2L(L E'^lb 2 a jiuN-on SECOND |P/VN AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS WASHINGTON DECEMBER 27. 1915-JANUARY 8. 1916 -A ASSOCIATIONS INSTITUTIONS FIRST EDITION List of Associations, Societies, etc. Actuarial Society of America. R. Henderson, New York City. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Edmund J. James, Urbana, 111. David Kinley, Urbana, 111. Emory R. Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa. Carl Kelsey, Philadelphia, Pa. Clyde L. King, Philadelphia, Pa. American Anthropological Association. Chas. Peabody, Cambridge, Mass. Clark Wissler, New York City. American Antiquarian Society. Hiram Bingham, New Haven, Conn. American Association of Advancement of Science. W. W. Campbell, Mount Hamilton, Cal. L. O. Howard, Washington, D. C. American Association of Economic Entomologists. W. J. Holland, Pittsburgh, Pa. C. L. Marlatt, Washington, D. C. American Association of Economical Entomologists. Henry Skinner, Philadelphia, Pa. C. L. Marlatt, Washington, D. C. American Association of Farmer's Institute Workers. J. M. Stedman, Washington, D. C. American Assocation Immunologists. Richard Weil, New York City. A. Parker Kitchens, Glenolden, Pa. American Association of Instructors and Investigators in Poultry Husband^3^ Raymond Pearl, Orono, Me. Jas. E. Rice, Ithaca, N. Y. Jas. Dryden, Corvallis, Oreg. American Association for International Conciliation. F. P. Keppel, New York City. American Association for Labor Legislation. American Association of Museums. Paul M. Rea, Charieston, S. C. James E. Talmage, Salt Lake Cit>', Utah. American AsGoci£.tioii to Promote Teaching of Speech to Deaf. '. Alexander Craha'm Bell, Washington, D. C. Gilbert H. Grosveno.r, Washington, D. C. Acne?ican Asvrpi^o.iHical .Society. Solon I. Bailey, Cambridge, Mass. W. W. Campbell, Mount Hamilton, Cal. American Bankers Association. Wm. A. Law, Philadelphia, Pa. W. S. Kies, New York City. American Ceramic Society. American Chemical Society. Chas. H. Herty, Chapel Hill, N. C. Chas. L. Parsons, Washington, D. C. American Civic Association. J. H. McFarland, Harrisburg, Pa. R. B. Watrous, Washington, D. C. American Climatological and Clinical Association. Chas. W. Richardson, Washington, D. C. Guy Hinsdale, Kennebunkport, Me. American Economic Association . W. F. Willcox, Ithaca, N. Y. A. A. Young, Ithaca, N. Y. American Electric Railway Association. Clarence P. King, Washington, D. C. W. F. Ham, Washington, D. C. American Electrochemical Society. Carl Hering, Philadelphia, Pa. C. A. Roush, South Bethlehem, Pa. American Entomological Society. Jas. A. G. Rehn, Philadelphia, Pa. Morgan Hebard, Philadelphia, Pa. American Ethnological Society. Clark Wissler, New York City, Pliny Earle Goddard, New York City. American Exporters and Importers Association. Wm. C. Wulp, New York City. American Farm Management Association. W. J. Spillman, Washington, D. C. G. F. Warren, Ithaca, N. Y. American Folk-Lore Society. Franc Boas, New York City. Chas. Peabody, Cambridge, Mass. American Forestry Association. C. F. Quincy, New York City. T. S. Ridsdale, Washington, D. C. American Foundrymen 's Association. Stanley G. Flagg, jr., Philadelphia, Pa. American Genetic Association. Paul Popence, Washington, D, C. T. H. Kearney, Washington, D. C. American Geographical Society. Mr. Dominian, New York City. American Highway Association. L. W. Page, Washington, D. C. H. B. Spencer, Washington, D. C. American Historical Association. Archibald C. Coolidge, Cambridge, Mass. Barnard Moses, Berkeley, Cal. American Home Economic Association. C. F. Langworthy, Washington, D. C. Miss Martha Van Rensselaer, Ithaca, N. Y. American Institute of Architects. Geo. Oakley Totten, jr., Washington, D. C. Glenn Brown, Washington, D. C. American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Samuel P. Sadtler, Philadelphia, Pa. J. C. Olsen, New York City. American Institute of Consulting Engineers. Dugald C. Jackson, Boston, Mass. C. O. Maillox, New York City. American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. Wm. A. White, Washington, D. C. Edward Lindsey, Warren, Pa. American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Gano Dimn, New York City. John H. Finney, Washington, D. C. American Institute of Mining Engineers. Wm. L. Saunders, New York City. Bradley Stoughton, New York City. American Library Association. Herbert Putnam, Washington, D. C. H. H. B. Meyer, Washington, D. C. American Manufacturers Export Association. Wm. P. Barba, Philadelphia, Pa. A. E. Osbom, New York City. American Mathematical Society. E. W. Brown, New Haven, Conn. E. H. Moore, Chicago, 111. H. B. Fine, Princeton, N. J. American Medical Society for Study of Alcohol and Narcotics. Tom A. Williams, Washington, D. C. H. J. Berkley, Baltimore, Md. R. I. Gundry, Catonsville, Md. Ernest S. Bishop, New York City. American Museum of Natural History. Frank M. Chapman, Ncav York City. Herbert J. Spinden, New York City. American Peat Society. Carl Kleinstuck, Kalamazoo, Mich. Julius BordoUo, Kingsbridge, N. Y. American Pedriatic Society. Samuel S. Adams, Washington, D. C. J. H. Mason Knox, Baltimore, Md. American Philiological Association. Kirby Flower Smith, Baltimore, Md. Mitchell Carroll, Washington, D. C. American Philosophical Society. Wm. B. Scott, Princeton, N. J. Albert Michelson, Chicago, 111. American Phytopatliological Society. W. A. Orton, Washington, D. C. C. L. Shear, Washington, D. C. American Political Science Association. John Basse tt Moore, New York City. W. F. Dodd, Urbana, 111. American Pomological Association. E. R. Lake, Washington, D. C. American Public Health Association. Wm. C. Woodward, Washington, D. C. American Psychological Association. Shepherd I. Franz, Washington, D. C. Howard C. Warren, Princeton, N. J. Edward L. Thomdike, New York City. Raymond Dodge, Middletown, Conn. Harry A. Carr, Chicago, 111. Edward B. Holt, Cambridge, Mass. American Railway Association. Fairfax Harrison, Washington, D. C. Stuyvesant Fish, New York City. American Railway Master Mechanics Association. M. K. Bamum, Baltimore, Md. E. W. Pratt, Chicago, 111. American Red Cross. Ernest P. Bicknell, Washington, D. C. C. A. Devol, Washington, D. C. American Social Hygiene Association. Donald R. Hooker, Upland, Roland Park, Md. James B. Reynolds, New York City. American Society of Agronomy. Carleton R. Ball, Washington, D. C. C. W. Warburton, Washington, D. C. American Society of Biological Chemists. Carl Alsberg, Washington, D. C. Lafayette B. Mendel, New Haven, Conn. American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. Reginald Pelham Bolton, New York City. J. A. Donnelly, New York City. American Society of International Law. Elihu Root, New York City. Jas. Brown Scott, Washington, D. C. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Ambrose Swasey, Clevel^d, Ohio. Waldo H. Marshall, New York City. American Society of Municipal Improvements. W. W. Crosby, Baltimore, Md. Norman S. Sprague, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. M. Goodell, Montclair, N. J. Rudolph Hering, New York City. Nelson P. Lewis, New York City. American Society of Naturalists. E. G. Conklin, Princeton, N. J. H. S. Jennings, Baltimore, Md. American Society of Refrigerating Engineers. N. H. Hiller, Carbondale, Pa. H. C. Dickinson, Washington, D. C. American Society for Testing Material. W. H. Bixby, Washington, D. C. A. W. Gibbs, Philadelphia, Pa. American Society of Tropical Medicine. Jos. H. White, Washington, D. C. C. C. Bass, New Orleans, La. American Sociological Society. Albion W. Small, Chicago, 111. American Statistical Association, E. Dana Durand, Boston, Mass. John Koren, Boston, Mass. American Surgical Association. Geo. TuUy Vaughan, Washington, D. C. Jas. F. Mitchell, Washington, D. C. American Therapeutic Society. Robt. Morriss,' New York City. Noble P. Barnes, Washington, D. C. American Veterinary Medical Association. J. R. Mollier, Washington, D. C. A. R. Ward, Washington, D. C. American Water Works Association. Nicholas S. Hill, jr.. New York City. Anthropological Society of Washington. Jolui R. Swanton, Washington, D. C. Daniel Folkmar, Washington, D. C. Archaeological Institution of Am.erica. F. W. Shipley, St. Louis, Mo. W. H. Holmes, Washington, D. C. Mitchell Carroll, Washington, D. C. Army Medical Museum. D. S. Lamb, Washington, D. C. E. R. Hodge, Washington, D. C. J. R. Scott, Washington, D. C. Association of American Law Schools. Jos. H. Beale, Cambridge, Mass. John Bassett Moore, New York City. Association of American Physicians. Association of American Portland Cement|Manufacttirers. Percy H. Wilson, Philadelphia, Pa. Lewis R. Ferguson, Philadelphia, Pa. Association of American State Geologists. Wm. Bullock, Baltimore, Md. F. W. De Wolf, Urbana, 111. I. C. White, Morganto\vn, W. Va. Association of American Universities. Herman V. Ames, Philadelphia, Pa. Association of Collegiate Alumnae. Dr. Mary Sherwood, Baltimore, Md. Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Southern States. Madison Strathers, Morgaaitown, W. Va. W. A. Hutcheson, New York City. 8 Association of Engineering Society. Geo. W. Rathjens, St. Paul, Minn. Association of Feed Control Officials. J. K. Haywood, Washington, D. C. Geo. E. Bidwell, Washington, D. C. Association of Life Insurance. F. C. Wells, New York City. Faneuil S. Weisse, New York City. Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Geo. A. Lung, Newport, R. I. J. H. Ullrich, Baltimore, Md. Association of Official Agriculttu-al Chemists. Harvey W. Wiley, Washington, D. C. Claude S. Hudson, Washington, D. C. Association of Seed Analysts. Edgar Brown, Washington, D. C. Atlanta Chamber of Commerce . S. W. McCalie, Atlanta, Ga. Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution. Babson's Statistical Organization. Roger W. Babson, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Leroy D. Peavey, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Biological Society of Washington. Paul Bartsch, Washington, D. C. J. N. Rose, Washington, D. C. Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors of the Department of War. Botanical Society of America. W. E. Spafford, Washington, D. C. Brooklyn's Engineers Club. Clarence D. Pollock, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brimswick Board of Trade. Jas. S. Bailey, Brunswick, Ga. Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution. F. W. Hodge, Washington, D. C. J. W. Fewkes, Washington, D. C. Bureau of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Biological Survey of the Department of Agriculture. Bureau of the Census of the Department of Commerce. Jos. A. Hill, Washington, D. C. Richard Lappin, Washington, D. C. Bureau of Crop Estimates of the Department of Agriculture. Blu-eau of Education of the Department of the Interior. Btureau of Fisheries of the Department of Commerce. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department of Commerce. Bureau of Immigration of the Department of Labor. Bureau of Insular Affairs of the Department of War. Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor. Bureau of Lighthouses of the Department of Commerce. Bureau of Naturalization of the Department of Labor. Bureau of Navigation of the Department of Commerce. Bureau of Navigation of the Department of the Navy. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery of the Department of the Navy. Business Men's Club of Memphis. Thos. F. Gailor, Memphis, Tenn. Bureau of Mines of the Department of the Interior. Bureau of Plant Industry of the Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Railway Economics. Frank Haigh Dixon, Washington, D. C. Lucius E. Johnson, Washington, D. C. Bureau of Soils of the Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Standards of the Department of Commerce. Biu-eau of Steam Engineering of the Department of the Navy. Bureau of Yards and Docks of the Department of the Navy. California State Board of Health. W. A. Sawyer, Sacramento, Cal. Fred. F. Gundrum, Sacramento, Cal. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. James Brown Scott, Washington, D. C. Chamber of Commerce of State of New York. H. de B. Parsons, New York City. Julio F. Sorzano, New York City. Charlotte Chamber of Commerce. J. V. Simms, Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, West Virginia, Chamber of Commerce, Edward A. Barnes, Charleston, W. Va. Chemical Society of Washington. Chemists Club. Maximilian Toch, New York City. F. K. Cameron, Washington, D. C. Children's Bureau of the Department of Labor. Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce. Francis B. James, Washington, D. C. Levi C. Goodale, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Bascom Little, Cleveland, Ohio. Coast and Geodetic Survey of the Department^of ^Commerce. Commercial Law League of America. J. Kemp Bartlctt, Chicago, lU. J. H. Ralston, Chicago, 111. Commission of Industrial Relations. Comparative Law Bureau, American Bar Association. Phanor J. Eder, New York City. Robert P. Shick, Philadelphia, Pa. Conference of State and Provincial Boards of Health of North America. J. N. Hurty, Indianapolis, Ind. J. S. Fulton, Baltimore, Md, Cosmos Club of Washington. Frederick V. Coville, Washington, D. C. Hugh M. Smith, Washington, D. C. Council on Medical Association. Wm. H. Welch, Balltimore, Md. W. C. Gorgas, Washington, D. C. Department of Health, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Samuel G. Dixon, Harrisburg, Pa. Department of Justice. District Excise Board. District Health Department. Division of Economics and History, Carnegie Endowment for Inter- national Peace. John Bates Clark, New York City. David Kinley, Chicago, 111. Division of Intercourse and Education, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Nicholas Murray Butler, New York City. Division of International Law, Carnegie Endowment for Inter- national Peace. Geo. A. Finch, Washington, D. C. Division of Latin American Affairs of the Department of State. Engineers Club of Baltimore. Wm. D. Janney, Baltimore, Md. Walter Wilson Crosby, Baltimore, Md. Engineers Club of Cincinnati. Engineers Club of Philadelphia. J. W. Ledoux, Philadelphia, Pa. Engineers Society of Mihvaukee. Geo. Staal, Milwaukee, Wis. Fred H. Domor, Milwaukee, Wis. Engineers Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Arthur Stoors, Scranton, Pa. Engineers Society of Pennsylvania. Farley Gannett, Harrisburg, Pa. Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania. A. Stucki, Pittsburgh, Pa. W. H. Bixby, Washington, D. C. Chas. V. Wheeler, Washington, D. C. E. F. Wendt, Washington, D. C. Entomological Society of America. F. M. Webster, Washington, D. C. C. Iv. Marlatt, Washington, D. C. Entomological Society of Washington. A. N. Caudell, Washington, D. C. Chas. R. Ely, Washington, D. C. Eugenic Research Association. J. McKeen Cattell, New York City. William Blades, Garrison, N. Y. Federation American Society of Experimental Biology. W. W. Ford, Baltimore, Md. John F. Anderson, Washington, D. C. Federal Reserve Board of the Treasury Department. Federal Trade Commission of the Department of Commerce. Field Museum, of Natural History. Chas. B. Corys Chicago, 111. W. H. Osgood, Chicago, 111. Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture. Franklin Institute. Walton Clark, Philadelphia, Pa. R. B. Owens, Philadelphia, Pa. H. Sanborn, Philadelphia, Pa. General Federation of Women's Clubs, Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker, New York City. Mrs. S. B. Sneath, Tiffin, Ohio. General Land Office of the Department of the Interior. Geological Society of America, New York City. John M. Clark, Albany, N. Y. James F. Kemp, New York City. Geological Society of Washington. T. Wayland Vaughan, Washington, D. C. A. C. Spencer, Washington, D. C. H. C. Phillips, Washington, D. C. Government Hospital for the Insane. Hartford Chamber of Commerce. Honolulu Chamber of Commerce. Sidney Ballou, Washington, D. C. 12 Houston Chamber of Commerce. J. E. Eagle, Washington, D. C. Jeff McLemore, Washington, D. C. Illinois Manufacturers Association. William Butterworth, Moline, 111. D. E. Felt, Chicago, 111. Illinois State Board of Health. C. St. Clair Drake, Springfield, 111. John A. Robinson, Chicago, 111. Illuminating Engineers Society. C. P. Steinmetz, Schenectady, N. Y. A. E. Kennelly, Cambridge, Mass. Institute of Association for Testing Materials. Robt. W. Hunt, Chicago, 111. Henry M. Howe, Bedford Hills, N. Y. Edgar Marburg, Philadelphia, Pa. Mansfield Merriman, New York City. Institute of Radio Engineers. John Stone Stone, New York City. John L. Hogan, jr., New York City. Insular Chamber of Commerce of Porto Rico. Rafael Rios, New York City. International Boundary Commission. International Health League, Rockerfeller Foundation Institute Health Commission. Victor G. Heiser, New York City. John A. Ferrell, New York City. International Joint Commission. Interstate Commerce Commission. Juvenile Court. Knoxville Board of Commerce. G. L. Swiggett, Washington, D. C. Lake Mohonk Conference of Friends of Indians and Other Depend- ent Peoples. H. C. Phillips, Washington, D. C. Louisville Board of Trade. Gustave A. Breaux, Louisville, Ky. Roquet Sempre, Louisville, Ky. Manufacturers Association of Utah. Medical Society of the District of Columbia. J. B. Nichols, Washington, D. C. J. S. Wall, Washington, D. C. Merchants Association of Manila. C. N. Swift, Middleburg, Vt. '3 Merchants Association of New York. E. A. De Lima, New York City. Merchants and Manufacturers Association. Frederick H. Gottlieb, Baltimore, Md. A. R. L. Dohme, Baltimore, Md. Michigan Engineering Society. Mining and Metallurgical Society of America. Chas. Butters, Oakland, Cal. John Parke Channing, New York City. Pope Yeatman, New York City. W. R. Ingalls, New York City. Geo. Otis Smith, Washington, D. C. Minneapolis Engineers Club. Chas. L. Pillsbury, Minneapolis, Minn. Missouri Historical Society. Chas. P. Pettus, St. Louis, Mo. Modem Language Association of America. Geo. N. Henning, Washington, D. C. Arnold Wemer-Spanhoofd, Washington, D. C. I Montana Society of Engineers. Theodore Simons, Butte, Mont. Municipal Engineers of New York. Alfred D. Flinn, New York City. Museum of the American Indian, He ye Foundation. Marshall H. Saville, New York City. Geo. H. Pepper, New York City. Museum of the State of New York. John M. Clarke, Albany, N. Y. National Academy of vSciences. Wm. H. Welch, Washington, D. C. E. G. Conklin, Washington, D. C. National Association of Cotton Manufacturers. Albert Greene Duncan, Boston, Mass. Chas. T. Plunkett, Adams, Mass. National Association of Manufacturers. National Association for Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Wm. Chas. White, Pittsburgh, Pa. National Child Labor Commission. Isaac N. Seligman, New York City. Samuel McCune Lindsay, New York City. Felix Adler, New York City. National Commercial Teachers Federation. J. E. Fuller, Wilmington, Del. C. P. Zaner, Columbus, Ohio. Charles M. Miller, New York City. 14 National Conference of Charities and Corrections. Amos W. Butler, Indianapolis, Ind. National Conservation Association. Gi fiord Pinchot, New York City. Bailey Willis, Stanford, Cal. National Dental Association. Clarence J. Grieves, Baltimore, Md. R. Hamill S\ving, Philadelphia, Pa. National District Heating Association. Jas. A. Donnelly, New York City. Nelson S. Thompson, Washington, D. C. National Drainage Congress. E. O. Pippin, Ithaca, N. Y. Joseph Hyde, Chapel Hill, N. C. National Education Association. E. H. Krehbiel, Stanford University, Cal. Joseph Swain, Swarthmore, Pa. National Electric Light Association. R. A. Wagner, Baltimore, Md. W. C. L. Eglin, Philadelphia, Pa. National Federation of College Women. Mrs. Wm. Axley Thompson, Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. George A. Miller, Long Beach, Cal. Mrs. Willard Beahan, Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Jewett A. Ricker, Chicago, 111. National Federation of State Teachers. Chas. S. Foos, Reading, Pa. National Fire Protection Association. Powell Evans, Philadelphia, Pa. Chas. F. Nesbit, Washington, D. C. National Geographic Society. O. H. Tittman, Washington, D. C. Gilbert H. Grosvenor, Washington, D. C. National Kindergarten Association. Miss Marion Berger, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Chas. Cary Rumscy, Washington, D. C. National Municipal League. Wm. D. Foulke, Richmond, Ind. L. S. Rowe, Philadelphia, Pa. Howard L. McBain, New York City. Clinton R. Woodruff, Philadelphia, Pa. National Society for Promotion of Industrial Education. Wm. C. Redfield, Washington, D. C. C. A. Herrick, New York City. J. W. Lieb, New York City. National Tax Association. H. B. F. MacFarland, Washington, D. C. M. Markham Flannery, Washington, D. C. Naval Hospital of the Department of the Navy. Naval Observatory of the Department of the Navy. Naval Medical School of the Department of the Navy. New Orleans Association of Commerce. C. C. Bass, New Orleans, La. New York Academy of Medicine. Ramon Guiteras, New York City. Joh^i Cowell MacEvitt, Brooklyn, N. Y. New York Entomological Society. Chas. W. Leng, New York City. Frank E. Lutz, New York City. North Carolina Sanitary Association. W. S. Rankin, Raleigh, N. C. Office of Experiment Stations of the Department of Agriculture. Office of Markets and Rural Organization of the Department of Agriculture, Office of Public Roads of the Department of Agriculture. Office of Public Buildings and Grounds of the Department of War. Official Dairy Instructors Association. H. B. Rawl, Washington, D. C. Ivan C. Weld, Washington, D. C. Ohio Engineering Society. Alexander Potter, New York City. F. A. Barboiu", Boston, Mass. Pacific Northwest Society of Engineers, Seattle. Charles W. Kutz, Seattle, Wash. Pan American Division, American Association for International Conciliation. Peter H. Goldsmith, New York City. Henry S. Haskell, New York City. Pan American Society of the United States. John Bassett Moore, New York City. Harry Erwin Bard, New York City. Pan American Union: John Barrett, Director General. Francisco J. Yanes, Assistant Director. Franklin Adams, Chief Clerk and Editor. Peabody Museum of Ethnology and Archaeology. Alfred M. Tozzer, Cambridge, Mass. Chas. Peabody, Cambridge, Mass. i6 Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. Alba B. Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B. Kelly, Philadelphia, Pa. Phillips Academy. Warren J. Moorhead, Andover, Mass. Post Office Department. Railway Club of Pittsburgh. J. B. Anderson, Pittsburgh, Pa. Railway Signal Association. W. J. Eck, Washington, D. C. C. C. Anthony, Philadelphia, Pa. Reclamation Service of the Department of the Interior. Religious Education Association. John Nelson Mills, Washington, D. C. Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Wm. H. Welch, New York City. Jas. B. Murphy, New York City. Savannah Board of Trade. School of American Archaeology. Edgar L. Hewett, Santa Fe, N. Mex. Ralph Emerson Twitchell, Santa Fe, N. Mex. Frank Springer, Santa Fe, N. Mex. W. H. Holmes, Washington, D. C. Seismological Society of America. Society of American Bacteriologists. Alexander A. Abbott, Philadelphia, Pa. H. W. Conn, Middletown, Conn. Society of American Foresters. Raphael Zon, Washington, D. C. Society to Eliminate Economic Causes of War. Isaac Sprague, Wollcsley Hills, Mass. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. D. W. Taylor, Washington, D. C. C. A. McAllister, Washington, D. C. Society for Practical Astronomy of Chicago. Robah F. Bumpas, Laurinburg, N. C. Society for Promotion of Engineering Education. HoUis Godfrey, Philadelphia, Pa. F. A. Goetze, New York City. Southern Conference for Education and Industry. A. P. Bourland, Washington, D. C. W. M. Riggs, Clemson, S. C. H. A. Morgan, Knoxville, Tenn. rf Southern Commercial Congress. Clarence J. Owens, Washington, D. C. T. S. Southgate, Norfolk, Va. Southern Geographical Society. C. H. Gordon, Knoxville, Tenn. G. h. Swiggett, Washington, D. C. The Commercial Museum. W. P. Wilson, Philadelphia, Pa. Wilfred H. Schoff, Philadelphia, Pa. The Consular Bureau of the Department of State. The Diplomatic Bureau of the Department of State. The Panama Canal Commission. U. S. Botanic Garden. U. S. Engineer Office of the Department of War. U. S. Geographic Board. U. S. Indian Office. John Francis, jr., Washington, D. C. A. W. Wheeler, Washington, D. C. U. S. National Museum and Smithsonian Institution. Chas. D. Walcott, Washington, D. C. U. S. Naval Institute. B. C. Allen, U. S. N., Annapolis, Md. Ralph Earle, U. S. N., Annapolis, Md. United States National Live Stock Sanitary Board. University Museum of Philadelphia. Geo. Byron Gordon, Philadelphia, Pa. War College Division of the Department of War. Washington Academy of Sciences. F. W. Clarke, Washington, D. C. Geo. K. Burgess, Washington, D. C. Washington Board of Trade. Appleton P. Clark, jr., Washington, D. C. Archibald M. McLachlen, Washington, D. C. Washington Branch of Archaeological Institute of America. Chas. Henry Butler, Washington, D. C. John B. Larner, Washington, D. C. Washington Branch of the National Institute of Electrical Engi- neers. Washington Society of Engineers. Geo. R. Putnam, Washington, D. C. J. C. Hoyt, Washington, D. C. Western Association of Electrical Inspectors. Wm. J. Canada, Washington, D. C. i8 Western Society of Engineers. W. H. Bixby, Washington, D. C. Ernest McCuUongh, Chicago, 111. John F. Hayford, Evanston, 111. Philip P. Woodworth, Chicago, 111. Wilmington Chamber of Commerce. Chas. L. Reese, Wilmington, Del. Leonard Yerkes, Wilmington, Del. Wisconsin State Board of Industrial Education. Louis E. Reber, Racine, Wis. I 19 List of Edttcational Institutions. Agricultural College of Utah. John A. Widtsoe, lyOgan, Utah. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. Clarence Ousley, College Station, Tex. C. C. Hedges, College Station, Tex. Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Amherst College. Alexander Meiklejohn, Amherst, Mass. Barnard College. John Bassett Moore, New York City. Edmtmd B. Wilson, New York City. Boston University. Everett W. Lord, Boston, Mass. Lemuel H. Murlin, Boston, Mass. Bowdoin College. Warren Benjamin Catlin, Brunswick, Me. Brown University. Henry B. Gardner, Providence, R. I. Frederick P. Gorham, Providence, R. I. Bryn Mawr College. Wm. Bashford Huff, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Butler College of Indianapolis. W. P. Hay, Washington, D. C. Carnegie Institute of Technology, Arthur Arton Hamerschlag, Pittsburgh, Pa. John Hopkin Leete, Pittsburgh, Pa. Case School of Applied Science. Wm. R. Veazey, Cleveland, Ohio. R. H. Danforth, Cleveland, Ohio. Catholic University of America. Frank O'Hara, Washington, D. C. Clark University. Geo. Hubbard Blakeslee, Worcester, Mass. Clemson Agricultural College. Walter M. Riggs, Clemson College, S. C. College of the City of New York. Chas. Baskerville, New York City. Guy Edward Snider, New York City. College of Hawai. Frank T. Dillingham, New Haven, Conn. Arthur R. Keller, Boston, Mass. 20 College of the Holy Cross. George L. Coyle, Worcester, Mass . Colorado College. Wm. F. Slocutn, Colorado Springs, Colo. Homer LeRoy Shantz, Washington, D. C. Maurice C. Hall, Langdon, D. C. Colorado School of Mines. Columbia University. John Bassett Moore, New York City. Edmund B. Wilson, New York City. Cornell University. Jacob Gould Schiu-man, Ithaca, N. Y. A. A. Young, Ithaca, N. Y. Delaware College. Samuel C. Mitchell, Newark, Del. George Peabody College for Teachers. Bruce R. Payne, Nashville, Tenn. George Washington University. Chas. H. Stockton, Washington, D. C. Edward Munroe, Washington, D. C. Georgia School of Technology, K. G. Matheson, Atlanta, Ga. Georgetown University. Francis A. Tomdorf, Georgetown University. Grinnell College. J. H. T. Main, Grinnell, Iowa. Charles LeDeuc, Grinnell, Iowa. Paul F. Peck, Grinnell, Iowa. Harvard University. Edwin Francis Gay, Cambridge, Mass. Indiana University. Carl H. Eigenmann, Bloomington, Ind. Iowa State College of Agriculture . Raymond A. Pearson, Ames, Iowa. Johns Hopkins University. Frank J. Goodnow, Baltimore, Md. J. S. Ames, Baltimore, Md. Carl C. Thomas, Baltimore, Md. Kansas State Agricultural College. H. J. Waters, Manhattan, Kans. Wm. N. Jardine, Manhattan, Kans. Kenyon College. Geo. F. Weida, Gambier, Ohio. Wm. F. Peirce, Gambier, Ohio. 21 Knox College, Galesburg, 111. Frank Wenner, Washington, D. C. Lake Forest College. Lafayette College. Edward Hart, Easton, Pa. Jas. T. Rood, Easton, Pa. Albert K. Heckel, Easton, Pa. Lehigh University. Henry Sturgis Drinker, South Bethlehem, Pa. Leland Stanford Jvmior University. Percy A. Martin, Stanford University, Cal. Maryland Agricultural College. H. B. McDonnell, College Park, Md.. J. B. S. Norton, College Park, Md. Massachusetts AgriciUtural College. Kenyon L. Butterfield, Amherst, Mass. Wm. P. Brooks, Amherst, Mass. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Richard C. MacLaurin, Boston, Mass. Wm. T. Sedgwick, Boston, Mass. Miami University. R. M. Hughes, Oxford, Ohio. Edgar E. Brandon, Oxford, Ohio. Michigan College of Mines. N. S. Osborne, Washington, D. C. Middlebury College. C. Ford Langworthy, Washington, D. C. Geo. R. Wales, Washington, D. C. Mississippi Agricultiu^al and Mechanical College. W. F. Hand, Agricultural College, Miss. Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts. J. M. Hamilton, Bozeman, Mont. F. B. Linfield, Bozeman, Mont. Montana State School of Mines. Theodore Simons, Butte, Mont. Mount Holyoke College. Cornelia M. Clapp, South Hadley, Mass. Abby H. Turner, South Hadley, Mass. New Hampshire Agricultural and Mechanical College. Fred Rasmussen, Durham, N. H. New Mexico School of Mines. T. C. MacKay, Socorro, N. Mex. Northwestern University. Henry Crew, Chicago, 111. John Harper Long, Chicago, 111. 22 Oberlin College. Karl F. Geiser, Oberlin, Ohio. Ohio Wesleyan University. George Oswin Higley, Delaware, Ohio. Oregon Agricultural College. William J. Kerr, Corvallis, Oreg. Princeton University. Philip Marshall Brown, Princeton, N. J. William Berryman Scott, Washington, D. C. Radcliffe College. Miss Frances Gardiner Davenport, Washington, D. C. Miss Mabel Colcord, Washington, D. C. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. William Pitt Mason, Troy, N. Y. Rhode Island .State College. Howard Edwards, Kingston, R. I. Richmond College. F. W. Boatwright, Richmond, Va. Eugene C. Bingham, Richmond, Va. Rose Polytechnic Institute. C. Leo Mees, Terre Haute, Ind. John White, Terre Haute, Ind. Rutgers College. Jacob G. Lipman, New Brunswick, N. J. Alfred A. Titsworth, New Bnmswick, N. J. Smith College. F. Stuart Chapin, Northampton, Mass. South Dakota State College of Ancient and Modem Arts. E. C. Chilcott, Brookings, S. Dak. David Griffiths, Brookings, S. Dak. South Dakota State School of Mines. Cleophas C. O'Harra, Rapid City, S. Dak. State College of Washington. C. V. Piper, Washington, D. C. ate University of Iowa. Paul Skeels Peirce, Iowa City, Iowa. Frank Edward Horack, Iowa City, Iowa. Stevens Institute of Technology. Alfred Goldsborough Mayer, Washington, D. C. Joseph S. McCoy, Washington, D. C. St. Louis University. John L. Gipprich, Washington, D. C. St. Stephens College. John C. Robertson, Annandale, N. Y. Robert G. Robb, Annandale, N. Y. 23 Swarthmore College. Wm. I. Hull, Swarthmore, Pa. Teachers College. Maurice A. Bigelow, New York City. The Rice Institute. Edgar Odell Lovett, Houston, Tex. Throop College of Technology. James A. B. Scherer, Pasadena, Cal. Trinity College. W. K. Boyd, Durham, N. C. Wm. T. Laprade, Durham, N. C. Trinity College of Hartford. Robert B. Riggs, Hartford, Conn. Frederic W. Carpenter, Hartford, Conn. Tulane University. Morton Aldrich, New Orleans, La. Union College. Charles Alexander Richmond, Schnectady, N. Y. United States Military Academy. Samuel E. Tillman, Princeton, N. J. United States Naval Academy. Ralf Earle, U. S. N., Washington, D. C. W. I. Cluverius, U. S. N., Washington, D. C. University of Alabama. Lee Bidgood, University, Ala. University of Ariz<.»na. R. B. von Klin Smid, Tucson, Ariz. University of Arkansas. H. E. Truax, Washington, D. C. University of California. Benj. Ide \Mieeler, Berkeley, Cal. B. F. Barrows, Berkeley, Cal. University of Chicago. Albert A. Michelson, Chicago, 111. University of Colorado. University of Denver. David Shaw Duncan, University Park, Colo. Francis L. L. Hiller, University Park, Colo. University of Florida. J. R. Benton, Gainesville, Fla. P. H. Rolfs, Gainesville, Fla. E. R. Flint, Gainesville, Fla. University of Georgia. J. P. Campbell, Athens, Ga. L. L. Henderson, Athens, Ga. 24 University of Illinois. Edmund J. James, Urbana, 111. David Kinley, Urbana, 111. University of Maine. Robert J. Aley, Orono, Me. University of Michigan. J. S. Reeves, Ann Harbor, Mich. Wm. J. Hussey, ^\nn Harbor, Mich. James W. Glover, Ann Harbor, Mich. Harry B. Hutchins, Ann Harbor, Mich. University of Montana. Edwin B. Craighead, Missoula, Mont. University of Nebraska. Geo. Elliott Howard, Lincoln, Nebr. University of New Mexico. David R. Boyd, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Roscoe Hill, Albuquerque, N. Mex. University of North Carolina. Edward K. Graham, Chapel Hill, N. C. C. L. Raper, Chapel Hill, N. C. University of North Dakota. Frank L. McVey, University, N. Dak. University of Notre Dame. J. A. Caparo, Notre Dame, Ind. University of Oklahoma. Stratton D. Brooks, Norman, Okla. John Alley, Norman, Okla. University of Oregon. P. L. Campbell, Eugene, Oreg. University of Pennsylvania. Leo S. Rowe, Philadelphia, Pa. University of Pittsburgh. Samuel Black McCormick, Pittsburgh, Pa. J. T. Holdsworth, Pittsburgh, Pa. University of Porto Rico. P. G. Miller, Rio Piedras, P. R. Luis Mufloz Rivera, Washington, D. C. University of Rochester. Herman Leroy Fairchild, Rochester, N. Y, University of South Carolina. A. C. Moore, Columbia, S. C. University of Texas. William R. Manning, Austin, Tex. University of Utah. University of Washington. Vanderveer Curtis, Washington, D. C. University of Wisconsin. R. Van Hise, Madison, Wis. C. K. Leith, Madison, Wis. Chester Lloyd- Jones, Madison, Wis. Ralph Henry Hess, Madison, Wis. Richard Theodore Ely, Madison, Wis. Louis E. Reber, Madison, Wis. University of Wyoming. Aven Nelson, Laramie, Wyo. Laura A. White, Laramie, Wyo. H. C. Dale, Laramie, Wyo. Vassar College. Aaron L. Treadwell, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Virginia Pol>-technic Institute and State Agricultural and Mechan- ical College. R. J. Holden, Blacksburg, Va. Washington and Lee University. Glenn Brovvn, Washington, D. C. W. Taylor Thom, Washington, D. C. Washington University. Francis E. Nipher, St. Louis, Mo. Alexander Suss Langsdorf, St. Louis, Mo. Wesleyan University. William North Rice, Middletov/n, Conn, Walter G. Cady, Middletou-n, Conn. Wellesley College. Miss Louise Sherwood McDowell, Wellesley, Mass. Western Reserve University. Charles F. Thwing, Cleveland, Ohio. Whitman College. • William E. Borah, Washington, D. C. Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Ira N. HoUis, Worcester, Mass. Yale University. Theodore Salisbixry Woolscy, New Haven, Conn. Jas. Farley McClelland, New Haven, Conn. Hiram Bingham, New Haven, Conn. Yale University Law School. G. D. Watrous, New Haven, Conn. Gordon E. Sherman, New Haven, Conn. 26 MTORN TO oLt^^^ USE "^ject to immediate recall. Gaylamount PampHlet '_ Binder i ,«vlord Bros.. Inc. ' Stockton, Calif. U.8.P»t-0tf. ' M 87.34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY