ifornia " ------ ity al ESPERANTO [THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE] THE STUDENT'S COMPLETE TEXT BOOK Containing Full Grammar, Exercises, Conversations, Commercial Letters, and Two Vocabularies COMPILED BY j, C. O'CONNOR, B.A. New YORK CHICAGO TORONTO FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY LONDON AND EDINBURGH THE STANDARD SERIES ESPERANTO [THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE] THE STUDENT'S COMPLETE TEXT BOOK Containing Full Grammar, Exercises, Conversations, Commercial Letters, and Two Vocabularies COMPILED BY J. C. O'CONNOR, B.A. EDITION OF 1907, REVISED NEW YORK CHICAGO TORONTO FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY LONDON AND EDINBURGH Copyright, 1903, by FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY Entered at Stationers' Hall All Rights Reserved New York: 158 Fifth Avenue Chicago: 63 Washington Street Toronto : 27 Richmond Street, W London : 21 Paternoster Square Edinburgh: '^3 St. Mary Street CONTENTS PAGE. EDITOR'S PREFACE 5 THE MAKING OF AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE. By Dr. Zamenhof 7 ADVICE TO THE STUDENT 21 SYNOPSIS OF THE GRAMMAR OF ESPERANTO ... 23 PART I. THE GRAMMAR 24 List of Correlative Words 42 How to Build Up New Words 44 PART II. EXERCISES ON THE GRAMMAR ... 49 Exercises on Correlative Words ... 81 PART III. CONVERSATIONS 88 PART IV. LETTERS, COMMERCIAL, ETC 108 A FEW IDIOMATIC PHRASES Ill PART V. VOCABULARIES: (1). English-Esperanto 114 (2). Esperanto-English 141 APPENDIX. NAMES OF COUNTRIES, FOODS, ETC. 167 2210306 Preface to the Revised Edition THIS revised edition of my Grammar of the Auxiliary International Language, u Esperanto " the first published for English readers has had the great advantage of the personal supervision and official approval of the founder, Dr. Zamen- hof. That it has been prepared to supply a want is not a mere fagon de parler. Prior to the appear- ance of the first edition hundreds of inquirers, from most widely separated sections at home and abroad had written urgently requesting a gram- mar suitable for English students. These inquir- ers, for the most part, came to know of the exist- ence of "Esperanto" through the medium of pamphlets, leaflets, letters in the public Press, etc., which could give, of necessity, only the merest idea and outline of the language. In compiling a book to meet this demand my chief desire and aim has been to prepare a Gram- mar, which, while being complete in all its parts and containing everything that is necessary for a sound knowledge of the language, should be brief, clear, full, but not redundant. To the following gentlemen I return my best thanks for their exceeding great kindness and cordial co-operation : Monsieur L. de Beaufront, President of the Committee of Direction (for Es- 6 PEEFACE peranto) in France, who has written the "Con- versations," l etc., in Section II. ; The Honour- able B. H. Geoghegan, to whom, in great meas- ure, I am indebted for the chapter on the Parti- ciple ; Mr. Joseph Rhodes, F. J.S., President of the Esperanto Society, Keighley, Yorks (the first society established for the study of the language in England), who, despite his many literary duties, has given me valuable assistance in re- vising this new edition ; to Monsieur P. A hi berg, President of the Esperanto Society, Stockholm, to whom I am indebted for the greater number of the Commercial letters in Section III. ; and to Mr. Charles Hayes, Wandsworth, who also has given me valuable assistance in preparing this Grammar for publication. J. C. O'CONNOR, M.A. 17, St. Stephen's Square, Bayswater, W. 1 These dialogues originally appeared in L? Esp'erantiste from the pen of Monsieur de Beaufront. This is a monthly journal, printed in French and Esperanto, and published in Paris. To all desirous of perfecting themselves in the language it will prove a most valuable aid. It can be had by applying to the Secretary, Esperanto Society, 10, Place de la Bourse, Paris. THE MAKING OF AN INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE. [By DR. ZAMENHOF.] From the " FUNDAMENTA KRESTOMATIO," which every Esperantisl should read. If the reader should take up this little work with an incredulous smile, supposing that he is about to peruse the impracticable schemes of some good citizen of Utopia, I would in the first place beg of him to lay aside all prejudice, and treat seriously and critically the question brought before him. I need not here point out the considerable impor- tance to humanity of an international language a language unconditionally accepted by everyone, and the common property of the whole world. How much time and labour we spend in learning foreign tongues, and yet when travelling in foreign countries we are, as a rule, unable to converse with other human beings in their own language. How much time, labour, and money are wasted in translating the literary produc- tions of one nation into the language of another, and yet, if we rely on translations alone, we can become acquainted with but a tithe of foreign literature., Were there but an international language all translations would be made into it alone, as into a tongue intelligible to all, and works of an international character would be written in it in the first instance. The Chinese wall dividing literatures would dis- appear, and the works of other nations would be as readily intelligible to us as those of our own authors. Books being the same for everyone, education, ideals, convictions, aims, would be the same too, and all nations would be united in a common brotherhood. Being compelled, as we now are, to devote our time to 8 the study of several different languages, we cannot study any of them sufficiently well, and there are but few persons who can even boast a complete mastery of their mother-tongue. On the other hand, languages cannot progress towards perfection, and we are often obliged, even in speaking our own language, to borrow words and expressions from foreigners, or to express our thoughts inexactly. How different would the case be bad we but two languages to learn ; we should know them infinitely better, and the languages themselves would grow richer, and reach a higher degree of perfection than is found in any of those now existing. And yet though language is the prime motor of civilisation, and to it alone we owe the fact that we have raised ourselves above the level of other animals, difference of speech is a cause of antipathy, nay even of hatred, between people, as being the first thing to strike us on meeting. Not being understood we keep aloof, and the first notion that occurs to our minds is, not to find out whether the others are of our own political opinions, or whence their ancestors came from thousands of years ago, but to dislike the strange sound of their language. Moreover, anyone who has lived for a length of time in a commercial city, whose inhabi- tants were of different unfriendly nations, will easily understand what a boon would be conferred on man- kind by the adoption of an international idiom, which, without interfering with domestic affairs or the private life of nations, would play the part of an official and commercial dialect, at any rate, in countries inhabited by people of different nationalities. I will not expatiate on the immense importance which, it may well be imagined, an international language would acquire in science, commerce, etc. Whoever has but once bestowed a thought on the subject will surely acknowledge that no sacrifice would be too great if by it we could obtain a universal tongue. It is, therefore, imperative that the slightest ettort in that direction should be attended to. The best years of my life have been devoted to this momentous cause. I shall not here enter upon an analysis of the various attempts already made to give the public a universal language, but will content myself with remarking that these efforts have amounted either to a short system of mutually-intelligible signs, or to a natural simplification of the grammar of existing modern languages, with a change of their words into others arbitrarily formed. The attempts of the first category were quickly seen to be too complicated for practical use, and so faded into oblivion ; those of the second were, perhaps, entitled to the name of " languages," but certainly not " international " languages. The inventors called their tongues "universal," I know not why, possibly because no one in the whole world, except themselves, could understand a single word written or spoken in any of them. If a language, in order to become universal, has but to be named so, then, forsooth, the wish of any single individual can frame out of any existing dialect a universal tongue. As these authors naively imagined that their essays would be enthusiastically welcomed and taken up by the whole world, and as this unanimous welcome is precisely what the cold and indifferent world declines to give, when there is no chance of realising any immediate benefit, it is not much to be marvelled at if these brilliant attempts came to nothing. The greater part of the world was not in the slightest degree interested in the prospect of a new language, and the persons who really cared about the matter thought it scarcely worth while to learn a tongue which none but the inventor could under- stand. When the whole world, said they, has learnt 10 this language, or at least several million people, we will do the same. I have always been interested in the question of a universal language, but as I did not feel myself better qualified for the work than the authors of so many other fruitless attempts, I did not risk running into print, and merely occupied myself with imaginary schemes and a minute study of the problem. At length, however, some happy ideas, the fruits of my reflections, incited me to further work, and induced me to essay the systematic conquest of the many obstacles which beset the path of the inventor of a new rational universal language. As it appears to me that I have almost succeeded in my undertaking, I am now venturing to lay before a critical public the results of my long and assiduous labours. The principal difficulties to be overcome were : (1). To render the study of the language so easy as to make its acquisition mere play to the learner. (2). To enable the learner to make direct use of his knowledge with persons of any nationality, whether the language be universally accepted or not ; in other words, the language is to be directly a means of international communication. (3). To find some means of overcoming the natural indifference of mankind, and disposing them, in the quickest manner possible, and en masse, to learn and use the proposed language as a living one, and not only in last extremities, and with the key at hand. Amongst the numberless projects submitted at various times to the public, often under the high- sounding but unaccountable name of " universal languages," no one has solved at once more than one of the above-mentioned problems, and even that but partially. Before proceeding to enlighten the reader as to the 11 means employed for the solution of the problems, I would ask of him to reconsider the exact significance of each separately, so that he may not be inclined to quibble at my methods of solution merely because they may appear to him perhaps too simple. I do this because I am well aware that the majority of mankind feel disposed to bestow their consideration on any subject the more carefully, in proportion, as it is enigmatical and incomprehensible. Such persons, at the sight of so short a grammar, with rules so simple and so readily intelligible, will be ready to regard it with a contemptuous glance, never considering the fact of which a little further reflection would convince them that this simplification and bringing of each detail out of its original complicated form into the simplest and easiest conceivable was, in fact, the most insuperable obstacle to be overcome. THE FIRST DIFFICULTY. The first of the problems was solved in the follow- ing manner : (1). I simplified the grammar to the utmost, and while, on the one hand, I carried out my object in the spirit of the existing modern languages, in order to make the study as free from difficulties as possible, on the other hand, I did not deprive it of clearness, exactness, and flexibility. My whole grammar can be learned perfectly in one hour. The immense allevia- tion given to the study of a language by such a grammar must be self-evident to everyone. (2). I established rules for the formation of new words, and at the same time reduced to a very small compass the list of words absolutely necessary to be learned, without, however, depriving the language of the means of becoming a rich one. On the contrary, thanks to the possibility of forming from one root 12 word any number of compounds, expressive of every conceivable shade of id- a, I made it the richest of the rich amongst modern tongues. This I accomplished by the introduction of numerous prefixes and suffixes, by whose aid the student is enabled to create new words for himself, without the necessity of having previously to learn them. For example : (1). The prefix mal denotes the direct opposite of any idea. If, for instance, we know the word for "good," bon'a, we can immediately form that for "bad," mal' bon'a, and hence the necessity of a special word for " bad " is obviated. In like manner, alt'a, " high," " tall," mal'al'ta, " low," " short " ; estim'i, " to respect," mal' estim'i, " to despise," etc. Consequently, if one has learned this single word mal he is relieved of learning a long string of words such as " hard," (premising that he knows " soft,") " cold," " old," "dirty," "distant," "darkness," "shame," " to hate," etc., etc. (2). The suffix in marks the feminine gender, and thus if we know the word " brother," frat'o, we can form " sister," fratin'o ; so also, " father," patr'o ; " mother," patr'in'o. By this device words like "grandmother," " bride," " girl," " hen," " cow," etc., are done away with. (3). The suffix il indicates an instrument for a given purpose, e.g., trantfi, " to cut," trantfil'o, " a knife " ; so words like " comb," " axe," " bell," etc., are rendered unnecessary. In the same manner are employed many other affixes some fifty in all which the reader will find in the vocabulary. Moreover, as I have laid it down as a general rule that every word already regarded as international the so-called " foreign " words, for example undergoes no change in my language, except such as may be necessary to bring it into 13 conformity with the international orthography, in- numerable words become superfluous, e.g., "loco- motive," "telegraph." "nerve," "temperature," "centre," "form," "public," "platinum," "figure," "waggon," "comedy," and hundreds more. By the help of these rules, and others, which will be found in the grammar, the language is rendered so exceedingly simple that the whole labour in learning consists in committing to memory some 3,000 words which number includes all the grammatical inflexions, prefixes, etc. VVith the assistance of the rules given in the grammar, anyone of ordinary intellectual capacity may form for himself all the words, ex- pressions, and idioms in ordinary use. Even these 3,000 words, as will be shown directly, are so chosen that the learning them ofters no difficulty to a well- educated person. Thus the acquirement of this rich, mellifluous, universally-comprehensible language is not a matter of years of a laborious study, but the mere light amusement of a few days. PROBLEM No. 2. The solution of the second problem was effected thus : (1). I introduced a complete dismemberment of ideas into independent words, so that the whole language consists, not of words in different states of grammatical inflexion, but of unchangeable words. If the reader will turn to one of the pages of this book written in my language, he will perceive that each word always retains its original unalterable form namely, that under which it appears in the vocabulary. The various grammatical inflexions, the reciprocal relations of the members of a sentence, arc expressed by the junction of immutable syllables. 14 But the structure of such a synthetic language being altogether strange to the chief European nations, and consequently difficult for them to become accustomed to, I have adapted this principle of dismemberment to the spirit of the European languages, in such a manner that anyone learning my tongue from gram- mar alone, without having previously read this intro- duction which is quite unnecessary for the learner will never perceive that the structure of the language differs in any respect from that of his mother-tongue. So, for example, the derivation of frat'in'o, which is in reality a compound of frat " child of the same parents as one's self," in " female," o " an entity," "that which exists," i.e., "that which exists as a female child of the same parents as one's self "="a sister," is explained by the grammar thus : the root for " brother " is frat, the termination of substantives in the nominative case is o, hence frat'o is the equivalent of " brother " ; the feminine gender is formed by the suffix in, hence frat'in'o = "sister." (The little strokes between certain letters are added in accordance with a rule of the grammar, which requires their insertion between each component part of every complete word). Thus the learner experiences no difficulty, and never even imagines that what he calls terminations, suffixes, etc., are complete and independent words, which always keep their own proper significations, whether placed at the beginning or end of a word, in the middle, or alone. The result of this construction of the language is that everything written in it can be immediately and perfectly understood by the help of the vocabulary or even almost without it by anyone who has not only not learnt the language before, but even has never heard of its very existence. Let me illustrate this by an example : I am amongst Englishmen, and have not the slightest 15 knowledge of the English language ; I am absolutely in need of making myself understood, and write in the international tongue, maybe, as follows : Mi ne sci'as kie mi las'is la baston'o'n ; cu vi in ne vid'is ? I hold out to one of the strangers an International English vocabulary, and point to the title, where the following sentence appears in large letters : " Every- thing written in the international language can be translated by the help of this vocabulary. If several words together express but a single idea, they are written as one word, but separated by commas ; e.g., frat'in'o, though a single idea, is yet composed of three words, which must be looked for separately in the vocabulary." If my companion has never heard of the international language he will probably favour me at first with a vacant stare, will then take the paper offered to him, and, searching for the words in the vocabulary, as directed, will make out something of this kind : Mi ne sci'as kie mi lasis la baston'o'n;- { mi = 1 } I { ne = not not !sci ^know \ as = sign of the present J- do know tense { kie = where where { mi = 1 I ( las = leave ^ * = sign of the pastj- have left I tense j { la = the j the baston = stick \ n = sign of a substantive 1 = sign of the objective j stick ; / 16 fSu = whether, if, employed in ques-j- whether tions i)i { w =you, thou } you gi =it, this 1 n sign of the objective V it case J ne { ne = not not ( yid = see 1 i wd as ? ! r .1 > have seen ? (is = sign of the past tense J And thus the Englishman will easily understand what it is I desire. If he wishes to reply, I show him an English-International vocabulary, on which are printed these words : " To express anything by means of this vocabulary, in the international language, look for the words required in the voca- bulary itself ; and for the terminations necessary to distinguish the grammatical forms look in the gram- matical appendix, under the respective headings of the parts of speech which you desire to express." Since the explanation of the whole grammatical struc- ture of the language is comprised in a few lines as a glance at the grammar will show the finding of the required terminations occupies no longer time than the turning up a word in the dictionary. I would now direct the attention of my readers to another matter, at first sight a trifling one, but, in truth, of immense importance. Everyone knows the impossibility of communicating intelligibly with a foreigner by the aid of even the best of dictionaries, if one have no previous acquaintance with the language. In order to find any given word in a dictionary, we must know its derivation, for when words are arranged in sentences, nearly every one of them undergoes some grammatical change. After this alteration, a word often bears not the least 17 resemblance to its primary form, so that without knowing something of the language beforehand, we are able to find hardly any of the words occurring in a given phrase, and even those we do find will give no connected sense. Suppose, for example, I had written the simple sentence adduced above in German : " Ich weiss nicht wo ich den Stock gelassen habe ; haben Sie ihn nicht gesehen 1 " Anyone who did not speak or understand German, after searching for each word separately in a dictionary, would produce the following farrago of nonsense : " I ; white ; not ; where ; I ; ; stick ; dispassionate ; property ; to have ; she, they, you ; ; not ; 1" I need scarcely point out that a lexicon of a modern language is usually a volume of a certain bulk, and the search for any number of words one by one is in itself a most laborious undertaking, not to speak of the dif- ferent significations attaching to the same word, amongst which there is but a bare possibility of the student selecting the right one. The international vocabulary, owing to the highly synthetic structure of the language, is a mere leaflet, which one might carry in one's note book, or the waistcoat-pocket. Granted that we had a language with a grammar simplified to the utmost, and whose every word had a definite fixed meaning, the person addressed would require not only to have beforehand some knowledge of the grammar, to be able, even with the vocabulary at hand, to understand anything addressed to bin), but would also need some previous acquaintance with the vocabulary itself, in order to be able to distin- guish between the primitive word and its gramma- tically-altered derivatives. The utility, again, of such a language would wholly depend upon the number of its adepts, for when sitting, for instance, in a railway- carriage, and wishing to ask a fellow-traveller " How long do we stop at 1" it is scarcely to be expected B 18 that he will undertake to learn the grammar of the language before replying ! By using, on the other hand, the international language, we are set in possi- bility of communicating directly with a person of any nationality, even though he may never have heard of the existence of the language before. Anything whatever, written in the international tongue, can be translated, without difficulty, by means of the vocabulary alone, no previous study being requisite. The reader may easily convince himself of the truth of this assertion by experi- menting for himself with the specimens of the language appended to this pamphlet. A person of good education will seldom need to refer to the vocabulary, a linguist scarcely at all. Let us suppose that you have to write to a Spaniard, who neither knows your language nor you his. You think that probably he has never heard of the inter- national tongue. No matter, write boldly to him in that language, and be sure he will understand you perfectly. The complete vocabulary required for everyday use, being but a single sheet of paper, can be bought for a few pence, in any language you please, easily enclosed in the smallest envelope, and forwarded with your letter. The person to whom it is addressed will without doubt understand what you have Avritten, the vocabulary being not only a clue to, but a complete explanation of your letter. The wonderful power of combination possessed by the words of the international language renders this lilliputian lexicon amply sufficient for the expression of every want of daily life ; but words seldom met with, technical terms, and foreign words familiar to all nations, as "tobacco," "theatre," "fabric," etc., arenot included in it. If such words, therefore, are needed, and it is impossible to express them by some equivii lent terms, the larger vocabulary must be consulted 19 (2). It has now been shown how, by means of the peculiar structure of the international tongue, anyone may enter into an intelligible correspondence with another person of a different nationality. The sole drawback, until the language becomes more widely known, is the necessity under which the writer is placed of waiting until the person addressed shall have analysed his thoughts. In order to remove this ob- stacle as far as practicable, at least for persons of education, recourse was had to the following ex- pedient. Such words as are common to the languages of all civilised peoples, together with the so-called " foreign " words and technical terms, were left unaltered. If a word has a different sound in dif- ferent languages, that sound has been chosen which is common to at least two or three of the most important European tongues, or which, if found in one language only, has become familiar to other nations. When the required word has a different sound in every language, some word was sought for, having only a relative likeness in meaning to the other, or one which, though seldom used, is yet well known to the leading nations, e.g., the word for "near" is different in every European language, but if one consider for a moment the word " proximus " (nearest), it will be noticed that some modified form of the word is in use in all important tongues. If, then, I call " near " jHYftfcmm, the meaning will be apparent to every educated man. In other emer- gencies words were drawn from the Latin, as being a quasi-international language. Deviations from the^e rules were only made in exceptional cases, as for the avoidance of homonyms, simplicity of orthography, etc. In this manner, being in communication with a European of fair education, who has never learnt the international tongue, one may make sure of being immediately understood, without the person B9 20 addressed having to refer continually to the voca bulary. In order that the reader may prove for himself the truth of all that has been set forth above, two speci- mens of the international language are subjoined.* PATR'O NI'A. Patr'o ni'a, kiu est'as en la ciel'o, sankt'a est'u Vi'a nom'o, ven'u reg'ec'o Vi'a, est'u vol'o Vi'a, kiel en la ciel'o, tiel ankau sur la ter'o. Pan'o'n ni'a'n ciu'tag'a'n don'u al ni hodiau, kaj pardon'u al ni suld'o'j'n ni'aj'n, kiel ni ankau pardon'as al ni'a'j suld'ant'o'j ; ne konduku ni'n en tent'o'n ; sed liber'ig'u ni'n de la mal'vera, car Vi'a est'as la regad'o, la fort'o, kaj la gloro eterne. Amen ! EL LA BIBLI'O. Je la komenc'o Di'o kre'is la ter'o'n kaj la ciel'o'n. Kaj la ter'o est'is sen'form'a kaj dezert'a, kaj inal'lum'o est'is super la profund'a'jo, kaj la anim'o de Di'o si'n port'is super la akv'o. Kaj Di'o dir'is : est'u lum'o ; kaj far'ig'is lum'o. Kaj Di'o vid'is la lum'o'n ke gi est'as bon'a, kaj nom'is Di'o la lum'o'n tag'o, kaj la mal'lum'o'n Li nom'is nokt'o. Kaj est'is vesper'o, kaj est'is maten'o unu tag'o. Kaj Di'o dir'is : est'u firm'aj'o inter la akv'o, kaj gi apart'ig'u akv'on de akv'o. Kaj Di'o kre'is la firm'aj'o'n kaj apart'ig'is la akv'o'n kiu est'as sub la firm'a]'o, de la akv'o kiu est'as super la firm'aj'o; kaj far'ig'is tiel. Kaj Di'o nom'is la firm'- aj'o'n ciel'o. Kaj est'is vesper'o, kaj est'is maten'o la du'a tag'o. Kaj Di'o dir'is : kolekt'u sin la akv'o de sub la ciel'o mm lok'o'n, kaj montr'u si'n sek'aj'o ; kaj far'ig'is tiel. Kaj Di'o nom'is la sek'aj'o'n ter'o, kaj la kolekt'o'j'n de la akv'o Li nom'is mar'o'j. In correspondence with persons who have learnt the language, as well as in works written for them exclusively, the commas, separating parts of words, are omitted. ADVICE TO THE STUDENT. 1 . The lessons, etc., in this text-book are arranged to meet what must be the great aims of an International language, viz. : (1). To read it with facility. (2). To speak it with facility. (3). To write it with facility. 2. And, in order to fulfil these ends, the Lessons have been divided into three sections, namely : Exercises, Conversations, and Specimens of Correspond- ence. All these can be taken in their order, but there is nothing to prevent a student from working at the Conversations before the Exercises (Section I.) have been finished. The Correspondence (Section III.), however, should not be attempted until the Exercises and Conversations are thoroughly mastered. 3. In order to facilitate the study of the language, I would advise the student to give his careful atten- tion to the following suggestions : 4. Do not begin the Exercises until the sound value of every letter in the Alphabet is thoroughly mastered. 5. Even when this point is attained, let no day pass without reading aloud the words of, at least, one Exercise ; this for three reasons firstly, as an exercise in pronunciation ; secondly, to accustom the ear to the sound of the words ; thirdly, for a better remembering of the words, onesense here materially helping the other. 6. Keep well before the mind, for this end, the fact that the language is phonetic, one letter having always and everywhere one sound, and, finally, remember there are no silent letters. 7. In mentioning the letters it is well to give them the names by which they are universally known ; this is done by adding an to each consonant. Thus the 22 name of B is bo, D is do, M is mo, R is ro, S is sho, Z is zo, etc., etc. This gives the Alphabet its own proper characteristic, which is totally distinct from the alphabets of all other languages. 8. Learn the Grammatical Terminations which precede the Grammar proper. " Hasten slowly," do not be in too great a hurry, proceed step by step. Too great haste only retards progress. 9. Recapitulate occasionally. When you finish the first 10 Lessons repeat them ; do the same when you finish Lesson 20, and finally have a repetition of the whole When you do this thoroughly you have a " working capital " of close on 700 or 800 words. 10. Moreover, if you act in this way, the remaining Sections (II. and III.) will present no difficulty. 11. Having finished the Exercises, I would suggest that the student subscribe to one of the journals (of which there are now at least ten published) printed for the propagation of the language. Some of these are printed entirely in Esperanto, others in French and Esperanto. An English Esperanto monthly is in preparation. 12. If you wish to correspond in the language, you should obtain the Annual Universal address book issued by Dr. Zamenhof, an application form for which can be had by applying to the Esperanto Club. By giving one hour each day to the language, at the end of a few weeks you will find no difficulty in this. And remember, by means of " Esperanto," your cor- respondence need not be limited to one or two countries. Practically, by the means of this language, your field is boundless for this purpose. 13. Every Esperantist should obtain and carefully study Dr. Zamenhofs " Fundamenta Krestomatio," which is the guide to style, and contains the larger part of Dr. Zamenhof's own writings. SYNOPSIS OF THE GRAMMAR OF ESPERANTO. I final AS IS OS us u ANTA* INTA ONTA ATA ITA OTA A K J ,, N , GRAMMATICAL TERMINATIONS. denotes always the infinitive. Ami, to love. ,, ,, present tense. Mi amas, love. ,, ,, ,, past tense. Vi ami*, you loved. ,, ,, ,, future tense Hi amos, they will love. ,, ,, conditional. Li amiis, he should or would love, imperative. Amu, love ; li amu, let him love, present participle (active) Amanta, loving, past participle (active). Aminta, having loved, future participle (active). Amonta, about to love, present participle (passive). Amata, being loved, past participle (passive). Amita, having been loved, future participle (passive). Amota, about to be loved, noun. Patro, father, adjective. Patra, paternal, adverb. Patre, paternally, plur. Bonaj i>atroj, good fathers, objective (accusative) case. and the direction towards which one goes Mi trovin In libron, I found the book. Si iras Londonon, she goes to London. * The final " A" of participles is changed to " E " when used adverbially, as amante, by (or in) loving. PART I.-THE ESPERANTO GRAMMAR. The Alphabet. 1. There are twenty-eight letters in the alphabet, viz. : Aa, Dd, Gg, Jj, Mm, Rr, Uu, Bb, Ee, Hh, Jj, Nn, Ss, tlii, !c, Ff, Hh, Kk, Oo, Ss, Vv, Gg, li, LI, Pp, Tt, Zz. 2. With the exception of the following, these letters are pronounced exactly as in English : A is always pronounced as " a " in father. E "e"in they. I ,, "ee " in seen. " o " in so. U " u " in rule. C "ts" in bits. C " ch " in church. G "g" in good. G " g " in gem. H " ch " in loch. J ,. "y"in yes. J " s " in vision. S ,, ,, "s" in basin, never like " s " in rose. S "sh" in she. Ati ,, ,, " ow " in how. Aj " i " in nigh. OJ " y " in b y- Ett " eh-oo " as in the words " they who." Ej ayi " in saying. Uj "ui" in ruin. NOTE. Dr. Zamenhof permits the substitution of the letter " h " for the accent, in all cases of ch, gh, hh, jh, and sh. 25 3. The sound of the letters is always the same, whether initial, medial or final. " One letter one sound." 4. There are no silent letters in Esperanto ; every letter must be sounded separately, even in the case of the double letters, Aj, AH and Oj, the pronuncia- tion of which is given. " H " is never silent. 5. Esperanto being a phonetic language, every word is read exactly as it is written, and written as read. Dume = " doo-may," not " doom." hi = " ee-ale," not " eel." Traire= " trah-ee-ray," not " tra-ire." Fingringo = feen-green-go, not fing-gring-o (treat " ing " always after this model). The Accent. 1. Every word in Esperanto is accented on the penultimate (the last syllable but one). Hence this syllable must be well marked, raising the voice on it, and not on the final s)'llable. Even in words of two syllables the accent must be strong, distinct and clear upon the first. This is called the "tonic " accent. '2. This, however, does not mean that the other syllables should be slurred or pronounced carelessly. Every syllable must get its full sound-value, but the neglect of the tonic accent would tend, in a great measure, to rob the language of an essential part of its beauty and euphony. Compound Words. These are formed by the junction of words, much the same as in English. In Esperanto the principal word is always placed last, this word taking the termination determining which part of speech it is. Antati, before, Fid', see. Antatividi, to foresee (verb). Griz, grey, ///, hair. Grizhara, grey haired (adj.). Vapor, steam, Sip, ship. Fapor&po, steamship (noun ). 26 The grammatical terminations " i," " a," " o," are regarded as independent words in such casts. In elementary work, or in corresponding with learners, the different parts of compound words are divided by perpendicular or sloping bars ', as Vapor' sip o, Griz'har'a, Antati'vid'i. Foreign Words. 1. By " foreign words " we understand a large class of words which most languages receive from a common source. 2. In Esperanto these words retain their original form, undergoing no change except only so far as they are subject to its orthographical system and rules. Mikrofono, Microphone. Tealro, Theatre. Mikrofona, Microphonic. Teatra, Theatrical. Mikrofone, Microphonically. Teatre, Theatrically. 3. As will be seen from these examples, the derived words Mikrofona, mikrofone, teatra, teatre, always originate or spring from the root of the primary word, mikrofon', teatr . Elision. 1. Elision is not common in Esperanto ; its use is rather to be avoided than followed. 2. The only letters that may be elided are the "a" of the article and the "o" of nouns (in the singular). When elision does take place, an apostrophe is used to denote the dropped letter. La, domo de Vmastrq, the house of the master ; or, the master's house. Siller' estis glora poeto ; Schiller was a glorious poet. 3. In no case is elision obligatory. 27 Interrogation. Cu denotes an interrogation, as Cu li legos f Does he read 1 It is also used in indirect questions, when it means " whether." Negation. As in English, double negatives must not be used. Mi nenion trovis, I found nothing. Si neniun vidis en la palaco, she saw no one in the palace. Direction. In answers to questions beginning with " Kien," "where" (meaning direction), the word or words must have the termination of the objective. As, Kien li iras ? Where does he go 1 (Where is he going ?) Li iras ganlenon. Londonon. He goes (or is going) to a garden to London. PART5 OF SPEECH. The Article. 1. There is no indefinite article in Esperanto. It is contained in the Noun (as in Latin) according as the sense does or does not require it, as : Rozo estas flow, a rose is a flower. Patro kaj frato, father and brother. 2. The definite article is La, the. (It is invariable). La patro, the father. La patrino, the mother. La tablo, the table. La patroj, the fathers. La birdoj estas sur la arbo, the birds are on the tree. 28 3. The definite article is never used in Esperanto before proper names, as : Unuigitaj Statoj Amerikaj. The United States of America. Francujo estas pli varma ol Anglujo* France is warmer than England. 4. The definite article is used in Esperanto before nouns denoting the totality of persons or things re- presented, as : La, homo estas mortema, man is mortal. The Noun. 1. The noun, in Esperanto, invariably ends in " o," as: Patro, father. Patrino, mother. Arbo, tree. 2. The plural is formed by adding " j " (pron."y ") to the singular, as : Patroj, fathers. Patrinoj, mothers. Arloj, trees. 3. The objective case (sometimes named the Accusative) is formed by adding "n " to the singular or plural, as : Mi havas floron, birdon kaj libron. I have a flower, a bird and a book. Mi havas florojn birdojn kaj librojn. I have flowers, birds and books. This form of the objective is not used in English, but as Esperanto is a language to be used by all nations, and having to unite clearness with simpli- city, it had to be so formed that however the words in a sentence may be arranged, the subject and object cannot be read one for another.! * Alternative forms are Frandando, Anglolando. f For a special Note on the use of the Accusative see p. 166. 29 4. Possession is denoted as follows : La domn de lapatro, the father's house. La libro de la patrino, the mother's book. La capelo de Johano, John's hat. 5. The direction, or place towards which one goes, also takes the sign of the objective case, " n," as : Mi ims Ramon, I go to Rome. La hundo saltis sur la liton,< the dog jumped on (to) the bed. (He was not on the bed when he jumped, he was on the floor or elsewhere, and from there he jumped on to the bed). But, La hundo saltis sur la lito means he was on the bed, and then jumped about oh it. 6. The feminine is formed by inserting in before the termination o or oj, as : patro, patr-in-o, father, mother. Edzo, eiz-in-o, husband, wife. Koko, kok-in-o, cock, hen. Mi vidis la edzon kaj la edzinon, I saw the husband and the wife. 7. " N " is also used in words signifying date. Li venis lundon, he came (on) Monday. 8. In words expressing weight, measure, price and duration "N " is likewise added, as Si kantis du horojn, she sang (for) 2 hours. The Adjective. 1. All adjectives, and participles when used as adjectives, end in " a," as : Forta, strong. Rica, rich. Brava, brave. La bona patro, la bela patrino kaj lajuna filo (sing). The good father, the beautiful mother and the young son. 30 La bonaj patroj, la belaj patrinoj kaj la junaj filoj (plur.). The good fathers, the beautiful mothers and the young sons. 2. If an adjective qualifies or refers to a noun in the objective case such adjective must also take the sign of that case, " n," as : Mi trovis junan birdon en la Qardeno. I found a young bird in the garden. hi aceti* du carmajn librojn. I bought two charming books. 3. The adjective may precede or follow the noun it qualifies, as : Ali havas novan capelon, or mi havas capelon novan, I have a new hat. 4. As already stated, participial adjectives, that is participles used as adjectives, follow the above rules. Amanta amiko, a loving friend. Amantaj amikoj, loving friends. Adjectives must never be used as adverbs, nor adverbs as adjectives. Comparison of Adjectives. 1. Adjectives are compared as follows : The comparative of equality is, tiel kiel, as as. (1). The comparative of superiority is, pli ol, more than. (2). The comparative of inferiority is, malpli ol, less than. (3). Fi estas tiel forta kiel li. You are as strong as he. (1). Fi estas pli forta ol li. You are stronger than he (2). 31 Vi estas mnlpli forta ol li You are less strong (weaker) than he. (3). 2. The superlative of superiority is laplej (el) the most ( of, in, amongst). (4). The superlative of inferiority is la malplej ( el} the least ( of, in, amongst). (5). Li estas la plej kuratfa homo en la mondo (el ni ciuj). (4). He is the most courageous man in the world (amongst us all). Mi estas la plej rica el ciuj. (4). I am the richest of all. Mi estas la malplej forta el ni. (5). I am the least strong (weakest) amongst us. 3. The superlative absolute is indicated by " tre," "very." Mia patro estas tre rica kaj tre felica. My father is very rich and very happy. Numerals. 1. The cardinal numbers are : Unu (1), du (2), tri (3), kvar (4), fain (5), ses (6), sep (7), ok (8), naU (9), dek (10), cent (100), mil (1000). 2. The tens and hundreds are formed by the aid of the numbers preceding: Dek (10) or cent (100), as dudek (20), tndek (30), sesddc (60), naiidek (90), kvarcent (400), kvincent (500), naucent (900). 3. The intermediate numbers between 10 and 100 are formed as follows: Dek-du (12), dek-sep (17), dek-naii (19), tridek-sep (37), sepdek-kvin (75), naticent tridek-du (932), sepcent okdek-unu (781), mil naticent tri (1903). The use of the hyphen is not obligatory. 4. Ordinals are formed from the corresponding cardinals by adding the termination "a" of adjectives. Unw (first), kvara (fourth), dek-unua (eleventh), kvindek-tria (fifty -third), ducent-dudek-tria (two hundred and twenty -third), milnaucent-tria (1903 A.D.). 32 5. Tf the cardinal number is composed of different numbers, " a" is added to the last only. G. Ordinals being in reality adjectives, they follow the rules of adjectives as to case and number, as : Donu al li la unuan, kaj prenu la kvaran. Give him the first and take the fourth. 7. Cardinals undergo no change. 8. Fractional numbers are formed by adding " on " to the cardinals, and then adding " o " or " a " accord- ing as they are nouns or adjectives. La centona parto de la mono, the hundredth part of the money. Kvar estas la duono de ok, four is the half of eight. Tri okonoj, three eighths (f). Kvin seponnj, five-sevenths (y). 9. Multiples are formed by adding "obi" to the cardinals, and then adding "o" or "a" as in frac- tionals, to mark the noun or adjective. Duobla, double. Triobla, triple. Sepobla, sevenfold. 10. Collectives are formed .by adding "op" to the cardinals, and then adding "a" or "e" according as they are adjectives or adverbs. Duope, by twos. Dekope> by tens. 11. Once, twice, thrice, etc., are formed by adding the word " foje " to the cardinals, as Unufoje, once. Dufoje, twice. Trifoje, thrice, etc. Personal Pronouns. 1. The personal pronouns are : Mi, I. Vi, thou,* you. Li, he. Si, she. Gi, it. Ni, we. Hi, they. Oni, they, we, people, it. This is the French "on." Si, self, reflexive pronoun, of all genders and num- bers. This pronoun is naturally of the third person. 2. They form the objective case in the same way as nouns : Min, me. Vin, you. Lin, him. Sin, her. Gin, it. Nin, us. Ilin, them. * " Thou " in familiar address is represented by " Ci," but tli is is rarely used in Esperanto. 33 Aft trovis lin en la Qardeno kun mia r-atro. \ found him in the garden with my father. Si vidis nin en la dormocambro. She saw us in the bedroom. Oni diras, "per mono oni poms aceti cion" They say (it is said) : " By means of money one can buy everything." 3. Gi (it) is used, as in English, to represent things, and also persons and animals, the name of which does not reveal the sex. La infano ploras, car Qi estas malsata. The infant cries, because it is hungry. 4. Before impersonal (sometimes named unipersonal) verbs Gi is understood. Negas, it snows. Pluvis, it rained. Tondros, it will thunder. Estas necese mangi, it is necessary to eat. Possessive Pronouns. 1. The possessive pronouns (which are essentially adjectives) are formed from the corresponding personal pronouns by adding " a " to them, as : Afta, my, mine. Via, your, yours. Lia, his. Sia, her, hers Gia, its. Nia, our, ours. Ilia, their, theirs. Mia patro kaj via frato estis en la domo. My father and your brother were in the house. 2. In sentences like the following these possessivea may, or may not, be preceded by the definite article " la," as : Miafratino estas pli Ma ol (la) via. My sister is more beautiful than yours. 3. They form the objective case in the same way as nouns and adjectives, that is, by the addition of "n." Hi vidis vianfraton kaj mian fratinon. They saw your brother and my sister. C 34 4. Also, like nouns and adjectives, they form their plurals by adding " j " to the singular. Mi trovis miajn librojn en la skatolo. I found my books in the box. Sia, Lia, etc. 1. The correct use of these possessives demands attention. They must not be used indiscriminately ; each has its distinct and separate role. In such (English) sentences as : " John saw my father and his friend," there is a doubt whose " friend " is meant. Is it "John's" friend or the "father's" that is meant ? 2. In Esperanto there can be no such ambiguity, (a). Johano vidis mian patron kaj lian amikon. (b). Johano vidis mian patron kaj sian amikon. Now, the rule is Sia can only refer to the subject of the sentence or proposition in which it occurs. Therefore in (a), Johano being the subject, lian cannot refer to him, but to the father, "John saw my father and his (the father's) friend." In (b), again taking the rule, Sian does refer to Johano ; consequently it means " John saw my father and his (John's) friend." Petro skribis al Johano, ke li alkonduku al li \ . \ cevalon. In ( stan ) this example lian refers to Peter's horse, because Peter is not the subject of proposition. Sian, on the contrary, does refer to the subject (li) of the propo- sition, therefore it is John's horse is meant. By the correct use of these pronouns all ambiguity is avoided. The Verb (ACTIVE VOICE). 1. There is no such thing as an irregular verb in Esperanto. Therefore when the pupil has learned the conjugation of one verb, he knows the conjugation of every verb in the language. 35 2. /, final, denotes the infinitive mood, as : Ami, to love. Doni, to give. Havi* to have. As, final, denotes the present tense of verbs. Mi amas, I love. Li amas, he loves, etc. Is, final, denotes the past tense of verbs. Vi amis, you loved. Hi amis, they loved, etc. Os, final, denotes the future tense of verbs. Si amos, she will love. Gi amos, it will love, etc. Us, final, denotes the conditional mood of verbs. Mi amus, I should or would love, etc. U, final, denotes the imperative mood of verbs. Amu, love. Li, Si, fy finu, let him, her, it finish. Ni, Hi finu, let us, let them finish. 3. This form in 7 is also used for the subjunctive mood, as ke mi amu, that I may love, etc. 4. The personal pronouns must always be expressed before the verb, except in the case of impersonal verbs. Participle*. 1. The active voice has three participles which help to form the perfect tenses of verbs. 2. Anta final, denotes the present participle (active) It is the same as the English participle in ing. Amanta, loving. Leganta, reading. 2nta, final, denotes the past participle (active). It is the same as the English participle, in ed, en, etc. Aminta, having loved, Skribinta, having written. * Note that in Esperanto " have" is not an auxiliary, but always a principal, active verb, gill a o . l! 1 _ B ll *" o a * ^5 * J *" ^^ i a c || e -g^ a 1 Is 6 c dl ? S 2 . ** C Q ** s~o a o 5 o g I c eS ^ r* C '^ a) *3^ t-^ C5 C: - 00 2 a x o 5||l ^3 Ib s .1 11 S3',S "S -o ^ J" s-s x*a b * S a B o -5 2 -c 5 % is C efi b CJ I S '^ S ll b ** -w '* g e4 S " S S * -2 ^ s "> -S a S ^"S, ! ^* c = S c O o S ^* 8 5 o c OS "g ^ 6 V 'eg S 0? o a H O >3 a CJ 43 1 "S X 3 J3 ^ ll S C "s> . o o c 3-3* 3.2 i 3.1 11 1 Q js gl "^5 o 9 n > >> ^''3 S e 1 %> "^* .E S "3 - ^ 'S 2 = B -58 33 2* O O |1 II S 3 ?- 2 ^ c " S C = 03 ^ c c 6 a o il ll || X -=- 1* M o a *O * . - ~ "? '8 a (& ? * 1^1 t^ S '* a o o a n|i! s 1 5* t 22 I j ^S g -3 ' ** 1 1 s u a .2 ' fc* 00 _ ~ a. " .jj.S is 2 c sj 1 *1 o o c c ^ p .22 > > c S '-S S :1 . as 7; * At o *3 1 ;; "~ "3 S S > IB! V 0> <* ** 0) i^ 5 1 i ill ?l _ s i * - *ii| * ^ * -^ ^8 |5 I* -C. z "~ A i -> iS If fll s -3 . iia r 8 1 i - ^ s & & 11 f ^ -8 *3 M x x 3 "i d > ^j" 1 Varma, Warm. Tie, Pluvo, Rain. Kio, Poi-do, Door. Voli, Arbo, Tree. Bela, Dormi, To sleep. Cevalo, Blanka, White. Doni, Papero, Paper. Al, Juna, Young. Paroli, Filo, Son. Fumi, Fluanta, Flowing. Cigaro, Akvo, Water. Sinjoro, Amanta, Loving. Jes, Felica, Happy. Ofte, Os marks the future Hodiati, tense. Aceti, To buy. Pri, Teo, Tea. Hierau, Kafo, Coftee. Bezoni, Kremo, Cream. Legi, Sukero, Sugar. Morgan, Trinki, To drink. Tiuci, Kiu, Who, which. Togo, Frapi, To knock. 52 vinon au teon ? Kiu frapas 1 Kiu estas tie 1 Kiu vi estas 1 Kion vi volas 1 Mi volas vidi la belan cevaleton ! A Donu al mi la libreton. Mi parolos al la patro. Cu vi fumas, sinjoro 1 Jes, mi ofte fumas cigaron. Vi trovos la paperojn sur la tableto en la gardenego (or granda gardeno). Mi havas belan dometon. Mi estas juna, li estas pli juna, sed si estas la plej juna. Mi parolos hodiau al mia patro, pri la libro, kiun vi donis al mi hieraii. Mi bezonas paroli kun vi. Mi legos morgau tiun ci libron. Bonan tagon, sinjorino. LESSON 4. COMPOSITION. Father, mother. Brother, sister. Boy, girl. Dog (m.), bitch. Rich, poor. Healthy, unhealthy. Strong, weak. Friend, enemy. Father and mother. The brother and the sister. Here is the apple, the flower, the bird and the book. The father is very good, but the son is bad. I have the flower. She has apples. I found (or have found) a good book. The roses are on the table. I saw a great dog in the garden. He is in the room with the aunt. The sky is blue. The fathers and the mothers have many books and birds. The uncles are very poor. The aunt's house is very beautiful. Here is the book. VOCABULARY FOR LESSONS 5 & 6. EC, Suffix, denotes a quality (abstract). Felica, Happy. Feliceco, Happiness. Ar, Suffix, denotes a collection of things mentioned. Insulo, An island. Insularo, An archipelago. Arbo, A tree. Arbaro, A forest. Simpla, Simple. Forto, Word. Ebria, Drunk. Sana, Healthy. rr f Wagon. ,,, . ( Contented. ragorw, { Car iage> Kontenta, { pleasecL Branca, Branch (tree). Ke, That(conjn.). 53 Pom, To be able. Longa, Long. Esti, To be. Larga, Wide. Utila, Useful. pj (Out of. Prezenti, To present. f ' \Amongst. Konsili, fTo advise. Ciuj, All. \Counsel. Min, Me (obj.). Fari, To do, make.Koni, To know. Ne, No, not. Honoro, Honor. Scii, To know. Fin, You (obj.). E denotes adverbs. Proksima, Near, next. Bone, Well. M . / My, mine Gi, It. \ (posa.). ( Affair,Matter/S'a/w/0 Salutation. Afero, \ Cause. Sa$a, Wise. Grava, Important. Fet&ro, Weather. Pano, Bread. Kara, Dear. Fresa, Fresh, New. Ricevi, To receive. / That (demv. Via, Your (poss.). Tin, \ adj.) or that Carma, Charming. Sincera, 1 person. Posta Karto\ -r, . n > Sincere. orPoOkarto,) P St Card " Admiri, To admire. Lelero, Letter. TW f At once. Rexpondi, To answer. 2UJ, \ Immediately. Danki, To thank. LESSON 5. TRANSLATION. Simpla, simpleco. Bela, beleco. Ebria, ebrieco. Amiko, amikeco. Vagono, vagonaro. Branco, brancaro. Vorto, vortaro. Arbo, arbaro. Kio estas pli bona ol saneco 1 Mi estas tre kontenta, ke mi povis esti utila al vi. Kion vi konsilas al mi fari ? Mi ne scias bone ; gi estas afero grava. Tiu ci pano estas fresa, sed tiu estas pli fresa. Li admiris la longecon kaj la largecon de tiu ci arbaro. Mi havas la plej grandan vortaron el ciuj. Cu vi min konas ? 54 Mi ne havas la honoron vin koni. Li estas proksima, si estas pli proksima, sed Johano estas la plej proksima el ciuj. El ciuj miaj amikoj, Ernesto estas lu malplej forta. A Hi estas tre felicaj. Si estas tiel saga kiel bela. Cu estas malvarma vetero hodiau 1 Jes, hodiaii estas bela vetero. Kara ISinjoro, Mi ricevis vian carman postkarton kaj leteron, al kiuj mi tuj respondas. Mi dankas vin, kaj prezentas al vi miajn sincerajn salutojn. LESSON 6. COMPOSITION. Warm, intensely warm. Great, huge. Rain, a downpour. Door, gate (portal). Book, booklet (tract). House, cottage (little house). Tree, shrub. Warm, cool, lukewarm. To sleep, to doze. White paper, white papers. A young son. Young sons. Flowing water. Loving friends. A happy boy. Happy girls. I shall buy tea, coffee, cream and sugar. Will you drink water, wine or tea ? Who knocks 1 Who is there ? Who are you 1 What do you want 1 I wish to see the beautiful little horse. Give (to) me the little book (booklet). I shall speak to the father. Do you smoke, Sir ? Yes, I often smoke a cigar. You will find the papers on the little table in the immense garden. I have a beautiful cottage. I am young, he is younger, but she is the youngest. I shall speak to-day to my father about (concerning) the book which you gave (to) me yesterday. I need to speak with you. I shall read this book to-morrow. Good day, Madam. VOCABULARY FOR LESSONS 7 & 8. Ek, Prefix, denotes an action which begins, or is of short duration. Brili, To shine. Ekbrili, To flash. 55 II, Suffix, denotes the instrument by which a thing is done. Kombi, To comb. Kombilo, A comb. Ridi, To laugh. Mardo, Tuesday. Kanti, To sing. Jatido, Thursday. Krii, To cry (out). Februaro, February. B&ri, To bore. Monato, Month. Clizi, To carve Jaro, Year. (with a chisel) Aprilo, April. Gladi, To iron. Atigusto, August. Filtri, To filter. Oktobro, October. Okulo, Eye. Novembro, November. Orelo, Ear. Pensi, To think. Mano, Hand. Se, If. Buso, Mouth. Nur, Only. Hi, They. Iri, Togo. Promeni, To promen- Teatro, Theatre. ade. Skribi, To write. Ciutage, Every day. Kelke (da), Some (of). Kampo, Field. Sendi, To send. Gentila, 01, / Polite. \ Gentle. Than. Alportanto, Zorgi, A bearer. ( To care about. \ To see to. Dimanco, Sunday. Bikto, Ticket. Semajno, Week. Kore, Heartily. Os final denotes the future tense. / final denotes the infinitive mood. LESSON 7. TRANSLATION. Ridi, ekridi. Dormi, ekdormj. Kanti, ekkanti. Krii, ekkrii. Bori, borilo. Cizi, cizilo. Gladi, gladilo. Filtri, filtrilo. Mi havas du okulojn, du orelojn, du manojn, sed mi havas nur unu buSon. Hi 56 promenas ciutage en la kampo kun du grandaj hundoj. Dek kaj dudek faras tridek. Kvardek-unu kaj dek-nau faras sesdek. Kvin homoj povas fari pli multe ol unu. Dimanco estas la unua tago de la semajno, mardo estas la tria kaj jaudo estas la kvina. Februaro estas la plej mallonga monato de la jaro, car gi havas nur dudek-ok tagojn. Aprilo estas la kvara monato de la jaro, Augusto estas la oka, Oktobro estas la deka kaj Novembro estas la dek- unua. Kara sinjoro ; kion vi pensas, se hodiau ni irus en la teatron ? Skribu kelkajn vortojn de respondo kaj sendu ilin per la alportanto de tiu ci letero. Mi zorgos pri la biletoj. Kore mi vin salutas. LESSON 8. COMPOSITION. Simple, simplicity. Beautiful, beauty. Drunk, drunkenness. Friend, friendliness. Wagon, car (railroad), train. Branch, faggot. Word, dictionary. Tree, forest. What is better than health 1 I am very pleased that I could be useful to you. What do you counsel (advise) me to do ? I do not well know, it is a grave (or important) matter (affair). This bread is fresh, but that is fresher. He admired the length and breadth of this forest. I have the largest dictionary of (el) all. Do you know me 1 I have not the honour to know you. He is near, she is nearer, but John is the nearest of (el) all. Amongst all my friends Ernest is the least strong. They are very happy. She is as wise as beautiful. Is it cold weather to-day ? Yes, to-day (it) is beautiful weather. Dear Sir, I received your charming post-card and letter, to which I reply at once (immediately). I thank you ; and present (tender) to you my sincere salutations. 57 VOCABULARY FOR LESSONS 9 & 10. Bo, Prefix, denotes relatives by marriage. Patrino, Mother. Bopatrino, Mother-in-law. Ge, Prefix, persons of both sexes taken together. Mastro, Master. Mastrino, Mistress. Gemastroj, Master and mistress. Edzo, Husband. Kredi, To believe. Mastro, Master. Li, He. Kordo, String (piano, Kuri, To run. etc.) Ludi, To play. Fadeno, Thread. Gi, It. Regimento, Regiment. Kreski, To grow. /To march. Serci, To seek. Marsi, Rimarki, To remark. Tra, Through . Atiskidti, To listen. Strata, Street. Afabla, Amiable. Kapabla, Capable. Avo, Grandfather. Atenta, Attentive. Po, At the rate of. Intdigenta. Intelligent. Korekte, Correctly. Monto, Mountain. Aminda, Affectionate. Nia, Our, ours. Donaco, Gift. Filago, Village. Ciu, Each, every. Alta, High. Fini, To finish. Metro, Metre. liigardi, To look at. Ceno, Chain. Jurnalo, Newspaper. Historio, History. U denotes imperative Pago, Page. mood. Frue, Early. LESSON 9. TRANSLATION. Patro, bopatro. Filo, bofilo. Filino, bofilino. Fratoj, bofratoj. Edzo, edzino, geedzoj. Mastro, mastrino, gemastroj. Filo, gefiloj. Dek estas la kvin sesonoj de dek-du. Uk estas la kvinono de kvardek. Mi bezonas trioblan kordon. La unuobla fadeno ne estas tiel forta kiel la duobla fadeno La 58 regimento max sis dekope tra la stratoj. Tiuj ci horaoj estas kapablaj, atentaj kaj inteligentaj. La monteto en nia vilago estas alta kvarcent metrojn. Kvarobla ceno estas tre forta, sed sepobla ceno estas pli forta. Mia historic havas sepdek-du pagojn. Venu duope au triope, sed venu frue. Mi kredas, li kuras, si ludas, gi kreskas, ni sercas v vi rimarkas, ili aiiskultas. Mia afabla avino donis al ni po kvin pomoj car ni kantis korekte. Mia aminda avo donis al li donacon. Se mi legos tiun ci libron po dek-du pagoj en ciu horo, mi gin finos en dek-^du horoj. Rigardu la maljunan sinjoron, kiu legas la Jurnalon. LESSON 10. COMPOSITION. To laugh, to begin to laugh. To sleep, to fall asleep. To sing, to begin to sing. To cry, to begin to cry, or cry out. To bore, a gimlet. To carve (sculpture), a chisel. To iron (clothes), a flat iron. To filter, a filter. I have two eyes, two ears, two hands, but I have only one mouth. They promenade (take a walk) daily in the field with two great dogs. Ten and twenty make thirty. Forty-one and nine- teen make sixty. Five men can do much more than one. Sunday is the first day of the week, Tuesday is the third, and Thursday is the fifth. February is the shortest month of the year, because it has only twenty-eight days. April is the fourth month of the year, August is the eighth, October is the tenth, and November is the eleventh. Dear Sir, What do* you think, if we should go to-day to (en) the theatre ? Write a few words of reply and send them by the bearer of this letter. I will see about the tickets. I salute you heartily. * "Do" is not translated. Kion vi pensas?=What do you think ? 59 VOCABULAEY FOR LESSONS 11 & 12. Ad, Suffix, denotes the continuation of an action Spiri, To breathe. Spirado, Respiration, breathing. Ej, Suffix, denotes place generally devoted to Lerni, To learn. Lernejo, A school. Fabriko, Manufactory. Kezignacio, Resignation. Gimnastika, Gymnastic. Tondro, Thunder. Distili, To distil. Katizi, To cause. Fero, Truth. Konfuzo, Confusion. Kanto, Song. Serflento, Serjeant. Bano, Bath. Jeti, To throw. Preferi, To prefer. T f Between. Lavi, To wash. lnter > \ Amongst. Gasto, Guest. Antaii ol, Before (time.) Fespero, Evening. Tempo, Time. Aparteni, To belong Fermi, To close. Skatolo, Box - P irr |For. Plumo, Pen. Far * \ In order to. Alia, Other. Protesti, To protest. Objekto, Object. Meti, To put. Ant, sign of pres. part. Infano, Child. Reveni, To return. Brdko, Arm. Tombo, Tomb. Rigardi, To look at. Konsolo, Consolation. Ankorati, Again. Fere, Truly. Unu fojo, Once. Marti, To die. Kuri, To run. Kristano, Christian. For, Away, far off. Mirinda, Wonderful. Fojo, Road, way. LESSON 11. TRANSLATION. Iri, irado. Fabriki, fabrikado. Instrui, Instruado. Parolo, parolado. Greno, grenejo. Dorrnj, dormejo. Distili, distilejo. Mi sercos la veron. Cu vi attdas la kantojn de miaj birdoj ? Si estas nia malamiko (or, malamikino). Vi lavos vin en via banejo, sed li pref eras sin lavi en la dormocambro. Liaj filoj havos 60 gastojn hodiau vespere. Tiu ci libro apartenas al mia patrino. En via skatoleto estas plumoj kaj aliaj objektoj. " Mia kara amiko," li diris al mi, revenante el la tombejo, " vi havas konsolon en via malfelico. Via filino vere mortis kristane kaj kun mirinda rezignacio." Se tondro falus sur nin, gi ne povus kauzi pli A grandan konfuzon ol la unua vorto kiun sergento Cermak jetis inter nin. Antau ol li ha vis la tempon malfermi la buson por protesti, si metis la infaneton sur liajn brakojn, rigardis lin ankorau unu fojon kaj forkuris rapide tra la vojo. LESSON 12. COMPOSITION. Father, father-in-law. Son, son-in-law. Daughter, daughter-in-law. Brothers, brothers-in-law. Husband, wife, husband " and " wife. Master, mistress, master "and" mistress. Son, son "and" daughter. Ten is the five sixths of twelve. Eight is the fifth of forty. I need a triple cord. The single thread is not as (or so) strong as the double thread. The regiment marched by tens through the streets. These men are capable, attentive and intelligent. The hill in our village is 400 metres high. A fourfold chain is very strong, but a sevenfold chain is stronger. My history (book) has 72 pages. Come two together or three together, but come early. I believe, he runs, she plays, it grows, we seek, you remark, they listen. My affable grandmother gave us each (po) 5 apples because we sang correctly. My affectionate grandfather gave him a gift (a present). If I shall read this book at the rate of 12 pages in each hour, I shall finish it in 12 hours. Look at the old gentleman who reads (or is reading) the newspaper. VOCABULARY FOR LESSONS 13 & 14. Aj, Suffix, denotes something possessing a certain quality, or something made from a certain substance, 61 a thing perceptible to the senses. It differs from the Suffix ec, in this, .that aj conveys a concrete idea, an Tute, Evidenta, All, quite. ,-. Evident. "*!* Kin /What, that Silingo, J\IAS) \ which. Penco, Bakonti, To relate. Floreno, Fiziti, To visit. Dolaro, Lavistino, Laundress. Franko, 69 LESSON 19. TRANSLATION. Se mi estus ricevinta la libron, mi gin redonus. Se li amus vin, li dims al vi la veron. Kiam si estis estinta tre diligenta, la patrino laudis sin. Estas necese* ke vi estu fininta mian libron antau ol mi revenos. Kiam la pastro venos, diru al li la veron. Hi ne volas doni la jurnalon al ni. Diru al li, ke li al mi respondu. Mi pensas ke mi venos morgau. Vera amiko konigas en dangero. Per amikajo oni ciam povas atingi pli multe ol per maldelikata forto. Mi foriros hodiau, car Johano min atendas. La sinjorino parolis afable al ni. Li staris antaii la pordo de la pregejo kun amiko. La malpraveco de via parolado estis tute evidenta. Kio malplacos al mia patro tio malplacos al mi, sinjoro. La regido rakontis al sia patro la tutan aferon. Birdo kaptita estas pli bona ol leono kaptota. Se mi estus bona, mi estus felica. Antau unu monato mia onklino vizitis min. La lavistedzino vidis hierau la doktored- zinon kaj la botistedzinon en la teatro. Li dissiris la libron kaj tiam li disjetis gin en la strato, car li estis tre kolera. Li estas tre kredema, sed lia edzino estas mallaborema kaj babilema. Livro, silingo, penco, floreno, dolaro kaj franko estas moneroj. *When the phrase or sentence, in Esperanto, con- tains neither a noun nor a pronoun which an adjective in such phrase or sentence would qualify (in English), this adjective takes the adverbial termination (e), and not the termination of the adjective (a). LESSON 20. COMPOSITION. Money, purse. Arab, Arabia. Russian, Russia. Cream, cream jug. Ink, ink bottle. Apple, apple tree. Olive, olive tree. Pen, penholder. Candle, candlestick. Pipe, pipe case. Young, young man. Beautiful, beautiful woman. Alms, beggar. Happy, 70 a happy person. Crime, criminal. A loving father. A flowing liver. A laughing woman. Barking dogs. A mouse ran across (on) the body of a sleeping lion. On seeing his mother he began to laugh. Having closed the window he slept quietly. I read some days ago a small book with the title of " International Language." The author believes that by means of this language one can be understood by the whole world, if even the person addressed not only does not know the language, but even, also, has not heard about it. One need only add to the letter a small leaflet, entitled " Vocabulary." Replying to your esteemed letter, we thank you for your proposal, and we will accept, with pleasure, your services. John, is (the) breakfast ready ? Yes, hir, and it waits (is wait- ing) you on the table. She began again to light the lamp, and read again a chapter of her Bible. In this manner (thus i she became tranquil, little by little, and she extinguished the lamp. But, having closed her (the) eyelids, she still saw (again) the same face with curly-brown beard and brown eyes behind the spectacles. Then she hid her head in the pillows and wept until at last she fell asleep. VOCABULARY FOR LESSONS 21 & 22. Nomi, To name. Beni, To bless. Steli, To steal. AranQi, To arrange. Pagi, To pay. Bapti, To baptize. f)roni, To drown. Bati, To beat. Trompi, To deceive. Kunveni, To assemble. Puni, To punish. Diskuti, To discuss. Vesti, /To clothe. \To dress. Glaso, /Glass (a \ vessel). RaM, To pillage. Rompi, To break, Fofografi, /To photo- l graph. Ne-, Virino, Not-, un-. Woman. Ind Honorinda, Lernanto, Fleksi, Montri, Ebk, Helpi, Kuiri, Ej Tubo, Meti, 71 (see prefixes, Ing etc.). Honorable. Uj 1 Scholar, Poso, \ pupil. Surtuto, To bend. To show. Logi, /Probably. \Possibly. Anglo, To help. Anglujo, To cook. jr ... a KuSl. (see prefixes, etc.). Alumeto, Tube. Enhavi, To put. Bombono, (see prefixes, etc.). do. Pocket. Overcoat. (To live in. To dwell. (To inhabit. Englishman. England, f To rest on (to \ lie on). Match. To contain. Bonbon. LESSON 21. TRANSLATION. Mi estas amata. Vi estas nomata (sing.). Gi estas trovata. Hi estas stelataj. Mi estas amita. Li estas vidita. Ni estas pagitaj. Si estas dronita. oi estas amota. Hi estas nomotaj. Vi estas trompotaj (pi.). Li estis punota. Mi estis nomata. Li estis vestata. Ni estis vidataj. Hi estis rabataj. Li estis amita. Vi estis fotografitaj. Hi estis A benitaj Ni estis mal- benitaj. Mi estis amota. Gi estis arangota. Li estis baptota. Hi estis batotaj. Ni kunvenis por diskuti niajn aferojn. Mi foriras, sed mi baldau revenos. Mi donis al li libron, sed li gin redonis al mi hodiau. Tiu ci glaso estas rompebla, sed tiu estas nerompebla. Si estas virino kredinda kaj honorinda. La lernanto estas nekredinda. Mia plumo estas fleksebla, sed via plumo ne estas fleksebla. Montru al mi la leteron ; eble mi povos helpi al vi. Li donis monereton al la almozulo. I^a kuiristo dormis pace en la kuirejo. La tubeto ne kiun li metas la cigaron por 72 gin fumi estas cigaringo. La knabo estas en la lernejo kaj lia fratino estas en la pregejo. Mi portas mian monujon en la poso de mia surtuto. La Angloj logas en Anglujo (or Anglolando) kaj la Italoj en Italujo. La plumo estas en la plumingo, kaj la fingringo kusas sur la tablo. La alumetujo enhavas alumetojn, kaj la bombonujo enhavas bombonojn. LESSON 22. COMPOSITION. If I had (should have) received the book, I would return it. If he loved you (now) he would tell you the truth. When she was (had been) very diligent the mother praised her. It is necessary that you should have finished (may have finished) my book before I return (shall return). When the priest will come, tell him the truth. They do not wish to give us the newspaper. Tell him that he should answer me. I think that I shall come to-morrow. A true friend is (becomes) known in danger. By a kind act one can always attain much more than by rude force. I shall go away to-day, because John awaits me. The lady spoke affably to us. He stood before the door of the church with a friend. The fallacy of your speech was quite evident. What (that which) will displease my father will displease me, sir. The (royal) prince related the whole matter to his father. A bird caught is better than a lion about to be caught. If I were (should be) good, I should be happy. A month ago my aunt visited me. The wife of the laundryman saw the wife of the doctor and the wife of the bootmaker yesterday in the theatre. He tore (in pieces) the book and then he threw it about in the street, because he was very angry. He is very credulous, but his wife is an idle and chattering (woman). A pound, shilling, penny, florin, dollar and franc are coins (pieces of money). 73 VOCABULARY FOR LESSONS 23 & 24. Admiri, To admire. Sipo, Ship. Akiri, To acquire. Estr (see prefixes, Amuzi, To amuse. etc.). Analizi, Anonci, To analyse. To announce Placo, / A public \ place. Ataki, To attack. Estimi, To esteem. Razi, To shave. Safa, Wise. Ludi, To play. II (see prefixes, Casi, To chase. etc.). Eimarki, To remark. Falci, To mow. Iticevi, To receive. Safo, Sheep. EC (see prefixes, etc.). Matura, fRipe (full- 1 grown). Telegramo, Telegram. Ul (see prefixes, Slosi, To lock. etc.). Tranci, Morti, To cut. To die. Mensogo, / Falsehood. \Lie. Enterigi, / To inter. \ To bury. Germany, Danqj, Germans. Danes. Dimanco, Sunday. Rusqj, Russians. Rezervi, To reserve. Katoliko, Catholic. Lito, Bed. Luterano, Lutheran. Alveni, To arrive. Kalmnano, Calvinist. Koro, Heart. Kristano, Christian. (To felicitate. Vidw. Widower. Gratuli, To congratu- Nepo, Grandson. late. Ho, Oh! Kiel eble plej frue, as early (as soon) as possible. Kiel eble plej rapide, as quickly as possible. Tago de naskigo, birthday (anniversary). LESSON 23. TRANSLATION. Mi estas amanta. Li estas skribanta. Si estas kantanta. Mi estas admirinta. Ni estas akirintaj. 74 Hi estas amimntaj. Li estas analizinta. Mi estas amuzonta. Si estas anonconta. Hi estas atakontaj. Mi estis atendanta. Li estis razanta. Si estis ludanta. Hi estis casantaj. Mi estis aminta. Ni estis fumintaj. Li estis dancinta. Li estis stelinta. Mi estis amonta. Hi estis rimarkonta j . Ni estis ricevontaj. La hundo kaj la kato vivas en granda amikeco. Mi deziras lin vidi, kiel eble plej frue. (Telegramoj) : (1). Venu (al mi kiel eble) plej rapide, Johano mortis, enterigo dimance. (2). Rezervu cambron kun du litoj, mi alvenos lundon nokte naii (horo). (3). (Mi sendas al vi mian) plej koran gratulon por Via naskiga tago. La heroeco de la sipestro tre placis al la rego kaj la regido. La pastro amas tiun ci knabon por lia boneco kaj honesteco A sed li malestimas lian fraton pro lia malsageco. Safido estas nematura safo, kaj katido estas nematura kato. Vi estas mensogulo kaj li estas timulo. Germanoj, Danoj kaj Kusoj kiuj logas en Anglujo (Anglolando) estas Anglujanoj, sed ili ne estas Angloj. Katolikoj, Luteranoj kaj Kalvinanoj estas kristanpj. La maljuna vidvino amas siajn nepinojn. Slosu la pordon, kaj donu al mi la slosilon. Per razilo ni razas, per trancilo ni trancas kaj per falcilo ni falcas. LESSON 24. COMPOSITION. I am loved (am being loved). You (sing.) are (now) named. It is (now) found. They are (now being) stolen. I have been loved. He has been seen. We have been paid. She has been drowned. She is (about) to be loved. They are (about) to be named. You (pi.) are (about) to be deceived. He was (about) to be punished.* I was named.* He was clothed (dressed).* We were seen.* They were pillaged (robbed).* He had been loved.* You (pi.) had * All these refer to a particular time, when something else took place. 75 been photographed. They had been blessed. We hud been cursed. I was (about) to be loved. It was (about) to be arranged. He was (about) to be liaptised. They were (about) to be beaten. We assembled in order to discuss our affairs. I am going away, but I will return soon. I gave him a book, but he returned it to me to-day. This glass is breakable, but that is unbreakable. She is a woman worthy of belief and honour. The pupil is not worthy of belief. My pen is flexible, but your pen is not (flexible). Show me the letter, tossibly, I shall be able to help you. He gave a -mall coin to the beggar. The chef slept peacefully in the kitchen. The little tube into which he puts the cigar in order to smoke it is a cigar-holder. The boy is in the schoolroom, and his sister is in the church. I carry my purse in my overcoat pocket. The English inhabit (reside in) England and the Italians in Italy. The pen is in the penholder, and the thimble is on (lies on) the table. The match box contains matches, and the bonbon-box contains bon- bons. VOCABULARY FOR LESSONS 25 & 26. Plori, To weep. 1st (see prefixes, 3 . f To be careful, etc.). \To spare. Drogo, Drug. Suferi, To suffer. Aj (see prefixes. Sukcesi, To succeed. etc.). Peni, To try. DeSiri, To tear off. Fenfo To avenge. p a ^ jPantaloon. San, To save. \Trousers. Peli, To expel. Spite, In spite of. Marsi, To march. T . ,. /Such as (it li,-nuo, Chemistry. w> ** \ is). 76 Ul (see prefixes, Nepo, Grandson. etc.). Estr (see prefixes, Uzi, To use. etc.). nii /Occurrence. Becfimento, Regiment. lzo ' \0ccasion. Soldato, Soldier. Violono, Violin. Okupi, To occupy. Violoncelo, Violoncello. Urbo, City, town. p /Great-Grand Pacienco, Patience, "[(relationship). Pa$o post paSo, Step by step. Tago post tago, Day by day (day after day). Per malmultaj vortoj, In a few words. Post malmultaj tagoj, In a few days. LESSON 25. TRANSLATION. Mi estos^amanta. Li estos skribanta. Ni estos legantaj. Si estos ploranta. Li estos aminta. Vi (pi.) estos sparintaj. Hi estos malsparintaj. Mi estos suferinta. Hi estos sukcesontaj. Ni estos penontaj. Li estos trinkonta la vinon. Mi estos amata. Li estos nomata. Si estos trompata. Gi estos trovata. Si estos amita. Vi (sing.) estos vengita. Li estos benita. Li estos malbenita. Mi estos amota. Hi estos savotaj. Vi (pi.) estos forpelptaj. Li raarsis paso post paso. Okulo, okulisto. Hemio, hemiisto. Drogo, drogisto. Mia frato havis desirajojri en sia pantalono. Li foriris spite mi. Mi donis al li la libron tian, kia gi estis. Mia onklo estas riculo, sed mi estas malriculo. Mi vidis belulon kaj belulinon en la teatro. Mi penos fari uzon el la okazo. Mi rakontos al vi la historion per malmultaj vortoj. La violonisto amas sian violonon, sed la violoncelisto ne satas sian violon- celon. La infano disversis la inkon sur inian naztukon. Skribisto ne verkas librojn, li transskribas paperojn (dokumentojn) ; sed verkisto verkas librojn, 77 iibretojn, k.t.p. La provincestroj de tiuj ci provincoj estas maljustaj. La filoj, filinoj, ncpoj, nepinoj, pranepoj kaj pranepinoj de rego estas regidoj. La regimeutestro kaj la soldatoj de la regimento okupos la urbon. Estu bona, kaj havu paciencou. Pardonu al mi, mi petas, sinjoro. LESSON 26. COMPOSITION. I am loving. He is writing. She is singing. I have admired (literally, I am having admired). We have acquired. They have amuse* 1. He has analyzed. I am about to amuse. She is about to announce. They are about to attack. I was waiting. He was shaving. She was playing. They were hunting. I had loved. We had smoked. He had danced. He had stolen. I was about to love. They were about to remark. We were about to receive. The dog and the cat live in great friendship. I desire to see him as early as possible. (Telegrams): (1). Come to me as quickly as possible, John is dead (has died) ; inter- ment (on) Sunday. (2). Reserve room with two beds, I will arrive Monday night (at) 9 o'clock. (3). I send you my most hearty congratulation for (on) your birthday. The heroism of the (ship) captain (very) pleased the King and the prince (the King's son). The pastor loves this boy on account of his goodness and honesty, but he despises his brother on account of his foolishness. A lamb is an immature sheep and a kitten is an immature cat. You are a liar and he is a coward. Germans, Danes and Russians who reside (dwell) in England are English inhabitants, but they are not English (men). Catholics, Lutherans and Calvinists are Christians. The old widow loves her granddaughters. Lock the door, and give me the key. We shave with a razor, we cut with a knife, and we mow with a scythe. 78 VOCABULARY FOR LESSONS 27 & 28. Pasi, To pass. Flugi, To fly. ig (see prefixes, Nagi, To swim. etc.). Rampi, To creep. Kelnero, Waiter. Fremdulo, Foreigner. Pipro, Pepper. Jfonfesi, To confess. Solo, Salt. Kulpo, Fault. Forko, Fork. Parkere, By heart. Sano, Health. Perdi, To lose. Fanta, /Frivolous. \Vain. Sati, Demeti, To like. To put off. Apud, Near. Surmeti, To put on. Sata, Satiated. Ventroparo- Ventrilo- s 1 , ,. /"Without. listo, quist. Off/*, \Less. Trancileto, Penknife. Senutila, Useless. Sekvi, To follow. Leciono, Lesson. Fblumo, Volume. uri, To run. Sajni, To seem. Jupli despli, The more the more. Tiom, kiom, As many (much) as. For (Prefix to verbs), Far, away, as Forkuri, To run away. El (Prefix to verbs), From, out of, as Eliri, To go out of, to go away from. This Prefix also denotes that something has been done very well, thoroughly, completely, as Li elesploris la landon, he explored the land thoroughly. LESSON 27. TRANSLATION. Pasigu al mi la akvon, mi petas. Kelnero, pasiu al mi la pipron kaj la salon. Kiam mi estis tie, mi vidis knabinon ce la pordego. Alportu al ni tii forkojn. Mi vidas multe da homoj en la strato. Li parolis al mi pri mia sano, kaj mi estas tre danka ;.] li. Ju pli mi gin legas, des pli mi gin satas. Tiuj ci 79 libroj estas vantaj kaj senutilaj. Li lernas sian lecionon, sed si gin ellenias. Tiu ci skatoleto enhavas miajri leterojn. La lernejestro kaj la lernanto estas en la lernejo. Hundoj forkuras, birdoj forfluga.s, fisoj fornagas kaj rampajoj^ forrampas.* Mi estas fremdulo en fremda lando. Si acetas tiom da libroj kiom mi. La knabo konfesis la kulpon kaj ploris tre laute. Li lernu parkere la lecionon. Lia ludo estis tre bona, sed li perdis sian tutan monon. Respondu al mi kaj dim al mi la tutan veron. Demetu vian eapelon kaj sidigu. Surmetu vian surtuton kaj foriru de tie ci. Mi vidis ventroparoliston hierau en la teatro. Mi trovis trancileton sub la tablo. Pasigu al li la libron, kiu estas apud vi. Li prenu tion, kion li bezonas. Jen estas la libro, mi sendos al vi la sekvantan volumon morgau. Hi mangadis gis sato. Vi sajnas ciam bela al mi, patrino mia ! La infano mangis la restajon de la kuko, kaj tial li ridis. LESSON 28. COMPOSITION. I shall be loving. He will be writing. We shall be reading. She will be weeping. He will have loved. You (pi.) will have economised. They will have squan- dered. I shall have suffered. They will be about to succeed. We shall be about to try. He will be about to drink the wine. I shall be loved. He will be named. She will be deceived. It will be found. She will have been loved. You (sing.) will have been avenged. He will have been blessed. He will have been cursed. I shall be about to be loved. They will be about to be saved. You (pi.) will be about to be driven away. He marched step by step. Eye, oculist. Chemistry, chemist. Drug, druggist. My * These verbs denote the diiFei cut means by which animals, etc., escape from foes. 80 brother had rents (torn places) in his trousers. He went away in spite of me. I gave him the book, such as it was. My uncle is a rich man, but I am a poor man. I saw a handsome man and a beautiful woman in the theatre. I will try to make use of the occasion. I shall relate to you the history in a few words. The violinist loves his violin, but the violoncellist does not like his violoncello. The child sj tilled the ink on my handkerchief. A writer does not write books, he transcribes papers (documents), but an author (Verkisto) works (writes) books, pamphlets, etc. The rulers (governors) of these provinces are unjust. The sons, daughters, grandsons, grand- daughters, great grandsons and great granddaughters of a King are of Royal blood (descendants of the King). The chief (head) of the regiment and the soldiers of the regiment will occupy the city. Be good and have patience. Pardon me, if you please, sir. LESSON 29. COMPOSITION. Pass me the water, if you please. Waiter, pass me the pepper and the salt. When I was there, I saw a little girl at the gate. Bring us three forks. I see many people in the street. He spoke to me about my health and I am very thankful to him. The more I read it, the more I like it. These books are frivolous and useless. He learns his lesson, but she studies it thoroughly. This little box contains my letters. The teacher and the scholar are in the schoolroom. Dogs run away, birds fly away, fish swim away, and reptiles crawl away. I am a stranger in a strange land. She buys as many books as I. The boy confessed the fault and wept very loudly. Let him learn, by heart, the lesson. His play was vety good, but he lost all his money. Answer me and tell me the whole truth. 81 Take ofl your hat and be seated. Put on your over- coat and go away from here. I saw a ventriloquist yesterday in the theatre. I found a pen-knife under the table. Pass him the book which is near you. Let him take what (that which) he needs (requires). Here is the book ; 1 will send the following volume to you to-morrow. They continued eating to (until) satiety. You seem (appear) always beautiful to me, mother (dear). The child ate the remainder of the cake, (and) that is why (therefore) he laughed. EXERCISES ON THE CORRELATIVE WORDS (Pages 42 & 43). 1. la amiko vin helpos. Mi havis ian ideon kiel gin fari. "2. lal li siMte forlasis Londonon. 3. Kiam ajn vi povos min viziti, extos kon- vene al mi. Veim hodiaft, ar iam morgati estos tro malfrue. 4. Mi nepovis trovi mi an libron ie en la cambro. Cu vi metis in ien ? 5. Id li sukcesas en cio. 1. Some friend will help you. I had some idea how to do it. 2. For some reason he suddenly left Lon- don. 3. Anytime that you are able to visit me will be convenient to me. Come to-day, for any- time to-morrow will be too late. 4. I could not find my book anywhere in the room. Did you put it any- where ? 5. Somehow he succeeds in everything. 82 6. les perdo ne estas ciam ies gajno. 7. lo estis sub la tablo, sed mi ne povis vidi ion tie. Morgaii mi sendos al vi ion belan. Li vidis ion kion li tre amis. 8. Mi iom komprenas tion, kion vi volas diri. La vetero estas iom ^pli varma. 9. Cu iu estos tie ? Mi ne vidos iun tie. 10. Ciu a$o havas siajn dev&jn. Mi konis ciun viron, kiun mi renkontis. 1 1 . Rial vi silentis ? Cial tio estas la plej bona. 12. Mi ciam respondas al viaj leteroj. ^ / J Guim skribu legeble. Ciam sendu al mi, se ^vi estos malsana. Ciam pripensu an- Jati, ol vi parolas. 13. Cie mi trovis ami- kojn. 6. Anyone's loss is not always somebody's gain. 7. Something was un- der the table, but I could not see any- thing there. To-morrow I will send you something beau- tiful. Hesawsomethingwhich he liked very much. 8. I understand a little of what you wish to say. The weather is some- what warmer. 9. Will there be anyone there ? I shall not see any one there. 10. Each age has its duties. I knew every man whom I met. 11. Why were you silent 1 For every reason that is the best. 12. I always reply to your letters. Always write legibly. Always send to me if you should be ill. Always consider before you speak. 13. Everywhere I found friends. 83 Akvo, akvo cie, sed eS ne unu akveropor trinki. 14. Ni helpos la lernan- 14. tojn ciel. 15. Cies ideo estis diversa. 15. 16. Cio havas lokon 16. propran, tial metu cion en g"ian pro- pran lokon. 17. Clio kion mi havas estas 17. ankau (la) via. 18. PreskaU ciu amas sin 18. mem. Mi legis Horn, zorge, antati, ol mi gin sendis al li. El ciuj miaj amikoj, li ^ estas la plej bona. Si legis ciun libron, kiun i povis ricevi. 19. Kia lingvo gi estas ! 19. Kian kteron vi skribis ? Kiaj carmaj infancy estas (la) viaj ! Kiajn belajn librojn mi legis. 20. Kial vi ne skribis 20. al lil Kial vi ne venos al nia kunveno ? 21. Kiam ni iros Lon- 21. donon ? F2 Water, water every where, but not a drop to drink. We will help the pupils in every way. Each one's idea was different. Everything has a proper place, there- fore put every- thing into its proper place. All I have is also yours. Nearly everyone loves himself. I read each one care- fully before I sent it to him. Of all my friends, he is the best. She read every book which she could get. What a language it is ! What kind of letter did you write 1 What charming chil dren yours are ! What beautiful books I read (past). Why did you not write to him ? Why will you not come to our meeting 1 When shall we go, to London ? 84 Kiam ni estos finintaj nian iaboron. 22. Kie estas la poM- oficejo ? 23. Kiel vi elparolas "ati"? Kiel " ow" en la angla vorto " cow." 24. Kies libro estas tin til Kies plumon vi uzas ? Mi vidis kampon en kies mezo staris du arboj. 25. Kio iras rapide? La tempo. Kion li volis mon- tri al vi ? 26. Kiom da cevaloj estis tie ? Kiom kostas tio ? Je kioma horo vi venos al mi ? 27. Kiu parolas Esper- anton? Kiu estos tie ? Kiuj estas la tagoj de la semajno? Kion vi bezonas ? La librojn, kiujn vi pruntos al mi. 28. Nenia antaiia sperto estas necesa. When we have finished our work. 22. Where is the post office 1 23. How do you pro- nounce " aii " ? Like " ow " in " cow." 24. Whose book is this ? Whose pen are you using ? I saw a field in the middle of which stood two trees. 25. What goes quickly ? Time. What did he wish to show you ? 26. How many horses were there ? How much does that cost? At what o'clock will you come to my house ? 27. Who speaks Esper- anto ? Who will be there? Which are the days of the week ? What do you want (need) ? The books that you will lend me. 28. No previous experience is necessary. 85 Miestis havinta nenian antatian sperton. 29. Li nenial cesis skribi al mi. '50. Neniam ? Estas longa tempo. Mi neniam skribas longajn leteroin. Mi neniam dcetas malkarajn librojn. 31. Nenie, oni min komprenis. Nenie oni povis trovi ^mian kundon. 32. Si neniel povis kom- preni (ion, kion li skribis en alia lingvo. Sen Esperanto li neniel povis kom- prenigi sin. 33. les devo estas nenies (dew). 34. Nenio estas preta. Cu vi havas nenion por din al mi ? 35. Li havas neniom. 36. Neniu estis apud la pordo. Neniu parolas al mi. Cu vi neniun vidis tie kiun vi konis ? Mi neniun vidis & vi. I had not had any previous experience. ->n T? Ccause 1 i 29. For no { reason | he ceased writing to me. 30. Never? It is a long time. I never write long letters. I never buy cheap books. 31. Nowhere did they understand me. Nowhere could they find my dog. 32. She could nohow understand what he wrote in another language. Without Esperanto he could nohow make himself understood. 33. Anybody's duty is nobody's (duty). 34. Nothing is ready. Have you nothing to say to me ? 35. He has nothing at all. 36. No one was near the door. No one speaks to me. Did you see no one there whom you knew 1 I saw no one at your house. 86 37. Tia ripetado enuas ram. En tiaj okazoj ciam mankas io. Mi neniam vidis tian aferon. 38. Car li ne respondas al vi, ne kredu, ke li ne volas respondi; tial mi al vi konsilas skribi al li. 39. Tiam ni povos in al la kunveno. Mi vizitos vin tiam, kiam vi estos preta. 40. Tie vi trovos multe da amikoj. Mi iros lien, kiam mi ricevos man kteron. Miaj amikoj loas tie ci. Cu viaj fratoj venos tien ci ? 41. Se estus tiel, vi dews skribi al li. Mi sentas min tiel malfelica, kevi devus reveni. Kiam vi skribis tiel ? 37. Such repetition an- noys me. On these occasions something is always /wanting"! \missing. / I never saw such an affair. 38. Because he does not reply to you, do not believe that he does not wish to reply ; therefore I advise you to write to him. 39. Then we shall be able to go to the meet- ing. I will visit you (then) when you are (will be) ready. 40. There you will find many friends. I shall go there when I (shall) receive your letter. My friends live here. Will your brothers come here 1 41. If it is so (should be), you should write to him. I feel so unhappy that you should come back. When did you write like that ? 87 42. Mi neniam prenas Jies konsilon. 43. Cu vi parolas pri tio? Mi neniam audis tion. Tio ci estas mal- kredinda Vi devus memori tion ci. 44. Tiom estas malfadle mtmori. 45. Mi logis en tin ur/>o. Cu mi montris al vi tiun leteron ? Kie kreskas tiujfloroj 1 Cu vi ricevis tiujn librojn ? Tin a ringo estas por vi. Mi neniam forgesos tiun a regulon. Tiuj ci hundoj estas tre grandaj. Mi acetos tiujn librojn. 42. I never take such a one's advice. 43. Are you speaking about that 1 I never heard that. This is unworthy of belief. You should remember this. 44. So much is difficult to remember. 45. I lived in that town. Did I show you that letter 1 Where do those flowers grow ? Did you receive those books ? This ring is for you. I shall never forget this rule. These dogs are very large. I shall buy these books. PART III. CONVERSATIONS. Bonan logon, sinjoro. Kiel vi f arias ? Tre bone, sinjoro, mi dankas vin. Mi $ojas ke mi vin vidas en bona sano. Fi estas tre cjentila. Al ni estas varme. A I Hi estas malvarme. Mi malsatas. Li tre soifas. Kia estas la vetero ? Ni havos bekqan tagon. i* if Tiom pli bone. Kiu frapas? Km estas tie? Estas mi. Malfermu. Envenu. La losilo estas en la seruro. Vi estas prava. Li estas malprava. Pli bone estas agi malfrue ol neniam. Sidigu, mi petas. Mi vin petas sidii. Good day, sir. How are you 1 How do you do ? Very well, sir, thank you. I rejoice to see you in good health. You are very kind (polite). We are warm. They are cold. I am hungry. He is very thirsty. How (what kind) is the weather ? We shall have a beautiful day. So much the better. Who knocks ? Who is there ? It is I. Open. Come in. The key is in the lock. You are right. He is wrong. Better (to act) late than never. Take a seat, please. I pray you to be seated (take a seat). 89 Mi tie estos tiel baldail, kiel ri. Vi mn trompas, ne povas esfi. Mi vin certigas, kejes. Vizago kontraii vizatfo. Brako ce brako, Koro ce koro. Mano en mano. Donu al mi man manon. Kion vi diras pri tio ? Vi povas kredi al mi. Mi estas certaje tio. Ne, ne estas eble. Cu vi konsentas al tio ? Jes, certe kun plezuro. Vi alrenas gustatempe. Vi jam diris tion ci trifoje. Li venis nur unufoie. KI;linilion. Alivorte vi evitas la pluvon kaj la venton de la vintro, sed vi amas la negon kiu vin frostigas gis la ostoj, la hajleton kiu vin blindigas, la givron kiu falas de la arboj kaj blankigas vin kicl faruno, fine la glacion kiu faras vin gliti je ciu paso. Mi ne kalkulis la plezuron konstante tremadi au sin kovri tiamaniere, ke oni ne povas pli movi sin. Mi ankau forgesis la gojon enigi en la koton gis la maleoloj, post forta pluvego. Kaj vi, Ludoviko ! Vi diras nenion. Kian tempon de jaro vi preferas 1 Ho mi ! mi havas guston tute diferencan de la via : la printempo ne placas al mi pro sia karaktero sangema. Dum tin sezono, oni scias neniam, cu oni devas preni la pluvombrelon aii la bastonon. La monatojn Novembron, Decembron, Januaron kaj ec Februaron mi ne satas, tial ke mi pli ol cion malamas la malvarmon. Gi malvigligas kaj paralizas la spiriton. De alia flanko, la somero ne placas al mi pli multe. En Julio kaj Augusto, la varmo faras vin senzorga kaj maldiligenta ; oni perdas ciun agemon. 96 Mi preferas la autunon kaj la du monatojn Septem bron, Oktobron. En ill la vetero estas pli konstanta, la tempera turo pli agrabla kaj mezgrada. Oni ne timas ciam vidi siajn projektojn malhelpatajn de ia pluvego au fulmotondro, kiel en la printempo kaj en la somero. Dum la autuno, vi povas vojagi en trankvileco ; la marso estas plezuro kaj nenian malutilon prezentas la ripozado ce la nature. Kontraue, vi riskas ricevi sun- frapon se, en la somero, vi restadas sub la radiado de la suno, au pneiimonion, en la vintro, se vi haltadas kelkan tempon ekstere. Sed vi kantis la indon de tiuj sezonoj. Permesu do ke mi pledu por la printempo, montrante giajn ecojn. Se ni komparos la sezonojn kun la vivo de la homo, ni trovos ke la printempo respondas al la infaneco. Agrabla, carma kiel tiu ci, la printempo havas ankau gian kaprican kaj sangeman humoron : jen ridoj, jen ploroj senatendaj. La somero respondas al la ago de la pasioj. La nature tiam estas plena per elektro kaj fajro, kiel la vejnoj homaj en tiu periodo de la vivo : gi estas la tempo de la fulmotondroj kaj de la grandaj katastrofoj. Pli certa, pli kvieta, pli mezura, la autuno figuras la maturecon en la vivo. Gi ne estas la sezono de la floroj plej brilaj, sed gi estas la tempo de la fruktoj plej belaj kaj plej bongustaj. Persikoj, piroj, pomoj kaj vinberoj gojigas la vidadon kaj flatas la gustadon. Se la verdeco de la arboj ne estas tiel fresa kiel en la printempo, gi prezentas pli grandan ricecon da nuancoj. La naturo ne uzas pli unuforme la verdon, gi prenas aliajn kolorilojn sur sian paletron kaj miksas la flavon, la rugon kaj ec la brunon kun la verdo de sia gistiama pentrajo. La aero pli seka ol en la printempo, pli pura kaj 97 malpeza ol en la somero, ne malviinna kiel en la vintro, estas multe pli saniga ol en la aliaj sezonoj. Pro tiuj diversaj motivoj mi alskribas la superecon al la printempo. FOR SALUTI KAJ DEMANDI PRI LA SANO. Mi deziras al vi bonan tagon, Sinjoro : Bonan tagon, Sinjoro, kiel vi fartas ? Tre bone ; mi dankas (vin). Oni diris al mi ke vi estas malsana. Ho ne, dankoj al Dio ; mi neniam sanis pli bone ol de kelka tempo ; se tio ci daurigos, la kuracistoj ne gajnos multe de mi. Benadu la cielon, car la sano certe estas la plej grandvalora bono el ciuj. Se vi estus kiel mi en konstanta malsaneco, vi ankorau pli multe satus vian felicecon. Sed kiu^ venas tie, lamante kaj apogante sin sur bastono ] Cu ne estas nia amiko B ? Jes, estas li. La mizera rompis al si kruron antaii du monatoj kaj li marsas ankorau pene. Bonveno al vi, amiko, mi jus sciigis la malfelicon, kiu okazis al vi. Kiel vi sanas nun 1 Vi estas tre aminda. Nun mia stato estas pli gena ol dolora ; sed, en la unuaj tagoj, mi suferis terure. Cu via carma familio estas en bona sano ? Mia edzino ciam havas sian feran sanon, sed unu el miaj infanoj kauzas al mi grandan maltrankvilecon ; de kelkaj tagoj, gi havas mienon tre malbonan, ne havas pli apetiton kaj ciam plendas pri kapdoloroj. Ha ! kiu do el ili ? La plej juna. Gis nun gi estis tute sana kaj ec tre forta kompare kun sia ago. Eble tio ci venas nur el tro granda kresko. La kreskado tre lacigas la infanojn kaj faras ilin pli malpli suferantaj, malsanetaj. 98 Tiuj ci estas precize la aferoj, kiujn al mi mem mi diras por trankviligi ; sed malgrau cio mi ne povas defendi min de kelka timo. Estu pli saga kaj ne vidu dangeron tie, kie nur estas afero natura, stato momenta kiun venkas ordinare ciuj infanoj sen ia el la komplikajoj, kiujn al si kreas via fantazio timigita. Tion ci vi diras por trankviligi min kaj mi estas al vi tre danka pro gi, sed car vi mem estas patro, vi certe komprenas ke viaj vortoj ne konviukas min tute. Nu, adiaii, amiko, faru mil salutojn al via frato, je mia nomo; salutu vian patron de mi kaj prezentu mian respektan submetigon al via patrino. Certe mi gin faros. De via flanko ne forgesu revoki min al la memoro de viaj gepatroj. EN VOJAGO KAJ EN SERCADO DE LOGEJO. Rigardu do, Henriko, kian belan vidajon prezentas tin kastelo, sidanta sur la supro de la monteto antau ni. La senfrukteco de la pejzago, la krutajoj, kiujn gi superas kaj la stonegoj sur kiuj gi staras, donas al gi cksteron (or vidigon) de forteco kaj majesteco tute im|K)nan. Gi estas efektive tre impona sed ne malpli mal- gojiga. Por nenio mi volus logadi en tiu nesto de agio, tiom pli ke la kamparo cirkauanta sajnas al mi nek pli gajiga nek pli fruktodona ol la monieto mem. Sed cu oni volas kusigi nin tie ci 1 certe de dek minutoj (or : de almenaii dek minutoj), ni restas sur tiu ci stacio. Oni sendube atendas alian vagonaron, kiu devas pasi antau la nia. Mi kredas, ke efektive la rapida de Marseille (Marsej') atingas nin tie ci. Sed kie rii haltos por matenmangi ? 99 Ni haltos en N . . . , la bufedo estas tio tre bona, oni diris al mi. Je kioma horo 1 car mi tre vere mortas de malsato. Vi tamen vespennangis kiel mangegulo hierau vespere. Jes, sed de tiu tempo ni maradis. Ho ! mai'si tiamaniere ne estas tre lacige. Vi estas prava, sed kiam oni ricevas skuadon kiel ni dum ok horoj, oni digestas multe pli rapide. Konsolu vin, nur unu duonon da horo vi nun devas atendi. Preparu (or tenu prete) vian bileton : mi ekvidas la kontroliston. Ankorati ! tiu homo malhelpos do al ni konstante. Tiun ci fojon, ne plendu ; tio estas la signo ke ni atingas la celon. Mi ne trovas mian kvitancon de pakajoj. Kion mi fans el gi 1 Ha ! jen gi estas. Cu vi elektis hotelon ? Ne. Oni rekomendis al mi la hotelon de la Posto, sed mi kredas ke ni agos pli sage, se ni decidos la aferon tiam nur, kiam ni estos mem esplorintaj. Ni prenu veturilon kaj lasu la pakajojri en la stacidomo. Ha ! jen estas hotelo kiu sajnas al mi sufice pura. Cu vi volas ke ni haltigu la veturilon ? Jes, ni malsupreniru. Bonan tagon, sinjorino. Cu vi povus luigi al ni cambron ? Certe, sinjoroj, kun plezuro (or plezure). Mi tuj montros al vi tre belan cambron kun du litoj, au, se vi preferos, du cambrojn apartajn. Jes, du cambrojn apartajn sed komunikigajn. Cu vi deziras ilin kun vido sur la placon aii kun vido sur la korton internan de la hotelo ] Kompreneble tiuj ci lastaj estas ma! pli karaj ol la aliaj. Car ni estos eu la cambro nur nokte, la flanko sur G2 100 la korto suficos al ni. Sed estu modera kaj ne tondu nin tro multe. Ho ! sinjoro, kion vi diras ! Mi estas la plej modera el ciuj hotelistinoj. Ci tiu cambro tre placus al mi, se gi havus kabineton por la tualeto. Mi havas alian tute similan, kiu plenumas tiun kondicon, sed gi estas iom malpli hela. Tio ne genas min. Montru gin al mi. Jen gi estas, sinjoro. Ni povus logigi vian amikon en la apuda, kiu havas meblaron tute novan, kiel vi vidas. Nu, tiuj du cambroj konvenas por ni. Je kia prezo vi luigas ilin? Tio ci dependos de la tempo kiun vi pasigos tie ci, sinjoroj. Se vi ne estos tro postulema, ni restos unu monaton, car ni volas esplori tute bone la arbaron kaj la cirkauajojn. Nu ! vi pagos 12 frankojn ciu, por unu tago, se vi prenos la nutrajon en la hotelo, kaj 7 frankojn, se vi ne mangos tie ci. Sed cu la lumo kaj la servado estas kalkulitaj en tiu prezo ? Jes, 1 2 frankojn por ciu tago, kalkulante cion, kun matenmango, tagmango kaj vespermango. Sed car la trinkajo de la lando estas cidro, se vi volos vinon, vi gin pagos aparte. Bone ; ni konsentas. Havu la bonecon prenigi niajn pakajojn el la stacidomo. Dume ni faros pro- Da ene ton en la urbo. VIZITO. Mi pensas ke oni sonoris. Johano, iru do kaj vidu kiu estas tie. De neniu mi volas akcepti viziton hodiau. 101 Sinjorino, gi estas sinjoro F . . . kiu insistas por esti akceptata. Mi diris al li ke la sinjorino estas sufer- anta ; sed li volas absolute ke mi avertu vin ke li havas tre gravan komunikou pur fari al vi. Nu ! respondu al li ke mi tre bedauras, sed ke mi estas vere tro malsaneta por akcepti lin. Kun tiu ci babilulo mi estus malhelpata du horojn. Bone, sinjorino, mi tuj al li diros tion ci. Nu ! ankorau ekbato de sonorileto. Oni do ne lasos min trankvila. Kiu kredeble venas ankorau min geni ? Ha ! gi estas sinjorino B . . . Johano dim al si ke si eniru kaj enkonduku sin en la saloneton. Bonan tagon, kara amikino. Kiel vi sanas en tiu vetero peza kaj sufokiga, kiun ni havas de du tagoj. Oni pensus ke oni estas en Senegalo. Mi sanas tre bone, dankon. Prezentu al vi ke mi benas guste tiun ci temperaturon, pri kiu ciuj plendas, car mi bone esperas ke gi baldatt liberigos min de forta malvarmumo, kiu min tenas de mia reveno el Parizo. Kaj kie gi kaptis vin ? Cu iam oni scias kie malvarmumo kaptas iun ? Mi tamen kredas ke tio okazis al mi en la teatro. Al mi estis tre varme kaj elirante mi ne sufice kovris min. Oni neniam estas sufice singarda. Sed kun tia vetero vi estos baldaii resanigita. Mi jam venis por vin viziti ; sed mi pensas ke neniu estis ce vi, car mi sonoris, mi frapis la pordon almenati dek fojojn, ne atingante ke oni malfermu al mi. Kiun tagon vi venis 1 Tion ci mi ne memoras pli guste. En la last* lundo vespere, mi pensas. Je kioma horo 1 Je la duono de la sesa (hnro), se mi ne eraras. Vi kredeble eraras, au pri la tago, au pri la horo. 102 Eble ; cetere tio ci estas ne grava, car mi vidas vin hodiau kaj en bona sano. Cu vi bone amuzis vin en Parizo ? Mi, ho ! grandege, sed mia edzo, kiu nun amas nur la kamparon, ha vis unu solan deziron : tien ci reveni kiel eble plej baldau. Kaj, kompreneble, por ne suferigi lin tro forte, vi reveriis pli baldau ol vi volis. Jes, sed en la edzeco oni devas havi la kuragon fari oferajojn unu al la alia. Kaj vi, cu vi ne intencas vojagi tiun ci jaron ? Jes, ni intencas iri al la bordo de la maro. Sed mi atemlas ke mia filo estu elirinta el la kolegio. Cu vi estas kontenta je li ? Li estas bona knabo, kvieta, obea sed senenergia. Vi estas eble tro postulema. Ne, mi certigas al vi, sed vere li timas tro multe ciun penon. Kreskante li farigos pli kuraga kaj pli laborema. Nu ! kara amikino, mi vin lasas. Kiel, vi jam foriras ! Jes, mi promesis ke mi estos reveninta je la kvina horo, kaj estas jam la duono de la sesa. PART IV. LETTERS COMMERCIAL, ETC. Parizo, la 1 M de Sep., 1901 a . Kara Sinjorino, Mi skribis al vi hierau, sed mia letero krucigis kun la via. Mi tre volonte enskribigas vin inter la membroj-adeptoj de nia societo. Mi esperas ke vi faros cion kion vi povos por vastigi la karan lingvon inter viaj amikoj. Kun amika sal u to, Via, Sinjorino C . D . . . Nov-Jorko, 3. 11. 1902* Tre estimata Sinjoro, Hodiau mi ricevis la ekzempleron de du gazetoj, kiujn vi, aminde, sendis al mi. Koran dankon ! Tre fidele la via, Sinjoro P . . . B . . . Jorko, 1902* Kara Amiko, Ciujn bondezirojn pri goja Kristnasko kaj pri felico kaj progreso en ciuj bonajoj en la nova jaro ! Kun kora saluto, Sinjoro F . . . L . . . 104 Berlino, 2 an de Nov., 1901 a . Kara Sinjoro, Mi resenclis la artikolon kun tradukn al la jurnalo per la posto foriranta je 11.30 matene, kaj esperas ke gi alvenos ne tro malfrue por aperi morgau. Mi ankorau ne scias detalojn pri la fondo de la nova societo. Kore via, Sinjoro D . . . V ... Londono, 15 an de Jan., 1901 a . Estimata Sinjoro, Mi volus vin viziti lundon, je la kvara horo post tagmezo, se tiu horo estus konvena al vi. Se mi ne ricevus respondon, mi estus ce vi je la horo nomita. Kun saluto, Sinjoro M . . . N . . Dublino, 10 an de Junio, 1901 a . Kara Sinjoro, Mi treege dejziras havi pruvon de la praktikeco de "Esperanto." Cu vi volas korespondadi kun mi per postkartoj ilustritaj 1 Per tiuj ci ni povus doni reciproke kelkajn detalojn pri la diversaj vidajoj de niaj du landoj. Kun kora saluto, Sinjoro F . . . ... Madrido, 26 an de Novembro, 1902 a . Estimata Samideano, Permesu al mi prezenti mian gratulon pri via kurso. Mi tre satas vian manieron skribi, ciam uzante la estintan tempon de la verbo anstatau la estonta. Sendu al mi klarigojn pri via kurso Esperanta. Kie 105 estas la kunveno, kiam gi farigas, kiu estas gia instruisto, kiom da lernantoj vi havas, k.c. Sendu al nia gazeto artikolojn au detalojn pri Esperanto, ni bezonas iora da ili. Mi petegas vin uzi nian gazeton kiel vian propran. Mi enmetos cion, kion vi sendos, cu Angla au Esperanto. Tute via, Sinjoro X ... V ... Lisabono, 3 de Oktobro, 1902*. Kara Sinjoro, Mi sciigis de S L. Marko ke vi interesigas je la lingvo Esperanto. Mi esperas ke vi helpos en la disvastigado de la kara lingvo en tiu ci lando, kie novaj aferoj ne estas akceptataj rapide. Eble vi legis la bonan raporton pri Esperanto en la artikolo farita de S W. T. Stead en la " Kevuo de Revuoj " por tiu ci monato Kun frata respekto, Sinjoro B . . . A ... Berlino, 9* de Oktobro, 1901*. Kara Sinjoro, Mi ricevis vian leteron de la 10 a de la kuranta monato kun viaj proponoj pri liveroj kaj la anonco pri viaj specimenoj, kiuj ankati bone alvenis. En aliaj cirkonstancoj, estus malfacile por mi, car mi ne havas motivojn por forlasi miajn kutimajn liverantojn, kiuj kontentigas min. Tamen, car la prezoj kiujn vi prezentas al mi estas iom pli malkaraj, mi mendas de vi, por provo, cent risrnojn da paj>ero konforma je la specimeno No. 1, kaj tiom same da No. 2. Se viaj liveroj estos kontentigaj, kiel mi esperas. mi sendos al vi pli grandajn mendojn. Por la pago, volu prezentigi kambion al mia 106 kontoro, post tridek tagoj, kun 2 % da diskonto, konforme je viaj kondicoj. Koncerne vian proponon pri drapoj, mi bedaiiras ke mi ne povas profiti gin, car mi tute min ne okupas je tiuj komercajoj. Atendante vian avizon pri la sendo, mi prezentas al vi, Sinjoro, mian sinceran saluton. Sinjoro P. Grandaire en Lyon. J. L. C ... la 2 an de Nov., 1901* Sinjoroj, Uicevinte vian sendajon mi devas kun bedatiro sciigi al vi, ke mi ne trovis ciiiu oleon eteran en kvalito tia, kian mi deziris kaj kian mi povas bezoni. Precipe mi trovis la oleon mentan, koncerne purecon, tiel malbonkvalita, ke gia valoro estas tre pli malalta ol la ordinara. Car la nomita oleo Sajnis al mi suspektinda, mi decidis fari al gi pli zorgan nemian analizon, kaj jen mi trovis, entreprenante la sulfuracidan alkoholprovon de Jiager, ke la oleo estas falsigita per oleo sasafrasa ! Car mi do tian ne povas uzi, mi estas devigita resendi gin al vi kaj mi petas satntempe pri tuja nova sendajo da pura oleo, car alie mi devos tiun saman aliloke prizorgi. Ateudante vian baldauan respondon, mi estas kun estimo. Via, Sinjoroj N. N. O. 0. Amsterdamo, la 3 an de Februaro, 1902*. Sinjoro, Vian e-timatan adreson ni dankas al niaj komunaj amikoj sinjoroj N. N. kaj per tio ci ni 107 pcrmesas al ni proponi al vi niajn servojn por vendado kaj acetudo de . . . sur tiu ci loko. Ni multe gojos, se la nnna letero estos la komenco I or korespondado, kin povas esti utila tiel al vi kiel al ni, kaj ni vin certigas ke en cm okazo ni penos fari cion eblan por la interesoj de niaj estimataj klientoj. Donante la reference]' n sube skribitajn, ni estas pretaj lau via deziro sendi al vi niajn kondicojn la plej malaltajn kaj ni atendas vian afablan respondon. Kun alta estimo, Referencoj : N. N. Sinjoroj N. N. Parizo, la 5^ de Aprilo, 1903. Gesinjoroj ! Ni havas la honoron sciigi al la Estimindaj Legantoj de " Korrespondens " ke ni posedas la literojn specialajn por presi Esj>eranton, kaj ke ni estas tute arangtaj por la preso de ciuj Leteroj, Cirkuleroj, Brosuroj, iievuoj, k. t. p. kiujn ili povus bezoni. Tiujn ni ciam presos tre zorge kaj kiel eble plej malkare. Volu akcepti, Gesinjoroj, nian sinceran saluton. S. S. Londono, la 4 M de Januaro, 1901*. Estimata Sinjoro, Kiel Esperantisto, permesu ke mi petu de vi la sekvantan servon. Sinjoro B . . . el X ... posedas sipon nomatan Olga, kiu nun prenas argon en New-York por tiu ci haveno, kaj mi skribas al li hodiau por proponi mian serj'on kiel si pa makleristo. Car li kiedeble ne konas ec mian nomon, 6u vi kompleze volus rekomendi min al tiu Sinjoro ? Vi 108 povus certigi lin, ke mi tre zorge min okupus je la aferoj de lia sipo. Kun mia antaua danko, volu akcepti tre si net; ran saluton de via, Sinjoro A ... B . . . Berlino, la 8 an de Januaro, 1901 a . Estimata Sinjoro, Mi ricevis vian leteron de la 4 a de tin ci monato kaj volonte plenigus vian deziron parolante pri vi al sinjoro B . . . ; bedaurinde mi konas lin tro malmulte, por ke mia rekomendo povu esti efika. Mi do transdonis vian leteron al unu amiko mia, kin havas pli oftajn rilatojn kun tiu sinjoro, kaj mi esperas, A ke per li vi atingos la deziratan celon. Ciam preta por servi al vi, mi restas, tre via, Sinjoro B . . . A ... Nov-Jorko, la 9 an de Februaro, 1901*. Estimata Sinjoro, Mi ricevis giatempe vian leteron de la 4 a de Marto, kaj mi renkontis hierau sinjoron D., kin varme rekomendis vin kaj petis, ke mi konfidu al vi la aferojn de mia sipo OLUA. Car mi havas ankorau ncnian agenton en via urbo, mi estas preta akcepti vian proponon ; sed mi antaue deziras, ke vi konigu al mi vian plej moderan prezon por la ricevo kaj ekspedo de la dirita sipo. Se viaj kondicoj estas akcepteblaj kaj se mi estos kontentigita de via servo, mi volonte adresos al vi ciujn pluajn sipojn, kiujn mi poste sendos al via haveno. Atendante vian baldauan respondon, mi subskribas, kun estimo. Sinjoro C . . . D . . . 109 Parizo, la 2" 1 de Junio, 1902*. Estimata Sinjoro, Audinte ke vi nun havas lokon liberan en via oficejo, mi per tiu ci letero venas, kun la rekomendo de S E . . . , proponi al vi mian servon, kaj esperas, ke vi favore akceptos gin. Mi estas dudekjara kaj estis jam dum tri jaroj komizo en la firmo F . . . kaj K, kies almetita atesto montros al vi, ke ili ciam estis kontentigataj de miaj servoj kaj ke mi ilin forlasis latt propra volo, por serci pli profitan situacion. Krom Esperanto mi scias la lingvojn anglan kaj germanan ; mi ankaii konas la librotenadon kaj stenografion. Atendante la honoron ricevi vian respondon, mi prezentas al vi, Sinjoro, mian respektan saluton. Sinjoro N . . . E . . . Londono, G" 1 de Junio, 1902*. Estimata Sinjoro, Mi permesas al mi sciigi vin, ke mia reprezentanto S G. en la nuna monato havos la honoron prezenti sin ce vi, por proponi diversajn komercajojn, kiujn mi povas nun liveri en kondicoj vere profitaj. Mi esperas, ke vi lin akceptos kun via kutima afableco kaj ke vi donos al li kelkajn mendojn, kiujn mi promesas plenumi akurate kaj kontentige. Kiel ciam al viaj ordonoj, mi restas, Tre sincere via, Sinjoro ... M . . . Parizo, en la 15 n de Februaro, 1902*. Al sinjoroj H. Eriksen kaj K. Kristiania. Sinjoroj, Mi legis en la gazeto Korrespondeus ke vi deziras kontoriston, kiu, krom librokonduko, kom- prenas la francan lingvon kaj la lingvon internacian Esperanto. 110 Mi posedas la deziratajn sciojn, kaj tial mi permcsas al mi proponi al vi mian servadon por la vakanta loko (okupado). En la tempo de tri jaroj mi estis okupata en la institute de komercinstruisto, direktoro Hermod. iSinjoro Hermod donos al vi ciujn informojn, kiujn iel vi deziras tusante mian konduton kaj taugecon. Cetere mi vin certigas, ke mi penados meriti vian kontenton per gusta plenumado de miaj devoj. Atendante vian bonvolan respondon, mi havas la honoron esti Via humila servanto, P. .. Bombe'o, 6 an Februaron, 1903 a , Al S-roj Scott & Mc.Dowell, Glasgo. Karaj Sinjoroj, Konfirmante nian leteron datitan 17 an lastan monaton, ni petas vin nun akcepti al scio ke ni subskribis kontrau vi, per la ordono kaj por la kalkulo de S-roj Lapis Fratoj, Milano, unu kambion lau la sekvantaj detaloj : No. 789. 321 : 10 : 0. Post 3 monatoj. Ordono : Grindley & May. Ni enmetas unu kopion de la fakturo pri la komerca^oj ensipigitaj pri kiuj ni subskribis la kambion : dua kaj tria kopioj sekvos per la plej proksima posto. Kekomendante nian kambion al via atento, ni estas, Viaj LAW & KOE. Lyon la 10 an de Marto, 1902*. Sinjoro, Kun la rekomendo de honorinda negocisto de via regiono,mi permesasal miadresi al vi mian prezaron generalan kaj samtempe kelkajn specimeuojn de la Ill vendobjektoj paperaj kaj kartonaj, kiujn mi havas ordinare en mia mngazeno. Mi esperas ke vi satos la kvaliton tute rimarkindan de la komercajoj kiujn mi proponas al vi, kaj ke la kondicoj profitaj, je kiuj mi povas liveri ilin al vi, decidigos vin doni al mi viajn mendojn. Vi povas ankaii vidi en mia katalogo, ke, krom la paperoj, mi ankau makleras pri ciuj komercajoj de la urbo Roubaix, speciale pri drapoj kaj teksajoj ciuspecaj. Miaj malnovaj kaj konstantaj interrilatoj kun ciuj firmoj citieaj donas al mi la eblon trakti la negocojn de miaj mendantoj kun la tuta kompetenteco dezirinda kaj per tia maniero, ke ili estu plene kontentaj. Esperanto ke vi favoros min per viaj mendoj, mi petas, Sinjoro, ke vi akceptu miau sinceran saluton. Sinjoro J. P. A FEW IDIOMATIC PHRASES. 1. Mi skribos leteron ho- diaii. 2. Mi jus estis vidita de mia patro, aft, Mia patro jus min vidis, 3. Li estis jus pafota, sed oni lin pardonis. 4. Mi estos deingata viziti (ati inviti) la dok- toron morgait. 5. Mi devos viziti la dok- toron margati, aft, Estas necese ke mi vizitu, k.c. 1. I shall (write or am going to write) a let- ter to-day. 2. I have been seen just now by my father, or, My father saw me just now. 3. He was about to be shot, but they par- doned him. 4. T am obliged to visit (or receive see) the doctor to morrow. 5. I have to visit (to see) thedoctorto-morrow, or, It is necessary that I see, etc. 112 6. Mi devas k.c. (as in No. 5), aii, Estas arangite kemi vizitu, k.c. 7. Estas necese ke mi vizitu la doktoron morgati, ati, Mi efektive devas vidi (aii viziti) la dok- toron, k.c. 8. Mi devigis skribi kteron, 9. Mi devis skribi kteron, ait, Estis necese ke mi skribu, k.c. 10. Mi sendube kgis (ait trakgis) la libron, Mipensas ke mi certe kgis, k.c. 11. Mi volas ricevi la sin- joron, Mi deziras ricevi, k.c., Mi estas preta par ricevi, k.c. 1 2. Mi estis volanta ricevi la sinjoron, sed io okazis por sangi (ait Sangante) mian vo- lon, sed nun mi ne deziras lin ricew. 13. Mi povas vidi la sipojn en la haveno, ail, Mi havas lapovon 'eidi, k.c. 6. I am to see the doctor, etc., or, It is arranged that I am to see, etc. 7. I must see the doctor, etc., or, In fact, I shall be obliged to see the doctor, etc. 8. I have been obliged to write a letter. 9. I have had to write a letter, or, It was necessary that I write a letter. 10. I must have read the book, I think that I certainly read the book. 11. I am willing to receive the gentleman. (The different translations must depend on con- text, and whether mere consent or de sire is meant). 12. I was (have been) will- ing to receive the gentleman, but some- thing happened to change my mind, or, but now I do not desire to receive him. 13. I am able (can) see the ships in the harbor, or, I have the power to see, etc. 113 1 4 Mi poms vidi la Sipojn en la haveno, se mi estusposedinta bonan Iwnon. 15. Mi povis vidi la Sipojn en la haveno. 16. Mi devas skribi, sed la tempo mankas. 17. Mi devis skribi, sed mi tuteforgesisinfari. 18. Mi jus estis skribonta, kiam la telegramo alvenis. 14. I could have seen the ships in the harbor if I had had a good glass. 15. I was able (have been able) to see the ships in the harbor. 16. I ought bo write, but I have no time (time JN wanting). 17. I ought to have writ- ten, but I quite for- got to do it. 18. I was just about to write, when the tele- gram arrived. PART V. VOCABULARIES. I. ENGLISH-ESPERANTO. The words contained in this vocabulary are quite sufficient for all ordinary purposes. I wish, however, to give the reader a few hints regarding the manner of using, in the event of his requiring any word not found in it. 1 st. The word you look for may be perhaps a word common to most countries. For instance, you will not find such universal words as microphone, tele- phone, etc. In this case refer to the section on " Foreign words," and you will have no difficulty in forming such words for yourself. 2nd. The word you may want is perhaps a synonym, and this synonymous word you will, in all likelihood, find in the vocabulary. For instance, you may be looking for the verb " to seize " ; if you cannot find it, look for the verb " to catch," etc. 3rd. Also if you want to find the word " short," look for its opposite " long " and prefix " Mai," and then you have it. The same way with scores, nay hundreds of other words. Hence it is well to have a good working knowledge of the prefixes and affixes. A thorough acquaintance with these will place almost every possible word within your reach. With a much briefer vocabulary than the one before you, I, by adopting these few rules, read everything I came across in Esperanto, and wrote all my correspondence with a large number of Esperantists. 4th: The words marked with an asterisk are invariable ; the other words form different parts of speech by changing final letter, as Ami, to love (verb) ; Amo, love (noun) ; Ame, lovingly (adverb) ; Ama, loving (adjective). 115 A. able kapabla. about *pri, *cirkatt. above *super. accent akcento. accompany akompani. according to *latt. account kalkulo. accurate akurata. accustom kutimi. acid acido acorn glano. acquire akiri. across *trans. act agi. actual efektiva. add aldoni. address adresi. adept adepto. adieu *adiatt. administrate administri. admire admiri. adore adori. advertise anonci. affair afero. after *post. again re. against *kontratt. age ago. agreeable agrabla. agree konsenti. ah ! *ha. aim cell. air (suhst.) aero. air (vb.) aerumi. H2 album albumo. alder alno. all *cio, *ciuj. allow permesi. almond migdalo. almost *preskaii. alms almozo. alone sola. alphabet alfabeto. already *jam. also *ankati. although *kvankam. always *ciam. ambassador ambasadoro. amber sukceno. among *inter. amuse amuzi. anchor ankro. ancient antikva and *kaj. angel angelo. anger kolero. angle angulo. annoy enui. answer respondi. ant formiko. anxiety maltrankvilo. any *ia. anyhow *iel. anyone *iu. anyone's *ies. anything *io. anytime *iam. anywhere *ie. appear aperi. appk porno. apricot abrikoto. 116 arbor laubo. arch arko. argue disputi. argument argumento. arm brako. around *cirkaii. arouse veki arrange arangi. arrow sago. arsenic arseniko. art arto. artichoke artisoko. as *kiel. ash cindro. ash-tree frakseno. ask demand!. asparagus asparago. ass azeno. assist helpi. at *en, *ce, *apud. at least *almenaii. attack ataki. attain atingi. attempt provi. attentive atenta. attest atesti. author autoro. authority raj to. average mezonombro. avoid eviti. await atendi. awake veki. away *f or. axis akso. azote [nitrogen] azoto. B. bachelor fraiilo. back (subst.) dorso. badger melo. bag sako. baggage pakajo. bake baki. balance balanci. ball pilko. bank banko. baptize bapti. bar bari. bare nuda. bark [of dog] bojo. bark [of tree] selo. barley hordeo. barrel barelo. basket korbo. bat vesperto. bath banilo. battle batalo. be esti. beak beko. beam [of sun] radio. beam [of wooa] trabo. bean fabo. bear (subst.) urso. bear (vb.) porti, toleri. bear (to produce) produkti beard barbo. beast besto. beat bati. beautiful bela. beaver kastoro. become farigi. bed lito. 117 bed [garden] bedo. bee abelo. beech fago. beer biero. beet beto. beetle skarabo. before *antafi. beg peti. begin komenci. behind *post. behold rigardi. believe kredi. belly ventro. belong aparteni. bench benko. bend (v. a.) fleksi. bend (v. n.) klini. beneath *sub. berry bero. beside *preter, *ekster. bet veti. betroth fiancigi. between *inter. bicycle biciklo. bilberry mirtelo. bind ligi. bind [books] bindi. bird birdo. birch betulo. biscuit biskvito. bite mordi. black nigra. bladder veziko. blame mallaudi. bleat bleki. bless beni. blind (adj.) blinda. blood sango. blow (vb.) blovi. Hue blua. body korpo. boil (vb.) boli. bolt riglo. bone osto. bonnet capelo. book libro. book-keeping librotenado. boot boto. bore (vb.) bori. borrow prunte preni. both *ambaii. bottle botelo. bottom fundo. boundary limo. bouquet bukedo. bourse borso. bow [to shoot with] arko. bow [of fiddle] arco. bowl kaliko. box (subst.) kesto. box (vb.) bati, pugni. boy knabo. brain cerbo. branch bran 60. brandy brando. bread pano. break rompi. bream bramo. breast brusto. breathe spin. brick briko. bridge ponto. bridle brido. 118 bright brila. broad larga. brother frato. brown bruna. brush broso. bucket sitelo. buckwheat poligono. bud burgono. buffalo bubalo. buffet bufedo. bug cimo. Imild konstrui. bulb bulbo. bull bovo. bullet kuglo. bundle fasko. bureau kontoro, oficejo. burn (r. n.) bruli. burn (v. a.) bruligi. but *sed. butter butero. butterfly papilio. button butono. buy aceti. by *per, *po, *apud. c. cabbage brasiko. cabin kajuto. cactus kakto. cage kago. cake kuko. calculate kalkuli. calico kalikoto. call voki. camel kamelo. can (subst.) can (vb.) povas. canary kanario. candle kandelo. candy kando. cane kano. capable kapabla. car [railroad] vagono. caraffe karafo. card karto. care zorgi. caress karesi. carp [fish] karpo. carpenter carpento. carpet tapiso. carriage kaleso. carrot karoto. case skatolo. cash kaso. cast [metals] fandi. cast [throwjjeti. castle kastelo. cat kato. catarrh kataro. catch kapti. caterpillar raupo. cause kattzi. cave kavo. cavern kaverno. cease cesi, halti. cedar cedro. ceiling plafono. cellar kelo. cement cemento. certain certa. chagrin cagreno. chain 6eno. 119 chalk kreto. cluimber cambro. chamomile kamomilo. change sangi. chapter capitro. charm carmi. chase casi. chatter babili. cheat trompi. cheek vango. cheese fromago. chemise cemizo chemistry iiemio cheque ceko. cherish flegi. cherry cerizo. chess sakoj. chestnut kastano. chew maci. chief cefo. child infano. chin mentono. chisel cizilo. chocolate cokolado. choose elekti. cigar cigaro. cigarette cigaredo. cinder cindro. circumstance cirkonstanco. claim postuli. clamp (bracket) krampo. clay argilo. clean pura. clear klara. clerk komizo. clever lerta. clock horlogo. cloth [a] tuko. cloth [goods] drapo. clothe vesti. cloud nubo. club klubo. coal karbo. coal-oil petrolo. coast bordo. cod gado. coffee kafo. coffin cerko. collar kolumo. collect kolekti. color koloro. column kolono. comb kombi. come veni. comma komo. command ordoni. commerce komerco. commission komisio. committee komitatc. common komuna, ordinara. communicate komuniki. companion kolego. compare kompari. compassion kompato. complain plendi. conceal kasi. concerning *pri. conclude konkludi. condition kondico. conduct konduto. conduct (vb.) konduki. confess konfesi. confide konfidi. confuse konfuzi. 120 congratulate gratuli. conquer venki. conscience konscienco. conscious konscia. consent konsenti. console konsoli. constant konstanta. construct konstrui. consumption ftizo. content kontenta. continue datiri. contract kontrakti. convenient oportuna. convince konvinki. cook kuiri. copper kupro. copy kopio. cork korko. corn greno. corn [on foot] kalo. corner angulo. correct korekti. correspond korespondi. cost kosti. cotton kotono. cough tusi. count kalkuli. counter kontoro. country lando. cousin kuzo. cover kovri. covetous avara. crab kankro. crafty ruza. crane sarglevilo. crane [bird] gruo. cravat kravato. crawl rampi. cream kremo. create krei. cricket [insect] grilo. crime krimo. cross (subst.) kruco. crowd amaso. crown kroni. cruel kruela. crumple cifi. cry krii. cry [of beasts] bleki. cuckoo kukolo. cucumber kukumo. cuff manumo. cup taso. cupboard ranko. currant ribo. curtain kurteno. curved kurba. cushion kuseno. custom kutimo. cut tranci. D, damage difekto. dance danci. danger d anger o. date [fruit] daktilo. day tago. deaf surda. dear kara. deceive trompi. decide decidi. deck ferdeko. 121 decree dekreto. dedicate dedici. deep profunda. deer cervo. defend defend!. define difini. deformed kripla. 4 demand postuli. denounce denunci. dense densa. department departemento. depict pentri, figuri. desert dezerto. desert forlasi. deserve meriti. design desegni. desire deziri. destroy detrui. detail detalo. devil diablo. dew roso. diameter diametro. diamond diamante. die morti. dig fosi. diligent diligenta. direct direkti. disappoint cagreni. discharge [pour out] suti. discount diskonto, rabato. dish plado. dispute disputi. distract distri. distribution disdono. diverse diversa. divide dividi. divine, (vb.) diveni. do fari. dog hundo. dollar dolaro. doll pupo. door pordo. dot punkto. doubt dubi. dough paste. dove kolombo. down (subst.) lanugo. draw [out] tiri. draw [along] treni. draw [pictures] pentri. drawers [chest of] komodo. dream songi. drink trinki. drop guti. drown droni. drug drogo. drum tamburo. dry seka. duck anaso. dumb muta. dust polvo. duty devo. E. each*cia., *ciu. eagle agio. ear orelo. ear [of grain] spiko. early frua. earth tero. east orionto. 122 Easter pasko. easy facila. eat mangi. ecstasy ravo. edge rando. editor redaktoro. educate eduki. eel angilo. effect efiki. egg ovo. eight *ok. elastic elasta. elbow kubuto. elect elekti. elephant elefanto. elk alko. embank digi. embarrass geni. embrace cirkaiipreni eminent eminenta. enceinte graveda. end fini. endeavour peni. endure datiri. engage okupi. engineer ingeniero. eenugh sufica. entertain regali. entice logi. envelope koverto. envy envio. epoch epoko. equal egala. error eraro. especially precipe. establish fondi. esteem estimi. eternal eterna. etiquette etiketo. even (adj.) ebena. even (adv.) *ec. evening vespero. every *cia everyone *ciu. everything *cio. everywhere *cie. examine ekzaraeni. example ekzemplo. except escepti. exchange [bill of] kambio execute ekzekuti. exercise ekzerco. exhibition ekspozicio. exist ekzisti. expedite ekspedi. expel peli. expend elspezi. expert sperta. explode eksplodi. explore esplori. express esprimi. extinguish estingi. extreme ekstrema. eye okulo. eyelid palpebro. P. fable fablo. face viza.go. fac-simile faksimilo. fade velki. faint sveni. 123 fair (subst.) foiro. faithful fidela. falcon falko. fall [of year] autuno. fall (vb.) fall. false falsa. family familio. fan ventumilo. fancy revo. fashion fasono. fast (adj.) rapida. fast (vb.) fasti. fat grasa. fate sorto. father patro. fathom klafto. fault kulpo. favor favori. favor [do a] komplezi. fear timi. feast festi. feel (v. a.) palpi. feel (v. n.) senti. felt felto. fern filiko. fever febro. field kampo. fiff fi g- fight batali. file fajlilo. filter filtri. find trovi. finger fingro. finish fini. fir abio. fire fajro. fireplace fajrejo. firm firma. fish fio. fiat pugno. five *kvin. flag standardo. flat plata. flatter flati. flax lino. fleece felo. flint siliko. flow faruno. flow flui. flower floro. ^wjf lanugo. fluid fluajo. flute fluto. (vb.) flugi. fly (subst.) muso. foam s;mmo. fog nebulo. fold faldi. follow sekvi. foot piedo. for *por, *pro, *car. forehead frunto. foreign fremda. forge forgi. forget forgesi. forget-me-not miozoto. forgive pardoni. fork forko. forth *for. fortified fortika. fortunate felica. fountain fonto. four *kvar. fox vulpo 124 frame kadro. franc franko. free libera. fresh fresa. Friday vendredo. friend amiko. fright teruro. frog rano. from *el, *de. front fronto. frost frosto. fruit f rukto. frying pan pato. fulfil plenum!. full plena. fume (subst.) haladza funeral funebro. fungus fungo. fur pelto. furious freneza. furniture meblo. furrow sulko. G. gain gajni. gaiter gamaSo. gall galo. garden gardeno. garlic ajlo. gas gaso. gather kolekti. gay gaja. gentle gentila. gentleman sinjoro. genus gen to. get ricevi. give doni, donaci. glare heli. glass vitro. glass [a] glaso. globe globo. glory gloro. glove ganto. glue gluo. gnat kulo. go iri. goat kapro. God Dio. gold oro. good bona. good-lye *adiau. goods stofo. goose ansero. gooseberry groso. grain greno. grain [a] grajno. grandfather avo. grandson nepo. grape vinbero. grass herbo. grasshopper akrido. grease sebo. great granda. green verda. grey griza. grind mueli. groan germ, grouse urogalo. grow kreski. gruel kaco. guarantee garantio. gvard gardi. 125 guess diveni. guest gasto. gulf golf o. gum gumo. gunpowder pulvo. H. hail hajlo. hair haro. ham ainko. hammer martelo. mano. handicraft metio. handy lerta. fom<7 pendi. hangings tapeto. happen okazi. happy felica. harbor haveno. hardly *apenaL hare leporo. harp harpo. harrow erpi. hat capelo. have havi. hawk akcipitro. hay fojno. heli. head ka|K>. health suno. atidi. koro. heat (v. a.) hejti. heaven cielo. /k?i kalkano. AeW infero. helmet kasko. help helpi. hemp kanabo. here *tie ci. hero heroo. heron ardeo. herring haringo. hew haki. hide (subst.) hattta hide (vb.) kai. high alta. hinge carniro. hire dungi. hit frapi. hoarse rafika. hog porko. hold teni. hole truo. holy sankta. home hejmo. honest hones ta. honey mielo. honeysuckle lonicero. honor honori. hoof hufo. hook hoko. hope esperi. hops In polo. horse cevalo. horse-radish kreno. host mastro. hotel hotelo. hour horo. house domo. how *kiel. however *tamen, *do. 126 how much, many *kiom. humble humila. humming-bird kolibro. humor humoro. hump gibo. hundred *cent. hunt casi. hurt vundi. husband edzo. I. / mi. ice glacio. if *se. illustration ilustrajo. imitate imiti. immediately *tuj. important grava. inch colo. incite inciti. incline klini. increase kreski. indeed *ja. industrious diligenta. industry industrio. infant infano. infect infekti. influence influi. inherit heredi. injure vundi, difekti. ink inko. inner interna. insect insekto. insert enmeti. instead *anstatati. instruct instrui. insult insulti. insure asekuri. intend intenci. interest interesi. intestine intesto. invite inviti. iron fero. iron (vb.) gladi. island insulo. it gi. itch juko. ivy hedero. J. jacket jako. jaw faiiko. jealous Jaluza. jewel juvelo. join jungi. joint artiko. joke serci. journal jurnalo. journey veturo. joy gojo. jubilee jubilee. judge jugi. jvg kruco. juice suko. just (adj.) justa. just (adv.) *]\IB. K. keep konservi. keg barelo. kernel kerno. kerosene petrolo, 127 kettle kaldrono. key slosilo. kidney reno. kind (subst.) speco, kind (adj.) aminda. king rego. kingdom regno. kiss kisi. knapsack tornistro. knee genuo. know scii, koni. L. labor labori. lace pasamento. lake lago. lame lama. land lando. language lingvo. lantern lanterno. lard lardo. large granda. lark alaiido. last (adj.) lasta. last (vb.)dattri. laugh ridi. law lego. lead (subst.) plumbo. lead (vb.) konduki. leaf folio. lean (vb.) apogi. leap salti. learn lerni. leather ledo. leave (subst.) permeso. leave (vb.) lasi. leech hirudo. legend legend o. legume legomo. lemon citrono. lend prunte doni. lentil lento. lesson leciono. letter letero. letter [of alphabet] litero. lick leki. lie [down] kusi. lie [tell a] mensogi. lift levi. light (subst.) lumo. lightning fulmo. like (vb.) sati, ami. like (adj.) simila. lily lilio. lime kalko. limit limo. line linio. linen tolo. /ww leono. lip lipo. Zis/en auskulti. fo'w vivi, logi. liver hepato. lizard lacerto. lo ! *jen. load [a gun] sargi. lock (subst.) seruro. lock (vb.) slosi. locomotive lokomotivo lodge logi. long (adj.) longa. long (vb.) sopiri. 128 lose perdi. lot [cast] loto. lottery loterio. loud laiita. lounge kanapo. love ami. lucifer alumeto. lung pulmo. M. machine maSino. mad kolera, freneza. magpie pi go. mail posto. maize maizo. majesty majesto. make fari. man homo, viro. manner maniero. manufactory fabriko. many multa. maple acero. marble marmoro. margin margeno. marsh marco. mason masonisto. mass amaso. mast masto. master mastro. mat ma to. match alumeto. mattress matraco. meal faruno, mangado. means rimedo measure meznri. meat viando. medalion medaliono. medicine kuracilo. meet renkonti. melon melono. member membro. memory memoro. mercury hidrargo. mesh maso. miasma haladzo. middle mezo. migrate migri. mile mejlo. milk (subst.) lakto. milk (vb.) melki. mill mueli. millet milio. mind ammo, cerbo. mine mia (poss. pron.) mirror spegulo. misery mizero. mix miksi. mixture miksajo. model modeli. moderate modera. modest modesta. molasses siropo. mole talpo. Monday lundo. money mono. monk monaho. monkey simio. month monato. moon In no. more *pli. mornina mateno. moss musko. 129 most *plej. moth tineo. mountain monto. mourn plori. mouse muso. mouth buo. move movi. mow falci. much multe. mucilage gumo. mud koto. mulberry moruso. mule mulo. murmur murmuri. mushroom fungo. must (vb.) devis. mustard mustardo. N. nail najlo. nail [finger] ungo. naked nuda. name nomi. nape nuko. nation nacio. nature nature. near proksima. near to (prep.) *apud. necessary necesa. neck kolo. need (vb.) bezoni. neigh bleki. neighbor najbaro. neither *nek. nephew nevo. nest lusto. net reto. nettle urtiko. never *neniam. new nova. night nokto. nightingale riajtingalo. nine *nail. no *ne. noble nobla. nobleman nobelo. nobody *neniu. nohow *neniel. noise bruo. none *neniom. no ones *nenies. nor *nek. north nordo. nose nazo. not *ne. nothing *nenio. nourish nutri. now *nuu. nowhere *nenie. number nombro, numero. nut nukso. o. oak kverko. oar remilo. oats aveno. obey obei. dbject objekto. object kontraustari. obstinate obstina. obstruct bari. occasion okazo. 130 occupy okupi. odor odoro. o/*de, *da. offend ofendi. o/er [sacrifice] oferi. offer [present] prezenti. officiate agi. often ofte. oh ! *ho. oil oleo. on *sur. one *unu. onion bulbo. only (adj.) sola. only (adv.) *nur. opinion opinio. opportune gustatempe. opposite *kontraii. or *aii. orange orango. order (subst.) ordo. oi'der (vb.) ordoni. ordinary ordinara. organ orgeno. oriental orienta. ornament ornamo. orphan orfo. ostrich struto. other alia. ought devi. out *for. outside *ekster. oval ovalo. oven for no. over *super. overcoat surtuto, super vesto. overthrow renversi. owe sukli. owl strigo. own (vb.) posedi. own (adj.) propra. ox bovo. oyster ostro. P. pack paki. page pago. pail sitelo. pain doloro. paint pentri. paint-brush peniko. pale pala. palace palaco. palate palato. pants pantalono. paper papero. paradise paradizo. pardon pardoni. parrot papago. parsley petroselo. part parto. particularly precipe. partridge perdriko. pass pasi. passion pasio. pastor pastro. pasture pasto. patch fliko. patience pacienco. pause halti. pavement pavimo. 131 pay pagi. pea pizo. peace paco. peach persiko, peacock pavo. pear piro. pearl perlo. pen plumo. pencil krajono. penny penco. people popolo. pepper pipro. perceive rimarki. perch [fish] perco. perfect perfekta. perish perei. permit permesi. persecute persekuti. person persono. perspire sviti. perverse petola. petticoat jupo. pheasant fazano. piano fortepiano. pickle pekli. piece peco. pike [fish] ezoko. pillar kolono. pin pinglo. pinch pinci. pine pino. pineapple ananaso. pious pia. pipe pipo. pitch peco. jpify (vb.) bedatiri. pity [it is a] domago. place loko. plague pesto. plait plekti. plane (vb.) raboti plant (vb.) planti. ^tonf (subst.) kreskajo. plate telero. play ludi. please placi. pleasure plezuro. plenty sato. plough (vb.) plugi. pum pruno. pocket poso. jww/ punkte. poison veneno. po/0 stango. |?ofe polico. polish poluri. polish [for shoes] ciro. poplar poplo. poppy papavo. porcelain porcelano. possess poeedi. post [mail] posto. pot poto. pour versi. powder (gun) pulvo. powder (dust) pulvoro. praise laudi. pregi. prediki. precse preciza. prepare prepari. present (subst.) donaco present (vb.) prezenti. preserve konservi 12 132 press premi. pretf.y beleta. pi-ice kosto. prick piki. priest pasfcro. prince princo. print presi. private privata. prize prezo. produce produkti. promise promesi. proper propra. property posedajo. propose proponi. prosper prosperi. protect gardi, defendi proud fiera. prove pruvi. proverb proverbo. prudent prudenta. pull tiri. pump pumpilo. punish puni. pure pura. purple purpura. pus puso. push pusi. put meti. puzzle enigmo. quail koturno. quality eco. quantity kvanto. quick rapida. quicksilver hidrargo. quiet trankvila. quit lasi. R. rabbit kuniklo. race gen to. radisJi rafano. rag cifono. rail relo. railroad fervojo. rain pluvi. rake rasti. rapid rapida. raspberry frambo. rat rato. rate [at the of] *po. raven korvo. ravish ravi. ray [of sun] radio. reach atingi. read legi. ready preta. real efektiva. reap rikolti. receive ricevi. recognise koni. rectangle rektangulo. redruga,. regard rigardi. regiment regimento. register [a letter] reko- mendi. reign regi. rejoice goji. 133 relate to rilati. root radiko. relation parenco. rope snuro. remain resti. rose rozo. remark rimarki. rotten putra. remi'dy riraedo. round ronda. rent rento. row [rank] vico. repeat ripeti. row (vb.) remi. repose ripozi. rub froti. represent figuri. rubber shoe galoSo. reproach riproci. rule regulo. request peti. rum rumo. require postuli. run kuri. resound sonori, resoni. rust rusti. rest [the] cetero. rye sekalo. revenge vengi. reward rekompenci. s. rhyme rimo. sack sako. rib ripo. sacrifice (v.) oferi. ribbon rubando. sod malgoja. rice rizo. saddle selo. rich rica. sai/ velo. ride rajdi. sa/ale tuta. whose *kies. w% *kial. wick meco. wide larga, vasta. widower vidvo. wild sovaga. will voli. willow saliko. wind (vb.) tordi. wind (subst.) vento. window fenestro. wine vino. wing flugilo. winter vmtro. wipe visi. wise saga. wish deziri. wit sprite. with *kun. within, interne. ivithout (wanting) *sen. without (outside) ekstere. wolf lupo. wonder rain. wood (substance) ligno. woodpecker pego. wool lano. ivord vorto. work (manual) laboro. work (mental) verko. world mondo. worm vermo. wound vundi. write skribi. Y, yawn oscedi. year jaro. yeast fermentilo. yellow flava. yes *jes. yesterday *hieratl yet *ankoratt. yoke jugo. you vi. young juna. 140 z. zenith zenito. zigzag zigzago. ZMIC zinko. zono. II. ESPERANTO- ENGLISH . A. a termination of adjec- tives : bel'o beauty, bel'a beautiful. abelo bee. abio fir. acero maple. acida acid, sour. aceti to buy. ad' denotes duration of action : danc'i dance, danc'ado dancing. adepto adept. administri administrate. adiati adieu, good-by. aero air. afero affair, business. agio eagle. agrabla agreeable. ago age. ajlo garlic. ajn . . . ever : kiu who, kiu ajn whoever. a/' made from or posses- sing the quality of : sek'a dry, sek'ajo dry goods. akcento accent. akcipitro hawk. akompani accompany. akra sharp. akrido grass-hopper. akurata accurate, punctual akvo water. al to. alatido lark (bird). albumo album. alia other. alkovo alcove. almenau at least. almozo alms. alta high. alumeto match (lucifer). amo love. amaso crowd, mass. ambasadoro ambassador. amelo starch. amiko friend. amuzi amuse. an inhabitant, member : Nov-Jork'o New York, Nov-Jorkan'o New Yorker. anaso duck. angulo corner, angle. anQtlo angel. aniino soul. ankau also. ankoraH yet, still. ankro anchor. 142 anonci announce. ansero goose. anstatau instead of. unla ending of pres. part. act. in verbs : am'anta loving. anfaii before. aparti separate. aparteni belong. apenati scarcely. aperi appear. apogi lean (vb.). aprobo approbation. apud near by. ar' a collection of objects : vort'o word, vorl'aro dic- tionary. araneo spider. aranQi arrange. arbo tree. arco bow (fiddle). ardeo heron. argilo clay. argento silver. argumento argument. arko arch, bow. arseniho arsenic. arto art. artiko joint as ending of the present tense in verbs : am'as loves. asparago asparagus. ata ending of pres. part pass, in verbs : am'ata loved. ataki attack. atendi wait, expect. atenti attend. atesti attest, affirm. atingi attain, reach. aft or. aiidi hear. aiLshdti listen. aiLtuno fall (of the year). avo grandfather. avara covetous. aveno oats. aze.no ass. azoto azote, nitrogen. B. babili chatter. baki bake. balai sweep. balanci balance, swing. balbuti stammer. baldati soon. baleno whale. bano bath. bapti baptize. bari bar, obstruct. barbo beard. barelo keg, barrel. bastono stick. bati beat. batali fight. bedo bed (garden). bedatiri pity, regret. beko beak. bela beautiful. beni bless. 143 benko bench. bero berry. besto beast. betulo birch (tree). bezoni need, want. biciklo bicycle. bieno goods, estate. biero beer. bindi bind (books). birdo bird. blanka white. bleki cry (of beasts). blinda blind. blovi blow. blua blue. bo' relation by marriage : patrino mother, bo'- patrino mother-in-law. boli boil (vb. neut.). boligi to boil (v. act.). bona good. bori bore (vb.). bordo shore. borso bourse, exchange. boto boot. botelo bottle. bovo ox. brako arm. bramo bream. branfo branch. brando brandy. brasiko cabbage. brido bridle. briko brick. brili shine. brosi brush. brovo eyebrow. bruo noise. bruli burn (v. n.). bruna brown. brusto breast. bruto brute. bufedo buffet. bufo toad. bulbo bulb. burtfono bud. buSo mouth. butero butter. butono button. c. celi aim. cent hundred. cerbo brain. certa certain, sure. cervo deer. cetero rest, remainder. cifero cipher. cigaro cigar. cignredo cigarette. cigno swan. cikonio stork. cindro ash, cinder. cirkonstanco circumstance. citrono lemon. A C. fagreni disappoint. cambro chamber. capo bonnet, cap. tapelo hat. cai>itro chapter. 144 tar for ; because. carmo charm. carniro hinge. Sarpenti do carpenter's work. Sasi hunt. ce at, near, by. cefo chief. ceko cheque. cemizo shirt. ceno chain. cerizo cherry. terko coffin. cesi cease, desist. cevalo horse. ci denotes proximity: tin that, tin ci this ; tie there, tie ci here. cia every. ciam always. cie everywhere. ael in every manner. cielo heaven. cifi crumple. afono rag. cikano chicanery. cio everything. cirkati about, around. cm each, every one, au'j all. cizi chisel. fj' affectionate diminutive of masculine names : Johano John, Jo'cjo Johnnie. tokolado chocolate. Su whether; asks a ques- tion. D. da is used instead of de after words expressing weight or measure ; funto da viando a pound of meat, taso da teo a cup of tea. daktilo date (fruit). danci dance. danfaro danger. danki thank. dato date (time). dauri endure, last. de of, from. decidi decide. decifri decipher. dedici dedicate. defendi defend. degradi degrade. dek ten. dekreto decree. dekstro right-hand. demandi demand, ask. densa dense. denlo tooth. denunci denounce. des the (ju . . . des the . . . the). desegni design, draw. detalo detail. detrui destroy. devi ought, must, dev'igi necessitate, compel. dezerto desert. deziri desire. Dio God. 145 diamante diamond. diametro diameter. difekti damage, injure. difeiwtci distinguish. dijini define. digesti digest. digi embank. dilca thick. dikti dictate. diligenta diligent. dimanco Sunday. diri say. direkti direct. dis has the same force as the English prefix dis : semi sow, dis'semi dis- seminate ; iri tear, dis'tliri tear to pieces. disputi dispute. distingi distinguish. distri distract. diveni divine, guess. diversa various, diverse. dimdi divide. do then, indeed, however. dolaro dollar. dolca sweet. dolors pain, ache. domo house. domafo pity (in the phrase, it is a pity). drnii give, al'dnni add. donaci make a present. dormi sleep. dorso (the) back (of the body). drapo woollen goods. drapiri drape. draSi thresh. droni drown du two. dubi doubt. dum while, during, dum'e meanwhile. dungi hire. E. e ending of adverbs : bon'u good, borie well. ebena even, smooth. eble perhaps. ec' denotes qualities ; bon'a good, bon'eco goodness. ec even (adv.). eduki educate. edzo married man. efektiva real, actual. efektive actually, really. efiki effect. eg" denotes increase of degree : varm'a warm, varm'ega hot. egala equal. ef place where an action occurs ; kuir'i to cook, kuii'ejo kitchen. ek' denotes sudden or momentary action ; krii cry, ek'krii cry out. eks' ex-, late. eksriti to excite. ekster outside, besides. 146 ekstrema extreme. ekzemplo example. ekzerci exercise. ekzisti exist. ekspozicio exhibition. el from, out from. elefanto elephant. elekti choose. cm' inclined to : babil'i chatter, babil'ema talk- ative. eminenta eminent. en in ; (when followed by the accusative = into). enigmo puzzle. entrepreni undertake. enui anno}", weary. envii envy. epoko epoch. er' one of many objects of the same kind : sabl'o sand, sabl'ero grain of sand. eraro error, mistake. erinaco hedgehog. crpi harrow. esperi hope. esplori explore. esprimi express (vb.). esti be. estimi esteem. estingi extinguish. estro chief : sip'o ship, Sip'estro captain. ft' denotes diminution of degree : rid'i laugh, rid' cti smile. etao stage, story (of a house). eternti eternal. etiketo etiquette. eviti avoid. ezoko pike (fish). P, fabo bean. fabelo tale, story. fablo fable. facila easy. fadeno thread. fajfi whistle. fajli file. fajro fire. faksimilo facsimile. fall fall. falci mow, cut grass. faldi fold. falko falcon. falsa false. familio family. fari do, far'igi become. faringo throat. farti be (relating to health). faruno meal, farina, flour. fasko bundle. fasti fast (vb.). fa&ko jaws. febro fever. feco sediment. felo hide, fleece. felica happy. felto felt. 147 fendi split. fenestro window. fero iron. fermi shut. festo feast. fianco betrothed (male). fidela faithful. fiera proud. figo fi g- figuro figure, representa- tion. filo son. fino end. fingro finger. firma firm. fiso fish. fiska fiscal. flanko side. flari smell (vb.). flati flatter. /lava yellow. flegi nourish, take care of. jleksi bend (v. act.). floro flower. flui flow. flugi fly (vb.). fluida fluid. fluto flute. foiro fair (subst.). /o;'o time (three " times " etc.). fojno hay. foko seal (animal J. folio leaf. /onto fountain. /or forth, out. forgesi forget. forgi forge. forko fork. formiko ant. /orno stove, furnace, /or/a strong. fortigi fortify. $t dig. ap'o strawberry. fragmento fragment. frajo spawn frambo raspberry. frapi hit. frato brother. fratilo bachelor. freneza crazy. fresa fresh. fromag'o cheese. frosto frost. froti rub. frua early. frugilego rook. frukto fruit. frunto, forehead. /tezo phthisis, consumption /M/^O soot. fulmo lightning. fumi smoke. fundo, bottom. funebro, funeral. fungo mushroom. futo foot (measure). G- gaja gay, merry. gajni gain. galu gall. K2 148 galoSo rubber-shoe. gamaSo gaiter. ganto, glove. garbo sheaf, shock. gardi guard. gasto guest. ge' of both sexes : patro fa- ther, ge'patr'o'j parents. gento race, kind, genus. genuo knee. geranio geranium. glacio ice. gladi smoothe, to iron. glano acorn. glaso glass, vase. glata slippery. glavo sword. gliti glide, glit'vetur'ilo sledge. glolo globe. gloro glory. glui glue. gluti, swallow (vb.). golfo, gulf. gorfo throat. grajno a grain. granda great, tall. granito, granite. grasa fat. grati scratch. gratuli congratulate. grava important. graveda pregnant. greno grain. grilo cricket (insect). grimace grimace. griza grey. groso gooseberry. gruo crane (bird). grupo group. gudro tar. gumo gum, mucilage. gusto taste. guto drop. gvido guide. fardeno garden. ferni groan. geni constrain, embarrass. gentila polite. #it. gibo hump. gis up to, until. gojo joy. $uste just, exact. H. ha ah, alas. hajlo hail. haki hew, chop. halo market, market place. haladzo exhalation. halti come to a stop. haro hair. haringo herring. harpo harp. haiito skin. ham have (possess). hedero ivy- 149 hejmo home. hejti heat (vb.). held clear, glaring. helpi help. hepato liver. herbo grass. heredi inherit. hcrezo heresy. hierati, yesterday. himno hymn. hirudo leech. hirundo swallow (bird). ho oh. hodiati to-day. hoko hook. homo man. honesfa honest. honor o honour. honto shame. horo hour. hordeo barley. horlofo clock. hofelo hotel. hufo hoof. humila humble. humoro humour. hundo dog. I. i termination of the infi- nitive in verbs : latid'i to praise. ia of any kind. ial for any cause. iam at any time, ever, once. id descendant, young one : bov'o ox, boc'ldo calf. ie anywhere. iel anyhow. ies anyone's. ig' to cause to be : pur' a pure, pur'igi purify. i$ to become : rug" a red, rug'itfi blush, ^'instrument: tond'i shear, tond'ilo scissors. Hi they. ilustrajo illustration. imiti imitate. in' ending of feminine words : bov'o ox, bov'ino cow. inciti provoke, incite. inda worthy. industrio industry. infano child. infekti infect. infero hell. influo influence. infuzi infuse. ing' holder for : kandel'o candle, kandel'ingo candle-stick. inko ink. insekto insect. insisli insist. instrui instruct, teach. insulo island. insulti insult. int' ending of past part. act. in verbs : am'inta having loved. 150 inteligenta intelligent. intend intend. inter between, among. interna inner. intesto intestine. inviti invite. io anything. iom a little. iri go. is ending of past tense in verbs : am' is loved. is? person occupied with : mar'o sea, mar'isto sailor. it' ending of past part. pass, in verbs : am'ita having been loved. iu any one. J. j sign of the plural : patr'o father, patr'o' j fathers. ja indeed. jako jacket. jam already. jaro year. je (can be rendered by various English prepo- sitions). jen behold, lo, jen jen sometimes . . . sometimes. jes yes. judes the... the. jubileo jubilee. jugo yoke. iui judge. Juki itch. juna young. jungi couple, harness (vl jupo petticoat. justa just, righteous. J, jaluza jealous. jatido Thursday. jeti throw. juri swear. jus just, exactly. K. kadro frame. kafo coffee. kao cage. kaj and. kajero paper covered book, copy-book. kalo corn (on the foot). kaldrono kettle. kaleSo carriage. kaliko bowl. kalko lime. kalkano heel. kalkuli calculate kalumnii calumniate. kambio bill of exchange. kamelo camel. kameno chimney. kamomilo chamomile. kampo field. 161 kano cane. kanabo hemp. kanalo canal. kanapo sofa, lounge. vanario canary. kandelo candle. kandidato candidate. kankro crab. kanti sing. kapo head. kapdbla capable. kapro goat. kapti catch. kara dear. karafo caraffe, decanter. karbo coal. karesi caress. karoto carrot. karpo carp (fish). kaserolo stewpan. kasko helmet. kastelo castle. kastoro beaver. kai hide (vb.). kastano chestnut. kato cat. katedro cathedral. katizi cause. kavo cave. kaverno cavern. ke that (conj.). kelo cellar. kflka some. falnero waiter. kerno kernel. kesto chest, box. kia what (kind of). kial why, wherefore. kiam when. kie where. kid how. kies whose. kio what. kiom how much many. kisi kiss. kiu who, which (also that = relative). klafto fathom (measure). klara clear. Mini bend, incline. knabo boy. kojno wedge. koko rooster. kolo neck. kolego colleague, comrade kolekti collect. kolera mad, angry. kolombo dove. kolono column. koloro colour. kolumo collar. komo comma. kombi comb. komedio comedy. komenci commence. kamerco trade. komisio commission. komizo clerk. komodo chest of drawers. kompari compare. kompato compassion. komplezo favour, liking. komposti set (type). 152 kompreni understand. komuna common. komuniki communicate. koncerto concert. koni know, recognise. kondico condition. konduki conduct. konduto c6nduct. konfesi confess. konfidi confide, trust. konfuzi confuse. konko shell, mussel. konkludi conclude. konscii be conscious of. konscienco conscience. konsenti consent. konservi, preserve. konsili advise, counsel. konsoli console. konstanta, constant. konstrui construct, build. kontentigi satisfy. kontoro bureau, office. kontrati, against. kontroli control. kontuzo contusion. konvalo May-lily. konvena convenient. konvinki convince. koro heart. korbo basket. kordo string (piano, etc.). korekti correct. korespondi correspond. korko cork. korno horn. korpo body. korto court. korw raven. kosto cost, price. koto dirt. kolono cotton. kotunw quail (bird). koverto envelope. kovri cover. kraci spit. krajono pencil. krampo clamp, holdfast, staple. kranio cranium. krano tap, spigot. kravato cravat. krei create. kredi believe. kremo cream. kreno horse-radish. kreski grow, increase. kreto chalk. krii cry. kribro sieve. krimo crime. kripla crippled. kroci hook to, cling to. ki'ono crown. kriico cross. kru& jug. kruela cruel. krusto crust. kubuto elbow. kudri sew. kufo bonnet (woman's). kuglo bullet. kuiri cook. kukolo cuckoo. 153 Tcukumo cucumber. kulo gnat. kidero spoon. kulpo fault, blame. kun with, kun'e together. kuniklo rabbit. kupro copper. kuri run. kuraci cure, heal (v. a.). kuraflo courage. kurba curved. kurso course (lessons). kurteno curtain. kuseno cushion. kusi lie (down). kutimo custom. kuzo cousin. kvankam although. kvar four. kvazati, as if. kverko oak. kvieta calm, quiet. kvin five. L. L } "> laboro labour. laca weary. lacerto lizard. lado tinned iron. lago lake. lakto milk. lama lame. lampo lamp. lano wool. lando land, country. lango tongue. lanterno lantern. lanugo down, fluff. lardo lard. larfa broad. larmo tear (to shed a). lasi leave, let alone. lasta last, latest. lati according to. latibo arbour, summer- house. latidi praise. latita loud. lavangn avalanche. lavi wash. leciono lesson. ledo leather. legendo legend. legi read. legomo legume. leo law. leki lick. lento lentil. leono lion. leporo hare. lerni learn. krta skilful. letero letter. levi lift, raise. U he. libera free. /tiro book, libr'o'ten'ad'o book-keeping. lieno spleen. ligi bind, tie. 154 ligno wood (the substance). likvoro liqueur. limo limit. limako snail. lino flax. Lingvo language. lipo lip. lito bed. litero letter (of the alpha- bet). logi entice. logi lodge, dwell. loko place. longa long. loterio lottery. loti cast lots. lui rent. ludi play. luma light, mal'luma dark. moon. Monday. lupo wolf. lupolo hops. Zwfo solder. M. unleavened bread. tnaci chew. magazeno store. maizo maize. majesto majesty. majstro master. makleristo broker. makulo stain. mal' denotes opposites. maleolo ankle. malgrau in spite of. mano hand. mangi eat. maniero manner. maniko sleeve. mantelo cloak, mantle. maro sea. marco swamp, marsh . marcandi bargain, haggle. mardo Tuesday. margeno margin. marmoro marble. martelo hammer. masoni build with stone, mason 'isto mason. masto mast. mastro master. maSo mesh. maSino machine. mateno morning. matraco mattress. matura ripe. meblo piece of furniture. meco wick. medaliono medallion. mejlo mile. melo badger. meleagro turkey. melki milk (vb.) melodramo melodrama. melono melon. mem self, same. membro member. memoro memory. mensogi tell a lie. mentono chin. 155 meriti merit. merkredo Wednesday. meti put, place. metio handicraft. mew sea-gull. mezo middle. mezuri measure. mi I. mielo honey. migdalo almond. migri migrate, en'migr' ant'o immigrant. miksi mix. mil thousand. milio millet. militi fight. minaci menace, threat. miopo short-sight. miozoto forget-me-not. miri wonder. mirto myrtle. mistero mystery. mizero distress, misery. modelo model. modera moderate. modesta modest. moduli modulate. mola soft. mono money (coin). monato month. mondo world. monto mountain. montri show. monumento monument. moro habit, usage. mordi bite. mcrgati, to-morrow. morti die. mosto universal title : Fi'a reg"a moSt'o your ma- jesty, vi'a most'o your honour. movi move (v. n.). mueli mill. multa much, many. muro wall. murmuri murmur. muso mouse. musko moss. mustardo mustard. muso fly (a). muta dumb. muzeo museum. muziko music. N. n ending of the objective, also marks direction. nacio nation. na$i swim. najbaro neighbour. najlo nail. najtingalo nightingale. naski bear, produce, nask' ii be born. naturo nature. nafi nine. nazo nose. naztuko pocket handker- chief. ne no, not. nebulo fog. 156 necesa necessary. ne -i. T, ., > Gt. Britain. Bntujo, j SudaAmeriko, Svedujo, S. America. Sweden. Grekujo, Greece. Svisujo, Switzerland Hispanujo, Spain. Turkujo, Turkey. Holando, Holland. Unuigitaj \ United Hungarujo, Hungary. Statoj States of Amerikaj, ) America. 168 NAMES OF CITIES. Amstcrdamo, Amsterdam. Parizo, Paris. Berlino, Berlin. Pekino, Pekin. Edinburgo, Edinburgh. Prago, Prague. Lisabono, Lisbon. Homo, Rome. Londono, London. Sankt Peter-\St,. Peters- Madrido, Madrid. burgo, / burg. Moskvo, Moscow. Tuniso, Tunis. Neapolo, Naples. Varsovio, Warsaw. Nov-Jorko, New York. Fieno, Vienna. Odeso, Odessa. NAMES OF PEOPLES. Anglo, Englishman. E&ropano, European. Arabo, Arab. Amerikano, American. Belgo, Belgian. Afrikano, African. Dano, Dane. Aziano, Asiatic. Franco, Frenchman. Irlandano, Irishman. Gcrmano, German. Skotlandano, Scotchman. Greko, Greek. Egipto, Egyptian. Hispano, Spaniard. Zuluo, Zulu. Hungaro, Hungarian. Kanadano, Canadian. Londonano, Londoner. Nov-Jorkano, New Yorker. NAMES OF THE MONTHS. Januaro, January. Julio, July. Februaro, February. Augusto, August. Marto, March. Septembro, September. Aprilo, April. Oktobro, October. Majo, May. Novembro, November. Junto, June. Decerribro. December. 169 DAYS OF THE WEEK, ETC. Lundo, Monday. Horo, Hour. Mardo, Tuesday. Minuto, Minute. Merkndo, Wednesday. Sekundo, Second. Jaudo, Thursday. Hodiati, To-day. }'> H <1 redo, Friday. MargaH, To-morrow. Sabato, Saturday. Hierati, Yesterday. Diinanco, Sunday. Mateno, Morning. Jaro, Year. Vespero, Evening. Superjaro, Leap year. Nokto, Night. Monato, Month. Tagmezo, Mid-day. Semajno, Week. Noktomezo, Midnight. Tago, Day. THE SEASONS. Sezono, Season. Printempo, Spring. Somero, Summer. Atituno, Autumn. Fintro, Winter. ARTICLES OF FOOD. Kafo, Coffee. Ovo, Egg- Tea, Tea. Butero, Butter. Cokolado, Chocolate. Mielo, Honey. Akvo, Water. Sukero, Sugar. Vino, Wine. Fromag'o, Cheese. Biero, Beer. Pano, Bread. Brando, Brandy. Faruno, Flour. Lakto, Milk. Frukto, Fruit. Kremo, Cream. Supo, Soup. Pipro, Pepper. Vermicelo, Vermicelli. Solo, Salt. Makarono, Macaroni. Mustardo, Mustard. Supo testiida, Turtle soup. 170 Supo fazeola, Haricot soup. Pureo, Pur6e. Buljono, ( Beef tea \ (bouillon). Pizetoj, Rafano, Green peas. Radish. Terpomo, Potato. Manijajetoj, Hors d'ceuvre. Salmo, Salmon. Reno, Kidney. Truto, Trout. Fiso, Fish. Haringo, Herring. Sauco, Sauce. Karpo, Carp. Finagro, Vinegar. Ostroj, Legomoj, Oysters. Vegetables. Viandoj Malvarmaj, J-Cold meats. Ansero kun kastanoj, Anaso kun olivoj, KoJddo rostita, Renoj de Sqfido, Flora-brasiko, Asparagoj kun blanka saiico, Spinaco kun viandsuko, Terpomoj frititaj, Rostita au bolita bovajo, Bifsteko, rosbifo, Kotletoj de sqfido, de bavido, Sinko el Jorko, Latuko, Goose with chestnuts. Duck with olives. Roast chicken. Mutton kidneys. Cauliflower. Asparagus with white sauce. Spinach with gravy. Fried potatoes. Roasted or boiled beef. Beefsteak, roast beef. Lamb cutlets, veal cutlets. York ham. Lettuce, etc. EMINENT MEN ON ESPERANTO. COUNT TOLSTOY. When, a few years ago, some persons acquainted with Esperanto wrote to Count Leo Tolstoy, the celebrated author and philosopher, to ask an expres- sion, of his opinion on the subject of a universal language, Tolstoy replied as follows : Gentlemen, There cannot exist the slightest doubt that mankind tends ever to form but one family, having for sole guides wisdom and love, and that one of the best means of attaining to this ideal is to arrive at a mutual comprehension. But, in order that the peoples may comprehend one another, it is necessary either that all the languages should reduce themselves to a single one, which can happen but after a very long time if indeed ever. Or, that a knowledge of all languages shall become so general that not only shall works be translated into every one of these tongues, but everyone shall understand them all so well as to be able to make himself intelli- gible to all mankind, by the aid now of this one, now of that. Or, better still, that all shall choose a language the study of which shall be obligatory to each people. Or, finally, as the partisans of Volapiik 172 and Esperanto suppose, that all men of all nations shall adopt and understand an international language, artificial and simple. This last hypothesis appears to me most reasonable, the most serious, the most easy to be realized. Such is my reply to the first point. As regards the second to what extent Esperanto satisfies the requirements of an international language I cannot reply in a manner altogether decisive, not being a competent judge of this question. I know one thing, however, and that is that I have found Volapiik extremely complicated, and Esperanto, on the other hand, very simple as indeed every European must find it. It is so easy to understand that, when I received, some six years since, a grammar, a dictionary and some articles in this language, I was able, in two short hours, if not to write, at any rate to read, the language fluently. In any event, the sacrifices any speaker of a Euro- pean tongue would make, in devoting some time to the study of Esperanto, are so small and the results which could thereby be achieved so enormous, if all, at least Europeans and Americans all Christendom should comprehend this tongue, that the attempt, at least, should be made. I have often thought that there is no more Christian science than the study of languages, that study which permits of our communicating and allying ourselves with an incalculable number of our fellow men, and I have often remarked how people bear themselves as enemies to one another, solely because they have no means of intercommunication. The study of Esperanto, then, and its diffusion, is assuredly a Christian labour, which hastens the coming of the kingdom of God, the main I should say, the only aim of human life. Leo Tolstoy. 173 MAX MtfLLER. When the staff of a well-known Russian literary association addressed a request to the master-linguist of the age, Max Muller, for his opinion on the various projects of universal language that have appeared during the last few years, the answer received was this : Dear Sir, I have frequently had to express my opinion as to the merits of the various schemes of a Universal Language. Each one of these seems to possess some special advantages and disadvantages, hut I should certainly place the Esperanto system very high amongst its rivals. Yours faithfully, F. Max Muller. CU LA VIRINO MAL5UPERAS LA VIRON. (By MAX O'KELL). Antau multe da jaroj, komitato kunsidis por diskuti cu la virino posedas aniinon. Mi forgesas kiun konkludon la kunsido saga prenis, sed estas certe ke la plej parto de viroj kredas ke la virino posedas animon, kvankam granda nombro de ili ankorau opinias ke la virino estas kreitajo pli malbona ol la viro. Ili opinias ke la viro estas la majstra laborajo, la lasta vorto de la Tutpotenculo. Sed, cu, tio-ci estas vere la okazo ? Umie Dio kreis la teron, due la lumon, post tio Li kreis la fisojn, la birdojn kaj la diversajn bestojn. Poste, Li diris "Mi nun volas krei estajon plej bonan ol la aliaj bestoj." Li prenis slimon, notu bone, mi diras slimon, kaj kreis Adamon. En Lia sageco Li opiniis ke slimo ne estis sufice bona por krei la virinon, kaj por sin krei Li prenis materialon jam purigitan per Lia spiro Dia, Li prenis parton de Adamo kaj kreis per gi Evon. Certe, miaj karaj samhomoj, vi devas konfesi, au ke la slimo estas pli bona materialo ol vi mem au ke la virino havas pli noblan devenon ol vi. Vi ne povas alie klarigi la af eron. Mi vin petas observi la vicon de la kreadon ; fisoj, birdoj, bestoj, la viro, la virino. Se la viro ne volas konfesi ke la Kreinto komencis per la plej malbonaj kreitajoj kaj finis per la plej bonaj, li devas konkludi ke la angiloj, krokodiloj, sarkoj, strigoj, agloj kaj paseroj lin superas. 175 Se la viro ne volas konfesi la superecon de tiuj- ci bestoj super li, li devas konkludi ke la kreadon plibonigas ciun tagon. Sed la viro diras ke la virino ne estas tiel forta kiel li. Certe ne ! Sed la cevalo estas pli forta ol la homo, la elefanto trotante sur li pulvorigus lin. La cervo estas pli rapid a ol la homo. La kamelo portas sur sia dorso pezon de 2,500 funtoj. La birdoj flugas kaj la homo nur provas flugmasinojn. Cu la viro estas pli inteligenta ol la virino 1 Certe ne. Kiu mangis la pomon 1 ? Mi scias ke Evo malobeis antau ol Adamo, sed si havis ideon tamen kaj antau ol Adamo. Cu li ec havis la potencon por kontraustari 1 Ne. Cu li ec penis defendi la virinon post la ofendado? Ne, li ne sin defendis, la timemulo. Li sin turnis kontrau sin, sin riprocante esti la kaiizo de la tuta peko. Malbona komenco, malgaja okazo kinn la viro uzis, kaj gis hodiail li turnis sin kontrafl la virinon kiun li trompis kaj ofte sin forlasis. La viro estas ankorau fidela al sia deveno. Sinjoroj, la pruvo ke Dio estis kontenta kreinte la virinon kaj dirinte Sian lastan vorton pri Sia laboro Dia estas ke Li konfidis al si la plej noolan mision, naski la estontajn generaciojn, porti la infanojn al la mondo, Konduki iliajn unuajn pasojn, disvolvi iliajn animojn kaj veki en ili la amon al tio kio estas bona kaj gusta. Dedicinte al la virino la patrinecon, Dio proklamis la superecon de la virino super la ceteraj kreitajoj. From the " Courtier International" (Done into Esperanto by Madame Louise Lombard). The Standard Series ESPERANTO Esperanto Student's Complete Text Book. Cloth, boards, 50c. net. English-Esperanto Dictionary By J. C. O'Connor and C. F. HAYES. Boards, 60c. net. Esperanto-English Dictionary By A. MOTTEAU. Boards, 60c. net. Esperanto Primer Containing Grammar, Vocabulary and Exercises, with Key, by J. C. O'CONNOR, PH.D. Paper, lOc. net. Handy Pocket Vocabulary English-Esperanto and Esperanto-Eng- lish, by J. C. O'CONNOR, B.A. Paper, lOc. net. A First Reader in Esperanto By E. A. LAWRENCE. Cloth, 25c. net. Le ; sons in Esperanto Based on DR. ZAMENHOF'S "EKZERCARO." By GEORGE W. BULLEN. Cloth, 25c. net. Dickens' Christmas Carol Paper, 40c. net; cloth, 60c. net. FLEMING H. REVELL COMPANY Publishers University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. REC'D LD-URl APR 1 3 1998 MAR 1 8 1998 A 000 121 487 3 Univ Sc I