^B 23 ^^^ in o o o >- iiiiisiii lili iliiliilii iliiijii ;lii jjplillHijiji iJiii ililiii'i"" iiiiiiii:::: ■llliiiiliii •jsiiiliiili! 'i ,0R1 ""- ^''n.ITMBT AX -RVPOi^iTTn OKIOAGO, 1893 ■CATALOGUE OF THE EXHIBITS BEITISH GUIANA W ITH NO'L'ES J. J. QFKLCH, B. Sc, (JA)ND.). C. M. Z. S. (U■^\ ATni?-rN-ClIARGE BlUTISII GuiA^sA MUSEUM, ANdSpECIAI ("OMMISSTONKK FOR BRITISH (rl lANA TO TiiH Exposition. CHICAGO: RA-VI), McNaLLT & (*".. PlMNri'KS. 1893. WORLD'S COLUMBIAN" EXPOSITION CHICAGO, 1893. CATALOGUE OF THE EXHIBITS BEITISH GUIANA WITH NOTES. J. J. QUELCH, B. Sc, (J.OND.), C. M. Z. S. curator-in-charge british guiana museum, and special Commissioner for British Guiana to THE Exposition. CHICAGO: Rakd, McNally & Co., Printeks. 1893. Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofexhibOOquelrich Cb PREFACE. This publication is intended to be merely a hand-list of the exhibits of British Guiana, in the various parts of the Exhibi- tion, classed according to the official system. By the prepara- tion and publication, under its own superintendence, of a special illustrated Handlooh of British Guiana (Georgetown, British Ouiana), giving detailed information as to the general descrip- tion, settlements, inhabitants, communication, climate, and meteorology, forest products, geology, gold industry, fauna, flora, history, and resources and capabilities of the Colony, the Exposition Committee has obviated the necessity of incorporat- ing here anything of that character, and the reader is referred to that work for all such information. The few notes here ^iven are simply explanatory of the exhibits. A large propor- tion of these exhibits is official, contributed by the Exposition Committee of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana, intrusted by the Government with the carrying out in British Guiana of the arrangements for the Exposition. Other exhibits, made by private exhibitors, are so denoted. J. J. QUELCH, Special Commissioner. (3) SPECIAL NOTE. British Guiana lies on the extreme northeastern coast of South America, between one and nine degrees of latitude. As this British colony in South America is, by very many people, confounded with possessions in Africa and the East Indies {Guinea and New Guinea), it is perhaps advisable to note that the name Guiana (pronounced Gue-a-na) is broadly applicable to the great northeastern extent of South America. British Guiana adjoins on the northwest the Eepublic of A^enezuela (Spanish Guiana); on the south, the Eepublic of Erazil (Portuguese Guiana); and on the east, Dutch Guiana. In size it is about equal to that of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. On account of its tropical climate and its special suitability for agricultural purposes, British Guiana offers peculiar advan- tages for many industries. The sugar-cane — the chief staple plant of the Colony — coffee, cocoa, etc., grow with astonishing vigor; rice and corn tlirive with equal luxuriance, three, and at times four, crops being obtainable per year; and the common vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, eddoes, tomatoes, yams, cassava, pumpkins, melons, cucumbers, peppers, egg-plants, etc., and such fruits as bananas, plantains, cocoanuts, and pineapples, are producible at all times of the year. The fiber and tobacco industries and stock-raising offer also favorable fields; while great primeval forests of hardwood and brilliantly tinted furniture wood await development. Gold- mining has developed, and become, within the last nine years, the second industry of the Colony. (5) Catalogue of the Exhibits of British Guiana. DEPARTMENT A.— AGRICULTURE. Food and its Accessories, Oils, etc. GROUP 1. Exhibit. Exhibitor. 1. Indian Corn, or Maize. 2 a. Rice, two varieties .John Cheong b. Pease, two varieties _ John Cheong 3. Rice, five varieties, in hull. S. R. Cochran 4. Rice, eight varieties, in hull and cleaned A. R. Gilzean 5. Rice, eight varieties, in hull and in straw .B. H. Jones GROUP 2. 6. Cassava Bread. This bread, prepared from the mandioc root, forms the " staff of life " of the native Indians. 7 a. Cassava Starch. b. Dakamabally Starch, said to be curative of dysentery, prepared from the seed of Vouacapoua americana. c. Greenheart Starch, from seed of Nectandra rodim. 8 a. Dakamabally Starch E. W. Kerr b. Tchribi — prepared cassava meal, seasoned. .E. W. Kerr GROUP 3. The sugar industry, from the earliest times up to the present, has been the mainstay of the Colony, sugar, with its allied products of rum and molasses, forming the chief ..export. The Demerara crystals are standards in all markets, and with the exception of a few minor estates the factories are fitted with the latest and most scientific appliances for the reduction of the cost and the production of the highest and best grades. Samples are shown as well of the Muscovado sugar, made by the old copper-wall pro- cess, as of the V. P. (vacuum-pan) cane sugars, such as the white crystals,. the yellow crystals, the refining crystals, molasses sugar from yellow (7) 8 crystals, and molasses sugar from refiDing crystals. The greater part of the sugar trade is carried on with the United States, into whose market the dark sugar, known as "refining crystals," enters free of duty under reci- procity arrangements. This sugar is a specialty for this market. Exhibit. Exhibitor. 9 a. V. p. Cane Sugar, white crystals. _ Booker Bros. b. V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals Booker Bros. c. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Booker Bros. d. V. P. Cane Sugar, first molasses sugar Booker Bros. e. y. P. Cane Sugar, second molasses sugar. Booker Bros. 10 a. V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals Colonial Company b. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals _ .Colonial Company c. V. P. Cane Sugir, first molasses sugar Colonial Company d. V. P. Cane Sugar, second molasses sugar Colonial Company 11. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals B. H. Jones 12. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Jones & Culpepper 13. V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals Plantation Anna Regina 14. V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals Plantation Canefield 15 a. V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals Plantation Hampton Court b. V. P. Cane Sugar, first molasses sugar.. .Plantation Hampton Court 16, V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals Plantation Maryville 17 a. V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals Plantation Perseverance b. V. P. Cane Sugar, white crystals Plantation Perseverance 18. V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals Plantation Port Mourant. 19. V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals Plantation Schoon Ord SO a. V. P. Cane Sugar, white crystals Plantation Skeldon b. V. P. Cane Sugar, j'^ellow crystals Plantation Skeldon c. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crysta's... Plantation Skeldon d. Y. P. Cane Sugar, first molasses sugar... Plantation Skeldon e. V. P. Cane Sugar, second mo'asses sugar Plantation Skeldon 21 a. V. P. Cane Sugar, white crystals. .Plantation Tuschen de Vrienden b. V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals.. Plantation Tuschen de Vrienden c. V. P. Cane Sugar, refiniug crystals. Plantation Tuschen de Vrienden d. V. P. Cane Sugar, first molasses sugar, Plantation Tuschen de Vrienden e. V. P. Cane Sugar, second molasses sugar. Plantation Tuschen de Vrienden 22 a. V. P. Cane Sugar, white crystals _. Plantation Uitvlugt b. V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals Plantation Uitvlugt c. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Plantation Uitvlugt d. V. P. Cane Sugar, first molasses sugar Plantation Uitvlugt e. V. P. Cane Sugar, second molasses sugar .Plantation Uitvlugt 23. V. P. Cane Sugar, yellow crystals Plantation Vryheid's Lust 24. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Plantation Cane Grove 25. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Plantation Hope 26. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Plantation Houston 9 Exhibit. Exhibitor. ^7. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals... Plantation La bonne Intention ^8. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Plantation La bonne Mere 29. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Plantation La Jalousie SO. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals ..Plantation Mara 31. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Plantntion Melville -33. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Plantation Met-eu-Meer-Zorg -33. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crysl als Plantation Ogle 34. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Plantation Rose Hall 55. V. P. Cane Sugar, refining crystals Plantation Versailles 56. V. P. Cane Sugar, second molasses sugar... Plant at ion Windsor Forest 37. Muscovado Sugar Plantation Locliaber 38. Muscovado Sugar.. Plantation Nismes 39. Mola=ses, from refining crystals Plantation Anna Regina 40. Molasses, from yellow crystals Plantation Better Hope 41. Molasses, from yellow crystals Plantation Port Mourant 42. Molasses, from refining crystals... Plantation Rose IJall 43 a. Molasses, from refining crystals Plantation Skeldon b. Molasses, from yellow crystals Plantation Skeldon 44 a. Molasses, from yellow' crystals Plantation Tuschen de Vrienden b. Molasses, from refining crystals PLintation Tuschen de Vrienden 45 a. Molasses, from refining crystals Plantation Uitvlugt b. Molasses, fiom yellow crystals Plantation Uitvlugt 46. Molasses, fr^m refining crystals Colonial Company GROUP 8. 47. Tobacco (Native Indian) British Guiana Museum 48. Cocoa Beans Thomas Garnett 49. Prepared Chocolate, in slabs and sticks Gaskin & Co. 50. Prepared Cocoa, powder in tins Gask in & Co. 51. Dried Capsicums .J. Rodway 52. Prepared Chocolate, in sticks Mrs. F. M. Scott 53. Coffee (Liberian variety) Plantation Versailles GROUP 9.— Fibers. The Fibers exhibited are deserving of special attention. The resources of the Colony for such an industry are almost limitless, but up to the pres- ent they have been almost entirely unutilized. Cotton, which in the days of slavery formed one of the chief exports, is now only grown by the native people for hammock-making. The fine Bast Fibers, such as Kakaralli, Wadara, Wadaduri, and Mahoe, are obtainable in large quantities, while the Plantain Fiber (specially adapted for paper-making), the Silk-grass and Agave Fibers, of the type of. the "sisal," and the common Palm Fiber known as Tibiseri could be produced in enormous quantities, at but small cost. 10 Exhibit. Exhibitor. 54. Cotton, with seed. 55. Silk-grass, from species of Agave, largely used for cordage. 56. Agave, from species of Agave. 57. Pingwing, from species of Bromeliaceae. 58. Plantain, from species of Musa. 59. Tibiseri, or Palm Fiber, prepared from the young leaves of Mauritia Jlexuosa, and largely used by the native people for cordage and ham- mock-making. 60. Wild Ochro, from species of Malvacem. 61. Mahoe, from Thespesia populnea. 63. Bamboo, from Bainbusa. 63. Kakaralli, from Lecythis grandijlora. 64. Wadaduri, or Monkey-pot, from Lecythis ollaria. 65. Wadara, from Couratari guianensis. 66. Wina. 67. Sisal prepared by John Junor 68. Bast Fiber, with stem, of Malachra capitata^ prepared by John Junor 69. Bast Fiber, with stem, of Urena lobata prepared by John Junor 70. Bast Fiber, with stem, of Hibiscus sa6rflacer auriferous earths which have been or are being worked, with illus- trative sections of the strata; (2) of the fine and coarse nuggets of placer gold; (3) of the vein quartz gold ore, of which many veins of great rich- ness have been discovered and are just being developed; and (4) of the chief forms of the prevailing country rocks. Iron ore exists in enormous quantities in certain parts of the country, while diamonds of good water, sapphires, garnets, jaspers, mercury, silver, platinum, and antimony, have been also obtained. Very fine clays, suited lor the best kinds of pottery and porcelain, exist in extensive belts, and are widely distributed. GROUP 42. Exhibit. Exhibitor. 188. Miscellaneous Gold Ores. a. Series of Placer Earths. b. Placer Gold, fine and coarse. c. Gold Quartz, vein ore, bed quartz, and floating quartz. d. Sections of Gold-bearing Strata. 139. White Sapphires. 140. Diamonds. 141. Diamondiferous Sands, Clays, and Gravel. 142. Miscellaneous Minerals — Country Rocks British Guiana Museum a. Quartz, showing garnet. b. Amethystine Quartz. c. Rock Crystal. d. Porphyritic, fine, coarse, and vesicular Diorite. e. Felstone. f. Quartz-porphyry. g. Granite, h. Gneiss. i. Jasper, j. Catlinite. k. Iron Ores. 143. Placer Gold Ore and Pay Dirt Barnard Syndicate 144. Gold Nuggets, very large series M. Correiro 145. Auriferous Quartz J. P. Farnum 146. Auriferous Quartz Lashley & D'Amil 147. Auriferous Quartz _ J. Rodway GROUPS 44, 46, 59, 67. 148. Economic Minerals British Guiana Museum a. Graphite, crude. 14 Exhibit. Exhibitor. b. Molding Sands, White and Pink Clays, Yellow Ochre. c. Sandstone, Mica Schist, Talc, and Chlorite Schist. 149. Fine White Clay. 150 a. Potters' Clay... Alexander Shanks b. Fine White Clay Alexander Shanks 151. Battels of Wood, used in prospecting for gold. 153. Models from 1884-1892 illustrating the development of gold mining. 153. Road Material _ L. M. Hill a. White Sand. b. Dark Sand. c. Burnt Earth — ferruginous clay. d. Granites of three varieties. 154. Porphyritic Greenstone, on which the "Timehri," or rock- writings, are commonly inscribed. DEPARTMENT G. — TRANSPORT ATIOIST. 155. Bateau, as made for use in the gold industry. 156. Indian Boats. a. "Dug-outs," made by burning and hollowing out the trunks of trees. b. " Woodskins," made from the barks of certain trees. DEPARTMENT H.— MANUFACTURES. GROUP 87. 157. Essence of Tonka Beans {Dipteryx odorata) Max & Co. 158. Essence of Vanilla .Max «& Co. GROUP 91. 159. Pottery from the Vriede-en-rust Pottery Works Afex. Shanks GROUP 98. 160 a. Silver Bracelets.— Chinese, b. Silver Bangles.— Hindoo. 15 Exhibit. Exhibitor. c. Silver Earrings. — Hindoo. 161. Gold Nose-ornaments.— Hindoo. GROUP 101. 162. Cocoanut Fiber Mats, made by convicts Prisons' Department GROUP 104. 163. Hindoo Costumes. 164. Chinese Costume. 165. Convict Caps, made by convicts Prisons' Department a. Cotton Caps. b. Oakum Caps. GROUP 105. 166. Fur Skins of the fox, otter, jaguar, sloths, and howling monkey .British Guiana Museum GROUP 106. 167. Artificial Flowers, a. Of fish-scales, in bouquets, baskets, and wieaths. b. Of yucca fiber. c. Of shells, in bouquet and basket. d. Of dyed feathers, in bouquets and wreaths. 168. Fans. a. Of natural feathers. b. Of yucca fiber — Sansiveria. c. Of looffah fiber — Momordica. d. Of palm-leaf and looffah. e. Of corn-husk. 169. Portrait Frames. a. Of shells. b. Of yucca fiber. c. Of fish-scales and pt^arls. 170. Wall-pockets. a. Of natural feathers. b. Of palm-leaf and looffah fiber. c. Of palm-leaf and looffab fiber, with grass bouquet. 171. Art Needlework and Fancy Work Portuguese Lady Colonists a. Infants' Christening- robe. b. Infants' Night dresses. c. Infants' Shirts. 173. Laces. _ _ Portuguese Lady Colonists a. Ladies' Collars and Cuffs. b. Ladies' Handkerchiefs. c. Mats. 16 Exhibit. Exhibitor. 173. Embroidery Portuguese Lady Colonists a. Ladies' Dress Fronts, b. Ladies' Collars, c. Ladies' Handkerchiefs. GROUP 110. 174. Grass Hat, 175. Looffali Flesh-rubbers, Fiber Bundles, and Fruit. 176. Mat made of seeds of Mimosa. 177. Necklaces made of seeds of Mimosa. 178. Bracelets made of seeds of Mimosa. 179. Satchel made of " Job's tears" — Goix lachryma. 180. Necklaces and strings of "Job's tears," 181. Decorated and Embroidered Eggs, 182. Basket of Decorated Eggs Mrs, R. M. Clegg 183. Bouquet of Seeds, Mosses, etc. . Mrs. R. M. Clegg 184. Fancy Rice- work Mrs. R. M. Clegg GROUP 111. 185. Samples of Leather, three varieties M, G, de Freitas DEPARTMENT J.— FINE ARTS. 186. Oil Painting — " The Port of Georgetown," painted and exhibited by Capt. Montague Jone& 187. Oil Painting—" The Fight of the Peacock and the Hornet," Capt. Montague Jones- 188. Water Color — Illustrations of the Physical Aspects of British Guiana, by Sawkins... British Guiana Museum 189. Water Color — Paintings of Guiana Caterpillars, by Mrs. Fred White 190. Colored Prints from Schomburgk's " Views of Guiana." 17 DEPAKTMENT L.— LIBERAL ARTS. GROUP 160. Exhibit. Exhibitor. 191. Handbook of British Guiana. 192. Newspapers of British Guiana. a. Argosy. b. Daily Chronicle. c. Daily Liberal. d. Berbice Gazette. e. The Echo. f. The Gold-Mining Gazette. g. Church and Colony, h. Official Gazette. 193. The Laws and Ordinances of British Guiana The Government 194. Administration and Special Reports The Government 195. Bluebooks of British Guiana The Government 196. Map of British Guiana The Government 197. Plan of the City of Georgetown. 198. Directory of British Guiana C. K. Jardine- 199. Government Bluebooks... C. K. Jardine- 200. Police Manual Inspector Francis- 201 . Overseer's Manual James Thomson 202. History of British Guiana James Rod way 203. "Timehri" — Scientific journal of Guiana, Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society GROUP 151. 204. Photographs of Guiana scenery Mrs. G. S. Jenmant 205. Photographs of the people, habitations, industries, and physical features of Guiana Julio Siza 206. Photographs of the physical features of the gold-mining districts W. H. Stevens 207. Photographs of a wood-cutting grant A. P. Bugle 208. Photographs of the native Indians A. B. Barnard 209. Photographs of the native Indians E. R. Anson GROUP 163. 210. Set of Recent Guiana Stamps Post Office Department. GROUP 154. 211. Old Coinage of Guiana British Guiana Museuin. a. Copper Stivers. b. M, M, 3^. 1. 2, and 3 guilder pieces of 1809, 1816, 1832, 1835, 1836w 2 IS DEPARTMENT M.— ETHNOLOGY. The collection of ethnological specimens illustrates in a fairly complete manner the life of the native Indians or aborigines of Guiana. These people are divisible into various tribes, of whom the Arrawaks, Accawois, Warraus, Caribisis, Wapisianas, Arrecunas, and Macusis are the chief. The four former are coast or forest Indians, and their houses are built with open sides, while the three last are savannah or prairie dwellers, and build conical-roofed houses with inclosed sides. In their manufacture of pottery, basket-work, hammocks, and boats, they display a considerable amount of skill and ingenuity, and their work is often marked with great delicacy and taste. The articles exhibited belong, jointly, to the British Guiana Museum and the Exhibition Committee of British Guiana. GROUP 160.— CLASS 943. 212. Hammocks of various kinds, plain and ornamented. 213. Models of Tibiseri hammocks. 214. Hammock ropes. 315. Benches of solid wood, plain and ornamented. 216. Benches of the cut shell of the land tortoise. 217. Brooms of Macusi and Accawoi tribes. 218. Fire-fans. 219. Fire-sticks, used in procuring fire. 220. Tinder-box, of felstone, steel, and cotton, used in procuring fire. 221. Baking-slab, of baked clay. CLASS 944. 222. Rolled tobacco-leaves. 223. Cigarette paper, made of the fiber of the Kakeralli. CLASS 945. 224. Models of Indian canoes — or "dug-out" — of solid wood, and wood skins and paddles. 216. Paddles, of various kinds. CLASS 946. "226. Queyus, or bead aprons, worn by the women ; on frame, showing manufacture; made of woven cotton, as formerly used ; made of bark, as formerly worn. .227. Sandals, used on the savannah lands, made from the Eta palm and tapir skin. '.228. Anklets, or leg-bands, made of cotton, worn by the women. 19 "229. Waistbelts, made of cotton, of monkey's hair, and of cotton with pendants. ■230. Yadihees, or Carib fringes. 231. Armlets, with shell pieces and fringes. ^32. Silver nose pendants, or platta ; tin nose-pendant; bamboo pieces, worn in the ear; fungoid rods, from stem, worn in the ear. 233. Arnatto, or red dye, used in staining the face and body. 234. Dye-pots, made of bamboo and calabash. 235. Yellow ochre, used as a yellow dye. 236. White clay, used as a white dye. 237. Down-feathers, used to stick on the face with dyes, 238. Nose-strings, to be passed from the nose to mouth, by young hunts- men. ^39. Dried caterpillars, used as a snuff when crushed. 240. Head-dresses, of vertical feathers, of various sizes; head-dresses of horizontal feathers, of various sizes. 541. Arm and shoulder girdles, of the tail feathers of the macaw (aza); of the feathers of the powis (crax). 243. Frame on which the feathers of the head-dresses are arranged. 243. Necklaces, of peccaries' teeth. 244. Necklaces, of accourie teeth; of jaguar teeth; of waterhaas teeth; of mixed teeth; of seeds, and of beads. 545. Shak-shak, or rattle, of beetles' wings, generally worn on necklaces. 246. Tattoo implement, a serrated fish-spine. 547. Mucro hat, as made by Wapisiana Indians. GROUP 161. 548. War clubs, square top; flat bladed; and special club with stone adze fitted, exhibited by D. A. Worsley, Esq. 549. Blowpipes, used for discharging small poisoned arrows. 550. Quivers, with arrows and fittings. 251. Bows, large and small, of many woods, chiefly " Washiba." 553. File, of the palate bone of a fish, used in smoothing the bows. 553. Arrows, used for killing birds, with wooden points, chiefly bamboo; arrows for stunning birds, with blunt head or crossed pieces; for shooting fish, metal heads; for large game, metal spear head; for turtles, with separable metal head; arrows poisoned, for game, with bamboo point and cap. 554. Arrow heads. 255. Arrow stems, or reeds of the wild^ cane {Gynei^ium SaccJiaroides), used in making arrows. 256. Karamanni wax, used as pitch or glue. 557. Ourali poison, in calabashes, as prepared by the Macusis. 258. Fish traps, made of bark. 559. Fish net, used by hand. 560. Hunting bags, of skins of various kinds, and of basket work. 561. Powder flasks, of gourd. 20 GROUP 162, — CLASSES 947 AND 948. 262. Cap box, of palm seed, carved. 263. Pottery jars, of different sizes and shapes. 264. Water jugs or goblets. 265. Cooking pots, or " buck pots." 266. Food basins, or sapuras, of pottery. 267. Large gourds, for storage of water and olher drinks. 268. Gourd dishes, for food, and cups for children. 269. Gourd dishes, used by " peaiman " or medicine man. 270. Gourd pitcher, covered with basket work. 271. Small " Casiri " paddles, used in stirring the drink Casiri. 272. Surianas, or baskets, used in carrying loads, suspended by a band from the forehead. 273. Quakes, or common basket carriers. 274. Mattapees, of various sizes, used in squeezing the grated cassava. 275. Wooden grater, studded with pieces of stone, for grating cassava. 276. Cassava sifters. 277. Farina sifters. 278. Cassava baskets. 279. Pegalls, or trunk baskets, of several pieces fitting into each other. 280. Double Pegall, made by half-breeds on Brazilian frontier. 281. Flat cassava mats. 282. Mats for confining stinging ants, for disciplining children. 283. Sets of letter bags, made for trade. 284. Basket-work rattle. 285. Set of ordinary baskets. 286. Paiworri corial, or hollowed trunk, in which to make drinks for feasts* 287. Bark trough, or " addisa," into which the cassava is grated. 288. Cassava prcssers. 289. Cokerite carrier, or tray. 290. Eta palm baskets. 291. Sugar-cane crushers, with pole. (Macusi and Accawoi tribes.) 292. Corn mortar and pestle. GROUP 168.— CLASS 949. 293. Hammock frame, and hammock spindles used as needles in hammock making. 294. Rolled cotton thread. 295. Cotton fiber. 296. Spindles, used for rolling cotton thread. 297. Eta, or Tibiseri, string. 298. Eta fiber, used in making "grass" hammocks. 299. Eta palm leaves. 300. Karata fiber and string. 301. Krowa ropes, made from Krowa plant (Agave). 302. Krowa leaves and fiber, used largely in making fish-lines. 21 GROUP 163. 303. Wrestling shields (Warrau Indians), used in games and in trial by combat. 304. Dancing sticks, ns used by Macusi Indians, of trumpet wood, sur- mounted by roughly carved designs of birds and animals, with feathers and libers. 805. Dancing sticks, with rattles, or "shak-shaks," of good luck seeds {Thevetia). 306. Rattles, or shak-shaks, of "good-luck" seeds. 307. Trumpets, of trumpet wood, also made of pottery. 308. Head-dress of Eta palm leaves, neck-piece and waist-piece, used in the Parasheera dance. 309. Bamboo and bone flutes. 310. a. Drum and sticks. b. Macquari whips. c. Tibiseri whip. d. Pan pipes. e. Rubber balls. f. Imitation fiddle. g. Puzzles. h. ^olian harp, made from the leaf stalk of the Eta palm. i. Spinning tops, made of palm seed and of double seeds of Sapota. GROUP 164. 311. Peaiman's rattle, used in the treatment of sick or possessed persons, of calabash, with inclosed rattling pieces, with long pendant of parrot feathers and beetle wings and shak-shaks. MISCELLANEOUS. 312. Wedges of various kinds. 313. Ordinary adzes. 314. Large adze, with slightly grooved heads. 315. Mixed collection, including pottery, ochreous matter, human bones, fi-h bones, shells, stone implements, taken from the kitchen midden or shell-mound at Cabacaboori. 316. Broad wedge-shaped implement, with deeply grooved head. 317. Large and narrow wedge-shaped Celt, with grooved broad-head. (Exhibited by D. A. Worsley.) 318. Axes and Adzes in large variety. 819. Variously shaped Adzes, showing stages fiom the thick to the thin- pointed head. 320. Stone Pestles. 321. Grinding Stones, for dyes. 322. Jasper Pebbles, used in smoothing pottery. 32 333. Arrow Heads, stone. 324. Carved Quartz Pebble, to represent a dog sitting, with holes for string* by which it may be drawn along the ground. 325. Pottery, representing the human face. Very rare, and but one of five known. 326. Indian Boats and War Canoe, dug out of wood or made of bark. 327. Collection of Photographs, illustrative of country inhabited by Indians. 328. Model Huts, as built by Indians. 329. Maize, or Indian Corn, used in making drinks. 330. Cassava Bread, the "staff of life." 331. Souari Nuts, used as food. 332. Greenheart Seeds, used in making starch in times of scarcity. 333. Various Birds, stuffed, used by Indians for food, for taming, and for feather work. 334. Various Fishes, preserved, used for food. 335. Various Mammals, stuffed, used for food. 336. Miscellaneous Leaves and Fibers, used by Indians for thatches,. string, and ropes. 337. Miscellaneous Barks and Seeds, used medicinally. DEPARTMENT N.— FORESTRY. The woods of British Guiana are especially worthy of attention, as well' for their hardness and durability as for their brilliance of coloring and their finish when polished. 'The hardwood Greenheart {Nectandra rodicBi), the only commercial wood which is known to successfully resist the attacks of the shipworm {Teredo), and Mora, are two of Lloyds' eight first-class woods of the world for ship-building; whi!e Waibaima and Kabu- calli are almost equally valuable. Wallaba, Purpleheart, Crabwood, Locust, Hoobooballi, Arrisowroo, Cirouaballi, DukaLiballi.'Hiawaballi, Letterwood, Cedar, Simarupa, and Kretti, are brilliant furniture woods, and are adapted for the most delicate ornamental purposes, as can be easily perceived from, the twelve ornamental panels, made up each of five different woods, exhib- ited. The pavilion, composed of twenty-six different logs of squared timber, twenty feet in length, and from fourteen to thirty inches in width, illustrates the aspect of the rough timbers as exported. The vast interior of Brjtish Guiana is, up to the present day, covered with primeval forest, stocked with abundant supplies of hard and soft woods — the diflSculty of transportation over the rapids and cataracts of the great rivers having^ almost confined all wood-cutting to the coast and for a few miles along the 23 lower reaches of the rivers and creeks. Abundant resources also exist in the form of gums, rubbers, guttas, medicinal and tanning barks, and other such products. The chief woods of British Guiana have been described by Mr. Michael McTurk, special magistrate of the Essequebo River, and also by experienced wood-cutters. They include the following species, with the descriptions: 1. — SOUARI {Caryocar tomentosum, Dec). Souari thrives best and seems to attain to its largest size on the hills composed of a stiff, yellowish clay, mixed with a gravelly kind of stone resembling oxide of iion. The trees are plentiful on the Essequebo, and seldom very far from a creek or the ma in river. Their average height is about 90 feet, and the timber can easily be got to square 24 inches; it is very tough and cross- grained. The trunks of the trees are s(51dom used, but the roots make excellent floors and futtocks for ship-building, and can be had sufficiently large to timber a vessel of large size. The Souari- nut (Butternut), well known in the colony, is the fruit of this tree. The nuts, three or four in number, grow inclosed in a pulpy substance, or fruit, which before it drops from the tree greatly resembles ^n size, shape, and color the Mammee Apple {Mammea americana, Lin.).'^ Specific gravity, .933. 3.— DETERMA {Nectandra wana). Determa grows best on clayey, gravelly soil, and is more plentiful in the Moraballi Creek than any other part of the colony below ihe rapids that I am aware of. The average height is about 100 feet, and it can be had to square up to 30 inches. This wood is of a color resembling cedar, and is used for plank- ing boats, in the construction of railway carriages, and for many other purposes where a light and strong wood is required. Determa is also used for the masts and spars of vessels; the largest spars for these purposes procurable in the colony are of tills wood, from 70 to 90 feet long, and 14 inches in diameter at the smallest end. I have seen a log of this timber 43 inches square. 3. — KABUKALLI {Goiipia tomentosa). This tree is plentiful all over the colony, and thrives best in loose, sandy soil. Kabukalli is one of «ur tallest forest trees, and grows very straight; its average height is about 130 feet, and it can be had to square up to 30 inches free of sap. Kabu- kalli is used in boat-building, and for limber is little inferior to Mora. The wood has a very unpleasant smell, and is disliked by worms. The Indians living in the wet savannahs, or where the rivers are free of bush to form a shade, prefer canoes made of 24 this wood to any other, as they will not split from exposure to the sun. A gelatinous substance forms on the stump after cutting down a Kabukalli tree; it has a disagreeable smell, and never hardens. The specific gravity of this wood, as given in a letter by John F. Bourne, Esq., the then Colonial Civil Engineer of the colony, to J. Brufnell, Esq., Secretary to the Committee ' for the Exhibition of 1862, was 1.154, water being 1,000. 4.— TATABOO. The tree from which the samples were cut was 104 feet high. Tataboo grows in sandy soil, and is not a very common wood. The average height of these trees is about 80 feet. The wood is dark-colored, heavy, and hard, and well adapted for mill-bed timbers; it is also used in boatbuilding, house-framing, etc. Tataboo can be had to square up to 23 inches free of sap. Sp. gr. .940. 5.— MAMOORI-BALLI. This tree is plentiful in Essequebo, and grows best in sandy soil. The average height is about 70 feet, and it can be had to square 16 inches. The wood is tough and hard, and is suitable for house-framing and othefwork where it will not be exposed to the weather. 46.— PAKOORIE. This tree is plentiful in the Itoori-bisci Creek, and generally throughout the county of Essequebo; it thrives best in the loose sandy soil. The average height is about 80 feet, but it is a tree the trunk of which is very large compared with its height; it can be had to square up to 36 inches free of sap. When arrived at maturity this is a very durable wood, and is used for house-framing and many other purpo-^es. The tree produces an edible fruit of the size and color of a large orange, and yellow sappy gum that is considered useless. Sp. gr. .743. 7.— WAIBAIMA. This tree is a species of Cirouaballi, or Siruaballi {Neetandra^ or Oreodaphne). The wood has a strong aromatic scent and bitter taste, and is about the best wo d in the colony for planking vessels. The*trees are numerous in the Essequebo and Demerara rivers. Their average height is about 90 feet, and as there is little or no sap, the timber can be had to square the large size, 20 to :28 inches. For planking and all other purposes of ship-building for which Greenheart is used, I think this wood is superior, and deserves to be classed among the first-class woods at Lloyds' for ship-building. 25 S.— KOOROO-BALLI, or THY SIL (Pentadethra Jilamentosa). On the Morabelli Creek, Essequebo River, this tree grows plentifully. The average height of this tree, in the forest on the upper parts of the river, is about 60 feet. On the coast lauds and in the swamps aback of the estates, where large quantities of it are cut for firewood, it does not grow so large; it can be had to square 10 inches free of sap, and is a dark, close-grained wood suitable for making furniture. The bark of the Kooroo-balli is used by the Indians in cases of dysentery. «.— ITIKIBOURI-BALLI ( MachmHum ? ). Itikibouri-balli grows in clay soil and on the islands in the rapids of the Essequebo. It is comparatively a rare tree below the rapids, and does not attain to an average height of more than 70 feet. The sap wood is white, and its junction witli the heart, or tacuba, which is of a deep brown, almost black, color, is sharply defined. It can be had to square up to 15 inches free of sap, and is used for making articles of furniture and walking- sticks. Itikibouri-balli is one of the heaviest and closest grained woods in the colony. Sp. gr. .836. ? 10.— SEEBADANI, This tree grows in clay and sandy soil, and has an average height of 60 feet. The wood is used for framing purposes, and can be had in large quantities; it will square up to 29 inches and has very little sap. Sp. gr. 1.066. 11.— WALLABA, or BIMITI WALLABA (iBrperwa falcata, Aubl). This Wallaba grows in loose sandy soil, over extensive tracts of country, and is a wood known to every one in the colony. There are four varieties of this tree, locally known as Bimiti Wallaba, Itoori Wallaba, Karabimiti Walhxba, and Sare-bebe, meaning Humming Bird, Baboon, Red Humming Bird, and Water Wallaba. The first two grow on loose sandy soil, and the Karabimiti Wallaba on clay near the river banks. Sare-bebe grows in the w^ater at the edge of the river. The two last are never used; from the Bimiti and Itoori Wallaba frames for houses are made, vat staves, paling staves, and shingles, both for colonial use and for export to the neighboring colonies. These trees are all plentiful, and have an average height of 80 feet, and can be had to square 20 inches free of sap. The scraped root of the Itoori Wallaba is used by the Indians as a cure for toothache. Sp. gr. .945. 12. — BARTABALLI ( J.cA,ras mammosa, BonpL, Lucuma BonplandUj H. B. K.). 26 Bartaballi grows on clay and sandy soils, and is found plenti- fully. up the Essequebo and Demerara rivers. The tree averages^ a height of about 90 feet, and can be had to square up to 20 inches free of sap. The wood is close grained, light, and of a pale brown color, and is useful for making tables and other articles of furniture, and for partition boards, doors, etc., for houses. This tree produces a milky juice somewhat similar to that of the Burueh or Bullet tree (No. 15), but of a sticky nature; its fruit is^ one of the best produced by any of our forest-trees, and is eagerly sought for by the Indians during its season (about the month of April), when, with characteristic recklessness, the trees are cut down in large numbers for their fruit. The specific gravity of this wood, according to Mr. Bourne, is .893. 13.— ITOORI WALLABA. See No. 11. 14.— TAWARONERO, or BASTARD BULLET-TREE {Humirium fiori- hunduni, Mart.). This tree is plentiful throughout the colony, and grows on sandy soil, and near to, but not in the swamps. The average height is about 90 feet, and it can be had to square 20 inches free of sap. The timber is useful for framing houses, wheel-spokes, and many other purposes, and where small sized timber is re- quired is superior to greenheart. The tree produces an edible fruit about the size of a grape. At the expiration of a week or ten days af er cutting away the bark from the stem of these trees, a minute fungus emitting an agreeable perfume grows upon them — this is scraped off and used by the Indians for scenting their hair-oil. Tawaronero produces a gum similar to Bullet tree, but in much smaller quantity. Sp. gr. .967. 15.— BULLET-TREE, or BURUEH {Sapota Mulleri, Miq. or Mimusope^ hallata). This tree grows plentifully, ef-pecially in Beibice, where it may be found 5 feet in diameter ; its average height is about 100' feet and it can be had to square 42 inches free of sap. During the time that windmills were used in the colony Bullet-tree was con- sidered to be the best wood for the arms of a windmill. The gum known as Ballata is produced by this tree. The wood is^ dark red, close grained, and solid, and, when free of sap, most durable. During the time that the fruit is ripe many of the trees are cut down. The fruit resembles the well-known Sapodilla in taste, and is about the size of a large English cherry; from the seeds oil can be extracted. The bark of the Bullet-tree is used medicinally by the Indians in the form of a clyster for a disease called kaina-kuhu, or Carabisci sick, and occasionally as an emetic^ 27 16.— FUKADIE. Fukadie grows on sandy soil. Its average height is about 80 feet, and it can be had to square 16 inches free of sap. It is used for house-framing, and is a durable wood for indoor work. This tree is very plentiful on the Itooribisci Creek and generally in Essequebo. 17.— KARAHURA. Karahura grows generally throughout the colony in dry places. It is one of the lightest of colonial woods, and is only fit for partition boards and other indoor work of a similar rature. It is used by the Indians for making canoes; its average height is 80 feet, and it can be had to square 30 inches. 18.— HOOBOODIE, or WILD CASHEW (Anacardium rhinocarpu.s). From the Moraballi Creek, Essequebo River. This tree grows in low situations near water, and averages about 80 feet in height; the wood is light and not veiy durable, and is only used for boards. The fruit of the Hooboodie is simi- lar in shape to that of the ordinary Cashew ( Anacardium occi- dentale, Lin.), and, as well as the bark, is of an astringent nature, ai^ is used medicinally in cases of diarrhoea. 19.— LALLIFER. This tree, like Waibima (No. 7), is a species of Cirouaballi, or Siruaballi {Nectandra or Oreodaphne), and is comparatively abun- dant on the Essequebo, but, like all of the Siruaballi species, is difficult to procure of large size free of holes; the wood has a strong aromatic scent, and is used in boat building. Its average height is about 70 feet, and it can be had to square 16 inches. Sp. gr. .812. 20.— MANNIBALLI. Maoniballi grows in dry situations, and its wood is distinct from and much more durable than that of Manni {Amyris or Idea, sp.T), a tree that grows always in swamps. Manniballi is a most durable wood when free ek. 398. Sereba, decoction used for fevers. 399. Sarsaparilla Root. 400. Wild Ipecacuanha Seeds, Root, and Cotton (the root is used as an emetic). C. A. Scott CLASSES 110 and 111, 401. Large Vat, 600 gallons capacity, of wallaba wood, with. greenheart bottom. 402. Tubs and Pails of wallaba wood, four varieties. 44 Exhibit. Exhibitor. 403. Clothes' Basket. 404. I^est of Creole Baskets. CLASS 113. 405. Logs of Buttress Wood, to illustrate peculiarity of forest growth, 406. Hollow Log, for the same purpose. 407. Climbing Stems of several varieties, the larger commonly known by the name of monkey-ladder. 408. Abnormal Growth of Stems .Leon Sedon CLASS 117. 409. Model of Floating Punt, for transportation of hardwood down the rivers. 410. Block Charcoal, as burnt in logs by the Chinese John Cheong 411. Model of Kiln for burning charcoal in logs John Cheong MISCELLANEOUS. 412. Rice-husking Machine, native John Cheong 413. Coolie Tadja, used in the great Mohammedan Festival. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 2lJun'58LA jyn 1 1 i9riw U.U. utKKhLtY mo^M 3 MONTHS LOAN LD 21A-50rrt-8.'57 (C8481sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley CD3S1170ab W\ti2S5±6