UNIV. OF CALIF. LIBRARY, LOS ' ^rirvs H AM Vi- rr * THOMAS CARLYLE VOL. I. I.OMlOX : miXTED Hi' AXD PABLIAJIEXT sTUEET BEMINISCENCES BY THOMAS CAELYLE EDITED BY JAMES ANTHONY FROUDE IX TWO VOLUMES VOL. I. LONDON LONGMANS, GKEEN, AND CO. 1881 All riyhtt reserved : L STACK ANNEX PREFACE. IN the summer of 1871 Mr. Carlyle placed in my hands a collection of MSS. of which he desired me to take charge, and to publish, should I think fit to do so, after he was gone. They consisted of letters written by his wife to himself and to other friends during the period of her married life, with the ' rudiments ' of a preface of his own, giving an account of her family, her childhood, and their own experience together, from their first acquaintance till her death. They were married in 1826; Mrs. Carlyle died suddenly in 1866. Between these two periods Carlyle's active literary life was comprised ; and he thought it unnecessary that more than these letters contained should be made known, or attempted to be made known, about himself or his personal history. The essential part of his life was in his works, which those who chose could read. The vi Preface. private part of it was a matter in which the world had no concern. Enough would be found, told by one who knew him better than anyone else knew him, to satisfy such curiosity as there might be. His object was rather to leave a monument to a singu- larly gifted woman, who, had she so pleased, might have made a name for herself, and for his sake had voluntarily sacrificed ambition and fortune. The letters had been partially prepared for the press by short separate introductions and explanatory notes. But Carlyle warned me that before they were published they would require anxious revision. Written with the unreserve of confidential commu- nications, they contained anecdotes, allusions, re- flections, expressions of opinion and feeling, which were intended obviously for no eye save that of the person to whom they were addressed. He believed at the time I speak of, that his own life was near its end, and seeing the difficulty in which I might be placed, he left me at last with discretion to destroy the whole of them, should I find the task of discrimi- nating too intricate a problem. The expectation of an early end was perhaps suggested by the wish for it. He could no longer write. His right hand was disabled. His tern- Preface. vii perament did not suit with dictation, and he was impatient of an existence which he could no longer turn to any useful purpose. He lingered on, how- ever, year after year, and it gradually became known to him that his wishes would not protect him from biographers, and that an account of his life would certainly be tried, perhaps by more than one person. A true description of it he did not believe that any one could give, not even his closest friend ; but there might be degrees of falsity ; and since a biography of some kind there was to be, he decided at last to extend his original commission to me, and to make over to me all his private papers, journals, notebooks, letters, and unfinished or neglected writings. Being a person of most methodical habits, he had preserved every letter which he had ever received of not entirely trifling import. His mother, his wife, his brothers, and many of his friends had kept as carefully every letter from himself. The most re- markable of his contemporaries had been among his correspondents English, French, Italian, German, and American. Goethe had recognised his ge- nius, and had written to him often, advising and encouraging. His own and Mrs. Carlyle's journals were records of their most secret thoughts. All viii Prejace. these Mr. Cavlyle, scarcely remembering what they contained, but with characteristic fearlessness, gave me leave to use as I might please. Material of such a character makes my duty in one respect an easy one. I have not to relate Mr. Carlyle's history, or describe his character. He is his own biographer, and paints his own portrait. But another difficulty arises from the extent of the resources thrown open to me. His own letters are as full of matter as the richest of his published works. His friends were not common men, and in writing to him they wrote their best. Of the many thousand letters in my possession, there is hardly one which, either on its special merits or through its connec- tion with something which concerned him, does not deserve to be printed. Selection is indispensable ; a middle way must be struck between too much and too little. I have been guided largely, however, by Carlyle's personal directions to me, and such a way will, I trust, be discovered. Meanwhile, on examining the miscellaneous MSS. I found among them various sketches and reminis- cences, one written in a notebook fifty years ago on hearing in London of his father's death ; another of Edward Irving; another of Lord Jeffrey; others Preface. ix { these brief and slight), of Southey and Wordsworth. In addition there was a long narrative, or fragments of a narrative, designed as material for the introduc- tion to Mrs. Carlyle's letters. These letters would now have to be rearranged with his own ; and an introduction, under the shape which had been intended for it, would be no longer necessary. The ' Keminiscences ' appeared to me to be far too valu- able to be broken up and employed in any composition of my own, and I told Mr. Carlyle that I thought they ought to be printed with the requisite omissions immediately after his own death. He agreed with me that it should be so, and at one time it was pro- posed that the type should be set up while he was still alive, and could himself revise what he had written. He found, however, that the effort would be too much for him, and the reader has here before him Mr. Carlyle's own handiwork, but without his last touches, not edited by himself, not corrected by him- self, perhaps most of it not intended for publication, and written down merely as an occupation, for his own private satisfaction. The Introductory Fragments were written im- mediately after his wife's death; the account of Irving belongs to the autumn and winter which x P/'cfacc. followed. So singular was his condition at this time, that he was afterwards unconscious what he had done ; and when ten years later I found the Irving MS. and asked him about it, he did not know to what I was alluding. The sketch of Jeffrey was written imme- O diately after. Some parts of the introduction I have reserved for the biography, into which they will most conveniently fall ; the rest, from the point where they form a consecutive story, I have printed with only a few occasional reservations. 'Southey' and ' Wordsworth,' being merely detached notes of a few personal recollections, I have attached as an appen- dix. Nothing more remains to be said about these papers, save to repeat, for clearness' sake, that they are published with Mr. Carlyle's consent but with- out his supervision. The detailed responsibility is therefore entirely my own. I will add for the con- venience of the general public, the few chief points of his outward life. He was the son of a village mason, born at Ecclefechan in Annandale, December 4th, 1795. He was educated first at Ecclefechan school. In 1806 he was sent to the Grammar School at Annan, and in 1809 to Edinburgh Univer- sity. In 1814 he was appointed mathematical usher Preface. xi at Annan, and in 1816 schoolmaster at Kirkcaldy. In 1818 he gave up his situation, and supported himself by taking pupils at Edinburgh. In 1822 he became private tutor in the family of Mr. Charles Buller, Charles Buller the younger, who was afterwards so brilliantly distinguished in Parliament, being his pupil. While in this capacity he wrote his ' Life of Schiller,' and translated < Wilhelm Meister.' In 1826 he married. He lived for eighteen months at Comley Bank, on the north side of Edinburgh. He then removed to Craigenputtoch, a moorland farm in Dumfriesshire belonging to his wife's mother, where he remained for seven years, writing ' Sartor Kesartus ' there, and nearly all his Miscellanies. In 1834 he left Scotland and settled in London, at 5 Cheyne Eow, Chelsea; and there continued with- out further change till his death. J. A. F. CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. JAMES CARLYLE OF ECCLEFECHAN EDWARD IRVING 67 BEMINISCENCES, JAMES CARLYLE, OF ECCLEFECHAN, MASON. VOL. I. JAMES CARLYLES ON Tuesday, Jan. 26, 1832, I received tidings that my dear and worthy father had departed out of this world. He was called away by a death apparently of the mildest, on Sunday morning about six. He had taken what was thought a bad cold on the Monday preceding, but rose every day and was some- times out of doors. Occasionally he was insensible (as pain usually soon made him of late years), but when spoken to he recollected himself. He was up and at the kitchen fire (at Scotsbrig 2 ), on the Satur- day evening about six, but was evidently growing fast worse in breathing. ' About ten o'clock he fell into a sort of stupor,' writes my sister Jane, ' still breathing higher and with greater difficulty. He spoke little to any of us, seemingly unconscious of what he did, came over the bedside, and offered up a prayer to Heaven in such accents as it is impossible to forget. 1 He departed almost without a struggle,' adds she, 1 Written in London in January 1832. 2 A farm near Ecclef echan occupied by James Carlyle during the last sis. years of his life. u 2 4 James Carh/Ic. ' this morning at half-past six.' My mother adds, in her own hand, ' It is God that has done it. Be still, my dear children. Your affectionate mother. God support us all.' The funeral is to be on Friday, the present date is Wednesday night. This stroke, altogether unexpected at the time, but which I have been long anticipating in general, falls heavy on me, as such needs must, yet not so as to stun me or unman me. Natural tears have come to my relief. I can look at my dear father, and that section of the past which he has made alive for me, in a certain sacred sanctified light, and give way to what thoughts rise in me without feeling that they are weak and useless. The time till the funeral was past I instantly determined on passing with my wife only, and all others were excluded. I have written to my mother and to John, 1 have walked far and much, chiefly in the Kegent's Park, and considered about many things, if so were that I might accomplish this problem, to see clearly what my present calamity means what I have lost and what lesson my loss was to teach me. As for the departed we ought to say that he was taken home ' like a shock of corn fully ripe.' He ' had finished the work that was given him to do ' 1 Mr. Carlyle's brjtber. James Carlyle. 5 and finished it (very greatly more than the most) as became a man. He was summoned too before he had ceased to be interesting to be loveable. (He was to the last the pleasantest man I had to speak with in Scotland.) For many years too he had the end ever in his eye, and was studying to make all preparation for what in his strong way he called often * that last, that awful change.' Even at every new parting of late years I have noticed him wring my hand with a tenderer pressure, as if he felt that one other of our few meetings here was over. Mercifully also has he been spared me till I am abler to bear his loss ; till by manifold struggles I too, as he did, feel my feet on the Everlasting rock, and through time with its death, can in some degree see into eternity with its life. So that I have repeated, not with unwet eyes, let me hope likewise not with unsoftened heart, those old and for ever true words, ' Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord ; they do rest from their labours, and their works follow them.' Yes, their works follow them. The force that had been lent my father he honourably expended in manful welldoing. A portion of this planet bears beneficent traces of his strong hand and strong head. Nothing that he undertook to do but he did it faithfully and like a true man. I shall look on 6 James Carlylc. the houses he built with a certain proud interest. They stand firm and sound to the heart all over his little district. Xo one that comes after him -will ever say, Here was the finger of a hollow eye-servant.' They are little texts for me of the gospel of man's free will. Nor will his deeds and sayings in any case be found unworthy not false and barren, but genuine and fit. Nay, am not I also the humble James Carlyle's work ? I owe him much more than existence, I owe him a noble inspiring example (now that I can read it in that rustic character). It was he exclusively that determined on educating me; that from his small hard -earned funds sent me to school and college, and made me whatever I am or may become. Let me not mourn for my father, let me do worthily of him. So shall he still live even here in me, and his worth plant itself honourably forth into new generations. I purpose now, while the impression is more pure and clear within me, to mark down the main things I can recollect of my father. To myself, if I live to after years, it may be instructive and interesting, as the past grows ever holier the farther we leave it. My mind is calm enough to do it deliberately, and to do it truly. The thought of that pale earnest face which even now lies stiffened into death in that bed James Carlyle. 7 at Scotsbrig, with the Infinite all of worlds looking down on it, will certainly impel me. Neither, should these lines survive myself and be seen by others, can the sight of them do harm to anyone. It is good to know how a true spirit will vindicate itself with truth and freedom through what obstruc- tions soever ; how the acorn cast carelessly into the wilderness will make room for itself and grow to be an oak. This is one of the cases belonging to that class, ' the lives of remarkable men,' in which it has been said, ' paper and ink should least of all be spared.' I call a man remarkable who becomes a true work- man in this vineyard of the Highest. Be his work that of palace building and kingdom founding, or only of delving and ditching, to me it is no matter, or next to none. All human work is transitory, small in itself, contemptible. Only the worker thereof and the spirit that dwelt in him is significant. I proceed without order, or almost any forethought, anxious only to save what I have left and mark it as it lies in me. In several respects I consider my father as one of the most interesting men I have known. He was a man of perhaps the very largest natural endow- ment of any it has been my lot to converse with. 8 James Cnrlylc. None of us will ever forget that bold glowing style of his, flowing free from his untutored soul, full of metaphors (though he knew not what a metaphor was) with all manner of potent words which he appropriated and applied with a surprising accuracy you often would not guess whence brief, energetic, and which I should say conveyed the most perfect picture, definite, clear, not in ambitious colours but in full white sunlight, of all the dialects I have ever listened to. Nothing did I ever hear him undertake to render visible which did not become almost ocularly so. Never shall we again hear such speech as that was. The whole district knew of it and laughed joyfully over it, not knowing how otherwise to express the feeling it gave them; emphatic I have heard him beyond all men. In anger he had no need of oaths, his words were like sharp arrows that smote into the very heart. The fault was that he exaggerated (which tendency I also inherit) yet only in description and for the sake chiefly of humorous effect. He was a man of rigid, even scrupulous veracity. I have often heard him turn back when he thought his strong words were mis- leading, and correct them into mensurative accuracy. I call him a natural man, singularly free from all manner of affectation ; he was among the last of the James Carlyle. 9 true men which Scotland on the old system produced or can produce ; a man healthy in body and mind, fearing God, and diligently -working on God's earth with contentment, hope, and unwearied resolution. He was never visited with doubt. The old theorem of the universe was sufficient for him ; and he worked well in it and in all senses successfully and wisely as few can do. So quick is the motion of transition becoming, the new generation almost to a man must make their belly their God, and alas, find even that an empty one. Thus, curiously enough and blessedly, he stood a true man on the verge of the old, while his son stands here lovingly surveying him on the verge of the new, and sees the possibility of also being true there. God make the possibility, blessed possibility, into a reality. A virtue he had which I should learn to imitate. He never spoke of what was disagreeable and past. I have often wondered and admired at this. The thing that he had nothing to do with, he did nothing with. His was a healthy mind. In like manner I have seen him always when we young ones, half roguishly, and provokingly without doubt, were per- haps repeating sayings of his, sit as if he did not hear us at all. Never once did I know him utter a word, only once, that I remember, give a look in such a case. io Jamr* C