our translators, as the judicious critic last quoted observes, have totally enervated the strength of the original, which runs thus, ETTscrs, ^TtcTs. Bxt-JK-Jjv tJ itoXi; -^ iLEyaJkr^^ and which they have rendered, *' Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city." S40 syntax; Nominative^ when the sentence or member begins with 7ior or 7ieither, as, '* Nor did we doubt, that '* rectitude of conduct would eventually prove *' itself the best policy/' Thus also is placed the principal Verb, as, " Nor left he in the city a *' soul alive." Besides the cases now enumerated, in which the Verb should precede the Nominative, there are several others not easily reducible to any precise rule. In general, however, it may be remarked, that the place of the Nominative depends, in some degree, on its connection with other parts of the sentence. *' Hence appears the impossibility, that *' this undertaking should be carried on in a mo- narchy." Impossibility being here in sense closely connected with the following words, this arrange- ment is preferable to that in the original. Hume says, '' Hence the impossibility appears, that this *' undertaking should be carried on in a monarchy/' Priestley has said, that Nouns, whose form is plural; but signification singular, require a sin- gular Verb, as, '^ Mathematics is a useful study/' This observation, however, is not justified by ge- neral usage, reputable writers being in this case much divided. ( See p. 25. ) This Rule of Concord of a Verb with its Nomi- native is violated in such expressions as these, "" you was present,'' ^^ you was pleased to observe/^ You is plural, whether it refer to only one indivi- dual, or to more ; and ought therefore to be joined SYNTAX. 241 With a plural Verb. It is no argument to say, that when we address a single person, we should u»e a Verb singular; for were this plea admissible, we ought to say, ** you wast^" for wast is the se- cond person singular, and not ''you was/* for was is the first or third. Besides, no one says, '' you '' is,'' or ^-^ you art," but ** you are." Ri;l^ IL Two or more Substantives sin- gular, denoting different things, being equi- valent to a plural, take a plural Verb : or, when two or more Substantives singular are collect- ively subjects of discourse, they require a plural Verb, and plural representatives, as, " Cato and Cicero were learned men ; and " they loved their country.'* Note 1. It was customary with the writers of antiquity, when the Substantives were nearly syno^ ninious, to employ a Verb singular, 2^% mens, ?^atio et consilium in scnibus est, '' understanding, reason *' and prudence is in old men.*' In imitation of these, some English authors have, in similar in- stances, employed a Verb singular. I concur, however, with L. Murray in disapproving this phraseology. For either the terms are synonimous, or they are not. If their equivalence be admitted, all but one are redundant, and there is only one subject of discourse; only one term should there- 2.*^ SYNTAX. fore be retained, and a Verb singular be joined with it. If they be not equivalent, there are a many distinct ideas, as there are terms, and a plu- rality of subjects require a plural Verb. Note.^, It isnot necessary, that tlie subjects of discourse be connected, or associated by (Con- junctions: it is sufficient, if the terms form a plu- rality of subjects to a common predicate, whether with, or without any connexive word, as, *' Honour, " justice, religion itself, were derided and blas- '* phemed by these profligate wretches*." In this example the copulative is omitted. " The King, " with the Lords and Commons, constitute an " excellent form of government.'* Here the con- nexive word is not a Conjunction but a Preposi- tion ; and though the Lords and Commons be pro- perly in the objective case, and the King therefore the only Nominative to the Verb, yet as the three subjects collectively' constitute the govermuent, the Verb without impropriety is put in the plural number. This phraseology, though not strictly consonant with the rules of Concord, frequently obtains both in ancient and modern languages : in some cases indeed it seems preferable to the syntactical form of expression. • The ellipsis of the copulative, in such examples, was termed by the ancients asyndeton ; and this deviation from the established rules of Syntax they referred tp a grammatical figure termed syllepsis indirecta^ or " indirect comprehension of several singu«» *' lars under one plural,'* opposed* to the ^^^/cfww directa, or that expressed by a copulative. SYNTAX. 243 Note 3. Where comparison is expressed or im- plied, and not combination, the Verb should be singular; thus, *' Caesar, as well as Cicero, was ** remarkable for eloquence.'* Note 4. When the Nominatives are of diiferent persons, the first person is preferred to the second, and the jecond to the third. In other words, / dnd ijmiy 1 and he, are sylleptically the same, as we ; you and he, the same as ye. This observation, ' however, is scarcely necessary, as the Verb plural admits no i^ersona-l inflexion : it can be useful only in determining, what Pronoun should be the re- presentative of the tern^s collectively, as, " he and ** I shared it between us.'* Note 5. In the learned languages, the pronoun of the first person is deemed more worthy than that of the second, and the second than that of the third ; and hence arises the syllepsis of persons, which obtains in Greek and Latin. But, though we admit the figure in English, we do not pre- cisely adopt the arrangement of the Latins ; for though, like them, we place the pronoun of the second person before that of the third, we mo^ destly place the pronoun of the first person after those of the second and third. Thus, where a Roman would say, si tu et Tullia valetis, ego et Cicero valemuSy we should say, *' If you and Tullia " are well, Cicero and I are well." Rule III, When of twd or more sub- 244 SYNTAX. stantives singular, one exclusively is the sub- ject of discourse, a verb singular is required, as, '* John, James, or Andrew intends to ac- '' company you ;" that is, one of the three, but not more than one. Rule IV. Nouns of number, or collective nounS) may have a singular or plural verb, thus, " My people do not consider," " My people does not consider.'* This licence, however, as Priestley observes, is not entirely arbitrary. If the term immediately suggest the idea of number, the verb is preferably made plural; but, if it suggest the idea of a whole or unity, it should be singular. 7'hus it seems harsh and unnatural to say, '^ In France the pea- ** santry goes barefoot, and the middle sort makes ^' use of wooden shoes." It would be better to say, /' the peasantry go'' — ^' the middle sort male," because the idea is thai of number. On the con- trary, there is something incongruous and unna- tural in these expressions, '^ The court of Rome '^ were not without solicitude — The house of com- '' mons were of small weight — Stephen's part\^ ** were entirely broken up." Hume. Rule V. The Adjectives this and that 'agree with their substantives in number, as. SYNTAX. 245 This man These men That woman Those women All other Adjectives are inflexible, as. Good man Good men. Note 1. The Substantive, with which the Ad- jective is connected, is ascertained by putting the question, who, or what? to the Adjejtive, as,' ** a ripe apple." What is ripe? Ars. '* the apple." Note 2. Every Adjective has a substantive, cither expressed or understood, as, " the just shall '* live by faith," i e. *' the just man," ''few were ^* present,'* i. e. *' few persons.' Note 3. The Adjective is generally placed im- mediately before the Substantive, as, *' a learned ** man,'* '' a chaste woman." E.rc. 1. When the Adjective is closely con- nected with some other word, by which its mean- ing is modified or explained, as, '* a man loyal to. '' his prince," where the attributive loi/al is closely connected with the following words. Edc. 2. When the verb to be expresses simple affirmation, as, '' thou art good ;*' or when «iny. other verb serves as a mere copula to unite tiiC. predicate with its subject, as, " he seems coura- *' geous," " it looks strange.'* Ea:c. 5. For the sake of harmony, as, '* Hail, *' bard divine." 246 SYNTAX. EcVC, 4. When there are more Adjectives than one connected v/ith the suhstantive, as, '• a man *' wise, valiant, and good." EdX. 5. Adjectives denoting dimension are put after tlie Substantive, as, *' a wall ten feet high." Note 3. Each is employed to denote two things taken separately, and is therefore used as singular*. Either is also singular, and implies only one of two; as, take eithtr^ that is, '^ the one or the other, but '^ not both." Both is a plural Adjective, and tie- notes the two collectively. Note 4. Every is an Adjective singular, ap- plied to more than two subjects taken individually, and comprehends them all. It is sometimes joined to a plural noun, when the things are conceived as forming one aggregate, as, every txceheyears^ i. e. ** every period of twelve years." Note 5. All is an Adjective either singular or plural, denoting the whole, whether quantity or number, as, ** all men are mortal." *' Six days shalt " thou labour and do all thy work." Note 6. Much is an Adjective of quantity, and of the singular number, as, *' much fruit.'* Many an Adjective of number, and therefore plural, as, "many men.'' This word, however, is sometimes construed with a nqun singular, as, *^ Many a poor man's son wppld ha^e Iain still." Shakespeare. * It is som'etimes used for exeryy and applied to mere than two. SYNTAX. 247 Note 7. More, as the comparative of much, is singular, denoting a greater quantity; as the comparative of mani/, it is plural, and signifies a greater number, as, more fi^uit, or *' a greater ** quantity," more men, or *' a greater number.** Note 8. Enough is an Adjective singular, and denotes quantity, as, ** bread enough;" enow de- notes number, as, " books enow.'* Note 9. Adjectives are sometimes improperly used for Adverbs, as, indifferent well, extreme had, for indifferently welly extremely bad. An example of this error is also found in the following sentence, " He was interrogated relative to that circum- ** stance." Relative is an Adjective, and must have a Substantive, expressed or understood ; the question is then, what, or who was relative ? The answer according to the rules of construction should be. He. This however is not the meaning. The word ought to be relatively, I am somewhat, however, inclined to think, that our grammarians have been hypercritical, if not chargeable with error, in condemning such expressions as these, exceeding great, exceeding strong. This phraseology, I apprehend, has been reprobated, partly because not conformable to the Latin idiom, and partly because such expressions as these, excessive good, extreme dear, excellent well, are justly repudiated. Neither of these, however, can be deemed a sufficient reason for condemning this phraseology. For when it is said, *^ His 243 SYNTAX. <* Strength was exceeding great/* may not the e>c* pression be considered as elliptical, the word ex- ceeding being construed as a participle, thus, '* his *^ strength M^as exceeding," or '^ surpassing great ^' strength/' that is, ** his strength exceeded •' great strength^." So Shakespeare says, '^itwas *' passing strange," i. e. " it was more than *' strange," or '^ it surpassed strange." I admit, at the same time, that exceedingly strongs exceedingly good, are the preferable phraseologies. * In the vulgar translation of the Bible, this mode of expres- sion frequently occurs, thus, *' I am thy exceeding great reward.** ^' I will make thee exceeding fruitful.'* Wallis's admission of this phraseology proves it to have bcet^ good English, when he wrote, or that, in his opinion at least it was unobjectionable. His translation of vir summe sapiens^ is, '' a man exceeding wise.'" This, and similar modes of ex- pression, appear to have been |n his time very common, thus, '• Although he was exceeding wealthy," Peers, *' He was moreover extraordinary courteous." (lb.) '* The jVthenians were extreme apprehensive of his groning *^ power.** TuUie, And in our version of the Bible we find a few such expression* as the following, <^ The house, I am to build, shall be wonderful great.** Addison likewise often uses the phrase " exceeding great,*' and Swift, less pardonably, writes '^ extreme unwilling,'^ '^ ex^ <* tjreme good/' SYNTAX. 249 Rule VI. The article a or an, is joined to nouns of the singular number only, or nouns denoting a pluraUty of things in one aggre^ gate, as, A man An army A thousand A few. Note 1. To distinguish between tlie use of a and ally it is usually given as a general rule, that a be placed before consonants, and li aspirated, and an before vowels, and h not aspirated, as, a table, a haty an oak. an heir. This rule is defective, for we say,' a youths a yeoman, a woman, a eunuch, Sheridan, therefore, in his Freface to Swift, has very properly remarked, that all words beginning with u, when it has the diphthongal sound of ew, should be preceded by a not an. In addition to this it may be observed, that a is admitted before the simple sound of w, followed by another vowel sound, as, such a 07ie, a woman. If the sound of one be analysed, we shall find it resolvable into oo- un or won, as some writers on pronunciation have expressed it, and woman into oo-umman. I would also add, that a is used before the diphthongal sound of ew, in whatsoever manner that sound may be noted, as, a use, a eunuch, a youth, and uni- formly before 1/ and z£^. Note ^l. A IS employed to express one indivi- dual of a species without determining who or 250 ' SYNTAX. which; the denotes some particular individual or individuals. Noted. The indefinite article, though generally placed before the Adjective^ as, ''a good man/' is put after the Adjective such; and where these words of comparison occur, aSj so, too, hozv, its place is between the Adjective and Substantive, tluis, " such a gift is too small a reward for so " great a service.'* When the order is inverted, this rule is not observed, as, '* a reward so small^" *' a service so great." The definite article is like- wise placed before the Adjective, as *^ the great '* king.'* All is the only Adjective, which pre- cedes the article. ^* All the servants," *' all the '^ money/' Note 4. Pronouns and proper names do not admit the definite article, themselves sufficiently determining the subject of discourse; thus we cannot say, ike i, the Alexander, If we employ the definite a.r tic le with a proper name, an ellipsis is inivolv:ed; thus, if 1 say, he commands the Ccesdr, I mean, he commands the ship called " Caesar/' Note 5. The definite article is used to distin- guish the explicative from the determinative sense. The oinission of the article, when the sense js re- stricted, creates ambiguity. For this reason the following sentence is faulty ; " All words, which *' are signs of complex ideas, furnish matter of ^* mistake." (Bolingbroke.) Here the clause, *' which are signs of complex ideas," is not ex- plicative, but restrictive ; for all words are. not SYNTAX, 251 signs of complex ideas. It should, therefore, be, *' all the/' or ** all those words, which are signs *' of complex ideas, furnish matter of mistake." *' In all cases of prescription, the universal prac- ** tice of judges is to direct juries by analogy to '^ the Statute of Limitations, to decide against ** incorporeal rights, which for many years have *' been relinquished." Erskiiie on the Rights of Juries. This sentence is chargeable at once vvith ambiguity and error. In the first phice, it is doubtful, whether a regard to this analogy go- verns the directions of the jndge, or is to rule the decision of the jury. 2dly. By the omission of the definite article, or the word those before the ante- cedent, he has rendered the relative clause expli^ rative, instead of being restrictive. For, as all incorporeal rights are not abolished, lie should have said, *' against those incorporeal rights." There are certain cases, indeed, in which the antecedent clause admits the definite article, though the relative clause be not restrictive, thus, '' Blest are th^. pure, whose hearts arc cleaa " From the defiling power of sin." Here the relative clause is merely explanatory, yet the antecedent admits the article. Thus also, in the following sentence, *' my goodness extendeth ** not to thee, but to the saints, and the excellent ** ones in whom is all my delight." The relative clause is not intended to Hmit the meaning of the 95^ SYNTAX. antecedent terms, and yet they admit the definite article. In all examples, therefore, like these, where the explanatory meaning admits the articl?;, it is necessary, for the sake of perspicuity, to mark the determinative sense by the emphatic vvords that or those. Thus had the clause been determi- native in the latter of these examples, it would have been necessary to say, *' those saints, and *' those excellent ones, in whom is my delight.**^ Note 6. The definite article is likewise used to distinguish between things, which are individually (different, but have one generic name, and things which are, in truth, one and the same, but are characterized by several qualities. For example, if I should say, '* the red and blue vestments were " most admired," it may be doubtful, whether I rncan, that the union of red and blue in the same vestments was most admired, or that the red, and the blue vestments were both more admired than the rest. In strictness of speech, the former is the only proper meaning of the words, though the latter sentiment be often thus expressed. If the latter be intended, we should say, *' the red vest- *■ ments and the blue," or '* the red and the blue '* vestments," where the article is repeated. If I say, '* the red and blue vestments," it is obvious, that only one subject is expressed, namely, ** vestments," characterized by two qualities, *' redness'' and " blueness," as combined in the subject. Here the subject is one ; its qualities are SYNTAX. ^53 plural, if I say, '^ the red vestments and the *' blue," or '' the red and the blue vestments," the subjects are plural, expressed, however, by one generic name, "vestments. In the same manner, if we say, '' the ecclesi-* '* astical and secular powers concurred in this *' measure,*' the expression is ambiguous, as far as language can render it such. The reauld say, " this psalm is *' David's, the king, priest, and prophet of the " people," and not " this psalm is David, the king, " priest, and prophet of the people's." Note 8. In some cases, we employ both the genitive, and a preposition, as, '' this is a friend " of the king's," elliptically, for *' this is a friend *' of the king's friends." We say also, '' tliis is a " friend of the king." These forms of expression, however, though in many cases equivalent, some- times imply different ideas. Thus, if 1 say, *' this *' is a picture of my friend," it means, '* this is an ** image, likeness, or representation of my friend." If I say, *' this is a picture of my friend's," it means, "• this picture belongs to my friend." 204" SYNTAX, As the double genitive involves an ellipsis, and implies part of a whole, or one of a plurality of subjects, I think the use of it should be avoided, unless in cases, where this plurality may be im- plied. Thus we may say^ '' a kinsman of the trai- '' tor's waited on him yesterday," it being implied, that the traitor had several or many kinsmen. The expression is equivalent to *^ a kinsman of the *' traitor's kinsmen." But, if the subject possessed were singular, or the only one of the kind, I should recommend the use of the simple genitive ; thus, if he had only one house, I should say, '' this is the house of the traitor," or, *' this is the *' traitor's house ;" but not '* this is a house of the " traitor's.'' Note 9. The recurrence -of the analytical ex- pression, and likewise of the simple genitive, should be carefully avoided. Thus, there is some- thing inelegant and offensive in the following sentence, '' the severity of the distress of the sou *' of the king touched the nation." Much better, <* the severe distress of the king's son touched the '' nation." Note 10. There is sometimes an abrupt vulgarity, or uncouthness, in the use of the simple genitive. Thus, in '' the army'? name," '' the commons* '' vote," '' the lords' house," expressions of Mr. Hume, there is a rnanifesl want of dignity and of elegance. Much better, ',' the name of the army, " '^ the vote of the commons," '' the house of lords." SYNTAX. 265 Rule IX. Pronouns agree with their an- tecedents, or the nouns, which they represent in gender, number, and person, as, '' They ^^ respected Cato and his party,'' where Cato is singular and mascuUne, and his agrees with it in gender and number. " He addressed you " and me, and desired us to follow him,'' where us sylleptically represents the two per- sons. " Thou, who writest." ' Here the an- tecedent thou being a person, the relative who not which is employed. The antecedent also being of the second person, and singular num- ber, the relative is considered as of the same character, and is therefore followed by the verb in the second person and singular number. " Vice, which no man practises with impu- *' nity, proved his destruction." Here the antecedent vice not being a person, the pro- noun which, of the neuter gender, is there- fore employed. " The rivers, which flow into ** the sea." Here also the antecedent not being a person, the relative is which. It is also considered as in the plural number, and as all substantives are joined to the third person, which, the representative of rivers, is joined to the third person plural of the Verb. . Note 1. The relative should be placed as near £66 SYNTAX. as possible to the antecedent, otherwise ambiguity is sometimes occasioned. Note. 2. In the earlier editions of Murray's Grammar, we find the following rule. *' When ^' the Relative is preceded by two Nominatives of ** different persons, it^ may agree in person with. ** either, as, * I am the man, who commands you/ ** or ' I am the man, who command you.' " The rule here given is erroneous. The construction is by no means arbitrary. If we say, *' I am the " man, who commands you," the relative clause, with the antecedent W2a?z, form the predicate ; and the sentence is equivalent to "' I am your com- ** mander." If we say, " I am the man, who *' command you/' the man simply is the predicate, and I who command you the subject ; thus, '' I who ** command you," or '' I your commander am the '•'man." This error, sufficiently obvious to every discerning reader, I pointed out in the former edition of this Treatise. Murray's rule, as it stood, is clearly repugnant to perspicuity, and syntac- tical correctness. In the last edition of his Grammar, and, I be- lieve, in every edition posterior to the publication ©f '' Tlie Etymology and Syntax," the rule is altered ; but whether from a disinclination to ex- punge a rule, which he had once delivered,— a dis- inclination perhaps accompanied with a belief, that it might be corrected with little prejudice to its ©riginal form, or from what other motive he has SYNTAX. 267 left it in its present state, I will not presume to determine; but in the alteration, which he has introduced, he appears to me, to have consulted neither usefulness nor perspicuity. He says, '* When the relative is preceded by two Nomina- " tives of different persons, it may agree in person ** with either." So far he has transcribed the former rule ; but he adds, " according to the " sense." Now it cannot be questioned, and the learner needs not to be informed, that the Relative may agree with either. If, after having taught the learner, that a Latin Adjective must agree with its Substantive, w^e were to add, as a distinct rule, that it may agree with either of two substantives, according to the sense, I apprehend, we should be chargeable with vain repetition, or with extreme inattention to correctness and precision. For what would our rule imply ? Clearly nothing more, than that the Adjective is capable of agree- ing with the Substantive to which it belongs ; and of this capacity no scholar, who had learned to decline an Adjective, could possibly be ignorant; or it might convey some idea, that the concord is optional. ^ Now, is it not certain, that the Adjec- tive must agree with its proper Substantive, namely, that whose meaning it is intended to modify, and no other ? The Relative, in like manner, must agree with that antecedent, and that only, whose representative it is in the relative clause. There isi nothing arbitrary in either the one, or the other. 258 SYNTAX. Perhaps it may be answered, that though the former part of the altered rule leaves the concord, as it first stood, discretionary, the latter confines the agreement of the Relative to its proper ante- cedent. But why this apparent contrariety ? Why is that represented as arbitrary, which is determined by the sense ? This, however, is not the only ob- jection ; for it may be affirmed, without hesitation, that the rule, thus considered, is completely su- perfluous. For the learner has been already told, that the Relative agrees with the antecedent in gender, number, and person. And can the an- tecedent be any other than that, which the sense indicates ? And what does this rule teach ? Pre- cisely the same thing. The rule, therefore, is either calculated to mislead by representing as ar- bitrary what is fixed and determinate, or it is purely a rule of supererogation. As it stood origin- ally, it gave some new information; but that in- formation was erroneous: as it stands now, it is either indefinite, or it is useless. The scholar may require an admonition, when there are two antecedents of different persons, to be careful in referring the relative to its proper an- tecedent; but to tell him, that it may agree with the one, or the other, according to the sense, is to tell him nothing, or tell him, that, which he al- ready knows. In the examples just now adduced, the termination of the verb, by indicating the per- son of the relative, clearly'shews the antecedent; SYNTAX, 269 but where the substantives are of the same person, and the verb cannot therefore by its termination indicate the antecedent^, ambiguity should be pre- chided by the mode of arrangement. Thus, *' He is '' the hero, who did it," and '' He, who did it, is the ** hero.'* In the former, /^e is the subject, and the hero who did it the predicate ; and in the latter, he who did it is the subject, and the hero the pre- dicate. Note 3. The Relative, instead of referring to any particular word, as its antecedent, sometimes refers to a whole clause, thus, '' the bill was re- ^' jected by the lords, which excited no small " degree of jealousy and discontent," that is, ** which thing," namely, the rejection of the bilL Note 4. The pronoun of the third person is •often suppressed, when no particular emphasis is implied, as, ** whosoever committeth sin, is the ^' servant of sin/' In this example, he the ante- cedent to who, and nominative to is, is un- derstood. Rule X. If no nominative intervene be- tween the relative and the Verb, the relative shall be the nominative to the Verb, as, ''*So- ^' lomon, who was the son of David, built " the temple of Jerusalem/' Here who is the nominative to the Verb was. 270 SYNTAX. Rule XI. But, if a nominative intervene between the relative and the Verb, the relative shall be under the government of the preposi- tion going before, or the noun or verb follow- ing, as, '' God, whom we worship, is the " Lord, by whose gift we live, and by whom " all things were made." In the first relative clause, where we is the intervening nomina- tive, the relative is in the objective case, and governed by the verb following : in the second clause, where the intervening nominative is likewise we, the relative is in the genitive case, and governed by the noun following, thus, *' by whose gift," or ^' by the gift of whom ;" and in the third clause, where things is the intervening nominative, the relative is in the objective case, and governed by the preposition. Note 1. The case of the relative may always be ascertained by repeating th@ antecedent, and ar- rano-ino: the clause in the natural order, thus, '' the city, which is called Rome, was founded by *' Romulus/' i. e. " the city, which city is called ** Rome." The antecedent repeated is the nomina- tive to the verb is, which therefore agrees with it in case. *' God, who sees all things, will punish the *' wicked," i. e. "God, which God sees all things," the relative therefore is the nominative to the verb SYNTAX. ^7^ ^ees, that is, it is in the same case, in which the antecedent would be put, if a^c^ain expressed. " Solomon, whom David loved, was the wisest ** of princes." Here, if we arrange the relative clause in the natural order, beginning with the nominative and the verb, it will run thus, '* David *' loved w^hom,'* an expression analogous to, " David loved him," or *^ David loved which So- '* lomon." Many solecisms in the construction of the relative would be easily avoided, by a littl'e attention to the natural arrangement. It is to l>e observed, however, that, though the personal pronouns, when under the government of a verb, may either ])recede or follow it, the relative in the same state of government must invariably go be- fore it. Note% - The relatives K'/?a and which are often understood, especially in colloquial languag*e, 'VThe friend, I visited yesterday, is dead to-day," i. e. " the friend, whom I visited yesterday, is '' dead to-day." Note 3. There are a few cases, which seem to exclude the use of the pronouns who and which, and to require the use of that, 1st. After superlatives, the \mM\oun that is ge- nerally used, as, *'The wisest man, that ever ** lived, is liable to error/' 2dly, After the word same^ that is generally used, as, ** he is the same man, that you saw yes- ** terday." But, if a preposition should precede 272 SYNTAX. the relative, one of the other two pronouns must be employed, the pronoun that not admitting a preposition prefixed to it, as, ''he is the same man, ^' with whom you were acquainted." It is re- niaikal)le, however, that, when the arrangement is somewhat changed, the word that admits the preposition, as, ^' he is the same man, that you ** were acquainted with." Sdly, That is used after who, taken .interroga- tively, as, '' Who, that has the spirit of a man, *' would suffer himself to he thus degraded ?" 4th ly, Whrii persons and things are referred to, as, *' the men and things y that he hath studied, " have not contributed to the improvement of his ** morals/* Rule XII. An Active Transitive Verb go- verns the accusative or objective case, as, " He teaches me." ^' We honour him." Note 1. As Substantives have no objective case, the subject or object of the energy or affec- tion is distinguished by its place, which is after the verb, as, *' Achilles slew Hector," where Achillesy the agent, precedes, and Hector, the subject of the action, follows the verb. Reverse this order, and the meaning is reversed, as, '» "Hector slew Achilles." Where the proper ar- SYNTAX. 273 rangement is not observed, ambiguity or miscon- struction is frequently produced. Thus, when Pope says, Odyss. xix. " And thus the son the fervent sire address'd," it may be asked, did the son address the sire; or the sire address the son? A httle attention would have prevented the ambiguity. If the sire ad- dressed the son, the line should run thus, '' And thus his son the fervent sire address'd.'' If the son addressed the site, ^' And thus the son his fervent sire address'd." Note 2. An Active Intransitive Verb sometimes governs the objective case of a noun, of the same or a kindred signification, as, ** Let us run the " race, which is set before us." Notes, The objective case should not, if pos- sible, be separated from its verb. This rule is vi- olated in the following sentence: ** Becket could '* not better discover, than by attacking so pow- *^ erful an interest, his resolution to maintain, &c.'* (Hume. ) The regimen is here unnecessarily, and very inelegantly, separated from its verb. Rule XIL Verbs signifying to ask, teach, offer, promise, pay, tell, allow, deny, and some others of like signification, are some- T 274 SYNTAX. tiroes, especially in colloquial language, fol- lowed in the passive voice by an objective case. Note, This rule seems t® have escaped the at- tention of all our English grammarians, except Priestley, who observes, " that in some famihar '' phrases, the subject and object of our affirmation ** seem to be transposed." This idiom, except in a very few instances, is not to be found in Latin, though it occurs pretty often in Greek: it therefore particu- larly merits the attention of the junior Latin scholar, lest in his Anglo-Latin translations, it should be- tray him into an egregious solecism. *' He allowed ** me great liberty," turned passively, in concur- rence with the Latin idiom, '/ great liberty was *^ allowed me." But we say also in English, " I ** was allowed great Hberty." *'He promised (to) ^' me a ship in five days,*' passively, '* a ship was ^ *' promised me," and " I was promised /jer in five " days." '* She would not accept the jewels, '' though they were offered to her by her mother," or " thx)ugh she was offered them by her mother." Rule XIIL The Verb to he has the same case after it, as it has before it, thus denoting that the subjects are identical, or that the one term is the predicate of the other, as, ^' It is " he," *' you believed it to be him." In the former example, it is the nominative to the SYNTAX. 275 Verb, the nominative case he therefore follows the Verb. In the latter, it is the regimen of the Verb believed, the Verb to he is therefore followed by the objective case. Noie 1. This rule is violated in such examples as ** it is me/' ** it was him," '* I believed it to be *' he/* *' whom do men say that I am ?"■ In the last example, the natural arrangement is, ** men say ** that I am whom," where, contrary to the rule, the nominative / precedes, and the objective case whom follows the verb. Noie 2. The verb to be is called by Logicians the copula, as connecting the subject with the pre- dicate. Thus, when we say, ** he is wise/' " they *' are learned," he and the^ are the subjects ; wise and leaimed the predicates. Now, it particularly deserves the attention of the classical scholar, that in English almost any verb may be used as a copula. This circumstance is the more worthy of his notice, as a conformity to the Latin idiom may lead him to reject expressions, which are unexcep- tionable, and to adopt others not strictly correct*. Thus we say, *'it tastes good," " he strikes hard," "' I remember right,'' " he feels sick,'" *' we came *' late/' *' they rise early,*' '* he drinks deep." I * Home Tooke observes, that Lowth has rejected much good English : and it is to be apprehended, that the classical scholar is too prone to condemn in his own language whatever accords not with the Latin idiom. T 2 276 SYNTAX. am aware, that the words late, early ^ are in such examples considered as adverbs. It appears to me, they are adjectives,-— that the idiom is truly Eng- lish, and that all these expressions are perfectly analogous. Rule XIV. When two Verbs come to- gether, the attribute signified by the one Verb being the subject or object of the action, energy, or affection expressed by the other, the former is governed in the infinitive mood, as, '' he taught me to read/' " I know^ him '' to be." Note 1. The infinitive thus frequently supplies the place of an objective case after the verb, as it often stands for a nominative before it, as, " he " loves to study," or " he loves study." Note % In such examples as, ^' I read to learn," where the latter phrase, though in the same form as to study, in the preceding example, has, not- withstanding, a different meaning, and cannot be resolved like it, into " I read learning,'* in such examples, asTooke justly observes, the preposition for denoting the object, and equivalent to pour in French, is understood, as, ** I read for to learn.'* Our southern neighbours, indeed, in these ex- amples, nev^r omit the causal term ; and Trusler hgs not improperly observed, that, when the verb does not express the certain and immediate effect, SYNTAX. 277 but something remote and contingent, the words in order to, which are nearly equivalent to for, may be pertinently introduced, as, ** in order to " acquire fame, men encounter the greatest *' dangers." Note 3. The verbs to bid, dare, need, make, see, hear, feel, let, are not followed by the sign of the infinitive, as, '' He bade me go," ** I sa\v him ^^doit." Note 4. Nouns, Adjectives, and Participles, are often followed by an infinitive, as, '' your ^* desire to improve will ultimately contribute to *' your happiness/' " Good men are desirous to '' do good" . Note 5. As the proper tense of the subsequent . or secondary verb has, in certain cases, been a subject of dispute, it may be necessary to observe, that, when the simple attribute, or merely the pri- mary idea expressed by the subsequent verb, is intended to be signified, it should then be put in the present tense: but when the idea of perfection or completion is combined with the primary idea, the subsequent verb should have that form, which is termed the Perfect of the Infinitive. Or, per- haps, this rule may, more intelligibly to the scholar, though less correctly, be thus expressed, that when the action or state, denoted by the subse- quent verb, is contemporary with that of the pri- mary verb, then the secondary verb must be put in the present tense ; but when action or state is /£ .JU.- 278 SYNTAX. prior to that expressed by the secondary verb, the latter must be put in the preterite tense. Usage, indeed, and the opinions of grammarians, are di- vided on this subject. But when nothing but usage can be pleaded in favour of one phraseology, and when reason concurs with usage to recom- mend another, it will not be questioned that the latter deserves the preference. Thus, we should say, " I expected to see you," and not " I ex- *' pected to have seen you;*' because either the expectation and the seeing must be regarded as contemporary, or the former must be considered as prior to the latter. But why, it may be asked, must the seeing be considered as contemporary with the expectation ? Might not the former have been anterior to' the latter? This is certainly possible; I may see a friend before I expect him. But though the sight, abstractly considered, may precede the expectation, it cannot possibly, as an object of expectation, be prior to it. The idea involves absurdity, equal and analogous to the assertion, that the paper, on which 1 write, ex- isted as an object of my perception, previously to iny perceiving it. Agreeably to the second form of the rule here given, we find that tlie Latins very generally used the present of the Infinitive, to ex- press an action or state contemporary witb the at- tribute of the primary verb. Thus dixit me scrihere, ** he said that I wrote,'' or *' was writing," that SYNTAX. 279 is, at the time of his saying so, Diaii me scripsisse, ''he said, that I had written." I have observed, that when the simple attribute denoted by the subsequent verb is implied, we should use the present of the Infinitive. This phraseology should not only be used in all cases, where contemporary actions or states are to be signified, but may also be sometimes employed, where the secondary verb denotes something pos- terior to what is implied by tlie first. For though in no instance, where the simple action or state is to be expressed, should we use the sign of past or future time, yet for obvious reasons we may, and often do employ the present infinitive, or simple name, to denote what is future, when the primary verb necessarily implies the futurity of its object. Thus, instead of saying, '* he promised that he ** would pay," where the constructive sign of futurity is used, to denote the posteriority of the payment, we often say, *' he promised to pay,'* employing the present tense, synonimous with the simple name, as, '' he promised payment." The Latins also, though they almost universally, unless in colloquial language, preferred the former mode of expression, sometimes preferred the latter, as, den egavi t se dare, (Plant.) Jusjurandum poUicitus est dare. (Id.) '* He refused to give," '' he pro- *' mised to give," or ^' he promised giving,'* the secondary verb expressing the act simply, and the time being necessarily implied. 280 SYNTAX. Note 6. The infinitive mood is sometimes used in an absolute or independent sense, as, ** to *' speak the truth, we are all liable to error." *^' Not to trespass on your time, I will briefly ex- *' plain the whole affair," that is, '* that I may ^* speak,'' '* that I may not trespass." Rule XV. Participles are construed as the verbs, to which they belong, as, ** Teaching us to deny ungodliness," Note 1.- The imperfect participle is frequently used like a substantive, and is, in such examples, of the same import with the infinitive of the verb; as, '' they love reading," i. e, ** they love to read.*' In some examples it becomes a real noun, and has a plural number, as, the outgoings of the morning. Note 2. Lowth contends that, when the imper- fect participle of a Transitive Verb is not preceded by the definite article, it properly governs the objective case, and is analogous to the Latin ge- rund, as, '* much advantage will be derived from ** observing this rule;" in which example, thi^ rule is the regimen of the participle obsermng; and that, when the definite article precedes the parti- ciple, it becomes then a pure noun, and, therefore, cannot have the regimen of a verb. He therefore condemns this expression, " by the sending them *' the light of thy holy sphit." Some of our grammarians consider Lowth; in this instance, as SYNTAX. 281 fastidiously critical ; but to me he appears charge- able with error. Let us examine the reasons, which the author adduces in support of his opinion. In this enquiry, the first and most pertinent question is, does usage justify the opinion of the author ? He acknowledges the contrary : he even admits that there is not a single writer, who does hot violate this rule. Were it necessary, indeed, after this concession, it would be easy to evince, that not only our translators of the Bible, whose authority surely is of great weight, but also other writers of the highest eminence employ the phrase- ology, which he condems. Again : does the distinction, which he wishes to establish, favour perspicuity ? The very re- verse appears to me to be the case; for he admits an identity of sense in two distinct phraseologies, which are, incontestably, in many instances, sus- ceptible of different meanings. And, though this ambiguity may not beJnvolved in every example, we have surely good reason for repudiating a phraseology, which may, in any instance, be liable to misconstruction. We are to prescribe, not what may be perspicuous in some instances, but what must be intelligible in all. Lowth says, that we may express the sentiment, either by inserting the article before the Participle and the Preposition after it, or by the pmission of both ; in other words, that these phraseologies are 'equivalent. Thus, according to him, we may 282 SYNTAX. say either, *' by sending his Son into the world," or " by the sending qfh'xs Son," Here, perhaps, the meaning is sufficiently clear, whichsoever of these forms of expression be adopted. But let us take another example, as, *' he expressed the pleasure *' he had, in hearing the philosopher." Now, ac- cording to Lowth, we may also say, " he ex- '^ pressed the pleasure he had, in the hearing of '* the philosoper/' Is there no difference of sen- timent here? Are these expressions equivalent -^ The contrary must be obvious to the most inat- tentive reader. According to the former phraseo- logy, the philosopher was heard; he is represented as passive ; agreeably to the latter, he was active — he heard. Again ; '' When the Lord saw it, lie abhorred '^ them, because of the provoking of his sons and '' daughters." Our translators have correctly ex- hibited the sentiment. The sons and daughters had given offence ; they had provoked the Deity. But, if Lowth's opinion be correct, the expression might be, *' because of j)rovoking his sons and *' daughters;" a phrase, which evidently conveys a very different idea. Again; when it is said, " at the bearing of the *' ear, they will believe," is this expression con- vertible, without violating the sense, into, ^' at ** hearing the ear they will believe ?" Many more examples might be produced to prove, that these phraseologies, which Lowth considers of the same SYNTAX. 283 import, are by no means equivalent. It appears then, that perspicuity is not consulted by adopt- ing this rule. Again ; he considers the participle with a pre- position before it, as correspondent to the Latin Gerund, and therefore governing an objective case ; but the participle preceded by an article, he considers as a substantive, and therefore inca- pable of any regimen. Nov/, as the author rea- sons from one language to another, we may per- tinently ask, is not the Latin gerund a noun, a verbal substantive, not only having the form, and the inflexions of a noun, but governed hke it, by nouns, adjectives, verbs and prepositions, itself likewise governing the case of its verb? This position, were this the place for it, we could easily prove, notwithstanding the objections, w^hich Scioppius, Vossius, with some other gram- marians, have alleged against it. Nay, whatever theory be adopted respecting the nature of the Gerund, there cannot exist a doubt, that, in the early ages of Roman literature, the verbal nouns in io governed an accusative, like the verbs whence they were derived. Quid tibi curaiio est hanc 7xm, is one example from Plautus out of many, which might be produced*. That the Supines also were, in truth, substantives admitting a regimen, is * See Johnson's Comra. p. 352, and Seyer on the Latin Verb, p. 174. To the arguments thpre offered, many others might be added. 284 SYNTAX. equally clear : Difficile dictu was originally difficile in dictu ; and misit oratum opem, misit ad oratum opem. Nor can the structure of the Future Infini- tive Passive be so satisfactorily resolved, notwith- standing a few repugnant examples, as on this supposition : Dixit Hbros ledum iri is resolved into dixit iid) iri ad lectum libroSy where lihros\% the regimen of the verbal noun ledum. Thus it is evident, that the Latin Gerunds, Su- pines, and Verbal Nouns in io, though in form and inflexion Substantives, governed an accusative case. It matters not, indeed, to the point in question, what was the practice of the ancients .in this respect; nor should I, therefore, have dvvelt so long on this subject, did I not conceive, that the very authority, to which Dr. Lowth seems to appeal, militates against him ; and that the very language, to which in this, as in most other cases, he strives to assimilate ours, had nouns governing cases, like the verbs from which they came. From the preceding observations, I think it must appear, that the rule, given by Dr. Lowth, is nei- ther sanctioned by general usage, nor friendly to perspicuity ; while the violation of it is perfectly reconcileable with the practice of the Roman writers, if their authority can, in this question, be deemed of any value. Having attempted to prove the invalidity of LowtlVs argument, and the impropriety of his rule SYNTAX. 285 as establishing an identity of meaning, where a difference must exist^ I would submit to the can- did and judicious critic the following remarks. The Participle in ing has either an active, or pas* sive signification ; its import must, therefore, be determined by the judgment of the reader, or by explanatory adjections. Whatever, then, is cal- culated to remove all misconstruction, and to render its import clear and unequivocal, merits attention. Consistently, then, M-ith some of the examples already adduced, lam inclined to suggest, that, when the noun, connected with the parti- ciple, is active or doing something, the preposition should be inserted, as, ^' in the hearing of the *^ philosopher," that is, the philosopher hearmg ; and that, when the noun represents the subject of an action, or what is suffering, the preposition should be omitted, as *' in hearing the philoso- " pher," ov the philosophei^ being heard. An atten- tion to this rule will, I conceive, in most cases prevent ambiguity. If it should be said, that I have admitted Lowth's phraseologies, I answer, it is true; but with this difference, that he considers them as equivalent, and I as diametrically opposite. I ob- serve likewise, that, though I prefer the suppres- sion of the article, when the participle is not fol- lowed by of, and its insertion, when it is followed by the preposition, it is not, because I perceive any impropriety in the other phraseology, but ^86 SYNTAX. because, since the publication of Lo\vth*s Gram-, it has been less employed ; and because also il less forcibly marks the distinction, which I have recommended. That it has the sanction of good authority^ is unquestionable; and that it is not inconsistent with analogy will still further appear from the following note. Note 3. The Participle in ing is construed like a noun, governing the genitive case, and, at the same time, having the regimen of its proper verb, as, " Much depends on Richard's observing the ** rule, and error will be the consequence of his '* neglecting it.'* In this example, the words Richard]s and his are in the genitive case, governed by the participles observing and neglecting, while these participles, having here every character of a noun, admit the objective case. This form of expression has been received as unexceptionable; the following phraseology, however, has been cen- sured, though, in truth, precisely analogous to the one now exemplified ; *' Much depends on the *' rule's being obser/ed, and error will he the con- *^ sequence of its being neglected." '"'Here," said a certain writer, ^^ is a noun with a pronoun repre- ** senting it, each in the possessive case, that is, '* under the government of another noun, but *' without any other noun to govern it ; for being '' observed, tuxuX being neglected, are not nouns, nor '^ can you supply the place of the possessive case SYNTAX. S87 *"' by the preposition of^ before the noun or ** pronoun." I concur with Dr. Campbell, who has examined this objection, in tliinking, that the expression is not only sanctioned by good usage, but is also agreeable to analogy, and preventive of circumlo- cution. The objector, indeed, does not seem to have been aware, that his opinion is at variance with itself; and that the reason, which he assigns for rejecting this phraseology, would, with equal force, conclude against another mode oF expres- sion, which he himself approves. For he would have no objection to say, " Much depends on his *' observing the rule, and error will be the con- ** sequence of neglecting it.'* Now let us try, whether this sentence be not liable to the same objection, as the other. In the. former, he says, you cannot possibly supply the place of the pos- sessive case, by the preposition (?/ before the noun or pronoun. This is true; for it would not be English to say, *' Much depends on the being ob- " served of the rule; and error will be the conse- *' quence of the being neglected of it." But will bis own approved phraseology admit this ? Let us see; " Much depends on the observing of him of *^ the rule; and error will be the consequence of *' the neglecting of him of it." Were the example simpler, the argument would be equally strong ; as, ^^ Much depends on your pupil's composing, '* but more on his reading frequently." This 288 SYNTAX. sentence the author alluded to would have approved. Let us try, if it can be resolved by of, '' Much depends on the composing of your ** pupil, but more on the reading of him fre- *' quently/' The author's argument^ then, if it prove any thing, proves too much ; it cannot, therefore, have any weight. In additioH to these observations, I would re- mark, that the writer's argument involves another inconsistency. He admits, that the Participle in W2g" may be thui^ construed; for he approves the phrases, " his observing the rule/' and '*his neg- ** lecting it." Why then does he reject '* his *' being*' and ^' its being;" for the past or perfect participles observed and neglected have no share in the government, i^ule^s and ifs being under the regimen of the Participle m ing. In fact then the phrase seems no more objectionable, than " his ^' being a great man did not make him a happy *' man ;" which our author would admit to be wholly unexceptionable. Some late writers, reasoning doubtless on a principle similar to that, the absurdity of which we have been attempting to expose, have discarded a phraseology, which appears unobjectionable, and substituted one, which seems less correct. Many writers, instead of saying, *'his being smitten with *' the love of Orestilla was the cause of his mur- *' dering his son,'' would say, "he being smitten SYNTAX. S89 '^ witli the love of Orestilla was the cause." This seems to me an idle affectation of the Latin idiom, less precise than the common mode of expression, and less consonant with the genius of our language. For^ ask what was the cause; and, according to this phraseology, the answer must he he; whereas the meaning is, that not //e, but his being smitten, was the cause of his ipurder. '^ This jealousy accounts for Hall charging the '* duke of Gloucester with the murder of prince "' Edward." '^ This," says Mr. Baker '^ very justly, *' is in my opinion a very uncouth way of speak- '^ ing, though much used by ignorant people, and *^ often affected by those, who are not ignorant." The writer should have said, '* for Hall's charg- *' ing." ^' His words being applicable to the com- *' mon mistake of ourao-e induce me to transcribe *' them." Here I agree with the same writer in thinking, that it would be better to consider tt/or intelligible every where, aod in no place ridicu- lous. And, though the variety of dialects may collectively form a greater number of authorities, than national usage can boast, taken singly they are much fewer. Those, to use Campbell's appo- site simihtude^ who deviate from the beaten road, may be incomparably more numerous, than those who travel in it ; yet, into whatever number of by- paths the former may be divided, there may not be found in any one of these tracks so many, as tra- vel in the king's highway. In the third place, this usage must be presefit Here it may be asked, what is meant by present usage ? Is it the usage of the present year, the present age, or the present century ? How is it defined, or by what boundary is it limited ? In short, how far m'ay we revert in search of decisive authority? may we go back, for example, as far as Chaucer, or must we. stop at the age of Ad- ilison ? In determining this matter, the same learned and judicious critic observes, that regard must be had to the species of composition, and the nature of the subject. Poetry is properly allowed a greater AND ILLUSTRATION!^. 321 a greater latitude than prose; and,' therefore, a- word, which, in prose, we should reject as a bar- barism, may, with strict propriety, be admitted in verse. Here also there are limits which must not be passed ; and, perhaps, any word, which cannot plead the authority of Milton, or of any contem- porary or later poet, may be justly regarded as obsolete. In prose, no word, unless the subject be art, or science, should be employed, which has been disused for a period, greater than the age of man. This is the judgment of the same critic. Against this answer, indeed, it is possible to raise a thousand cavils ; and, perhaps, we shall be reminded of the poet's strictures on the term <7wc7aif in his days*. One thing, however^ is cer- tain, that, though it be difficult to fix a precise limit, -where the authority of precedent termi- nates, and legislative usage commences, or to de- fine with precision the age of map, it must be ac- knowledged, that there are limits, in respect to * Est vetus, atqueprobus, centum qui perficit annos, Quid ? qui deperiit uno mense vel anno ; Inter quos referendus erit ? veteresne poetas^ An quos et pra^sens, ct postera respuat cetas ? Ille quidem veteres inter ponetur honestc, Qui vel mense brevi, yel toto est junior anno, Utor permisso, caudo^^ue! pilos ut equinse Paullatim vello ; et demo unura, demo etiam unuta Dum cadat elusus ratione ruentis aCerti, Qui redit ad fasto^. Horace^ Ep. I. Lib. 2, Y 522 CRITICAL REMARKS usage, which we must not overleap, as ther^ is a certain term, which the life of man cannot surpass. As there is a period, heyond which precedent in language ceases to have authority; so, on the contrary, the usage of the present day is not im- plicitly to be adopted. Mankind are fond of no- velty^ and there is a fashion in language, as there is in dress. Whim, vanity, and affectation, de- light in creating new words. Of these, the far greater part soon sink into contempt. They figure for a little, like ephemeral productions, in tales, novels, and fugitive papers; and are shortly con- signed to degradation, and oblivion. Now, to adopt every new-fangled upstart at its birth, would argue not taste, nor judgment, but cliildish le- vity, and caprice. On the contrary, if any of these should maintain its ground, and receive the sanction of reputable usage, to reject it, in this case, would be to xesist that authority, to which every critic and grammarian must bow with sub- mission. The term mob^ for example, was, at its introduction, zealously opposed by Dean Swift. His resistance, however, was ineffectual; and to reject it now would betray prudish affectation, and fruitless perversity. The word inimical^ previously to the American war, could, I believe, plead, in its favour, only one authority. In some diction- aries, accordingly, it was omitted ; and in others stigmatized as a barbarism. ll-Jias now obtained AND ILLUSTRATIONS. a permanent establishment, and is justly admitted by every lexicographer. In words, as fashions, the same rule will hold ; Alike fantastic, if too new or old : Be not the first, by whom the new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside. Popes Essay on Criticism. In short, in this, as in every other question on this subject, perspicuity should be our guide. If the subject be art or science, or if the composition be intended for literary men, then a greater la- titude may be allowed, as the reader is supposed to be master of the language, in all its varieties. ' But, if the subject be accommodated to common capacity, and the composition designed for ordi- nary readers, the rule now given, not to employ a word, which has been disused for a period greater than the age of man, will be deemed, I conceive, rational and necessary. The usage, then, which gives law to language, and which is generally denominated " good usage," must be reputable, natiotialj and present. It hap- pens, however, that '' good usage*' is not always uniform in her decisions, and that unquestionable authorities are found for different modes of ex- pression. In such cases, the following Canons, proposed by the same author, will be of consider- able service, in enabling tlie reader to decide, to which phraseology the preference is due. These Y 2 324 eRITICAL REMARKS canons I shall give, nearly in the words of tlie author; and illustrate them, as I proceed, by a few apposite expressions, partly his, and partly my own. Canon I. When usage is divided, as to any particular words or phrases, and when one of the expressions is susceptible of a different meaning, while the other admits only one signification, the expression, which is strictly univocal, should be preferred. For this reason, azight^'foY ** any thing" is bet- ter than ought ; scarcely^ as an adverb, better tliaij, scarce; by consequence is preferable to of conse* quence, whicb signifies also ** of importance ;" and exceedingly » as an adverb, is preferable to exceeding. For the same reason, to purpose, for '* to in-' **" tend," is better than to propose, which signifies also *' to lay before,*' or ^' submit to consider- "• ation;" mid proposal, for '' a thing offered or *' proposed," is better than '' proposition,*' which denotes also " a position," or " the affirmation of '* any principle or maxim." Thus we say, '* he *' demonstrated EucAkVs proposition," and **^he re- '' jected the pivposal of his friend/' Agreeably also to this canon, disposal, in com- mon language, when a gra»t, or giving away, is denoted, or when the management of any thing is • The Saxon word is atviht^ contracted auht^ aJiquid.* AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 8^6 to be expressed, is preferable lo disposition, which signifies also arrangement, and Ukewise temper of mind, ** To speak contemptuouslij of a person/' is better than '' to speak contewptibly/' the latter term meaning generally, *^ in a contemptible man- *' ner," or "in a manner worthy of contempt,'' whereas the former is univocal, and denotes disre- spectfully, or ** in a manner significant ofcon- *-' tempt." For the, same reason, obvious for '* evident," is better ihRn apparent, which means also '' seeming," as opposed to *' real." The term primitive, as equivalent to original, is preferable to primary. The latter ts synonimous \N\\h principal, and is oj)poscd \o secondary \ the former is equivalent to onV/A^//, and is opposed to derivative, or acquired. I shall illustrate this dis- tinction by a few examples. The -words false Iiood and Zee agree in expressing the same primary idea, namely, '' contrariety to fact ;'* but they differ in their secondary ideas, the former implying simply '* inconsistency with physical truth,'' the latter being a term of reproach, expressing " a wilful *' breach of veracity, or of moral truth." To kill, and /o murder, agree also in their primary ideas, both denoting " the deprivation of life;" but they dififerin their secondary, the former implying no moral turpitude, tlae latter denoting an immoral act: From these examples it will appear, that 3^6' CRITICAL REMARKS primary/ denotes *' what is principal or chief," as opposed to *' secondary/' or ** subordinate." Primitite is equivalent to original ; thus we say, the primitive meaning of the word villain, was *' a *' nearer tenant to the lord of the manor ;" custom has altered its signification, and it now denotes ** a wicked fellow." Thus the primary/, and the primitivt meaning of words may be very different ; these terms, therefore, ought to be duly discri- minated. Intension for '* the act of stretching or strain- *' ing/' is for the same reason, preferable to inten^- tion, which signifies also *' purpose," or ^* design." ** I am mistaken,*' is frequently used to denote '* I misunderstand," or *' I am in error; but as this expression may also signify, *^ I am misunder- *' stood," it is better to say, '* I mistake." Canon II. In doubtfid cases analogy should be regarded. For this reason, contemporary is better than co- temporary^ con being used before a consonant, and CO before a vowel ; as, concomitant, coeval. For the same reason, '* ?V needs,'' " he dares " *' whether he will or not,'' are better than " he '* needy'' '* he dare," " whether he zvill or no." The last of the three phraseologies, here recom-. mended, Priestley thinks exceptionable. To me, as to Campbell, the ellipsis appears evident ; thus. AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 327 ^ whether he will, or will not/' hence "will not" seems the only analogical expression. Canon til. When expressions are in other re- spects equal, that should be preferred, which is most agreeable to the ear. This requires no il- lustration. Canon IV. When none of the preceding rule* takes place, regard should be had to simplicity. On this ground, " accept," "approve," *' admit," are preferable to ** accept of/' ** approve of/* *' admit of." 1 have already observed, that no expression, or mode of speech, can be justified, which is not sanctioned by usage. The converse, however, does not follow, that every phraseology, sancti- oned by usage, should be retained ; and, in such cases, custom may properly be checked by Criti- cism, whose province it is, not only to remon- strate against the introduction of any word or phraseology, which may be either unnecessary, or contrary to analogy, but also to extrude whatever is reprehensible, though in general use. It is by this exercise of her prerogative, that languages are gradually refined and improved ; and, were this denied, language would soon become stationary, or more probably would hasten to decline. In ex- ercising this authority, she cannot pretend to de- grade instantly any phraseology, which she may 328 CRITICAL REMARKS deem objectionable ; but she may, by repeated re- monstrances, gradually cancel it. Her decisions in such cases may be properly regulated by the following canon§, as delivered by the same author. Canon I. All words and phrases, particularly harsh, and not absolutely necessary, should be dismissed, as, '* shametacedness/' '' unsuccessful- *^ ness,'* *' wrongheadedness." Canon II. When the etymology plainly points to a different sigiiification, from what the word bears, propriety and simplicity require its dismis- sion. For example, the word "beholden/* taken for /* obliged," or the verb '* to unloose," for ** to *' loose," or '' untie," 3hould be rejected. Canon III. When words becopie obsolete, or are never used, but in particular phrases, they should be repudiated ; as they give the style an air of vulgarity and cant, while their genrral disuse renders them obscure. Of these, *' lief," **dint," ** whit," V* moot,*' ^' pro and con," furnish ex- amples, as, ^' I had as lief go," " by dint of ar- '* gument," '* not a whit better," " a moot point," *' it was argued pro and con.'" These phraseolo- gies are vulgar, and savour too much of cant, to be admitted in good writing. Canon IV. All words and phrases, which ana- AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 329 lysed grammatically include a solecism, should be dismissed, as, '* I had rather go.*' Tlie expression should be. ''I would/' or-*' I'd rather go ;" and from the latter, the solecism ** I had go," seems by mistake to have arisen, I'd being erroneously conceived to be contracted for I had, instead of a contraction for / ?e?6>z^/r/. TJiis is the opinion of Campbell, and to this opinion I expressed my as- sent, in the former edition of this Treatise. I acknowledge, however, that it now appears to me not strictly correct ; and that Webster has not questioned its accuracy on insufficient grounds. In the phrases adduced by Campbell, such as, *' I'd '' go," VTd rather stay," we can readily perceive the probability that Vd is a contraction for " I f^ would." But in such expressions as ** I had like ** to have been caught," which occur not only in jcolloquial language, but also in authors of consi- derable name, it is impossible to achnit Canijdn IPs explanation. I must observe also, that the j)hra- scology, which he censures, occurs in some of our earliest writers, and is so frequently found in Poi)e and Swift, that one is tempted to infer, notwith- standing its solecistic appearance, that it is genu- ine Ejighsh. It is ditKicult however, nay perhaps impossible, to reconcile it to analogy. Were I to offer conjecture on the subject, I should be in- clined to say, that in such phrases as, *' I had go," I had is by a grammatical figure very common in ^^0 CRITICAL REMARKS English, put for / would have^ or 1 xvould possess, and that the simple name of the act or state, by an elHpsis perhaps of the verbal sign is subjoined, as the object wished, no regard ' being liad to the completion of the action; in the same manner, as we say, I would have gojie, when we wish the ac- tion perfected. But, by wliatever authority this phraseology may be recommended, and in what- ever way it may be reconciled to the rules of syn- tax, it has so much the appearance of solecism, that I decidedly prefer with Campbell the unexception- able form of expression, / would. The phrase / had like appears to me utterly irreconcileable with any principle of analogy. Canon V, All expressions, which, according to the established rules of the language, either b^ve no meaning, or involve a contradiction, or, ficcording to the fair construction of the words, convey a meaning different from the intention of the speaker, should be dismissed. Thus, when a person says, *' he sings a good song," the words strictly imply that " the song is good,*' whereas the speaker means to say, " he sings well." In like manner, when it is said, '' this is the best ** part he acts,'' the sentence, according to the strict interpretation of the words, expresses an opinion, not of his manner of acting, but of the part or character which he acts. It should be, AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 331 ** he acts this part best/' or *^ this is the part, " which he acts best." *' He plays a good fiddle/' for ** he plays well on the fiddle/' is, for the same reason, objectionable. Of expressions involving a contradiction, the following will serve as an example. ** There were " four ladies in company, every one prettier than *' another." This is impossible. If a was prettier than B, B must have been less pretty than a ; but by the expression every one was prettier than an- other, therefore b was also prettier than a. Such absurdities as this ought surely to be banished from every language. Of those, which have httle or no moaning, Campbell has given as examples, '^ currying fa- *' vour,'* ** having a month's mind,*' ** shooting *' at rovers.'' Such modes of expression, he justly calls trash, the disgrace of any language. These canons I have extracted from '' Campbell ** on Rhetoric," a book, which I would recom- mend to the reader's attentive perusal. I proceed to observe, that to write any lan- guage with grammatical purity implies these three things. 1st. That the words be all of that language. 2dly, That they be construed and arranged, ac- cording to the rules of syntax in that language. 3dly, That they be employed in that sense, which Visage has annexed to them. 332 CRITICAL REMARKS Grammatical purity, therefore, may be viplated in three ways. 1st. The words may not be EngHsh. This er- ror is called Barbarism. 2dly, Their construction may be contrary to the English idiom. This error is termed Solecism. 3dly, They may be used in a sense different from their established acceptation. This error is named Impropriety*. The Barbarism is an offence against Lexicog- raphy, by admitting new words, as, ^' volupty," *' connexity," " majestatic," or by using obsolete words, as, '^uneath/' *'erst;" or an offence against Etymology, by improper inflexion, as ** teached," for '^ taught,'* '' oxes/' for*' oxen.'* The Solecism is an offence against the rules of syntax, as, ** I reads/' ^' you was." The Impropriety is an offence against Lexi- cography, by mistaking the meaning of words, or phrases. A Solecism is regarded by grammarians as a much greater offence, th^n either of the others; because it betrays a greater ignorance of the prin- ciples of the language. Rhetorically considered, it is deemed a less trespass; for the rhetorician and grammarian estimate the magnitude of errors * Deprehendat, quae barbara, quas impropria, quae contra le- gem loqucndi composita. Quintil, lib, i. cap. 5. AND ILLUSTRATIONS. S33 by different standards ; the former enquiring only, how far any error militates against the great pur- pose of Iiis art— persuasion ; the latter, how far it betrays an ignorance of the principles' of gram- mar. Hence with the former, obscurity is the greatest trespass ; with the latter^ solecism, and that species of barbarism, which violates the rules of Etymology, S34 CRITICAL REMARKS CHAR IL HAVING, in the preceding chapter, explained the nature of that usage, which gives law to lan- guage; and having proposed a few rules, for the student's direction in cases, where usage is divided, and also where hq* authority may be justly ques- tioned, and checked by criticism, I intend, in the following pages, to present the young reader with a copious exemplification of the three gene- ral species of error against grammatical purity, arranging the examples in the order of the Parts of Speech. * SECT. i. The Noun, BARBARISM. I " I RODE in a one horse chay." It ought to be, '' a one horse chaise.'' There is no such word as chay. ''' That this has been the true and proper accep- *' tion of this word, I shall testify by one evidence." Ajm ILLUSTRATIONS. 335 (Hammoiicl. ) Acception is obsolete, it ought to be acceptation, ** Were the workmen to enter into a contrary ** combination of the same kind, not to accept of ** a certain wage." (Wealth of Nations. ) fVage is obsolete; the plural only is used. '* Their alliance was sealed by the nuptial of " Henry, with the daughter of the Italian prince/* {Gibbon,) Nuptial Ims not, I believe, been used as a substantive, since the days of Shakespeare, and may be deemed obsolete. The plural nuptials is the proper word. *' He shewed that he had a full comprehension '^ of the whole of the plan, and of the judicious '* adaption of the parts to the whole.'* (Slieridan's Life of Swift. ) Adaption is obsolescent, if not ob- solete : Adaptation is the proper term. AdaptioM is frequently employed by Swift, from whom She- ridan seems to have copied it. '' Which even his brother modernists them- ^* selves, like ungrates, whisper so loud, that it *' reaches up to the very garret I am now writing '' in." (Swift.) /' Ungrate,' is a barbarism. *' Ingrate" is to be found in some of our English poets as an adjective, and synonimous with *'un- "^ grateful;'' but ^* ungrate," as a substantive, is truly barbarous. ** The Deity dwelleth between the cherubims." The Hebrews form the plural of masculines by sidcVmg im ; \^' cherubims,"- therefore, is a double ^^6 CRITICAL REMARKS plural. *' Seraphims," for the same reason, is faulty. The singular of these words being *' che* *' rub," and *' seraph/* the plural is either ** che- *' rubs,'* and '' seraphs/' or '' cherubim/' ahd '' seraphim/' Milton has uniformly avoided this mistake, which circumstance Addison, in his cri- ticisms on that author, has overlooked ; nay, he has, even with Milton*s correct usage before him, committed the error. *' The zeal of ihesei^aphim/* says he *' breaks forth in a becoming warmth of *' sentiments and expressions, as the character ** which is given of //iw," &c. Here '* seraphim/* a plural noun, is used as singular. It should be, ** the zeal of the seraph/' '* Nothing can be more pleasant, than to see *' virtuoso's, about a cabinet of medals, descant- '^ ing upon the value, the rarity, and authentical- ** ness of the several pieces.'* Jiit/ientkalness, though used by Addison, is obsolescent, and may, perhaps, be deemed a barbarism. It may be pro- perly dismissed, as a harsh and unnecessary term. '' He broke off with lady Gifford, one of his ** oldest acquaintances in life." {Sheridan's Life of Swift.) Acquaintances is now deemed a Scotti- cism, being almost peculiar to the northern parts of the island. Johnson, however, did not dis- claim it. ** A young student from the inns of "' court, who has often attacked the curate of his '' father's parish, with such arguments, as hrs ** arcquaintances could furnish." ( Rambler, ) We AXD ILLUSTRATIONS. S^ find it also in Steele ; thus, '' she pays every body *■* their own, and yet makes daily new acquaint- *' ances." (Tatler, No. 109.) '' The bellowses were broken/' The noun, as here inflected, is barbarous. ** Bellows" is a plu- ral word, denoting a single instrument, though consisting of two parts. There is, therefore, no such word as '' bellowses." SOLECISM* " I have read Horace Art of Poetry/' This ex- pression may be deemed solecistical, being a vio- lation of that rule, by which one substantive go- verns another in the genitive. It should be, '^ Ho- *' race's Art of Poetry." " These are ladies ruffles/* *^ this is the kings picture," are errors of the same kind, for *' ladies' ruffles," '* the king's picture.** " These three great genius's flourished at the *' same time.'' Here '' genius's," the genitive sin- gular, is improperly used for " geniuses," the no- minative plural. '* They have of late, 'tis true, reformed, in some ** measure, the gouty joints and darning work of " whereunto's, wherehy's, thereof'Sy therewitlCs^ '^ and the rest of this kind." {Shaftesbury,) Here also the genitive singular is improperly used for • The reader is requested to observe, that under '^ solecism,'* 1 have included several phraseologies, M'hich, though not con» sistent with syntactical propriety, may be justly called by the softer name of " inaccuracies." 338 CRITICAL REMARKlS the objective case plural. It should be, wherewP toSf whereby s, thcreofs, therewiths, ''Both those people, acute and inquisitive to '^ excess, corrupted the sciences." Adams's His- tory of England. *' Two rival peoples, the JevTs and the SaiVian- '^ tans, have preserved separate exemplars of it." (Geddes's Preface to his Translatmi of the Bible.) The former of these passages involves a palpable error, the word '' people," here equivalent to ««- tiojL and in the singular number, being joined M'ith both, or '^ the two," a term of plurality. . In the latter^ this error is avoided, the noun berng employed in the plural number. This usage, how^ ever, though sanctioned by the authority of our translators of the Bible in two passages, seems now to be obsolete. States, tribes, nations, appear to be preferabk. *' I bought a scissars,'* ** I want a tongs," ^' It " is a tattered colours," involve a palpaple sole-* cism, the term significant of unity being joined wi-th a plural word. It should be, ** a pair of scis- '* sars," *' a pair of tongs," ^* a pair of colours." " They tell us, that the fashion of j-umbhng '* fifty things together in a dish, was at first in- *' troduced, in compliance to a depraved and de- *' bauched appetite." {Swift.) *^ We say, comply with,'' therefore, by Rulg xvii, *' in compliance with" is the analogical A^D ILLUSTRATIONS. 339 ferm of expression, and has the sanction of clas- sical usage. " The fortitude of a man, who brings his will to '* the obedience of his reason." {Steele.) Analogy requires *' obedience to/' We say, obedient to command: the person obeying is expressed in the genitive^ or with the preposition of ; and the per- son or thing obeyed with the preposition to, as, *' a servant's obedience," or *' the obedience of a " servant to the orders of his master." " Give attendance to reading, to exhortation, '' to doctrine." {Bible. ) '' Attendance" and '' at- *' tention," are Verbal Nouns, derived from " at- " tend.'* When the verb signifies *' to regard," or *' to fix the mind upon," it is followed by to, as \^ he attends to his studies," and the Verbal Noun is *' attention,*' construed, agreeably toRulexvir, in the same manner as the verb. Thus, ^' he gives '* attention to his studies.'* But when ** to attend'* signifies '' to wait on,*' or ^^ be present at," it is followed by on^ upon, or at, and is sometimes used without the preposition. Thus, '* if any minister refused to admit a lec- *' lurer recommended to hini, he was required to *' artend upon the committee.** {Clarendon.) *^He attended at the consecration with becom- *' ing gravity.** (Hume.) In this sense the Verbal Noun is '' attendance," and construed like the verb, when it bears this signification. In the sen- tence, therefore, last quoted, syntax requires, z 2 o40 CRITICAL REMARKS either '' attendance at'* or " attention to." The latter conveys the meaning of the original, IMPROPRIETY. "■ The observation of the Sabbath is a duty in- '* cumbent on every Christian." It should be, " the observance." Both substantives are derived from the verb, " to observe." When the verb means '* to keep," or **obey," the Verbal Noun is '^ observance;" when ^' to remark,'* or ** to no- '' tice," the noun is " observation." The word *"' construction," serves as the Verbal Noun of two verbs, '' to construe,'* and ** to con- '' struct," the former of which is purely a gram- matical term. Hence we say, '* the construction '' of a sentence,*' and "the construction of a '* house;'* but we cannot say, '' construct a sen- *' tence," or '^ to construe a house.'* " To con- *' strue a sentence," is frequently used in English to denote *' interpreting a sentence.*' Though this usage be, perhaps, too firmly established to admit alteration, 1 think the word ^' interpret," *' translate,** or ^' explain,'* which are employed in Scotland, would be preferable. For, agreeably to the present usage, the verb *' to construe" has two significations, whence ambiguity may fre- quently arise, the one implying much the same as analysis^ or resolution^ the other spithesis, or com^ /;o,9zV/o;2, two ideas directly contrary. The ambi- guity has been avoided by Blair, who uses the verb AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 341 ^' to construct/' when the framing of a sentence is intended. This usage, however, is, I believe, not known in England, and has been deemed a Scotticism. " They make such acquirement?, as fit them far '* useful avocations/* {Staunton's Embassy to China, ) The word avocation is frequently, as in the ex- ample before us, confounded with vocation. By the latter is clearly signified " calling," '-'trade," '* employment," *' business," "occupation,'* and by the former is meant whatever withdraws, dis- tracts, or diverts us from that business. No two words can be more distinct; yet we often see them confounded. *^ A supplication of twenty days was decreed to " his honour." (^Henry's History of Britain.) The term supplication is in our language confined to what Johnson calls " petitionary wordiip," and always implies request, intreaty, or petition. The Latin term supplicatio has a more extensiv^e mean- ing, and likewise supplicium, each denoting not only prayer, strictly so called, but also thanks- giving. The latter of these should have been em- ployed by the author. ^' Our pleasures are purer, when consecrated by '* nations, and cherished by the greatest genii " among men." {BlackweWs Mythology.) Genii mcd,ns sprits. (See p. 25.) Tt ought to be geni- 342 CRITICAL REMARKS I have already remarked, (See p. 43.) that, when the primary idea imphed in the mascvdine and feminine terms is the chief ohject of attention, and when the sex does not enter as a matter of consi- deration, the mascuhne term should be employed, even when the female is signified. Thus, the Monthly Reviewer, in giving a critique on the poems of Mrs. Grant, says, in allusion to that lady, ** such is the poet's request." This is strictly pro- per. He considers her merely, as a writer of poetry. But, were we to say, " as a poet, she *' ought not to choose for her theme the story of '' Abelard,'' we should be chargeable with error. For this would imply, that the story of Abelard is not a fit subject for a poem, — a sentiment mani- festly false. There is no incongruity between the subject and poetry, but between the subject and female delicacy. We ought, therefore, to say, *' as a poetess, she ought not to choQse for her '' theme the story of Abelard." '' It y/as impossible not to suspect the veracity *' of this story./' " Veracity" is applicable to persons only, and properly denotes that moral quality or property, which consists in speaking truth, being in its import nearly synonimous with the fashionable, but grossly perverted term, ho- nour : it is, therefore, improperly applied to thy-igs. It should be, '' the truth of this story.'' The former denotes moral, and the la,tter physical AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 343 truth. We therefore say, '' tlie truth," or '' verity " of the relation, or thing told," and *' the veracity '* of the relater." Pope has entitled a small dissertation, prefixed to his translation of the Iliad, '' A View of the ^' Epic Poem," misled, it is probable, by Bossu's title of a similar work, ** trait^ du poeme epique.'' Poem denotes the work or thing composed ; ** the '' art of making,*' which is here intended, is termed poesi/. An error similar to this occurs in the following passage : ** I apprehend that all the sophism, which ^' has been or can be employed, will not be suffi- ** cient to acquit this system at the tribunal of *' reason." {Bolingbroke. ) *^ Sophism," is pro- perly defined by Johnson, '' a fallacious argu- ** ment;" sophistry means ** fallacious reasoning," or " unsound argumentation." The author should have said, *' all the sophistry," or " all the so- '* phisms.'* '* The Greek is, doubtless, a language much ** superior in riches, harmony, and variety to the ** Latin." {Campbell's Rhet.) As the properti^i or qualities of the languages are here particularly compared, I apprehend, that the abstract " rich '■ ness" would be a more apposite term. ** Riches'' properly denotes *^ the things possessed," or ** what ^' constitutes the opulence of the owner;'' ** rich- ** ness" denotes the state, quality, or property of 344 CRITICAL REMARKS the individual, as possessed of these. The latter, therefore, appears to me the more appropriate term. '* The negligence of this leaves us exposed to an *' uncommon levity in our usual conversation/' {Spectator.^ It ought to be, '' The neglect." ** Negligence" implies a habit; -^ neglect" ex- presses an act. " For I am of opinion, that it is better a Ian- '^ guage should not be wholly perfect, than it ** should be perpetually changing; and we must *^ give over at one time, or at length infallibly *' change for the worse; as the Romans did, when ** they began to quit their simpHcity of style, for *' affected refinements, such as we meet with in " Tacitus, and other authors, which ended, by ^^ degrees, in many barbarities." Barbarity, in this sense, is obsolescent. The univocal term, barbarism, is much preferable. Gibbon, speaking of the priest, says, " to obtain '^ the acceptation of this guide to salvation, you ^' must faithfully pay him tythes." Acceptation ir^ this sense is obsolete, or at least nearly out of use; it should ht favour or acceptance, *' She ought to lessen the extravagant power of ^' the duke and duchess, by taking the disposition ** of employments into her own hands." {Swift.) Disposal, for reasons already assigned* is much better. * See Canon I, p. ?4l. AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 345 '^ The conscience of approving one's self a bene- ?* factor to mankind, is the noblest recompence for ** being so." Conscience is the faculty, by which we judge our own conduct. It is here improperly vised for *' consciousness," or thp pe-rception of ^ what passes within ourselves. ** If reason were as plenty, as blackberries, I *' would give no man a reason on compulsion." {Shakespeare.) Here ple7iti/, a substantive, is im- properly used ^ox plentiful, ** I have the Dublin copy of Gibbon's History." This is a Scotticism, for Duhim edition ; and so palpable, that I should not have mentioned it, were it not found in authors of no contemptible merit. Robertson^ when speaking of the Mexican form ^ of government (Book viith) says, " but the de- *' scription of their policy and laws is so inaccu- '' rate and contradictory, that it is difficult to *' delineate the form of their constitution with *^ any precision." I should here prefer the appro- priate and univocal term poUty, which denotes merely the form of government; policy means rather wisdom or prudence, or the art ofgovernino-, which may exist, where there is no settled polity. " A letter, relative to certain calumnies and ** misrepresentations, which have appeared in the *' Edinburgh Review, with an exposition of the ^* ignorance of the new critical junto." — Here, 346 CHITICAI, REMAT?KS agreeably to Canon 1 (see p. 241.) I should prefer exposure, as being a word strictly univocal. It Avould conduce to perspicuity, were we to consider exposition as the verbal noun of expound, and con- fine it entirely to explanation, and exposure as the verbal noun of expose, signifying the act of set- ting out, or the state of being set out, or e?vposed. AND ILLUSTRATIONS. SECT. II. The Adjective. BARBARISM. *' Instead of an able man, you desire to have " him an insignificant wrangler, opiniatre in dis- " course, and priding himself on contradicting *' others." {Locke,) Opiniatre \% a barbarism ; it should be opinio7iative, ^' And study'd lines, and fictions circles draw." Prior. The word fictions is of Prior's own coining; it is barbarous. *' The punishment, that belongs to that great '* and criminous guilt, is the forfeiture of his right ** and claim to all mercies." ( Hammond. ) Crimi- nous is a barbarism. ^* Which, even in the most overly view, will ** appear incompatible with any sort of music.'' {Kaimes's Elements.) Overly is a Scotticism; in England it is now obsolete. The proper term is cursory or superficial. "- Steele, the rogue, has done the impudentest 348 CRITICAL REMARKS '* thing in the world." {Swift.) The clissyllabic adjective impudent has no superlative. '* Callisthenes, the philosopher, that followed '^ Alexander's court, and hated the king, being ^* asked, how one should become the famousest " man in the worlds, answered, by taking away ** him that is/' (Bacon's jlpophth.) The superla^ tive here, as in the preceding example, is a barbar rism ; it should be, ** most famous.*' SOLECISM. ** I do not hke these kind of men." Here the plural word these is joined to a noun singular; it should be, *' this kind." '* Those sort," '' these '' kind of things," are gross solecisms. ** The landlord was quite unfurnished of every ** kind of provision." (Sheridan's Life of Swift,) We say, '* to furnish s^^V/?," not '* to furnish of Furnished and unfurnished 2iXQ construed in the same manner. It should be, " unfurnished with.'^ ^' A child of four years old was thus cruelly de^ *' serted by its parents.'' The error here involved frequently occurs, and is an egregious solecism. It should be, "a child four years old," or '' aged '* foUr years," not '' of four years." Those, who employ this incorrect phraseology, seem misled by confounding two very different modes of ex- pression, namely, *' a child of four years of age," or *' of the age of four years," and '' a child four ** years old/' The preposition of is requisite in AND ILLUSTRATIONS. , 349 the two first of these forms^ but inadmissible in the third. They would not say, *' I am of four years '' old," but ^' I am four years old;" hence, con- sistently, they ought to say, *' a child four years '' old." '* This account is very different to what I told *' you." '^ I found your affairs had been managed '' in a different manner, tlum what I advised." Both these phraseologies are faulty. It should be in each, *' different /rowz." The verb " to differ" is construed with from before the second object of disparity; the adjective therefore should (by Rule XVII.) be construed in the same manner. " Tliese words have the same sense of those " others." Scwie should be followed with as, with, or the relatives, who, which, that. It ought, there- fore, to be, *' as those," or " with those," or ^' have " the sense of those others." *^ Besides, those, whose teeth are too rotten to "' bite, archest, of all others, qualified to revenge ** that defect, with their breath." (Preface to '' A Tale of a Tub,") *' Here," says Sheridan, '' the disjunction of '* the word best from the word qualified^ makes the '* sentence uncouth, which would run better thus, *' ' are, of all^others, best qualified.' " So far Mr. Sheridan is right; but he has left uncorrected a very common error. The antecedent subject of comparison is here absurdly referred at once to the same, and to a different aggregate, the word SSO CRITICAL REMARKS o/* referring- it to the species, to which it belongs^ and the word othej^s referring it to a different spe- cies. The sentence, therefore, involves an ab- surdity : either the word others should be expunged, when the sentence will run thus^ ** Those, whose ** teeth are too rotten to bite, are, of all, best *' qualified to revenge that defect,'* or, if the word others be retained, the clause should be, " are bet- ** ter qualified than all others*." The phraseology, here censured, is admissible in those cases only, where a previous comparison has been made. If we say, '^ To engage a private tu- '* tor for a single pupil, is, perhaps, of all others, ** the least eligible mode of giving literary in- ** struction," {Barrow on Education,) without mak- ing that previous discrimination, which the word others implies, we commit an error. But we may say with propriety, '' I prefer the mode of educa- '* tion adopted in our public schools ; and of all '* other modes to engage a private tutor appears to *"* me the least eli2:ible." '&' * We perceiTe intuitively the error of Milton, when he calls Adam '* the comeliest of men since born," Eve also *' the fairest '* of her daughters," and we laugh, perhaps, when the Cork almanack-maker gravely tells us, '' that the principal republics *•' in Europe, are Venice, Holland, and America;" yet the error here reprehended is precisely of the same specieSj though it passes frequently unnoticed. AXD ILLUSTRATIONS. 351 IMPROPRIETY. '' Tiicy could easier get them by heart, and re- '^ tain them in memory/* {Adams's History of England.) Here the adjective is improperly used £or the adverb; it ought to be '* more easily." *' Thus much, 1 think, is sufficient to serve, by '* way of address, to my patrons, the true modern *' critics, and may very well atone for my past si- '■ lence, as well as for that, which I am like to ob- *' serve for the future/' {Swift.) Like, or '' simi- *' lar," is here improperly used for //Mj/, a word in signification nearly synonimous with probable. We say, '* he is hkely to do it," or " it is probable '' he will do it." ** Charity vaunteth not itself, doth not behave ** itself unseemly." Here the adjective unseemly is improperly used for the adverb, denoting " in an ** unseemly manner." Unseemlily not being m use, the word indecently should be substituted, ^' The Romans had no other subsistence, but *' the scanty pillage of a few farms." Other h re- dundant; it should be, '' no subsistence but," or, '' no other subsistence than.'' In the Saxon lan- guage, and the earlier English writers, the word otlmr is not uniformly followed by than, but some times with but, before, save, e.vcept^% thus, Mark * It has been already offered as the opinion of the writer^ (Seep. 65,) that the English word other is the Saxon -o^cP, and 352 CRITICAL REMARKS. xii. 32, " thser an God is, and nis other butan him," thus rendered in the Bishops' Translation, ' * there *' is one God, and there is none but he," and in the common version, *' none other but he.'* In the book of Common Prayer we have, *' thou shalt " have no other Gods but me ;*' and the same form of expression occurs in Addison, Swift, and other contemporary writers. Usage, however, seems of late to have decided almost universally in favour of tha?2. This decision is not only consistent with analogy, if the word othe?^ is to be deemed a com- parative, but niay also, in some cases, be subser-- vieht to perspicuity. No other but, no other be^ side, no other except, are equivalent expressions^ and do not perhaps convey precisely the same idea with 7ione but, no other than. Thus, if we take an example similar to Baker's, and suppose a person that this word with the Arabic ahd. the Hebrew had or aliadj the Saxon o^^e, the Teutonic orfo, the Svvedifjh wc/i/a, and pro* bably the Latin cut, have all sprung from the same source^ or that one of these is the parent of the rest, deiioting unus or sin* gulusy *' OTiCy" or *' one by itself.'^ Of the origin of the Saxon other. Lye has hazarded no opinion. It appears to me to be a comparative from c^^e. To those who have carefully examined^ and have approved the theory of Mr. Tool:c, it will furnish no talid objection agaipst this opinion, that t/is word ois^o is uni- formly found in Saxon, signifying aut. Such can have little or no difficulty in perceiving, not only froiii the similarity of the elements, but from the affinity in point of sense, that had, ahd, aut, oJSXe, oXepj other^ or^ are all members of one and the same family. AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 353 fo say, '* A called on me this morning," b asks, ^' No one else?" " No other," answers a, *'but '' my stationer/' Here the expression, as Baker remarks, seems strictly proper, the "words no othe7\ having a reference tp a. Bljt if the stationer had been the only visitor, he should say, '* none but/' or ** no other thrm the stationer called on me this ** morning/' This is the opinion of Baker. The distinction, which he wishes to establish, is suf- ficiently evident ; but that it is warranted by strict analysis, I do not mean to affirm. '' He ha$ eaten no bread, nor drunk no water '^ these two days." No is here improperly used for ani/y two negatives making an affirmative : it should be, ^' nor drupk any water." *' The servant must have an imdeniable charac- '* ter." Uiideniable is equivalent to incontrovert- ible, or *? not admitting dispute." An ''undeiiia- *^ bje character,'- therefore, means, a character, which cannot be denied or disputed, whether good or bad : it should be, '* unexceptionable.'' , ^VButyou are too wise to propose to yourselves ^* an object, inadequate to your strength." (JVat- son's Hist, pf Philip III.) Inadequate means '*fall- ^' ing short of due proportion/' and is here im- properly used i^i a sense, nearly the reverse. It should be, " to which your strength is inade- '* quate/' or^ *' superior to your strength." *' I received a letter tp-day from our mutual friend/' It should be, '' pur common friend/' aa ii 554 CRITICAL REMARKS Mutual implies reciprocation; and is to be used, only when intercourse is signified, between the two persons spoken of. Now, there is no reciproca- tion between the person speaking, and the person addressed, though there be a mutual friendship between each of them, and the correspondent al- luded to. Again; mutual is a term inapplicable to inore than two. Now, if a be a friend to b, and also to c; there subsists a mutual friendship be- tween A and B, and between a and c : and a is the common friend of b and c. The superlatives lowest and lowermost, highest .and uppermost, appear to me to be frequently con* founded. Thus we say, '' the lowest house in the ** street," when we mean the lowest in respect to measurement, from the basement to the top, and also the lowest in regard to position, the inferi- ority being occasioned by declivity. Now it ap- pears to me, that when we refer to dimension, wc should say, lowest or highest ; and when we refer to site or situation, we ought to say, lowermost or uppermost, *' It was due^ perhaps, more to the ignorance of '* the scholars, than to the knowledge of the mas- ** ters." {Swift,) It should be, *' it was owing," or, "it is ascribable." The author had previously been speaking of the first instructors of mankind, and questioning their claim to the title of sages. To say, then, that their right to this title, or that the appellation itself, ** was due more to ignorance AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 385 ^' than to knowledge," is manifestly improper. Johnson has justly observed, that the word due is rarely used as equivalent to occasioned by. '^ Risible/* ** ludicrous,*' and ^M'idlculous/* are frequently confounded. Risible denotes merely the capacity of laughing, and is applied to animals having the faculty of laughter, as, '' man is a ri- " sible creature." Ludicrous is applicable to things exciting laughter simply; ridiculous to things exciting laughter with- contempt. The tricks of a monkey are ludicrous, the whimsies of superstition are ridiculous. ** That this was the cause of the disaster, was *' apparent to all." Apparent is sometimes used in this sense. The word, however, is equivocal, as \t denotes seeming, opposed to real ; and obvious^ opposed to doubtjul or obscure. ** I consider the *^ difference between him and the two authors " above mentioned, as more apparent than real." {Campbell.) Here apparent is opposed to real; and to this sense it would be right to confine it, as thus all ambiguity would be effectually pre- vented. '' But there soon appeared very appa- '^ rent reasons for Jameses partiality." {Goldsmith.) Obvious, or evident, would unquestionably be pre- ferable. ^' How seldom, then, does it happen, that the " mind does not find itself in similar circum- *' stances.^ Very rare indeed." {Tr^uslers Preface to Synon,) The adjective rare is here improperly AA SI 5j6 - CRITICAL REMARKS used for the adverb. As the question, indeed, is adverbially proposed, it is somewhat surprising, that the author should answer adjectively — It ought to be, *' Very rarely." *' No man had ever less friends, and more ene- '' mies." Less refers to quantity, fewer to num- ber; it should be, ''/ezse/'eT friends.'' The adjectives agreeable^ suitable^ conformable, independent, consistent, relative, pf^vioiis, antecedent, and many others, are often used, where their se- veral derivative adverbs would be more properly employed; as, *' he lives agreeable to nature,'' " lie wrote to me previous to his coming to town/' '* tolerable good," ^' he acted conformable \o his *' promise." It is worthy of remark, however, that the idiom of our language is not repugnant to some of these phras^eologies, a circumstance which many of our grammarians have overlooked, if we may judge from the severity, with which they have condemned them. If I say, " he acted according *^ to nature," the expression is deemed unobjec- tionable ; but is not according a Participle, or, perhaps, here, more properly, a Participial? " He " acted contrary to nature'' is also considered as faultless; but is not contrary an Adjective ? Were we to reason on abstract principles, or to adopt what is deemed the preferable phraseology, we should say, ** contrarily" and '' accordingly to '^^ nature." This, however, is'not the case. '' Con- •^' trary to nature," '* according to nature," and AND ILLUSTRATIONS. * 3.57 Tllaiiy similar phraseologies, are admitted as good : why, then, is '' conformable to nature," an ex- pression perfectly analogous, so se^^er-ely con- demned ? Johnson has, indeed, uselessly enough in my opinion, called Gccarding a Prepositions- fearful, hovvTver, of error, he adds, it is properly a Participle, for it is followed by to. According is alwaysa Participle, as mucli as ^^reei;?^, andean he nothing else. Because .secundum in Latin is termed a Preposition, hence some have referred according to the same species of words. With equal propriety might in the pozver of be deemed a Prepo- sition, because penes in Latin is so denominated. Now, if *' he acted contrary to nature" and ^' ac- '^ cording to nature" be deemed unexceptionable expressions, with many others of the same kind, which might be adduced, it follows that, " he ** acted agreeable," ''conformable," '.' suitable to ^' nature,'' may plead in their favour these analo- gous phraseologies. I offer these observations, in order to shew, .that, misled by abstract reasonings, or by the servile imitation of another language, we some-times hastily condemn^ as altogether inad- n"wssible, modes of expression, .which are not re- pugnant to our vernacular idiom. — I would not, however, be understood to mean, that the Adverb is not, in these cases, much to be preferred, when it can be employed consistently with good usage. For, if we say, " he acts agreeable to the laws of *' r^aspn^" the question is, who or what is agreeg.- 358 CRITICAL REMARKS able ? the answer, according to the strict con- struction of the sentence, is he; but it is not he^ but his mode of actings of which the accordance is predicated ; agreeably is, therefore, the preferable term. I observe also, that wherever the Adjective is employed to modify the meaning of another Ad- jective, it becomes particularly exceptionable, and can scarcely, indeed, plead aught in its favour, as, *' iiulifTerent good,'' '' tolerable strong," iu-^ stead of ** indifferently good," and *' tolerably *• strong." The following phraseology is ex- tremely inelegant, and is scarcely admissible on any principle of analogy. *^ Immediately conse- ^' quent to the victory, Drogheda was invested." (Belsham'^ History.) What was consequent? Grammatically *^ Drogheda." '* No other person, beside my brother, visited ** me to-day.** Here the speaker means to say, that no |)erson, beside his brother, visited him to-day ; but his expression implies t\vo exceptions from nonl^y the terms other and beside each imply- ing one, and can, therefore, be correct on this supposition only, that some one beside his brother had visited him. It should be rather, *' no per- ** son beside.'' ■' The old man had, ' some fifty years ago, been ^^ np mean performer on the vielle." {Slerne,) This phraseology appears to me very objection- able \ and can be proper in no case, except when AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 359 the date of the period is to be expressed as uncer- tain. The word some shoukl be cancelled. " Brutus and Aruns killed one another.*' It should be, '* each other:" ** one another" is ap- plied to more than two. " It argued the most extreme vanity." {Hume) Ei'ti^eme is derived from a Latin superlative, and denotes '* the farthest," or *' greatest possible :'* it cannot, therefore, be compared. '* Of all vices pride is the most universal." J7m- ^ersal is here improperly used for general. The meaning of the latter admits intension and remis- sion, and may, therefore, be compared. The former is an Adjective, whose signification cannot be heightened or lessened ; it therefore rejects all intensive and diminutive words, as, so, more, less, least, most. The expression should be, *' Of all " vices pride is the most general.'* ^' Tho' learn'd, well bred; and tho* well bred, sincere: *' Modestly bold, and humanly severe. *^* Pupe, Human and humane, as Dr. Campbell observes, arc sometimes confouaded. The former properly means ** belonging to man;" the latter ** kind *' and compassionate;" humanly, therefore, is improperly, in the couplet now quoted, used for humanely. 360 - CRITICAL REMARKS SECT. iir. The Fronoun. BARBARISM. Pronouns ab so few in number, and so simple, that this species of erroi*, in respect to them, can scarcely occur. To this class, however, may, perhaps, be reduced such as hisn^ htr'n, ourn, your'riy their'n, for his own, her oxvn, our own, &c, t)T for his one, her one, &c. sole'cism. '* Who calls?" '' 'Tis me." this is a violatiori of that rule, by which the verb to he has the same case after it, that it has before it. It should be, '' It is I." ** You were the quarrel,** says Petulant in ** The *' Way of the World," Millamant answers, "Me!** For the reason just given, it should be " /.*' *' Spare thou them, O God, which confess their " faults.** As the relative refers to persons^ it should be who. '* Nor is mankind so much to blame, in his *' choice thus determining him.*' {Szvift.) Man-- kind is a collective noun, and is uniformly consi- dered as plural; his, therefore, is a gross solecism. *' By this institution, each legion, to whom % AND ILLUSTRATIONS. S&\ *^ certain portion of auxiliaries was allotted, con» " taiiied within itself every species of lighter '* troops, and of missile weapons/' (Gibbon.) Ii ought to be, to which— rthe Prououn itself, wliich follows^ referring to a Noun of the neuter gender. To whom and its'elf cannot each agree with one common antecedent. ** The seeming importance given to every part '* of female dress, each of which is committed to '* the care of a different sylph." {Essay on the Writings of Pope.) This sentence is ungramma- tical. Each implying *' one of two/' or every one singly of more than two, requires the relative to "be considered as plural; yet the antecedent /;^rf, to which it refers, is singular. It should be '' all *' parts of female dress.'* *' He was ignorant, the pi'ofane historian, of the '* testimony, which he is compelled to give. ( Gibbons Decline of the Roman Empire. ) The youth and inexperience of the prince, he was otily fifteen years of age, declined a perilous " encounter." lb. In the former sentence,^ the historian appears neither as the nominative, nor the regimen to any verb. If it be intended to agree with //e by apposition, it should have immediately followed the pronoun. If it be designed emphati- cally, and ironically, to mark the character of tlie historian, it should have been thrown into the form of a parenthetic exclamation. In the latter sentence a phraseology occurs, which, not with- 562 CRITICAL REMARKS standing its frequency in Gibbon, is extremely awkward and inelegant. The fault may be cor- rected either by throwing the age of the prince into a parenthesis, or preferably, by the substitution of who for he, '* That faction in England, who most power-- " fully opposed his arbitrary pretensions." {Ma- coulay.) It ought rather to be, '^ that faction in ** England, which." It is justly observed by Priestley, " that a term, which only implies the " idea of persons, and expresses them by some " circumstance or epithet, will hardly authorize ** the use of who.'* *' He was certainly one of the most acute meta- *' physicians, one of the deepest philosophers, *' and one of the best critics, and most learned '* divines, which modern times have produced.'* Keith on the Life and Writings of Campbell, *' Moses was the mildest of all men, which were *' then on the face of the earth." Geddes, ** Lord Sidney was one of the wisest, and most *' active governors, whom Ireland had enjoyed " for several years." Hume, In the two first of these passages, which is im^ properly applied to persons ; in the last, the author has ^voided this impropriety, and used whom. The Pronoun that, however, is much preferable to whOj or which, after a superlative. *' Such of the Morescoes might remain, who ** demeaned themselves as Christians.'' {IVatsoii's, AND ILLUSTRATIOXS. 565 Life of Philip III. ) Such is here improperly fol- lowed by xvho instead o^ as, Tlie correlative terms are thosCj who, and such, as. *' It is hard to be conceived, that a set of men '* could ever be chosen by their cotemporaries, to '* have divine honours paid to them, \\hile nume- " rous persons were alive, who knew their imper- '^ fections, and who themselves, or their iinme- '* diate ancestors, might have as fair a pretence, ** and come in competition witii them/' {Pri- deauv*s Connections.) The identity of subject, in the relative clauses of this sentence, requires the repetition of the same Pronoun, It should be, *' who themselves, or whose immediate ancestors." " If you were here, you would find three or four ** in the parlour, after dinner, whom, you would '* say, past their afternoons very agreeably.'* {Swift.) The pronoun whom should not be under the government of the verb '* would say," having no connection with it ; but should be a nominative to the verb " passed ;' thus, *' who, you woald ** say, passed their afternoons." ** By these means, that religious princess be- *' came acquainted with Athenais, whom she found ** was the most accomplished woman of her age." IVhojn, for the reason already assigned, should be who, being tl«e nominative' to the verb was. If it' were intended to be a regimen to the verb found, the sentence should proceet} (bus, *' whom she ♦' found to be/' a ei 564 CRITICAL REMARKS *' Solomon was the wisest maiij him only ex- '' cepted, who was much greater and wiser than " Solomon." In English the absolute case is the nominative; it should, therefore, be, *' he only excepted." '^ Who, instead of being useful members of so- ciety, they are pests to mankind." Here the "\/ verb are has two^ nominatives, zvho and thej/, each ^ representing the same subjects of discourse. One of them is redundant; and by the use of both, tha expression becomes solecistical, there being no verb, to which the relative who can be a nomi- native. ** My banks, they are furnish'd with bees,'* is faulty for the same reason, though here, per- haps, the poetic licence may be pleaded in excuse. '* It is against the laws of the realm, which, as — - ^' they are preserved, and maintained, by your '* majesty's authority, so we assure ourselves, you '' will notsuflPer them to be violated." Which is neither a regimen, nor a nominativ-e, to any verb ; the sentence, therefore, is ungrammatical— 77fe»i is redundant. *' Whom do men say that I am ?" The relative is here in the objective case, though there be no word in the sentence, by which it can be governed. In such inverted sentences, it is a good rule for those, who are not well acquainted with the lan- guage, to arrange the words in the natural order. AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 36*5 beginning with the nominative and the verb, thus, " men say, that I am who," a sentence precisely analogous to *' men say, that I am he," the verb requiring the same case after it, as before it. Hence it is obvious, that it should be, *' Who do men '* say that I am ?'* '* Who do you speak to ?" It ought to be whom, the relative being under the government of the preposition, thus, *' To whom do you speak?" '' Who she knew to be dead." {Henry's Hist. of Britain.) Here also the relative should be in the objective case, under the government of the verb, thus, *^ whom she knew," or '- she knew whom to '' be dead." " Than whom, Satam except, none higher sat." Milton. ^' The king of dykes, than whom no sluice of mud, '' With deeper sable blots the silver flood." Fope, This phraseology I have already examined. lu answer to Mr. Baker's reasons for condemning the phrase, *' than whom,'* Story's observations be^ tray, as I conceive, extreme ignorance, and re- quire correction. ^' The English," says he, *' is '' strictly good ; for the relative whom is not in '^ the same case with sluice, (which is the nomi- '' native to the verb blots) but referring to its ante- *' cedent, the king of dykes, is very properly in the *■ objective case, even though the personal pror ^- v\Q\mhe, if substituted in its place, would be in " the nominativ^e.^' S66 CRITICAL REMAUk^ If Mr. Story conceives, that the relative liiust agree with its antecedent in case, he labours under an egregious mistake. Every page of English evinces the contrary. Yet, such must be his opi- nion, or his argument means nothing; for the only reason, which he offers for w/w??i, is, that its antecedent is in the objective case. Besides, if /^^;2 a'^o;72 be admissible, nay proper, he will have difficulty in assigning a good reason, why it should not be ajso, tha}i him. But Mr. Story should have known, that, when two nouns are coupled by a conjunction, the latter term is not governed by the conjunction, but is either the nominative to the verb, or is governed by it, or by the preposition understood. The sentence proceeds thus, '* no '* sluice of mud blots with deeper sable, than he '* or who blots." *' It is no wonder if such a man did not shine ** at the court of Queen Elizabeth, who was but '' another name for prudence and economy*" {Hume.) The word Elizabeth, as represented in the latter clause, is here a mere word, nuda v&.Vy and not the sign of a person ; for it is said to be another name fox prudence and economy. Not the person, but the word, is said to be significant of this quality. The pronoun, therefore, should be which, not who. The sentence, however, even thus corrected, would be inelegant. Better thus> " Queen Ehzabeth, whose name was but another *' word for prudence and economy." AND ILLUSTRATIOtfS. 367 ** Be not diverted from thy duty by any idle ^ reflections, the silly world may make upon you." Consistency requires either ^' your duty,'' or " upon ** thee/' Thy and your, a singular and a plural pronoun, each addressed to the same individual. are incongruous. A similar error occurs in the following passage: " I pray you, tarry all night, lodge here, that thy '* heart may be merry." (Bible.) ** It is more good to fall among crows than flat- *' terers, for these only devour the dead, those the " living." The pronoun this always refers to the nearer object, that to the more remote. This dis- tinction is heu-e reversed. It should be, '* those *' (crows) devour the dead; these (flatterers) the " living." I observe also, in passing, that those adjectives, whose mode of comparison is irregular, are not compared by more and most. It ought to be, *' it is better." *^ Each of the sexes should keep within its pro- ** per bounds, and content themselves with the ** advantages of their particular districts." {Addi- son.) Here the pronoun does not agree with the word, to which it refers, the word each being sin- gular ; whereas themselves and their are plural. It should be, itself, A similar error occurs in the following sentence. ** Some of our principal public schools have each ** a grammar of their own." JBan^ow on Education^ It ought to be, *^each a grammar of ?V^ own," The S6S CRITICAL REMARKS expression is elliptical, for *' schools have, each " (has) a grammar of its own." Thus we say, Simeon and Levi took each man his sword^ xioi their szvords. * Gen. xxxiv. 25. //^ / *' Let each esteemx)ther better than themselves. '•' ' (Bible.) For the reason just given, it ought to be himself, '' I wonder, that such a valiant hero as you, *' should trifle away your time in making war ** upon women.'- (Essay an the JVritings of Pope ) Here the pronoun disagrees in person with the noun, to which it refers, hero being of the third person, and your of the second. The connection is, *' I *' wonder that such a valiant hero should trifle ** away his time," ** The venison, which I received yesterday, and " was a present from my friend, &c." Which is here in the objective case, and cannot properly be understood as the nominative to the verb was: better, therefore, and '' which was a present." ** There is not a sovereign state in Europe, but ** keeps a body of regular troops in their pay." This expression, to say the least of it, is inelegant and awkward. Better, ** its pay.'' '* The treaty he concluded can only be consi- ** dered as a temporary submission, and of which ** he took no care to secure the continuance of it," The redundancy of the words o/* 2V, renders the sentence somewhat ungrammatical. It should run thuS; '' the treaty he concluded can only be coR* AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 369 <• sidered as a temporary submission, of which he ■' took no care to secure the continuance/* An improper reference occurs in the following sen- tence: *' Unless one be very cautious, he will be '•' liable to be deceived." One here answers to the indefinite word an in French, and cannot be repre- sented by any pronoun. It must, therefore, be repeated, thus, *' unless one be very cautious, oiie *' will bp liable to be deceived." IMPROPRIETy. " Give me them books/* Here the substantive pronoun is used adjeclively, instead of the demon- strative those or these. The substantive pronouns, which are, strictly speaking*, the only pronouns, cannot be construed as adjectives, agreeing with substantives. We cannot say, ** it book,** ^' ihcy " books,'* " them books,*' but '' this*' or '' that ^* book,'* '* these" or '^ those books." The former phraseology may be deemed solecistical. •^ Great numbers were killed on either side.'* (fVatsons Philip III.) *• The Nile flows down the country above five ** hundred miles from the tropic of Cancer, and ^' marks on either side the extent of fertility by " the measure jf its inundation." (Gibbon,) It has been already observed, that the Saxon word ceuthei^ signifies eachy as Cren. vii. 2. *' Clean ani- ^' mals thou shalt take by sevens of each kind/' 370 ' CUiriGAL REMaH'KS^:- (F.ythres yecyndes. The English word either is sonietimcs used in the same sense. But, as this is the only word in our language, by which we can express '^ one of two," ** which of the two *' you ple^ase," and as it is generally employed in tliat sense, perspicuity requires^ that it be strictly confined to tins signification. For, if cither be used equivocally, it must, in many cases, be ut- terl}' impossible far human ingenuity to ascertain, only '' one of two," or *' both" be in- tended. In such expressions, for example, as '^ take *' either side," '' the general ordered his troops to •^ march on eitlier bank/* how is the reader or hearer to divine, whether both sides, hothhanks^ or onlij one be signified? By employing each to ex- press " both," taken individually, and either to denote '* one of the two," all ambiguity is removed. ''The bishop of Clogher intends to call on you '* thiis morning, as well as your humble servant, *• in my return from Chapel Izzard." {Addisori to Su'ift.) After the writer has spoken of himself ia the tliird -person, there is an impropriety in em- ploying the pronoun of the .first. Mucli better '' in his return." *' The ends of a divine and human legislator are *' vastly different." {JVarburton.) From this sen- ten-ee it would seem, that there is only one subject oF discourse, the ends belonging to one individual, a iuti)2C ojid human tegislator. The author intended to express two different subjects, namtly, '' the AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 371 '* objects of a divine/' and *' the objects of a hii- ** man legislator.*' The demonstrative those is omitted. It should be, *^ the ends of a divine, and *' those of a human legislator, are vastly different." . This error consists in defect, or an improper ellip- sis of the pronoun : in the following sentence the error is redundancy. " They both met on a trial '* of skill." Both means '' they two," as ambo in I^atin is equivalent to" oi duo." It should, there- fore, {}e, ** both met on a trial of skill." ^ '* These two men (a and b) are both equal in *' strength." This, says Baker, is nonsense; for *^ these words signify only, that a is equal in *• strength, and b equal in strength, without im^ *' plying to whom ; so th^t the word equal has no- *' thing, to which it refers." *' a and B," says he, '* are equal in strength," is sense; this means, '' that they are equal to each other, a and b are " both equal in strength to c, is likewise sense. *^ It signifies, that a is equal to c, and that b like- ** wise is equal to c." Thus Mr. Baker. Now, it appears to me, tliat, wjjen he admits the expres- sion, *' are both equal," as significant of the equal- ity of each, he admits a phraseology, which does not strictly convey that idea. For if we say, '* a *' and Bare both equal," it seems tome to imply, that the two individuals are possessed of two at- tributes or qualities, and in this sense only, as I conceive, is this phraseology correct. Thus we may say, with strict propriety, " a and b are both B B 2 572 CRITICAL REMARKS ** equal in strength, and superior in judgment^ ** to their contemporaries." Or it may denote, that *' they two together/* namely, a and b, are '' equal to c singly." In the former case, both is necessarily follovved by and, which is in Latin ren- dered by et. Thus *' a and b are the two things, *^ (both) equal m strength, and (add) superior in ^' judgme7it to their contemporaries.** In the latter case, it is equivalent to ambo, expressing two col- lectively, as, '' they two together are equal to c, ** but not separately.'* I am aware, that the word both in English, like ambo in Latin, is an ambigu- ous term, denoting either " the two collectively," or ^' the two separately," and that many exampleal of the latter usage may be adduced. But that surely cannot be deemed a correct or appropiate term, which, in its strict signification, conveys an idea, different from that intended by the speaker ; or which leaves the sentiment in obscu- rity, and the reader in doubt. The word each, substituted for both, renders the expression clear and precise, thus, '' a and b are each equal lo c ^' in strength*." An error the reverse of this occurs in the fol- lowing sentence. " This proves, that the date of '* each letter must have been nearly coincident." • '^ Utrumque fecisse dicimus, si et hie & ille fecerit divisim ; *' ambos fecisse dicimus, si duo conjunctim aliquid fecerint.'' Stephan. This distinction, however, as the learned critic ac- knowledges, is not uniformly observed. AND ILLUSTRATION'S. 373 Coincident with what ? Not surely with itself; nor can the date of each letter be coincident with €ach other. It should be, *' that the dates of both '* letters must have been nearly coincident.'* *' It's great cruelty to torture a poor dumb ani^ '' mal." Better, 'Tis, in order to distinguish the ^contraction from the genitive singular of the pro- iioun it, '* Neither lady Haversham, nor miss Mildmay, " will ever believe, but what I have been entirely *' to blame." The pronoun zvhat, equivalent to that which, is here improperly used for that. The converse of this error occurs in the following passages. " That all our doings may be ordered by thy governance, to do always that is righteous in thy ** sight." (^Book of Common Prayer.) " For, if there be first a willing mind, it is ac- *' cepted, according to that a man hath." {Bible,) The pronouns it and that were formerly used as including the relative. " This submission is it im- *' plieth them all " ^' This is it men mean by dis- *' tributive justice." {Hobbes,) *' To consider ad- " visedly of that is moved." {Bacon.) This usage is now obsolete. The clauses should therefore proceed thus, *^todo always what," or ''that, *' which is righteous." *' According to what," or ^' that, which a man hath." . 574 CtllTICAL REMARltS • SECT. IV. The Verb, BARBARISM. ** Thus did the French ambassadors with gri?ai *' shevy of their king's affection, and many sugared " words seek to addulce all matters between the *' two kings." {Bacon.) The verb '' to addulce/' is obsolete. *^ Do villainy do ; since you profess to '' Like workmen, I*U example you with thievery.'' Shakespeare. '^ The verb " to example/* as equivalent to the phrasC; *' to set an example," is obsolete ; and when used for *' to exemplify," may be deemed obsoles- cent. *' The proof whereof,'* says Spencer, in his State of Ireland, *' I saw sufficiently exampled,'* better '* exemplified.'' *' I called at noon at Mrs. Masham's, who de- '* desired me not to let the. prophecy be published, *' for fear of angering the queen/' (JSwift.) The verb *' to anger," is almost obsolete. In Seot*- land, and in the northern part of England, it is still colloquially used ; but in written language, of respectable authority, it now rarely occurs. I have met with it once or twice in Swift and Pqpe ; since AND, ILLUSTRATIONS. ^75 their time it appears to have been gradually falling into disuse. * "Shall we once more go to fight against our *' brethren, or sliall we surcease r" {Geddes^ V Transl.) The verb '^ to surcease," is obsolete. '^ And they and he, upon this incorpora4ion and *' institution, and onyng of themsclf into a realnic, '' ordaynyd,'* &c. (Fortescue.J Here we have the participle of the verb " to one," now obsolete, for ^* to unite." '' For it is no power to may alien, and put ** awaye; but it is a power to may have, and kepe '' to himself So it is no power to may sync, and ** to do ill, or to may be syke, or wex old, or ** that a man may hurt himself; for all thees ** powers comyne of impotencye." (lb.) It has been already observed, that the verb 7nai/ is derived from the Saxon msdgsin posse (See p. 139) From the passage before us it appears, that in the time ofFortescue (anno 1440) the infinitive " to may, ' for *' to be able," was in use. It has now been long obsolete. In the following passage, it forms what is called- a compound ten^ie with the word shall, the sign of tlie infinitive being suppressed. ** Wherthorough the parlements schall may do *' more good in amoneth.'* (lb.) that is, '* shall '* be able to do." '* Wherefor al, that he dothe ozvltk to be ** referryed to his kingdom." (lb.) The verb to §zv€, as- expressive of duty, is now obsolete. It 376 CRITICAL REMARKS has been supplanted by ought , formerly its pre- terite tense, and now used as a present. We should now say " ought to be referred." " Both these articles were unquestionably true, *' and could easily have been proven." ( Henry' ^ History of Britain.) *' Admitting the charges ** against the delinquents to be fully proven." (Belsham's History.) Proven is now obsolete, having given place to the regular participle. It is still, however, used in Scotland, and is therefore deemed a Scotticism. SOLECISM. *' You was busy, wheri I called." Here a pro-* noun plural is joined with a verb in the singular number. It should be, *' you were." " This is one of those highwaymen, that was '* condemned last sessions." According to the grammatical construction of this sentence, '' one " of those highwaymen" is the predicate; for the syntactical arrangement is, " This (highwayman), ** that was condemned last sessions, is one of those " highwaymen." But this is not the meanings which this sentence is in general intended to con- vey: for it is usally Employed to denote, that se- veral highwaymen were condemned, and that this is one of them. The sentence, therefore, thus u ciCi stood, is ungrammatlcal ; for the antece- dcirt is, in this cas€, not one, but highwaymen. The relative, therefore, being plural, should be And iLLUSTRATioNs. S77 joined with a plural verb, thus, ** This is one of '' those highwaymen, that were condemned last ^* sessions. " ** I had went to Lisbon, before you knew, that '* I had arrived iu England." This is an egregious solecism, the auxiliary verb had, which requires the perfect participle, being here joined with tlie preterite tense. It should be, *' I had gone." *^ It is very probable, that neither of these are '* the meaning of the text." Neither means '' not '^ the one, nor the other," denoting the exclusion of each of two things. It should, therefore, be, "** neither is the meaning of the text." ** He was a man, whose vices were very great, •* and had the art to conceal them from the eyes ''* of the public." According to the grammatical construction of this sentence, "vices understood is the nominative to the verb had; thus, '' whose *' vices were very great, and whose vices had the " art to conceal them/' It should be, ** and who '* had the art to conceal them." " At the foot of this hill was soon built such a *' number of houses, that amounted to a consider - *' able city." Here the verb amounted has no no- minative. To render the sentence grammatical, it should be, '' that they amounted," or " as ■*' amounted to a considerable city." " It requires more logic, than you possess, to ** make a man to believe, that prodigahty is not a ^' vice." After the verb '' to make," the si^n of + 378 cuniCAL remarks the infinitive should be omitted. See Rule iiii. Note 3. '' He dare not/' " he need not," may be justly pronounced solecisms, for " he dares," ** he needs." '' How do your pulse beat?" Pulse is a noun singular, and is here ungrammatically joined with . a verb plural It should be^ '' how does your ** pulse beat?'* '' The river had overflown its banks." Overflown is the participle of the verb to Jly, compounded with oter. It should bC;, " overflowed," the parti- ciple of ** overflow." ^' They that sin rebuke before all." The pro- noun, which should be the regimen of the verb rebuke, is here put in the nominative case. It should, therefore, be theni. The natural order is, ^' rebuke them that sin." *' There are principles innate in man^, which *^ ever have, and ever will incline him to this of- *' fence." If the ellipsis be supplied, the sentence will be found to be ungrammatical ; thus, '* which " ever have incline," and *' ever will incline." It should be, *' which ever have inclined, and ever ** will incline." '* Nor is it easy to conceive, that, in substitut- ** ing the manners of Persia to those of Rome, ** he was actuated by vanity." (Gibbon,) *' Suh- ** stitute /o," is a, Latinism. It should be, '* sub- *' stitute/or." '* 1 had rather live in forty Irelands, than under AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 379 "the frequent disquiets of hearing, that you are *' out of order." {Swiff s Letters.) ** You had '* better return home without delay." In both these examples would is far preferable, thus, *' I ** would rather live,*' *' you would better return/* or ** you would do better to return/' ** That he had much rather be no king at all, ^ *' than have heretics for his subjects.*' {Watso7i's Philip II.) Here is involved the same error. It should be, ** he would.'* *' The nobility of England consisted only of one ** duke, four earls, one viscount, and twenty-nine *' barons, all the nobles of the Lancastrian party ** having been either killed in battles, or on scaf- ^' folds, or had fled into foreign parts." {Hcnri/s Hist.) This sentence is ungrammatical. The word nobles ]o\ned to the participle having must be regarded as put absolutely, and tlierefore to the verb ^^c? there is strictly no nominative. But, even were a nominative introduced, the structure of the sentence would be still highly objectionable, the two last clauses "having been killed/* and ** they '* had fled,*' being utterly discordant one with the other. The primary irea to be expressed is the fewness of the nobilily ; this forms the subject of the principal clause. — There are two reasons to be as- signed for tliis fewness, thdr destruction and their flight ; these form the subjex^s of the two subordi- nate clauses. Between these two, therefore, there should be the strictest congruity ; and in this re- SSO CRITICAL REMARKS gpect the sentence is faulty. It ought to proceed either thus, '' The iiobihty of England consisted '* only of one duke, four earls, one viscount, and *' twenty-nine barons; for all the nobles of the ** Lancastrian party had either been killed in bat- ** ties, or on scaffolds, or had fled into foreign parts;" or thus, *' all the nobles having been " killed, or having fled/' The latter form is the preferable. " He neglected to profit of this occurrence." This phraseology occurs frequently in Hume. '* To '^ profit of/' is a gallicism ; it ought to be, '' to ** profit b^ this occurrence." " The people of England may congratulate to *' themselves, that the nature of our government, *' and the clemency of our king, secure us.*' {Dry- den,) " Congratulate to," is a Latinism. The per- son congratulated should be in the objective case governed by the verb; the subject is preceded by the preposition on, as, ^' I congratulate you on ** your arrival." " You will arrive to London, before the coach." '* A priest newly arrived to the north west parts '* of Ireland." (Szvifrs Sacr. Test.) In' these examples the verb *' to arrive/' is fol- lowed by to instead of at, an error, which should be carefully avoided. Good writers never con- strue it with the preposition significant of motion or progression concluded, but with those preposi- tions, which denote propinquity or inclusion. AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 381 namely, at or in. Hence also to join this verb, with adverbs, expressive of motion to, or towards a place, is improper. We should say, '* he arrived here, there, where, not hither, thither, whither'* *' I am the Lord, that maketh all things, that '* stretcheth forth the heavens alone, that spread- ** eth the earth abroad by myself According to the structure of the second and third clauses of this sentence, the Lord is the antecedent to that, which is, therefore, properly joined with the third per^ son of the verbs following, '' maketh," " spread- " eth;" but the pronoun of the first person, my^ self, in the last clause, does not accord with this structure; for as we cannot say, *' he spreadeth *^ the earth by myself," there being only one agent implied, and where he and myself ^xq supposed to allude to one person, so we cannot say, ^' that *' (Lord) spreadeth the earth by myself," *' but */ by himself," an identity of person being indis^ pensibly requisite. The sentence, therefore, should conclude thus, "" that spreadeth abroad the earth ** by himself." I f?wj/5e//^ be retained, the pronoun 1 must be considered as the antecedent, and the' sentence will then run thus. *' I am the Lord, that ^' make all things, that stretch forth the heavens - alone, that spread abroad the earth by myself'' '^ Thou great first cause, least understood, '' Who all my sense confin'd, '' To know but this, that thou art good, '' And that myself am blind.'' Popr. 389 CRITICAL REMARKS The antecedent to the pronoun zvho is the pro- noun of the second person singular. The relative, therefore, being of the same person, should be joined to the second person singular of the verb, namely, '* confinedst.*' *' The executive directory, to prove, that they '* will not reject any means of reconciliation, de- " dares," &c. (Bdshams Hist.) The- nominative is here joined to a verb singular, and at the same time represented hy a pronoun plural. Hie error may be corrected, either by the substitution off/ for ihey, or declare instead of declares. " These friendly admonitions of Swift, though ** they might sometimes produce good elfects, in " particular cases, when properly timed, yet •' could they do hut little towards eradicating ** faults." {Slieridan.) The nominative admoni- tions is connected with no verb, the pronoun thei/y being the nominative to the verb could. The sen- tence, therefore, is ungrammatical ; nor can the figure hyperhaton be here pleaded in excuse, as the simplicity and shortness of the sentence render it unnecessary. They in the third clause should be suppressed. " This dedication may serve for almost any '' book, that has is, or shall be published.'* (jBo- lingbroke.) Has being merely a part of a coin- ppund tense, conveys no precise meaning without the rest of the tense. When joined, then, to the participle, here belonging to the three aux^iliaries. J ^ 1 :3SJ /■'■•- A f- 4ic AND ILLUSTRATIONS. S83 the sentence proceeds thus, *' This dedication may ** serve for almost any book, that has pubhshed." It ought to be '* has been/' *' is/' or " shall be '* published/* The following sentence is charge- able with an error of the same kind. ^' This part of knowledge has been always *' growing, and will do so, till the subject be *' exhausted." Do what ? The auxiliary cannot refer to been^ for the substantive verb, or verb of existence, does not imply action, nor can we say, ** do growing." It ought to be, ** has been *' growing, and will still be so.'* Some of the preceding errors, with those, which follow under this head, may be denominated rather inaccuracies, than solecisms. *' 'Twas twenty years and more, that I have ^' known him," says Pope to Gay, speaking of Congreve's death. It ought to be, " It is twenty '* years and more,*' the period concluding with the present time, or the time then present. He might have said, '* It is now twenty years," where the adverb now, being obviously admissible, points to present time, and necessarily excludes the preterite tense. Pope says, *' 'T was twenty years.'* When? not surely in some part of the past time, but at the time of writing. *' It wer^e well for the insurgents, and fortunate " for the king, if the blood, that was now shed, " had been thought a sufficient expiation for of- ■* fence.*' {Goldsjniih^) '* It were/* \yhich is BS4i CRITICAL REMARKS equivalent to *' it would be,'* is evidently ineon- gruous with the following tense, " had been " thought/' It ought to be, as he was speaking of past time, '* it would have been, or it had *' been, well for the insurgents/' *' If you please to employ your thoughts on that ** subject, you would easily conceive the miser- ** able condition, many of lis are in/' {Steele.) Here there is obviously an incongruity of tense. It should be either, ** if you please to employ, *' you zvUl conceive," or ** if it pleased you to em- ** ploy, yon zeotcld conceive.'' ^' James used to compare him to a cat, who 9.I- ** ways fell upon her legs/' {Adams Hist, of Eng^ land.) Here, the latter clause, which is intended to predicate an attribute of the species, expresses simply a particular fact; in other words, what is intended to be signified as equally true of all, is here limited to one of the kind. It should be, ** always falls upon her legs." *' This is the last time, I shall ever go to Lon- *' don/' This mode of expression, though very common, is certainly in. proper after the person is gone, and can be proper only before he sets out. The French speak correctl}^ when they say, '^ la '^ derniere fois que je vais," i. e. the last time of my gping. We ought to say, *' this is the last *' time, I shall be in London/* *' He accordingly draws out his forces, and pfifers *^ battle to Hlerp, who immediately accepted it/* AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 385 Consistency requires, that the last verb be in the same tense with the preceding verbs. The actions are described as present ; the language is graph- ical, and that which has been properly enough de-^ nominated the " historical tense,'' should not be employed. It ought to be, ** who immediately '^ accepts it." " I have lost this game, though I thought, I " should have won it/' It ought to be, *' though ** I thought, I should win it" This is an error of the same kind, as, *' I expected to have seen you," ** 1 intended to have written." The preterite time is expressed by the tenses " expected,'' '' intended ;" and, how far back soever that expectation or in- tention may be referred, the seeing or writing must be considered as contemporary, or as soon to follow; but cannot, without absurdity, be con- sidered as anterior. It should be, *' I expected ^f to see," *' I intended to write." Priestley, in defending the other phraseology, appears to me to have greatly erred, the expression implying a ma- nifest impossibility/ The "action, represented as the object of an expectation, or intention, and, therefore, in respect to these, necessarily future, cannot surely, without gross absurdity, be exhi> bited as past, or antecedent to these. " Fierce as he mov'd, his silver shafts resound." Pope, Much better, '' Fierce as he moves." Congrulty of tense is thus p reiser ved : and there is, besides, a c c 386 ' CllITICAL REMARKS peculiar beauty in employing the Present, a beauty, . of which the Preterite is wholly incapable. The former imparts vivacity to the expression ; it pre- sents the action, with graphical effect, to the mind of the reader; and thus, by rendering him a spec- tator of the scene, impresses the imagination, and rouses the feelings with greater energy. Compared to the latter, it is like the pencil of the artist, to the pen of the historian. '* Jesus answering said unto him, what wilt '' thou, that I should do unto thee ? The blind map *' said unto him; Lord, that I might receive my '^ sight.'' It ought to be, '* that I may receive '* my sight," / 2^7// being understood ; thus, *' I " will, tliat I may receive my sight," where the present wish, and the attainment of it, are pro- perly represented as contemporary. ^' These things have I spoken unto you, that " your joy might be full." Better, " that your '' joy may be full." ^' If an atheist would peruke the volume of na^- '' ture, he v/ould confess, that there was a God." Universal, or abstract truths, require the present tense; it should be, '' that there is a God." '' impresses us with a feeling, as ifrefine- *' rnent was nothing, as if faculties were nothing, '' as if virtue was nothing, as if all that wassweet- '^ est, and all that was highest in human nature, '' was an idle shew," {Godwins Life of Chaucer.) This sentence errs at once against elegance and ac- AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 387 curacy. The former offence may be partly cor- rected, by substituting the conditional for the in- dicative tense, in the hypothetical clauses. But the author's principal error consists in converting a general proposition into a particular fact, by re- presenting that as past, which is always present and immutable. The sentence should proceed thus. *' Impresses us with a feeling, as if refinement- ^' were nothing, as if faculties were nothing, ^§ '' if virtue were nothing, as if all that is sweetest, ^' and all that is highest in human nature, were an ** idle shew.*' *' Tom has wit epough to make him a pleasant ^f companion, was it polished by good manners." As th6 latter clause is intended to be purely hypo- thetical, the verb should not be in the indicative inood. ** fFe?x it polished," is the proper ex- pression. '' He understood the language of Balnibarbi, al- " though it were different from that of this island.'- (Swift's Voyage to Laputa. ) From the phraseology here employed, the reader might naturally infer, that the language of the island, and that of Balni- barbi, were identical ; for a concessive term, as I have already said, when joined to what is called the conjunctive form of the verb, implies pure hypothe- sis, as contrary to fact; or, in other words, im- plies a negation of the attribute expressed. The author'?; intention was to signify, that the Ian- cc ^ 588 CRITICAL REMARKS guages were not the same. He should, therefore, have said, *' although it was difFererit/' '' The circumstances were as follows.*' Several grammarians and critics have approved this phraseology ; I am inclined, however, to con- cur with those, who prefer " as follow/' To jus- tify the former mode of expression, the verb must be considered as impersonal. This, I own, ap- pears to me a very questionable solution of the difr ficulty ; for I am convinced, that we have no rm^- personal verbs in English, but such as are uni- formly preceded by it. We frequently, indeed, meet with sentences, where verbs occur w^ithout a nominative and in the singular number. These are, by some, considered as impersonal verbs, to which the nominative it is understood. I appre- hend, however, that, on strict enquiry, some on? or other of the preceding words, which are now considered as conjunctions, adverbs, or particles, was originally the nominative; and that it is only, since the primitive and real character of thest? words has been obliterated and lost, that we have found it necessary to enquire for another nomina^ tive. Thus, if the word as be equivalent to it, that, or which"^, then it is obvious, that, when w^ ^' • The truth is, that as is also an article ; and however and " whenever used in English, means the same as it^ o» that^. or <' which. In the German, where it still evidently retains its <^ original signification and use (a-s so also does) it is written c^," Tgoke's Diversions. AND iLLUSTRAtIOi!^S. 389 say, '* the circumstances wqvq as follows^'* there is no real ellipsis of the nominative involved, nor, therefore, any ground for asserting the imperson- ality of the verh, in order to explain the syntax^ or construction of ihe phrase ; for the word as, equivalent to //, that, or which, is the true nomi- native. It is evident, then, that this solution of the difficulty must be rejected as false ; and that the argument in favour of '* as follows," resting on the supposed impersonality of the verb, and the suppression of the pronoun, is entirely unfounded. 1^ as then be the nominative to the verb, and be synonimous with it, that, or which ^ it is of im- portance to determine, whether ^5 be a singular, or a plural word ; or whether it be either the one, or the other. That it is construed as singular, there can be no doubt. We say, " his insensibility ** is such, as excites our detestation.'* That it is also joined to a verb plural, is equally certain, thus, ** his manners are such, as are universally ** pleasing.*' In the former example, such as is equivalent to that which, and in the latter to those which. If as, then, be either singular or plural, and synonimous with it, that, or which, I conceive that, when it refers to a plural antecedent, it nmst, like which, be considered as plural, and joined to a plural verb. Now, it is surely more consonant with analogy to say, *^ the circumstances vvere, '' whi^h ioWow,*' thaxi it follows, or that follows. Besides, when the demonstrative suck precedes, 390 CRITlCAt ftEiyiARKS and is joined to a plural noun, it is universally ad- mitted, that as must then be followed by a plural verb. If so, the construction of the word as can- not, I apprehend, be in the least degree effected, by the ellipsis pf the correlative term. Let u§ noy heat thos^, who adopt the contrary opinion. Baker prefers the verb singular, and remarks, *' that there are instances in our language of verbs ** in the third persoti without a nominative case, '' as, ' he censures her, so far as regards.*/* — In an- swer 10 this it may be observed, that, if the word as is to be considered in no other light, than as a conjunctive particle, it is certainly true, that the verb regards has no nominative. ^3ut I am per- suaded, no person who has examiped the theory of Mr. Tooke, can entertain a doubt respecting the original and real character of this word. N^y, if we investigate the true and primitive import of the correspondent Latin terms ut and utiy we shall find, that these, which are termed adverbs, are, in fact, the pronouns ^7* oT, and that quod (anci- ently written qiiodde) is nothing else than xai o??/, which, like our word that, is sometimes called a ^conjunction, and sometimes a pronoun. Why the original character and real import of the word as have teen completely merged in the name of ad- verb, while the word that has been assigned the double character of pronoun and conjunction, it would be easy to shew, if the discussion were es- sential to the 'question before us. But in answer A^D ILLUSTRATIONS. 391 to Baker's remark, it is sufficient to observe, that as means properly it, that^ or xvhkh. Campbell adopts the opinion of Baker. ''When *' a verb/' says he, *' is used io^.personally, it '' ought undoubtedly to be in the singular num- *^ ber, whether the neuter pronoun be expressed, '^ or understood.'' But a question naturally arises, whence has the author learned, that the verb is^mpersonal. Tliere appears to n^e to be no more impersonality in the verb, when Vv^e say, " it *' is as follows/' than when we say, '* it is such, as *' follows," or " they are such, as folloAV.'' If as be admitted as the nominative in t\vo of these ex- amples, I can perceive no reason for rejecting it in the third. But liere hes, as will presently appear, the author's great error. Unacquainted with the true meaning of the word as, he conceived it as incapable of becoming a nominative to a verb, as Hi or uti is deemed in Latin ; and he therefore im- mediately recurs to ellipsis. '' For this reason,'' (that is, because the verb is impersonal,) he proceeds to observe, " analogy '* as well as usae-e favour this mode of expression," _ /a,tm '^ The conditions of the agreement xcere as folloxvs, *' and not as follow^' How analogy favours this mode of expression, I am utterly at a loss to conceive. The general rule surely is, that to every verb there shall be a nominative, and that this nominative shall be ex- pressed, unless its presence in some prei:eding -^^2 CRiTiCAL REMARklg clause shall render the repetition of it unnecessary. But how is it consonant with anah/gy, that no no- minative shall appear ; or that the supposed nomi- native shall not he found in any part of the sen- tence ? This surely is repugnant to analogy. '' A few late writers,'* he observes, " have in- ** considerately adopted this last form (as follow) " through a mistake of the construction." But, if the verb be not impersonal, the error is his, not theirs. 1 must observe likewise, that, from the tnauner, in vvhich the author expresses himself, one would naturally infer, that a ^tw writers, either contemporary, or immediately preceding his own time, had inconsiderately introduced a solecism into our language. When he offered this observation, he surely was not aware, that Steele and Addison, nearly seventy years before the pub- lication of '' the Philosophy of Rhetoric," used the plural form. '' The most eminent of the ken- " nel," says Steele, '* are bloodhounds, which lead " the van, and are «5 follow.'* (Tatler, No. 6^.) <* The words were, as follow:' (Id. Tatler, No. 104.) '* The words are as follow/ (Addison, Spectator No. 513.) "For the same reason," (continues he, ^till J)resuming the verb to be impersonal) we ought to say, '* / shall consider his cotsiaxs so far only, " as concerns myfritnd's conduct^ not concev7i. " *' It '' is manifest,'' he observes, " that the word con- '' ditiSns in the first case, and censures in the 5e- AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 393 *^ cond, cannot serve as nominatives/' This ob- servation demonstrates, that the author's argu- ment is founded in his ignorance of the real cha- racter of the word as. The most extraordinary part of his reasoning follows. " But," says he, *^ifwe *' give either sentence another turn, and instead '* of as, say such as, the verb is no longer imper- '^ sonal. The pronoun such- is the nominative, *' whose number is determined by its antecedent. *' Thus we must say, they were such as follow ; " such of his censures only, as concern my friend,'" This is truly an extraordinary assertion. The an- tecedent correlative term such can have no con- Dection whatever with the subsequent verb, but must agree with the principal subject of discourse. Not only does analogy require this, but the usage of every language with which I am acquainted. If we say, per sever ant ia fuit tanta, quantus erit furor. Is est, quern dicimus. Talis est, qualem essa credit is. like erant conditiones, quce sequuntur, the antecedent correlative terms tanta, is, talis, illcs, have no connection whatever with the verbs in the subsequent clause, erit, dicimus, odditis, sequun- tur. The truth of this observation must be suffi- ciently obvious to every classical scholar. But to illustrate the extreme inaccuracy of the learned author's opinion, let us change the corre^ lative terms, and say, '* I will consider those cen- *^ sures only, which concern my friend." In this (leatenc^, \\ will not be questioned; that those and 394- CRITICAL REMARKS censures are in the objective case, under the go- vernment of the verb. And can it be doubted, if we say, ^* I will consider such censures/' that censures with its concordant adjective are in the same case? It is impossible, I conceive, to make this plainer; but we shall suppose for the sake of illustration, if this should yet be deemed neces- sary, the example in question to be thus rendered in Latin, eas tantumi^eprehensiones perpendam, quce ad amicicm meum attinent. Now, what should we think of his classical attainments, who should contend, that eas or reprehensiones is the nomina* tive to the verb? If we revert then to the origin iial terms, and say, *' I will consider such of his " censures, as concern my friend," by what rule of grammar, by what principle of analysis, can we suppose such to be the nominative to the verb ? For let me ask, what is' he to consider ? Is it not, such censures ? And are we, contrary to every^ principle of English grammar, to represent the ob-p ject or subject after an active verb,, as in the no- minative case ? The absurdity is too miOnstrous for a moment's consideration. The very argu- ment, therefore, by which the author defends his doctrine, is founded in error, and involves an abr surdity. Murray, as usual, adopts the opinion of Campbell. If it should be enquired, how as an adverb or a' conjunctive particle, can be the nominative to a verb, it may be answered, that, to whatever ordQ^ ANt> ILLUSTRATIOJfS. S^S bfVords we reduce this term, it. was evidently at first, what we denominate a pronoun ; and that it still so far retains its primitive character, as to be a nominative to a verb. It is of little moment, by what designation it be called, if its chai^acter and real import are well understood, any more than it can be of consequence, whether we call that a conjunction or a pronoun, provided we know that it is truly and essentially the same word in the same meaning, wherever it occurs. I would observe also, though my limits will not permit me to illustrate the principle, that th6se, who disap- prove the verb singular in the examples in question, may notwithstanding admit it, in such expressions as, so far as^ so lo?ig as, and all similar phraseo- logies. '* To illustrate, and often to correct him, I have " meditated Tacitus,, examined Suetonius, and *' consulted the following moderns." {Gibbon.) To meditate, when a regimen is assigned to it, as here, means to plot, to contuxie, as, " he meditated ** desip-ns atrainst the state." When it sio-nifies to ponder, or to reflect seriously, it should be fol- lowed by the preposition on, as, " he meditates on '' the law of God, day and night." IMPROP^.IETY'. " They form a procession to proceed the- palan^ *' quin of the ambassador." (Anderson's Embassy S95 CRITICAL REMARKS to China.) Here the' verb ^o proceed or go for- ward, is improperly used for to precede, or to go before. '^ It lays on the table; it laid on the table." This error is very common, and should be care- fully avoided. The verb to lay is an active verb; to lie is a neuter verb. When the subject of dis* course is active, the former is to be used ; when the subject is neither active, nor passive, the latter ought to be employed. Thus, " he lays down the " book,'' *' he laid down the book," where the nominative expresses an agent, or a person acting. ** The book lies there," '' the book lay there/' where the nominative expresses something, neither active, nor passive. When we hear such expres- sions as thesCj " he lays in bed," ^' he laid in bed," a question naturally occurs. What does he lay ? What did he lay ? This question demonstrates the impropriety of the expressions. The error has Originated, partly in an aiFected delicacy, rejecting the verb *' to lie," as being synonimous with the verb " to tell a falsehood wilfully,*' and partly from the identity of the one verb in the present With the other in the preterite tense; thus, '' lay,'' '' laid," '' laid ;" '' lie," '' lay,'' '' lain." ''The child was overlain.** The participle, for the reason now given, should be overlaid, *' It has been my brother you saw in the theatre, " and not my cousin.'* This use of the preterite definite is, I believe, confined to Scotland, where. AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 597 in colloquial language, it is very common. The Scots employ it in those cases, in which an Engr lishman uses either the preterite indefinite, or the verb signifying necessity. Thus, in the preceding instance, an EngUshman would say, '* it must have '* been my brother you saw in the theatre." '• Without having attended to this, we will be ** at a loss in understanding several passages in the *■ classics." ( Blair's Lectures. ) " In the Latin '* language, there are no two words, we would more '* readily take to be synonimous, than amare and *' diligere.'' (lb.) This error occurs frequently in Blair. In the former example it should he shall, and in the latter should, (See p. 141.) An error, the reverse of this, occurs in the folr lomng passage. *' There is not a girl in town, but ** let her have her will, in going to a mask, and. she '' shall dress, like a shepherdess." (Spectator, No. 9,) It should be, she will. The author intended to sigriify mere futurity ; instead of which, he has expressed a command. " He rose the price of bread last week.'' Her^ rosCy the preterite of the neuter verb to rise, and, therefore, unsusceptible of a regimen, is ungram- matically joined with an objective case, instead of 7msid, the preterite of the active verb to raise. This error, therefore, involves a solecism, as well ^s an impropriety. *' Docs the price of bread raise this week?*' This ^rror is the converse of the former, the active 598 CRITICAL REMARKS verb being here used, instead of the neuter. The question. What does it raise? shews the impropriety of the expression. It ought to be, ^' Does the price ** of bread rise this week?'' These verbs, hke the verb to lay, and to Ik^ are very often confounded in vulgar use. " It w^ould be injurious to thp chalfacter of prince ■* Maurice, to suppose, that he would demean *' himself so, far, as to be concerned in those ano- - nymous pamphlets."' (/^^/^ow'^ Philip III,) Here fhe verb *' to demean," which signifies ** to be- '* have," is used as equivalent to the verb '^ to • ■ debase," or *' to degrade." This impropriety is now, I believe, almost entirely cotifined to Scot- land ; it has, therefore, been ranked in the num- ber of Scotticisms. '^ I demean myself" is equi- valent to '* I behave myself;" and in this sense the author last quoted, has, in another passage, very properly used it. " Such of the Morescoes " might remain, who, for any considerable time, *' demeaned themselves, as Christians/' Watson's Philip IlL .*' Considera:ble arrears being now resting t6 the' '' sokliers." {Watson's Philip III.) '' Resting," which is'' equivalent to, '' being quiet," or '*■ re- f maining," is, in the sense, in which it is here employed, a rank Scotticism : it should be, *' due," owing/' '* The reason will be accounted for hereafter." (Wa7'burton,) Accounttdfor is here improperly AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 399 used for assigned. *' To account for a reason/' is *' to account for an account.*' *^ But no evidence is admitted in the house of *' Lords, this being a distinct jurisdiction, which *' differs it considerably from these instances." (Biackstone.) The verb to diffei' is a neuter verb, and cannot admit a regimen. The author has im- properly used it in an active sense, for '' to make '' to differ." It should be, '' by which it differs," or *' which makes it differ considerably from these " instances.'"* * The error here involved suggests a few observations, which it may be useful to oflfer, concerning the distinctive character of active and neuter verbs. A neuter verb has been defined to be that, which denotes neither doing, nor suffering. An active vftrb, as its name imports, denotes, that the subject is doing something. Johnson, however, in his dictionary, gives every active verl) the designation of wew^er, unless followed by an objective case, that is, unless the object or subject of the action be expressed. In the following instances, for example, he considers the verbf as neuter. '' 'Tis sufc, that Henry ?e«(/5 ;" " so I drank; and '* she made the camels drink also;" " if you plant, where <' savages are;'* " the priests teach for hire;'' " nor feel him, " where he struck ;'' '^ they that^oty in tears, shall reap in joy.'" These are a few out of numberless examples, which might be produced. Indeed, Johnson's idea seems to be, as has been just now observed, that the verb must be regarded as neuter, unless followed by an objective case. This is certainly a great inaccu- racy, and tends to introduce perplexity and confusion. The yerh. surely does not the less denote action, becauae it expresses it absolutely, or because the subject acted upon is not particu- jiarly specified. In the examples now quoted, can it be ques- 400 . CRITICAL REMARKS ** In order to have this project reduced to pracr *' tice, there seems to want nothing more, than " to put those in TBind," &c. (Swift) Here, '/ to want,'* that is, *' to need,** ** to require,^* is improperly used for ^' to be wanting/* " to be rer tioned, when we say, he siruck, that he was active ; or when we say, thei/y that sow, shall reap, will it be affirmed, that thei/ are not active? This would be (o confound distinctions notmerelj acknowledged in theory, and adopted in definition, but also founded in the very nature of things. This matter, J conceive, may be shortly explained, and very easily understood. It is ^admitted by every grammarian, that an active verb denotes, that the subject is acting, and that a neuter verb signifies, that the subject is neither doing, nor suffering. Now, of active verbs, there are two kinds. Transitive and Intransitive. The latter is that, which denotes immanent action, or that which does not pass from the agent to any thing else, as lualk, I run. Tran- sitive verbs are such, as denote that the action passes from th* agent to something acted upon, as '' Hector wounded him/' *' Cain slew his brother." But the subject to which the energy passes, may not always be expressed ; the verb, however, is not the less active. Whether we say, " the drummer beats his ^* drum,'^ or " the drummer beats every day,*' it surely will not be contended, that there is less of action implied in the one case, than in the other. The reader then is requested to observe, that it is not necess^y to the Active Transitive verb, that the sub- ject acted upon should be expressed. The Active verb may pre- dicate of its subject merely, the action generally and absolutely, as, " he reads in the morning, and writes in the evening ;" or >vith the action may be expressed the subject or object, as, "' ha f* reads Homer in the morning, and writes letters in the even- " ing ;" or the object or subject may be iinplied, and not ex- pressed, as, " the drummer beats at night," namely, his drum. But in all these cases, the verb is equally active. AND ILLUSTRATIONS.' 401 " quired,'* *' to be wanted." It should be, '' there *' seems to be nothing wanting." - The verb to want was frequently employed by Pope and Swift, in the sense, in which we here find it. Johnson, likewise, in one or two passages, has adopted tlie same usage, thus, *' there had never wanted writ- ers to talk occasionally of Arcadia and Strephon." (Life of Phillips.) But in this sense it may now be deemed obsolescent, if not entirely obsolete. The reader will here permit me to observe, that there is an idiom in our language, respecting the use of active for passive verbs, which seems worthy of attention, and which 1 do not recollect to have seen remarked by any of our grammarians. In the languages of antiquity, the distinction be- tween active and passive was strictly observed ; but in English the active is frequently employed for the passive voice. Of this remarkable idiom numberless examples might be produced ; but the few following will suffice. Thus we say, [\ the ** sentence reads ill,*' " the wine drinks hdivshy^' " the grass cuts easily," *' the apples eat hard/\ ^' the drum beats to arms," "the metal zvorks well." In these examples, the subject clearly is acted upon ; the verb, therefore, must be considered, as ^ having a passive signification. . It is almost unne- cessary to observe, that this phraseology should be avoided, whenever it is likely to create ambi- guity. *' Lead me forth in thy truth, and learn me. " D D 402 CRITICAL REMARKS ( Book of Common Prayer, Psal. xxv. ) The verb to learn formerly denoted^ either '* to teach/' or " to acquire knowledge." In the former sense it is now obsolete. It should therefore be, '* lead '* me forth in thy truth, and teach me." ** Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings by thy *' most gracious favour." (Book of C. Prayer.) " He had prevented the hour, because we might ** have the whole day before us.*' (Bacon.) The verb to prtveuty as signifying ** to go before," or ^* come before," is now obsolete. '* There was no longer any doubt, that the king *' was determined to wreck his resentment on all '' concerned.'' {Watson's Philip IL) *' They not only wrecked their vengeance on " the living, but on the ashes of dead heretics.*' (Henry's Britain.") Here the verb '' to wreck/' or ** to destroy, by "^ dashing on rocks/' is improperly used for ** to '* wreak," or " to discharge." In the last exam- ple the adverbs not only are improperly placed. It should be, ** they wreaked their vengeance not '* only, &c." ** We outrun our present income, not doubting ** to disburse ourselves out of the profits of some " future plan." {Addison.) " To disburse," or ** to expend money," is here improperly used for " to reimburse," or '' to repay." " And wrought a great miracle conform to that «* of the apostles." (Bacon.) i'-^ AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 403 *' The last is the most simple, and the most per- *' feet, as being conform to the nature of know- " ledge." [Hutton*s hivestigation, Vol. i. p. 643.) Conform here used for conformable, is, in this sense, deemed a Scotticism. SECT, v^ The Adverb. "BARBARISM. " Friendship, a rare thing in princes, more " rare between princes, that so holily was ob- " served, to the last of those two excellent men.*' (Sidney on Government.) Holily is obsolete. ** Enquire, what be the stones, that do easiliest •' melt." (Bacon.) The adverb easily is not com- pared, (see p. 98. ) Easiliest is, therefore, a bar- barism. *^ Their wonder, that any man so near Jerusa- *' lem, should be a stranger to what had passed ^' there, their acknowledgment to one they met •* accidently, that they believed in this prophet?" 3cc. {Guardian.) Steele has here used acaWewf/j^, for accidentally. The former is a barbarism, and its derivation repugnant to analogy. D D 2 \ "^04 * CRITIGAL REMARKS *' Uneath may she endure the flinty street, '^ To tread them with her tender feeling feet." Shakespeare. Uneath is now obsolete, and may therefore be deemed a barbarism. '* In northern clime, a varrous knight " Did whilom kill his bear in fight, *' And wound a fiddler.'' Hudihras. iniilom is now entirely disused. The adverbs whiler€j erst, and perhaps also «?20;?, may be ranked in the class of barbarisms. ** And this attention gives ease to the person, *' because the clothes appear uustudily graceful." Wollstonecrafts Original Stories. The word iinstu- dily is barbarous, and its mode of derivation con- trary to analogy. SOLECISM. '* Use a little wine for thy stomach-s sake, and " thine often infirmities." Often, an adverb, is here improperly used as an adjective, in accord- ance with the substantive '* infirmities.'* It ought to be, '' thy frequent infirmities." "We may cast in such seeds and principles, as '* we judge most likely, to take soonest and '' deepest root.'* Here, as in the preceding ex- ample^ the adverb " soonest'' is used as an ad- AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 405 jective ; for the coniiection is, *' soonest root/' and *' deepest root/' Now, we cannot say, ''soon root," .*' tlie former term being incapable of qualiTying the latter; nor can we, therefore, say, ''soonest *' root." It ono'bt to be, '' the earhest and the ** deepest root.'' ''After these wars, of which tliey l)ope for a ** soon and prosperous issue." Soon issue is an- other example of the same error. '' Hish)rdship inveighed, with severity, against '' the conduct of the then ministry." Here then,^ the adverb equivalent to at that time, is solecisti- cally employed as an adjective, agreeing with mi7iist7y. This error seems to gain ground; it should therefore be vigilantly opposed, and care- fully avoided. 'VThe ministry of that time" would be correct IMPROPRIETY. "By letters, dated the third of May, we learn '* that the West-India fleet arrived safely." Here ^^/j/ is improperly used for 5^t\ The adverb is equivalent to '' in a safe manner;" and when it is said, *' that the fleet arrived safely," it signifies,, that the manner of the arrival, rather than the fleet itself, was safe, or free from accident. If I say, ** he carried the parcel as safely as possible," it implies merely his great attention to the manner 406 CRITICAL REMARKS of carrying it ; but this does not infallibly exclude accident ; for I may add, ** but he unluckily fell/' or '^ he was unfortunately thrown down, and the '' glass was broken." But if I say, *' he carried it *' as safe as possible," or, '* he carried it safe," it implies, that it came safe, or escaped all acci- dents* We should therefore say, '* that the West- '' India fleet arrived safe." — In disapproving the expression, " he arrived safely,*' I concur with Baker; but the judicious reader will perceive, that my reason for reprehending it, does n^t entirely coincide with his. The author's words are these : *^ If a man says, that he arrived safely, or in a ** safe manner, he seems to suppose, that there is •* danger of some mischance in arriving. But what " danger is there to be apprehended in the circum- ** stance of arriving ? The danger is only during '* the journey^ or voyage; in the arrival there is '' none at all. The proper way of speaking is^ '* therefore, ' I arrived safe,' that is, * having ^* escaped all the dangers of the passage.' " ** The poor woman carried them to the person, ** to whom they were directed ; and when lady '* Cathcart recovered her liberty, she received her " diamonds safely." It should be, ^* she received ** her diamonds safe." Errors like the one, on which I have now ani* madverted, frequently arise from a desire to avoid the opposite mistake; I mean, the improper us# of the adjective for the adverb. (See Syntax, Rule AND ILLUSTRATIONS^. 407 V. Note 9.) Hence many, when they employ such phraseologies, as I have here exemplified, conceive, that they express themselves with the strictest accuracy, thus verifying the poet's ob- servation, «' In vitium ducit culpa; fuga, si caret arte.*' In order to avoid this error, it should be remem- bered, that many English verbs, while ihey affirm some action, passion, or state of the subject, fre- quently serve as a copula, connecting the subject with another predicate. This is one of those idioms, in the grammar of our language, which demands the particular attention of the classical scholar. For, though an acquaintance with the learned lan- guages will not seduce him into an improper use of an adjective for the adverb, it may, as in the example now before us, betray him into the con- verse error. And I am inclined to think, that from a propensity almost irresistible in the classical scholar, to assimilate our language with the Latin tongue, our lexicographers have designated many of our words as adverbs, which are strictly adjec- tives. When it is said, for example, '' it goes hard," Johnson considers hard, as an adverb. Yet when we say, *' it goes contrary," he considers cYw/r^?;^ as an adjective. There appears to me to be more of caprice, than of reason, more of prejudice, than of truth, in this classification. Both words, I am persuaded, belong to one and the same species. 4Q8 -CRITICAL REMARKS Nay, I might venture to assert, that no person, who had studied the principles of the EngHsh lan- guage, and that only, would pronounce the one to be an adverb, and theother an adjective. It is to be observed, likewise, that we have the regular adverb hardly to express the manner. When we say, '' he reasoned concerning the rule," ** we ar- /* gued respecting the fact," *' he lives according -' to nature,*' is there not something extremely arbitrary and unphilosophical, in calling concern- ing a preposition, according a preposition, fol- lowed by to, but properly a participle, and respect- ing a participle ? Are not all the three participles ? Yet Johnson has classed them, as I have now men- tioned. But the farther illustration of this subject would lead us into a field much too large for the limits of the present treatise. We must therefore revert to our primary observation, in which we cautioned the reader against the improper use of the adjective for the adverb. It should be re- membered, that, when it is intended to predicate something of the subject, beside the attribute of the verb, the adjective should he employed ; but, when it is intended to express merely some modi- fication of the attribute of the verb, we should then use the adverb. The difference may be illus- trated by the following examples. When Gusta- vus says to his troops, "your limbs tread vigorous, ^^ aufl your breasts beat high," he predicates with the act of treading their physical strength; but AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 409 liad he said, '' your limbs tread vigorously," it would merely modify their treading, and express an act, not a constitutional habit. The same dis- tinction may be made between saying with Ar- nold us in the same play, "• the tear rolls graceful '* down his visage," and *' the tear rolls grace- ** fully." The former predicates grace of the tear itself, the latter merely of its rolling. When we say, " he looks sly," we mean he has the look or the appearance of being a sly man ; when it is said, '^ he looks slyly/' we signify, that he assumes a sly look. When we say, *' it tastes good/' we affirm that the subject is of a good quality, whether the taste be pleasant or unpleasant; if we say, *' it *' tastes well/' we affirm the taste of it to be pleasant *' The manner of it is thus/* The adverb thus means '* in this manner." The expression, there- fore, amounts to, "the manner of it is in this '* manner." It should be, '' the manner of it is /' this," or '' this is the manner of it." " It is equally the same." EqwiUy is here re- dundant : it ought to be, *' it is the same." *^ Whenever 1 call on him, he always enquires /' for you.'' H hcncvn^ means, " at what time ■' soever," *' always when," or '* as often as/' ^ alzvciyf>', t h e re fo r e, i s r e f 1 u n d a n t . ^'They will not listen to the voice of the charmer, - charm he never so wisely.'* Never is here im- properly used for ever. It ought to be, ** charm 410 CRITICAL REMARKS *^ he ever so wisely ;" that is, " however wisely," or *^ how wisely soever he may charm." *' And even in those characteristical portraits, ** on which he has lavished all the decorations of *' his style, he is seldom, or ever misled/' {Stew- art's Life of Robertson, ) This error is the converse of the former. It ought to be, ** seldom or never;" that is, *' seldom, or at no time.'* ** Seldom or *' ever" is equivalent to ** seldom or always," or to '* seldom or at any time," expressions evidently improper. *' Some years after being released from prison, ** by reason of his consummate knowledge of civil *' law, and military affairs, he was soon exalted to ** the supreme power." The first clause of this sentence is ambiguous; for the sentence may im- ply, either that he gained the supremacy, some years after he was released from prison, that period being left indeterminate ; or that some years after a time previously mentioned, he was released from prison, and attained the chief power. The latter being the author's meaning, it ought to be, **some '* years afterwards ^elng released from prison." Another ambiguity is here involved by improper ar- rangement ; for, as the sentence stands, it is some- what doubtful, whether his consummate know- ledge was the cause of his releasement, or the cause of his elevation. This error, however, belongs more to the rhetorician, than the grammarian. The French AND ILLUSTRATIOXS. 411 term this ambiguity, '' construction louche," or a squinting construction. The following error consists in wrong colloca- tion. '* The Celteberi in Spain borrowed that name " from the Ccltae and Iberi, from whom they were '* jointly descended." Jointly, with whom? It should be, *'' from whom (the Celtac and Iberi) '* jointly they were descended." *' And the Quakers seem to approach nearly the ** only regular body of Deists in the universe, the ** literati, or the disciples of Confucius in China." (Hume*s Essays) The adverb nearly, which is synonimous with almost, is here improperly used for near*. It should be, approach near, *' This is the Leviathan, from whence the terri- *^ ble wits of our age are said to borrow their ** weapons." (Swift.) From is here redundant; whence, denoting *' from which place/' '* An ancient author prophesies from hence." ^Dryd.) Here a similar impropriety is involved. It should be hence, ^^ E'er we can offer our complaints, ^' Behold him present with his aid." E*er a contraction for eve?\ which is synonimous with always, and also at any time, is here impro- perly used for ere or before, * In justice to this respectable sect, it is incumbent on me to observe, that the Quakers are not Deists, nor does their religi- ous creed approach to Deism. s 419 CRITICAL REMARKS In the two following passages, there appears to me to be a similar error ; '^or ever the silver cord be *' loosed, or the golden bowl be broken." (Bible.) '* I was set up from everlasting, from the begin- , *^ning, or ever the earth was." (lb.) *' And, as there is now never a woman in Eng- *' land:, 1 hope, I may talk of women without of- " fence/' Steele, '* He spake never a word." Bible, This usage of the word *^ never," is now, I be- lieve, entirely confined to the vulgar. > ** As for conflagrations, and great droughts, *' they do not merely dispeople and destroy." ( Ba- con.) Merely is here used, as it is uniformly by Bacon, and very frequently by Shakespeare, for entirely. In this sense it is obsolete ; and now signifies purely, simply, only, nothing more than. From inattention to this, the passage, now quoted, has been corrupted in several editions. They have it, '' do not merely dispeople, but destroy," con- veying a sentiment, very different from what the author intended, SECT. VI. The Preposition. SOLECISM. '* Who do you speak to ?" Here the preposition is joined with the nominative, instead of the ob- AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 413 jective -case. It should be^ *' Whom do you speak *' to?"' or *' To whom do you speak?" To who is a solecism. " He talked to you and T, of this matter, some " days ago.'' It should be, ^^ to you, and TTze;'* that is, *^ to you, and to me." *' Now Margaret's curse is fallen upon our heads, '' When she exclaim'd on Hastings, you and I " tShakespeare. It ought to be, *'on Hastings, you, and me,*' the pronouns being under the government of the pre- position understood. IMPROPRIETV. ^' If policy can prevail upon force." {Addison. ) Here upon is improperly used for ovc}\ To prtvail oUj is '' to persuade ;"' to prevail ovcr^ is *' to over- *' come." '^^ " I have set down the names of several gentle- *' men, who have been robbed in Dubhn streets, *' for these three years past." (Swift.) It should be, ** within these three years past." Swift's ex- pression implies, as Baker observes, that these gentlemen had been robbed during the whole three " years. *' Ye blind guides," who strain at a gnat, and ^^ swallow a camel." In this sentence, the prepo- sition at is very improperly used for out. it should 414 CRITICAL REMARKS be, "strain out a gnat^ that is, exclude it from the liquor by straining. '* The greatest masters of critical learning differ '* among one another." {Spectator.) If the el- lipsis be supplied, the sentence proceeds thus; ** The greatest masters of critical learning differ, *' one differs among another." Here the preposi- tion among, which implies a number, or a plural- ity, is joined to a term significant of unity. It ought to be, " from one another:" that is, ** one '* from another,'" or '* differ among themselves." ** I intended to wait of you this morning." The preposition o/is here improperly used for on. We say to xoait on, not to wait of. '' He knows nothing o« it." This is a vile vul- garism for '* he knows nothing of\t,** *' To this he made no other answer, than by a *^ low bow.'' What was the answer? " a low bow,'' purely, and not " by a low bow.'* The preposi- tion is redundant. '* He is now much altered to the better." To is here improperly used instead offor. *' Altered to '* the better'* may, I believe, be deemed a Scot- ticism. It ought to be, '* he is altered for the ^* better." " There is no need for your assistance.'* It should be, *^ o/your assistance." We say, '* occa- " sion for," and " need of" ^eed for may like- wise be pronounced a Scotticism, as, I believe. AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 415 this phraseology is seldom, or never used by Eng- glish writers. -^* For^ what chiefly deters the sons of science " and philosophy from reading the Bible, and pro- " fiting of that lecture, but the stumbling-block ** of absolute inspiration." (Geddes, ) ** To profit '*' of" is a Gallicism ; it should be, '* profiting by/* SECT. VII. Tke Cmjunctlon. SOLECISM. *' A SYSTEM of theology, involving such ab- '* surdities, can be maintained, I think, by no ra- " tional man, much less by so learned a man as *' him." Conjunctions having no government, the word as ought not to be joined with an objective case. It should be, *' so learned a man as he^'' the verb is being understood. *' Tell the cardinal, that I understand poetry " better than him." (Smollet.) According to the grammatical construction of the latter clause, it means, *^ I understand poetry better, than I un- *' derstand him." This^ however, is not the sen- timent, which the writer intepded to convey. The clause should proceed thus, '* I understand poetry " better, than he;** that is, " than he understands it." 416 CRITICAL REMARKS Those, who contend for the use of tlia?i as a pre- position, and justify the phraseology, which is here censured, must at least admit, that to con- strue if/fdrw, as a preposition, creates ambiguity. Thus, when it is said, *' you think him handsomer '' than me," it would be impossible to determine, whether the- meaning is, '' you think him hand- ** somer, than I think him/' or "you think him '* handsomer, than you think me." '^ The vSun, upon the calmest sea, ** Appears not half so bright as thee/* Prior, It ought to be, '* as thou;" that is, ** as thou ap- pearest. ' ^^ '' For ever in this humble cell, " Let thee and I, my fair one, dwell.'' The second line of the couplet is ungrammatical, the conjunction connecting an objective, with a nominative case, or, to speak more correctly, the pronoun of the first person, which should be a re- gimen to the verb understood, being here in the ^lominative case. Thus, '' let thee," and *'let I, *' my fair one, dwell," instead of 'Met thee, and *' let me.'* '' Let us make a covenant, I and thou. " (Bible.) The error here, though similar, does not come under precisely the same predicament with the former. The pronoun tis is very properly in the objective case, after the verb let ; I and thou should AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 417 therefore be in the same case, according to Rulfe vii of Syntax. The expression is in fact elliptical, and when completed proceeds thus, " Let us make *' a covenant; let me and thee make." , ** Though he Avere a son, yet learned he obe- *' dience by the things, which he suffered/' The first clause is intended to express a fact, not a hy- pothesis ; the verb, therefore, should be in the in- dicative mood. Conjunctions have no govern- ment, cither of cases, or moods. IMPROPRIETY. *' If in case he come, all will be well.'' If and in case are synonimous, the one meaning *' sup- ^* pose," and the other, ''on the supposition." One of them, therefore, is redundant. '' The reason of my desiring to see you was, *' because I wanted to talk with you.'* Because means *' by reason;'* the expression, therefore, is chargeable with redundancy. It should be, *' that ** I wanted to talk with you." '' No sooner was the cry of the infant heard, ** but the old gentleman ruslved into the room." {Mart'mus Scrib.) The comparative is liere im- properly followed by hut, instead of than, ** Scarce had the spirit of laws made its appear- '' ance, than it was attacked." Than is employed after comparatives only, and the word other. It ought to be *' scarce," or, for reasons formerly E E 4l8 Critical REMARks given, ^' scarcely had the spirit of laws made it§ *' appearance, w/ten it was attacked," or ** no '* sooner — than." '* The resolution ^vas not the less fixed, that thd *' secret was as yet communicated to very few, '* either in the French or English court/' This passage from Fiume T have not been able to find. Priestley observes, that it involves a Ciallicisni, the word that being used instead of w*. If the mean- ing intended be, that some circumstances, pre- viously mentioned, had not shaken the resolution, because the secret was as yet known to few, then Priestley's observation is correct; and the word as should be substituted for that, to express the cause of the firmness. But, if the author intended to say, that the very partial discovery of the se- cret had not shaken the resolution, the clause is then perfectly correct. According to the former phraseology, the circumstance subjoined operated as a cause, preventing the resolution from being shaken: according to the latter, it had no eM'ect, or produced nochangeof the previous determination. In other words, *' the less fixed that," implies that the subject of the foiL)W^iug clause did not afiect that of the preceding, *' the less fixed as*' denotes, that the latter circumstance contributed to the production of the former. As it is obvious, that, in such examples, the definite article may refer eitlier to the antecedent, or the subsequent clause^ AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 419 the distinctfon, here specified, should, for the sake of perspicuity, be carefully observed*. His donatiou was the more acceptable, that *' it was given without solicitation." That the word that is frequently used for ^ec^w.fe cannot be questioned ; thus, '' I am glad, that you have re- '' turned safe," that is, ** because you have re- '* turned safe.'' '*• 'Tis not that I love you less '' Than when before your feet I lay." Waller. Here that is equivalent to because. English writers, however, after a comparative employ as or because, to denote, that the circumstance sub- joined was the cause of the preceding one. The use o^ that in such examples is accounted a Scot- ticism; it should, therefore, be, '^ his donation *' was the more acceptable, as'' or ^' because it was *' given without solicitation." '' His arguments on this occasion had, it may * A similar ambiguity sometimes oc/urs in Latin by the indis- criminate use of quod. This may be prevented by employing quoniam when the succeeding member of the sentence expresses the cause of the preceding subject. Thus, f' Nee consilium eo *' minus erat firmum, quoniam secretum cum perpaucis adhuc " erat communicatum," where the eo refers to a preceding circumstance, '* Nee consilium eo minus erat firmum quod," where the eo refers to the subsequent clause. The former phra- seology affirms, the latter denies the influence of the circumstance subjoined 3 EE 2 *20 CRITICAL REMARKS *' be presumed, the greater weight/ that he hkd ■' never himself entered within the walls of a play- ^* house." {Stewarfs Life of Robertson. ) " A mortification, the more severe, that the " joint authority of the Archduke and the Infanta^ *' governed the Austrian Netherlands." (r/?6»???^o/2',y continuation of Watsons History. ) These sentences are chargeable with the same error. '' Will it be believed, that the four Gospels are '^ as old, or even older than tradition?'* {Boling- broke.) Here there is a faulty omission of the par- ticle corresponding to ^^; for the positive, and comparative, cannot be followed by the same con- junction. It ought to be, '^ as old as, or even *' older than tradition?'* or, perhaps, better, *' as *' old as tradition, or even older ?" " The books were to have been sold as this day.'' This is a most oifensive vulgarism. The conjunc- tion as can have no regimen; nor can it be pro- perly used as equivalent to on. It ought to be, ** sold this day, or on this day/* *' It is supposed, that he must have arrived at " Paris as yesterday." This sentence is charge- able with the same error. Construed strictly, it is, '* he must have arrived at Paris as, or in like man- ** ner as, he arrived yesterday." '^ The duke had not behaved with that loyalty, *' as he ought to have done.'* Propriety of cor- respondence here requires zviih that to be followed AND ILLUSTRAT105CS. 421 by mth which instead of as. The sentence, evTii thus corrected, would be still inelegant and clumsy. '^ The duke had not behaved with becoming loy- *' alty," would be much better. " In the order as they lie in his preHice.'* This involves a similar impropriety. It should be, ** in ** order as," or '' in the order, in which they lie '* in his preface." **No: this is not always the case neither.*' ( Beatlie. ) ** Men come not to the knowledge of which '** are thought innate, till they come to the use of *' reason; nor then neither/' {Locke) In old English two negatives denied ; hence, perhaps, this phraseology originated. Johnson remarks, that the use o^ neither, after a negative^ and at the end of a sentence, though not gramma- tical, renders the expression more emphatic. Ana- logy, however, is decidedly in favour of the affirm- ative term; I, therefore, prefer the word '^either." Were Johnson's argument admitted, such expres- -sions as these, " I forbade you not to go." *^I ** won't suffer no such thing." " He would not *' have none of my assistance," might, 1 appre- hend, be justified on the same principle. Those, who employ them, doubtless, believe them to be more emphatic, than if they included a single negative. '' This I am the rather disposed to do, that it ** will serve to illustrate the principles above laid 4^'i CRITICAL REMARKS " down/* (Campbell on Rhetoric.) This sentence involves an error, on which I have aheadv anir Piadverted> '' The rather ' should be followed by asy not that, *' This is another use, that in my opinion con- *' tributes rather to make a man learned than wise; ** and is neither capable of pleasing the under- ^^ standing or imagination." Lowth justly ob- serves, that or is here improperly used for nor^ the correlative words htmg neither nor. In addir tion to this observation, 1 remark, that the word neither' is erroneously placed. To render this col- location of the conjunction correct, there should be anotlier attributive opposed to the word '* ca- '* pable,** as, ** neither capable of pleasing the *' understanding, nor calculated to gratify the '' imagination." But, as the author intended to exclude two subjects, these should have been con- trasted by the exclusive conjunctions, thus, " is ■' capable of pleasing neither the understandings '* iidr the imagination,'* Having now endeavoured to explain and illus- trate the Etymology and Syntax of the Eng- lish language, I cannot dismiss the subject, without earnestly recommending to the clas- sical student, to cultivate a critical acquaintance AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 423 \vitb his native tongue. It is an egregious, but common error, to imagine, that a perfect know- ledge of Greek and Latin precludes the necessity of studying the principles of English gramman The structure of the ancient, and that of modern languages are very dissimilar. Nay, the peculiar idioms of any language, how like soever in its general principles to any other, must be learned by study, and an attentive perusal of the best writers in that language. Nor can any imputation be more reproachful to the proficient in classical literature, than, with a critical know- ledge of Greek and Latin, which are now dead languages, to be superficially acquainted with his native tongue, in which he must tliink, and speak, and write. The superiority of Greek and Latin over the Engli.'ih language in respect of harmony, graceful dignity, conciseness, and fluency, will be readily admitted. Our language is, comparatively, harsh and abrupt. It possesses strength, indeed , but unaccompanied with softness, with elegance, or with majesty. It must be granted also, that the Greets is, perhaps, a more copious, and is cer- tainly a more ductile*, and tractable language. * The superior ductility of the Greek, above every other lan- guage, musr appear from itssingilar a^)litude to form new words by composition or derivation, so us immediately to communicate any new idea. Hence the names of most of our modern disco- veries and inventions arc of Greek extraction. Thus? we hare 424 CRITICAL REMARKS But though, in these respects, the English be in» ferior to the languages of Greece and Rome; yet, in preciseness of expression, diversity of sound, facility of communication, and variety of phrase, it may claim the pre-eminence. It would be easy to evince tlie truth of this assertion, did the limits, which I have prescribed to myself, permit. The fact is, ihat analogous languages almost necessa- rily possess a superiority, in these respects, over those^ which are transpositive. It is to be remembered also, that our language is susceptible of high improvement; and, though its abrupt and rugged nature cannot be entirely changed, much may be done, to smooth its as- perities, and soften its harshness. As a farther inducement to the study of the English language, I vvould assure the young reader, that a due attention to accuracy of diction is highly conducive to correctness of thought. For, as it is generally true, that he, whose conceptions are clear, and who is master of his subject, deliver* liis sentiments with ease and perspicuity*; so it is i^qually certain, that, as language is not only the the terms ^' microscope,'' " telegraph,'* '* panorama," ** odo. *' meter,'' and many others. * Cui lecta potenter erit res, Nee facundia deseret hunc, ncc lucidus ordo. Yerbaq[ue proTisam rem. non iuvita sequentur. Hor, d»^ 4rt, Poet. AND ILLUSTRATIONS. 425 vehicle of thought, hut also an instrument of in- vention, if we desire to attain a habit of conceiving clearly, and thinking correctly, we must learn to speak, and write with accuracy and precision. It must, at the same time, be remembered, that to give our chief attention to mere phraseology, or to be more solicitous about the accuracy of the diction, than the value of the sentiment, is a sure indication of a nerveless and vacant niin(!. As we estimate a man, not by his garb, but by his in- tellectual and moral worth; so it is the sentiment' itself, not the dress, in which it is exhibited, that determines its character, and our opinion of its author. '^ True expression, like th' unchanging sun, *' Clears and improves whate'er it shines upon. " It gilds all objects, hut it alters none,'* Pope, In short, the precept of Quintilian should be studiously observed ; '* curam ergo verborum, '* rerum volo esse solicitudinem." Inst. Orat, Lib. viii. FINIS. Printed by C Stower, Paternoster Row, London. F F Published by Joseph Johnson, in St, Paul's Church Yard, in one large volume ^vo, price 7s. in boards, AN ESSAY ON PHILOSOPHICAL NECESSITY, By the RcT. ALEXANDER CROMBIE, LL.Di THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00. ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. MAR 26 1937 NOV 181937 APR 25 m^ urn iJO '40 10 196811! WT'iT' Din JJN27'68-2Pil! LD 21-100m-8,'34