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PROMPTOUIUM PARVULORUM SIVE CLERICORUM, LEXICON ANGLO-LATINUM PRINCEPS, AUCTORE FRATRE GALFRIDO GRAMMATICO DICTO E PREDICATORIBUS LENNE EPISCOPI, NORTHFOLCIEXSI, A.D. CIRCA M.CCCC.XL. OLIM E PRELIS PYNSONIANIS EDITUM, NUNC AB INTEGRO, COMMENTARIOLIS SUBJECTIS, AD FIDEM CODICUM RECENSUIT ALBERTUS WAY. TOMUS PRIOR. LONDINI: SUMPTIBUS SOCIETATIS CAMDENENSIS. M.DCCC.XL.III. 121358 [no. XXV,] COUNCIL OF THE CAMDEN SOCIETY, FOR THE YEAR 1842-3. President, THE RIGHT HON. LORD FRANCIS EGERTON, M.P. THOMAS AMYOT, ESQ. F.R.S. Treas. SA. Director. THE RIGHT HON. LORD BRAYBROOKE, F.SA. JOHN BRUCE, ESQ. F.S.A., Treasurer. JOHN PAYNE COLLIER, ESQ. F.S.A. C. PURTON COOPER, ESQ. Q.C., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A. T. CROFTON CROKER, ESQ. F.S.A., M.R.I.A. SIR HENRY ELLIS, K.H., F.R.S., Sec. S.A. JAMES ORCHARD HALLIWELL, ESQ. F.R.S., F.S.A. THE REV. JOSEPH HUNTER, F.S.A. SIR FREDERICK MADDEN, K.H., F.R.S., F.S.A. JOHN HERMAN MERIVALE, ESQ. F.S.A. THE REV. LANCELOT SHARPE, M.A., F.S.A. THOMAS STAPLETON, ESQ. F.S.A. WILLIAM J. THOMS, ESQ. F.S.A., Secretary. THOMAS WRIGHT, ESQ. M.A., F.S.A. ADVERTISEMENT. In producing this first portion of the Promptorium, the Editor, having for various reasons been induced to withhold for the present his more detailed Preface, feels it requisite to offer a few preliminary observations. The present edition is formed upon the text of the Harleian MS. 221, which has been selected as the most ancient, the most correct, and the most copious of the MSS. of which the existence has hitherto been ascertained. The additions that have been made from other MSS., and from Pynson's edition, are numerous ; these, as likewise the corrections and various readings, are distinguished from the text by being placed within brackets, with the indication of the sources whence they are severally derived. In a few instances, where the reading of the Harl. MS. appeared so faulty as to justify an alteration of the text, the rejected word has been given in the notes ; but more frequently it has been considered preferable to leave the reading of the MS. unaltered, and to give the various reading, which at once suggests the correction. The authorities whence VI ADVERTISEMENT. various readings have been taken, are indicated in the following manner. MS. in the Library at King's College, Cambridge, (k.) ; MS. in the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart, at Middle Hill, and formerly in the Heber Library, (h.) ; MS. in the Chapter Library at "Winchester, originally in the possession of Thomas Silkstede, Prior of Winchester, A.D. 1498, (s.) A fragment contained in Harl. MS, 2274, afforded a few readings, which are marked by the number of the MS. The edition printed by Pynson, in 1499, has supplied numerous additions and various readings, distinguished thus, (p.) ; and a few, the critical importance of which is but trifling, have been selected from the editions by Juhan Notary, 1508, (j.) and W. de Worde, 1516, (w\) The work was reproduced by the last named printer in 1510, 1512, and 1528; but P}Tison's text appears to have been followed in all the subsequent editions, with partial abridgment chiefly of the Latin portion of the work, and some trifling variations. The integrity of the MS. selected as the groundwork of the present edition ha\'ing thus been, in all essential respects, preserved, the following mo(hfications have been deemed advisable. The original consists of two distinct portions, and alphabetical arrangements, a nominale, and a verbale, according to the usage, of which other instances occur in contemporary works of a similar nature. The disadvantage of thus separating the verbs from the nouns, and other parts of speech, was evidently material, and ADVERTISEMENT. VU the arrangement has been sunpHfied by throwing the whole into one alphabetical order. The indications of genders, declensions, and conjugations, as likewise of certain inflexions of the Latin words, w^hich conveyed important information to the student of Latin, for whose benefit the work was compiled, but are devoid of any utility as regards the present purpose, have been wholly omitted. Wherever it was practicable, the Latin words have been corrected by reference to the authorities cited ; in all other cases no attempt has been made to alter the barbarisms of a debased Latinity, which, displeasing, indeed, to the eye of the classical scholar, are not devoid of information to the archaic student. It has been found impossible to preserve the perfect regularity of alphabetical arrangement, in consequence of the disorder that had been introduced by the scribe, who, writing more by ear than careful observation of orthography, has in his transcript continually vitiated the spelling of the original. To have corrected these cor- ruptions, introduced by the second hand, would have been incompatible with the principle of preserving, in its integrity, the text of the MS. : the transposition of the words w^ould have destroyed the evidence of their original speUing indicated by the alphabetical arrangement. Some words have, however, where it appeared advisable, been transposed ; and if the Editor should be reproached with an excess of caution in not making many alterations of Vlll ADVERTISEMENT. the kind, he hopes that the inconyenience will be ulti- mately remedied by means of an orthographic Index, which it is proposed to supply, wherein the reference to words disguised by the most obsolete and uncouth spel- Ung, may be effectually facilitated. The contractions have throughout been printed at length, with the excep- tion of the final m and n : these have been left in cases where any question might arise as to their power. The chief difficulty in this respect has occurred in regard to the verbs, and although the Editor has little doubt that the termination -nne was here intended by the contraction ii, yet the irregularities of the spelling, and indications of contraction, that occur in the MS., in this instance, have induced him to leave these, and all questionable cases, to the decision of those whom they may interest. In a few instances where the contraction has appeared to be redundant, or erroneous, it has been printed as it stands in the MS., so that it may be rejected, or retained, at the option of the reader. A prolongation of the last stroke of the m or n, which occasionally, as it is believed, denotes the mute final e, has been indicated in the following manner, m', n'. It must also be noticed, that y is to be sought in the place of i ; that sh is in- variably written sell ; and that )?, which is occasionally, by inadvertence of the scribe, written th, takes the pe- nultimate place, usually assigned to it in the Anglo-Saxon alpha])et. The letter 3 is found in the place of z, at the ADVERTISEMENT. IX close of the alphabetical arrangement ; as. however, its various and undefined powers would have been insuf- ficiently represented by that letter, the Saxon character has been retained, with the exception only of a very small number of words, in which the letter having evi- dently the simple and ordinary power of z, that character has been employed. In the selection of illustrative materials, the Editor has sought to keep equally in view the curious character of the work, as affording definite evidence of archaic usages, and its philological importance. He has thought it also more desirable to establish by contemporary evidence the existence of an obsolete word, or show the immediate source whence it was introduced into the language, than to enter upon etymological speculations. The Author excuses himself for the dialectical pecu- liarities of his work, written in conformity with the lan- guage of Norfolk, with which alone he was acquainted ; a comparison, therefore, with the existing dialect of East Anglia appeared to be desirable, and it has been carried out as far as it was practicable. Of numerous contemporary or ancient authorities, whence illustrations have been largely drawn, several MSS. of the Latin-English Dictionary, en- titled Medulla Grammatices, compiled, according to Bale, by the same author as the Promptorium, have been chiefly consulted, as likewise the same work in its printed form, under the title of the Ortus Vocabulorum. Of the Medulla Grammatices, or Grammatice, the MSS. which CAMD. soc. h X ADVERTISEMENT. may especially be cited are, among several in the Harleian Collection, those marked 2257 and 2270 ; two valuable MSS. in the collection of Sir Thomas PhilHpps, Bart. 8244 and 8306 (MSS. Heber, 1020 and 1360) ; and the MS. in the Chapter Library at Canterbury, which is the more remarkable on account of the large number of cor- responding Anglo-Saxon words, which have been added in the margin, as it is supposed, by the hand of Somner. A copy is also preserved in the Pepysian Library at Cam- bridge, erroneously described as an English and Latin, instead of a Latin-English Dictionary, and another in the Library at Holkham. The most ancient MS. hitherto noticed is in the possession of the Editor ; and it must be observed, that although the work is substantially the same, the variations of the text in all these copies are found to be very great, and deserve careful comparison, A highly valuable MS., dated 1483, consisting of an English and Latin Dictionary, wholly distinct from the Prompto- rium, and written apparently in the North -Eastern parts of England, is cited as the Catholicon Anglicum. For free use of this important source of illustration the Editor is indebted to the kindness of its late lamented possessor, the Right Hon. Lord Monson. The curious work of John Palsgrave, entitled, " Eclaircissement de la langue Francoyse," 1530, the quaint sentences of Herman's Vul- garia, 1519, and various other early printed authorities of equal rarity, have been made available to the utmost of the Editor's ability. But much has been inevitably left ADVERTISEMENT. XI without any explanatory comment; and the Editor is apprehensive that the elucidations which he has been enabled to offer will too frequently be found insufficient or defective. In a work that has demanded much minute research and detailed reference, numerous errors must, with the utmost care, have occurred ; and he will thank- fully appreciate any corrections or suggestions with which those who are interested in such researches may favour him. Considerable inconvenience has arisen from the impossibility of gaining access to treatises from which the Latin words in the Promptorium were derived. The author cited as " Mirivalensis, in Campo florum, " is unknown, and all researches in order to discover that work, which supplied many of the most curious and obscure terms, have hitherto been fruitless. No MS. of the Derivationes Ugucionis has yet been found which answers to the description here given, " Ugucio versifi- catus ; " and the " Commentarius curialium " is likewise still a desideratum. On these points of difficulty the Editor, in behalf of his endeavour to offer in the present work some contribution towards the archaic lexicography of the English language, would solicit the aid of those who are more conversant than himself with early MS. literature. 131, Piccadilly, July 29, 1843. k ^ f^ r vPW %t'^'^ 1 1 S i!. -; Cfc ^ ^1 € .'^ 5, - 3) ^5- '- T^ \ I PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Incipit preambulum.' Cernentibus sollicite clericorum con- diciones, nunc statuum et graduum diversorum numerose videntur jam varii clericali se nomine gloriantes, qui tamen in suis colloquiis passim quotidieque barbarizando, sic ^ usum et artem Latine loquele^ aut pene, aut penitus perdiderunt, quod eorum quam plures quasi de doctis indoctos, de sciolis inscios, noverca virtutum et viciorum mater degenerans produxit oblivio. Unde ego, dictus indigne frater predicator,^ et Lenne sub regula paupertatis astrictus, ta- libus ut valeo compassus, ac juvenum clericorum gramaticare* volencium misertus, presentem libellum non tarn rudem ' sed quam utilem eisdem scribendum curavi ; potissime cum ipsis qui nunc ad usum ^ clericalis loquele velut cervi ad fontes aquarum deside- rant, sed Latina vocabula ignorantes, et instructorum ad libitum copiam ut cupiunt non habentes, singultu et suspiriis ut onagri in siti sua deficiunt, ac velut interna fame, sic eciam tabescunt, quod pene de eis illud Trenorum eloquium merito cum mesticia jam poterit recitari, parvuli petierunt panem, et non erat qui frangeret eis. " Igitur ego prefatus, quamvis rudis et inscius, plusque * aptus discere quam docere, tamen ut ex libris gramaticorum in- 1 Incipit prologus in libellum qui dicitur » Rudem quam, k. p. Promptorius Puerorum, p. Promptorius ^ k. p. the word usum is omitted iu parvulorura, k. Hail. MS. - Sic quod, p. ' Lamentations, iv, 4. 3 Predicatorum, k r. * k. p. plus is omitted in Hail. MS. ■« Grammatizare, k. p. CAMD. SOC. It 2 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. tellexi, ad predictorum profectum, exile hoc opus collegia precipue Catholicon, Campo florum, Diccionario, aliisque opusculis et tractibus, sepius vero ex inquisicione meliorum, ' sed rarissime quamvis quandoque ex ingenio fallibili^ et capite proprio personal!. In quo quidem libello primoAnglicanavocabula'^ secundum ordinem alphabet!, prout gramaticalia gramaticorum in libris reperiuntur ac scribuntur, conscripsi, et postea correspondencia sibi Latina, cum notulis parcium, generum, ac declinacionum ; ^ sic tamen ut in * qualibet litera alphabetic nomina et cetere partes, verbis tamen exceptis,5 primo pariter sunt inserta, et tunc tandem ipsorum verba breviter declinata, ordine quo supra sunt secuta. ^ Comitatus tamen Northfolchie ^ modum loquendi solum sum secutus, quem solum ab infancia didici, et solotenus plenius perfectiusque cog- novi. Opus autem istud Promptorium parvulorum, sive cleri- corum, peto si placeat appellari, eo quod hie seclusis scriptis gramatice curiosis, sub quodam quasi breviloquio, medullam tamen * verborum continens, pre brevitate sui aut in promptu, aut de facili, a cunctis clericis valeat possideri ; et quod in eo queritur non dis- currendo per multa, sed statim et in promptu poterit inveniri. ' Cunctos tamen pedagogos,didasculos,sive eciam magistros, precibus humiliter deposco, ut cum exile hoc opus perspexerint, quod Deo me juvante sit recte scriptum approbent, et quod male aut devie pie corrigant et emendent ; '" quatinus gramatici exiles et pueri in volumello hoc brevi, tanquam in speculo, possint inspicere, et communia vocabula que sunt ad linguam Latinam spectantia libera et statissime invenire : necnon et quam plures alii absque rubore ' Majorum, K. rated in one alphabetical arrangement with 2 K. p. omitted in Harl. MS. the other parts of speech. 2 These have been omitted in the pre- ® Subsecuta, k. perscripta, p. sent edition. See Preface. ^ Comitatus tamen Orientalium An- ■• Sub. K. p. glorum modum loquendi quem, &c. p. » This arrangement has, for greater fa- " Tantum, p. cility of reference, been changed in the ' k. p. invenire, Harl. MS. present e/ition : the verbs are incorpo- '" Emendant, k. PROMPTORIUM PARVUL.ORUM. S post terga metencium ' spicas eciam possint colligere, qui forte aut etatis, aut aliarum causarum pre pudore confusi, id quod minus sciunt ab aliis discere erubescunt. Igitur quicunque sibi in hoc opere inculto - utilitatis aliquid solaciive perspexerint, Deo gratias reddant, et pro me peccatore misericorditer intercedant. Explicit preambulum in libellum predictum,^ secundum vulgarem modum loquendi orientalium Anglorum. Isti sunt auctores ex quorum libris coUecta sunt vocabula hujus libelli, per fratrem predicatorem reclusum Lenne Episcopi, Anno Domini millesimo cccc. xl°. Cujus anime propicietur Deus. Et intitulatur liber iste Promptorium parvulorum. Hoc modo scribuntur nomina auctorum infra in hoc libro. Januensis in suo Catholicon Uguitio in majori volumine . Uguitio versificatus . . . . Brito ....... Mirivalensis in campo florum Johannes deGarlondia^inDiccionario ? scolastico . . . . ) Commentarius curiahum Libellus misteriorumquidicitur Anglia I que fulget .... 5 Merarius Distigius Robertus Kylwarbi Alexander Neccham CATH. UG. UG. V. BRIT. C. F. Dice. COMM. LIB. MIST. MER. DIST. KYLW. NECC. Cum aliis variis libris et libellis inspectis et intellectis, Deo adju- vante cum tota curia celesti.^ 1 K. H. p. metuencium, Harl. MS. 2 u, p, inculte, Harl. MS. 3 Qui dicitur Promptorius parvulorum, k. h. In the edition by \V. de Worde the work is entitled, Promptuarium parvulorum clericorum, quod apud nos Medulla gram- matice appellatur. * This list of the Latin authorities consulted by the compiler of the Promptorium is 4 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Nota, quod quicunque alterius patrie vocabula, a dicte prime vocabulis aut sillaba aut littera aliquo modo discrepancia, voluerit in hoc libro inserere, caveat ut semper secunda ' litera cum prima observetur, ut puta, iion scribat honde pro iiande, nee nose pro NESE, aut MON pro MAN, ncc KAYE pro keye/ et sic de aliis; sed^ sic scribat, hande vel hond, nese vel nose, et sic de aliis : quia aliter liber cito viciabitur et ordo scribendi confundetur, ac scrutatores vocabulorum scrutando deficient, dum ea que scru- tabuntur in locis debitis non inveniant/ found only in the Harl. IMS. and is now printed for the first time. See in the Preface notices of the writings above enumerated. ^ K. secundam, Harl. MS. - In locis debitis secundum vocem literarum scribantur, k. ' Vel k. 4 Invenient, Harl. MS. The list of authors is in the Harl. MS. placed before the Preambulum, but has been here transposed. In the King's MS. the admonitory Note alone, which is above given, is found at the end of the volume. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. A-BACKE, or backwarde. Retro, retrorsum. A-BASCHYD, or a-ferde. Territus, perterritiis. A-BASCHEMENT, or a-fer. Terror., pavor, formido. A-BATYN. Suhtraho. A-BATEMENT, or wythdrawynge of \vyghte,^ or mesure, or other thj-ngys. Suhtractioy defalca- tio. Abbeye. Ahhacia. Abbesse. Abbatissa. A-BYDYNNE. Expecto, prestolor. Abydynge. Expectacio. Abyte, i. clothynge. Habitus, Able, or abuUe, or abylle. Ha- bilis, idoneus. Ablyx, or to make able. Habi- lito. A-BoccHEMENT, or a-bocchynge." Augmentum, cath. Amplijica- menturn, cath. Abhominable. Abhominabilis. Abhominacyox. Abhominacio. Abbott. Abbas. Above. Supra, superius. Abowte. Circum, circa. Abreggyn. Abbrevio. Abbrochyn or attamyn a vesselle of drynke.3 Attamino, cath. depleo. Absence, or beynge a-way. Ab- sentia. Absent, not here, (or a-way, K.) Absens. Absteynyn. Abstineo. Abstynence, Abstiiientia. Abstynent, or abstejTijTige, or he that dothe abstynence. Ab- stinens. Abulle, supra in able. Habilis, idoneus. Abulnesse. Habilitas, aptitudo, idoneitas. Abundance, or grete plente. Abundancia. Abundyn, or haue plente. Abundo. Acent, or assent, or grawntynge. Assensus. Acentyn, (assentinge, p.) or grawntyn. Assencio. A-CETHEN for trespas (acethe, K. aceth, p.).* SatUfactio. 1 Wyghte, King's MS. weyte, p. The Harl- MS. reads mete. - Augmentum, adaugma, a-bocchement. mkd. gr. ms. phill. 3 " Thilke tonne, that 1 shal abroche." chauc. Wif of Bathes Prol. < " And if it suffice not for asseth." v. plouhm. See Jamieson, under Assvth, and Speloian. 6 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Ache, an erbe.i Apium. A-CHETYN. Confiscor. AcHWYN, or flejTi. Vito^ devito. AcHUYNGE, or beynge ware (ache- \v}'nge, K. achue, p.) Precavens, vitans. A-CYDE, or a-cydenandys, ora-slet, or a-slonte (acydnande, k. acyd- enam, p.) Ohlique, vel a latere, A-CYNEN, or ordeyn. Assigno. A-CLOYED.^ Acchmdicatus, incla- vatus. ACLOY3EN, (acloyin, k.) Acclau- dico, acclavo, inclavo. A-coLDE. Frigidus, algidus, fiigorosus. (Acolyte. Acolytus, p.) A-coMELYD for collide, or a- clommyde (acomyrd, p. acom- bred, w.)^ Eviratus, enervatus. A-coMERYD,'' (acombred, w. acou- tyrd, p.) Vexatus. A-coMERYNGE, or a-comerment, (acombrynge or a-combrement, w. a-comyrment, p.) Vexacio. A-CORDYD, or of on a-corde. Concors (AcoRDYD, or made at one, Concordatus, p.) A-coRDYN. Concordo. (AcoRDYNG. Co7icordancia, k.p.) A-coRDYNGE, or beynge fytte or mete. Convenio. AccoRNE, or archarde, frute of the oke.* Glans. AccusYD. Accusatus. (AccusYN. Accuso, n.v.') AccusYNGE (accusacyon, p.) Ac- cusacio. Adam, propyr name. Adam. Adamant, precyowse stone.s Adainas. Addycyon, or puttynge to for encrese. (addyng or puttynge to, p.) Addlcio. Admytyn, orgrawntyn. Admitto- ' Ache, or hoppe, ort. voc. Skinner gives ache, for smallage, from Fr. Vache, parsley. See Cotgr. 2 " To acloye with a nayle as an yuell smythe dothe an horse foote, enclouer. Ac- loyed as a horses foot, encloue.'" palsg. The more usual sense of the word is as Ilorman uses it, " My stomake is accloyed, faatidiosiis, nauseabundus." Florio renders inchiodare, " to clow, or pricke a horse with a naile." •* " ./o ay la mayn si estoniye, so acomeled.'' gaut. de bibelesw. Arundel MS. 220. Acomlyt. MS. Phill. In the later Wycliffite version, Isaiah xxxv. 3, is read, " Coumfort je clumsid, ether comclid hondis, and make je strong feble knees." MS. Cott. Claud. E. II. In the earlier version the passage is rendered, " Coumforteth the hondes loosid atwynne," MS. Douce. In the Latin, " manun disxolnias.^' "» " I am acconibered with corrupt humours, obruor pitnita. The snoffe acombreth the matche, that he can nat burn clere, fungi elychniiim obsident.'^ horm. Piers Ploughman uses the word in the sense of to overcome, or destroy. " And let his shepe acomber in the mire." chauc. See Depos. of Ric. II. published by the Camden Society, pp. 29, 30. * Glans, an acharne, Vocab. Harl. MS. 1002. Accharne, okecorne, CRT. v. A.S. secern. In the curious inventory of the effects of Sir Simon Burley, who was be- headed 1388, are enumerated, " deux pairs des jiater Piasters de anmbre lilanc, I'nu conn- ire/ail de Atcherncs, I'autre rounde." MS. in the possession of Sir Thomas I'liillipps. ' " Lapis ferrum attrahens, an adamounde stone, magnet.'^ whitinton gramm. Aymant. palsg. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. A-DO, or grete bysynesse. Sollici- tudo. A-DEWE, or farewoUe (adwe or far wel, p.) Vale. Affodylle herbe (afFadylle, k. p.) ' Affodillus, albucea. {Affh- dilla, K.) Affeccyon, or hertyly wellwyll- ynge. Affectio. Affecte, or welwyllynge. A.ffec- tUS, CATH. A-FENCE, or offence. Offensa. Afendyd, or offendyd. OJfensus. A-FERRE, not nye (afer, p.) Procul. A-FERDE (or trobelid, k. h. p.)* Territus, perterritus (^turhatus^ perfurbatus, k. p.) Affermyd, or grawntyd be worde. Ajfirmatus. Affyrmyn, orgrawntyn. Affirmo^ assero. Affermynge. Affirmacio. Affynyte, oralyaunce. Affinitas^^ A-FORNE (afore, p.)* Ante, coram. A-FORNANDE (aformande, h. p. afromhand, j. aforehande, w.) Antea. A-FRAY. Pavor, terro^^, formido. Affrayed, supra. Territus, pa- vore percussus. Aftyr. Post. Aftyr parte of a beste, or the hyndyr (parte, p.), or the crowpe. Clunis. Aftyr parte, or hynder parte of the schyppe. Puppis, cath. Aftyrward. Postea,postmodum. Agas.* Agas, propyr name. Agatha. A-GASTE, supra in a-ferde. Age. Etas, senium, senectus, senecta. The vij agys. Prima, infancia, quce continet vij annos ; se- cunda, puericia, usque ad quar- tumdecimum annum, ; tercia adolescentia, usque ad xxix^. annum ; quartajuventus, usque ad quinquagesimum, annum ; quinta gravitas, usqui ad Ixx *". annum; sexta senectus, que nullo terminatur termino (7ion terminatur certo numero, p.) ; senium est ultima pars senec- tutis. Septima erit in resur- rectione Jinali. cath. A-GAYNE, or a-5eyne (ayen, p.). Iterum, adhuc. A-GEYNE, or a-gaynewarde. Retro. A-GAYNBYER, or a rauHisomere. Redernptor. (Ageyn byinge. Redemptio, K. H. p.) 1 " Affadyll, a yelowe floure, affrodiUe." palsg. 2 Forby, in enumerating among the provincialisms of Norfolk the word afeard, noticed that formerly it was not, as at present, synonymous with afraid. " This wif was not aferde ne aflfraide." chauc. The Harl. MS. indeed, renders both aferde and afrayed by territus, but the reading of the King's MS. agreeing with the printed editions, seems preferable. Aferde or tro- belid, furbatus, perturbatus. Compare Abaschyd or aferde. A.S. afered, territus. 3 After AFFYNYTE, the Harl. MS. has the word a-foyste, lirida. See under the letter F. * Aforen, afome, afore, chauc. A.S. set foran. 5 The Harl. MS. gives Agas twice, first without any corresponding Latin word, but probably it is the same as Hagas puddynge, tucetum. 8 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Agyd. Antiqtiattis, senectns, ve- teranus, veteratus. Agyx, or growyn agyd. Seneo, sen e SCO. Agglot, or an aglet to lace wyth alle.^ Acus, aculus, (^acu- la, p.) Aggreggyn, or to greue more. Aggi'avo.^ Aggroggyd, or aggreuyd. Ag- gravatus. Aggruggynge, or a-greuynge. Aggravacio, aggravamen. Aggreuauns. Gravamen, no- cumentum, tedium. Agreuyd. Gravatus, ut supra. Agrimony, or egrimony, herbe. Agrimonia. Agrotone wyth mete or drynke (agrotonyn, K.). Ingurgito. Agrotonyd, or sorporryd wyth mete or drynke.^ Ingurgitatus. Agrotonynge, or sorporrynge- Ingurgitacio. Agwe, sekenes (ague, w.). Acuta, querquera. c. f. cath. A-HA. Evax. Ake, or ache, or akjmge. Dolor. AkYX. Doleo, CATH. Akyr of londe. Acra. Akyr of the see flowjTige (aker, p.)< Impetus maris. Alle, or euery dele. Totus. Alle, or ylke. Omnis, quilihet. Alabaster, a stone. Alabas- trum, Parium, c. F. ' '* Agglet of a lace or poynt, yer. To agglet a poynt, or set on an agglet vpon a poynt or lace, ferrer. palsg. Wyll you set none agglettes vpon your poyntes ? en- ferrer voz esffui/lettes." This word denotes properly the tag, but is often used to signify the lace to which it was attached. " Myn aglet, mon lassei, a point, laferrure Wun lasset." R. PYNSON, Good boke to lerne to speke French. 2 " Agreyier, supporter avec peine." roquef. lacombe. 3 Agroted, chaucer. Legend of G. W. is explained cloyed, surfeited. 4 This word is still of local use to denote the commotion caused in some tidal rivers, at the flow of the tide. In the Ouse, near Downham bridge, above Lynn, the name is eager, as also in the Nene, between Wisbeach and Peterborough, and the Ouse near York, and other rivers. Camden calls the meeting of the Avon and Severn, higre. Compare Skinner, under the word eager. In Craven Dial, acker is a ripple on the water. Aker seems, however, to have had a more extended meaning, as applied to some turbulent currents, or commotions of the deep. The MS. Poem entitled Of Knyghthode and Batayle, Cott. MS. Titus A. xxiii. f. 49, commending the skill of mariners in judging of the signs of weather, makes the following allusion to the aker. " VV'el know they the remue yf it a-ryse, An aker is it clept, 1 vnderstonde, Whos myght there may no shippe or wynd wyt stonde. This remue in th'occian of propre kynde Wyt oute wynde hathe his commotioun ; The maryneer therof may not be blynde, But when and where in euery regioun It regnethe, he moste haue inspectioun, For in viage it may bothe haste and tary, And vnavised thereof, al mys cary." Aker seems to be derived from A.S. se, water, and cer, a turn ; sie-cir signifies the ebb of the sea. c^kdm. See Nares, under Higre. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Allabovvte. Undique, circum- quaque. A-LAYDE. Temperatus, remissus, permixtus. A-LANGE, or straunge (alyande, p.) Extraneus^ exoticus. A-LANGELY, or straungely (aly- aundly, j.) Extranee. A-LANGENESSE, 01" strawngeiiesse (alyaundnesse, j.) Extraneitas. Alas. Euge, euge, prodolor. Ablaste (alblast, p.) Ballsta. Alblastere. Alblastarius, (ba- Ustarius, K. p.) Alberey, ve/ alebrey (albry, p.)' Alebrodium, fictum est. Alkamye metalle (alcamyn, p.) ^ Alkamia. Aldyr tre, or oryelle tre. Al- nus, c. F. Aldyrbeste. Optiinus. Aldyrkyr (alderkerre, k. alder- kar, p.)^ Alnetum, viz. locus ubi alni et tales arbores crescunt, C. F. Aldyrleste. 3Iiniinus. Aldyrmann. Aldinnannus, se- nior. Aldyrmoste. Maximus. Aldyrnexte. Propinquissitniis. Ale. Cervisia, c. f. cervutift quasi Cereris vis in aqua, hec Ceres, i. Deafrumenti ; (et hie nota bene quod est potus Anglo- rum, p.) Ale whyle hys (it is, K.) newe.' Celia, c. F. COMM. Allegyance, or softynge of dys- ese. Alleviacio. Aleggyn", or to softe, or relese peyne. Allevio, mitigo. Allegyaunce of auctoryte (of auctours, p.) Allegaclo. Aleggyx awtowrs. AUego. A LEY yn gardeyne. Peribolus, CATH. c. F. perambulator ium et periobolum, vg. (peram- bulum, Dice, p.) Aleyne, propyr name. Alanus. Allefeynte, or fejTite. Segnis. Allefeyntelye (alfeynly, k.) Segniter. Allefully. Tntaliter, complete. Algatys, or allewey.^ Omnino, omnimode, penitus. ALLEHOLEfro brekyiige. Integer. Allehole, or alleheyle. Sanus, incoluinis. Allehooly (all holy, p.) In- tegre, integraliter, totaliter. ' " Alebery for a sicke man, chaudeau," palsg. ; which Cotgrave renders, caudle, warm broth. - Alcamyne, arquemie, palsg. A mixed metal, supposed to be produced by alchymy, and which received thence the name. See Nares. ' Carre, a wood of alder, or other trees in a moist boggy place, ray. See Forby and Moore. Ducange gives kaheir, kaei/um, saltctum. * AUer, the gen. plur. ealra, A.S. is used by Chaucer, both by itself, and compounded : " Shall have a souper at your aller cost." Prol. Cant. Tales. There occur also, alderfirst, alderlast, alderlevest, that is dearest of all, and alderfastest. * Compare Gyylde or gile, new ale. Celia, Orosius informs us, was the name of a Spanish drink made of wheat, and here seems to signify the sweet and uuhopped wort. ^ " Wyll you algates do it ? le voulez vovsfaire tout a force .' " palsg. " I damned thee, tliou must algates be dead." chaic. Sompnour's Tale. A.S. Al^eats, omnino. CAMO. soc. C 10 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Alyaunce, or afFynyte. Ajfinitas. Alysaunder, herbe, or stan- marche.' Maceihmia. Alysaunder, propyr name. A- lex under. A-LYKE, or euyn lyke. Equalis. Allelykely, or euynly (a lyke wyse or euynly, K. p.) Equal- iter. A-lyke, or lyke yn lykenes. Si- milis. A-lytylle. Modicum, parum. A-lyve. Vivus. Alyen, straunger. Extraneiis, alienus. Alyex, straunger of an other londe. AlteUus, alteUa, UG. c. F. A lye. Ajinis. A LY, or alyaunce. Affinitas. Al K EN KENGY, herbe morub. 3Io- rella ruhea. Alkexet herbe. Alkanea, (vlicus, eklicus, p.) Almaun'de frute (almon, p.) Amigdalum. (Ai.MAUND tre, k. almon tre, p. Ainigdala, amitrdalus, cath.) Almary, or almery.^ Almarium, c. F. almarioluin, (^armarium, P.). Almery of mete kepynge, or a saue for mete.^ Cibutum, c. F. Almesse, or almos (elmesse, H. p.) Elimnsina, roga, c. F. et dicitur elimosina ah el, quod est Deus, et moifs quod est aqua, quasi aqua Dei ; quia stent aqua ex- tinguit ignem, ita elimosina ex- tin guit peccatum. Almesse of mete veuyii to powre men, whan men haue ete. Mes- telenium, com.m. ALMEsMANX,or woman (almesful- man, p.). Elimosinarius, roga- torius, rogatoria, c. f. Al M Es s H o ws E. Xen odochium, c. F. vel xenodocium, et xeno- dium, orphanotfophium, pro- seuca, CATH. ALLMY3GHTY (almyghty, p.) Omnipotens, cu7ictipotens. Allmyghtyiiede. Omnipotencia, cunctipotencia. Almoste. Fere, pene, ferme. Alone. Solus. Alowans. AUocacio. Alowede. AUocatus. Allovvyn yn rekenynge (or re- ken, p.). Alloco. Alpe, a bryde.^ Ficedula, c. f. Allwey. Semper, continue. Alom, or alym, lyke glasse (alum glas, p.) Alumen, cath. Alure, or alurys of a towre or stepylle. "^ Canal, oath. ug. grunda, (can a lis, p.) ' Gerarde gives the name alexanders to the great or horse parsley, hipposelinum. " " Atmariolum, a lytell almary oracobborde. ■Scrinium,An(/ficfia.lmery."oRT.voc. " All my lytell bokes I putt in alineries, {scriniis cfiartophil(tcihs,forulis, vel armariin) all my greatter bokis I put in my lyberary." iiorm. A.S. Aliiierij;a, scrinium. 3 "Almery, aumbry to put meate in, une.s almoires." palsg. * " /'^cerfj/Za, a wodewale or an alpe." med. gr. In Norfolk the bull-finch is called blood -ol|)b, and the grten grosbeak, green-olf, j)robably a corruption of alpe. forby. Ray givi-s alp as generally signifying the bull-fin(;li. See Moore. '■• The alure seems in its primary sense to have been the passage behind the battle- ments, a//(//fM»i, awAjat goythe astray. Palans, c. f. vagula, CATH. AsTRAYLY (astray, or astrayly, p.) Palahunde, kylw. (AsTRETCHYN or arcchyn. At- tingo, P.). (ASTROLOGERE. Astl'ologUS, P.) (Astrology. Astrologia, p.) AsTRONOMERE. Astronomus. Astronomye. Astrunomia. A-STRUT, or strutyngly (strowt- ingly, P.) Turgide. A-SUNDYR. Distinctus, divisus, disjunctus. A-soNDYR, or brokyn. Fractus. A-suNDERLY. Disjunctim, separ- atim, divishn. AsuRE.'^ Asura. AsuRYN, or insuryii. Assecuro, securo. Attachyn, supra in arestyn. Athamyd, as a wesselwyth drynke (atamed, p.)^ Attaminatus, Dice. depleius, cath. Attamyn a wesselle wyth drynke, or abbrochyn. Attamino, depleo. Atthamynge of a wesselle wyth drynke. Attanmiacio, depletio. A-tastyn. Pregusto. Atteynyn, supra in strechyn (astretchyn, p.). Atteyntyn. Convincu. Attyr, fylthe.^ Sanies. Attyrcoppe."* Aranea. 1 See ScHYYD. /tstelle, es/elle, copeau, eclat de bois, roquef. a piece of a wooden log cleft for burning. 2 " Lnzirivm, i. e. incavstum, or asurcoloi'.r," out. voc. See Ducauge, under the word Lazur ; and directions " for to make fyn azure of laj)is lazuli," and distinguishing lapis lazuly from "lapis almaine, of whiche men niaken a blew bis azure." Sloan. MS. 73. f. 2\:y, b. ■' John de Garlandia says, " Precones vini clamant ffula hianle vinum attammatumin taberniH, portando vinum temptaudum, fuHum in cratere,^' which the gloss renders atamyd. Liber dictus Diccionarius, Ilarl. MS. 1002, f. 177, b. 4 A. Sax. A-ttar, venenum. "This sore is full of matter, or ater ; purulentum." HoRM. Alter has the same sense in Norfolk at the present time, and Skinner mentions the word as commonly used in Lincolnshire. See wiiytouwre. 6 A. Sax. Atter-coppa, aranea, literally a cup, or head of poison. See a curious tale of the effect of the venom of the atturcop|)e at Shrewsbury, in the Preface to Lang- toft's Chron. Hearne, i. p. cc. The Medulla renders aranea, an attcrcoppe, and the English Gloss, on the " Liber vocatus Equus," Harl. MS. 1002, f. 114, exi)lains the same word as addurco)). I'alsgrave gives " AddircO)) or Spiners web, Araiynie ; " and PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 17 A-TYRE, or tyre of women.' Re- dimiculum, cath. cultus, c. f, A-TYRYN yn womeyns a-ray, supra in AuAYVi. Redimio, o)'mo,cath. Atreet (atrete, p.) Tractathn^ {tracthn., distincte, K.) A-TWYXYN (atwexyn, h. atwyxt, p.) Inter. A-turneye (aturne, k. h. p.) Snffectus, c. f. atturnatus, sub- stitutus. Atte Jje laste. Tandem, de- mum, novissime. A-WHYLE (avayle, K. p. awayt, w.) 2 Profectus, proventus, emolumentum. A-vaylyn, or profytyn. Valeo, prosum, CATH. A-wAYTE, or waytynge (awayt- inge, p.) E.rploracio, ea-pto- ratus. (AwAYTiNGE, or takiuge heede, p. Attendens.) A-VAUNCEMENT. Benejicium. A-vAUNCYD (avauntyd, h. avaunt- ed, p.) Benejiciatus. A-VAUNCE, orboste(avaunt, K. p.) Jactancia, arrogancia. A-VAUNTYN, or boostyn.^ Jacto, arrogo, ostento. A-VANTAGE (auauntage, p.) Pro- ventus, CATH. emolumentum, avauntagium, {prerogativa, p.) AwBE (awlbe, p.) Alha, poderis, CATH. AwBEL or ebelle tre (ebeltre, K. p.) * Ebonus, viburnus, Dice, i^ebenus, p.) AwBURNE coloure. Citrinus. AwEordrede. Timor, pavor, ter- ror, formido. A-WEY, or nott here. Absens. AuELONGE (awelonge, H. awey- longe, p.) 5 Oblongus. AvENCE lierbe.^ Avancia, sana- tnunda. Ray says that in Cumberland the word attercob signifies the web, as it does also in York- shire. See BOUCHER and jamieson. In the Legenda Aurea, spiders are called spyn- coppes. Saynt Felyx, f. 72. In Trevisa's version of the Pol3rchronicon, it is said that in Ireland " there ben attercoppes, bloode-soukers, and eeftes that doon none harme.'' Caxton, f. 63, b. 1 " Atyre for a gentilwomans heed, atour.^'' palsg. See hereafter under tyre. - " Auayle, 7;roM^7." palsg. See an enactment in Rot. Pari. VI. 203, regarding certain manors " with all proufites and avayles to the same perteyning." 3 " Though you do neuer so many good dedes, you lese your made if you auaunte you of them, se vanter.'" palsg. The word occurs in another sense in Elyot's Librarie, " Vendito, to sell often, to auaunt, venditatio, an auaunt." ♦ It is very doubtful what tree is here intended. Forby observes that in Norfolk the asp tree, jmpulus trernula, is called ebble, which seems to be merely a variation of abele, the name given by botanists to the populus alba. In a vocabulary in Harl. MS. 1002, viburnum is rendered " a awberne." The Promptuary gives hereafter eban TVLZ, Ebanus. In early French writers the " bois d'aubor'" is often mentioned as ia esteem for making bows, but its nature has not been satisfactorily explained, and pos- sibly it may have been identical with the awbel. In German the yew tree is called <>6e«. * This word occurs again hereafter, w'arpyn, or wex wronge oravelonge as vesselle, oblongo. In Harl. MS. 1002, f. 119, oblongo is rendered to make auelonge ; and in the editor's MS. of the Medulla, oblonyus is rendered auelonge. A. S. Awoh, oblique. Moore gives the word avellong, used in Suffolk, when the irregular shape of a field interferes with the equal distribution of the work. ^ Ayeus, cari/ophilffifa. skinnku. The virtues attributed, at the time the Promp- CAMD. SOC. D 18 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. AvENE of corn (awene, k. awne, p.) 1 Arista, CATH. AvENERE.^ Abatis, diiorum ge- nerum, cath. A-VENTURE. Fortuna. A-WERE, or dowte (awe, k. p.) ' Dubiion, a)nhigimm, per- plexus. AwFYN of jje chekar.' Alfimis. AwGRYM.-^ AlgarisviKs. AvYSEMENT. Indicie, deliberacio, AvYSYD. Provisus, avisatus. A-VYSYN. Delibero. AwKE, or angry.*' Contrarius, bilosus, ])erversus. AwKE, or wronge. Sinister. ( AwKLY, or wrongly, k. Sinistre.) AwKELY', or wrawely. Perverse, contrarie, bilose. AwMBRERE, or awemenerc (awm- nere, k. awmener or amner, p.) ^ Elemosinator, ro^atorius, c. f. AwMEBRY, or awmery. naritmi, rogatoriwn. Elemosi- Y torium was compiled, to auauace, by some called barefoot, wbicb it resembles, may be found in Roy. MS. 18 A. VI. f. 67, b. It was used in cookery ; see the Forme of Cury, p. 13. By modern botanists it is known as the genm. ' " Arista, sjjica, an awne of corne, an ere, or a glene." dict. wilbr, 2 The avenere was an officer of the household who had the charge of supplying pro- vender for the horses. A curious account of his duties occurs in MS. Sloane, 1986, f. 38, b. quoted in Boucher's Glossary. See Afjatis in Ducange and Spelman. The Clerk Avenar occurs in the Household Book of the Earlof Northumberlnnd, 1511, his duties were '' for breving daily of horssemete and liuereis of fewell." Ant. Repert. iv. 233. 3 " I stand in a wer, wliether I may go or turne agayne, hcsito/'' horm. * Tlie awfyn or alphyn was anciently the name of the bishop in the game of chess. Hyde derives it from the Arabic, nl-fil, an elephant. The piece was called by the French fol, at an early period, and subsequently avjin. The third chap, of the seconde trac- tate of Caxton's game of the Chesse, 1474, " tretethe of the Alphyns, her office ande maners. The Alphyns oughte to be made ande formede in manere of Juges syttynge in a chayer withe a book open to fore their eyen. Theyr offyce is for to counceylle the Kynge." " Alfyn, a man of the chesse horde, avljin.'" pai.su. See Ducange, Donee's Remarks on the European names of Chessmen, Archa^ol. xi. p. 400, and Sir F. Madden's remarks on the chess-men found in Lewis, Archfeol. xxiv. p. Si'S. Hornian, speaking of chess, says, "We shulde have 2 kyngis, and 2 quyens, 4 alfyns, 4 knyghtis, 4 rokis, and lb" paunis." f. 282, b. * " Augrym, alijorusme. To counte, reken by cyfers of agryme, enchifrer. To cast an accomptes in aulgorisme with a jienne, enchifrer. To caste an accomptes with coimters, after the aulgorisme maiier, ealcvler. To caste an acconij)tes after the comen maner, with counters, compter jjar iect. I shall reken it syxe times by aulgorisme, or you can caste it ones by counters'' pai.sg. It would hence appear that towards the commencement of the XVIth century the use of the Arabic numerals had in some degree superseded the ancient mode of calculating by the abacus, and counters, which, at the period when the Pronijitorium was compiled, were generally used. Hereafter we find the word countixge noRnic as an evidence. They were not indeed wholly dis- used at a time long subsecjuent : an allusion to calculation by counters occurs in Siiake- speare, and later authors ]irf)ve that they had not been entirely discarded. Algorithm or algorism, a term universally used in the XlV'th and XVtIi centuries to denote the science of calculation by \) figures and zero, is of Arabii; derivation. "" Aukwarde frowanle, /yc/Mers. Aukwar leftehanded, gauche, Auke stroke, r« le pleuuyn.'''' 8 " But I wol not avowcn that I say.*' cuauc. 20 PRO.MPTORIUM PARVULORUM. AwTERE. Altare, ara. AwTERSTONE. Supercdtare. AwTORYTE (auctorite, p.) Auc- toritas. AwTOWRE. Auctor. AxYLTRE, or exyltre. Axis. (AxE, or exe to hewe, p. Securis, dolabra.y A-jEXE (ayen, p.) Iterum, adhuc, rursurn, rursus. A-3ENS, or a-gens (ayens or ageyne, p.) Contra, adversus. A-3ENWAKDE (ayenwarde, p.) E contrario, e converso. A-3EN WYLLE (ayen wyll, p.) In- vite. Babe, or lytylle chylde. Infans, ptterilus, pusillus, pusio, dist. Babewyx, or babewen (babwyn, or babwen, p.) 1 Detipptis, c. F. ipos, Jigmentum, chimera. Bably'x, orwaveryn (babelyn, p.) Librillo. Babelyxge, or wauerynge. Va- cillacio, libriUacio. BABULLE,orbable(babyll, p.)' Li- lrilla,CArH. pegma, c.f. cath. Babyrlyppyd. Labrosus, cath.' Baker or baxter (bakstar, p.) Pistor, panicius, cath. pani- Jicus, panifex, panijicator. Bace, or fundament. Basis. Bace, fysche.^ Bace chambyr. Bassaria, vel camera bassaria, sive camera bassa. Bace pleye. Barrus. Barri, bar- rorum, dantur ludi puerorum. Bacenett. Cassis, cath. in galea. Bachelere. Bacularius, bach- illarivs, bachalarius. Bacun flesche. Petaso, baco. Bad, or wykyde. Malus. Badde, or nowght worthe. In- validus. Badly', orwykkydly. Male,inique. (Baffyn as howndys, k. h. p. Baulo, baffo, latro.) Baffynge as howndys folovvynge her pray. Nicto, cath. ug. glatio. Baffyxge or bawlynge of howndys. Baulatus, baffatus. Bage, or bagge of armys (badge, p.) ^ Banidium, bannidium,, KYLW. ' " Babwyne beest, bal/ai/n." palsg. 2 "■ Lil/rilla, liacultis cum corriyia phimhata ad librandum cames. Pegma, baculus cum massa plumbi in summitate pendente, et ut dicit Cornntns tali baculo scenici Itide- bant.'" CATH. " Librilla dicitur instrunientum librandi, idem est percutiendi lapidesin castra. i. manf/omis, a bable, or a dogge malyote." ort. voc. In the Vocabulary, Roy. MS. 17 C.XVII.f. .56, b. occur under A^owmaar»/o/?«M, with mase and other weapons, " Dog babulle, babrilla, Babulle, Pegma." Palsgrave renders " Bable for a foole, maroite." See Douce's Illustrations of Shakespeare, where will be found numerous representations of the bauble. Baubella, in old French babioles, trinkets, gewgaws. ^ Piers Ploughman describes Covetyse as " byttelbrowedeandbaberlupped." In old French the thick lips of some animals are called babeines. RoauEF. ■* " Bace, vny bar." PAi.sfi, " Lubin, a base, or sea wolfe. liar, the fish called a base." COTGR. The basse, or sea perch, the lupus of the Romans, labrax lupus, CUV. seems to be the fish here intended, and not the coal-fish, according to the explan- ation in Boucher's Glossary. '' " Badge of a gentylman, la deuise (Tung Seigneur." pai.sg. It was a cognisance PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 21 Bagge, or poke (pocke, k.) *S'rtc- culus. Bagge, or sacchelle (sechelle, k.) Saccellus. Baggyn, or bocjTi owte, quere infra in bocyn. Tumeo. Bagge pype. Panduca, kylw. (Bagge pypere. Panducarius, p.) (Bahciie, or bakynge, k. batche, p. Pistui'a.) Bay frute. Bacca. Bay, or wyth-stondynge. Obsta- culum. Bayyd, as a horse (bay, p.) Ba- dius, VG. et ibi nota omnes color es eqxiorutn. Bayyn, or berkyn a-yene (agejTie, p.) Relatro. Baynyd, as benys or pesyn.' Fre- sus. (Bakke, flyinge best, k. bak, p. flejaige byrde, w. ^ Vesper- tilio.) Bakke. Dorsum. Bakke of a beste. Tergus, cath. Bakke of man, or woman. Ter- gum, cath. Bakke of egge toole. Ebiculura. Bakkebytere. Detractor, de- tractrix, oblocutor, oblocutrix. Bagbytyn (bakbyten, p.) De- traho, detracto, catii. (Bakbytyng, k. backebytinge, p. Detractio, oblocutio.J Bakhowse, or bakynge howse. Pistrina, pistrinutn, cath. Bakyx, or to bake. Pinso, pani- jico. Baky'n, or bake (baked, p.) Pistus. Bakyn vnder ]je askys (aschys, k.). Subcinericius. Bakynge (or bahche, k.) Pis- tura. Bakynge howse. Panificium. Bakvvard, orbakstale.3 A retro. Baxter, supra in baker (bakstare, K. p.) Bakun, supra in bacun. Bakwarde. Retro, retrorsum. Balle of pley. Pila. Balle of J)e ye (iye, p.) Pupilla. Balke yn a howse.'* Trabes, trabecula, co.mm. or ornament, forming part of the livery assigned by a chieftain to his followers, which led to the use of uniforms. The word is probably derived from A.S. beag, corona, ar- milla. See in Harl. MS. 4G32, an interesting list of badges of cognisance, printed in Collect. Topogr. et Genealogica, vol. III. p. 54. • This word seems to signify slielled, and consequently jjrepared for the table, from bayn, ready. See Jamieson and Boucher. In Norfolk beiu means pliant or limber, FORBY. Compare beyn or plyaunte, which occurs hereafter. ^ '' Lucifuya, quedarn avis lucent fugiens, a backe." ort. voc. " Backe, a beest that flyeth, chauvesouris." palsg. '• Vespertilio, a reremouse or backe." eliot. A.S. Hrere-mus. 3 Bakstale may be derived from A. S. stael, stal, locus, status. In German stelleii signifies to place. * " With his owen hand than made he ladders three, To climben by the renges and the stalkes Unto the tubbes honging in the balkes." chauc. Miller's Tale. A.S. Bale, trabs. " Trabes, a beame, or a balke of a hous." ort. voc. "Balke, pouste,^^ i. e.pouire. palsg. 22 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Balpley, or pley (plainge, p.) at ]>e balle. Pililudus. Balpleyere. PilUitdlus, Upi- dulus idem est, ludipUus. Balaunxe. Statera, Uhra, fa- lanx (balanx, P.) trutina. Baldemoyk (baldmony, k. balde- monye, p.)' Genciana. Bale, or bane.^ Mortiferum, to.riciim, letiferinn, letale. Bale of spycery, or other lyke. JBulga, c. F. Balle, schepys name. Ballator., haUatrix (halator, p.) Baleys.^ Virga. Baly (baley, p.) * BalUvus. Baly, or seriaunt men arestynge. Angarius, cath. apparitor. Ballyd. Calvus. Ballydn'esse. Calvicies. Balyschepe (balyshype, k.) JBalliatus. Balke in a bowse, *?//))•«. Trahs. Balke of (on, p.) a Icmde eryd.* Porca, CATH. Balkyn, or to make a balke yn a londe (in erynge of londe, P.) Porco, c. F. in porca. Balkyn, or ouerskyppyn. Omitto. B A l n Ew, or pleyn (balwe, or playne, p.) ^ Planus. Ban X A RE, or cursere. Impre- cator, imprecatrix, maledicus, maJedica. Bane, or poyson (^supra in bale, p.) Vide supra. Mortiferum, exitium, into.ricutn, letiferum. Bane of a pley (or mariage, p.) Banna, coragium, c. f. {pre- ludium, p.) * " Look how a sick man for his hele Takith baldemovn with the canele. " GOWER. Of the virtues attributed to this herb, see Roy. MS. 18 A, VI. " Genciana ys an herbe that me clepyth baldemoyne, or feldewort.'' 2 The signification here given to bale is uncommon ; its usual meaning is mischief, woe or calamity. Thus Hanipole, in the Pricke of Conscience, calls the day of doom " the day of bale and bitterness." A.S. Balew, exUiuin. 3 Hereafter occurs in the Promptorium jerde baleys, virya. Virga is rendered a 3erde or a rodde, med. and ort. voc. ; and such the baleys seems to have been, and not a besom, ia/ai, in the present sense of the word. Matthew Paris relates that in 1252, a person came to perform penance at St. Alban's, "ferens in mann virgam quamvtclga- Titer baleis appellamus,^'' with which he was disciplined by each of the brethren. Wats in the Glossary observes, " Jta Norfolcienses niei vocant virgam majorem, et ex plttribus longioribiis viminibus ; qualtbus utuntur pcedagogi .severiores in sc/iolis.'" Baleys occurs in Piers Ploughman in the same sense. Forby does not notice it : but the verb to balase occurs amongst the provincialisms of Shropshire ; see Hartshorne's Salopia Antiqua. * In the Wicliffite version Baili seems to imply the charge or office, " jelde reken- ynge of thi baili, for thou myght not now be baylyf." Luc. 16. " He is my ryue and bayly, Inquilinus prediorum vrhicorum et rusticorum." horm. * " Crebro, a balke bitwyne two furrowes. Porca vor at furfur, aratrum vult ver- tere porcam." med. harl. ms. 22.57. " He hath made a balke in the lande, scannum fecit, sive crudum solum et inmoium reliqnit " horm. " Baulke of lande, separaison." PALSG. A.S. Bale, porca. The word is still in use in Norfolk and Suffolk. * In Gawayn and the Green Knyjt occur the expressions "a balj berg," and " balje hawnche3," which are explained by Sir F. Madden to mean ample, swelling. Mr. Stevenson, however, in Boucher's Glossary, interprets the word as smooth or unwrinkled. I'ROMPTORIUM PARVULORUiM. 23 Banere. VexilluM. Bannyx, or waryyn. Imprecor, maledico, execrov. Banynge, or cursynge. Impre- cation maledictio. Banyowre, or bannerberere. Vex- illarius, vexillifer, primipilus, UG. Banke of watyr. Ripa. Banke of Jje see. Litus. Banker.! Scamnarium, amphi- taha, c. F. UG. Banyschyd (banysshed, p.) Ban- nitus, exulatus. Banschyn (banysshe, p.) Bannio. Bannyschynge. Bannicio, ban- nit us, exdium. Baptym.^ Baptismus, haptisma, CATH. (Baptyst, or baptisar, p. Bap- tista?) Baptyzyn (baptyse, p.) Baptizo. Baratowre.3 Pugnax, cath. rixosus, c. F. jurffosus. Barbaryx frute. Barbeum, c. F. Barbaryn tre (barbery, p.) Bar- bar is. Barbican by-fore a castelW Antemurale, kylw. Barboure. Barbitonsor. ^ The banker was a cloth, carpet, or covering of tapestry for a form or bench, from the French " banqnier, topis pour mettre surun banc, stiar/ulum abaci." nicot. cotgr. " Amphitapa est tapetum circumfilosum, a woU loke." ort. " Tapes utrinque villostts." Due; denoting the coverings of arras and tapestry work, wrouglit, perhaps, on both sides, such as are enumerated in the Inventory of Sir John Fastolfe's effects, 1459. Archseol. xxi, 257, 2G5. We there also find " Banker, hangyng tapestry worke," which may mean the tapestry commonly in use for hangings, or that the Banker was in this instance the covering of a high- backed seat, over which it was hung. In an earlier Inventory of the Priory, Durham, 1-146, occur "iij Bankquerez /;a/ear de hlodio intenso et remisso ; cosfera pro ornatu mnrorum ejusdem camera;,'''' these last being of the same suit as the Bankers, that is, of cloth of say, paly dark blue and light. Inventories published by the Surtees Society, i. 92. In the Teutonic, banck-u-erck is rendered by Kilian, " tapes, opus polt/tnitum, vulgo bancalia, scamnalia, subsellii stragulnni.'" A Vocabulary of nearly the same date as the Promptorium gives " pepotasina, bac/iis, ban- quere.'' Roy. ms. 1". C. XVII. This word has been in Boucher's Glossary incorrectly explained to mean a table-cloth. 2 Baptym is not an error of the scribes, but a singular corruption of ortho- graphy. In the other ^NISS. as well as the printed editions, the same spelling occurs. In the Wicliffite version it is thus written, as also baptym, and baptem, in tlie Legenda Aurea. The observation would be trivial, did it not afford au evidence of the predomi- nant influence of the French language in England at the period ; the word is evidently thence received, and not from the Latin. 3 Compare hereafter debate maker, or barator, incenfor. feyghtare, orbaratowre, pugnux, which is distinguished from feyghtare, pugnator, showing that the word implies one of a contentious disposition, and not an actual combatant. •• Spelman explains the barbai-an to be " tnuuimen afronte castri, alitfr antemurale dictum ; etiam foramen in iirbium castrorumque mceniis ad /ragicioida nii-isilia. Sa.r. burgekening. Vox Arabica." Pennant asserts that the Saxons called the barbican to the north-west of Cripplegate, burgh-kenning ; other writers have suggested a ditfcrent etymology, A.S. burk-beacn, urbis specula. Bullet would derive it from the Celtic, Aar, before, bac/i, an enclosure. Lye gives barbacan as a word ado])tpd in the Anglo-Saxon language, and we must certainly not seek thence its derivation. Tlic best si>ecimens of the outworks to which tliis name w.as given were at York, and called the Bars, of which one still exists in good preservation. 24 PROMPTORIUiM PARVULORUM. (Barborery, or barborysh hous, K. barbours hous for shauynge. p. JBarbitondium.^ Barbylle fysche (barbell fisshe, p.) Barhyllus. Barbulle, sekenes of jje mowthe.' Bare. Nudus. Baryn, or to make bare. Nudo, denudo. Baryne (bareyn, p.) Sterilis. Bareynte (bareynesse, p.) Ste- rilitas. Barelle. Cadiis. Barenesse. Nuditas. Barre of a gyrdylle, or o)jer barneys.^ Stipn. Barre of J)e schyttynge of adore (shettinge, p.) Pessulum, re- jmgulum, vectis, clatrus, cath. Barre abowte a graue or awter (barres, p.) Barre, plur. c. f. UG. in gero, (cerre, p.) (Barred as agirdell, p. Stipattis.) Barryd wyth yreii. Garratus, UG. (cerratus, p.) Barren harnes. Stipo, constipo. Barryn dorys, (wyndowus, k.) or o)>er shyttynge. Pessulo, repa- gulo. Barrynge of dorys (or other shettynge, p.) Repagulacio, obseracio. Barrynge of barneys. Stipacio, constipacio. Barrere, or barreere (barry3er, K.) Pararium, barraria, bar- rus, c. F. Bargayne (bargany, p.) Lici- tacio, stipulacio, cath. Barganyyn, or to make a bar- gayne. Stipulo, cath. mercor, licito, UG. c. F. Barge, schyppe. Barcha. Barke. Cortex. Barke, powdyr of (for, p.) lethyr. Feruiiixmi (f)iinium, p.) cath. Barkere (barkar, p.) Cerdo, frunio, c. f. Barkarys barkewatyr (barkars water, p.) Naucea, c. F. ' "Rnrhn^, pajnda. roy.j>is. IT C, Wll. de infrmifatibns. It is probably the same as '' barbes, pushes or little bladders under the tongues of horses and cattell, the which they kill, if they be not speedily cured. Barbes aux veaux, the barbies." cotgr. - The ornaments of the girdle, which frequently were of the richest description, were termed barres, and in French c/o?U'; they were perforated to allow the tongue of the buckle to pass through them. Originally they were attached transversely to the wide tissue of which the girdle was formed, but subsequently were round or square, or fa- shioned like the heads of lions, and similar devices, the name of barre being still re- tained, though improperly. Thus a citizen of Bristol bequeathed in 1430, '^ zonam hamizaiam cum harris argenti rotumlis." In the description of the girdle of Richesse, in Chaucer's llomaunt of the Rose, we read, " The barris were of gold full fine Upon a tissue of sattin. Full hevie, grete and nothing light, In everiche was a besaunt wight." In the original, " les cloux furent cVor epnre." The word was similarly applied to the ornaments of other parts of costume, such as the garter, worn by the Knight of the Order, or spur-leathers, as in Gawayn and the Green Kny^t, i. 287. " clene spares under Of bry^t golde vpon silke hordes Barrid ful rvchc." PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 25 Barkyn lethyi'. Frunio, tanno, tannio, c. F. Barkynge of lethyr (lethyr or ledyr, p.) Frunicio. Barlylepe, to kepe yn corne (barlep, p.) ' Cumera, ug. in camos. Barly corne. Ordeum, triticum, c. F. Barly'sele.* Tempus ordeacium. Barlymele. Alphita, ug. in al. Barme.3 Gremiura. Barmclotiie, or naprun.^ Li- mas., CATH. Barnyskyn (barme skyn, p.) ^ MeJotes, CATH. c. F. meluta, UG. in mellese. Barooxe lorde (barun or baron, p.) Baro. Baronesse. BaronLssa. Baronye. Baronia. Bartryn or changjTi, or chafare oone thyiige for a othere. Cam- bio, campso, cath. Bartrynge, or changynge of chafyre. Cambium, c. f. Barowe.^ Cenovectorium, ce- noviuiti, ug. in cenon, c. F. Baselarde.^ Sica, c. f. cluna- bulum, CATH. (pugio, brit. p.) 1 " i^or/a, a here lepe, or basket." ort. voc. In one MS. of the Medulla it is rendered "a berynge lep." A.S. Bere, hordeum, leap, corbis. See beringe lepe, 2 In Norfolk at the present time the season of sowing barley is termed barley-sele, in Suffolk, barsel- forby, moore. A.S. sel, occasio. ' " And in hire barme this litel child she leid." chauc. A.S. bearm, gremium. * Chaucer uses the word ; it occurs in the Miller's Tale : " A barme cloth as white as morrow milke Upon her lends, full of many a gore." The Medulla explains limas to be " vestis que protenditur ah umbilico usque ad pedes, qud utuntur servi coci et femine. ^w^r/ice, barm cloth." A.S. barm-rsegl, or barm- da's, mappula, elfric. 5 The melotes is explained in the Catholicon to be " quedam vestis de pilis vel pel- libus taxi facta, a collo pendens usque ad Inmbos, qud monachi utuntur. Et iste habitus est necessarius propi-ie ad operis exercitium, eademut pera id dicunt.^'' Uguitiosays, " tnelota ex pellibtis caprinis esse dicitur, ex und vero parte dependens.'''' See Ducange. The King's MS. gives barniskyn, but the reading of the printed editions appears to be preferable, barme-skyn, implying simply an apron formed of the skin of a beast. Barm-skin is preserved in the dialect of Lancashire, where it means a leathern apron. ^ A barowe or crowde was a small vehicle, whether precisely similar or not to tiie barrow of the present times, cannot be asserted. When Sir Amiloun was worn out with leprosy, and reduced to " tvelf pans of catel," the faithful Amoraunt expended that little sum in the purchase of a barowe, therein to carry the knight about. " Therwith thai went ful yare And bought hem a gode croude wain." Amis and Amiloun, 1867. A.S. berewe, vectula. " Cenovectorium, a berw. Instrumentum cum quo deportatur cenus." MED. See CROWDE, barowe. 7 The Baselard was a kind of long dagger, which was suspended to the girdle, and worn, not only by the armed knight, but by civilians, and even priests. 'I'tius Piers Ploughman, in allusion to the neglect of clerical propriety, says, " Sir John and Sir Jcftery hath a girdle of silver, A baselard, or a ballocke knife, with bottons ouergilt." Knighton tells us that the weapon with which Sir William Walworth put Jack Straw to death was a basillard. Sir William was a member of tlie Fishmongers' Company, wlio CAMD. SOC. E 2G PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Basket, or panyere (paiiere, p.) Calathns. Basket, or a lepe.^ Sporta, corhes (^canistrum, cartallum, p.) Bassenett, supra in bacenett (basnet, p.) Basone wesselle (basun or bason, vessell, p.) Pelvis. Baaste, not wedloke (bast, p.) Bastardia. Bastarde. Sastardus, nothiis.'^ Bastarde, comyn of fadyr and modyr genteylle (comyn of un- gentyl fadyr and gentyl moder, p.) Spurius, spuria, cath. Bastarde, of fadyr gentylle, and modyr vngentylle. Nothus, notha, CATii. Bastyle of a castelle or cytye.^ Fascennia, UG. infacio. Bastyn clothys.** Suhsuo, cath. sutulo. Bastynge of clothe. Suhsutura, CATH. Batayle. Sellum, pugna, dti- ellum. Batte staffe.5 Perticulus, cath. fustis, hatilhcs, UG. in hachis. Battyn, or betyn wytb stavys (battis, p.) Fustigo, haculo. Batyn, or abaten of weyte or mesure. Suhtralw. Batyx, or make debate. Jurgor, vel seminars discordias, vel dis- rordare. Battfowlere. Aucuhaculator, CATH. Batfowlyn (or go to take birdes in the nyght, p.) Ancuhaciilo. Battefowlynge.^ Aucubacu- latus, (cath. in hamis, p.) Bathe. Ba Ineum, baltiearium, hulneatorium, UG. Bathynge. Balneacio. still preserve the weapon traditionally recorded to have been used by him on this occa- sion, and which he presented to the Company. Among Songs and Carols edited by Thos. Wright, is a spirited poem describing the baselard. " Fttgio, a dagger or a baslarde." out. " A hoked baslarde {bizachitis) is a perels wepon with the Turkes." horm. In old French bazclaire, hadelaire, i'rom baUhcarin, roquef. See Ducange, hanalardvs. ' See lf;ep, or baskett. " Lepe, or a basket, corbeille," palsg. A.S. leaji, corhis. 2 " Bast, bd/a>-d." roquef. " He was bigeten o baste, God it wot.'' Artour and Merlin. Weber, iii. 3G0. 3 7^tf«cen?a is explained to be '^ clansibilis vallatio circa castra et civitaies que solet fieri qtiibitudam J'uscibvii stipnlarum et lif/nurum.''' cath. " Clustvre de bois, palis.''' CATH. AUBREV. Roqucfort gives " Ba.stilie, c/idfeau de boi.1." In Caxton's boke of the Faytofarmes, i)art ii. c. xxiiii. of habillements that behouen to an assawte, are di- rections at length respecting bastylles and bolwtrks of wood, formed with palebordes called penelles, with defences after the manner of towers, and other batellcments. See also c. XXXIV. Lord Berners, in his translation of Froissart, writes, "They landed lytell and lytell, and so lodged in Calays, and thereabout, in bastylles that they made dayly." * " This dublet was nat well basted at the first, and that maketh it to wrinkle thus, ce pourpoyni n'estoii pas bieri basty.''' palsg. Chaucer uses this word, Rom. of the Rose, "Withathrede basting my slevis." "Besten. Fris, Sicambr. Icri/er consuere.'^ kilian. * This word occurs in the Wicliffite version. Matt. xxvi. 47, " Lo .Judas, oon of the twelve, cam, and with him a greet cumj)any with swordis and battis.'' A.S. hatx, fustin. * " Batfowlynge, la pipee.'' palsg. The Catholicon explains fiamis to be '^/uslis aucvpribilis, scil. virf/ula que sns/iitet rhctc in quo capimihirfere, vel que Icvat rhele in quo capiuntur avea." PROMPTORIUM PAHVULORIJM. 2/ Batyldoure, or wasshynge bc- tylle.i Feretorium, Dice. Batylment of a walle. Pro- pugnuculum. Batowre of flowre and mele wyth water (batour, p.) Mola, c. F. Bawde. Lena. Bawdekyn clothe, or (of p.) sylke. Olosericus, c. f. olo- serica, cath. ug. Bawderyke.^ Strojihius, cath. Bawme, herbe or tre. Balsamus, ineUssa, melago. Bawme, oyle (baume, p. beaume, J. N.) Balsamum. Bawmyn (balmyn, p.). BaJsamo. Bawstone, or bawsone, or a gray (baunsey or bauston, best, p.) ^ Taxus, melota, cath. Bee, a beste. Apis. Be betyn. Vapulo. Be besy. Solicitor. Be borne. Nascor. Be buxum, or obedyent to anojjyr (obeyyn, K. Obedio.) Besegyde. Obnessus. Becegyn. Ohsideo. Besegynge. Obsidio. Becekyn, or prey (besechc or pray, p.) Rogo, ova, deprecor. Besekynge, or prayere. Depre- cacio, stipplicacio, oracio, ru- gatus, rogacio. Begem YX. Decet. Besemynge, or comelynesse. De- cencia. Beche, tre. Fagus, cath. Becydyn. Jvxta, secus. Besyttyn, or dysposyn (beccttyn, K. besette, p.) Bispono. Bed. Lectus, thorus, stratus, stratorium, grabatum. Bedclothe, or a rayment for a bed. Lectisternium. Bede, or bedys. Nimieralia, de- preculce. c. f. {t'agiile, p.) 1 " Batyldore, battoner a lessive, betyl to bete clothes with, battoi/?-." palsg. Feri- /ori?i nose Hrlis, and a bernacle in \>i lippis." Cott. MS. Claud. E. ii. 2 Berne is the contraction of A.S. here, hordeum, and ern, locus. Lathe, which does not occur in its proper place in the Promptorium, is possibly a word of Danish introduc- tion into the eastern counties, Lade, horreum, dan. Skinner observes that it was very commonly used in Lincolnshire. It occurs in Chaucer : " Why ne hadst thou put the capell in the lathe." Reves Tale. " Horreum, locus ubi reponilur annona, a barne, a lathe." ort. voc. " Granarium, lathe." Roy. MS. 17 C. XVIL "A lathe, apotheca, horreum.'^ cath. axgl. ^ " Bargheame, epiphium.'^ cath. angl. This word is still retained in the North of England ; see Barkhaam in Brockett's Glossary, Barkham, Craven dialect, Brauchin, Cumberland, Brechame, Jamieson. It occurs in the curious marginal gloss on Gautier de Bibelesworth, Arund. MS. 220, f. 302. " Les cous de chiuaus portunt esteles, hames (hamberwes, MS. Phill.) Coleres de quyr, et bourle hoceles." beruhames. * A.S. bearw, berwe, nemus. * The reading of the Harl. MS. seems here to be erroneous ; the word is doubtless adopted from the French, bestail, cattle. 6 " Bestynge, co/m«/7U/«." cath. angl. " Colostrum, novum lac quod slatim primo mulgetur post fetum, quod cito coagulatur, beestnynge. Colttstrum, beestynge or cruddys." ort. voc. A.S. beost, bysting, colustrum. CAMD. SOC. F 34 PROMPTORIU.M PARVULORUM. Betayne, herbe (batany, or be- tony, P.)' Betonica. Betakyn' a thynge to anothere. Committo, commendo. Bete, or Betune, propyr name (Be- tryse, k.) Beatrix. Bethykkyx'. Cogito, recogito, meditor. Betyden', or happen'. Accidit, even it. Betylle. 3IaUeus, malleolus, UG. Betyn', or bete. Verbero, cedo. Bet yn', or smytyn'. Percncio,ferio. Betynge. Verberacio, verber. Betynge (instrument, p.) In- strumentum, verber aculum, ug. Bettyr. Melior. Bettyr. Melius, adv. Betys herbe. Beta vel hleta. Betonye supra in Betayne. Betrayyn'. Prodo,CATii.trado. (Beuer, drinkinge tyme, p.*^ Bi- berrium.) Beuereche, drynke(beueriche, p.) IIibria,biberia,KYh\v.(bibi7ia,p.) Bevyr, beste.^ Bever, c. F. cas- tor, Jiber. Be ware. Caveo,CATn.precaveo. Be woode, or madde.^ Furio, insanio. Be wone, or vsyd (wonte, p.) Soleo. Bevvrayer of counsel. Becelator, recelatrix, cath. in celo. Et nota alia infra in Lable. Bewrethyn', or wreyyn' (be- wreyen, p.) Prodo, recelo, revelo. 1 See a curious account of the virtues attributed to betony in the XVth century, Roy. MS. 18 A. VI. f. 68, where it is said to be " also clepyd byschuppyswort." Horman observes that " nesynge is caused with by ten {betonica) thrust in the nostril." The powdered root of hellebore was another homely sternutatory anciently much in request. 2 " Merendula, a beuer after none. Merenda, comeslio in meridie, vel cibus qui decUnante die siimitur.^' ort. Harrison, in his description of England, prefixed to Holinshed's Chronicles, i. 170, remarks that "of old we had breakefastes in the fore- noone, beuerages or nuntions after dinner, and thereto reare su])pers, generallie when it was time to go to rej^t a toie brought into England by bardie Canutus ; but nowe those are very well past, and ech one, except some yoong hungrie stomach that cannot fast till dinner time, contenteth himself with dinner and supper." The higher classes, he observes, dine at 11 and sup at 5, merchants seldom before 12, and 6. This was written about 1579. Sherwood renders, " Bever, or drinking, un reciner, collation, goustcr. To bever, riciner ; " and Cotgrave explains un reciner as "an afternoones nuncheon, or collation, an Aunders-meat." See hereafter nunmete, which seems to have been much the same as the intermediate refection here called beuer. The word bever still signifies in Suffolk an afternoon snack, moore. 3 A.S. beofer, castor. That the beaver was anciently an inhabitant of these islands, the laws of Howtl Dha, and the curious description of its habits given by Giraldus, in his Itinerary of Wales, 1. ii. c. 3, satisfactorily prove. The fur of this animal was in estimation from an early period. Piers Ploughman says, " And yet vnder that cope, a cote hath he furred With foyns, or with fichewes, or with fyn beuere." " Me fyndeth furres of beuers, of lombes, pylches of hares and of conyes. On treuue fourrvres d'escnrieus," &c. caxton, Boke for Travellers. The beuer hat is mentioned by Chaucer as a part of female attire, and by Hall as worn by the Stradiote light horse- men in 1513. •! See WOODE or madde. A.S. wod, furiosui. PROMPTORIUM PAKVULORUM. i)o Be wrothe. Irascor. Be wrathe yn valewe (be worthe, p.) Valeo, CATH. Bewte (beawtye, p.) Decor, species, jiulchritudo. By and by. SigiUatim.^ By thy selfe (by the selfe, p.) Seorsum. Byare. Emptor, institor, cath. Byble, or bybulle. Biblia. Byce, coloure.^ Byddyn', or comawndyn'. 3Iando, precipio, hortor, e.rortor. Byddyn' bedys, or seyii' prayers (bydde or pi*ay, p.)^ Oro. Byddynge, or commawndement (commaundinge, p.) ' Manda- turn, precpptuin, iinperiuta. Byddynge, or prayngo. Oraclo,de- precacio, exoracio, supplicacio. Bye, or boye.^ Bostio, UG. Byggyn', or byldyn',5 Edijico. Byggynge, or beeldynge (byldinge, p.) Edljicacio, structura. (Byggynge, or thyng that is byg- gyd, H. EdifiiAum.) Bycche, hownde or bylke (bycke, p.) Licista, COMM. Byker, cuppe (bikyr, p.)'' Cim- hium, COMM. BiKYRof fytynge (bykereor feight- inge, p.)' Pugna. ^ The Medulla renders " siffillatim, fro seel to seel.'' Harl. MS. 22.57. 2 Palsgrave renders byce by az? Blanke plumbe (blavmblumbe, K. H. blawmbkimb, otherwyse called whyte lede, p.)'^ Album plumbum. Blanc hyn' almandys, or ojier lyke (blamachyn, p.) Dealbo, decortico. Blanch ynge of almondys or other lyke. Dealbacio, decorticacio. Blawndrelle, frute (blamiderel, K.y Melonis, c. f Bledy'n'. Sangnino, cruento. Bledy'nge. Sanguinacio, Jleo- botomia. Bledynge boyste.' Venfosa,guna, CATH. Ortus renders " traulus, a ratelare." It appears in Ducange that balbus and blesus are synonymous with traulus ; the first of these is rendered in Cooper's Thesaurus, one " that cannot well pronounce wordes, a maffler in the mouth." ' Blanket is taken from the French blanchet, woollen cloth, no doubt of a white colour ; the distinction here made is not very clear, but lodLv appears to have been a bed-covering, as we now use the word blanket, langellus, blanket cloth generally. " Langeul, langais, blanchet, drop de laine." RoauEF. The Medulla explains loJex to be " a blanchet or a whytil ;" the latter word, which is merely a version of the French, is still retained in North Britain to denote a woollen wrapper used by females. *' Lodix, quicquid in lectosupponiiur, etpro2)rie pannus villosus, Anglice, a blanket." CRT. voc. See hereafter daggyswevne, lodix. - In Sloan. MS. 73 f. 213 are directions for making blanc plumb, album plumbum, with " strong reed wine drestis, and brode platis of newe leed, in a great erthen pot or barel, and closed for six wokis or more in hoot horsdunge." This MS. is of the close of the XVth century ; an earlier receipt occurs in Sloan. MS. iJ584, f. 6. 3 Lydgate mentions this among the fruits more choice than " pechis, costardes, etiam wardons." " Pipus, quinces, blaunderelle to disport, And the pome-cedre corageos to recomfort.'' Minor Poems, p. 15. " Blaundrell, an apple, brandureau.'' palsg. " Blanduriau, tres blanc ; pommes de Caleville blanc, quivenoient d'Auvergne." roquef. " Blandureau, the white apple, called in some parts of England, a blaundrell." cotgr. 4 The Catholicon gives the following explanation: " Guna vel guina, vas vitreum, quod et Latinis a sirnilitudine cucurbittE ventosa vocatiir, qum animala spiritu per ig- nicrilum in superficiem trahit nangninem." paimas; see Ducange. The operation of cupjung, which is one of ancient use, was doubtless well known to the Friar of Lynn, PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 39 Bledvnge yryn. Fleosotomium, c. F. (Jleobothominm, p.) Bleddyr. Vesica. Bledderyd. Vesicatus. Bleyke of coloured Pallidus, siihalbus. Bleykclojje, or qwysters (ble- chen clothe, k. p. blekyn, H.)^ Candida. Bleystare, or wytstare (bleyster, K. bleyestare or qwytstare, h. bleykester or whytster, p.) 3 Candidarius, cath. c. f. Bleyne. Papula, cath. et UG. in popa. Bleke (blecke, p.)* Atramejitum. Blekkyn wythe bleke (blackyn with blecke, p.) Atrame)ito. (Blextere, k. Ohfuscator.') BLEMSCHY'DE(blemysshed, p.)06- Juscatus. Blenschyn' (blemysshen, p.) Ob- fuSCO, CATH. Blemschynge. Obfuscacio. B LERE YED (blere iyed, p.)'^ Lippus. Blerydxesse (blere iyednesse, p.) Lippitudo. Blerynge or mowjTige wythe the mowthe. Valgia. Blerynge wythe mowe makynge.^ Patento, valgio. Blese or flame of fyre (blase or lowe, p.) Flammella. Bleschyn', or qwenchyn' (blessh- yn, p.) Ejctinguo. Bleschynge, or qwenchynge of fyre (blensshmge, p.) Ex- tinctio. Blety'n', as a schepe. Palo. Bletynge of a schepe. Palatus. Blevyn, or levjTi aftyrwarde (ble- vyn or abydjm, k. p.) Remaneo, restat. Blevyxge, or releve, or relefe (or levynge or relef, K.)^ Reliquia, vel reliquicB. who compiled the Promptorium, as one of the means resorted to when, according to the monastic institutions, there were at stated seasons {temporihus minucionis) general blood-lettings. See Martene de Antiq. Ritibus, and Mr. Rokewode's note on Chron. Joe. de Brakelonda, p. II. In the Chirurgica of John Arderne, surgeon to Edw. III. where he speaks of cupping, " veniosacio,'' a representation is given of the bledynge boyste. Sloane MS. 65, f. TO. Compare the verb boyston. ' " Bleke, wan of colour, S/es»we." palsg. A.S.hlxc, pallidus. " Some one, for she is pale and bleche." gower, Conf. Am. B. v. Bleek is still used in Norfolk to signify pale and sickly, forby. ^ Teut. bleycken, excayidefacere insolando. A.S. ablaecan, dealbare. 3 The Latin-English Vocabulary, Harl. ]MS. l.")8T, renders " Albalrix, candidaria, blccherre or lawnderre." " Whitstarre, blanchix.senr de tot/lies." palsg. See whvt- STARE. 4 Horman says, " Wrytters ynke shulde be fyner than blatche, atramenlum scrip, torium lectins esset sutorio." "Bleche for souters, attravtent noyr." palsg. A.S. blaec, atramenlum. * " Lippus dicitttr qui halet oculos lachrymantes cum palpebris euersaiis, blered of the eye." ort. voc. In Piers Ploughman the verb to blere occurs, used metaphor- ically. " He blessede hem with his buUes, and blcrede hure eye." "To bleare ones eye, begyle him, engicigner.'^ palsg. * " I gyue him the best counsayle I can, and the knaue bleareth his tonge at me, tirer la langue," palsg. See mowe, or skorne. " See releef, or brocaly of mete. 40 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Bleyly, or gladely (blythely, p.) Libenter, sponte, spontanee. Blyxde. Cecils. Blyndefylde (blyndfellyd, h.) Excecatus. BLYXDYx',ormakeblynde.J5!rceco. Blyndfellen'j idem est. Blyndnesse. Cecitas. Blynnyn, or cesun, or leve-warke.i Desisto, cesso. Blysse. Beatitudo, gaudium. Blyssyd, hevynly. Beatus. Blessyd, erthely. Benedictus, felix. Blyssyn', or blesse. Benedico. Blessynge. Benedictio. Blythe and mery. Letus, hillaris. Blym, or gladde, or make glad (blyym or glathyn in herte, k. blithen or gladden, p.) Letijico. Blythyn', or welle-cheryn'. Ex- hillero. Bloo coloure. Lividus, luridus, c. F. Blo erye (bio erthe, p.)^ Argilla. Blobure (blobyr, p.)' Burbu- lium, UG. burbalium, c. f. Blode. Sanguis, c7-uor. Bloode hownde. Molosus, c. f. Blody. Sanguinolentus. Bloode yryn, supra in bled- ynge yryn. Bloode latare. Fleobotomator, c. F. Bloke or stoke (blooc, h.)* Tmncus, codex, cath. Blo ME, flowre. Flos. Blomyn', or blosmyn' (blosyin, p.) Floreo, f^oresco. Blonesse. Livor. Bloryyn' or wepyn' (bleren, p.)s PloTo, fieo. Bloryynge or wepynge (bloringe, p.) Ploratusyjietus. ' Hampolc, in the Pricke of Conscience, terms the day of final doom, " the day of sorowe that neuer salle blyne." Harl. MS. 6923. Fabyan, in the Prologe to vol. ii. speaks of the great devotion that occupied, without any intermission, the numerous religious houses in London, " When one hath done, another begyn, So that of prayer they neuer blyn." " To Wynne, rest or cease of, cesser. He neuer felt wo or neuer sail blynne, that hath a bysshoppe to his kin." palsg. A.S. blinnan, cessare. ^ The reading of the Harl. MS. erye may at first sight appear to be corrupt ; it is, however, retained, because hereafter there occur erye, or erthe, and ERYY^f, or of the erthe. ' This word occurs in Chaucer, Test, of Creseide. " And at his mouth a blubber stode of fome." " Blober upon water (or bubble) boutcillis.^' palsg. The verb to blubre occurs in an analogous sense, in Syr Gawayn and the Grene Kny3t, lin. 2174. "The borne blubred ther inne as hit boyled hade." Blubber still signifies in Norfolk a bubble, from blob, as Forby says. See Bleb in Skinner, and Jamieson. 4 " Blocke of a tree, tronchet, tronc. Blocke of tynne, saumon destain.'' palsg. * Skinner gives blare as an English word, from Belg. blaren, mugire. Teut. blerren, clamiture. It is retained in the dialect of Norfolk, as applied to calves, sheep, asses, and children, forby. Blore signifies a roaring wind, as in the Mirrour for Mtigistrates, p. 8.38, " hurried headlong with the south-west blore." PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 41 Blosme, or blossum. Frons. Blosmynge, or blossummynge. Frondositas. Blotte vpon a boke. Ohlitum, c. f. Blottyn' bokys. OhUtero. Blottynge. Oblitteracio. (Blottyd, p. Oblitteratus.) Blowyn' as wynde. Flo. Blowyn' wythe borne. Curno, c. F. cornicino., kylw. Blown as a man wythe honde (blowen with sounde, p.) Ex- sttfflo, sufflo (Jnsnfflu, p.) Bloynge (blowynge, p.) Flacio, Jlatus. Blewe of coloure. Blodius, hlue- tus, Dice. Blunderer or blunt warkere (wor- ker, p.) Hebefactor, hebejictis. Blunderynge, or blunt warkynge. Hebefaccio. Blunesse, supra in blonesse. Blunt of wytte. Hebes. Blunt of edge, and bluternesse (bkmtnesse, p.) quere post in DUL and dulnesse. Bobet.' Colhifd, collafus, catii. Bobettyn'. Collaphizo. Bobetynge. CoUafizacio. Booc or boos, netystallo (boce, K. boso, netis stall, h. p.)' Boscar, cath. bucetiim, presepe, Boce or boos of a booke or o))er lyko (booce, ii.) Turgiohim, ug. Bocyn' owte, or strowtyn'.^ Tur- geo, c. F. UG. Bocynge or strowtyngc. Turgor. Bociiere. Carnifejc, macelkirius. Bociierye. MaceUum, catu. carnificina. Bocle or bocuUe (bocul, k. ir. bokyll or bocle, p.) Phiscula, Dice. KYLW. BocLYD as shone or botys (boke- led, p. Plusculutus. Bode or massage (boode, ii.)' Nunciiim. Body'. Corpus. BoDY'LY. Coiporaliter. BoDYLY. Corpordlis. BoFFETE. Alapa. Buffetyn', or suffetyn'-'' (bofeton, p.) Alapizo, cdupo, catii. BOFETYNGE. Alupizacio. BoFET, thre fotyd stole (boftVt stole, p.)'' Tripes. ^ " Bobet on the heed, covp de point/." falsg. 2 In the midland and Northern counties, a stall where cattle stand all night in winter, is called a boose, in Scotland, a bowe. See Craven Dialect, and Jamieson. Ang. Sax. bosj;, prcesepe. 3 This word occurs in Palsgrave as a verb active. " To booce or boce out as worke- men do a holowc thynge to make it seem more apparent to the eye, endocer. Thisbrod- erer hath boced this pece of worke very well." 4 A.S. hod, jussitm * The word suffetyn', which occurs here only, and is not found in the other MSS., or the printed editions, may be an erroneous reading, but possibly it is a corruption of the French word sotiffleter, to cuff on the ear. Jamieson gives the verb to soufl", or strike. " Skinner gives " IJuffet-stole, vuj.' ayro Lute, usltiitissima, est aulciti xel/a Icvior portatilis, sine nllo cuhitorum aiit doi-xifulcro, credo parum dtjleao sciisit ii G. htiffet, nienm ; mensce enini viceni satis counnode supplere palest." I'he iiutlct, however, was the court-cupboard, in France termed also the credetice, and under this a low stool without a back might be placed, but for what special purpose does not appear. Hickcs derives the word from A.S. bcod, meiisa, and fret, tas. Forby explains the butTet- camd. soc. g 42 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Baggyschyn (boggysche, k. h. bogg^isshe, p.) Tumidus. BoGGYscHELY. Titmicle. BociiciiARE, or vn-crafty (bot- char, p.)i Iners, c. f. (BoTCHARE of olde thinges, p. He- sarfor.) BoHCHE, sore (botche, p.) Ulcus, CATH. BociiMENT (botchemeut, p.) Ad- ditam entum, amplificamentum, CATH. augmentum, auctorium. Boy, supra in bey. Scurrus. BoYDEKYN,or bodekyn. Suhucula, jierforatorium. BoYSTE, orbox.- PLv (puris, p.) cdahastrum, c. f. Boyston'.^ Scco'o, ventoso, ug. BoYSTOws.^ Rudis. BoYSTOWSgarment.^i>'rM*,CATH. Boystowesnesse (boystousnesse, p.) Ruditas. Book (boke, p.) Liber, codex. Bookbynder, or amendere. So- sius, UG. in soros. Bokelere. Pelta, ancile, kylav. c. ¥. jiarma, cath. BoKELYN, or spere wytbe bokylle. Plusciilo. Boke ram, clothe.'* BoKETT. Situla, mergus, c. f. Bokulle, *?ppvlus." cath. angl. " Pepulus, a bolaster." out. voc. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 43 BooLDE, or hardy (bolde, p.) Auclax, animosus, magnani- vius. Bolde, or to homely. Presump- tuosiis, ejffons, c. f. BoLDELY, or hardely. Andacter. BoLDELY,ormalapertly.£^>'OHe, oon deel bawme, and \>q hridde parte fi-J^irfoie, and staumpe hem, and tempere hem wij" stale ale, and lete J'e sike drinke )>erof." In Devonshire the sciatica is termed bone-shave, and the same word signifies in Somerset an horny excrescence on the heel of an horse. .' A.S. sceorfa, scabies. 2 " A bowrde, JOCKS. A bowrdeword, diceriuni, dictorimn.^' cath. angl. ^' Mis- tilof/ia, a. houvde, i.faOula. Nugaciter, ho\xrd\y." ort. voc. " Bourde or game,_;eM. Bourdyng, jestyng, joncherie. To bourde or iape with one in sporte, trtifler, border, iounc/ter." palsg. 3 " a bowrder, mimilarius, mimilogns, lusor, joculator, ct cet' nbi a liarlotte." cath. angl. *' Mistilogns, a bom-dev, i. J'abulator vel gesfintlator." ort. voc. •» " Bornysch, bu7-)iir." palsg. Chaucer and Gower use burned in this sense fre- quently, as in the Knightes tale, " wrouglit all of burned steele." " An harnois as for a lustie knight, AVliicli burned was as silver bright." Conf. Am. Tlie word is taken from the old French word, burni, in modern orthography, bruni. ' " A hoi-^h, Jidcjussor, vas, sponsor, obses. To be hor^hc, Jidejubere, spoiidere." cath. angl. " J-idejussor, a horowe, qui pro alio se obligal, a suerty.'' ort. voc. The word occurs in Piers I'loughman's Vision, Hue l,'};).")!. PROMPTORIUM PARVULOllUM. 45 BoRowE, or plegge (borwe, k. ii.) Vas, CATII. Borowyn' of anodur (borwyn of another, k. borowen, p.) Mu- tuor. BoRWON owt of preson, or stresse (borv}Ti, H. borwne, p.)^ Vador, CATH. BosARDE byrde. Capus, vultur. BosoME, or bosuin'. Sinus, UG. gremium. BosT (boost, p.) Jactancia, ar- rogancia, ostentacio. BosTARE, or bostowi'e. Jactator, arrogans, philocompus, c. f. Booston'. Jacto, ostento. Boot. Navicula, scapha, simba. Bote for a mannys legge (bote or cokyr, h. coker, p.)^ Bota, ocrea. Bote of (or, p.) helthe. Salus. Botelle, vesselle. Uter, obba. Botelle of hey.^ Fenifascis. Botlere (boteler, p.) Pincerna, pro7niis, propinator, acaliculis, CATH. Boteras of a walle.'* 3Tachinis, m uripula, muripellus, fultxi ra . Boterye. Celariuvi, boteria, pin- cernactilum (^pj^omptuarium, p.) BoTEW. Coturnus, botula,crepita. BooTHYR. Potomium, cath. c. f. BoTWRYTHE (botewright, p.) Na- viculai'ius, UG. BoTYNGE, or encrese yn byynge.* Licitamentiim, cath. liciarium, c. F. Botuxe,^ or botum' (bot\Tn, p.) Fundum. Bo TUN, or yeue more owere in bargajTiys (botyn, or 5eue more- ouere in barganynge, k. botown, H. bote, p.) Lkitor, cath. vel in precio superaddo. BoTME, or fundament (botjTu, p.) Basis. BoTME of threde, infra in CLOW- CHEN, or clowe (botym, p.)" BoTOWRE, byrde (botore, k. p.) Onocroculus, botorius, c. f. BoTWN (botun, p.) Boto,JibuIa, nodulus, DiCT. " Ne wight noon wol ben his borugh, Ne wed hath noon to legge.'' It is found also not infrequently in Chaucer and Spenser. " That now nill be quitt with baile nor borow." Sheph. Cal. May. " Vas, i. sponsor vel fidejussor, Anylice a borowe " (borghe, in another Edition), gar- land, Equiv. " Borowe, a pledge, y^/ej^e." palsg. A..S. \)ox\i,foeiius, fidejussor. 1 " If thou be taken prisoner in this quarrell, I wyll nat borowe the, I promesse the, je ne te pledgeray point. ^' palsg. - See BOTEW, and cokyr, botew. " Boote of lether, fiousean." palsg. 3 " Botelle of haye, botteau defoyn. Aske you for the hosteller, he is aboue in the haye lofte makynge botelles (or hotels) of hay, hotelier.^' palsg. In Norfolk it de- notes the quantity of hav that may serve for one feed, forby. ■» " Bottras, ;jo?'/fln/." palsg. ^^ Arc bout ant. ^' cotgr. ^ " To boote in corsyng," (horse-dealing) "or chaunging one thyng for another, gyue money or some other thynge aboue the thyng. What wyll you boote bytwene my horse and yours ? tnettre on bouter dauantai(/e." palsg. A.S. betan, emendare. '■' The collect reading is probably botme. " A bothome,y?<«du«." cath. axgl. " " A bothome of threde, ^/ar/M»i." cath. angl. " Bottome of threde, yliceauj;, plotton defil.''^ palsg. Skinner derives it from the French, bateau, /asriculits. 46 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. BoTHON clothys (botonyn, k. bo- ton, p.) Botono.Jihido. BoTURE (botyr, k.) Butirum. BOTURFLYE. PapiUo. BowEofatre (bouglie, branche, p.) Raimis. BowALLE, or bowelle (bowaly, K. H. bawelly, p.) Viscus. BowALYNGE. Evisceracio, exen- teracio. Bowaylyn', or take owte bowalys. Eviscero, cath. BowDE, malte-worme (boude of malte, p.)' GurguUo, kylw. BowE. Arcus. BowETT, or lanterne.'* Lucerna, lanterna. B0W3ERE (bowyere, p.) Armi- arius, architenens, dict. Bowyn'. Electa, ciirvo. Bowyn', or lowtyn' (lowyn,biilkyii, or bowyn, h. p.) Jnclmo. Bowge. BuJga, c. f. BowLE. Bolus. BowLYX, or pley wythe bowlys. Bolo. BowNDE, ormarke. Meta, limes. BoNTYVASNESSE (bountyuous- nesse, p.) Munijicentia, lihe- ralitas, largitas. BoNTYVESE(bountyuous, p.) Mu- nificus, liber alis, largus. BowRE, chambyr. ThalamuSi conclave. Box, or buffett. Alapa. (Box, or boyste, k. h. p. Pixis.) Box tre. Biwus. BoTHE, or bothyn (bothen, p.) Uterque, ambo, cath. Bo]?E, chapmannys schoppe. Pella, selcla {opella, apotecha, p.) BoYUL or bothule, herbe, or cow- slope (bothil, H. boyl, p,)^ Vac- tinia, c. f. menelaca, marciana, c. F. Brace, or (of, p.) a balke. Un- cus, loramentum, c. F. Brace of howndys. Bracyn, or sette streyte. Tendo. Bragett, drynke (bragot or bra- ket, K. H. p.)' MelUbrodium, bragetum (^sed hocestjictum, p.) Bray, or brakene, baxteris instru- ment. Phisa, c. F. 1 Bouds, in the Eastern counties, are weovils in malt, tusser, forby, moore. 2 Among appliances for sacred use in the Latin-English Vocabulary, Roy. MS. 17. C. XVII. f.4G, are "al/.sconsa, sconsse, ventifuffa, bowyt, crucibulum, cressett." The word was no doubt taken from the French hoete, in Latin, boieta, capsula. 3 In the treatise of herbs and their qualities, Roy. MS. IH A. VI. f. 72 b. is mentioned bothume, " Consolida media is an herbe that me clepyth wyth bothume, or whyte goldys, thys herbe hath leuys that beth enelong." * " Bragott, idromellum." cath. angl. " Hire mouth was swete as braket or the meth.'' CHAUC. Milleres Tale. Skinner explains bragget to be '^species hydromelitis, vel potins cerevisi(E melle et aromatibns condit(e Lancastrensibns va/i/e nsiiataV The Welsh bragod has the same signification. Grose says bracket is in the North a drink compounded of honey and spices. See bragwort, in Janiieson and Nares. Harrison, who lived in Essex about 1575, relates in his description of England, prefixed to Ho- linshed's Chronicles, ii. c. 6, how his wife was accustomed to make brackwoort, re- serving a portion of the woort unmixed with liops, which she shut up close, allowing no air to come to it till it became yellow, calling it brackwort, or charwort, to which finally she added arras, and bay-berries powdered. PROMPTOUIUM PARVULORUM. 47 Brayne. Cerebrum. Brayyn' in sownde (brayne in sowndynge, p.)^ barrio, catii. Brayyn', as baxters her pastys (brayn, vide in knedying, k.) PinSO, CATH. Brayyn, or stampyn in a mortere. Tero. Brayynge, or stampynge. Tri- tura. Brayynge yn sownde. Barritus, c. F. Brayn yn' (brayne, p.) Excerehro. Braynyd, or kyllyd. Excere- hratus. Branyd, or fulle of brayne. Ce- rebrosus, cerebro plenus. Braynynge, or kyllynge. Ex- cerebracio. Braynles. Incerebrosus. Brake, herbe, or feme'. Filix. Brakebushe, or fernebrake. Filicetum, JiUcarium, UG. in Jilaxe. Brakene, supra in bray (brake- nesse, j.)^ Brakyn, or castyn, or spewe.^ Vomo, CATII. evomo. Brakynge, or parbrakynge. Vo- mitus, evomitus. Brandelede (branlet, K.branlede or treuet, p.) Tripes, necc. Bras (brasse, p.) Es. Brasyle.5 Gaudo, Dice, vel lignum A lexan drin um. Brasyn' (brased, p.) Ereus,eneus. Brasyere. Erarius. Bras-pott. Emola, brit. 1 " The moders of the chyldern " (slain by Constantine) " camen cryenge andbray- enge for sorowe of theyr chyldern." legend, aur. "To bray as a deere doth, or other beest, hrayre. There is a deer liylled, for I here hym bray." palsg. 2 " A brakane, Jilix, a brakanbuske, ^//cflrfwwi." cath. angl. " Fili.v, jlnylice, feme or brakans." ort. voc. " Brake, feme, fusiere.^' palsg. In the Household Book of the Earl of Northumberland 1511, it appears that water of braks was stilled yearly, for domestic use. Ray gives the word brakes as generally used ; it is retained in Norfolk and Suffolk. See forby and nares. 3 " A brake, pinsella, vibra, rastellum." cath. angl. 4 " He wyll nat cease fro surfettynge, tyll he be reddy to parbrake." horm. "To parbrake, vomir. It is a shrewde turne, he parbraketh thus." palsg. This word does not occur again in its proper place in the Promptorium. See Braking, in Jamieson. ^ It is not a little singular to find so many notices as occur of i3rasil-wood, con- siderably anterior to the discovery of Brasil, by the Portuguese Captain, Peter Alvarez Capralis, which occurred 3d May, 1500. He named it the land of the Holy Cross, " since of store of that wood, called Brasill." Purchas's Pilgrimes, vol. i. It is probable that some wood which supplied a red dye, had been brought from the East Indies, and received the name of Brasil, long previous to the discovery of America. See Huetiaiia, p. 2t)8. In the Canterbury Tales, the host, commending the Nonne's preeste for his health and vigour, says, " Him nedeth not his colour for to dien, With Brasil, ne with grain of Portingale." Among the valuable effects of Henry V, taken shortly after Lis decease in 1422, there occur " ii. graundes peces du Bracile, pris vi.s. I'iii.d.'' rot. pari,. In Sloan. MS. 2584, p. 3, will be found directions " for to make brasil to florische lettres, or torewle wyth bookes." 48 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Brawlere. Litigator, litigiosus, jurgosus. Brawlyn*, or strywen'. Litigo, jurgo. Quere plura in stry- VEN. Brawlynge. Jurgium, litigium. Brawne of a bore.' Aprina. (BRAWNEof a checun, H.cheken, p. PuljKi, c. F.) Brawne of mannys leggys or ar- rays. 3Iusculus, lacertus, piil- pa, c. F. Branche of a tre. Palmes, c. f. (ramus, ramusculus, p.) (Brawxche of a vyny, k. p. Palmes.) Brawxdeschyn' (brawnchyn as man, k,) Vibro. Brawndyschynge (brawnchyng, K.) Vihracio. Breche, or breke.* Bracc(e,plur. Bredde or hecchyd, of byrdys (hetched, p.) PuUiJicatus. Brede, mannys fode. Panis. Brede twyys bakyn, as krakenelle, or symneV ov other lyke (twyes bake, or a craknell, p.) Ru- bidus, c. F. (^artocop^is, P.) Brede, bysqwyte, supra (bred cle- pyd bysqwyte, H. p.) Biscoctus. Brede, or lytylle borde. Men- sula, tahella, asseruhis. Brede-huche (bredhitithe, p.) Turrundula, UG. in turgeo. Bredeciiese (bredchese, p.)' Jumtata (^jimctata, p.) 1 Brawne, which Tooke conjectured to be boaren, flesh being understood, was applied anciently in a more general sense than at present. The etymology of the word may be traced with much probability to the Latin, apmgnum, callum. Piers Ploughman speaks of "brawn and blod of the goos, bacon and colhopes ;" and Chaucer in the Knight's Tede applies the word, as it has been here, to the muscular parts of the human frame. " His limmes gret, his braunes hard and strong." The gloss on Gautier de Bibelesworth gives the word in this sense, " En lajambe est la sure, (the caalf.) E taunt cum braoim rest ensure, (the brahun.)" Arund. MS. 220, f. 298. " }>e brawne of a man, musculus." cath. angl. "Lacerna, vel lacertus, proprie superior pars brach'd vel musculus, brawne of the arme." med. Harl. MS. 2257. " He hath eate all the braune of the lopster, callum." horm. " Braon, le gras des Jesses." ROQUKF. Roman de Rou. ^ " Breke, bracce, femorale, perizoma, saraballa. Breke of women, feminalia." CATH. ANGL. A curious illustration of the use by the fair sex of this last mentioned article of dress is supplied by the Roll of expenses of Alianore, Countess of Leicester, A.D. 12G5, edited by Mr. Botfield for the Roxburghe Club. " //ew, pro vi pellibiis baszeni ad cruralia Comitissa, per Hicqe Cissorem, a'xid. pro Hi ulnis tarentinilli ad endem, per enndem, xiid. pro plumd ad eadem, xiid." \mgc \0. " liatAini dicunlur vestes linee usque ad genua pertinentes, a breche." ort. voc. " Breche of hosen, braiette, braie, braies." pai.sg. Elyot gives in his Librarie, a quaint synonyme in his rendering of the word " subligaculum, a nether coyfe or breche." 3 See CRAKKNEi.LK, brede, and symnel. •» Juncata, which is written a\so juncia, juncheta, and ju7nentata, is explained to be "lac concretum, et juncis involutum, mattes or crudde." ort. voc. \nYreuch joncfiie, which is " a greene cheese or fresh cheese made of milke that's curdled without any runnet, and served in a fraile of green i-ushcs." cotgr. Bred in the Eastern counties signifies at the present time the board used to press curd for cheese, somewhat less in PROMPTOniUM PARVULORUM. 49 Brede of mesure.i Latitudo. Bredyn' or hetchyn'j as byrd)-s (foules or birdes, p.) Pullijico. Bredyn', or make more brode. Dihito. Brede vermyne. Vermesco. Bredvnge, orbrodynge (orforthe bringinge, p.) of birdys. Ebro- cacio,Jbcio, c at n.fomentacio. Bredynge, or makynge brode. Dilatacio. Breyde lacys. Neclo, torqueo, UG. laqueo, fibido. Bredynge of lacys, or ojier lyke. Laqueacio, nectio, connectio. Breydyn', or vpbi'eydyn'. Impro- pero. (Brayde, sawte, or brmit, p.^ Impetus.) Breke, or brekynge. Ruptiira, fractura. Brekyn' or breston' (brasten, p.) Frango. BRAKYN'a-smider cordys and ropis and oJ)er lyke. Rumpo. (Breken claddis, p,^ Occo., uo.) Brekynge. Fraccio. Breme, fysche. Breinulus. Bren, or bryn, or paley.^ Can- tiibrum, furfur., catii. Brennar, or he jjat settythe a thynge a-fyre. Combustor. Brennyn, or settyn' on fyre, or make bren'. Incendo, cremo, comburo. Bren', by the selfe (brenne, p.) Ardeo. Brennynge. Ustio, combustio, incendium. Brent. Combustus, incensus. Brere, or brymmeylle (bremmyll, or brymbyll, p.) Tribulus, vepris. Brese.5 Locusta, asilus, UG. Brest, or wantynge, of nede (at nede, p.)^ Indigencia. Breeste of a beste. Pectus. Breeste-bone. Torax, uo. in torqueo. (Brasten, supra in breken, p.) circumference than the vat ; the bred-chese may have been one freshly taken from the press, or perhaps so called as being served on such a " bred," or broad platter. ' " Brede or squarenesse, crow?/;'e." palsg. K.S. hrxA, latitudo. 2 " Brayde, or hastynesse of mynde, colle. At a brayde, Jaisant man effort. At the first brayde, de prime face. To brayde or take a thyng sodaynly in haste, je me mets a prendre Iiastiuement. I breyde, I make a brayde to do a thing sodaynly, je m'efforce. I breyde out of my slepe,_;e tressaulj..^' palsg. See brade, in Jamieson. 3 " Occo, scindere, ylebas ,rangere, Anylice to clotte." ort. voc. Compare drestyk clotty s. ■• See PALY of bryne. " Pai7/e, chaffe, the huske wherein corn lieth." cotgr. From the Latin palea. •'' " A brese, atelabus, bnicns, vet locusta.^' oath. angl. " Atelabus, a waspe or a brese." ort. voc. " Brese or long flye, presier," palsg. A.S. briosa, tabanus. * Hampole uses this word in the Pricke of Conscience. " Lorde, when sawe we the hafe hunger or thriste, Or of herbar haue grete briste." Harl. MS. 6723, f. 84. It is perhaps taken from the Danish, " brost, default, have brost, to want or lack a thing." WOLFF. CA.MD. SOC. H 50 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Brestyn', or cleue by ]>e selfe (brasten, p.) Crepo. Breste clottys, as plowmen (clod- des, p.) Occo. Breste downe (brast, p.) Sterno, dejicio, ohrtio. Breke couenant. Fidifrago. Breke lawys. Legirumpo. Brestyn^ owte. Erumpo, eructo. Brestynge, supra in brekynge. Brestynge downe. Prostracio, consternacio. Betrax of a walle (bretasce, k. bretays, n. p.)' Propugnacu- lum, Dice. Brethe. Anelitus, alitus, spi- ramen. Brethyn', orondyn'. Spiro,anelo^ aspiro. Breuetowre. Brevigeruhis, CATH. Breyel. Srollus, brolla, tniser- ctilus. Brybery, or brj'be. Manticulum, c. F. Brybyn'. Manticulo, latrocinor. Brybowre-'^ Manticulus, man- ticula, CATH. Br YD. Avis, volucris. Br YD ALE. Nupcice. Brydale bowse. Nuptorium, CATH. Brydbolt, or burdebolt. Epi- t ilium. Bryde, inffa in spowse fman or woman, infra in spowse, P. mayde or woman, w. Spon- sus, sponsa.^ Brydylle (bridell, p.) Erenwn, erica, cath. Brydelyn'. Freno. Brydelyn', or refreynyn'. Re- freno. Brydelyme. Viscus. Bryge, or debate (bryggyng, k.)' Briga, discensio. ' " A hrttd^^y ngt, proptignactilum.'^ oath. angl. The Catholicon says, " dicuniur proptignacuta pinne murorniH sive summe partes, quia ex his propugnatur.''' In the Treatise " de Utensilibus," written by Alex. Necchani, about the year 1225, in the chapter relating to a castle, the French gloss renders projmgnacula, hrestaches, and pinne, karneus. Cott. MS. Titus, D. xx. f. 1.9G. " Bretesse, brettc/ie, bretesque, forteresse, tour de hois mobile, parapet, creneavx, paltssade.'''' roquef. This word was applied rather indefinitely to denote various appliances of ancient fortification. See bretachiw, in Ducange. It more projjcrly signified the battlements ; thus it is said of the valiant Normans, '^ Ah berieiches monterent, et au mur guernelL'^ Roman de Rou. In Lydgate's Troy we read that, " Every tower bretexed was so clene " In a contract made at Durham in 1401, is the clause, " Et supra istas fenestras faciei in uiroque muro ailours, et bretissementa battella/a.''' 2 " Who saveth a thefe when the rope is knet. With some false turne the bribour will him quite." lydgate. In Piers Ploughman bribors are classed with " pilors and pikeharneis." In Rot. Pari. 22 Edw. IV. n. 30, are mentioned persons who " have stolen and bribed signetts," that is, young swans. " A bribur, circuinforaneus, Instro, sicefaufa." oath. angl. " To bribe, ))uli, jiyll, briber, Romant, dirobber. He bribeth, and he poUeth, and he gothe to worke." palsg. ' Tiiis word occurs in Ciiaucer, T. of Melib. " min adversaries ban begonne this PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 51 Brygge. Pons. BRYGYRDYf. J.' Lumbave, renah. Brygows, or dcbate-makar. Uri- gosus. Bryllare of drynke, or schen- karo (drinkshankere, p.) Pro- pinator, propinatrix. Bryllyn', or schenk drynke.'' Propino. Bryllynge of drynke (of ale, k.) Propinacio. Brym, or fers.' Ferns, ferox. Brymbyll, supra in brere. Bryngare. Allcitor, lator. Brynge to. Affiero, perdiico. Brynge forthe chyldyr, or chyl- drun. Parturio, pario, edo. (BRYNGYNforthe, or shewyn forthe, K. p. Profero.) Brynge forthe frute. Fruct'ifico. Brynge forthe kynlynge. Fe.to. Brynge yn to a place. Infer o^ indnco. Bryngyn, or ledyn. Indnco, in- troduco. Brynge to mynde. Reminiscor, commemoro. Brynge owte of place. Educo. Bryngynge. Allatura. Bryne, or brow of J)e eye. Su- percilium. (BRYNNEof corn, K. Cantabrum, furfur.) BRYNEof salt. *S'o/*?<^0, CATH.C. F. debat and brige by bis outrage." Roquefort gives " Briga, qnerelle, demel^, combat. Brigueux, querelleur : ''' and Cotgrave ^^ Brigue, contention, altercation." Skinner v.'ould bowever trace the word to A.S. brice, ruptura. Horman says, " beware of such brygous matters {abatineas omni cahcmnid), for thou ougbtest nat to hold cour- rishly ageynst thy maister." See Briga, in Kennett's Glossary. ^ " Lumbare, Anglice a breke-gyrdle, cingulum circa lumbos, et diciiur a lumbis, quia eo cinguntur et religantur, vet quia lumbis inhereat. Item dicitur et coxale, et bracharium, et renale, sed proprie renale quod renibus assignatur, sicut ventrah circa ventrem cingulum." ort. voc. from the Catholicon. " Braccale, braccarium, a breke- girdul. Marcipium, a brigirdele." med. " Perisoma, braygurdylle.'' Harl. MS. 1002, f. 116. The terms brekegirdle and bygirdle are occasionally confounded together, and it may be questioned which of the two was here intended : the latter is the Anglo- Saxon bigyrdel, zona, saccus, /isctcs, which properly signifies a purse attached to the girdle. In this sense it occurs in P. Ploughman, " the bagges and the bigirdles." Vision, lin. 507'J. " A bygyrdylle, marsvpium, renale." cath. angl. ^^ Renale, a, bygyrdyll, est zona circa renes. Brachile, i. lumbare, dicitur etiam cingulum reninn, a bygyrdell. Cruma vel crumena est bursa, vel saccus pecunie, vel marsupium, a by- gyrdell." CRT. voc. On the Northern coast of Norfolk, opposite Burnham Westgate, is an island of singular shape, resembling the letter S : it is about a mile in length, following the direction of its tortuous form, and very narrow tliroughout. It still bears the name of Rridgirdle, evidently from its supposed similarity to the ancient article of dress called the brygyrdyle. See No. lxix. of the Ordnance Suivey. 2 " To hyrle, propinare, miscere.'' cath. angl. Ang. S. byrlian, haurire, byrle, pincerna. Jamieson gives the same sense of the verb to birle. See hereafter schenkyn drynke. A.S. scencim, propinare. ^ This word occurs in R. Brunne, and Chaucer. See also Gawayn and Golagros. " He come lyke a breme bare.'' Sir Amadas. " Brimme, feirse, _/?e/-." palsg. A.S. bremman,yKrere. In the dialects of Norfolk and Suffolk, brim is retained only in the following sense, " a brymmyng as a bore or a sowe doth, en rougr."' palsg. "To brynie, subare.^^ cath. angl. Elyot renders " subo, to brymme as a boore doth, whan he getteth pygges." See further in Ray, Jamieson, and Forby. 52 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Brynke of a wesselle. Margo. Brynke of watyr, supra in BANKE. Brysyde (brissed, p.) Qtiassatus, contusus. Brosyn or qwaschyn' (brysyn, K. bryszyn, H. brissen, p.)' Sriso, CATH. (juasso, brisco, c. F. allido. (Brisyng, oi- brissoure, k. bryss- ynge or bryssure, H. Quas- satio, contusio, collisio.^ Brystylle, or brustylle (burs- tyll, p.) Seta. Bryghte. Clarus, splendidus, rut'dans. Bryhtenesse. Splendor. Bryghte swerde. Splendona. Brocale, or lewynge of mete (brokaly of mete, p.)^ Frag- mentum, comm. Broche of threde. Vericulum. Broche, juelle (jowell, p.)^ Mo- nile, armilla. Broche for a thacstare.'' Fir- ma culum. Broche, or spete (without-yn mete, h. withoute, p.)'' Veru. (Broche or spete, whan mete is vpon it, p. Verutum.^ Broche for spyrlynge or herynge.® Spiculum, comm. Brochyn', or settyu a vesselle broche (a-broche, k. p.) Atta- mino, clipsidro, kylw. Brode, or wyde. Latus, amplus. * "To bryse, quatere, quarsare. BrysiWe, fraffilis, fisilis, fracficius, J'ractilis," CATH. ANGL. A.S. brysan, conterere. The word bryse is, however, probably taken more directly from the French. Palsgrave gives " to brise or bray herbes or suche like in a morter, briser.'^ In the curious treatise of the virtues of herbs, Roy. MS. 18 A. VI. f. 72 b. is mentioned " bryse-wort, or bon-wort, or daysye, consolida minor, good to breke bocches." " Elyot renders " Analecta, fragmentes of meate whiche falle vnder the table. Ana- lectes, he that gadereth vp brokelettes." 3 The broche was an ornament common to both sexes; of the largesse of Queen Guenever it is related, " Everych kny3t she 3af broche other ryng." launkai, miles, " Fibula, a boton, or broche, prykke, or a ])ynne, or a lace. Munile, ornamentum est quod ardet ex femiuarum pendere collo, quod alio nomine dicitiir firmaculnm, a broche." ORT. voc. The jewel which it was usual about the commencement of the XVIth Cen- tury to wear in the caj), was called a broche. Palsgrave gives " IJroche for ones cappe, broche, ymaye, ataivhe, afficquet. Make this brotche fast in your cappe. Broche with a scripture, deuise.^' Tlie beautiful designs of Holbein executed for Henry VIII. and preserved in Sloan. MS. 5.'UJ8, afford the best examples of ornaments of this descrip- tion. See also the Privy Purac Expenses of the Princess Mary, edited by Sir F. Madden. ■* Broaches are explained by Forby to be " rods of sallow, or other tough and pliant wood split, sharpened at each eiul, and bent in the middle ; used by thatchers to pierce and fix their work. Fr. broche.''' '' " A soudear for lacke of a brotche or a sjjyt, rosteth his meate u)ion his wepon made lyke a broche." horm. Tliomas, in his Principal Rules of Italian Grammar, ITjIS, renders " stocco, an armyng swoorde made like a broche.'' In the Earl of Nortliumberland's Household Book, 1511, it appears that the broches were turned by a " child of the keching." ant. ki;i'. iv. 2.5.J. Palsgrave alludes to the same primi- tive usage, "• when you haue broched the meate (embrochi) lette the boye tourne, and come you to churche." See also Leland's Coll. vi. 4. *• " A si)crlynge, ipimera, uperlingus." oath, angl. " S])urlin, a smelt. Fr. nspcrlan." SKINNER. The name is retained in Scotland; see sparlyng and spirling in Janiieson. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 53 Erode, or large of space. Spa- ciosus. Erode of byrdys. PulUJicacio. Erode hedlese nayle. Clavus acephalus. Erood arowe (brodarwe, K.)i Catapidta, cath. Erood axe, or exe. Dolabrum, CATH. Brodyn, as byrdys (and fovvles, p.) Foveo,fetifico., c. f. in alcyon. Erodynge of byrdys. Focio, CATH. (focacio, p.) Eroydyn (broyded,p.) Laqueatus. Eroylyd. Ustulatus. Eroylyd mete, or rostyd only on Jje colys. Frixum, frixitura, Erolyyn', or broylyn'. Ustulo, ustillo, torreo, cath. (Brox.yyt>, supra m eroylyd, k.) (Brolyynge, orbroylinge, K. l/s- tulacio.^ (EROKjbest, K. brocke, p.^ Taxus, castor, melnta, pictorius.) Broke, watyr. Rivulus, torrens. Broke bakkyde. Gibbosus. Brooke mete, or di-ynke (broken, p.)^ Fetineu, vel digerendo re- tinere. Brokynge of mete and drynke. Retencio {retencio cibi vel potus, digestio, p.) Erokdol, or frees (brokyl or fres, II. brokill or feers, p.) Fragilis. Erome, brusche. Genesta,mirica, CATH. tamaricium, c. f. Bronde of fyre. Facula, fax, ticio, torris, c. f. Brondyde. Cauterizatus, c. f. Bronnyn' wythe an yren'(brondyn, p.) Caiiterizo. Brondynge. Cauterizacio, c. f. BRONDYNGEyren'.CflM^^rmm, c. F. Brostyn, or broke. Fractus, ruptus. Brostyn man, yn jje cod. Her- niosus, c. F. Brothe. Brodium, Uquamen, c. F. Browdyd, or ynbrowdyd (brow- dred, or browden, p.) Intextus, acupictus, c. F, frigiatus, ug. Browdyn', or inbrowdyn' (in- browdyr, p.) Intexo, c. Ffrigio, ug. in frigid. Erowdyoure (browderere,p.)/n- textor, c. F.frigio, cath. ug. Browe. Supercilium. Browesse (browes, ii. p.)' Adi- paticm, c. F. ' The Catholicon explains catapulta to be " sagitta cum ferro bipenni, quam sagit- tam harbatam vacant." Palsgrave renders broad arrow, '^ raillon :'' and Cotgrave gives "fer defllche a raillon, a shoot-head, a forked or barbed head." 2 See above BAWSTONE. " Fiber, id est castor , a brocke. Fibrina testis que tra- mam de Jxhri land habet, a clothe of brocke woU." ort. voc. " Brocke a best, taxe." PALSG. The Wicliffite version renders Hebr. xi. 37, " Thei wenten about in brok skynnes, and in skynnes of geet." A.S. bioc, grumiis. ■' "To brooke nieate, digtrer, aualer. I can nat brooke this pylles. He hath eaten raw quayles, I fear me he shall neuer be able to brooke them." palsg. A.S. brucan, Jrui. Margaret Paston, writing about the sickness other cousin Bemay, 14 Edw. IV. 1476, 7, says, " I remember yat water of mynte, or water of niillcfole, were good for my cosyn Bernay to drynke, for to make hym to browke." Paston Corresp. V. 15G. ■* Skinner explains brewse to be ^' pants jure intinctus," which is the precise meaning 54 PROMPTORIUiM PARVULORUM. Browett.' Bvodielhim. Browne. Fuscus, subniger, ni- gellus, c. F. UG. in a. Browne ale, or other drynke (brwyn, k. p. bruwyn, H.'' browyn, w.) Pandoxor. Browstar, or brewere. Pan- doxator, pando.vatrlx. Brothyr. Frater. Brodyr yn lawe. Sororius, c. r. Brodyr by the modyr syde onely (alonly by moder, p.) Ger- manus. Brownworte herbe (brother wort, p.) Pulio, peruleium {puleium, p.) Brunstone, or brymstone. Sul- phur. Brunswyne, or delfyne.^ Foca, delphinus, suillus, cath. Brunt.^ Insultus, impetus. Bruntun, or make a soden stert- ynge (burtyn, p.) Insilio, cath. Brusche. JBruscus, c. f. Bruschalle (brushaly, K.) Sar- mentum, cath. ramentum, UG. iti rado, ramalia, arbustum. (Brustyl of a swjTie, k. p. Seta.^ BuDDE of a tre. Gemma, c. F. botrio,frons, UG. in foros. BuDDE FLYE. Buddun' as trees. Gemmo, c. f. pampino, pululo, frondeo, Buffett. Alapa (Buffetyn, k. h. p. Alapo, alapizo, cath.) of brewis in the North of England, brockett. Huloet, in the reign of Edward VI. speaks of " browesse, made with bread and fat meat." " A proverbe sayde in ful old langage, That tendre browyce made with a mary-boon, For fieble stomakes is holsum in potage." Lydgate, Order of Fooles, Harl. MS. 2251, f. 303. The Latin-English Vocabulary, Roy. MS. 17. C. XVII. gives " browys, adepatum, brewett, ffarrns,^' distinguishing these two words, as the Proniptorium does. Brewes is derived from the plural of A.S. hriw, jusculum, but brewett is a word adopted from the French, brouet, potage or broth. Palsgrave, however, gives " brewesse, potage of fysshe or flesshe, brouet.'^ ' In the Forme of Cury, and other books of ancient cookery, will be found a variety of recipes for making brewets, such as brewet of Almony, or Germany, of ayrenne, or eggs, eels and other fish in bruet. In a MS. of the XVth century, in the possession of Sir Thomas Phillipps, No. 8336, occur " Bruet seec, bruet salmene, and bruet sara- zineys blanc." The word seems to have been applied generally to any description of potage, but Roquefort defines the original meaning of brouet as " chaudeau, et ce que les nouvemix mar Us donnoient a leurs compagnons pour boire, le jour de leiirs noces." * Gautier de Bibelesworth, in his Tretyz de Langage, written in the reign of Edward I. gives a detailed and curious account of malting and brewing, " de breser, et de bracer.^' Arund. MS. 220. In Harrison's Description of Britaine, Book ii. ch. 6. prefixed to Holinshed's Chronicles, will be found a minute description of the process of brewing, as jiractised in the Eastern counties in the XA'Ith century. 3 In Anglo-Saxon mere swyn signifies a d()l])liin ; the epithet brun, fuscus, is pro- bably in reference to the colour of the fish. It is the porpesse, perhaps, which is in many places called sea-swine, in Italian porcopesse, that is here intended. * " Brunt, hastynesse, cAa»We-co//e. Brunt of a daunger, escousse, effort." v also. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 55 BUFFETYNGE. AhlJKlcio. BuFFETT stole.i Scahellum, tripos, trisilis, c. f. BuGGE, or buglarde.* Maurus, Ducius. Bugle, or beste (bugyll, p.)' Hubalus. BuK, best. Dahna. BuK, roo. Caprius {caprinus., p.) BuLLE (of the Pope, k.) Bulla. BuLLOK. Boculus, biculiis. BuLTE flowre. Attatnino, cath. taratantarizo, UG. in tardo. BuLTURE (bultar, p.) Taratcm- tarizator, politrudinator. BuLTYD.^ Taratantarizatus. BuLTYXGE. Taratantarizacio. BuLTE pooKE, or bulstarre. Ta- ratantarare., c. f. taratantarum, UG. in tardo, politriidum. Bombon' as been' (bummvn or bumbjTi, K. H. p.)' JBombizo, CATH. bombilo, bombio. Bunchon'.^ Tundo, trudo. BuNCHYNGE. Tuncio. BuNDELLE. Fasciculus. BuNNE, brede. Placenta. BuNKYYDE (bunne kyx. Cala- mus, K.)' BuNGE of a wesselle, as a tonne, ^ See above, bofet, thre fotyd stole. 2 " Bugge, spectrum, larva, lemures." baret. This word has been derived from the Welsh bwg, larva. Higins, in his version of Junius' Nomenclator, 1585, renders " leniKres nociunii, hobgoblins or night-walking spirits, blacke bugs. Terriculamenlum, a scarebug, a bulbegger, a sight thatfrayeth and frighteth." See Nares, andBoggarde and Bogith in Jamieson. St. Augustin and other writers mention " quosdam dannones qv.os Ditsios Gain nuncupant,^'' namely incubi. See Ducange. To this word Ducius, by which the bugge is here rendered, the origin of the vulgar term, the deuce, is evi- dently to be traced. 3 "Bugle beest, bevgle." palsg. " Bugle, luffle, bceuf sauvage.^^ roquef. " Buffle, buffes or bugles, wild beasts like oxen, uri, Buffe leather, alula bubalina." baret. " Preciouse cuppis be made of bugull homys, urorum cornibus, non bubalorum.^'' horm. The bugle was introduced into England in 1252, as a present to Richard, Earl of Cornwall, brother of Henry III. " AJissi sunt Comiti Richardo de partibus tranxma- rinis Bubali, pars vera seTus masculini, pars feminini, ut in his partibus occidentalibus, ipsa animalia no7i prius hie visa mulfiplicarentur. Est autem Bubalus genus jumenti bovi consimile, ad onera portanda vel trahenda apfissimum, cocodrillo inimicissimum, undis amicvm, magnis cornibus communitum.'''' Matt. Paris. ■» " Bulted, sa*.?e, boultyng clothe or bulter, bluteau. To boulte meale, bulter." PALSG. He gives the word also in a metaphorical sense, " to boulte out a mater, trye out the trouthe in a doubtfull thynge, saicher." See bulter-cloth, in Kennett's Glos- sary. * "Tobomme as a fly dothe, or husse, bruire. This waspe bommeth about myne eare, I am afrayed leste she stynge me." palsg. * " To bounche or pusshe one ; he buncheth me and beateth me, il me pousse. Thou bunchest me so that I can nat syt in rest by the." palsg. " He came home with a face all to bounced, cotitusd." horm. " The Harl. MS. appears here to be faulty, and the correct reading probably is, BUNNE, kyx. See hereafter kyx, or bunnes or drye weed. A.S. bune,_^.s7M/ff. la Job. Arderne's Chirurgica, Sloane MS. 5(j, p. 3, in a list of French and English names of plants, occurs " chauynot, i. hnnes;" the reading should probably be chenevette, which signifies the stalk of hemp. Forby and Moore give bunds or bund-weed, as the name by which in the Eastern counties weeds infesting grass land are known. Jamieson explains bune to be the inner part of the stalk of flax, or the core. 56 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. barelle, botelle, or othere lyke (kyx of vessell, p.) Lura, CATH. c. F. BuNTYNGE, byrde. Pratellus. BuRBLON, as ale or o})er lykore (burbeljm, p.) Bullo. BuRBULLE, or burble (burbyll, p.)' Bulla, c. F. Burdon' of a boke. Burdo. BuRRE. Lappa, glis. BuRGEYS. Burgensis. y. BuRGYN, or burryn as trees.* Germino,f rondo, CATii.gemmo, frond eo, supra. BuRGYNYNGE (burgynge, K. p.) Germen, pullulacio. BuRLE of clothe (a clothe, p.) Tumentum, cath. c. f. 'Qv^'si A.YVt'^-ii ?Pedissequa,ancilla. BuRXET colowre. Burnetum, hur- netus, Dice. kylw. BuRTARE, beste (barter, p.) Cor- nupeta. Burton', as hornyd bestys. Cor- nupeto, ariefo. BuRTYNGE. Cornupettis, c. F. BuRWHE, sercle (burrowe, p.)* Orhiculus, c. f. BuRWHE,towne(burwth, K.burwe, H. burrowe, p.) Burgus. BuscEL (buschelle, k.) Modius, (^chorus, huscellus, P.) BusKE, or busshe.'' Ruhus, du- mus. BuscHOPE (busshop, p.) supra in BISSHOPPE. BuscHEMENT, or verement. Cun- eus, c. F. But, or bertel, or bysselle (ber- sell, p.)^ 3Ieta. But, fysche." Pecten. BuTTOK. Nates, cath. piga. Button', or caste forthe (butt, p.) Bello. BuTTYR, or botyr (butture, k.) Buturtcm. 1 " BulHculus, Id est parvus hullio, a burble, tumor aque. Bullio, awellynge." ort. voc. " Burble in the water, bubette. To boyle up or burbyll up as a water dothe in a spring, bouilloniier." palsg. 2 " Gramino, to burion, or kyrnell, or sprynge." ort. voc. "Burryon or budde of a tree, burion. To burgen, put forthe as a tree dothe his blossomes, bourgonner.^' PALSG. 3 This word is compounded of A.S. bur, conclave, casa, and mteden, puella, a bower-maiden, a chamber-maid : in like manner as bur.l>egn signifies a chamberlain. 4 Burr signifies in Norfolk, according to Forby, a mistiness around the moon ; and in North Britain a halo is termed brugh, brogh, or brough ; Jamieson suggests from its encircling the moon like the circular fortifications which are also called brugh. Ang. S. beorj, niunimentum. The expression, " a burre about the moone " occurs in " Whim- zies, or a new cast of Characters," p. 173. The same derivation may possibly apply to the terms, burr of a lance, which is a projecting circular ring that protected the hand ; as also the burr of a stag's horn, or projecting rim by which it is surrounded close to the head. * " A buske, arbustum, dumus,frutex, rubus." cath. angl. Buske or boske, as bush was anciently written, occurs in R. Brunne and Chaucer. Spenser uses the word buskets, and boskie is to be found in Shakespeare, Tempest, Act IV. In old French bosc and boschet. roquef. 8 Buttes are explained by Bp. Kennet to be the ends or short pieces of land ia arable ridges or furrows. " Z,j>we», buttynge or bound in fields." elyot. Celtic, but, limes. ^ Yarrell, in his History of British Fishes, observes that the flounder is called at PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUAr. 57 Buxum'.' Ohediens. BuxuM, or lowly or make (lowe or meke, k. p.) Hnmilis, jjius, mansuetus, henigmis. Buxum NESSE,mekenesse and good- lyiiesse. Humilitas, mansiie- tudo, benignitas. BUXUMNESSE. ditio, CATH. Obediencia, obe- Caban', lytylle howse. Pretori- olum, CATH. c. F. capana. Cable, or cabuUe, grete shyppe (cabyl or schyp roop, h.p.) Cur- cula, CATH. currilia, ug. in curvo, curcuUa, restis, ricdens. Caboche. Currulia, ug. in curvo. Case of closynge. Ca-psa. Case or happe (or chaunce, f.) Casus, eventus. Cadas.'' Bombicinlum. Cadaw, or keo, or chowghe (ca- dowe or koo, k. p. ko, ii.)^ Mo- il edula. Cade of herynge (or spirlinge, K. p.) or oJ)yr lyke.' Cada, lacista, kylw. Ugatura. Cage. Catasta. Cahchare, or dryvare (catcher, p.) Minator, ahactor. Cachyn' a-way (catchinge away. P-) Abigo. Yarmouth a butt, which is a Northern term ; the name is likewise given by Pennant, but does not occur in the Glossaries of Northern dialect. ' " Ne yan sal na man be boxsome, Ne obedyent to ye kirke of Rome," Hampole, Prick of Conscience, Harl. MS. GfiSS, f. 58, b. " And be lofande to hym and bouxsome," namely, to God, ib. f. 101, b. " Boxome, obedient, oheinsant.'''' palsg. A.S. bocsum, obediens. - Cadas appears to have signified flocks of silk, cotton, tow, or wool, used for stuffing gamboised garments. In the curious poem by Hue de Tabarie, at Middle HiU, en- titled, " Coment lefiz Deufu arnie en la croyz,^^ is this passage, " Pur akeioun hj bayle llaunche char e pure, Pur cadaz e coloun de saunkfu le encusture.'" MS. Heber, No. 8336. In the petition against excess of apparel, 1463, it is thus mentioned; " Noyoman, &c. to were in the aray for his body eny bolsters, nor stuflfe of woole, coton, or cadas, nor other stuffer in his doubtlet, save lynyng accordyng to the same." rot. parl. " Cadas or crule, saijetfe.^'' palsg. " Cadurce poiir faire capiton, the tow, or coursest part of silke, whereof sleaue is made." cotgr. Nares explains caddis to be a sort of worsted lace. 3 Caddow is still the name given to the jackdaw in Norfolk, as Coles and Forby have recorded. Palsgrave gives " Caddawe a byrde, c/iucas," and Withal renders "CaddoW or dawe, nodulus.'^ " Monedula, a chougbe or cadess.'' elyot. Keo is from A.S. ceo, cornij:. See hereafter coo byrde, or schowhe. 4 The quantity offish contained in a cade is determined by the Accounts of the Cel- larist of Berking Abbey, MON. ANG. I. 83 : " a barrel of herryng shold contene 1000, and a cade of herryng six hundreth, sixscore to the hundretb." Palsgrave renders cade, escade, but the word does not occur in tlie Dictionaries. In 1511 it appears by the Northumberland Household Book, that the cade of red herring was rated at Gs. 4d. the cade of " sproytts, 2*." The spirling mentioned here was the smelt, called in French esperlan. See hereafter spirlyngf,, epimera. CA>rD. SOC. I 58 PROMPTORIU.M PARVULORUM. Chasyn', or drvye furjje (catchyti or dryue forth bestis, p.) Mino. Cahchpolle, or pet3'-seriawnte. Angarius, exceptor, UG. c. f. Cahchynge, or hentynge (catch- ing-e or takyng, k. p.) Appre- hencio, decapcio, captura. Cahchynge, or drywynge a-wey or forthe. 3Iinatus, ahactio, CATH. in ahigo, Caytyffe. Calamitosus, dolo- roSUS, UG. BRIT. Cake. Torta, placenta, coUrida, c. F. lihum. Cakelyn' of hennys. Gracillo. Cakelyxge, or callyngeof hennys. Gracillacio. Cakkyn', orfyystyn'. C'aco, cath. Calamynt, herbe. Calamenta^ hahamita (balsiata, p.) Calexdis (calende, j.) Calende. CALEy DERE. KaIendaritim,Ky Lw . Calfe, beste. Vituhis. Calfe of a legge. Sura, cath. C. F. UG. ill suo. CALKEorchalke,erye. Calx,creta. Calkyn'.' Calculo. Callyn' or clepyn'. Voco. Callyn' yn', or owte, be name, a-3ene, to-gedyr, to mete, quere infra in clepyn'. Callynge or clepynge. Vocacio. Callynge or clepynge a-3ene. Revocacio. Callynge or clepynge yn to a place. Invocacio. Callynge or clepynge to-gedyr. Convocacio. Callynge or clepynge to mete. Invitacio. (Calyon, rounde stone, p.^ Ru- dus. Hie rudus esto lapis, durus, pariterque 7-otundus.) Calme or softe, wythe-owtewynde. Calmus, c. F. tranqiiillus. Calme-wedyr. Malacia, cal- macia, c. f. Calkestoke (calstoke, p.)^ Ma- guderis. Caltrap, herbe.^ Saliunca, c. f. cath. ' " He calketh (»e«/i^a/) vpon my natyuyte." horm. Palsgrave gives the verb " to calkyll as an astronomer doth whan he casteth a fygure, calculer. I dare nat calkyll for your horse that is stollen, for feare of my bysshojipe.'' See also Paston Letters, i. 114. ^ In the accounts of the Churchwardens of VValden, Essex, in 14G6, 7, among the costs of making the porch, is a charge " for the foundacyon, and calyon, and sonde." Hist, of Audley End, p. 225. Among the disbursements for the erection of Little Saxham hall in 1505, is one to the chief mason, for the foundation within the inner part of the moat, " to be wrought with calyons and breke, with foreyns and other necessaries con- cerning the same." Rokewode's Hundred of Thingoe, 141. " Calyon, stone, ca//0M." PALSG. In the dialect of Northern England a hard stone is termed a callierd. 2 " A cale stok, mayuileris.'" cath. angl. " Mat/uderis est seciitxius catilis qui nascitur in tymo absciso, vel ipse tyrsHS abscisus, a koolestocke." ort. voc. "A calstok." MED. In Harl. MS. 1587, occur " maguileris, wortestokk, cauletum, cawlegarthe." " Calstocke, kalstocke, pie de chou." palsg. In Scotland "castock or kail-castock, tbe stem of the colewort," according to Jamieson. * In the Dictionary of Synonyms of names of plants, in Latin, French and English, Sloan. MS. a, compiled about tl>e middle of the fifteenth century, occurs " Saliunca, spica Cellica, Gall, xpike neltic, /Iny. calketrappe." A. Sax. coltraspi)e, rhamnng. " Cal- trops, tribulns,Heu cnrduus slellatus." skinnkr. In French chausne-trappe, according to Cotgrave, signifies both the thistle, and the caltrop used in war. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 59 Caltrap of j'rjii, fote hurtynge.' Hamus, cath. c. f. ug. Caltrappyn'. Hamo. Calvur assamooiijor ojjyr fysshe. Camelle, or chamelle. Camelus. Cammyd, or schort nosyd.^ Simus, c. F. Chammydnesse (cammednesse, Camamyle, herbe. Camamilla. \ p.) Simitas. ' " A calle trappe, hairrns, pedica.''^ cath. angl. " Caltrapa, a caltrappe," ort. voc. The Catholicon gives the following explanation of hamus. " Dicitur et hamus asser cum clavis quo subtegihir terra in vineis sub arboribus defendendis , vel in domo circa scrinia et thesatiros, ut si aliquando fur ingrediatur, ejus pedibus injigatur.'''' In the contemporary poem describing the Siege of Rouen by Henry V. the city is said to have been defended by a deep and wide dike, full of pitfalls, " of a spere of heyth." " Also fuUe of caltrappys hyt was sette As meschys beth made wythinne a nette.'' Archseol. xsi. p. 51. " They hydde pretely vnder the grounde caltroppys of yron to steke in horse or mennys fete, murices ferreos leviter condiderunt ." hqrm. Chaussetrappe is explained by Cotgrave to be an " iron engine of warre made with four sharp points, whereof one, howsoever it is cast, ever stands upward." Among the " muaicyons andhabyllymeuts of warre '' belonging to Berwick castle, 1539, occur " 15 pece of lettes calteroopes." Archseol. xi. 439. Caltraps are mentioned by Quintus Curtius in the Life of Alex- ander as having been spread over the ground by the Persians to annoy the Macedonian cavalry. This circumstance is thus described, Kyng Alisaunder, line 6070 : " And calketrappen maden ynowe, In weyes undur wode and bowe, Alisaundris men to aqwelle. And synfulliche heoni to spille." Vegetius calls them tribuli. A representation of a caltrap, from the Tower collection, will be found in Skelton's Illustrations of the Armoury at Goodrich Court, ii. pi. 132. 2 The recipe in the Forme of Cury, p. 48, directs for " vyande Cypre of saraone, take almandus and bray hem unblaunched, take calwar samone, and seeth it in lewe water," &c. See also p. 75, " salwar salmone ysode." Palsgrave renders " caluer of samon, escume de saulmon." This term appears to denote the state of the fish freshly taken, when its substance appears interspersed with white flakes like curd ; thus in Lancashire the fish dressed as soon as it is caught is termed calver salmon, and in North Britain caller or callour signifies fresh, according to Jamieson. " Quhen the salmondis faillis thair loup, thay fall callour in the said caldrounis, and ar than niaist delitious to the mouth." Bellend. Descr. Alb. c. 11. Calvered salmon is mentioned by Ben Jonson and INIassinger as a delicacy ; and Isaac \Valton ajiplies the term to the gray- ling. R. Holme, however, would make it appear that calver was a term applied to fish dressed in oil, vinegar, and spices. See also Nares. The word " caleweis," which occurs in Chaucer, Rom. of Rose, and has been by the earlier glossarists inter])reted as calvured salmon, is in the original "poire de caillouel," a sort of sweet pear, called by Roquefort caillos, or cailloel. 3 This word seems to be taken from the French, " camus, qui a le nez court." LACOMBE. Cotgrave renders camus, flat-nosed. " Round was his face, and camuse was his nose." chauc. Reve's Tale. Hence also the sea-gull appears to have received a name, which is given by Elyot, " Candosoccus, a sea-gull, or a camose." See Camy, and Camow-noscd, iu Jamieson's Dictionary. 60 PROMPTORIUM PAItVULORUM. Campar, or pleyar at foottballe.' Pediliisor, pecUpilnsor. Campyn'. PedlpUo. Campyxge. Pedipiludkim. Campyon, or champyon. Athleta, pugil, campio, cath. Cancellynge, or strekynge owte a false word. Obelus, c. f. Cancet, soore or kankcre (cankyr, K.) Pustula, UG. in puteo, cancer, c. f. Candylle (candell, p.) Ccmdela. Caxdelere.- Candelarius, can- delabra. Caxdylrysche (candelrushe, k.) Papirus, cath. Candelbem' (candell beme, p.) Lucernarmm. Candelstykke. Candelabrum, lucernarium, c. f. (Canel of a belle, k. Canellus.) Canel, spyce. Cinamoniuin, amo- mum. Canel, or chanelle (in the weye, II. in the strete, p.) Canalis, (^CKjuagium, p.) Canvas, clothe. Carentinilla, necc. Dice, canabeus, canalbus, canabus, kylw. canabasium. Canker, sekenesse. Cancer. Cankyr, worme of a tre. Teredo, UG. in tero, termus, termes, c. F. Cannyn', or grucchyn' (canyyn or grochyn, K. chanyyn, h. canyen, p.) Murinia-o, remurmuro (^ca- niso, p.) Canonyzyde. Canonizatiis. Canonizacion. Canonizacio. Canope.5 Canopeum. Cantel,* of what cuer hyt be. Qnadra, UG. minutal. Cantyn', or departyn'. Partior, divido. Cappe.5 Cappa, jiilleum, catii. Dice. Campedulum, c. f. (^capa, K. caracalla, p.) ^ Forby and Moore have given ample illustrations of the nature of the game at ball called to this day in Norfolk and Suffolk, camping : the former agrees with Ilay, in de- riving the word from the A. Sax. c?Lm\n-An, praliari. The camping-land appropriated to this game occurs, in several instances, in authorities of the fifteenth century ; in Cullum's Hawsted, mention is found, in 14GC, of the campiug-pightle. - This word seems to be taken from the French chandelier, a candlestick : cande- larius signifies properly a maker of candlrs. See hereafter chawndelerb. 3 " Canopeum, reticulum stibt He factum de canabo. Canopeum, a gnate nette, rete quo culices vel mvsce excludnniur.^' dict. wilbr. The Canope alluded to in the Promptorium, was very probably the Umbraculum under which the Sacred Host was carried in the jirocession on Palm Sunday. " Canapy to he borne over the sacrament, or ouer a Kynges heed, jiulle, del.'''' palsg. See the word canapeum in Ducange. * " Minutal, a lompe of brede, or cantel." ort, voc. " Cantel of bredde, cantel or sliyuer, c/iantean.'" i'ai.sg. "Of Florentys scheld a kantell He cleft thonryght." Octouian, line 111.3. The term occurs also in "the Anturs of Arther at the Tarnewathelan." Hall, in his account of the marriage of the Princess Mary to Lewis XII, at Paris, in 1.514, describes the entry of the Dauiiliin, whose " apparell and bardos were doth of golde, cloth of syluer, and crymsyn velutt Icanteled together." Hall's Chron. G Hen. VIII. Roquefort gives " Cliantcl, vn morccau de jiaiu," from canlellus. See Ducange, and Mon. Angl. i. 1 1 1. In Norfolk, to cant is to set a thing up on edge ; see Forby, Moore, and Nares. '' The priestly vestment generally known as the cope is here intended. " Capa, a PROMJ'TORIUM PAKVULORUM. 61' Cappe, or hure, for clerkys.' Tena, catii. c. f. Cappe of a fleyle.^ 3Ieditentum, COMM. Capytle, or chapytle, or captur (capytyll or chapytyll, p.) Ca- pitulum. Capul, or caple, horse.^ Caballtis, c. F. Capvne or capone. Capo, cath. gallinacius. Capteyn. Capitaneus. Caranye, or careyn'.^ Cadaver. Care-avvey, sorowles (carawey cappe or a cope ; caracalla, a sclauyn or a cape." dict. wilbr. " A cope.'' ort. Pilleum, according to the Catholicon, signifies a garment made of skins, but in its more usual sense, a covering for the head. In early times the cappa was an ordinary upper garment worn by ecclesiastics indiscriminately, and Ecgbert, Abp. of York, ordained in the eighth century that none of the cleigy should appear in the church "sine co- lobio vel cappd." Of the various modifications of this vestment, and the names by which they were distinguished, a detailed account will be found in Ducange. At a later period the cope was a vestment reserved for occasions of ceremony : when worn by prelates and dignitaries, tlie richest tissues were chosen, and covered with a gorgeous display of jewels, orfrays, and embroidery ; but its use was not confined to them, for with the exception of the priest officiating at the altar, who was vested in the sacred garments appropriated to the service of the mass, the cope appears to have been worn by all the assisting clergy, and even the choristers. In A. Sax. the name cappa, or cteppa, was adopted from the Latin, probably as early as the mission of St. Augustine, A.D. 601 ; and a cappa oloserica, one of the gifts of Gregory the Great, was preserved at Canterbury until the Reformation. See hereafter coope, cnpa. ' The use of a small cap by the clergy as a covering of the tonsure is one of con- siderable antiquity, it was usually termed the coif, coypha, and this term occurs here- after in the Promptorium. This was identical, as Joh. de Athoaa asserts, with the tenm or infuld', but these appear more prof)erly to have been lappets appended to the coif, and which occasionally were fastened under the chin. At various periods, when the clergy, disregarding strict propriety in demeanour and dress, became assimilated in externals to the laity, the coif was specially decried by the Church. Thus in the Council of London in 12G7, the Legate Othobonus ordained that the clergy should never appear in public with the coif, except in travelling, because thereby the corona, or circlet of hair left by the tonsure, was concealed, and therein '■^ pracipue deponitio terrenorum, et reyalis sacercloiii dignitas designantur.'''' See Lyndwode, Proviucialc, p. 88. Hure, howe, or howfe, are synonymous, and are derived from A. Sax. liufa, cidaris. See hereafter howe or hure, heed hyllynge, and hwyr, cappe. * • "Cappe of a flaylle, cappa." cath. axgl. "Cappe of a flayle, liasse d'nn flaiau." PALSG. 3 This word, which, as Skinner observes, is evidently a corruption of caballus, is used by Chaucer : the Cambridge Scholar exclaims, when the ^liller lets his horse loose, " Why ne hadst thou put the capell in the lathe." Reve's Tale. " The kny3t kache3 his caple and com to the lawe." Gawayn and the Green Knyjt, lin. '2175. " Capull, a horse, roussin." palsg. Cotgrave explains roussin to be "a curtail, a strong German horse." Elyot gives " Caballus, a horse ; yet in some partes of England they do call an horse a cable." ■• This word is written by R. of Gloucester and P. Ploughman caroyne, by Chaucer careyne. In the Wicliffite version likewise, Ilebr. iii. 17, is rendered, " Whether not to hem that synneden, whos careyns weren cast doua in desert ? " It is taken from the French ^' caroigne, cudavre." roqi'iu'. 62 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. sorweles, h. caraway, p. care- awaye, w.) Tristicia procul. Caraway herbe. Caru-y, sic scribitur in campo jiorum. Carde, wommanys instrument. Cardus, c. f. discerpicidum. Carde maker. Cardifactor. Cardyn' wolle. Carpo. Cardenale (cardynall, p.) Car- dinalis. CARDYACLE(car(iyakyll, p.) Car- diaca, ug. in Cardyan. Care. Tristicia, mesticia, dolor. Care, of hert-besynesse (hertlybe- synesse, p.) Solicitudo. Caryn' jTi' herte. Solicitor. Carre, carte. Carriis, c.F.currus. Carre, orlytylle carte j^atoonehors drawj'the. Monocosmus, cath. Caryare. Vector, vectitor. Caryage. Vectura, portagittm, cariagmm. Caryynge (cariynge, p.) idem est. Caryn', or cary (caryen, p.) Veho, transveho. Caryynge vesselle, or insti-ument of caryynge. Vector ium, cath. Cartehowse (carfax, or carfaus, H. p.*) Quadriviiim. Carkeys. Corpus, cadaver. Carle, or chorle.* Rusticus. Carle, or chorle, bondeman or woman. Servus nativus, serva nativa. Carlok, herbe.^ Eruca. Caral, songe (caroll, p.)^ Pali- nodium, ug. inpaluri (^psalmo- dium, psalmodinacio, k.) Caroolyn', or synge carowlys (carallyn, p.) Psalmodio, (pal- linodio, p.) Carolynge. Palinodiacio. Carp ARE. Fahidator, garula- tor, garnla. Carpyn', or talkyn'.* Fahulor, confahulor, garrulo. Carpe, fysche. Carpus. Carpynge. Loquacitas, garxi- lacio, coUocutio. Cart. Biga, reda, quadriga. Cartare. Bigarins, redarius, auriga. Cartyn', or lede wytho a carte." Carruco, cath. ' The Harl. IMS. gives licre cartehowse, which appears wliolly erroneous. The word does not occur in the MS. at King's College. Skinner derives the name of the Carfax at Oxford from the French carrefour, or possibly from quaire faces : another derivation has been proposed, from quatre votes. See an article on the Oxford Carfax, in the Antiq. Repert. iii. i.'G7. 2 " Harke howe the fat carle puffeth, le gros vilam." pai.sg. A. Sax. ceorl, carl- man, rvsticus. ^ According to Gerarde, carlock, charlocke, or chadlocke, is a sort of wild rape or turnip, rapistrum arvorum, now known as the sinapis arvensis. In Arderne's Practica, however, aubfoyn, which is projjcrly the cornflower, is rendered karloke, Sloan. MS. .^6. A. Sax. cerlice, raputn sylvestre. " Ervca, a colcworm or a carlok.'' out. voc. ■• " A caralle, corea, chorus.'''' cath. angl. " Carole a song, cai-olle, chanson de Aoi'l." I'ALSG. A. Sax. kyrriole, a chanting at the Nativity. * Palsgrave gives the verb, " to carpe, Lydgate, this is a farre northen verbe, cac- queter.'^ Gower uses it, Conf. Am. lib. vii. " So gone thei forthe, carpende fast On this, on that." * The Promptorium docs not give again the verb to lead, as it is here used, in the PROMPTORIU.M PARVULORUM. 63 (Casard, netes donge, p. casen, w.' Bozetum.^ Cast, or castyd. Jactatus, pro- jectus. (Caste downe, k. p. Prostra- tus, projectiis.) Castyn', or brakyn' (as man owt the stomack, k.)- Vomo, evomo. Castyn' a-vay'. Ahjicio, projicio. CASTYN'jOr throwyn'. Jactojacio. Castyn' downe. Dejicio. Caste for to goon', or pui-pose for to don' any othyr thynge (caste for to go, or any other thinge done, p.) Tendo, intendo, cath. Caste lootte. Sorcior. Caste warke (werkys, k.) or dy3- posyn'. Dispono, propono. Castynge, or a caste. Jactus, jactura. Castynge downe, or a-wey. Pro- jectio. Catte, beste. Cattus, mureligus, pilax, CATH. Catelle (catal, k.) Catallum, census, cath. Catyrpel, wyrm' amonge frute.^ Erugo, UG. Caton', or Catvn' (propre name, p.)* Cato, cath. Caucyon, or wedde.'^ Cautio, cath. signification of to carry. Caxton says, in the Boke for Travellers, " Richer the carter shall lede dong {mettra) on my land, whan it shall be ered, and on my herber {courtil) whan it shall be doluen." ' '' Casings, stercus siccumjumentorum, quod panpe7-es agiri Lincolniensis ad iisum foci col ligunt ; a Teut. Koth, fimus, q.d. cothings." skinner. In the North, ac- cording to Brockett, casings, or cassons, are cow-dung dried for fuel. It is still the usage in the neighbourhood of Lynn to employ cow-dung for this purpose. Richards' Hist. i. 80. - The Wicliffite version renders ii. Pet. 2, 22, " The hounde turnyde agen to his castyng." In Sloan. MS. 100, f. 5, b. is given the following prescription: "For castinge. For hem that may not browke her mete. Take centorie, and sethe it in watir, and lete the sike drink it leuc warm iii dales, and he schal be hool, for this medicya spourgith the brest, and the stomak." 2 " Catyrpyllar, worme, chatte pelleuse.'^ palsg. ■» In the middle ages a metrical system of ethics, entitled " Dinticha de moribus ad Jilium," attributed to Dionysius Cato, or Magnus Cato, had attained tlie highest degree of estimation. It was illustrated by the comments of the most learned men of several centuries, and served as a manual for the instruction of youth. It is not certain who was the author; a translation from the Latin was made about 1480, by Benedict Burgh, Archdeacon of Colchester, for the use of his pupil Lord Bourchier; and in 1483 Caxtou published his translation from a French version, entitled " The Booke called Cathon." Chaucer frequently quotes Cato : see Miller's Tale, 3227, Marchaunt's Tale, 9261. Caxton says in the Boke for Travellers, " George the booke sellar hath doctrinals, catons, oures of our Lady, Donettis, partis, accidents." See Warton's Hist, of Eng. Poetry, ii. 166. Dibdin's Typogr. Antiq. i. 195. 5 Caucyon may here signify a pledge, as in Palsgrave, "causion, pledge, caution." See hereafter wedde, or thynge leyyd yn plegge. The Catholicon, however, explains cautio to be a simple promise, without oath, pledge, or surety, but idonea cautio, im- plied those additional securities. It is further interpreted to be a writing, as Papias says " cautio est breve recordationin cliirographum. TJnde in Evang. Luc. : Accipe cautionem tuam." la the Wicliffite Version tliis passage is rendered " and he seide to him, take thy cauciouu and wryte fifty," Luke xvi. 6. 64 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Cawdelle.' VitelUum, caldea- rium, cahleUum, et hoc nomen hahetur in commenfario Johan- nisde Gara (puis, ojhsium, p.) Cawdron, vesselle (cavdryn, h.) Cacabus, caJdaria, lebes, cath. Cawcewey (cavuce, k. h. cawcy wey, p.)^ Calcetum. Cawse (skyll, K.) or enchesone (cause or cawze, h.) Causa. (Cavtele, or sleyte, k. h. caw- tele or sleight, p.' Cautela.^ Cee. 3Iare,fretum, pontus. Cek, or cekclothe,or poke. Saccus. Cec, or seeke (ceke, or sekenes, p.) Injirmus, eger, languidus. Cechelle, Saccellus. Cecyn'. Cesso. Cecynge (cecenynge, h. p.) CeS' sacio. Ceede (ced, H.) Semen. Ceede of corne, as kyrnel.^ Gra- num, semen. Cedyn', as corne or herbe. Se- mento, cath. Cedyr, drynke. Ckera. Ceed lepe, or hopyr.* Satorium (^satitolum, h. p.) Cedyr, tree. Cedrus. Cege of (for, p.) syttynge. Se- dile. Cege of enmyes a-bowte a castelle or cyte. Obsidium. Cegge, or wylde gladone." Ac- cor us. Cegge, or stare." CarLv, c. f. 1 " Caldarium, a caM'deM." ort. voc. Palsgrave render it c/iflwtZeaM, which according to Roquefort was " bonillon quUm donnoif aux ipoux le matin du lendemain des noces, calens jusculum.'' In Caxton's Boke for Travellers, occur as " Potages. Caudell for the seke, chaudel. Growell and wortes." Skinner and Junius interpret it to be merely a spicj' drink, but in the ancient terms of cookery cawdel signifies generally anything stewed down to a. purie ; see in the Forme of Cury, pp. 24, 27, " chykens in cawdel, cawdell ferry;" and in Cott. MS. Julius, D. v^iii. f. 100, " Caudelle of samone, caudelle of muskles." See further calenum, in Charpentier. - Cawcewey is derived directly from the French chavsste, a word taken, as Menage and other writers have observed, from the Latin calciatft, so called, as some conjecture, from its being continually trodden, via calcata, but probably rather from the mode of forming such a road, with stones imbedded in mortar, via calceafa, from caljc, lime. See Spelman, Ducange, and Kennet, under the word ca/cea. There was a causeway at Lynn leading to Gaywood, on which was situated the Hospital of St. Mary Magdalen, and among the benefactors to the Hospital of St. John Bajjtist occurs Ufketel /Hius sanctimonialin de Sceringes, who grants " tot am terram in Liiine super catcetam." Mon. Ang. vi. 648, new edit. Palsgrave gives " Causey in a bye way, c/iansee." 3 Cotgrave renders " carifelle, a wile, cautell, sleight, guilefull devise, subtilty." Fabyan relates that in 1448, the town of Pont-de-1'arche was taken by the " cautele " of the Frenclmien, who introduced two men disguised as carpenters; and Hall, speaking of the same occurrence, calls it " a praty cautele and slighte imposture." In Elyot's Librarie occurs " Offucife, cawtelles, crafty wayes to deceyue." ■• See hereafter kyrnel of frute, yranum. » In Norfolk the basket carried by the sower, is still called a seed-lep. forby. A. Sax. se sensere. Thiirijico. (Censinge, p. Thurijicatio^ C en DEL. Sindon. Cendyn' by massage. Mitto. Cendynge. Missio. Cene, or besene. Apparens, ma- nifest us. Ceene of clerkys.' Sinodus,CATH. (^A sancto sinodo redeunt burse sine nodo, p.) Cengylle (cengylly, h. p.) Sin- gularis. Ceny, or tokyn. Signmn. Ceny, or tokyn of an in or ostrye.^ Texera, cath. tessera, c. f. Centence. Sentencia. Ceptyr, or mace. Ceptrum, clava. Ceercle. Circulus, girus, c. F. Cercle, clepyd the snayle, as of pentys, and other lyke.^ Spira, UG. in spacium. ' " A seyne, sinodus, est congregacio clericornm.^' cath. angl. Ceene or a synod is from the French " nenne, assemblie tie gens d^Eglise; de ccenaculum, lieud'assem- blie, suivant liarbazan.^' roquef. Sene is explained by Cotgrave to be " a Synod or assembly of curates before their Ordiiiarie or Diocesan." "Cene of clerkes, con- uocation." palsg. In the Legenda Aurea mention is made of the " Ceene of Calcydone." f. xxvi. 2 Tfissera is rendered in the Ortus " a dyce," and texera has the same meaning ; the Catholicon, however, gives another explanation, " Texere dicuntur lapides quadrati ad modum f alarum, mule pavimenta sternuntur.'''' There can be little doubt that the token of an inn, here referred to, is the ancient sign of the chequers, scaccarinm, the chess- board or playing tables. It has been questioned whether this symbol denoted in England, as it did where it occurs at Ponii)eii, a house of entertainment where play was practised, or rather had its origin in the painted lattices at the doors and windows, which, as has been affirmed, were part of the external indications of an hostelry as late as 1/00 ; the ordinary use of such lattices is mentioned by Harrison in his description of England. " Of old time our countrie houses in steed of glasse did vse much lattise, and that made either of wicker or tine rifts of oke in checker-wise." B. ii. c. I'i, in Iloliushed. Among the deeds and benefactions of Thomas Chillenden, Prior of the church of Canterbury from 1390 to 141 1 , it is recorded in the obituary, " in civitaie Cantuaria ummi I/ospUiumfa- mosurii, vocalum le Cheker, ^lobilitcr adijicavit ; in eadern civilate Hospilhini de la Crowne." ANG. SACRA, i. 143. The " red lattice " is a term often used to signify an ale house ; Shakespeare alludes to it. Hen. IV. pt. ii. ; it occurs in Marston, Chapman, and other early dramatists, and Massinger speaks of the " red grates next the door " of a tavern. Of this and other inn-signs see Brand's Popular Antiqu. ii. 247, Gent. Mag. xl. 403, Ixiii. .Wl, Ixiv. 797. •' The term helix was applied to denote the volute of a capital, but here it seems pos- sible that the term relates to a spiral or newel-staircase. There was however, a military PUOMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 67 Cergyn, *Mjora m cekyn'. Scru- tor, rimor. Ceerchynge (cergyn, k. cerg- ynge, h. p.) Scrutinium, per- scrutacio. Ceriawnt. Indagator. Ceriawnt of mace. Apparitor, angarius, cath. Ceryn' and dryyn', as trees or herbys. Areo, marceo. Cereioavre (ceriore, k. ceriowre, p.) Scrutator, perscrutator. Ceryows. Seriositas. Certayne, or sekyr. Certus, se- curus. Certenly. Certe. Cervawnte. Servus, vernaculus. Ceruycyable (ceruysable, p.) Servilis. Ceruycyable, or redy alle waye. Obsequiosiis. Ceruyce. Servicium, ohsequium. Ceruyn'. Servio, famulor. Cessyone. Cessio. Cesterne, or cysterne. Cisterna, c. F. Cesun', or tyme. Tempus. Cesone in londe, or o]jyr go(o)d takynge. Seisina. (Cesyn, aupra in Cecyn, p.) Cesyn' (cesun, p.) or welle aray mete or drynke. Tempera. Cesun, or yeve sesenynge yn londe, or other goodys. Cesino. Cesonyd, yn tyme (cesynde in tyme, or other suche lyke, p.) Teinpestus, teinpestivus, UG. Cette, or putt. Positus. Cettyn', or puttyn' (plantyn, p.) Planto. (Cettyn, or putten, p. Pono.) Cettynge, leynge, or puttynge. Posicio, collocacio. Cettynge, or plantynge. Plan- tacio. Cetewale, herbe (cetuall, p.) Zedorium, Dice. Cethyn' mete. Coqxio, decoquo. Ceware at mete.' Depositor, dapifer, sepulator. Cevve. Sepulatum. Cewyn' (yn halle, p.) Cepulo. Cevene, numbyr. Septem. Cevyn hundryd. Septingenti. Cevyntene. Sejitemdecem. Cevyntye. Septuagitita. Ceventymes. Septies. Cexe. Sex. Cex hundryd. Sexcenti. Cexty. Sexaginta. Cextene. Sedecim. Cexteyne (cyxten, j. n.) Sa- crista, cath. Cextrye. Sacristia. engine, a variety of the testudo, used in battering walls, to which the name of the snail is given in the curious version of Vegecius, made at the bidding of Sir Thomas of Berkeley, 1408. " The gynue that is clepede the snayle or the welke, is a frame made of goode tymber, shaped square, keuerede and hillede alle a-boute wytlu^ rawe hides, or wythe feltes and heyres, for drede of brynnyng. This gynne hath wythe in hym a grete heme meuabely hangede wythe ropes, the whiche heme may wythe draughte of men wythe-in be drawe bacward, and let fle wythe his owenepais forewarde to the walle, and so astonye and shake the walle. Tiiis gynne is cleped he snaile, for righte as ho snaile hath his hous oner hym where he walkethe orrestethe, and oute of his hous he shetethc his hede whan he wolle, and drawethe hym inne a-yene, so doth this gynne." B. iv. c. xiv. Roy. MS. 18 A. XII. f. K)."). > See hereafter skware, bkw, and sewyn. 68 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Quere plura vocabnla haben- cia in prima sillahd htinc so- num C, in S litterd, ubi E sequitiir immediate S. Chace of tenys pley, or o))yr lyke. Sistencia, obstaculum, obicuhim {fifga, P-) Cacchyn' a-way (chas away, p.) Ftigo, agito, abigo, effugo. CHACYXGEa-wey. Fugacio, abac- tio, effiigacio. CiiAFFE. Palea. Chaff ARE.^ Mercimonium, mer- catum, coimnercium. Chaffaryx'. Negocior, mercor, Chafferyxge. Mercacio, mer- catns, negociacio, negocium, Chaffexette, to take byrdys. Reciaculum, comm. Caffynche, byrde (chafFynche, K.) Ftivfurio, c. f. CnAYYii%ov\niiyi\.Calefacio,frico. (Chafyn, or rubbyn, k. h. p. Frico, confrico.^ CuAFY'XGE. Confricacio. CiiAFOWRE, panne (to make hot handys, h.) Scutra, cath. Chafowre, to make whote a thynge as watur. Calefacto- rium. Chayere (chay3er, h.) Cathe' dra. Chalaunge, or cleyme (chalenge, p.)^ Vendicacio. Ciialengyn', or cle}-myn'. Ven- dico. C II AL exgyn', or vndyrtakyn'.^/?^- prehendo, deprehendo. Cii AL axgy'Nge, or vndurnemynge. Tmproperinm, vituperium, Chalys. Calix. CiiAi^KTi, supra ?'ncALKE(cals, k.) Ciialux (orclialone, k. ii.) bedde clothe. ^ TJiorale, chalo. ' Chaffare or merchandise is a word derived by Lye from the Alamanuic chauphen, emere. See Junius. Gautier de Bibelesworth says, " La lyure (a pound) sert en marchainidi/e, (chaffare) Mais le lyure (he bok) nous aprent cleryt/." Arund. MS. 220. It occurs not unfrequently in Chaucer and Gower. In 1441 a complaint was made by the King's tenants of the forest of Knaresborough, that the Archbishop of York pre- vented their coming to Ripon, " so that none might utter their caffer, wherewith to pay his (the King's) farme att tearmes accustomed." Plumpton Corrcsp. p. liv. " Chaffre, ware.'' palsg. - " Caleiif/e, dispute, contradiction, cotitcstatum." roquef. " Chalenge or cleyme." PALSG. In the \\ icliffite version, Jerem. vii. 6' is rendered, " If ye maken not fals caleng to a conielyng, and to a faderless chikl, and to a widewe." •* The distinction is here clearly made between the two significations of the verb to challenge. Thus also Cotgrave explains " Chalanyer, to claime, challenge, make title unto : also to accuse of, charge with an offence." Robert of (iloucester, Brunne, and Chaucer use the word in tlie former sense. " To chalange, vntdicare, caliniipniari. A chalange, calumpnia.^' ca'ih. angi.. " Culanger, accuser, disputrr, detnander, elrcen coutjuerance.^^ rouukk. " The tribune dredde list the iewis wolde take him bi the wale and sic him, and aftirward he myght be chalengid as he hadde take money." Wicliffite vi-rsion, Dcdis, c. 2.'i. ■• Chalo or chalnnus is exjilaincd by Ducange to be "pars supelleclilis Iccti, straguli species." In the Mon. Angl. li. 7-0, chaluns are thus mentioned, " ant pannos pictos, fjui locantii.r chaluns, loco lectistcniii." T!ie word occurs in Chaucer, Reves Talc. FROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 69 (CiiAMELL, best, K,p. Camelus.) (Champyox, or campyoii, k. p. Campio, atleta, pug'd.) (CiiAMLOT, clothe, p.) Chanelle (or canell, p.) of a strete. Canalis, aquagiinn, c. f. Chanone. Chanonicus. Chape of a schethe (sheede, k. schede, n.y Spirnla. Chapell. Cupella. Chapeleyne. Cajiellanus. Capelet (chapelet, k, h.) Ca- pellus. (Chapyttyl, k. chapytle, h. cha- petyll, p.^ Capitulum.) Chapman.^ JVegociator, merca- tor. ClIAPMANHODE. Merciltus, UG. Charcole (or charkole, p.) Carbo. CiiAKE.^ Curriis, (juadrigd, pe- torica, c. f. piletituin, c. F. bel- gigci, COMM. (y-eda, p.) Charge. Cura, onus. Ch ARGYD wythe byrdenys, or o]jyr lyke. Onnstus, oneratus. Charyawnt. Onerosus. Chargyx wythe byrdenys, or o])yr ]?\Tigys. Onero. Chargyn', or gretely sett a thynge to herte. Penso. " And in his owen chambre hem made a bedde With shetes and with clialons faire yspredde." Tyrwhitt thinks they were probably so called from having been made at Chalons. chalone, amphifapetmn." cath. angl. In an Inventory taken at the Hospital of St. " /?i Vhoro, Unum frontale de Chalonns." Edmund, Gateshead, 1325, there occurs, Wills and Invent. Surtees Society, i. 22. 1 " Chape of a knyfe, vomellus.^' cath. angl. " Chape of a shethe, bouteroUe de gayne. To chape a sword or dagger." palsg. The word is derived from the French chappe, which Cotgrave explains to be " the locket of a scabbard,'' but Skinner more correctly " vagiiKe nmcroferreus.'''' The chape of a sword was a badge assumed by the De la Warr family, in memorial of the part taken by Sir Roger de la "SVarr, at Poitiers, I35G, in the capture of John King of France, when he took possession of the royal sword. 2 " A chapitrye, capitulum." cath. angl. 3 " A chapman, 7tegociator, et cetera uhi a merchande. A chapmanry, negociacio. A chapman ware, vendibilis. To chappe, mercari, nundinari, negociari." cath. angl. " Chapman, marchant, challant.'^ palsg. Ang. S. ceapman, mercator. ^ The term chare seems to have been the earliest appellation in England, of vehicles used to convey persons of distinction. It has been derived from the Anglo-Saxon cyran, vert ere, but probably we derived both the vehicle and its appellation from France, where, as early as 1294, the use of the char had become so prevalent that it was for- bidden to the wives of citizens by an ordinance of Philipjie le Bel. A description of the rich chare prepared for the Princess of Hungary, will be found in the Squyr of low degree, Ellis's Specimens, vol. i. ; and is beautifully illustrated by an illumination ia the Louterell Psalter, executed in the reign of Edward II. See Mr. Rokewode's valu- able paper in the Vetusta Mon. vol. vi. i)late xx. A variety of representations are also given by Mr. Markland, with his remarks on the early use of carriages in England, Archseol. xx. 443. The ai)i)ellation chare continued in use in the Kith century. Horman says, " the quyene came in a chare, pilento. He came in a chare or a wagen.'* It occurs in Hall and Fabyan ; and in Strype's Memoirs, Edward VI. lo57, is men- tioned a " chair drawn by six chariot horses.'' 70 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Chargyn', rekkyn' or yeve tale ( reeky n or jeuyn tale, ii. rechen, or gyue tale, p.) Curo. Charyett, supra in chare.' Charyetter. Aurigarius, qua- drigarius, cath. redarius. Charyn a-way, supra in cac- chyn'.' Charyn, or geynecopyn' (a3en- stondyn, K.) Sisto, cath. ohsto. Charyowre, vesselle.^ Cati- niim. Charyte. Caritas. Charkyn', as a carte, or barow, or ojjyr thynge lyke.^ Arguo, UG. alii dicunt stridere. Char let, dyschemete.^ Pepo, KYLW. Charlys, propyr name. Carolus. Charme. Incantacio. Charmyd. Incantatus. Charmyd, or bygylyd, or for- spekyn. Fascinatus, cath. or for- Charmyn'. Tncanto. Charmyn', begylyn', spekyn'. Fascino. Charmynge, idem ^-moc? charme. CHARNEL,or chernel. Carnarium. Chartere. Carta. Chaaste. Castus. Chastyzed. Castigatus. Chastyzyn'. Castigo. Chastysynge. Castigacio. Chastysowre. Castigator. Chastysowre ))at beryth an instrument of chastysynge, to make pees. Castifer. Chastyte. Castitas, pudicicia. Chateryn'. Garrio. Chavylbone, or cbawlbone (chaule bone, p.)^ Mandihula. Chawmbyr, or chambyr. Ca- mera, thalamus. Chawmbyrleyne. Camerarius, cuhicularius. Chawnce, or happe. Fventus, casus. * " Basterna, est theca manualis vel iiineris, a carre, or a chareot, or horslytter." CRT. voc. In the Catholicon 5fl«^er«a is explained to be '^ veAiculus itineris, quasi vesterna, quia moUibus vestibus sternitur, et a duobus animalibus trahitur, ubi nobiles femine deferuntur.'^ " Charryet, chariot, branlant.'^ falsg. - "To chare, ubi to chase." cath. angl. A. Sax. cerran, vertere. •* " Paropsis, discus, sive vas ex omni parte habens latera equalia, a platter, or a dobler, or a charger. Lanx, laius discus, a ch&rger." ort. voc. "Charger, a great ])\atter, unff (/rant plat." palsg. " One swanne is ynoughe to fyll a charger. This fysshe fylleth a charger, namozanum applet.'^ horm. ■» Gower uses this word to express the creaking of a door, Conf. Am. lib. iv. " There is no dore, wliich maie charcke." Compare ohyrkyn, sibilo, cherkyn, or chorkyii, or fracchyn as newe cartys or plowys, strideo. Ang. Sax. cearcian, stridere. •' In the Forme of Cury, p. 27, will be found directions for making " charlet, and charlet yforced." It appears to have been a kind of omelet, sometimes compounded with minced pork. Pegge derives the term from the French cAajr. Pepo is explained, however, in the Ortus, as " herba quedam, i. melo, or mortrews, et est similis ciicur- tjite." " " A chafte, a chawylle, a chekebone, maxilla, mala, faux, mandubila, mandula, mola." CATH. angi.. " Chawe bone, machonere.^^ i>ai.s«. In the Latin-English Vocabulary, iiarl. MS. 1002, f. 140, occurs the word " brancus, a gole, or a chawle." PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 71 Chauncel. Cancellus, cath. Chaunceler. Cancellarius. CHAUNCEMELE(chavnccmely, K.)i Subtelaris, c. f. cath. Chauncepe, or schoynge home (chaucepe, p.)- ParcopoUex, CATH. Chauncerye. Cancellaria. Chawndelere.3 Cerarius,CA.'Y\i. Chawngyx'. Muto, permuto. Chawngyn', or roryn', supra in barteryn', et infra in roryn'. Chawngyxge. Mutacio, per- mutacio, commutacio. Chawngynge, or yeuynge (ro- ryng, k. h. roringe, p.) oone thinge for a-nothere.^ Cambium, Dice. Chawniore of money (chaungere, p.) Camhitor, camsor (camp- sor, p.) trapezeta. Dice. Chawnterye. Cantaria. Chawntynge.^ Discantus, can- tus organicus. Ciiavvnton'. Discanto, organiso. Chawntowre. Cantor. Cawepys, or chavepys, or stran- gury, sekenesse. Stranguria. Chep, or hap (chefe, p.) For- tuna, eventiis. Chefe, or princypale. Precipuus. Chek. Scactifactio , scaccatus. ^ " Subtelaris, vnder the liele." ort. voc. A similar explanation is given in the Catholicon, with this addition, " Sot ular autem vel sotularis nihil aliud est, ut dicit Magister Bene, sed aliqui contrarium dicunt.'' • The Catholicon gives the following explanation, " Parcopollex, i. tramelhim," which is properly a thimble : chauncepe appears to be a corniption of the French chaxissepied. 3 Of the office of the chandeler in the household of a great lord, see the curious poem appended to the Boke of Curtasye, written about the time of Henrv VI, Sloane MS. 1986, f. 46, b. " Now speke I wylle a lytuUe whyle Of the chandeler wyth-outen gyle, That torches and tortes and preketes con make, Perchours, smale condel, I vndertake." Chandler signified not only the maker of candles, but the candlestick, from the French ctiandelier. Thus in the Legenda Aurea mention occurs of a " chaundeler or candyl- stycke," f. vii. b. See above candelere, and the word chandler in Jamieson. * See hereafter rooryn or chaungyn on chaffare for another, cambio. •'• It has been stated that the usage of chanting in the English churches was intro- duced by Osmund, Bishop of Sarum, 1090; but we learn from Bede that Benedict, Abbot of Weremouth, brought Abbot John, the arch-chanter, from Rome to this country, about A.D. 678, at which j)eriod Archbishop Theodoric, a Greek by birth, made a visitation of tlie whole island, and caused instruction to be given in the art " sonos cantandi in ecctesin,^' until then known only in Kent. Bede states even that at an earlier period in the same century Paulinas left at York James the Deacon, who was '^ cantandi in ecclesid peritissimus,'' and who "magister ecclesiasiice cantionis jiuta morern Romanorum, sen Cantuarioriim inultis cffpit e.ristere." Bede, lib. ii. 40. See also lib. iv. 3, and v. 20, and the appendix, edit, by Smith, p. 719. The most impor- tant treatises on the subject of Church Music are those of St. Nicetus in the Vlth cen- tury, and Aurelian in the IXth, subsequent to the great change introduced by St. Gregory. A curious notice of the ancient system of notation has been given among the "Instructions du Comite Historiqtte. Collection de documents int^dits." 18.^9. Chanting or " deschaunt " was among the practices violently opposed by Wickliffe, as was all Church-melody by the innovators of a later period. 72 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Cheke. MajciUa,fans,gena, main. Chekebone, supra in chavylbone. CiiEKEXVD, or qwerkenyd (chowk- ed 01* querkened, p.) Suffbca- tus, strangulatus. Ciiekenynge (chowkinge, p.) or qwerkenynge. Stiffocacio. Ciiekyn', or qwerchyn' (querken, p.) Suffoco. Chekkyn' (checken, p.) Scacti- Jico, KYLW. Chekkynge (checkj nge, p.) Scac- catus, supra. CiiEKYR. Scaccarium. Chekrye, as clo))ys and ojjyr thynge (chekered, p.) Scacca- riatus. Chekyr, tabulle. Scaccarium, stipadium, cath. Chelynge, fysche.' CnEYXE(chene, p.) Cathena,hoia. Cheynyn', or put yn cheynys. Catheno. Cheep (chep or pryse, k. cliepe, p.) Precium. Chepyn'.^ Licitor, UG. in liceo, prepalmito. Chepynge, or barganynge. Li- citacio, stipulacio. Cheeue. Vultus. Chery, or chery frute. Cerasutn. Cheristone. Petrilla, cerpeta {ceripetra, p.) Ciierytre. Cerasus. Ciieryn', or make good chere. Hillaro, cvhiUaro, letijico. Cherelle, or charle (churle or carle, p.) Rusticus, rustica- nus. Cherlyciie or charlysche (chur- lisshe, p.) Riisticalis, (Cherlichly, k. cherlyschely, h. churlisshly, p. Rusiicaliter.) CiiERLYCHE, or charlyche preste (churlisshe prest, p.)* ^go, CATH. vel eco, c. f. ^ " A kelynge, moms, piscis est.'^ cath. angl. " Morus, quidam piscis, a hadok, a kelynge, or a codlynge." ort. voc. At the inthronization feast of Abp. Nevill, 14G4, there was served " Kelyng, codlyng, and hadocke boyled." Leland Coll. vi. 6. Ac- cording to Hay, the keeling is the same as the cod-fish. 2 " To chepe, Harare. Che-pe, precium.'" oath. angl. In Caxton's Boke for Tra- vellers a servant who is sent to market is thus directed, " So chepe for us of the ve- nyson, si nous hargaiijney Palsgrave gives the verb " To bargen, chepe, bye and sell, marchander. Go cheape a cappe for me, and I wyll come anone and bye it." Ang. Sax. ceapian, negotiari. The following use of the substantive occurs in the Will of .Sir John Lumley, 1420, " 1 wille hat my brothre William haue he landes and rentys bettir chepe \>en any othir man, by a reasonable some.'' Wills published by the Surtees Society, i. 63. Caxton in the Boke for Travellers says, " he byeth in tyme and at hour, so that he hath not of the dere chepe, du chier marchiet .'''' 3 " Ut dicit I'apias, Eyones sunt sacerdotes rusdci." cath. In the Glossary of St. Isidore of Seville, who lived in the Vllth century, occur " Econes, sacerdotes riistici. Eyones, sacerdotes rusticorum.'''' The compiler of the Promptorium was a Friar- Preacher, and the insertion of this word may possibly be attributed to the contentious feeling which subsisted between the monastic orders and the secular clergy. Tlie illi- terate condition, however, of the rural or " uplandish " clergy brought them generally into contem])t, and occasioned their receiving the nick-name *' Sir John," and other apj)ellationH of invidious obloquy. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUNf. 73 Chersydde (cheryschyd, h. cherisshed, p.) Fotus, nutritus. Chersyn'.' Foveo. Chersynge (cherschyng, ii. che- risshinge, p.) Focio, nutricio. Chervell, herbe. Cerifolmm, apium risns. Cherwyn', or tetyn' (chervyn or fretj'n, h. cheruen or freten, p.) Torqueo, cath. Chervynge, or fretynge in J)e wombe. Torcio, c. F. Chese. Caseus. Chesse.^ Scaccarium. CHESTiSOLi.E.^Fapaver,tadia,c.F. Chesekake. Ortacius, ortoca- turia, UG. in tigro (cirtocaseus, artocira, p.) Chesefatte. Casearium^fiscina. Chesyn'. Eligo. Chesyn', or cullyn' owte. Elicio. Chesynge, or choyse. Electlo. Chesypylle (chesible, p.)' Ca- sula. Castany, fruto or tre, idem. (chesteyne, p.) Castanea. Cheste. Cista. Cues UN, or cawse (chesen, p.)' Causa (^occasio, p.) Chete for the lorde. Caducum, c. F. conjiscarimn, Jisca. Chetyn'. ConJiscor,Jisco, UG. Chetynge. Conjiscacio. Ciietowre. Confiscatory cadu- carius, cath. Cheuerelle, leddare (cheueler lether, p.)*^ Cheuetun, or ledar, or capteyn' (chefteyne, p.) Capecerius, capitaneus, stratiles, c. f. Chevyn', or thryvyn'J Vigeo. Chew mete. Mastico. 1 "To cherische or dawnte, blanditractare.'^ cath. ang. 2 See above chekyr. 3 Papiever, MS. " A chesse bolle, papaver, cinolus." cath. ang. The Promp- torium gives also chybolle, cinoUus. " Pajyaver est herha somnifera, anglice a che- bole." ORT. voc. " Cheese ho-m\s,flores papaveris hort. ashniUtudine aliqud vasculorum caseaceorum sic dicti.^' skinner. See the words Chasbol and Chesbow in Jamieson. •• " A chesabylle, casula, infula, planeta." cath. ang. " Casula, a chesuble." ORTUS. At the Reformation there was still preserved at Canterbury among the vest- ments supposed to have been sent by St. Gregory to Augustine AD. GOl, "casula oloserica purpurei colons awed texturd, et lapidibus superius a parte posteriori oniala.^' Bade, App. p. 691. 6 The Latin-English Vocabulary, Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. gives in relation to suits at law, ^' Cansa, occasio, pretejrtus, cheson.^' See hereafter enchesone, or cause. ^' Acheison, encheison, occasion heiirertse, plainte, querelle.'" ROauEF. In low Latia " acheso, occasio, lis contra jus intentata." duc. *• In Sloan. MS. 7.5, f. 211, will be found directions " for to make cheuerel lether of perchemyne," by means of a solution of alum mixed with yolks of eggs and flour ; and also " to mak of whit cheuerel, reed cheuerell," the colour being given by a compound of brazil. " Cheuerell lether, c//et'ero/J«." palsg. ' The verb to cheve is used by R. Gloucester and R. Brunne, and likewise in Piers Ploughman, " The poore is but feble. And if he chide or chatrc, Hym cheveth the worse." Vision, line 9375. CAiMU. ,S()C. 74 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Chevvynge of metys or o]jer ]jynngys. Mastkacio. Chew the cood, of bestys (as bestis done whan the rest, p.) JRumino. CiiEVESAUXCE.' Providencia. Chevystyn', or purveyn' (chevy- schen, h. cheuesshen, p.)'' Pro- video. CHYBOLi,E,herbe.Cwo^/M*, KYLW. Chekyn'. PuUus. Ch(ek)yn' wede, herbe (cheken- wede, p.)^ Hospia, vel hospia major, et minor dicitur oculus Christi, morsris gaUine (Jiispia, Chydar. Intentor (^contentor, p.) litigator. Chydyn', or flytyn'.* Contendo, CATH. litigo. Chydynge. Contendo., Jitigacio. Chykkyx, as corne, orspyryn, or sp(r)owtyn.''^jPM/<7o {pupnlo, p.) Chykkyn', as hennys byrdys (chycke, as henne byrdes, p.) Pipio, pululo. (Chickyng, or spyryng of corne, K. sprowtinge of corne, p. Ger- minacio, pululatus, pululacio.) Chykkynge, or wyppynge of yonge byrdys (chickyng or jip- pyng of bryddys, K. H. yepphige, P.) Pupulutus, KYLW. jmpu- lacio. Chylander, or chylawndur.* Chi/ndrus (^chillindrus, K. p.) Chylde. Puer, infans. Chylde, whyle hytcan not speke. Proles, soboles. Chylde bedde, or women whan )-ey haue chyldryn' (childyng or bringyng forthe of childryn, K. H.)" Decubie, c. f. puer- perium. Chyldehodde. Infancia, pue- ricia. Chyyldyn', or bryngyn' furthe chylde.® Pario. Roquefort gives " Chevir, agir, posseder, jotiir, en has lat. cheviare." " To cheve, brynge to an ende, anc/iieuer.^' palsg. ' This word is used by Piers Ploughman, Chaucer, and Gower. " Schift, cheue- saunce, cheuesance.'^ palsg. 2 In tlie Legenda Aurea, f. 64, b. it is related of Becket, " and the nexte nyglit after he departed in thabyte of a brother of Sympryngham, and so cheuyssed y' he wente ouer see." Fat)yan states that Ilufus said of the Earl of Poytiers, " 1 woU assaye to haue hys Rrldom in morgage, for welle I knowe be must cbeuycbe for money to per- fourme tliat journey " (to Jerusalem). 3 " Cliekynwede, herbe, movron." palsg. In Norfolk the ahine media according to Forby is called Chickensmeat. Ang. Sax. cicena mete, alsine. klfric. * See hereafter flvtin, or chydin. The Cath. Ang. gives "To cbyde, litigare, certare, fit cetera ubi to flyte." '' To chick signifies still in Norfolk and Suflfolk to germinate, as seeds in the earth or leaves from the hud. forhy. ® L'hiliiidrtis, in French chilandre, palsg. was a name of Greek derivation, applied to some venomous kind of water-serpent. " The Etiglisli gloss on Gautier de Bibelesworth explains " gysine, childiiig." " There was a woman witli chylde grete vpon her delyueraunce, and at y' tyme of chyldynge she myght not be dejyuercd." Leg. Aurea. " Partus, jmerperium, chyldyng." Vocab. Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. * " To childe, parturire, eniti,fetare, parere. Femina vult parere, sed non wit ilia PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUAl. 75 Chyldynge, or woman wythe chylde.' Pregnans. Chyldys belle. Bulla, brit. c. F. nola. CH\LDYSCAPPE.Calamaciiim,VG. Chylle, herbe. Cilium vel psil- lium. Chyllyn', or (foi-, p.) colde. Frigucio. Chyllynge of tethe or oJ)er lyke. Frigidor, cath. Ch(y)mme belle (chyme, h. p.) Cimbalum. CHYMYN',or chenken' wythe bellys (cljTike bell, p.) Tintillo. (Chymer, k. h. p. Abella, K. obella, H. p.) Chymerynge, or chyuerynge, or dyderynge. Frigutus. CiiYMNEY. Fumariuin. cath. ca- minus, epicaustorium. Chyn'. Mentum. CiiYNCHYN, or sparyn' mekylle (chinking-e or to mekyl sparyn, H.) Perparco, cath. C H YNCH YR,or chynchare(chynche, H. p.)- Perparcus, cath. Chyncery (chmchcrye, p.) or scar(s)nesse. Parcimonia. Chyne, of bestys bakke. Spina. Chyngyl, or chyngle, bordys for helyngys of howsys (shingill, howsehillinge, p )^ Sindula. Chyppe. Quisquilie, ug. cath. assula, UG. c. f. astula. Chyppynge of ledyr, or clothe, or other lyke. Succidia, ug. in cedo, presigmen, c. f. Chyrche. Ecclesia (basilica, p.) Chyrchejarde (churcheyerde, p.) ' Cimitorium Q)oIiandrum,p.y Chyrcheholy.* Encomia, in plur. C hyrchyn, or puryfyen'. Pm>'J/?co. parere.^' cath. ang. The Wicliffite version renders Levit. xii. 2, "If a womaa childil> a knaue child, sche schal be vncleene hi vii daies." Cott. MS. Claud. E. ii. 1 Ang. Sax. cildiung-wif, a child-bearing woman. ^ " A chinche, tenajc, (Sj'c. ubi cowatus. Chinchery, tenacitas, ^'c. ubi cowatyse." CATH. ANG. " Tenax, a toughe balder, or chinche." med. Chaucer says in the Tale of Melibeus, " men blamen an avaricious man, because of his scarcitee and chincherie." " Bothe he was scars and chinche." Sevyn Sages, 1244. R. Wimbeldon said in his Sermon at Paul's Cross, A.D. Li89, " forsoth wete ye, that euerych auouterer, or vncleane man, that is gloton, other chynch, shal neuer haue heritage in the realme of Christ and of God." Fox, Acts and Mon. The word is occa- sionally written chiche, as by Chaucer, Rom. of R. In French, " chice, mes'juin ; chichete, avarice, viletiie." roquef. 8 Shingles of wood, a covering both light and durable, were probably still, at the time the Promptorium was compiled, in very general use for rooting houses, although the regulations for the dimension of the various kinds of tiles are a proof of their being likewise employed to a considerable extent. See Stat. 17 Edw. IV. c. 4. A.D, 1477. The term seems derived from the French eschandole, or Latin srindula, and is occasionally written shindies. See Holland's Pliny, B. xvi. c. 10. Piers Ploughmaa terms Noah's ark a " shynglcde shup,'' an expression that seems to bear some analogy to the Ang. Sax. scide-weall, miiritti tie scimhdis congestns. klfric. See schvngyl. ^ In the Seuyn Sages, line 2fa''2.T, the chirehe-hawe is spoken of, Ang. Snx. haj;>i, ayellus, or hej;e, septum. In Cath. Ang. it is termed " akyrke-garthe." Ang. Sax. jeard. i:epe3. * " Enieiiia dicuniiir nova/esta, vel dedicationes ecclesiamm." ortus. Ang. Sax. cyric-halgung, church hallowing. 76 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Chyrkyn'.^ Sibilo. Cherkyn', or chorkyn', or frac- chyn', as newe cartys or plowys.'^ Strideo. Chyrkynge. Sibilatus. CHYRNE,vesselle. Cimhia, cumhia. Chyrne botyr. Cumo. Chyrnynge.^ Cumbiacio. C(n)YRPYNGE, or claterynge of byrdys (chirkinge or chateringe, p.)' Garritus. Chysel, instrument. Celtis. grauel.5 Acerua Chysel, or {arena, p.) sabulum. (Chyst, supra in chest, p.) Chyteryn' as byrdys, supra in CHATERYNGE. C h Y T Y R L Y N G K.^ jScrufellum, scru- tum, KYLW. Chyualry, or knyghtehoode. Mi- licia. Chyveryn', supra in chyllyn'. (Chyueryng, or qwakyng for coXAyStipra in chyraeryng, h.p.)' 1 " And kisseth hire swete, aud chirketh as a sparwe with his lippes." Sompnoures Tale. " To chyrke, make a noyse as myse do in a house." palsg. 2 See ahove charkyn, as a carte. Ang. Sax. cearcian, stridere. Chaucer uses the term to express generally a disagreeable sound. " All full of chirking was that sory place." Knightes Tale. 3 ChYRRYNGE, MS. 4 Thomas, in his Italian Gramm. 1548, gives " Buffa, the dispisyng blaste of the mouthe that we call shir|)ing." * The Latin-English Vocabulary, Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. gives " arewa, gravvell, sabulum, sande, glaria, chesylle, " f. 37, and again, f. 56. " nomina lapidum, glaria, chesylle." The etymology of the name Chesil Bank, in Dorsetshire, a singular bank of pebbles, which extends nearly seven miles S.E. from Abbots- bury, and abuts at C'hesilton on the isle of Portland, is here clearly ascertained. See prefixed to llolinshed's Chron. the description of the Chesill, by Harrison, Descr. of Erit. J). hH. Harrison speaks also of the Chesill at Seaton in Devonshire, where he says " the mouth of the Axe is closed by a mighlie bar of pibble stones,'' p. 59, and copies the account given by Leland, Itin. iii. f. 42, "the men of Seton began of late day to stake and make a mayne wauUe withyn the Haven — and ther to have trenchid thorough the chisille, and to have let out the Ax, and receyvid in the mayn se. But this purpose cam not to effect. Me thought that nature most wrought to trench the chisil hard to Seton Town, and ther to let in the se." In this instance the term chisel seems to accord with the explanation given in the Medulla, " Glarea, aryilla, vel primuin lajjitlps rjuos aqua fluviatilis irahit." llarl. MS. '2'Jr)7. It implies, however, in a more general sense the pebbles on the sliore ; thus in the Coventry Mysteries, p. 56, is the following paraphrase of Genes, xxii. 17. " As sond in the see dothe ebbe and flowe, Hath cheselys many unnumerable." In the WiclifF.te version this passage is rendered " gravel which is in he brink of J>e see." Aug. Sax. ceosel, glarea, sabuhim. Teut. kesel. In Norfolk chizzly signifies dry and harsh under the teeth, whicti Forby derives from Teut. kiesele, gluma. The Latin-Englisli Vorabuhuy, Harl. i\lS. 1002, f. 147, gives among " perlinencia pistrine, Cantabrurn, ouglict: cliycelle." ^ " Chiterlynge, hilla." cath. ang. " Cliyterling, endoile." pai.sg. Horman says, " let us have trypis, chetterlyngis, and tryllybubbys ynough, svjipedita aulicoctia ad na/ietatem.'^ Skinner derives the word from Teut. kutteln, inlestina. 7 Chaucer writes in the Blake Knyght, " I chiver for defaut of hete,'' and Gower PKOMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 77 Choyse. Electio. Chosun. Electiis. Chowen, supra in chewen. Chowynge (or chewynge, p.) Mastlcacio. Choffe, or chiifFo, charle, or chutt (chufFe, cherl or chatte, ii. cliel, or chaffe, supra in carle, p.)' Rusticus, supra. Chorlysche, or carlysche. Riis- ticanus, rusticacio, Cybbe, or kjTi, or lye (akyn, h. of kyn, p,)^ Affinis. Cybrede. Banna, in plur. c. f. Cyyd, as clothys J)at be thredbare (cyd, ii.y Talaris. Cyyde ofamann, or beste. Latus. Cyftyn'. Cribro. Cyftynge. Cribracio. Cythe. Quere in S literd. Cyynge downe, or swownynge (cygliinge or swonynge downe, p.) Sincojiacio. Cykylle. Fassilla, vel fassicula (Jet Icilla, falcicula, fa Ix, p.) Cykyr, fro harme. Securus, tuftis. Cykyr or (of, p.) sothefastenesse. Certiis. Cykyrly. Tute. Cykyrnesse. Secnritas. Cyllable. Sillaba. Cylke. Sericum {serica, p.) Cylke worme. Bombex, c. f. Cylke woman. Bevacuatrix (aurisceca, P.) Cylte, soonde. Ghnea, c. f. Cyluer. Argentum. Cyllowre (cylere, p.)' Gla- tura (^celatura, p.) Cyluerde (cyluryd, h. cylered, p.) Celutus. (CiLUERYN, K. H. P. Avgento.') Cymnel, brede.'' Artocopus. Cympylle. Simplex. Cympylxesse. Simplicitas. Cym, propyr name (Cymund, h.p.) Simon. Chynchoxe, herbe (cynchone, H. P.7 Ceneceon, camadroos.^ uses the verb to chever. " Chyueryng as one dothe for colde in an axes, or otherwise, frillenx.''' palsg. ' Chuffy, as Forby observes, does not in Norfolk now signify clownish, but merely fat and fleshy, particularly in the cheeks. French, jo(/^«. Palsgrave gives " chuffe, iof/Jfe," which is ex])lained by Cotgrave as " a swollen or swelling cheek ; BouffS, putfed, blown." '•^ See hereafter sybbe and sybrede. ^ See hereafter syyd, as clothys. Talaris. This term, which is retained in Norfolk, implies commonly merely the length of a garment, " syde as a gowne, defliixus." cath. ANG. from Ang. Sax. sid, anijiltcs, latt(s. The reason of its special application here to clothes that are threadbare is not apparent, unless it were, that garments in such con- dition, losing the swelling folds that new stuffs would form, and hanging close to the sides, give the figure a lengthy and lean appearance. ■• See hereafter syy'nge downe. * See CEELYN with syllure, and hereafter sy'lure of valle, and selyn. Cotgrave gives " Draperie, a flourishing with leaves and flowers in wood or stone, used especially on the heads of pillers, and tearmed by our workmen drapery or rilery." '"' See BREDE twyss bakyn as krakenelle, or symnel, and hereafter symnel. 7 In a curious MS. herbal of the XVth century, in the possession of Hugh Diamond, Esq. the virtues of this plant are detailed. " Grondeswyle, we clepen in latin seneceoii," p. Gl. It was used as a plaster for " bolnyngs " and sores, " hit wole staunce )'e hoote fotagre, and alle inauere greues of he leggys." By most leeches it was thought dau- 78 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Cyndvr of jje smythys fyre. Casuma, c. f. cochiron, Ric. Cyne of (or, p.) a tokyn'. Signum. Cynamum. Cijnamomum. Cynamum, tre. Sinamus, vel sinamomicus, cath. Cynne, Peccatum, piaculum, crimen. Cyxfulle. Criminosus, peccosus. Cynfully. Criminose. Cynnyn'. Pecco. Cynnynge. Peccamen. Cyngyn'. Cano, canto, psallo. Cyngynge, or (of, p.) songe. Cantus. Cyngynge of masse (messys, p.) CeJebracio. (Cynke of a lawere, p.' Mei'gulus.) Cynkyn'. Mergo, submergo. Cynkynge. Dimersio, suhmercio. Cynter or masunrv (cyyut of masonrye, p.) Cintorium. Cynew, or cenu, of armys, or leggys (cynows, p.) Nervus. Cyppyn', or drynkyn'lytylle. Bi- bito, subbibo, cath. Cyppynge, of drynke. Subbibi- tiira, CATii. in bibo. Cypresse, tre. Cipressus. Cyrcumsycyon'. Circumsicio. Cyyr (eyre, or syr, p.) Dominus, erus. Cysmatyke. Cismaticus, cis- matica. Cysowre. Forpex. Cystyr, by ]je faderys syde oonly. Soror, cath. Cystyr, by J>e modurys syde. Germana. (Cyte, p.) Civitas, urbs. Cytezeyne (cytesyn, p.) Cives (jirbanita^ P.) Cytyr, tre.^ Citrus. Cyttyn'. Sedeo. Cyttynge. Sessio, sedile. (Cyttinge place, or cete, p. Sedile, sedes.) Cyve, (or eifte, p.) for come clansynge. Cribrum, cribellum. Cyve, for mele. Furfuraculum, c. F. Cyuedys, of mele, or brynne (cy- uedus, w.) Furfur, cantabi^um, CATH. C YVER, or maker of sevys (cyvyer, H. maker of cyues, p.) Cri- brarius. Cyvys, herbe (cyues, p.) gerous to use it internally, although so recommended by Pliny; however, "his erbe algreene, if it be dipped in vy negre, and so y ete — wole abate J>e fretyng of J>e wombe ;" and the touch of the root was accounted a specific for the tooth ache. ' The drain of a lavatory seems to be here alluded to, such as that with which the lavacrum or piscina on the south side of the altar was invariably supplied, which allowed the water that had served for washing the sacred vessels, and for the ablutions during the service of the altar, to sink into the earth : or generally in reference to such provisions for cleanliness as are to be observed in most monastic establishments, as especially the lavatories in the cloisters at Chester and Worcester Cathedrals. Mer- ffulus, however, usually signifies the sink of a lamp, wherein the wick was placed. '^ The citron was probably introduced into Europe with the orange by the Arab con- querors of Spain, and first received in England from that country. By a MS. in the Tower it appears that in 1SJ90, 18 Edw. I. a large Spanish sliip came to Portsmouth, and that from her cargo Queen Eleanor purchased Seville figs, dates, pomegranates, 15 citrons, and 7 poma de orenge. Sec the introduction to the valuable volume on House- hold Expenses in England, prcdented to the Roxburghe Club, by B. Botfield, Esq. p. xlviii. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 79 Cyvn' of a tre. Surculus, vitu- lamen, cath. Cyyd, (cyued, p.) or cythyd and clensyd, as mylke, or o))er lyke (licoure, p.)' Cola t us. Cvftyn' (cyuyn, p.) or clensyn'. Colo, CATH. Cythynge (cyynge, h. cyuynge, p.) or clensynge. Colatura. Quere plura vocabula similem sonum istis habencia in 8 literd, ubi I vel Y sequitur hanc literam S immediate. Cladde, or clothydde. Vestitus, indutus. Clam', or cleymows (gleymous, K. H. p.)^ Glutinonus, vis- cosus. Clameryn' (or crepyn, p.)Repto. Clamerynge, 01 clymynge. jRep- cio, repfura (^reptacio, k.) Clappe, or grete dynne (dynt, p.)' StrepituSyfrangor. Clapparre (clat, h. j. clappe, p.) Percussorium. Clappe, or clakke of a mylle (clat, H. clatte, p.) Taratan- tara, UG. in fardo, cath. ba- tillus. Dice. c. F. (CLAPYRof abell, K. H. p. Ba- tillus, c. F. Dice.) Clappyn', or knokkyii'. Pnlso. Clappyn' hondys to-gedyr for iov, or for sorowe. Complodo, c. f. (Clappynge, H. p. Percussio.) Clappynge, or clynkynge of a belle. Tlntillacio. Claret of a tunne (cleret, p.) Ductilium. Claret, or cleret, as wyne. Se- miclarus. Claret, wyne (clarey, K. clarry, p.)' Claret um. Claryfyyn'. Clarijico. Claryn' wythe a claryone (clary- yn, K. p.) Clango. 1 " Colum, a mylke syhe, or a clansynge syfe." med. See hereafter syynge, or clensynge. '^ " Clammy, as breed is not through baken, pasteru:.^'' palsg. See hereafter gi.ey- Mows or lymows. In Norfolk meat over-kept is said to have got a clam ; and to clam signifies to stick together by viscid matter, forby. Ang. Sax. clam, iufum, claemian, linera. 3 " They that serche the ende of a mannys lyfe by nygrymanciars be payed at a clappe, clade invo/vutitur." horm. * The French term clai-e seems simply to have denoted a clear transparent wine, but in its most usual sense a compounded drink of wine with honey and spices, so delicious as to be comparable to the nectar of the Gods. " For of the Goddes the vsage is, That who so him forsweareth amis, Shall that yeere drinke no clarre." Chaucer, Rom. of Rose. In the original Romance pigment, clari, and rin paree are named together, and in the Merchant's Tale Januaric is said to indulge in consoling spiced drinks, " Ipocras, clareie and vernage.'' Barth. Anglicus gives a description of the mode of compounding claret, lib. 19, de propriet. rerum, c. ."iG ; and recipes '' ad faciendum claretuni" occur in Sloan. MSS. 1986', f. 14, b. and 3r)48, f. 105. The following directions are found in Sloan. MS. 2.584, f. 173. "To make Clarre. Take a galoun of honi, and skome it wel, and loke whanne it is i soden )'at her be a galoun ; hanne take viii galouns of red wyn, l>an take a pounde of pouder canel, and half a pounde of pouder gynger, and a quarter of a pounde of pouder peper, and medle alle )>ese J'ynges to geder, and he wyn ; 80 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Clarine, trumpett (claryon trumpe, P.)* Lituus, sistrum, c. F. Claryowre, or clarenere (clario- nei-e, K. h. p.) Liticen, beUicrepa. Claw, or cle of a beste. Ungida. Clawyn', or cracchyn' (scratche, v.^ ScaIpo,scratOygrado,CATU. Clawynge. Scalpifacio. Clawse, or poynte (or clos, p.) Clausula (jclausa, p.) Clavsure, or clos (clawser, p.)^ Clausura. Cley. Argilla, gUs. CLEYSTAFFE(cleykestafFe,K.H.P.)^ Camhusca (cambuca, c. F. H. p.) Cleyme, or chalaunge. Vendi- cacio, clameum. Cleymare. Vendicator. Cleymyn, supra in ch alengyn'. Cleymynge, supra in cleyme. Cleypytte. Argillarium, c. f. Clenchydde (clenched, p.) Re- tusus, repansus, cath. Clenchyn'. Retundo, repando, CATH. Clenchyn' a-5en' (inwraw speche, K.) or chaueryn' 3-3611', for prowde herte.'' Obgarrio, cath. Clenchynge. /?6^«nc»o,repan«o. Clene.^ ^fundus, puriis. Clennesse. Mundicia, puritas. C LENS YD, as lycoure (or tryid, K. syyd, H. fyed, p.) supra in CYEDD. Clensyd, or made cleene. Mun- datus (jpurijicatus, p.) and do hym in a clene barelle, and stoppe it fast, and roUe it wel ofte si^es, as men don verious, iii dayes." Palsgrave gives " Clarry wyne, clere.'^ In Norfolk at the pre- sent time any kind of foreign red wine is called claret. ' " Clarine, c/ero«.'' palsg. Horman says that "a trumpette is streyght, but a clarion is wounde in and out with an hope." This instrument received its name from its shrill sounds : it was called in low Latin clario, and Knyghton mentions " clarriones et tuba-,'' as sounding the onset at Cressy, and speaks of them also in his account of the siege of Paris, by Edward III. A.D. 13G0. 2 The verb to scratch, derived by Junius from the Danish, kj-atse, or the Flemish, kratsen, was formerly written cracche : see hereafter cracchyn. Chaucer speaks of " cratchingeof chekes," and Piers Ploughman says, " Al the clergie under Crist Ne myghte me cracche fro helle. But oonliche love and leautee." Vision, G86G. 3 This term is derived from the Latin, or more directly, perhaps, from the French, " closier, petit clos fenn6 de fiaies." iiouuef. Horman says, "these byrdis muste be kepte in with a rayle, or a closer latis wyse, clathro," See closere of bokys or oher lyke. 4 Camhuca is rendered in the Medulla Grammatice, " a buschoppys cros, oracrokid staf." See hereafter croce of a byschope. The term cley-staffe seems to be taken from the similarity of the head of the pastoral staff, in its simjilest form, resembling the ancient lituus, to the claw of an animal, which here, as by Gower, is written cle. " Cley of a beste, ungula.^' catu. ang. Li Norfolk the pronunciation cleyes is still retained. ■'' Chaueryn may be here the same as charyn, or gcynecopyn, which occurs pre- viously. " Clean formerly signified, not merely external, but also intrinsic purity. " He gave a senser, and a shyp of clcnc syluer, aryento puro.^' iiorm. PROMPTOniUM PARVULORUM. 81 Clensyn', or make clene. Mundo, puri/ico (^purgo, depuro, K. p.) Clensyn', supra in cyftyn'. {Colo, p.) Clensynge, or powregynge (pur- chinge, p.) Purificacio. (Clensynge, or cyyinge, h. cif- tinge, p. Colatura.) Clenzon', or declenson' (clensen, p.) Declinacio. Clepyn', (or callyn, k.)' Voco. Clepyn' be name. Nuncupor, nuncupo. Clepyn' a-jene (ageyne, p.) Re- voco. Clepyn' yn to a place. Invoco. Clepyn owte. Evoco. Clepyn' to-gedyr. Convoco. Clepe to mete. Invito. Clepynge, or callynge. Vocacio. Cleppyn', or clynchyn'(clippyn or clynkyn, p.) Tinnio, UG. (Clepyng, k. cleppynge, or clyn- gyiige of a bell, h. clinkinge, p. Tintillacio.) Clere, as wedur ys, bryghte (or brygth, k.) Clarus, serenus. Clere, as watur, or ojjer licour. Limpidus, perspicuus. Clere of wytt, and vndyrstond- y(n)ge. Perspicax, c. f. Clergy, or cumpany, or (of, p.) clerkys.'^ Clerus, clericatus, clerhnonia. (Clerge, or conyng of ofFyce of clerkys, k. clergie, or office of clerkes, ii. clergie of office, p.* Clericatus.^ (Clergyse, k. p. Clerimonia.) Cleryn', or wex (clere or, p.) bryghte, as wedur. Sereno, cla- reo. Cleryn' fro drestys. Desicco {dejico, K. p. CATH.) Cleryn', or make clere a thynge })at ys vnknowe (was vnknowen, p.) Clarifico, manifesto. Clerke. Clericus. Clerke of cowntys (a cownt, p.) Competista. Clerkely. Clericaliter. Clerely. Clare (jperspicue, p.) Clerenesse. Claritas, perspi- cacitas. Clerenesse of wedyr. Sere' nitas. Clyte, or clote, or vegge (clete or wegge, k.) Cuneus, c. F. Clyffe, or an hylle (clefe of an hyll, p.) Declivum. Clyff, clyft, or ryfte.' Sisstira, rima. 1 The verb to clepe is commonly used by Robert of Gloucester, Chaucer, Gower, and other ancient writers ; but as early as the commencement of the XVIth century it ap- pears to have become obsolete, for Palsgrave gives " I clepe or call, je huysche. This terme is farre Northern." Ang. S. cleopian, clamare. Forby gives the word as still in use in Norfolk, 2 " A clerge, clerus, clerimonia." cath. ang. 3 The word clergy, signifying erudition suitable to the office, in the sense given to the word in the King's Coll. MS. of the Prouiptorium, is thus used also in Piers Plough- man's Vision, *' I asked hir the liigh way where that clergie dwelt." See the word clargie, in Jamieson. " Cleryie, science, litlerature, savoir." roquef. 4 Clift occurs in the gloss on Gautier de Bibelesworth, to denote what is termed the fork of the human figure, in the following passage, Arund. MS. :2'J0. CAMD. SOC. M 82 PROIvrPTORlUM PAUVULORUM. Clykett.' Cliiorium, clavicula, CATH. Clymare. Scansor. Clymyn'. Scando. Clymynge. Scansio. Clyxgyx', or styrkyn' (shrynke, p.) Rigeo, C. F. CATH. Clynyn', or declynyn'. DecUno, CATH. (vario, p.) (Clyne, or bowe downe, p. Declino, inclino.^ Clynkyn, svpra in clyppyn' (clynkyn, sxtpra w chymyn, k.) Clynkyxge of a bell, stipra in clappynge (chiigkjaige, k.) Clyppare. Tonsor, tonsatrix. Clyppyn'. Tondeo. Clyppynge.^ Tonsura. Clyppyce of J)e sonne or money (clypse, K. p.)3 EcUpsis. C L Y V Yx' or parte a-sundyr, a(s) men doone woode. Findo (scindo, p.) Clyuyxge, or departynge (cleu- jTige, p.) Scinsura (fissura, p.) (Clyue, or ryue by the selfe, p.* Rimo, risco.) (Cliuyn to, K. cleve to, p. Ad- hereo.^ Clyuynge to, or fastenynge to a )5ynge (cleujTige, p.) Adhesio. Clokerre, or belfray supva (clo- cherre or belief rey, K. clocher, p. clocke hous, w."" Ccnnpanile, K. classicum, p.) " Quisses (l^ejes) 7iaffes (bottokes) one la fourcheure (l>e clift) Fount graunt eyse ptir chiuauchure (vor ridinge). " Clough, a deep fissure or ravine, is a name still retained at Lynn, at a spot described by Forby. Ang. Sax. c\onf^\\,fis,stn'a ad montis clivum. See also cleucli and cleugh in Jamieson, and Brockett's Northern words. ' " A clekett, c/atus." cath. ang. " Clyket of a dore, clicquef/e.^' palsg. The French term cliquet, in low Latin dlquetus, seems properly to have signified a latch, " pensidus versatilis, Gall, loquei." duo. Thus the gloss on Gautier de Bibeleswortli renders it. " Par cliket et cerure, (lacche and lok) Ert la mesonn le phis sure." Arund. MS. 220, f. 302, b. Chaucer, however, uses the word in the sense that is here given to it, " clavicula, a lytel keye." ortus. Thus in the Merchant's Tale, " he wold suffre no wight here the key, Sauf he himself, for of the smal wiket He bare alway of silver a cliket." - "A clippynge, tonsura. A clippynge howse, tonsorium.'" cath. ang. In Norfolk to clij) signifies now to shear sheep, and tlie great annual meeting at Holkham was oomnionly termed the Holkham clip or clipping, forby. 3 " he clippys of j>e soiie and nioyne, eclypsis. To make cli])pys, eclipticare." cath. ANG. Chaucer, comparing the course of love to that of the moon, says that it is like the planet, " Now bright, now clipsy of manere. And wliilom dimme and whilom clerc.'' "i The verbs from clyui:, to cowryn, are oniittid in tiie Harleian MS. and are here given chiefly from the MS. at King's College, Cambridge, and Pynson's edition. * Tliis term is derived from tlie French clocher, or the low Jjatin clocherinm. It occurs in the accounts of the Chamberlain of Norwich, among charges for the celebra- PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 83 Clodde.' Gleha. (Cloddyn, or hrekyn cloddes, k. Occo.^ Clogge. Truncics. Cloystyr. Claustrum. (Clokkyn as heniiys, K.clocke, p. Cvispio,fflgu lo.) Clokkynge of hciinys. Crisjii- atus, c. F. in crispat. Clokke, Horisoniumjiorologium, CATH. Clooke (cloke, p.) Armilaiisa, (^collobiiim, p.) Cloos, or boundys of a place (clos, p.) Cejjtum, ambitus. Cloos, lybrary. Archyvum, c. f. Clogs, ar j-erde (or, p.) Chiusura. (Closyn, or schettyn, k. shette, p. Claudo.') (Closyn streytly, k. Detrudo.) (Closyn abowtyn, k. aboute, p, Vallo.) (Closyn in, k. Includo.) (Closyn oute, or schettyn owt, K. E.vchido.) Closett, Cfatisella, clausicula. (Closed. Clausus, p.) Closyd, clausyd, or closyd yn'.* Inchi.sii.s-. Closyd owte. Exclusus, seclusus. Clospe. Offendix, Jirmacidum, signaciclum, catii. Closere (closure, p.) of bokys, or ojjer lyke.' Clausura, con- pertorium. Clote, herbe. Lappa hardana, c. F. lappa rotunda (glis, p.) (Cloteryn, as blode, or other lyke, K. cloderyn, p. Coagulo.) Clothe. Pannus. Clothe woudon' (wouyn, k. n. p.) with dyviers colours. Stroma, vel pannus stromaticus, cath. Clovvchyn', or clowe (clowchun, tion of the exequies of Henry VIII. A.D. 1547, where a payment appears " to the Clarks of Cryste Cliurche, for ryngyng the cloclier bells." Blomf. Hist, ii 155. ' " A clotte, cfispb;, occnrium. To clotte, occare. A clottynge malle, occatoiiurn." CATH. ANG. " Occo, glehds frangere, to clotte.'' ortus. In the Medulla, Harl. MS. 2257, occur '■'■ ylebarius, a clotte mailer. Gleba est durus cexpe.s cum herbd, an harJe klotte.'' Palsgrave gives the verb to clodde as signifying the formation, and not the breaking up of clods. "To clodde, go in -to heapes, or in to peces, as theyerthe dothe, amonceler. This j'erthe clotteth so faste that it must be broken. To clodile, figer^ furlier, congelcr.'^ Compare ci.oteryn. - A note, copied by Hearne from a copy of the Promptorium, states that the com- piler of the work was '^fraler Ricardus Fraiinces, inter quatnor parietcs pro C/irnto jHc/«.vM6'." See Hearne's Glossary to Langtoft's Chron. under the word Nesshe. If, liowever, it had been true that he had belonged to the order of Anchorites, who were called inclusi, or recliisi, it seems probable that some indication of the fact would have here occurred. The dwelling of the Anchorite, domus inclu.\-i, or clunoHum, ap- pears to have often immediately adjoined the church, and is doubtless in many instances still to be distinguished. The ritual for his benediction will be found in Martene, Antiq. Rit. lib. iii. c. 3. Palsgrave tjives the vcri) " to close up in a wall, or bytwenc walks, emmurer. Cannest thou fynde in thy herte to be an Auker, to be closed up in a wall .' " See hereafter recluse. 3 Compare clausuke, or clos. Jamieson gives closeris, enclosures, and closerris, which he conjt;ctures may signify clasps. In Norfolk Forby observes that the cover of a book is called dodger, whirh he supposes to be derived from the French, clotier, as the term codger is corrupted from co.\-icr, a cebler. 84 PROMPTOUIUM PARVULORUM. H. clewe, p.) Glomus, globus, Dice. glomicUlus, UG. in garma. Clowde of ))e skye (clowde, or skye, K. H.)i Nuhes, nubecula. Clowdy, or fulle of clowdjs (sk\ys, K.) Nubidus. Clowe of garlykke (cloue of gar- lek, or other lyke, p.) Costula. Clowe, spyce. Gariofolus. Clowys, water schedyiige (clowse, watyrkepyng, k. clowze, ii. clowse, water shettinge, p.)^ Sinogloatorium. Clowte of clothe (cloute or ragge.) Scrutum, panniculus, pannucia. Clowte of a schoo.' Pictasium, UG. (Clowtyn, k. Sarcio, catii. re- broceo, repecio.) (Clout disshes, pottes, pannes, p. Crtisco.J Clowter, or cobelere. Savtorius, reb)-occator (^pictaciarius, p.) Clowter of clothys. Sartorius, sartor', sartru-. Clowtyd, as clothys. Sartus, repeciatus- Clowtyd, as shoone, or ojjcr thyngys of ledyr. Pictaciatus, rebroccatus. Clowtynge of clothys. Sartura. Clowtynge, or coblpige. He' broccacio. (Clowtynge of shone, k. Pic- tacio.) (Clothyn, k. Vestio, induo.') (Clojjid, *Mjt)r« in cladde, k. h.) Clothynge, dede. Induicio. Clotiiynge, or garment. Indu- mentum, vestimentum. Clubbyd staife (clubbe, staffe, H. p.) Fust is, CAT n. Clubbyd, or boystows. Rudis. Clewe, supra in clowchynge.'' Clustyr of grapys (closter, p.) Botrus, racemus, UG. Coo, byrde, or schowhe.* Mone- dula, nodula. Cobler, supra in clowtere. CoBYLLSTONE, or cherystonc. Pe- trilla (^ceripetra, lapis cerasi- nus, ceramus, p.) COCATRYSE. BasilisCUS, COCO' drillus. CocuR, boote (cokyr bote, h. p.**) Ocrea, coturnus, kylw. c. f. ^ Compare hereafter skye, nubes. The word skye is thus used both by Chaucer and Gower, to signify a cloud. Ang. Sax. skua, ximbra, fsu. G. sky, nubes. - Clawys, MS, " A clowe of flode3ate, */Hy/oc(7(vrtMw, ynrgustium .'" cath. ang. The term clowys appears to be taken from the French ecluse. See the word clouse, in Jainieson. 3 " A clowte of yrne, crvsta, crusta ferrea, et cetera ubi plate." cath. ang. In Norfolk the terms cleat and clout signify an iron plate with which a shoe is strengthened. FORBY. Ang. Sax. cleot, c\ut, pittaciitm, lamina. Palsgrave gives the verb "to cloute, carreler, rateceller. I had nede go cloute my shoes, they be broken at the heles." •• " To wynde clowys, (jlomerare.'" cath. ang. A. Sax. cleow, glomus. * The chough or jackdaw, called in the Eastern coimties a caddow. See before cadaw, or keo, or chowghe, and hereafter koo, bryd, or schowghe. " Monedula, coo." Vocab. Harl. MS. 1.087. " A \ia, monedula." cath. ang. " iVbrfw/w*, a kaa." ort. voc. Ang. Sax. ceo, comix. •"' TIh! coarse half-boot used by rustics was called a cocur, and the term cocker is still used in the North of England, but properly signifies gaiters or leggings, and even rnOMPTORIUM PAIIVULORUM. 85 -7C CoKERYNGE, oi* grete chers- chy(n)ge (ouer greate cherys- shiuge, 1'.) Focio, nutricio, carefocus {carifotus, p.) (CoKERYN, p. Carifoveo.y (COKYRMETE, K. H." Ccnum, lutum, CATH.) Co DDE, of frute, or pesecodde. Siliqua. CoDDE, of mannys pryuyte (preuy membris, p.) Plga, mentula {testicuJiis, fiscus, p.) CuDDE, of bestys chewynge (cod of bestys, or chewynge, p.) Ru- men. Code, sowters wex (coode, 11. p.)' Coresina (cer'isina, P.) CoDDYD CORNE (coddis, P.) Lu- gumen. CoDLYNGE, fysche. Morus, et nota quod sic dicitur quia morose nature fertur. CoDULLE, fysche.' Sepia,VG.bel- ligo (Jolligo, p.) UG. in lolium. Cofyn'.s Cojjhynus, c. F. CoFUR. Cista. CoGGE of a mylle. Scariohcdlum, (dicc. p.) (CoGGYN a mylle, p. Scario- ballo.) coarse stockings without feet, used as gaiters. In a MS. of the Medulla in the Editor's possession, CM//*one?es. Elyot gives " Carpatince, ploughmen's bootes made of vntanned lether, they maye be called cokers. Peronutus, he that weareth rawe lether shoen, boteux, or cokars lyke a ploughman." Librarie, 1542. 1 Junius compares this word with the Dutch, kokerillen, celebrare hilaria, but Lye is inclined to trace its etymology to the Welsh, cocr, indulgens. The use of the term is fully illustrated by Palsgrave. "To coker, cherysshe to moche, miynotter. This boye canne never thriue, he is cokered so moche. To coker, bring up with daynty meates, affriander, affrioller. Coker hym up thus in his youthe, and you shall haue a fayre caulfe of hym shortly." See below, cookerynge mete. - This singular term was given most erroneously in the printed editions of the Promp- torium ; Pynson printed it Ckyrmete, Julian Notary Chyimete, and W. de Worde Chy- mette. It appears to relate to the kind of rustic boot called here a cocur, and cokyr ; but the whimsical application of such a term to clay is wholly unaccountable. 3 Among numerous substances, resin, grease, and herbs, mentioned in the curious di- rections for making a good " entreet," or plaster to heal wounds, occurs " Spaynisch code." Sloan. MS. 100, f. 17. * Elyot renders " Sepia, a fyshe called a cuttell. Loligo, a fyshe whiche hath his head betwene his fcete and his bealy, and hath also two bones, oone lyke a knyfe, the other lyke a penne." The Sepia officinalis, which is found commonly on the coasts of Britain, is not properly a fish, but belongs to Cuvier's great division of Molluscous animals, and the class of Ciphalopodes. Ang. Sax. cudele, sepia. See hereafter, coti'll. 5 The primary meaning of the word cofyn seems to have been, as in Latin and Frencii, a basket, and is thus used in the Wicliffite version, which renders Matt. xiv. 20, " Thei token the relifis of broken gobetis, twelve cofyns full." Elyot renders " Tibiii, a bas- kctte or coffyn made of wyckers or bull rushes, or barke of a tree ; such oone was Moyses put in to by the daughter of Pharao." Tbe term also implied a raised crust, as for a pie, or a custard, and occurs in tiiis sense in Shakespeare. See also the Forme of Cury, pp. 72, 83, 8'J. Palsgrave gives " Coffyn, grant l/oiste." 86 PROKIPTORIUM PARVULORUM. CoGBOOTE (cokbote, p.) Scafa. Coy, or sobyr. Sobrius, modestus. CovFE, supra in cappe.' Tena, corocalhtm (carocallum, p.) capicella, comm. kylw. Coyly, or sobyrly. Modeste. (CoYYN, K. p.' Bhoidior.) CoYNGE, or st(y)iTiige to vverkyn' (sterynge to done a werke, K. styringe, p.) Instigacio. CoYTER, or caster of a coyte. Pe- freludus (^petriludarhis, K. p.) CoYTE. Petreluda. (CoYTYN, K. Petriludo.) C'OKKEBYRDE. GulluS. CooKE (coke, K. p.) mete dytare. Cocus, CO ^ fame l^erof, our hondis ben PROMPTORIUM PARVULORU!\r. 89 COMELYDNESSE. EviraClO. Com LYN ESSE, or seemelynesse. Decencia, elegancia. CoMELYNGE, new cuiii man or woman.^ Adventicius, inquilinus. (CoMENDYN, orgretyn, k. recora- ende, p. Recommendo, com- mendo.) (CoMENDYN, or preysyn, K. Lau- do, commendo.^ COMERAWNCE. VeXUcio. (CoMERous, p. Vexativus, vexu- lentus.) Comet sterre, or blasynge sterre. Cometa, vel stella comata. Comyn', seede. (Ciminum, p.) CoMYNGE TOO. Adventus. Comys, of malte (comys, p.)^ JPauIulata, kylw. (^puhdata, K. p.) (CoMUNYX, or make comowne, k. comon or make comon, p. Com- mu?iico.) (CoMOUNE, or talke with another in cumpany, or felawshepe, ii. comon, p. Communico.^ CoMOVVNTE (comnavnte, k. coue- naunte, p.)^ Communitas. Comowne. Communis. CoMOWNLY. Communiter. Comowne, pepylle. Vulgus. Comowne j^ynge, or comown goode. Res puhlica. Compere, falawe (compyrc, p.) Compar, coequalis. CoMPLAYNTE. Querimoiiia, COMM. querela. CoMPLEXiONE. Complexio. CoMMUNYONE (the, P.) sacrament. Communio. (CoMPOSTYN, or dungyn, p. Stevcoro.^ CoNABLE, accordynge.* Compe- tens. CoNABLY, or competently.' Com^ petenter. CoNCEYTE. Conceptus. (CoNCEYUYN, K. Concipio.) CoNCEYUYNGE. Concepcio. (CONIECTEN, p. MolUor.) Consent, or grawnte. AssensT.is (consetisus, p.) (Concentyn, or grawntyn, K. Consencio, assencio.) Conscience. Consciencia. Condycyone. Condklo. a-clumsid, tribulacioun haj) take us," Jerem. vi. 24 ; and the expression " thou clom- sest for cold " is found in the Vision of Piers Ploughman, line 9010. " Clumsyd, eri- ratus. Cumbyrd, ubi clumsyd." cath. ang. In the curious translation of Vegecius, Roy. MS. 18 A. XII. it is said that a fleet should not venture to sea after tlic au- tumnal equinox, when " the see is looke and shit up, and men bethe combered and clommed with colde." B. iv. c. 39. 1 In the Wicliffite version the following passages occur : "A comelynge which is a pilgrim at 50U." Levit. xviii. 2(j ; " Most dere I biseche you as comelingis and pilgryms." 1 Pet. ii. 11. The following expression occurs in Trevisa's translation of Higden's Polychronicon, in reference to the use of the French language in Britain ; " the langage of Nonnandie is a comlynge of another lande, " in the original " adveii' titia." '^ ^ccida, ^nfflice a comlynge.'' oktus. '^Accola, advena, a comelinge." MED. GRAMM. " A cunilynge, advena." cath. ang. Ang. Sax. cumling, advena. • " Cummynge as malte, t/erminaiun.'' cath. ang. 3 '^ \ commontye, vulgus, popiilus, geim, pleOs.'^ cath. ang. * Jamieson derives the word from the Latin conabilis, what may be attempted with prospect of success. CAMD. SOC. N 90 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. (CoxYN, or hauyn conynge, K.^ Scio.) CoN'FEssYOXE. Confessio. Con fectyon' of spyces (confexion, H. p. spysery, K.) Confeccio. CoNFLYCTE of verre (or werre, K. p.) Conjlictus. C o N F us Y'o N E, or schame. Confusio . (CONGELLYN, K. Congelo.) CoNY'. Cuniculus. CoxYYS hole. Cumis, cath. {caniay p.) CuNNYNGE, or scyence.' Sciencia. (Conynge, or wytt, k. wytty, p. Sciens.^ CoNNYNGERE, Or connynge crthe.^ Ctinicul avium. CooNYONE, or drowtly (conione or dwerhe, k. conione or dwerwe, h. congeon or dw erfe, p.)^ Sessillus. CoYNOWRE, or coynesmytare.* Nummidar'ms. Coniuracyon', or coniurjTige. Conjuracio. ' "To cone, to cunne, scire.'" cath, ang. " Cognoscere, scientiam habere, to conne." orti's. To conne is used in this sense by Chaucer, and in the Wicliffite ver- sion, 1 Cor. ii. 2, is rendered thus, " I deeme not me to kunne ony thing." Caxton remarks in the Boke for Travellers, " It is a good thyng to conne a good craft, scavoir." So likewise in the Legenda Aurea, f. 92, b. " O who sholde conne shewe hereupon the secretes of thyne herte I " Palsgrave gives " to konne, learne or knowe, scavoir. I can konne more by herte in a day, than he can in a weke ; " and " to conne thanke, or can one good thanke, scavoir Ion grL^^ " Thou shalt kua me thanke." HORM. See Jamieson. Ang. Sax. connan, scire. 2 " A connynge, scientia,facnltas." cath. ang. " Connynge is of that thou haste lerned the memory or mynde, and reteyneth that thou sholdest forgete." Legenda Aurea, f. 53. Ang. Sax. cunning, e.vperientia. 3 This word is used by Lydgate in the Concords of Company, Minor Poems, p. 174. " With them that ferett robbe conyngerys." Among the Privy Purse expenses of Henry Vll. is a payment in 1493, " for making of the Conyngerthe pale." Horman observes that " warens and conygers and parkis palydde occupie moche grounde nat inhabitaunt, leporaria sive lagotrophia.^' Elyot gives " Vivarium, a counnyngar, a parke ; " and Thomas, in his Italian Grammar, 1548, uses the word to denote a pleasance, or enclosed garden, " Horti di Venern, the womans secrete connyngers." " Cony garthe, garenne. Cony hole or clapar, lais- niere, terrier, clappier." palsg. In the Paston Letters, iv. 4iiG, the term " konyne closse '■ occurs in the same sense. In almost every county in England, near to ancient dwelling places, the name Coneygare, Conigree, or Coneygarth occurs, and various con- jectures have been made respecting its derivation, which, however, is sufficiently obvious. See Mr. Hartshorne's observations on names of places, Salopia Antiqua, p. 258. '' Coinoun, or konioun, occurs iu Kyng Alisaunder, and is explained by Weber aa signifying coward, or scoundrel, from the French coion, which has that meaning. " Alisaundre 1 thou coinoun wode." line 1718. " Pes! quoth Candace, thou konioun ! " line 7748. Here, however, the word seems merely to signify a dwarf. See hereafter dwerowe. ° The first record of a mint at Lynn, wlu-re tlie Proniptorium was compiled, occurs in 9th John, 1208, but there was possiljjy one in earlier times, and the name occurs oa the coins of Edgar. Parkins supposes tliat it fell into disuse about 134-1, IB Edw. III. ; and he states that the Bishop of Norwich had also a mint there, but the fact is ques- tlouible. See Blomefield's Hist. Norf. iv. p. 582, and Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, U. J 98. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 91 (CONQUERYN,K.Con(7Mero,CATH.) CoNQUESTE, or conqueryiige. Conquestus. CoNSTYTUCYONE. Constitucio. (CONSTREYNYN, K. Compello, cogo, coarceo, arto, urgeo.^ CONSTREYNYNGE. CodCcio, Cir- tacin, compulsio. CoNSTRUARE. Constructor. Construccvon', or construynge. Construccio. (Construyn, k. h. Construo, CATH.) CoNTAGYOWs, or grevows to dele wythe. Contagiosus. CoNTEMPLACYOXE. Contemplci- cio. (CoNTEYNYN, haupi or kepyn wit-innyn, K. kepe within, p. Contmeo.) CoNTEYNYD (or withiii holdyn, h. holde, p.^ Contentus. CoNTEYNYNGE. Contincncia. Contra RYOws. Contrarius. Coxtraryowsnesse. Contra- rietas. CoNTRYCYOx, or sorow for synne. Contricio. CoNTYNUALLY, or allway (con- tynuyngly, p.) Continue. CoNTYNUYD, kepte wythe-owte cessynge (brekynge, v.) Con- tinuatus. (CoNTYNUYN, lestyii, or abydyn, K. Continuo.) Contynuynge. Continuacio. CoppE, or coper of a other thynge (top of an hey thyng, k. coppe of an hye thinge, p.)i Cacumen. CooPE (cope, K.H.cape, w.)^ Cupa. CoPEROSE. VUriola. CoPORNE, or coporour of a thynge (coperone, k. h. coperun, p.)^ Capitellum. 1 The Latin-English Vocabulary, Harl. MS. 1587, gives ^' siimmiias, coppe," namely, of a steeple. In the Wicliffite version, Luke iv. 29 is thus rendered, "And they ledden him to the coppe of the hil, on which her cytee was bildid, to cast him down." The crest on a bird's head likewise was thus termed, " Cop, cirrus, crista, est avium ut ffalli vel alaude.''' cath. ang. The gloss on Gautier de Bibelesworth ex- plains ^^ geliue hupte, coppede hen;" and Elyot gives " Stymphalide, a coppe of fethers, whiche standeth on the head of a byrde." In Norfolk, the term copple-crowa still has this meaning, llorman says, " Somtyme men were coppid cappis like a sugar- lofe," and uses the term " a cop heedyd felowe, cilo,'' which is explained by Elyot as having a great round forehead ; and again, " Homer declaryng a very folysshe and aa baskard felowe under the person of Thersyte, sayth that he was copheeded lyke a gygge, vertice acuminata." Cotgrave renders " piynon, a finiall, cop, or small pinnacle on the ridge of a house." The epithet is applied to the pointed siioe, or poleyn, in fashion in the XVth century. " Milieus, a copped shoo." ortus. Ang. Sax. cop, aper. 2 See above cappe, capa; this sacred vestment commonly called a cope, the wearing of which has fallen into disuse, excepting at coronations, is by the Canons of the Re- formed Church directed to be worn at the celebration of the communion in cathedral and collegiate churches. See Queen Elizabeth's .Vdvertisements, A. I). lotJ4, Wilkins' Cone. IV. p. 248, and the Ecclesiastical Constitutions, or Canons, A. D. 1604, ibid, p. 383. s The Catholicon explains capitellum as signifying merely the capital of a column, but in the Medulla it is rendered " summa pars capitis ; '' and in this sense, coporne signifying the apex or pinnacle, the work with wliich a tower, or any ornamental con- struction, is crowned, may perhaps be regarded as a diminutive of coppe. The term occurs in a curious description of a castle, written about the time of Richard II. 02 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Copy of a thynge wretyn'. Copia. (CoPYYN, K. Copio.) Copy YD, Cojnatus. CopYOwsE, or plentevows. Co- piosus. CoPYR, metalle. Cuprum, CoRAGE, or craske (cranke, p.)' Ci assu s, CO r agios us. CoRAGENEssE, or craskencsse (co- ragiowsnesse, or cranknesse, p.) Crassitudo. CoRALLE, stone. Corallus. CoRALLE, or drasse of come (coralys or drosse, k . p. coralyys, or dros, h.)* Acus, ug. c. f. rusculum, ruscus vel ruscunii UG. in ruo, cath. CoRBELL of a roffe. Tigillus, KYLW. CoRCET, or coote. Tunica, tu- nicella, c. F. CoRCY, or corercyows.^ Corpu- lentus. CoRCYowsE, or grete belyydde. Ventricosus. CoRCYOWSNESsE. Covpxdencia. CooRDE, roope. Cordula. CoRDYD, or accordyde. Concor- datus. CoRDWANE, ledyr (cordwale le- thir, K.)^ Aluta. CORDWANER. Alufavius. CooRDONE (cordone, p.)'' Nicetri- um (nicetorium, p.) amteonites. " Fayre fylyolej that fy^ed, and ferlyly long, With coruon coprounes craftyly sleje." Gawayn and the Greue Knyjt, line 797. A round tower apjiears to have had the appellation of a fyell, a phioll, or fylyole, not as lluddiman conjectures, from Jiola, a vial, but from p/iala. " Fala, a tour of tre." MKP. ORAMM. In the description of Belshazzar's feast, in another poem of the same time, cited by Sir F. jMadden in his notes on Sir Gawayn, it is said of the covered cups wliich were fasliioneil like embattled castles, " Tlie coperounes of the canacles, that on the cuppe reres, Wer fetysely formed out in fylyoles longe." Cott. MS. Nero, A. x. f. 77. ' See hereafter CRASKE, or fryke of fatte, a word which seems to be derivable as a corruption from cra.ssus, or the French eras. Crank, which occurs here in the printed editions of the Promjitorium, usually signifies sickly or feeble, but in Kent and Sussex it has the sense of merry or brisk ; tiie reading is, however, questionable, as the word crank does not occur in these editions subsequently, but craske, as in the MSS. 2 " /Jcus, coralle." Vocab. Harl. MS. 15^7. " Curailles de maisons, the dust, filth, eweejiings, or cleansing of houses.'' cotg. See draffe hereafter. 3 " Corsy, c(//;/>i.vk. Corsyfe, to full of fatnesse, corsv, corpulent.^' i'alsg. Elyot gives "■ Pirupiis, he that is fat, corsye, unweldye." ■• Chaucer, in the Rime of Sir Thoj)as, mentions " liis shoon of cordewane ;" and in the JJoke for Travellers Caxton speaks of " hydes of kyen wliereof men make letlier ; of fellis of glieet, or of the bukke make men good cordewan ; of shepes fellis may be made the basenne.'' The kind of leather to which this name was applied was originally prepared at Corduba, and thence, according to Junius and INIenage, received the ap- pellation. ^ Tiie Medulla gives " Mcc/rwm, tokene of overcomynge." Harl. MS. 'A'.'>7. The f 'atholieon gives tiie following ixplaniilion, " dicuntiir Nicelvriu Jitnteriu, ijme i/cn- tdbanl allitcta:, facta de nuunnitatibun anuorum, qua' u viclis accepera7U." Sec Du- cange. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 93 c. F. victoriale. c. f. elicit sic, Nicetoria sunt et victo- rialia nicetoria sunt ornamenta. Core, of frute. Artda. Cory, schepherdys howse.' Ma- gale, mapale, cath. CoRYOWRE. Coriarins, cerdo. CoRYOwsE, of crafte. Curiosus, {cirtijiciosus, p.) CuRYosTE, or curyosite (coriouste, P.) Curiositas, artijiciositas. CoRKTRE. Suberies, VG. in suo. CoRKBARKE. Cortex, UG. in stio. CoRMERAWNTE. Covvus mavi- nus, KYLw. cormeraudus, mor- plex, c. F. CoRMUSE, pype (cornymuse, p.)' Cormusa. CoRNE. Granum, gramen. CoRNE, whyle hyt growythe. Seges. (CoRNE, that is grene, p. Bla- dwn.) CooRNE, or harde knott in jje flesche. Cornicallus. (Cornel, h. p. Frontispicium.) CoRNERE (or hyrne, h. p.) An- guliis. Corner YD. Angulatus. CORONALLE. Corollu, COMM. CATH, coronulla, UG. CoRowNE (corone, K.) Corona. CoROWNYDE. Coronatus. (CoROWNYN, K. p. Corono.') CoROWNYNGE, OF coronacyon. Coronacio. CoRPHUN(corpchunherynge, H.p.) CoRPORASsE, or corporalle.^ Cor- porale. 1 la N. Britain a temporary building or shed is called a corf, or cprf-house, signi- fying, as Janiieson observes, a hole or hiding place, Ang. Sax. cruft, crypta, or perhaps approaching most nearly to Isl. korbae, tuyuriolum. The floating basket used on the Suffolk coast to keep lobsters, is called, as Forby states, a corf or coy ; and it seems possible that this appellation may have been given to the shepherd's hut, from its being formed with wattles, like a rudely-fashioned basket. Caxton, in the Boke for Tra- vellers, calls a basket a " corfFe, or mande." ■-^ A distinction seems to be made in the Promptorium between the cormuse and the BAGGE-PYPE, joan(f?e toher is li3t and nojt bittere, and somedel white in colour ; " and it is recommended to make an ointment of coste ground small with honey, excellent to cleanse the face of the freckles, and " a suffreyn remedie for sciatica, and to \>c membris hat ben a-stonyed." ^ The Catholicon explains aw/cMm as " cortina, quia in aulis extendi solel." The PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 95 COSTELEWE (cOStfuU, K. COStleW, H. costuous, w.)' Sumptuosus. (CosTYN ouyr )je cuntre, k. coos- tyn on the countre, p.- Trans- patrio.) CosTRED, or costrelle, grete bo- telle (costret, or hotel, k.)' Onopherum, Dice. c. f. aristo- phorum, catii. CooTE, byrde (cote, hrydde, K.) MergusifuUica, UG. mer. Cote akmvk'e..' Baltheus, c. f.ug. hangings with which the side-walls of a hall were garnished, previously to the more general use of wainscot, appear to have been termed costers. The name was applied likewise to hangings, either in a church at the sides of the choir, or in a hall near the high table, as a kind of screen, or even to the curtains of a bed. In tlie Register of the ornaments of the Royal Chapel at Windsor, taken 1385, 8 Ric. II. under the head of " Paniii," several are enumerated. " Duo costers panni magni de Velvetto, pro prin- cipalibus diebus, rubei et viridis coloris, cum magnis imaginibus stantibus in taberna- culo.'' Mon. Ang. T. iii. part 2, p. 81. Ralph Nevill, Earl of Westmorland, bequeathed in 1424 to his wife a third part of his estate, '^ cum uno lecto de /4rras operato cum aufo, cum costeris eidem pertinentibus et concordantibus ; " and to his son Ricfiard another bed of Arras, " cum costeris paled de colore rubeo viridi et albo, qui solebant pendere in magnd camerd infra casti'um de Sherifhoton.'''' Madox, Forrnul. p. 432. 1 Chaucer, in the Persones Tale, makes great complaint of the " sinneful costlewe array of clothing," occasioned by the extravagant fashions of the time of Richard II. In the Stat. 3 Henry VII. c. 2, against murderers, it is stated that " he that will sue eny appell must sue in propre persone, which sute ys long and costlowe {costeouz, Fr.) that yt makyth the partie appellant wery to sue." The Cath. Ang. gives " costy, sumptuosus," and Palsgrave, " costyouse, sumptueuj;." 2 Chaucer uses the verb to costeie in the sense of the French costoier, to pass along- side ; as in the complaint of the Black Knight, line 36. " And by a riuer forth I gan costeie." Palsgrave gives the verb " to coste a countrey or place, ryde, go, or sayle about it, costier or costoyer. To hym that coulde coste the countray, there is a nerer way by syxe myle." 3 Chaucer, in the Legend of Hypermestre, relates that her father Danao gave her " a costrell " filled with a narcotic, in order to poison her husband Lino. "A cos- trelle, oneferum, et cetera ubi a flakett. A flakett, flacta, obba, uter, et cetera ubi a potte." CATH. ANG. A MS. of the XlVth century, which gives the explanation of words that occur in the Missal, contains the following interpretation : " I ter, Atiglice a hotel, sedcollateralis, Anglice, a costrelle. De cute diets utres, de ligno collaterales." M. Paris gives a curious relation of poison discovered in the year 1258, concealed in certain vessels, " (jute costrelli vocantur.'^ Costerelium or costeretum, in old French costeret, signified a certain measure of wine, or other liquids ; and a costrell seems to have been properly a small wooden barrel, so called because it might be carried at the Bide, such as is carried by a labourer as his provision for the day, still termed a costril in the Craven dialect. * Balt/ieus, which properly implies the girdle or mark of knightly dignity, the cingulum militare, is here used as signifying a kind of military garment. Compare hereafter DOBBELET, garment, baltheus. The Cath. Ang. gives "a cotearniour, insignium.''' The usage of wearing an upper garment, or surcote, charged with armorial bear- ings, as a personal distinction in conflict, when the features were concealed by the aventaille, commenced possibly in the reign of John, but was not generally adopted before the time of Henry III. A portion of the armorial surcote of William de For- 96 PROiMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. CooTE, lytylle howse, supra. COTERELLE.' GuVgUStinUS, tUgtlV- rinus, tugurrlna, gurgicstina, coterellus, coterella, et hec duo nominate fa sunt. CoTELERE. Cultellarius. CoTHE, or s\vownynge.2 Smcopa, sincopes, c. f. (CoTUL, fisshe, K. H. cotuU or coduU, fisshe, p.s Cepia.^ CoTUNE (coton, p.) Bombicmum. CowE, beste. Vucca. Coward, hertlesse. Vecors, iners. CowARDNESSE (cowardise, k.) Vecordia, inercia, cath. CowcHE. Cuhile, grabatum, c, F. media pi'oductd ; grahatum, me- dia correptd, Anglice a barme, or lappe, unde versus, Pro gre- mio grahatum, pro lecto pone grahatum. (CowcHYN, or leyne in couche, k. lye in cowche, p. Cuho.^ (CowcHYN, or leyne thinges to- gedyr, k. Colloco.^ CowDE.* Frustrum, congiarium, UG. (frustum, p.) Covey of pertrychys (couc, or couy, H. p.) Cuneus,vel cohors. (COWEYTYN, K. Cupio, opto, glisco, cojicupisco, cath.) CovETYSE. Cupid it as, cupido. CovETYSE of ryches (coveytyce, H.) Avaricia. CovETOwsE. Cupidus. Co VETO ws of (great, p.) worldely tibus, Earl of Albemarle, who died 1260, still exists, and an engraving of it is given in the Vetusta Monum. VI. plate 18. Among the earliest representations may be men- tioned the effigies at Salisbury of William Longespee, who died 1266', and of a knight of the De I'lsle family at Rampton, Cambridgeshire. See Stothard's Monumental Effi- gies. Sir Thomas de la More relates that the Earl of Gloucester was slain at Bannock- burn, 1314, in consequence of his neglecting to put on his insignia, termed in the Latin trsLnslsition " tof/arn proprice armaturce." Chaucer relates that the heralds after the conflict distinguished Arcita and Palamon by their " cote armure," as they lay in the " tas " severely wounded. Knight's Tale, 1018. An early instance of the use of the term coat-armour occurs in the Close Roll, 2 Edw. III. 1328, where the King commands the keeper of his wardrobe to render up " omnes armaturas, tam cotearmurs quam aliax,'' which had belonged to Bartholomew de Badlesmere, deceased, for the use of Giles his son, to whom the King had given them. Rymer, iv. 371. During the reign of Edward III. the surcote gave place to the jupon, and this was succeeded, about the time that the Promptorium was compiled, by the tabard, the latest fashion of a garment armorially decorated, and the prototype of that which is still worn by the heralds and pursuivants. ' The inferior tenants, or occujiiers of cottages, are termed in the Domesday Book cotarii or coscets, in Ang. Sa.\. cotsseta, casa; habitator, in French cotarel, or costerel. Ducange and Spelman make no distinction between cotarelU and cotarii, but Bp. Ken- nett thinks there was an essential difference, and that the coterelle held in absolute villenage. See his Glossary, Paroch. Ant. 2 Sir Thomas Browne mentions cothish among words peculiar to Norfolk, and Forby gives cothy as the word still used, signifying faint or sickly. In Bishop Kennett's Glossarial Collections, Lansd. MS. 1033, is given " cothish, morose. Norf." Ang. Sax. cothe, morbus. •* See above codullk, fysche. Sepia. < This word ap[)ears to signify a piece or a lump of meat ; congiarium is in the Catholicoa explained to be ^'frustum curnis undique equatutn.^' Miusheu states PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 97 goodys, or other rj'ches (werdli good, K. wordly, r.) Avarus, cupicUnarius, c. f. CovETOws of workk'ly ryches (wordli worchyp, k. worldly worshippes, p.) Ambiciosns. Coo VENT (couente, p.)' Conveiitus. CouERCLE (coverkyl, h.) Oper- culum, coopercuhim. CouERTOWRE. Coopevtorium. CoGHE (cough or horst, p. cowhe, or host, H. w.)^ Tussis. (CowYN, or hostyn, k. cowhyn, ii. cowghen, p. Tussio, ticssito, CATH.) CowiiERDE. Vaccarius, vaccaria (bubulcus, p.) CouERLYTE,clothe.C'oo/>^)'^rt)'m?n. CoowLE to closyn mennys fow- lys.2 Saginarium, cavea, cath. CowLE, vesselle (for to sette ves- sell, p.)* Tina, cath. CowLE, or coope (cope, ii. coupe, p.)"" Capa. CowLE, munkys abyte. CucuUa, cucullus, c. F. CowLE TRE, or soo tre.'' Fa- langa, vectatorium, catii. CowME of corfie. Cumha. Cow(m)fory, herbe (cowmfory, that " cowde is an old English word, signifying a gobbet, morcell, or peece of any thing cut out," but he appears to have taken it from the Promptoriuui, and Skinner gives it on his authority. Possibly covvde may have some analogy with cud, which in the Promptorium is written cood. See above chew the cood. Ang. Sax. cud, rumen. 1 " A couent, conventus, conventiculus.^' oath. ang. The derivation of the word is here evidently from the French, convent, and not from the Latin : and the orthography of the name Covent Garden thus appears to have the sanction of ancient authority. 2 Among the virtues of " horhowne," as stated in a translation of Macer's Treatise on Plants, MS. XVth Cent, belonging to Hugh \V. Diamond, Esq. is the following: " J^ia erbe y-dronke in olde wyne helpij) ]?e kynges hoste, and J'e comone coghe eke." In another place a decoction of roots of " skyrewhite " is recommended to heal " J>e chynke and t^e olde coghe." Skinner says the hooping-cough was termed in Lincoln- shire kin-cough, and derives the word from the Belg. kicnkhost, and the verb kinchen, difficttUer spirare. See hereafter hoose, or cowghe, and hostyn. 3 " Coupe or coule for capons, or other poultrie ware, caige aux c/iappons." palsg. The name was probably assigned in consequence of a supposed similarity to a monk's cowl, whence likewise the name has been given to the covering of a chimney. Ang. Sax. cuhle, cuculla. Elyot gives " scirpea, a dounge potte, or colne made with roddes." 4 The cope was originally worn with a hood, which at a subsequent time was repre- sented only by embroidery on the back. Hence, probably, this garment was sometimes termed a cowle. Chaucer repeatedly terms the monastic habit a cope. See the descrip- tion of Huberd the Frere, who was not like a " cloisterere," " With thredbare cope as is a poure scolere. Of double worsted was his semicope. That round was as a belle, out of the presse.'' ^ " Tina, vas vinarium amplissimum.'^ ortus. In the accounts of the church- wardens of "Walden, in Essex, occurs a charge in i?T Hen. VI. 1448, for a " cowle pro aqnd lenedictd, x.d." Hist, of Audley End, by Lord Braybrooke. In Esse.x the term cowl is applied at the present time to any description of tub. See Kennett's Glossary, nnder the word cowele ; he supposes it to be derived from cucula, a vessel shaped like a boat. •^ " Phalangaest hasia, vet quidam baculus ad portandaa cupas, Anglice a stang, or a CAM. .SOC. O 98 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. K. P.) ConsoVula major, et •minor rf«cj7e8. PIlOMPTOniUM PARVULOKUM. 99 -/^ (COWNTINGE HOWS, P.' Com- puforia.) CoWNTYSE (cOWntC, K. COllIlt, P.) Compotus (^racio. P.) CowNTVRFETE, what SO hyt be. Conformale. (COWNTYRFETYX, K. CorifigUVO, conformo.) Cow srYRFE.T\-soK.C()nfor}uacio. COWYNTYRPEYCE (pcys, K. poys, p.) Htjstimentian, libramentum. COWNTYRTALY.' ^?i/at crepythe. Reptor. Crepyn'. Repo, UG. Crepynge. liepcio,r€ptura. Crepawnde, or crapawnde, pre- cyous stone (crepaud, p.)' Sma- ragdus. Crese, or increse (cres, or incres, K. p.) E.vcrescencia {incremen,' turn, p.) Angl. ajmd quern solum occurrit, exp. jnnguis, obesus, q, d. crassius, a Lat. crassns." It is perhaps more directly corrupted from the old French word eras, wliich has the same signification. ' In a ]\I.S. of the Medulla in the Editor's possession cremmm is rendered " a cra- conum of grece or talwhe." " Extrema crematio cepi, vel illud quod relinquiiur vstum in frixorio."' ortus. "A crakane, cremium.^' cath. ang. The term cracklings, which occurs in the Scotch Acts, James VI. is explained by Jamieson as signifying the refuse of melted tallow; Su. G. and Isl. krak, qnisquilice, from krekia, to throw away. Tallow craps has a like meaning in the Craven dialect. - Creel is given by Moore as a word not frequently used in Suffolk ; Forby does not mention it, but it occurs in the Craven dialect, and signifies an ozier basket, or crate. See Jamieson's Dictionary. Roquefort explains creil as signifying a hurdle, craticula. Lepe occurs hereafter. 3 See hereafter kkmyn, as ale, or other lycoure. ■♦ Precyoustone, ms. " Craj)aude, a precious stone, crapaudine.''^ palsg. Cotgrave explains crapaudine as signifying the stone chelonitis, or the toad-stone. The precious stone found, as it was asserted, in the head of a toad, was supposed to possess many virtues, and especially as a preservative against poison. On some of these stones, ac- cording to Albertus Magnus, the figure of the animal was imprinted ; these were of a green colour, and termed crapaudhia, boing possibly the kind here called smaragdus, a name which properly denotes the emerald. These stones were known also by the aj)pellations borax, broutia, cbe/uuiti-i, nise, batrachiles, or ceraunia. In the Metrical Romance entitled Eniare is described a rich vesture, thickly set with gems, rubies, topaze, " crapowtes and nakette; " the word is also written '* crapawtes." More de- tailed information on this subject will be found in Gcsner, dc ijuadrup. ovip. ii. G. 102 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Cresyn', or encresyfi'. Accrescd. Cressaunt.' Lunula, cath. UG, Cresse, herbe. JVarstuvcium. Cresse, seede. Gardanum. Cressyt.* Crucibollum, c. F. Creste, on an hede. Crista. Creste, or a werke.^ Anaglijjha, c. F. Creste, of a byrdys hede. Cirrus. Creyste, of londe eryyde (of a londe erryed, p.)' Porca, cath. Crestyn*, or a-rayyn' wythe a creste (or sette on a creest, p.) C)'isto. Creues, supra in crany. (Creveys, fyssbe, k. creues, p.^ Polipus.^ Crye. Clamor, vociferacio. Crye of schypmen, that ys clepyd See also Doiice's Illustrations of Shakspeare, As you like it, Act 2, Sc. I. ; and the word toad-stone in Naies' Glossarj'. 1 " A cressent a-bowte y"^ nek, torqties, iorquis, lunula." cath. ang. Lunula is explained in the Ortus to be an ornament for a woman's neck, shaped like the moon. " /Inglice, an ouche, or barre." 2 " Uatidiix, a cressed, qnoddam vas in quo ponuntur prune." ortus. "Acressctt, hatillus, ci~ucibnl>im, lucubrum. A crosser, crucibulum, htcubrum." cath. ang. A curious representation of the cresset of the time of Henry III. occurs in one of the subjects from the Painted Chamber, engraved in the Monuni. Vetusta, vol. vi. where Abimelech is pourtrayed attempting to set fire to the tower of Thebes. Gower relates that in Gideon's little troop every man had " A potte of erthe, in which he tath A light brennyng in a cresset." Conf. Am. lib. viii. This word is derived from the French, " eras set, lampe de nuit.''^ roq.uef. See Douce's Illustrations of Shaks])eare, and the representations of ancient cressets there given. Hen. IV. Part I. In Queen EUzabeth's Armoury at the Tower, there is one affixed on a long spear-headed pole. "Cresset, a \yght, Jiamljeau, /allot." palsg. " Fahtt, a cresset light (such as they use in Playhouses) made of ropes wreathed, pitched, and put in small and open cages of iron." cotgk. 3 " Anaijlypha dicuntur eniinenfes pictura, sicut sunt infrontispiciis ecclesiarum, et in aliis altis locis. Anglice, horde of painters.'' ortus. The finishing which sur- mounts a screen, roof, or other ornamented part of a structure, was called a crest, such as is seen at Exeter Cathedral on the high-ridged roof. Tlie Stat. 17 Edw. IV. c. 4, comprises an enactment respecting tlie manufacture and dimensions " rfe tewle, ap- 2)ellez pleintik', atitrement nosmez thaktile, roftile, ou crcstile," the prescribed length of the last being 13 in. the thickness five-eighths, with convenient deepness acxordyng. Crest-tiles, pierced with an ornanflental open pattern, were to be seen on tlie roof of the ancient hall of the Temi>lars, at Temple Balsall, Warwickshire. In Hall's Chron. are described ' crestes karued wyth viiiettes and trailes of sauage wooike," wiiicli orna- mented the Han(|ueting-liouse prepared at Greenwich in 15'i7. Reprint, pp. (fOG, 722. " Crest of a house, voypcau de la maison.^' palsc;. The Glossary of Arcliitecture cites several autliorities, in wliicli the use of tlie term crest occurs. ■« See above balkk of a londe eryd. " Porca est terra ilia que eminet inter duos SulcOS." ORTUS. * In the Medulla polipus is rendered " a schrympe," and in the Ortus " a lepeste," or lobster; but tiic fish here intended is |irobably tlie craw-lish, Cancer /Jstacus, Linn. wbirli still bears the name in the North of England, and Jaoiicson gives it the ap- peilalion crevish. " Creues, a fysshe, escreuive." pai.sg. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 10:3 haue howe (halowe, p.)' Ce- leuma, c. F. Crye, or ^retc noysc among the peple (in the people, p.) Tu- multus. Cryar, ho ))at cryethe yn. a mer- ket, or in ateyre. Declaiaator, preco, c. F. (^proclamator, p.) Cryyn'. Clamo, vocifero. Crybbe, or cracche, or manger (cribbe or bose, 'k.)2 Prese- pium, presepe. Cryke of watyr. Scatera. Crykke, sekenesse (or crampe, H. p.) Spasmus, secundum medicos, tetanus, UG. in teter. Crykette. Salamandra, cril- lus, COMM. (^grillus, p.) Crympylle, or rympyUe. Ruga. Crympled, or rympled. Rugatus. Crymplyn', or rymplyn'. Hugo. Crypylle (cripil, k. crepyll, p.) QuadripUcator, cath. claudus, contravtus. Crysme (holy, p.) oyle, Ci'isma. Cryspe, as here, or o))er lykc.s Crispus, KYLW. Cryspiieed, or cryspenesse. Cris- pitudo, CATH. Cryste (Criyst, xpc, k.) Cristus. Crystalle, stone. CristaUiis. Crystyndame.* Cristianitas, Cristia n ismus. Crystex manne or womanne. Cristianus, Cristiana. Croce of a byschope.' Pedum, 1 " Celeiima est clamor nauticus, vil vantus, ut heuylaw romylawe." ortus. See hereafter halow, schypmannys crye. 2 In the Legenda Aurea the manger in which our Saviour was laid is termed a crybbe or racke ; in the Wicliffite version it is called a cratche, Luke xi. 7. " Cratche for horse or oxen, creche.''^ i'alsg. " Creicke, a cratch, rack, oxe-stall, or crib." COTG. See Nares's Glossary, uooc, or boos, occurs previously. 3 " Cryspe as ones heer is that curleth, crf.«/;e, crespeleux.'' palsg. In the Cath. Angl. is given " A crys])yngeyrene, actis, calamistrum.^' 4 Herman uses this word in the sense of the common term Christening; "I was called Wyllyam at my Christendome, die lustrico.''' So likewise in the Cath. Angl. "A crystendame, baptisynus, baptmna, Christianitas.'^ ^ The pastoral staff with a curs'ed head, to which the appellation cleystaffe has been given previously in the Proniptorium, was called croce, crosse, croclic, or crutch, words derived from the French croce or croche. " Croce, littnis, ce tiom vintt de croc, pource qu'tine croce est crochue.'" nicot. In Piers Ploughman's Vision, line .")08!», it is said that Do-best " bereth a bisshopes crosse," with one extremity hooked : and at the con- secration of a church, according to the Legenda Aurea, " the bysshop gooth all aboute thre tymes, and at euery tymc thathecometh to that dore, heknocketh with his crosse," in the Latin original, " bactilo jjastorali." Chaucer uses the word croce. " Crosse for a bysshoppe, crosse." falsg. " I'edum, croche." ^'ocab. koy. ms. 17 C. xvii. "" Cambuca, a crutchc." outcs. "A cruche, cambuca, pedum.''' cath. angl. A costly " cruche " occurs in the Inventory taken at Fountains Abbey, and publislicd by Burton. In Ang. Sax. cruce signifies both a cross and a crook, and from similarity of sound between cross and croce, words perfectly distinct in their derivation, some con- fusion of terms has arisen, especially as regards the usual acceptance of the word crosier, which has been supposed to be incorrect. Crosier, however, properly signifies the pas- toral staff, or croce, the incurved head of which was termed in French cronseroii, part of the insignia of liishojts : thus in Brooke's Book of Precedents it appears, that at the 104 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM- KYLw. Dice, camhiica, c. f. KYLW. crocea. Crocere.1 Crociarius, camhti- carius, crucifer, cath. peda- rius, KYLW. cruciferarius. Crochett of songe. Semimi- nima (siinpla, p.) Croke, or scheype hoke (crotche, H. P. croche, w.) Pedum., c. F. UG. camhuca {podium, p.) Crokyd, or wronge. Curvus, (^rejlexus, tortus, p.) Crokyd (or lame, p.) supra in CRYPYLLE (claudus, tortus, K.) Crokyn', or makyh' wronge. Curbo (curvo, K.) Crokyn' (cromyn, k. h. p.) Unco, CATH. (vinco, k.) Crombe, or crome (crowmbe, p.)* Bucus, c. F. (iinccns, k. p.) arpax, c. f. Cronycle, or cronykylle. Cro- nica, historia. Cronyclere. Cronicus, histo- ricus, c. v .(Jiistoriagraphus, k.) CKOP^,supra j/i CR AWE of a byrde. i^Cahus, vesicula, k.)^ Croppe of an erbe or tree.* Cima, coma, capillamentum, CATH. c. F. Croppe of corne yn a yere (3ere, K.) Annona. marriage of Philip and Mary in 1554, the Bishops present had their " crosiers carried before them.'' Lei. Coll. iv. 398. Fox says that Bonner, who was then Bishop of London, at the degradation of Dr. Taylor in 1555, would not strike him with his " crosier-stafF'' u)ion tlie breast, lest he should strike again. Minsheu says that " croce is a shejiherd's crooke in our old English ; hence the staffe of a Bishop is called the crocier or crosier.'' 1 " A croser, cruciferarius, crucifer,^' cath. ang. In the relation of the mar- tyrdom of St. Thomas of Canterbury it is said that " one Syr Edward Gryme, that was his croyser, put forthe his arme with the crosse to here of the stroke, and the stroke smote the crosse on sender." Legenda Aur. At the first progress of Henry VIL after his coronation, during the solemnities at York, the Archbishop's " suft'ragan was croyser, and bar the Archebisshops crosse." Lei. Coll. iii. 192. It appears, however, by the Promptorium, that the appellation crocere denoted also the bearer of a pastoral staff, or crosier. In this sense Higins, in the version of Junius' Nomenclator, 1585, renders " lituns, a crosier's staffe, or a Bishop's stafle." - This word, signifying a staff with an hooked end, is still retained among the pro- vincialisms of Norfolk and Suffolk, and is traced by Forby to the Belg. crom, uncus. Tusser speaks of a " dung-crome," and Jamieson gives crummock, or crummie-staff, a stick with a crooked head. Ang. Sax. crumb, curvus. * Forby gives crop, as the name applied to the craw of a bird, Teut. krop, stomachus ; according to Jamieson it signifies the same in N. Britain, and also the human stomach. Ang. Sax. cropp, gutturis vasicnla. '• " A croppe, cima.'''' cath. angl. Chaucer uses this word repeatedly, signifying the topmost boughs ; so likewise Gower, alluding to the confused state of affairs in the latter part of the reign of Richard II. says, *' Nowe stante the croppe vnder the rote, The world is chaunged ouerall." Conf. Am. Prologue. Crap has the same signification in theNorth, as given by Jamieson. Ang. Sax. crop, cima. PRONrPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 105 Croppere, or crowpyn' (croper, K. p.) Postela, subtela, cath. Cropon' of a beste (croupe or cropon, II. p.) Clwnis. Crosse (cros, k. h.) Crux. Crossydde. Crncesignntus. Croppe of a tre or other lyke(crote of a turfe, k. h. p.) Glehi- cula, gfebtila, catii. glebella. Crowde, instrument of musyke.' Cho7'us. Crowde, barowyr. Cenivectorium. JVota supra ill barowe. Crowde wythe a barow.' Cine- vecto. Crowdyn', or showen (xowyn, h. sboue, p.) Impello. Crowdynge, caryynge wythe a barowe. Cenivectura. Crowdynge, or schowynge. Pres- sura, puhio. Crowe, byrde. Corvus. Crowefote, herbe. Amarusca, vel amarusca emeroydarum^ pes cnrvi. Crowen, as cokkes. GaJUcanto. Crowken, as cranes. Gruo. Crowken, as todes, or frosshes (froggis, p.)'' Coa,vo. Crown E, or corowne. Corona. Crownere, or corownere. Co- ronator. C(r)owper, supra in crowpon'. Crowse, or cruse, potte (crowce, or crwce, p.) Amula, c. F. Curde (crudde, k. h. p.)* Co- agulum. Cruddyd. Coagulatiis. Cruddyn'. Coagulo. Cruel, man or beste. Crudelis, severus, hnicidentus. Cruel min(i)ster. Satelles, UG. Cruelte. Crudelitas, scveritas. Cruett.' Ampulla, j^Jiiola. ' The crowde appears to have been a six-stringed instrument resembling a fiddle, called in Wales crwth, and in Scotland cruit. Fortunatus, Bishop of Poitiers, who wrote at the close of the Vlth century, enumerating tlie kinds of music peculiar to different countries, uses this expression, " Chrotta Brilanna placet.'" Carni. lib, vii. c. 8. In the Wicliffite version. Judges xi. 34 is thus rendered, " Forsol'C whanne lepte turnede a3en — his oon gendrid doujter cam to him wih tympans and croudis." The word occurs again, Luke xv. '25. " Coralla, a crowde. Coraldua, a crowdere." Vocab. Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. " A crowde, corvs, lira ; Corista, qui vel que canit in eo." CATH. ANGL. " Croude, an instrument, rebecq. Croudar, iouevrde?-ebccq.'^ palsg. The Englii-h interpretation of the Equivoca of Joh. de Garlandia gives " c/ioru.s, croutbe." '■^ Of the barrow, called in the Romance of Sir Amiloun a " croude wain," and still called in the Eastern Counties a crud-barrow, some notice has been taken under the word BAROWE. The use of the verb occurs in the following passage, after the descrip- tion of the leprous knight being placed in the barrow, " Then Amoraunt crud Sir Amiloun Thurch mani a cuntre vp and down." Amis and Amiloun, Moore gives the verb to crowd as signifying in Suffolk to j)ush or shove. 3 This term, as well as several others of synonymous meaning, appear to be onoma- topeias, and to be traced to their similarity of sound to the noise which they express. The Medulla explains coa.r to be " vox ratiantui, croudynge of pndokys." Palsgrave gives " to crowle, cro?//7/ec. My holy crowlctli, I wcne there be some padokes in it.'' Horman says, " his bely maketh a great crowlynge, paiitur l/ot/iori/f/moii."' In N. Britain to croud, according to Ruddiman, signifies the noise of frogs. See Jamieson. * * "A.cniAi\e,/nit(!ucfa,c()a{/i//iiim.''' oath. angi.. "C'ruddesofmylkc, »jfl//e.«." palsg. * The vessels which rontainod the wine and water for the service of the alt.nr were CAM. sor. P 106 PROMPTORIL'Nf PARVULORUM. Crumme. Mica. Crumm' brede, or o})er lyke (crum- myn, k, h.) Mico. Cruschylbone, or grystylbone (crusshell, p.)'- Cartilago. Cruschyx, or quaschyn'. Qiiasso. Crusshyn' bonys. Ocillo, UG. Cruskyn', or cruske, coop of erj;e.' Cartesia. Cruste. Crustum, ug. Cu, halfe a farthynge, or q. (cue, p.y Calcus, c. F. minutum, CATH. CuFFE, glove, or meteyne (mytten, p.) Mitta (ciroteca, j.) CuKKOw, byrde(cukhew,bryd, k.) Cuculus. CuKKYNGE, or pysyngG vesselle. Scaphium, ug. in scando. CuKSTOKE, for flyterys, or schy- called cruets, ia Latin pkialce, urcenli, anmhtlcc, in French burettes, chennettes, &c. The Constitutions of Waltei" de Cantilupe in 1240 require that in every church there ehould be " duce phialce, una vinaria, altera aquaria ; " and at the Synod of Exeter in 1287 it was ordained that there should be " ires pkialce." Wilkins, Concil. i. 666, ii. 139. Among the costly bequests of the Black Prince in 1376 to our Lady's altar at Canterbury, are mentioned '' deux cruet z taillez come deux angeles, pur servir cimesme I'autier perpetzielement.'' Horman, under the head of things sacred, says, "Have pure wyne and water in the cruettes, amulis.''^ ' In Norfolk, according to Forby, crish or crush signifies cartilage, or soft bones, and in Suffolk crussel or skrussel has a similar meaning. Ang. Sax. gristl-ban, 3 This term is derived from the old French word creusequin, which signifies a drink- ing cup. In a MS. Inventory, dated 1378, 1 Ric. II. in the possession of Sir Thomas Philli[)ps, are enumerated " tin petit cruskyn oue tepee et le couercle d'' argent enorre et eym\ Un cruskyn de terre yarnis d'argent, &fc. Un pot d''argent hlanc au guyse d'un cruskyn, oue le couercle sanz ponielle. Un cruskyn de terre couere de quir bende en la sumete d^or et le couercle d'or." Among the " pertinencia promptuario,'" in Vocab. Harl. MS. 1002, occur *' cornua, home cn^pe, picarius, cruskyn." 3 The smallest Anglo-Saxon coin was the etyca, of which two were equal to a far- thing. Ruding observes that the stycas appear identical with the " minuta," Domesd. i. f. 268, and the passage rendered in the Saxon Gospels, "twejen stycas,'' is in the Wickliffite version, " tweie mynutis, that is a farthing.'' Mark, xii. 42. See mynutk hereafter. In Buncombe's Hist, of Reculver is given a mortmayn grant, dated 13 Henry VI. 1435, in which half a farthing is named as a portion of rent paid to the Hospital of Herbaldowne, namely, " xxv schelynges, and the halfin dell of an fferdyng of rente, and rente ^eldynge of a quat' of berr', and an henne and a half, a certell (sar- cella) and )'e iij parte of a certell," &c. Bibl. Top. i. 151. At the time ho\>rever that the Proriiptorium was compiled it does not appear that there was actually a coin of this value ; the mite, as well as its equivalent, called here a cu, were merely terms retained in calculation, and the latter was commonly used at Oxford at a much later period. It is thus explained by Minsheu, who completed his first edition in that University. " A cue, i. halfe a farthing, so called because they set down in the Battling or Butterie bookes in Oxford and Cambridge the letter q. for halfe a farthing, and in Oxford when they make that cue or q. a farthing, they say, Cap my q. and make it a fartliing, thus q". But in Candjridge they use thi.s letter, a little s. for a farthing, and when they demand a farthing bread or beare, they say a seize of bread or beare. Latin, calrus, a cue of bread." Tho abbreviation (j. did not, it plainly appears, always stand as at present for qundrans, a fartliing, but denoted a value of only half that amount ; and it seems possible that cue or q. may have been an abbreviation of " calcus, qvarta pars oboli.'' ortus. The term cue occurs in Beaumont and Fletcher. See Nares's Glossary, PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 107 derys (cukstoUe, k. cucstool, H.)' Turbuscetum, cadurca. Cullyn' owte. Segrego, fego, separo (^eligo, K.) CuLLYNGE, or owte schesynge (owtclesyng, k. chesyng, h. chosinge owte, p.) Separacio, segregacio. 1 " Terbichetum, a cokstole." ortus. " Cokestole, cuckestole, selle a ricaldes." PALSG. The earliest mention of this mode of punishing female offenders occurs in the laws of Chester in the time of Edward the Confessor, as stated in Domesd. i. f. 262, b. The fine for using false measures was fixed at 4 shillings ; " similiier ntalam cei'visiam faciens, aut in cathedrd ponebatur stercoris, aut ii'j aol. dabat prepositis." It wa3 called in Ang. Sax. " scealfing-stol, sella urina/oria, in qud rixosa mulieres sedentes aguis demergebaniw." somner. The pillory for male offenders, and cucking-stool for females, were essentially appendant to the view of frank-pledge, or Leet : inquest was ordered to be made respecting the sufficient provision of both, by the Stat, assigned to 51 Hen. III. c. 6; and among the " Capiiula Escaetrie," one of the duties of the Escheator is declared to be inquiry ^' de pilloriis et iumbrellis sine licentid Regis le- vaiis.'^ Stat, of Realm, i. 201, 240. It was termed, perhaps from its resemblance to a warlike engine so called, trebuchet, or trebnchetum. See hereafter trf.bget for werre. By Bracton it is spoken of as tymborella, and in the Statutes tumbrellus, appellations likewise derived from its construction. An instance of the jealousy with which any un- authorized assunaption of this manorial right of punishment was repressed, occurs in the Chron. of Jocelin de Brakelond, p. 38, where it is related that about 1190 certain encroachments were made on the privileges of the Abbot of St. Edmund's Bury, in the manor of Illegh ; " levaverunt homines delllega quoddam trebuchet ad faciendamjusti. clam prufalsis mensuris panis vel bladi 7nensurandi, unde conquestns est abbas." This punishment was chiefly inflicted in early times on brewers, who are spoken of always as females, for any transgression of the assize of ale, " Braciatrix {paciatur) trebuchet urn re/ cas^j^a^or/MW ;" in Scotland it was used in like manner. Stat, of Realm, i. 201, and Skene's Reg. Majest. It became subsequently the punishment of scolds, and women of immoral or disorderly life ; thus in the town of Montgomery such offenders were adjudged to suffer the penalty " de la Goging-stoole," as appears by a MS. cited in Blount's Tenures ; in the Leet Book of Coventry mention occurs in 1423, of the '•cokestowle made apon Chelsmore grene to punysche skolders and chidders, as y" law wyll : " and items of account are found so late as 1623, which show that the punish- ment still continued to be used in that city. Of the "coke-stool " at Norwich, which was to be provided by the gild of St. George, see Blomf. Hist. ii. 739 ; an account of expenses connected with another at Kingston-on-Thames is given in Lysons's Env. i. 233 ; and in Lord Braybrooke's Hist, of Audley End, p. 261 , are mentioned payments so late as the year 1613, at Saffron Walden, where the scene of such punishments at the end of the High Street is spoken of in 1484 as the " cokstul hend.' In 1555 .Mary Queen of Scots enacted that itinerant singing women should be put on the cuckstoles of every burgh or town ; and the first Homily against contention, part 3, published in 1562, sets forth that " in all well ordred cities common brawlers and scolders be pun- ished with a notable kind of paine, as to be set on the cucking-stole, pillory, or such like." An original cucking-stool, of ancient and rude construction, was preserved in the crypt under the chancel of St. Mary's, Warwick, where iiiay still be seen the three- wheeled carriage upon which was suspended by a long balanced pole a chair which could readily be lowered into the water, when the cumbrous vehicle had been rolled into a convenient situation. This chair is still in existence at Warwick. Another cucking- stool, differently contrived, may be seen at Ipswich in the Custom House ; it appears to have been used by means of a sort of a crane, whereby the victim was slung into the river, and is represented in the Hist, of Ipswich, published 1830, and Gent. Mag. Jan. 1831. More detailed information on this curious subject will be found in the 108 PROiMPTORIUM PARVULORUM, CuLME of a smeke (of smeke, H. p.) Fuligo. (CuLPOWN, K. culpyn, h. p.)' Cidpum, scissura. CuLRACHE, smerthole, herbe (cul- ratche, ii, p.)- Persiccaria. (CuLTER'for a plowe, p. Culfrum.') Cum, or come (cvmnj'n, k. cvmne, II.) Venio. CuiM AFTER,orfolow(cvmTiynaftyr, K. cvmne, ii.) Succedo, sequor. Cum downe. Descendo. CvM YN. Tngredior, introeo. Cvm' too. Advenio. CuMLY (or semelvj p.) supra in COMELY. CoMLY, or cumlywyse. Decenier, (CuMLiNGE, or newe come, k. p.^ Adventicius, UG. inguilinus.) (COMMAWNDEMENT, K.H.F.MaU- datum, preceptum.^ CUMNAWNTE (comiiawilt. K. CU- naunt, p.)* Pactum, fedusy convencio. (CuMNAWNTEbrekere, k. Pidi- fragus.^ Cumnawxtyn', or make a cum- nawnte. Convenio., pango. CuMPANY. Comitiva, agmen, turha, turma, conturhernium, cetus (^conve7itictilum, proprie malorum, p.) Glossaries of Ducange, Spelman, Blount, and Cowel ; as also in Brand's Popular Antiqu. ii. 441. The term tlyterys, here applied to contentious persons, does not occur again in the Pron)ptoriuin. but only the verb flytin or chydiii. See hereafter kukstole. ' Culpon, derived from the Latin colpo, or the French coupon, a shred, or any por- tion cut off, is a term not uncommon in the early romances. *' Al to peces thai hewed thair sheldes, The culpons flegh out in the feldes." Ywaine and Gawin, 641. lloveden, sj)eaking of the livery allowed to tlie King of Scotland at the court of King Richard in 1194, says he had " 40 t/rosKOs longos colpones de dominicd candeld Rer/is." Chaucer says of the long hair of the Pardoner, which hung " by vnces " on his shoulders, " Full thinne it laie, by culpons one and one." Cant. Tales, Prologue. ' Culpon that troute " is given as the proper term of the art, in the " Boke of Kerving," I.jOS. " Culpit, a large lump of any thing." forby. 2 The Persicaria hydropiper, Linn, was called culrage, from the French, " curage, mirage, the hearbe water-pepper, arse-smart, killridge or culerage." cotgr. Its aj)hrodisiac properties are thus alluded to by Piers of Fulham, " An erbe is cause of all this rage In our tongue called culrage." Ilartshorne, Melr. Tales, 133. 3 See COMELYNGE. Sir Ywaine, when he had long time left the lady whom he had espoused in a foreign land, is called by her messenger, " an unkind cumlyng." Ywaine and Gawin, 1627. " Komelynge " occurs in Rob. of Gloucester ; "comlyng," R. Brunne. ■' Cumnawnte or comenaunt are perhaps corruptions of the French cotirenaut. In Sir John Howard's Household IJook, entries frequently occur of agreements made with domestics or artificers, always exjiressed by the term comenaunt. In 1464 his steward made the following note : " My master maer lyke. Strigillo. Currayyn' ledyr. Cociodio, KYLW. {corradio, p.) CuRSER, or cow(r)ser. Equus caballus. Curate. Curatus. Cure, or charge. Cava. CuRFu.' Ignitegium. Curyn', or hyllyn' (cuueren, w.) Operio, cooper if), tego, vela, CATH, Curyn', or heelyii' of seekenesse (holyn, K. H.) Sano, euro. CuvERYNGE, or hyllynge, or thynge |;at hyllythe (curyng, shelves, whereon the ration called a livery, allowed to each member of the household was placed ; and in well ordered families every dormitory appears to have been supplied nightly with a substantial provision. In the contract for building Hengrave Hail, in 1538, is the following clause ; " the hall to have ii. coberds, one benethe at the sper (screen) with a tremor, and another at the hygher tables ende without doors." Pals- grave gives " cupborde of plate, or to sette plate upon, buffet: cupborde to putte meate in, dressoiier. INIethinke my cupborde is ungarnysshed, nowe I wante my salte celler." Cotgrave renders " 5?/^e/, a court-cupboard, or high standing cupboard ; also a cup- board of plate. Dres.soir, a court cupboord (without box or drawer)." ' The origin of the curfew in England is generally ascribed to the Conqueror, by whom it was imposed in token of servitude, but the assertion seems to rest oa no suf- ficient authority, and no mention of the usage occurs in the Stat, de nocturnis custodiis. Ancient Laws and Instit. i. 491. Dr. Henry observes that the custom prevailed, at the time of the Conquest, in France, and probably in all the countries of Europe, and was intended merely as a precaution against fires, at a time when cities were con- structed chiefly of wood. It has been stated also that the custom was abolished by Henry II. The Statutes of the City of London, 13 Edw. I. enjoin that no one shall be found in the streets " apres coeverfu persorie a Seint Martyu le grantif." Stat, of Realm, i. 102. Couvre feu, or carfou in France was rung at 7 in the evening, but in some places at a later hour in summer, and there was also a bell at daybreak. See Pasquier, iv. 18, and Menage. In England the hour of ringing the curfew was eight, Wats, however, gives nine as the hour in summer ; that hour is so named in " the Merry Devil of Edmonton," and it was the customary time in Scotland, as appears by Act Pari. 13 James I. 1419, but subsequently was altered to ten. The usage of the curfew is still retained in the Universities, and many towns and villages in England, as is likewise the custom of ringing a bell at day-break, or four o'clock. At Lynn, where the Promptorium was compiled, the largest bell of the jirincipal churches is still tolled at si.x, both morning and evening, and serves as a signal to labourers and artizans. The salntatio amjelica, commonly called the anyelus, was recited daily morning and evening, " ad pulxationem if/nitei/ii,^' an institution ascribed to St. Bonaventure, but more probably, as Ducange observes, to Pojie John XXII. at the Council of Sens, 1320. In the Statutes of Lichfield Cathedral, it is ordered as follows: '' Kst autem igiiite- yium qudlibct nnnte per annum puhandnm. hord septimd post meridiem, exceptix illis festis qnihus inatulinii; dicunlur pont cmnpletoriuin.'''' In the Institutions of Guarin, Abbot of St. Alban's, who died 1195, the curfew is called pyri/er/i urn. Matt. Paris. The Medulla renders " iffnitrt/htm, a coure feu,'' in the Ortus ''a fyrepanne,'' alluding perhaps to such an implement for extinguishing the fire, as is represented in Antiqu. Repert. i. 89, and which was afterwards in the possession of Horace \\'al])ole at Straw- berry Hill. " Courefewe, a ryngyng of belles towarde euenyng, couurefev." palso. In the Romance of the Seuyn Sages the word is repeatedly written " corfour bell." Vlth Tale. " Curfnr, if/nilef/inm.'' cath. angl. See curfure in Jamieson. Spelman gives the Ang. Sax. curfu-bell, but it is not found in Lye. See further on this subject Brand's Pojiular Antiqu. ii. KUi, and Barrington on the Anc. Stat. 133. PROM PTO RUM HAHVUl.ORUM. Ill K. H.) Operculum, velamentum, velamen, tegimen. CuRYNGE, or heelynge of seke- nesse. Curacio, sanaciu. CuRYNGE, or recurynge of seke- nesse. Cunvalescencia, CuRLYD, as here. Crispus. CuRLYNGE of here. Crispitudo. Curlew, byrde. Coturnuv, or- togameter., ortogametra, c. F. CuRCE. E.vcommunicatio, ana- thema, mulecUctio. (CuRSYD, K. Excommunicatus, maledictus.) Cursyn'. Excommunico, ana- thematizo, cateziso, maledico. CURTEYSE curialis. Curtesy. Facetus, urbanus, Facecia, urhanitas, cioialita^. CuRTEYNE. Ciirtina. Curt L AGE, or gardeyn'. Olera- rium, curtilagium,. Cus,or kysse. Oscuhim, basitim,c. F. CuscHONE (cusshyn, p.) Cus- cina, supinum. CusTU.M, or vse. Consuetudo, ritus. CusTUM, kyngys dute. Custuma, (usucaptio, p.) CUSTUMABLE. SoUtuS, COUSHetUS. CuSTUMABLY. CoHsuete, solite. CusTUMMERE. Custumarius, usu- captor, c. F. consuetudinarius. CuTTE a-sundere. Scissus. Cut, or lote. Sors. Cuttyn' (cutte, or cutton, p.) Scindo, seco, cath. C utt y yn' a-way. Abscindo, reseco, amputo. Cutte vynes. Puto, c. f. Cuttynge of vynys. Putacio. CuTTYNGE. Scissura. Cuttynge, or a-voydaunce yn any materyalle thynge, (mater', p.) or refuse. Resecam,en, putamen. Cuttpurs. Burscida, et inde burscidium, actus ejus, cucufri- dramus. (Cut pursinge, p. JBwcidium.) Daffe, or dastardj or he }>at spekythe not yn tyTiie.' Oii- durus, cath. Daggare, to steke wythe men'. Pugio (clunabulum, armicu- dium, p.) Dagge of clothe. Ftactillus, CATH. Daggyde.'' Fractillosus. • This term of reproach occurs in Piers Ploughman and Chaucer, " Thou dotest daffe, quod she, dulle are thy wittes." Chaucer uses the expressions, " a daffe, or a cokenay,'' in a similar sense, and "be- daS"ed," made a fool of, " Beth not bedaff"ed for your innocence." Clerkes Tale. In the " seconde fyt of curtasie " occurs the following advice : " liPt not J>e post be-cum I'y staf. Lest i?')a be ciillet a dotet daf." Sloane MS. 1986, f. 28, b. 2 Draggyde, MS. daggyd, k. :v Chaucer, among the costly fashions of tlie reign of Richard II. which are satirized in the I\tsou's Tale, speaks of " pounsed and dagged clothing; " this cvistom of jagging or foliating the edge of a garment had commenced in the previous reign, and is curiously represented in the History of the Deposition of il:> PROMPTORIUM PARVUr,ORU\r. Daggyn'. Fifictillo. DAGGySWEYNE.'Zorf/.r,CATH.C.F. Day. Dies. Day be day, or ouery day (oi* daily, or euery day, p.) Quo- tidie. D A yyn', or wexyn day (dawyn, k.)'^ Diesco. Days rawarde or hyre, or oj)er lyke. Diarium, c. f. Daysy', flowre. ConsoUda mi- nor, et major dicitur confery (cownfery, k.) Dale, or vale. Vallis. Dayly, or pley (daly, K. p.)^ Tessura, c. f. (^alea, decius, K.) Dalyaunce. Confabulacio, col- locucio, colloquium. Dal yyn', or talkyn'. Fahulor, confahidor, colloquor. D A L K E.* Vallis (supr'a in dale, p.) Dallyn, or hallosyn (halsyn, k.) Amplector. Dallynge, or halsynge. Am- ple.vus. (Dalmatyk, k. p.)5 Dahnatica. Richard, Harl. MS. 1319. Archseologia, vol. xx. Chaucer uses also the diminutive dagon ; thus in the Sompnoures Tale the importunate Friar, vpho went from house to house to collect anything he could lay hands upon, craves "a dagon of your blanket, leve dame." Ang. Sax. " daj;, anything that is loose, dagling, dangling." somn. ' A bed-covering, or a garment formed of frize, or some material v?ith long thrums like a carpet, was termed a daggysweyne; lodix is explained in the Ortus to be " quiC' quid in lecto supponitur, et projrrie pannusvillosus, Aiiglice a blanket." Hormansays, '' my bed is covered with a daggeswaine and a quylte {gausape et centone) some dags- ■waynys haue longe thrumys {fractillosj and iagg^ on bothe sydes, some but on one." So likewise Elyot gives " Gausape, a mantell to caste on a bed, also a carpet to lay on a table, some cal it a dagswayne." Andrew Borde, in the Introduction of Knowledge, 1542, puts the following speech in the mouths of the Frycelanders : " And symple rayment doth serue us full well, With dagswaynes and roudges we be content." Harrison relates in the description of England, written in Essex during the reign of Elizabeth, that the old men in his village used to say, " our fathers (yea and we our selues also) haue lien full oft vpon straw pallets, on rough mats couered onelie with a sheet under couerlets made of dagswain, or hopharlots (I vse their owne termes) and a good round log vnder their heads instecd of a bolster." Holinshed, Chron. i. 188. 2 " Thedayng of day," Anturs of Arther, edited by Mr. Robson, st. 37- See dawyn. 3 The Council of Worcester, in 1240, ordained regarding the Clergy, "nee ludant ad aleas vel ta.rillos ;''^ the \aiteT game was probably the same which is here termed DAYLV, but in what respect it differed from ordinary dice-play has not been ascer- tained. Ducange supposes it may have been the same as the French " trictrac, ludus scrupnlorurn." Herman says that " men plcy with 3 dice, and children with 4 dalies, astragulis vet talis. Wolde God I coude nat playe at the dalys, aleam. Cutte this flesshe into dalcys, tessellas.'^ * Delk, according to Forby, signifies in Norfolk a small cavity either in the soil, or the flesh of the body. In this last sense the gloss on Gautier de iJibelesworth inter- prets the expression " a?« cool troueret lafosset, a dalke in Jjc nekke." Arund. MS. 220, f. 297 , b. ^ The dalmatic is a sacred vestment, so named, according to St. Isidore, from its having originated in Ualmatia, and was introduced into the C'hristian church by St. Silvester, P.P. in the 4th century, as stated by Alcuin, who describes it as "rw/zwcn/t^rw ?w wJorf»/m criicif, liaben.i in sinislrA sii^i parte fiiiit/riax, de:rlrA iin carente, inconsntite, et cum PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 113 Dame, ov hye bankys (dam or heybanck. k.) Agger (stag- num, K. p.) Damage, or harme. Dampnum. Damasyn', tre. NLva. Damasyn', frute. Pruninn Da- mascenwn, coquinella. (Dame, k. p. Domina.) Dames ELL E. Domicella. Dampnacyone. Dampnacio. Dampnyd. Dampnatus. Dampnynge, idem est quod dampnacio. Damxyn'. Dampno, condempno. Dapyr, or praty.' Elegans. Daryn', or drowpyii', or prively to be hydde (priuyly to hydyn, K. prevyly ben hyd, H.)' Latito, lateo, cath. Daryxge, or drowpjTige (drou- largis manicis '" It was specially appropriated to the deacon, who was vested there- with at the time of his orJiuation, and therefore St. Stephen and St. Laurence, who were deacons of the Church, are always represented as wearing this vesture. A very interesting portraiture of the former will be found in a MS. of Xlth cent. Calig. A. XIV. In early times the dalmatic was ornamented with longitudinal bands, called clavi, which were either of gold, as in the illumination just mentioned, or purple ; " Dalmata, iwsitis sacerdutalis Candida cum clavis j^urpureis.''' Gloss. S. Isid. Orig. Hence the epithets auroclavus, chrysoclavus, and purpurcl clavatus. To these bands were attached at intervals the. playzdai, as exhibited in the illumination of the Bible of Charles the Bald at Paris, executed in the IXth century, engraved in Montfaucoa Mon. Franc, torn, i, and the splendid work published by the Comte Bastard. See also the curious German Missal, Xth cent. Harl. MS. 2908, and the illumination in Cott. MS. Claud. A. iii. supposed to represent St. Dunstan. In the Ang. Sax. Inventory of sacred ornaments given by Bp. Leofric to the church of Exeter about A.D. 1050, occur " 2 dalmatica, 3 pistel roccas." Mon. Angl. i. 222. These last were probably tunicles, vestments appropriated to the order of subdeacon, as was the dalmatic to that of deacon ; in effigies and representations that exist in England of ecclesiastics in pon- tificalibus, both vestments are almost invariably exhibited. The Legate Ottoboni or- dained, A.D. 1268, that if any Prelate neglected to punish the immoral conduct of his clergy, " Episcopus a dalmatica, ttiniccp, et sandaliorum usu sit suspensus donee duxerit qua utatuta sunt exequenda.'" Wilkins, Cone. xi. 5. ' Drapyr, or party, MS. dapyr, or praty, k. p. Palsgrave gives " daper, proper, mignon, godin ; da|)yrnesse, propernesse, mignofterie.''' 2 A very usual sense of the verb to dare, in the old writers, is to gaze about, or stare ; Palsgrave gives " to dare, prye or loke about me, je advise alentour. What darest thou on this facyon, me thynketh thou woldest catche larkes ? '' " With woodecokkys lerne for to dare." Lydgate, Minor Poems, 174. The same signification has been assigned, by Tyrwhitt and the commentators on Chaucer, to an expression occurring in the Shipman's Tale, the true import of which appears above to be made clear. Dan John rallies the old merchant's wife on the slug- gishness of her spouse : "an olde appalled wight, As ben thise wedded men, that lie and dare, As in a fourme sitteth a wery hare." Chaucer appears evidently here to use dare in the sense given to the word in the Promp- torium of lying concealed, as an animal in its den, which is termed hereafttr dwf.re, or dowere. " Dilatesco, to bigiuuc to dare. Lateo, to lurk." med. Cotgrave gives " blotir, to squat, ly close to the ground, like a daring larke, or affrighted fowle." CAMD. .SOC. (i 114 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. kynge, h. droukinge, p.) Lici- tacio {latitatio, k. h. p.) Darte. Jaculum, telum, spicu- lum (spilum, p.) Darn, or dui*n (darun, daren, or dom, p.) Audeo. Das YD, or be-dasyd. Vertiginosiis. Dasmyn', or messen as eyys (da- sjTi, or myssyn as eyne, h. iyen, p.)' Ccdigo. Dastard, or duUarde.'^ Duri- buctius (yel duribuccus, p.) Date, frute. Dactilus. Date, of scripture. Datum. Dawber, or cleymann'. Argil- larius, bituminarius, kylvv. Unitor (liitor, p.) Dawbyn'.^ Limoi tnuro {hanni- no, p ) Dawnxe. Tripudium. Dawnce yn a sorte (in sercle, p. cercle, h.) Chorea. Dawncere. Tripudiator, tri- pudiatrLv. Dawnceledere. Coralles. Dawncynge, idem est quod DAWNCE. Dawncynge pype. Carola. Dawncyn'. Tripudio, salto. Daunge(r), or grete passage (dawnger, k. or streyte passage, p.) Arta via. (Dawngere, k. daunger', p. Domigerium.^ Dawngerowse (or strauge, p.) Daungerosiis (^domigeriosus, K. p.) Dawyn', idem est quod dayyn' (dawnyn or dayen, p.)* Aurora, cath. ' The derivation of this word appears, according to Skinner and Junius, to be from Ang. Sax. dwaes, Aeies, stultus ; the Teut. daesen, insanire, phantasmate turbari is more closely assimilated to it. In the Wicliffite version Gen. xxvii. 1 is rendered thus: " Foresothe Isaac wax eld, and hise i^en dasewiden." The word is repeatedly used by Chaucer. " Thin eyen dasen, sothly as me thinketli." Manciple's Pro!. 2 " Duribuccus, )>atn eueropenel>his moul', a dasiberde." med. " A daysyberd, duri- buccus.^' OATH. ANGL. " Dastarde, es/oMrrfy, itt^arm." PALSG. SeeoAFFE and dul- LARDE. 3 Palsgrave gives the verbs "to dawbe with clay onely; to daube with lime, plaster, or lome, that is tempered with heare or straw. Dsiuher, placquenr.'' Forby states that a dauber in Norfolk is a builder of walls with clay or mud, mixed with stubble or short straw well beaten and incorporated, and so becoming pretty durable ; it is now difficult to find a good dauber. This mode of constructing fences for farm-yards and cottage walls is much used in Suffolk, as appears by Sir John Cullum's account of the process, Hist, of Hawsted, 195, and Moore's explanation of the term " daabing." The proverb given by Ray, " there's craft in dawbing " would make it appear that this mode of construction was once more generally known ; in the western counties it is still in con- tinual use, being known by the appellations cob, or rad and dab, a curious article on which, and on the use of concrete in building generally, will be found in Quart. Rev. vol. Iviii., 524. 4 " To dawe, diere, diescere, diet, impersonate." oath. angl. Tkis verb is used by Chaucer : " Thus laboureth he, till that the day gan dawe." Marchant's Tale. Palsgrave gives " to dawe as the day dothe, adjourner, I'aiihe se crifve. To dawe from PROMPTORIUM PARVULORU.Nf. llo Dawnynge of the day. Ante- lucanum, c. f. mer. ante luca- nus, qui surgit ante lucem, c. F. UG. Dawntyn', supra in chersyn'.' Daw(n)tynge, or grete cher- synge (dauntinge, or greate cherisshinge, p.) Focio, cath. DEBATE.Z)menao, sedicio, cath. Debate maker, or baratour." Incentor, cath. Deceyte, or begylynge. Fravs, decepcio, dolus, meander, c. f. Deceyuable (deceywabyi, k.) Decepto rius, fraudu len tus, fa l- lax. T>^CY.WAR.Fraudator,tiptes,c.v. Deceyvyn'. Decipio, fraudo, de.fraudo, fallo {supplanto, p.) Dede, or detiie, substantyue. Mors, letian, interitus. Dede, adiectyue. Jlortuus, de- functus. Dede, or werke. Factum (ciccio, Dedely. Mortalis. Dedely. 3Iortaliter, letaliter. Dedely exmy. Hosticus, c. f. Dedelynesse. Mortalitas. Dyffamyn' (or defamyn, p.) Defamo, dlffamo, cath. Deffe. Surdus. Defawte. Defect us. Defawty. Defectivus. Defence. Defencio, tuicio, ?hm- nimen, munimentum, tutela- Defexsyn'. Defensn, mttnio. Defensowre (defeiidour, k. p.) Defensor. Defendyn'. Defendo, tego, jiro- tego, tuto, tutor, tueor, cath. Defendyn', or forbedyn'. Pro- hibeo, inhiheo. Defyyx' (or broken, p.) mete or drjTike.3 Digero. Dyffyyn', or Ttterly dyspysyn'. swounyng ; when a dronken man swouneth, there is no better medecyne to dawe hym with, than to throwe maluesy in hys face. To dawne or get lyfe in one that is fallen in a swoune ; I can nat dawne hym, get me a kaye to open his chawes." Compare d ayyn, or wexyn day. Ang. Sax. dagian, lucescere. ' Dawncyn', MS. "To dawnte, l^laridiiractare." cath. angl. In N. Britain to dawt has the same signification. See Jamieson. In the vision of Piers Ploughman to daunt appears to mean to tame by kind treatment ; the allusion is to the dove which was trained by Mahomet to come to his ear for her food. " Thorugh his sotile wittes He daunted a dowve.'' Vision, line 1042. In Norfolk to daunt is used in the sense of knocking down, Fr. dnmpter, as by Pals- grave, " To ilawnte, mate, overcome, _/e matte. Lydgat. This terme is yet scarsly admitted in our comen spetche." - See BARATOWRK. In " the Charge of the Quest of Warmot in cucry Warde," given by Arnold, in the Customs of London, p. 90, inquiry is ordered to be made " yf ther be ony coinon ryator, barratur, &c. dwelling wythin the warde." The term is taken from the French, baraieur, in low Latin, harattrriiii, which have the same meaning. ^ " To defy, degere, degerere. A defiynge, dige.itio." cath. ang. This word occurs in Piers Ploughman, where repenting Gluttony makes a vow to fast, and that " Shal never fyssh on Fryday Defyen in my wombc." line 3253. See 116 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Vilipendo, Jloccipendo, sperno, aspernor, aporio, c. f. Defyynge of mete, or drynke.' Digestio. Defyynge, or dyspj'synge. Vi- lipendo, floccipencio. Deffenesse. Surdifas. Deffe nettylle. Archange- lus. Defowlyd. Deturpattis, macu- latus, feculentus (dehonestatus, Defowly'n', or make fowle. In- quino, deturpo, violo, polluo. Defowlynge. Deturpacio, ma- culacio. Deffe, or duUe (defte, k. deft, H. p.)- Ohtusus, agrestis, Aristotelis in politicis (^ebes, P.) Deye.^ Andt'ochia, c. F. See also line 457. In the same sense it is used in the Wicliffite version, and by Gower. To defy has also the signification of dissolve ; thus Master Langfrank of Meleyne in one of his prescriptions, directs certain substances to be compounded, and "make pelotes, and defy one of heme in water of rewe." MS. in the possession of Sir Thomas Phillipps. See fyin, or defyiu mete and drynke. ' Drynge, ms. 2 Jamieson observes that deaf signifies properly stupid, and the term is transferred in a more limited sense to the ear. It is also applied to that which has lost its germi- nating power : thus in the North, as in Devonshire, a rotten nut is called deaf, and barren corn is called deaf corn, an expression literally Ang. -Saxon. An unproductive soil is likewise termed deaf. The plant lamium, or archangel, known by the common names dead or blind nettle, in the Promptorium, has the epithet dkffe, evidently because it does not possess the stinging property of the true nettle. 3 " Androchia, a deye." Vocab. Hurl. MS. 1002. " A deye, /Indrochius, androchea, genatariiis, (jenetharia. A derye, androchiarium, bestiarium, geyietheum.'''' cath. AXG. The data is mentioned in Domesday, among assistants in husbandry, and the 2d Stat. 25 Edw. III., A.D. 1351, occasioned by tlie exorbitant demand for wages made by servants after the pestilence, enacts that " chescnn charelter, earner, chaceour den carries, berc/ier, porcher, deye et ions metres servantz " should be content with such rate of wages as had been previously usual, and serve not by the day, but the year, or other usual term. The term is again found in Stat. 37 Edw. III., A.D. 1363, c. 14, " de rictu et vestifu," which defines the homely provision and attire suitable to the estate oi " I /laretters, &c. hovers, vachers, herchers, porchers, dcijcs, et touz auires (/ardeifiz des bcstes, hatours des bleez, et toutes maneres des (jentz d' estate de tjarson, cntcndantz it hiistjaiidrie,^'' not having goods or chattels of AOs. value. The word is rendered here in the translations " deyars," and " dairymen," and by Kelham is exj)lained to signify drivers of geese. Tiie Stat. 12 Ric. II. c. 4, A.D. 1388, fixes the wages of all servants for husbandry, and rates the porcher, femme laborer, and deye at vj*'. each by the year. The word is here translated " deye " and " deyrie woman." In the Stat. 23 Hen. VI. c. 12, by which the wages of such servants were assessed at double the previous rate, the term deye is no longer used. It appears by Flcta, 1. ii c. 87, de caseatrice, that the androchia was a female servant who had the charge of all that pertained to the " dai/ria,^^ and of making cheese and butter. A more detailed account of her duties is given by Alex. Neccham, Abbot of Cireftcester, A.D. 1213, in his Sitnwia de nomhtibvs utensilinm. " Assit el andro(/ia (vne baesse) que gallinis ova sripponat pnllifiraneia, et atiseribns acera svlislernat ,• rjne nynellos viorbidos, non dico (inriicilos, in smi teneritatc lade foreut alieuo. Vitiilos avtvra et snbrnmos (sevlement dentez) ablactalos iiiclusos teiient in parf/nln ju.rta fenile. Ciijns indumenta in festivis diebus sint niulrminles serapelline (peli/saiiisj rccinium {riueroket) lerislrum. lliijus (androyic) aiilem usus, PROMPTOUIUM PAUVULORUAr. 117 Deyyn'. 3forior, obio, interio, decedo. Deyynge (deying, sicpra in dethe, K.) Defunctio. Dente (deynte, K. ii. p.) Lauticia, c. F. Deynte mete. Oupes, cupium, CATH. (delicie, K.) Deyrye (deyery, k.) Androchi- anum, kylw. vaccaria, andro- chiarium (androchiatorium.^ Deky'n'. Diaconus; levita. Dele, or parte.' J'orcio. Delare, or he ]>at delythe. Dis- tributor, partitor. Delare, or grete almysse yevere (elmes3euer, k. grcate almes gyuer, p.) Rogatorius, c. f. Del YC ATE, or lycorowse. Deli- catus (Jautiis, p.) Delyce, or deyntes.' JJelicie. Delycyowse. Deliciosus, delica- tus. T)el\'s' aXmesse? £!rogo, distribico. Delytyn', or haue lykynge. De- lector, delecto, c. F. catii. Delyuerer. Liberator, delibe- rator. Delyueraun'ce. Liberacio. Delyueryd. Liberatus, erutus. snbulcis colustrum et hubulcis et armeiitariis, Domino antem et suis collateralibus in obsoniis (supers) oxigallum sive quactum in cimbiis ininist rare , et catidis in abditorio repositis pitigue serum cum pane ,fu(fu7-eo porriffere.^' Cott. M.S. Titus, D. xx. f. 1.") b. The French interlinear gloss which gives here baesse, signifying a female servant of an inferior class, is not contemporary with the MS. This account satisfactorily illustrates Chaucer's description of the poor widow who lived on the produce of her little farm, her three sows and kine, and one sheep ; her fare was milk and brown bread in plenty, " Seinde bacon, and sometime an ey or twey, For she was as it were a maner dey." Nonnes Priest's Tale. The deye was sometimes a male servant ; thus in the commentary on Necchara it is stated that '^ androgia dicitur ab andros, vir, et genet, mulier, quia id officium eaer- ctur a viro et muliere,'' and Bp. Kennett cites the " computus Henrici Deye et uxoris de exitibus et provenentibvs de dayri.'" A. D. 1407. See the word kevere in his Glos- sary. Palsgrave gives " dey wyfe, nieterie,^' i. e. metayere, and Shakespeare si -iks of the "day woman," Love's Labour's Lost, i. sc. 2. See Douce's Illustrations. Jamieson has discussed the obscure etymology of the word dey. In Gloucestershire and the neighbouring counties day-house signifies dairy house, and many instances are met with among names of places. See Hartshorne's Salopia Antiqua. ' See hereafter i:y;tyndkle, mesure, and halvuxdel. In the Rot. Pari. A.D, 142.'^, mention is made of a " thredendels, or tercyan," 84 gallons of wine, or the third part of a " toncl." The Ortus gives " sepile. somdeleofte; sobrialus, somdele sober." In the Legenda Aur. occurs the word " eueryduale," which is rendered by Palsgrave "tout tant qu'il y a." He gives also " by the halfe deale, la moitit ; any deale, youtte ; neuer a deale, riens qui soyt ; somdele grete, small wyse, quelque peu." Aug. Sax. ihel,/>ar*. - In the Legenda Aur. it is related of St. Genevieve, that " in her refeccyon she had no thynge but barly bread, and somtyme benes, y'^ whiche soden after xiiij dayes, or thre wekes she ete for all delyces.'' * "To dele, distribuere, dispcrgere, erogare." cath. ang. This verb in its primary use has the sense of division or separation. Thus the Gloss on Gautier de Bibeles- worth, " Car par boieiiger (baker) est seueree (to deled) Lajtur, enfourferc (bran) ainz demoree." Arund. MS. J'-O. 118 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Delyvere (or quycke, in bey- nesse, p.)' Vivnx. Delvveryn'. Lihero. Delyveryn, or helpyn' owte of wooe. Eruo, eripio. Deluar, or dyggar. Fossor. DelvynV Fodio. Delvynge. Fossuraifossatura. Delvyn' vp owte of the erthe. Effbdio, CATH. Demar (or domes man, p.) Ju- dinator (^ judex, p.) Demyn'. Judieo, dijudico. Demynge, or dome. Judicium. Den, hydynge place. Spelunca, latibulum, specus. Den, or forme of a beste. Ltts- trum, UG. Deene, or denerye (dene of de- nerj'e, k.) Decamis. Denerye. Decanatus. Denyyn', or naytyn'. Nego, de- nego. Dentyn', or yndentyn'. Indento. Departyn'.^ DividOfpartior. DEPARTYN'a-sundyr yn'todyuerse placys. Separo. Depe. Profundus. Depenesse. Profunditas, alti- tudo. Depenesse of vatur (watyr, k.) Gurges. ' This word appears to be taken from the French, delivre, and is very frequently used in old writers. " Industris, sleyghe, bisy, or deliuur." med. gramm. ♦' Deliuerly he dressed vp, er the day sprenged." Gawayn and Grene Kny3t, 2009. Palsgrave gives " delyuer of ones lymmes, as they that prove mastryes, souple ; de- lyver, redy, quicke to do anything, agile, delivre; delyuernesse of body, sonplesse." Thomas, in his Italian Grammar, renders " snello, quicke, deliuer." beyn, or plyaunte, has already occurred, and bain is still used in Norfolk in the same sense ; the word has also, as shown by Jamieson, the sense of alert, lively, active, or of prepared, made ready, as has been observed above in the note on baynyd, as benys or pesyn. ^ The verb to delve, Ang. Sax. delfan, appears to have become obsolete in Norfolk, and is now rarely used in Suffolk, but the substantive delf, a deep ditch or drain, is still retained. The verb occurs frequently in early writers. In the Legenda Aur. occurs this expression, " I have dolphen in the depe erthe; " and it is related that when St. Donate conjured his wife, after her death, to reveal where she had concealed some treasure, "she answered out of the sepulcre, and sayd, at the entre of the hous, where I dalue it." In the Wicliffite version, 2 Chron. xxxiv. 10, the expression occurs, " stonys hewid out of J'e delues (e^er quarreris)." Cott. MS. Claud. E. ii. " Attri/ie- della, a gold delfe." Vocab. Ilarl. MS. 1002. Delph and delf occur not infrequently as names of ))laces in the fenny districts of the Eastern counties. 3 "To departe, abrogare, disjttngere, separare. T)e\'>a.rtia.hy\\e, divisibilis. To departe membres. To departe herytage, /lerecescere. Departyd (or abrogate) abrogntus, dis- plosus, phariseus, scinmaticus. A departynge, haresis, ditmio, scixma,'' itc. oath. ANG. In the will of Lady Fitzhugh, A.D. 1427, is the bequest, "I wyl yat myn howsehold s'uantz haue departed emag theym a C. marc." Wills and Inv. Surtees Soc. i, 75. So it is said of (Jlirist in the Legenda Aur. " he shall departe the heete of the fyre fro the resplendour and bryghtnesse." Palsgrave gives the verb, " to departe, deuyde tliynges asonder that were myxed or medled together ; departe this skayne of threde, dhnipsler. Departe or distribute the partes of a thynge to dyuers persons, mes- parlir." Fr. drpnrlir, to separate or distribute, in low Latin, disjieriire. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 119 Depose (depos, or weed, ir. wed, p.) Depositum. Depriven' or putt en' a-wey a Jjynge, or takyn' a-way fro a-nodyr. Privo, deprivo. Dere. Cams. Derynge, or noyynge.' Nocu- laentum, gravamen. Derke, or merke. Tenebrosus obsciirus (^teter, caliginosus, p.) DerkeNesse. Tenebrositas. Derkyn', or make derke or merke. Obscuro, CATH. obtenebro. Derlynge. Carus, cava. DERLouRTHY,^Wem est quoclDEnr. (derworthy, K.) Dernel, a wede. Zizania, catii. loUium. Derthe (or derke, p.) Cariscia, c. F. Derthyn', or make dere. Ca- risco, carioro. Dese, of hye benche (desse, or heybenche, K. dees, h.)' Siib- sellium, c. f. clindimus, or- cestra, uo. c. F. Descrynge (descryyngo, k. ii.) Descripcio. ' The verb to dere, or hurt, is commonly used by Chaucer, and most writers, until the XVIth century, " Fyr ne sclial hym nevyr dere." Coer de Lion, 16.38. Fabyan observes, under the year 1194, " so fast besyed this good Kyng Rycharde to vex and dere the infydelys of Sury." Palsgrave gives " to dere, orhurte, or noye, nuire ; 1 wyll never dere you by my good wyll. To dere, grieve, blecer ; a lytell thynge wyll dere hym.'' Sir Thomas Browne mentions dere among vpords peculiar to Norfolk, in which county it still has the sense of sad or dire. See Jamieson. Ang. Sax. derian, 7wcere, derung, lasio. noyvnge occurs hereafter. 2 The term dese, Fr. deis or daix, Lat. dasium, is used to denote the raised platform which was always found at the upper end of an hall, the table, or, as here in the Promp- torium, the seat of distinction placed thereon, and finally the hanging drajiery, called also seler, cloth of estate, and in French del, suspended over it. With regard to its etymology, various conjectures have been offered by Uucange, Menage, and others. See also Jamieson's Dictionary. Matt. Paris, in his account of the election of John de Hertford, Abbot of St. Alban's, A.D. 1235, and the customary usages uu iin, ^.. -'•'^n, says, " solus in refectoi-io prandebit (electus) supremus, habens vastellum, Priore pran- denfe ad magnam nieusam quam Dais rulgariter appellamus.'" Ducange suggests that vastellum may here mean a canopy or hanging dais, from Ang. Sax. vatel, legmen, um- braculum. Chaucer, in his Prologue, describes the haberdasher and his companions, members of a fraternity, and having the appearance of fair burgesses, such as sit " at a yeld hal, on the hie deys." Gower speaks of a king at his coronation foast, " sittend upon his hie deis." In the Boke of Curtasye, Sloane MS. 19^0, f. 17, written about the time of Heniy VI. a person coming into the hall of a lord, at the time of first meat, is advised not to forget " ^e stuard, countroUer, and tresurcre Sittand at de deshe )>ou haylse in fere.'' In the ceremonial of the inthronization of Abp. Nevill, A.D. 14()4, after the Lord and the strangers had entered, the marshal and other officers were to go towards the " hygli table, and make obeisance, first in the midst of the hall, " and agayne before the hygh dease." Leland, Coll. vi. 8. 120 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Descryyn'.' Descriho. Desert, or meryte.^ Meritum. Deservyn', or worthy to haue mede or magre (be worthy to havyn, k.) Mereor, cath. Deserte, or wyldernesse. De- sertum, solitudo. Desyre, or yernynge (3ernyng, H.) Desiderium, optacio. Desyryde. Desideratus, optatus. Desyryn'. Desidero, opto, af- fecto, appeto. Deske. Pluteinn, quere infra in lectron' (^ambo, K.) Despyse (despyte, k. ii. p.) ContemptiLs, despeccio, impro- perium. Despysyn'. Despicio, sperno. Desteyne (or happe, k. destenye, II.) Fatum. Destroyere. Destructor, dissi- pator. Destroyyde. Destructus, dis- sipatus. Destroyyn'. Destrno, dissipo. Destroyyn' a cuntre (or fecldis, p.) Depopu/or, depredo, de- vasto. Destruccyone (or destriynge, K.) Destruction dissipacio. Dette. Debitum. Dettere (dettoure, k. p.) Debitor. DETRACCYON',orbagbytynge(bak- bytynge, k.) Detraccio, oblo- quium. Detractowre. Detractor, ob- locutor. Dew'e. Hos. Dewle, or devylle. Diabolus, demon. Devyce, purpose. Seria, kylw. Devydyn', supra in departyn'. (Dev^yden, or cleuen asunder, p. Findo.) Dewyn', or yeve dewe. Roro, CATH. (Deuvnite, k. II. Theohgia.) T)ew lappe, syde skyn' vndur a bestys throte. Peleare, cath. Deuocyone. Devocio. (Devere, or dute, k. ii. deuour, p.) Diligentia, debitum, opera.) Devowrar. Devorator. Devowryn'. Devoro. Devowte. Devutus. Dyamawnte, or dyamownde. Adamas. Dyale, or dyel, or an horlege (dial, or diholf of an horlage, K. orlage, p.) Horoscopus, c. f. Dycare (dyker, n. p.) Fossor. Dyce. Alea, tessera, taxillus. Dyce play (dicepleyinge, k.) Aleatura. ' This verb is directly taken from the old French de.s-crier, and is by some writers used to denote the enuntiation, or distinction generally of the combatants by their coat armour, either previously to entering the lists, or at other times, duties which devolved upon the heralds. " Herawdes goode descoverours Har strokes gon descrye." Lybeaus disconus, line 926. In the Vision of Piers Ploughman occurs an allusion to the usage that heralds of arms " discryued lordes." Palsgrave gives " to descryue or descrybe or declare y'^ facyons or maners of a thynge, i/flAonner ; Ptolemye hath discryued y*^ worlde.'' 2 Uesf.eit, MS. Desert, h. deserte, p. PRO^rPTORIUM PARVUI.ORIJM. 121 Dyce pleyare. Aleator, aleo. DYCYN',or pley wythe dycys.^/^o. Dycyn', as men do brode, or o})er lyke (or make square, p.) Quadro, Dyderyn' for colde.' Frigucio, rigeo. Dyderynge (for colde, p.) Fri- gitus. (Dydoppar, watyr byrde, infra in DOPPAR.) Dyciie, or dj'cyde. Dyffynyn, or deme for sekyr. Diffmio, CATH. Dyggyn', supra in delvyn'. Dyke. Fossa, fovea, antrum. Dyken', or make a dyke. Fossa. Dylle, herbe. Anetum. Dymme (or dyrk, k.) Obscurus. Dymme, or harde to vndyrstonde. Misticus. Dymmyn', or make dymme. 06- scuro. Dyrkenesse. Obscuritas. Dyne, or noyse. Sonitus, stre- pitus (^crepitus, k.) Dyner. Jantacidum, cath. (prandium, p.) Dygnyte (or worthynesse, p.) Dign itas, prob it as. Dynyn'.^ Jantor, janto, catii. Dyndelyn'.3 Tinnio. DYPPYN'yn lycour. Intingo,CATH. Dyppy'nge yn' lycore. Intinctio. Dyryge, offyce for dedemen" (dyrge, p.)* Exequie. ' " To dadir, /)'/y?/c/o, e/ ce/ej'a «Si to whake." cath. angl. '^ Barloter defroid, to chatter or didder for cold, to say an ape's Paternoster.'' cotgr. Skinner gives this word as commonly used in Lincolnshire, "a Belg. sitteren, prce fi'igore tremere." The Medulla renders ^'frigucio, romb for cold." In the Avowynge of King Arther, edited by Mr. Robson, to " dedur " has the sense of shaking, as one who is soundly beaten ; and in the Towneley Mysteries, Noah's wife, hearing his relation of the ap- proaching deluge, says, " I dase and I dedir For ferd of that taylle." p, 28. " Didder, to have a quivering of the chin through cold." forby. See Brockett's Glossary, the verb dither in the Dialect of Craven, and Hartshorne's Salopian Glossary. 2 Dymyn', MS. 3 This verb is given in a somewhat different sense, namely, of suffering acutely, " to dindylle, condoiere." cath. angl. Brockett gives to dinnel, or diiidle, to be atfeoted with a pricking pain, such as arises from a blow, or is felt by exposure to the tire after frost. In the Craven dialect to dinnle has a similar signification. Langhani, in the Garden of Health, 1 ")79, recomniends tlie juice of feverfew as a remedy for the '* earea ache, and diudling." Dutch, tintclen, to tingle. * The office for the dead received the name of dyrygk, or dirge from the Antiphon with which tlielirst nocturne in the mattens commenced, taken from I'salin.i, v.H, " Dirigc, Domine Deus nieux, in conspectn liiu riain vipam.'^ In 14'-'l, Joanna, relict of Sir Thos. de Heragrave, directed daily mass to be said for his and her own souls, and the nnni- versaries to be kept with a solemn mass, " cum placebo el dirige." Among the " coosts laid out at the monthcs mynde" of Sir Thos. Kytson at Hengravc, I.MO, occur payments " to M' p'sson for dirige and masse, ij.v. ; to iiij prist.s for dirige and masse, \V]d. ; to the dark for dirige and masse, xijr/." Uokcwodes History of Hengravp, •)'-', 112. Tlie name is rttiiined in the Primer set forth in English by injunction from Henry VIII. in 154(5 ; and this Dirige, fioni wliich portions have been retnined in the CAMD. SOC. R 122 PRO.MPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Dysbowaylyn'. Eviscero, ex- enter o, UG. in enteria. Dysbowalynge. Evisceracio. Dysshe. Discus, scuteUa. Dysshe berer at mete. Disco- ferns, CATH Discibarium. or debate. Dis- Exonero (^deo- Discipulus. Discordia, discor Dysshe mete. Dyscencyoxe, cencio. Dyschargyn'. nero, p.) Dyscyple. Dyscorde. dancia. Dyscorde yii songe. Disso- nancia. Dy'scordy'n'. Discordo, discrepo. Dyscordy'n' yn' sownde, or syng- ynge, Dissono, deliro, c. f. Dyscowmfytyn'. Confuto, su- pero, vinco. Dyscowmfortyn' (disconforten, J.) Disconforto. Dyscrecyoxe. Discrecio. Dyscrete. Discretus. Dyscurer, or dyscowerer of cownselle (discuerer, k.) Ar- hitrer, anubicus, cath. in anu- bis. Dyscuryn' cowncelle, supra in bewreyyn'. Dyscurynge of cownselle. Arbi- trium,annbicatus(^reveIacio,vi.) Dyscherytyn', or puttyn' fro he- rytage, Exheredo. Dy'sese, or greve. Tedium, gra- vamen, calamitas, angustia. Dysesy'n', or grevyn'. Noceo, cath. vexo. Dysmembryx'. Dissipo, dispergo (^exartuo, P.) Dysovvre, J)at cannot be sadde.' Holomochus, Aristoteles in ethicis, nuguciihis, nugax {bo- nilocus, K. bomolochus. P.) Dyspensyn (disperagyn, K. dys- pagyn, p.) Dyspexsyn'. Dispense. Dyspexdyn'. Expendo. Dyspexsox, be auctoryte, of po- nawnce. Di^petiso. Dysparplyx' (dispartelyn, k. burial service of the Reformed Church, appears to have been only a service of me- morial, to be used even on occasion of " the yeres mynde " of the deceased, and com- prises a prayer for departed souls in general. " Dirige, seruyce, viffiles." palsg. Horman says, " he must go to the dirige feste, ad silicei-nium,'' which is mentioned by Harrison in his description of England, written in the reign of Elizabeth, where he alludes to the changes that had taken place in religious observances ; " the superfluous numbers of idle waks, guilds, fraternities, church-ales, helpe-ales, and soule-ales, called also dirge-ales, with the heatlinish rioting at bride-ales, are well diminished and laid aside.'' B. ii. c. i. Uolinsh. vol. i. There occur items in the Hengrave accounts, already cited, which sliew the feasting that took place on that occasion. ' By Gower and other writers dysour is used as signifying a tale teller, a convivial jester ; " Dysours dalye, reisons craken." K. Alisaunder, 6991. Palsgrave renders " dissar, a scoffar, sai'^/yb/," and Horman says, "he can play the desard with a contrefet face j)roprely, morionem representat.'" Elyot gives " Panto- mimtts, a dyssard which can fayne and counterfayte euery mannes gesture. Sannio, a dysarde in a playe or disguysynge ; also lie whiclie in cuuntenaunce, gesture, and mancrs is a fole.'' Ang. Sax. dysian, iueptire. PROMPTORIUM I'ARVULORUM. 123 dysparlyn, ii. p.)' Dissipo, dispergo. Dysplesaun(c)e (displesawnce, K. H.) Displicencia. Dysplesyd. Displacatus, im- precatus, mahplacatus. Dysplesyn'. DispUceo. Dyspoylyn, or spoylyn'. Spolio. Dyspreysyn', or lackyn'. Culpo, vitupero. Dysputacyoxe, Disputucio. Dysputyn'. Disputo. Dystawxce of place (or space, p.) betwene ij thyiigys. Dis- tancia. Dy'stauxce, supra m debate, vel dyscorde (discidia, p.) Dystemperyn'. Distempero. (Distempred, p. Distempera- ttis.) Dystrobelar of pe pece (^dis- turbeler, or distroyere of peas, K.) Turbator, perturhator. Dysturbelyn' (distroublyn, p.)' Turho, conturbo. Dystrobelynge of pece (dis- turbelynge, K.) Disturbium, turbacio, conturbacio. Dysplayyn' a baner of armys of lordys, or o})er lyke. Displodo. Dysvsyn' a-5enste custome. Ob- soleo, di^suesco. Dysvsyn, or mysse vsyn a-3enste resone. Abutor. (Dysjese, k. dyseje, h. Te- dium, calamitas.) Dytane, hcrbe. Diptanus. (Dytare, vide infra koke, raetp dytare.) Dyte (dytj-e, p.) Carmen. Dyiityn'.3 Paro, preparo. Dytyn' or indytyn' letters and speche (scripture, K.) Dicto. Dytyx", or indytj'n for trespace. Indicto. Dytyxge, or indytynge of tres- pace. Indictacio. Dyty'nge, or indytynge of curv- owse speche, Dictamen. Dyswere, or dowte.-> Dubium. 1 In the Wicliffite version, disperplid, disperpriled, disparplid, and disparpoylid, occur in the sense of dispersed. In the curious version of Vegecius, attributed to Trevisa, Roy. MS. 18 A. XII. the danger is set forth of surprise by an ambush, while the host is unprepared, some employed in eating, " and somme disperbled and de- partede in ol>er besynes." B. in. c. 8. In a sermon by R. Wimbeldoii, as given by Fox, A.D. 1389, it is said that " by Titus and Vespasianus Jerusalem was destroyed, and the people of the Jewes were disparkled into all the world." Palsgrave gives " to disparpyll, Lydgate, same as disparke, escarter, disparser. They be disparkled nowe many a mile asonder." See hereafter sparplyn. * This verb is used by Chaucer, and occurs in the Wioliffite version. " And they seynge him walkinge on the see weren disturblid." Matt. xiv. 2G. So also in the version of Vegecius, Roy. MS. 18 A. XII. it is said that a youns; soldier should be taught " that he destrowble nat the ordre of ordenaunce." The Mayor of Norwirh, on being sworn, made proclamation " that iche man kepe the pees, and that no man disturble, ne breke the forseid pees, ne go armed.'' A.D. N'.M. Blomf. Hist. ii. lOO. * In the Household Book of Sir John Howard, A.D. 14(J7. among expenses incurred for one of his retinue, is entered this item, " My Lady paid a surgeone for dytenge of hym, whan he was hurte, \'2d.'^ Palsgrave gives the verb in its more usual sense, " to dyght, or dresse a thynge, hahiller. A foule woman ryelily dyght, semeth fayre by candell lyght." Ang. Sax. dihtan, ilis/)onere. * The place in which this word is found in the alphabetical arrangement seems to 124 PROMPrORIUM PAnVULORUM. Dyuerse. Diversus, i^arius. Dyversvn', or vavyii' (varyen, p.) Diversijico, vctrio. Dvuersvte. Diversitas^ varie- tas. DvuERSE WYSE, Or on dyuers maner. Varie, multipharie, divershnode. Dyvyn' vnder }>e weter. Suh- nato, CATH. Dyuynyte (or deuynite, j.) Theologia. Dyyn' clothys, or letyn' (dye, or lyt clothes, p.) Tingo. Doo, wylde beste (beste of the wode, H. P.) Dama (^capra, p.) DoAR, or werkare. Factor, actor. DoBELER, vesselle (dische ves- selle, K.)' Parapses. DoBBELET, garment.-' J3igera, indicate that it was originally written dywere, or divere, which may be derived from the old French, " divers, inconstant, bizarre, incommode.'''' roquef. It occurs, however, written as above, in a poem by Humphrey Brereton, who lived in the reign of Hen. VII. which has been ))rinted under tlie title of " the most pleasant song of Lady liessy, eldest daughter of King Edw. IV," " That time you promised my father dear, To liirn to be both true and just. And now you stand in a disweare, Oh Jesu (Jlirist, who may men trust ! '' ' "A dublar, diialis, et cetera ubi a dische." cath. ang. The Medulla gives the following explanation of Parapsis, '^ jirojirie est discus sii^e ims fjuadranyulum, ex omni parte habens latera equalia, a dobuler." Tlie term is derived from the French doublier, a dish ; it occurs in Piers Ploughman, and is still retained in the Cumberland and Northern dialects. See Ray and Brockett. '■^ It appears that the compiler of the Promi)toriura assigned to haltheus, which pro- perly signifies the cingulnm militare, the unusual meaning of a garment of defence. Thus COTK ARMURE jjreviously is rendered baltheus. The Catholicon explains " rfi- plois, duplex vestis, et est vest is tnilitaris,'''' but it does not a])pear to have been ori- ginally, as it subsequently became on the disuse of the gambeson, a garment of defence. The diiblectus mentioned in the Constitutions of Fred. 11. King of Sicily, in the XI Vth century, was a garment of ordinary use by nobles and knights, as were also, it is pro- bable, the rich garments provided for John II. of France, in 1352, when Stephen de Fontaine, his goldsmith, accounts for the delivery of " nn fin drap d'or dcdamas, etun Jin camocas d' out rerncr, pour faire deux doubles.^' At tliis jieriod wadded defences were made in Paris by the armuriers , and the tailors were divided into two crafts, pourpuiniiers and douhletiers ; it was only in 13.')8 that the Regent Charles, on account of the use of the doublet becoming general, permitted the tailors to exercise also the cr&i't o( dotibletiers. See the Reglemens sur les Mcjtiers, edited by Depping, p. 414. Shortly after, however, the doublet appears as a military defence ; " 25 doulilettes, 24 jakkes,'' and other armours, are enumerated among the munitions of Iladlegh Castle granted in 140.") by Henry IV. to his son Humfrey. Ilymer, viii. .'i84. The importance at this time attached to the manufacture of this kind of armour ajipears by the ])rivileges concedt;d in 1407 to the '^ armurariis linoarum armalurarum cir.ilaiis Jyondonie." Pat. 9 Hen. IV. confirmed IM Hen. VI. and 5 Edw. IV. It is related that the Duke of Suffolk, when murdered at sea in 1450, was attired in a "gown of russette, and doblette of velvet mayled ;" Paston Letters, i. 40; and in the curious inventories of the effects of Sir John Fastolf, at Caistor, in Norfolk, 145!), occur " j dowblettis of red ftlwet ui>pon fehvct ; j dowbelet of rede fehvet, lynyd with lyncn clothe." Archeeol. xxi. PROMPTOKIUM PARVULOUUM. 125 UG. hallhens, diplois, cath. anahatrian. Dobelyn', or dublyn'. Dupplico. DocERE of an halle (dosere, K. docere, h. p.)' Dorsorium, auleiim, cath. c. f. DoDDYD,wythe-o\vte hornysse(wit owtyn homys, k.)'^ Decornutus, ijicornutus. DoDDYx' trees, or herbys, and oj^er lyke. Decomo, capulo, cath. DoDDYD, as trees. Decomatus, miculus (mutilus, P.) DoGGE. Catiis. DoGGE, shyppe-herdys hownde. Gregarkcsy cath. DoGGYD. Caninus. DoGGY'DE, malycyowse. Mali- ciosus, perversus, hilosus. Doron'.'* Degener. DooKE, byrde (doke, K. fowle or birde, p.) Anas. DooKELYNGE (birde, p.) Anati- nus. DocKEWEDE. Padella {jpara- dilla, p.) Doket, or dockyd by ))e tayle. Decaiidatus, caudd deciirtus. Dockyd, lessyd or obryggyd. Abbreviutus, minoratus. Dokkyn', or smytyn' a-wey the tayle. Decando. 253. See further Sir Samuel Meyrick's valuable observations on military garments worn in England, Archaeol. xix. 228. At a later time the doublet seems again to have become a vestment of ordinary use, the military garment which resembled it being termed a coat of fence. " I wyll were a cote of defence for my surete, loricd litithed." HORM. Caxton says " Donaas the doblet maker hath performed my doublet and my jaquet, mon poiirpainte, et mon -p alloc que.'''' Book for Travellers. 1 DoRCERE, MS. ; but this reading is evidently erroneous, and the word is derived from the French, dossier, or Latin, dosserium. See DossE, and Dorcere, which occurs afterwards in its proper place. In a Latin-English Vocabulary, Harl. MS. 1002, f. 144, occur '' auleian, scannariiim, a dosure ; " and another makes the following distinction : " anabaltim, hedosour, dorsorhim, syd-dosour." Roy. MS. 17 C. XYIL The term occurs in the Awntyrs of Arthure, 431, where a costly pavilion is described ; " Pighte was it prowdely, withe purpure and pauUe, And dossours, and qweschyus, and bankowres fuUe bryghte." Sir F. Madden explains it as signifying liere a cushion for the back, but in its usual sense it seems to denote the hangings or "hallyngs'' of tapestry, which, before the use of wainscot, were generally used to cover and adorn the lower part of the wall of a chamber. Chaucer uses the word " dosser " in a different sense, speaking of sallow twigs, which men turn to various uses, " Or maken of these paniers, Or else hutches and dossers." H. of Fame, iii. 850. Panniers are still called, in many parts, dosses, dorscls, or dorsers. See Ray and Moore. HoUyband renders " Itolle, a basket, a dosser." * Dodded is used in the North in this sense ; see Brockett, and the Craven Dialect. Jamieson gives doddy and dottit with a similar signification. In Norfolk doddy still means low in stature. Phillips lias dodded, lopped as a tree, and in Suffolk scathed or withered trees are called dooted, in the North, doddered, words which ajipear to be derivable from the same source. Skinner suggests " Belg. dodde, caulis./iis/is.fta.iillus." s Tills word does not occur in the other MS.S. ; the reading is probably corrupt, and from the place in which it occurs, dooon' may he suggested as a correction. Tliis term of conteni|)t seems to be derived from the French " Dof/uiu, brutal, hargncuj;.'" RoauEF. See Dugon in Jamieson's Dictionary. 126 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. DoKKYN, or shortyn. Decurto, ahhi'evio, capulo, c. f. Dole, merke.' Meta, tramariela. Dole, or dolefulnesse. Dolor, dolorositas (lamentacio, p.) Dole, or almesse yevynge (doole of almesse, p.) Roga, cath. erogacio. DOLEFULLE. DoIoVOSUS. DoLFYNE, fysche. Delphinus. Doll YD, sum what hotte (or sumdyl hot, k.)^ Tepef actus. Dollyn' ale, or oJ)er drynke. Tepefacio. (Dollynge, k. doolynge, h. Te- pefactio.) Dome. Judicium, examen. Dome iiowse. Pretorium. Domes manne (domysman, k.) Judex, CATH. Doon', or werkyn'. Facio, ago. DooN A-WEY. Aufero, deleo. Doon' awke (donamys, k. h. p.) Sinistro, cath. (rnalefacio, protervio, p.) Do gyle, supra in begyle. Do GOODE. Benefacio. Do LECHERY. Fomicor (luxu- rior, p.) Do mawmentrye. Ydolatro. Doon' of clothys. Exuo. Doo glotynye. Crapulor. Do ON CLOTHYS, or clothyn'. Indue, vestio. Doon' owte, or qwenchyrj' (lijth, k. lyth, H.) Extinguo. Do TO wetyn', or knowyn'. In- time, innotesco, innoteo. Do wronge a-jene resone (ayenst reason or lawe, p.) Injurior, prejudico. DooN wykyddely. Nequito, cath. Doon' or fuUe wroste (done or full wrout, H. wrought, p.) Factus, completus, perfectus. DoNET.^ Donalus. ' Agnes Paston writes to ber son Edmund, the lawyer, respecting the dispute as to a right of way, between his father and the Vicar of Paston, who had been " acordidde, and doolis sette howe broode tlie weye schuld ben, and nowe he hath pullid uppe the doolis, and seithe he wolle maltyn a dyche ryght over the weye." Paston Letters, iii. 32. Forby gives this word as still used in Norfolk, the mark being often a h)w post, called a dool-post ; it occurs also in Tusser. Bp. Kennett states that landmarks, or boundary-stones, are in some parts of Kent called " dowle-stones," and explains dole or doul as signifying " a bulk, or green narrow slip of ground left unplowed in arable land." See his Glossarial Collections, Lansd. MS. lO.'J.'i. Queen Elizabeth, in her Injunctions, 15.59, directs that at the customary perambulations on the Rogation days, the admonition shall be given, " Cursed be he which translatetii the bounds and dolles of his neighbor." Wilkins, Cone. IV. 184. Ang. Sax. diclan, dividere. 2 " Dollyd, defrutun." cath. ang. The Medulla renders " tepefacio, to make leuke." 3 The grammar most universally used in the middle ages was that composed by yElius Donatus in the IVth century, and the term Donet became generally expressive of a system of grammar. See Warton's Eng. Poet. i. '281, Clarke's Bibl. Diet. iii. 144. It was printed among Gramni. Vet. Putsch, p. 173.5. The rich hall prepared for the education of the son of the Emperor was decorated with symbols of grammar, musick, astronomy, geometry, arithmetic, rhetoric, and physic. " Therinne was paint of Donet thre pars. And eke alle the seven ars." Seuyn Sages, 181. Allusions to Donet occur in Chaucer, and Piers Ploughman. In Sir John Howard's Household Book is a payment, I4<)6, " fore a donet for master Gorge, 12rf." and PROMPTORIU.M PARVULORUM. 127 DoNGE, matrasse.' Culcitra, ma- tracia, lodex {^fultyum, p.) DoNGE, mucke. Fimiis,letamen. DoNGE CARTE. Titubatovium. DoNGE HYLLE. Stei'qtdlinium, Jimariurn, forica, DuNGEN, or mukkyii' londe. Fimo, pastino, brit. DoppAR, or dydoppar, watyr byrde."" 3Ierguh(S. (DOPPYKGE, H. p.)^ DoRCERE.' Anabatrum. Do RE. Ostium. DoRLOTT.' Trica, caliendrum, c. F. DoR.MAWNTE tre (dormawntre, K./ Trabes. DoRMovvsE, beste. Glis. DoRTOWRE. Dortorium. DosEYNE. Duodena. (DossE, K. p." Dossorium.) DoTARDE (or dosell, p.) De- sipio, deceps. DoTELLE, stoppjTige of a vesselle Caxton mentions it as one of the books in greatest demand, " George the booke-sellar hath doctrinals, catons, cures of our lady, Donettis, partis, accidents." Book for Tra- vellers. " Donett, Dojiahis, a Donett lerner, Donafisfa.'' cath. ang. ' In the Inventory of Effects of Sir John Fastolfe, at Caistor, 1459, there appear the following items in his own chamber: "j fedderbedde, j donge of fyne blewe, i bolster, ij blankettys of fustians, j purpeynt," &c. Archaeol. xxi. 268. A previous entry mentions a "donge of purle sylke." - The little Grebe is still known by the names didapper, dipper, or dobchick, the Alergulus fluviatUis of the older naturalists, Podicep.s ininor of Temminck. Ang. Sax. dop fugel, meryus, dufedoppa, pelicanus, according to the sense in which the word occurs Ps. ci. 7, in the Lambeth Psalter ; but its derivation from dufian; immergere, would make the appellation inappropriate to that bird. ^ Forby and Moore mention the word dop, as used in East Anglia at the present day to denote a short quick curtsy. Ang. Sax. dojipetan, mersare. * '* Auleum, dorsa7-iu7n, coriina, anabatnmi, anastrum, dosure or curtayne ; colatc- rale, syd-dosour." Roy. MS. IT C. XVII. " A dorsure, domormm." cath. ang. " Anabatrum, a cortyne. Auleum, an hangyn, i. indumentum aule, cortina, or a cor- tyne." ortcs. M. Paris speaks of the " dosnale, give tapesium in quo passio S. Albani figuratur,''' given to St. Alban's by Abbot Richard, who died 1119. Among the cloths of arras and tapestry work belonging to Sir John Fastolfe, at Caistor, enumerated in the curious inventories taken about the year 1459, occur several "hallyngs'' of ta- pestry and worsted, a term probably synonymous with dorsure. Archseol. xxi. 259. See above, docere. 5 Dorlott is taken from the French dorelot, which signifies an ornament of female attire generally, but here seems to denote particularly the elegant network, frecjuently enriched with jewels, in which the hair was enclosed, termed akelle, caul, or crepine ; or the head dress called a volipere, which is mentioned by Chaucer. " Trica, plicatura rel nexus capillorum." ORTVS. " Crt/!e/i(/ri//«, a voliper." med. gramm. In 1,?94 Johanna Laburn of York bequeaths " j kyngll, j dorlot, j armari . . . best volet yat se bat, and a red hude singill." Testam. Ebor. i 19(). Cotgrave gives " rfor/o/, a jewel or pretty trinket, as a chain, brooche, aglet, button, billement, &c. wherwith a woman sets out her ap- parel ; '' and by the Statutes of the trades of Paris in 14t),i it appears that the craft of doreloterie consisted in making fringes and ribbons both of silk and thread. See Ro- quefort and Charpentier. * A dormant or sleeper is a main beam tliat, resting upon the side walls, serves to support the joists, or the rafters of the roof. It is called in Norfolk a dormer. " Treine, a dorman or great beame." cotgr. " Uoss is at the jiresent time the name given in Norfolk and Sufl'olk to a hassock. 128 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. (dottel, H. dosscU, p,)i Du- cillus, duct'ddus, c. F. DoTRELLE, byrde. I^ingus. DoTRELLE, fowle, idem quod DOTARDE.^ DoTYXGE. Desipiencia. DoTONE. Desipio. Doton', oi" dote for age. Deliro, CATH. in lira. DowE, paste for brede. Pa.en take sugre y-now and jiut )>er-to, or ellys hony for dcfaute of sugre ; I'an coloure it wit safroun ; han take )'in cofyns, and put in )>e ovynne lere, and lat hem ben hanlyd ; j^an take a dyssche y-fas- tened on J^e pelys ende, and pore l^in comade in-to Jjc dyssche, and fro J'e dyssche in-to \>& cofyns, and whan hey don a-ryse wel, take hem out, and serue liem forthe.'' Among the election expenses of Sir John Howard at Ipswich, 14()7, appears the item in his household book, " viij l)oshelles of flour for dowsctes;'' and in the first course at dinner in Sir John Nevile's account of the marriage of his daughter to Roger Rockley, in ir)2fi, ajjpear " dulcets, ten of dish." Palsgrave gives " douscttc, a lytellflawne, da- riolle." •» Dow.MK, MS. and k. downe, p. I'HOMI'TOUIU.M I'AKVUI.OKUNf. 129 (DovvpAU, bryd, k. dooper, ir. 3Iergus.) DowRYs, or dowryble (dowryhbe, K. dovrybbe, ii.)' Sarpa, casta pasthalis, c. i-'. (^costujias- tcdis, p.) DowcE EGYR,or sowre an(d) swete menglyd to-gedyr (dowe soure and swete togedyr, k. dovsegor, H. menkt togeder, p.)- Mulsus, c. v.musus, c. F. dulce amarum. DowTE. Duhium. Dowtyn'. Dubito, CATH. {^Iie- sito, p.) Dowty'n' bothe partyes a-lyke. Ambigo. DowTY'NGE. Dubitacio, dubietas. DOWTEFULLE. Dubiii.t, (imbi- guns. DowTELES. Indubius, sine dubio. DowTELESLY. Indubie, procul- dubio. DowsTY, bolde, or hardy (dowty, K. II. P.)^ Aiidax. Do.sTER (dowtyr, k. doughter, p.) Filia. DOSTYR IN LAWE. NurUS. Dowe trowe (trowghe, p.) Pis- tvalla, alveus. Dice. Draplyd (drablyd, k.) Palu- dosus, CATii. {lutulentus, p.) Drabelyn' (drakelyn, p.)* Pa- liido, traunlimo (^sic.) Draffe.'' Segestariuiii, drascum. 1 A rybbe is an household implement, which probably received its name from its form, a kind of scraper or rasp used in making bread ; thus Palsgrave renders " dow- rybbe, ratisseur a pas/e.'" The term occurs in the gloss on Gautier de Bibelesworth. " Vostre paste dount pestrez, (kned \A douw) De rm rastuer (a douw ribbe) le avge (a trow) moiendez, Le rastel (a rake) e le raster Sount dluerses en lour mesier." Arund. MS. 220, f. 299, b. Hence it appears to have served for scraping and cleansing the kneading trough. An- other implement, termed likewise a rybbe, was used in the preparation of flax. See hereafter rybbe, and rybbyn flax. 2 In the Forme of Cury, p. 20, will be found recipes for egurdouce, a compound of the flesh of rabbits or kids with currants, onions, wine and spices ; and for egurdouce of fysshe, pp. G3, 113. Directions are also given for concocting " an egge dows," which seems more to resemble the mixture alluded to in the Promptorium, being composed of almonds, milk, vinegar, and raisins. Mulsus signifies a kind of mead, and dowce egyr was probably much the same as oximel. •' " Dughty, n/ji worthy." cath. axg. A. Saxon, dohtig, instruclus. •» This word is still used in Norfolk, in the sense of to draggle, and a slattern is called a drabble-tail. Ang. Sax. i.\rdhhe, faces. * Draffe, or chaffe, is a word that occurs in Chaucer: " Why shuld I sowen draf out of my fist, Whan I may sowen whete, if that me list." Persone's Prol. In the Reve's Tale the scholar John complains of being left to lie in liis bed ''like a draf sak." So likewise in Piers Ploughman's Vision, where allusion is made to casting pearls to swine, it is said that " Draf were hem levere, Than al the precious perree." line oGl7. In the Vocabulary, Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. occurs under the head " ad bratorium per- finencia, drayitim, draf;'' and in the Cath. Ang. " draf, seijitterium, acinatum, bra$i. CAW. soc. S 130 VROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Draffe, or drosse, or mater stampvd. PUumen. Dragauxce, herbe (dragans, p.)' Dragancia, c. f. basilica, dra- centra, c. f, Dragge (dragy, k. dradge, H. p.)^ Dragettim. Dragge, menglyd corfie (drage, or mestlyon, p.)^ Mixtio {rnix- tilio, P.) Draggyn', or drawyn'. Trajicio, cath. DRAGGYNGEjOrdrawynge.T'rcrc^w.?. Dragone. Draco (veldrago, p.) Drake, byrde. Ancer,vel ancer anatinus. DRAMEjWygtite. Drama, dragma. Drane. Fucus, kylw. Draper. Pannarius, kylw. Drawke, wede.* Drauca, c. F. in loUium. Drawyn', or drawe. Tralio. Drawyn' a-longe. Protraho. D(r)awyn' a-wey. Abstraho. Drawyn' a-3ene (agayne, p.) Retraho. Drawe forthe owte of ])e ovyne. Effurno. puryhtm." " Ser/isterhim, Anylice, droife." ortus. " Draffe, dracque.'^ pat.sg. An^. Sax. drof, sordidus. Matt. Paris has given a cliarter of Guarin, Abbot of St. Alban's, dated 1194, in which tlie word drascum occurs, which appears to signify the grains that remain after brewing, called in French drasche, or drague. Compare CORALLE, or drasse of come, and drosse. 1 Numerous virtues are ascribed by Macer and other writers to the herb dragaunce or nedder's tongue, called also dragon wort, addyrwort, or serpentine, arum or aron. See Roy. MS. 18 A. VI. f. 73. Macer says that " water of dragaunce ys gode to wasshe venome soris," and it appears to liave been yearly distilled in the household of the Earl of Northumberland, 1511. See Antiqu. Rep. iv., 284. " Dragence, or nedder gryffe, dragancia, basilisca, herba serpentina.'''' cath. ang. 2 This word is taken from the French dragee, a kind of digestive and stomachic comfits anciently much esteemed. Chaucer says of the Doctor of Phisike, " Ful redy hadde he his apothecaries. To send him dragges, and his lettuaries." Cant. Tales, Prol. ' In the Xlllth century the grains chiefly cultivated in England, as appears by the accounts of the bailiff of the royal manor of Marlborough, Rot. Pip. 1 Edw. I., were wheat, " berecorn, dragg," or a mixture of vetches and oats, beans and pease. The regulations for the brewers of Paris, in 1254, prescribe that they shall brew only " de grains, c'tst u savoir, d'orge, de niestuel, et de dragie ;'" Reglemens sur les Arts, ed. by Depping. Tusser speaks of dredge as commonly grown in the Eastern counties. " Sow barly and dredge with a plentiful hand." " Thy dredge and thy barlie goe thresh out to malt." Bp. Kennett, in his Glossarial collections, Lansd. MS. 1033, mentions " dredge mault, malt made of oats mixed with barley malt, of wliich they make an excellent fresh quick sort of drink," used in Staffordshire. " Dragee attx c/tevatia,-, provender of divers sorts of pulse mixed together." cotgr. See mestlyonk, or monge corne. ■• " Drake, or darnylle, zizaunia." cath. ang. The gloss on Gautier de Bibeles- worth makes a distinction between these two weeds : " Le yueray (darnel) i crest, et le betel (drauke)." Gerard assigns the name to a species of bronius sterilis, which he calls small wild oats, in Brabant called drauich, and Skinner suggests that tlie name maybe derived " a Belg. Avongh, sicctts, fiuia et uclu et potentid siccurn est.'" Drawke or drake is well known iu Norfolk uud Sufifolk, and Forby says it is the common darnel grass, loliumperenne. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 181 Drawe fowlys, or dysbowaylyn'. Excaterizo, necc. eviscero, ug. (exentefo, p.) Drawe lotte. Sorcior. Drawyn' owte. Extraho. Draw en' owt of the shethe (shede, K. p. schede, h.) Evagino. Drawe to. Attraho. Drawyn' or steryn', entycyn' to goodenes, or badnes (styren or meuen, p.) Allicio. Drawe watur, or o]>er lyke. Haurio. Drawe vp by ))e rote. Eradico, evello. Drawte, or puUe. Tractus. Drawte of drynke (draught, p.) Haiistus. Drawte of watyr owte of a welle, or o]>er lycoure owte of a wes- selle, idem est. Drawe brygge (drawte brydge^ p.) Supey'fossorium, pons trac- tiUs,pons tractativus, pons ver- satilis, COMM. Drawte welle. Ha(u)rium, ug. in haurio. Drede. Timor, pavor, terror. Dredefulle. Timidus, pavidus. Dredefulle and vgely (vgg)y, p.) Terribilis, horribilis. Dredefulnesse, idem est quod drede. Dredefulnesse, and horrybyl- nesse. Horribilitas, terrihilitas. Dredyn'. Timeo, metuo,formidoy vereor, paveo. Dreggys, or drestys. Fex. Dreggy (dresty, p.) or fulle of drestys. Feculentus, c. f. Dreggys of oyle (drestis, p.) Amurca, cath. Dreggys, orlyys of wyue (drestis or lese, p.) Tartariim, c. f. Dreeme. Sompnium. Dremare. Sompniator. Dremyn', or dretchyn' yn slepe. Sompnio. Dremynge. Sompniacio. Dreme redare. Sohitor, cath. Dressyn'. Z)/rjg-o, rictonnor (^sic) KY'LW. Dressynge. Directio. Dressynge knyfe. Mensacula, Dice. D RES SURE, or dressynge boorde. Dressormm, directorium. (Drestys, drestys of oyle, drestys, or lyys of wyne, supra in dreg- gys, K.)' (Dretchyn' jti slepe, supra in dremyn'.)* 1 The Medulla renders "fecula, n little traist, fecnletittts, fulle of traiste," (Harl. MS. 2257) ; in the Ortus, " dregges." Amurca is explained by Elyot to mean "the mother or fome of alloyles," in Harl. MS. 1002, " drastus." Palsgrave gives " dresty, full of drest, lieitx." Horman says " the drastys (Jloces) of thewyne be medicynable." Ang. Sax. dresten, faces. - This verb is used by Chaucer, and other writers, in the sense of being disturbed by dreams. " This chaunteclere gan gronen in his throte, As man that in his dreams is dretched sore,'' Nonne's Priest's Tale. ** And if it so bytide this nyght. That the in slepe dreche ani wight, Or any dremis make the rad, Turn ogayn, and say I bad.'' Ywaine and Gawin, line 480. It has also the sense of to delay or hinder, in several passages of Chaucer and Gower. 132 PROMPJORIUM PAUVULORUM. Dry fro moysture. Siccus. Drye, or seere. Aridus. Dkye, as kyne (nete, r.) or bestys J)at wylle gyfe no mylke (yeue, p.) Exuheris, UG. Dryfte, or drywynge of bestys.' Minatus, Dryyn'. Sicca, desicco. DRYLLE,orlytylle drafte of drynke (draught, p.) HaustiUus. Drynesse. Siccitas, ariditas. Drynke. Potiis, pocidum, j^ocio. Drynkare. Potator,hibc(.r, hibo. Dry n k y n'. Biho, poto. Dryxkyn' a-3een' (ageyne, p.) liehiho^ rejtoto. Drynkyn' a-bo\vte (drynkyn- alowt, K. rWowX^, v.^ Ebiho,e2ioto. Drynkelyn' (dryiiklyn, ii. drenchyn, p.) Mergo, fitibmergo. Drypi'E, or dro])? (drepe, p.) G'utta, stiUa, cadula, c. r. Dryppyn', or droppyn'. Stillo, gutto. Dryppynge, or droppynge. Stil- lacio. Drye scabbe. Impetigo, UG. Dryte (or, p.) doonge.'^ Merda, stercKS (menda, p.) Dryvylle, serwa\vnte.3 Ducti- cius, ducticia. Dryve bestys. Mino, c. f. cath. T>KWS's, supra in constreynyn. Dryvyn', or constreynyd. Co- actus, constrictus, astrictus. Dryvyn', or ledde. Ductus. Dryvynge, or cathchynge (chas- inge, p.) Minatus. Dryvynge, or constreynynge. Compidsio, coactio, constriccio. Drobly, or drubly (drobely, p.)* Turbulentus, turbidus. Drobly, of drestys. Feculentus, c. F. See also Piers Ploughman's Crode, vlicre the baneful conduct of the Friars is exposed, who desert the rule of their order and " dreccheth the puple," lin. f)24, 1004. Ang. Sax. dreccan, turhare. Sec Jamieson. ' The drift of the forest, nij'datio animalium in forests, is a legal term which implied a view taken of the cattle feeding in the chase, forest, or waste, at certain seasons when they were driven into an enclosure, in order to ascertain whose they were, and whether legally commonable. The Stat. 32 Hen. A'lll. c. 13, among various clauses, devised fir the im])ii)vement of the breed of horses, directs the drift to be made at Michaelmas, and otiicr convenient times, and under-sized horses to be de- stroyed. Tiie word is \ised by llonnan metaphorically, in its more ordinary accej)tation, " svibtyie (h-yftis (callida cousi/ia) ought nat to sette a iudge out of the ryght wey." Elyot renders " udpvlsns, the dryfte of shepe to the water" 2 "To dryte, cacare, egerere.''^ cath. ang. In the Wicliffite version, Phil, iii., 8, is thus r( ndered ; " I deme alle thingis as drit ; " and the word occurs also in Wicliffe's " Object ions fjf I'^reres. Freres setten more by stinking dritt of worldly goods, then they don by vii-tues, and goods of bliss." See Jamieson's observations on the etymo- logy of the verb to drite, eaonerare ventrein. Ang. Sax. t^edrilan, cacare. ** Horinan speaks of " a dryuyl or a drudge : he is a very dryuell, slerqvirnihtm.'" Junius gives in this sense " drivell or droile, tnanfigin, fjiii tdiujue capuhus abacltifiqne fat. Belg. drevel.'' See droile in Jamieson's Dictionary. Tusser, in his Points of Huswifery, speaks of an under servant in the dairy termed a droy, or droie, whose duties appear to have been similar to those of the dkyk, described in the note on that word. " Hood droy to serve hog, to help wash, and to milk. More needful! is truly, than some in their silk." * Chaucer, in the Personc's Talc, says, " he is like to an hors, that seeketh rather PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 133 Dromedary, beste. Dromeda- rius (dromedus, c. F. i'.) DuopE, supra in dryppe. Dkopsye, sckcnesso. Idropis. (Dropsy man or woman, p. YdrnpicuS') (Droppyng, supra in drippyng, K.) Droppynge of flesshe, or fyshe yn' J)e rostynge. Cadula, c Am. c.F. Drosse of corne.' Acus, cribal- Jum, ruscum, cath. Drosse of metalle. Scorhtm, CATH. Drosse, or fylthe where of hyt be (qwat so it be, k.) Ruscum, rusculuni, cath. Drotare (droot, p.) Traulus, traida. Drotyn' yn' speche.^ Traulo, Drotynge. Truidatus. Drotyngly. Traule. Drove of bestys. Armentum, polia, CATH. (Drowpyn', or prively to be hydde, supra in daryn'.)^ Drow'te. Siccitas. Drubly, supra in drobely.* Drubblyn', or torblyn' watur, or other lycourc. Turbo. Drublynesse. Turhulencia, fecidencia, cath. Drunkon'. Ebrius, tenmlentus. Drunkelew.5 Ebriosus. to drink drovy or troubled water, then for to drink water of the clere well.'' " Drovy, titrbidus, turbulent us. '^ cath. ang. " Turljidus, troubli, drobli, or dark." med. GRAMM. " Ihirbnlentus, i. tion lucidvs, drouy." ortus. Bp. Kennett, in his Glos- sarial Collections, Lansd. MS. 1033, gives " dravy or druvy, Bor. dru'vy, Northumb. drevy, thick, muddy as the water is. Sax. drefend, turbidvs." Forby mentions drovy, used in Norfolk as an epithet of loathing, on account of filthiness of the person. Ang. Sax. drof, aenostis. ' Higins, in his version of Junius's Nomenclator, renders " vannus, a van wherwith corne is clensed from chaffe and drosse against the wind." Ang. Sax. Ciros,fer yn, and ley yt her he byrdys hawntene, and when they have eten J'er of, |>ey shalle slepe, J^at ye may take hem with yowre handys." Higins, in the Version of Junius's Nomenclator, gives " Solanum let ale, banewoort, dwall, or great nightshade." 3 " ^/m/z/iiia/M*, a sclaveyn, a faldynge, or a dudd.'' med. gramm. '^ Lacerna est pallium fimbrialum, a coule, or a dudde, or a gowne." Harl. MS. 2257. According to the explanation given of birrus, the garment called a duduk seems to have been a coarse wrapper or dreadnought, probably the same as the Irish mantle made of raw wool, which ■was in request in England as late as the time of Charles 1., as appears by the Custom- house rates. " Dirrum, veslis pilosa seu grossa, a schypper's mauntel.'' ortus. Forby gives to duddle up, or wrap up with clothes; in the North, as well as other parts of England, rags or clothes in general are called dudds ; and Grose mentions a square in Stourbridge fair, where linen cloth was sold, called the duddery. See Jamieson. * By early writers this word is written very variously, but approaching more or less to the Ang. Sax. dweorg, dwcorh, nanus, which in the valuable fragment of .(^ilfric's Glossary, discovered by Sir Thomas Phillipps, in the Chaj)ter Library, Worcester, is written " dwseruh." Thus the gloss on G. de Bibclesworth, " /eo vet/ ester un petit net/m (dwerouh).'' Arund. MS. 220. In Lybeaus Disconus " dwerk " occurs re- peatedly, and in King Alisaunder we read of " durwes, the leynth of an elne." In Synonym. Harl. MS. 1002, f. 173, occurs the word " dwarof," and in Cath. Ang. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 135 (DwFHOwus, K. dufhows, p. Co- lumbaria.^ Duke. Dux. DucHEssE, Ducissa. DuLLE of eggQ. ( Obtusus, K. p.) (DuLLE of wytte, k. p.) Hebes. DuLLARDE (dullare, k.) Duri- buccius, CATH. agrestis, Aris- toteles in ethicis. Dullyn', or make duUe yn wytte. Hebeto. Dullyn', or make dulle in egge toole. Obtundo. Dullyn', or lesyii' the Qgge. Hebetesco, c. f. Duly. Debite. 'DwL,Y,oviro?,iy\Y.Secure,Jirmiter. Dulnesse of egge. Obtusitas. DuLNEssE of wytte. Hebetudo. (Dum, k. p. dovm, H. Mutus.) DuMNESSE. Mutitas, taciturnitas. DuNCHE, or louche (luuche, H. p.) Sonitus, strepitus (^bundum, bombus, p.) Dunchyn', or bunchyn'. Tundo. (DvNCHE, K. (dunchinge, or lunchinge, p.) Tuncio,pe7'cussio. DuNNYD of coloure. Subniner. Dunnyn' in sownde (in songe, h.) JBundo, c. F. Dunnynge of sownde. Bunda, c. F. bombus, c. r. Dewe offyce, or seruyce of dett (dv, K. due, p.) Munium, cath. (Duary of wedowys, k. p. Dos.) (Do were, or deen, h. dwer', p. duer, w. Cuniculus, cath. Dwresse, or hardenesse (duresse, p.) Duricies. Duryn', or induryii", or lastyii'. DurOi perduro. DuRN, supra, idem est quod darn (durn or dare, p. Audeo.) DusTE. Pulvis. (Dusty, p. Pulverulentus.) Dustyn'. Pulverizo. DwTE, supra in dette (dvte or dette, K. dutye, p. Deb i turn.) Ebbe of the see. Rejluxus, sa- laria, kylw. ledo, cath. Eban', tre. Ebanus. Ebbyn', as the see. Rejluo, sa- lario, cath. Ecco, sownde. Ecco. Edgrow, gresse (edgraw, herbe, K. ete growe, gresse, h. p.)' Bigermeri, regeruien. E DD Y R, or neddy r, wyrme. aSV/'jo^ti*. " a dwarghe, tantillus.''' See duergh and droich in Jamieson's Dictionary. In the Catholicon is given the following explanation : " ScssUliis, i. parvus staturd, quia nan videtur stare, sed sedere ,- " and the Ortus gives " Na7ius, a dwarfe, or a Ijteil Turke.'' Compare coonyonk, or drowtly. Up. Kennett gives the word " dwerowe " as of local use, but in the Eastern counties it appears to be no longer known ; in his Glossarial collections, Lansd. MS. 1033, is the term " durgan, of short or low stature, as, he is a durgan, a meer durgan, a durganly fellow. Isl. duergur, Kiliano, dwcrgh. West- m(orland) a dwarwh." ' The ^leduUa explains biyermen to be the mixed grain called in the Prom; torium MESTLYONE, but it seenis here to signify after-grass, or after-math, still called edgrow in some parts of England. Bp. Kennett mentions the word in his Glossarial collections, Lansd. MS. 1033. " Eddish, roughings or after-math in meadows, but more properly the stubble or gratten in corn-fields, from Sax. edisc, quod post messem in canipis re- linquitur. This word is in some southern parts corrupted into ersh, and in Surrey into 136 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Efte (oi- also, P.) Eciam. Egge (edge, p.) Acies. Eggyd TOOLE on bothe sydys. Anceps. Eggyd, as teethe for sowre frute. Acidus, c. F. CATH. stupefac- tus. Eggyd, or steryd, or entycyd to doon' a dede (steryd to gode or bad, p.) Instigatus, incitatus. Eggyn, as tejje for sowre mete.' Obstupeo. Eggyn, or entycyn' to doon' welle or yvele (eggen, or styre to gode or yll, p.)* Incito, provoco. Agrimo- Egyl, byrde. Aquila. Egyr, or egre.3 Acer. Eg.ment, or sterynge. Incitamen- tum, instigacio. Egyrymonye, herbe. nia, c. F. Ey (or e^ge, p.) Ovum. Eye. Ocuhis, talmus. Eye lede. Supercilium, cilium, jjalpebra. Eyldynge, or fowayle (fowaly, K. fewaly, p.)' Focale. Eylyn'. (^Ohsto,v.) Eymbre, bote aschys (ej'mery or synder, bote asshes, p.) Pruna. Eyjthe (eyght, p.) Octo. esh, as a wheat esh, a barley esh. In Cheshire eddgrew, eddgrow, eddgrouth, from the Saxon preposition ed (which in cornposition denotes allwaie again, as re in the Latin,) and 3;rowan, germinare, crexcere." This word is not noticed by Mr. Wilbraham, and it does not appear in the East Anglian Glossaries ; in Shropshire, according to Hol- loway's Provincial Dictionary, the after-grass is called " edgrew,'' or as stated by Mr, Hartshorne, " headgrove, or headgrow." Salopia Antiqua. The common appellation botli in Norfolk and Suffolk is eddish, Ang. Sax. edisc, grainen serotimim, but it is also termed rawings, roughings, or rowen, a word used by Tusser and noticed by Ray, which may be a corruption of the older appellation edgrow. See Forby and ]\Ioore. Tusser uses the words eddish and etch to signify a stubble, or land that has jiroduced a crop. In a copy of the Practica of John Arderne, Sloane MS. 56, p. 3, are some names of j)lants in French and English, among which occurs " weMillone, i. edgrowe." possibly some herb of autumnal growth, abounding in the after-grass. The Medulla gives "fru/ea:, a styke, a yerde, and buske, vnderwode, or eddysche." Horman says, " my tethe edge with eating of these codlynges." 2 The verb to egg, from Ang. Sax. eggian, incitare, occurs in this signification in R. Brunne, Piers Ploughman, and Chaucer, who uses also the substantive ; " Soth is it, that thurgh womannes eggement Mankind was lorne, and damned ay to die." Man of Lawe's Tale. 3 The old writers give to the word eager the significations of sour, and of fierce ; the first from the French " aiyre, eager, sharp, tart, biting." cotgr. " Exacerbo, to make eygre." ortus. Palsgrave gives " Egernesse, bytternesse. Egar, fiers or mody as a wild beest is,ye/." " He hente a spere with egre mode." Octovian, line 1653. " And sclendre wives, feble as in bataille, Beth egre as is a tigre youd in Inde." Gierke's Tale. •♦ In the dialects of the Nortli, as observed by Ray, any kind of fuel is called eldin, and the term is applied to the brush-wood of which fences are made. See Brockett, the Craven Glossary, and Jamieson. Ang. Sax. ield, if/nix, a:lan, accendere. The word is given by Bp. Kennett among his valuable glossarial collections, Lansd. MS. 1033. PROMPTOUIUM PARVULORUM. 137 EY3TENE (oyghteno, p.) Octo- clecim, vel decern et octo, secun- dum correcciones fratrum pre- dicatorum. EY3THE HUNDRYD. Octingenti. EY5TY. Octoginta. Eyjthe tymys. Octies. Eyjtyxdele, mesure (eyht}Tidyl, K. eyghtydcll, j. w.)' Saturn, CATH. Eyar, element (eyre, p.) Aer, ether, ethera, cath. Eyyr, or herytage (eyre, p.) Heres. Eyther, or bothe. Uterque. Ele, fysche. AnguiUa. Elbowe. Cubitus, kylw. Elde, or olde, for-weryde (eeld, or worne, p.) Vetustu^, de- tritus, inveteratus. Eelden', agyn,' supra in A, et ve- terasco. El(d)fadyr. Socer. Eldyr, or hyldyr, or hilleme tre (hillar, k. hyltre, or elerne, h. elder, or hyltre, or elorne, p.)^ Sainhucus. Elde man, or woman. Senex^ annosus, veteranus, grandevtis, longer us. Eld modyr (elmoder, k. p.)' Socrus. ' Half a bushel is given hereafter as the same measure which is here intended ; and the term eyjtyxdele seems to be derived from its being the eighth part of a coom, or half quarter, which has already occurred, cowme of corne, cumba. Compare dele, and HALVDNDEL. Ang. Sax. dx\,pars. Bp. Kennett, in his Glossarial collections, Lansd. MS. 1033, mentions another local name for the same measure, "a tofet, the measure of half a bushel, Kent ; some say two fats. Sax. fat, or fset was the same measure as our peck." 2 Agan, MS. The word elde, still retained in the Northern dialect, occurs often as a substantive in old writers. Thus in the Wicliffite version, 3 Kings, xv., 23 is thus rendered, " Asa hadde ache in feet in )>e tyme of his eelde ; " and it is commonly used in Piers Ploughman. See Chaucer's description of '• Elde " personified, Rom. of Rose. " Senectus, helde ; senex, haldman." Vocab. Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. ''Elde, senecta, senittm, annositas.'" cath. ang. In the version of Vcgecius, Roy. MS. 18 A. XII., it is said that military exercises "must be vsede before in yongthe, or the body be made slewthefuUe by age and elde." B. i, c. 4. Ang. Sax. eld, steneciiis. 3 In Norfolk, according to Forby, the elder tree is still called eldcrn ; " sajubucus, an eldrun,'' Harl. MS. 1002. Gautier de Bibelesworth says, " Mes destcean (of ellern, MS. Phill. hildertre, Aruud. MS.) lemfet suheans, Vh manyer ke est bans et beans Cwih milke.)" In Worcestershire the elder is termed ellern, and Piers Ploughman speaks of it thus : " Impe on an ellere. And if thy appul be swete, Muchel merveille me thinketh." Vision, line 5171. " Un se/iu, an ellir tree." Harl. MS. 219. Ang. Sax. ellarn, ellen, sambue'is. In the North the alder is called an eller, whence several names of places, as Ellerbcck, EUer- burn, &c. in Yorkshire, are derived. Ang. Sax air, alntis. " An ellyrtre, n//)i/s; n/- netum est locus ubi crescuni.'^ cath. ang. In the Ortus is given another name of the elder, " sambucus, burtre. or hydul tre." I " An elfadyr, socer; an eldmoder, socrus." cath. ang. In the North an ell-mother, or eld-moder, signifies a mother in law, or step-mother, but, asJamieson observes, must C AMD. SOC. T 138 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Eldwomann'. A71US, vetula. Elebre, herbe (elcbyr, k. p.) Eleburns. Elefauxte, or olyfaunt, beste. Elephas, elephcmtus, cath. barj'tis. Element. Elementum. Eleuyx'. Undecim. Elfe, spryte.' Lamia, cath. et UG. in lanio. Elyer, or elger, fyscharys instru- ment.^ Anguillaris, fuscina, c. T.J't'agidica dentata, kylw. Elyce, propyr name (Ely, k. p.) Helias. Elm, ti'e. Ulnus, c. 7.(iilnnis, K.) Elmes, supra in A, al.mes. (Elmesfulman, p. Elemosina- rius, elemosinaria, rogatariusS) (Elmes hows, p. Proseuca, cath.) Elxe, or elle (mesoure, p.) Ulna, KYLW. Eloquent, or welle spoke man or woiran. Eloguens, dicosiis, UG. Elsyn' (elsyng, k.)^ Sibula. have properly denoted a grandmother, from Ang.-Sax. ealde-moder, avia. John Heworth of G;iteshead bequeathed, in 1571. his best horse to his father in law, and adds, " Item, I gyve vnto my eldinoder, his wyffe, my wyffes froke, and a read petticote." Wills and Inv. published by the Surtees Soc. i. 352. 1 The Catholicon explains lamia to be a creature with a human face, and the body of a beast, or, according to a gloss on Isai. xxsiv, 14, a sort of female centaur, which entered houses when the doors were closed, as old wives' tales went, and cruelly used the children, whence the name, '^ quasi lania^a laniaiido jmeros." The ancient leeches have given in their books numerous charms and nostrums for the relief of children " taken with elvys ; '' among which may be cited the following from a curious medical MS. of X\'th cent, in the possession of Sir Thomas Phillipps. " For a chylde that ys elfe y-take, and may nat broke hys mete, that hys mouthe ys donne {sic.) Sey iij tymes thys verse, Beaia mnier miaiere, iit^'C. In the worcliyppe of God, and of our Ladi, sey iij pater noster, and iij aueys, and a crede ; and he schal be hole." In Sloane MS. 73, f. I'Jo, it is directed to " take J>e roote of gladen and make poudre J>erof. and 3eue he .sike bo)>e in his metes, and in hise drynkis, and he schnl be hool wij^inne ix dayes and ix nyjtis, or be deed, for certeyn." William Langliam, practitioner in physic, recom- mends this same remedy in his Garden of Health, 1579 ; and orders the root and seeds of the peony to be hung about children's necks, as a charm against the haunting of the fairies and goblins. The term elf is not, however, applied exclusively to mis- chievous spirits, but to fairies generally, ."^ee in Brand's Fo|nilar Antiquities detailed observations on the Fairy ^lytliology. " An elfe, lamia, eumenis, dicta ab en, quod est bonvm, el yiiene, de/eclus. Elfe lande," (no Latin word) cath. ang. Horman seems to speak of elves as a sort of vampires : " No man stryucth with deed men but elfis, larua ; " and Palsgrave give " elfe, or dwarfe, nain." Ang. -Sax. elf, lamia. * This instrument seems to be the same wliicli in East Sussex and Kent is known by the appellation of an eel-shear, but in other (larts better known as an cel-sj)ear. •* This word occurs in the gloss on Gautier de Bibelesworth, Arund. MS. 220, where a buckled girdle is described : " Ecu isi/ doi/l Ip hardilovn (he tunnge) I'asser par tni de subilovn (a bore of an alsene)." " An elsyne, acu8,snhttla." cath. ang. " Sibnia, an elsyn, an alle, or a bodkyn." ORTUS. In the Inventory of the goods of a merchant at Newcastle, A.D. 1571, occur " vj doss' elscn lieftes, 12f/. j clowte and J a c elson blades, viij«. viij^Z. xiij clowtes of talier nedles," \c. Wills and Inv. j)ublished by the Surtees Society, i., 3C1. The term PROMPTORIU.M PARVULORUM. 139 Elle wANDE(elwonde, p.) Ulna. Eem, faderys broj^er. Patruus, CATH. Eem, moderys brothere.' Avim- Culus, CATH. Embyrday (embyr, or embyrdav, H. p.) A)igarium, vel quatuor temporum. Emme, propyl* name. Emma. Emerawxtys, or emerowdys. Emorrois, cath. Emperowre. Imperatov. Emty. Vacuus. Emty'nge, or a-voydynge (voyd- inge, p.) Evacuacio. Enchesone, or cause (enchesyn, K. H. enchesen, p.)' Causa. Encrecyn'. Accresco, augmento, augmentor, cath. Encres, or incres. Incrementum, augmentum, augmentacio, ex- crescencia. Eende. Finis. Ende, dooke byrde.' Anas. Eendyd. Finitus, terminatus. Eendyn', or makyn' a(n) ende. Finio, consummOfdesino, cath. Endykge. Finicin, ti-rminacio. Endytyd, or indytyd for trespas (of trespas, p.) Indictatus. Endytyd (orindityd, k.) as scrip- ture and speche.^ Dictatus. Endytyn', or iudytyn' scripture and feyre spechc. Dicto. Endytyn' or (inditen of, p.) tres- pace. Indicia. Endytynge, orindytynge of feyre speche, or scripture. Dictamen. is derived from the French alene ; " elsoa for cordwayners, alesnc.''^ palsg. In Yorkshire, and some other parts of England, an awl is still called an eisen. * The Anglo-Saxon word earn, avunculus, is commonly used by Chaucer, Gower, and all the earlier writers, and is not yet obsolete in the North of England. It is related in the life of St. Peter of Melane, that " one his erne whiche was an heretyke de- maunded of his lesson, and the chylde sayd to hym, credo; — his uncle sayd to hym that he sholde no more say so.'' Legenda Aur. " An eme, avunculus, pat rims. Versus, Patruus a patre pendet, avunculus ex geultrice. An eme son or doghter, pntruelis, ex parte patris ; consobrinits, ex parte matris." cath. ang. Bp. Kennett gives in hi.s Glossarial collections, Linsd. MS. 10 ?3, the following use of the word earn, noticed likewise by Grose : " Earn, an unkle, Bor. This term in the North is familiarly a|'i>licd to a gossip, and indeed to any friend or neiglibour; so is the word unkle in Worcestershire, and adjoining parts, where mine unkle or my nuiikle is a common appellation, as mine earn in the North. Ex ore viri doctissimi G. H." ^ This word is derived from the French *'■ acheison, encheison ; occasion /leureuse, loisir, cause de bonheur, dessein," &c. roquef. " Enchesun, causa, occasio, accio, eventus, casus, racin." Synonym. Harl. M.S. 1002. See chesun, and cawsk, or enchesoue. It is used by Wiclirte, and many early writers. Occleve saysof St. Margaret, " But understandeth this, I onely commend her nought, By encheson of her virginitie." Letter of Cupide. •* This appellation of a duck, which now seems to be quite obsolete, is the .\ng. Saxon ened, anas, in Dutch, eend ; it occurs in the glosses on Gautier de Bibelesworth. " Zlusi a il ane (enede) et plounczoun, (douke) Qe« riuere ont lour mansioun (woning.) " MS. at Middle Hill. And in another passage, " de naturell noyse des oyseaus, it is said, " En marreis ane iaroille (enede quckcth ) " * Endytyd, or yid ms. The scribe has left a blank on actount of a defect 140 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Endytynge (or indytinge, k.) of trespace. Indictacio. ExDYVE, herbe. Endivia. Endles. Injinitus, interminahilis. Ende mete, for dookelyngys (end- mete.. H. p. edmette, j. eumotte, w.) Lenticula, kylw. Engynne, or ingyne. Machina. Englysshe speche. AngUcum, (ydwma, p.) Excjlysheman, or woman. An- glicus. Englonde. Anglia. Enhawncyn', or ynhawnsyn' (in- hamiten, p.) E.vtollo, exalto. Enyoyen', or make ioy (enioyn, K. cnioyen, p.) E.vulto, gaudeo. Enyyntysciien, or wastyn' (en- yntyschyn, h.) Attenuo, e.ri- nanio. Enyn', or brynge forthe kynde- lyngys.' Feto. Enaiy. Initniciis, hostis, emulus. (Ex.myte, F.Tnimicifia, hostiliias.) Enoyntyd. Liunctus. Enoyntyn', (or innoyntyn, k.) supra in anoyntyn'. Enoyntyn', or gresyn', or ley yn' to a tliynge softc materc. Linio. Enoyntynge. Inunctio. Entyrferyn'. Intermisceo. Entyryd, or intyryd, as dede men. Funeratus. Entyryn' (or intyryn, p.) dede men'. Funero, c. f. infunero, c. F. Entyrement, or yntyrment. Funevale. Entyrme(n)tyn' (entermentyn, K. p.) Intromitto (yel inter- initto, K.) Entyrmentynge. Intromissio. Entyrmentowre (entermetoure, p.) Intromifisoy, intromissatrix. Entre. Introitus, ingressus. Entryd, or brownie yn. Induc- tus, introductus. Entryn' yn to a place. Introio, intro. Envye, or invye. Invidia, invi- dencia. Envyows, or invyowse. Invidus. Eran ye, or spyde(r), or spynnare.' Aranea. Erbe. Herha. Erbe Ion', or Seynt lonys worte. Perforata, fuga demonuviy ypericon. Erbare.^ Herbarium, virida- rium, viridale. in the MS. from which his transcript was made; this appears to be supplied by the reading of the King's MS. ' The verb to ean or yean, which is commonly applied only to the bringing forth of lambs, here appears to have had anciently the more general signification of the word from wliich it is derived, Ang. Sax. eanian, eiiiti, parttaire. See Somner, Nares, and Richardson. -' In the Latin-Engli.-h Vocab. Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. occurs among " nomina vermium, aranea, nerane ; " the Medulla gives " muscararicHs, a litelle l)oste that sleethe the flyc, the erayne ; '' and the Catholicon Angl. " ]{!rane, aspyder or an atter- copp, aranea.'^ Ray mentions arayn as the name given to tlie larger sorts of spiders ia Nottinghamshire, and the word aran, orarain, is still in use in Yorkshire. SeeARAYNVK and si'VNNARi;. •' A garden was termed an EanAni:, or herber, from the French hrrhier, and the appellation must not be here confounded with arbour, tlie derivation of which is jiro- bably from Ang..Sa.\. herberga, tnitniio. Chaucer, however, seems to use the word PROMPTOKIUM PAUVULORUM. 141 Erchebuschoppe. Archiepis- copuft, archipresul. Erciiedekexe. Archidiaconus. Erchepreste. Archipresbyter. Erye, or crthe (erde, k.)' Terra, hicmus, tellus. Eryyn', or of the erthe. Terrenus. Erthe qvvake, or erj^e dene (er- dyn, or erde qwave, k. erthdyn, p.)'^ Terremotus, sisimus, c. f . Ernde, or massage (erdyn, k. ii. erden, p.) Negociuin, nuncium. Ere of a beste (man, k.) Auris, auricula. Ere of corne. Spica. Ere of a vesselle. Ansa. Erysy. Herisis. Erytyke. Hereticus, heretica. Eryar of londe. Arator, glebo, c. F, georgicus, c. f. Eryday, or eueryday. Quotidie. Eryyn' londe.^ Aro. Eryynge of londe. Aracio. Ekytage. Hereditas. Erle, lorde. Comes. Erldam. Comitatus. Erly, or by-tymys yn J)e morn- y(n)ge. 3Iane (^tempestive, p.) Eerlonde (Erlond, k.) Hiher- nia, Tanatos, c. f. Ermyne for forowrys (ermyns or furre, p.) Erminius, c. F. Ermytage. IIer(e)mitorium. Ermyte (eremyte, p.)^ Ileremita. herber iu both significations. " Viretum, loctis pascuaiis virens, a gres3erd, or an herber." med. " An herber, //eriariMW!." cath. ang. ^' Herbarium, an herher, iiLi crescunt herbe, i-el ubi /ladundmit, ov a gardyu.^^ ortus. Caxton saj's, " Richer tlie carter shall lede dong on my land whan it shall be ered, and on my herber (court'il) whan it shall be doluen.'' Book for Travellers. Hall describes a curious pageant ex- hibited at the entry of the Emperor Charles Vth into London, A.D. 1522, part of wliich was " a quadrant stage where on was an herber full of roses, lyllies, and all other flowers curiously wrought, and byrdes, beastes, and all other thynges of pleasure.'' Chron. 14 Hen. VIII. ' It has been observed under the word blo erye, that the reading of the MS. may perhaps be considered as corrupt, by an error of the scribe, who wrote y for \> ; but it must be observed that similar errors are of very rare occurrence in this MS. and that the words are here placed in their proper order, as written with a y, whilst erthely will bo found in its place afterwards, the letter )> being in the Anglo-Saxon alphabet usually j)laced at the end, and in the Promptorium next after w. In an early MS. of the Medulla Grammatice, in the Editor's possession, which is equally free from the use of the character y instead of )>, which towards the later part of the XVth century became very general, occurs the word " ijliteus, eryen." - " An erthe dyne, terremotus, or an erthe qvake." oath. ang. Mention occurs of " erthequaues " in the Legenda Aur. f. xxv. Ang.-Sax. eorJS-dyn, terre, and orthegriue, signifying an earthquake. 3 " To ere, tibi to plughe." catii. ang. Palsgrave gives the verbs to ere, or to erye land, in the sense of ploughing; " he hath eared his lande, God send hym gooe laste parte of ])e day. Vesper, vespera, cath. sero, UG. in sereno. EvESE, or evesvnge of a howse.' Stillicidium, imbrex, imbricium, CATH. domiciliuin. Every day. Quotidie. EvESTERRE. Esperus, vesper, CATH- EvYDENs. Evidencia. EvYL. Malus. EvYL, or sekenesse. Tnjirmitas. EvYL HAPPE, or evyl chefe.'^ In- fortunium, diffbrtunium. EuER LASTYNGE. Sempitemus, perpetuus, perhennis, eternus. EVYRLASTYNGNESSE. EtemitoS, perjjetuitas, j)er}iennitas. EuERMORE Eternaliter, per- petue, perhemiiter (^semper, K.) Ex, instrument. Securis. Examyn', or apposyn', or a-sayyn (posyn, H. posen, p.y Examino, ExAWMPLE. Exemplum. ExAWMPLERE. Exemplar. Exawmplyn'. Exemplifico, ex- emplo, CATH. Executowre. Executor, exe- cutrix. Excess E, or owterage. Excessus. ExcESSE of drynke. Biberct, uG. ExcESSE of etynge- Peredia, VG. ExcLUDYD, or put owte. Ex- clusus. ExcLUDY'NGE, or puttyngc owte. Exclusio. unius et ejusdem efaiis, euen olde." ortus. Herman says, " lyke as I se my son do for his frende and euen3elde (equalis) and help hym in his maters, so it is right that we olde men shuld help and do eche for oder." Ang.-Sax. efen-eald, coevus. ' The term evesynge, from the Ang.-Sax. evesung, tonsura, evese, margo, occurs in the Gloss on G. de Bibelesworth ; MS. at Middle Hill. " Et ceueroundel (sparewe net) « la ceuerounde (at \>e euesinge) Prent le munnhoim et le arounde (swalewe).'' " Seuernnder a la severunde (a serundel at \>e eueses) " Arund. MS. 2'iO, f. 301, b. It would seem hence that it was usual to take small birds, as the mitskeron, or sparrow, and the swallow, by means of a net adjusted to the house eaves ; they probably served, as they do still in Italy and Southern Europe, as articles of food. In Piers Ploughman's Vision are mentioned " Isykles in cvesynges;" and in the Creed " Orcheyarde and erbers evesed wel clene ; " in which instance the word seems to be used precisely in the sense of the Ang -Saxon verb efesian, tondere, unless it may signify that the erber, or garden of herbs, was neatly hedged in. The Medulla renders " intonsus, vnevesed. Antipopfiara, an evesynge." In the North of England the eaves are called casings. " Severonde, the eaue, eauing, or easing of a house." cotgr, - The word chefe, signifying chance or fortune, has occurred already, but in the MS. is written, as it would seem erroneously, cnEi*. It appears to be taken from the French, chrf, chief, which, according to Roquefort, implies not only the head, or the commence- ment of a thing, but the end, issue, or extremity. Chaucer, in the Merchant's second Tale, speaks of " the boncheff and the myscheff ; " and in the account of William Thorpe's examination by Abp. Arundel in 1107, published by Fox from a contemporary authority, it is related that he said, " if I consented to you to doo hoere after your will for boncliefe or mischefe that may befall me in this life, I deme in my conscience that I were worthy herefore to be cursed of God." •' The verb apposyii', which does not occur in the Ilarl. MS. it\ its proper place PRO.MPTORIUM PARVULORLM. 145 Excusable. Excusabili^. Excusacyon'. Excusacio. Execs YD. Excusatus. ExcusYx'. Excusn. ExEMPTYDE (exempt, p.) Ex- emptus. (ExEMPCiox, K. p. Exempcio.) ExYLYD. Extorris, c. f. ug. Exylyn', or banyshen'. Bannio, rehgo, UG. (^exulo, k.) ExPERYMEXT. Experimentum. ExpERTFULLE, be dede know- ynge (expert full knowen, k. p.) Expertus. Exposycy'on', or expownynge. Exposicio. ExPRESSY'x', or spekvn' owte opynly (shewen openly, p.) Ex- primo. Extorcyon'. Extorcio, exactio, angaria. EXTORCYONERE. ExtOVtor, CX- actor, predator, angarius, brit. ExuLTRE, or ex tre, supra in A, AXILTRE. Fable, or tale (fabyll, p.) Fabula. Face. Eacies. Faceet, booke (facet, K. faucet, p.) Facetus. Facyx', or shewyn' boolde face. Effrono, CATH. Faculte. Facultas. Facuxde, or fayrnesse of speche.' Facundia, eloqiiencia. Fadyx', or lese the colowre. 3Iaiceo. Fady'R. Pater, genitor. Fadyr yx lawe. Socer. Fadyr and modyr yn' one worde. Farens. Fadyrkyx', or modyrkyn' (fadyrs or moderys kin, k.) Parentela. Fadyrlesse chylde. Orphanus, c. F. Fader qwellare. Patricida. Fadme, or fadyme.- Ulna, cath. in brachiion, lacerta. Fad.myx' (fadomyn, p.) Ulno, cath. in brachium. Fademyxge. Ulnacio. alphabetically, has here the same signification as that in which it is used by Chaucer, and many of the old writers, namely, of putting to the question, or examining judicially. " May I not axe a libel, Sire Sompnour, And answere ther by my procuratour, To swiche thing as men wold apposen me ?" Frere's Tale. " I appose one, make a tryall of his lernyng, or lave a thyng to his charge. I am nat to lerne nowe to appose a felow, aposer.'' palsg. 1 Chaucer, in the Assembly of Fowls, uses the word facond both as a substantive and an adjective, as in French, "Facond, eloquent ; faconde, eloquence.^' RoavEF. So also he says of Virginia, " Tho she were wise as Pallas, dare I saine, (Her facond eke full womanly and plaine) No counterfeited termes at all had shee To seeme wise." Doctor of Physic's Tale. In the Golden Legend it is said that " ilartha was ryght faconde of speche, and curteys." 2 The ancient Anglo-Saxon measure of six feet, f8e^■em, ulna, the space of both arms extended, was, at the time the Promptorium was compiled, still used as a measure of length, and subsequently more exclusively applied to depth. Herman says, that " in a camd. soc. u 146 PROMPTORIUiM PARVULORUM. Fagyx', or flateryn'.' Adidor. Fagynge, or flaterynge. Adulacio. Fagott. Fassis, strues, cath. Fayxare, or flaterere. Adulator. Fayne, or fayne {sic.y- Lihens. Fayre yn' bewte. Pulclier, ve- nustus, decorus, heUus, c. f. Fayre cn\hV)EJ^Ephebiis,epheba, CATH. Fayre, mery wedur or tyrae (fayir as wedyr, K.) Atnenus. Fayre spekar. 0)-atot% retor. Fayre speche. Lepos, cath. c. F. rethorica. (Fayirnesse of speche, k. Fa- cundia.) Fayrnesse of bewte. Decor, ve- nustas, pulcritudo, species, Fayrnesse of wedur, and tyme. Amenitas. Faytowre.-* Fictor, simulator, simulatrix. Faytowrys gresse, or tytymal (faytours grees, p.) Titimallus. man that is of laufull stature, the lengthe fro the toppe of his heed to his hele, and fro the both toppys of his niyddell fyngers, whan he makethe a vadome, is all one." 1 " To fage, aibdari, assentari, blandiri, blandijicare, delinire, palpare. A fagynge, ilandicia. Fagynge, hlandtis." cath. ang. Tiiis word is derived from the Ang. -Sax. fae^nian, fsesenian, gaudere, which has also the signification of flattering. Hardyug, relating the guileful practices of Vortigern on the weak King Constaunce, says, " Such subtyle meane to fage the Kyng he fande." Chron. c. Ixvi. Coles gives " fage, a merry tale." Palsgrave gives the verb " I fagge from the trouthe (Lydgate) ; this ternie is nat in our comen use." It may be questioned whether Drayton does not use the verb to fadge in this sense ; but it is explained by the Glossarists as signifying only to agree, or accord ; Ang.-Sax. if^^w,j%iiigere. " With flattery my muse could neuer fadge." Pastorals, Eel. 3. 2 It would at first sight appear from this reading of the MS. as also from a word that occurs subsequently, Forjktyn, or forjetyn, that the initial ff must have some special power of its own, and not merely represent the capital F. None such, however, can be assigned, and the readings are, probably, in both instances corrujjted by the scribe. In the present case the correction appears to be fayne, or fawne, and in the second the true reading may be For^etvn, or forgetyn. " Fayne, ubi mery. Alacer, apricus, di- lectabilis, hilfiris, letus." cath. ang. Ang.-Sax. fiej^en, latus. See fawn'. 3 The appellation fair child, beljil.s, or befyce, which has occurred previously, was one of endearment or courtesy, afterwards used only to signify a son-in-law. Instances of its use are not infrequent ; thus in Piers Ploughman's Vision, when Joseph relates to his father his dream that the sun, moon, and stars " hailsed hyni all," " Beau fitz, quod his fader, For defaute we shullen, I myself and my sones, Seche thee for neede." line 4819. 4 A Faytowre was, as it seems, a conjuror, or a quack-salver, so called from the French /aiVeor, orfaiturier, a sorcerer; and thence the name was applied to itinerant pretenders to such skill, to mendicants, and gcnfially to idle livers. " Failard,J'aiteor, vn jxirresneux." i.acombe. The plant called quack-salvcr's turbith or spurge, the Tithymalus or Esula of the old botanists. Euphorbia, Linn, was much employed in homely physic, as also by the empirics in former times. Its virtues are detailed by Gerarde and Parkinson. See titv.maj.j.i;. The MS. has similator, as also shnilacw. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 147 Fayterye (faytre, ii. p.) Fictio, simulacio, Jicticiiitn. Faytowre, jjatfeynythe sekenesse for trowantyse (trowandyse, p.) Vagius, UG. Fal. Casus, lapsus, ruina. Fallare, or he ]jat oftyn' tyme fallythe. Cadax, cath. ca- ducus, cadabundus, ug. Faldynge, clothe.' Falinge, amphibalus, c. F. hirrus, c. f. Falyyx', or faylyn'. Deficio. Faylynge, or fawte (falyynge, p.) Defectus. Falle, or mows trappc- Musci- pula, decipula. Fallyn', or ovyr throwyn'. Cado, ruo, CATH. ^ Compare ROW CLOTHE, as faldynge and other lyke, which occurs hereafter. The term faldyng, signifying a l/ica, because coarse wrappers or mantles were usually made of it. Chaucer describes the West Country shipman as clad " In a goune of falding to the knee." Cant. Tales, Prol. Nicholas, the Oxford clerk, had his books, and appliances of science, " On shelues all couched at his bed's hed ; His presse icouered with a faldyng red. And all aboue there lay a gay Sautrie." Miller's Tale. Nich. de Schirburn, an ecclesiastic of York, bequeathed, in 1392, ^^ tunic am de nigra faldyng tineatam ; " and Ric. Bridesall, merchant of the same city, makes this devise ; " lego patri meo meam armilamam, videlicet faldyng clok." Testam. Ebor. i. 173, 174. '^Amphibalus, a sclaveyn, a faldynge or a dudd." med. gramm. ' "A faldynge, amfihibalus. A faldynge, plicacio, convolucio." oath. axg. This kind of cloth was supplied, probably, from the North of Europe, and identical with the woollen wrappers of which Hermoldus speaks, " guos nos appellamus Faldones;" Chron. Slav. i. c. 1 ; called by Adam Bremensis " Paldones." Frieze received its name from Friesland, and the rough garments of that country are called by Andrew Borde " dagswaynes,'' as has been noticed above in the note on that word. The Polonie of Scotland may have re- ceived its name from its Polish origin ; see the curious observations on that word ia the Supplement to Jamieson's Dictionary. These garments, as also the Irish mantles, much in request so late as the reign of Charles I. as appears by the Custom-house rates, were, probably, the same as the faldyng ; the last were usually imported in pairs, upon which the duty, as rated in l.i.'jS, was .')*. and by the Kytson Household Book it appears that in l/)73 the price of "a coople of Irish mantells" was 43.v. History of Hengravc. " Endromis, vestis villosa de arietis pelUbus facta, vel pallium forte vil/osum, 6^-c. an yrysshe mantell." ortus. " Bracca, that kynde of a mantell whiche nowe commeth out of Ireland, or a longe garment made of roughe frise." ei.yot, 154'i. Fallin signifies in Irish, according to Lluyd, a mantle, and the term appears to be iden- tical with that used by Giraldus ('amb. in his description of the Irish, composed in 1185; " capuliis modicin assuflti sunt et arctis, trans htimeros deorsum, cubito tenus protensis sub quibus jilialingis laneis quoque, palliorum vice, utuntur." Topog. Hibern. 1. iii. c. 10. The fashion of the ;u/(a//H(/i/.v is exhibited in marginal drawings in a valuable contemporary MS. of Giraldus, in the possession of Sir Thomas Pliillipps ; and it is described by the appellation coccula in the Life of St. Cadoc, MS. Laudav. Ecd. as cited by Spelman, under that word. Sec further Tyrwhitt's Chaucer, and Ledwich's Antiquities of Ireland, 2G7. " See hereafter .mowskalle. " A felle for myse, decipula. A mowse felle, mus- cipnla.'' OATH. anc. .^ng.-Sax. miis-fealle, muscipula. 148 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Falle downe to jje growTide, to cion' worschyppe. Procido. Fallyn', or happyn'. Accidit, even it. Fallyxge downe, idem est quod FALLYNGE evylle, or londe yvelle.^ Epilencia, vel morbus caducus. False. Fctlsus. False, and vntrosty. Perjidus, False, and deceyvable, and yvel menynge. Versutus, vefsipellis, UG. in verto. Falsheed. Fahitas. Falsheed yn' boke, for yvel wryt- ynge. Menda, cath. c. f. ug. Falsyn', or make false. Falsijico. False modder, or wenche.^ Ca- risia, cath. False wryter. Plastographus, CATH. False wrytynge. Plastogra- phia, CATH. Faltryn' yn ])e tunge. Cespito, vel lingua cespitare. Falwe londe (falowen, p.) Novo, CATH. Falow, londe eryd. JVovale, vel novalis, cath. (ug. in neos. P.) Fame, or loos of name."^ Fama. Fann to dense wythe corne.* Vannus, cath. Fane of a stepylle, or o])er lyke.^ Cherucus, ventilogium. ' " I'C falland euylle, epilencia, comicius vel comicialis, morbus eadncvs, noxa, gerenoxa." cath. ang. Epilepsy, or the falling sickness, appears to have been in former times a very prevalent disorder, and had nunaerous ajipellations ; Cotgrave and Sherwood give the following, in French, " le mal caihiqne, mat de terre, le mal S. Jean, le gros mal, le haul mal, mal d'Alcide, mal des cornices, mal de Mahomet, mal de S. Valentin, maladie de S. Jenn^ viaulubec, malubec.''' See londe ivyl. 2 Mawiher, in the East Anglian dialect, still signifies a girl, according to Forby and Moore ; the explanation of the word carisia given in the Catholicon, has been adoi)ted in the Ortus, " Carisia dicitur lena i^etvs el litigiusa, unde et fallaces ancille, quia veritnte caient, Anglice, false seruauntes," See moder, servaunte. 3 See Loos, or fame. * "A fanne, capisterium, pala, vannus, veiililabrnm.^' cath. ang. Ang. -Sax. fann, ventilabrum. The ancient form of this implement, explained in the Catholicon to be *' ihsltumeiitvm de vimine fachtm, in mrnhn/i scuti, cribrum,^' has undergone little change during several centuries, as exhibited on the sepulchral brass at Chartham, in Kent, representing Sir Robert de Setvans, or de Septem Vannis, who died in l.'JOG. The fan, or van, here appears both on the armorial surcoat, and the ailettes ; the bearing, which is a curious example of the arma cantanlia, or amies parlantes, appears to have been, not seven vans, but three, as given in the Roll of Arms, t. Edw. II. Cott. MS. Calig. A. xviii. A faithful representation of this curious memorial has been given by Messrs. Waller in their valuable Series of Monumental Brasses. * " A fayne of a schipe, cheruchus, et cetera ubi a wedercoke." cath. ang. Ang. Sax. fana, vexillum. Chaucer uses this word repeatedly, " O stormy peple, unsad and euer untrewe, And undiscrete, and changing as a fane ! " Gierke's Tale. Among the costs of the construction of a dormitory, at Burcester Priory, in 1424, is a charge for " truncis de ferro, cum ij ventilogiis, viz. Vanys de tyn, ponendis super utrumqxie finem dormitorii ;'' Kennett's Paroch. Ant. ii., 2.i4; and in the accounts of Thomas Lucas, Solicitor-Gen. to Henry VII. for the building of Little Saxham Hall, PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. l49 Fangyn, or latchyn (lachyn or hentyn, k. n.y Apprehendo. Fanne corne, or o))er lyke. Van- no, CATH. Fantasy, or fantaii. Fanta^ma, fantasia, cath. Fanvn', or fallen' (fanon, p.)- Fanula,Dicc.inanijjulus, CATH. in 1507, is the entry, " a vane for my vise (winding stairs) ; iv vanys for my bruge." Rokewode's Hist of Suff. 151. Chaucer, in the Manciple's Piologue, alludes to the rural sport of justing " at the fan," in some MSS. " van ; " which has been e.\i)lainecl as sig- nifying a kind of quintain, so termed from its revolving like the fane of a weather-cock. In the curious version of Vegecius, Roy. MS. 18 A. XII. a passage occurs, however, which would lead to the supposition that Chaucer's allusion refers to a rural conflict, with the winnowing fan, by way of shield ; it declares " how olde werriours were wont to iuste with fannes, and pley with the pil, or the pale ; " and that tyros or young sol- diers ought to have " a shelde niadeof twigges sum what rounde, in maner of a gredryn, the whiche is clepede a fanne — and therwitii they sholdebaue maces of tree." B. 1, c. xi. See QUYNTYXE hereafter. * To fang or seize, Ang.-Sax. fang, captura, fangen, captus, is a verb used by R. Brunne, and various writers, as late as Shakespeare. See underfongyn, and latchyn hereafter. "^ The etymology of this appellation of the sacred vestment, termed also the maniple, is uncertain ; the Latin joaww?/* has been suggested, the German Fahne, or the Ang. Saxon word of the like signification, fana, vexillum. The resemblance of the maniple to the penon on the lance, called in France fanon, or p/tanon, is obvious. The word can hardly, however, be of Ang. -Saxon derivation, as in ^^Ifric's Glossary, written towards the close of the Xth cent, the maniple is termed " niamialis, -handlin ; " and among the gifts of Bishop Leofric to Exeter Cathedral, about 1050, are mentioned "iv subdiacones handlin." MS. Bodl. Auct. D. 2,16. Leo IV. P.P. towards the middle of the IXth cent, ordained thus, " 7ut/lus catifet sine amicfu, sine alba, .stold, fanone et casuld;'' and a contemporary writer, Rabanus Maurus, says, " quarinm sacerdotis indumtntum mappida sive manlile est, quod vulgo fanonem vacant.'''' Inst. Cler. c. 18. The original intention and use of the maniple is explained by Alcuin and Amalarius, writers of the same period, as follows: ^^ Mapptila, que in sinistrd parte gestiitur, qua piluiiani oculoruni et narium detergimus."' Shortly after, however, the rich and massy ornament bestowed upon the fanon rendered it unsuitable for its original purpose. A specimen discovered at Durham, in the tomb attributed to St. Cuthbert, is still preserved there ; it is elaborately ornamented with needle-work, on a ground woven with gold, and was wrought, as appears by inscriptions upon it, by direction of ./Elfleda, Queen of Edward the Elder, for Frithelstan, consecrated Bp. M inchester A.D. 905. It was probably brought to Durham, with other precious gifts, by Athelstan, the successor of Edward, in 934. This fanon measures 2>2i in. exclusively of a fringe at the ends, 1^ in. deep ; and its breadth is -'J in. Elaborate drawings of this inte- resting relic, and of the stole discovered with it in 1827, arc in the posses.sion of the Society of Antiquaries. They are both ornamented with figures of saints, by which, and other representations, it appears that the fanon was at that period worn loosely thrown over the back of the hand, as on the Bayeux Tapestry in the representation of .\bp. Stigant ; but subsequently it was attached closely round the wrist. In a few instances the fanon appears carried on the right, instead of the left liand, an examiile of wliich occurs in the Bible of Charles the Bald, MS. of the IXtb cent. See Montf. Mon. Franc. 1, pi. xxvi. The fanon was usually of the same suit, de eddent sectd, as the stole, and the parures of the amice and the alb ; the material of which they were formed was most costly, .\mong the gifts of Will, de Elintune to Rochester, it is recorded, 150 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Fardel LE, or trusse. Fardellus. Fare, or boost. Juctancia, ar- rogancia. Fare, or ledynge of lyfe. Valitudo. Fare, of schepemen be ))e see. Navigium. Fare makere, or bostowre. Jac- tator, philocomjms, c. f. (Fare well, p. Vale, valete.) Fare welle, or elle mon' («c) (badly, k. p.) Valeo, c. f. Faryn' owte of ])e cuntre. De< patrio. Faryn' ovyr jje see, or watur (on the see, p.)' Meo, transmeo, navigo. Farcyd, as metys. Farcitus. Faarce mete (farsen, p.) Farcio, farcino, cath. Farsure. Farsura , farsumen. Fart. TriiUa, bombus, cath. Fartare. Pedo. Fartox'. Pedo, CATH. Yartysge. Peditura,bombizacio. Facelyn', as clothys (faselyn, p.)^ Vi/lo. Fasy'lle of a clothe (or other lyke, p.) Fractillus, c. f. (vil- lus, cath. p.) Fassyoxe, or knowlechynge (fa- cyon, p.) Fassio, confessio, Fassyone, or factyone, forme of " dedit sfolam et fannm de nigrd pnrpurd — de viride ciclade — de albd pitrpurd,^' &c. Reg. Roff. 119. They were ornamented with gems, pearls, and goldsmith's work, as appears by the inventories of the treasuries at Old St. Paul's and Lincoln, printed by Dugdale. It must be observed that some distinction seems to have been made in Italy in the Xlth cent, between the fanon and the maniple, but its precise nature has not been ascertained. See the account of the gifts of Abbot Desiderius, Chron. Monast. Casin. Murat. iv. 429,487. " Fannell for a preeste's arme, /a?jOM." palsg. " Fanon, a fannell or maniple, a scarfe-like ornament worne on the left arme of a sacrificing Priest." COTG. ' To fare, Anj?.-Sax. faran, ire, is a verb frequently used by the earlier writers, as R. Brunne, Rob. of Gloucester, Langtoft, and Chaucer. " Ten thousand prest and yare. Into batail for to fare." K. Alisaunder, line 1188. Sir Thomas de la More, in his Life of Edward II. relates that at Bristol, on the way to Berkeley Castle, Thomas de Gorney put upon his head a crown made of hay, and the soldiers " ironid nimis acerbd dixerunt, fare forth Syr Kynge." Ed. Camden, p. 602. Minot, speaking of the journey of Edward III. into Brabant, in 1338, says, " Unto France fast will he fare, To confort hym with grapes." Various significations of this verb are given by Palsgrave, " I fare, I go a iournay. I fare with one, orentreate hym well or yuell. I fare, I playe at a game so named at the dyse. I fare, I resemble another thyng in my dealing. I fare, I take on, as one doth y' is in sorowe. " Occasionally it is used in the sense of compelling to go ; thus, in the Towneley Mysteries, Herod, enraged at the birth of Christ, declares, " Under my feete I shalle thaym fare. Those ladys that wille (not) lere my lare." p. 120. 2 Palsgrave gives the verb " I fasyll out, as sylke or veluet dothe, le raule ; my sieve is fasylled, rawe/ee. Fasyll of clothe, ca*«ure." ? Ang.-Sa.\. fxs, fimbria. The term to ravel, now generally used in this sense, thus appears to be derived, not from the verb to reave, or tear away, as it has been supposed, but from the French. PROMPTOKIUM PARVULORUM. 151 makyr\ge.Fo7'ma,formefactura, fonnefactio. Fast, or bowndyn', or festyd. Vinctus, ligatiis. Fast, or festyd be clevynge to, or naylyngc. FLrus, conjixus. Faste of abstynence (or fastynge, K.) Jejuniiim. Fast A RE. Jejunatov^jejunatrix. Fast gonge, or schroffetyde, or gowtyde (fastyngon, p.)' Carni- privium (et carnibrevium, p.) Fastyn'. Jejuno. Fastynge. Jejunus, impransus, c. F. Fastynge, idem r/uod faste. Fate, vesselle.^ Cuva, c. f. cupa vel cupus, c. F. Dice. Fat, or fet. Pinguis. Fat fowle, or beste, mestyde to be slayne (masted, p.)^ Al- tile, ug. in alo. (Fatyn, or lesyn colour, k. Mar- ceo.) Fa TN ESSE. Pinguedo, crassitudo, adeps. ' " Fastyngange, camiprivinm.^^ cath, ang. Palsgrave gives "at fastyns, at Fastyngonge, « Quaresme prenarit.''' Blount, in his Dictionary of Hard Words, 1680, gives " fasguntide " as a Norfolk word, which Forby considers as now obsolete. In the statement made by the citizens of Norwich respecting a riot that occurred in 1441 , termed Gladman's Insurrection, they declare that it originated in the circumstance that the said Thomas Gladman " on Tuesday, in the last ende of Cristemesse, viz. Fastyn- gonge Tuesday, madeadisi)ort with his neyghbours, coronned as Kyng of Cristemesse." Blomf. Hist. ii. 111. A detailed account of such local usages at Shrove-tide will be found in Brand's Popular Antiqu. vol. i. Hardyng, relating the conflict between the Yorkists and Queen Margaret, which closed with the battle of St. Alban's, Shrove Tuesday, Febr. 17, 1461, says, " And southward came thei then therfore To Sainct Albones, vpon the fastyngange eue {al. fastirne.)" Chron. c. 2.37. The term is compounded from Ang.-Sax. fsesten, _;e;MniM»i, and Sonj, iter, or going, the commencement of Lent. " Caresme prenant, Fastnes, or Shrove Tuesday.'' COTG. 2 " A fatte, cupa, cuva. A fattmaker, cuparius." cath. axg. "Cupa, a coupe, or a fatte, or stope." ortus. " Fatte, a vessel, quevue. Fatte to dye in, auiier h taindre.^' pai.sg. " Cut-e, an open tub, a fat, or vat." cotg. Ang.-Sax. fset, fat, ra*, Caxton, in the Book for Travellers, enumerates " thinges that ben vsed after the hous, — platers, disshes, saussers, sallyers, trenchours ; these thinges shall ye fyude of tree, and of erthe. Now after, a disshe fat {esculier) where me leyeth therin tlie forsaid thinges, and the spones of tree." There was a local measure of grain, called a fat, identical with the cupa, cupus, or cuva, and which contained a quarter, or 8 bushels. The Stat. 1 Hen. V. c. 10, recites that it had been ordained that there should be only one measure, namely 8 bushels to the quarter ; but that the purveyors of the Crown ■were accustomed to take !), and the merchants and citizens of London take of all sellers the same quantity, as a quarter of wheat, "par un meiiure use deitis la dicte Citee, appelU le faat, ove un busnell mys sur le dit faat." The word coupe does not occur in the Promptorium, in the same sense as f.\te, but is so given in the Ortus and the Cath. Ang. " A cowpe, cw;>fl. A cowper, cj/ziari/zs." Caxton says in the Book for Travellers, " Paule the couper maketh and formaketh the keupis (refaict les cuties.)" 3 See Mastyn beestys, hereafter. Ang.-Sax. mtestan, saginare. 152 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Fawcett.' Clipsidra. Fawchun, knyfe or swerde.^ Machera, c. F. et cath. semis- pata, UG. Fawkenere (fawconer, p.) Fal- conarius. Fawkon', hawke. Falco. Fawn', supra, idem quod fayne. Fawnyn' as howndys. Applaudo, hlandior. Fawnynge of howndys. Plausus, applausus. Favoryn'. Faveo. Favowre. Favor. Fawte, or defawte. Defectus. Fawty, or defawty. Defectivus. FAWTOUR,ormeyntynore. Fautor. Fee. Feodus. Febylle, or weyke. Debilis, im- hecillus, BRIT. Febylle, or lytylle worthe. Exilis. Febylnesse, or weykenesse. De- bilitas. Febylnesse, or lytylle of valure. ExiUtas, invalitudo. Feblyn', or make feble (febelyn, p.) Debilito. Fedde wythe mete. Pransus, pasties. Fedyn' wythe mete. Cibo, pasco, eSCO, CATH. Fedynge, or fode. Pastum, ali- mentum, alimonia, vicius. Feede chyldryn' wythe pappe mete. Papo, c. f. Fedyr. Penna^ plitma. Fedyrfu, or fedyrfoy, herbe. Febriffuga. Federyn'j or feteryn'. Compe- dio, CATH. Federys, or feterys of pryson* (fettirs, p.) Compes. ' Clepsidra is explained in the Ortus to be the same as " docillus, Anglice a perser or a spygote." See dottell, dossell, above. " Faucet, to drawe v;yne, faucet, hroche d estovper le vhi." palsg. This word is derived from the French, ya?'a in goonge FYRMAR.)' Feynare (feynour, p.) Fictor, simulator. Feynyd. Fictus. Feynyd thynge. Ficticium. Feynyd sleythe of falshede (feyn- }Tig, sleithe, h. feyned sleyte, p.^ Com(m)entum, cath. c. f. Feynyn'. Fingo. Feynyn' yn syngynge, or synge lowe.^ Succino, cath. Feynynge. Fictio, simulacio. Feynt. Segnis. Feynt hertyd. Vecors. Feyntnes of herte, or coward- nesse (fejiityse of herte, or cow- ardyse, k. p.) Vecordia. (Feyxtyn, k. II. feynten, p. feote, J. feyte, w.)' Fatesco. Feyntenesse, or feyntyse (feble- nesse, p.) Segnicies. Feynt LY. Segniter. Feyyr, or feyre. Nundine. Feyghte, or fyghtynge (feyt, or feytyng, k.) Pugna, certa- men. Feyghtare. Pugnator, certovy certator. Fegiitare, or baratowre (feyter, p.) Pugnax, c. F. Feyghtyn' (feytyn, k. feythtyii, H.) Pugno, cath. hello, di- mico. Feythe. Fides. Feythe breke(r), or comnant (breker.) Fidifvagusjidifragu, Feythfulle and trusty. Fidelis. Feythefulnesse. Fidelitas. Felle, or fers.' Severus, ferus, Jellitus,ferox (bilosus, J'elleus, atrox, p.) Fela, or felowe (felawe, p.) So- cius (^consors, p.) Fela, or felow at mete. Sodalis. Fela, or felow yn' travayle. So- cius. Fela, or felow yn offyce. Col- lega, cath. > The word feyar, introduced here on the authority of Pj^nson's edition, is derived from the verb to fie or fey, used by Tusser, and still known in the East Anglian dialect. " Escureur, a scowrer, cleanser, feyer." cotg. See fyi.v, and fowau. - Palsgrave says, " I feyne in syngyng, le chante a basse voi/x. \\'c may nat synge out, we are to nere my lorde, but lette us fayne this songe." 3 In the version of Vegecius attributed to Trevisa, it is recommended that the host in marches " be not highely fayntede with iourneyeng of weyes in the heteof the day,'" but in summer should rest from " vndren' to myde ouernone." B. iii. c. '2. ^ " Felle, acer, acerbus, asper, atrox, aus(erus,/eroj\ &c. To be felle, barbarizare, sevire. To make felle, ferare. Felly, acriter. A felines, atrocitas, rigor, Ike." CATH. ANG. " Fell or fierse, as a person is for modynesse. Fyers, fell, rigoreu.v,fier. Fell, orfelonyshe,/e/onne?w. Felaesse.rfcs/v/Verie." palsg. Ang.-Sa-x. fell, cruf/e/i*, felnys, crtidelitas. CAM. SOC. ^ 154 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Felow yn' walkynge by ]>e way (in iourney, p.) Comes. Fela, orfelow in scole. Consors. Socius in periculo, coUega in officio, comes in itinere, consors in premio, sodcdis in mensd, vel in sede ; hec UG. in sagio. Felowys, y-knytte to-gedyr in wykydnesse. Complices, c. F. complex, UG. in plico. Felowly. Socialiter, sodaliter. Felyschepe (felowshepe, p.) So- cialitas, societas, contuherniiim. Feelde. Ager, campus, rus, arvum. Feldefare, byrde (felfare, p.) Ruriscus. Feleable. Socialis. (Feelabyll, p. Sensibilis.) Felyn'. Sencio. Felyn' wythe handys, or gropyn. Palpo. Fellyn', orcastyn' downe (fallen, p.) Prosterno, dejicio. Feloxe, soore.' Antrax, c. f. carhunctdus, c. F. Felone, thef. Scef.estus. Felonye. Scelus. Feelte, or qwylte.^ Filtrum, CATH. c. v.fnltvum, kylw. Feltryke, herbe.^ Fistra, fel terre, centaurea. Felwe of a qwele (whele, p.) Cantus, c. F. CATH. timpanu7n, CATH. circumferencia. Femel, no male. Femella. Fe.melle. Feminius. Femvnyne, or woman lyke. Mu- liebris ffemininus, p.) Fenne.-* Lahina, palus, cath. ug. ^ " CarJ?mcM/w«, the felone." ortus. " Felon, a sore, ewYraci/." palsg. " Furun- culus, a score called a felon ; also a soore callid a cattes bear, whicliebreketh out in the fingers with great wheales and nioche peyne. Tayax, a felon, whiche happenelh ou a mann's fynger." klyot. Baret gives " A fellon, vncomme, or catte's haire ; a bile or sore that riseth in man's bodie,yMruwc?3X in tyme of werre ne were not, ne wolde nat be bespreynt ne be wette with ennemyes blode." B. iii. c. 10. ' Before the general introduction of glazed windows, their place was supplied by framed blinds of cloth or canvas, termed fenestralls, which are mentioned in the accounts of the executors of Queen Eleanor, A.D. 1291, as follows: "-^ pro canabo ad feneatrallas, ad scaccarium Regina; apud Wcstmonasterium, iijd." Household Expenses, presented to the Roxburghe Club by B. Botfield, Esq. p. 133. " Fenestrall, c/tassis de toille, on de paiipier (papier.)'' palsg. Herman says that " glasen wyndowis let in the lyght, and kepe out the winde ; paper or lyn clothe straked acrosse with losyngys make fenestrals in stede of glasen wyndowes. I wyll have a latesse (clathrvm) before the glasse for brekyuge. I have many prety wyndowes shette with leuysgoynge up and downe {canestelltB qua attolli et demitti possunt)." Not long subsequently to the time when Horman wrote, glazed windows became so generally in use that the fenestrall was laid aside. Harrison, who wrote his description of England about 1579, speaks of " lattise made of wicker, or fine rifts of oke in chekerwise," formerly much used in country houses instead of glass, as being then obsolete. He speaks of the use of horn, selenite, and berill, for glazing windows, observing that of the last "an example is yet to be scene in Sudleie castell ; " and states that glass had become so cheai) and plentiful, being imported from Burgundy, Normandy, and Flanders, as well as made in England, of good quality, that every one who chose might have abundance. B. ii. c. 12. Holiush. Chron. i. 187. Leland noticed "the Hawle of Sudlcy Castle glased with rownd Beralls." Itin. iv. f. 170, a; viii. f. 74, b. 2 "Fenelle, or fenkelle,y«i/cM/M»i, rnaratrum." cath. ang. The numerous virtues of this herb are thus summed up in the King's Coll. MS. of the Promptorium : " Bis duo dat rnaratrum, febres ftirjat atque venerium, Et puryat stotnacum, iic reddit lumen acutum.'' Macer gives a detailed account, in which the following remarkable passages occur : " )>e edderes wole ete fencl, when her yen dasnyl), and so she getih a-yene her clere sighte ; and I'er J>oroghe it is founde and prevcd hat fenel del' profit to mannis yene : i>e yen hat ben dusked, and dasiiih, shul be anoynted wit he ius of fenelle rotis medeled wit hony ; and his oynement shalle jiut a-way alle l>e dascwenesse of hem, and make hem bryjt." The virtue of fennel, in restoring youth, was a discovery attributed likewise by Macer to serpents ; " ['is prouih auctours and filisoferis, for serpentis whan men (aiV) olde, and willeth to wexe stronge, myghty, and yongly a-yean, Ki gon and eten ofte fenel, and hei become yonghche and myghty." MS. in the possession of H. W. Diamond, Esq. Fknkyllk is obviously a corruption of the Latin name; this herb is still called in German Fenchel, and in Dutch Vcnckcl. In Tiers Ploughman's Vision mention occurs of " A fcrthing worth of fynkcl-scde for fastynge dales." 156 PROiMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Fenkylle, or fenelle seede. Ma- ratrum, c. f. Fente of a clothe.' Fihulatorium, c. T.Jiiitbria. Feer, or ferdenesse. Timor, terror, et cetera in D, drede, dredefuUe. (Ferdfull thinge, quat so it be, K. p. Terrihilum, c. F.) Fer, or fer a-way. Alonge, procul, eminus, longe. Fersse (feers, p.) idem quod FELLE, supra. Fercehede. Ferocitas, severitas. Fery over a watyr. Pormeus, CATH. UG. in neo. Feryage. Feriagium, naulum, potomium, c. F. cath. FeryxYlle. Ferialis. Feryare. Pormeus, cath. Feryboot. Portemia, c. f. Feryn', or make a-ferde.- Terreo, perterreo. Fery place, idem quod fery. Feerme, a rent. Firma. Ferme, and stabylle. Firmus, ^ In the Assembly of Ladies, a poem attributed to Chaucer, Attemperaunce is described as arrayed in a blue gown of cloth of gold, in tabard-wise, purfled, or trimmed with fur, and set with pearls and diamonds. " After a sort, the collar and the vent, Like as armine is made in purfeling, With great pearles full fine and orient. They were couched all after one worching." The glossarist interprets vent as signifying " the fore-part ; " but this does not suffi- ciently explain the term. In the Xlllth Cent, the fent or vent appears at the collar of the robe, both in male and female costume, being a short slit closed by a broocli, and ■which served for greater convenience in putting on a dress so fashioned as to fit closely round the throat. This is shown by the effigies at Fontevrault, engraved by Stothard, and especially by those of Queen Bercngaria, at the abbey of I'Espan, and of Richard L, recently discovered at Rouen. Archaeol. xxix. pi. xxi. In these instances it is suffi- ciently apparent why the fent should be termed, as in the Promptorium, fihulatorium ; but at a later period being considerably prolonged, the opening of the robe in front ex- tending often mucii below the waist, a brooch was no longer sufficient to close it. At the period when Chaucer wrote, the fent was trimmed with rich furs, and the fastenings were ornaments of chased work, jewelled, of a very splendid description. They are termed in inventories " attachei/," and exhibited on the effigies of Lady Mohun, and of Joan of Navarre, Queen of Henry IV., at Canterbury. The less richly decorated effigy of Queen Philippa, at Westminster, presents an example of the fent, simply closed by a lace ; and the combination of furs and jewels in this part of costume appears in many MS.S. which have furnished Strutt with examples, among wliicli may particularly be mentioned Roy. M.S. IG G. V. See Strutt's Dresses, pi. xciv. The propriety of ap- plying to the fent thus purfled and adorned, the term Jiml/ria, as in the Promptorium, is evident, as likewise limhiis, which is given by Ducange, on an ancient authority, as synonymous y;\i\\ Jihulatorivm. In the Wardrobe of Sir John Fastolf, A.D. 14.5f), there was " j jakket of red felwct, the ventis bounde with red lether." Archeeol. xxi. 233. " Fente of a gowne, fente.^^ palsg. * The xise of the verb to fear, in an active sense, is not uncommon. *' Tliat rybaude fcred me with his loke, That confort to me coude I none take." (astell of Labour, 1500". " AlHlerrere, i. peuilua terrere, /4nylicc, to fayr. Terreo, i. terrorem infvrre, to feere.'* ORTis. " I fcart: one, I make Iiym afrayde. I fearc awaye, skarre away, as we do beestcs or byrdcs, f/ec/«awc/." palsg. Ang. -Sax. fairan, /crrcrf. See fesvn'. I'HOMPTORIUM PAKVULORUM. 157 ralus, unde dicitiw in Uterd attornatus, ratum et gratum, ferme and stabylle, cath. Fermerye. Injirmaria, infir- mitorittm. Fermyn', or take a {jyiige to ferme. Firmo, eel ad Jirmam accipio. Fermowre. Firmarius. Ferrowre, smythe.' Ferrarius, CA'VH. ferrator, com.m. Feertyr (fertyr, K. fert', i'. fcrtur, J.)- Feretrum. Fervexte. Fervens, f'ervidus. Feruently. Ferventer. Feruowre. Fervor. 1 In the will of the Earl of Essex, 1361 , occur bequests " a Me.ifre Thomas leferour, V. marcs ; a un garsoii pur le ferour, a:x'S. ; a un garson feurer, i. marc.^' Royal Wills, p. 50. Elyot renders " veterinarius tnedicus, a horseleche, or terror," now called corruptedly a farrier. In the version of Pliny, by Holland, it is related that the Empress Poppsea "was knowne to cause her ferrers ordinarily to shoe her coach horses, and other palfries, &c. with cleane gold." B. xxxiij. c. 11. In the order of the Pageants of the Play of Corpus Christi, at York, 14ir), are enumerated among the various trades, "smythes, fevers." Sharpe's Coventry Mysteries, p. 1.37. This last appellation is taken directly from the old French, /evre, febvre, or ferre, a black- smith. 2 Among the appliances of a sacred nature, there were feretra of two kinds ; first, the bier for carrying the corpse to the grave, "feretrum, bsere," Gloss. iElfric, thus mentioned in the laws of Henry I., " amici extrahant rnortuum, deferentcs in fere- trum, et portantes eum ad ecclesiam." By the Constitutions of Will, de Bleys, 1229, and Walter de Cantilupe, 1240, Bishops of Worcester, as also of Abp. Peckham, 1280, among the ornaments and requisites to be provided in every church, at the charge of the parishioners, was included '■^ fereirurn competens ad sepulturam mor- tuoruin.^' Wilkins, i. 623, 666 ; ii. 49. In its secondary sense yi?;e/r(/»H signitied a portable shrine, containing the relics of saints, and carried in processions on a frame similar to the ordinary bier; and also stationary shrines of similar fashion, but which it was not customary to display as gestatory ornaments, such as those of St. Cuthbert at Durham, or St. Thomas of Hereford, in the cathedral there. It is recorded in Reg. Roff. 120, that " Willielmus Rex /4ngUe magnus, in articulo nwrtis (10H7) dedit — feretrum, cum altari gestatorio deargentato, et pallium cum leonibus." In 13.55, Eliza- beth de Clare, daughter of Gilbert Earl of Gloucester, made the following bequest : " Je devise a Seint Thomas de Hereford un ymage de n're dame, d' argent surorri, d'estre tac/ic siir son Jiertre." Roy. Wills, p. 31. In the ancient documents relating to the shrine of St. Cuthbert the term feretrum implies, as Mr. Raine states, not the shrine itself, but the quadrangular space or oratory wherein it stood : the keeper had the title offeretrarius. See Raine's Saint Cuthbert. Amongst numerous representations of theferetniM may be mentioned the procession of St. Alban's shrine, in the MS. of M. Paris, with drawings, supposed to be by his own hand, Cott. MS. Xero, D. i. ; Strutt's Manners and Customs, i. pi. Ixiv. One occasion on which it was customary to carry the feret ra in procession, was at the parochial perambulations iu Rogation week, a full account of which will be found in Brand's Popular Antiqu. vol. i. llorman, in his chapter of sacred matters, says, " We two niuste beare the feretrum {lensam gcxtare) a procession in the gauge dayes." The term " fertre " occurs in Langtoft's Chronicle ; and in the Golden Legend mention is made of the " fyerte," or shrine of St. .Vlphey, f. 117,b. "rierte,Jiertre,Jictre: C/kixso, relif/uaire, Orancard." Rouvv.y. Tiic term feretrum in the MS. Ordinar. Ecc. Rotom. signifies the pyxis, wherein the consecrated liucharist is deposited. 158 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Fertiiyn', or ferthynge. Qua- drans. Fesawnt, byi'de.' Fasianus, or- nix, CATH. Fesyn', idem quod fekyW, supra? Fest, or teyynge (festnynge, p.) Ligamen. Fest, or teyynge of a schyppe, or bootys (festnynge, p.) Scala- mux, CATH. jironexium, c. f. Testis, c. F. Feeste of mete and drynke. Fes- tiim, convivimn. Feest, or fedynge of mete and drynke in holy chyrche/^ -^go-- pes. Nota, de Agape in Jure., distinctione .rlij'., Si qnis ; et Raijmundus, lib. 3, tit. 4. Festyd, or fed wythe goode mete and drynke. Convivatiis, cath. Festyd, or teyyd fast to a thynge. FLvus, conjixus. Festyn', or cleve to. Figo, af- Jigo, conjigo. Festyn', or byynd to-gedyr. Ligo, alligo (^colligo, p.) Festyn' (within a thinge, p.) or knyttyn' yn' to a thynge, or gryffyii', or ojjer lyke. Insero. Festyn', or make feestys, and feede men'. Convivor, cath. Festynge to a thynge (festnyng to, p.) Conjixio^fixura. Festynge wythe mete and drynke. Convivatus, convivatorium, cath. Feestryd, as wowndys (as sores, p.) Cicatricus. Feestryd wownde. Cicatrix. Feestryn', as wowndys, or sorys. Sanio. Fees trynge of wowndys. Cica- tricatio, cicatricatus. (Festu, infra in fyschelle.)-* ' The pheasant was brought inlo Europe from the banks of the Phasis, in Colchis, according to Martial, by the Argonauts ; it was highly esteemed by the Romans, and possibly introduced by them into England. In default of positive evidence as to its existence here in early times, it can only be stated that about the time when the Promp- torium was comi)iled, it had become sufficiently abundant in East Auglia. Thus in the Howard Household Book, amongst the costs incurred at I})swich, in 1407, " wliane Syr John Howard and Mastyr Thomas Brewse were chosen knyghtes of the shyre," occurs the item, "xij fesawntes, pryse xij.9." Household Expenses, presented to the Roxburghe Club by B. Botfield, Esq. p. 3y,9. " Oniix eat y alius vel gallina silvestris, Ant/lice a fesande or a werkok." ortus. " A fesande, fasianns." cath. ang. 2 R. Brunne uses the word "fesid," which Hearne explains as meaning whipped or beaten (p. li)'2.) Ang. -Sax. {iisiai\,fuffarc. 3 The love-feasts, or ciyinrai of the primitive Christians, were held in the churches ; but this usage was suppressed by the Council of Constantinople, A. D. ()91 , and discoun- tenanced by Gregory the Great, in his Letter to the British converts. It is prol)able that the author here refers solely to the primitive custom. There is no evidence that the practice of feasting in churches had been retained in any part of England ; but it a])pears probable that the aynjie of the earlier times gave rise to the church-ale, of wiiich, and of wakes, frequently celebrated near the precinct of the church, a full account will be found in Brand's Popular Antiqu. See the Hierolexicon D. Macri, Ducange, and Spelman, v. Ayape. * In Piers Ploughman's Vision, line (ilH.'J, where allusion is made to Matth. vii. 3, the mote in the eye, fesltica, is termed " festu." The Medulla likewise renders "/esluca, a festu, or a lytul mote." The name was applied to the straw, or stick PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 159 Fet, or fatte, as flesshe and ojjer lyke. Pingiiis, crassus, ohesus, Feteryd. Compeditus. Feteryn', sitjjra (m federyn'.) Fetyce, or praty.' Parvunculus, elegantulus. Fettynge, supra in fetchynge. Fetyr (of prison, p.) supra in FETHYR (sic, sed rectius fe- derys) et pedica, c. F. 23^diw, CATH. Fetyrlokke. Sera compedi- talis (sera cornpedita, p.) Fettnesse, supra in fattenes, et popa, sagina. Fewe. Paucus, paucuhis. Fewenesse (or scassenes, k.) Paucitas, paucedo. Fewte. Vestigium. (Fewte, or omage, ii. fewtye, or homage, v? Omagium.) (Fewte, k. PideHtas.) FyJ* Vath, racha (vaa, p.) Fy(a)l, or fyoUe (fyall, or cruet, n. p.) Fiala, cath. Fydyll, or fyyele (fyyil, k.) VieUa,fidicina, vitula, cath. in vitulus, et Dice, vidula, kylw. Fydelare. Fidicen, cath. vitu- lator, UG. Fydelin, or fyielyn' (fetelyn, k.) Vitu/or, Dice, catii. in vitulus. Fyftene. Quindecim. Fyfty. Quinquaginta. Fygge, or fyge tre. Ficus. Fygure, or lykenesse. Figiira. Fyin, or defyin mete and drynke (fyyn, K. h. p.)-* Digero. used for pointing, in the early instruction of children : thus Palsgrave gives " festue to spell ■vii\.\\,festev.'^ Occasionally the v?ord is written with c or k, instead of t, but it is apparently a corruption. " Festii, afeskue, a straw, rush, little stalk, or stick, used for a fescue. Toucke, a fescue ; also, a pen, or a pin for a pair of writing tables." COTG. ' Chaucer uses the word fetise, and fetisely, in this sense ; it is apparently derived from the old French y^/w, or fait eis. Palsgrave gives " featysshnesse, propernesse, feactise ,■ " as also the synonymous word " feate, or proper of makyng, godin, yodinet, coint, mij/Hon ; fetly, nycely, coyntement. I haue apted them together the fetlyest {le plus yenliment) that euer you sawe. Feted, fetered, or well shapen of the lymmes, aliynL It is as well fetered a chylde as euer you sawe. You neuer set your eye upon a fayrer fetered woman, mieulx aliynee.'^ Horman likewise speaks of " the feat con- ueyans of a speche that soundeth well to the eare, aryutia plausibilis sermonis. She wereth corked slippers to make hir tal and feet." 2 " Homayhim, idem est fjitod JideiUas, a fea.xite.''' ortus. William Paston writes, in 1454, of Thomas Bourchier, Bp. of Ely, who was translated in that year to Canter- bury, " My lord of Ely hathe do hys fewthe." Paston Lett. iii. '.'22. The word is taken from the French "/eauKv, /eaufe ; fidilite, foi, comtatice." roquef. It is commonly taken for the oath of allegiance in tlie feudal system : " When thise Bretons tuo were tied out of this lond, Ine toke his feaute of alle that lond helde." R. Brunne. * In the Wicliffite version occur the following passages : " he that seith to his brother, Fy {al. fugh) schal be gilty to the counsell." Matt. v. '22. " And as thei passiden forth, thei blasfemeden him, movynge her heddis, and seiynge, Vath, thou that distriest the temple," &c. Mark xv. '-*!). ■• This word, in the MSS. and in Pynson's edition, occurs among the verbs between FYiSTYN and FLAPPYN, which is perhaps an indication tliat it had been originally 160 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Fykin a-bowte, infra in fyskin. Fykynge a-bowte in ydylnes. Dis- cursus, vagatus. Fylberde, notte. JFilhim, Dice. (FiLBERDE, tree, p. Phillis.) Fyle. Lima. Fylin wytlie a fyle. Limo. Fylyn', idem quod fowlyn, sit- pra in D. Fyll wythe mete. Sacio, sa- turo, Fylle, or fylly(n)ge of mete, or drynke. Sacietas, saturatio. Fyllyn'. Iinpleo, repleo. Fyllynge. Tmplecio, replecio. Fylzofyr (fillosofere, k.) Phi- losophus. Fylette.^ Victa, ug. in vincio, philacteriiim. Fylme of a uotte, or o})er lyke. Follicuhis, gallicula, c. f. Fylowre, of barbowrs crafte (fil- lour of barborys crafte, K.)- Acutecula, Jilarium, kylw. {cicuteUa, K.) Fylthe. Sordes, spurcicia, lino, CATH. turpitude, lahes, putre- do, pus. written FY31N. To fie or fey now signifies in East Anglia, as in Craven and Hallam- sbire, to clean out, as ponds or ditches ; it is thus used by Tusser, and also to express the cleansing of grain. " Choiced seed to be picked, and trimly well fy'd, For seed may no longer from threshing abide.'' August's Husbandry. " Escurer, to scowre, fey, rinse, cleanse.'' cotg. Bp. Kennett, in his Glossarial Coll. gives "to fea, fey, feigh or fow, to cleanse or empty, as to fea a pond, a privy, &c. Dunelm. Isl. fcCgia, mundare, eluere ; whence to feag, by metaphor, applied to whip- ping or correcting, as, He feag'd him off." Lansd. MS. 1033. In the Wicliffite version, Ueut. xxiii. 13 is thus rendered, " {^ou schalt here a litil stake in )'e girdil, and whanne \>o\x hast sete, i>ou schalt digge bi cumpas, and hou schalt hile wi)' er^^e j'ingis defied out, where Jjou art releuyd ; " in the Vulgate, " egesta humo operies." See dekvyn', and fkyar. ' Johanna domina de Roos bequeaths, in 1394, " tinam longam feletam de rosis de per',^c.^' Testam. Ebor. i. 203. " Nimbus, J'asciola transversa ex auro insula in lintheo, quod est in f route feminarum, a felet." ortus. " Fyllet for a mayden's heed, frontcuu.^' palsg. " Frontean, a fillet, frontlet, forehead cloth." cotg. In a letter written about 1465 to Sir John Paston occurs the request of a lady, who " wuld fayne have a new felet." Paston Lett. iv. 176. 2 Fylowre, or barbowrs crafte. ms. " Afiloure, affilatorium ,• to filoure, affilare." CATH. AND. The term affilatorium occurs with the signification of a hone, in the Usus Ant. Ord. Cisterc. c. 85. The imjilement so called seems to have been identical with that now called a steel, in French fusil, which is rendered by Cotgrave " the Steele, wherewith a butcher whets his knives." A reseml)hince in form to the sjjindle or spoole used in spinning was probably the origin of the ajipellations ¥\ i.ov; k\z, Jilarium, waA fusil. In the Boke of Curtasye a " fylour" appears to signify a rod, as that upon which a curtain may be hung, moveably, by means of rings. Tlie word occurs in the directions for the grooms of the chambers, regarding making the })allcts, and two beds ot greater state, for lords, " That henget shalle be with hole sylour. With crochettes and loupys sett on lyour, Tho valance on fylour shalle licnge with wyn, iij curteyns stre)t draweu withiune." Sloaue MS. 1986. PROMPTOKIUM PAnVULOnUM. IGl Fylthe of mannys nose, snotte. Polipus. Fylthe of mannys fete. Petor. Fymterre, horbe. Fumus terre. Fynche, byrde. Furfurio, c. f. Fyyndare of thynge loste. In- vento7', inventria;. Fynde thingys loste. Invenio, reperio, comperio, Fynde coste. Exhiheo. Fyndin, hclpyn', and susteinyn' hem |)at be nedy (fynde theym that ar nedy, p.) Sustento. Fyyndynge of thynge loste. In- vencio, repericio. Fyyndynge, or help\Tige in bo- dyly goodys at nede.^ Exhi- bicio, suhvencio. Fyne, or ryght goode (fyyn, p.) Egregius, excellens. Fyne wyne.- Falernum, cath. Fyne, of bondage. Finnm. Fynne of a fysche. Pinna. Fyngyr, Digitus. Fyngyrlynge of a glove. Di- gitabulum, cath. Fyr, tree. Abies. Fyyr. Ignis, rogus, focus, pir. Fyyr forke. Ticionarium,CATU. pala, arpagio ; hec in Jii.storid scolasticd de rnsis templi. Fyyr iierthe. Focca-ium, cath. ignearium, c. F. Fyyre yryn', to smyte wythe fyre. Fugillus, cath. pirici- dium, Dice. KYLW. Fyyr stok, infra in herthe stoke. Fyyr stone, for to smyte 'wythe fyre. Focaris, UG. in laos, vel focare, cath. ignarium, c. f. FiRBOME, supra in bekene.-^ 1 The Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VII. comprise an entry in 1493, "to Dr. May for th' exebucon of Thos. Phepo," who appears to have been King's scliolar at Oxford; and the allowance is subsequently termed "the finding, 2 li." Exc. Hist. The term exhibition, or allowance of money, taken from the Latin, which in medieval times had the same signification, is used in this sense by Shakespeare and B. Jonson. as likewise still retained at the Universities. - The Medulla renders " Falernum, wyn al|)urbest." MS. in the Editor's possession. 3 The practice of maintaining beacons, to give warning of approaching invasion, is one that may be traced in Britain to the most remote times. The term itself is Anglo- Saxon, beacen, signum, beacne torr, specula. The right of erecting beacons was one of the exclusive privileges of the Crown ; and a tax for their maintenance, termed l/e- conayium, was levied upon every hundred. At an early time, as Coke observes, the beacon was merely a stack of combustibles prepared on an elevated spot, or a rock ; Ang.-Sax. beacenstan, /;/v/»!)," and to form thereof a park at Greenwich. Rot. Pari. iv. 498. " Ruscns, Anglice, firsun." Harl. MS. 1002. " Fyrsbusshe, ionmarm." palsg. Ang.-Sax. fyrs, (jenista, rhamnus. 2 Salinnca has occurred already, as the name of an herb called caltrap. Cotgrave renders " chatmsettape, the starre thistle, called also the calthrop ; " but although the name may have occasionally been so assigned, from its being Imrtful to the foot, yet ac- cording to Parkinson the herb called land caltrops, tribulus teri-estris, was not of the thistle species. The naliunca again is, according to the same author, a kind of spike- nard, whereas in the Medulla it is stated, " Salinnca dicitur vulf/ariter in Gallico carr- kerepe, (? carchiofe, an artichoke,) a qwynne." Harl. MS. 22r)T. In the Ortus it is rendered " a wynne or grost." 3 This word does not appear, by the East-Anglican Glossaries, to be still in use ; it occurs, however, in Tusser's lessons for waiting servants. " Such serviture, also, deserveth a check. That runneth out Asking with meat in his beck." " I fyske, iefretillc I praye you se howe she fysketh aboute.'' palsg. " Trotiere, a raumpe, fisgig, Asking huswife, raunging damsell." cotg. Compare fykin a-bowte, and see Jamieson's remarks on that word. It occurs in R. Coer de Lion, 474.'). PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 163 Fysch sellare. Piscarim, pis- caria, ug. in pasco. Fyschelle of fyschew, or festu.' Festuca. Fyschyn". Piscor, cath. Fyschynge. Piscacio, piscatus. Fysch leep.- Nassa, c. f. FissHE PONDE. Vivarium, cath. Fysy'cian', or leche. Medicus, Jisicus. Fysxomye. Phisonomia. Fyste of an hande. Pugnus, CATii. (^pngiUus, p.) Fyyst, stynk. Lirida. Fyistyn' (fyen, w.) Cacco, c. f. liiido. Fyystynge. Liridacio. Fyt, or mete. Eqiius, congvuus, UG. in grus. Fyton', or lesyiige (fycon', k. fyttyn, s. fytyn, p.)^ Mendaciiun, mendaciolum, cath. Fyve.'I Quinque. Fyv'e huxdryd. Quingenti. Fyvere (sekenesse, p.) Fehris. Fyvere, agu. Querquera, cath. et UG. in quero. Fythil, supra in fedyi.i.e. Flagge of J)e erthe, vide in T. in turfe.^ Terricidium (^cespes, cath. et c. F. s. gleba, p.) Flayxe, or flawyn'. Excoriatus. Flake (or hame, K.) Fioctus, UG. injlo (squa772a, P.) Fl akette, botelle.''7^/«.9co, /?fl.?ca. Flanke, or leske. Ylium, kylw. inguen, cath. Flappe, or stroke. Ictus (fla- gellum, K.) Flappe, or buffett (flap bofet, p.) Alapa. Flappe, instnimeiit to smyte wythe flyys. Flabellum, Dice. muscarium, c. F. ' According to the Medulla the term fyschelle is synonymous with fysch leep ; " Nassa, quoddam instrumentum ex viminibus et cirpis, tanquam rhete, contextum, ad capiendos pisces, a pyche or a fysshelle.'' So also it is related in the Golden Legend, " Than they put hym in to a lytell fysshell or basket well pytched, and set it in y' see, and abandouned hym to dryue wyder it wolde." f. 99, b. " Fiscelle, petit panier de jonc,Jiscella.''' roquef. Fyschew signifies a reed, or supple rod, as osiers, &c. '^ See hereafter leep for fysche kepynge. Ang.-Sax. leap, corbis. 3 '* Fytten, mensonge." palsg. In Wiltshire fitten signifies a pretence. * Feve, MS. * In Norfolk, according to Kennett, Ray, and Forby, the upper turf pared off to serve as fuel, is termed flaks or flags. The repetition of this word below, flachse, drye wythe he gresse, is ajijiarently a corrupt reading. In the North such sods of turf are called also flags, or flaws, or flaughter. .See Jamieson and Mrockett. " A flaghte, w6i a turfe. A flagiite (or flyghte) of snawe,_/focc«A'." cath. ang. Dan. flager, Teut. vlaeghen, deglubere ; Isl. flaga, exscindere glebam. " This word, as also Ang.-Sax. flaxe, the French Jiac, or flache, &c. appear to be directly taken from the low Latin_/?ac/ff, adopted probably from the Greek. In William and the Werwolf a certain clerk is mentioned who came to Rome " wih tvo flaketes of ful fine wynes," written also "flagetes," p. 68. *' Flacta, a flakette. Obba, genua calicis, a bottell, a flaket." ortus. " A costrelle, oneferum, iVC. ubi a flakett. A flaket, _/fac/a, obba, liter, lyc. wit a potte." cath. ang. "A flaget, Jiacoii." palsj:. The term does not a]ipear to be retained in Norfolk, as in the North. " .\ flacket, flasket, or flask ; bottle made in fashion of a barrel. Bor. Flaskin, a wooden bottle, or little barrel which labourers use for beer. Yorkshire." Kennett's Gloss. Coll. Lansd. MS. 1033. 164 PROMPTORIUM -PARVULOUUM. FLAPPYN'wythe a ^n'^'^e.Flahello. Flasshe, watyr.' Lacima, cath. Flatt. Bassus, v el planus. Flagge, drye wythe J)e gresse.^ Globa, UG. in globus. Flaterare, svpra, idem quod FEYNARE. Flateryd. Adulatus. Flateryn', Adulor. Flaterynge. Adulacio. Flatnesse. Planicies. Flawe, supra in flake. Flawyn', supra in flayn'. Flawme, or lowe. Flamma. Flawne, mete.^ Fkimicia, Dice. Jiato, Dice. coMM. opacus, ar- tocasins (apacus, s.) Flax. Linum. Flathe, 01' flathe, fysche (flay, or flacch, fysch, s.)"* (^K)agadies. ' The term flash, signifying a shallow pool, does not appear to be now retained in Norfolk ; but it occurs in names of places, as Flash-pit, near Aylsham. In low Latin flacliia,flasca,3.nAjiaco, in old French yiacke or Jlesque, have the like signification. A supply of water from the locks on the Thames, to assist the barges, is termed a flash, and in Sussex loose water-soaked groimd is called flashy. Plot speaks of the " flashy over-watery taste'' of some white fruits. Hist. Oxf. 156. See plasche, or flasche where reyne watyr stondythe, and pyt, or flasche. ^ This word, placed here out of its proper alphabetical order, whereas flagge of \>e erthe has occurred already, has been retained as found in the MS., on account of the uncertainty whether it is an interpolation, or a vitiated reading. Possibly the correct reading may be flawe, a term synonymous with flagge, a sod of turf. Blount, in his Law. Diet. V. Turbary, cites a charter in which " turbaria bruaria — a flaw-turf, or heath-turf," is mentioned. In the North the words flaw and flaughter are still com- monly used in this sense. See Jamieson and Brockett. 3 " A flawne, o;>ac?e sides togidere knytte, — \>ei fleked ham ouerthuert, justely for to ligge." p. 241. " Botes and barges ilkon, with flekes mak J>am tighte." p. 321. Hardyng relates the singular escape of Sir James Douglas, who had been hemmed in by Edward III. in Stanhope Park, and by means of hurdles, which, to prevent pursuit, his men drew after them as they went, passed over a quaking and miry moss. " But James Douglas their flekes fell dyd make, Which ouer the mosse, echeone at others ende, He layde anon, with fagottes fell ouer the lake." Chron. c. 178. In a satirical poem, put forth in l."».JO against the liberty of religious discussion, the services and preachers of the Reformed C'liurch, entitled " An old Song of John No- body," printed in the Appendix to Strype's Mem. of C'ranmer, it is said of those who with ignorant assurance set thensselves up as expounders of the Gospel, " More meet it were for them to mylk kye at a fleyke." p. i;{8. Ilorman says, " Ley this meate in trayes and flekis, conc/ias sire aliidos,^' {? alucos) where the term may signify a shallow wicker basket, in some parts termed a flasket. " Alucus, vas faction ad modtim alvei, a troiighe." ortus. In the North hurdles are still called flaiks ; see Jamieson. 1 Svvyngyl fleyle, MS. "Ai\ay\e,fla(/cl!iim,iri/)iiliis, trilndum. W-rsiis. Tret (ri- bulo partes, mauutentum, cappa, flay ell inn. AJiniiitcnlian, a hand stafl'e, cappa, a cape, flar/ellum, a svicv/elle. \sv/evy\\e,lril/ulum." cath. ano. See hercdfter swkngyl. 166 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Flemmynge. Flandriciis, Flan- drica (^Flamingus, p.) Fleen, or flee bestys. JS.vcorio. Fleen enmyes, or grevowsnesse. Fiigio, CATii. affugio, confugio. Fleese of wulle. Vellus. Flesche. Caro. Flescije flye. Musco, cath. Flesche hooke. Creagra, fus- cina, CATII. tridenSi cath. fuscinula. Fleschy, or made alle wythe flesche. Carneus. Fleschy, or sum dele made wythe flesche. Carneatus, Fleschly. Carnaliter. Fleshly, or fuUe of flesshe. Carnosus, carnidentus, cath. Fleschlynesse. Carnalitas. Flet, as mylke or oj^er lyke (oJ)er licour, K. flett of mylke, h. p.)^ Despuviatus. Fleet, Jje watyr of ]je see comythe and goythe (flete, there water Cometh and goth, h. p.)^ Fleta, Jbssa, estuarium, c. F. Flete of schyppys yn ]je see. Chtssix, c. F. Fletyn' a-bovin (fletyn, or hovyn, H. houen, p.)-^ Super7iato. ' To fleet, or skim the cream, is a verb still commonly used in East Anglia, and the utensil which serves for the purpose is termed a fleeting-dish. " I flete mylke, take away the creame that lyeth above it whan it hath rested." palsg. ^^ Esburrer, to fleet the crearae potte ; laict esburre, fleeted milke ; maigne, fleeted milke, or whaye." Hollyband's Treasurie. " Escremi, fleeted, as milke, uncreamed." cotg. Ang.-Sax. flet,_/?&* lactis. A celebrated Suffolk cheese, made of skimmed milk, is called flet-cheese. Tusser, in his lesson for the dairy maid Cisley, on bad qualities of cheese, says, " Gehazi his sickness was whitish and dry, Such cheeses, good Cisley, ye floted too nigh." * The term fleet, signifying a channel, an arm of the sea, or water-course, occurs not infrequently in several parts of England, as Northfleet and Southflect on the Thames, the Fleet-ditch, London, IIolt-Fleet on the Severn, near Worcester, Fladbury, an- ciently Fleotbury, and Twining Fleet, on the Avon. On the coasts of Norfolk and Suffolk the name is common, and properly, according to Forby, though not invariably, implies a channel filled by the tide, and left at low water very shallow and narrow. At Lynn, where the Promptorium was compiled, there are several channels so called, as White Friars' Fleet, and Purfleet. The grant of the possessions of the Gild of the Holy Trinity, Lynn, by Edward VL A.D. 1548, alludes to rents laid out in " repairing of banks, walls, fletes, and water-courses in Lenn." Blomf. IV. 598. "Flete where water cometh, hreche." palsc;. Ang.-Sax. fleot, sinus. In the North, as Bishop Kennett notices in his Glossarial Collections, fleet signifies water, as in the ancient song over a corpse. *' This ean night, this ean night, Every night and awle. Fire and fleet, and candle light, And Christ receive thy sawl." Lansd. MS. 1033. 3 " To flete above ye water ; his cappe fleteth aboue the water yonder a farre hence." PALSG. " Naviger, to saile, to fleete." Hollyband's Treasurie. Harrison, in his de- scription of England, speaking of Lyme Regis, Dorset, says, " the Lime water, which the townsmen call the Buddie, commctli . . . from the hils. Acting (qion rockie soil, and so falleth into the sea." Ilolinsh. Ciiroa. i. 58. Ang.-Sa.x. flcotan, flucluare. See MOWN, which has a like signification. PROMPTOHIUM PARVULORUM. 167 Fletyn', or skomyn' ale, or pottys, or o|)er lycoure that ho- vyth.e.Despumo,e.vspumo,CATH. Flete mylke only. Dequacco, exquacco. Fletynge of lycowre. Spumacio, despumacio, cath. Flew, or scholde, as vessell, or oJ)er lyke (scold, s. flwe, or sholde of vessels, p.)' JBassus. Flew, complexyon' (flewme of com- pleccyon, K. flwe, p.) JFfegma, CATH. et c. F. 171 ventriculus. Flewematyke, Flegmaticus, UG. Flewme, idem quod flew, supra, et sperma. Flyare. Volator. Flye. Musca. Fly flappe, supra, idem quod FLAPPE. Muscarium, cath. c. F. et UG. Flygge, as bryddys.2 Maturus, volatilis. Flygxesse. Maturitas. Flyyn', as birdys. Volo. Flyyn' a-wey. Avolo, evolo. (Flikerynge, supra in fleker- YNGE, K.) Flykke of bacon'. Perna, pe- taso, baco. Flynt, stone. Silex. Flyghte, fleynge a-way. Fuga, effugium, c. f. Flyghte of byrdys. Avolatus, evolatus. (Flytere, supra in cukstoke.) Flytix, or chydifi.'^ Contendo, cath. Flyttin, or remevyn (away, p.) Amoveo, transfero. Flyx, or flux, sekenesse. Fluxus, dissenteries. Flode. Flumen, Jluvius, dilu- viwa,Jluctus. Flo DEC ATE of a mylle. Sino- glociforiion, Dice. Floke of bestys. Grex. Floke, or heerde of bestys, what so they be. Polia, cath. Flokkyn', or gadyr to-gedyr. Aggrego, congrego. Flokkys of wuUe or o))er lyke. Floccus, CATH. (fuJtrum, p.) Flore (or growTide, infra.) Area. Florschare (florissher, p.) Flo- rator. Florschyn' (florisshen, p.) Flo- reo, CATH. floresco. FLORYSCHYN'bokys.i^/o>-o, kylw. Florschyxge. Floratus. ^ According to Forby, flue, as well as fleet, has in Norfolk the signification of shallow, as a dish, or a pond. In the North, a flaw peat or flow signifies a watery moss ; Isl. flaa, palus. See schold, or schalowe. " Margaret Paston in a letter to her husband in 14G0, describing the vain hopes ex- cited amongst the partizans of Henry VI. says, " Now he and alle his olde felaweship put owt their fynnes, and am ryght flygge and mery, hoping alle thyng is and schalbe us they wole haue it." Paston Letters, iv. AVI. " Fiyggenesse of byrdes, plumetsettK" PALSG. In Norfolk birds ready to fly are still said to be fligged, and in some parts of England are called fliggurs. Ang.-Sax. fliogan, volare, flyge./i/^fi. ^ " To flytte, a//t'/-ca/-/, certare, /ifif/are,af/jiirgare, catazizare." cath. ang. " Li- tigo, Anglice to stryfFor flyte." ortus. Ang.-Sax. flitan, certare. "In peese thou etc, and ever eschewe To flyte at borde, that may the rewe." Boke of Curtasye, Sloane MS. 1980". 168 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Flotyse, or flotyce of a pott or other lyke. Spuma, cath. c. f. FlOT GRESE.l l/lva, C. F. Flowyn', as the see. Fluo, cath. (venilio, cath. s.) Flowynge of ]>e watur (see, p.) Fluxus, venilia, cath. kylw. Flowre of tre, or herbe. Flos. Flowre of mele. Farina, simila, UG. in similis, pollen, cath. c.f. FLO\VRYN',«'f/eme folde syngythe well wythe hys gwgawe )je pype. ( Flatorium, k. p.) FLOWTYN'jOr pypyn'. Calamiso, flo. Flwe, nette (flw, k. flewe, p. flowe, w.)- T^-a^wm, c.F.CATir. Yovn£..Alimentum, alimonia, victus. FoDYNGE, or norschynge (fodin- ynge, p.) Fomentum. FoDDUR, bestys mete, or forage (foodyr, p.) Farrago, cath. c. F. et UG. infrugo, pabulum. FooYNE, furrure. Loero, necc. et Dice, bacre, necc. et dicc.^ FooLE. Stultus, fatuus, babur- rus, babiger, c. f. Foo(l)de of shepe. Ovile, caula. Folde clothys, or other lyke. Plica, cath. Foldyn' a-bowtin (abowtyn, k. abowte, p.) Circumplecta. Foldvn' in aniiys. Amplectar. Fooldyn', or put beestys in a folde. Caula, incaulo, inovilo. Foldyn' vp. Complico. FoLDYNGE of clojjys, and ojier lyke, Plicacio, plicatura. FoLDYNGE (of shepe, p.) or put- tynge in felde (*warm?« is rendered " a chymene or fymrel." The term is de- rived from the Latin, " Fumerale, Anylice a fumerell. Fumcralis, idem est.'" ortus. " A chymney, camimts, epicasterium, fumerium, fumerale." cath. axg. The term chimney seems, however, not to have been originally synonymous with fomerel, but to have signified an open lire-place, or chafer, such as the ' ' chy mney e with charecole ' ' in the pavilion prepared for the conflict of Syr Galleroune with Gawayne. See the Awntyrs of Arthure. Thus also in the will of Cecilia do llomeldon, 1-107, is the bequest, " lego unum magimm cambium deferro Abbalftice de Durliam." Wills and Invent. Surtees Soc. i. 45. In Gawayn and the Grene Kny3t, however, composed about the same period, "chalk whyt chymnees " are described as appearing upon the roof of the castle. The FOMKREi, was a kind of lantern, or turret open at the sides, which rose out of the roof of the hall, and permitted the escape of the smoke ; it had sometimes the appellation of the lover, a word which occurs hereafter ; thus Withal, in his Dic- tionary, mentions the " lovir or fomerill, where the smoake passeth out." Among the disbursements of Thomas Lucas, Solicitor-General to Henry VII., for the erection of Little Saxbam Hall, in 150", occurs a payment " to the plommcr for casting and working my fummerel of lede ; " and it ajipears to have been glazed like a lantern, for there is a i)ayment to the glazier " for .'50 fete glas in my fummerelle." Rokewode's Hist, of Suff. pp. 149, 150. In the Book of Wolsey's Expenses at Christ Church, Oxford, is an entry relating to the " femerell of the new kitchen." Gutch, Coll. Cur. i. i.'04. 3 The Medulla gives " Conor, to streyne or fonde,'' rendered in the Ortus, " to CAMD. SOC. Z 170 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. FoNDYNGE, or a-saynge. Attemp- tacio. FoxEL, or tonowre.' Ficsorium, infusorium, c. F. FoppE, supra, idem quod folet. Forbedyn' (orforfendyn'.) Pro- hibeo, inhibeo, veto, interdico. FoRBEDYXGE (or forbode, or fore- fendynge, infra.^ Prohibicio, inhibicio. Fo R-B Y a place, or o J)er }>}Tigy s . Pe r. FooRBYSCHOWRE. Eruginatov, Dice. FORBYSCHYD. Furbitus, BRIT. in luna, ut patet ejus versus. Forbyschyn'. Erugino, cath. FoRBODE, idem quod forbyd- DYXGE, supra. Forcelet, stronge place (forslet, H. p.) Fortalicium, munici- jjium. FooRCERE (forcer, k. p.) - Cis- tella, teca, cUtella, scrinium, Dice, forcerium, comm. FooRCYD, as mennys beerdys (or pollyd, itifra.) Capitonsus. FooRCYD, as wulle. Tonsus. Foorcyn', or clyppyn'.'^ Ton- deo. FooRCYXGE. Tonsura. constrayne or fande." " To fande, cohaW, n«7i, et cetera ubi to be a-bowte warde." CATH. ANG. Minot relates that David Bruce " Said he sulde fonde To ride thurgh all Ingland." Poems, viii. p. 39. The word is used by Rob. Brunne and Rob. of Gloucester in the same sense. Ang.-Sax. fandian, tentare. 1 Conowre, MS. See hereafter tonowre of fonel. In Norfolk, according to Forby, the term in ordinary use is tunnel, Ang.-Sax. tsenel, canistrum. The word funnel ap- pears to be derived fvomfundulus, " quasi fundle," as Junius observes. '^Infusorium est quoddum vasculum per quod liquor infundiiur in aliud vas ; vel est vas in quo est oleum quod ponitur in lucernis, a fonell dyshe (al. tonnell dysshe.)'' ortus. - Junius thinks that this term was borrowed from the Italianybrcfere, which is ren- dered by \V. Thomas, in his Italian Grammar, 1548, " a forsette, or a little coafer ;" and by Florio, " a forcet, a coffin, a casket, a cabinet, &c." It may be remarked that the most elegant caskets of the Middle Ages, usually of bone or ivory, curiously carved and painted, are, with few exceptions, of Italian workmanship ; but as Flanders also furnished these and numerous other ornamental appliances, the origin of the name forcere may perhaps be sought in the Belg. fortsier, a banded coffer. The importation of " ascune manere V!a.v& depeinte, forcers, caskettes, &c." was forbidden by stat. 3 Edw. IV. c. 4, A.D. 1463. In William and the Werwolf it is related that the Queen sought by means of a ring to charm the monster. " Sel'e feiHi of a forcer a fair bok sche raujt, And radde )jer on redli ri3t a long while." Chaucer says in " Za belle Dame sans Alercie," " Fortune by strength the forcer hath vnshete, Wherein was sperde all my worldly richesse." v. 65. Caxton, in the Book for Travellers, says, " The joyner made a forcer for my loue, her cheste, her scyrne, unf order, sa luysel, son escrin. Set your jewellis in your forcier, that they be not stolen." Palsgrave gives "fo(r)sar, or casket, escrain; fo(r)cer, a little cofer, cofret," andcoffref is rendered by Cotgrave " a casket, cabinet, forset, (.vie) &c." 3 Tliis word is taken from the French forces, shears for clipping wool or cloth. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 171 FoRSYGHTE (forsy3t, K. forsyth3, H.) Previsio, previsus. FoRCLYD (or fvrclyd, infra; for- kelyd, p.) Furcatus. Fordon', or dystroyn'.^ Destruo. FoRDERYN',orfortheryn',toincres, or a-\antage (fordryn, or forthyn, K.) Promoveo, proveho. FoRDERYx', in spedynge (forthren, p.) E.vpeclio, acceJero. Fore, or forowe of a londe. Sul- cus, CATH. lira. FoRELLE, to kepe yn a boke.^ Forulus, CATH. BRIT, inforiis. FoRESTE. Foresta, indago, c. f. FoRETTE, or ferette, lytyll beste. Furo, c. F.furetus, vel furun- culus, c. F. For evyr. Semper, eternaliter, perpetue. Forfexdyn', idem quod for* BEDYx', supra.^ Forfexdynge, idem quod for- BEDYXGE. Fojo-ce/e?', to clip or shear. See roquef. The stat. 8 Henry VI. c. 20, forbids the fraudulent practice termed forcing wool, reciting the loss in the customs arising from those who " clakkent et forcent les bones lains du roialme, pui- cux carter dehors dicelle en estraunges jiaiis ; ordinez est quenulle estraunger ne face forcer clakkcr 7ie harder nulls maner des leins, pur carter /tors du roialme,^' upon pain of forfeiture, with a penalty of double the value, and imprisonment. Stat, of Realm, ii. 2oG. ' This verb, Ang.-Sax. for-don, perdere, occurs in the Vision of P. Ploughman. " Alias ! that drynke shal for-do That God deere boughte." line 5284. In the Golden Legend it is said in the Life of Becket, that Henry II. " wolde fordoo suche lawes as his oldres hadde vsed to-fore hym.'' Palsgrave says, " What so euer he do on the one day, on the morowe I wyll fordo it, defaire.'" ' Jocelyn de Brakelonda relates in his Chronicle, p. 84, that Abbot Samson ex- amined the relics of St. Edmund in 1 198, and when the shrine was closed up, '^ positus est sttper loculiimfortilus quidam sei-icits, in quo depositafuit scedula Anglice scripta, continens quasdam salutacioiies Ailirini Monac/ti," with a meraori:il of the opening of the shrine, which was subscribed by all who had been present. Poruli, according to Papias, are " theccevel cista; librornm, tabularum, vel aliarum rertan, ut spatowf/rt, Dice. FooRME of an hare, or o])er lyke. Lustrum, KYLW. Foormyd. For mains. Foormyn', or makyn'. Formo. FooRMYNGE, or makynge. For- macio. FooRMYNGE, or techynge, or in- formynge (or infourmynge of techinge, p.) Instruccio, in- Jbrmacio. FoRMOWREjOr grubbynge yryn' of gravowrys.-* Scrojina, cath. runcina, c. f. FoRNE parte of a thynge (fore part, p.) Anterior pars. FoRNE parte of a schyppe, or for- schyppe. Prora. For-sakyn'. Desero, reUnquo, derelinquo, renuo. FoRSAKYN',anddenyyn'. Ahnego. Forsakyn', and refusyn'. Ab- renuncio, refuto, recuso. Forsakyn', or refusyd. Refutatus. For-sakyn', or lefte. Derelictus, relictus, cUmissus. FoRSAKYNGE, or refiisynge. Re- futacio, c. F. derelictio, desercio, dimissus. veral of which are given by Palsgrave, as the following; "To forbreake, Lydgate ; to forilerke, make derke ; to fordevve, sprinkle with dewe ; to fordreynt, Lydgate, drowne ; to fordull, u.ake one dull of wyt ; to forlye, as a nouryce dothc her chylde whan she kylleth it in the nyght ; to forwaye, go out of the waye, Lydgate ; to forwery, &c." 1 Chaucer, Gower, and the early writers generally, use tlie verb to forfeit in its pri- mary sense of committing a transgression ; in French forfaire has the same significa- tion. ^^ Forisfacio, id est offendere vel 7iocere, to forfeyte." outus. "What have I forfayted against you ? " i'alsg. 2 Ang.-Sax. forhelan, celare. See hvllyn. 3 llardyng relates the honours that were falsely paid to the remains of Richard IL " Fro Poumfret brought with great SDlemjinyte, (Men sayde forhungered lie was) and lajjped in lede. At Poules his masse was done and diryge." Chron. c. 200, 4 The Catholicon gives the following explanation : ^' A .scrohs dici/iir scrofiiia, qnnd- dam instnimentnm curpenfarii, r/uia henmdo Hcrobem facial .'''' " Runcina est (jnoildam arlificinmfabri lif/narii gi'acile et recurvum, quo cavantiir tabule lit una altera alleri canncctalur ; /^/////ke, a grypjiynge yron." ohtus. Palsgrave gives the term " for- mowr, or gruldyng yron," which appears to signify a gouge. See gkowpyn' wythe aa yryn, as gravowrys, runco. PROMPTORIUM PAUVULORUM. 173 FoRSOTHE. Vere,utiq7ie, quinimo, profecto, siquiclem, Amen. FoR-SPEKYx', or charmyn'.' Fas- cino, CATH. FoRSTERE, or fostere. Foresta- rius, indagarius, indago, vel indagator (yiridarius, p.) FoRSWERERE, or he ))at ys oft forsworon'. Lahro, c. f. Forsweryn'. Perjuro. FoRSWERYNGE. Pevjiivium, per- juracio, ohjia'acio. FoRswoRNE. Perjurns. FoRTHYNKYNGE of dede doiie. Penitiido, cath. Forthynkyn'.- Penitet, hio,VG. Forthegate. Transitus, pro- feccio. Forth egone. Profectus. FoRTHYRST. SUibundus, siciens. Fortopppe. Aqualium, catii. calvaria, cath. et c. f. Fortune, or happe. Fortuna, eventus, casus. Forwarde, or cumna^vnt/^ Co?i- vencio, pactum. Forwarde, or more vttyr. Ultra, ulterius. Forwhy (forqwhy, h.) Quin (quia, quoniam, p.) For the nonys (nones, w.y Idcirco, ex proposito. ' " Facina, a forspekere, or a tylstere {al. tylyere). Fascino, to forspeke or ouersee." MED. GRAMM. " To forspeke, fascinare, incantare : a forspekynge, fascinacio, /^acinus." cath. ang. Palsgrave says, " I forspeake a thyng by enchauntementes. Some witche hath forspokea hym, qiielque vauduyse la en ch ante.'''' W. Turner, in his Herbal, loG2, says that "there are sum date trees in whose fruite is a stone bowyng after y"^ fasshon of an half moon, and thys sum polyshe with a toothe, with a certayn religion agaynst forspekyng and bewitchyng." The Ang. -Sax. for-spsec has merely the signification of a preface, fore-speca, prolocutor ; by Shakespeare and other writers to forespeak is used with the sense of forbidding. The use of the word in the sense of fascinating or charming arose probably from a superstitious belief, which is not extinct at the present time in North Britain, that certain persons had the power of injuring or bewitching others by immoderate praise. See Jamieson's observations upon this word. 2 Richard Earl of Arundel, having made in Parliament certain complaints against John of Gaunt, which were answered by Richard II., the Earl was obliged to make before the House an apology which was enrolled, wherein he thus expresses himself: " Hit forthynketh me, and byseche yowe of your gode I^ordship to remyt me your mau-talent." Rot. Pari. in. 314, A.D. 1393. "To rewe, penitere, is,-c. uhi to for- thynke. A forthynkynge, compunccio, contricio, penitencia.'' cath. ang. ^ In the romance of Richard Coer de Lion it is related that Saladin made a treaty with him that for three years pilgrims should have free access to the holy city. " The next day he made forewarde Of trewes to the Kyng Richard." line 711.^. In Sir Amadace the \Vhite Knight makes an agreement in these terms ; " Butte a forwart make I with the, or that thou goe, That euyn to part be-twene vs toe, The godus thou base wonun and spedde." Stanza 42. See also the Avowynge of King Arther, stanza 35; Cant. Tales, Prologue, 831, 85-J. Ang. -Sax. fore-weard, pacttim. 4 << Ynr y"^ naynste, abintenfo." cath. ang. Various are the conjectures that have been made with regard to the derivation of this phrase. See Tyrwhitt's note on Cant. 174 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. F0R3ETARE (forgeter, p.) Im- memor, obJitor. FoR-3ETVLLE, 01" fretefulle (forget- ful!, p.)' Obliviosus (^letenus, p.) FoR5ETyN'. Obliviscor, necligo. FoRYETYN'lessonys, or other loore and techyngys. Dedisco, cath. in disco. F0R-5ETYN' or for-3etyn' (sic.y^ Oblitus. F0R-3ETYNGE. Ohlivio. For-yevyn' trespace, or dette (forgeuen, p.) Indulgeo, re- mitto, condono. For-yevenesse (forgyuenesse, p.) Venia, remissio. Foryevynge, idem quod for- yevenesse, stipra. FooRDE, passage ouer a water (forthe or water passinge, p.) Vadum, CATH. Forth ERYNGE, or promocyon (forthe, or fortheringe, p.) Pro- mocio. Fostere, supra, idem quod for- STERE. Foot. Pes. Foot be foot. Pedetetim. FooTE, mesure. Pedalis, cath. FoTYNGE. Peditacio. FoTYNGE, or fundament. Fun- damentum. FoT MANN, or he ]>at goythe on foote. Pedester, pedes, c. f. Foot stappe. Vestigium. FoTE steppe, of a mann only. Peda, cath. et kylw. FowAYLE (or fowaly, p.)^ Fo- cale. FowAR, or clensare.'* 3Iundator, emundator, purgator, munda- trijc, puvijicatrix. FowARE, or clensare of donge, as gongys, and o])er lyke. Fi- marius, oblifor, c. f. FowER, orfewelere, or fyyr maker (fovwer, H.)'^ Focarius, velfo- caria, focularius. Tales, V. ,381 ; Jamieson's Diet. v. Nanes ; and Sir Frederick Madden's glossaries appended to William and the Werwolf, and Syr Gawayn. In the last he retracts the opinion previously expressed, and is disposed to conclude that the original form of the phrase was the Saxon " for than anes." It implies occasion, purpose, or use ; thus Palsgrave gives " for the nonest, de mesmes ; for the nones, tj propos, a escient. C'est nn gallant de mesmes, et de fait apcnce. This dagger is sharpenned for the nones, affille (out a esciant." Horman says, " he fayned or made hymselfe sicke for the nonis, deditd operd. He delayeth the matter for the nonys, de industrid. It is a false mater deuysed for tlie nonys, deditd operd conficta.^' Occasionally, as in the following in- stance, it is used ironically : " You are a cooke for the nones, wyll you sethe these roches, or you haue scaled them? vous estes ting cidsinier de mesmes," Sic. palsg. " He is a popte fole, or a starke fole, forthe nonys, hnmofatuitate nionsirabilis.^' horm. ' The word fretefulle seems here evidently a corrupt reading, which is corrected by Pynson. For letentis should probably be read letheus, " i. odlwiosus." jiRTva. 2 The correct reading, probably, is here either i-oryetyn, or for3etyn ; or possibly forgetyn. See the note on the word fayne. 3 See eyldynge, or fowayle. In the Romance of Richard Coer de Lion this word seems to have the more general sense of provisions, or needful supplies. When Richard arrived at Cologne the heads of the city issued the command, " No man selle hem no fowayle." line 1-171. ♦ See FEYAR, FYiN, and goonge fyrmar. The appellation Fowar occurs as a surname in the Issue Roll of tlie Exch. 44 Edw. III. " Will. Fowar, falconer." * " Focarius, a fuclcrc, or makere of fyrc." medulla. See Nares, v. fueler. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 175 FowYDjOrdensyd.MundafuSfpur- gatus; purijicatus, emundatus. Fowyn', or make clene.^ Mundo, emuiido, purgo, puvijico, FowYNGE, or clensynge. Emun- dacio, purgacio, purijicacio. FowYR. Quatuor. FowRE TYMES. Quttter. FowLE, bryd. Avis, volucer. FowLE, of fylthe. Turpis, vilis, sordidus. Fowl, on-then de, or owte caste (vnthende, p.) Ahjectus. Fowl ARE. Auceps, avicularius. Fowlyn', or take byrdys. Au- CUpor, COMM. Fowlyn', or defowlyn' (defylen, p.) Tiirpo, deturpo, maculo, coinquino,Jedo, poUuo. FowLYNGE, of fylthe. Detur- pacio, pollucio, sordidacio. FowLYNGE, or takynge of byrdys. Aucupium, UG. in aueo. FoowNE, beeste (fown, k. h.) Hinnulus, vel innulus, cath. FowNDER of a place. Fundator, FowNDOWRS (fowndowresse, h. foundresse, p.) Fundatriic. FowNDRYD, as horse. Fownderyn' (fowundryn, v.)- FoWNDRYiVGE. Fowre, supra (i7i fovvyr.) FowRE corneryd. Quadran- gulus, qiuidr angular is. Fowre folde. Quadruplus. Fowre fetyd (fotyd, k. foted, J'.) Quadripes. Fowre hundryd. Quadringinti. Fowre square (fowre scware, or fowre sware, h.) Quadrics. Fowre square stone. Tessel- lum, c. F. (^peretalum, p.) Fowrthe, or thefowrte. Quartus. FowRETENE. Quatuordecim. Fowre tymes. Quater. (FouRTY, p. Quadraginta.^ FowRTY tymes. Qiiadragesies. FowRTNYGHT. Quindena. Fox, beeste. Vulpes, cath. FoxYSHE (foxich, K.) Vulpinus. (Fracchyn', supra in cherkyii', as newe cartys ; frashin, s.)^ Frayle of frute (frayil, k.) Pa- lata, CATii. carica, cath. et UG. in coposA Frayyn', idem quod feryn', supra (fraiyn, or afrayn, k. afrayin, p.) ' " I fowe a gonge, ie cure un retraict, or ortrait. Thou shalte eate no buttered fysshe with me, tyll thou wasshe thy handes, for thou hast fowed a gonge late.'' palsg. Forby gives the verb to tie, fey or fay, as still used in Norfolk in this sense. See fyix. - Palsgrave gives the verb " to fownder as a horse, trihucher.'''' Dr. Turner, in his Herbal, 1562, makes use of the term in allusion to ailments of the human body, where he says that Pyrethrum " is excellently good for any ])arte of the body y' is fundied or foundered." In his treatise of baths and mineral waters, he says that the baths of Baden, in High Germany, " heate muche membres that are foundre or fretished wyth cold, and bringe them to theyr naturall heate agayne ;" and that the Pepper bath has virtues to restore " limbs fretished, foundered and made numn^e wyth colde." 3 This word appears to be now only retained in the Nortii Country e.vpression to fratch, signifying to scold or quarrel. It seems to be derived from A.S. freoi!)an,y/vcare. Compare Jamieson, v. Frate. 4 "The Catholicon gives the following explanation : '* A pahts dicitur palata, quia fit de palis, et palate sunt masse que de recentibus ficubiis complngi solent, quas inter palas !76 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Frakine (fraken, k. frakne, h. freken, p.)' Lentigo, c. f. len- ticida, c. F. Frakxy, or fraculde (frekeny, p.) Lentigi{n)osus. Fraknyd, idem quod frakny. Frame of a worke. Fahrica. Framyd. Dolatus. Framyd tre. Assa, vg. etc Ain. cadia. Framyn' tymbyr for howsys (or hewyn, p.)- Dolo. Framynge of tymbyr. Dolatura. Framyxge, or afframynge, or wynnynge.'^ Lucrum, emolu- rnentum. ad solem siccant ," and carica properly signifies dates preserved in a similar naanner. In the Romance of Coer de Lion are mentioned, among provision for the army, " Fyggys, raysyns in frayel." line 1549. "A frayle of fygys, palata.^' cath. ang. " Frayle for fygges, cabas, cabache.^' PALSG. Minsheu would derive the term ^'' afragilitate," and Skinner from the Italian fragli ; but it more closely resembles the old French " Fraiaus, frayel ; cabas, yanier e wombe of Jjc chepe, hat is he mawe, and sethe beta wyl, and serue forth." See also the Forme of Cury, p. 9.'). The following metrical recipe "for frauuche mele " occurs in the " Crafte of Cure," Sloane MS. 1986, f. 85. " Take swongene eyrene in bassyne clene. And kreme of mylke j-at is so schene, And myyd bred hou put J>er to. And powder of peper hou more do. Coloure hyt with safrone in hast. And krcmelyd sewet of schepe on last ; And fylle |>y bagge hat is so gode. And sew hyt fast, sir, for |'o rode. Whenne hyt is sohun I'ou sclialt hyt leche, And broyle hyt on gredel as I the teche." CAMD. SOC. 2 A 178 PROMI'TORIUM PARVULORUM. Frely. Lihere, gratis. Fremanx. Liber, libera. Fremann, made of bonde (manu- misyd, k.) 3Ianumissus, coJi- bertu.9, mannmissa, coliberta, c. F. libertus, cath, Fremyd, or strawnge (frend, or strange, K. fremmed, n.i*.)' Ex- traneus, alienus, externns, uo. v. Freend. Amicus, arnica. Freendfulle. AmicabiJis. Freendly. Amicabiliter. Frenesse of hert, or lyberalyte. Liberalitas. Frexesy, sekenesse. Frenesis, mania. Frenetyke (frentyk, K.) Fre- neticus, maniatus. Frenge, or lyoure. Tenia, glossd 3Ierarii (orarium, K.) Frenschyppe (frenchcpe, h.) Amicicia, amicabi/itas. Frere (fryer', p.) Frater. Frees, idein quod freyl, supra (fres, or freel, k. or brokyl, or broyyl, ii. broyle, p.)- Fresche. Fecens, frisciis. Fresche, ioly and galaunt (fresshe and gay, p.)-^ Pedimitiis, cath. Freschly, and newly. Kecenter, noviter. Freschly, or iolyly, and gayly. Gaudiose, friscose, rcdimite. Fresyn', froste. Gelat, c. f. Fresynge, or froste. Geliditas, CATII. Freste, or to frest yn byynge or borowynge (frest, or frestynge, K.) 3Iutuum. Frestyn', or lende to freste ' Fremyde is a word used by most of the older writers. " Sal neuer freik on fold, fremmyt nor freynde, Gar me lurk for ane luke lawit nor lerd." Golagros and Gawane, 1079. " Mony klyf he ouer clambe in contraye3 stiaunge, Fer floten fro his frendej fremedly he rydes." Gawayn and G. Knyjt, 714. It occurs in Rob. of Glouc. and Chaucer ; and signifies both strange, as regards country, and alien, as to kindred. " Whether he be fremd, or of his blod, The child, he seyd, is trewe and gode." Amis and Amiloun, \D',)0. " Those children tliat are nursed by frembde men's fires are, for tlie most part, more liarde and strong then they be whicli are daintily brought up in their owne fatliers houses." Precious Pearle, translated by Coverdale, A.D. Ifj^iO. " Fremmyd, e.z7erM*, externus. To make fremmyd, extertninare.'^ cath. ang. " Eater, the last, frem- mede, or strange." milDulla. " iils^rawye, separated from, growne frcmme or out of knowledge, and acquaintance. Eslrangier, a stranger, alien, outlander, a fremnie bodie, that is neither a dweller with, nor of kinne vnto us." cotg. Ang. -Sax. frcmed, alienuH. '^ Compare brokdol, or frees, where possibly the correct reading should be brokyl ; and si'ERE, or fres. ^ Chaucer and Gower use tlie word fresh in the sense of handsome, or ornamented ; Ilormau says, " the buyhlynge is more fresshe than profitable, rnajoris ostentationis est quam uat/.s. Our churche hath a sliarpe steplc with a fiesshe top, cum nrnnto fasiiyio.^' So likewise Palsgrave gives " fresshe, gorgyouse, gay, or well hei!CiMi,fri.sqiie,r/aiHar(." PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 179 (frestyn, or leendyn, h.)' Presto, comodo, accomodo, mutuo. Fretyn', or chervyii' (choruyn, H.) Torqueo, catii. Fretyn', or weryn', as metalle be ruste (or knawyn, ii. gnawen, p.) Corrodo, demollio. Fretynge. Corrosio. Fretynge, payne yn' J)e wombe. Torcio. Fryyd. Frixus, confrivua. Fryke, or craske, or yn grete helthe. Crassus. Frykenesse. Crassitudo. Fryyn' yn a pann'. Frigo,frixo, c. F. Fryynge. Frivatura, catii. Fryynge pann. Surtago,Jri:f- orium, cath. Frys A RE, or he ))at frysythe clothe. Villator. Fryse, or frysyd clothe. Pannus villatus. Fryse clothe. Villo. (Frysed, as clothe, p. Villatus.^ Frysynge of clothe. Villatura. Frytowre, cake. Lagana. {La- gana sunt lata jicines sarta- gine plagd. K.) Fro a-bowyn' (fro abovyn, k, from aboue, p.) Desuper, de- sursum. (Fro be-nethyn, k. ii. from be- nethe, p. Deorsion.) Fro fere (fro far, p.) Eminits, de longe. Frogge, or froke, munkys abyte (frok, monkes clothinge, j. w.) F locus, in Jure, libro vj. (Froke, monkes habyte, k. p. frogge, II. Cuculla, culla, cath.)2 ' Ray gives among his N. Country words " to frist, to trust for a time." A.S. fyrstan, inducias facere. Jamieson explains it as signifying in the primary sense to delay, or postpone, and thence to give on credit, to grant delay as to payment. Germ, fristen, prorogare tarn-pus agendi. " To friste, induciare.^' cath. ang. ■^ " A froke, cuchUks." cath. ang. There is much ambiguity in the use of the term yrocc?(s, the monastic frock, which occasionally appears to have been confounded with the cuculla, although properly a distinct garment. At the General Council at Vienna, 1312, Clement V. defined the cuculla to be along, full, and sleeveless garment ; the_;?oec?<.v, considered identical with froccus, to be a long habit, with long and wide sleeves. They are evidently distinguished by Ingulph, who statesamong the ordinances of Egelric, Abbot of Croyland from 975 to 992, " Induit onini anno totum conventum cum sectd sud de tunicis, omni altera anno de cucullis, et omni tertio anno defroccis.''' Rerum Angl. Script, i. 54. The distinction appears likewise to be made by M. Paris, where he speaks of the unbecoming changes in monastic attire, introduced at St. Alban's during the time of Abbot Wulnoth, towards the close of the Xth cent. So also in the enumeration of garments allowed by custom to each monk of Glastonbury, at the latter part of the Xlth cent, it is stated, " tmusqnisque fratrxim ij cucullas, et ij froccon, et ij stamina, et ij femoralia habere debet, et iv caligas, et peliciam novam per singnlos annos.^' G. de Malmsb. de Anticpi. Glast. Hearne, ed. Domerham, i. 1 19. At an early period the cowl appears to have been portion of a sleeveless garment which sometimes was a mere cape, but occasionally reached quite to the heels, and was worn over the long, full, and sleeved habit termed a frock. See the illustrative plates in Murat. Script. Ital. i. part 2, Chron. Vulturnense ; Mabill. Ann. Bened. i. 121. At a subsequent time it seems that these garments ceased to be distinct, and tlie long dress of the monk, having the cowl attached to it, was termed indifferently //-occf/.v, frocca, a.m\ floccics, or cuculla. Further information on this subject will be found in Ducange. 180 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Frogge, or frugge, tode. Bufo. Froiiens forewarde. Amodo, de- inceps, acfenus, decetero. Frohexs (frohethyn, k. fro heyin, H. fro heyine, s. fro heym, p.) Hinc, dehinc (abhinc, k.) Fro NY (or fro nere, k. p.) Co- mimis. Front, /f/em qiiodvoB.WE.T), supra. Fro YD custummere )jat byythe of a-nother, as 5erne byers (froth custumnare, \aX byy|> off a-nodor, as 3arne byars, s.)' Froyse.- Frixura, cath. Ver- sus, Frixu nocent, elijca ju- vant, assata coartant. Hec c. F. Froke, or frosche (frosh, k. froske, or frosche, H. s. p. or frogge, w.)^ Rana. Frost. Gelu. Frothe. Spuina, catii. spu- inula, KYLW. (Frowarde, s. p.) Contrarius, perversiis, protervus. Frowardnesse. Perversitas, contrarietas, protervitas. Fro WYTHE yn'. Abmter,deintus. Fro wytiie owte (fro wit owtyn, K.) Ab extra. Frownar. Fruncator, cath. in nario, rugator. Frownce of a cuppe.-* Fronti- nella {frigium, p.) Frownyn'. Frunco, cath. in subsamno, sanno. 1 A satisfactory interpretation of this word has in vain been sought. The practice of buying up woollen yarn for exportation was carried to a great extent in Norfolk, and other parts of England. It was highly injurious to the interests of the cloth-workers, and occasioned loss to the revenue. Many enactments appear in the statutes to protect both the weavers of Norfolk, and the customs, against the crafty proceedings of merchants, both strangers and denizens, " regrators and gatherers of woll." See particularly stat. 23 Hen. VI. c. 2 ; 7 Edw. IV. c. 3 ; 4 Hen. VII. c. 11 ; 83 Hen. VIII. c. 16. Perhaps froyd may imply the artful diligence with which covetous traders persisted including the statutes, and robbing the staple manufacturers of Norfolk. Jamieson explains " frody " as signifying cunning ; Teut. vroed, inclustrius, aitentus ad rem. In the North, ac- cording to Crockett, froating means anxious unremitting industry. - A pancake is called in the Eastern counties a froyse, a term derived, as Skinner conjectures, either from frixare, or the French froisner, because the substances of which it is compounded are beaten up together. Forby gives, as a Norfolk j)roverb, the following phrase : "If it won't pudding, it will froize ; " if it won't do for one purpose, it will for another. See ancient recipes in the F'orme of Cury, p. 9G ; and the " Kalendare de Leche metys. Froyse out of Lentyn. '' Ilarl. MS. 299, f. 3G. " Froyse of egges, uovte d'oerfz.'" palsg. VouUe d'amfs is the ancient appellation of an omelet. " Fritilln, a froyse or pancake." i;lvot. 3 A small frog, according to Forby, is called in Norfolk a fresher. The distinction which appears to be here made between krogge, tode, and raoKK, or frosche, is pos- hibly dialectical ; they seem properly, however, to be synonymous, the former derived from A.S. frogga, rana, while th(! latter assimilates more nearly to the Germ, frosch, Dan. frosk, a frog. Toodk, fowh- wyrme, occurs hereafter. " Rana, a froske, or Irogge." ORTUS. " A froske, ofjrednla, rana, rvbcia, ranvln." cath. ang. In the Golden Legend, in the Life of St. Peter, is a relation of the deceit ])ractis(al ujion Nero by his physicians, when he ordered them, " Make ye me w' chylde, and after to be delyuered, y' I may know what payne my moder sutfred : which by craft they gaue to hym a yonge frosshe to drynke, and it grewe in his bely.'' 4 This term appears to signify the kind of ornament wliich in modern goldsmith's PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 181 Frownyn' wythe the nose. Nusio, CATH. Frownynge. Fruncacio, catii. in suhsamno, riigacio. Frownt, or frunt of a churche, or o])er howsys. Frontisplcmm, C. F. CATH. Fruce, or frute. Fructus. Frutuose, or fulle of frute (fruc- tuowse, K.) Friictuosus, uber. Frumpylle. Ruga, rugula. Frumplyd. Rugatus, riigulutus. Fruxtelle of ail awtere.' Frun- tellus. work is called gadrooned, from the French " goderonne, a fashion of imbossement used by goldsmiths, and termed knurling." cotg. France implies a wrinkle, crumple, or gather, generally in allusion to dress, as in the Vis. of Piers Ploughm. 8657. " Froun- syng, froncement .'' palsg. Frontinella is not explained by Due. and in the Ortus is rendered " the pyt in the necke ; " it seems, therefore, to mean a wrinkled or irregular depression of surface. Possibly the correct reading may be froncinella. Fronciatus, i. rugatus, Due. 1 " A fruntalle,/ro??bX wantun, s.) Siipleo. Fulfylle wythe mete. Sacio, saturo. FuLLE clothe. Fullo, catii. FuLLYNGE. Fidlatura. FuLMARE, best (fulmard, ii. p.)' Pecoides, nice, fetontus, jietor. FuLNESSE. Replecio, implecio. FuLNESSE of mete (or fulsuncsse, infra.) Sacietas, satztracio. FuLNESSE of sownde. Sonoritas. FuLNESSE or plente (fulsunesse, K. H. p.) Huhunduncia^copia, (Fulsunesse of mete, k.p. Saci- etas.) FuMETER, herbe. Fumus terre. (Fumrell of an hows, k. p. sitpra in fomerell. Fumarimn.) Fundament, or grownde of a byggy(n)ge (byggyn, K. be- gynnynge, H. p. ) F undamentum. Fundament, or grownde. /^«?2<^MA\ FuNDELYNGE, as he })at ysfownd- yn', and noman wote ho ys hys fadur, ne hys modyr. Liventi' cius, inveiiticia, aborigo, UG. FuNKE, or lytylle fyyr.'-' Igniculus, focidns. FuNT, or fant. Baptisteriumy fons baptismalis. FuRBYSciiowRE, idem quod FORBYSCIIOUR, siipra. (FuRCLYD, supra in forclyd, ii. furcled, supra in forded, p.) Furgon' (furgont, k. furgun, or fyre forke, p.)-* Rotabulum, 1 " A fulmerd, fetoncrus."' cath. ang. The polecat is commonly called in the North a foumart. See Jamieson, Brockett, &c. The Acts of James II. King of Scots, A.D. 1424, regulate the export of " fowmartis skinnis, callit fithowis." Tlie foumart appears, liowever, to be distinct from the fitchew : in the Boke of St. Alban's, among " bestys of the chace of the stynkynge fcwte," are named "the fulmarde, the fyches, &c. and the pulcatte.'' Harrison, speaking of indigenous animals, and the hunting of foxes and badgers, observes, " I might here introat largclie of other vermine, as the polcat, theminiuer, the weasell, stote, fulmart, squirrill, fitchew, and such like." Descr. of Eng. B. iii. c. 4. Isaac Walton mentions "the fitchet, the fulimart, tlie polecat," &c. Comj)]. Angler, i. c. 1. See hereafter polk at (pulkat, ms.) idem quod fulmere. * Forby gives funk as signifying touchwood. Tiie word may be derived from Germ, funk, Dan. funke, scintilla. R. Brunne uses the phrase " not worth a fonk," seeming to imply a brief existence, evanescent as a spark ; Langt. Chron. p. 171. In another passage he relates that King John vowed vengeance upon Stephen Langton, and the monks who had chosen him Archbishop, against the royal pleasure. " Bebetenalle fonkes, or in prison Jjam bin de." p. 211. Gower describes the amorous Perithous and Ipotasie as having drunk " Of lust that like firie fonke." Conf. Am. lib. vi. 3 '< Furgone for an ouyn, r/at'Wrep.'' fals-.g. Cotgrave gives ^'•Fonrgon, an oven- PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 183 UG. in ruo, vertibulum, cath. arpagio. Vide alia in fyre FORKE. FuRRODE (furryd, k.) Furrcdus. Furryn' wythe furre. Furro, penulo, KYLW. FuRRYNGE, Furratura {pelli- catura, k.) FuRLONGE. Stadium. FuRMENTY, potage. FrumPMti- ciiim. FuRXEYS. Furnus,fqrnax, cath. fornaculat kylw. Fur ST, or fyrst. Primus. FuRST BEGOTox'. Pvimogenitus. FuRSTE frute, or fruce. Primicie. FuRWRE, or furrure (furre, K. furwur, II. furi'our, or furringe, p.) Penula, Dice, furratura, CATH. FusTYAN, clothe (orfusteyn, h.p.) Furesticus, Dice. FuTE, odowre.' Odor, vel odos, olf actus. Gabbar (or lyare, infra-Y' 3Ien- daculus, mendacula, menda.v. Gabyl, or gable, pykyd walle."^ Murus conalis (gabyll wall, or pyke wall, murustenalis, p.) Gabbyn'. Menticulnr, mencior. Gabbynge, or lesynge (lye, p.)"* Mendacium,mendaciolum,c AT n. forke, tearmed in Lincolnshire, a fruggin," &c. This word is still in use in the North. See Brockett, v. fruggan. " A frugon, vertibulum, pala, fui'ca ferrea.^^ cath. ang. ' The fute is the scent of a fox or beast of chace. Compare fewte,, vestigium, which occurs previously. In Will, and Werwolf, when the monster returns to his dea and discovers that the shepherd has carried the child away, he is sore grieved, " And as J>e best in his bale her a-boute wente, He found ^e feute al fresh where ior\> W herde Had bore l»an barn beter it to 3eme. Wi3tly he werwolf han went bi nose, Evene to j^e herdes house, and hastely was J>are.'' p. 4. See also pp. 2, 79 ; Gawayn and the Grene Kny3t, 1425; the Boke of St. Alban's, and Malory's Morte d' Arthur, B. 18, c. xxi. It seems probable that the term feuterer may be hence derived ; but the Glossarists have supposed it to be a corruption of vanltrier, a keeper of the dog called in French " vaultre, a mongrel between a hound and a maistifFe ; fit for the chase of wild bears and boars.'' cotgr. Bp. Kennett no- tices the term in his Glossarial Coll. Lansd. MS. 1033 : " A feuterer, a dog-keeper ; the word is corrupted from vautrier, Fr. vaultrier, Lat. veltrarius, one that leads a lime-hound, or grey-hound for the chace." In a vocabulary written in the latter part of the XVthcent. Harl. MS. 1002, f. 142, after " haywarde, parcare," &c. occurs " Fede- rarins, a fewterer." Nares cites several passages in which this term is used. 2 Sir John Maundevile, speaking of false diamonds, says, " I schal speke a litille more of the dyamandes, alle thoughe I tarye my matere for a tyme, to the ende that thei that knowen hem not be not disccyved be gabberes (Fr. barratours) that gon be the contree, that sellen hem.'' 3 " A gavelle of a howse, fronlispiciian.'^ catu. ang. Rob. of Glouc. uses the word gable in the sense of high. See Bp. Kennett's Glossary, v. Gabulnm. •» In Wickliffe's Confession given by Knyghton, he declared respecting the real presence, that " before the fende fader of lesyngus was lowside, was never this gabbyng contryvede." Decern Script, col. 2(j50. Ang. -Sa.\. jabbung, derisio, or delusion by way of mockery and jesting. 184 PROMPTORIUM PARVULOUUM. Gad, or gode (gadde or qhyp, h. whyppe, p.) Gerusa, kylw. scutica, c. F. Gad, to mete wythe londe (gadde, or rodde, p.) Decempeda, cath. pertica, c. F. (Gaderyd, k. Congregatus.^ Gaderyn'. Colligo, lego. Ver- sus. Fur legit es,Jlores virgo, viator iter. Gaderyn' tresowre. Thesaurizo, CATH. Gaderynge to-gedur. Colleccio, congregacio. Gagelyn', or cryyn as gees. Clingo. Gagelynge of geese, or of gan- ders. Drcmcitus (^drdcticiis, p.) Gaggyn', or streyne be the jjrote. Suffoco. Gay% Ornatits. Gayler, or iaylere. Gaolarius, carcerarius, cath. pretor. Galache, or galoche, vudyr solynge of mannys fote (galegge, or galoch, s. vndirshone, k. vnderschoyinge, h.)^ Crepitum, crepita, c.v .ohstringillus, cath. 1 Snnt obstringilli qui per plantas consitti sunt, et ex supcriori parte corrigid con- trahuntur.^'' cath. The galache was a sort of patten fastened to the foot by cross latchets, and worn by men as early as the time of Edw. III. Allusion is made to it by Chaucer. " Ne were worthy to unbocle his galoche." Squire's Tale, 10,869. In the inventory of the effects of Hen. V. taken A.D. 1423, mention occurs of "jpeir de galaf/esfaiiz d'e,s(rei/n, ivd. j" but it is not easy to understand how straw should be a proper material for the purpose. See Rot. Pari. iv. 329. In Sir John Howard's Household Book, A.D. 140.'>, p. 314, are named both galaches and pynsons, which last are in the Promptorium explained to be socks. See Household Expenses in England. This kind of shoe was occasionally an article of luxury and ostentatious display, which probably suggested the allusion that occurs in the Vision of Piers Ploughman, where one is described as coming eagerly, as if to be dubbed a knight, " To geten hym gilte spores, Or galoches y-couped.'' line 12,099. The term "ycouped" seems to imply the extravagant fashion of the long-peaked toe : " Milieus, a coppid shoo." ortus. In the reign of Edward IV. a statute was passed, by which the higher classes alone were permitted to wear shoes, " galoges," or boots, with a peak longer than 2 inches (Rot. Pari. v. 505, 566 ; Stat, of Realm, ii. 415) ; but, from certain allusions in ancient romance, it would seem that the fashion was, by the usage of a much earlier period, jiermitted to none under the degree of a knight. See Sir Degore, 700 ; Torrent of Portugal, 1 193, &c. The curious drawings in Cott. MS. Julius, E. iv. (t. Hen. VI.), one of which, representing King John, has been given in Shaw's Dresses, exhibit the galache in its most extravagant form. " Solea, a shoe called a galage or paten, whiche hathe nothynge on the fete, but onely lachettcs.'' ei-yot. " Gallozza, a kind of wooden patins, startops, gallages, or stilts. Cospi, wooden pattins, or pan- tofles, shoes with wooden soles, startops or galages,'' etc. flouig. " (ialoc/ie, a woodden shoe or patten made all of a peece, without any latchet or ty of leather, and worne by the poore downe in winter.' cotg. See Spenser, She])li. Cal. Febr. and Sept. In the Wardrobe Hook of Prince Henry, A.D. HiOT, are mentioned " 1 pair of golossians, (is. 16 gold buckles witli pendants and toungs to buckle a pair of golosses." Archaeol. xi. 93. PROMPTORIUM pARVULORUM. 185 Galawte.' Lessivus. Galle of abeeste./'V/, 5///*, catit. Galle of appulle, or ojjer frute (galle, oke appyll, p.) Galla. Galle, soore yn mann' or beeste. Strumus, marisfa, c. f. Galeye, schyppe. Galea. Galyn, as crowys or rokys.- Crocito, KYLW. crosco. (GaLYNGALE, «(/CT>^ J«OC? GANYN- GALE, infra.^ Gally'd (gaily, s.) Strumosns. Gally'n, or make gallyd. Strumo. Gallynge. Strumositas. (Galloche, supra in gal ache. Callopediuni, p.) Galone, mesure. Lagena, galo, Dice. Galwe trees (galowe, p.) Furce, plur. vel furca, galofuvcium, KYLW. Galte (or gylte) swyne. Ne- frendus, catii. Game, pley. Ludus, jocus. Gamme of songe. Gamma. Ganynge, or janynge.-^ Oscita- tUS, KYLW. Gandyr, byrde or fowl. Ancer. Ganyxgale, or galyngale, spyce.^ Galanga. Ganneker (ganokyr, s.)^ Ga- nearia, UG. in capio, ganeo, UG. 1 This word occurs in the Harl. MS. alone, and possibly the correct reading may be GALAWNTE. " Gallaunt, a man fresshe in appareyle." palsg. Ang.-Sax. gal, libidinosiis. For lessivus should probably be read lascivus, i. e. " petulans, luxurians, vel superbe se agetis, ioly or wanton." ortus. 2 By Chaucer the nightingale is said to "cry and gale," Court of Love, 1357 ; in which sense the word may be derived from the Ang.-Sax. Jalan, canere. Jamieson gives to gale, or gail, to cry with a harsh note, a term applied to the cuckoo ; and to galyie, to roar or brawl. According to Forby, to yawl signifies, in Norfolk, to scream harshly, as the cry of a peacock; and Moore gives yalen, to cry as a fretful child. " Japper, to bark or baye like a dog, to yawle, to bawle. Ho'ualler, to yawl, wawl, to cry out aloud. Moiianer, to mawle, yawle, or cry like a little child." cotg. Ang.- Sax. jyllan, siellan, stridere. 3 "To gaue, fat iscere. Mare, inhiscere. To gayne, oscitare." oath. axg. "I gane, or gape, I yane, ie bailie. He ganeth as he had not slepte ynoughe." p.\lsg. Ang.-Sax. j;anung, oscitatio. In the gloss on G. de Bibelesworth the verb to galp occurs, " far trap veiller horn bailie, galpeh." See also the Vis. of P. Ploughm. 8,214; Cant. Tales, 10,664, 16, 9>i4. Herman renders "he that galpeth, oscitans." •' Among the spices used in ancient cookery, the powder of galingale is frequently named, as may be seen in the Forme of Cury. It was the chief ingredient in galen- tine, which, as Pegge supposes, derived thence its name. It was also employed in me- dicine, as a cardiac and cephalic. In the version of Macer's Treatise on Spices, MS. in the possession of Hugh W. Diamond, Esq. it is stated that " Galyngale resoluej? \>e fleume of \>e stoniak; hit helpij' he deiestione ; it do)> amende he sauour and odour of he mouthe if it be eten." He further attributes to it virtues of a ciirmiiiative and aphro- disiac nature. It occurs among spices mentioned in the Household Roll of the Countess of Leicester, A.D. 1265 ; " provj lib. Galingalium, ix.s.^' (Manners and Expenses of England, p. 14.) Chaucer makes allusion to its culinary use. Cant. Tales, 38.'5. The annual provision of spices for the household of the Earl of Northumberland, A.D. 1512, comprised " Galyngga, j quarteron." According to Parkinson, the real galingale was the root of a Chinese plant, of which he gives a representation ; but it appears that the root of the rush called English galingale, Cyperus lonyns, Linn, was much used in place of it, both as a drug and a condiment. * Ganeo is explained by Ducange to signify " gulosus, popinator, tabcrnio:" in CAMD. SOC. 2 B 186 PROMPTORIUAf PARVULORU.Nf. Gante, byrde.' Bistarda, c. f. Gap of a walle. Intervallum, intercapedo, UG. in valeo, et CATH. capedo, c. f. Gapyn'. Ilio, oscito, UG. Gapynge. Hiatus, hiacio. Garbage of fowlys (or gyserne, infra.) Entera, XECC. vel en- teria, c. f. vel exta, necc. c. f. profectum, ug. v. GAGE,lytylle belle (lytyll bolle, s.)- Gaarce. Scarificacio, necc. sesura, c. f. inscisio, scissura. G A a rc y D . Scarijtca ttis, inscissus. Gaarcyn'.^ Scarificoi c. f. ug. v. et KYLW. Garcynge. Scarificacio, inscisio. Gardeyne. Ortus. Gardenere. Ortolanus. (Gardere, infra in gartere.) Garfaxgyl, or elger.-^ Anguil- laria, anguillare. G arfysche (or hornkeke, z«/*r«.)* Gargulye, yn' a walle.^' Gor- gona, c. f. gurguUo {gargtdio, P.) French, " ganeon ; ivrogne, debaiiche.'^ roquef. The Proclamation of the Mayor of Norwich, on coming into office, set forth " tliat all Brewsters and Gannokers sella a gallon ale, of the best, be measure a-selyd, for Id. ob. and a galon of the next for Id.'' A.D. 1424. Blomf. ii. 100. 1 The bird now called gannet, or Solan goose, sula alba, abounds only on the Bass Island, in the Firth of Forth. In the Exch. Roll of Normandy, A.D. 1180, p. 57, an entry occurs " pro pasfu gantaniin que venerunt de Anglid, et pro Lv. de illis ducendis ad Argeniomum, et Ix. ad Burum, vili. iijso. et ixd." Giraldus mentions the gante among the birds of Ireland ; " Aucce minores albce {qucE et gantes dicuntur) et gre- gatim in multitudine magna, et garruld venire solent, in hos terrarum fines rarius adveniunt, et tunc valde rare.'''' Top. Hib. i. c. 18. Ang.-Sax. janot, y>yi) (or coiigellyd, k.) Con- gellatns. Gelows, or gehice. Zclofipus, CATII. (lELUSYE (gelowsye, K.) Zelo- tijna, CATir. (lEj/r. Castratus. (lELT MANN. Spado, cunuchus. ( i EM ET H Y E. (I'eo/ii elrid. Gencyane, or bahhiiony. Gen- ciatia. (jenuyr. Genus. Gendryn*. Geneva, gigno. (CiENERal, k.s. p.) Gen(ev)alis. (lENTYi,. Gcnerosus. (ikniyl, of awncctrye (of an- sware, .s.)'-' Ingenuns, c. v. (jENTYL,andcurteyse.6'«//iw,cATii. ( ir HYT YLM ANN. GeneVDSUS. (iKNTii.woMAN. Generosa. (lENTYL, be fadyr and modyr. Ingenuus, U(;. v. in N. Gentry. Genevositas. (ir'-NTKY, of nortnre and maners (goiilibios, K. gentyll, p.) Co- tultas. Gentry, of awncetrye (gentilnes, K. gentry of awncctrye, p.) In- genuitas. (ierfaucun (gcrfawkyn, K. p.) I/(!) odius. Germawnder, herbc. German- dra. (JEKMYYNE, pro])yr name. Ger- inanns. (xEiiNERE, liowscof cornckepyngc. Granavium. CJektiie, liors gyrdylle (liors gyrdyng, ii.p.) Cingnla, CAT n. cingulus est hominurn, UG. (i ESS A RE (or a sojjosare, k.) /iV tiniatov. Gessyn', or aniyn. nstimo, ar- hitror, opinor. Gkssynge (or vvenyn, k.) Esti- macio. sclinl lede out 50U of l>c prisoun of Egipcians, and y sclial dclyucro fro scrunge, and y Bchal ii-jcn bie in an hij arm ; '' in tlic earlier, " forhigge in an ()ucrj)assynge arnu; ; " " ri'dimam in /jrac/iio e.icelno.^' Viilg. In tlio Golden Legend it is Kaid, " We liavc grete nede of a doctour, or leelun-, of aycnijyer, of a delyuerer," ^c. Compare a-gayn- iivi'.ii, or a raumHoniere, and iivvn' a-jen'. ' (Jompare ciiAiiYN, or geyneeowpyn'. Kay gives among Soiitli and Kast country words, " to gaineope, to go cross a field tlu^ nearest way to meet with sometiiing." lu tlir I'romptoriuni it signifies opjxjsition, in both instances from Ang.-Sox. Sean, ohviam, udrcrxtm, and cca])ian, vcijoliari. 2 Gi'-NiyL, or awncctrye, ms. of auncctry, k. r. So also, gentry, or awncctrye, MS. PROMPTORTUM PARVULORUM. 101 Nota in hoc capitido muJtipIicem sonum, et soni mutacionem hujus liter e G. et ideo bene caveas quod sonat per 1. literam. Gest, strawngere. Hospes. Geeste, or romawnce. Gestio (gestllS, CATII. p.) Gestyn' yn romawnce.^ Gestio, CATH. Gestynge, or romawncynge. Ges- tic u la tus, rytkmicatus. Gestowre. Gesticidator. Get, or gyn' (gett, or gyle, k. gette, or gyty, s.) 3Iachina. Get, or manor of custome.- Mo- dus, consuetudo. Geete, or blake bcdys (gett for bedys, K. s. p.)-'* Gagates, pJur. 1 It would hence appear that the recital of gests, the deeds of conflict or gallantry, which was the proper business of the gestour, was accompanied by appropriate action, or gesticulation. " Gestire, i. gestus facere, scilicet diversis modis agifare, gaudere, luxuriari, S(c.'" oath. Hearne stated erroneously that gests were opposed to romance, Chron. Langt. pref. p. 37 ; a mistake which Warton has properly corrected. Chaucer uses " to geste," to relate gests; and "to tell in geste ;" Cant. T. 17,354, 13,861; and these passages apparently imply that gests were chiefly written in alliterative verse. He calls the Gesta Romanoritm, "the Remain gestes." See Tyrwhitt's notes on Cant. T. 17,354, 13,775, and Warton's Eng. Poetry. "Gest, a tale. Gestyng, bourde, bourde.^' palsg. - Palsgrave gives "gette, a custome; newe iette, guise nouvelle.^^ This phrase occurs often in the old writers. In a poem on the dissolute lives of the clergy, in the reign of Edw. II. Polit. Songs, ed. Wright, p. 329, some, it is said, " Adihteth him a gay wenche of the newe jet." line 118. " Yit a poynte of the new gett to telle wille I not blyn, Of prankyd gownes, and shulders up set, mos and flokkes sewyd wyth in.'' Towneley Myst. 312. Chaucer says the gay pardoner thought he rode " al of the newe get," or fashion; and he also uses the word in the sense of crafty contrivance, where he relates the deceit practised by the Alchemist, by means of a stick filled with silver filings. " And with his stikke above the crosselet, That was ordained with that false get, He stirreth the coles." Chan. Yem. T. 16,745. ' It appears that in former times great virtues were attributed to jet. Alex. Nec- cham, Abbot of Cirencester, who died A.D. 1'217, says in his work De Rerum Naturii, "Gagates ... aqud ardet, oleo restinguitur : aitritu calefactus applicata deiinet, atgue siiccinurn ; ydropicis ilium portantibus beueficium presfat.'^ lib. ii. c. 97, Roy. MS. 12 G. XI. f. 53. The observation of the electric properties of this mineral led him in the succeeding chapter to make some detailed remarks " de vi atlractivd," among which will be found a notice of the use of the magnet by mariners. In Trevisa's version of Barth. de propr. rerum, are the following observations : " Gette hyght gagates, and is a boystous stone, and neuer the less it is precious." It is best and most abundant in Britain, of two kinds, yellow and black, both of which have by friction the power of attracting light substances. It drives away adders, relieves fantasies, and has virtues against the visits of fiends by night. " And so if so boj'stus a stone dothe so greate wonders, none shuld be dispisid for foule colour without, while the vertu that is hid within is vnknowe." lib. xvi. c. 49. It was also regarded as a test of virginity, and rendering signal aid in parturition ; these, and other properties, are noticed in Caxton's " Boke callid Caton," sign, e, viij. Even in the XVIth cent, it was valued for certain medicinal qualities ; for Dr. Turner, Dean of Wells, says in his Herbal, 156'.', " Miscel 192 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM, Getare of goodys. Adqui- sitor. Gettare.^ Gestulator, gestu- osus (gesticulatoi', k. h. p.) Getee of a solere (gete, k. h. p.)- Techa, procer, c. F. ineniana, c. F. vel menianum, catii. (hec- theca, K. theca, cath. p.) Getyn', oi* haue be prayere. Im- petro. Getyn' 01" wynnyn'. Lucror, ob- tineo, c. F. vel optineo, c. f. (Getyn, or begetyn, k. p.Genero.) Gettyn'.^ Vei^no, lassivo, ges- ticulo, c. F. gestio, cath. c. f. gesticulor, UG. v. Getynge, or hauynge by wyn- nynge. Lucrum, adquisicio. Gettyngeui iolyte. Gestus, cath. Gettyngly. Gestuose, cath. (Giawnt, supra in geaunt, k.) Gybbe, horse.'^ Mandicus, kylw. et c. F. mandimim, ug. in rnando (^manducus, s.) burde lyme melteth a swelled milt, if it be sodden, and layd to wyth a gete stone, or the Asiane stone." Beads, used for the repetition of prayers, were frequently formed of this material ; thus among the gifts of Philip le Hardi to his daughter, on her marriage with the King of Bohemia, AD. 1393, occurs, " Item, j paternostres de perles et de jayet, ou il y a xxxvj grosses perles, et ix enseignaulx d'or." Hist, de Bourg. iii. Alianor Duchess of Gloucester bequeaths, A.D. 1399, *' un pare de paternostres d'ore, cont' XXX aviez, et iiij gaudes de get, qe fuerent cc mon seignour et mari." Royal Wills. See also Testam. Ebor. i. 381. There is evidence that by some persons such beads were superstitiously regarded as gifted with extraordinary virtue ; and to this belief Bp. Bale a))pears to make allusion, Kynge Johan, p. 39. " Holy water and bredde shall dryve awaye the devyll; Blessynges with blacke bedes wyll helpe in every evyll." * Palsgrave gives " Gettar, a braggar, fringuereau. lettar, a facer, yhcer, braggart. lettar of nyght season, brigveur ;'''' and Cotgrave, " Fringuereati, a. letter, spruce minion, gay fellow, compt youth.'' Com])are hereafter schakere, or gettare : lascivus. 2 This term denotes the singular projection of the solars or upper stories in old tim- bered houses, of which most picturesque specimens are still seen at Chester, and other towns. " Proceres dicuntur capita irabium que eminent extra parietes. Hecteca dicitur solarium dependcns parietibus ce7iacuH.'' ortus. The Catholicon explains menianum to be the same as solarium, so named from INIenianus, who made in the Forum certain convenient places for beholding jiublic spectacles. " Meniana, buildings outward in prospectes and galeries, especially when they be so builded that the edifice iutteth out in length from the piller or other part of the house, wlierin the building especially resteth ; buildings of pleasure hanging and iutting out." cooper. Horman says that " buyldynge chargydde with iotycs (mamiana a'dificia) is parellous whan it is very olde." In Macbeth, act I. sc. vi. Shakespeare makes use of the term "jutty" in this sense, where Bancjuo commends the position of Macbeth's castle. Florio, in his Ital. Diet. I.'jDB, gives " Barbacane, an outnooke, or corner standing out of a house, a jettie. Sporto, a porch, bay-window, or out-butting, or jettie of a house, that jetties out farther than anie other part of the house." Cotgrave renders " surpcndue, a iettie, an outiutting roome. Soupendue, soupente, a pent-house, iuttie, or part of a building that iuttieth or leaneth ouer the rest." Steevens cites an agreement made by P. Hens- lowe for building a theatre in 1599, with " a juttey forwards in eyther of the two upper stories." 3 See Ieitvn, hereafter. •4 Festus and Papias state that certain monstrous images that were exhibited in the games of the circus, or on the stage, were termed by the Romans, manduci. Cooper PROMPTORIUM PAnVULORU^^. 193 (Gybbe, infra in knobbe yn a beestys backe or breste.)' Gybelet, idem quod garbage. Gybelet of fowlys. Profectum, UG. V. Gybet. PatihuJum, cuhifm'cium. Gybonn, or Gylberdo, propyr name (Gybbon', or Gylbert, s.) Gilhertus. Gyde, or ledare. Ductor, duc- trix. Gybelot (gyglot, s.)- Ridajc. Gyylde, or newe ale (gile, k. gyyl, H. gyle of nw ale, s. gyle, p.)'' Celium, vel celia, c. f. Gyylde. Gilda, fraternitas. Gylde HALLE, dome howse. Pretorium, catii. Gyldyn' wythe golde. Deauro. Gyldynge wythe golde. Deau- racio. Gyyn', or ledyn'. Duco, Gyyn', or wyssyn' (dressyn, s. wysshen, p.)-* Dirigo. gives " Manduces, images carried in pageantes with gi-eat cheelces, wide mouthes, ar.d making a great noyse with their iawes." The Ortus renders " Mandicus, a gaye horse," and Forby gives the following explanation of the term; " Jibby-horse, a showman's horse decorated with particoloured trappings, plumes, streamers, &c. It is sometimes transferred to a human subject." In the MS. the word mandicum is placed under gybelet ; but its proper place is here. See Uguc. Vocab. Arund. MS. 508, f. 141, b. 1 This word seems to be taken from the Lat. gibbus. " Gibbe, a bunch or swelling, a hulch, anything that stands poking out." cotg. - Compare gygelo(t) in the next page. The words are retained as found in the MS. and the reading seems here to be an error, which is corrected by the Winch. MS. 3 Forby gives " gyle, wort. Ang.-Sax. Sylla, stridere, or Teut. ghijl, cremor cere- visii." Ray has gail or guile-fat, among N. Country words, and it is given also by Brockett and Jamieson. " A gilefdtte, acromellariurn." cath. ang. In 1341, Thos. Harpham, of York, bequeaths " unatn cvnam, qua vacatur maske-fat, et ij parras mmas quae vocantur gyle-fatts." Testam. Ebor. ii. 2. The term occurs repeatedly in the Wills and Invent, printed by the Surtees Soc. ; and in the Invent, of Jane Hall, Durham, 1567, a distinction is apparent between the " gile-howse," and the brew- house, the former being perhaps the chamber where the wort was set to cool. See vol. i. 279. In the accounts of the building of Little Saxham Hall, 1507, it is called the " yele house." Rokewode's Suff. 14G. See Invent, of Sir John Fastolfe's effects, 1459, Archseol. xxi. 277 ; Unton Invent, pp. 3, 13 ; and Hartshorne's Shropshire Gloss, v. lUfit. J In medieval Latin giiiare signifies to lead or conduct in safety, to instruct, " quasi viare,^' according to Ducange. In the Ward. Book of 28 Edw. I. there is a payment '^ provadiis unius Lodmanni conducti pro navi guiandd inter Kircudbrith et Karla- veroi." p. 273. Roquefort gives ^'griier: mencr, guider, conduire u la guerre, gou- rerner," &c. Chaucer uses the verb to gie, Cant. T. 15,604, 15,627. Gower says of the education of Alexander by Aristotle, " But yet he set an examplayre, His body so to guye and rule. That he ne passe mot the rule." Conf. Am. lib. vii. See also the Vis. of P. Ploughm. 1257. R. Brunne uses both the verb, and the noun " gyour," a leader ; and in the Romance of K. Alis. 6023, " divers gyours, and sump- teris " are mentioned as attending on his Eastern expedition. " Comniino, to Icde, or to gye." MED. Palsgrave gives the verb, " I gye, or gyde, Lydgate." CAMD. SOC. 2 C 194 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Gyyn', or rewlyii'. Rego. Gyle, or deceytc. Fraus, decepcio. Gylle, fowle clothe (fulclothe, H.p.)' 3/elota,vel melotes, CATH. Gylle, lytylle pot. Gil/a, vel gillus, vel gifhingulus. Hec ha- hentur in vitis patrum. Gylle of a fysche. Brancliia, senecin, catii. Gyllyn', or gylle fysche. Ex- entero, c. f. et ug. in stateo. Gyllynge of fysche. Exente- racio. Gygelo(t), wenche (gygclot, wyiich, s.)"-^ Agagula. Gyllofre, herbe. Gariophilus (galiofolus, s.) (Gyllofyr, clowe, k. p. Garie- ph,olus\) GYLTEwythe golde. Deauratus. Gylte, swyiie, idem quod galte, supra? Gylte, or trespace (gylt, or de- faute, p.) Culpa, reatus. Gylty (or defawty, k. fauty, p.) Reus, conscius, culpandus (cul- pabilis, p.) Gyltles. Immunis, inculpan- dus (^incufpabilis, p.) Gymelot. Penetral, ug. v. pe- netrale, catii. Gymowe of a sperynge (gjTnmcw, K. gymcw, s. H.)-* Veri{i)nella, gemella. ' Tlie explanation of the word Melotes given in tlie Catliolicon will be found in the note on the word barnyskyn, which seems to signify a coarse apron. 2 Forby derives the East-Anglian appellation gig, a trifling, flighty fellow, from Ang.-Sax. S^Kas, nuyE. In the North giglet still signifies a laughing girl ; the word occurs in " the Northern Mother's blessing," in admonition to her daughter, " Go not to the wrastling, ne shoting the cock, As it were a strumpet or a giglot." "Quomagisjelosamv/icrmai/ishcxin-iosa, y'^ fayrare woman y^ more gyglott." De Reg. Gramm. Sloane MS. 1210, f. l.>4. See Junius, v. Giglet. Compare gvbelot above, a word occurring in tlie Harl. MS. alone, and probably an erroneous reading. 3 " A gilte, «ely.-^ Lihe7iter, hillariter, letanter (yoluntarie, Gladly, or ioyfully. Gaudiose, gaudenter. Gladnesse. Jocunditas, hilla- ritas, leticia. Gladone, herbe."* Gladiolus, places of lewd resort, or barbers' shops. See Nares, v. Cittern. Elyot renders "fidi- cula, a rebecke, or a gytterne ; '' and Fleming, in his version of Junius, gives " lyricus, lyricen, fidicen lyrce, a player vpou the lute or cyterne." " A gitteme, c'mtre, qniteme, giteriie, guiterre. A small gitterne, mandoi-e.''' sherw. ' A GYTONE, or guidon, is the name of a sort of banner, or streamer, called in Latin guido, which Ducange derives from guida, a guide. Guidon has been supposed to be a corruption oi guide-homme ; and is written " guydhome '' in Harl. MS. 2258, where it is stated that its length was to be 2^ or 3 yards : " euery standard ^nd guydhome to have in the chief the crosse of St. George, to be slitte at the ende, and to conteyne the creste or supporter, with the posey, worde, and device of the owner." From Harl. MS. 838, it appears that every baronet or superior estate should display a banner, if he were chief captain ; every knight a pennon, and " euery squier or gentleman his getoun or standard." It is also directed that both the last should be slit at the extremity, whence probably the getoun was called conscisorium, as given above. In the contempo- rary poem descriptive of the siege of Rouen, A.D. 1415, it is said, " There was many a getoun gay, With mychiUe and great array.' line 1214. See Sir Fred. Madden's note on this line, Archseol. xxii. 396 ; and Retrosp. Rev. i. 51 1, N.S. It appears that a gytone was not only carried in the field, but attached to the mast of a ship ; thus, in a bill of expenses for the Earl of Warwick, A.D. 1437, is a charge, " Item, a gyton for the shippe, of viij yardis longe, poudrid full of raggid staves, for the lymmyng and workmanship ij *.'' Dugd. Warw. In the Will of John, Baron de Graystok, A.D. 143(}, is this bequest: " lego pro mortuario meo optimum equum cum totd armaturd men, cotearmour, penon, et gyton', &c.'\Wills and Inv. i. 85, Surtees Soc. Palsgrave gives " Guyderne, a baner in a felde, guidon: Gyderne, guidon:^' and Cotgrave has " guido7i, a standard, ensigne, or banner, under which a troop of men of arms do serve ; also he that bears it." - This word seems to have implied not only to furbish arms, or armour, but, by means of some kind of varnish, to preserve the polish from rust. Sir John Paston gives the following direction ; " As for my byll that is gylt, I wolde it were taken head to ; there is von in the town can glaser weel I nowe, and ellys late it be weel oylyd.'* Palsgrave gives the verb " I glase a knyfc to make it bright ; ie/ouibis.^' 3 Bleyely, MS. 4 " Gladyne, gladioltis, quedmn /icrOa." c.vth. ang. The name gladwyn now de- 198 PROMPrORIUM PARVULORUM. c. F. accorus, accolus, c. f. iris, C. F. Glads UNESSE, idem quod glad- NESSE (gladsunncsse, ii.) Glarvn', or bryghtly shynyn' (bryt shynyn, K.) liiitllo (^elu- cido, elumino, P.) Glasse. Vitrum. Glasse wryte (glaswrygh, k. wryth, H. wryjthe, s.) Vitraritis. Glasy, or glasyne, or made of glas (glasyn of glasse, p.) Vitreus. Glasyn' wythe glasse. Vitro, vel vitrio. Gleyme, or rewme.' Reuma. Gleyme of knyttynge,or byy(n)d- vnge to-gedyrs (kuttynge or byndinge, H.cuttinge, v.yLimus, gluten, glucium. GleYxMOWse, or fuUe of rewme. Reumaticus. Gleymyn', or yngleymyn'. Visco, invisco. Gleymows, orlymows. Limosus, viscosus, ghitinosus. Gleymowsenesse, or lymow(s)- nesse. Limositas, viscositas. Glemyn, or lemyn', as fyyr. F knit mo. Glemyn, or lemyn', as lyghte. Radio. Glemynge, or lemynge of lyghte (lyjth, K.) ConJiagracio,Jiam- inacio. Gleyke of eyryne, or oj^er lyke (glcycre, k. gley3yr of eyre, ii. gleyjyer' of eyr', p.)-* Glarea, c. F, notes only the Irisfcetidlsfsimn, Linn., but probably the more common species, 7m Pseud-acorns, may be here intended. In Mr. Diamond's MS. version of Macer, it is said, "Gladen is y-clepid in Englisshe, iris ia Latin, for his floure hah a colour like )?e raynebowe . . Take he rootis of his erbe, and kyt hem in rounde gobetis, and ryfe hem vpon a hrede, so hat none of hem touche oher, if hou wilt drye hem." The virtues of this root are numerous, taken with wine, mead, or vinegar ; the following is curious, as a cosmetic. " Do take ij parties of his pouder of gladen rotys, and he iij part of he poudre of ellebre, hat some men clepen clotfynnge, and medele bohe hise poudres to-gider in hony. A plaster of his wole purge and dense he face of frekelis, also it wole resolue the pockys, and whelkys of \>e face." Elyot renders " A'l/ji/iium, an herbe lyke the blade of a sworde, gladen ; it is also called Xyris ; '' and Cotgrave gives " Glaijeul, corne-sedge, corn-gladen, rit;ht gladen, gladen, glader, sword- grasse.'' 1 In a medical treatise, Cott. MS. Jul. D. viii. f. 119, b. a jiottage composed of gentian, tormentil, fennel, and honey, is directed to be given " for a gleymede stomak, hat may nojt kepe mete." 2 Byy(n)dynge to-gedyys, MS. " FiACM.y, gleme, or lyme." ortus. Compare clam', or cleymows ; where the other MSS. read gleymous. " Visqucnx, clammy, cleaving, bird- lime-like, lotteux, claggy, clammy, cleaving. Glazeux, clammy, fat, clayish." cotg. 3 " I.a ylaire d'un wuf, the white of an egge. Aubin d'vn (Evf, the white or gleare of an egge." cotg. In the Cant. Tales, the Chanon's yeoman, enumerating the num- berless requisites employed in alchemy, mentions " Unsleked lime, chalke, andgleire of an eye." In a curious MS. in the possession of Sir Thomas Phillipps, concerning the craft of limning, is the following recipe. " To couchegold : takegleyere, andsatteroun grounde, and couche on thy golde, whyle hit is moyste.'' Fox relates that one Margery Backster, being accused of heresy, thus declared her opinion of images ; " lewd wrights of stocks hew ttud forme such crosses and images, and after that, lewd painters gleere them with PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 199 Glenar of come. Spicator, con- spicatur, spicatrix. (Glene, k. h. p.i Spicatum, CATH.) Glenynge. Conspicacio, Glyare, or gogulej^e (g-loyere, or gogyl eye, s. gogyll iye, v.f Liitms, c. F. strabo, c. f. et CATH. strabiis, cath. straba, hirquicallus, cath. et UG. v. Glydare. Serptor, serptrix, c. F. (gradifoi; p.) Glyderyn'. Rutilo. Glydyn'. Serpo (gradior, p.) Glydynge. Serpcio, gressus. (Glyynge, k. h. p. Strabositas.) Glymeryn'. Radio. Glymerynge of lyghte (lyjt, k.) Lucubrum, c. f. et cath. Glystery, or glystere(glisere, k.) Glisterium, glistere, c. f. Gloffare, or devowrare.^ De~ vorator, vorator, lurctis, UG. in ambrosia. Gloffynge, or devowrynge. De- voracio, voracio, lurcatus. Gloryfyyn'. Glorijico. Gloryyn', or wythc onclene jjynge defoylyn' (wyth ony on-clene thyng defowlyn, s. with foule thinge to defylyn, p.) Ma- cula, deturpo. Glory:owse. Gloriosus, Gloryowsnesse. Gloriositas. Glosare of textys. Glosator. Glosar, and flatererc. Adulator. Glose of a boke. Glosa. Glose textys, or bookys. Gloso. Glosyn', or flateryn'.-* Adulor, blandior, cath. Glosynge, or expownynge. Glo- sacio. ' " Arista est sfica, an ere of corne or a glene." " A glene, arista, conspica. Gloy, spicamanium colours.'' The French word glaire has also, according to Cotgrave, the signification of " gravell, sand, and small pible stones, or sand mingled with stones ; also a whitish and slimy soil," in Latin glarea ; hence it is said in Caxton's Mirrour of the World, part ii. c. 8.5, that " by Acres the cyte is founden a maner of sande, and there is founden also of the glayre of the see, whicheben medled to gydre, and of thyse twomyxtyons is made good glasse and clere." Bosworth deiives i^lare from A.-S. "^Isere, pelliicidum quidvis, ORTUS. " An eveneof corne." med. OATH. ANG. A glene seems to be here put for that which is gleaned, from the Fr. glune, the corn left for the gleaner. " A glean, a handfuU of corne gleaned and tied up by the gleaner, or reaper. Kent." Bp. Kennett's Gloss. Coll. Lansd. MS. 1033. The Medulla gives, " Conspico, to glene, or els to gadyre songles. Aristor, i. colligere spicas, to glene, or to gadre songles." MS. Cant. Mr. Wilbraham gives songow, used in this sense in Cheshire. 2 Gogyrleye, MS. " A gleer, Innus, straho, obUqvus." oath. ang. Skinner gives the verb to gly as used in Lincolnshire, signifying to squint, or look askance, possibly, he observes, from Ang. -Sax. J^lowan, candescere, " q. d. incensis et pra ird flnmman- tibus octdis conspicere."' See Jamieson, v. Gley. Compare GOGtiLKVE, hereafter. 3 In the Vision of Piers Ploughman the word " glubbere " occurs in this sense, line 5274 ; " y-glubbed," line 3165, meaning gorged with liquor ; and in the Crede, " glop- pynge of drynke," line 184. •• " To glosse, ?/Si to fage. To glose, glosare, glosulare." cath. ang. The verb to glose occurs in this sense in the later Wicliffite version, in which Judges xiv. 15 is rendered " glose thin hosebonde {/j/andire viro ti(0." Vulg.) In the earlier version this verse is thus given, " faage to thi man, and meue hym that he shewe to thee what bitokeneth the probleme." This signification of fagyn' has been noticed above. 200 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Glosyxge, 01- flaterynge. Adu- lacio. Glotone. Ghito, CATir. epulus, KYLW. epulo (voraa;, nebidn, p.) Glotonye. Gula, crapula. Glovare. Cirothecarius. Glove. Cirotlieca. GLOWYN',as hoote yryne. Candeo, CATH. Glowynge of hoote fyre, or yryn, or ojjer lyke (of hote fyre yron, p.) Candor, cath. corusca- €10, CATH. Glu, of festyiige. Viscu.t. Glu, or mynstralcye (glw, k. gle, p.)' Musica, artnonia, c. f. Glwyn'. Visco. Gluynge to-gedyr. Congluti- nacio, conviscacio, cath. Gluynge matere, as paste, or o]>er lyke })at gluythe ij thyngys to-gcder. Gluten, c. f. glu- tinum, c. F. Gluman, or mynstral (glwman, k. gleman, p.) Musicus, musica. Gluscare, idem quod glyare.2 (GluskyngEjiV/^w? «/moc?glyenge, K. p. Strahositas.^ (Gnaste of a candel, infra in KNAST.) GNASTERE(gnachar,K.)i^rewiifor. Gnastyn' (gnachyn, k.)3 Fremo, strideo, cath. Gnastynge (gnachynge, k.) Fremitus. GNAWYN',orgnavyn, or fretyn' vn- gentely wythe tethe (wheten with the teethe, p.) Rodo, corrodo. Gnawynge, or fowle bytynge. Corrosio. Goo A RE. A'inhulator, viator, amhulatrix. Go A RE on fote, idem quod fote- MANN, supra in F. GoBET, kimpe. Frustrum, massa. Gobet, parte.'* Pars. ' Glu, or glee, denotes properly, as Sir "W. Scott observes, the joyous science of the minstrel, which was called in Ang.-Sax. J5I15. and the musician j;lij;man, an appellation that denoted also the player, or joculator. See Bp. Percy's Essay on Minstrels, Sir Tristrem, Havelok the Dane, Jamieson, &c. In the vision of Piers Ploughman a sin- gular comparison occurs, doubtless used proverbially, as an analogous expression is at the present time. Gloton, having drank deep, till his legs totter, is said to go " Lik a gle-mannes blcche, Som tyme aside, And som tyme arere." line 3180. 2 Glustare, MS. Forby explains glusky as signifying sulky in aspect. 3 ^' Strideo, fortiter sonare, horribilem sonnm facere, to gnayste. Stridor, gnast- ynge." CRT. ""To gnaste, fremere, est fnrorcm mentis 7i>ique ad vocis tumultum ex- citare ! frendere, est j)roprie dentes concjitere. A gnastynge, /"rewor, est hotnimim, fremitus bestiarum.'''' cath. ang. " To gnaste or gnasshe with the tethe, grincer. GnSistyng oi t\w,tet\\e, strideur, grincement.'^ palsg. In the Wicliffite version this word is of frequent occurrence. 4 The word gobbet formerly implied not only a lump, but generally a piece or por- tion of anything. In the Wicliffite version, iv. Kings, 20, 7, is thus rendered ; " And Isaie seide, bringe ^e to me a gobet of tigis {massani ficoruni, Vulg.) ; and whan \>e\ haddcn brou3t it, and hadden puttc it on liis bocche, he was heclid." Among the curious relics that were carried about by the Pardoner, PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 201 GoBET, of a thynge kutte (of cuttyng-e, k. p.) Scissura. GoBET, of a broke thynge (of hole thinge, p.) F ragmen, frag- me7itum,, c. f. GoDDE. Deus. GooDE. Bonus. GoDE, idem quod gade, supra. GoDFADYR.' Patrinus, cath. (patrius, compater, k. p.) GoDHED. Deltas. Goodly. Benignus, benevolus. GooDELY, adv. Benigne, bene- vole. GooDLYNESSE. Bemgmtas, be- nevolencia. GoDMODYR. Matrina, materna, CATH. GoDDOWTER. Filiola, CATir. Godson', or gosson' (godsune, or gosson, s. cossone, h.) Filiolus, CATH. GooDE WYNE. Temetum, cath. God 3ATE (God3ote, k. Good3oth, h. Godwolde, p.)^ Utinam. GoGULEYE, supra, idem quod GLYARE (gogyleyid, limus, strabo, K. gogelere, s. gogyl iye, p.)^ GoiONE of a poleyn' (goyvn off a polene, harl. ms. 2274.)"* Ver- tibulum, c. F. cardo. Cant. T. Prol. in Egypt, "and thoglie " He saied, he had a gobbet of the saile That Sainct Peter had, when that he went Upon the sea, till Jesu Christ him hent." Sir John Maundevile says of the apples of Paradise, growing 566 kutte hem in never so many gobettes or parties, overthwart, or end-longes, evere- more 3ee schulle fynden in the myddes the figure of the Holy Cros." p. 60. " Gleba, a gobet of erthe." med. " Gobbet, a lumpe, or a pece, monceau, lopin, chanteau.'" PALSG. The derivation appears to be from " Gohemi, a bit, gobbet, or morsell.'' cotg. 1 " A goffe, nbi a godefader. A gome, nbi a godmoder." cath. ang. In the North goff signifies a fool, according to Brockett and Jamieson. Cotgrave gives " cotnmere, a she-gossip, or godmother, a gomme,'' but the term appears to be now obsolete. 2 The interjection Goddot, Goddoth, occurs frequently in Havelok the Dane : Sir F. Madden, in his Glossary appended to that curious poem, supposes it to be a corruption of God wot ! formed in the same manner as Goddil for God's will, in Yorkshire and Lancashire ; a conjecture which appeared to be confirmed by the following passage, where it is related that Havelok made a vow to found a priory, " And therof held he wel his oth. For he it made, God it woth ! " line 2.^)27. The word, it is further observed, appears to have been limited to Lincolnshire or Lan- cashire, and a single instance of its occurrence is cited from a poem written in \he former county, t. Edw. L From the form, however, of the word, as it occurs in the Promptorium, the derivation appears to be more obviously from A.-S. j;eatan, concedere. 3 This term occurs in the Wicliffite version, Mark ix. 4(J ; "If thin yghe sclaundre thee, caste it out ; it is bettre to thee to entre gogil-yghed (luscum, Vulg.) into the rewme of God, than have tweyne yghen," &c. Palsgrave gives among the adverbs, " a goggell, en louchet. Goggle-eyed man, lovc/ie.''' Junius thinks it may be derived from A. -S. scej;l ej;ede, strabo. 4 In some parts of England a piece of projecting iron at each end of a roller, which connects it with the frame, is still called a gudgeon, from the Fr. " gonjon, the pin which the truckle of a pulley runnetji on ; also the gudgeon of the spindle of a wheele." COTG. Among the expenses of Thos. Lucas, Sol. Gen, to Hen. VII. in building Little CAMD. .SOC. 2 D 202 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. G(o)iONE, fysche. Gohius, gohio. (golnvs, p.) GoLDE. Aurum. GooLDE, herbe.' Solseqnium, quia seq^dtur solan, elitropium, calendula. GoLDEFYNCHE, byrde. Cardu- elis, KYLW, GoOLDFUYLE,5Mpro(mFULE,gold- fule, K.) Bratea, inplm\CATii. GoLDSMYTH. Auvifabev. GoLET, or throte. Guttuv, gluma, gula. Dice. GoLFE of corne.^ Archenium, KYLW. et COMM. acervus {ar- conium,K. arthonium, tassis, p.) GoLYoN, garment (clothe, p.)-* Gunella, gunellus. Golvyn', or golvon'. Arconiso. GcME yn'mannys mowthe (goomys, s.) Gingiva, vel gingive, plur. Goon'. Ainbulo, jjergo, vado, io, gradior (ineo, eo, transio, p.) Goon a-bowtyn', or w(h)yryllyn (wyrlyllyn, s.) Circino. Goon a-forne. Precedo. (Goon aftyr, s. Succedo.) Goon a-wey. Hecedo, discedo. Goo be-hynde, or folow (gon be- hyndyn, or folwyn, K.) Se- quor (i'etrogradior, p.) Goo downe. Descendo, cath. Goo foorthe. Procedo. Goo forthe yn a iui'iieye. Proji- ciscor. GooN yn to a place. Tntroio, in- gredior. Goon on fote (gon afote, k.) Pe- dito, c. F. Goon owte. Exio, egredior. Goo slowly. Lento, c. f. Goo to, and be-gyii' a dede. Ag- gredior. Goo to pryvy, or to shytyii. Acello. Goo wronge. Devio, deliro. Saxham Hall, A.D. 1507, are these items among smiths' work ; " for goions and colars, ■with ij stircppis for my bruge, weiyng aCi lb.'' These were probably for suspending a drawbridge. Rokewode's SufF. p. l.'iO. ' The plant here intended is perhaps the corn marigold. Chrysanthemum segetum, Linn, called in the North, goulans, guilde, or goles, and in the South golds. See Ray and Jamieson. The virtues of " gowlde " are detailed in the curious metrical treatise of herbs, Sloane MS. I571,f. 26, b. Dr. Turner says that " RaymncnliiK is called in English crowfoot or kingeux, or in some places a gollande." Herbal, part ii. Nares states that gold is the cudweed, or mothwort, Gnaphalinm Germaniciim, Linn. ^ A rick of corn in the straw laid up in a barn is called in Norfolk, according to Forby, a goaf; every division of the barn being termed a goaf-stede : to goave signifies to stow corn therein. See also Ray and Moore. Tusser uses the verb to gove, to make a mow or rick ; see August's Husbandry, st. 2.'J. In a short Latin-Eng. Vocabulary of XVth cent, written apparently at Creak, in Norfolk, Add. MS. ]2,1.9r), occur " Gelimo, to golue. In y e limum, ^o\fe.^' Palsgrave gives " goulfe of corne, so moche as may lye bytwene two postes, otherwyse a baye." •' Roquefort gives "■ yolcon, sorle d'habit de guerre;'^ but in the Promptorium golyon and gown seem to be almost synonymous, both being rendered by the Latin gunellus, a diminutive of yunna. The term is used by Gower, where he relates the exchange of garments made by Hercules and lole, in order to deceive Faunus. " He hath hir in his clothes clad, And cast on hir hisgolion, W'hiche of the skin of a lion Was made." Conf. Am. lib. v. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 203 GoONGE, preuy.' Cloaca, latrina. GooNGE fyrmar (gongefowar, K. H. s. feyar, p.)- Cloacarius, latrinarius, comm. Goo(N)GEhooIe. Gtcmphus,ii«e, Fr. ^o*«//;rMw, Lat. the cotton plant. Tlie derivation proposed in the Craven Glossary, from its appellation " summer- gauze, hence gauze o' th' summer, gauzamer, alias gossamer," is hardly tenable, when it is considered that the term was probably received in our language long before the in- troduction of the tissue called gauze. An early instance of its occurrence is in the gloss on G. de Bibelesworth, whose treatise was composed in the time of Edw. \. " Reyardet cy la filaundre (gosesomer.)" Arund. MS. 220, f. 301. " Filiandra, Anylice, gossomer." Lat. Eng. Vocab. Harl. MS. 1002. " Gossommer, thynges that flye in sommar lyke copwebbes.'' palsg. " Coiivraiiles, gossymeare, or the white and cobweb-like exhalations which flye abroad in hot sunnie weather." cotg. In N. Brit, according to Jamieson, it is called also sun-dew webs, or moosewebs. In German, unserFrawen Haar, the Blessed Virgin's hair. See Jamieson, ». Garsummer; and Nares. - The Stat. 33 Hen. VIII. c. 33, after setting forth the decayed state of the fortifi- cations of Hull, grants certain duties levied on the importation of fish, to repair and maintain the walls, ditches, and banks, as also " other clowes, getties, gutters, goottes, and other fortresses there," for the defence of the town and haven. Stat, of Realm, iii. 872. The stat. 2 and 3 Edw. VI. c. 30, states that the channel of the Camber, near Rye, had become choked up, in part by casting ballast into it, "■ and partely bycause dyuers mershes inncd take in no water to scowcr the chauuell, but Ictt oute thcr fi-eshe 206 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. GoTERE. Aquarmm, imhricium, guttatorium, giittera, cupia- lacium, c. f. aquagkim, UG. v. GoTERE vndyr )>e grownde. Ca- taduppa, cataracta, c. F. sed cataracte in plur. sunt fenestre cell, nuhes, vel meatus pluvi- arum, c. f. {cadudirpa, p.) GoTERE, ad purgandum feces coquine. Ruder, cath. GOOTYS BERDE.^ tS tirillum, CATH. et UG. in stujjrum. GOOT HERDE, CapCYCUS, C. F. GoTOWS mann, or womann' (go- torous, p.) Guttosus. Goton', or had be trawayle (gotyn, or get, p.) Adeptus, udquisitus, assecutus. GovERNAWNCE. Regimen, gu- bernacio, gubeimaculum. GouERNOWRE. Gtibemator, rec- tor. GouERNOWRE of moiiy yn an howsholde, vndur a lorde or mayster. Massarius, massaria, CATH. in massa. Governyn'. Guberno, rego. GovERNE a towne. Villico, vil- licor, CATH. Gouernyn', and mesuryn' in manerys, and thewys. Moderor, modifico, CATH. Gowlare, or vserere.'^ Usura- rius, fenerator. Gowle, or vsury. Usura, fenus. GowNDE of jje eye.'^ Ridda, al- bugo, c. F. et UG. V. GowNE, garment. Toga, epi- togium, Dice, gunellus. GowTE, sekenesse. Gutta. Gowton', as candelys. Gutto. Grace. Gracia. (jRACELES. Akaris, c. F.velacaris, c. F. et CATH. ingraciosus. water at guttes ;" so that the road for shipping was much injured. Vol. iv. 72. This word is retained in use in several parts of England ; Skinner and Ray give gowts, a word signifying in Somersetshire channels or drains under-ground. Bp. Kennett has the following notes in his Gloss. Coll. Lansd. MS. 1033 : " A wide ditch, or water-course that empties itself into the sea, is called in Romney Marsh a gut, from old Dan. giota, ncrobn : thence gutter, dim. a mill gut, a gote, i. a Houd-gate, Northunib. Ang.-Sax. Seotan, fundere.'"' In the Craven Dialect gote denotes a channel of water from a mill- dam, as doesgoyt in Hallamshire. Jamieson gives goat and got, a small trench or drain. A similar word occurs in old French; " Goute : gouttiere, ajout.'' RoauEF. ' GooTYS HERDE, MS. berdc, s. H. r. " Sfirillum, barba capre, et dicitur a stirid, quia pendens ad niodurn stirie, i. f/ude.'' cath. - " J)a7nsta, J)anus,R gowlere, an \serere." med. Ms. cant. The derivation appears obviously to be from r/nla, in French (joule or ijole, significative of his rapacious avidity. •' Skinner gives the word gound as used very commonly in Lincolnshire, signifying the running or impure secretion of the eyes. It occurs in the glosses on G. de Bibe- lesworth, Arund. MS. 220, f. 297, b. " Vostre regardz est (/racious (louelik,) Mes vos oei/z sunt saciouz (gundy ;) Des oeez outez la sacye ()>e gunde,) E de nees la tupi/e (I'c maklrope.)" Bp. Kennett, in his Glossarial Coll. Lansd. MS. 10,33, has the following note : " Gunded eyes, Westm. Goundy, filtliy like running sores, Gower. Gunny eyes, Yorksh. Dial." Ang.-Sax. ?;und, jnts, sanies. Skelton describes the " eyen gowndye " of Elynour Rumniing. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 207 Gracyows. Graciosus, euTcm-is, C. F. fit CATII. (Graffe, infra in gryffe.) (Graffyn', infra in gryffyn'.) >j Grayle, boke (gray3ylle, harl. MS. 2274.)' Gradale, vel gra- dalis. (GrAME,S. «■«/>•« in WAYTYNGEtO don harme.)'-' Gram ARYONE. Gramaticus, gra- matica. Gramere. Gramatica. Gramercy. In plurali, has grates, accusativo tantum. Grape. Uva. Grape of grete quantite. Bu- masta, cath. Grate for brede. Micatorium, Dice. Grate for gyngure, or o\er lyke. Fricellum,frictellum, ex cath. in frico. Grate, or trelys wy(n)dowe (treues wyndowe, p.) Cancellus. Grate brede.'* Mico . Grate gynger (grate gynjors or oder lyke, harl. ms. 2274.) Frictico, CA'VU.(frico,CATH. p.) Gratynge of brede. Micacio, micatura. Gratynge of gyngure, and o|)er lyke. Frictura. Grave. Momimentum, sepul- chrum, tumulus. Grave, solempnely made, or gravyn (solenly made andarayyd, K. p.) Mausoleum c. F. sabulum, Gravelle. Arena eciam sonde. Gravel pytte. Arenarium. ^ A grayle is a service book containing the responses, or gradalia, so called because they are sung in gradibus, or by course. It is thus described by Lyndwood : " Gra- dale — ponitur pro libro inteyro, in quo contineri debent officium aspersionis aqucB benedictce, missarum inchoationes, sive officio, Kyrie, cum versibns Gloria in e.vcelsis, gradalia, Halleluja, et tracttis, sequentice, symbolum cnntandum in Missd, Offerforium, Sanctus, Agnus, Communio, il),'C. qucs ad chorum spectant in Misscc solennis decanta- tione.^' Provinc. iii. tit. 27. At the synod of Exeter, A.D. 1287, it was ordained that certain books should be provided in every parish, at the charge of the parishioners, among which is named the yradale. Wilkins, Cone. ii. 139. It is likewise included in the constitution of Abp. Winchelsey, to the same effect, A.D. 1305. Lyndw. The stat. 3 and 4 Edw. VI. for abolishing divers books and images, enacts " that all books called antiphoners, missals, grails, processionals, &c. heeretofore used for service of the church, shall be cleerelie and vtterlie abolished, and forbidden for euer to be vsed or kept in this realme." ■^ This word, which is found in the Winchester MS. only, is frequently used by the old writers. " Bithenk hou oft rape wil rewe. And turn to grame wel grille." Amis and Amiloun, 657. " Lordynges, he saide, y am aschamed. And sore anoyed, and agramed.'' K. Alis. 3310. In Havelok the verb to greme occurs, line 442, and the adjective gram, meaning angry or incensed, line 214. See alsoSeuyn Sages, 2703; Cant. Tales, 1G,871 ; and Jamieson, V. Gram. Ang.-Sax. j;rama, molestia, j;remian, irritare. ^ It may be observed in the Forme of Cury, and all books of ancient cookery, that " myyd," or grated bread, was continually employed in the composition of a variety of dishes. Palsgrave says, " I holde a penny that I shall grate this lofe, or you can grate a rasyn of gynger ; " that is, a root, racine. 208 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Grave stone. Cippns, cath. Gravyn, or grubbyu yn pe erthe. Fodio. Gravyn' ymagys, or o))er lyke (imagery, k. p.) Sculpo. Gravyn', or puttyn yn ]je grave, or yn j)e erthe.^ Humo, c^c. idem quod beryyn', snpra. Gravynge in tymbyr, or metal. Scidptura. Gravynge, or delvynge. Fossio, fossatura. GRAWNSYRE,faderysfadyr(grawn- cyr, s. grauncer, p.) Avus, c. f. Grawnedame, faderys moder, or moderys moder. Avia, c. f. et CATH. Grawnge, or gronge.2 Grangia. Grawnte, or grawntynge.-^ Con- cessio,stijiulacio, cmnutus,c ATH. in annuo, Grawntyn'. Concedo, annuo, constipulor , catii. Graa^owre. Sculpto7\ Gravyn', or beryyd (gravon, or biryid, k.) Sepultus, humatus. GRAVYN'of agrawowre.'' Sculptus. Gravyn', or dolvyn'. Fossus, conjbssus. Gre, or worthynesse.*^ Gradus. ' " To grave, ?<&? to bery. To grave, cespitare,fodere, percolere,/oditare,pastmare. A graver, cespitator, cultor,fossor. A gravynge, cuHura.'^ cath. ang. The verb to grave is used by most of the old writers in the signification of digging, and thence of depositing in the grave. Ang. -Sax. ^rafan, yode?'e. Sir John Maundevile gives a re- lation of the legend regarding the origin of the trees of which the cross was formed ; that when Adam sent 8eth to crave oil of mercy of the angel that kept Paradise, the angel refused to give it, " but he toke him three graynes of the same tree that his fadre eet the appelle offe, and bad hym, als sone as his fadre was ded, that he scholde putte theise three greynes undre his tonge, and grave him so. And of theise three greynes sprong a tree — and bare a fruyt, thorghe the whiche fruyt Adam scholde be saved." p. 14. To grave still signifies, in the North, to break up ground with the spade. 2 The primary meaning of the word (jramjia, in French grange, or grance, seems to have been a repository for grain, or, according to Uucange, a threshing floor; and thence it implied the farming establislnnent generally, with ifs various buildings and appliances, as it is accurately defined by Lyndwood, in his annotations on the Constit. of Abp. Mepham, Provinc. lib. ii. tit. i. Spelman cites a MS. in which the name Thomas AtelaJ^e, that is, at the lathe, or barn, is said to be in French, Thomas de la Graiinge. The term has even the more extended sense of a hainlet ; that is, probably, the assemblage of dwellings occupied by the dependants of the farm, which, doubtless, forming a nucleus, gave rise to the greater number of villages in ancient times. Pals- grave gives " graunge, or a lytell thorpe, hamtau. Graunge, petit village.^' Huloet makes the following distinctions : " Graunge, or manour place without tlie walls of a citie, Huburbannm. Graunge, or little thorpe, viculns. Graunge, where husbandry is exercised, colonia." ^ Grawnte, or grawnte. Confcssio, ms. grawntynge, k. s. p. 4 Gravyn', or a grawowre, Ms. off a gravowre, s. ^ Gre is here given only in the sense of promotion to honour or distinction, in which also the term degree is now used at the Universities. In N. Britain gree has still this signification. So likewise in Chaucer, llom. of the Rose : " In thanke thy seruice wol I take, And high of gree I wol thee make." It occurs frequently in the primary sense of a step, gri, Fr. " Vlimatum, a goynge fro gre to gre." ortus. PROMPTORIUM PARVULOKUM. ■209 (Grece, or tredyl, k. ii. or steyre, p.' Gtridus.) Gredy of mete (in mete, K.) Avidus. Gredy in askynge. Procax, c. f. importunus. Gredy, or hasty. Impetuosus, festin us. Gredynesse of mete (havinge, K. p.) Aviditas, Gredynesse in askj-nge. Pro- cacitas, c. f. Grehownde Tgresehounde, s.) LeporariuSi veltres. Grey of colowre. Gresius, elbus, elhidus, cath. GREY,beest.2 Ta^'us,melota,CA'lii. Grey iieryd. Canus. Greyne of corne. Granum. Greyne, or croppe of corne •'' (in the jere, K. jere, p.) Annona. Greyxesse of heere. Canicies. Greynys, spyce (spicery, k. p.)'* Granum Paradisi. ^ The term grece seems to be derived from the plural of gre, a step. It is thus used in the Wicliffite version ; "hou scbalt not stye bi grees {per gradus, Vulg.) to myn auter, lest H filt^e be schewid." Exod. xx. 26. *' ForsoJ'e Esdras J^e writere stood on J'e grees of tree (.svpcr gradmn Ugneum, Vulg.) whiche he hadde maad to speke t'eron." Esd. viii. 4. Compare iv Kings, xxiii. 3, and Dedis, xxi. 35. Sir John Maundevile says, in his relation of the state of the great Chan of Chatay, " the grees, that he gothe up to the table, ben of precyous stones, medled with gold." p. 259. And again, " Ves- selle of sylver is there non, for thei telle no prys there of, to make no vesselle ofFe, but thei maken ther of grecynges, and pileres, and pawmentes to halles and chambres.'' p. 263. In the version of Vegecius, which is attributed to Trevisa, among directions how a strong place should be fortified by double walls, the intervening space being filled with earth, it is said that there should be "in the making of the inner walle, at euery fourty or fifty fote of lengthe, esy gresinges fro the playn grounde of the citie up to the walls." Roy. MS. 18 A. XII. f. 100. " Gradus, a grece, a steppe. Grado, to leede, or greys." MED. MS. CANT. " A grecc, gradus ; gradare, i. gradus facere, vel per gradus diicere" CATH. ANG. " Coclea, turnegrece. " Lat. Eng. Vocab. Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. " Scnmnum, a steppe or grice, whereby a manne gothe vppe into a hygh bedde. ^na- hathrnm, a pulpit or otlier lyke place, whiche standeth on hyghe, wherunto a man must go vp by a ladder or grises." elyot. " Grece to go vp at, or a stayre, degrc." p.'vlsg. " Degri, a staire, step, greese." cotg. See Forby's observations on the word grissens, which still signifies stairs in Norfolk ; Craven Glossary, v. Grees ; and Nares. - This name of the badger, which was taken, probably, from its colour, has pre- viously occurred as synonymous with bawstome. The gloss on the Equivoca of John de Garlandia gives the following explanation •. " Taxus, quoddam animal, a brocke or a grey.'' " Graye, a beest, taxey palsg. " Grisard, a badger, boason, brocke, or gray." cotg. " Graio, a gray, a brocke, a badger." florid. See Holland's Pliny, viii. c. 33. 3 Croppe or corne, ms. ^'^ /Jnnona est seges unius ayini, corne of one yere.'' ortus. * " Grayns, granellnm, qvoddam species est.'' cath. ang. The aromatic qualities of cardamoms, and grains of Paradise, were anciently much esteemed. Chaucer says of the amorous Absolon, when he prepares to court the carpenter's wife, " But first he cheweth grein and licorise. To smellen sote, or he had spoke with here." Miller's Tale. They are again mentioned in Rom. of the Rose. Gerarde and Parkinson give represen- tations of the Aleliguette, greatest sort of cardamoms, Grana Paradisi, or Guinea grains ; a pod shaped like a fig, and full of red seed. The true grains of Paradise were brouglit CAMD. SOC. 2 E 1*10 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Grene of colowre. Viridis. Grene place (or herbere, h. p.) Viridium, vel viretum, cath. viridarium, comm. Grenehed, or grenenesse. Vi- riditas, viror. Grenyn', or growe grene. Vireo, CATH. viresco, cath. et c. f. Grennare, or he J)at grynnythe. Rinctor. Grennyn' wj'the the tythe, as howndys. Kingo, cath. etc. f. Grennynge. Rictus, cath. Grene lynge, fyshe (grenlynge, s. grenelynge, p.)' Grees, or fetnesse (gres, K.) Sa- gimen,sagi7ia, cath. (^adeps,p.) Gresse, herbe (gres, k. s.) Herba, gramen. GRESYN',or anoyntyii wythe grese. Sagino. Gresyn', as beestys fedy(n)ge wythe gres (beestys in pasture, K. fede the with gresse, p.)^ Depnscor, carpo, cath. her- honiso. Gresynge, or a-noyntynge (with grece, p.) Saginacio. Gresynge, of beestys fedynge. Pastura, caiptura. Greshop. Cicada. Grete, in quantyte. Magnus, grossus, grandis. Grete hertyd, and bolde. Mag- nanimus. Grete hertyd, not redy to bux- umnesse. Pertina.v, injlexihilis. Grete mann, or worthy (man, K. p.) Magnas. Grete oothe. Jusjurandum, c. f. Gretyn, or wepyn'.^ Ploro, CATii.fleo, lacrimor. from the East Indies, but tlie ordinary larger cardamoms seem to have been likewise so named. " Carrfamo»if, graines, or graine of Paradise; also Ethiopian pepper. Ma- niffuet, meleyette, the spice called grains, or grains of Paradise.'' cotg. ' The fish here intended seems to be the cod or keeling, Morhua vulgaris, Cuv. which is called the green fish, probably from its colour, but as stated in Willughby's Hist. Pise. p. 16(), from its being taken on the coast of Greenland. It abounds in the Northern seas : a multitude of British and Dutch fishermen are occupied in taking and preparing it for transport to all parts of Europe. It is called also habberdeen. Island fish, or stock-fish. " Morue^ the cod, or green fish. Morn'e verte, green fish.'' cOTG. This green variety, called the Scotch cod, is most common towards the North. 2 In the Golden Legend, Life of St. Paul, there is a relation that the head of the saint was found by a shepherd, who " set it up by the place where his shepe greased." Palsgrave gives " to grease, or grase, as a horse dothe." The word, as usually written, is more in accordance with the derivation, Ang.-Sax. jjrasian, gramme vesci. Forby gives another signification of tlie verb to graze, as used in Norfolk, namely, to become covered with the growth of grass; in this sense it is given likewise in the cath. ano. " to gresse, herbere, herbescere.'^ ' " To grete, plorare, et cetera ubi to wepe." oath. ano. " There was mad muche gredyng. Much weoping, much waylyng." K. Alis. 7882. Hampole in the Prick of Conscience terms the day of final doom " be day of gretcyng, and of gouleyng, i>e day of sorowe Jjat neuer salle blyne." Harl. MS. See also R. Brunne, p. 148 ; the Vision of P. Ploughm. 1029, 1497 of Rose; and Jamieson, v. Greit. Ang.-Sa,\. grtedan, grsetan, clamare 6923, f. 83. Chaucer, Rom. PROMPTOKIUM PAKVULORUM. 211 GRETYN',orsalutyn'.*S'a/'i/.^o,CATH. Gretynge, or salutacyon. Sa- lutacio. Gretynge, or wepynge. Plora- tus, fletus. Gretly. Valde, vehementer, opido. Grete too of J)e fote. Allux, c. f. Greet wythe chylde. Gravidus, impregnatus. Grevawnce, or grevowsnesse. Gravamen, nocumentum, te- dium. Grevawn(c)e, or offence, or tres- pace (offence of trespace, k. s.) Offensa, aggra{ya)vien. Grevyd, or a-greuyd yn wrethe. Aggravatus, attediatus. Grevyn'. Gravo, aggravo, in- festo, noceo, cath. Grevows. Nocivus, tediosus, gravis (nocuus, K.) Grevowsly. Graviter, tediose, nocenter. (GrEWELLE, «■/?//•« trtGROWELLE.) Gryce, swyne or pygge.^ Por- cellus, nefrendis, cath. et c. F. Gryce, whyle hytsokythe. Puher, cath. in depubis, nefrendisiVG. infrendere. Gryce, precyowse furrure.^ Sci- s(i)mus, necc. ' " A grise, porcellus, et cete7'a ubi a swyne." cath. ang. " Marcassin, a young wild boare, a shoot, or grice." cotg. Grys occurs repeatedly in this sense, in the Vision of P. Ploughman, 450, 2182, 4353 : in the glossary, Mr. Wright refers to the story of Will Gris in the Lanercost Chron. Skinner cites Gouldman's Diet, as the sole au- thority for the word grice, and proposes as an etymon Belg. griis, cinereus. The word appears to be now obsolete, or retained only in the diminutive griskin. Bp. Kennett in his Gloss. Coll. Lansd. MS. 1033, gives " grice, a pig; Island, griis, vel grys, suc- citlaj " and cites the Yorkshire Dial. p. 42, and Douglas's Virgil. See Jamieson. 2 Neccham, in his treatise denominibiis uteiisilium, ■Krites as follows respecting female costume : " Camisia sindonis, vel serici, vel bissi, materiam sorciatur (i. capiat.) Pe- nula (pane) muntelli sit ea: scisimis {gris), vel experioUs {ekureiis), sive scureltis, vel ex cuniculis , vel ex laeronibus {leeruns) ; cujus urla (penule) sit ex sabilino, H^'c.'' Cott. MS. Titus, D. XX. with an interlinear French gloss. This kind of fur is mentioned by John de Garlandia, in his Dictionary, among the more costly kinds : " PeUiparii — carius vendunt cisiimim {al. scimum) et urlas de sabellino ;'' upon which the following gloss is given, " cisimus est illiid quod dicitur Gallice vare, et gris.'^ Docum. Inedits, Paris sous Philip le Bel, App. 5,91. The esteem in which it was held appears from M. Paris, who states in his account of the honourable reception of the Tartar envoys by Innocent IV. A.D. 1248, " dedit eis vestes pretiosissimas, quas robas rvlgaritcr appel- lamus, de escarleto prceelecto, cum penulis et fururiis de pellibus raiiis cisimoinm." It is not easy to ascertain with precision what is the animal that supplied this fur ; it appears to be described by Gesner as the Ah/s Ponticus, or Venetus, commonly called varius, and the fur of which was termed by the Germans Grauwerck. The terms gris and voir seem, indeed, to be frequently used as synonymous, but many authorities may be cited from which a distinction is apparent. Much curious information on this subject, and on the use of costly furs in general, has been given by Ducange, in the first dissertation appended to Joinville. Chaucer describes the sleeve of the monk as " purfiled at the bond with gris " of the finest quality. Cant. Tales, Prol. 194. Mention occurs of "grey and grys'' in Vis. of P. Ploughm. 10,0tj6. See Jamieson, v. Griece. In the Invent, of the Wardrobe of Hen. V. taken 1423, are enu- merated various garments "/urrez de cristigrey ; " probably a variety of gris. 212 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Grydyryne. Crciticula, craticu- lum, CATii. cratis. Gryffare, or graffare. Insertor. Gryffe, or graffe.' Surcidus. Gryffyn', or graffyn'. Insevo. Gryffynge, or graffynge. In- sercio, insertura. Gryffown, beest.2 Grifo, grifes, c. F. (Gryl, iiiffci in grY-M.)"* Grym, or Sterne (storre, k. stoore, II. p.) Austerus, rig id us. Grym, gryl, and horryble. Hur- ridus, horribilis. (Grymnesse, or stornesse, k. stoorenesse, F.Aiisteritas, rigor.^ Grymnesse, or horrybylnesse. Horror, horribilitas. GrYXDY'k'. 3I0I0, CATH. Gryxdynge of a mylle. Mola- tura, muUura, UG. Gry'xdyngstone, or mylle- stone. Molaris, ug. Gry'ndyngstone, or grynstone. Mala, CATH. Grype, byrde.-* Vnltiir. Gryppe, or a gryppel, where watur rennythe a-way in a londe, ' An engrafted scion is called in Norfolk a greft, or grift, according to Forby, who proposes as an etymon Ang -Sax. jraeft, sculptile. " Grafte, or gryffe of a tree, ente. I gryffe a gryffe, _;' gromel, or lyhewale ; thys herbe hah leuys hat be euelong, and a lytyl white flour, and he hah whyte seede ischape as a ston that me clepyh a margery perl.'' Cotgrave gives " Grernil, ffrenil, the hearb gromill, grummell, or graymill, peare plant, liche- wall ; " and lithosperrnum is thus rendered by Elyot : ''an herb which hath sedes like stones, and groweth in corn, some do suppose it to be grummell.'' The word is derived by Skinner " a granis, sc. lapideis, quae })ro seminibus habet, q.d. ffranile.^' ' Chaucer says, in the Persone's Tale, that " the Proverbe of Solomon likeneth a faire woman that is a fool of hire body, to a ring of gold that is worne in the groine of a sowe." See also the Towneley Mysteries, )). 89. In Norfolk, according to Forby, a hog's snout is called the grunny. Compare the Craven Glossary, v. Groon, and Brockett, v. Groin. " Groyne of a swyne, groyng.'''' palsg. Skinner derives this word from Fr. " Grohi de porceau, the snowt of a hog." cotg. Bp. Kennett gives " grun, the upper lip of a beast, /ior. Island, gron, bovis labrum superius.^' Lansd. MS. 1033. 2 See the note on grunton', as swyne, hereafter. 3 " Palpo, i. manibus coiilrectare, to groope. Palpalis, gropeable.'' med. " Thise curates ben so negligent, and slow To gropen tendrely a conscience." Sompnoure's Tale. " He gropeth unclenly (contractat) children and maydens." horm. " I grope a thyng that I do nat se, or proue a thynge, ie taste. I grope, as one dothe the wall or place whan he gothe darkelyng, ie vas it taston.'' palsg. " Tastonner, to feel, grope, touch, handle, stroke. Fouilkr, to grope, search, feele all over." cotg. Thomas, in his Italian Grammar, gives " tentone, gropyngly, ashe thatgoeth in the derke." Ang.-Sax. gropian, palpare. 1 The word gropys is given as it is previously found in the MS. ; but the reading is possibly corrupt. The Winchester MS. instead of crappe, or gropys, gives crap, or crappis of corn'. " Acua, chafTe, or craps." med. ms. cant. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 215 Groton, or ingroton wythe mete or drynke(grotyyn,or ingrotyyn, K.) Ingurgito. Grove, lytyl wode. Lucus, c. F. Gro WELLE, or grewelle,' Li- gumen, puis, far inacium, c. f. farratum, ug. in frango, grumus, gruellum, comm. Grovelynge, or grovelyngys, adv? Supjnne (I'esupine, s.) Grovelynge, nom. Suppinus (^resupinus, s.) Growyn', or waxyn'. Cresco, CATH. orior, ug. Growyn agyu. Seneo. Growe blynde, or lame. Growe ballyd. Calvesco. Growe blake. Nigresco. Growe bryghte, or clere. Cla- resco. Growe eld, idem quod growe agyd, supra (growe olde, p.) Growe GRENE,tWe/n^l<0(/GRENYN, supra. GrOWNE HARDE.//i(/Mre*CO,CATH. Growe nesche. MoUesco. Growe olde, as clothys or ojjer thyngys lyke, jjat weryn' (weryt, K.) Veterasco, cath. Growe reede. Ruhesco. Growe sowyr, or sowryn'. Acesco. Growe whyte. Alhesco. Growe wood, or ma(d)de (wod, K. woode, or madde, or oothe, s.) Furesco. Growe yonge. Juvenesco. (Growe wylde, p. Indomesco.) Growynge, or waxynge (or spryngynge, infra.^ Crescencia. Grownde.3 Ficndum. 1 " Puis est cibus ex aqud et farind f actus ; dicitur a pello, quia pellit infirmitatem, y^w^'/ece, gruell or pappe." ortus. " Grewelle, ^wfc. Growelle, r<6J potage." cath. ANG. " Grus, gruell, or water wherein any come is boiled, corne-broth. Orgee, barly gruell." COTG. In Huloet's Dictionary the term is applied to food that is not farina- ceous. " Grewell, Olus, pulmentum, zomas. Grewell, forcet, or stewed broth, offella, offula. 2 In Norfolk and Suffolk the phrase " to lie grubblings," or with the face down- wards, is still in use. See Forby and Moore ; see also Jamieson, v. Grufeling. " Gru- felynge, supinus. To makegrufelynge, «?e sones of Israel.'' Sir John Maundevile speaks of " the welle that Moyses made with his bond in the desertes, whan tlie people grucched, for thei fowuden no thing to drynke." It it said in the Golden Legend, that "when the herte is full of grace, hym oughte not grutche by impacyence." In the Vision of Piers P. and Chaucer's works, the word occurs frequently. " Fremeo, i. ynurmurare, to grudge. JMurmuro, to grutche. Su- surrium dicitur murmuratio, a grutchynge." ortus. " To gruche, dedignari, mur- CAMD. SOC. '1 F 218 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Gruntynge. Griinnitus. Grunton', as swyne.' Grunnio. Grute, fylthe.2 Limus. GuGAw/ idem quod flowte, P3'pe, supra in F. ; et gign, KYLW. GuMME. Gumma, vel gummi, CATH. ei c. F. et UG. in gidta. (GuNNE, s.p.)'' Petraria, Dice, et COMM. mangonale, kylw. mu- rusculum, c. f. gunna, et idem, estjictum (inagonale, p.) murare, mussare, susurrare. A grucher, «?«s?t\ hent hem on hei^resse ful rowe, Next here bare bodi, and bare fot J'ei went." Will, and Werw. p. 172. In the version of Vegecius is a description of the military engine called the " snayle or yieViHQ (testudo) , a frame of goode tymber, shaped square, keuerede and hillede alle a-boute wythe rawe hides, or with feltes, andheyres, for drede of brynnyng." Roy. MS. 18 A. XII. f. lOj. Among the trades, in the order of the pageants of the Play of Corpus Christi, at York, 141.5, " hayresters " are mentioned. Drake, App. In the Golden Legend the term hayre is of frequent occurrence, signifying a garment of morti- fication. St. Thomas clothed himself with an " hard hey re, full of knottes, whiche was his shcrte, and his breche was of the same." And again, during grievous pestilence, " they couered the crosse and the auters with blyssed hayres; and thus we sholde take on vs clothynge of penaunce." In medieval Latin a shaggy garment was termed haira, according to Ducange. Ang.-Siix. ha3ra, cilicium. 4 Chaucer describes a cart that had stuck in a deep way, " The carter smote, and cryde as he were wode, Heit Scot ! Heit Brok ! what, spare ye for the nones ? " Frere's Tale. In the Eastern counties, according to Forby and Moore, the ejaculation Hait-wo ! or 222 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Hakkynge, or hewynge. Sectio. Hake, fysche. Squilla, glossd Merarii. Hale, or tente.' J^apilio, scena, CATH. et c. F. Hale, or cyrcle a-bowte ]>e mone. Halo, c. F. Halle. Aula, atrium. Half, or halfundele. Dimidius, semis. Half a buschel, or eytendele (half or a bowndel, boshel, or ethyn- del, s. or tynt, h. p.)^ Saturn, CATH. UG. V. in S. Half a ferthynge.^ Calcus, c. f. et variatur q. cum cu (q. vel qu, s.) Haly, or be-hatyd.-* Exosus, c. F. Halyday (halliday, K.) Festi- Height ! is now used only to turn a cart-horse to the left ; and Ree I is given by the latter as a command which causes a movement to the right. Bp. Kennett gives " to hite up and down, to run idly about, North ; Hiting, gadding abroad. Sax. yting, yeregre. In Yorkshire for Gee oo, the carters say Hite and ret^. Height nor ree, neither go nor drive, spoken of a wilful person." Lansd. MS. 1033. See Yorksh. Dial, p. .'j8. Hayht is not found in any other MS. of the Promptorium. Harry appears to be the imperative mood of the word haryyn', which occurs subsequently ; or possibly the out-cry, haro, haroll. Both the ejaculations above given occur in the Towneley Mystery of the death of Abel, p. 9, where Cain and his plough-boy are represented as tilling the ground, and the latter cries to the horses, " Harrer, Morelle, iofurthe, hyte 1 '' ' Among the effects of Hen. V. were " ij. tenies de hloy carde, Sfc. ovec j. porche, etj. aley:' 1423, Rot. Pari, iv, 240. In a letter to Sir John Paston, 7 Hen. VII. it is said respecting preparations for the expedition into France, " y'^' Kyng sendythe ordy- naunce dayly to y'= see syde, and hys tents and alys be a makynge faste ; '' also that great provision was made by the gentry, who were to accompany him, " for hors harnes, tentes, halys, gardyuyens, carts," &c. Past. Lett. v. 412. Among the requisites provided for the Earl of Northumberland, in the French campaign in 1513, at the siege of Therouenne, are named " haylles, tents, and pauillions." Ant. Rep. iv. 3G4. See also Hall's Chron. 12 Hen. VIII. p. CIB, last edit. " Hale in a felde for men, tref. Hall, a long tent ia a felde, tente." Elyot gives *' scena, a pauyllion, or haule." The hangings of a chamber, as it has been observed in the note on the word dorcere, were termed ballings, in Latin halcE, al/', closier, escrayn." palsg. " Banne, benne, a maund, hamper, flasket, or great banket. Calathe, a basket, pannier, or hamper of osiers." cotg. The term has been supposed to be a corruption of hand- panier, but, as Ducange observes, v. Hana])erium, it seems to have denoted a large vessel, or place for storing up goblets, hanapi, Ang.-Sax. hnreppa, calix. The hanaper office in the Court of Chancery derives its name from the hanaperiuin, a large basket wherein writs were deposited. Among places of deposit, in which instruments were stored away in the Exchequer Treasury, are named " hanaperla de virgis — oftwyggys." Sir F. Palgrave has given a representation of one, date 3 Rich. II. 1380. Kalend. of Exch, i, pi. ii. See also payments to the keeper '' hanaper ii cancellar' pro hanaper io liyneo emp' pro lit. pat. imjionendis ; " and for the horse that carried it. Lib. Card. 28 Edw. I. p. 359. - " Arral/o, i. vadimo7iiuni, nn hnnsiiW ; et propria dicHtir bona arra. Pars arrabo renif. precii, dnm res bona venit, i. vendnntur. Strena est bona sors, Anr/licehansell.^'' ORTUS. " A hanselle, arabo, strena ; to hanselle, strenare, arrare. Eris, arabo, arra, 8fC. ubi hanselle. To yife erls, arrare.^' cath. ang. " Hansell, estrayne I hansell one, I gyue him money in a mornyng for suche wares as he selleth, ieestrene,'' palsg. " Esireine, handselled, that hath the handsell or first use of.'' cotg. Ang.-Sax. hand- selen, mancijiatio. It implies generally a delivery in hand, an earnest, the first use of a possession ; and likewise a reward or bribe, as in \'is. of P. Ploughman, 3128 ; and the Poem on the deposition of Rich. II. edit, by jNIr, Wright, p. 30. Sir ¥. Madden explains " honde-selle '' to mean a gift conferred at a particular season. Gawayn and the Grene Kny3t, 60". " Hansell, or a newe yeares gifte, strena.^' huloet. ' Forby gives the verb to hap, to wrap up, happing, a covering, and ha])-harlot, a coarse coverlit. Ang.-Sax. hapian, cumulare. The last word is used by Harrison, in a passage which has been cited above, in the note on daggysweyne. See also Huloet, Baret's Alvearie, and Skinner. The verb occurs in King Edward and the Shepherd. " The schepherd keppid his staf ful warme, And happid it euer undiir his harme." Hartshorne's Metr. Tales, 71. John Paston writes as follows: " I pray yow ye woU send me liedir ij. ehie of worsted for dobletts, to happe rne thys colde wynter." Past. Lett. iv. 01. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 227 (Happynge, or hyllynge, infra in WAPPYNGE.) Hararows, or sterne (haraiowus, K. haraiows, s. haraious, n. p.)^ Austerus, rigidus. Haras of horse.- Eqidcium. Harde yn knowynge, or wark- ynge. Difficilis. Harde yn towchjnge, or felythe {sic, felynge, s.) Durus. Hardy. Audax. Hardyly'. Andacter. Hardyn', or growyn' harde. Dureo, induresco. Hardyn', or make harde. Induro. Hardynesse. Audacia. Hardenesse of kno\vy(n)ge, or dede doynge (hardynes of know- ynge of dede, or other thynge, p.) Difficultas. Hardxes in towchynge. Duriciea. Harde demare, or domys mann wythe-owte mercy (harde, with- oute mercy, p.) Severus, c. f. Harde sett (or obstynat, p.) yu wyckydnesse, jjat neuer wylle chawnge. Ohstinatus, pertinax. Hare, beeste. Lepus. Haryyx', or drawyn'."* Trahicio, pertraho ( protraho, s. traho, ti^dcio, p.) Harlotte.'* Scurrus. 1 ^' Atrox, cruelle or bavyous. Immanis, haraious, grete, cruelle, or dredefulle." MED. MS. CAXT. " Harageus or gret." Editor's MS. Compare the verb haryyx'. 2 " Equiricia, a harasse of horse." med. ms. cant. " An haras of horse, equaricia, equicium." cath. ang. See DncSiXige, v. Ha7'acium. " Haras, a race; horses and mares kept only for breed." cotg. In the liber vocatus femina, MS. Coll. Trin. Cant. B. 14, 39, under the title of assemblies of beasts, it is said, " Haraz dit homme dez poleynez. Haras sey)> man of coltys." In the Coventry Mystery of the Nativity, a citizen of Bethlehem directs Joseph and Mary in these words : " 3ondyr is an hous of haras that stant be the way, Amonge the bestys herboryd may je be." p. 14". 3 To harry or harr, to drag by force, is a verb frequently used by the early writers, and still used in the North. Hampole says in the Prick of Conscience, " And deuylles salle harre hyni vp evene In the ayre als he sulde stegh to heuene.'' Harl. MS. 6923, f. 62. See Towneley Myst. p. 247. Fabyan says, in his relation of the murder of Bp. Sta- pylton, 1325, " the corps of y'= sayde bysshop, with hys ij. servauntes, were haryed to Thamys syde, where the sayd bysshop bad begonne to edyfye a toure,'' &c. Part. vii. The following passage occurs in Golding's version of Beza's book of Christian ques- tions, 1572 ; " Whereas the same (the will) ought to be ruled by reason, as by a wagon- guider ; yet, notwithstanding, how often doth it harie him headlong awaye ? " Pals- grave gives the verb, " I barye, or mysse entreate, or bale one, ie harie. Why do you harye the poore fellowe on this facyon ? I harry, or carry by force, ie trayne, and ie hercelle. He haryeth hyni aboute, as if he were a traytour." Ang.-Sax. herjian, vastare. Forby gives harriage, signifying confusion. •» This term did not originally denote a dissolute woman, but a low fellow, a buffoon, a varlet. See Sir Cleges, line 349 ; Ywaine and Gawin, line 2404 ; Chaucer, and the Vis. of P. Ploughman. Fox speaks of a company of sectarians who were named harlots, in the reign of Hen. III. Acts and Mon. i. 305 ; Lambarde's Peramb. of Kent, 178. " Gerro, a tryfelour, or a harlott." med. ms. cant. " An harlott, bulator, rtisticus, gerro, mima, joculator , pantomima, pnrasitaster, ?tis/ri.r, nugator, scurnUns, manducus. An harlottry, lecacitas, inurhaniias, \c. To do harlottry, ncurrari." catu. ang. 228 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Harme. Dampnum., detrimen- tum, dispendium. Harmles. Indempnis. Harm YD. Dampnificatus. HaRiMYn'. Dampnijico. Harneys, or rayment. Para- mentztin. Harneys, wepyne. Arma,plur. Harneys, or hustylraent (instru- mentys longynge to howsolde, K.) Utensile. Harneys for hors. Falere, plur. Harneysyn', or a-rayyn' wythe harneys and wepyne (harneysyn or armyn, p.) Armo. Harpe. Cithara, lira. Harfyn'. Cithm'iso. Harp stryngys. Fidis, c. f. Harpowre. Citharista, citha- reda, liricen, Jidicen, dico. Harske, or haske, as sundry frutys (hars, or harske, p.)* Stipticus, poriticus. Harowe (harvve, k.) Erpica, CATH. et kylw. traha, c. f. et BRIT. ; et traho (sic) Anglice a slede. Harwyn'. Erpico, CATH. Hasarde, play. Aleatura. Hasarde (sic, s. p.) or hasar- dowre. Aleator, UG. v. aleo, CATH. Hassok.2 Ulphus. H A A s T E. Festin en cia, festinacio. Haste, yn sodente (hayste, or so- dayne, s.)-'* Impetus, Hasty. Festinus, impetuosns, preceps. Hastybere, corne (hastybyi*, s.)"* Trimensis, c. f. 1 The Campanula trachelium, Linn, is called by Parkinson throat-wort or haske- Vfort. Skinner gives Hask-wort, Trachelium, forte a sapor c atistero. Compare Dan. Sw. and Dutch, harsk, rank, or rusty. Haskard, coarse or unpolished, appears to be hence derived. Horman says that '' Homer declarying a very folysshe, and an haskard felowe {ignavum) under the person of Tliersyte, sayth that he was streyte in the shul- ders, and copheeded lyke a gygge." Harsh is sometimes written harrish ; thus Dr. Turner, in his Herbal, 1662, says that " dates, if they be eaten, they ar good for the harrishenes, or roujjhnes of the throte ; " and of plums, " they that ar litle ones, and harde, and harrish tarte, ar sterk noughts." " Sorbuin, an harryshe peare." elyot. - " Ulp/iiis, hassok." mkd. Forby states that, in Norfolk, coarse grass, which grows in rank tufts on boggy ground, is termed hassock. In tlie foundation charter of Saw- trey Abbey, A.D. 1147, Simon, Earl of Northampton grants certain lands adjoining Whittlesea mere, the boundaries being minutely described : in one place the limit is defined to be " itidirecte per transver.sum marisci, usfjue ad tercium hassooim a firmd terrd inter mariscitm et JIif/f/eneiaiii." The cartulary of Ramsey supplies a repetition of this statement, contained in the attestation of Alex. Maufe regarding the dis])uted limits of the donation made by the l.'arl, iiis lord ; in this document the Latinised word hassocus twice occurs. " Paxtores vero 7i(,s/ri super exteriores hassocos versus Walton inter prat am et mariscnm del/ent stare, et animalia sua usque ad pedes suos ventre per- mittere.^' Mon. Angl. orig. ed. t. i. j)]). 850, 852, 853. Ducange, not being acquainted with the locality, interprets the word as denoting the kind of stone called tufa. In an account relating to the castle of Guysnes, in 14G5, among the miscell. records of the Queen's Reraemb. a statement appears as to the clearing away of " cirparum ac arun- dinum, segges, soddes e( hassokes," which grew to the obstruction of a certain mill- course. The word is still used in N. Britain. See Jamieson. 3 Haste, yn sodence, ms. Compare sodeynte, hereafter. * PoLBEKE is given hereafter as another name of a kind of barley (Ang.-Sax. here, PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 229 Hastyly. Festinanter. Hastyly, smertly- Impetuose, precipitanter. Hastyn', or hyyfi'. Festino, ac- celero. Hastyn', or liyyn' yn goynge. Propero. HASTYNESSE,zc?^m quod haaste, supra. Hastlere, J)at rostythe mete (or roostare, iyifra.y Assator, assarius, kylw. assaria, as- satru'. Hatte, hed hillynge. Capellum, c. F. vel capellus, cath. Hatte of strawe. Capedulvm, UG. V. in C. Hatare, or he J)at hatythe. Osor, c. F. Hate. Odium. Hatyn'. Odio. Hatyr, rent clothe (hatere, K. hatere, or hatyr, h. p.)- Scru- tum, pannucia, c. f. Haterede, idem quod hate, (hateryd, idem quod debate, s.) hordeum) termed hasty from its being early, and coming to maturity in the third month after it is sown. Gerarde refers the name IVimestre to the Amil-corn, or starch-corn, Tritieum amyleuni, cultivated iu Germany and the Low Countries to make starch ; but according to Parkinson tlie grain here alluded to appears to be the naked barley, Hordeum vernum, which, as he observes, " is not scene or sowne by any almost in this land," called in Germany Zeytgerste, or Titgerste, small barley, or " one for the present." It appears, however, that in Tusser's time the early variety was cultivated in the Eastern counties. " Sow barley in March, in April, and May, The latter in sand, and the sooner in clay." March's husbandry. * The enumeration of the household of Hen. II. in the Constit. domus Regis, Liber niger Scacc. Hearne, i. 348, comprises " De magna coquind — hosV {osfinrius /) haste- larice,'^ his three men, and the " hastalaritis." The latter seems to be the same as the " hastaio?-,'^ named in the ordinance for the household of Louis XI. 1261, called in French hauteur. See Ducange. Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Essex, among the household servants named in his will, 1361, as " potager, ferour, barber, ewer," &c. mentions " Will, de Barton, hastiler." Roy. Wills, p. 52. Intheiiier cure cocorum, the author thus states the intention of his treatise. " Fyrst to 30U I wylle schawe \>o poyntes of cure al by rawe ; Of potage, hastery, and bakun mete, And petecure I nylle for3ete." Sloane MS. 1986, f. 47. The chapter " de cibis assatis, of rostyd mete," comprises a singular dish, termed " hasteletes on fysshe day," consisting of figs, raisins, dates, and almonds, transfixed on a " broche of irne," and roasted ; f. 86, b. Compare Forme of Cury, j). 8. Among the domestic officers of the Earl of Northumberland, loll, was a " yonian cooke for the mouth, who doith hourely attend in the kitching at the haistry for roisting of meat." Ant. Rep. iv. 244. Bp. Percy states that in Shropshire the fireplace is called haister ; and, according to Mr. Hartshorne, an hastener, or hasteler, is a kind of screen lined ■with tin, used for reflecting the heat in roasting. See Salopia .Ant. The derivation is evidently from hasta. " Haste, a spit or broach." cotg. Compare roostare, or hastelere, hereafter. 2 In the curious song on the Man in the Moon, printed by Ritson, it is said, " When l>e forst freseb muche chele he byd, be homes bet> kene, is hattren to tereb." Anc. Songs, p. 36. 230 PROMPTORIUAf PARVULORUM. Haue, supra in han. Have abhominacyon', and have disdeyne, supra in han.) (Havyn in mende, k. or han m mynde, supra. Recordor, me- moro, memini.) Haue ynvye. Invideo. Have leysere. Vaco. Have mercy. Misereor. Have yn possessyon'. Possideo. Have levyr (have leuer, k. p.)' Malo. Have pyte, or ruthe. Compacior. (Haue suspeckte, k. ii. p. Sus- picio, CATH. suspecto, cath.) Ha we, frute. Cinum, cornum, c. F. 7'amnum, cath. Haw^e thorne. Ramnus, cath. cinus, cornus. Havene. Partus, hostium, cath. Havene kepare, or gouernare. Portunus, c. f. (Hawberk, supra in habu- RYONE.) Hawke. Falco. Hawkynge. Falconattis. Hav^^ncyn', or heynyn' (hawtyn, K. hawnsyn or yn heyyn, s. hawten, or heithjTi vp, p.)^ Exalto, elevo, sublevo. When Philip Augustus fell into the river, in consequence of the breaking of the bridge of Gisors, Marcadeus, a captain in the host of King Richard, according to Langtoft's account, derided him thus ; " Sir Kyng rise vp and skip, for Jjou has wette \>i hater, J>ou fisshes not worh>e a leke, rise and go thi ways, For |?ou has wette )>i breke, schent is J^i hernays." R- Brunne, p. 204. So likewise in the Romance of Kyng Alisaunder, the word signifies garments, attire : see lines 4264, 7054 ; and the Brahmins are said to live in austere penance, " thinne- lich y-hatered," line 5922. Ang.-Sax. hxttvo, vestitus. In the Vision of P. Plough- man, Haukyn makes the following excuses for his soiled garment. " I have but oon hool hater, quod Haukyn ; I am the lasse to blame, Though it be soiled and selde clene : I slepe therinne o nyghtes." line 8900. In line 9758, the word *•' haterynge " occurs in the sense of clothing. The explanation, however, given in the Promptorium, may suggest the comparison of the word with the verb, still used in Norfolk, to hatter, or exhaust by fatigue. See Bp. Kennett's Gloss. Coll. Lansd. MS. 1033. " To hatter, to expose to danger, to weary out, or wear out, as a horse by too much riding, or any utensil by too much lending is battered about : Kent. Isl. hxtinr, per iculonus.^' 1 " 1 haue leuer, Vayme niyeulx, i'aiplus chier. Many men had leuer se a play, than to here a masse." palsg. This word is used very commonly by the old writers. Ang.- Sax. leof, cams, yrutus, coinp. leofra. See lekk, and dere. ■2 This verb occurs commonly in a composite form, to en-hance, or in-hance, as in the Vision of P. Ploughm. the Wicliffite version, and Chaucer. The lintel of a door is termed, from its position, the haunce. " Limen signifieth not only the thrashold of a doore, but also the haunse. Superciliutn, the liaunse wliyche is ouer the doore. Hy- perthyron, transumpte, or haunce." klyot. In the Nomenclator of Junius, translated by Iligins, a distinction is made between the Vitruvian terms hyperthyrum, and supercilium, PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 231 Hawntare. Frequentator,fre- quentatrLv. Hawntyn', or ofte vsyn'. Fre- quento. Hawntynge. Frequentacio. Hawntyngly', or ofte. Fre- quenter. Havure, or havynge of catel, or o|jer goodys (havour, or werdly good, K. havre, or hawynge of catel, s. hauyre, or worldly good, HARL. MS. 2274.)' Ave- num. He, or he jjat. Ille, ipse. He, thys. Iste, hie. Hec, hek, or hetche, or a dore (hecche, k. heke, or hech, s.)^ Antica, CATH.et c. F.ei UG. in an. Heed. Caput. Hedare, or hefdare (hedare, or hedere, s. hevedare, h. behedar, p.)^ Decapitator, lictor. Hedyn', or hefedyn' (hevedyn, k. K. behedyn, p.) Decapito, de- collo (trunco, detrunco, p.) Heed borow (hedborwe, k. h. heed broth, s.)-* Plegius ca- pitalis. the former being rendered " the transara, or lintell," the latter " the hanse of a door." Cotgrave gives " contrefrontail, the brow peece, or upmostpost of a doore, a haunse, or breast summer." At first sight it may appear doubtful whether heynyn or heyuyn (to heave) be the true reading ; but by considering the position in the alphabetical arrange- ment of the word heynynge, subsequently, the former appears to be correct. Compare Ang.-Sax. hean, evehere. Heithyn may be perhaps traced to Ang.-Sax. hea^o, culmen. In the version of Vegecius, B. iv. c. 19, it is said that the city wall, when a bastile or *' somer castel " is brought against it, should be " enhaunsed " and made higher, and describes the means to be adopted by the assailants " ayenst this highething" of the wall. Roy. MS. 18 A. XII. " I haythe, I lyfte on heythe, le haulce. Hayth this tester {haulcez ce del) a lytell. I heyghten, I set vp a heythe, ie exalse. This balke (tref) is heythened two foote." palsg. > In the Romance of Coer de Lion, Tancred says to King Richard that he had heard " That thou art comme, with gret power. Me to bereve my landes hower." line 1714. Weber interprets the word as meaning hire, possession {rythmi (/rafid.) " Havoir " occurs in Chaucer's Rom. of the Rose, line 4720, in the signification of wealth, avoir. Sir John Maundevile, describing the good dispositions of the folk of the Isle of Brag- man, says that they are neither covetous nor envious, " and thei ^ive no charge of aveer, ne of ricchesse : " p. 854, In the regulations for the government of Prince Edward, son of Edw. IV. 1474, is tiiis clause : " We wyll that the hall be ordynately served, and strangers served and cherished accordinge to their haveures." Househ. Ordin. p. *29. In the Golden Legend mention is made of " coueytous men that sette all theyr loue in hauyour, and in solace of y world." See Kennett, and Spelman, v. Avera. 2 " Antica, a gate, or a dore, or hatche. Est antica domus ingresmts ab anteriori." ORTUS. " An heke, antica." catii. ang. " Ostiolum, hek." Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. f. 27. " Hatche of a dore, hecqy palsg. " Guichet, a wicket, or hatch of a doore." COTG. Forby gives " hack, half-hack, a hatch, a door divided across." In the North, a heck-door is one partly latticed and partly pannelled. See Brockett. 3 See HEVEDARE, hereafter. "A hangeman or anheeder isodiose toloke vpon." horm. •> The head-borough, borwealder, borsholder, or tithing man, was the chief of the friborgh or titlung, the subdivision of ten freemen, called hand-boroughs, or franci plegii, who were mutually bound to tlie king for the good conduct of each other, .\ng.- 232 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Heed cyte. Metropolis, cath- monopotis, cath. Heed of garlek, lely, or ojjer lyke (or of a leke, harl. ms. 2274.) Bulbus, KYLW. et UG. in hallo. Heedles. Acephalis, vel ace- phalus, cath. Heed waschynge. Capitila- vium, c. F. Heedwerke, sekenesse (hedake, n.)' CephaUa, catii. Heedwarke sufferere, or he that sufferythe heedwarke. Cepha- licns, CATH. Heft. 3Ianuhrium. Heftyde. Manuhriatus. (Heftyn, infra in helvyn.) Heftynge. Manubriacio. Hedge (hegge, k. s.) Sepes, UG. Hedgyd (heggyd, k. s.) Septus. Hedgyn', or make an hedge (heggyn, K. s.) Sepio. (Hetche, or hek, p. Antica,c.v.^ H etch YD, as byrdys. Pullifica- tus,fetatus, c. f. in alcione. Hey, beestys mete. Fenum. Hey, or heythe (of heythe, k. for heyth, s. hey of height, p.) Alius, celsiis, excelsus. Hey benche.2 Orcestra, cath. orcistra, c. f. episedium (sub- sellum, p.) Heyeste. Altissimus, supremus. Heyke, garment (or hewke, infra; heyke, clothe, k. hayeste garment, or huke, s.)-' Armelus, cath. in annelausa, lacerna, CATH. levitonare, kylw. Sax. heafod, caput, horh, fidejussor. In the Statute entitled Visus Francipleffii, which has been called Stat. IH Edw. II. de tenendd letd, they are termed " chiefs plegges.^' Stat, of Realm, i. 246. The origin of the civil division of the territory into hundreds and tithings has been confidently attributed to Alfred, but, as it .seems, on no sufficient evidence. In the laws of the Confessor this system of mutual suretyshiji is clearly set forth. Anc. Laws and Inst. i. 450. See Spelman, v. Friborga, and Borsholder. 1 ^']>e\\eAevid.v\ie,cephalia,cephalargla.'^ cath. ang. In the edition of the Ortus in Mr. Wilbraham's library c?j^/ia/M* is rendered " the hedewerke ; " in the ed. 1518, " the heed ache." In a medical treatise by " Maystere Lanfranke, of Meleyn," MS. in the collection of Sir T. Phillipps, No. \'.W\, the following occurs among several prescriptions for the " hede warke. Make lie of verveyn, or of betayne, or of wormode, and there with wasshe Hn hede thryse in J>e weke." See werkynge, or heed ache, hereafter. In Norfolk, according to Forby, "in violent head-ache, the head works like a clock." Ang. -Sa.x. heafod-wserc, cephalalgia. 2 Compare DESE, of hye benche. " Orcestra dicebatur locus separatus i?i cend, ubi nobiles sedebant." cath. •' The following explanations are supplied by the Catholicon : ^' Armelausa vestis est, sic dicta quia ante et retro divisa et aperta sit, in armis tnntuni clansa, quasi armi- clausa ; et (st sclavina. Ab armus (tiumerus) secundum liabnnum dicitur armelus, vestis humeros tantum teyeiis, sicut scnpulare monactiorum. Lacerna est palliutn Jimbriatum quo olim soli milites vtcbantur, H^'c. — dicitur lacerna a latere et a cerno.''' In Harl. MS. 1002, f. I.'i4, leritonarius is rendered " an huke; " in the Ortus it is explained to be '' collobium lineum sine manicis, i. dubnatica, qvali Egypiii monachi utcbantur ; a tabarde.'' It is scarcely possible to define the garment to which, modified by the fashions of different periods, the name of hewke was assigned ; it aj)pears from citations given by Uucange that the huca in the Xlllth cent, was furnished with a hood ; it also seems to have been a military garment, and sometimes even of the number of such as PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 233 Heyl fro sekenesse. Sanus, in- columis, sospes. Heylyn', or gretyfi'. Saluto. Heyl, seyde for gretynge. Ave, sa Ive. Heylynge, or gretynge. Salu- tacio. (Heynyn, k. h. heighthyn, p. supra in hawncyn.' Exalto, elevo, sublevo, levo.) Heynynge. Exaltacio, elevacio. Heyncemann (henchemanne, h.)' Gcrolocista, duorum generum (gei-elocista, s.) Hey stak. Fenile. Heythe (heyght, s. heighte, p.) were of a defensive nature, altliou^li not so accounted by Sir S. IMeyrick in his paper on military garments worn in England, Archseol. xix. In the Wardrobe of Hen. V. 1423, occur "^■. heuke noiei-, yarniz d'espanyes d'' argent dorr\ q'estoit a Crmnt Marteyn: pois. viij lb. pris la lb. xaaij. s. en tout, aij. li. avj. s.—j. heu/ce de c/iamelet, ovecj. cha- peron de mesme. — j. heiike d'escarlet: v. hukes de damaxk noier, broc/its d'aryetit,'^ Sfc. Rot. Pari. IV. 225, 236. In an indenture of retainer preserved in the Tower, dated 1441, for military service in France under Richard Duke of York, James JSkidmore, Esq. engages to serve as a man at arms with six archers, and to take for himself and his men " liuk' of my seid lord the duk' liv'e." Meyrick's Crit. Enqu. ii. 111. The Ordinance of Charles YII. dated 1448, respecting the equipment of the F rancs-ArcJiers, requires every parish to provide a man armed with '^jacque, on httque de biiyandine." Pere Daniel, IMil. Franc, i. 238. In the Invent, of Sir John Fastolfe's wardrobe, 1459, under the head oi tngce, is the " Item, j. jagged huke of blakke sengle, and di' of the same." Archseol. xxi. 252. In King Ryence's chalenge the heralds are described as attired in " hewkes," and loudly crying for /a/'^e**^. Percy's Rel. iii. 2t). There was also a female attire called Hewke, Belg. huycke, which covered the shoulders and head. In the Acta Sanctorum Juu. vol. IV. 632, a female is described as clothed " in habitu seculari, cum pcplo Braba?itico niyro, Huckam vulyo vacant.'''' Palsgrave gives " hewke, a garment for a. ■wonvin, aurquayne, f roc ; huke, snrqnanie ; " and Minsheu explains huyke, huike, or huke, to be a mantle, such as women use in Spain, Germany, and the Low Countries when they go abroad. Skelton mentions the "huke of Lyncole green " worn by Elinour Rumming. See further in Ducange and Roquefort. ' Chaucei' describes the knight as attended by three mounted " henshmen." Flour and the Leaf. The pages of distinguished personages were called lienxmen, as Spelmau supposes, from Germ, hengst, a war-horse, or, according to Bp. Percy, from their place being at the side, or haunch of their lord. In the household of Edward IV. there were " henxmen, vj cnfauntes, or more as it shall please the Kinge," who seem to have been chiefly wards of the Crown, and jjlaced under the direction of a master of henxmen: their mode of living, and education at court, is set forth in the Household Book of Edw. IV. given among the Ordinances published by the Ant. Soc. p. 44. By the Stat. 3 Edw. IV. c. 5, "hensmen, herolds, purceyvauntez, ministrelles, et jotters en lour entrehtdcs " were exempted from the penalties under the statute of apparel. In the household of the Earl of Northumberland, 1511, there were three haunsmen or hanshmen, who are enumerated with " yong gentlemen at their fryndes fynding, in my lord's house for the hoole yere : " the first served as cupbearer to tiie Earl, the second to his lady. On New-year's day they presented gloves, and had Gs. Hd. reward. Ant. Rep. iv. 19<). See further in Pegge's Curialia, Lodge's Illustr. i. 359, and Privy Purse Expensesof Henry VIII. edit, by Sir H. Nicolas. " Henchman, /la/ye d'/ioimeiir, eujant d'honnetir." palsg. ^' Prcetea-tatus assecla, qui Gallice rocatur rn paye d'/ioiiimes ; a page of honour, or a henchman." Junius, by Higins. " A hench-mau, or hencb-boy, page d'Antineur qui niarche dcrant quelque Seigneur de grand ani/ioriie." sherw. CAMD. .SOC. 2 II 234 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Altitudo, culmen, cacumen, sub- limitas (summitas, p.) Heyward.' Agellarius, c. f. abigeus, ug. v. (inessor, k.) (Hek, or hetche, supra in hec.) Hekele (heykylle, harl. ms. 2374.)- Mataxa, c. f. Hekelare. Mataxatrix. Hekelyn'. Mataxo. Hekelynge. Mataxacio. Hek fere, beeste (or styrke, infra.Y Juvenca. Heldyn', or bowyn'.'' IncUno, Jiecto, deflecto. Heldynge, or holdynge. Tencio, detencio, retencio. Heldynge, or bowynge (clynynge, K.) Inclinacio, Jleccio, incur- vacio. Hele of jje fote. Talus, calcaneus. Heele, or helthe.^ Sanitas, inco- lumitas. Helle. Infernus, Tartarus, Baratrum, Stix (^Avernus, p.) 1 The heyward was the keeper of cattle in a common field, who prevented trespass on the cultivated ground. According to the Anglo-Saxon law the haeig-weard was to have his reward from the part of the crop nearest to the pastures, or, if land were allotted, it was to be adjacent to the same. See Anc. Laws and Inst. i. 441. His office is thus noticed by G. de Bibelesworth : " Ly messiers (hay ward) ad les chaumps en cure." " In tyme of heruest mery it is ynough ; The hayward bloweth mery his home. In eueryche felde ripe is corne." K. Alis. 5756. Bp. Kennett observes that there were two kinds of agellarii, the common herd-ward of a town or village, called buhulcus, who overlooked the common herd, and kept it within bounds ; and the heyward of the lord of the manor, or religious house, who was regu- larly sworn at the court, took care of the tillage, paid the labourers, and looked after trespasses and encroachments : he was termed fields-man, or tithing-man, and his wages in 1425 were a noble. " /nc/zwflrzMs, a heyewarde." med. " /wc/M*on'M«, a pynner of beestes {al. pynder.)" ort. " Haiward, haward, qui garde au commun tout le bestiail d'u7i bourgade.'^ sherw. 2 " Hetchell for flaxe, serancq, serant. I heckell (or hetchyll) flaxe, ie cerance, and ie habille du tin. Am nat I a great gentylman, my father was a hosyer, and my mother dyd heckell flaxe ? " palsg. " Seran, a hatchell, or heach, the iron comb whereon flax is dressed." cotg. Forby gives hickle, a comb to dress flax, or break it into its finest fibres. Teut. hekel, pecten. 3 " J2<»ewca, a hekefeer beest." ortus. " Hccforde, a yong cowe, ^ewme." palsg. Caxton, in the Boke for Travellers, speaks of " flesshe of moton, of an hawgher {genise,) or of a calfe." See Bp. Kennett's Gloss, v. Hekfore. Ang.-Sax. heahfore, vaccula. Forby notices a bequest of certain " heckfordes " in the will of a Norfolk clergyman, dated 1579, but the modern pronunciation is heifker. • " To hclde, w6i to bowe." oath. ang. In tlie Northern Dialects to heald signifies to slope, as a declivity. See Brockett, Craven Dial, and Jamieson, r. Heild. Ang.- Sax. hyldan, iticlinare. Palsgrave gives the verb " I hylde, I leane on the one syde, as a bote or shyp, or any other vessel!, ie encline de cousti. Sytte fast, I rede you, for y'' bote begynneth to hylde." ' " Salubritas, holsones, or heell. Saluber, helefull." ortus. " Prosper, hele- fulle, happy, withe-owte tene." med. ms. cant. " Sospitas, firmitas, salvacio, <^c. hele." lioy. MS. 17 C. XVII, " An hele, columiian, edia,fecunditas, valitudo. Hele- ivWi, proiiper,iialutariH." cath. ang. " lieale of body, «a?j/^." palsg. In a sermon PROMPTOKIUM PAKVULORUM. 235 Heelyn', or hoolyn' of sekenesse. Sano, euro, medico, medicor. Heelynge, or holynge of seke- nesse. Sanacio, curacio. Helme, or ])e rothere of a schyp (helrae of ]>e roder of shyp, s. helme, rother of a shyppe, h. p.) Temo, CATH. plectrum, cath. et UG. in plecto. Helme of armure. Galea, c. f. cassis, c. F. et cath. Helpare. Adjutor, adjutrix, suffragator. Helpe. Adjutorium, auxilium, suffragium.,juvamen, presidium (suhsidium, k. p.) Helpyn'. Juvo, adjuvo, auxilior, suhvenio, succurro, opitulor. Helpvn' and defendyn'. Patro- cinor. Helthe, idein quod hele, supra. Heltyr (or halter, s.) Capistrum. HELTRYN'beestys.Cajoj*#ro,CATH. Helve.i Manubrium, manuten- tu7n. HelvYxv', orheftyn'. 3Ianubrio. Hemme. Fimbria, limbus, cath. et c. F. lascinia, cath. et c. f. ora, orarium, cath. Hemmyn' garmentys. Limbo, Jimbrio, cath. Hempe. Canabum. Heripyne, or hempy (hempcne, or of hempe, k. s. h.) Canabeus. Henne. GaUina. (Henne nest, harl. MS. 2274. Ingitatorium.) Henbane, herbe. Jusquiamus, simphonica, insana, c. f. Hengyl of a dore, or wyndowe (hengyll of a shettinge, K. p.)^ Verteb)-a, vectis, cath. et c. f. Hengyl, gymewe (gymmewe, k. gemewe, harl. ms. 2274, P.) Vertinella, ug. in verro. Heep. Cumulus, acervus, agger, globus. (Hentynge, supra in cahch- ynge.)^ (Hepar, k. Cumulator.) Heepyd. Cumulatus. Hepyn', or make on a hepe. Cu- mulo, accumulo. Hepynge. Cumulacio. Heer (here, k. s. p.) Capillus, cincinnus, crinis, cesaries, coma. Heer fyrste growynge yn' mannys berde. Lanugo, c. f. (Herbere, h. p. supra in grene PLACE.)-* 'H^.KBY.KiovfK^.Hospiciarius, c. f, et comm. given by Fox, as delivered by R. Wimbeldon, 1389, is this passage : " Giesy was smyt with mesilry, for he sold Naaman's heale, that cam of God's grace." Sir John Paston writes thus to his mother : " It'm it lyked yow to weet of myn heelle, I thanke God now y' I am nott greetly syke ner soor." Past. Lett. v. 80, Ang.-Sax. hsel, salus. ' " Helue of any tole, wianc/^e. Hafte of any tele, nianche." palsg. This word is given by Forby as still used in Norfolk. See also Moore. Ang.-Sax. helf, manitbrium. '^ Forby states that in Norfolk hingle signifies either a small hinge, or a snare of wire, closing like a hinge, by means of which poachers are said to hingle hares and rabbits. "Hinge, or hingell of a gate, cardo,'' &c. baret. Horman says, "This bottell lacketh an hyngill, uter amicino caret." See gymkwe. 3 See hyntyn' hereafter. " I hente, I take by vyolence, or to catchc, ie happe ; this terme is nat vtterly comen." pai.sg. It is used by Chaucer. ■< See the note on the word erbari/:. 235 PnOMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Herberewe (herborwe, k. herbe- row, H. herborowe, p.)' Hos- pirium. Herbekuyn', or recejvyn' to hereboroghe (herbergwyn, k. herborowen, p.) Hospital', CATii. et si signijicet to take herboroghe, tunc est quasi de- ponens. Heere bonue (herbonde, p.) Vitta, c. F. et ug. v. in C. cri- nale, Dice, discriminale. Heerce on a dede corce (herce vpon dede corcys, k. p. heers of dede cors, s.)2 Pirama, cath. piramis, c. F. et UG. in pir. Heerde, or flok of beestys, what so euyr they be. Polia, cath. armentum, cath. Heerd MA^a. Pastor, agaso, c.f. ^ " An harbar, hospicium, diversorium. An liarbiriour, kospes, hospita. To barber, hospitari. Harherynge, hospifalitas.'" cath. ang, " Herboroughe, /o(//s. Iharbo- rowe, I lodge one in an inne, ie herberge. Herberiour, that prouydeth lodgyng, four- rier.^' palsg. A station where a marching army rested was termed in Ang. -Sax. here-berga, from here, cxercitus, beor^an, munire. In a more extended sense harbour de- noted anyplace of refuge, or hospitable reception. See Vision of P. Ploughm. ; Wicliffite Version, &c. In the Golden Legend it is related that St. Amphyabel " prayed Albon of herborough for the love of God ; whiche Albon without faynynge, as he y' alwaye loued to do hospytalyte, graunted hyra herbevough, and well receyued hym." Caxton says, in the Boke for Travellers, " Grete me the damyselle of your hous, or of your he(r)berow, vo^tre hontel." The verb is used by Sir John Maundevile in the sense both of giving and receiving hospitality ; he says, speaking of Bethany, " there dwelte Symon leprous, and there herberwed our Lord, and aftre he was baptised of the Apos- tles, and was clept Julyan, and was made Bisschopi)e ; and this is the same Julyau that men clepe to for gode herberghage, for our Lord herberwed with him in his hows.'' Voiage, p. 116. The adjective herberous has the signification of hospitable. In the version prefixed to the translation of the parajihrase of Titus by Erasmus, it occurs as follows : " A byssho]) must be such as no man can comi)laitie on — not geuen to filthy lucre, but herberous," &c. Titus, i. 8 ; jiritited by Johan Byddell, t. Hen. VIII. The remarkable n;inie Cold-harbour, which occurs repeatedly in most counties at places ad- jacent to Roman roads, or lines of early communication, seems to have been derived from the station there established ; but of the strange epithet thereto prefixed no satis- factory explanation lias yet been suggested. See Hartshorne's Salopia Anti(jua, p. 25.?. 2 This term is derived from a sort of pyramidal candlestick, or frame for supporting lights, called hercia, or Iterijiea, from its resemblance in form to a harrow, of which mention occurs as early as the XI Ith cent. It was not, at first, exclusively a part of funeral display, but was used in the solemn services of the holy week ; thus by the statute of the Synod of Exeter, 1287, every parish was bound to provide the "hercia ad lenel/ras.'' Wiikins, Cone. ii. 1.59. In the account of expenses at the death of Thomas, Abbot of .St. Augustine's, Canterbury, l.'i?.^, occurs an item, "pro corpore Jicto, ciini /icmiu.'" W. Thorn, X Script. 21.52. See further the accounts of the ob- setjuies of Anne the Queen of Kic. II. Gough's Sep. Mon. i. 170*, and the will of that u.onarch, in which he directs that for his own interment there should be ])re])ared " iv. hercio! excellentia; convenicntis ref/nli.'''' Rym. vii. 75. In the will of John de Nevill, 138(i, it is termed " /lercinm." Madox, Form. 429. The Pat. 1 Hen. V. 141.3, re- counts the orders of the King to Simon Prentout of London, " wex chaundeler," and Thomas (iloucestre, " pir/ori nostro,^' for the provision and transport to Canterbury of tiie " /icrcea'" for the funeral of Henry IV. Rym. viii. 14. The ordinance which regulated the charges by wax -chandlers, stat. 11 lieu. VI. c. 12, comprises a clause to PRO.MPTOKIUM PARVULORU>r. 237 Herre of a locke.^ Cardo, comm. Here, yn' thys place. Hie. Heryn'. Audio. Heryxge wythe eere (hennge of here, k. p.) Anditus, au- dacio (^andicio, s. p.) Heerynge, fysshe. AUec. Herkyn', and take heede, and ley to ]je ere (herkyn to, s.) As- culto. HEERX,byrde (heryn, K.s.p.herne, HARL. MS. 2274.) Ardea. Herxe panne of jje hed.- Cra- neum. Hernys, or brayne (hemys, or harnevs, s.) Cerebrum. Herowde of armys. Curio, c. F. Hert, wylde beeste. Cervus. Hert, ynwarde parte of a beste (myd part, s.) Cor. Hertles, or vnhertv. Vecors. Herthe, where fyre ys made. Ignearium, c. v.focai-ium, c. f. ignarium, uo. in Ge. Herthe STOK or kynlym' (stocke, K. p. kynlyn, a.y Repofoci- lium, CATii. vel secundum c. F. repofocinium, UG. in fovea. except " heroes affaires pw lez nohlez trespassantz." Stat, of Realm, vol. ii. 287. Chaucer appears to use the term hearse to denote the decorated bier, or funeral pageant, and not exclusively the illumination, which was a part thereof; and towards the XVIth cent, it h;id such a general signification alone. Hardyng describes the honours falsely bestowed upon the remains of Richard II. when cloths of gold were offered " upon his hers " by the King and lords. " At Poules his masse was done, and diryge. In hers royall, semely to royalte." Chron. c. 200. A representation is given on the Roll or Brevis mortuorum of John Islyppe, Abbot of Westm. who died 1522, and whose corpse was placed " undre a goodlye Hersse w' manye lights, and maiestie, and vallaunce set w' pencells," &c. which was left standing until " the monethes mynde." Vet. Mon. iv. pi. xviii. " Herce for a deed corse, of silke, ^joi//e. Herse clothe, poille. Herce, a deed body, corps.'' palsg. "He lay in a noble hyrst, or herse, sityyi'sto. There was made a noble hyrst, tumulus.'" horm. In the version of Junius' Nomeucl. by Higins is given " Cenotaphium, a herse, a se- pulchre of honour, a stately funeral." '■'■ Puille, the square canojiy thats borne over the sacrament, or a soveraign prince, in solemne processions ; hence also a hearse, hearse-cloth, laid over the beer of a dead person.'' cotg. ' This word is repeatedly used in the later Wicliffite version. " And \>e. herris (ejjer hengis) of he doris of \>t innere hows of \e . olifaunt wolde oughte henche, or catche hem (posset apprehendere), the prickes shulde lette hym." B. iii. c. 24. Compare cahchynge, or hentynge ; kyppyn, or hynton ; and REVYN, or by vyolence take awey, or hyntyn. Ang.-Sax. hentan, rapere. 1 Compare the verb ovyr hyppyn, or ouer skyppyn. Hyppynge occurs in the sense of hopping, Vis. of P. Ploughm. 1 1 ,488, and to hip has in the North a like signification ; hipping stones are stoppings at the passage of a shallow stream. The word seems here to be taken from the irregular movement or hopping of the halt person. Gower says of Vulcan, " He had a courbe upon his backe, And therto he was hippe halte." Conf. Am. Teut. hippelen, subsilire. Jamieson gives hypalt, a cripple ; to hypa), or hirple, to go lame. In Norfolk to himp and to limp are synonymous. 2 " &Ywj9a, hyrdes of hempe, or of flax. S'<2<;^o, to stop with hurdes." med. ms. cant. " Extupo, Anylice to do awaye hardes or tawe. Stupa, stub, chaf, or towe." ortus. Amongst the various significations of napta, given in the Catholicon, it is said " napta etiam, sectmdum Papiam, dicitur purgamentum liniV The word occurs in the Wicliffite version, Judges xvi. 9 : "And sche criede to him, Sampson! Fehsteis ben on )>ee, which brak J'e boondis as if a man brekith a t'rede of herdis (filum de sfupd, Vulg.) wrij'un wib spotle." Chaucer, in the Rom. of Rose, describes the dress of Fraunchise, called a suckeny, or rokette, " That not of hempe herdes was, So faire was none in all Arras." In the original, " ne fut de lourras.^'' In Norfolk, according to Forby, hards signify coarse flax, otherwise tow-hards, in other parts of England called hurds ; and in many places a coarse kind of linen cloth is still termed harden, or hirden. The Invent, of effects of Sir John Conyers, of Sockburne, Durham, 1567, comprises "vij. harden table clothes, iv. s. — xv. pair of harden sheats, xx. *." Wills and Inv. Surtees Soc. i. 268. " Heerdes of hempe, tillage de chamure {? chainvre), estorpes.'^ pai.sg. " Hirdes, or towe, of flaxe, or hempe, slvpa.'' baret. " Gretfes de lin, the hards, or towe of flax." coTG. Ang.-Sax. heordas, stupa. 3 " Anguliis, & cornere, or a heme. Pentanguhis, of fyue hirnes." med. " Ao hyrne, angulus, gonus.^' oath. axg. The gloss on Liber vocatus Equus, renders " antris, darke hernys." Harl. MS. 1002, f. 113. Rob. Glouc. and Chaucer use this word, which has occurred previously as synonymous with halke. Forby gives CAMn. soc. 2 I 242 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Hyssyn', as edderys (heddyr, k. nedrys, H. nedders, p.) Sibilo. Hyssynge of edders, or o} er lyke. Sihulus (sibihts, s.) Hyt, or towchyd. Tactus. Hyttynge, or towchynge. Tactus. Hyve for bees. Alveare, alvea- lium, c. F. apiarinm. Hyvyn', or put yn' hyvys. Apio. Hy)>e, where booty s ryve to londe, or stonde.' Stacio, c. F. HoBY, hawke. Alaudarius, ali- etus, c.F. et KYLw. (^sparrtis,v.) Hoche, or whyche (husch, s. hoche, or hutche, ii. p.)- Cista, archa. HooDE. Capicium (^capticium, p.) HoDYD. Capiciatus. Hoodyn'. Capucio (capicio, k.) Hodynge. Capiciahira. HoGGE, swyne. Nefrendis, maialis, CATii. et c. F. Hec omnia UG. infrendere (^porcus, p.) HooKE (hoke, k. p.) Hamus, uncus. IIooKE to hewe wode, or schryd- ynge (hoke to hev wyth woode, or schraggynge, s.) Sirculus, c. F. (sarculus, s. p.) HoKY'D. Hamatus. HoL, as pypys, or percyd thyngys (hole, HARL. MS. 2257, hol- lowe, p.}3 Cavus. HoLow, as vessellys (hoi, as vesselle or other lyke, k. hole, as vessellys, s.) Concavus. HooL fro brekynge (hole, p.) In- teger. HooL fro sekenesse (or heyl, h. hole, P.) Sanus, incolumisy sospes. Holdyn'. Teneo. HoLDYw', or wythe-holdyn'. De- tineo, retineo. HoLDYNGE. Tenens. HoLDYNGE. Tenax, tencio, de- tencio, retinencia, retencio. Hole, or bore. Foramen. HooLE, or huske (hole, s. hoU, p.) Siliqua. HooLE of pesyn', or benys, or oj^er coddyd frute (hole of peson, or huske, or codde, k. cod frute, p.)"* Techa, CATII. infresus. " heme, a nook of land, projecting into another district, parish, or field." At Lynn, where the Promptorium was comjjiled, there is a street called Cold-hirne street, which traverses an angular piece of ground adjoining the confluence of the Lyn and the Ouse. Ang.-Sax. hyrn, angulvs. * Hyye, MS. The Winch. MS. agrees here in the reading "hyy," hut it is evident that \iyi>e is more correct. Ang.-Sax. hyt?, partus. Hithe occurs in names of sea ports, and even landing places on rivers, far from the coast. See Forby's observations on this word. Exam|)les are not wanting at Lynn, where a lazar-house is mentioned at the spot called Setchhithe, in H.'JS; in the grant of Edw. VL 1518, it is called Seche- hithe, or the sedt;y landing. Rlomf. Norf. iv. 599. Oxburgh hithe is remote from the main ; Woman hithe and Beck hithe occur near Cromer. 2 Hutche, ms. By the alphabetical arrangement, the reading, as given from Sir T. Phillipps' MS. seems here to be correct. In the King'sCoU. MS. the word is omitted. See HUTCHE, hereafter. Ang.-Sax. hwaecca, area. •' •' Holle, cavus, natnrd coucavtis, arte cuvatus, inani.s. An hollnes, cat^itas.^* CATH. ANG. In Norfolk holl is still commonly used. Ang.-Sax. hoi, cavus. ^ In the recipe for ''blaunche perreye " it is directed to " sethe the pesyn in fyne leye," and then rub them with woollen cloth, and " )>e holys wyl a-way." Harl. MS. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 243 HooLE, or pyt yn an hylle, or other lyke (hole, or eryth, s.) Caverna, c. f. HooLE of a schyppe (hoUe, k. p.) Carina, c. F. (HoLEN, or curen of sekenes, k.s. supra in helen, p. Sano, euro.) Holyn', or boryfi' (hoolen, or . make hoolys, p.)' Cavo, per- Jbro^ terehro. Holy. Sanctus, sacer. Y{ohY,hevie\)\y. Celebris,VG.inceIo. (HoLiLY, p.) Sancte, Holy, halwyd place (holyly hal- wyde places, s.) Asilum, c. f. Holy hokke, or wylde malowe fmalwe, k. s.) Altea, malviscus. Holynesse. Sanctitas, sancti- monia. Holm, place be-sydone a watur (be-syde a water, s.)^ Hulmus. 279, f. 25. Skinner derives the word from Ang.-Sax. helan, tegere. " Hull of a beane or pese, escosse. Hull or barcke of a tree, escorce." palsg. " Goiisse, the huske, swad, cod, hull of beanes, pease," &c cotg. Gerarde says tliat Jvena nnda is called in Norfolk and Suffolk " unhuUedotes." In the Craven dialect, the hull is the skin of a potatoe, or the husk of a nut, and to hull signifies to peel off the husk of any seed: in Hampshire the husk of corn is termed the hull. " Pollicula uvarum, the huskes, hulles, or skinnes of grapes. Pericarpium, folliculus, siliqiia, the huske or hull, inclosing the seede." Junius' Nomencl. by Higins. ' '^To^ioXe., cavare, perforare, S(c. ubi to thyrle." oath. ang. " Palare, cavare, forare, Anglice to hole, or to bore." Equiv. Job. de Garlandia. A.-S. holian, excavare. - The primary meaning of the Ang.-Sax. word Holm appears to be water or ocean ; it implies also a river island, or a level meadow, especially near a stream. It is recorded in the Sax. Chron. A.D. 903, that a great fight occurred between the Kentish men and the Danes " set J>am Holme," but the precise locality has not been ascertained. Holm signifies also an elevated spot, as in the instance of the Steep-holm, so called by way of distinction from the Flat-holm, islands in the mouth of the Severn. Leiand, in his Coram, in Cygn. cant. (Itin. ix. 59,) would derive Dunolmus, Durham, from dune, a hill, and holme, which he interprets thus : " Holme vero eminentis loci, interdum et sylvosi, et aquis clrcumsepti verticem, out eminentiam exprimit." Bp. Kennett has the following remarks : " Homes, properly holms, which signified originally river- islands, or green islands surrounded by running streams ; from a resemblance whereof meadows and pasture grounds are in some places called Homes. A meadow by the late Abbey of St. Austin's, Canterbury, commonly called North-homes ; and a flat pasture in Romney Marsh is yet called the Holmes, &c. An Holm, an island, Westm. ; hence Holme-cultram, Holmby house, &c. Mill-holms, watery places about a mill-dam, from mill, and Sax. holm, which signifies two things, as a hill or rising ground, and a green island, or place almost enclosed with water ; from whence the name of many places almost surrounded with water, as Axholm, Evesholm, corruptly Evesham, &c. The howmes, a green piece of ground near Thirske in Yorkshire, lying between the river Codbeck and the brook called Sewel." Lansd. MS. 1033. In Lincolnshire, as especially near the Trent, the name is frequent; as likewise in Norfolk, and in the vicinity of Lynn, and denotes both low pastures, and elevations of trifling magnitude, but which were perhaps insulated, before draining had been effected. Simon Earl of Huntingdon, who founded St. Andrew's Priory, Northampton, about 1()'4, granted " tres dalos prati, et unttm /lulmuni ;'' and in the donation of H. de Pynkeneye to Canons' Ashby, in 1298, he bestowtnl " totam panturam illam que rocaliir le Hulles, cum dmbus holmis in cainpis Wedone e( Westone." Mou. Ang. i. 680, iii. 292. 244 PROMPTOIUUM PARVULORUM. Holme, or holy.^ Ulmua, hussus. Holm, of a sonde yn the see (holme of sownde in ]>e see, K. holm or sond of the see, harl. MS. 2274, of the sonde in the see, p.)- Bitalassum, c. f. rel hidmiis. (Holme, or halm, supra, et infra in stobul.) HooLNESSE fro brekynge (hol- nesse, k.) Integritas. HoLOWNEssE of a vesselle, or other lyke wythe-yn forthe (holnes, k. of a vessell voyd within, H. p.) Concavitas. HoLRYSCHE, or bulrysche (hool ryschyn, k. holryschyne, harl. MS. 2274.)^ Papirus. HoLSUM. Sahiber, salutiferus. HoLSUMNESSE. Sahihritas, Holt, lytylle wode."* Lucus, vir- gultum, vibranum. HooME, or d\velly(n)ge place. 3Iancio. HooMLY.*'' JFamiliaris, domesticus. ' Parkinson gives holm, as a name of the holly: in the North it is called hoUin. K\ig. Sax. ho\tn, aqiiifolium. The Gloss on Gaut. de Bibelesworth renders '^ hous, holyn.'' " Hvssus esf gtcedam arbor que semper tenet viriftitatem, Anglice a holyn.'' ORTUS. "An holyn, hussus ; an holyn bery, /ntssum." cath. ang. It is said of St. Bernard, in the Golden Legend, that after he became Abbot of Clairvaus, " he often made his pottage with leues of holm." Sherwood gives " hollie, holme, or huluer tree, koiix, housson, mesplier saiivage.'' In Norfolk the holly is called liulver, ac- cording to Forby. Compare hulwur, tre, hereafter. 2 " Bitalassum, a place j^er two sees rennen." med. In the Wicliffite version, Dedis xxvii. 41 is thus rendered : '' And whan we fellen into a place of gravel gon al aboute ■wi}' I'e see {locum dithalassnm, Vulg.) hei hurtleden ]>e ship." Holm seems here to denote the peninsula, or accumulation of alluvial deposit formed at a confluence of waters. It is, however, remarkable that the name does not appear to be thus ajiplied on the Norfolk coast, especially in the neighbourhood of Lynn, where the Promptorium was compiled, and where such deposits are made to a vast extent by the Ouse, and other streams that flow into the Wash. 3 This name seems to be derived from Ang. -Sax. hoi, caws, and rise, juncus : but as the Scirpus lacnstris, Linn, commonly called bull-rush, has not a hollow but a spongy stem, the proper intention of the term is obscure. * " Holt, a wood. It is yet used for an orchard, or any place of trees, as a cherry- holt, an apple-holt, Dunelm. Isl. hollte, salebrce." Bp. Kennelt, Lansd. MS. 1033. Skinner says that holt denotes a grove, or multitude of trees planted thick together, and Tooke asserts that it is the p. part, of Ang. -Sax. helan, to cover, and signifies a rising ground or knoll covered with trees. The word occurs in Cant. T. Prol. line 6 ; Lydgate's Thebes ; Launfal, &c. Among the benefactions of John Hotham, lip. Ely, it is recorded that in 1320 he appropriated, for the distribution of alms on his anniversary, " tenementum vocatum Lythgates, et Barkeres, cum qtiodam aineto rocnto Lythgates liolt." Hist. Elien. Ang. Sacra, i. CA'.i. " Holte, a lytell woode, petit l/oi/s.^' palsg. " Touffe de bois, a hoult, a tuft of trees growing neere a house, and serving for a marke or grace unto the seat thereof." core;. See Jamieson. In names of ])laces it is of occasional occurrence, as the Holt, a wood near Havant, Hants ; Knock-liolt wood, near Tenterden, Kent ; and in Norfolk, according to Forby, a small grove, or planta- tion, is called a holt, as nut-holt, osier-holt, gooseberry-holt, &c. Ang. -Sax boll, lucus. * In the complaint of the Ploughman, t. Edw. Ill , given by Fox, under the year 1360, the following version is cited of i. Tim. v. 8 ; " He that forsaketh the charge of thilke that ben homelich with him {suorum, et maxime domcsticorum, Vulg.) hath for- IMIOMI'TOKIUM PAUVULOKUM. 245 (HoMLiMAN, or woman, k. Do- mesticus, domestica,fcnniUaris.^ HoMLY, oi- yn homly maiier. Do- mestice, familiariter. HooNE, barbarys instrument. Cos, KYLW. et Dice. HoNY. Mel. HoNY cooM (honycom, k.) Favus. HoNY SOCLE. Ajiiago, UG. V. in A. {locusta, s.) HooPE, vesselle byyndynge (hope, K.) Cuneus, circulus, Dice. Hoopyn', or settyfi' hoopys on a vesselle. Cuneo. Hope. Spes. Hopyn', or trustyii', or soposyn". Estimo, spero, cath. arhitror. HoppE, sede for beyre (bere, K. v.y Hmnmiilus, secundum extraneos. saken his fayth, and is worse than a misbeleued man :'' (in the Wicliffile version, " his owne, and moost of his household men.") Here, and in Gal. v. 10, Wicl. version, the word seems to be used precisely in the sense given to it in the Promptorium ; but it denotes also familiar, by acquaintance, and presuming. " Homely, famylier, through a quaynted, familier. Homelynesse, priuauUi. Homely, saucye, to perte, malapert.^' PALSG. Horman says that " homelynesse {fiducia) comynge of a true harte, is a maner ofvertue," where it seems to imply familiar confidence ; and he uses the word also as follows : " He was homely with her, or had to do with her." 1 It should seem that the eala, or swatanof the Anglo-Saxons, were not compounded with any bitter condiment, which was essential to the concoction of beer, a drink of Flemish or German origin, and until the XVIth cent, imported from the Continent, or brewed by foreigners only in this country. The Promptorium gives bere, cervisia hnmrmilma, as distinguished from ale, which was not hopped ; Caxton, in the Boke for Travellers, speaking of drinks, makes the distinction, "Ale of England, Byre of Ale- mayne ; " and it appears by the Customs of London, Arnold's Chron. 87, that beer was first made in London by " byere brewars, straungers — Flemyngis, Duchemen," &c. a recipe for making single beer with malt and hops is given, p. 247. It has been as- serted that the use of hops was forbidden by Hen. VI. in consequence of a petition of the Commons, mentioned by Fuller, in his Worthies, under Essex, against " the wicked weed called hops ; "' but no record of the prohibition has been found, and the petition does not appear on the Rolls of Parliament. In the time of Hen. VIII. some prejudice seems to have arisen regarding their use, for among the articles for the reform of sundry misuses in the royal household, 1531, is an injunction to the brewer not to put any hops or brimstone into the ale. Archseol. iii. 157. Hops, called in Dutch Hoppe, Germ. Hopffen, were introduced into England from Artois, between 10 and 15 Hen. VIII. as affirmed in Stowe's Chron. about the time of the expedition against Tournay. Bullein, in the " Bui warke of defence,'' written about 1550, speaksof hops as growing in Suffolk. They are mentioned in the stat. 5 and 6" Edw. VI. c. 5, 1552, as cultivated in England ; Stat, of Realm, iii. 135. Among the privileges conceded to the strangers from the Low Countries, who settled at Stamford, 1572, is a clause regarding the free exercise of husbandry, in which are specified hops, and all things necessary to gardens. Strype, Life of Parker, App. 115. The management of hops was quickly acquired, as appears by the instructions given by Tusser, in March's and June's husbandry, published 1557- See also the Treatise by Reyn. Scott, 1574; and Harrison's Descr. of Brit. Holinsh. i. 110. The remarks of Leonard Mascall, in his Art of Planting, under the head of " certeyne Dutch practises," p. 85, edit. 1592, are detailed, and curious ; and he appears to have been conversant with the method adopted in Flanders. The stat. 1 Jac. I. c. 18, against the deterioration of hops, shows that a large quantity was still supplied in 1(;03 from foreign parts. See Beckman's Hist, of Inventions, iv. 325, and CuUum's Hawsted, 202. 246 PROMPrORIUM PARVULORUM. HopPE, sede of flax (hooppe, seed or flax, s.y Sinodtilum, Imo- dium, KYLW. (Jincidulum, v.) Hoppyn' as fleys, or froschys, or other lyke. Salio. Hoppyn', or skyppyn', infra (or dawnsen, k. p.) Salto. HoppYNGE, or skyppynge. Sal- tacio. HopuR of a mylle, or a tramale (tramel, s.)- Taratantara, c \T II. farricapsium. Dice. HopuR of a seedlepe (or a seed- lepe, HARL. MS. 22TA.) Su- torium, saticulum, UG. v. in S. HoRcop, bastarde."^ 3Ianzer, spurius, spuria, pelignus, pe- ligna (pelinus, p.) HooRD, tresowre (horde, k.) Thesaurus, herarium. (HooRDHOWsE, infra in tre- SOWRIE.) Hore, woman (hoore, h. p.) Me- retrix (pelix, p.) Horehowse, supra in B. bor- delle. (Lnpanar, fornia;, p.) Horel, or hullowre (hollowr, s. holour, p.)"* Fornicator, li- cantor, leno, rivalis, mechus, fornicatrix, licantrix, mecha (Jecator, K. s. leciatrix, cori- nalis, p.) ' This obsolete appellation of linseed occurs in the gloss on G. de Bibelesworth. " Du lyn aiteret le boceaus (hoppen,) De canbre auerez les cordeus (ropes.)'' Arund. MS. 220, f. 299, b. In the Liber vocatus femina, MS. Trin. Coll. Cant, this passage is given as follows. " Ore alez a semer v're li/nois, Now go)' to sow jour flex. Qar de lynois vous auez lez busceaux, For of flex je haue \>vit hoppes." The Ortus gives " apiutn est nomen herbe, ache, or hoppe ; " and in the interpretations by MasterGeoflFrey of Job. de Garland, de Equiv. occur " Coma, /nidus corni, hoppe : comus, quidam arbor, hoppe tre, ut qitidam dicunt.'" 2 "An hopy r, ferricapsa, eat molendini ; saticulum, satum, seitiinarium." cath. ANG. The proper distinction is here made between tiie hopper, or the trough wherein the grain is put in order to be ground, mentioned by Chaucer, Reve's T. 4009, so termed from the hopping movement given to it, and the seed.leep, which was also called a hopper. " Hopper of a myll, tremye.'^ palsg. " Seminar iitm, vas quo 2)onitur semen, a.n hopre.''^ med. It is in this last sense that Perkyn the Ploughman says that he will become a pilgrim, " And hange myn hoper at myn hals Instede of a scryppe." Vis. of P. Ploughm. line 3917. In Lincolnshire, according to Bp. Kennett, a little hand-basket is termed a hoppet ; and in Yorkshire a hopper is " a seed lip, or basket wherein the sower puts his corn." Lansd. MS. \0'S.]. An implement of domestic use, ])robably for prinding grain, is men- tioned among the eflfects of Thos. Arkyndall, of Northallerton, l!:)f>. " A leed and y* stane, xij. rf. A hoppyng tre, vj. er beestys. Cartahulum, c. f. (^catahulum, s.) HowLE, byrde. Buho, cath. Howlyn', as beestys. Ululo. HowLYNGE of doggys, or o|)er beestys. Ululatus. How LONGE. Quamdiu, quous- que, usquequo. How MANY. Quot< Howe mekylle (howemoche, p.) Qiumtus, HowNDE. Cams, cath. HowNDE FYSHE. C(mis mavinus, COMM. HowNDE FLYE. Chiomia, C.F. vel cinifex, couu.t^el cinifes, comm. HowNDYS colere (howndych co- lowre, s.) Millus, cath. How oftyn'. Qnoclens. HowsE. Domus, CATH. edes. Howselyn' wythe the sacrament (as the sacrament, s.)-* Com- munico. HowsHOLDE. Familia. superstitious notions in regard to the caul, or membrane wherein the head of a new- born infant is occasionally wrapped, called the silly-how, Ang.-Sax. saeli^, beatus, hufa, ridaris ; Swed. seger hufwa. In Scotland it is termed the haly, or sily-how. See Brand's Popular Ant. ; Ruddiman's Gloss, to G. Douglas, v. How; and Jamieson. Compare hwvr, cappe, hereafter. 1 " Huchone, Hugo, nomen proprium viri." cath. ang. - Ground-ivy, gill, or ale-hoof, Glechoma hederacea, Linn, was anciently esteemed both in medicine and as a condiment used in the concoction of ale. G. dc Bibeleswortli mentions " eyre de boys, e eyre terestre (heyhowe.)" Arund. MS, 220, f. 131. " Edera terrextris ys an herbe )>at me clepyh erth yuye, or heyoue ; " its virtues are detailed, Roy. MS. 18 A. VI. f. 74, b. In John Arderne's Practica, Sloane MS. hG, f. «! , the use of " haihouc, »e/ halehoue, ?;e/folfoyt, ?;(?/horshoue," in the composition of an unguent, called Salus populi, is set forth. Gerard calls it ale-hoof, or tun-hoof, and states that " the women of our Northern ])arts, especially about Wales and Cheshire, do tunne the herbe ale-hoof into their ale.'' Compare tunhove, hereafter. Langham, in the Garden of Health, I.'j/!), details the qualities of " Alehoofe, ground iuie, gilrumbith, ground or Tudnoore ; " and Cotgrave gives " paite de chat, cats-foot, alehoofe, tune- hoofe, ground ivy, Gill creep by the ground." Skinner thought that ale-hoof was de- rived from all, and behofe, uiiliias, from its numerous medicinal properties, but the derivation of the name is possibly from hof, mujnia, in allusion to the hoof-shaped leaf. In the West, the i)lant colt's-foot is called horse's hoof. It is possible that the read- hofe of the Anglo-Saxon herbals is the ground ivy, to which, however, the name eor'5- ifig was assigned. ' The reading here seems to require corrc(!tion ; the word does not occur in the other MSS. or in the printed editions. Aniurca is exjiiained by Ugutio, and in the Ortus, to be " inferior/ex olei, dregs of oyle," but Mnria signifies the " superior /ea,' olei;" and iiovK here seems to be ))ut for such impurities as float on the surface. Compare the Tcrb HovYN yn water, or ol-cr lycoure. * la the curious directions to the parish priest regarding the instructions which he PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 251 HowsHOLDARE (liowsalder, k.) Patei' familias, yconomxis. Howsyn', or puttyn yn a howse. Domifero, catii. Howsyn', or makyn' howsys. {Domijico, CATH. s. p.) HowsKEPARE. JEdituus, edituu, CATH. HowsLEKE, lierbe, or sengrene.^ Barha Jovis, semper viva, ju- barbium, c. F. HowEsoNE. Quamtocins, quam- ciciiis. Howtyn', or cryyn'. Boo, kylw. Howtyn', or cryen as shepmenn (howten, K. p. howen, j. w.)- Celeumo, cath. HowTYNGE,crye.^ Boema, cath. et KYLW. Sohowe, the hare ys fownde, boerna, lepus est in- ventus. Howhyn' (howghyn, k. howwhyn, H.y Subnervo (^enervo, p.) Ho vyn' yn watur, or ojjer lycoure.^ Supernato. Hovyn' yn' j^e eyre, as byrdys (as was bound to give bis flock in tbe mother-tongue, at least four times in the year, it is said of the wine given to the laity, " Lewede men J^at underfongej' Godys body ne shul nowjt by-leue hat hat drynke hat hey vnderfongeh after here howsel, ys any oher sacrament bute wyne and water for to brynge in he oste he betere." Burney MS. 37G, p. 93. Compare Add. MS. 10,053, f. 109. " Communico, to makecomun, orhousel. Communio, a comunynge, or a houselynge. Ceyia, a souper or a houslynge." ortus. " Oblata, howsell." Harl. MS. 1587. " Eukarialia, howsyll." Roy, MS. 17 C. XVII. " Tohowsylle, commtinicare." cath. ang. In the Accounts of the Churchwardens of Walden, 36 Hen. VI. a charge occurs "pro lavacione j. manuteryii pro hoselynge.'' Hist, of Audley End. In the Golden Legend it is said in the Life of St. John, " he said the masse, and houseled and comuned the people." Ang. -Sax. huslian, Eucha- ristiam celebrare ; husel, panis sacer. • " House leke, iombarde," palsg. W. Turner says that " Sedmn magnum is called also in Latin sempervivum, in English houseleke, and of som singren, but it ought better to be called aygrene." Herbal, 1562. See orpyn, hereafter. - HowcYN, MS. See the note on halow, schypmannys crye. 3 HowNTYNGE crye, ms. The alphabetical arrangement indicates an error in this reading, and all the other MSS., as likewise Pynson's edition, read Howtynge, cry ; howynge, W. de Worde, ed. 1516. In the curious Treatise, entitled the Master of the Game, Vesp. B. xii. and Harl. MS. 5086, will be found a detailed account of the proper use of "so how," and all the stimulating cries used in field sports. See also the " huntynge of the haare," in Dame Julyana Bernes' Boke of Huntynge, sign. d. iij. ■» To hough, or hock the ham-strings, seems to be derivable from Ang. -Sax. boh, poples, or possibly the etymon heawan, secure, may be preferred. In the Wicliffite version, Josh. xi. 6, it is written " thou shalt hoxe the horses, subnei-vabis," Vulg. A statement in Rot. Pari. vi. 38, sets forth that in a riot in Yorkshire 1472, one Rich. Williamson was " speared, and hough synued." * Minot, who wrote about 1350, speaks of the French fleet sent against the English coasts, composed of galleys, carectes, and galiotes, " With grete noumber of smale botes, Al thai hoved on the flode." iii. p. 11. In R. Wimbeldoa's Sermon at Paul's Cross, 1389, given by Fox, it is said, "In a tonne of wyne the dreggis dwellen byneth, and the cliere wynehoueth aboue." Compare HOVK of oylc, and klktyn. The verb to hove, in the various senses lierc given, appears to be derived from hof, the past tense of Ang.-Sax. hebbau, eleoare. 252 PROMPTORIUAI PARVULORUM. bryddys, or skyis, or other lyke, K. hovun in eyjire, as byrdys, or askyys, h. as birdis, or askes, p.)' Supervolo, supervolito. Hovyn' on hors, and a-bydyii'.- Sirocino, kylw. (HucHE, K. Cista, archa.) HwYR, cappe (hvyr, k. hure, ii. huwyr, p. hurwyr, j. w.)^ Tena, c. F. et UG. in teneo. HwKSTARE(hukstei-e, k.)** Auxio- nator, auxionatfix, auxionarius. HuKSTARE of frute. Colibista. HuLKE, shyppe.'^ Hulcus. HuLLOwRE, idem quod horel, supra-^ ^ This word is evidently synonymous with hover. The reading " skyis " is question- able, but SKYE occurs hereafter in the sense of a cloud. See the earlier Wicliffite ver- sion, Deut. xxxii. 11, "As an egle forthclepynge his bryddis to flee, and on hem houynge {super eos voittans," Vulg.) 2 This verb is used in this sense by R. Glouc. p. 218; Chaucer, Troil. B. v. ; Gower, and other writers. Fabyan speaks of Jack Cade, 1450, as " houynge at Blackhethe ;'' and states that at Bosworth, " some stode houynge a ferre of, tyl they saw to the whyche partye the victory fyll.'' In the description of that conflict, as given in the song of Lady Bessy, by Humphrey Brereton, Richard says, " I myselfe will hove on the hill, I say, The fair battle I will see." page 44. •' See the note on howe, or hure, heed hyllynge. 4 " Auccionarius , a hukstere : Auccio, ekynge : Auccionor, tomerchaunt, and huk.'' MED. " I hucke, as one dothe that wolde bye a thing good cheape, le harcelle and Je marchande." palsg. Junius derives huckster from the Dutch Hoecker, a retailer, because he endeavours to hook, or draw in strangers ; but it seems to be allied to the Ang.-Sax. eacan, augere, because he sells at a higher price than the first dealer. In Friar Michael's Satire on the people of Kildare, written about 1308, the huckster ap- pears to have been a female victualler. " Hail be 3e, hokesters, dun bi Jjc lake, Wi|' caudles and golokes and )^e pottes blak, Tripis and kine fete and schepen heuedes.'' Harl. MS. 913, f. 8, b. In the oath of the beadle of the ward, and of constables, according to the Customs of London, is the following clause : " Ye shalbe no regrater of vitale, nor none huxter of ale, nor partiner with none of theym." Arnold's Chron. 93. " Ilucster, a man, qxio- quetier : Hucster, a woman, quoquetierc.''' palsg. " Howkstar that sellcthe meate and (Irynke, cavjio." klyot. ^' Regrateiir, an huckster, mender, dresser, trimmer up of old things for sale. Revendeur, a huckster, or regrator. Maquiynon, a hucster, broker, horse-couiser." cotg. * In the version of Vegecius, Roy. MS. 18 A. XII. it is said that warfare^ by sea should be suspended after the equinox, when " grete vcssellcs made for the nones (for aventure of mcrchaundise) as carickes, dromondis, hevy hidkis, grete cogges, and shippes of toure,"' may venture forth ; but (he captain, who must lead his troops in " small and light vessels, as galeies, barges, fluynnes, and liidlyngers,'' is dissuaded from the attempt. B. iv. c. 39. W'alsingham relates that in the engagement between the Duke of Bedford and the French, 14Ui, " cepit tres caricas, ct ttnnm fiulkaw, et qua- tuor baliiifjtirias.^' Camd. 394, " Hulke, a shyppe, hevrcque.''' palsg. " Orque, a hulke, a huge ship." cotg. ^ This term of rej)roach is used by Rob. Glouc. and Chaucer, W. of Bathe's Prol. 5836 ; and again in the I'ersone's Tale, as follows : " If he repreve him uncharitably of PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 253 HuLwuR, tre (huluyr, k. p.y Hulmus, hulcus, aut huscus. HuMLOK, herbe. Sicuta, lingua cams (intuba, p.) HuMMYNGE (hunynge, s.) Beuma (^secundum Levsay, s.) HuNDRYD. Centum. HuNDRYD tyraes. Cencies. HuNGYR. Fames, esuries. Hungry. Fameliciis, esuriens. Hungryn', or waxyn' hiuigyr (wax hungry, s.) Esurio. HuNTARE. Venator. HuNTYNGE. Venacio, venatus. HuNToN. Venor. HuRDYCE, or hustylment (hurdyse, H. p. hustysment, k. vstylment, s.)2 UtensUe (^suppellex, p.) Hurl, or debate. Sedicio, c. f. HvRLERE, or debate maker. Se- diciosus, c. F. Hurlyn', or debatyii'.^ Incursor, c. F. HuRLYNGE, or stryfe. Incui'ciu, C. F. C07lflictUS. HuRTE, or hurtynge. Lesiojesura. Hurt, or hurtyd. Lesus. HuRTUN, or harmyn'. Ledo. Hurt(el)ynge (hurtlynge, k.) Collisio, contactus. Hurtelyn', as too thyngys to- gedur (herthyn, h. hurcolyn, s.) sinne, as, thou holour I thou dronkelowe harlot ! and so forth." In the version of Vegecius, Roy. MS. 18 A. XII. it is said of the selection of soldiers, that "fishers, foulers, runnours, and gestours, lechours, and holours ne shulde not be chosen to knyghthode, ne not be suffred comma nyghe the strengthes, — for this maner of menne with her liistes shulle rather nasshe the hertes of warriours to lustes, thenne hardenne theim to fighte." B. i. c. 7. In the Towneley Myst. the words holard and horell occur. " Thise dysars and thise hullars, Thise cokkers and thise boUars, And alle purs cuttars, Bese welle war of thise men." Processus talentorum, p. 242. " Holier, houlleur ; dibauche, luxurieux.^' roquef. See Ducange, v. /fo/e/-ii. 1 The holly is still called in Norfolk hulver, and in Suffolk iiulva ; it seems to be the tree which is called by Chaucer "an hulfere," in the Complaint of the Black Knight. Skinner supposes it may be so called from its holding or lasting long, Aug.-Sax. feor, longe, or holding fair, as being evergreen. " Houx, the holly, holme, or hulver tree. Petit hoH.v, kneehulver, butchers broom." cotg. Holland, in his translation of Pliny, speaks of the " holly or hulver tree." B. xxiv. c. 13. 2 In Coer de Lion " hurdys " are mentioned repeatedly, lines 6127, 39G9 ; " hur- dices," K. Alis. 2785, but evidently signify barricades, palissades, or large shields termed pavises. See Ducange, v. Hurdicmm. It may in the sense above given have been used metaphorically. 2 In a satire on the studies of the Dialecticians of the times of Edw. I. it is said, " Whan menne horlith ham here and there, Nego saveth ham fram care." Polit. Songs, ed. Wright, 211, " Y was hurlid, and turned upsodoun {imptdsus eversus sitm, Vulg.) ^at y schulde falle doun, and he lord took me up." Ps. cxvii. 13, Wicl. version. John Payne writes to his master, John Paston, regarding the trouble that befell him in Cade's rebellion, 1450, " and a-none aftyr y' hurlyng the Byshop Rosse apechyd me to the Quene." Past. Lett. i. 62. Horman says of troublous times, " in that whorlynge of the worlde 254 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. hurchyn togeder, p.y Impingo, coUido. Hurron', or bombon as bees, and other lyke (hurryn,or bumbyn as ben, K. hurren or bumbyn or been, or other hke, p.) Bomhizo. HusBONDE,iV/e»i qrwd hosebond, supra (husbond of gouernawnce, K. man of gouernaunce, p.- Pa- terfamilias.^ (HusBONDE, wedded man, p. Mar it us, J. w.) HusBONDYN'jOrwyselydyspendyfi' worldely goodys. Dispense, ico- nomico, c. f. vel prudenter dis- pensare. HusBONDYS brothere. Liissus, c.f. HusKE of frute, or o]jer lyke. CorticiUus,cuUea, vein claudo, folliculus, CATH. et c. F. acinus vel acinum, c. f. HusKE, fyshe (husk, fishe, k. h. husk of fyshe, s. p.)-^ Squa- mus, c. F. squarus, cath. HusKE of a note. Nuci, UG. in noceo (iiauci, s.) {temjtorum novitate) I wiste nat what to do. Hurrelynge, murmura,'" " I hurle, I make a noyse as the wynde dothe, ie Iruys.'''' palsg. ' " Collicio, to-gidur hurtlynge. Collisus, to-gidur hurtled." med. The sounds produced by the minstrels at a marriage, described in William and the Werwolf, were so varied and powerful that the hearers might think " J^at heuen hastili and erhe schuld hurtel to gader, So desgeli it denede that al )>er)>e quakede." p. 180. This word is of frequent occurrence in the Wicliffite version. " The litil children were hurtlid togidere {colUdebaniur, Vulg.) in her wombe." Gen. xxv. 22. See also Mark ix. 17 ; Dedis xxvii. 41. In the Golden Legend it is said of the final Judgment, " the seuenth sygne, the stones shal smyte and hurtle togyder." It is used by Chaucer, Spenser, and Shakespeare. - In the version of Macer's treatise of the virtues of herbs it is said of honysuckle, " if he beehyues be anointed with )'e ius of her leeues, \>e. been schalt not goo a-way ; be housbondes kepe her swarmes in tyme of yere by suche anoyntynge.'' Hardyng says of the taxation imposed by Rufus, which sorely oppressed the commons, " A kyng woteth not what harmeth housbandrye, Housbande to pill and taxe outrageously." Chron. c. 125. " An husband, edituus, iconimus, incola, paterfamilias." cath. axg. " This smythe is a good housbande {mcsiiaiyier), for I herde hym beate with his hamer to daye afore foure of y*^ clocke. Husbande, a Ihriuyng man, »wc.wa^ier. Husbandes house in the countre, or maner place, metayrie." palsg. Ang.-Sax. hus-bonda, domus mayister. 3 " Sfjiiarus, fjuidam piscis ; et dicitur a nquamd, quia nqttamis acutr/s sit, unde et ejus cute lignum pol it ur." cath. Pennant states tliat the rough skin of the Squalus squat ina, Linn, or Angel shark, was used by the ancients to polish wood and ivory, according to Pliny, ix. c. 12; and that in England the skin of the greater dog-fish, cat- fish, or bounce, Squalus canicula, Linn, called in French rounsete, is applied to the same purpose. Zool. iii. pp. 87, [)9. This last appears to be the species here called the huske. Palsgrave gives " husse, a fysshe, rousette ,'' and Cotgrave explains rousset to be " a little ruddie dog-fish." " Squatina, a soole fysshe with a roughe skynne, wherewith fletchers doo make theyrarrowes smoothe." klyot. In N. Britain the Cyclopterus lumpus, Linn, the luinj), or sea-owl, is called hush-))addlc, in Germ, see-haess, lepuii viariuus. See Janiieson. Com]iare Teut. hesse, cuius. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 255 Huspylyn', or spoylyn' (spolyyn, H.y Spolio, dispoUo. HusTYLMEXT (or hamevs, or hur- dyce, supra.y^ Utensile, supellex, HuswYFE. 3Iaterfamilias. HuswYFERY. Yconomia. Huge, or grete. Magnus. (HuTCiiE, or whyche, supra in HOCHE.3 Cista, archa.) Iagge, or dagge of a garment."* FractiUus, cath. Iaggyd, or daggj'd. Fractillosus. ^ To huspil, in the dialect of Shropshire, signifies to disorder, destroy, or knock about. See Hartshorne's Salopia. In old French houspouillier, or harpailleur, im- plies a thievish marauder, " homme qui vole les yens de la campagne, vagabond.'^ ROQUEF. " S^houspiller Vun I'aittre, to tug, lug, hurry, tear one another," &c. cotg. Compare gaspiller, which, according to Menage, has the same origin. 2 " Suppellectilia, hustelment." med. This term is used in the original MS. by the first hand, in Bodl. Libr. of the earlier Wicliffite version ; " Thou shalt anoynt of it the tabernacjle, &c. and the candelstik, and the hustilmentis of it (utensllia, Vulg.)" Exod. sxx. 28. It occurs in several documents connected with the Eastern Counties. Joanna, relict of Sir T. Hemgrave, made, about 1421, a will under constraint of her second husband, devising to him personal effects and a sum of money, " 1150 marcs, with other jewel and hostelment that were mine other husbands goods and mine," as stated in her protest. Hist, of Hengrave, 93. John Hakone of Wyne- ton makes the following devise in 1437 ; "I wyll that alle necessaries and hustylments longyng to myn howsehold, that is to sey, to halle, chaumbyr, and kechene be disposed to the use of my wife." Norwich Wills, Harl. MS. 10, f. 267. In the Paston Letters, ii. 26, are mentioned " gonnes, crossebows, and quarells, and alle other hostelments to the maneur (of Caistor) belonginge." 146i), 9 Edw. IV. In 1492 Robert Parker be- queaths to his wife all his " hostiliaments, utenselys, and jowellys, to his house per- taining." Cullum's Hawsted, 17. The word seems to be taken from the old Fr. oustillement, roquef. " Outillemens, stuffe, movables, household furniture, or im- plements." COTG. 2 Sir John Maundevile says of the Ark of the Testimony, " that arke, or hucche, •with the relikes, Tytus ledde with hym to Rome, whan he had scomfyted alle the Jewes." Voiage, p. 102. By Chaucer the word is written " wiche." Caxton, in the Boke for Travellers, says of household stuff, " these thinges set ye in your whutche (Jiuche) or cheste ; your jewellis in your forcier, that they be not stolen." " Archa, a whycche, a arke and a cofyre. Archula, a lytelle whycche. Cibuium, a mete whycche. ('iso hat fled wi)> J^er godes to J>e ilde of Seuerne, And ^at wer in he ilde duelled J'er for drede, Untill ^e Kyng turned, and his wrath ouer 3ede." R. Brunne, p. 56. In another passage, p. 151, he relates that Richard Coeur de Lion took possession of two islands in the Mediterranean, one " that ilde hight Labamare," which is described as situated in the straights of Messina; and another "ilde" called " Griffonie," meaning, perhaps, Sicily. In Kyng Alisaunder the word " ydle," as printed by Weber, seems to be the same word, varying by local pronunciation. " Euerych ydle, euerych contrey, He hath y-soughth, par ma fey ; An ydle he passeth y-hote Perfiens." 5908. 3 The verb to imp, Ang.-Sax. impan, inserere, and the substantive imp, a graft, scion, or young shoot, occur in the Vis. of P. Ploughm. 274G; and are used by Cbaucer- Of what kynd of ympe in gardein or in frith Ymped is, in stocke fro whence it came. It sauourith euer, and is nothyng to blame." Ilardyng's Chron. c. 98. 260 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Impynge (or graffinge, p.) In- sertura. In, of herboroghe (or herborwe, K. inne, p.) Hospicium, diver- sorium, c. F. In AM EL YD.^ Inamelatus. See also Seuyn Sages, 574. " Imicio, impynge." med. "An impe, ubi a grafte." CATH. A>'G. " Ympe, or graffe, insita, intscita.'' Vocab. Harl. MS. 1587. "Impe, a yonge springe. Impe or grasse, /;(?6^«/'<7^e." palsg. " £w;;c'a?/, an impe to graffe." COTG. Among the disbursements of Tlios. Lucas, Sol. Gen. to Hen. VII. when Little Saxham Hall was erec^ed, 1507, is a payment " for setting stokkes for grafFes, impesof cherys, damsayns, and filberdes." Rokewode's Hund. of Thingoe, 145. See Nares. ' The application of enamel to every description of ornamental work in metal was much used in England from the Anglo-Saxon times, until the XVIth cent. The number of existing specimens is, indeed, small; owing, probably, to the precious metals having been most frequently employed for enamelled works, which have been melted down to form ornaments suited to the successive changes of fashion ; but an- cient wills and inventories, especially the lists of crown jewels printed in the Kalendars of the Exchequer Treasury, afford abundant evidence of the profusion of enamelled jilate and jewellery in England. There may be but insufficient evidence to show that the earliest works of this kind, such as fibulte, and minor personal ornaments, were executed by British artificers ; but the character of ornament which is presented by them, the mention that is made in early records of the skill of our countrymen, and the distinctive term of Opus Anglicannm, to designate their ornamental works in meia!, give to such a supposition a high degree of probability. A specimen of interest pre- served in the Brit. Mus. appears by the legend to have been the ring of Ethelwulf, King of Wessex, from 83G to 858, father of Alfred. See Archseol. vii. pi. xxx. It is of gold, and appears to be properly an enamelled work, the held, according to the ordinary pro- cess of the earlier period, being chiselled out to receive a vitrified metallic compound of a dark blue colour, which was fixed by fusion in the cavities formed by the tool, and set off the design produced by those parts of the metal that had been left in relief. Another mode of workmanship, in some degree analogous, appears in the jewel at the Ashmolean Museum, attributed to Alfred ; a specimen recently discovered in London, Archaeol. xxix. pi. x. and a few other instances. In these a semi-transparent substance, wliich a))])ears to be rather a vitreous paste than a true enamel, tills the spaces in the field of the design, the outline being formed, not by chiselling the solid metal, but by means of thin fillets of gold, attached to the surface of the plate, and serving to detach the variously coloured ])ortions of the design. At a later period the pre eminent skill of the enamellers of Limoges caused their work to be highly esteemed in other coun- tries. It aj)pears that the tomb of Walter de Merton, Bp. Rochester, 1274, was made by Magister Johannes de Limogia, who came to England for the purpose. See the Executor's Accounts, Thorpe's Cast. RofF. 1!)3. At the Reformation this memorial was destroyed ; but the enamelled effigy in Westminster Abbey, representing Will, de Va- lence, who died 1290', if not the work of Jolin of Limoges, affords an interesting spe- cimen of the art practised at that place. The prevailing use of ornaments of this nature ajjpears also from the Constit. of Will, de Bleys, 1221), and Walt, de Cautilupe, 1240, Bishops of Worcester, prescribing, among the sacred ornaments to be provided by the ))arishioners, " ij. ]iijxides, una anjentca, vel ehurnca, vcl de ojiere Leinovitico, hi (jud /lostio! reserventur." Wilk. Cone. i. 6"23, 6G6. Several of these exist ; but the most curious enamelled ornaments of this period, as connected with England, are the small shrines called cqfri Lemovicen.ses , on which is rejiresented the martyrdom of St. Thomas of Canterbury. One of these is in the possession of the Ant. Soc. and another at Here- ford Cathedral. Enamel was likewise made available for the decoration of sepulchral PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 261 Inamelynge. Inamelatura. Inbrowdyd (inbrowdred, j. w.) Intextus. Inbrowdyd clothe (inbrowdred, p.)' Frigia, catii. et c. f. Inche. Digitus, pollicium, kylw. (pollex, p.) Ingres. Incrementum, excre- mentum, cath. excresc(^ens)ia (^augmentum, p.) Incresyn', or moryn'. Augeo, adaugeo, augmento. Ingres E, or grow or wax more. Accresco, cath. excresco. Indawngeryd. Indomigeratns. Indentyd. Indentatiis. Indentynge. Indentacio. Indenture. Indentura, ciro- grnphus, UG. in grama. Indyfferent, neyther fuUe of Jjb to partye, ne])er of tothere (ne])er of ]>e to party, ne of J)e toJ>ei", K.) Indifferens. Indyte letterys, as clerkely speke (or clerkly spech, s.) Dicto. Indytyd, as clerkly speche (in- dy ted or endited of clerkly speche, P.) Dictatus. Indvtyd be lawe, for trespace. Indictatus. (Indityn fortrespas, k. indyte, p. Indicto.) Indytynge of clerkly speche (as clerkly speche, p.) Dictamen. IxDYTYNGE, or indytcment for trespas. Indictacio. Indwyn, and yeve warysone. Doto. Indwynge. Dotado. (Ingyne, supra in engyne.) Inheryte, or receyve in herytage (inerytyn, or receyuyn to eri- tage, K.) Heredito. Infectyn, orbrynge to sekenesse, as menne take wythe pestylence, or as leprys done hele menne be brethe, or other towchynge (as lepers doj> hole men, s-) Injicio. Informyn, ortechyn'. Informo, instruo ; et alia sunt infra, in kennyn. (Ingroton wythe mete or drynke, supra in groton.) Inioynon, or put to, and chargyn' to be done (puttyn to a charge to be downe, s. inioynen, p.) Injungo, impono. Inyoynyd (inionyyd, k. inioyned, p.) I)2Junctus. Inke. Encaustum, c. f. vel i7i- caustum, cath. attramentum. brasses, to a much greater extent, probably, than might be supposed from the few ex- amples that have been preserved. In the XVth cent, the older process of chiselling out the design was abandoned, and a mode of enamelling, wholly superlicial, came into general use ; it appears to have been first adopted in Italy, but was practised for more than a century, in the greatest perfection, at Limoges. Chaucer speaks of " fine ena- maile " and gold " amiled." Rom. of Rose. Spenser uses the word " aumaild," and in some documents the word is written " anelyd." Compare anelyx, or enelyn me- talle, above. Horman says that " goldsmithes use annuelynge, and gravynge, utiintur toreutice .■" and Palsgrave gives the verb " I ammell, as a goldesmyth dothe his worke. Your broche is very well amelled, vustre deuise est fort bleu es^maillie. I enauudl, «'6." See 'Wharton's Eng. Poetry ; Ducange, v. Esmaillator, Limogia, Smallum, Sfc. 1 Imbkowdyd, MS. " Friffia dicitur quedani t^estis que alio nomine dicitur acu- picta." CATH. 262 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Inkehorne. Attramentarium, c. F. incaustorium. Inmeuable. Immohilis. (Inniolf, threde to sow wythe schone or botys, infra in ly- NYOLF. Indula, licinium.) Innocent. Innocens. (Inoynted. Immctus, p.) Inpoysyon, or poysnyn (poysyn, K. s. inpoysen or poysen, p.) I71- toxico. Inprentyd (imprentid, or im- pressyd, K.) Impres.sus. Inprentyn (iraprentyn, k. s.) In- primo. Inprentynge. Inpressio. (InQ VERYD, «w/)o mWEL TETCHYD. Moi'osiis, bene moingeratus.) Insesun, or seson, or worldely goodys (iiisesyn in werdligodys, K. or sesun some, &c. p.) Insesino. Insyght (insythe, k.) Inspexio, circumspeccio. (lNSNARLYD,Jw/>-airalNTRYKYD.) Inspyracyone. Inspiracio. Instoron' (wythe nedefulle thyngys, or astoryn, supra.) Instauro. Instrument, or toole. Instru- mentum. Insuryn', or make suere (svyrte, K.)' Assecuro. Intencyone, or mevynge (sic, s. intent or menynge, k. p.) In- tencio. Interdyte. Interdicttis. Interdite, or interdytement (in- terdyten, s.) Interdictum. Interdytyn'. Interdico. Interlarde, of fet flesche (inter- layed of fat flesshe, p.) Abdomen, KYLW.CATll.C.F.etVG.inhosf.io. Interloge of a pley.^ Prelu- dium, interludium, cath. Interpretowre, or expownere. Interpres. Intycyn, or steryn to doon a dede (or tycyn, clc. s.) Incifo, instigo. Intrayle, or yssu of a dede becste (intrelise, K. intralyze, H. intralyce, p.) Intesti(n)um ; et alia infra in issu. Intrykyi), or insnarlyd. Intri- catus, illaqueatus. Intrykyn', or snarlyn'.^ Intrico, illaqueo. * Chaucer uses the word to ensure in the sense of affirming by word of mouth ; it had also that of betrothing, or promising in marriage. " I ensure, I trouthe plyght, as man and a woman togyther, ie fiance. I lierde saye they were maryed, or euer I knewe they were ensured togyther, I insuer by maryage, id. Howe, saye you be they maryed so gone, I wyste nat that they were insured yet. I insuer, ie promayts, ie assure.'" palsg. In Henry Vlllth's Primer, l.'J4.'), in the lesson at matins, the following verse occurs: " The aungell Gabriel was sent from God into a cytie of Galile named Nazareth, to a virgyn which was ensured to a man whose name was Joseph." Luke i. 27. '^ On the subject of interludes much information has been brought together by Mr. Payne Collier, in his Hist, of Dramatic Poetry. In the XVth cent, they were much in fashion, and a special clause of exception is made in the Stat, of Apparel, 3 Edw. IV. 1463, in favor of " ministrelles, e( jouers en lour entreludes." It was only in l.')42 that it was enjoined that no plays or interludes should be acted in the churches. " Interlude, moralilc." palsg. 3 Chaucer speaks of one " that love most entriketh," (Assemblie of Foules) and the word is likewise used by Gower, Conf. Am. IV. It is evidently taken from the French PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 263 Intrykynge. Illaqueacio, in- tricacio. Inveyne, or vayne. Vamis, in- vanus. Inveynly, or wythe owte pro- fytte (inveyn, or wit owtyn profyjt, K. profyth, s.) Vane, mvanum, inutiliter. Invenymyn. Veneno, cath. Invye, or envye. Invidia, invi- dencia, c. f. Invyouse. Invidus, c. f. Invysyble. Invisibilis. (loBBYX wythe the bylle, supra in byllyn'.)' Ioglyn' (iogelyn, k. p.) Pres- tigior, CATH. UG. et c. f. loGULOWRE (iogulour, K. ioge- lowre, p.)2 Miinus, cath. et \JG. jjrestigiator, CATH. et UG. in magi, et c. f. hisfrio, cath. loGULYRYE, or iogulment (iogul- " Intriguer, to intricate, insnare, involve, intangle." cotg. "I entryke, I hynder or lette. He that is entryked {empeschS) with worldly busynesse is nat mete to be a studyent." PALSG. See Ducange, v. Intricare. Ital. " intricare, to intricate, to intangle, to inwrap, to garboile." florio. See snartn, or snarlyii. ' To job signifies in the East Anglian dialect to peck with the beak, or with a mat- tock ; and is used in the former sense by Lestrange and Tusser, who directs boughs to be stuck among runcival pease, upon which they may climb (February's husbandry.) " So doing, more tender and greater they wex. If peacock and turkey leave jobbing their bex." Holland, in his version of Pliny, B. x. c. 18, says that birds that "job and pecke holes in trees,'' are of the race of spights, martins, or wood-peckers ; and speaks of " wood- pecks, or jobbers," c. 29. " Becquer, to pecke or bob with the beake. Becqiiade, a pecke, job, or bob with a beake. Hocher, to shake, jog, job, nod." uotg. " Sitta, a bird called a nutjobber." gouldm. Willughby, in his Ornithology, describes the nut- hatch, or nut-jobber, Picus cinerevs. Ash gives to job, in the sense of striking suddenly with a sharp instrument, as the word is used in Shropshire. See Hartshorne's Salopia, ^ In Domesday mention occurs of the joctdator and the joculatria; regis, T. i. f. 38, b. and 162: Ang.-Sax. geojelere, />re*/?^2a/o?-. The juggler and the minstrel are, as Wharton observes, frequently confounded together. Music formed a part of the en- tertainments provided by both, and it was not, perhaps, until the XIA'th cent, that the two denominations were properly distinguished. The juggler was called also treget- TOWRE, a term which occurs in the Promptorium. His performances were very varied, comprising sleight of hand, tricks of all kinds, tumbling, and buffoonery. Strutt has collected much information on this subject in his Sports, B. iii. c. iv. Chaucer, in the third Book of Fame, seems to distinguish the jugglers from the minstrels and musicians, and speaks of them as playing with magicians, " tragetours, and Phetonisses, charnie- resses,'' &c. ; but in the Rom. of the Rose he mentions minstrels and jugglers, as if their performances were similar. He repeatedly alludes to the wonderful tricks which were exhibited by them. " Balatro, a yogelowre. Pantomimiis, a iogeloure. Paras- citaster, id.'^ med. " To iugi\]e,j'jculari. A iuguler, gesticuUitor, is;c. ubi a harlott. A iugulynge, gesticulacio,jocamen.'^ oath. ang. Hornian says, " The iugler carieth clenly under his gublettis, jirestigiator scite visum hulijicat cum accept abulia. A iugler with his troget castis {vaframentis) deceueth mens syght." " logelour, batel- lecr. logelyng caste, passe, passe. I iogyW, ie ioue de pas pas. Mathewe iogyled y* cleanest of any man in our dayes. I iuggyll, &c. ie iougle.'' i'ai.sg. In the Northum- berland Household Book, 1511, a reward of O*. 8d. is appointed "to tlie Kyngs iugler, if he haue wone." See Essay on ancient Minstrels, Percy's lU'liques, i. xcii. 264 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUAt. rye, k.) Prestigium, cath. et UG. in magi, pancracium, UG. et CATH. mimilogium, UG. in miinus. loYE. Gaudium, gloria. loYE, and gladnesse yn chere. Leticia , jocunditas, e.vultacio. loYE yn herte. Jubilus, jubilacio. loY, or pley })at begynnythe wythe sorow, and endythe wythe gladnes (ioye or myrthe ])at be- gynnyt wit sorw, (Src. k.)' Co- media, cath. loY, or pley J)at begynnythe wythe gladnesse, and endythe wythe sorow (and grevowsnesse, s. ioye or myrthe \>at be-gynnyt wit gladnes, &c. k.) Tragedia, CATH. loYN, or make ioy (ioyin, k. s. ioyen, p.) Gaudeo, jocundor, let or, exulto. loYXYN, or ionyon. Jungo, com- pagino, pango, conjungo. loYNTE. Junctura. loYNTE, or knytty(n)ge to-gedur, what so they be (knyttynge to- gedur of what thyng so it be, K. cutting togeder, p. puttynge, w.) Compago, compages. loYNTE, or hole of the knokylle bone (cleped the whirlebone, K. p.) Ancha, c. f. et hie di- citur whyrlebone. loL, or heed (ioUe, k. s. p.)^ Caput. loLY. Vermis, lascivus, c. f. re- dimitus, gaudiosus. loLYTE. Verrumcia, c. F. las- civia, c. F. gaudiositas. Ion, propyr name (lone, s. John, p.)"^ Johannes. (loNE, proper name, H. p. Jo- hanna.) loNYowRE (iojTiour, p.) Com- paginator, pactor, archarius, arcularius, brit. et UG. in arceo. ' See PLEY, hereafter. 2 " Brancus, a gole or a chawle." Vocabulary, Harl. MS. 1002. Skinner gives " Jowl, caput, paruni defiexo scnsu ah A.S. ceole, yaiice*, hoc a Lat. gula ; hinc a jowl of ling nobis appellatur non tantum caput sed etiam (esophagus.^' The term is applied likewise to the heads of other kinds of fish, as the sturgeon. " lolle of a fysshe, teste." PALSG. " A jole of fi&h, fauces piscium. Joll, as of salmon, &c. caput.'" gouldm. Compare chavymjone, or chawlbone. An extraordinary prescription, the chief in- gredient being a fat cat, is gipen in Sloane MS. l.'JTl, f. 4H, b. '* for bolnynge vndur \>e chole." In the Master of Game mention occurs of the " iawle bone " of a wild boar. Vesp. B. XII. f. 34, b. " Bucca, mala inferior, 8fc. the cheeke, iawe, or iowll." Junius, by Higins. 3 This proper name was anciently used as a term of contempt, especially as applied by the Reformers to the lower classes of the Romish priesthood. See Todd's note on Spenser, Sheph. Cal. May, 309 ; Dr. Wordsworth's Remarks on the Life of Lord Cobham, Eccl. Biog. i. 2G.5. John Bradford, writing to his mother, in 15.53, on the revival of Popery, says, " now let the whoremonger ioy, with the dronckard, swearer, couetous, malicious, and blynd bussard Syr lohn, for y*^ masse wil not bite them, nei- tlier make them to blushe as preaching woulde.'' Martyrs' Letters, p. 292, orig. ed. In Rcliqu. Ant. i. 1, an instance occurs where the priest is termed Sir John, early in XVth cent. ? ^' Ian, as Jeau, John, also a cuckold. " Ian de l/lanc, the consecrated bread, tearmed so by the Calvinists. Ian yipon, a gull, sot, ninny, fop, cokes.'' cotg. PROMPTORIUM FARVULORUM. 2G5 loPPE, or folte.' Joppus, c. f. joppa. Topper YE, or foltery. Jopperia. loiiowRE (or iurowre, infra.) Su- surro. IoROWRYE(iorory, p.) Susiirrmm. lowEL, or iuelle. Jocale, clino- dium, KYLW. (jnonile, p.) JovELERE, or iuelere (ioweller, K. p.) Jocalarius. (Iowyn' wythe the bylle,as byrdys, supra in byllyn', et in iob- BYN. Hostro.) lowNCYNGE, or gretc vngcntylle mevynge (iownsynge, or geiitil- mevynge, K. ioyuncynge, s. iont- inge, p.^- Strepitus. lowpE, garment.-' Jupa, necc. lowE, or chekebone (iovwe, s.) Mandibula. lows of frutys, or herbys, or other lyke (iowse or iwse, k.) Jus, succus. lowTYS, potagc* Brassica, kylw. vel bfissica, kylw. cum c. f, juta, coMM. (hrastica, p.) 1 Compare iavel. In N. Britain a bigheaded, dull, lazy-looking fellow is called a Jupsie. See Jamieson. Coles gives " Jobelin, a sot, or fool." 2 To jounce signifies in Norfolk " to bounce, thump, and jolt, as rough riders are wont to do." FORBY. Shakespeare uses " jauncing " in a similar sense. Rich. II. v. 5. " lancer vn cheval, to stirre a horse in the stable till he swart with all ; or as our to jaunt ; (an old word.)" cotg. •* Neccham, in his Treatise de nominibus utensilium, written early in the Xlllth cent, describing the ordinary dress of the master of the family, when at home, says, " perhendiiiaticrus {li asuiurner) jiipam habeat pemdatam (fure) et tunicam (cote) manubiis {munches) et birris (geruns) munitani et manubiatam,''^ &c. Titus, D. xx. f. 7, b. When mounted for the journey he was to wear the capa, with sleeves and hood. The jupa appears to have been a long garment worn by all classes, secular and religious, and both sexes. See Ducange. It was loosely made, for Chaucer uses the comparison " riueling as a gipe ; " but the diminutive term jupo7i seems to imply that the military garment so called, which fitted the person closely, was a kind of jupa. Chaucer mentions the gipon as part of the attire of the knight, Cant. T. Prol. v. 75, and Knight's T. v. 2122. A full account of the jupon, or guippon, will be found in Sir S. Meyrick's Treatise on Military Garments worn in England, Archseol. xix. 236. la Ly beaus Disconus the garment is termed a " gypell." In N. Britain a kind of short cloak for women, as also a wide coat, is termed a jupe. ■» Sir John Maundevile says of the monks of Mount Sinai, that they drink no wine, " but jif it be on principalle festes, and thei lyven porely and sympely, with joutos and with dates." Voiage, p. 71. In the Vision of" P. Ploughman, Wrath describes himself as having been cook in a monastery. " I was the Prioresse potager. And maad hem joutes of janglyng." 2787. Gower speaks of Diogenes gathering " ioutes" in his garden ; in the context they are called "wortes." Conf. Am. B.vii. Numerous recipes for preparins joutes occur in books of ancient cookery : in a curious collection in the possession of Sir T. Phiilipps is the following: " Nou greybe we loute Uore, of moui muchel y-wylned. \e oleue bete, and sclarie hokke i-boilled and wel i-bakked in an crouhhe clene y-washon. Hakke ioutes gentil and veire ; do to jeohen ouer N fure grece of pork, hakke saffron, and peopur," cS:c. XlVth cent. MS. Heber, 833G. The metrical recipe in the Liber cure cocorum, Sloane MS. \WG, p. 97, gives a longer list of pot-herbs for compounding CAMD. SOC. - M 266 PnOMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Ipocrysye. Ipocrisis. Ipocrite. Ipocrita. Iruepreu ABLE.Irreprehensibilis. Iryne. Ferrum. Irkesoum (irksum, k. p.) Fas- tidiosus. I r K ES UM N ES s E. Fastidlum. Irkyn'. Fastidio, accidior. IsYL of fyre.' Favilla, ug. in scindo (cATH. p.) IsYLKAKE, or chesekake, oi* ey- kake bakyne vndyr askys.'- Fla- micia, comm. IsopE, herbe. Isopus. Issu, entre. Ingressus. Issu (or, K. p.) owt-gate. Exitiis, egressus. Issu (of) a slayne beoste (flayn, s.)-"^ Intrale, vel in plur. intralia, enteria, extum, ug. in suo. IvE (ly, s.) Judeus. lucE, idem quod iowce, supra. (luELLE, supra in iowel.) Ivel spekare. Maledicus, c. f. maledica. Iewesse. Judea. Iuge, or domysman. Judex. luGEMENT, or demynge. Ju- dicium. Ivy. Edera. IvYL, or wykkyd. Mains, iniquus. IvYL, or wykkydnesse. 3Ialum, iniquitas. [vYL, or sekenesse. Egrihido, in- firmitas. luNYPYR, tro. Juniperus. joutes, " cole, borage, persyl, plumtre leues, redde nettel crop, maliies grene, rede brere croppes, auans, violet and prymrol." These were to be ground in a mortar, and l)oiled in broth. Compare the directions for " Eowtus of flesshe," and " Jowtus of Almaund mylke," Forme of Cury, pp. 13, 45. Joutes are given under the head of " Potage dyuers," Marl. MS. 279. See also Julius, D. viii. f. 91, 94. Sloane MS, 1571, f 3G,'b. " lowtes, hec Inppates.'''' cath. ang. See Ducange, v. Jutta. Armoric, Joud, puis. ' G. de Bibelesworth, in the chapter on domestic matters, lighting the fire, &c. says, " Va (juere brcses en vne teske (a pot schoord.) — Gardcz vos draas de falemecclies (from hiseles.)" Arund. MS. 220, f. 302, b. The MS. in Public Li])rary at Cambridge, according to Reliqu. Ant. ii. 84, gives the reading ^'^ flamnecches, liuyssels." " Est scintilla proprie accensa, favilla vero ea.'- tincta, a ysel." med. '■' Fa'cilla, i. scintilla, ysyle or sperkell. Versus: Ardet scin- tilla, non ardens esfo favilla.'^ ortus. " A iselle,./ari7/a, or a sperke." cath. ang. Ang. -Sax. ys\e, /avilla. Bp. Kunnett has the following note amongst his Gloss. Coll. Lansd. MS. 10.i.'5 : " Isles, embers, hot ashes. Lane. Easles, in Essex. Icelandic, Eysa, cinis it/nitus.^' This word is still used in N. Britain : see Jamieson, v. Aizle, Eizle, or Isillis. 2 Eykake is a cake compounded with eggs. Compare ey, ovum. Flamicia signifies a Fr-AWNE. See the note on that word. 3 In stat. 12 Ric. II. c. 1.3, 1338, it is ordered that the "fi/mes, et autres ordures des issues et entrailles sihien dcs bestes tuez, come des autres corrupcions," cast into the ditches adjoining to towns, shall be removed, under a penalty of X'20. In the English version the word here is rendered " garbage." Stat, of Realm, ii. 59. In the Office of the Celleresse of liarking, the " yssucs of the larder " are explained to be the hidfs, inwards, and tallow of oxen, ike. which were sold, and of which she was cliarged to rcMilcr an account, (^ott. MS. Nero, 1). viii. Mon, Ang. i. 81. " Z,w issues d'vne beste, the head and intrals of a beast." COTO. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 267 Ivor, or ivery (iwr, or iwery, ii. yvory, s. iuyr, p.) Ehur. luRDONE, pyssepotte.' Jto'danus, IvRYE, where Ivys dwelle (Iwry, s.)^ Judea, Jtulaismus. luRYSDiCTioN (or an auctorite, r.) madella, c. f. madula, c. f. urna. Jurisdictio. • '^Madula, lordeyne or pisse-potte. " med. "A lordane, madula, madellum, minsarium.'''' cath. ang. Walsingham relates the appropriate punishment imposed upon a quack physician, who was compelled to ride through London with his face to the horse's tail, his neck garnished with " ducE ollce, quas lordanes vulgo vocatnus.'^ A.D. 1382, ed. Camd. 288. Holinshed, who calls him "a coleprophet," terms them " two iorden pots.'' Chron. iii. p. 440. Chaucer speaks of urinals and "jordanes" (Pardonere's Prol.), and if not identical, they seem to have been similar in form. See the marginal sketch in Sloane MS. 73, f. 138, b. where it is said, in the directions for preparing vermillion, "take a good thicke lordan of glas," which, after being well covered with luting, was to be used as a sort of crucible. It is precisely of the same shape as the glass vessel usually held by the leech, or water-doctor, in ancient representations. The word is found in the Vision of P. Ploughman, and is used by Shakespeare. Skinner thinks it is not derived from the name of the river Jordan, but from Ang.-Sax. jor, sordes, and den, receptaculum ; an etymology which has been adopted by the author of the Craven Glossary. The derivation from Armoric, dourden, urina, has also been sug- gested. Blount states that the Jordan was a double urinal, but offers no explanation. - The Jewish community being regarded as the property of the Sovereign, is termed in ancient records " Judaismus Regin, Judaismns noster, or commimitas Judoeorum nos- trorum : " and the Jews were bound to reside only in royal cities and boroughs. See " Les Estatutz de la Jeuerie," t. Edw. I. Stat, of Realm, i. 221. They were marked by a badge, and although it does not appear that they were compelled to dwell in one part of a city, appropriated to them , as is the Ghetto in the cities of Italy, yet they seem to have congregated in a district, probably on account of the detestation in which they were held, and it is remarkable, that although more than five centuries have elapsed since they were totally expelled by Edw. I. in 1290, the memorial of their settle- ments in many cities in England is still preserved in the local name of Jewry. M. Paris speaks of the Judaismus at Worcester, which was ravaged by Rob. de Ferrars in 120'4 ; and Rob. of Glouc. says of the great outrage at the accession of Richard, Coeur de Lion, " Ther was many a wilde hine, that prest was ther to, And wende in to the Gywerie, and woundede, and to drowe," &c. p. 435. R. Brunne uses "Juerie" in a like signification. See Chaucer's account of the " Jewerie " in a Christian city in Asia ; Prior. T. 13,419. Besides the Old Jewry in the metropolis, there is still the Jewry at Canterbury. Leland speaks of the street at Win- chester, leading from the High Street to the North Gate, " caullyd the Jury, by cause Jues did enhabite it, and had theyr synagoge there," Itin. iii. f. 71, and says of Warwick, " The suburbe without the East-Gate is called the Smithes streete ; I hard ther that the Jues some tyme dwellyd in it." Itin. iv. f. 1G5, a. In ancient deeds relating to Warwick "theJurye" is mentioned, and the Jury street still exists. At Lynn, where the Promptorium was compiled, the Jews had formed a numerous settlement at an early period, and there is still the Jews' street. Blomf. Norf. iv. 578. In low Latin tho part of a city reserved for the Jews was called Judcearia, Juderia, Jutaria, or Judun. m Yrendi Jnierie, Jnirie, or Juterie ; wherein, in some countries, they were compelled exclusively to dwell. See further of the early settlements of the Jews in England m Dr. Tovey's Anglia Judaica, and Caley's Observations, Archseol. viii. 389. 268 PROMPTOKIUM PARVULORUM. luRNALLE, lytylle hoke, Diurnate. luRNEY.^ Dieta. luRXEY, of walkynge. Viagium. I u ROW RE (iurrour, K. p.) idem quod lOROWRE, supra? (IvRROWRY, H. p. or iorowrye, supra. Sustiriiuia, cath.) lussELLE, or dyschelle, dyshemete (iuschel, or dishel, s.)-^ Jussel- lum, COMM. I us TARE. Hast'dusor. lusTYN wythe sperys. Lancino, CATH. hastiludo. lusTYNGE. Hastiludus, hastilu- dium. lusTE, potte.^ O(e)noferum, c. f. (cath. p. Justa, s.) lusTYCE. Justiciarius. Iustyfyyn', or make rygh(t)efulle (rythfuUe, k.) Justlfico. luwERE (iver, n. ivvere, s. iuwr', p.) Remedium. 1 Dieta, according to the Catholicon, signifies a day's journey : the term occurs in this sense in Bracton and Fleta, where it is said that " omnis rationahilis dieta constat ex xjc. milliaribus." Chaucer uses the word in tliis sense, Knight's T. 2740 ; Chaucer's Dream, 1945 ; and also in that of a day's work, Rom. of Rose, 579. Journey had also the signification of a day's conflict, in like manner as the expression " the day " is used at present. Thus in the Paston Letters it is said of the Battle of St. Alban's, 1455, that " alie the Lordes that dyed at the jorney arn beryed at Seynt Albanes ; " and the en- gagement is termed " the male journey " of St. Alban's, meaning, apparently, the dis- astrous battle. Vol. i. 108,110. See Jamieson, i>. Jorneye. In Norfolk, Journey implies the time a man is at plough, about six hours ; if he works nine, two Journeys are taken. - In the Catholicon susurro is rendered nmrmurator, and susurrium, murmur, latens locntio. Both the English and Latin words are here evidently onomatopeias, and in like manner the sound produced by different birds is termed jurring, or jarring. In the Liber vocatus Femina, MS. Trin. Coll. Cant., amongst the noises of animals, it is said that " Colure ierist, et cok chatint, coluere iurrut, and cok syngejj." To jurre signifies also to strike harshly against any thing, in which sense it is used by Holland, Pliny, B. ix. 30 ; Livy, p. 9'J3. Cotgrave gives " Bocquer, to butte or jurre. Heurter, to knock, push, jur, joult, or hit violently against.'' Jamieson gives jurr as signifying the noise of water falling among loose stones. •* Jusselle was a compound of eggs and grated bread, with saffron and sage, boiled in broth. The name seems to have been taken from the ancient dish called Juscellum by Apicius. See directions for making " Jusshell '' in the Forme of Cury, pp. 28, 97 ; Harl. MS. 5401, p. 198. The Liber cure cocorum supplies, under the head de Potaffiis, the following metrical recipe for " lusselle." " Take myud bred and eyren J>ou swynge To horn to-gedur wyth out lettyng ; Take fresshe brothe of gode befe, Coloure hyt wyth safron hat is me lefe ; Boyle hyt softly, and in )>o boylyng Do her to sage, and persely 3oyng." Sloane MS. 1986, p. 58. Elyot gives " Minutal, a meate made with chopped herbes, a iussell." See Ducange V. t/us.iellum, andJuscellum. " JosscI, an hodge-podge. North." Grose; Craven Dial. 4 ppotte, MS. " Obba, qnidam vas liqiiidorum, Aiu/lice a iuste.'' mkd. " Ono- pkoruin, a crostell, or a wyne |)ott('. Junta, olla motiac/ii.'' ortus. According to Ducange the term justa demesuralis occurs in the signification of a certain measure, by which wine was served to the monks. So likewise in the Consuetudinary of Evesham, j)rinfed by Dugdalc from the document in tiic Augmentation Office, the "junta" is PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 269 Kable, schyppe rope. Curculia, CATH. rudens, c. f. restis, catii. Kace, happe. Casus. Kace, of closynge.' Capsa. Kace, or casse for pynnys (or nedelys, h. p.) Capc.ella. Kacchyn' a-wey (kachyn, k.)- AbigO, CATH. (Kahchynge, or dryuynge, k. h. katchynge, p. 3Iinaius.) Kage. Catasta. (Kake, k. h. p. CoUrida, torta.') Kalendere. Calendarium, Kalendys. Kalende, plur. Kallyn', or clepyn'. Voco. Kampyn'.^ Pedipilo. Karde for wuUe. Cardus (c.f. dicit quod cardi sunt pectines ferrei, P.) Kardyn'. Carpo, catii. Karyyn'. Veho. Quere plura vocabula i>i C. literd, supra, sub hac sillabd Ca in principio dictioyiis. Key of a lok. Clavis. Key, or knyttynge of ij. wallys, or trees yn an vnstabylle grownde (key of stathe, k. in one stable grounde, p.)-* Loramentum, CATH. et c. F. vel cuya, secun- dum communes cartas. Keyage, or botys stondynge. mpatum, UG. in D. Kekyyn', or priuely waytyn' (kekyn, k. h. s. p.)-^ Intuor, observo, c. f. (^sjieculor, k.) Kelare, vesselle. Frigidai-ium. (Kei.are, infra in kymlyne.) named as the measure by which drinks were at certain seasons to be served by the cel- lerer. Mon. Angl. i. 149. Roquefort states that the Juste contained about a pint, but the Jida, which Ducange considers as synonymous, is accounted to hold two quarts. * Clothynge, MS. and s. The other MSS. and Pynson's edit, give closynge. Compare CASE, of closynge. 2 Katchyn, MS. See cachyn' a-way. Compare Teut. Ketsen, seciari, cursare. In Arund. MS. 42, f. 11, b. it is said that Cajnllun Veneris " mundefyeh be lunges, and J>e breste, and cacchet" out wykede materes in hem;" aud that " margery perles — wastyn, and fordon, and cacchen out of \>e body wykede humors ; " f. 12, b. 3 See campyn'. In ancient deeds cited in the Hist, of Hengrave, p. II, mention occurs of " le camping close," near Fornham St. Genevieve, where Montford, Earl of Leicester, was defeated in 1173 ; and the name has been supposed to have some con- nection with that occurrence, but more probably was given to a close apjiropriated to camping, the favourite game of the Eastern counties. Sir Tlios. Brown gives to kamp in his list of Norfolk words. Tusser speaks of the game, in December's Husbandry, as beneficial to grass land. In a publication by M. Stevenson, 1673, entitled " Norfolk drollery," is a poem in reference to this ancient game, and it is fully described by Forby. t Loramentum is explained in the Catholicon to mean boarding or frame-work com- pacted together, as in the construction of a ceiling. Stathe, which here is found only in the King's Coll. MS. occurs hereafter, as follows, stathe, waterys syde. Stacio. It signifies a landing-place for merchandise, or quay, and several instances are found at Lynn and Hull. Ducange, v. Caya, rejects Spelman's derivation of this word ; " Kaia, area in littore, e compactis tabtilis trabibusqiie, claviuin instar, fiiinata. Sax. cics," clavis, which, however, here appears to be the correct etymology. " Key to knytte walles toguyder, clef." palsg. s Kkuvyn', MS. Compare waytyn, or a-spyyii. Observo. Chaucer uses tlie vert> to kyke in the sense of gazing with a fixed look. Nicholas is thus described, when, to deceive the carpenter, he pretended to be distraught, or in amazement : 270 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Kelyn', or wax colde be hyt selfe (kelyn be \>c self, K.) Frigeo, CATii. frigesco. Kelyn, or make colde. Frigefacio. Kelle.i Reticulum, retiaculum, CATH. et UG. in teneo (reciolum, s. p.) Kemyn' here. Como, cath. Keme wuUe, or othere lyke. Pec- tino. Kemynge of here, or wuUe. Pec- tinacio. Kempe eel (^sic, k. h. s. p.)- Kempe of herynge, or spyrlynge. Kempte. Pectinatus, comptus. Kempstare. Pectrix. " This Nicholas sat ever gaping upright, As he had kyked on the newe mone." Miller's Tale, 3445. Brockett and Jamieson give to keek or keik, to look with a prying eye, to spy narrowly. Su. G. kika, intentis ocuUs videre. Compare Teut. kijcken, Belg. kyken, spectare. 1 " /?e&t corage wil falle to be an heirere of nature with litel makynge," &c. Vesp. B. xii. f. 65. From this passage it might be supposed that harriers were originally so termed as being well adapted for close pursuit, and not from their being specially used in hunting the hare. Roquefort gives " harier ; jjresser, harceler, poufsuivre.^' In " Dame Julyans Bernes doctryne, in her Boke of huntynge," it is said, " Thyse ben the names of houndes. Fyrste there is a Grehoun(de), a Bastard, a Mengrell, a Mastif, a Lemor, a Spanyel, Raches, Ke- nettys, Teroures, Butchers houndes, dunghyll dogges, Tryndeltaylles, and pryckeryd currys ; and smalle ladyes popees that here awaye the flees, and dyuers smale fawtes." Sign. e. ij. \°. ed. 149G. Roquefort gives " chiennet, chenet ; en has Lai. chenetus," as signifying a little dog ; and the term occurs in the satirical Anglo-Norman poem, descriptive of the lady of the XlVth cent, and her dogs, who, as it is said, ''jjtus ad cher un kenet ke nul vache hou tor." Rel. Antiqu. i. 155. " La troverez les kenez sayllaunz cum grifiloim, E les graunz leverez raumpanz cum li/oim." Harl. MS. 209, f. 7. b. In the ancient romances the kenet is mentioned as used in the chace of the deer, and the wild-boar. See the descriptions of the hunting parties of King Arthur and his knights, in the Anturs of Arther, st. iv. ; Avowynge of King Arther, st. vi. ed. Robson, pp. 2, GO. They here appear to have been led in couples, and used witli the liounds called raches, and berselettes, besides greyhounds. It seems, therefore, that they were the smaller dogs, which served to find the beast of chace, and on that account kenet is here rendered reperarhis. Venaticus is rendered in the Ortus " a sjianycl.' J' A kenit, catiiculus." oath. ang. See also Syr Gawayn and the Grene Knyjt, line 1701, ed. Madden. Palsgrave gives " kenet coloure, ce?jrfrt'." - In the Vision of P. Ploughman the verb to kenne repeatedly occurs in this sense. See also Syr Gawayn and the Grene Knyjt, line 14y4 ; TowneUy Myst. pp. 'J, 10. 3 Will. Worcester uses the term kenning to denote a distance at sea, pp. 171), 313 ; 272 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. (Keo, or chowghe, supra in CADAW, et infra in koo, BRYD. 3fonedula.) Kepare, Custos, conservator, conservatrix, Kepare of an howse. Edituiis, editua. Kepare of an howse, or an howse holdare. Paterfamilias. Kepyn'. Custodio, servo, conservo. Kepynge. Custodia, observacio, observancia. Ker, where treys growyn be a watur or a fenn.' Cardetum. (Ker for aldyr, ii. p. A/netnm.) Kerche, or kyrchefe.- Peplum, terestrum, cath. Jiameum, c. F. Jiameolum, comm. and it appears from Leland that 20 miles was accounted as a kenning, probably, as the extreme distance within ordinary sight. " Scylley is a Kennyng, that is to say, about a XX. miles from the very Westeste pointe of Cornewaulle." Itin. iii. f. (j. See also f. 13. In the North, according to Brockett, half a bushel is called a kenning. ^ In the Mayster of Game it is said of the Roe, " They hauntene in strange hattes of wood, or in stronge hethys, and somtyme in carres, and comonly in hie contrees." Vesp. B. XII. f. 32, b. John Crane, of Norton Subcors, Norwich, bequeathed to his wife, in 1484, " all the londs, merys, marysses, alderkars,'' &c. in Norton. Transcripts from Registers at Norwich, Harl. MS. 10, f. 195, b. Camden, in his Remains, under Surnames, explains car as signifying " a low waterie place, where alders do grow, or a poole." Car signifies in Norfolk, according to Forby, a wood or grove on a moist soil, generally of alders. Brockett gives carr, flat marshy land, or a small lake. So like- wise Leland, in his description of the N. Riding, says, " there is a praty car or pole in Bishop's Dale."' Itin. v. f. 116. He speaks repeatedly of "low medowes, and morisch ground ful of carres." Itin. i. f. 40, 66, 74. In Lord North's Household Book, 1512, a warrant is given for taking swans from the carre of Arrom, in the lordship of Lekin- field, Yorkshire. See Jamieson, v. Carse, and Kerss. Compare aldyrkyr, in the Promptorium. Su. G. kaerr, Isl. kaer, palus. ' The kerchief, derived from the French couvre chief, or crevechi, a covering for the head, the heafod-claS of the Anglo-Saxons, was, until the XVIth cent., almost an in- dispensible portion of female attire. Illuminated MSS. and monumental effigies present an endless variety of the fashions of its arrangement. R. Brunne, describing the flight of the Empress Maud from Oxford across the frozen Thames, 1142, says that she wore only her smock, but her features were decently veiled. (Langt. Chron. p. 122) : " Wijjouten kirtelle or kemse, saue kouerchief alle bare vis." See Coer de Lion, 1031. Chaucer, in the Man of Law's Tale, calls it a " kercher," and alludes to the usage that the widow should conceal her face with the " coverchefe," as so frequently seen on sepulchral effigies. Wife of Bathe's Prol. 6171. The kerchief was formed of silk, crape, or any thin tissue, which, when necessary, was rendered stiff" by starch. See starch e for kyrchcys. The material termed " plytes " seems to have been imported from Flanders or Germany. Isabella Belgrafe beeiueaths, in 1401, "iij. peces^am', videlicet ij. de serico, et ']. de kryspe ; " and in 1402 the wife of a tanner at York mentions her ^^ flameola de threde ; \].flameola de cipres, et j. lampas volet." In the will of Isaliella de Wyleby, 1415, she devises "Jtameoliwi de krexpe ; j. plice de lawnd ; ]. Jtnmeolum de Pari/.ise ; flanieuluni de Rei/n.t,'^ itc. and to the nursery women of Raby Castle, where she died, '^ rottiliim de flameulo de colon." Testam. Ebor. i. 280, 289, 383. The material called plitcs is named in the Compotus for the collection of the subsidy on importations to Hull, 1400 : " M.Vu]'' flammeoV vac' PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUAf. 278 Kervare be-forne a lorde.' Esca- rius, CATH. cironomon, dist. Kervare, or kuttare. Scissor. Kervare, or gravowre. Sculptor. KERVYjj'or cutton'. Scindo, cath. seco. Kervyn', or gravyn'. Sculpo. Kervynge, or kuttynge. Scissura. Kervynge, or gravynge, Sculp- tura. Ketyl, or chetyle, or caudrone. Cacabus, lehes. Ketylle HAT.2 PeJUrisy VG. in pello, galerus, comm. plites vaV xxj. /«." Frost's Hist, of Hull. The stat. 3 Edw. IV. c. 5, forbade the sale, after Mich. 1465, of " ascune laime, nifels, umple, ou ascun autre rnanere dez couvre- chiefs doiint le price d^un jjllfe passera a:.s.:" these were of foreign manufacture. " Amiculum, a bende or a kerchyff." med. " Multicium, testis subtilis, a sylken cote, dikerchev, factum de ser'tco.'" ort. In Pynson's Boke to lerne French are given "a kyrcherr, ung kermterchief; a neckyrchiar, ung collerette ; " and Palsgrave has " cour- chefe, quevuerc/iief " Kerchiefe worne with a paste or roUe, tcenia. Kerchiefe worue vpon the head, chekes, or eares,yoca/e.'' huloet. Compare volypere, kerche. ' " Cironomon (a keruere) mensis, lectis assistit aleptes (a surgyone, or a chamber- leyne.)" Distigius, Harl. MS. 1002, f. 113. The functions of the h-ertcAea^or, or ecj^V^*" trenchant, at the table of the sovereign or noble, were regarded as of an honourable nature, and regulated by prescribed ceremonial. The details thereof may be learned from the Household Ordinances of the English Court, published by the Ant. Soc. ; the ceremonial of theinthronization of Abp. Neville, 1466, Leland, Coll. vi. ; the order for the government of a nobleman's house, 1605, Archseol. xiii. 315, and similar docu- ments. At the coronation of Hen. IV. the office of carver was claimed by the Earl of Somerset, half-brother to the King, in right of his earldom of Lincoln ; and on ordinary occasions the office was discharged by Bannerets, or Knights bachelors, who were called Knights of chamber, or, in their absence, by the Knights of household. See Liber Niger Edw. IV. Househ. Ord. 32. The Lords Henry Neville and Clinton were the Chief carvers at the court of Hen. VIII. 1526 ; and at all times the office seems to have been held by men of rank, and was conferred by patent. See the Treatise de scissura ciborum, et servicio dominorum diversis teiiiporibits, Sloane MS. 1986, t. Hen. VI. especially the chapter de culte/lis domini, in the Treatise de officiariis in curiis domi- norum, which has been edited by Mr. Halliwell for the Percy Soc. Boke of Curtasye, p. 28, The minor details of the craft are given in the Boke of Kerving, W. de Worde, 1508. " Karuer afore a Prince, Escvier trenchant. I kerue as a lordes karuer dothe at his table, le trenche. I put the towell aboute a karuer or seruer's necke, that shall serue a greate man at his table, le encolle la touaille." palsg. The proceeding to which allusion is here made was conducted with ceremony, and was termed arming the carver ; see Leland, Coll. vi. 7 ; Archseol. xiii. 332. At certain times both the carver and sewer performed their services kneeling on one knee, as represented in the illumination which exhibits the death of Earl Godwin at the table of Edw. the Conf. Vitell. A. XIII. Strutt's Regal Ant. pi. 2. 2 Pe//Jrw appears to have been a helm of leather, which was called also a palet, a word occurring in the Promptorium. By Uguitio it is explained to ha\e been " galea ex corio vel pelle," to which, in the Ortus, is added, '' Anglice, a helme of lether. Ga/era*, a coyfe of lether." lb. Sir W. Langford, in 1411, bequeaths to his son a " haberion," and a " ketill hatte," which is considered by Sir S. Meynck to have been identical with the visored capelline, or steel hat, represented in Crit. Enquiry, ii. pi. 4n. It would appear from the Promptorium that the kettle hat was e.\clusively formed of leather ; it is, however, probable that the name was likewise given to the chapel de fer, or capellus ferren.i , used from the time of Edw. II. until the XVIth cent, the form CAMD. SOC. 2 N 276 PROMPTORIUM I'ARVULORUM. Kyppyn', idem quod hynton, supra (hentyn, k. heuyn, p.)' Kyppyxge, or hyntynge (hent- ynge, k. p.) Raptus. Kyptre of a welle.- Telo, c. f. et CATH. ciconia, c. f. {te- lena, k.) (Kyrchefe, supra in kerche.) Kyrnel of frute.'^ Granum, gra- nelhim. Kyrnel of a notte. Nucleus, CATH. UG. in noceo, nncuhcs, c. F. Kyrnel, or knobbe yn a beeste, or mannys flesche (knoble, s.)'* Granulum, glandula, c. F. Kyrvyn', or grubbyn' {svpra in delvyn, K. kyrmyn, s. kyrryn, p.) Fodito, c. F. et CATH. J'odio, CATH. Kyrstyone, or Crystyone, propur name (Kirstiane, k. Kyrstyan, or 1 The verb to kippe, signifying to snatch up hastily, occurs frequently in Havelok : " And Robert kipt ut a knif long, And smot him thoru the rith arm." 2407. See also lines 894, 1050 ; and K. Horn, 1208 ; R. Glouc. p. 125 ; R. Brunne, &c. It is still in use in the Northern dialect. See Brockett and Jamieson, v. Kep ; and Bp. Kennett's Coll. Lansd. MS. 1033 : "To kep, or cep, Bor. to catch, as, kep the ball." " To kep, vide to catch." gouldm. Ang.-Sax. cepan, Teut. keppen, cajitare. 2 The Catholicon gives the following explanation : " Telonem hortulani twcant lignum quo hatiriunt aqnam, a longitudine dictum ; hoc Hispani ciconiam dicunt, quia imiteiur avem illam rostrum levantem et deponentem : hujus lignum modo saepe fit super puteos." Horman says, " the buckette is of fro the swepe or flayle, and failed into the welle ; nrnula ciconie siz^e teloni e.rcidit." The term seems to be derivable from Ang.-Sax. cepan. In the North the hooks by which a pot is suspended, a contrivance somewhat similar to the telo for raising water, are termed kilps, or pot-kelps, according to Ray. " A kylpe of a caldrone, perpendictdum.'" cath. ang. See Brockett and Craven Dialect, v. Kelps. 3 G. de Bibelesworth says, speaking of eating an apple, " La pepigniere (the skore) vous engettez. Si Ics pcpignes (he kurnelles) ne plaiaitez.^' Forby states that kernel signifies, in Norfolk, a grain, as " a kernel of wheat, a kernel of salt." The archaic use of the word, as denoting grain, appears in the Ortus : " Granum, yJnglice corne, a kyrnell. Granellum, graynes, or a lytel kyrnel. Gramino, to borionne or kyrnell. Grano, i. grants implere, to kyrnell." " A kyrnelle, e«?er of herdis)," where three of the MSS. give " stobil," and the earlier Version " sparke of a flax top {fav'tUa .stupcp,'''' Vulg.) Ang.-Sax. h\xx\e, fistula. > — gnaste, or a kandel. Enamctura, ms. " Emuvgo, id est sordes avferre de naso vel candeld, to snuffe. Emunctorium, a snufFynge yron." ortus. In the earlier Wic- cliflSte version in the Bodl. MS. by the first hand, Isai. i. 31 is thus rendered : " And 30ure strengthe shal ben as a gnast of a flax top {favilla stupce, Vulg.) and joure werk as a sparcle {scintilla),^' where the corrected reading of the ordinary copies, instead of " gnast," is " deed sjiarke," in the later version " deed sparcle." " Lic/ii- num, gnaiste or knast of a candell. JJchinvs, gnast of J'e candyl." med. " Lichinus, candell weyke." ortus. In the Winch. MS. this word not only occurs in its proper place, but is repeated at the end of the letter K after the word kuny, as follows : " KNASTE, or gnaste off a candel. Muco. Versus; Est tiasi muco, candcle sit tihi miico." This was perhaps a marginal addition, misplaced by the transcriber. Compare Dan. gnist, Swed. gnista, Icel. gneisti, scintilla. 2 The term knave long retained the simple meaning of the Ang.-Sax. cnafa, puer : thus, in the Wicliftite version, ^^ peperit filium mascuhim,"' Vulg. is rendered " sche here a knaue child." Apoc. xii. .'). Chaucer says of Griselde, " She a daughter hath ybore, All had hire lever han borne a knaue child." Clerk's Tale. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 279 bytyn' (knavyn, or gnavyn, s.) Corrodo. Knavynge, or gnavyiige (^sic, s. knawynge, k. h. p.) Corrosio. Knee.' Genu. Knedare of paste (or pastare, s.) Pistor, et plura alia infra in M. mooldare. Knedyn' paste. Pinso, VG.pistrio. Knedynge. Pistura. KxELARE. Genicidator, genu- flector, geniculatrix. Knelyn'. Genicular, CATW. ge- niculo, CATH. genrijlecto. Knelynge. Genvjlectio, geni- culatus. Knyfe. Cultellus, culter (^cul- trum, p.) Knyllynge of a belle.^ Tintil- lacio. Knygmte (knyte, K. knyth, h. kny3ht, s.) 3Iiles. Knyghte awnterows (knyht a-ventowrs, s.)-* Tiro, c. f. et CATH. (brit. s.) Knyghte-iioode. Milicia, ti- ronia. Knytte. Nodatus, nexus, con- nexus. Knyttyn' a knotte. Nodo,necto, connecto. Knyttyn' yn wylle, or cumnawnte (knyttyn to-gedyr in wyle or comnawnt, k. cvnaunt, h. co- nawnt, s. couenaunt, p.)-* Fe- dero, confedero. In Arund. MS. 42, f. 26, it is said of Carduns that it is " on of J>e noblest mete ]>at is for )>e matrice ; wommea desyren it, for it disposith hem to haue cnaue children.'' " A knafe, hie et hec calcula, garcio.'" cath. ang. " Knaue, quocquin, tiillam." palsg. 1 Kene, MS. kne, k. s. Palsgrave gives the following curious observation, to illus- trate the use of the verb to kneel : " The men of this countray knele vpon one knee whan they here masse, but y*^ frenche men knele vpon bothe.'' - In W. Thorpe's recital of his examination by Abp. Arundel, 1407, he states that when cliarged with having preached heresy at St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, he made answer, " As I stood there in the pulpit, busying me to teach the commandment of God, there knilled a sacring bell, and tlierefore mickle people turned away hastily, and with noise ran fro towards me ;" this circumstance called forth the expression which had been construed into heresy. " I knoUe a belle, fe frapp e du batant." palsg. Ang. -Sax. cnyllan, campand signum dare. Bp. Kennett remarks that in Yorkshire a passing bell is called " a sawl-knill, from Ang. -Sax. sawl, anima, and cnyll, catnpance pul- satio." Lansd. MS. 1033. 3 T)/ro is explained in the Catholicon to be novus miles, noviter electus ad tnilitiam , but implied, perhaps, more properly, the novice in arms, wlio sought occasions for warlike exercise at home and abroad, until his approved prowess should entitle him to the honour of knighthood. See Ducange, tlie Memoirs of St. Palaye, and other writers on chivalry. Scarcely any of the ancient Romances afford a more graphic and stirring picture of the education and adventure of the Tyro than the life of le petit Jehan de Sainlti, written about the period when the Promptorium was compiled. The practice of wandering on the uncertain quest of adventure was by no means laid aside when the novice had won his spurs. '' Knyght of aduentures, c/ieualier errant.'" palsg. ■* The verb to knit is used by old writers in the sense of to unite. Thus in Sloane MS. 3548, f. 99, b. is given an extraordinary nostrum " for to knyt synous )>at are brokyne. Take greyte wormes Jjat are called angeltwycthys, and lat hem dry in )>e sunne, and ben beyte hem to powder, and strew J'at powder in he wounde, and yt shall 280 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Knyttyxge to-gedyr. Nodacio, connodacio, connexus. KxYTTYKGE, or ioj'nynge, or ra- betynge to-gedyr of ij. bordys, or o]jer lyke. (^Gumfus, c.f. s. gumphus, p.) (Knobbe of a mannys hande, or in another part of liim, k. h. knoble, s. knoUe, p.)' Callus, C. F. CATH. Knobbe y^l a beestys backe or breste, )?at ys clepyd a gybbe (knoble, s. knowe, p.) Gibber, gibbus, CATH. Knobbe, or knotte y(n) a tre. Vertex, cath. {cortex, s.) Knobbyd, as hondys or other lymmys. Callosus. Knobbvd, or knottyd as trees. Vertiginosus, verticosus. Knodon (knedid, k.) Pistiis. Knokyl of an honde (knokil- bone, K.) Condilus, c. f. et CATH. Knokylle bone of a legge. Coxa, c. F. Knokkyn' (knollyn, s.) Pulso. Knoppe (or knot, k.)"^ Nodus, fibula. Knoppe, or bud of a tre (burge of a tre, h. p.) Gemma, c. f. (germen, s.) Knotte. Nodus. Knotte yn the fleshe, vndjT the skjTine. Glandula. Knotty. Nodosus. Knotty, wythe-in the flesche. Glandulosus. Knowyn". Cognosce, agnosco, noSCO, CATH. Knowynge. Cognicio, agnicio. Knowlechyn', or ben a-knowe be constreynynge. Fateor. Knowlechyn', or befi a-knowe wylfully. Confiteor. Knowlechynge, or beynge a- knowe. Fassio, confessio. Koo, bryd, or schowghe.^ 3Ione- knytte to-geder. Probatum est sepissime.'^ Palsgrave gives the following verbs: " I knytte a knotte, le none ; Knytte your purse faste, for their be shrewes a brode. I knyt as a matte maker knytteth, le tys, coniugated in I wayue. I knyt bonettes or hosen, /e lassc. I knyt one vp, I take hym vp, I reproue hym, le reproiiche. I knytte vp a mater, I make an ende or conclusyon of a matter, le determine. I knytte vp a man, I holde hym shorte, or kepe hym from his libertye, le tiens court. ^' 1 This term is used to denote in general any swelling in the flesh. Chaucer describes the Sompnour's visage, from which no detergent could remove the evidences of surfeit. " That him might helpe of his whelks white, Ne of his knobbes silting on his chekes." Prol. v. 636. *' Knobbe, or rysing after a stroke, bigne. Kyrnell, or knobbe in the necke, or other where, fflandre.^' palsg. Andrewe Boorde, in the Breviarie of Health, 1575, gives a detailed account of the kinds, cause, and cure of nodi, or " knottes, knobbes, knorres, or burres, the which is in man's flesh or fatncsse ;" c. 109. 2 " A knoppe of a scho, bulla. To knoppe, buUare. A knoppe of a kne, inter- nodium." cath. ang. The word knop, or knob, in its various significations, seems to be derived from Ang. -Sax. cnmp,jufftim, and denotes any protuberance, as a button, a bud, or the head of a sore. "Knoppe of a payre of beedes, horppe. Knoppe of a cuppe, ])omeau de covuerler/ne. Knoppe wede, an herbe." palsg. ' See the note on the word coo, above, p. 84. Ang. -Sax. ceo, comix. In the Gloss PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 281 dula, CATir, ef, c. f. et cetera in C. (nodula, v.) KocAY, priuy. Cloaca. KOCATRICE. BasilisCUS, CATH. et cetera in C. supra (^coca- drilhts, p.) KoK, biyd. Gallus. KoKE, mete dytare. Cocus. KoK EXEY.^ Carinuttis, coconellus, vel cucunellus ; et hec duo no- mina sunt ficta, et derisorie dicta ; deJicius. KoKEREL.- Gallulus (galliuicu- lus, vel gallinellus, s.) KoKYS cooM. Cirrus, c. f. galla, in libro equivocorum? KooTE, garment. Tunica. KoTE, lytylle howse (or coote, or cosh, supra.) Tugurrium, (casa, p.) KuKOW, bryd (kukhowbryd, K.) Cucudis, cucula. KuKSTOLE (for flyterys, or schy- derys.)"^ Turbuscetum, cadurca. on G. de Bibelesworth, " chomve^' is rendered "a co brid." " Koo, a byrde." PALSG. In the nun's lament for her bird, killed by the cat, all the fowls are enume- rated who are to be bidden to the funeral : " the churlyssbe chowgh, The route, and the kowgh : — At this placebo. We may not well forgo The countrynge of the coe." Skelton, Philip Sparrow, 1 " Delicius, pner in deliciis matris nutritus, a cokenay. Collibista, qui recipit munuscula pro nsurd et sen-icio aliqiui, et qui vendit colUbia, et dicitvr a cokenay.'' MED. MS. CANT. The term seems here to signify a little cook. In the Vision of P. Ploughman, line 4371, it had been supposed to have this meaning ; but Mr. Wright, in his Glossary, suggests that it implies some kind of meagre food, as a small cock, which, by comparison with Turnam. of Tottenham, Anc. Poet. ii. 24, and Heywood's Prov. pt. i. 0. xi. seems highly probable. " Coquine, a cockney, simperdecockit, nice thing." COTG. " A cockney, niais, mignot, cailhette. A waspish cockney dame, ffuespine." sherw. " A cockney, or child tenderly brought up ; mammothreptns, vinciolus, pedaffiiim, delitice pr/eri,'' &.c. gouldm. Tusser uses the word in this last sense, as given in the Promptorium : speaking of the nursery, and defects of early training, he says, in his Points of Huswifery, *' Some cockneys, with cocking, are made very fools. Fit neither for 'prentice, for plough, nor for schools." See the note on the word coknay, p. 8G ; and Fuller's Worthies, London. 2 In the Household Book of Sir John Howard, in 1466, is the item, " for yonge kokerelles to make of capons, ix.rf." •' Kockerell, cochef." palsg. 3 The treatise here cited is attributed to .Toh. de Garlandia, and has been printed. MSS. of it may be found in Harl. MS. 4967, art. 18 ; Arund. MS. 52, art. 14, 4 See the note on cukstoke, p. 107, where the reading cukstolle, according to the other three MSS. is probably more correct. The following observation occurs amongst Bp. Kennett's Coll. Lansd. MS. 1033 : " A goging stool, a ducking stool, or cucking stool, called in Domesday cathedra stercoris, properly a gonging stool, gong stool, or gang stool. Sax. Jong stole, sella faviiliaris, a close stool." That such was sometimes its form is proved by the engraving in Boys' Hist, of Sandwich, which exhibits the cucking-stool and wooden mortar used there for the punishment of scolds ; see pp. 500, 785. In a satire on the evil government of the times of Edw. II. it is said, in reference to the corrupt dealings of the assisours, (Polit. Songs, ed. Wright, 345,) CAMD. SOC. 2 O 282 PROMPTOUIUM PARVULORUM. KuNY, or conye of mone (mony, K. keny of mony, s. kuwn, or koyne of money, p.) Num- isma, c. f. et cath. (Kus, xupra in kys.) Nota, quod nnilta vocahula vi- dentu7' hie esse jionenda siib literd K. in principio, ut que incipiunt in Ka. Ko. et Ku. que causa hrevitatis emisi ; sed querenda sunt in C. literd, vhi A. o. V. sequuntur C. im- onediate. Labbe, or he that can kepe no counsel (that can not kepyn non consel, K.)' Anubicus, unuhica, CATH. futilis, CATH. et UG. in fundo. Labelle.2 Lahelluni. " The pilory and the cucking-stol beth i-mad for noht." It seems also to have been called tbewe, as in the Plac. in Itin. apud Cestriam, 14 Hen. VII. cited by Blount, it is recorded that George Grey. Earl of Kent, claimed in his manors of Bushton and Ayton, to punish offenders against the assize of bread and ale, " j)er tres vices per amerciamenta, et quaiin vice pisiores per pilloriain, brncia- tores per tumlrellum, et rixatrices per thewe, hoc eat ponere eas svper scabellvm vocalum a cucking stool." In cases where fine was substituted for the cucking-stool, as a punishment, the lord became liable to the forfeiture of his manorial liberties, as in the case of the Dean of Lincoln, in 1384, who fined transgressors of the assize of bread and ale, in certain of his manors in Derbyshire, whereas ^'' pimieiidi sntit per ftiUormm et tuiiibrellum, et non per amerciamenta ;" for that offence, antl the deficiency of pil- lory and tumbrel, his liberties were seized, and forfeited into the King's hands. Pat. 8 Ric. II. The tumbrel seems to be occasionally mentioned as distinct from the stool, and sometimes as the same mode of punishment, and from the examination of the stool and its carriage still preserved at Warwick, it is obvious that the two might be used either singly or together, according to local usage, and the nature of the offence. An extent of the manor of Marham, in Norfolk, taken about ihe commencement of the XVth cent, states that W. Beleth, who held the chief manor, claimed '■'habere liber- tat em injurch\ tumhreW , thewe, emendacionem forisfacture pintorum, brasiaturum, meniiur\ galone, weyf, et stray ;" and that the Abbess of Mariiam enjoyed the like liberties. Orig. Roll, in the possession of Sir Thos. Hare, Bart. In the XVlth cent, the punishment of the cucking stool was still fully in use : by the stat. 3 Hen. VIII. c. G, as the penalty of fraudulent practices by carders or spinners of wool, the offender was to be " s«tt upon the pillorie or the cukkyngstole, man or woman, as the case Fhall require." Stat, of Realm, iii. 28. In Mr. Beesly's Hist, of Banbury will be found several netices regarding the pillory, " kockestolj," and tumbrell, in use at that place as late as the reign of Elizabeth. Harrison, who wrote his description of England about 1.57;i, says in the chapter of sundry kinds cf punishments, " scolds are ducked vpon cucking stooles in the water." " Cucke stole, aclie u ribanldes.^'' pajlsg. * I/.\ULE, MS. labbe, Ji. s. p. Compare blabbe, or labbe, wreyare of cownselle ; BEWRAYER of counsel, and dyscurer of cownselle. This word is used by Chaucer : " Quod tho this scly man, I am no hibbe, Ne, though I say it, I n'ani not life to gabbe." Miller's T. 3506. Compare the Dutch labben , Belg. lapperen, to blab, or gossip. Labb, Dialect of Exmoor. ' It is not obvious in what sense this word is here to be taken : the Ortus follows the explanation given in the Catholicon, " labelluni, i. jiarrum labrttm, a lytellelyppe." It appears from citations given by Ducange that lahpllns, lambclluis, or lailelliis, denoted a pendant ornament of dress, or the heraldic label, in which sense it occurs in the grant of a crest, 1324, Rym. vii. 763. See the observations of Upton on the differences of I'ROMPTORIUM I'ARVULOKUM. 283 Labowre. Labor (yellahos, s.) Labowrere. Laboratory labo- ratrix. Laboryn'. Laboro. Lace. Fibula, laqueum, Dice. {laquear, k.) Lace of an howserofe.' Laqiie- area, comm. Lacyd. Laqueatus,Jibiilatus., c.f. Lacyn, or spere wythe a lace, Fibulo. Lacynge. Laqueacio, fibulacio. Ladde, or knave. Garcia. Ladde, thwong-e (thounge, k. thang, s.) Ligula. Laddyd. Ligulatus. Lady. Domina, Hera. Ladylle, pot spone. Concus, Dice, cocleur, necc. Ladyn', wythe byrdenys. Onus- tus, oneratus. Ladyn', or chargyn' wythe bur- denys. Onero, surcino, UG. in sarcos. Ladyn', or lay water (say water, s. lauyn water, p.)- Vatilo. Laggyd, or bedrabelyd (or be- laggyd, supra.^ Labefaclus, paludosus., CATH. Laggyn', or drablyii'."^ Palustro {labefacio, P.) Latche, or snekke (lahche, k. lach, s.)** Clitoriurn, vel pes- sufa, necc. (^pesnulum, kyl w. s.) arms termed by him /fw^wte, or lalellce ; Mil. Off. iv. p. 255. Fortescue describes the habit of the Serjeant-at-law as consisting of " roba longa, ad instar sacerdutis, mm capitio penulato circa humeros ejus ; et desuper coUobio, cum duobus labelhdis, qualen uti Solent doctores legum in Universitatibus qnibusdam.'' Laud. Legum Angl. V. 51. This hood with labells, as it is called by Dugdale, appears in illuminations copied from Roy. MS. 19 C. IV. and Harl. MS. 4379, in Strutt's Dresses, ii. pi. 80, 112; and ia the latter, the hood being brought up over the head, the use of tlie labels, which are attached together under the chin, is apparent. There was also a furred hood with long labels, worn by ecclesiastics, representations of which are supplied by the Missal of Philippe le Bon, Harl. MS. 2897, the figure of Will, de Rothwell, Archdeacon of Essex, who died 1361, given by Messrs. Waller, in their beautiful series of Sepulchral Brasses, and other examples. Horman says, in the chapter " De fortund iiafd/' of misfortunes and perils, f. 129, " I wyll recompense the with a labell, reponam appendice quddam;" and Palsgrave gives "labell, /lovppe.^' " Hot/ppe, a tuft, or topping; a tassell or pretty lock. Z/awzfieaM, a labell." cotg. "A labell hanging on each side of a miter, iiifula. Labelles hanging down on garlands, or crownes, letnnisci.'^ HULOET. ' In the Ortus laquear, laqtieare, and laquearium are explained as signifying " Con- junclio trabium in summitate doimts, a seelynge of a howse." - " I laade water with a scoup, or any other thyng out of a dytche or pytte, le pinjse de Veave. I lade, I take in water, as a shyp or bote that is nat staunched, le boy de I'caue.''' palsg. Tiiis verb is used by Siiakespeare, Hen. VI. pt. 3, Act ii. In Sussex and Hants, to lade means to take water from a vessel or pond by a scoop or pail, and in Somersetshire the utensil employed for this purpose is termed a lade- pail. Ang.-Sax. hladan, haurire. 3 Compare be-laggyd. Ang.-Sax. laju, aqua. Ilorman says, " there is rysea a fray amonge the water-laggers, amphorarios." In the Northumberland Household Book, 1511, it appears that the " laggs " of wine, when the cask ran low, were to be made into vinegar. See Jamieson, v. Laggerit. 4 Compare clykett, clitorium ; and snekke. " Lache, or snecke of a dore, lorquel. 284 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Latch ESSE, or tarryynge (lahches, or teryinge, K. lahchesse, s. latche, p.)^ 3Iora, tarditas. Laciiet of a schoo. Tenea, VG. V. in T. Latchyd, or speryd wj'the a leche (^sic, lahche, k. s. sperd with a laspe or latch, h.) Pessulatus. Latchyd, or fangyd, or hynt, or cawjt (lahchid, or takyn, k. fangyd with handes, or other lyke, p.) Arreptus, c. f. Latchyn', idem quod fangyn, supra in F.- Latchyn, or snekkyn. Pessulo. Latchynge, or sperynge wythe a lacche. Clitura, pessulatus. Lay harpe.3 Sambuca, kylvv. (^cithera, si/mpho7iia, melos, s.) Laykyn', orthynge )jat chyldryii* Latche of a dore, clicquette, locquet. Sneke latche, locquef, clicquette. I latcbe a doore, I shytte it by the latche, le ferme a la clicquette." palsg. ' In tlie Vision of P. Ploughman this word signifies negligence, Fr. lachesse. " The lord, of hus lacchese, and hus luther sleuthe, By nom hym al that he hadde." See also line 4.9T3. Chaucer says in the Persone's Tale, " Then cometh lachesse, that is, he that whan he beginneth any good werk, anon he wol forlete and stint it ;'' and uses the adjective " lache," sluggish or dull ; Boec. B. iv. Gower observes that the first and chief point of sloth is " lachesse,'' which has this property, to leave all things in arrear. Conf. Am. B. IV. See Jamieson, v. Lasche. Palsgrave gives the verb " I latche, I lagge, I tary behynde my company, le tarde, and le tarye." - To latch, signifyins; to seize or catch, is a verb the use of which occurs in R. Brunne, p. 120 ; the Vision of P. Ploughm. 1279 ; Crede, 934 ; Cov. Myst. p. 29, &c. Chaucer speaks of a " nette or latch," set by Love to snare birds. In Will, and the Werwolf it is used in tiie sense of embracing : " Certes Sire Jjat is soh, sede Will'm hanne. And lepes li3tli him to, and lacches him in armes." p. 1G3. See also p. 25. In Arund. MS. 42, f. 17, b. it is related how the wood of aloes is obtained, which grows on the mountain tops, near a lake beyond Babylon, and falling into the water, either from age and decay, or blown by the wind, the " folk bat dwellen in \>aX countre, or nere, casten nettys, or ol^er sleyjtes, and lacchyn it, and so it is had." Palsgrave gives the verb " I latche, I catche a thyng that is thro wen to me in my handes, or it fall to the grounde, le happe. If I had latched the potte betyme, it had nat fallen to the grounde." Forby gives to latch as used in Norfolk in this sense ; and Brockett states that it is still retained in the Northern dialect. Ang.-Sax. \?eccSi'a, prchendere. ^ CH/iara is rendered, in the Medulla, " a harpe,'' in the Ortus " a lewte ; " and in the latter occurs " cithnriso, to synge with a harpe." Lay harpe seems here to denote the instrument in its use as an accompaniment to the voice. Tlius Chaucer says, " Thise old gentil Britons in hir dayes Of diners auentures maden layes, Rimeyed in hire firste Breton tonge Which layes with her i'-.strumentys they songe." Cant. T. 11,022, See Tyrwhitt's observations on the derivation of the word lay. Ang.-Sax. ley, canticum. As, however, sambuca is defined by Pupias, and other glossarists, to have the sense of *■' rithara rttntica," lay harp may, possibly, imply the instrument used by the vulvar. The instrument called symphonia, according to Uguitio, was a tamburine. PROMPTOKIUM PARVULORUM. 285 pley wytheJ Ludibile, ug. lu- dibidum, adluricum, vein adri vel adros. Lay, londe not telyd.^ Suhce- tinum, c. f. (suhsennnm, kylw. s.) Lay, man or woman, no clerke. Illiteratus, Icdcus, agramatus, c. F. 'LAK,or die^diwte. Defectus,dpfeccio. Lake, or stondynge watur. Lacus, C. F. et CATH. Lakkyn', or blamyfi' (dyspresyn, s.)^ Vitupero, culpa. ' Laking, signifying a child's toy, is a word still used in the North, as Brockett observes. In the Towneley Myst. Mak tells the shepherds that his wife brings him every year " a lakan," and some years twins. The verb to liyke, Ang.-Sax. lacan, ludere, and the substantive layke, disport, occur frequently in the old writers. See Sir F. Madden's Glossaries to Will, and the Werwolf, and Gawayn ; Seuyn Sages, 3310; Minot, p. 10 ; Vision of P. Ploughm. line 341 ; Townel. Myst. pp. 96', 102, 141. The local use of the verb is noticed in the Cheshire and Craven Glossaries, as likewise by Brockett. Skinner remarks that it is commonly heard throughout the North, a cir- cumstance which he is disposed to attribute to the Danish occupation. Dan. leeger, ludo. Bp. Kennett gives '' Leikin, a sweet-heart, Northumb. ab A. -Sax. lician, placere.'' Lansd. MS. 1033. ^ The Gloss on G. de Bibelesworth gives " ierre frecke, leylond ;'' in the MS. in Sir Thos. Phillipps' collection, " ley3e." " Rns, a leylonde. Ruricola, a tyleare of leylonde." MED. MS. CANT. " iSe/io, a lee lande." ortus. " iVoi'a/e, falowe. Sellio, Anffliceleye." harl. ms. 1002, f. 148. "A leylande, selio, frisca terra. Ley, is- calidus, isqualidus." oath. ang. " Jscolidus, a felde untylde." med. " Lay lande, terre nomiellement labovree." palsg. " Rudetum, lande which hath leyen leye, and is newly put in tylthe.'' elyot. In the poem entitled the Hunttyng of the Hare, it is related how the hare escaped, " and fey r toke up a falow ley," no more to be seen by her pursuers. Ed. Weber, 152. Lay-land, according to Bailey, is fallow or un- ploughed land, and there are many places which have thence derived the name. Ang.- Sax. ley, terra inculta, novate. Forby observes that in central Suffolk a coarse old pasture is called a lay. Compare somyr laylond. Novate. 3 Compare dyspreysyn', or lackyn'. " F^i7(/;je;j«w, blame or lacke." ort. Tolakk, depravare, ice ubi to blame." oath, ang. In the Vision of P. Ploughman, Envy says that when his neighbour met with a customer, whilst he sold nothing, he was ever ready " To lye and to loure on my neghebore, And to lakkehis chaffare." 2736. Chaucer uses the word precisely in the same sense, in Rom. of Rose. Fabyan, in " Lenuoy " of his viith part, excuses himself as unable to adapt his Chronicle to the liking of every reader, " And specyally to suche as haue theyr delyghtynge Euer wyth dysclaunder moste wryters to lacke, And barke whyle they maye, to sette good wryters a backe." " I lacke a thynge, I fynde faute at it, le trouue a redire. I lacke, I wante a thynge, I'ay fautte. I lacke a penne." palsg. Compare Dutch laecken, miiiuere, deterere. Lydgateuses the substantive lack in the sense of dispraise. See his poem to put in re- membrance of virtue and vice, of the diligent and the indolent. (Minor Poems, p. 84.) " Of whiche the reporte of both is thus reserved. With lawdc, or lack, liche as they haue deserved." 286 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Lam, or loom, yonge scheep. Agnus. Lame.' Clandus. Lamyn, oi" make lame. Acclcni- dico (claudico, K.) Lammesse.2 Festum agnorum, vel Festum ad v'mcula Sancti Petri. Lane. Lanella, viculus (venella, K. s.) Lanere.-* Ligula, UG. m tigo. Langage, or langwage. Idioma, lingua. Langdebefe, herbo. Buglossa, cath. lingua hovis. Langelyd, or teyyn' to-gedyr. CoUigatus. Langelyn, or byynd to-geder."* Colligo (^compedio, p.) Languryn' yn sekenesse (lan- geryn, k.)-'' Langueo. LANRET,hauke.7«rc?a}7'M*, KYLW. ' Lame was formerly used in a more general sense than at present. In the Golden Legend it is related that a poor man came to St. Loye, " that hadde his honde styffe, and lame." " Lame of onehande, manchet. Lame of all ones lymmes, ^erc/w*. Lame- nesse, mehaygnete.^' palsg. Ang.-Sax. lam, clandus. 2 On the calends, or first of August, the festival of St. Peter ad vincula, it was cus- tomary in Anglo-Saxon times to make a votive offering of the first-fruits of the harvest, and thence the feast was termed hlaf-msesse, Lammas, from hlaf, panis, and msesse, missa, festum. In the Sarum Manual it is called Benedictio novorum fructuum. " Lammas, a feest, la Sainct Pierre aux lie?ts." palsg. See Brand's Popular An- tiquities. 3 Compare thownge, or lanere. " Liyula, a laynere, et fascia. Corrigia, a thong of lethur, or a layner." med. "Ligula, a leynerde." Vocab. Harl. MS. 1002. "A lander, ligula, ligar. To ]an^e.re, ligulare." cath. ang. " Lanyer of lether, /fl5?»'e'e." PALSG. " ifln^cre, a long and narrow band, or thong of leather." cotg. Magister Joh. de Garlandiii, speaking in his Dictionary of the trades of Paris in the Xlllth cent, says that the Merchants who dwelt on the great bridge sold " capistra, eC lom- baria, vel lombanaria, lignlas el marsupia de corio porcino vel cervino; " where the gloss is as follows : " lignlce, lanieres, velformechaz.^' In the accounts of Luc is le Borgne, tailor of Philippe de Valois, printed by Leber, is the item, in 13.38, " ij . livres de soie de plusieurs couleuTS, pour f aire lanieres pour le Roy." Charles VI. in 1398, in consequence of a change in the fashion of nether garments, granted licence to the chausettiers of Paris to sell " chausses garnies d'aiguilettes on lanieres.^' Leber, Invent. 467. Laniers, usually called points, from the tags with which they were tipped, were much used in ordinary dress, and for attaching the various portions of armour : when so employed they were termed arming points. Archseol. xvii. 2f)6. In Chaucer's bril- liant picture of the preparations for a tournament, the following duties appear to have pertained to the esquires : " Nailing the speares, and helmes bokeling, Gigging of shields, with laniers lacing." Knight's Tale. In Norfolk the lash of a whip is called the lanner, or lanyer, which in Suffolk denotes only the leathern lash. See Forby, and Moore, v. Lanna. ■* In tlie North to langel signifies to hopple, or fasten the legs with a tliong. " Lanyels, side-lanycls, hopples for horses. Yorksh. Dial. p. 44." Bp. Kennett, Lansd. MS. 1033. See Grose, Craven Dialect, and Jamieson. To langle, in Norfolk, irajjlies to saunter slowly, as if it were difficult to advance one foot before the other. '' Sesekenesse, ms. II. Brunne says that Adelard, King of Wessex, abdicated in I'KOMPTOUIUM PARVULORUM. 287 Lanterne. Lanterna, vel la- tei'na, Jncerna. Lappe, skyrte (lappe, barme, K.)' Gtemium {birrus, c. F. s.) (Lappe of the ere, infra in TYPPE. Pinnula, c. f.) Lappyn', or whappyn' yn clo])ys (happyn to-gedyr, s. wrap to- geder in clothes;, p.)^ Involvo. Lappyn', as howndys. Lambo. Lappynge of howndys. Lambitus. (Lappynge, infra mwAPPYNGE.) favour of Uttred his cousin, " and died in langoure ;" p. 6". Chaucer speaks of Damiaa as one that " langureth for loue." Merch. Tale, 9741. Fr. langourir, roquef. ' The word lap, according to many ancient writers, signified the skirt of a garment. Thus G. de Bibelesworth says, " Car par deuant avez eskours (lappes,) Et d'en coste sont vos girouns (sidgoren.)'' It denoted likewise the hinder skirt, as in Seuyn Sages, 899, where the herdsman is described as picking liaws, and filling with them first his " barm," and afterwards " his other lappe." In Emare also, v. 652, Egarye, being cruelly exjjosed with her child, conceals her face "with the hynther lappes" of her large and wide surcote. See moreover Amis and Aniiloun, 988; Chaucer, Clerk's Tale, 8461. In the Life of St. Dominic, in the Golden Legend, it is related that on a certain occasion, when the friars had little bread, there came two young men, " whiche entred into the refectorye or fraytour, and the lappes of theyr niantells y' henge on theyr necke were full of breed," which they gave to the Saint. " Lappe, or skyrt, jryro?*." palsg. " Gaiew?/*, a garment with two lappes, wherof the one cast backward," &c. elyot. Ang.-Sas. lA^^a., fimbria. The word is also used, by analogy, to denote the lower part of the ear : " A lappe of y= ere, cartilagia, legia.^' cath. ang. Horman says that " yf the lappe of the eare wax redde, there is somewhat amysse. Labo rubesce7ite aliquod peccatum est." ^ " Piico, to folde, or lappe. Volvo, to turne or lappe." med. " Obvolvo, to lappe about. luvolutus, i. circumdatus, lapped or wrapped. Involutio, a lappynge in. Epiphio, i. equum totaliter ornare, lappynge of a horse." ortus. " To lap])e, volvere, convolvere. To lapp in, intricare, involvere. A lappynge in,'' &c. cath. ang. This verb is used most commonly in the sense of wrapping, as a garment. See Cheuelere Assigne, p. 101; Wicl. Version, Math, xxvii. 59; Gower, Conf. Am.; Cov. Myst. p. 125. In the Wicliffite version it is written repeatedly " wlappe,"as in Isai. xsxvii. 1, "Whanne Kyng Ezechie hadde herd, he to rent hise cloMs, and he was wlappid in a sak {obvolutus eat sacco," Vulg.) See also Job, iii. 5. ; Mark, xv. 46. John Paston writes to his wife, about 1490, for a plaster of her "fios unguentorum," to be applied to the knee of the Attorney-general, to whom he was under obligation; and bids her write " whethyr he must lape eny more clothys aboute the playster to kepe it warme, or nought," Paston Letters, V. 340. To bi-lappe signifies to surround, or close in. Sir Amiloun in a dream saw his brother Amis " bilappid among his fon " Amis and Amil. 1014. Hampole uses the compounded word " umbilupe " (.\ng.-Sax. umbe, ymb, circvm), as in the Prick of Conscience, where he says amongst the pains of hell, that the " vermyne salle vnibelape haim all abowte." Harl. MS. 69-3, f. 94. Latimer, in his Vth sermon on the Lord's Prayer, says, "Note here that our Saviour biddeth us to say, us ; this us lappeth in all other n\en with my prayer." Palsgrave gives the fol- lowing phrases : " Lappe this chylde well, for the weather is colde, enuelopez bien, &c. Lappe this hoode aboute your head, affable: votis de ce cAaperon." " Plisser, to plait, fould, lap up, or one within another, whence also to plash." ootg. To lap is still used in the sense of wrapping, in Warwickshire. Compare wappox, or hyllyii wythe clothys : Tego ; and wappyn, or wyndyn a-bowte yn clothys : Involvo. 288 PROMPTORIUM PARVULOnUM. Lapwynke, or wype, byrde (lappe- wynge, k. lapwhyng, s.) t/pipa. Larde of flesche. Larda, vel lardum, c. F. Laardere. Lardarium. Laardyd. Lardatus. Lardyn flesche, or other lyke. Lardo- Laardynge. Lardacio. Large, hey, longe, and semely. Procerus., cath. Large. Largus, amplus. Largyn, or make large. Amplio, AmpUJico. Largely. Largiter. Largenesse. Largitas. Larke, byrde. Alauda. Lasche, stroke. Ligula (fici- grum, P.) Lasche, or to fresche, and vn- savery (laysch, h.)^ Vapid us, CATH. insipidus. Lasschyn' (lashyn, supra in betyn, k.) Ligulo, verbero. Laschynge, or betynge. Verier (verheracio, p.) LASTEofalle. Ultimus, novissi- mus, postremus, extremns. Laste, save one. PenuUimus. Late, not redyly. Tarde. Late, tyme passyd. JVttper. Late frute. Sirotinus. (Laten, or laton, metall, p. Au- ricalcum, electrum.^ Latenere, or latennare (latonere, s.) Erarius, cath. aurical- caritis. (Lathe, sup>ra in berne.)^ Lathe, for howsys (latthe, k. p. laththe for howsynge, s.) Tig- nus, vel tignum, com.m. c. f. lafha, KYLW. et necc, tigilhim, c. F. et necc. Latthyn.^ Latho, kylw. Laatyn', wenyn', or deniyn'."* Puto, reor, opinor (reputo, p.) Laatyn to ferme (or ferinyn, p.) Loco, c. F. ' Lash, or lashy, signifies in Norfolk soft and watery, as applied to fruits. Forby derives the word from Fr, Idche. A lash egg is an egg without a fully-formed shell. Palsgrave gives only " lashe, nat fast, lache. Lasshnesse, laxchete.'^ In the North cold and moist weather, when it does not actually rain, is called lasche. Brockett. ■■2 " Horreum est locus ubi reponitur annona, a barne, a lathe. Grangia, lathe or grange." ortus. " Orretim, granar'ium, lathe." Vocab. Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. " A. Isithe, a pot heca, horreum. '' oath. ang. This word is used by Chaucer, Reve's Tale, 408G. Harrison, speaking of the partition of England into shires and lathes, says, " Some as it were roming or rouing at the name Lath, do sale that it is derived of a barn, which is called in Old English a lath, as they coniecture. From which speech in like sort some deriue the word Laistow, as if it should be trulie written Lathstow, a place wherein to laie vp or laie on things." Descr. of Eng. Ilolinsh. Chron. i. 1.5.'J. Skinner gives Lath as most commonly used in Lincolnshire, and derives it from to lade, because it is loaded with the fruits of the earth. Bp. Kennett notices it also as a Lincolnshire word, and gives the derivation Ang. -Sax. t;elaiSian, congrer/are fruges. Lansd. MS. 1033. It is retained in the dialect of the North. See Hallamshire Glossary. 3 Latchyn, MS. This verb occurs after late blod; and is not found in the other MSS. ■» The verb to lete of, signifying to take account of or esteem, is used by R. Brunne, as in the phrases, " l>er of wel he lete — hci lete of him so lite." Langt. Chron. p. 45. In the Vision of P. Ploughm. to lete occurs repeatedly in the same sense, as in PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 289 Laatyn' huly (latjTi haly, k. h. s.p. or asemys, h.p.)' Indignor, dedignor. L A T Y n', or levy n (leuyn or letyn, p.) Dimitto, relinquo, derelinquo. (Latyn, or demyn in word, or hert, s. Arbitror, reor.) Latynt, or sufferyii a thynge to been (to be doon', s.) Permitto. Late blod. Fleohotomo, ug. et KY1.W. Jlegbotomo, kylw. Latyne (spech, s.) Latinum (^Romanum, p.) Latonere, or he )jat vsythe Latyn' speche (Latonyster, or he J)at spekyj) Latyn, s.)^ Latiniita. Laton', metal (laten or laton me- tall, p.y Auricalcum, ug. in aer, electrum, c. F. Lawe. Jus, lex. Lawe brekare. Legirumpus. Law of Godde. Phas, unde versus; Phas lex divina, jus est humana potestas, Lawfulle, Legitimus, juri- dicus, legalis. the line " all that men saine, he lete it soth." See also v. 4132, 9595, &c. Jamieson, under the word Lat, has cited several passages where it is used by the poets of the North. Kng.Sa.x.\?e\.diii,putare,admittere. Compare the provincial use of the verb to lete, or leeten, to pretend or make a show of, given by Junius and Mr. Wilbraham as retained in Cheshire. See also Jamieson, v. Lait and Leet. 1 Compare haly, or behatyd, Exosus. " Huly, peevish, fretfull. When a man is not easily pleased, or seems captious and froward, he is said to be huly, and a huly man ; Dunebn." Bp. Kennett, Lansd. MS. 1033. ' Selden remarks that acquaintance with the Latin tongue was considered such an attainment that Laiinista, Latinator, or Latinarius, became significant of an interpreter in general. Hugo Latinarius is mentioned in Domesday. Latinier, as Roquefort ex- plains it, signified commonly an interpreter, truchement , or dragoman. He cites the Roman de Garin, where mention occurs of a Latinier, whose attainments extended to speaking " Roman, Englois, Gallois, et Breton, et Norman.^' Sir John Maundevile, speaking of the routes to the Holy Land, says of the one by way of Babylon, " And alle weys fynden men Latyneres to go with hem in the contrees and ferthere be5onde, in to tyme that men conne the langage." Voiage, p. 71. In R. Coer de Lion, 24T3, 2491, K. Alis. 7089, the words latymer, latimeris, as printed by Weber, have the same sense. 3 Latten, a hard mixed metal much resembling brass, was largely used in former times, especially in the formation of sepulchral memorials. The precise nature of its composition does not appear to have been accurately ascertained. It is repeatedly mentioned as a metal of a bright and golden colour ; Chaucer uses the comparison that Phoebus " hewed like latoun." Gower speaks of it as distinct from brass, as it seems properly to have been, although occasionally confounded therewith, and even with copper. ^' Auricalcvm, i. /ex aitri, \a.ten or coper." ortus. ** Auricalcum, Anglice goldefome; Electrinum, latyne." Harl. MS. 1002, f. 149. "Latyn metall, latn." PALSG. Latten was probably obtained from Germany. In the covenants for the work- manship of the effigy of Richard Beauchamp. 1454, by Thos. Stevyns, copper-smith of London, the metal is described as " latten," or " CuUen plate," (Cologne ?) the value of which was lorf. a pound. The remote derivation of the word is very obscure: it was probably adopted in England from the German Letton, or French laiton. Compare Dutch lattoen, Isl. laatun, Ital. ottone, lattone, Span, alaton, laton. Plate tin had also the appellation latten. See Forby and IBrockett, and the remarks of Nares and Jamieson. camd. soc. 2 p 290 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Lavendere, herbe. Lavendula. (Lauender, wassher, p. or lasvn- dere, infra} Lotrix.^ Lawere, or lawjer. Legista, jurista, legisperitus, jurispe- ritus, scriba. Lawhyn' (lawyn, k. laughen, p.) Hideo. Lawhyn to skorne (lawyn, k. lawghen, p.) Derideo, irrideo. LAWGHYNGE(lawhinge, K.^Risus. Lawmpe. Lampas {lampada, p.) Lawmpe of glas. Ticendulu'm,c.F. Lawmpery. Murena, lampreda. Lawmperowne (lamprun, p.) Lampredula, murenula. Lawncegay.2 Lancea. Lawncent, or blode yrjme (lawn- set, K. lawncot, s.) Lanceola, c. f. LAWNCHE,o(r) skyppe. Saltus, vg. Lawnchyn, or skyppyn ouer a dyke, or o)>er thyngys lyke (ouer a dyche, p.)^ Perconto,persalto. Lawncyn, or stjTige wythe a 1 This term is used by Chaucer, Legend of Good Women, Prol. 358, and is taken from the French. " Lau(e)ndre, a wassher, lauendiere. Laundre that wassheth clothes," id. PALSG. " Candidaria, lotrix pannorum, a wasshere, and alavyndere." med. " ^/. batrix, candidaria, blecherre, or lawnderre." Vocab. Harl. MS. 1687. "A lawnder, candidaria, lotrix.^' oath. ang. Caxton says, in the Boke for Travellers, " Beatrice the lauendre shall come hethir after diner, so gyue her the lynnen clothis.'' W.Thomas, in his Rules of Ital. Grammar, gives " lauandaia, a launder that wassheth cloathes." See Jamieson, v. Layndar. - The precise nature of this weapon, as likewise the etymology of its name, is still questionable ; it was probably adopted in this country from the French, but the deri- vation from the name of an Eastern or Moorish weapon, called zagaye, arzegaxje, or ussagay, seems more reasonable than that which has been proposed, lance aigiie. That it was a missile weapon is apparent from Guill. de St. Andr^, who wrote about the middle of XlVth cent, and speaks of throwing " dardes, javelots, lances-gayes ;'" but Guiart seems to mention the " archegaie " as a thrusting weapon, rather than a mis- sile. Carr6 gives a comparison of the Lance-guaye, or archegaye, of the Franks, with the Oriental zagaye, and considers them as missiles. Armes des Fran^ais, p. 198. From " the Rime of Sire Thopas," which describes him as going forth to ride with " alaunce- gay " in his hand and long sword at his side, it appears to have been a weapon carried for occasional defence, rather than a proper part of equipment for war or the tourna- ment." Cant. T. 13,6"82. The stat. 7 Ric. III. c. 13, confirming the stat. of North- ampton, 2 Edw. III. c. 3, against riding, or appearing in public assemblies, with force and arms, ordains " (je desoremes nulle homme chivache deinz el Roialme armez — ne ovesque lancegay deinz mesme de Roialme; les qiieux lanceyayes soient de tout oustez deinz le dit Roialme, come chose defendue par nostre seigiteur le Roi, sur peine de fnrfaiture dicelx lancegaies, armures, et autres herneys rjuelconqes.'" Compare stat. 20 Ric. II. 0. 1 ; Stat, of Realm, ii. 35, 92. In the Rolls of Pari. V. 212, there is a petition for vengeance by the widow of a person who had been murdered in 1450 by a gang of men " arraied in fourme of werre, with jakkes, salettez, longe swerdes, long- debeofs, boresperes, and other unmerciable forbodon wepons," one of whom "smote him with a launcegay thorough the the body, a fote and more." In 1459 there were found in the Great Hall of .Sir John Fastolfe, at Caistor, Norfolk, cross-bows, a boar- spear, a target, "xxj.speris: Item, j. launcegay." Archseol. xxi. 272. "Launcegay, iaueleyne.'^ palsg. •' I'erconito, ms. perconfo, p. ; a verb apparently derived from conttis, a pole. " To launch, to take long strides. That long-legg'd fellow comes launching along." fordy. PROMPTORIUM PAUVULORUM. 291 spere, or blode yryne (lawnchyn, K. s.) Lanceo. (I^AUXDE clothe, p.) Lavvnde of a wode.' Saltus, UG. in salio. Lawnde kepare. Salator, kylw. Lavowre (lawowre, k. lavre, h. lawere, s.) Lavatorium. La(u)ryol, herbe (lawryal, K. lawryol, s.) Laureola. Lawndere (or lavondyre, K. la- vunder, ii.) Lotor, lotvLv. Lee of threde.- Ligatura. Labbarde (lebbard, k. s. p.) Leopardus. Leece, or lees, of howndys."* Laxa, KYLW. veltrea. Leche, uiann or woman.^ Medicus, medica. Leche, wy(r)m of ])e watur ' Camden, in his Remains, explains laund as signifying a plain among trees. Thus in the account of the hunting expedition, Ipomydon, 383, the Queen's pavillion was pitched at a "laund on hight," whence she might command a view of all the game of the forest. Compare Vision of P. Ploughm. 5028, 10,248 ; Chaucer, Compl. of Black Knyght ; Shakespeare, Hen. VI. pt. i. III. 1. In Cullum's Hawsted a rental dated 1509 makes mention of " 9 acres in campo vocato le lawnde." " Indago, a parke, a huntyng place, or a lawnde." ortus. " A lawnde, saltus.^' cath. ang. " Launde a playne, launde.''' palsg. '■^ Lama, a launde or playne. Landa, id." W.Thomas, Ital. Gr. " Lande, a land or launde, a wild untilled shrubbie or bushy plaine." cotg. 2 Compare LEGGE. Forty threads of hemp-yarn are termed in Norfolk a lea. The "lea "by which linen yarn was estimated at Kidderminster, contained 200 threads. Stat. 22 and 23 Car. II. c. 8. 3 " A lese, laxa.^' cath. ang. " Lesshe for a grehounde, lais, lesse.^^ palsg. In the note on the word fute, p. 133, it was suggested that the term feuterer might thence be derived ; Sir F. Madden likewise, in his Glossary to Gawayn, had explained " Vewter," Gawayn and Grene Kny3t, 1 146, as denoting the huntsman who tracked the deer by the fewte or odour. It seems probable, however, that the derivation given by Blount, Bp. Kennett, and other glossarists, is more correct. The Gaulish hounds, of which Martial and Ovid speak, termed vertagi, or veltres, appear to have been grey- hounds, and hence the appellations veltro, Ital. viautre, vaultre, Fr. Welter, Germ. The Promptorium gives grehownde, veltres, p. 209 ; and from the practice of leading these dogs in couples, the leash appears to have received the name veltrea, here given, a word unnoticed by Ducange. The " ministerium de Veltrarid " is mentioned in Rot. Pip. 5 Steph. In the Household Constitutions of Hen. II. Liber Niger Scacc. i. 356, amongst the stipends assigned to the different officers connected with the chace, is the statement, " Veltrarii, nnunquisque iij.d. in die, et ij.d. hominibus suis ; et uni- cuique leporario ob. in die.''' Blount has cited the Tenure of Setene, in Kent, by the service of providing one veltrarins, to lead three greyhounds, when the King should go into Gascony, as appears by Esch. 34 Edw. I. and Rot. Fin. 2 Edw. II. where the word is written paM^rariMS. V^arious details regarding the duties of the " foutreres," and their fee, or share of the produce of the chace, will be found in the Mayster of Game, Vesp. B. XII. f. 99, 104, b. Of the dogs termed veltres, veltrahi, vertragi, &c. see further in Ducange, v. Canis. At a later time the vaultre was a mongrel hound, used in hunting bears and boars, as Nicot observes, " C'est ttne espece de chien entre allant et mastin, dont on chasse aiur ours et sangliers,'^ The feuterers appear to have been at a later period termed " children of the lesh : '' they were four in number, in the household of Hen. VIII. 1526, as appears by the Ordinances of Eltham. * Compare fysyciaS', or leche, p. 163. " A leche, aliptes, empiricus, medicus, cirur- gicus, A leche house, laniena, quia infirmi ibi laniantur." cath. ang. " Leche, a surgion, 292 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. (wurme, h.) Sangiiissuga, hirudo. Leche of flesche, or o))er mete.' Lesca. Leed, metalle. Pluinhum, Leedare, or plummare (plum- bare, s.) Plumharms. Led A RE, or gyde. Ductor, di- rector. Leedyd. Plumbatus. Leedyn' wythe leed. Plumbo. Ledyn', or wyssyn. Duco, con- duco, perduco. Ledyn' a-wey. Ahduco. Ledyn' A-3EN. Reduco. Ledyn yn. Induce, introduco. Ledyn owte. JEdtico. (Leden ouer, p. Transduco.^ servrgion, I leche, I heale one of a sore wounde as a cyrurgyen dothe. legueris." palsg. Ang.-Sax. Isece, medicus. The appellation was used to denote those who professed any branch of the healing art, as well as the ladies, who frequently supplied the place of the regular practitioners. Amongst the innumerable treatises of the ancient herbalists few afford a more curious insight into the practices of leech-craft, about the period when the Promptorium was compiled, than Arund. MS. 42. The author, who It ad a herb-garden at Stepney, states that he "knew a lady, ^e lady Sowche, ^e beste Godys leche of Bryjth- lond, in women," and recounts her practice in preparing a nostrum, termed " nerual." f. 22. The fourth, or ring finger, was called the leech finger, from the pulsation therein found, and supposed to be in more direct communication with the heart, as in the tract attributed to Job. de Garlandia, under the title of Distigius, Harl. MS. 1002, f. 115, it is said, " Stat medius (medylle fyngure) medio, medicus (leche fyngure) jam convenit (accordyt) egro.^' In another line the fingers are thus enumerated : " Pollex, index, medius, medicus, auricularis.'' cath. ang. See Brand's Popular Antiquities. 1 The term leche, which occurs frequently in connection with ancient cookery, had two distinct significations. It denoted such viands as it was usual to serve in slices, probably for the sake of convenience, before the general use of forks. " Lesche, a long slice, or shive of bread, &c." cotg. The nature and variety of dishes thus to be served may be learned from Harl. MS. 279, where recipes are given for 64 different " Leche vyaundys ;" and where the meaning of the verb to leche is evident from such directions as the following : " Brawn in comfyte — leche it fayre wyth a knyff, but not to Hnne, and han jif hou wolt J'ou my3t take l^e rybbys of he bore al bare, and chete hem en- longys J^orw ^e lechys, an so serue forth a leche or to in euery dysshe." f. 27, b. Compare the use of the verb to " leshe," Forme of Cury, pp. 36, 56, 57 ; " yleeslied," p. 18. Compare the " leychedbeefe" as ordered for supper in the dietary of the Prin- cess Cecill, with the item " beefe sliced,'' in the Ordinances of Eltham, Househ. Ord. pp. *38, 181. R. Holme gives this signification, iii. p. 78, and another sense, namely, " a kind of jelly , made of cream, isinglass, sugar, and almonds." p. 83. " White leach, gelatlna amigdalorum.'^ baret. " Leche made of flesshe, gelie.'^ palsg. One leche- meat appears to have formed an ordinary portion of every course, as may be gathered from the bills of fare at various great festivities, Harl- MS. 279, f. 44, and from the accounts of the installation feasts of Abp. Nevill, 1466, Lei. Coll. vi. 6 ; of Abp. Morton, 1478, Arnold's Chron. 239 ; and the coronation banquet of Elizabeth, Queen of Hen. VII. 1487, Lei. Coll. iv. 226. The various kinds of " leche " named in these documents appear to have ranged with " suttleties," such as " leche Lumbart gylt, partie gelly, leche porpul, damaske, reiall, ciprus, rube, Florentine," &c. See further the Roll of Cookery appended to the Household Ordinances ; the Liber cure cocorum, Sloane MS. 1986 ; and Cott. MS. Jul. D. viii. Skinner interprets brawn lechyd, which is men- tioned in the St. Alban's Book, as signifying '* aper medicatus,aromatis conditus;^' as if the term had some connection with Ang.-Sa.x. Isece, medicus. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 293 Ledyn to. Adduco. (Lede wythe a carte, supra in cartyn'. Caruco, cath.)' Leedynge wythe leed. Phmi- hacio. Ledyn ge, or wyssynge (wysynge in the way, K.gydinge, p.) Du- cat us. Ledyr, or le)jyr, or lethyr (leyre, or le))yre, s. leddyr, or lethyr, p.)- Corium. Leddere, or ladder. Scala. Leddyr stafe."^ Scalarium, sca- lare, cath. Leef of a book, or a ire, or o])er lyke. Folium. Leefe of a vyne. Parnpinus, UG. in pando. Lefe, and dere.'* Cams. Lefte, or forsakyn'. Dimissus, derelictus, relictus. Left, or thynge jjat ys on the lyfte syde. Sinister. Left hande. Sinistra, leva. Left hande man (handid man, K. s.) Mancinust cath. Lefulle, or lawfuUe. Licitus. Leg. Tibia. Leg harneys. Tihialia. Legge, ouer twarte byndynge (ouer wart, s. ledge, p.)^ Li- gator ium. Legende (boke, s.) Legenda. Legister. Legista, jurista. Legyon' (or legivn', s.) Legio. Lechery (lehcherye, k. lechchery. ' An instance of this use of the verb to lead has been already given in the note on cartyn', p. 62. Sir John Maundevile uses it in the sense of carrying, generally, as in the following passage : " That arke or hucche, vrith the relikes, Tytus ledde with hym to Rome, whan he had scomfyted alle the Jewes.'' Voiage, p. 102. In the Liber Niger Regis Edw. IV. an ordinance is given that no seller of wheat for the use of the King's house " be compelled to lede or carrye his wheete, pourveyed for this household, towards the Kinges garner," more than the distance of 10 miles at his own cost. Household Ordin, p. 6'8. A municipal regulation, cited in Beesley's Hist, of Banbury, p. 233, prescribed in 15G4, " that no maner of person shall feche, leed, or cary any donge or mucke furthe of the towne, but betwene the fyrst day of May and the feest of Seint Michell th' Arckangell.'' Among the trades enumerated in the order of the pa- geants of the play of Corpus Christi at York, 1415, occur "water leders.'' Drake's Hist. App. " I lede a man or thynge aboute a towne vpon a hardell, or after a horse, Je trayne.'^ palsg. 2 The marked distinction made by the author, in this and several other instances, between the Saxon character i> and the equivalent expression th, is deserving of notice. It is probable that the reading of the MS. hertys lethyr, or lethyr', as it has been printed, p. 238, is faulty, and the following correction may be suggested, — lej>yr, or lethyr. Ang.-Sax. leKer, corium. Bp. Kennett gives "leer, leather, hence Banda- leers. Leer, corium. Kilian." Lansd. MS. 1033. ^ The explanation oi scalare given in the Catholicon defines it as signifying " lignum transversa iti scald positum, quod et hoc inierscalare dicitur." "A ledder staffe, scalare.^' cath. ang. The transverse bars are more commonly termed the rounds or rungs of the ladder. Chaucer speaks of the *' ronges " of a ladder. Miller's T. 3fa'25. ■• Lefe, or lief, beloved, is a word which occurs in most of the old writers. Chaucer and Gower use it as a substantive. Ang. -Sax. leof, dilectus. " Lefe, lyefe, dere, cher. Lefenesse, chereti. Lefe or yuell." palsg. * In Norfolk a bar of a gate, or stile, of a chair, table, &c. is termed a ledge, accord- ing to Forby. " Ledge of a dore, barre. Ledge of a shelfe, apvy, estaye.''^ palsg. '294 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. s. letchery, p.) Lux-uria, me- chia,Jvrnicacio, Venus. Lechowre (lehchour, k.) J^or- nicator, lectator, Jeno, fornica- trix, lectatrix, mecha, lena (le- cator, p.) Leva RE, or werkare wythe stone and mortere.' Cementarius. Leyd, or put. Positus. Ley for waschyng-e (or lye, infra, leye, k. lye for wesshynge of heddys, s.)^ Lixivium, c. f. et VG. in luxos. Leyynge of a thynge. Posicio. Leyx', or puttyn (to, s.) Pono, depono (j'epono, s,) Leyn' eggys, as hennys (eyryn, K. eyre, s.) Ovo, c. F.pono. ' In the accounts of works at the palace of Westminster and the Tower during the XlVth cent, preserved amongst the miscellaneous records of the Queen's Remem- brancer, mention is made continually of " cubaiores,'^ or stone layers. See also the abstracts of accounts relating to the erection of St. Stephen's Chapel, in the reign of Edw. III. printed in Smith's Antiqu. of Westm. In the contract for building Fother- inghay Church, 1425, the chief mason undertakes neither to " set mo nor fewer free- masons, rogh setters ne leye(r)s," upon the work, but as the appointed overseer shall ordain. Dugdale, Mon. iii. lb"4, Collegiate Churches. - Lixinum, ms. and s. Uguitio gives lixen, aqua, whence "lixiHum, quia sit ex aqud et cinere." Arund. MS. 508. The early romances and Chaucer's poems afford evidence that yellow or light-coloured hair was in special esteem. The fashion prevailed at a very early period, as appears from the writings of TertuUian, who reproaches Christian women with an affectation of seeking to resemble in this respect those of Germany and Gaul. The art of producing this colour artificially was termed crocnphantea, and is condemned by St. Cyprian and St. Jerome as a sinful vanity, and by Galen as preju- dicial to health. At the time when the Promptorium was compiled this fashion con- tinued in full force, and numerous artificial expedients had been devised for supplying the defect of nature, by means of some vegetable decoction or lie, whereby, with sub- sequent exposure to the sun, the hair might be made to assume the desired colour. The herbals and medicinal treatises of the XYth cent, indicate a great variety of processes which were adopted for colouring or preserving the hair. In Arundel MS. 42, f. 82, the decoction of madder is recommended to make it red, and the juice of sage applied in the hot sun to make it black ; f. 77, b. The virtues of the lily are commended for making hair to grow again, and the oil of hazel nuts as infallible against " mowtynge of here," f. 59 ; and an effectual depilatory " for-doyng Jiere " is given at f. 35. The strangest substances were in request for such purposes : thus in Jul. D. viii. f, 79, b. ^' lixivium de cinere Jimi columbi''' is recommended as an approved remedy against the falling of hair. The extent to which such artificial aids were made available at a later period appears from the numberless prescriptions given by Gerarde, Parkinson, Langham, in his Garden of Health, 1579, and similar writers. See the satirical ob- servations of Bulwer on this subject, in the Artificial Changling, 1653. Herman, who wrote at the commencement of the reign of Hen. VIII. says that " maydens were sylken callis, with the whiche they keepe in ordre theyr heare made yelowe with lye ; comas lixivio rvffatas sive rutulatas. Women chaunge the naturall colour of theyr heare with crafty colour and sonnyng. Some cherisshe theyr busshis of heare with moche kymbeynge and wesshynge in lye. He maketh his heare yelowe bycause he wolde seme lustye ; rutilat capillos ut vegetus appareat. His heare was lyght ambre." Vulgaria, 1519. To such practices allusion is perhaps made in the Promptorium by the word heed WASCHVNGK, which will be found above, p. 232. " Lee, lixivium, locium." oath. ANG. Palsgrave gives only " lye to wasshe with, lessiue." Ang.-Sax. leah, lixivium. PROMPTORIUiM PARVULORUM. 296 Leyn to, or put to (leyn to, or ley to, s.) Appono. Leyn, or leye waiowre. Vadio, CATH. Leyn to wedde. Pignoro, im- pignoro, Leynyn' (lenyn, or restyn, k.) Podio, appodio. Le(y)nynge.i Appodiacio. Le(y)nynge staffe.2 Calopodium, podium, c. F. CATii. Leysere. Oportunitas. Leek, or garleke. Alleum. LEEK,or porret. Porrum, cat n. c. F. Leek pottage. Porrata, cath. Leem, or lowe (lawe, u.y Plamma. LemiMan.'* Concubina, amasia. ^ Levynge, MS. lenynge, k. 8. p. 2 Podium is explained in the Catholicon and Ortus to be "baculus super quern innitimur, cum quo sepe terramferimus, a lene." Ducange cites the Usus Ord. Cisterc. c. 68, where by this term is implied ^^ pars fonnce monachicce, cui monacfii, cum procumbunt, inni- tunfur;" and it seems possible that allusion is here made by Friar Geoffrey to the staff which, according to the usage in some establishments, served to give an occasional support during the long services of the choir, an object which was more usually attained by means of the mhericorde, ox formdla. In some of the German churches the use of the leaning staff is still retained, and a remarkable specimen, apparently of German workmanship, now preserved in the De Bruges collection at Paris, was intended, as Lenoir supposed, to answer this purpose. The curious character of its ornaments in- dicates its having been fashioned for some sacred use, and the lion statant, by which it is surmounted, gives it, in some measure, the form of the Tau staff, as it has been termed. Hist, des Arts en France, pi. xxxvii. " Leanyng stocke, appuial." palsg. 3 Leme, a shining light, Aug.- Sax. leoma, jubar, is a word not uncommonly used by the old writers; see R. Glouc. p. 186'; Vision of Piers P. 12,324; Cant. Tales, 14,836. " JV«/yM*, lemynge hat touchethe. J^?at re- ceyvythe lore ()>at takyt infor- macyon, k. takethe lernynge, p.) Discipidus. LeryNj or receyue lore ofa-nothere catch fisb ; Lancashire. An ozier basket borne between two men for the use of carrying chaff out of a barn is called in Northamptonshire and Bucks a bear-leap. Isl. laupur, scrinium quo lanificex linum servant. A leap or lib, half a bushel ; Sussex. A seed leap, or lib, a basket to carry corn on the arm to sow ; Essex. Lepa, 31 Edw. I. est tertia pars dunrum bussellorttm. Ext. Man. de Terring, com. Sussex.'' Forby gives lep, or lepe, a large deep basket, and seed lep, a basket for the use of the sower, or car- rying chaff to feed horses. IMoore mentions lib, doubting whether the word is still in use in Suffolk. Grose gives leap as a North-country word. Plot speaks of the "cubb or beer-lip " used to make a cavity in a rick, to prevent heating. Hist. Oxf. p. 256. Compare cuelle, baskett, or lepe, above, p. 101, and barlylepe, p. 25. ' This term occurs in the later Wicliffite version, in the description of Behemoth : " Shul marchaundis departe him ? wher ^>ou shalt fille nettis wil? bis skin, and a leep of fishis (ffWffusthmi piscium, Vulg.) wijj his heed ?" Job xi. 26. "A lepe for fysche, fiscella, gurgustium.'" cath, ang. " Nassa, quoddam instrumenttim ex viminibus tamquam rhete contextum, ad capiendos pisces, a pyche or a fyshe lepe. Piscina, a chesefat, or a fysshe lepe." ortus. " Lepe to take fysshe, nasse a prendre poyson. Thou cannest nat bringe this leepe (nasse) downe to the botome, except thou tye a stone to it." palsg. " iVasse, a wicker leap, or weel for fish." cotg. "Leaps to take eeles, caudecce .'' gouldm. The stat. 4 Will, and Mary, c. 23, forbids all persons not owners of fisheries to keep " any net, angle, leap, piche, or other engine for the takeing offish." Stat, of Realm, vi. 415. Bp. Kennett observes that the term is in use in Lancashire and in Leicestershire. Ang, -Sax. leap, wassa. Compare fysch LEEP, above, p. 163. 2 It has been affirmed that leprosy was brought into Europe by the crusaders ; in the Ang.-Sax. vocabulary, however, which has been attributed to j^^lfric, occurs the word " leprosus, hreoflis, o'55e licSrowera." Jul. A. ii. f. 123. In the Assisa de Forestd, which is of uncertain date, but is assigned by Manwood to 6 Edw. L it is enacted that if any beast of chase be found wounded or dead, " caro mittatur ad domiim leprosi, si qua prope fuerit ," or otherwise given to the infirm and poor. Stat, of Realm, i. 244. In Lynn, where the Promptorium was compiled, there were several spital houses, or hospitals of lepers. The most ancient, the hospital of St. Mary Magdalen, was founded in the reign of Stephen by Petrus Capellanus for a prior and twelve brethren, of whom three were to be lepers. See Parkins' account of Lynn, Blomf. Norf. iv. 608. Mackarell, in his Hist, of that town, p. 255, mentions a bequest to the leprous men and women in 1408 ; and Parkins records the devise of Stephen Guybon to every house of lepers about Lynn, in 1432, namely at West Lynn, Cowgate, Herdwyk, Setchehithe, Mawdelyn, and Geywode. The number of these charitable institutions in England was considerable; permission had been granted by Pope Alex. III. in 1179. that leprous persons, being excluded from all communion with their fellow-men, might, wherever CAMD. SOC. 2 Q '298 PROMPTORIUM PARVUI.ORUM. (betawt of another, k. lenie or be taught, p.)' Disco, cath. ad disco. Leryn', or techyn' a-nother. Do- ceo, instruo, informo. Lerynge, or lernynge, or lore (teching, k.) Doctrina, in- structio, infuVDiacio. Lees, or false- Pulsus. Lees, for howndys, idem quod le(e)ce, supra. {Laxa^letra, p. sic, pro veltrea ?) Lesarue \vy(r)m (worme, s.) Lacertus, c. f. Lesse. 3Iinus, adv. Lesyn', or lese. Perdo. Lessyn, or make lesse. Minuo, diminuo, minor o. Leesynge, orlyyiigc(orgabbynge, supra; le3ynge, s. liynge, p.)^ Mendacium. Lesynge berare. Mendifer. Lesynge, or thyngys loste (of thynge loste, s.) Perdicio. Lesynge, or losynge of a thynge bowndyn' (boounde, s.) Solucio. Leske (or flanke, supra.y In- guen, c. F. Lessone. Leccio. Leste, sowtarys forme. Formula, they should form a congregation, have a church for themselves. These hospitals were of the Augustine order, and included amongst the religious houses which were surren- dered 2(j Hen. VIII. The formalities with wldch the seclusion of lepers was effected, and the restrictions imposed upon them, may be learned from the Manuale ad usum Sarum. Ilentzner, who visited England during the reign of Elizabeth, speaks of the English as very subject to the disease of leprosy. "A lepyr, lepra, elefancia, rnissella. A leprus man, leprosus, minellun.'^ cath. ang. Horman says, "He hath made a leper, or a lasar liouse ; hierocomioii co7ididit.'" " Lepar, a sicke man, lasdre. Lasar, id. Lypre, the sickenesse,/a«/e/-2e." palsg. The term mesel is very commonly used to de- signate a leprous person, and appears to be directly taken from the French wf«e/; some writers have, however, sujjposed a distinction to have existed between mesellerie and ladrerie. See masyi., hereafter. ' The double signification of the verb to lere occurs in most of the old writers ; R. Glouc, 11. Brunne, and Minot use it in both senses ; Chaucer uses it in that of learning, Frankcl. T. IIOG ; and it signifies teaching. Vis. of Piers P. 4742, 9551; Townel. Myst. p. :i8, &c. Ang. -Sax. Iseran, docere. A rhyming epitaph, inscribed on brass, is found at Grundisburgh, Suffolk, dated 1501, to the memory of a person, " Which decessyd, as yee shall lere, The vj. day off September." - Les is used by R. Glouc. as an adjective ; as a substantive, lees, a falsehood, occurs more frequently. Lese, Gawene and tiie Carle, 7, 2(J5 ; " Withouten lees," Chaucer, Rom. of Rose, :i!)()4 ; les, leasse, Townel. Myst. Cov. Myst. Ang.-Sax. leas, /«/«<*. 3 " Nuya, a scorne, a lesynge, a bourde, a trifuUe. Nvyicamis, a singer of lesinges. Feria, lesing, or chirche-werk." med. "A lesynge, mendacium, Sfc. nbi a lee." CATH. ANG. Ang.-Sax. leasung, mendacium. ' " A leske, ?7;c/twwrf«V/." CATH. ANG. {'^ Jpocuiidie, i. coitle molles.^^ med.) *'■ No- mina mvinbrorum, men flunkn, my laiikts." Harl. MS. '.'19, f. 150. "Leske by the belly, aijney i'ai.sg. \\\>. Kennett gives " Lisk, tliat part of the side wliich is between the liips and the short ribs. Yorkshire." Laiisil. MS. I03,'{. Skinner gives lesk as most commonly used in this sense in Lincolnshire ; see also lirockett and Jamieson, t. Liik. Compare Dan. and Swed. liuske, Belg. liesch, inyuen. PROMPTOKIUM I'AHVUI.OKUM. ^99 cXTH.formipedia, Dice, calo- pndla, c. F. Leste, novvmbyr, as heryngys, and other lyke.' Legio, Leest of alle. 3Iinimus. Lestage of a shyppe.^ Sahurra, CATir. et COMM. Lestyn, or iuduryn'. Duro, perduro. Lestynge, or yndurynge (du- rynge, k. p.) Perduracio. Leest wurthy. Eximius {sic, p. exUimiis, s.) Letanye. Letania. Lette game, or lettare of pley. Prepiludius, c. F. in prepedio. Lettyn'. Impedio, prepedio. Lettynge. Impedimentum. Lettynge, or longe taryynge, and a-bydynge. Mora. Lettyk. Littera, grama. Letteryd. Litteratus. Leterone, or lectorne, deske (lectrone, k. letrone, or lectrun, H. p. leteron, or letervn, s.)-* Lectrinum, lectorium, pluteum, c.F.lectrum,c.F.(piilpituni,c.F. discus, secundum (i. equi, p.) ' The stat. Hen. III. de mcnsuris,3Mii the stat. 31 Edw. III. de allece vendendo, ordained that a last of herrings should be accounted by ten thousand, and the hundred by six score, the highest price being fixed at 40*. the last. Stat, of Realm, i. 354. In " the Costis for to make hering at the Coeste," printed with Arnold's Chron. p. 263, it is stated that to make a last " ye shal bye fresh hering out of the ship, x. m. ; vj. score, andiiij. heringis for the c. xij. barellis ful packed is a last of white hering, and xx. cadis rede hering is a last, V. c. in a cade, vj. score iiij. heringis for the c." Of " Rede sprottis — x. cades maketh a last, xij. c. in euery cade." lu the summary of tlie office of the Celleresse of Barking is the " Memorandum, that a barrell of herring shuld contene a thousand her- rings, and a cade oflf herryng six hundretli, six score to the hundreth." Mou. Angl. i. 83. " Last of fysshe, xij. barelles, /ay." palsg. A last of unpacked herrings, ac- cording to Coles, is 18 barrels. See Ducange, v. Lasta. ■2 " A lastage, or fraghte of a schippe, saburra.^' cath. ang. Sahurra signifies the ballast of a ship, ^^ multitiido lapidum, vet inutilis sarcina nainn, que solet esse de la- pidibns et arena.'" cath. " Lestage, the balast of a ship."' cotg. " A last or lastage, onus, saburra. To lastage, wirfe balast." gouj-dm. The stat. 21 Ric. II. c. 18, re- citing that the beacons and outworks of the town of Calais were decayed, in consequence of the rages of the sea, ordains that ships coming thither fr()m England '''■portent ovesque eux tout lour lastage des bones piers co?ivenables j>ur restii(/^ure de les Beeknes,'' &c. Stat, of Realm, ii. 108. See Ducange, v. Lastagiuni. Of tlie custom exacted for freiglitage, termed lestagium, see Spelman's Glossary. Ang. -Sax. lilsest, onus navis, behhestan, onerare. Belg. lastagie, ballast. '■^ The lectern is not named amongst the appliances of sacred use enumerated by ^Ifric, Cott. MS. Julius, A. ii. f. 126, b. ; in the Regula Bened. mention, however, occurs of the riediiij;-scamol. Tlie various uses of the lectern in cathedral or collegiate establishments may be gathered from the ancient rites of Durham, in which it appears that there was a pelican " Icttern '' of brass at the north side of tlie high altar, where the Epistle and Gospel were sung; a second lower down in the choir, in the form of an eagle of brass, used at mattins, or other times when the legends were read; and there was also a " letterne" of wood, like a pul])it, standing and adjoining to the organ over the door of the choir. It seems highly probable, as Mr. Rudge sup- poses, that the while marble desk discovered in 1813 near the site of the abbey church of Evesham, formed part of tlie lectern that was erected about 1218 by Thos. de Mar- lebeig, at that time sacrist, and subsequently Abbot, according to the following record ; 300 PROiMPTORIUM FARVULORUM. Lecture (letture, k. lettrure, II. p.) Lectura (Jitteratura, p.) Letuarye. Electuarium, cath. Letuce, herbe. Lactuca. Leve. Licencia. Levecel be-forne a wyndowe, or other place.' Umbraculum, c. f. Leve(y)ne of dowe (leveyn, or dowe, s. p.) Frtimentum, sima, c. F. (^fermentum, it. s. p.) "Fecit lectriciuni retro chorum, quod prius non erat factum in ecclesid Eveshamensi, et legebantur lectio)ies juxta tumbam S. Wilsini." Cott. MS. Vesp. B. xxiv. This lectern is represented in Archseol. xvii. pi. 23. A lectern of marble, resembling such as is quarried in Derbyshire, exists at Crowle, in Worcestershire; it appears to be a ■work of the Xllth cent. Another beautifully-sculptured specimen is preserved in the ancient abbatial house at Wenlock, Salop. In the former instance alone, the arrange- ment whereby the desk was supported on small columns may be ascertained. Of the moveable lecterns of a later period numerous specimens have escaped the ravages of the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. Carved lecterns of wood exist at Bury, Huntingdonshire, date about 1300 ; at Ramsey ; Swanscombe, and Lenham, in Kent ; Hawsted, in Suffolk ; and in many other churches. Those of brass are mostly of the XVth cent, or later date. At Rouen Cathedral an ancient lectern of iron may be seen, which, being hinged together like &faldisto7-ium, and furnished with a socket for a candle on one side, might be folded up when not in use, and laid aside, so as not to encumber the area of the choir. The lectern was adorned with a covering, frequently termed the "des-cloth," of rich material conformable to the suit, or complete vestment, of which it formed a part. In the Inventory of the Church of St. Faith, in the crypt at St. Paul's, 129H, is mentioned " pannus de palad lectrinium." In the Wardrobe 13ook 27 Edw. I. amongst the furniture and ornaments of the royal chapel, occurs " unum manuterginm curtum, sulum de auro et serico, pro lect7-one." p. 352. John of Gaunt bequeathed, 1399, a richly-embroidered vestment of white satin to the high altar at St. Paul's, the " con- vert itre pour la letteron " forming an item in the description, as likewise in that of a vestment of red cloth of gold, wrought with gold falcons, devised by him to the " Mous- tier de N. Dame de Nicole." Test. Ebor. i. 227, 228. " Lectrinum, lecfrum, et legium j)ro eodern, scilicet pro pulpito ; et dicuntur a lego, a pulpyt, or a lectrone.'' ortus. " A lettrone, ambo, descus, lectriiium, orcista." cath. ang. " Lecterne to syng at, levirayn." palsg. See further in Ducange. ' The etymology and precise meaning of this word are exceedingly obscure : it is used by Chaucer, in the tale of the Cambridge scholars, who came to the Miller of Trump- ington to have their grain ground, and left their horse under a pent-house or out- building, instead of putting him into the " lathe;" the Miller, to play them a shrewd trick, slipped off the bridle, and let the horse run. " He looked up and doune, till he had yfound The clerkes horse, tliere as he stood ybound. Behind the mill, under a lessel." Reve's Tale, 4059. Tyrwhitt prints the word " levesell," and its meaning here is less obscure than in a passage in the Persone's Tale, where it again occurs. Chaucer defines the difference between pride in the heart of man, and pride shown in external show and costly array : " But nathelesse, that one of these spices of pride is signe of that other, right as the gaye leuesell at the taverne is signe of the wine that is in the seller." Speght, who had here consulted the Promptoriuni, e,\i>luitis the word as signifying a bush, or a hovel, which is repeated by Skinner, with the suggestion that it may be derived from the French " lais, t^epres, virguHa, additd term. dim. ell." This derivation seems little to the purpose. According to Cotgrave lais, or layes, are trees left as marks in cutting a copse wood. Tyrwhitt in his notes says confidcnUy that the word is derived from PROMPTORIUiM PARVULORUM. 301 Level, rewle. Equicium, (c. f. regula, p.) Level, rewle.' Perpendiculum. Levexe, or lyghtciiynge (levyn, H. s.)- Fulgur, coruscacio, fulmen. Levenesse, or beleveiiesse. Fides. Levenesse, or grete troste (leve- iieste, or grette tryst, s. leue- nesse or trust, p.) Confidencia. Levyn', or belevyn'.''Crerfo,CATH. Leevyn', or fbrsakyn' (levyn, or blevyn, k. h.) Relinquo, de- relinffuo, dimitto, desero. Leevyn', sesyn', or be stylle. Dimitto, desisto. Lewde, not letteryd. Illitteratus, agramatus, c. F. (^incipiens, P.) Lewde, vnkunnynge, or vnknow- ynge yn what so hyt be. In- scius, ignarus (Jaicus, K. p.) I^EWDENESSE of clergy."* Illitte- ratura. Lewdenesse of on-cony nge Ang.-Sax. \ek, folium, and set\,sedes, but afterwards confesses himself dissatisfied with that explanation ; yet still holds to the notion that in the second passage allusion is made to the bush, the ancient sign of a wine-shop, and cites Chatterton's Elinour and Juga, attributed to Rowley, where the hunter is said to rouse the fox from. " the lessel." In the Editor's MS. of the Medulla, timbraculum is rendered " an oumbrelle;'* in the Canterbury MS. " an amerelle ;" in Harl. MS. 2270, " an vmbrelle." ' Lever, ms. and s. " Leuell, a ruler, 7iiueav.'^ palsg. Ang.-Sax. laefel, Ubella. • The lightning, or any sudden gleam of light, is frequently termed by the old writers levene, a word which has been derived from Ang.-Sax. hlifian, rutilare. See Lye, and Jamieson, v. Levin. R. Brunne, describing the engines devised by Richard Coeur de Lion, to throw wild-fire and stones, at the siege of Acre, says that " as leuen |>e fire out schete." Langt. Chron. p. 174. Compare Havelok, 2690; Ywaine and Gawin, Rits. Metr. R. i. p. 17 ; Cant. Tales, 5858 ; Gower, Conf. Am. ; Townel. Myst. pp. 39, 116 ; Cov. Myst. 156. Fabyan relates that in 7 Hen. L " was sene an vncouth starre, whyche nyghtely appered at one howre, and continued so by the space of XXV. days; and fore agaynst that, oute of the Eest parte, appered a great leuyn or heme of bryghtnes, whyche stretched towarde the sayde starre." Spenser uses the word "levin '' repeatedly. " /^tt/^!«r, leuenynge that brenneth. Fulgetriim, a shynynge of leuenynge that brenneth. .^V/^mew, leuenynge, or lyghtnynge." ortus. " To levyne, or to smyte wyth lewenynge, canmatisere, fulgore fulm'inare. A levenynge, casma, fulgur, fulmen, fidget rum, ignis. A leveaynge smyttynge, fulgoratus.'^ cath, axg. In the Vocabulary, Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. are given " Fulgor, fulmen, lewenynges, Fulgurat, (it) lewnes." Palsgrave gives the verb it " leueneth as the lyghtenyng dothe, il esclere. Dyd you nat se it leuen right nowe ?'' " Leving, rirfe lightning." gouldm. 3 The verb to leve is used in this sense by R. Glouc. p. 30 ; it occurs repeatedly in the Vision of P. Ploughman. See also Chaucer, Tale of Melib. ; Gower, Conf. Am. iii. Ang.-Sax. lyfan. concedere, leafnes, venia. * Clergy, as it has been remarked in the note, p. 81, signifies erudition, precisely according to the sense of the French clergie; and the word is thus to be understood in the term " benefit of clergy." See Harrington's observations on stat. 4 Hen. VII. The use of the word in this acceptation is, however, a striking evidence of the general ignorance that prevailed amongst all classes, churchmen alone excepted, so that the community might be classed under two great divisions, clerks and " lewede," R. Glouc. J). 4/1 ; or " lered and lewed," R. Brunne, p. 8. It is needless to cite instances of the frequent use of the word lewd in its primitive signification by the old writers. Ang.-Sax. Isewd, lewed, /aic?<*. "Lewde, agramatus, illiteratus, laicus, mecaiiiais. 302 PUOMPTOUIUM I'ARVULORUM. (vnknowynge, p.) Tnsciencia, ignorancia, Lewke, not fully bote.' Tepidus. Lewkenesse. Tepor. Lewte, cuppe.- Culusus, comm. Lewte, pot or vessel of mesure. Fidelia, cath. Lewte, or lytylle feythe. Fide- Cula, CATH. Lethy, or weyke (or screte, infra ; leyth, s.)^ Flexibilis. Lyare, or gabbare. Mendax, mendosus. Lyberalle, or frc in yevynge (gyuynge, p.) Liber alis, mu- nijicus. Lyberalyte, or frencs of berte. Liberalitas. Lyche, dede body.^ Funus, ga- bares, c. f, et ug. in Gabriel dicit gabaren, vel gabbaren. Lyche, lady or lorde (lysch to Vnlettyrde, wJilewde." cath. ang. ^^'LcxiAe of coniycwns, maluays,villayn, maul- yraneux. Leude worde, eH//-e.s«^«. Leude frere, iowrrficaH." palsg, Horman says, "I am not so leude {adeo sum iners) but I knowe or spye wliat thou goest about. This matter is utterly marred by thy leudnes {iynavid.) I make as thougli I sawe nat thy leude paiantis {conniveo tuis inepiiis). Here is leude or naughty wyne (illaiidalum vel spur cum).''' > " Lewke, tepidus. To make lewke, tepifacere. To be lewke, tepere."' cath. ang. " Leuke warme, or blodde warme, tiede." palsg. Ang. -Sax. wlac, iepidtis. 2 Culusus is given only in the Harl. and Winch. MSS. The word is not noticed by Ducange, and possibly is erroneously written for culuUus, which, according to Papias, is calixfctilis. " Fidelia, olla vel ciphus, or a cherne." med. Ang. -Sax. li^, poculum. 3 " Lentus, slowe and febulle, or lethy, nioyste." med. ms. cant. " Lentesco, to waxe slowe or lethy, i. tardurn esse." ortus. Mich. Munshull also gives in his verbale, Harl. MS. 1002, f. l.U, "lentesco, to wex lethy." " Lethi " occurs in the Vision of P. Ploughm. 5979, and is explained by Mr. Wright as signifying hateful, but its precise meaning is not obvious. In a Treatise on Obstetrics, of the later part of XVth cent. Add. MS. 12,19.'), particular instructions are i;iven " at what age a maydyn may vse of drwrery," and it sets forth the evils arising from the anticipation of the age of puberty, " for trewly and sche vs bat deduyt or hat tyme, on of bes iij. thynges, or elles alle schalle falle to her : owder sche xalle be barcn, or her brethe schalle haf an yll savore, or sche xalle be to lytiiy, or lauy of her body to oIht )>an to here hosbonde ; but for he ij. fyrst 3e xalle fynde medysignus here after, and j'e iij. is vnne curabylle " " Lethe, delyuer of ones lymmes, AO?<;;/e." palsg. Lathy is given by Moore as a Suffolk epi- thet, signifying thin in person. Ang.-Sax. US, tener. Compare lythe, hereafter. * Leik, Havelok, 27.93, and liche, Vision of P. Ploughm. signify a living body, as in line 5"j,9.9, where Dame Studie is described as " lene of lere, and of liciie both :" it is so used likewise in K. Alis. 3482. Tliis is perfectly in accordance with the signification of the Ang.-Sax. etymon Wee, corpus, a body, either living or dead. The latter seems, however, to have been the more usual sense of the word. Chaucer, in the Knight's Tale, 29()0, speaks of the " liche-wake " at the burning of the corpse of Arcite. In the North the custom of watching the corpse, termed jyke-wake, is not entirely laid aside : see Brockett, v. Lake-wake, and Jamieson, v. Lyk-waik. It is by corruption termed late-wake; Pennant, Tour in Scotl. i. 112. The term is evidently derived from Ang.-Sax. lie, cadaver, and w.Tcce, riyitiu. A full account of the usages and abuses customary on these occasions will bi- found in IJraiid's Pojiular Antiqu. and Ducange, V. Viyilitp. In the Invent, taken 1421, church of St. John Baptist, Glastonbury, printed by Warner, are mentioned " iij. lyche l)ells ; " in the Invent, of St. Dunstan's, Can- terbury, l.")00, termed " bells for mortuarys." G. Mag. vol. viii. N.S. In the ordinance PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 303 lady or lorde, s.)' Ligius (do- mimes ligiiis, p.) Lych E, man or woniann. (Z/«'^'-«<*, p.) Lycoryce (or lycuryce, p.) Li- quericia,c.F. (lingricia, licori- cia, p.) Lycure (lycowre, s.) Liquor. Lycure, or brothe of fysche, and o|)er lyke. Liqtiamen, c at h. c. f. Lyde, wesselle hyllynge (lyde, or lede, p.) Operculum. Lyder, or wyly (liyire, or wily, K. lydyr, n. ledyr, s. lydir, p.)- Cautus, et alia infra in wyly (cautulosus, p.) Lydron, or lyderon (lydrun, or lyderyn, ii. p. lyderon, or lydron, s.)-* Lidorus. Hec quedaia glosa super correctione Biblie. Lye, supra in leye. Lye, or lyes of wyne (ly3e, s. p.) Lia, c. F. tartarum, c. f. Lyfe. Vita. Lyyf, hooly. Devotus, sanctits. Lyftyn'. Levo. Lyftyn' vp. Suhlevo, pendo, CATH. (Lyggyn, infra in lyyn.) Lythe, idem quod lym (or membre), infra.^ of Abp. Peckham, 1280, which sets forth the articles to be provided by the parishioners, these bells are designated as " campance manuales pro morluis." Wilk. Cone. ii. -19. Of the local use of the term lich-gate, signifying the outer gate of the cemetery, beneath ■which the corpse is placed, whilst awaiting the officiating minister, see the Glossary of Architecture, Cheshire and Shropshire Glossaries. In the West, the path by which the corpse is carried to the grave is known as the leach-way ; in Cheshire it is called the lich-road. Coles gives " lich fowles, carcass bird, scritch-owls, night-ravens." 1 The term liege is commonly used by the old writers in the two- fold sense which is here given to it, denoting both the cliief and the subject, as bound by the liyantia, or bond whereby they were reciprocally connected. Palsgrave gives only " Lege lorde, souerayn, lier/e." See Spelman and Ducange, v. Ligius. ■ Leder, MS. Lither, or Udder, has in the North the signification of idle or sluggish. In the Vis. of P. Ploughman the expression " luther sleuthe '' occurs ; and " lithere " in King Estmere. One of the evils of the times enumerated in the curious lines, Roy. MS. 7 A. VI. f. 38, b. is that " Lex is layde, and lethyrly lukes." Tusser speaks of the unprofitableness of the " litherly lubber." Lyndsay uses the word " lidder " in the sense of backward or shy, whicli approaches more nearly to that assigned to it in the Promptorium. '' Desidieux, idle, lazie, lither, slouthfull. Ignuve, lazy, lither," &c. coTG. "lAther, fingard, festa7-d, faineant, nice, oisif, paresseux.^' sherw. See Brockett, v. Lither, and Jamieson, w. Lidder. •• In the description of the march of Alexander's army tlie poet describes the various classes of which the host was composed, high and low, knight and knave, " Mony baroun, ful wel y-thewed, Mony ledron, mony schrcwe." K. Alis. 3210. Weber explains the word ledron as signifying here a leper, or any mean person. Skelton uses the word, in the poem entitled Sclaunder, and false detractions. " But my learning is of an other degree. To taunt theim like lyddrons, lewde as they be." " Laideron, somewhat ugly, pretty and foule." cotg. It must, however, be observed that as lidorus has not been found in the Latin glossarists, it cannot be asserted posi- tively that i.YDRoN is to be taken in this sense in the Promptorium. 4 The term " lithes," occurring in Havelok, 2163, is explained by Sir F. Madden as 304 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Lythe fro lythe, or lym fro lym. Memhratim. Lyghte, or bryghtnesse (liht of brytnes, K. lythj, h. light, p.) Lux, lumen. Lyghte, or wyghte (liht of wyhte, K. light of weight ormesure, p.)^ Levis, Lyght of knowynge, or werkynge. Facilis. Lyghte, or J)at jjynge J^atyevythe lyghte, as sunne, and candel, and o|)er lyke. Liirninare. Lyghte foote (liht fotyd, k.) Levijjes, UG. in alo, alipes, c. f. acupedius, ug. in acuo. Lyghte handyd. Manulevis, alicirus. Lyght hertyd. Letifer. Lyghteyn', or kyndelyii' fj^yr or candelys (or lyjtnyn candelys, or odyr lyhtys, s.) Accendo. Lyghtyn chargys or byrdenys (or wyhtys, K. wettys, s.) Deonero. Lyghteyn', or make wyghtys more esy (lightyn burdens, heuy weightis, p.) AUevio. Lyghtely, or sone. Leviter. Lyghtly, or esyly. Faciliter. Lyghtenyn', or leuenyn'(lithnyn, as levyn, k. lyhtyn, s.) Co- Tusccit, fuhnino. Lyght(e)nynge (or leuene, p.) Coyuscacio, fidgur, fulrnen. Lyghtesum, or fuUe of lyghte. Luminosus, Lyghtesum, or esy (lihtsum, k.) Facilis. Lyghtesumnesse, or esynesse. Facilitas. Lyghtesumnesse, of bryghte- nes (or lyht, s,) Luminositas. Lyyn, or lyggyn (lyin, or ligyn, K.) Jaceo, CATH. Lyyn' yn, or yn chylde bedde (liyn in of childe in childe bed, p.) Decuho, c. F. Lyyn, or make a lesynge (ly3yn, or gabbyn, h.) Mentior. Lyke. Hoc instar. Lyke, in lykenesse. Similis. Lykdysshe. Scurra, c. f. et CATH. papas, UG. in popa. Lykerowse. Amhroninus, de- licatus, deliciosus. Lykerowsnesse. DeJicacia. Lykyn', or haue lyste (or plesyn, K. p, lykyn or lystyn, s.) De- lector. Lykynge, or luste (lyste, s.) Delectacio. Lykynge, or lusty, or craske. Delicativus, crassus (delecta- tivus, s.) signifying the toes, the extreme articulations. In the Grene Knight, 56, the expression " wounded both lim and lighth " is found; and in Syr Gawene and the Carle, 190, " lyme and lythe." The usher of King Arthur's court is described as repulsing Sir Cleges with these discourteous words, " I schall the bette euery leth, Hade and body, wythout greth, Yf thou make more pressynge." Sir Cleges, 292. See also Cant. Tales, 14,881 ; Townel. Myst.,'J27 ; and the citations given by Jamieson. Ang.-Sax. lit!, arttis. " Oute of lythe, dislocaitis, luxns.'' oath. ang. It should be noticed that the order of the Harl. MS. has been here left unaltered ; possibly the word wag written by the first hand lygthe, as would appear by the alphabetical arrangement. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Ly KEN A RE, or he )jat lykenythe. AssimUator, assimilatrLv. Lykenesse. Shnilitudo, effigies, assimilacio, instar, cath. Lykenesse, fygure, or forme (fi- gure off forme, s.) Figura, forma. Lykenyd. Assimilatus. Lyknyn'. Similo, assimilo. (Lykxyxge, s. Assimilacio.) Lykkare, or he J)at lykkythe. Lecator, UG. (lambitor, p.) Lykkyx, as beestys wythetongys. Li»gO, CATH. Lykky(n)ge of howndys, or o}>er beestys. Lictus, licacio, vel lica- citas : hec omnia ug. in lingo. Lykpot fyngyr.^ Index. Lyly, herbe. LiJium. Lym, or membre (or lythe, supra.) Memhrum. Lyme, or mortare. Calx. Lyme, to take wythe byrdys. Viscus. Lyme jerde. Viminarium, comm. viscarium (yirga viscilenta, s.) Lymyn wythe bryd Ijone. Visco. Lyme wythe lyme, idem quod wiiYTON wythe Ivme, infra in W.2 (lymyn or whytlymyn, k. qhythlymyn, ii. qwytyn, s.) (Lymows, stipra in (jleymows. Limosus, viscosiis, glutinosus.) Lyncent, werkyijge instrument for sylke women (lyncet, a werkynge stole, k. h. p.)'* Li- niarium, kylw. Lyynde, tre. Tilia, c. f. Lyne, or rope. Corda, funiculus (^cordula, p.) Ly(n)ge of the hethe (lynge, or hethe, k.)^ Bruera, vel brneria, c. F. mirica, secundum multos, et tim.us secundum extraneos altellos (aliarum terraricm, p.) LYYXGE,orgabbynge. J/e lynk is heyere i>a.n l>at, and is faste by an heyh wcy." " Erica, brya silvestris, sweete-broome, heath, or linge." Junius, by Higins. Skinner gives ling as the common appellation of heath in Lincolnshire. Moore says that in Suffolk it signifies the turf of heath or heather. Dan. lyng ; Isl. ling,yrto:i. PUOMI'TOKIUM PAriVULOKUM. 307 Lyst, or fre wylle. Arbitrium, libitum, Lystare, clothe dyynge (or ly- taster of cloj) dyynge, s. lytstar, v.y Tincfor. Lyyst of clothe. Forago, cath. Lyyst, or lysure. Stropliium (CATH. s.) Lyyste, lysure, or schrede, or chyppyngys, what so euer hyt be. Pi-eseginen, c. f. Lysty (or lusty, infra.) Delec- tabilis. (Lystyly, inft'ci in lustyly.) Lyysterre (lystyr, h. lystore, s. listyr, p.)- Lector (delec- tor, s.) Lystyn, or herkyn'. Asculto. (Lystyn, or lykyn, sujira in LYKYN, S.) Lystles. Desidiosuff, segnis. Lystles-hede. Segnicies, de- sidia, CATU. 2iigi'icict. (Lysure, supra in lyst, s.)'^ Lytere of a bed.^ Stratus, stra- torium, c. f. Lytere, or strowynge of horse, and other beestys. Stramentum, subsisternium, Lytere, or forthe brynggynge of beestys. Fetus, fetura, c. f. (LiTH, liht, lihtnynge, lihtsum, lihtsumnesse, &c. K. H. s. p. vide supra.y' 1 '• Tincfor, a litster, or heuster." med. Sir Thos. Phillipps'MS. " llnctor, tinC' , a lyster." ortus. " A littester, tinctor, tinrtrix." cath. ang. Walsingham relates that the Commons made a rising in the Eastern Counties, in 1380, at the time of Jack Straw's rebellion, their leader in Norfolk being " rjnodam fmctoi-e de Nurwico, cujus nomen erat Johannes Littestere," who called himself King of the Commons, and was beheaded by the Bp. of Norwich : ed. Camd. 9.63. In the Paston Letters, iii. 424, mention occurs of another Norwich " lyster." The word occurs also in the Towneley Mysteries. At Lynn, where the Promptorium was compiled, the continuation of Broad Street, otherwise Websters Row, is called Lister Gate Street. See Jamieson. '^ The reader, who occupied the second place in the holy orders of the Church, is probably here intended. In the Vision of P. Ploughman mention is made of " lymi- tours and listres ;" 2747. Mr. Wright, however, supposes that the word signifies deceivers. ^ The term "User" occurs in the Vision of P. Ploughman, 2891, in connection with the " drapiers," or weavers of cloth. " Lisiire, the list of cloth, or of stuffe ; the edge, or hem of a garment." cotg. Palsgrave gives also " Lyste of clothe, lisiere. I lyste a garment, or border it rounde aboute with a lyst, ie bende d'line lisiere. I haue lysted my cote within to make it laste better, am nat I a good housebande ' Lyste on a horse backe, raye. Lyste of theeare, mol de Voraylle." Compare schrede, and STEMYNE, or stodul, or stothe yn a webb3'shonde (in a webbys eend, s.) Forayo. * The process of making " litere " for beds is set forth in the chapter on the duties of the grooms, ^' ffarciomtm." Sloane MS. 1986. Boke of Curtasye, ed. Halliwell, p. 19. 5 In the other MSS. the words from lytiie to lyghtestmnesse, given above, pp. 303, 304, are placed here. They are not, however, in all cases written in conformity with this position in the alphabetical arrangement, beins mostly in the King's Coll. MS. written Liht, Lihtsum, &c. ; in Sir Tlios. Phillipps' MS. Lyth3, or bryghtnesse, &c. ; and in the Winch. MS. Lyth, Lyjth, Lyhth, Lyhtsum. These irregularities are to be attri- buted to the second hand, who, writing by ear, vitiated the spelling of the original MS. 308 I'ROMPTORIUM PARVULORU.M. Lytyl, or sumwhatt. Painimy modicum, adv. Lytylle, not grete yn quantite. Paivus, modicus (^paucus, p.) Lytylle better. Meliusculns. Lytylle chylde. Puerulus, piisius, CATii. parvulus, pjtisio, jjusillus, c. F. Lytyl feythe (or \e^ie, supra; liril fevjt, k. lytyll in feyth, p.) Pidecula, cath. Lytylle lyare. 3Iendaculus, CATH. mendacula. (Lytyll mayden, p. PueJla.) Lytylle mann. Hotnuneio, ho- mullus, homunculus. Lytylle mann, or dwerfe (litil- man or dwarw, k. dwerwe, ii. s. dwerue, p.) Nanus, c. f. ses- silluS, CATH. Lytylle thynge. Recula. Lytyn' clothys (littyn, k. p. lytyn, or lete, s.)^ Tingo. Lytyn', or longe taryyfi'.^ Moror. Lytynge of clothe (littinge, k, p.) Tinctufa. Lytynge, or longe taryynge. Mora, morositas. (LYTSTARE,*?/J»ro mLISTARE, S.) Lyvely, or qwyk, or f'ulle of lyyf (liyfly, ful of liyf, k.) Vivax. Lyvely, or qwykly (liyfly, k.) Vivaciter. LEVELYHEEDE,orqwyknesse(liyf- lines, K.) Vivacitas. Lyvelode, or lyfhode (liyflode, K.)3 Victiis. Lyflode, or warysone (liyflode, K. lyuelode, n. p.)"^ Donati- vum. Lyverey of clothe, or o]?er jyftys.^ Liber ata (Uberatura, v.) 1 " Tinyo, to dye, to coloure, or to lytte." med. " To litte, colorare, ivficere, tingere, tinctare. A littynge, tincticra.^^ cath. ang. Ray gives " to lit, to colour or dye : a linendo, sup. Utuni.''^ N. Country words. It is also given by Jamieson, but is not noticed by Brockett, or the other Northern Glossarists. Isl. Hta, tinfjere. ^ In the Vis. of P. P. 12,067, the good Samaritan is described as hastily quitting the dreamer, saying, "I may no lengerlette." See also ll,r)24. A.-Sax. latian, /arrfare. 3 —lyshode, MS. •> Compare waryson. Donativum, possessio. The term here implies a pension for services; a largess in money or grain; a dole given to veteran soldiers. '^Dona- tivum, yifte of knyghte. Emericio est liberacio ub officio cum remuneracione, a ware- sone." MED. * A livery denoted whatever was dispensed by the lord to his officials or domestics annually, or at certain seasons ; whether money, victuals, or garments. Even in the Saxon times there apjiears to have been a distribution of this nature, the ;qafol-hwitel, saya vectiyalis, of the Laws of Ina, which was, as S]ielman observes, a kind of livery. The term chiefly denoted external marks of distinction, such as the rnba estiiuilis, and hiemalis, given to the officers and retainers of the Court, as appears by the Wardrobe Book, 28 Edw. I. p. .'110, and the Household Ordinances. The practice of distributing such tokens of general adlierence to the service or interests of the individual who granted them, for the maintenance of any private quarrel, was carried to an injurious extent during the reigns of Edw. III. and Rich. II. and was forbidden by several statutes, which allowed liveries to be borne only by menials, or the members of gilds, Ike. See Stat, of Realm, ii. pp. 3, 7-4, {).'$, ITjO, KiT- The " livcrce dcs chapeiovs," often mcntioneil in these documents, was an hood or tippet, which, being of a colour fctrongly contrasted to that of the garuieut, was a kind of livery much in fashion, and FROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 309 Lyveresone.' Corroclium, UG. v. Lyvyn', or havyn' lyyf. Vivo, dego, CATii. Lyvyr, wythe-yn beestys body (lyuyr or leuyr, p.) Epar. Lyvyr worte, herbe. Epatica. well adapted to serve as a distinctive mark. Tliis, in later times, assumed the form of a round cap, to which veas appended the long liripipium , which might be rolled around the head, but more commonly was worn hanging over the arm, and vestiges of it may still be traced in the dress of civic livery-men. The Stat. 7 Henry IV. exjjressly per- mits the adoption of such distinctive dress by fraternities, and " les gentz de tnesfer-e," the trades of the cities of the realm, being ordained with good intent ; and to this pre- valent usage Chaucer alludes where he describes five artificers of various callings, who joined the pilgrimage, clothed all " in o livere of a solempne and grete fraternite." Prol. V. 365. By the same Stat, lords, knights, and esquires were allowed, in time of war, to distinguish their retainers by similar external marks, the prototypes of military uniforms. In the metrical paraphrase of Vegecius, entitled " Of Knyghthode and Batayle," Cott. MS. Titus, A. xxiii. f. 22, it is said that ancient usage had ordained three kinds of signs in an army, vocal, semivocal, as trumpet or clarion, and a third which is noiseless, " And mute it bight, or dombe, as is dragoun, Or th'egil, or th'ymage, or the penoun, Baner, pensel, plesaunce, or tufte, or creste, Or lyuereys on shilder, arm, or breste." In this passage the collar is evidently one of the liveries to which allusion is made. It was much in fashion at the time when the Promptorium was compiled. See coller, or lyuerey, p. 87 ; and the curious dissertations on collars of the royal livery, by Mr. J. G. Nichols, Gent. Mag. 1842. Much information respecting external distinctions, as the original of uniforms, will be found in the Traite des marques iiationales, by Beneton de Peyrins. " A lyveray of c\oVa.e, liberata ; hie et hec liberatalis." oath. ANG. " Lyueray gyuen of a gentylman, liueree." palsg. See Douce's lUustr. of Shakesp. Taming of the Shrew, Act IV. 1 II Corrodium, a lyuerey in a abbaye." med. Harl. MS. 2257. " A lyveray of mete, corrodium.''' cath. ang. Conredium, corredum, or coi'rodium, implied gene- rally an alimony or allowance, ^' prcebenda monachi vel canonici." duc. Thus in the Custumal of Evesham it is directed that for a whole year after the decease of an abbot or monk, his entire " conredium '' should be allowed, to be given to the poor, for the good of his soul." Mon. Ang. i. 149. The term " livrere — liueray " occurs in this sense of a daily pittance for food, Amis and Amil. 1640, 1659; in the Household Ordinances the daily allowance of meat and drink received by each individual is com- monly termed his livery, and the livery cupboard was the buffet appointed in apart- ments of greater state to receive this provision at certain times. The term corrody implied also more particularly a kind of pension, either for life or in reversion, with which a monastery was charged, granted by the founder to a kinsman or retainer, or by the house for service rendered, or some valuable consideration. The Sovereign instituted corrodies in favour of royal dependants, and Spelman observes that 119 monasteries, charged with one, and in some cases two such corrodies, were, as it may thence be supposed, of royal foundation. The injurious practice by heads of monasteries, who made traffic in such pensions for their own advantage, was restricted by the Constitutions of the Legate Othoboni, in l'2G7 , wliicii forbade tliem to sell and charge their estab- lishments with " liberationes seu corrodia," especially when granted in perpetuity. See further the notes of Joh. de Athona, Constit. Legatin. p. 150, ed. 1679; and Ducange, r. Conredium, 310 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. Lyye, or lythe, stylle and softe (ly})e, stifle, k. light, p.)' Tran- quillus. Lythe, and softe yn felynge. Mollis, lenis, cum n. non cum V. Anglice, sraothe. Lythe, wythe-owte wynde, and calme (lyye, or lythe, s.) Cul- mus, c. F. Lyye, or lythe, and calme wedyr. Malacia, c. f. (Lythe, and not sharp in taste, s. Suavis.^ Loburyone, blake or wyghte snayle. Limax. Loce, or loos, vnbownidyri'. So- lutus. Loche, or leche, fysche.^ Fun- clulus, c. F. Locchester, wyrm, idem quod LOKEDORE, infra (loccester, or lokcester, s.)^ LooDE, or caryage. Vectura. LoDYSMANNE.'* Vector, lator, vehicularius. LooF of brede. Panis. 1 The different significations of the word lythe here given are to be deduced from the Ang.-Sax. h5, tener, mitis. As applied to the elements it occurs in Emare. " The wynde stode as her lust wore, The wether was lythe on le." 833 ; Ritson, Metr. R. ii. In the Seuyn Sages, 2517, when the caldron, which was discovered boiling with seven <' walmes," had been stilled by the directions of Merlin, it is said that the water " bicom faire and lithe." In the sense of soft to the touch lythe is used by Chaucer, Dream, 953 ; H. of Fame, i. 119. " Ly3th, or sotylle, agilis, Itvis, efficax." Vocab. Roy. MS. 17 C. xvii. " Lethe, delyuer of ones lymmes, sotiple. Lythenesse, de- lyuernesse, sovplesse.'" palsg. " fllol, soft, supple, tender, lithe, limber." cotg. Bp. Kennett gives lithe as used in the North in the sense of soft or flexible ; see likewise Craven Dial, and Jamieson. The compound word lith-wake is also used there; Ang.- Sax. lilSewac ; Gloss. yElfr. Jul. A. II. Bp. Kennett cites Davies' Rites of Durham, 105, where it is related that the body of St. Cuthbert was found uncorrupted, flexible, and " leath-wake ;" and remarks "jipo^jm* lith-wake, a -Soar, li'5, membrum, et. wace, flewtbilis. A lith-wake man, a clever, nimble fellow. Durham." Lansd. MS. 1033, Compare Craven Dial. " Lith wayke,/e^?'6/7i*." oath. ang. The word occurs in the Hymn to the Holy Ghost, by W. Herebert; MS. in the possession of Sir Thos. Phillipps. " Ther oure body is leothe-wok, 3yf strengthe vrom aboue." Rel. Ant. i. 229. The verb tolitben, Ang.-Sax. liSian, ZewtVe, is used by Chaucer, Troil. iv. 754; in Arund. MS. 42, f. 42, b. one of the virtues of l/ardana is stated to be that "it lyhyn nayles )>at ben scabbe and sore ;" and of " squylle — if it ben etyn with hony, it lythe^ wombe." f. 53, b. 2 " /llosa, i. fundnlus, a loche." ortus. Colitis harhata, Linn. "Loche, the loach, a small fish. Lochelte, a groundling, or small-bearded loach. Locher, to shog, shake, shock, wag." cotg. It has been suggested that this fish may have been so named in allusion to its singularly restless habits. 8 " Loche, the dew snaile, or snaile without a shell." cotg. Menage remarks, " peut-ttre d'etuca. Eruca, ruca, Inca, loche.^' * " Plauxtrnm, vehicnbtm duarum rotarum, a lode, or a wayne." ortus. The Lodesman seems to be here the carrier, Ang.-Sax. ladman, fZwc^or. Compare the use of the verb i.edk wythe a carte, p. 292. Possibly, however, the etymon hlad, onus, PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 311 LooFT, or soler. Solarium. LoGGE, or lytylle howse. Teges, CATH. casa (tega, p.) LoGGE yn an hylle (lodge of a wareyne, H. p.) Perguluin, CATii. UG. in rege. Loggyn', or herberwyn'j or bon herbervyd (lodgyn or hai'bor- owen, p.) Hospitor. Loytron', or byn ydyl. Ocior. LoK of schyttynge, or sperynge. Sera. LoK of hey, or oJ)erlyke. Vola. LoK of hero. Cincinnus, kylw. LoK of wulle. FIoccus, ug. injlo. LOKE, spery ng-e of a dore or wyndow (loke of sperynge, as dore or wyndowe, K.)^ Vulva. Loke, or palme of wulle. Palma. LoKnoRE, wyrme (or locchester, supra.)' Multipes, c. F. (^et UG. p.) Loke, or lokynge of J)e eye. Visits, aspectus, inspeccio. Lokere. Cistella, cistula, cap- cella, CO MM. Lokyn', or seene. Video, respicio, aspicio, intuor, contemplor . Lokyn a-bowte. Circumspicio. Lokyn' yn a thynge. Inspicio. Lokynge, idem quod loke, supra. Lokkyn', or schette wythe a lokke. Sero. Lokkyn', or barryii'. Obsero, ug. in sereno. LoKSMYTHE. Serefaher. LoLLARDE.3 Lollardus,Lollarda. may be preferred, as expressive of the burden conveyed by him. Lodesman generally signifies the leader of a ship, — a pilot, as the term is used by Chaucer, Legend of Hip- siphile, and by Gower. In the Wardrobe Book 28 Edw. I. p. 273, a payment appears ^^ pro vadiis unius lodmanni conducli pro nave guiajidd,^' apparently bringing supplies to Karlaverok. " Lodesman of a shippe, pilofle." palsg. " Lodesman, a guide, perductor." gouldm. See Jamieson, i\ Ledisman. In Stat. 31 Edw. III. c. 2, a fishing vessel is named, termed a " lode ship." 1 An evident distinction is here made between loke, meaning apparently the leaf of a door, or shutter, and lock of a door, in its ordinary sense. In both cases the term is taken from Ang.-Sax. loc, claustrum, sera. In the Register of W. Curteys, Abbot of Bury, now in the possession of Edm. Woodhouse, Esq. an Indenture is pre- served, dated 1438, for the performance of certain carpenter's work in the chapel of St. John at Hille, Bury, by John Heywod, of Ditton, Camb. in which the following clause occurs : " And to eythir dore of the same chapel he shal do maken a louke of estriche borde competent.'' It seems here to denote what is commonly called the wicket, or hatch of a door ; valva is rendered in the Medulla " a wyket ;" and this signification is more clearly defined in tlie Ortus : " Valva est ostium, vel porta parva iti. viajori ex- istens." In the Promptorium wicket is given as synonymous with a little window. - In the Latin-English Vocabuhiry, Roy. MS. 17 C. XVII. under A^omina rermium, t. 55, b. is given " AJulfipes, lugdorre." Jamieson states that the Liimbricus maritius, Linn, a worm which is dug out of the sand, and used for bait, is called a lug. The name dor denoted a beetle or chafer, but more properly a drone. A. -Sax. dorn, /kcus. 3 " /iposiaticus, i. perversus, & renegate or a LoUarde. Hereticus, errans in Jide, an heretyke, or Lollarde." ortus. " Lollar, heretiqiie." The sect of Lollards ap- pears to have arisen in Germany as early as 1309, according to Hocsemius, and the rise of Lollardy in this country during the reign of Richard II. was probably due to the influence of his alliance with Anne of Bohemia. Knyghton states that the " JVi/c- liviani, qui el Lollardi dicti sunf," flourished and increased about 1387; and gives a dl2 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. LoMBE, yonge schepe. Agnus, ague U us. LooME, or instrument (loombe, s.) Utensile, instriimentum. LooME of webbarys crafte (of webstare, k. p.) Telarium. (LoNCHE, Supra in dunche.^ Sonitus, strepitics.) LoND. Terra, tellus (solum, p.) LoNDYD, or indwyd wythe lond. Terradotatus. LoNDE fro schyppe, and water. Appelln, CATH. applico, cath. LoNDYD fro schyppe, and watur. Applicitus, appUcatus. LoNDYNGE fro schyppe, and watur. Applicacio, CATH. in plico. Lond i vyl, sekenesse (londe euyll, p.)2 Epilencia. Lone, or lendynge. Mut{ii)acio, accommodacio. Long, yn quantyte of bodyly thyngys. Longus. Longe, yn doynge, or werkynge. Prolixus. Longe, yn taryynge, or mevynge (yn abydyng, k.) Morosus. Longe, yn tyme (or long tyme, K.) Diutine, diic, diuturne. Longyn', or desyryn'. Desidero, opto, affect 0. Longyn', or belongyii to athynge (belongyn to a-nother, k. p. been longyn, s.) Pertineo, consto, CATH. attineo. Longynge, hertyly desyry(n)ge (hertely desyre, s.) Desiderium, Optacio, CATH. LoYNE of flesche (lony, s.) Lum- bus,elumhus, UG. v. in N. literd. LoRDE. Dominus, herus, kirius. Lordly. Dominativus. Lordly. Do^ninanter (doinina- tive, p.) Lordlynesse. Dominacio, he- rilitas. Lordschyppe. Dominium, pre- dium, c. F. et brit. (LoRDscHYPPYN, or been lorde, s. Dominor.^ summary of their peculiar opinions. Ed. Twysden, col. 2706. Tlie derivation of the name has been much discussed ; some with Chaucer, Lyndwode, and Fox tracing it to lolium, as comparing them to the darnel among the wheat — others to the name of an early promoter of the heresy. The suggestion, however, of Ducange, that it was taken from Lollaerd, mussitntor, seems most reasonable. Gower speaks in his Prologue of " this newe secte of Lollardye.'' > In the Harl. MS. this word seems to denote only a sudden or boisterous noise ; but the King's Coll. MS. gives Dvnche, and Pynson's edition Dunchinge, or lunchinge, as signifying tuncio, percussio. In Norfolk, according to Forby, to lunge signifies to lean forward, to throw one's whole weight on anything, to thrust with full force, possibly from the Fr. allomjer. Mr. Wilbraham gives lungeous, ill-tempered, disposed to do some bodily harm by a blow or otherwise. Cheshire Glossary. See also Grose ; Heref. and Shropshire Glossaries. A violent kick of a horse is termed a lunge. Dunsh, sig- nifying a shove or punch, is a word used in Suffolk and N. Britain. See Moore and Jamieson. Compare Teut. donsen, ;^My?iO m dorso percutere ; Su. Goth, dunsa, m/ve/w et fragore procedere. 'i See FALLYNGE downe, or fallynge yvelle, p. 148. Epilepsy was termed likewise in French le mal de terre, evidently because those afflicted therewith fell and rolled upon the ground. " Caceria, mala vexacio, the londe yuelle." med. ms. cant. " fliau de terre, the falling sickness." cotg. PRO.MPTORIUM PARVULOKUM. •J 1 3 LooRE, techynge. Doctrina, dog- ma, instructio, hifonnacio. LoREL, or losel, or lurdene (lor- dayne, s. lurdeyn, p.)' Lurco, C. F. LoRYEL, or lorel tree (lory5er, H. lory3ell, p.) Laurus, cath. laurea, cath. Los, or lesynge. Perdicio. Loos, or fame.- Fama. Loos, or bad name. Infamia. (Loos, on-bo\vndyn, supra in LOCE, s.) LosANGE, or spancle (spangyl, K. s. p.)3 Lorcde, Dice. Losyn', or vnbyndyn'. S'olvo. ' Compare LD RCA RE, /?e leye of fuyr. Flammesco, to belewe. Flammiger, beringe lowe." MED. " A loweof fyre,_/?aw»za." CATH. ANG. This word occurs, Awatyrs of Arthure, vii. 5; it is written "leye" in the Vis. of P. Ploughman, lines 11,7B3, 11,921. Gower uses " loweth," signifying kindleth. In tlie Dialect of the North a blaze is called a low, and the verb to low, or flame, is still in use. See Craven Dial. ; Brockett, and Jamieson. Ray gives lowe as a N. country word, and laye as signifying in the South and East flame, or the steam of charcoal, or any burnt coal. Compare Ang.-Sax. leg, Dan. lue. Germ, hohe, ytamma. ^ Brito observes that taxo signifies " Ucilari, imponere precium rei que vendifur .- — ponitur pro licitari, quia licitatores in foro venalia consider antes dicunt, hoc valet tantum.'" Summa Britonis, Add. MS. 10,350, f. 37. "To lowe, nbi to prase. To prayse, preciari, apprcciari, liceri, licitari.^' cath. ang. " Licitor, to sett pryce ; et addere, vet diminuere precium rei. Licitacio, lykynge, or batynge, or bergeynynge." MED. MS. cant. " I alowe, or abate vpon a reckenyng, or accompte made, le aloue, le abats — coniugate in I beate downe." palsg. Bp. Kennett gives " to lothe, to offer in sale, or allow a thing at such a price, as, I'le lothe it you for so much money ; Cheshire. A.S. laiSian, invitare." Lansd. MS. 1033. Jamieson states that to low has the signification of to higgle about a price ; according to the Craven Glossary it is used as an abbreviation of to allow, to grant or give. In the Townl. Myst. p. 177, Pilate bargaining with Judas to betray Jesus, says, " Nou, Judas, sen he sbalbe sold, how lowfys thou hym ?" Dutch, looven, Flem. loven, estimare. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. 315 LoWYN, or mekyii' (or make lowe, or meke, k. ii. p.) Hu- milio. LowYN, or make lowe to the grownde (or botme, s.) Basso, CATir. Lowyn', or flamyn as fyyr. Flammo. LowYx', or cryyii', or bellyn, as nette. Mugio. LowYNGE, or leraynge of fyyr. Flammacio. LowYNGE, or cryynge of nette. Mugitus. LovEDAY. S ecpiestr a, CAT H.vel dies sequestva. LovEDAY MAKERE.' Sequester, CATH. Lover of an howse.- Lodium, NECC. umbrex. 1 " JDicitur sequester reconciliator, qui discordes pacificat, et qui certantibus meditis intervenit," ^-c. cath. The term loveday occurs in the Vis. of P. Ploughm. v. 3327, 5634; Cant. Tales, Prol. v. 261 ; Test, of Love, i. f. 274, ed, 1602; Gov. Myst. p. 111. See also Rot. Pari. 13 Hen. IV., and Bracton, V. f. 369, where a day fixed for an amicable settlement is termed '^ dies amoris.'" In the Paston Letters, V. 346, the following passage is found : " My lord Skalys hath made a lofeday with the p'or and Heydon, in alle materys except the matere of Snoryng,'' &c. " He is more redy to make a fraye, than a loue daye." horm. " Loueday to make frendes, appointement.'^ PALSG. 2 The received derivation of this term is that suggested by Minsheu, from the French Vouverte, the open turret or lantern on the roof of an house which permitted the escape of smoke. In the article on dialects in the Quart. Rev. Iv. 373, the Icelandic liori foramen pinnaculi domus, is proposed as an etymon ; the sort of cupola with a trap- door which, in the Northern countries, serves the double purpose of a chimney and a sky-light, is called in Norway liore, in W. Gothland liura. Lodium, a word unnoticed by Ducange, who gives only htcanar in the same sense, is explained in the Ortus as signifying " a louer ; dicitur de lux et do, quasi dans lucem." In the Latin-English Vocab. Roy. MS. 17 C XVII. are given ^'Lodium, lucare, impluviare, lowere ;" f. 27. " i^«/war/?<»2, a chymeney or a lovyre. Tmbricium, a gotyre, or a lovyre." med. ms. CANT. In the edition of the Ortus in ]\Ir. Wilbraham's library, lucanar is thus rendered, *' A sloghe, a potte, a louer." " A luvere, fumarinm,fumerale, Ivcar, /odium.'' cath. ANG. In a roll of purchases for works in the Royal palaces, 2 — 5 Edw. I. amongst the miscellaneous records of the Queen's Remembrancer, the item occurs repeatedly, "pro bordis ad louere cum corantis," &c. In the Treatise entitled Femina, MS. Trin. Coll. Cant. B. 14, 40, it is said in the chapter ad edijicandum domes, that it is fittingto make a " good louer {lamueire) and wyndow :'' " Louer (amueire) and almarye (ameire) me haj>, At \>e louer fume go)? out. )>at en Fraunce ys amueyre namede, )>at here louer ys apelyt, i. nominattts.^' Horman says, " Moche of the showre fell into the louer {imphirium), but moche more into the barton (cavedium.y " Louer of a hall, esclire.'' palsg. " Dosme, a flat round louer, or open roofe to a steeple, banketting house, pigeon house, &c. Tourne- vent, a horse, or mouable louer of mettall on the top of a chimney or house. Trottouer the boord in the louer of a doue-coat for pigeons to alight on." cotg. " A loouer, or tunncll in the roofe, or top of a great hall to auoid smoke. Fumarium, spiratnenfum." BARET. Whital gives among " the parts of housing — The lovir or fomerill, infumi- bulurn,^' &c. This word is used in the Vis. of P. Ploughm. and by Spenser ia the 316 PnOMPTORlUM PARVULORUM. LowMYSHE.' Canicus (^ardulio- SUS, C. F. S.) LowMYsciiENESsE. Canictttus (arduUtas, s.) (LowMiSMAN, or woman, s. Ar- dulio, c. F.) LowPYNGE, or skyppyiio-e.2/S'« /'/«*. Lowryn', or mornyn'. Mereo, CATH. merere est cum silentio dolere, secundum UG. Lowryn', or fade coloure, and chere (or castyn lowre, s.) Tabeo, brit. Lowryn, or scowlyn'. Oboculo, KYLW. LowRYNGE. Mestus, trist'is. LowRYNGE. Tristicia, mesticia. (Lows, supra in lowce, s.) Lowsyn'. Pedicido. Lowtyn'.^ Conquinisco, c. F. UG. ohstipo, CATH. incUno. LovvTYNGE. Conquiniscia, c. f. in conquinisco, inclinacio {con- quinacio, p.) Lotiiyn' (lojjin, or lothyn, s.) Ahhominor, horreo, detestor. LoTHYNGE (lojjynge, or lothynge, s.) Abhominacio. Luce, fysche. Lucius. Luce, propyr name. Lucia. LuDDOK, or lende.'* Lumbus. (Lukchester, worm', supra in LOCH ester, s,) LuKRE, or wynnynge (luk, k. s. p.) Lucru7n. LuMBRYKE/'' Lumbricus, kylw. sense of an aperture for giving light, F. Q. vi. c. 1 1 . In the Craven Dialect a chimney is still termed the love, or luvver. Compare fomerel of an halle, p. 169. 1 LowNYSHE, MS. lowmysshe, k. h. s. p. The following explanation is given ia the Catholicon: " A/j ardeo dicitur hie ardelio, i. leccator, quia ardens est in leccaci- tate;" the Ortus gives '' Ardelus, inquietJis; qui mittit se omnibun negociis, a. meAXer of many matters." ^^ Ardelio, one full of gesture, a busie man, a medler in all matters, a smatterer in all things.*' morel. Jamieson gives loamy, slothful, inactive. "Lome, vehis Holl. tardus, piyer.'' kilian. Dan. Lummer, a long lubber, a looby, a tony. 2 " A lopynge, saltatio, salltis. A lope, saltus ; a loper, to lope," &c. oath. ang. See Jamieson, v. Loup. Ang. -Sax. hleapan ; p. part, hleop ; hleapang, saltatio. 3 The verb to lout occurs frequently in the old writers as signifying to bow down, to bend to, or stoop. See Sir F. Maddcn's Glossary to (iawoyn ; Syr Tryamoure, 1062 ; Vis. of P. Ploughman ; Cant. T. 14,lGe, 15,654 ; Gower, Townl. Myst. p. 18, cVc. In the earlier Wicliffite version. Numb. xxii. .'U is thus rendered: " Anoon the Lord openyde the eyen of Balaam, and he lowtide hym redi to the erthe ;" in the later version, " worschipide hym lowli in to erthe." In the Liber Festivalis it is said of the Virgin Mary, " She lyued so clene and so honestly y' all her felawes called her quene of maydens ; and whan ony man spake to her, mekely she lowtyd with her head, and sayd, Deo yraciusP Ed. Rouen, 149,9, f. 144, b. " 1 lowte, I gyue reuerence to one, /e me camhre, le Ivy fais la reuerence. It is a worlde to se him lowte and knele." PALSG. Ang. -Sax. \yiVd\\,inclin(ire. Compare dowyn', or lowtyn', p. 46 ; and hek, or lowte. p. 29. In the North to bow in the rustic fashion is still termed to lout. See Brockett and Jamieson. * " A luddok,ye?we« mulieris, femur viri, lumbus." cath. ang. The word occurs in Townl. Myst. p. 313. " His luddokys thai lowke like walk-mylnc clogges.'' * Numerous remedies may be found in the Treatise on the virtues of Herbs, Arund. MS. 42, " for lumbrikes." See f. 23, 40, 72, b. 84, &c. "Lumbricus, an earthly worm, also the belly-worm, or maw-worm." gouldman. PROMPTORIUM PAKVULORUM. 317 Lull yn', or byssyn'. Sopio, cath. {nenior, lallo, ug.) LuLLYNGE of yonge chylder (jong chyldryn, k.) Neniacio. LuLLYNGE SONGE. Nenia, CATH. fescennia, c. f. (^fescennina, s. fascennina, p.) Lymnyd, as bookys (Ivmynid, k.) Elucidatus. Lymnore (luminour, k.) Elu- cidator, miniographus, cath. aurigraphus, ug. in aer, mini- ator, UG. alluminator, illumi- nator, KYLW. LuMPE. Frustrum (jsic, p.) Lunge (lunche, k.) Pulmo. LuRCARE (lurcard, s. p.) Lurco. LuRDEYNE, idem est (^supra in LORELL, P.)^ Lure for hawkys. Lm'ale, comm. Lurkyn'. Latito, lateo. LuscH, or slak. Laxus (^rarus, K. P.) LuscHBURUE (lushburue, s. Pa- pirus.y- LuscHLY. Laxe (rare, k. p.) Luste. Voluptas. LusTE of synne. Libido. Lusty, fuUe of luste (lustj-ful, s.) Voluptuosus. Lusty, or lysty. Delectuosus (de- lectahilis, voluptuosus, k.) ^ Fabyan, in his Chron. part vi. c. 197, suggests the fanciful etymology of this term, which is likewise given by I3oethius, in his Hist. Scot, published in 1526, lib. x. s. 20, and adopted by Verstegan, in his remarks on names of contempt, c. x. namely, that a Dane being quartered as a spy in every family in England, was, from his tyranny, called Lord Dane, " quhUk is now tane for ane ydyll lymmer that seikis his leuyng oa other mennis laubouris," as Bellenden expresses it in his version. The immediate de- rivation is, however, evidently from the French ; " Lourdhi, lourdayne ; blunt, some- what blockish ; a little clownish, lumpish, rude ; smelling of the churle, or lobcock.'' COTG. " Lourdein : idiot, lourdaud, maladroit, sot ; en bas Lat. Lurdus."' roguef. R. Brunne says that Sibriht, King of Wessex, when driven from his realm, " as a lordan gan lusk ;" p. 9. The word occurs in the Vision of P. Ploughman, lines 12,278, 14,302 ; Townl. Myst. pp. 60, and 308. " A lurdane, uhi a thefe." cath. ang. " Lur- dayne, lovrdavlt. It is a goodly syght to se a yonge lourdayne play the lorell {(oricarder) on this facyon. " palsg. " A lourdon, or sot, bardus."' gouldm. It denotes a vile person, a sot or blockhead, a clownish churl, or a sluggard. Andrew Boorde, in the Breviary of Health, 1573, quaintly observes at the close of his directions regarding fevers, " The 151 chapiter doth shew of an euyll feuer the which doth comber yonge persons, named the feuer lurden," with which many are sore affected now a days, from bad education, or natural habit. In the last case he pronounces it incurable, but offers the following nostrum : " There is nothing so good for the feuer lurden as tinguentum baculinum, that is to saye. Take a sticke or wan of a yeard of length and more, and let it be as great as a man's fynger, and with it anoint the backe and the shoulders well morning and euening, and doo this xxj. dayes ; and if this fever will not be holpen in that time, let them beware of wagging in the galowes ; and whiles they do take their medicine, put no Lubberwort into their potage, and be(w)are of knauering about their heart ; and if this will not help, send them to Newgate, for if you wyll not, they wyll bryngthem selfe thether at length." In c. 262 he speaks also of " luskeshnes, brother to the feuer lurden." See Brockett and Jamieson. - Counterfeit sterlings, closely resembling the pennies of the English coinage, but of in- ferior value, appear to have been largely introduced during the reign of Edward III. and were probably, as Skinner suggests, termed Lushborows from their having been issued at 318 PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM. LusT(y)LY(lustili, k.) Voluptuose. LusTYLY, or lystyly. Delectabi- liter. Lute, instrument of musyke (lute of mynstralcy, k. p.) Viella, samba, lamhutum (^citella, k. citolla, H. p. sambuca, s.) (LUTYN, p.) Lutsenborgh, or Luxemburgh, a fact suflBciently evident from the word lvcembor., lv- SENBOR., or LVSEBVRGENSis, forming part of the legend which occurs on many of these pieces. H. Knyghton thus records their importation in 1347 : " Eodem anno defertur in Angliam per alienigenas et indigenas mercatores falsa moneta qum lussheburue appellata est ; unde apud Londonias multi mercatores et alii plures tracti sunt et suspensi, et quidam magna precio vitam redemerunt.'" Chron. Cott. MSS. Claud. E. iii. f. 253 ; Tib. C. VII. f. 152, v°. In the margin is written " moneta lojsbnrMes.''' Itappearsby the Rolls of Parliament, vol. ii. 160, that early in that year (20 Edw. III.) a petition had been presented by the Commons, which set forth that merchants and others exported the good sterling coin, and " de jorir en autre reportent diverses fauxes monoies ap- pellez Lusshebourues, dont la livre poet estre achati par dela pur oyt souldz, ou pur meyns" with which the country was filled. The King's pleasure was that such offenders should be judged according to law, as ^'■faux moneours.^' In the year following the Commons again petitioned '■'■puree qe la fauxe monoie de Lusshel30urues encrest de jour en autre,''' an evil attributed to the infrequency and short duration of the sittings of the judges of assize, praying for "plus aspre remedie." Rolls of Pari. ii. 167. la 1351 these false sterlings are again mentioned in the petition that declaration should be made by the King as to what offences should be adjudged treason, of which one was the importation of false coin, " sicome la monoie appelle Lusseburghe," or other resembling the coin of the realm, as fully declared in the Stat. 25 Edw. III. c. 2, where the word is written " Lucynburgh." Compare Rolls of Pari. ii. 239, and Stat, of Realm, i. 320. These fallacious monies are named in the Vision of P. Ploughman, which was com- posed, as it is conjectured, about 1362. ♦' As in lussheburwes is a luther alay, And yet loketh he lik a sterlyng. The merk of that monee is good, Ac the metal is feble." v. 10,322. In the Cant. Tales, which, according to Tyrwhitt, were written subsequently to 1382, allusion occurs to " Lusheburghes," as coins of base alloy ; Monks Tale, v. 13,968: as likewise in Piers of Fulham, p. 128, ed. Hartshorne, " No lussheborues, but money of fyne assay." It must be observed, that in Twysden's edition of Knyghton, as likewise in the printed text of the Rolls of Parliament, the term has been given as Lussheburne, ap- parently in consequence of its origin having been forgotten ; it seems, however, evident that the true reading should be Lussheburue, which is merely a variation from Lusshe- burwe, or Lucynburgh. See further on this subject Ruding, i. 222 ; Snelling's Plates of counterfeit Sterlings, and the Bliltter fiir Miinzkunde, 1839. The import of the word Papirus in relation to base coin is obscure. It is found in the Winchester MS. only. The coins of the Byzantine emperors, called perpari, and the Italian paparini, were monies of considerable value, but there was a base coinage in France during the XlVth cent, of pieces of bad alloy, called /^ar/>iMllBRARYQr "^/^aMINd-SUV^ ^.i/OJIlVDJO'^ %OJI1V3JO^ ^OFCAIIFO% ? ^. £7 ^\WEUNIVERS/4 ■%a3AIN(l]\\V ^OFCA1IFO% ^OFCAIIFO% ^lOSANCElfJ-^ ■< %JJ3AINfl-3yiV^ ^^lLIBRARY(?/v ^ o %a3AiNn-3\v^' vvlOSANCElfj> ■• o ? s 3 O ^OFCALIFOftj^, ^OfCALIFOi?^. '^/sa3AiN0]V^^ "^^AiivaaiH^ >&AavaeiH^ AWEUNIVER% ■^TiiiDiiysoi'^ Q ti. vvlOSANCElfj> 55 so >■ ^/iaaAiNiiai\N^ ^ILIBRARYQ^ AWEUNIVERS/a I; ^Z" ^J513DNVS0# ASclOSANCElfj> o O ti. %a3AINIl-3WV ^HIBRARYQ<^ i3 .^UIBRARYQ^^ ^iKOJIlVDJO'? ^ ^OFCAllF0/?4^ - '^ L ^OAHVjian AWEUNIVERS/a I vvlOSANCElf/>, ^.OFCAIIFO% '^ia3AiNn3UV* >&Aaviian# \ ^OFCAIIFO%. 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