••^■"'f-w*;' v-n ^ ^:''^ a 'J- •XV \\:>- - !eral prayers from " The Face of the Deep," by the late Christina Kossetti, and to Messrs. James Parker &^^ Sons for the use of the extracts from "Annas Domini,' by the same Author. 9!ntic)c of ^ubj'cctjs Adversity or Danger — 7.^, 84, 109, 118, 151, 230, 278,284,288,341,351,358. - Affliction and Suffering — }0, 31, 79,96,98, 14s, 146, 158, 167, 170, 223, 24^, 250, 258, 263, 264, 269, 273; 308. 3'5, 3'<^, 327, 33>, 33^, 345, 35o, 352, 364. Aspiration — 4,8,40, 64, 6=;, 100, 103, 108, no, 116, 122, 125, 127, 134, 144, 147, 148, 154, 162, 168, 179, 181, 189, 197,199,220,240,261,265,266, 270, 281, 290, 296, 302, 308, 320, 328, 329, 346, 360. Conformity to the Will of God — 3, 15, 21, 23, 29, 34,49, 66, 74, 84, 92, loi, 131, 135, 172, 184, 190, 200, 257, 288, 301, 305, 322, 329, ^^9, 342. Courage, Cheerfulness, Strength— i, 10, 18, 33, 88, 95, 102, 133, 142, 145, 151, 176, 177, 179, 191, 205, 230, 237, 246, 247, 275, 280, 283,31 1, 319, 323, 324, 349, 354- ... 3|nDc)t: of g)ubfcct0 IX Confession and Penitence — 13, 23, 32, 57, 61, 63, 67, 69, 75, 77, 81, 83, 87, 106, 112, 113, 115, 117, >30, 133, 137, MO, 157, 160, 175, 188, 208, 224, 254, 268, 300, 304, 330. Consecration and Holiness — 19, }}, 40, 42, 60, 82, 86, 109, 122, 165, 201,206, 226, 238, 242, 244, 266, 272, 275, 300, 310, 322, 330, }}6, 337, 340, 347, 353, 361. Communion of Saints — 3, 25, ^q, 100, 139, 150, 168, 186, 192, 306, 307, 359, Duty— I, 7, 22, 24, 31, 34, 39, 45, 46, 58, 86, 91, 93, 95, 99, n9, >42, 146, 173, 177, 185, 194, 213, 214, 249, 253, 274, 282, 283, 287, 289, 300, 303, 309,314,322,328,339. Faith and Fervor— 8, 16, 25,35, 5',^-, 7^, 105, 1 1 1, 178. Forgiveness and Kindness — 26, 38, 55, 87, 119, 121, 125, 130, 136, 159, 162, 171, 193, 195, 204, 207, 212,225, 227, 232, 251, 286,362. Guidance and Light — 6, 15, 22, 28, 40, 44, 62, 80, 81, 129, 138, 149, 180, 183, 190, 194, 196, 213, 215, 237, 246, 248, 253, 312, 3 > 3, 344- Love of Family, Friends, Mankind — 5, 24, 48, 54, 58, 66, 67, 76, 97, 104, 107,115, 119, 120, 121, 127, 169,183, 193, 203, 216,226,232, 239,249, 263, 269, 285, 286, 296, 297,309, 315, 321,335, 35^, 357, 557. X ^nm of &>ubfectsf Love of God— 16, 17,37, 52, 54, 66, 67, 73, 90, 95, 97,104, 105, 108, 120, 141, 153, 176, 178, 182, 192,195,218, 222, 232,234, 235, 267,287,297, 298, 305, 3«3, 3'5, 3'7, 332, 363- Obedience to God — 5, 7, 16, 20, 26, 55, 60, 91, 97, 109, 123, 135, 140, 143, 178, 182,202,221,-33, 241, 248, 325, 329. Peace and Rest in God — 8, 10, 14, 18, 21, 25, 43, 52,54, 50, 72, 96, 104, 126, 136, 143, 171, 195, 203, 223, 240, 25:;, 260, 284, 314, 318, 302. Purity and Truth — 26,47, 85,99, 103, m, 123, 147, 15s 164, 207, 234, 243, 262, 289, 330. Submission and Resignation — 36, 41, 58, 71, 89, 96, 102, 132, 164, 170,210,219,236,241,252,276, 292, 304, 334, 338, 3^)- Temptation and Trial — 90, 133, 137, 166, 235, 265, 20S. Thanksgiving and Praise — 0, 11, 12, 27, 48, 50, 56, 68,94, 124, 141, 150, 152, 156, 103, 174, 211, 228, 231 , 238, 256, 280, 281, 294, 295, 301, 323, 326, 366. Trust in God— 2, 28, 41, 46, 53, 92, 94, 114, 128, 161, 180, 187, 198, 202, 209, 318, 219, 228, 229, 236, 247, 252, 259, 270, 271 , 277, 293, 299, 321, 333, 34«, 343, 348, }^^, 336, 358, ^6^. ^nm of auti^oriS Aitken, Rev. William Hay Hunter, b. J841— 336 Albrecht, Rev. Bernhard (1569-1636)— 162 Alcuinus, Albinus Flaccus (735-804)— 13 Alford, Rev. Henry (1810-187:)— 26, 54, 60, 90, ^)5> 159, 185. Altar at Home, The 1862—277. Ambrose, St. {-,4o-)Q'])—2S^. Ancient Collect— 35 1 . Andrewes, Bishop Lancelot (1555-1 626)— 1 12, 1 56, 198, 220, 264, 290. Anselm, St. (1033- ' 109)— 17, ^-^> 554- Aquinas, St. Thomas (1225?-! 274)— 42. Arndt, Rev. Johann ( 1555-1 62 1)-37, 87, 04, 212. Arnold, Rev. Gottfried (1665-1714)— » 54- Arnold, Rev. Thomas (1795-1842)— 7, 86, 127. Augustine, St. (354-43o)-2, 52, 57, 61, 75, lo^, ii<^. 138, 160, 182, 196, 222, 256, 278, 312. 3}^^, 344- vi xii 31nDe]t: of 0utl)orfl( Basil, St. (529-379)— 55- Becon, Rev. Thomas (151 1-1570) — 24, 50, Bersier, Rev. Eugene (1831-1889) — 133, 263, 285, 331. Besson, Rev. Charles Jean Baptiste (18 16-1861) — 241. Book of Chrrstian Prayers, A 1578 — 66, 126, Book of Common Prayer, 1549 — 321. Book of Common Prayer, 1626 — 296. Book of Hours, 1865 — 144, 178, 183, 285. Book of Prayers, 1851 — 202, 359. Bright, Rev. William, b. 1824 — 15, 46, 62, 107. Bunsen's Collection — 48, 67. Carpenter, Mary, (1807- 1877) — 43. Channing, Rev. William Ellery (1780-1842) — 323. Collyer, Rev. Robert, b. 1823—187, 228, 229. Coptic Liturgy of St. Cyril — 1 19, 147. Dawson, Rev. George (182 1-1876) — i, 8,28,41, 51, 59, 84, 9«, 97, '•7,123, >29, 143, 149, 155, 161, 167, 189,205,213,223,233,247,259,271, 283,293, 299, 3^9^ 3}}, 341. Doddridge, Rev. Philip (i 702-1 751) — 238. Donne, Rev. John (1573-1031) — 250. idnDer of autljorsf xiii Ellis, Rev. Rufiis (1819-1 885)— 56, 150, 203, 307. Embden, Rev. Joachim (1595-1650) — 59. Erasmus, Desiderius (1467-1536)— 180. Fenelon, Archbishop Fran9ois de la Mothe (1651- 1715)— 29, 132. Foote, Rev. Henry Wilder (1838-1889)— 65, 273, 295, 325, 345, 358. Galilean Sacramentary, A. D. 800 — 60, 263. Gelasian Sacramentary, A.D. 402 or 404 — 10, 85, 91, 114, 140, 161,203,262,284,287,300,304,323, 331,34', 350,355,357. Gothic Missal — 25. Goulburn's Family Prayers — 137. Greek Church — 68, 106, 124, 240. Gregorian Sacramentary, A.D. 590 — 6, 84, 99, 217, 289, 312, 314. Grey, Lady Jane (1537-1554) — 1 18. Habermann, Johann (1516-1590) — 352. Hare, Mrs. Maria (1798-1 870) — 20,67, 173, 201, 261. Henry, Rev. Matthew (1662-1714) — 282. Henry VIII's Primer, 1545 — 27, 94. Hickes' Devotions, 1700 — 216, 284, 322. xiv 31nDr]i* of autljorfif How, Charles (1661-1745)— 82, 135, 153, 298, 329, 366. Hunter's Devotional Services, 1892 — 270, 297. Jacobite Liturgy of St. Dionysius — 104, Jenks, Rev. Benjamin (1646-17 14) — 121, 179, 288 3^A, 324,337, 357- Jerome, St. (345?-42o)— 224. Johnson, Samuel (i 709-1 784) — 22, 77, 146, 208, 248, 302. Kempis, Thomas ^(1379-1471) — 14, 21, 34, 41, 64, 73, 92, 130, 15S, 106, 188, 210, 230, 254, 208, 280, 292, 304, 308, 320, 330, 338, 350, 356. Kepler, Johann (i 571 -1630) — 231. King's Chapel Liturgy, 1831 — 137, 237. Leighton, Archbishop Robert (161 1-1684) — 3^53. Leonine Sacramentary, A. D. 440 — 31, 109, 165, 191, 243, 2S0, 315, 3<^2. Liturgy of St. James (2 J century ? ) — 19, Liturgy of St. Mark (175-254)— Si, 98, 152, 223. Martineau, Rev. James, b. 1805 — 12, 30, 6q, 83, 93, 115, 130, 181, 180, 200,240, 27^, 303, 350. 31nucv of autljorsi xv Martineau's Common Prayer for Christian Worship— 45- Martyn, Rev. Henry (1781-1812)— 31. Matheson, Rev. George, b. 1842-3, 72, 101, 131, 197, 215, 257, 349- Mayer, Rev. Christ.— 242. Melancthon, Rev. Philip (1 497"' 560)— 168. Miller, Rev. James Russell, b. 1840— 31 1. Monsell, Rev. John Samuel Bewley (181 1-1875)— 25. Mozarabic Sacramentary, before A.D. 700—1,22, 24, 62, 80, 102, 136, 171, 190, 269, 328, 354, 363. Nelson, Robert (1656-1715)— '02. New Church Book of Worship, 1876—194, 225, 252. Newman, Cardinal John (1801-1890)— 35, 80, 109, 165, 211, 219, 255, 334, 343- Osgood, Rev. Samuel (1812-1880)— 360. Oxenden, Bishop Ashton (1808- 1892)- 163, 227, 25>, 279,313. Palma, Ludovicus— 244. Paradise for the Christian Soul— 1 n , 1 76, 200, 338. xvi 3intjf r of autljors; Pascal, Blaise (1623- 1 662)— 89. Patrick, Bishop Simon (1626-1707) — 11, 206, 342, 361. Penitent Pilgrim, The, 1641 — 362. Pocket Manual of Prayers, iSoo — 234, 328, Priest's Prayer Book — 1870, 123, 337. Private Devotions, 1560 — 32, 234, 266, 306, 344. Pusey, Rev. Edward Bouverie (1800- 1882) — 10, 18, 36, 49, 74, 88, 97, IDS, 108, 141, 147, 155, 170, 175, 183, 190, 217, 235, 239,267,270, 281, 290, 301,313, 3 « 7, 332. Quirsfeld, Rev. Johann (1641-1686) — 339. Reinhard, Rev. V. R. (i7s-;-i8i2)— 1 10. Ridley, Bishop Nicholas (i500?-i55^)— 151, 246. Ritter, Melchior, 1689 — 260. Roman Breviary — 2, 7, 8, iS, 23, 32, 46, 88, 90, 06, 115, 122, 142, 145, 177, 183, 194,202,218, 247, 253, 266, 288, 297, 346. Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1895) — 5, 16, 23, 28, 34, 3^ 40, 48, 55, 58, 63, 66, 70, 81, 89, 92,94,99, >'•, "9, '25, 128, 133, 142, 146, 151, 159, 164, 168, 169, 171, 177, 1S2, 184, 191, 195,207,218,225, 231,237,240, 246,253, 31nurr of autljors; xvii Rossctti, Christina Gcorgina(i 83a- 1895)— Continued 269,281,289, 305, 309, 315, 3->. 329.340, 345, 35', 355, 3^3. Sailer, Rev. Michael (1751-1832)— 174, 272. Sarum Breviary, 1085—6, 26, 44, =^4, 6-5, 71, 9=i, 106, 132, 141, is^, 176, 207, 213, 218, 224, 230, 232, 208, 275, 280, 300, 308, 320, }}o, 347. Scheretz, Rev. S. (i584-i6;9)— 364. Shaftesbury, Antony Ashley Cooper, Earl of (1801- i885)-33- Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-15S6)— 30. Skinner, Rev. James (1818-1882)— 125, 300, 339. Stark, J. F. (1680-1756)— 76, 316. Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894)— 4, 95. Stone, Rev. Thomas Tread well (1801-1895)— 193. Syrian Clementine Liturgy— 195. Taylor, Bishop Jeremy (1613-1667)— 9, 16, 58, 58, 70, f>=,, 107, 114, 128, 140, 178, 202, 214, 274, 294, 310, 320, 340, 348. Tcrsteegen, Gerhard (1697-1769)— 33, 100, 148, 192, 226. Theresa, St. (1515-1583)— 15. xviii 31nOc)c of 3iUt\)0t$ Treasury of Devotion, 1809 — 44, 103, 122, 144, 204, 232,235, 252, 258, 30',347. Vives, LudovicLis, 1578 — 239, 249, 286. Way of Eternal Life, The — 172, 318. Weiss, Rev. S. (1738-1805)— 236,276. Williams, Rev. Rowland (18 18- 1870) — 5,40, 47, 70, 78, 103, 113, 145, 157, 179, 199, 221,243,248, 265,291, 300, 30S 327, 346. Wilson, Bisiiop Thomas (1663-175S)— 53, 7', 9^, 104, 136, 149, 164, 170, 184, 267, 322, 326. Woolman, John (1720-1772)— 245. Zschokke^ Johann Hcinrich (i 771-1848) — 365. Imigljtv^ ^oti/l)ai3e merc^ upon us, who, when troubled with the things that are past, lose fiuth, and life, and courage, and hope. So have mercy upon us, and uphold us, that we, being sustained by a true fiiith that Thou art merciful and forgiving, may go on in the life of the future to keep Thy commandments, to rejoice in Thy bounty, to trust in Thy mercy, and to hope in the eternal life. Grant unto all of us, whatsoever may betide us, to remember ever that it is all of Thy guid- ance, under Thy care, by Thy will ; that so, in darkest days, beholding Thee we may have courage to go on, faith to en- dure, patience to bear, and hopefulness to hold out, even unto the end — Amen. . 1085. Imigfttv^ anu rbrrlasfting 6oD, the Brightness of faithful souls, ^jjL§ fill the world with Thy glory, we pray Thee, and show Thy- self, by the radiance of Thy light, to all the nations of the world, through Jesus Christ, our Lord — Amen. <23cc0orian .;§)acramentarp, ?C. 53. 590. 3|anuar\? t\)t ^cbentl) ^^•^•^••^♦l'•^T lmigl)t\) anu rt)crias?ting ^oo, grant that our wills be ever meekly subject to Thy will, and our hearts be ever honestly ready to serve Thee— Amen. laoman '^Brcliiarp. iloru, grant t!)at m^ t)rart ma^ be truly cleansed and filled with ^ Thy Holy Spirit, and that I may arise to serve Thee, and lie down to sleep in entire confidence in Thee, and submission to Thy will, ready for life or for death. Let me live for the day, not overcharged with worldly cares, but feeling that my treasure is not here, and desiring truly to be joined to Thee in Thy heavenly kingdom, and to those who are already gone to Thee. O Lord, save me from sin, and guide me with Thy Spirit, and keep me in faithful obedi- ence to Thee, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, our Lord— Amen. 9^^.^H>^4.+ 31anuar^ tlje CEigljtt) prant unto us?, 3lniigl)t^ ^oD, of Thy good Spirit, that quiet heart, and that patient lowli- ness to which Thy comforting Spirit comes; that we, being humble to- ward Thee, and loving toward one an- other, may have our hearts prepared for that peace of Thine which passeth under- standing; which, if we have, the storms of life can hurt us but little, and the cares of life vex us not at all; in presence of which death shall lose its sting, and the grave its terror; and we, in calm joy, walk all the days of our appointed time, until our great change shall come — Amen . W^^ ^^^^ ntfrcifull^ grant unto us? ^ I that the lire of Thy love may § burn up in us all things that dis- please Thee, and make us meet for Thy heavenly kingdom — Amen. 3|anuarv tt)r jpintl) + + ^ + ^ + ^ + 9 W^^^ ^o0t merciful anD gracioug; I i^B I God, Thou Fountain of all k-S-^^ mercy and blessing, Thou hast opened the hand of Thy mercy to fill me with blessings, and the sweet effects of Thy loving-kindness. Thou feedest us like a Shepherd, Thou lovest us as a Friend, and thinkest on us per- petually, as a careful mother on her helpless babe, and art exceeding merciful to all that fear Thee. As Thou hast spread Thy hand upon me for a covering, so also enlarge my heart with thankful- ness; and let Thy gracious favors and loving-kindness endure for ever and ever upon Thy servant ; and grant that what Thou hast sown in mercy, may spring up in duty; and let Thy grace so strengthen my purposes that I may sin no more, but walk in the paths of Thy command- ments ; that I, living here to the glory of Thy name, may at last enter into the glory of my Lord, to spend a whole eternity in giving praise to Thy ever- glorious name — Amen. fcremp (ilaplor. ^^gtt me not jseek out of ^\\tt what I can find only in Thee, O Lord, peace and rest and joy and bliss, which abide only in Thine abiding joy. Lift up my soul above the weary round of harassing thoughts to Thy eternal Presence. Lift up my soul to the pure, bright, serene, radiant at- mosphere of Thy Presence, that there 1 may breathe freely, there repose in Thy love, there be at rest from myself, and from all things that weary me ; and thence return, arrayed with Thy peace, to do and bear what shall please Thee — Amen. rpi ^oDf foras^muc!) asf our strength is in Thee, mercifully %M grant that Thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. dPelasian ^acramcntarp, 3C. 5I>. 402. 31anuar^ t\)t (lElctJcntt) -f -f -f -i- 4. + U ltttigl)t^ auD most merciful Father, in whom we live and move and have our being, to whose tender compassion we owe our safety in days past, together with all the comforts of this present life, and the hopes of that which is to come ; we praise Thee, O God, our Creator ; unto Thee do we give thanks, O God our exceeding Joy, who daily pourest Thy benefits upon us. Grant, we be- seech Thee, that Jesus our Lord, the Hope of glory, may be formed in us, in all humility, meekness, patience, content- edness, and absolute surrender of our souls and bodies to Thy holy will and pleasure. Leave us not, nor forsake us, O Father, but conduct us safe through all changes of our condition here, in an unchangeable love to Thee, and in holy tranquillity of mind in Thy love to us, till we come to dwell with Thee, and rejoice in Thee forever— Amen. ^imon patricft (1626-1707). ^2 ^ ^ ^ ^ * + llanuar^ tlje Sijorlftl; Source of llife anu ^trrngtlj 1 many of Thy mercies do we plainly see, and we believe in a boundless store behind. No morning stars that sing together can have deeper call than we for grateful joy. Thou hast given us a life of high vocation, and Thine own breathing in our hearts interprets for us its sacred opportunities. Thou hast cheered the way with many dear affections and glimpses of solemn beauty and everlasting truth. Not a cloud of sorrow, but Thou hast touched with glory : not a dusty atmosphere of care, but Thy light shines through! And, lest our spirits should fail before Thine unattainable perfections. Thou hast set us in the train of Thy saints who have learned to take up the cross of sac- rifice. Let the time past suffice to have wrought our own will, and now make us consecrate to Thine — Amen. ^amt^ jIEtartincflu, 31auuai:^ tt)e ®t)irtccntl) -f -j. 4. ^- 4. 13 Imigljt^ ano merciful ^oO, ttie Fountain of all goodness, who knowest the thoughts of our hearts, we confess unto Thee that we have sinned against Thee, and done evil in Thy sight. Wash us, we beseech Thee, from the stains of our past sins, and give us grace and power to put away all hurtful things ; so that, being delivered from the bondage of sin, we may bring forth worthy fruits of repentance. O eternal Light, shine into our hearts. O eternal Goodness, deliver us from evil. O eternal Power, be Thou our support. Eternal Wisdom, scatter the darkness of our ignorance. Eternal Pity, have mercy upon us. Grant unto us that with all our hearts, and minds, and strength, we may evermore seek Thy f', b^ U)l;ont t\)t mttk are guided in judgment, and light riseth up in darkness for the godly ; grant us, in all our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what Thou wouldest have us to do ; that the Spirit of wisdom may save us from all false choices, and that in Thy light we may see light, and in Thy straight path may not stumble, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. IDitliam "i^riobt. obrm all h^ (Cl)\! tois^om, €> Lord, so that my soul may al- ways be serving Thee as Thou dost will, and not as I may choose. Do not punish me, I beseech Thee, by granting that which I wish or ask, if it offend Thy love, which would alwavs live in me. Let me die to my- self, that so I may serve Thee : let me live to Thee, who in Thyself art the true Life — Amen. ;^t. ^htxt4a (15 15- 1583). c ilorD, m^ aoD, iFountain of 11 all true and holy love ; whc hast made me, and preserved me, that I might love Thee ; give to Thy servant such a love, that whatsoever in Thy service may happen contrary to flesh and blood, I may not feel it ; that humility may be my sanctu- ary, and Thy service the joy of my soul, and death itself the entrance of an eternal life, when 1 may live with Thee, my Strength and my Refuge, my God and everlasting Hope — Amen. !LorD, toljo tallest C^ine oIdit sheep by name, grant, we en- %M treat Thee, that all whom Thou callest by the voice of conscience may straightway arise to do Thy most compassionate will, or abide patiently to suffer it — Amen. Januar:^ tl;e ^mmttmt}) -j- -f- -f- •*• XI ^^M ^oDi ®l)ou art hitti Misftjom, ^^Pl Truth, Bounty, and Blessedness, ^^J the Eternal, the only true Good! My God and my Lord, Thou art my hope and my heart's joy. I confess, with thanksgiving, that Thou hast made me in Thine image, that I may direct all my thoughts to Thee, and love Thee. Lord, make me to know Thee aright, that I may more and more love, and enjoy, and possess Thee. And since, in the life here below, I cannot fully attain this blessedness, let it at least grow in me day by day, until it all be fulfilled at last in the life to come. Here be the knowledge of Thee increased, and there let it be perfected. Here let my love to Thee grow, and there let it ripen ; that my joy being here great in hope, may there in fruition be made perfect — Amen. ^U 2tn0Clm(io33-iio9). 18 ^ ^ ^ ^ + Jauuan? t\)t Cigl)tcmtl^ jorlJt tDitl)out ^t)ee 31 can Do Jp nothing; with Thee I can do all. J Help me by Thy grace, that I fall not ; help me by Thy strength, to resist mightily the very first beginnings of evil, before it takes hold of me; help me to cast myself at once at Thy sacred feet, and lie still there, until the storm be overpast; and, if I lose sight of Thee, bring me back quickly to Thee, and grant me to love Thee better, for Thy tender mercy's sake — Amen. rant unto usf, toe bcs^fccl) Cljcr, O Almighty God, that we, who seek the shelter of Thy protec- tion, being defended from all evils, may serve Thee in peace and quiet- ness of spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. Roman ^rcbiarp. 31anuac^ t\)t j^inctenttl) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^A9 ^ot), t\)t i?atl)cr of our ^atiiour I Jesus Christ, whose name is great, whose nature is blissful, whose goodness is inexhausti- ble, God and Ruler of all things, who art blessed forever; before whom stand thou- sands and thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand, the hosts of holy angels and archangels; sanctify, O Lord, our souls and bodies and spirits, search our consciences, and cast out of us every evil thought, every base desire, all envy and pride, all wrath and anger, and all that is contrary to Thy holy will. And grant us, O Lord, Lover of men, with a pure heart and contrite soul, to call upon Thee, our holy God and Father who art in heaven — Amen. 2lituro5 of ^u 3-amEjtf, 2nd Century. 20 + -^ -^ -i- -^ 3ianuar^ t\)t Cixirntiftl) p^^ ^oru, t\)i& isf all ni^ Dcsfire— to I ^B li walk along the path of life that m^^S Thou hast appointed me, even as Jesus my Lord would walk along it, in steadfastness of faith, in meekness of spirit, in lowliness of heart, in gentleness of love. And because out- ward events have so much power in scattering my thoughts and disturbing the inward peace in which alone the voice of Thy spirit is heard, do Thou, gracious Lord, calm and settle my soul by that subduing power which alone can bring all thoughts and desires of the heart into captivity to Thyself All I have is Thine ; do Thou with all as seems best to Thy divine will ; for I know not what is best. Let not the cares or duties of this life press on me too heavily; but lighten my burden, that I may follow Thy way in quietness, filled with thankfulness for Thy mercy, and rendering acceptable service unto Thee — Amen. lUaria l^are. 31anuar^ t\)t Ctomt^^first + * -i- •!• 21 f £posft merciful tlorn, grant to me )] Thy grace, that it may be with '^ me, and labor with me, and per- severe with me even to the end. Grant that 1 may always desire and will that which is to Thee most acceptable, and most dear. Let Thy will be mine, and my will ever follow Thine, and agree perfectly with it. Grant to me, above all things that can be desired, to rest in Thee, and in Thee to have my heart at peace. Thou art the true peace of the heart, Thou its only rest; out of Thee all things are hard and restless. In this very peace, that is, in Thee, the one Chiefest Eternal Good, I will sleep and rest— Amen. 6oD, toitl) Ml)om 10 tt)e IjdcU of life, and in Whose light we see ^^^ light; increase in us, we be- seech Thee, the brightness of Divine knowledge, whereby we may be able to reach Thy plenteous fountain; impart to our thirsting souls the draught of life, and restore to our darkened minds the light from heaven — Amen. ^03arabic, befocc 700 2C. ©, Imigljtv aoD, our tjratifnl^ Father, without Whose help labor is useless, without Whose light search is vain, invigorate my studies, and direct my inquiries, that I may, by due diligence and right dis- cernment, establish myself and others in Thy holy faith. Take not, O Lord, Thy Holy Spirit from me ; let not evil thoughts have dominion in my mind. Let me not linger in ignorance, but enlighten and support me, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ;^amuEl Jpljnjson. Ua^jlA 14 i^<^*^^ /9/2, nA 3Ianuar^ t\)t tE^toent^ t^irD -f -i- -i- -j- 23 ^oUt Ml)o art faitl)ful anti fus^t to forgive us our sins, mercifully grant unto us that we may be delivered from the bondage of our sins, and may one day rejoice in per- fect liberty in our very Fatherland, which is in heaven — Amen. Boman *2B«taiarp» p^^ tloru, in M!)om is; our \)opc, i ffi I remove far from us, we pray k^A Thee, empty hopes and pre- sumptuous confidence. Make our hearts so right with Thy most holy and loving heart, that hoping in Thee we may do good ; until that day when faith and hope shall be abolished by sight and possession, and love shall be all in all— Amen. Cbrij5"tina a. ii\o?sctti. 24 -^ *^ -^ 3ianuar^ t\)t Ciumt^^fourtl) rant, ^ Ijrabenl^ f?u\)tx, tljat we may so faithfully believe in ^^^ Thee, and so fervently love one another, alway living in Thy fear, and in the obedience of Thy holy law and blessed will, that we, being fruitful in all good works, may lead our life according to Thy good pleasure in this transitory world and, after this frail and short life, obtain the true and im- mortal life, where thou livest and reign- est, world without end — Amen. Cboma^ <25ccon ( 1 5 1 1 - 1 567). [((iili'J P'^''^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ courts of Thine ^Si house, and to show forth to the faithful the fragrance of good works, and the example of a godly life, through Thy mercy and grace — Amen. 4Hao3arat)ic ;^acramcntar?, before 700 3C. ©. 31anuar^ tt)e tEtoent^^fiftl) ^ -f •^ -i- 25 \\nmW ano cucilastius aoD, Who dost enkindle the tlame of Thy love in the hearts of the saints, grant unto us the same faith and power of love ; that, as we re- joice in their triumphs, we may profit by their examples, through Jesus Christ our Lord— Amen. . tEtjou, tDitl) 35 eact) me, . 1085. Lorti our 6oD, tcaclj u0, toe bc^ seech Thee, to ask Thee aright ^Jl for the right blessings. Steer Thou the vessel of our life to- ward Thyself, Thou tranquil Haven of all storm-tossed souls. Show us the course wherein we should go. Renew a will- ing spirit within us. Let Thy Spirit curb our wayward senses, and guide and en- able us unto that which is our true good, to keep Thy laws, and in all our works evermore to rejoice in Thy glorious and gladdening Presence. For Thine is the glory and praise from all Thy saints for ever and ever — Amen. ^t. ^asil, ?c. ©. 379 ilorD, our Ucfugc from tlje storm, hide us, we entreat t^ Thee, in Thine own Presence from the provoking of all men. By Thy holy love and fear, keep us from sins of temper and of the tongue — Amen. (ilbtiptina »©. Boppetti. 56 •^ -i* •^ •!• jrebmar^ t^t ^isytnt^Mft^ ^a^ toe lift our \)tm& to ^Ijce tljis: IIJ day in great thankfulness, hum- ^ bly acknowledging Thy mercy and Thy truth, Thy large and tender providence, Thy nearness to us at all times. Thy Spirit of Wisdom and Might and Peace, the works and the joys and the discipline of earth which Thou dost appoint, the promises that lay hold of things to come. O Spirit of all grace and benediction, Father of our dear Lord and Saviour, coming to us in Him and in His, Creator of these dying bodies. Life and Light of these undying souls, Thy gifts are new upon us every morning. May Thy great love redeem us ; and from the light of a true life below may we pass at length into that Presence where there is fullness of joy and abundance of peace forever — Amen. ifebruar? tlje ^Ttocnti^.^irtlj -j- •^ -^ 57 ^ JLorD, m^ ^013, !ligl)t of t\)t I blind and Strength of the weak; ^ yea, also, Light of those that see, and Strength of the strong ; hearken unto my soul, and hear it crying out of the depths. O Lord, help us to turn and seek Thee ; for Thou hast not forsaken Thy creatures qs we have forsaken Thee, our Creator. Let us turn and seek Thee, for we know Thou art here in our hearts, when we confess to Thee, when we cast ourselves upon Thee, and weep in Thy bosom, after all our rugged ways ; and Thou dost gently wipe away our tears, and we weep the more for joy ; because Thou, Lord, who madest us, dost remake and comfort us. Hear, Lord, my prayer, and grant that I may most entirely love Thee, and do Thou rescue me, O Lord, from every temptation, even unto the end— Amen. ^u Ku0Uj5tme (354-430). 58 •{• -i- ifebmar^ t\)t ^\x}mt^^$t\ymt\) I j^gj J Thee, our delight. Plant in our m.^&m hearts love which is the fulfilling of the law. Teach us to love Thee with our whole will and being, and our neighbor as ourselves. Keep us from dividing Thy commandments into great and small, according to our own blind estimate ; but give us grace hum- bly to acknowledge that whoso trans- gresseth in one point is guilty of the whole law — Amen. •Cbristina ^. ttosactti. |uiDc luf, ^ i,orD, in all t\)t changes and varieties of the world ; that in all things that shall happen, I may have an evenness and tranquillity of spirit ; that my soul may be wholly resigned to Thy divinest will and pleasure, never mur- muring at Thy gentle chastisements and fatherly correction — Amen. iFebmar^ t\)t Ctomtii^ngtjtt) -f •^ + 59 ^^raut tisf grace to rest from all fiS^ sinful deeds and thoughts, to g surrender ourselves wholly unto Thee, and to keep our souls still before Thee like a still lake ; that so the beams of Thy grace may be mirrored therein, and may kindle in our hearts the glow of faith and love and prayer. May we, through such stillness and hope, fmd strength and gladness in Thee, O God, now and forever more — Amen. Joacbim C'mbticn (1595-1650). j|o fill usf toitlj tri)i^ Spirit, (D Lord, that we, passing from one thing to another, may go from strength to strength ; every- where full of thy praise, everywhere full of Thy work, finding the joy of the Lord to be our strength, until the time when the work of this world shall close, and the weary hours shall come to an end, and darkness shall come, and our eyes shall rest for a while ; then give us an abundant entrance into the life eternal, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. 60 T -i- + i^rbmar^ t\)t Cinntt^miiul) tbe mr t OD LorD, purity of lip0, a clean and innocent heart, humil- ity, fortitude, patience. Give me the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and strength, the Spirit of knowledge and godliness, and of Thy fear. Make me ever to seek Thy face with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind ; grant me to have a contrite and humble heart in Thy presence. Most high, eternal, and inef- fable Wisdom, drive away from me the darkness of blindness and ignorance ; most high and eternal Strength, deliver me ; most high and eternal Light, illu- minate me ; most high and infinite Mercy, have mercy on me — Amen. C3aflican .^^acramcntacp, 2C. ©. Soo. ilortJ, giuf us tijt grace of tTIn' Spirit, early to seek out, and evermore earnestly to follow the work which Thou hast appointed for us to do — Amen. l*?cnrp JClforb. £parcl) t\)c irirst + + ^. + + + + + ^.01 C)olv Spirit, ilobc of CCOnD |car usf, <0 ncticDfailing tligljt, Lord our God, the Fountain of light, the Lightof Thine Angels, Principalities, Powers, and of all intelligent beings ; who hast created the light of Thy Saints. May our souls be lamps of Thine, kindled and illuminated by Thee. May they shine and burn with the truth, and never go out in darkness and ashes. May the gloom of sins be cleared away, and the light of perpetual faith abide within us — Amen. 4!Kl03arabic, before 31. 5?. 700. ^^ €>oDt t\}t g^obcrrign . llossctti. 6oD, t\)t Source of perfect blessedness, who dost teach Thy fiiithful ones to walk in Thy laws, to search Thy testimonies, to keep Thy commands ; grant unto us, we beseech Thee, Thy righteousness, that we may seek Thee with our whole hearts ; that we, who hitherto have wan- dered like lost sheep, restored by Thy kind arms, may rejoice in the glories of Paradise, through Jesus Christ Thy Son — Amen. <§)anim "iSretJiarp, ?C. 35. 1085. 64-^ + + + + + -^ £parc!) tl)e irourtt) OTil! s^a^ unto m^ ^otj, nt^ I Lord, and my King, ''Ohow great is the abundance of Thy goodness, O Lord, which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee." But what art Thou to those who love Thee? What to those who serve Thee with their whole heart ? In this espe- cially Thou hast showed me the sweet- ness of Thy love ; that, when I was not, Thou madest me, when I went far astray from Thee, Thou broughtest me back again, that I might serve Thee, and hast commanded me to love Thee. I would I were able, at least for one day, to do Thee some worthy service. Truly, Thou art my Lord, and I Thy servant, who am bound to serve Thee with all my might ; and this I wish to do, this I desire ; and whatsoever is wanting unto me, do Thou, I beseech Thee, vouchsafe to sup- ply — Amen. (iCbomas a iumpi^. infinite anD i}o\^ (Dnc, toljom we know as our Father and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we devoutly thank Thee for the mercy that created us from the dust, and for the greater mercy that has created us anew by a heavenly adoption as Thy children. For the undying yearnings, which Thou hast implanted in us, after things unseen, — for their satisfaction in Thyself, we thank Thee; and we rejoice that Thou hast been willing to encour- age our frail and mortal spirits, by re- vealing to us something of the perfec- tions of Thy nature, and calling us to follow after Thee. Grant, we pray, that Thy loving-kindness may be fol- lowed by our obedience. And do Thou so confirm our best purposes by renew- ing our sense of Thy presence, that we may both imitate Thy nature, and accept Thy dealings with us in the spirit of childlike trust, and by the help of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. + ^ + + + 4- £parclj tlje ^ixt\) ^ !LorU, tl)e IBortion of our in\)tu I itance, give us grace, I pray g Thee, never to aim at or desire anything out of Thee. What we can enjoy in Thee, give us according to Thy will; what we cannot, deny us — Amen. rant unto us, €> Horn <5ot), tl;at we may love one another un- feignedly; for where love is, there art Thou; and he that lov- eth his brother is born of Thee, and dwelleth in Thee, and Thou in him. And where brethren do glorify Thee with one accord, there dost Thou pour out Thy blessing upon them. Love us, therefore, O Lord, and shed Thy love into our hearts, that we may love Thee, and our brethren in Thee and for Thee, as all children to Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. a.©. 1578. £parcf| tl)t ^etinxtlj •f-f-t-^-f-f-feZ p^^^orDt Ijcar ; tloru, forgitje ; llorD, I do; hear what 1 speak not, for- I give what I speak amiss, do what I leave undone; that, not according to my word or my deed, but according to Thy mercy and truth, all may issue to Thy glory and the good of Thy kingdom — Amen. Imigljtv' auD Ctcmal 6orj, M)o hast revealed Thy nature in Christ Jesus Thy Son as Love: we humbly pray Thee give us Thy Holy Spirit, to glorify Thee also in our hearts as pure Love, and thus con- strain us by Thy Divine power to love Thee again with our whole souls, and our brethren as ourselves ; that so by Thy grace we may be fulfilled with love, and evermore abide in Thee and Thou in us, with all joyfulness, and free from fear or distrust, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. •^Junisen'? CoHection. gg ^ A .t. + -f ^ + + £0arct) t\)t (Bigljt^ Ijgjgv blcs^fif antj prais^e auD magnify Hi Thee, O God of our fathers, who ^^^ hast led us out of the shadows of night once more into the light of day. Unto Thy loving-kindness we make our entreaty; be merciful to our misdeeds; accept our prayers in the ful- ness of Thy compassions, for Thou art our refuge from one generation to an- other, O merciful and almighty God. Suffer the true Sun of Thy righteousness to shine in our hearts, enlighten our reason, and purify our senses; that so we may walk honestly as in the day, in the way of Thy commandments, and reach at last the life eternal, where we shall re- joice in Thy inaccessible life. For Thou art the Fountain of Life, and in Thy light shall we see light— Amen. Orcch Cburcb. Cparcl; tt)C j;^intlj + + + •^•^•^ + +69 m^m g>farct)cr of l)cart0, tEljou |(||l| knowest us better than we l^wj know ourselves, and seest the sins which our sinfulness hides from us. Yet even our own conscience beareth witness against us, that we often slumber on our appointed watch; that we walk not always lovingly with each other, and humbly with Thee; and we withhold that entire sacrifice of ourselves to Thy perfect will, without which we are not crucified with Christ, or sharers in His redemption. Oh, look upon our contrition, and lift up our weakness, and let the dayspring yet arise within our hearts, and bring us healing, strength, and joy. Day by day may we grow in faith, in self-denial, in charity, in heav- enly-mindedness. And then, mingle us at last with the mtghty host of Thy re- deemed for evermore — Amen. %amt^ .iBartincau. !lorrj, perfect, toe bes^eeclj Cljee, the faith of us who believe, and sow the good seed of faith in their hearts who as yet lack it; that we all may look steadfastly unto Thee, and run with patience the race that is set before us. Give us grace to show our faith by our works; teach us to walk by faith, having respect unto the promises: which of Thy mercy make good to us in Thine own good time, O our most Gracious Lord God and Saviour — Amen. Christina «J3. Clossctti. iorD, let llorDt toitlj ^SE Thy grace, and deliver our souls _^§p from the death of sin ; so that, being filled with Thy mercy, we may be united with the joys of the right- eous, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ;^arum 'iSrcUiarp, '?t. 55. 1085. j2 ♦ * * * 4» ♦ £parct) tt)e tlTtDelftl) £P^ ifatt)rr, 31 Ijabe moments; of deep unrest — moments when %^ I know not what to ask by rea- son of the very excess of my wants. I have in these hours no words for Thee, no conscious prayers for Thee. My cry seems purely worldly; 1 want only the wings of a dove that I may flee away. Yet all the time Thou hast ac- cepted my unrest as a prayer. Thou hast interpreted its cry for a dove's wings as a cry for Thee, Thou hast received the nameless longings of my heart as the in- tercessions of Thy Spirit. They are not yet the intercessions of my spirit ; I know not what I ask. But Thou knowest what I ask, O my God. Thou knowest the name of that need which lies beneath my speechless groan. Thou knowest that, because I am made in Thine image, I can find rest only in what gives rest to Thee; therefore Thou hast counted my unrest unto me for righteousness, and hast called my groaning Thy Spirit's prayer— Amen. I), !lorD aoD, tEljou t)ol^ !lobcr of my soul, when Thou comest into my soul, all that is within me shall rejoice. Thou art my Glory and the exultation of my heart ; Thou art my Hope and Refuge in the day of my trouble. Set me free from all evil passions, and heal my heart of all in- ordinate affections; that, being inwardly cured and thoroughly cleansed, I may be made fit to love, courageous to suffer, steady to persevere. Nothing is sweeter than Love, nothing more courageous, nothing fuller nor better in heaven and earth; because Love is born of God, and cannot rest but in God, above all created things. Let me love Thee more than myself, nor love myself but for Thee; and in Thee all that truly love Thee, as the law of Love commandeth, shining out from Thyself— Amen. jj^_^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ £parcl) t\)t jrourtcntt^ S^&£ ^a^raclj me, a> ifatljcr, l^otD to as* Thee each moment, silently, for Thy help. If 1 fail, teach me at once to ask Thee to forgive me. If I am disquieted, enable me, by Thy grace, quickly to turn to Thee. May nothing this day come between me and Thee. May I will, do, and say, just what Thou, my loving and tender Father, wiliest me to will, do, and say. Work Thy holy will in me and through me this day. Protect me, guide me, bless me, within and without, that I may do some- thing this day for love of Thee; some- thing which shall please Thee; and that I may, this evening, be nearer to Thee, though I see it not, nor know it. Lead me, O Lord, in a straight way unto Thy- self, and keep me in Thy grace unto the end — Amen. 4Z, ^23. pujtfep. ^parcl) t\)t Sfitttmt\) 4. + + ^4.^^75 l^notD, <^ llorD, anu no IjDitii all humility acknowledge myself an object altogether unworthy of Thy love; but sure I am, Thou art an object altogether worthy of mine. I am not good enough to serve Thee, but Thou hast a right to the best service I can pay. Do Thou then impart to me some of that excellence, and that shall supply my own want of worth. Help me to cease from ^in according to Thy will, that I may be capable of doing Thee service according to my duty. En- able me so to guard and govern myself, so to begin and finish my course, that, when the race of life is run, I may sleep in peace, and rest in Thee. Be with me unto the end, that my sleep may be rest indeed, my rest perfect security, and that security a blessed eternity — Amen. ^t. $Cu0U3^dne (354-430). 76^^^^^^ cparclj t\)t ^imtnt^ ^§e0t upon u0» (D g)pirit of ^obe, and chase all anger, envy, and g^^^ bitter grudges from our souls. Be our Comforter in trial, when the billows go over our heads; be our Strength in the hour of weakness, and help us to control the desires of the flesh. Let us grow in faith and love, in hope, patience, and humility. See by how many temptations we are surrounded, and preserve us from giving way to them; show us the path wherein we should tread, for if we trust to our own impulses we shall go astray; but if Thou lead us we shall run in the way of Thy commandments. Our hearts lie open be- fore Thee; enter now with Thy rich gifts, strengthen, stablish, settle them. Dwell in them and make them Thy tem- ple, so shall we have the pledge of our sonship, and of our salvation — Amen. %. if. ;^tarft (1680-1756). ^ £parclj t\)t ^tDfnti?.tl)iriJ -f -f -i- -f + 83 6oD, ct3cr blcsscu anu Ijol^ ! none but the angels and Thy redeemed can serve Thee with a perfect joy. Called in our measure to be perfect as Thou art per- fect, we have been most unlike to Thee, and are not worthy to be deemed Thy children. Thirsting with momentary desires, we have forsaken the living springs of heavenly wisdom, of which he that drinketh shall never thirst again. We have been slow to the calls of affec- tion, heedless of the duties, hard under the sorrows, which are Thy gracious dis- cipline ; yet are oppressed with cares Thou layest not on us, with ease Thou dost not permit, and wants Thou wilt never bless. Visit us with the wrest- lings of Thy Spirit : and lay on us the cross, if we may but grow into the holi- ness, of Christ — Amen. 3!ame3^ JlUartincau. 84 * * * * £parcl) t\}t Cinrntv^.fourtlj ilmigljtv <9oD, of Cl)^ fulnr^sf grant to us who need so much, who lack so much, who have so little, wisdom and strength. Bring our wills unto Thine. Lift our understandings into Thy heavenly light ; that we thereby beholding those things which are right, and being drawn by Thy love, may bring our will and our understanding together to Thy service, until at last, body and soul and spirit may be all Thine, and Thou be our Father and our Eternal Friend — Amen. C3cor{jc 5!>att)^on. Imigljtv' aoD, iDl)o sfcst tl)at we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves, keep us both outwardly in our bodies and in- wardly in our souls, that we may be de- fended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. l)ou gracious? antj gmtle anU condescending God, Thou God of peace, Father of mercy, God of all comfort ; see, I lament before Thee the evil of my heart ; I acknowledge that 1 am too much disposed to anger, jealousy, and revenge, to am- bition and pride, which often give rise to discord and bitter feelings between me and others. Too often have I thus offended and grieved both Thee, O long- suffering Father, and my fellow-men. Oh forgive me this sin, and suffer me to partake of the blessing which Thou hast promised to the peacemakers, who shall be called the children of God. Bestow on me, O Lord, a genial spirit and unwearied forbearance ; a mild, lov- ing, patient heart ; kindly looks, pleasant, cordial speech and manners in the inter- course of daily life ; that I may give offence to none, but as much as in me lies live in charity with all men— Amen. 3:obann'?trnDt(i555-»^2i). 88 * ^-^ ^ ^arct) t\)t Ctomt\vngl)tl) 6oD, m^ (Soti, 3! am all malv ness, but Thou art my Strength ; am ever anew bowed down by any trial, but Thou canst and wiliest to lift me up. Let me not fail, O God my Strength; let me not be dis- couraged, O God, my Hope. Draw me each day, if it be but a little nearer unto Thee; make me, each day, if it be but a little less unlike Thee; let me do or bear each day something, for love of Thee, whereby I may be fitter for Thee. Let no day pass without my having done some- thing pleasing unto Thee. Thus alone would I live, that I may live more unto Thee; thus would 1 die, longing to love Thee more — Amen. » ao;9?ctti. tloru, let me not tiencefort^ desire health or life, except to spend them for Thee, with Thee, and in Thee. Thou alone know- est what is good for me; do, therefore, what seemeth Thee best. Give to me, or take from me; conform my will to Thine; and grant that, with humble and perfect submission, and in holy confi- dence, I may receive the orders of Thine eternal Providence; and may equally adore all that comes to me from Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord— Amen. 'iSiai^e pa?caUi623-i662). QQ ^ ^ ^ ^ i, i. cparct) t\)t ^\)ittitt\) §loro, sfuccor, ijoe be^eeclj €^l)ee, i| I us who are tempted. May noth- gj ing induce us to distrust Thy care over us, nor to use Thy gifts to the denial of Thee, their Giver. May we never presume upon Thy pro- tection when we are forsaking Thy paths, and tempting Thee. May we never, for the sake of any supposed gain or ad- vancement, quench the testimony of Thy Spirit, or prove disloyal to Thy ser- vice. Do Thou so support us in all temptations that, when we have been tried, we may receive the crown of life, which Thou hast prepared for them that love Thee — Amen. ^ 6oD, ttie aiitljor of peace anrj i I Lover of concord, grant unto us ^ to be so firmly established in the love of Thyself, that no trials whatsoever may be able to part us from Thee — Amen. 0oman <23rctaiarp. e bmttl) ^\)tt, ^ !lorD, make us subject unto Thee with a ready will, and evermore stir up our wills to make supplication unto Thee— Amen. eclasian, ?C. ©. 492. Imtgljt^ aoD» £pabcr of Ijcaben and earth, Giver of light and life, so teach us those things which belong to the heavenly king- dom, and those duties which are of the earth, that we, stirred by the light and life of the peace of God, may be enabled faithfully to do the things committed to us, looking ever unto Thee for light and life, that, being lifted above our- selves, the life of God in the soul of man may be ours, and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, may then keep our hearts and minds, through Jesus Christ our Lord— Amen. George oD, the knowledge of Thy way, and the spirit of obedience thereunto, that, being conformed in thought and words unto Thy way, Thy peace may rule in our hearts. Help us to cast out all those things which are contrary to Thy peace, or that are not according to Thy will, that so ours may be the quiet life of trust, and faith, and obedience, living lowly, longing for Thy truth, and walking in the light thereof, that Thy blessing may be upon us, and the light of Thy countenance our perpetual de- light. Hear us of Thy mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. 98•^•^.•^4►**4•♦ Siptil tljc ^ebent^) n I O Thou Lover of mankind, to I bless all Thy people, the flocks of Thy fold. Send down into our hearts the peace of heaven, and grant us also the peace of this life. Give life to the souls of all of us, and let no deadly sin prevail against us, or any of Thy people. Deliver all who are in trouble, for Thou art our God, who settest the captives free ; who givest hope to the hopeless, and help to the helpless ; who liftest up the fallen ; and who art the Haven of the shipwrecked. Give Thy pity, pardon, and refreshment to every Christian soul, whether in affliction or error. Preserve us, in our pilgrimage through this life from hurt and danger, and grant that we may end our lives as Christians, well-pleasing to Thee and free from sin, and that we may have our por- tion and lot with all Thy saints — Amen. 2liturop of ^t, M^xh (1 75--54 ^). |it3e us; grace, oli, Sih mighty Ruler, who dost make the da}' bright with Thy sun- shine, and the night with the beams of heavenly fires! Listen now to our prayers, and forgive us both our con- scious and unconscious transgressions. Clothe us with the armour of righteous- ness; shield us with Thy truth; watch over us with Thy power; save us from all calamity; and give us grace to pass all the days of our life, blameless, holy, peaceful, free from sin, terror, and of- fence. For with Thee is mercy and plenteous redemption, our Lord and God, and to Thee we bring our thanks and praise — Amen. ^ Lort), Ijrar inv pravcr, fulfil m^ desire to my good, and to the praise of thy holy name — Amen. ;^arum ^rctoiarn, ?C.©. 1085. jfar our pva^n^, # !LorD, auD consider our desires. Give unto us true humility, a meek and quiet spirit, a loving and a friendly, a holy and a useful manner of life; bearing the burdens of our neigh- bors, denying ourselves, and studying to benefit others, and to please Thee in all things. Grant us to be righteous in per- forming promises, loving to our relatives, careful of our charges; to be gentle and easy to be entreated, slow to anger, and readily prepared for every good work — Amen. JcrmiP Canlor (1013-1667). ilorD, grant all loljo contcnD for the faith, never lo injure it by clamor and impatience; but, speaking Thy precious truth in love, so to present it that it may be loved, and that men may see in it Thy good- ness and beauty — Amen. I©iniam *25ri0bt. i X08 •^ -I- -J- 4. •!♦ april t\)t ^t\ytnttmt\) ^^^ontt, (D ^orD, in mucl) mrrc^ down into my soul, and take possession and dwell there. A homely mansion, I confess, for so glorious a Majesty, but such as Thou art fitting up for the reception of Thee, by holy and fervent desires of Thine own inspiring. Enter then, and adorn, and make it such as Thou canst inhabit, since it is the work of Thy hands. Give me Thine own self, without which, though Thou shouldst give me all that ever Thou hast made, yet could not my desires be satisfied. Let my soul ever seek Thee, and let me persist in seeking, till I have found, and am in full possession of Thee — Amen. ;^t. ?luflugtine (354-430). ^05t lotting tioru, gibe me a ' All childlike love of Thee, which ^ may cast out all fear — Amen. ^ott), 31 %i\)t mi)0clf to ®l)ee, I trust Thee wholly. Thou art '^M wiser than I — more loving to me than I myself. Deign to fulfil Thy high purposes in me whatever they be — work in and through me. I am born to serve Thee, to be Thine, to be Thy instrument. Let me be Thy blind instrument. I ask not to see — I ask not to know — I ask simply to be used — Amen. 3:obn i^cnrp |fic\jjman. \totttu ^ iloru, a>lj^ 0uppUantfift support their weakness, and wash away their earthly stains ; and while they walk amid the darkness of this mortal life, do Thou ever quicken them by Thy light; deliver them in Thy mercy ifrom all evils, and grant them to attain the height of good : through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. Hconinc ;$)acramentarp, 2C. ©. 440. 110 •!• ♦i- -J- -^ * * aipril tl)e jl^inttrnttl) ^cconrpli0l; Cl)^ perfect toortt in our souls, O Father; let us be- come day by day purer, freer, more heavenly, more happy, and preserve us unto eternal life. Bless, animate, and sustain us, and raise us mightily above all that would distract us, to Thyself and the consciousness of Thy fellowship which gives joy to all who dwell therein. As yet we are bound with many chains; we tarry among things seen and temporal, and feel their oppression; we are exposed to the storms of the outer world, and are wrestling with its ills. But we are not dismayed, for we are more than earth and dust, we are akin to Thee, O Spirit of the Lord, and can experience Thy heavenly influence. Unite us ever more closely to the company of f-iithful hearts whom Thou art sanctifying and prepar- ing for heaven; fill us with their faith and love and hope — Amen. p. B. BcmbarD (1753-1812). april t\)C CtDcntirtl; + + + + + + XU ilort), t\)t ilorD M)o&c lija^s? are right, keep us in Thy mercy from lip-service and empty forms; from having a name that we live, but being dead. Help us to worship Thee by righteous deeds and lives of holiness; that our prayer also may be set forth in Thy sight as the in- cense, and the lifting up of our hands be as an evening sacrifice — Amen. linDle in us; tljc i?irc of Cl;^ Love; help Thou our weak- ness, that, strengthened in Thee and by Thee, we may take heed by good works to make our calling sure. Whatsoever our hand findeth to do, may we straightway do it, with the desire to please Thee only, and then be Thou our exceeding great Reward — Amen. pacaDiitfc for tbe Chnsmn .:^oui. I Xt2 4^ 4» 4^ 4^ -f ^pril ttie ^\3}tnt^Mm nu notD, ilortJ, lutjat is? m^ tjope? Truly, rny hope is even in Thee. ^ Though 1 walk through the vnl- ley of the shadow of death, yet I will fear no evil. Lord, Thou knowest whereof we be made ; Thou remember- est that we are but dust. I am Thine, Oh, save me ! Behold, O Lord, how that 1 am Thy servant, and the son of Thine handmaid. Thine unprofitable servant ; yet Thy servant. Thy lost prodigal child, yet Thy child. Into Thy hands 1 commend myself as unto a faith- ful Creator. Lord, I am created in Thine own image. Suffer not Thine own image to be utterly defaced, but renew it again in righteousness and true holi- ness. Into Thine hands I commend my- self, for Thou hast redeemed me, Thou God of Truth — Amen. Lancelot 2CnDrct»e]i (1555-1626). april tt)C CiDcnt^.sfccouD + •{• + + U3 "^ pity on Thy child, and bring his steps into the way of peace. Thou that knowest our thoughts, make Thyself known to our hearts ; Thou, that art from everlasting, let us behold Thy truth. Hast Thou not made our souls in Thy likeness ? Take away stain from the glass, and let us be- hold in it Thine image. When Thou wiliest, Thy word goeth forth ; Thou breathest forth Thy love, and our souls are joined to Thee. Take away from me shame and rebuke ; renew in me Thy strength, and show me the way of peace. Turn me again, and I shall be turned ; take away the darkness which hideth Thee, and in the light of the liv- ing God let me see light— Amen. 0lmigl)t^ 6oD ! external ^rea0.- ure of all good things ! Thou ^^ fillest all things with plenteous- ness; Thou clothest the lilies of the field, and feedest the young ravens that call upon Thee. Let Thy Provi- dence be my store-house, my own ne- cessities the measures of my desire; but never let my desires of this world be greedy, nor my labor immoderate, nor my care vexatious and distracting; but moderate, holy, subordinate to Thy will, the measure Thou hast appointed for me — Amen. Sicrcmp (iCaplor(i 613-1007). |rant us, , \)t\p u0 to put away all bitterness and wrath and evil-speaking, with all mal- ice. May we possess our souls in patience, however we are tempted and provoked, and not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good. En- able us, O God of patience, to bear one another's burdens, and to forbear one an- other in love. Oh, teach and help us all to live in peace and to love in truth, fol- lowing peace with all men and walking in love, as Christ loved us, of whom let us learn such meekness and lowliness of heart that in Him we may find rest for our souls. Subdue all bitter resentments in our minds, and let the law of kindness be in our tongues, and a meek and quiet spirit in all our lives. Make us so gentle and peaceable that we may be followers of Thee as dear children, that Thou, the God of peace, mayest dwell with us for- evermore — Amen. <523cniamm 3^enft^ (1646-1724). 122 ^--f-f-f-f-f-f-f^ £pa^ ctje Sfit&t aoD, tDlfto art tE^b^^elf tlie tx^ ceeding great Reward of all faithful souls, grant unto us to advance daily to the utmost of our power in godliness, so that we, seeking ever that which is more perfect, may happily attain unto Thine everlast- ing glory — Amen. Jfioman <25rcWarp. ailmigl)t^ ^oD, tnit^out toljom we can do nothing, I firmly re- solve before Thee to follow more closely the rule of Thy will ; to amend my ways ; to attend more diligently to the duties of my call- ing ; to avoid all sin, and its occasions. Do Thou, who givest me the will, give me also the power to accomplish it. Grant what Thou commandest, and command what Thou wilt; that so I may live righteously in this present world, and in the world to come may praise Thee eternally — Amen. («Ireasiurp of 5BetJotion. ^a^ ttje ^ecouti ♦^ ^ -f -f- -j- ♦^ -f •^ 123 £pos:t merciful anti gracious God, we beseech Thee to hear 1^^^ our prayers, and to deliver our hearts from the temptation of evil thoughts, that, by Thy goodness, we may become a fitting habitation for Thy Holy Spirit — Amen. priest'? prapcr 'iSooft. Iltttisljt^ ^oDt tDljo art obcr all things, Life of all life, — stir in M our souls, that we, being moved by Thy Spirit, may see those things which are fairest and truest in life, and clinging thereunto, be enabled to get the victory over that which is mean and base ; that so at last, all evil passion and unholy desire, all self-will and con- trariness to Thee, may be overcome, and we come at last to that sublime state of willing obedience, when Thy will shall be in us supreme. Of Thy mercy hear us, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. George 55atoj5on. 124 '^•i.♦^•^♦^♦^♦^♦^ £0n^ tlje ®i)irD ,^ !Lorti our ^oD, tDt)o !)as^t biutjm I the light to shine out of dark- ness, who hast again wakened us to praise Thy goodness and ask for Thy grace : accept now, in Thy endless mercy, the sacrifice of our wor- ship and thanksgiving, and grant unto us all such requests as may be whole- some for us. Make us to be children of the light and of the day, and heirs of Thy everlasting inheritance. Remember, O Lord, according to the multitude of Thy mercies, Thy whole Church ; all who join with us in prayer ; all our brethren by land or sea, or wherever they may be in Thy vast kingdom, who stand in need of Thy grace and succour. Pour out upon them the riches of Thy mercy, so that we, redeemed in soul and body, and steadfast in faith, may ever praise Thy wonderful and holy name — Amen. <5xtth €\)md). ^ ILortit because htixiQ conipasf^eD with infirmities we oftentimes ^ sin and ask pardon, help us to forgive as we would be for- given; neither mentioning old offences committed against us, nor dwelling upon them in thought, nor being influenced by them in heart: but loving our brother freely as Thou freely lovest us — Amen. Ctri^tina 45. Jlo^^ettu I to pour down upon me such ^ grace as may not only cleanse this life of mine, but beautify it a little, if it be Thy will, — before I go hence and am no more seen. Grant that I may love Thee with all my heart and soul and mind and strength, and my neighbor as myself— and that I may per- severe unto the end ; through Jesuc Christ — Amen. %Bmzi ^hinntx (1818-1882). 126 ^.^^♦4'*-f'f ^a^ t\)t jfitt^ ;otl)mg, <^ ilorD, is? liker to tCl)^ J holy nature than the mind that y is settled in quietness. Thou hast called us into that quietness and peace of Thine, from out of the tur- moils of this world, as it were, from out of storms into a haven; which is such a peace as the world cannot give, and as passeth all capacity of man. Grant now, O most merciful Father, that, through Thine exceeding goodness, our minds may yield themselves obedient unto Thee without striving ; and that they may qui- etly rise into that sovereign rest of Thine above. Grant that nothing may disturb or disquiet them here beneath; but that all things may be quiet and calm through that peace of Thine — Amen. 2t ^ooh of <:!)n?tian prapcr?, 2t.5D. 1578. ^a^ t\)t ^ixt\) ^'hi'^i^^^^ 127 (3tmon& iratl)er, keep me through Thy Holy Spirit; keep ^ my heart soft and tender now in health and amidst the bustle of the world ; keep the thought of Thy- self present to me as my Father in Jesus Christ; and keep alive in me a spirit of love and meekness to all men, that I may be at once gentle and active and firm. O strengthen me to bear pain, or sickness, or danger, or whatever Thou shalt be pleased to lay upon me, as Christ's soldier and servant; and let my faith overcome the world daily. Perfect and bless the work of Thy Spirit in the hearts of all Thy people, and may Thy kingdom come, and Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. I pray for this, and for all that Thou seest me to need, for Jesus Christ's sake — Amen. (^\)(ima^ SCrnolti. 12S ^ -i^ 'i^ -i- -i- -i- -i- £133^ t\)t ^CtlCnt^) Ik '^B ;5 Thee fast, and by love to cleave fetfS^:^ steadfastly unto Thee, our ever- present Aid. We entreat Thee, when Thy Providences are dark to our eyes strengthen our faith ; and whatever portion Thou allottest to us, give us grace to say, It is enough — Amen. f^^ t. ?Cu0U8tine (354-430), ^a^ t\}t Cig^tcentl) •^•{'•f•^•i•♦^139 ^oti, our (I];t3erlibmg Eefuge 1 g,^ .. With grateful hearts we lay at li-B^ Thy feet the folded hours when Thou knowest us but we know not Thee; and with joy receive from Thy hand once more our open task and conscious communion with Thy life and thought. Day by day liken us more to the spirits of the departed wise and good ; and fit us in our generation to carry on their work below till we are ready for more perfect union with them above. And if ever we faint under any appointed cross and say, 'Mt is too hard to bear," may we look to the steps of the Man of Sorrows toiling on to Cal- vary, and pass freely into Thy hand, and become one with Him and Thee. Dedi- cate us to the joyful service of Thy will ; and own us as thy children in time and in eternity — Amen. f amcjS 3]Bartmcau. 140 ^ ^ ♦ ^ ^ ^ £pa^ t^t 0ntttmtl^ lmigl)t^ €)oti, irat^er of mrrciesf. be pleased to work in me what Thou hast commanded should be in me. Give me, O Lord, the grace of an earnest sorrow, — turn my sin into repentance, and let my re- pentance proceed to pardon; and teach me so diligently to watch over all my actions that I may never transgress Thy holy laws willingly, but that it may be the work of my life to obey Thee, the joy of my soul to please Thee, and the perfection of my desires to live with Thee in the kingdom of Thy grace and glory — Amen. Jeremy Caplor (1613-1667). ^ou, tlje ilife of t\)t faitl)ftil, t\)t Bliss of the righteous : mercifully tSM receive the prayers of thy sup- pliants, that the souls which thirst for thy promises may evermore be filled from thine abundance, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. <5ela!9ian, 31. 55. 492. ^oUt m^ ^otJt gibe me a lieart to thank Thee; lift up my heart above myself, to Thee and Thine eternal throne; let it not linger here among the toils and turmoils of this lower world; let it not be oppressed by any earth-born clouds of care or anxiety or fear or suspicion; but bind it wholly to Thee and to Thy love; give me eyes to see Thy love in all things, and Thy grace in all around me; make me to thank Thee for Thy love and Thy grace to all and in all; give me wings of love, that 1 may soar up to Thee, and cling to Thee, and adore Thee, and praise Thee more and more, until 1 be fitted to enter into the joys of Thine everlasting love, everlastingly to love Thee and Thy grace, whereby Thou didst make me such as Thou couldest love, such as could love Thee, O God, my God— Amen. i?aitl)ful tlorUt grant to usf, 31 pray Thee, faithful hearts de- voted to Thee, and to the ser- vice of all men for Thy sake. Fill us with pure love of Thee, keep us steadfast in this love, give us f^iith that worketh by love, and preserve us faith- ful unto death — Amen. CbrijJtina dB. Vio^^mi* Imig^t^ anu merciful ^oD, toljo dost grant unto Thy faith- ful people the grace to make every path of life temporal the straight and narrow way which leadeth unto life eternal, grant that we, who know that we have no strength as of ourselves to help ourselves, and therefore do put all our trust in Thine Almighty power, may, by the assistance of Thy heavenly grace, always prevail in all things, against whatsoever shall arise to fight against us ; through Jesus Christ — Amen. g>t)epl)cru of tl;e fS\)tt}?, Mjo didst promise to carry the lambs in Thine arms, and to lead us by the still waters, help us to know the peace which passeth under- standing. Give us to drink that heav- enly draught which is life, the calm patience which is content to bear what God giveth. Have mercy upon us, and hear our prayers. Lead us gently when we pass through the valley of the shadow of death. Guide us, till at last, in the assembly of Thy saints, we may find rest forevermore — Amen. ^oD, of sfurpas^sfing goounes^sf, whom the round world with one voice doth praise for Thy sweet benignity; we pray Thee to remove from us all error, that so we may perform Thy will ; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ^arum "^BrctJiarp, K, 5B. 1085. 144 ♦!• -f •{• •!• -f £pa^ tlje ^toent^.t^irD J^ol^ Spirit, tDljo, in all agesf I hast comforted and strengthened li^&CT martyrs and confessors; who hast ever been the sustaining comfort and sweet refreshment of the sorrowful and the suffering; who shed- dest abroad love, joy, and peace, in the hearts of the faithful and obedient follow- ers of Christ; grant that we may be filled with all the fulness of Thy gifts of grace; that, by Thy holy inspiration, we may think those things that be good, and, by Thy merciful guiding, may perform the same — Amen. (Crcatfur? of ©ctjotion, 1869. C^rabml^ Ixin^, Cljou Com^ forter and Spirit of truth, who ^ art in every place, and fiUest the whole world with the treasures of Thy goodness; O Life-giver, come into our hearts and dwell there, and save our souls alive, and unto Thee be glory now and evermore — Amen . "2500^ of mm^i 1865. aoD, tpljo mahe^t c^eerfulnes^tf the companion of strength, but ^ apt to take wings in time of sor- row, we humbly beseech Thee that if, in Thy sovereign wisdom. Thou sendest weakness, yet for Thy mercy's sake deny us not the comfort of patience. Lay not more upon us, O heavenly Father, than Thou wilt enable us to bear; and, since the fretfulness of our spirits is more hurtful than the heaviness of our burden, grant us that heavenly calmness which comes of owning Thy hand in all things, and patience in the trust that Thou doest all things well — Amen. |rant, toe brs^ccctj W^tt, 31^ mighty God, that we, who in our tribulation are yet of good cheer because of Thy loving- kindness, may find Thee mighty to save from all dangers, through Jesus Christ — • Amen. Roman ^retiarp. ^in% of aior^, bring usi all home, I pray Thee, by grace ^^^ unto glory. Let our light afflic- tion which is but for a moment work for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory — Amen. 6ou, fcDtjo Ijasft ortiaineD t^at whatever is to be desired, should be sought by labor, and who, by Thy blessing, bringest honest labor to good effect; look with mercy upon my studies and endeavors. Grant me, O Lord, to design only what is lawful and right; and afford me calm- ness of mind, and steadiness of purpose, that I may so do Thy will in this short life, as to obtain happiness in the world to come, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. Samuel Jobnjson ( 1 709- 1 784). oru, our ^oUt great, eternal, wonderful in glory, who keep- est covenant and promises for those that love Thee with their whole heart; who art the Life of all, the Help of those that flee unto Thee, the Hope of those who cry unto Thee; cleanse us from our sins, secret and open, and from every thought displeas- ing to Thy goodness,— cleanse our bod- ies and souls, our hearts and consciences, that with a pure heart and a clear soul, with perfect love and calm hope, we may venture confidently and fearlessly to pray unto Thee— Amen. Coptic Hituccs of .:^t. %n0. |ori5, feeep me eber near to ®t)ee* Let nothing separate me from Thee, let nothing keep me back from Thee. If I fall, bring me back quickly to Thee, and make me hope in Thee, trust in Thee, love Thee ever- lastingly—Amen. e» "25. ^u?ep. 148 •«• •^ •^ + £pa^ t^t tCtornt^.^tiimtli ^ I Father in the Highest, who hast h^^M promised to dwell with them that are of a lowly spirit and fear Thy word ; create now in us such lowly hearts, and give us a reverential awe of Thy commandments. O come, Thou Holy Spirit, and kindle our hearts with holy love ; come, Thou Spirit of Strength, and arouse our souls to hunger and thirst after Thee, their true Guide, that they may be sustained by Thy all- powerful influence. Arise, O Spirit of Life, that through Thee we may begin to live; descend upon us and transform us into such human beings as the heart of God longs to see us, renewed into the image of Christ, and going on from glory to glory. O God, Thou Supreme Good, make thyself known to us, and glorify Thyself in our inner being — Amen. ^x.W i^ottj (1661-1745). It out mt}?W^i ^ ^orUt toe en^ treat Thee, and may we receive all good things from Thy sweet- ness; so that, obtaining an eter- nal habitation in Thy tabernacles, w^ may be filled with the plenteousness of Thine everlasting cup, through Christ our Lord — Amen. ^nxurn ^retiar5,?C. 55. 1085. 154 -i- ^ * «{► ^ * ^ * 31unet{)eS)econD £pos;t merciful 6oti anti jFatljer, we commend ourselves and all that we have to Thine Almighty hands, and pray Thee to pre- serve us by Thy good Spirit from all sin, misfortune, and grief of heart. Give us the Spirit of grace and prayer, that we may have a consoling trust in Thy love, and that our sighs and petitions may be ac- ceptable in Thy sight. Give us the Spirit of faith to kindle a bright flameof true and blessed faith in our hearts, that we may have a living knowledge of salvation, and our whole life may be a thank-offer- ing for the mercies we have received. Give us the Spirit of love, that we may experience the sweetness of Thy love toward us, and also love Thee in return; and render our obedience not from con- straint like slaves, but with the willing and joyful hearts of children — Amen. ©ottfrKb SCrnolO, 1697. rant, ilotu, tt)at 31 ma^ not, for one moment, admit willingly into my soul any thought con- trary to Thy love— Amen. ^^Imig^t^ ^ou, grant ttjat b^ t\)t ^ ,^ faithful practice of the things Lfe that we know to be true, our hearts may be purged of all evil thoughts and desires, and we be brought back again to something of the pureness of spirit by which alone Thou mayest be served. Forgive all our wanderings from the light. Grant that we may es- cape this great condemnation— that light having come into the world, we have chosen darkness rather than light. Show us the light, and cause us to live in it, and by it to pass through the shadow of death with safety, and to abide with it for evermore. Hear us of Thy mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord— Amen. 156 ^4.44. + 4.4.4. 3(|ttne tlje ifourt^ ilort) m^ ^ou, for life mt reason, nurture, preservation, guidance, ^ education; for Thy gifts of grace and nature, for Thy calling, recalling, manifold recalling me again and again. For Thy forbearance, long-suffering, and long long-suffering toward me, even un- til now; for all from whom I have re- ceived any good or help; for the use of Thy present good things; for Thy prom- ise, and my hope, of good things to come. For all these things, and for all other, which I know, which I know not, mani- fest or secret, remembered or forgotten by me, I praise Thee, I bless Thee, I give Thee thanks; and I will praise, and bless, and give Thee thanks, all the days of my life. What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits to me ? Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and power — Amen. Hancelot SCnDretaej^ (1555-1626). 3llune tl)e Sfitti) ^^^^^^^^^ t57 |oru, fcDljo fenotDc^t all tljingfif, and lovest all men better than Thou knowest, Thine is might and wisdom and love to save us. As our fiUhers called unto Thee, and were holpen, and were led along the ways Thou seest good ; so, in all time of need, from all evil, the evil of our time and of our hearts, deliver us, good Lord. From all perplexity of mind ; from loneliness of thought, and discontented brooding; from wondering what Thou wouldst have us do, deliver us, Lord. Especially from whatever sin besets us, save and deliver us with might, O Lord. From all bereavement, sorrow, and de- sertion; from all things that separate us from each other and from our God ; from all evils we have prayed against, and from all we have not thought of, deliver, O Lord, Thy servants, whose hope is in Thy goodness for ever — Amen. 158 ^♦♦4»4-^4'4' 3|une t\)t ^ixt\) ^^gn Cljcct (D ilort) 6oD, 3 place ® S '^y whole hope and refuge; on ^S^^S Thee I rest all my tribulation and anguish; for I find all to be weak and inconstant, whatsoever I be- hold out of Thee. For many friends can- not profit, nor strong helpers assist, nor the books of the learned afford comfort, nor any place, however retired and lovely, give shelter, unless Thou Thy- self dost assist, strengthen, console, in- struct, and guard us. For all things that seem to belong to the attainment of peace and felicity, without Thee, are nothing, and do bring in truth no felic- ity at all. Thou therefore art the Foun- tain of all that is good ; and to hope in Thee above all things, is the strongest comfort of Thy servants. To Thee, therefore, do I lift up mine eyes; in Thee, my God, the Father of mercies, ♦io 1 put my trust — Amen. 31une t\)t g>et)encl) ^^ ^i- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \59 tlorD, gibe us? more cljarit^, more self-denial, more likeness to Thee. Teach us to sacrifice our comforts to others, and our likings for the sake of doing good. Make us kindly in thought, gentle in word, generous in deed. Teach us that it is better to give than to receive; better to forget ourselves than to put ourselves forward ; better to minister than to be ministered unto. And unto Thee, the God of Love, be glory and praise for ever — Amen. i^cnrp 2Clforb. ilortit mobe us? h^ Wljint tK^ ample to show kindness and do good. Grant us such patience and forbearance with all suffer- ers gracious or ungracious, grateful or ungrateful ; that in our stumbling walk and scant measure they may yet discern a vestige of Thee, and give Thee the glory — Amen. Cljrijsltina <©. ^ziittti. M ^ ^ ^ ^ 4- 4. 5|une t\)t CBiglitl) ^ou, t\)t !ltgl)t of ct>er^ ticart that sees Thee, the Life of every ^^^^ soul that loves Thee, the Strength of every mind that seeks Thee, grant me ever to continue steadfast in Thy holy love. Be Thou the joy of my heart; take it all to Thyself, and therein abide. The house of my soul is, I con- fess, too narrow for Thee; do Thou en- large it, that Thou mayest enter in ; it is ruinous, but do Thou repair it. It has that within which must offend Thine eyes; I confess and know it; but whose help shall I implore in cleansing it, but Thine alone ? To Thee, therefore, I cry ur- gently, begging that Thou wilt cleanse me from my secret faults, and keep Thy servant from presumptuous sins, that they never get dominion over me — Amen. ^t. 3Cuou8tinc (354-430). ILorDt forgitDe totjat 3I Ijabebrnt, sanctify what I am; and order what I shall be — Amen. 3|une t\)t 0nt\) •{♦•f^«f*4'*'i-'l6X ndinti (B tlortit ®l)^ merciful I ears, and illuminate the darkness of our hearts by the light of Thy visitation — Amen. ''^ hearts we appear before Thee. ^ We would thank Thee for all the benefits that we have received from Thy goodness : It is to Thy blessing we owe what success we have found. Every opportunity fordoing good ; every impulse in the right way ; each victory we have gained over ourselves ; every thought of Thy presence, O Father ; every silent but loving glance on the example of our Pattern, Thy Son our Lord — all are alike Thy gifts to us. Give us strength and wisdom to walk faith- fully and joyfully in the way of willing obedience to Thy laws, and cheerful trust in Thy love. The best thanksgiving we can offer to Thee is to live according to Thy holy will ; grant us every day to offer it more perfectly, and to grow in the knowledge of Thy will and the love thereof, for evermore — Amen. jRiaicbaci &a\kt (i 751-1832). 3Iune t^etCtoent^.ttjirti •!• -i- ♦ * ♦i' X75 a^fe, Dear llorD, tljat tCtiou Iwouldest make me wholly Thine. Penetrate me wholly with Thyself, that Thou mayest be all in all in me; be Thou the Soul of my soul. Lord, 1 am weary of myself, weary of being so unlike Thee, of being so far away from Thee. Abide with me, then,— abide in me. Let no sorrow keep me away from Thee; let no loneliness or desolation of soul affright me. Let me not think of Thee as one afar off ; let me not think of Thee as a severe judge, since Thou Thyself comest unto me, and fall- est on the neck of Thy poor prodigal, and givest me the kiss of peace. Thou wilt not let those go empty away who come to Thee from fnv. Lord, I am come to Thee from far, the far-off land of my miseries and my sins. But Thou hast brought me nigh— Amen. 176 * 4. 4. + 3;une t\)t CtDtnt^fourttj |rt m^ l)rart on fire luitlj tlje lotic of Thee, most loving Father, and ^^^y then to do Thy will, and to obey Thy commandments, will not be grievous to me. For to him that loveth, nothing is difficult, nothing is impossible ; because love is stronger than death. Oh, may love fill and rule my heart. For then there will spring up and be cherished between Thee and me a like- ness of character, and union of will, so that 1 may choose and refuse what Thou dost. May Thy will be done in me and by me forever — Amen. paralJigc for the Cbrij^tian ^oul. jos^t merciful ^on, t^e \)t\ptt of all men, so strengthen us by J Thy power, that our sorrow may be turned into joy, and we may continually glorify Thy holy Name ; through jesus Christ our Lord— Amen. ;§'arum "^Sretiiar?, 2t. ©. 1085. m 31une t^ie ^toent^.fiftt) ♦ * * * 4» X77 p^^ ilorUt our ^uitie eben unto e^/(^^, . death, grant us, I pray Thee, : j death, grant us, 1 pray I nee, ^ grace to follow Thee whitherso- ever Thou goest. In little daily duties to which Thou callest us, bow down our wills to simple obedience, patience under pain or provocation, strict truthfulness of word and manner, humil- ity, kindness : in great acts of duty or perfection if Thou shouldest call us to them, uplift us to self-sacrifice, heroic courage, laying down of life for Thy Truth's sake or for a brother— Amen. Cbti]5tina »5. ^mmu ^^^ (0OU, t\)t ^}i%\^t of all tljem ,: that put their trust in Thee, ^ grant that we may be more than conquerors over all that make war upon our souls, and, in the end, may enter into perfect peace in Thy presence — Amen. moman "-Brcbiarg. 178 ♦ * ♦ 4- 31une t\)t ^\s)mt^^^ixt^ ^aorlJt to ttljou turn mr all into l|B| love, and all my love into obedi- ^^^ ence, and let my obedience be without interruption; and then I hope Thou wilt accept such a return as I can make. Make me to be something that Thou delightest in, and Thou shalt have all that I am or have from Thee, even whatsoever Thou makest fit for Thyself— Amen. Jcrcmo (Ca^Ior (1613-1667). ilmigljtv' auD rbcrteting 60D, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, mercifully grant that the frequent meditation of Thine infinite goodness may make us to love Thee above all things; that we may here steadfastly believe what we do not see, and, hereafter, in the blessed vision of Thy glory, see what we now cannot comprehend ; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ^ooh of C[?our^, 1865. 3Iune t\)t ®ijDent^.0cl3mtlj ♦ 4- * 179 (5ot}, t\)t Ucucrmet of our s^oul^, I and the Comforter of them that ^ mourn, whose will is our peace, and to whom obedience is true freedom ; grant me so to be led by Thy Holy Spirit, that I may be free from vain hopes and repinings, and from all wrong desires; but may I through patience have experience, and through experience hope, and not be ashamed of hoping in Thee, our Father and our Friend, whose holy will be done now and for ever — Amen. ^^ tloitit rcnriJD our 0pirit0 and \ ^^ I draw our hearts unto Thyself l-^y^f^ that our work may not be to us a burden, but a delight; and give us such a mighty love to Thee as may sweeten all our obedience. Oh, let us not serve Thee with the spirit of bond- age as slaves, but with the cheerfulness and gladness of children, delighting our- selves in Thee and rejoicing in Thy work — Amen. •S^enjamm fenfe.:^ (1646-1724). 180 ♦ ♦ 4- * %m\t t\)t CtDcnt^.'fisljtl) ^ trijou, \3)\)o art t\)t true &un of the world, evermore rising, and never going down; who, by Thy most wholesome ap- pearing and sight dost nourish, and make joyful all things, as well that are in heaven, as also that are on earth ; we beseech Thee mercifully and favorably to shine into our hearts, that the night and darkness of sin, and the mists of error on every side, being driven away, Thou brightly shining within our hearts, we may all our life long go without any stumbling or otTence, and may walk as in the day-time, being pure and clean from the works of darkness, and abound- ing in all good works which Thou hast prepared for us to walk in— Amen. . Rossctti. 1 1 through the darkness of night to ^^^ the light of the morning, and who by Thy Holy Spirit dost illumine the darkness of ignorance and sin; we beseech Thee, of Thy loving- kindness, to pour Thy holy light into our souls, that we may ever be devoted to Thee by whose wisdom we were created, by whose mercy we were re- deemed, and by whose Providence we are governed — Amen. ^ooh of iO?ourirf, 1865. 60U, j^oiintain of lobCt pour Thy love into our souls, that ^^^ we may love those whom Thou lovest, with the love Thou giv- est us, and think and speak of them tenderly, meekly, lovingly; and so lov- ing our brethren and sisters for Thy sake, may grow in Thy love, and dwell- ing in love may dwell in Thee; for Jesus Christ's sake — Amen. 184 + -f 4- -f -f -f -f Jn\v t\)t S^rcouD ^B 3 rne whatever is contrary to ^^^^ Thy holy will. Grant that I may ever study to know Thy will, that 1 may know how to please Thee. Grant, O God, that I may never run into those temptations, which in my prayers I desire to avoid. Lord, never permit my trials to be above my strength — Amen. (Ctjomas IDilj^on (1663-1755). LorD, M)o DfliglKCBt in merest preserve us, we beseech Thee, from the sin of harboring in our hearts hard thoughts of Thee. Conform us wholly to Thy mer-. ciful will ; that whether we live we may live unto Thee, or whether we die we may die unto Thee. While we live, give us grace to show mercy : when we die, of Thy grace show us mercy — Amen. 6ot), tDt)o l)agt ginrn tmto uS Thy Son to be an example and a help to our weakness in fol- lowing the path that leadeth unto life, grant us so to be His disciples that we may tread in His footsteps— Amen. ^_^. 6oi3. grant unt^ us tl)at tof br not unwise, but understanding Thy will : not slothful, but dili- gent in Thy work : that we run not as uncertainly, nor fight Thy battles as those that beat the air. Whatsoever our hand fmdeth to do, may we do it with our might: that when Thou shalt call Thy labourers to give them their re- ward, we may so have run that we may obtain; so have fought the good fight, as to receive the crown of eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord— Amen ifcnro '^tlforli. X86 + + + + + + + + 31ull? tl)c Jrourtlj (j3oD, U3l)o art, anu toae^t, anu I Ij art to come, before whose lace ^ the generations rise and pass away; aii:e after age the living seek Thee, and lind that of Thy faithful- ness there is no end. Our f^ithers in their pilgrimage walked by Thy guid- ance, and rested on Thy compassion: still to their children be Thou the cloud by day, the tire by night. In our mani- fold temptations. Thou alone knowest and art ever nigh: in sorrow. Thy pity revives the fainting soul: in our prosper- ity and ease, it is Thy Spirit only that can wean us from our pride and keep us low. O Thou sole Source of peace and righteousness! take now the veil from every heart; and join us in one com- munion with Thy prophets and saints who have trusted in Thee, and were not ashamed. Not of our worthiness, but of Thy tender mercy, hear our prayer— Amen. f amorf .Jtilartincau. 31ul^ tlie ififtl; + + + 4.4.^4. + X87 ^oD our iFatJ)cr» Ijclp 110 to a deeper trust in the life everlast- ing. May we feel that this love which is now, ever shall be; this robe of the flesh is Thy gift to Thy child, and, when it is worn out, Thou wilt clothe him again; this work of life is the work Thou hast given us to do, and, when it is done, Thou wilt give us more; this love, that makes all our life so glad, flows from Thee, for Thou art Love, and we shall love forever. Help us to feel how, day by day, we see some dim shadow of the eternal day that will break upon us at the last. May the Gospel of Thy Son, the whisper of Thy Spirit, unite to make our faith in the life to come, strong and clear; then shall we be glad when Thou shalt call us, and enter into Thy glory in Jesus Christ — Amen. H^obert Conner. 188-i--i- + + + + + + ^'^ul^ tt)e ^ijttl) cpcrciful tlorD, cnligljtcn C^ou me with a clear shining inward light, and remove away all dark- ness from the habitation of my heart. Repress Thou my many wander- ing thoughts, and break in pieces those temptations which violently assault me. Fight Thou for me, and vanquish the evil beasts; that so peace may be obtained by Thy power, and that Thine abundant praise may resound in Thy holy court, that is, in a pure conscience. Send out Thy light and Thy truth, that they may shine upon the earth; for, until Thou en- lighten me, I am but as earth without form and void. Lift Thou up my mind which is pressed down by a load of sins, for no created thing can give full comfort and rest to my desires. Join Thou me to Thyself with an inseparable band of love; for Thou even alone dost satisfy him that loveth Thee — Amen. 3|ul^ ttje g>Ct3Cntt) •^•f••^♦^♦^*♦^l89 Imigljt^ aoD, t\)t (Etiertoting ^ Lord, and Giver of every good and perfect gift, — bestow upon us at this time those things that are Thine, even joy and gladness, for Thou art ever-blessed. Pity and pardon us that we are so little able to be like Thee in these things; for upon us are the stains of sin and the dust of earth, the signs of strife and the marks of passion. Look upon us of Thy love, that these things may be taken away, and that we who have been sick in soul, and oft- times faint in faith, may through the gift of Thine exceeding gladness rise to Thy joy. Forgive our sins, and so take away the sting of death. Grant us Thy love here as the earnest of the Spirit, that we, receiving of Thine in this mortal state, may hope to receive of Thine in the world which is to come — Amen. 190 4.♦*•^•^.•^.** 3lul^ t^t GiQ\)t\) |e C^ou, ^ tlorD, our protect I tion, who art our redemption; direct our minds by Thy gracious presence, and watch over our paths with guiding love; that, among the snares which lie hidden in this path wherein we walk, we may so pass on- ward with hearts fixed on Thee, that by the track of faith we may come to be where Thou wouldest have us — Amen. .rUo3arabic before K, 5D. 700. LorD, makf mc lote t\itt^ token ^ .J, of Thy will, for love of Thee, IM and make me cheerful under every cross; take from me all which displeases Thee, or hinders Thy love in me, that I may deeply love Thee. Melt me with Thy love, that I may be all love, and with my whole being love Thee — Amen. ^rantt (D ilovD, ttjat tDC ma^ carc^ fully watch over our tempers and every unholy feeling; re- move whatever in us may be a stumbling-block in another's way; that, by conforming to Thy will in small things, we may hope by Thy protection and help to pass safely through the greater dangers and trials to which we may be exposed — Amen. c ht&tttl) djrct (^ ilortJ, to re^ new Thy people inwardly and outwardly, that as Thou would- est not have them to be hin- dered by bodily pleasures, Thou mayest make them vigorous with spiritual pur- pose ; and refresh them in such sort by things transitory, that Thou mayest grant them rather to cleave to things eternal; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. Siconinc, 2t. 55. 440. X92-i' + -i'*'i-'^-i-*i- J^xxl^ t^t ®entt) pet ®t)^ lobe s?o iuann out s?oul0, 11 O Lord, that we may gladly ij surrender ourselves with all we are and have unto Thee. Let Thy love fall as fire from heaven upon the altar of our hearts; teach us to guard it heedfully by continual devotion and quietness of mind, and to cherish with anxious care every spark of its holy flame with which Thy good Spirit would quicken us, so that neither height, nor depth, things present nor things to come, may ever separate us therefrom. Strengthen Thou our souls; awaken us from the deathly sleep which holds us captive; animate our cold hearts with Thy warmth and tenderness, that we may no more live as in a dream, but walk before Thee as pilgrims in earnest to reach their home. And grant us all at last to meet with Thy holy saints before Thy throne, and there rejoice in Thy love for ever and ever — Amen. ^SctbarD (Cer^tcegcn, 1731. 31ul^ tt)e Cletjentl; + ^ + + ^ + + X93 r confcs^sf unto ^\)tt, (B ^oD, how weak we are in ourselves, how powerless to do the work of life, how prone to selfishness and sin. We beseech Thee to grant us strength, the strength of Thy Spirit, the power of Thy Christ, wherein we can do all things. Enable us thus to repress every selfish propensity, every wilful purpose, every unkind feeling, every thought and word and deed of anger and impatience, and to cherish perfect love, constant kindness, to think pure thoughts, to speak gentle words, to do helpful and generous deeds. Raise our minds to the contemplation of Thy be- loved Son, that, seeing His divine beauty, we may be drawn near unto Him, and changed into His image, and empowered to bring every thought into obedience to Christ, into harmony with His Spirit and His immortal life — Amen. X94 •!• •!• -f -f -f •{. * 3lul^ t\)t tE^toelftti [I^Bjl who orderest all things for our h^MM eternal good, mercifully en- lighten our minds, and give us a firm and abiding trust in Thy love and care. Silence our murmurings, quiet our fears, and dispel our doubts, that rising above our afflictions and our anxieties^ we may rest on Thee, the Rock of ever- lasting strength — Amen. Jlictij Cfturcb <25ooft of I©oc?bip, 1876. ( i^B)l ^''■^^^^'^> ^^y ^^ please Thee this k-S'SJ day to order and to hallow, to rule and to govern our hearts and our bodies, our thoughts, our words, and our works, according to Thy commandments, that we, being helped by Thee, may here, and for ever and ever, be delivered and saved, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. I^oman '53tetJJarp. ^oti, ljDl)o art tl)e un^earctiable abyss of peace, the ineffable sea ^ of love, the fountain of blessings, and the bestower of affection, who sendest peace to those that receive it; open to us this day the sea of Thy love, and water us with plenteous streams from the riches of Thy grace. Make us children of quietness, and heirs of peace. Enkindle in us the fire of Thy love; strengthen our weakness by Thy power: bind us closely to Thee and to each other in one firm and indissoluble bond of unity — Amen. .f^^rian Clementine Uiturop. to shew forth our love of Thee I by keeping Thy commandments. They are not grievous : remove far from us a repining spirit, an unloving fear to transgress, and all wilful disobe- dience — Amen. Cfjristina <©. 0O3^j^ctti. 196 + + + + + + 3'iul^ t\)t j?ourteentti tjolp ant) un^prakablf, wonderful and mighty God, whose power and wis- dom hath no end, before whom all powers tremble, at whose glance the heavens and the earth flee away, Thou art Love, Thou art my Father, and I will love and worship Thee for ever and ever! Thou hast deigned to show pity on me, and a ray from Thy light hath shone upon mine inward eye. Guide me on into the perfect light, that it may illumine me wholly, and that all darkness may flee away. Let the holy flame of Thy love so burn in my heart that it be made pure, and I may see Thee, O God ; for it is the pure in heart who see Thee. Thou hast set me free; Thou hast drawn me to Thee; therefore forsake me not, but keep me always in Thy grace. Guide me, and rule me, and perfect me for Thy kingdom — Amen. ^u •?Cuoustmc (354-430). 31ul^ tlfte iFiftmttl) •^.•^•^♦^•^^♦^^9Z |ol^ ^pitit, 3! t\)it&t tot ^\)tt, as in a dry, parched land ; I pant for the streams of Thy grace. How could 1 thirst for Thee if Thou wert not the Spirit of my Father? How could I desire Thee, if there were not already in me the same nature as Thine ? It is by my need of Thee, that 1 know my kinship with Thee, with my Father. I have no argu- ment but my need, no language but my cry. I ask for Thee because I require Thee, and I require Thee because I was made for Thee. The prayer that beats against the doors of Thy heaven is the protest of my unfinished nature against its own incompleteness; I shall only be complete in Thee. Come therefore, and finish Thy divine creation. Thou satis- fiest the want of every living thing just because its need gives it a right to live; shall not my thirst for Thee, O Spirit of holiness, give me also a right to the river of Thy pleasures ? — Amen. 198•^♦^•^•^♦^•^•^ 31ul^ t\)t ^ixttttltl^ ^ be my Defence upon my right hand. The Lord preserve me from all evil, yea, the Lord keep my soul. The Lord preserve my going out, and my coming in, from this time forth for evermore. O Lord ! Thou knowest, Thou art able, Thou art willing, to do good to my soul ; I neither know how, nor am able, nor, as I ought, willing to do it. Do Thou, O Lord, I beseech Thee, in Thine unspeakable loving-kindness, so order and dispose of me as Thou know- est to be best pleasing to Thee, and most expedient for me. Thine are goodness, grace, love, kind- ness, O Thou Lover of men! gentleness, tenderness, forbearance, long-suffering, manifold mercies, great mercies, abun- dant tender compassions. Glory be to Thee, O Lord — Amen. Lancelot ?Cnt)rcttJE0 (1555-1626). 3Ittl^ tl)e ^t\)mttmt\) -f -f •^ '^ -i- 199 l^ougl) toe fenoto not tDt)at isi best, give to us, Lord, what Thou seest fit; only fit us for what Thou givest, and let it bring to our souls health and peace, with some good to our neighbor and the world, for Thy goodness' sake, O Lord. Make me to Thyself a temple of holy things, and abiding with me, O Lord, at the last, be ever gracious unto Thy servant. Let me do some work which may be accepted in Thy mercy, though un- worthy in Thy pure sight. Bless my work to good, to the fulness of which it is capable, and let me thank Thee for it with joy in the end. Into Thy hands we commend our spirit, soul, and body, of which Thou art Creator, Saviour, Restorer, a God of truth. Lord, to Thee I commit my going out and my coming in this day — Amen. 200 -f -f -i^ + -t. -r 3'ul^ t\)t Qi%\)ttmt\) ^^^allottJfD be ^\)v nmxt* &up^ % 1^ ] ported by faith in Thee, I shall iL^ki stand steadfast and secure under every cross, tribulation, distress, disease, and even death itself; nothing doubting either Thy divine power or Thy Fatherly love whereby Thou art both able and willing to preserve me. Call me hence whensoever Thou wilt, but grant that I may follow cheerfully, firmly believing that Thou art mighty and good; then shall Thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the land of upright- ness. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. And what is Thy will, O most loving Father, except that I should love Thee .f^ Behold, Thou commandest that 1 should love Thee with all my heart and soul, with all my mind and strength; but grant Thou me what Thou com- mandest, and command what Thou wilt — Amen. ^araiii^e for ti)e C^n^tian ^tmU 31ul^ tlje 0ntttmtl) ♦•i-*-f-i'-i-20X Ijat 0l;all 31 rmoer unto H^im for all His benefits ? " I can only give my own self— all I have, and all I am. I desire to surren- der myself wholly unto Thee, O my God, to live more simply as one separated unto Thee, not finding my joy and com- fort in the earthly blessings Thou so richly bestowest on me, but, while thankful for the gracious gifts, looking only to the Giver as the Source of my happiness and the Object of my life. I cannot shake off the habits of thought and feeling which many years have wrought in me; I can only ask of Thee to have mercy on me, poor and needy as I am, and subdue in me all that is perverse and wayward in my heart, and so fill me with Thy pure and heavenly love, that all my nar- rowness and selfishness may be done away in the wideness of Thy love— Amen. jUaada K^are. 202 + ♦ -f •^ •^ + JIul^ t\)t ^\s)mtitt\) a^os^t glorious; aoo ! rcUctje m^ spirit with Thy graciousness; take from me all tediousness of spirit, and give me a hope that shall not f^iil, a desire of holiness not to be satisfied till it possesses a charity that will always increase; that I may turn all things into religion, doing all to Thy glory; that, when Thou shalt call me from this deliciousness of employment, I may pass into the employments of saints and angels; whose work it is, with eter- nal joy and thanksgiving, to sing praises unto Thy mercies — Amen. Jcrcmp («Caplor (1613-1667). 0lnugl)t^ €>oD, grant, toe be^ seech Thee, that we whose trust is under the shadow of Thy wings, may, through the help of Thy power, overcome all evils that rise up against us — Amen. moman '25cct)iari?. ever-present God, we bring to Thee all our needs. O Thou Author of all good, from whom Cometh every good and perfect gift, may Thy mercies be our daily song, and may the light of Thy countenance in this world of power and beauty move our hearts to great thankfulness and a sweet trust. Day by day Thou dost appoint our portion, especially revealing Thy glory in the dear Son of Thy love, and calling us into His Kingdom of service and blessedness. May this be our love of Thee in Him, that we love one an- other and keep all His commandments— Amen. e htmt\) mjtt, (^ iLorUt to fecep us in perpetual peace, as Thou hast vouchsafed us confidence in Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. clajJian i^acramcntarp, 2t. 55. 492. 204 •^ -J- -^ •^ 31ul^ t\)t ^tDtnt^.s^econH ^^ external i?atl)er, l^elp me, 3| ^B I beseech Thee, to bring forth in S^ my life the fruits of the Spirit; the fruit of Love, that I may love Thee above all things, and all others in Thee and for Thy sake; the fruit of Joy, that I may fmd Thy service my delight; the fruit of Peace, that, pardoned and accepted through Thy mercy, I may re- pose in Thy love; the fruit of Long-suf- fering, that I may bear, with patient sub- mission to Thy will, all crosses and afflictions; the fruit of Gentleness, that I may subdue all risings of temper, and take calmly and sweetly all trials and provocations; the fruit of Meekness, that I may forgive freely all who may hurt me either by word or deed, and endure with patience all that may be laid upon me; the fruit of Temperance that I may restrain all my desires, bringing them into subjection in all things to Thy holy will — Amen. (Creaisurp of 59ebotion, 1869. Imig^t^ ^otj, M)o cans?t gibe the light that in darkness shall make us glad, the life that in gloom shall make us joy, and the peace that amidst discord shall bring us quietness! let us live this day in that light, that life, and that peace, so that we may gain the victory over those things that press us down, and over the flesh that so often encumbers us, and over death that seemeth for a moment to win the victory. Thus we, being filled with inward peace, and light, and life, may walk all the days of this our mortal life, doing our work as the business of our Father, glorifying it, because it is Thy will, knowing that what Thou givest Thou givest in love. Bestow upon us the greatest and last blessing, that we, being in Thy presence, may be like unto Thee for evermore. These things we do ask, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. 206 -J- •!• -^ -J- 31ul^ ttje ^tomtr^^foiirtl) ^^^ tlort) of tjeabm anij eartl), toe f ^Mj jl are truly sorry for all our mis- sk-^^^ doings; we utterly renounce whatsoever is contrary to Thy will, and here devote ourselves entirely to the obedience thereof. Accept, O most merciful Father, of this renewed dedication which we make of ourselves, our bodies, souls, and spirits unto Thee. And grant that we may be able every day to offer up ourselves more sincerely, and more cheerfully unto Thee; with more pure affection, and hearty devo- tion, and ready disposition to Thy ser- vice. Preserve in our minds a grateful sense of Thy mighty love, that we may follow the doctrine and example of Thy Son Jesus Christ. Grant that we may be like Him, pure and undefiled, meek and gentle, peaceable and patient, con- tented and thankful. Fulfil unto us all the gracious promises that He hath made unto us. Let it be unto Thy servants according to His word — Amen. ;^imon ^atricft ( 1 626-1 707). 3 ^^' i pe iloro, si;eU3 fort^ ®ti^ lobing^ indness, I entreat Thee, to all persons who in this world feel themselves neglected, or little loved, or forgotten. Be Thou their be- loved Companion, and let communion with Thee be to them more dear than tenderest earthly intercourse. Teach them to discern Thee in all with whom they come in contact, and to love and serve Thee in them. On earth grant them comfort by the repentance of any who have wronged them, and in heaven comfort in the communion of all saints with each other and with Thee—Amen. Cbrifitina <©. mmttu mmoii^ Horu, \s)\)o appreljntDest M the sighing of a contrite heart I before it be uttered ; make us, we beseech Thee, the temple of the Holy Spirit, that we may be de- fended by the shield of Thy celestial goodness, through Christ our Lord— Amen. ;^arum "^StetJiarp, 2C. ©. 1085. p 208 •^ 4. * 4- 51ul^ tlje ®tDmt)^^0i]ctt) Horn, in tDl)O0e Ijauusi are life ; and death, by whose power I h^m am sustained, and by whose mercy I am spared, look down upon me with pity. Forgive me that I have until now so much neglected the duty which Thou hast assigned to me, and suffered the days and hours of which I must give account to pass away with- out any endeavor to accomplish Thy will. Make me to remember, O God, that every day is Thy gift, and ought to be used according to Thy command. Grant me, therefore, so to repent of my negligence, that I may obtain mercy from Thee, and pass the time which Thou shalt yet allow me in diligent per- formance of Thy commands, through Jesus Christ — Amen. ;t>amud Slotjn^on (1709-1784). 31ul^ t\)t ^\3)mt^^$t\}mt^ + ^ + 209 ^\)ou CBtemal^ in iJDl^o^e ap^ 1 1 pointment our life standeth ! Thou hast committed our work to us, and we would commit our cares to Thee. May we feel that we are not our own, and that Thou wilt heed our wants, while we are intent upon Thy will. May we never dwell carelessly or say in our hearts, ''I am here, and there is none over me"; nor anxiously, as though our path were hid ; but with a mind simply fixed upon our trust, and choosing nothing but the dis- positions of Thy Providence. More and more fill us with that pity for others' troubles which comes from forgetfulness of our own; and the glad hope of the children of eternity. And unto Thee, the Beginning and the End, Lord of the living. Refuge of the dying, be thanks and praise for ever! — Amen. %nmt^ Mattintau, 210 * ♦ 4- •!» 3lul^ t^e attDent^.eig^tft JorDt tDl)at 10 m^ confiDmce I which I have in this life ? Is it not Thou, O Lord, my God, whose mercies are without number ? Where hath it ever been well with me without Thee, or where could it be ill with me, when Thou wert pres- ent? I rather choose to be a pilgrim on earth, than without Thee to possess heaven. Where Thou art, there is heaven ; and where Thou art not, there is death and hell. There is none that can help me in my necessities, but only Thou, my God ; Thou art my Hope, Thou my Confidence. Although Thou exposest me to divers temptations and adversities, yet Thou orderest all this to my advan- tage; in which trial of me Thou oughtest no less to be loved and praised, than if Thou didst fill me full of heavenly con- solations — Amen. 31ul^ t\)t ®tDent^.ninct) -f 4- -i. + 2U ^^ ^ou, m^ toljole life tja^ been a course of mercies and bless- ^ M!M ings shown to one who has been most unworthy of them. Year after year Thou hast carried me on, re- moved dangers from my path, refreshed me, borne with me, directed me, sus- tained me. O forsake me not, when my strength faileth me. And Thou never wilt forsake me. I may securely repose upon Thee. While I am true to Thee, Thou wilt still, and to the end, be super- abundantly good to me. I may rest upon Thy arm; I may go to sleep in Thy bosom. Only give me, and increase in me, that true loyalty to Thee, which is the bond of the covenant between Thee and me, and the pledge in my own heart and conscience that Thou, the Supreme God, wilt not forsake me — Amen. 2X2 ^ ♦ •^ ♦ ♦ •!• + 31ul^ t^t nrijirtiett) C^ou lotimg anD tmm fnt^tt in heaven, I confess before Thee, gJl in deep sorrow, how hard and unsympathizing is my heart; how often I have sinned against my neighbor by want of compassion and tenderness; how often I have felt no true pity for his trials and sorrows, and have neglected to comfort, help, and visit him. O Father, forgive this heavy sin, and lay it not to my charge. Give me grace ever to alleviate the crosses and difficulties of those around me, and never to add to them; teach me to be a consoler in sor- row, to take thought for the stranger, the widow, and the orphan ; let my charity show itself not in words only but in deed and truth. Teach me to judge, as Thou dost, with forbearance, with much pity and indulgence; and help me to avoid all unloving judgment of others — Amen. Jobann 9trntJt (1555-1621). 3Iul^ t\)t ^\)itt^Mt£it + •{• -f ♦{• + + 213 Cfi^toU) ®t)^ ligljt upon 110, \)^ toorfe0 pm&t ®t)ee, O Lord, and Thy servants rejoice in thanking Thee. True is Thy word, which counts us worthy of pity, and faithful Thy help for our heart's trust to rest upon. O God, Thy strength is made perfect in those who have not cared for themselves, but sought the eternal; then Thou bringest forth truth to victory. Make known to me Thy ways, O God, and let me walk in Thy truth. Go on, O God, victori- ously, and open me the gate of hope, out of darkness into light. Since Thou hast not taken me away in the midst of my day, but upholden my soul in life, suffer not my feet to slip. Grant me a work of Thy love to do, and prosper it in my hands. Let me not die until I have ful- filled Thy will; and let me enter with joy into rest — Amen. 0otolanb IBiffiam^. 222 ♦ ^ * * ^ * * augusft t\\t 0nt\) \)tt, mo0t merciful ^oD, tio 31 now invoke to descend into my ^^ soul, which Thou hast prepared for Thy reception by the desire which Thou hast breathed into it. Ere ever I cried to Thee, Thou, most Merci- ful, hadst called and sought me, that I might fmd Thee, and finding love Thee. Even so I sought and found Thee, Lord, and desire to love Thee. Increase my desire, and grant me what I ask. See, I love Thee, but too little; strengthen my love. When my spirit aspires to Thee, and meditates on Thine unspeakable goodness, the burden of the flesh be- comes less heavy, the tumult of thought is stilled, the weight of mortality is less oppressive. Then fain would my soul find wings, that she might rise in tireless flight ever upwards to Thy glorious throne, and there be filled with the re- freshing solace that belongs to the citi- zens of heaven — Amen. ^u ?Cu0u^tine (354-430). aiugusft t\)t (Cmtt) ^ ♦ ^ ♦ ♦^ ♦^ -I- 223 bless all Thy people, and all Thy flock. Give Thy peace, Thy help, Thy love unto us Thy servants, the sheep of Thy fold, that we may be united in the bond of peace and love, one body and one spirit, in one hope of our calling, in Thy divine and boundless love — Amen. Hiturop of ^t. Maxh (i 75-234 '')• Imtgtjt^ 60D, aiber of life) grant unto us Thy life, that we may truly live ; Thy love, that we may greatly rejoice ; that we, knowing trouble, and acquainted with grief, may, through the goodly deliver- ance of faith and hope, come to the large joy of the peace that passeth all under- standing. Of Thy loving-kindness hear our supplications, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord— Amen. ^cor0e 5BattJ!^on. Q |!)oto ^\)^ mm^ to met ^ itoro, to glad my heart withal. Let me find Thee, for whom I long. Lo, here the man that was caught of thieves, wounded, and left for half dead, as he was going towards Jericho. Thou kind-hearted Samaritan, take me up. I am the sheep that is gone astray; O good Shepherd, seek me out, and bring me home to Thy fold again. Deal favorably with me according to Thy good pleasure, that I may dwell in Thy house all the days of my life, and praise Thee for ever and ever with them that are there — Amen. ;^t. Jerome. (CransIatcD ?l. 55. 1578. 6oti, t\)t Urnctorr and ilober of innocency, turn the hearts of all Thy servants to Thyself, that they may be found ever rooted in faith and fruitful in works, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ^arum ^retiarp, 2C. ©. 1085. iloru, our l^iDins place, grant us wisdom, we pray Thee, to ^^ seek no hiding-place out of Thee in life or in death. Now hide us in Thine own Presence from the provok- ing of all men, and keep us from the strife of tongues. Make us meek, hum- ble, patient, and teach us to seek peace and ensue it — Amen. €.\)xistina <©. Roj^i^etti* ^ l^ol^ anu ebrr.'blc0sfcD fLorD, teach us, we beseech Thee, to love one another, to exercise forbearance and forgiveness to- wards our enemies; to recompense no man evil for evil, but to be merciful even as Thou, our Father in Heaven, art mer- ciful: that so we may continually follow after Thee in all our doings, and be more and more conformed to Thine image and likeness — Amen. i^m Cburdb ^ooft of WmWy 1876. 226 ^ ^ ^ + 4- augus?t t\)t ^Utttmt^ minion over us; our life, our ^ death, our soul and body, all belong to Thee. Oh, grant that we may willingly consecrate them all to Thee, and use them in Thy service. Let us walk before Thee in childlike sim- plicity, steadfast in prayer; looking ever unto Thee, that whatsoever we do or ab- stain from we may in all things follow the least indications of Thy will. Become Lord of our hearts and spirits; that the whole inner man may be brought under Thy rule, and that Thy life of love and righteousness may pervade all our thoughts and energies and the very ground of our souls ; that we may be wholly filled with it. Come, O Lord and King, enter into our hearts, and live and reign there for ever and ever. O faithful Lord, teach us to trust Thee for life and death, and to take Thee for our All in All — Amen. ^ertjarD (Cer35tce0en, 1731. aiugusft t\)t iFourtcnttl; •^•l♦•^^•^22Z ®l)ou» \x)\)o^t name is? ilotic, who never turnest away from %M the cry of Thy needy children, give ear to my prayer this morn- ing. Make this a day of blessing to me, and make me a blessing to others. Keep all evil away from me. Preserve me from outward transgression and from secret sin. Help me to control my tem- per. May I check the first risings of anger or sullenness. If I meet with un- kindness or ill-treatment, give me that charity which suffereth long and beareth all things. Make me kind and gentle towards all, loving even those who love me not. Let me live this day as if it were to be my last. O my God, show me the path that Thou wouldest have me to follow. May I take no step that is not ordered by Thee, and go nowhere except Thou, Lord, go with me — Amen. 228•^•^♦^*•^ -f 0ttgu0t tlje ififtccntt) tKtlou mos?t t)ol^ anU et)rr4obing God, we thank Thee once more Sm for the quiet rest of the night that has gone by, for the new promise that has come with this fresh morning, and for the hope of this day. While we have slept, the world in which we live has swept on in its awful space, great fires have burned under us, great waters have been all about us, and great storms above us; but Thou hast held them back by Thy strong hand, and we have rested under the shadow of Thy love. The bird sat on the spray out in the darkness, the flower nestled in the grass, we lay down in our home, and all slept in the arms of God. The bird will trust Thee this day to give its morsel of meat, and the flower will trust Thee for its fresh raiment; so may we trust Thee this day for all the needs of the body, the soul, and the spirit. Give us this day our daily bread — Amen. aiugus^t t\)t fe)iment^ ^♦}.4. + +229 ifat^er, t\)i$ tia^ ma^ bring some hard task to our life, or some hard trial to our love. We may grow weary, or sad, or hopeless in our lot. But, Father, our whole life until now has been one great proof of Thy care. Bread has come for our body, thoughts to our mind, love to our heart, and all from Thee. So help us, we implore Thee, while we stand still on this side of all that the day may bring, to resolve that we will trust Thee this day to shine into any gloom of the mind, to stand by us in any trial of our love, and to give us rest in Thy good time as we need. May this day be full of a power that shall bring us near to Thee, and make us more like Thee; and, O God, may we so trust Thee this day, that, when the day is done, our trust shall be firmer than ever. Then, when our last day comes, and our work is done, may we trust Thee in death and forever, in the spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. Bobert Conpet. 230 ^ ^ ^ 'i' august tl)e ^t\ymttmt\) me to be strengthened with might in the inner man, and to empty my heart of all useless care and anguish. O Lord, grant me heavenly wisdom, that 1 may learn above all things to seek and to find Thee, above all things to relish and to love Thee, and to think of all other things as being, what indeed they are, at the disposal of Thy wisdom — Amen. ^ 09os^t merciful 6oD, tl)t irotm.- dation of our hope and our Ref- uge in trouble, deliver us from the snares of death ; so that, saved from the multitude of troubles which surround us, we may sing praises to Thy holy Name, in purity and inno- cence; through our Lord Jesus Christ — Amen. ;^arum ^retiarp, 3C. 5B. 1085. ilorD, M)o 0prealie0t out t\)t heavens like a curtain, give us, ^^^ we pray Thee, faithful wills and loving hearts, that in all Thy works we may ever discern Thee. O Lord, we humbly bless Thee for what Thou givest, and for what Thou with- holdest; for the knowledge Thou be- stowest, and for the knowledge Thou keepest back — Amen. Cbri?tina ^. 0o?^etti. (Eljanh tEljcc, mv Creator auD Lord, that Thou hast given me these joys in Thy creation, this ecstacy over the works of Thy hands. I have made known the glory of Thy works to men as far as my finite spirit was able to comprehend Thy in- finity. If I have said anything wholly unworthy -of Thee, or have aspired after my own glory, graciously forgive me — Amen. 3!oi)ann Ciepler (i 571-1630). 232 •^ + •^ + + august ttie i^inmmtlj tloru, grant to u£f s?o to lotje Thee with all our heart, with all our mind, and all our soul, and our neighbor for Thy sake; that the grace of charity and brotherly love may dwell in us, and all envy, harshness, and ill-will may die in us; and fill our hearts with feelings of love, kindness, and compassion, so that, by constantly rejoicing in the happiness and good success of others, by sympathizing with them in their sorrows, and putting away all harsh judgments and envious thoughts, we may follow Thee, who art Thyself the true and perfect Love — Amen. (Creai^urp of ©ebotion. ^^our bpou us?, (B ilortJ, t\)t sfpirit il WU ^^ brotherly kindness and peace; ^^^ so that, sprinkled with the dew of Thy benediction, we may be made glad by Thy glory and grace; through Christ our Lord— Amen. ;^arum "^rctoiarp, 2C.53. 1085. unto u0, ailmigtjt^ ^oU, that that glory which filleth earth and heaven may also fill our hearts; that we, being glori- fied by Thy graciousness, made happy by Thy love, made hopeful by Thy prom- ise, may praise and magnify Thy holy Name, until such time as the praising of Thy holy Name shall lead us to the doing of Thy holy will ; that we, becoming perfectly obedient thereunto, may pos- sess the life of God in the days of time, that so, in the eternal years, we may be for ever Thine. Receive our thanksgiv- ings, forgive our sins, strengthen our hope, make deep our faith; that so, all the days of this our mortal life, we, keep- ing Thy commandments, and leaning ever upon Thy mercy, may pass on our way until we, through the gate of death, enter into the life everlasting. Hear us of Thy mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. i 234 •*• + + -^ augus^t tije Ctontt^.fim Itm^t mt, ^ t\)t 60D of all goor)nrs?0 and all grace, who art worthy of a greater love than we can either give or understand; fill my heart, I beseech Thee, with such love towards Thee as may cast out all sloth and fear, that nothing may seem too hard for me to do or to suffer in obedience to Thee; and grant that, by thus loving, I may become daily more like unto Thee; and finally obtain the crown of life, which Thou hast promised to those that love Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. pochct j;Uanual of prapei]^, i860. SorDt 31 belicbc, but tooulD belieUe jH more firmly; O Lord, I love, but ^i yet would love more warmly. I offer unto Thee my thoughts, that they may be towards Thee; my deeds, that they may be according to Thee; my sufferings, that they may be for Thee — Amen. (Crea^urp of ©emotion, 1869. cm^^ v^^e not torar^ of mr, goou tlotU, II SI and let me not be weary of my- ^^J self, or of trying to conquer my- self. I am all weakness, but Thou art almighty, and canst put forth Thy strength perfectly in my weakness. Make me truly to hate all which Thou hatest, fervently to love all which Thou lovest; make me truly sorry, for love of Thee, that I have so often offended Thee, and so mightily transform me, through Thy grace, that I may no more offend Thee; through Jesus Christ— Amen. 236 + + + •^ augu0ttt)etEtDettt^tl)irl> ^oD our iloru, tbe s^ta^ of all j them that put their trust in h^SM Thee, wherever Thou leadest we would go, for Thy ways are per- fect wisdom and love. Even when we walk through the dark valley, Thy light can shine into our hearts and guide us safely through the night of sorrow. Be Thou our Friend, and we need ask no more in heaven or earth; for Thou art the- Comfort of all who trust in Thee, the Help and Defence of all who hope in Thee. O Lord, we would be Thine; let us never fall away from Thee. We would accept all things without mur- muring from Thy hand, for whatever Thou dost is right. Blend our wills with Thine, and then we need fear no evil nor death itself, for all things must work to- gether for our good. Lord, keep us in Thy love and truth ; comfort us with Thy light; and guide us by Thy Holy Spirit — Amen. august t\)t tEujcnt^fourtt) ♦ 4- ♦f237 !lorD, g)trntgtl) of our life, be Thou, 1 entreat Thee, our ^^^ Strength unto life eternal: our Strength when temptation assails us, for Thou art stronger than our strong- est enemy; our Strength when we go down into the valley of the shadow of death, for the last enemy that shall be de- stroyed is death. By Thy Rod and Thy Staff comfort us — Amen. •Cbristina •5. fiosj^ctti. |r l)umbli^ prai' Cfjee, (^ ifatfjer in heaven, to guide us through the darkness of this world, to guard us from its perils, to hold us up and strengthen us when we grow weary in our mortal way; and to lead us by Thy chosen paths, through time and through death, to our eternal home in Thy heavenly kingdom; which we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. iliin0'0 Ctjapel 1litur0p, 1831. 238 + ^ + aiugusJt ttie tEttomt^.fift^ ^l)ou ebcr ble0s;ci5 i?ountain of life, I bless Thee that Thou hast infused into me Thine own vital breath, so that I am be- come a living soul. It is my earnest de- sire that I may not only live, but grow; grow in grace, and in the knowledge of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May I grow in patience and fortitude of soul, in humility and zeal, in spirituality and a heavenly disposition of mind. In a word, as Thou knowest 1 hunger and thirst after righteousness, make me what- ever Thou wouldest delight to see me. Draw on my soul, by the gentle influ- ences of Thy gracious Spirit, every trace and every feature which Thine eye, O heavenly Father, may survey with pleas- ure, and which Thou mayest acknowl- edge as Thine own image. I ask and hope it through Him of whose fulness we have all received — Amen. l^biJip ^oDtirib0e (i 702-1 751). augu0t the ^tDmt^.fi^irtl) •^ 4. ^ 239 W^M i-orD, tl)eaiutl)orantipcrs;uaDe!: of peace, love, and good-will, soften our hard and steely hearts, warm our icy and frozen hearts, that we may wish well to one another, and may be the true disciples of Jesus Christ. And give us grace even now to begin to show forth that heavenly life, wherein there is no disagreement nor hatred, but peace and love on all hands, one towards another — Amen. HuDoticu!^ jDittc^, n. 55. 1578. I |^€ Lord, wherewith Thou didst ^J ever wait for me ; by that ten- der love wherewith, whenever I wandered, Thou watchest over me; by Thine infinite love, wherewith Thou wiliest that I should love Thee eternally; give me love like Thine, that I may for- give, compassionate, love like Thee — Amen. 240 •!• •^ augu0t t\)t G^ijoent^.fifebmt^ iloru our ^otj, tDt)o l)a0t cl)as^eD the slumber from our eyes, and ^ once more assembled us to lift up our hands unto Thee, and to praise Thy just judgments, accept our prayers and supplications, and give us faith that maketh not ashamed, confident hope and love unfeigned ; bless our com- ing-in and going-out, our thoughts, words, and works, and let us begin this day with the praise of the unspeakable sweetness of Thy mercy. Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come — Amen. 43reeh Cburcb. tlorn, tDl)o art as? t\)t s^^atiotD of a great rock in a weary land, ^2^ 'who beholdest Thy weak crea- tures, weary of labor, weary of pleasure, weary of hope deferred, weary of self, in Thine abundant compassion and unutterable tenderness, bring us, we pray Thee, unto Thy rest — Amen. Cbristina <©. Rosfirtti. august t\^t ^tDmt^^rislit^ 4. 4. 24X W^^ tlorD, 31 Him tn^sfelf toitlj all I my weakness and misery into Thy ever-open arms. I know that I am ignorant and much mistaken about myself. Thou, who seest in very truth, look mercifully on me. Lay Thy healing hand upon my wounds. Pour the life-giving balm of Thy love into my heart. Do for me what I have not the courage to do for myself. Save me in spite of myself. May I be Thine ; wholly Thine, and, at all costs. Thine. In humiliation, in poverty, in suffering, in self-abnegation. Thine. Thine in the way Thou knowest to be most fitting, in order that Thou mightest be now and ever mine. Thou art my Strength and my Redeemer. I am Thy poor little creature, dependent on Thy merciful charity alone— Amen. p^ '23e^?on (1816-1861). 242 + + + ^ugusft tl)e ^tomt^mint^ ia^ C^^ mosft Joli' iDill be Done by me and by all pilgrims here below, in the perfect perform- ance of Thy precepts, and all Thy good pleasure, as readily and con- stantly all the days and moments of our life on earth, as it is done by the blessed. Out of the boundless treasury of Thy mercy pardon us all the sins we have committed in thought, word, deed, or by omission, against Thee and against our neighbors, as we forgive all their offences. Mercifully preserve and deliver us from all evils both of body and soul, present and to come, so far as they may hold us back in the attainment of perfec- tion ; that so we may, without hindrance, more perfectly love and glorify Thee in time, more blessedly hereafter in eternity. May what I ask be done, as Thou wiit, when Thou wilt, how Thou wilt, through Thy tender mercy — Amen. ftatW Cbri;5t. 4Haapcr, 3iugus?t t\)t trtjirtietl) -f -f ^ -f -f 243 f^^ ^orj, tDjjo ba^t in mrrc^ caugljt us how good it is to follow the holy desires which Thou mani- foldly puttest into our hearts, and how bitter is the grief of falling short of whatever beauty our minds behold, strengthen us, we beseech Thee, to walk steadfastly throughout life in the better path which our hearts once chose; and give us wisdom to tread it prudently in Thy fear, as well as cheerfully in Thy love ; so that, having been faithful to Thee all the days of our life here, we may be able hopefully to resign ourselves into Thy hands hereafter — Amen. t htsittt\) Cljee, (B ILorD, let t^t power of the Holy Spirit be pres- ent with us, that it may both mercifully cleanse our hearts, and protect us from all adversities; through our Lord Jesus Christ — Amen. Uteonine ;§)acramentarp, 2C. S Thou commandest us to seek Thee, and art ready to befound; Thou biddest us knock, and openest when we do so. To know Thee is life, to serve Thee is freedom, to enjoy Thee is a kingdom, to praise Thee is the joy and happiness of the soul. I praise, and bless, and adore Thee, I worship Thee, I glorify Thee, I give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory. I humbly beseech Thee to abide with me, to reign in me, to make this heart of mine a holy temple, a fit habitation for Thy Divine majesty. O Thou Maker and Preserver of all things, visible and invisible! keep, I beseech Thee, the work of Thine own hands, who trusts in Thy mercy alone for safety and protection. Guard me with the power of Thy grace, here and in all places, now and at all times, forever- more — Amen. ^u SCufiuptine (354-430). ^^{| seek first Thy kingdom and its ^SMi righteousness, teach me to say, "Thy will be done" before I say, " give me my daily bread." Teach me to accept Thy will as the foundation of my happiness, and other things as only its superstructure. I am more afraid of the hunger of the body than of the hunger of the spirit. Convince me that it would not profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul. Show me that it is only the possession of my soul that makes the possession of the world any gain. Impress me with the truth that no thing can give me joy, if I myself am not already joyful. Inspire me with the knowledge that the issues of life are not from without but from within. Guide me into the discovery that the pleasures at Thy right hand are the only things that are ''pleasures for evermore " — Amen. 238 •^ -i- •!• ^tpttmhtt t\)t ifourtenxttj jnttember, rptcmber t\)t 0ntttmt\) 4. -f -f 263 (301}, since ^t)ou art !Lot3C, auO he that loveth not Thee and his brethren knowethThee not, and abideth in death, deliver us from injustice, envy, hatred, and malice; give us grace to pardon all who have offended us, and to bear with one another, even as Thou, Lord, dost bear with us, in Thy patience and great loving-kindness — Amen. €uztnz =25er3^ier, 1874. ^ou, tDl)o art t\}t autl)or of lobe, and the Lover of pure peace and affection, let all who are terrified by fears, afflicted by poverty, harassed by tribulation, worn down by illness, be set free by Thine indulgent tenderness, raised up by amendment of life, and cherished by Thy daily com- passion, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. „ «. ^^^ (©anican ;§)actamentar5, ?C, 53. 800. 264 -^ + •*• ^tpttmhtx t\)t ©tomtieti) |e ht&ttcl) ®t)re, 0^ tlorD, re^ member all for good ; have ^^ mercy upon all, O God. Re- member every soul who, being in any affliction, trouble, or agony, stands in need of Thy mercy and help, all who are in necessity or distress; all who love, or hate us. Thou, O Lord, art the Helper of the helpless; the Hope of the hopeless; the Saviour of them who are tossed with tempests; the Haven of them who sail ; be Thou All to all. The glorious majesty of the Lord our God be upon us; pros- per Thou the work of our hands upon us; Oh, prosper Thou our handy-work. Lord, be Thou within me, to strengthen me; without me, to keep me; above me, to protect me; beneath me, to uphold me; before me, to direct me; behind me, to keep me from straying; round about me, to deiend me. Blessed be Thou O Lord, our Father, for ever and ever — Amen. SancElot JtnDretxjE]^ (1555-1626). ^tpttmhtt tl&e ®tDent^^fir0t -f -f 265 \\)m toe are atoafee^ toe are s?till J with Thee, O God most merci- P^ ful, and Thy hand is over us for good. Be Thou the Desire of our hearts, and the Ruler of our thoughts. O heavenly Father, we need Thy love and Thy calm breath shed abroad in our souls to be a fountain of strength ; we know not without Thee what may befall us this day, either of peril, or of tempta- tion, or of sorrow. But Thou canst put a guard about our path, and canst fence all our senses from temptation by sober- ing them with Thy holy fear. Give us, then, we pray Thee, a right sense of duty, to shield us in all conflict, and guard us against sin and death. Lead us not into temptation; or, when we are tempted, deliver us by humble watchful- ness from all power of evil — Amen. 266 •^ •j-g>cpttmbcrtt)e2>tDcnt^.0cconD ge ht&ttt\) tKl)te, # llorD, tljat Thou wouldest keep our tongues from evil, and our lips from speaking guile ; that, as Thy holy angels ever sing Thy praises in heaven, so with our tongues may we at all times glorify Thee on earth — Amen. i^oman ^rctiarp. Into t\)t IjanUs? of Ct)^ blcsfs^cD protection and unspeakable mercy, O Lord, I commend this day my soul and my body, with all the faculties, powers, and actions of them both; beseeching Thee to be ever with me, to direct, sanctify, and govern me in the ways of Thy laws, and in the works of Thy commandments ; that, through Thy most mighty protection, both here and ever, I may be preserved in body and soul, to serve Thee the only true God, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. Il^ribate ©ctootioni?, 1 560. iua2 September t\)t ^toent^.tljiru ^ ♦^ 267 aiorUt of ®t)^ tmutr lobe, pte^ pare Thou Thyself a place for ^^ Thyself in my heart. Empty my heart of every feeling, thought, emotion, desire, purpose, anx- iety, hope, fear, which may interfere with Thy love. Open my whole heart to receive Thee; let nothing shut Thee out, nothing be shut to Thee. Thou alone canst fit my heart for Thyself; cleanse it wholly by Thy Spirit, that it may wholly love Thee; be wholly filled with Thee ; whollv penetrated, enlight- ened, warmed, by Thee; that Thou may- est dwell in it forever, and it may love Thee with Thine own love in it everlast- ingly—Amen. poofe upon me, (^ lloru, anu pit^ me; make me, and let me be Thine by the choice of my will — Amen. (Ibomaj* l©n?on ( 1 663-1 755). ]n confiDence of ^\)^ goounes^sf and great mercy, O Lord, I draw near unto Thee, as a sick person to the Healer, as one hungry and thirsty to the Fountain of life, a creature to the Creator, a desolate soul to my own tender Comforter. Behold, in Thee is all whatsoever I can or ought to desire; Thou art my Salvation and my Redemp- tion, my Hope and my Strength. Rejoice therefore this day the soul of Thy servant ; for unto Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul — Amen. f^^ tloru, tDl)o Dos?t toas^lb out our [,^B| offences, do Thou comfort us ^^^^ who faithfully call upon Thee; and, we beseech Thee, that Thou wouldest blot out our transgres- sions, and restore us from death to the land of the living, through Christ our Lord — Amen. ;§)arum *35«tJiarp, 2C. 55. 1085. ^ot), toljo of tE^t)^ great lobe to this world, didst reconcile earth i^^-JIKJl to heaven through Thine Only- begotten Son; grant that we who, by the darkness of our sins, are turned aside from brotherly love, may by Thy light shed forth in our souls be filled with Thine own sweetness, and embrace our friends in Thee, and our enemies for Thy sake, in a bond of mu- tual affection — Amen. ^osarafaic before ?t. 53. 700. ^ iloru, 0trntgtljen anti js^ttpport, ; 1 entreat Thee, all persons un- I^^S^ justly accused or underrated. Comfort them by the ever-pres- ent thought that Thou knowest the whole truth, and wilt in Thine own good time make their righteousness as clear as the light Give them grace to pray for such as do them wrong, and hear and bless them when they pray — Amen. Cfjristina <©. Vin^^ettu tlorD, fij: m^ sfoul on ^\}tt; ^eary myself with let me not w( % cares and anxieties and harass of this life, who hope to live with Thee in Thine everlasting love. Let me not be anxious about anything, save that Thou shouldest love me, and make my soul as Thou lovest and wili- est — Amen. W^^t Cljout OD 6oD, a Urfuge from 1 ffi\N^ ^^^ storm, and a Shadow from ^^^ the heat. Even whilst we are lying safely in Thine arms, we are sometimes foolishly timid. Oh, help our unbelief, and, in Thy tenderness, assure us of Thy protection. Thou canst make all things work together for good to them that love Thee. Let not calam- ity injure our souls; let not sorrow cor* rode our hearts — Amen. i^untcc'? ©cbotional ^ttoia^t 1892. September t^e ®tDcnt^.sfebentt) -^271 ilmigl)t^ ^oD, toljo art t\)t Strength of all who put their trust in Thee, grant unto us in the midst of the troubles of this mortal life, that, being confident in Thy wisdom and goodness, and Thine abid- ing love, we may endure all things in a quiet spirit, seeking ever in the midst of the things of this world to meditate oft- times upon the divine peace, and the heavenly rest of the glorified spirits of light ; and being held up by Thy mercy, may neither faint nor fear, but pass on, doing faithfully the duties of life, and, in our last hour, supporting by the Everlast- ing arms, we beseech Thee to guide us into the life everlasting. This we do ask, in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord — Amen. 272 -i- '^ September tlje ®lonWMig^)t^ ^earc^rr of all tjmts?, ®t)ou knowest my heart, and how it stands with me. Thou hast made it, Thou knowest whether I love Thee. All I am or have that has any goodness in it, I am or have alone through Thee, for it is all Thy work in me ; but it must be Thine also by the free surrender of my heart. In Thy service, and fulfilling Thy will, I would fain spend every minute of my life. The thought of Thee shall be the sweetest to me of all thoughts ; to speak of Thee the dearest and best of all 1 speak or hear ; the joy of Thy love shall be the inmost joy of my soul. Gladly would I devote my whole being to Thee ; accept me, then, as a living sacrifice, and give me the mind that was in Christ Jesus, to the glory of God the Father — Amen. Jillicbacl jailer ( 1 75 1-1832). S)eptember t^ie ©tDmt^.nintl) 4. «^ 273 of manifesting Thyself to Thy children is by the discipline of trial and pain, we rejoice that we can turn to Thee in the midst of great anxiety, and commit all our troubles to Thy sure help. As Thou art with us in the sunlight. Oh, be Thou with us in the cloud. In the path by which Thou guidest us, though it be through desert and stormy sea, suffer not our fLiith to fail, but sustain us by Thy near presence, and let the comforts which are in Jesus Christ fill our hearts with peace. And, O God, grant that the fiery trial which trieth us may not be in vain, but may lead us to a cheerful courage, and a holy patience; and let patience have her per- fect work, that we may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing, wholly conse- crate to Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. I^entp W, ifoote. (Bttmnl ^on, toljo Ijasft created me to do the work of God after the manner of men, and to serve Thee in this generation, and ac- cording to my capacities; give me Thy grace that I may be a prudent spender of my time, so as I may best prevent or re- sist all temptation, and be profitable to the Christian commonwealth; and, by discharging all my duty, may glorify Thy name. Take from me all slothfulness, and give me a diligent and an active spirit, and wisdom to choose my em- ployment; that I may do works propor- tionable to my person, and to the dignity of a Christian, and may fill up all the spaces of my time with actions of re- ligion and charity; improving my talent intrusted to me by Thee, my Lord, that 1 may enter into the joy of the Lord, to partake of Thy eternal felicities, even for Thy mercy's sake — Amen. Jercmp (Caplor (i 613-1667). (October ttie i?ir0t ^^^-^^^^ 273 (SoUt tDt)o Icauesft u0 tljrougl) seasons of life to be partakers of kBJi Thine eternity ; the shadows of our evening hasten on. Quicken us betimes: and spare us that sad word, *'The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." Anew we dedicate ourselves to Thee. We would ask nothing, reserve nothing, for ourselves, save only leave to go whither Thou mayest guide, to live not far from Thee, and die into Thy nearer light. Content to accept the reproach of truth, we would take upon us the yoke of Christ, whom it behooved to suffer ere He entered into His glory— Amen. %amt9 JlEartincau. ncfifs; u0t ^ tlorD, toitl) mj^ p^.J heavenly benediction; so that, ^^ rejoicing in Thy strength, and trusting in Thy loving-kindness, we may obtain a blessed immortality — Amen. ;t)arum 'iSrctJiarp, 91. ©. 10S5. 276****-i''^ (October tljr g^rcouD ^^boxi art t\)t Comfort of all toljo jffflB trust Thee, the Help and Shield 1^^^ of all who hope in Thee. O Lord my God, from Thy hand I accept all things without a murmur, for whatever Thou dost is right. Is it Thy will that I walk in darkness ? Behold, Thy way is good, and I will praise Thee. Wilt Thou that my path be light and peace ? Again I praise Thee; Thy grace orders all things, and at all times. One thing only be far from me: I entreat Thee, let me not walk in sin and un- righteousness, nor be counted among them who care not for Thee. Let my will be only Thine, then I shall fear nothing, no suffering and no death, and all things must work together for my good. Lord, keep me in Thy love and truth, comfort me with Thy light, and guide me by Thy Spirit— Amen. ^. iDci?s (1 738- 1 805). (October tt)e tKljirD ♦•f'i.-f4'4. + 277 EF^ ^J^ur i?atl)cr, grant us?, tljisf Da^, tlje : 0M jl sense of Thy presence to cheer, h^k^S and Thy light to direct us, and give us strength for Thy service. And yet more, Father, give us Thine own help and blessing in our sorrows, our faintness, our failure and sin. Thou knowest that we cannot be5r our bur- dens alone. We are only little children, and the world seems very dark to us, and our path very hard, if we are alone. But we are Thy little children ; and so we know we can come to our Father, to ask Thee to help us, and enliven us, and strengthen us, and give us hope. We are not ashamed of our tears, for our Lord hns wept with us. We do not ask Thee to take away our sorrow, for He was made perfect through suffering; but we do ask Thee to be with us as Thou wert with Him, our Father, close to Thy little ones, even as He has promised us — Amen. arum "iSrebiarp, ?C. 5D. 1085. (Dctobcr t\)t ^rtirntl) 4^ -t^ ^ -^ ^ ^ 2Sl M Thou hast made me, redeemed me, and hast kept me in Thy grace until now. Thy mercy is it, O my God, if I have done any good, or that I have been kept from any evil. Blessed be Thou for every good thought Thou hast put into my heart, and for the grace to obey it; for every blessing with- out and within. With my whole soul, and all its powers, and above its pow- ers, I would praise Thee. Lord, help me Thyself to praise Thee, with the silent praise of thankful love — Amen. pm toiue t\)t tointioljo of our jj spirits, and fill us full of light; open wide the door of our hearts, that we may receive and entertain Thee with all our powers of adoration and love — Amen. €bri?tina »©. fiofijcttu 282•^•^*•J••^••^•^ <^ctober t^ie Cigl^tl) tlorD, lift up t\)t ligtit of tE\)^ countenance upon us: let Thy peace rule in our hearts; and may it be our strength and our song, in the house of our pilgrimage. We commit ourselves to Thy care and keeping this day; let Thy grace be mighty in us, and sufficient for us, and let it work in us both to will and to do of Thine own good pleasure, and grant us strength for all the duties of the day. Keep us from sin ; give us the rule over our own spirits; and keep us from speak- ing unadvisedly with our lips. May we live together in peace and holy love, and do Thou command Thy blessing upon us, even life for evermore. Prepare us for all the events of the day ; for we know not what a day may bring forth. Give us grace to deny ourselves; to take up our cross daily, and to follow in the steps of our Lord and Master — Amen. Mattl)txs} i^enrp (i 662-1 714). Imtgljc^ ^oD, toe btos; anD praise Thee that we have wak- ened to the light of another earthly day; and now we will think of what a day should be. Our days are Thine, let them be spent for Thee. Our days are few, let them be spent with care. There are dark days behind us, forgive their sinfulness; there may be dark days before us, strengthen us for their trials. We pray Thee to shine on this day — the day which we may call our own. Lord, we go to our daily work; help us to take pleasure therein. Show us clearly what our duty is; help us to be faithful in doing it. Let all we do be well done, fit for Thine eye to see. Give us strength to do, patience to bear; let our courage never fail. When we cannot love our work, let us think of it as Thy task; and, by our true love to Thee, make unlovely things shine in the light of Thy great love — Amen. 284 -^ + ♦ ♦ + ^ (J^ctober tf)e ®cml) ^^^rant, toe bes^erc() tC!)ee, merciful I ^^' I Lord, to thy faithful people par- ^^Mm , VVV. V... . I speak the truth in love, to hate a lie, to eschew exaggeration, in- accuracy, affectation. Yea, though trib- ulation or persecution should arise for the Truth's sake, suffer us not to be offended Amen ' Ct)ri?tina <©. mmtti* aimiglit^ ILort), anu eijerlasftins God, vouchsafe, we beseech _MM Thee, to direct, sanctify, and govern, both our hearts and bodies, in the ways of Thy laws, and in the works of Thy commandments; that, through Thy most mighty protection, both here and ever, we maybe preserved in body and soul; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ— Amen. cticntenttl) 4. + 4. + 291 Cljou t)opt of all \)o\^ anti humble men of heart, and the I Saviour of them that trust in Thee in time of trouble, give us not over as captives, in spiritual chains; but recover us, that we may awake to do Thy will. Lord, Thou knowest all our desire, and our secret sighing is not hidden from Thee. Into Thy hands I commend my soul and my prayer: give what Thou seest fit, and fit us for what Thou givest. Give us wisdom to abound, or patience to suffer need ; and where the Master placed us, there to be content. Let air our work be done well before we come to die; and let us be gathered into Thine arms, as the harvesters gather a shock in full season. Let our death be happy; and our happiness beyond the power of death — Amen. 292 '^ ♦^ ♦^ -^ (October t^e (Il;igt)temtli llorD €)oo, l^ol^ iFatljer, be Thou blessed both now and for evermore, because as Thou wilt, so is it done, and what Thou doest is good. My soul is sorrowful, sometimes, even unto tears; sometimes also my spirit is disquieted, by reason of impending sufferings. I long after the joy of Thy peace, the peace of Thy chil- dren I earnestly crave. If Thou give peace, if Thou pour into me holy joy, the soul of Thy servant shall be full of melody, and shall become devout in Thy praise. Make me a dutiful and humble disciple (as Thou art wont to be kind), that I may be ever ready to go, if Thou dost but beckon to me. Thou knowest what is expedient for my spiritual pro- gress, and how greatly tribulation serves to scour off the rust of sins; do with me according to Thy desired good pleasure — Amen. (October t^ei^inmmtl; •i-'f-f'f*293 irant unto us?, 0lmigl)t^ ^oJ3» that when our vision fails, and our understanding is darkened ; when the ways of life seem hard, and the brightness of life is gone, — to us grant the wisdom that deepens faith when the sight is dim, and enlarges trust when the understanding is not clear. And whensoever Thy ways in nature or in the soul are hard to be un- derstood, then may our quiet confidence, our patient trust, our loving fliith in Thee be great, and as children knowing that they are loved, cared for, guarded, kept, may we with a quiet mind at all times put our trust in the unseen God. So may we face life without fear, and death without fainting; and, whatsoever may be in the life to come, give us con- fident hope that whatsoever is best for us both here and hereafter is Thy good pleasure, and will be Thy law — Amen. 294 -^ + -^ -i- + October t\)t tEtoentictt) JlorD 6oD, ifatljer of mercies;, the Fountain of comfort and MM blessing, of life and peace, of plenty and pardon, who fillest heaven with Thy glory, and earth with Thy goodness; I give Thee the most earnest, and most humble returns of my glad and thankful heart, for Thou hast refreshed me with Thy comforts, and enlarged me with Thy blessing; for, be- sides the blessings of all mankind, the blessings of nature and the blessings of grace, the support of every minute, and the comforts of every day, Thou hast poured out an excellent expression of Thy loving-kindness upon me. Thou, Lord, hast made me glad through Thy works; I will rejoice in giving praise for the operations of Thy hands. Blessed be the Lord which only doeth wondrous and gracious things. And blessed be the Name of His Majesty for ever; and all the earth shall be filled with His Maj- esty — Amen. Jcrcmp ($aplor (1613-1667). (October tt)e tKtDcnt^ firs?t ^ •^ •^ •^ 295 |lmisl)t^ ^oD! our l)eabenl^ Father, who hast given us in Thy Son Jesus Christ a fountain of life, which, springing up within us, can make all things new, we thank Thee for the deeper meaning which He gives to life,— for the quick- ened sense of duty, the faith under sor- row, the immortal hopes, which we owe to Him. And we pray that His divme instructions may be so received by us with grateful hearts, that no resistance of ours may hinder His freely workmg within us a miracle as when He changed the water into wine. In the power of His Spirit, may our griefs be transformed into consolations,— our infirmities into strength to do well,— our sins into re- pentance,— our Printing and halting spirits into an heavenly mind; and, finally, the doubts, the discouragements, the trials, of this earthly life, into the full assurance and unclouded bliss of an eternal life with Thee, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord— Amen. 296 •^ •^ •^ (October tlje ^toent^.sfeconD (QoD, t\)t ifatljrr of our §loi:D Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, g^ the Prince of Peace; give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our un- happy divisions. Take away from us all hatred and prejudice, and whatsoever else may hinder us from godly union and concord; that as there is but one body, and one Spirit, and one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, one bap- tism, one God and Father of us all, so we may henceforth be all of one heart, and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. ^iSooh of Common pcapcr, ?C. 7D. 1626. \\)on hnoiJDcst, (B !loru, totiat 11^ most I require; help me, and out of the treasury of Thy goodness, succor Thou my needy soul — Amen. <5. %* pusc?. (j^ccober tlje ^tDmt^tljirD * -i* -f •^ 297 ^^^ 6ot), toljo mafee^t all ttjinss? work together for good to them I that love Thee, pour into our hearts such steadfast love to Thee, that those desires which spring from Thee may not be turned aside by any temptation — Amen. our into our Ijearcs? tlje spirit of unselfishness, so that, when our cup overflows, we may seek to share our happiness with our brethren. O Thou God of Love, who makest Thy sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendest rain on the just and the unjust, grant that we may be- come more and more Thy true children, by receiving into our souls more of Thine own spirit of ungrudging and un- wearying kindness; which we ask in the name of Jesus Christ — Amen. Klfunm'^ ©etiotional ;^ertiice^, 1892. 298 •^ 4. ^ (October tl\t ai^toent^^fourt^ g^ £P^ aoti, po0s;r00 in^ soul toitl) ®) I such an ardent love of Thee, so S#i buoyant above all other affec- tions, that no one may ever come in competition with it; such a love as may not only subdue all other affec- tions, but purify and make them innocent ; such a love as may create in my soul a perpetual pleasure in the contemplation of Thee, and a continual thirst after Thee; a love which may transport my soul with Thy divine perfections, and paint there such bright ideas of Thy glorious majesty, that none of the trifling pleasures and temptations of this world may be able to make on it the least im- pression. And as, my gracious Lord, Thou hast given me much, and forgiven me much, so raise my love to a degree proportionable to Thy bounty and mercy — Amen. »2Ef)arlcj5 f^tm (i 661-1745). a^ctohtt tl)e tCtDnrt^.fiftl) 4. 4. ^ 299 iloru €>oDt cur ^obemort toe beseech Thee, of Thy mercy, that we may have the heavenly vision, and behold things as they seem unto Thee, that the turmoil of this world may be seen by us to be bringing forth the sweet peace of the eternal years, and that in all the troubles and sorrows of our own hearts we may be- hold good, and so, with quiet mind and inward peace, careless of outward storm, we may do the duty of life which brings to us a quiet heart, ever trusting in Thee. We give Thee thanks for all Thy mercy. We beseech Thy forgiveness of all our sins. We pray Thy guidance in all things, Thy presence in the hour of death, Thy glory in the life to come. Of Thy mercy hear us, through Jesus Christ our Lord — Amen. George 55ati335on. 300 •^ •^ 4. -f October t^e ©tontt^^^irtlj preserve the works of Thy mercy, and pour into our hearts the sweetness of Thy most holy love, and of entire devotion to Thy holy will — Amen. ILorD i»l)o tjrarrsft pra^rr, gibe ear unto our petitions; that we ^M who, taken captive by our sins, are as it were withered like grass, may be delivered by Thy divine mercy — Amen. .^arum "vJBreUiarp, a. ©. 1085. iloru front loljoin all goou tljingsf do come, grant to us, Thy hum- ^^ ble servants, that by Thy holy inspiration we may think those things that are good, and by Thy merci- ful guiding may perform the same, through our Lord Jesus Christ — Amen.