) <: Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cyclopediaofmoraOOarvirich CYCLOPEDIA OP MORAL AND RELIGIOUS ANECDOTES: , A COLLECTION OF SEVERAL THOUSAND FACTS, INCIDENTS, NARMmES EXAMPLES, AND TESTIMONIES, ^,? EMBRACmG THE BEST OF THE KIND IN MOST FORMER COLLECTIONS, AND SOME HUNDREDS IN ADDITION. ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. THE WHOLE ARRANGED AND CLASSIFIED ON A NEW PLAN WITH COPIOUS TOPICAL AND SCRIPTURAL INDEXES. PASTOR OF THE PROVIDENCE CHURCH, NEW-YORK. BY REV. E. ^RVINE, A.M., PROVIDENCE CHUB I WITH AN INTRODUCTION, BY' REV. GEORGE B. CHEEVER, D.D^ JNEW-YORK: LEAVITT, TROW & COMPANY, 191 BROADWAY. 1848. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848, By LEAVITT, TROW & COMPANY, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New-YorK. ♦ . * / i- INTKODUCTION (The importance of illustration fcrthe purpose of enforcing truth is so obviouS; ^ that it seenis a worlr of supererogation to say one word concerning it. Much has been said in books of rhetoric in regard to the use of figures, tropes, metaphors, and so forth, to add animation to style, and vigor and beauty to eloquence. But the best rhetorical rules will be insensibly discovered and adopted by the mind itself, in familiarity with the most thoughtful, suggestive, and illustrative writers. Principal Campbell, in his Philosophy of Rhetoric, observes, that the senator and the lawyer, in the matter of eloquence, have the advantage of the preacher, because, their subject is generally persons, while his is mainly things. A j)reacher ought, therefore, to endeavor to personify, as far as possible, the things of his argument, the truths he is called to announce ; putting them in the shape of persons, and showing them in action. Interesting relations of fact, will some- times accomplish this object with great power and success. In the selection and use of such facts, there is need of judgment. A greater benefit can hardly be bestowed upon the cause of truth, than a good collection of authentic and interesting points in the current of man's life and God's pro- vidence. Such an encyclopedia may be a book of reference, in which a man may often find materials to enliven and render attractive a discourse which might otherwise have proved very dull, or to fasten on the conscience a truth or a warning, which otherwise would have fallen on the ear unnoticed, and glided past the mind unfelt.^> It is not enough that truth be pointed, like a straight, smooth piece of steel ; it needs aide points, as a dart, that it may not draw out, when it effects an entrance. '' Sometimes, a discourse may be so smooth, so ^ polished, and pointed so finely, that it may go quite through the understanding and the^ Heart, without stopping in it, or leaving any trace of its passage* It is a great mistake to have truth go through its mark, and fall out and be I6st on the other side. Barbed arrows are good, not for the purpose of inflicting unnecessary pain, but drcompelling notice ; they may be barbed with anecdote and illustration, in such a way, that it shall be hardly possible for them to fail. But barbs alone are useless. An archer would be poorly off, if he had nothing in his quiver but arrow-heads or feathers. For an illustration to be useful or successful, there must be something to be illustrated. A sermon made up of anecdotes and flowers, is quite as deficient as a sermon of the driest abstractions. Anecdotes and illustrations, may not only illustrate a point, and make an audience see and feel the argument, but they may themselves add to the argu- ment; they may be at once a part of the reasoning, and an elucidation of it. Indeed, a just figure always adds power to a chain of logic, and increases the . ' amount of truth conveyed. It is also of great use in relieving the attention ; as a stopping place where the mind is rested, and prepared to resume the reasoning without fatigue, without loss. Almost any expedient, which decorum permits/ may be justified in order to prevent drowsiness, keep the mind awake, and fiiTf' the attention of an audience. Nevertheless, such attention, however it may be gained by extraordinary expedients, cannot be kept but by truth worth illus- trating. We have heard of an eccentric preacher, who had a church member named Mark, in the habit of sleeping under the discourses of his pastor. One day, in the midst of his sermon, the preacher, being about to enunciate an important INTRODUCTION. text, raised his voice, exclaiming, " Mark ! Mark ! Mark !" The unfortunate church dreamer, taken suddenly in the depths of a profound nap, started bolt up- \ right, in the midst of the congregation, at the call, when the preacher continued, " Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright^ for the end of that man is , peace !" . Now a forcible illustration, a vivid, or pathetic, or exciting apologue, or in- ; -Jt' cident, or fact, answers all the purpose of such eccentricities, in waking the mind from its slumbers. The hearer feels as if he were addressed by name, when the preacher sen is that of WhIteiieMrv He drew thousands upon thousands to hear him, who probably never would have come to listen, or never stayed a sermon through, but for his wonderful fertility and quickness in the dramatic applications of his subject. He was master of such pathos and naturalness, in describing events illustrative of the grace of God, the solemnity of Divine Providence, the power of conscience, and the nearness of eternal realities, that his facts seemed to come flaming from the fire of his feelings, by which he burnt them in upon the soul, and the truths of his subject along with them. An old fact put on a startling aspect in his hands ; he galva- nized every incident, and then threw it, in an electric stream, upon the conscience. He had a most inimitable ease and happiness in the introduction of occur- rences into his sermon, that had fiillen under his own observation, or had been related to him by others. He brought out the meaning of them, and traced 8 INTRODUCTION. their application, with such natural art, and spontaneous deep feeling, that they seemed a new revelation of truth, even to the original narrator of them. A clergyman of this country states, that he once told an affecting occurrence to Mr. Whitefield, relating it, however, with but the ordinary feeling and brevity of a passing conversation ; when afterwardsj on hearing Mr. Whitefield preach, up came his own story, narrated by the preacher in the pulpit, with such nature, pathos, and power, that.the clergyman himself, who had furnished Whitefield with the dry bones of the illustration, found himself weeping like a child. The tones of the soul possess an intensity and penetrating depth of feeling to subdue the soul ; and Whitefield, amidst all the thunder of a voice that could be heard to an incredible distance, spake with the tones of the soul; and his gestures were impelled by the same spontaneous, magic influence, that made them, as well as his words, seem part of the soul. According to the common saying, so common that we forget the depth of meaning it covers up, he threw his soul into them. .A nd yet it _is said that Whitefield, when a boy, had., been taught to ridicule -J this way..Qf preaching in others. There was an excellent, familiar, plain minis- ter named Cole, whose manner would seem to have been in some way so original as to excite notice, but whose method of story-telling drew young Whitefield's con- tempt. One of the congregation, asked the lad one day, what business he intended to pursue ? He said he meant to be a minister ; but he would take care never to tell stories in the pulpit, like old Cole. About twelve years afterwards, when Whitefield had begun his career of flame, this old gentleman heard him preach, illustrating, in his own powerful way, the application of his subject by some interesting narrative. " I find," said he, " that young Whitefield can now tell stories, as well as ojd Cole." Some of young Whitefield's stories may have been,"indeed,. the very same as old Cole's ; but they had a new power, because they came from the young man's soul, and not from the mere lumber-room of the memory. This alchemy of fervent love to Christ and to souls, this power of intense'^-^ religi6irs~1eeTing, turns all things into gold, creates out of all knowledges, arts, stories in the memory, all scenes of observation, all experiences, inward and external, the means and materials of a vivid eloquence. But there must be dis- cipline of mind, to save even religious feeling from being wasted, and the stores \ of the memory wantoned away. There may be an idle habit of profuse story- \ telling, that, as we have hinted, is almost worse than no illustration at all. It is a..,.-' poor resort to drag in stories merely to help out a sermon, or to conceal the want of thought. It is like our city milkmen stopping at the last pump, and filling their cans with water, when the milk threatens to give out. There must be thought ; and true religious feeling, in a well disciplined mind, produces thought, more than all things else together ; and then illustrations will be used, not for mere amusement, but to convey thought, and make it suggestive and productive. Ha- bits of close attention, Cowper says : Habits of close attention, thinking heads. Become more rare, as dissipation spreads. Till authors hear at length one general cry, Tickle and entertain us, or we die. The desire to be tickled is not confined to the dissipated readers of a trifling literature. Sometimes, the preacher becomes to the congregation "as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well upon an instru- ment ;" and they go to church mainly to hear the music, and be amused. In- stead of going to muse upon the things of God, they go to be a-mused, and drawn away from them. In this case, if the fault be in the preacher, there is, as John Randolph once said, both a lyre and a liar in the pulpit ; and the preacher is a liar, because he is merely a lyre, to play them a pleasant tune. A man must have the magnificent anatomy of the doctrines of the gospel, to be 9 INTRODUCTION. clothed upon with his illustrations and feelings, or else he might as well be con- structing a balloon. When those great doctrines occupy and absorb the soul, being doctrines of life, and not speculation merely, illustration and intense feeling will grow out of them, and grow upon them, and that is the perfection of yieloquence. The trite old rhetorical maxim, Ars est celare arlerriy is only a piece y of rhetorical foolery or hypocrisy, having no place, where there is real, deep, heavenly interest in the subject, where the mind is kindled upon it. And illus- tration, to quote again a few lines from our sweet English Christian Poet, with the change of a word : For illustration, choose what theme we may, And chiefly when religion leads the way, Should flow like waters afi;er summer showers, Not as if raised by mere mechanic powers. This is the secret of familiar, life-giving instruction with children. To attract them, we must, in a measure, be their playmates, and draw them on, and draw out their minds in companionship with our own, in illustrations that shall seem to delight us as much as them. And here we come upon another great use of the excellent and import- ant volume, to which these thoughts are introductory, that of interest and instruction in Sabbath schools. A fund of authentic stories and anecdotes, moral, ^ providential, religious, is to Sabbath school teachers invaluable. And such should know how to apply them. They should be at pains to gather and select them for their purpose. One or two little stories happily told, or the simplest anecdotes or incidents dwelt upon with interest, and bringing the lesson home to the heart, may make each exercise an enjoyment instead of a task, a delight instead of a mere duty. The teacher may present apples of gold in baskets of silver, and every youthful mind will take home a part of the fruit, and keep it. The truth so presented, the lesson so inculcated, will stay in the memory, will circulate in the understanding, as the air does in a room, instead of knocking at / the door in vain for admittance. A child receives truth into the mind, presented " in lively and interesting incident, as a quiet unruffled lake receives into its bosom the reflection of the sky and the clouds above it, or the trees and flowers upon its margin. There is nothing so susceptible of impression as a child's mind to Divine truth, when it comes in the shape of a story or a life, told in a winning, familiar, affectionate manner. Here it is that teachers are often extremely deficient ; and here is the reason why the pupils of one class will sometimes be charmed with their Sabbath exer- cises, so that the Sabbath shall be the day to which, perhaps, they look forward with more pleasure than to any other in the week ; while those of another find the same lessons tiresome, and the Sabbath without delight. One teacher en^^ livens the exercise with anecdote, drawing from the Scriptures and from real life, a variety of beautiful proof and illustration ; the other merely presents the truth in the abstract, dry form of question and answer, without life, without incident. A teacher had better, eveiy Sabbath, tell something to awaken an interest, even if disconnected from the lesson, than leave his little class without such attraction. A volume which provides the materials of such interest, is a great and important gift, to the Sabbath school, the social circle, and the family fireside. The use of the pictorialy whether in words or engravings, is an element of ^indispensable importance and incalculable power. The enemies of God, of the r truth, and of the soul, employ it with dreadful art and energy for the destruction vM of men in sin, for awakening and depraving the passions, and then supplying j them with pernicious gratifications and fiery stimulants. Let good men take the 1 art of illustration, and use it for God, for heaven, for the salvation of the soul. L GEORGE B. CHEEVER. New-Yorki January 26, 1848. 10 PREFACE. Origin and Design of the Work. — One of the best meai^ which I have found to Y\ fasten moral and rehgious truths on the popular mind, is to present them clothed in tangible ■ forms, as in anecdotes, historical sketches, and kindred illustrations. They do much, when / rigUly used, to enlist attention, convince the judgment, and persuade the heart. I have -^ often seen the truth of the proverb, " One fact is worth a ship-load of arguments." As we might naturally suppose, an example of virtue is more forcible than a precept, because men are more ready to imitate than they are to obey. And citing an instance of the effects of sin, often tells more loudly than a lecture against it; because men more readily imagine ^ fallacy in our logic than falsehood in our statements, and give more deference to the doings of God than to the sayings of man. Besides, in most men, the perceptive predominate over the reflective faculties ; hence, fact and incident which strike the former, are more easily remembered than trains of reasoning which appeal to the latter. The great moral uses of such illustrations in the family and social circle, in the Sabbath scnool and the pulpit, have not only been proved in my own experience, but I find that the experience of many others is similar to mine. To supply, therefore, their wants and my own, r have devoted much time and pains for two or three years past, to the preparation of the present work. Character of the Work. — The anecdotes, incidents, and historical sketches, here assembled, are moral and religious ; a wider range of subjects would have made the work too costly and cumbersome. A large and interesting class of materials, embracing anecdotes used in the way of simile or comparison, striking analogies, parables, and the like, have been omitted on the same account : I intend before long to publish them in a separate volume. Many of the anecdotes here presented, are, of course, adapted rather to the fireside, the Sabbath school, and the platform, than to the pulpit : what are adapted to the latter, and what are not, the preacher qualified for his office, is qualified to decide. A large portion of the anecdotes of this volume have been more or less abridged, and many partly or wholly re-written ; thus, the number embraced in such a volume is far more extensive, and the trutlia,, they prove or exemplify, are, I trust, rendered more clear and -'C, distinct to the mind. (^1 strictly sectarian anecdotes have been avoided. The writer has ffel introduced no anecdotes which he considered of doubtful or apocryphal character. But in most cases he has not deemed it important to give the original authorities. As a general thing, anecdotes rather secure credence by being true to nature, than by being vouched for by this or that witness, unless he be a person whom we greatly confide in. Sources and Extent of the Work. — In preparing this volume, I have gone over / nearly all former collections published in this country and Great Britain, (amounting to \/ scores of volumes,) and have taken from them all the moral and religious portions of much interest or value. To the twelve volumes pubUshed_ byJheLondon Religious Tract Society, I^am, however, as much indebted as to all the rest. This excellent series was edited by the Rev. Dr. Belcher, now pastor of a church in Philadelphia ; and I may gratefully add that I have received from him some valuable suggestions and friendly encouragement in the pre paration of this work. 17 PREFACE. In addition to the above collections, I have examined the files of the religious journals of our more prominent evangelical denominations ; such as the New-York Observer, New-York Evangelist, Christian Advocate and Journal, Churchman, Protestant Churchman, Christian Intelligencer, Boston Recorder, Christian Watchman, Christian Reflector, Millennial Har- binger, and others which it is needless to mention. Magazines, biographies, and similar works have likewise been consulted. New anecdotes ha^•e also been furnished by clergy- men and others. This work, therefore, contains nearly all the best anecdotes of the kind to be found in pre- vious collections, and several hundred others, original and selected. Arrangement, Classification, and Indexes. — All anecdotal works which I have met with, two or three excepted, are of a very miscellaneous and jumbled character, and very deficient in their indexes. Thus they are of very little use as books of reference. Unless a person has a very tenacious memory, and has read them carefully, it often costs more time to find some half-forgotten anecdote than it is worth. One great effort of the writer in this work has been to obviate these difficulties ; to prepare a book which could be referred to with the greatest possible facility, in the illustration and pointing of truth. Accordingly, the main topics or subjects follow each other in alphabetical order ; and when the subject is extensive, and the facts numerous, they are placed under those analy- tical divisions and subdivisions of the subject which they illustrate. In addition to this, copious topical and Scriptural indexes will be found at the end of the work. Each division of anecdotes is numbered, 1, 2, 3, &c. ; and each anecdote is marked by the letters of the alphabet, (a), (b), (c), &c. In the Index, anecdotes are referred to in whole classes, by the above-mentioned figures, or a particular anecdote is referred to by joining both figure and letter ; thus, 20a, 30b, 40d, &c. With a little practice, therefore, it will be easy for one but partially acquainted with the contents of the book, to find facts in a moment on any topic or Scripture, which the facts can illustrate. In closing, I would very gratefully acknowledge my obligations to the Rev. Francis Smith, of Providence, R. I., and the Rev. O. B. Judd, of this city, for the valuable assistance which I have received from them in the prosecution of my labors. K. ARVINE. Nevj'York, January 14, 1848. CYCLOPEDIA OF MORAL AND RELIGIOUS ANECDOTES, ABSTINENCE, TOTAL, FROM INTOXICATING DRINKS. 1. The Pecuniary Advantage of Total Abstinence. (a) " THERE GOES A TEETO- TALER !" — A drunkard assailed a Washingtonian, but could only say, " There goes a teetotaler !" The gentle- man waited until the crowd had collected, and then, turning upon the drunkard, said, " There stands a drunkard ! — Three years ago he had a sum of $800, now he cannot produce a penny. I know he cannot. I challenge him to do it, for if he had a penny he would be at a public house. There stands a drunk- ard, and here stands a teetotaler, with a purse full of money, honestly earned and carefully kept. There stands a drunkard ! — Three years ago he had a watch, a coat, shoes, and decent clothes ; now he has nothing but rags upon him, his watch is gone, and his shoes afford free passage to the water. There stands a drunkard : and here stands a teetotaler, with a good hat, good shoes, good clothes, and a good watch, all paid for. Yes, here stands a teetotaler ! And now, my friends, which has the best of it ?" The bystanders testified their approval of the teetotaler by loud shouts, while the crest- fallen drunkard slunk away, happy to escape further castigation. (h) A SAVING OF FIVEPENCE A DAY. — At a meeting, in Birmingham, of a total abstinence society, the following statement was made by a working coach painter, who was called on in his turn to speak on the subject of temperance. He said he had made a few calculations which he wished to communicate, with the view of showing the pecuniary bene- fit he had derived during the four years he had been a teetotal member. Pre- vious to that time he had been in the practice of spending, on an average, in intoxicating drink, fivepence per day, or £7 12s. Id. per annum, and which in four years would amount to £30 8s. 4d. He would noAv show how this sum had been expended during the four years he had abstained from all intoxicating drinks. First, it had enabled him to allow an aged father £3 5s. per annum towards rent, or in four years, £13. Secondly, he had entered a benefit so- ciety, and paid one shilling and seven- pence per week, or £4 2s. 4d. per an- num, or £16 9s. 4d. for the four years. For this payment he secured the follow- ing advantages : in case of his being dis- abled from doing his accustomed work by illness or accident, the society will pay him eighteen shillings per week, until restored to health : in case of death, his widow or rightful heir is entitled to a bonus of £9, besides half the amount paid into the society by the deceased up to the time of his death, with the inter 13 ABSTINENCE, TOTAL, FROM INTOXICATING DRINKS. est due thereon. Thirdly, it left him four shillings and ninepence per annum, or nineteen shillings for the four years, to be expended in temperance periodi- cals. It might further be added, that when the sum of £54 had been paid into the society's funds, no further pay- ment would be required, and the con- tributor would be entitled to all the benefits before enumerated ; medicine and medical attendance were included in the arrangement. Reader, how much may be done with fivepence a day ! (c) THE BAD LUMP.— The follow- ing incident we relate on the author- ity of the old sailor, who delivered a temperance lecture on board a steam- boat running between New York and New Haven. Having found a man who was divest- ed of all decent clothing, and in a wretched state of health in consequence of drinking, he induced him, amidst the discouragements of the tavern-keep- er, at whose house he had found him, to sign the temperance pledge for one year. The landlord prophesied that he would not keep the pledge a year, or that if he did he would never renew it. As the year was coming to a close, the old sailor called upon the man, and secured his signature again. He signed it for 999 years, with the privi- lege of a life lease afterward ! When the day arrived upon which his first pledge expired, he roguishly went to visit his old friend the tavern-keeper. " There he comes," (said the eager rum-seller,) " he will have a great spree now to pay for his long abstinence." When he arrived at the tavern, he complained of a bad feeling at his stomach, and of va- rious evils, among which was a bad lump on one side, which had been grow- ing for a number of months. " Ah," said the landlord, " did I not tell you it would kill you to break off* drinking so suddenly ? I wonder you have lived as long as you have. — Come, what will you take ?" and suiting the action to the word, he placed a decanter before him. " But," said the visitor, " I have sign- ed the pledge again for 999 years, with the privilege of a life lease after it !" " What a fool !" said the landlord ; 14 " if you go on as you have done, you will not live another year." " Do you really think so, landlord ?" ' " Certainly. Come, what will you take ?" " Oh no, landlord ; I have signed the pledge again, and then this terrible lump on my side. I do not believe that drink- ing will make it any better." " It is all," said the landlord, " be- cause you left off* drinking. You will have a bigger lump than that on the other side before long, if you continue another year as the last." " Do you think I will ? Well, then so be it. I will not violate my pledge, for look here, landlord, (pulling out a great purse,with a hundred dollars in silver shining through the interstices,) that is my lump which has been growing for so many months, and, as you say, is all ' in consequence of signing the pledged This is what you would have had, if I had not signed it ; and if I have a big- ger one than that for 999 years, I will not go to drinking again !" (d) THE WAY TO PAY RENT. — A blacksmith in the city of Philadel- phia, was complaining to his iron mer- chant that such was the scarcity of money that he could not pay his rent. The mer- chant then asked him how much rum he used in his family, in the course of the day. Upon his answering this question, the merchant made a calculation, and showed him that his rum amounted to more money in the year than his house- rent. The calculation so astonished the mechanic, that he determined from that day to buy and drink no spirits of any kind. In the course of the ensuing year he paid his rent and bought a new suit of clothes out of the savings of his temperance. He persisted in it through the course of his life, and the conse- quence was competence and respecta- bility. I Total Abstinence the only Safe Ground. (a) THE LAST OF THE MOHE- GANS. — The Mohegans were an ex- cellent tribe of Indians, who lived about Norwich, Ct. They had a long line of kings in the family of Uncas. One of the last was Zachary ; but he was a THE ONLY SAFE GROUND. 3 great drunkard. But a sense of the dignity of his office came over him, and he resolved he would drink no more. .Tust before the annual election, he was accustomed to go every year to Leba- non, and dine with his brother Gover- nor, the first Gov. Trumbull. One of the Governor's boys had heard old Zachary's story, and thought he would try him, and see if he would stick to his cold water. So at table he said to the old chief: — " Zachary, this beer is excellent ; will you taste it ?" The old man dropped his knife, lean- ed forward with stern intensity of ex- pression, his black eye sparkling with indignation, was fixed on him : " John," said he, " you do not know what you are doing. You are serving the devil, boy ! I tell you that I am an Indian ! I tell you that I am ; and that if I should but taste your beer, I could not stop un- til I got to ruin, and become again the drunken, contemptible wretch your fa- ther remembers me to have been. John, while you live, never tempt a man to break a good resolution." This story the venerable Col. Trum- bull tells of himself Let all our read- ers remember it, and never tempt a man to break a good resolution. (b) THE FATAL TEMPTATION. — An intemperate man, and one of the most brilliant gems of the age, made a desperate effort to reform. For three months, he promised and confined him- self to drinks no more stimulating than tea and coffee. The hopes of his friends and his country were much excited ; but in an evil hour he was induced to take a little beer and water. The slight intoxicating quality contained in this liquor, lighted up the latent fires within him. Desire was again renew- ed ; resolution weakened ; he relapsed, and went from beer to wine, from wine to brandy, until reason was dethroned, and he became a madman. (c) DRINKING MODERATELY. ^' — A gentleman, of the most amiable dis- positions, had contracted confirmed ha- bits of intemperance. His friends per- suaded him to come under a written engagement, that he would not drink, except moderately, in his own house, or the house of a friej^d. In a few days he was brought home in a state of bestial intoxication. His apology to a gentleman, a short time after, was, that had the engagement allowed no intoxi- cating liquor whatever, he was safe ; "but if," said he, "I take the half-full of a thimble, I have no power over my- self at all." He practised entire ab- stinence aflerwards, and was strong and well. (d) ORIGIN OF MAHOMET'S PROHIBITION OF WINE.— "Ma- homet is said to have been led to put the prohibition against the use of wine, in the Koran, by an incident which occurred to himself Passing through a village one day, he was delighted at the merriment of a crowd of persons enjoying themselves with drinking at a wedding party — but being obliged to return by the same way next morning, he was shocked to see the ground, where they had been, drenched with blood, and, asking the cause, he was told that the company had drunk to excess, and, getting into a brawl, fell to slaughtering each other. From that day his mind was made up, — the mandate went forth from Allah, that no child of the faithful should touch wine, on pain of being shut out from the joys of Paradise. The simple truth we suppose to be, that Mahomet foresaw there would be no stability to the religion and empire he was building up, if the use of ardent spirits was permitted to his followers." (e) A CHANGE AND CONTRAST. — On an extreme cold night, shivering by the stove in a grog-shop in Cincin- nati, sat a young man about twenty-five years of age, (although he appeared much older,) who was evidently the victim of a depraved appetite. His eye, though swollen and bloodshot, had not entirely lost the power of its expression, and a careful observer could discover that he once possessed a bright intellect and a commanding genius. He gazed on vacancy, reflecting perhaps upon the misery he had brought upon himself and relatives, in consequence of his dissipation. He was thinly clad, and seemed to be laboring under some hor- rible sensation. Those who came and went, looked with disgust upon him, and then passed 15 ABSTINENCE, TOTAL, FROM INTOXICATING DRINKS. on. At length, one entered who was acquainted with him, and after looking at him for a moment turned upon his heel and said to the bar-tender : " Brown, why do you let such loafers , as that sit here, to the annoyance of * respectable people?" This last speaker, whom we will call Somers, was also a young man, respectably clad, and be- longed to the same mechanical business, as did the one whom he was pleased to term " loafer." He was a moderate drinker, the other a drunkard! The bar-tender replied : " I have told him a number of times to keep away from the place, and am determined that if he comes here again drunk, I will send him, head and heels, into the street." This rebuke cut poor William H — , (for that was his name,) to the very quick. He was not so drunk but that he could see and understand — nor had , rum entirely obliterated that manly pride which once burned brightly with- in his bosom. Although he was degra- ded, * he had one virtue left ; That true shoot which precept doth inculcate, And keep the root and trunk alive, — One virtue — Manhood !" He rose and left the place to go — he knew not whither. * * * * Two years passed away, and William H had become a Washingtonian, and a highly respectable member of society — surrounded by innumerable friends, who placed the most implicit confidence in his integrity as a man and a citizen, and was doing a prosperous business. One morning, as he took up the daily paper, his eye fell upon that department devoted to "Coroner's in- quests " — and, to his utter astonishment and grief, he read that George Somers had died on the previous day at the Alms House from the effects of intem- perance ! (f) WESLEY AND THE DYS- PEPTIC CLERGYMAN.— When sta- tioned in the city of Bath, says Rev. Mr. Towle, I was introduced into the company of an aged man, whom I un- derstood to have been intimate with Mr. Wesley, and once a useful local preacher. We entered into conversation 16 about Mr. Wesley's times, when among other things he observed, — " On one occasion, when Mr. Wesley dined with me, after dinner, as usual, I prepared a liiile brandy and water. On perceiv- ing this, with an air of surprise he cried, — 'What! my brother, what's that?' ' It's brandy,' said I ; ' my digestion is so bad, I am obliged to take a little afte.* dinner.' ' Flow much do you take V said he, ' let me see.' ^ Only about a table- spoonful.' ' Truly,' said he, ' that is not much ; but one table-spoonful will soon lose its effect, and then you will take two ; from two you will get to a full glass ; and that, in like manner, by habituating yourself to it, will lose its effect, and then you will take two glasses, and so on, till in the end, per- haps you will become a drunkard. O my brother, take care what you do !' " Happy had it been for that man, if he had taken the timely warning of his good friend Wesley. But alas ! he trifled with his lUtJe drops, until he actually did become a drunkard, ruined his reputation, and at the very time I had an interview with him, he was a poor, old, miserable backslider, appa- rently within a few steps of the grave. t Only those who totally abstain exert a good influence over the Intemperate, or command respect as Christians. (a) A DISTILLER HOOKED.— A Washingtonian in Pennsylvania says, " I went to see a distiller and^ffered him the pledge to sign. ' No, sir,' said he, ' I manufacture the article, and do you suppose I would sign ? I'll tell you what I'll do,' said he ; ' I have a son, and I should be right glad if you could get him to sign ; and you may tell him if he will, there are five hundred dollars in the hands of Mr. Taylor, and the home farm, and he shall have them both if he signs it.' Like many a father he was willing to give any thing but the influence of example. So off* I went in search of the son. I told him what his father said. ' Well now,' said he, ' how can you expect me to trot, when daddy and mammy both paces !' I turned round, and went right off* after the old man — now, said I, what do you say to INFLUENCE AND RESPECT. that ? " Well, sir, " said he, " I pledge you my word I never saw it in that light before ; and I never will drink or man- ufacture another drop as long as I live ;" and he put down his name upon the spot. I took the pledge to the young man with his father's name to it, and he signed it directly. (b) WILLIAM LADD AND HIS WINE. — William Ladd was a man al- ways ready for every good work. He early enlisted in the cause of Temper- ance. He had seen so much of the awful effects of the vice against which we contend, that he gladly heard and obeyed the call to be up and doing what he could to suppress it. But, as he told me, he for a long while opposed only the use of distilled spirits, and continued himself to drink wine daily and freely. To be consistent, however, he took pains to send all the way to New- York to pro- cure wine that was not infused with brandy. And you know, sir, that article can be readily obtained in that city or our own ; for there are kind, accommo- dating merchants, who wish to suit their purchasers so much, that they can draw you wine with alcohol, or wine without alcohol, from the same cask. Well, sir, Mr. Ladd obtained his pure wine at a considerable additional ex- pense, had it conveyed down to Minot, and carefully bestowed in his cellar, and continued to regale himself as he saw fit with his unadulterated juice of the grape, even while he was going about preach- ing the doctrine of total abstinence. Of this he made no secret, for he was too good a man to do that in private which he was ashamed to acknowledge before all men. Indeed he did not perceive, he did not suspect his inconsistency. But, on a great occasion, at a large county meeting, he exerted himself more than ever, and, as he told me, with great success. " I never," said he, with his wonted frankness, " I never made so good a temperance speech in my life. I used up the objections of the oppose rs of our cause. I thought nobody could get away from my arguments. I sat down," said he, " thinking that he who could withstand the appeal that I had made must be a hard one indeed, when a little crusty-looking man got up in a 2 distant part of the house, and merely said, ' Ha, if the squire '11 give us some of his good wine, we won't drink the nas- ty rum no more.' " This was too much for Mr. Ladd. It revealed to him, as with a flash, to what little purpose he had labored. He rose at once before the assembly, acknowledged his incon- sistency, renounced from that moment the use of any and every kind of in- toxicating drink, resolving, in the spirit of the apostle, that he would not drink wine nor any other thing whereby his fellow man might be led to offend. This, sir, is the true spirit of our great reform. For the sake of ourselves, and for the sake of others, we must abstain wholly from the use of intoxicating drinks of every sort. We must show our faith bv our practice. (c) TIMING IT.— A minister in the Highlands of Scotland, found one of his parishioners intoxicated. The next day he called to reprove him for it. " It is very wrong to get drunk," said the parson. " I ken that," said the guilty person, " but then I dinna drink as meikle as you do !" '•What, sir! How is that?" " Why, gin it please ye, dinna ye aye take a glass o' whisky and water afler dinner ?" " Why yes. Jemmy, surely I take 'a little whisky after dinner merely to aid digestion." " An dinna ye take a glass o' whisky toddy every night before ye gang to bed V "Yes, to be sure, I just take a little toddy at night to help me sleep !" " Weel," continued the parishioner, " that's jist fourteen glasses a week, an about sixty every month. I only get paid off once a month, an then if I'd take sixty glasses, it wad make me dead drunk for a week ; — now ye see the only difference is, ye ti7ne it better than I do!" This is pretty much the view most people take of this matter ; a moderate drinking clergyman may talk to his drunken parishioner till doomsday, but he will never make him a sober man so long as he drinks himself. (d) A CONVERT CHARGED WITH HYPOCRISY. 17 -It is a fact, of ABSTINENCE, TOTAL, FROM INTOXICATING DRINKS. which I have been but recently con- vinced, (says a writer in the N. Y. Evangelist,) that the world in general, those who have no religion, and even opposers, consider the conversion -of those persons to religion as spurious and hypocritical, who do not approve of and practice total abstinence from ardent spirits. In a town where there has been a re- vival the past winter, there is a person who has been from a child in the habit of drinking ardent spirit freely, perhaps almost to excess ; and who, until re- cently, seldom attended a religious meeting. This individual became a hopeful subject of renewing grace, and professed his faith in Christ. So changed, so exemplary was his walk and conver- sation, that even the enemies of religion could have nothing to say against him. After a while, this person had occasion to purchase\Some whisky for medicinal purposes, and then the cry was raised egainst him by opposers, that he had no religion, and that the purchase of the whisky proved his hypocrisy ! (e) DEACON BARNES AND THE DRUNKARD.— A man once addicted to intemperance, but who for some months had entirely abstained, though he had not joined the Temperance Soci- ety, took occasion not long since to re- late, in a temperance meeting, his expe- rience in regard to the influence of tem- perate drinkers of respectable standing in society, upon the habits of the drunkard. " Many a time," said he, " have I gone to Captain .Johnson's tavern and waited for half an hour, or an hour, for some respectable man to come in and go to the bar and call for liquor. After a while. Deacon Barnes would come in and call for some spirit and water. Then I could get up to the bar and do as he did." Deacon Barnes hearing of this, asked him if it was so. " It is," said the man. "Well," rejoined the deacon, "you .shall hang on me no longer. I joined the Temperance Society yesterday." " Did you ?" -" Yes." " Well, then I will join to-day, for I •can do without liquor as long as Deacon Barnes can." 18 He did join, and remained a consis- tent temperance man afterwards. 4. Illustrious Examples of Total Absti- nence. (a) REFUSING TO DRINK WINE WITH WASHINGTON. — Towards the close of the revolutionary war, says Dr. Cox, an officer in the army had occasion to transact some business with General Washington, and repaired to Philadelphia for that purpose. Before leaving, he received an invitation to dine with the General, which was accepted, and upon entering the room he found himself in the company of a large num- ber of ladies and gentlemen. As they were mostly strangers to him, and he was of a naturally modest and unassum- ing disposition, he took a seat near the foot of the table, and refrained from taking an active part in the conversa- tion. Just before the dinner was con- cluded. General Washington called him by name and requested him to drink a glass of wine with him. " You will have the goodness to ex- cuse me. General," was the reply, " as I have made it a rule not to take wine." All eyes were instantly turned upon the young officer, and a murmur of sur- prise and horror ran around thg room. That a person should be so unsocial and so jnean as to never drink wine, was re- ally too bad ; but that he should abstain from it on an occasion like that, and even when offered to him by Washing- ton himself, was perfectly intolerable ! Washington saw at once the feelings of his guests, and promptly addressed them : — " Gentlemen," said he, " Mr. is right. I do not wish any of my guests to partake of any thing against their inclination, and I certainly do not wish them to violate any established principle in their social intercourse with me. I honor Mr. tor his frank- ness, for his consistency in thus adher- ing to an established rule which can never do him harm, and for the adoption of which, I have no doubt; he has good and sufficient reasons." {h) REV. JOSEPH WOLF AND THE RECHABITES.— The Rev. Jo- seph Wolf says : — On my arrival in ILLUSTRIOUS EXAMPLES. Mesopotamia, some Jews that I saw there, pointed me to one of the ancient RechabitGs. He stood before me, wild, like an Arab^holding the bridle of his horse in his hand. I showed him the Bible in Hebrew and Arabic, which he was much rejoiced to see, as he could read both languages, but had no know- ledge of the New Testament. After having proclaimed to him the tidings of salvation, and made him a present of the Hebrew and Arabic Bibles and Testa- ments, I asked him, — '' Whose descend- ant are you ?" " Mousa," said he, boisterously, " is my name, and I will show you who were my ancestors ;" on which he im- mediately began to read from the fifth to the eleventh verse of Jeremiah xxxv, " Where do you reside ?" said I. Turning to Genesis x. 27, he replied, " At Hadoram, now called Simar by the Arabs : at Uzal, now called Sanan by che Arabs;" and again referring to the same chapter, verse 30th, he continued, •' At Mesha, now called Mecca, in the deserts around those places. We drink no wine, and plant no vineyard, and sow no seed ; and live in tents, as Jona- dab, our father, commanded us : Hobab was our father too. Come to us, and you will find us sixty thousand in num- ber ; and you see thus the prophecy has been fulfilled, ' Therefore, thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, Jona- dab, the son of Rechab, shall not want a man to stand before me forever;'" and saying this, Mousa, the Rechabite, mounted his horse and fled away, and lefl behind a host of evidence in favor of sacred writ. (c) GOOD EXAMPLE OF A KING. — A heathen king, who had been for years confirmed in the sin of drunken- ness, by the evil practices of white men on tlie Sandwich Islands, had been led to forsake the dreadful habit. He said lately to a missionary, " Suppose you put four thousand dollars in one hand, and a glass of rum in the other, you say you drink this rum I give you four thou- sand dollars, I no drink it ; you say you kill me, I no drink it." (d) AN EXAMPLE FOR YOUTH. — A little boy in destitute circumstances was put out as an apprentice to a me- chanic. For some time he was the youngest apprentice, and of course had to go upon errands for the apprentices, and not unfrequently to procure for them ardent spirits, of which all, except him- self, partook, because, as they said, it did them good. He however used none ; and, in consequence of it, was often the object of severe ridicule from the older apprentices,' because, as they said, he had not sufficient manhood to drink rum. And as they were reveling over their poison, he, under their insults and cruel- ty, often retired and vented his grief in tears. But now every one of the older apprentices, we are informed, is a drunk- ard, or in the drunkard's grave ; and this youngest apprentice, at whom they used to scoff, is sober and respectable, and worth a hundred thousand dollars. In his employment are about one hun- dred men, who do not use ardent spirits ; and he is exerting upon many thousands an influence in the highest dejiree salu- tary, which may be transmitted by them to future generations, and be the means, through grace, of preparing multitudes not only for usefulness and respectability on earth, but for an exceeding and eter- nal weifjht of glorv. (^0 A PATRIOT'S RESOLVE.— An old man of more than fourscore years, afflicted with a bodily infirmity, for which he had been advised by a phy- sician to use ardent spirit as a medicine, was presented with the total abstinence pledge. After reading it he said, '' That is the thing that will save our country — I will sign it !" " No," said one, " you must not sign it, because ardent spirit is necessary foi you as a medicine." " 1 know," said he, " I have used it, but if something is not done, our coun- try will be ruined, and I will not be ac- cessory to its ruin. I will sign it!" " Then," says another, " you will die." " Well, " said the old man, in the true spirit of '76, " for my country I can die" — and he signed the pledge, gave up his medicine, and his disease fled away. It was the remedy that kept up the disease, and whan he had renounced the one, he was relieved of the other. So it probably would be in nine cases out 19 5 ABSTINENCE, TOTAL, FROM INTOXICATING DRINKS. of ten where this poison is used as a medicine. (f) NOT OLD ENOUGH TO NEED IT.— When the subject of form- ing a Temperance Society began to be agitated in the town of W , it met with strong opposition from a class of temperate drinkers. The number, how- ever, who were ready to join a Society, was considerable, and their character and standing in the community, respect- able. Among this number was a gen- tleman who had attained the great age of ninety-one years. When it became known that this hoary veteran of other days was thinking of becoming a mem- ber of the Temperance Society, some of his drinking and compassionate neigh- bors expostulated with him in this man- ner : — " You have occasionally drank a little spirit during your whole life, and it has not injured you ; surely it would be folly for you to deny yourself of this beverage for the little remnant of your days. Besides, old people, as their corporeal powers decay, need a little ardent spirit to sustain them." The old man, whose head was whitened with the frosts of 91 winters, replied — " I do not know but old people need ardent spirit ; but I am not old enough yet to need it." 5. Lessons from the Brntes. (a) THE MONKEY AND THE DRUNKARD.— Mr. Pollard states that in his drinking days he was the com- panion of a man in Arundel Co., Mary- land, who had a monkey which he valued at a thousand dollars. " We always took him out on our chesnut parties. He shook off all our chesnuts for us, and when he could not shake them off, he would go to the very end of the limb and knock them off with his fist. One day, we stopped at a tavern and drank freely. About half a glass of whisky was left, and Jack took the glass, and drank it all up. Soon he was merry, skipped, hopped, and danced, and set us all in a roar of laughter. Jack was drunk. " We all agreed, six of us, that we would come to the tavern next day, and get Jack drunk again, and have sport 20 all day. I called at my friend's housu next morning, and we went out for Jack. Instead of being as usual on his box, he was not to be seen. We looked inside, and he was crouched up in a heap. * Come out here,' said his master. Jack came out on three legs ; his fore-paw was upon his head. Jack had the head- ache ; I knew what was the matter with him. He felt just as I felt, many a morning. Jack was sick and couldn't go. So we wailed three days. We then went, and while drinking, a glass was provided for Jack. But where was he ? Skulking behind the chairs. ' Come here Jack, and drink,' said his master, holding out the glass to him. Jack re- treated, and as the door was opened, slipped out and in a moment was on top of the house. His master went out to call him down, but he would not come. He got a cow-skin and shook it at him. Jack sat on the ridge-pole and refused to obey. His master got a gun and pointed it at him. A monkey is much afraid of a gun. Jack slipped over the backside of the house. His master then got two guns, and had one pointed each side of the house, when the monkey seeing his bad predicament, at once whipped up on the chimney and got down in one of the flues, holding on by his fore-paws ! The master was beaten. The man kept that monkey twelve years, but could never persuade him to taste another drop of whisky. The beast had more sense than a man who has an immortal soul, and thinks himself the first and best of God's creatures on earth." (h) AS DRUNK AS A BEAST.— While Dr. Patton was dining in Lon- don with a number of the clergy, one of them remarked, after turning otT his glass of wine, "I do not think I am called upon to give up my glass of wine because some mm, by using it to excess, make beasts of themselves." The Doc- tor replied, he thought great injustice was done to the beasts by the compari- son — that quadrupeds might be taken in once by strong drink, but very rarely the second time. It was left to intelli- gent man to follow up the habit until overtaken by destruction. He instanced the case of a goat, whose habit was to LESSONS FROM THE BRUTES. follow his master to a beer shop, where he would sleep under the table while his master was drinking ; on one oc- casion, either by fair or foul means, one of the waiters made the poor goat drunk on vile beer — but from that time he Would, as usual, follow his master to his drinking haunts, but could never again be tempted to enter, but would wait the movement of his master outside the door. (c) "DOTH NOT EVEN NA- TURE HERSELF TEACH?"— -A clergyman in one of the towns in the State of New- York, at the time when the protests against the use of liquors became somewhat earnest from the pul- pit, one Sabbath delivered to his con- gregation a thorough discourse on the subject. On their way home, some of his hearers inquired of each other, " What does all this mean ?" One gentleman, who professed some shrewdness of guess- ing, said, " I will tell you, gentlemen, what is the difficulty ; we have none of us sent Mr. any thing to replenish his decanter lately. And my advice is that we attend to the matter." Accord- ingly, on Monday, a full-sized demijohn of " old spirits," or " cogniac," was sent to Rev. Mr. , accompanied with a very polite note requesting his accept- ance of it, from a few friends, as a testimony of their regard. Our worthy clergyman felt himself at first in somewhat of a dilemma. But wit, invention, and a good conscience, are sometimes found in close companion- ship ; and they met in the present in- stance to help our good minister to " back out " of the difficulty. He took the demijohn to the watering trough of his stable, and poured some of the liquor in, and brought his horse to it. Pony expanded his nostrils and snorted and ijlowed at it, as though he thought it rather too hot, and seemed to say, "What's this?" Next he drove his cow to the trough, to see if she liked it any better. The cow snuffi^d at it, and shook her horns, and went her way, with no fondness for such a " villanous potation." Mr. then carried his demijohn to the pig-stye, and called his pig out of his bed-room, to taste. Piggy grunted and snuffed, dipped his nose in and coughed, and went back again to finish his nap in his straw. Mr. then returned to his study, and penned, in substance, the following note to the present-makers, with which he returned the demijohn and its con- tents : " Gentlemen — With due acknowledg- ments for your present, received this morning, permit me to say, that I have offered some of it to my horse, my cow, and my swine, and neither of them will drink it. That which neither horses, cattle, nor hogs will drink, I cannot think to be either useful or safe for man to drink. I beg you to excuse me there- fore for returning the demijohn and its contents ; and believe me, gentlemen, your most obedient, &c." {d) THE REFORMED CROWS.— Colonel B. had one of the best farms on the Illinois river. About one hun- dred acres of it were covered with waving corn. When it came up in the spring, the crows seemed determined on its entire destruction. When one was killed, it seemed as though a dozen came to its funeral ; and though the sharp crack of the rifle often drove them away, they always returned with its echo. The Colonel at length became weary of throwing grass, and resolved on trying the virtue of stones. He sent to the druggist's for a gallon of alcohol, in whicii he soaked a ^qw quarts of corn, and scattered it over his field. The blacklegs came and partook with their usual relish, and, as usual, they were pretty well " corned ;" and such a coo- ing and cackling — such strutting and swaggering ! When the boys attempted to catch them, they were not a little amused at their staggering gait and their zigzag way through the air. At length they gained the edge of the woods, and there being joined by a new recruit which happened to be sober, they united at the top of their voices in haw-haw- hawking, and shouting either praises or curses of alcohol, it was difficult to tell which, as they rattled away without rhyme or reason. But the Colonel saved his corn. As soon as they be- came sober, they set their faces stead- fastly against alcohol. Not another kernel would they touch in his field. 21 ACTORS. 6. ACTORS. (a) WORKING LIKE A FOOL TO PLEASE FOOLS. — The late Rev. Samuel Lowell, of Bristol, being once at Brighton, expressed a wish to walk on the Steyne, and to have the public cnaracters pointed out to him. Amongst the rest, a celebrated comedian was noticed. " Ah," said Mr. L., " is that , my old school-fellow ? I'll speak to him." He accosted him, and the following conversation took place. Lmnell. Sir, I believe I have the pleasure of addressing Mr. . Player. Yes, sir, my name is ; but I have not the pleasure of being acquainted with you. L. What ! not know your old school- fellow, Samuel Lowell ? P. Wliat ! are you Samuel Lowell ? L. Yes, I am. P. Well, I am very glad to see you ; now tell me your histor}'- in five minutes. L. First, my name is Samuel Low- ell ; I am a dissenting minister at Bris- tol, where I have lived upwards of twenty years ; I have a large family. P. So, you are a dissenting minister ; well, you are a happy man, for you go to your work with pleasure, and perform it with pleasure : you are a happy man. I go to my work like a fool, to jjlease fools : I am not a happy man. (b) CARLINI AND HIS PHYSI- CIAN. — A French physician was once consulted by a person who was subject to the most gloomy fits of melancholy. He advised his patient to mix in scenes of gayety, and particularly to frequent the Italian theatre ; and added, " If Car- lini does not dispel your gloomy com- plaint, your case must be desperate indeed." The reply of the patient is worthy the attention of those who fre- quent such places in search of happi- ness, as it shows the emptiness and in- sufficiency of these amusements. "Alas, sir, 1 am Carlini ; and while I divert all Paris with mirth, and make them almost die with laughter, I myself am dying with melancholy and chagrin. — A simi- lar anecdote is related of a well-known English buffoon, who consulted an Eng- 22 lish physician, celebrated for eccentric advice. (c) DEATH OF PETERSON.— The death of Joseph Peterson, an actor long attached to the Norwich company, (Eng.,) was somewhat remarkable. In October, 1758, he was performing the Duke, in " Measure for Measure." Mr. Moody was the Claudio, and in the third act, where, as the friar, he was prepar- ing Claudio for execution next morning, at these words : — " Reason thus with life : If I do lose thee, I do lose a thing That none but fools would keep : a breath Thou art." Here he dropped into Mr. Moody's arms, and never spake more. (d) THE ACTOR STABBING HIMSELF. — A number of young men were once engaged in acting the tragedy of " Bertram, or the Castle of St. Aldo- brand," at Nashville. Mr. J. J. Mc- LaUghlin, formerly of Hopkinsville, Ky., was engaged to act the part of Bertram, wliose part it was during the progress of the play to feign to stab himself. For this purpose he had provided himself with a Spanish knife. " As the tragedy wore to its denouement his excitement increased, and the gloomy spirit of the play was upon him with a power that made a strong impression of reality upon the hearers, and made them shudder as he pronounced the following, accompa- nied by the plunge of the dagger that brought him to his death : — ' Bertram hath but one fatal foe on earth, And he is here* [Stabs himself.] It was at this moment that he plunged the weapon to his heart. It was doubt- less the result of the excited feelings of the actor, who had too absorbingly entered into the dreadful spirit of his hero. We charitably suppose that he had no premeditated design of ending his life with the play ; but his complete identification of feeling with the part he acted, led him to suicide as a natural consequence. " The hallucination, if such we may call it, did not end with the plunge of AFFECTION, CONJUGAL. the dagger. His feelings bore him along yet further. There was still, after some exclamations of surprise from the tragic monks, a dying sentence for him to repeat. He went through it with a startling effect : — [ With a burst of exultation,'] ' I died no felon's death — A warrior's weapon freed a warrior's soul.' While he was pronouncing these, the last words of the tragedy, his eye and manner were fearfully wild ; the blood was falling from his bosom upon the young gentleman who had personated the then lifeless lady Imogene ! As soon as the last words were pronounced, he fell — to rise no more." AFFECTION. 7. Affection, Conjugal. [a) MAGNANIMOUS HUSBAND. — Philip, surnamed the Good, the foun- der of that greatness to which the House of Burgundy latterly attained, was, at an early age, married to the Princess Michelea, sister to Charles the Dauphin. The father of Philip was afterwards slain through the villany and perfidiousness of Charles ; and on the news being brought to Philip, full of grief and anger, he rushed into the chamber of his wife: "Alas!" said he, " my Michelea, thy brother has murdered my father." The Princess, who loved her husband most tenderly, broke out into the most affecting cries and lamentations ; and fearful lest this accident should lose her the affections of her spouse, refused all comfort. Philip, the good Philip, however, as- sured her that she should not be the less dear to him on that account ; that the deed was her brother's and none of hers. " Take courage, my life," said he, "and seekcomfort in a husband that will be faithful and constant to thee forever." Michelea was revived by these tender assurances ; nor during the three years longer which she lived, had she occa- sion to suspect the smallest diminution of Philip's affection and respect. {h) A WIFE ON THE BATTLE FIELD.— The following heroic conduct of a Hindoo woman was attested by one of the Baptist missionaries in India : — Our friend Mrs. W., who invited our missionaries to preach at her house, made us a visit yesterday with some others, for the first time. I was much gratified by the zealous spirit which she evinced, as well as by her anxiety-to join the church. She had hitherto waited to see if the Lord would bless her endeavors to draw her husband into the right way. See what a blessing this native woman aims to be to her European husband. She was a Hindoo, before he took her as a slave, of the vilest description. This man was sergeant of artillery in the late war, un- der Lord Lake, and had an active part in most of the bloody conflicts of the time. This woman's attachment to her partner was so strong, that she accom- panied him in the heat of every battle, and often lent him a hand when exhaust- ed, and supplied his place at the guns. In one of these scenes Mr. W. received a musket-ball "above the temples, which penetrated nearly through his skull, carrying a part of the brass hoop of his hat along with it, and instantly dropped down, to all appearance dead. She however neither lost her fortitude nor her affection : even in this trying mo- ment, when, in addition to the situation of her partner, the shots were falling like hailstones about her own head, she took him upon her back, with the intent of performing the last friendly office of burying him, and carried him out of the scene of action ! (c) THE MOTTO ON THE BRI- DAL ring. — A young gentleman of fine intellect, of a noble heart, and one well known to many of our readers, (says the Hartford Courant,) was sud- denly snatched by the hand of death from all the endearments of life. Sur- rounded by every thing that could make existence pleasant and happy — a wife that idolized him — children that loved 23 AFFECTION. him as they only can love, and friends devoted to him ; ihe summons came, and he lay upon the bed of death. But a few short years ago, she to whom he was wedded, placed a bridal ring upon his finger, upon the inside of which he had a few words privately engraven. The husband would never permit the giver to read them, telling her that the day would come when her wish should be gratified, and she should know the secret. Seven years glided away, and a day or two since, when conscious that he must soon leave his wife forever, he called her to his bedside, and with his dying accents told her that the hour had at last come when she should see the words upon the ring she had given him. The young mother took it from his cold finger, and though heart-stricken with grief, eagerly read the words : " I have LOVED Thee on Earth — I will meet Thee in Heaven." (d) THE COUNTESS' JOURNEY. — I cannot refrain, says Sir Wm. Jones, from giving one beautiful illustration of devoted duty and affection in the in- stance of the Countess Confalonieri. The moment she heard that the count was condemned to death, she flew to Vienna, but the courier had already set out with the fatal mandate. It was midnight, but her agonies of mind plead- ed for instant admission to the empress. The same passionate despair which won the attendants, wrought its effect on their royal mistress. She hastencjd that mo- ment to the emperor, and having suc- ceeded, returned to the unhappy lady with a commutation of the sentence : her husband's life was spared. But the death-warrant was on its way ; — could she overtake the courier ? Throwinsf herself into a conveyance, and paying four times the amount for relays of horses, she never, it is stated, stopped or tasted food till she reached the city of Milan. The count was preparing to be led to the scaffold : but she was in time — she had saved him. During her painful journey, she had rested her throbbing brow upon a small pillow, which she bathed with her tears ; in the conflict of mingled terror and hope, lest all might be over. This interesting memorial of conjugal tenderness and 24 truth in so fearful a moment, was sent by his judges to the count, to show their sense of his wife's admirable conduct. (e) THE LOST HUSBAND FOUND. — During a very heavy fall of snow in the winter of 1784, two gentlemen rode on horseback from Ber- wick to Kelso, regardless of the remon- strances of many, who insisted that the roads were impassable : and, in truth, it was an act of hardihood and folly, as the congealed flakes were drifted by the blast, and beat violently against their eyes and teeth. At every step the jaded animals were more than knee-deep, and may be rather said to have plunged onward than otherwise. When they arrived, with much difficulty, at a lone- ly ale-house, near Tweezle, on the river Till, they found an inhabitant of Kelso, who had been detained in this thatched hovel two days by the inclement season : he sat in a contracted state, inclining over the embers on the hearth, like the personification of the ague. When he recognised them, his features assumed their wonted firmness, and, gathering intrepidity from example, he resolved to accompany them, although the roads and ditches were so filled up that the vast face of the country seemed an un- broken white expanse. On their arrival in the middle of a heath, which they did not accomplish until the approaches of night, they faintly discovered a female form wading and floundering irregular- ly towards them, in the trackless snow : her attire was so loose, and involved so much of the simplicity of a villager, that she appeared as if habited merely to pass from one neighbor's house to another. Viewing her through the misty atmosphere, they hesitated to pronounce her as human ; the contour of her body was so softened by the inter- mediate vapors, that she seemed aerial. On their coming nearer, they ascertain- ed her, with extreme astonishment, to be the wife of their companion : she had been wandering in a spirit of des- peration, thirteen miles from her home and her infants, in that bleak day, to fmd the remains of her beloved Willy ; believing him, fi*om his unusual and alarming absence, to have perished in the hard weather. Upon the instanta- AFFECTION, FILIAL— EXEMPLIFIED. 8 neous assurance that she beheld her husband once more, she issued a loud and piercing shriek, and sank motion- less in the snow. When they had chafed her temples, and imperfectly recovered her, she clasped her hands, in all the fervor of piety, and raising her eyes to heaven, blessed her God for her deli- verance from trouble. At the conclusion of her prayer, they placed the shivering amiable woman on the ablest horse, and conveyed her to Coldstream, overpower- ed by the sensations of an excessive joy, succeeding the conflicts of severe duty and agonizing woe ! What an inspiring instance of conjugal tenderness ! — Could Cornelia or Portia have done more ? (f) THE INDIAN AND HIS FAMISHING WIFE.— In the year 1762, (says the Rev. Mr. Heckwelder,) I was witness to a remarkable instance of the disposition of the Indians to in- dulge their wives. There was a famine in the land, and a sick Indian woman expressed a great desire for a mess of Indian corn. Her husband having heard that a trader at lower Sandusky had a little, set off on horseback for that place, one hundred miles distant, and returned with as much corn as filled the crown of his hat, for which he gave his horse m exchange, and came home on foot, bringing his saddle back with him. (g) THE SHAWNEE'S LOVE TO HER HUSBAND.— A married woman of the Shawnee Indians, made this beautiful reply to a man whom she met in the woods, and who implored her to love and look on him. " Oulman, my husband," said she, " who is for- ever before my eyes, hinders me from seeing you or any other person." (A) A GOOD WIFE— The Rev. William Jay, of Bath (Eng.), on the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination, gave his wife the following noble com- pliment. Being presented by the ladies of his congregation with a purse con- taining £650, after a few remarks he turned to Mr§. Jay, and said : " I take this purse, and present it to you, madam — to you, madam, who have always kept my purse, and therefore it is that it has been so well kept. Consid- er it entirely sacred — for your plea- sure, your use, your service, your comfort. I feel this to be unexpected by you, but it is perfectly deserved. Mr. Chairman, and Christian friends, I am sure there is not one here but would acquiesce in this, if he knew the value of this female, as a wife, for more than fifty years. I must mention the obli- gation the public are under to her (if I have been enabled to serve my genera- tion), and how much she has raised her sex in my estimation; how much my church and congregation owe to her watchings over their pastor's health, whom she has cheered under all his trials, and reminded of his duties, while she animated him in their performance ; how often has she wiped the evening dews from his forehead, and freed him from interruptions and embarrassments, that he might be free for his work. How much, also, do my family owe to her ; and what reason have they to call her blessed ! She is, too, the mother of another mother in America, who has reared thirteen children, all of whom are walking A\ith her in the way ever- lasting." 8. Affection, Filial— Exemplified. (a) ALEXANDER AND HIS MO- THER. — Olympias, the mother of Alexander, was of so very unhappy and morose a disposition, that he could not employ her in any of the afTairs of government. She, however, narrowly inspected the conduct of others, and made many complaints to her son, which he always bore with patience. Antipater, Alexander's deputy in Eu- rope, once wrote a long letter to him, complaining of her conduct ; to whom Alexander returned this answer : " Knowest thou not that one tear of my mother's will blot out a thousand such letters ?" {b) QUINTUS AND HIS SON.— Among the multitude of persons who were proscribed under the second tri- umvirate of Rome, were the 'celebrated orator Cicero and his brother Quintus. The latter took means to conceal him- self so effectually at home, that the soldiers could not find him. Enraged at their disappointment, they put his son to the torture, in order to make him 25 AFFECTION. discover the place of his father's con- cealment : but filial affection was proof against the most exquisite torments. An involuntary sigh, and sometimes a deep groan, were all that could be extorted from the youth. His agonies were increased ; but, with amazing fortitude, he still persisted in his resolu- tion of not betraying his father. Quin- tus was not far off; and it may be imagined, better than can be expressed, how his heart must have been affected with the sighs and groans of a son ex- piring in torture to save his life. He could bear it no longer ; but, quitting the place of his concealment, he pre- sented himself to the assassins, begging of them to put him to death, and dismiss the innocent youth. But the inhuman monsters, without being the least affect- ed with the tears either of the father or the son, answered that they must both die ; the father because he was pro- scribed, and the son because he had concealed the father. Then a new contest of tenderness arose who should die first ; but this the assassins soon decided, by beheading them both at the same time. (c) AFFECTION'S CHOICE TREASURES.— Ancient history re- cords, that a certain city was besieged, and at length obliged to surrender. In the city there were two brothers, who had, in some way, obliged the conquer- ing general ; and in consequence of this, received permission to leave the city before it was set on fire, taking with them as much of their property as each could carry about his person. Accordingly the two generous youths appeared at the gates of the city, one of them carrying their father, and the other their mother. (d) PRISONER RESCUED BY HIS DAUGHTER.— M. Delleglaie being ordered from a dungeon at Lyons, to the Conciergerie, departed thither. His daughter, who had not quitted him, asked to be admitted into the same vehicle, but was refused. The heart, however, knows no obstacles ; though she was of a very delicate constitution, she performed the journey on foot ; and followed for more than a hundred leagues the carriage in which her father 26 was drawn, and only left it to go into some town and prepare his food ; and in the evening, to procure some cover- ing to facilitate his repose in the different dungeons which received him. She ceased not for a moment to accompany him, and watch over his wants, till the Conciergerie separated them. Accus* tomed to encounter jailers, she did not despair of disarming oppressors. Dur- ing three months, she every morning implored the most influential members of the committee of public safety, and finished, by overcoming their refusals. She reconducted her father to Lyons, happy in having rescued him. She fell ill on the road, overcome by the excess of fatigue she had undergone, and, while she had preserved her beloved parent's life, she lost her own. (e) HENRY HOCK AND HIS FA- THER. — A few years ago, five Dutch gentlemen set out from Rotterdam, to travel on skates to Amsterdam. They had passed over about twelve miles of the waste of inland waters which extends between the two cities, and were, with the exception of one of the party, who kept apart, skating with great velocity, in close files, and hands linked, in the Dutch manner, and were striking out far from the shore, when at once, the whole file was precipitated through the ice, and two out of the four were hardly seen to rise again. The other two were father and son, both remarkably fine men, and the father an expert swimmer, which enabled him to support himself, and his son too, for a considerable time, during which he was so collected as to give directions to the only one of the party who had not fallen in, how he should conduct himself to afford assist- ance ; but at length he gave utterance to the thought, that his son's continuing to hold Him would be the death of both. The son immediately kissed the fiither, and, with the familiar and endearing expression he was accustomed to, bade him " good nignt," loosed his hold, and deliberately lesigned himself to death. The father lived ; and the name, at least, of Henry Hock, the son, must live also. (/) THE BEST PRESENT.— The three sons of an eastern lady were AFFECTION, FILIAL— REWARDED. 9 invited to furnish her with an expression of their love, befc#e she went a long journey. One brought a marble tablet, with the inscription of her name ; ano- ther presented her with a rich garland of fragrant flowers ; the third entered her presence and thus accosted her: " Mother, I have neither marble tablet nor fragrant nosegay, but I have a heart: here your name is engraved, here your memory is precious, and this heart full of affection will follow you wherever you travel, and remain with you wherever you repose." is) ARCHBISHOP TILLOTSOxN'S AFFECTION.— There are some chil- dren who are almost ashamed to own their parents, because they are poor, or in a low situation of life. We will, therefore, give an example of the con- trary, as displayed by the Dean of Canterbury, afterwards Archbishop Til- lotson. His father, who was a plain Yorkshireman, perhaps something like those we now call " Friends," approach- ed the house where his son resided, and inquired whether " John Tillotson was at home." The servant, indignant at what he thought his insolence, drove him from the door : but the dean, who was within, hearing the voice of his father, instead of embracing the oppor- tunity afforded him, of going out and bringing in his father in a more private manner, came running out, exclaiming, in the presence of his astonished ser- vants, " It is my beloved father;" and falling down on his knees, asked for his blessing. {h) THE HAPPY MEETING.— Some years ago, a pious widow in America, who was reduced to great poverty, had just placed the last smoked herring on her table, to supply her hunger and that of her children, when a rap was heard at the door, and a stran- ger solicited a lodging and a morsel of food, saying, that he had not tasted bread for twenty-four hours. The widow did not hesitate, but offered a share to the stranger, saying, " We shall not be forsaken, or suffer deeper for an act of charity." The traveller drew near to the table ; but when he saw the scanty fare, filled with astonishment, he said, " And is this all your store ? And do you offer a share to one you do not know ? Then I never saw charity before ! But, ma- dam, do you not wrong your children, by giving a part of your last morsel to a stranger ?" " Ah," said the widow, weeping, " I have a boy, a darling son, somewhere on the face of the wide world, unless Heaven has taken him away ; and I only act towards you as I would that others should act towards him. God, who sent manna from hea- ven, can provide for us as he did for Israel ; and how should I this night offend him, if my son should be a wanderer, destitute as you, and he should have provided for him a home, even as poor as this, were I to turn you unrelieved away !" The widow stopped, and the stranger, springing from his seat, clasped her in his arms ; " God, indeed, has provided just such a home for your wandering son, and has given him wealth to re- ward the goodness of his benefactress. My mother ! O my mother V It was indeed her long lost son, returned from India. He had chosen this Avay to surprise his family, and certainly not very wisely ; but never was surprise more complete, or more joyful. He was able to make the family comfortable, which he immediately did : the mother living for some years longer, in the enjoyment of plenty. 9. Affection, Filial— Rewarded. (a) THE PRISONER AND HER DAUGHTER.— Valerius Maximus re- lates, that a woman of distinction having been condemned to be strangled, was delivered to the triumvir, who caused her to be carried to prison in order to be put to death. The gaoler who was ordered to execute her was struck with compunction, and could not resolve to kill her. He chose, however, to let hei die with hunger ; but meanwhile suffer- ing her daughter to visit her in prison, taking care that she brought her nothing to eat. Many days passed over in this manner, when the gaoler at length, surprised that the prisoner lived so long without food, took means of secretly ob- serving their interviews. He then dis- 27 9 AFFECTION. covered that the affectionate daughter had all the while been nourishing her mother with her own milk. Amazed at so tender, and at the same time so inge- nious an artifice, he related it to the tJ-iumvir, and the triumvir to the praetor, who thought the fact merited stating in the assembly of the people. This pro- duced the happiest effects ; the criminal was pardoned, and a decree passed that the mother and daughter should be main- tained for the remainder of their lives, at the expense of the public ; and that a temple, sacred to filial piety, should be erected near the prison. (b) TITUS MANLIUS AND HIS FATHER. — A certain Roman, in the days of paganism, called Titus Manlius, was treated extremely ill by his father, for no other reason than a defect in his speech. A tribune of the people brought an accusation against his father before the people, who hated him for his impe- rious conduct, and were determined to punish him with severity. The young man hearing this, went one morning very early from his father's country farm, where he was forced to live like a slave, and finding out the house of the tribune who had impeached his father, entreated that he would immediately drop the prosecution. The tribune de- clared before the people that he with- drew his charge against old Manlius, because his son Titus had obliged him to promise upon oath that he would carry it no farther. The people, charmed with the filial piety of Titus, shown to so unnatural a father, not only forgave the old man, but the next year advanced his generous son to the su- preme honors of the state. (c) THE JUDGE OFFERING TO DIE WITH THE CRIMINAL.— While Octavius was at Samos, after the battle of Actium, which made him mas- ter of the universe, he held a council to examine the prisoners who had been engaged in Antony's party. Among the rest, there was brought before him an old man, Metellus, oppressed with years and infirmities, disfigured with a long beard, a neglected head of hair, and tattered clothes. The son of this Metellus was one of the judges ; but it was with great difficulty he knew his 28 father in the deplbrable condition in which he saw him. At last, however, having recollected his features, instead of being ashamed to own him, he ran to embrace him. Then turning towards the tribunal, he said : " Caesar, my father has been your enemy, and I your offi- cer ; he deserves to be punished, and I to be rewarded. One favor I desire of you ; it is, either to save him on my account, or order me to be put to death' with him." All the judges were touch- ed with compassion at this affecting scene ; Octavius himself relented, and granted to old Metellus his life and liberty. (d) EFFORT TO RANSOM A FATHER. — Montesquieu, being at Marseilles, hired a boat, with an inten- tion of sailing for pleasure. He entered into conversation with the two young boatmen, and learned, to his surprise, that they were silversmiths by trade, and had agreed to employ themselves thus as watermen, only that they might increase their earnings. On expressing his surprise, and his fears, that this must arise only from an avaricious disposition, " Oh, sir," said one of them, " if you knew our reasons, you would not think so. Our father, anxious to assist his family, scraped together all he was worth, and purchased a vessel, for the purpose of trading to the coast of Bar- bary ; but was unfortunately taken by a pirate, carried to Tripoli, and sold for a slave. He writes that he has happily fallen into the hands of a master who uses him well, but that the sum de- manded for his ransom is so exorbitant, that it will be impossible for him ever to raise it, and says we must therefore relinquish all hope of .ever seeing him, and be contented. With the hope of re- storing to his family a beloved father, we are striving, by every means in our power, to collect the sum necessary for his ransom ; and for such a purpose, we are not ashamed to employ ourselves in this occupation of watermen." Montesquieu was struck with this ac- count, and on his departure made them a handsome present. Some months afterwards, the two brothers, being at work in their shop, were greatly sur- prised at seeing their father enter : he AFFECTION, FILIAL— REWARDED. threw himself into their arms, exclaim- ing, that he was fearful they had taken some unjust method to raise the money that procured his ransom. They pro- fessed their ignorance of the whole affair, and could only attribute their father's release to that stranger, to whose generosity they had been before so much indebted. (e) A COURAGEOUS SON.— At the siege of Knaresborough, by the Parlia- ment's army, under the command of Colonel Lilburn, a young man who re- sided in the town, and whose father was one of the garrison, had, several times, at the hazard of his life, conveyed provisions to him, which he effected in the night by getting into the moat, which was dry, climbing up the glacis, and putting the provisions into a hole, where his father was ready to receive them. Being at last discovered by the guard belonging to the besiegers, they fired but missed him. He was, however, taken prisoner, and, having made a full con- fession of his conduct, was sentenced to be hanged the next day, in the sight of the besieged, to deter others from giving them the least assistance. The sentence was about to be carried into execu- tion, when a lady, whose name was Wincup, with several others, petitioned the commander to pardon- the unhappy youth. They succeeded so far as to have him respited ; and when the troops left the place, he was set at liberty. ( f) FREDERIC AND HIS PAGE. — Frederic, King of Prussia, day one rung his bell, and nobody answering, he opened his door, and found his page fast asleep in an elbow-chair. He ad- vanced towards him, and was going to awaken him, when he perceived part of a letter hanging out of his pocket. His curiosity prompting him to know what it was, he took it out and read it. It was a letter from this young man's mo- ther, in which she thanked him for having sent her a part of his wages to relieve her misery ; and finished with telling him, that God would reward him for his duti- ful affection. The king, after reading it, went back softly into his chamber, took a bag full of ducats, and slipped it with the letter into the page's pocket. Returning to the chamber, he rang the bell so loudly, that it awakened the page, who instantly made his appearance. " You have had a sound sleep," said the king. The page was at a loss how to excuse himself; and putting his hand into his pocket by chance, to his utter astonishment, he there found a purse of ducats. He took it out, turned pale, and looking at the king, shed a torrent of tears without being able to utter a single word. "What is that?" said the king. " What is the matter ?" " Ah ! sire," said the young man, throwing himself on his knees, " some- body seeks my ruin ! I know nothing of this money which I have just found in my pocket !" " My young friend," re- plied Frederic, " God often does great things for us, even in our sleep. Send that to your mother ; salute her on my part, and assure her that I will take care of both her and you." (g) THE SWEDISH PRISONER'S SON — A gentleman of Sweden was condemned to suffer death, as a punish- ment for certain offences committed by him in the discharge of an important public office, which he had filled for a number of years with an integrity that had never before undergone either suspi- cion or impeachment. His son, a youth about eighteen years of age, was no sooner apprised of the affecting situation to which his father was reduced, than he flew to the judge who had pronounced the fatal decree, and, throwing himself at his feet, prayed that he might be al- lowed to suffer in the room of a father whom he loved, and whose loss he thought it was impossible for him to survive. The magistrate was amazed at this extraordinary procedure in the son, and would hardly be persuaded that he was sincere in it. Being at length satisfied, however, that the young man actually wished to save his father's life at the expense of his own, he wrote an account of the whole affair to the king ; and his majesty immediately sent orders to grant a free pardon to the father, and to confer a title of honor on his son. The last mark of royal favor, however, the youth begged leave with all humility to decline ; and the motive for the refusal of it was not less noble than the conduct by which he had 29 AFFECTION. deserved it was generous and disinter- ested. "Of what avail," exclaimed he, " could the most exalted title be to me, humbled as my family already is in the dust ? Alas ! would it not serve but as a monument to perpetuate in the minds of my countrymen the remem- brance of an unhappy father's shame !" His majesty, the king of Sweden, ac- tually shed tears when this magnanimous speech was reported to him ; and, send- ing for the heroic youth to court, he appointed him to a confidential office. (/i) FREDERIC AND HIS POME- RANIAN SERVANT.— Frederic the Great, of Prussia, during his last illness, endured many restless nights, which he endeavored to soothe by conversing with the servant who sat up with him. On one of these occasions, he inquired of a young Pomeranian from whence he came. " From a little village in Pome- rania." " Are your parents living ?" "An aged mother." "How does she maintain herself?" "By spinning." " How much does she gain daily by it ?" " Sixpence." " But she cannot live well on that ?" " In Pomerania it is cheap living." "Did you never send her any thing ?" " O yes, I have sent her, at different times, a few dollars." " That was bravely done ; you are a good boy. You have a deal of trouble with me. Have patience : I shall en- deavor to lay something by for you, if you behave well." The monarch kept his word ; for, a few nights after, the Pomeranian, being again in attendance, received several pieces of gold ; and heard, to his great joy and surprise, that one hundred rix dollars had been settled on his mother during her life. (i) THE HAUGHTY CREDITOR AND HIS POOR DEBTOR'S SON. — A shopkeeper, who resided two or three days' journey from Paris, pre- served his good conduct and integrity for many years. At last, by some per- sons taking undue credit, and keeping him too long out of his money, he was obliged to take a journey to Paris, to desire two things of his creditors : the one was a lengthening out their forbear- ance ; and the other was, to be furnish- ed with a fresh assortment of goods, that he might keep open his shop with credit. 30 They were so pleased with the honesty and frankness jf the man, that they all agreed to grant his request, except one ; this was his chief creditor, a proud and haughty merchant, who had never felt any adversity, and knew not how to sympathize with the afflicted. " So," said he, " I find, by your asking for a prolongation/ of credit, and a further in- dulgence of goods, that you are going down hill ; and therefore I am resolved to have my money." Accordingly, he sent immediately for an officer, who ar- rested the poor man and carried him to jail. In this distressing situation, he wrote home to his wife, who communi- cated the news to her six child;*en : they were all overwhelmed in sorrow. What could be done ? To sit still in despair, was the ready way to ruin. After a deliberate conversation with her eldest son, a young man of fine sense and ex- cellent virtue, about nineteen years of age, he resolved to fly to Paris, with a view to soften this cruel creditor. After a short interview with his father, he went to the house of the merchant, sent in his name, and desired an audience. The cruel and haughty man, thinking he had come to pay him, admitted him into his presence ; but he soon found that his first request was, that he should release his father from jail, to go home and comfort his mother, and keep up the credit of the shop. The merchant, be- ing disappointed in his expectation, flew into a violent passion, and declared he would have the money or the bones of his father. The young man, finding him inexorable, fell down on his knees, and with uplifted hands and tears roll- ing down his cheeks, he addressed him- self to the merchant in this manner : — " Sir," said he, " if I go home without my father, I shall see my mother die with a broken heart, the credit of the shop will be entirely ruined, and we, the poor children, must be turned as vagabonds and beggars into the open street. I have this one, this last request to make — let me be sent to jail in the room of my father, and keep me there until all demands are satisfied." The merchant walked backwards and for- wards in the room with great emotion. The young man continued his cries and AFFECTION, FILIAL— REWARDED. 9 entreaties on. his knees. At last the merchant flew to him with great tender- ness and took hold of his hand. " Rise, young man," said he : " I have but one daughter in the world, for whose happi- ness I am concerned ; I'll give thee my daughter —she must be happy with a fellow of thy virtue ; I'll settle upon you all my fortune ; I'll release your father out of prison, and make you all happy togethei'." And he was as good as his word. (j) LOVE FOR AN UNNATU- RAL MOTHER. — The Rev. James Churchill relates, in his " Analecta," that a widowed mother lived to see her youngest son, who was a babe at her husband's death, grow up to manhood in the esteem of all but herself. His temper was mild, and his manners affa- ble ; yet it is said that when he had at- tained the age of twenty, he had never known what the affection of a mother was towards him ; nay, nor had ever received a single kind word from her. Blessed, however, by Providence, he flourished greatly in conducting his late father's business, employing a number of men. He took his mother under his own roof, settled upon her a liberal an- nuity, and studied to make her happy. It was all in vain. She murmured, re- proached him, and, on one occasion, rushed into the manufactory and abused him violently before all the men. The people were shocked at her con- duct ; and the son withdrew, over- whelmed with grief. But worse events were yet in reserve for him. She im- mediately commenced legal proceedings against him for an assault ! The men offered readily to appear on their mas- ter's behalf. Their master thanked them, but chose rather to be accounted guilty, and suffer judgment to go by default, than to appear against his own motiier : and though he had a fine to pay, this made no alteration in his con- duct towards her. About three months after this, she was found dead in her bed, with marks of violence about her body. The coroner's verdict was, wil- ful murder, against her son. The poor youth was confined some months in pri- son, among the vilest of characters, to await his trial. His mind was at times distressed to a very great degree ; re. fleeting that his character was ruined, his business nearly lost, and his prospect that of ending his days at a gallows : but what harrowed his heart most was, that all this was brought about by his own mother ! Still his confidence in that Providence which watches over all, did not entirely fail him. He could ex- ercise hope ; and that hope was sus- tained not in vain. For as the time for his trial drew near, two of the men who had worked in his manufactory were taken up, on the charge of having com- mitted some petty depredations ; and, feeling the torments of a conscience bur- dened with guilt, these wretched crea- tures voluntarily confessed to a magis- trate, that they could no longer endure the thought that so innocent and so wor- thy a master should lie under the vile imputation ; that they were the murder- ers of Mrs. ; and that the idea of getting her money and jewels had in- duced them to strangle her one night while in her sleep ! The prison doors were soon thrown open to the suffering young man ; joy was diffused through the town ; his character shone out with a greater lustre ; God prospered his re- viving business ; his family increased ; and his children and grandchildren treated him with the respect and tender- ness which he always manifested to his mother. (k) GUSTAVUS AND THE PEA- SANT GIRL.— Gustavus III., King of Sweden, passing one morning on horse- back through a village in the neighbor- hood of his capital, observed a young peasant girl, of interesting appearance, drawing water at a fountain by the way- side. He went up to her and asked her for a draught. Without delay she lifted up her pitcher, and with artless simpli- city put it to the lips of the monarch. Having satisfied his thirst, and courte- ously thanked his benefactress, he said, " My girl, if you would accompany me to Stockholm, I would endeavor to fix you in a more agreeable situa- tion." "Ah, sir," replied the girl, " I cannot accept your proposal. I am not anxious to rise above the state of life in which the providence of God has placed me ; 31 AFFECTION. but, even if I were, I could not for an instant hesitate." " And why ?" rejoined the king, somewhat surprised. " Because," answered the girl, color- ing, " my mother is poor and sickly, and has no one but me to assist or comfort her under her many afflictions : and no earthly bribe could induce me to leave her, or to neglect the duties which affec- tion requires from me." " Where is your mother ?" asked the monarch. " In that little cabin," replied the girl, pointing to a wretched hovel beside her. The king, whose feelings were inte- rested in favor of his companion, went in, and beheld stretched on a bedstead, whose only covering was a little straw, an aged female, weighed down with years, and sinking under infirmities. Moved at the sight, the monarch ad- dressed her : " I am sorry, my poor woman, to find you in so destitute and afflicted a condition." " Alas, sir," answered the venerable sufferer, " I should be indeed to be pitied, had I not that kind and attentive girl, who labors to support me, and omits nothing she thinks can afford me relief. May a gracious God remember it to her for good," she addedy wiping away a tear. Never, perhaps, was Gustavus more sensible than at that moment, of the pleasure of occupying an exalted station. The gratification arising from the con- sciousness of having it in his power to assist a suffering fellow-creature, almost overpowered him ; and putting a purse into the hand of the young villager, he could only say, " Continue to take care of your mother ; I shall soon enable you to do so more effectually. Good-bye, my amiable girl, you may depend on the promise of your king." On his return to Stockholm, Gustavus settled a pension for life on the mother, with the reversion to her daughter at her death. (I) THE CLERK'S DYING RE- GRET. — A young man, who was clerk to Mr. Cuthbert, a merchant in the East Indies, being taken very ill, became un- usually thoughtful and melancholy. 32 Mr. Cuthbert inquired the cause of his uneasiness. The young man replied, that he was not afraid to die ; but he had a mother, and two sisters, in En- gland, to whom he had been accustomed to send £100 every year ; and his only regret at dying, was, that they would be left destitute. Mr- Cuthbert begged him to make his mind perfectly easy on that account, as he would take care of his mother and sisters. He was as good as his word, for he instantly went to his attorney, and executed a deed, granting an annuity of JCIOO a year, in favor of the mother and her two daughters, during their joint lives ; and with the benefit of survivorship. He then sent the bond to his clerk, who, clasping it in his hands, exclaimed, " Now I can die in peace ; my mother and sisters are saved ;" and almost in- stantly expired. (m) TH'E INSOLVENT NEGRO. — A negro of one of the kingdoms on the African coast, who had become in- solvent, surrendered himself to his cred- itor, who, according to the established custom of the country, sold him to the Danes. This affected his son so much that he came and reproached his father for not selling his children to pay his debts ; and after much entreaty, he pre- vailed on the captain to accept him, and liberate his father. The son was put in chains, and on the point of sailing to the West Indies; when the circum- stance coming to the knowledge of the governor, through the means of Mr. Isert, he sent for the owner of the slaves, paid the money that he had given for the old man, and restored the son to his father. (n) THE INVALID AND HIS DAUGHTERS.— In the year 1773, Peter Burrell, Esq. of Beckenham, in Kent, whose health was rapidly declin- ing, was advised by his physicians to go to Spa for the recovery of his health. His daughters feared that those who had only motives entirely mercenary, would not pay him that attention which he might expect from those who, from duty and affection united, would feel the greatest pleasure in ministering to his ease and comfort ; they, therefore, re- solved to accompany him. They proved AFFECTION, FRATERNAL. 9,10 that it was not a spirit of dissipation and gayety that led them to Spa, for they were not to be seen in any of the gay and fashionable circles ; they were nev- er out of their father's company, and never stirred from home except to at- tend him, either to take the air or drink the waters; in a word, they lived a most recluse life in the midst of a town then the rescrt of the most illustrious and fashionable personages of Europe. This exemplary attention to their father procured these three amiable sis- ters the admiration of all the English at Spa, and was the cause of their ele- vation to that rank in life, to which their merits gave them so just a title. They all were married to noblemen : one to the Earl of Beverly ; another to the Duke of Hamilton, and afterwards to the Mar- quess of Exeter ; and a third to the Duke of Northumberland. And it is justice to them to say, that they reflect- ed honor on their rank, rather than de- rived any from it. (o) THE POOR SERVANT AND HER AFFLICTED PARENTS.— A female servant, who was past the prime of life, in an inferior station, but much respected for her piety and integ- rity, had saved a little money from her wages, which, as her health was evidently on the decline, would proba- bly soon be required for her own relief. Hearing that her aged parents were, by unavoidable calamity, reduced to extreme indigence, and having reason to fear they were strangers to the com- forts of religion, she obtained leave to visit them ; shared with them the little she had, and used her utmost endeav- ors to make them acquainted with the consolations and supports of the gospel, apparently not without success. Being reminded by an acquaintance that, in all probability, she would soon stand in need of what she had saved, she replied, " that she could not think it her duty to see her aged parents pining in want, while she had more than was needful for her present use, and that she trusted God would find her some friend, if he saw good to disable her for service." Having continued to assist her parents till their death, she was soon after de- prived of health, so as to become inca- pable of labor. God, in a wonderful manner, however, raised her up friends where she least expected them. For years she was comfortably supported, and circumstances were at length so ordered, that her maintenance to the end of life was almost as much insured, as any thing can be in this uncertain world. (p) WASHINGTON'S REGARD FOR HIS MOTHER.— General George Washington, when quite young, was about to go to sea as a midshipman ; every thing was arranged, the vessel lay opposite his father's house, the little boat had come on shore to take him off, and his whole heart was bent on going. After his trunk had been carried down to the boat, he went to bid his mother farewell, and saw the tears bursting from her eyes. However, he said no- thing to her ; but he saw that his mother would be distressed if he went, and perhaps never be happy again. He just turned round to the servant and said, " Go and tell them to fetch my trunk back. I will not go away to break my mother's heart." His mother was struck with his decision, and she said to him, " George, God has promised to bless the children that honor their parents, and I believe he will bless you." 10. Affection, Fraternal, (a) TIMOLEON AND HIS WOUNDED BROTHER.— Timoleon, the Corinthian, was a noble pattern of fraternal love. Being in battle with the Argives, and seeing his brother fall by the wounds he had received, he instantly leaped over his dead body, and with his shield protected it from insult and plunder ; and though severe- ly wounded in the generous enterprise, he would not on any account retreat to a place of safety, till he had seen the corpse carried off the field by his friends. (b) THE WATER-BEARER AND HIS BROTHER.— As one of the water- bearers at the fountain of the Fauxbourg St. Germain, in Paris, was at his usual labors, in August, 1766, he was taken away by a gentleman in a splendid coach, who proved to be his own brother, and who, at the age of three years, had S3 10,11 AFFECTION. been carried to India, where he made a considerable fortune. On his return to France, he made inquiry respecting his family ; and hearing that he had only one brother alive, and that he was in the humble condition of a water-bearer, he sought him out, embraced him with great affection, and brought him to his house^ where he gave him bills for up- wards of a thousand crowns per annum, (c) THE BROTHERS AND THE SNOW-STORM.— In the year 1804, some young men of the Morayshire and Inverness-shire militia, being quartered at Edinburgh, obtained a short furlough. They were seven in number, two of them being brothers, named Forsythe. They had to walk, in the very depth of winter, one hundred and thirty miles. As they proceeded, they were over- taken by one of those sudden snow- storms which are usual in the moun- tains. And now the night began to close in around them, while the snow and the wind still grew thicker and stronger. At last, being bewildered by the shade of the evening, which was rendered yet more dismal by the inces- sant snow-drift, they strayed, as might be expected, from the light path, and exhausted their strength. They could just see one another ; but the storm was so violent, they could not converse. Thus struggling onward, and scarcely knowing where they went, one of them -sank in a hollow in the rock, and was buried. The others passed on, uncon- scious of his loss. Soon after, the younger Forsythe also dropped down, being quite spent. His body lay in the pathway of the rest, but being much weakened themselves, they, without helping him, stepped on ; all did so but one. This one was the elder Forsythe, who, knowing that he had a brother amongst the party, stooped when he came up to him, and felt his features. Having in this manner assured himself that it was his own brother, he, without hesitation, took him up, and placed him on his back. And now the number rapidly diminished; one after another perished, being frozen to death. Forsythe yet went on, bearmg his burden, which neither his fatigue, nor the difficulties of the way, could induce him to cast off 84 As long as he had any strength, he per- severed, holding his brother on his back, until at length, his powers giving way before his affection, he sank beneath the weight, and immediately expired. Be- fore, however, he thus died, it appeared that he had succeeded in saving his brother, though he lost himself: for the younger Forsythe had been gradually reanimated by the warmth of his broth- er's body ; and, when he dropped, was so thoroughly aroused, that he was en- abled to reach his home, having escaped death by his brother's generous sacri- fice of himself, and had the melancholy duty imposed upon him of attending his kind brother's funeral. 11. Affection, Maternal. (a) A MOTHER'S SACRIFICE.— Joanna Martin, the wife of a day-labor- er at Huntspill, in the northern part of Somersetshire, England, was left a wi- dow with six young children, and not a shilling in the world to feed them with. The parish officers had no objection to receive the children into the poor-house ; but the good mother would not part with them, determining to depend, under Providence, on her activity for their sup- port. " For many a long month," said she, " have I risen daily at two o'clock in the morning, done what was needful for the children ; gone eight or ten miles on foot, to a market, with a large load of pottery-ware on my head, sold it, and re- turned with the profits before noon." By this hard labor, in the course of a year, she saved a guinea and a half; when, being under the necessity of leaving her cottage, she determined to erect one for herself. She did much of the labor with her own hands ; and told some gentlemen, some years afterwards, " Well, with the assistance of a gracious God, I was able to finish nriy cottage ; which, though I say it myself, is a very tight little place." She afterwards bought a cart and pony, travelled still to market, brought up her family, and, without either beg- ging, or seeking relief from the parish, obtained a living. To what labor and privation will pa- AFFECTION, MATERNAL. 11 rental affection animate the heart ! How much may be done by a person under the influence of industry, temperance, and piety ! (b) THE FISHERMAN'S WIFE. — One of the small islands in Boston Bay was inhabited by a single poor family. The father was taken suddenly ill. There was no physician. The wife, on whom every labor for the household devolved, was sleepless in care and tenderness by the bedside of her suffering husband. Every remedy in her power to procure was adminis- tered, but the disease was acute, and he died. Seven young children mourned around the lifeless corpse. They were the sole beings upon that desolate spot. Did the mother indulge the grief of her spirit, and sit down in despair ? No : she entered upon the arduous and sa- cred duties of her station. She felt that tliere was no hand to assist her in bury- ing her dead. Providing, as far as possible, for the comfort of her little ones, she put her babe into the arms of the oldest, and charged the two next in age to watch the corpse of their father. She unmoored her husband's fishing boat, which, but two days before he had guided over the seas, to obtain food for his family. She dared not yield to those tender recollections, which might have unnerved her arm. The nearest island was at the distance of three miles. Strong winds lashed the waters to foam. Over the loud billows, that wearied and sorrowful woman rowed, and was pre- served. She reached the next island, and obtained necessary aid. With such energy did her dut}^ to her desolate babes inspire her, that the voyage, which depended on her individual effort, was performed in a shorter time than the returning one, when the oars were managed by two men, who went to as- sist in the last offices to the dead. (c) THESE ARE MY JEWELS. — A Campanian lady, who was very rich, and fond of pomp and show, being on a visit to Cornelia, the illustrious mother of the Gracchi, displayed the dia- monds and jewels she possessed, with some ostentation, and then requested Cornelia to permit her to see her jewels. This eminent woman dextrously con- trived to turn the conversation to ano- ther subject, till her sons returned from one of the public schools; when she introduced them, saying, " These are my jewels." (d) THE SLAVE MOTHER CROSSING THE OHIO.— We re- member, says a writer in the True American, the story of a cruel master, who, without cause, had determined to sever a slave mother, and her only child. She had been faithful under the very worst usage, and she determined to remain so, until he told her, that on the morrow, her child must be borne to New Orleans to be sold there in the slave mart. It was mid-winter. The earth was frosted with a hard crust, yet at midnight she started for the Ohio, determined, if she could, to live and die with her child. She reached its banks as the pursuers rose on the hill beyond — no boat was near — masses of broken ice were sluggishly drifting along — • what was she to do ? Trusting to hea- ven, she put her feet on the treacherous element, and with it bending and break- ing beneath her, (spectators on either side expecting to see her and her child sink at every moment,) she boldly pushed on from cake to cake, until she landed safely on the Ohio shore. Five minutes sooner and she must have perished — two minutes later and she would have met with a watery grave, for before she had proceeded twenty steps the ice behind her, close on the Kentucky side, had broken and was scattered ere she reached the mid river. " Thank God you and your child are safe," exclaimed the hard-hearted mas- ter, as he saw her land, rejoiced that he had escaped the responsibility of their death. " Brave woman," said a Ken- tuckian who had wittnessed her escape and met her at the landing, " you have won your freedom and shall have it." The mother and the child were kept together, and liberty and love is now their lot in their humble but happy home. Was there not true heroism here, and is not the scene worthy the sweetest song of poetry or the holiest praise of man ? (e) " THE MOTHER'S ROCK."— Humboldt, in his celebrated travels, tells 35 11,12 AFFECTION. us, that after he had left the abodes of civilization far behind, in the wilds of South America, he found, near the con- fluence of the Atabapo and Rio Ternie rivers, a high rock — called the " Moth- er's Rock." The circumstances which gave this remarkable name to the rock, were these : In 1799, a Roman Catholic Mission- ary led his half-civilized Indians out on one of those hostile excursions, which they often made to kidnap slaves for the Christians. They found a Guahiba woman in a solitary hut, with three children — two of whom were infants. The father, with the older children, had gone out to fish, and the mother in vain tried to fly with her babes. She was seized by these man-hunters, hurried into a boat, and carried away to a mis- sionary station at San Fernando. She was now far from her home ; but she had left children there who had gone with their father. She repeatedly took her three babes and tried to escape, but was as often seized, brought back, and most unmercifully beaten with whips. At length the missionary determined to separate this mother from her three children ; and for this purpose, sent her in a boat up the Atabapo River, to the missions of the Rio Negro, at a station called Javita. Seated in the bow of the boat, the mother knew not where she was going, or what fate awaited her. She was bound solitary and alone in the bow of the long-boat ; but she judged from the direction of the sun, that she was going away from her children. By a sudden efibrt she broke her bonds, plung- ed into the river, swam to the left bank of the Atabapo, and landed upon a Rock. She was pursued, and at evening re- taken, and brought back to the rock, where she was scourged till her blood reddened the rock, — calling for her children ! and the rock has ever since been called, " The Mother's Rock !" Her hands were then tied upon her back, still bleeding from the manatee thongs of leather. She was then dragged to the mission at Javita, and thrown into a kind of stable. The night was pro- foundly dark, and it was in the midst of the rainy season. She was now full seventy-five miles from her three chil- dren in a straight line. Between her and them lay Ibrests never penetrated by human footsteps ; swamps and mo- rasses, and rivers, never crossed by man. But her children are at San Fer- nando ; — and what can quench a moth- er's love ! Though her arms were wounded, she succeeded in biting her bonds with her teeth, and in the morn- ing she was not to be found !- At the fourth rising sun she had passed through the forests, swam the rivers, and all bleeding and worn out, was seen hovering round the little cottage in which her babes were sleeping ! She was seized once more ; and before her wounds were healed, she was torn again from her children, and sent away to the missions on the upper Oroonoko River, where she drooped, and shortly died, refusing all kinds of nourishment — died of a broken heart at being torn from her children ! Such is the history of the " Mother's Rock !" This fact might be employed to show the pernicious tendency of slavery, even when engaged in by those who profesa Christianity ; but it is cited here to show the strength of maternal affection. Wherever you find woman, whether ex- alted to her place by the Gospel, reduced to a mere animal by Mohammedanism, or sunk still lower by Paganism, you find this same unquenchable love for her children ! 12. Affection, Paternal. {a) THE WARRIOR PLAYING WITH HIS CHILDREN.— The war- like Agesilaus was, within the walls of his own house, one of the most tender and playful of men. He used to join with his children in all their innocent gambols, and was once discovered by a friend showing them how to ride upon a hobby-horse. When his friend express- ed some surprise at beholding the great Agesilaus so employed. Wait," said the hero, " till you are yourself a father, and if you then blame me, I give you liberty to proclaim this act of mine to all the world." {h) SOCRATES' REPLY TO ALCIBIADES. — Socrates was once BENEFITS OF AFFLICTION. 12,13 surprised by Alcibiades, playing with his children. The gay patrician rather scoffed at him for joining in such sports, to which the philosopher replied, " You have not such reason as you imagine to laugh so at a father playing with his child. You know nothing of that af- fection which parents have to their chil- dren ; restrain your mirth till you have children of your own, when you will, perhaps, be found as ridiculous as I now seem to you to be." (c) THE FATHER'S DILEM- MA, — History informs us, that a father went to the agents of a tyrant to en- deavor to redeem his two sons, military men, who, with some other captives of war, were appointed to die. He offered as a ransom to surrender his own life and a large sum of money. The soldiers who had it in charge to put them to death, informed him that this equivalent ■would be accepted for one of his sons, and for one only, because they should be accountable for the execution of two persons : he might therefore choose which he would redeem. Anxious to save even one of them, thus, at the ex- pense of his own life, he yet was utterly unable to decide which should die, and remained in the agony of his dilemma so long, that his sons were both slain. (d) FATHER, WHIP ME BUT DON'T CRY.— A pious father had de: voted very great attention to the mora? and religious education of his son, who had maintained an unblemished reputa- tion for veracity until the age of four- teen, when he was detected in a de- liberate falsehood. The father's grief was great, and he determined to punish the offender severely. He made the subject one of prayer ; for it was too important, in his esteem, to be passed over as a common occurrence of the day. He then called his son, and pre- pared to inflict the punishment. But the fountain of the father's heart was broken up. He wept aloud. For a moment the lad seemed confused. He saw the struggle between love and jus- tice in his parent's bosom, and broke out with all his usual ingenuousness, '^ Father, father, whip me as much as you please ; but don't cry." The point was gained. The father saw that the lad's character was sensibly affected by this incident. H^ grew up, and be- came one of the most distinguished Christians of America. AFFLICTION. U, Benefits of Affliction. (a) CECIL AND THE BOOKSEL- LER. — Many years ago, a pious and devoted clergyman entered the shop of a prosperous London bookseller, with whom he was on terms of intimate and Christian friendship. He inquired for his friend, and when told that he was at home, but particularly engaged, sent a messenger to him to the effect that he wanted an interview with him, if but for a few minutes. This message being delivered, the clergyman was invited to walk up stairs, into the bookseller's sitting room. He entered the room, and found his friend sitting by his child's cot. The child was dying, but, with affection strong in death, it had clasped its father's hand, and was hold- ing it with a convulsive grasp. " You are a father," said the afflicted parent, " or I should not have allowed you to witness such a scene." ^' Thank God, thank God," fervently exclaimed the minister, as he instinc- tively comprehended at a glance the situation of his friend: "thank God. He has not forgotten you ! I have been much troubled on your account, my dear sir. I have thought much about you lately. I have been much afraid for you. Things have gone on so well with you for so long a time, you have been so prosperous, that I have been almost afraid that God had forgotten you. But I said to myself, surely God will not forsake such a man as this ; will not suffer him to go on in prosperity, without some check, some reverse ? And I see he has not. No ; God has not forgotten you." 37 13 AFFLICTION. These were the sentiments of Rich- ard Cecil on the design of affliction ; and his friend, Thomas Williams, thank- 'fully and joyfully responded to them. Within three weeks of his death, he related the incident, as it is related here, and the feeling of his heart was, " He hath done all things well." (b) MR. DOD AND HIS PERSE- CUTIONS.— While the eminent Puri- tan minister, Mr. Dod, resided at Han- well, (Eng.) he was the subject of much persecution and sorrow. Going once to see his relative, the Rev. Mr. Green- ham, of Diy-Dpiyton, and lamenting the state of his mind to him, the worthy minister replied, " Son, son, when afflic- tion lieth heavy, sin lieth light." This saying conveyed great comfort to Mr. Dod, who rejoiced that God could make affliction the means of his sanctification ; and used afterwards to say, that, " sancti- fied afflictions are spiritual promotions." (e) NOW HAVE I KEPT THY WORD. — Sarah Howard, a poor old widow who had been bedridden fourteen years, when visited by her minister, thus spoke of her afflictions : — " I can set to my seal, that ' the Lord has chastened me sore, but he hath not given me over un- to death,' Psalm cxviii. 19. I have been chastened in my person, and am quite helpless, by long and severe ill- ness ; I have been chastened in my cir- cumstances ever since I was left a wi- dow ; yes, I know what oppressing a widow, what bad debts, and hard cre- ditors are : I have been chastened in my family, by a son, whom I was do- tingly fond of, running away and going to sea. Besides all these, 1 have been chastened in mind, ' walking in dark- ness and having no light :' yet after all, I trust I can say with David, ' Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now have I kept thy word.' And I hope I can say that I am now returned to the Shep- her(i and Bishop of souls," 1 Pet, ii. 25. (d) SAVED BY A DISEASED LIMB. — A young man, who had been long confined with a diseased limb, and was near his dissolution, was attended by a friend, who requested that the wound might be uncovered. When this was done, " There," said the young man, " there it is, and a precious treasure it 38 has been to me ; it saved me from the folly and vanity of youth ; it made me cleave to God as my only portion, and to eternal glory as my only hope : and I think it has now brought me very near to my Father's house." (d) THE SICK CHRISTIAN USE- FUL. — Ann Meiglo, a poor distressed woman in the parish of Portmoak, when visited by Mr. Ebenezer Erskine, said to him, " O, sir, I am just lying here a poor useless creature." " Think you ?" said he. " I think, sir, what is true, if I were away to heaven, I would be of some use to glorify God without sin." — " Indeed, Annie," said Mr. Erskine, " I think you are glorifying God by your resignation and submission to his will, and that in the face of many difficulties and under many distresses. In heaven the saints have no burdens to groan un- der ; your praises, burdened as you are, are more wonderful to me, and I trust acceptable to God." if) OWEN ON FORGIVENESS.— The orign of Dr. Owen's great practi- cal work on the Forgiveness of Sin, or Psalm 130, was related by the doctor in the following circumstances : A young man, who afterwards became a minister, being under serious impres- sions, came to him for counsel. In the course of conversation the doctor asked, " Pray, in what manner do you think to go to God '?" " Through the Mediator, sir," said the young man. To which Dr. Owen replied, " That is easily said ; but it is another thing to go to God through the Mediator ^than what many who use the expression are aware of. I myself preached some years when I had but very little if any experimental acquaint- ance with access to God through Christ, until the Lord was pleased to visit me with sore affliction, by which I was brought to the mouth of the grave, and under which my soul was oppressed with horror and darkness. But God graciously relieved my spirit by a pow- erful application of Psalm cxxx. 4, ' There is forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared ;' from whence I received special instruction, peace and comfort in drawing near to God through the Mediator, and I preached thereupon after my recovery." BENEFITS OF AFFLICTION. 13 None who seriously and prayerfully read this treatise will fail to discover the grounds and the appropriateness of the above appeal to an inquiring youth, the rich sources from which the author has drawn divine instruction, and its adaptation to the wants of every perishing soul. (g) THE STUDENT'S SICK- NESS. — A New England divine, who was preaching on the benefit derived from affliction, said : I once knew a young man, who was a student in one of our universities, who, by reading Dr. Combe's works and others, had become very skeptical on some important points — the doctrine of prayer, total depravi- ty, regeneration, and the special influ- ences of the Holy Spirit. Though he professed religion and was studying for the ministry, he had lost all religious enjoyment, and was fast going down an inclined plane into the abyss of infidelity. During a vacation in midwinter, he was travellinfj on business amonij the Ger- mans in the interior of Pennsylvania, when he was prostrated on his bed with a dangerous disease — hundreds of miles from home, " a stranger in a strange land." When he began to think of dy- ing, he found himself all unprepared. His new sentiments hovered like dismal clouds around his sick-bed, that not a star of hope shone through. There was little time for logic then : but one spe. cies of short-hand logic swept away his skeptical notions like chafi. He rea- soned from effect to cause. " Embrac- ing these new sentiments has evidently brought my mind into this wretched con- dition ; and as the fruit is bad, the tree must be bad also. ' He that followeth me,' says Christ, ' shall not walk in darkness;' therefore, as I am walking in darkness, it must be because I have been led astray from him. These new opinions must, therefore, be erroneous, and I will renounce them forever, em- brace, in all humility and simplicity, the truths of the Gospel, as I embraced them at the first." Right speedily did he put his resolve into action ; and he soon found his way back to the fold of Christ, to the Shepherd and Bishop of souls. He recovered from his sickness and returned honre, rejoicing to tell his friends what God had done for his soul. And that young man, my hearers, is preaching to you to-day ! I have many blessings for which to thank God, for He has strown my way with the gifts of His providence ; but for the blessing of that afflicting illness, I sometimes feel as if I ought to praise and thank Him most. And if I am ever so happy as to get home to heaven, I know I shall re- member that affliction with gratitude still ! It will be a theme on which I shall love to linger, one which shall prompt many anthems of my rejoicing there. (h) THE BACKSLIDER BE- REAVED AND RESTORED. — A young lady, who belonged to a church in the city of New-York, married a young man who was not a Christian. He was a merchant, engaged in a lucra- tive business, and the golden stream of wealth flowed in upon him till he had amassed a large fortune. He accord- ingly retired from business and went into the country. He purchased a splen- did residence ; fine trees waved their luxuriant foliage around it ; here was a lake filled with fish, and there a garden full of rare shrubbery and flowers. Their house was fashionably and ex- pensi\ ely furnished ; and they seemed to possess all of earth that mortal could desire. Thus prospered, and plied with an interchange of civilities among her gay and fashionable neighbors, the piety of the lady declined, and her heart be- came wedded to the world. And it is not to be wondered at, that her three children, as they grew up, imbibed her spirit and copied her example. " A severe disease," it is said, " de- mands a severe remedy," and that God soon applied. One morning intelligence came that her little son had fallen into the fish-lake and was drowned. The mother's heart was pierced with the affliction, and she wept and murmured against the providence of God. Soon after, her only daughter, a blooming girl of sixteen, was taken sick of a fever and died. It seemed then as if the mother's heart would have broken. But this new stroke of the rod of a chastening Father seemed but to increase her displeasure against his will. 39 13 AFFLICTION. The only remaining child, her oldest son, who had come home from college to attend his sister's funeral, wont out into the fields soon after, for the purpose of hunting. In getting over a fence, he put his gun over first to assist himself in springing to the ground, when it ac- cidentally discharged itself and killed hh What then were that mother's feelings ? In the extravagance of her grief, she fell down, tore her hair, and raved like a maniac against the provi- dence of God. The father, whose grief was already almost insupportable, when he looked upon the shocking spectacle and heard her frenzied ravings, could endure his misery no longer. The iron entered into his soul, and he fell a speedy victim to his accumulated afflictions. From the wife and motlier her husband and all her children were now taken away. Reason returned, and she was led to reflection. She saw her dreadful backslidings, her pride, her rebellion ; and she wept with the tears of a deep tepentance. Peace was restored to her soul. Then would she lift her hands to heaven, exclaiming, " 1 thank thee, O Father ! The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken away, and blessed be the name of the Lord." Thus did her afflictions yield the peaceable fruit of righteousness, and her heavenly Father chasten her, " not for His pleasure, but for her profit, that she might become partaker of His holiness." (z) SAVED FROM A ROBBER BY RAIN. — A merchant was one day returning from market. He was on | horseback, and behind him was a valise filled with money. The rain fell with violence, and the good old man was wet to his skin. At this he was vexed, and murmured because God had given him such bad weather for his journey. He soon reached the borders of a thick forest. What was his terror on beholding on one side of the road a robber, with levelled gun, aiming at him and attempting to fire ! But the powder being wet by the rain, the gun did not go off, and the merchant, giving spurs to his horse, fortunately had time to escape. As soon as he found himself safe, he said to himself: "How wrong was I, 40 not to endure the rain patiently as sent by Providence. If the weather had been dry and fliir, I should not, probably, have been alive at this hour, and my little children would have expected my return in vain. The rain which caused me to murmur, came at a fortunate mo- ment, to save my life and preserve my property." And thus it is with a mul- titude of our afflictions ; by causing us slight and short sufferings, they preserve us from others far greater, and of longer duration. ( j) A CHAIN OF CALAMITIES. — A Christian whom God had prospered in his outward estate, and who lived in ease and plenty on his farm, suffered the world to encroach so much upon his affections, as sensibly to diminish the ardor of his piety. The disease was dangerous, and the Lord adopted severe measures for its cure. First, his wife was removed by death ; but he still re- mained worldly-minded. Then a be- loved son ; but, although the remedy operated favoralsly, it did not effect a cure. Then his crops failed and his cattle died ; still his grasp on the world was not unloosed. Then. God touched his person, and brought on him a lin- gering, fatal disease ; the world, how- ever, occupied still too much of his thoughts. His house finally took fire ; and as he was carried out of the burn- ing building, he exclaimed : " Blessed be God, I am cured at last." He shortly after died happy in the antici- pation of a heavenly inheritance. (k) DIVINITY TAUGHT BY AFFLICTION.— A minister was re- covering of a dangerous illness, when one of his friends addressed him thus : "Sir, though God seems to be bringing you up from the gates of death, yet it will he a long time before you will suf- ficiently retrieve your strength, and re- gain vigor enough of mind to preach as usual." The good man answered : — " You are mistaken, my friend ; for this six weeks' illness has taught me more divinity than all my past studies and all my ten years' ministry put together." (I) EFFECT OF ILLNESS ON DR. CHANDLER.— It used to be said of Dr. Chandler, that, after an illness, he always preached in a more evangeli- GRATITUDE FOR AFFLICTION. 13,14 cal strain than usual. A gentleman who occasionally heard him said to one of his constant auditors : " Pray, has not the doctor been ill lately V " Why do you think so?" "Because the ser- mon was more evangelical than he usually preaches when he is in full health." {?n) GOD MEANT IT FOR GOOD. — A few years since, says a writer in the Pastor's Journal, I was engaged in a wholesale mercantile business in the city of New- York ; but ill health and other circumstances compelled me to close it and remove to the country. My young men were most of them from pious families ; some were warm-heart- ed Christians, and all of them succeeded in finding eligible situations but one. S. was my youngest clerk ; his talents were respectable ; his conduct, as far as I could judge, was irreproachable ; but my best efforts, and those of his friends, could not secure him a situation. After months spent in vain endeavors to find an opening in the business of his choice, and a year occupied on a foreign voyage without success, he returned to the country and engaged reluctantly in a mechanical business, which his father followed, near the place where I had settled. I saw him but seldom ; but when I met him as his friend, I was treated with marked coldness. I was at a loss to account for it, and at length demanded an explanation, when I found the whole family considered me culpa- hhj to blame in not procuring him a situation in New-York, after I had no longer occasion for his services. It was indeed a mystery even to myself, that the path to manhood chosen by S. and his friends, should be so hedged up as to compel him to walk in another. S. however continued his mechanical pur- suits, and, in the providence of God, was directed to the neighborhood of a pro- tracted meeting. He was the child of many prayers, and had more than once lived through an awakening unchanged, though not unaffected. He was now drawn, by an impulse he could not re- sist, to attend this meeting, feeling that it might be .the last strivings of the Spirit. With trembling he took his place on the anxious seat, and, over- whelmed with emotion, he retired from the meeting to a field, where he gave himself away to his Savior, and the Spirit spake peace to his soul. It was but a few days after this happy event, S. returned to our village, (where his parents still reside,) and the humble, meek, and gentle air which his manly countenance had assumed, in place of the haughty, discontented form, was ap- parent to every one. I was confined to my house by indisposition, and was de- lighted to welcome him who had scarce- ly entered my dwelling since his return from the city. He modestly gave me an account of the change in his feelings and happiness, in presence of some members of my family, and solicited a private interview. On retiring with him, he said to me, with tears in his eyes : " My mind has been sorely troubled by the recollection of some things I did in your store. I was tempted to take sundry small articles, for my own use, without your knowledge or consent, a- mouniing, I should think, to jive dollars, and I cannot rest until I have paid you for them f .'" A crowd of reflections rushed into my mind. I felt over- whelmed for a moment with a sense of the goodness of God, in so counteracting all his plans as to save him from the vortex which was opening before him. He had begun to rob his employer, and, as the progress in vice is rapid down- ward, had not a kind Providence inter- posed, S. would, in all probability, have become, ere this, a tenant of the state prison, and brought down the gray hairs of his parents with sorrow to the grave. I pointed out to him, as I trust, faithfully and profitably, the finger of God in his rescue, and encouraged him to persevere unto the end. It is now nearly two years since this interview, and S. has continued to give evidence of the since- rity of the change, and bids fair to be- come an ornament to society and a pil- lar in the church of Christ. 14. Gratitude for Affliction. .a) GRATITUDE FOR SLA- VERY. — In the Southern section of the United States, an African slave, whose name was Jenny, was observed to fail in 41 14 AFFLICTION. her labor, and indications of some dis- tress were visible in her countenance. She was asked for the cause ; she re- plied, " Jenny's heart is sick." She was sent from the field, to the house, to obtain relief; but none was gained. She spent her days in silence ; only say- ing, "Jenny's heart is sick." One day she met her mistress, who was very anxious for her case, in the yard, and cried out, " O mistress, Jenny is going to die, and be lost. Who will take care of Jenny's baby when she is gone ?" Such waj; her distress at that moment, that she sunk under its weight motion- less at her mistress's feet, who had her taken kindly to her house, and attended with care. Thus she continued for some days, scarcely able to walk. But one day, having got a short distance in- to a forest, she there cried to God in her distress, and God graciously heard her mourning voice, and poured into her sick heart the balm of Gilead, which gave her immediate relief. On this occasion, when the light broke in on her afflicted soul, and the pardoning love of God in Christ was seen by faith, she said, " All the trees around cry, Glory ! and all the angels cry. Glory ! and Jen- ny cry Glory, too !" She now said, when Jenny was in her native country, she had no God, she knew no God ! But in America, Jenny has learned there is a God, and that he is hers. In Africa, Jenny had no Jesus, she had no one to tell her of Jesus. But she thanks God that she was ever brought to America to hear of a Savior. In Africa, Jenny was ignorant of sin, and the wrath of God ; but in this favored land she has been made acquainted with her sinful and dangerous state, and the way of salvation through a precious Redeemer. Now Jenny lived, and sung, and looked forward to the hope of glory, as the end of sorrows, and certain reward of all who, through faith and patience, wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus unto eternal life. Happy affliction ! Blessed African ! (h) BLINDNESS A BLESSING.— Mary had learned to read, and at an early age took great delight in her Bi- ble ; but before she was eighteen years old, her sight began to fail her, and in a 42 very short time she became totally blind. This, it will be thought, must have been a severe trial, at such an age, under any circumstances, but more especially to one who had always derived her chief pleasure and enjoyment from her little stock of books. Mary, however, had learned from her Bible, that " God doth not afflict willingly, nor grieve the chil- dren of men ;" and she felt assured that he would, in some way or other, make this affliction tend to her eternal good. " Many people pity me," she said one day, to a lady who was talking with her, " and say, it is hard to be blind ; but I don't think it at all hard. Perhaps, if I had not lost my sight, I should have grown proud. I was very fond of read- ing, and I should perhaps have thought too much of knowledge ; I might have been puffed up, and therefore the temp- tation was mercifully taken from me. The Lord knew that I needed some trial, and he chose this for me. I am glad he did, for I should not have known what to have chosen for myself; I am sure I should not have chosen this. What, be blind ! No ; for then I should not be able to read, or to go about. 1 should not have chosen any thing that was painful. I sometimes think," she continued, " how many trials this keeps me from, which I should not have known how to bear !" (c) THANKFUL FOR BLIND- NESS. — A blind boy, who belonged to the Institution in Dublin, when dying, assured a correspondent of the Tract Magazine that he considered it as one of the greatest mercies of Heaven that he had been deprived of his sight ; be- cause this was the means the Lord em- ployed to bring him under the sound of the gospel, which was now the joy and rejoicing of his soul. So much wisdom and truth is there in the beautiful lan- guage of the poet : — " Good, when he gives, supremely good. Nor less when he denies ; E'en crosses, from his sovereign hand. Are blessings in disguise." (d) MARTIN LUTHER'S WILL. — In the last will and testament of this eminent reformer occurs the following remarkable passage : — " Lord God, 1 thank thee, that thou hast been pleased to CONVERSION OF THE AGED. 14, 15 make me a 'poor and indigent man upon earth. I have neither house, nor land, nor money, to leave behind me. Thou hast given me wife and children, whom I now restore to thee. Lord, nourish, teach, and preserve them, as thou hast me." {e) A TOKEN OF GOD'S FA- VOR. — Mr. Newton had a very happy talent of administering reproof. Hear- ing that a person, in whose welfare he was greatly interested, had met with peculiar success in business, and was deeply immersed in worldly engage- ments, the first time he caUed on him, which was usually once a month, he took him by the hand, and drawing him on one side, into the counting-house, told him his apprehensions of his spiritual welfare. His friend, without making any reply, called down his partner in life, who came with her eyes suffused with tears, and unable to speak. In- quiring the cause, he was told she had just been sent for to oneof her children, that was out at nurse, and supposed to be in dying circumstances. Clasping her hands immediately in his, Mr. N. cried, " God be thanked, he has not for- saken you ! 1 do not wish your babe to suffer, but I am happy to find he gives you this token of his favor." if) KISSING THE^ OPPRES- SOR'S HANDS.— It is related of one, who, under great severity, had fled from the worst of masters to the best, {I mean he had sought rest in the bosom of Jesus Christ, the common friend of the weary and the heavy laden,) that he was so impressed with a sense of the benefit he had derive-d from his afflic- tions, that lying on his death-bed and seeing his master stand by, he eagerly caught the hands of his oppressor, and kissing them, said, " These hands have brought me to heaven." Thus many have had reason to bless God for afflic- tions, as being the instruments in his hands of promoting the v/elfare of their immortal souls. (g) THE ROAD TO HEAVEN.— Mr. Benn, of Highgate, had long been the subject of a severe affliction, which at length terminated his valuable life, before he had, to human appearance, reached its meridian. The evening be- fore his departure, he desired all his children to come into his chamber ; and, placing them around his dying bed, thus addressed them : " You all know that I am soon going to be removed from this world to a better ; and I trust that you 'are walking the same road, and will soon follow me." To his eldest son he observed, " When you go into the world, and are exposed to persons who, perhaps, will ridicule the Savior's name and the Bible, do not listen to them. Seek that society which will help you to practise your Bible ; this book will provide comfort for you when friends forsake you. — Every other comfort in this world has its drawback, and is transitory. When you are in pain or suffering, write upon it, ' The road to Heaven.' " AGED, THE. 15. Conversion of the Aged. {a) THE YOUNG CONVERT AND HIS AGED MOTHER.— At a village, in the Hastings circuit, (says the Wesleyan Methodist Magazine,) where the Gospel was introduced by the Methodist preachers, a poor laboring man was induced to hear the Gospel. By the blessing of God it proved effec- tual to his salvation. Having felt the power of divine grace himself, he was anxiously concerned for the spiritual welfare of others. One of the first ob- jects of his solicitude, was his mother. She was upwards of ninety years of age ; deaf, dim-sighted, and very in- firm ; totally in the dark as to the nature of true religion, and altogether uncon- cerned about her best interests. The preaching was removed to her son's cottage, which was situated about a mile from his mother's residence ; he wished to bring her under the sound of the Gospel ; but her infirmities, and his poverty, presented considerable difficul- 43 15, 16 AGED— REVERENCE FOR THE. ties. Slie could not walk ; — he had no conveyance, and could not afford to hire one. His intense desire for her salva- tion, however, surmounted all hindran- ces. He borrowed a cart ; put himself in the place of a horse ; and regularly drew her to his house on the Sabbath morning, and back again to her home in the evening, when the weather would permit. Being thus brought to hear the word of reconciliation, divine light shone into her mind; her conscience was awakened, after a slumber of ninety years ; and she began to " call upon the name of the Lord." The God of all grace hearkened to her cry ; lifted upon her the light of his countenance ; and made her happy in the enjoyment of his salvation. It is a singular fact, that the great change wrought in her mind was the occasion of producing such a change in her appearance, that she looked several years younger than she did a few months before. {b) CONVERTED AT FOUR- SCORE. — The son of a wealthy gra- zier, in Rutlandshire, England, was providentially led to a place of worship, where he was deeply and savingly im- pressed with the love of God. After- wards he became a frequent attendant, though living at the distance of twenty miles. The old man, his father, just then fourscore, perceived the change which had taken place in his son, who, on inquiry, told him all the circumstan- ces, and the signal blessings which had attended the preaching he had heard. " Son," said the old man, " I wish I could hear the man myself; do you think I can ride as far '?" " Father," said he, " if you will go to cousin W.'s over-night, I think you could." The horses were saddled, and off went father and son on Saturday night. On Sunday they both went to church, and the Lord blessed the very first discourse to the old man's heart, and from that day he began to confess Jesus Christ as his strength and Redeemer. During two summers he attended at the same place of worship ; but infirmities confining him to his bed, he requested the clergy- man to visit him at his own house, where he found him with tears running down his cheeks, whilst he spoke of the 44 hardness of his heart, though it seemej tender as that of a little child. " Mr. C," said the minister, " how old are you ?" " Little more," said he, " than two years old ; for I can only reckon my life from the time I knew the Lord Jesus ; the fourscore years before were but a life of death." At eighty-four he departed, full of faith and hope, and en- tered, at the eleventh hour, into the joy of his Lord. (c) CONVERSION OF THE AGED RARE. — In a sermon to young men, delivered at the request of the Philadelphia Institute, Dr. Bedell said : " I have now been nearly twenty years in the ministry of the gospel, and I here publicly state to you, that I do not be- lieve I could enumerate three persons, over fifty years of age, whom I have ever heard ask the solemn and eternally momentous question, ' What shall I do to be saved?'" 16. Reverence for the Aged. (a) THE CHILD'S INQUIRY.— A certain farmer in Connecticut, pos- sessing a small estate, was persuaded by his only son, (who was married and lived with his father,) to give him a deed of the propert}'. It was according- ly executed. Soon the father began to find himself neglected ; next removed from the common table, to a block in the chimney corner, to take the morsel of food reluctantly given him. At last the unnatural son resolved one day, to try to break the afflicted heart of his sire. He procured a block and began to hollow it. While at work, he was questioned by one of his own children, what he was doino;. " I am makinfj a trough for your grandfather to eat out of," was the reply. "Ah," says the child, " and when you are as old as grandfather, shall I have to make a trough for you to eat out of?" The in- strument he was using fell from his hand. The block was cast on the fire ; the old man's forgiveness asked, and he was restored to the situation to which his age and worth entitled him. {h) THE OLD WOMAN'S BLESS- ING. — A gentleman was once passing through a village, and happened to see AGENTS OF BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. 16, IT a poor, feeble old woman let her stick fall, and stand a moment in perplexity, not knowing whether she dared to stoop to pick it up or attempt to reach her home without it. Just by the spot where the accident happened, a group of boys were playing at marbles; some of them took no notice, others rudely marked the poor old woman's distress ; but one kind-hearted lad threw down his mar- bles, ran to her assistance, and helped her into her house. She thanked him, and said, " God Almighty's blessing be upon you, for your kindness to a poor old woman !" The gentleman saw and heard the whole, and made inquiry after the lad, in whom he felt deeply interested. He found that he was al- ready in the Sunday school, and, in all probability, had there learnt the Scrip- tures, that inculcate reverence to the aged. From that time he had him in- structed in writing and accounts at an evening school ; when old enough, he assisted in apprenticing him, and in course of time had the satisfaction of seeing him a respectable and flourishing tradesman. (c) THE UNKIND SON REBUK- ED. — There was once a man who had an only son, to whom he was very kind, and gave every thing that he had. When his son grew up and got a house, he was very unkind to his poor old fa- ther, whom he refused to support, and turned out of the house. The old man said to his grandson, " Go and fetch the covering from my bed, that I may go and sit by the way-side and beg." The child burst into tears, and ran for the covering. He met his father, to whom he said, " I am going to fetch the rug from my grandfather's bed, that he may wrap it round him and go a-begging !" Tommy went for the rug, and brought it to his father, and said to him, " Pray, father, cut it in two, the half of it will be large enough for grandfather, and perhaps you may want the other half when I grow a man and turn you out of doors." The words of the child struck him so forcibly, that he imme- diately ran to his father, and asked forgiveness, and was very kind to him till he died. {d) THE RUSSIAN PRINCESS.— A Russian princess of great beauty, in company with her father, and a young French marquis, visited a celebrated Swiss doctor of the eighteenth century, Michael Scuppack ; when the marquis began to pass one of his jokes upon the long white beard of one of the doctor's neighbors who was present. He offered to bet twelve louis d'ors that no lady present would dare to kiss the dirty old fellow ! The Russian princess ordered her attendant to bring a plate, and de- posited twelve louis d'ors, and sent it to the marquis, who was too polite to de- cline his stake. The fair Russian then approached the peasant, saying, " Permit me, vene- rable father, to salute you after the manner of my country," and embracing, gave him a kiss. She then presented him the gold which was on the plate, saying, " Take this as a remembrance of me, and as a sign that the Russian girls think it their duty to honor old age." 17. AGENTS OF BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES, (a) THE SCOFFER CONFOUND. ED. — When the late Rev. Joseph Hughes, A. M., was once travelling in the service of the Bible Society, he found by his side, upon the coach, a grave and respectable looking person. In conversing on topics of general atten- tion, they soon came to the Bible Socie- ty. His companion launched forth, in vituperative terms, on its Utopian char- acter, and especially on its lavish ex- penditure ; noticing, in a marked way, the needless and extravagant travelling expenses of its vaunted secretaries, aa well as their enormous salaries. No one, from Mr. Hughes's countenance and manner, could have conjectured that he was a party concerned. "But what," he mildly expostulated, " would be your conclusion, were you informed 45 17, 18 AMBITION. that their services were gratuitous ; and that, w ith a view of curtailing as much as possible the expense of travelling, they usually, even in very inclement seasons, fix on the outside, as," he ad- ded, " one of them is now doing before your eyes ?" Need it be added, that both the fact and the tone in which it was announced, with the friendly con- versation that ensued, converted an ene- my into a friend ? (b) ROBERT HALL AS AN A- GENT.— The late Rev. Robert Hall of Bristol was much grieved with the want of economy in managing the fi- nances of some of our public institutions. *' When you consider, sir," said he, " the sources from which these monies are derived, and the objects to which they are intended to be appropriated, there ought to be no improvident expen- diture of any kind. I know Mr. — who is employed in travelling and col- lecting for the Bible Society ; he puts up at the principal inn in the place where he happens to visit, and rather than exert himself to rise early and travel in the stage coach, I have heard that he takes a post-chaise at the expense of the society. These things ought not to be countenanced. 1 invariably endeavor to travel on such occasions, sir, outside of the coach, and when, from indisposition, I am compelled to hire a post-chaise, I pay the extra ex- pense out of my own pocket." 18. AMBITION. (a) THE WRESTLER'S RE- FLECTION.— Philip, king of Mace- don, as he was wrestling at the Olympic games, fell down in the sand ; and when he rose again, observing the print of his body in the sand, cried out, " O how little a parcel of earth will hold us, when we are dead, who are ambitiously seeking after the whole world whilst we are living !" (b) PYRRHUS AND THE PHILO- SOPHER.— When Pyrrhus, king of Epirus, was making great preparations for his intended expedition into Italy, Cineas, the philosopher, took a favorable opportunity of addressing him thus : — " The Romans, sir, are reported to be a warlike and victorious people ; but if God permit us to overcome them, what use shall we make of the victory ?" " Thou askest," said Pyrrhus, " a thing that is self-evident. The Romans once conquered, no city will resist us ; we shall then be masters of all Italy." Cineas added, "And having subdued Italy, what shall we do next ?" Pyrrhus, not yet aware of his intentioas, replied, " Sicily next stretches out her arms to receive us." " That is very probable," said Cineas, " but will the possession of Sicily put an end to the war ?" "God grant us success in that," answered Pyrrhus, "and we shall make these 46 only the forerunners of greater things , for then Lybia and Carthage will soon be ours : and these things being com- pleted, none of our enemies can offer any farther resistance." " Very true," added Cineas, " for then we may easily regain Macedon, and make an absolute conquest of Greece; and, when all these are in our possession, what shall we do then ?" Pyrrhus, smiling, answered, " Why then, my dear friend, we will live at our ease, drink all day long, and amuse ourselves with cheerful conver- sation." " Well, sir," said Cineas, " and why may we not do all this now, and without the labor and hazard of an enterprise so laborious and uncertain?'* Pyrrhus, however, unwilling to take the advice of the philosopher, ardently en- gaged in these ambitious pursuits, and at last perished in them. (c) HIGH HOPES OF BONA- PARTE. — Bonaparte, referring to the siege of Acre, says : " I see that this paltry town has cost me many men, and occupies much time ; but things have gone too far not to risk a last effort. If we succeed, it is to be hoped we shall find in that place the treasures of the pa- sha, and arms for three hundred thousand men. I will raise and arm the whole of Syria, which is already greatly exas- perated by the cruelty of Djezzar, for AMBITION. IS whose fall you have seen the people supplicate Heaven at every assault. I advance upon Damascus and Aleppo ; I recruit my army by marching into every country where discontent pre- vails ; I announce to the people the abolition of slavery, and of the tyranni- cal government of the pashas ; I arrive at Constantinople with armed masses ; I overturn the dominion of the Mussul- man ; I found in the East a new and mighty empire, which shall fix my po- sition with posterity ; and perhaps I return to Paris by Adrianople or Vien- na, having annihilated the house of Austria." What a wide difference be- tween what he then anticipated and what he subsequently experienced ! {d) NAPOLEON AND THE PEA- SANT BOY.— When Napoleon re- turned to his palace, immediately after his defeat at Waterloo, he continued many hours without taking any refresh- ment. One of the grooms of the cham- ber ventured to serve up some coffee, in his cabinet, by the hands of a child, whom Napoleon had occasionally dis- tinguished by his notice. The emperor sat motionless, with his hands spread over his eyes. The page stood pa- tiently before him, gazing with infantine curiosity on an image which presented so strong a contrast to his own figure of simplicity and peace ; at last the little attendant presented his tray, exclaiming, in the familiarity of an age which knows so little distinctions, " Eat, sire ; it will do you good." The emperor looked at him, and asked, " Do you not belong to Gonesse ?" (a village near Paris.) " No, sire, I come from Pierrefite." " Where your parents have a cottage and some acres of land ?" " Yes, sire." " There is happiness," replied the man who was still the em- peror of France and king of Italy. (e) NAPOLEON 'AND THE CHURCH CLOCK.— It is said of Na- poleon Bonaparte, that at that period of his life, when the consequences of his infatuated conduct had fully de- veloped themselves in unforeseen re- verses, being driven to the necessity of defending himself within his own king- dom v/ith the shattered remnant of his army, he had taken up a position at Brienne, the very spot where he had received the rudiments of his education ; when, unexpectedly, and while he was anxiously employed in a practical appli- cation of those military principles which first exercised the energies of his young mind in the college of Brienne, his at- tention was arrested by the sound of the church clock. The pomp of his impe- rial court, and even the glories of Ma- rengo and of Austerlitz, faded for a moment from his regard, and almost from his recollection. Fixed for a while to the spot on which he stood, in motion- less attention to the well-known sound, he at length gave utterance to his feel- ings ; and condemned the tenor of all his subsequent life, by confessing that the hours, then brought back to his re- collection, were happier than any he had experienced throughout the whole course of his tempestuous career. (/) THE ACCUSER'S FALL.— One of Artaxerxes' favorites, ambitious of getting a place possessed by one of the king's best officers, endeavored to make the king suspect that officer's fi- delity ; and to that end, sent information to court full of calumnies against him, persuading himself that the king, from the great credit he had with his majes- ty, would believe the thing upon his bare word, without further examination. Such is the general character of calum- niators. The oflicer was imprisoned ; but he desired of the king before he was condemned, that his cause might be heard, and his accusers ordered to produce their evidence against him. The king did so ; and as there was no proof of his guilt but the letters which his enemy had written against him, he was cleared, and his innocence fully confirmed by the three commissioners who sat upon his trial. All the king's indignation fell upon the perfidious ac- cuser, who had thus attempted to abuse the confidence and favor of his royal master. {^) A YOUNG LAWYER'S EX- PERIENCE.— A correspondent of the New- York Evangelist, says : I was ac- quainted with a young man who knew what ambition is in all its madness. He sought to be great, and he sought for nothing else. For years he thought and 47 IS AMBITION. felt and dreamed about nothing else. For that he labored and 'prayed : yes, though an infidel, he believed in the ex- istence of a God, and he used to pray to him that he would grant him the object of his desires. Often at midnight, when the world was lost in sleep, he would pause from those mental labors which were destroying the energies of his youth and wasting away his life, and pray that God would give him intellec- tual powers — that he would give him might of mind which would enable him to move and shake the world. He used to tell God that he might deny him any thing else if he would grant him only this. And he was willing to pay any price for it ; he was willing to do any thing, or suffer any thing, or sacrifice any thing in order to gain it. And he would promise if God would give him power of intellect that he would exer- cise it on the side of right and in oppo- sition to wrong. With such feelings he labored ten long years, and oh, how he labored ! He toiled night and day. For weeks he would not retire to rest till three or four o'clock in the morning, and then not to sleep. His mind and nervous system were in such a state that he could not sleep. He would lay two or three hours in a dreaming, half-con- scious state, and then he would rise and commence his work again. And lest the appetites and indolence of the body might hinder him in his work if he should live with other people, and live as they did, he lived alone, upon bread and water, and had no bed in his room ; only a blanket in which he would wrap himself and lie down upon the floor, with a large book under his head for a pillow. He hated every thing calculated to draw him a moment from his studies. Even the kind voice of his poor old mother, en- treating him with tears to take some rest or a little food, he hated, and he would scowl upon her and turn madly away. Thus he lived for many years until a mighty change came over him. In a book he was one day reading, occurred these words : " When all is gained, how little then is won ! And yet to gain that little how much is lost !" The words arrested his attention ; they sunk deep into his heart, like the voice of a spirit ! The whole truth flashed like lightning across his soul. He now beheld the fame he had toiled for, as absolutely WORTHLESS. " When all is gained, how little then is won !" said he. " Yes, how little ! O, what is it ? It is nothing. Fame, O, what is it ? The breath of fools and devils. That is the object on which I have set my whole heart, and for which I have been laboring. When all is gained, how little then is won! And yet to gain that little how much is lost ! Yes, How much is lost ! O, how I have been laboring and suffering for it ; I have given all for it ; all of this world, and all of the next." His whole frame shook under the emotions such thoughts awakened — his hard heart broke, and he wept ! Yes, he who from childhood up had never shed a tear. He wept burning tears of agony — wept as a man, perhaps, never weeps but once. Rage succeeded to sorrow. " Oh, what a fool I have been," said he ; " what a wretched fool — the fool of fools — the greatest fool in the world!" He looked round upon his books and papers, (for he was at this time a lawyer,) and said, "This busi- ness I have followed for honor, and here it ends." And he seized his books and papers and threw them upon the floor and stamped upon them. " Here ENDS THIS business," said he. And he went to his trunk and took out his law diploma, and tore it in pieces — seized his axe, knocked down his sign and split it in pieces, and carried them to the middle of the street, and trampled them in the mud. He now felt that he had nothing to live for. He thought there might probably be something in the Christian religion. He examined its evidences, was convinced and con- verted. And now the ambitious infidel lives to preach the gospel of* Christ. Let young men read this and learn a lesson. I would say to them, dread ambition as you would a demon. 48 ANCESTRY. 19 19. ANCESTRY. {a) GEORGE III. AND THE PEERAGE. — It is remembered as one of the liberal axioms of George III. that " no British subject is by necessity ex- cluded from the Peerage." Consistent- ly with this sentiment, he once checked a man of high rank, who lamented that a very good speaker in the court of aldermen was of a mean trade, by say- ing, with his characteristic quickness, " VVhat signifies a man's trade 1 A man of any honest trade may make himself respectable if he will." (b) LORD TENTERDEN'S RE- TORT.—The obscurity of Lord Tent- erden's birth is well known, but he had too much good sense to feel any false shame on that account. We have heard it related of him, that when in an early period of his professional career, a bro- ther barrister, with whom he happened to have a quarrel, had the bad taste to twit him on his origin, his manly and severe answer was, " Yes, sir, I am the son of a barber ; if you had been the son of a barber, you would have been a barber yourself." (c) CICERO'S RETORT.— This Roman orator was one day sneered at by one of his opponents, a mean man of noble lineage, on account of his low pa- rentage. " You are the Jirst of your line," said the railer ; " and you," re- joined Cicero. " are the last of yours." (d) DISTINGUISHED MEN OF OBSCURE BIRTH. — "Euripides," says the Cabinet de Terture of Paris, " wa^ the son of a fruiterer, Virgil of a baker, Horace of a freed slave, Anayot of a currier, Voiture of a tax-gatherer, Lamothe of a hatter, Sixtus the Fifth of a swineherd, Fletcher of a chandler, Masillon of a turner, Tamerlane of a shepherd, Greinault of a journeyman baker, Rollin of a herdsman, Molliere of an upholsterer, J. J. Rousseau of a watchmaker. Sir Samuel Romily of a goldsmith, Ben Jonson of a mason, Shakspere of a butcher, Sir Thomas Lawrence of a custom-house officer, Collins of a hatter, Gray of a notary, Beatlie of a farmer, Sir Edward Sug- den of a barber, Thomas Moore of a grocer, Rembrandt of a miller. These men of genius were not men of leisure ; none of them enjoyed a patrimony ; and under the regime of our liberal laws, scarcely one amongst them, being nei- ther eligible nor even an elector, could sit in our Chamber of Deputies. (e) THE NOBLEMAN AND THE LION. — Crantz, in his Saxon History, tells us of an Earl of Alsatia, surnamed Iron on account of his great strength, who was a great favorite with Edward the Third of England, and much envied, as favorites are always sure to be, by the rest of the courtiers. On one occa- sion, when the king was absent, some noblemen maliciously instigated the queen to make trial of the noble blood of the favorite, by causing a lion to be let loose upon him, saying, according to the popular belief, that, " if the earl was truly noble, the lion would not touch him." It being customary with the earl to rise at break of day, before any other person in the palace was stirring, a lion was let loose during the night, and turned into the lower court. When the earl came down in the morning, with no more than a night-gown cast over his shirt, he was met by the lion bristling his hair, and growling destruc- tion between his teeth. The earl, not in the least daunted, called out with a stout voice, " Stand, you dog." At these words the lion couched at his feet, to the great amazement of the courtiers, who were peeping out at every window to see the issue of their ungenerous- project. The earl laid hold of the lion by the mane, turned him into his cage, and placing his night-cap on the lion's back, came forth without ever casting a look behind him. " Now," said the earl, calling out to the courtiers, whose' presence at the windows instantly con- vinced him of the share they had in this- trial of his courage, " Let him amongst you all, that standeth most upon his pedigree, go and fetch my night-cap." (/) JAMES I. AND THE EARL'S GENEALOGY.— King James I., in his 49 20 ANGER— INDULGED. progress into England, was entertained at Lumley Castle, the seat of the Earl of Scarborough. A relative of the no- ble earl was very proud in showing and explaining to his majesty an immensely large genealogical line of the family ; the pedigree he carried back rather far- ther than the greatest strength of credu- lity would allow. " In gude faith, man,'' says the king, " it may be they are very true, but I did na' ken before that Adam's name was Lumley." ANGER./ 20. Anger Indulged. (a) ALEXANDER AND CLITUS. — The folly and danger of anger is seen in the conduct of Alexander. Clitus was a person whom Alexander held very dear, as being the son of his nurse, and one who had been educated together with himself. He had saved the life of Alexander at the battle near the river Granicus, and by him was made Prefect of a province. But he could not flatter. At a feast with the king, when both were doubtle^ affected by wine, Clitus spoke in high terms of the actions of Philip, preferring them to those of his son. Alexander, transported with anger, seized a javelin and slew him on the spot. But when he became sober and his passion cooled, he was with difliculty restrained from killing himself, for that fault which his sudden fury had led him to commit. He seemed smitten with remorse for the murder, and inconsola- ble for the loss of his friend. (b) VIOLENCE OF HEROD.— The effect of indulging in anger is seen in the case of Herod, the Tetrarch of Judea. He had so little command over his passion, that upon every slight occa- sion his anger would transport him to absolute madness. Sometimes he would be sorry and repent of the injuries which he had done when anger clouded his understanding, and soon after commit the same outrages ; so that none about him were secure of their lives a mo- ment. (c) THE BOYS AND THE BALL- CLUB. — There were two brothers; Alvah twelve, Michael nine years old. They generally lived together as hap- pily as most brothers do. But some- times they would quarrel ; and when they did get angry with each other they 50 were very furious and reckless of each other's limbs and lives. Their parents were very uneasy at times, lest in a fit of anger one should kill the other. Much they talked to them, and warned them against anger, and against striking each other with fists and clubs, and throwing stones at each other. The boys, when not in anger, appeared lov- ing and kind, and would promise not to strike and throw stones at each other. One day they were earnestly engaged in a game of ball. Michael had the clui), and had just knocked the ball. Alvah caught it — at least, he said he did, and declared it was his turn to knock it. Michael said he did not catch it, but that he wanted to cheat, and should not have the club. Alvah said he would have it. They grew angry, struggling for the club. Then Michael started to run with it. Alvah caught a stone and threw it at him. The stone flew as if winged with the wrath and fury of him who threw it, and struck Michael on the knee. It cut a deep hole right on the joint. In a little while the wound became painfully sore, and Michael soon lost the use of his leg. In time, it turned to a white swelling ; and the leg had to be cut off above the knee to save his life. All this pain and suffering, and maim- ing for life, merely to decide who should knock a ball ! Michael lost his leg to defend his right to keep a ball-club ! For this trivial cause, Alvah inflicted on his dear brother unspeakable suffer- ing, and made him a helpless cripple for life. This was a costly fight, and for a worthless object. Anger often produces like results. (d) AN EYE FOR A PIN.— Two boys, named Abel and Asa, were at the same school in New-York, each about ANGER SUBDUED. 21 ten years old ; not brothers, but school- mates and class-mates. Both of them had irritable tempers, and had been taught to think they must resent injuries and defend their rights at all hazards. Playing pin was a common amusement in the school. They played in this way : Two boys would take a hat and set it down between them, crown upward. Then each boy would lay a pin on top of the crown, and then knock it— first one, and then the other. The one that could knock the pins so that they would lie across each other, had them both. During recess, one day, Abel and Asa were playing pin. They knocked the pins about some time. Both became much excited in the game. Finally, Abel knocked the pins so that, as he said, one lay across the point of the other. Asa denied it. Abel declared they did, and snatched up both pins. Asa's anger flashed in a moment, and he struck Abel in the face with his list. This excited Abel's wrath. They began to figRt — the other boys clustering around, not to part them, but to urge them on. Some cried, " Hit him, Abel !" and some, " Give it to him, Asa !" thus stimulating them to quarrel. The boys seized each other, and finally came tumbling to the ground, Abel on top. Then Abel, in his fury, went to beating Asa in his face, till the blood spouted from his nose and mouth, and till Asa lay like one dead. Then the boys pulled Abel off. But Asa could not get up. The boys began to be alarmed. They were afraid Abel had killed him. The teacher was called. He carried Asa in, washed the blood from his face, and recovered him from his stupor. He examined his face and head, and found them bruised in a shocking manner. One of his eyes was so hurt and swollen he could not open it. And from that day the sight of it grew more and more dim, till it went out in total darkness. So Asa lost an eye, and Abel put it out, merely for a pin ! (e) THE LITTLE MURDERER. — Two boys in a southern city, named Augustus and Eugene, were playing top. They had but one top, which they spun alternately. At first they played very pleasantly, but soon became angry and began to speak unkindly'. Eugene said, " It is my turn to whirl the top." " No, it is not ; it is mine," said Augus* tus. They grew very angry about it. Augustus at length said to Eugene, " You lie.'" Eugene struck him. Au* gustus struck back again. They seized each other in a great rage ; and in the scuffle Eugene took a long, sharp knife from his pocket, and stabbed Augustus so that he died in a few moments. Au- gustus lost his life and Eugene became a murderer, merely to decide whose turn it was to spin a top ! U. Anger Snbdued. (a) JOHN AND NICETAS.— John, patriarch of Alexandria, had a contro- versy with Nicetas, a chief man of that city, which was to be decided in a court of justice. John defended the cause of the poor, and Nicetas refused to part with his money. A private meeting was held, to see if the affair could be adjust- ed, but in vain ; angry words prevailed, and both parties were so obstinate that they separated more offended with each other than before. When Nicetas was gone, John began to reflect on his own pertinacity, and although his cause was good, "Yet," said he, " can I think that God will be pleased with this anger and stubbornness ? The nigtit draweth on, and shall I suffer the sun to go down upon my wrath ? This is impious, and opposed to the apostle's advice." He therefore sent some respectable friends to Nicetas, and charged them to deliver this message to him, and' no more : " O sir, the sun is going down !" Nicetas was much affected, his eyes were filled with tears ; he hastened to the patriarch, and, saluting him in the most gentle manner, exclaimed, " Father, I will be ruled by you in this or any other mat- ter." They embraced each other af- fectionately, and settled the dispute in- stantly. (b) THE SUN IS ALMOST DOWN. — Two good men on some oc- casion had a warm dispute ; and remem- bering the exhortation of the apostle, " Let not the sun go down upon your wrath," just before sunset one of them went to the other, and knocking at the 51 «1, 32 ANNIHILATION, door, his offended friend came and open- ed it, and seeing who it was, started back in astonishment and surprise ; the other, at the same time, cried out, " The sun is almost down." This unexpected salutation softened the heart of his friend into affection, and he returned for an- swer, " Come in, brother, come in." What a happy method of conciliating matters, of redressing grievances, and of reconciling brethren ! (c) REV. MR. CLARKE'S WAY TO DISPOSE OF ANGER. — It is said of the Rev. Mr. Clarke, of Chesham Bois, that when one observed to him " there was a good deal in a person's natural disposition," he made this an- swer : " Natural disposition ! Why, I ^m naturally as irritable as any ; but when I find anger, or passion, or any other evil temper arise in my mind, im- mediately I go to my Redeemer, and, confessing my sins, I give myself up to be managed by Him. This is the way that I have taken to get the mastery of my passions." (d) XAVIER'S EXAMPLE.— Fran- cis Xavier sometimes received, in the prosecution of his zealous labors, the most mortifying treatment. As he was preaching in one of the cities of Japan, some of the multitude made sport of him. One, more wanton than the rest, went to him while he addressed the people, feigning that he had something to communicate in private. Upon his approach, Xavier leaned his head to learn what he had to say. The scorner thus gained his object, which was to spit freely upon the face of the devoted missionary, and thus insult him in the most public manner. The father, with- out speaking a word, or making the least sign of anger or emotion, took out his handkerchief, wiped his face, and continued his discourse, as if nothing had occurred. By such a heroic control of his pas- sions, the scorn of the audience was turned into admiration. The most learned doctor of the city, who happen- ed to be present, said to himself, that a law which taught men such virtue, in- spired men with such unshaken courage, and gave them so perfect a victory over themselves, could not but be from God. Afterwards he desired baptism, and his example was followed by many others- So effectually did the meekness of the missionary promote the success of hi» work. 22. ANNIHILATIOIV. (a) A TERRIBLE DOCTRINE FOR THE DYING.— A writer in the Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, states that a man of uncommon sagacity and intellect of his acquaintance, was for a long time affected with an appa- rent debility. But the writer found by conversing with him that he was under conviction. He urged him to repent ; but he replied that he could not now part with his worldly schemes. After much solemn conversation they parted. A year after they met, and the writer soon saw in the temper and language of the man, that his seriousness had de- parted, and that his conscience was seared. He now believed his former state to have been hypochondriac, and said, " Within one week after I detect- ed my folly in being thus anxious for 52 another world, I became well and hap- py, and have so continued. 1 now think that all the notions I had concerning the holiness of God, and the rewards of another world, are false. As to sin, it is evident there can be no such thing ; nor shall I exist after this body dies, any more than the trees before us will exist, and be happy or miserable." " But," said I, •' is it not a gloomy thought that your existence will cease when your body dies ?" " As for that," he answered, " I cannot help it, we must make the most of what we have." He seemed determined not to think lest he should be unhappy, and I lefl him, having in vain attempted to induce a review of his decision. His life, for years, was what might be expected from his belief. He seemed ANTINOMIANISM. 583 io endeavor to erase from his mind all thought of a hereafter. In this state, an awful accident, in a moment, placed before him an eternity, into which he must very soon enter. The powers of his reason were in full strength. And now his beloved scheme of ceasing to exist at death, became his terror, " And have I," said he, " done with existence ? shall I presently cease to think, to see, to feel ? Am I to exist for a few mo- ments filled with pain, and then lie down to be nothing forever ? I am pained for the fruits of my labor; I have labored for nothing ; I cannot bid farewell to ihe earnings of so many years," On being told by one who did not know his previous opinions, that he certainly should exist ; and that the future being of men was indicated by nature, and made sure by Scriptural evidence, an aspect of still greater hor- ror settled on his countenance ; and, after a pause of a minute, he replied : " If those Scriptures are true, eternity will be more dreadful to me than the loss of being. I will not believe them ; yet how dreadful the idea of sinking into eternal, thoughtless night!" He soon opened his eyes on the realities of another world. 23. ANTINOMIANISM. (a) EFFECT OF ANTINOMIAN- ISM ON A YOUNG LADY.— A young lady, of high family, was called by grace, under the ministry of a pious clergyman of the church of England. The change upon her heart soon be- came visible. In every good work she was actively engaged. Bible Societies, Missionary Societies, visiting and re- lieving the sick, teaching a large Sun- day School, which her exertions had raised, constituted her constant employ- ment. The floating money she passess- €d, which had before this been appro- priated to dress and worldly amuse- ments, was now consecrated to God, and devoted to carry forward the objects her piety had formed. She was humble, zealous, modest; and lived in the ad- miration of all who knew her. Henry and Scott were her favorite commenta- tors, and the Bible her constant com- panion : in eveiy part of Biblical know- ledge she made considerable progress. But mark the deadly effects of error upon her mind ! Some clergymen, for whom she possessed a high esteem, and to whom she looked with implicit confi- dence, ran from one error to another ; and she as implicitly followed them, and soon became entirely imbued with the Antinomian leaven. Her spirituality of mind, tenderness of conscience, and every truly pious feeling, rapidly de- clined ; and her exertions to promote \ the cause of God, and the welfare of ■ her fellow-creatures gradually declined also. No books could she read, but . such as were of the Antinomian cast ; i and no preachers could she hear, either / of the established church or dissenters, / but those of the strongest Antinomian sentiments. In this state she called on a dissenting minister, for whom, in her better days, she had felt a great vene- ration. He affectionately inquired after the state of her mind, and what were the advantages she had derived from the sentiments she had embraced. She replied, with all the confidence and positiveness that conceit could inspire, ^' That she was as safe, as to her eter- nal state, as a saint in heaven." " But ," said he,.!^ madnm, do you-iWl- yourself as happy and as spiritual in your de-V votional exercises, as you used to do V She replied, "I have learned to live without them." " But do you not pray in your closet ?" " Pray," said she, " What can I pray for?" Shocked at her reply, he rejoined, "Do you not pray to be favored with a sense of par- doning mercy, and for grace to resist sin ?" " Such prayers," answered she, " in my view, would be perfectly ab- surd ; for my sins were imputed to Christ, and pardoned from all eternity ; and as to mv being kept from sin, I am 53 23,2^ ANTIQUITY. sure God never designed that I should. I am complete in Christ, and there I rest : all is finished." Every argument used, elicited simi- lar replies. She proceeded on in this course from bad to worse, and retaining her creed, plunged again into the gaye- ties of the world. In this state of pro- fessing religion without religion, she / remained some years, until God laid her upon the bed of severe affliction. Light broke in again upon her mind ; she saw she was destitute of every pious feeling ; the errors of her creed appeared in all their fallacy, nor could she derive from it one ray of hope, nor *y discover one Scriptural evidence of her interest in Christ. The injury she had done to others, by the dissemination of error, the prejudice thiit had been excited by her conduct against religion, both in the members of her family and others, bore with terrific weight upon her conscience. But the Lord spared her life, and mercifully delivered her from the appalling delusion. In this state, she wrote a most afTecting peni- tential letter to the minister already referred to, saying she could never forgive herself for the reproach she had brought on Christ and his cause, can- didly acknowledging, that the senti- ments she had imbibed had destroyed all sense of moral obligation in her mind ; and had deprived her of all holy and spiritual enjoyment in religion. (b) HILL AND THE ANTINO- MIAN. — Rowland Hill would have tried the critical sagacity of the most erudite. His eccentricities are of great notoriety. With many strong points of character, he combined notions pro- digiously odd. One of those restless infesters of places of worship, common- ly called Antinomians^ one day called on Rowland Hill, to bring him to ac- count for his too severe and legal gospel. " Do you, sir," asked Rowland, " hold the ten commandments to be a rule of Me to Christians?" "Certainly not," replied the visitor. The minister rang the bell, and on the servant making his appearance, he quietly added, " John, show that man the door, and keep your eye on him until he is beyond the reach of every article of wearing apparel, or other property in the hall !" 24. ANTIQUITY. (a) PRETENSIONS OF THE CHI- NESE. — It is well known that the Chi- nese pretend to an excessive antiquity. Their chronology exceeds all bounds of probability : and, could their preten- sions be verified, the Mosaic account of the creation must necessarily be dis- credited. But we have a singular fact to state, which will prove that their boasted antiquity really falls within the limits of the Mosaic chronology. For the evi- dence we are about to produce, we are iadebted to the discoveries of modern astronomy. The Chinese have ever made a point of inserting in their calen- dar remarkable eclipses, or conjunctions of the planets, together with the name of that emperor in whose reign they were observed. To these events they have also affixed their own dates. There is a very singular conjunction of the 54 s-un, moon, and several planets, rec^)rd- ed in their annals, as having taken place almost at the very commencement of their remote history. The far-famed Cassini, to ascertain the fact, calculated back, and decidedly proved, that such an extraordinary conjunction actually did take place in China, February 26th, 1812 years before Christ. This falls four hundred years after the flood, an(i a little afler the birth of Abraham. Here are two important facts ascertain- ed. The one is, that the Chinese are a very ancient nation ; and the other, that their pretensions to antiquity beyond that of Moses are unfounded ; because this event, which they themselves re- present as happening near the beginning of their immense calculations, falls far within the history and clironology of the Scriptui'es. APOLOGIES— APOSTACY. 25,26 52. APOLOGIES. (a) SWIFT AND THE LADY'S DINNER.— A lady invited Dean Swift to a most sumptuous dinner. She said, " Dear Dean, this fish is not as good as I could wish, though I sent for it half across the kingdom, and it cost me so much,'' naming an incredible price. " And this thing is not such as I ought to have for such a guest, though it came from such a place, and cost such a sum." Thus she went on, decrying and under- rating every article of her expensive and ostentatious dinner, and teazing her distinguislied guest with apologies, only to find a chance to display her vanity in bringing her trouble and expense inta view, until she exhausted his patience. Fie is reported to have risen in a passion, and to have said, " True, madam, it is a miserable dinner ; and I will not eat it, but go home and dine upon sixpence worth of herring." (h) A SENSIBLE HOST.— Lord Carteret, while Lord Lieutenant of Ire- land, went one day unattended to Dr. Delany, and told him he was come to dine with him. He thanked his excel- lency for the honor conferred on him. The dinner was soon in readiness. It was a siinple meal, such as was suitable for Dr. D. and his mother. The old lady did the honors of the table. The host mad^ no apology for the entertainment, but said to Lord C, " To stomachs cloyed with costly fare Simplicity alone is rare." Lord C. was highly pleased ; for though a courtier, he hated ceremony when he sought pleasure. At the close of the meal, his excellency told Dr. D. that he had always thought him a well-bred man, but had never had so good a proof before. " Others," said he, "on whom I have tried the same experiment, have met me with as much confusion, as if I had come to arrest them for high treason ; nay, deprived me of their con- versation, by undue attention to the din- ner, and then spoiled my meal by ful- some apologies or needless profusion." 26. APOSTACY. (a) APOSTACY AND INTEM- PERANCE.— Mr. was blessed with a worthy parentage. All that I'leart could desire was lavished upon him, and especial regard was had to the cultivation of his intellectual powers, which, by nature, were of a superior order. He received a college educa- tion, and in early life was supposed to be the subject of a gracious visitation of the Spirit of God. His early Chris- tian experience and deportment gave the cheering promise, that ere long he would be a " burning and a shining light ;" but an awful disappointment followed. Instead of devoting himself and all his powers to the work of the ministry, he chose the profession of the law. However unpropitious that pro- f( ssion may be to the growth and energy of true piety, the experience of his wor- thy father, as well as the lives of seve- ral eminent Christian lawyers, were a sufficient guarantee that he too might have served God in the profession of his choice, if his heart had been right. But, alas ! the fire of devotion had gone out. Not only was the holy calling of the Christian abandoned, not merely the power of godliness lost, but even the form of religion was in a great measure relinquished, and he became a votary of pleasure, and attached to the bottle. The subject of this melancholy pic- ture had many engaging qualities ; and, in intervalsof correct moral deportment. Was capable of affording much pleasure to the social circle. At times, too, when- conscience raised her voice and lashed, him with the stings of remorse, he could chide his wanderings, and cover himself with reproaches. But his, alas! was- no the sorrow that worketh repentance unto life ; it was the keen remorse, the 55 APOSTACY. gnawing anguish of a victim of despair. Mr. entered the married state, and although the partner of his bosom did not long continue with him, she left be- hind her a child, whose tender age, it might have been supposed, would have induced the unhappy man to pause in his ruinous course. But, alas ! the en- dearing relation of father had no charm to break the fatal spell which the god of this world had cast upon his soul. In a little while his own father was stretch- ed upon his dying couch ; and his last moments were rendered bitter, not by his own prospects, for he had hope in Christ, but by the character of his un- godly son. These trying dispensations of Provi- dence had no effect to rouse the unhappy man from the awful lethargy into which he was sunk, and yet his friends were unwilling to give him up for lost. His old companions, some of whom were eminent as preachers of righteousness, expostulated with him. Very many solemn letters were addressed to him. One, who never exchanged a word with him, drew a faithful likeness of his cha- racter ; the deluded victim saw it in print, and though not a little enraged at the exposure, confessed that the pic- ture was true. In spite of all this, however, he still continued addicted to spirituous liquors, and seemed to place his chief delight in them. He became, at length, united to an amiable woman, in whose society . he might have shared many happy hours, and days, and years, if strong drink had not been dearer to him than all other objects. For a short time he appeared to conduct himself with propriety ; but old habits prevailed, and he became their victim with more devotedness than ever. Now and then he would express his deep regret for the wicked course he was pursuing, and appear to desire earnestly that he might be delivered from the horrid temptation ; but all his seeming goodness was as the morning cloud, and as the early dew. Not many weeks previous to the close of this unhappy man's career, he entered into conversation with an old friend, re- specting his wicked course of life, and remarked that he desired, above all 56 things, one circumstance to mark hia dying hour : " It is," said he, " that I may not possess my reason." '.' What," rejoined the friend, " to die in a state of derangement, Mr. ! Is.it possible that can be your desire ?" " It is," re- plied the victim of despair. " I know what has been my past life ; that I have professed religion and apostatized ; that I have become an abandoned wretch, lost to all shame and propriety ; and I am sure, that if I were to have my reason in my last moments, the re- trospect of life would fill me with such insupportable remorse, that I should be a terror to my friends and to mysew. I know that I am not, and never shall be, prepared for heaven, and I therefore shall be damned ; and I wish that these things may not be in my thoughts in my last moments, but that I may be in- sensible." At a time not very distant from the period when he uttered the strange re- marks above quoted, he told his wife, in a very grave manner, that he should not long be with her. To others of his family he made the same or similar statements ; in all of which he named the day on which he would cease to exist. For a few days after this he appeared to do pretty well, but soon re- lapsed, and engaging in mirth and fes- tivity, his thoughts of death were all forgotten. Whenever he did speak of death, however, he expressed his horror of dying, associating with it, as he al- ways did, the prospect of bitter remorse for his past wickedness. He was at length attacked by violent illness, which brought on convulsions of the whole frame, long continued, and often re- peated for several days, during the whole of which he was deranged, and died as senseless as the brutes. (b) COMPANIONS OF J. A. JAMES. — The Rev. J. A. James relates in his " Anxious Inquirer after Salvation DIRECTED AND ENCOURAGED," that he be- gan his own religious course with three companions, one of whom was materi- ally serviceable, in some particulars, to him ; but he soon proved that his religion was nothing more than transient devo- tion. A second returned to his sin, " like a dog to his vomit, and a sow tha' APOSTACY. 26 is washed to her wallowing in the mire." The third, who was for some time his intimate friend, inbibed the principles of infidelity ; and so great was his zeal for his new creed, that he sat up at night to copy Paine 's " Age of Reason." After a while he was seized with a dan- gerous disease : his conscience awoke ; the convictions of his mind were agoni- zing ; his remorse was horrible. He or- dered all his infidel extracts, the copying out of which had cost him so many nights, to be burnt before his face ; and if not in words, yet in spirit — " Burn, burn," he cried, in sacred rage, " Hell is the due of every page." His infidel companions and his infidel principles forsook him at once, and in the hearing of a pious friend, who visit- ed him^ and to whom he confessed with tears and lamentations his backsliding, he uttered his confessions of sin, and his vows of repentance. He recovered ; but, painful to relate, it was only to re- lapse again, if not into infidelity, yet, at any rate, into an utter disregard to religion. (c) APOSTACY AND SUTCIDE.— John Child, of Bedford, England, in early life professed religion, and was for some years zealous in its extension, both by preaching and writing. But yielding to temptation, and indulging a spirit of pride, he became the avowed enemy of the gospel, and wrote a book against the truths he had professed to love. After this, he was brought into a very awful state of mind, absolutely despairing of the mercy of God being extended to him. He was visited by several ministers and others, but without any good effect, and at last committed suicide, by hanging himself in his own house, in the year 1G84. {d) SPIRA'S DEATH-BED.— Fran- cis Spira, an Italian lawyer, embraced Christianity, discovered great zeal in its diffusion, and was distinguished for his extensive knowledge of the gospel. When he found that he was likely to suffer for the sake of Christ, he publicly recanted ; and soon after being seized with illness, and having the prospect of death before him, he was visited by several eminent Christians, who con- versed and prayed with him, but with- out avail. He died in a state of the most awful despaii*, declaring the im- possibility of his finding mercy at the hands of God. (e) THE APOSTATE BURNED. — Richard Denton, a blacksmith, re- siding in Cambridgeshire, was a profes- sor of religion, and the means of con- verting the martyr William Woolsey. When told by that holy man that he wondered he had not followed him to prison, Denton replied, that he could not burn in the cause of Christ. Not long after, his house being on fire, he ran in to save some of his goods, and was burnt to death. (/) CRANMER'S UNWORTHY HAND. — In the bloody reign of Queen Mary of England, Archbishop Cran- mer became obnoxious to her persecuting spirit. She was determined to bring him to the stake ; but previously em- ployed emissaries to persuade him, by means of flattery and false promises, to renounce his faith. The good man was overcome, and subscribed to the errors of the Church of Rome. His conscience smote him ; he returned to his former persuasion ; and, when brought to the stake, he stretched forth the hand that had made the unhappy signature, and held it in the flames till it was en- tirely consumed, frequently exclaiming, " That unworthy hand :" after which he patiently suffered martyrdom, and ascended to receive its reward. (^) APOSTACY DESTROYS THE CONFIDENCE OF WORLDLY MEN. — It is well known that Freder- ick the Great took pride in having his soldiers well disciplined; and was there- fore particularly attentive to the con- duct of the subalterns. It is perhaps not so well known, that he sometimes manifested a real respect for religious people ; for few men could more clear- ly discern the excellence of the conduct produced by holy principles. While, therefore, he sneered at Christianity, he sometimes promoted to offices of trust those who consistently maintained it. A sergeant, of the name of Thomas, who was very successful in training his men, and whose whole deportment pleased the king, was often noticed by 57 36 APOSTACY. him. He inquired respecting the place of the sergeant's birth, his parents, his religious creed, and the place of wor- ship which he frequented. On being informed that he was united with the Moravians, and attended their chapel in William-street, he exclaimed, " Oh ! Oh ! you are a fanatic, are you ? Well, well ; only take care to do your duty, and improve your men." The king's common salutation after this, was, " Well, how do you do ? how are you going on in William-street ?" His majesty at length, in conversation with Thomas's colonel, mentioned his intention of promoting the sergeant to an office in the commissariat depart- ment, upon the death of an aged man who then filled it. The colonel, in order to encourage Thomas, told him of the king's design. Unhappily* this had an injurious effect upon the mind of the sergeant ; for, alas ! such is the depravity of the hu- man heart, that few can endure the temptation of prosperity without sus- taining spiritual loss. Thomas began to forsake the assemblies of his Christian brethren ; and when reproved by his minister, he said, " his heart was with him, but he was afraid of offending the king." The minister told him to take good heed that his heart did not deceive him. Soon after the sergeant's religious declension, he was again accosted by the king, with " Well, how do you do ? how are your friends in William- street?" '*I do not know, please your majesty," was the reply. " Not know ! not know !" answered the king ; " have I you been ill ?" " No, please your ma- jesty," rejoined the sergeant; "but I do not see it necessary to attend there so often as I used to do." " Then you are not so great a fanatic as I thought you ;" was the royal answer. In a short time the aged officer died, and the colonel waited upon his majesty to inform him of the vacancy, and to remind him of his intention to raise ser- geant Thomas to the situation. " No, no !" said the king, " he shall not have it ; he does not go so often to Wil- liam-street as he used to do." Surprised with this peremptory refusal, the colonel withdrew, and on his return found his 58 sergeant waiting for the confirmation of his appointment. " I do not know what is the matter with the king to- day," said the cononel, " but he will not give you the situation. He says you do not go so often to William-street as you used to do. 1 do not know what he means ; but I suppose you do." Struck in a moment with the awful impropriety of his conduct, he bowed to the colonel, and departed to humble himself before God. He ever after adored the Divine mercy, which did not leave him fully to realize the Scriptural threatening, " The prosperity of fools shall destroy them." W (h) A BACKSLIDER'S WRETCH- EDNESS.— Dr. Doddridge was once preaching on the calling and the glorious hopes of the Christian. One of his hearers, after the sermon, addressed him in the following terms : " You have made an excellent and encouraging dis- course ; but these privileges do not be- long to me, nor shall I ever have the least interest in them." " What reason have you for so saying ?" asked the doctor ; " Jesus is able to save to the uttermost." " I will tell you my cir- cumstances," the man replied, " and then you will not be surprised. I once made a profession of religion, which I supported with great regularity and de- corum for several years. 1 was very strict in the performance of the duties required by the Christian system. None could charge me with immorality of conduct, or the neglect of positive com- mands ; but in the course of time my zeal departed from me, and I became careless and remiss in my walk and conversation. I felt no satisfaction aris- ing from the performance of spiritual duties, and gradually declined my cus- tomary observance of them. Instead of praying twice or thrice a day, I only prayed once ; the same with respect to family religion ; and at last these sa- cred engagements were entirely omitted, which soon discovered itself by my out- ward conduct. Ungodly company, and the gratification of sense, became my only enjoyments, in which I could in- dulge free from those strong convictions of guilt and dreadful apprehension of future misery, which retirement anO APPLAUSE. 26, 2T calm reflection impose upon the mind. Soon after this change took place, I was left guardian to a young lady, whose fortune was committed to my care ; but I expended her money, and ruined her reputation. Still I was sensible how far preferable a virtuous life was to a wicked one, and I was careful to in- struct my children in the principles of religion. When I returned, one evening, from my sinful pursuits, I asked them, as usual, if they could repeat their les- son. 'Yes,' said the youngest, 'and I have a lesson for you too, papa ;' she then read Ezek. xxiv. 13 : — ' Because I have purged thee, and thou wast not purged, thou shalt not be purged from thy filthiness any more, till I have caused my fury to rest upon thee.' This I considered was to seal my doom, and I now have nothing but a fearful looking for of judgment." (i) SECURITY AGAINST APOS- TACY. — " I well remember," says an eminent minister in North Wales, " that when the Spirit of God first convinced me of my sin, guilt, and danger, and of the many difficulties and enemies I must encounter, if ever I intended setting out for heaven, I was often to the last degree frightened ; the prospect of those many strong temptations and vain allurements to which my youthful years would una- j voidably expose me, greatly discouraged j me. And I often used to tell an aged j soldier of Christ, the first and only I Christian friend I had any acquaintance with for several years, that I wished 1 had borne the burden and heat of the day like hwi. His usual reply was — ' That so long as I feared, and was humbly dependent upon God, I should never fall, but certainly prevail.' 1 have tbund it so. O, blessed be the Lord, that I can now raise up my Ebe- nezer, and say, ' Hitherto hath the Lord upheld me.'" ( j) FIVE YEARS OF MISERY.— It is said of a Mr. G., that he lay lan- guishing in distress of mind for five years, — during which he took no com- fort in meat or drink, nor any pleasure in life ; being under a sense of backsli- ding, he was distressed as if he had been in the pit of hell. If he ate his food, it was not from any appetite, but with a view to defer his damnation, thinking within himself that he must needs be lost so soon as his breath was out of his body. Yet, after all this, he was set at liberty, received great conso- lation, and afterwards lived altogether a heavenly life. Let not the tempted be- liever then despond, nor the returning backslider fear lest he should be re- jected. 27. APPLAUSE. (a) A CLERGYMAN'S DREAM. The Imperial Magazine contains an account of a remarkable dream related by Rev. R. Bowden, of Darwen, in England, who committed it to writing from the lips of the clergyman to whom it happened. The dream suggests a most solemn and affecting admonition. A minister of evangelical principles, whose name, from the circumstances that occurred, it will be necessary to conceal, being much fatigued at the con- clusion of the afternoon service, retired to his apartment in order to take a little rest. He had not long reclined upon his couch before he fell asleep and began to dream. He dreamed that on walking into his garden, he entered a bower that had been erected in it, where he sat down to read and meditate. While thus employed he thought he heard some one enter the garden ; and leaving his bow- er, he immediately hastened toward the spot whence the sound seemed to come, in order to discover who it was that had entered. He had not proceeded far be- fore he observed a particular friend of his, a clergyman of considerable talents, who had rendered himself very popular by his zealous and unwearied exertions in the cause of Christ. On approach- ing his friend, he was surprised to find that his countenance was covered with a gloom which it had not been accus- tomed to wear, and that it strongly in- dicated a violent agitation of mind ap- 59 jjy, 98 ATONlixMSNT. parently arising from conscious remorse. After the usual salutations had passed, his friend asked the relator the time of the day ; to which he replied, " Twen- ty-five minutes after four." On hearing this, the stranger said, " It is only one hour since I died, and now I am damn- ed." " Damned ! for what ?" inquired the minister. " It is not," said he, " because I have not preached the gos- pel, neither is it because I have not been rendered useful, for I have many souls as seals to my ministry, who can bear testimony to the truth as it is in Jesus, which they have received from my lips ; but it is because I have been seeking the applause of men more than the honor which Cometh from above, and verily, I have my reward !" Having uttered hese expressions he hastily disappeared, and was seen no more. The minister awaking shortly after- ward, with the dream deeply graven on his memory, proceeded, overwhelmed with serious reflections, towards his chapel, in order to conduct his evening service. On his way thither he was accosted by a friend, who inquired whether he had heard of the severe loss the church had sustained in the death of their able minister. He replied, " No ;" but being much affected at this singular intelligence, he inquired of him the day and the time of the day when his departure took place. To this his friend replied, " This afternoon, at twenty-five minutes after three o'clock." (b) PARMENIDES' AUDIENCE. — To a really wise man, the well weighed approbation of a single judi- cious character gives more heartfelt sat- isfaction than all the noisy applauses of ten thousand ignorant though enthusias- tic admirers. Parmenides, upon read- ing a philosophical discourse before a public assembly at Athens, and observ- ing that, except Plato, the whole compa- ny had left him, continued, notwith- -J standing, to read on, and said that Plato alone was audience sufficient for him. 28. ATONEMENT. (a) ATONEMENT FUNDAMEN- TAL.— The late Thomas, Earl of Kin- noul, a short time before his death, in a long and serious conversation with the Rev. Dr. Kemp, of Edinburgh, thus expressed himself: — " I have always considered the atonement the characteris- tic of the gospel : as a system of religion, strip it of that doctrine, and you reduce it to a scheme of morality, excellent, indeed, and such as the world never saw ; but, to man, in the present state of his faculties, absolutely impractica- ble. " The atonement of Christ, and the truths immediately connected with that fundamental principle, provide a reme- dy for all the wants and weaknesses of our nature. Those who strive to re- move those precious doctrines from the word of God, do an irreparable injury to the grand and beautiful system of re- ligion which it contains, as well as to the comforts dnd hopes of man. For my own part, I am now an old man, and have experienced the infirmities of ad- 60 vanced years. Of late, in the course of a severe and dangerous illness, 1 have been repeatedly brought to the gates of death. My time in this world cannot now be long, but with truth I can de- clare that, in the midst of all my past afflictions, my heart was supported and comforted by a firm reliance upon the merits and atonement of my Savior ; and now, in the prospect of entering upon an eternal world, this is the only foundation of my confidence and hope." (b) " THIS IS WIIATl WANT." — A certain man, on the Malabar coast, had inquired of various devotees and priests, how he might make atonement for his sins; and he was directed to drive iron spikes, sufficiently blunted, through his sandals ; and on these spikes, he was directed to place his na- ked feet, and to walk about four hun- dred and eighty miles. If through loss of blood, or weakness of body, he was obliged to halt, he might wait for heal- ing and strength. He undertook the journey, and while he halted under a ATONEMENT. 28 large shady tree, where the gospel was sometimes preached, one of the mission- aries came and preached in his hearing from these words, " The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin." While he was preaching, the man rose up, threw off his torturing sandals, and cried out aloud, " This is what 1 want ;" and he became a lively witness, that the blood of Jesus Christ does cleanse from all sin indeed. (c) DOCTRINE FIT FOR OLD WOMEN. — The first sermon preached by the late Rev. Robert Hall at Cam- bridge, after he had become the pastor of the congregation there, was on the doc- trine of the atonement, and its practical tendencies. One of the congregation, vvho had embraced very erroneous views of the gospel, said to him, " Mr. Hall, this preaching won't do for us, it will only suit a congregation of old women." " Do you mean my sermon, sir ; or the doctrine ?" " Your doctrine." " Why is it that the doctrine is fit only for old women ?" " Because it may suit the musings of people tottering upon the brink of the grave, and who are eager- ly seeking comfort." " Thank you, sir ; for your concession. The doctrine will not suit people of any age, unless it be true ; and, if it be true, it is not fitted for old women alone, but is equal- ly important at every age." {d) GOD'S LOVE WONDERFUL. — A missionary, addressing a pious ne- gro woman, said, " Mary, is not the love of God wonderful ?" and then enlarging on its manifestation in the atonement of Christ, he made the appeal, " Is it not wonderful?" Mary simply, but we may add, sublimely, replied, " Massa, massa, me no tink it so wonderful, 'cause it is just like Him." (e) THE SCHOLAR'S COMFORT. — " I have taken much pains," says the learned Selden, " to know every thing that was esteemed ' worth knowing amongst men ; but with all my disquisi- tions and reading, nothing now remains with me to comfort me, at the close of life, but this passage of St. Paul, ' It is a faithful saying, and worthy of all ac- ceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners :' to this I cleave, and herein I find rest." (/) COMMITTING A MILLION SOULS TO CHRIST.— Rev. Mr. H. was for many years co-pastor with the Rev. Matthew Wilks, of the congrega- tions at the Tabernacle and Tottenham- court chapel, London. His venerable colleague, who called upon him a few hours before his death, in a characteris- tic conversation, said, " Is all right for another world ?" " I am very happy," said Mr. H. " Have you made your will ?" Mistaking the question — " The will of the Lord be done," said the dying Christian. " Shall I pray with you ?" " Yes, if you can ;" alluding to Mr. Wilks's feelings, at that moment con- siderably excited. After prayer, " Well, my brother, if you had a hundred souls, could you commit them all to Christ now ?" allud- ing to an expression Mr. H. frequently used in the pulpit. With a mighty and convulsive effort, he replied, " A million !" {g) COWPER'S EXPERIENCE.— Cowper, the poet, speaking of his reli- gious experience, says : " But the happy period which was to shake off my fettera and afford me a clear opening of the free mercy of God in Christ Jesus, was now arrived. I flung myself into a chair near the window, and seeing a Bible there, ventured once more to apply to it for comfort and instruction. The first verse I saw was the 25th of the third of Romans ; ' Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God.' Im- mediately I received strength to believe, and the full beams of the Sun of Righte- ousness shone upon me. I saw the suf- ficiency of the atonement he had made, my pardon sealed in his blood, and all the fulness and completeness of his jus- tification. In a moment I believed and received the gospel." (h) DES BARREAUX'S POEM.— . Des Barreaux, a foreigner of eminent station, had been a great profligate, and afterwards became a great penitent. He composed a piece of poetry after his conversion, the leading sentiment of 61 2§, 2D AVARICE. which was to the following effect : — "Great God, t.by judgments are full of righteousness ; thou takest pleasure in the exercise of mercy : but I have sin- ned to such a height that justice de- mands my destruction, and mercy itself seems to solicit my perdition. Disdain my tears, strike the blow, and execute thy judgments. I am willing to submit and adore, even in perishing, the equity of thy procedure. But on what place will the stroke fall that is not covered with the blood of Christ ?" (0 REV. MR. INNES AND THE INFIDEL. — In a conversation which the Rev. Mr. Innes had with an infidel on his sick-bed, he told him that when he was taken ill he thought he would rely on the general mercy of God ; that as he had never done any thing very bad, he hoped all would be well. " But as my weakness increased," he added, " I began to think, is not God a just be- ing, as well as merciful ? Now what reason have 1 to think he will treat me with mercy and not with justice? and if I am treated with justice," he said, with much emotion, " where am I ?" " I showed him," says Mr. Innes, " that this was the very difficulty the gospel was sent to remove, as it showed how mercy could be exercised in perfect consistency with the strictest demands of justice, while it was bestowed through the atonement made by Jesus Christ. After explaining this doctrine and press- ing it on his attention and acceptance, one of the last things he said to me be- fore leaving him, was, " Well, I believe it must come to this. I confess I see here a solid footing to rest on, which, on my former principles I could never find." 29. AVARICE. (a) A MOTHER MURDERING HER SON.— Two young men of Vir- gmia, who served in the American army during the war, having regularly got their discharge, went home to their friends. One had only a mother living when he left home ; when they had got near home, they fell into a conversation on the length of time they had been away, and concluded to try whether their parents would know them ; with this impression, each took the nearest . path home. The one who had only a mother, came in ; and, finding his mother did not know him, he asked for lodging ; to whom she replied, she could not lodge him ; that there was a tavern not far from the place where he might get lodg- ing, &c. He importuned, but she re- fused, till at last he told her he had a little monf y, and he was afraid to lodge in a tavern, lest some person should rob him. He took out his purse and offered It to her keeping. She, struck with the mammon, consented immediately to his staying ; accordingly he did, had sup- per, and still never discovered himself to his mother or any of the family. He was directed to a bed once more in the 62 chamber of her who conceived him. How safe he must have thought himself then, compared to the field of battle. But she summoned a negro man, told him the scheme she had planned, hired him to aid her to the stranger's apart- ment, where they murdered him in his bed. Next day his fellow-soldier came to see his friend; but, on asking for the' stranger, could hear nothing of him. He thought it was a trick to plague him, that the old woman denied it, till, hear- ing her affirm that no stranger had come there the last evening, nor any man, he asked her if she had not a son who went to the war. She said she had. " Well," said he, " I left him within a few miles of this house last evening, and he came here ; and he told me he would not make himself known to you, to see if you had forgotten his looks. He must be here." The cruel mother fainted at the sentence, confessed her wicked- ness, and showed her murdered son, crammed in a closet of the house ! ! Oh, the love of money, what has it not done ; what will it yet do ! {h) THE RICH MAN'S VICTORY. — " I could mention the name of a late AVARICE. dO very opulent and very valuable person," says a writer in the Gospel Magazine, " who, though naturally avaricious in the extreme, was liberal and beneficent to a proverb. He was aware of his con- stitutional sin, and God gave him victory over it, by enabling him to run away from it. Lest the dormant love of mo- ney should awake and stir in his heart, he would not, for many years before his death, trust himself with the sight of his revenues. He kept, indeed, his accounts as clearly and exactly as any man in the world ; but he dared not receive, because he dared not look at that gold, which he feared would prove a snare to his affections. His stewards received all, and retained all in their own hands till they received orders how to dispose of it." (c) A LARGE OFFER FOR A FORTNIGHT. — A person who pos- sessed a speculative acquaintance with divine truth, had, by unremitting indus- try, and carefully watching every op- portunity of increasing his wealth, ac- cumulated the sum of twenty-five thou- sand pounds. But alas ! he became engrossed and entangled with the world, and to its acquisitions he appears to have sacrificed infinitely higher interests. A dangerous sickness, that brought death near to his view, awakened his fears. Conscience reminded him of his neglect of eternal concerns, and filled him with awful forebodings of future misery. A little before he expired he was heard to say, " My possessions amount to twenty-five thousand pounds. One half of this my property I would give, so that I might live one fortnight longer, to repent and seek salvation." [d) THE MERCHANT AND THE PEASANT. — A peasant once entered the hall of justice at Florence, at the time that Alexander, duke of Tuscany, was presiding. He stated that he had the good fortune to find a purse of sixty ducats ; and learning that it belonged to Friuli the merchant, who offered a reward of ten ducats to the finder, he restored it to him, but that he had re- fused the promised reward. The duke instantly ordered Friuli to be summon- ed into his presence, and questioned why he refused the reward. The merchant replied, " that he conceived the peasant had paid himself; for although, when he gave notice of his loss, he said this purse only contained sixty ducats, it in fact had seventy in it." The duke in- quired if this mistake was discovered before the purse was found. Friuli answered in the negative. " Then,'' said the duke, " as I have a very high opinion of the honesty of this peasant, I am induced to believe that there is in- deed a mistake in this transaction ; for as the purse you lost had in it seventy ducats, and this which he found contains sixty only, it is impossible that it can be the same." He then gave the purse to the peasant, and promised to protect him against all future claimants. (e) SEVERAL AVARICIOUS CHARACTERS.— The greatest en- dowments of the mind, the greatest abilities in a profession, and even the quiet possession of an immense treasure, will never prevail against avarice. My Lord Chancellor Hardwick, says Dr. King, when worth eight hundred thou- sand pounds, set the same value on half a crown then as when he was worth only one hundred pounds. That great captain, the Duke of Marlborough, when he was in the last stage of life and very infirm, would walk from the public rooms in Bath to his lodgings, in a cold, dark night, to save sixpence in chair-hire. He died worth more than a million and a half sterling, which was inherited by a grandson of Lord Trevor's, who had been one of his enemies. Sir James Lowther, after changing a piece of sil- ver, and paying twopence for a dish of coffee in George's cofTee-house, was helped into his chariot (for he was then very lame and infirm), and went home ; some little lime after he returned to the same coffee-house on purpose to acquaint the woman who kept it that she had given him a bad halfpenny, and de- manded another in exchange for it. Sir James had about forty thousand pounds per annum, and was at loss whom to appoint his heir. I knew one Sir Thomas Colby, who lived at Kensing- ton, and was, I think, a commissioner in the victualling office ; he killed him- self by rising in the night when he was under the effect of a sudorific, and 63 29 AVARICE. going down stairs to look for the key of his cellar, which he had inadvertently left on a table in his parlor; he was appre-hensive his servants might seize the key and deprive him of a bottle of wine. This man died intestate, and left more than two hundred thousands pounds in the funds, which was shared among five or six-day laborers, who were his nearest relatives. (/) A POOR GUARD.— A court-' ier busily occupied in ministerial em- ployments, and a member of the cham- ber of deputies, received from one of "our excellencies" some secret in- struction with regard to certain parlia- mentary consciences, which it was thought might be easily purchased. The minister happened to mention the name of Mr. X . " Oh, as to that one," hastily interrupted the political Mercury, I cannot answer for him. I have already sounded him, and he seems to be inaccessible." " But did you try it with a good bank note in hand ?" " He is said to be wholly incorrupt!- ble." . " Agreed — but a good sum " — " He is conscientious — is virtuous." " But he loves money very much. I am assured that he is avaricious." " That is true." " Very well — very well, my dear sir. Keep on — follow him up. When virtue is guarded by vice, it is easy to corrupt the sentinel." (g) THE JEWISH MOTHER.— One of the nights when Mrs. Siddons first per- formed atj^rury Lane, a .Few boy, in his eagerness to get the first row in the shilling gallery, fell over into the pit, and was dangerously hurt. The manager of the theatre ordered the lad to be conveyed to a lodging, where he was attended by their own physician ; but, notwithstanding all their attention, he died, and was decently buried, at the expense of the theatre. The mother came to the play-house to thank the managers, and they gave her his clothes and five guineas, for which she returned a courtesy, but, with some hesitation, ad- ded that they had forgotten to return her the shilling which Abraham had paid for coming in ! 64 (h) THE MISER IN THE WELL. — An old bachelor, possessed of a for- tune of $50,000, meeting a friend onr day began to harangue him very learn ediy upon the detestable sin of avarice, and gave the following instance of it ; " About three years ago," said he, " by a very odd accident I fell into a well, and was absolutely within a very few minutes of perishing before I could pre- vail upon an unconscious dog of a labor- er, who happened to be within hearing of my cries, to help me out for a shil- ling. The fellow was so rapacious as to insist upon having twenty-five cents, for above a quarter of an hour, and I verily believe he would not have abated me a single farthing if he had not seen me at the last gasp ; and I determined rather to die than submit to his extor- tion !" (0 A LITTLE MORE.—" When I was a lad," says one, " an old gentle- man took some trouble to teach me some little knowledge of the world. With this view I remember he once asked me when a man was rich enough ? I re- plied, when he has a thousand pounds. He said. No. — Two thousand ? No. — Ten thousand? No. — Twenty thousand? No. — A hundred thousand ? which I thought would settle the business ; but he still continuing to say No, I gave it up, and confessed I could not tell, but begged he would inform me. He gravely said, When he has a little more than he has, and that is never ! If he acquires one thousand, he wishes to have two thousand ; then five, then ten, then twenty, then fifty ; from that his riches would amount to a hundred thousand, and so on till he had grasped the whole world ; after which he would look about him, like Alexander, for other worlds to possess." (j) THE LONG CREDIT.— A wealthy but niggardly gentleman was waited on by the advocates of a chari- table institution, for which they solicited his aid, reminding him of the Divine declaration, Prov. xix. 17, " He that hath pity on the poor, lendeth unto the Lord ; and that which he hath given will he pay him again." To this he profanely replied, " The security, no doubt, is good, and the interest liberal • BALLS, &c.— INCOMPATIBLE WITH PRAYER. 29,30 but I cannot give such long credit." Poor rich man f the day of payment was much nearer than he anticipated. Not a fortnight had elapsed from his refusing to honor this claim of God upon his substance, before he received a summons with which he could not re- fuse to comply. It was, " This night thy soul shall be required of thee ; then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided ?" (k) THE BROKEN VOW.— Some years ago, a poor lad came to London, in search of a situation as errand-boy ; he made many unsuccessful applica- tions, and was on the eve of returning to his parents, when a gentleman, being prepossessed by his appearance, took him into his employment, and after a few months, bound him apprentice. He so conducted himself during his appren- ticeship, as to gain the esteem of every one who knew him ; and after he had served his time, his master advanced a capital for him to commence business. He retired to his closet with a heart glow- ing with gratitude to his Maker for his goodness, and there solemnly vowed that he would devote a tenth part of his an- nual income to the service of God. The first year his donation amounted to ten pounds, which he gave cheerfully, and continued to do so till it amounted to 500/. He then thought that was a great deal of money to give, and that he need not be so particular as to the exact amount : that year he lost a ship and cargo to the value of 15,000/. by a storm ! This caused him to repent, and he again commenced his contributions with a resolution never to retract ; he was more successful every year, and at length retired. He then devoted a tenth part of his annual income for several years, till he became acquainted with a party of worldly men, who by degrees drew him aside from God: he discon- tinued his donations, made large specu- lations, lost every thing, and became al- most as poor as when he first arrived in London as an errand-boy. " There is, " saith Solomon, " that scattereth, and yet increaseth ; and there is that with- holdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. " (/) "GIVE ME MY PORTION HERE."— A merchant of , en- gaged in a lucrative trade, was con- vinced by the Spirit of God that he was an heir of hell, but might, by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, become an heir of heaven. The "god of this world" tempted him with much earthly gain, and God, in the person of the Holy Ghost, ofiered him durable riches and righteousness. He was fully convinced, as he said, that the riches of earth and the riches of heaven were set before him, and that he could not obtain both, but might have his choice. He glanced at heaven's durable riches, and then settled his covetous gaze upon earth's glittering gold. He paused, feeling his choice was for eternity, but strangely, madly said, " Give me my portion here." His prayer was answered. His riches were multiplied. But, said he, " I know that to gain the world, I have lost my soul." BALLS, OR PUBLIC DANCES. SO. They arc Incompatible with Prayer. (a) THE BALL AND THE MIN- ISTER. — A pastor was in the frequent habit, during the tours he made in his extensive parish, of stopping for the night in a village inn, and continued his journey the next day. On one occasion he found the principal apartment con- verted into a ball-room. The host apol- ogized for his not being able to accom- modate him as comfortably as usual ; but the pastor, without being discon- certed, asked him to have his supper served to him in a corner of the room. When it was ready, he begged the as- sembly to grant him a few moments silence, that he might, according to his practice, make an audible prayer before partaking of the meal. He accordingly commenced praying, but before he had finished, the dancers had disappeared. 65 30 BAL OH PUCLIC DANCES. (b) THE DEVIL CHEATED.— " Father Hull," now deceased, was a preacher of the old school, S. C. Confer- ence. Passing along the highway one evening, in a strange, wicked country, he called at a good looking house for lodgings. Weary and faint, he sat him down by the fireside. After a while, as night began to close in, companies of well-dressed gentlemen and ladies flock- ed into his room. One drew out his vio- lin and commenced playing. Away scampered the youngsters, hopping and leaping. It was " a ball !" Here sat the stranger looking silently on. At length a partner was wanted, and one ventured up and asked Mr. Hull if he would take the floor. '• Certainly, madam !" said he, rising and walk- ing out on the floor as he spoke ; " but I have long made it a rule never to commence any business till I have asked the direction of the Lord, and his blessing upon it. Will you all join in prayer with me ?" As he spoke these words, he fell on his knees and began to pray. Some kneeled, others stood, all petrified with astonishment. In the mean time, being a holy, faithful man, and peculiarly powerful in prayer, he seemed to draw the very heavens and earth together. Some groaned, some shrieked aloud, and many fell prostrate, like dead men, on the floor. Truly the place was sweet and awful on account of the divine presence. In short, the dance was turned into a religious meet- ing, from which many dated their con- viction and conversion, and the com- mencement of a powerful revival. " Be- hold what a great matter a little fire kindleth !" O, had we more faith and intrepidity, what good we might do ! How glorious to attack and drive the devil from his own strong holds. (c) PRAYER AT A PUBLIC DANCE. — Though somewhat eccentric in his manners, Mr. Byne was never- theless a fearless and faithful servant of the Lord. Not long after he joined the church, he was invited by some of his former companions in sin to attend a dancing party, which he agreed to do on condition, expressly understood, that he should give direction to all the exer- cises of the evening. When the com- 66 pany had collected, (among whom were Mr. Byne and his wife,) a young lady stepped forward and invited the preacher to dance. He accepted her invitation so far as to walk out on the floor with her, when the violin struck up a lively air. Mr. Byne claimed his right to give directions, sung a spiritual song, in which he was joined by several of the party — kneeled down and offered up a fervent and affecting prayer. By the time he concluded his second spiritual song, tears were overflowing from many eyes — the dance was converted into a prayer-meeting, and this was the last frolic ever attempted to be held at that house. [d) THE METHODIST AND THE DINNER PARTY.— In the district which I once travelled, says a writer in the Christian Advocate, on Easter Mon- day, 1825, a gentleman invited a num- ber of his neighbors to dine with him ; and among the rest a good Methodist lady was invited. She accepted the invitation, and attended, without the most distant thought that any thing con- trary to her profession would be intro- duced. In this, however, she was dis- appointed. For, after dinner, the fiddle was brought in ; the company rose to play and amuse themselves by dancing. At length one, with a spirit more daring than the rest, approached her, and asked her to dance. Without a verbal reply, she rose from her seat and accompanied him on the floor. The company was arranged, the fiddler sitting with lifted heel and elbow sprung, and no doubt, the devil laughing in his sleeve, and saying, " Another Methodist safe in my trap." But the good angel whispered, " Not yet, sir." She paused, and then said, "It is my custom to sing some first ;" and standing there, she gave out some verse and sang. She then said, " It is my custom to pray some first," and dropped upon her knees and prayed ; and no doubt her prayer was the legitimate ofi*spring of a warm heart. Some of the company remained, some ran away, and some trembled and wept. The dance was broken up, the fiddler disappointed, the devil defeated, and the good Methodist lady victorious. THEY DEADEN NATURAL SENSIBILITY. 31 (e) THE YOUNG CONVERT'S PRAYER IN THE BALL-ROOM.— In one of the interior counties of Penn- sylvania a young man whom, for the sake of distinction, we shall call B , was convicted of sin and led to inquire anxiously the wav to be saved. He was the son of one of the most res- pectable and wealthy inhabitants of that region of country, but his father was unhappily a bitter opposer of the religion of Christ. Perceiving the state of his son's mind, he determined to leave no means untried to divert his mind from tlie subject. He hurried him from business to pleasure, and from pleasure to business, with strong hopes that his serious impressions might be driven away, or, at least, that he might be pre- vented making any public profession of tlie change of his views. But all these efforts were vain. The Spirit of God had laid hold on his soul, and did not desert him. He was brought to the dust in submission, and found peace in believing in Christ. About this time a splendid hall was got up, with every possible attempt at display, and the youth of the village and surrounding country were all ex- citement for the festive hall. B was invited. He at once declined at- tending, but his father insisted that he should go. Here was a struggle for the young convert. On the one hand were the convictions of his own conscience, as well as the desires of his heart. On the other, the command of a father whom he was still bound to obey. The strug- gle was long and anxious. At length it was decided — he determined to go. His father rejoiced at his decision. , His friends congratulated him on having abandoned his new notions and become a man again. The evening at last arrived. The gay party were gathered in the spa- cious hall. There was beauty, and wealth, and fashion. The world was there. Every heart seeemed full of gladness, every voice was one of joy. B appeared among the rest, with a brow that spoke the purpose of a deter- mined soul. He was the first on the floor to lead off the dance. A cotillion Was formed, and as the circle stood in the centre of the room, with every eye fixed on them, what was the astonish- ment of the company when B raised his hands and said, " LET US PRAY." The assembly was awe-struck. Not a word was uttered. It was as silent as the grave, while B poured out his heart to God in behalf of his young companions, his parents, and the place in which they lived. With perfect composure he concluded his prayer, and all had left the room silently, but one. A young lady whom he had led upon the floor as his partner, stood near him bathed in tears. They left the room together, and not long afterwards, she was led to the foot of the cross, having been first awakened by her partner's prayer on the hall-room floor. They were soon married, and are still living, active, de- voted members of the body of Christ. B is an elder in one of the churches near the city of New- York. %\, They Deaden IVatnral Sensibility, L^ (a) A CORPSE CARRIED TO A /^ BALL. — A writer in the New-York Observer, states that in the place where he resided, in 1840, there was a New Year bail. Invitations were widely ex- tended ; and a great gathering of the young, gay, and thoughtless, was anti- cipated. Notwithstanding the intense cold, many came from a great distance in the country round. There was one couple that set out for the ball, with merry hearts, to ride some twenty miles. The lady was young and gay, and her charms of youth and beauty were never lovelier than when dressed for that new- year ball. Clad too thinly, of course, for the season, and especially for that dreadful day, she had not gone far be- fore she complained of being cold, very cold ; but their anxiety to reach the end • of the ride in time to be present at the opening of the dance, induced them to hurry on without stopping by the way. Not long after this complaining, she said she felt perfectly comfortable, was now quite warm, and that there was no ne- cessity of delay on her account. They reached at length the house where the company was gathering : the young man jumped from the sleigh and ex- 67 31,32 BALLS, OR PUBLIC DANCES. tended his hand to assist her out ; but she did not offer hers. He spoke to her, but she answered not. She was dead — Stone dead — frozen stiff* — a corpse on the way to a ball ! But the most shocking part of the tale remains to be told. The ball went ON ! The dance was as gay, and the music as merry, as if death had never qome to their door. (h) THE CARD-PLAYERS AND THEIR DEAD COMPANION.— Dur- ing the progress of a ball in one of the towns of New Hampshire, four of the young men retired to play cards. While at their game, one of their num- ber fell down in a fit and expired. But the others rolled his dead body under the table, covered it up with cloaks, and said nothing about it till the ball was over. How do such amusements petrify the better feelings, and make man's heart more hard than that of some of the brutes ! For some of the brutes would have shown more sym- pathy for a dying companion than was exhibited in the case before us. (c) DEATH BUT NO ADJOURN- MENT. — A writer in the New- York Observer says : In the village in which I lived for many years, there was a ball but a few steps from my house, and one of the young ladies who was to be there, died suddenly on the very day of the ball. It was proposed by one of the managers to postpone the dance ; but the others would not con- sent ; and on it went, although the corpse lay directly in front of the ball- room, and the dim light in the room where it lay could be seen by every dancej", and the sound of the music and dancing disturbed the melancholy watchers. Who can doubt but that such amusements blunt the finer senti- ments of our nature, and weaken even the humane feelings of their votaries, lo say nothing of their irreligious char- acter and tendency ? Congress will adjourn at the announcement of the death of one of their number; but a similar announcement procures not the adjournment of a ball. {d) DANCING DURING A MAS- SACRE. — The tragical scenes which came under Mr. Fisk's observation while 68 in Greece, had become so common, that they began to be regarded with indif- ference by many classes of people. Parties of pleasure and vain amuse- ments were revived and engaged in, as though all were peace. Thousands had fled for their lives, and the streets of Smyrna were crimsoned with Grecian blood. It was estimated that 2000 had been massacred, and heavy exactions of money were demanded of others for the privilege of living. The bodies of the slain were frequently seen floating in the bay. In a word, exactions, im- prisonment, or death, met the defence- less Greeks in every direction ; — and yet, strange to tell, multitudes, only be- cause they were better protected from Turkish violence, went thoughtlessly to the assembly-room and the dance, as though all were peace and security. While the countenance of many gather- ed blackness through fear, that of others exhibited only the expression of a thoughtless, ill-timed levity. (e) DANCING OVER A FLOOD. — During the month of December, 1847, in the great rise of the Ohio river, a large portion of Cincinnati was over- flowed by the water. Multitudes of the inhabitants were driven from their houses in the lower part of the city. Many were subjected to great privations and losses, and many lives lost. In the midst of these scenes of extraordinary and wide-spread wretchedness, SheriflT Weaver, during his charitable tour through the flooded portions of the city, heard music proceeding from a house, of which the upper story and roof only were above the water, and several skiffs were hitched to the windows. Upon rowing up it was discovered that the hall was in fall blaze, and the waltz in giddy whirl to merry music, male and female participating. This jolly party seemed unconscious of the danger that threatened themselves, and indifferent to the distress which surrounded them. %l. They prevent Conversion and Ruin the Soul. (a) THE INQUIRY MEETING AND THE BALL-ROOM.— A most interesting work of grace once occur- THEY PREVENT CONVERSION AND RUIN THE SOUL. red in the Houston-street Presbyterian church, of the city of New-York. Many anxiously inquired what they should do to be saved. And many made choice of that good part which shall never be taken from them. Among the number who sought the instruction and prayers of the people of God, was the young lady who is the subject of the following sketch. She listened to the voice of truth, and was troubled. Conscience spoke "within her, and would not be utterly silenced. She felt that the claims of God must be met, that she must not delay the work of her salvation. Personally and solemnly was she urged to settle the controversy, to renounce the pleasures of sin, and trust in the merits of a cru- cified Savior. She knew her duty, but she did it not. The next night the ^' Boz Ball " was to be held, and from this scene of awful solemnity, away she hurries to the chamber of mirth, and joins in the giddy dance. By the sound of the viol and the voice of melody she aims to drown the admonitions of con- science, and she may have succeeded for the moment. Amid the display of fashion, the glare of lights, and the in- toxication of the scene, conscience may have slumbered at her post, and suffered the gay transgressor to revel undisturb- ed in forbidden pleasure. But she only seemed to sleep. The voice of ad- monition and warning came — it came, though the voice of the living preacher was silent. Again she felt, and again is she seen in the meeting for conversa- tion and prayer. Her heart is the seat of ten thousand painful and conflicting emotions. The claims of truth and duty are urged. She would yield, she would follow Jesus, but the world — the theatre — the ball-room — her gay companions — how can she give them up ? Unfor- tunately she was solicited to attend another ball. Satan, as an angel of light, sheds a deceptive radiance over that scene, and suggests that such amuse- ments are innocent, that her seriousness is melancholy, that there is time enough yet. She triumphed over conscience, yielded to the temptation, and went. She was permitted to return to her dwellinsf, but only to die ; to die, too, as she had lived, without God or hope. Mark the facts that fill the last page of her history. On one evening she is in the meeting for inquiry, the next in the ball-room, gayest among the gay, and almost the next in her coffin ! One week, with a heart as light as air, she goes to a store to purchase trimmings for a ball dress; on the next, her friends go to the same store to purchase her shroud ! Thus ended the career of one who loved pleasure more than she loved God. There was no hope in her death ! No light to cheer her in the last sad hour! {h) LOSING THE SOUL FOR A BALL. — I was once called, says a venerable clergyman in B , to visit a young lady, who was said to be in despair. She had, at some time previ- ous, been serious, and had, it was hoped, resolutely set her face Zion-ward. In an evil hour some of her former associ- ates, gay, pleasure-loving young ladies, called on her to accompany them to a ball. She refused to go. The occasion, the company, the parade and gayety were all utterly dissonant with her pre- sent feelings. With characteristic levity and thoughtlessness, they urged her — ridiculed her " methodism," railed at the cant and hypocrisy of her spiritual guides ; and finally so far prevailed, that with a desperate effort to shake off her convictions and regain her former carnal security,^ she exclaimed, '^ Well.^ I will go if I am damned for it." God took her at her word. The bless- ed Spirit immediately withdrew His in- fluences, and instead of the anxious sigh and longing desire to be freed from the body of sin and death, succeeded by turns the calmness and horrors of des- pair. The wretched victim knew that the Spirit had taken his final leave ; no compunctions for sin, no tears of peni- tence, no inquiries after God, no eager seeking of the " place where Christians love to meet," now occupied the tedious hours. Instead of the bloom and freshness of health, there came the paleness and haggardness of decay. The wan and 69 33 BALLS, OR PUBLIC DANCES. sunken cheek, the ghastly glaring eye, the emaciated limb, the sure precursors of approaching dissolution, were there. The caresses of friends, the suggestions of affection, all were unheeded. The consolations of piety, the last resource of the miserable, were to her but the bitterness of death. In this state of mind, I was called to visit her. When 1 entered the room where she was, and beheld her pale and emaciated, and re- flected that the ravages of her form wiih- oul but faintly shadowed forth the wreck and desolation within, 1 was almost over- powered. Never had I conceived so vivid an idea of the woe and misery of those who have " quenched the Spirit." I proposed prayer. The word threw her into an agony. She utterly refused. No entreaties of friends, no arguments drawn from the love of God or from the freeness and fullness of atoning blood, could prevail to shake her resolution. I left her without having been able to find an avenue to her heart, or to dart a ray of comfort into her dark bosom. Never shall I forget the dreadful ex- pression of that ghastly countenance — the tones of that despairing voice. The impression is as vivid as though it had been but yesterday. O that all the young, gay, thoughtless ones, who stifle the convictions of conscience and repress the rising sigh ; who dance along on the brink of utter reprobation and despair, would read and lay to heart the warning which the last hours and death of this young lady are calculated so forcibly to (c) THE FATAL BALL. — The subject of the following narrative was the idolized daughter of a gay and worldly father, who, in spite of the tears. and expostulations of a pious mother, to whom such an act seemed little short of sacrilege, led her to the altar of worldly folly — the village dancing-school. She soon excelled all competitors, and was considered the unrivalled belle. At this crisis her father died, and she lent a willing ear to the explanations of di- vine truth from her mother, which satis- fied her understanding and filled her heart with pure and holy emotions. She was on the point of making a public profession of her fiiith in Christ, when 70 the village in which she lived was agi- tated with preparations for a splendid ball. The poor widow shuddered as she witnessed the progress of this mucii dreaded evil : to complete her uneasi- ness, a brother of her husband, a man of the world, visiting in the family, de- clared that he would be at the expense of equipping her daughter as his own child, and that she should eclipse all the women of rank and fashion in the ball- room. The poor girl was at first unwilling to lend an ear to these follies ; but she had always delighted in dancing, and on this occasion suffered her better judg- ment to be overruled. " 'Tis but for once, mother," said she, " and to please my uncle — nay, to avoid giving him in- curable offence. Believe me, I shall not suffer my head to be turned by one night of gayety. Pray for me, mother,, that this compliance with the will of my father's brother may not produce evil consequences." " My child," said the distressed mother, " 1 dare not so word my supplication. It is in compliance with your own will that you thus venture on the tempter's ground, and in this open act of disobedience to your heavenly Father, I cannot lend my aid to excuse or extenuate your guilt. I have prayed, I will still pray, that you may not ven- ture farther in this matter ; but if you do, the responsibility must rest with yourself." " But, mother, the Scrip- tures say themselves, ' there is a time to dance.' " " So they say, in the same place, ' there is a time to make war, and a time to hate.' The wise man means, that all sins and follies will have their seasons ; but he docs not therefore ad- vocate sin and folly. Oh, beware, my child, and let the same Scriptures teach you, that ' he who hardeneth his neck under reproof shall be destroyed, and iliai suddenly.^ These are fearful words for us to part with, my child. Oh, heed my reproof, and do not harden your neck !" " Mother," said the perplexed girl, " I have promised my uncle to go to this unlucky ball, and I cannot break my promise without incurring his re- sentment. He has been so kind, that it would be ungrateful to thwart liim in this trifle." " Oh, my daughter," said THEY PREVENT CONVERSION AND RUIN THE SOUL. her the widow, holding let me not hear hands to her ears, " let me not hear you use such awful language ! Can it be you who calls this sin a trifle ? Go, if you will ; but make no more vain attempts to per- vert right reason, lest you add to your Dwn condemnation." It was indeed with reluctance that the affectionate daughter left her mother, under such circumstances ; but she had surrendered her better judgment for the time, and created q,n imaginary neces- sity, by which she suffered herself to be controlled. Much admired, she was so often solicited to dance that her blood became painfully overlieated ; and finding the heat of the ball-room too oppressive, her partner was conduct- ing her into a little back porch. As she swept rapidly along, panting with heat, she encountered a servant enter- ing with a pitcher of water, more than half intoxicated, and as he staggered out of her way, the contents of the pitcher were discharged full in her panting and overheated bosom. The sudden revul- sion of physical feeling occasioned by this accident, was almost instantly fatal. A violent ague terminated in convul- sions, and before the dawn of day this lovely and interesting girl expired in the arms of her almost distracted mother, breathing with her last gasp the word ^' SUDDENLY !" {d) THE LAST CALL.— The Rev. Mr. Clark states, that an acquaintance of his was called on to attend a young man's funeral, of whom Mr. C. learned the following facts : — Some time before his death, young G had regularly attended the narrator's church, and the truths of religion had made some im- pression upon his mind. His pastor ob- served this, and had several interviews with him, but in vain. The influences of the world pressed hard upon him — his convictions were dissipated ; and he seemed to gird himself up to tread, with more determined step, the whole round of earthly pleasure. But, in the midst of gay scenes of fashion and amusement, he heard a new note of alarm. He was suddenly laid upon a sick-bed, and brought to the very Ijrink of the grave ! He was now overwhelmed with his re- flections, and he resolved to enter at once upon a religious course of life. The minister before referred to called, to see him at this time, faithfully warned and counselled him ; and young G • faithfully promised, that if raised up from that sick-bed, the Lord should be his God. He was spared, raised up, but his vow was not kept. But a few weeks had passed by, after he lefl his sick-room, before he was again im- mersed in the pleasures and follies of the world. Mr. M , his ministerial friend, learning his conduct, shortly after called to pay him a visit. G had made arrangements to spend the evening of that very day amid a scene of reckless gayety and dissipation. Mr. M , with the fearlessness of a faithful minis- ter of Jesus Christ, told G that the course he was taking would ruin his soul — that his broken vows would one day rise up in judgment against him — that if he now hesitated to repent, this might be the last call that God would ever send him. After his departure, when G found himself alone, and thought of all the past, he could not refrain from tears, which gushed forth amid the bitterness of his soul. He could not but admit the truth of all that had been said to him ; still he was undecided. While absorbed in these reflections, and still in this state of indecision, it was an- nounced to him that a gentleman was waiting to see him. It was one of his gay companions. He had called to make some arrangements in reference to the anticipated party. They had not long been discussing their plans before all serious impressions were effaced from young G 's mind, and he entered the illuminated festal hall that evening with a light and bounding heart. But the last call of God had indeed reached his ear, and been rejected, and now he was going like an ox to the slaughter. In the midst of that intoxicating scene of pleasure, where the splendid and gay costume of each passing group was re- flected from a hundred brilliant lamps, and where music poured forth her en- chanting strains, in the very act of passing through the varied movements of a spirited waltz, young G sud- 71 32 BALLS, OR PUBLIC DANCES. lifeless to the denly drooped, and 'floor ! (e) THE YOUNG LADY'S CHOICE. — A young lady residing in Waterbury, Ct., made an engagement to attend a ball in a neighboring town. Before the time arrived, a series of reli- gious meetings were held in W., and not a few among the young people were led to reflection, and became hopefully converted. Miss A. was at that time residing in the minister's family, and was very deeply impressed with the ne- cessity of becoming a Christian. Her distress by day and night was so great she could scarcely eat or sleep. She was faithfully conversed and prayed with ; but while others found peace in believing, her distress continued. Her friends, who were aware of her engage- ment, pressed her at once with the ques- tion, whether she was willing to give up the ball for the sake of an interest in Christ. For a while she wavered ; she wished very much to be saved, and was ready to surrender every thing else ; but she thought so much of the ball, and was so anxious to secure the regards of the young man who had invited her, she desired exceedingly to go this once. Here was a controversy with God ; a severe struggle between motives of in- terest and convictions of duty. At length she fully decided to go to the ball. Her serious impressions were speedily dissipated ; all anxiety about her soul subsided, and, so far as known, never revived again. That was doubtless the turning point in her history ; and that decision sealed her ruin. It is worthy of remark that the conduct of the young man towards her on their way to the ball, led her to a painful discovery of his corrupt character, destroyed her happiness at the ball, and broke up their correspondence forever. She sold her soul for an apple of Sodom : it tempted her eyes, " But turned to ashes on the lips." (/) DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AMUSEMENT AND PRAYER.— Mary Ann was a beautiful girl, eighteen or nineteen years of age, of an esteemed and intelligent family. Though ac- knowledging some regard for religion, 72 she believed, with some of its more worldly professors, that it was right to indulge in fashionable amusements. She was very fond of balls and dances. In the time of a revival, when her young friends were becoming pious, she was urged by her family physician to dedicate her soul to Christ. " How can I think," said she, " of becoming pious, when, in doing so, I shall debar myself of the privilege of attending balls ? Our minister says dancing is wrong. If the Rev. Mr. was our pastor, I think I would venture to be pious, for he allows this innocent amusement." " It was in vain that I tried," says the physician, "to convince her of this delusion, and so- lemnly reminded her, that she would yet see the difference between a life of amusement and a life of prayer. She listened respectfully, and not without a tear, but clung still to her favorite amusement." Ere long the physician was sum- moned to her bed-side. He found her dangerously ill with the typhus fever. He alluded to the state of her soul ; but she told him she was too weak then to converse with him ; yet she requested an interest in his prayers. After an absence of several hours he returned, and found her on the brink of dissolution. We quote her physi- cian's words for the remainder of the story. " The patient had fallen into a state of stupor, so fearfully ominous of the fatal termination of the typhus fever. The tongue and lips were covered with a dark tenacious fur, the speech was scarcely intelligible, and the eyes were partially closed. A sort of low mur- mur or moaning was heard from her half-opened lips. Yet, when called by name, she would open her eyes, and seemed to recognize those around her. She continued in this condition for seve- ral hours, during which period she oc- casionally uttered the most heart-touch- ing and unearthly groans I ever heard from a mortal being. They distressed me — they distressed us all. " At last, putting my mouth to her ear, I said — Mary Ann, do tell me what mean these unearthly groans which we BANKRUPTCY. SS hear from you ? — What is the matter, my dear child ? If it is in your power to tell me, do, I beseech you. And never shall I forget the reply. She opened her once beautiful eyes, slowly raised her pale and attenuated hand, and fixing on me a look that made my very soul ache — such was its solemn in- tensity — she said, with an audibleness of her voice that utterly astonished us all, ' Doctor, Doctor, there is a difference between a life of amusement and a life of prai/er. O, it is hard to die without an interest in Christ.' She closed her eyes, her hand fell, and all was silent. And, my soul, what a silence was that ! Soon the earthly anguish of the sufferer was ended — she spoke not again." 33. BANKRUPTCY. (a) THE HONEST DEBTOR.— In the year 1805, a small tradesman, in a country town in Somersetshire, became so much embarrassed, that he thought it no more than an honest part to make known the situation of his affairs to his creditors. The consequent investiga-- tion which took place, terminated in an assignment of his effects, which, when sold, produced a dividend of nine shil- lings and fourpence in the pound, and he received a discharge from all further claims. But, although thus legally ac- quitted, and with little prospect of real- izing his intention, this honest man formed the honorable resolution of, ,at least, attempting what appeared to him the obligations of unalterable justice, by making up the deficiency to all his credi- tors. It is true, the sum required was small, not quite ninety pounds ; but his means were proportion ably inadequate, having now nothing but his daily labor from which it could be obtained, after defraying the necessary expenses ; and his wages were discouragingly low, not averaging more than twelve shillings per week. Mean accommodations and clothing, hard fare and hard work, at length enabled him, through the Divine blessing, to accomplish his purpose. The creditors were all paid in full, and they esteemed his integrity so highly, that they thought proper to acknowledge their sense of it by a handsome present. (h) THE INSOLVENT'S QUERY. — I was made acquainted, says a writer in the Fathers' Magazine, with one case that strongly affected me, of a man who had been many weeks under the awak- ening influences of the Holy Spirit, and at length, when pressed to give up his heart he propounded to his pastor this question : If one had been involved and had failed, and paid his debts by means of the insolvent act, would he, on becoming pious, feel constrained to pay up all he owed ? He was answered, as he should be, in the affirmative. But it was per- ceived from Uiat moment that the man was more than ever troubled, till, after a conflict of several days, he threw oflT his care about his soul, and has never been disturbed since. And there was not a doubt with any who intimately knew him, but that those dreadful days secured his speedy and fearful damna- tion. He has probably gone to give in his account. (c) THE HONEST INSOLVENT. — A gentleman of Boston, says a reli- gious journal, who was unfortunate in business thirty years ago, and conse- quently unable at that time to meet his engagements with his creditors, after more than twenty years of toil, suc- ceeded in paying every creditor, (except one whose residence could not be ascer- tained,) the whole amount due them.' He has in that twenty years brought up and educated a large family — but still he owed one of his former creditors ; he was not satisfied to keep another's property ; he made inquiry, and received information that the party had died some years since. He again pursued his in- quiry respecting the administrator, and ascertained his name and residence, wrote to him, acknowledged the debt, and requested him to inform him of the manner he would receive the money. A {ew days since he remitted the whole amount, principal and interest. (d) FAILURE OF ROWLAND FULL TO PRACTISE HIS OWN ADVICE. — It was the custom of this 73 33 BANKRUPTCY. eminently useful minister, at tlie com- mencement of a new year, to preach an annual sermon for the " Benevolent Society of Surrey Chapel, for visiting and relieving the Sick Poor at their own Habitations," selecting, at the same time, a few of the most remarkable cases to read to his congregation, that had been visited during the preceding year. On one of these occasions, he narrated the afflictive circumstances of a lady, formerly of property and respec- tability, who had been plunged into the depths of poverty and want, in a time of sickness, through having imprudent- ly become security for some relation or friend ; and Mr. Hill took this opportu- nity of publicly warning and entreating all present to be on their guard against committing so fatal an error. " I would advise all my friends," said he, " to do the same as I do myself, when any re- quest of this kind comes to me. I just walk out of one room into another, and consider what I can afford to give, and what I ought to give to the applicant ; then I return and say, ' Here, my friend, I make you a present of this sum, and if you can get a few others to help you in the same way, perhaps you will get over your difficulty.' Then," said Mr. Hill, with emphasis, " I know the end of it, but were I to lend my name, or be- come surety, I know not how that might end." Strange as it may appear, he was waited on a few months after this, by one of the members of the church, so- liciting his kind assistance in procuring him a lucrative situation, then vacant in that parish and district, viz., a collector of the king's taxes ; the person urged that it would be the making of him and his family, but that he must have two bondsmen for one thousand pounds each. Mr. Hill said, he would consider of it. This petitioner was well known to Mr. Hill ; he had long held a confidential situation in his chapel, and was, besides, in a good trade and connection of busi- ness, with his friends. There was no reason to doubt his integrity ; and he was one that Mr. Hill was desirous to oblige. The result was, he became one of his securities and prevailed on a gen- tleman ^^ Clapham to be the other ; and the situation was obtained. Alas ! alas I for poor Mr. Hill and his brother bonds- man ! In three or four years, the col- lector was a defaulter to the amount of thousands. The securities were obliged to pay. (e) THE BANKRUPT'S ENTER- TAINMENT.— Dr. Franklin relates the following anecdote of Mr; Denham, an American merchant, with whom he once went a passenger to England. " He had formerly," he says, " been in business at Bristol, had failed, in debt to a number of people, compounded, and went to America ; there, by a close ap- plication to business as a merchant, he acquired a plentiful fortune in a few years. Returning to England in the ship with me, he invited his old credi- tors to an entertainment, at which he thanked them for the easy compensation they had favored him with ; and when they expected nothing but the treat, every man, at the first remove, found under his plate an order on a banker for the full amount of the unpaid remainder, with interest." (f) THE BANKRUPT QUAKER. — A person of the Quaker profession, says a London paper, having through misfortune become insolvent, and not being able to pay more than lis. to the pound, formed a resolution, if Providence smiled on his future endeavors, to pay the whole amount, and in case of death he ordered his sons to liquidate his debts by their joint proportions. It pleased God, however, to spare his life, and after struggling with a variety of difficulties, (for his livelihood chiefly depended on his own labor,) he at length saved suf- ficient to satisfy every demand. One day the old man went with a considera- ble sum to the surviving son of one of his creditors, who had been dead thirty years, and insisted on paying him the money he owed his father, which he aC". cordingly did with heart-felt satisfac- tion. 74 BEAUTY— BEGGARS— BEGGARY. 34, {I5 34. BEAUTY. (a) THE FATHER'S ADVICE.— A gentleman had two children : the one a daughter, who was considered plain in her person ; the other a son, who was reckoned handsome. One day, as they were playing together, they saw their faces in a looking-glass. The boy was charmed with his beauty, and spoke of it to his sister, who considered his remarks as so many reflections on her want of it. She told her father of the affair, complaining of her brother's rudeness to her. The father, instead of appearing angry, took them both on his knees, and with much affection gave them the following advice : — " I would have you both look in the glass every day ; you, my son, that you may be reminded never to dishonor the beauty of your face by the deformity of your actions ; and you, my daughter, that you may take care to hide the defect of beauty in your person by the superior lustre of your virtuous and amiable con- duct." (b) BEAUTY IN THE GRAVE.— A young lady in A , N. Y., was attacked with the small-pox. She was gay and thoughtless, and had been much admired for her comeliness and beauty. When the disease made its appearance, she became distressed at the thought of losing her beauty, and manifested her concern, by speak- ing frequently of such a dreadful event. Her mother, with deep solicitude, seemed to sympathize with the daughter in these fearful apprehensions. They convers- ed on the subject, and spoke of the probable influence which the circum- stance would have upon the future prospects of the unfortunate young lady. While dwelling in her mind on this gloomy picture, the messenger of death suddenly and unexpectedly stood before her, clothed in terrors. He bade her silence her wicked complainings, and follow him, and lay her beauty down in the grave. There was no resisting the mandate. She yielded almost instantly to the stern command, and the worms reveled on that beauteous brow, whose fairness she would so sedulously have preserved. The soul — that seemed not to be thought of. No care had been taken to preserve it pure and spotless, or to cleanse it in the fountain of the Savior's blood. What an unsightly thing is beauty in the grave / 35. BEGGARS— BEGGARY. (a) THE QUAKER'S CHARITY. — A certain benevolent Quaker in New- York, was asked by a poor man for money as charity, or for work. The Quaker observed — " Friend, I do not know what I can give thee to do ! Let me see ; thou mayst take my wood that Is in the yard, up stairs, and I will give thee half a dollar." This tlie poor man was glad to do, and the job lasted him till about noon, when he came and told him the work was done, and asked him if he had any more to do. "Why friend, let me consider," said the queer Quaker: "Oh! thou mayst take the wood down again, and I will give thee another half dollar." (b) OBERLIN'S METHOD.— The Rev. John Frederic Oberlin was distin- guished by his charity and benevolence, and though scarcely a mendicant was ever seen in the valley of the Ban de la Roche, where he resided, sometimes a pauper from the neighboring communes, attracted by the well-known disposition of the pastor and his people, wandered thither to implore that assistance which, if deserving, he never failed to receive. " Why do you not work ?" was Ober- lin's usual interrogation. " Because no ohe will employ me," was the gene- ral reply. " Well, then, I will employ you. There — carry these planks — • break those stones — fill that bucket with 75 35,36 BENEFICENCE, watei-j and I will repay you for your trouble." Such was his usual mode of proceeding ; and idle beggars were taught to come there no more. (c) THE MAYOR'S OPINION.— At a meeting held in London, concern- ing the houseless poor, the Lord Mayor remarked, that he considered that one of the greatest causes of vagrancy was want of work. For the purpose of pre- venting this complaint, he would advise the adoption of a plan, which an old friend of his, Mr. Jackson, one of the overseers of the parish of St. Catherine Cree, had tried. He would provide work, whether that work proved a mat- ter of pecuniary advantage or not ; and the host of vagrants who hated work would soon disappear, as they had done in the case of his friend, when they found that without working for it, they could get nothing to eat. The case to which his lordship alluded was as fol- lows : Mr. Jackson was considerably annoyed while he was overseer, by the solicitations of great hulking fellows of the parish, who always said they could get no work. " Well, my poor men," he at length said to some of them, " I'll see and get you a little work." He then took them to the church-yard, and ordered them to pick up all the loose stones that were laying about and throw them in a corner. In a kw hours all but one got tired, and skulked off. He who remained calculated upon the con- trast between his conduct and that of those who departed, and he actually stayed two or three days, which greatly increased his strength. He collected all the small stones he coul^ find, in a corner. As soon as he had done so, he went off to Mr. Jackson, who had paid him most cheerfully, and said he was again at a loss for work. " Say you so, my poor fellow ?" said Mr. Jackson; " then I must see what I can do for you. Let me see, there is a sack, fill that with stones from the corner, and carry them off to Bethnal Green, and make haste back for another sack." The vagrant proceeded upon his new employment with a very ill grace. As soon as he got to White Chapel Church, he shot the contents of his sack into the church-yard, and swearing that he would never, as long as he lived, go into a church-yard again, walked off with the sack, and was never again seen by Mr. Jackson. The, practice has been found an in- fallible cure for vagrancy in the parish of St. Catherine Cree. The celebrated Cooke, the miser of Petonville, knew the disposition of beg-' gars well, and drew much benefit from the knowledge. When any beggar came to his gate, and complained of want of work, Cooke set him to digging the garden, but took care to watch from under a window, lest he should run ofT with the spade. After an hour or two's labor, the workman stuck his spade into the earth and sneaked off. His place was soon supplied by another, who had very little inclination to labor; and thus Cooke managed to have his garden dug entirely over, without a farthing's expense. BENEFICENCE. 36. Beneficence in Hazarding Life. (a) WRECK OF THE BUTTON. — The following extract of a letter, writ- ten by a distinguished naval officer, and published in the " United Service Jour- nal," very forcibly illustrates his bene- volent disposition : " Why do you ask me to relate the wreck of the Button ? Susan (Lady Exmouth) and I were driving to a dinner 7« party at Plymouth, when we saw crowds running to the Hoe ; and learning it was a wreck, I left the carriage to take her on, and joined the crowd, I saw the loss of the whole five or six hundred was inevitable, without somebody to di- rect them ; for the last officer was pulled ashore as I reached the surf. I urged the officers to return, but they refused ; upon which I made the rope fast to my- self, and was hauled through the surf BENEFICENCE IN HAZARDING LIFE. 36 on board, established order, and did not leave her until every one was saved but the boatswain, who would not go before me. I got safe, and so did he ; and the ship went all to pieces. But I was laid in bed for a week, by getting under the mainmast, which had fallen towards the shore ; and my back was cured by Lord Spencer's having conveyed to me by letter his majesty's intention to dub me a baronet. No more have I to say, except that I felt more pleasure in giv- ing to a mother's arms a dear little in- fant, only three weeks old, than I ever felt in my life ; and both were saved. The struggle she had to intrust me with the bantling, was a scene I cannot de- scribe ; nor need you ; and, conse- quently, you will never let this be visi- ble." We are informed that the injunction just referred to, was scrupulously re- garded till death removed all necessity for secrecy. (b) FRANCIS II. AND HIS FAM- ISHING SUBJECTS. — One arm of the Danube separates the city of Vienna from a suburban part called Leopold- stadt. A thaw inundated this part, and the ice carried away the bridge of com- munication with the capital. The pop- ulation of Leopold-stadt began to be in the greatest distress for want of provi- sions. A number of boats were collected and loaded with bread : but no one felt hardy enough to risk the passage, which was rendered extremely dangerous by large bodies of ice. Francis II., who was then emperor, stood at the water's edge : he begged, exhorted, threatened, and promised the highest recompenses, but all in vain ; whilst, on the other shore, his subjects, famishing with hun- ger, stretched forth their hands, and supplicated relief. The monarch imme- diately leaped singly into a boat loaded with bread, and applied himself to the oars, exclaiming, " Never shall it be said that I saw those perish, without an effort to save them, who would risk their all for me." The example of the sove- reign, sudden as electricity, inflamed the spectators, who threw themselves in crowds into the boats. They encoun- tered the sea with success, and gained the suburbs just as their intrepid mon- arch, with the tear of pity in his eye, held out the bread he had conveyed across the water at the risk of his life. (c) THE AROYLESHIRE FISH- ERMAN. — Two fishermen, a few years ago, were mending their nets on board their vessel on one of the lakes in the interior of Argyleshire, at a considera- ble distance from the shore, when a sudden squall upset their boat. One of them could not swim, and the only oar which floated was caught by him that could swim. His sinking compan- ion cried, " Ah, my poor wife and chil- dren, they must starve now!" "Save yourself, I will risk my life for their sakes!" said the other, thrusting the oar under the arm of the drowning man. He committed himself instantly to the deep, expecting to perish for the safety of his companion. That moment the boat struck the bottom, and started the other oar by their side, and thus both were enabled to keep afloat till they were picked up. (d) THE HEROIC PEASANT.— The following generous instance of heroism in a peasant, has somewhat even of the sublime in it. A great inunda- tion having taken place in the north of Italy, owing to an excessive fall of snow in the Alps, followed by a speedy thaw, the river Adige carried off a bridge near Verona, except the middle part, on which was the house of the toll- gatherer, who with his whole family thus remained imprisoned by the waves, and in momentary expectation of cer- tain destruction. They were discovered from the banks, stretching forth their hands, screaming, and imploring succor, while fragments of this only remaining arch were continually dropping into the impetuous torrent. In thih extreme danger, the Count of Pulverini, who was a spectator, held out a purse of one hundred sequins, as a reward to any ad- venturer who would take a boat and save this unhappy family. But the risk of being borne down by the rapidity of the stream, and being dashed against the fragment of the bridge, and of being crushed by the falling of the heavy stones, was so great that not one of the vast number of lookers-on had courage 77 36 BENEFICENCE. enough to attempt such an exploit. A peasant passing along was informed of the promised reward. Immediately jumping into a boat, he, by amazing strength of oars, gained the middle of the river, and brought the boat under the pile, when the whole terrified family safely descended into it by means of a rope. *' Courage,*' cried he, " now you are safe !" By a still more strenuous effort, and great strength of arm, he brought the boat and family to shore. " Brave fellow !" exclaimed the Count, handing the purse to him ; " here is your promised recompense." "I shall never expose my life for money,^^ an- swered the peasant ; *' my labor af- fords a sufficient livelihood for myself, my wife and my children ; give the purse to this poor family who has lost its all !" (e) RESCUING A DROWNING BOY.— The Rev. Mr. Kelly, of the town of Ayr, once preached an ex- cellent sermon from the parable of the man who fell among thieves. He was particularly severe on the conduct of the priest, who saw him, and ministered not unto him, but passed by on the other side ; and, in an animated aad pathetic flow of eloquence, he exclaimed, "What ! not even the servant of the Almighty ! he whose tongue was engaged in the work of charity, whose bosom was ap- pointed the seat of brotherly love, whose heart the emblem of pity ; did he re- fuse to stretch forth his hand, and to take the mantle from his shoulders to cover the nakedness of woe ? If he refused, if the shepherd himself went astray, was it to be wondered at that the flock followed ?" Such were the precepts of the preacher, and he prac- tised what he preached. The next day, when Ihe river was much increased, a boy was swept overboard from a small boat by the force of the current. A great concourse of people were assembled, but none of them attempted to save the boy ; when Mr. Kelly threw himself from his chamber window into the cur- rent, and at the hazard of his own life saved that of the bov. (f) MARTINEL'S ACHIEVE- MENTS.— The life of adjutant Mar- tinel is full of the most striking and 78 sublime exhibitions of a heroic and self- denying benevolence. In 1820, at Strasburg, a soldier fell into the river 111, near the sluices of a mill ; the place apparently left no chance for help. Hearing the despairing cries of a woman, Martinel, who was passing, threw himself in, with all his clothes on, and without looking to see if there was a chance for his life or not, he swam directly towards the sluice ; and there supporting himself by one hand on the post of the water-gate, he attempted to seize with the other, m his passage, the unfortunate being whom a rapid current carried towards the wheel of the mill. He saw him coming, already sunk se- veral feet under the water ; it was necessary to quit the support in order to seize him, by which action he would be carried away himself. He, however, quitted it, seized the body, passed under the mill-wheel with him, carried away by the rapidity of the current, and soon reappeared on the other side of the sluice, without having let go of the poor creature, whom he carried to land, and to whom life was restored. Another time, at Strasburg, he threw himself info greater, and more certain peril. A powder magazine was on fire, and about to blow up. An exalted sentiment of humanity and devotion im- pelled him on. Immediately above the magazine, (which contained a barrel of powder and a thousand packets of cart- ridges,) was a large chamber, used as an infirmary, where nine of his poor comrades, soldiers, were confined to their beds. The people flew on all sides. Martinel engaged several men to aid the invalids with him ; and he mount- ed without perceiving that the increas- ing fire had prevented his companions from follovving him. He arrived alone at the door of a chamber near that in which the cartridges were kept. He found that by a fatality this door was locked. He made a battering ram of a bench, and burst it open ; but, as he was about to rush in, great flames re- pulsed him. Then his resolution tot- tered, he recoiled, and was about to re- descend. Then he remembered that the fire was approaching the cartridges, and that if his resolution failed him, his BENEFICENCE IN DYING FOR OTHERS. S7 companions were about to be blown up. The instinct of his self-preservation then no longer stopped him ; he dashed for- ward, closing his eyes, across the flames, and with clothes, hands, hair, face, blackened and burned, he found with joy that the cartridges were un- touched. He pressed onward, and snatched away the heaps of enveloping paper, which the fire was on the point of reaching. He appeared at a window ; he cried and called, " Water ! water !" His presence in the pov^der magazine, re- assuring his comrades of the imminence of the peril, they mounted ; the cham- ber of cartridges was inundated, and the nine unfortunate invalids were saved. §7. Beneficence in Dying for Others. (a) THE RUSSIAN DRUMMER. — Many years ago, the Baschirs revolt- ed. Near Krasno-Uffimske, in the go- vernment of Perm, they had cut in pieces some companies of dragoons, and devised to take the fortress of Atschitskaja, by stratagem. They dressed themselves in the uniforms of the dragoons, mounted their horses, and marched towards the fortress. To keep up the deception of being really Russians, they had spared a drummer, whom they ordered to play the Russian dragoon march. On ap- proaching the fortress, the gates were thrown open; when the drummer, in- stead of the march, beat the alarm. The garrison then perceived the treacherous artifice, closed the gates, and prepared for resistance. As the Baschirs could not make a regular attack, they were obliged to retreat, when they cut the poor drummer to pieces. His fate he had foreseen, and therefore his voluntary sacrifice was the more striking and praise-worthy. (b) THE HEROIC NEGRO.— The captain of one of Commodore Johnson's Dutch prizes related, that one day he went out of his own ship, to dine on board another ; while he was there, a storm arose, which in a short time made an entire wreck of his own ship, to which it was impossible for him to return. He had left on board two little boys, one four, the other five years old, under the care of a poor black servant. The people struggled to get out of the sinking ship into a large boat, and the poor black took his two little children, tied 'them into a bag, and put in a little pot of sweet- meats for them, slung them across his shoulder, and put them into the boat ; the boat by this time was quite full ; the black was stepping into it himself, but was told by the master there was no room for him, that either he or the children must perish, for the weight of both would sink the boat. The exalted, heroic negro did not hesitate a moment. "Very well," said he, "give my duty to my master, and tell him I beg pardon for all my faults;" and then plunged to the bottom, never to rise again till the sea shall give up her dead. (c) A SERVANT DYING FOR HIS MASTER.— A gentleman was travelling, with his valet de chambre, in a sledge, through one of the extensive forests of Poland, when they were sud- denly attacked by a number of wolves, which leaped furiously at the carriage. The servant, who instantly perceived that either he or his master must fall a victim to their fury, exclaimed, " Pro- tect, my wife and children;" and in- stantly rushing into the midst of them, perished in a moment, and by this generous act saved his master, wlio fled from the danger, by driving forward with the greatest rapidity. (e) THE DEVOTED NURSE.— The Rev. S. W. Hanna says : On the 10th of .Tune, 1770, the town of Port- au-Prince, in Hayti, was utterly over- thrown by a dreadful earthquake. From one of the falling houses the inmates had fled, except a negro woman, the nurse of her master's infant child. She would not desert her charge, though the walls were even then giving way. Rushing to its bed-side, she stretched forth her arms to enfold it. The build- ing rocked to its foundation ; — the roof fell in. Did it crush the hapless pair ? The heavy fragments fell indeed upon the woman, but the infant escaped un- harmed ; for its noble protectress ex- tended her bended form across the body, and, at the sacrifice of her own life, preserved her charge from destruction, (c) CAIUS GRACCHUS AND HIS TWO FRIENDS.— Caius Grac 79 3S BENEFICENCE. chus, who was the idol of the Roman people, and having carried his regard for the lower orders so far as to draw upon himself the resentment of the no- bility, an open rupture ensued ; and the two extremities of Rome resembled two camps, Opimius the consul on one side, and Gracchus and his friend Fulvius on the other. A battle ensued, in \Vhich the consul, meeting with more vigorous resistance than he expected, proclaimed an amnesty for all those who should lay down their arms ; and at the same time promised to pay for the heads of Grac- chus and Fulvius their weight in gold. This proclamation had the desired effect. The populace deserted their leaders ; Fulvius was taken and beheaded, and Gracchus, at the advice of his two friends, Licinius Crassus his brother-in-law, and Pomponius a Roman knight, determined to flee from the city. He passed, on his way, through the centre of the city, and reached the bridge Sublicius, where his enemies, who pursued him close, would have overtaken and seized him, if his two friends had not opposed their fury ; but they saw the danger he was in, and they determined to save his life at the expense of their own. They defended the bridge against all the consular troops till Gracchus was out of their reach ; but at length, being overpowered by numbers and covered with wounds, they both expired on the bridge which they had so valiantly defended. J8. Self-denying Beneficence, shown by the Rich. {a) THE CONSECRATED FOR- TUNE. — A minister of the gospel, conversing with Lady Huntingdon about the wants of a family that appeared to be in distress, her ladyship observed, " I can do for them but very little. I am obliged to be a spectator of miseries which I pity, but cannot relieve : for when I gave myself up to the Lord, I likewise devoted to him all my fortune, with this reserve, that I would take with a sparing hand what might be necessary for my food and raiment, and for the support of my children, should they live to be reduced. I was led to this from a consideration that there were 80 many benevolent persons, who had no religion, who could feel for the tempo- ral miseries of others, and help them ; but few, even among professors, who had a proper concern for the awful con- dition of ignorant and perishing souls. What, therefore, I can save for a while out of my own necessaries I will give them ; but more I dare not take with- out being guilty of sacrilege." (h) LADY HUNTINGDON AND THE TRADESIVIAN. — Lady Hunt- ingdon, with an income of only £l 200 a year, did much for the cause of religion. She maintained the college she had erected, at her sole expense ; she erect- ed chapels in most parts of the kingdom, and she supported ministers who were sent to preach in various parts of the world. A minister of the gospel, and a person from the country, once called on her ladyship. When they came out, the countryman turned his eyes towards the house, and, after a short pause, ex- claimed, " What a lesson ! Can a per- son of her noble birth, nursed in the lap of grandeur, live in such a house, so meanly furnished — and shall I, a tradesman, bo surrounded with luxury and elegance ? From this moment I shall hate my house, my furniture, and myself, for spending so little for God. and so much in folly." (c) MATTHEW HALE AND THE POOR. — It is said of the excellent Lord Chief Justice Hale that he frequently invited his poor neighbors to dinner, and made them sit at table with himself. If any of them were sick, so that they could not come, he would send provi- sions to them warm from his own table. He did not confine his bounties to the poor of his own parish, but diffused supplies to the neighboring parishes as occasion required. He always treated the old, the needy, and the sick, with the tenderness and familiarity that be- came one who considered they were of the same nature with himself, and were reduced to no other necessities but such as he himself might be brought to. Common beggars he considered in an- other view. If any of these met him in his walks, or came to his door, he would ask such as were capable of working, why they went about so idly. SELF-DENYING BENEFICENCE— SHOWN BY THE RICH. 38 If they answered, it was because they could not get employ, he would send them, to some field, to gather all the stones in it, and lay them in a heap ; and then paid them liberally for their trouble. This being done, he used to send his carts, and cause them to be carried to such places of the highway as needed repair. (a) PRINCESS CHARLOTTE'S BENEVOLENCE.— It is related of the lamented Princess Charlotte, that in one of her walks with Prince Leopold, in November, 1816, she addressed a de- cent looking man, who was employed as a day-laborer, and said, " My good man, you appear to have seen better days." " I have, your royal highness,'' he replied : " I have rented a good farm, but the change in the times has ruined me." At this reply she burst into tears, and said to the prince, " Let us be grate- ful to Providence for his blessings, and endeavor to fulfil the important duties required of us, to make all our laborers happy." On her return home, she de- sired the steward to make out a list of all the deserving families in the neigh- borhood, with the particulars of their circumstances : orders were given to the household that the whole of the su- perfluous food should be carefully distri- buted according to the wants of the poor : and, instead of the usual festivi- ties on the following birth-days of the prince and princess, £150 were sent on each occasion in clothing the poor. (e) THE DUCHESS OF VENTA- DOUR. — During a scarcity, nearly approaching to famine, which prevailed in France, produced by the dreadful severity of the preceding winter, the Duchess of Ventadour, who had, on ac- count of her exemplary character, been appointed governess of the infant king, Louis XV., not only gave away all her revenue, but, in addition to this borrow- ed 80,000 francs to relieve the poor. Her steward remonstrated with her, saying, that she passed all the bounds of prudence ; but she meekly replied, " Let us give always, and even borrow, while it is necessary, to save the poor from death ; we shall never want, nei- ther 1 noi my family ; in mv station 6 there is no great hardship in trusting to Providence." (/) EDWARD COLSTON, THE BRISTOL MERCHANT. — Edward Colston, at the age of forty years, be- came a very eminent East India mer- chant, prior to the incorporation of the East India Company, and had forty sail of ships of his own, with immense riches flowing in upon him. He still remained uniform in his charitable disposition, distributing many thousand pounds to various charities in and about London, besides private gifts in many parts of the kingdom. In the year 1708, he in- stituted a very magnificent school in St. Augustine's- back, in Bristol, which cost him £11,000 in the building, and endow- ed the same with between £1,700, and £1,800 per annum forever. He like- wise gave £10 for apprenticing every boy, and for twelve years after his death £10 to put them into business. It has been frequently reported that his private charities far exceeded those in public. " We have heard," says the Bristol (Eng.) Journal, "that one of his ships trading to the East Indies had been missing upwards of three years, and was supposed to be destroyed at sea, but at length she arrived, richly laden. When his principal clerk brought him the report of her arrival, and of the riches on board, he said, as she was to- tally given up for lost, he would by no means claim any right to her ; there- fore he ordered the ship and merchan- dise to be sold, and the produce thereof to be applied towards the relief of the needy, which directions were immedi- ately carried into execution. Another singular instance of his tender con- sciousness for charity was at the age of forty, when he entertained some thoughts of changing his condition. He paid his addresses to a lady, but being very timorous lest he should be hindered in his pious and charitable designs, he was^ determined to make a Christian trial of her temper and disposition, and therefore one morning filled his pockets with gold and silver, in order that, if any object presented itself in the course of their tour over London bridge, he might satisfy his intentions. While they were walk- ing near St. Magnus Church, a woman 81 3§, 39 BENEFICENCE. in extreme misery, with twins in her lap, sat begging ; and, as he and his intended lady were arm-in-arm, he be- Iield the wretched object, put his hand in his pocket, and took out a handful of gold and silver, casting it into the poor woman's lap. The lady being greatly alarmed at such profuse generosity, colored prodigiously ; so that, when they were gone a little further towards the bridge-foot, she turned to him, and said, " Sir, do you know what you did a few minutes ago ?" " Madam," re- plied Mr. Colston, " I never let my right hand know what my left hand doeth." He then took his leave of her, and for this reason never married to the day of his death, although he lived to the age of eighty-five. {g) MRS. HOWARD'S SPEND- ING MONEY.— The benevolent John Howard, well known for his philanthro- py, especially his attention to prisoners, having settled his accounts at the close of a particular year, and found a bal- ance in his favor, proposed to his wife to make use of it in a journey to Lon- don, or in any other excursion she chose. " What a pretty cottage for a poor fami- ly it would build !" was her answer. This charitable hint met with his cor- dial approbation, and the money was laid out accordingly. {h) WHERE It SHOULD RE.— When a gentleman who had been ac- customed to give away some thousands was supposed to be at the point of death, his presumptive heir inquired where his fortune was to be found. To whom he answered, " that it was in the pockets of the indigent." (0 A BENEVOLENT VICAR.— John Baptist Joseph Languet, vicar of St. Sulpice at Paris, sometimes dis- bursed '^he sum 6f a million of livres in charities in a single year. When there was a general dearth in 1725, he sold, in order to relieve the poor, his house- hold goods, his pictures, and some curi- ous pieces of furniture that he had pro- cured with great difficulty. 29. Self-denying Beneficence, shown by the Poor. {a) PEGGY AND THE ONE- POUND NOTE.— Peggy had been 82 consigned by her dying mother in Ire- land to the care of an individual, who brought her up as her servant, bastow- ing upon her only clotiies and food as her wages. Her residence with this person led to Peggy's attendance on the ministry of the gospel. It met, in her case, with a heart prepared by Divine influence to receive it : she imbibed it as the thirsty earth the shower. Her appearance became altered, and her whole demeanour highly improved. Her mistress, finding her services in- creasingly valuable, and fearing that the temptation to high wages might efiect a separation, proffered, of her own accord, to give her a small yearly salary. For this she was truly thank- ful, and some months having elapsed, she came to me, says a Christian minis- ter in London, one evening after service, apparently with great joy, and slipped a piece of paper into my hand — it was a one-pound note. " Peggy," said I, " what is this ?" " Your reverence," said she, "it is the first pound that I could ever call my own since I was born. And what will I do with it? Ah ! will I forget my country ? — No : — it is for poor Ireland — it is for my country- men to have the blessed, blessed gospel preached to them." I admired her dis- interestedness, but thought the sacrifice too great, as I knew she must want such a sum for very important purposes. Pec said I, "it is too much for you to give ; I cannot take it." " Oh, your reverence," she replied, with her characteristic energy, " if you refuse it, I would not sleep for a fortnight ;" and she went away, leaving the money in my hand, and exclaiming, " God bless my poor country with the ministry of the gospel." How much does her liberality out- shine that of many ! {h) THE NEGRESS AND HER NURSEi. — A young lady, a visitor of a Bible Association in New-York, found her way to an obscure cellar, where she discovered a colored woman far gone in a consumption, with her aged husband sitting by her bed-side, and another colored woman, about the age of forty, acting in the capacity of nurse and servant. The young lady told them SELF-DFNYING BENEFICENCE— SHOWN BY THE POOR. ^9 tier business. When the sick woman heard that she came on an errand of mercy, her withered and sickly coun- tenance assumed an unwonted glow and •brightness. After expressing a stead- fast hope of salvation through the merits -of the Savior, she gave the following epitome of her life. But a few years before she was a slave in New Orleans: by industry and economy, she and her husband were enabled to purchase their freedom ; and in the course of two or three years to lay up about 400 dollars. Sitting at the door of a cottage one morn- ing, she heard that a number of slaves were to be sold by auction that day. She determined to go and see the sale, and, if possible, to buy one of the fe- male captives, and restore her to liberty. " I have so much money," said she, *' and if I can make it the instrument of redeeming one of my fellow beings from slavery, then I can say to my soul, depart in peace." She went and purchased one for 250 dollai-s. " But now," said she, " I must place her un- der the ministry of the gospel." She took a passage for herself, her husband, and her liberated friend, for New- York. When they landed, she said, " Now you are in a free state, where the pri- vileges of the gospel are enjoyed ; all that I ask for my kindness to you is, that you endeavor to seek the favor of God. If you live with me, and with me work for your support, I shall be rejoiced ; you are at liberty to do as you please." The liberated woman accepted her invitation, and was found by the young lady, acting as her de- liverer's nurse ; and enjoying with her the privileges of that heavenly citi- izenship in which there is neither bond nor free, but all are one in Christ Jesus. Let us cease to eulogize those who have contributed of their abundance for the relief of the wretched ; here was an aged, illiterate, degraded daughter of Africa, who gave her all to promote the salvation of one soul. (b) NOT RICH BUT GENEROUS. — A correspondent of the Philadelphia Native American, writes as follows : The last time I was in Boston, in passing down Hanover, below Fleet- Btreet, I saw a son of Africa sitting on a pile of wood just sawed, and eating, apparently with a keen relish, some fragments of bread which had just been given him for his work. I should pro- bably have passed him without further notice, had I not been struck with the appearance of a woman who was stand- ing a little distance from him, and watching his operations with eager in- terest. She was a white woman, dressed in the thin garb of poverty, who, in spite of her emaciated and care-worn coun- tenance, looked like one who had seen better days. Curious to know what interest she could take in his movements, I stopped a moment to watch them. The wood-sawyer, noticing her fixed look, asked her what she wanted. Pointing to his meal, spread upon the log, she replied, " I have not eaten so much as that in two v/eeks." " Well, sit down here, and take a bite," said the kind-hearted negro; " although I ain't rich, 1 am generous." With tears in her eyes, that seemed just before already sealed up from weep- ing, she drew near the humble table. 1 did not interfere to deprive the wood- sawyer of the pleasure of completing his generous act (for generous it was in him to share his only meal with another), but after privately slipping a piece of money into the poor woman's hand, 1 continued my walk. But I could not shut out the scene from my thoughts, and the words of the African, " not rich but generous,'^ kept ringing in my ears. If riches consist in the means of happiness, what a fund of wealth has a man, whom God has blessed with a sympathizing heart : for where is there greater happiness than in bless- ing another ! Many a man that prefaced his sumptuous dinner with a long grace, found no richer blessings at his table, that day, than did the wood-saw- yer upon his log. (d) THE SICK MAN'S GIFT.— The Rev. Mr. Holmes, at a Home Mis- sionary meeting in New- York, related' the following circumstance : — Being appointed an agent of this society, I visited one of the towns of Massachusetts, and was accompanied by the minister to a wretched hovel at some distance from the village. It ap- 83 89 HENEFICENCEI. peared scarcely habitable. We entered, and my name and message were an- nounced to an old and very feeble man, who was lying on a bed of sickness, and, as it proved, of death. His aged wife was also bowing down over the grave. " Before you speak of the agency/' said the old man, " I wish you to pray with me ; for I am very feeble and full of pain." His request was granted, and the agency afterwards in- troduced. *' My wife," said the aged Christian, " I think we cannot do much, but we must do something for this object. How much shall we give ?" The fee-ble woman replied, " I shall approve of whatever you think proper." " Then go," said the dying saint, " and bring ten dollars." She went, returned, and stooping down over the wretched, hard bed, said, " Mr. Well, I've brought fif- teen dollars, and there's enough left to pay for the flour and those other little things." O sir, said Mr. Holmes, that I could bring the hovel and the bed, and the man and his wife, and place them here before the eyes of this vast assem- bly, and we should never scarcely need to ask for more nK>ney. (e) THE HOTTENTOT'S GIFT. — In the year 1813-, says the Rev. J. Campbell, after having visited several nations in the interior of Africa, beyond the colony of the Cape of Good Hope, when returning, I halted at the town of Paarl, within thirty-six miles of Cape Town. Here I was requested by frierfds to relate publicly the state of the nations in the interior of Africa. About one hundred free persons, with some slaves, attended. At the close, several hundred rixdollars were contributed by the white friends present for the Missionary So- ciety. After the whites had all left the house, a slave woman and her daughter called upon me, and said, " Sir, will you take any thing from a poor slave, to help to send the gospel to the poor things be-- yond us ?" On my saying, " Most certainly I will," she gave me eight- pence, and her daughter fourpence. Having done so, they hastily went out, clapping their hands, and ran to some slave men who were waiting to hear the result. On hearing from her that I 84 cheerfully took subscriptions from slave'g=y they rushed into my room, and every one threw down all that he had, to send the gospel to the poor things- beyond them ! The immedifcte cause of this was — - their masters had lately built a place of worship for them, where missionariesy when they happened to be in the town, preached to them ; and some of their masters would at tinges read a sermon to them. These tastes of instruction made them desirous that the nations be- yond should be favored with the same advajitage* (/) THE INDIAN BROOM-MA.^ KBR.— 'Mr. Hooper, one of the assist- ant missionaries to the Choctaw Nation, relates in his journal the following af- fecting instance of benevolence while at Steubenville : — ^' What most of all aflfected our hearts was, that a poor Af- rican, who, it is believed, is' a devout servant of God, came forward, and gave a coat, obtained by making brooms after performing his task in the field. Mr. M^Curdy inforn>ed us, that both that man and his wife are praying souls. They are slaves. O! is it not truly animating, is it not enough to touch the tenderest sensibilities of the soul, to see an Ethi- opian in such circumstances, thus moved at hearing the Macedonian cry, and thus extending the hand of charity ? Should every professed disciple of Christ make such sacrifices as did this poor African, at no distant period would the precious gospel be preached to all nations. (g) THE GREENLANDERS' DO- NATION. — ^In a very early period of the Moravian mission in Greenland, the Christian natives of that country were told of the demolition of the Indian con- gregation at Gnadenhutten, in Pennsyl- vania ; they wept bitterly, and at once commenced efforts for their relief One said, " I have a fine reindeer skin, which I will give." Another, " And f a pair of new reindeer boots, which I will send." " And I," said a third, " will send them a seal, that they may have something to eat and to burn." Their contributions were accepted and sent. Their hearts had been shut by- avarice, but the grace of Christ opened them. SELF-DENYING BENEFICENCE— SHOWN BY THE POOR. 39 (h) THE MINISTER'S WIFE AND THE MONUMENT.— A min- ister in Illinois, on receiving the sad news that the Ceylon missionaries had been obliged, in consequence of the curtailment of funds, to dismiss five thousand scholars from their schools, and that twenty-five dollars would re- suscitate a school, resolved to try and raise that sum in his society. They were a little band, and had already done what they thought they could for Foreign Missions. He went before his people, related the melancholy intelligence, and told them that he would give five dollars, if they could raise the remaining twenty. The sum was contributed in a few minutes. He then went home and inforaied his partner of the result. He found that she, too, had been revolving in her mind how she could raise a similar sum. " Well,"" said her husband, " if you will give up one gratification, you may." It seems they had recently lost a child, and had sent on an order to New-York for a tombstone, which would cost twen- ty-five dollars. He proposed to dispense with it. Trying though this was to her maternal feelings, she immediately con- sented, saying that the living children demanded her money more than the one that was dead. The order was countermanded, and a school in Ceylon was, of course, re- suscitated. (0 SKELTON AND HIS BOOKS. — The salary of the Rev. Philip Skelton, an Irish clergyman, arising from the discharge of his ministerial duties and from tuition, was very small ; and yet he gave the larger part of it away, scarcely allowing himself to appear in decent clothing. Returning one Lord's day from public worship, he came to a cal)in where an awful fire had occurred. Two children had been burnt to death, and a third showed but faint signs of life. Seeing the poor people had no linen with which to dress the child's sores, he tore his linen from his back piece by piece for their use ; and cheer- fully submitted to the inconvenience to which it exposed him. Some time after this, when a scarcity of food was felt around him, he sold his library, though his books were the only companions of his solitude, and spent the money in the purchase of provisions for the poor. Some ladies hearing of this, sent him fifty pounds, that he might again obtain several of his most valued works ; but while he gratefully acknowledged their kindness, he said he had dedicated the books to God, and then applied the fift)' pounds also to the relief of the jK)or. (j) THE DAUGHTER'S POR- TION— The Rev. Mr. Rogers, of this country, attended by an officer of the church, called one morning at the house of an excellent woman, a wid- ow, who had recently lost, by death, a pious and beloved daughter. As her circumstances were narrow, little was expected from her. Indeed they called upon her chiefly to testify their respect, and to avoid the imputation of either forgetting her pe|son, or despising her mite. To their great surprise, however, when their errand was made known, she presented to them, with much prompt- ness and cordiality, a sum which, for her, was very large — so large, indeed, ttiat they felt and expressed some scru- ples about accepting it it. She put an end to the difficulty, by saying, with much decision, " You must take it all : I had laid it up as a portion for my daughter ; and I am deteitnined that He who has my daughter shall have her portion too." {k) REV. JOHN WESLEY'S PLATE— HIS BENEVOLENCE.— In the year 1776, the Rev. John Wesley received the following letter, in conse- quence of a recent resolution of the government, that circulars should be sent to all persons who were suspected of having plate, on which they had not paid duty : — " Reverend Sir, — As the commission- ers cannot doubt that you have plate for which you have hitherto neglected to make an entry, they have directed me to send you a copy of the lords' order, and to inform you that they expect that you forthwith make the entry of all your plate, such entry to bear date from the commencement of the plate duty, or from such time as you have owned, used, ha/d, or kept any quantity of silver plate, chargeable by the act 85 39 BENEFICENCE. of parliaiTient ; as in default thereof, the board will be obliged to signify your refusal to their lordships. " N. B. An immediate answer is de- sired." Mr. Wesley replied as follows : — " Sir, — I have two silver tea-spoons at London, and two at Bristol : this is all the plate which I have at present ; and I shall not buy any more while so mdU}' around me want bread. I am, sir, your most humble servant, "John Wesley." Perhaps there never was a more charitable man than Mr. Wesley. His liberality knew no bounds, but an empty pocket. He gave away not merely a certain part of his income, but all that he had : his own wants being provided for, he devoted all the rest to the neces- sities of others. He entered upon this good \york at a very unds a year, he lived on twenty-eight, and gave away forty shillings. The next year, receiving sixty pounds, he still lived on twenty-eight, and gave away two- and-thirty. The third year he received ninety pounds, and gave away sixty-two. The fourth year he received one hun- dred and twenty pounds. Still he lived on twenty-eight, and gave to the poor ninety-two. During the rest of his life he lived economically ; and, in the course of fifty years, it has been sup- posed, he gave away more than thirty thousand pounds. {I) LAVATER HELPING A POOR WOMAN.— The following is an extract from the private diaiy of the Rev. J. C. Lavater, of Zurich, in Swit- zerland, dated January 2d, 1769 : — My wife asked me, during dinner, what sentiment I had chosen for the day. " Give to him that asketh thee ; and from him that would borrow turn not thou away." "Pray, how is this to be understood ?" said she. " Liter- ally ; we must take the words as if we heard Jesus Christ himself pronounce them. I am the steward, not the pro- prietor of my possessions." Just as 1 arose from dinner, a widow desired to speak to me. " You will excuse me, dear sir," shid she, " I must pay my rent, and I am six dollars 86 short. I have been ill a whole months and could scarcely keep my children from starving. I have laid by every penny, but I am six dollars short, and must have them to-day or to-morrow ; pray hear me, dear sir." Here she presented me a book enchased with sil- ver. " My late husband," said she, " gave it to me when we were betrothed. I part with it with reluctance, and know not when I can redeem it. O, dear sir, cannot you assist me ?" " My poor woman, indeed I cannot." So saying, I put my hand in my pocket, and touch- ed my money : it was about two dollars and a half. "It won't do," said I to myself; "and if it would, I shall want it." " Have you no friend, " said I," who would give you such a trifle ?" " No, not a soul living ; and I do not like to go from house to house ; 1 would rather work whole nights. I have been told that you are a good-natured gentleman ; and if you cannot assist, you will, I hope, excuse me for having given you so much trouble. I will try how I can extricate myself; God has never for- saken me ; and I hope he will not begin to turn his back on me in my 76tb year." The same moment my wife entered the room. I was — O thou traitorous heart ! — « I was angry, ashamed, and should have been glad if I could have sent her away under some pretext or other, for my conscience whispered to me, " Give to him that asketh thee." My wife, too, whispered irresistibly in my ear, " She is a pious, honest woman ; she has cer- tainly been ill ; assist her if you can.'* "I have no more than two dollars," said I, " and she wants six ; how, there- fore, can I answer her demand ? I will give her something, and send her away." My wife squeezed my hand tendcly, smiling, and beseeching me by he: looks. She then said aloud, what my con- science had whispered to me before: " Give to him that asketh thee ; and turn not away from him who would borrow of thee." I smiled, and asked her whether she would give her ring in order to enable me to do it. " With great pleasure," said she, pulling oil* her ring. The old woman was either too simple to observe tliis, or too modest BENEFICENCE WITH RULE AND SYSTEM. 39,40 to take advantage of it : however, when she was going, my wife told her to wait a little in the passage. " Were you in earnest, my dear, when you offered your ring ?" said I, as soon as we were in private. " I am surprised that you can ask that question ; do you think I sport with charity ? Remember what you said a quarter of an hour ago. You have been always so benevolent, and why are you now backward in assisting that poor woman ? Why did you not give her what money you had in your purse ? Do you not know that there are six dollars in your bureau, and that it will be quarter-day in ten days ?" I pressed my wife to my bosom, and dropped a tear. " You are more right- eous than I ! Keep your ring ; you have made me blush !" I then went k) the bureau, and took the six dollars. When I was going to open the door, to call the widow, I was seized with hor- ror because I had said, " I cannot help you." — O, thou traitorous tongue ! thou deceitful heart ! — " There, take the money," said I, " which you want." She seemed at first to suppose it was only a small contribution, and kissed my hand. But when she saw the six dollars, her astonishment was so great, that for a moment she could not speak. She then said, " How shall, I thank you ? I cannot repay you ; I have got notlnng but this poor book, and it is old." " Keep your book and the money," said I, " and thank God, and not me. Indeed I do not deserve it, because T have hesitated so long to assist you. Go, and say not one word more." {m) BENEVOLENCE OF JOHN FOX. — John Fox, the celebrated author of the " Book of Martyrs," was re- markable for his liberality to the poor. What was sometimes offered him by the rich, '(for he was himself sometimes distressed,) he accepted, but immediate- ly gave it to those who had less than himself. So entirely did he give of his goods to the poor, that when he died, he possessed no ready money. This benevolence was maintained by a sense of the love of Christ, and was shown with a view to his glo y . A friend once inquiring of him, if ne recollected a poor man, whom he was accustomed to relieve, he replied, " Yes, I remember him well, and would willingly forget lords and ladies to remember such as him." 40. Beneficence with Rule and System. (a) OBERLIN'S PRACTICE.— John Frederic Oberlin, a minister of the Gospel in France, happening to read one day, with more attention than usual, the accounts of the tithes in the Books of Moses, was so struck with some of them, as to resolve from that moment to devote three tithes of all he possessed to the service of God and the poor. The resolution was no sooner made than put into execution, for what- ever Oberlin conceived it to be his duty to do, he conscientiously and without delay set about it. From that period till the end of his life, even during the most calamitous seasons of the Revolu- tion, he always scrupulously adhered to the plan, and often said that he ahounded in wealth. (b) MRS. GRAHAM'S PRACTICE. — Mrs. Graham, of New- York, made it a rule to appropriate a tenth part of her earnings to be expended for pious and charitable purposes ; she had taken a lease of two lots of ground, in Green- wich-street, from the Corporation of Tri- nity Church, with the view of building a house on them for her own accommo- dation : the building, however, she never commenced : by a sale which her son- in-law, Mr. Bethune, made of the lease in 1795, for her, she got an advance of one thousand pounds. So large a profit was new to her. " Quick, quick," said she, '^ let me appropriate the tenth be- fore my heart grows hard." What fidelity in duty ! What distrust of her- self ! Fift}'" pounds of this money she sent to Mr. Mason, in aid of the funds he was collecting for the establishment of a theological seminary. (c) MR.' COBB'S COVENANT.— Nathaniel Ripley Cobb, of Bo'ston, dis- played , the character of a Christian merchant in all its varieties of excel- lence. He was one of the few noble- hearted men of wealth whose aflluence is constantly proved by their munifi- ence. Yet it was not always from what 87 40 BENEFICENCE. is strictl} denominated affluence that he was so benevolent, inasmuch as the vows of God were upon him that he would never become rich ; and he re- deemed the holy pledge which he had given, by consecrating his gains to the Lord. In November, 1821, he drew up the folloMiing remarkable docu- ment : — " By the grace of God, I will never be worth more than fifty thousand dol- lars. "By the grace of God I will give one-fourth of the nett profits of my business to charitable and religious uses. " If I am ever worth twenty thou- sand dollars, I will give one half of my nett profits ; and if I am ever worth thirty thousand, I will give three- fourths ; and the whole after fifty thou- sand dollars. " So help me God ; or give to a more faithful steward, and set me aside. N. R. Cobb, Nov. 1821." He adhered to this covenant with strict fidelity. At one time, finding his property had increased beyond fifty thousand dollars, he at once devoted the surplus, seven thousand five hundred, as a foundation for a professorship in the Newton Institution for the edu- cation of Christian ministers, to which, on various occasions during his short life, he gave al: least twice that amount. He was a generous friend to many young men, whom he assisted in estab- lishing themselves in business, and to many who were unfortunate. (d) DR. WRIGHT'S PRACTICE. — Of Doctor Samuel Wright, it is said, that his charity was conducted upon rule ; for which purpose he kept a purse, in which was found this memo- randum : " Something from all the mo- ney I receive to be put into this purse for charitable uses. From my salary as minister, which is uncertain, a tenth part ; from occasional and extraordinary gifts, which are more uncertain, a twen- tieth part ; from copy money of things I print, and interest of my estate, a seventh part." (e) THE BEE-HIVE AND THE WALNUT TREE.— The following account is related by Mr. Charles Stokes Dudley, of England : 88 At one of the meetings for the circu- lation of the Scriptures, held in Dorset- shire, in 1833, a clergyman, from a distant county, related a circumstance which had fallen under his own im- mediate observation. A young farmer and his wife, having attended a meeting for the establishment of an auxiliary society, and another held in the evening of the same day for the formation of a ladies' association, became much in- terested in the object. On returning home, the wife expressed her earnest desire to subscribe a guinea a year to the female branch of the institution ; to which her husband replied, that having become himself a contributor of the same sum to the auxiliary society, he thought they could scarcely afford two guineas a year. His wife reminded him that he had given her, a few days before, a guinea to purchase a hive of bees, which she had not yet bought ; and that she should much prefer giving the money to the Bible Association. Tc this arrangement he consented. On the following day, a swarm of bees settlec on a tree in their garden, and was soon safel}'' hived. Struck with the circum- stance, they immediately determined that the entire produce of those bees, and of the successive swarms from the hive, should be annually contributed to the Bible Society. The circumstance occurred in 1829. In 1830, the sum of £2 was contributed: in 1831, it increas- ed to £10 ; last year it was £8 ; and, this year, they fully expected it would be J£10 again, if not more. I had a speedy proof that the relatior of this little fact was not in vain. A friend of ours who was present, and un- der whose hospitable roof I was staying^ observing me, on the following morning, admiring a noble walnut tree in his garden, whispered, " That tree belongs to the Bible Society; my wife and I have just dedicated it." I am happy to say, I never saw a tree better laden in my life. (f) FINLEY AND THE AGENT. — " It is true I have but little to give," said Dr. Finley to an agent, " but I con- sider it a privilege and an honor, so far as the Lord allows, to have something, if it be but a single nail, in every edifice that is going up for Christ." BENEFICENCE WITH INDUSTRY AND FRUGALITY. 41 {g) DOING SOMETHING EVERY "WHERE. — Atone of the anniversaries in London Rev. Richard Knill said : When I used to travel for the London Missionary Society, I went to Peterbor- ough. A farmer there had read the re- port of that society. He found that we had 123 missionaries. He sent to Mr. Arundel to say, " I have a great desire to hit out something new." I question whether any member of Parliament would have hit it. He said, " I am de- termined to have something to do with every tract distributed, every sermon preached, every school established ; and for this purpose I will give a sovereign for each of the missionaries. Here is a check for £123, in order to do some- thing all over the world." That is what I call an enlarged idea. But in the mean time another report came out, and stated that 13 new missionaries had been sent forth. " Well," said he, " I am determined to keep it up ;" and he gave another £13. 41. Beneficence with Industry and Fru- gality. {a) THE MISER OF MAR- SEILLES. — An old man, of the name | of Guyot, lived and died in the town of Marseilles, in France. He amassed a large fortune by the most laborious indus- try, and the severest habits of abstinence and privation. His neighbors 'consid- ered him a miser, and thought that he was hoarding up money from mean and avaricious motives. The populace pur- sued him, whenever he appeared, with hootings and execrations, and the boys sometimes threw stones at him. He at length died, and in his will were found the following words : — " Having observ- ed from my infancy tliat the poor of Mar- seilles are ill supplied with water, which can only be purchased at a great price, I have cheerfully labored the whole of my life to procure for them this great blessing ; and I direct that the whole of my property shall be laid out in build- ing an aqueduct for their use." {h) SAVING A PENNY A WEEK. — My monthly missionary meeting, writes a clergyman in the Missionary Register for 1817, is, indeed, delightful. You would be highly gratified at wit- nessing the earnest prayers that are there offered up in behalf of the poor heathen, the interest produced by read- ing the missionary anecdotes, and the uncommon readiness and willingness, in the poor people, to contribute their pence towards so glorious a cause. One of the poorest women (yet one of the richest in the true sense) in the parish, was heard to say, that she would give her penny a week, if she took it from her food ; and she has literally been as good as her word ; for though tea was her only beverage, and often her only meal, she has for some months deprived herself of sugar, in order to contribute her penny, which she does with great regularity every week. But not content with this, as she obtains a livelihood by going about with a basket which contains needles, cotton, etc., she begged me to write a few lines to au- thorize her to receive any mite which she could collect in her daily travels from house to house, that she might have a chance of getting a penny, even where she could not sell her needles ; and, indeed, I think I may safely say that she is not more gratified when she takes sixpence for herself, than when she receives a penny for the missionary fund. By this means she generally brings in about three shillings every month, in addition to her own fourpence. Such an instance shames many. True charity begins only with self- denial. (c) I WILL SPIN ONE MORE HANK. — At a meeting held with the view of forming an auxiliary society in aid of Christian missions, the following anecdote was related by one of the speakers: A woman of Wakefield, well known to be in very needy circumstan- ces, offered to subscribe a penny a week to the missionary fund. " Surely you," said one, " are too poor to afford this." She replied, " 1 spin so many hanks of yarn for a maintenance; I will spin one more, and that will be a penny for the society." " I would rather," said the speaker, " see that hank suspended in the poor woman's cottagCj a token of her zeal for the tri- umph of the gospel, than military tro- 89 41 BKNEFICENCE. phies in the halls of heroes, the proud memorials of victories obtained over the physical strength of men !" (d) A REFORMED DRUNK- ARD'SGIFT. — A religious society in Yorkshire (Eng.) had twenty guineas brought to them by a man in low cir- cumstances of life. Doubting whether it was consistent with his duty to his family and the world, to contribute such a sum, they hesitated to receive it, when he answered to the following effect : — " Before I knew the grace of our Lord, I was a poor drunkard : I never could save a shilling ; my family were in beggary and rags ; but since it has pleased God to renew me by his grace, we have been industrious and frugal ; we have not spent many idle shillings, and we have been enabled to put some- thing into the bank, and this I freely offer to the blessed cause of our Lord and Saviour." — This was the second donation from the individual to the same amount. (e) THE MOUNTAIN FARMER. — An agent soliciting funds for a cer- tain benevolent object, called upon the minister of a poor country town, made known his object, and inquired of that minister, whether there were any indi- viduals in his parish, who would con- tribute for that object. The minister answered, " No." Then, checking him- self, he said, " We have, however, one man who considers himself as a steward of the property of God. Perhaps he would give something. You will find him upon the mountain, yonder." The agent toiled up the steep ascent, and approached his dwelling. It was built of logs, and its door was opened by a leather string. He entered and made known the object of his visit. " We have,"^said the benevolent farmer, "for several years considered all the products ©.' our farm, above what is necessary foi the supply of our own wants, as the Loid's property ; to be devoted to some good object. We have so disposed of the whole this year, excepting one ar- ticle, that is our cheese. It may be worth twenty or twenty-five dollars. We had not determined to what object to devote it. We will give you that." This man, living in his cabin of logs, 90 and cultivating a small firm upon the mountain, was accustomed to give for purposes of benevolence, about three hundred dollars yearly. (/) A NUMEROUS FAMILY.— A pious gentleman in , was en- gaged in a certain branch of business by which he was rapidly increasing his wealth. When he had made about $50,000, Rev. Mr. was one day conversing with him, and asked if he had not accumulated property enough for his family, and if he had hot now better give up that kind of business ? " Oh," said he, " I have not yet made enough to give each of my children a single leaf of the Catechism.^' " Why," inquired the clergyman, " how large is your family ?" " About six hundred millions," was his reply. He looks on the whole family of man as his own family, and he is laboring for the salva- tion of them all. (g) CROUMBIE'S CARE FOR BUSI- NESS.— The late Mr. John Croumbie, of Haddington (Eng.), some time before his death, calling on one of his custom- ers, his friend said unto him, " I am sure, Mr. Croumbie, you need not care for business." He replied, " It is true, Mrs. , but if I were to give over business, I would not be so able to assist tlie various societies that are formed for dilFusing the knowledge of the gospel throughout the world." The same ex- cellent person, in his last illness, after expressing his surprise that some Chris- tians kept back from the support of these institutions, said with peculiar emphasis, " O how I pity the poor heathen, who have nothing to support their minds in the prospect of eternity .'" His feelings were evidently excited by his own situa- tion, and a conviction of the misery he would feel, if his mind had not been supported by the gospel in the near prospect of entering into an eternal state. (h) THE UNEXPECTED DONA- TION.— When the money to build Be- thlehem hospital was being collected, those who were employed to solicit donations, went to a small house, the door of which being half opened, they overheard the master, an old man, scolding his female servant for having BENEFICENCE WITH PROMPTITUDE. 49 thrown away a match without using both ends. After diverting themselves some time with the dispute, they pre- sented themselves before the old gentle- man, and stated the object of their visit ; though, from what had just passed, they entertained very little hope of success. The supposed miser, however, no sooner understood their business than he step- ped into a closet, from whence he brought a bag, and counted out four hundred guineas, which he presented to them. No astonishment could exceed that of the collectors at this unexpected occurrence ; they expressed their sur- prise, and told the old gentleman that they had overheard his quarrel with his servant. " Gentlemen," said he, " your surprise is occasioned by a thing of very little consequence. I keep house and save money in my owii way ; the first furnishes me with the means of doing the other. With regard to benevolent donations, you may always expect most fi'om prudent people who keep their own accounts." When hi^ had thus addressed them, he requested them to withdraw without the smallest ceremony, to prevent which he shut the door, not thinking, probably, so much of the four hundred guineas which he had just given away, as of the match which had been carelessly thrown into the fire. 42. Beneficence with Promptitude. {a) THORNTON AND THE POOR CLERGYMAN.— The late Mr. Thornton was applied to, by a respect- able clergyman, for some pecuniary as- sistance. Mr. Thornton having listened to his story, immediately gave him a draft for fifteen pounds. Whilst the grateful clergyman was still with him, the post letters arrived, and Mr. Thornton begged him not to go till he should see if he had received any news which might interest him. He began, accordingly, to read one of his letters, and, after a considerable pause, said to his friend, " Here is a letter, conveying bad news indeed ; I have lost a very valuable ship, and cer- tainly my loss cannot be less than £20,- 000. You must return me that draft, my dear sir ; and to prove that I do not de- ceive you, read the letter which I have just received. What could the poor clergyman do ? He recalled to mind the condition of his starving and sickly wife and children, and anticipated the grievous disappoint- ment which his returning from Mr. Thornton without assistance would oc- casion. However, with a heavy heart he handed the draft back to Mr. T., and betook himself to read the letter, by way of concealing his distressed countenance. He soon perceived the loss was even greater than Mr. T. had mentioned, and all his hopes died away. In the meantime Mr. Thornton had been writing, and when the letter was returned to him, he said, " You see, my dear sir, how unpleasantly I am situ- ated ; however here is another paper, which I desire you will put in your pocket. The poor, hopeless clergyman took it, and opening it, found a drafl for fifty pounds. He looked at Mr. T., as if doubting the evidence of his senses, but Mr. T. replied, " My dear sir, as the Almighty seems determined to de- prive me of that wealth which he gave, and which he has so good a right to take away, I must be speedy, therefore, to give while it is in my possession." (b) LOSING, BUT LIBERAL.— A wealthy merchant, having lost by one shipwreck, to the value of £1500, or- dered his clerk to distribute £100 among poor ministers and people ; add- ing, that if his fortune was going by £1500 at a lump, it was high time to make sure of some part of it before it was gone. (c) DR. WILSON AND THE POOR CLERGYMAN.— The benevo- lent Dr. Wilson once discovered a cler- gyman at Bath, who, he was informed, was sick, poor, and had a numerous flimily. In the evening he gave a friend fifly pounds, requesting him to deliver it in the most delicate manner, and as from an unknown person. The friend said, " I will wait upon him early in the morning." "You will oblige me, sir, by calling directly. Think of what importance a good night's rest may be to that poor man." {d) BAXTER'S DELAY AND LOSS.— When Mr. Baxter lost a thou- 91 43 BENEFICENCE. sand pounds which he had laid up for the erection of a school, he used fre- quently to mention the misfortune as an incitement to be charitable whih God gives the power of bestowing, ana con- sidered himself as culpable in some degree for having so long delayed the performance of a good action, and suf- fered his benevolence to be defeated for a want of quickness and diligence. it Beneficence to Debtors and Robbers. (a) REV. JOHN WESLEY AND HIS LIKENESS.— Mr. Dudley was one evening taking tea with that emi- nent artist, Mr. Culy, when he asked him whether he had seen his gallery of busts. Mr. Dudley answering in the negative, and expressing a wish to be gratified with a sight of it, Mr. Culy conducted him thither, and after admiring the busts of the several great men of the day, he came to one which particularly attracted his notice, and on inquiry found it was the likeness of the Rev. John Wesley. " This bust," said Culy, " struck Lord Shel bourne in the same manner it does you, and there is a re- markable fact connected with it, which, as I know you are fond of anecdote, I will relate to you precisely in the same manner and words that I did to him. * My lord,' said I, ' perhaps you have heard of John Wesley, the founder of the Methodists V ' Oh, yes,' he re- plied ; ' he — that race of fanatics V ' Well, my lord ; Mr. Wesley had often been urged to have his picture taken, but he always refused, alleging as a reason that he thought it nothing but vanity ; indeed, so frequently had he been pressed on this point, that his friends were reluctantly compelled to give up the idea. One day he called on me on the business of our church. I began the old subject of entreating him to allow me to take off his likeness. * Well,' said I, ' knowing you value money for the means of doing good, if you will grant my request, I will en- gage to give you ten guineas for the first ten minutes that you sit, and for every minute that exceeds that time you shall receive a guinea.' ' What !' said Mr. Wesley ; * Do I understand you 92 aright, that you will give me ten guineas for having my picture taken ? Well, I agree to it.' He then stripped ofT his coat, and lay on the sofa, and in eight minutes 1 had the most perfect bust I had ever taken. He then washed his face, and I counted to him ten guineas into his hand. ' Well,' said he, turn- ing to his companion, ' I never till now- earned money so speedily ; but what shall we do with it?' They then wished me a good-morning, and pro- ceeded over Westminster Bridge. The first object that presented itself to their view was a poor woman crying bitterly, with three children hanging round her, each sobbing, though apparently too young to understand their mother's grief. On inquiring the cause of her distress, Mr. Wesley learned that the creditors of her husband were dragging him to prison, after having sold their effects, which were inadequate to pay the debt by eighteen shillings, which the creditors declared should be paid. One guinea made her happy ! They then proceeded on, followed by the blessings of the now happy mother. On Mr. Wes- ley's inquiring of Mr. Barton, his friend, where their charity was most needed, he replied he knew of no place where his money would be more acceptable than in Giltspur-street Compter. They accord- ingly repaired thither, and on asking the turnkey to point out the most miser- able object under his care, he answered, if they were come in search of poverty, they need not go far. The first ward they entered they were struck with the appearance of a poor wretch who was greedily eating some potato skins. On being questioned, he informed them that he had been in that situation, supported by the casual alms of compassionate strangers, for several months, without any hope of release, and that he was confined for the debt of half a guinea. On hearing this, Mr. Wesley gave him a guinea, which he received with the utmost gratitude, and he had the plea- sure of seeing him liberated with half a guinea in his pocket. The poor man, on leaving his place of confinement, said, ' Gentlemen, as you came here in search of poverty, pray go up stairs, if it be not too late.' They instantly pro- BENEFICENCE TO DEBTORS AND ROBBERS. 43 ceeded thither, and beheld a sight which called forth all their compassion. On a low stool, with his back towards them, sat a man, or rather a skeleton, for he was literally nothing but skin and bone ; his hand supported his head, and his eyes seemed to be riveted on the opposite corner of the chamber, where lay stretched out on a pallet of straw a young woman, in the last stage of con- sumption, apparently lifeless, with an infant by her side, which was quite dead. Mr. Wesley immediately sent for medical assistance, but it was too late for the unfortunate female, who expired a few hours afterwards from starvation, as the doctor declared. You may imagine, my lord, that the remain- ing eight guineas would not go far in aiding such distress as this. No ex- pense was spared for the relief of the now only surviving sufferer. But so ex- treme was the weakness to which he was reduced, that six weeks elapsed before he could speak sufficiently to relate his own history. It appeared that he had been a reputable merchant, and had mar- ried a beautiful young lady, eminently accomplished, whom he almost idolized. They lived happily together for some time, until, by failure of a speculation in which his whole property was em- barked, he was completely ruined. No sooner did he become acquainted with his misfortune than he called all his creditors together, and laid before them the state of his affairs, showing them his books, which were in the most per- fect order. They all willingly signed the dividend except the lawyer, who owed his rise in the world to this mer- chant ; the sum was two hundred and fifty pounds, for which he obstinately declared he should be sent to jail. It was in vain the creditors urged him to pity his forlorn condition, and to con- sider his great respectability ; that feel- ing was a stranger to his breast, and in spite of all their remonstrances, he was hurried away to prison, followed by his weeping wife. As she was very ac- complished, she continued to maintain herself and her husband for some time solely by the use of her pencil, in paint- ing small ornaments on cards ; and thus they managed to put a little aside for the time of her confinement. But so long an illness succeeded this event, that she was completely incapacitated from exerting herself for their subsistence, and their scanty savings were soon ex- pended by procuring the necessaries which her situation then required. They were driven to pawn their clothes, and their resources failing, they found them- selves at last reduced to absolute star- vation. The poor infant had just ex- pired from want, and the hapless mother was about to follow it to the grave when Mr. Wesley and his friend entered ; and, as I before said, the husband was so reduced from the same cause, that, without the utmost care, he must have fallen a sacrifice ; and as Mr. Wesley, who was not for doing things by halves, had acquainted himself with this case of extreme misery, he went to the cre- ditors and informed them of it. They were beyond measure astonished to learn what he had to name to them ; for so long a time had elapsed without hearing any thing of the merchant or his family, some supposed him to be dead, and others that he had left the country. Among the rest he called on the lawyer, and painted to him, in the most glowing colors, the wretchedness he had beheld, and which he (the lawyer) had been instrumental in causing ; but even this could not move him to compassion. He declared the merchant should not leave the prison without paying him every farthing ! Mr. Wesley repeated his visit to the other creditors, who, con- sidering the case of the sufferer, agreed to raise the sum and release him. Some gave one hundred pounds, others two hundred pounds, and another three hun- dred pounds. The affairs of the mer- chant took a different turn : God seemed to prosper him, and in the second year he called his creditors together, thanked them for their kindness, and paid the sum so generously obtained. Success continuing to attend him, he was ena- bled to pay all his debts, and afterwards realized considerable property. His afflictions made such a deep impression upon his mind, that de determined to remove the possibility of others suffer- ing from the same cause, and for this purpose advanced a considerable sum 93 43 BENEFICENCE. as a foundation fund for the relief of small debtors. And the very first per- son who partook of the same was the inexorable laioyer .'" This remarkable fact so entirely con- vinced Lord Sliolbourne of the mistaken opinion he had formed of Mr. Wesley, that he immediately ordered a dozen of busts to embellish the grounds of his beautiful residence. {h) WASHINGTON'S DEBTOR.— One Reuben Rouzy, of Virginia, owed the general about one thousand pounds. While President of the United States, one of his agents brought an action for the money ; judgment was obtained, and execution issuedagainst the body of the defendant, who was taken to jail. He had a considerable landed estate, but this kind of property cannot be sold in Vir- ginia for debts unless at the discretion of the person. He had a large family, and for the sake of his children prefer- red lying in jail to selling his land. A friend hinted to him that probably Gen- eral Washington did not know any thing of the proceeding, and that it might be well to send him a petition, with a state- ment of the circumstances. He did so, and the very next post from Philadelphia after the arrival of his petition in that city brought him an order for his imme- diate release, together with a full dis- charge, and a severe reprimand to the agent for having acted in such a man- ner. Poor Rouzy was, in consequence, restored to his family, who never laid down their heads at night without pre- senting prayers to Heaven for their " beloved Washington." Providence smiled upon the labors of the grateful family, and in a ^ew years Rouzy en- joyed the exquisite pleasure of being able to lay the one thousand pounds, with the int^est, at the feet of this truly great man. Washington reminded him that the debt was discharged ; Rouzy replied, the debt of his family to the father of their country and preserver of their parent could never be discharged ; and the general, to avoid the pressing importunity of the grateful Virginian, who would not be denied, accepted the money, only, however, to divide it among Rouzy's children, which he im- mediately did. 94 (c) M. DeSALLO and the ROBBER.— In the year 1662, when Paris was afflicted with a long and se- vere famine, Mons.eur de Sallo, return- ing from a summer evening's walk ac- companied with only a page, was accost- ed by a man who presented his pistol, and, in a manner far from hardened resolution, asked him for his money. M. de Sallo, observing that he came to the wrong person, and that he could ob- tain but little from him, added, " I have but three pistoles, which are not worth a scuffle, so, much good may it do you with them ; but, like a friend, let me tell you, you are going on in a very bad way." The robber took them, and without asking him for more, walked away with an air of dejection and terror. The fellow was no sooner gone than M. de Sallo ordered his page to follow the robber, to observe where he went, and to bring him an account of all he should discover. The boy obeyed, pursued him through several obscure streets, and at length saw him enter a baker's shop, where he observed him change one of the pistoles and buy a large brown loaf; with this salutary pur- chase the robber went a few doors far- ther, and, entering an alley, ascended several flights of stairs. The boy crept up after him to the topmost story, where he saw him go into a room which was no otherwise illuminated than by the friendly light of the moon ; and, peep- ing through a crevice, he perceived the wretched man cast the loaf upon the floor, and, bursting into tears, cry out, " There, eat your fill ; this is the dear- est loaf I ever bought ; I have robbed a gentleman of three pistoles ; let us hus- band them well, and let me have no more teazings ; for, soon or late, these doings must bring me to ruin." His wife, having calmed the agony of his mind, took up the loaf, and, cutting it, gave four pieces, to four poor starving children. The page, having thus performed his commission, returned home and gave his master an account of all he had seen and heard. De Sallo, who was much moved (what Christian breast can be unmoved at distress like this !), com- manded the boy to call him at five the BENEFICENCE TO DEBTORS AND ROBBERS. 43 next morning. He rose accordingly, 1 and took his boy with him to show him the way : he inquired of his neighbors the character of a man who lived in such a garret, with a wife and four children ; by whom he was informed that he was a very industrious man, a tender husband, and a quiet neighbor ; that his occupation was that of a shoe- maker, and that he was a neat work- man ; but was overburdened with a family, and struggled hard to live in such dear times. Satisfied with this account, M. de Sallo ascended to the shoemaker's lodging, and, knocking at the door, it was opened by^ the unhappy man himself; who, knowing him at first sight to be the gentleman whom he had robbed, prostrated himself at his feet. M. de Sallo desired him to make no noise, assuring him he had not the least intention to hurt him. " You have a good character," said he, " among your neighbors, but you must expect your life will be cut short if you are so wick- ed as to continue the freedoms you took with me. Hold your hand ; here are thirty pistoles to buy leather ; husband it well, and set your children a laudable example. To put you out of further temptations to commit such ruinous and fatal crimes, I will encourage your in- dustry. I hear you are a neat workman ; you shall therefore now take measure of me and my lad for two pairs of shoes each, and he shall call upon you for them." The whole family seemed absorbed in joy ; amazement and grati- tude in some measure deprived them of speech. M. de Sallo departed, greatly moved, and with a mind replete with satisfaction at having saved a man from the commission of guilt, from an ignomin- ious death, and, perhaps, from everlast- ing misery. Never was a day much better begun ; the consciousness of having performed such an action, whenever it recurs to the mind, must be attended with pleas- ure, and that self-complacency which is more desirable than gold will be ever the attendant on such truly Christian charity (d) A ROBBER BEFRIENDED. — A young man was stopped in a little street in one of the cities of France ; his purse or his life was demanded. A courageous and sensible heart soon dis- tinguishes between the voice of the unfortunate v/retch, whom misery drags to crime, and that of the villain whose wickedness prompts him to it. The young man felt that it was an unfortu- nate person whom he ought to save. " What do you ask, miserable creature, what do you ask ?" said he in an im- posing tone to his aggressor. " Nothing sir," answered a sobbing voice ; " I ask nothing of you." '•' Who are you ? what do you do ?" " I am a poor journeyman shoemaker, without the means of supporting my wife and four children." " I do not know whether you speak the truth. Where do you live ? " " In such a street, at a baker's house." " We shall see, lead the way." The shoemaker awed by his firmness, led him to his abode as he would have led him to the bottom of a dungeon. They arrived at the baker's. There was none but a woman in the shop. " Madam, do you know this man ?" " Yes, sir, he is a poor journeyman shoemaker who lives in the fifth story, and who has much difficulty in sustain- ing his numerous family." " How can you let him want bread ?" " Sir, we are young people, newly established ; we cannot give much ; my husband does not wish me to give more than twenty-four cents credit to this man." " Give him two loaves of bread. Take these two loaves, and mount to your room." The shoemaker obeys, as much- agi- tated as if he were about to commit some crime, but in a very different kind of trouble. They enter. The wife and children eagerly take the food which is ofTered them. The young man has seen too much. He goes out, after giving two louis to the baker's wife, with orders to supply the family with bread according to their wants. Some days after he returns to see the children, to whom he has given a second life, and he tells their father to follow him. He conducts his poor protege into a shop, well built and well furnished with tools, and all the necessary materials 95 44 BENEFICENCE. for working at his trade. " Would you be contented and happy if this shop were yours ?" " Ah sir, but alas !" " What ?" "I have- not the freeman's right, and it costs"— " Take me to the syndic jury." The license was bought, and the shoemaker placed in the shop. The author of so fine an act of hu- manity, was a young man about twenty- seven years old. It is calculated that the establishment of this workman cost him from three to four thousand livres. He is not known, and useless research- es have been made to discover him. 44. Miscellaneous Examples. (a) BAYARD AND HIS HOS- TESS. — When Bresse was taken by storm from the Venetians, the Chevalier Bayard saved a house from plunder whither he had retired to have a dan- gerous wound dressed ; and he secured the mistress of the family and her two daughters who were hid in it. At his departure the lady, as a mark of her gratitude, offered him a casket, contain- ing two thousand five hundred ducats, which he obstinately refused ; but ob- serving the refusal was very displeasing to her, and not caring to leave her dis- satisfied, he consented to accept of her present ; an4 calling to him the two young ladies to take leave of them, he presented each of them with a thousand ducats, to be added to their marriage portion, and left the remaining five hundred to be distributed among the inhabitants who had been plundered. (b) BENEFICENCE OF LUTH- ER. — Disinterestedness was a leading feature in the character of Luther : superior to all selfish considerations, he left the honors and emoluments of this world to those who delighted in them. The poverty of this great man did not arise from wanting the means of acquir- ing riches ; for few men have had it in their power more easily to obtain them. The Elector of Saxony ofTered him the produce of a mine at Sneberg ; but he nobly refused it ; " Lest," said he, " I should tempt the devil, who is lord of 96 these subterraneous treasures, to tempt me." The enemies of Luther were no strangers to his contempt for gold. When one of the popes asked a certain car- dinal, why they did no stop that man's mouth with silver and gold ; his emi- nence replied, " That German beast regards not money !" It may easily be supposed, that the liberality of such a man would oflen exceed his means. A poor student once telling him of his poverty, he desired his wife to give him a sum of money ; and when she in- formed him they had none left, he immediately seized a cup of some value, which accidjentally stood within his reach, and giving it to the poor man, bade him go and sell it, and keep the money to supply his wants. In one of his epistles, Luther says, " I have re- ceived one hundred guilders from Tau- bereim ; and Schartts has given me fifty ; so that I begin to fear, lest God should reward me in this life. But I will not be satisfied with it. What have I to do with so much money ! I gave half of it to P. Priorus, and made the man glad." (c) SIR PHILIP SIDNEY.— This eminent man was governor of Flushing, (Neth.) and general of the horse, under his uncle, the Earl of Leicester. His va- lor, which was esteemed great, and not exceeded by any of his age, was at least equalled by his humanity. After he had received his death wound, at the battle of Zutphen, and was overcome with thirst from excessive bleeding, he called for drink, which was soon brought him. At the same time, a poor soldier, dangerously wounded, was carried along, who fixed his eager eyes upon the bottle just as Sir Philip was lifting it to his mouth. Sir Philip immediately presented it to him, with the remark, " Thy necessity is greater than mine." (d) GEORGE III. AND THE POOR MECHANIC— The Rev. A. Redford, in his funeral sermon for this benevolent ■ monarch, states that a re- spectable mechanic, who had the honor and happiness to be personally known to his majesty, was, through affliction in his family, brought into great pecuniary straits. He was advised to present a petition to the king, stating his circum- MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 44 stances. He did so ; and his majesty was pleased to appoint a certain hour on the next morning, when he was or- dered to be in waiting. He went ac- cordingly to the gate of the queen's lodge, but through diffidence did not ring for admittance. He lingered until the appointed time was past by a few minutes, when the king came out with some attendants. He instantly observ- ed the petitioner, and said rather sharp- ly, "I desired you to be here precisely at such an hour ; it is now five minutes past the time ; you know that I am punctual." His majesty condescend- ingly turned back, saying, " Follow me." He proceeded through several rooms, into his private closet ; and hav- ing shut the door, went to his desk, and took out a purse and gave it to the applicant, and said, " There is money to pay your debts, and a trifle for your- self." The humble petitioner, over- whelmed with the king's goodness, drop- ped on his knees, and made a stammer- ing effort to thank his king, but a flood of tears prevented him. His majesty instantly put forth his hand, and with con- siderable emotion exclaimed, "Get up, get up ; thank God that I have it in my power to help an honest man." (e) THE DROWNING SAILORS. — Two boats, some time ago, were sent out from Dover to relieve a vessel in distress. The fury of the tempest over- set one of them, which contained three sailors, and one of them sunk. The two remaining sailors were floating on the deep ; a rope was thrown to one of them from the other boat, but he refused it, crying out, " Fling it to Tom, he is just ready to go down ; I can last some time longer." They did so; Tom was drawn into the boat. The rope was then flung to the generous tar, just in time to save him from drowning also. (/) SAVE HIM FIRST.- An ac- cident occurred in a coal pit near Bit- ton, in Gloucestershire, when six lives were lost. At the moment when the iron handle of the cart, in which the un- fortunate men were, snapped asunder, a man and a boy, who were hanging on the rope above, made a sudden spring, and most providentially laid hold of a chain which is always hanging at the side of 7 the pit as a guide. As soon as possible, after the accident was known at the top of the pit, and it was ascertained that some one was clinging to the side, a man was sent down with a rope and noose to render assistance. He came first, in his descent, to a boy named Daniel Harding, and on his reaching him, the noble-minded lad instantly cried out, " Don't mind me, I can still hold on a little ; but Joseph Bawn, who is a little lower dov/n, is nearly ex- hausted ; save him first." The person went on, and found Joseph Bawn, as described by his companion, and, after bringing him safely up, again descended and succeeded in restoring the gallant boy to light and safety. When we state that the time which elapsed from the moment of the accident till the boy was brought up was from fifteen to twenty minutes, his fortitude and hero- ism will be duly appreciated. (g) DR. FOTHERGILL'S GIFT.— Dr. Fothergill, the botanist, remarked, when about purchasing a property which would leave a poor family des- titute, that nothing could afford gratifi- cation to him which entailed misery upon another ; and then gave the property to them. (A) RESIGNING A LEGACY.— Dr. Crow, chaplain to Bishop Gibson, bequeathed him two thousand five hun- dred pounds; but the bishop, under- standing the doctor had left some poor relations, nobly resigned the whole legacy in their favor. (0 THE AUTHOR AND HIS MANUSCRIPTS.— We translate the following anecdote from the Berlin Evangelische Zeitung. To a learned man, particularly if he is much of a recluse, nothing among all earthly pos- sessions lies so near the heart, as the manuscript upon which he has spent the flower of youth and the strength of manhood. Regens, a venerable Ger- man divine, had, in the year 1809, a very learned manuscript work upon the Prophets, lying in his cloister, and with it many costly books, which he had acquired by the pains and sacrifices of almost a whole life. In another part of the town there lay, after a battle which had shortly before taken place, many 97 44^ 45 BENEFICENCE. persons severely wounded and dying, to whom Regcns had afforded divine consohition and refreshment for the mind as well as the body. By means of a heavy bombardment, the town was set on fire in different quarters, and the mon- astery, in which were the manuscripts and books, was in flames at one and the same time with the buildings in which lay the sick and dying. While others were intent on their own safety and that of their property, this noble disciple of Christ soon decided what he should do ; he let his manuscripts, this labor of many years, and the costly books, burn, and carried the sick and dying, upon his own shoulders, forth from the flames ! (j) COWPER'S BENEVOLENCE. — "Ifthereisa good man on earth," ILord Thurlow was wont to say, " it is William Cowper." From his child- hood, he possessed a heart of the most exquisite tenderness and sensibility. His life was ennobled by many private acts of beneficence ; and his exemplary virtue was such, tlmt the opulent some- times delighted to make him their al- moner. In his sequestered life at Olney he administered abundantly to the wants of the poor : and before he quitted St. Alban's, he took upon himself the charge of a necessitous child, in order to extricate him from the perils of be- ing educated by very profligate parents ; this child he educated, and afterwards had him settled at Oundle, in North- amptonshire. -45. Beneficence Rewarded by its own Exercise. (a) TESTIMONY OF CATO.— When Cato was drawing near the close of his life, he declared to his friends, that the greatest comfort of his old age, and that which gave him the highest satisfaction, was the pleasing remem- brance of the many benefits and friendly offices he had done to others. To see them easy and happy by his means made him truly so. (b) EXAMPLE OF JULIUS C^- SAR. — It was a common saying of Julius Caesar, that no music was so * charming to his ear as the requests of 98 his friends and the supplications of tho^ in want of his assistance. (c) AURELIUS AND ANTONY. — Marcus Aurelius tells us that ho could not relish a happiness whicii no- body shared in but himself. Mark Antony, when depressed, and at the ebb of fortune, cried out "That he had loMt all, except what he had given away." {d) BURNET'S PLEASURE.— One of Bishop Burnet's parishioners, being in great distress, applied to him for assistance. The prelate requested to know what would serve him, and reinstate him in his trade. The man named the sum, and Burnet told the ser- vant to give it to him. " Sir," said the servant, " it is all that we have in the house." " Well, give it to this poor man ; you do not know the pleasure there is in making a man glad." (e) HOWE'S TURN.— During the days of the commonwealth, the Rev. John Howe, one of Cromwell's chaplains, was frequently applied to by men of all parties for protection, nor did he refuse his influence to any an account of dif- ference in religious opinions. One day^ the Protector said to him, " Mr. Howe, you have asked favors for every body besides yourself; pray, when does your turn come ?" He replied, " My turn, my Lord Protector, is always come when I can serve another." (/) MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN RECEIVE.— A gentleman called on Mr. H , to solicit his aid towards the erection of a Sunday school room in a poor and populous district. Mr. H. contributed, and the gentleman began to thank him for his contribution, when he prevented him by saying, " 1 beg you will give me no thanks : 1 thank you for giving me an opportunity of doing what is good for myself. I am thankful to God for the experience I have had, that ' it is more blessed to give than to receive.' " (g) THE EMPEROR AND THE* PEASANT.— Alexander, the late Em- peror of Russia, in one of his journeys, came to a spot where they had just dragged out of the water a peasant, who appeared lifeless. He instantly alighted, had the man laid on the side of the bank, and immediately proceeded to BENEFICENCE REWARDED BY ITS OWN EXERCISE. 45 strip him, and to rub his temples, wrists, \Sz;c. Dr, Wyllie, his majesty's phy- sician, attempted to bleed the patient, but in vain; and after three hours' fruitless attempts to recover him, the doctor declared that it was useless to proceed any farther. The emperor entreated Dr. Wyllie to persevere, and make another attempt to bleed him. The doctor, though he had not the slightest hope of success, proceeded to obey the injunctions of his majesty, who, with some of his attendants, made a last effort at rubbing. At length the emperor had the inexpressible satisfac- tion of seeing the blood make its ap- pearance, while the poor peasant utter- ed a feeble groan. His majesty, in a transport of joy, exclaimed that this was the brightest day of his life, while tears stole involuntarily down his cheek. Their exertions were now redoubled : the emperor tore his handkerchief, and bound the arm of the patient, nor did he leave him till he was quite recovered. (h) THE COURAGEOUS NURSE. —The typhas fever, in its alarming and •contagious form, spread in a certain village. The neighborhood was in con- sternation, and none but the medical men were willing to venture near the patients. * Who then could nurse them ? There was one poor woman Mdio was very often ridiculed for her strict reli- gious notions, and for being so very particular in her ways, and for walking in all weathers to attend Divine worship, at a considerable distance. This poor woman alone attended the suff*erers, leaving her own children in the care of her eldest son. She nursed and soothed the sick, attended their dying beds, and performed the last decent offices for those who expired. At this time she desired to attend the Lord's table, and her minister heard from her this simple statement, made with much modesty. She wished to be informed whether the principle on which she acted was quite right, as many had blamed her, and she added, " Sir, I cannot be happy to do otherwise ; besides, I can speak to them a little about their souls." Her own views and feelings were those of a sinner humbled before the cross, subdued to the world, and yielding herself and all she loved into the hands of a gracious Savior. She persevered in her work and la- bor of love ; she caught the infection, suffered severely, and but just escaped with her life : the effects of the disease remained, and her once comely person was much altered. Yet with joy of heart she spoke to her pastor afterwards of her sufferings, and her only sorrow appeared to arise from the sad thought that some of her patients had expired without any apparent change of heart ! God mercifully preserved her husband and all her family from the infection. This humble creature did not display these things as a proof that she had faith, but even those who blamed her were constrained to notice its fruits. The grace of God evidently spread its in- fluence in that village, especially among the young ; and even those who despised her holy life and conversation, which they called her peculiarities, were con- strained to say that she had shown her faith by her works. (i) AN OCCASION OF GRATI- TUDE. — Not many years since, (says a correspondent of the New- York Evan- gelist, in 1830,) I had occasion to solicit funds to aid in the prosecution of a work of benevolence. I stepped into the office of a Christian brother, with whom I had a partial acquaintance, and inci- dentally mentioned the unpleasant busi- ness before me, and inquired of him for the residence of a certain benevolent individual, and added that I hoped to get one dollar of him. After receiving directions, 1 turned to go out: "But stop," said this brother, " suppose you let me have the privilege of contributing a little of the money which the Lord has lent me, to this cause. Put down ^100 for me." 1 expressed my surprise that he should contribute so liberally, and remarked that I should feel myself in duty bound not to call on him very soon on a similar errand. " Well then," said he, " my brother, I think you will very much mistake your duty. If you knew how much pleasure it gave me to contribute of my substance to the Lord, you would feel no reluctance in calling again. And now let me charge you, when engaged in similar business, never 99 45,46 BENEPICENCR to pass me by. Call, and I think I shall be able to do something ; and if not, my prayers shall go with you." 0) FLETCHER'S GRATITUDE. —The Rev. J. W. Fletcher, of Made- ley, and his wife, once visited Dublin for a few weeks. After his last sermon, he was pressed to accept a sum of ratoney as an acknowledgment for his impor- tant services. He firmly refused it, but his friend continued to urge it upon him. He at length took the purse in his handy and said, "Well, do you really force it upon me ? Must I accept of it ? Is it entirely mine ? And may I do with it as I please ?" " Yes^ yesy" was the reply. " God be praised, then; God be praised," said he, casting his brimful eyes to heaven ; " behold what a mercy is here ! Your poor's fund was just out r I heard some of you complaining that it never was so low before. Take this purse ; God has sent it you, raised it among yourselves, and bestowed it upon your poor. It is sacred to them, God be praised ! I thank you, I heartily thank you, my dear kind brethren." (k) BIBLE SOCIETY IN SALIES. — The church of Salies, (Basses, Py- renees,) had been without collections for the poor, or those which had been made were so small that no good could be done with their produce. A Bible Society was established. After that time, Christians paid more attention to their Christian duties; the poor's box was richly replenished ; system was in- troduced into the distribution of alms during the rigor of winter ; four or five families, who had suffered by fire, were aided ; wood was furnished to the poor, food to the aged, clothing to those in infancy, bread was distributed, <&;c. During the same year, the number of subscribers to the Bible Society was raised from fifty to two hundred and FIFTY. 46. Beneficence Rewarded by Gratitude and Respect. (a) CROMWELL AND THE FLO- RENTINE MERCHANT.— Francis Frescobald, a Florentine merchant, de- scended of a noble family in Italy, had 100 gained a plentiful fortune, of which he was liberal-handed to all in necessity ;• which being well known to others,- though concealed by hin>self^ a young stranger applied to him for charity.^ Signior Frescobald, seeing sometliing in his countenance more than ordinary^ overlookod his tattered clothes, and com- passionating his circumstances, asked him what be was, and of what country. " I am," answered the young man, " a native of England ; my name is Thomas Cromwell, and my father-fn-law is a poor shire-man. I left my country ta seek my fortune ; came with the French army that were routed at Gatylion, where I was page to a footman, and carried his pike and burgonet after him." Frescobald commiserating his necessities, and having a particular re- spect for the English nation, clotheci him genteelly, took him into his house* till he had recovered strength by better diet, and, at his taking leave, mounted him on a good horse, with sixteen ducats of gold in his pockets. Cromwell ex- pressed his thankfulness in a very sen- sible manner, and returned by land towards England ; where, being arrived^ he was preferred into the service of Cardinal Wolsey. After the cardinal's deaths h'& worked himself so efiectually into the favor of King Heniy VIIF, that his majesty made him a baron, viscount. Earl of Essex, and, at last, lord chancellor of England. In the meantime, Signior Frescobald, by repeated losses at sea and land, was reduced to poverty ; andy calling to mind, without ever thinking' of Cromwell, that some English mer- chants were indebted to him in the suny of fifteen thousand ducats, he came to' London to procure payment. Travelling in pursuit of this affair, he fortunately met with the lord chan- cellor, as he was riding to court ; who, thinking him to be the sanae gentleman that had done him such great kindness in Italy, immediately alighted, em- braced him, and, with tears of joy, askecf him if he was not Signior Francis Fres- cobald, a Florentine merchant. " Yes,, sir," said he, " and your most humble servant." " My servant P said the chancellor. " No; you are my special BENEFICENCE REWARDED BY GRATITUDE AND RESPECT. 46 friend, that relieved me in my wants, laid the foundation of my greatness, and as such I receive you ; and since the affairs of my sovereign will not now permit a longer conference, I beg you will oblige me this day with your company at my house to dine with «ne." Signior Frescobald was surprised and astonished with admiration who this great man should be, that acknowledged such obligations, and so passionately expressed a kindness for him ; but, con- templating awhile his mien, his voice and carriage, he concluded it to be Cromwell, whom he had relieved at Florence ; and, therefore, not a little overjoyed, went to his house. His lord- ship came soon after, and taking his friend by the hand, turned to the lord high adrtiiral, and other noblemen in his company, saying, " Do not your lordships wonder that I am so glad to see this gentleman ? This is he who first contributed to my advancement." He then told them the whole story, and holding him still by the hand, led him into the dining-room, and placed him next himself at table. The company being gone, the chancellor made use of this opportunity to know what affair had brou in some degree imitate. (c) THE RECTOR AND THE POOR BOY.— An indigent boy applied for alms at the house of an avaricious BENEVOLENCE MISDIRECTED. 4§, 49 rector, and received a dry mouldy crust. The recior inquired of the boy if he could say the Lord's Prayer, and was answered in the negative. •' Then," said the rector, " I will teach you that.'" ^' Our Father !"— " Our Father !" said the boy, " is he my Father as well as yours V^ '" Yes, certainly." "Then," replied the boy, " how could you give your poor brother this mouldy crust of bread r' (d) FEELING IN THE WRONG PLACE. — A plain, good-hearted, mat- ter-of-fact kind of man, who understood that a poor woman and her family were reduced to extreme distress by the loss of a cow, which was their principal support, generously went round among his neighbors to solicit that aid which he was unable to give himself. He told a plain, simple, and pathetic tale, and received from each a very liberal donation of regret, sorrow, sympathy, OF SIR WILLIAM JONES.— Sir William Jones, whose interesting writings on oriental subjects elucidated many obscure paints in Scripture his- tory, was a general scholar, and em- bellished and adorned every subject that passed under his elegant pen. On the blankleaf of his Bible, the following finely conceived description was found written r — " I have regularly and atten- tively perused these Holy Scriptures, and am of opinion that this volume, independently of its Divine origin, con- tains more true sublimity, more exqui- site beauty, more pure morality, more important history, and finer strains of poetry and eloquence, than can be col- lected from all other books, in whatever age or language they may have been written. The un'^trained application of them to events which took place long after the publication, is a solid ground for belief that they are genuine produc- tions, and consequently inspired." (b) OF DR. AMES.— Fisher Ames, a distinguished, American statesman and orator, who died in 1808, was ar- dently attached to the Bible. He la- mented its prevailing disuse in schools, and thought that children should be well acquainted with it, both on ac- count of the all-important truths it con- tains, and because they would thus learn the English language in its purity. He was accustomed to say, " I will hazard the assertion, that no man ever did, or ever will, become truly eloquent, without being a constant reader of the Bible, and an admirer of the purity and sublimity of its language.'' (c) OF PATRICK HENRY.— This distinguished man was a native of Vir- ginia, of which state he became gov- ernor. He was eminent through life as a statesman and an orator. A little before his death, he remarked to a friend, who found him reading his Bible, " Here is a book worth more than all the other books which ever were print- ed ; yet it is my misfortune never to have, till lately, found time to read it with proper attention and feeling." TESTIMONY OF DISTINGUISHED PERSONS TO ITS VALUE. 55 (d) OF DR. JOHNSON.— Dr. Sam- uel Johnson is distinguished as a writer on morals ; his compositions have sel- dom been excelled in energy of thought aud beauty of expression. To a young gentleman, who visited him on his death- bed, he said, " Young man,* attend to the voice of one who has possessed a certain degree of fame in the world, and who will shortly appear before his Maker : read the Bible every day of your life." (e) OR I)R. ,ERAJNIKL1N.— At the time when the celebrated Dr. Franklin lay upon his death-bed, he was visited by a young man who had a great re- spect for his judgment in all things; and having entertained doubts as to the truth of the Scriptures, he thought that this awful period afforded a suitable opportunity of consulting the doctor on this important subject. Accordingly, he introduced it in a solemn and weighty manner, inquiring of Franklin what were his sentiments as to the truth of the Scriptures. On the question being put, although he was in a very weak state, and near his decease, he replied, " Young man, my advice to you is, that you cultivate an acquaintance with, and a firm belief in, the Holy Scrip, tures : this is your certain interest." (/•) OF WILLIAM COLLINS.— Collins is Well tno\vn"^s ~a celebrated English poet. In the latter part of his life, he withdrew from his general studies, and travelled with no other book than an English New Testament, such as children carry to school. A friend was anxious to know what com- panion a man of letters had chosen ; the poet said, " I have only one book, but that book is the best." (g) OF MONSIEUR BAIJTAIN.— M. L. Bautain, a professor of philo- sophy at Strasburgh, has furnished an account of the power of the Scriptures on his heart: — "A single book has saved me ; but that book is not of hu- man origin. Long had I despised it ; long had I deemed it a class-book for the credulous and ignorant ; until, hav- mg investigated the gospel of Christ, with an ardent desire to ascertain its truth or falsity, its pages proffered to my inquiries the sublimest knowledge of man and nature, and the simplest, and at the same time, the most exalted system of moral ethics. Faith, hope, and charity were enkindled in my bosom ; and every advancing step strengthened me in the conviction, that the morals of this book are superior to human morals, as its oracles are supe- rior to human opinions." (h) OF .COUNT OXENSTEIN.— It is stated, by the celebrated William Penn, that Count Oxenstein, chancellor of Sweden, being visited, in his retreat from public business, by commissioner Whitlock, ambassador from England to Queen Christiana, in the conclusion of their discourse, he said to the am- bassador, " I have seen much and en- joyed much of this world ; but I never knew how to live till now. I thank my good God, who has given me time to know him and likewise myself All the comfort I have, and all the comfort I take, and which is more than the whole world can give, is the knowledge of God's love in my heart, and the read- ing in this blessed book," laying his hand on the Bible. " You are now," he continued, " in the prime of your age and vigor, and in great favor and business ; but this will all leave you, and you will one day better understand and relish what I say to you : then you will find that there is more wisdom, truth, comfort, and pleasure, in retiring and turning 3^our heart from the world, in the good Spirit of God, and in read- ing his sacred word, than in all the courts and favors of princes." (0 OF JOHN J[.eeKE.— Locke spent the lasTlourteen years of his life in the study of the Bible ; and he wrote " The Common Place Book of the Scrip- tures," which is an invaluable fruit of his Scripture Studies. These facts of themselves give the strongest proof of the high estimation in which this pro- found thinker, and acute metaphysician, held the Christian Writings. He ad- mired the wisdom and goodness of God in the method of salvation they reveal ; and, it is said, that when he thought up- on it, he could not forbear crying out, " O the depths of the riches of the goodness and the knowledge of God !" He was persuaded, that men would 133 &e BIBLE. be convinced of this by reading the Scriptures without prejudice ; and he frequently exhorted those with whom he conversed, to a serious study of these sacred writings. A relative inquired of him, what was the shortest and surest way for a young gentleman to attain a true knowledge of the Christian religion ? " Let him STUDY," said the philosopher, "the Holy Scriptures, especially in the New Testament. Therein are con- tained the words of eternal life. It has God for its author, Salva- tion FOR its end, and Truth with- OUT ANY MIXTURE OF ERROR FOR ITS MATTER." §6. Testimony of Infidels. (a) "WE WILL NOT BURN THAT BOOK TILL WE GET A BETTER."— A society of gentlemen, most of whom had enjoyed a liberal education, and were persons of polished manners, but had unhappily imbibed in- fidel principles, used to assemble at each others' houses, for the purpose of ridi- culing the Scriptures, and hardening one another in their unbelief. At last, they unanimously formed a resolution solemnly to burn the Bible, and so to be troubled no more with a book which was so hostile to their principles, and disquieting to their conscience. The day fixed upon arrived ; a large fire was prepared ; a Bible was laid on the table, and a flowing bowl ready to drink its dirge. For the execution of their plan, they fixed upon a gentleman of high birth, brilliant vivacity, and ele- gance of manners. He undertook the task ; and, after a few enlivening glasses, amidst the applause of his jovi- al compeers, he approached the table, tcx)k up the Bible, and was walking lei- surely forward to put it into the fire ; but, happening to give it a look, he was seized with trembling ; paleness over- spread his countenance, and he seemed convulsed. He returned to the table, and, laying down the Bible, said, with a strong asseveration, " We will not burn that book till we get a belter.^' Soon afler this, the same gay and lively young gentleman died, and on liis 134 death-bed was led to true repentance, deriving unshaken hopes of forgiveness" and of future blessedness from that book which he was once going to burn. He found it, indeed, the best book, not only for a living, but a dying hour. (b) DIDEROT'S CONFESSION. — It is related, that one day Mr. Beau-, zet, a member of the French Academy, went to see Diderot, one of the cham- pions of infidelity ; he found him ex- plaining a chapter of the gospel to his daughter, as seriously, and with the concern of a most Christian parent. Mr. Beauzet expressed his surprise. " I understand you," said Diderot, "but in truth what better lesson could I give her?" HAPPY EFPECTS OF THE BIBLE. 67. Morality Promoted. (a) THE TAILOR'S ASSOCI- ATES. — A Bible was sold, at a reduc- ed price to a tailor, who boarded in a house with several apprentice boys. One of them, having seen it, became very anxious to obtain one on the s^me terms ; and soon saved, from his smalt earnings, a sufficient sum for its pur- chase. He became serious, and kept his Bible constantly near him whilst at work. His associates in the same oc- cupation were thoughtless, profane, and constantly disposed to ridicule the book he so much prized. One of them in particular, more wicked than the rest, used sometimes to take it up, and read a passage for sport, or something worse. At length, however, the truth became too powerful for his depraved heart ; he began to reflect upon the sin he was committing, soon solicited the boon for himself, abstaining from profaneness, and, in connexion with the owner of the Bible, succeeded in making it finable for any one of their number to utter an oath. The efTect upon the whole was remarkable ; and several of them be- came truly anxious about their souls, sincerely praying to be made " wise unto salvation, through feith which is in Christ Jesus." (b) THE RUSSIAN MESSMATE. — A minister at St. Petersburg, writes: MORALITY PROMOTED. 57 — In the spring of 1829, Timothy, the hawker, called at my house with his wares. My servants, who recommend the Scriptures whenever they have an opportunity, talked with this man on the value of the New Testament, and ad- vised him to buy a copy. " Of what use can it be to me," said he, " when I am not able to read ?" " Yes, it may be of great service to you ; you can carry it to your lodgings, and have it read to you ; or you can send it to your family, some of whom can read it. It will do good : buy one." The man at- tended to this advice, and carried the book to his lodgings. We saw nothing more of this man until autumn ; when he returned, and earnestly entreated a copy of every kind of book we could give him. " You can form no idea," said he, " of the good that book has done, which I bought here in the spring. There are more than thirty of us who mess together at the same lodgings ; and at the time when I first took home the New Testament, these men spent almost every evening at the public house, and returned intoxi- cate^ : but now the scene is quite al- tered ; scarcely a man leaves the lodg- ings in the evening. There are three amongst us who can read ; and they take it by turns, and the others sit round and listen to them. There is no drunk- enness in our party now." Oh ! what an interesting scene would this group have presented to the eye of an apostle ! Thirty poor villagers, col- lected together from various parts of the country, listening to one of their num- ber reading the words of eternal life : and, from this circumstance, breaking off from their vices, saving their hard earnings for their families, and acting like rational creatures ! How true it is, that " godliness is profitable unto all things !" (c) THE MURDERER CONFESS- ING. — A young German, who, for the crime of murder in the second degree, had been a long time in solitary con- finement in America, was repeatedly visited by a German clergyman, to whom he made the most positive decla- rations of his innocence. After six months had elapsed, on leaving him one evening, the clergyman pointed his attention to three verses in the New Testament, and particularly urged upon him the impoi^nce of the truths contained in them. He promis- ed to read them — he did so — and when he threw himself upon his pallet to rest, he found that sleep had forsaken him ; he turned again and again, but still there was no rest. The verses had made a deep impression upon his mind, and although he had for six months persisted that he was innocent of the crime of which he stood charged, the first words he uttered to the keeper in the morning were, " I did commit that murder." Being asked what had now induced him to confess, he pointed to the verses ; they were as follows : " If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrigrhteous- ness. If we say that we have not sin- ned we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." 1 John 1 : 8-10. (d) COUNTERFEITERS RE- CLAIMED. — Some few years ago, two women and a man called one eve- ning at the cabin of a schoolmaster, in Ireland, requesting a lodging for the night. The good man had just assem- bled his family for evening worship, having his Bible before him. He kind- ly requested the strangers to walk in, and began to read the second chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians. This he did slowly, and with emphasis, that he might secure the attention of his visitors to the important subjects on which it treats. They all appeared to pay attention, particularly the young man, whose countenance indicated the agitation of his mind. When the chap- ter was ended, he inquired what book that was out of which he had been reading. His host replied, it was the word of God. His agitation immediately increased ; and, after remarking that he never before knew there was such a book, he began to inquire the meaning of some of the passages which had par- ticularly arrested his attention ; name- ly, " Dead in trespasses and sins ;" " Walking after the course of this 135 s» BIBLE. world ;" " By nature the children of wrath," etc. To all these, the good man, in a plain and simple way, gave answers. TU§ young man heard with the greatest attention, and could not suppress the sigh which indicated what Was passing within. He was referred to those parts of Scripture which throw light on the chapter that had been read ; and especially on the parts he wished to have explained. Then, looking at his host with great earnestness, he ex- claimed, " It is indeed the word of God ; it is all true ; and my state is fully that which it describes. In this way I have been walking from my childhood ; and, in the service of the god of this world, I undertook the journey which has brought me, my wife, and sister, to your house. Oh that our souls may be raised from that death in trespasses and sins in which I have been involved to this moment ! I have long followed no other employment, but that of de- frauding the ignorant poor at fairs and markets, by passing base money, which I coin ; and for this purpose are we come here, on our way to attend the fair which is to be held to-morrow at ." §8. Conversion of Seamen. (a) LONG-FORGOTTEN TEXT. — A sailor once returned from a voyage flushed with money, and as he had never seen London, he resolved to treat himself with a sight of whatever it con- tained great or curious. Among other places he paid a visit to St. Paul's. This happened during divine service. When carelessly passing by, he heard the officiating minister utter the words, " Pray without ceasing ;" but they then made no impression on his mind: he gratified his curiosity, returned to his marine pursuits, and continued at sea seven years without the occurrence of any thing remarkable in his history. One fine evening, as he was walking on deck to enjoy the serene air, and while his feelings were soothed by the pleasing aspect of nature, on a sudden the words darted into his mind — " Pray without ceasing." " Pray without ceasing ! what words can these be 1" 136 exclaimed he. " I think I have heard them before ; where could it be ?" After a pause, " Oh ! it was at St. Paul's in London ; the minister read them from the Bible. What ! and do the Scriptures say, ' Pray without ceas- ing V Oh, what a wretch must I be, to have lived so long without praying at all !" God, who at first deposited this scripture in his ear, now caused it to spring up in a way, and at a time, and with a power peculiarly his own. The poor fellow now found the lightning of conviction flash on his conscience, and seemed to see the gulf of destruc- tion ready to swallow him up. He now began to pray ; but praying was not all. " O," said he, " that I had a Bible or some good book !" He rum- maged his chest ; when lo, at one cor- ner he found a Bible, which his anxious mother had twenty years before put in his chest, and which, till now, he had never opened. He readily embraced it, clasped it to his heart, read, wept, prayed, believed, and became a new man. (b) THE VERSE AND THE TO- BACCO. — Says a correspondent jf a Religious Tract Society : — On board a vessel at Horsleydown, I found only an old shipkeepcr. I asked him whether he could read ; he replied, he could. On asking him what books he read, his reply was, " The Bible." I then gave him two tracts, and remarked that I had sometimes seen parts of the Bible in cheesemongers' shops, which I thought very wrong. He said he differed from me : on asking his reason, he stated that he was formerly a great smoker, and on going to purchase some tobacco, it was put up in a part of the Bible. One verse struck him very forcibly ; and he was induced to pur- chase a Bible, and has read it daily to the present time ; and, said he, " Biass- ed be God, I would not part with it, and the hopes I have of salvation, for ten thousand worlds." c (c) " WHAT BOOK IS THIS ?"— A meeting was once held in Liverpool, for the establishment of a society to supply sailors with Bibles. An active agent of the society having moved the first resolution, said, that as he saw so CONVERSION OF SEAMEN. 5§ many sailors around him, he should not ask any one to second his motion, but leave it to some one of the sailors. There was a deathlike silence for some moments ; but a poor, old, blind sailor, at the far end of the place, rose, and, in a harsh voice, said, " Sir, there is not an individual present who has greater reason to second this resolution than the person who now addresses you. Be- fore I had arrived at twenty years of age, I led the van in every species of vice and immorality. Our ship was ordered to the coast of Guinea ; a vio- lent storm came on, the vivid lightning flashed around, at last it struck my eyes ; from that time to the present I have not beheld the light of day ; but, sir, though I was deprived of sight, I was not deprived of sin. I was very fond of having books read to me, but, alas ! only bad books. At length a Scotchman came to my house, and said, ' I know you are fond of hearing books read, will you hear me read V I said I had no objection : he read the book to me. I felt interested, and, at the end of his reading, I said, ' Tell me what book you have read.' ' Never mind, said lie, ' I will come again and read more ; and he came again, and again, and again. At last the tears gushed out from my blind eyes, and I earnestly exclaimed, ' Oh, sir, what book is this V He said, ' This book is the Bible.' From that time, though blind, I see ; I can now discern the way of salvation by a crucified Saviour : from that time to this I have been enabled to follow my Lord ; and I second this resolution, knowing the advantages of circulating the sacred volume." Subsequently to this, the poor old man obtained a few shillings a week, which he divided, in various portions, to different religious societies; and gave sixpence a week to a little boy, to read to him the sacred Scriptures, and to lead him about from house to house, and from (|ellar to cellar, to promote the best interests of others. (d) THE CAPTAIN TURNED PREACHER.— A lady, who was ac- tively engaged in the distribution of the Holy Scriptures and religious tracts, went, on one occasion, to the quay at Plymouth, and requested permission of a captain to go on board a man-of-war, in which were about eight hundred men, and many dissipated females. The captain said, " Madam, U will be of no avail ; you will only meet with abuse." She answered, " With your leave I'll go." " Certainly, madam," he re- plied ; and she went. Something oc- curred during th'e time, which irritated the captain, who swore a most dreadful oath. The lady said, " Sir, as you have granted me one favor, I hope you will confer another." " Certainly, ma- dam," was the reply. " It is then, sir, that you will please to keep from swearing while I am in your ship :" this he com- plied with. After the lady had gone round the ship, and given away some tracts, (and, to the honor of British sailors be it spoken, they treated her with the great- est respect,) she returned to the captain, who was standing at the entrance of the vessel. She thanked him kindly, and said, " I have yet one more favor to ask of you, sir, which I hope you will comply with." "Yes, certainly, ma- dam," was the reply. " It is this," she said, presenting him with the New Testament, " I desire you will read it through twice." He replied, "I will, madam, for my word's sake." Some years afterwards, when on a visit to a place about five miles from Plymouth, on the Lord's day, she went to church, where she heard an excellent sermori^. As she was returning through the churchyard, a gentleman accosted her, and said, " Do you remember, ma- dam, giving to a captain a New Testa- ment, after distributing some tracts on board a man-of-war, ajid desiring him to read it twice ?" "A^e§, sir," she re- plied. He added, " I am the man to whom you gave it, and I have been preaching to you to-day. Through your instrumentality God has brought me to love that book which once I de- SDified. (e)/rHE,WIDpW'S SON AND HIS BIBLE.— There was a pious wi- dow living in the northern part of Eng- land, on whom, in consequence of the loss she had sustained, devolved the sole care of a numerous family, consist- ing of seven daughters and one son. It was her chief anxiety to train up her * 137 I \ 58 BIBLE. children in those virtuous and religious habits, which promote tlie present hap- piness and the immortal welfare of man. Her efforts were crowned with the best success, so far as the female branches of her family were concerned. But, alas ! her boy proved ungrateful for her care, and became her scourge and her cross. He loved worldly company and pleasure ; till, having impoverished his circumstances, it became necessary that he should go to sea. When his mother took her leave of him, she gave him a New Testament, inscribed with his name and her own, solemnly and tender- ly entreating that he would keep the book, and read it for her sake. He was borne far away upon the bosom of the trackless deep, and year after year elapsed, without tidings of her boy. She occasionally visited parts of the island remote from her own residence, and par- ticularly the metropolis ; and, in what- ever company she was cast, she made it a point to inquire for the ship in which her son sailed, if perchance she might hear any tidings of the beloved object who was always uppermost in her thoughts. On one occasion, she acci- dentally met, in a party in London, a sea captain, of whom she made her ac- customed inquiries. He informed her that he knew the vessel, and that she had been wrecked ; that he also knew a youth of the name of Charles ; and added, that he was so depraved and profligate a lad, that it were a good thing if he, and all like him, were at the bottom of the sea. Pierced to her in- most soul, this unhappy mother with- drew from the house, and resolved in future upon strict retirement, in which she might at once indulge and hide her hopeless grief. " I shall go down to the grave," was her language, " mourn- ing for my son." She fixed her resi- dence at one of the sea-ports on the northern coast. After the lapse of some years, a half-naked sailor knock- ed at her door, to ask relief. The sight of a sailor was always interesting to her, and never failed to awaken recollections and emotions, better imagined than de- scribed. She heard his tale. He had seen great perils in the deep, had been several times wrecked, but said he had 138 never been so dj-eadfully destitute as he was some years back, when himself and a fine young gentleman were the only in- dividuals, of a whole ship's crew, that . were saved. " We were cast upon a de- sert island, where, after seven days and nights, I closed his eyes. Poor fellow, I shall never forget it." And here the tears stole down his weather-beaten cheeks. " He read day and night in a little book, which he said his mother gave him, and which was the only thing he saved. It was his companion every moment ; he wept for his sins, he pray- ed, he kissed the book ; he talked of nothing but this book and his mother ; and at the last he gave it to me, with many thanks for my poor services. ' There, Jack,' said he, ' take this book, and keep it, and read it, and may God bless you — it's all I've got.' And then he clasped my hand, and died in peace." " Is all this true ?" said the trembling, astonished mother. " Yes, madam, every word of it." And then, drawing from his ragged jacket a little book, much battered and time-worn, he held it up, exclaiming, " And here's the very book, too." She seized the Testament, des- cried her own handwriting, and beheld the name of her son, coupled with her own, on the cover. She gazed, she read, she wept, she rejoiced. She seemed to hear a voice, which said, " Behold, thy son liveth." Amidst her conflicting emotions, she was ready to exclaim, " Now, Lord, lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation." " Will you part with that book, my honest fellow ?" said the mother, anxious now to pos- sess the precious relic. " No, madam," was the answer, " not for any money, — not for all the world. He gave it me with his dying hand. I have more than once lost my all since I got it, without losing this treasure, the value of which, I hope, I have learned for myself; and I will never part with it till I part with the breath out of my body." (/) THE TWOFOLD RESCUE. — The late Rev. Legh Richmond was once speaking at a meeting at Edin- burgh, for the advancement of religion among sailors, when he related the fol- lowing facts : — CONVERSION OF SEAMEN. 58 " When I reflect on the character and circumstances of seamen, I cannot with- out peculiar interest recollect the time, when a young man went to sea, whose feelings were ill suited to all the con- tingencies of a sea-faring life. I re- member that the time came when it was said the vessel in which he had sailed had been wrecked, and that the young man was dead, and no intimation had reached the ears of his affectionate parents, of any change in his views as to the things of God. And I remember the time when that young man was so far restored again to his family, that al- though they saw him not, they heard that he had been saved from the ship- wreck. That young man, too, was found by the blessed God while on the ocean with the Bible only, which his father at parting had put into his hand. It was blessed to him in the midst of the carnal companions by whom he was surrounded. This means of grace, without any human instruction, was made effectual to the salvation of his soul. The time came when that young man, who had been a foe to religion, lifted up, in the Bay of Gibraltar, at his mast-head, a Bethel flag, and summon- ed his sailors to prayer, and prayed with them, and bade the missionary exhort them. — And when I tell you that that young man is my men son, you will see that 1 may well say, God bless the Sailors' Friend !" (g) THE SPIRITUAL LIFE- BUOY.— Said a youth to one of the secretaries of the Bethel Companies : "I sailed from London in a Scotch vessel for the West Indies, second mate, the most abandoned wretch that ever sailed on salt water, particularly noted for profane swearing. Our captain, though a good seaman, and kind to his ship's company, cared not either for his own soul, or for the souls of his ship's crew. We had been at sea about six- teen days, when one night, during my watch on deck, a sudden puff of wind caused the vessel to give a heavy lurch. Not being prepared to meet it, I was capsized, and came head on against one of the stanchions. Feeling much hurt, I gave vent to my anger, by a dreadful oath, cursing the wind, the ship, the sea, and (awful to mention) the Being who made them. Scarce had this horrid oath escaped me when it appeared to roll back upon my mind with so frightful an image, that I ran aft, and for a moment or two thought I saw the sea parting, and the vessel going down. All that night my awful oath was passing before my eyes like a spectre, and its consequences, my cer- tain damnation. For several days I was miserable ; ashamed to say the cause. I asked one of the men for a book ; he gave me one of Rousseau's novels. I asked him for a Testament, and he sneeringly answered by asking me if I was going to die. He neve^lij^y troubled himself with these things ; her left Bibles and prayer-books to the priests. Several days thus passed in .^ the greatest torment, this dreadful oath always before me, and the d^vil con- tinually harassing me with the dread- ful thought, "1 shall be damned,^^ '^•. 'v I shall be damned." I could not — ""^ pray ; indeed, I thought it of no use. On the fifth day I was turning over some things in my chest, when I found some trifles I had purchased for sea- stock wrapped in paper — this piece of paper (putting his hand at the same time into his pocket, and from a small red case taking out a leaf containing nearly the whole of the first chapter of Isaiah) oh ! how my heart throbbed, when I found it a part of the Bible ! But, sir," said he with a tear, " con- ceive what I felt at these words, ' Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow ; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool ! " He paused to wipe away the tears. Indeed, says the Secretary, my eyes needed wiping too. " O, sir," he continued, '-'like a drowning man I clung to this life-buoy ; on this I laid my soul, while the billows were going over me. I prayed, and the Lord was graciously pleased to remove in some measure the great guilt from my con- science, though I continued mournful and bowed down until last evening, on board the Mayflower, I stowed away among the Bethel Company. There the Lord spoke my pardon and peace. I am now like poor Legion, going home 139 59 BIBLE. to my friends to tell them what great thhigs the Lord has done for me. Fare- well, sir." " Farewell, my lad ; the Lord go with you." 59. Conversion of the Profligate and Vicious. (a) THE BIBLE AND THE BRAxNDY BOTTLE.— At an anni- versa ry of a Bible Society in South Carolina, a man was present who had been in the habit of intemperance many years. He had wasted a fortune, and his amiable family were now sharing with him poverty and disgrace. In the evening a director of the Society saw this man in a state of intoxication, and presented him a Bible. He received the drunken man's thanks, who con- fessed he had no such book at home, and promised to keep it for himself and family to read. Unable to reach his .louse he slept by the roadside, and in he night awoke, finding his Bible in one pocket and a bottle of brandy in the other. He said to himself, It will not do to carry both home together, and I do not know which to throw away. If I throw away the Bible, I shall die a drunkard, and the devil has me. If I throw away the bottle, I give the lot to God, and I may die a good man. He paused for reflection, and allowed the convictions of duty to contend against habit and inclination. The conflict was a terrible one. Often did he raise his hand to throw 'away from him the Bible, drink his life out, and let the devil take him. At last conscience prevailed, and taking a hearty draught from the bottle, he dashed it against a tree. He reached home at the dawn of day, called his family together, told them what he had done, and what he was resolved to do. The morning was spent in reading in his new book with his family, and late on the very same morning they all kneeled around the domestic altar, to offer to Heaven their first united petition. The trembling voice and broken expressions of the father, unaccustomed to pray ; the half suppressed emotions of his lovely chil- dren, too deeply felt to be silently held in their bosoms, and the loud weeping of his heart-broken companion, over- 140 come with joy and gratitude at the un- expected scene, made an impression on that family which will not be forgotten in eternity. This man now obtained the confidence of the neighborhood ; he was exemplary in his morals, a humble and active Christian; and the Lord crowned his temporal affairs with pros- perity, and a family once wretched be- came truly happy. (h) pickpoc:;ket at an an. NIVERSARY.— The first meeting of the Shoreditch Bible Association was held in the church, which was very much crowded. Some weeks afterwards, the collectors called on a widow, who kept a small grocer's shop, for her subscription, which she had always paid very cheerfully. As they were going away, she said, " Gentle- men, I have got a young man, a lodger, who is always poring over the Bible : I dare say he would subscribe." The collectors were introduced to him to solicit his subscription. He answered, "I certainly will ;" and gave them a guinea, and desired them to put down his name as a subscriber of sixpence a week. The gentlemen were astonished, and hesitated at taking so much, and wished to return a part. He answered, " No, I owe my all to the Shoreditch Bible Association." About a month afterwards, the committee wished to increase its number. This young man was proposed and accepted. But when the matter was mentioned to him, he warmly replied, " No, gentlemen, you must pardon me, I am not worthy to form a part of your committee. If you want more money, I will gladly give it ; but to act on your committee, I cannot." They in vain pressed the matter, and wished to know his reasons. About a year after, he requested his landlady to desire the gentlemen to wait upon him when they called, (he had regularly paid his subscription through the medium of his landlady,) as he wanted to speak to them ; which they did. " Now, gentlemen," said he, " my lips are unsealed. I take my de- parture for America this week. Here are five guineas. I will now tell you my short history. Two years ago, I was one of the most profligate young CONVERSION OF THE PROFLIGATE AND VICIOUS. 59 men in the city of London. I was a common pickpocket. At your a?mi- versary, seeing the church crowded, I, with several of my companions in ini- quity, entered, in order to pursue our sinful practices. From the crowded state of the church, we were separated. I got into the middle aisle, just in front of the speakers. The first words I caught were, ' Thou shalt not steal.' My attention was fixed ; my conscience was touched ; and tears began to flow. In vain did my companions make their signals to commence our operations. As soon as the meeting closed, I hur- ried away, threw myself into the first coach I found, drove to my lodgings in the west end of the town, paid my rent, took away all my things, and came into this part of the city, in order to hide myself from my companions ; and providentially found this house. I im- mediately inquired for a Bible ; and for the first time in my life began to read it. I found my convictions of the evil of my conduct increased, and I hope I have now found peace and rest in be- lieving on that Saviour whom the Bible reveals." (c) LITTLE JACK AND HIS FATHER.— The substance of the fol- lowing story was related by the Rev. Mr. S , at a meeting of the Young Men's Bible Society, of Baltimore, March, 1822. He stated, that at a meeting of a Bath (England) Bible Association, he was pre- sent when there was a call for volunteer speakers, and a stranger came forward and made the following statements. He said, that in the county of Devon, there lived a man, desperately and no- toriously wicked, ahd of so cruel and ferocious a disposition, as in some in- stances to extinguish his natural aflTec- tion for his own offspring. One day, taking his little son by the hand, who was big enough to walk, he strolled to- wards the cliffs, which in those parts overhang the sea, and laid himself down upon the grass. His playful lit- tle son meanwhile amused himself with picking up pebbles and throwing them down at the feet of his father, who in a churlish rage, having two or three times bidden him desist without being obeyed, gave vent to his anger, and with a kick, which prostrated the child upon the ground, left the poor creature screaming with anguish and walked away. The unhappy little sufferer having so far re- covered as to regain his feet, wandered so near the cliff as to fall over, and was precipitated into the sea ; but the air in his dress, (for he still wore infantile garments,) broke the force of his fall, and prevented him from immediately sinking. It happened that the boat of a man-of-war, which was lying in the off- ing, was just then returning from a watering place, and seeing an object floating on the water rowed up to it, took him in, and carried him on board the ship. The sailors made a pet of him and called him " Little Jack ;" and when he had become old enough for the service, made him a powder- monkey, (a title given to those who carry cartridges to the gunners.) This ship with some others of an in- ferior size, having had a severe engage- ment with the enemy, and many being wounded, little Jack, the powder- monkey, was employed to wait upon the surgeon. Among the wounded who were brought from other vessels for sur- gical aid, was a man, both of whose legs were shot away by a chain shot, and the bones so shattered as to prevent any hope of cure from amputation. Death had indeed alrQady begun to play around his heart. While he lay in these mortal agonies, he fixed his eyes steadfastly upon little Jack, and having yet power to speak, a^ked the boy who he was, and whence he came ? He told him what the sailors had related to him, and which was all he knew of himself. The wounded man, who recognized the features of his son in the boy, was now convinced it must be he. I am, said he, that ungodly and brutal father, who left you upon the cliff, (relating the par- ticulars,) from whence you must have fallen into the sea. Beginning to grow uneasy, I returned to the place where I had left you ; but you had disappeared. All my researches proved in vain ; I could gain no tidings of you. Suppos- ing that you had perished through my cruelty, I became frantic with grief, and was on the point of putting an end to my 141 50,60 BIBLE existence; but finally, in hope^of find- ing some relief from my misery, I en- tered on board a ship-of-war. Having returned from a cruise, while lying in port, a gentleman (a member of a Bible Society) came on board, and asked per- mission of the captain to distribute some Bibles among the ship's company. It fell to my lot to receive one, which became the means of my conversion to God ; and now I have redemption in the blood of Jesus Christ, even the for- giveness of all my sins. I have but a few moments to live ; the pains of death are upon me ; I have no will to make, not having any thing to leave you save this Bible, taking it from his bosom and presenting it to him in the language of David to Solomon, " and thou Solomon my son know thou the God of thy fa- ,thers ; if thou seek him, he will be found of thee; and if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off forever." Ashe ended the quotation his voice faltered, andjie sank in death. The speaker, said Mr. S., admitted that so strange a story might seem incredible, but the tears starting from his eyes, he put his hand into his bosom, drew out a book, and said, " This is the Bible, and 1 am Little Jack .'" (d) CUTTING A BIBLE IN PIECES. — A young man, a soldier, who was leading a dissolute life, was often reproved by a pious friend, but to no purpose. At last, his friend gave him a Bible ; the young man immedi- ately said, " I will cut it in pieces be- fore your face ;" which he instantly did with his sword, and ever after shunned his friend's company. A bout two years after this had occurred, he was brought to a sick and dying bed, and sent for his friend, and expressed a wish to have a Bible brought to him. He received it, and read it ; and one day he clasped the book with both his hands, and ex- claimed, " Oh that ever such a wretch as I should be permitted to read this blessed book, which I once cut in pieces ! This book has now cut my sins in pieces, and led me to Christ as my Saviour. Oh that I could recall my property and murdered time : all, all should be spent in distributing this bless- ed book !" H8 60. Conversion of In/idels. (a) ROCHESTER AND IS. LIIL — It is well known that this extraordi- naiy man was, for many years of his life, an avowed infidel, and that a large portion of his time was spent in ridicul- ing the Bible. One of his biographera has described him as " a great wit, a great sinner, and a great penitent." Even this man was converted by the Holy Spirit in the use of his word. Reading the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah, he was convinced of the truth and in- spiration of the Scriptures, the Deity of the Messiah, and the value of his atone- ment as a rock on which sinners may build their hopes of salvation. On that atonement he rested, and died in the humble expectation of pardoning mercy and heavenly happiness. (b) THE YOUNG INFIDEL.— The grace of God was manifested in a delightful manner, in the case of a young man at Carlisle. He was an avowed infidel, and his daring acts of violence and outrage exhibited the state of his mind. He fell sick, and his sick- ness was unto death : having wasted his substance in riotous living, he was now reduced to poverty and destitution. A pious man visited him twice, admi- nistered to his temporal necessities, reasoned with him, recommended him to read the Scriptures, and offered to supply him with a Bible ; but he ob- tained nothing but scornful or evasive answers. One of the collectors of the Carlisle Ladies' Bible Association also visited him, and at length succeeded in persuading him to receive a New Testa- ment, with the Book of Psalms. From that time he seardhed the Scriptures daily and diligently. Through reading them, he became convinced of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment : his blasphemies were changed for praise : he confessed his sins, and professed love to the Saviour. He declared also, that; in the commencement of his illness, he had resolved on destroying himself, seeing that nothing but poverty and death awaited him ; but, holding forth the Scriptures, he added, " This bless- ed book has shown me that it wa^ a temptation of Satan ; that God has given CONVERSION OF INFIDELS. 60 to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son." After continuing in this happy state of mind for three or four months, he died ; looking for the mercy of God unto eternal life, through the redemp- tion that is in Christ Jesus. (c) THE MOCK DISCUSSION.— The following facts were related by the Rev. Dr. Singer, the secretary of the Hibernian Bible Society, at the anniversary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in 1830 : — Some time since, in a midland county in Ireland, a discussion took place, aris- ing from the operations of the Reforma- tion Society, between a Roman Catholic and a Protestant clergyman. Many farmers and peasants from the neigh- borhood attended that discussion ; and, being under the influence of infidelity, they did so merely for the purpose of ridiculing and censuring the arguments which were brought forward by the two clergymen. Many of the farmers and peasants who attended were them- selves deeply read, or, at least, were well acquainted with the writings of infidels ; whose works, strange to tell, have been circulated, in print and man- uscript, through the country ! They ridiculed the circumstance ; it amused them ; and they said, " we will have a discussion of our own." "You shall be the Roman Catholic," said one, '•■ and I will be the Protestant ; and our friends here shall be judges who dis- plays the most ability and ingenuity." They carried their blasphemous ob- ject almost into effect : the time was appointed, and they seriously set about preparing for the contest. It was agreed that they should do what they had never done before — read the Scrip- tures, in order to prepare for the attack. And the result was, that those who did so became convinced of the truth and excellence of the Bible. {(i) CAUGHT WITH GUILE.— Mr. Robert Aitkin, a bookseller of Philadelphia, was the first person who printed a Bible in that city. While he kept a bookstore, a person called on him, and inquired if he had Paine's " Age of Reason" for sale. He told him he had not; but having entered into conversation with him, and found that he was an infidel, he told him he had a better book than Paine's " Age of Reason," which he usually sold for a dollar, but would lend it to him, if he would promise to read it ; and after he had actually read it, if he did not think it worth a dollar, he would take it again. The man consented ; and Mr. Aitkin put a Bible into his hands. He smiled when he found what book he had engaged to read ; but said he would perform his engagement. He did so ; and when he had finished the perusal, he came back, and expressed the deepest gratitude for Mr. Aitkin's recommendation of the book, saying it had made him what he was not before — a happy man ; for he had found in it the way of salvation through Christ. Mr. Aitkin rejoiced in the event, and had the satisfaction of knowing that this reader of the Bible, from that day to the end of his life, supported the char- acter of a consistent Christian, and died with a hope full of immortality. (e) HALF DESTROYED BIBLE. — A father, residing not far from Co- lumbia, S. C, was about sending his son to College. But as he knew the influence to which he would be ex- posed, he was not without a deep and anxious solicitude for the spiritual and eternal welfare of his favorite child. Fearing lest the principles of Christian faith, which he had endeavored to instil into his mind, would be rudely assailed, but trusting in the efficacy of that word which is quick, and powerful, he pur- chased, unknown to his son, an elegant copy of the Bible, and deposited it at the bottom of his trunk. The young man entered upon his college career. The restraints of a pious education were soon broken ofT, and he proceeded from speculation to doubts, and from doubts to a denial of the reality of reli- gion. After having become, in his own estimation, wiser than his father, he discovered one day, while rummaging his trunk, with great surprise and indig- nation, the sacred deposit. He took it out, and while deliberating on the man- ner in which he should treat it, he de- termined that he would use it as waste paper, on which to wipe his razor while shaving. Accordingly, every time he 143 BIBLE. went to shave, he tore out a leaf or two of the holy book, and thus used it till nearly half the volume was destroyed. But while he was committing this out- rage upon the sacred book, a text now and then met his eye, and was carried like a barbed arrow to his heart. At length, he heard a sermon, which dis- covered to him his own character, and his exposure to the wrath of God, and riveted upon his mind the impression which he had received from the last torn leaf of the blessed, yet insulted volume. Had worlds been at his dis- posal, he would freely have given them all, could they have availed, in ena- bling him to undo what he had done. At length, he found forgiveness at the foot of the cross. The torn leaves of that sacred volume brought healing to his soul ; for they led him to repose on the mercy of God, which is sufficient for the chief of sinners. (/) AGE OF REASON AND THE BIBLE. — A gentleman was once asked in company, what led him to embrace the truths of the gospel, which formerly he was known to have neglected and despised ! He said, " My call and con- version to God my Savior were pro- duced by very singular means :-^A-per- son put into my hands Paine's 'Age of Reason.' I read it with attention, and was much struck with the strong and ridiculous representation he made of many passages in the Bible. I confess, to my shame, I had never read the Bible through ; but from what I remembered to have heard at church, and accidentally on other occasions, I could not persuade myself that Paine's report was quite ex- l^ act, or that the Bible was quite so absurd a book as he represented it. I resolved therefore that I would read the Bible regularly through, and compare the passages when I had done so, that I might give the Bible fair play. I accord- ingly set myself to the task, and as I ad- vanced, I was struck with the majesty / \ which spoke, the awfulness of the truths Lf- contained in it, and the strong evidence v./ of its divine origin, which increased with every page, so that I finished my inquiry with the fullest satisfaction of the truth as it is in Jesus, and my heart was pene- 144 trated with a sense of obligation I had never felt before. I resolved henceforth to take the sacred word for my guide, and to be a faithful follower of the Son of God. (g) THE DEATH-BED REQUEST. — A young man once went into the shop of a tradesman at Reading, where the subject of the Bible Society was men- tioned, when he expressed, in language rancorous and bitter, his hatred of the institution. His p«assion was too violent to allow at that time a word of remon- strance to be addressed to him. The fact was mentioned to a little girl, a daughter of the tradesman, who was then on her death -bed. She had felt the power of Divine truth, and recom- mended that they should subscribe for a Bible, and present it to him. The re- quest was attended to, and the Bible was given him, with an account of the dying child's concern for his welfare. He received it with gratitude, carefully perused it, was deeply impressed with its truths, and read it to his fellow-ser- vants. In a word, he became a zeal- ous and consistent advocate for the Divine book, which he had formerly so much opposed. {h) A BIBLE LEFT IN A BARN. — When the committee of a Bible Asso- ciation, in the state of New-York, were making exertions to supply every desti- tute family with a copy of the book of God, a distributor called at a house where he met with an angry repulse. The man of the house was full of " cursing and bitterness;" he would not suffer a Bible to be left at his house. "If left any where," said he, " it shall be left at the barn." " Very well," the distributor meekly replied; "I do not know that I could select a better place for it : our blessed Savior once lay in a manger!" He went quickly to the barn, and deposited the sacred treasure in a safe place, with much prayer that it might bless even him who would not allow it to remain in his house. The man, struck with the unexpected reply of the distributor, was led to think of his own rashness and guilt, and especially of the Savior's birth-place. After two or three days his distress became so great, that he went out to the barn in CONVERSION OF PAPISTS. 60,61 search of the rejected volume. He turned to the passage which records the circumstances connected with the birth of the Redeemer, and wept, and re- pented, and consecrated himself to God through faith in Christ. The once spurned book now found a place, not only in his house, but its truths were received into his heart, and controlled his life. (i) IT IS NO TASK.— At an an- nual meeting of the Cambridge Bible Society, the Rev. Professor Scholefield related the following anecdote of Mr. Hone, the well known author of the Every Day Book. — Mr. Hone, in the days of his infidelity, was travelling in Wales on foot, and being rather tired and thirsty, he stopped at the door of a cottage where there was a little girl seated reading, and whom he asked, if she would give him a little water. " O yes, sir," she said, " if you will come in, mother will give you some milk and water;" upon which he went in and partook of that beverage, the little girl again resuming her seat and her book. After a short stay in the cottage, he came out and accosted the child at the door, " Well, my little girl, are you getting your task ?" " O no, sir," she replied, " I am reading the Bible." "But," said Mr. Hone, "you are getting your task out of the Bible." — " O no, sir, it is no task to me to read the Bible — it is a pleasure." This circumstance had such an effect upon Mr. Hone, that he determined to read the Bible too, and he was now (said Professor Scholefield) one of the fore- most in upholding and defending the great truths contained in that holy book. 61. Conversion of Papists. (a) A CLUSTER OF BLESSINGS. — In the year 1828, a gentleman in London gave the following interesting account : A few Sabbaths since, I was invited by a serious woman in humble life to visit her daughter, who was too much afflicted to leave her home. In the afternoon I went, and found the lowly dwelling, situated in a small dirty street, inhabited by the poor. From the aspect 10 of the street, I was prepared to enter an apartment of corresponding appear- ance. I was, however, greatly sur- prised, on entering, to witness the very opposite to what I had imagined. All was neat and tidy. The poor daughter, who labored under great nervous de- bility, accompanied with deafness, was too weak to rise, but received me with the greatest respect. Before reading the Scriptures and prayer, which was my errand, I felt an anxiety to hear the outline of the history of a family in which I had already found so much to interest. The mother, with much sim- plicity, gave me the following account : " My father was a Roman Catholic, and I was consequently brought up in its superstitions. My husband is a sol- dier, and has seen much active service, having served in Egypt and at Water- loo. I accompanied him in his cam- paigns, and, being kept by almighty power, was always • noticed by the officers for my propriety of conduct, which procured favors both for my husband and children. At the termina- tion of the late war, we lodged in West- minster, where, during my confinement, I was visited by a gentleman from the Bible Society of that district, who find- ing I had no Bible, was desirous that I should by small payments procure one; to which I consented. On obtaining it, I frequently read it; and the general impression on my mind was surprise at the many promises it contained. On regaining my strength, I resolved to attend some Protestant place of worship, and, accordingly, occasionally visited some chapels in the neighborhood, but without receiving any permanent bene- fit. It then pleased God to remove us. to our present situation, where I had not long resided before a lady called, and inquired if I should have any objection to a prayer-meeting being held in my apartment. I consented; and such meetings have been held here from that time until now, and have proved a blessing to others in the street. It was at these meetings it pleased the Father of mercies to awaken in my mind a sense of my danger, as a lost sinner, and the consequent necessity of an in- terest in Christ, the only Savior. My 145 61 BIBLE. mind became progressively enlightened, and being able to consult the Scriptures, I trust I have increased in knowledge. My afflicted daughter has also tasted that the Lord is gracious, and one child has died in the fear of the Lord ; and it was on the very day that the Lord took her to himself that this one was added to a Christian church. So that, instead of the grief which a mother may be expected to feel at the loss of a beloved child, I was lost in gratitude, that on the same day the Lord should introduce one to the church militant, and the other, more happy, to the church triumphant. " I pray for my husband, and am not without hope that God will answer my prayers. He accompanies me to public Worship, joins in domestic worship, which I am obliged to lead, and, as far as external deportment is concerned, is a changed man." (h) HEARING A CHILD READ. — In an Irish school, in London, the children were allowed to take the New Testament home with them at night, to learn from it their lessons for next day. One of the boys read his Testament to his father and mother, who were Roman Catholics, and they felt much interested in what they heard. The wife was taken dangerously ill, and the husband requested a Protestant clergyman to visit her ; whom he informed, that, in consequence of hearing the child read the Scriptures, they had renounced Popery, and regularly attended his ministry. "I have reason to thank God and you," said the man, " for teaching my son in the school. I have been all my life in ignorance, sin, and misery, until I heard that book. Now I am taught to put my trust in Christ alone for salvation." The woman, too, gave evidence in life and death of her dependence on the merits and interces- sions of Jesus for eternal life. Her husband and son afterwards returned to Ireland, determined, by the Divine help, to make the Bible the only rule of their faith and practice. (c) OPPOSING PROTESTANT- ISM. — In the short reign of Edward VI., Peter Martyr, under the Prince's •patronage, read Divinity lectures at Ox- ford, and opposed the doctrines of the 148 real presence and other popish dogmas. The papists were alarmed, and began to look eagerly for some polemic cham- pion to oppose him. After much solici- tation they prevailed on Rev. Bernard Gilpin, then resident at Oxford, and a Roman Catholic, to enter the lists with Martyr. This engagement led him to study the subject more deeply : he searched the Scriptures, the writings of the fathers, and conferred with a goodly number of divines then living, and the result was a renunciation of popery as indefensible. (d) FRAGMENT OF A TESTA- MENT.— In that part of Ireland from which I come, said the Rev. D. Stew- art, at a public meeting in London, in 1830, there lived a boatswain of most immoral character, a breaker of the Sabbath, and a profaner of God's holy name. One Sunday, as he and a friend were rowing in a boat up the Liffey, whither they had resorted from the pot-house, they saw something stick- ing in the mud ; which, on approach- ing, they discovered to be a fragment of the New Testament. The boatswain was, at first, inclined to leave it ; but thought, by its means, of ridiculing the sacred truths of religion ; and, for that purpose, took it home, read it often, and pondered over it well ; which had, at length, an effect far different from that which he had anticipated. It convinc- ed him that the dogmas of Romanism were incompatible with the free circu- lation of the word of God. This man was induced to attend the controversy then carrying on between the Catholic and Protestant clergy, which led him to think, read, and study. What was the effect ? the immediate abandonment of the errors of Romanism, and his exer- cise of the right of free judgment. He began to grow fond of reading the New Testament, and now prized it beyond all he was w^orth in the world besides, as it led him to reflect on his past life with horror. He eventually became a true Christian. (e) REPENTANCE BETTER THAN PENANCE.— Among the speakers at the Anniversary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in May, 1840j was Professor Pelet of Ge- CONVERSION OF SOLDIERS. 62 neva, who made this impressive state- ment : — " Among the soldiers of the French army, in which reigns so much levity and infidelity, we have been very suc- cessful. Some of them carry the word of God into their own departments, and it is a means of extending the work be- yond all that we can telL A man in a little village in France, when he was young, wished to be a monk. That was prevented. He retired to a forest, where he ate roots which he found there, to imitate John the Baptist ; and he bore that name among his acquaint- ances. There he remained some time, but found no peace to his soul. He went again to his village, sold the pro- perty he had, made nine parts of it, and gave eight parts to the poor. He re- duced hmiself to the condition of a simple workman, but yet he found no peace. The church edifice of the vil- lage was too little. It was decided to build a new one ; and he himself would go to the quarry, to get blocks for the building. He gave them the little money he had remaining, and yet nothing brought comfort to his soul. He sought the Lord but found him not ; till ane of the Colporteurs came to his vil- lage, and gave him the New Testament. He read it, and there he found what he had before sought in vain." 62. Conversion of Soldiers, (a) THE BIBLE IN A PRISON- SHIP. — In a report of the Nismes Bible Society, may be found an affecting anec- dote of one of their subscribers, who was formerly attached to Bonaparte's army. An officer of the society, struck with the modest zeal of this man in the support of the cause, asked him if his support of the society did not proceed from his knowledge of the incalculable value of the Bible. " It is so," said he ; " and I will inform you how it took place. Under the late emperor I was attached to the army ; and being taken prisoner, and carried to England, I was confined in one of the prison ships. There, huddled together with my companions, and deprived of every thing that could tend to lessen the miseries of my situa- tion, I abandoned myself to dark despair, and resolved to make away with myself. Under these circumstances, an Eng- lish clergyman visited us, and addressed us to the following effect : — ' My hegrt bleeds for your 'losses and privations, nor is it in my power to remedy then: ; but I can offer consolation for your im- mortal souls, and this consolation is con- tained in the word of God. Read this book, my friends ; for I am willing to present every one with a copy of the Bible who is desirous to possess it !' The tone of kindness with which he spoke, and the candor of this pious man, made such an impression upon me, that I burst into tears. I gratefully accept- ed a Bible, and in it I found abundant consolation amidst all my distresses. From that moment the Bible became precious to my soul ; out of it I have gathered motives for resignation, and courage to bear up in adversity ; and I feel happy in the idea, that it may prove to others what it has proved to me." (b) ONLY VERSE MEMORIZ- ED. — A youth, who had been instruct- ed in a Sunday school, in the southern part of Kent, though the son of a pious widow, was remarkable for thoughtless- ness and vice. The clergyman, by whom the school Was commenced, felt the deepest sympathy with his mother, but was at length compelled to exclude her son from the school, who soon be- came, on account of his wicked conduct, the terror of the whole neighborhood. After a while he entered the army, and went with his regiment to America. While there, one of the sergeants of the regiment visited England, and calling on the poor woman, she made him the bearer of a Bible to her son, and sent an earnest request that he would read one verse of it every day. He received the book and message with great indif- ference, saying, " I'll try what I can do ;" and opening the Bible, added, " Here goes." But mark the happy result. " How strange !" exclaimed he, unable then, for tears, to add more. His eye had caught the only passage he had ever been prevailed upon to com- mit to memory at the Sunday school : " Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you 147 «2, 6S BIBLE. rest," Matt. 11 : 28. Such was the happy effect of this text on his heart, that he who had been notorious for swearing, lying, dishonesty, and other vices, now embraced the invitation of the Lord Jesus, and became adorned with Christian excellences. He soon after died on the field of battle, at New Orleans, with his head on the very pas- sage which first arrested his attention ! His Bible, stained with his blood, was brought to England. (c) THE POWER OF DIVINE TRUTH.— At a meeting of the London Religious Tract Society, the Rev. James Hill, formerly of Calcutta, related the following fact respecting Captain Connolly, whose overland tour to India had lately been published. The captain went out a stranger to God, and to true religion ; but his sis- ters were pious ladies, and one of them happened before he went to put into his baggage a Bible. I think he had never read, never looked into it. It so happened, that on his journey to India he was taken captive by a tribe of the Turcomans, through the treachery of his guide. He was made prisoner for a short time. On one occasion he was loading a camel with his own baggage, which had been taken from him, and out dropped the Bible which his sister had given him. He took it up ; he had never read it be- fore, and he sat down on a portion of his own baggage, that he was employed in loading upon the camel, and he read of " the unsearchable riches of Christ." His mind was in a state to receive the truth ; and he told me in Calcutta, that the first religious impression made on his heart was on that occasion, as he sat amidst the wilds of the Turcoman country. (d) THE BULLET AND THE TEXT.— Dr. John Evans, the author of some excellent sermons on the Christian temper, introduced, on one occasion, a sermon to young people, in the follow- ing manner: — Shall I be allowed to preface this discourse with relating a passage concerning an acquaintance of mine, who has been many years dead, but which I remember to have received, when young, from himself? When he was an apprentice in this city, the civil 148 war began ; his inclination led him inta the army, where he had a captain's commission. It was fashionable for all the men of that army to carry a Bible along with them ; which, therefore, he and many others did, who yet made little use of it, and hardly had any sense of serious religion. At length he was commanded, with his company, to storm a fort, wherein they were, for a shorl time, exposed to the thickest of the enemy's fire. When he had accom- plished his enterprise, and the heat of the action was over, he found that a musket ball had lodged in his Bible, which was in his pocket, upon such a part of his body, that it must necessa- rily have proved mortal to him, had it not been for this seasonable and well- placed piece of armor. Upon a nearer observation, he found the ball had made its way so far in his Bible, as to rest directly upon that part of the first un- broken leaf, where the words of my text are found. It was Eccles. 11 : 9'; " Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth ; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes ; but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judg- ment." As the surprising deliverance, you may apprehend, much affected him, so a passage, which his conscience told him was very apposite to his case, and which Providence in so remarkable a way pointed to his observation, made the deepest and best impression on his mind ; and, by the grace of God, he from that time attended to religion in earnest, and continued in the practice of it to a good old age ; frequently making the remark with pleasure, that his Bible had been the salvation both of his body and his soul. 61. Conversion of the Learned and Eminent. (a) THE GOTTINGEN PROFES- SOR. — In the summer of 1824, two gentlemen from London, in the course of a tour through Germany, came to Gottingen, where they visited several professors eminent for their meritorious exertions in the promotion of learning. They were received by all in the most CONVERSION OF THE LEARNED AND EMINENT. 63 friendly manner, but by one in particu- lar, who afforded them some of the most delightful hours they enjoyed on their tour. With the greatest readiness, and in the most obliging manner, he showed his visitors every thing interesting in his house, at the same time gratifying them by many entertaining relations. Hav- ing directed their attention to various objects, he left the room, but soon re- turned with a Bible under his arm, and, with a countenance as grave as it had before been cheerful, he addressed them in nearly the following words : ^' You must now allow me to relate an extraordinary occurrence. Some years ago, I was in great danger of losing my sight, which had become so bad that I could scarcely distinguish any thing. The prospect of passing the last days of my life in blindness, made me so melancholy, that I resolved to make a tour to Bremen to recover my spirits- On this tour I came to Hanover, where some friends took me into the duke of Cambridge's library, and showed me some Bibles, lately sent by the Bible Society in London as a present to the Duke. Wishing to try whether, in my blindness, I could distinguish the paper and print of those from the common ones, I took one up merely for that purpose, without the least intention of selecting any particular passage ; and now see what I read ! " He here opened the Bible, and read Isa. 42 : 16, " ' And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known : I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will 1 do unto them and not forsake them.' I read this verse, and received spiritual sight." At these words he was so much affected, that the tears ran down his cheeks. " With a cheerful mind I now journeyed back to Gottingen, and my greatest desire was to possess a Bible, in which this verse stood on the same page and in the same place. Shortly afterwards I was visited by a friend from London, to whom I related the occurrence, and immediately re- ceived his promise to send me one as soon as possible, which he did." The Bible he continued to esteem as his greatest earthly treasure. (b) CONVERSION OF A DOC- TOR OF DIVINITY.— A doctor of divinity in Silesia, to whom the Rev. ^ Mr. Reich ardt, a missionary to the Jews, was introduced, was one of the greatest enemies to the gospel ; but while he was endeavoring to write against it, and to settle himself more steadfastly in his own principles, it struck him that he had never read his; Bible, though he had preached frony texts in it. He began to read it ; but had not long been reading the first pages, when it struck him that if this book was indeed the truth, then all the edifice he had built for himself must be broken down. This conviction in- creased, till it pleased the Lord to im- press him with the spirit of that book ; and he became a truly pious Christian, and the means of turning many from darkness to light. (c) WILBERFORCE'S CONVER- SION. — From a speech delivered by Joseph John Gurney, Esq., at the meet- ing of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in 1834, we learn that Mr. Wilberforce was in the 24th year of his age when he was elected member of parliament for Hull. He afterwards attended the county election, and such was the charm of his eloquence on that occasion, in the large castle area at York, that the j)eople all cried, " We will have that little man for our mem- ber." He was then one of the gayest of the gay : not an openly vicious man, but peculiar for his wit, and his distinc- tion in the fashionable circles. His wit became innocuous under Christian prin- ciples. He was said to be the "joy and crown of Doncaster races." He went to pay a visit to a relation at Nice, and was accompanied by the Rev. Isaac Milner, afterwards dean of Carlisle. Mention was made of a certain indi- vidual who moved in the same rank, an ecclesiastical gentleman, a man devoted to his duty. Mr. W. said, re- garding him, " that he thought he car- ried things too far ;" to which Mr. Mil- ner said, he was inclined to think that Mr. W. would form a different estimate 149 64 BIBLE. on the subject, were he carefully to peruse the whole of the New Testa- ment. Mr. Wilberforce replied that he would take him at his word, and read it through with pleasure. They were both Greek scholars, and in their jour- ney they perused the New Testament together. That single perusal was so blessed to Mr. Wilberforce, that he was revolutionized ; he became a new man ; hTid the witty songster, the joy and crown of Doncaster races, proved the Christian senator, and at length became the able advocate for abolishing the slave trade. 64. Conversion of the Heathen. (a) DECREASE OF LAWSUITS. — Lieutenant-colonel Phipps relates the following pleasing narrative : — I was travelling in a remote district in Bengal, and I came to the house of a gentleman belonging to Portugal. I found him reading the Scriptures in the Bengalee to seventy or eighty people, men, wo- men, and children, of that country, who were all very attentive. This gentle- man told me that he had been led to employ some of his leisure moments in this way. " And to-morrow," said he, " as you pass my farm, mention my name ; and they will procure you a bed ; and you will then see the effects of reading the Scriptures." The next day I called at his estate, where I saw one hundred men, women, and children, who had all become converts to Chris- tianity within three or four years. I inquired how they found themselves: they appeared delighted, and thought it a happy thing tor them that Europeans had translated the Scriptures, that they might read in their own tongue the wonderful works of God. I had some intercourse, also, with an official person in that district, and I mention it because some persons tell you that nothing is done by the missionaries. 1 asked the magistrate what was the conduct of these Christians ; and he said, " There is something in them that does excite astonishment: the inhabitants of this district are particularly known as being so litigious and troublesome, that they 150 have scarcely any matter but what they bring into the courts of justice; but during three or four years not one of these people has brought a cause against any one, or any one against them." I mention this to show that Christianity will produce, in all coun- tries, peace and happiness, to those who know the truth as it is in Jesus. (h) CUTTING UP AN IDOL FOR FUEL. — Some years ago, Mr. Ward, a Christian missionary, in going through a village near Calcutta, left at a native shop a Bengalee New Testament, that it might be read by any of the vil- lagers. About a year afterwards, three or four of the most intelligent of the inhabitants came to inquire furiher res- pecting the contents of the book left in their village. This ended in six or eight of them making a public profession of Christianity. Among these, one de- serves particular notice. An old man, named Juggernath, who had long been a devotee to the idol of that name in Orissa, had made many pilgrimages thither, and had acquired such a name for sanctity, that a rich man, in Orissa, was said to have offered him a pension for liie, on condition of his remaining with him. On his becoming acquaint- ed with the New Testament, he first hung his image of Khrishnoo, or Jug- gernath, which he had hitherto wor- shipped, on a tree in his garden, and at length cut it up to boil his rice. He remained steadfast in his profession of Christianity till his death. Two others, being men of superior natural endow- ments, employed themselves in publish- ing the doctrines of Christianity to their countrymen in the most fearless manner ; while their conduct was such as to secure them universal esteem. (c) THE HINDOO AND THE BITS OF PAPER.— The late Rev. Dr. Corrie, bishop of Madras, was formerly the chaplain of Allahabad. At that time there was no Hindostanee version of the Scriptures ; and it was his custom to translate, on small bits of paper, striking passages of Scripture into that language, and every morning distribute these papers at his door. Twenty years afterwards, he received MISCELLANEOUS CONVERSIONS. 64,65 a communication from a missionary at Allahabad, who informed him that a person in ill health had arrived there, and that he had been to visit him. He had come to see his friends, and die among thenO) after an absence of more than twenty years. The missionary had visited him there several times, and was so astonished at his knowledge of the Scripture, and his impressions of its great realities, that he put the question, *"' How is it, my friend, that you are so well informed in the sacred Scriptures ? You have told me you have never seen a missionary in your life, nor any one to teach you the way of life and salvation !" And what was his answer? He put his hand behind his pillow, and drew out a bundle of well worn and tattered bits of paper, and said, " From these bits of paper, which a sahib distributed at his door, whom I have never seen since, have I learned all. These papers, which I received twenty years ago, and have read every day, till they are thus tumbled and spoiled, are passages of Scripture in the Hindostanee language; from them I have derived all the infor- mation on eternal realities which I now possess. This is the source of my information ; thus I have derived my knowledge." (d) THE SUTYA-GOOROOS.— About the year 1820, a number of per- sons were found in a few villages near Dacca, in India, who had forsaken ido- latry, and who constantly refused to render to the Brahmins the customary honors. They were said also to be remarkable for the correctness of their ■conduct, and particularly for their ad- herence 1o truth. They were the followers of no particular leader, but from their professing to be in search of a true Gooroo or teacher, they were termed Sulya-Gooroos. It was said that they had derived all their principles from a book which was carefully pre- served in one of their villages. Some native Christians resolved to visit the sect of whom they had heard so many remarkable particulars. The singular book from which their prin- ciples were derived, was exhibited to the visitors. It was much worn, and was preserved in a case of metal re- sembling brass. Whence it came no one could tell. On examination, it was found to be a copy of the first edition of the Bengalee New Testament, printed at Serampore in 1800. This copy of a part of the sacred volume seemed to have thus prepared many inhabitants scattered through ten or twelve villages, to receive religious instruction from missionaries,* who afterwards labored among them with success. 69. Miscellaneous Conversions. (a) CONVERSION OF AUGUS- TINE. — In the spring of the year 372, a young man in the thirty-first year of his age, in evident distress of mind, entered into his garden near Milan. The sins of his youth — a youth spent in sensuality and impiety — weighed heavily on his soul. Lying under a fig-tree, moaning and pouring out abun- dant tears, he heard, from a neighbor- ing house, a young voice saying, and repeating in rapid succession, " Tolle, lege, Tolle, lege !" take and read, take and read. Receiving this as a divine admonition, he returned to the place where he left his friend Alypius to procure the roll of St. Paul's epistles, which ho had, a short time before, left with him. " I seized the roll," says he, in describing this scene, " I opened it, and read in silence the chapter on which my eyes first alighted." It was the tliirteenth of Romans. " Let us walk honestly, as in the day ; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not pro- vision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof." All was decided by a word. " I did not want to read any more," said he; "nor was there any need; every doubt was banished." The morning star had risen in his heart. In the language of Gaussen : — " Jesus had conquered ; and the grand career of Augustine, the holiest of the fathers, then commenced. A passage of God's word had kindled that glorious lumi- nary, which was to enlighten the 151 65 BIBLE. church for ten centuries; and whose beams gladden her even to this present day. After thirty-one years of revolt, of combats, of falls, of misery ; faith, life, eternal peace, came to this erring soul ; a new day, an eternal day came upon it." (b) THE BIBLE IN THE WAY. — An individual in the interior of this state, says the Charleston Observer, gives the following account of the man- ner in which he was first arrested by the power of divine truth : He had been one of those who had paid no regard to the subject of religion. *< God was not in all his thoughts," though his awful name was frequently upon his lips in oaths and blasphemies. One morning as he arose, his eyes fell upon the Bible which lay upon a shelf immediately over his washstand, and it seemed to him a silent reprover of his ways. It had long occupied its pre- sent position, without exciting the slightest notice. He took it down, brushed the dust from it, and put it back again. The next morning, the first object that arrested his attention was that very Bible, and it continued there morning after morning to reprove him, till he became so much annoyed by its presence, that he resolved to put it out of the way. Taking it down with this view he opened it, and the first passage upon which his eye light- ed, was descriptive of his own char- acter. He continued to read, and was troubled and affected by the accuracy with which it delineated his own heart and life. He closed it, returned it to its former position, and engaged in the occupations of the day with a heavy heart. At length, while he was read- ing it one morning, supposing himself to be unobserved, he turned around to see whether his wife, who had not yet risen, was awake or asleep, and found her bathed in a flood of tears. She had long been anxious for his salvation, and she was much affected at seeing him morning after morning stealing a glance at the word of life. When he saw he was discovered, he remarked, " It is of no use to conceal it any longer. I am a poor miserable sinner, and I find 152 there is no redemption but in Christ Jesus. Will you pray for me ? and will you go to the house of God ? for from this time forth 1 am resolved to prepare for heaven." And from that time forth he did become an altered man — a happy, consistent, humble, and devoted Christian. Thus the Bible, casually placed in the way of a wicked man, proved instrumental, through the Spirit, in bringing him to Christ, and in hiding a multitude of sins. (c) THE SPARED LEAF.— In a certain town in Rhode Island, there lived two young men, who were intimately acquainted. The one was truly pious, and the other, a shopman, paid no regard to divine things. On one occasion the shopman took up a leaf of the Bible, and was about to tear it in pieces, and use it for packing up some small parcel in the shop, when the other said, " Do not tear that : it contains the word of eternal life." The young man, though he did not relish the reproof of his kind and pious friend, folded up the leaf, and put it in his pocket. Shortly after this, he said within himself, " Now 1 will see what kind of life it is, of which this leaf speaks." On unfolding the leaf, the first words that caught his eye were the last in the book of Daniel : " But go thou thy way till the end be : for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days." He began immedi- ately to inquire what his lot would be at the end of the days, and the train of thought thus awakened led to the for-, mation of a religious character. By means so various are the purposes of Divine grace accomplished. (d) THE SIXPENCE.— Some time in the latter part of the last century, says Rev. Mr. Grinnell, a missionary from one of the New England Societies was laboring in the interior of the State of New York, where the settlements were very few and far between. This missionary was much devoted to his work, meek and affable, and possessed of a remarkable faculty for introducing the subject of religion to every indivi- dual with whom he came in contact. On a hot summer's day, while his horse was drinking from a small brook BENEFIT TO CHRISTIANS. 66 through which he rode, there came along a poor-dressed, bare-headed, bare- footed boy, about 7 years old, and stood looking at the missionary from the bridge just above him. " My son," said the missionary, " have you any parents ?" " Yes, sir ; they live in that house," pointing to a cabin near by. " Do your parents pray ?" " No, sir." " Why do they not pray ?" " I do not know, sir." " Do you pray ?" " No, sir." " Why do you not pray ?" " I do not know how to pray." " Can you read ?" " Yes, sir ; my mother has taught me to read the New Testament." " If I will give you this sixpence, will you go home and read the third chapter of John, and read the third verse over three times ?" The little boy said he would ; and the missionary gave him the sixpence and rode on. Some twenty years had elapsed, and the same missionary, advanced in years, was laboring in a sparsely peopled re- gion, in another part of the same state. While on his way to a little village one day, late in the afternoon, he called at a small house, and inquired the distance. " Six miles," was the reply. He then stated that himself and horse were very weary, and inquired if he could not stay all night. The woman of the house objected on account of their poverty, but the husband said, "Sir, YOU shall be welcome to such as we have." The missionary dismounted and went in. The wife began to prepare his sup- per, M'hile her husband proceeded to take care of the horse. As he came in, the missionary addressed him : " Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ ?" "That," said the man, "is a great question." " True," said the mission- ary, but I cannot eat till you tell me." " Sir," said the man, " about 20 years ago, I lived in the interior of this state, and was then about 7 years old. While playing in the road one day, a gentle- man in black, rode into the brook near by me, to water his horse. As I stood on the bridge above looking at him, he began to converse with me about pray- ing, and reading the Bible ; and told me he would give me a sixpence if I would read the 8d chapter of John and the third verse, three times — " And Jesus answered and said unto him. Verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again he cannot see the king- dom of God." I gave him my promise, took the money, and felt wealthy in- deed. I w-ent home, and read as I had promised. That verse produced an un- easiness in my mind, which followed me for days and years, and finally I was led by its influence, as I trust, to love Jesus as my Saviour ! " Glory to God !" said the missionary, rising from his seat ; " here is one of my spiritual children ; the bread cast on the waters is found after many days !" They took their supper, and talked and sang and prayed and rejoiced to- gether all night long, neither of them having any disposition to sleep. The missionary found him to be poor in this world's goods, but rich in faith, and an heir of the kingdom. Early in the morning they parted, and the missionary went his way inspired with fresh zeal for the prosecution of his pious labors. 66. Benefit to Christians. (a) NOT THE WORLD FOR MY BIBLE. — A poor woman at Glouces- ter, who had received a Bible from an association a few months before, being asked by the collectors what value she set upon it, replied, " I would not take for it all this world could offer. For," she continued, "since I received my Bible, I have been called to pass through great trials. In those trials my Bible gave me that comfort which the world and all its riches could not ; it gave me a hope, through that Saviour whom it reveals, of eternal life beyond the grave — a hope of heaven. This hope has made my sufferings appear light, to what they would have been, if my hope had been in this life only." (b) DAVID SAUNDERS.—" I have led but a lonely life," said David Saun- ders, (" the Shepherd of Salisbury plain,") " and often have had but little to eat ; but my Bible has been meat, drink, and company to me : and when lbs 66 BIBLE. want and trouble have come upon me, I don't know what I should have done indeed, if 1 had not had the promises of this book for my stay and support." (c) SCRIPTURE PRACTICALLY USED.— Mr. John Conway, of Mon- mouthshire, (Eng.) was remarkably subject to nervous affections, which in- duced a very painful degree of mental depression. He informed Mrs. Conway, that at one season he was so harassed by this affliction, which doubtless was aggravated by the fiery darts of the wicked one, as to render his existence almost insupportable. Relief was sought, and in some measure derived from the following wise expedient : he furnished himself with a variety of Scriptures, eminently expressive of the love and faithfulness of God, and of his great will- ingness to receive those that are disposed to accept salvation on gospel terms. To these he referred and fled for refuge whenever he found the enemy coming in like a flood ; and in the hands of the Spirit, he found them sufficient to lift up a standard against him. (d) THE DYING SOLDIER.— In the memorable conflict at Waterloo, a soldier, mortally wounded, was convey- ed to the rear by a comrade, and at a distance from the battle was laid down under a tree. The dying man request- ed to have his knapsack opened, that he might obtain from it his pocket Bible. He then requested his comrade to read to him, if but a small portion of it, be- fore he should breathe his last. He was asked what passage he would have read to him, and he fixed upon John 14 : 27 : " Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you : not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." " Now," said the dying sol- dier, "I die happy. I desired to have peace with God, and I possess the peace of God which passeth all understand- ing." A little while after, one of the officers passed near, and seeing him in such an exhausted state, asked him how he felt. He replied, " I die happy, for I enjoy the peace of God which passeth all un- derstanding;" and then expired. 154 (e) BIBLE IN A COAL MINE.— In one of the coal mines of England, a youth, about fifteen years of age, was working by the side of his father, who was a pious man, and governed and educated his family according to the word of God. The father was in the habit of carrying with him a small pocket Bible, and the son, who had received one at the Sunday school, imi- tated his father in this. — Thus he al- ways had the sacred volume with him, and whenever he enjoyed a season of rest from labor, he read it by the light of his lamp. They worked together in a newly opened section of the mine, and the father had just stepped aside a short distance to procure a tool, when the arch above them suddenly fell between him and his son, so that the father sup- posed his child to be crushed. He ran towards the place, and called to his son, who at length responded from under a dense mass of earth and coal. " My son," cried the father, " are you liv- ing ?" " Yes, father, but my legs are under a rock." " Where is your lamp, my son ?" "It is still burning, father." " What will you do, my dear son ?" " I am reading my Bible, my father, and the Lord strengthens me." These were the last words of that child ; he was soon suffocated. (/) THE USE OF THE BIBLE. — A little boy had often amused him- self by looking over the pictures of a large Bible ; and his mother one day said to him, " John, do you know the use of the Bible ?" He said, " No, mo- ther." " Then, John, be sure you ask your father," was the advice she gave him. Soon afterwards, John ran up to him, and said, " I should like to know, father, what is the use of the Bible ?" His father said, " I will tell you another time, John." The boy appeared disap- pointed, and walked away. A few days afler, the father took his son to a house where was a woman very ill in bed, and began to talk to her ; she said that she had suffered a great deal of pain, but hoped that she was resigned to the will of God. " Do you think," said the father, " that God does right to permit you to feel so much pain ?" " O, yes," answered the wo- LOVE FOR THE BIBLE. 66, or man ; " for God is my heavenly Father, who loves me ; and I am sure that He, who loves me so much, would not per- mit me to suifer as I do, if it were not for my good." He then said, " How is it that you find your sufferings do you good ?" She replied, " My sufferings are good for my soul ; they make me more humble, more patient ; they make me feel the value of the Savior more, and to pray more, and I am sure all this is good for me." John had been very attentive to this conversation, and the tears stood in his eyes while the afflicted woman was talking. His fa- ther looked at him, and then said to the woman, " My good woman, can you tell me what is the use of the Bible ?" John was extremely eager to hear her answer. The woman, with a stronger voice than before, said, " O sir, the Bible has been my comfort in my affliction." " There, John," said his father, "now you know one use of the Bible ; it can give us comfort v/hen we most need it." (g) BEST PLACE TO LEARN. — Mr. Cecil, during a severe illness, said to a person who spoke of it, " It is all Christ. I keep death in view. If God does not please to raise me up, he intends me better. I find every thing but religion only vanity. — To recollect a promise of the Bible : this is sub- stance ! Nothing will do but the Bible. If I read authors, and hear different opinions, I cannot say this is truth ! I cannot grasp it as substance ; but the Bible gives me something to hold. I have learned more within these curtains, than from all the books I ever read." (h) DR. ELY AND THE NE- GRESS. — A little beyond the smoking ruins of one hundred tenements which had been destroyed by fire, in the city of New- York, Dr. Ely overtook a wo- man of color; under one arm she carried five large brands, and under the other a quarto Bible. " Poor wo- man," said he, " have you been burned out too?" "Yes, massa, but blessed be God, I'm alive." "You are very old to be turned out of house and home." "I'm well stricken in years, but God does it ; and in dis world 'tis one's turn to-day, and anudder*s to-morrow." " Have you saved nothing but the Bible ?" " Noting but one trunk o' things; but dis blessed book is wort more as all de rest. It make me feel better than all de rest. So long as I keep dis, I content." 67. Love for the Bible. (a) ANCIENT CHRISTIANS.— We learn, from Chrysostom, that in the primitive church, women and children had frequently the Gospels, or parts of the New Testament, hung round their neck, and carried them constantly about with them. The rich had splendid copies of the sacred writings on vellum, in their libraries and book-cases ; but as the art of printing was not known till many ages after, complete copies of the Scriptures were, of course, ex- ceedingly scarce. Children were par- ticularly encouraged in the efforts which they made to commit to memory the invaluable truths of the divine volume. Though in those times the Bible was to be multiplied by no other means than the pen, and every letter was to be traced out with the finger, so repeatedly were the Scriptures copied that many of the early Christians had them in their possession ; and they were so copied into their writings, that a cel- ebrated scholar engao-ed, that if the New Testament, by any accidental circumstances, should be lost, he would undertake to restore it, with the excep- tion of a few verses of one of the Epis- tles ; and he pledged himself to find these in a short time. (b) FELIX, THE MARTYR.— The most excruciating tortures were fre- quently inflicted on many of the ancient Christians, who refused to deliver up their copies of the Scriptures to the heathen ; but all kinds of suffering, and even death itself, were nobly braved by many Christian worthies, to whom the book of God was more pre- cious than life. Felix, an African, being apprehended as a Christian, was commanded, by the civil magistrate of the city, to deliver up all books and writings belonging to his church, that they might be burned. The martyr replied that it was better he himself 155 %v BIBLE. should be burned. The magistrate, therefore, sent him to the proconsul at Carthage, by whom he was delivered over to the prefect of the Prsetorium, who was then in Africa. This su- preme officer, offended at his bold and candid confession, commanded him to be loaded with heavier bolts and irons ; and after being kept in a close and miserable dungeon nine days, ordered him to be put on board a vessel, saying, he should stand his trial before the emperor. In this voyage he lay for four days under the hatches of the ship, between the horses' feet, without eating or drinking. He was landed at Agra- gentum, in Sicily ; and when brought by the prefect as far as Venosa, in Apulia, his irons were knocked off, and he was again asked whether he had the Scriptures, and would deliver them up. " I have them," said he, " but will not part with them." On making this assertion, he was ijistantly condemned to be beheaded. "I thank thee, O Lord," exclaimed this faithful and heroic martyr, " that I have lived fifty- six years, have preserved the gospel, and have preached the faith and truth. O my Lord Jesus Christ, the God of heaven and earth, I bow my head to be sacrificed to thee, who livest to all eternity." (c) NOT A TITTLE TO BE AL- TERED.— When Valens, the emperor, sent messengers to seduce Eusebius to heresy by fair words and large pro- mises, he answered : " Alas ! sirs, these speeches are fit to catch little children ; but we, who ai*e taught and~n6urished by: Ihe Holy Scriptures, are- ready to guffer^ thousand deaths rather than permit (rnie tittle of the Sciiptures to be (f]) KING ALFRED AND HIS PSALTER.— King Alfred the Great encountered many difficulties in obtain- ing scriptural knowledge, which we have never experienced, and manifested an attachment to the sacred volume not often seen now. In those dark ages, learning was considered rather a re- proach than an honor to 'a prince. In addition to which, his kingdom, for many years, was the seat of incessant war. Notwithstanding all this, Alfred 156 found opportunity not only to read the word of God, but actually to copy out all the Psalms of David : which book he constantly carried in his bosom. That he profited greatly from reading the Scriptures is no matter of surprise, when we learn, that, after the example of David, he earnestly sought divine teaching, and prayed that the Lord would open his eyes, that he might un- derstand his law. He frequently en- tered the churches secretly in the night for prayer; and there lamented, with sighs, the want of more acquaintance with divine wisdom. Having drunk into the spirit of the Bible, and experi- enced the rich consolation it affords, in setting before the burdened sinner a free and full salvation in Jesus, he wished it published to all around ; he therefore commenced a translation of the Psalms into Anglo-Saxon, though he did not, however, live to finish the work. (6) MARGARET PIERRONE.— Margaret Pierrone, a martyr of the sixteenth century, resided in Valen- ciennes. She was accused by a wicked female servant, to the Jesuits, because she had not been for many years at the mass, and had kept in her house a Bible, in reading which was her whole delight. The magistrates being informed of it, caused her to be apprehended. Being in prison the judges called her before them, and said, " Margaret, are you not willing to return home to your house, and there live with your hus- band and children ?" " Yes," said she, " if it may stand with the good will of God." They added further, that they had so wrought with the Jesuits that in doing a small matter she might be set at liberty. " A scaffold shall be erected in the chief place of the city, upon which you are to present yourself, and there to crave pardon for offending the ' law. Then, a fire being kindled, you must cast your Bible therein to be con- sumed, without speaking any word at all." "I pray you, my masters, tell me," said Margaret, " is my Bible a good book or not ?" " Yes, we con- fess it is good," said they. " If you allow it to be good," replied the wo- LOVE FOR THE BIBLE. Ot man, " why would you have me cast it into the fire ?" " Only," said they, " to give the Jesuits content. Imagine it to be but paper that you burn, and then all is well enough. Do so much for saving your life, and we will med- dle no more with you. You may ob- tain another whenever you will." They spent about two hours in en- deavoring to persuade her. " By the help of God," answered Margaret, " I will never consent to do it. I will burn my body before I will burn my Bible." Unable to weaken her resolution, her enemies committed her a close prisoner, to be fed only with bread and water, and none to be permitted so much as to speak to her, thinking by this hard usage to overcome her : but all was to no purpose. A doctor of divinity was frequently sent to her to turn her from her resolution ; but he found it too hard a task for him to effect, and often con- fessed to those who sent him, that he found in her no cause why they should put her to death. On January 22, 1593, however, she Was condemned to be brought upon a stage, erected in the market-place be- fore the town-house, first to see her books burned, then herself to be stran- gled at a post, and her body dragged to the dunghill without the city. Com- ing to the place, she ascended the scaf- fold, and distinctly pronounced the Lord's prayer. Then, seeing her books burned in her presence, she uttered these words, with an audible voice: " You burn there the word of God, which yourselves have acknowledged to be good and holy." Having ag'ain repeated the Lord's prayer, she was immediately strangled. (/) MONEY LOST— BIBLE SAV- ED. — Fox, the martyrologist, informs us of an English sailor, who, being shipwrecked, lost all his property ex- cept his Bible, which he was deter- mined to save, and of which he took more care than of his money. Having clung to the wreck until all others on board perished, he committed himself to the sea, with his Bible tied round his neck with a handkerchief. After float- ing upon the water for a long time, sup- ported by a piece of the mast, he was happily discovered by the crew of an- other vessel, sitting upon the broken fragment which preserved him from a watery grave ; and when thus almost miraculously delivered from starvation and death, he was reading his Bible ! (g) TESTAMENT AND HAL- TER.— When King Henry VIII. had allowed the Bible to be set forth to be read in the churches, immediately sev- eral poor men in the town of Chelms- ford, in Essex, where the father of William Maiden lived, and where he was born, bought the New Testament, and on Sundays sat reading it in the lower end of the church. Many flocked about them to hear them read ; and he, among the rest, being then about fifteen years old, came every Sunday to hear the glad and sweet tidings of the gospel. But his father, observing it once, an- grily fetched him away, and would have him say the Latin matins with him, which much grieved him. And as he returned, at other times, to hear the Scriptures read, his father would still fetch him away. This put him upon the thought of learning to read, that he might search the New Testa- ment himself j which, when he had by diligence eflected, he, and his father's apprentice, bought a New Testament, joining their little stocks together ; and, to conceal it, laid it under the bed- straw, and read it at convenient times. One night, having discarded the act of bowing down to the crucifix, in con- versation with his mother, she was en- raged, and went and informed his father, who, inflamed with anger at hearing that his son denied that worship was due to the cross, went into his son's room, and pulling him out of bed by the hair, beat him most unmercifully. T^e lad bore all with patience, consid- ering that it was for Christ's sake, as he said, when he related the anecdote in queen Elizabeth's reign. Enraged at this calmness, the father ran and fetched a halter, which he put round his son's neck, and would have hanged him, but for the interference of his mother. Such scenes, doubtless, occur- red in many families. (h) OLD ROBERT'S GIRDLE.— A singular instance of attachment to 157 BIBLE. the word of God was shown by a poor and illiterate, but pious and excellent man, the servant of John Bruen, Esq. of Stapleford, in Cheshire. He was most commonly called Old Robert ; and though he could neither write nor read, he became mighty in the Scriptures, by means of a curious invention, by which he assisted his memory. He framed a girdle of leather, long and large, which went twice round him. This he divided into several parts, al- lotting every book in the Bible, in their order, to one of these divisions ; then, for the chapters, he affixed points or thongs of leather to the several divi- sions, and made knots by fives or tens thereupon, to distinguish the chapters of that book ; and by other points he divided the chapters into their particu- lar contents, or verses, as occasion re- quired. This he used instead of pen and ink, in hearing sermons, and made so good a use of it, that, coming home, he was able by it to repeat the sermon, and quote the texts of Scripture, &c. to his own great comfort, and to the bene- fit of others. This girdle Mr. Bruen kept after Old Robert's death, hung it up in his study, and used pleasantly to call it, "the girdle of verity." (i) MORE STUDIED, MORE PRECIOUS.— Dr. Buchanan, in a con- versation he had with a friend, a short time before his death, was describing the minute pains he had been taking with the proofs and revisions of the Sy- riac Testament, every page of which passed under his eye jive times before it was finally sent to press. He said, he had expected beforehand that this pro- cess would have proved irksome to him, but that every fresh perusal of the sacred page seemed to unveil new beauties. Here he stopped, and said ^e to his friend, as soon as he recovered himself, " I could not suppress the emo- tion I felt, as I recollected the delight it pleased God to afford me in the read- ing of his word." (j) PURBLIND MAN'S DE- VICE. — Mr. Harris, a London trades- man,^ whose sight had decayed, procur- ed the whole New Testament, except the book of Revelation, and also the book of Psalms, to be written with white 158 ink on black paper, in letters an inch long, that he might enjoy the consola- tions of the gospel of Christ. {k) THE SHORT-HAND COPY. — During the persecution of the non- conformists, in the reign of James II., one of them copied out the whole Bible in short-hand for his own use, fearing V the re-establishment of popery, and the suppression of the Holv Scriptures. (Z) SIX MONTHS' WORK FOR A TESTAMENT.—A young man in Ireland, originally a Roman Catholic, was bound apprentice to a linen weaver. Having learned to read, and a New Testament happening to lie neglected in his master's house, it became the constant companion of his leisure hours. His apprenticeship being finished, he proposed going to see his brother in Castlebar, in the county of Mayo, and begged of his master the New Testa- ment, as a reward for his services. The master, knowing his attachment to the book, refused to give it to him on any other terms than his further servitude for six months. The young man, judg- ing that a copy might be obtained on easier terms at Castlebar, declined this. But, alas ! not a Testament was there for sale, in this the principal town of a populous county in Ireland. (1811.) He could not live without it ; and accord- ingly returned and labored half a year for a New Testament. {m) DR. KENNICOTT AND WIFE.— During the time that Dr. Ken- nicott was employed in preparing his Polyglot Bible, he was accustomed to hear his wife read to him in their daily airings, those different portions to which his immediate attention was called. When preparing for their ride, the day after this great work was completed, upon her asking him what book she should now take, ' Oh,' exclaimed he, ' let us begin the Bible.' (n) BIBLE PRIZED ABOVE FREEDOM.— The Rev. Mr. Eraser, a liberated colored missionary from An- tigua, states the following fact : — The names of Mr. and Mrs. Thwaites are well known in the island of Antigua, as connected with all efforts of practical education. Mrs. Thwaites gave to a girl, who attended one of their Sunday LOVE FOR THE BIBLE. 67 schools, a Bible. Nancy, for that was her name, took home the Bible to the estate to which she belonged. Nancy was ill ; he Bible was her constant companion. Nancy got well, and went in and out ; but the Bible was always near to her. At length, the overseer asked her what she had got there. She showed it to him. He looked on with admiration, for it was well bound. " Where did you get this ?" She told him. " Will you sell this book ?" " No, sir ; if you will give me my free- dom for it, you shall not have it." Let no one think that Nancy did not know the value of freedom. No ; it was not that she despised freedom ; but it was a stretch of thought in the mind of a slave to find out the most valuable thing with which to compare the Bible ; and the most valuable thing to the heart of that negro, was rejected for the Bible. (o) WELSH PEASANTS AND THEIR BIBLES.— When the arrival of the cart, which carried the first sa- cred load of the Scriptures, sent by the British and Foreign Bible Society, to Wales, in 1806, was announced, the Welsh peasants went out in crowds to meet it ; welcomed it as the Israelites did the ark of old ; drew it into the town ; and eagerly bore ofl all the copies as rapidly as they could be dis- persed. The young people were to be seen spending the whole night in read- ing it. Laborers carried it with them to the field, that they might enjoy it during the intervals of labor, and lose no opportunity of becoming acquainted with its blessed truths. (p) THE DYING INDIAN BOY. — The missionary, on visiting him, says, " I found him dying of consumption, and in a state ofthe most awful poverty and destitution, in a small birch-rind cover- ed hut, with nothing but a few fern- leaves under him, and an old blanket over him. After recovering from my surprise, I said, ' My poor boy, I am very sorry to see you in this state ; had you let me know, you should not have been lying here.' He replied, ' It is very little I want now, and these poor people get it for me ; but I should like something softer to lie upon, as my bones are very sore.' I then asked him concerning the state of his mind, when he replied, that he was very happy ; that Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, had died to save him, and that he had the most perfect confidence in him. Ob- serving a small Bible under the corner of his blanket, I said, ' Jack, you have a friend there ; I am glad to see that ; I hope you find something good there.' Weak as he was, he raised himself on his elbow, held it in his attenuated hand, while a smile played on his counte- nance, and slowly spoke, in precisely the following words : ' That, sir, is my dear friend. You gave it me. For a long time I read it much, and often thought of what it told. Last year I went to see my sister at Lake Winni- peg, (about two hundred miles off,) where I remained about two months. When I was halfway back through the lake, I remembered that I had lefl my Bible behind me. I directly turned round, and was nine days by myself, tossing to and fro, before I could reach the house ; but I found my friend, and determined that I would not part with it again, and ever since it has been near my breast, and I thought I should have buried it with me ; but I have thought since, I had better give it to you, when I am gone, and it may do some one else good." (q) DESIRE FOR THE BIBLE. — Long before the Bibles arrived at Ta- hiti, says Rev. Mr. Pritchard, many of the people placed in the hands of the missionaries their money to purchase them, that they might not be disappoint- ed when they came to hand. At length a small packing-case, containing thirty Bibles, arrived with Mr. Nott's boxes and trunks from Sydney, New South Wales. Mr. Nott having been taken ill, after his luggage had been put on board, was obliged to remain in Sydney, but sent on most of his things to Tahiti. It was by some means ascertained by the natives that there was a box of Tahitian Bibles at Papeete, in a store kept by an English merchant. They came repeat- edly to me, begging that I would open the box and let them have the Bibles, for they would be doing no good lying there, but, in their hands, they might de rive benefit from them. I told them Mr. 159 ei' BIBLE. Nott had sent a letter, stating that not a single box or trunk must be opened till he arrived. Perceiving that there was no proba- bility of getting them from me, they de- vised a plan by which they obtained them. Several of the chiefs and one or two members of the royal family went to the store where the Bibles were, and entered, as though they had come to purchase some of the articles there ex- posed for sale. A few of them stood round the store-keeper, talking to him, that he might not easily perceive what the others were doing, when, all at once, he heard a tremendous crash, and, to his great surprise, he found they had broken the case, and were scrambling for the Bibles. The man begged that they would not take them, stating that they were in his charge, and that he should be blamed if he allowed them to go. His entreaties were all in vain ; they had now got them in their posses- sion. They said to the store-keeper, " Don't you fear, we will at once write down the name of each person who has one, and we are willing to pay any price that may be demanded for them, but we will not give them up." We do not attempt to justify the steps taken to obtain the Bibles, but state the fact to show their earnest desire to possess them. The Queen's secretary succeeded in getting one, and, passing by the mis- sionary's door, he called in to acquaint him with what had taken place, and to show him his treasure. The dinner be- ing on the table, the missionary said to him, " Put down your Bible, and dine with us." He replied, " Not to-day, I have better food here ; I want to go and feed upon this spiritual food." In ge- neral a native does not need much pressing to induce him to partake ; but on this occasion he declined the kind invitation, and hastened home to feed upon "the meat which endureth unto eternal life." (r) PEASANT COPYING THE TESTAMENT.— A peasant, in the county of Cork, (Ireland,) understanding that a gentleman had a copy of the Scriptures in the Irish language, beg- ged to see it. He asked whether he 160 might borrow the New Testament in his own tongue, that he might take a copy from it. The gentleman said he could not obtain another copy, and ho was afraid to trust it to take a copy in writ- ing. " Where will you get the paper ?" asked the gentleman. " I will buy it." " And the pens and ink ?" " I will buy them." "Where will you find a place ?" " If your honor will allow me your hall, I will come after I have done my work in the day, and take a copy by portions of time in the evening." The gentleman was so struck with his zeal, that he gave him the use of the hall and a light, in order to take a copy. The man was firm to his purpose, finished the work, and produced a copy of the New Testament in writing by his own hand. A printed copy was given to him in exchange, and the written one was placed in the hands of the president of the British and Foreign Bible Society, as a monument of the desire of the Irish to know the Scriptures. {s) THE SPIRITUAL BEGGAR. — Both his hands and his feet had been eaten off by a disease, which the na- tives call kokovi. But he was industri- ous and raised food sufficient to support his family. He walked on his knees ; he dug the ground with an instrument, and then scraping out the earth with the stumps of his arms, he contrived to place the plant in the hole, and to fill in the earth. Mr. Williams once fell in with him as he was walking along, and found to his astonishment that the poor cripple possessed a wonderful knowledge of the gospel, and a truly Christian spirit. Having never seen him at any place of worship, Mr. Williams asked, " But where did you obtain your knowledge ?" " Why," said he, " as the people re- turn from the services, I take my seat by the way-side, and beg a bit of the word as they pass by ; one gives me one piece, another another piece, and I collect them together in my heart, and by thinking on what I thus obtain, and praying to God to make me know, I un- derstand a little about his Word." Beg- ging the truth piece-meal from the na- tives who heard it — this poor cripple obtained a knowledge of the Gospel, that would put thousands, in the most LOVE FOR THE BIBLE. 67 favored parts of Christendom, to the blush ! (t) JANE GRAY'S PREFER- ENCE. — Lady Jane Gray was once asked by one of her feiends, in a tone of surprise, how she could consent, to forego the pleasures of the chase, which her parents were enjoying, and prefer sitting at home reading her Bible. She smilingly replied, " All amusements of that description are but a shadow of the pleasure which I enjoy in reading this book." (u) TAHITIAN BIBLE CLASSES. — The Tahitians, says a missionary in 184-, are exceedingly anxious to un- derstand what they read. Hence they have their Bible classes each morning, Saturdays excepted. These they attend soon after sunrise, before they go to the various avocations of the day. None think it beneath their dignity to attend these Bible classes. At Papeete, may be seen Queen Pomare, her mother, her aunt, various chiefs and common people, sitting round their teacher, reading verse by .verse alternately, when they are interrogated on each verse as they read it, and if necessary, suitable explana- tions are given by the teacher. All ex- pect to be interi'ogated. Queen Pomare would think it very strange if, on ac- count of her being a sovereign, she were not to be interrogated, but merely read her portion. Her Majesty thinks it as important for her to obtain correct views of divine truth, as it is for any of her subjects. Many of them come to our houses with the Bible in their hands, asking for explanations of various passages which they have been reading at home, but not being able sat- isfactorily to understand them, they at once apply to those who possess a more correct and extensive knowledge of the word of God. {v) THE WOMAN AND* THE SHEPHERD BOY.— The late cele- brated Robinson, of Cambridge, once said, " We had in our congregation a poor aged widow, who could neither read the Scriptures nor live without hearing them read, so much instruction and pleasure did she derive from the oracles of God. She lived in a lone place, and the family where she lodged li could not read ; but there was one more cottage near, and in it a little boy, a shepherd's son, who could read ; but he, full of play, was not fond of reading the Bible. Necessity is the mother of invention. The good old widow deter- mined to rise one hour sooner in the morning in order to spin one halfpenny more, to be expended in hiring the shepherd's boy to read to her every evening a chapter, to which he readily agreed. This little advantage made her content in her cottage, and even say, ' The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places.' " (w) BIBLE READ WITH THE LIPS. — At an anniversary of the French and Foreign Bible Society, held in Paris, the secretary related the fol- lowing interesting fact : That interesting person, who now lives in a village not far from my house, writes a Christian friend, had lost in her early age the little sight which the bad conformation of her eyes had left her after birth. Her parents, ^lo^even had succeeded, while she was yet ,j| child, to make her discern her letters by the use of very large characters ; but for a long time past she had not been able even to distinguish the largest letters on the show-bills. She can hardly now make the distinction be- tween light and darkness. Gifted with intelligence and skill, vshe rejoiced when she learned that God had put it into the hearts of some pious men to offer his word to the blind ; and as soon as I was enabled to procure for her the gospel according to Mark, issued from your presses, she began to study it alone with great earnestness. After a few days she could, to my astonish- ment, read about a page ; but she was greatly discouraged, on account of the slowness of her progress. Her means are very limited, and she is obliged to work for her living. Alone in a small chamber, which she rents, she attends herself to all the necessaries of her life, and cultivates even a little piece of ground, out of which she con- trives to raise some vegetables. All this obliterates her sense of touch, which, therefore, js far less delicate than that of other blind, who are less 161 m BIBLE. skillful or in easier circumstances, and hence are not obliged to have recourse ta this manual labor. One day the idea crosses the mind of this poor girl, that the sensibility of her fingers would be excited were the skin taken off; and immediately (such is her desire to read, and chiefly to read the word of God, which he has taught her to love,) she takes a penknife and begins to skin off the ends of her fingers. But, alas ! sensibility excites pain ; her touch is not improved ; and soon the sores which succeed to the thick skin which she has tried to scrape off, become, for our poor sister, an insurmountable obstacle to the pursuit of her study. She tries yet, however, but in vain ; she must now give it up. In a moment of despair, she takes up the book, and pressing it against her lips, wetting it with her tears, thus addressed it: " Fare- well, farewell, sweet word of my heav- enly Father, food of my soul ! I must part with thee !" But what is her sur- prise ! her lips, more delicate than her lingers, have discerned the form of the letters ! she reflects, she tries, at last she cannot doubt any more ; she has certainly read, " Gospel according to Mark!" Her soul overflowing with •gratitude, pours out her thanks before the throne of her Father in heaven. She lies down to rest. All night she perus- ed the holy book, and every where she discovers, in a few moments, not only the form of the letters, but also the sense of the phrases. fi8. "Searching the Scriptures." (a) FRENCH BLACKING VEN- DER AND HIS BIBLE. — An old man, a seller of blacking, took his stand for many years in a very crowd- ed quarter of Paris.^ A Bible was pre- sented to him. This poor creature was only permitted by the police to sell his blacking after sunset : in the day he was occupied in preparing it ; but after ^standing in the street till late, to obtain 5d. or 7d. by his blacking, he devoted "many hours of every night to studying the sacred volume, and reading it to his wife, by the light of a glimmering lamp, till one or two in the morning. It was 162 astonishing to those who visited him how rapidly he proceeded, not merely to read and comprehend, but even to com- pare different parts of the Avord of God together. In a few months, at more than seventy years of age, he had ob- tained such an harmonious view of the Scriptures, as to be mucn better ao quainted with their historical conten*.-* than his Christian instructor. When he discovered the doctrine of justifica- tion by faith, he was overwhelmed, and could not believe that any one had dis- covered it before, or, at least, so clearly as himself. His wife being ill, she was obliged to go to the hospital, and her husband con- trived to carry the Bible in a bundle of clothes, that he might read it to her. The priest soon heard of his having the Bible, and attempted to frighten him from reading it, offering him a comforta- ble support for life, if he would give it up, and return to confession. He re- plied, " I should then be a hypocrite ; I would r-ather die from want than be- come one. Since I read this book, I can no longer give up my conscience to another." (b) GEORGE III. AND HIS BI- BLE. — It has been stated, by those who had opportunities of acquiring correct information, that of the few books which the king read, the Bible was constant- ly on the table in his closet, and the commentary which he selected for his private reading, was Matthew Henry's Exposition. A pious female servant, whose ofl^ce it was to arrange the library room, has been oflen heard to say, " I love to follow my master in his reading of the Scriptures, and to observe the passages he turns down. I wish every body made the Bible as much their daily study as my good master does." (c) CLUSTER OF EXAMPLES. — The emperor Thcodosius wrote out the whole New Testament with his own hand, and read some part of them every day. Theodosius, the second, dedicated a great part of the night to the study of the Scriptures. George, prince of Transylvania, read over the Bible twenty-seven times. Alphonsus, king of Arragon, read the Scriptures over, FAMILIARITY WITH THE BIBLE. 6S,6d together with a large commentary, fourteen, times. Sir Henry Wot ten, after his custom- ary public devotions, used to retire to his study, and there spend some hours in reading the Bible. Sir. John Hartop in like manner, amidst his other voca- tions, made the book of God so much his study, that it lay before him night and day. James Boniygl, Esq., made the Holy Scriptures his constant and daily study, he read them, he meditated upon them, he prayed over them. M. De Renty, a French nobleman, used to read daily three chapters of the Bi- ble, with his head uncovered, and on his bended knees. Lady Frances Hobart read the Psalnns over twelve times a year, the New Testament thrice, and the other parts of the Old Testament, once. Susannah, 'countess of Suffolk, for the last seven years of her life, read the whole Bible over twice annually. Dr. Gouge used to read fifteen chap- ters every day ; five in the morning, five after dinner, and five in the eyening, before going to bed. Mr. Jeremiah Whittaker usually read all the Epistles in the Greek Testament twice every fortnight. Joshua Barnes is said to have read a small pocket Bible, which he usually carried about with him, a hundred and twenty times over. Mr. Roger Cotton read the whole Bible through twelve times a year. The Rev. Wm. Romaine studied no- thing but the Bible for the last thirty or forty years of his life. A poor prisoner, being confined in a dark dungeon, had no light, except for a few moments when his food was brought him ; he used to take his Bible and read a chapter, saying, he could find his mouth in the dark, when he could not read. Henry Willis, farmer, aged 81, devo- ted almost every hour that could be spared from his labor, during the course of so long a life, to the devout and serious perusal of the Holy Scriptures. He had read with the most minute at- tention, all the books of the Old and j New Testament, eight times over, and had proceeded as far as the book of Job in his ninth reading, when his medita- tions were terminated by death. (d) EXAMPLE OF PRESIDENT ADAMS. — Among men of education and talents, those who have been known as enemies of the Bible have, for the most part, unhesitatingly acknowledged their ignorance of its contents, or at least that they were not familiar with its pages ; while the invariable testi- mony of all who have candily studied it, has been in favor of its claims to di- vine authority, and to the sublimity, purity and wisdom of its precepts. The testimony following will be very generally respected. The venerable John Quincy Adams a short time before his death stated to a friend, that ever since he was thirty years old, he had been accustomed, among the first things, to read the Bible every morning. With few interrup- tions, he followed the practice over half a century. « 69. Familiarity with the Bible. (a) BLIND ALICK.— There was living in 1832, at Stirling, in Scot- land, a blind old beggar, known to all the country round by the name of Blind Alick, v/ho possessed a memory of al- most incredible strength. Alick was blind from his childhood. He was the son of poor parents, who could do little for him ; though, indeed, at that time, wealth could not have done much for the education of one laboring under his privations. Ali(;k was sent by his pa- rents to a common school, to keep him out of mischief, and in order that he might learn something by hearing the lessons of the other children. The only volume then used in such establish- ments, as a class or reading book, was the Bible ; and it was customary for the scholai*s, as they read in rotation, to repeat not only the number of each chapter, but the number of each verse as it was read. By constantly hearing these readings, young Alick soon began to retain many of the passages of Scrip- ture, and with them the number of the chapter and verse where they occurred. It is probable, that being incapacitated by his sad privation from any useful 163 69 BIBLE. employment, he may have remained an unusual length of lime at this school ; and that his father, as was generally the case with the Scottish peasantry, was a great reader of the Bible at home. A constant attendance at church would also contribute to the result. However this may have been, at was observed with astonishment that when Blind Alick was a man, and obliged, by the death of his parents, to gain a livelihood by begging through the streets of his native town of Stirling, he knew the whole of the Bible, both Old and NeWj Testaments, by heart ! Many persons of education have examined Alick, and have invairably been astonished at the extent of his memory. You may re- peat any passage in Scripture, and he will tell you the chapter and verse ; or you may tell him the chapter and verse of any part of Scripture, and he will repeat to you the passage, word for word. Not long since, a gentleman, to puzzle him, read with a slight verbal alteration, a ^^erse of the Bible. Alick hesitated a moment, and then told where it was to be found, but said it had not been correctly delivered ; he then gave it as it stood in the book, correcting the slight error that had been purposely in- troduced. The gentleman then asked him for the ninetieth verse of the seventh chapter of Numbers. Alick was again puzzled for a moment, but then said hastily, " You are fooling me, sirs ! there is no such verse — that chap- ter has but eighty-nine verses.^' Se- veral other experiments of the sort were tried upon him with the same success. He has often been questioned the day after any particular sermon or speech ; and his examiners have in- variably found, that had their patience allowed, Blind Alick would have given them the sermon or speech over again. (b) DAVIDSAUNDERS.— In con- versation with Dr. Stonehouse, David Saunders, who is well known as the subject of Mrs. Hannah More's beauti- ful tract, " The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain," gave the following narrative of facts concerning himself: — Blessed be i God ! through his mercy I learned to read when I was a boy. I believe there is no day, for the last thirty years, that 164 I have not peeped at my Bible. If we can't find time to read a chapter, I defy any man to say he ean't frndf time to read a verse ; and a single text, well followed and put in practice every day, would make no bad figure at the j-ear's end ; 365 texts, without the loss of a moment's time, would make a pretty stock, a little golden treasury, as one may say, from neiW year's day to new year's day ; and if children wem brought up to it, they would come to look ifbr their text as naturally as they do for their break flist. I can say the greatest part of the Bible by heart. (c) REV. DR. MARRYAT.— This eminent man, when but a youth, felt it his duty to store his excellent memory with the words of Divine revelation. He is said to have committed to memory the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah, and all tlie lesser prophets, as also the epistles of the New Testament ; and, that he might retain this ir«'aluable treasure, he stated that it was his practice to repeat them from memory, without a book, once a year. (d) HON. SAMUEL HUBBARD. — 41on. Samuel Hubbard, of Boston, says the American Messenger, had a remarkable acquaintance with the Bible. He had a large Bible class of young men ; and in the conversation and discussions which arose, would quote a verse from memory, and add, " I think you will find it in /' naming the chapter and verse ; and the reference would be found invariably correct. Such a know/ledge of the Scriptures could have been obtained only by long and faithful study. (e) MISCELLANEOUS EXAM- PLES. — Josephus testifies of his coun- trymen, that if asked concerning the laws of Moses, they could answer as readily as their names. Erasmus, speaking cf Jerome, says, " Who ever learnt by heart the whole Scripture, or imbibed or meditated on it as he did ?" Tertullian, after his conversion, was engaged nigi^t and day in reading the Scriptures, and got much of them by heart. Of one Marcus, a primitive Christian, who was well instructed in the morning THE BIBLE NEGLECTED OR REJECTED. to of life, it is recorded, that he became so expert in the Scriptures, when he was but a youth, that he could repeat the whole of the Old and New Testaments. Of one or two others it is said, that be- ing men of good memories, they got the Scriptures by heart, only by hearing them continually read by others ; they not being able to read a single word. It is related of Beza, one of the re- formers, that when he was old, and could not recollect the names of persons and things he had heard but a few minutes before, he could remember and repeat the epistles of St. Paul, which he had committed to memory when he was yoiang. The celebrated Witsius was able to recite almost any passage of Scripture, in its proper language, together with its context, and the criticisms of the best commentators. Bonaventure wrote out the Scriptures twice, and learnt most of them by heart. Zuinglius wrote out St. Paul's Epis- tles, and committed them to memory. Cromwell, Earl of Essex, in his journey to and from Rome, learned all the New Testament by heart. Bishop Ridley thus attests his own practice, and the happy fruit of it: -" The walls and trees of my orchard, could they speak, would bear witness, that there I learned by heart almost all the Epistles ; of which study, although in time a greater part of it was lost, yet the sweet savor thereof, I trust I shall carry with me to heaven." Gregory Lopez, a Spanish monk in Mexico, in the sixteenth century, com- mitted to memory both the Old and New Testaments, in the short space of four years, spending four hours a day in memorizing them. Viscount Carteret, who was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1724, could repeat, from memory, the whole of the New Testament, from the first chapter of Matthew to the end of Revelation. It was astonishing to hear him quote very long passages from it, with as much accuracy as if he were reading a book. The Rev. Thomas Threlkfeld, of Rochdale, in Lancashire, (Eng.) might have been justly called a living con- cordance to the Holy Scriptures. If three words only were mentioned, ex- cept perhaps those words of mere con- nexion which occur in hundreds of passages, he could immediately, without hesitation, assign the chapter and verse where they could be found ; and, in- versely, upon mentioning the chapter and verse, he could repeat the words. This power of retention enabled him with ease to make himself master of many languages. Nine or ten he read with critical skill. It is affirmed by a friend, who lived near him, and who was on intimate terms with him, that he was well acquainted with every language in which he had a Bible or New Testament. His powers of re- ference and quotation were as great and ready in the Hebrew and Greek as in the English. 70. The Bible Neglected or Rejected. (a) DYING WORDS OF SALMA.- SIUS. — Salmasius, one of the most consummate scholars of his time, saw cause to exclaim bitterly against him- self. " Oh !" said he, " I have lost a world of time — time, the most precious thing in the world ! Had I but one year more, it should be spent in perus- ing David's Psalms and Paul's Epistles. Oh, sirs," said he, addressing those about him, " mind the world less and God more.^' (h) BIBLE SOLD FOR DRINK.— During my residence in India, says a correspondent of " The Tract Maga- zine," I frequently visited a British soldier who was under sentence of death, for having, when half intoxi- cated, wantonly shot a black man. In some of my visits to the jail, a number of the prisoners came and sat down with this man to listen to a word of exhortation. In one instance I spoke to them particularly on the desirable- ness of studying the Bible. " Have any of you a Bible ?" I inquired. They answered, •' No." '' Have any of you ever possessed a Bible ?" A pause ensued. At last the murderer broke silence, and amidst sobs and tears con- fessed that he once had a Bible. " But, 165 vo BIBLE. oh !" said he, " I sold it for drink. It. was the companion of my youth. I brought it with me from my native land, and I have since sold it for drink. Oh, if I had listened to my Bible, I should not have been here !" Will not the lamentation of this sol- dier be the bitter lamentation of multi- tudes in the bottomless pit, to all eter- nity ? '(c) DYING WORDS OF SIR THOMAS SMITH.— This eminent man was secretary of state to Queen Elizabeth. \ short time before his death he sent to his friends, the bishops of Winchester and Worcester, entreat- ing them to draw from the word of God the plainest and exactest way of salva- tion ; adding, that it was matter of lamentation, that men knew not to what end they were born into the world, till they were ready to go out of it. (d) DEATH OF A BIBLE BURN- ER. — As the Rev. Mr. , a minis- ter in Manchester, England, (1800,) was going to a Sunday school, he was met by a man, Avho inquired, with much anxiety, whether he was a minister. On being told that he was, " O, sir," he replied, " will you be so kind as to go and see a poor man who is dying, quite in despair ?" The minister said, " I am going to a Sunday school ; will it not do if I go and see him 'to-mor- row ?" " Oh, no," replied the man, "he will be dead before to-morrow." The minister, therefore, instantly com- plied with his request. When he en- tered the room, the wretched man, in the agonies of death, cried out that he was undone for ever — that there was no hope for him. At that moment four of his companions came in. When he saw them, he burst forth into a rage of anger, and uttered such dreadful oaths and curses, accusing them as the authors of all his misery, that they in- stantly left the room, seemingly in sur- prise and terror. When they were gone, the minister began to talk to him, and repeated some suitable passages of Scripture. "That book," cried the dying man, " might have done for me now, but I have burnt it !" The good minister, knowing the power of prayer, and that many a sinner had found for- 166 giveness, even at the eleventh hour, urged him to pray. Instantly he cried out, in accents most dreadful, " I can't pray, and I won't pray !" He then turned his head on his pillow, and ex- pired ! " Shonld all the forms that men devise, Assault my faith with treacherous art, I'd call them vanity and lies, And bind the Bible to my heart." (e) TOO LATE TO READ.— A person in Birmingham, who lived in the neglect of the worship of Gtxl, and of reading the Bible, was, on a Lord's day, sitting at the fire with his family. He said he thought he would read a chapter in the Bible, not having read one for a long time. But, alas ! he was disappointed ; it was too late ; for, in the vei'y act of reaching it from the shelf, he sunk down and immediately expired. (/) "I CANNOT PRAY."— A society of infidels were in the practice of meeting together on Sabbath morn- ings, to ridicule religion, and to en- courage each other in all manner of wickedness. At length they proceeded so far as to meet, by previous agree- ment, to burn their Bibles ! They had lately initiated a young man into their awful mysteries, who had been brought up under great religious advantages, and seemed to promise well ; but on that occasion, he proceeded the length of his companions, threw his Bible into the flames, and promised, with them, never to go into a place of religious worship again. He was soon after- wards taken ill. He was visited by a serious man, who found him in the agonies of a distressed mind. Fie spoke to him of his past ways. The poor creature said, " It all did well enough while, in health, and while I could keep off the thoughts of death ;" but when the Redeemer was mentioned to him, he hastily exclaimed, " What^s the use of talking to me about mercy ?" When urged to look to Christ, he said, " I tell you it's of no use now; 'lis too late, 'tis too late. Once I could pray, but now I can't." He frequently repeated, " I cannot pray ; I will not pray." He shortly afterwards expired, uttering the i most dreadful imprecations agsi'n='' .iome ZEAL IN CIRCULATING TIIS BIBLE. 91 of his companions in iniquity who came to see him, and now and then saying. '^ My Bible ! Oh, tiie Bible !" 71. Zeal in Circulating the Bible. (a) BOYLE'S BENEVOLENCE. — The Hon. R. Boyle was the seventh son of Richard, earl of Cork. His learning, piety, and beneficence, justly placed him among the most eminent men of the age in which he lived. So profound was his veneration for the Deity, that he never mentioned the Divine name without a visible pause in his discourse. He founded a lecture at St. Paul's for the defence of the Christian religion against infidels ; and was at the expense of the translatioTi and printing of 500 copies of the four Gospels and Acts of the Apostles into the Malayan language. He also nobly rewarded Dr. E. Pocock, for the trans- Lttion of Grorius, "On the Truth of the Christian Religion," into Arabic ; of which he printed an edition in quai'to, and caused it to be dispersed in the countries where it could be understood. He gave, during his life, £300 to aid the propagation of the gospel, and for translating, printing, and circulating the Scriptures among the American Indians in their vernacular dialects. He caus- ed a font of type to be cast, and the Irish New Testament to be reprinted at his own expense ; and afterwards contri- buted £700 to print an edition of the whole Bible in the same language, bo- sides £100 towards an edition for the Highlands of Scotland. He also con- tributed £60 towards an edition of the Turkish New Testament ; and liberally aided the printing of the Scriptures in the Welsh laniTuacre. He died in 1691. (h) THE USEFUL FARMER.— In R Co. says a colporteur, in 1814, is a plain farmer, of some property, who, when he embraced Christ, six or seven years since, made a willing surrender of all to him. Since that time his life has been a series of efforts at iiome and abroad for the advance- ment of Christ's kingdom. Much of his time in winter is spent in destitute neighborhoods in his own and adjoining towns, in labors to bring sinners to Christ. When a Bible Depository was established, he undertook to supply the destitute in his region ; and let it be sounded in the ears of sluggish Chris- tians, that this faithful servant of his Master has purchased at his own ex- pense, and distributed with his own hand, between 500 and 600 Bibles and Testa- ments within the last two or three years. Many precious souls have been led to Christ by his efforts. Being a large former, he has many Romanists in his employ, over whom he exerts a strong influence. " Treat them kindl)*" and give them Bibles and good books," is his motto. As he came into church, he brought with him three or four of this class and gave them the best seats. On one occasion a Frenchman, who had been in his service, wished to be hired again, giving as a reason, that then he could read his Bible. (c) WHOLE CITY VISITED BY ONE WOMAN.— An intelligent, in. dustrious, and kind-hearted woman in Russia became a Christian. Her la- bors were transformed into Christian labors ; and were followed up with an ardor and perseverance seldom ex- ceeded. In her visits to the poor, she now carried books and tracts, as well as food and raiment; and when she found persons- unable to read, which was frequently the case, she made it a |X)int to read to them, and to explain what they could not understand. Her prompt assistance was, in a great measure, instrumental to a zeal- ous agent becoming extensively en- gaged in the circulation of the Holy Scriptures. She gave him two of the first Finnish Bibles that ever passed through his hands ; and when there was a great demand for the sacred volume in that language, she actually sold her watch, in order to furnish one hundred Bibles to the poor, at reduced prices. This was a noble effort in the cause of God : it augured well as to future usefulness ; and the expectations which were excited by it were more than realized. She took the whole city of St. Pelersburgh for her sphere, and perambulated it alone ; and succeeded beyond all expectations. In the course of a ^ew months, she sold more than 167 BIBLE. one thousand five hundred Bibles, and Testaments, and Psalters ; and in this blessed work she continued persevering- ly to engage. Hundreds derived advan- tage from her visits. 72. Miscellaneous. (a) THE SHIPWRECKED CREW. — A narrative was some time ago pub- lished in London, of a voyage to the 3outh Seas, in which the author says : The most valuable thing we preserv- ed from the wreck was our Bible ; and I must here state, that some portion of each day was set apart for reading it ; and by nothing, perhaps, could I better exemplify its benefits, even in a tempo- ral point of view, than by stating, that to its influence we were indebted for an almost unparalleled unanimity during the whole time we were on the island. The welfare of the community was the individual endeavor of all ; and what- ever was recommended by the most experienced, was entirely acquiesced in by the rest. If ever a difference of opinion asose, a majority of voices decided the measure, and individual wishes always gave way to the propo- sals that obtained the largest suffrages. Peace reigned among us ; for the pre- cepts of Him who introduced peace and good will towards men, were daily in- culcated and practised. If ever there was a fulfillment of the promise, as contained in Eccles. 11 : 1, "Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days," this simple fact must bring it home to every con- tributor to that valuable institution, the Seamen's Bible Society ; for it was fulfilled almost to the very letter. The Bible, when bestowed, was thrown by unheeded, it traversed wide oceans, was scattered with the wreck of our frail bark, and was, in deed and in truth, found upon the waters after many days ; and not only was the mere book found, but its value was also discovered, and its blessings, so long neglected, were now made apparent to us. Cast away on an island, in the midst of an im- mense ocean, without a hope of deliv- erance, lost to all human sympathy, mourned over as dead by our kindred, 168 in this invaluable book we found the herald of hope, the balm of consolation, the dispenser of peace, the soother of our sorrows, and a pilot to the harbor of eternal happiness. (J) THE HINDOO'S REPROOF— Lukewarmness, or want of zeal, on the part of Christians, in communicating the precious oracles of God to thoso who are sitting in darkness, is not over- looked by the heathen. " A nayr, of Travancore," says the Rev. Mr. Thompson, " reproached one of our Zillah judges, on the coast, for not giv- ing to the people our Scriptures. 'Ihe judge had been reading to him some passages from the Malayalim Gospel ; when, on his stopping, the man, full of admiration at its divine sentiments, rather abruptly addressed him : ' What, Sir, are these indeed your shasters ? Why, why have you not given them to as? We have not kept back ours from you : why have you not given ills yours V " Well might he say this, if his ear had ever caught the sound of those words, " Freely ye have received, freely give ;" or if he had ever heard the command, " Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (c) THE BIBLE AND 'CRIME.— When a gentleman presented a Bible to a prisoner under sentence of death, he exclaimed, " Oh, sir, if I had had this book, and studied it, I should never have committed the crime of which I am convicted." So it is said of a na- tive Irishman, when he read for the first time in his life, a New Testament which a gentleman had put into his hands, he said, " If I believe this, it is impossible for me to remain a rebel." (d) AN OBJECTION APTLY AN- SWERED.— A lady of suspected chastity, and who was tinctured with infidel principles, conversing with a minister of the Gospel, objected to the Scriptures on account of their obscurity and the great difficulty of understand- ing them. The minister wisely and j smartly replied, " Why, madam, what j can be easier to understand than the ! seventh ccymmandment, ' Thou shalt not I commit adultery ?'" I {f) INFIDELITY PREVENTED. ; — A mother of a family was married BLASPHEMY. 72 to an infidel who made jest of religion in the presence of his own children ; yet she succeeded in bringing them all up in the fear of the Lord. She was one day asked how she had preserved them from the influence of a father, whose sendments were so openly opposed to her own. This was her answer. Be- cause, tc the authority of a flither I did not oppose the authority of a mother, but of God. From their earliest years, my children have always seen my Bi- ble upon my table. This holy Book has constituted the whole of their reli- gious instruction. I was silent that I might allow it to speak. Did they propose a question ? did they commit ' any fault ? did they perform any good action ? I opened the Bible, and the Bi- ble answered, reproved, or encouraged them. The constant reading of the Scriptures has alone wrought the pro- digy that surprises you. 73. BLASPHEMY (a) THE BLASPHEMER DYING A MANIAC. — Among the active fol- lowers of Frances Wright, who were ac- customed to meet in Concert Hal], in the city of New- York, was a Mr. B — 1, remarkable for his deformity, the mus- cles of one of his legs being contracted. He was a man of more than ordinary intelligence, and frequently participated in the public debates, which were of frequent occurrence at the hall. This man, in one of his harangues, had the impudence to defy the Almighty's power, and dared him in the most blasphemous manner to seal his lips. Suddenly, thereafter, he became confused — his tongue faltered — his language became incoherent, and his hearers becoming disgusted, manifested their displeasure, and finishing his address with great dif- ficulty, he sat down, amidst a shower of hisses. A short time subsequent to this event, he died a raving maniac ; and his wife, who was a talented skeptic, re- nounced Infidelity, and united with the church. (b) CHARGING GOD WITH TY- RANNY. — About three weeks ago, says the London Methodist Magazine, D. H., of Bowling-street, Westminster, was deprived of a brother and a child, by sudden death; both being taken into eternity within a short period. Previous to their death, he had been accustomed to attend a place of Divine worship ; but was sometimes guilty of drunkenness, and while in that state, would frequently I ail against the moral government of God. At the death of his brother and child, Satanic frenzy seemed to take possession of him. With the most hor- rid imprecations, too bad to be repeated, he would blaspheme the eternal Jeho- vah, calling him cruel, unmerciful, &c. In this way he proceeded until last Sa- turday night, (August 15th, 1823,) when intoxicated with rage against the Most High, while getting his supper, he again began to curse and blaspheme most awfully ; — calling the Almighty a vindictive tyrant, &c. While thus em- ployed, he was summoned to give an account of the deeds done in the body ! His wife perceiving a sudden cessation of his imprecations, looked round, and saw that he was in the agonies of death. Medical assistance was immediately pro- cured ; but the spirit had taken its flicrht. 7c) THE FOUR BLASPHEMERS. — In one of the western states there lived four young men, in their exterior, gentlemanly. Two were lawyers, one was a physician, the other a merchant — all avowed infidels. On a certain occasion, they assembled with some of tiieir associates, agreeably to a previous notice, and held a mock- meeting, where they administered to some of their party the ordinance ^ of baptism ; then the Lord's supper. They were exceedingly bitter against Christ and his followers. A short time afterwards one of the 169 T8 BLASPHEMY. men was taken suddenly ill, and soon became deranged and raged like a ma- niac. In this state he continued until death closed his earthly existence. The distorted features of the poor man seem- ed to fill every beholder with terror and dismay. ' Very soon after this, another was taken and died in the same way, ex- hibiting the same terrific appearance ; and then another — all apparently visit- ed with the same calamity, sharing the same fate, which seemed to fill the whole neighborhood with alarm. And it is supposed that the last has also gone to give his account for his contempt of the gospel and the ordinances of Christ ; for the last intelligence left him in a condition somewhat similar to those who had just gone before him, apparently on the verge of death. These facts we have from a man who kneXv the men, gave us their names, the place of their residence, and was him- self at the time a fellow-citizen with them. "Surely there is a God, nor is religion vain." (d) THE BLASPHEMOUS SOL- DIERS.— On the 4th of August, 1796, between 11 and 12 o'clock in the fore- noon, a violent storm of thunder and lightning arose in the district of Mont- pel ier. In a field, about a mile from the town, a body of 900 French soldiers lay encamped. At a small distance from the camp, five ofthe soldiers were assisting a husbandman in gathering in the produce of the earth for hire. When the storm came on, the party took refuge under a tree, where the five soldiers began to blaspheme God for in- terrupting them in their labor ; and one of them, in the madness of his presump- tion, took up his firelock, which he hap- pened to have by him, and pointing it toward the skies, said that he would fire a bullet at him who sent the storm ! Seized with horror at this blasphemous de- claration, the husbandman made all the haste he could to quit their company ; but scarcely had he got to the distance often paces from the tree, when a flash of lightning struck four of the soldiers dead, and wounded the fifth in such a manner, that his life was despaired of. 170 (e) A DREADFUL FARCE.— About the year 1793, an awful incident occurred at Salem, in the state of New Jersey. There had been a revival of religion, and the pious part of the com- munity had been disturbed with riots and mobs ; but, on making application to the civil magistrate, these tumults had been efiectually suppressed. The opposers of religion turned their atten- tion to a new method of entertainment ; acting in a farcical way at religious meetings, pretending to speak of their experiences, to exhort, etc., in order to amuse one another in a profane theatri- cal manner. One night a young actress stood upon one of the benches, pretend- ing to speak of her experience ; and, with mock solemnity, cried out, " Glory to God, I have found peace, I am sancti- fied, I am now fit to die." Scarcely had the unhappy girl uttered these words, before slie actually dropped senseless upon the floor, and was taken up a corpse. Struck with this awful visita- tion, the auditors were instantly seized with inexpressible terror, and every face was covered with consternation and dismay. (/) THE TWISTED NECK.— At a general muster in one of the Western States, a wicked man being addressed on the subject of religion was filled with rage, and uttered the horrid declaration that if Jesus of Nazareth was there, }}e would wring his neck ! Suddenly a violent spasm seized the neck ofthe blasphemer, twisted it round, rolled his eyes nearly out of their sock- ets, and left him in this frightful position, a living monument of outraged omnipo- tence. " This fact," says a writer in the Vt. Chronicle, " was stated at a public meeting in this vicinity lately by a re- spectable gentleman of the bar from Ohio." The meeting referred to, took place in Lebanon, Ohio, and the lawyer referred to was Mr. Latham. His statements having been called in question, Mr. Latham procured a full corroboration of them from the Rev. Ahab Jinks, of Delaware, Ohio, who re- sided in the immediate vicinity where the circumstance took place. He nar- rates all the details of the matter moro BLASPHEMY. 73 fully, and cites other authorities in the neighborhood where he lives. ig) THE SAILOR'S DEATH.— Some years ago, says a writer in an American periodical, a seaman who ac- customed himself to the most horrid im- precations, being on board at sea, took with him a bucket and ascended the shrouds. Proceeding along the yards, " Now,'' said he, to his shipmates who stood below, " if Jesus was before me, 1 would heave this bucket at his head !" No sooner dropped these horrid words from his lips, than he fell with tremen- dous force upon the deck, and was im- mediately taken up a lifeless corpse. The surviving crew were so impressed by the event, that they were never heard to utter an oath during the remainder of the voyage. This account I have from an eye-witness. May it vserve as a solemn warning against the practice of taking God's holv name in vain. {h) THE BLASPHEMER FRO- ZEN TO DEATH.— It was near the close of one of those storms that deposit a great volume of snow upon the earth, that a middle-aged man, in one of the southern counties of Vermont, seated himself at a large fire in a log-house. He was. crossing the Green Mountains from the western to the eastern side ; he had stopped at the only dwelling of man in a distance of more than twenty miles, being the width of the parallel ranges of gloomy mountains ; he was determined to reach his dwelling on the eastern side that day. In reply to a kind invitation to tarry in the house, and not dare the horrors of the increas- ing storm, he declared that he would go, and that the Almighty was not able to prevent him. His words were heard above the howl- ing of the tempest. He travelled from the mountain valley where he had rested, over one ridge, and one more in- tervened between him and his family. The labor of walking in that deep snow must have been great, as its depth be- came near the stature of a man ; yet he kepi on and arrived within a few yards of the last summit, from whence he could have looked down upon his dwelling. He was near a large tree, partly supported by its trunk • his body bent forward, and his ghastly in- tent features told the stubbornness of his purpose to overpass that little eminence. But the Almighty had prevented him — the currents of his blood were frozen. For more than thirty years that tree stood by the solitary road, scarred to the branches with names, letters, and hieroglyphics of death, to warn the traveller that he trod over a spot of fear- ful interest. (0 I DISPOSE AS WELL AS PROPOSE.— When Bonaparte was about to invade Russia, a person who had endeavored to dissuade him from his purpose, finding he could not pre- vail, quoted to him the proverb, " Man proposes, but God disposes;" to which he indignantly replied, " I dispose as well as propose." A Christian lady on hearing the impious boast, remarked, "I set that down as the turning-point of Bonaparte'sf fortunes. God will not suffer a creature, with impunity, thus to usurp his prerogative." It happened to Bonaparte just as the lady predicted. His invasion of Russia was the com- mencement of his fall. (j) THE FATAL CROWN.— One of the most singular and remarkable deaths of the violent opposers of Christi- anity occurred at a meeting of the Deis- tical Society, instituted by Blind Palmer, in the city of New- York. The society had been in a flourishing condition for some time, and its test of merit now con- sisted in transcendental blasphemy, and he who could excel in this fearful quali- fication, was entitled to the presidential chair. On a certain occasion, one of their members, a hoary-headed old sinner, had exceeded the rest, and was conduct- ed to his dear-earned seat of distinction ; and as his companions in guilt were on the point of placing on his head the co- ronal of impiety, he fell lifeless on the floor ! The society, astounded at the event, disbanded, and the author of this anecdote, himself a member, and an eye-witness, renounced infidelity and embraced Christianity. The above fact is so well authenticated, that there can be no reasonable doubt of its substantial I correctness. I {k) THE BLASPHEMOUS SAIL- i OR. — The following fact took place in 171 T3 BLASPHEMY. the spring of 1812, at a public house in Rochester, in the county of Kent, (Eng.) Two wicked sailors meeting at a tavern one day, began to curse and swear, when the more violent of the two, in a tempest of passion, swore that he would kill the other. The awe- struck landlord, raising his voice, said to the sailor who had made the threat, *' What if God of a sudden should strike yo^i dead, and sink you into hell with his curse upon you !" The sailor re- plied with a terrible oath, " The Al- mighty cannot do that — give me the tankard of beer — if God can do it, I'll go to hell before I drink it up." With an awful oath he seized the tank- ard, but instantly fell down and expired ! All blasphemers are not thus suddenly and singularly cut off; but there is a point in every blasphemer's progress in sin, beyond which the forbearance of God cannot be extended to him longer. And how often does God say to such men, in the midst of their awful con- • tempt and mockery of his power, " Thus far shalt thou go and no farther." We do not suppose that any miracle is wrought in such cases ; but God, work- ing in and through natural laws, so of- ten causes sudden and awful deaths in immediate connection with bold and impious blasphemy, that we are justifi- ed in regarding such a death as a judg- ment of God, as sent in consequence of the blasphemy. We mean to say as much as this, that in such cases the sinner's blasphemy and death are so far related to each other, that if the one had not been com- mitted, the other had not occurred ; if he had not blasphemed as he did, he had not died as he did. {]) BLASPHEMER DESTROYED. — A writer, personally knowing to the event, states that a party of ladies set out on donkeys from Margate, (Eng.) to visit a place a few miles distant. The owner of the animals accompanied them, to assist in urging them forward. When about half way, the party were obliged to have recourse to a farm-yard for shelter, in consequence of a violent storm of thunder and lightning. They were detained some time, and the owner becoming displeased, resolved to quit 172 the party and return with the animals to Margate. As he left the party, he exclaimed, " Damn all the lightning ! It shall never prevent me going home !' The expression hardly escaped from his quivering lips, when he was in a mo- ment struck dead on the spot ! (m) THE NEWBURG INFIDELS. — During the prevalence of infidelity that occurred in this country after the reign of terror in France, Newburg, New-York, was remarkable for its Deism. Through the influence of " Blind Palmer," there was formed a Druidical Society, so called, which had a high priest, and met at stated times to uproot and destroy all true religion. They descended sometimes to acts the most impious and blasphemous. Thus, for instance, at one of their meetings in Newburg, they burned the Bible, bap- tized a cat, partook of the sacrament, and one of the number, approved by the rest, administered it to a dog. Now mark the retributive judgments of God towards these blasphemers, which at once commenced falling upon them. On the evening of that very day, he who had administered this mock sacra- ment, was attacked with a violent in- flammatory disease ; his inflamed eye- balls were protruded from their sockets ; his tongue was swollen ; - and he died before morning in great bodily and mental agony. Dr. IL, another of the same party, was found dead 1n his bed the next morning. D. D., a printer, who was present, three days after fell in a fit, and died immediately ; and three others were drowned in a few days. In short, within five years from the time the Druidical Society was organized, it is a remarkable fact, that all the original members died in some strange or unnatural manner. There were thirty-six of tliem ; and these were the actors in the horrid farce described above. Two were starved to death ; seven drowned ; eight shot ; five com- mitted suicide ; seven died on the gal- lows ; one was frozen to death ; and three died " accidentally.'^ Of the foregoing statements there is good proof. They have been certified be- fore justices of peace in New- York ; and again and again published to the world. BOOKS, RELIGIOUS— USEFULNESS OF. 74 BOOKS, RELIGIOUS— USEFULNESS OF. 74. In Effecting Conversions. (a) MR. VENN AND THE HO- TEL WAITER.— A year or two after the publication of his Complete Duty of MaxM, that excellent minister, the Rev. Henry Venn being once at an inn, hav- ing held a religious conversation with a waiter, took down his address, which he was very anxious to give, and sent him, upon his return to London, a copy of The Complete Duty of Man. Many years after this, a friend travel- ling to see him, brought him a letter from this very person, who then kept a large inn, in the west of England, hav- ing married his former master's daugh- ter. His friend told him, that coming to that inn on a Saturday night, and pro- posing to stay there till Monday, he had inquired of the servants, whether any of them went on Sunday to a place of wor- ship. To his surprise, he found that they were all required to go, at least one part of the day, and that the master, with his wife and family, never failed to attend public worship, and to have fami- ly prayer, at which all the servants, who were not particularly engaged, were required to be present. Surprised by this uncommon appearance of reli- gion, where he little expected to find it, he inquired of the landlord by what means he possessed such a sense of the importance of religion. He was told that it was owing to a work which a gentleman had sent to him several years ago, after speaking to him, in a manner which deeply interested him, of the goodness of God in giving his Son to die for our sins. On desiring to see the book, he f^und it to be The Complete Duty of Man. Rejoiced to find that his guest was going to pay a visit to Mr. Venn, the innkeeper immediately wrote a letter, expressing, in the fulness of his heart, the obligations which he owed to Mr. Venn, and the happiness which himself, his wife, and many of his children and domestics enjoyed daily, in consequence of the conver- sation which Mr. Venn had had with him, and the book which he had sent him ; and which he had read again and again, with increa.sing comfort and ad- vantage. (b) PIKE'S " PERSUASIVES."-- An elder of a church in Kentucky, on being asked the reason of his deep in- terest in the volume circulation, replied, that he was presented with a copy of Pike's " Persuasives to Early Piety " eight years since, by the Rev. Mr. Rice, the reading of which God blessed to his conversion. He then loaned it to a young man, Mr. M , who told him three months after, on his death-bed, that it had led him to the Savior, who was now by grace supporting him in his dying moments. The book was again loaned to another young man, who was persuaded by it to come to Christ in the morning of life, and pub- licly profess him — -giving so much pro- mise by his piety of eminent usefulness, that an individual proposed giving him a liberal education. The same book was placed in the hands of a fourth individual, who was a school teacher. After some weeks, the elder, as was his custom, made some inquiries respecting the contents of the book ; when the teacher broke out with the exclamation that he had been at war with the book, but that now he had submitted his heart to the Savior, and desired to connect himself with the people of God. (c) THE BOY AND THE SAINTS' REST. — A gentleman in the South was accustomed for years to carry with him volumes and tracts for distri- bution. Meeting a little boy one day, he told him he could not let him pass without giving him something, though he had nothing suited to his youth. Handing him the Saints' Rest, he said, "This may do you good when you grow up to be a man." He carried it home and gave it to his mother, saying, " Mr. P says it may do me good when I get to be a man." He lived to have a family. On losing a member of his family by death, he went to his mother and asked for the book, and read it, 173 V4 BOOKS, RELIGIOUS— USEFULNESS OF but without being specially interested. Some time after he was more deeply affected by the death of his wife and child. He called for the book again, read it with seriousness, and it was the means of leading him to the Savior. (d) THE WELL SPENT DOL- LAR. — At a public trapt meeting in the Tabernacle, New-York City, when several of the Society's Agents received their instructions, Rev. Mr. S , who was about to leave for the West, de- scribed a destitute family in the Ken- tucky mountains in a graphic manner, and appealed for aid to send to that and similar families such books as might instruct them in the way of life, and stated that one dollar would supply eight such families with Baxter's Call. A Methodist girl, who earned her bread by her daily toil, gave one dollar after the meeting, and requested that Rev. Mr. S. would take the books to those poor families. On reaching Kentucky, Rev. Mr. S. joined a colporteur for a few days' ex- cursion, and took eight copies of the Call, writing a sentence in each stating the circumstances of the gift. One of the first abodes at which they called, was that of an aged widow, who had neglected the means of grace, and was surrounded by an irreligious family. It was with difficulty that they gained admittance, and more difficult to secure attention to the object of their mission. At last it was agreed that Baxter's Call should be left, and one of the sons was to read it to his mother. In a few weeks that widow was found in the house of God, a believing penitent; connected herself with the chqrch ; adorned her profession, and a few months after died in peace. The letter containing these facts, and others of interest relative to the other seven books, was given by one of the secretaries to the girl who had contri- buted the dollar, and rejoiced her heart more than the expenditure of thousands squandered by the wealthy for their worldly gratification. (e) PIKE'S PERSUASIVES AND NOVEL. — I called one afternoon at the house of Mr. T , writes Mr. S , a colporteur, to leave a library 174 until my return from another part of the State ; and remarked to Miss T as I left the house, that I hoped she would avail herself of the op- portunity of perusing the books. I am very much obliged, sir, for your kind offer, said she, and would do so with pleasure if I thought they would prove as interesting as the new novels I have just received, at the same time proffer- ing me a favorite one. I selected Pikers Persuasives to Early Piety, and request- ed her to promise on the honor of a Kentuckian, for my sake and that of her pious mother, to read it faithfully through, and the book should be her own. She replied that to her such kind of reading was so dry and insipid, that she was fearful she could not accom- plish the task, and should thus cause me to distrust Kentucky veracity. With a little persuasion from the mother, however, she complied with our request* You may judge what were my feel- ings, when, on my return, I heard the young lady had united herself with the church ; stating that the book, and the circumstances by which it came into her possession, were the means, in the hands of God, of her conviction and con^ version. She often laid it aside and took up a novel to wear off the impres* sion — but her pledge must be redeemed. O that cruel promise ! She read on — - the Spirit of God accompanied the pe- rusal of the book ; her convictions deep- ened ; and ere she finished reading the volume she was led to the foot of the cross, and enabled to make the lan- guage of the last prayer her own. (/) DODDRIDGE AND THE NOVEL READER.— At a meeting of the United Brethren, at E , last evening, says a colporteur, a clergy- man stated that a teacher in S , Ohio, received a copy of the Rise and Progress, and being aware of the na- ture of the work, laid it aside till he had finished some novels. Having done this, he took up Doddridge one Sabbath morning, and read with his usual haste some of the first chapters, till he came to the one on self-dedication, when he was arrested, and was enabled, he trusts, truly to devote himself to the Lord. He is now a Missionary in Asia. IN PROMOTING CONVERSIONS. 74L {g) DODDRIDGE AND SHAK- SPEARE.— Mr. P , a valuable of- ficer in one. of the churches in Boston, stated, at a meeting of the church to con- sider the expediency of establishing a concert of reading, that he came to that city in 1817, when a lad, and entered a store as clerk, where there were two partners. He had been religiously edu- cated, and had a pious praying mother. In the desk of one of the partners he found a cop} of Shakspeare's works, and in that of the other the Rise and Pro- gress. He read several of the plays of the former, and had thereby a desire to see them acted. He had often left the store at night, and paced back and forth in front of the Federal-street theatre, listening to the clapping and shouts of the multitude, and longed to enter ; but his conscience and the thoughts of his mother's prayers deterred him. On other occasions he would read Dodd- ridge, and would be led by that to the Park-street prayer-meeting. " Thus, for three months," said he, " my mind was swayed first by the influ- ence of one book, and then of the other, and my soul balanced between heaven and hell, till at last the question was de- cided. Doddridge^ s Rise and Progress teas the har which God threw across my pathway to perdition ; and all that I am and hope to be, I owe to the Divine blessing on that precious book !" {h) THE GOLIATH OF GERMAN INFIDELITY.— A German, Rev. Mr. JV , writing from the West, to an officer of the American Tract Society, communicates the following interesting facts : — " You will recollect the Sabbath when you heard me preach to the infidels in street, and that soon after I recom- mended to your Board the republication of Rogue's Essay in German. Dur- ing my stay in New- York I had an in- terview with that leader of the German infidels. Dr. F . My host kindly invited him to dine with me. After dinner I had a conversation with him for nearly two hours, in the course of which I showed him the copy of Bogue you gave me, and remarked : — " This little book contains arguments for the Divine authority of the New Testament, which the most unlearned can com- prehend, and which in all probability, with all your learning, you have never read. O what a pity ! If you would just read this little volume with a sin- cere desire to know the truth, all your infidelity would soon come to an end !" He affected to smile and laid the book on the mantelpiece ; but after he had left me and shut the door, the good Spirit seems to have followed him and brought him back — he asked me if I would not lend him Bogue's Essay. I told him that I would not only lend it tc him, but would ask him to keep it, in remembrance of our conversation. You can imagine my feelings when a tew weeks ajro I read Dr. F 's public recantation of infidelity, in which he mentions among other means by which it pleased the Lord to convince him of his evil way, the reading of your Bogue ! Surely this is great encou- ragement — the Goliath of German infi- delity on his knees, a weeping penitent. What a powerful besom may your Bogue prove in the hand of the Lord, to sweep from this land the mass of in- fidelity which is constantly imported from Germany ! (z) BAXTER AND BALLOU.— A man between sixty and seventy years of age, " once lived," as he says, " in a place where the society was good — too good for me. I wanted to get away from it. Accordingly I moved to , the worst place I could hear of, where I could practice all manner of wicked- ness without restraint. While thus revelling in sensuality, Baxter^s Call fell into my hands. I took it up with one of Ballou's works, (for 1 was a Universalist,) to compare each with the Bible ; saw the fallacy of the latter ; was powerfully impressed with the truth as it appeared in the former ; and was brought as I humbly trust to the foot of the cross, to accept of the offers of mercy, as they are freely made in the Gospel to the chief of sinners." (;■) THE LAD AND THE SAINTS' REST.— Rev. Mr. Willey, of New Hampshire, at a public meeting in Park-street church, Boston, gave the history of a lad in a retired part of the country, to whom a pious lady, after 175 T5 BOOKS, RELIGIOUS-USEFULNESS OF serious conversation, gave ' the Saints' Rest.' He read it, became deeply in- terested, and carried it to the barn where he was employed, weeping over its pages, and over his hardness of heart, and praying to be saved from the miseries of the lost. But these impres- sions died away ; and some years after, OQ the Sabbath, in Boston, he wandered into the very church where the meeting was then assembled, where, under the appeals of the venerable Griffin, all his former solicitude for his undying soul was revived, and he was led imme- diately to apply to a clergyman of the city for the ' Saints' Rest.' After con- siderable trouble " the long sought volume (said Mr. W.) was found and I'ead, — portions of it time after time during the week. On the Sabbath this youth was seen in this house a weeping stranger, sometimes in one part of it and sometimes in another. It was in that gallery, referring to the west gallery, as he has since ventured to hope, he pour- ed out his soul unto God, and that light began to dawn upon him which has since been as the rising light of day. This youth was the eldest in a family of ten children, all of whom, together with both parents, have since been brought to hope in the mercy of God, and to unite with his people ; and of the five sons four are in the Christian ministry. 7§. In Promoting Revivals. (a) LIFE OF J. B. TAYLOR.— A young business man, a professor of re- ligion, on leaving Detroit in 1841 for the West, procured a copy of the " Life of J. B. Taylor." In pursuing his business his lot was cast in a very wicked community. At length the at- tention of this young man was called to the book he had purchased. He read it, and was excited to make higher at- tainments in religion. He attended prayer and conference meetings, and there gave expression to his thoughts and feelings. He did the same in private as opportunity offered. God blessed his labors. The result of the revival which was thus originated and carried forward, was the conversion of some fifty individuals, who became 176 members of the visible church. That young man became a preacher of the gospel to a Presbyterian church. (b) ALLEINE'S ALARM IN COL- LEGE.— i2e/«/etZ by the Rev. Dr, Hill, of Va. — Said the venerable father, " 1 have abundant cause for interest in this plan of circulating good and pious books, 1 lost my sainted mother when I was a youth, but not before the instructions which I received from her beloved lips had made a deep impression upon my mind ; an impression which I carried with me into a college, (Hampden Sidney,) where there was not then one pious student. There I often reflected^ when surrounded by young men who scoffed at religion, upon the instructions of my mother, and my conscience was frequently sore distressed. I had no Bible, and dreaded getting one, lest it should be found in my possession. Al last I could stand it no longer, and therefore requested a particular friend, a youth whose parents lived near, and who often went home, to ask his pious and excellent mother to send me some religious books. She sent me AUeine^s Alarm, an old black book, which looked as if it might have been handled b\ successive generations for one hundred years. When 1 got it, I locked my room and lay on my bed reading it, when a student knocked at my door ; and although I gave him no answer, dread- ing to be found reading such a book, he continued to knock and beat the door, until I had to open it. He came in, and seeing the book lying on the bed, he seized it, and examining its title, he said, — " Why H , do you read such books ?" I hesitated, but God enabled me to be decided, and tell him boldly, but with much emotion, " Yes I do." The young man replied with deep agitation, " Oh H , you ma> obtain religion, but 1 never can. I came here a professor of religion ; but through fear, I dissembled it, and have been carried along with the wicked, until I fear that there is no hope for me." He told me that there were two others, who he believed were somewhat serious. We agreed to take up the subject of religion in earnest, and seek it together. We invited the other two, and held a IN PROMOTING REVIVALS. ■75 prayer-meeting in my room on the next Saturday afternoon. And O, what a prayer-meeting ! We tried to pray, but sucli prayer I never lieard the like of. We knew not how to pray, but tried to do it. It was the first prayer-meeting that I ever heard of. We tried to sing, but it was in a sup- pressed manner, for we feared the other students. But they found it out, and gathered around the door, and made such a noise that some of the officers had to disperse them. And so serious was the disturbance, that the President, the late excellent Rev. Dr. John B. Smith, had to investigate the matter at prayers that evening, in the prayers' hall. When he demanded the reason of the riot, a ringleader in wickedness got up and stated, that it was occasioned by three or four of the boys holding prayer-meet- ing, and they were determined to have no such doings there. The good Presi- dent heard the statement with deep emotion, and looking at the youths charged with the sin of praying, with tears in his eyes, he said, " Oh, is there such a state of things in this college ? Then God has come near to us. My dear young friends, you shall be pro- tected. You shall hold your next meet- ing in my parlor, and I will be one of your number !" Sure enough, we had our next meeting in his parlor, and half the college was there ; and there began the glorious revival of religion, which pervaded the college and spread into the country around! Many of those stu- dents became ministers of the gospel. The youth who had brought me Alleine's Alarm from his mother was my friend the Rev. Mr. C. Still, preaching in this State. And he who interrupted me in reading the work, my venerable and worthy friend, the Rev. Dr. H — — , is now president of a college in the west. Truly, said Dr. H , I have good reason to feel a deep interest in the pro- posed work. May God grant it sue- cess. (c) BAXTER'S CALL FORBID- DEN.— Rev. Mr. B , of the Seventh Day Baptist Church, stated in a public meeting, that after his conversion he re- quested the teacher of the school which he attended, to grant him the privileaje 112 of reading by himself, and in a book of his own selection. He chose Baxter's Call ; but before he had read it half through, there was so much excitement in the school, in the district, and in the mind of the teacher, that he was for- bidden to read from it. Though Bax« ter was silenced, truth was still pofFended." " I answered," says Mr. • Scott, "that I could not promise, but I hoped I should not." She then said, "You know A — B — ; he has lately appeared attentive to religion, and has spoken to me concerning the sacra- ment ; but last night he, with C — D — , and others, met to keep Christmas ; and they played at cards, drank too much, and in the end quarreled, and raised a sort of riot. And when I remonstrated with him on his conduct, as inconsis- tent with his professed attention to reli- gion, his answer was, ' There is no harm in cards — Mr. Scott plays at cards. ^ This smote me to the heart. I saw that if I played at cards, however soberly and quietly, the people would be en- couraged by my example to go farther ; and if St. Paul would eat no flesh while the world stood, rather than cause his weak brother to afFend, it would be inexcusable in me to throw such a stumbling-block in the way of my parishioners, in a matter certainly neither useful nor expedient. So far 178 from being offended at the hint thus given me, I felt very thankful to my faithful monitor, and promised her that she should never have occasion to re- peat the admonition. That very eve- ning I related the whole matter to the company, and declared my fixed reso- lution never to play at cards again. I expected I should be harassed with so- licitations, but I was never asked to plav afterwards. (b) A BLESSING AT A CARD- TABLE.— The Rev. W. Romaine was one evening invited to a friend's house to tea, and after the tea-things were re- moved, the lady of the house asked him to play at cards, to which he made no objection. The cards were produced, and when all were ready to commence play, the venerable minister said, " Let us ask the blessing of God." " Ask the blessing of God !" said the lady, in great surprise ; " I never heard of such a thing to a game at cards." Mr. Ro- maine then inquired, " Ought we to engage in any thing on which we can- not ask his blessing ?" This gentle reproof put an end to the card-plaving. (c) ROMAINE'S ADMONITION. — This good man was once addressed by a lady, who expressed the great pleasure she had enjoyed under his preaching, and added, that she could comply with his requirements, with the CASTE, 76,^7 exception of one thing. " And what is that, madam V asked Mr. R. " Cards, sir." "You think you could not be happy without them ?" '• No, sir, 1 know I could not." " Then, madam, they are your God, and they must save you." This pointed admonition led to serious reflection, and finally to the abandonment of such unworthy plea- sures. (d) CARD-TABLE CONVERSA- TION. — Mr. Locke having been in- troduced by Lord Shaftesbury to the Duke of Buckingham and Lord Hali- fax, these three noblemen, instead of conversing with the philosopher, as might naturally have been expected, on literary subjects, sat down to cards. Mr. Locke, after looking on for some time, pulled out his pocket-book, and began to write with great attention. One of the company observing this, took the liberty of asking him what he was writing. " My lord," said Locke, " I am endeavoring, as far as possible, to profit by my present situation ; for, having waited with impatience for the honor of being in company with the greatest men of the age, I thought I could do nothing better than write down your conversation ; and, indeed, I have set down the substance of what you have said, this last hour or two," This well-timed ridicule had its desired effect ; and these noblemen, fully sen- sible of its force, immediately quitted their play, and entered into conversa- tion more rational, and better suited to the dignity of their characters. (e) A SHREWD REPLY.— Sir Walter Scott says that the alleged origin of the invention of cards pro- duced one of the shrewdest replies he had ever heard given in evidence. It was made by the late Dr. Gregory, at Edinburgh, to a counsel of great eminence at the Scottish bar. The doctor's testimony went to prove the insanity of the party whose mental capacity was the point at issue. On a cross-interrogation, he admitted that the person in question played admirably at whist. *' And do you seriously say, doctor," said the learned counsel, " that a person having a superior capacity for a game so difiicult, and which requires, in a pre-eminent degree, memory, judg- ment, and combination, can be at the same time deranged in his understand- ing ?" " I am no card-player," said the doctor, with great address, " but I have read in history that cards were invented for the amusement of an in- sane king." The consequences of this reply, were decisive. 77. CASTE. {a) HINDOO VIEWS OF CASTE. —A Brahmin in Calcutta asked a European gentleman, " What is your order of society in Great Britain, are you divided into castes, or do you eat and drink together, according to cir- cumstances ?" The European replied, " We deem it our honor to demean ourselves as brethren in the participa- tion of food at one table, as Providence permits." The Brahmin replied, " That appears to me to be an offence against good morals and good conduct." The gentleman rejoined, "I think I can prove it to you, by a practice of your own. that you are in error, ttow do you act in the field of Juggernaut ? Do you not eat there with the lowest caste of India ? There you know no distinction of caste, but all feed at one board." The Brahmin answered, " I can screen myself from the imputation you bring against us, for there we are in the presence of our god, there Jug- gernaut is in our midst, and there we can feast together." " Ah !" said the gentleman, " and I can justify the Christian practice on your own prin- ciples, for we are every where in the presence of our God." 179 79,79 CENSURE-^ENSORIQUSNES^— CHILDRBK. 78. CENSURE-^CENSORIOUSNESS. (a) WESLEY'S GROUNDLESS SUSPICIONS.— Beware, says Mr. Wesley, of forming a hasty judgment concerning the fortune of others. There may be secrets in the situation of a person, which few but God are ac- quainted with. Some years since I told a gentleman, " Sir, I am afraid you are covetous." He asked me, " What is the reason of your fears ?" I an- swered, " A year ago, when I made a collection for the expense of repairing the Foundry, you subscribed five gui- neas. At the subscription made this year you subscribed only half a gui- nea." He made no reply, but after a time asked, " Pray, sir, answer me a question : Why do you live upon pota- toes ?" (I did so between three and four years.) 1 replied, " It has much conduced to my health." He answered^ " I believe it has. But did you not da it likewise to save money ?" 1 said I did, "for what I save from my own meat, will feed another, that else would have none." " But, sir," said he, " if this be your motive you may save more. I know a man that goes to market at the beginning of every week ; there he buys a pennyworth of parsnips, which he boils in a large quantity of water. The parsnips serve him for food, and the water for drink, during the ensuing week, so that his meat and drink to- gether cost him only a penny a week. This he constantly did, though he had two hundred pounds a year, to pay the debts he had contracted before he knew God !" And this is he whom I set down to he a covetous man I CHILDREN. 79. Mffral and Religions Influence of Children. (a) THE SWEARER'S DAUGH- TER.—The Rev. Mr. Solomon Carpen- ter held a religious meeting in Sussex county, Mass., at the house of a man who Was awfully addicted to swearing, and the minister took occasion to reprove this and other vices. A little girl belonging to the family withdrew, and placed her- self behind the door, and began to weep very bitterly. Her father particularly asked her the cause of this, and she told him she was afraid he would go to hell on account of his swearing. He at length promised her that if she would refrain from weeping he would never swear any more. The child was now quiet, and in an ecstasy of joy after- wards told her mother of the promise she had obtained from her father. The unexpected reproof the father had thus received from his daughter was lasting- ly impressed on his mind ; he became a • humble penitent, and lived to be a shin- ing light in the Christian community 180 with which he was afterwards con- nected. {h) FAiVfH^¥_ALTAR RESTOR^ ED.- — A man once received from his own child, an infant of three years old, one of the most severe reproofs he ever met with. Family prayer had becn,^ by some means, neglected one morning, and the child was, as it were, out of its element. At length, he came to hia father as he sat, and just as the family were going to dinner, the little reprover, leaning on his father's knee, sard, with a sigh, " Pa, you were used to go to prayer with us, but you did not to-day." "No, my dear," said the parent, "I did not." "But, pa, you ought; why did you not ?" The father had not a word to reply, and the child's rebuke was as appropriate and natural, as if it had been administered by the most able minister in the land ; and, it may be said, was as permanently useful. (c) THE DAUGHTER'S LET- TER. — Not long ago, writes a gentle- man in 1833, as I took some coffee at a house of refreshment, a gentleman MORAL AND RELIGIOUS LNFLUENCE OF CHILDREN. 79 who was reading the newspaper, entered into conversation with me. Among other things, we spoke of the Christian Sabbath, when he thus expressed him- self: — " Though there is doubtless much ungodliness in England, yet when com- pared with the Sabbaths on the continent, a Sabbath here is a delightful season. No one can truly value that blessed day until he has been deprived of its enjoy- ment. When in the army, I felt this deprivation ; we had misery in every shape, for, in the Peninsular war, toil, danger, disease, and death, were con- tinually around and among us. The nearer the men appeared to be to eter- nity, the farther off their thoughts seemed to be from God. " It was on the Sabbath day that I received a letter from an affectionate daughter, then in England ; it alluded to the uncertainty of life, especially to a military man. It pressed on me the consideration of eternal things, and pointed me to Him who, in peace and in war, in health and in sickness, in life and in death, is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him. Every word made a lodgment in my heart. Folding up the letter, and putting a book of prayer in my pocket, i walked out to a distance from the camp, until 1 came to a solitary ditch ; in that ditch, on my knees, I poured out my soul before God, and there, in peace, I spent my Sabbath day." (d) THE CHILD AND HIS CLO- SET.— When the late Rev. Thomas Reader, of Taunton, was but a child of eight years old, he felt the importance of religion, and could not be happy without private prayer. One evening, his father's house being full of company, he had not a convenient place for his .secret devotions ; but unwilling to omit what he khew to be his duty, he went into his father's wool-loft to enjoy the pleasure of communion with God. At first he felt some childish fears, on ac- count of his lonely situation ; but after- wards his mind was so filled with God, and the joys of religion, that he forgot the gloominess of the place. During his childhood, a person being on a visit at his father's, Thomas was appointed to deep with him. After the gentlemaa had retired to his chamber, the pious little boy knocked at the door, request- ing him to let him go through his room to an inner closet, which he used to fre- quent for the exercise of prayer. The conscience of the visitor severely smote him: "What," thought he, "is this little child so anxious to obtain a place for devout retirement, while I have never prayed in my life ?" It led him to serious reflections, which, through the Divine blessing, were the happy means of his conversion ; and he after- wards became a true Christian, and a useful minister of the gospel. {e) THE NEGLECTED ALTAR. — A person, who afterwards became a Sunday school teacher near Cambridge, (Eng.) having had his conviction of the necessity and importance of religious duties shaken, began to think lightly of them, and to omit family prayer, which he had been accustomed to perform. A child of his, who had been taught at a Sabbath school, one day said to his parent, with great simplicity, " Father, do you pray in the morning, and let me pray with you." The father was struck with this gentle reproof from his own child, and confessed that he could no longer, live in the neglect of family prayer. (/) THE POOR CRIPPLE.— I have seen, says the Rev. J. East, in one of the infant schools at Bath, a helpless cripple filling the post of monitor, while propped up on a high chair for the pur- pose ; and I understood that this poor little boy, who was under the influence of religious principle, had been the means of bringing salvation home to his house, in the conversion of his father and mother, from an ungodly and pro- fligate life, to one of moral correctness and true piety. (g) THE DYING ORPHAN AND HER GRANDMOTHER.— Rosina, an orphan child, at a Moravian mission- ary station, in North America, being under the care of an old relation, said, the night before her decease, " Dear grandmother, I am baptized and cleans- ed in our Savior's blood, and shall now soon go to him ; but I beg you to seek to be likewise washed, and saved from your sins, by the blood of Christ, 181 •8^ CHILDREN. that you may become as happy as I am ; otherwise, when you go hence, you will not be with the Lord." This exhorta- tion from a dying child made such an impression upon the old woman's heart, that she became anxiously concerned about her salvation, prayed for the re- mission of her sins in the blood of Jesus, begged for baptism, and was added to the church. (h) THE SAILOR REPROVED. — A very profane and profligate sailor, I who belonged to a vessel lying in the ' port of New-York, went out one day from his ship into the streets, bent on folly and wickedness. He met a pious little girl, whose feelings he tried to wound by using vile and sinful language. The little girl looked at him earnestly in the face, warned him of his danger, and, with a solemn tone, told him to re- member that he must meet her shortly at the bar of God. This unexpect- ed reproof greatly affected him. To use his own language, " it was like a broadside, raking him fore and aft, and sweeping by the board every sail and spar prepared for a wicked cruise." Abashed and confounded, he retufned to his ship. He could not banish from his mind the reproof of this little girl. Her look was present to his mind ; her solemn declaration, " You must meet me at the bar of God," deeply affected his heart. The more he reflected upon it, the more uncomfortable he felt. In a few days his hard heart was subdued, and he submitted to the Savior. He became a consistent follower of the Lamb. (z) THE CHILD AND HER PA- PIST FATHER.— Says a correspon- dent of the Advocate of Moral Reform : I was in the city of P., seated in the study of the brother with whom I had been laboring, when a little German girl, of twelve or fourteen years of age entered the room, and bursting into tears exclaimed, in an animated tone, " Oh, Mr. , I am sure the Lord is going to convert my father. I do believe he will be converted now," she • added, with so much emotion, as drew from me the inquiry, " Of whom is she f speaking ?" " Tell the gentleman your- self, my child," said my friend, " what 1S2 God has done for you, and what he has been trying to do for him." From the simple story of the girl, 1 gathered the following. A year and a half before, in her ignorance and sin she had been led to enter the church where my friend was preaching, and while there, the Lord graciously met her, and converted her soul. Full of joy and wonder, she ran home to tell her father, who was a bigoted Catholic, what a Savior she had found ; but tc her surprise, he became very angry, beat her cruelly, and forbade the men- tion of the subject again in his house. She continued to attend church, and expressed a wish to join with the people of God in commemorating the dying love of her Savior. He told heV if she did, he would beat her to death. With this prospect, she determined to do her duty, putting her trust in Him who hath said, " I will never leave nor forsake thee." When she returned home and told her father what she had done, he beat her most unmercifully, and drove her from the house, telling her never to return, until she had given up her new-fangled religion. Thus for- saken of her father, the Lord took her up ; she was provided with a place in a pious family, at service, reserving to herself the first Monday in every month, which day she spent in distributing tracts to all the German families of her acquaintance, and wtienever permitted she prayed with them before she left, always taking her father's house in her way, though sure of being beaten, and driven from it. Month after month, she offered the hardened man a tract, at the same time entreating him to think of his poor soul, and offering to pray with him. Although uniformly driven away, with severe blows, she said, " 1 did not care lor the blows, for, sir, my poor father's soul was all I thought of or cared for." In this course she perse- vered, — how long do you think, indo- lent Christian ? not one month, which many think too long to wait for an an- swer to prayer ; but eighteen months^ f without seeing any fruit of her labor. Two months before I met her, she found, on visiting her father, that he was in tears over his work ; he suffered her to MORAL AND RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE OF CHILDREN. T9 read, converse and pray without, inter- ruption, and at parting, bade her come again. The next month he was even more tender, and on the day I first saw her, she had seen him again, and she said, " Oh, how changed was my poor father! with tears he begged me to forgive him, and pray for him. 1 told him I had laid nothing up against him, and asked him to pray for himself Fie knelt down by my side, but could only say, ' O Lord, forgive, forgive, O Lord, forgive;' and now, sir, I am sure the Lord will hear and convert my poor father." The next evening, on entering the praying circle, I recognized the voice of the little German girl in the individual who was addressing the throne of grace. Her father was there, inquiring with trembling eagerness the way to the Savior's feet. The father and daugh- ter left the room together that night, rejoicing in the grace which had wash- ed away their stains. (j) LITTLE BOY'S ENTREATY. — While the Rev. Mr. Chambers was once addressing a temperance meeting in Philadelphia, a man who had been occupying a seat in a distant part of the room, arose with a little boy in his arms, scarce six years old, and came forward to the speaker'a stand ; all gave way for him. He placed his child on the stand, and while the tears were running^ fast down his cheeks, and with trem- bling accents, addressed the speaker : ^' My little boy said to me, ' Father, do not drink any more !' Gentlemen, I have taken my last drink." The effect produced upon the audience beggars all description. The speaker and the whole audience were bathed in tears ; and such was the good effects of this ex- ample, that seventeen others came for- ward and, signed the Pledge ! Mr. Chambers, with tears streaming down his face, caught the boy in his arms, exclaiming, " Well may we say that the grave of Alcohol has been dug by this little boy !" (k) INFANT'S PRAYER AN- SWERED. — A drunkard who had run through his property, says Dr. Schne- bly, returned one night to his unfurnish- ed home. He entered its empty liall ; anguish was gnawing at his heart-strings, and language is inadequate to express his agony as he entered his wife's apartment, and there beheld the victims of his appetite, his lovely wife and dar- ling child. Morose and sullen, he seat- ed himself without a word ; he could not speak, he could not look upon them. The mother said to the little angel by her side, " Come, my child, it is time to go to bed ;" and that little babe, as was her wont, knelt by her mother's lap, and gazing wistfully into the face of her suf- fering parent, like a piece of chiseled statuary, repeated her nightly orison ; and when she had finished, the child, (but four years of age,) said to her mo- ther, '*• Dear ma, may I not offer up one more prayer ?" " Yes, yes, my sweet pet, pray ;" and she lifted up her tiny hands, closed her eyes, and prayed, " O God ! spare, oh, spare my dear papa !" That prayer was wafted with electric rapidity to the throne of God. It was heard on high — 'twas heard on earth. The responsive " Amen" burst from that father's lips, and his heart of stone became a heart of flesh. Wife and child were both clasped to his bosom, and in penitence he said, " My child, you have saved your father from the grave of a drunkard. Pll sign ike pledge .'" (c) THE CHILD'S REPROOF OF AN IRRELIGIOUS FATHER.— The father of a little boy in Phila- delphia, an irreligious man, offered to attend him to the Sabbath school, it be- ing a very rainy day. — " Father, why don't you stay at the school, and go to meeting with me ? you ought to go to meeting." The reproof was too power- ful to be resisted. His soul was filled with remorse. He left his child at the school-house door, and turned back. But the arrow of conviction had pierced his soul ! He turned back, con- science-smitten, to weep over his sins, with a heart full of sorrow. He re. turned home immediately, retired to his chamber, bowed his knees in prayer, opened and read his Bible ; in doing which he found relief, for the Spirit of the Lord had accompanied the words of the child, and the result was, that from this Sabbath day he determined to 183 80 HAPPY DEATHS OF PIOUS CHILDREN. consecrate himself to God — to forsake the company of his guilty associates — to abandon the drunkard's bowl, and to load a new life. He was enabled by divine grace to fulfil his resolution ; from that day he established family prayer ; became the subject of renewing grace, was baptized, and united with the church, of which he proved a worthy member. 80. Happy Deaths of Pious Children. (a) THE STRONGEST LOVE.— A little girl between six and seven years of age, when on her death-bed, seeing her elder sister with a Bible in her hand, requested her to read re- specting Christ's blessing little children. The passage having been read, and the book closed, the child said, " How kind ! I shall soon go to Jesus ; he will soon take me up in his arms, bless me too ; no disciple shall keep me away." Her sister kissed her, and said, " Do you love me ?" "Yes, my dear," she replied, " but do not be angry, I love Jesus bet- ter." {h) DEATH OF DINAH DOWD- NEY. — Miss Dinah Dowdney, of Port- sea, who died at nine years of age, one day in her illness said to her aunt, with whom she lived, " When I am dead, I should like Mr. Griffin to preach a sermon to children to persuade them to love Jesus Christ, to obey their parents, not to tell lies, but to think of dying and going to heaven. 1 have been think- ing," said she, " what text I should like him to preach from; 2 Kings 4: 26. You are the Shunamite, Mr, G, is the prophet, and I am the Shunamite's child. When I am dead I dare say you will be grieved, though you need not. The prophet will come to see you ; and when he says, ' How is it with the child V you may say, ' it is well.' I am sure it will then be well with me, for I shall be in heaven singing the praises of God. You ought to think it well too." Mr. G. accordingly fulfilled the wish of this pious child. (c) WILL YOU MEET ME THERE, FATHER?— At a public meeting of the London City Mission, in 184 1836, the Rev. R. Ainslie related the following fact : — An infided allowed his wife to send their two children to a Sunday school. One of them, not long after, was seized with illness, and it soon appeared, from the nature of the disease, he could not recover. The father came home, on the last evening of the child's life, from an infidel meet- ing, under the influence of the senti- ments and principles usually taught in such societies, when his wife said to him, " James is dying." The fjither went up stairs, approached the bed-side of his dying child, and while the father was looking upon him, the child said, " Father, 1 am very happy ; I am going to heaven ; will you meet me there, fa- ther ?" and immediately expired. T'iiis appeal was too much for him. Uttered with so much simplicity, and dictated by the Eternal Spirit, it was engraven upon the tablet of his heart as with a pen of iron upon lead, and sculptured there forever. He made many efforts to efface the impression from his mind, but without effect. He confesses, that he was a drunkard, a blasphemer, and, to use his own language, " the vilest wretch out of hell." The appeal con- tinued to be more and more affecting to him, and on one Sabbath, having driven a party a few miles from town, for he was the driver of a fly, he put up his horses quickly, and went to church. One of the lessons for the day was 2 Sam. xiii., containing the reflections of David on the death of his child. When he heard the words, " I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me," he thought, "It is impossible." His past life and infidel ridicule of heaven forbade the hope that he should ever meet his child in that happy world. Still his mind was greatly distressed. He had no pious friend ; he could get neither light nor peace in t^is season of mental anguish. An agent of the City Mis- sion at length called upon him ; the man disclosed his state of mind, and the instructions, counsels, and prayers of the agent were blessed by the Holy Spirit: the man has renounced his infidelity — his character is entirely changed ; he and his wife are regularly worshippers in the house of God, and DIVINITY OF CHRIST. §0, 81 he is now cherishing the hope, that he shall meel: his child in heaven. (^)THE UNVVELCOiVIE VISIT.— A little boy, who was educated in one of the London Hibernian Schools, in the county of Roscommon, was seized by sickness, and confined to his bed. In a few days his dissolution seemed to be near. The parents of the boy being Roman Catholics, sent immediately for the priest, to have the rites of their church administered, which, in their estimation, was the needful preparation for heaven. On the arrival of the priest, the boy seemed much confused, and astonished at his coming. " Your visit," said the boy, " was altogether unnecessary ; I have no need of your help or assistance : I have a great High Priest at the right hand of the Majesty in the heavens, able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him : He lives for evermore, to make intercession ; and He is such a priest as I require." The priest per- ceiving it to be in vain to reason at such a time, and knowing the boy to have been made acquainted with the Bible, went away. The child request- ed his parents to send for his school- master, who stated that he never wit- nessed such a scene ; it was altogether unexpected. The boy was always silent ; though he was attentive to the instructions given at school, he never once hinted a change in his sentiments. In the course of conversation, he was asked if he was afraid to die. "No," replied the boy j " my Redeemer is Lord of the dead and living ; I love him for his love to me, and soon I hope to be with him to see his glory." ^ (e) THE MYSTERIOUS HEAR- ER. — A clergyman in the county of Tyrone had, for some v/eeks, observed a little ragged boy come every Sunday, and place himself in the centre of the aisle, directly opposite the pulpit, where he seemed exceedingly attentive to the service. He was desirous of knowing who the child was, and for this purpose hastened out, after the sermon, several times, but never could see him, as he vanished the moment service was over, and no one knew whence he came, or any thing about him. At length the boy was missed from his usual situation in the church, for some weeks. At this time a man called on the minister, and told him a person very ill was desirous of seeing him; but added, "I am really ashamed to ask you to go so far ; but it is a child of mine, and he refuses to have any one but you ; he is altogether an extraordinary boy, and talks a great deal about things that 1 do not under- stand." The clergyman promised to go, and went, though the rain poured dow^n in torrents, and he had six miles of rugged mountain country to pass. On arriving where he was directed, he saw a most wretched cabin indeed, and the man he had seen in the morning was waiting at the door. ' He was shown in, and found the inside of the hovel as miserable as the outside. In a corner, on a little straw, he beheld a person stretched out, whom he recog- nized as the little boy who had so re- gularly attended his church. As he approached the wretched bed, the child raised himself up, and stretching forth his arms, said, " His own right hand hath gotten him the victory," Psa. 98 : 1 ; and immediately expired ! CHRIST. 81. Divinity of Christ. ^"^^^ ^^^® ^^^ °^' ^^^ ^ " Sir," he replied, "I am sorry you have put such a (a) THE COBBLER'S CONCLU- question to me before my children, SION. — A poor man, unable to read, although I think I can give you a satis- who obtained his livelihood by mending flictory answer. You know, sir, when old shoes, was asked by an A rian | I first became concerned about my soul, minister, how he knew that Jesus Christ I and unhappy on account of my sins, I 185 81 DIVINITY OF CHRIST. called upon you to ask for your advice, and you told me to get into company, and spend my time as merrily as I could, but not to go to hear the Me- thodisls." " I did so," answered the ungodly minister. "I followed your advice," continued the illiterate cobbler, " for some time ; but the more I trifled, the more my miser}'' increased ; and at last I was persuaded to hear one of those Methodist ministers who came into our neighborhood, and preached Jesus Christ as the Savior. In the greatest agony of mind, I prayed to Him to save me, and to forgive my sins ; and now I feel that he has freely forgiven them ! — and by this I know that he is the Son of God." {b) AElAJ^jCQIiJEQUNDED.— Two of Dr. Priestly's followers, emi- i nent men, once called on an old gentle- man of the Society of Friends, to ask ; what was his opinion of the person of i Christ. After a little consideration, he ' replied : — " The apostle says, We preach ; Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stum- 1 bling-block, because they expected a I temporal Messiah ; to the Greeks foolish- ness, because he was crucified as a ; malefactor ; but unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ ;the power of God, and the wisdom of (God. Now, if you can separate the power of God from God, and the wisdom of God from God, I will come over to your opinions." — They were both struck dumb, and did not attempt to utter a single word in reply. (c) THE CAVILLER SILENCED. — Two gentlemen were once disputing on the divinity of Christ. One of them who argued against it, said, " If it were true it certainly would have been ex- pressed in more clear and unequivocal terms." " Well," said the other, " ad- mitting that you believed it, were you authorized to teach it, and allowed to use your own language, how would you express the doctrine to make it indubit- able ?" " I would say," replied he, "that Jesus Christ is the true God.^' "You are very happy," rejoined the other, " in the choice of )'^our words ; for you have happened to hit upon the very words of inspiration. ' St. John, speaking of the Son, says, ' This is the true God and eternal life.' " (d) THE INEXPLICABLE CHAP- TER. — There was a young man in a school, who had previously indulged the hope of having passed from death unto life, but had not believed in the divinity of Christ. As he was teaching, in the course of his delightful work, a class of children upon a section of the first chap- ter of John, he knew not how to direct them, or explain to the little listeners what seemed plain to those who believed the Son of God to be a divine person, but on his own principles was inexplicable. This circumstance led him to consider more closely the sacred text, and led him to believe in the supreme divinity of that Savior, whom he had degraded to a finite, created being. Thus, the truth of tne inspired volume is made to appear. He that watereth, shall be watered also him- self. (e) " THE GOD WA.J WITHIN." — While Mr. Kirkland was a mission- ary to the Oneidas, being unwell, he was unable to preach on the afternoon of a certain Sabbath, and told Peter, one of the head men of the Oneidas, that he must address the congregation. Peter modestly and reluctantly consented. After a few words of introduction, he began a discourse on the character of the Savior. " What, my brethren," said he, " are the views which you form of the character of Jesus ? You will answer, perhaps, that he was a man of singular benevolence. You will tell me, that he proved this to be his character, by the nature of the miracles which he wrought. All these, you will say, were kind in the extreme. He created bread, to feed thousands who were ready to perish. He raised to life the son of a poor woman, who was a widow, and to whom his labors were necessary for her support in old age. Are these, then, your only views of the Savior ? I will tell you, they are lame. When Jesus came into the world, he threw his blanket around him, but the God was within." (/) THE ROCK OF CALVARY.— In Fleming's Christology it is stated that a deist, visiting the sacred places of Palestine, was shown the clefls of Mount Calvary. Examining them nar- rowly and critically, he turned in MISCELLANEOUS. 81, §2 amazement to his fellow-travelers, and said, " I have long been a student of nature, and I am sure these clefts and rents in this rock were never made by- nature, or an ordinary earthquake ; for, by such a concussion, the rock must have split according to the veins, and where it was weakest in the adhesion of parts ; for this," said he, " 1 have observed to have been done in other rocks when separated or broken after an earthquake ; and reason tells me it must always be so. But it is quite otherwise here; for the rock is split athwart and across the veins in a most strange and preternatural manner ; and, therefore," said he, " I thank God that I came hither to see the standing monu- ment of a miraculous power by which God gives evidence to this day of the divinity of Christ." (g) CONVICTIONS OF NAPO- LEON. — "I know men," said Napo- leon at St. Helena, to Count de Mon- tholon, " I know men, and I tell you that Jesus is not a man ! The religion of Christ is a mystery, which subsists by its own force, and proceeds from a mind which is not a human mind. We find in it a marked individuality, which origin- ated a train of words and actions un- known before. Jesus is not a philoso- pher, for his proofs are miracles, and from the first his disciples adored him. " Alexander, Csesar, Charlemagne, and myself, founded empires; but on what foundation did we rest the crea- tions of our genius ? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded an empire upon love ; and at this hour, millions of men would die for him ! " I die before my time, and my body will be given back to the earth, to be- come food for worms. Such is the fate of him who has been called the great Napoleon. What an abyss between my deep mystery and the eternal kingdom of Christ, which is proclaim- ed, loved, and adored, and is extending over the whole earth !" Turning to Gen. Bertrand the em- peror added, " If you do not perceive that Jesus Christ is God I did wrong to appoint you general !" 82. Miscellaneous. (a) THE GOD WHO PAID THE DEBT. — A poor negro on the coast of Africa, who felt some concern about his soul, applied to his priest, who gave him various directions, which were all unavailing. He was so distressed in his mind, that he went wandering about from place to place, without meeting with any thing to comfort him. One day as he was sitting in a solitary manner on the beach, some English sailors came ashore to get water. As they were rolling the cask along, one of them heard the meanings of the poor negro, and going up to him said, " Hallo, shipmate ! what's the matter with you ?" The negro began to tell his tale of wo, in broken language, but was hastily interrupted by the sailor exclaiming, " Oh, I see what's the mat- ter with you ; you must go to England, and there you'll hear of the Christian's God, who paid the debt." These words were spoken in a careless and thoughtless manner ; but they made an impression on the mind of the negro, and he determined to proceed to England. He traveled a great many miles until he came to an English settlement, where he got leave to work his passage over in a ship that was lying there. During the voyage he would frequently approach one sail- or and another, and say, with great simplicity, in a plaintive tone, " Please, massa, you tell me where Christian's God dat pay de debt ?" The seamen, who it appears were all irreligious, only laughed at him, and concluded he was mad. The ship arrived at London, and the negro was put ashore at Wap- ping. Having no money to receive, he wandered from street to street, and whenever he could catch a single pas- senger, he would stop and say, in the most melancholy manner, " Please, massa, you please tell poor black man where Christian's God dat pay de debt ?" Some told him to go about his business, some gave him money, and others, supposing him to be deranged, passed on ; but he met no one to answer his question. In this manner he con- tinued to stroll about, as devoid of com- fort in England as in his own land; 187 83 CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTER OF. and frequently would he steal down some by-place, and give vent to his soul in accents like these: "Ah! me no hear of Christian's God dat pay de debt ; me walk, walk, day, day, but me no hear. White man tell me in Africa, go to England, but me no find ; me go back, me die dere." He saw some people on the Sabbath going into a large house, which he concluded was the temple of the Christian's God ; he fol- lowed them ; he heard a sermon, but he heard nothing about Christ. It was all unintelligible to him, and he still remained the subject of despondency, and still went mournino; about. A gentleman accidentally overheard him one day, while he was complaining to himself of his unsuccessful inquiry after the Christian's God. He spoke to him, and directed him to go to such a place that evening, and there he would hear of the Christian's God. He went, and heard a sermon by that gentleman, on the suretiship of Christ, in which he described sin as a debt, and Christ as paying it, and the price he paid, and that he was ascended up to heaven, and had sent him, the preacher, to say to all, " Come unto me all ye that labor," &c. Long before he came to the close of his sermon, the Spirit of God had been pleased to touch the heart of the poor negro, and to enlighten his mind ; he started up in the pew, but without making a noise, and in a whispering tone was heard to say, while he clasped his hands together, and the tears ran down his sable cheeks, " Me have found Him ! me have found Him ! the Christian's God dat pay de debt !" After the meeting the minister had some further conversation with him, and was rejoiced at the state of his mind. An opportunity was afterward taken to send him to Africa. 83. CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTER OF. [a) THE FIRST HOSPITAL.— The first hospital for the reception of the diseased and the infirm was founded atEdessa, in Syria, by the sagacious and provident humanity of a Christian father. The history of this memorable founda- tion is given by Sozomen, in his ac- count of Ephrem Syrus. A grievous famine, with all its inse- parable evils, having befallen the city of Edessa, its venerable deacon, at the call of suffering humanity, came forth from the studious retirement of his cell, whither he had long withdrawn, that be might devote his latter days to me- ditation on the deep things of God. Fill- ed with emotion at the sight of the mi- sery which surrounded him, with the warmth of Christian charity, he reprov- ed the rich men of Edessa, who suffered their fellow-citizens to perish from want and sickness ; and who preferred their wealth, at once, to the lives of others, and to the safety of their own souls. Stung by his reproaches, and awed by his revered character, the citizens re- 18a plied, that they cared not for their wealth ; but that, in an age of selfish- ness and corruption, they knew not whom to intrust with its distribution. " What," exclaimed the holy man, " is your opinion of me ?" The answer was instant and unanimous : Ephrem was every thing that was holy, and good, and just. " Then," he resumed, " I will be your almoner. For your sakes, I will undertake this burden." And receiving their now willing con- tributions, he caused about three hun- dred beds to be placed in the public por- ticoes of the city, for the reception of fever patients : he relieved, also, the famishing multitudes who flocked into Edessa, from the adjoining country ; and rested not from his labor of love un- til the famine was arrested, " and the plague was stayed." Christianity, therefore, has the honor of erecting the first hospital ; and wher- ever true Christianity has prevailed, her efforts to relieve the wretched, and add to the amount of human happiness, CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTER OF. m haY« accomplished more in one genera- tion, than paganism or infidelity in a hundred. {b) CHRISTIANITY AND HEA- THENISM.— The language of God's word is, " Thou shalt not kill ; thou shalt not commit adultery ; thou shalt not steal ; thou shalt not bear false wit- ness ; thou shalt not covet." Now where is there such a code of morality to be found in all the systems of ancient or modern heathen philosophers or po- liticians ? Lycurgus ordained that in- fants who were deformed or weak, should be destroyed ; but God's word says, " Thou shalt not kill." Lycur- gus taught his pupils to steal, and re- warded those who could steal in such an artful manner as not to be detected ; but the Bible says, " Thou shalt not steal." Aristippus maintained that it was no harm " to steal, commit adultery and sacrilege ; setting aside the vulgar opi- nion concerning them." The Grecians and many of the ancients practised in- cest ; that is, a man could marry his own sister ; and they pretended to derive this practice from gods, feigning that Jupi- ter married his own sister Juno. Hence many of their great men practised it, such as Cimon, Alcibiades, Darius the Persian, Ptolemy of Egypt, and others ; but Moses said, " Thou shalt not marry one that is near akin to thee," and St. Paul required the incestuous person to be punished. The laws of Solon al- lowed of " brothels and prostitution ;" but Moses said, " There shall be no harlot in Israel ;" and were the princi- ples of this book attended to, there would be none in Christendom. The polite and learned nations of the Greeks and Romans, very generally permitted the custom of exposing infants, and Romu- lus allowed the Romans to destroy all their female children except the oldest, and even their males if they were de- formed. " These practices were com- mon among them, and celebrated at their theatres." They also had gladiatorial shows in which slaves were obliged to fight with each other, till one or the other fell, mangled with wounds. And so great was the rage for this sport, among both sexes, that no war is said to have been so destructive. Lipsius tells us, " that the gladiatorial shows cost 20 or 30 thousand lives a month, and thus conti- nued for a long course of years, must have destroyed more lives than the ra- vages of their wars." (c) THE BURMAN'S IMPRES- SION.-— Mrs. Judson, giving some ac- count in a letter, of the first Burman convert, says : — A few days ago I was reading with him Christ's sermon on the Mount. He was deeply impressed, and unusually solemn. " These words," said he, " take hold on my very heart ; they make me tremble. Here God commands us to do every thing that is good in secret, not to be seen of men. How unlike our religion is this ! When Burmans make oflTerings at the pagodas, they make a great noise with drums and musical instruments, that others may see how good they are ; but this religion makes the mind fear God ; it makes it, of its own accord, fear sin." {d) THE INFIDEL AND THE ORPHAN SCHOOL.— A mechanic in London, who rented a room very near the Orphan Working School, was un- happily a determined infidel, and one who could confound many a thoughtless Christian with his sophistical reasonings on religion. He, one day, however, said to another man, " I did this morn- ing what I have not done for a long time before ; I wept." " Wept !" said his friend ; " what occasioned you to weep?" "Why," replied the infidel mechanic, " I wept on seeing the child- ren of the Orphan Working School pass ; and it occurred to me, that if religion had done nothing more for mankind, it had at least provided for the introduction of these ninety- four orphans into respect- able and honorable situations in life." (e) BYRON'S CONFESSION.— " Indisputably," says Lord Byron, " the firm believers in the gospel have a great advantage over all others, for this sim- ple reason, that if true, they will have their reward hereafter; and if there be no hereafter, they can be but with the infidel in his eternal sleep, having had the assistance of an exalted hope through life, without subsequent disappointment, since, at the worst for them, ' out of 1R9 M CHRISTIANITY, CHARACTER OF. nothing, nothing can arise,' not even sorrow.*' (/) THE TREE JUDGED BY ITS FRUIT.— When Mr. Gulzlaff, in his third voyage to China, went on shore for the first time at a particular place, the people were distrustful, and some of them hinted that the Christian books merely contained the doctrines of west- ern barbarians, which were quite at variance with the tenets of the Chinese sages. Mr. G. did not undertake to contest this point with them, but pro- ceeded to administer relief to a poor man who was almost blind ; thus show- ing the spirit and conduct which the gospel inculcates. The man was af- fected with this unexpected kindness, and, turning towards Mr. G., said, *' Judging from your actions, your doc- trines must be excellent ; therefore I beseech you give me some of your books ; though I myself cannot read, I have children who can." " From this moment," says Mr. G., *'the demand for the word of God increased, so that I could never pass a hamlet without be- ing importuned by the people to impart to them the knowledge of divine things. In the wide excursion which I took, I daily witnessed the demand for the word of God." (g) LORD BACON'S OPINION. — Lord Bacon, towards the latter end of his life, said, that a little smattering of philosophy would lead a man to Atheism, but a thorough insight of it will lead a man back again to a first cause, and that the first principle of right reason is religion ; and seriously professes, that, after all his studies and inquisitions, he durst not die with any other thoughts than those of religion, taught, as it is professed, among the Christians. (h) LORD CHESTERFIELD'S REPLY TO AN INFIDEL LADY. — Infidels should never talk of our giv- ing up our Christianity, till they can propose something superior to it. Lord Chesterfield's answer, therefore, to an infidel lady, was very just. When at Brussels he was invited by Voltaire, to sup with him and Madame C. The conversation happening to turn upon the affairs of England, " I think, my Lord,'* said Madame C, " that the parliament of England consists of five or six hun- dred of the best informed men in the kingdom ?" " True, madame, they are generally supposed to be so." " What then can be the reason they tolerate so great an absurdity, as the Christian religion ?" " I suppose, ma- dame," replied his lordship, " it is be- cause they have not been able to sub- stitute any thing better in its stead ; when they can, I do not doubt but in their wisdom they will readily adopt it.'* (i) GIBBON'S TESTIMONY.— " While the Roman empire," says Gib- bon, " was invaded by open violence, or undermined by slow decay, a pure and humble religion greatly insinuated itself into the minds of men, grew up in silence and sobriety, derived new vigor from opposition, and finally erected the banner of the cross on the ruins of the capital." Again, he says, " the Christian reli- gion is a religion that diffuses among the people a pure, benevolent, and universal system of ethics, adapted to every condition in life, and recom- mended as the will and reason of the Supreme Deity, and enforced by the sanction of eternal rewards and punish- ments." (j) THE MALAY'S TEST OF HONESTY.— A New England sea- captain, who visited " India beyond the Ganges," was boarded by a Malay merchant, a man of considerable pro- perty, and asked if he had any tracts which he could part with. The American, at a loss how to account for such a singular request from such a man, inquired, "What do you want of tracts? you cannot read a word of them." " True, but I have a use for them, nevertheless. Whenever one of your countrymen, or an Englishman, calls on me to trade, I put a tract in his way, and watch him. If he reads it soberly and with interest, I infer that he will not cheat me ; if he throws it aside with contempt, or a profane oath, I have no more to do with him — I can- not trust him." 190 CHURCH, JOINING THE. 84 84. CHURCH, JOINING THE. (a) THE DELAYED BAPTISM. — A young man, by the name of Henry T., from England, was converted in Dartmouth, Mass., about 1835. Before his conversion, he v^^as a very intem- perate, profane, abandoned man. His exercises in conversion were marked and clear ; and he soon made application for admission into the church. But it fared worse with him than it fared with Saul when he came to Damascus : Christians were not only afraid of him, but they thought he had better wait a month, till the next covenant meeting. They were inclined to think he would turn back to his cups. But he mani- fested a Christian spirit, and determined not to forsake his brethren or neglect any of the public or private duties of religion. The next covenant meeting came, and Mr. T., full of hope, present- ed himself for admission again. The confidence of the brethren in the genuineness of his change was decided- ly increased by his conduct during the month ; but owing to his former habits, some of the brethren hesitated about having him baptized, and they put him off another month. He said he felt anxious to be soon baptized, for he said he might die without receiving the ordinance ; still he would patiently sub- mit to the church's decision, and per- severe in doing duty. And he did ; he was a regular attendant upon public worship ; on conference and prayer meetings, and in the latter took a regu- lar and active part. Indeed he often told how much he loved his brethren — those who were so suspicious of him. Another month passed, and another application ^vas made. His conduct had been so exemplary as to secure the confidence of the minister, and all the members of the church in his steadfastness, but that of one of the deacons. He alone objected. When Mr. T. was told he must wait one month longer, he was deeply grieved. " But," said he, " if you never receive me I shall love you still !" This he said as he went out and closed the door. " That is too much for me," said the deacon ; " call him back." He was called back, received a unanimous vote, and united with the church. By pur- ^ suing such a course, by overcoming the temptation to quit the church, he had gained the confidence of the church, and confidence in himself; and a can- didate is rarely found more happy than he was, when baptized and received into the fellowship of the saints. He proved to be a happy and steadfast Christian. . {b) A FATHER CONVERTED.— \ A few years since, says a correspon- dent of the New- York Evangelist, dur- ing a powerful revival in New Eng- land, the Holy Spirit exerted its mighty influence upon a family circle con- sisting of a father, a mother, and five most interesting children. The mother and her five children were hopefully converted. The father, who was nat- urally one of the most amiable, retiring, modest men with whom I ever was acquainted, aided his family in attend- ing the numerous meetings, and was not unfrequently seen bowed down and trembling under the power of truth. Still the conversions of his wife and children, in rapid succession, were like so many earthquake shocks to the foun- dations on which his false hopes had so long rested. But neither the affecting scenes of their distress, nor the ecsta- sies of their subsequent joy, could melt his heart into contrition. He now felt that he was groping in a dark path, and in wretched loneliness ; he who should have been the leader of a pious house- hold was left far behind, a subject of prayer, and an occasion of grief to the circle around him. Thus he remained for weeks. Ere long preparations were made for gathering the fruits of the revival into the church, and a day appointed for the examination of candidates. The mother and her five children, with some sixty others, came before the church, and were propounded for admissicTn into its pale. As the day of admission drew 191 64 CHURCH, JOININO THE. near, the father, who had watched their movements with much concern, ex- pressed his regret to his wife that they should make a profession of religion at present, and requested that they should wait for him. The mother, deeply moved, solicited advice of the pastor and other friends ; but, after due delib- eration, it was concluded that the path of their duty was plain, and that they were bound to follow Christ. With unusual decision and firmness they re- solved to do so. As soon as he knew their decision, he became more earnest in his remonstrances, and used every possible argument, especially with the mother, to dissuade her from her pur- pose, but in vain. He soon changed his tone of entreaty into that of fearful threatening, warning his wife if she had any affection for him, any regard for the peace of the family, to desist from hei purpose and wait for him. " No," saic the martyr-like woman, " I love you most tenderly, but I love Christ more. I have waited for you for more than twenty years, and now I shall do my duty, and as to the consequences I will leave them with God." At the close of this interview, which took place Saturday evening, he took his hat, and uttering some threats, left the house, as if never to return to his family again. It was a painful night to mother and children. Might he not become the victim of lasting mania, or in his rage and disappointment sudden- ly destroy himself? As it afterwards appeared, he retired to his barn, threw himself on the hay-mow, (it being mid- summer,) and there rolled and strug- gled like a wild beast in the net. An awful warfare was waging between an awakened conscience and a desperately rebellious heart. He could not, would not submit. Sabbath morning came — the family, with trembling anxiety for the absent father, prepared to go to the house of God ; but, just before the hour of service, his feelings drove him from his hiding place. He was safe, but still unhumbled. He again inquired of his wife if she remained fixed in her pur- pose, and finding she did, he left the house with dreadful signs of rebellion, throwing out some intimations that he 192 never should return — that fearful con- I sequences might be anticipated. He I was soon out of sight, but not out of i mind. The family departed ; and the I father, finding his threats unavailing, I returned to his house, prepared his per- j son with despatch, and was soon seen i placed in the gallery in a situation ! favorable for witnessing the ceremony I he had opposed so vainly. And when j the ceremony of reception took place, I and the father looked down and saw I his wife and five children, with the rest, kneel around the altar, he burst into tears, and his agitation was great. The step was taken, and could not be re- traced. On retiring from the house he felt that he was indeed alone. He began to come to himself — to review the dreadful rebellion of his heart which recent events had brought to light. His heart began to break ; and in a few hours his soul was made to rejoice in that Savior whom he had so recently persecuted. He now felt deeply thank- ful that his wife had taken so decided a course ; and he considered her unit- ing with the church, the means, in God's hands, of leading him to repentance. (c) THE AGED BLACKSMITH'S TESTIMONY.— In the year 184-, Mr. W., of R. I., related the following: " Thirty-four years ago I thouijit God, for Christ's sake, pardoned my sins. My wife and myself thought it duty to follow Christ in baptism, and unite with the people of God. The day arrived on which we were to relate our experi- ence to the church, with a view to be- coming members. We were nearly prepared to leave home, when a gentle- man called, and wished to transact some business with me. I told my wife to go on — I would be along soon. She went, related her experience, was bap- tized, and lived and died in the bosom of the church. But I was detained longer than I expected to be, and found, when ready to go, that it was too late. The next meeting for the purpose I was again hindered by yielding to worldly business ; and by the third meeting I had little inclination to go, and doubted whether I was a Christian. Since then you have heard me profane the name CHURCH, JOIN IMG THE. §A of God, and seen me neglect the house of his worship. But there has never been a single night that 1 have not, when laying my head upon my pillow, reflected upon the time of my redemp- tion, and endured bitter remorse in view of my disobedience. But the feding which I had on iliat afternoon^ has never returned. If I walk, I must go in the dark. And now I am about ' fourscore years old,' and had I the world I would give it, for a return of that impressive sense of my obligation to God which should lead me to do the long neglected duty. O ! my friends, as you value your soul's interest, let no earthly consideration prevent the imme- diate discharge of duty." {d) THE HUSBAND'S CONVER- SION._A woman in Bow, N. H., was converted through the instrumen- tality of an itinerant minister, and was accordingly anxious to make a public profession of religion by baptism. She wished to have her spiritual father preach in her house, and then adminis- ter to her the ordinance. Accordingly she suggested her feelings to her husband. His hatred to the cross was already roused by his wife's conversion, and this proposal kindled it to a fury. " No," said he, " Mr. shoH never preach in my house." " May he not preach in the yard then?" said she. " No, there is no room for him in the yard." " Well, I supp:>se you will let us have the barn ?" " No, never, for any such purpose." " But we may go into the orchard, perhaps ?" " No, he shall not preach any where upon my premises." " Well, we will have the meeting in the road then." " If you suffer him," said the husband, " to bap- tize you, that breaks up our union; you will never be allowed to enter this house again." The pious woman, how- ever, was not in the least disposed to yield to any such opposition, and she gave her husband to understand it. Whatever trials might await her, even exile from her family, she stood pre- pared to abide, rather than neglect her duty and violate God's commands. Her husband found himself baffled.* He saw that she was actuated by a new principle, a strong and sublime affection 13 for God and his word, to which she had once been a stranger, and to which he was still a stranger himself J [is mind sunk in deep and deeper distress. One day she went up into her chamber, perhaps to pour out her soul in secn>t before God, when her husband was so overcome by the force of his conviction*>. that he followed her, and desired her to pray for him. They went to prayer ; and as they rose up, and looked out of the window, they saw the before-men- tioned itinerant minister approaching. None could be more glad to see him than was the persecuting husband now, or more anxious for an interest in his prayers. He directed him to the Sa- vior, and presented him in the arms of his faith before the throne. The husband was now perfectly willing to have the minister preach in the house, which he did : and he was perfectly willing that his wife should receive baptism, but he wished her to wait a short time, so that they both might re- cei^'e the ordinance together. She con- oMded to do so; and two or three weeks after, they w6re both baptized by the itinerant, on the same day, and received into the fellowship of the church. (e) THE OPPOSING HUSBAND. — When the Rev. Mr. Morton was settled in Manlius, New- York, the church of which he was pastor met together on Saturday afternoon for co- venant meeting. A man and his wife who were strangers to Mr. M., were present ; and being informed by one of her friends that the lady would like to be baptized, at a suitable time Mr. M. called on her to relate her Christian experience. As she arose to speak she gave her child to her husband, who immediately withdrew with it into the yard before the door. The church heard her narration, and received her as candidate for the ordinance. On the ensuing Sabbath she was baptized. Mr. M. having learned that the woman's husband was offended with him, sought an interview. In answer to the in- quiry whether he was offended or no, he replied to Mr. M. that he felt very much offended with him, both for bap- tizing his wife, and also because Mr. 193 84 CHURCH, JOINING THE. Morton had addressed all his discourse to him that morning in the meeting- house. Mr. M. replied firmly, " In baptizing your wife, sir, I had no busi- ness to act according to your preferen- ces, for I acted as God's ambassador ; and I consider that you have no business to say a word in opposition. I knew not that you had an)^ objections to your wife's joining our church ; but if I had, that ought not to have prevented me from doing my duty, nor your wife from doing hers. As to my sermon this morning, if it contained truth adapted to your case, I hope you will apply it : 'if the coat fits you, put it on !' But I advise you, sir, to go home and read your Bible, and repent of your sins, before your iniquity shall be your ruin." The opposer shrunk before Mr. M.'s faithfulness, and the words sunk into his heart. Early the next Tuesday morning, he came to Mr. Morton's resi- dence in great distress of mind. He confessed that since the interview of Sunday he had had no peace ; and he desired Mr. M.'s forgiveness and pray- ers. He stated that he had kept his wife awake all Saturday night, trying to persuade and frighten her out of her purpose of being baptized. But he could not move her ; and now he wished to be converted and go and do likewise. Three weeks from that memorable Sab- bath Mr. M. baptized him into the fellowship of the church. (/) THE BANISHED DAUGH- TER. — In the time of a revival in Har- bor Creek, Pa., the daughter of an infidel was happily converted, and on a Satur- day afternoon related to the Baptist church her Christian experience, and was received as acanditate for baptism. She was intending to be baptized on the ensuing Sabbath, and in the morning she made known her intention to her infidel father. He told her angrily that if she went into the water, he would immediately banish her from his house. After consulting with some of her friends, she concluded to defer the matter till some future occasion. At the close of the afternoon service, Rhoda Ann, for that was her name, repaired to the water with the rest of the as- sembly to witness the baptism of other converts. After the last candidate was immersed, the preacher addressed the assembly, and urged any who might feel it their duty, to relate their experi- ence to the church, most of w^hom were present ; and, if the church so desired, he would baptize any such persons be- fore they left the water. One afler another acceded to his request, came before the church, and were accepted and baptized. At length Rhoda Ann stepped forward, and exclaimed with streaming eyes, " I believe it is better to obey God than man !" There was a moral sublimity in the thought and in this new occasion of its utterance, that must have wrought a most thrilling impression upon every mind. Having in a few words given an account of God's gracious dealings with her soul, she too was received and buried with Christ in baptism. On her return home, siif^ found her father absent ; but when he came in, some of the members of the family told him of the step Rhoda had taken. Turning to her, he said with firmness, " Rhoda, you remember what I said to you this morning ; you must now quit my house." Rhoda solicited the privilege of taking away her clothes and other things with her ; and having permission, she soon gathered them to- gether, bade her friends farewell, and started forth upon her cruel exile, be- tween sundown and dark. Soon after she had gone out, her father opened the door and called after her, " Rhoda Ann," said he, "you may come back now. / want you to understand that I am to he obeyed .'" Rhoda returned ; but from that time her father treated her, as she declared, with greater kindness and tenderness than ever. 194 COMMENTARIES— COMMUNION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. 85, 86 85. COMMENTARIES. (a) THE MISTAKEN DIVINES.— Rica, having been to visit the library of a French convent, writes thus to his friend in Persia, concerning what had passed : " Father," said I to the librarian, " what are these huge volumes which fill the whole side of the library V " These," said he, " are the interpreters of the Scriptures." " There is a prodigious number of them," replied I ; " the Scrip- tures must have been very dark formerly, and be very clear at present. Do there remain still any doubts ? Are there now any points contested ?" " Are there !" answered he with surprise, " are there ! There are almost as many as there are lines." You astonish me," said I; " what then have all these authors been doing V " These authors," returned he, " never searched the Scriptures for what ought to be believed, but for what they did believe themselves. They did not consider them as a book wherein were contained the doctrines which they ought to receive, but as a work which might be made to authorize their own ideas." 86. COMMUNION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. (a) COL. GARDINER'S ENJOY- MENT. — A more devout communi- cant at the table of the Lord, says Dr. Doddridge, in his life of Colonel Gardin- er, has, perhaps, seldom been any where known. Often have I had the pleasure to see that manly countenance softened into all the marks of humilia- tion and contrition on these occasions : and to discern, in spite of all his efforts to conceal them, streams of tears flow- ing down from his eyes, while he has been directing them to those memorials of his Redeemer's love. And some, who have conversed intimately with him after he came from that ordinance, have observed a visible abstraction from sur- rounding objects, by which there seem- ed reason to imagine that his soul was wrapped up in holy contemplation. And I particularly remember, that when we had once spent a great part of the following Monday in riding together, he made an apology to me for being so ab- sent as he seemed, by telling me that his heart was flown upwards, before he was aware, to Him whom having not seen he loved ; and he was rejoicing in him with such unspeakable joy, that he could not hold it down to creature converse. (b) LAYING ASIDE A CROWN. — At the coronation of his Majesty George III, after the anointing was over in the Abbey, and the crown put upon his head with great shouting, the two archbishops came to hand him down from the throne to receive the sacra- ment. His majesty told them he would not go to the Lord's Supper, and par- take of that ordinance, with the crown upon his head : for he looked upon him- self, when appearing before the King of kings, in no other character than in that of a humble Christian. The bi- shops replied, that although there was no precedent for this, it should be com- plied with. Immediately he put off his crown, and laid it aside : he then de- sired that the same should be done with respect to the queen. It was answered, that her crown was pinned on her head, that it could not be easily taken off; to which the king replied, " Well, let it be reckoned a part of her dress, and in no other light." " When I saw and heard this," says the narrator, " it warmed my heart towards him ; and I could not help thinking, that there would be some- thing good found about him towards the Lord God of Israel. (c) CHILDREN PRESENT.— The 195 86,87 COMPANY, EVIL. Rev. John Brown, in a narrative of his experience, remarks, " 1 reflect on it as a great mercy, that I was born in a family which took care of my Christian instruction, and in which 1 had the privilege of God's worship, morning and evening. About the eighth year of my age, I happened, in a crowd, to push into the church at Abernethy, on a Sacrament Sabbath. Before I was ex- cluded, I heard a minister speak much in commendation of Christ; this, in a sweet and delightful manner, captivated my young affections, and has since made me tliink that children should never be kept out of church on such occasions." (d) THE COMMUNION PRO- FANED. — In a speech in the House of Lords, in 1719, Lord Lansdowne said, " The receiving of the Lord's Sup- per was never intended to be as a quali- fication for an office ; but as an open declaration of one's being and remain- ing a sincere member of the church of Christ. Whoever presumes to receive it with any other vieAv, profanes it, and may be said to seek his promotion in this world, by eating and drinking his own damnation in the next." (e) THE ESQUIMAUX COM- MUNICANTS.— "We can truly say," observes a Moravian missionary, " that among the very considerable number of Esquimaux who live with us, we know of few who are not seriously desirous to profit by what they hear, and to ex- perience and enjoy themselves, that which they see their countrymen pos- sess. Our communicants give us pleasure ; for it is the wish of their very hearts to live unto the Lord, and their conduct affords proofs of the sin- cerity of their professions ; thus for ex- ample, Esquimaux sisters, who have no boat of their own, venture across bays some miles in breadth, sitting behind their husbands, on their narrow kajacks, in order to be present at the holy sacra- ment, though at the peril of their lives." What a lesson is this for those who live near, and make any trifling thing an excuse (/)' COLONEL GARDINER'S PREPARATION.— Colonel Gardiner, in a letter, mentions the pleasure with which he had attended a preparation sermon the Saturday before the dispen- sation of the Lord's Supper. He writes, " I took a walk on the mountains over against Ireland ; and I persuade myself, that were I capable of giving you a de- scription of what passed there, you would agree that I had much better reason to remember my God from the hills of Port-Patrick, than David from the land or' Jordan, and of the Hermon- ites from the hill Mizar. In short, 1 wrestled some hours with the Angel of the covenant, and made supplications to him with floods of tears and cries, until I had almost expired ; but he strength- ened me so, that like Jacob, I had pow- er with God and prevailed. You will be more able to judge of this, by what you have felt yourself, upon the like occasions. After such a preparatory work, I need not tell you how blessed the solemn ordinance of the Lord's Supper proved to me ; I hope it was so to many." 87. COMPANY, EVIL. (a) BURGLARY AND DEATH.— A poor boy, wbo had been educated in the Stockport Sunday school, England, conducted himself so well, and made such great proficiency in learning, that he was appointed teacher of one of the junior classes. About this time his fa- ther died, and his mother, reduced to in- digent circumstances, sent him to one 196 of the cotton factories. Here he met with boys of his own age, who were hardened in sin. Through the force of their evil example he lost, by de- grees, all his serious impressions ; and having thrown off the fear of God, be- came addicted to intemperance and the commission of petty thefts. His disso- lute conduct soon led him into the army. COMPAY, EVIL. 87 The regiment was sent to Spain, where his habit of excessive drinking was confirmed ; and not satisfied with the advantages he reaped as the fruits of many victories, he plundered the inno- cent and peaceful inhabitants. On the close ot the war in the peninsula, he returned home with his regiment : and soon after landing on the coast of Hamp- shire, he, with others of his compan- ions, whose principles he had vitiated, broke into several houses ; till at length he was detected, arraigned at the tribu- nal of justice, and condemned to an igno- minious death at the age of twenty-one. (b) REMORSE AND SUICIDE.— In the year 1832, died in Essex, En- ijland, under very painful circumstances, a young man who had once promised to be happy and useful. He was ap- prenticed to a respectable shopkeeper, who insisted on his always being at home by a certain hour in the evening. For some time he appeared very atten- tive to his business, and was useful to his master ; but he unhappily acquired the habit of walking about the streets -in an evening, and soon after formed very improper connexions at a public house. He was seriously admonished, and at times appeared to feel the impro- priety of his conduct ; but the sins he cherished hardened his heart, and his irregularities became confirmed. At length, his master, on returning from a journey, heard complaints of his con- duct, which led him to threaten that un- less his conduct was altered, he would cancel his indentures. He now felt that his sins were hastening him to the ruin against which he had often been warned ; he had lost alike the confi- dence of his master and his parents. Stung by the convictions of his guilt, he repaired to his room, when he knew that he would be expected at dinner, and committed suicide ; thus rushing into the presence of his Judge uncalled, and every way unprepared. Who can conceive the acuteness of his anguish, when he f:)und himself in the presence of that God whose laws he had tram- pled under his feet, but from whose wrath he found it impossible to escape ! (c) BLAIR'S EXTREMES— Mr. Robert Blair, in a memoir of his life, written by himself, says, '• That year, (1616,) having, upon an evening, been engaged in company with some irre- ligious persons, when I returned to my chamber, and went to my ordinary de- votion, the Lord did show so much dis- pleasure and wrath, that I was driven from prayer, and heavily threatened to be deserted of God. For this I had a restless night, and resolved to spend the next day in extraordinary humiliation, fasting and prayer; and toward the evening of that day, I found access to God, with sweet peace, through Jesus Christ, and learned to beware of such company ; but then I did run into ano- ther extreme of rudeness and incivility toward such as were profane and irreli- gious, so hard a thing is it for short- sighted sinners to hold the right and the straight way." (d) JUDGE BULLER'S CAU- TION. — Judge Buller, when in the company of a young gentleman of six- teen, cautioned him against being led astray, by the example or persuasion of others, and said, " If I had listened to the advice of some of those who called themselves my friends when 1 was young, instead of being a Judge of the King's Bench, [ should have died long ago a prisoner in the King's Bench." (e) ELLIOT'S ADVICE. — The Rev. John Elliot, styled The Apostle of the Indians, was once asked by a pious woman, who was vexed with a wicked husband, and bad company frequently infesting her house on his account, what she should do ? " Take," said he, " the Holy Bible into your hand when bad company comes in, and that will soon drive them out of the house." (/) A GOOD EXPEDIENT.— A pious officer of the army, travelling through the Mahratta country, was ask- ed by Judge D , a religious gentle- man, to accompany him to a public dinner, at which the commanding officer of the district, with all his staff, and various other public characters, were expected to meet. " I expressed a wish to be excused," says the officer, " as I had then no relish for such entertainments, and did not think that much either of pleasure or profit was to be derived from them." 197 88 CONFERENCE MEETINGS. His reply was — " While I feel it my duty to attend on such an occasion, I certainly have as little pleasure in it as you have. But there is one way in which I find I can be present at such meetings, and yet receive no injury from them. I endeavor to conceive to myself the Lord Jesus seated on the opposite side of the table, and to think what he would wish me to do and to say, when placed in such a situation, and as long as I can keep this thought alive on my mind, I find I am free from danger." 88. CONFERENCE MEETINGS. (a) MY BRETHREN, THE LORD IS GOOD. — It is not necessary in our meetings for conference and prayer, that a Christian should speak with a high degree of ability and talent, in order to be a benefit to the meeting. An exhortation with little logical con- nexion or rhetorical beauty about it, poured from a feeling heart, has often produced njore deep and powerful im- pressions than the most elaborate ad- dresses. A few words even, from a weak and trembling disciple, have frequently done more execution than a long dis- course from others. There was a feeble stammering bro- ther in the southern part of Connecticut, who deemed his gift so small that he usually kept silent in religious meetings. But on one occasion, in the midst of a revival, his emotions were so strong that he could not keep his seat. He rose to give his feelings vent ; but all the stammerer could say, was, " My BRETHREN, THE LoRD IS GOOD," and then sat down. But his words fell with power on the hearts of those present, thrilled them like an electric stroke, and gave a fresh and lively interest to the meeting. — Who could not say as much ! (b) THE ELECTRIFYING SEN- TENCE. — In a prayer-meeting, held several years since, in W , Rhode Island, a person arose, and holding up his right hand, exclaimed, " I am on the Lord's side." The speaker said no more, and as it would seem, felt unable to do so. But the effect was magical. There was an eloquence in that simple sentence and the manner of its utterance, that went home to the minds and bosoms of all present, with kindling, melting energy. Such a happy and lasting impression was produced, that years afterwards it was mentioned again and again, by different persons, to a pastor who was newly settled in the place. (c) DULL CONFERENCE MEET- INGS. — Before I knew any thing ex- perimentally of religion, said a young convert in Rhode Island, I used often to attend conference and prayer-meet- ings, and when Christians were engaged and the time improved, I could not but be interested and carry away impres-' sions strongly in favor of religion. But when they spoke of its being a heavy cross for them to speak or pray before others, I could not understand them. It seemed that if I were such as they professed to be, it would be no cross to me, but a pleasure. And when I at- tended social meetings where the exer- cises dragged heavily, I felt uninterest- ed — displeased. As I went away from such meetings, my mind was darkened with skeptical suspicions and doubts. Can these Christians, thought I, have such joy in religion, such love for Christ, as they sometimes express, and yet be so backward and silent ? Is their fountain of enjoyment so poor, so in- constant as this ? How much can such a religion be worth ? Can there be any thing divine and substantial in it ? This would be the course of my reflec- tions ; such lifeless services not only destroyed my interest in attending such meetings, but shook my confidence in professors of religion, and in religion itself! 198 CONFESSION— CONFESSION OF SIN. §9,90 CONFESSION. 89. Noble Examples of Confession. (a) Dr. JOHNSON'S CONFES- SION. — Ignorant people are generally- positive and assuming ; and, even when they find themselves in an error, are too proud to acknowledge it ; but those wiio are truly wise, have learned that they are also fallible ; they rejoice in an opportunity of having an error corrected, and they can afford to acknowledge it, without risking all their reputation, or any of it, with persons of real judgment. The celebrated Dr. Johnson, one of the most learned men that England ever produced, one night, rather late, had a dispute in conversation with a Mr. Morgan. Johnson had the wrong side, but did not give up ; in short, both kept the field. Next morning, when they met in the breakfast room, Dr. Johnson, with great candor, accosted Mr. Morgan thus : " Sir, I have been thinking on our dispute last night ; you were in the right." (b) WASHINGTON'S CONFES- SION. — Washington, when stationed in early life at Alexandria, with a regiment under his command, grew warm at an election, and said some- thing offensive to a Mr. Payne, who, with one blow of his cane, brought him to the ground. On hearing of the insult, the regiment, burning for re- venge, started for the r.ity ; but Wash- ington met them, and begged them, by their regard for him, to return peaceably to their barracks. Finding himself in the wrong, he nobly resolved to make an honorable reparation, and next morn- ing sent a polite note requesting Payne to meet him at the tavern. Payne took it for a challenge, and went in expectation of a duel ; but what was his surprise to find instead of pistols, a decanter of wine on the table. Wash- ington rose to raeet him, and .said with a smile, " Mr. Payne, to err is human ; but to correct our errors is always honorable. I believe I was wrong yes- terday ; you have had, I think, some satisfaction ; and if you deem that sufficient, here is my hand — let v\s be friends." Such an act few could resist ; and Payne became from that moment through life, an enthusJAstic friend And admirer of Washington. (c) LORD MANSFIELD'S MAXIM. — This eminent judge was never asham- ed of publicly retracting any wrong opinion he had entertained, when once convinced of his mistake. He us^ frequently to say, probably after Dean Swift, who has a similar passage in hi^ writings, " That to acknowledge yon were wrong yesterday, was but to lei the world know that you are wiser to day than you were then." CONFESSION OF SIN. HAPPY EFFECTS OF CONFESSION. 90. Procures Peace of Mind. (a) " I HAVE BEEN DRUNK."— Confession of wrong accomplishes its real object in proportion to its plain, explicit declaration respecting the wrong as committed. If the wrong is pub- lic, let the confession be public ; if private, let the confession be also. A been accustomed td use of intoxicating member of a church in R town ship, N. Y., had, according to the prac tice of the times indulge in the drinks. On one occasion he was so overcome as to falter in his step and stammer in his speech. A little time after this, having awaked to a sense of his spiritual declension, he came to the church and made an apparently most sincere and heart-broken confession, 199 91,92 CONFESSION OF SIN. He confessed coldness, worldly-mind- edness, neglect of prayer, neglect of the church, and almost all manner of backslidings. Yet he sat down without any alleviation of his distress. Convic- tion and anguish of spirit increased. He confessed again, and still his trouble increased. At three successive meet- ings his tears and his sad countenance added interest to his humiliating con- fessions, and still his soul was the more burdened. Finally he arose, and with a full soul, sobbing aloud, said,* I have been drunk. Will you forgive me ?" The effect was electrical. Peace and joy filled his soul, and the forgiveness of his brethren and friends beamed on every countenance. Such is the result of a confession that covers the wrong. 91. Prevents Alienation. (a) J. BRADFORD AND J. WESLEY.— Joseph Bradford was for some years the travelling companion of Mr. Wesley, for whom he would have sacrificed health and even life, but to whom his will would never bend, except in meekness. " Joseph," said Mr. Wesley, one day, "take these let- ters to the post." B. " I will take them after preaching, sir." W. " Take ihem now, Joseph." B. " I wish to hear you preach, sir ; and there will be sufficient time for the post afler ser- vice." W. " I insist upon your going now, Joseph." B. "I will not go at present." W. "You won't!" B. "No, sir." W. " Then you and I must part." B. " Very good, sir." The good men slept over it. Both were early risers. At four o'clock the next morning, the refractory helper was accosted with, "Joseph, have you considered what I said — that we must part ?" B. " Yes, sir." W. " And must we part ?" B. " Please yourself, sir." W. " Will you ask my pardon, Joseph?" B. "No, sir." W. "You won't?" B. "No, sir." W. " Then I will ask yours, Joseph." Poor Joseph was instantly melted ; smitten as by the word of Moses, when forth gushed the tears, like the water from the rock. He had a tender soul ; and it was soon observed when the appeal was made to the heart instead of the head. 200 91. Snbdues Enmity and Leads to Conversion. (a) AN ANGRY MAN CON- VERTED. — A man of my acquaint- ance, says Dr. Dwight, who was of a vehement and rigid temper, had, many years since, a dispute with a friend of his, a professor of religion, and had been injured by him. With strong feelings of resentment, he made him a visit, for the avowed purpose of quarrelling with him. He accordingly stated the na- ture and extent of the injury ; and was preparing, as he afterwards confessed, to load him with a train of severe re- proaches, when his friend cut him short by acknowledging, with the utmost readiness and frankness, the injustice of which he had been guilty ; express- ing his own regret for the wrong he had done, requesting his forgiveness, and proffering him ample compensation. He was compelled to say that he was satisfied, and withdrew, full of mortifi- cation that he had been precluded from venting his indignation, and wounding his friend with keen and violent re- proaches for his conduct. As he was walking homeward, he said to himself to this effect : " There must be some- thing more in religion than I have hith- erto suspected. Were any man to address me in the tone of haughtiness and provocation with which I accosted my friend this morning, it would be im- possible for me to preserve the equa- nimity of which I have been a witness, and especially with so much frankness, humility, and meekness, to acknowledge the wrong which I had done ; so readily ask forgiveness of the man whom I had injured ; and so cheerfully promise a satisfactory recompense. I should have met his anger with at least equal resent- ment, paid him reproach for reproach, and inflicted wound for wound. There is something in this man's disposition which is not in mine. There is something in the religion which he professes, and which I am forced to believe he feels ; some- thing which makes him so superior, so much better, so much more amiable, than I can pretend to be. The subject strikes me in a manner to which I have hitij^erto been a stranger. It is high time to examine it more thoroughly, flEALS DIVISIONS AND PROMOTES REVIVALS. 92,98 with more candor, and with greater so- licitude also, than 1 have done hitherto." From this incident a train of thoughts [ind emotions commenced in the mind of this man which terminated in his profession of the Christian religion, his relinquishment of the business in which he was engaged, and his consecration of himself to the ministry of the gospel." (b) THE QUARRELSOME NEIGH- BORS. — In a small country town in Massachusetts, there lived two wealthy farmers, whose lands adjoined each other. On some account or other, they became involved in a lawsuit, which both lessened their money, and promot- ed a spirit of rancor towards each other. After a time, one of these men was convinced of the sinfulness of his past conduct, when, yielding to the in- fluence of the gospel, he becam.e desi- rous of reconciliation and friendship with his neighbor. With a trembling heart he rapped at the door of the man he had offended, which he had not be- fore entered for six years. Not sus- pecting who it was, his neighbor invited kim in. He went in, took his seat, acknowledged that he had in the affair been much to blame, and entreated forgiveness. The other was nmch astonished, but maintained his high ground. " I always knew you were to blame, and I never shall forgive you," with much more to the same purpose, was the reply given to him. He again confessed his wrong, asked the pardon of his neighbor, expressed a hope that the Divine Being v/ould for- give him ; and added, " We have been actuated by a wrong spirit ; and we shall be afraid to meet each other at the bar of God, where we must soon appear." The other became a little softened, and they parted. The family, when left to themselves, were filled with astonishment. But the mystery was solved when they learned that their neighbor had become a fol- lower of Christ. " What !" said the farmer, " is S — become a Christian ? Why should he come and ask my for- giveness ? If religion will humble such a man, it is surely a great thing. He said, ' We shall be afraid to meet each other at the bar of God/ " Such reflections as these, with a conscious- ness of his own ill conduct, occasioned him great distress for several days. At length, he could smother his feelings no longer — he took his hat, and went to see his once hated neighbor. As he entered the door he received a cordial welcome ; they took each other by the hand, and burst into tears. He said, " You came to ask my forgiveness the other day, but I find I have been a thousand times worse than you." They retired and prayed together. They became members of the same church, and lived many years in uninterrupted harmony. 93. Heals Divisions and Promotes Revivals. (a) DEACON P. AND SQUIRE' M. — The following anecdote, says a correspondent of the Baptist R.epository, occurred under the immediate observa- tion of the writer : A new settlement at the v/est, was visited by a powerful revival of reli- gion, and most of the heads of families, with many of the' youth, were hopefully converted to God ; and in a vicinity where the name of Jesus was hardly known, unless in the way of blasphe- my, but a short time before, a flourish- ing church was now organized, and the ordinances of the gospel instituted. A commodious house of worship was soon after erected, and a minister settled, and every thing bore evidence of the happy change with which the vicinity h^d been visited. Among the subjects of the recent work were two men, in the prime of life, both possessing con- siderable wealth and influence, upon whom the church principally depended. j One of these, whom we shall call Mr. P. was appointed deacon, and the other, whom we shall denominate Squire M., with the assistance of the former, was appointed to manage the secular con- cerns of the society ; and for the first two years things passed on prosper- ously, and to the mutual satisfaction of all, while the Lord appeared to pour out his blessing upon their eflbrts. At length, however, from some trifling cause, a coldness or jealousy arose be- tween these two persons, who were regarded as pillars ; and the church, 201 94 CONFESSION OF SIN. aware of how much depended on their efforts, attempted to reconcile them. With regret, however, they saw their efforts unavailing, as their hardness towards each other continued to in- crease, till at length they broke out into an open quarrel. As their farms lay contiguous to each other, new causes of complaint were continually arising, of a domestic nature, till the church was finally constrained to interfere in their difficulties. This, however, in- stead of reconciling them, rather seem- ed to add fuel to the fire, till they were finally compelled to exclude them both from their fellowship. Being now freed from ecclesiastical restraint, they con- tinued to carry on their quarrel in a more open manner, and lawsuit after lawsuit followed each other, till at length they both appeared to become weary of the contest, and for two suc- ceeding years lived like the Jews and Samaritans, not deigning even to speak to each other. The church, in the meantime, being deprived of their aid, fell into a low and desponding condition ; and despair- ing of being able to support the preach- ing of the gospel any longer, dismissed their minister, and public worship was finally abandoned altogether. About this time Deacon P. being at work alone in his field, began to reflect in a serious manner upon his condition, comparing it with what it had formerly been, when he was in fellowship with the church, and living in the line of duty. This was perhaps the first time in three years that he had commenced a candid and impartial examination of his own heart ; and however he might have sought to justify his conduct be- fore others, he now saw himself awfully guilty before God. Under a sense of conscious guilt he raised his eyes to heaven, and not only implored grace to enable him to see, but aleo to per- form his duty. Having at length set- tled the question in his own mind, how often and wherein he had offended in the cause of difficulty before mentioned, he turned his eyes towards Squire M., who also was at work in a neighboring field, and soon came to the following resolution: — "If he has injured me, I 202 will leave him in the hands of a merci- ful God ; but I will go to him, and wherein I have injured him, I will fall upon my knees betbre him and ask his forgiveness." No sooner had he come to this resolution, than leaving the in- strument with which he was employed, he sought the field where Squire M. was at work, and, to the astonishment of the latter, fell down before him, and besought his pardon. Squire M., though somewhat moved at the spectacle, at length replied very coldly, " I am very glad Mr. P. to see you finally sensible of your errors ; and must tell you that it is no more than I have long expected. For seriously as you have injured me, I could never fully divest myself of the belief that you had once experiencea religion, and therefore always conclud- ed that the Lord would bring you some day or other to own your fault, — I for- give you, though I must tell you that I cannot altogether forget the manner in which you have treated me." If Squire M. was less affected by his acknowledgment than was expected by the other, it did not disturb him ; and he returned to his labor in a mors tran- quil state of mind than he had experi- enced in many a weary month. He continued his employment alternately weeping and rejoicing, till late in the afternoon ; when happening to turn his eyes towards the field where Squire M. was at work, he saw him approaching ; and as he came still nearer, what was his joy when he saw him bathed in a flood of tears. He came up to him, and after seizing his hand with a con- vulsive grasp, he fell upon his knees and exclaimed, " My much injured friend and brother, can you now forgive me?" After tenderly embracing each other, and weeping and exchanging forgiveness, they retired together to a secret place, and there poured out their united prayers before the throne of mercy. On the following Sabbath they went together to the house of God, and made an humble confession to the church from which they had been ex- cluded, and were again restored to fel- lowship. This seemed to inspire their brethren with renewed confidence ; their former pastor was recalled, public CONSCIENCE, POWER OF, WITH THE GUILTY. 93,94 worship was again established, and heaven itself seemed to smile upon their efforts. An extensive revival soon followed, many precious souls were gathered in, and the two returning pro- digals have since become, not only a help and comfort to each other, but a blessing to those with whom they are united. (b) REV. MR. W. AND HIS CHURCH.— Difficulty having arisen in the Presbyterian church of R , N. Y., between the pastor and the peo- ple, a council was called. Mr. W. made out charges of slander against five or six of his brethren, and procured his witnesses. They also made out charges against Mr. VV. for his im- proper expressions concerning them. But the council, soon after its organi- zation, decided, for certain reasons, that it was improper for them to act as a council in the case, and so dissolved. Thus the way to adjust the difficulties of the church seemed hedged up. Rev. Mr. L., of Auburn, now rose and deliv- ered a solemn address to the church ; and his address was followed by a moving scene. One of the. brethren who was complained of by Mr. W. had been to Sherburne, to engage Rev. Mr. Truair, of that place, as an advocate. In that town God was pouring out his Spirit; and Mr. D. returned convicted of his errors. At this interesting mo- ment he came forward, took his pastor by the hand, and made the most hum- ble and meltincr confession of his faults. Mr. W. as frankly forgave him, and cordially embraced him as a friend and brother. No sooner had he done this than Mr. D. kneeled down and poured out his soul in an appropriate, humble, penitential prayer. Before he conclud- ed, two-thirds of the audience were bathed in tears. He was followed by addresses and prayers from some of the council ; and then another was ready to confess his faults, and then another, to the last of the accused ; each one taking Mr. Walker by the hand, and receiving forgiveness. He in turn asked their forgiveness wherein he had expressed himself improperly towards them. Pardon was also asked of the church, and cheerfully granted. This opened the door for Mr. W.'s friends, who, one after another, confessed what- ever they had said, in an unchristian manner, against the opposite party. Thus two whole days, with the excep- tion of time occupied in hearing two sermons, was spent in mutual confes- sion and forgiveness. Before the coun- cil separated they took the papers which contained the charges on both sides, held them up to the view of the audience, declared they were about to make a burnt sacrifice of them, and committed them to the flames. On the evening of the second day, a conference meeting was held, in which several were so deeply impressed as to ask for prayers. From that time a revival of religion commenced. The above facts occurred in R in 1819-20. CONSCIENCE, POWER OF, WITH THE GUILTY 91. In groundless Suspicions and Alarms. (a) DRAWING A BOW AT A VENTURE.— A Christian minister, writing in 1834, states, that it had been long his practice previously to the com- mencement of the assizes, which were held in the town of his residence, to preach a sermon applicable to that solemn period. On one of these occa- sions, his text was 2 Cor. 5 : 10 : "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." A parti- cular reference was made, in the course of the sermon, to the solemn proceed- ings of the judgment, that things done here in darkness would then be brought to light ; and it was observed, " Per- haps there are some present this morn- j ing who have been engaged in some 1 dark, dishonest transaction, which they 203 94 CONSCIENCE, POWER OF, WITH THE GUILTY. suppose is altogether unknown, and will remain for ever concealed. Vain supposition ! Let them know that, even now, every thing relative to that deed is fully exposed, and if unrepented of, will cover them with disgrace and confusion at the day of universal revelation ; God will make their crimes to pass before them and set them in order before their eyes." The next morning a gentleman called on him and requested a private inter- view, having something of importance to communicate. Having adjourned to a private apartment, he said, " My busi- ness with you, sir, is, I confess, singu- lar, and must appear strange. The discourse you delivered last night has produced an extraordinary impression on Phebe T . She sent for me early this morning, and most earnestly en- treated me to wait upon you, and to in- tercede with you not to send the officers to apprehend her, for the purpose of con- ducting her to prison ; and the only clue I can obtain from her to explain the cause of her excitement is, that ' you know it all.'" It may be easily supposed that the minister was astonished at such a com- munication. The sentence in the ser- mon was an arrow from the bow dr^wn at a venture, but it was guided by a hand omniscient and powerful. He re- plied to his friend, that as he knew of no- thing against the person in question, he was altogether at a loss to explain the agitation of her mind ; but that he might assure her she should have no officers to trouble her. He also request- ed him to endeavor to find out the real cause of her distressful feelings. Her subsequent statement of the case was this : — On a dark evening of one market-day, she had occasion to go out for some article of food, and, in her way, stumbled against something that lay in the road : she turned back for a light, and perceived it was a parcel of consi- derable size, dropped from a cart. She removed it to her apartment, and suf- fered it to remain for some time M'ithout making any inquiry respecting the owner, for she was unable to read. Curiosity excited her to acquaint her- self with the contents of this parcel. She soon found it consisted of various 204 articles of linen and woollen. Having, like Eve, looked and admired, she was tempted to take them for her own use ; and, by degrees, the parcel was consi- derably diminished. No one knew but herself^ — except one, whose piercing eye strikes through the shades of night ! and no one was likely to reproach her, except the vicegerent of the Almighty — her conscience ! Phebe T was convinced that she had acted wrong ; but, as confes- sion alone is insufficient without repara- tion, the next step was to fmd out the owner of the parcel, in order to its be- ing restored to him. The directior soon discovered this, and the invoice for warded with the goods helped to show the deficiency. In a short time the whole was made up, and forwarded to the owner, without the omission of a single article. {b) "DID NOT HE SAY BEANS?" — Two travellers put up for the night at a tavern. Early in the morning they absconded without reckoning with their host, also stealing from him a bag of beans. A few years after they passed that road in company again. Again they asked for lodgings at the same inn. The identical landlord was yet at his post. In the evening the landlord was busy in one corner of the bar-room, talking in a suppressed voice with one of his neighbors, about a swarm of bees. His two dishonest guests were seated in another part of the room, and indistinct- ly hearing the talk about bees, one says to the other, " Did not be say beans ?" " I think he did," was the reply ; and quickly thev were missing. (c) A NIGHT WITH A DUEL- LIST. — A duel was fought near the city of Washington, under circum- stances of peculiar atrocity. A dis- tinguished individual challenged his re- lative who was once his friend. The challenged party having the choice of weapons, named muskets, to be loaded with buck-shot and slugs, and the distance ten paces ; avowing at the same time his intention and desire that both parties should be destroyed. They fought. The challenger was killed on the spot ; the murderer escaped unhurt! Years afterwards, a IN CONFESSION AND REPARATION OF INJURIES. 94,95 gentleman was spending the winter in Charleston, South Carolina, and lodged at the same house with this unhappy man. He was requested by the duellist one evening, to sleep in the same room with him, but he declined, as he was very well accommodated in his own. On his persisting in declining, the duellist confessed to him that he was afraid TO SLEEP ALONE ; and as a friend who usually occupied the room, was absent, he would esteem it a great fevor if the gentleman would pass the night with him. His kindness being thus demand- ed, he consented, and retired to rest in the room with this man of fashion and honor, who some years before had stained his hands in the blood of a kins- man. After long tossing on his un- quiet pillow and repeated half-stifled groans, that revealed the inward pangs of the murderer, he sank into slumber, and as he rolled from side to side, the name of his victim was often uttered, with broken words that discovered the keen remorse that preyed like fire on his conscience. Suddenly he would start up in his bed with the terrible im- pression that the avenger of blood was pursuing him ; or hide himself under the covering as if he would escape the burning eye of an angry God, that gleamed in the darkness over him, like lightning from a thunder cloud ! For him there was " no rest, day nor night." Conscience, armed with terrors, lashed him unceasingly, and who could sleep ? And this was not the restlessness of dis- ease, the raving of a disordered intellect, nor the anguish of a maniac struggling in chains ! It was a man of intelligence, education, health, and affluence, given up to himself — not delivered over to the avenger of blood, to be tormented before his time ; but left to the power of his own CONSCIENCE, suffering only what every one may suffer who is abandoned of God! (d) LORENZO DOW AND THE THIEF.— The celebrated itinerant preacher, Lorenzo Dow, while travel- ling on Sunday to the place where he had an appointment to preach, in pass- ing a house overheard a man who was standing at the door, swearing bitterly. Dow went up to him, and inquired the cause. The man answered tliat he had an axe stolen the night before by some person. " Come along with me to the meeting," said the preacher, "and I will find your axe." The man consented, and when they arrived near the church, Dow stopped and picked up a pretty large stone, which he carried with him into church, and laid upon the front of the pulpit. The subject of his sermon was very well fitted to his particular object, and when in the middle of it, he stopped short, took the stone in his hand, and raising it with a threatening attitude, said " A man in this neighbor- hood had an axe stolen last night, and if the person who stole it doesn't dodge, / ivill hit him on the forehead with this stone," at the same time making a violent effort to throw it, when h person present was observed to dodge his head violent- ly ; and it scarce need be added, proved to be the guilty person ! (e) BESSUS AND THE BIRDS. — Bessus, a native of Pelonia, in Greece, being one day seen by his neighbors pulling down some birds' nests, and pas- sionately destroying their young, tvas severely reproved by them for his ill- nature, and cruelty to those who seem- ed to court his protection. He re- plied, that their notes were to him in- sufferable, as they never ceased twitting him of the murder of his father. 95. In Confession and Reparation of In juries. (a) THE STOLEN SPOON RE- TURNED.— A well-dressed man call- ed at the tavern of Mr. B., of W., New Hampshire, and asked the landlord whether he kept that house a year be- fore. Mr. B. told him he did. Then, sir, said he, I want to speak to you aside. The tavern keeper followed the man into the farther part of his barn, when, with sharne depicted in his face, and embarrassment in his manner, the stranger took from his pocket a silver spoon, and told him, that about a year before he breakfasted at his house, and stole the spoon he then held in his hand. That he, soon after committing the thefl, mounted his horse and rode off; but had not gone far before he was strongly in- 205 95,96 CONSCIENCE, POWER OF, WITH THE GUILTY. clined to return and replace the spoon on the table ; that fear of being seen prevented his doing it. He rode on, continually looking over his shoulder to see if an officer was not in pursuit of him. At length he alighted and buried the spoon under the bridge, thinking that by so doing he should escape de- tection, and the landlord would not be much injured by so small a theft. The man went home to Connecticut ; but peace of mind he had lost, and could not fin-d it again at home. After en- during mental torment for a whole year ; he, " came to himself," and re- solved to return to New Hampshire, and confess his fault, and make restitution. The landlord asked the penitent stran- ger if he was poor. He said he was not — that he possessed a large estate, and needed nothing this world afforded — that now the spoon was restored, he could breathe freely again, if the land- lord would forgive him. The inn-keep- er gave him his hand, and compelled him to come in and tarry at his house a night without expense. (*) THE LONG DELAYED RES- TITUTION.— The following remark, able instance of the force of conscience occurred, in 1835, in the neighborhood of London. A lady, about thirty-eight years of age, elegantly dressed, entered the shop of Mr. — , a respectable pastry cook, in a state of great mental excite- ment, and inquired if Mr. — were still alive. On being answered in the affirmative, she, in the most earnest manner, begged to see him. Being en- gaged in superintending the making of some confectionery, he begged to be ex- cused, and referred her to his daughter, who, he said, would wait upon Iier. The daughter immediately withdrew with her into the parlor; when, after sitting a few moments in silence, she burst into a flood of tears. When she became more composed, she stated, that upwards of twenty years since, she was a boarder at a highly respectable boarding school in that neighborhood, which school Mr. — had for nearly forty years supplied with pastry, etc.; and while there, she was in the habit of abstracting small articles from his tray, unknown to the person who brought it. 206 She had now been married some years, was the mother of six children, and in the possession of every comfort this world could afford ; but still the re- membrance of her youthful sin had so haunted her conscience, that she was never happy. Her husband perceiving her unhappiness, had, after many fruit, less endeavors, at last got possession of the cause, when he advised her, for the easement of her conscience, to see if Mr. — were alive, and to make him or his family a recompense ; and as she was going to leave London on the fol- lowing day, perhaps for ever, she had then come for that purpose. Mr. — , on being informed of the object of her visit, told her not to make herself any lon- ger unhappy, as she was not the only young lady who had acted in that man- ner. After begging his forgiveness, which he most readily granted, she insist- ed on his acceptance of a sum of money, which she said, she believed was about the value of the articles she had stolen ; and after remaining about an hour, she departed, evidently much happier. 96. In Confession and Voluntary Submis- sion to Punishment. {a) THE JEWELLER AND HIS SERVANT.— A jeweller, a man of good character, and considerable wealth, having occasion, in the way of business, to travel some distance from his abode, took along with him a servant : he had with him some of his best jewels, and a large sum of money, to which his ser- vant was likewise privy. The master having occasion to dismount on the road, the servant watched his opportunity, took a pistol from his master's saddle, and shot him dead on the spot ; then, rifling him of his jewels and money, and hanging a large stone to his neck, he threw him into the nearest canal. With his booty he made off to a distant part of the country, where he had reason to believe that neither he nor his master were known. There he began to trade, in a very low way at first, that his obscurity might screen "him from obser- vation ; and in the course of many years seemed to rise up, by the natural progress of business, into wealth and IN CONFESSION AND SUBMISSION TO PUNISHMENT. 96 consideration ; so that his good fortune appeared at once the effect of industry and the reward of virtue. Of these he counterfeited the appearance so well, that he grew into great credit, married into a good family, and, by laying out his hidden stores discreetly, as he saw occasion, and joining to all a universal affability, he was at length admitted to a share of the government of the town, and rose from one post to another, till at last he was chosen chief magistrate. In this office he maintained a fair char- acter, and continued to fill it with no small applause, both as governor and judge ; till one day, as he sat on the bench with some of his brethren, a criminal was brought before him who was accused of murdering his master. The evidence came out full ; the jury brought in their verdict that the prisoner was guilty, and the whole assembly awaited the sentence of the president of the court (which happened to be himself) in great suspense. Meanwhile he appeared to be in unusual disorder and agitation of nlind ; his color chang- ed often ; at length he arose from his seat, and, coming down from the bench, placed himself just by the unfortunate man at the bar, to the no small astonish- ment of all present. " You see before you," said he, addressing himself to those who had sat on the bench with him, " a striking instance of the just awards of Heaven, for this day, after thirty years' concealment, presents to you a greater criminal than the man just now found guilty." He then made an ample confession of his heinous of- fence, with all its peculiar aggravations. " Nor can I," continued he, " feel any relief from the agonies of an awakened conscience, but by requiring that justice be forthwith done against me in the most public and solemn manner." We may easily imagine the amazement of all, especially his fellow-judges. They accordingly proceeded upon his confes- sion, to pass sentence upon him, and he died with all the symptoms of a penitent mind. (b) THE PARRICIDE AND HER HUSBAND.— A man and his wife were executed at Augsburg for a mur- der, the discovery of which, after a long lapse of time, strongly manifests the impossibility of eluding the all-seeing eye of Providence. The criminal, whose name was Wincze, was originally of Nuremberg, but removed to Augsburg in 1788, where he became a lawyer. In this city he became intimate in the family of M. Glegg, to whose daughter he paid his addresses ; but the old gentleman not sanctioning his visits, he met the daughter privately, seduced her, and persuaded her, in order to re- move the only obstacle to their union, to administer poison to her father. The horrid plan succeeded ; no suspicions were entertained, and their union put him in possession of the old man's wealth. During a period of twenty-one years they lived externally happy, but, in secret, a prey to the greatest remorse. At length, unable to endure any longer the weight of guilt, the wife made con- fession of the particulars of the atrocious crime which she had been prevailed upon to commit. The husband was apprehended, and both of them received their desert in an ignominious death. (c) THE MURDERER'S RE- MORSE. — One Sunday evening, says the Frederictown, Md., Expositor, of 1831, a man, who called himself Daniel Shafer, voluntarily came before Michael Baltsell, a magistrate of this city, and requested to be committed to prison, alleging that he had committed a murder during the last winter, in Marietta, Penn. ; and that the reproaches of his conscience had become so severe, that he was unable any longer to endure them. His narrative being perfectly coherent, and he himself ap- pearing entirely sane, the magistrate complied with his request and commit- ted him. Since that time, under his direction, communication has been made with the proper authorities in Marietta, and such intelligence received as con- firms the horrid tale. His story is, that during the deep snow of last winter, while in a state of intoxication, he en- tered the house of a widow named Bowers, then living in Marietta, and after violating her person, put her to death by strangling her. The fact of such a person being found dead in her house, about the time stated, is fully 207 OT, 9§ CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. substantiated by the accounts received from Marietta ; and the whole demeanor of the prisoner since his confinement, as well as his positive declarations, has induced a general belief in the truth of his singular confession. 97. Miscellaneous Examples. (a) MRS. RAMSAY AND THE ROBBERS.— The Rev. Mr. Ramsay, a Methodist clergyman, was wholly de- pendent for his living on the quarterly collection made by his people, which was barely sufficient, by the greatest economy, to support his family. On the night that one of these collections was taken up, he was obliged to preach six miles distant from his home, and the night was too stormy to allow of his return. During the night, two robbers broke into his house, called up Mrs. Ramsay and her sister, (there were no men living in the house,) and demanded to know where the money was. Mrs. R., in her night dress, lit the candle, and leading the way to the bureau that contained the precious deposit, procured the key, opened the drawer, and point- ing out the money as it lay in a hand- kerchief, said, " This is all we have to live on. It is the Lord's money. Yet, if you will take it, there it is." With this remark, she left them, and retired to bed. The next morning, the money, to a cent, was found undisturbed. Con- science here was appealed to, and with happy results. (^») THE LUNATIC DUELLIST. — " Some years since,'' says Dr. Beecher, "1 visited the Philadelphia Asylum. In returning from the apart- ments, I saw a man standing — fixed — immovable — like a pillar. I asked who that was. It was the son of Dr. Rush, who killed a man in a duel. There hf3 stood like a pillar. Sometimes he would wake lap to recollection ; he would pace off the distance, and give the word ' Fire !' Then cry out, ' He is dead ! — he is dead !' This was the power of conscience. It had unsettled reason." (c) DYING FROM REMORSE.— "Jn my early ministry," says Dr. Beecher, '' I was called to attend a neighbor at East Hampton, Long Island. He was skeptical and intemperate. ' Pray for me,' he exclaimed, ' pray for' me ! — pray for me !' * You must pray for yourself,' I replied. ' Pray — I can- not pray ! I am going straight to per- dition !' Pie lived three days almost without food, and then died — so far as we know — without any disease.'^ It was the power of conscience. (d) THE PARRICIDE AND THE PAINTING.— The cruel Al Montaser, having assassinated his father, was after- wards haunted by remorse. As he was one day admiring a beautiful painting of a man on horseback, with a diadem encircling his head, and a Persian in- scription, of which he inquired the meaning, he was told that it signified — ' I am Shiunyeh, the son of Kosru, who murdered my father, and possessed the crown only six months !' — He turned pale, as if struck by a sentence of death. Frightful dreams interrupted his slum- bers, and he died at the early age of twenty-five. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 98. Conscientiousness, Examples oi. (a) ROBBING ONE OR ROB- BING MANY.— A boy about nine years of age, who attended a Sabbath school at Sunderland, requested his mother not to allow his brother to bring home any thing that was smuggled when he went to sea. " Why do you wish vhat, my child ?" said the mother. He 208 answered, " because my catechism says it is wrong." The mother replied, " But that is only the word of a man." He said, " Mother, is it the word of a man which said, ' Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's V " This reply entirely silenced the mother ; but his father, still attempting to defend the practice of smuggling, the boy said to him, " Father, whether is it worse to CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 9§ rob one or to rob many ?" By these questions and answers, the boy silenced both his parents on the subject of smug- gling. (b) BETTER RULE THAN EX- PEDIENCY.— Lord Erskine, when at the bar, was always remarkable for the fearlessness with which he contended against the bench. In a contest he had with Lord Kenyon, he explained the rule and conduct at the bar in the fol- lowing^ terms : "It was," said he, "the first command and counsel of my youth, always to do what my conscience told me to be my duty, and leave the con- sequences to God. I have hitherto fol- lowed it, and have no reason to com- plain that any obedience to it has been even a temporal sacrifice ; I have found it, on the contrary, the road to prospe- rity and wealth, and I shall point it out as such to my children," (c) THE GROCER BOY'S DE- CISION. — A young lad lived in Boston in 1843, whose mother was a widow, and supported herself by her work and the wages of her son, who was tend- ing the grocery of one who sold ardent spirits. The little fellow had joined the cold water army ; and his business of attending the tap-room, and drawing liquors for every loathsome drunkard became in consequence extremely irk- some to him. He thought it was not right ; he went home one night with a sorrowful heart, and told his mother he thought he was doing wrong, and be- lieved he must quit the grocery. His mother told him that she could not pay her rent and support the little children, without the two dollars a week which he earned ; and that he could get no other place. So he went back ; but when Saturday night came, he told the grocer he must leave him. " Why ?" '' I can't feel it right to draw the liquor." •'Well," said the grocer, "you and your mother will starve ; but you may go." He went home with a heavy heart, and told his mother ; and she felt wretchedly enough. But a tempe- rance grocer heard of the case ; and on account of the boy's leaving the rum grocer under such circumstances, he became deeply interested in his behalf. He admired the strength of his moral 14 feelings, and accordingly took him into his own employment the next week. (d) THE PUBLISHER CON- VERTED.— T B , a publisher, was brought under deep conviction for sin. His conscience reproved him se- verely, for he was a printer and vender of songs, and similar hurtful trash, in a very large way. On this business he principally depended for the support of himself and his family. His employment in circulating such injurious publications caused him much trouble, and he consulted some Christian friends, who all advised him to relin- quish such a business. On this subject he afterwards wrote to some friends as follows : — " Tbe great adversary of souls seemed to have much power over me. I thought, if I give up the song business, I might as well give up all, for I shall be sure to be ruined. These were my feelings for three or four months. At length, my sister came to visit me, to whom 1 made known my distress, and she re- commended me to pray. Though I had heard much from the pulpit respecting prayer, it had never taken so much ef- fect as at this time. However, Satan had not done with me ; for I may sup- pose, and have often thought since, he did not like to lose so great a friend as I had been to him, in circulating my trash all over the country; but the Lord, who is sufficient for all things, soon trod him under foot. Having given up a portion of my time, three and sometimes four times a day, to pray- er, I shortly after heard a funeral ser- mon preached from this text, ' What shaH it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ? or what can a man give in exchange for his soul V These words came to my heart with such force, that I determined from that moment never to print any more of my songs. The next morning I went to my work-room, and ordered all the forms of type to be distributed, as I intended never to print any more songs, but to trust to Providence for better means to provide for my family. My mind then seemed relieved from all trouble for a few days : but the con- stant applications I had from the country 209 98 CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. for my songs, and the money I was obliged to return, gave me great un- easiness. But the Lord was pleased to give me courage and perseverance to bear up amidst all those trials, and still to look to him for comfort and support, so that in a short time all those angry feelings wore oft'; and now, if my heart does not deceive me, I feel at peace with that God I so long lived in rebel- lion against." (e) THE CHIEFS AND THE FILE. — Since the introduction of Christianity into the island of Taheiti, many interesting proofs have been given by the natives, of conscientious principles. Formerly, thieving was considered no crime ; but such has been the effect of Christian instruction, that now the very reverse is exempli- fied. Mr. Ellis mentions the following circumstance, which happened shortly before his arrival there : — Two Christian chiefs, Tati and Ahu- riro, were walking together by the wa- ter side, when they came to a place where a fisherman had been employed in making or sharpening hooks, and had left a large file, (a valuable article in Taheiti.) lying on the ground. The chiefs picked it up ; and, as they were proceeding, one said to the other, " This is not ours. Is not our taking it a spe- cies of theft ?" " Perhaps it is," re- plied the other ; " yet, as the owner is not here, I do not know who has a greater right to it than ourselves." " It is not ours," said the former, " and we had better give it away." After fur- ther conversation they agreed to give it to the first person they met, which they did, telling him they had found it, and requested that if he heard who had lost such a thing, he would restore it. (/) THE INDIAN AND THE QUARTER OF A DOLLAR.— An Indian, visiting his white neighbors, asked for a little tobacco to smoke, and one of them having some loose in his pocket, gave him a handful. The day following, the Indian came back, in- quiring for the donor, saying, he had found a quarter of a dollar among the tobacco. Being told, that as it was given him, he might as well keep it, he answered, pointing to his breast, " I got 210 a good man and a bad man here ; and the good man say, it is not mine, I must return it to the owner ; the bad man say, M'hy he gave it you, and it. is your own now ; the good man say, that not right, the tobacco is yours, not the money ; the bad man say, never mind, you got it, go buy some dram ; the good man say, no, no, you must not do so ; so I don't know what to do ; and I think to go to sleep ; but the good man and the bad kept talking all night, and trouble me ; and now I bring the money back, I feel good." (g) ADAM CLARKE'S EARLY SCRUPLES. — A very respectable lin- en merchant in Coleraine offered Dr. Clarke, when a youth, a situation in his warehouse, which was accepted by him, with the consent of his parents. Mr. B — knew well that his clerk and over- seer was a religious man, but he was not sensible of the extent of principle which actuated him. Some differences arose at times about the way of con- ducting the business, which were set- tled pretty amicably. But the time of the great Dublin market approached, and Mr. B — was busy preparing for it. The master and man were together in the folding-room, when one of the pieces was found short of the required number of yards. " Come," says Mr. B — , " it is but a trifle. We shall soon stretch it, and make out the yard. Come, Adam, take one end, and pull against me.'' Adam had neither ears nor heart for the proposal, and absolutely refused to do what he thought a dishonest thing. A long argument and expostulation followed, in which the usages ejf the trade were strongly and variously en- forced ; but all in vain. Adam kept to his purpose, resolving to suffer rather than sin. Mr. B — was therefore obliged to call for one of his men less scrupulous, and Adam retired quietly to his desk. These things may be counted little in the life of such a man, but not so in the sight of God. Soon after Mr. B — , in the kindest manner, informed his " young friend," as he seemed always proud to call him, that it was very clear he was not fit for worldly business, and wished him to look out for some employment more CONSCIENTIOUSNESS— CONSECRATION TO GOD. 9§, 99, 100 congenial to his own mind ; adding, | that he might depend on his friendship ^ in any line of life into which he should | enter. (h) THE QUAKER'S ADVER- TISEMENT.— The following account of a Quaker at Falmouth, England, is | taken from McDonald's' Life of the Rev. J. Benson. It was related by Mr. Woolcraft : This man, unknown to his family and friends, had joined with some others in fitting out a privateer to act against the French, who had allied themselves to the American States while in arms against Great Britain. The privateer was successful, and when peace was concluded, there was a considerable dividend for the propri- etors. The Quaker received his share among the rest ; but his conscience reproached him for what he had done. He considered himself guilty of rob- bery. About this time he was brought by affliction to the gates of death, which greatly increased his distress. He frequently exclaimed, " Oh, that ill- gotten money !" Neither his wife nor friends knew what he meant. At length he resolved, that should the Lord raise him up, he would make restitu- tion to the injured parties, if they could be found. The Lord did raise him up, and he sent his son to Paris with the sum, directing him to advertise in the Paris Gazette, that any person who had suffered by such a privateer, upon com- ing and proving his losses, would be refunded in proportion to his share in the prizes. This was accordingly done, to the astonishment of all France. %, Conscientiousness, Want of. (a) WE MUST LIVE.— That was a pertinent and emphatical reply which a Fellow of Emanuel College, in Cam- bridge, made to a friend of his of the same college. The latter, at the Re- storation, had been representing the great difficulties (as they seemed to him) of conformity in point of con- science, concluding, however, with these words, '• But we must live." To which the other answered only with the like number of words, " But we must (also) die." A better answer could not possibly be given. (h) A NICK IN THE CONSCIENCE. — When Mr. Nathaniel Heywood, a nonconformist minister, was quitting his living, a poor man came to him, and said, " Ah ! Mr. Heywood, we would gladly have you preach still in the church." " Yes," said he, " and I would as gladly preach as you can desire it, if I could do it with a safe conscience." " Oh ! sir," replied the other, " many a man now-a-days makes a great gash in his conscience ; cannot you make a little nick in yours ?" (c) AN APT REJOINDER.— An American minister, who was earnestly exhorted to take a decided stand on the subject of slavery, excused himself by saying, "You know ministers must live .'" " No," said his friend, " I was not aware of that ; I thought they might die for the truth's sake !" 100. CONSECRATION TO GOD. (a) THE MINISTER AND THE MERCHANT. — A merchant in one of the towns of the State of New York, says Mr. Finney, was paying a large part of his minister's salarj'-. One of the members of the church was relating the fact to a minister from abroad, and speaking of the sacrifice which this mer- chant was making. At this moment the merchant came in. " Brother," said the minister, " you are a merchant. I suppose you employ a clerk to sell goods, and schoolmasters to teach your children. You order your clerk to pay your schoolmaster out of the store such an amount, for his services in teaching. Now suppose your clerk should give out that he had to pay this schoolmaster his salary, and should speak of the sacrifices that he was making to do it, what would you say to this?" " Why," said the merchant, "I should say it was ridiculous." " Well," says the minister, " God employs you 211 100, 101 CONSISTENCY, CHRISTIAN. to sell goods as his clerk, and your minister he employs to teach his chil- dren, and requires you to pay his salary out of the income of the store. Now do you call this your sacrifice, and say that you are making a great sacrifice, to pay this minister's salary 1 No, you are just as much bound to sell for God, as he is to preach for God. You have no more right to sell goods for the pur- pose of laying up money, than he has to preach the Gospel for the same pur- pose. You are bound to be just as pious, and to aim as singly at the glory of God, in selling goods, as he is in preaching the gospel. And thus you are as absolutely to give up your whole time for the service of God, as he does. You and your family may live fully out of the avails of this store, and so may the minister and his family, just as lawfully. If you sell goods from these motives, selling goods is just as much serving God as preaching. And a man who sells goods upon these prin- ciples, and acts in conformity to them, is just as pious, just as much in the service of God, as he is who preaches the Gospel. Every man is bound to serve God in his calling, the minister by teach- ing, the merchant by selling goods, the farmer by tilling his fields, and the lawyer and physician by plying the duties of their profession." (&) THE POOR NEGRESS'S DE- POSIT. — A colored woman of Barba- does, who had been a member of the Moravian church for more than half a century, gave to her pastor a small sum of money, lo be returned to her when- ever she should want it. When he re- linquished his charge, he transferred the deposit to his successor, Mr. Hart- vig. The latter perceiving that the poor woman was evidently in want of pecuniary aid, informed her that he had money in his possession which be- longed to her. At first she could not believe him ; the remembrance of the deposit had apparently faded from her mind. She finally consented to receive enough for her immediate necessities / but Mr. Hartvig wished to know what should be done with the remainder, in case of her death. Her answer was, ^'O me helovg to ihe church and me mo- ney too /" There is a volume of in- struction in this simple reply. How few Christians seem to feel, that they have given their property, as well as themselves, to the Lord Jesus Christ ! (c) THE YOUNG MAN'S GIFT. — Mr. Daniel Clark, an agent em- ployed by a Bible Society, among other interesting facts, related the following, as illustrative of the zeal he met with in the distribution of the Scriptures. '• A young man, who had nothing except what he earned by his labor, came to me, bringing a donation of eight dollars. He said it was the Lord's and he had no right to withhold it. He added, " When I gave myself to God, I also gave him all I had, and all I ever should have. And now the Lord is not dependent upon me. If I do not give it he can easily remove me, and put it into the hands of some one who will give it." 101. CONSISTENCY, CHRISTIAN. (a) "MY MOTHER BELIEVES THE BIBLE." — The son of Selina, the Countess of Huntingdon, whose zeal in the extension of the gospel is well known, was unhappily an unbe- liever, but reverenced his pious and venerable mother. " I wish," said a peer to him, " you would speak to Lady Huntingdon ; she has just erected a preaching place close to my residence." 212 His lordship replied, "Gladly, my lord ; but you will do me the favor to inform me what plea to urge, for my mother really believes the Bible." (h) THE PRINCE'S TRIBUTE. — When Lady Huntingdon became the subject of Divine grace, her change of mind was soon observed by her exalted associates, who endeavored in vain to turn her aside from the path she had CONSISTENCY, CHRISTIAN. 101 chosen. One day at court, the then Prince of Wales asked Lady Cliarlotte E — , " Where is my Lady Huntingdon, that she is so seldom here ?" The lady of fashion replied, with a sneer, " I suppose praying with her beggars." The prince shook his head, and said, " Lady Charlotte, when 1 am dying, I think I shall be happy to seize the skirt of Lady Huntingdon's mantle, to carry me up with her to heaven." (c) THE DYING MASTER AND HIS SLAVE.— The conscience of the sinner, when aroused, not only accuses himself but his accomplices also. A rich Southern gentleman, careless about his soul, used often to invite his minister, a worldly man and a mere hireling, to hunt, drink wine, play cards, and join parties of pleasure with him. The poor worldling was taken sick, and his case was pronounced dangerous. His mind was terribly agitated ; — he felt unprepared to die. His physician asked him, one day, if he would not send for his minister to converse with him, and offer prayer in his behalf? No, he had no confidence in him : he could hardly bear the mention of his name. He had a poor pious negro servant, by the name of Ben. The master had sometimes overheard him at prayer. " Call for Ben .'" said he. He came. " Ben," said the dying man, "can't you pray for your poor master?" Down he fell on his knees, and pleaded for the salva- tion of the sinner's soul ; and the pray- er, we hope, was answered. (d) THE COVETOUS MAN'S PRAYERS. — About eight years since, (says a correspondent of the N. Y. Evangelist of 1833,) in obtaining sub-. scriptions for a benevolent purpose, I called upon a gentleman in one of O'Ur largest cities, who generously contri- buted to the object. Before leaving, I said to him, " How much, think you, will such an individual subscribe ?" " I don't know," said he, " but could you hear that man pray, you would think he would give you all he is worth." I called upon him, but to my surprise, he would not contribute. As I was about to take my leave of him, I said to him, " As I came to your house, I asked an individual, what he thought you would probably give. ' I don't know,' said he, ' but could you hear that man pi'ay, you would think he would give you all he is worth.' " The man's head dropped, tears gushed from his eyes, he took out his pocket-book and gave me seventy-five dollars. He could not withstand this argument. His heart relented and his purse opened. (e) THE WAY TO PRESERVE CHURCHES.— The first time I had the pleasure of being in the company of the Rev. John Wesley, (says a cor- respondent of the N. Y. Evangelist,) was in the year 1783. I asked liim what must be done to keep Methodism alive when he was dead, to which he immediately answered, — " The Metho- dists must take heed to their Doctrine, their Experience, their Practice, and their Discipline. If they attend to their doctrines only, they will make the peo- ple Antinomians ; if to the experimental part of religion only, they will make them Enthusiasts ; if to the practical part 07ily, they will make them Phari- sees : and if they do not attend to their discipline, they will be like persons who bestow much pains in cultivating their garden, and put no fence round it, to save it from the wild boar of the forest." (/) INFLUENCE OF HOLY LIV- ING.— In the town of M , N. Y., there lived an infidel who owned a saw- mill, situated by the side of the high- way, over which a large portion of a Christian congregation passed every Sabbath, in going to and returning from their place of worship. This infidel was accustomed to iTianage his mill him- self, and having no regard for the Sab- batii, he was as busy and his mill as noisy on that holy morning as any otlier. It was soon observed, however, that at a certain time before service this mill would stop and remain silent, and appear to be destitute of the pre- sence of any human being for a few minutes, then pass on with its noise and clatter till about the close of service, when it again ceased for a little time. It was soon noticed that Deacon B passed the mill toward the place of worship, during the silent interval. It appeared that the Deacon being (as all other good deacons are) regular in his 213 103, 103 CONSIDERATION— CONTENTMENT. time, the infidel knew just when to stop ! his mill, so that it should be silent while Deacon B was passing, although he paid no regard to the passing of others. On being inquired of, why he paid this marked respect to Deacon B , the infidel replied, "The Deacon pro fesses just what the rest of you do but he lives also such a life, that il makes me feel bad /iere" (putting his hand upon his heart) " to run my mill while he is passing." ^ 102. CONSIDERATION. • (a) SPENDING HALF AN HOUR ALONE. — A pious and venerable fa- ther had a vain and profligate son ; often had he reasoned and expostulated with him, mingling tenderness with ad- vice, and tears with remonstrance ; but all was ineffectual. Bad company and vicious habits rendered the liVihappy youth deaf to instructions. At last a fatal disorder seized his aged parent, who calling his son to him, entreated him with his dying breath, that he would grant him one small favor, the promise of which would alleviate the pangs of dissolving nature. It was this, — that his son v/ould retire to his cham- ber half an hour every day for some months after his decease. He prescrib- ed no particular subject to employ his thoughts, but left that to himself. A request so simple and easy, urged by parental affection from the couch of death, was not to be denied. The youth pledged his honor for the fulfil- ment of his promise ; and, wiien he be- came an orphan, punctually performed it. At first, he was not disposed to im- prove the minutes of solitude, but in time various reflections arose in his mind ; the world was withdrawn ; his conscience awoke ; it reproved him for having slighted a parent who had done so much for his welfare ; it renewed the impression of his dying scene ; it gra- dually pointed him to a supreme Cause, a future judgment, and a solemn eterni- ty. God was pleased to sanctify these so- litary moments, and to strengthen his convictions. Retirement effected what advice could not do, and a real and per- manent change took place. He quitted his companions, and reformed his con- duct ; virtue and piety filled up the rest of his days, and stamped sincerity on his repentance. To say all in a word — he lived and died a Christian. 103. CONTENTMENT. (a) CATO AND MARIUS CURL US. — Cato, a pattern of moderation, was very early taught the happy art of contentment, by the following circum- stance : — Near his country seat was a cottage, formerly belonging to Marius Curius, who was thrice honored with a triumph. Cato often walked thither, and reflecting on the smallness of the farm and the meanness of the dwelling, used to meditate on the peculiar virtues of the man, who, though he was the most illustrious character in Rome, had subdued the fiercest nations, and driven Pyrrhus out of Italy, cultivated this 214 little spot of ground with his own hands, and, after three triumphs, retired to his own cottage. Here the ambassadors of the Samnites found him in the chimney- corner dressing turnips, and offered him a large present of gold ; but he abso- lutely refused it, remarking, " A man, who can be satisfied with such a supper, has no need of gold : and I think it more glorious to conquer the possessors of it, than to possess it myself." Full of these thoughts, Cato returned home ; and taking a view of his own estate, his servants, and his manner of life, increas- ed his labor, and retrenched his expenses. CONTENTMENT. 103 (h) HUNTING CONTENT.— Isaac Walton, himself a man of a very cheerful, contented spirit, relates the following anecdote : — I knew a man that had health and I'iches, and several houses, all beautiful and well furnished, and would be often troubling himself and his family to re- move from one of them to another. On being asked by a friend, why he re- moved so often from one house to ano- ther, he replied, " It was in order to find content in some of them." But his friend, knowing his temper, told him, if he would find content in any of his houses, he must leave himself behind, for content can never dwell but with a meek and quiet soul. (c) THE KING'S ADVICE TO THE STABLE-BOY.— A king, walk- ing out one morning, met a lad at the stable door, and asked him, " Well boy, what do you do ? what do they pay you ?" '- 1 help in the stable," replied the lad ; " but I have nothing except victuals and clothes." " Be content," replied the king, "I have no more.'" All that the richest possess beyond food, raiment, and habitation, they have but the keeping, or the disposing, not the present enjoyment of. A plough-boy, who thinks and feels correctly, has enough to make him contented : and if a king have a discontented spirit, he will find some plea for indulging it. {d) THE SECRET REVEALED. — An Italian bishop struggled through great difiiculties, without repining or betraying the least impatience. One of his intimate friends, who highly ad- mired the virtues which he thought it impossible to imitate, one day asked the prelate if he could communicate the secret of being always easy. " Yes," replied the old man ; " I can teach you my secret with great facility ; it con- sists in nothing more than making a right use of my eyes." His friend begged of him to explain himself " Most willingly," returned the bishop. " In whatever state I am, I first of all look up to heaven, and remember that my principal business here is to get there ; 1 then look down upon the earth, and call to mind how small a place I shall occupy in it, when I die and am buried ; I then look abroad into the world, and observe what multitudes there are who are in all respects more unhappy than myself. Thus I learn where true happiness is placed ; where all our cares must end ; and what little reason I have to repine or to complain. (e) TWO SORTS OF BLESS- INGS. — " It is a great blessing to pos- sess what one wishes," said some one to an ancient philosopher, who replied, " It is a greater blessing still, not to de- sire what one does not possess." ( f) THE SHEPHERD OF SALIS- BURY PLAIN.— Many of our readers are acquainted with that beautiful tract, " The Shepherd of Salisbury Plain." The substance of this narrative is a correct account of David Saunders, of West Lavington, who died about the period of its publication. The conver- sation represented as passing between the shepherd and a Mr. Johnson, really took place with Dr. Stonehouse, a neighboring clergyman, who afterwards befriended the shepherd on many occa- sions. Dr. Stonehouse, who was on a jour- ney, and somewhat fearful, from the appearance of the sky, that rain was al no great distance, accosted the shep- herd with asking what sort of weather he thought it would be on the morrow. " It will be such weather as pleases me," answered the shepherd. Though the answer was delivered in the mildest and civilest tone that could be imagined, Dr. S. thought the words themselves rather rude and surly, and asked him how that could be. " Because," replied the shepherd, " it will be such weather as shall please God ; and whatever pleases him always pleases me." Dr. S. was quite satisfied with this reply, and entered into conversation with the shepherd in the following man- ner : — " Yours is a troublesome life, honest friend." " To be sure, sir," replied the shepherd, " 'tis not a very lazy life ; but 'tis not near so toilsome, as that which my great Master led for my sake, and he had every state and condition of life at his choice, and chose a hard one, while I only submit to the lot that is appointed me." " You are exposed to great cold and heat," said 215 1«4 CONTROVERSY. the gentleman. " True, sir,'* said the shepherd ; " but then I am not exposed to great temptations ; and so throwing one thing against another, God is pleased to contrive to make things more equal than we poor, ignorant, short- sighted- creatures are apt to think. David was happier when he kept his father's sheep, on such a plain as this, and singing, some of his own psalms, perhaps, than ever he was when he be- came king of Israel and Judah." " You think, then," said the gentle- man, " that a laborious life is a happy one ?" " I do, sir ; and more especially so, as it exposes a man to fewer sins. If king Saul had continued a poor labo- rious man to the end of his days, he might have lived happy and honest, and died a natural death in his bed at last, which you know, sir, was more than he did." God blessed Saunders with an excel- lent wife and numerous offspring; he had sixteen children, and twelve of them, at one time, were " like olive branches round his table." It is not to be sup- posed that a poor shepherd, with such a family, could be without difficulties, especially as his wife suffered much from sickness. His wages were but 6s. dd. weekly, out of which he was sometimes obliged to pay a boy for assistance ; but when times of peculiar necessity occurred, God always raised him up a friend. Dr. (afterwards Sir James) Stonehouso repeatedly assisted him ; and some- times his good neighbors, in humbler life, united to supply his wants. In one of his letters in his old age, he thus writes, with much Christian simplicity : — " As for my part, 1 am but very poorly in body, having very sore legs, and cannot perform the business of my flock without help. As to the things of this world, I have but little share ; having my little cot to pray and praise God in, and a bed to rest on : so I have just as much of this world as I desire. But my garment is worn out, and some of my Christian friends think they must put their mites together and buy me one, or else I shall not be able to en- dure the cold in the winter : so I can say, Good is the Lord ! He is still fulfilling his promise, ' I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.' " 104. CONTROVERSY, (a) EUDAMIDES AND XENOC RATES.— When Eudamides heard old Xenocrates disputing so long about wisdom, he inquired very gravely but archly, " If the old man be yet disput- ing and inquiring concerning wisdom, what time will he have left to use it ?" (b) LUTHER'S PRAYER.— Con- troversy may be sometimes needful : but the love of disputation is a serious evil. Luther, who contended earnestly for the truth, used to pray : " From a vainglorious doctor, a contentious pas- tor, and nice questions, the Lord deliver his church !" (c) MELANCTHON AND HIS MOTHER.— Philip Melancthon, being at the conferences at Spire, in 1529, made a little journey to Bretten, to see his mother. This good woman asked 216 him what she must believe amidst so many disputes, and repeated to him her prayers, which contained nothing su- perstitious. " Go on, mother," said he^ " to believe and pray as you have done, and never trouble yourself about reli- gious controversies." (d) DR. SWIFT'S COOLNESS.-- When Dr. Swift was arguing one day with great coolness, with a gentleman who had become exceedingly warm in the dispute, one of the company asked him how he could keep his temper so well. " The reason is," replied the dean, " I have truth on my side." (e) NEWTON'S ADVICE TO AN AUTHOR.— Mr. Newton, of London, was a very candid and friendly critic, and was often applied to by young au- thors "for his opinions and remarks, CONTROVERSY. 104 which he would give very candidly, and sometimes under the name of Nib- blings. On one of these occasions a practical essay was put into his hand, which he approved ; but a letter was appended, addressed to an obscure and contemptible writer, who had said very unwarrantable and absurd things on the subject, and whom therefore the writer attacked with little ceremony. The following is a specimen of some of Mr. Newton's nibblino-s : — " Were the affair mine, I would taks no notice of Mr. ; but, if I did, it should be with the hope, at least with the desire, of doing good, even to him. This would make me avoid every harsh epithet. He is not likely to be benefit- ed by calling him a fool. The evan- gelists simply relate what is said and done, and use no bitterness nor severity, even when speaking of Herod, Pilate, or Judas. I wish their manner was more adopted in controversy." (/) THE DEBATING CHURCH. — In the township of Minerva, once flourished a delightful society known for some years as the church of Edessa. It was a congregation of about a hun- dred and twenty strong, and included sixteen households, besides members of other families. These sixteen families were indeed generally exemplary, but a few of them were known through all the country as houses of prayer and sacred song. Things progressed most prosperously in this way for some five or six years, and all was peace and brotherly kind- ness among themselves, while their acts of benevolence, to those without, espe- cially to the destitute and afflicted, won the esteem and admiration of all the sur- rounding community. But at length appeared among them a brother from Newfoundland, of good moral reputation and of very respecta- ble attainments. He was well received by the whole church, and for some time they were all exceedingly happy in his company. But, being called upon one afternooon for an address at a prayer meeting, in a place where a number of brethren were wont to convene for cul- tivating piety and a more perfect ac- quaintance with the Book of God, he introduceji a favorite speculation on the extent of our present and future par- ticipation in the sin of Adam ; and on the nature and extent of that depravity which has been communicated to all his posterity. Question after question arose about moral evil, its introduction into the universe, and God's designs and provisions, until the prayer meeting be- came rather a debating club : for there were three young men who took sides with their strange brother, while some of the elder brethren sought to correct some of their alleged aberrations, and to reclaim them from those unprofitable speculations. But their efforts did not avail. It got into the congregation ; and through their inexperience in such mat- ters, both sides of these questions found favor with the different members of the church ; and in a little time these opin- ions were on every one's tongue. Songs and social prayers and works of benev- olence were laid aside, and theological debate drank up their energies, and ab- sorbed their thoughts. Alienation of feeling and declension in piety were more and more apparent ; and it must have been many years before the blight- ing influence of their conflicts passed away. {g) WAY TO DISCERN WHO IS WRONG IN ARGUMENT— A cobbler at Leyden, who used to at- tend the public disputations held at the academy, was once asked if he under- stood Latin. " No," replied the me- chanic, " but I know who is wrong in the argument." " How ?" replied his friend. " Why, by seeing who is angry first." (A) DR. GILL NOT AFRAID TO BE POOR.— After Dr. Gill had writ- ten against a gentleman whose publi- cations he considered erroneous, he was waited on by some of his friends, who endeavored to dissuade him from per- severing, and among other things, they intimated to him that he might lose the subscriptions of some wealthy persons. " Do not tell me of losing," said the doctor ; " I value nothing in comparison with the gospel. I am not afraid to be poor." 217 105 CONVERSATION BETWEEN CHRISTIANS. 105. CONVERSATION BETWEEN CHRISTIANS. (a) WOULD DAVID OR PAUL HAVE TALKED THUS ?— It is said of the Rev. John Jane way, an eminent- ly pious and devoted young minister, who died in 1657, that he was greatly distressed on account of the indisposition manifested among Christians to engage in suitable conversation ; and that they who should be found encouraging one another in the way to eternal happiness, could satisfy themselves with empty, common, vain stuff; as if Christ, heaven, and eternity, were not of far greater worth than any thing else that usually sounds in the ears and comes from the lips of professors. That the folly of common discourse among Christians might ap- pear more, and that he might discover how little such language did become those that profess themselves followers of Christ, he once sat down silently, and took out his pen and ink, and wrote down in short-hand the discourse that passed for some time together, amongst those who pretended to more than com- mon understanding in the things of God. And, after a while, he took his paper and read it to them, and asked them whether their talk was such as they would be willing God should record. " Oh, to spend an hour or two together, and to hear scarcely a word for Christ, or that speaks people's hearts in love with holiness ! Should we talk thus if we believed that we should hear of this again at the day of judgment ? Would Enoch, David, or Paul have talked thus ? Is this the sweetest communi- cation of saints upon earth ? Doth not this indicate our hearts to be very empty of grace, and that we have little sense of those spiritual and eternal con- cerns upon us ?" (h) THE AFFECTING QUES- TION. — A number of intimate friends being at dinner together, on the Lord's day, one of the company, in order to prevent improper discourse, said, " It is a question whether we shall all go to heaven or not." This plain hint oc- 218 casioned a general seriousness and self- examination. One thought, " If any of this company go to hell, it must be myself;" and so thought another, and another ; even the servants, who wait- ed at table, were affected in the same manner. In short, it was afterwards found, that this one sentence proved, by the special blessing of God upon it, in- strumental to their conversion. What an encouragement is this to Christians, to give a serious turn to conversation, when in company ! It should be ob- served, however, that the Lord's day was not instituted for the visiting and entertainment even of Christians. How is their conduct, who make a point of meeting and feasting on the Sabbath, to be distinguished from the Sunday parties of the profane ? Our place of meeting, on that day, is the house of God ; and our feast, the rich provisions of the ever- lasting gospel. (c) COMMUNION WITH SAINTS. — " On Saturday, about ten o'clock," says the Rev. T. Charles, of North Wales, in a letter, " I set out from Bris- tol. Just as I came to the outside of the gate of the city, I met a dear friend, and one whom Jesus loves. I was ex- ceedingly glad to see him ; for I never expected to see him this side of eternity. He had been in a dangerous decline for this half year ; but now, through mercy, he is wonderfully recovered. He has nothing to depend on but Providence ; and the Lord put it into the heart of a rich merchant in the city to support and provide for him amply during the whole of his illness ; so that, though possess- ing nothing, he had every thing to en- joy. He turned his horse back, with the intention of accompanying me a mile or two. We talked ; and our horses carried us one mile after another, till we had ridden fifteen miles ; and both ourselves and our horses wanted I some refreshment. His conversation I was exceedingly savory, and truly I profitable, suited to one who had been, CONVERSATION, RELIGIOUS, WITH THE IMPENITENT. 105, 106 in his own apprehension, and that of others, on the borders of heaven. I cannot look on our meeting, but as a particular appointment and blessing from Providence. We stayed two hours together at the inn, and parted at last with much regret. You would have smiled to see our eyes fixed on each other, till distance obstructed our sight. Communion of saints is a blessing in- deed. 1 w^ould not, for any thing, have it expunged from our creed." {d) MR. HERVEY AND DR. DODDRIDGE.— Mr. Hervey, in a letter, says — " I have lately seen that most excellent minister of the ever- blessed Jesus, Mr . I dined, supped. and spent the evening with him at Northampton, in company with Dr. Doddridge, and two pious, ingenous clergymen of the Church of England, both of them known to the learned world by their valuable writings ; and surely I never spent a more delightful evening, or saw one that seemed to make nearer approaches to the felicity of heaven. A gentleman of great worth and rank in the town, invited us to his house, and gave us an elegant treat ; but how mean was his provision, how coarse his delicacies, compared with the fruit of my friend's lips ! — they dropped as the honey-comb, and were a well of life." CONVERSATION, RELIGIOUS, WITH THE IMPENITENT. 106. AVay for IIiMble Cliristians to be Useful. (a) RELATING A SERMON.— During a revival in M , says a cor- respondent of the New- York Evange- list, a minister, who was a stranger to the people, came into the place, and preached on the first Sabbath that he spent there, from the text, " Why will ye die ?" Mrs. A , one of the mothers in Israel, was deeply interested in the subject of the discourse. When she returned home, she still thought of the awful condition of impenitent sin- ners. She had a near neighbor, the brother of her husband, who was so negligent of the things of religion, that he was seldom seen within the walls of the sanctuary. She felt for this friend. In the evening she called to see him, gave him a relation of the meeting she had attended, told him the text, and as much of the sermon as she could re- collect. An arrow of conviction was fixed in his heart, he immediately be- gan to attend the religious meetings, and soon was brought to rejoice in the God of his salvation. How much good might be accom- plished if Christians generally felt as this pious female felt, and like her were faithful to warn sinners, to invite them to Jesus, and entreat them to flee from the wrath to come. (b) THE CHILD AND THE SHOE MAKER.— When Mr. Whitfield was preaching in America, a certain lady in New England became a subject of grace, and a praying, experienced Christian. But she was alone in her exercises ; she could influence none to pray with her but her little daughter, between nine and eleven years of age. This child she took into her closet with her, from day to day, a witness to her cries and tears. It pleased God, afler some time, to touch the heart of the child, and after sorrow for sin, to give her the knowledge of salvation through the remission of sin. The child, then about eleven years of age, in a trans- port which is so peculiar to such a blessed experience, said, " O, mother, if all the world knew this ! I wish I could tell every body ! Pray, mother, let me run to some of the neighbors, and tell them, that they may be happy, and love my Savior too." " Ah ! my dear child," said the mother, " that would be needless ; for 1 suppose if you were to tell your experi- ence, there is not one in many miles but what would laugh at you, and say it was all delusion." " O, mother," said the child, *' I think they would believe me. I must go over to the shoemaker and tell him ; he will believe me." 219 107 CONVERSATION, RELIGIOUS, WITH THE IMPENITENT. She ran over, and found him at work in his shop. She began by telling him that he must die, and that he was a sinner, and that she was a sinner, but that her blessed Savior had heard her mother's prayers, and had forgiven all her sins ; and that now she was so happy she did not know how to tell it ! The shoemaker was struck ; his tears flowed down like rain ; he threw aside his work, and cried for mercy, by prayer and supplication. That alarm- ed the neighborhood, and in a few months from that time there were above ijjOty people brought to the knowledge of Jesus, and experienced his power and grace. -J ■ ',* 107. IMluenee; of Earnestness and Ten- : / derness. •^/ (a) YOtTNG BUCHANAN AND JHE AGED CHRISTIAN.— Dr. Bu- chanan, in giving an account of his conversion, says ; — " It was in the year 1790 that my heart was effectually impressed in consequence of an ac- quaintance with a religious man. This gentleman having called one Sunday evening, out of complaisance I gave the conversation a religious turn. Among other things I asked him whether he believed there was such a thing as divine grace ; whether or not it was a fiction imposed by grave and austere persons from their own fancies. He took occasion, from this inquiry, to en- large much upon the subject ; he spoke with zeal and earnestness, and chiefly in Scripture language, and concluded with a very affecting address to the conscience and the heart. I had not the least desire, that I recollect, of be- ing benefited by this conversation ; but while he spoke, I listened to him with earnestness ; and before I was aware, a most powerful impression was made upon my mind, and I conceived the instant resolution of reforming my life. On that evening I had an engagement which I could not now approve ; not- withstanding what had passed, I, how- ever, resolved to go ; but as 1 went along, and had time to reflect upon what I had heard, I half wished that it might not be kept. It turned out as I 220 desired. I hurried home, and locked myself up in my chamber ; I fell on my knees, and endeavored to pray." The result of this interview with his religious friend was made conducive to Buchanan's conversion ; and he became one of the most self-denying and useful men in modern times. (b) " HOW DO YOU TREAT MY MASTER?"— Dr. Payson was once going to one of the towns in Maine for the purpose of attending a ministers' meeting, accompanied by a friend, when they had occasion to call at a house on the journey, where Dr. Pay- son was unknown. The family had just sat down to tea, and the lady of the house, in the spirit of genuine hospi- tality, invited the strangers to partake of the social repast. Dr. Payson at first declined, but being strenuously urged, he consented. As he took his seat, he inquired if a blessing had been asked ; and being answered in the negative, requested the privilege, which was readily granted, of invoking the benediction of Heaven. This was done with so much fervor, solemnity, and simplicity, that it had the happiest effect. The old lady treated the com- pany with the utmost attention, and as Dr. Payson was about to leave, he said to her, " Madam, you have treated me with much hospitality and kindness, for which I thank you sincerely ; but allow me to ask, how do you treat my Master ? That is of infinitely greater consequence than hov/ you treat me." He continued in a strain of appropriate exhortation, and having done his duty in the circumstances, proceeded on his journey. This visit was sanctified lo the conversion of the lady and her household. The revival continued in the neighborhood, and in a short time a church was built, and the regular ordi- nances of religion established. (c) LADY H. AND THE LABOR- ER.— Lady H. once spoke to a work- man who was repairing a garden wall, and pressed him to take some thought concerning eternity and the state of his soul. Some years afterward she was speaking to another on the same subject, and said to him, "Thomas, I fear you never pray, nor look to Christ for salva- INFLUENCE OF EARNESTNESS AND TENDERNESS. 107 lion." " Your ladyship is mistaken," answered the man. " I heard what passed between you and James at such a time, and the word you designed for him took effect on me."- " How did you hear it ?" "I heard it on the other side of the garden, through a hole in the wall, and shall never forget the impres- sion I received." {d) THE EFFECT OF A TEAR. — In a little village, in the northern part of England, open-air services, for the purpose of preaching the gospel to the ignorant and profligate, had been car- ried on, during nine successive summer seasons, and not without some salutary effects, as evidenced in the conversion of several. But among others Joseph K , full of self-righteousness and prejudice, despised in his heart the preacher, his message, and all who loved the truths which he declared. In the week, he was by necessity associated with two or three, who, since the preaching of the gospel in their village had tasted that the Lord was gracious, and who, as a consequence, ardently longed that others should enjoy the same holy privileges and pleasures as those in which they participated. But Joseph K despised all their desires and efforts, because, in his heart, he viewed them only as hypocrites, or as enthu-' siasts. Many a word in season was dropped by these plain Christians in their daily intercourse with their fellow laborer. But, for a long time, all was to no good purpose : K remained insensible, caring for none of these things. During the winter, his master ordered him and John B to thrash together in a barn. And often, between the strokes of the descending flail, was many a stroke tenderly aimed at K 's conscience. However, the only return which he usually made, was a taunting answer as to some people being righteous overmuch, or else a silent yet significantly contemptuous sneer. But his associate in labor was a man of patient, tender spirit, yet of very sus- ceptible feelings. He grieved inwardly at the hardness and impenitency of heart manifested by his neighbor. At length, having, on one occasion, spoken to K very kindly about his need of a Savior, and of the things which related to his everlasting peace, and seeing that he disregarded all B 's counsel, and would have none of his reproof, the fountains of his grief were suddenly broken up, and turning toward a dark part of the barn, a gush of grief burst forth, ond betrayed itself, rolling down the cheeks of the poor and pious, yet despised thrasher. But although B had turned aside, and endeavored to hide his tears by hastily wiping them away with the rough sleeve of his smock-frock, K saw the big round tear glistening in his fellow laborer's eye, who silently, , ^ but thoughtfully, soon resumed his work, V^ by diligently plying witlu his flail the «^ corn which lay spread out'on''' * ing floor. I That tear, by the overruling power of C God, did more than all the sermons he heard from the preacher under the eb tree, or all the kind and truly Christian expostulations of his associate in labor. That tear subdued his heart. He melted into tenderness and godly sorrow for his past sins. From that moment he con- sidered. — "What," thought he, "shall John B shed tears on my account, and yet I have never shed one tear about my soul's concern ?" After much inward conflict, he obtained joy and peace in believing. He began soon to love the minister, and the people, whom before he as heartily despised. (e) THE UNANSWERABLE ARGUMENT.— In the time of a great revival in a certain church and con- gregation, the pastor urged one of his brethren, an able, skilful lawyer, to go and converse with a scoffing infidel of their acquaintance. " You know," said he, "that Mr. R. comprehends an able argument as well as any of us ; and you and I have often seen how his eye will kindle under a compact and well-drawn argument. Now can you not go over, with him, the proofs on which the Christian system rests ?" " I have done that already," said the lawyer, " and he heard me through patiently and then pounced upon my arguments like a tiger on his prey. Then he wound up with bitter re- 221 107 CONVERSATION, RELIGIOUS, WITH THE IMPENITENT. proaches, which made me dread to en- counter him again." One of the elders of the same church had been also to visit the infidel, and met with a like reception, and he had made similar objections to his pastor to visiting the infidel again. But on a subsequent evening he was led by the Spirit of God, to wrestle before the throne with most agonizing prayer in that Infidel's behalf. At intervals he continued all night presenting his case before God, and praying for his conver- sion and salvation, as a man would pray for a friend's life on the eve of his execution. Prayer was followed by correspond- ing etfoit, and not long after, in the crowded church, Mr. R. stood up, a changed man, to relate his Christian experience ! " I am as a brand," said he, " pluck- ed out of the burning. The change in my views and feelings is astonishing to myself; and all brought about by the grace of God and that unanswerable argument. " It was a cold morning in January, and I had just begun my labor at the anvil in my shop, when I looked out and saw Elder B approaching. As he drew near I saw he was agitated — his look was full of earnestness. His eyes were bedimmed with tears. He took me by the hand. His breast heav- ed with emotion, and with indescribable tenderness, he said, ' Mr. R , I am greatly concerned for your salvation — greatly concerned for your salvation !' and he burst into tears. He often essayed to speak, but not a word could he utter, and finding that he could say no more, he turned, went out of the shop, mounted his horse, and rode slowly away. " ' Greatly concerned for my salvation,'' said I audibly, and I stood and forgot to bring my hammer down ! ' Greatly concerned for my salvation.^ Here is a new argument, thought I, for religion, which I never heard before, and I know not how to answer it. Had the Elder reasoned with me, I could have confounded him ; but here is no thread- bare argument for the truth of religion. 222 Religion must move the soul with bene- volent, holy, mighty impulses, or this man would not feel as he does. ' Greatly CONCERNED FOR MY SALVATION ' it rUUg through my ears like a thunder clap in a clear sky. ' Greatly concerned ought / to be for my own salvation,' said I ; ' What shall I do to be saved V " I went into my house. My poor pious wife, whom 1 had so often ridi- culed for her religion, exclained, ' Why Mr. R , what is the matter with you ' Matter enough,' said I, filled with agony — ' Matter enough. Elder B. has rode two miles this cold morning to tell me he was greatly concerned for my salvation. What shall I do V She advised me to go and see him. No sooner said than done. I mounted my horse and pursued after him. I found him alone in that same little room where he had spent the whole night in prayer for my poor soul. 'I am come,' said I to him, ' to tell you I am greatly con- cerned for my own salvation.' " ' Praised be God,' said the Elder. ' It is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, even the very chief;' and he began at that same Scripture and preached unto me Jesus. On that same floor we knelt, and to- gether we prayed, and we did not sep- arate that day till God spoke peace to my soul. And here permit me to say, if you would reach the heart of such a poor sinner as I, you must get your qualification where the good Elder did his, in your closet and on your knees." That converted infidel long outlived the Elder, and was the means of the con- version of many. (/) THE GAY LADY AND HER PIOUS FRIENDS.— A gay, thought- less young lady, who had not unfre- quently indulged in ridiculing " the orthodox," as she was pleased to term those who pretended to any thing more than external morality, after having been in the society of a pious, devoted friend, observed, " Mrs. is always talking religion, but she does seem to enjoy it so much, that I admire to lis- ten to her, and have been sitting a whole hour to hear her converse." ADVANTAGE OF SKILL AND PRUDENCE. iO§, 109 108. Advantage of Skill and Prudence. (a) MEETING THE IMPENI- TENT ALONE.— Several young la- dies, of a proud, gay aiid fashionable character, lived together in a fashiona- ble family. Two men were strongly desirous to get the subject of religion before them, but were at a loss how to accomplish it for fear they would all combine, and counteract or resist every serious impression. At length they took this course. They called and sent up their card to one of the young ladies by name. She came down and they con- versed with her on the subject of her salvation, and as she was alone, she not only treated them politely, but seemed to receive the truth in serious- ness. A day or two after, they called in like manner on another, and then another, and so on till they had con- versed with every one separately. In a little time they were all, I believe, every one, hopefully converted. This was as it should be, for then they could not keep each other in countenance. And then the impression made on one was followed up with the others, so that one was not left to exert a bad influence over the rest. (b) TWENTY-ONE YOUNG MEN CONVERTED.— There was a pious woman who kept a boarding house for young gentlemen ; she had twenty- one or two of them in her family, and at length she became very anxious for their salvation : she made it a subject of prayer, but saw no seriousness among them. At length she saw that there must be something done besides praying, and yet she did not know what to do. One morning after breakfast, as they were retiring she asked one of them to stop a few minutes. She conversed with him tenderly on the subject of re- ligion, and prayed with him. She fol- lowed up the impression made, and pretty soon he was hopefully converted. Then there were two, and they address- ed another, and prayed with him, and soon he was prepared to join them. Then another, and so on, taking one at a time, and letting none of the rest know what 223 was going on, so as not to alarm them, till every one of these young men were converted to God. Now ifshe had brought the subject before the whole of them to- gether, very likely they would have turned it all into ridicule, or perhaps they would have been offended and left the house, and then she could have had no further influence over them. But tak- ing one alone, and treating him respect- fully and kindly, he had no such ob- stacle as arises out of the presence of others. 109. Happy Results Unexpectedly Developed (a) THE PIOUS WIDOW AND THE SAILOR.— A pious English widow, who resided among ignorant and vicious neighbors in the suburbs of B — , Mass., determined to do what she could for their spiritual benefit ; and so she opened her little front room for weekly prayer meetings, and en- gaged some pious Methodists to aid in conducting them. Much of the seed thus scattered on a seemingly arid soil, produced fruit. One instance deserves special notice. Among others who attended was a young sailor of intelligent and prepos- sessing countenance. A slight ac- quaintance with him discovered him to be very ignorant of even the rudiments of education ; but, at the same time he had such manifestly superior abilities, that the widow became much interested in his spiritual welfare, and could not but hope that God would in some way provide for his further instruction, con- vert him and render him useful. But in the midst of her anticipations he was suddenly summoned away to sea. He had been out but a short time when the vessel was seized by a British pri- vateer and carried into Halifax, where the crew suffered by a long and wretched imprisonment. A year had passed away, during which the good woman had heard noth- ing of the young sailor. Still she re- membered and prayed for him with the solicitude of a mother. About this time, she received a letter from her relations, t who had settled in Halifax, on business 109 CONVERSATION, RELIGIOUS, WITH THE IMPENITENT. which required her to go to that town. While there, her liabitual disposition to be useful, led her with a few friends to visit the prison with Bibles and tracts. In one apartment were the American prisoners. As she approached the grated door, a voice shouted her name, calling her mother, and a youth appeared and leaped for joy at the grate. It was the lost sailor boy ! They wept and con- versed like mother and son, and when she left she gave him a Bible — his fu- ture guide and comfort. During her stay at Halifax, she con- stantly visited the prison, supplying the youth with tracts, religious books, and clothing, and endeavoring by her con- versation to secure the religious impres- sion made on his mind at the prayer meetings in B — . After many months she removed to a distant part of the pro- vinces ; and for years she heard nothing more of the young sailor. We pass over a period of many years and introduce the reader to Father T — , the distinguished mariner's preacher in the city of B — . In a spacious and sub- stantial chapel, crowded about by the worst habitations in the city, this dis- tinguished man delivered, every Sab- bath, discourses as extraordinary, per- haps, as are to be found in the Christian world. In the centre column of seats, guarded sacredly against all other in- trusion, sat a dense mass of mariners — a strange medley of white, black, and olive, Protestant, Catholic, and Pagan. On the other seats in the galleries, the aisles, the altar, and on the pulpit stairs, were crowded, week after week, and year after year — the families of sailors, and the poor who had no other temple — the elite of the city^the learned pro- fessor — the student — the popular writer — the actor — groups of clergymen, and the votaries of gayety and fashion, lis- tening with throbbing hearts and wet eyes, to a man whose only school had been the forecastle, whose only endow- ments were those of grace and nature, but whose shrewd sense, keen wit, and glowing fancy, and melting pathos, and energetic delivery would allow none to be inattentive or unaffected in his au- dience. In the year 183 — , an aged English 224 local preacher moved into the city of B — from the British provinces. The old local preacher was ming- ling in a public throng one day with a friend, when they met " Father T — ." A few words of introduction led to a free conversation, in which the fonner residence of his wife in the city was mentioned, and allusion was made to her prayer meeting — her former name was asked by " Father T — ;" he seemed seized by an impulse — inquired their residence, hastened away, and in a short time arrived in a carriage, with all his family, at the home of the aged pair. There a scene ensued which must be left to the imagination of the reader. " Father T — " was the sailor boy of the prayer meeting and the prison. The old lady was the widow who had first cared for his soul. They had met once more ! (b) " DID YOU EVER DRINK AT THAT GREAT FOUNTAIN ?"— A friend of mine. Deacon E., in 1839, was on a visit to Saratoga Springs. One morning, taking a draught at Congress Spring, a lady came to take her usual glass at the same time. The deacon turned to her and asked her, " Have you ever drank at that Great Fountain ?'"' She colored, and looked surprised ; but turned away without a word of reply. The next winter Deacon E. was in Roch- ester, and one evening attended a con- ' ference and prayer meeting in the Baptist church. A gentleman invited him to go home with him and see his wife who was very sick. As he entered the room she looked up and smiled, and said, " Don't you know me ?" " No," said he. " Don't you remember asking a woman at Congress Spring, ' Have you ever drank at that Great Fountain ?'" " Yes," says he. " Well," said she, " I am the person ; I thought at first you were very rude ; but your words kept ringing in my ears. They followed me to my chamber, to my pillow. I found no rest till I found it in Christ. I expect to die pretty soon, and go to heaven, and you, under God, are the means of my salvation ! Be as faithful to others as you have been to me. Never be afraid to talk to strangers on the subject of religion." HAPPY RESULTS, UNEXPECTEDLY DEVELOPED. 109 (c) FAREWELL ADVICE.— Many years ago, a gentleman lived in inti- mate association with some literary friends, wh met together once a week. In the freedom of this social inter- course, he had ample opportunities of ascertaining their peculiar habits of mind, and remarked, with deep regret, a general alienation from the sentiments and principles of real religion. One of them, in particular, to whom he was on many accounts most attached, scorned the restraints of religion, and abandoned himself to the pleasures of the world. Circumstances at length led the gentle- man to leave that place, and on parting with his acquaintance at the corner of the street, he summoned up his moral cour- age to pronounce the following words: — "We now part, probably to meet no more on earth. We have sometimes discussed, and you have always refused to regard, the appeals of scriptural truth. One word, and I have done. O remember that you have a soul, an immortal soul : will you finally consent to lose it in end- less perdition, for the sake ofpaltry and fleeting indulgences? Farewell." Each now disappeared from the other, in the crowd of life ; and pursued a very different course. Ten, twenty, thirty years elapsed. The gentleman was one day standing at his door, when an- other gentleman was passing by in great haste ; but a momentary glance induced him to stop, and to ask, " Sir, is not your name M— ?" "It is;" and a sudden reminiscence led him to add, "And is not yours G — ?" " You are right. Do you remember what you said at our separation at the corner of S — street, thirty years ago ?" " I have a faint recollection." "' But I have a strong one. I am an- other man. You left me a man of the world, and an enemy of the cross of Christ : I am now, and have been during many years, a member of a Christian church, and you are the cause. The word was ' in season ; ' I could not rid myself of it ; I was forced by it to re- flection ; yes, I thought on my ways, and turned to God and happiness." {d) REV. MR. READER AND THE CHILD.— The Rev. Mr. Rea- der, of Taunton (Eng.), having called, 15 one day, in the course of his pastoral visits, at the house of a friend, affec- tionately noticed a little girl in the room, about six years of age. Among other things, he asked her if she knew that she had a bad heart, and, open- ing the Bible, pointed her to the pas- sage where the Lord promises to give a new heart. He instructed her to plead this promise in prayer, and she would find the Almighty faithful to his promise. About seventeen years after, a lady came to him, proposed herself for communion with the church of which he was pastor, and how inexpressible was his delight, when he found that she was the very person with whom, when a child, he had so freely conversed, and that the conversation was blessed to her con- version ! Taking her Bible, she had re- tired, as he advised, pleaded the promise, wept, and prayed ; and the Lord, in an- swer to her fervent petitions, gave her what she so earnestly desired, a nevj heart. {e) BISHOP ASBURY AND POOR PUNCH.— Bishop Asbury, in 1798, on his journey to Charleston, S. C, pass- ed a creek in the parish of St. — , on the bank of which sat a slave fishing and humming a ditty. His name was Punch. He was notorious for his vi- cious character. The pious bishop rode towards him, deliberately proceeded to alight, fastened his horse to a tree, and seated himself by tlie side of the slave ! As the slave seemed willing, he com- menced a minute and personal conversa- tion with him on religion. Punch began to feel, tears ran dov/n his sable cheeks, and he seemed alarmed at his danger, and listened with intentness to the counsels of the singular stranger. Afler a long conversation, the bishop sung' the hymn — "Plunged in a gulf of dark despair," prayed with him, and pursued his jour- ney. More than twenty years elapsed before he again saw or heard of Punch. While on another visit to Charleston he was called upon by an aged and Christian negro, who had travelled sev- enty miles on foot to visit him. It was the slave he had warned and prayed over on the bank of the creek, who had ever since been journeying on the way 225 110 CONVERSATION, RELIGIOUS, WITH THE IMPENITENT. to heaven. When the bishop left him, on the bank of the stream, he immediately took up his fishing tackle and hastened home in the deepest agitation, pondering over the words of the venerable man. After some days of anguish and prayer, he found peace in believing and became a new man. The change was too mani- fest not to be discovered by liis fellow- servants — it was the topic of his con- versation with them incessantly. In his simple way he pointed them to the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world, and many of them became thoroughly penitent for their sins. Throngs of the neglected Africans re- sorted to his humble cabin to receive his exhortations and prayers. A per- verse overseer, who had charge of the plantation, perceiving the increasing interest of the slaves for their souls, and their constant attendance in the evenings at Punch's cabin, determined to put a stop to the spreading leaven. But on coming one night to break up a meeting, he was struck under conviction, fell down under a tree near by, and began to cry for mercy. The negroes gathered around him, and prayed with him till God in his mercy pardoned and com- forted him. The overseer now became a co-worker with Punch among them ; he joined the nearest Methodist church, and in time became an exhorter, and finally a preacher ! Punch had now full liberty to do good among his associates. He exhorted, prayed, and led them on, as a shepherd his flock, and extended his usefulness around the whole neigh- borhood. After many years he was re- moved, by the decease of his master and the distribution of the estate, to the parish of A., where he continued to labor for the souls of his fellow bond- men with still greater success. Scores and even hundreds were converted through his instrumentality, and he sus- tained a kind of pastoral charge over them for years. no. Various Interesting Conversions. (a) THE MINISTER'S DIREC- TION. -A Christian minister some years ago, on returning from preaching in a neighboring village, was asked by an 226 individual to direct him to a certain place. His request was attended to, and when the stranger was thanking him for his kindness, the minister le- plied, " Take care, my friend, you are in the right way at last." These words appeared long to sound in the man's ears, and. What could the gentleman mean by them ? was an inquiry often presented to his mind, and which at length led to the salvation of his sodi. Some years had passed away, with all their attendant cares, joys, and sorrows, when the minister was solicited to preach at Ludlow, Salop. After the service, he was requested to visit a mem- ber of the church, who was in dying circumstances. As soon as he came near, the dying man fixed his eyes on the countenance of the minister, and, with a peculiarly significant look, and emphatic voice, said, " Sir, I know you! I know you !" " Know me !" replied the minister ; " how can that be ? for I am a stranger here." " I know you sir," again he replied. " Do you not remember," said he, " some years ago, a person asking you the way to such a place, and your returning with him, putting him in the right path, and when we were parting saying to him, " My friend, take care you are in the right way at last ?" " No, I do not," replied the minister ; for it had completely escaped his memory. " Yes, you did, sir," rejoined the dying man , " I have not forgotten it, nor ever shall forget it. ' The right way at last ;' Oh, sir, am I in that way now ? I cannot live long, I feel that I am dying ; tell me. Oh, tell me, if I am in the right way.'* The minister questioned him as to his faith in Christ, and on other important points, to which the dying man returned suitable and satisfactory answers. Af- ter which the minister affectionately and earnestly recommended him in prayer to God, and left him. In a few days his mortal career ended. {I) THE PHYSICIAN AND HIS CLERICAL PATIENT— It would not be easy to calculate the good that might be done, were true religion more preva- lent among our medical men, who have constant access to bedsides, which the pious minister, however anxious and THE DUTY NEGLECTED. 110, 111 willing, is sometimes not permitted to approach. Dr. — was visiting a gentleman who appeared very much agitated on being informed by him of the nature of his complaint, which Dr. — observing, he said to him, " Sir, you seem very much distressed about your body; do you feel the same anxiety about your soul V The gentleman was extremely irritated at the question, and the more so as he was a clergyman ; but he subsequently thought of it, and told Dr. — that he dated the origin of his anxious concern for salvation to that remark. (c) "A WORD IN SEASON."— The Rev. Peter Mill, a zealous and venerable minister of the Gospel, being on a pedestrian excursion in Yorkshire (Eng.), came to the brink of a large pit, which was so completely covered with the drifted snow as to conceal all danger from the unwary traveller. Just at that imminent moment, when, had he stepped forward, it is more than pro- bable he would have plunged into the gulf of death, a young woman coming up, discovered to him his perilous con- dition. Grateful to the First Cause of his deliverance, he was not unmindful of the instrument of it : and desirous of making her some important return for the service she had rendered him, he informed her that he was a minister of Christ, whose office it was to call sin- ners to repentance. And with much gratitude and earnestness, he exhorted her to flee from the wrath to come, en- treating her seriously to consider that her youth was no security from death, and expressing a most ardent desire that he might be the means of saving her soul from the more awful fit than that from which she had been in- strumental in saving his body. What he said to her was " a word in season ;" for, while gratitude sparkled in his eyes, and his countenance ex- pressed more than his tongue could de- clare, she could not doubt the truth of his assertions ; and such was the im- pression of his discourse on her mind, that she began earnestly to cry, " What must I do to be saved !" She soon obtained ease to her troubled conscience, and an assurance that her sins were pardoned. And about eight weeks after this, she died, happy in the conso- lations of religion. {d) THE CLERGYMAN CON- VERTED.— The excellent Joseph Wil- Hams, of Kidderminster, relates, in his I diary, that in the year 1754, he was I unexpectedly induced to take a journey ; i and, while out on his way, to ride to ; Bradford, in Wiltshire, on a stormy ; night. On a Monday, he called on a j clergyman, the vicar of the town, and j just as the party, to whom he was thus I introduced, was breaking up, a young : clergyman, the curate of the parish, I came in. A pious friend, who accom- panied Mr. Williams, requested him to j speak to the curate : and with some re- luctance he advanced towards him with i the important inquiry, " Sir, how does I your soul prosper ?" He seemed dis- j concerted, and replied in a languid manner. Next morning, he sent for Mr. Williams, and told him that the conversation was deeply impressed on his mind, that he feared the state of his soul was bad, and desired some further intercourse. They conversed, they prayed, and, after they separated, kept up a correspondence mutually gratify- ing. The clergyman afterwards gave abundant evidence of piety, and of great faithfulness to the souls committed to his charge. 111. The Duty Neglected. (a) THE CLERK'S LAMENT.— A writer in the Christian Soldier, gives the following incident which was related to him by an esteemed Christian bro- ther : — Some few years ago I was clerk in a store in . One day a hired man of my employer, whom I knew to be destitute of religion, came into my store. I felt it to be my duty to speak to him upon the subject of his soul's salvation • but my wicked heart invented a thou- sand excuses. ' He may not receive it kindly, thought I, since I am younger than he ; I had better keep silence un- til a more favorable opportunity.' Con- science told me these excusfes were vain, and a voice seemed to say to me, * Speak to this man ;' but I refused to listen. 227 Ill CONVERSATION, RELIGIOUS, WITH THE IMPENITENT. But mark the sequel. The next day he was taken sick, became deranged, and on the third day, died ! O ! thought I, that I had listened to the voice of God's Spirit and done my duty. Perhaps I might have saved his soul from perdition ; at least I might have cleared my own skirts, and washed my hands in innocence. But now, alas ! it is too late ! for ever too late ! His doom is irrevocably sealed ! (b) THE UNFAITHFUL MO- THER. — A Christian minister calling at the house of one of his friends, found him and his wife in deepest distress,from the sudden death of their only child. He attempted to console the distracted parents ; but the mother replied, " Ah, sir, these consolations might assuage my grief for the loss of my child, but they cannot blunt the stings of my conscience, which are as daggers in my heart. It was but last week I was thinking, ' My child is now twelve years of age ; his mind is rapidly expanding ; 1 know he thinks and feels beyond the measure of his years, and a foolish backwardness has hitherto kept me from entering so closely into conversation with -him as to discover the real state of his mind, and to make a vigorous effort lo lead his heart to God.' I then resolved to seize the first opportunity to discharge a duty so weighty on the conscience of a Chris- tian parent ; but day after day my foolish deceitful heart said, ' I will do it to-morrow.' On the very day that he was taken ill, I had resolved to talk to him that evening ; and when he at first complained of his head, I was half pleased with the thought, that this might incline him to listen more serious- ly to what I should say. But Oh, sir, his pain and fever increased ^ rapidly, that I was obliged to put him immediate- ly to bed, and as he seemed inclined to doze, I was gla 1 to leave him to rest. From that time he was never sufficiently sensible for conversation ; and now he is gone into eternity, and has left me distracted with anxiety concerning the salvation of his precious soul ! Dila- tory wretch ! had it not been for my own sin, I might now have been consoling myself with the satisfactory conviction of having discharged the duty of a 228 Christian parent, and enjoying the de- lightful assurance of meeting my child before the ihrone of God and the Lamb. Oh, the cursed sin of procrastination ! Oh, the ruinous delusion that lurks in the word to-morrow /" (c) DR. CHALMERS AND THE NOBLEMAN.— Dr. Chalmers, on his return from England, a few years ago, lodged in the house of a nobleman, not far distant from Peebles. The doctor was known to excel in conversation, as well as in the pulpit. He was the life and soul of the discourse in the circle of friends at the nobleman's fire-side. The subject was pauperism — its causes and cure. Among the gentlemen pre- sent, there was a venerable old Highland chieftain, who kept his eyes fastened on Dr. C, and listened with intense in- terest to his communications. The con- versation was kept up to a late hour. When the company broke up, they were shown up stairs into their apartments. There was a lobby of considerable length, and the doors of the bed-cham- bers opened on the right and left. The apartment of Dr. C. was directly op- posite to that of the old chieftain, who had already retired with his attendant. As the doctor was undressing himself, he heard an unusual noise in the chief- tain's room ; the noise was succeeded by a heavy groan ! He hastened into the apartment, which was in a ^e\v mi- nutes filled with the company, who all rushed in to the relief of the old gentle- man. It was a melancholy sight which met their eyes. The venerable white- headed chief had fallen into the arms of his attendant in an apoplexy. He breathed for a few moments, and ex- pired. Dr. C. stood in silence, with both hands stretched out, and bending over the deceased. He was the very picture of distress. He was the first to break silence. " Never in my life," said he, in a tremulous voice, " did I see, or did I feel, before this moment, the meaning of that text, ' Preach the word : be instant in season, and out of seasan ; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and doctrine.' Had I known that my venerable old friend was within a few minutes of eternity, I would not have Iwelt on that subject COURAGE, MORAL. Ill, 112 which formed the topic of this evening's conversation. I would have addressed myself earnestly to him. I would have preached unto him and you, Christ Jesus, and him crucified. I would have urged him and you, with all the ear- nestness befitting the subject, to prepare for eternity. You would have thought it, and you would have pronounced it, out of season. But ah ! it would have been in season, both as it respected him, and as it respects you." {d) THE DYING DAUGHTER.— A Christian minister, in Yorkshire, had long felt convinced of his sinfulness, in neglecting to converse on spiritual topics with a beloved child. She was brought to the verge of the grave, and was, in his apprehension, an unconvert- ed child. His feelings were painfully distressing ; for he felt forcibly the im- portance of his duty in apprising her of her danger ; but till nearly her dying hour he continued to experience the backwardness he had long felt. Re- peatedly did he enter her room to ad- dress her, and unwilling to add the weight of mental anxiety to her bodily affliction, he as often retired without accomplishing his object. His con- science pained him, for he feared that his misjudging fondness might contribute to her eternal ruin. At length, after repeated petitions for Divine assistance, he once more approached her bed, and pressing her hand, said, in broken words, " Has an eternal state, my dear- est daughter, ever engaged your atten- tion ?" This was all he could utter. To his astonishment and joy, she im- mediately replied, " Yes, father ; un- der a sermon that you 'preached from Romans iii. upon man's lost condition, I was convinced that I was in a state of condemnation. Since that time I have been unable to procure any consolation. and I fear I shall be lost for ever." Her tears for some time prevented her from saying more : but when able to proceed, she told him that she had long wished to make known to him the state of her mind. Overcome with joy at this unexpected answer, he endeavored to convince her of the certainty of sal- vation to all who, conscious of their de- pravity, confide in the merits of the Redeemer, for acceptance with God. Her distress was continued for two days longer, when, resting entirely on Christ, every degree of gloom was removed, and she was favored for fifteen days with holy peace and joy. Christ was increasingly precious to her, and her father had the blessedness of witnessing her triumphant departure, in full as- surance of hope, in the fifteenth year of her aa;e. (e) AN UNFAITHFUL FATHER. — A father who had a son in college, requested a minister who was going through the town where he was, to call on him and converse with him in re- ference to the salvation of his soul. The minister called, agreeable to the re- quest of the father, and introduced the subject of religion. He alluded to the feelings and request of the father, who wished him by all means to attend first to the salvation of his soul. The young man replied, ".Did my father send such word as that ?" " He did," was the re- ply. " Then," said the young man, " My father is a dishonest man." " But why do you say he is dishonest ?" said the minister. " Because," replied the stu- dent, " he has often advised me, in re- gard to the course he would have me pur- sue in life, how to gain the riches, honors, and pleasures of the world, but he is not the man that has ever manifested any interest in regard to the salvation of my soul, any more than if I had no soul !" 112. COURAGE, MORAL (a) THE BISHOP'S REPLY.— Philip, Bishop of Heraclea, in the be- ginning of the 4th century, was drag- ged by the feet through the streets, severely scourged, and then brought again to the governor, who charged him with obstinate rashness, in continuing disobedient to the imperial decrees ; but he boldly replied, " My present be- havior is not the effect of rashness, but 229 112 COURAGE, MORAL. proceeds from my love and fear of God, who made the world, and who will judge the living and the dead, whose commands I dare not transgress. I have hitherto done my duty to the empferors, and am always ready to comply with their just orders, according to the doc- trine of our Lord Christ, who bids us give both to Caesar and to God their due ; but I am obliged to prefer heaven to earth, and to obey God rather than man." The governor, on hearing this speech, immediately passed sentence on him to be burnt, which was executed accordingly, and the martyr expired, singing praises to God in the midst of the flames. (b) CHRYSOSTOM IN EXILE.— " When driven from the city, I cared nothing for it. But I said to myself, if the empress wishes to banish me, the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. If she would saw me in sun- der, let her saw me in sunder ; I have Isaiah for a pattern. If she would plunge me in the sea; I remember Jonah. If she would thrust me into the fiery furnace ; I see the three chil- dren enduring that. If she would cast me to wild beasts ; I call to mind Daniel in the den of lions. If she would stone me, let her stone me ; I have be- fore me Stephen the protomartyr. If she would take my head from me, let her take it ; I have John the Baptist. If she would deprive me of my worldly goods, let her do it ; naked came I from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. An apostle has told me ' God respecteth no man's person,' and if I yet pleased men, I should not be a ser- vant of Christ." Even Gibbon cannot ^p'efrain from remarking, that these epistles " show a firmness of mind much superior to that of Cicero in his exile." (c) DEATH OF JEROME.— When the executioner went behind Jerome of Prague to act fire to the pile, " Come here," said the martyr, " and kindle it before my eyes; for, if I dreaded such a sight, I should never have come to this place when I had a free opportunity to escape." The fire was kindled, and he then sung a hymn, which was soon finished by the encir- cling flames. 230 (d) LUTHER'S FORTITUDE.— Vergerio, the Papal nuncio, came to Wirtemberg on the evening of Novem- ber 6, 1535, with a splendid retinue, and was conducted to the castle with all due honor by the principal governor. The next morning, Luther being intro- duced, conversed with the nuncio ; among other things, on the subject of the council. He said it was not serious- ly proposed ; the pope did but play with them ; and, if it were held, it would busy itself only about trifles, such as tonsures and vestments, and not upon faith, and justification, and bringing Christians to the unity of the Spirit and of doctrine ; for this would not suit their purpose. He added, that he and his friends felt such an assurance of what they believed, as not to need the determination of a council, though others might do it, who groaned under the oppression of men who did not them- selves know what they believed. " But," said he, " call your council ; God will- ing, I will attend it, though I should be burned by it." Vergerio asked whera he would have it held. " Where you please," he replied, "at Mantua, at Padua, at Florence, or any where else." Vergerio asked, " Are you willing it should be at Bologna ?" He inquired to whom that city then belonged ; and on being told, " To the pope," he ex- claimed, " Has the pope seized that place too? Well, I will go even thither." The nuncio, in a courtier- like manner, said something of the pope's visiting Wirtemberg. " Let him come," said Luther ; " we shall be glad to see him." " But," said Ver- gerio, " would you have him come with an army, or unattended ?" " As he pleases," replied Luther ; " we shall be ready for him either way." The nuncio then inquired whether the minis- ters in Saxony were consecrated. Lu- ther replied, " Certainly : as the pope will not consecrate them for us, here sits a bishop," (pointing to Pomeranus,) " whom we have consecrated." Much more conversation, says the author of the narrative, passed between them, in which Luther fully explained his views, with the utmost freedom, and even, where the case required, with sharpness COURAGE, MORAL. 112 of remark. On taking leave, Vergerio said, " See that you be ready for the council." " I will come," replied Lu- ther, " with my life in my hand." On another occasion, Luther, when making his way into the presence of Cardinal Cajetan, who had summoned him to answer for his heretical opinions at Augsburgh, was asked by one of the cardinal's minions, where he should find a shelter if his patron, the elector of Saxony, should desert him ? " Under the shield of Heaven !" was his reply. The silenced minion turned round, and went his way. (e) LUTHER SUMiMONED TO WORMS. — When Luther was sum- moned to attend the diet at Worms, his friends, notwithstanding the safe-con- duct granted to him by the emperor Charles V., apprehending danger to his person, would have dissuaded him from going thither. Luther replied, " I am determined tq enter the city in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, though as many devils should oppose me as there are tiles upon all the houses at Worms." He was accompanied from Wirtemberg by some divines, and one hundred horse ; but he took only eight horsemen into Worms. When he stept out of the carriage, he said, in the presence of a great number of persons, " God shall be on my side." (/) CASE OF WICKLIFF.— At one period of his life, this eminent re- former's health was x3onsiderably im- paired by the labor of producing his numerous compositions, and the excite- ments inseparable from the restless hos- tilities of his enemies. Being supposed to be in dangerous circumstances, his old antagonists, the mendicants, conceived it next to impossible that so notorious a heretic should find himself near a future world without the most serious appre- hensions of Divine anger. While they declared that the dogmas of the reformer had arisen from the suggestions of the great enemy, they anticipated some advantages to their cause, could the dying culprit be induced to make any recantation of his published opinions. WicklifT was in Oxford when this sick- ness arrested his activity, and confined him to his chamber. From the four orders of friars, four doctors, who were also called regents, were gravely de- puted to wait on their expiring enemy ; and to these the same number of civil officers, called senators of the city, and aldermen of the wards, were added. When this embassy entered the apart- ment of the rector of Lutterworth, he was seen stretched on his bed. Some kind wishes were first expressed as to his better health, and the blessing of a speedy recovery. It was presently suggested, that he must be aware of the many wrongs which the whole mendi- cant brotherhood had sustained from his attacks, especially in his sermons, and in certain of his writings ; and, as death was now apparently about to remove him, it was sincerely hoped that he would not conceal his penitence, but distinctly revoke whatever he had preferred against them to their injury. The sick man remained silent and mo- tionless until this address was concluded. He then beckoned his servants to raise him in his bed ; and fixing his eyes on the persons assembled, summoned all his remaining strength, as he ex- claimed aloud, " I shall not die, but live ; and shall again declare the evil deeds of the friars." The doctors and their attendants now hurried from hia presence, and they lived to feel the truth of his saying ; nor will it be easy to imagine another scene more characteristic of the parties composing it, or of the times in which it occurred. (g) HOOPER AT THE STAKE. — Bishop H^ooper was condemned to be burned at Gloucester, in Queen Mary's reign. A gentleman, with the view of inducing him to recant, said to him, " Life is sweet, and death is bitter." Hooper replied, " The death to come is more bitter, and the life to come more sweet. I am come hither to end this life, and suffer death, because I will not gainsay the truth I have here for- merly taught yoti." When brought to the stake, a box, with a pardon from the queen in it, was set before him. The determined martyr cried out, " If you love my soul, away with it : if you love mv soul, away with it." (h) LATIMER GOING TO LON- DON — In the beginning of the reign 231 112 COURAGE, MORAL. of Queen Mary of England, a pursui- vant was sent to bring Bishop Latimer to London, of which he had notice six hours before he arrived. But instead of fleeing, he prepared for liis journey- to London ; and, when the pursuivant was come, he said to him, " My friend, you are welcome. I go as willingly to London, to give an account of my faith, as ever I went to any place in the world. And I doubt not, but as the Lord made me worthy formerly to preach the word before two excellent princes, he will now enable me to bear witness to the truth before the third, either to her eternal comfort or discom- fort." As he rode on this occasion through Smithfield, he said, " That Smithfield had groaned for him a long time." (0 KNOX BEFORE THE QUEEN. — The pure heart-searching doctrines which were preached by this Scotch apostle, were then, as they are now, offensive to the carnal heart, and hence he was commanded by the voluptuous court of Mary to desist. Knox, who knew no master and obeyed no mandate that was in opposition to his God and his Bible, paid no attention to this com- mand of the palace. Hearing imme- diately from the enemies of the cross, who were then, as I fear they are at present, the favorites and friends of the palace, that her orders were disobeyed, the haughty Mary summoned the Scot- tish reformer into her presence. When Knox arrived he was ushered into the room in which were the queen and her attendant lords. On being questioned concerning his contumacy, he answered plainly that he preached nothing but truth, and he dared not preach less. " But," answered one of the lords, " our commands must be obeyed on pain of death ; silence or the gallows is the alternative." The spirit of Knox was roused by the dastardly insinuation that any human pifhishment could make him desert the banner of his Sa- vior, and with that fearless, indescrib- able courage which disdains the pomp of language or of action, he firmly replied, " My lords, you are mistaken if you think you can intimidate me to do by threats what conscience and God 232 tell me I never shall do ; for be it known unto you that it is a matter of no importance to me, when I have finished my work, whether my bones shall bleach in the winds of heaven or rot in the bosom of the earth." Knox having retired, one of the lords said to the queen, " We may let him alone, for we cannot punish that man." Well, there- fore, might it be said by a nobleman at the grave of John Knox, " Here lies one who never feared the face of man." (j) FLETCHER AND HIS NE- PHEW.— The Rev. Mr. Fletcher of England, had a very wild and profligate nephew in the army, a man who hac been dismissed from the Sardinian ser- vice for very bad conduct. He hac engaged in two or three duels, and had spent all his money in vice and folly. The wicked youth waited one day on his eldest uncle, General De Gons, and presenting a loaded pistol, threatened to shoot him unless he would that mo- ment advance him five hundred crowns. The general, though a brave man, well knew what a desperate fellow he had to deal with, and gave a draft for the money, at the same time speaking freely to him on his conduct. The young man rode off in high spirits with his ill-gotten money. In the evening, passing the door of his younger uncle, Mr. Fletcher, he called on him, and began with informing him what General De Gons had done ; and, as a proof, showed a draft under De Gons' own hand. Mr. Fletcher took the draft from his nephew, and looked at him with surprise. Then after some remarks; putting it into his pocket, said, " It strikes me, 3^oung man, that you have possessed yourself of this note by some wrong method ; and in conscience, I cannot return it but with my brother's knowledge and approbation." The nephew's pistol was in a moment at his breast. " My life," replied Mr. Flet-^ cher, with perfect calmness, " is secure in protection of an almighty power ; nor will he suffer it to be the forfeit of my integrity and your rashness." This firmness drew from the nephew the ob- servation, " That his uncle De Gons, though an old soldier, was more afraid of death than his brother." "Afraid COURAGE, MORAL. 113 of death!" rejoined Mr. Fletcher, "do you think I have been twenty-five years a minister of the Lord of life, to be afraid of death now ? No, sir, it is for you to be afraid of death. You are a gamester and a cheat ; yet call your- self a gentleman ! You are the seducer of female innocence ; and still say you are a gentleman ! You are a duellist ; and for this you style yourself a man of honor ! Look there, sir," pointing to the heavens, " the broad eye of Heaven is fixed upon us. Tremble in the pre- sence of your Maker, who can in a moment kill your body, and forever punish your soul in hell.'' The unhappy young prodigal turned pale, and trembled with fear and rage. He still threatened his uncle with in- stant death. Fletcher, though thus threatened, gave no alarm, sought for no weapon, and attempted not to escape. He calmly conversed with his profligate relative ; and at length perceiving him to be affected, addressed him in the kindest language, till he fairly disarmed and subdued him ! He would not re- turn his brother's draft; but engaged to procure for the youug man some immediate relief. He then prayed for him ; and after fulfilling his promise of assistance, parted with him, with much good advice on one side, and many fair promises on the other. {k) THE KING REPROVED.— It is said that Henry the Great of France, took much pleasure in convers- ing with an honest and religious man of low situation in life, who used great freedom with his majesty. One day he said to the king, " Sire, I always take your part v/hen I hear any man speaking evil of you : I know that you excel in justice and generosity, and that many worthy things have been done by you. But you have one vice for which God will condemn you, if you do not repent, I mean the unlawful love of women." The king, it is said, was too magnanimous to resent this reproof, but he long felt it like an arrow in his bosom ; and sometimes said, that the most eloquent discourses of the doctors of the Sorbonne had never made such an impression on his soul, as this honest »eproof from his humble friend. (I) HARRIS AND THE SOL- DIERS. — Dr. Harris, the minister of Han well, (Eng.) during the civil wars, frequently had military officers quar- tered at his house. A party of them, being unmindful of the reverence due to the holy name of God, indulged them- selves in swearing. The doctor noticed this, and on the following Sabbath, preached from these words : — " Above all things, my brethren, swear not." This so enraged the soldiers, who judged the sermon was intended for them, that they swore they would shoot him if he preached on the subject again. He was not, however, to be intimidated ; and on the following Sabbath, he not only preached from the same text, but inveighed in still stronger terms against the vice of swearing. As he was preaching, a soldier levelled his carbine at him ; but he went on to the conclu- sion of his sermon, without the slightest fear or hesitation ! (m) WESLEY AND THE PAPA- CY. — Mr. Samuel Wesley, the father of the celebrated Mr. John Wesley, being strongly importuned by the friends of James the Second, to support the mea- sures of the court in favor of Popery, with promises of preferment, absolutely re- fused even to read the king's declara- tion ; and though surrounded with cour- tiers, soldiers, and informers, he preach- ed a bold and pointed discourse against it from these words : — " If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us out of thy hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.'' {n) "TOUCH ME IF YOU DARE." — Some of the Indian chiefs having be- come the open enemies of the gospel, Mr. Elliot, sometimes called the Apostle of the American Indians, when in the wilderness, without the company of any other Englishman, \was, at various times, treated in a threatening and barbarous manner by some of those men, yet his Almighty Protector inspired him with such resolution, that he said, — " I am about the work of the Great God, and my God is with me : so that I fear nei- ther you, nor all the Sachems (or chiefs) 233 112 COURAGE, MORAL, in the country. I v/ill go on, and do you touch me if you dare." They heard him, and shrunk away. (o) EXCOMMUNICATING \ PRINCE.— William IX, Duke of Aquitaine and Earl of Poitiers, was a vi- olent and dissolute prince, and often in- dulged himself in improper behavior at the expense of religion. Though he had contracted a very suitable marriage, and one with which he was satisfied for some time, he parted from his wife with- out reason, to marry another who pleased him better. The Bishop of Poitiers, where he resided, was a holy prelate, named Peter. He could not brook so great a scandal ; and having employed all other means in vain, he thought it his duty to excommunicate ,he duke. As he began to pronounce .he anathema, William furiously ad- vanced, sword in hand, saying, "Thou art dead if thou proceedest." The bishop, as if afraid, required a few moments to consider what was most expedient. The duke granted it, and the bishop coura- geously finished the rest of the formula of excommunication. After which, extend- ing his neck, " Now strike," said he, " I am quite ready." The astonishment which this intrepid conduct produced in the duke, disarmed his fury, and say- ing ironically, " I don't like you well enough to send you to heaven," he contented himself with banishing him. (p) HINTON AND THE UNWOR- THY COMMUNICANT.— A person who was not a member of Mr. James Hinton's church in Oxford, nevertheless enjoyed the privileges of Christian fel- lowship, as being connected (according to his own statement) with a well known church in London. His conduct was found to be inconsistent; it was ascer- tained, also, that he had been excluded from the community to which he had declared himself to belong. It was clearly necessary to inform him, there- fore, that he could no longer be admit- ted to the Lord's table. But he was rich, and he was passionate ; s'Abject, indeed, to paroxysms of rage, on ac- count of which, every one was afraid to interfere with him. The measure was, however, adopted by the church ; but when (according to their usual mode) 234 messengers were to be appointed to communicate the result, the deacor would not go ; nor would any one g. for all said, it was at the hazard of their lives. " Then," replied Mr. Hinton, " I will go : my life is second to my duty." But no one would even accom- pany him ; and he went alone. The unhappy man's wrath was exceedingly high. When solemnly warned that no such person as he was could " enter into the kingdom of heaven," he seized a large stick, and threatened his re- prover's life : to which he replied, " Then, sir, I shall meet you next at the bar of judgment ; and you will re- member that these were the last words I uttered !" The enraged man imme- diately threw down his weapon, and ran about the room in agony, crying, " O no, no, no, you shall not charge me with murder !" Mr. Hinton records the deliverance from among his " special mercies." {q) LAVATER AND THE PRE- FECT.— There lived in the city of Zurich, a person who, though an un- worthy character, was a member of its senate. During the time he was pre- fect over a district of the canton, he had committed innumerable acts of the grossest injustice, — yea, such flagrant crimes, that all the country people re- proached and cursed him ; but no one dared to prosecute him, as he was re- lated to several members of the Zurich government, and son-in-law to the chief magistrate of the city. Mr. Lavater, the celebrated physiognomist, having often heard of the atrocities of the pre- fect, committed against even helpless widows and orphans, and having duly examined into them, felt an irresistible desire to plead the cause of the poor and oppressed. He was aware that his supporting this cause would expose him to the frowns of the great and the mighty, and occasion much anxiety to his friends; but conceiving it to be his duty, he determined to proceed. Hav- ing prepared himself by earnest prayer, and consulted an intimate friend, he addressed a letter to the prefect, in which he strongly reproached him for his detestable actions, and plainly signi- fied his intention to bring him to public COURTESY. 113 justice, should he not restore his spoils within two months. The time having elapsed, and no restoration having been made, Mr. Lavater proceeded to print a solemn indictment against him, which he caused to be delivered to every mem- ber of the Zurich government. At first he concealed his name ; but when called upon, he came forward in the most open manner, nobly avowed and fully proved the points of his indictment before the whole senate, — had the satis- faction to see the wicked prefect (who, conscious of his guilt, had saved him- self by flight) solemnly condemned by law, his unjust property confiscated, and restoration made to oppressed po- verty and innocence. 113. COURTESY. (a) KING HENRY AND THE POOR CITIZEN.— Henry IV, of France, was standing one day with some of his courtiers, at the entrance of a village, and a poor man passing by, bowed down to the very ground ; and the king, with great condescension, re- turned his salutation just in the same manner ; at which one of his attendants ventured to express his surprise, when the monarch finely replied to him, — " VVould you have your king exceeded in politeness by one of the lowest of his subjects?" (b) A GOOD REPLY.— When old Zachariah Fox, the great merchant of Liverpool, was asked by what means he contrived to realize so large a fortune as he possessed, his reply was, "Friend, by one article alone, in which thou may'st deal too if thou pleasest — civility." (c) THE POPE AND HIS AM- BASSADOR.— It is related of Pope Clement XIV, (Ganganelli,) that when he ascended the papal chair, the ambas- sadors of the several states represented at his court waited on him with their congratulations. When they were in- troduced and bowed, he returned the compliment by bowing also ; on which the master of the ceremonies told his highness that he should not have returned their salute. " O, I beg your pardon," said the good pontiff, I have not been pope long enough to forget good manners." (d) DR. FURNAM AND THE NEGRESS.— Dr. Furnam was once present in a small company of brethren who had assembled to dine with a com- mon friend, when the usual style by which they addressed each other, was that affectionate appellative of bro- ther. Those present were very exact in using this mode of address. While their conversation was in progress, and they were freely brothering each other, there came in an aged colored woman, well known for her piety and good character. The brethren present sa- luted her, one in this manner and ano- I ther in that — thus : " Well, old woman,*' : " How-de, mamma;" " How-de, Cla- rinda," and so on. When she came to Dr. Furnam, he leaned forward, extended to her his hand, and said : " How do you do, sis- ter Clarinda?" He might have de- signed his salutation to the old woman as a gentle reproof to those present, who did not seem to feel the true equality in which all who know the religion of Christ stand as brethren. (e) LOUIS XIV AND HIS AN- ECDOTE.— Louis the XlVth, in a gay party at Versailles, thought he per- ceived an opportunity of relating a facetious story. He commenced, but ended the tale abruptly and insipidly. One of the company soon after leaving the room, the king said, " I am sure you must all have observed how very uninteresting my anecdote was. I did not recollect till I began, that the turn of the narrative reflected very severely on the immediate ancestor of the prince, or Armigue, who has just quitted us ; and on this, as on every occasion, I think it far better to spoil a good story, than distress a worthy rjian.^' if) THE OFFICER'S HAT.— An Englishman, taking the grand tour, towards the middle of the eighteenth century, when travellers were more objects of attention than at present, on 235 113, 114 CREDULITY. arriving at Turin, sauntered out to see the place. He happened to meet a re- giment of infantry returning from pa- rade, and taking a position to see it pass, a young captain, evidently de- sirous of making a display before the stranger, in crossing one of the nume- rous water-courses with which the city is intersected, missed his footing, and trying to save himself, lost his hat. The spectators laughed, and looked at the Englishman, expecting him to laugh too. On the contrary, he not only re- tained his composure, but promptly ad- vanced to where the hat rolled, and taking it up, presented it with an air of kindness to its confused owner. The officer received it with a blush of sur- prise and gratitude, and hurried to re- join his company. There was a mur- mur of applause, and the stranger pass- ed on. Though the scene of a mo- ment, and without a word spoken, it touched every heart. On the regiment being dismissed, the captain, who was a young man of con- sideration, in glowing terms related the circumstance to his colonel. The colo- nel immediately mentioned it to the ge- neral in command ; and when the Englishman returned to his hotel, he found an aid-de-camp waiting to request his company at dinner, at head quar- ters. In the evening he was taken to court, at that time the most brilliant court in Europe, and was received with particular attention. Of course during his stay at Turin he was invited every where ; and on his departure he was loaded with letters of introduction to the different States of Italy. Thus a pri- vate gentleman of moderate means, by a graceful impulse of Christian feeling. was enabled to travel through a foreign country, then of the highest interest for its society as well as for the charms it still possesses, with more real distinction and advantage than can ever be derived from the mere circumstance of birth and fortune, even the most splendid. (g) A GOOD MAXIM.— It was a maxim of a celebrated minister, " that if a child but lisped to give you pleasure, you otight to be pleased." When oc- casionally preaching in the villages, he used to be delighted in visiting the poor, and, when solicited, would regale him- self with their brown bread and black tea ; but took care, at the same time, that they should lose nothing by their at- tention. " When a poor person shows anxiety to administer to your comfort," he would say, " do not interrupt him. Why deprive him of the pleasure of ex- pressing his friendship ?" (h) EASY WAY TO CONFER HAPPINESS.—" If a civil word or two will render a man happy," said a French king, "he must be wretched indeed who will not give them to him." Were superiors to keep this in view, yea, were all mankind to observe it, how much happier would the world be than what it is ! We may say of this disposition, " that it is like lighting another man's candle by one's own, which loses none of its light by what the other <^ains." (0 UNFASHIONABLE BOW.— When Sir William Johnson returned the salute of a negro who had bowed to him, he was reminded that he had done what was very unfashionable. " Per- haps so," said Sir William, " but I would not be outdone in good manners by a negro." 114. CREDULITY. {a) FAITH OF THE COLLIER.— Implicit faith has been sometimes styled Jides carhonaria, from the story of one who, examining an ignorant collier on his religious principles, asked him what it was that he believed. He answered, " I believe what the church believes." The other rejoined, " What, then, does the church believe?" He replied, readily, " The church believes what I believe." The other, desirous, if pos- sible, to bring him to particulars, once more resumed his inquiry. " Tell me, then, I pray you, what it is which you and the church hoth believe." The only answer the collier could gi\e was, " Why, truly, sir, the church and I loib — believe the same thing." CRUELTY EXEMPLIFIED. 115 CRUELTY. 11§. Cruelty Exemplified. (a) CRUELTY OF COMMODUS. — Nothing can be more contrary to nature, to reason, to religion, than cruelty. Hence an mhuman man is generally considered as a monster. Such monsters, however, have existed ; and the heart almost bleeds at the recital of the cruel acts such have been guilty of. It teaches us, however, what hu- man nature is when left to itself; not only treacherous above all things, but desperately wicked. Commodus, the Roman emperor, when but twelve years old, gave a shocking instance of his cruelty, when, finding the water in which he bathed too warm, he commanded the person who attended the bath to be thrown into the furnace, nor was he satisfied till those who were about him pretended to put his order in execution. After his suc- cession to the empire, he equalled, if he did not exceed in cruelty, Caligula, Domitian, and even NA'o himself; play- ing, we may say, with the blood of his subjects and fellow- creatures, of whom he caused great numbers to be racked and butchered in his presence merely for his diversion. Historians relate many instances of his cruelty. He caused one to be thrown to wild beasts for reading the life of Caligula written by Suetonius ; because the tyrant and he had been born on the same day of the month, and in many bad qualities re- sembled each other. Seeing one day a corpulent man pass by, he immediately cut l]im asunder, partly to try his strength, in which he excelled all men, and partly out of curiosity, as he him- self owned, to see his entrails drop out at once. He took pleasure in cutting off the feet ar^d putting out the eyes of such as he met in his rambles through the city. Some he murdered because they were negligently dressed : others because they seemed trimmed with too much nicety. He assumed the name and habit of Hercules, appearing pub- licly in a lion's skin, with a huge club in his hand, and ordering several per- sons, though not guilty of any crimes, to be disguised like monsters, that by knocking out their brains, he might have a better claim to the title, the great destroyer of monsters. He, however, was destroyed in his turn : one of his concubines, whose death he had pur- posed, poisoned him ; but, as the poison did not quickly operate, he was stran- gled by a wrestler in the thirty-first year of his age. {b) THE TUTOR'S PREDICTION RESPECTING TIBERIUS. — Theo- dorus Gaddarseus, who was tutor to Ti- berius the Roman Emperor, observing in him, while a boy, a very sanguinary nature and disposition, which lay lurk- ing under a show of lenity, was wont to call him, " a lump of clay steeped and soaked in blood." His predictions of him did not fail in the event. Tiberius thought death was too light a punish- ment for any one that displeased him. Hearing that one Carnulius, who had displeased him, had cut his own throat, '' Carnulius," said he, " has escaped me." To another, who begged of him that he might die quickly, " No," said he, " you are not so much in favor as that vet." (c) PETITION OF THE HORSE. — In the days of John, King of Atri, (an ancient city of Abruzzo,) there was a bell put up, which any one that had re- ceived any injury went and rang, and the king assembled the wise men chosen for the purpose, that justice might be done. It happened that, after the bell had ^een up a long time, the rope was worn out, and a piece of wild vine was made use of to lengthen it. Now there was a knight of Atri who had a noble charger, which had become unservicea- ble through age, so that, to avoid the ex- pense of feeding him, he turned him loose upon the common. The horse, driven by hunger, raised his mouth to the vine to munch it, and, pulling it, the bell rang. The judges assembled to^ 237 116 CRUELTY. consider the petition of the horse, which appeared to demand justice. They de- creed that the knight lohom he had served in his youth should feed him in his old age ; a sentence which the king con- firmed under a heavy penahy. 116. Cruelty Punished. (a) DEAR-BOUGHT SPORT.— A few years since, at a place near Pen- zance, some men and boys, accompanied by two young women, having fastened a bullock's horn to the tail of a dog, turned the affrighted animal loose, and followed it with brutal exultations. The dog, pursued by its savage tor- mentors, ran down a road called Tre- reife Lane, when meeting a cart drawn by two horses, laden with coals, the horses took fright ; the driver, who was sitting on the shafts of the cart, was thrown off, and the wheels passing over his head, he was killed on the spot. The persons who had occasioned this melancholy accident immediately sus- pended their chase of the dog, and the young women, on coming up, found that the lad, who had been killed by their mischievous frolic, was their bro- ther ! (J) THE BLIND MAN'S ENE- MY. — Some years ago, there lived in the village of Sutton Basset, in Lei- cestershire, an elderly man who was quite blind, but who, from his early acquaintance and familiarity with the place pefore this great misfortune befell him, was enabled to find his way about the village and surrounding fields with- out a guide. He was particularly the butt and jest of a poor sinful woman, who lived near the footpath stile, and who recognized not the hand of God in his affliction. She frequently attempted to impose on him for the mere purpose of plaguing and distressing him, and had one day contrived a very disagreea- ble vexation, which, to her merriment, succeeded. But, shortly after this, she gave birth to a son, who was born stone blind ; and her following chlid, a son, was also born blind ; and these two un- fortunate youths were living, in 1833, in the above-named village, and obtained a precarious livelihood by opening the 238 gates for passengers, on the roads ad- joining the place, with the addition of a small allowance from the parish. They were two fine grown lads, and of about equal size. They were re- garded by their neighbors as the ob- jects of God's just displeasure against the wanton and foolish wickedness of their parent. We may be sure sin will find us out : if not always in this world, it will in the next ; but even here sin- ners are not always exempted from pun- ishment. (c) BAJAZET PRONOUNCING HIS OWN SENTENCE.— Tamer, lane the Great, having made war on Bajazet, Emperor of the Turks, over- threw him in battle, and took him priso- ner. The victor gave the captive mon- arch at first a very civil reception ; and entering into familiar conversation with him, said, " Now, king, tell me freely and truly what thou wouldst have done with me, had I fallen into thy power ?'* Bajazet, who was of a fierce and haughty spirit, is said to have thus replied : " Had the gods given unto me the victory, I would have enclosed thee in an iron cage, and carried thee about with me as a spectacle of derision to the world." Tamerlane wrathfully replied, " Then, proud man, as thou wouldst have done to me, even so shall I do unto thee." A strong iron cage was made, into which the fallen empe- ror was thrust ] and thus exposed like a wild beast, he was carried along in the train of his conqueror. Nearly three years were passed by the once mighty Bajazet in this cruel state of durance ; and at last being told that he must be carried into Tartary, despair- ing of then obtaining his freedom, he struck his head with such violence against the bars of his cage, as to put an end to his wretched life. {d) CRUELTY OF LOUIS XL- Philip de Comines, in his " Life of Louis XI," has not concealed the dread- ful cruelties and extortions by which he rendered himself one of the most odious monarchs that ever swayed the sceptre of France. Stronger colors could not be employed than those in which he describes his loathsome dun- geons, his iron cages, and chain nets. CRUELTY AND BENEVOLENCE COMBINED. 116, 117 Claude de Seyssel, another historian, says, " That about the places where he was, were seen great numbers of peo- ple hanging on trees ; and 1^e prisons and other neighboring houses, full of prisoners, which were often heard, both by day and night, to cry out through the torments they endured ; besides those who were secretly cast into the rivers." The same historian observes, " That this king carried his absolute power to excess. He caused Tristan, his provost, to take the prisoners who were in the palace gaol, and drown them near the Grange aux Morcier." Mezaria, another historian, relates, " That he had put to death above four thousand, by different punishments, which he sometimes delighted to see. Most of them had been executed with- out form of law ; several drowned with a stone tied to their necks ; others pre- cipitated, going over a swipe, from whence they fell upon wheels, armed with spikes and cutting instruments ; others were strangled in dungeons ; Tristan, his companion and provost of his palace, being at once judge, witness, and executioner." It is a remarkable fact, that the Bishop of Verdun, who assisted Louis in the invention of his iron cage, was himself put into the first that was made, and confined to it for fourteen days ; and that the king himself, not long be- fore his death, was obliged to make himself a close prisoner in one of his strongest castles, from a dread of that thirst for vengeance with which his cruel conduct had inspired, not only his nobles and subjects, but the very mem- bers of his own family. (e) A BULL-13AITING.— Impro- per and cruel amusements are often attended with danger ; and the end of such mirth is heaviness. Some years ago, at the termination of a fair, annu- ally held at Rochdale, in Lancashire, it was determined to bait a bull for the gratification of a great number of per- sons, whose tastes are as savage as their amusements are cruel, and, according- ly, the poor beast was tied to a stake at the edge of the river, near the bridge. The radius of the cord was about six yards, and the animal, in making the circle, was frequently three feet deep in water. The crowd collected to wit- ness this sight was great, and the num- ber of people on and near the bridge made it difficult to pass ; the sides of the river were also thronged with spec- tators of every age and sex, and many were seen near the bull up to their mid- die in water, jumping with ecstasy at the sport. At every revolution the ani- mal made to disengage himself from the dogs, people were seen tumbling over each other in the mud and water up to the knees, and the shouts of joy occasionally expressed, could only have been equalled by the yell of savages. This sport continued for about three hours, when a considerable portion of the parapet wall leading to the bridge gave way, from the extreme pressure of the crowd, and five persons were killed on the spot. Four other persons died shortly afterwards of the wounds they received, making nine in the whole who lost their lives, besides a considera- ble number who were severely wounded. The stones being large they fell with overwhelming weight ; and from the pressure of the crowd near the wall, numbers of the spectators were preci- pitated along with the stones on the peo- ple below. One woman had her thighs broken, and a young man had his arm completely cut from his body, besides others who were severely bruised. 117. CRUELTY AND BENEVOLENCE COMBINED. {a) TRAJAN'S INCONSISTEN- CIES.— Who has not heard of the Emperor Trajan, of his moderation, his clemency, his gushing sympathies, his forgiveness of injuries and forgetful n ess of self, his tearing in pieces his own robe, to furnish bandages for the wound- ed — called by the whole world, in his day, "the best Emperor of Rome;" and so affectionately regarded by his 239 iiy CRUELTY AND BENEVOLENCE COMBINED. ^ subjects, that, ever afterwards, in bless- ing his successors upon their accession to power, they always said, " May you have the virtue and goodness of Tra- jan !" yet the deadly conflicts of gladia- tors who were trained to kill each other, to make sport for the spectators, fur- nished his chief pastime. At one time he kept up those spectacles for 123 days in succession. In the tortures which he inflicted on Christians, fire and poison, daggers and dungeons, wild beasts and serpents, and the rack, did their worst. He threw into the sea, Clemens, the venerable bishop of Rome, with an an- chor about his neck ; and tossed to the famishing lions in the amphitheatre the aged Ignatius. {h) CHARACTER OF THEODO- SIUS. — Theodosius the Great was a member of the Christian church, and in his zeal against paganism, and what he deemed heresy, surpassed all who were before him. The Christian writers of his time speak of him as a most illustrious model of justice, gener- osity, benevolence, and every virtue. And yet Theodosius denounced capital punishments against those who held ' heretical' opinions, and commanded in- termarriage between cousins to be pun- ished by burning the parties alive. On hearing that the people of Antioch had demolished the statues set up in that city, in honor of himself, and had threatened the governor, he flew into a transport of fury, ordered the city to be laid in ashes, and all the inhabitants to be slaughtered ; and upon hearing of a resistance to his authority in Thessa- lonica, in which one of his lieutenants was killed, he instantly ordered a gen- eral massacre of the inhabitants ; and in obedience to his command, seven thousand men, women and children, were butchered in the space of three hours. , (c) DOUBLE CHARACTER OF PLINY. — Pliny the younger, who was proconsul under Trajan, may well be mentioned in connection with the em- peror, as a striking illustration of the truth, that goodness and amiableness towards one class of men is often turned into cruelty towards another. History can hardly show a more gentle and 240 I lovely character than Pliny. While ! pleading at the bar, he always sought I out the grievances of the poorest and I most despieed persons, entered into their I wrongs with his whole soul, and never took a fee. Who can read his admira- ble letters without being touched by their tenderness and warmed by their benignity and philanthropy ? And yet, this tender-hearted Pliny coolly plied with excruciating torture two spotle^ss fe- males, who had served as deaconesses in the Christian church, hoping to ex- tort from them matter of accusation against the Christians. Pie commanded Christians to abjure their faith, invoke the gods, pour out libations to the statues of the emperor, burn incense to idols, and curse Christ. If they refused, he ordered them to execution. {d) CHARACTER OF ADRIAN. — The kindness, condescension, and for- bearance of Adrian were proverbial ; he was one of the most eloquent orators of his age ; and when pleading iho cause of injured innocence, would melt and overwhelm the auditors by the pa- thos of his appeals. It was his constant maxim, that he was an emperor, not for his own good, but for the benefit of his fellow creatures. He stooped to re- lieve the wants of the meanest of his subjects, and would peril his life by visiting them when sick of infectious diseases ; he prohibited, by law, mas- ters from killing their slaves, gave to slaves legal trial, and exempted them from torture ; yet towards certain in- dividuals and classes, he showed him- self a monster of cruelty. He prided himself on his knowledge of architec- ture, and ordered to execution the most celebrated architect of Rome, because he had criticised one of the emperor's designs. He banished all the Jews from their native land, and drove them to the ends of the earth ; and unloosed the bloodhounds of persecution to rend in pieces his Christian subjects. (e) TITUS IN ROME— TITUS IN JUDEA. — Who has not heard of the Emperor Titus — so beloved for his mild virtues and compassionate regard for the suffering, that he was named " The De- light of Mankind ;" so tender of the lives of his subjects that he took the READINESS FOR DEATH. 11§ office of high priest that his hands might never be defiled with blood ; and was heard to declare, with tears, that he had rather die than put another to death. So intent upon making others happy, that when once about to retire to sleep, and not being able to recall any particular act of beneficence per- formed during the day, he cried out in anguish, " Alas ! I have lost a day !" And, finally, whom the learned Kennet, in his Roman Antiquities, characterizes as " the only prince in the world that has the character of never doing an ill action.^' Yet, witnessing the mortal combats of the captives taken in war, killing each other in the amphitheatre, amidst the acclamations of the populace, was a favorite amusement with Titus. At one time he exhibited shows of gladiators, which lasted one hundred days, during which the amphitheatre was flooded with human blood. At another of his public exhibitions he caused five thousand wild beasts to be baited in the amphitheatre. During the siege of Jerusalem, he set ambushes to seize the famishing Jews, who stt^le out of the city by night to glean food in the' valleys : these he would first dreadful!}' scourge, then torment them with ail conceivable tortures, and, at last, cru- cify them before the wall of the city. According to Josephus, not less than five hundred a day were thus tormented. And when many of the Jews, frantic with famine, deserted to the Romans, Titus cut off their hands and drove them back. Afler the destruction of Jerusa- lem, he dragged to Rome one hundred thousand captives, and sold them as slaves, and scattered them through every province of the empire. DEATH. 118. Readinesi for Death. (a) THE MINER B 7RIED ALIVE. — Charles Greenhough, a native of a populous hamlet in the West Riding of Yorkshire, a humble and piou5 man, was engaged in the perilous occapation of a miner. One morning, having engaged in family worship, he proceeded to his work and labor, which was to get the iron-stone in one of those pits, which, from their shape, are termed " bell pits." The pit in question was just being finished, and Charles, with four others, were engaged in it, when a tre- mendous fall of earth threatened them. They simultaneously rushed to the op- posite side, which they had scarcely reached, when they were all partially buried. The four companions of poor Charles extricated themselves and each other, and proceeded to use every effort to procure his release, at the peril of their own lives, for a still more dreadful falling in of the side of the pit now threatened them. It was at this awful moment of peril that his Christian calm- ness and disinterestedness were exhibit- ed. After expressing his conviction that he could not be extricated, he 16 directed them to place a stone to de- fend his head, which yet remained un- buried, and then said, " Escape for your lives ! 'tis well I am taken instead of you ; for I am ready and you are not !" His ^ew remaining minutes were spent in earnest prayer for his family, and in solemnly commending his departing spirit to the Lord Jesus. The earth then fell, and buried him alive ! (h) MR. WESLEY AND THE GERMANS.— In the early part of the career of the Rev. John Wesley, influ- enced by a desire to do good, he under- took a voyage to Georgia. During a storm on the voyage he was very much alarmed by the fear of death, and being a severe judge of himself, he concluded that he was unfit to die. He observed the lively faith of the Germans, which in the midst of danger, kept their minds in a state of tranquillity and ease, to which he and the English on board were strangers. While they were singing at the commencement of their service, the sea broke over them, split the mainsail in pieces, covered the ship, and poured in between the decks as if the great deep had already swallowed them up. The English screamed terribly : the Ger- 241 118 DEATH. mans calmly sung on. Mr. Wesley asked one of them afterwards, if he were not afraid. He answered, " I thank God, no." " But were not your women and children afraid V He re- plied mildly, " No : our women and children are not afraid to die." (c) SENTIMENT OF AN AGED CHIEF. — A distinguiished Oneida chief, named Skenandoah, having yielded to the instructions of the Rev. Mr. Kirkland, and lived a reformed man for fifty years, said, just before he died, in his hundred and twentieth year, "I am an aged hemlock ; the winds of one hundred years have whistled through my branch- es ; I am dead at the top ; (he was blind ;) why I yet live, the great good Spirit only knows. Pray to my Jesus, that I may wait with patience my ap- pointed time to die ; and when I die, lay me by the side of my minister and father, that I may go up with him at the great resurrection." {d) FEARS OF DEATH VAN- QUISHED. — A person who lived in the house of a pious friend, often com- municated to him his distressing ap- prehensions. He was not so much disturbed with doubts respecting his in- terest in Christ, as terrified with the thoughts of dying, and said he thought he should need three or fbilr persons to hold him, if he apprehended death was at hand. His friend proposed Scrip- tural antidotes to this unreasonable dread ; and encouraged him to expect that, as his day, so should his strength be. After a long illness, the time of his de- parture approached ; and he often ex- pressed a wish that his friend could al- ways be with him. Finding himself dying, he repeatedly sent for his friend to pray with him. He felt uneasy, and said, " Satan whispers that I have been a deceiver, and shall die a hypocrite." He asked his friend to pray again with him, after which he cried, " The Lord is come ! Praise God, praise God !" He then lifted up both his hands, which, from weakness, he could scarcely raise before, and several times repeated, " Victory, victory, victory, through the blood of the Lamb !" and expired with the unfinished word on his lips. 242 (e) SEVERAL EXAMPLES.— John Dodd — '•' I am not afraid to look death in the face. I can say — Death, where is thy sting ? Death cannot hurt me." Robert Bolton — " O ! when will this good hour come ? When shall I be dis- solved ? When shall I be with Christ ?" Halylurton — " Here is a demonstra- tion of the reality of religion, that I, a poor, weak, timorous man, as much afraid of death as any, am now enabled by the power of grace, composedly and with joy, to look death in the face." Edward Deering — " As for my death, I bless God I feel and find so much in- ward joy and comfort to my soul, that if I were put to my choice whether 1 would die or live, I would a thousand times rather choose death than life, if it may stand with the holy will of God." John Owen — " Oh ! brother Payne, the long-looked for day is come at last, in which I shall see that glory in ano- ther manner than I have ever yet done, or been capable of doing." Risden Darracott — " Well, I am go- ing from weeping friends to congratulate angek and rejoicing saints in heaven and glory. Blessed be God, all is well." (/) THE PIOUS BOATSWAIN IN THE STORM.— On board an East-Indian\an was a pious boatswain, whom, on this account, the crew looked upon as a strar^e man. The ship was overtaken with a storm so dreadful, that after eveiy effort to preserve life, the captain said, ' All ihat could be done had been done — it wus impossible the vessel could weather it.' The ship seemed sinking — the captain withdrew into the cabin — the men were some on their knees, and others with liorror hang- ing on parts of the rigging. All ex. pected the vessel would founder. The boatswain had been very active, and apparently unalarmed, during the whole of the gale. At this moment, when a heavy wave struck the ship, and seem- ed as if it would instantly sink her, looking up with a smile he exclaimed, • Blessed be God, all is right !' and he began to sing. The storm afterwards abated, and the vessel was saved. Thus, amidst the storm of life, on the dark ocean of death, and amidst the terrors HAPPY DEATHS OF CHRISTIANS. lis, 119 of the judgment day the Christian may still smile and exulting exclaim, ' Bless- ed be God, all is right !' (g) CECIL'S DYING MOTHER. — My first convictions on the subject of leligion, says the Rev. R. Cecil, were confirmed by observing, that real- ly religious persons had some solid happiness among them, which I felt the vanities of the world could not give. I shall never forget standing by the bed- side of my sick mother. " Are not you afraid to die?" I asked. "No." " No ! Why does the uncertainty of another state give you no concern ?" " Because God has said, ' Fear not ; when thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee ; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee,' — ' Let me die the death of the right- eous.' " {h) BEAUTIFUL REPLY.— A pious Scotch minister being asked by a friend during his last illness, whether he thought himself dying ? answered, " Really, friend, I care not whether I am or not ; for, if I die I shall be with God ; if I live. He will be with me." {i) GEORGE III, AND HIS SEPULCHRE.— At the time his ma- jesty, desiring that himself and family should repose in the same sepulchre, and in one less public than that of Westminster, had ordered the tomb- house at Windsor to be constructed, Mr. Wyatt, his architect, waited upon him with a detailed report and plan of the design, and of the manner in which he proposed to arrange it for the recep- tion of the remains of royalty. The king went minutely through the whole ; and when finished, Mr. Wyatt, in thank- ing his majesty, said apologetically, he had ventured to occupy so much of his majesty's time and attention with these details, in order that it might not be ne- cessary to bring so painful a subject again under his notice. To this the king replied, " Mr. Wyatt, I request that you will bring the subject before me whenever you please. I shall at- tend with as much pleasure to the build- ing of a tomb to receive me when I am dead, as I would to the decorations of a drawing-room to hold me while living : for, Mr. Wyatt, if it please God that I should live to be ninety or a hundred, 1 am willing to stay : but if it pleases God to take me this night, I am ready to go !" (j) REMARK OF DR. WATTS. — " I bless God," said Dr. Watts, " I can lie down with comfort to-night, not being anxious whether I awake in this world or another." 119. Happy Deaths of Cliristians. {a) POLYCARP'S DEATH.— When Polycarp, an ancient bishop of the church at Smyrna, was brought to the tribunal, the proconsul asked him if he was Polycarp ; to which he assented. The proconsul then began to exhort him, saying, " Have pity on thine own great age ; swear by the fortune of Cesar ; repent : say, take away the atheists," meaning the Christians. Po- lycarp, casting his eyes solemnly over the multitude, waving his hand to them, and looking up to heaven, said, " Take away these atheists ;" meaning the idol- aters around him. The proconsul still urging him, and saying, " Swear, and I will release thee ; reproach Christ," Polycarp said, " Eighty and six years have I served him, and he hath never wronged me ; and how can I blaspheme my King who hath saved me ?" " I have wild beasts," said the proconsul, " and will expose you to them unless you repent." "Call them," said the martyr. " I wiil tame your spirit by fire," said the Roman. " You threaten me," said Polycarp, " with the fire which burns only for a moment, but are yourself ignorant of the fire of eternal punishment, reserved for the ungodly." Soon after, being about to be put to death, he exclaimed, " O Father of thy beloved and blessed Son, Jesus Christ ! O God of all principalities and of all creation ! I bless thee that thou hast counted me worthy of this day, and this hour, to receive my portion in the number of the martyrs, in the cup of Christ." (h) DEATH OF REV. JOHN WESLEY.— The Rev. John Wesley, after a long life of great labor and use- fulness, being sixty-five years in the ministry, concluded his course, as might 243 119 DEATH. have been expected, in peace and holy joy. Having been laid on the bed, from whence he rose no more, he called to those who were with him, to " pray and praise." Soon after he again called upon them to " pray and praise !" and taking each by the hand, and affection- ately saluting them, bade them farewell. Attempting afterwards to say something which they could not understand, he paused a little, and then, with all the remaining strength he had, said, " The best of all is, God is with us." And again, lifting his hand, he repeated the same words in a holy triumph, " The best of all is, God is with us." (c) DEATH-BED OF REV. W. DAY.— "The Bible," said the dying saint, "is nothing to me, , the Bible is nothing to me, but as it reveals to my soul a covenant Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. There I see perfection. When I look at man — when I look at myself, I see nothing but vileness : — a rent here, a chasm there. It would drive me to despair. Oh when," he wept profusely, " when shall I behold Christ as he is, and cast myself at his feet ! He has offered me a pledge of this beyond all your imagination can conceive. I have seen him rising be- fore me in all the majesty of the God- head. The world has shown me its favors, and has taken them away again. I have enjoyed many tokens of the loving-kindness of my God, and I have at other times been stripped of what I most valued. But, O my God, my Re- deemer, thou hast never failed me !" Then stretching out his hands to his family around his bed, he cried, " O Lord, shine forth, shine forth in thy glory upon these dear ones — Thou wilt never leave them — Thou wilt never for- sake them." — It was an affecting, a sublime scene. It was like a patriarch standing on the threshold of heaven, looking back to bless his family, and looking forward, earnestly longing to take his last step. (d) "I AM THE LORD THY GOD."— A friend calling on the Rev. Ebenezer Erskine, during his last ill- ness, said to him, " Sir, you have given us many good advices, pray what are you now doing with you own soul ?" 244 " I am doing with it, " said he, " w;hat I did forty years ago ; I am resting on that word, I am the Lord thy God; and on this I mean to die." To another, ho said, " The covenant is my charter, and if it had not been for that blessed word, / am the Lord thy God, my hope and strength had perished from the Lord." The night on which he died, his eldest daughter was reading in the room where he was, to whom he said, " What book is that you are reading, my dear ?" "It is one of your sermons, sir." " What one is it ?" " It is the sermon on that text, ^ I am the Lord thy God.' " " O woman," said he, " that is the best sermon I ever preached." And it was most probably the best to his soul. A little afterwards, with his finger and thum.b he shut his own eyes, and lay- ing his hand below his cheek, breathed out his soul into the hands of his living Redeemer. Happy the man that is in such a state ! happy tlic man whose God is the Lord ! (e) "I SHALL SUP WITH CHRIST."— Mr. Robert Bruce, the morning before he died, being at break- fast, having, as he used, eaten an egg, he said to his daughter, " I think I am yet hungry ; you may bring me anothei egg." But halving mused a while, he said, ^' Hold, daugJifer, hold, my master calls me,'' With these words his sight failed him : on which he called for the Bible, and said, " Turn to the 8th chap- ter of the Romans, and set my finger on the words, 'I am persuaded that neither death nor life, &c., shall be able to separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus my Lord.' " When this was done he said, " Now is my finger upon them ?" Being told that it was, he added, " Now, God he with yoUy my dear children : I have breakfasted with you, and shall sup luith my Lord Jesus Chnst this night ;" and then expired. (/) DEATH OF HERVEY.— Dr. Stonehouse, who attended Mr. Her- vey during his last illness, seeing the great difficulty and pain with which he spoke, and finding by his pulse that the pangs of death were then coming on, desired that he would spare himself. "No," said he, "doctor, no: you tell me I have but a few minutes to live ; HAPPY DEATHS OF CHRISTIANS. 119 Oh ! let me spend them in adoring our great Redeemer. Though my flesh and my heart fail me, yet God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever." He then expatiated, in the most striking manner, on these words of Paul, " All things are yours, life and death ; things present, and things to come ; all are yours ; and ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's." "Here," said he, " is the treasure of a Christian, and a noble treasure it is. Death is reckoned in this inventory : how thankful am I for it, as it is the passage through which I get to the Lord and Giver of eternal life! and as it frees me from all the misery you see me now endure, and which I am willing to endure as long as God thinks fit ; for I know he will by and by, in his good time, dismiss me from the body. These light afilictions are but for a moment, and then comes an eternal weight of glory. Oh, wel- come, welcome death ! thou mayest well be reckoned among the treasures of the Christian ! To live is Christ, but to die is gain." {g) DEATH OF DR. GOODWIN. — " Ah !" said Dr. Goodwin, in his last moments, " is this dying 1 How have I dreaded as an enemy this smiling friend !" (/i) DEATH OF REV. WILLIAM JANEWAY.— This good man, who was the father of the Rev. John Jane- way, being brought to his death-bed, endured great conflict of mind, and en- tertained many fears as to his future happiness. Under those circumstances, he asked the prayers of his son, who, though he entertained no doubt as to the real piety of his father, was filled with Christian sympathy ; and having retired, ho spent some time in wrestling with God upon his father's account, earnest- ly praying that he would fill him with joy unspeakable in believing, and that he would speedily give him some token for good, that he might joyfully and honorably leave this world to go to a better. After he was risen from his knees, he went down to his sick father, and asked him how he felt himself. His father made no answer for some time, but wept exceedingly, to which he was not subject, and continued for some considerable time weeping, so that he was not able to speak. But at last, having recovered himself, with un- speakable joy he burst out into such expressions as these : — " son, now it is come, it is come, it is come ! I bless God I can die ; the Spirit of God hath witnessed with my spirit that I am his child. Now I can look upon God as my dear Father, and Christ as my Re- deemer. I can now say, This is my Friend, and this is my Beloved. My heart is full, it is brimful ; I can hold no more. I know now what that sen- tence means, — The peace of God which passeth understanding. That fit of weeping which you saw me in, was a fit of overpowering love and joy, so great that I could not contain myself; neither can I express what glorious dis- coveries God has made of himself unto me. And had that joy been greater, I question whether I could have borne it, and whether it would not have separated soul and body. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me bless his holy name, who hath pardoned all my sins, and sealed the pardon ! He hath healed my wounds, and caused the bones which he had broken to rejoice. Oh, now I can die ! It is nothing : I • bless God I can die. I desire to be dis- solved, and to be with Christ." In this delightful frame of soul he shortly after left earth for heaven. (z) HAPPY DEATH OF REV. S. MORELL.— This excellent young minister, when just entering on his im- portant station at Norwich, was called, in the twenty-fourth year of his age, to exchange worlds. On the last day of his life, he remarked, that he should once more wish to commit his soul to God, and then added, " I should like to understand the secrets of eternity before to-morrow morning." His desire was granted. In his last moments he in- dulged in lan£:uao:e like this : " None can know, none conceive the happiness I possess, the peace with which my soul is fiUed, but the sincere disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ. Redeemer of man- kind, give me strength to bear even ^ joy — this joy !" 0) HAPPY SURPRISE OF DEATH.— The Rev.Mr. Hall, of Arns- 245 119 DEATH. by, Mr. Evans, of Foxton, and Mr. Christian, of Sheepshead, three eminently- pious ministers of the gospel, attended a ministers' meeting at Mr. Woodman's, Sutton, in the Elms, Leicestershire. The day was solemn, and the discourses delivered were very interesting and appropriate. In the evening, these ministers spent their time together in the most agreeable conversation. Amongst other subjects, one of them proposed for discussion, that passage in Job ix. 23, " If the scourge slay suddenly, he will laugh at the trial of the innocent." Deep seriousness pervaded the conversa- tion, while each minister gave his thoughts on the text. Whert it came to Mr. Christian's turn to speak, he dwelt upon the subject with an unusual degree of feeling. He considered it as referring to the sudden death of the righteous ; and was expatiating very largely on the desirableness of such an event, and the happy surprise with which it would be attended, when, amidst a flood of rapturous tears, he took his flight from the world while the words were yet faltering on his tongue ! (k) WELCOMING DEATH.— Mrs. Legare, an excellent woman, resided at Charleston, S. C. When she had nearly closed her eyes in death, her physician came and found the family in tears. " Well, doctor," said Mr. Le- gare, " what do you think of the scene in the next room ?" " Indeed, sir," said he, " I know not what to think of it ; it is all a mystery to me. I have seen numbers of men in all the vigor of health, and thirsting for martial honor, rush into a field of battle, and in that confused scene put on the appearance of fortitude, not one of whom could face the gradual approaches of death, or a sick bed, without visible horror ; but here is a poor emaciated woman, whose whole nervous system is unstrung by long disease, welcoming the grim mes- senger with the utmost serenity, com- posure, and joy, though approaching in all the horrors of the most gradual pro- gress imaginable;" (for she was three days in the agonies of death.) " Indeed it is a mystery, and I know not }k)W to account for it." "Do you not, sir?" asked Mr. Legare ; " go, then, to Cal- 246 vary. You see us dissolved in tears, but I do not believe there is a tear in the room extorted by grief; no, sir, they are tears of joy." The doctor went down stairs, and met a gentleman at the door, who inquired after Mrs. L., to whom he replied, "Just gone, sir." "Well," said he, "Mr. Legare is o philosopher, and I hope he will bear the stroke like one." "Philosophy!" re- plied the doctor, " I have thought as much of philosophy as any man, but the scene within beats philosophy hoi- low." ^ ^ (l) DEATH OF MRS. HERVEY. — Mrs. Elizabeth Hervcy, the wife of a Missionary in Bombay, died an early but happy death. " I did hope," said she, " that I should be permitted to do some- thing towards elevating the degraded and miserable females of India ; but since God decides otherwise. His will be done ! In this great conflict, some must fall as soon as they enter the field. Tell my friends that I never have for a moment regretted that I came hither. No ! had I foreseen this hour, and all that I have endured since I left America, I should have decided just as I did, if the path of duty had been as plain as it appeared to be." A friend said to her, he hoped the Saviour would be with her, as she walked through the dark valley of the shadow of death. " If this," said she, " is the dark valley, it has not a dark spot in it; all is light — light!" She had, during most of her sickness, bright views of the perfections of God. " His awful holiness," she said, " appeared the most lovely of all His attributes." At one time, she said she wanted words to express her views of the majesty and glory of Christ. " It seems," said she, " that if all other glory were annihilated, and nothing left but His bare self, it would be enough ; it would be a uni- verse of gloiy !" (m) VARA'S HAPPY DEATH.— Mr. Williams relates, in his " Mission- ary Enterprises," that a delightful in- stance of the power of the gospel is to be met with in the history of a chief named Vara, a native of the island of Aimeo. In the time of his ignorance he was a procurer of human sacrifices ; HAPPY DEATHS OF CHRISTIANS. ilf> but he became eventually a humble and devoted Christian, and to the day of his death he adorned his profession. He was visited many times in his dying moments by Mr. Orsmond, whose ac- count of his death I will here subjoin. On seeing his end approach, I said to him, " Are you sorry that you cast away your lying gods, by which you used to gain so much property ?" Fie was arous- ed from his lethargy, and with tears of pleasure sparkling in his eyes, he ex- claimed, " O no, no ! What ! can I be sor- ry for casting away death for life ? Je- sus is my rock, the fortification in which my soul takes shelter." I said, " Tell me on what you found your hopes of fu- ture blessedness?" He replied, " I have been very wicked ; but a great King from the other side of the skies sent his ambassadors with terms of peace. We could not tell, for many years, what these ambassadors wanted. At length, Pomare obtained a victory, and invited ail his subjects to come and take refuge under the wing of Jesus, and I was one of the first to do so. The hlood of Jesus is my foundation. I grieve that all my children do not love him. Had they known the misery we endured in the reign of the devil, they would gladly take the gospel in exchange for their fol- lies. Jesus is the best King ; he gives a pillow without thorns." After a lit- tle time I asked him if he were afraid to die ; when, with almost youthful en- ergy, he replied, " No, no ! The canoe is on the sea, the sails are spread ; she is ready for the gale. I have a good Pilot to guide me, and a good haven to receive me. My outside man and my inside man differ. Let the one rot till the trump shall sound, but let my soul wing her way to the throne of Jesus ! " {71) NOT KNOWING DAY FROM NIGHT. — My letter was interrupted, writes the Rev. R. Watson, by being called to visit an old follower of Jesus Christ. I have been much profited by the interview. I have not been to in- struct, but to be instructed. One of his expressions was : " Days, weeks, and months have rolled round during my affliction, and I have scarcely known the night from the day, nor the day from the night, so rapidly and joyfully have the hours escaped me ; I have felt nothing but joy and love ; not for a moment have I been impatient or weary, or wished it otherwise with me, so marvellously has God wrought in me. This is the hand of God. This never grew in nature's soil." (0) DEATH OF MR. VENN.— The Rev. T. T. Thomason, who was afterwards a devoted minister of Christ in the East Indies, while at college, paid a visit, in company with two of hit young friends, to the excellent Mr. Venn, then languishing in body, but re- joicing in soul, as a strong man to run a race. One of his expressions sunk deep into the mind of Thomason ; it was this : " In what a state should I now be, had I only the Socinian's God to trust to ! " This extraordinary mau did not die like common Christians. The Rev. T. Robinson, of Leicester, visited him in his last illness, and began to speak to him, to use Mr. Robinson's words, " in my poor way." " Oh ! " exclaim- ed Mr. Venn, " that is poor comfort, bro- ther. Here is the passage I build on : ' who hath spoiled principalities and powers, and hath made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.' " These words he uttered with an energy and animation peculiar to himself. Hia mind was filled with the contemplation of a triumph, and he anticipated no- thing less than soon meeting a victorious Savior, who shall tread all enemies un- der his feet. {'p) THE DYING COAL-MINER.— Stephen Karkeet, twenty-five years old, whilst employed under ground in a mine, in the parish of Newlyn, was buried alive, by the falling together of the shaft in which he was, at the depth of five fathoms from the surface. The first person who arrived at the spot was a man named George Trevarrow, who called to know if any living being was beneath, when Karkeet answered, in a firm voice, " I feel the cold hand of death upon me ; if there is any hope of my being rescued from tMS untimely grave, tell me ; and if not, tell me." Trevarrow at once informed him that there was not a shadow of hope left, as upwards of four tons of rubbish had fallen round and upon him, and that 247 119 DEATH. suffocation must inevitably take place before human aid could afford relief. On hearing which, Karkeet exclaimed, " All's well ; it is the Lord ! let him do what seemeth him good. Tell my dear father and mother not to be sorry as those without hope for me ; 'tis now only that I am happy — 'tis now that I feel the advantages of a religious life ; now I feel the Lord is my stronghold ; and now 1 feel I am going to heaven." Here his voice failed him ; he never .spake again. {q) THIS IS HEAVEN BEGUN. — The Rev. Thomas Scott, during his last illness, having received the sacra- ment, at the conclusion of the service, he adopted the language of Simeon, " Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation." Through the remainder of the day, and during the night, he con- tinued in a very happy state of mind. To one who came in the evening, he said, " It was beneficial to me : I received Christ last night : I bless God for it." He then repeated, in the most emphatic manner, the whole twelfth chapter of Isaiah. The next morning he said, " This is heaven begun. 1 have done with darkness for ever — for ever. Sa- tan is vanquished. Nothing now re- mains but salvation with eternal glory — eternal glory . ' ' . (r) DEATH OF MR. JENKS.— As one said to Philip J. Jenks just before he expired, " How hard it is to die," he replied, " O no, no — easy dying, blessed dying, glorious dying." Look- ing up at the clock, he said, " I have experienced more happiness in dying two hours this day, than in my whole life. It is worth a whole life to have such an end as this. I have long de- sired that I might glorify God in my death, but O ! I never thought that such a poor worm as I could come to such a glorious death." {s) MR. HOLLAND'S DEATH.— Mr. John Holland, the day before he • died, calledJ^r the Bible, saying, "Come, O come ; death approaches, let us gather some flowers to comfort this hour ; and turning with his own hand to the 8th chapter of Romans, he gave the book to Mr. Leigh, and bade him read : 248 at the end of every verse, he paused, and then gave the sense, to his own comfort, but more to the joy and wonder of his friends. Having continued his meditations on the 8th of the Romans, thus read to him, for two hours or more, on a sudden he said, " O stay your reading. What brightness is this I see ? Have you lighted up any can- dles ?" Mr. Leigh answered, " No, it is the sunshine ;" for it was about five o'clock in a clear summer evening. " Sunshine !" said he, " nay, it is my Saviour's shine. Now, farewell world ; welcome heaven. The day-star from on high hath visited my heart. O speak it when I am gone, and preach it at my funeral ; God dealeth familiarly with man. I feel his mercy ; 1 see his majesty ; whether in the body or out of the body, I cannot tell, God knoweth ; but I see things that are unutterable." Thus ravished in spirit, he roamed to- wards heaven with a cheerful look, and soft sweet voice ; but what he said could not be understood. (0 DYING WORDS OF HOOKER. — "I have lived," says Hooker, "to see that this world is made up of perturbations; and I have long been preparing to leave it, apd gathering comfort for the dreadful hour of making- my account with God, which I now ap- prehend to be near. And though I have by his grace loved him in my youth, and feared him in my age, and labored to have a conscience void of offence towards him, and towards all men ; yet, if thou. Lord, shouldst be ex- treme to mark what I have done amiss, who can abide it ?" And tlierefore, where I have failed. Lord, show mercy to me, for I plead not my righteousness, but the forgiveness of my unrighteous- ness, through his merits who died to purchase pardon for penitent sinners. And since I owe thee a death. Lord, let it not be terrible, and then take thine own time, I submit to it. Let not mine, O Lord, but thy will be done! God hath heard my daily petitions ; for I am at peace with all men ; and He is at peace with me. From such blessed assurance, I feel that inward joy which this world can neither give nor take from me. My conscience beareth me UNREADINESS FOR DEATH. 119, 120 this witness, and this witness makes the thought of death joyful. I could wish to live to do the Churclt more service, but cannot hope for it ; for my days are past, as a shadow that runs not." This worthy biographer adds : " More he would have spoken, but his spirits failed him, and after a sharp conflict between nature and death, a quiet sigh put a period to his last breath, and so he fell asleep." (u) DYING WORDS OF DR. PAY- SON. — Dr. Pay son, upon dying, said, *' My God is in this room, I see him, and oh! how lovely is the sight, how glorious does he appear; worthy of ten thousand hearts if I had so many to give." At another time, when his body was racked by inconceivable suf- fering, and his cheeks pale and sunken with disease, he exclaimed, like a warrior returning from the field of triumph, " The battle's fought ! the battle's fought ! and the victory is won ! the victory is won for ever ! 1 am going to bathe in an ocean of purity, and benevolence, and happiness, to all eternity !" At an- other time he exclaimed, " The celes- tial city is full in view — its glories beam upon me — its breezes fan me — its odors are wafted to me ; its music strikes upon my ear, and its spirit breathes into my heart ; nothing sepa- rates me from it, but the river of death, which now appears as a narrow rill, which may be crossed at a single step, whenever God shall give permission. " The sun of righteousness has been gradually drawing nearer and nearer, appearing larger and larger as he ap- proached, and now he fills the whole hemisphere, pouring forth a flood of glory, in which I seem to float like an insect in the beams of the sun ; exult- ing, yet almost trembling, while I gaze on this excessive brightness, and won- dering with unutterable wonder, why God should deign thus to shine upon a sinful worm." 120. Unreadiness for Death. {a) THE RABBI'S REASON FOR WEEPING.— When Rabbi Jochanan Ben Zachai was sick, his disciples came to visit him, and when he saw them, he began to weep. They said to him. "Rabbi, the light of Israel, the right hand pillar, wherefore dost thou weep ?" Fie answered, " If they were carrying me before a king of flesh and blood, who is here to-day and to-morrow in the grave, who, if he were angry with me, his anger would not last for ever ; if he put me in prison, his prison would not be everlasting ; if he condemned me to " death, that death would not be eternal ; whom I could soothe with words, or bribe with riches ; yet even in such cir- cumstances I should weep. But now I am going before the King of kings, the holy and blessed God, who liveth and endureth, who, if he be angry with me, his anger will last for ever ; if he put me in prison, his bondage will be everlasting ; if he condemn me to death, that death will be eternal ; whom I cannot soothe with words, nor bribe with riches ; when, farther, there are before me two ways, the one to hell and the other to paradise, and I know not into which they are carrying me, shall I not weep ?" {h) DYING CONFESSION OF BORGIA. — It is said of the celebrated Cesar Borgia, that in his last moments he exclaimed, " I have provided, in the course of my life, for every thing ex- cept death ; and now, alas ! I am to die, although entirely unprepared." (c)l WON'T DIE NOW.— The following affecting account was written, in 1775, by a Christian minister in London, to the Rev. Dr. Ryland, who then resided at Northampton : — A young lady, who was educated at an academy at Bedford, but who after- wards resided in town, became dan- gerously ill. Her father, a true Chris- tian, procured for her a lodging in the neighbourhood, to try the effects of a change of air. Finding her disorder prevail, he thought it high time for her to be concerned about her soul, and asked her what she thought of eternity. She replied, " Do not talk to me about eternity. You want me out of the way ; but I shall live long enough to enjoy all that you have in the world." Fie left her. Next evening the mistress of the house where she was, said, " Ma'am, I think you look a good deal worse." "Worse ! I am much better, 249 120 DEATH. Why do you talk to me about death ?" " You certainly are worse ; do let the servant sit up with you to-night." "No, I am not about to die." They went to bed ; at four in the morning she awoke her servant, who asked, " What is amiss, ma'am ?" "Amiss ! I'm dy- ing, I'm dying !" The family was called up ; the mistress, coming in to see her, was thus addressed : " I won't die now ; I am determined I won't die ; I will live." Getting worse and worse, she said, " I feel I must die," and in an agony screamed out, " Lord ! what must I do ?" Her servant replied, " You must turn to the Saviour." She fell back on the bed, and in a moment expired. (d) NOT PREPARED.— A minister was called on to visit a young lady, who was very ill. She was sitting in her room. He asked her how she felt. " D5dng, sir ; I am going," was the re- ply. " Be calm," said he ; "I hope you will yet recover." " No," said she. " If you feel yourself to be dying, how does your spirit feel in the prospect of another world ?" " Not prepared," was the answer. He directed her to the Lord Jesus Christ, as the Saviour of sinners ; but in a few moments she looked around her, reclined her head on his hand, and almost instantly expired. How awful ! not prepared, and yet en- tering eternity ! Reader, seek the Lord now, that you may be always ready to die. (e) PERSECUTOR CONVER- TED. — A profane persecutor dis- covered great terror during a storm of thunder and lightning which over- took him on a journey. His pious wife, who was with him, inquired the reason of his terror. He replied by asking, " Are not you afraid ?" She answered, " No, it is the voice of my Heavenly Father; and should a child be afraid of its father ?" " Surely," thought the man, " these Puritans have a divine prin- ciple in them which the world seeth not, otherwise they could not have such se- renity in their souls, when the rest of the world are filled with dread." Up- on this, going to Mr. Bolton, of Brough- ton, near Kettering, he lamented the opposition which he had made to his 250 ministry, and became a godly man ever after. (f)^ WHO ARE THE COV, ARDS. — The captain of a ship says, " I am in the habit of reading the Scrip- tures to the crew. I have suffered much lately at sea ; having been dis- masted, and had all my boats washed away, a little to the westward of Cape Clear. I then had an opportunity of seeing who was who ; and 1 found the most unprincipled men the most. useless and the greatest cowards in this awful gale, and the Bible men altogether the reverse, most useful and Gourageous." (g) THE DYING MERCHANT AND HIS PHYSICIAN.— In 1830, a wealthy merchant, who had lived in profanity for many years, heaping up riches and wrath, was suddenly arrested by alarming sickness. The doctor visited him, and found the patient sick unto death. " Am I very sick ?" said the alarmed sufferer. " Shall I never recover ?" " You are quite sick," said the physician, " and should prepare for the worst." " Cannot I live a week ?" asked the merchant. " No," said the doctor, " you will probably continue but a little while, the dying man ; hundred thousand dollars, if you will prolong my life three days." " I could not do it, my dear sir," said the physi- cian, " for three hours !" And the man died within an hour. (h) LOUIS XI AND HIS PHY- SICIAN.— Louis XI of France was so fearful of death, that, as often as it came into his physician's head to threaten him with death, he put money into his hands to pacify him. His phy- sician is said to have got 55,000 crowns from him in five months. (i) NO TIME TO DIE.— Mr. D., a gentleman, engaged in an extensive manufacturing business, in one of the midland counties of England, was called to London on business. After being engaged till a late hour on Sat- urday night, he said to a confidential person in his employment, who had come to town with him, " Well, we cannot settle our accounts to-night, but must do it early in the morning. On Sabbath therefore they were occupied "Say not so," said t will give you a MISERABLE DEATHS OF THE IMPENITENT. 120, 131 in that work until 3 o'clock in the af- ternoon, when dinner was announced, Mr. D. said, " Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die. Not," added he, "that I have any thought of. dying for years to come." After taking his dinner and wine a post chaise was or- dered, and Mr. D. sat out for the coun- try. He arrived at home on Monday night. The next morning, when at breakfast with his family, a gentleman called and said, " Mr. D., have you heard of the death of Mr. ?" "No," said he, " is he dead ? It is very dif- ferent with me ; for my part, I am so engaged in business, that I could not' find time to die." Immediately after uttering this sentiment, he rose from the table and went into the kitchen ; and while stooping in the act of draw- ing on his boot, he fell down on the floor and expired. (j) SEVERAL EMINENT PER- SONS. — The wretchedness of many eminent persons, in the prospect of death, has been very remarkable. Henry Beaufort, a rich cardinal, in^ the days of Henry VI, perceiving that death was at hand, exclaimed, " Where- fore should I die, being so rich ? If the whole realm would save my life, I am able either by policy to get it, or by wealth to buy it. Will not death be bribed ? Will money do nothing ?" Louis XI strictly charged his ser- vants, that when they saw him ill, they should never dare to name death in his hearing. When Vitellius, a Roman emperor, and a notorious glutton, who at one sup- per had before him two thousand fishes and seven thousand birds, was in pros- pect of death, he made himself intoxi- cated, that he might not be sensible of its pains, or of the mighty change it pro- duced. 121. Miserable Deaths of the Impenitent; {a) THE MONARCH'S LA- MENT.— Philip III of Spain, whose life was free from gross evils, professed that he would rather lose his kingdom than offend God willingly ; but when he came to the hour of death, consider- ing most seriously the account he would have to render to God, he was led to in- dulge very anxious fears, and he ex- claimed, " Oh ! would to God I had never reigned; oh that those years I have spent in my kingdom, I had lived a solitary life in the wilderness ! oh that I had lived a life alone with God ! How much more secure should I now have died ! With how much more con- fidence should I have gone to the throne of God ! What doth all my glory profit, but that I have so much the more tor- ment in my death !" (b) REFUSING TO DIE.— A gentleman in London, when on his death-bed, felt so strong an aversion to dying, and leaving behind him his wealth, that he hastily rose from his bed, went out, and walked in his yard, exclaiming that he would not die ! But the unhappy man's strength being soon exhausted, his affrighted friends carried him back to his bed, where he soon expired. Alas ! he was destitute of faith in Him who has promised eter- nal life to his disciples. (c) BEGINNING OF SORROWS. — " Ah ! Mr. Hervey," said a dying man, " the day in which I ought to have worked is over, and now I see a horrible night approaching, bringing with it the blackness of darkness for ever. Wo is me ! when God called, 1 refused. Now I am in sore anguish, and yet this is but the beginning of sorrows. I shall be de- stroyed with an everlasting destruction." (d) WOLSEY'S REGRETS.— Cardinal Wolsey, having fallen under the displeasure of his monarch, made the following sad reflection a little be- fore his death : — " Had I but served my God as diligently as I have served my king, he would not have forsaken me now in my gray hairs. But this is the just reward that I must receive for my indulgent pains and study, not regarding my service to God, but only to my prince." (e) NO MERCY FOR ME NOW. — A young man, who had led a wicked life, stifling the voice of conscience, which often reproved him, was at length seized with a violent disorder, which brought him to the grave. During his sickness, he was miserable, as he had 251 121 DEATH. been careless and irreligious when in health. A pious neighbor spoke to him of the mercy of God, of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ to make atonement for sin, and of the precious promises which are made to the penitent ; saying, " The gospel affords a balm for every wound which sin has made in the soul." "True," said the young man, "but that gospel, despised through my life, affords me no balm in my death. There is no mercy for me now." Soon after- wards he expired. (/) I AM LOST.— Such was the dyhig and agonizing exclamation of a young man, who a short time before had been expostulated with for neglect- ing the great and momentous interests of the soul and eternity. The faithful man of God who had thus warned him to prepare to meet his God, thus speaks of the interview : " I spent half an hour in reasoning with him. Ho treated me with great respect, acknowledged the necessity of religion, but suggested a thousand dif- ficulties. I left him with a painful con- viction, that amidst all the wonderful influences of a revival at that time in progress, he had succeeded in keeping his conscience asleep. The meeting closed on Sunday night. On Monday morning I found the road alive with horses . and vehicles of the returning multitude. After riding about four miles, I perceived a throng about a farm-house before me. I rode ra- pidly to it, and learned that a young man had been thrown from his horse and dangerously injured. On pressing through the crowd to the chamber where they had placed the sufferer, I found the young man whom I had warned so emphatically the day before. He was shockingly injured, and as I passed into the roohi, a thrill of dismay seemed to pass over him. A physician soon ar- rived; he pronounced the case hope- less ; and declared he could not survive two hours. Never shall I forget the agonized countenance of the wretched youth when he learned his fate. " ' Must I die ?' he exclaimed. ' Is there no hope? Oh! I cannot die, I cannot die !' " I endeavored to direct him to the 252 cross, and reminded him of the crucified tliief. " ' Alas !' he replied, ' he never sinned against such light as I have abused. What shall I do ? Pray for me, O pray for me.' " We knelt down about the chamber, but his agonizing groans struck all with horror and confusion. I arose and en- deavored to direct him to the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sms of the world. " ' It is too late,' he exclaimed, ' O what would I not give, if I had heeded your warning yesterday, but it is now too late ; I am lost.' " His parents and sisters soon arrived ; but the scene which followed I will not and cannot describe. The groans of the poor sufferer ceased only witli his life. He seemed stunned with the sud- den and terrible summons, and unable to command his thoughts sufficiently to pray." (g) DEATH OF CARDINAL MA'ZARIN.— What a terrific picture does the following passage (from Lard- ner's Cyclopa3dia, History of France,) exhibit of the death-bed of a man devoted to the pomp and vanities of the world, and who is at ease in liis possessions ! A fatal malady had seized on Cardi- nal Mazarin, whilst engaged in the con- ferences of the treaty, and worn by mental fatigue. He consulted Guen- aud the physician, who told him he had but two months to live. Some days af- ter, Brienne perceived the Cardinal in his night-cap and dressiiig-gown totter- ing along hiis gallery, pointing to his pic- tures, and exclaiming, " Must I quit all these ?" He saw Brienne, and seized him : " Lcok at that Ccrreggio ! this Ve- nus of Titian ! that incomparable Deluge of Caracci ! Ah ! my friend, 1 must quit all these. Farewell, dear pictures, that I love so dearly, and that cost me so much !" A few days before his death he caused himself to be dressed, shaved, rouged and painted. In this state he was carried in his chair to the prome- nade, where the envious courtiers paid him ironical compliments on his appear- ance. Cards were the amusement of his death-bed, his hands being held by others j and they were only interrupted MISCELLANEOUS. 122 by the papal nuncio, who came to give the cardinal that plenary indulgence to which the prelates of the Sacred Col- lege are officially entitled. Mazarin expired on the 9th of March, 1661. m. Miscellaneous. (a) DEATH IN THE PULPIT.— The following striking fact is taken from the Edinburgh Advertiser, Dec. 7, 1810. "Died at Waterford, Nov. 4, the Rev. B. Dickinson, minister of the Baptist congregation in that city, while zealously employed in the discharge of his functions. Mr. Dickinson had taken for his text, 2 Cor. v. 10, 'We must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ ;' and had advanced but a short way in its illustration, when he fell down in the pulpit, and instantly ex- pired !" What an impressive lesson to those who preach, and to those who hear the everlasting gospel ! And how becoming for every minister to adopt the lines of Baxter : " 1 preach as if I ne'er should preach again, And as a dying man, to dying men." (h) A REMARKABLE COINCl- DENCE.— The Rev. John Olds, a de- voted minister in London, toward the close of the seventeenth century, was suddenly taken ill, immediately after his afternoon prayer, before commenc- ing his sermon, and was removed from the pulpit to glory. And it is remark- able that, on the next Sabbath but one, Mr. Kentish, having just roused the at- tention of his own congregation, by mentioning in his sermon the sudden death of Mr, Olds, was himself struck with death. Thus each " His body with his charge laid down, And ceased at once to work and live." (c) CYRUS' EPITAPH.— Cyrus, the Emperor of Persia, after he had long been attended by armies, and vast trains of courtiers, ordered this inscrip- tion to be engraven on his tomb, as an admonition to all men of the approach of death, and the desolation that follows it ; namely, " O man ! whatsoever thou art and whencesoever thou comest, I know that thou wilt come to the same condition in which I now am. I am Cyrus, who brought the empire to the Persians ; do not envy me, I beseech thee, this little piece of ground ^^^ich covereth my body." (d) DEATH PREFERABLE TO SIN. — A man that was addicted to a very wicked course of life, going one Sabbath morning to buy a game-cock for fighting, was met by a good man on his way to a meeting, who asked him where he was going. He related the whole to him, and after much entreaty, was prevailed on to go with him to the meeting, where it pleased God to con- vince him of his misery. On the Mon- day morning he went to his work, where he was beset by the rest of the colliers, who swore at him, told him he was going mad, and upbraided him, by saying, that before a month was at an end, he would swear as bad as ever. On hearing this, he kneeled down before them all, and earnestly prayed that God would sooner take him out of the world, than suffer him to blaspheme his holy name ; on which he immediately expired. (e) DR. DWIGHT'S MOTHER.— Dr. Dwight's mother lived to be more than a hundred years of age. When she was a hundred and two, some peo- ple visited her on a certain day, and while they were with her, the bell was heard toll for a funeral. The old lady burst into tears, and said, ' When will the bell toll for me ? It seems that the bell will never toll for me. I am afraid that I shall never die.' (/) THE AVARICIOUS FAR- MER. — The following fact illustrates the noted line of Dr. Young : " All men think all men mortal but themselves." Mr. A. was a wealthy farmer in Massachusetts. He was about sixty years of age ; and it had been his ruling and almost only passion in life to ac- quire property. His neighbor B. owned a small farm which came too near the centre of A.'s extended domain. It was quite a blot in A.'s prospect — de- stroyed the regularity of his lands, and on the whole it was really necessary, in his opinion, that he should add it to his other property. B. became embar- 253 132, 123 DEBTS ON MEETING-HOUSES. passed, and was sued ; judgments ob- tained, and executions issued. A. now thought he should obtain the land, but one execution after another was arrang- ed, and finally the debt was paid off with- out selling the land. When A. heard of the payment of the last execution, which put an end to his hopes of obtaining the land by this means, he exclaimed, " Well, B. is an old man, and cannot live long, and when he dies I can buy the lot." B. was 58 years old, A. 60 ! Reader, do you ev€r expect to die ? ig) RULING PASSION STRONG IN DEATH.— When the king of Prus- sia became sensible of the near ap- proach of dissolution, he desired to see his army defile before him for the last time. His bed was accordingly carried to a window, whence by reflection in a mirror he was enabled to take a last adieu of the troops. Napoleon Bonaparte, under similar circumstances, ordered himself to be seated and arrayed in his military dress that he might meet the king of terrors as he had been accustomed to meet his mortal foes. What a lesson do such instances read to us of the influence of a ruling passion in absorbing the mind to the exclusion of all proper sense of the awful realities of eternity. {h) DYING SILENT.— In the last visit but one which Whitfield paid to America, he spent a day or two at Princeton, under the roof of Dr. Finley, then President of the College at that place. At dinner, the Dr. said, " Mr. W., I hope it will be very long before you will be called home ; but when that event shall arrive, I shall be glad to hear the noble testimony you will bear for God." "You would be dis- appointed, Doctor," said W., " I shall die silent. It has 'pleased God to enable me to bear so. many testimonies for him during my life, that he will require none from me when I die." The man- ner of W.'s death verifies his prediction. {i) REMARK OF JOHN NEW, TON. — Rev. John Newton one day mentioned at his table the death of a lady. A young woman who sat op- posite immediately said, " O sir, how did she die ?" The venerable man replied, 'i There is a more important ques- tion than that, my dear, which you should have asked first." " Sir," said she, " what question can be more im- portant than " How did she die ?" " How did she live ?" was Mr. New- ton's answer. (j) "I WILL NEVER LEAVE THEE."— Many good people, who feel that the "grace" of God is now "suf- ficient for" them, are nevertheless dis- quieted with a fearful apprehension that in death "their hope will be as the giving up of the ghost." It is related of Robert Glover, one of the martyrs, that for several days before his death he was almost overwhelmed with the prospect of martyrdom, and earnestly supplicated for the light of God's counte- nance, without any sense of comfort. His darkness continued up to the period of his arriving within sight of the stake, when suddenly his whole soul was so filled with consolation, that he could not forbear clapping his hands, and crying out, "He is come ! He is come !" He appeared to go up to heaven in a cha- riot of fire, with little or no apparent sensibility of his cruel death. 123. "bEBTS ON MEETING-HOUSES. [a) A CHURCH CONSULTING THEIR CONSCIENCES.— A minister was about to leave his own congregation for the purpose of visiting London, on what was by no means a pleasant errand — ^to beg on behalf of his place of worship. Previous to his departure, he called to- 254 gether the principal persons connected with his charge, and said to them, " Now I shall be asked, whether we have con- scientiously done all that we can for the removal of this debt ; what answer am I to give ? Brother So-and-so, can you in conscience saiy that you have ?" DEBTS ON MEETING-HOUSES. 123 " Why, sir," he replied, " If you come to conscience, I don't know that I can." The same question he put to a second, and a third, and so on, and similar an- swers were returned, till the whole sum required was subscribed, and there was no longer any need of their pastor's wearing out his soul in coming to Lon- don on any such unpleasant excursion. (b) REFLEX BENEFITS OF A BIBLE SOCIETY.— An anxious, re- tired, and diligent country clergyman, waited upon a layman of enlarged, en- lightened and truly Christian views, to lay before him the case of his prostrat- ed and embarrassed parish. " If we cannot raise a few hundred dollars," said he, " to pay off a small debt for erecting the church, it will be impossi- ble to get along." " It is exceedingly difficult," was the reply, "to raise money abroad for these purposes ; can- not a subscription be raised amongst your own people to pay off the debt ?" "I doubt," was the rejoinder, " whether twenty dollars could be collected for the purpose." The friendly adviser well knew that this could not be owing to absolute pe- cuniary inability. He paused a mo- ment for reflection, and then asked, very irrelevantly, as the minister thought, whether he had a Bible Society in his parish. " No," said ho. " Well, then, go home and set about forming one in- stantly. If your difficulties are not surmounted by this means, they exceed the* measure of my wisdom." In the retirement of his study the expedient appeared at first to the good clergyman absolutely hopeless. He relied much, however, upon the wisdom of his ad- viser, and reflected that at any rate it was a good work, and the only thing which could relieve his sorrowful re- flections by the energy of action. Ac- cordingly he set himself diligently to work, and after encountering many dif- ficulties succeeded in doing something for the Bible cause. But that, though a blessed thing, he considered a mere trifle, when at the end of two years he announced with inexpressible animation and delight to his noble adviser, that his church was paid for, an organ purchased, his family made more comfortable than ever, and that all the affairs of the parish were going on most admirably. It seems all that was wanted was a lively interest in religious things. Let some of our poor parishes who cannot pay for churches, or feel unable to build them, who have no ministers, or worse still, are starving those they have, try the experiment of getting up vigorous and interesting missionary associations. (c) THE DEACON'S TWO CENTS. — A minister who was urged by his people to go out on a begging ex- cursion, to solicit money to liquidate a debt on their meeting-house, put up on Saturday night with the deacon of a church to which he was to present the subject on the ensuing Sabbath. He seemed to be quite wealthy, and as he treated his guest with great cordiality and kindness, the preacher cherished glowing expectations of a very generous contribution from his purse. On the Sabbath, after setting forth the claims of his object in as forcible and eloquent a manner as possible, the plates were passed around for money. As the deacon sat near the pulpit, the preacher could not resist the temptation of rising up a little and peering over the pulpit to witness the expression of the good man's liberality. As the plate ap- proaches the deacon, he leisurely puts his hand into his pocket. The preach- er's heart palpitates with anxiety. But, alas, the deacon just drops from his thumb and fingers two red cents upon the plate and lets it pass ! The preacher suddenly sank back into his seat, and hope and faith died within him. The collection, it seems, was small, and the preacher, mortified and indignant, went straight back to his people, tol4 them the story of the two cents, and assured them they must raise the funds needed themselves or send some one else forth to beg besides him. The people caught his spirit — they determined to solicit no further — increased their subscriptions, and paid their debts themselves. 255 121—126 DECREES, DIVINE— DELAY OF REPENTANCE. 124. DECREES, DIVINE. (a) THE MOST IMPORTANT DECREE. — A person in the lower ranks, at Lockwinnock, whose life and practice had been every thing but that of a genuine Christian, was, neverthe- less, a great speculator on the high points of divinity. This unhallowed humor remained with him to his death- bed, and he was wont to perplex and trouble himself and his visitors with knotty questions on the Divine decrees, and such other topics. Thomas Orr, a person of a very different character, was sitting at his bedside, endeavoring to turn his attention to his more imme- diate concerns. " Ah, William," said he, " this is the decree you have at pre- sent to do with, ' He that believeth shall be saved ; he that believeth not shall be damned.' " DELAY OF REPENTANCE. 1S5. Causes Regret after Conversiou. (a) TESTIMONY OF SEVERAL CHRISTIANS.— Two aged disciples, one eighty-seven years old, one day met. Well, inquired the younger of his fellow-pilgrim, how long have you been interested in religion ? " Fifty years," was the old man's reply. Well, have you ever regretted that you began so young to devote yourself to religion ? " O no," said he, and the tears trickled down his furrowed cheeks ; "I weep when I think of the sins of my youth. It is this which makes me weep now." Another man of eighty, who had been a Christian fifty or sixty years, was asked if he was grieved that he had be- come a disciple of Christ. " O no," said he; " if I grieve for anything, it is that I did not become a Christian be- fore." A Christian friend visited a woman of ninety, as she lay on her last bed of sickness. She had been hoping in Christ for half a century. In the course of conversation she said, " Tell all the children that an old woman, who is just on the borders of eternity, is very much grieved that she did not begin to love the Savior when a child. Tell them youth is the time to serve the Lord." Said an old man of seventy-six, " I did not become interested in religion till I was forty-five ; and I often have to tell God, I have nothing to bring him but the dregs of old age." 256 Said another man, between sixty and seventy years of age, " I hope I became a disciple of the Lord Jesus when I was seventeen," and he burst into tears as he added, " and there is nothing which causes me so much distress as to think of those seventeen years — .some of the very best portion of my life — which I devoted to sin and the world." 11. Hardens the Heart. (a) THE CONSUMPTIVE'S TES- TIMONY. — A few years since, writes the Rev. Jacob Abbot, when spending a Sabbath in a beautiful country town, I was sent for to visit a sick man who was apparently drawing near the grave. I was told, as I walked with the neigh- bor who came for me toward the house of the patient, that he was in a melan- choly state of mind. " He has been,'* said he, " a firm believer and supporter of the truths of religion for many years. He has been very much interested in maintaining religious worship, and all beneyolent institutions ; he has loved the Sabbath school, and given his family every religious privilege ; but he says he has never really given his heart to God ; he has been devoted to the world, and even now, he says, it will not re- linquish its hold." " Do you think," said I, "that he must die?" "Yes," replied he, " he must die, and he is fully aware of it. He says that he can see his guilt and danger, but that his hard GRIEVES AWAY THE HOLY SPIRIT. 126, 127 heart will not feel." This is the exact remark which is made in thousands and thousands of similar cases, and in al- most precisely the same language. The eyes are opened, but the heart remains unchanged. We, at length, approached the house : it was in the midst of a de- lightful village, and in one of those calm still summer afternoons, when all nature seems to speak from every tree, leaf, and flower, of the goodness of God ; and to breathe the spirit of repose and peace. I wondei'ed that a man could lie on his bed with the windows all around him opening upon such a scene as this, and yet not feel. As I entered the sick room, the pale and emaciated patient turned towards me an anxious and agi- tated look, which showed too plainly what was passing within. It w^s a case of consumption. His sickness had been long and lingering. His strength was now almost gone; he lay gasping for the breath which his wasted lungs could not receive. His eye moved with a quick and anxious glance around the room, saying, by its expression of bright intelligence, that the mind retained its undiminished power. I tried to bring to Jiis case those truths which I thought calculated to influence him, and lead him to the Savior : but he knew all that I could tell him ; and I learned from his replies, given in panting whispers, that religious truth had been trying its whole strength upon him all his life ; and that, in presenting it to him again now, I was only attempting once more an experiment, which had been repeat- ed in vain almost every day, for forty years. T saw the utter hopelessness of eflbrt, and stood by his bedside in silent despair. He died that night. Reader, if your heart is cold and hard towards God, abandon all hope that the alarm and anxiety of a death-bed will change it. Seek forgiveness now. (h) MY HEART IS HARD.— An old man, one day taking a child on his knee, entreated him to seek God noio — to pray to him — and to love him ; when the child, looking up at him, asked, " But why do not you seek God ?" The old man, deeply affected, answered, " I would, child ; but my heart is hard — my heart is hard.'^ 17 (c) THE OLD MAN'S CONFES- SION.— The late Dr. Clark, of Phila. delphia, in one of his sermons, illustrates the absurdity of deferring the work of - salvation by the following striking fact. He was present on an occasion when a most solemn appeal was made to the young, to seek God without delay ; ihf- preacher urging as a motive, thai, should they live to be old, difficulties would multiply, and their reluctance to attend the subject would increase with their years. As the preacher descend- ed from the pulpit at the close of the service, an aged man came forward, and extending his hand to him, with much emotion remarked, — " Sir, what you said just now is unquestionably true. I know it from my own experience. When I was young, I said to myself, I cannot give up the world now, but I will by-and-by, when I have passed the meridian of life, and begin to sink into the vale of years ; then I will become a Christian ; then I shall be ready to at- tend to the concerns of my soul. But here I am, an old man. 'l am not a Christian. 1 feel no readiness nor dis- position to enter upon the work of my salvation. In looking back, I often- times feel as though I would give worlds if I could be placed where I was when I was twenty years old. There were not half as many difficulties in my path then as there are now." But, though the big tears coursed down his cheeks as he gave utterance to these truths, the emo- tions that were stirred up within him, like the early dew, soon passed away. He did not turn to God. W. Grieves away the Holy Spirit. (a) "NOW I AM UNDONE."— A young woman became acquainted with religion in a pious family, but left the situation in which she enjoyed religious privileges, for one much superior as it respects this world ; but alas ! the mas- ter of the house was a lover of pleasure more than a lover of God. Here reli- gious duties were not only neglected, but even ridiculed. She met with no little persecution from her fellow servants: this induced her to neglect private pray- er and other means of grace. At length 257 is-y DELAY OF REPENTANCE. she was seldom seen at public worship. A Christian friend perceived her declen- sion by her backwardness to discourse on religious subjects, which she had for- merly appeared to love. But she did not return back to the world without considerable checks of conscience. She knew that she was doing wrong, but became hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. About the twentieth year of her age, she broke a blood-vessel. An apothecary was sent for immediately, but no relief could be afforded. On the day after the circumstance took place, she was visited by the person who had observed her decline in religion, who says : " On asking her how she was, she said, ' Very bad, very bad.' On being asked as to her eternal welfare, she exclaimed, ' That is what I want ; my life I care not for, if my sins were pardoned.' When I spoke of the power and willingness of Christ to save lost sinners, she answered, there was no pardon for her. I enlarged on the precious promises of the gospel, but all seemed to aggravate the feelings of her guilty conscience. She burst into tears, and said, ' Oh that I had re- pented when the Spirit of God was striving with me ! but now I am undone.' I again visited her late in the evening of the same day. She was much weak- -er from the loss of blood, and her coun- tenance bespoke the dreadful horror of her mind, which no doubt hastened her speedy dissolution. On asking her how •she felt, she answered, ' Miserable ! mis- erable !' I repeated some encouraging passages of Scripture, but alas ! all in vain ; her soul labored under the great- est agonies : she exclaimed, ' Oh 1 how I have been deceived ! When I was in health, I delayed repentance from time to time. Oh that I had my time to live over again ! Oh that I had obeyed the gospel ! but now I must burn in hell for ever. Oh I cannot bear it ! I cannot bear it !' " In this manner she continued breath- ing out most horrible expressions. " 1 reminded her that Jesus Christ would in no wise cast out those sinners who come to him, and that his blood cleanseth from all sin. She said, ' The blood of Christ will be the greatest tor- 258 rniiy i W.— f ment I shall have in hell ; tell me no more about it.' I then left her with feelings not to be described. She died next morning at six o'clock. I inquired of the woman who attended her, if she continued in the same state to the last. | She said, that she was much worse after ^ I left her, and that they durst not stay in the room with her. She was heard to exclaim several times, about an hour before her end, ' Eternity ! eternity ' Oh ! to burn throughout eternity ! (b) SEEK RELIGION NOW.- A gentleman called his sons around his dying bed, and gave them the following relation : — " When I was a youth, the Spirit strove with me, and seemed to say, ' Seek religion now; but Satan sug- gested the necessity of waiting till I grew up, because it was incompatible with youthful amusement ; so I resolved I would wait till I grew up to be a man. I did so, and was then reminded of my promise to seek religion ; but Satan again advised me to wait till middle age, for business and a young family ■. demanded all my attention. ' Yes,' I said, ' I will do so ; I will wait till mid- dle age.' I did so ; my serious impres- sions left me for some years. They were again renewed : conscience re- minded me of my promises ; the Spirit said, ' Seek religion now ; ' but then 1 had less time than ever. Satan advised my waiting till I was old ; then my children would be settled in business, and 1 should have nothing else to do ; l could then give an undivided attention to it. I listened to his suggestion, and the Spirit ceased to strive with me. I have lived to be old, but now I have no desire as formerly to attend to the con- cerns of my soul : my heart is hardened. I have resisted and quenched the Spirit ; now there is no hope. Already I iW-l a hell within, the beginning of an eter- nal misery. I feel the gnawings of that worm that never dies. Take warning from my miserable end ; seek religion now ; let nothing tempt you to put off this important concern." Then in the greatest agonies he expired. (c) THE FATAL RESOLU- TION. — Lydia Sturtevant, was the daughter of pious parents in one of the She possessed a New England States. GRIEVES AWAY THE HOLY SPIRIT. 137 cultivated mind, buoyancy of spirits, and beauty of person — the ornament of her circle, the admiration of all who knew h'Br. During the summer of 1824, she had deep religious impressions, and felt that it was unsafe to neglect religion longer. She deliberated, she reasoned, she prayed, and finally made up her mind to the resolution that she would repent and accept the offer of salvation hefore the close of that day. But the day had its cares and pleasures, its company and business, and the night found her as thoughtless, almost, as she had been for months. The next morning she had renewed convictions, saw her guilt more clearly, and in great agony of soul, resolved again, " to begin religion before the close of that day." With this new resolution her anxiety somewhat abated, and though she thought often during the day, of the vow she had made, night came again and nothing decisive had been done. The next morning her im- pressions were again renev/ed, and she again renewed her resolution ; it was dissipated again ; and thus she went on resolving and breaking her resolves till she relapsed into her former uncon- cern. She was not absolutely indif- ferent ; she still expected and resolved to become a Christian, but her resolu- tions looked forward to a ??iore distant period, and she returned to the world with the same interest as before. Some three or four months after this, she was taken sick. It was her last sickness — she was sick only five days — though none thought that she would die till eight hours before she died. About daybreak on the morning of that day, she was informed that her disease would probably prove fatal. The intelligence was awfully surprising. The fatal resolution, as she called it, which she had formed about the same hour of the day, a few months before, was brought, by the opening twilight, afresh to her mind ; and her soul was filled with liorror at her situation. She saw her- self on the brink of eternity — a hardened smner — her Saviour slighted — the Spirit grievea and gone ! What could she do ? The blood was beginning to stagnate, the lungs to falter ! Feeble and faint, she raised her haggard eyes and summoned every energy to pray. O, what agony did that prayer express ! She called, she begged for mercy, till she sunk into a swoon. As consciousness returned, she began to pray again ; then again fainted. On reviving she called on her friends to pray for her ; and accordingly all knelt while one engaged in prayer. As they rose Rev. Mr. Phelps, the minister present, began to repeat some promises of Scripture which he thought appropriate to her case. She inter- rupted him, saying it was too late, and that there was no pardon for her. With her* dying breath she charged him to warn the youth of his congrega- tion not to neglect religion as she had done, or " still their convictions by a mere resolution to repent." Death soon closed the afl'ecting scene. (d) THE AGED PROCRASTINA- TOR.— In January, 1825, Mr. H , of S , New-York, says a clergyman, called upon me, and taking me by the hand, said, " Sir, do you think there is any mercy in heaven for a man who has sinned more than eighty years ?" " There is mercy," I replied, " for those who repent of sin, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ." Still pressing my hand, while tears were flowing over his wrinkled cheeks, and his frame trembling, he more ear- nestly renewed his inquiry, " My dear sir, do you believe that God will for- give a man who has rebelled against him eighty-one years in this world?" Before a word was uttered in reply, he cried out in agony, " I know I shall not be forgiven — I shall die in my sins !" This caused me to ask how he knew, or what induced him to believe that God would never have mercy on him ? He replied, "I will tell you, and disclose what I never uttered to any human being : When I was twenty-one 1 was awakened to feel that I was a sinner. I was then intimate with a number of young men, and was asham- ed to have them know that I was anxious for my soul. For five or six weeks I read my Bible, and prayed every day in secret. Then I said in 259 128 DELAY OF REPENTANCE. my heart one day, I mil put this subject off until I am married and settled in life, and then I will attend to my souVs salvation. But I knew that I was doing wrong. "After I was settled in the world, I thought of the resolution I had made, and of my solemn promise to God then to make my peace with him. But as I had no disposition to do so, I again said in my heart, * I will put off this subject ten years, and then prepare to die.' " The time came, and I remembered my promise ; but I had no special anxiety about my salvation. Then did I again postpone, and resolve that if God would spare me through another term of years I would certainly attend to the concerns of my soul. God spared me ; but I lived on itv my sins ; and now I see my awful situation. I am lost. • Now I believe that I sinned against the Holy Ghost when I was twenty-one, and that I have lived sixty years since my day of grace was past. '^^ I know that I shall not be forgiven. '' When asked if we should pray with him, he replied, " Yes, but it will do no good;" so fearfully certain was he of destruction. He continued in this state for weeks and months. All attempts to urge him to accept of salvation were in vain ; this blighting sentiment was ever first in his thoughts. " It will do no good." His feelings were not con- trition, or repentance for sin ; but the anticipation of wrath to come. And in this state he died. 128. Accompanied by Sudden Death. (a) BOAST NOT OF TO-MOR- ROW.— The Rev. G. Whitfield men- tions in his journal, that during his first voyage to Georgia, the ship's cook was awfully addicted to drinking ; and when reproved for this and other sins, boasted that he would be wicked till within two years of his death, and would then reform. He died of an illness, brought on by drinkino;, in six hours. (b) PHILIP HENRY'S WARN- ING. — Mr. Philip Henry said to some of his neighbors who came to see him on his death-bed, " O make sure work for your souls, my friends, bv getting 260 an interest in Christ, while you are in health. If I had that work to do now, what would become of me ? I bless God, I am satisfied. See to it, all of you, that your work be not undone when your time is done, lest you be un- done for ever." (c) AN INCH OF TIME.—" Mil- lions of money for an inch of time," cried Elizabeth — the gifted, but ambi- tious queen of England, upon her dying bed. Unhappy woman ! reclining upon a couch — with ten thousand dresses in her wardrobe — a kingdom on which the sun never sets, at her feet — all now are valueless, and she shrieks in an- guish, and she shrieks in vain, for a single "inch of time." She had en- joyed thi'eescore and ten years. Like too many among us, she had devoted them to wealth, to pleasure, to pride, and ambition, so that her whole prepa- ration for eternity was crowded into a few moments ! and hence she, who had wasted more than half a century, would barter millions for an inch of time. (d) THE FATAL THURSDAY.— A few years ago, (says the N. Y. Evangelist of 1831,) there lived in the vicinity of Boston a young lady of ami- able charactei', lovely person, and agree- able deportment ; her mind was awaken- ed on the subject of religion : she felt that she was a sinner ; and the fearful consequences of the judgment were full in her view. In this trying hour she was urged to repent, at once, without delay. She seemed to think that the terms were hard and peremptory, al- though they were according to the word of God. When she retired alone, her conscience pressed her, and she came to the conclusion that she would cer- tainly give up her heart to Christ, in four years. This, at first, gave her some ease of mind : but she soon re- flected that she mi^ht not live so lon off suddenly, and entered into an eternal world. Reader, ^^ to-day'' hear the voice of God, and harden not thine heart. 0) THE PRESUMPTUOUS HEIR. — Rev. Mr. Baker, a Free-will Baptist evangelist, was visiting from house to house, in a certain neighborhood, in New England ; and met on his walk three young men with axes on their shoulders. He stopped and conversed with them. Two appeared somewhat serious : the third, a gay, frank young man, replied, " You see, sir, that splendid white house on that farm yon- der ?" "Yes." "Well, sir, that es- tate has been willed to me by my uncle ; and we are now going to do chopping in the woodland that belongs to it. There are some incumbrances on the estate which I must settle, before the fi^rm can be fully mine ; and as soon as I have cleared it of these incum- brances I mean to become a Christian." " Ah ! young man," said the minister, " beware ; you may never see that day ; while you are gaining the world, you may lose your soul." " I'll run the risk," said he, and they parted. The three young men went into the woods ; and this daring procrastinator, and another, engaged in felling a tree. A dry, heavy limb, hung loosely in the top ; and as the tree was jarred by the successive strokes of the axe, it quit its hold, and as it fell crashing through the branches to the earth, it struck the head of the young heir, in its way, and stretched him on the ground a lifeless corpse. Thus were his hopes cut off ; and hazarding the delay of months he lost his soul in an hour. His fellow-laborer was converted ; for conviction struck his mind when he saw the young heir quivering in death ! " I felt then such a horror at the danger of delaying reli- gion, when I thought what he had just said, and saw his end, that I determined to neglect my soul no longer." His example was followed by others; and a great revival ensued. (k) FIVE MINUTES TO CRY FOR MERCY.— In the early part of MISCELLANEOUS. 120 my ministry, said the Rev. Mr. T. East, of Birmingham, a woman was in the habit of. attending the place of wor- ship in which I preached, who occupied a seat on the stairs, and who was very tenacious of her sitting, not allowing any other person to occupy it. She was observed by her IViends, who sought occasion to converse with her on the important subject of religion ; but she was very shy and evasive. All they could extract from her was this appalling reply : " Oh, I shall only want five minutes time when I am dy- ing to cry for mercy : and I have no doubt God Almighty will give it me," It was in vain to remonstrate with the woman ; this was always her reply. Time passed on. One day, I was walk- ing down the street, when a young wo- man ran up to me in a state of great agitation and excitement, exclaiming, " O, Mr. East, I have found you ; do come to my mother, sir ; come this mi- nute, sir: she is dying, she is dying !" I hastened with her to the house, and was astonished to find in the dying suf- ferer the poor unhappy woman who had attended my place of worship. She was evidently expiring : but, turning her dying eyes towards me, she cried out, " O, Mr. East, I am damned, I am damned !" and expired. 129. Miscellaneous. {a) EXCUSES OF THE GREEN- LANDERS.— Numbers of the Green- landers, who had for a time adhered to the Moravian Missionaries, and promised well, drew back, and walked no more with them ; while the greater part of those who were wavering, seduced by the concourse of their heathen countrymen, again joined the multitude. One being asked why he could not stay, answered, " I have bought a great deal of powder and shot, which I must first spend in the south, in shooting reindeer ;" another, "I must first have my fill of bears' flesh ;" and a third, " I must have a good boat, and then I will believe." {b) GREENLANDERS AND THE END OF THE WORLD.— Some of the unconverted inhabitants of Greenland had heard that the world should be destroyed, and, as in that case they should have nowhore to go, they expressed a desire to be con- verted, that they might go with the be- lievers. " But," added they, with that carelessness and procrastination so na- tural to man, in the things that belong to eternity, " as the destruction will not happen this year, we will oome in next season." (c) ADVICE REJECTED.— When a young man made an open profes- sion of the gospel, his father, great- ly ofTended, gave him this advice, — " James, you should first get yourself established in a good trade, then think of and determine about religion." " Fa- ther," said the son, " Christ advises me differently, he says, ' Seek ye first the kingdom of God.' " (d) WORK FOR THE DAY BE- FORE DEATH.— Rabbi Eliezer said, '• Turn to God one day before your death." His disciples said, " How can a man know the day of his death ?" He answered them, " Therefore you should turn to God to-day. Perhaps you may die to-morrow ; thus, every day will be employed in returning." (e) A YOUNG MAN UNDER SENTENCE OF DEATH.— A young man, on whom sentence of death was passed, said, two days before his execu- tion, " I am afraid that nothing but the fear of death and hell makes me seek the Savior now, and that I cannot ex- pect to find him. The words, 'Seek ye the Lord wliile he may be found,' trouble my mind very much, as they show me that there is a time when he may not be found." 263 130, 131 DENIAL OF CHRIST— DEPENDENCE ON GOD. 130. DENIAL OF CHRIST. (a) THE MARTYR'S PRAYER ANSWERED.— David Straiton, one of the Scottish martyrs, was brought to the knowledge of the truth, through the instriimentality of John Erskine of Dun. One day, having retired with the young laird of Laurieston, to a quiet and solitary place in the fields, to have the New Testament read to him, it so happened, that in the course of read- ing, these words of our Savior occurred, " He that denieth me before men, in the midst of this wicked generation, him will I deny in the presence of my Father and his angels." On hearing them, he became of a sudden, as one enraptured or inspired. He threw him- self on his knees, extended his hands, and, after looking for some time earn- estly towards heaven, he burst forth in these words, " O Lord, I have been wicked, and justly mayest thou with- draw thy grace from me ; but, Lord, for thy mercy's sake, let me never deny thee nor thy truth, for fear of death and corporal pains." The issue proved that his prayer was not in vain. For at his trial and death, he displayed much firm- ness and constancy in the defence of the truth, and gave great encouragement to another gentleman, Norman Gourlay, who suffered along with him. (b) THE SUBSCRIPTION RE- CANTED.— " Bishop Jewel," says Ful- ler, " being by the violence of popish in- quisitors, assaulted on a sudden to suh- scrihe, he took a pen in his hand, and said, smiling, ' Have you a mind to see how well I can write V and thereupon underwrit their opinions." Jewel, how- ever, by his cowardly compliance, made his foes no fewer without,. and one the more, a guilty conscience, within him. His life being way-laid for, with great difficulty he got over into Germany. Having arrived at Frankfort, by the advice of some friends, he made a solemn and affecting recantation of his subscription, in a full congregation of English Protestants, on a Sabbath morn- ing, afier having preached a most ten- der, penitential sermon. " It was,'' said he, " m.y abject and cowardly mind and faint heart, that made my weak hand commit this wickedness." He bit- terly bewailed his fall ; and with sighs and tears, supplicated forgiveness of the God whose truth he had denied, and of the church of Christ, which he had so grievously offended. The congregation were melted into tears, and " all em- braced him as a brother in Christ ; yea, as an angel of God." 131. DEPENDENCE ON GOD. (a) THE AGED CHRISTIAN'S ADVICE TO A YOUNG MINIS- TER. — I well remember, said an emi- nent minister in North Wales, that when the Spirit of God first convinced me of my sin and danger, and of the many difficulties and enemies I must encoun- ter, if ever I intended reaching heaven, I was oflen to the last degree in iear ; the prospect of the many strong tempta- tions and allurements, to which my youthful years would unavoidably ex- pose me, 'greatly discouraged me. I oflen used to tell an aged soldier of 264 Christ, the first and only Christian friend I had any acquaintance with for several years, that I wished I had borne the burden and heat of the day like him. His usual reply was, that so long as 1 feared, and was humbly dependent upm) God, I should never fall, but certainly prevail. I have found it so. O, blessed be the Lord, that I can now raise up my Ebenezer, and say, " Hitherto hath the Lord helped me." (h) HAPPY INFLUENCE OF DANGERS.— At a meeting held in reference to the establishment of schools DEPENDENCE ON GOD. 131 in the highlands and islands of Scot- land, Dr. M'Leod related the following facts : — A friend of mine happened to be in a boat, by which a poor simple-hearted man from St. Kilda was advancing, for the first time in his life, from his native rock to visit the world ; and as he ad- vanced towards the island of Mull, a world in itself in the estimation of the poor St. Kilda man, the boatmen com- menced telling him the wonders he was so soon to see. They asked him about St. Kilda ; they questioned him regarding all the peculiarities of that wonderful place, and rallied him not a little on his ignorance of all those great and mag- nificent things which were to be seen in Mull. He parried them off with great coolness and good humor; at length, a person in the boat asked him if he ever heard of God in St. Kilda. Immediately he became grave and col- lected. " To what land do you be- long ?" said he; "describe it to me." '•I," said the other, " come from a place very different from your barren rock ; I come from the land of flood and field, the land of wheat and barley, where nature spreads her bounty in abundance and luxuriance before us." " Is that," said the St. Kilda man, ^' the kind of land you come from ? Ah, then, you may forget God, but a St. Kilda man never can. Elevated on his rock, sus- pended over a precipice, tossed on the wild ocean, he never can forget his God — he hangs continually on his arm." All were silent in the boat, and not a word more was aked him regarding his religion. (c) THE BEST REFUGE.— " A few years ago," says one, " wlien an in- vasion of England by the French was much talked of, tlie pious Mrs. C of L , heard her pupils relating to each other, where they thought they would conceal themselves on the approach of the enemy, should his threats be realized. With her usual gentleness and condescension, she inquired into, and listened to their little plans. I, (who was one of her pupils,) was the last to point out my hiding-place ; hav- ing named mine, I added an inquiry where her refuge would be ? " My re- fuge," said she, with a look of devotion and benignity characteristic of her, ' My refuge would be in my God.' I felt reproved ; I could not but think hers was the best refuge." {d) GOD UNACKNOWLEDGED. — It has been wisely observed, that we require the same hand to protect us in apparent safety, as in the most immi- nent danger. One of the most wicked men in the neighborhood of a pious whom this account was a precipice, mmister, from derived, was riding near and fell over : his horse was killed, but he escaped unhurt. Instead of thank- ing God for his deliverance, he refused to acknowledge his hand in it, and at- tributed his escape to chance. The same man was afterwards riding on a very smooth road ; his horse suddenly tripped and fell, threw his rider over his head, and killed him on the spot; while the horse escaped uninjured. (e) THE AGED LADY'S FALL. — An aged mother in Israel residing in S., Rhode Island, says, that once in travelling to and from New-York city, she often lifted up her prayer to God for protection and safety while being whirled along in the railroad cars or borne in the steamboat over the waters of the deep. The desired protection was vouchsafed ; and on her return she had safely arrived at the last railroad depot of the journey. Now I seemed to feel, says she, as if all danger had passed, and I omitted to ask God for any further protection as though I could take care of myself. But in passing out of the depot when it was somewhat dark, to walk upon the platform in front, she made a false step, fell to the ground and received a severe injury that con- fined her to her house for several weeks ! There is no safety for an hour except in God's keeping ; and often when we imagine that every natural law is in our favor, we may be in the most imminent peril — within a hair's breadth of the grave. (/) SAYING OF NEWTON.— The Rev. John Newton sometimes said, he had received more damage at his I own door, than in all the countries he I had been in abroad, for he had twice fal- 265 131, 133 DEPRAVITY. len down the steps at his own door, each time spraining a knee. So much in- jury he had never received abroad. Such a fact shows clearly the necessity of our always living as if exposed to danger, and thus committing ourselves to the Divine protection. ig) THE SHIP'S RETURN.— A ship, which had, on a long voyage, es- caped many great dangers from storms, &;c., at length arrived safe in port, or harbor. On seeing the safety of the ship, a little boy, who had sailed in it, naturally expressed great joy that they were now, as he thought, out of all dan- ger. In about half an hour after this expression of joy, the poor little fellow fell overboard into the water, and was drowned before any assistance could reach him. Thus many die ; they forget God, flatter themselves with security, and then sudden destruction Cometh. Our lives are newly loaned to us by God every moment; let us constantly recognize the fact, and so live that living or dying we may be the Lord's. 132. DEPRAVITY. {a) HONESTY TESTED.— A gentleman was once extolling at an ex- travagant rate the virtue of honesty : what a dignity it imparted to our na- ture ; how it recommended us to the Supreme Being ; and confirmed all by a celebrated line from Pope, " An honest man's the noblest work of God." " Sir," replied his friend, " however ex- cellent the virtue of honesty may be, I fear there are few men in the world that really possess it." " You surprise me," said the stranger. " Ignorant as I am of your character, sir, I fancy it would be no difficult matter to prove even you a dishonest man." " I defy you." " Will you give me leave, then, to ask you a question or two, and promise not to be offended'?" "Ask your questions, and welcome." " Have you never met with an opportunity of getting gain by unfair means ?" The gentleman paused. " I don't ask, Have you taken advantage of such an op- portunity ? but. Have you ever met with such an opportunity ? I, for my part, have ; and I believe every body else has." " Very probably I may." " How did you feel your mind affected on such an occasion ? Had you no se- cret desire, not the least inclination, to seize the advantage which offered ? Tell me without any evasion, and con- sistently with the character you ad- mire." " I must acknowledge, I have 266 not always been absolutely free from every irregular inclination ; but — " " Hold, sir, none of your salvos, you have confessed enough. If you had the desire, though you never proceeded to the act, you were dishonest in heart. This is what the Scriptures call con- cupiscence. It defiles the soul. It is a breach of that law which requireth truth in the inward parts ; and, unless you are pardoned through the blood of Christ, will be a just ground of your condemnation, when God shall judge the secrets of men." {h) A GOD TOO SHARPSIGHT- ED. — Some of the natives of South America, after listening a while to the instructions of the Catholic missionaries, gave them this cool answer : " You say that the God of the Christians knows every thing, that nothing is hidden from him, that he is every where, and sees all that is done below. Now, we do not desire a God so sharpsighted ; we choose to live with freedom in our woods, without having a perpetual ob- server of our actions over our heads." (c) MILNE'S CONVICTIONS.— Dr. Milne, the pious missionary, in speak- ing of his conversion, says, " The book which God made use of more especially for convincing me of my sin and misery, was Boston'ii Fourfold State, which I read with the deepest attention. It con- ducted me to my own heart, discovered the evils which before lay hid in the DEPRAVITY. 132 chambers of imagery ; the monstrous ingratitude to God which had marked all my conduct; and the pollution of original and actual sin, with which my soul was contaminated. I saw that I was necessarily under the strongest and most righteous obligations to God, and had never for one hour of my life dis- charged them, but lived in rebellion against the author of my life ; so I was justly under the curse of God's right- eous law, and exposed to everlasting misery." Under the tormenting fears of eternal wrath, he sometimes wished himself transformed into a stone, or one of the fowls he saw flying over his head in the fields. He was frequent and fer- vent in prayer, and was, in the mercy of God, led to those means by which he learned how even a vile and guilty creature, such as he was, might be for ever saved. {d) HATING GOODNESS.— "I happened once," says Dr. Cotton Ma- ther, "to be present in the room where a dying man could not leave the world until he lamented to a minister (whom he had sent for on his account), the unjust calumnies and injuries which he had of- ten cast upon him. The minister asked the poor penitent what was the occasion of this abusive conduct ; whether he had been imposed upon by any false report. The man made this answer, ' No, sir, it was merely this ; I thought you were a good man, and that you did much good in the world, and therefore I hated you. Is it possible, is it possible,' he added, ' for such a wretch to find pardon V " (e) THERE GOES DR. IVES.— The Rev. and pious Dr. Ives, whose house was on Oxford road, and by which the criminals were carried week- ly in carts to Tyburn, used to stand at his window, and say to any young friends who might be near him, pointing out any of the most notorious male- factors, •' There goes Br. Ives .'" — If an explanation was asked, he took oc- casion to expound the innate corruption of the human heart ; and appealed to the exrperience of his auditors, " whether they had not felt the movements of those very passions, errors, prejudices, lusts, revenge, covetousness, &c., whose direct tendency was to produce the crimes for which these offenders sa- tisfied the claims of public justice, and which were solely prevented from car- rying them to the same dreadful flite, by the restraining grace of God." (/) OLD ADAM TOO HARD FOR YOUNG MELANCTHON.— When Melancthon was first converted, he thought it impossible for his hearers to withstand the evidence of the truth in the ministry of the gospel. But after preaching a while, he complained, " that old Adam was too hard for young Me- lancthon." {g) ERSKINE AND THE CRI- MINAL. — The holiest and best men have been usually the most ready to acknowledge the natural depravity of their hearts, and the greatness of their obligations to the free and sovereign grace of God, in preserving or deliver- ing them from the consequences of that depravity. — During the ministry of the Rev. Ralph Erskine, at Dunfermline, a man was executed for robbery, whom he repeatedly visited in prison, and whom he attended on the scaffold. Mr. Erskine addressed both the spectators and the criminal ; and, after conclud- ing his speech, he laid his hands on his breast, uttering these words — " But for restraining grace, I had been brought, by this corrupt heart, to the same con- dition with this unhappy man." {h) THE LAW OF GOD RE- JECTED BY PAGANS.—" The rea- son why we hate that law," said some idolaters to a zealous missionary, " is, because it is holy : and therefore it is we destroy it. If it would allow us to rob freely, if it did dispense with our paying the tribute which the king ex- acts, if it taught us to be revenged of our enemies, and give way to our pas- sions, without being exposed to the con- sequences of debauchery, we would heartily embrace it ; because it so se- verely curbs our inclinations, therefore we reject it, and do command you the catechist to depart out of the province immediately." {i) BREAKING THE COMMAND MENTS. — A poor negro, a few years ago, thus addressed the late Rev. Mr. Johnson, at Regent's Town, on the western coast of Africa : — ? 267 132 DEPRAVITY. Yesterday morning, when you preach, you show me that the law be our sehoohnaster to bring us to Christ. You talk about the ten commandments. You begin at the first, and me say to my- self, " Me guilty !" the second, " Me guilty!" the third, " Me guilty !" the fourth, « Me guilty !" the fifth, " Me guilty !" Then you say the sixth. Thou slialt not kill ; me say, " Ah ! me no guilty ! me never kill some person." You say, I suppose plenty people live here, who say, '• Me no guilty of that !" Me say again in my heart, " Ah, me no guilty !" Then you say, " Did you never hate any person 1 did you never wish that such a person, such a man, or such a woman was dead !" Massa, you talk plenty about that ; and what I feel that time I can't tell you. I talk in my heart, and say, " Me the same person !" My heart begin to beat ; me want to cry, my heart heave so much me don't know what to do. Massa, me think me kill ten people before break- fast ! I never think I so bad. After- wards you talk about the Lord Jesus, how he take off" our sin. I think I stand the same like a person that have a big stone upon him head, and can't walk — want to fall down. O massa, I have trouble too much ; I no sleep all night. (He wept much.) I hope the Lord Je- sus Christ will take my sins from me. Suppose lie no save me, I shall go to hell for ever. (j) A KEEN REPLY.— John Wes- ley, in a considerable party, had been maintaining, with great earnestness, the doctrine of Vox PopiiU vox Dei, against his sister, whose talents were not unworthy the family to which she belonged. At last the preacher, to put an end to the controversy, put his argu- ment in the shape of a dictum, and said, "I tell you, sister, the voice of the people is the voice of God." " Yes," she replied mildly, " it cried ' Crucify him, crucify him I' " A more admir- able ansM^er was perhaps never given. (k) A STRANGE THING.— A friend of Tedyuscung once said to him, when he was a little intoxicated, " There is one thing very strange, and which I cannot account for ; it is why the In- dians get drunk so much more than the 268 white people." " Do you think strange of that?" said the old chief; " why, it is not strange at all. The Indians thhik it no harm to get drunk whenever they can ; but you white men say it is a sin, and yet get drunk nevertheless I'"* (l) VIRTUE EMBODIED.— Dr. Blair, when concluding a public dis- course, in which he had descanted with his usual eloquence on the amiability of virtue, gave utterance to the following apostro'phe : " O virtue, if thou wert embodied, all men would love thee." His colleague, the Rev. R. Walker, ascended the same pulpit, on a subse- quent part of the same Sabbath, and ad- dressing tiie congregation, said, " My reverend friend observed, in the morn- ing, that if virtue were embodied, all men would love her. Virtue has been embodied ; but how was she treated ? Did all men love her ? No ; slie was despised and rejected of men : who, after defaming, insulting, and scourging her, led her to Calvary, where they crucified her between two thieves.^" The effect of this fine passage on the audience was very powerful. (m) CONVERSION OF A MORA- LIST. — Miranda N., says a Christian minister, was about 18 years of age, much distinguished for personal beauty, but more for uncommon sweetness of disposition, and great amiableness of deportment. There was not probably among all the people of my charge, one whose case would have been more promptly cited, and perhaps none so effectively, to disprove the doctrine of the entire sinfulness of the unregenerate heart. She was deservedly a general favorite. She seemed to entertain the kindest affection towards all, and every one who knew her loved her. One evening at an inquiry meeting, held at my house, I noticed, in a full room, a female in great apparent distress. The disturbance she made by her loud sobs, and frequent and painful interruption of the silence of the room, induced me to pass by others and go to her at once. On coming to her seat, I was not a little surprised to find myself by the side of Miranda. The first inquiry I put to to her was this : What has brought you here, M. ? With emphasis, she repaed, DESPAIR, UNFOUNDED, 13a " My sins, sir." With a view to test the reality and depth of her convictions, I then said, "But what have you done which makes either your heart or your life appear so heinously sinful ?" At this second question she broke out in a voice that reached the extreme part of the room and thrilled through every heart, for she was known and loved by every person there, — " I hate God, AND I KNOW IT. I HATE CHRISTIANS, AND I KNOW IT. I HATE MY OWN BE- ING. Oh that I HAD NEVER BEEN BORN !" As she uttered this acknow- ledgment, she rose and left the room in irrepressible agony. Deeply as I was interested in her case, I could not fol- low her and leave the many with whom I had yet to converse ; but conducted her across the hall into the opposite room, where Mrs. S. was employed in attendance upon a sick child. The re- mainder of the narrative I received from Mrs. S. After a little conversation, as I was informed, between Mrs. S. and Miranda, who was walking the room in great dis- tress, her eye lighted upon a copy of Village Hymns, which lay upon the sideboard. She eagerly cj^ught it up, and read at the first page to which she opened, these words : " There is a fountain filled with blood. Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And sinners plunged beneath that flood. Lose all their guilty stains." As she finished this verse she dropped the book and exclaimed, " I have found my Savior. This is the Savior I need. O precious Savior !" and many other expressions of the same kind. Her enmity to God was gone. Her burden was removed. Christ was all in all to her. 133. DESPAIR, UNFOUNDED. (a) THE DESPAIRING WOMAN CONVERTED.— A young woman, whom Dr. GifFord visited in prison, and who was to be tried for her life, heard him speak a good while in an awful strain, not only unmoved, but at last she laughed in his face. He then altered his tone, and spoke ofthe love of Jesus, and the mercy provided for the chief of sinners, till the tears came in her eyes, and she interrupted him by asking, " Why ; do you think there can be mercy forme?" He said, "Undoubted- ly, if you can desire it." She replied, "Ah ! if I had thought so, I should not have been here ; I have long fixed it in my mind that I was absolutely lost, and without hope, and this persuasion madf^ me obstinate in my wickedness, so that I cared not what I did." She was afterwards tried, and sentenced to trans- portation, and Dr. Gifford, who saw her several times, had a good hope that she was truly converted before she left Eng- land. {h) THE CHRISTIAN IN HELL. — James Rose was resident at Floor, in Northamptonshire, (England,) and was esteemed by all his religious acquaint- ance, a very humble, pious man. He was a constant and serious attendant on the means of grace, both public and pri- vate ; and was scarcely ever absent from church meetings. His general conver- sation showed a mind mortified to the world, and devoted to God. This good man, towards the close of life, was under great darkness and dejection of mind ; and in his last sickness was filled with desponding apprehensions as to the safe- ty of his state. These apprehensions he expressed in so affecting a manner, as greatly interested the feelings of his pious friends, and particularly Mr. Petto, the pastor of the church, who frequently visited, conversed, and prayed with him. All this availed nothing ; he refused to be comforted, because he thought that the promises of the gospel did not belong to him. As death seemed to approach, he was violently agitated with horror and despair, and addressed his friends that visited him in terms that filled them with great distress. The circumstance occasioned great searching of heart among them. They had been wont to 269 133 DESPAIR. UNFOUNDED. entertain a very high opinion of his per- I sonal piety, and could not account for j this strange dispensation. However, | the day on which he died, a minister j who was on a journey, called at Mr. | Potto's, not with any view of stopping ; 1 but Mr. Petto desired him to alight, for | he had a circumstance to relate to him, | which was the case of this poor dis- I tressed friend, and expressed a wish that he would go and see him, in liopes he might be directed to say something that might be useful. After giving a brief account of the life and conversation of Mr. Rose, expressing the great esteem he had for him, and the concern which his present state of distress gave him, &c., they went to see him. On ap- proaching the bed of the poor dying man, the minister asked him how he was in his mind ? " O sir," said he, " never worse, never worse ! I am in a lost state ! just dying, and have no hope ! I am as sure that I shall go to hell, as I am of being a man !" The minister replied : " Friend, I am grieved to find you under so much dejection ; but however, though [ dare not positively say that you will not go to hell, from all the accounts I can gather concerning you, I believe you are not likely to stop there long ; for you have loved the company of serious Christians, to converse with them on religious subjects ; and you were most in your element when you have been attending at such opportunities. You have been wont to tell of the love and loveliness of Christ — of his matchless grace and condescension in assuming human nature, and obeying and suffer- ing for the redemption and salvation of sinners ; and also of the work of the Holy Spirit, in revealing Christ to the souls of sinners, as the only hope set before them in the gospel. Now I would have you to know that, as this was the habitual temper and disposition of your mind, and in all the past part of your life, ever since you knew the Lord Jesus Christ, death will make no change in the habit of your mind. Nay ; and if you should even go to hell, you will be the same man ; and you will begin to talk on the same subjects. Now, this will never be borne ; your company will soon be hateful to the inhabitants 270 of hell, and the devil v/ill soon turn you out again." This peculiar thought was the nieans, in the hand of the Spirit, of setting the poor man at liberty ; for, with an ex- pressive smile, he exclaimed, " All is well, all is well !" and departed in a few minutes after. Those words had a remarkable accomplishment in him : *' Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright ; for the end of that man is peace." (c) WILSON AND THE SOL- DIER. — One evening, as the Rev. Wil- liam Wilson of Perth was passing along the streets of that town, three soldiers, then quartered in it, happened to walk behind him, who were indulging in the utterance of the most profane and blas- phemous language. One of them, on some frivolous account, declared it to be his wish, that God Almighty might damn his soul in hell to all eternity. Mr. Wilson immediately turned round, and, with a look of dignity and compas- sion, said, " Poor man, and what if God should say amen, and answer that pray- er !" Mr. Wilson passed on. The man seemed to stand petrified, and, on going home to his quarters, was in such dis- traction of mind and feeling, that he knew not whither to turn for relief. He was soon afterwards seized with fever, under which he continued to suf- fer the most awful forebodings of eternal misery. His case was so singular, that many Christians went to visit him, to whom he invariably said he was sure of being beyond the reach of mercy, and that God had sent his angel to tell him so. One of them asked him to de- scribe the appearance of the person who had pronounced this doom on him. He did so, and the visitant at once perceiv- ing that it must have been Mr. Wilson, ifiquired if he would wish again to see him. "Oh," said he, "I would wish above every thing to see him, but he will not come near a wretch like me." Mr. Wilson was soon brought, and told him of the way of salvation through Christ crucified, and encouraged him to „ flee for refuge to lay hold upon the hope I set before him. His words being ac- * companied by Divine power, the poor soldier was enabled to believe in Christ, J DIFFICULTIES IN CHURCHES. 134 and thus found peace and comfort to his i his discharge. He settled in Perth, be- troubled soul. He soon afterwards re- j came a member of the church, attached covered, 'and became a very exemplary himself steadily to Mr. Wilson, and was Christian ; and, as he felt the army un- through life a comfort to him, and an favorable to a religious life, Mr. W. at ornament to the Christian profession. his request used influence, and procured 134. DIFFICULTIES IN CHURCHES. (a) FULLER AND HIS CHURCH. — Some years after Mr. Fuller had re- moved from Soham to Kettering, a dif- ficulty arose between him and some of the members of this church, which grew and increased, till it became formidable. It was expected by both parties, that Mr. Fuller must quit his place, as no means of accommodation presented it- self It was a time of painful suspense to a few, who began to perceive in him the opening of those faculties which after- wards were so conspicuous and useful. In these difficulties, application was made to Dr. Ryland, then of Northamp- ton, Rev. Robert Hall, senior, of Arnsby, and Rev. Jno. Sutcliff, of Almy, to meet at Kettering, and give their advice. Mr. Hall proposed to be there the day before the meeting ; and, if agreea- ble, to give them a sermon in the evening. The meeting was published, and the people assembled. Mr. Hall came according to appointment, and an- nounced from the pulpit as his text, the following words — " And one went in and told his Lord, saying, thus and thus said the maid, that is of the land of Israel." 2 Kings 5:4. After an ingenious and appropriate introduction, ho made upon the words two remarks. 1. Much of the trouble and confusion in society originate in the parties misunderstanding each other. 2. A mutual, candid explanation will frequently remove all such difficulties, and restore harmony. When he had finished the service and pronounced the benediction, a dea- con of the church arose and requested, that the members of the church would keep their places, till the congregation were withdrawn. The church being by themselves, he addressed them in purport as follows : — Brethren, we have had much trouble' of late ; we have been led to think hard of our pastor, and to wish him removed. It occurred to me while Mr. Hall was preaching, is there no misunderstanding among us '? There may be, and that may be the cause of our difficulty. As several of his brethren had similar impres- sions, the business was freely discussed. They came to the conclusion to draw up a list of their complaints, and to add to each a suitable question, which their pastor was requested to answer in wri- ting. They sent messengers with this paper to wait upon him immediately, and request his answers to the questions. After free conversation with him in his study, he furnished them with the required answers, which they carried back to their brethren, who were wait- ing for them in the meeting-house. They examined them, acknowledged they had been entirely mistaken, and that there was no ground for any dif- ference between them and their pastor. With this report they sent their messen- gers back to Mr. Fuller, who received them in a Christian spirit, and all the difficulties were done away before the parties slept. He spent the rest of his days with them in usefulness, honor and credit, and few men ever enjoyed more of the affection of a church than him- self (h) THE MISDIRECTED LET- TER.— "The Rev. Mr. Bulkley of Colchester, Conn., was famous in his day as a casuist and sage counsellor. A church in his neighborhood had fall- en into unhappy divisions and conten- tions, which they were unable to adjust among themselves. They deputed one of their number to the venerable Bulk- ley, for his services, with a request that he would send it to them in writing. 271 134, 135 DISCIPLINE, FAMILY. The matters were taken into serious con- sideration, and the advice, with much de- liberation, committed to writing. It so happened, that Mr. Bulkley had a farm in an extreme part of the town, upon which he intrusted a tenant. In su- perscribing the two letters, the one for the church was directed to the tenant, and the one for the tenant to the church. The church was convened to hear the advice which was to settle all their dis- putes. The moderator read as follows : You will see to the repair of the fences^ that they he built high and strong, and you will take special care of the old black bull. This mystical advice puzzled the church at first, but an interpreter among the more discerning ones was soon found, who said. Brethren, this is the very advice we most need ; the di- rection to repair the fences is to ad monish us to take good heed in the ad- mission and government of our mem- bers ; we must guard the church by our Master's laws, and keep out strange cattle from the fold. And we must in a particular manner set a watch- ful guard over the Devil, the old black bull, who has done so much hurt of late. All perceived the wisdom and fitness of Mr. Bulkley 's advice, and resolved to be governed by it. The consequence was, all the animosities subsided, and harmony was restored to the long af- flicted church. (c) KILPIN'S METHOD.— When any member of Mr. Kilpin's church at Exeter, came with details of real or sup- posed injuries, received from a fellov/- member, after listening to the reporter, Mr. K. would inquire if they had men- tioned these grievances to their offend- ing brother or sister. If the reply was in the negative, and usually it was so, he would then calmly order a messen- ger to fetch them, remarking, that it would be ungenerous to decide, and un- scriptural to act, merely from hearing the statement of one party. This de- termination always produced alarm, and the request that nothing might be mentioned to the parties implicated. This plan had a peaceful influence, and often produced humility and self accu- sation. Assertions and proofs are very different grounds for the exercise of judgment, and are more distinct than angry persons imagine. 135. DISCIPLINE, FAMILY. 135. Disciplining Children in Infancy. (a) THE ROD SUCCESSFUL.— The following fact occurred in the family of a pious minister, who had then a revival in his congregation. " Electra," said her mother to a little daughter of two and a half years old, playing on the floor, " bring me that apple, my dear." She looked at her mother and said, " No," with in- diflference, and resumed her play. Her mother rejoined, " bring me that apple instantly ;" and was answered, " I wont." Things now became in ear- nest ; and after several more orders and refusals, the case was resigned to the father, who was present and observed the scene. With a tone of authority, and yet benevolence, he reiterated the mandate, " Take that apple to your mother, my child !" Electra arose and 272 went to the place where the apple was, picked up a chip that was near it, re- turned, threw it into her mother's lap, and was going to her play. Her father here took hold of her, brought her near him, expostulated, warned, and then re- ordered her. Her sullenness deepened into silence and malignity — my will be done, was her deliberate position. Her father took down the provided birch, and very dispassionately applied it to the obstinate offender. Electro scream- ed, and begged, and called for her mo- ther, who first interfered, and then, not succeeding, in a flood of tears left the room. Her father forbore, and tried her again. She walked pouting and sobbing to the apple, stood still near it, and said — she could not pick it up. Her father understood the nature of her in. ability, and its true relation to account, ability. He paused for some minutes ^ DISCIPLINING CHILDREN. 13S Electra looked alternately at the apple and at him, pouted, rubbed her eyes, and said again that she could not pick up the apple. Another whipping was the consequence. Electra screamed louder than ever, begged and promised. On this her father tried her again. She went to the apple, stood still, held her eyes to the floor, said and did nothing. Here some sympathetic spectators — friends of the family visiting — began to plead and apologize for the sufferer, and insinuated that it was useless and ty- rannous to persist. Her father, with a look, gave them their answer, and his sentiments. He again applied the birch, and let not his soul spare for her cry- ing. As soon as he ceased, while his steady carriage had awed the circle into silence, Electra showed another crea- ture : she ran to the apple, took it up, and brought it to her father. Her aa- tions spoke her obstinacy gone, her pride subdued, her temper humbled, tender, penitent. Her mother was call- ed. As soon as she entered the apart- ment, " Electra," said her father, " p^t this apple where it was on tlie carpet ;" she obeyed. Again, said he, " Take it up and carry it to your mother." She obeyed with alacrity and tear^. " Come here, my daughter." Sh3 came. To the questions, ''Are you sorry ?" and others liie it, she asi?ented ; constantly opening her arms and raising her lips for the caresses c( her father. Her mother then began her confession, asked pardon for the improper strength of her feeh'ngs, and acknowledged that her love for the child was spurious in comparison with that of her husband. The others united in the acknowledg- ment. {h) THE BALL OF YARN. M- was the only child out of five. spared to her parents. The father re- lates the following incident which oc- curred when she was two years old. She was diverting herself with a ball of yarn, one day, from which her grand- mother was occasionally taking a piece to mend stockings. The old lady wish- ing to replenish her nf^edle, called upon M — for the ball. For some reason best known to her little self she refused to give it up. The request for the ball 18 was several times repeats:' but without obtaining it. The father sitting by, reading, interfered and added his re- quest that she would give up the ball, but without effect. He then told her decidedly — "Carry the ball to grand- ma." But instead of obeying she fixed herself in a position of resistaiice ; and with eyes directed to the floor, and hi r hand grasping the ball more firmly, she stood unmoved. The command was repeated ; but the only answer A^as a shrug of the shoulders, a twite ;i of the muscles, and a gb'^ce of the eye, in- timating decidedly "I wont." The command was repeated again, and, to his surprise, the same answer was given. He arose from his seat, and approaching her, repeated the com- mand ; but instead of obedience she threw the ball spitefully across the room. He took her by the hand, led her \o the ball, told her to take it up an(? carry it to her grandmother. She refused — he bent her forward and placed her hand on the ball, repeating the command ; but instead of obeying she gave it a knock to the other side of the room. He led her to it and re- peated the order, placing her hand again on the yarn, and accompanying the order with a threat of punishment ; but to no effect. After spending about fifteen minutes in this way, he inflicted several smart blows ; but, though she cried lustily, she refused to yield. He repeated the blows two or three times until she stopped crying, and finally submitted. She catches up the ball, and filled with sudden penitence and love, she stretches out her arms, and strives to cling around her father's iieck and kiss him. But, to test her sincerity, he requires her first to carry the ball of yarn to grandma. She does so and comes back, but, before he will let her kiss him, he orders her to go and get the ball and bring it to him. She obeys at once. He then orders her to place it in a chair, at another end of the room ; she obeys as quickly and returns again. He sends her again for it, and orders her with it thence to another place, and thence to the old lady. All is done as he commands. After these repeat- ed proofs of the reality or her submis- 273 136, 137 DISCIPLINE, FAMILY. sion, he suffers her to kiss him, and to kiss her grandmother, and then to go to her play again. The father says, he never had much trouble after this event in securing the obedience of that daugh- ter; indeed she was ever afterwards the most affectionate and obedient of his children, though naturally the most de- cided and self-willed of either of them. 136. Discipline accompanied with Prayer. (a) EFFECTUAL CHASTISE- MENT. — A father called to account a little boy, an offender about five years of age. After conversing with him and telling him the guilt and consequences of disobedience, he knelt down and prayed for him, and when he arose, re- peated to him a few texts of Scripture, such as, — " He that spair^th the rod, hateth his son ; but he that "i^veth him, chasteneth him betimes." • ''Chasten thy son while there is yet hope, bxid let not thy soul spare for his crying." "The rod and reproof, give wisdom, but % child left to himself, bringeth his pa- rents to shame." After briefly explain, ing these passages, the father contin- ued: "You see, my son, what God says ; now what is my duty ?" " Why, Pa," said the little boy, " it is your duty to punish me : I have done wrong and deserve it." After receiving the chastise- ment, he embraced and kissed his father with evident thankfulness, and promised never again to disobey him. (b) SIGNIFICANT CONFESSION. — I am acquainted, says the Rev. R. J. Smith, with a young man whose father died when he was but an infant, but whose mother always controlled and go- verned him. One day in conversation upon this subject, he remarked to me, " Whenever I was guilty of disobeying my mother, and she called me to ac- count, she would talk to me seriously, and then kneel down in prayer and tell God all about my conduct and the con- sequences of my course. I used to feel at such times as if my heart would burst, and I have often said — " Ma, whip me, but don't talk to me and pray , for me." " Ah," said he, " it was the talking and praymg that affected me more than the whipping, though all were necessary." 274 (c) APPLYING THE WRONG REMEDY. — A gentleman's son, says the Berlin Evangelical Journal, was brought to Mr. Flattich, an aged clergy, man, of Wirtemburg, Germany, who was famous as an instructor of youth, with the request that he would place him under his discipline and instruction. " I must give you to understand," said the gentleman, when alone with the min- ister, " that my son is a desperate lad, upon whom, hitherto, all instructions, all corrections, have been lost. I have admonished him, I have whipped him, I have shamed him before company, but he still remains a desperate boy ; praise and blame are equally unavailing." The minister asked whether he had sought for no other remedies. " Yes," said the father, " I confined the boy once to bread and water for two days together." The minister still asked him if he had tried nothing else. " Yes," he replied, " I have exposed him to the cold." Upon being further questioned, he mentioned other mea- SMres he had resorted to, without any good effect. He had in vain sought mild methods to bring him to reason ; he had, ^r example, let him go into the company of well-behavf^d children ; but the boy wouVl escape as soon as possi- ble into the society of boys in the street, or else would exhibit rude behavior before the orderly c\\ildren. Upon this the old clergyman said that all these were not the right remedy ; he knew a better remedy for such desperate cases, and that was prayer. He asked him whether he had deliberately and earn- estly prayed with his son, and for him. The gentleman said, he must confess he had not done it. Then, observed the clergyman, it need not seem strange that all your pains applied have been in vain. Flattich now tried his remedy upon the boy, and it succeeded so well, that, as the writer of this communica- tion knows, from a desperate youth he became an excellent and efficient man. 117. Religious Tendency of Discipline, (a) THE LAD'S PRAYER— A gentleman's son, in England, of ten or I eleven years of age, one day told an un- RELIGIOUS TENDENCY OF DISCIPLINE. 137 truth, which afterwards came to the I nowledge of his father, who determin- ed to chastise him severely for it. He took the boy and an instrument of correction into a chamber, and there reprimanded him, setting forth the hein- ousness of the sin against God, and the injury he was doing to his own souL He then proceeded to the work of correction ; though every stroke was doubtless as afflictive to the parent as the child. After this the father left the boy in the room, and made as though he was going down the stairs, shutting the door behind him. But, pausing a little, he returned softly to the door, and waited some time, hearing the sobbing and sighing of the boy. After a while the father heard a movement and began to think of retreating. But after de- scending a step or two, he heard his son speak, and softly resuming his former station, and looking through the key- hole of the door, he perceived his son on his knees ! The boy proceeded to acknowledo-e his ffuilt and shame before God, and to pray for forgiveness ; thank- ing God for favoring him with such a father as would not suffer sin upon him. In many similar instances the faithful punishment of disobedient children leads them to be contrite towards their parents for their offences against them ; and the transition from siccfi penitence in a child religiously educated, to a scrip- tural repentance towards God, is, com- paratively speaking, an easy and natu- ral one. Other things being equal, there can be no doubt of this proposition at least, that a child who is often led humbly to acknowledge and mourn over his offences against his earthly parents, is more likely to be convicted of his sins against his heavenly Father, to confess, forsake, and find mercy. (h) THE CHILD'S GRATITUDE. — A child, who had been trained in the ways of religion, by a parent who was kind, but judiciously firm, as she sunk to rest iri pea(?eful reliance on her Sa- vior's love, affectionately thanked her beloved mother for all her tender care and kindness ; but added, " I thank you most of all, for having subdued my self- will." And why so much gratitude for the mother's faithful discipline ? Doubt- less because the child regarded it as preparatory to the submission of her will to God, and thus instrumental of her salvation. (c) THE INDULGED CHILD.— A mother, says Rev. R. J. Smith, relat- ed to me the following instance, illus- trating the relation between submission to parental authority, and conversion or submission to the will of ^od. She had several children, and seemed properly to understand the importance of training them to prompt and cheerful obedience, and, as a consequence, they were early converted to God. One of these chil- dren, however, had been from infancy subject to fits, general weakness, and derangement of the physical system. It was the general injunction of her phy- sician, that she should be kept as quiet as possible, and that her will should not be crossed. The mother acted accord- ingly, and all her whims and desires were freely indulged. But instead of rendering her calm and quiet, this course made her peevish, fretful, and stubborn. After making it a subject of study and prayer, the mother deter- mined to subdue her will, and govern her as she did her other children. She called to her the girl, and confessed to her that the course she had been pur- suing towards her was wrong, and told her that now she must depend upon obeying her or she should punish her. She soon required a certain duty at her hand, but as she was not accustom- ed to obey, she paid no regard to the re- quirement. The mother commenced chastising her, and said, for the time it seemed as though the child would be the conqueror. But fully resolved on securing obedience, she persevered un- til the child yielded. She was penitent, begged her mother to forgive her, and promised in future always to obey her. From this time, she saw that she had not only sinned against her mother, but against God. A few nights atler this occurrence, the mother said she was awakened at midnight, with the cry — " Ma, pray for me, for I am a grea sinner." She arose, knelt by her side and commended her to God ; and the little girl begged of God, as she had be- fore done of her mother, to forgive her ; 275 13S, 139 DISCIPLINE, FAMILY. and arose with the evidence that her sins were forgiven. In a short time she was taken violent- ly ill, and failed rapidly. One day she called her mother to her death-bed, ex- tended her hand and said, " Ma, I thank you that you gave me that whipping the other day ; if you had not I should have died in my sins and gone to hell ; but now I feej that you have forgiven me, and God has forgiven me ; and I am going to heaven. She then embraced her mother in her arms and kissed her, and bade her farewell saying, " I shall soon meet you again in heaven," and sweet- ly fell asleep in Jesus. j If parents do not obtain and keep the mastery of the will, they place an almost insurmountable obstacle in the way of their children ever being converted and saved. They are either never converted, or if converted are given to perpetual backslidings, and make little or no progress in piety. While those whose wills have been sub- jected to parental authority in early life, are likely to be early converted, and afterwards to prove steadfast in their allegiance and obedience to God. 1^8. Discipline Witliheld. (a) THE RUINED SON.— An only son of pious and respectable parents, says a writer in the Christian Watch- man, was sent to school in a neighbor- ing village. He gave early intimations of the truth of Solomon's remark, in Prov. 29 : 15. Reports of his impro- per conduct reached the ears, and pierced the hearts of his fond parents, and called forth repeated expostulations. I was present one day, when he re- ceived a letter from them, written in the bitterness of parental grief. They told him of their anxiety, their sleepless nights, their tears and prayers in his be- half. They warned him of his danger ; they implored him to listen to the coun- sel of an affectionate father, a kind, but heart-broken mother. The son read the letter soberly ; sat for a moment as if in deep thought, and the muscles of his face betrayed the working of a troubled conscience. Suddenly spring- ing upon his feet, and with a look of 276 ineffable contempt, he dashed the letter into the fire, exclaiming, " There, now, let the old man and woman warn, write letters, pray and whine : it is of no use : a good whipping, well laid on, ten years ago, would have done more to save me V While on a journey, in September, 1834, I met this same only son, on the public road. He was reeling with in- toxication, and pouring forth a torrent of profane and obscene language. Me- mory instantly reverted to his early days, and to his pious, though misjudg- ing parents, who have since entered their rest. He was the only son ; a false tenderness led to indulgence ; in- dulgence fostered the corruptions of his heart, and these led him on to ruin. The whole face of society is marked with examples of the same kind. 119. Miscellaneous. {a) HE NEVER SPEAKS KIND TO ME. — Conversing the other day, says one, with an interesting little girl be- tween six and seven years old, I took occasion to impress upon her mind the debt of gratitude due from her to her Heavenly Parent for bestowing upon her so good and kind a parent, whom every body loves. 1 was perfectly thunderstruck with her answer. Look- ing me full in the face with her soft blue eyes, she replied, " He never speaks kind to me." Perhaps this Christian father, harassed with the cares of life, was unconscious that he had roughly checked the fond attention of his child ; but could cares or the in- terruptions of his child excuse unkind- ness or a total want of tokens of en- dearment ? Will fathers examine their habits on this point 1 (b) "MY MOTHER NEVER TELLS LIES."— Some females, says the St. Louis Obser/er, met at the house of a friend, in this city, for an evenmg visit, when the following scene and con- versation occurred : — The child of one of the females, about five years old, was guilty of rude, noisy conduct, very improper on all occasions, and particularly so at a stranger's house. The mother kindly reproved her : '* Sarah, you must not do so." DISCIPLINE, CHURCH. 139, 140 The child soon forgot the reproof and became as noisy as ever. The mother firmly said, " Sarah, if you do so again I will punish you." But not long after, Sarah '- did so again." When the company were about to separate, the mother stepped into a neighbor's house, intending to re- turn for the child. During her absence the thought of going home recalled to the mind of Sarah the punishment, which her mother told her she might expect. The recollection turned her rudeness and thoughtlessness to sorrow. A young lady present, observing it, and learning the cause, in order to pacify her said, " Never mind, I will ask your mo- ther not to whip you." "Oh," said Sarah, "that will do no good. My mother never tells lies.^' Said my informant, who is also a parent, " I learned a lesson from the reply of that child, which I shall never forget. It is worth every thing in the training of a child, to make it feel, that its Mother never tells lies.'' (c) THE SICK CHILD.—" A child," says Mr. Abbott, " a short time since was taken ill with that dangerous dis- order, the croup. It was a child most ardently beloved, and ordinarily very obedient. But in this state of uneasi- ness and pain, he refused to take the medicine which it was needful without delay to administer. The father find- ing him resolute, immediately punished his sick and suffering son ; under these circumstances, and fearing that his son might soon die, it must have been a most severe trial to the father ; but the consequence was, that the child was taught that sickness was no excuse for disobedience : and while his sickness continued, he promptly took whatever medicine was prescribed, and was pa- tient and submissive. Sodq the child was well. Does any one say this was cruel ? It was one of the noblest acts of kindness which could have been per- formed. If the father had shrunk from duty here, it is by no means improbable that the life of the child would have been the forfeit." (d) THE COUNT AND HIS FAMILY. — The following account is given by Milner, in his " Church His- tory," of the family order observed by Eleazer, Count of Arian, in the four- teenth century : — I cannot, said the count, allow blasphemy in my house, nor any thing in word or deed which of- fends the laws of decorum. Dice, and all games of hazard are to be prohibited. Let all persons in my house divert themselves at proper times, but not in a sinful manner. In the morning, read- ing and prayer must be attended to. Let there be constant peace in my fami- ly ; otherwise two armies are found under my roof, and the master is de- voured by them both. If any difference arise, let not the sun go down upon your wrath. We must bear with something if we have to live among mankind. Every evening, all the family shall be assembled at a godly conference, in which they shall hear something of God and salvation. Let none be absent on pretence of attending to my affairs. I have no affairs so interesting to me as the salvation of my domestics. I seri, ously forbid all injustice which may cloak itself under color of serving me. 140. DISCIPLINE, CHURCH. {a) THE TWO KEYS.— Once from the pulpit, at an ordination of elders, the late Rev. Mr. M'Cheyne made the fol- lowing declaration : — " When I first en- tered upon the work of the ministry among you, I was exceedingly ignorant of the vast importance of church disci- pline. I thought that my great and al- most only work was to pray and preach. I saw your souls to be so precious, and the time so short, that I devoted all my time, and care, and strength, to labor in word and doctrine. When cases of dis- cipline were brought before me and the 277 140, 141 DISHONESTY PUNISHED. elders, I regarded them with something like abhorrence. It was a duty I shrank from ; and I may truly say it nearly drove me from the work of the ministry among you altogether. But it pleased God, who teaches his servants in another way than man teaches, to bless some of the cases of discipline to i\e manifest and undeniable conversion of the souls of those under our care ; and from that hour a new light broke in upon my mind, and I saw that if preaching be an ordinance of Christ, so is church discipline. T now feel very deeply persuaded that both are of God, that two keys are committed to us by Christ, the one the key of doctrine, by means of which we unlock the treasures of the Bible, the other the key of disci- pline, by which we open or shut the way to the sealing ordinances of the faith. Both are Christ's gift, and neither is to be resigned without sin." (b) EMPLOYMENT FOR A CHURCH. — A minister of the gospel, in excusing himself and his church for not exerting themselves to instruct and gather in the multitude around them, said, " It is impossible for so large a church as ours, to do much for those out of our body. It takes," said he, " one-third of us to watch the other two-thirds !" What a confession is this ! Only one in three possessing the true spirit of Christianity, and he is prevented from being an efficient soldier of the cross, by the lukewarmness and sins of his brethren ! 141. DISHONESTY PUNISHED. (a) FEIGNING DEATH AND DYING.— The Gazette de Lyons pub- lished the following fact ; it happened at Chenas not far from Lyons. — A rich widow, without children, had promised to make her will in favor of her niece. The aunt fell sick, and the niece, as much through attachment as interest, lavished upon her the tenderest as well as the most assiduous cares ; however, the aunt died without making a will. The niece was in despair for the loss of her friend and her hopes. She went around, told her story, and asked what could be done. Her perfidious coun- sellors engaged her to play the old trick of hiding the death, and placing herself in bed, calling for a notary and witnesses, and dictating a convenient testament. She did her part well, and it succeeded wonderfully in a room that was partially darkened. The young girl, sunk in a pillow and curtains, pro- nounced with a feeble and broken voice, the last will and testament of the aunt ; the notary wrote, and the victory was nearly sure, when one of the witnesses, who knew a little more than the others, declared, he would sign no such act ; for that the pretended testatrix had been dead for several hours, and he would not be the accomplice of a like decep- 278 tion. The unhappy niece, confounded and overwhelmed, could not support the idea of the consequent shame and pun- ishment of her guilt, and she suddenly expired. She was buried at the same time with her aunt. (b) JOHN EYRE'S NEPHEW.-. An anecdote is related of John Eyre, a man whose name is recorded in the an- nals of crime, as possessing 30,000/. and yet being sentenced to transporta- tion for stealing eleven quires of wri- ting paper, which shows, in a striking manner, the depravity of the human heart, and may help to account for the meanness of the crime of which he stood convicted. An uncle of his, a gentleman of considerable property, made his will in favor of a clergyman who was his intimate friend, and com- mitted it, unknown to the rest of the family, to the custody of the divine. However, not long before his death, having altered his mind with regard to the disposal of his wealth, he made another will, in which he left the clergyman only 500/., bequeathing the bulk of his large property to his nephew and heir-at-law, Mr. Eyre. Soon after the old gentleman's death, Mr. Eyre, rummaging over his drawers, found this last will, and perceiving the DISHONESTY PUNISHED. 141 legacy of 500Z. in it for the clergyman, without any hesitation or scruple of con- science, he put it into the fire, and took possession of the whole effects, in con- sequence of his uncle being supposed to die intestate. The clergyman coming to town soon after, and inquiring into the circumstances of his old friend's death, asked if he had made a will be- fore he died. On being answered by Mr. Eyre in the negative, the clergy- man very coolly put his hand in his pocket, and pulled out the former will, which had been committed to his care, in which Mr. Eyre had bequeathed him the whole of his fortune, amounting to several thousand pounds, excepting a legacy of 200/. to his nephew. (c) LOSS OF CHARACTER.— Robert Andrews, foreman to a respect- able nurseryman at some distance from Philadelphia, who had lived with his employers ten years, and had a good character, one Saturday night, after applying for his wages, claimed pay for a young man up to that day, whom he had discharged some days before. His master said, looking him steadily in the face, " Robert, do you want to cheat me, by asking wages for a man that you discharged yourself eight days ago ?" He had no sooner said this, than the miserable conscience-stricken man's blood forsook his face, as if he had been stabbed to the heart. When his master saw him so much affected, he told him that he might still labor as he had done, but that after such a manifestly dishon- est attempt, his character, and the con- fidence in it, were gone for ever. On Monday, Robert made his appearance, but was utterly an altered man. The agitation of his mind had reduced his body to the feebleness of an infant's. He took his spade and tried to use it, but in vain ; and it was with difficulty that he reached home. He went to bed immediately ; medical aid was procured, but to no purpose, and the poor fellow sunk under the sense of his degrada- tion, and expired on Wednesday fore- noon ! His neighbors who attended him, say, that a short time before he died, he declared, that the agony consequent on the loss of his character as an honest man, which he had for so many years maintained, was the sole cause of his death. {d) THE HEIR INGENIOUSLY DISCOVERED.— A jeweller who car- ried on an extensive trade, and supplied the deficiencies of one country by the superfluities of another, leaving his home with a valuable assortment of diamonds, for a distant region, took with him his son, and a young slave, whom he had purchased in his infancy, and had brought up more like an adopt- ed child, than a servant. They per- formed their intended journey, and the merchant disposed of his commodities, with great advantage ; but while pre- paring to return, he was seized by a pestilential distemper, and died suddenly in the metropolis of a foreign country. This accident inspired the slave with a wish to possess his master's treasures, and relying on the total ignorance of strangers, and the kindness every where shown him by the jeweller, he declared himself the son of the deceased, and took charge of his property. The true heir of course denied his pretensions, and solemnly declared himself to be the only son of the defunct, who had long be- fore purchased his opponent as a slave. This contest produced various results. It happened that the slave was a young man of beautiful person, and of polished manners, while the jeweller's son was ill-favored by nature, and said to be in- jured in his education, by the indul- gence of his parents. This superiority operated in the minds of many to sup- port the claims of the former ; but since no certain evidence could be produced on either side, it became necessary to refer the dispute to a court of law. There, however, from a total want of proofs, nothing could be done. The magistrate declared his inability to de- cide on unsupported assertions, in which each party was equally positive. This caused a report of the case to be made to the prince, who having heard the particulars, was also confounded, and at a loss how to decide the question. At length, a happy thought occurred to the chief of the judges, and he engaged to ascertain the real heir. The two claimants being summoned before him. he ordered them to stand behind a cur- 279 143 DISINTERESTEDNESS— DISOBEDIENCE TO PARENTS. tain prepared for the occasion, and to project their heads through two open- ings, when, after hearing their several arguments, he would cut off the head of him who should prove to be the slave. This they readily assented to ; the one from a reliance on his honesty, the other from a confidence of the im- possibility of detection. Accordingly, each taking his place as ordered, thrust his head through a hole in the curtain. An officer stood in front with a drawn cimeter in his hand, and the judge pro- ceeded to the examination. After a short debate, the judge cried out, " Enough, enough, strike off the vil- Iain's head !" and the officer, who watched the moment, leaped towards the two youths ; the impostor, startled at the brandished weapon, hastily drew back his head, while the jeweller's son, animated by conscious security, stood unmoved. The judge immediately decided for the latter, and ordered the slave to be taken into custody, to re- ceive the punishment due to his diabol- ical ingratitude. 142. DISINTERESTEDNESS. (a) ADRIAN AND THE BISFIOP. — Terantius, captain to the Emperor Adrian, presented a petition that the Christians might have a temple by themselves, in which to worship God apart from the Arians. The emperor tore his petition, and threw it away, bidding him ask something for himself, and it should be granted. Terantius modestly gathered up the fragments of his petition, and said, with true nobility of mind, " If I cannot be heard in God's cause, I will never ask any thing for myself." (b) CALVIN'S DISINTEREST. EDNESS.— This celebrated reformer was remarkable for his disinterested- ness. His goods, his books, and his money, were not equal to one hundred and twenty-five crowns, and yet he re- fused, during his sickness, twenty-five crowns, which the Council of Geneva offered to him, because he was incapa- ble of fulfilling the appointed labors of his office. (c) WHITEFIELD REJECTING AN ESTATE.— It is difficult, in such a world as this, so to live as that " our good " shall not be " evil spoken of." Mr. Whitefield has been charged with mercenary motives : his whole life showed the fallacy and weakness of such a charge. During his stay in Scotland, in 1759, a young lady. Miss Hunter, who possessed a considerable fortune, made a full offer to him of her estate, both money and lands, amounting to several thousand pounds, which he generously refused : and, upon his de- clining it for himself, she offered it to him for the benefit of his orphan-house. This also he absolutely refused. This incident is given on the authority of his original biographer, Dr. Gillies, who received it from unquestionable testi- mony. 143. DISOBEDIENCE TO PARENTS. {a) BEGINNING OF EVIL.— A young man was sentenced to the South Carolina penitentiary for four years. When he was about to be sen- tenced, he stated publicly that his downward course began in disobedience to his parents — that he thought he knew as much of the world as his father 280 did, and needed not his aid or advice, but that as soon as he turned his back upon his home, then temptations came around him like a drove of hyenas, and hurried him on to ruin. There is no place so safe and happv as a good home. (b) REASON FOR DISOBEY- ING. — The American Sunday School DISTILLERS. 143, 144 Herald, states, that a little girl, six years old, in a Sunday school, was re- Deating the fifth commandment. Her teacher endeavored to show her in what way she was to honor her parents, and said, " You must honor your parents by obeying them." " O, ma'am," ex- claimed the child, " { cannot keep that commandment." " Why cannot you keep it, my dear ?" " Because, ma'am, when my mother tells me to do one thing, my father tells me to do another. Now, just before I came here, my mo- ther told me to stay up stairs and learn my lesson, and my father told me to come down and play : now how could I obey them both ? No, no," closing her little hands as if in despair, " no, no, ma'am, it is impossible for me ever to keep that commandment." In such a case, however, a child should obey the father unless he bade her to commit some sin. Neither father or mother should be obeyed then. (c) PHILIP HENRY'S PROPHE- CY. — The Rev. Philip Henry, speaking once of a wicked son in the neighbor- hood, that was very undutiful to his mother, charged some of his children to observe the providence of God concern- ing him ; " Perhaps," said he, " I may not live to see it, but do you take notice, whether God do not come upon him with some remarkable judgment in this life, according to the threatening im- plied in the reason annexed to the fifth commandment;" but he himself lived to see it fulfilled not long after, in a very signal providence. (d) THE DISOBEDIENT PUN- ISHED.— The Rev. Herbert Palmer, B. D. master of Queen's College, Cam- bridge, who died in 1647, and who was " a burning and shining light " in his day, was remarkable for his dutiful af- fection to his parents, not only when he was a child, but during his whole life. He was peculiarly attentive to his pious ■ aged mother ; promoting, to the utmost of his power, both her temporal and spiritual comfort, even to the day of her death, which happened not long before* his own. He used frequently to enforce this duty in his ministry, observing the emphasis which God puts upon it through the whole of the Scriptures. He used to say that he had noticed the effects of disobedience to parents, so that he scarcely ever knew undutiful children escape some visible judgment of God in the present life ; he also thought that the mischiefs which occur in society frequently take their rise in contempt of parental authority. 144. DISTILLERS. (a) THE COLPORTEUR AND DISTILLER.— One day as Mr. R., a colporteur, was passing along the road, a man engaged in making barrels hailed him, stating that as Mr. R. travelled considerably, he should be glad to have him find a purchaser for his distillery ; but the colporteur, in the spirit of his Master, began to exhort him to attend to his eternal interests and prepare to give up his final account at the judg- men: seat. "But what," said he, " shall I do with my still-house ?" *' Repent, and get your heart right," said Mr. R., " and it shall be shown you what to do with your distillery — you will obtain light on that subject." After he left the shop, the man, who could not read a line, and, as he after- wards said, had never before heen per- sonally addressed by any Christian on the subject of his souVs salvation, imme- diately fell down upon his knees and cried to Gxl for mercy. Some time after, he found peace in Christ. He gave up his distillery which cost $1,000 ; and his wife, his brother and wife, and his mother, were ere long hopefully con- verted to God. (b) THE GRAVE-YARD AND THE DISTILLERY.— An elder of the church in , New- York, owned a distillery, and manufactured ardeni spirits. The elder was an active Christian, and seemed quite awake to the benevolent efforts of the day. His pastor was grieved that so worthy a man should be engaged in a busuiess which 281 145 DOUBTS AND FEARS OF CHRISTIANS. brought ruin temporal and eternal upon his fellow-men : and resolved to give him faithful warning. While visiting the elder at his house, the elder looked to the grave-yard, and said, " I love to look there — it seems to be the way to heaT-en."' "Yes," said the pastor, " and that," pointing to the distillery, " is the way to hell." It was a word in season ; and in a few weeks the distillery was levelled to the ground. 145. DOUBTS AND FEARS OF CHRISTIANS. (a) THE CHILD'S PRAYER.— A girl of twelve years of age, in one of the S. Schools of Mass., was known for some time to be very serious, and anxious to have her teacher converse with her about her soul. At length, a beam of joy lighted up her countenance. She said to her superintendent one day, ■"Oh how I love my Savior!" One Sabbath, soon after this, she came to him, at the close of the school : as he took her by the hand, she burst into tears. " Elizabeth," said he, " do you love the Savior now ?" " Yes," said she, "but I have been tempted this week. Something seemed to say I was not a Christian, and it made me very unhappy." "What did you do then ?" " I prayed that I might be delivered from temptation, and then I felt happy." She gave most decided evidence of being a child of God. Her exercise of mind and her prayers were like those of mature Christians. (b) " REMEMBER TORWOOD." — Mr. Kidd, when minister of Queens- ferry, a few miles from Edinburgh, was one day very much depressed and discouraged, for want of that comfort which is produced by the faith of the gospel alone. He sent a note to Mr. L., minister of Culross, a few miles off, informing him of his distress of mind, and desiring a visit as soon as possible. Mr. L. told the servant, he was so busy that he could not wait upon his master, but desired him to tell Mr. K. to remember Torwood ! When the servant returned, he said to his master, " Mr. L. could not come, but he desired me to tell you, to rememher Torwood .'" This answer immediately struck Mr. K., and he cried out, " Yes, Lord ! I 282 will remember Thee, from the hill Mizar, and from the Hermonites !" All his troubles and darkness vanished upon the recollection of a day which he had formerly spent in prayer, along with Mr. L. in Torwood, where he had enjoyed eminent communion with God. (c) WORLDLY PROFESSOR'S DEATH-BED.— Sometimes, says the late Rev. R. Cecil, in his valuable " Remains," we have a painful part to do with sincere Christians who have been going too much into the world. I was called upon to visit such a man. " I find no comfort," said he, " God veils his face from me. Every thing round me is dark and uncertain." I did not dare to act the flatterer ; I said, "Let us look faithfully into the state of things. I should have been surprised if you had not felt thus. I believe you to be sincere ; your state of feeling evinces your sincerity. Had I found you exulting in God, I should have concluded that you were either deceived or a deceiver ; for, while God acts in his usual order, how could you expect to feel otherwise on the approach of death than you do feel ? You have driven hard after the world ; your spirit has been absorbed in its cares ; your sentiments, your conversation have been in the spirit of the world. And have you any reason to expect the repose of conscience, and the clear evidence that awaits the man who has walked and lived in close friendship with God ? You know that what I say is true." His wife here interrupted me, by assuring me that he had been an excel- lent man. "Silence!" said the dying penitent, " it is all true." {d) JOHNSON'S VISIT TO WETHERELL.— The late Rev. Ro- bert Johnson says, " In Bishop Wilton DRESS. 146 lived a good man, named Thomas We- therell, much respected, with whom I was intimately acquainted about twenty years ago. I heard that he was ill, and went to Bishop* Wilton to see him. On iny arrival, I said, ' I am an old friend come to see you. I was afraid you would make your escape to heaven be- fore I had an opportunity.' He replied, ' 0, dear sir, 1 fear I shall never get there. I have lost my way ! I have lost my way ! Oh, what a stumbling- block am I now, after enjoying confi- dence for forty years !' I answered, ' 1 am very sorry that you have turned out so badly. I imagine my visit will not be acceptable. J suppose you have It; come very wicked, and fond of tri- ' '_:, vain, worldly company.' He im- liately rejoined, ' Oh, no, no ! I can- not bear them. I cannot bear them.' I said, ' I am glad of that ; and you m;:y be sure of this, that the Lord will not send you to hell among them here- al'tcr, when you so much dislike their vrays and company now.' " He was particularly struck with tiie manner and language in which I ad- dressed him. 'Come,' said I, ' let me have the history of your complaint.' lie proceeded, and said, ' Some time a 140, I had a paralytic stroke. I was wry ill, but very happy in God. Every one thought I was dying, and I thought so myself; and was full of peace and joy. But, contrary to expectation, I got so far better as to be able to walk about, though unable to work. I never was married ; and by frugality and in- dustry I saved about one hundred pounds. But it occurred to me that I might live a considerable time in this debilitated state ; my hundred pounds would soon be gone ; and I should, after all, become a burden to my friends. I entered into a hurtful train of perplexing reasoning, then of doubt, distrust, and fear. I have grieved the Spirit of God, and he has hid his face from me, and I am troubled. I have lost my confidence in God and am now in darkness and despair.' " I remarked, ' My dear brother, I clearly see your case. Your mind, as well as your body, is debilitated, and the enemy has taken advantage of your weakness to harass and distress you. In your present circumstances, you are not capable of reasoning with him, or of steadfastly resisting him : he is too cun- ning for you, and too strong. But lift up your heart to the Lord ; venture to look unto Jesus, who will soon bruise him under your feet who is thus pain- fully bruising your heel. You are just like a musical instrument when all its strings are slackened. If you try to play, there are only discordant sounds ; not because it is a bad instrument, but because it is out of tune.' " He replied with earnestness, ' Do you really think so, sir ?' ' Yes, I know that it is so. Because you are so unhinged and slackened in your nerv- ous system, you are ready to imagine that the Lord is disaffected towards you, and that his mercy is clean gone for ever. But, oh, venture to call upon him in your trouble and distress; looking unto Jesus who suffered, being tempted, and who knoweth how to succor them that are tempted ; and he will most cer- tainly deliver you, and you shall praise him.' " We then prayed together, and he was greatly encouraged. In a short time afterwards he was completely set at liberty from all his fears, and was filled with joy and peace in believing." 146. DRESS. (a) A GOOD CAUSE FOR WEEP- ING. — A minister calling to visit a lady, was detained a long time while she was dressing. At length she made her appearance, bedizened in all the frippery of fashion and folly. The min- ister was in tears. She asked the cause of his grief; when he replied, " I weep, madam, to think that an immor- tal being should spend so much of tha. precious time, which was given her to prepare for eternity, in thus vainly adorning that body which must so soon become a prey to worms." 283 146 DRESS. (b) A GOOD RULE.— A lady asked the Rev. John Newton, what was the best rule for female dress and be- havior. " Madam," said he, " so dress and so conduct yourself, that persons who have been in your company shall not recollect what you had on." This will generally be the case where singu- larity of dress is avoided, and where in- telligence of mind and gentleness of manners are cultivated. (c) WAY TO BANKRUPTCY. — " It is a lamentable fact," says the author of the ' Wife and Mother,' " that at the present day, there are hun- dreds of bankrupts or tradesmen on the very verge of bankruptcy, or per- sons of limited income in embarrassed circumstances, whose difficulties have originated in the fondness of their wives for dress and display, and some of these wives, women professing godliness! Not very long since, a professional man, with an income, perhaps of from two to three hundred a year, on which to sup- port himself, a wife, and one child, was arrested for debt. The stir thus occa- sioned brought to light his general cir- cumstances, when it appeared, that he owed about twelve hundred pounds, more than half that sum being due to mercei's, milliners, and jewellers, for his wife's finery." (d) TWO EXTREMES OF PRIDE. — Diogenes being at Olympia, saw at the celebrated festival some young men of Rhodes, arrayed most magnificently. Smiling, he exclaimed, " This is pride." Afterwards meeting with some Lacedemonians in a mean and sordid dress, he said, " And this is also pride." Pride is found at the same opposite extremes in dress at the present day. (e) LATHROP AND HiS PA- RISHIONER. — I was once requested, says Dr. Lathrop, to preach against pre- vailing fashions. A remote inhabitant of the parish, apparently ni a serious frame, called upon me one day, and pressed the necessity of bearing my tes- timony against this dangerous evil. I observed to him, that as my people were generally farmers in middling circum- stances, I did not think they took a lead in fashions ; if they followed them, it 284 was at an humble distance, and rather to avoid singularity, than to encourage extravagance ; that as long as people were in the liabit of wearing clothes, they must have some fashion or other, and a fashion that answered the ends of dress, and exceeded not the ability of the wearer, I considered as innocent, and not deserving reproof. To this he agreed, but said, what grieved him was to see people set tlieir hearts so much on fashions. I conceded that as modes of dress were trifles compared with our eternal concerns, to set our hearts upon them must be a great sin. But I ad- vised him to consider, that to set our hearts against such trifles, wafe the same sin, as to set our hearts Kpon them, and as his fixshion was different from those of his neighbors, just in proportion as he set his heart against theirs, he set his heart upon his own. He wa^ therefore doubly guilty of the very sin he im- puted to others. (/) DIFFERENT ADVICE OF TWO MINISTERS.— A couple of very gayly dressed ladies being in com- pany with a clergyman, on his being informed that they were professed Chris- tians, were kindly, but very solemnly reproved by him for their extravagance in dress. He reminded them that God had commanded that women adorn them- selves in modest ajyparel, with shame- facedness and sobriety ; not with broider- ed hair, or gold, or jjearls, or costly ar- ray, but (lahich becometh women profess- ing godliness) with good works ; whose adorning let it not be that outward adorn- ing ofplaiiing the liair, and the wearing of gold, or 0/ PUTTING ON OF AP. PAREL ; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in tJiat which is not corrupti- ble, even the ornament of a MEEK AND QUIET spirit, which in the sight of God is of great' price. They were somewhat offended, and with the hope of quieting their consciences, went to another clergyman, and asked him, if he thought there was any harm in their wearing feathers in their hats, with ar- tificial flowers, &c., &c. He gravely replied, " There is no harm in feathers and Jlowers. If you have in your hearts the ridiculous vanity to wish to be thought pretty, you may as well hang GUILT AND FOLLY OF DUELING. 146— 14§ out the SIGN, and let every one know what is the ruling passion of your heart." (gj SWIFT AND THE PRIN- TER. — Dean Swift was a regular enemy to extravagance in dress, and particularly to that destructive osten- tation in the middling classes, which led them to make an appearance above their condition in life. Of his mode of reproving this folly in those persons for whom he had an esteem, the following instance has been recorded. When George Faulkner, the printer, returned from London, where he had been solicit- ing subscriptions for his edition of the Dean's works, he went to pay his re- spects to him, dressed in a laced waist- coat, a bag wig and other fopperies. Swift received him with the same cere- monies as if he had been a stranger. And pray, sir," said he, " what are your commands with me ?" "I thought it was my duty sir," replied George, " to wait on you immediately on my arrival from London." " Pray, sir, who are you ?" " George Faulkner the printer, sir." " You George Faulkner the printer ! why you are the most im- pudent barefaced scoundrel of an im- postor I have ever met with ! George Faulkner is a plain sober citizen, and would never trick himself out in lace and other fopperies. Get you gone, you rascal, I will immediately send you to the house of correction." Away went George as fast as he could, and having changed his dress he returned to the Deanery, where he was received with the greatest cordiality. " My friend George," says the Dean, " I am glad to see you returned safe from London. Why, here has been an impudent fellow with me just now dressed in lace waist- coat, and he would fain pass himself off for you, but I soon sent him away with a flea in his ear.'' DUELING. 147. Gailt of Dueling. {a) ANNIVERSARY OF A DUEL. — It is related of Lieutenant- Colonel John Blackader, formerly deputy governor of Stirling castle, that though in early life he had been unhappily en- gaged in a duel, and had killed his an- tagonist, yet being convinced of its sin- fulness, he observed the anniversary of the day with penitence and prayer. (h) GARDINER'S REPLY TO A Off ALLENGE.— Colonel Gardiner having received a challenge to fight a duel, made the following truly noble and Christian reply : " I fear sinning, though you know, sir, I do not fear fighting;" thus showing his conviction of a fact too often forgotten, that the most impressive, manifestation of cour- age is to " obey God rather than man." 148. Folly of Dueling. (a) COBBETT'S RECOMMEN- DATION.— Cobbett, when challenged Tjo fight, recommended the challenger to draw a Cobbett in chalk upon the floor, and if he succeeded in hitting it, to send him instant word, in order that he might have an opportunity of ac- knowledging that, had the true Cobbett been there, he, in all probability, would have been hit too. But hit or no hit, the bullets could have no eflect what- ever, he maintained, on the original causes of the quarrel. {h) OCCASIONS OF DUELS.— Colonel Montgomery was shot in a duel about a dog ; Captain kamsay in one about a servant ; Mr. Fetherston in one about a recruit ; Sterne's father in one about a goose ; and another gentleman in one about "an acre of anchovies." One oflicer was challenged for merely asking his opponent to enjoy the second goblet ; another was compelled to fight about a pinch of snuff. General Barry was challenged by a Captain Smith, for declining a o-lass of wine with him at a dinner in a steamboat, although the General had pleaded as an excuse that wine invariably made his stomach sick at sea ; and Lieut. Crowther lost 285 149 DUELING. his life in a duel, because he was re- fused admittance to a club of pigeon shooters ! What contemptible folly in men it is to risk their lives in order to settle such trivial disputes as these ! And then how does the result of a duel really settle the dispute any more than the result of jumping together from a precipice, or any similar jeopardy of life and limb ? 149. Dueling Avoided. (fl) ANSWERING A CHAL- LENGE MATHEMATICALLY.— The eccentric mathematician, Professor Vince, of King's College, Cambridge, being once engaged in a conversation with a gentleman who advocated dueling," is said to have thrown his adversary completely hors du combat, by the following cute and characteristic reply to his question : But what could you do, sir, if a man told you to your face, " You lie ?" " What could I do ? why I wouldn't knock him down, but I'd tell him to prove it. Prove it, sir, prove it, I'd say. If he couldn't, he'd be the liar, and there I should have him ; but, if he did prove that I lied, I must e'en pocket the affront ; and there I expe«t the matter would end." (b) THE DUELIST OUTWITTED. — The Rev. J. Cooke, of Maidenhead, many years ago, published a very in- teresting pamphlet, containg the dying confession of a deist, under the title of, " Reason paying homage to Revela- tion." Soon after its publication, a great commotion was excited in Maid- enhead and its neighborhood. The brother of the deceased gentleman con- ceived himself injured, and sent a mes- sage to Mr. Cooke, demanding the satis- faction of a gentleman. Mr. C. replied, " I am quite prepared to give Mr. the satisfaction of a Christian gentle- man ; and, according to the laws of honor, as he has sent the challenge, it rests with me to choose time, place, and weapons. I do not choose to fight with pistols ; my weapon is a sword ; and if he will meet me in this parlor to-morrow at noon, with any witnesses he may de- sire, I shall be prepared to meet him with * the sword of the Spirit, which is 286 the word of God.' My character, my principles, my office, forbid my using any other weapons." It need not be added that his opponent did not admire this method of meeting the challenge, and Mr. C. heard no more of him. {c) MR. SCOTT'S SWORD.— The preaching of the Rev. J. Scott, who had been a captain in the army, having been instrumental in the conversion of a young lady, the daughter of a country gentleman, her father was greatly ofTend- ded, because she would not join in the usual amusements of their circle. Looking upon Mr. Scott as the sole cause of what he regarded as the me- lancholy of his daughter, he lay in wait to shoot him. Mr. Scott, being providen- tially apprised of it, was enabled to escape the danger. The diabolical design of the gentleman being thus de- feated, he sent Mr. Scott a challenge. Mr. S. might have availed himself of the law, and prosecuted him ; but he took another method. He waited upon him at his house, was introduced to him in his parlor, and, with his character- istic boldness and intrepidity, thus ad- dressed him : " Sir, I hear that you have designed to shoot me, by which you would have been guilty of murder ; failing in this, you have sent me a chal- lenge. And what a coward must you be, sir, to wish to engage with a blind man !" (alluding to his being short- sighted). " As you have given me the challenge, it is now my right to choose the time, the place, and the weapon ; I therefore, sir, appoint the present mo- ment, the place where we now are, and the sword for the weapon, to which 1 have been the most accustomed." The gentleman was evidently greatly terri- fied ; when Mr. Scott, having attained his end, produced a pocket JBible, and exclaimed, " This is my sword, sir ; the only weapon I wish to engage with." " Never," said Mr. Scott to a friend to whom he related this anecdote, " never was a poor careless sinner so delighted with the sight of a Bible before !" Mr. Scott reasoned with the gentle- man on the impropriety of his conduct, in treating him as he had done, for no other reason but because he had preached the truth . The result was, the gentleman DUELING SUPPRESSED. 149, 150 took him by the hand, begged his par- don, expressed his sorrow for his con- duct, and became afterwards very friendly to him. (d) THE STAKES UNEQUAL.— Two friends happening to quarrel at a tavern, one of them, a man of hasty disposition, insisted that the other should fight him next morning. The chal- lenge was accepted on condition that they should breakfast together at the house of the person challenged, previous to their coiner to the field. When the challenger came in the morning, ac- cording to appointment, he found every preparation made for breakfast, and his friend with his wife and children ready to receive him. Their repast being ended, and the family withdrawn, without the least intimation of their purpose having transpired, the challenger asked the other if he was ready. " No, sir," said he, "not till we are more on a par ; that amiable woman, and those six children, who just now breakfasted with us, depend, under Providence, on my life for subsistence, and, until you can stake something equal in my estimation, to the welfare of seven persons dearer to me than the apple of my eye, I can- not think we are matched." " We are not indeed !" replied the other, giving him his hand. These two persons be- came firmer friends than ever. (e) HUMOROUS REPLY TO A CHALLENGE.— When the question for the emblems and devices for the national arms of the United States, was before the old Congress, a member from the South warmly opposed the eagle as a monarchical bird. The king of birds could not be a suitable representative of a people whose insti- tutions were founded in hostility to kings. Judge Thatcher, then repre- sentative from Massachusetts, in reply, proposed the goose, which he said was a most humble and republican bird, and would in other respects prove advanta- geous, inasmuch as the goslings would do to put on ten cent pieces, &c. The laughter which followed at the expense of the Southerner was more than he could bear. He construed the good humored irony into an insult and sent a challenge. The bearer delivered it to Mr. Thatcher, who read and returned it to him, observing that he should not accept it ! " What, will you be brand- ed as a coward ?" " Yes, sir, if he pleases ; I always was a coward, and he knew it, or he would never have challenged me." The joke was too good to be resisted even by the angry party. It occasioned infinite mirth in the Con- gressional circles, and the former cor- dial and gentlemanly intercourse be- tween the parties was soon restored in a manner entirely satisfactory. 1§0. Dueling Suppressed. (a) GUSTAVUS AND HIS GEN- ERAL. — It was in one of the Prussian campaigns, says Harte, in his Life of Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, that the irrational practice of dueling rose to such a height in the Swedish army, not only among persons of rank and fashion, but even between the common soldiers, that Gustavus pub- lished a severe edict, denouncing death against every delinquent. Soon after there arose a quarrel between two officers very high in command, and as they knew the king's firmness in pre- serving his word inviolable, they agreed to request an audience, and besought his permission to decide the affair like men of honor. His majesty repressed his passion, and under the appearance of pitying brave men who thought their reputation injured, he told them, that though he much blamed their mistaken notions of fame and glory, yet as this unreasonable determination appeared to be the result of deliberate reflection, he would allow them to decide the affair at a time and place specified : " And gen- tlemen," said he, " I myself will be a witness of your extraordinary valor." At the hour appointed, Gustavus arrived accompanied with a small body of in- fantry, whom he drew up around the combatants. Having done this, he desired them to fight on till one of them should be killed, and calling the execu- tioner of the army to him, he ordered him, the moment one of them fell, to be ready instantly to behead the survi- vor. Astonished at such inflexible firmness, the two generals, after pausing 287 150, 151 EDUCATION OF MINISTERS. a moment, fell upon their knees, and asked the king's forgiveness, who made them embrace each other, and give their promise to continue faithful friends to their last moments ; as they both did with sincerity and thankfulness. (b) THE EMPEROR'S LETTER. — The following letter against dueling, written by Joseph, late Emperor of Germany, was published in a collection of his letters, a few years ago at Leipsic. " General ; — I desire you to arrest Count K — and Captain W — immedi- ately. The count is of an imperious character, proud of his birth, and full of false ideas of honor. Captain W — , who is an old soldier, thinks of settling every thing by the sword or the pistol. He has done wrong in accepting a challenge from the young count. I will not suffer the practice of dueling in the army ; and I despise the argu- ments of those who seek to justify it. I have a high esteem for officers who expose themselves courageously to the enemy, and who, on all occasions, show themselves intrepid, valiant, and deter- mined, in attack as well as defence. But there are men ready to sacrifice every thing to a spirit of revenge and hatred. T despise them ; such men, in my opinion, are worse than the Roman gladiators. Let a council of war be summoned to try those two officers with all the impartiality which I demand from every judge, and let the most cul- pable of the two be made an example by the rigor of the law. I am resolv- ed that this barbarous custom, which is worthy of the age of Tamerlane and Bajazet, and which is so often fatal to the peace of families, shall be punished and suppressed, though it should cost me half my officers. There will be still left men who can unite bravery with ihe duties of a faithful subject. I wish for none who do not respect the laws of the country. Joseph." " Vienna August, 1711." (c) THE DUELISTS AND THE GIBBET. — Frederic the Great is said to have taken the following summary and very successful method of sup- pressing dueling in his army : An officer desired his permission to fight a duel with a fellow-officer. He gave his consent, with the understanding that himself would be a spectator of the conflict. The hour of meeting arrived, and the parties repaired to the place of slaughter. But what was their surprise to find a gibbet erected upon the spot. The challenger inquired of Frederic, who was present according to agreement, what this meant. " I intend," said he, sternly, " to hang the survivor !" This was enough. The duel was not fought ; and by this simple but effectual means, it is said dueling was broken up in the army of Frederic. 151. EDUCATION OF MINISTERS. (a) THE PLOUGHBOY AND THE PRESIDENT.— The president of a well-known college in Kentucky, was one morning, while sitting in his study, astonished by the entrance of a single visitor. The visitor was a boy of some seven- teen years, rough and uncouth in his appearance, dressed in coarse homespun, with thick clumsy shoes on his feet, an old tattered felt "hat on his head, sur- mounting a mass of uncombed hair, which relieved swarthy and sunburnt features, marked by eyes quick and sparkling, but vacant and inexpres- 288 sive from the want of education. The whole appearance of the youth was that of an untaught, uncultivated ploughboy. The president, an affable and vene- rable man, inquired into the business of the person who stood before him. " If you please, sir," said the plough- boy, with all the hesitancy of an unedu- cated rustic — " If you please, sir, I'd like to get some larnin'. I heard you had a college in these parts, and I thought if I would work a spell for you, you would help me now and then in gettin' an edication." "Well, my young friend," replied EDUCATION OF MINISTERS. 151 the president, I scarcely see any way in which you might be useful to us. The request is something singular." " Why, I can bring water, cut wood, or black boots," interrupted the boy, his eyes brightening with earnestness. " I want to get an edication — I want to make something of myself. I don't keer how hard I work, only so as to get an edication. I want — " He paused, at a loss for words to ex- press his ideas, but there was a lan- guage in the expressive lip, and glanc- ing eye ; there was a language in his manner — in the tone in which these words were spoken, that appealed at once to the president's feelings. He determined to try the sincerity of the youth. " I am afraid, my young friend, I can do nothing for you. I would like to assist you, but I see no way in which you can be useful to us at present." The president resumed his book. In a moment he glanced at the ploughboy, who sat silent and mute, holding the handle of the door. He fingered his rough hat confusedly with one hand, his eyes were downcast, and his upper lip quivered and trembled as though he were endeavoring to repress strong and sudden feelings of intense disappoint- ment. The effort was but half success- ful. A tear, emerging from the down- cast eyelid, rolled over the sunburnt cheek, and with a quick, nervous ac- tion, the ploughboy raised his toil-har- dened hand and brushed away the sign of regret. He made a well-meant but awkward mark of obeisance, and open- ing the door, had one foot across the threshold, when the president called him back. The ploughboy was in a few minutes hired as a man of all work, and boot- black to the college. The next scene which we give the reader, was in a new and magKificent church, rich with the beauties of archi- tecture, and thronged by an immense crowd, who listened in deat/ilike still- ness to the burning eloqi:ence of the minister of heaven, who delivered the mission of his Master from the altar. — The speaker was a man in the full glow of middle age — of striking and impres- sive appearance — piercing and intellec- 19 and high intellectual fore- tual eye, head. Every eye is fixed on him — every lip hushed, and every ear, with nervous in- tensity, drinks in the eloquent teaching of the orator. Who in all thai throng would recog- nize in the famed, the learned, the elo- quent president of college, Penn- sylvania, the humble boot-black of college, in Kentucky ! (b) THE SCHOOLMASTER AND HIS POOR PUPIL.— The following anecdote was related by a gentleman at Utica, at a meeting of the friends of education : — In the month of December, 1807, Mr. Maynard was teaching school in the town of Plainfield, Mass. One cold blustering morning, on entering his school-room, he observed a lad that he had not seen before, sitting on one of the benches. The lad soon made known his errand to Mr. M. He was fifteen years old ; his parents lived seven miles distant ; he wanted an education ; and had come from home oii foot that morn- ing, to see if Mr. M. could help him to contrive how to obtam it. Mr. M. asked h:m if he was acquaint- ed with any one in that place. " No." "Can your parents help you towards obtaining an education ?" " No." '■' Have you any friends that can give you assistance ?" " No." " Well, -low do you expect to obtain an education ?" " I don't know, but I thouofit I would come and see you." Mr. M. told him to stay that day, and hp would see what could be done. He discovered that the boy was possess- of good sense, but no uncommon bril- liancy, and he was particularly struck with the cool and resolute manner in which he undertook to conquer diffi- culties which would have intimidated weaker minds. In the course of the day, Mr. M. made provision for having him boarded through the winter in the family with himself, the lad paying for his board by his services out of school. He gave himself diligently to study, in which he made good, but not rapid pro- ficiency, improving every opportunity of reading and conversation for acquiring knowledge, and thus spent the winter. 289 151, 152 EDUCATION, RELIGIOUS. When Mr. M. left the place in the spring, he engaged a minister who resided about four miles from the boy's father, to hear his recitations ; and the boy ac- cordingly boarded at home, and pur- sued his studies. It is unnecessary to pursue the narrative further. Mr. M. had never seen the lad since ; but this was the early history of the Rev. Jonas King, whose exertions in the cause of oriental learning, and in alleviating the miseries of Greece, have endeared him alike to the scholar and philan- thropist, and shed a bright ray of glory on his native countiy. (c) DR. BACON'S ADVICE.— "I received a most useful hint," says Ce- cil, " from Dr. Bacon, then father of the University, when I was at college. I used frequently to visit him at his living, near Oxford ; he would frequently say to me, ' What are you doing ? What are your studies V ' I am reading so and so.' ' You are quite wrong. When I was young, I could turn any piece of Hebrew into Greek verse with ease. But when I can^e into this parish, and had to teach igriorant people, I was wholly at a loss ; 1 had no furniture. They thought me a great man, but that was their ignorance, for I knew as little as they did, of what it w^s most impor- tant for them to know. Study chiefly what you can turn to good account in your future life.' " {d) THE UNKNOWN PKEACH- ER.-The spontaneous preferencb which all persons, free from prejudice, are ready to yield, other things being eq^al, to a preacher who has had the adva^a- vantages of education, may be illustrat- ed by the following incident : — In the vicinity of one of our literary institutions, where several young Bap- tist ministers were at their studies, a church, whose members were violently prejudiced against colleges and college- learned ministers, had passed a vote that they would admit no one from the neighboring institution into their pulpit. Shortly after this they sent to a minis- ter then residing near the institution, whom they did not know, but with whose preaching they supposed from information they should be pleased. The minister agreed to attend and preach for them, on the day named in their request. Circumstances, how- ever, prevented his going in person ; he ■ therefore engaged a young ministering brother, who had nearly completed his studies at the institution of which he was a member, to go in his stead. This young brother was unknown to any of the church. He came to the place at the hour ap^inted ; and, with a fluent and ready utterance, with a warm heart and fervent spirit, and with a well fur- nished mind, he delivered his Master's message. The members of the church, who supposed all this while that the preacher was the individual for whom they had sent, and who had never been in a literary institution, were delighted. Their hearts were opened. They press- ed him to visit them again, to which he consented. In the meantime, they as- certained who their preacher was, that he was a member of the neighboring institution. But they had committed themselves ; he had gained their hearts, and the approbation of their judgment. It was the end of their prejudice against learning in a minister. After this they were ready to admit and act on the principle, that learning cannot make a Minister, but that it can greatly increase his power of being useful. 152. EDUCATION, RELIGIOUS. (a) A PIOUS FATHER AND HIS REFRACTORY SON.— A pious, ten- der father, asked his refractory son, one Sabbath morning, if he was going to at- tend meeting ? The child answered, that he was not. " Why ?'' said his fa- ther. " I have a sore foot," was the 290 answer. ''But you shall ride and I will walk." The child being resolved not to go, made many objections, whicji the father answered in a similar way ; until the son, no longer able to hide the opposition of his heart, broke out as fol- lows :— " I will go, but I will not hear EDUCATION, RELIGIOUS. I5d one word." He then went away in a passion. But God, who is mighty in wisdom, and seeth not as man seeth, had determined that he should hear. His sins were set in order before him, in such a manner, that he was unable to leave the place without assistance. He remained several days in great dis- tress, and then found peace in the blood of Christ. He is now a preacher of the gospel which he so much despised. Those parents who think it will do no good to urge children to attend public worship, may derive from this anecdote a valuable lesson. (b) FIRST IMPRESSIONS.— A respectable lady died in 1845, near Ma- dison, Wisconsin. She was a native of Kentucky, and educated a Protestant. All her family were Protestants. For seven years previous to her death she had no intercourse with j^man Catho- lics. But when death was approaching she sent a hundred miles for a Catholic bishop, that she might be received into communion and die in the Romish Church. And wherefore ? Her feel- ings were the result of early impressions received while attending a Catholic school at Nazanath, Kentucky ! Yet how little many parents think of the depth and permanency of the impres- sions made on their infant offspring by the school-teacher's instructions or their own ! Of all impressions those are most enduring which are the earliest, (c) THE FATHER'S PRAYER. —Of the family of Mr. C , the fol- lowing account is given by one of^ the sons, at the request of a friend : — My father was for many years not only a member, but a living member, of the church of Christ. He had ten children. We were all taught to " fear God and keep his commandments." " The Sab- bath day" was " remembered." Well do I recollect, with filial gratitude, how regularl)^ on the Sabbath we were sum- moned to take our stand around the arm-chair of my father, to repeat the catechism and other religious lessons, and his earnest entreaties that we would " remember our Creator in the days of our youth." His prayers partook much of a wrestling spirit ; his whole soul appeared to be in the exercise. I never can forget one request which he pressed with deep and hearty solicitude : " O Lord! give my children an interest in Christ : whatever else is denied them, deny them not this greatest of all bless- ings .'" In all my profligate wander- ings that prayer would ring in my ears, and the image of my praying father would appear to my imagination ; and now, with deep emotions of gratitude for God's abounding grace, I can say, every one of their children hope in the mercy of Christ. Two of the sons are officers of churches ; and all of us have as many responsibilities as we can faithfully discharge both of a civil and religious character. (c) NO SCOTCH WOMAN THERE. -^The Rev. Dr. Waugh was enlarging one evening, at a public Sab- bath school meeting, on the blessings of education; and, turning to his native country, Scotland, for proof, told his auditors the following anecdote : — " At board-day at the Penitentiary at Mill- bank, the food of the prisoners was dis- cussed, and it was proposed to give Scotch broth thrice a week. Some of the governors were not aware what sort of broth the barley made, and desired to taste some before they sanctioned the measure. One of the officers was ac- cordingly directed to go to the wards and bring a Scotch woman, competent to the culinary task, to perform it in the kitchen. After long delay, the board supposing the broth was preparing all the while, the officer returned, and told their honors that there was no Scotch woman in the house. '^ 291 153 ELOQUENCE, SACRED. 153. ELOgXIENCE, SACRED. JUDGING MIN- years ago, three (a) INDIANS ISTERS. — Some American ministers went to preach to the Cherokee Indians. One preached very deliberately and coolly ; and the chiefs held a council to know whether the Great Spirit spoke to them through that man ; and they declared he did not, because he was not so much en- gaged as their head men were in their national concerns. Another spoke to them in a most vehement manner ; and they again determined in council that the Great Spirit did not speak to them through that man, because he was mad. The third preached to them in an earn- est and fervent manner ; and they agreed that the Great Spirit might speak to them through him, because he was both earnest and affectionate. The last was ever after kindly received. (h) TWO WAYS OF TELLING .^A STORY.— The late Dr. Lathrop, of / West Springfield, Mass., related to Mr. Whitefield a fact which the Dr. had personally witnessed ; and he related it without much feeling. The same day Mr. Whitefield introduced the story in- to his sermon, and Dr. Lathrop as he heard it found himself drowned in (c) ELOQUENCE OF STAUGH- TON.— The Rev. Dr. Staughton, of Philadelphia, was remarkable for the energy of his delivery, and for the origi- nality of many of his remarks. On one occasion, he was preaching from the words, " God be merciful to me a sinner." His soul kindled, as he pro- ceeded, with intense ardor for the sal- vation of his assembly. He presented, in a strain of vivid and powerful elo- quence, the joy of the angelic hosts on the repentance of one sinner. Perfect silence reigned through the vast audi- ence. There was a moment's pause, and it was obvious, from his counte- nance and his attitude, that his mind was preparing for some powerful and bverwhelming flood of feeling. He proceeded : " Shall I retire with the 292 desponding reflection, that, in all this congregation, there is not one soul humbled before God ? Shall angels prepare their wings for flight, and the voice of contrition be unheard ? It cannot be*^ I will cherish the hope that there is, at least, one sinner here whose heart is melted down before the Lord, and trembling at the prospect of future retribution ; that there is, even now, one whose agony is on the point of extorting from his lips the cry of the publican. " Suddenly throwing up his arm, with a voice full, loud, and rapid, he exclaimed, '* Flark !" The effect it is impossible to describe. His arm remained for a time elevated, dur- ing which the most awful stillness reigned, interrupted only by an appar- ently delicate and indescribable breath- ing, that seemed to pass over the con- gregation, midway in the edifice. Then, with a grace and energy pecu- liar to himself, he brought down his- hand upon his breast, and repeated the pray- er, " God be merciful to me a sinner." The feelings of the assembly were wrought to the highest point, and some time elapsed before they were enabled to breathe freely. {d) MASSILLON'S PREACHING. — When Massillon preached the first Advent sermon at Marseilles, Louis the XlVth paid a most expressive tribute to his eloquence : — " Father, when I hear others preach, I am very well pleased with them ; when I hear you, I am dissatisfied with myself." The first time this great preacher de- livered his sermon on the small number of the elect, the whole audience were, in one part of it, in so violent a state of emotion, that almost every person half rose from his seat, as if to shake off the horror of being one of those that would be cast out into everlasting dark- ness. So remarkably were all his strokes aimed at the heart. When Baron, the actor, came from hearing one of Massillon's sermons, he said to a person of the same profession, ELOQUENCE, SACRED. 153 who accompanied him, " Here is an orator ; we are only actors." (e) QUITE DIFFERENT PREACHERS.— The different effects produced by pulpit eloquence are well described by the following anecdote of two French preachers. Le Pere Arrius said, "When Le Pere Bourdaloue preached at Rouen, the tradesmen for- sook their shops, lawyers their clients, physicians their sick, and tavern-keepers their bars ; but, when I preached the fol- lowing year, I set all thing to rights — every man minded his own business !" (/) PREACHING AS IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD.— The emi- nence of the Rev. Mr. Brown, of Had- dington, both as a preacher and a writer, is well known. On a public occasion, where a man who professed the princi- ples of infidelity was present, two ser- mons were delivered : the first of them by an ambitious young man, who de- livered a very eloquent and florid address; Mr. Brown followed, in one equally remarkable for its simplicity and earnestness. " The first preacher," said the skeptic to one of his friends, " spoke as if he did not believe what he said ; the latter, as if he was con- scious that the Son of God stood at his elbow." \ (g) NEWTON'S TRIBUTE TO' WHITEFIELD.— In a company of noblemen and gentlemen, at breakfast, Mr. Whitefield having become the sub- ject of conversation, one of the company asked the Rev. John Newton, who was present, if he knew Mr. Whitefield. He answered in the affirmative, and ob- served, that as a preacher, Mr. White- field far exceeded every other man of his time. Mr. Newton added, " I bless God that I lived in his time ; many were the winter mornings 1 got up at four, to attend his tabernacle discourses at five ; and I have seen Moorfields as full of lanterns at these times, as I sup- pose the Maymarket is full of flam- beaux on an opera night." As a proof of the power of Mr. W.'s preaching, Mr. Newton mentioned, that an officer at Glasgow, who had heard him preach, laid a wager with another, that at a cer- tain charity sermon, though he went with prejudice, he would be compelled to give something ; the other to make sure that he would not, laid all the money out of his pockets; but, before he left the church, he was glad to bor- row some, and lose his bet. Mr. New- ton mentioned, as another striking ex- ample of Mr. Whitefield's persuasive oratory, his collecting at one sermon £600 for the inhabitants of an obscure village in Germany, that had been burned down. After sermon, Mr. Whitefield said, " We shall sing a hymn, during which those who do not choose to give their mite on this awful occasion, may sneak off." Not one moved ; he got down from the pulpit, ordered all the doors to be shut but one, at which he held the plate himself, and collected the above large sum. Mr. Newton related what he knew to be a fact, that at the time of Whitefield's greatest persecution, when obliged to preach in the streets, in one week he received not fewer than a thousand let- ters from persons distressed in their consciences by the energy of his preach- ' %) HUME'S TRmUTE TO WHITEFTEDX"— XH~ extraordinary attestation to the excellence of Mr. Whitefield, as a preacher, was furnish- ed by Hume, the historian, well known for his infidelity. An intimate friend having asked him what he thought of Mr. Whitefield's preaching, " He is, sir," said Mr. Hume, " the most ingenious preacher I ever heard : it is worth while to go twenty miles to hear him." He then repeated the following passage, which occurred towards the close of the discourse he had been hearing : " After a solemn pause, Mr.. Whit&field thus addressed his numerous audience : — ' Tlia_att endant angel is just a bout to leave the thresholdj and- -ascend -to hea- ven, , And shall he a.scend, and not / bear with him the news of one sinner, among all this multitude, reclaimed from the error of his ways ?' To give the greater effect to this exclamation, he stamped with his f^ot, lifted up his eyes and hands to heaven, and with gushing tears, cried aloud, 'Stop, Gabriel! Stop, Gabriel! Stop, ere you enter the sacred portals, and yet carry with you the news of one sinner converted to 293 153 ELOQUENCE, SACRED. , God.' He then, in the most simple, but energetic language, described what he called a Savior's dying love to sin- ful man, so that almost the whole as- sembly melted into tears. This address was accompanied with such animated, yet natural action, that it surpassed any thing I ever saw or heard in any other preacher." Happy had it been for Mr. Hume, if, in addition to his admiration of the preacher, he had received the doctrine which he taught, and afforded an in- stance of that conversion to God which Mr. Whitefield so ardently longed for on behalf of his hearers. (i) FRANKLIN'S TRIBUTE TO WHITEFIELD.— The following anec- dote, related by Dr. Franklin, which is equally characteristic of the preacher and himself, further illustrates the power of Mr. Whitefield 's eloquence : — " I happened," says the doctor, " to at- tend one of his sermons, in the course of which I perceived he intended to finish with a collection, and I silently resolved he should get nothing from me. I had in my pocket a handful of copper money, three or four silver dollars, and five pistoles in gold. As he proceeded, I began to soften, and concluded to give the copper. Another stroke of his oratory made me ashamed of that, and determined me to give the silver ; and he finished so admirably, that I emptied my pocket wholly into the collector's dish, — gold and all. At this sermon there was also one of our club; who, being of my sentiments respecting the building in Georgia, and suspecting a col- lection might be intended, had, by pre- caution, emptied his^ pockets before he came from home. Towards the conclu- sion of the discourse, however, he felt a strong inclination to give, and applied to a neighbor, who stood near him, to lend him some money for the purpose. The request was made to, perhaps, the only man in the company who had the cold- ness not to be affected by the preacher. His answer was, " At any other time, friend Hodgkinson, I would lend to thee freely ; but not now, for thee seems to be out of thv rio;ht senses." (j) SCULPTOR'S OPINION OF WHITEFIELD.— A baronet was one 294 day examining some works of the cele- brated sculptor, Mr. Bacon, and observed a bust of Mr. Whitefield among them, which led him to remark, " After all that has been said, this was truly a great man ; he was the founder of a new reli- gion." " A new religion, sir !" replied Mr. B. " Yes," said the baronet ; " what do you call it ?" " Nothing," was the reply, " but the old religion re- vived with new energy, and treated as if the preacher meant what he said." (A:) THE BROKEN HEART.— When Whitefield was preaching at Ex- eter, a man was present who had loaded his pockets with stones, in order to fling them at that precious ambassador of Christ. He heard his prayer, however, with patience ; but no sooner had he named his text, than the man pulled a stone out of his pocket and held it in his hand waiting for a fair opportunity to throw. But God sent a sword to his heart, and the stone dropped from his hand. After sermon he went to Mr. W. and told him, " Sir, I came to hear you this day with a view to break your head, but the spirit of the Lord, through your ministry, has given me a broken heart." The man proved to be a sound convert, and lived to be an ornament to the Gos- pel. ( THE SHIPBUILDER'S OPIN- ION OF WHITEFIELD. — A ship- builder was once asked what he thought of Mr. Whitefield. "Think!" he re- plied ; " I tell you, sir, every Sunday that I go to my parish church, I can build a ship from stem to stern under the sermon ; but were I to save my soul, under Mr. W. I could not lay a sinsrle plank." (m) THE BLIND MINISTER.— " I was one Sunday travelling through the county of Orange, on the eastern side of the Blue Ridge," says Wirt, in his British Spy, " when my eye was caught by a cluster of horses tied near a ruinous wooden house, in the forest, not far from the roadside. Having fre- quently seen such objects before, I had no difficulty in understanding that this was a place of religious worship. Curi- osity to" hear the preacher of such a wil- derness induced me to join the congre- gation. On my entrance, I was struck NATURE OF LOVE TO ENEMIES. 153, 154 with his supernatural appearance. He was a tall and very spare old iman ; his head, which was covered with a white linen cap, his shrivelled hands, and his voice, were all shaking under the influ- ence of palsy ; and a few moments as- certained to me that he was perfectly blind. It was the day of the sacrament — his subject was the passion of our Sa- vior ; and he gave it a new and more sublime pathos than I had ever before witnessed. When he descended from the pulpit to distribute the mystic sym- bols, there was a peculiar, a more than human solemnity in his voice and man- ner, which made my blood run cold, and my whole frame shiver. His peculiar phrases had that force of description, that the original scene seemed acting before our eyes. We saw the very faces of the Jews ; the staring, frightful distortions of malice and of rage. But when he came to touch on the patience, the forgiving meekness of our Savior ; when he drew to the life his blessed eyes streaming with tears, his voice breathing to God the gentle prayer, ' Father, for- give them, for they know not what they do,' — the voice of the preacher, which had all along faltered, grew fainter and fainter, until his voice being entirely obstructed by the force of his feelings, he raised his handkerchief to his eyes, and burst into a loud and irrepressible flood of grief. The effect was incon- ceivable. The whole house resounded with mingled groans, and sobs, and shrieks. I could not imagine how the speaker could let his audience down from the height to which he had wound them, without impairing the solemnity of his subject, or shocking them by the abruptness of his fall. But the descent was as beautiful and sublime as the ele- vation had been rapid and enthusiastic. The tumult of feeling subsided, and a death-like stillness reiiijned throui^hout the house, when the aged man removed his handkerchief from his eyes, still wet with the torrent of his tears, and slowly stretching forth his palsied hand, he ex- claimed, ' Socrates died like a philoso- pher,' — then pausing, clasping his hands with fervor to his heart, lifting his ' sight- less balls ' to heaven, and pouring his whole soul into his tremulous voice, he continued — ' but Jesus Christ died like a God.' Had he been an angel of light, the effect could have scarcely been more divine." (tz) FLETCHER'S APPEAL.— When the P^ev. J. W. Fletcher, of Madeley, was once preaching on Noah as a type of Christ, and while in the midst of a most animated description of the terrible day of the Lord, he suddenly paused. Every feature of his expres- sive countenance was marked with pain- ful feeling ; and, striking his forehead with the palm of his hand, he exclaimed, " Wretched man that I am ! Beloved brethren, it often cuts me to the soul, as it does at this moment, to reflect, that while I have been endeavoring, by the force of truth, by the beauty of holiness, and even by the terrors of the Lord, to bring you to walk in the peaceable paths of righteousness, I am, with respect to many of you who reject the gospel, only tying mill-stones round your neck, to sink you deeper in perdition !" The whole church was electrified, and it was some time before he could resume his discourse. ENEMIES, LOVE TO. 151. Nature of Love to Enemies. (a) THE HAND OF THE AVEN- GER STAYED.— The following inci- dent is taken from the diary of Hans Egede Saabye, a grandson of the cele- brated Hans Egede, first missionary to Greenland. It has ever been a fixed law in Green- land, that murder, and particularly the murder of a father, must be avenged. About twenty years before the arrival of Saabye, a father had been murdered in the presence of his son, a lad of thirteen, in a most atrocious manner. The boy was not able then to avenge the 295 154 ENEMIES, LOVE TO. crime, but the murderer was not for- gotten. He left that part of the coun- try, and kept the flame burning in his bosom, no suitable opportunity offering for revenge, as the man was high in in- fluence, and many near to defend him. At length his plan was laid, and with some of his relations to assist him, he returned to the province of the murder- er, who lived near the house of Saa- bye ; there being no house unoccupied where they might remain, but one owned by Saabye, they requested it, and it was granted, without any remark, al- though he knew the object of their coming. The son soon became interested in the kind missionary, and often visited his cabin, giving as his reason, " You are so amiahle I cannot keep away from you.^' Two or three weeks after, he requested to know more of " the great Lord of Heaven," of whom Saabye had spoken. His request was ch(5erfully granted. Soon it appeared that himself and all his relatives, were desirous of instruction, and ere long, the son re- quested baptism. To this request the missionary answered : " Kunnuk" — for that was his name — " you know God : you know that he is good, that he loves you, and desires to make you happy : but he desires also that you should obey him." Kunnuk answered ; " I love him, I will obey him." " His command is, ' Thou shalt not murder.' " The poor Greenlander was much affected, and silent. " I know," said the missionary, " why you have come here with your relations, but this you must not do, if you wish to become a believer." Agitated, he answered, " But he mur- dered my father !" For a long time the missionary press- ed this point, the poor awakened heathen promising to " kill only one." Bui this was not enough. " Thou shalt do no murder," Saabye insisted was the com- mand of the Great Lord of heaven. He exhorted him to leave the murderer in the hand of God to be punished in another world : but this was waiting too long for revenge. The missionary re- fused him baptism, without obedience to 296 the command. He retired to consult his friends. They urged him to re- venge. Saabye visited him, and without refer- ring to the subject, read those portions of Scripture and hymns teaching a quiet and forgiving temper. Some days after Kunnuk came again to the cabin of Saabye. " I will," said he, " and I will not ; I hear, and I do not hear. I never felt so before ; I will forgive him, and I will not forgive him." The mis- sionary told him, " When he iwuld for- give, then his better spirit spoke ; when he would not forgive, then his uncon- verted heart spoke." He then repeated to him the latter part of the life of Jesus, and his prayer for his murderers. A tear stood in his eye. " But he was better than I," said Kunnuk. " But God will give us strength," Saabye answered. He then read the martyr- dom of Stephen, and his dying prayer for his enemies. Kunnuk dried his eyes and said, " The wicked men ! — He is happy ; he is certainly with God in heaven. My heart is so moved ; but give me a little time ; when I have brought the other heart to silence, I will come again." He soon returned with a smiling countenance, saying, " Now I am happy ; I hate no more ; I have for- given ; my wicked heart shall be silent." He and his wife, having made a clear profession of faith in Christ, were baptized and received into the church. Soon afl;er, he sent the follow- ing note to the murderer of his father : " I am now a believer, and you have nothing to fear," and invited him to his house. The man came, and in- vited Kunnuk in his turn to visit him. Contrary to tlie advice of friends, Kunnuk went, and, as he was returning home, he found a hole had been cut in his kajak (or boat) in order that he might be drowned. Kunnuk stepped out of the water, saying, " He is still afraid, though I will not harm him !" What a noble example of self-con- quest ! What an illustrious exhibition of the power of the gospel ! (b) THE MISSIONARY ASSAIL- ED. -Not many years ago, a missionary- was preaching in a chapel to a crowd of idol-loving Hindoos. He had not BLESSING ENEMIES. 154, 155 proceeded far in his sermon, when he was interrupted by a strong native, who went behind the desk, intending to knock him down with his stick. Plappily, the blow aimed at the minister fell on his shoulder and did him little, if any, injury. The congregation of hearers was, however, very angry with the offender ; and they seized him at the very moment he was attempting his escape. . " Now, what shall I do with him ?" said the mission- ary to the people. " What shall I do to him ?" " Give him a good beating," answered some. " I cannot do that,'" said he. " Send him to the Judge," cried others ; " and he will receive two years' hard labor on the road." " I cannot follow your advice," said the missionary again ; " and I will tell you why. My religion commands me to love my enemies, and to do good to them who treat me injuriously." Then, turning to the culprit, he addressed him in these words : " 1 forgive you from my heart ; but never forget that you owe your escape from punishment to that lesus whom you persecuted in me." The effect of this scene on the Hin- doos was most impressive. They saw it and marvelled ; and, unable any longer to keep silence, they sprang on their feet, and shouted, " Victory to Jesus Christ !" " Victory to Jesus Christ !" (c) LINKS AND THE MURDER- ER. — Peter Links, a Namacqua, was the brother of Jacob Links, who was murdered when on a journey into the country with Mr. Threlfall, the Wes- leyan missionary. After we heard of his brother Jacob's murder, Peter, when speaking on the subject, said, " Oh that I could find the murderer who took away my brother's life ! I would not care what distance I might have to travel ; I would not mind any exposure, fatigue, or danger; I would not care what ex- pense I might incur, if I could only lay hold of that man." Being aware that men in their savage state cherish an in- domitable spirit of revenge, but believing Peter to be a decidedly pious character, I was a little astonished at his language, and rather hastily inquired, " Well, sup- posing you could find the man, what would you do to him ?" " Do to him ?" said Peter ; " Mynheer, I would bring him to this station, that he might hear the gospel, and that his soul might be converted to God." EXHIBITIONS OF LOYE TO ENEMIES. Uk Blessing Enemies. {a) MUNMOTH AND THE PA- PIST. — Bishop Latimer tells us, in his seventh sermon on the Lord's prayer, of a rich man* who had a poor neighbor, whom he treated very kindly. But the alderman became a Protestant and his poor friend became his enemy. Indeed, the poor man would not vouchsafe to speak to him : if he met the rich man j in the street, he would go out of his way. I " One time it happened that he met him I in so narrow a street that he could not shun him, but must come near him ; yet for all this, this poor man was minded to go forward, and not to speak with him. The rich man perceiving that, caught him by the hand, and asked him, say- ing, ' Neighbor, what is come into your heart, to take such displeasure with me ? what have I done against you ? tell me, and I will be ready at all times to make you amends.' " Finally, he spoke so gently, so chari- tah/y, and friend/y, that it wrought in the poor man's heart, so that by and by he fell down upon his knees, and asked his forgiveness. The rich man forgave him, and took him again into his favor, and they loved each other as well as ever they did before. Many a one would have said, Set him in the stocks, let him have bread of affliction, and water of tribulation ; but this man did not so. And here you see an example of the practice of God's words ; so that the poor man, bearing great hatred and malice against the rich man, was brought, through the lenity and meek- ness of the rich man, from his error and wickedness, to the knowledge of God's word. I would that you would consider this example well, and fol- low it." (h) NARDIN AND HIS ENEMIES. — This excellent pastor of the church * The rich man here spoken of was Humphrey Munmoth, sheriff and alderman of London. 297 155, 156 ENEMIES, LOVE TO. of Blamontj was so little affected by the unjust proceedings and outrageous con- duct to which he was exposed, that the remembrance of it was soon effaced from his mind. If he ever felt any thing like a desire to be avenged, no- thing of the kind appeared in the case about to be related. Some time after he had been restored to the ministry, and re-established at Blamont, the in- tendant of Besanqon repaired to the town, and immediately requested to see Mr. Nardin. The latter having com- plied with his invitation, the other said to him, among several complimentary speeches, " Well, Mr. Nardin, you see yourself well avenged. You ought to be satisfied that your two adversa- ries, who labored to make you end your days in the dungeons of the mighty Grison, have been shut up there them- selves, whilst you have been pronounced innocent." The two persons, indeed, who were most cruelly bent on his de- struction, were for some time under con- finement in the prisons of Besanqon ; one as a dealer in contraband commodi- ties, and the other for disturbing certain rights claimed by the Roman Catholics. Mr. Nardin, feeling himself but little flattered by this compliment, replied, in a soft but unhesitating tone, " My reli- gion, my lord, does not permit me to rejoice in the misfortunes of my ene- mies. I pity them ; and wish that a wiser conduct may shelter them from such punishments." (c) BRUEN AND HIS ENEMY.— A gentleman once sent his servant to John Bruen, Esq., of Bruen, requesting him never to set a foot upon his ground ; to whom he sent this reply : " If it please your master to walk upon my grounds, he shall be very welcome ; but if he please to come to my house, he shall be still more welcome." By thus heaping coals of fire upon his head, he melted him down into love and ten- derness, and made him his cordial friend. 1§6. Doing God to Enemies. (a) THE UNRULY CATTLE.— The horse of a pious man living in Mas- sachusetts, happening to stray into the 298 road, a neighbor of the man who owned the horse put him into the pound. Meet- ing the owner soon after, he told him what he had done ; '• and if I catch him in the road again," said he, " I'll do it again." " Neighbor," replied the other, " not long since, I looked out of my window in the night, and saw your cat- tle in my meadow, and I drove them out and shut them in your yard ; and I'll do it again." Struck with the re- ply, the man liberated the horse from the pound, and paid the charges him- self. "A soft answer turneth away wrath." (b) THE PRINCESS AND THE WARRIOR.— The Bechuanas of South Africa are divided into many different nations or tribes. Two of these nations carried on war for some years, each side trying to kill every man, woman and child of the other nation, and prac- ticing cruelties too horrid for children to hear. The name of the one nation was Barolong, and that of the other Bakueni, or People of the Crocodile. One day the daughter of the Chief of the Bakueni was gathering berries by the river side ; she was some way from her father's village, and all alone ; she did not think that any enemy was near, but there was a wicked old warrior of the Barolong nation, creeping along the borders as a spy, and he saw her. She had never done him any harm, but he hated her because she was one of the Bakueni. He crept like a coward upon his hands and knees, and when he was within a few steps of her, he sprang upon her like a tiger, and with his as- segai cut off both her hands above the v^rists. He mocked at her sufferings, and tauntingly asked, " U tla 'mpona kai ? Rumela !" " Where shall you see me again ? I salute you." The cries of the poor bleeding girl soon brought her friends from the village, but the wicked old man made off with all speed, and he was far enough away before they reached her. There was no surgeon at hand to dress her wound- ed arms, so whether she died from pain and loss of blood or not, remains to be told. At length both nations suffered so dreadfully from war and famine, that 156 DOING GOOD TO ENEIMIES. fney wished to make peace. They killed some cattle, and sat down to eat together, and thus made a treaty of peace. Next season the Bakueni had an abundant crop of corn, but the Baro- longs were in great distress. Swarms of locusts ate up the produce of their fields and gardens, and they were ob- liged to beg food from the people they once meant to destroy. Among others the old warrior suffer- ed extremely, and he set out on a journey to the Bakueni, in order to save his life. He had a little bag containing a little meal, made from pounded lo- custs. It was all he could get to eat on his way. He took a pipe and tobacco also, and a walking-stick in his hand, but he was nearly starved, and so weak and thin, that he could not get on fast. He reached the village of the Chief of the Bakueni, and entered the enclosure before the door of the Chief's house. A young woman was sitting near the door. She was dressed in a tiger-skin kaross, which none but the mofamagari, or " royal mistress," may wear. The old man addressed his petition to her in the most humble words, and begged her to give him, a poor dog, a little food, as he was dying of hunger. She answer- ed him, " E ! U tla 'mpona kai ? Ru- mela !" The old man was stupified by hunger, and did not remember the words. A servant was cooking food while this was going on. Her mistress turned to her and told her to put some into a dish ; then throwing back her kaross, she un- covered her arms. There were no hands, only stumps left. She was the very girl whose hands this same wicked old man had cut off so long before ! She said to her servant, " Give the food to that man ; he does not deserve it. It was he who cut off my hands when I was a girl ; but I will not re- venge myself; he is now starving. He little thought that we should thus meet each other." Then speaking to the old warrior, she said, " There ; take and eat! U tla 'mpona kai? Rumela !" What the old man felt, it would be dif- ficult to say. The generous conduct of the Chief's daughter has never been forgotten by the Barolong nation. To this day, one of them may be kept from an unkind action by the oppressed party exclaiming, " U tla 'mpona kai ? Rumela !" (c) SOUTHEY AND THE BLACK BOY.— Acts of kindness and soft words have an irresistible power, even over an enemy. " When I was a small boy," says Southey, " there was a black boy in the neighborhood, by the name of Jim Dick. I and a num- ber of my playfellows were one even- ing collected together at our sports, and began tormenting the poor black, by calling him ' negro, blackamoor,' and other degrading epithets : the poor fel- low appeared excessively grieved at our conduct, and soon left us. We soon after made an appointment to go a skat- ing in the neighborhood, and on the day of the appointment I had the misfortune to break my skates, and I could not go without borrowing Jim's skates. 1 went to him and asked him for them. ' O yes, John, you may have them, and welcome,' was his answer. When I went to return them, I found Jim sitting by the fire in the kitchen, reading the Bible. I told him I had returned his skates, and was under great obligations to him for his kindness. He looked at me as he took his skates, and, with tears in his eyes, said to me, ' John, don't never call me blackamoor again,' and immediately lell the room. The words pierced my heart, and I burst into tears, and from that time I'esolved never again to abuse a poor black." {d) THE SLAVE'S CONDUCT EXPLAINED.— A slave in one of the West India Islands, originally from Africa, having been brought under the influence of religious instruction, be- came so valuable to his owner on ac- count of his integrity and general good conduct, that his master employed him to assist in the management of his plantation. On one^occasion, his owner wishing, to purchase twenty additional slaves, employed him to make the se- lection from those who were offered hv sale. Soon after commencing his ex- amination of those who were in the market, he fixed his eye intently on an old decrepit slave, and told his mastei he must take him for one. The master 299 ENEMIES, LOVE 10. 156 was. greatly surprised, and objected, but the slave entreated so earnestly, for this indulgence, that the offer of the seller to add the old man to the twenty, with- out increasing the price, was accepted. The newly purchased slaves were con- ducted to the plantation and placed under the charge of the slave, who had made the selection. On the poor old decrepit African he bestowed uncommon care. He took him to his own habitation, and laid him down on his own bed ; he fed him at his own table, and gave him drink out of his own cup ; when he was cold he carried him into the sunshine ; and when he was hot he placed him mder the shade of the cocoanut trees. The master, astonished at the careful attention bestowed by him upon his fel- low slave, interrogated him on the sub- ject. " Is that old man," said he, " your father, that you take so much interest in him ?" " No, massa," an- swered the poor fellow, " he no my fader." " Perhaps then, he is your elder brother ?" " No, massa, he no my broder." " Then he must be your uncle or some other relation." " No, massa, he be no of my kindred at all ; he be no my friend." " Why then do you bestow on him so much care and attention?" "Oh, massa," replied the slave, " he be my old enemy ; he sold me to the slave- dealer, and my Bible tell me to love my enemy ; when he hunger, feed him, when he thirst, give him drink, and so me only do what my Bible tell me." (e) THE CHEROKEE WOMEN AND THE OSAGES.—A few poor Cherokee women, who had been con- verted to Christianity, formed them- selves into a society for the propagation of the gospel, which was now become so dear to them. The produce of the first year was about ten dollars, and the question was — to what immediate object this should be applied ? At length, a poor woman proposed that it should be given to promote the circu- lation of the gospel in the Osage nation ; " For," said she, " the Bible tells us to do good to our enemies. Matt. 5 : 44 ; and I believe the Osages are the great- est enemies the Cherokees have." 300 (/) THE SHIPWRECKED SPAN- IARDS. — After the dispersion of the Spanish Armada in 1588, Joan Lomes de Medina, whe had been general of twenty hulks, was, with about two hundred and sixty men, driven in a vessel to Anstruther in Scotland, after suffering great hunger and cold for six or seven days. Not^vithstanding the object for which this fleet had been se^it^ and the oppressive conduct of the Span- iards to the Scottish merchants who traded with them, these men were hu- manely treated. Mr. James Melvil, the minister, told the Spanish officer first sent on shore, that they would find nothing among them but Christianity and works of mercy. The laird of An- struther, and a great number of the neighboring gentlemen, entertained the officers ; and the inhabitants gave the soldiers and mariners kail, pottage, and fish ; — the minister having ad- dressed his flock, as Elisha did the King of Israel in Samaria, " Give them bread and water." (g) IF THINE ENEMY HUN- GER FEED HIM.— During the per- secuting times in England, two persons from Bedford went early one morning to the house of a pious man, who rented a farm in the parish of Keysoe, with the intention of apprehending and imprison- ing him in Bedford jail for non-confor- mity. The good man knew their in- tention, and desired his wife to prepare breakfast, at the same time kindly in- viting his visitors to partake with them. In asking a blessing or in returning thanks for the food, he pronounced em- phatically these words, " If thine enemy hunger, feed him ; if he thirst, give him drink ;" by which means the hearts of his persecutors were so far softened that they went away without taking him into custody. (h) PROFITING BY READING THE BIBLE.— A very little girl, who often read her Bible, gave proof that she understood her obligation to obey its precepts. One day, she came to her mother, much pleased, to show her some fruit which had been given to her. The mother said the friend was very kind, and had given her a great many. "Yes," said the child, "very indeed; PRAYIN(i FOR ENEMIES. 156, 157 and she gave me more than these, but I have given some away." The mother inquired to whom she had given them ; when she answered, " I gave them to a girl who pushes me off the path, and makes faces at me." On being asked why she gave them to her, she replied, " Because I thought it would make her know that I wish to be kind to her, and she will not, herhaps, be rude and un- kind to me again." How admirably did she thus obey the command to "overcome evil with good!" (^•) DR. MATHER'S AMBITION. — It was the laudable ambition of Cot- ton Mather to say, " He did not knov/ of any person in the world who had done him any ill office but he had done him a good one for it." (j) EXAMPLE OF REV. JOHN BROWN.— The Rev. Mr. Brown of Haddington manifested a singular readi- ness to forgive his enemies. Notwith- standing the abuse he received from some ministers, when a student, it was remarked, that he was never heard to speak evil of them, nor so much as to mention the affair. A dissenting cler- gyman, who had used him rudely, be- ing reduced to poverty, he sent him money, and in a way which concealed the benefactor. After the clergyman's decease, he offered to take one of his destitute orphans, and bring him up with his own children. To certain writers who reviled him from the press, he meekly replied, " But now that the fact is committed, instead of intending to resent the injury these reverend brethren have done me, I reckon my- self, on account thereof, so much the more effectually obliged, by the Chris- tian law, to contribute my utmost en- deavors towards the advancement of their welfare, spiritual or temporal, and am resolved, through grace, to discharge these obligations, as Providence gives me opportunity, for the same. Let them do to, or with me, what they will, may their portion be redemption through the blood of Jesus, even the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace ; and call me what they please, may the Lord call them, " The holy people, the redeemed of the Lord." 157. Praying for Enemies. (a) JAMES THE LESS AND THE PHARISEES.— About the year A. D. 63, when Festus was dead and Albinus had not come to succeed him, the Jews, being exceedingly enraged at the suc- cess of the gospel, Annanus, son of An- nas, it is said, ordered James to ascend one of the galleries of the temple, and inform the people that they had, with- out ground, believed Jesus of Nazareth to be the Messiah. He got up and cried with a loud voice that Jesus was the Son of God, and would quickly appear in the clouds to judge the world. Many glorified God and believed ; but the Pharisees threw him over the battle- ment. He was sorely bruised, but got upon his knees and prayed for his mur- derers amid a shower of stones which they cast at him, till one of them beat out his brains with a fuller's club. To the death of this just man some Jews ascribe the ruin of their nation. (b) ADVICE OF MR. LAW- RENCE. — Mr. Lawrence once going, with some of his sons, by the house of a gentleman that had been injurious to him, gave a charge to his sons to this purpose : " That they should never think or speak amiss of that gentleman for the sake of any thing he had done against him ; but, whenever they went by his house, should lift up their hearts in prayer to God for him and his fami- ly." This good man had learned to practise that admirable precept of our Lord, " Pray for them which despitefuliy use you and persecute you." (c) REV. W. HERRING AND DR. LAMB.— Mr. Herring, one of the puritan ministers, was eminently dis- tinguished for Christian meekness, and f^r love to his greatest enemies. Dr. Lamb, a violent persecutor of the Puri- tans, and especially of this good man, being on a journey, unhappily broke his leg, and was carried to the inn where Mr. Herring happened to be staying for the night. Mr. H. was called on to pray that evening in the family, when he prayed with so much fervor and affection for the doctor as to surprise all who heard him. Being aflerwards asked why he manifested such respect 301 157 ENEMIES, LOVE TO. to a man who was so utterly unworthy of it, he replied, " The greater enemy he is, the more need he hath of our orayers. We must prove ourselves to De the disciples of Christ by loving our enemies, and praying for our persecu- tors." id) MR. BURKITT AND HIS INJURIES.— Mr. Burkitt observes in his journal, that some persons would never have had a particular share in his prayers but for the injuries they had done him. (e) OLD GABRIEL AND THE PATROL. — At an anti-slavery meet- ing, held at Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, the Rev. Mr. Dickey, of Ohio, related the following anecdote. I will relate a case that occurred with- in the circle of my acquaintance. A slave who could neither read nor write, heard the gospel, and the Spirit of God made it effectual to his conversion. Like all true converts, he felt a mis- sionary spirit. He was anxious for the conversion of his brethren. And, at length, it became his uniform practice, frequently after the toils of the day were over, to walk two or three miles, and hold a meeting among the slaves. On one occasion, this meeting was dis- covered by the patrol, who are author- ized to inflict summary punishment of ten lashes upon all slaves they find assembled together, for any reason. This was done immediately with all present, but Old Gabriel. As he was the ringleader, they thought he must be punished more severely ; so they took him to the magistrate. As they were tying up his hands, he exclaimed, " Oh this is just the way Pontius Pilate did to my Massa !" Here his persecu- tors relented. One of them afterwards was troubled in his conscience for what he had done; and after a long time, finding no peace, he went to Old Ga- briel, and asked him if he would forgive him. " Forgive you !" said Old Ga- briel ; " why massa, me have been praying for you ever since you tied me up!" (/) THE DYING NEGRO BOY. — A poor little African negro, only ten years of age, went to hear the preach- ing of one of the missionaries, and be- 302 came, through his instrumentality, a convert, to the Christian religion. His master, (an inveterate enemy to mis- sions,) hearing of it, commanded him never to go again, and declared he would have him whipped to death if he did. The poor little boy, in consequence of this mandate, was very miserable. Fie could scarcely refrain from going, yet he knew his death was inevitable if he did. In this critical - situation, he sought direction and assistance at the throne of grace, and after having done this, he felt convinced that it was still his duty to attend, but to be careful that he should never interfere with his mas- ter's business, and, for the rest, to leave himself in the hands of God. He therefore went, and on his return, wai summoned to his master's presence) and after much violent and abusiv< language, received five-and-twenty lash, es, and then in a sarcastic tone of bh phemous ridicule, his master exclaimedj " What can Jesus Christ do for yoi now ?" " He enables me to bear i patiently," said the poor child. " Givi him five-and-twenty-lashes more," saic the inhuman wretch. He was obeyed " And what can Jesus Christ do fol you now ?" asked the unfeeling mon ster. " He helps me to look forwan to a future reward," replied the little" sufferer, " Give him five-and-twenty lashes more," vociferated the cruel tyrant, in a transport of rage. They complied ; and while he listened with savage delight to the extorted groans ot his dying victim, be again demanded, " What can Jesus Christ do for you now ?" The youthful martyr, with the last effort of expiring nature, meekly answered, " He enables me to pray for you, massa.'' And instantly breathed his last ! (g) SLAVE'S PRAYER OVER- HEARD. — A wealthy planter in the South who had a great number of slaves, found one of them reading the Bible, and reproved him for the neglect of his work, saying there was time enough on Sundays for reading the Bible, and that on other days he ought to be in the tobac- co house. The slave repeating the of- fence, he ordered him to be whipped. Going near the place of punishment, soon EXAMPLES AMONG THEfftEATHEN. 15§ after its infliction, curiosity led him to listen to a voice engaged in prayer ; and he heard the poor black implore the Almighty to forgive the injustice of his master, to touch his heart with a sense of his sin and to make him a good Christian. Struck with remorse, h(; made an immediate change in his life, which had been careless and dissipated, burnt his profane books and cards, lib- erated'all his slaves, and appeared now to study how to render his wealth and talents useful to others. 158. Examples among the Ilcatlieii. (a) PERICLES AND THE RAIL- ER. — Pericles was of so patient a spirit, that he was hardly ever troubled with any thing that crossed him. There was a man who did nothing all the day but rail at him in the market-place, before all the people, notwithstanding Pericles was a magistrate. Pericles, however, took no notice of it, but, despatching sundry cases of importance till night came, he went home with a sober pace. The man followed him all the way, defam- ing him as he went. Pericles, when he came home, it being dark, called his man, and desired him to get a torch and light the fellow home. (h) EXAMPLE OF C^SAR.— Itis said of Julius Ccesar, that upon any pro- vocation, he would repeat the Roman alphabet before he suffered himself to speak, that he might be more just and calm in his resentments ; and, further, that he could forget nothing but wrongs and remember nothing but benefits. (c) EXAMPLE OF ADRIAN.— It is commonly said, that " Revenge is sweet ;" but it can only be so to those weak minds that are incapable of bear- ing an injury. An elevated mind is superior to injuries, and pardons them. The Emperor Adrian, meeting a man who had insulted him before he came to the government, said to him, "Approach, you have nothing to fear ; I am an em- peror." This is an example well worthy of being imitated by those who are called to return good for evil. (d) EXAMPLE OF EUCLID.— Euclid, a disciple of Socrates, having offended his brother, the brother cried out in a ra^e, " Let me die, if I am not rovenged on you one time or other :" to whom Euclid replied, " And let me die, if I do not soften you by my kindnesses, and make you love me as well as ever.''. What a reproof to unforgiving professors of Christianity ! (e) THE SAYING OF SOCRA- TES. — Socrates, who was as pure a teacher of morals and as near like a true Christian as any of the ancient heathen, says, " The person who has received an injury must not return it, as is the opinion of the vulgar." (/) PHOCION'S DYING CHARGE TO HIS SON.— Phocion was an Athen- ian, born some four hundred years b. c, and one of the most upright and benev- olent heathen that ever lived. Yet he was condemned to die as a criminal, and denied even a grave in the country to which he had devoted his life. What could be more unjust in the Athenians, than putting their public benefactor to death in such a way as this ? They sadly repented their madness afterwards, put the accuser to death, and erected a statue to Phocion's memory. But when Phocion had taken the poison which he was condemned to drink, and was about to die, " he charged his son, with his last breath, that he should show no resentment against his persecutors." What taught him to feel such forbear- ance and kindness towards those who had so wickedly wronged him ? The voice of conscience — the law God hath written on the heart. (g) THE INDIAN AND THE ENGLISHMAN.— A short time before the war between the English and the Indians in Pennsylvania broke out, an English gentleman, who lived on the borders of the province, was standing one evening at his door, when an Indian came and desired a little food. ' He an- swered, he had none for him ; he then asked for a little beer, and received the same answer. Not yet discouraged, he begged for a little water; but the gen- tleman only answered, " Get' ye gone for an Indian dog." The Indian fixed his eye for a little time on the English- man, and then went away. Some time after, this gentleman, who was fond of shooting, pursued his game 303 15S I^MIES, LOVE TO. till he was lost in the woods. After wandering a while, he saw an Indian hut, and went to it to inquire his way to some plantation. The Indian said, " It is a great way off, and the sun is near going down ; you cannot reach it to-night, and if you stay in the woods the wolves will eat you up ; but if you have a mind to lodge with me, you may." The gen- tleman gladly accepted the invitation, and went in. The Indian boiled a lit- tle venison for him, gave him some rum and water, and then spread some deer skins for him to lie upon ; having done this, himself and another Indian went and lay at the other side of the hut. He called the gentleman in the morn- ing, telling him that the sun was up, and that he had a great way to go to the plantation, but that he would show him the way. Taking their guns, the two Indians went forward, and he followed. When they had gone several miles, the Indian told him he was within two miles of the plantation he wanted : he then stepped before him, and said, " Do you know me ?" In great confusion, the gentleman answered, " I have seen you." The Indian replied, " Yes, you have seen me at 3^our own door ; and I will give you a piece of advice : when a poor Indian, that is hungry, and dry, and faint, again asks you for a little meat, or drink, do not bid him ^et him gone for an Indian dog." So he turned and went away. Which of these two was to be com- mended, or which acted most agreeably to the Salvor's golden rule in Matt. vii. 12 ? (h) THE SLAVE'S REVENGE.— When the Romans besieged Grumen- tum in Lucania, and the city was re- duced to the last extremity, two slaves escaped into the camp of the besiegers. The place was soon afterwards taken by storm, and plundered. The two slaves then ran to the house of their mistress, whom they seized with a kind of violence, and carried off. When they were asked who she was, they answered, she was their mistress, and a most cruel mistress ; upon whom they were going to take revenge for all the barbarous treatment they had suffered from her. In this way they compelled | 304 her to quit the city, and conveyed her to a safe retreat, where they concealed her with great care ; and when the fury of the soldiers was abated, and tranquillity was restored in the city, they brought her back to her house, and obeyed her as before. She gave thehi their liberty, which was the greatest reward in her power to bestow ; but certainly far short of the services they had rendered her. (i) LIVIA'S ADVI(!e TO AUGUS- TUS. — The Emperor Augustus being informed of a conspiracy against his life, headed by Lucius Cinna, was at first moved by resentment to resolve upon the crudest punishment. But re- flecting afterwards that Cinna was a young man of an illustrious family, and nephew to the great Pompey, he broke out into bitter fits of passion. " Why live I, if it be for the god of mercy that I should die ? Must there be no end of my cruelties ? Is my life of so great a value, that oceans of blood must be shed to preserve it ?" His wife I ivia, find- ing him in this perplexity, " Will you take a woman's counsel ?" said she. " Imitate the physicians, who, when or- dinary remedies fail, make trial of what are extraordinary. By severity you have prevailed nothing. Lepidus has followed Savidienus ; Murena, Lepidus ; Coepio, Murena ; and Egnatius, Coepio. Begin now, and try whether sweetness and clemency may not succeed. Cinna is detected. Forgive him; he will never henceforth have the heart to hurt thee, and it will be an act of glory." Augustus was a man of sense ; and calling Cinna to a private conference, he spoke as follows : " Thou knowest, Cinna, that having joined my enemies, I gave thee thy life, restored thee all thy goods, and advanced thy fortune equally with the best of those who had always been my friends. The sacerdotal office I conferred upon thee, after having denied it to others who had borne arms in my service. And yet after so many obligations, thou hast undertaken to murder me." Seeing Cinna astonished and silent with the consciousness of guilt, Augustus went on as follows : " Well, Cinna, go thy way ; I again give thee that life as a traitor, which I gave thee before as an enemy. Let friendship IT OFTEN CHECKS AND REFORMS THEM. 159 from this time forward commence be- twixt us ; and let us make it appear whether thou hast received thy life, or I have given it, with the better faith." Some time aftei*, he preferred Cinna to the cosular dignity, complaining of him that he had not resolution to solicit it. Their friendship continued uninterrupt- ed till the death of Cinna ; who, in token of his gratitude, appointed Augustus to be his sole heir. And it is remarkable, that Augustus reaped the due reward of a clemency so generous and ex- emplary ; for from that time there never was the slightest conspiracy or attempt against him. MOTIVES FOR LOVE TO ENEMIES. 159. It often checks and reforms them. (a) A KISS FOR A BLOW.— I once lived in Boston, says Mr. Wright, and was one of the city school com- mittee. One day I visited one of the primary schools. There were about fifty chil- dren in it, between four and eight years old. " Children," said I, " have any of you a question to ask to-day ?" " Please tell us," said a little boy, " what is meant by ' overcoming evil with good .?' " " I am glad," said I, " you have ask- ed that question ; for I love to talk to you about peace, and show you how to settle all difficulties without fighting." I went on, and tried to show them what the precept meant, and how to ap- ply it, and carry it out. 1 was trying to think of something to make it plain to the children, when the following in- cident occurred. A boy about seven, and his sister about five years old, sat near me. As I was talking, George doubled up his fist, and struck his sister on her head, as unkind and cruel brothers often do. She was angry in a moment, and raised her hand to strike him back. The teacher saw her, and said, " Mary, you had better kiss your brother.'^ Mary dropped her hand, and looked up at the teacher as if she did not fully under- stand her. She had never been taught 20 to return good for evil. She thought if her brother struck her, she, of course, must strike him back. She had alwayy been taught to act on this savage maxim, as most children are. Her teacher looked very kindly at her, and at George, and said again.^ '^ My deai Mary, you had better kiss your brother . See how angry and unhappy he looks !" Mary looked at her brother. He look- ed very sullen and wretched. Soor her resentment was gone, and love for her brother returned to her heart. She threw both her arms about his neck, and kissed him ! The poor boy was wholly unprepared for such a kind re- turn for his blow. He could not en- dure the generous aflfection of his sister. It broke his heart, and he burst out cry- ing. The gentle sister took the comer of her apron and wiped away his tears, and sought to comfort him, by saying, with most endearinof sweetness and c^e- nerous affection, ^' DonH cry , George ; you did not hurt me much.^' But he only cried the harder. No wonder. It was enough to make any body cry. (b) PLEDGE OF THE HINDOO BOYS. — Mr. Abbot, a missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, had under his care three schools in the villages around Ahmednugger, a city on the peninsula between* the Arabian Sea and the bay of Bengal. These schools contained about a hundred Hindoo boys. In one of these, the following scene occurred. The reading lesson on this occasion contained the instructions of our Savior in regard to the manner we should treat those who injure us. Mr. Abbot says, I asked the boys what their practice was. They said, " We strike those who strike us, and abuse those who abuse us." I asked them what they'^thought would be the consequence, if, instead of this, they should bless those who curse them. They replied, " Among our people, we should only be abused the more." 1 told them I thought differently ; but as Hindoos were someM^hat different from my people, I should like to see the ex- periment tried. I then explained to them, that however much they were in suited, they must not retaliate ; and if 305 159 ENEMIES, LOVE TO. they thought they could not endure this, they might sit down. Two or three sat down. After talking a while longer, all got up and said, they would try it one month, and would let any one beat them " till their life began to go," be- fore they would resist. At the next ex- amination, every one declared that they had kept their promise. It was after- wards found that three had failed. I then asked those who had been faithful, if they had suffered in consequence of it. " No," said they, " why should they abuse us now ?" But, said I, what do you do when they abuse you ? One boy said, " When they curse me, I say to them, ' A blessing attend you.' " Well, what then ? " Then I laugh, and they laugh too." Another boy said, he " shut his lips tight, and said nothing." Well, what did the other party do to you ? " O, thev turned up their noses, and walked offV' (c) TWO NEIGHBORS AND THE HENS.— A man in New Jersey told me the following circumstances respecting himself and one of his neigh- bors : — " I once owned a large flock of hens. I generally kept them shut up. But, one spring, I concluded to let them run in my yard, after I had clipped their wings, so they could not fly. One day, when I came home to dinner, I learned that one of my neighbors had been there, full of wrath, to let me know my hens had been in his garden, and that he had killed several of them, and thrown them over into my yard. I was great- ly enraged because he had killed my beautiful hens, that I valued so much. I determined, at once, fo be revenged, to sue him, or in some way get redress. I sat down and ate my dinner, as calmly as I could. By the time I had finished my meal, I became more cool, and thouglit that perhaps it was not best to fight with my neighbor about hens, and thereby make him my bitter, lasting enemy. I concluded to trj^ another way, being sure that it would do better. " After dinner, I went to my neigh 306 bor's. He was in his garden. I went out, and found him in pursuit of one of my hens with a club, trying to kill it. I accosted him. He turned upon me, his face inflamed with wrath, and broke out in a great fury — " 'You have abused me. I will kill all your hens, if I can get at them. I never was so abused. My gkrden is ruined.' " ' I am very sorry for it,' said I. * I did not wish to injure you, and now see that I have made a great mistake in letting out my hens. I ask your for- giveness, and am willing to pay you six times the damage.' " The man seemed confounded. He did not know what to make of it. He looked up to the sky — then down to the earth — then at his neighbor — then at his club — and then at the poor hen he had been pursuing, and said nothing. " ' Tell me, now,' said I, ' what is the damage, and I will pay you six- fold ; and my hens shall trouble you no more. I will leave it entirely to you to say what I shall do. I cannot afford to lose the love and good will of my neighbors, and quarrel with them, for hens, or any thing else.' ^' ^ I am a great fool,'' said the neigh- bor. ' The dairjage is not worth talk- ing about; and I have more need to compensate you than you me, and to ask your forgiveness than you mine.' " (d) CRUELTY KILLED BY KINDNESS.— A young woman in Ver- mont married a poor, but worthy man, against her father's wish. He drove them from his house, and closed his door and heart against them. They came down near Boston, went to work, and prospered. After many years, the father had occasion to come to Boston. He concluded to go and see his daugh- ter, expecting a cold reception. His daughter and her husband received him most kindly and lovingly. After stay- ing with them awhile, he went back to Vermont. One of his neighbors, hearing where he had been, asked him how his daugh- ter and her husband had treated him. " I never was so treated before in my life," said the weeping and broken- hearted father. " They have broken IT OFTEN CHECKS AND REFORMS THEM. 159 my heart — they have killed me — I don't feel as though I could live under it." " What did they do to you ?" asked the neighbor. " Did they abuse you ?" " They loved me to death, and killed me with kindness," said he. 1 can never forgive myself for treating so cruelly my own darling daughter, who loved me so affectionately. I feel as if I should die to think how I grieved the precious child when I spurned her from my door. Heaven bless them, and forgive me my cruelty ani injustice to them." Who does not see in this an infallible cure for difficulties between man and man ? There is not a child nor man on earth, who would not feel and say, that that daughter, though so deeply wrong- ed and outraged by her angry father, did right in treating him as she did. That father was her enemy, but she was not his. He hated her, while she loved him. (e) THE REVENGEFUL TEN- ANT. — A gentleman had a garden, in which he took great delight. It was surrounded by the cottages of his tenants and laborers, to whom he justly looked as the protectors of his property, and felt secure, inasmuch as no person could approach his premises but through theirs. He had for some days watched the pro- gress of a fine bed of tulips. " To-mor- row," said he, " they will be in full per- fection," and he invited a company of friends to witness the display of their beauties. In the morning he hastened to the spot ; but to his utter astonish- ment, the whole bed was a scene of shrivelled desolation. Some unaccount- able influence had withered every stem, and each flower lay prostrate and fa- ding on the ground. A short time afterwards, a bed of ranunculuses shared the same fate ; and in succession several other choice and favorite productions. At length, the gentleman became persuaded that the destruction did not proceed from any natural cause, such as blight or light- ning, but that it must have been occa- sioned by the intentional mischief of some treacherous and malignant in- dividual who had access to the grounds. He resolved therefore to watch, and en- gaged a friend to accompany him for that purpose. After remaining in their station some time, they saw a person come out of one of the cottages, and ap- ply some destructive preparation to the roots of such flowers as were advancing to blossom. The gentleman at once recognized him as a workman whom a few weeks before he had had occasion to reprove, and who thus malignantly gratified his resentment. His friend strongly urged that the offender should be prosecuted, and offered to bear wit- ness against him. But the proprietor re- plied, " No ; I am much obliged by your kindness in remaining with me ; I have ascertained the author of the mischief, and am satisfied ; I must use another method of dealing with him." In the morning, the gentleman or- dered his servant to purchase a fine joint of meat, and carry it to the cot- tage of this man, desiring he would en- joy it with his family. This treatment, so contrary to his deserts and expecta- tions, proved the means of effectually humbling and softening his stubborn and malignant heart. The offender presented himself before his injured master, freely confessed his guilt, im- plored forgiveness, and proved, from that day forward, a most faithful, dili- gent, and devoted servant. " If thine enemy hunger, feed him ; if he thirst, give him drink ; for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." (/) WILLIAM LADD AND HIS NEIGHBOR.— "I had," the Apostle of Peace used to say, in relating the anecdote, " a fine field of grain, grow- ing upon an out- farm at some distance from the homestead. Whenever I rode by I saw my neighbor Pulcifer's sheep in the lot, destroying my hopes of a harvest. These sheep were of the gaunt, long-legged kind, active as span- iels ; they would spring over the high- est fence, and no partition wall could keep them out. I complained to neigh- bor Pulsifer about them, sent him fre- quent messages, but all without avail. Perhaps they would be kept out for a day or two ; but the legs of his sheep were long, and my grain more tempting 307 159 ENEMIES, LOVE TO. than the adjoining pasture. I rode by again — the sheep were still there; I became angry, and told my men to set the dogs on them ; and if that would not do, I would pay them if they would shoot the sheep. " I rode away much agitated ; for I was not so much of a peace man then as I am now, and 1 felt literally full of fight. All at once a light flashed in upon me. I asked myself, ' Would it not be well for you to try in yo,ur own conduct the peace principle you are teaching to others V I thought it all over, and settled down in my mind as to the best course to be pursued. "The next day I rode over to see neighbor Pulsifer. I found him chop- ping wood at his door. ' Good morning, neighbor !' No answer. ' Good morn- ing!' I repeated. He gave a kind of grunt without looking up. ' I came,' continued I, 'to see about the sheep.' At this, he threw down his axe and ex- claimed, in an angry manner : ' Now aren't you a pretty neighbor, to tell your men to kill my sheep ? I heard of it ; a rich man, like you, to shoot a poor man's sheep !' " ' I was wrong neighbor,' said I ; * but it won't do to let your sheep eat up all that grain ; so I came over to say that I would take your sheep to my homestead pasture and put them in with mine ; and in the fall you may take them back, and if any one is missing you may take your pick out of my whole flock.' " Pulsifer looked confounded ; he did not know how to take me. At last he stammered out : ' Now, 'Squire, are you in earnest?' 'Certainly I am,' I an- swered ; ' it is better for me to feed your sheep in my pasture on grass, than to feed them here on grain ; and I see the fence can't keep them out.' "After a moment's silence, 'The sheep shan't trouble you any more,' ex- claimed Pulsifer. 'I will fetter them all. But I'll let you know that, when any man talks of shooting, I can shoot, too ; and when they are kind and neigh- borly, I can be kind, too.' The sheep never again trespassed on my lot. And, my friends," he would continue, address- ing the audience, " remember that when 308 you talk of injuring your neighbors, they will talk of injuring you. When nations threaten to fight, other nations will be ready, too. Love will beget love ; a wish to be at peace will keep you in. peace. You can overcome evil with good. There is no other way." (g) SUBDUED PRIDE AND SCORN. — A lady in one of the towns of Mass. had repeatedly treated a well disposed young man with marked con- tempt and unkindness. Neither of them moved in the upper circles of society ; but the lady, without cause, took numer- ous occasions to cast reproachful reflec- tions on the young man as beneath her notice, and unfit to be treated with com- mon respect. This lady had the mis- fortune to meet with a considerable loss in the destruction of a valuable chaise, occasioned by the running away of an untied horse. She had borrowed the horse and vehicle, and was required to make good the damage. This was a serious draft on her pecuniary resour- ces, and she felt much distressed by her ill fortune. The young man, being of a kind and generous disposition, and de- termined to return good for evil, instant- ly set himself about collecting money for her relief. Subscribing liberally himself, and actively soliciting others, he soon made up a generous sum, and before she became aware of his move- ment, appeared before her and placed his collection modestly at her disposal. She was thunderstruck. He left her without waiting for thanks or commen- dation. She was entirely overcome, wept like a child, and declared she would never be guilty again of showing contempt, speaking reproachfully of, or treating with unkindness, him or any other fellow-creature. Was there any thinij in all this contrary to nature ? (h) MR. POWELL AND THE OFFICER.— Mr. Powell, a minister of the gospel, being informed that an offi- cer was come to apprehend him for preaching the gospel, quietly resigned himself into his hands, requesting only that he might be permitted to join with his wife and children in prayer before he was dragged to prison. With this request the officer complied ; and the family being together, the officer was IT OFTEN CHANGES THEM INTO FRIENDS. 160 so struck with the ardent and tender prayers of this suffering servant of God for his family, for the church, and for his persecutors in particular, that he de- clared he would die rather than have a hand in apprehending such a man. 160. It often changes tliem into friends. (a) PHILIP AND THE ARGIVE. — Arcadius, an Argive, was incessantly railing at Philip of Macedon. Ventur- ing once into the dominions of Philip, thd courtiers reminded their prince that he had now an opportunity to punish Arcadius for his past insolences, and to put it out of his power to repeat them. The king, however, instead of seizing the hostile stranger and putting him to death, dismissed him loaded with cour- tesies and kindnesses. Some time after Arcadius's departure from Macedon, word was brought that the king's old enemy was become one of his warmest friends, and did nothing but diffuse his praises wherever he went. On hearing this, Philip turned to his courtiers and asked, with a smile : " Am not I a bet- ter physician than you ?" (b) ALEXANDER'S VICTORIES. — Alexander the Great being asked how he had been able, at so early an age and in so short a period, to conquer such vast regions and establish so great a name, replied : " I used my enemies so well that I compelled them to be my friends ; and I treated' my friends with such constant regard that they became unalterably attached to me." (c) SIGISMOND AND HIS ENE- MIES. — Some courtiers reproached the Emperor Sigismond, that instead of de- stroying his conquered foes he admitted them to favor. " Do I not," replied this illustrious monarch, " effectually destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?" (d) THE CHINESE MONARCH AND THE REBELS.— A Chinese em- peror being told that his enemies had raised an insurrection in one of the dis- tant provinces — " Come, then, my friends," said he, " follow me, and I promise you that we shall quickly de- stroy them." He marched forward, and the rebels submitted upon his ap- proach. All now thought that he would take the most signal revenge ; but were surprised to see the captives treated with mildness and humanity. " Hov/," cried the first minister, " is this tlie manner in which you fulfil your promise ? Your royal word was given that you enemies should be destroyed ; and behold you have pardoned them all, and even ca- ressed some of them !" " I promised," replied the emperor, with a generous air, " to destroy my enemies. I have fulfilled my word ; for, see, they are enemies no longer ; I have made friends of them." Let every Christian imitate so noble an example, and learn "to overcome evil with good." (e) TAKING CARE OF AN ENE- MY'S HAY. — A college professor once related the following fact to his class, in order to show the power of kindness in effecting a change in the disposition and conduct of our enemies towards us. There were two farmers who lived near neighbors, and whose farms laid side by side. One of these farmers was a pious, good man, of gentle, inoffensive character. The character of the other was just the reverse. His temper was like a tinder, taking fire at every spark that came in his vv^ay. He hated his pious neighbor ; but more, probably, on account of his piety than any thing else. He was always vexing and tormenting the good man, quarreling about mere trifles, as much as one can quarrel who has no one to quarrel with him. One summer he had mowed down a good deal of grass ; and he had gone away from home, leaving it out in the field to dry. But while he was absent there came up a storm of rain. While the clouds were gathering the pious man saw the exposed condition of his neigh- bor's, hay, and it struck him that there was now a fine chance to show a good man's revenge — that is, to return good for evil. So he took with him his hired men, and got his neighbor's hay all safely into the barn. What was the result ? When the quarrelsome man came home, expecting to see his hay all soaked by the rain, and found it had been taken care of by the man he had so much in- jured, it cut him to the very core. From 309 160 ENEMIES, LOVE TO. that hour the evil spirit was cast out of him. No more abuse did he give the good man after that ; but he became as obliging and kind to his pious neighbor as the latter had been to him. (/) HOW TO OVERCOME EVIL. — " I once had a neighbor," says Mr. White, " who, though a clever man, came to me one hay-day, and said : ' Esquire White, I want you to come and get your geese away.' 'Why,' said I, 'what are my geese doing?' * They pick my pigs' ears when they are eating, and drive them away, and I will not have it.' 'What can I do?' said I. ' You must yoke them.' ' That I have not time to do now,' said I ; ' I do not see but they must run.' ' U you do not take care of them I shall,' said the clever shoemaker, in anger. ' What do you say. Esquire White V 'I cannot take care of them now ; but I will pay you for all damages.' ' Well,' said he, ' you will find that a hard thing, I guess.' " So offhe went, and I heard a terrible squalling among the geese. The next news from the geese was, that three of them were missing. My children went and found them terribly mangled and dead, and ihro^'n into the bushes. '•' ' Now,' said I, ' all keep still, and let me punish him.' In a few days the shoemaker's hogs broke into my corn. 1 saw them, but let them remain a long time. At last I drove them all out, and picked up the corn which they had torn down and fed them M'ith it in the road". By this time the shoemaker came in great haste after them. " ' Have you seen any thing of my hogs?' said he. 'Yes, sir; you will find them yonder, eating some corn which they tore down in my field.' ' In your field ?' ' Yes, sir,' said I ; ' hogs love corn, you know — they were made to eat. done? " Well, off he went to look, and esti- mated the damage to be equal to a bushel and a-half of com. " ' Oh, no,' said I, ' it can't be.' ' Yes,' said the shoemaker ; ' and I will pay you every cent of damage.' ' No,' said I, ' you shall pay me nothing. My geese have been a great trouble to you.' " The shoemaker blushed, and went 310 ' ' How much mischief have they O, not much,' said I. home. The next winter, when we came to settle, the shoemaker determined to pay me for my corn. ' No,' said I ; ' I shall take nothing.' " After some talk we parted ; but in a day or two I met him in the road, and fell into conversation in the most friend- ly manner. But when I started on he seemed loth to move, and I paused. For a moment both of us were silent. At last he said : ' I have something la- boring on my mind.' 'Well, what is it?' 'Those geese. I killed three of your geese, and shall never rest until you know how I feel. I am sorry.' And the tears came in his eyes. ' Oh, well,' said I, 'never mind; I suppose my geese were provoking.' "I never took any thing of him for it ; but whenever my cattle broke into his field after this, he seemed glad ; be- cause he could show how patient he could be. " Now," said the narrator, " conquer yourself, and you can conquer with kindness where you can conquer in no other way." (g) LIVING SWINE FOR DEAD ONES. — There was a Christian in New Jersey, that had a neighbor of such a malevolent and savage charac- ter, as made him a plague and terror to those with whom he became offended. Forgiveness, or m*cy, nobody expected from him. One day he found the hogs of his good neighbor in his corn-field. He drove them out, and came to their own- er in a storm of passion, making a great bluster, about the damage done to his crop. " If I ever see them in my corn again," said he, " I'll kill them — that I will." On he went, raving and scolding, his eyes flashing fire every word he spoke. But the good man kept calm as a summer's evening, and said nothing but what was kind and good-natured in reply. Mr. Wrath, after he had spent all his fury, went off very much vexed to see that none of it took effect. The good man shut up his swine at once. But, impatient for their favorite and new-found food, they soon made their escape ; and got into the same IT OFTEN CHANGES THEM INTO FRIENDS. 160 corn-field again, without the knowledge of their owner. Mr. Wrath discovered them, and at once attacked them with might and main ; as much as to say (like a duel- ist), " Nothing but your blood will give me satisfaction !" He did, indeed, slaughter three or four of them, before they could make their retreat. Then, to cap the climax, and aggravate his neighbor's feelings to the utmost, he put the dead bodies on a sled, or cart, and drew them over to his neighbor's house. He threw them down before the door, saying with sarcastic bitterness, " Your hogs got into my corn again, and I thought I would bring them home !" The owner of the swine kept per- fectly cool, giving no look or word of resentment at the injury done to him. He might have gone to law with Mr. Wrath, and, perhaps, made him smart severely for destroying his property and insulting him as he did. But he thought it best to keep out of the law ; and every man should think so, except when driven to it by a sense of duty. The next year he himself had a corn-field situated in a similar way be- side the road. Now it so happened that neighbor Wrath had some unruly swine running in the street, which got into the good man's corn-field, and committed a depredation similar to that which his had done in Mr. Wrath^s corn-field the year before. He went to Mr. Wrath, and told him what mischief his vagrant swine had done, and requested him to shut them up. But he paid no atten- tion to the request. Soon after they got into the same field again. The Christian discovered them ; and he hit on a good-natured and witty expedient of contrasting his own temper and conduct with those of his neighbor under similar circumstan- ces. Instead of killing them, and car- rying them home dead, he caught them, tied their legs carefully, and drew them with his team to their owner's door. *' Neighbor," said he, kindly, " I found your hogs in mij corn again, and I thought I would bring them home .'" Never was a man more completely confounded ! He saw the wide differ- ence between his neighbor's conduct and his own ; he looked on the living swine, but he thought of the dead ones ! It was too much. He told his neigh- bor that he was very sorry, and that he would pay all damages the hogs had done. He offered to pay him, too, for the hogs he had killed the year before ! " No," replied the other, " I shall make no account of the damtiges your hogs have done ; and I shall take nothing for what you did to mine. I lot that pass." Mr. Wrath was completely over- come. He concluded at once to yield, and retreat from a contest where such unequal odds were against him. He was as kind and generous to his Chris- tian neighbor afterwards, as he was mischievous and cruel before. Thus evil was overcome with good ; and wrath made over into friendship. (A) A CHRISTIAN COLONY.— One of thirty or forty New Englanders, who went out to settle in the Western wilderness, related to Mrs. Child the following particulars. They were mostly neighbors, and had been drawn to unite together in emigration from a general unity of opinion on various ' subjects. For some years previous, they had been in the habit of meeting occasionally at each others' houses, to talk over their duties to God and man, in all simplicity of heart. Their libra- ry was the Gospel, their priesthood the inward light. There were then no an- ti-slavery societies; but thus taught, and reverently willing to learn, they had no need of such agency, to discover their duties to the enslaved. The efforts of peace societies had reached this secluded band only in broken echoes ; and non-resistance societies had no existence. But with the vol- ume of the Prince of Peace, and hearts open to his influence, what need had they of preambles and resolutions ? " Rich in God-culture, this little band started for the far West. Their inward homes were blooming gardens ; they made their outward in a wilderness. They were industrious and frugal, and all things prospered under their hands. But soon wolves came near the fold, in the shape of reckless unprincipled ad. venturers ; believers in force and cun- ning, who acted according to their 311 160 ENEMIES. LOVE TO. creed. The colony of practical Chris- tians spoke of their depreciations in terms of gentlest remonstrance, and re- paid them with mivarying kindness. They went farther — they openly an- nounced, " You may do us what evil you choose ; we will return nothing but good." Lawyers came into the neigh- borhood, and offered their services to settle disputes. They answered, " We have no need of you. As neighbors we receive you in the most friendly spirit ; but for us your occupation has ceased to exist." " What will you do, if rascals burn your barns, and steal your harvests?" " We will return good for evil. We believe this is the highest truth, and therefore the best expedi- ency." "When the rascals heard this, they considered it a marvellous good joke, and said and did many provoking things, which to them seemed witty. Bars were taken down in the night, and cows let into the corn-fields. The Christians repaired the damage as well as they could, put the cows in the barn, and at twilight drove them gently home ; say- ing, " Neighbor, your cows have been in my field. 1 have fed them well during the day, but I would not keep | them all night, lest the children should suffer for their milk." " If this was fun, those who planned the joke found no heart to laugh at it. By degrees a visible change came over these troublesome neighbors. They ceased to cut off horses' tails, and break the legs of poultry. Rude boys would say to a younger brother, " Don't throw that stone, Bill ! When I killed the chicken last week, did'nt they send it to mother, because they thought chicken-broth would be good for poor Mary ? I should think you'd be ashamed to throw stones at their chick- ens." Thus was evil overcome with good ; till not one was found to do them wilful injury. " Years passed on, and saw them thriving in worldly substance, beyond their neighbors, yet beloved by all. From them the lawyer and the consta- ble obtained no fees. The sheriff stam- mered and apologized, when he took their hard earned goods in payment for the war 312' tax. They mildly replied, ' 'Tis a bad trade, friend. Examine it in the light of conscience and see if it be not so.' But while they refused to pay such fees and taxes, they v^'ere liberal to a pro- verb in their contributions for all useful and benevolent purposes. " At the end of ten years, the public lands, which they had chosen for their farms, were advertised for sale at auc- tion. According to custom, those who had settled and cultivated the soil, were considered to have a right to bid it in at the government price; which at that time was $1 25 per acre. But the fever of land speculation then chanced to run unusually high. Adventurers from all parts of the country Avere flocking to the auction ; and capitalists in Baltimore, Philadelphia, New- York, and Boston, were sending.agents to buy up western lands. No one supposed that custom, or equity, would be regard- ed. The first day's sale showed that speculation ran to the verge of insanity. Land v/as eagerly bought in at seven- teen, twenty-five, and forty dollars an acre. The Christian colony had small hope of retaining their farms. As first settlers, they had chosen the best land; and persevering industry had brought it into the highest cultivation. Its market value was much greater than the acres already sold at exorbitant prices. In view of these facts, they had prepared their minds for another remove into the wilderness, perhaps to be again ejected by a similar process. But the morning their lot was offered for sale, they ob- served with grateful surprise, that their neighbors were everywhere busy among the crowd, begging and expostulating : " Don't bid on these lands ! These men have been working hard on them for ten years. During all that time, they never did harm to man or brute. They are always ready to do good for evil. They are a blessing to any neighbor- hood. It would be a sin and a shame to bid on llieir land. Let them go at the government price." " The sale came on ; the cultivators of the soil offered 8l 25 ; intending to bid higher if necessary. But among all that crowd of selfish, reckless spec- ulators, not one bid over them ! With- IT OFTEN LEADS THEM TO BECOME CHRISTIANS. 161 out one opposing voice, the fair acres returned to them ! I do not know a more remarkable instance of evil over- conie with good. The wisest political economy lies folded up in the maxims of Christ." 161. It often leads tliem to become Chris- tians. (a) RAVENCROSS AND HIS SLAVE. — Mr. Ravencross was a slave- holder in Virginia, and reputed a hard master. His poor distressed slaves were in the habit of meeting at night in a distant hut, for the purpose of worship- ping God. He was informed of this, and at the same time put on his guard, as it was suspected their motives for meeting were different from what they held out, and that an insurrection might be the consequence. Under this im- pression, he determined to prevent their assembling in future, chastised the pro- moters of this work, and gave positive orders, under the most serious penalty, that they should never assemble again under any pretence whatever, A short time after he was told they had been seen going in a body into the hut. Much displeased at their disobedience, and re- solving that night to put a stop to their proceedings, he approached the hut with all the feelings of an offended master. When he reached the door, it was partly open. He looked in ; they were on their knees. He listened ; there was a venerable old man, who had been long in his service, pouring out his soul in prayer to God. The first v/ords which caught his ear were, " Merciful God, turn my poor massa's heart ; make him mer- ciful, that he may obtain mercy ; make him good, that he may inherit the king- dom of heaven." He heard no more, but fainted. Upon coming to himself, he wept ; went into the sacred hut, knelt by the side of his old slave, and prayed also ! From this period he became a true penitent, studied the Scriptures, took orders, and became a shining light. He preached at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, in the city of Philadelphia, before more than two hun- dred of the clergy, in the year 1820. {b) THE CRUEL SLAVE-HOLD- ER CONVERTED.— A slave-holder in the South, extremely irascible and severe, found at length a slave as bad- tempered as himself. No severity of punishment could subdue or bow his stern, indomitable spirit; and, even when smarting under the lash, and reeking with blood from head to foot, he would still defy that master to his face, and pour upon him a torrent of bold, fierce, withering imprecations. It was Turk meeting Turk. But the gospel came ere long to that negro's heart ; it tamed the tiger into a lamb ; and then did that very slave, once so full only of wrath and revenge, make it the burden I of his daily prayers, that God would have mercy on his cruel, relentless op- pressor. His infidel master, doubting his sincerity, and an utter stranger to his present spirit, treated him with great- er severity than ever, and fiercely swore " he'd whip the devil out of the villain ;" but the poor slave, even while smarting and writhing, and bleeding under the lash, would fall on his knees, and pray so much the more, " God bless massa! God bless my massa!" This was too much even for depravity like his to bear long ; and that very master, under the blessing of God upon such an exhibition ; of the Christian spirit, good returned for evil, love for hatred, prayers for bloody stripes, at length came himself to pray, and weep, and rejoice in Christ with his much abused, yet still affectionate and devoted, solely because regenerated slave. And when the time came for a public profession of their faith in their common Savior, you might have seen that master and his slave going hand in hand down into the water, there to seal the consecration of themselves to Him whose matchless love it is, rather than his almighty wrath, that subdues rebel- lious hearts to his sceptre. (c) THE SAILOR CONVERTED. — Kindness and forgiveness to those who insult and abuse us, is often the means, in the hands of God, of making them Christians. You exhibit religion before them in a most attractive and en- gaging form, if you are known as one of its professors. Besides, when by treating an enemy in this way you have roused his conscience, and led him to feel shame and contrition for what he 313 163 ENEMIES, LOVE TO. has done to you, it is natural at such a time that his excited conscience should turn on his sins towards God, and lead him to repentance. The Holy Spirit, I doubt not, often avails itself of this softened state of the heart, to break it down into penitence before God. As some rude and irreligious sailors were at work calking a vessel in a certain harbor, they noticed, at a little distance, a very aged and exemplary Christian quietly engaged in his busi- ness. He was noted for his generous, peaceful, forgiving disposhion. One sailor says to another, " You can't make that old man angry by any offence you can offer him." The sailor who was addressed, at once accepted the challenge. He snatched up the bucket of tar that stood by him, ran up to the old man, and very un- expectedly dashed its contents upon him. He looked up at the sailor with sur- prise at this wanton and unprovoked act of malignity, and said to him in a mild voice, " Young man, the Savior says, ' Whoso shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were cast into the depths of the sea.' Now if I am one of these little ones, you have very much offended me." The young sailor turned away per- plexed and chagrined at the spirit the injured saint exhibited. He felt con- vinced that the man's religion was of a more sublime, noble and vital character than he had usually thought the Chris- tian religion to be. He came back to his companions confessing that the old man had triumphed. The image of the old man bearing the marks of his abuse, and looking with so much mingled pity and displeasure at him, was painted indelibly upon his memory. He was gone, but the sailor seemed to see him still ! And that mild, but terrible reproof, too, the language still rung in his ear. The more he thought of the old man, the more he thought of the power and beauty of re- ligion. The more he thought of himself, ; the more ashamed and miserable did he j 314 feel. The entire wickedness of his heart and life seemed to come under the review of conscience also. His distress became insupportable. Some time afterwards he went to see the old man whom he had so wickedly treated ; he asked him to forgive him, and to pray for him too. He was very ready to do both ; and not long after, if I remember right, the sailor became a hopeful Christian. There is reason to believe that many sinners might be converted from tlie error of their ways, if they should meet such a spirit as the sailor did in every professed Christian whom they might insult or abuse. 162. Miscellaneous. (a) LOVE TO ENEMIES OB- TAINED BY PRAYER.— There was a man of middle age, of cold, slow, doubting tendency of soul, who obtained, at last a Christian's hope. He hoped his name was in the book of life, but he was a weakly infant. He seemed to grow a little in the course of six or eight years, but slowly. He dreaded his deficiency in one feature of Christian character. The apprehension gave him pain. He read in one section of his Master's letter, " Love your en- j emies." For a long time, like thousands! of others, he concluded he would not hurt them, or fight them, or return evil for evil, and he hoped this was love. Ho could hear others say of injuries re- ceived, ^' I can forgive, but I will not for- get it ; " and he could see in their case clearly, that this was Satan's kind of J forgiveness. It made him fear in his" own case that he did not love his enemies. He remembered that Christ would not accept of a false love. He knew that it did not mean a love of approbation for their sins, but the love of compas- sion. He tried to feel it, tried again, and for a year, but did not succeed. He read, thought, prayed over the sub- ject. He did not love his enemies. He continued trying for several years. He thought, at times, that his feelings were softer ; but he soon found it was not love. At length he found that by mere effect of will he could not move ENVY. 1C2, 163 his affections. He became alarmed. He fasted and prayed in earnest ; and at an hour when he was not looking for it, at a moment when he was least ex- pecting, he loved his enemies. It was a real love. He knew it in the same way, reader, that you know mirth from wo, when you feel it yourself When he afterwards forgot the need of thi^ heavenly help, he would some- times fall again into liis former feelings, and be almost as far from loving his enemies as before. But when he threw himself on his knees again, and re- ceived the dew of heavenly influence, the drooping grace of love to his en- emies was quickened into new life, and bloomed with its wonted beauty and fragance. {b) EXAMPLE OF THE EARLY CHRISTLA.NS.— Justin Martyr, one of the earliest writers, in his '•' Apology " to the heathen in behalf of the Chris- tians, says: " We who once hated and murdered one another, we who would not enjoy the hearth in common with strangers, on account of the difference of our customs, now live in common with them, since the appearance of Christ ; loe pray for our enemies ; we seek to persuade those who hate us un- justly, that they may direct their lives according to the glorious doctrines of Christ, and may share with us the joy- ful hopeof enjoying the same privileges from God the Lord of all things." (c) EXAMPLE OF ORIGEN.— Origen, one of the greatest scholars and theologians of the Christian church in the third century, when he was cruelly persecuted by Demetrius, and through his efforts excommunicated by the Sy- nod, beautifully exhibited the same mild and forgiving spirit. Speaking, in his defence against the Synod, he mentions wicked priests and rulers thus : " We must pity them rather than hate them, pray for them rather than curse them, for we are created for blessing rather than cursing." (d) THE CARTHAGENIAN CHRISTIANS.— In the time of a great pestilence, Cyprian, Bishop of the church in Carthage, in the third century, ex- horts his flock to take care of the sick and dying, not only among their friends, but their foes. " If," says he, " we only do good to our own people we do na more than publicans and heathens. But if we are the children of God, who makes his sun to shine and his rain to descend upon the just and upon the un- just, who sheds abroad his blessings, not upon his friends alone, but upon those whose thoughts are far from him, we must show this by our actions, blessing those who curse us and doinfj eood to those who persecute us." Stimulated by their bishop's admoni- tion, the members of the church ad- dressed themselves to the work, the rich contributing their money and the poor their labor. Thus the sick were at- tended to, the streets soon cleared of the corpses that filled them, and the city saved from the dangers of a universal pestilence. 163. ENVY. {a) ENVY OF DIONYSIUS.— " Dionysius the tyrant," says Plutarch, " out of envy, punished Philoxenius the musician because he could sing, and Plato the philosopher because he could dispute, better than himself." {h) SADNESS OF MUTIUS.— Mutius, a citizen of Rome, was noted to be of so envious and malevolent a dis- position, that Publius one day observing him to be very sad, said, " Either some great evil is happened to Mutius, or some great good to another." (c) CAMBYSES AND CALIGU- LA. — Cambyses, king of Persia, slew his brother Smerdis, out of envy, be- cause he could draw a stronger bow than himself or any of his followers ; and the monster Caligula slew his bro- ther because he was a beautiful young man. " Base envy withers at another's joy, And hates that excellence it cannot reach." {d) CONVERSION HINDERED. — Mary was one of the first youths 315 164, 165 ETERNITY— ETIQUETTE, UNDUE REGARD TO. (says a correspondent of the New-York Evangelist) who were awakened dur- ing an interesting revival. When many of her companions submitted, she linger- ed. Her convictions were powerful, her anguish was severe. At length she felt that she must and would sub- mit, and said that she was willing to be in the hands of God. Still all was darkness and trouble within. She re- mained awhile in this wretched state, and then became calm and joyful. Her evidences of regeneration were bright, and she well adorned the profes- sion which she subsequently made. When her spiritual teacher beheld the sinile of joy kindled upon her grief- worn countenance, he said to her, " Mary, what was it that kept you back from Christ ?" She replied, " I was unwilling that any of my companions should rejoice in hope, until I did my- self. I knew this was wrong, but felt unwilling to mention it, because I thought no other person ever felt so. But I was brought to feel willing, and even anxious, that they should have comfort, if I did not. I felt that I could not claim it, and if I should receive comfort, even at the close of life, it would be a mercy that I did not de- serve." 164. ETERNITi. (a) DUMB BOY'S EXPLANA- TION. — The following question was put in writing to a boy in the deaf and dumb school at Paris : " What is eter- nity ?" He wrote as an answer, " It is the life-time of the Almighty." {h) THE TROUBLESOME WORD. — A lady, having spent the afternoon and evening at cards and in gay com- pany, when she came home, found her servant-maid reading a pious book. She looked over her shoulders and said, *' Poor melancholy soul ! what pleasure canst thou find in poring so long over that book ?" That night the lady could not sleep, but lay sighing and weeping very much. Her servant asked her once and again what was the matter. At length she burst out into a flood of tears, and said, " Oh ! it is one word I saw in your book that troubles me : there I saw that word eternity. Oh how happy should I be if I were prepared for eternity !" The consequence of this impression was, that she laid aside her cards, forsook her gay company, and set herself seriously to prepare for another world. (c) A GOD— A MOMENT— AN ETERNITY.— How sad it is that an eternity so solemn and so near us should impress us so slightly and should be so much forgotten ! A Christian travel- ler tells us, that he saw the following religious admonition on the subject of eternity printed on a folio sheet, and hanging in a public room of an inn in Savoy ; and it was placed, he under- stood, in every house in the parish : — " Understand well the force of the words — a God, a moment, an eternity. A God who sees thee, a moment which flies from thee, an eternity which awaits thee. A God whom you serve so ill, a moment of which you so little profit, an eternity which you hazard so rashly." 165. ETIQUETTE, UNDUE REGARD TO. (a) SPANISH ETIQUETTE.— Philip the Third was gravely seated by the fireside ; the firemaker of the court had kindled so great a quantity of wood that the monarch was nearly suffocated with heat, and his grandeur would not suffer him to rise from the chair ; the domestics could not presume to enter the 316 apartment, because it was against the etiquette. At length the Marquis de Pota appeared, and the king ordered him to damp the fires ; but he excused himself, alleging that he was forbidden by the etiquette to perform such a func- tion, for which tie Duke d'Usseda oufjht to be called uoon, as it was his EXAMPLE, CHRISTIAN. 165, 160 business. The duke was gone out, the iire burned fiercer, and the king en- dured it rather than derogate from his dignity ; but his blood was heated to such a degree ; that an erysipelas of the head appeared the next day, which, suc- ceeded by a violent fever, carried him off in 1621, in the twenty- fourth year of his age. The palace was once on fire ; a sol- dier, who knew the king's sister was in her apartment, and must inevitably have been consumed in a few moments by the flames, at the risk of his life rushed in, and brought her highness safe out in his arms; but the Spanish etiquette was here wofully broken into ! The loyal soldier was brought to trial, and as it was impossible to deny that he had entered her apartment, the judges con- demned him to die ! The Spanish princess, however, condescended, in con- sideration of the circumstances, to par- don the soldier, and very benevolently saved his life ! {h) VlCTIiM OF ETIQUETTE. — The preposterous degree of etiquette for which the court of Spain has always been remarkable proved the ruin of one of the most illustrious of Spaniards, in the person of the Duke of Ossuna. He was viceroy of Naples, and greatly re- nowned for his talents as a soldier and a statesman. In consequence of some calumnious reports, he was called to court to give an account of his admi- nistration ; and on presenting himself to the king, being troubled with the gout and of short stature, he carried,, for matter of convenience, his sword in his hand. His majesty, it seems, did not like this sword-in-hand style of ap- proaching him, and, turning his back on Ossuna, left the room without speak- ing. The duke, probably unconscious of the cause of the king's displeasure, was much incensed at this treatment, and was overheard to mutter, '• This comes of serving boys." The words being reported to his majesty, an order was given for Ossuna's arrest. He was committed prisoner to a monastery not far from Madrid, and there he con- tinued till his beard reached his girdle. Growing then very ill, he was per- mitted to go to his house at Madrid, where he died about the year 1622. 166. EXAMPLE, CHRISTIAN. {a) THE MINISTER AND THE INFIDEL.— The Rev. Mr. R. resided in a house where an apprentice lived, who was compelled to hear him preach every Sabbath day, but who always re- joiced when the services of the day were over. He had been drawn into the paths of infidelity, and cherished a ma- lignant hatred to religion and its profes- sors. He considered Mr. R. either as a superior spirit in human form, or a consummate hypocrite, whose exhibitions in the pulpit, and in private life, were alike intended to deceive the spectators for his own purposes. Our young skeptic resolved, however, very close- ly to watch his conduct. " For several years," said he to the writer of this pa- per, " I watched him with incessant vigilance. My opportunities of know- ing his character were such as occur in the variety and minutise of domestic life and family transactions; but his temper, and conduct, and speech, and devotion, were only beautiful represen- tations of the same object — all having one character, and that stamped upon them by Heaven. I began to admire, rather than love him, until a circum- stance occurred that produced an in- delible impression upon my mind. My apprenticeship was just out, and in a few days I was to set off to a situation in London. He seized an occasion of calling me into his room, warned me of the dangers which I should meet in the metropolis, told me of the duty of pray- er, and the pleasures of piety, put into my hands ' as a parting present, " Dod- ridge's Rise and Progress," and, kneel- ing down, commended me fervently to the grace of God, and the guidance of infinite wisdom. This united me to the man for ever. I went to London 317 160 EXAMPLE, C?IRISTIAN. under the impressions he had made on my mind ; did not give way to compa- ny, nor launch out into dissipation, but attended the house of God with some- thing like regularity. And a sermon, which I heard Mr. S. preach when he had been recently brought back from the gates of death, was the means of awakening me to a sense of my danger, and of directing me to the cross." Many persons, whom we do not suspect, are watching our temper and general conversation, and the convictions which they receive will tell on their future principles and final destiny. Our Lord knew the power of example was far be- yond precept, when he said to his dis- ciples, " Ye are the salt of the earth," — "ye are the light of the world." Happy are those ministers who can use the same reference as the apostle : " Be ye followers of me, even as 1 also am of Christ," 1 Cor. xi. 1. (b) PETERBOROUGH AND FENELON.— When Lord Peterbo- rough lodged for a season with Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray, he was so de- lighted with his piety and virtue, that he exclaimed at parting, " If I stay here any longer, I shall become a Christian in spite of mvself." (c) IRREFUTABLE ARGUMENT. — Mr. Innes, in his work on Domestic Religion, mentions a fact strikingly il- lustrative of the power of consistent con- duct. A young man, when about to be ordained as a Christian minister, stated, that at one period of his life he had been nearly betrayed into the principles of infidelity; "but," he added, "there was one argument in favor of Christian ity which I could never refute — the consistent conduct of my own father!" (d) THE MOTHER'S CONFES- SION. — Children, says the Rev. W. Jay, have conveyed religion to those from whom they ought to have derived it. "Well," said a mother one day, weeping, her daughter being about to make a public profession of religion by going to the Lord's table, " I will resist no longer. How can I bear to see my dear child love and read the Scriptures, while I never look into the Bible — to see her retire and seek God, while I never pray — to see her going to the Lord's table, while his death is nothing to me !" " Ah," said she to the minis- ter who called to inform her of her daughter's intention, wiping her eyes ; " yes, sir, I know she is right, and I am wrong — I have seen lier firm under re- proach, and patient under provocation, and cheerful in all her sufferings. When, in her late illness, she was looking for dissolution, heaven stood in her face. Oh that I was as fit to die ! I ought to have taught her, but I am sure she has taught mo. How can I bear to see her joining the church of God, and leaving me behind — perhaps for ever !" From that hour she prayed in earnest, that the God of her child would bo her God, and was soon seen walking with her in the way everlasting. (e) SUCCESS WITH THE IM- PENITENT.— It is said of a follower of Christ who lived many years ago in Western New- York, that she had prob- ably been instrumental in the conver- sion of more sinners than any minister in the same region of country. She was once asked how it was that she, while she was in the habit of speaking to every class of individuals, always spoke with effect without giving offence. Her reply was this : " Whenever such an individual comes within the circle of my influence, I at once set my heart upon saying and doing what I can to secure his salvation. As soon as a fit opportunity presents, my plan is to converse with him on the ' things which concern his peace.' As preparatory to such an event, my aim is to order my entire deportment in his presence so that what I say shall be im- pressed upon his heart and conscience by all that he has previously seen in me." Here was the secret of her pow- er. What was spoken was always in time, and rendered like " apples of gold in pictures of silver," by its correspond- ence with her entire character. It is in place for the truly good to urge the practice of goodness upon all around them. Nor is it fitting in any others to engage in this hallowed employment. 318 EXPERIENCE, CHRISTIAN. 167, 16S EXPERIENCE, CHRISTIAN. 167. Effect of relating, &c. (a) THE CAPTAIN AND THE INFIDEL. — A few years ago, on a voyage to the west of America, a young man sauntering on deck ob- serving one of the sailors more sedate than his companions, stepped up to him, and abruptly asked him : " George, are you not a Christian?" His counte- nance brightened up as he replied : " I trust that 1 am ; I think I can testify to the goodness of God in giving his Son to die for me." The manner in which he uttered this sentence interested his companion, who requested to know his history. His reply in substance was as follows : " I have always been a sailor. My father was a sailor before me. My mother was a pious woman ; and when- ever I went on shore to see her she used to say a great many things to me about my soul. I paid no attention to them ; but lived as though I had no soul. I was a fool, as I said in my heart, ' There is no God.' Boldly did I pro- fane his name. Thus I went on from year to year, till I entered a ship that was under a pious captain. He was a good man, and did much for the good of his crew. He read the Scriptures to us, and prayed with us. After some time, however, I began to tremble. The word of God convinced me of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment to come. I saw my danger, and felt it, too. My sins came up before me, and appeared as mountains that must for ever separate me from peace and happiness. I was a miserable man, and thought I must al- ways be so. At last I opened my heart to the captain. He felt for me, and told me of the mercy of God in Christ Jesus. With tears in his eyes he directed me to behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. My heart broke. Tears of penitence ran down my cheeks ; my faith took hold on the Son ®f God." At this time the young man who had elicited the narrative was not truly re- ligious. The narrative of the sailor, given with simplicity and deep emotion, went to his heart and brought him to the feet of the Savior. He soon after publicly professed his faith in Christ. {h) THE LAWYER AT THE LOVE-FEAST.— The simple relation of Christian experience always produces a powerful effect upon the hearers. Revivals of religion are often greatly promoted by this means. Some years ago, a young lawyer in Vermont, found his way into a Methodist love-feast. Supposing that he should hear some strange things there, he went prepared to take notes. At the close of the meet- ing, he arose, and addressed the assem- bly as follows : " My friends, I hold in my hands the testimony of no less than sixty persons, who have spoken here, this morning, who all testify with one consent, that there is a divine reality in religion, they having experienced its power in their own hearts. Many of these persons I know. Their word would be received in any court of justice. Lie, they would not, I know ; and mistaken they cannot all be. I have heretofore been skeptical in relation to these mat- ters. I now tell you that I am fully convinced of the truth, and that I intend to lead a new life. Will you pray for me ?" Thus while we " speak that which we do know, and testify to that which we have seen," some will receive " our witness," even if others do not. 168. Every where similar. (a) GOD'S WORK UNIVERSAL- LY THE SAME.— The eminently pi- ous and learned theologian. Dr. Living- ston, related to me, (says. Dr. Alexan- der,) not many years before his decease, a pleasing anecdote, which will serve to illustrate the point under consideration, and which I communicate to the public more willingly, because I do not know 319 168, 169 FAITH. that he has left any record of it behind him. While a student at the University of Utrecht, a number of pious persons, from the town and among the students, were accustomed to meet for free con- versation on experimental religion, and for prayer and praise, in a social capa- city. On one of these occasions, when the similarity of the exercises of the pious, in all countries and ages, was the subject of conversation, it was remarked by one of the company, that there was then present a representative from each of the four quarters of the world. These were Dr. Livingston, from America, a young man from the Cape of Good Hope in. Africa, another student from one of the Dutch possessions in the East Indies, and many natives of Europe, of course. It was therefore proposed, that at the next meeting, the three young gentle- men first referred to, together with an eminently pious young nobleman of Holland, should each give a particular narrative of the rise and progress of the work of grace in his soul. The pro- posal was universally acceptable ; and accordingly, a narrative was heard from a native of each of the four quarters of the globe — of their views and feel- ings, of their trials and temptations, &c. The result was highly gratifying to all present; and I think Dr. Livingston said, that it was generally admitted by those present, that they had never before witnessed so interesting a scene. (b) JOHN NEWTON AND MR. OCCAM.— When Mr. Occam, the In- dian preacher, was in England, he visited Mr. Newton of London, and they compared experiences. " Mr. Occam," says Mr. Newton, " in des- cribing to me the state of his heart, when he was a blind idolater, gave me, in general, a striking picture of what my own was in the early part of my life ; and his subsequent views corres- pond with mine, as face answers to face in a glass, though I dare say, when he received them, he had never heard of Calvin's name." FAITH. 169. Nature of Faith. (a) WHAT WE ARE TO BE- LIEVE.—Rev. Mr. P., of New- York, when settled in B , N. Y., was called to see a young lady on the brink of the grave. In the course of the con- versation he says, " I inquired, * Do you not feel that you are a great sinner be- fore God V Bursting into an agony of tears and raising her attenuated hands, she cried, ' Oh ! yes, that is all that pains me. Oh, I have been such a sin- ner, and God has been so good to me — Christ so good, and I have sinned so much !' " Being satisfied that she was sincere- ly penitent for sin, I spoke of the atone- ment of Christ — its necessity and nature and terms, and asked her if she could see in that plan to save, that there was room for her. ' No, not for me, I am such a sinner,' she said, and the fresh tor- rents of tears attested the sincerity of her confession. Then I told her of the J>20 love of Jesus, and besought her by the dying compassion of the Son of God, to believe in his name. But still she re- fused to trust herself in his hands. Making one more effort, said I, ' Per- haps you do not understand precisely what you are to believe. You say, that you think that Christ is willing to save unto the uttermost all that come unto God, repenting of their sins. You say that you repent. Now, trusting with all your heart in the promises which he has made, believe that he is willing to save you.^ " A smile as from heaven played on her pale cheek, as she exclaimed, ' Is that it?' and trusting 'in Christ, she found joy. Lingering for many weeks afterwards, her faith never wavered ; her views of divine things grew brighter and brighter ; her confidence in God, deeper and stronger ; and as death ap- proached, she welcomed his coming as of a friend. NECESSITY OF FAITH. 169, 170 (h) THE SAILOR'S EXPLANA- TION. — Mr. Stewart, in his Journal of a Residence in the Sandwich Islands, relates that whilst on board a ship sail- ing from America to those islands, he felt it his duty to instruct the sailors ; and he had several proofs that his labors were not in vain. One sailor, named R , had been brought to trust in Christ for salvation ; and, shortly after, meeting with another who was anxious- ly inquiring the way of salvation, he thus addressed him : " It was just so with myself once ; I did not know what faith was, or how to obtain it; but I know now what it is, and I believe I possess it. But I do not know that I can tell you what it is, or how to get it. I can tell you what it is not : it is not knocking off swearing, and drinking, and such like ; and it is not reading the Bible, nor praying, nor being good : it is none of these ; for even if they would answer for the time to come, there is the old score still, and how are you to get clear of that ? It is not any thing you have done or can do : it is only be- lieving and trusting to what Christ has done ; it is forsaking your sins, and looking for their pardon and the salva- tion of your soul, because he died and shed his blood for sin ; and it is nothing else." The most learned divine could not have given a more simple or scrip- tural exposition of this important subject, or one better adapted to carry conviction to the heart. The simplest terms are the most dilEIicult of explana- tion, while the unsophisticated feelings of genuine piety find a ready re^onse in every awakened mind. (c) A VENTURESOME BELIEV- ING. — The Rev. John Butterworth, a minister of England, speaking of his religious experiences, says, " One day as I was reading in a book called the ' Marrow of Modern Divinity,' a sen- tence from Luther was quoted, which was this, ' I would run into the arms of Christ, if he stood with a drawn sword in his hand.' This thought came bolt- ing into my mind — ' so will I too :' and those words of Job occurred — ' Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.' My burden dropped off; my soul was filled with joy and peace through believing 21 in Christ; a venturesome ielieving, as Mr. Belcher calls it, was the means of setting me at liberty ; nor have I ever been in such perplexity, respecting my interest in Christ, since that time ; though I have had various trials in other re- spects." (d) NOTHING BUT TRUE FAITH. — A good man was consider- ably harassed as to the nature of true faith, and very properly resolved to ask the assistance of his minister. Going to his house, he stated that his fears had been great, that he had sinned beyond the reach of mercy ; but that while he was thinking on the subject that portion of Scripture was suggested to his mind, " The blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin," and that resting on this truth, he had lost all his anxiety. The minister very properly told him that this was nothing else than true faith. 170. Necessity of Faith. (a) LUTHER ON PILATE'S STAIRCASE.— For some time after the light of truth began to dawn on the mind of Luther, he submitted to all the vain practices which the Romish church enjoins in order to purchase the remis- sion of sins. One day during his visit to Rome, wishing to obtain an indul- gence promised by the pope to any one who should ascend on his knees what is called Pilate's Staircase, the poor Saxon monk was slowly climbing those steps, which they told him had been miraculously transported from Jerusa- lem to Rome. But while he was going through with his meritorious work he thought he heard a voice like thunder speaking from the depth of his heart, " the just slmll live hy faith.'' He started up in terror on the steps up which he had been crawling ; he was horrified at himself; and struck with shame for the degradation to which su- perstition had bebased him, he fled from the scene of his folly. This was the decisive epoch' in the inward life of Lu- ther. {h) THE FARMER'S FAITH.— A king of Sweden was under great im- pressions of spiritual religion for some time before his death. A peasant being 321 170, 171 FAITH. once, on a particular occasion, admitted to his presence, the king, knowing him to be a person of singular piety, asked him, " What he took to be the iiue na- ture of faith ?" The peasant entered deeply ir^to the subject, and much to the king's comfort and satisfaction. The king, at last, lying on his death-bed, had a return of his doubts and fears as to the safety of his soul ; and still the same question was perpetually in his mouth, to those about him, " " What is real faith ?" His attendants advised him to send for the Archbishop of Upsall : who, coming to the king's bedside, began in a learned, logical manner, to enter into the scholastic definition of faith. The prelate's disquisition lasted an hour. When he had done the king said with much energy, " All this is ingenious, but not comfortable ; it is not what I want. Nothing, after all, but the far- mer's faith will do for me." (c) RIDDLE'S DYING TESTI- MONY.— Mr. Edward Riddle, an aged Christian in Hull, remarked, a few days before his death, to one present, " Some may suppose, that a person at my time of life, and after so long making a pro- fession of religion, has nothing to do but to die and go to heaven ; but I find that 1 have as much need to go to God, through Christ, as a sinner, at the last hour as at the beginning. The blood of Christ, the death of Christ, his victory and fulness, are my only ground of faith, hope, and confidence ; there is the same need of him to be the Finisher of my faith, as there was to be the Author of it." (d) DODDRIDGE'S RIGHTEOUS- NESS.—" My confidence is," said the pious Dr. Doddridge shortly before his death, " not that I have lived such or such a life, or served God in this or the other manner ; 1 know of no prayer I ever offered, no service I ever perform- ed, but there has been such a mix- ture of what was wrong in it, that instead of recommending me to the favor of God, I needed his pardon, through Christ, for the same. Yet I am full of confidence ; and this is my con- fidence — there is a hope set before me : I have fled, I still fly, for refuge to that hope." 322 (e) MRS. JUDSON'S EXPERT- ENCE.— '• It is just a year this day," says Mrs. Judson, " since I enter- tained hope in Christ. About this time in the evening, when reflecting on the words of the lepers, ' If we enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there ; and if we sit still here, we die also ;' and felt that if I returned to the world, I should surely perish ; if I staid where I then was, I should perish ; and I could but perish, if I threw myself on the mercy of Christ. Then came light,, and relief, and comfort, such as I never knew before." (/) PAYSON'S HAPPINESS.^ " Christians might avoid much trouble and inconvenience," says Dr. Payson, "if they would only believe what they profess — that God is able to make them happy without any thing else. They imagine, if such a dear friend were to die, or such and such blessings to be removed, they should be miserable; whereas God can make them a thousand times happier without them. To men- tion my own case, — God has been de- priving me of one blessing after another ; but as every one was removed, he has come in, and filled up its place ; and now, when I am a cripple, and not able to move, I am happier than ever I was in my life before, or ever expected to be ; and if I had believed this twenty years ago, I might have been spared much anxiety." (g) I AM ON THE ROCK.— One day a female friend called on the Rev. William Evans, a pious minister in England, and asked how he felt him- self. " I am weakness itself," he re- plied ; " but I am on the Rock. I do not experience those transports which some have expressed in the view of death ; but my dependence is on the jnercy of God in Christ. Here ray re- ligion began, and here it must end," 171. Example of Faitli. (a) CHALLENGING THE PROM, ISES. — Mr. John Avery, a minister, having been driven from his native country by the persecution of Arch- bishop Laud, fled to New England. TRIUMPHS OF FAITH. 172 Upon his arrival, he settled for a short time at Newbury ; but, receiving an invitation to Marblehead, he determined upon a removal to that place. Having embarked in a small vessel, together with Mr. Anthony Thacker, another worthy minister, there arose a tremen- dous storm, by which the vessel struck against a rock, and was dashed to pieces. The whole company, consist- ing of twenty-three persons, got upon the rock, but were successively washed off and drowned, except Mr. Thacker and his wife. Mr. Thacker and Mr. Avery held each other by the hand a long time, resolving to die together, till, by a tremendous wave, the latter was washed away, and drowned. The mo- ment before this happened, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, saying, " We know not what the pleasure of God may be. I fear we have been too unmindful of former deliverances. Lord, I cannot challenge a promise of the preservation of my life ; but thou hast promised to deliver us from sin and condemnation, and to bring us safe to heaven, through the all-sufficient satisfaction of Jesus Christ. This, therefore, I do challenge of thee." He had no sooner uttered these words, than he was swept into the mighty deep, and no more seen. Mr. Thacker and his wife were also washed off the rock ; but, after being tossed in the waves for some time, the former was cast on shore, where he found his wife a sharer in the deliverance. 172. Triumphs of Faith. [a] CASE OF REV. DR. AIL- MER. — This excellent man was rector of Much Hadham, Herts., and died in 1025, heroically closing his own eye- lids, and with these words on his lips ; " Let my people know that their pastor died undaunted, and not afraid of death ! I bless my God, I have no fear, no doubt, no reluctance, but a sure confidence in the sin-overcoming merits of Jesus Christ." (h) CASE OF BISHOP BUTLER. — When this eminent prelate lay on his dying bed, he called for his chaplain, and said, " Though I have endeavored to avoid sin and please God to the ut- most of my power, yet, from the con- sciousness of perpetual infirmities, I am still afraid to die." " My lord," said the chaplain, " you have forgotten that Jesus Christ is a Savior." "True," was the answer,^ "but how shall I know that he is a Savior for me ?" " My lord, it is written, ' Him that Cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.' " " True," said the bishop, " and I am surprised that, though I have read that Scripture a thousand times over, I never felt its virtue till this moment ; and now I die happy !" (c) A ROCK TO REST ON.— The Rev. John Rees, of Crown-Street, Soho, London, was visited on his death- bed by the Rev. John Leifchild, who very seriously asked him to describe the state of his mind. This appeal to the honor of his religion roused him ; it freshened his dying lamp, and raising himself up in his bed he looked his friend in the face, and with great de- liberation, energy, and dignity, uttered the following words : — " Christ in his person, Christ in the love of his heart, and Christ in the power of his arm is the Rock on which I rest ; and now (re- clining his head gently on the pillow) death, strike !" (d) VENTURING ON CHRIST. — The Rev. Dr. Simpson was for many years tutor in the college at Hoxton, and while he stood very low in his own esteem, he ranked high in that of others. After a long life spent in the service of Christ, he approached his latter end with holy joy* Among other expressions which indicated his love to the Re- deemer, and his interest in the favor of God, he spoke with disapprobation of a phrase often used by some pious people, "Venturing on Christ." "When," said he, "I consider the infinite dignity and all-sufficiency of Christ, I am ashamed to talk of venturing on him. Oh, had I ten thousand souls, I would, at this moment, cast them all into his hands with the utmost confidence." A few hours before his dissolution, he ad- dressed himself to the last enemy, in a strain like that of the apostle, when he exclaimed, " O death, where is thy 323 172 FAITH. sting ?" Displaying his characteristic fervor, as though he saw the tyrant ap- proaching, he said, " What art thou ? I am not afraid of thee. Thou art a vanquished enemy through the blood of the crqps." (e) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF STAUPICIUS.— Luther relates con- cerning one Staupicius, a German di- vine, that he acknowledged that before he came to understand the free and powerful grace of Christ, he resolved, and vowed a hundred times against a particular sin ; yet could never get power over it, nor his heart purified from it, till he came to see that he trust- ed too much to his own resolutions, and too little to Jesus Christ ; but when his faith had engaged against his sin, he ob- tained the victory. (/) I HAVE SO LEARNED CHRIST.— Of Mr. Stephen Marshall, an eminent divine of the 17th century, Mr. Giles Firman, who knew him in life, and attended him in death, says, " That he left behind him few preachers like himself; that he was a Christian in practice as well as profession ; that he lived by faith, and died by faith, and was an example to the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in faith, and in purity. And when he, together with some others, conversed with him about his death, he replied, * I cannot say as one did, I have not so lived that I should now be afraid to die ; but this I can say, I have so learned Christ, that I am not afraid to die.' " {g) COWPER'S VIEW OF DEATH. — " 1 have not time to add more," says Cowper the poet, in a let- ter, " except just to add, that if I am ever enabled to look forward to death with comfort, which I thank God is sometimes the case with me, I do not take my view of it from the top of my own works and deservings, though God is witness that the labor of my life is to keep a conscience void of offence to- ward him. Death is always formidable to me except when see him disarm- ed of his sting by having sheathed it in the body of Jesus Christ." {h) WATTS AND THE PRO- MISES.— The faith of Dr. Watts in the promises of God was lively and un- 324 shaken. "I believe them enough," said he, " to venture an eternity on them." To a religious friend, at ano- ther time he thus expressed himself: " I remember an aged minister used to say, that the most learned and knowing Christians, when they come to die, have only the same plain promises for their support, as the common and unlearned ; and so," continued he, " I find it. It is the plain promises of the gospel that are my support : and I bless God, they are plain promises, which do not re- quire much labor and pains to under- stand them ; for I can do nothing now but look into my Bible for some pro- mise to support me, and live upon that." {i) DEATH OF JOHN HUSS.— When John Huss, the Bohemian martyr, was brought out to be burnt, they put on his head a triple crown of paper, with painted devils on it. On seeing it, he said, " My Lord Jesus Christ, for my sake, wore a crown of thorns ; why should not I then, for his sake, wear this light crown, be it ever so ignomi- nious ? Truly I will do it, and that willingly." When it was set upon his head, the bishops said, " Now, we com- mend thy soul to the devil." " But I," said Huss, lifting up his eys to heaven, " do commit my spirit into thy hands, Lord Jesus Christ ; to thee I com- mend my spirit, which thou hast redeem- ed." When the fagots were piled up to his very neck, the Duke of Bavaria was officious enough to desire him to abjure. " No," said Huss, " I never preached any doctrine of an evil ten- dency ; and what I taught with my lips 1 now seal with my blood." (j) A NOBLE REPLY.— In the reign of Charles II, Margaret Wilson, a girl of eighteen, along with an aged widow of sixty-three, was adjudged to die, because she refused to acknowledge the supremacy of any other than Christ in the church. The sentence pronounc- ed against them was, that they should be fastened to stakes driven deep into liie oozy sand that covers the beach, and left to perish in the rising tide. The stake to which the aged female was fastened was further down the beach than that of the young woman, in order that, being soonest destroyed, her ex- FIRMNESS, CHRISTIAN. 173 piring sufferings might shake the firm- ness of faith of Margaret Wilson. The tide began to flow — the waters swelled ; they mounted from the knee to the waist, and from the waist to the chin, and from the chin to the lip of the venerable matron, and when she was almost stifled by the rising tide, when the bubbling groan of her last agony was reaching her fellow-sufferer further up the beach, one heartless ruffian put to Margaret Wilson the question, " What think you of your friend now ?" And what was the calm and noble re- ply ? " What do I see but Clyist in one of his members wrestling there ? Think you that we are the sufferers ? No, it is Christ in us — He who sendeth us not a warfare upon our own charges." 173. FIRMNESS, CHRISTIAN. {a) DEATH PREFERRED TO LY- ING. — Jerome writes of a brave woman, who being upon the rack, bade her per- secutors do their worst, for she was re- solved to die rather than lie. (b) FIRMNESS OF ARETHUSUS. — In the reign of Constantine, there was one Marcus Arethusus, an eminent servant of God, who had been the cause of overthrowing an idol temple ; but Julian coming to be Emperor, com- manded the people of that place to build it up again. All were ready to do so, only he refused it ; whereupon his own people, to whom he had preached, fell upon him, stript off his clothes, then abused his naked body, and gave it up to children and school-boys to be lanced with their penknives ; but when all this would not do, they caused him to be set in the sun, his naked body anointed all over with honey, so that he might be bitten and stung to death by flies and wasps. All this cruelty they exercised upon him because he would not do any thing towards rebuilding that idol tem- ple. Nay, they came so far, that if he would give but one half-penny towards the charge they would release him. But with a noble Christian disdain, he refused l!ie offer, though the advancing of one I'alf-penny might have saved his life. In so doing he only lived up to that prin- ciple so much commended and so little practised ; that Christians should en- dure the greatest sufferings, rather than commit the least sins. (c) PRINCE OF CONDfi AND CHARLES IX.— The prince of Conde being taken prisoner by Charles IX, king of France, and put to his choice whether he would go to mass or be put to death, or suffer perpetual imprison- ment, his_ noble answer was, that, by God's help he would never do t'-e nrst, and for either of the latter he left it to the king's pleasure and God's provi- dence. (d) KAPIOLANI'S CONTEMPT OF THE GODDESS.— Owyhee is an island very remarkable for its volcanoes. One of these, named Peli, was long the object of religious worship by the na- tives, who believed it to be the residence of their gods. This worship has ceased. It has been abolished by the Christian courage of a female of rank, named Kapiolani. She proceeded fearlessly to Peli, accompanied by many friends and dependents. At the first precipice a number of them became alarmed and turned back. At the second, the rest earnestly entreated her to desist from her dangerous enterprise, and to tempt no further the powerful gods of the fires. But she proceeded, saying, " I will descend into the crater, and if I do not return safe, then continue to worship Peli ; but if I come back unhurt, you must learn to adore the God that created Peli." With unhesitating step she reached the gloomy abyss, stirred the fiery lake, and completed an achieve- ment seldom equalled in the annals of magnanimity. When she pushed the stick into the glowing lava, the idolatrous natives expected to see her instantly fall a sacrifice to their insulted goddess. Her safety effectually convinced them of their folly. (e) FIRMNESS OF VARIOUS MARTYRS.— Cyprian, when on his 325 173 FIRMNESS, CHRISTIAN. road to suffer martyrdom, was told by the emperor, that he would give him time to consider whether he had not better cast a grain of incense into the fire, in honor of idols, than die so de- graded a death. The martyr nobly answered, " There needs no deliberation in the case;" John Huss was offered a pardon when at the stake, about to suffer for his at- tachment to Christ, if he would recant ; his reply was, " I am here ready to suf- fer death." Anne Askew, when asked under simi- lar circumstances to avoid the flames, answered, " I came not here to deny my God and Master." Mr. Thomas Hawkes, an Essex gen- tleman, said, on a like occasion, " If I had a hundred bodies, I would suffer them all to be torn in pieces, rather than recant." When the cruel Bonner told John Ardly of the pain connected with burn- ing, and how hard it must be to endure it, with a view of leading the martyr to recant, he replied, " If I had as many lives as I have hairs on my head, 1 would lose them all in the fire, before I would lose Christ." Galeazius, a gentleman of great wealth, who suffered martyrdom at St. Angelo, in Italy, being much entreated by his friends to recant, replied, " Death is much sweeter to me with the testimo- ny of truth, than life with its least de- nial." (/) THE POTTER AND HENRY III. — Bernard de Palissy, a native of Agen, in France, was a maker of earthen- ware, at Saintes, and distinguished him- self by his knowledge and talents. He was a Calvinist, and the French king, Henry III, said to him one day, that he should be compelled to give him up to his enemies, unless he changed his re- ligion. "You have often said to me, sire," was the undaunted reply of De Palissy, " that you pitied me ; but as for me, I pity you, who have given utterance to such words as, ' I shall be compelled.' These are unkingly words ; and I say to you in royal phrase, that neither the Guises, nor all your people, nor your- self, are able to compel an humble manufacturer of earthenware to bend 326 his knee before statues." Bernard was a man of humor, as well as of cour- age ; and he would sometimes say, al- luding to his trade, and his trust in Providence, " My only property is heaven and earth." (g) THE PRAYING NEGRO.— Mr. Knibb relates the following cir- cumstances relative to David, a deacon of his church: — A few years ago, ..one of the slave members belonging to the Baptist church, at Montego Bay, was banished from his home, and sent to the estate where David lived, to be cured of his praying. By the pious conversation of this exiled Christian negro, David was brought under serious concern for his soul, which ended in his conversion to God. David spoke to his fellow slaves about Jesus, and his love in dying for poor sinners. God, who de- spises not the humblest instruments, blessed the efforts of this poor negro, and, in a short time, about thirty on the estate began to pray, and at length built a small hut, in which, after the labors of the day, they might assem- ble and worship God. Tidings of these things reached the ears of the white persons employed on the estate, and David was summoned before his attor- ney, and asked whether he was teach- ing the slaves to pray. On replying in the affirmative, the hut was demolished and burnt, and David was stretched upon the earth, and flogged with the cart-whip till his flesh was covered with blood. Next Lord's day I missed my faithful deacon at the house of God. His afflicted wife came, and told me the sad tale of his sufferings, and informed me that his hands were bound, and his feet made fast in the stocks. Often did I inquire after him, and for him, and the same answered was returned, " Massa, him in the stocks :" till one morning, as I sat in my piazza, he appeared be- fore the window. There he stood — I have his image now before me — he was handcuffed, barefoot, unable to wear his clothes from his yet unhealed back ; his wife had fastened some of her gar- ments round his lacerated body. I called him in, and said, " David, David, what have you done ?" FIRMNESS, CHRISTIAN. 173 With a look of resignation I shall neve^ forget, he replied, " Don't ask me ; ask him that bring me, massa." Turning to the negro who had him in charge, I said, " Well, what has this poor man done ?" " Him pray, massa," was the reply ; "and buckra send him to the work- house for punishment." I gave him some refreshment, (for in the state I have described he had walk- ed thirteen miles under a burning sun,) and followed him to the work-house. He was chained to a fellow-slave by the neck, and sent to work on the public roads. The next day I went to visit him again, when I was informed by the supervisor of the work-house, that he had received orders to have him flogged again, as soon as his back was well enough to bear it. In these chains David remained for months ; frequently 1 saw him, but never did I hear one murmur or one complaint except when he heard that the partner of his joys and sorrows was ill on the estate, and he was forbidden to go and see her. At the end of three months he was liberated, and, returning to the estate, was asked, "Now, sir, will you pray again?" "Massa," said the persecuted disciple, " you know me is a good slave ; but, if trouble come for dis, me must pray, and me must teach me broder to pray too." Again he was immured in a dungeon and his feet made fast in the stocks. (h) NOT FOR HIS KINGDOM.— The circumstances of the appointment of Dr. Ken as Bishop of Bath and Wells, were remarkable. King Charles the Second was engaged in erecting a palace at Winchester, and went down with his usual attendants to that city. One of the harbingers employed to ar- range lodginc;^s for the party, marked out the doctor's house, which he had in right of his prebend, for the temporary residence of Mrs. Eleanor Gwynne. The doctor, however, absolutely refused her admittance, declaring that " a woman of ill repute was not to be en- dured for a moment in the house of a clergyman ;" and Mrs. G. was, in con- sequence, compelled to seek an abode elsewhere, to her own great inconven- ' ience, and the indignation of those who urged the doctor to a compliance in the king's name ; who, however, could ob- tain' no other reply than the short sen- tence, "Not for his kingdom." No sooner, however, was application made to King Charles on behalf of another, for the bishopric of Bath and Wells, which became vacant immediately after, than the king promptly replied, " Who shall have Bath and Wells, but the little fellow who would not give poor Nelly a lodging ■?" Dr. Ken was, in conse- quence, appointed to the vacant see in the commencement of 1684. (i) CALVIN AND ECKIUS.— Eckius being sent by the Pope, legate into France, upon his return took Ge- neva in his way, on purpose to see Cal- vin ; and if occasion presented, to attempt reducing him to the Romish church. Eckius went privately to Cal- vin's house and introduced himself as a stranger who had heard much of his fame, and was come to wait upon him. Calvin invited him to come in, and he entered the house with him ; where, discoursing of many things concerning religion, Eckius perceived Calvin to be an ingenuous and learned man, and desired to know if he had not a garden to walk in. To which Calvin replying he had, they both went into it; and there Eckius began to inquire of him, why he left the Roman church, and offered some arguments to persuade him to return ; but Calvin could by no means be inclined to think of it. At last Eckius told him that he would put his life in his hands ; and then said, he was Eckius the Pope's legate. At this discovery Calvin was not a little sur- prised, and begged his pardon that he had not treated him with that respect which was due to his quality. Eckius re- turned the compliment, and told him if he would come back to the Roman church, he would certainly procure for him a Cardinal's cap. But Calvin was not to be moved by such an offer. Eckius then asked him what revenue he had. He told the Cardinal he had that house and garden, and fifty livres per annum, besides an annual present of 327 1T4, 1Y5 FLATTERY— FORBEARANCE. some wine and corn ; on which he lived very contentedly. Eckius told him, that a man of his parts deserved a greater revenue ; and then renewed his invitation to come over to the Romish church, promising him a better stipend if he would. But Calvin, giving him thanks, assured him ne was wed satis- fied with his condition. Eckius accepted Calvin's invitation to (line with him ; and after dinner, at the request of Eckius, they visited the church which anciently was the cathe- dral. On their way Eckius pressed upon Calvin the present of a hundred pistoles to buy him books and to express fiis re- spect for him. But as they were coming out of the church, Calvin stopped him a little, and having explained to the per- sons who accompanied them how he had been presented oy tne stranger with a purse of gold, he said he would give it to the poor, and so deposited it in the poor-box that was kept there ! Eckius was now convinced that all efforts to secure the apostacy of Calvin would be in vain, and made no further attempt. 174. FLATTERY. (a) BEAUTY AND VANITY.— " I once knew," says Mr. Abbott, '' a little boy of unusually bright and animated countenance. Every one who entered the house noticed the child, and spoke of his beauty. One day a gen- tleman called upon business, and being engaged in conversation, did not pay that attention to the child to which he was accustomed, and which he now began to expect as his due. The vain little fellow made many efforts to at- tract notice, but not succeeding, he at last placed himself full in front of the gentleman, and asked, ' Why don't you see how beautiful I be '' {b) THE MONARCH'S PROHIBI- TION. — One of the first acts performed by George III after his accession to the throne, was to issue an order, pro- hibiting any of the clergy who shouM be called to preach before him, from paying him any compliment in their discourses. His majesty was led to this from the fulsome adulation which Dr. Thomas Wilson, Prebendary of Westminster, thought proper to deliver in the chapel royal ; and for which, in- stead of thanks, he received from his royal auditor a pointed reprimand, his majesty observing, " that he came to chapel to hear the praises of God, and not his own." 175 FORBEARANCE. (a) DR. WALL'S INJURERS.— Dr. Wall, sometime Bishop of Nor- wich, who was as humble and courteous as he was learned and devout, used to ! say, " I would suffer a thousand wrongs i rather than do one ; I would suffer a | hundred rather than return one ; and ! endure many rather than complain of j one, or obtain my right by contending : for I have always observed, that con- tending with one's superiors is foolish ; with one's equals, is dubious ; and with one's inferiors, is mean-spirited and sordid. Suits at law may be some- times necessary, but he had need be 328 more than a man who can manage them with justice and innocence." {bj MAKING A DIFFERENCE.— Rev. Legh Richmond was once con- versing with a brother clergyman on the case of a poor man who had acted inconsistently with his religious pro- fession. After some angry and severe remarks on the conduct of such per- sons, the gentleman with whom he was discussing the case concluded by say- ing, " I have no notion of such pre- sences ; I will have nothing to do with him." " Nay, brother, let us be hum- ble and moderate. Remember who ha» FORBEARANCE. 1T5 said, ' making a dilFerence :' with oppor- tunity on the one hand, and Satan at the other, and the grace of God at neither, where should you and I be ?" (c) ELIOT AND HIS BRETHREN. — The attachment of the Rev. John Eliot, usually called " the apostle to the Indians," to peace and union among Christians was exceedingly great. When he heard ministers complain that some in their congregation^ were too difficult for them, the substance of his advice would be, " Brother, compass them !" '' Brother, learn the meaning of those three little words — bear, forbear, forgive." His love of peace, indeed, almost led him to sacrifice right itself. (d) SOUTH SEA ISLANDERS. —On February 2, 1817, Mr. Ellis, a Christian missionary, and his compan- ions, on their voyage to Tahiti, touched at the island of Tubooi, to obtain pro- visions. Two Europeans, who were on the island, informed them that a canoe, bound for Anaa, one of the Paumotu islands, had recently touched at Tubooi, being driven out of its course by the northerly winds. The people on board the canoe, forty in number, had been to Tahiti, to receive instruction in Chris- tianity, and were returning to their own country. They were intelligent, peace- able, and strict in their observance of the Sabbath. They exerted their in- fluence to persuade the natives of Tu- booi to cast away their idols, telling them of the one true God, and the Lord Jesus. The natives, however, treated them as enemies, destroyed their canoe, and for- cibly took from them a musket. The Christians, on being asked why they did not resent these injuries, replied, that had they been heathens, they would im- mediately have fought : but having be- come Christians, they had embraced a religion opposed to war, and they were afraid of incurring the displeasure of Jehovah by unnecessarily engaging in it. Happy would it be were the inhab- itants of the more civilized parts of the world, who profess the Christian religion, to imitate the conduct of the South Sea Islanders. (e) EXAMPLE OF KILPIN.— Mr. Kilpin, of Bedford, father of the Rev. S. Kilpin, of Exeter, was distinguished for many Christian excellences. The following anecdote is related in the life of his son, in reference to his Christian forbearance. Passing up the street one evening, a drunken man knocked Mr. Kilpin down, and rolled him into the gutter, exclaim- ing, " That's the place for you, John Bunyan !" The good man arose calmly, and returning to his family, related the circumstance ; adding, that the honor of bearing such a name had outweighed the insult. ' (/) CLAUDE AND THE PRI- SONER. — In the early part of the last century, when a violent spirit of oppo- sition to true piety raged in France, M. de St. Claude, a man of eminent piety, was imprisoned in the Bastile. At the same time there was a man confined, of so ferocious and brutal a disposition, that no one dared to approach him. He seldom spoke without a volley of oaths and blasphemies, and struck every one who approached him with the ut- most violence. Every expedient to humanize this monster had proved in vain, when the governor entreated Claude to undertake the work. His humility would have induced him to de- cline it, but persuasion prevailed. Accordingly, the humble Christian was shut up with this human brute, who exhausted his ferocity in revilings, blows, and yet more savage tokens of the barbarity of his disposition. Whilst this treatment continued, silence, pa- tience, and mildness, were the only re- ply of the man of God. His prayers achieved the rest. The monster, at length, looked on the face of his com- panion ; suddenly threw himself at his feet, and embracing them, burst into a flood of tears; entreating his forgive- ness, and besought him to give him in- struction in the religion which thus in- fluenced his conduct. He became en- tirely changed ; pious, meek, and cheer- ful ; and, even when his liberty was given him, he could scarcely be pre- vailed on to leave his Christian friend. (g) THE CONVERTED PRIZE- FIGHTER.— The Rev. Mr. Symes, a Christian missionary in India, baptized a soldier who had been a noted prize- fighter, eminent in the ring in England, 329 175 FORBEARANCE. a powerful, lion-looking, lion-hearted man. With one blow he could level a strong man to the ground. He was the terror of many in the regiment. That man, to use his own phrase, " saunter- ed into Mr. Symes's chapel," and heard the gospel, and was alarmed. He returned again and again, and at last light broke in upon his mind, and he became a new creature. The change in such a character was, of course, marked and decisive : the lion was changed into a lamb. Two months after that, in the mess-room, some of those who stood in awe of him before, began to ridicule him. One of them said, " I'll put it to the test whether he is a Christian or not;" and taking a basin of hot soup, he threw it into his breast. The whole company gazed, in breathless silence, expecting that the lion would have started up, and mur- dered him on the spot; but, after he had torn open his waistcoat, and wiped his scalded breast, he calmly turned round, and said, " This is what I must expect : if I become a Christian, I must suffer persecution." His comrades were filled with astonishment. (h) BISHOP COWPER AND HIS WIFE.— Bishop Cowper's wife, it is said, was much afraid that her hus- band would prejudice his health by an excess of study. When he was com- piling his celebrated dictionary, she got into his study, during his absence, and collected all the notes he had been writing for eight years, and burned them ; and when she had acquainted him with the fact, assured of the feeling of kindness in which even this impro- per act originated, he only remarked, " Woman, thou hast put me to eight 5'ears' study more." (i) COTTON MATHER'S LI- BELS. — Dr. Cotton Mather wis re- markable for the sweetness of his tem- per. He took some interest in the poli- tica. concerns of his country, and, oil this account, as well as because he faithfully reproved iniquity, he had many enemies. Many abusive letters were sent him, all of which he tied up in a packet, and wrote upon the cover,' " Libels ; — Father forgive them." (j) THE TWO ^STUDENTS.— Two students of one of our Universities had a slight misunderstanding. One of them was a warm-blooded Southron. He concey^ed himself insulted, and be- gan to demand satisfaction, according to his perverse notions of honor. Ho was met with a Christian firmness and gentleness. The other calmly told his excited fellow-student he could give only Christian satisfaction in any case ; that he was not conscious of having in- tended him either injury or insult, and that if he could be convinced he had wronged him at all, he was willing to make ample reparation. Fired with chivalrous indignation for a fev/ mo- ments, he discharged a volley of re- proachful epithets, and threatened to chastise • his cowardly insolence. But nothing could move the other's equani- mity. Without the slightest indication of fear or servility, he met his oppo- nent's violence with true heroism, de- clared that they had hitherto been friends, and he meant to maintain his friendly attitude, however he might be treated, and conjured the threatener to consider how unworthy of himself his present temper, language and conduct were. His manner, look, words, tone, had their effect. The flush of anger turned to a blush of shame and com- punction. The subdued Southron step- ped frankly forward, reached forth his trembling hand, and exclaimed — " 1 have spoken and acted like a fool ; can you forgive me ?" " With all my heart," was the cordial response. In- stantly they were locked in each other's embrace ; reconciliation was complete ; and they were evermore fast friends. 330 FORGIVENESS OF INJURIES. 176 176. FORGIVENESS OF INJURIES. (a) PHILIP AND THE AMBAS- SADOR. — Philip, king of Macedon, dis- covered great moderation, even when he was spoken to in shocking and injurious terms. At the close of an audience which he gave to some Athenian am- bassadors who were come to complain of some act of hostility, he asked whether he could do them any service. " The greatest service thou couldst do us," said Demochares, " would be to hang thyself." Philip, though he per- ceived all the persons present were high- ly offended at these words, answered with the utmost calmness of temper, " Go, tell your superiors, that those who dare make use of such insolent language, are more haughty, and less peaceably in- clined than those who can forgive them." (b) CRANMER AND THE TRAI- TORS. — Archbishop Cranmer appear- ed almost alone, in the higher classes, as the friend of truth in evil times, and a plot was formed to take away his life. The providence of God, however, so or- dered it, that the papers which would have com.pleted the plan were intercept- ed, and traced to their authors, one of whom lived in the archbishop's family, and the other he had greatly served. He took these men apart in his palace, and told them that some persons in his confidence had disclosed his secrets, and even accused him of heresy. They loudly censured such villany, and de- clared the traitors to be worthy of death ; one of them adding, that if an execu- tioner was wanted, he would perform the office himself. Struck with their perfidy, after lifting up his voice to heaven, lamenting the depravity of man, and thanking God for his preservation, he produced their letters, and inquired if they knew them. They now fell on their knees, confessed their crimes, and implored forgiveness. Cranmer mildly expostulated with them on the evil of their conduct, forgave them, and never again alluded to their treachery. His forgiveness of injuries was so well known, that it became a by- word, " Do my lord of Canterbury an ill turn, and you make him your friend for ever." (c) GENERAL OGLETHORPE AND HIS SERVANT.— The Rev. J. Wesley, in the course of his voyage to America, hearing an unusual noise in the cabin of General Oglethorpe, the governor of Georgia, with whom he sailed, stepped in to inquire the cause of it. The general addressed him, " Mr. W. you must excuse me, I have met with a provocation too great for man to bear. You know the only wine I drink is Cyprus wine ; I therefore provided myself with several dozens of it, and this villain Grimaldi," (his foreign servant, who was present, and almost dead with fear,) " has drank up the whole of it ; but I will be revenged on him. I have ordered him to be tied hand and foot, and be carried to the man-of-war which sails with us. The rascal should have taken care how he used me so, for I never forgive." " Then I hope, sir," said Mr. W. looking calmly at him, " you never sin." The general was quite confounded at the reproof ; and putting his hand into his pocket, took out a bunch of keys, which he threw at Gri- maldi : "There, villain," said he, "take my keys, and behave better for the fu- ture." (d) THE CHRISTIAN'S PERSE- CUTOR.— " What great matter," said a heathen tyrant to a Christian, while he was beating him almost to death — " What great matter did Christ ever do you ?" " Even this," answered the Christian, " that I can forgive you, though you use me so cruelly." (e) MATTHEW HALE'S ENE- MY. — A person who had done Sir Matthew Hale a great injury, came af- terwards to him for his advice in the settlement of his estate. Sir Matthew gave his advice very frankly to him, but would accept of no fee for it. When he was asked how he could use a man so kindly who had wronged him so much, his answer was, he thanked God, he had learned to forgive injuries. 331 176, 177 FORTUNE- TELLING. (/) THE NOBLEMAN'S PRAY- ER. — In 1831, when the cholera first broke out in Hungary, the Sclavack peasants of the North were fully per- suaded they were poisoned by the nobles, to get rid of them, and they, in conse- quence, rose in revolt, and committed the most dreadful excesses. One gentle- man was seized by the peasants of the village, among whom he had been, up to that moment, exceedingly popular, dragged from his* home to the public street, and then beaten for several suc- cessive hours, to make him confess where he had concealed the poison. At last wearied with the trouble of inflict- ing blows, they carried him to the smith, and applied hot ploughshares to his feet, three several times. As the poor man, exhausted with this dreadful torture, and finding all his entreaties and explanations vain, fell back from weakness, and was apparently about to expire, those beau- tiful words of our dying Savior es- caped from his lips, '' Lord, forgive them ; for they know not what they do !" As by a miracle, the savage rage of the peasantry was calmed. Struck at once with the innocence of the vic- tim, and enormity of their crime, they fled on every side, and concealed them- selves from view. (g) COLORED WOMAN AND THE SAILOR.— A. worthy old colored woman in the city of New-York, was one day walking along the street, on some errand to a neighboring store, with her tobacco pipe in her mouth, quietly smoking. A jovial sailor, rendered a little mischievous by liquor, came saw- ing down the street, and, when opposite our good Phillis, saucily crowded her aside, and wiljp a pass 6f his hand knock- ed her pipe out of her mouth. He then halted to hear her fret at his trick, and enjoy a laugh at her expense. But what was his astonishment, when she meekly picked up the pieces of her broken pipe, without the least resent- ment in her manner, and giving him a dignified look of mingled sorrow, kind- ness and pity, said, " God forgive you, my son, as I do." It touched a tender cord in the heart of the rude tar. He felt ashamed, condemned and repentant. The tear started in his eye ; he must make reparation. He heartily confess- de his error, and thrusting both hands into his two full pockets of " change,'' forced the contents upon her, exclaim- ing, " God bless you, kind mother, I'll never do so again." 177. FORTUNE-TELLING. (a) BYRON AND THE FORTUNE- TELLER. — Lord Byron, when a boy, was warned by a fortune-teller, that he should die in the 37th year of his age. That idea haunted him, and in his last illness, he mentioned it as precluding all hope of his recovery. It repressed, his physician says, that energy of spirit so necessary for nature in struggling with disease. He talked of two days of the week as unlucky days, on which noth- ing would tempt him to commence any matter of importance; and mentioned as an excuse for indulging such fancies, that his friend Shelley, the poet, had a familiar who had warned him that he should perish by drowning, and such was the fate of that highly gifted but misguided man. 332 (/;) THE PENITENT FORTUNE- TELLER. — A reformed gipsy, making a visit to a parish in which one of her children was born, near Basingstoke, entered the cottage of an old couple who scld fruit, &c. Tea being proposed, the old woman expressed her surprise that she had not seen her visitor for so long a time, saying she was glad she was come, as she wanted to tell her many things, meaning future events. She mentioned a great deal that another gipsy woman had told her ; on which the reformed one exclaimed — " Don't believe her, dame. It is all lies. She knows no more about it than you do. If you trust to what she says, you will be deceived." The old woman was still more surprised, and asked how she, who FRETFULNESS— FRIENDSHIP. iy§, 179 had so often told their fortunes, and had promised them such good luclc, could be so much altered ? The woman, taking her Testament from her bosom, replied, " I have learned from this blessed book, and from my kind friends, ' that all liars shall have their portion in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone ;' and rather than tell fortunes again, I wouM starve." 178. FRETFULNESS. (a) «I DON'T WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN."— Ther^ was a cler- gyman, who was of nervous tempera- ment, and often became quite vexed, by finding his little grandchildren in his study. One day, one of these little children was standing by his mother's side, and she was speaking to him of heaven. " Ma," said he, " I don't want to go to heaven." " Do not want to go to heaven, my son ■?" "No, Ma, I'm sure I don't." " Why not, my son ?" " Why, grandpa will be there, won't he ?" " Why, yes, I hope he will." " Well, as soon as he sees us, he will come scolding along, and say, ' Whew, whew, what are these boys here for V I don't want to go to heaven if grandpa is going there." (/>) BAIT FOR EVERY AGE.— Mr. Rumsey, a pious physician, speak- ing of his sinful infirmities, observed, " I have to lament the irritability of my temper in my old age." He had been fond of repeating a conversation which he had in the early part of his life with a pious friend. He observed to this person, that he thought if he arrived at old age, he should be subject to fewer temptations than at an earlier period ; but his more experienced friend told him, that "the devil had a bait for every age," and Mr. Rumsey was at length fully convinced of the truth of the remark. (c) THE TWO GARDENERS.— Two gardeners, who were neighbors, had their crops of early peas killed by frost ; one of them came to condole with the other on this misfortune. " Ah !" cried he, " how unfortunate we have been, neighbor ! do you know I have done nothing but fret ever since. But you seem to have a fine healthy crop coming up already ; what are these 1" " These !" cried the other gardener, " why these are what I sowed immedi- ately after my loss." "What! coming up already ?" cried the fretter. " Yes ; while you were fretting, I was work- ing." "What! don't you fret when you have a loss ?" " Yes ; but I al- ways put it off* until after I have re- paired the mischief." " Why then you have no need to fret at all." " True," replied the industrious gardener ; " and that's the very reason." 179. FRIENDSHIP. (a) PYTHIAS AND DAMON. — When Damon was sentenced, by Dionysius of Syracuse, to die on a cer- tain day, he begged permission, in the interim, to retire to his own country, to set the aflJairs of his disconsolate fam- ily in order. This the tyrant intended peremptorily to refuse, by granting it, as he conceived, on the impossible con- ditions of his procuring some one to remain as hostage for his return, under equal forfeiture of life. Pythias heard the conditions, and did not wait for an application upon the part of Damon : he instantly offered himself as security for his friend ; which being accepted, Damon was immediately set at liberty. The king and all the courtiers were as- tonished at this action; and therefore, when the day of execution drew near, 333 1T9 FRIENDSHIP. his majesty had the curiosity to visit Pythias in his confinement. After some conversation on the subject of friendship, in which the tyrant delivered it as his opinion, that self-interest was the sole mover of human actions ; as for virtue, friendship, benevolence, love of one's country, and the like, he looked upon them as terms invented by the wise to keep in awe and impose upon the weak, "My lord," said Pythias, with a firm voice and noble aspect, " I would it were possible that I might suffer a thousand deaths, rather than my friend should fail in any article of his honor. He cannot fail therein, my lord : I am as confident of his virtue, as I am of my own existence. But I pray, I beseech the gods, to preserve the life and in- tegrity of my Damon together : oppose him, ye winds, prevent the eagerness and impatience of his honorable en- deavors, and suffer him not to arrive, till by death I have redeemed a life a thousand times of more consequence, of more value, than my own ; more es- timable to his lovely wife, to his pre- cious little children, to his friends, to his country. Oh leave me not to die the worst of deaths in my Damon." Dionysius was awed and confounded by the dignity of these sentiments, and by the manner in which they were ut- tered : he felt his heart struck by a slight sense of invading truth : but it served rather to perplex than undeceive him. The fatal day arrived. Pythias was brought forth, and walked amidst the guards with a serious but satisfied air, to the place of execution. Diony- sius was already there, he was exalted on a moving throne, which was drawn by six white horses, and sat pensive and attentive to the prisoner. Pythias came, he vaulted lightly on the scaffold, and beholding for some time the appa- ratus of his death, he turned with a placid countenance, and addressed the spectators: "My prayers are heard," he cried, " the gods are propitious ; you know, my friends, that the winds have been contrary till yesterday. Damon could not come, he could not conquer impossibilities ; he will be here to-mor- row, and the blood which is shed to-day shall have ransomed the life of my 334 friend. Oh, could I erase from your bosoms every doubt, every mean sus- picion of the honor of the man for whom I am about to suffer, I should go to my death, even as I would to my bridal. Be it sufficient in the mean time, that my friend will be found no- ble ; that his truth is unimpeachable ; that he will speedily prove it ; that he is now on his way, hurrying on, accus- ing himself, the adverse elements, and the gods: but I haste to prevent his speed; executioner do your office." As he pronounced the last words, a buzz began to rise among the remotest of the people ; a distant voice was heard, the crowd caught the words, and " Stop, stop the execution !" was re- peated by the whole assembly : a man came at full speed : the throng gave way to his approach : he was mounted on a steed of foam : in an instant he was off his horse, on the scaffold, and clasped Pythias in his arms. "You are safe," he cried, " you are safe, my friend, my beloved friend : the gods be praised, you are safe, I now havq no- thing but death to suffer, and am de- livered from the anguish of those re- proaches which I gave myself for hav- ing endangered a life so much dearer than my own." Pale, cold, and half- speechless in the arms of his Damon, Pythias replied in broken accents, " Fatal haste ! Cruel impatience ! What envious powers have wrought impossibilities in your favor ! But I will not be wholly disappointed. Since I cannot die to save, I will not survive you." Dionysius heard, beheld, and considered all with astonishment. His heart was touched, he wept, and leaving his throne, he ascended the scaffold : " Live, live, ye incomparable pair !" cried he : " ye have borne unquestion- able testimony to the existence of vir- tue ; and that virtue equally evinces the existence of a God to reward it. Live happily, and with renown : andj Oh ! form me by your precepts, as ye have invited me by your example, to be worthy of the participation of so sacred a friendship." (h) THE VICAR AND MASSIL- LON. — Some years ago, a traveller, passing through Clermont, wished to FRIENDSHIP. 179 see the country house in which the cel- ebrated Massillon used to spend the greater part of the year, and therefore applied to an old vicar, who, since the death of the bishop, had never entered the house. He consented, however, to gratify the traveller, notwithstanding the profound grief he expected to suffer from revisiting a place dear to his re- membrance. They accordingly set out together, and the vicar pointed out to the stranger the different places of im- portance. " There," said he, with tears in his eyes, " is the alley in which the excellent prelate used to walk with us; there is the arbor in whiclj he used to sit and read ; this is the garden he took pleasure in cultivating with his own hands." Then they entered the house, and when they came to the room where Massillon died, " This," said the vicar, " is the place where we lost him;" and as he pronounced these words his affectionate feelings overcame him, and he fainted away. (c) DR. WATTS' LONG VISIT.— A lady of quality being on a visit to Dr. Watts, the doctor thus accosted her : " Madam, your ladyship is come to see me on a very remarkable day !" " Why is this day so remarkable ?" answered the Countess. " This very day thirty years," replied the doctor, " I came to the house of my good friend Sir Thomas Abney, intending to spend but one single week under his friendly roof, and I have extended my visit to his family to the length of exactly thirty years." Lady Abney, who was pres- ent, immediately said to the doctor, " Sir, what you term a long thirty years' visit, 1 consider as the best visit my family ever received." {d) CUD JOE AND MURRAY.— The following account of the conduct of an unenlightened African negro, is fur- nished in Captain Snelgrave's account of his voyage to Guinea : A New England sloop, trading there in 1752, left a second mate, William Murray, sick on shore, and sailed with- out him. Murray was at the house of a blqick named Cudjoe, with whom he contracted an acquaintance during their trade. He recovered, and the sloop be- ing gone, he continued with his black friend till some other opportunity should offer of his getting home. In the mean time, a Dutch ship came into the road, and some of the blacks, coming on board her, were treacherously seized, and carried off as their slaves. The rela- tions and friends, transported with sud- den rage, ran into the house of Cudjoe, to take revenge by killing Murray. Cudjoe stopped them at the door, and demanded what they wanted. " The white men," said they, " have carried away our brothers and sons,* and we will kill all white men. Give us the white man you have in your house, for we will kill him." " Nay," said Cud- joe, " the white men that carried away your relations are bad men ; kill them when you can take them : but this white man is a good man, and you must not kill him." "But he is a white man," they cried, " and the white men are all bad men, and we will kill them all." "Nay," said he; "you must not kill a man who has done no harm, only for being white. This man is my friend ; my house is his post ; I am his soldier, and must fight for him ; you must kill me before you can kill him. What good man will ever come again under my roof, if I let my floor be stained by a good man's blood ?" The negroes, seeing his resolution, and be- ing convinced by his discourse that they were wrong, went away ashamed. In a few days Murray ventured abroad again with his friend Cudjoe, when sev- eral of them took him by the hand, and told him they were glad they had not killed him, for he was a good man. (e) COL. BYRD AND THE CHIEF.— It is related in Mr. Jeffer- son's Notes on Virginia, that Col. Byrd of that state was sent at a certain time to the Cherokee nation to transact some business with them. " It happened," says this writer, "that some of our dis- orderly people had just killed one or two of that nation. It was therefore pur- posed in the council of the Chorokees, that Col. Byrd should be put to death in revenge for the loss of their countrymen. Among them was a chief called Si- louee, who, on some former occasion, had contracted an acquaintance and friendship with Col. Byrd. He came 335 1§0 GAMBLING. to him every night in his tent, and told him not to be afraid, they should not kill him. After many days' deliberation, however, the determination was, contra- ry to Silouee's expectation, that Byrd should be put to death, and some war- riors were dispatched as executioners. Silouee attended them, and when they entered the tent, he threw himself be- tween them and Byrd, and said to the warriors, ' This man is my friend ; be. fore you can get at him, you must kill me.' On this they returned, and the council respected the principle so much as to recede from their determination." GAMBLING. 180. Sustained by Fraud. (a) THE CHEATER CHEATED. — There is no end to the dishonest tricks of professional gamblers. One of these gentry will often deal himself six or seven cards when he should have but five, and if he can make a good hand by laying out the two poorest in his lap he will do so ; or if he cannot make a good hand, he will take the two best to help him in his next hand. The follow- ing case, which occurred on a western steamboat, shows how men will play more than their number. A gambler was playing with a man whom he mis- took for a green Hoosier that knew no- thing of playing scientifically. But he was sadly deceived. The gambler, from the beginning played somewhat carelessly, supposing it needed no science to beat the Hoosier; but the gambler lost and commenced playing as scientifically as he could. He still lost, and finally lost nearly all he had, before he quit ; and after quitting they went to the bar to drink. The gambler said to the Hoosier, " You beat any man for luck I ever played with ; I've lost my money with you, and it makes no dif- ference ; I will be honest with you ; you did not know it, but I played_ six cards all the time and your luck beat it." " Well," said the Hoosier, " since you have been so frank, I will also be frank ; I have played seven cards all the way through from the word go; besides stocking and palming occasionally for the sake of variety. The gambler was greatly surprised and swore that he would not have supposed, that he much more than knew one card from another ; but he was deceived in the man, and it a3« would not have done for him to have shown any anger, as he first confessed having cheated the Hoosier, who was in fact a most expert gambler, and had purposely assumed that disguise. (b) A PRIZE IN A LOTTERY.— The proprietors of lotteries are some- times swindled through the unfaithful- ness of their agents ; and thus it hap- pens that a large prize is sometimes drawn and trumpeted forth, which the craft of the proprietors would otherwise have retained. A case, says Mr. Green, came to my knowledge, of a man who drew a capital prize. The mode of effecting this was as follows : — An agent who was stationed in a town some distance from the principal establish- ment, made two confidents, who doubt- lessly acted readily with him from the hope of gain. One of these was the post-master of the town, and the other an acquaintance, a patron of the lottery. The duty of the agent was to transmit to the principal office all unsold tickets, by the first mail that left after the known hour of drawing. This mail also con- veyed the lists of the drawing ; but, in a regular manner of proceeding, they would not have been accessible to the agent before the departure of the agent with his unsold tickets. By making a confident of the post-master, however, he received the lists as quick as possi- ble after the mail arrived and before it had been assorted. He then examined his unsold tickets, and if any consider- able prize remained, he "vvould take it from among the unsold tickets, and de- spatch the remainder to the principal office, and give the prize to the other confident, each one givi;ig out that the ticket had been sold to him; and ac- DESTROYS NATURAL SENSIBILITY. 1§0, 181 cordingly the prize would be claimed and paid though fraudulently obtained. In this particular case the capital prize was drawn, and it appeared that the ticket-holder appropriated all the money to his own use, as he was known to buy much property shortly afterwards. It is believed also by those who were ac- quainted with the incident that he never divided with the rascally agent ; and thus was the cheater cheated, who in his wrath, let out some of the secrets of the manner in which the prize was obtained, (c) THE HORSE-RACE.—Cheats are used in horse-racing as in other species of gambling. There was a man in Kentucky noted for making match races ; and a club of men went to the expense of procuring a fast horse in order to beat one he boasted much of The jockey closed the agreement for the race, with a bet of about two thou- sand dollars; and the club was very certain of beating the jockey. When the day arrived for the race, and the horses started, the club horse went ahead of the jockey's immediately, and took the inside track nearest the fence. At the first turn, he fell to his knees, and while recovering himself, the slow horse got ahead of him, and after running some distance, the fast horse fell again, and the slow horse won the race. The fast horse became lame from his fall; his owners were much chagrined at their misfortune, and on the next morn- ing, went to the jockey's lodgings in or- der to close another race with him. The landlord informed them that he had left the night before, soon after the race was over. His sudden departure, after a successful race, excited their suspicions of foul play. They then examined the track and found the jockey had dug a number of small holes on the inside of the track, placing gourds in them and spreading a little loose dirt over them ; and when the fast horse ran close to the fence he would tread on these gourds, and Would sink and stumble ; thus giving the slow the advantage. When this dis- covery was made, they decided on hav- ing a race at all events, and so chased the jockey nearly a hundred miles, but did not succeed in overtaking him. (d) TABLE WITH A HOLLOW LEG. — There are men apparently en- gaged in business, whose stores are, in the upper apartments, extensive gam- bling establishments. Of those who go to such places, few ever come out winners ; because there are fixed contrivances h7 cheating those who are invited in to play, of which they are wholly ignorant. A reformed gambler states that he became acquainted with a merchant in New Or- leans, who had in his store such a room. He had a great number to play with him, and all of them continually lost. Men who were professed gamblers, here found their tricks and artifices set at nought, and themselves losing at every trial. They became dissatisfied, and suspected some extraordinary trick be- ing used. They combined for the sake of ascertaining, and soon learned from some person in his employment, the whole secret. His table was construct- ed with a hollow leg, and in that leg, where the knee would rest against it, was fixed a small peg, which would strike against his knee on a small wire being pulled, which was attached to the peg, and passed out under the bottom of the leg and under the floor to the side of the room, thence up stairs directly over the table. And from the centre of a fine moulding in plaster, hung a rich lamp ; the moulding was hollow, and so constructed that a man who was a secret partner, could be overhead, and see into the hands below, and give his partner signs from above, previously agreed upon by pulling the wire. This ad- vantage was sufficient to ruin any man who played with him, and enabled him to make money faster than by mercantile business, which in fact he cared nothing about only as a cover for his gambling. This man's establishment was broken up and he fled. 181. Destroys Natural SensiMIity. (a) A SCANDALOUS WAGER. —Well did Dr. Nott say, " The finish- ed gambler has no heart — he would play at his brother's funeral — he would gamble upon his mother's coffin." Horace Walpole mentions an anecdote 22 337 ISl, 182 GAMBLING. of a man having in his time dropped down dead at the door of White's club house, into which he was carried ; the members of the club immediately made bets whether he was dead or not ; and upon its being proposed to bleed him, the wagerers for his death interposed, alleging that it would effect the fair- ness of the bet. {b) A GAME WITH A CORPSE.— The desperate depravity to which gam- bling reduces its votaries is strikingly illustrate^ in the case of three gamblers here related. They determined on a game, which was doubtless meant to show their utter contempt of all things sacred in this world and the next. Ac- cordingly they enter at night the char- nel house and take from thence a corpse that very day placed in the vault. They bear the deceased into the cathedral, pass within the chancel, light up one of the candles before the altar, seat the grim corpse by the communion table, and gathering around the table them- selves, proceed to engage in a game of cards ! ! Shameless, sacrilegious doings that none but gamblers could think of without shuddering ! ! The above fact is said by Rev. Wm. B. Tappan of Boston, to rest on good authority and he has accordingly made it the subject of a short poem on gam- bling. 18i leads to Bankruptcy and Snicide. (a) NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR A BUTTON.—*' I was well ac- quainted," says Mr. Green, the reformed gambler, " with the circumstance of a young man starting to go to the hot springs of Arkansas. He was a man who had acquired by honesty and in- dustry about nine hundred dollars. He had been in bad health for some time, and concluded to visit the springs to re- cruit his health. On his arrival at the mouth of White River, he was detained for a boat, and while there he was in- duced to play cards. I am unable to say at this time, what was the game that he played, but he won some forty or fifty dollars and the game broke up. After the game was broken up, one of the gamblers pulled cut a button and ban- 338 tered the young man to win it at " faro" and he pulled out a quarter and bet it against the button, and the banker won. He tried again and again, until he lost some three or four dollars, to win the button, and then went to bed. The bank- er had now several persons betting small bets on the game, and 1 ac won some eight or ten dollars, and there was quite a noise and bustle going on. The young man, who had quit and gone to bed, got up, and felt a strong propensity to win all. He began betting on the game again, and in a short time lost the whole of his nine hundred dollars trying to win a button ; for that was all he could have won, as the man had no money at first but what he had won from the young man. The young man was obliged to make his way home, without his health being benefited, and without his money. (b) THE RUINED MERCHANT. — A writer in the N. Y. Observer for 1831 says : A few years since, the large steamer M set out from New Orleans on an upward voyage, having on board much freight, and many pas- sengers. Among them were several merchants who had large amounts in sugar, molasses, coffee, &c., on board. Soon after the boat started they com- menced gambling, and continued with- out intermission until after ten o'clock at night. The captain informed them, that it was contrary to the rules of the boat that they should play in the cabin after that hour. They protested, de^ murred, and entreated. But he was in- exorable. At length he consented to their going to a small private room ; but enjoined it upon them that there must be no fighting. Four of them re- newed the game with excited interest. The captain having occasion to be up all night, went, about three o'clock, into their room. To his surprise he found them just on the point of fighting. Pis- tols and dirks were drawn ! At his in- terposition and command, their weapons were put up. The cause of the quar- rel was this : One merchant had lost all the money he had with him, and all his large cargo on board. The loser de- sired his merchandise to be estimated at the retail price where he resided, LEADS TO BANKRUPTCY AND SUICIDE. 1§3 and to which place the boat was bound. But the marble-hearted winner insisted upon the New Orleans price as the basis of the calculation, and which would have left the loser in his debt to a large amount, for which he demanded a due- bill ! At the remonstrance of the cap- tain, he ceased to insist upon this, and the bill of lading having . been trans- ferred in due form to the winner, the miserable loser went home without a dollar to pay even his passage, to tell (if he could do it) to his wife and children the story of his folly, and to become a bankrupt f (c) THE FIREMAN'S STAKES. — A colored fireman, on board a steam- boat running from St. Louis to New Orleans, having lost all his money at poker with his companions, staked his clothing, and being still unfortunate, pledged his own freedom for a small amount. Losing this, the bets were doubled, and he finally, at one desperate hazard, ventured his own value as a slave, and laid down his free papers to represent the stake. He lost, suffered his certificates to be destroyed, and was actually sold by the winner to a slave dealer, who hesitated not to take him at a small discount upon his asserted vaiuq. (d) THE FATAL GAME.— By the device called hockelty in playing/aro, professional gamesters in the Southern States, have been known to make thou- sands of dollars out of the uninitiated in a single season. " There is one in- stance," says J. H. Green, " that I shall never forget. It occurred in New Orleans about the year 1833. A plant- er, who lived near Vicksburgh, was very fond of play. He went to New Orleans to trade and sell his produce ; and while there was invited to a faro bank. He lost, and during his play, he was caught in hockelty for twenty-two hundred dollars at one bet. The deal- er had Avon from him about eighteen thousand dollars, and this bet was the last of his money. The effect of this loss may be more easily imagined than described. In a few moments he drew a pistol and blew out his brains. I have no doubt that the citizens of War- rington, Mississippi, will know the per- son here spoken of, as I understand his family or relatives lived in or near that place. Such have been the bane- ful efTects of this game, that it was a matter of almost daily occurrence for some one to stab or be stabbed in the vile haunts of these wicked men." (e) LOTTERY AND SUICIDE.— In 1833 an adventurer in lotteries committed suicide in the city of Boston, by drowning himself. The fate of this unfortunate man contains one of those impressive moral lessons, which address us with a power which no uninspired lips can do. He was in the employ- ment of one of the most respectable houses in the city, highly esteemed and respected by the members of it, and in the receipt of a liberal salary. About a year before, he had the misfortune to draw a prize in the lottery, and from that moment his ruin was sealed. The regular earnings of honest industry were no longer enough for him — visions of splendid prizes were continually flitting before his eyes, and he plunged at once into the intoxicating excitement of lotteries. He soon became deeply involved, and his access to the funds of the firm, held out to him a temptation which he could not resist. He appro- priated to himself considerable sums from time to time, continually deluded by the hope that a turn of the wheel would give him the means of replacing them. But that turn never came ; for- tune gave him but one smile, and that was a fatal one. He saw that detection would soon come, and that the punish- ment and the shame of a felon would succeed to the consideration and respect he had always enjoyed, and he had not courage to wait the moment of disclo- sure. He sought refuge in death ; and added to his other sins the horrible act of self-murder ! He left a memoran- dum which contained an account of the circumstances that made life intolerable to him. (/) SUICIDE OF THE OFFICER OF THE GUARD.— A writer in the London New Monthly Magazine, who \ resided some time in Paris, relates the following account of a fact which passed under his own observation. " Though I never in my life won or lost five pounds at play, I was a fre- 339 183, 1S4 GENEROSITY. quent visitor at Frascati. I went as a looker-on, and to confess the truth, for the purpose of indulging in the excite- ment occasioned by watching the vari- ous chances and changes of the game, and their effects upon those who were more seriously interested in them. Upon one occasion, I absolutely grew giddy from anxiety, whilst watching the countenance of an officer of the Garde Royale, who stood opposite me, and waiting the turn of a card which was to decide whether he should, at once, re- turn a beggar.to his home, or his cer- tain fate be deferred till a few hours, or a few nights later. It appeared to be his last stake. The perspiration was falling from his brow, not in drops, but in a stream. He won ; and a friend who accompanied him dragged him out of the room. Some nights afterwards I saw this person again. He was losing considerably, yet he endured his losses with apparent calmness. Once when a large stake was swept from him, he just muttered between his teeth, whilst his lips were curled with a bitter smile, "C'est bien; tres bien." After this, he silently watched the game through five or six deals, but did not play. I concluded he had lost all. Suddenly and fiercely he turned to the dealer, and in a tone of voice almost amounting to a scream, he exclaimed, " C'est mon sang que vous voulez — le voila." He at the same time drew from his pockets two notes of five hundred francs each, and, dashing them down on the table, he rushed into a corner of the room, hid his face, covered his ears with his hands, as if dreading to hear the an- nouncement of the result of his specula- tion, and literally yelled aloud. It was awful ! After a few seconds he return- ed to his place. His last stake was lost ! He twice drew his handkerchief across his forehead, but he uttered not a word. Presently he asked for a glass of eau-sucre, and having swallowed it, he slowly walked away. The next morning his servant found him sitting in an arm chair, with his sword thrust to the very hilt, sticking in his throat. 183. Miscellaneous. (a) GAMBLERS CONFOUNDED BY A BIBLE.— The Rev. Mr. W., now a Missionary at the Sandwich Isl- ands, a short time before he left this country, took passage from New York to New Haven, in a packet. In the evening a company of fellow passen- gers, who were quite profane, gathered round a table on which was the only light burning in the cabin, and soon became deeply engaged in gambling. Mr. W., after reflecting some time on the best means of reproving them, drew a Bible from his trunk, and politely requested that he might have a seat at the same table for the purpose of reading. The sight of the Bible at once stopped their swearing ; and after gambling in total silence about ten minutes, they all left the table and went upon deck ! thus evincing that the silent reproofs of a good man, with the Bible in his hand, are too loud and too pointed for the guilty consciences of gamblers to endure. 184. GENEROSITY. (a) DEMETRIUS AND THE ATHENIANS.— It is related of De- metrius, (surnamed the Conqueror of cities,) that having received a marked and undoubted provocation, he laid siege to the city of Athens. The inha- bitants made a desperate resistance ; but were at last obliged to surrender, in consequence of great scarcity of pro- visions. Demetrius then ordered them, S40 with the exception of the women and children, to be assembled together in one place, and to be surrounded with armed soldiers. Every one was in the greatest fear, conscious how much they had injured him, and expecting every moment to be put to death. It is not surprising, that they were overwhelmed with joy and admiration, when they heard him with a magnanimity honor- GENEROSITY. 184 able to Jiuman nature, thus address them: — "I wish to convince you, O Athenians, how ungenerously you have treated me ; for it was not to an enemy that your assistance was refused, but to a prince who loved you, who still loves you, and who wishes to revenge himself only by granting your pardon, and being still your friend. Return to your own homes; while you have been here my soldiers have been filling your houses with provisions." (b) PARKHURST'S GENEROSI- TY. — Mr. Parkhurst, the celebrated lexicographer, had a tenant who fell considerably behind in the payment of the rent for his farm, which he had taken at five hundred pounds per annum. It was represented to Mr. P. that the rent was too high, and a new valuation was made. It was then agreed that four hundred and fifty pounds should be the annual payment; and when this was done, Mr. P. considering that the rent must always have been too high, unask- ed, immediately struck off fifty pounds a year from the commencement of the lease, and refunded to the farmer all that he had received more than the above sum. In this act justice and gen- erosity were combined. (c) GLANVILLE AND HIS BRO- THER. The father of that eminent lawyer, Mr. Sergeant Glanville, who lived in the days of Charles II. had a good estate, which he intended to settle on his eldest son ; but he proving vicious, and afibrding no hope of reformation, he devolved it upon the sergeant, who was his second son. Upon his father's death, the eldest son, finding that what he had hitherto considered as the mere threat of his father was really true, be- came greatly dejected, and, in a short period, his character underwent an en- tire change. His brother, observing this, invited him, with a party of his friends, to a feast ; and after several other dishes had been removed, he or- dered one, covered up, to be set before his brother, which, on being examined, was found to contain the writings of the estate. The sergeant then told him that he had now done what he was sure their father would have done, had he lived to witness the happy change they all saw ; and that he therefore freely conveyed to him the whole property. (d) THE GENEROUS HEIR.— In the month of September, 1801, W. T. M., dying without a will, his large property, which was chiefly in landed estates, devolved to his eldest son. By this circumstance the eight younger children were unprovided for ; but this gentleman, with a generosity seldom equalled, and which does honor to Christianity, immediately made over to his younger brothers and sisters three considerable estates, which were about two-thirds of the whole property. This munificence is the more extraordinary, as he had a young and increasing fa- mily of his own. On a friend remon- strating with him on his conduct, his answer was, " I have enough ; and am determined that all my brothers and sisters shall be satisfied." (e) A RARE EXECUTOR.— About the year 1772, a grocer, of the name of Higgins, died, and left a considerable sum to a gentleman in London, saying to him, at the time that he made his will, " I do not know that I have any relations, but should you ever by accident hear of such, give them some relief." The gentleman, though thus left in full and undisputed possession of a large fortune, on which no person could have any legal claim, advertised for the next of kin to the deceased ; and, after some months were spent in inquiries, he at length dis- covered a few distant relatives. He called them together to dine with him, and after distributing the whole of the money, according to the different degrees of consanguinity, paid the expenses of advertising out of his own pocket. 341 185, 186 GOD, EXISTENCE OF— GRACE AND MERCY OF GOD. 185. GOD, EXISTENCE OF. (a) GOD'S SPIRIT AND MAN'S SPIRIT. — As a missionary in India was catechising the children of one of the schools, a Brahmin interrupted him, by saying that the spirit of man and the Spirit of God were one. In order to show him the absurdity of such a decla- ration, the missionary called upon the boys to refute it, by stating the difference between the spirit of man and God. They readily gave the following an- swers : — " The spirit of man is created — God is its Creator : the spirit of man is full of sin — God is a pure Spirit : the spirit of man is subject to grief— God is infinitely blessed, and incapable of suf- fering : these two spirits, therefore," re- plied the boys, " can never be one." (b) A MUTE'S IDEA OF GOD'S ETERNITY.— One of the deaf and dumb pupils in the institution of Paris, being desired to express his idea of the eternity of the Deity, replied, " It is duration, without beginning or end; existence without bound or dimension ; present, without past or future. His eternity is youth without infancy or old age ; life without birth or death ; to-day without yesterday or to-morrow." (c) LESSON FROM A LEAF.— When the Rev. John Thorpe, of Masbo- rough, in Yorkshire, (Eng.) had preach- ed for about two years, he was greatly harassed with temptations to atheism, which continued, with a few intervals, many months. His distress sometimes, on this account, was so great, as to em- barrass his mind beyond description. At length, however, he was happily de- livered, by the following occurrence : — Passing through a wood, with a design t(» preach in a neighboring village, while he was surveying his hand, a leaf accidentally stuck between his fingers. He felt a powerful impression to exa- mine the texture of the leaf. Holding it between his eye and the sun, and re- flecting upon its exquisitely curious and wonderful formation, he was led into an extensive contemplation on the works of creation. Tracing these back to their first cause, he had, in a moment, such a conviction of the existence and ineffable perfections of God, which then appeared, that his distress was removed ; and he prosecuted his journey, rejoicing in God, and admiring him in every object that presented itself to his view. (d) STRUCTURE OF THE JOINTS. — Dr. Marshall, a lecturer on anatomy, had deeply studied the con- struction and laws of man, and was never happier than when explaining them. He once devoted a whole lecture to display the profound science that was visible in the formation of the double hinges of our joints. Such was the effect of his demonstrations, that an inquisitive friend, who had accompanied Dr. Tur- ner to the lecture, with skeptical incli- nations, suddenly exclaimed with great emphasis, " A man must be a fool in- deed, who after duly studying his own body can remain an atheist." ^ (e) ATHEISTICAL ANATOMIST. — When Galen, a celebrated physician, but atheistically inclined, had anato- mized the human body, and carefully surveyed the frame of it, viewed the fit- ness and usefulness of every part of it, and the many several intentions of every little vein, bone and muscle, and the beauty of the whole, he fell into a fit of devotion, and wrote a hymn to his Crea- tor. GRACE AND MERCY OF GOD. 186. As Revealed in Jesus Christ. (a) FIRST GREENLAND CON- VERT.— It is well known that the Moravian missionaries in Greenland 342 labored for several years without any apparent success. They seem to have thought, with many in the present day, that they should first instruct the na- tives in the existence of God, the crea- AS REVEALED IN JESUS CHRIST. 1S6 tion of the world, the nature of their souls, &c. ; and all this they did with- out exciting any degree of attention. On one occasion, however, while one of these good men was occupied in trans- lating the gospels, he was visited by a number of these savages, who were de- sirous of knowing the contents of the book. He began an address to them by giving them some general scriptural in- formation, and then slid into an account of the sufferings of Jesus ; reading them the account of his agony, and speaking much of the anguish which made him sweat great drops of blood. Now began the Spirit of God to work. One of these men, named Kaiarnack, stepped forward to the table, and said, in an earnest an affecting tone, " How was that ? Tell me that once more : for I would fain be saved too !" Never had such language been heard from a Greenlander before. A full statement of the gospel was given : this man be- came indeed converted to God, and emi- nently useful. A change took place in the general character of the preaching of the brethren, and their subsequent success is well known. (h) MR. NOTT AND THE SOUTH SEA ISLANDER. — Mr. Nott, missionary in the South Sea Isl- ands, was on one occasion reading a portion of the gospel of John to a num- ber of the natives. When he had finish- ed the sixteenth verse of the third chap- ter, a native, who had listened with avi- dity and joy to the words, interrupted him, and said, " What words were those you read ? What sounds were those I heard ? Let me hear those words again !" Mr. Nott read again the verse, " God so loved," etc., when the native rose from his seat, and said, " Is that true ? Can that be true ? God love the world, when the world not love him ! God so love the world, as to give his Son to die that man might not die ! Can that be true ?" Mr. Nott again read the verse, " God so loved the world," etc., told him it was true, and that it was the message God had sent to them; and that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but be happy after death. The overwhelming feel- ings of the wondering native were too ' powerful for expression or restraint. He burst into tears, and as these chased each other down his countenance, he re- tired to meditate in private on the great love of God which had that day touched his soul. There is every reason to be- lieve he afterwards enjoyed the peace and happiness resulting from the love of God shed abroad in his heart. (c) "THE SWORE) OF THE SPIRIT."— It is related of the Rev. John Wesley, that he was once stopped by a highwayman who demanded his money. After he had given it to him, he called him back, and said, " Let me speak one word to you ; the time may come when you may regret the course of life in which you are engaged. Re- member this : The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin.'' He said no more, and they parted. Many years afterwards, when he was leaving a church in which he had been preaching, a person came up and asked him if he remembered being waylaid at such a time, referring to the above circum- stances. Mr. Wesley replied that he recollected it. " I," said the individual, " was that man ; that single verse on that occasion was the means of a total change in my life and habits. I have long since been attending the house of God and the Word of God, and I hope I am a Christian." (d) THE THREE PREACHERS. — The following interesting address was delivered by an Indian, named Johannes, who became one of the missionaries of the United Brethren, in North Ameri- ca: — Brethren, I have been a heathen, and have grown old amongst them : therefore I know very well how it is with the hea- then, and how they think. A preacher once came to us, desiring to instruct us ; and began by proving to us that there was a God. On which we said to him, " Well, and dost thou think we are ig. norant of that ? Now go back again to the place from whence thou camest." Then, again, another preacher came, and began to instruct us, saying, " You must not steal, nor drink too much, nor lie, nor lead wicked lives." We answer- ed him, " Fool that thou art, dost thou think that we do not know that? Go. 343 187 GRACE AND MERCY OF GOD. and learn it first thyself, and teach the people whom thou belongest to, not to do these things. For who are greater drunk- ards, or thieves, or liars, than thine own people ?" Thus we sent him away also. Some time after this, Christian Henry, one of the Brethren, came to me into my hut, and sat down by me. The con- tents of his discourse to me were nearly these : " 1 come to thee in the name of the Lord of heaven and earth. He sends me to acquaint thee, that he would gladly save thee, and make thee happy, and de- liver thee from the miserable state in which thou liest at present. To this end he became a man, gave his life a ransom for man, and he shed his blood for man. All that believe in the name of this Jesus, obtain the forgiveness of sin. To all those that receive him by faith, he giveth power to become the sons of God. The Holy Spirit dwelleth in their hearts, and they are made free, through the blood of Christ, from the slavery and dominion of sin. And though thou art the chief of sinners, yet if thou prayest to the Father in his name, and believest in him as a sacrifice for thy sins, thou shalt be heard and saved, and he will give thee a crown of life, and thou shalt live with him in heaven for ever.'^ When he had finished his discourse, he lay down upon a board in my hut, fatigued by his journey, and fell into a sound sleep. 1 thought within myself, vi^hat manner of man is this ? There he lies, and sleeps so sweetly : I might kill him, and throw him into the forest, and who would regard it ? But he is uncon- cerned. This cannot be a bad man ; he fears no evil, not even from us, who are so savage ; but sleeps comfortably, and places his life in our hands. However, I could not forget his words ; they constantly recurred to my mind ; even though I went to sleep, I dreamed of the blood which Christ had shed for us. I thought, This is very strange, and quite different from ^vhat I have ever heard. So I went, and interpreted Christian Henry's words to the other In- dians. Thus through the grace of God, an awakening took place among us. I tell you therefore, brethren, preach to the heathen Christ, and his blood, and his sufferings, and his death, if you would 344 have your words to gain entrance among them — if you wish to confer a blessing upon them. 187. As Seen in Pardoning the Guilty. (a) THE DEVIL'S CASTAWAYS. — Some ladies called one Saturday morning to pay a visit to Lady Hun- tingdon, and, during the visit, her lady- ship inquired of them if they had ever heard Mr. Whitefield preach. Upon be- ing answered in the negative, she said, " I wish you would hear him ; he is to preach to-morrow evening." They pro- mised her ladyship they would certainly attend. They fulfilled their promise ; and when they called the next Monday morning on her ladyship, she anxiously inquired if they had heard Mr. White- field on the previous evening, and how they liked him. The reply was, " Oh my lady, of all the preachers we ever heard, he is the most strange and unac- countable ! Among other preposterous things, would your ladyship believe it, he declared that Jesus Christ was so willing to receive sinners, that he did not object to receive even the devil's castaways f Now, my lady, did you ever hear of such a thing since you were born ?" To which her ladyship made the following reply : " There is some- thing, I acknowledge, a little singular in the invitation, and I do not recollect to have ever met with it before ; but as Mr. Whitefield is below in the parlor, we will have him up, and let him an- swer for himself" Upon his coming up into the drawing-room, Lady Hunting- don said, " Mr. Whitefield, these ladies have been preferring a very heavy charge aginst you, and I thought it best that you should come up and defend yourself. They say, that, in your ser- mon last evening, in speaking of the willingness of Jesus Christ to receive sinners, you expressed yourself in the following terms : ' That so ready was Christ to receive sinners who came to him, that he was willing to receive even the devil's castaways.'" Mr. White- field immediately replied : " I certainly, my lady, must plead guilty to the charge ; whether I did what was right, or otherwise, your ladyship shall judge AS SEEN IN PARDONING THE GUILTY. 187 from the following circumstance. Did your ladyship notice, about half an hour ago, a very modest single rap at the door ? It was given by a poor, miser- able-looking, aged female, who request- ed to speak with me. I desired her to be shown into the parlor, when she ac- costed me in the following manner : — ' I believe, sir, you preached last even- ing at such a chapel.' ' Yes, I did.' 'Ah, sir, I was accidentally passing the door of that chapel, and hearing the voice of some one preaching, I did what I never had been in the habit of doing, — I went in ; and one of the first things I heard you say was, that Jesus Christ was so willing to receive sinners, that he did not object to receive the devil's casta- ways. Do you think, sir, that Jesus Christ would receive me ?'" Mr. Whitefield answered her there was not a doubt of it, if she was but willing to go to him. This was the case ; it ended in the conversion of the poor creature to God. When she died, she left highly satisfactory evidence that her great and numerous sins had been forgiven, through the atonement of the Lord Jesus. (b) INTENDED SUICIDE'S HYMN. — A gentleman was known by his nearest and dearest friend, his wife, never to lie down upon his pillow some years before his death, or raise his head from it in the morning, without repeat- ing the short hymn annexed to this anecdote ; and sometimes he would in- advertently burst into ejaculations in company, when two or three lines of it were distinctly heard before he could recollect himself: the cause at that time was unknown ; but, after his decease, a paper was found in his bureau to the following purport : " You will no longer be surprised at my involuntary effusions of feeble gratitude to the Almighty, which broke forth occasionally in gay company, when you shall read that many years since the dread of approach- ing poverty, disgrace, humiliation, and desertion of friends, had brought me to the fatal resolution of putting an end to my existence. Conscious that I had brought misfortune upon a numerous family by my own imprudence, dissi- pation, and pride, I considered my pun- ishment as an act of justice. The des- tined moment arrived ; already had I loaded, primed, and cocked ; when, strange to relate ! though I had not read a page in- the Bible for years, a reflec- tion came suddenly across my mind ; 'Jesus of Nazareth,' said I to myself, ' was a man (for I disbelieved in his di- vinity) acquainted with sorrows, endur- ed a life of poverty, was exposed to public scorn and derision, suffered pain of body and agony of mind, and had no- thing to reproach himself with, yet this reformer of the morals of mankind, this benefactor to society, this illustrious pat- tern of fortitude, patience, and humility, was, by an unthankful world, put to death : he was crucified ! but he cruci- fied not himself!' Repeating these last words a second time with, unusual en- ergy, pride, disdain, shame, and con- tempt of my inability humbly to imitate this striking example of bearing afflic- tions manfully, produced a passionate conflict of mind, in which paroxysm I madly flung the pistol some distance from me ; to add to the affecting scene, it went off, unheard but by my affection- ate wife, who religiously kept the secret : her consolations restored me to tempo- rary tranquillity, but the work of Pro- vidence was not yet completed ; not a week had elapsed, and settled melan- choly was again taking possession of my soul, when a letter announced the death of a distant relation, and summoned me to the reading of his will, by which he had bequeathed me sufficient not only to clear me of all encumbrances, but to enable me, with the assistance of a con- siderable surplus, to exert my abilities in the line of my profession for the sup- port of my family, and even to aim at a moderate independence, which you will find I have at length acquired." " Rise, oh my soul ! the hour review. When, awed by guilt and fear. Thou durst not Heaven for mercy sue. Nor hope for pity here ! Dried are thy tears, thy griefs are fled, Dispell'd each bitter care ; For Heaven itself did send its aid. To snatch thee from despair ! Then here, oh God, thy work fulfil ; And from thy mercy's throne 345 18T GRACE AND MERCY OF GOD ^ Vouchsafe me strength to do thy will, And to resist my own. So shall my soul each power employ Thy mercies to adore. While Heaven itself proclaims with joy One rescued sinner more !" (c) WHITEFIELD'S BROTHER CONVERTED.—Mr. Whitefield, bro- ther of the noted preacher, had fallen into a backslidden state ; but under a sermon preached by his brother in the Countess of Huntingdon's chapel, Bath, it pleased God to arouse him from that state ; after which, however, he became melancholy and despairing. He was taking tea with the Countess of Hunt- ingdon, on a service evening, in the chapel house, and her ladyship endeav- ored to raise his desponding hopes by conversing on God's infinite mercy through Jesus Christ ; but, for a while, in vain. " My lady," he replied, " I know what you say is true. The mer- cy of God is infinite : I see it clearly. But, ah ! my lady, there is no mercy for me — I am a wretch, entirely lost." " I am glad to hear it, Mr. Whitefield," said Lady H. "I am glad at my heart that you are a lost man." He looked with great surprise. " What, my lady, glad ! glad at your heart that I am a lost man ?" " Yes, Mr. White- field, truly glad ; for Jesus Christ came into the world to save the lost !" He laid down his cup of tea on the table. " Blessed be God for that," said he, " Glory to God for that word," he ex- claimed. " Oh what unusual power is this which I feel attending it ! Jesus Christ came to save the lost ! then I have a ray of hope," and so he went on. As he finished his last cup of tea, his hand trembled, and he complained of illness. He went out into the chapel court for the benefit of the air, but stag- gered to the wall, exclaiming, " 1 am ver}^ ill." A poor old woman, who was going into the chapel, lent him her staff' to support him into the house, say- ing she would call for it when Divine service was over, and inquire after him. But his time was come. Soon after he was brought into the house he expired. (d) MR. FULLER'S SERMON.— When the Rev. Andrew Fuller first vis- ited Scotland, a notoriously wicked and 346 abandoned woman, seeing a number of persons thronging the doors of a chapel, felt her curiosity awakened, and being informed that an Englishman was to preach, she mingled with the crowd, and entered the place. Mr. Fuller took for his text the words, " Come unto me all ye ends of the earth, and be ye saved." " What then," she exclaimed in her heart, " surely there is hope even for me ! Wretch as I am, I am not be- yond the ends of the earth." She lis- tened with eager delight, while the good man proclaimed the free salvation of the gospel. Hope sprung up in her heart, a hope which purified as well as com- forted ; and the grace of God taught her to "deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly, in the present world." (e) " WHO CAN TELL ?"— " 1 have heard," says Mr. Daniel Wilson, in a sermon of his, " of a certain per- son, whose name I could mention, who was tempted to conclude his day over, and himself lost ; that, therefore, it was his best course to put an end to his life, which, if continued, would but serve to increase his sin, and consequently his misery, from which there was no es- cape ; and seeing he must be in hell, the sooner he was there the sooner he should know the worst; which was preferable to his being worn away with the tormenting expectation of what was to come. Under the influence of such suggestions as these, he went to a river, with a design to throw himself in ; but as he was about to do it, he seemed to hear a voice saying to him, Who can tell ? as if the words had been audibly delivered. By this, therefore, he was brought to a stand ; his thoughts were arrested, and thus began to work on the passage mentioned : Who can tell (Jo- nah iii. 9,) viz., what God can do when he will proclaim his grace glori- ous ? Who can tell but such an one as I may find mercy ? or what will be the issue of humble prayer to heaven for it ? Who can tell what purposes God will serve in my recovery ? By such thoughts as these, being so far influ- enced as to resolve to try, it pleased God graciously to enable him, through all his doubts and fears, to throw him- GRATITUDE TO GOD. 18S self by faith on Jesus Christ, as able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him, humbly desiring and ex- pecting mercy for his sake, to his • own soul. In this he was not disappointed ; but aftewards became an eminent Chris- tian and minister ; and from his own experience of the riches of grace, was greatly useful to the conversion and comfort of others. GRATITUDE. i Gratitude to God. (a) REV. J. BROWN'S CONFES- SION.— " No doubt," said the late Rev. J. Brown, of Haddington, Scot- land, " I have met with trials as well as others : yet so kind has God been to me, that I think, if He were to give me as many years as I have already lived in the world, I should not desire one single circumstance in my lot changed, except that I wish I had less sin. It might be written on my coffin, ' Here lies one of the cares of Providence, who early wanted both father and mother, and yet never missed them.' " (b) THE POOR FAMILY'S GRAT- ITUDE. — As a poor pious man was sitting by his little fire, one cold eve- ning, with his wife and children, he said to them, " I have been thinking a great deal to-day about that part of Scripture — ' The Son of man hath not where to lay his head.' How wonder- ful it is, that we, who are so sinful, un- worthy, and helpless, should be more favored than he was !" " It is wonder- ful, indeed, father," said the eldest girl ; " for though our house is mean, and our food scanty, compared with the houses and way of living of great folks, yet it seems that Jesus Christ was not so well provided for as we are." " I am right glad to hear you speak in that way, Sa- rah," said the wife. " How happy we all are in our little dwelling this cold night ; and as soon as we wish we have beds to rest ourselves upon : there, sharp and piercing as the frost is, and bleak and stormy as the wind blows, we shall be comfortable and warm ; and yet the Son of man, as your father has just told us, ' had not where to lay his head.' Oh! that this thought may make us thankful for our many mer- cies !" " Tommy," said the father. " reach that hymn, which our dear min- ister gave you last Sabbath at the Sun- day school ; and as our hearts are in a good frame, let us try to keep them so by singing it." The whole company, father, mother, and children, then, with a glow of sacred ardor and pleasure, sung the hymn entitled, " The Son of man had not where to lay his head." (c) LOSSES FROM RELIGION.— An aged couple, in the vicinity of Lon- don, who in the early part of life were poor, but who, by the blessing of Grod upon their industry, enjoyed a comfort- able independency in their old age, were called upon by a Christian minis- ter, who solicited their contributions to a charity. The old lady was disposed to make out some excuse, and to an- swer in the negative, both for her hus- band and herself; and therefore re- plied, " Why, sir, we have lost a deal by religion since we began : my hus- band knows that very well." And be- ing willing to obtain her husband's con- sent to the assertion, she said, " Have we not, Thomas ?" Thomas, after a long and solemn pause, replied, " Yes, Mary, we have lost a deal by our reli- gion ! I have lost a deal by my religion. Before I got religion, Mary, I had got a water pail, in which I carried water, and that you know I lost many years ago. And then I had an old slouched hat, a patched old coat, and mended shoes and stockings ; but I have lost them also long ago. And, Mary, you know that, poor as I was, I had a habit of getting drunk, and quarreling with you ; and that you know I have lost. And then I had a burdened conscience, and a wicked heart ; and then I had ten thousand guilty feelings and fears : but all are lost, completely lost, and like a millstone cast into the deepest sea. And, Mary, you have been a loser too, 347 18§, 189 GRATITUDE TO MAN. though not so great a loser as myself. Before we got religion, Mary, you had got a washing-tray, in which you wash- ed for hire ; and God Almighty blessed your industry : but since we got reli- gion, you have lost your washing-tray. And you had got a gown and bonnet ' much the worse for wear, though they were all you had to wear; but you have lost them long ago. And you had many an aching heart concerning me, at times ; but those you happily have lost. And I could even wish that you had lost as much as I have lost, and even more ; for what we lose by our religion, Mary, will be our eternal gain." We need not add, the preacher did not go away without substantial proof that Thomas deemed his losses for religion his most weighty obligations to the goodness of Almighty God, as the richest boon of grace on earth, and the most authentic pledge of glory in the world to come. (d) ORIGIN OF THANKSGIV- ING DAY. — When New England was first planted, the settlers met with many difficulties and hardships, as is necessa- rily the case when a civilized people attempt to establish themselves in a wil- derness country. Being piously dis- posed, they sought relief from Heaven, by laying their wants and distresses be- fore the Lord in frequent set days of fasting and prayer. Constant medita- tion, and discourse on the subject of their difficulties, kept their minds gloomy and discontented, and, like the children of Israel, there were many dis- posed to return to the land which perse- cution had determined them to abandon. At length, when it was proposed in the assembly to proclaim another fast, a farmer, of plain sense, rose, and re- marked, that the inconveniences they suffered, and concerning which they had so often wearied Heaven with their complaints, were not so great as might have been expected, and were diminish- ing every day as the colony strengthen- ed ; that the earth began to reward their labors, and to furnish liberally for their sustenance ; that the seas and riv- ers were full of fish, the air sweet, the climate wholesome ; above all, they were in the full enjoyment of liberty, 348 civil and religious. He therefore thought, that reflecting and conversing on these subjects would be more com- fortable, as tending to make them more contented with their situation; and that it would be more becoming the gratitude they owed to the Divine Be- ing, if, instead of a fast, they should proclaim a thanksgiving. His advice was taken ; and, from that day to this, they have in every year observed cir- cumstances of public happiness sufficient to furnish employment for a thanksgiv- ing day. (e) APT SAYING OF BOWDLER — Sir W. W. Pepys, in a letter to Mrs. Hannah More, 1825, says, " We are just now reading in an evening a memoir of Mr. John Bowdler, written by his son, which shows him to have been worthy of that excellent family to which he be- longed. I have long known and highly respected Thomas Bowdler, but of John I knew nothing, except an admirable saying, which I remember was attribu- ted to him, some years ago, when it was the fashion to lament over the state of this unhappy country. " If," said he, " a man were to go from the northern to the southern extremity of this island, with his eyes shut and his ears open, he would think that the country was sinking into an abyss of destruction: but if he were to return with his ears shut and his eyes open, he would be satisfied that we had the greatest reason to be thankful for our prosperity." 189. Gratitude to Man. (a) " WHY DO YOU PLANT TREES ?" — A very poor and aged man, busied in planting and grafting an apple tree, was rudely interrupted by the in- terrogation, " Why do you plant trees, who cannot hope to eat the fruit of them?" He raised himself up, and, leaning upon his spade, replied, " Some one planted trees before I was born, and I have eat- en the fruit; I now plant for others, that the memorial of my gratitude may exist when I am dead and gone." (h) GRATITUDE FOR GRATI- TUDE. — A complete reverse having taken place in a gentleman's circum- stances, by his too great readiness to HAPPINESS, RELIGIOUS. 189, 190 lend his money to those who deceived him, he was obliged in his old age to dismiss all his domestics. It was, how- ever, his happiness to have one among them, who, knowing the cause, said to him with tears, " I have now, sir, been your servant five-and-twenty years ; I have always honored and respected you : you have treated me with the kindness of a master, a father, and a friend. I have saved some scores of pounds in your service, that I might be comfortable in my old age ; but I can- not live in peace, while I see you in dis- tress. To you, under the good care of Providence, I owe my life ; to you I am indebted for much good instruction, and for the salvation of my soul. I beg you will accept of my purse, and all it con- tains. He that feedeth the ravens, and letteth not a sparrow fall unheeded to the ground, will not forsake me ! I am yet able for service : suffer me to at- tend your fortunes, and be your servant still." She drew tears from her old master by these and other affectionate expressions ; he wept at her generosity, accepted her offer of service, and she remained with him. Now, reader, mark the result; and be encouraged to every act of kindness to others within your power, especially to those from whom you have derived your best enjoyments, and who may have seen better days. Not long after she had resumed her place, a relation of her master died, and left him a good fortune. How must this have rejoiced the heart of a servant so attached ! But one particular yet remains. When her master died, he bequeathed this faithful servant a comfortable maintenance. (c) MR. CATHCART'S DIARY.— Mr. Cathcart, of Drum, was in the prac- tice of keeping a diary, which however included one particular department. seldom to be found in like cases. Mr. Cathcart describes his plan and object in the following words : — " A memorial of acts of kindness, that as memory is liable to fail, and as the kindness and friendship of former times may be for- gotten, the remembrance of friendly offices done to the writer or to his family, or to his particular friends, might be preserved, in order that he may himself repay the debt in grateful acknowledgements while he lived, and that his family after him might know to whom their father owed obligations, and might feel every debt of gratitude due by him as obligations on themselves." (d) THE GRATEFUL NEGRO. — An Englishman, a native of York- shire, going to reside at Kingston, in Jamaica, was reduced from a state of affluence to very great distress ; so much so, that in the time of sickness he was destitute of home, money, med- icine, food, and friends. Just in this time of need, an old negro Christian offered his assistance ; which being gladly accepted, this " neighbor to him" bought medicine, and administered it himself; furnished nourishment; sat up three nights ; and, in short, acted the part of doctor, nurse, and host. Through the blessing of God, the old negro's efforts were rendered success- ful in the recovery of the sick man : who then inquired what expenses he had been at, and promised remuneration as soon as possible. The generous old Christian replied, " Massa, you no owe me nothing ; me owe you much still." " How do you make that out ?" said the restored man. " Why, massa, me neber able to pay you ; because you taught me to read de word of God !" This reply so affected the man, that he resolved, from that time, to seek the Lord. HAPPINESS, RELIGIOUS. 190. In Perils and Dangers. (a) CHRISTIAN CALMNESS.— "Some impressions," says a young man, who went out as a missionary to the heathen, " of the importance and necessity of true religion, were made upon my mind at a very early period. The first particular one that I recollect was, I think, when I was about five 349 190 HAPPINESS, RELIGIOUS. years of age. There happened one day a very violent storm of thunder and lightning in our neighborhood ; on which occasion a few Christian friends, who lived near us, terrified by its vio- lence, came into my father's house. When under his roof, in a moment there came a most vivid flash, followed by a dreadful peal of thunder, which much alarmed the whole company except my father, who turning towards my mother and our friends, with the greatest com- posure, repeated these words of Dr. Watts : " The God that rules on high, And thunders when he please ; That rides upon the stormy sky, And manages the seas: This awful God is ours ; Our father and our love," &c. These words, accompanied with such circumstances, sunk deep into my heart. I thought how safe and happy are those who have the great God for their father and friend ; but, being conscious that I had sinned against him, I was afraid he was not my father, and that, instead of loving me, he was angry with me ; and this, for some time after, continued to distress and grieve my mind." He then proceeds to say, that these early impressions were succeeded by others which terminated in his conversion. (b) PASSENGERS OF THE KENT.— The efficacy of faith in the word of God, to support the mind in the hour of trouble, has often been the sub- ject of conversation, and its power has been very strikingly illustrated. The writer of the interesting "Narrative OF THE Loss OF THE KeNT EaST In- DiAMAN," in 1825, states that, when that vessel was on fire, several of the soldiers' wives and children, who had fled for temporary shelter into the afler- cabins on the upper deck, were engaged in prayer and in reading the Scriptures with the ladies ; some of whom were enabled, with wonderful self-possession, to offer to others those spiritual consola- tions, which a firm and intelligent trust in the Redeemer of the world appeared at this awful hour to impart to their own breasts. The dignified deportment of two young ladies, in particular, formed a specimen of natural strength of mind, 350 finely modified by Christian feeling, that failed not to attract the notice and admiration of every one who had an op- portunity of witnessing it. On the me- lancholy announcement being made to them, that all hope must be relinquish- ed, and that death was rapidly and in- evitably approaching, one of the ladies above referred to, calmly sinking down on her knees, and clasping her hands together, said, " Even so, come. Lord Jesus!" and immediately proposed to read a portion of the Scriptures to those around her; her sister, with nearly equal composure and coUectedness of mind, selected the forty-sixth and other appropriate Psalms; which were ac- cordingly read, with intervals of prayer, by those ladies alternately, to the as- sembled females. (c) THE CAPTAIN AND THE PILOT. — A pious captain, when sail- ing down the Mississippi, had the mis- fortune to have his vessel so much in- jured, that there was great danger of the loss of both ship and cargo. Though placed in this perilous situation, he ma- nifested a composure which evinced that his mind was stayed on his God, while he omitted nothing that could be done to save the property intrusted to his care. While in this situation, there came to his aid one of the pilots on that station, who, by his own account, neither feared God nor regarded man ; and, after of- fering his services, began to storm and swear. After a little time, however, he began to contrast his conduct with the captain's and said to himself, " How is it that, while I have nothing at risk, I am swearing as though it were mine ; and the captain, who has property and reputation at stake, seems perfectly calm ? It must be his religion, and, as I have a Bible on board my boat, I will immediately commence reading it, and see if I can find what his religion is.'* He did read, and the Spirit of God ap- plied the truth. He became convinced that he was a lost sinner, and that with- out the religion which he had seen so impressively exhibited, he must be lost. Conviction resulted in conversion ; and he afterwards called on the captain, to tell him what the Lord had done for his soul. IN ILLNESS— MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 191, 192 191. In Illness. (a) APOSTOLICAL REPLY.—" I was called upon," says the Rev. Mr. Trefit, an American minister, "some years ago, to visit an individual, a part of whose face had been eaten away by a most loathsome cancer. Fixing my eyes on this man in his agony, I said, ' Supposing that Almighty God were to give you your choice : whether would you prefer, your cancer, your pain, and your sufferings, with a certainty of death before you, but of immortality hereafter; or, health, prosperity, long life in the world, and the risk of losing your immortal soul V ' Ah, sir !' said the man, ' give me the cancer, the pain, the Bible, the hope of heaven ; and others may take the world, long life, and prosperity !' " (b) THE CABINET OF JEWELS. — As I entered the apartment where a sick person was confined, says a gentle- man in England, she looked at me with a peaceful smile upon her countenance, and, grasping my hand, exclaimed, " I know you are one of the servants of my Lord and Master, by coming with my worthy kind friend. Oh, how good, how very good is my dear Savior, in sending one and another of his children to visit so poor and worthless a sinner as I am ! I weep, but they are not the tears of grief, but of gratitude." She re- quested me to sit down by her bed-side, and said, "As you are a stranger, let me tell you what the Lord my God hath done for my soul. You perceive, dear sir, I am in the furnace ; but my hap- piness is this, that Zion's God sits by as the skilful refiner, watching with an ob- servant eye, that nothing be lost but that which is vile and refuse ; and when I am thoroughly tried, I shall come forth like gold seven times purified, either to join the celestial choirs, or to be spared a little longer in the world, that I may honor Him that remembered me in my low estate. And shall I tell you, dear sir, that I have been confined to this bed eighteen months, but not one moment too long ; no ! thanks be to his dear name, I have had the staff of consolation to support me, as well as his rod to cor- rect me, and every twig of it is an em- blem of love." 192. Miscellaneons Examples. (a) ONE OF THE DAYS OF HEAVEN.— Mr. Flavel, at one time on a journey, set himself to improve his time by meditation ; when his mind grew intent, till at length he had such ravishing tastes of heavenly joy, and such full assurance of his interest there- in, that he utterly lost the sight and sense of this world and all its concerns, so that he knew not where he was. At last, perceiving himself faint through a great loss of blood from his nose, he alighted from his horse, and sat down at a spring, where he washed and refresh- ed himself, earnestly desiring, if it were the will of God, that he might there leave the world. His spirits reviving, he finished his journey in the same de- lightful frame. He passed that night without any sleep, the joy of the Lord still overflowing him, so that he seemed an inhabitant of the other world. After this, a heavenly serenity and sweet peace long continued with him ; and for many years he called that day " one of the days of heaven !" and professed that he understood more of the life of heaven by it, than by all the discourses he had heard, or the books he ever read. (b) GLORIOUS VIEWS OF GOD. — rThe Rev. William Tennent had preached one Lord's day morning to his congregation, and in the intermis- sion had walked into the woods for med- itation, the weather being warm. He was reflecting on the infinite wisdom of God, as manifested in all his works, and particularly in the wonderful method of salvation through the death and suffer- ings of his beloved Son. This subject suddenly opened on his mind with such a flood of light, that his views of the glory and the infinite majesty of Jeho- vah were so inexpressibly great, as en- tirely to overwhelm him ; and he fell almost lifeless to the ground. When he had revived a little, all he could do was to raise a fervent prayer, that God would withdraw himself from him, or that he must perish under a view of his inefl^able glory. When able to reflect 351 192 HAPPINESS. RELIGIOUS. on his situation, he could not but abhor himself as a weak and despicable worm ; and seemed to be overcome with aston- ishment, that a creature so unworthy and insufficient, had ever dared to at- tempt the instruction of his fellow men in the nature and attributes of so glori- ous a Being. Overstaying his usual time, some of his elders went in search of him, and found him prostrate on the ground, unable to rise, and incapable of informing them of the cause. They raised him up, and, after some time, brought him to the church, and support- ed him to the pulpit, which he ascend- ed on his hands and knees, to the no small astonishment of the congregation. He remained silent a considerable time, earnestly supplicating Almighty God to hide himself from him, that he might be enabled to address his people, who were by this time lost in wonder to know what had produced this uncommon event. His prayers were heard, and he became able to stand up, by holding the desk : and in a most affecting and pathetic address, he gave an account of the views he had of the infinite wisdom of God, and deplored his own incapaci- ty to speak to them concerning a Being so infinitely glorious beyond all his powers of description. He then broke out into so fervent and expressive a prayer, as greatly to surprise the con- gregation, and draw tears from every eye. A sermon followed which con- tinued the solemn scene, and made veiy lasting impressions on the hearers. (c) ENJOYING GOD.— I have here, said Rev. Mr. Fuller, two religious characters, who were intimately ac- quainted in early life. Providence fa- vored one of them with a tide of pros- perity. The other, fearing for his friend, lest his heart should be over- charged with the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches, one day ask- ed him whether he did not find prosper- ity a snare to him. He pau.sed, and answered, " I am not conscious that I do, for I enjoy God in all things." Some years after, his affairs took anoth- er turn. He lost, if not the whole, yet the far greater part of what he had once gained, and was greatly reduced. His old friend being one day in his 352 company, renewed his question, wheth- er he did not find what had lately be- fallen him to be too much for him. Again he paused, and answered, " I am not conscious that I do, for now I enjoy all things in God." This was truly a life of faith. (d) POOR MAN'S GRATITUDE. — A gentleman of very considerable fortune, but a stranger both to personal and family religion, one evening took a solitary walk through part of his grounds. He happened to come near to a mean hut, where a poor man lived with a numerous family, who earned their bread by daily labor. He heard a continued and pretty loud voice. Not knowing what it was, curiosity prompt- ed him to listen. The man, who was piously disposed, happened to be at prayer with his family. So soon as he could distinguish the words, he heard him giving thanks, with great afliection, to God for the goodness of his provi- dence, in giving them food to eat and raiment to put on, and in supplying them with what was necessary and comfortable in the present life. He was immediately struck with astonish- ment and confusion, and said to himself, " Does this poor man, who has nothing but the meanest fare, and that pur- chased by severe labor, give thanks to God for his goodness to himself and fam- ily ; and I, who enjoy ease and honor, and every thing that is pleasant and de- sirable, have hardly ever bent my knee, or made any acknowledgment to my Maker and Preserver !" It pleased God to make this providential occur- rence the means of bringing him to a real and lasting sense of religion. (e) THE FAMILY HERITAGE.— The Rev. W. Thorpe, of Bristol, (Eng.) was once preaching in London, from Rom. viii. 28 : " We knovV that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." After re- marking that these words were doubtless intended for the common benefit of the Christian church, he added, " But I have looked upon them likewise as a kind of family heritage. They formed the favor- ite text of my venerated father, who found in it consolation and support in the course MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 192 of a difficult and laborious ministry. It was no less dear to the heart of my mother, who used to quote it in her easy chair, and on her pillow of rest. When the weight of affliction overcame her feelings in the hour of trial, then she used to say, ' Let me sit down and rest myself, for we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.' My father was removed in the midst of his pious career, and in the vigor of his manhood, leaving behind him a large and unedu- cated family, and but little of the goods of earth. My mother was then confined in childbed, having been delivered the day before my father expired. The last words uttered by him to my mother, in this distressing situation were, ' Call the child Christiana; all things must work together for good to them that love God.' To make the measure of sorrow full, it happened that all the rivers of the neighborhood were overflowing at that season, causing on all sides incon- venience, damage, and distress ; and the water was a foot deep on the ground- floor of the house ! Still she always affirmed that this season of calamity was the happiest period of her life, in which she derived the fulness of consola- tion from the words of our text. When, a few days after my father had been carried to his place of rest, our house was robbed of every thing that could be borne away, and also of the last quar- ter's salaiy which my mother had re- ceived ; and when, having discovered our loss, my eldest sister ran breathless into her mother's chamber, exclaiming, ' Mother, the thieves have stolen all we had in this world ; will this also work together for good V this Christian re- plied, ' Yes, for we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.' And the result justified her confidence." (/) GLORYING IN TRIBULA- TION. — Guy de Brez, a French mmis- fer, was prisoner in the castle of Tour- nay, in Belgium. A lady who visited him said, " She wondered how he could eat, or drink, or sleep in quiet." " Mad- am," said he, " my chains do not terrify me, or break my sleep ; on the contrary, 23 I glory and take delight therein, es- I teeming them at a higher rate than I chains and rings of gold, or jewels of any price whatever. The rattling of my chains is like the effect of an instru- I ment of music in my ears : not that such an effect comes merely from my \ chains, but it is because 1 am bound | therewith for maintaining the truth of the gospel." (g) HOWARD IN TRIALS.— The celebrated philanthropist, Howard, who spent the best part of his life in travel- ing over all the countries of Europe, — " to plunge into the infection of hospi- tals, — to survey the mansions of sorrow and pain, — to remember the forgotten, and to visit the forsaken, under all climes," — was not unhappy amidst his toils. In a letter from Riga, during his last journey, he says, " I hope I have sources of enjoyment that depend not on the particular spot I inhabit ; a rightly cultivated mind, under the power of re- ligion and the exercise of beneficent dispositions, affords a ground of satisfac- tion little affected by heres and theres^ (h) SCIENCE AND RELIGION. — It was a usual saying of Pascal, that the sciences produced no consolation in the times of affliction ; but the know, ledge of Christianity was a comfort both in adversity, and defect of all other knowledge. (0 THE CRIPPLE AND HIS BL BLE. — At a meeting of the Blackheath Auxiliary Bible Society, in the year 1815, Dr. Gregory, of Woolwich, (Eng.) related the following very interesting facts : — More than twelve months ago, I went, pursuant to the request of a poor, but benevolent-hearted woman in my neighborhood, to visit an indigent man deeply afflicted. On entering the cottage, I found him alone, his wife having gone to procure him milk from a kind neighbor. I was startled by the sight of a pale, emaciated man, a living image of death, flistened upright in his cnair, by a rude mechanism of cords and belts hanging from the ceiling. He was totally unable to move either hand or foot, having more than four years been entirely deprived of the use of his limbs, yet the whole time suffering ex- treme anguish from swellings at all his 353 192 HAPPINESS, RELIGIOUS. / joints. As soon as I had recovered a ' little from my surprise at seeing so piti- able an object, I asked, " Are you left alone, my friend, in this deplorable I situation ?" " No, sir," replied he, in a touchingly feeble tone of mild nesigna- tion, (nothing but his lips and eyes '^ moving while he spake,) "I am not alone, for God is with me." On ad- vancing, I soon discovered the secret of his striking declaration ; for his wife had left on his knees, propped with a cushion formed for the purpose, a Bible, lying open at a favorite portion of the Psalms of David ! I sat down by him, and conversed with him. On ascertain- ing that he had but a small weekly al- lowance certain, I inquired how the re- mainder of his wants were supplied. " Why, sir," said he, " 'tis true, as you say, seven shillings a week would never support us ; but, when it is gone, I rely upon the promise I found in this book : ' Bread shall be given him ; his waters shall be sure ;' and I have never been disappointed yet ; and so long as God is faithful to his word, I never shall." I asked him if he ever felt tempted to re- pine under the pressure of so long-con- tinued and heavy a calamity. " Not for the last three years," said he, "blessed be God for it;" the eye of faith sparkling and giving life to his pallid countenance while he made the declaration : "for 1 have learned from this book in whom to believe : and, though I am aware of my weakness and unworthiness, I am persuaded that He will 'not leave me, nor forsake me.' And so it is, that often, when my lips are closed with locked jaw, and I can- not speak to the glory of God, He ena- bles me to sing His praises in my heart." Gladly would I sink into the obscuri- ty of the same cottage; gladly even would I languish in the same chair ; could I but enjoy the same uninterrupt- ed communion with God, be always filled with the same " strong consolar tion," and constantly behold, with equal- ly vivid percGf tion, the same celestial crown sparkling before me. (j) EXAMPLE OF HALL.— Mr. Hall, after the death of one of his chil- dren, appeared as usual in his pulpit on the following Sabbath, and, under the 354 influence of chastened and holy feeling, addressed his congregation from the language of David, after he had been deprived of his son : " I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." He very properly remarked, that while the child was living, but doomed to die, the afflicted saint fasted, prayed, and wept, if peradventure his days mignt still be prolonged ; but when the event was de- cided, he evinced his fortitude and deep submission to the will of Heaven. He arose from the earth, changed his mourn- ing attire, and went up to the house of the Lord. The ordinary custom of ab- staining from public worship, was ac- commodating ourselves to the false maxims of the world, and injurious to our spiritual interests. In a season of calamity, whither should we go, but to Him who alone is able to sustain and comfort us, and to the place where he has promised to meet with us and bless us ? (k) JOY IN GRIEF.— The Cleve- land Herald relates the following touch- ing incident, connected with the burn- ing of the steamboat Vermillion, on Lake Erie : " Among the sufferers was a young man by the name of Robinson, mate of the schooner Ohio. Young and active, he delighted in his profession, and bid fair to become an ornament to it. He had but a day or two before united him- self in that ' holiest of ties, wedded love,' to the fair girl of his choice ; and was on the way with his bride to spend the ' honey-moon' with his aged mother, who resides in this city, when death, with all its most appalling horrors, came upon them both in a moment, and sum- moned them hence to that ' bourne from whence no traveller returns.' " The mother was anxiously expect- ing their arrival, when the sad news of their untimely fate was communicated to her. Folding her hands upon her breast, and lifting her eyes to heaven, she exclaimed in the spirit of the true Christian, — 'The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the Lord.' " (I) A SINGULAR BOND.— I have read of a godly man, says Mr. Brooks, who living near a philosopher often HEARERS OF THE GOSPEL. 192, 193 strove to persuade him to become a Christian. Oh, but, said the philosopher, I must, or may, lose my all for Christ. To which the good man replied, If you lose any thing for Christ, he will repay it a hundred-fold. Ay, but, said the philosopher, will you be bound for Christ, that if he doth not pay me, you will ? Yes, that I will, said the good man ! So the philosopher became a Christian, and the good man entered in- to bond for the performance of covenants. Some time after it happened that the philosopher fell sick. On his death-bed, and holding the bond in his hand, he sent for the party engaged, to whom he gave up the bond, and said, Christ hath paid all, there is nothing for you to pay ; take your bond and cancel it ; no man shall ever have occasion to say that he has been loser by Christ. (m) GOD WITH THE EXILES. — I have read, says Brooks, of a com- pany of poor Christians who were ban- ished into some remote part; and one standing by seeing them pass along, said, that it was a very sad condition those poor people were in, to be thus hurried from the society of men and made companions with the beasts of the field. True, said another, it were a sad condition indeed if they were carried to a place where they should not find their God ; but let them be of good" cheer, God goes along with them, and will exhibit the comforts of his presence whitherso- ever they go. God's presence with his people is a spring that never fails. \ 193. HEARERS OF THE GOSPEL. (a) INFLUENCE OF FAULT- FINDING.— The Rev. Mr. Beckwith says : — " I was once conversing with a young and successful minister of the gospel, who related to me the following circumstances. When he was quite a child, he heard a minister preach on repentance. This was on the forenoon of a Sabbath. His feelings were ex- cited, and he had almost determined, before the conclusion of the sermon, to perform the duty without delay. In this state of mind he went to the house of God in the afternoon, and heard the same minister on the judgment. He was still more deeply impressed, and came to the resolution to attend to re- ligion immediately. But, as he passed from the sanctuary, he overheard two professing Christians conversing on the sermon. ' A very solemn discourse,' said one. ' Yes,' replied the other, but — ' and he proceeded to make some critical remark, the effect of which was, for that time at least, to erase all serious impressions from the mind of the youth." How often do we witness this evil ! (b) BURNING THE BUSHEL— — A poor woman went to hear a sermon, wherein, among other evil practices the use of dishonest weights and mea- sures was exposed . W ith this discourse she was much affected. The next day when the minister, according to his cus- tom, went among his hearers, and called upon the woman, he took occasion to ask her what she remembered of his sermon. The poor woman complained much of her bad memory, and said she had forgotten almost all that he deliver- ed. " But one thing," said she, " I re- membered ; I remembered to burn my bushel." A doer of the word cannot be a forgetful hearer. (c) THE DEAF WORSHIPER. — " I have in my congregation," said a venerable minister of the gospel, " a worthy aged woman, who has for many years been so deaf as not to distin- guish the loudest sound, and yet she is always one of the first in the meeting. On asking the reason of her constant at- tendance (as it was impossible for her to hear my voice), she answered, ' Though I cannot hear you, I come to God's house because 1 love it, and would be found in his ways; and he gives me many a sweet thought upon the text when it is pointed out to me : another reason is because there I am in the best company, in the more immediate pres- 355 193 HEARERS OF THE GOSPEL. / ence of God, and among his saints, the honorable of the earth. I am not sat- isfied with serving God in private ; it is my duty and privilege to honor him regularly in public' " What a reproof this is to those who have their hearing, and yet always come to a place of wor- ship late or not at all ! (d) " YOU AND ME."— When sit- ting under the ministry of a devoted servant of God, says a gentleman, he on one occasion preached upon the Diotrephesian spirit. In his usual faith- ful manner, he pointed out its sad effects upon a church, until in his ap- plication he came so close, that I was surprised, knowing, as I did, how de- lightful the harmony had always been in that church. I soon began to per- suade myself, however, that there was a Diotrephes there, but could not sat- isfy myself who it was. Finally, I ventured to seek information, and turn- ing to a good brother, an elder in the church, I said, Mr. L , who does Mr. S. mean ? " You and me,'' was his quick reply. I have never asked since, who my minister meant, when he was delivering the message of his M^ aster (e) FAULT-FINDING AND PRAYING. — Tavo young men, who were members of the same church in New England, were one day engaged in conversation respecting their minis- ter ; when one asked the other, "Are you interested in our pastor's preach- ing?" "Yes," replied the other, "I am indeed ; I derive instruction and profit from his discourses." "Well," said his friend, " I am sure I can't feel so ; I am very far from being interested in his labors, or getting any benefit from them." " Perhaps," rejoined the other, " you don't pray for our minister ; do you ?" No, I confess I do not." " Well, it strikes me that your neglect of this duty explains your want of in- terest in his ministry. Now let me urge you to remember him daily in your closet supplications, and I presume the more you are exercised in praying for him, the more you will be blessed in hearing from him." The fault-find- ing brother took the advice ; and some months afterwards he met with his friend and stated the result. He had given his minister a large place in hia petitions, and meanwhile his minister had taken an equally large place in hia aftections ; and if the minister derived no benefit from his praying, he surely derived great benefit from his preaching. (/) DR. CHALMERS' CONGRE- GATION.— It is well known, that the genius and eloquence of this popular clergyman, during his stay in Glasgow, attracted immense crowds to his church, and the feeling of disappointment when a stranger entered his pulpit, was but too visible for any one to mistake it. On one occasion the Rev. Dr. of -, having made an exchange with Dr. Chalmers, was so struck and irri- tated, on entering the pulpit, with the reluctant advance of the assembling auditory, and the quick retreat of many from the pews, that he stood up, and ad- dressing the congregation, said, " We will not begin the public worship of God, till the chaff blows off." We need not say that these words had the desired effect, and that the audience be- came stationary under this severe re- buke. (g) HEARING AND PRAYING. — Mr. Philip Henry notes in his diary the saying of a pious hearer of his own, as what much affected him : — " I find it easier," said the good man, " to go six miles to hear a sermon, than to spend one quarter of an hour in meditating and praying over it in secret, as I should, when I come home." 356 HEAVEN, VIEWS AND FORETASTES OF. 194 194. HEAVEN, VIEWS AND FORETASTES OF. (a) DYING SAYING OF PRES- TON. — The more you are acquainted with God while you live, the more wil- ling you will be to die, to go to him ; for death, to a child of God, is nothing else but a resting with God, in whose bosom he hath often been by holy me- ditation, when he was alive. Dr. Pres- ton, when he was dying, used these words : " Blessed be God, though 1 change my place I shall not change my company ; for I have walked with God while living, and now I go to rest with God." (b) THREE WONDERS IN HEAVEN.— John Newton said, " When I get to heaven, I shall see three wonders there ; — the first wonder will be to see many people there whom I did not expect to see — the second won- der will be to miss many people whom I did expect to see — and the third, and greatest wonder of all, will be to find myself there." (c) DISTINCTIONS OF NO SER- VICE. — A distinguished character had an extraordinary mark of distinction and honor sent him by his prince as he lay on his death-bed. " Alas !" said he, looking coldly upon it, " this is a mighty fine thing in this country; but I am just going to a country where it will be of no service to me." (d) " I SHALL KNOW BY NEXT CHRISTMAS." — The author of a pamphlet, entitled, " Circumstantial De- tails of the Last Moments of Mr. Fox," relates the following particulars : — A nobleman mentioning that he had form- ed a party of pleasure for Christmas, in which he had included Mr. Fox, added, "It will be a new scene, sir; and I think you will approve of it." " I shall indeed be in a new scene by Christmas next," said Mr. Fox. " My lord, what do you think of the state of the soul after death ?" Lord , confounded by the unexpected turn of the conversa- tion, made n6 reply. Mr. Fox continu- ed, " That it is immortal, I am con- vinced. The existence of the Deity is a proof that spirit exists ; why not, therefore, the soul of man ? And if such an essence as the soul exists, by its nature it may exist for ever. I should have believed in the immortality j of the soul, though Christianity had never existed ; but how it acts as sepa- rated from the body, is beyond my ca- pacity of judgment. This, however, I shall know by next Christmas." (e) "YOU WILL BE A DUKE BUT I SHALL BE A KING."— A consumptive disease seized the eldest son and heir of the Duke of Hamilton, which ended in his death. A little be- fore his departure from the world, he lay ill at the family seat near Glasgow. Two ministers came to see him, one of whom at his request prayed with him. After the minister had prayed, the dy- ing youth put his hand back, and took his Bible from under his pillow, and opened it at the passage, " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith ; henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteous- ness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day, and not to me only, but unto all them that love his appearing." " This, sirs," said he, "is all my comfort." As he was lying one day on the sofa, his tutor was conversing with him on some astrono- mical subject, and about the nature of the fixed stars. " Ah," said he, " in a little while I shall know more of this than all of you together." When his death approached, he called his brother to his bed-side, and, addressing him with the greatest affection and seriousness, he closed with these remarkable words : " And now Douglas, in a little time you will be a duke, but I shall be a king." (/) THE CHILD'S ANSWERS. — A little child, when dying, was asked where it was going; "To heaven," said the child. " And what makes you wish to be there ?" " Because Christ is there." " But," said a friend, " what if Christ should leave heaven ?" "Well," said the child, "I will go with him." 357 194 HEAVEN, VIEWS AND FORETASTES OF. (g) WORDS OF REV. THOMAS HALYBURTON.— "Oh, blessed be God that I was born," said this holy man when dying. " I have a father and a mother, and ten brethren and sisters in heaven, and I shall be the eleventh. Oh, blessed bo the day that I was ever born ! Oh, that I were where he is ! And yet, were God to withdraw from me, I should be weak as water. All that I enjoy, though it be miracle on miracle, would not support me without fresh sup- plies from God. The thing I rejoice in is this, that God is altogether full ; and that in the Mediator, Christ Jesus, is all the fulness of the Godhead, and it will never run out. If there be such a glory in Christ's conduct towards me now, what will it be to see the Lamb in the midst of the throne ! My peace hath been like a river. Blessed be God that I was ever born." (h) GLORIOUS THING TO DIE. — Mr. N. R. Cobb, of Boston, so much noted for his benevolence, a short time before his death said : " Within the few last days, I have had some glorious views of heaven. It is indeed a glorious thing to die. I have been active and busy in the world. I have enjoyed it as much as any one. God has prospered me. I have every thing to tie me here. I am happy in my family ; I have pro- perty enough ; but how small and mean does this world appear when we are on a sick bed ! Nothing can equal my en- joyment in the near prospect of heaven. My hope in Christ is worth infinitely more than all other things. The blood of Christ, the blood of Christ ; none but Christ." (0 DYING WORDS OF MR. H. S. GOLDING.— A little before his death, when his brother said to him, " You seem to enjoy foretastes of heaven," he replied, "Oh, this is no longer a fore- taste ; this is heaven ! I not only feel the climate, but I breathe the fine am- brosial air of heaven, and soon shall en- joy the company !" The last words which he was heard to utter, were, "Glory, glory, glory." He died in the twenty-fourth year of his age. (j) MR. REN WICK'S JOY.— Mr. Renwick, the last of the Scottish mar- tyrs, speaking of his sufferings for con- science' sake, says: "Enemies think themselves satisfied that we are put to wander in mosses, and upon mountains ; but even amidst the storms of these last two nights, I cannnot express what sweet times I have had, when I had no cover- ing but the dark curtains of night. Yea, in the silent watch, my mind was led out to admire the deep and inexpressible ocean of joy, wherein the whole family of heaven swim. Each star led me to wonder what He must be, who is the star of Jacob, of whom all stars borrow their shining." (k) ADRIANUS AND THE MAR- TYRS. — One Adrianus, in ancient times, seeing the martyrs suffer such grievous things in the cause of Christ, asked, "What is that, which enables them to bear such sufferings ?" One of them replied, " Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." These words were like apples of gold in a ' net-work' of silver, for they made him not only a convert but a martyr too. (/) THE DYING HOTTENTOT. — An old Hottentot having been taken ill, was visited by Mr. Reid, a mission- ary. He said, " This is the message of death ! I shall now go and see the other country, where I have never been, but which I long to see ! I am weary of every thing here ! I commit too much sin here. I wish to be free from it ; I cannot understand things well here, and you cannot understand me. The Lord has spoken much to me, though I can- not explain it." S58 HOLY SPIRIT, AGENCY OF, ETC. 195 195. HOLY SPIRIT, AGENCY OF, IN CONVICTION AND CONVERSION.* (a) THE INFIDEL AND THE FIRST CHAPTER OF JOHN.— Francis Junius the younger was a con- siderable scholar, but by no means pre- judiced in favor of the Scriptures, as appears by his own account, which is as follows : — My father, who was fre- quently reading the New Testament, and had long observed with grief the progress I had made in infidelity, had put that book in my way in his library, in order to attract my attention, if it might please God to bless his design, though without giving me the least inti- mation of it. Here, therefore, I unwit- tingly opened the New Testament, thus providentially laid before me. At the very first view, as I was deeply engaged in other thoughts, that grand chapter of the evangelist and apostle presented it- self to me, " In the beginning was the Word," &c. I read part of the chapter, and was so affected, that I instantly be- came struck with the divinity of the ar- gument, and the majesty and authority of the composition, as infinitely surpass- ing the highest flights of human elo- quence. My body shuddered ; my mind was all in amazement; and I was so agitated the whole day, that I scarce knew who I was. " Thou didst re- member me, O Lord my God, according to thy boundless mercy, and didst bring back the lost sheep to thy flock." From that day God wrought so mightily in me by the power of his Spirit, that I began to have less relish for all other studies and pursuits, and bent myself with greater ardor and attention to every thing which had a relation to God. (b) " OH THE GRACE OF GOD !" — John Dickson was a farmer in the parish of Ratho, near Edinburgh, and was for a long time negligent and irre- * Scripture bids us trace all genuine cases of conviction and conversion to the operations of the Holy Spirit; but in the cases here pre- sented, reason too bids us recognize this divine agency, as the other agencies employed are not those which would naturally produce such re- sults. ligious. It pleased God to take away his wife, and it became necessary for him to have a nurse in the house, who happily was a pious woman. When his infant daughter was about twenty months old, she was in the room with her father and several of his profane companions. Most unexpectedly the child repeated, in its infantine tones, " Oh the grace of God !" an exclamation she had often heard from her nurse. The attention of the father was thus ex- cited, the Holy Spirit led him to deep and serious reflections, and thus was his conversion to God effected. (c) "AND HE DIED."— A certain libertine, of most abandoned character, happened to stroll into a church, where he heard the fifth chapter of Genesis read, stating that such and such persons lived so long a time, and yet the con- clusion was, they "died;" Seth lived 912 years, " and he died;" Enos, 905, " and he died." The frequent repetition of the words, "he died," notwithstanding the great length of years they had lived, impressed him so forcibly with the thought of death and eternity, that, through Divine grace, he became an ex- emplary Christian. {d) THE PERTINENT TEXT. — One Sabbath morning, while the Rev. Dr. Bedell, of Philadelphia, was preach- ing, a young man passed by, with a number of companions, as gay and thoughtless as himself. One of them proposed to go into the church, saying, " Let us go and hear what this man has to say, that every body is running af- ter." The young man made this awful answer, " No, 1 would not go into such a place if Christ himself was preaching." Some weeks after, he was again passing the church, and being alone, and having nothing to do, he thought he would go in without being observed. On opening the door he was struck with awe at the solemn silence of the place, though it was much crowded. Every eye was fixed on the preacher, who was to be- gin his discourse. His attention was 359 195 HOLY SPIRIT, AGENCY OF, ETC instantly caught by the text, " I dis- cerned among the youths a young man void of understanding :" Prov. vii. 7. His conscience was smitten by the power of truth. He saw that he was the young man described. A view of his profligate life passed before his eyes, and, for the first time, he trembled un- der the feeling of sin. He remained in the church till the preacher and congre- gation had passed out ; then slowly re- turned to his home. He had early received infidel principles, but the Holy Spirit who had aroused him in his folly, led him to a constant attendance on the ministry of Dr. B., who had been the instrument of awakening his mind. He cast away his besetting sin, and gave him- self to a life of virtue and holiness, ^e afterwards declared openly his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and his desire to devote himself to his service. (e) "WHAT HAST THOU DONE FOR ME ?"— A clergyman in Germany, who had exercised the minis- terial office for twelve years, while des- titute of faith in, and love to the Redeemer, one day was invited, by a wealthy citizen, one of the members of his congregation, with some other guests, to a collation at his house. Di- rectly opposite to him on the wall, hung a picture of Christ on the cross, v/ith two lines written under it : — " I did this for thee ; What hast thou done for me ?" The picture caught his attention: as he read the lines they seemed to pierce him, and he was involuntarily seized with a feeling he never experi- enced before. Tears rushed into his eyes : he said little to the company, and took his leave as soon as he could. On the way home these lines constantly sounded in his ears, — divine grace pre- vented all philosophical doubts and ex- planations from entering his soul, — he could do nothing but give himself up entirely to the overpowering feeling: even during the night, in his dreams, the question stood always before his mind, " What hast thou done for me ?" He died in about three months after this remarkable and happy change in his temper and views, triumphing in the 360 Savior, and expressing his admiration of his redeeming love. (/) " ME TELL THE GREAT MASSA."— A poor black boy, the property of a slave-holder in Africa, having heard of the preaching of the missionaries, felt a strong desire to go and hear about Jesus Christ. For this purpose he crept secretly away one evening, but being obliged to pass un- der the window of the house, his master observed him, and called out, " Where are you going ?" The poor fellow came back trembling, and said, " Me go to hear the missionaries, massa." " To hear the missionaries, indeed ; if ever you go there, you shall have nine and thirty lashes, and be put in irons." With a disconsolate look, the poor black replied, " Me tell Massa, me tell the great Massa." " Tell the great Massa," replied the master, " what do you mean V " Me tell the great Massa, the Lord in Heaven, that my massa was angry with me, because I wanted to go and hear his word." The master was struck with astonishment, his color changed, and unable to conceal his feelings, he hastily turned away, say- ing, " Go along, and hear the missiona- ries." Being thus permitted, the poor boy gladly complied. In the mean time, the mind of the master became restless and uneasy. He had not been accustomed to think that he had a Mas- ter in heaven, who knew and observed all his actions ; and he at length deter- mined to follow his slave, and see if there could be any peace obtained for his troubled spirit ; and creeping unob- served, he slunk into a secret corner, and eagerly listened to the words of the missionary. That day Mr. Kircherer addressed the natives from those Avords, — " Lovest thou me ?" "Is there no poor sinner," said he, " who can an- swer this question ? not one poor slave who dares to confess him ?" Here the poor slave boy, unable to refrain any longer, sprang up, and holding up both his hands, while the tears streamed down his cheeks, cried out with eager- ness, " Yes, massa, me love the Lord Jesus Christ ; me do love him, me love him with all my heart." The master was still more astonished, and he went HOLY SPIRIT, AGENCY OF, ETC. «*«j/ home convinced of the blessings the gospel brings, and became a decided Christian. (g) THE DEAF MAN'S CON- VERSION. — One of the most remark- able cases of conversion in the great revival at Wilton, Ct., in 1822, was that of an aged deaf man. This person had not been able to hear a sermon for thirty years, and had long been totally stupid on the subject of religion. But without knowing there was any such thing as a revival in the place, he became deeply impressed in regard to his soul. How or by what means he could not tell ; but he was brought under pungent con- victions, and at length led to hope and rejoice in Christ. (h) REMARKABLE INSTANCES OF CONVERSION.— Rev. Roswell Burrows, of Groton, Ct., speaking of a great revival which occurred in 1819, in the Second Baptist church in that town, mentions the following facts, which strikingly exhibit the divine agency in conviction and conversion. Mr. B. says : Convictions have gene- rally taken place in the attendance on the word preached ; but in many in- stances without any special means, and under circumstances seemingly the most forbidding, some of which I would notice. A Mr. , who had not attended any religious meeting for six mcyiths or more, and but one day previous was al- most blaspheming respecting this work, was taken on his bed at night with such horror as to prevent further sleep, or his taking but little sustenance for sev- eral days ; when he went to the man he previously hated the most of all men, and made a most humble and peni- tent confession of secret injuries he had done, earnestly begging his forgive- ness, and asking his prayers. He soon after was brought to admire the grace he had despised. A similar case was that of one who had not attended any religious meetings for perhaps ten years or more, and whose conduct, a little before, had been of the most daring nature. In two instances, in close succession, he was in imminent danger ; he made promises to God if he would spare him he would fear and serve him. He ob- tained his request in what he thought a miraculous deliverance. In both in- stances he turned round and laughed, as though in defiance of God ! In a few weeks afterwards, without any spe- cial means, either of worship, reading or religious instruction, his awful state was set before him. His distress continued about two weeks, when all hope of forgiveness left him. In his agony of soul he was heard in the woods more than half a mile, which brought his neighbors to the place to learn the cause. They did not approach until they perceived his voice to fail. They went to him and found him prostrate and helpless. Soon after they had carried him to his house, he came to, in as great an ecstasy of joy as any pardoned criminal ever experi- enced. (?:) THE BUTCHER AND HIS WIFE.— The Rev. Mr. Fletcher, the pious vicar of Madely, Eng., relates that going into the pulpit one Sabbath morning, he could recollect no part of his sermon, not even the text. Feeling exceedingly perplexed in his mind, and not willing to dismiss the people without saying any thing, he thought that he would endeavor to make a few remarks upon the "morning's lesson, which was respecting the three worthies who were cast into the furnace of fire. Finding uncommon and unexpected enlargement of spirit in so doing, he announced to the congregation at the close, that if there was any person present to whom those remarks more particularly applied, he desired that they would call upon him, in the course of the week. On Wednesday a woman called, and in- formed him that she had been under se- rious impressions for some time ; but that her husband, who was a butcher, constantly opposed her, and forbid her attending any of the religious meetings, even at the parish church, on Sunday ; that on the last Sabbath morning he told her that if she should presume to go to church, he would build up a great fire in the oven, and throw her into it, as soon as she came home. But she re- solved to go, and says she, " Sir, while you were speaking of the three young 361 19ft HOLY SPIRIT, AGENCY OF, ETC. men who were thrown into the fiery fur- nace, because they would not sin against God, I thought it was just my case, and it pleased the Lord then and there to set my soul at liberty. I went home with a light heart, trusting that the Lord would be with me. When I came near the house, I saw the flames issuing from the oven, and knowing what a man my husband was, I expected to be im- mediately thrown into it. But what was my amazement upon opening the door, instead of being thrown into the oven, to find my husband upon his knees crying for mercy." Says Mr. Fletch- er, "I then knew why 1 had forgotten my sermon, and was led to speak upon something else." 0) A DIFFICULT CASE.—" It is unphilosophical," says a modem writer, " to introduce divine agency when ade- quate human means are in exercise." Suppose we should, for argument's sake, grant it ; there are still left multitudes of problems, that this writer and kindred errorists will not easily solve ; cases where " adequate human means" were not in exercise. Were any such means employed in the following instance ? A young man who was very thought- less and negligent of religion, and to whom no person had spoken on the sub- ject, as he was standing engaged in an engrossing employment, became sud- denly and remarkably impressed with a sense of the being and character of God. His unutterable emotions were not those of fear, but of reverence, solemnity and tenderness. His mental exclamation was, " Oh the being, the majesty, the goodness of God ! And ,how have I neglected Him !" His frame trembled, and tears, floods of tears, gave vent to his feelings.* Was there any adequate human means here ? Do men get excited upon politics, poetry or philosophy in this way ? How can any body be so wil- fully blind to the operations of God's Spirit, as to say such convictions are all very natural and no special tower of God exhibited in them ? (k) " THE WIND BLOWETH, &c." — It was on Sunday evening follow- ing the old Thanksgiving in Mass., » See Lettera on Revivals." 362 (says a writor in the S. S. Treasury,) that I left my father's house to attend a religious meeting in the neighborhood. The moon, as I distinctly recollect, had just appeared above the horizon, and cast its gentle beams full in my face, while all* around was hushed in silent repose. I had walked but a few steps, when a strange solemnity stole in upon my heart. Whence it came I knew not. Why I should feel thus, I could not tell. But I was solemn, I was grieved : and as I walked slowly along, my burden increased, for a burden it was, and while I live I shall not forget the spot where I thought I should soon be pressed down to the earth. At length I reached the place of wor- ship. It was a private house that had seen many a hard winter, the humble abode of a widow in Israel. I entered and took my seat with some boys of my own age ; I was then but little more than nine years old. They soon began to whisper and play, wishing me to join them. But I was wounded in spirit. I could not join them. 1 had no disposi- tion to do so, and wondered that they could act thus in a place so sacred as that seemed to me. I kept silence and wished to remove from their company. The neighbors having assembled, the services commenced. It was a confer- ence and prayer meeting, the pastor be- ing present and taking an active part. What was said by him, or by others, I cannot tell now, nor have I been able to tell from that day to this. I know that all who took part in the services were much engaged, and the effect on my mind was to increase my seriousness. I wept ; I could not refrain from it. My heart was pained. I was in distress. My pious father, I think it was, sitting near me, and seeing my trouble, took me in his arms and labored to quiet me, thinking me unwell. But no, I was not sick. My body was not in pain. The arrows of the Almighty were in my heart, and under his rebuke I trembled. I do not recollect as any one at the meeting found out the true cause of my sorrow; if so, I was not aware of it. After I returned home, however, my aged grandfather, a man that feared God, ascertained it. He was overcome HOLY SPIRIT, AGENCY OF, ETC. 195 by his feelings, as were indeed all in the house. It was a place of tears, — parents and grandparents mingled theirs with mine. But this did not relieve me ; nor did I experience essential re- lief before retiring for the night, though, as 1 well remember, my father did so far compose himself as to commend me to God in fervent prayer. I am the more inclined to think that the state of mind described above was the effect of Divine influence, from the fact that nothing had been said to me personally on the subject of religion. There was no revival among the peo- ple, and so no chance for the operation of sympathy ; a powerful source of in- fluence among children, as I have since had occasion to observe. From that day to this I have loved the church of God, and hoped for salvation through grace in Christ Jesus. (Z) THE TWO DUELISTS.— B was a member of one of the New England Colleges, from a southern section of the country. He left his class before the completion of the Col- lege course, with habits of dissipation. As was anticipated, on his return to the south he plunged into vice without re- straint. " My life," to use his own words, " was a continual round of dissi- pation, criminal in the extreme, and ruinous in its effects both to my body and soul." But the lowest depth of depravity had not yet been reached. An extract from a letter dated Dec. 1832, will give his own account: — " I continued this course of life, as above described, until a few days before the protracted meeting com- menced. And, sir, what think you brought me to a pause ? Doubtless you will say, to compose my mind, and to strive for a blessing. Oh ! no, sir ; it was to prepare myself for mortal comhai with a fellow being ! The time of our meeting was fixed, and it happened to be the day on which the people of God were to assemble together. Within less than half a mile from that solemn as- sembly, we met, and exchanged shots with pistols. To give you an idea of my utter recklessness and depravity of heart at that time — when I saw the weapon of my antagonist directed to- wards me, and by one who was esteemed sure and deadly in his aim, the last thought that I recollect was, that I should now have an opportunity of gratifying my curiosity respecting the nature of a future state ! His ball struck the earth very near my feet — my own passed a few inches from his breast. I returned home to a mother and relations, hall dead with grief and anxiety." Let us turn from this scene to one of a different character. " The next day found my antagonist and myself on the same bench at an inquiry meeting, over- whelmed with grief and tears for our sins. The conflict was truly great. For six days I seldom ate or slept. I was at last so much reduced and en- feebled I had scarcely strength to rise from my knees. A consciousness of pardon and acce]ptance with God was at length obtained — a new song has been put into my mouth." {m) THE PERSECUTED SON.— After his conversion. Dr. Tafl was one day in conversation with a young man of a respectable family, with whom he was connected, and had occasion to re- prove him for some improper expression of which he had made use. The re- proof went to his heart ; and thoughtless as he had been, so deeply did he feel it, that passing in an instant from gay to grave, he begged the Doctor to pray with him. The transition was so sud- den and unexpected, that at first he thought him in jest, and hesitated to comply. In the end, the young man was convinced of sin, and was brought to God, and became a minister of the Gospel. (n) INFIDEL CONVERTED BY ONE WORD.— In a work entitled, " Religion considered as the only basis of happiness and true philosophy," is mentioned the following incident: — Others, after having doubted all their lives, change in a moment their senti- ments. I know a man of great sense and very high character, whose conver- sion was brought about by a single ex- pression. He was yet in the age of the passions; he had never possessed the least principle of religion ; and he prided himself upon being an atheist. One day, in the presence of an ecclesiastic 363 195, 196 HOLY SPIRIT GRIEVED. equally distinguished by his eminent virtues and talents, he affected to brave all decorum, which ought at that instant to have constrained him to hold his tongue at least, and after havnig given him a detail of his sentiments and opin- ions, he ironically added, that according to every appearance he should never be converted. "Ah!" exclaimed the ec- clesiastic, who till then had been si- lent, " if you could then but hope /" He said no more — he got up, and went out. But these words made a deep im- pression upon the heart of the atheist. He had no difficulty to comprehend their energetic meaning. A crowd of new reflections presented themselves to his mind — he longed to see and converse with the man who had produced in him so strange a revolution. The next day he went and opened to him his heart, asked his advice, hearkened to him with attention, with eagerness, and from that moment renounced forever the vain sophisms of false philosophy. Such is the power of the spirit of grace, it pro- duces the most sudden and surprising changes, and its effects confound the incredulous observer, who professes to be acquainted with the human heart. (o) THE TWO SWISS SOL- DIERS. — Two Swiss soldiers, says the Western Recorder, had been brought up in ignorance of the great truths of the gospel. One of them became danger- ously sick ; and as his life was appa- rently near its close, began to see that he was a great sinner, to tremble with awful apprehensions about his future state, and to cry for mercy. The other, who was his cousin, had compassion upon him, and finally recollecting him- self, he said, not comprehending the im- port of his own words — " I have heard that there is one Jesus somewhere, who saves sinners; you had better try to find him." It was enough. The sick man recollected indistinctly that he had heard such a name. He sought him ; he found him ; and contrary to all ex- pectation recovered from his sickness, and became in his turn a successful preacher to his distant relative. Both went on their way rejoicing, ignorant and simple-hearted, knowing scarcely any thing about the subject of religion, 364 excepting as they were taught by the Spirit. ip) A SINGULAR REVIVAL.— In the township of R., in the western par . of New York, says a writer in the Ch. Watchman, without any special or known cause, numbers of individuals were suddenly aroused to anxious in- quiry and trembling respecting their souls. Some in different parts of the town, without any knowledge of the af- fections of others, were alarmed by the consideration of their sins. Two men, from different directions, came to a clergyman in the morning, asking What shall we do ? About nine o'clock in the same morning, one of the members of the church called upon the same clergyman, to go and visit several anx- ious individuals in his neighborhood ; and before night it was ascertained, that almost the whole population of a con- siderable district, were solemnly, and with weeping, asking the prayers and instructions of the people of God. Accompanied by the pastor, on that and the subsequent day, we visited from house to house ; but wherever we went the Spirit had preceded us. The whole region was a Bochim. A solemn awe pervaded our soul, and we could not but feel that, " God is in very deed in our midst." Revivals, thus commencing, are, in- deed, rare; but where they do occur they show very clearly the agency of the Holy Spirit. 196. Holy Spirit Grieved. {a) PRICE OF VAIN AMUSE- MENT. — Rev. Caleb Benson, a minis- ter of my acquaintance, was invited by a lady in Plymouth, Mass., to visit her daughter who was lying at the point of death. As he entered the room and commenced with her, he inquired why she wished to see him. She said, she had only consented to see him for the sake of gratifying her friends, that it would do her no good to be visited by him or any other minister. He asked why. She said, the time had been when her mind was powerfully wrought upon by God's Spirit, and occupied with HOLY SPIRIT GRIEVED. 196 serious thoughts about her eternal wel- fare. She was convinced then, that shfe was a guilty, condemned sinner, that she needed pardoning mercy. Her con- victions, instead of being of a transient character, had distressed her for months. At length she was invited to be present at a ball, or party of pleasure. She was respectfully and urgently solicited by her young and unconverted acquaint- ances to attend. But conscience strong- ly remonstrated — she felt convinced that if she went to that scene of vain amusement, it would be jeopardizing the interests of her soul. Still Satan urged her to accede to their requests. While she was preparing to go, how- ever, and while she was on her way to the place where the gay circle met, she felt that she was doing wickedly, and that if she joined them, perhaps God would leave her to herself, and her soul be lost for ever. She came near the house — she hesitated — doubting whether to go in or not. But at last she yielded to the suggestions of Satan and trembling- ly crossed the threshold. But no sooner had she entered and begun to partici- pate in the evening's amusements, than her convictions all left her. Since that time she said, she had had no compunc- tions of conscience whatever ; — power- ful preaching, personal appeals, judg- ments and mercies, and even the firm belief that she must soon die, had not affected her hard heart, or awakened the least anxiety of mind. Her case she said was hopeless. The minister told her that Christ had saved a Ma- nasseh, a Mary Magdalen, the thief up- on the cross, the persecuting Saul, and that he was able to save her. Yes, she said, she knew all that ; she knew he was able to save all that came unto him for mercy, but she had no desire to come — that the Spirit had taken its flight and left her to hardness of heart, and blindness of mind. Mr. Benson proposed prayer ; but she told him his prayers would do her no good. She con- sented, however, to gratify her friends, that he should pray ; "but in prayer," says Mr. Benson, " I had no unction, no liberty. Heaven seemed closed against all my petitions in her behalf." It was a heart-rending case. "You will hear in a short time, Mr. Benson," said she, " that I am gone, but remem- ber that my soul is lost." He visited her afterwards, but gained no satisfac- tion ; the wretched girl died as she had lived, without hope and without God. (b) NO PLACE FOR REPENT- ANCE. — "I have always believed," said a despairing sinner, just on the brink of eternity, " that there was a horrible thought in dating the possible departure of the Spirit of God from the soul. We shudder at the idea of de- sertion, without reflecting on its particu- lars. But it is tolerable while wrapt in the mystery of ignorance — ignorance of its manner, its cause, and its time. And yet, at this very hour, I can look back to the turning point of my hopes. I can remember my struggles under convic- tion. I can recall the weariness of ef- fort, the distaste, the compunctions which preceded the first bold act of worldliness ; and which, in their depar- ture, declared the issue decisive. In all the confusion of my thoughts, there is an unchanging spot in the survey of the past. There it remains and no hand can blot it out. No, you are not to im- agine my judgment impaired in such a' review. I can deliberately retrace the seasons departed. My return to the world was not designated by an act which the common rules of morality would impeach. But it was by one, which, it is plain, put an end to the struggle. And I could not renew the conflict when I would willingly have done so. Conviction did not leave me. But it sat on my spirits like a lifeless weight, that instead of giving them acti- vity, crushed them down. My judg- ment is as much convinced as ever. But it avails me nothing. The bright- ness of a holy law, and that of the world which I am approaching, only render my condition more awful, as the mid- night lightning does that of the wrecked mariner, by showing him the impossi- bility of escape. I can see, I can com- prehend, but I can lay hold of nothing, I can compel no play of that interest which the near approach of the Holy Spirit once created in my bosom." We 365 196, 197 HONESTY. will drop the curtain here, for in less than an hour, the sufferer knew more of eternity than you or I. (c) AWFUL PRAYER ANSWER- ED. — " About twenty years ago," said a dying man, in G , New- York, "I was convinced of sin ; and so pungent were my convictions, that my life seem- ed insupportable. Instead of going, as urged by the word and Spirit of God, to him who gives rest to the weary and heavy-laden, I retired to a grove — knelt before God ; but instead of pleading for his reconciled favor, prayed tnat he would unburden my soul, by taking his Holy Spirit from me. My prayer was answered. For I had no sooner risen upon my feet, than my sense of sin and fear of hell were gone. From that day to this, I have had no anxiety about my eternal state. In that grove I prayed away the Spirit of God, and He will never return to offer me pardon and eternal life through the blood of Christ. I know that I shall soon be in hell. No- thing can save me. My doom is sealed, and yet, I am quite indifferent to the future." HONESTY. 197. Examples of. (a) COLLECTOR AND PEAS- ANT.— M. Drouillard, collector of taxes for the arrondissement of Condom, France,) father of a numerous family, , lappening to arrive very late in the even- ing, in the town of Auch, on his way to the receiver-general, in order to convey to that gentleman the sum of six thousand francs in specie, found, on his arrival there, that he had lost the bag containing the money he thus intended to pay. Though the unfortunate man caused immediate search to be made, no traces of the lost treasure could be discovered. The next morning, he applied to a friend, for the loan of a horse, in order to be enabled to pursue his inquiries with more effect ; but his friend's horses happening to be out, that gentleman went himself to a neighbor, named Roussel, a peasant in comparatively low circum- stances, to borrow one, mentioning, at the same time, for whom it was wanted, as well as the heavy loss M. Drouillard had sustained. No sooner had Roussel heard what had happened, thafl he exclaimed, " Do not give yourself any further trouble ; I know where the money is ;" and he immediately delivered to him the iden- tical bag containing the six thousand francs. It appears, that having found this bag, on his return from his daily occupa- 366 tions, he had placed it, though not without some difficulty on account of its weight, upon his horse, and carried it home, without ascertaining how much it contained, or communi- cating his good fortune to his family ; that, the next morning, he had got up at an early hour, and spent about an hour in going to the market place and else- where, in order to learn whether any person had made any inquiries about it ; and that he was but just then returned home, without having been able to ascer- tain who had lost it, when he was thus introduced to the delighted owner. (b) TRIBUTE TO M. CORNET. — In Bossuet's funeral oration for M. Cornet, he mentioned the following fact : — One of his friends having a law- suit, M. Cornet exerted his interest in favor of his friend, with a judge who was to try the cause ; and it was de- cided in his favor. Some time after- wards, M. Cornet had doubts of the justice of the decision ; and being ap- prehensive that it had been influenced by his conversations with the judge, he paid to the adversary the whole amount of the sum in dispute. (c) THE POOR HOTEL-KEEPER. — The following interesting anecdote occurs in a German work, entitled, " A Picture of St. Petersburgh." In a little town, five miles from St. Petersburgh, lived a poor German wo- man. A small cottage was her only EXAMPLES OF. 197 possession, and the visits of a few ship- masters, on their way to Petersburgh, her only livelihood. Several Dutch shipmasters having supped at her house one evening, she found, when they were gone, a sealed bag of money under the table. Some one of the company had no doubt forgotten it, but they had sail- ed over to Cronstadt, and the wind being fair, there was no chance of their putting back. The woman put the bag into her cupboard, to keep it till it should be called for. Full seven years, however, elapsed, and no one claimed it; and though often tempted by opportunity, and oftener by want, to make use of the contents, the poor woman's good princi- ples prevailed and it remained untouched. One evening, some shipmasters again stopped at her house for refreshment. Three of them were English, and the fourth a Dutchman. Conversing on various matters, one of them asked the Dutchman, if he had ever been in that town before. " Indeed I have," replied he ; " I know the place but too well : my being here cost me once seven hun- dred rubles." "How so?" "Why, in one of these wretched hovels, I ono^ left behind me a bag of rubles." " Was the bag sealed ?" asked the woman, who was sitting in a corner of the room, and whose attention was aroused by the sub- ject. "Yes, yes, it was sealed, and with this very seal here at my watch- chain." The woman knew the seal in- stantly. " Well, then," said she, " by that you may recover what you have lost." " Recover it, mother ! No, no ; I am rather too old to expect that : the world is not quite so honest : besides, it is full seven years since I lost the money ; — say no more about it, it al- ways makes me melancholy." Meanwhile, the woman slipped out, and presently returned with the bag. " See here," said she ; " honesty is not so rare, perhaps, as you imagine ;" and she threw the bag on the table. {d) EPAMINONDAS NOT TO BE BRIBED.— When great presents were sent to Epaminondas, the celebrat- ed Theban general, he used to observe, — " If the thing you desire be good, I will do it without any bribe, even because it is good; if it be not honest, I will not do it for all the goods in the world." He was so great a contemner of riches, that, when he died, he left not enough to discharge the expenses of his funeral. (e) THE HONEST HORSE TRADERS.— Two aged men near Marsh a;lton, Va., traded, or according to Virginia parlance, swapped, horses on this condition : that on that day week, the one who thought he had the best of the bargain, should pay to the other two bushels of wheat. The day came, and, strange as it may seem, they met about half way between their re- spective homes. " Where art thou going ?" said one. " To thy house with the wheat," answered the other. " And whither art thou riding ?" " Truly," replied the other, " I was taking the wheat to thy house." Each pleased with the bargain, had thought the wheat justly due to his neighbor and was going to pay it. (/) THE TWO FARMERS.— Two neighboring farmers had a dispute respecting the right to a certain meadow, and they could not compro- mise the matter. An action at law was accordingly brought to determine it. On the day appointed for the trial, one of the farmers, having dressed himself in his Sunday clothes, called upon his opponent to accompany him to the Judge. Finding his neighbor at work on his ground, he said to him, " Is it possible you can have forgotten that our cause is to be decided to-day ?" " No," said the other, " I have not forgotten it ; but I cannot well spare time to go. I knew you would be there, and I am sure you are an honest man, and will say nothing but the truth. You will state the case fairly, and justice will be done." And so it proved ; for the far- mer who went to the Judge, stated his neighbor's claims so clearly, that the cause was decided against himself; and he returned to inform his opponent that he had gained the property. (g) THE MAGNANIMOUS NE- PHEW. — A farmer in Bucks County, Penn., died and left his farm, stock, &c., to one of his sons : to the other, who had offended him, he bequeathed £600. Notwithstanding the utmost efforts of the poorer brother, he found himself un- 367 lo-y HONESTY. able to obtain the £600 from his more wealthy brother, and with a family, he was obliged to struggle through life without getting any portion of the money left him by the will of his father. At length the wealthy brother died, and the property fell to an only son. So soon as he got possession of the property, he ascertained the amount of the legacy bequeathed by his grandfather to his un- cle ; he then added the interest which had accrued all the time the legacy had been withheld, and for the whole amount he forthwith sent a check to his uncle. (h) THE HONEST OSTIAK.— A Russian was travelling from Tobolsk to Beresow. On the road he stopped one night at the hut of an Ostiak. In the morning, on continuing his journey, he discovered that he had lost his purse containing about one hundred rubles. The son of the Ostiak found the purse, while out a hunting, but instead of taking it up, went and told his father ; who was equally unwilling to touch it, and ordered his son to cover it with some bushes. A few months after this, the Russian returned, and stopped at the same hut, but the Ostiak did not recognize him. He related the loss he had met with. . The Ostiak listened very attentively, and when he had finished, " You are welcome," said he ; " here is my son who will show you the spot where it lies; no hand has touched it but the one which covered it over, that you might recover what you have lost." (i) THE TURKISH POSTMAN. — Keppel relates, in his "Journey across the Balcan," that, in the winter of 1828, a Turkish postman was sent to some distant part with a considerable sum of money in specie. The money, in such cases, is carried in bags, which the merchants call "groupes." They are given to the postman, and without re- ceiving any written document as proof of the receipt. This man, on returning from his journey, was applied to by a French house for fifteen thousand pias- tres; a sum, at that time, equal to fifteen thousand dollars. He made no attempt to evade the demand, but imme- diately said, " I have doubtless lost the bag, and must therefore pay you as soon 368 as I can raise the money." After ma turely thinking of the loss, he returned by the same road, quite confident that if any Mohammedan should find the mo- ney, it would be returned to him. He had travelled nearly the whole distance, when he arrived, in a very melancholy mood, at a small, miserable coffee-house, where he remembered to have stopped a few moments on his way. He was accosted at the door, by the cafe-jee, who called out to him, " Halloo, sheriff"! when you were last here, you left a bag, which I suppose to contain gold. You will find it just where you placed it." The postman entered, and discovered the identical bag, evidently untouched, although it must have been left exposed to the grasp of the numerous chance customers of a Turkish cafe. (j ) DISCHARGED FOR HON- ESTY. — ^^A country gentleman, says the N. E. Galaxy, placed a son with a merchant in street. And for a season all went on well. But at length the young man sold a dress to a lady, and as he was folding it up, he observed a flaw in the silk, and remarked, 'i Madam, I deem it my duty to tell you there is a fracture in the silk." This spoiled the bargain . But the merchant overheard the remark ; and had he I'e- flected a moment, he might have reason- ed thus with himself, " Now I am safe, while my affairs are committed to the care of an honest clerk." But he was not pleased ; so he wrote immediately to the father to come and take him home ; for, said he, " Jie will never make a merchant." The father, who had brought up his son with the strictest care, was not a little surprised and grieved, and hasten- ed to the city to ascertain wherein his ' son had been deficient. Said the anx- ious father. And why will he not make i a merchant ? Merchant. — Because he has no tact. Only a day or two since, he voluntarily told a lady who was buying silk that the goods were damaged, and so I lost the bargain. Purchasers must look out for themselves. If th#y cannot discover flaws, it will be foolishness in me to tell them of their existence. Father. — And is this all the fault ? HONESTY THE BEST POLICY. 198 Merchant, — Yes : he is very well in other respects. Father. — Then I love my son better than ever ; and I thank you for telling me of the matter ; I would not have him in YOUR STORE another day for the world. 198. Honesty the Best Policy. {a) THE POOR BOY AND THE WALLET. — A lad was proceeding to an uncle's to petition him for aid for a sick sister and her children, when he found a wallet containing fifty dollars. The aid was refused, and the distressed family were pinched for want. The boy revealed the fortune to his mother ; but expressed a doubt about using any portion of the money. His mother con- firmed the doubt, and they resolved not to use it. The pocket-book was adver- tised, and the owner found. Being a man of wealth, upon learning the histo- ry of the family, he presented the fifty dollars to the sick mother and took the boy into his service, and he became one of the most successful merchants in Ohio. Honesty always brings its re- ward — to the mind, if not to the pocket. {h) THE MASTER AND THE APPRENTICE.— A gentleman, one day conversing with a watchmaker upon the dishonest practices of persons in his way of business, was thus addressed by him : " Sir, 1 served my apprenticesiiip with a man who did not fear God, and who consequently was not very scrupu- lous in the charges which he made to his customers. He used frequently to call me a fool, and tell me I should die in a workhouse, when, in his absence, I used to make such charges as appeared to me fair and honest. In course of time I set up in business for myself, and have been so successful as never to have wanted a shilling, whilst my master, who used to reproach me for my hones- ty, became so reduced in circumstances as to apply to me for a couple of guin- eas, and did at length himself actually die in a workhouse." (c) CECIL AND THE ROBBERS. — On one, occasion when the Rev. Rich- ard Cecil had to travel on horseback from London to Lewes to serve his churches, instead of leaving town early 24 in the morning he was detained till noon, in consequence of which he did not arrive on East Grinstead Common till after dark. On this common he met a man on horseback who appeared to be intoxicated and ready to fall from his horse at every step. Mr. C. called to him and warned him of his danger, which the man disregarding, with his usual benevolence he rode up to him in order to prevent his falling, when the man immediately seized the reins of his horse. Mr. C. perceiving he was in bad hands endeavored to break away, on which the man threatened to knock him down if he repeated the attempt. Three other men on horseback immedi- ately rode up, placing Mr. C. in the midst of them. On perceiving his dan- ger it struck him, " Here is an occasion for faith !" and that gracious direction also occurred to him : " Call upon me in the time of trouble ; I will deliver thee."— Psa. 50 : 15. He secretly lifted up his heart to God, entreating the de- liverance which he alone could effect. One of the men, who seemed to be the captain of the gang, asked him who he was and whither he was going. Mr. C. here recurred to a principle to which his mind was habituated, that "nothing needs a lie;" he therefore told them very frankly his name and whither he was going. The leader said : " Sir, I know you, and have heard you preach at Lewes. Let the gentleman's horse go. We wish you good-night." Mr. C. had about him sixteen pounds, which he had been to town to receive, and which at that time was to him a large sum. {d) THE SWEEP AND THE WATCH. — A poor chimney-sweeper's boy was employed at the house of a lady of rank to clean the chimney of her chamber. Finding himself on the hearth of the lady's dressing-room, and perceiving no one there, he waited a few moments to take a view of the beautiful things in the apartment. A gold watch, richly set with diamonds, particularly caught his attention, and he could not forbear taking it in his hand. Immedi- ately the wish arose in his mind : " Ah, if thou hadst such a one !" After a pause he said to himself: " But if I take 369 19§ HONESTY. it I shall be a thief. And yet," con- tinued he, " no one sees me. No one ? Does not God see me, who is present every where ? Should I then be able to say my prayers to him after I had com- mitted this theft ? Could I die in peace ?" Overcome by these thoughts a cold shiv- ering seized him. " No !" said he, lay- ing down the watch ; " I had much ra- ther be poor and keep my good con- science than rich and become a rogue." At these words he hastened back into the chimney. The countess, who was in the room adjoining, having overheard his solilo- quy, sent for him the next morning and thus accosted him : " My little friend, why did you not take the watch yester- day ?" The boy fell on his knees, speechless and astonished. "I heard every thing you said," continued her ladyship ; " thank God for enabling you to resist this temptation, and be watchful over yourself for the future. From this moment you shall be in my service ; I will both maintain and clothe you — nay, more : I will procure you good instruc- tion, that shall ever guard you from the danger of similar temptations." The boy burst into tears ; he was anxious to express his gratitude, but he could not. The countess strictly kept her promise, and had the pleasure to see him grow up a pious and intelligent man. (e) THE EARL AND THE FAR- MER. — A farme;- called on the Earl Fitz William, (of Eng.) to represent that his crop of wheat had been se- riously injured in a field adjoining a certain wood, where his lordship's hounds had, during the winter, fre- quently met to hunt. He stated that the young wheat had been so cut up and destroyed, that, in some parts, he could not hope for any produce. " Well, my friend," said his lordship, " I am aware that we have frequently met in that field, and that we have done considerable injury ; and if you can procure an estimate of the loss you have sustained, I will repay you." The '. farmer replied, that, anticipating his lordship's consideration and kindness, he had requested a friend to assist him in estimating the damage, and they thought that as the crop seemed quite destroyed, 370 £50 would not more than repay him. The earl immediately gave him the money. As the harvest, however, ap- proached, the wheat grew, and in those parts of the field which were most trampled, the corn was strongest and most luxuriant. The farmer went again to his lordship, and being intro- duced, said, " I am come, my lord, re- specting the field of wheat adjoining such a wood." His lordship imme- diately recollected the circumstance. " Well, my friend, did not I allow you sufficient to remunerate you for your loss?" "Yes, my lord, I find that I have sustained no loss at all, for where the horses had most cut up the land, the crop is most promising, and I have, therefore brought the £50 back again." "Ah," exclaimed the venerable earl, " this is what I like ; this is as it should be between man and man." He then entered into conversation with the farmer, asking him some questions about his family — how many children he had, etc. His lordship then went into another room, and returning, presented the farmer with a check for £100, say- ing, " Take care of this, and when your eldest son is of age, present it to him, and tell him the occasion that produced it." We know not which to admire most — the benevolence or the wisdom displayed by this illustrious man ; for while doing a noble act of generosity, he was handing down a lesson of in- tregity to another generation. (/) THE BEGGAR AND DR. SMOLLETT.— A beggar asking Dr. Smollett for alms, he gave him through mistake a guinea. The poor fellow perceiving it, hobbled after him to re- turn it ; upon which Smollett returned it to him, with another guinea as a re- ward for his honesty, exclaiming at the same time, " What a lodging has hon- esty taken up with !" {g) SAVED BY INTEGRITY.— A plain farmer, Richard Jackson by name, was apprehended, during the revolutionary war, under such circum- stances as proved beyond all doubt his purpose of joining the king's forces ; an intention which he was too honest to deny. Accordingly, he, was delivered over to the high sheriff, and committed HONORS, WORLDLY, VANITY OF. 199 to the county gaoL The prison was in such a state that he might have found little difficulty in escaping ; but he con- sidered himself in the hands of authori- ty, such as it was, and the same con- scientiousness — (whether misguided or not, we do not say) — which led him to take up arms, made him equally ready to endure the consequences. After ly- ing there a few days, he applied to the sheriff for leave to go out and work by the day, promising that he would return regularly at night. His character for simple integrity was so well known, that permission was given without hesitation, and for eight months Jackson went out every day to labor, and as duly came back to the prison at night. In the month of May, the sheriff prepared to conduct him to Springfield, where he was to be tried for high treason. Jack- son said this would be a needless trouble and expense ; he could save the sheriff both, and go just as well by himself. His word was once more taken, and he set off alone, to present himself for trial and certain condemnation. On the way, he was overtaken in the woods by Mr. Edwards, a member of the council of Massachusetts, which at that time was the supreme executive of the state. This gentleman asked him whither he was going. To Springfield, sir, was his answer, to be tried for my life. To this casual interview, Jackson owed his escape. Having been found guilty and condemned to death, application was made to the council for mercy. The evidence and the sentence were stated, and the president put the question whether the pardon should be granted. It was opposed by the first speaker. The case, he said, was perfectly clear ; the act was unquestionably high treason, and the proof complete ; and if mercy was shown in this case, he saw no rea- son why it should not be gi%,nted in ev- ery other. Few governments have un- derstood how just and politic it is to be merciful. This hard-hearted opinion accorded with the temper of the times, and was acquiesced in by one member after another, till it came Mr. Edwards' turn to speak. Instead of delivering his opinion, he simply related the whole story of Jackson's singular demeanor, and what had passed between them in the woods. For the honor of Massachu- setts and of human nature, not a man was found to weaken the natural effect of Mr. Edwards' statements on their minds. The council began to hesitate, and when a member ventured to say that such a man certainly ought not to be sent to the gallows, a natural feeling of hu- manity and justice prevailed, and a par- don was immediately made out. 199. HONORS, WORLDLY, VANITY OF. {a) THE SUPERSEDED AMBAS- SADOR.— In 1664, Sir Richard Fan- shawe was ambassador from Charles II. to Madrid. This gentleman had been remarkable for his fidelity to the cause of Charles I, in whose service he had not only endured great privations, but had lost the whole of his family proper- ty. The fealty he had shown to the father was shown to the son, who, in re- warding him with an embassy to Spain, by that very elevation only made his fall the greater, for his disgrace in being superseded by another so affected him, that he died of a broken heart ; such is the gratitude of princes ! Lady Fan- shawe's account of their arrival at Cadiz, confirms the truth of the fore- going observations. After mentioning that when they landed they were wel- comed by volleys of guns, received by a very large number of people, and met by the governor and his lady, she adds, " When we came to the house where we were to lodge, we were nobly treated, and the governor's wife did me the honor to sup with me. We had a guard who constantly waited on us, and sentries at the gate below, and at the stairs-head above. We were visited by all the persons of quality in that town ; our house was richly furnished, both my husband's quarter and mine. The richness of the gilt and silver plate, 371 11W HONORS, WORLDLY, VANITY OF. which we had in great abundance, was fit only for the entertainment of so great a prince as his majesty our master, in the representation of whose person my husband received this great entertain- ment ; yet, I assure you, notwithstand- ing this temptation, that your father and myself both wished ourselves in a re- tired country life in England, as more agreeable to our inclinations." But " as never any ambassador's family went into Spain more gloriously, so never went cfGt any so sad ;" for the de- parture of this lady was little else than expulsion from a situation where every earthly honor had been heaped upon her to satiety, and her company was the dead body of her beloved lord ! She found, however, strength and consola- tion where only they are to be found, in God. (b) EXPERIENCE OF WOTTON. — Sir Henry Wotton, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, who had great honors conferred on him, on account of his near relation to the Queen's great favorite, Robert, Earl of Essex, was very inti- mate with the Duke of Tuscany, and with James, then King of Scotland, (and afterwards of England,) and had been sent on several embassies to Hol- land, Germany, and Venice : after all, he desired to retire with this motto, " That he had learned at length, that the soul grew wiser by retirement," and consequently, that a man was more happy in a private situation, than it was possible for him to be with those worldly honors which were accompanied with so many troubles. In short, the utmost of his aim in this life, for the future, was to be Provost of Eton, that there he m'ght en- joy his beloved study and devotion. (c) THE PRIME MINISTER'S MISERY. — On a court day in Decem- ber, 1795, Sir John Sinclair happened to meet Mr. Secretary Dundas at St. James's, who pressed him to name a day for visiting him at Wimbledon. The day fixed upon chanced to be the last of the year. The party was nu- merous, and included Mr. Pitt. Sir John remained all night ; and next morning, according to Scottish custom, resolved to pay his host an early visit in his own apartment. He found the sec- retary in the library, reading a long pa- per on the importance of conquering the Cape, as an additional security to our Indian possessions. His guest shook him by the hand, adding the usual congratulation, " I come, my friend, to wish you a good new year, and many happy returns of the season." The secretary, after a short pause, replied with some emotion, " I hope this year will be happier than the last, for 1 can scarcely recollect having spent one happy day in the whole of it." This confession, coming from an individual whose whole life hitherto had been a series of triumphs, and who appeared to stand secure upon the summit of po- litical ambition, was often dwelt upon by Sir John as exemplifying the vanity of human wishes. (d) THE SERVANT'S DOCTOR- ATE.— When the University of St. Andrew's, Scotland, sold her honors, a certain minister, who deemed that his ministration would be more acceptable, if he possessed what the Germans call the doctor-hat, put £15 in his purse and went to St. Andrew's to " purchase for himself a good degree." His man- servant accompanied ' him, and was present when his master was formally admitted to the long-desired honor. On his return " the doctor " sent for his servant, and addressed him as follows : " Noo Saunders, ye'll aye be sure to ca' me the doctor ; and gin ony body spiers at you about me, ye'll be aye sure to say the doctor's in his study, or the doctor's engaged, or the doctor will see you in a crack." "That a' de- pends," was the reply, "whether ye ca' me the doctor, too!" (The Rev. Dr. started.) ''Ay, it's just so," con- tinued the other ; "for when I foonu that it cost so little, I e'en got a diploma myself, sa ye'll be just good enough to say, 'doctor, put on some coals,' or, ' doctor, bring the whiskey and hot water,' and gin ony body spiers at ye about me, ye'll be aye sure to say, ' the doctor's in the stable,' or, ' the doctor's in the pantry,' or, ' the doctor's digging potatoes,' as the case may be." 372 HOPE, POWER OF 200 200. HOPE, POWER OF. (a) THE SWEEP AND THE CLERGYMAN.—" Passing down Hud- son- street in New- York one day," says a clergyman, " a sooty, noisy chimney- sweep crossed my path. I had often noticed this class of persons before ; and as I heard their hideous cries and marked their filthy dress and the sooty implements of their calling, I had thought their lot among the most miserable of our race. Pity and curiosity promjpted me, as this chimney-sweep was now passing, to address a few kind words. After a salutation I said : ' My friend, this must be a hard life that you live V * O, no,' said he, and his eye kindled as he spoke ; ' it's not a hard life ; it will soon be over, and then we shall have rest.' I was silent for a moment ; but recovering from my surprise I replied : 'Yes, indeed, we shall have rest in hea- ven if we love and serve the Savior on earth. Do you love him?' 'I do not wish to presume,' said he, ' but I trust I do love the Savior !' What was my gratification to learn that he was a pro- fessor of religion and had been for years a member of a church of the same de- nomination with myself. And when I told him who I was — a minister of Christ and one of his own brethren — he was full of joy. With a few words of advice and congratulation I passed on. ' O, happy man,' thought I. ' Happier in hope of heaven than the kings of the earth without it. Is not such a hope like an anchor to the soul V " (b) BISpOP BEVEPJDGE AND HIS FRIENDS.— When the pious Bish- op Beveridge was on his death-bed he did not know any of his friends or con- nexions. A minister with whom he had been well acquainted visited him, and when conducted into his room he said : " Bishop Beveridge, do you know me ?" " Who are you ?" said the bishop. Be- ing told who the minister was, he said that he did not know him. Another friend came who had been equally well known, and accosted him in a similar manner : " Do you know me, Bishop Beveridge?" "Who are you?" said he. Being told it was one of his inti- mate friends, he said he did not know him. His wife then came to his bed- side and asked him if he knew her. " Who are you ?" said he. Being told she was his wife, he said he did not know her. " Well," said one of them, " Bishop Beveridge, do you know the Lord .Fesus Christ ?" " Jesus Christ !" said he, reviving as if the name had produced upon him the influence of a charm ; " Oh ! yes, I have known Him these forty years ; precious Savior, he is my only hope !" (c) REMEMBERING JESUS CHRIST. — A good old minister who died in this country in 1807, at nearly ninety years of age, had lost his recol- lection and been long incapable of en- gaging in public services. Towards the last days of his life he was removed to the house of a beloved son, where he was attended to with the most filial affection. On the evenin^r before his^ death a neighboring minister visited him, but he did not know him. Being told who he was he answered : " No, 1 do not remember any such person." His beloved son was introduced to him ; but no, he did not know him. " I do not remember that I have a son," said the good old man. In short, his memory was so impaired that he knew none of his family or friends about him. At last he was asked : " Do you not re- member the Lord Jesus Christ ?" On this his eyes brightened ; and attempt- ing to lift his hands in the hour of death he exclaimed : " Oh ! yes ; I do, I do ! I remember the Lord Jesus Christ ! He is my Lord and my God, by whom I hope to be saved !" May we not be as- sured that the gracious Redeemer of sin- ners will not forsake those who thus re- gard him with a love that even the de- cay of nature cannot destroy ? Blessed are they that put their trust in him ! Reader, hast thou done so? If not, 373 201 HOSPITALITY. what will be thy state when thou com- est to die ? (d) WITNESS OF THE SPIRIT. — The celebrated Philip de Morney, prime minister to Henry the IVth of France, one of the greatest statesmen, and the most exemplary Christian of his age, being asked a little before his death, if he still retained the same as- sured hope of future bliss, Avhich he had so comfortably enjoyed during his ill- ness, he made this memorable reply : " I am," said he, " as confident of it, from the incontestable evidence of the Spirit of God, as ever I was of any mathema- tical truth from all the demonstrations of Euclid." (e) THE AFFLICTED SUGAR. BOILER. — A negro named Robert, a sugar-boiler, was dreadfully afflicted for several years; his affliction arose, as was supposed, from a drop of boiling sugar falling on his arm when he was at work. The place broke out, and the sore spread, so that his fingers fell off. The disorder ascended into his head, and his eyes fell out, as also pieces of his skull. His feet were likewise af- fected, and came otf. Yet he bore all this with remarkable patience, and, at times, rejoiced in the hope of being re- ceived to that place where there is no death, neither sorrow nor crying. The last time I visited him, said the minister, I could not bear to look upon him, but only talked to and prayed with him at liis chamber door. When I asked how he was, he said he was just waiting the Lord's time, when he should please to call for him. " Massa," said he, " two hands gone ; two eyes gone ', two feet gone ; no more dis carcase here. Oh, massa ! de pain sometimes too strong for me ; I am obliged to cry out, and pray to de Lord for his assistance." When he came to close his life, he ex- horted all about him to be sure to live to God ; and especially his wife, who had remained with him all the time of his affliction ; a very rare circum- stance then with negroes. But she con- tinued faithful ; and he died happy, ex- horting her to live to God. 201. HOSPITALITY. {a) PARK AND THE NEGRESS. -^When the celebrated Mungo Park was in Africa, he was directed by one of the native kings to a village to pass the night. He went, but as the order was not accompanied with any provi- sion for his reception, he found every door shut. Turning his horse loose to graze, he was preparing, as a security from wild beasts, to climb a tree, and sleep among the branches, where a beautiful and &,ffecting incident occur- red, which gives a most pleasing view of the negro female character. An old woman, returning from the labors of the field, cast on him a look of compassion, and desired him to follow her. She led him to an apartment in her hut, procur- ed a fine fish, which she broiled for his supper, and spread a mat for him to sleep upon. She .then desired her maidens, who had been gazing in fixed astonishment on the white man, to re- sume their tasks, which they continued 374 to ply through a great part of the night. They cheered their labors with a song, which must have been composed extem- pore, as Mr. Park, with deep emotion, discovered that he himself was the sub- ject of it. It said, in a strain of affect- ing simplicity : — " The winds roared, and the rains fell. The poor white man, faint and weary, came and sat under our tree. He has no mother to bring him milk, no wife to grind his corn." Chorus. " Let us pity the white man, no mother has he," etc. Our traveller was much affected, and next morning could not depart, without requesting his landlady's acceptance of the only gift he had left, two out of the four brass buttons that still remained on his waist- coat. {h) GETTING AN INVITATION. — Rev. Mr. had travelled far to preach to a congregation at . Af- ter the sermon, he waited very patient- ly, expecting some one of the brethren HOSPITALITY. 201 to invite him home to dinner. In this he was disappointed. One and another departed, until the house was ahnost as empty as the minister's stomach. Sum- moning resolution, however, he walked up to an elderly-looking gentleman, and gravely said — " Will you go home to dinner with me to-day, brother ?" " Where do you live ?" "About tv/enty miles from this, sir." " No," said the man, coloring, " but you must go with me." " Thank you — I will cheerfully." After that time, the minister was no more troubled about his dinner." (c) HOSPITALITY AMONG TURKS.— Mr. Arundel, in his Dis- coveries in Asia Minor, says : We dis- mounted at the Oda, a lodging house for travellers, in the village of Coose- lare, or Cuselare. It was certainly not a palace, for we shared it with our horses, and there were holes, called windows, without glass or shutters ; but the hospitality of our hosts more than compensated for every thing else. We had trakana soup, pilau, cheese, and petmes, and surprised were we to see our table-cloth, or table-skin, soon after laid, the pancake bread placed all around, and the smoking viands in the midst. It was the more surprising, since we were unexpected guests ; and, as the village seemed wretchedly poor, we ventured to ask an explanation ; and we learned that our fare was the con- tribution of many families : the trakana soup was supplied by one, the pilau by a second, the petmes by a third, the bread by a fourth ; but all were emulous to feed the famished strangers with as little loss of time as possible : and these were Turks ! {d) THE CZAR AND THE PEA- SANT. — The Czar Ivan, who reigned over Russia about the middle of the six- teenth century, frequently went out dis- guised, in order to discover the opinion which the people entertained of his ad- ministration. One day, in a solitary walk near Moscow, he entered a small village, and pretending to be overcome by fatigue, implored relief from several of the inhabitants. His dress was rag- ged, his appearance mean; and what ought to have excited the compassion of the villagers and ensured his reception was productive of refusal. Full of in- dignation at such inhuman treatment, he was just going to leave the place, when he perceived another habitation, to which he had not yet applied for as- sistance. It was the poorest cottage in the village. The emperor hastened to this, and, knocking at the door, a peasant opened it, and asked him what he wanted. "I am almost dying with fatigue and hunger," answered the Czar ; " can you give me a lodging for one night ?" " Alas !" said the peasant, taking him by the hand, " you will have but poor fare ; you are come at an unlucky time ; my wife is in labor ; her cries will not let you sleep ; but come in, come in ; you will at least be sheltered from the cold, and such as we have you shall be welcome to." The peasant then made the Czar enter a little room full of children ; in a cradje were two infants sleeping soundly ! A girl three years old was sleeping on a rug near the cradle ; while her two sis- ters, the one five years old, the other almost seven, were on their knees, cry- ing, and praying to God for their mother, who was in a room adjoining, and whose piteous plaints and groans were distinct- ly heard. " Stay here," said the peasant to the emperor ; "I will go and get something for your supper." He went out and soon returned with some black bread, eggs, and honey. " You see all I can give you," said the peasant ; "partake of it with my chil- dren. I must go and assist my wife." " Your hospitality," said the Czar, " must bring down blessings upon your house ; I am sure God will reward your goodness." " Pray to God, my good friend," replied the peasant, " pray to God Almighty that she may have a safe delivery : that is all I wish for." " And is that all you wish to make you happy ?" " Happy ! judge for yourself; I have five fine children; a dear wife that loves me ; a father and mother both in good health ; and my labor is sufficient to maintain them all." " Do your father and mother live with you ?" " Cer- tainly ; they are in the next room with my wife." " But your cottage here is 375 if 201 HOSPITALITY. so very small !" " It is large enough ; it can hold us all." The good peasant then went to his wife, who in about an hour after was happily delivered. Her husband, in a transport of joy, brought the child to the Czar ; " Look," said he, " look ; this is the sixth she has brought me ! May God preserve him as he has done my others !" The Czar, sensibly affected at this scene, took the infant in his arms : " I know," said he, " from the physiog- nomy of this child, that he will be quite fortunate. He will arrive, I am certain, at preferment." The peasant smiled at the prediction ; and at that instant the two eldest girls came to kiss their new- born brother, and their grandmother came also to take him back. The little ones followed her; and the peasant, laying himself down upon his bed of straw, invited the stranger to do the same. I^In a moment the peasant was in a sound and peaceful sleep ; but the Czar, sitting up, looked around, and contem- plated every thing with an eye of tender- ness and emotion ; the sleeping children and their sleeping father. An undisturb- ed silence reigned in the cottage. '' What a happy chasm ! What delightful tran- quillity !" said the emperor ; "avarice and ambition, suspicion and remorse, never enter here. How sweet is the sleep of innocence !" In such reflections and on such a bed did the mighty em- peror of the Russias spend the night ! The peasant awoke at the break of day, and his guest, after taking leave of him, said, " I must return to Moscow, my friend ; I am acquainted there with a very benevolent man, to whom I shall take care to mention your kind treat- ment of me. I can prevail upon him to stand godfather to your child. Promise me, therefore, that you will wait for me, that I may be present at the christening ; I will be back in three hours at the farthest." The peasant did not think -inuch of this mighty promise ; but in the good nature of his heart, he consent- ed, however, to the stranger's request. The Czar immediately took his leave : the three hours were soon gone, and no- body appeared. The peasant, therefore, followed by his family, was preparing to 376 carry his child to church ; but as he was leaving his cottage, he heard on a sudden the trampling of horses and the rattling of many coaches. He knew the imperial guards, and instantly called his family to come and see the emperor go by. They all ran out in a hurry and stood before their door. The horses, men and carriages soon formed a cir- cular line, and at last the state coach of the Czar stopped opposite the peasant's door. The guards kept back the crowd, which the hopes of seeing their sovereign had collected together. The coach door was opened, the Czar alighted, and, ad- vancing to his host, thus addressed him : " I promised you a godfather ; I am come to fulfil my promise : give me your child, and follow me to church." The peasant stood like a statue ; now looking at the emperor with the mingled emo- tions of astonishment and joy ; now ob- serving his magnificent robes and the costly jewels with which they were adorned, and now turning to a crowd of nobles that surrounded him. In this pro- fusion of pomp he could not discover the poor stranger who lay all night with him upon straw. The emperor for some moments si- lently enjoyed his perplexity, and then addressed him thus : " Yesterday you performed the duties of humanity ; to- day I am come to discharge the most delightful duty of a sovereign, that of re- compensing virtue. I shall not remove you from a situation to which you do so much honor, and the innocence and tranquillity of which I envy ; but 1 will bestow upon you such things as may be useful to you. You shall have numerous flocks, rich pastures, and a house that will enable you to exercise the duties of hospitality with pleasure. Your new- bom child shall become my ward ; for you may remember," continued the emperor, smiling, " that 1 prophesied he would be fortunate." The good peasant could not speak ; but, with tears of sensibility in his eyes, he ran instantly to fetch the child, brought him to the emperor, and laid him respectfully at his feet. This ex- cellent sovereign was quite affected ; he took the child in his arms, and carried HUMANITY. 209 him himself to church ; and, after the ceremony was over, unwilling to de- prive him of his mother's milk, he took him back to the cottage, and ordered that he should be sent to him as soon as he could be weaned. The Czar faith- fully observed his engagement, caused the boy to be educated in his palace, provided amply for his farther settle- ment in life, and continued ever after to heap favors upon the virtuous pea- sant and his family. HUMANITY. 201. Humanity Exemplified. (a) CESAR AT PHARSALIA.— Julius Csesar was not more eminent for his valor in overcoming his enemies, than for his humane efforts in reconcil- ing and attaching them to his dominion. In the battle of Pharsalia he rode to and fro, calling vehemently out, "Spare, spare the citizens !" Nor were any killed but such as obstinately refused to accept life. After the battle, he gave every man on his own side leave to save any of the opposite from the list of pro- scription ; and at no long time after he issued an edict, permitting all whom he had not yet pardoned, to return in peace to Italy, to enjoy their estates and hon- ors. It was a common saying of Csesar that no music was so charming to his ears, as the requests of his friends, and the supplications of those in want of his fl SSI st3.n f*p (b) A GOVERNOR'S HUMANI- TY. — When Catharine of Medicis had persuaded Charles IX to massacre all the Protestants in France, orders were sent to the governors of the different provinces to put the Huguenots to death in their respective districts. One Cath- olic governor, whose memory will ever be dear to humanity, had the courage to disobey the cruel mandate. " Sire," said he, in a letter to his sovereign, " I have too much respect for your majesty not to persuade myself that the order I have received must be forged ; but if, which God forbid, it should be really the order of your majesty, I have too much respect for the personal character of my sovereign to obey it." (c) LOUIS XIV AND THE EN- GLISH AMBASSADOR— After the revocation of the famous edict of Nantz, when the Protestants were persecuted in every part of France, an English Ambassador demanded of Louis XIV the liberty of all those who were sent to the galleys on account of their religion. "And what," answered the royal bigot, " would the king of England say, were I to require the release of all his prison- ers in Newgate ?" " Sir," returned the ambassador, " the king my master would immediately comply with your requisition, if your majesty interposed for them, not as malefactors, but as your brethren." (d) MEASURING FEELING.— A respectable merchant of London, having been embarrassed in his circumstances, and his misfortunes having been one day the subject of conversation in the Royal Exchange, several persons expressed great sorrow ; when a foreigner who was present, said, " I feel five hundred pounds for him, what do you feel ?^* (e) HENRY IV AND THE SIEGE.— When Henry IV of France was advised to attempt taking Paris by an assault, before the King of Spain's troops arrived to succor the leaguers, he absolutely protested against the measure, on the principle of humanity. " I will not," said he, " expose the capi- tal to the miseries and horrors which must follow such an event. I am the father of my people, and will follow the example of the true mother who pre- sented herself before Solomon. I had much rather not have Paris, than obtain it at the expense of humanity, and by the blood and death of so many innocent persons." Henry reduced the city to obedience without the loss of blood, except two or three burgesses who were killed. " If it was in my power," said this humane 377 202, 203 HUMANITY. monarch, " I would give fifty thousand crowns to redeem those citizens, to have the satisfaction of informing posterity that I had subdued Paris without spill- ing a drop of blood." (/) THE CHILD'S RESCUE.— An English gentleman relates the following affecting fact : I was once going in my gig up the hill in the village of Frankford, near Philadelphia, when a little girl, about two years old, who had travelled away from a small house, was lying basking in the sun in the middle of the road. About two hundred yards before I got to the child, the teams, five big horses in each, of three wagons, the drivers of which had stopped to drink at a tavern at the brow of the hill, started off*, and came nearly abreast, galloping down the road. I got my gig off* the road as speedily as I could, but expected to see the poor child crushed to pieces. A ywmg man, a journeyman carpenter, who was shingling the shed by the road- side, seeing the child, and aware of the danger, though a stranger to the pa- rents, jumped from the top of the shed, ran into the road, and snatched up the child when scarcely an inch before the hoof of the leading horse. The horse's leg knocked him down, but he, catching the child by its clothes, flung it out of the way of the other horses, and saved himself by rolling back with surprising agility. The mother of the child, who had apparently been washing, seeing teams coming, and knowing the situa- tion of the child, rushed out, and catch- ing it up just as the carpenter had flung it back, hugged it in her arms, and ut- tered a shriek such as I never heard be- fore. Then she dropped down as if en- tirely dead. By the application of the usual means, she was restored, howev- er, in a little while ; and I, being about to depart, asked the carpenter if he was a married man, and whether he was a relation of the parents of the child. He said he was neither. "Well then," said I, " you merit the gratitude of eve- ry lather and mother in the world ; and I will show you mine by giving you what I have," puUmg out the nine or ten dollars which I had in my pocket. " No, I thank you, sir," said he ; " I have 378 only done what it was my duty to do." (g) LESSON TO CONQUERORS. — When Edward the Confessor had en- tered England from Normandy to recover the kingdom, and was ready to give the Danes battle, one of his cap- tains assured him of victory, adding, " We will not leave one Dane alive." To which Edward replied, " God forbid that the kingdom should be recovered for me, who am but one man, by the death of thousands. No : I will rather live a private life, unstained by the blood of my fellow-men, than be a king by such a sacrifice." Upon which he broke up his camp, and again retired to Normandy, until he was restored to his throne without blood. (A) KNOX'S REPLY TO THE PRISONERS.— The prisoners in St. Michael, once consulted John Knox, as to the lawfulness of attempting to escape, by breaking their prison ; which was opposed by some of their number, lest their escape should subject their brethren who remained in confinement to a more severe treatment. He re- turned for answer, that such fears were not a sufficient reason for relinquishing the design, and that they might with a safe conscience effect their escape, pro- vided it could be done " without the blood of any shed or spilt. To the shedding of any man's blood for their freedom he would never consent." (i) ANTHONY'S OPINION OF REVENGE— Anthony behaved with such lenity towards those who had been engaged for Cassius, that he wrote to the Senate, requesting them to spare the shedding of blood ; and requesting this honor to be allowed to his reign, that even under the misfortunes of a rebellion, none had lost their lives, except in the first heat of the tumult. " I wish," said he, "that I could even recall to life many of those who have been killed ; for revenge in a prince hardly ever pleases, since even when just, it is considered as severe." 201. linmanity Rewarded. (a) HUMANE DRIVER RE- WARDED. — A poor Macedonian sol- HUMANITY. 303 dier was one day leading before Alex- ander a mule laden with gold for the king's use ; the beast being so tired that he was not able either to go or sustain the load, the mule-driver took it off, and carried it himself with great difficulty a considerable way. Alexander seeing him just sinking under the burthen, and about to throw it on the ground, cried out, " Friend, do not be weary yet ; try and carry it quite through to thy tent, for it is all thy own." (b) AGRIPPA AND THAUMAS- TUS. — When Agrippa was in a private station, he was accused, by one of his servants, of having spoken injuriously of Tiberius, and was condemned by the emperor to be exposed in chains before the palace gate. The weather was very hot, and Agrippa became exces- sively thirsty. Seeing Thaumastus, a servant of Caligula, pass by with a pitcher of water, he called to him, and entreated leave to drink. The servant presented the pitcher with much cour- tesy ; and Agrippa having allayed his thirst, said to him, " Assure thyself, Thaumastus, that if I get out of this captivity, I will one day pay thee well for this draught of water." Tiberius dying, his successor Caligula, soon after not only set Agrippa at liberty, but made him king of Judea. In this high situation Agrippa was not unmindful of the glass of water given to him when a captive. He immediately sent for Thaumastus, and made him comptroller of his household. (c) TRIUMPH OF METELLUS.— When Nertobrigia was invested by Q. Csecilius Metellus, the Roman pro- consul, Rhetogenes, a chief lord of the place, came out and surrendered him- self to the Romans. The inhabitants, enraged at his desertion, placed his wife and children, whom he had left behind, in the breach which the legionaries were to mount. The Roman general hearing of this, and finding that he could not attack the city without sacrificing them, abandoned a certain conquest, and raised the siege. No sooner was this act of humanity known through Tarraconian Spain, than the in- habitants of the revolted cities strove who should first submit to him ; and thus was a whole country recovered by one humane act. (d) MERCY BETTER THAN SACRIFICE.— When the Romans had ravaged the province of Azazene, and seven thousand Persians were brought prisoners to A mida, where they suffered extreme want, Acases, Bishop of Amida, assembled his clergy, and represented to them the misery of these unhappy prisoners. He observed that as God had said, " I love mercy better than sacrifice," he would certainly, be better pleased with the relief of his suffering creatures, than with being served with gold and silver in the churches. The clergy were of the same opinion. The consecrated vessels were sold ; and with the proceeds, the seven thousand Per- sians were not only maintained during the war, but sent home at its conclusion with money in their pockets. Varenes, the Persian monarch, was so charmed with this humane action, that he invited the bishop to his capital, where he re- ceived him with the utmost reverence, and for his sake conferred many favors on the Christians. (e) CLEMENCY OF ALPHON- SUS. — The city of Cajeta having re- belled against Alphonsus, was invested by that monarch with a powerful army. Being sorely distressed for want of pro- visions, the citizens put forth all their old men, women and children, and shut the gates upon them. The king's min- isters advised his majesty not to permit them to pass, but to force them back into the city ; by which means he would speedily become master of it. Alphon- sus, however, had too humane a disposi- tion to hearken to counsel, the policy of which rested on driving a helpless mul- titude into the jaws of famine. He suffered them to pass unmolested ; and when afterwards reproached with the delay which this produced in the siege he feelingly said, " I had rather be the preserver of one innocent person, than be the master of a hundred Cajetas." Alphonsus was not without the re- ward which such noble clemency merit- ed. The citizens were so affected by it, that, repenting of their disloyalty, they soon afterwards yielded up the city to him of their own accord. 379 203, 204 HUMILITY. (/) THE ARCHDUKE AND HIS WOUNDED SOLDIERS. — When the Archduke Charles was on his way from Bohemia, to take the command of his army, as he drew near the scene of action, he met a number of wounded men abandoned by their comrades on the road, for want of horses to draw the carriages in their retreat. The prince immediately ordered the horses to be taken from several pieces of cannon that were already retreating, saying that these brave men were better worth saving than a few cannon. When Gen- eral Moreau, into whose hands the can- non of course fell, heard of this benev- olent trait, he ordered them to be restored lo the Austrian army, observing that he would take no cannon that were abandoned from such humane motives. ig) HAPPY EFFECTS OF HU- MANITY.— The following facts of a young chief of the Pawnee nation, and son of Old Knife, one of the Indians who visited the city of Washington, in America, a few years ago, from the foot of the Rocky Mountains, are highly creditable to his courage, his generosity, and his benevolence_i__ This young war- rior, when these events occurred, was about twenty-five years old. At the age of twenty-one, his heroic deeds had acquired for him, among his people, the rank of " bravest of the brave." The savage practice of torturing and burn- ing to death their prisoners existed in this nation. An unfortunate female, taken in war, of the Paduca nation, was destined to this horrible death. The fatal hour had arrived : the trem- bling victim, far from her home and her friends, was fastened to the stake : the whole tribe was assembled on the sur- rounding plain, to witness the awful scene. Just when the wood was about to be kindled, and the spectators were on the tiptoe of expectation, this young warrior, who sat composedly among the chiefs, having before prepared two fleet horses, with the necessary provisions, , sprang from his seat, rushed through the crowd, loosed the victim, seized her in his arms, placed her on one of the hor- ses, mounted the other himself, and made the utmost speed towards the nation and friends of the captive. The multitude, dumb and nerveless with amazement at the daring deed, made no effort to rescue their victim from her deliverer. They viewed it as the act of their deity, submitted to it without a murmur, and quietly retired to their village. The released captive was ac- companied through the wilderness to- ward her home, till she was out of danger. He then gave her the horse on which she rode, with the necessary provisions for the remainder of her journey, and they parted. On his re- turn to the village, such was the respect entertained for him, that no inquiry was made into his conduct ; no censure was passed on it : and, since this transaction, no human sacrifice has been offered in this or any of the Pawnee tribes. Of what influence is one bold act in a good cause ! On the publication of this anecdote at Washington, the young ladies of a female seminary, in that city, presented this brave and humane Indian with a handsome silver medal, on which was engraven an appropriate inscription ; accompanied by an address, of which the following is the close : — " Brother, accept this token of our esteem ; always wear it for our sake ; and, when you have again the power to save a poor woman from death and torture, think of this and of us, and fly to her rescue." 204. HUMILITY. (a) " BY THE GRACE OF GOD I AM WHAT I AM."— Two or three years before the death of John Newton, when his sight was so dim that he was no longer able to read, an aged friend and brother in the ministry called on 380 him to breakfast. Family prayer suc- ceeding, the portion of Scripture for the day was read to him. It was suggested by " Bogatsky's Golden Treasury :" •' By the grace of God, I am what I am." It was the good man's custom. HUMILITY. d04 on these occasions, to make a few short remarks on the passage read. After the reading of this text, he paused for some moments, and then uttered the fol- lowing affecting soliloquy : — " I am not \\ liat I ought to be ! Ah ! how imperfect and deficient ! I am not what I wish to be ! I abhor that which is evil, and I would cleave to what is good ! I am not what 1 hope to be ! Soon, soon, I shall put off mortality, and with mortal- ity all sin and . imperfection ! Yet, though 1 am not what I ought to be, nor what 1 wish to be, nor what I hope to be, I can truly say I am not what I once was, a slave to sin and Satan ; and I can heartily join with the apostle, and acknowledge, " By the grace of God, I am what I am !" Let us pray !" (b) MATHER'S RETRACTION. — Dr. Cotton Mather had maintained, with much earnestness, a particular opinion in the prime of life. In ad- vanced age, he re-examined the wri- tings of his opponent which he had re- plied to, and was convinced of his error. This fact he was careful to ac- icnowledge. (c) REYNOLDS AND THE OR- PHAN. — A lady applied to the emi- nent philanthropist of Bristol, Richard Reynolds, on behalf of a little orphan boy. After he had given liberally, she said, " When he is old enough, I will teach him to name and thank his bene- factor." " Stop," said the good man, " Thou art mistaken. We do not thank the clouds for rain. Teach him to look higher, and thank him who giveth both the clouds and the rain." {d) THE NOBLEMAN AND THE PRAYER MEETING.— A nobleman was in the habit of attending a prayer meeting in the country village where he lived, and where a iew poor people were accustomed to assemble to seek the presence of the Divine Majesty. It was at first customary for these humble persons to make way for him if he came in a little after the appointed time ; but he expressed his unwilling- ness to receive this mark of respect, saying he should be satisfied to occupy the lowest station. In other places he thought he had a right to claim the dis- tinctions of his rank ; but there he felt himself in the same situation as them- selves. Such conduct displayed the genuine feelings of piety, which rising superior to the artificial distinctions of society, rejoices in the fellowship of the body of Christians. (e) LOUIS IX AND THE KIT- CHEN BOY.— Louis the IXth, king of France, was found instructing a poor kitchen boy ; and being asked why he did so, replied, " The meanest person hath a soul as precious as my own, and bought with the same blood of Christ." (/) OVERLOOKING SELF.— " On a visit to London," says the Rev. .1. Campbell, in a letter to a minister, " I was expressing a great desire to see the late Mr. Charles of Bala, with whom I had corresponded for three years concerning a remarkable revival which had taken place under his minis- try. Mr. C. happening to be in town at the same time, your father kindly took me to Lady Ann Erskine's, where he resided. We spent there two happy hours. Your father requested Mr. C. to favor us with a brief outline of the circumstances which led to the remark- able revival at Bala, and its surround- ing region, its progress, &c. He did so for upwards of an hour. On our leav- ing him, your father said, ' Did you not observe the wonderful humility of Mr. C. in the narrative he gave ? Never having once mentioned himself, though he was the chief actor and instrument in the whole matter." ' {g) ELEVATION BY HUMIL- ITY — In the evening of the day that Sir Eardley Wilmot kissed the hand of his majesty, on being appointed chief justice, one of his sons, a youth of seventeen, attended him to his bed-side. " Now," said he, " my son, I will tell you a secret worth your knowing and remembering. The elevation I have met with in life, particularly this last instance of it, has not been owing to any superior merit or abilities, but to my humility ; to my not having set up myself above others, and to a uniform endeavor to pass through life void of offence towards God and man." (h) THE CONVERTED INDIAN. — In the year 1742, a veteran . warrior of the Lenape nation and Monsey tribe, 381 204 HUMILITY. renowned among his friends for his bravery, and dreaded by his enemies, joined the Christian Indians at Bethle- hem, Pa. He was now at an advanced age, full of scars, and all over tattooed with the scenes of the actions in which he had been engaged. All who heard his history thought that it could never be surpassed. This man was brought under the influence of religion ; and when he was afterwards questioned re- specting his warlike feats, he modestly replied, "that being now taken captive by Jesus Christ, it did not become him to relate the deeds done while in the service of the evil spirit : but that he was willing to give an account of the manner in which he had been con- quered." (z) " THE SONS OF GOD."— An individual, says a missionary, employed in the translation of the Scriptures at a station where I resided, on arriving at the passage , " Now are we the sons of God !" etc., 1 John iii. 2, came run- ning to me in great haste, exclaiming, " No, no, it is too much ; allow me to render it, * Now are we permitted to kiss his feet.' " A simple and beautiful re- presentation of those feelings with which Christians should ever contemplate the dignity of their character, and the hon- or conferred on them. (j) THE PREACHER AND THE FARMER.— The Rev. Mr. R , in a sermon before a numerous audience, composed in part of preachers, related the following anecdote, illustrative ot the influence of humility in subduing a suspicious and repugnant mind. A young preacher, said he, on going to a distant field of labor, had occasion to stop over night with a farmer, a member of a church, an honest man, hut, unhappily, of a peevish, suspicious temper, that had been exasperated by several instances of imposture, in which vagrant men had availed themselves of his hospitality under the character of Christian ministers. The young preacher had just commenced his min- isterial career, his appearance was not prepossessing, and he was depressed with anxiety respecting his untried field of labor. It was late in the evening when he reached the gate of the farm- 382 yard. The farmer came forth to meet him with chilling coldness. He made surly inquiries about his name, whence he came, whither he was going, etc., expressing, meanwhile, by his looks his suspicions ; and giving very direct inti- mations about false pretensions, etc. Weary and depressed as was the stran- ger, he felt a momentary indignation, but, repressing it, he resolved to copy the meekness of his Master, and, by his example, if not otherwise, attempt to cure the perversity of his rustic host. He was pointed to the stable, with per- mission to feed his horse, and come into the house. As he approached the house he was directed to the kitchen. Some food was spread on a rude table for him. The hired men in the kitchen whispered to each other their surprise that he was not invited into the parlor. Though of humble origin himself, he felt keenly the indignity of his treat- ment : the pride of his heart for a mo- ment revolted, and he arose to resume his journey, with the prospect of a rainy night : but he suddenly checked his feelings, and, looking to God, resolved to await patiently the result of this strange scene. It was not long before all were called into another room for family prayers. The preacher followed the hired labor- ers, and took his seat in a corner. The farmer read a chapter in the Bible. At the end of it he was evidently embar- rassed by an inward struggle, not know- ing what to do ; but, finally, turning to the preacher, he abruptly asked him to pray. They knelt down, and the young man, oppressed with feelings which prayer could best relieve, poured out his soul and tears before God. A di- vine influence came down on all pres- ent, they sobbed around him. The meek pathos of his tones, the spirituali- ty of his sentiments, the evangelical views involved in the prayer, and its prevailing earnestness, struck all pres- ent. The morose farmer, subdued and melted, approached him at the conclu- sion of the prayer, and, in the presence of the family, with flowing tears, begged his pardon. " I should not have been so suspicious," said he, " but I have HUiMILITY. 204 been all day under a strong temptation of the adversary — my mind has been irritable — my conduct towards you to- night, is a mystery to myself; I cannot account for it, even by the state of my mind during the day. I have not been myself, or I would not have so treated you. Forgive me, sir. How have you been able to endure it ?" " My Lord," replied the youthful preacher, " has said, ' Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart.' It is my ambition to do so. Try, my brother, to learn the same lesson." It was the keenest re- buke that could be given to the farmer ; he felt its pertinency, made the hum- blest acknowledgments, and begged his ^maltreated guest to tarry at the house several days, and preach to the family and neighbors. His engagements would not allow him to remain so long ; but, such was the importunity of his host, that he consented to preach next day. That night he reposed in the best chamber in the house, and his rest was sweetened by the thought that he had conquered a perverse mind by an ex- ample of meekness. The next day he preached with deep effect, and went on his journey with the prayers and bless- ings of the farmer. " And what do you suppose," said the Rev. Mr. R , "was the result? The old farmer was a better man ever after : the sermon had a salutary influ- ence on the whole neighborhood, several were awakened, and among them, three of the farmer's children ; two of them have since gone safe to heaven. Ah ! it is the temper of Christ that fits us for usefulness ! (k) TRUE MISSIONARY SPIRIT. — The Rev. Dr. Morrison, of China, af- ter having for some years labored at Canton, earnestly requested the Direc- tors of the London Missionary Society to send him out a colleague ; their at- tention was directed to Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Milne. A circumstance occurred on his first introduction to the friends of that Society, which at once showed his devotedness to the Savior's cause, and the humble opinion he entertained of himself On his appearance before the committee at Aberdeen, he seemed so rustic and unpromising, that a worthy member took Dr. Philip aside, and ex- pressed his doubts whether he had the necessary qualifications for a missiona- ry ; but added, that he would have no objection to unite in recommending him as a servant to a mission, provided he would be willing to engage in that ca- pacity. " At the suggestion of my worthy friend," says Dr. Philip, " I de- sired to speak with him alone. Having stated to him the objection which had been made, and asked him if he would consent to the proposal, he replied, with- out hesitation, and with the most signifi- cant and animated expression of coun- tenance, " Yes, sir, most certainly ; I am willing to be any thing, so that I am in the work. To be ' a hewer of wood and a drawer of water' is too great an honor for me when the Lord's house is building." (/) " NONE TO SPEAK OF."— Dr. Lathrop was a man of generous pi- ety, but much opposed to the noisy zeal that seeketh the praise of men. A young divine who was much given to enthusiastic cant, one day said to him — " Do you suppose you have any real re- ligion .?" " None to speak of," was the excellent reply. (m) DR. CAREY'S HUMILITY.— When Dr. Carey, the Missionary, was suffering from a dangerous illness, the inquiry was made, " If this sickness should prove fatal, what passage would you select as the text of your funeral sermon?" He replied, "Oh, I feel that such a poor sinful creature as I, is unworthy to have any thing said about him ; but if a funeral sermon should be preached let it be from the 51st Psalm, and first verse — ' Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy loving- kindness ; according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies, blot out my transgressions.' " The following extract from the will of this eminent Missionary, is equally illustrative of the general humility of his character. " I direct that my fu- neral be as plain as possible, and that the following inscription and nothing more be cut out on my grave-stone, viz. : William Carey, b6rn August 17th, 1761 ; DIED " A wretched, poor and helpless worm, On thy kind arms I fall." 383 205 HYPOCRISY. 205. HYPOCRISY. {a) THE HYPOCRITE'S END.— The foliowing fact is related by the au- thor of Pastoral Letters. N was a branch of a pious family, some of whose ancestors were martyrs. She was re- ligiously educated by her pious parents ; and her education, particularly her knowledge of history, was extensive. In her study of history the progress of religion had attracted her chief atten- tion. Religious topics were her ele- ment ; her remarks often evinced the correctness and vigor of her judgment ; and she often delighted the social circle by her striking application of the cur- rent matters of conversation to the sub- ject of religion. Like the rest of the pious family, she seemed devoted to all the duties of a Christian, with only one exception, and this they wondered at ; that she did not attend with them at the Lord's table. All regarded her as an ornament of religion, and urged her to take a part in this ordinance. In one year N lost both her pi- ous parents, and she had just put off mourning, when she was taken desper- ately ill. Having been on terms of in- timacy with the family, I was sent for at her request to visit the dying sister. I certainly went prepared, to see a Christian die : but what was my aston- ishment to behold those features, instead of smiling in death, as I expected, clothed in all the horrors of mental ago- ny ! Bidding me sit down, and ascer- taining there weri^ no witnesses, she addressed me in nearly these terms : I am glad you are come : I cannot bear to go out of the world a deceiver, but I am unable to tell the sad secret of my heart to those about me, it would be too much for them to hear. I am not the character my friends have supposed. I am not religious — do not interrupt me — I have talked about religion, my pas- sions have dften felt the powers of the world to come, and * my imagination roved at large among things unseen ; I have amused myself with these matters, 384 and regarded with the interest of an amateur their effects upon minds whom I reckoned of an inferior order, though ennobled by a birth from heaven. But amidst all, my own heart has never loved religion as a personal thing : in- deed, I have never concerned myself about it for myself, and now I must die without any of its prospects, and be shut out forever from all its enjoyments." I paused a moment and began to ob- serve that " Life is the season of hope," and admitting all I heard to be correct, still the Savior's saying, " Whosoever Cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out," is equally entitled to credit. But she cut me short, observing, " The vig- or of my youth and the strength of my intellect I have wasted in living to myself; I never cared for the divine approbatiort ; and God is justly my adversary. Cast down as I am, I cannot go with a piteous tale of misery to petition for mercy for which I car plead no services, nor live to show any gratitude. I know already what you would say to these sentiments — you would hold out mercy as yet attainable ; but my heart revolts at it. Heaven would be no heaven to me on the terms I can only enter it. I have been a worthless idler, and cannot endure to receive the reward of a faithful sol- dier." Surprised as I was, I endeavored to enforce the necessity of renouncing such sentiments, and was urging that a good confession, though late, would find ac- ceptance, when she interrupted me with some energy : " No, sir, spare me, spare yourself, my character is finished ; what I am that shall I be forever. The tree is even now falling : it is too late to di- rect where .its trunk shall be extended on the earth." The doctor coming in, I soon after took my leave, intending to renew my visit, but in the morning learned that N had expired in the night. IDLENESS. 305, 206 (b) HYPOCRITES INACCESSI- BLE. — President Edwards remarks, as the result of long and close observation, that, of all sinners, unconverted profes- sors of religion are the most hopeless. In his account of the great New Eng- land revival in which he labored very extensively, he states that whilst such immense multitudes, and a large pro- portion of all ages and conditions in life were powerfully wrought upon, and driven to seek refuge from the wrath to come, unconverted professors stood alone unmoved. 206. IDLENESS. (a) BLOWING THE BELLOWS. — The happiness to be derived from re- tirement from the bustle of the city, to the peaceful and rural scenes of the coun- try, is more in idea, than it often proves to be in reality. A tradesman in Lon- don, who had risen to wealth from the humble ranks of life, resolved to retire to the country to enjoy, undisturbed, the rest of his life. For this purpose, he purchased an estate and mansion in a sequestered corner in the country, and took possession of it. While the alter- ations and improvements which he di- rected to be made were going on, the noise of hammers, saws, chisels, etc. around him, kept him in good spirits. But when his improvements were fin- ished, and his workmen discharged, the stillness every where disconcerted him, and he felt quite miserable. He was obliged to have recourse to t smith up- on his estate for relief to his mind, and he actually engaged to blow the bel- lows for a certain number of hours in the day. In a short time this ceased to afford the relief he desired ; he return- ed to London, and acted as a gratuitous assistant to his own clerk, to whom he had given up his business. (h) DISEASE A RELIEF.— A tradesman Avho had acquired a large fortune in London, retired from busi- ness, and went to reside in Worcester. His mind, without its usual occupation, and having nothing else to supply its place, preyed upon itself, so that exist- ence became a torment to him. At last he was seized with the stone ; and a friend, who found him in one of its se- verest attacks, having expressed his condolence, "No, no, sir," said he, "do not pity me ; for I assure you what I 25 now feel is ease compared with the tor- ture of mind from which it relieves me." (c) CLARENDON'S NEIGHBOR. — " When I visited a country neighbor of mine" (says Lord Clarendon) " in the morning, I always found him in bed ; and when I came in the afternoon, he was asleep, and to most men besides myself, access was denied. Once walk- ing with him, I doubted he was melan- choly, and, by spending his time so much in bed, and so much alone, that there was something that troubled him ; otherwise that it could not be that a man upon whom God had poured so many blessings should be so little contented as he appeared to be. To which he an- swered, ' that he thought himself the most happy man alive in a wife who was all the comfort he could have in this world ; that he was at so much ease in his fortune, he did not wish it great- er ; but he said he would deal freely with me, and tell me, if he were mel- ancholy, (which he suspected himself of,) what was the true cause of it ; that he had somewhat he knew not what to do with ; he knew not how to spend his time ; which was the reason he loved his bed so much, and slept at other times, which he said he found did him already no good in his health.' " Lord Claren- don adds, that the unhappy gentleman's melancholy daily increased with the ag- ony of his thoughts, till he contracted diseases which carried him off at the age of thirty-six. {d) IDLENESS AND IRRELl- GION. — Dr. Dwight says, " Among all those, who, within my knowledge, have appeared to become sincerely pen- itent and reformed, I recollect only a single lazy man : and this man became 385 206, 20Y IDOLATRY, FOLLY OF. industrious from the moment of his ap- parent, and, I doubt not, real conver- sion." (e) THE SPIRITUAL MONK.— A certain brother came to the convent at Mount Sinai, and finding all the monks at work, shook his head and said to the Abbot, " Labor not for the meat which perisheth," and, " Mary hath cho- sen that good part." "Very well," said the Abbot, and ordered the good brother to a cell and gave him a book to read. The monk retired, and sat hour after hour all day long alone ; wondering much that nobody called him to dinner, or offered him any re- freshment. Hungry and wearied out, the night at Ijength arrived : he left his solitary cell and repaired to the apart- ment of the Abbot. " Father," says he, "do not the brethren eat to-day?" " Oh yes," replied the Abbot, " they have eaten pleniifully." "Then how is it. Father," said the monk, " that you did not call me to partake with them ?" " Because, brother," replied the Abbot, " you are a spiritual man, and have no need of carnal food. For our part, we are obliged to eat, and on that account we work ; but you, brother, who have chosen 'the good part,' you sit and read all the day long, and are above the want of the meat that perisheth." " Pardon me. Father," said the monk, " I perceive my mistake." 207. IDOLATRY, FOLLY OF. (a) A BECHUANA'S VIEW OF IDOLATRY. — A Bechuana man, says a missionary, once came into my house and sat himself down. He took up one of our missionary sketches that was ly- ing near him ; having looked at it, he concluded that the figures upon it — ug- ly ones — represented living animals. It never entered into his mind that man would make a thing that never existed. He asked my little daughter Mary, " What game is this ?" She said, " They are not game ; there are na- tions that worship these things." " Oh !" said he, " how you tell fibs." She replied, " I am not telling fibs. I heard mamma say so, and my mamma does not tell fibs." He asked her again what game they were, and she again told him that they were things that w ere worshipped, for they have no name for idols. He burst out into an exclama- tion of wonder, questioned her again, but received the same answer- — that people worshipped these things the same as her papa wished them to worship Je- hovah and Jesus. The man was full of amazement, and repeated that she was telling fibs ; but she maintained the truth of what she said, and told him to go to her papa. He came to me and said, Look at that; your daughter 386 says so and so. Is it true ?" I said, " It is." Having looked at me with as- tonishment, he said, " I know you do not tell lies ;" and laying the paper down upon a piece of timber that I was planing, he looked at it, put his hands to both sides of his head, and waving it backwards and forwards, said, " The people that make these things of wood and stone, — have they got heads like Bechuanas^" " Yes," I replied, " they have heads." " Have they got legs ?" " Yes, they have legs." " Have they got a pair of bellows to breathe through ?" (he meant lungs.) " Yes." The man's wonder continued to in- crease, and he then asked> " Can they talk, and think, and speak ? Can they reason ? Can they explain a diflicult thing ? Can they speak in a public meeting like our senators ?" On being told that they could do all these things, he said, " After this, never say that the Bechuanas are either foolish or igno- rant." Taking from his neck a whistle made of ivory, and carved with some device, perhaps a man's head, or a buffalo, or a giraffe, he looked at the whistle with great reverence, and nod- ding his head in a very solemn way, he said, " What would my people think if 1 were to worship that?" Just at that IDOLATRY, FOLLY OF. 207 moment, while he was talking with much animation, his staff dropped from his hand. He grasped it, and pointing to the picture, he held up his staff and said, " This looks as well as this mon- ster, and I might as well worship my staff just as you worship Jehovah. What would my people think if I were to do so ? They would think I was a madman, and would throw me over a precipice, and cover me with stones." {h) THROWING DOWN THE IDOLS. — A native gentleman of India, in relating his history to one of the mis- sionaries, said : — My father was an officiating priest of i a heathen temple, and, was considered in those days, a superior English ! scholar ; and, by teaching the English ! language to wealthy natives, realized a very large fortune. At a very early i period, when a mere boy, I was em- 1 ployed by my father to light the lamps in the pagoda, and attend to the various things connected with the idols. I hardly remember the time when my mind was not exercised on the folly of idolatry. These things, I thought, were made by the hand of man, can move only by man, and, whether treat- ed well or ill, are unconscious of either. Why all this cleaning, anointing, illum- inating, etc.? One evening, these con- siderations so powerfully wrought on my youthful mind, that instead of plac- ing the idols according to custom. I threw them from their pedestals, and left them with their faces in the dust. My father, on witnessing what I had done, chastised me so severely, as to leave me almost dead. I reasoned with him, that if they could not get up out of the dust, they were not able to do what I could ; and that instead of being worshipped as gods, they deserved to lie in the dust, where I had thrown them. He was implacable, and vowed to dis- inherit me, and, as the first step to it, sent me away from his house. He re- lented on his death-bed, and left me all his wealth. (c) A JEW'S ARGUMENT.— "Some Roman senators examined the Jews in this manner : ' If God had no delight in the worship of idols, why did he not destroy them V The Jews made answer, 'If men had worshipped only things of which the world had had no need,- he would have destroyed the ob- jects of their worship ; but they also worship the sun and moon, stars and planets ; and then he must have de- stroyed his worlds for the sake of these deluded men.' ' But still,' said the Romans, ' why does not God destroy the things which the world does not want, and leave those things which the world cannot be without V ' Because,' replied the Jews, ' this wc.uld strengthen the hands of such as worship these neces- sary things, who would say. Ye allow now that these are gods, since they are not destroyed.' " id) SERVING GOD WORSE THAN A THIEF.— As Mr. Kincaid was preaching to the people, in Arracan, a man took up manfully on the side of Gaudama, while another man, who had been a great opposer, occasionally threw in a word in favor of Mr K., when the following conversation took place be- tweenthe two men : " You have become a disciple of Christ, have you ? You join with this foreign teacher, do you, to prove that our god is no god, and that our religion, which has stood a thousand years, is only a cheat and a fable ? You are like a dog that is coaxed away by a thief — you may as well lick honey from the edge of a razor as tft listen to this foreigner." Very well," replied my new ally, " I have reviled this religion, and this teacher more than you have, but I was a fool with both my eyes shut — this religion is true, and every body would believe it if they knew what it is. We make a god of wood, and then put a rope around his neck, and carry him off to his own place, and then put a fence around him, and keep him there till the white ants eat him up. We would not serve a thief as bad as this. There is as much evidence to prove that Gauda- ma was a monkey, as that he was a I god." 387 908 IMPRECATIONS ANSWERED. 208. IMPRECATIONS ANSWERED. (a) THE PERJURER'S IMPRE- CATION. — A man once waited on a magistrate near Hitchin, in the county of Hertford, (Eng.) and informed him that he had been stopped by a young gentleman in Hitchin, who had knocked him down and searched his pockets ; but not finding any thing, he had suffered him to depart. The magistrate, aston- ished at this intelligence, despatched a messenger to the young gentleman, ordering him to appear immediately, and answer to the charge exhibited against him. The youth obeyed the sum- mons, accompanied by his guardian and an intimate friend. Upon their arrival at the seat of justice, the accused and accus- er were confronted ; when the magistrate hinted to the man, that he was afraid he had made the charge with no other view than that of extorting money, and bade him take care how he proceeded ; ex- horting him, in the most earnest and pathetic manner, to beware of the dreadful train of consequences attending perjuiy. The man insisted upon mak- ing oath to what he had advanced ; the oath was accordingly administered, and the business fully investigated, when the innocence of the young gentleman was established, by the most incontrovertible evidence. The infamous wretch, find- ing his intentions thus frustrated, re- turned home • much chagrined ; and meeting soon afterwards with one of his neighbors, he declared he had not sworn to any thing but the truth, calling God to witness the same in the most solemn manner, and wished, if it was not as he had said, his jaws might be locked, and that his flesh might rot upon his bones ; when, terrible to relate, his jaws were instantly arrested, and he was deprived of the use of the faculty he had so awfully perverted ! After lingering nearly a fortnight, he expired in the greatest agonies, his flesh literally rot- ting upon his bones. (b) THEN LET IT CRUSH ME TO ATOMS.— I knew a man, says a correspondent of the " Tract Maga- zine," in 1825, who was very much ad- 388 dieted to swearing, and attempts to con- vince him of the error of his ways were in vain ; all reproof was lost upon him. He was a laborer in a stone quarry, and having one day fastened a stone to a rope, for the purpose of being hoisted up, the man at the top of the quarry said he thought the rope was not strong enough ; the man below immediately replied, with a most dreadful oath, " Then let it crush me to atoms." 7^he wretched man had hardly uttered these words, when the stone fell, and hurried his unprepared soul into the presence of his offended God. (c) INSCJ^IPTION AT DEVIZES. — The following inscription is to be seen in the market-place at Devizes (Eng.) ; — " The mayor and corporation of De- vizes avail themselves of the stability of this building to transmit to future times the record of an awful event, which occurred in this market-place, in the year 1753, hoping that such a re- cord may serve as a salutary warning against the danger of impiously invok- ing the Divine vengeance, or of calling on the holy name of God, to conceal the devices of falsehood and fraud. On Thursday, the 25th of January, 1753, Ruth Pierce, of Pottern, in this county, ag^'eed with three other women to buy a sack of wheat in the market, each pay- ing her due proportion towards the same. One of these women, in collecting the, several quotas of money, discovered a deficiency, and demanded of Ruth Pierce the sum which was wanting to make good the amount. Ruth Pierce protested that she had paid her share, and said, she wished she might drop down dead, if she had not. She rashly repeated this awful wish, when, to the consternation of the surrounding multi- tude, she instantly fell down and expired, having the money concealed in her hand." (d) THE OPPOSER'S PRAYER. — A candidate for the Christian ministry was once invited to settle in New En- gland. In giving the invitation, there was a general union in the church and IMPRECATIONS ANSWERED. 30§ society. A few, however, were opposed to the settlement. Among the opposers, one man was exceedingly bitter. This person was open and explicit in express- ing the hatred of his heart toward those doctrines, commonly called the doc- trines of grace, that were preached by the candidate. A few weeks previous to the ordination, in conversation with some neighbors on the subject of the candidate's settlement among them, the man expressed himself in the following- manner : — " I wish I may die before he is settled here." The appointed day approached, and the man remained un- relenting in his opposition. On the morning of the Sabbath preceding the day of ordination, being in usual health and busied in some domestic concern, he was seized in a very surprising manner. In a moment, he was struck into a state of insensibility, speechless, and hopeless. In this melancholy state he continued till Wednesday morning, the day of ordination, when, about two hours before the commencement of the public solemnities, according to his own desire, he expired ! His case was so extra- ordinary as to baffle the attempts of skilful physicians, either to restore him or to satisfy themselves as to the natural cause of his situation. (e) A COCK-FIGHTER'S CURSE. — A person who lived in the parish of Sedgley, near Wolverhampton, (Eng.) having lost a considerable sum by a match at cock-fighting, to which prac- tice he was notoriously addicted, swore in the most horrid manner, that he would never fight another cock as long as he lived ; frequently calling upon God to damn his soul to all eternity if he did, and with dreadful imprecations, wishing the devil might fetch him if he ever made another bet. It is not to be won- dt^red at, if resolutions so impiously formed, should be broken ; for a while however, they were observed ; but he continued to indulge himself in every other abomination to which his depraved heart inclined him. But, about two years afterwards, Satan, whose willing servant he was, inspired him with a violent desire to attend a cocking at Wolverhampton ; and he complied with the temptation. When he came to the place, he stood up, as in defiance of Heaven, and cried, " I hold four to three on such a cock." " Four what ?" said one of his companions in inquity. "Four shillings," replied he. "I'll lay," said the other. Upon which they confirmed the wager, and, as his custom was, he threw down his hat, and put his hand in his pocket for the money ; when, awful to relate, he instantly fell a ghastly corpse to the ground. Ter- rified at his sudden death, some who were present, for ever after desisted from this infamous sport ; but others, hardened in iniquity, proceeded in the barbarous diversion, as soon as the dead body was removed from the spot. (/) BETTING AND DYING.— The following relation of facts was pre- sented to the public, in several of the London newspapers of February 13, 1814 : — A melancholy event occurred yesterday evening, between seven and eight o'clock, at the cock-pit, St. Giles's. Whilst preparations were making for the setting-to of the cocks, to engage in this cruel sport, a Mr. Thorpe, from the country, a well-known character, had taken his seat in the front of the pit, and not two minutes before his death, had offered to back the Huntingdon birds for ten guineas. He was observed to lean his head forward, and appeared somewhat ill. He made a kind of moan, and instantly his color changed, and he was a corpse. *Surgical aid was imme- diately procured, but the spark of life was extinct. The body' was removed to a neighboring public-house, for the in- spection of a coroner's inquest. The wife and sister of the deceased soon ar- rived to see the body, and the reader may judge of their feelings. It is a fact no less singular than true, that the de- ceased, half an hour before his death, had said, " The last time I was here, I said, if ever I attended the pit again, I hoped I should die there." fe) THE FATHER'S WISH.— In the neighborhood of Hitchin, in Hert- fordshire, there lived a few years ago a laboring man, who having a cross child, frequently wished, with an oath, that his next child might be both deaf and dumb. He afterwards had three chil- dren, all of whom were deaf and dumb. 389 909 INCONSISTENCY OF PROFESSED CHRISTIANS. 209. INCONSISTENCY OF PROFESSED CHRISTIANS. {a) THE INDIAN'S INFER. ENCE. — Mr. Brainerd informs us, that when among the American Indians, he stopped at a place where there was a great number, and offered to instruct them in the truths of Christianity. " Why," said one of them, " should you desire the Indians to become Christians, seeing the Christians are so much worse than the Indians ? The Christians lie, steal, and drink, worse than the Indians. They first taught the Indians to be drunk. They steal to so great a degree, that their rulers are obliged to hang them for it ; and even that is not enough to deter others from the practice. But none of the Indians were eve>r hanged for stealing ; and yet they do not steal halt so much. We will not consent, therefore, to become Christians, lest we should be as bad as they. We will live as our fathers lived, and go where our fathers are, when we die." Not- withstanding that Mr. B. did all he could to explain to them that these were not Christians in heart, and that he did not want them to become such as these, he could not prevail on them to accept his doctrine, but left them, mortified at the thought that the wickedness of some, who professed Christianitj, should pro- duce such prejudices. * (i) " IT IS ALL A FARCE."— I heard, says a Christian minister, an excellent sermon to young people, on a New Year's day, in the morning. The text was, " Redeeming the time, be- cause the days are evil," Eph. v. 16. The minister then went to dine and spend the rest of the day with a party, where the time was spent in feasting, levity, and folly. Late in the evening, one of the party observed, " Really this is a poor way of redeeming the time." " Poh !" said another, " it is all a farce." Let ministers and others beware lest their inconsistencies should lead any to deride the religion they profess. (c) AN ATHEIST QUIETING CON- SCIENCE .-^An atheist being asked by a professor of Christianity, " how he could quiet his conscience in so desper- 390 ate a state ?" replied, " As much am I astonished as yourself, that believing the Christian religion to be true, you can qui- et your conscience in living so much like the world. Did I believe what you pro- fess, I should think no care, no diligence, no zeal enough." Alas ! that there should still, by Christians, be so much cause given for the astonishment of atheists ! (d) UNIVERSALIST'S ARGU- MEN T.— Said a Universalist to a Cal- vinist, " Do you believe in eternal pun- ishment ?" "Yes," said the Calvinist. " No," said the other, " you do not be- lieve any such thing. Why," contin- ued the Universalist, " do you believe that Mr. S. of believes in if? No, he does not believe any such thing." Again the Universalist added, " Do you believe that Rev. Mr. of be- lieves that I am going to hell ? He and I have lived here these years ; he has met me hundreds of times in the streets, and has never said a word to me on the subject — he does not believe any such thing." (e) THE TWO MINISTERS.-^ As deep and ardent piety exerts its most powerful influence upon those most in- timately acquainted, so a want of it will be soonest detected, and most deeply felt, in the domestic circle. This is il- lustrated by the following facts. In the village of O — , N. Y., there lived a minister noted for the depth and ardor of his piety. During an interest- ing revival, his eldest daughter became concerned about her eternal welfare. At an evening meeting, the anxious were invited to occupy a particular seat, in token of their desire for an inte- rest in the prayers of God's people. The minister's daughter did not go for- ward, but upon the arrival of the fami- ly at home, she said, " Father, I want you to pray for me." The father in- quired why she had not taken the anx- ious seat. The immediate and earnest reply was, " I had rather you would pray for me, than any body else in the world." At a time of similar interest in the village of P , there lived a INDUSTRY. 210 minister who was perhaps equally ac- counted of in public, whose eldest daughter was also convicted of sin. She passed her time as usual, under the paternal roof, but with a sad counte- nance and heavy heart. Three days passed, while deep distress of soul was daily growing deeper. She then, without the knowledge of her parents, (neither of them having yet inquired af- I ter the state of her mind,) wrote a note to a neighboring lady, most earnestly ! soliciting her to come and pray for her as a poor lost sinner. Christian fathers ; and mothers ! beware you do not des- I troy the confidence of your children in i your piety by your inconsistency, so that I when under conviction for sin, and de- ' sirous of the prayers of others, they I should, in like manner, pass you by. 210. INDUSTRY. (a) CRESSIN'S DEFENCE.— Pli- ny tells us of one Cressin, who so tilled and manured a piece of ground, that it yielded him fruits in abundance, while the lands around him remained extreme- ly poor and barren. His simple neigh- bors could not account for this wonder- ful differenee on any other supposition than that of his working by enchant- ment ; and they accordingly proceeded to arraign him for his supposed sorcery, before the justice seat. " How is it," said they, " unless it be that he enchants us, that he can contrive to draw such a revenue from his inheritance, while we, with equal lands, are wretched and miserable ?" Cressin was his own ad- vocate ; his case was one which re- quired not either ability to expound, or language to recommend. " Behold," said he, " this comely damsel ; she is my daughter, my fellow laborer ; be- hold, too, these implements o^ husband- ry, these carts, and these oxen. Go with me, moreover, to my fields, and behold there how they are tilled, how manured, how weeded, how watered, how fenced in ! And when,'" added he, raising his voice, " you have beheld all these things, you will have beheld all the art, the charms, the magic, which Cressin has used !" The judges pronounced his acquittal, passing a high eulogium on that indus- try and good husbandry which had so innocently made him an object of suspi- cion and envy to his neio;hh")rs. (&) THE CLERICAL GARDEN- ER. — As Peter the Great, of Russia, was travelling through a village in France, he saw in a garden, belonging to a parsonage, a man in a cassock, with a spade in his hand, digging hard at some beds of vegetables. The czar, much pleased with the sight, alighted, and asked him who he was. "Sir," answered the man, "I am the clergyman of the village." " I took you for a gardener ; why are you employed in this manner ?" " The revenues of my living being but very moderate, I do not choose to be an expense to my parishioners, but wish rather to have it in my power to assist them ; they respect me the more when they see that, to procure myself some of the conveniences of life, I im- prove this garden, and in this humble occupation spend as much of my time as the duties of my ministry will al- low." "You are an honest man," replied the czar ; " and I esteem you the more for thinking and acting in this manner ; tell me your name." He drew out his tablets, and wrote down the name of the worthy clergyman ; and, after telling him who he himself was, and giving him many proofs of kindness, he took leave of him, and returned to his carriage. When he went back to Moscow, he did not forget this scene, and endeavor- ed to induce the priests in his empire to imitate so virtuous an example. (c) "COME AND GO."— A gentle- man in Surrey, (Eng.,) once held a farm worth £200 a year in his own hands, till he was obliged to sell half of it to pay his debts, and let the other half to a farmer, on a lease of 21 years. After a while, the farmer wanted to buy the land. " How is this," said the gentleman, 391 210—212 IMPULSES— INFIDELITY. *' that I could not live upon the farm, being my own, while you have paid rent, and yet are able to purchase it?" '• O," said the farmer, " two words make all the difference : you said go, and I say come ; you lay in bed, or took your pleasure, and sent others about your business ; and I rise be- times, and see my business done my- self" {d) A DILIGENT STUDENT.— A correspondent of the New York Evangelist gives a striking notice of the B.ev. John, A. Sherman, a Missionary in Benares, upon the Ganges, 500 miles above Calcutta. While at Andover, Mass., though on a passing visit, and in a foreign land, where he wished to no- tice things around him, he read, during the ten days of his stay, Henry's Life of Calvin, a recent German work in three large octavos, besides much in p/eriodi- cals, and besides spending considerable time in social intercourse, preaching twice, and delivering a most interesting lecture, of two hours' length, on India. About two years of his time in India has been spent in Calcutta, in translat- ing and printing the Bible in the Hindostan language, for the British and Foreign Bible Society. While engaged on this translation, he applied himself from four in the morning till eight in the evening, notwithstanding the intense and sultry heat of Calcutta. And strange as it may seem to some, he as- signs this very fact of his intense appli- cation, as a leading cause of his unin- terrupted health and vigor. " The man who would live in India," he says, " must have plenty of work ; if not, he will yield to the enervating influence of the climate, and lounge away his days upon the sofa, and consequently be toss- ing all night on his sleepless couch, for want of the requisite fatigue. Then comes dejection of spirits, and utter prostration of the whole man." 2n. IMPULSES. (a) THE TEN COMMAND- MENTS AND IMPULSES.—" Seve- ral of you," said Rev. R. Robison in a sermon, " know a good old man who de- parted this life twenty years ago, and who often exhorted you to live by the Ten Commandments, and not by im- pulses. He used to tell, you know, how he got free from that delusion fifty years before. Then he was pious and poor, and, being only a lad, thought all suggestions in Scripture style came from heaven. Walking in the fields in want of firewood, by the side of a neigh- bor's hedge, he wished some of it to burn, and the impulse came clothed in Scripture language, " In all this Job sinned not." Believing this suggestion to be the teaching of the Spirit, he began to make free with his neighbor's wood. Presently he discovered his mistake by trying his impulse with the eighth com- mandment, " Thou shah not steal," and so got rid of an error which might have led him out of the church into a jail. INFIDELITY. CAUSES OF INEIDELITY. 212. Ignorance. {a) GENERAL HAMILTON'S CONFESSION.— A young lawyer, in conversation with Bishop Chase, related the following fact respecting General Hamilton which had occurred but a short time before. The young lawyer had 392 been an infidel, but his mind was now changed, and this narration was given in answer to Bishop Chase's inquiry how the change was brought about. " In pursuit of his professional duties Gen- eral Hamilton passes from New York to Albany, to attend the highest courts, and Poughkeepsie is his stopping-place for rest and social chat. We young CAUSES OF INFIDELITY. 312 lawyers delight to meet him at Hen- drickson's tavern, and there breathe to- gether the atmosphere of wit and satire. Not long since, he passed by : we gath- ered round him, and he greeted us with his usual cordiality. But there was something altered in his wit — it was solemn, yet more affectionate. At length, to break the spell, I ventured, as erst, a story, the edge of which was ridicule against Christians and their creed. As I finished the anecdote, in- stead of the loud laugh, and responsive tale, the General gravely asked me, if I knew what I had been talking of ? Confusion is the best name I can give my feelings and behavior before the great man at such a question from his lips. Seeing my embarrassment, he said he did not design to give me pain, but by his question, to call my attention to his own case. '• ' Not many months ago,' said he, ' I was, as you are, doubtful of the truths of Christianity ; but some circumstan- ces turned my thoughts to the investiga- tion of the subject, and I now think differently. I had been in company with some friends of a similar sentiment in New York. 1 had indulged in re- marks much to the disadvantage of Christians, and disparagement of their religion. I had gone further than ever before I had done in this way. Coming home, I stood, late at night, on the door steps, waiting for my servant. In this moment of stillness, my thoughts re- turned to what had just passed at my friend's and on what I had said there. And what if the Christian religion be true, after all ? The thought certainly was natural, and it produced in my bo- som the most alarming feelings. I was conscious that I had never examined it — not even with that attention which a small retaining fee requires in civil cases. In this I hold myself bound to make up my mind according to the laws of evidence ; and shall nothing be done of this sort, in a question that involves the fate of man's immortal being? Where every thing is at stake, shall I bargain all without inquiry ? — Wilfully blinding my own eyes, shall I laugh at that, which, if true, will laugh me to scorn in the day of judgment ? These questions did not allow me to sleep quietly. In the morning I sent to my friends, the clergy, for such books as treated on the evidence of Christianity — I read them, and the result is, I be- lieve the religion of Christians to be the truth — that Jesus Christ is the Son of God — that he made an atonement for our sins by his death, and that he rose for our justification.' " This is the substance of General Hamilton's declaration to me at Hen- drickson's, and you may judge how I feel since. As I have followed the Ge- neral in many other respects, so would I imitate him here." (b) SIR ISAAC NEWTON AND H ALLEY. — Sir Isaac Newton set out in life a clamorous infidel^ but on a nice examination of the evidences for Christianity, he found reason to change his opinions. When the celebrated Dr. Edmund Halley was talking infidelity before him. Sir Isaac addressed him in these or like words ? " Dr. Hal- ley, I am always glad to hear you when you speak about astronomy or other parts of the mathematics, because that is a subject you have studied and well understand ; but you should not talk of Christianity, for you have not stu- died it. I have, and am certain that you know nothing of the matter." This was a just reproof, and one that would be very suitable to be given to half the infidels of the present day, for they often speak of what they have never studied, and what, in fact, they are entirely ignorant of. Dr. Johnson, therefore, well observed, that no honest man could be a Deist, for no man could be so after a fair examina- tion of the proofs of Christianity. On the name of Hume being mentioned to him, " No, sir," said he ; " Hume own- ed to a clergyman in the bishopric of Durham that he had never read the New Testament with attention." (c) CONFESSION OF COUNT STRUENSEE.— From the written and published confessions of many converted infidels, it would be easy to show that the most violent opposers of the Bible are generally those who are most ignorant of its contents. An illustration of this remark may be drawn from the history 393 213 INFIDELITY. of the unfortunate Count Struensee, prime minister of Denmark, under Christian VII. whose downfall produced the tragical revolution in the Danish Cabinet of 1772. This distinguished individual had long been an avowed and zealous infi- del, when hfe was suddenly hurled from the summit of power to the horrors and gloom of a dungeon. During the four months he spent in prison under the pious and zealous instruction of the Rev. Dr. Munter, he became thoroughly con- vinced of the truth of Christianity, and, as it appeared, a true penitent. In the memorable confession which he wrote before he went to the scaffold, he says, " My former unbelief and aversion to religion, were founded neither upon an accurate inquiry into its truth, nor upon a critical examination of those doubts which are generally made against it. They arose, as is usual in such cases, from a very general and superficial knowledge of religion on one side, and much inclination to disobey its precepts on the other, together with a readiness to entertain every objection which I dis- covered against it." In another place, after having carefully examined the evidences of Christianity and his former objections by the aid of Dr. Munter, he exclaims like a man awakened from a dream, " I never imagined that Chris- tianity was founded on such strong evi- dences or that they would have convin- ced me so. After a calm examination I have found them to be unexception- able, and none, if they only take the proper time, and are not against the trouble of meditating, can ever examine it without being convinced of its truth. Every thing is naturally and well con- nected, and recommends itself to a mind given to reflection. I never found in Deistical writings a system so well connected, and upon the whole I am in- clined to believe there is no such thing as a regular system of infidelity." m. Corruption of the Heart and life. (a) THE WAY TO ATHEISM.— I was, says a New England minister, some time before my conversion, under serious impressions on the subject of re- 394 ligion. I had a pious education, and my awakened conscience now alarmed me on account of my danger, and pain- ed me on account of my guilt. I would not submit to God, and I accord- ingly tried to find relief in Universal- ism. But I had to wrest and rack the Scriptures so much to support that wretched theory, that I soon became convinced of the absurdity of trying to believe the Bible and disbelieve in future punishment. I next threw away the Bible, and tried to find a solid foun- dation in Deism. But t was still unsat- isfied ; and my next plunge was into blank and utter Atheism. What pre- sumption ! A youth less than eighteen years of age rejecting the Bible, deny- ing the being of a God, and the immor- tality of the soul ! But my belief in all this unbelief, was firm and unshaken. I looked upon myself as possessed of superior wisdom. Christians as simple- tons> and religion as downright lolly and superstition. Here I thought I had found relief — then no fear of God, man or devil dis- turbed me. I went to board in a pious family. One evening after prayer, Mr. and Mrs , who were pious persons, en- tered into personal conversation with me on the subject of religion. I frank- ly told them it was in vain to talk with me — that I was a downright Atheist. They were astonished and thunder- struck at the declaration. After recov- ering from the shock, they kindly en- treated me to review the ground on which I stood, and to seek my soul's sal- vation. A singularly incongruous ex- hortation, as some would say, to a person who believed he had no God to pray to, and no soul to be saved. But had they been inspired their words could scarcely have been more adapted to meet my case. Their tenderness had an effect upon me which all the arguments of theologians would pot have accomplish- ed. I retired to bed, but not to rest. I was led to look back over my past career ; and my progress in skepti- cism was all revealed before me as under a blaze of light. I saw I had disbeliev- ed, and that because I wished to disbe- lieve. I saw then what I had forgotten, CURE OF INFIDELITY. 213,214 or never distinctly known before, that I had deceived myself into it, and I be- held the course which 1 had taken to blind my own eyes. The self imposi- tion and iiijluence of desire upon my in- fidel opinions was just as plain to me as any fact in my past life. That review of the process by which T had become an infidel, (a process of which I was previously unconscious,) convinced me of the folly and falsity of infidelity. I was led to renounce its unholy dogmas, and brought step by step to embrace the humbling, and self-denying truths of the gospel. I have often thought that if the infidels of the present day could have the heart in like manner bared be- fore them, and see how its depraved wishes have influenced their judgments, in rejecting religion, they would lose confidence, like myself, in their skepti- cal notions, and come to a similar happy result. (b) CAUSE OF INFIDELITY AVOWED. — Mr. Wilberforce once told the Rev. Wm. Jay that, some years ago, passing through Dorchester during Carlile's confinement there, he went to see him in prison, and endeavored to en- gage him in a conversation upon the Scriptures ; but he refused : he said he had made up his mind, and did not wish it to be perplexed again ; and, pointing to the Bible in the hands of his visitor, he said in an awful manner, " How, sir, can you suppose that I can like that Book ? for if it be true, I am undone forever !" " No," said the pious phi- lanthropist, " this is not the necessary consequence, and it need not be ; that Book excludes none from hope who will seek salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ." (c) LOOSE tlFE, LOOSE CREED. — It has often been a matter of wonder, that the principles and reasonings of infi- dels, though frequently accompanied with great natural and acquired abili- ties, are seldom known to make any im- pression on thoughtful people. It is said of a deceased gentleman, who was emi- nent in the literary world, that in early life, he drank deeply into the free-think- ing scheme. IJe, and one of his com- panions of the same turn of mind, often carried on their conversations in the hearing of a religious, but illiterate countryman. This gentleman after- wards became a true Christian, and felt concern for the countryman, lest his faith in Christianity should have been shaken i One day, therefore, he asked him, whether what had so frequently been advanced in his hearing, had not produced this effect upon him. " By no means," answered the countryman ; " it never made the least impression upon me." " No impression upon you !" said the gentleman ; " why you must have known that we had read and thought on these things much more than you had any opportunity of doing." " Oh, yes," replied the man ; " but I knew also your manner of living ; I knew that to maintain such a course of conduct, you found it necessary to re- nounce Christianity." (d) THEY WISHED IT TO BE SO. — Three young men who were ex- ecuted in Edinburgh, in 1812, imme- diately afler committing the robberies for which they suffered, had gone to Glasgow ; and one evening they heard the family with whom they lodged, em- ployed in the worship of God. This struck their minds exceedingly, and suggested the question, — Whether there is a God, and a world to come ? After some discussion, they came to this con- clusion, — ' That there is no God, and no world to come !' — a conclusion, as they themselves acknowledged, to which they came on this sole ground — and how much infidelity that abounds in the world rests on no better — that they wished it to be so. 214. Core of Infidelity. (a) DR. NELSON'S TESTIMO- NY. — Dr. Nelson, of Illinois, in his work on Infidelity, says, that for many years he had endeavored to persuade every infidel to read some work on the evidences of Christianity, and he never knew but tivo instances fail of convic- tion, and in these he did not know the result for want of opportunity. (b) OPPOSER TURNED APOL- OGIST. — Athenagoras, a famous Athe- nian philosopher in the second century, not only doubted the truth of the Chris- 395 214, 215 INFIDELITY. tian religion, but was determined to write against it. However, upon an in- timate inquiry into the facts on which it was supported, in the course of his col- lecting materials for his intended publi- cation, he was convinced by the blaze of its evidence, and turned his designed invective into an elaborate apology, which is still in existence. (c) WEST AND LITTLETON.— Perhaps few events tend more power- fully to impress the mind, as to the overwhelming power of the evidence at- tending true Christianity, than the fact, that many who have sat down to read the sacred volume with the view of op- posing it, have been compelled, by the force of conviction, cordially to embrace its truths. From many instances of this kind we select the following, as related by the Rev. T. T. Biddulph : The effect which was wrought on the mind of the celebrated Gilbert West, by that partic- ular evidence of our Lord's resurrection which was afforded to his apostles, was very remarkable. He and his friend Lord Littleton, both men of acknow- ledged talents, had imbibed the princi- ples of infidelity from a superficial view of the Scriptures. Fully persuaded that the Bible was an imposture, they were determined to expose the cheat. Mr. West chose tjie resurrection of Christ, and Lord Littleton the conver- sion of St. Paul, for the subject of hos- tile criticism. Both sat down to their respective tasks, full of prejudice, and a contempt for Christianity. The result of their separate attempts was truly ex- traordinary. They were both convert- ed by their endeavors to overthrow the truth of Christianity. They came to- gether, not, as they expected, to exult over an imposture exposed to ridicule, but to lament their own folly, and to congratulate each other on their joint conviction, that the Bible was the word of God. Their able inquiries have fur- nished two most valuable treatises in favor of revelation ; one entitled, " Ob- servations on the Conversion of S^ Paul," and the other, " Observations on the Resurrection of Christ." (d) TAKING THE PART OF THE CHRISTIAN.— The following is from the communication of an Ameri- 396 can clergyman who writes (in 1827) for a Missionary to be sent to the place referred to in this extract. A settlement was commenced at S. some ten years ago, by emigrants from various sections of our country, but the largest number, it is believed, were from New England, many of whom were men of intelligence and active industry. There was not a single professor of re- ligion among them, and nearly or quite all had embraced Deistical sentiments, and they manifested a disposition to shut out the gospel from their settlement. They frequently met for the sole pur- pose of strengthening each other in these sentiments. Nothing, for a time, disturbed them. But, behold the Sove- reignty of God ! It was suggested by one of their number, as their meetings had been rather dull, " to appoint some one to take the part of the Christian." The plan was approved, and the duty was .assigned to my informant. He un- dertook the defence of Christianity. To this end, it was necessary that he should have a Bible, and also that he should read it. But to use his own expression, " he thought Christianity should be the last thing he would ever embrace." He was first delighted, then astonished, then alarmed, with his own reasoning. He continued to read, and soon found evi- dence of the truth of Christianity which his conscience could no longer resist. He was humbled before God, and soon after rejoicing in hope of his mercy ; and set himself in good earnest to con- vince his neighbors of his lost condition. A little church is there organized, but they have no one to break to them the bread of life. What Missionary would not be willing to enter a field like this ? 21§. Moral Character and Influence of the Doctrines and Supporters of Infidelity. (a) GREATEST TERROR RE- MOVED. — A servant, upon whom the irreligious conversation continually passing at his master's table, had pro- duced its natural effect, took an oppor- tunity to rob him. Being apprehended, and urged to give a reason for his mis- conduct, he said, " Sir, I had heard you i MORAL CHARACTER AND INFLUENCE. 215 so often talk of the impossibility of a fu- ture state, and that after death there was no reward for virtue, nor punish- ment for vice, that I was tempted to commit the robbery." " Well, but had you no fear," asked the master, " of the death which the law of your country in- flicts upon the crime?" "Sir," re- joined the servant, looking sternly at his master, " what is that to you, if I had a mind to venture that ? You had re- moved my greatest terror ; why should I fear the less ?" {b) INFIDELS AT THE LORD'S SUPPER.— Collins, though he had n\ belief in Cliristianity, yet qualified him self for civil office by partaking of the Lord's Supper; Shaftesbury did the same ; and the same is done by hun- dreds of infidels to this day. Yet thesi are the men who are continually d( claiming against the hypocrisy priests ! (c) DYING TESTIMONY OF A SO CIALIST . — ^A town missionary, in Bifmingbarn, attended a misguided infi- del on his death-bed, and the system of Socialism being referred to, the dying man exclaimed, " Call it not Socialism ; call it Devilism ! for it has made me more like a devil than a man. I got into company, which led me to Social- ism and to drinking. I rejected the Bible, denied the Savior, and persuad- ed myself that there was no hereafter ; and as the result, I acted the part of a bad father and a bad husband. I have the testimony of my master, that I was a steady and respectable man until I listened to the Owenites ; but, since that time, I have become a vagabond, and those who formerly knew me have shunned me in the streets. The system of the Owenite is worse than that of Paine." Such was the testimony of a dying victim of Socialism. (d) SEVERAL NOTED INFI- DELS — If we look at the writings and conduct of the principal adversaries of Christianity, we shall form no very fa- vorable opinion of their system, as to its moral effects. The morals of Roches- ter and Wharton need no comment. Woolston was a gross blasphemer. Blount solicited his sister-in-law to mar- ry him ; and, being refused, shot him- self. Tindal was originally a Protest- ant, then turned Papist, then Protestant again, merely to suit the times ; and was, at the same period, infamous for vice in general, and the total want of principle. He is said to have died with this prayer in his mouth, " If there be a God, I desire that he may have mercy upon me." Hobbes wrote his " Levia- than" to serve the cause of Charles I ; but finding him fail of success, he turn- ed it to the defence of Cromwell, and made a merit of this fact to the usurper, as Hobbes himself unblushingly de- clared to Lord Clarendon. Morgan had no regard for truth, as is evident from his numerous falsifications of Scripture, as well as from the vile hypocrisy of ^professing himself a Christian in thos3 very writings in which he labors to des- troy Christianity. Voltaire, in a letter now in existence, requested his friend, D'Alembert, to tell for him a direct and palpable lie, by denying that he was the author of the Philosophical Dictionary. D'Alembert, in his answer, informed him that he had told the lie. Voltaire has, indeed, expressed his own moral character perfectly in the following words : " Monsieur Abbe, I must be read ; no matter whether I am believed or not." He also solemnly professed to believe the Roman Catholic religion, al- though, at the same time, he elsewhere professed to doubt the existence of God. {e) FOUR SONS RUINED.— There was a place in New York, called the " Hall of Science," which was opened on Sundays for public lectures : in the day-time lectures were given on some of the sciences, and in the evening a lecture was given in opposition to the Christian or any other religion, and in support of the doctrines of infidelity. In order to show the effect of this institu- tion on the young mind, the N. Y. Eve- ning Journal gives an extract from the register of the House of Refuge, of the progress of a boy in that institution. He was about 16 years of age, and had been a clerk for a merchant in New York, who, on declining business, ex- pressed his great satisfaction at the con- duct of the boy. An elder brother had been in the habit of attending the lec- tures at the Hall of Science, and by de- 397 / 315, 216 INFIDELITY. grees became an infidel, and he instilled his notions into the mind of this boy ; the consequence of which was that he threw off all restraint and united with loose young men and boys in rioting, &;c. ; neglected all business ; wander- ed about the streets and slept often in stables, till finally his parents were ob- liged to send him to the House of Refuge, fearful that he would t^e to stealing to support himself. The father said that the influence of the doctrines taught at the Hall of Science had ruined his whole family of promising boys, (four in number,) and that hearts almost bro- ken, ^and much mental misery, had been entailed upon the other portions of his family and relatives. (/) AN INFIDEL FAMILY.— " Mr. J. H.," says a writer in the Christian Mirror, "was an inhabitant of my native town, and with whom and his family I was well acquainted. He was a man of good common sense, and was blessed with more than a common share of intellectual powers. His ac- quired abilities were considerable, be- ing a great reader, and possessing a te- nacious memory. But he was a tho- rough-going infidel ! He early em- braced the sentiments of Thomas Paine, whose writings were his oracle. He was often heard to make the most vul- gar and blasphemous expressions con- cerning our blessed Savior, and to re- vile his religion ! He was consistent with his sentiments in all things ; and early educated his children to believe and embrace his own opinions, and imi- tate his practices. The old man lived and died without any thing remarkable befalling him personally. But not so with his family — particularly his sons, of whom he had five, all of whom lived to become men and Infidels. The his- tory of four of them will illustrate the influence of parental instruction and ex- ample, and show that infidelity leads to vice and ruin. They were all, without exception, dissipated and given to world- ly pleasures in their youth. The eld- est son soon became very intemperate. He had a wife, and a large family of little children, dependent on his labor for their support. He removed to Bos- ton, where he soon became a sot and 398 vagabond. The city was obliged to support his family ; and after a long fit of drunkenness, he was found dead one morning in the street ! The next son never married. He was a drunkard, a gamblerand a spend- thrift from his youth. He removed into Vermont, and after a drunken and gam- bling frolic, he arose one morning and plunged himself from the second story of his boarding-house, which stood up- on the bank of the Onion river, into the water and was drowned ! The third son was equally dissipated, and having destroyed his constitution, and squandered his earnings, he took a rope and went and hanged himself! The fourth, being unable to obtain the means to support his dissipation by la- bor, commenced with purchasing and passing counterfeit money ; was soon apprehended, examined and bound for his appearance at court. He obtained bonds which he forfeited, by fleeing his country. What will be the end of the youngest, who is now left in possession of his father's property, time will deter- INFIDELITY AT VARIANCE WITH THE REASON AND CONSCIENCE OF ITS VOTARIES. 216. Shown by their own Confessions of the Moral Tendency of Infidel Doctrines. (a) WHAT MADE HIM A MUR- DERER ? — Cook, who was executed for a very awful murder at Leicester, (Eng.,) in his confession to the town clerk, alluded to being connected with a society, formed principally of deisti- cal young men, who frequented a pub- lic house in that town, in which the writings of Paine, Carlile, and other infidel authors, were taken in and en- couraged. He emphatically added, " I considered myself a moral young man, attending, as I did, some place of Chris- tian worship three times a day ; till un- fortunately, I got connected with the above, and other infidel associations." (b) HliaiElS. TESTIMONY "Disbelief in futurity," says Hume, " loosens in a great measure the ties of morality and may be supposed for that CONFESSIONS IN FAVOR OF CHRISTIANITY. 216, 217 reason to be pernicious to the peace of civil society." (c) HUME AND INFIDELITY IN WOMEN.— It is stated, in the "Life of Dr. Beattie," by Sir W. Forbes, that Mr. Hume was one day boasting to Dr. Gregory, that, among his disciples in Edinburgh, he had the honor to reckon many of the fair sex. " Now tell me," said the doctor, "whether, if you had a wife or a daughter, you would wish them to be your disciples ? Think well before you answer me ; for I assure you, that whatever your answer is, 1 will not conceal it." Mr. Hume, with a smile, and some hesitation, made this reply : — " No ; I believe skepticism may be too sturdy a virtue for a woman." ( d ) VOLTAIRE'S CONFESSIONv — One day that D'Alembert and Con-\ dorcet were dining with Voltaire, they ^ proposed to converse of atheism, but Voltaire stopped them at once. " Wait," said he, " till my servants have with- drawn ; I do not wish to have my throat cut to-night." y 217. Shown by their Confessions in favor of Christianity. (a) THE TWO TRAVELLERS. — Two men were once travelling in the far west ; one was a skeptic, the other a Christian. The former was on every occasion ready to denounce religion as an imposture and professors as hypo- crites. According to his own account of the matter, he always suspected those who made pretensions to piety, felt particularly exposed in the com- pany of Christians, and took special care of his horse and watch when the saints were around him. They had travelled late one evening and were in the wilderness. They at last drew near to a solitary hut and rejoiced in the prospect of a shelter, however humble. They asked admission and obtained it. But it was almost as dreary and com- fortless within, as without; and there was nothing prepossessing in the ap- pearance of its inhabitants. These were an elderly man, his wife, and two sons, sunburnt, hardy and rough. They were apparently hospitable, and wel- comed our travellers to such homely fare as the forest afforded ; but this air of kindness might be assumed to de- ceive them ; and the travellers became seriously apprehensive that evil was intended. It was a lonely place well suited to deeds of robbery and blood. No help was at hand. The two friends communicated to each other their sus- picions, and resolved that on retiring to their part of the hut, they would bar- ricade the door against the entrance of their host, that they would have their weapons of defence at hand, that they would alternate in watching, so that one should be constantly on his guard while his companion slept. Having hastily made their arrangements, they joined the family, partook of the homely meal and spoke of retiring to rest. The old man said it had been his practice in better times and he con* tinued it still, before his family retired, to commend them to God, and if the strangers had no objection he would do so now. The Christian rejoiced to find a brother in the wilderness, and even the skeptic could not conceal his satis- faction at the proposition. The old man then took down a well-worn Bilple on which no dust had gathered though age had marked it, and read with em- phasis a portion of the Sacred Scrip- tures. He then supplicated the divine protection, acknowledged the divine goodness, and prayed for grace, guid- ance, and salvation. He prayed too for the strangers — that they might be pros- pered in their journey, and when their earthly journey f^as done, they might have a home in heaven. He was evi- dently a man of prayer, and that hum- ble cottage was a place where prayer was wont to be made. The travellers retired to their apartment ; according to their arrangement the skeptic was to have the first watch during the night ; but instead of priming his pistols and bracing his nerves for an attack he was for lying down to sleep as quietly as if he had never thought of danger. His friend reminded him of their en- gagement, and asked where he had lost his apprehension of danger. Ah ; the infidel felt the force of the question and all it implied ; and had the frankness 399 217, 21S INFIDELITY. to confess that he could not but feel as safe as at a New England fireside, in any house or in any forest where the Bible was read as the old man read it, and prayer was offered as that old man prayed. (b) THE SUICIDE'S MANU- SCRIPT. — An avowed infidel, whose language and conduct had been most profane, and who had boldly argued for man's right to kill himself when he found it expedient, swallowed a quan- tity of opium which put an end to his life. Among his papers was found one, on which was written, " I have this moment swallowed a vial of tincture of opium, consequently my life will be but short. Whether there will be a heaven or a hell, I leave parsons to divine." The part of the manuscript which followed was blotted, and con- cluded thus : " My hand trembles, my eyes grow dim, I can see to write no more; but he that would be happy should be religious." (c) MASON'S REPLY TO THE SCOFFER.— To a young infidel who was scoffing at Christianity because of the misconduct of its professors, the late Dr. Mason said, " Did you ever know an uproar to be made because an infidel went astray from the paths of morality ?" The infidel admitted that he had not. " Then don't you see," said Dr. M., " that, by expecting the professors of Christianity to be holy, you admit it to be a holy religion, and thus pay it the highest compliment in your power?" The young man was silent. 4 (d) BOWNOBROKE'S TESTI- MONY. — Lord Bolingbroke, a man of giant intellect, of great political influ- ence during his life, but an avowed in- fidel, declares that " The doctrine of rewards and punishments in a future state, has so great a tendency to enforce the civil laws and restrain the vices of men, that though reason would decide against it on the principles of theo- logy, she will not decide against it on the principles of good policy." Again he says ; " No religion ever appeared in the world, whose natural tendency was so much directed to promote the peace and happiness of mankind, as 400 the Christian. The Gospel of Christ is one continual lesson of the strictest morality, of justice, benevolence, and universal charity. Supposing Christian- ity to be a human invention, it is the most amiable, and successful invention, that ever was imposed on mankind for their good." 218. Shown by their Confessions in favor of the Moral Character of Christ. (a) LEGUINIA'S CONFESSION. — " He called himself the Son of God ; who among mortals dare to say he was not ? He always displayed virtue ; he always spoke according to the dictates of reason ; he always preached up wis- dom ; he sincerely loved all men, and wished to do good even to his perse- cutors ; he developed all the principles of moral equality and of the purest patriotism ; he met danger undismayed ; he described the hard-heartedness of the rich ; he attacked the pride of kings ; he dared to resist, even in the face of tyrants ; he despised glory and fortune ; he was sober ; he solaced the indigent ; he taught the unfortunate how to suffer ; he sustained weakness ; he fortified decay ; he consoled misfor- tune ; he knew how to shed tears with those that wept ; he taught men to sub- jugate their passions, to think, to re- flect, to love one another, and to live happily together ; he was hated by the powerful, whom he offended by his teaching ; and persecuted by the wick- ed, whom he unmasked ; and he died under the indignation of the blintl and deceived multitude for whose good he had always lived." If such was the testimony of the French atheist Leguinia, surely the true Christian is at no loss to enlarge the admirable portraiture. (b) CONFESSION OFvJRpUS- .^^AU. — I will confess to you, says Rousseau, in his Treatise on Educa- tion, that the majesty of the Scriptures strikes me with admiration, as the purity of the Gospel hath its influence on my heart. Peruse the works of our philosophers, with all their pomp of dic- tion, how mean, how contemptible are they compared with Scripture ! Is it CONFESSIONS IN FAVOR OF CHRIST. 21§ possible that a book, at once so sim- ple and sublime, should be merely the work of man ? Is it possible that the sacred personage whose history it con- tains should be himself a mere man ? Do we find that he assumed the tone of an enthusiast, or ambitious sectary ? What sweetness, what purity in his manner ! What an affecting graceful- ness in his delivery ! What sublimity in his maxims ! What profound wis- dom in his discourses ! What presence of mind, what subtlety, what truth in his replies ! How great the command of his passions! Where is the man, where the philosopher, who could so live, and so die, without weakness and witho*ut ostentation? When Plato de- scribed his imaginary good man, loaded with all the shame of guilt, yet merit- ing the highest rewards of virtue, he described exactly the character of Jesus Christ ; the resemblance was so striking, that all the Fathers perceived it. What prepossession, what blindness must it be, to compare the son of Som- broniscus to the son of Mary ? What an infinite disproportion there is be- tween them ! Socrates dying without pain or ignominy easily supported his character to the last ; and if his death, however easy, had not crowned his life, it might have been doubted whether Socrates, with all his wisdom, was any thing more than a vain sophist. He in- vented, it is said, the theory of morals. Others, however, had before put them in practice ; he had only to say, there- fore, what they had done, and to reduce their examples to precepts. Aristides had been just before Socrates defined justice ; Leonid as had given up his life for his country before Socrates declared patriotism to be a duty ; the Spartans were a sober people before Socrates recommended sobriety ; before he had even defined virtue, Greece abounded in virtuous men. But where could Jesus learn, among his competitors, that pure and sublime morality, of which he only hath given us both pre- cept and example ? The greatest wis- dom was made known amongst the most bigoted fanaticism, and the simplicity of the most heroic virtues, did honor to the vilest people on earth. The death 26 of Socrates peaceably philosophizing with his friends, appears the most agree- able that could be wished for — that of Jesus expiring in the midst of agoniz- ing pains, abused, insulted, and accused by a whole nation, is the most horrible that could be feared. Socrates, in re- ceiving the cup of poison, blessed . the weeping executioner who administered it, but Jesus, in the midst of excruciat- ing torments prayed for his merciless tormentors. Yes, if the life and death of So- crates were those of a sage, the life and death of Jesus were those of a God. Shallwe suppose the evangelic history a mere fiction ? Indeed, my friend, it bears not the niark of fiction; on the contrary, the history of Socrates, ^ wiiich nobody presumes to doubt, is not so well attested as that of Jesus Christ. Such a supposition in fact, only shifts the difficulty without obviating it ; it is more inconceivable, that a number of persons should agree to write such a history, than that one only should fur- nish the subject of it. The Jewish authors were incapable of the diction, and of the morality contained in the Gospel, the marks of whose truth are so striking and inimitable, that the in- ventor would be a more astonishing character than the hero. (c) CONFESSION OF PAINE.— Paine, after scandalizing the account of Christ's supernatural birth in his Age of Reason, uses the following lan- uage: ... \ " Nothing that is here said can apply \ even with the most distant disrespect to ]\J the moral character of Jesus Christ. He j was a virtuous and amiable man. The morality that he preached and practised was of the most benevolent kind ; and though similar systems of morality had been preached by Confucius and by some of the Greek philosophers many ages before ; by "the Quakers since ; and by many good men in all ages, it has not been exceeded by any." Again, Paine says: "He (Christ) called men to the practice of moral vir- tues and the belief of one God. The great trait in his character is philan- thropy." Paine, in the first extract, would evi. 401 I 21l» INFIDELITY. dently put Christ on a level with such ancient sages as Socrates and others. The mistake he here commits is suffi- ciently exposed in the foregoing con- fession of the infidel Rousseau. If Christ was a virtuous man, then he practised no imposition when he pro- fessed to work miracles ; and if he wrought miracles, then his doctrines, which his miracles were wrought to confirm, are all true. 219. Shown by Confessions of their Dis- quietude and Misery. (a) AFRAID THE BIBLE IS TRUE. — The following melancholy case is well authenticated : Mr. S — , a well-known infidel, said one day to Mr. N — , who had also im- bibed the same evil principles, " There is one thing which mars all the plea- sures of my life." "Ah," said Mr. N— , " what is that ?" " Why," re- plied Mr. S — , "I am afraid that the Bible is true ! If I could know for cer- tain that death is an eternal sleep, I should be happy — my joy would be complete ! But here is the thorn that stings me. This is the sword that pierces my very soul. If the Bible is true, I am lost forever ! Every pros- pect is gone ! and I am lost forever !" Mr. S — was just entering on a voy- age — sailed not long after — was ship- wrecked, and lost ! sinking probably into the mighty deep, under all the hor- rors of absolute despair. Alas ! what a dreadful tormentor is a guilty con- science ! and how ineffectual are all the opiates of infidelity and licentious- ness to assuage its anguish ; and if they are so in the time of health and prosper- ity, what must it be to bear affliction, and to pass the final, solemn test, with- out the hopes and consolations of the gospel ! (b) WE DON'T TELL YOU ALL. — One of the most sensible men I ever knew, says one, but whose life as well as creed had been rather eccentric, re- turned me the following answer, not many months before his death, when I asked him " whether his former irregu- larities were not both accompanied at the time, and succeeded afterward by 402 some sense of mental pain." " Yes," said he, " but I have scarce ever owned it until now. We" (meaning we infi- dels and men of fashionable morals) " do not tell you all that passes in oui hearts !" (c) MR. HOBBES AND DEATH. — Mr. Hobbes, the celebrated infidel, in bravado, would often say very unbe- coming things of God and the Bible, yet when alone he was haunted with the most tormenting reflections, and would awake in great terror if his can- dle happened to go out in the night. He never could bear any discourse about death, and seemed to cast off all thoughts of it. Notwithstanding all his high pretensions to learning and philos- ophy, his uneasiness constrained him to confess, as he drew near the grave, that " he was about taking a leap in the dark." (d) ATHEIST'S ACKNOWL- EDGMENT.— The example of a per- fect Atheist, says Dr. Spence, is very rare, and has seldom been the object of my own experience : one, however, I knew, a jurist and statesman, well learned and of good parts ; so well read was he in the Scriptures and divinity in general, that he might have passed for no ordinary theologian. He had, though a speculative unbeliever, maintained several theses with great success ; on the other hand, he could, in his opinion, account for every appearance in nature, from a theory of matter and motion. Still, says the relator, with all his beliei and unbelief, he frankly confessed to me " tJiat he was unhappy.'^ And being then in a state of celibacy, further ac- knowledged that, •' should he ever change his situation, he was determined never to suffer the secrets of his heart to transpire to his wife and children, that in all externals he would strictly conform to the church," adding as one of his philosophical and political reasons, "that it was better to be comforted upon a false ground, than to live without any consolation.'^ (e) CONFESSION OF VOL- TAIRE.— "Who," says Voltaire, "can, without horror, consider the whole world as the empire of destruction ? It abounds with wonders ; it also abounds with vie- ADVICE TO FRIENDS AND TREATMENT OF THEM. 220 tims. It is a vast field of carnage and contagion. Every species is without pity pursued and torn to pieces through the earth, and air, and water. In man there is more wretchedness than in all the other animals put together. He loves life and yet he knows that he must die. If he enjoys a transient good, he suffers various evils, and is at last devoured by worms. This know- ledge is his fatal prerogative ; other an- imals have it not. He spends the tran- sient moments of his existence in diffus- ing the miseries which he suffers : in cutting the throats of his fellow crea- tures for pay ; in cheating and being cheated ; in robbing and being robbed ; in serving that he might command ; and in repenting of all he does. The bulk of mankind are nothing more than a crowd of wretches, equally criminal and unfortunate ; and the globe contains rather carcasses than men. I tremble atthe-review of this dreadful picture, to find it contains a complaint against Providence itself: and I wish I had nev- er been horn.^^ 2!0. Shown by their advice to their Friends and treatment of them. {a) THE INFIDEL'S ADVICE.— A man who had been very much con- nected with infidels, was taken danger- ously ill ; and feeling that he could not recover, became alarmed for the safety of his soul. His infidel principles gave him no comfort. He began, for the first time, to examine into the Christian reli- gion. He embraced it, and found it to be the power of God to his salvation, en- abling him to triumph over the fear of death. In the mean time, his infidel friends hearing of his sickness, and that he was not likely to recover, showed a degree of feeling and integrity, which. It was hoped, might prove the first step towards their conversion. They were not aware that their dying friend had become a Christian. They called to see him, and actually told him that they came on purpose to advise him now to embrace Christianity : " Because," said they, " if it be false, it can do you no harm ; but if it should prove true, you will be a great gainer." This, reader, is a fact. It was the united advice of a number of unbeliev- ers to their dying friend. {b) PAINE'S ADVICE TO A TRAVELLER.— A writer in the Wes- tern Observer, Bishop Mcllvaine, we presume, says : I have recently been in conversation with a gentleman who personally knew Tom Paine, from whom I have learned some particulars, which it may be use- ful to repeat. This gentleman states, that when a young man he was driving his father's wagon from Sing Sing to a place in Westchester county, N. Y., when Paine, travelling the same way, requested to be taken in. The young man consenting, they rode about twenty miles together. The fame and talk about " Paine's Age of Reason," had made a skeptical impression on the mind of the youth, and finding himself in the presence of its author, he gladly availed himself of the opportunity to learn more of that sort of reason. In the course of the conversation, Paine positively assert- ed that he believed the Scriptures to be the word of God, and most seriously charged his auditor not to read his book, or if he did, not to suffer it to have any influence on his mind. He said it did not contain the truth ; that he deeply regretted its publication, and would have given any thing had he never writ- ten it. Such was the serious earnest- ness of Paine in these remarks, and so conclusively did he reason against the principles of his "Age of Reason," that he entirely removed all skeptical im- pressions from the mind of the young man, (the present informant,) so that the latter has ever since retained a grateful recollection of the conversation, and now says, that such was Paine's ear- nestness to prevent his being injured by his writings, and to eradicate all such evil impressions as they had already made, that he can never lose the re- membrance of it. (c) INFIDEL'S CHOICE OF EX- ECUTOR.— For the purpose of illus- trating the secret respect which is en- tertained by infidels for a pure and consistent Christianity, we relate the fol- lowing incidents, which have never ap- peared in print. They may serve to 403 331 INFIDELITY. show that a testimony which under or- dinary circumstances would be studi- ously withheld, may, by the force of circumstances, be extorted. In one .of the flourishing towns of a distant state, resided two gentlemen of high professional standing, but of infidel principles. In habits of the closest in- timacy they encouraged each other, not only in a determined opposition to the spread of religion, but in the most pro- fane mockery of its doctrines, institu- tions, and tendencies. A third individ- ual in the town, likewise possessing in- fluence, but of truly consistent Christian character, was the principal object of their profane jests. They pretended to hold his religion in utter contempt, and often made merry in ridiculing his su- perstition and fanaticism. How sincere and hearty they were in trusting their own principles may be learned from the sequel. In the course of time one of them was attacked by fatal disease, and died without any happy change in his religious views. On opening his will it was ascertained that he had intrusted the settlement of his estate to the pious man, and that his infidel friend was not mentioned as an executor ! If an action could speak, this spoke loudly of his distrust of infidel principles, and of his secret confidence in those of Christianity. 221. Shown by their Conduct in Danger. {a) WITHERSPOON AND THE ATHEIST.— The Rev. Dr. Wither- spoon, formerly president of Princeton College, N. J., was once on board a packet ship, where, among other pas- sengers, was a professed atheist. This unhappy man was very fond of troub- ling every one- with his peculiar belief, and of broaching the subject as often as he could get any one to listen to him. He did not believe in a God and a future state, not he ! By and by there came on a terrible storm, and the pros- pect was that all would be drowned. There was much consternation on board, but not one was so greatly frightened as the professed atheist. In this extremity, he sought out the cler- gyman, and found him in the cabin, calm and collected, in the midst of dan- 404 ger, and thus addressed him : " Oh, doctor Witherspoon ! Doctor Wither- spoon ! we're all going ; we have but a short time to stay. Oh, how the vessel rocks ! we're all going ; don't you think we are, doctor?" The doctor turned to him with a solemn look, and replied in broad Scotch, " Nae doubt, nae doubt, man, we're a' ganging ; but you and I dinna s^ang the same way." {!)) VOLNEY IN A STORM.— Samuel Forester Bancroft, Esq., ac- companied Mr. Isaac Weld, jr., in his travels through North America. As they were sailing on Lake Erie, in a vessel, on board of which was Volney, celebrated, (or rather, notorious,) for his atheistical principles. He was very communicative, allowed no opportunity to escape of ridiculing Christianity, and behaved altogether in a very profane manner. In the course of the voyage, a very heavy storm came on, insomuch that the vessel, which had struck re- peatedly with great force, was expected to go down every instant. The masts went overboard ; the rudder unshipped ; and, consequently, the whole scene ex- hibited confusion and horror. There were many female passengers and oth- ers on board ; but no one exhibited such strong marks of fearful despair as Vol- ney — throwing himself on deck ; now imploring, then imprecating the captain, and reminding him that he had engaged to carry him safe to his port of desti- nation ; vainly threatening, in case any thing should happen. One moment he was quite frantic, and raged like a mad- man ; another, in wild consternation, he looked into some of Voltaire's works, which he generally carried in his bo- som ; then despair took hold on him, and he uttered the most incoherent ex- pressions, and ofiered a large sum of money to the captain, to prevail on him to attempt what was utterly impossible, namely, to put him ashore in a small boat. As the probability of their being lost increased, this great mirror of nature, human or inhuman, began loading the pockets of his coat, waistcoat, breeches, and every thing he could think of, with dollars, to the amount of some hun- dreds; and this, as he thought, was preparing to swim for his life, should CONDUCT IN DEATH. 221, 222 the vessel go to pieces. Mr. Bancroft remonstrated with him on the folly of such acts, saying he would sink like a piece of lead, with so great a weight on him ; and at length as he became so very noisy and unsteady as to impede the management of the vessel, Mr. Ban- croft pushed him down the hatchway. Volney soon came up again, having lightened himself of the dollars, and, in the agony of his mind, threw himself on deck, exclaiming, with uplifted hands and streaming eyes, " Oh, my God ! my God ! — what shall I do — what shall I do !" — This so surprised Bancroft, that notwithstanding the moment did not very well accord with flashes of humor, yet he could' not refrain from address- ing him: "-Well, Mr. Yolney— what ! you have a God now ii^.^Ta which Volney replied, with the most ti'embling anxiely-r-i'-'Oy^l-Oyes !" The vessel, however, got safe, and Mr. Bancroft made every company which he went into, echo with this anecdote of Vol- ney's acknowledgment of God. Vol- ney, for a considerable time, was so hurt at his weakness, as he calls it, that he was ashamed of showing him- self in company at Philadelphia. But afterwards he said that those words escaped him in the instant of alarm, but had no meaning. Infidelity, then, will do only ashore, in fine weather ; but it will not stand a gale of wind for a few hours. Infidels and Atheists ! how will you weather an eternal storm ? (c) THE INFIDEL AND HIS BOX OF BOOKS.— Infidels are often quite bold in calm weather, but at the first approach of danger their courage vanishes in a moment. During a gale on Lake Erie, the steamer Robert Ful- ton, among many other vessels, was wrecked and lost. On board that boat, as was related by a passenger, and published in the Religious Herald, was an infidel with a box of books to dis- tribute at the West. He was loud and clamorous in proclaiming his infidelity, till the gale came on — but then, like the rest, he was silent, and waited with trembling anxiety the uncertain fate of the ship. At length they drew near the shore, and attempted to throw out ! their anchors, when the whole forward I part of the boat broke off, and the I waves rushed into the cabin. At once^^ the infidel was on his knees crying for \ mercy — his voice could be heard above ] the raging elements, begging the Lord / to forgive his blasphemies, till a heavy / sea swept over the deck, and carried him and his hooks to the bottom. M. Shown by their Conduct in Death. (a) VOLTAIRE'S LAST HOURS. — In spite of all the infidel philosophers who flocked around Voltaire in the first days of his illness, he gave signs of wishing to return to^ that God whom he had so often blasphemed. He called for the priest ; his danger increasing, he wrote entreating the Abbe Gaultier to visit him. He afterwards made a declaration, in which he, in fact, re- nounced infidelity, signed by himself and two witnesses. D'Alembert, Di- derot, and about twenty others, who had beset his apartment, he would often curse, and exclaim, " Retire ; it is you that have brought me to my present state. Begone ; I could have done without you all, but you could not exist without me ; and what a wretched glory have you procured me !" They could hear him, the prey of anguish and dread, alternately supplicating and blaspheming that God whom he had conspired against ; and in plaintive ac- cents would he cry out, " Oh Christ ! Oh Jesus Christ !" and then complain that he was abandoned of God and man. At one time he v/as discovered by his attendant with a book of pray- ers in his hand, endeavoring, with a faltering tongue, to repeat some of the petitions for mercy addressed to that Being whose name he had blas- phemed. He had fallen from his bed in convulsive agonies, and lay foam- ing with impotent despair on the floor, exclaiming, " Will not this God, whom I have denied, save me too? Cannot infinite mercy extend to me ?" His physician, Mr. Tronchin, calling in to administer relief, thunderstruck, retired, declaring the death of the im- pious man to be terrible indeed : the 405 322 INFIDELITY. Mareshal de Richelieu flies from the bed-side, declaring it to be a sight too terrible to be sustained : and Mr. Tron- chin, that the furies of Orestes could give but a faint idea of those of Vol- taire. He said, "Doctor, I will give you half of what I am worth if you will give me six months' life ;" the doctor answered, " Sir, you cannot live six weeks." Voltaire replied, " Then I shall go to hell and you will go with me ;" and soon after expired. — Such were the horrors of mind in which this arch-infidel quitted the world, that the nurse who attended him, being many years afterward requested to wait on a sick Protestant gentleman, refused, till she was assured he was not a philoso- pher ; declaring, if he were, she would on no account incur the danger of wit- nessing such a scene as she had been compelled to witness at the death of M. Voltaire. Bishop Wilson, of Calcutta, mentions that he received this account from the son of the gentleman to whose dying bed the woman was invited. (b) " MOURNING AT THE LAST." — A society of men, who may properly be termed " haters of God," were in the habit of meeting together on Sabbath mornings, to ridicule religion, and to encourage each other in sin. At length they agreed to burn the Bible ! They had lately initiated a young man into their awful mysteries, who had been brought up under great religious advantages, but had misimproved them, and now, throwing the holy book into the flames, he declared he would never go to a place of religious worship again. He was soon afterwards taken ill, and was visited by a pious man, who found him in great mental agony. In reference to his conduct, the young man remarked, it all did well enough while in health, and while he could keep off the thoughts of death: but when the Redeemer was mentioned to him, he hastily exclaimed, "What's the use of talking to me about mercy ? " When recommended to look to Christ, he said, " I tell you it is of no use now ; 'tis too late, 'tis too late. Once I could pray, but now I can't." He frequently repeated, " I cannot pray, I will not pray." Wh^n two of his 406 former companions in sin entered his room, and attempted to rally him from his despondency by some of their blus- tering expressions, he raised himself on his bed, and, with his hands lifted up, invoked the curse of God upon them. Others of the same party afterwards came to see him ; but the sight of them could then give him no pleasure. He repeated, and that in a way which no one could hear without shuddering, the same dreadful imprecations. As death drew near, he lay as if in- sensible to any thing that was said to him, only rolling about on his bed, and now and then saying, " My Bible ! oh the Bible ! " He then concealed his face, became violently convulsed, groaned, and expired. How unspeakably awful to reject the word of God ! " The wicked is driven away in his wickedness ; but the right- eous hath hope in his death." (c) GIBBON'S CONFESSION.— The celebrated Gibbon just before his death confessed that when he considered all worldly things, they were all fleet- ing ; when he looked back they had been fleeting ; when he looked forward " all was dark and doubtful.'' Surely no one can wish to be an infidel for the comfort of it. (d) DEATH OF HUME'S MO- THER. — Hume, the historian, received a religious education from his mother, and early in life was the subject of strong and hopeful religious impres- sions ; but, as he approached manhood, they were effaced, and confirmed infi- delity succeeded. Maternal partiality, however alarmed at first, came at length to look with less and less pain upon this declension, and filial love and reverence seemed to have been absorbed in the pride of philoso- phical skepticism ; for Hume applied himself with unwearied, and unhappily with successful efforts, to sap the founda- tion of his mother's faith. Having succeeded in this dreadful work,' and as he was returning, an ex- press met him in London, with a letter from his mother, informing him that she was in a deep decline, and could not long survive ; she said, she found her- self without any support in her dis- CONDUCT IN DEATH. 223 tress ; that he had taken away that only source of comfort upon which, in all eases of affliction, she used lo rely, and that she now found her mind sink- ing into despair ; she did not doubt that her son would afford her some substi- tute for her religion ; and she conjured liim to hasten to her, or at least to send her a letter, containing such consola- tions as philosophy could afford tu a dying mortal. Hume was overwhelmed with an- guish on receiving this letter, and hastened to Scotland, travelling day and night; but before he arrived his mother expired. No permanent impression seems, however, to have been made on his mind by this trying event ; and what- ever remorse he might have felt at the moment, he soon relapsed into his pre- vious hardness of heart. Thus it is that false philosophy restores the sting to death, and gives again the victory to the grave. (e) END OF NOTED FRENCH INFIDELS.— The following affecting account of the death of several of the leading infidels in France, at the pe- riod of the revolution, is extracted from Sir Walter Scott's " Life of Buona- parte," and strikingly shows that deism can afford no help in the hour of trial : None of all the victims of the reign of terror felt its disabling influence so completely as the despot Robespierre, who had so long directed its sway. The Hotel de Ville, where he and his companions had assembled, was sur- rounded by about 1500 men, and can- non turned upon the doors. The de- serted group of theorists within con- ducted themselves like scorpions, which, when surrounded by fire, are said to turn their stings on each other, and on hemselves. Mutual and ferocious up- braiding took place among these miser- able men. " Wretch ! were these the means you promised to furnish ? " said Payan to Henriot, whom he found in- toxicated, and incapable of resolution or exertion, and seizing on him as he spoke, he precipitated the revolutionary general from a window. Henriot sur- vived the fall only to drag himself into a drain, in which he was afterwards discovered, and brought out to execu- tion. The younger Robespierre threw himself from the window, but did not perijSh on the spot. Las Basas dis- patched himself with a pistol-shot. St. Just, after imploring his comrades to kill him, attempted his own life with an irresolute hand, and failed. Couthon lay beneath the table brandishing a knife, with which he repeatedly wounded his bosom, without daring to £^dd force enough to reach his heart. Robes- pierre, in an unsuccessful attempt to shoot himself, had only inflicted a horri- ble fracture on his under jaw. In this situation they were found, like wolves in their lair, foul with blood, mutilated, despairing, and yet not able to die. Robespierre lay on a table in an ante-room, his head supported by a deal box, and his hideous countenance half hidden by a dirty cloth bound round the shattered chin. The captives were carried in triumph to the convention, who, without admit- ting them to the bar, ordered them, as outlaws, for instant execution. As the fatal cars passed to the guillotine, those who filled them, but especially Robes- pierre, were overwhelmed with execra- tions, from the friends and relatives of victims whom he had sent on the same melancholy road. The nature of his previous wound, from which the cloth had never been removed, till the executioner tore it off, added to the torture of the sufferer. The shattered jaw dropped, and the wretch yelled aloud, to the horror of the spectators. A masque, taken from that dreadful head, was long exhibited in different nations of Europe, and ap- palled the spectators by its ugliness, and the mixture of fiendish expression with that of bodily agony. (/) LAST DAYS OF THOMAS PAINE, — Paine was nursed in his last illness by a Mrs. Hedden, a very worthy and pious woman, who did her best to serve him not only as a kind attendant, but also as a spiritual counsellor. Du- ring the first three or four days, his conduct was tolerable, except that he grew outrageous whenever Madame Bonneville entered the room. About the fifth day his language to Mrs. Hedden 407 222 INFIDELITY. was so bad, that she resolved imme- diately to quit the house, but sensible how necessary she was to his comfort, he made concessions which induced her to remain. Though his conversation was equivocal, his conduct was singular, he would not be left alone night or day ; he not only required to have some per- son with him, but he must see that he or she was there, and would not allow his curtain to be closed at any time ; and if, as it would sometimes unavoida- bly happen, he was left alone, he would scream and cry aloud, until some per- son came to him. There was some- thing remarkable in his conduct about this period, (which comprises nearly two weeks immediately preceding his death,) particularly when we reflect that Tho- mas Paine was author of the Age of Reason. He would call out during his paroxysms of distress, without intermis- sion, "OLord help me, God help me, Jesus Christ help me, O Lord help me," &;c., repeating the same expressions with- out the least variation, in a tone of voice that would alai-m the house. On the 6th of June, Dr. Manly, struck by these expressions, which he so frequently re- peated, and seeing that he was in great distress of mind, put the following ques- tions to him : " Mr. Paine, what must we think of your present conduct ? Why f do you call upon Jesus Christ to help I you ? Do you believe that he can help 1 you ? Do you believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ ?" After a pause of some minutes he answered, " I have no wish to believe on that subject.^ A gentleman of the neighborhood occasionally furnished him with refresh- ments from his own table, of which a • respectable female of the family was the bearer. She being asked by Paine her opinion respecting the Age of Rea- I son, frankly told him that she thought it the most dangerous book she had ever I seen ; that the more she read the more I she found her mind estranged from all i good ; and that from a conviction of its / evil tendency, she had burnt it without I knowing to whom it belonged. To this Paine replied, that he wished all its . \ readers had been as wise as she ; and {% ■ added, " If ever the devil had an accent on earth, I have been one." Mrs. Bon- 408 neville, the unhappy female who had accompanied him from France, lament- ed to his neighbor her sad case, observ- ing, " For this man I have given up my family and friends, my property and my religion ; judge then of my distress, when he tells me that the princqjles he has taught me will not bear me out.'' {g) THE ELDER'S VISIT TO PAINE. — The_iaU.owing facts, says a correspondeiit of tlic- " New York Ob- server," in 183-, wer^iately told me by an elder in one of tlie Presbyterian churches of this city, who visited Paine a few days before his deafh. Approaching his bed, my informant saw a loMhsome Jarid Jitijil5]e^^ His face and particularly his nose was greatly swollen and changed by liquor to a dark color. The visitor said to him, " Mr. Paine, he that believeth on the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall he damned.'^ " What's that you say !" said the dying man. The visitor repeated the gospel declaration. Paine immediately seized a large black stick, that was lying at his side, nearly the thickness of a man's wrist, and raising it over the head of the visitor, said, with great anger and vehe- emnce, " Away with your popish nan^ sense.'' The very name of Jesus Christ convulsed him withaTT^er.- The woman attending him informed the visitor, that he was occasionally visited by persons of like principles and habits with himself, and that his orders were to keep out of his room all who professed any respect for religion. She said tlmL^ was a wretched man. That when lilone he kept groaning day .and nightjas if in great distress of mind. She once told him that his groans disturbed her that she could not rest, when he replied, " / have no rest myself, nor shall you have." (h) PAINE'S CONFESSION TO RAND^LL.— The Rev. Jedediah Randall, a most upright and excellent minister of the gospel, formerly of Nor- wich, Chenango co., N. Y., paid a visit to Thomas Paine on his death-bed, Though Paine was much of the time under the influence of spirituous liquors, and the mere mention of religion would seem to rouse all his vindictive passions against the one who addressed him, MISCELLANEOUS. 233 yet it must be said in his praise, that in this case he seemed to be sober, and listened in a calm and respectful man- ner to what the minister of Christ had to say. The reply of Mr. Paine was dispassionate, and contained an honest confession, such as a troubled conscience, it seemed, would no longer allow his proud heart to withhold. His words were to this effect : " Mr. Randall, I never confidently disbelieved in the Christian religion; my ""unbelief and skepticism were /rather assumed than real. And one obje6T'of my writing the Age of Reason, was to cripple the power of the corrupt and tyrannical priesthood of the Romish church in France. Should I ever re- cover from this illness it is my intention to publish another book, disavowing the infidel doctrines contained in the Age of Reason, and expressing my convictions of the truth of the Christian system." m. Miscellaneous. (a) DEISTICAL HISTORIANS. — Gibbon, who, in his celebrated " His- tory of the Decline and Fall of the Ro- man Empire," has left a memorial of his emnity to the gospel, resided many years in Switzerland, where, with the profits of his works, he purchased a considerable estate. This property has descended to a gentleman, who, out of his rents, expends a large sum annually in the promulgation of that very gospel which his predecessor insidiously en- deavored to undermine. Voltaire boasted that with one hand he would overthrow that edifice of Christianity which required the hands of twelve apostles to build up. The press which he employed at Ferney, for printing his blasphemies, was afterwards actually employed at Geneva in printing the Holy Scriptures : thus the very engine which he set to work to destroy the credit of the Bible, was employed in disseminating its truths. It is a remarkable circumstance also, that the first meeting of an Auxiliary Bible Society at Edinburgh, was held in the very room in which David Hume, the infidel, died. {h) INFIDEL PROPHECIES.— Voltaire said "he was living in the" twilight of Christianity ;" so he was ; but it was the twilight of the morning. Tom Paine, on his return from France, sitting in the City Hotel in Broad- way, surrounded by many of our lead- ing men, who came to do him homage, predicted that " in five years there would i not be a Bible in America." What would his spirit feel could it now enten the depositories of the American Biblg Society ? (c) INFIDELS GOING MASKED. — At an infidel convention, held in New York, John A Collins, one of their prin- cipal speakers, discoursed at length upon the best means of supporting infi- delity. After a series of railings against God and the Bible, and every thing sacred, he used this language ; " I never deliver lectures on infidelity ; but I am constantly lecturing on the various reforms of the age. I lecture on tem- perance, on anti-slavery, on peace, on moral reform, on socialism, &c., &c., but wherever I go I lecture on infidel principles f Thus our cause is promoted continually." (d) LAST DAYS OF THE GOD- DESS OF REASON.— In the Paris papers of August 1, 1817, we find among the obituaries the following an- nouncement : — " Died, within these few days, in the hospital of pauper lunatics of Saltpetriere, where she had lived unpitied and unknown for many years, the famous Theroigne de Mericourt, (the Goddess of Reason,) the most re- markable of the heroines of the Revo- lution." This female (nearly in a state of nudity) was seated on a throne by Fouche and Carnot, in the Champ de Mars, and hailed alternately as the Goddess of Reason and Liberty. There was something remarkable in the his- tory of the latter days of this poor crea- ture, and her life is not without its moral. She who was taught publicly to blaspheme her Creator, and dishonor her sex, was, for the last twenty years of her miserable life, subject to the greatest of human calamities — the de- privation of her reason. She repented severely of her horrible crimes, and her few lucid intervals were filled up 409 923, 224 INFLUENCE AFTER DEATH. by the most heart-rending lamentations. She died at the age of fifty-seven. (e) A CONVERTED ATHEIST. — The author of " Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation" gives an account of a man of his acquaintance, who had been a notorious and profane atheist. By the persuasion of pious relatives, w^ho had long prayed for his conversion, he was induced to attend a series of re- ligious meetings, where he was brought to see his condition as a sinner, and to exercise saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. " Old things " having now "passed away, and all things become new," the change was so strikingly great, that it was obvious to all who knew him. He immediately sought reconciliation with his enemies, asked their forgiveness, and tried to benefit them by leading them to Christ. He began to visit from house to house, la- boring and praying with his neighbors, and inviting them to attend religious worship on the Sabbath. " When con- verted, one of his first acts, although he had heard nothing of any such act in others, was to make out a list of all his old associates then living within reach of his influence. For the conversion of these he determined to labor as he had opportunity, and pray daily. On his list were one hundred and sixteen names, among whom were skeptics, drunkards, and other individuals as lit- tle likely to be reached by Christian influence as any other men in the re- gion. Within two years from the pe- riod of the old man's conversion, one hundred of these individuals had made a profession of religion. This account is not exaggerated : the old man is liv- ing, and there are a thousand living witnesses to this testimony." INFLUENCE AFTER DEATH. M, Influence Beneficial. (a) SERMON EFFECTUAL AF- TER EIGHTY-FIVE YEARS About the middle of the seventeenth century, the venerable John Flavel, whose excellent practical writings are known to many of our readers, was settled at Dartmouth, where his labors were greatly blessed. Mr. Flavel's manner was remarka- bly affectionate and serious, often ex- citing very powerful emotions in his hearers. On one occasion, he preached from these words : — " If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be anathema, maranatha." The discourse was unusually solemn, particularly the explanation of the words anathema, ma- ranatha, — " cursed with a curse, cursed of God, with a bitter and grievous curse." At the conclusion of the ser- vice, when Mr. Flavel arose to pro- nounce the benediction, he paused, and said, "How shall I bless this whole assembly, when every person in it, who loveth not the Lord Jesus Christ, is anathema, maranatha ? " The solem- nity of this address deeply affected the 410 audience, and one gentleman, a person of rank, was so overcome by his feel- ings, that he fell senseless to the floor. In the congregation was a lad named Luke Short, then about fifteen years old, and a native of Dartmouth. Shortly after the event just narrated, he entered into the seafaring line, and sailed to America, where he passed the rest of his life. Mr. Short's life was lengthened much beyond the usual term. When a hun- dred years old, he had sufficient strength to work on his farm, and his mental faculties were very little impaired. Hitherto he had lived in carelessness and sin ; he was now a " sinner a hun- dred years old," and apparently ready to "die accursed." But one day, as he sat in his field, he busied himself in reflecting on his past life. Recurring to the events of his youth, his memory fixed upon Mr. Flavel's discourse above alluded to, a considerable part of which he was able to recollect. The affec- tionate earnestness of the preacher's manner, the important truths which he delivered, and the effects produced on the congregation, were brought fresh to INFLUENCE BENEFICIAL. 224 his mind. The blessing of God ac- companied his meditations : he felt that he had not "loved the Lord Jesus Christ;" he feared the dreadful "ana- thema;" conviction was followed by- repentance, and at length this aged sin- ner obtained peace through the blood of atonement, and was found " in the way of righteousness." He joined the Congre- gational church in Middleborough, and to the day of his death, which took place in his 116th year, gave pleasing evidence of piety. In this case, eighty-five years passed away after the seed was sown, before it sprang up and brought forth fruit. Let the ministers of Christ be encouraged ; " in due season they shall reap, if they faint not." (h) OBSCURE WOMAN'S USE- FULNESS.— There was once an ob- scure and pious woman living in a city in the South of England. History is silent respecting her ancestry — her place of birth — or her education. She had an only son, whom in his infancy she made it her great business to in- struct, and train up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. At seven years of age his mother died, and a few years after he went to sea, and became at length a common sailor in the African slave trade. He soon became a great adept in vice — a swearer most horribly profane ; and though younger than many of his companions in years he was one of the oldest in guilt. But he could not shake ofT the remembrance of his pious mother's instructions. — Though dead and in her grave she seemed speaking to him still. After many alarms of conscience and many pungent convictions he became a Chris- tian, and subsequently one of the most successful ministers of the gospel Great Britain ever produced. Of course through the labors of the converted son, we may now trace the influence of the pious mother. In addition to his great ministerial labors, he wrote many evangelical works, and few authors have done more to extend the power of religion. He was highly eloquent and greatly useful in religious conversation ; and his hymns, whose use in Divine worship is almost commensurate with the extension of the English language, are of the most elevated and evangel- ical character. Follow that mother's influence farther. Her son was the means of the conversion of Claudius Buchanan, who subsequently became a minister of the gospel, and went to the East Indies. Here he occupied a re- sponsible station ; and his labors in be- half of the English .population, and for the improvement of the moral and spir- itual condition of the natives, are de- servedly ranked among the noblest achievements of Christian philanthropy. His little work entitled " The Star in the East," was the first thing that at- tracted the attention of Adoniram Jud- son to a mission in the East Indies. Hence, had it not been for that mother's faithfulness her son might never have been converted. Dr. Buchanan never been converted, nor that train of causes put in operation which are now shed- ding such a flood of light on Burmah and the surrounding regions. The converted sailor was also the means of the conversion of Thomas Scott, from the dark mazes of Socinian- ism to the belief, practice and preach- ing of evangelical truth. He was a very successful preacher for a good portion of his long life in the metropolis of England, — engaged with vigor and zeal in every enterprise that he thought conducive to the moral welfare and sal- vation of man. He was, too, the author of a very valuable commentary on the Bible, almost unequalled in its prac- tical tendency and the extent of its cir- culation. To that pious mother's influ- ence, operating through the efforts of her son, all this is easily traced. Be- sides, to the connection of her son with the poet Cowper, the evangelical cha- racter and great religious influence of Cowper's poetry are doubtless to be mainly attributed. It was by the heav- enly counsels and prayers and letters of his clerical friend, that the poet's piety was deepened, and the gloom of his mind dispersed. Again, to this same minister's influence, in connection with that of Doddridge, the conversion of Wilberforce is traced by some. For during fourteen years after he first saw W., and until his conversion, he made 411 224 INFLUENCE AFTER DEATH. W. the constant subject of his prayers. And with what glorious results was the conversion of Wilberforce fraught to the interests of man ! What vast con- tributions did he make with his princely fortune to objects of benevolence ! To his influence, in a great degree, may we impute the abolition of the African Slave Trade, and, in subsequent years, the emancipation of slaves in the Bri- tish West Indies ; for the former step prepared England for taking the latter. In addition to this, Wilberforce was the author of " A Practical View of Chris- tianity," which did much to commend spiritual religion to the higher classes of his countrymen, and which, since his death, has been widely circulated and widely useful. This book was the means of the conversion of Leigh Rich- mond, the author of the " Dairyman's Daughter," which has been the means of the conversion of thousands ! — Such are some of the stupendous and glorious results of one holy woman's efforts to educate her son for God — a wide and mighty posthumous influence which an angel might feel honored to exert. Who was she ? The Mother of the Rev. John Newton. (c) INFLUENCE OF MR. COBB'S EXAMPLE. — A correspondent of a Methodist paper, published at Rich- mond, Va., encloses five hundred dol- lars for missions, and says, " About ten years ago I began the world with what T saved from my wages for attending a store ; and about the same time I read in the Christian Advocate an account of certain resolutions of a Mr. Cobb, a member of the Baptist church in Bos- ton, and I concluded, by the grace of God, not only to follow his plan, but also the example and advice of Mr. Wesley, "to make all you can, save all you can, and give all you can.^' How powerful is the influence of ex- ample ! Let every Christian remem- ber that when he lays down a correct principle of action, and carries it into practice, he is influencing others, and he knows not how many, to do the same. (d) THE SICK MAN'S PRAY- ERS. — A pious man in the western part of New York was sick with a con- sumption. He was a poor man, and 412 sick for years. An unconverted mer- chant in the place had a kind heart, and used to send him, now and then, some things for his comfort, or for his family. He felt grateful for the kind- ness, but could make no return, as he wanted to do. At length he deter- mined that the best return he could make would be to pray for his salva- tion ; he began to pray, and his soul kindled and he got hold of God. There was no revival of religion there, but by and by, to the astonishment of every body, this man came right out on the Lord's side. The fire kindled all over the place, and a powerful revival fol- lowed, and multitudes were converted. This poor man lingered in this way for several years, and died. After his death, I visited the place, and his widow put 'into my hands his diary. Among other things, he says in his diary, " I am acquainted with about thirty min- isters and churches." He then goes on to set apart certain hours in the day and week to pray for each of these ministers and churches, and also cer- tain seasons for praying for the differ^ ent missionary stations. Then followed, under different dates, such facts as these: "To-day," naming the date, " 1 have been enabled to offer what I call the prayer of faith, for the outpouring of the Spirit on church, and I trust in God there will soon be a revival there." Under another date, " I have to-day been able to offer what I call the prayer of faith, for such a church, and trust there will soon be a revival there." Thus he had gone over a great number of churches, recording the fact that he had prayed for them in faith that a revival might soon prevail among them. Not long after noticing these facts in his diary, the revival commenced, and went over the region of the country, nearly, I believe, if not quite, in the order in which the different places had been mentioned in his diary. (e) INFLUENCE OF DAVIES.— The fruits of this devoted minister of Christ were not ephemeral — they did not end in excitement. He went to his rest long since. But the fruits of his ministry still remain, in the consistent piety of those who were reared under INFLUENCE INJURIOUS. 225 the influence of parents brought into the church by his labors. A gentle- man in Tennessee says : " The fruits of the great revival in Hanover under the preaching of Samuel Davies, are now spreading and growing in the Val- ley of the Missisippi. There are many of the children and children's children of those persons, who professed religion in Hanover, under the ministry of that eminent man of God, now scat- tered in this great valley ; and I know of no instance where they '^o, but an altar is reared for the worship of God in their families and neighborhoods." This is a kind of greatness — an im- mortality on earth — which a good man might covet, as he is permitted earn- estly to covet " the best gifts." m. Influence Injurious. (a) THE VILLAGE CURSED.— There is a beautiful village in New England from which Whitefield was driven with such rancorous abuse, that he shook off the dust of his feet and pro- claimed that the Spirit of God would not visit that spot, till the last of those per- secutors was dead. The good man's language had a fearful truth in it, though he was not divinely gifted with the prophet's inspiration. A consciousness of desertion paralyzed the energies of that church : for nearly a century it was nurtured on the unwholesome food of a strange doctrine ; in the very gar- den of natural loveliness it sat like a heath in the desert, upon which there could be no rain, and not till that whole generation had passed from the earth did Zion appear there in her beauty and strength. (b) HYPOCRITICAL DEFENCE OF PROTESTANTISM.— An affect- ing account is found among the oral tra- ditions of Lucerne, one of the Catholic cantons of Switzerland. In the days of Luther and Calvin almost half the can- tons turned Protestant. The magis- trates of Lucerne were about deciding in favor of the Reformers, when a cun- ning and plausible priest, under the guise of a Protestant exile from one of the German states, obtained an inter- view with the principal magistrates friendly to the new religion ; and under the pretence of defending Protestantism, so caricatured it in its most vulnerable points, as to prejudice the magistrates against it, and secure their adhesion to the Pope with the banishment of all the Protestant preachers from its territory. Lucerne, with its 150,000 inhabitant, has continued Roman Catholic for ihe last three centuries, while many of the neighboring states are wholly Protest- ant, and enjoy vastly superior privileges, both civil and religious. (c) APOSTACY OF BRICCONET. When those who stand in a commanding position, at a time when society is agi- tated by a great moral struggle, fail to do and suffer what duty requires, their influence, even after death, is often sig- nally mischievous. A noted and perti- nent example is that of Bricconet, bish- op of Meaux in France, in the sixteenth century. Catching the spirit of reform at that time pervading Germany and Switzerland, he zealously opposed some grosser errors and views of the Romish church. Having been twice ambassa- dor to Rome — a bishop — a noble — an intimate friend of the reigning and pre- cedmg monarch, he was looked upon as one of the great pillars of the Reforma- tion. A change of government comes, the inquisition is set up, and Bricconet becomes the first object of their ven- geance. " The poor bishop," says D'Aubigne, " who had been so sanguine in the hope to see the Reformation grad- ually and silently winning its way in men's minds, trembled in dismay when he found at the eleventh hour that it must be purchased by life itself. No alternatives were presented him but death or recantation ; and to the latter the minions of the pope urged him by the most plausible pretexts. They pre- tended they too were anxious for a re- formartion, that all was going on by in- sensible steps, that many would be won over by his conceding and yielding a little, who would be stumbled by his warm and open opposition to the church. Bricconet heard, considered, his resolu- tion was shaken — he staggered under the cross — he stumbled — he fell ! The day of his recantation was a dark day for France. The great conflict then 413 325 INFLUENCE AFTER DEATH. waging in that country between truth and error, was sadly affected by the Bishop's fall. " What his enemies rep- resented as the saving of his country," says the historian, was perhaps the worst of its misfortunes. What might not have been the consequence if Bric- conet had possessed the courage of Lu- ther ? If one of the most eminent of the French bishops had ascended the scaffold, and there, like the poor of this world, sealed by martyrdom the truth of the gospel, would not France herself have been put upon reflection ? Would not the blood of the bishop of Meaux have served, like the blood of Polycarp and Cyprian, as the seed of the church ? And should we not have seen these provinces emancipating themselves in the sixteenth century from the darkness in which they are still enveloped ? The mournful fall of Bricconet was felt as a shock to the hearts of his former friends, and was the sad forerunner of those de- plorable apostacies to which the friend- ship of the world so often led in another age of French history," (d) PAINE'S " AGE OF REA- SON."— Though the author of the " Age of Reason" deplored before his death that he had published it, and ad- vised others not to read it, and though its sophistry has been often refuted, that book still exists and perpetuates its au- thor's unholy influence. A noted infidel in New York, once asserted to the edit- or, that he knew of many who had been made " freethinkers" by reading it. And every year, no doubt, the number it ruins is legion. It has been translat- ed into some of the languages of India ; and the Missionaries to those pagan na- tions find the " Age of Reason" one of the most formidable obstacles to the con- version of the more intelligent classes. Thus, though Paine has been dead for years, his book goes through edition af- ter edition, passes from language to Ian- guage, misleading men's minds, and corrupting their hearts. (e) INFLUENCE OF HOMER'S ILIAD. — A most pernicious influence is exerted by those writers who array in false and glowing colors the wick- ed actions of real or imaginary persons. It was the perusal of Homer's Iliad, which celebrates in such moving strains the deeds of bloody and brutal heroes, that helped to make Alexander the wholesale robber and murderer of man- kind. Alexander had a perfect passion for Homer. He used to say that Ho- mer's works were the most perfect pro- duction of the human mind and the best medicine of the warrior. He always carried with him Aristotle's edition of Homer. He kept it in a golden casket enriched with jewels, and laid it every night, with his sword, under his pillow. Again, reading the Life of Alexander was the means, in part, of making two other bloody heroes, scarce less noted than himself. One was Caesar, whose highest ambition, we are told, was to walk in the steps of Alexander. An- other was Charles XII of Sweden, who longed from his earliest years to imitate the Macedonian conqueror, and who, like him, converted firmness into obsti- nacy, courage into rashness, and sever- ity into cruelty. Caesar, again, was the ideal of human greatness that fanned the fire of martial zeal in the bosom of the Turkish Emperor Selymus, who, after defeating and poisoning his father, car- ried his merciless victories over Egypt and Persia. The highest ambition of Selymus was to imitate Caesar, These four great conquerors convulsed the world with their crimes, and as they strode on to fame and power, they crushed millions of human hearts in the giant footsteps of their ambition. And how pernicious has been their influence on the world, since their day up to the present time, who can tell ? Such have been some of the ruinous results, (what- ever the good results may be) of Ho- mer's writings on mankind since his death ; results which the infinite mind can best compute. 414 INGRATITUDE. 336 226. INGRATITUDE. (a) THE WIDOW AND HER TWO SONS.— In Birmingham, Eng- land, once lived a family in humble circumstances. Some of the younger children and their father died, leaving the aged mother with two sons grown up, and able to assist her. This how- ever they refused to do, and she was obliged to apply to the parish for relief; and for some years two shillings a week were allowed her by the overseers, which, with a small sum added by some Christian friends, was all on which she had to subsist. During this time her youngest son died. He had lived without the fear of God, and died under a sense of his wrath, in deep agonies, both of body and mind, and uttering dreadful expres- sions. The eldest son was clever in his bu- siness, got forward in the world, and became possessed of considerable prop- erty. But he still refused to assist his mother, and even while holding offices of consideration and importance, left her to subsist on her allowance from the parish. This conduct of course was noticed ; he was repeatedly spoken to upon the subject ; and at length he or- dered her name to be taken from the parish books, and allowed her the two shillings a week out of his own pocket, at a time when he possessed thousands of pounds, and was without a family. One day some friends were assem- bled, and her case being mentioned, they proposed to remonstrate with the ungrateful son. "No," said an aged minister, " let him alone ; if he dies possessed of the property he is now worth, I shall be deceived. God will never suffer such base ingratitude to prosper." In a short time afterwards, the moth- er was removed to another world. The circumstances of the son at length began to change ; repeated losses en- sued, and finally he became a bank- rupt, and was reduced to abject pov- erty. Sons and daughters, do not forget this lesson. (b) MACEDO AND HIS PRE- SERVER. — Basilius Macedo, the em- peror, exercising himself in hunting, a sport he took great delight in, a great stag, running furiously against him, fas- tened one of the branches of his horns in the emperor's girdle, and, pulling him from his horse, dragged him a good distance, to the imminent danger of his life ; which a gentleman of his retinue perceiving, drew his sword and cut the emperor's girdle asunder, which disen- gaged him from the beast, with little or no hurt to his person. But observe what reward he had for his pains : " He was sentenced to lose his head for putting his sword so near the body of the emperor," and suffered death ac- cordingly. (c) THE UNGRATEFUL GUEST. — A certain soldier in the Macedonian army had in many instances distin- guished himself by extraordinary marks of valor, and had received many marks of Philip's favor and approbation. On some occasion he embarked on board a vessel, which was wrecked by a violent storm, and he himself cast on the shore helpless and naked, and scarcely with the appearance of life. A Macedonian, whose lands were contiguous to the sea, came opportunely to be witness of his distress; and, with all humane and charitable tenderness, flew to the relief of the unhappy stranger. He bore him to his house, laid him in his own bed, revived, cherished, comforted, and for forty days supplied him freely with all the necessaries and conveniences which his languishing condition could require. The soldier, thus happily rescued from death, was incessant in the warmest ex- pressions of gratitude to his benefactor, assured him of his interest with the king, and of his power and resolution of obtaining for him, from the royal bounty, the noble returns which such extraordinary benevolence had merited. He was now completely recovered, and 415 226, 227 INSTRUMENTALITIES, FEEBLE. his kind host supplied him with money to pursue his journey. In some time after he presented himself before the king ; he recounted his misfortunes, magnified his services; and this in- human wretch, who had looked with an eye of envy on the possessions of the man who had preserved his life, was now so abandoned to all sense of gratitude as to request that the king would bestow upon him the house and lands where he had been so tenderly and kindly entertained. Unhappily, Philip, without examination, inconsiderately and precipitately granted his infamous request ; and this soldier, now returned to his preserver, repaid his goodness by driving him from his settlement, and taking immediate pos- session of all the fruits of his honest in- dustry. The poor man, stung with this instance of unparalleled ingratitude and insensibility, boldly determined, instead of submitting to his wrongs, to seek relief; and, in a letter addressed to Philip, represented his own and the sol- dier's conduct in a lively and affecting manner. The king was instantly fired with indignation ; he ordered that jus- tice should be done without delay ; that the possessions should be immediately restored to the man whose charitable offices had been thus horribly repaid ; and having seized the soldier, caused these words to be branded on his fore- head, The Ungrateful Guest ; a charac- ter infamous in every age and among all nations, but particularly among the Greeks, who from the earliest times were most scrupulously observant of the laws of hospitality. (d) HANNAH MORE'S VIEW OF INGRATITUDE.— At a dinner party at Bath, the Rev. Mr. Jay, by whom the anecdote was communicated, was lamenting the ingratitude which Mrs. Hannah More had recently met with from a person he had recommended to her beneficence, upon which he re- ceived a look from her which silenced him ; and after dinner, drawing him into a corner of the room, she said, " You know we must never speak of such things as these before people, for they are always too backward to do good, and they are sure to dwell on such facts to justify their illiberality." She finely added, " It is well for us sometimes to meet with such instancies of ingratitude, to show us our motives ; for if they have been right, we shall not repent of our doing, though we \u ment the depravity of a fellow-creature. In these instances also, as in a glass, we may see little emblems of ourselves ; for what, after all, is the ingratitude of any one towards us, compared with our ingratitude towards our Infinite Bene- factor?" 227. INSTRUMENTALITIES, FEEBLE. {a) DISPUTE ABOUT PAUL AND PLATO.—" I once heard," says Chry- sostom, " a Christian disputing in a ridiculous manner with a Greek, and both parties in their dispute refuting themselves. For what the Christian ought to have said, this the Greek as- serted ; and what one would naturally suppose the Greek would say, this the Christian maintained. The point of controversy was the superiority of Paul or Plato; the Greek endeavoring to show that Paul was unlearned and igno- rant ; and the Christian in his simpli- city being anxious to prove that Paul was more eloquent than Plato. The victory was on the side of the Greek as 416 his argument proved to be the stronger. Now if Paul were a more eloquent teacher than Plato, many would pro- bably object that it was not by grace, but by excellency of speech that he prevailed. Thus the Christian's asser- tion was in favor of the cause of the Greek, and what the Greek said was in the Christian's favor. For if Paul was uneducated and overcame Plato the vic- tory was brilliant. The former, un- learned as he was, persuaded the disci- ples of the latter and brought them over to his views, whence it is evident that the Gospel is not the result of human wisdom but of the grace of God." INTEGRITY. 227, 228 (b) THE SOUDRAH'S REASON- ING. — " I am by birth," said a con- verted Hindoo, when addressing a num- ber of his countrymen, "of an insigni- ficant and contemptible caste ; so low, that if a Brahmin should chance to touch me, he must go and bathe in the Ganges for the purpose of purification ; and yet God has been pleased to call me, not merely to the knowledge of the Gospel, but to the high office of teach- ing it to others. My friends, do you know the reason of God's conduct ? It is this : if God had selected one of you learned Brahmins, and made you the preacher, when you were successful in making converts, by-standers would have said it was the amazing learning of the Brahmin, and his great weight of character, that were the cause ; but now, when any one is convinced by my instrumentality, no one thinks of ascrib- ing any of the praise to me ; and God, as is his due, has all the glory." (c) THE EXHORTER AND THE STRANGERS. — A Baptist church north of Utica, N. Y., being without a pastor, used to help the deficiency by reading sermons and select passages from edifying writers. On these occa- sions, a warm-hearted though unlettered brother would always at the conclusion, deliver a solemn exhortation. One Lord's day, while pursuing their cus- tomary practice, two gentlemen entered and took their seats in the congregation, whose appearance indicated more than ordinary worldly respectability. The brethren became alarmed, lest at the conclusion of the reading, the custo- mary exhorter would mortify them by his rude and unpolished address ; and they determined to close the meeting quicker than usual and shut out the ex- hortation. But the vigilant brother with his zealous spirit was too quick for them ; the reading was hardly finished before he was on his feet, and began his warm-hearted appeal. One hung his head and another; but neither daunted or disturbed the speaker. He went on to the end of his message and sat down. The meeting was soon con- cluded, and several retired with great fears as to the opinion that would be formed of the respectability of the church by the two strangers. Some time after this, at another meeting, one of these individuals presented himself among them, and after a while, to their surprise, rose up to tell what the Lord had done for his soul ; and stated the message of the exhorter, as the message of mercy to his soul. How careful should we be not to despise the day of small things. 228. INTEGRITY. (a) THE TWO OFFERS.— Julius Drusus, a Roman tribune, had a house that in many places lay exposed to the view of the neighborhood. A person came and offered, that for five talents he would so alter it, that it should not be liable to that inconvenience. " I will give thee ten talents," said Drusus, "if thou canst make my house con- spicuous in every room of it, that so all the city may behold in what manner I lead my life." (b) CASE OF MARVELL.— The borough of Hull, in the reign of Charles II, chose Andrew Marvell, a young gentleman of little or no fortune, and maintained him in London for the ser- vice of the public. With a view to 27 bribe him, his old school-fellow, the Lord Treasurer Danby, went to him in his garret. At parting, the lord treas- urer slipped into his hands an order upon the treasury for £1000, and then went into his chariot. Marvell looking at the paper, called after the treasurer, " My lord, I request another moment." They went up again to the garret, and Jack, the servant boy, was called, " Jack, what had I for dinner yester- day ?" " Don't you remember, sir, you had the little shoulder of mutton that you ordered me to bring from a woman in the market ?" " Very right. What have I for dinner to-day ?" " Don't you know, sir, that you made me lay up the blade-bone to broil?" 417 228 INTEGRITY. " 'Tis so : very right. Go away." " My lord, do you hear that ? Andrew Marvell's dinner is provided ; there's your piece of paper, I want it not. I knew the sort of kindness you intended. I live here to serve my constituents. The ministry may seek men for their purpose ; I am not one." (c) THE FIRM JURYMAN— A certain person, being on a jury in a trial of life and death, he was completely satisfied of the innocence of the pris- oner ; all the other eleven were of the opposite opinion ; but he was resolved, that a verdict of guilty should not be brought in. In the first place, he spent several hours in trying to convince them ; but found that he had made no impression, and that he was exhausting the strength which was to be reserved for another mode of operation. He therefore calmly told them it should now be a trial who could endure confinement and famine the longest, and that they might be quite assured he would sooner die than release them at the expense of the prisoner's life. In this situation they spent about twenty- four hours, when, at length, they all acceded to his verdict of acquittal. (d) SEWALL AND THE SHOE- BRUSHES— Judge Sewall, of Massa- chusetts, who died in 1760, went one day into a hatter's shop, in order to purchase a pair of shoe-brushes. The master of the shop presented him with a couple. " What is your price ?" said the judge. " If they will answer your purpose," replied the other, " you may have them and welcome." The judge, upon hearing this, laid them down, and bowing, was leaving the shop; upon which the hatter said to him, "Pray sir, your honor has forgotten the prin- cipal object of your visit." " By no means," answered the judge ; " if you please to set a price I am ready to pur- chase : but ever since it has fallen to my lot to occupy a seat on the bench, I have studiously avoided receiving to the value of a single copper, lest at some future period of my life, it might have some kind of influence in determining my judgment." (e) CATHARINE II AND COUNT MUNICH.— When Catharine 418 the Second ascended the throne of Rus- sia, she solicited Count Munich to ac- cept some marks of her favor, although she knew he had been the most formi- dable opponent to her accession. " No," said the count, " I am an old man ; I have already sufl^ered many misfor- tunes ; and if I purchased a few years of life by compromising my principles, I should make but a bad exchange." (/) BONNELL'S INTEGRITY. — James Bonnell, Esq., was the ac- comptant-general of the revenue in Ire- land in the seventeenth century, and was equally eminent for his excellen- ces as a man and a Christian. He had many opportunities of improving his fortune, and met with temptations which few but himself would have resisted. He despatched his business with the ut- most readiness, and in the most oblig- ing manner, but never once would re- ceive a gratuity or reward. When three pieces of broad gold at one time, and a guinea or two at another, were left on his table by persons whom he had greatly served, he gave it all away among persons who were in want, tell- ing his friends that though he had served others greatly, yet his taking re- wards might hereafter bias his judg- ment, and thus prove a snare to him ; and that therefore his principles should be known, and he would take no more than the king allowed him. (g) FRANKLIN AND HIS PA- PER. — Soon after his establishment in Philadelphia, Franklin was oflTered a piece for publication in his newspaper. Being very busy, he begged the gentle- man would leave it for consideration. The next day the author called and asked his opinion of it. " Why, sir," replied Franklin, " I am sorry to say I think it highly scurrilous and defama- tory. But being at a loss on account of my poverty, whether to reject it or not, I thought I would put it to this issue, — at night, when my work was done, I bought a two-penny loaf, on which I supped heartily, and then wrap- ping myself in my great coat, slept very soundly on the floor till morning ; when another loaf and mug of water afforded a pleasant breakfast. Now sir, since I can live very comfortablj WAY TO INTEMPERANCE. 22§, 329 in this manner, v/hy should I prostitute my press to personal hatred or party passion for a more luxurious living V One cannot read this anecdote of our American sage, without thinking of So- crates' reply to king Archelaus, who had pressed him to give up preaching in the dirty streets of Athens, and come and live with him in his splendid courts. — " Meal, please ijour Majesty is a half-penny a peck at Athens, and water I get for nothing /" (h) ANCIEiNT HERNHUTTER.* — In one of the wars in Germany, a captain of cavalry was ordered out on a foraging party. He put himself at the head of his troop, and marched to the quarter assigned him. It was a solitary valley, in which hardly any thing but woods could be seen. In the midst of it stood a little cottage : on perceiving it he went up, and knocked * Better known in this country by the name of Moravians or United Brethren. at the door; an ancient Hernhutter, with a beard silvered with age, came out. " Father," said the officer, " show me a field where I can set my troops a foraging." " Presently," replied the Hernhutter. The good old man walked before, and conducted them out of the valley. After a quarter of an hour's march, they found a fine field of bar- ley : " This is the very thing we want," said the captain. " Have patience for a few minutes," replied the - guide ; "you shall bo satisfied." They went on, and at the distance of about a quar- ter of a league further, they arrived at another field of barley. The troop im- mediately dismounted, cut down the grain, trussed it up, and re-mounted. The officer then said to his conductor, '• Father, you have given to yourself and us unnecessary trouble : the first field was much better than this." " Very true, sir," replied the good old man, " but it was not mine." INTEMPERANCE. 229. AVay to Intemperanee. {a) MODERATE DRINKERS BE- WARE. — A respectable man, but a mo- derate drinker, living in ihe town of Hadlyme, Conn., was urged by the State Temperance Agent some months since to join the temperance society. He said, " I am my own master, and can take care of myself. I don't drink but little, and I won't give it up." A short time after this, an appointment was made for an address from the agent. — On the same day, in the evening of which the address was to be delivered, this man in com- pany with a neighbor crossed the river in a small skiff to a grogshop in Cheshire, kept by a professor of religion. There they found several of kindred spirit, and down they sat. Of course the bottle circulated freely ; and over it were dis- cussed the merits of temperance so- cieties. Many sage remarks where made about trampling upon individual rights, and invading the liberties of men. The rumselling professor joined them, and thought it outrageous that retailing should be reprobated. Still the bottle goes round, and much ridicule is cast upon the cold water speech that is ex- pected in the evening. Again they drink, and the two friends set out on their re- turn. Now mark the result. In re- crossing the river the boat is carried by the current some distance below the land- ing-place. Arriving at the shore they quarrel, and this man sets out alone to take the boat to its place. He proceeds, gets out into the stream, and is discover- ed by a negro, who calls him to come ashore, telling him he is intoxicated, and 'tis not safe for him to row the boat alone. " Drunkard !" says he, " I'm as sober as any man." But before the negro could get to his assistance, he tumbled over- board and sunk to rise no more. The race from respectability to a drunkard's end was very short. The exercises of the temperance meeting in the evening were commenced by relating this inci- dent to his fellow townsmen. (&) THE STUDENT'S FALL.— The parents of Henry H had placed him in the university of G— , and 419 329 INTEMPERANCE. they hoped, fondly hoped that he would be their stay in their declining years. Oh ! how that fond father watched over him while he was pursuing his collegiate studies. And when he received his hon- ors at the university — when he received his honors at the hands of his instructors, together with their blessing — when his Alma Mater gloried in having his name enrolled upon her records — then the fond parents received him with open arms, and rejoiced that their son had returned, and had fulfilled all their expectations. In an evil hour he consented to make one of a social party, to celebrate some an- niversary. The wine flowed freely and plenteously, and for some time he with- stood the jests and banterings of his com- panions, and refused the proffered glass. At length, by the persuasions of one of his dearest friends, he took the first glass, and finding that his spirits became more buoyant, he took another and another, until Alcohol usurped the throne from which Reason had fled abashed — and the proud scholar fell drunk upon the floor. He, who had so often before bid defiance to the tempter, and had battled manfully against all its arts, had been seduced by hi^kind friends, and in one short night the toil of years had been swept away ! Henry never recovered from that fall. No kind persuasions of his doting pa- rents — no influence that was exerted by his dearest relatives, could save him. Headlong he rushed into the dark abyss of intemperance, and in a few weeks fill- ed a drunkarcVs grave ! (c) THE DYING DRUNKARD'S ACCUSATION.— A respectable gen- tleman at Edinburgh related a most af- fecting fact, which we will briefly re- peat. A religious lady at Edinburgh was sent to visit a woman who was dy- ing, in consequence of disease brought on by intemperance. The woman had formerly been in the habit of washing in the lady's family, and when she came to the dying woman, she remonstrated with her on the folly and wickedness of her conduct, in giving way to so dreadful a sin as that of intemperance. The dying woman said, " You have been the au- thor of my intemperance." '' What did you say ?" with pious horror, exclaim- ' ed the lady ; " I the author of your in- 420 temperance !" " Yes, ma'am, I never drank whisky till I came to wash in your family: you gave me some, and told me it would do me good. I felt in- vigorated, and you gave it me again. When I was at other houses not so hos- pitable as yours, I purchased a little, and by and by 1 found my way to the spirit shop, and thought it was necessa- ry to carry me through my hard work ; and, by little and little, I became what you now see me." Conceive what this lady felt. {d) "THAT FIRST GLASS."— So said a drunkard, after he had waked up from a three weeks' " spree," whicti had been preceded by several months of total abstinence, which gave hope to his friends that lie would entirely reform — and which abstinence was maintained without a pledge. " Why did you give up to drunkenness again, when you had abstained so long?" " O ! it was that first glass. When that was done, there was no stopping. The dramseller said, ' Just one glass with me for old acquaint- ance sake' — and I have been three weeks in his bar-room, drunk day and night." Mortified, ashamed, chagrined beyond measure, his confidence in his own resolution destroyed, this poor man has returned to the gutter. Who ruin- ed this man ? {e) TWO OLD MEN'S POSTERI- TY. — An aged man, over whom had rolled a hundred winters (says the N. Y. Evangelist of 1831), died not many years since in New England, who was, in the estimation of all who knew him, pious. — But he had early contracted a fondness for ardent spirits, and drank temperately and daily for the greater part of his life. He gave a little to his children as they grouped around him ; and they thought what their father loved must be innocent. But with their growing years a fondness for the stim- ulus increased, and this aged man lived to mourn the death of half his sons and forty descendants, who went down to the grave drunkards. One son yet lives, who was a professor of religion but has been excommunicated, — and is an exile and a drunkard, with a large family who are ruined by his sin. Another aged man still lives in the EFFECTS OF INTEMPERANCE. 230, 231 _ vicinity of the same place, who num- bers nearly one hundred descendants, all of whom are temperate persons. He never was in the habit of drinking ardent spirit, nor does he give it to his sons, and his sons' sons, but like Jona- dab, he drinks pure water. What a contrast will the day of judgment disclose, if in one family in- temperance continues to roll down like a fiery deluge, and in the other tem- perance reigns, and descends from gen- eration to generation ! EFFECTS OF INTEMPERANCE. 210. Slavery of Appetite. (a) THE DRUNKARD'S THRAL- DOM. — The writer of the pamphlet entitled The Confessions of a Drunkard says, '' Of my condition there is no hope that 1 should ever change ; the waters have gone over me ; but out of the black depths could I be heard, 1 would cry aloud to all those who have set a foot in that perilous flood. Could the youth to whom the flavor of his first wine is as delicious as the opening scenes of life, or the entering upon some newly discovered paradise, look into my desolation, and be made to un- derstand what a dreary thing it is, when a man shall feel himself going down a precipice with open eyes and a passive will, — to see his destruction, and have no power to stop it, and yet to feel it all the way emanating from himself; to perceive all goodness emptied out of him, and yet not able to forget a time when it was otherwise ; to bear about the piteous spectacle of his own ruin : — could he see my fevered eye, feverish with the last ni2:ht's drinking and fever- ishly looking forward for this night's repetition of the folly ; could he feel the body of death out of which I cry hour- ly, with feebler and feebler outcry, to be delivered, — it were enough to make him dash the sparkling beverage to the earth in all the pride of its mantling temptation." (h) THE GENERAL'S CONFES- SION- — A certain General, and hither- to regarded as a very respectable citi- zen, had become so intemperate in his habits as to ' mingle strong drink,' three or four times a day. One of his friends visited him and proposed to have a "serious talk," with him on the sub- ject. The General replied — " Please to hear what I have to say first. I am sen- sible I drink more than is necessary. I am sensible if I persist in my present course the habit will increase upon me, and my respectable standing in society will be lost. I am sensible that my estate will be wasted for want of prop- er attention. I am sensible that my amiable family will be involved hi dis- grace and wretchedness. I am sensi- ble that my constitution will be under- mined, and my health be gone — my countenance will carry marks of de- pravity — my mind become enfeebled — my soul lost forever except I repent. Now, sir, if all these considerations, flashing full conviction on my mind, and sometimes filling me with horror, cannot deter me from this detestable habit of drinking, think you that your eloquence is going to do it ?" His friend made no reply, but went away sorrowfully. Surely wine is a mocker, and strong drink is raging. 2ii. Intellectual and Moral Degradation. (a) THE WELSHMAN AND HIS GOAT. — A Welshman was for some time awfully habituated to the vice of drunkenness, but was at length restored to sobriety by the following singular in- cident. He had a tame goat, which would follow him to the alehouse «he frequented. One day, by way of frolic, he gave the animal so much ale that it became intoxicated. What particularly struck the Welshman was, that from that time, though the creature would follow him to the door, he never could get it to enter the house. He was thereby led to see how much his sin had sunk him beneath a beast, and from that period became a sober man. (b) A LONG-BEARDED BED- FELLOW. — The following circum- stance happened in one of the towns of Arkansas. — A man had been drinking until a late hour at night before he started for home. Honest folks had long been in bed, and the houses were 421 231 INTEMPERANCE. all shut and dark. The liquor he had taken was too much for him, he did not know where to go. He staggered into an empty wagon shed, and fell on the ground. For a long time he lay in all the unconsciousness of a drunken sleep, and would undoubtedly have frozen, for the snow on the ground showed the night to be very cold, had not others less insensible than himself, been around him. — This shed was a favorite resort for the hogs, which v/ere out when the new comer arrived, but soon returned to their bed. In the utmost kindness, and with the truest hospitality, they gave their biped companion the middle of the bed ; some lying on either side of him, and others acting the part of the quilt. Their warmth prevented him from be- ing injured by his exposure. Towards morning he awoke ; finding himself comfortable, in blissful ignorance of his whereabouts, he supposed himself enjoy- ing the accommodations of a tavern, in company with other gentlemen. He reached out his hand, and catching hold of the stiff bristles of a hog, exclaimed, " Why, mister, when did you shave LAST ?" (c). THE BLASTED GENIUS.— How many of the highest geniuses have passed away from the intellectual firma- ment, consumed like the burning stars of which astronomers tell us ! And how ? By the baleful fires of intem- perance and lust. Says a distinguished divine, " A story of genius in ruins ri- ses on my mind. In one of the older colleges in Massachusetts, some 20 or 25 years since, there was seen a youth of the highest promise, bearing an honored name, and concentrating in his own in- tellect the moral power of two genera- tions of his ancestors. He was a prod- igy of learning. While others of his class were slowly plodding through the daily tasks in Xenophon, he would be reading the Greek tragedians con amove. He seized a language almost by intuhion, and his heart entered into the heart of antiquity, as he read the language of the old and buried nations. Called upon by the officers of the col- lege to read disserta.ions in the chapel upon abstruse and difficult subjects, he was accustomed to read them from 422 blank papers, pouring forth spontaneous, bursts of argument that thrilled while they convinced, and charmed while they persuaded. With Eudid, Newton, and La Place, he seemed as familiar as with Homer and Eschylus, and he levied large tribute from the lore of every na- tion under heaven. His person was faultless ; his hair like the raven's wing ; his eye like the eagle's. By an anomaly in American colleges, he de- manded and received his first and second degrees from his Alma Mater on the same day, and on the same evening he was joined in the holy bands of wedlock with one of the most charming nymphs in the vale that embosoms the college. His course was still onward and up- ward. His profession, the law, led him to the highest office of advocacy in the state. He was Attorney General at an age when most students are admitted to the bar. Suddenly, when as yet no one knew the cause, he resigned his high appointment, giving no reasons. He was a secret drunkard ! Too high was his sense of honor, and the importance of his station, to intrust himself longer with the destinies of society. I turn with horror from the years of degrada- tion that followed. He sunk like a mighty ship in mid ocean, not without many a lurch, many a sign of righting once more to plough the proud seas that were destined to entomb him forever. Long since his lovely wife had quitted the home wjiich his vices had made wretched ; she had returned to her pa- rents to grieve and to die. But though her husband bowed over her grave, and wept bitterly on the head of the sweet boy she left behind her, he was not per- manently affected by the shock. The most distinguished men for talent and piety in the United States wept and prayed over him ; and at times he would get the better of the demon that ruled him, and again put forth his gi- gantic powers. The greatest effort he put forth during this period was the successful advocacy of an important case before the Supreme Court of the United States. Marshall, the patriarch of American judges, gazed with wonder on the barrister, as burst uj)on burst of eloquence and argument followed. Geo. EFFECTS OF INTEMPERANCE. 231 W. Briggs, the member of Congress from Massachusetts, seeing his splendid portrait hanging in a conspicuous place at Washington, inquired whose likeness it was ; and one of the highest authori- ties answered — that is the portrait of Talcott, the most brilliant genius — the most talented man in the United States. In his last spasm of temperance he wrote, The Trial and Condemnation of Alcohol : a popular tract, clothed with the forms and phraseology of a criminal court. But after a flitiguing argument before a court in the city of New York, he was over-persuaded by an advocate to take a glass of beer ; and he com- plied. It was his last sober moment, till he was in the agonies of death. As the fabled Phoenix is said to rise from the ashes of its parents, one of tiie most lovely, eloquent advocates of temper- ance in the state of New-York was the son of this ruined genius ; the little one over whom he wept at the grave of his wife. {d) A DRUNKARD'S HEIRS.— U — , of V — , commenced the world a poor man ; but by industry and econo- my he amassed a large property, so that he spent the latter part' of his life in the luxury often attendant upon wealth when not at the disposal of religious principle. In a pleasant part of his grounds, and at a short distance from his house, he prepared an elegant family tomb, to which were successively committed his own and his wife's remains. Three sons inherited his estate, and lived for a number of years in luxury and lordly independence. Some years since one of these sons was called to bury his wife, whose remains were committed to the same family tomb. This lara;e in- dependent estate is now wasted. These heirs to unearned wealth have nothing which they can call their own, but are dependent on daily labor for the suste- nance of their families. The door of the tomb has been thrown down, and for 7 or 8 years these sons have suffered the remains of their parents, and of the wife of one of them, though within a stone's throw of their door, to lie exposed to the open air, and the examination of every intruder ; nay, to be scattered upon the floor, and without the door of the tomb ; and even to be trampled up- on by sheep and other animals that are permitted to graze in the field where the tomb lies. Monumental inscriptions have been defaced, and a mouse has built its nest among the bones of her whose husband lives near by ! And what has been the cause of all this waste of property, this beastly in- sensibility ? Habits of luxury and idle- ness, but the grand cause of the whole has been Intemperance. " She has cast down many wounded, yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of deaih.'^ — Proverbs 7 : 20, 27. (e) THE RUINED PREACHER.— vV gentleman traveling in Essex, Eng., called at the house of a friend, where he met with a young minister who was just going to preach in the neighbor- hood. The lady of the house offered him a glass of spirits before he entered upon his work, which he accepted. An elderly man, who was present, thus ad- dressed him : — " My young friend, let me offer you a word of advice respect- ing the use of liquors. There was a time when I was as acceptable a preacher as you now may be ; but by too frequently accepting of the well-de- signed favors of my friends, I contract- ed a habit of drinking, so that now I never go to bed sober if I can get li- quor. I am, indeed, just as miserable as a creature can be on this side of hell !" About two years after this, the traveler had occasion to call again at the same house, and made inquiry concerning the unhappy old man, when he was inform- ed that he had been some time dead. It was stated that, towards the close of his life, he had not drank to the same ex- cess as formerly ; but it was only be- cause he could not obtain spirituous liquors. (/) A CLASSMATE'S FATE.— When I commenced a course of study, says a writer in the Pastor's Journal, W. O. was my classmate. His father, after having spent many years of faith- ful labor in the ministry, had gone to his rest, and his mother had fastened on him her fondest affections, her highest hopes. He was a youth of uncommon 423 332, 333 INTEMPERAT^CE. promise. His talents were of the first order, and every attention had been paid to their early development. His mind was penetrating and rapid in its movements ; his imagination was bril- liant ; his memory retentive and ready. In his disposition he was amiable and kind — peculiarly capable of winning the affections of all who knew him. He had every desirable facility of im- provement — enough of this world's goods to carry him through an extensive course of study, aand establish him in professional life. For a while his pro- gress rejoiced the heart of his friends, and awakened the highest expectations. But he took the poisonous cup ! He drank it, and his sun went down ere it was fully risen. Before I left College, for which we commenced our preparation together, I looked out from my window and saw him under its walls, — a dirty, ragged, friendless vagabond. His property had been squandered away — his mother had died of a broken heart, and he was beg- ging worn-out garments to cover his shame. The next that I heard of him was that he was found dead by the wayside. This young man, in point of intellectual endowments and prospects of future eminence, once had few su- periors. And had he but dashed from his lips the fatal cup, and swore eternal abstinence, he might now have been standing at the bar of justice, or in the hall of legislation, an object of admira- tion and envy. %U. Vice and Crime. (a) THE YOUTH'S EXECUTION. — The sheriff, says an old man, took out his watch, and said, " If you have any thing to say, speak now, for you have only five minutes to live." The young man burst into tears, and said — " I have to die. I had only one little brother, and he had beautiful blue eyes, and flaxen hair, and I loved him ; but one day I got drunk, for the first time in my life, and coming home, I found my little brother gathering strawberries in the garden, and I became angry with him without a cause, and killed him, at one blow, with a rake. I did not know 424 any thing about it until the next mor- ning, when I awoke from sleep, and found myself tied and guarded, and was told that when my little brother was found, his hair was clotted with his blood and brains, and he was dead. Whisky has done this. It has ruined me. I never was drunk but once. I have only one more word to say, and then I am going to my final Judge. I say it to young people. Never, never! NEVER ! ! touch any tiling that can intoxicate .'" As he pronounced these words, he sprang from the box and was launched into an awful eternity. [h) HALE'S TESTIMONY.— Lord Chief .Justice Hale once remarked, "The places of judication, which I have long held in this kingdom, have given me an opportunity to observe the original cause of most of the enormities that have been committed for the space of nearly twenty years ; and by a due observation, 1 have found that, if the murders and man- slaughters, the burglaries and robberies, the riots and tumults, the adulteries, and other great enormities that have hap- pened in that time, were divided into five parts, four of them have been the issues and product of excessive drink- ing, or of tavern and ale-house meet- ings." The proportion is little less m our own country at the present time. 211. Domestic and Social Wretcliedness. (a) THE WINE PARTY.— A com- pany of young men in New Orleans, once assembled around the wine table, for the purpose of enjoying the " feast of reason and the flow of soul." One of the party, who was a mere novice in drinking, while flushed with wine, in an unguarded moment made use of ex- pressions at which one of this social party o^ friends took exceptions, an al- tercation ensued, and the offended party gave a peremptory challenge to the young man above alluded to. Accord- ing to a custom handed down to us from the Goths, Huns, Vandals and Teu- tones, called the code of honor, he was induced to accept. In the morning, when reason had resumed her seat, he found himself in a dreadful situation — duty would have prompted him not to EFFECTS OF INTEMPERANCE. 233 have gone to what is miscalled the " field of honor," but a morbid state of public opinion prompted him to meet his challenger, who was a practised duel- ist : they met, and this young man fell a victim to a ruthless custom at the first fire. He was borne home mortally wounded to his widowed mother — for he was her only son — and died the fol- lowing day. Hardened men were struck mute with grief, and shed tears at his untimely fate ; and if men so unused to feel could thus be moved, what must have been the anguish of a mother, when she saw her son borne home in the agonies of death, and who had left her in all the buoyancy of youth, to join in a party of professed friends ! ! He was the only prop and stay of her declining years. All her hopes and af- fections were centred in him, and as she gazed upon his manly form during a brief struggle with the " King of Ter- rors," it seemed as if her heart would break. The lonely widow followed to the silent tomb the victim of a barbarous custom, who met his death by going to partake of a social glass at a wine PARTY. (&) DEATH OF MRS. S.— Mrs. S was once the most admired of all the ladies in her village. She could sing the sweetest, play the prettiest, talk the most enchantingly, dress the most fashionably of all who moved in the gay circles. Her husband was a man of industry, who doted upon her, was anxious at the least depression of spirits, and allowed her every indul- gence. When the temperance reform commenced, he was anxious to sign the pledge ; but she said it was " well enough for the vulgar, but for people in genteel life it would never do ; they could neither go into parties, nor give parties. Besides," said she, " how can T ever sing or dance without one or two glasses of wine to give me a spring?" Time rolled on, when the inquiry began "to be made, What is the matter with the beautiful Mrs. S ? On the side- walk, she was seen to reel to and fro, and in her parties she was now as silly as she was once enchanting. At church, especially in the afternoon of a Sunday, no sermon could keep up her eyelids. Her poor husband saw the change. He devised every method to keep liquor from her, but all in vain. He soon died of vexation and a broken heart. She now gave herself up to brandy and opium ; and with a handsome property, no resort was too low, no indulgence too disgusting. For the last two years of her life, few saw her, except as she was stealing away, in the twilight of evening, with a cloak on her head, to the very lowest grog-shops, to fill her bottle. One day her neighbors heard that she was dying. Three respectable women came in to see her, and found her senseless and stupid, just surrender- ing her lost soul into the hands of her Maker. How awful the scene ! If there are any young females who read this, let them be admonished to beware of the exhilarating glass — beware of that pronounced most innocent, " spark- ling champagne." (c) THE LITTLE SUICIDE.— A writer in the Vermont Chronicle relates the following as a fact that he learned from good authority : " I wish I was dead," said a little boy one day to his mother. " Why ?" asked his kind mo- ther. " Why, the boys all pester me so about father, and I don't want to go again, in the night, to the store after him." His mother talked to him, but thought he did not feel in earnest about it. But one day, when she had return- ed from a visit, she inquired for the children, and found all but this boy. She looked, she called, but no answer. She went to the barn as it was j ust grow- ing dark. She opened the door, and there, in one corner, was her little sensitive boy hanging by the neck. She burst into tears. " Oh my son, my son, is it you ?" She felt his cold hands, and he was dead. And at the funeral, his father promised to drink no more rum : "I have for ever done." A long time he kept his promise. One day, how- ever. Deacon P. was in the store ; and Deacon P. was a good man ; he drank ' but little. He asked for some brandy. And while he drank it, he saw that same man who had been a drunkard looking at him ; and he saw too that 425 334 INTEMPERANCE. he was very uneasy ; he walked about ; he sat down. Again he would go to the door as if going away. He was in silent thought. At length he went to the counter and asked for a little brandy : " I may drink a little as well as Deacon P." He did drink, and became a con- firmed drunkard again. M. Fatal Accidents, Untimely and Awful Deaths. (a) SPONTANEOUS COMBUS- TION.— Dr. Peter Schofield, of Upper Canada, gives the following case ; a ler- rible monition to all drunkards. A young man of about 25 years of age, had been an habitual drinker for many years. I saw him about nine o'clock in the evening on which it happened. He was thon, as usual, not drunk but full of liquor. About eleven the same evening I was called to see him. I found him literally roasted from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. He was found in a blacksmith's shop just across the way from where he had been. The owner all of a sudden discovered an extensive light in his shop, as though the whole building was in one general flame. He ran with the greatest precipitancy, and on flinging open the door, found a man standing erect in the midst of a widely-extended, silver-colored blaze, bearing, as he de- scribed it, exactly the appearance of the wick of a burning candle, in the midst of its own flame. He seized him by the shoulder and jerked him to the door, upon which the flame was instantly ex- tmguished. There was no fire in the shop, neither was there any possibility of fire having b(^en communicated to him from any external source. It was purely a case of spontaneous ignition. A general sloughing came on ; and his flesh was consumed or removed in the dressing, leaving the bones and a few of the larger blood-vessels standing. The blood, nev- ertheless, rallied around the neart and maintained the vital spark to the thir- teenth day, when he died ; not only the most loathsome, ill-featured and dread- fiil picture that was ever presented to human view, but his shrieks, his cries 426 and lamentations were enough to reno a heart of adamant. He complained of no pain of body ; his flesh was gone. He said he was suffering the torments of hell ; that he was just upon its thres- hold, and should soon enter its dismal caverns ; and in this frame of mind he gave up the ghost. In all such cases. Prof Silliman re- marks, the entire body becoming satu- rated with alcohol, absorbed into all its tissues, becomes highly inflammable, as indicated by the vapor which reeks from the breath and lungs of a drunk- ard ; this vapor, doubtless highly alco- holic, may take fire, and then the body slowly consume. (h) LOSS OF THE NEPTUNE.— This ship, carrying 36 men, sailed from Aberdeen, in Scotland, on a fine morn- ing in May, with the fairest prospect of good weather and a prosperous voyage. About 11 o'clock the wind arose from the ■ east, and swept over the sea with over- whelming violence. In about an hour she was seen standing in, but under such a press of sail as, considering the gale, astonished all on shore. But on she came, now bounding on the top of the sea, and then almost ingulfed in the foaming cavern. The harbor of Aber- deen is exposed to the east, and formed by a pier on one side, and a breakwater j on the other, and so narrow at the en- * trance as not to admit two large ships \ abreast. All saw that something was wrong on board. One attempt was made I to shorten sail, but the ship was then | within a cable's length of the shore, and i urged on with an impetuosity which no human power could withstand. The wives and families of the men who were thus hastening to death had assembled near the pier ; but all stood in silent hor- ror, broke in a moment by the cry, " she's lost !" as the vessel, lashed on by the tempast, passed to the outer side of the breakwater, and struck with awful vio- lence between two black rugged rocks. The cries of the victims were mos< hor- ribie. Tne dreadful crisis had come, and they were lost indeed. A few brave men on shore endeavored to man the life boat, and take it round the breakwater, but it was unavailing. One heavy sea i rolling over the wreck for a moment i THE INTEMPERATE REFORMED. 234, 235 concealed her, and when the people looked again she was gone ! Her crew and timbers were hurled against the rocks, and with the exception of one man, who was washed up and lodged on a pro- jecting edge, none escaped of the 36 who had that morning left the shore in health and spirits. From the man who was saved, the melancholy truth was learnt that the crew were all intoxicated, and could not manage the vessel. (c) RUM AND RUIN.— The Rev. Mr. Scoresby, preacher to seamen in Liverpool, was for many years the mas- ter of a whale ship in the northern seas. He relates the following fact, of which he was an eye-witness. It is given in his own words. " A collier brig was stranded on the Yorkshire coast, and I had occasion to assist in the distressing service of res- cuing a part of the crew by drawing them up a vertical cliff, two or three hun- dred feet in altitude, by means of a very small rope, the only material at hand. The first two men who caught hold of the rope were hauled safely up to the top ; but the next, after being drawn to a considerable height, slipped his hold and fell ; and with the fourth and last who ventured upon this only chance of life, the rope gave way, and he also was plunged into the foaming, breakers be- neath. Immediately afterwards the ves- sel broke up, and the remnant of the ill- fated crew perished before our eyes. What now was the cause of this heart- rending event ? Was it stress of wea- ther, or a contrary wind, or unavoidable accident ? No such thing. It was the entire want of moral conduct in the crew. Every sailor, to a man, was in a state of intoxication ! The helm was intrusted to a boy ignorant of the coast. He ran the vessel upon the rock at Whitby, and one-half of the miserable dissipated crew awoke to consciousness in eternity. 2?§. The Intemperate Reformed. (a) PERSEVERANCE REWARD- ED. — A little girl, about eight years old, once took a temperance paper, at a tern- perance meeting, to see how many she could get to sign it. The next morning she presented it to her father, who had been in a drunken frolic for a fortnight, and came home drunk while his little daughter was at the temperance meet- ing the night before. This cruel father raised his hand and struck his child a blow which leveled her on the floor, and said, " I'll learn you to be saucy to your parents." The little girl got up, and picked up the constitution, which had fallen when she received the blow. She took it with her to school that day and got the teacher and most of the scho- lars to sign it. When she had leisure she would ask her mother if she might go to such and such a neighbor's and see how many could be got to join the Tem- perance Society. Her father could not but see what was doing in the neighborhood. For two weeks he remained at home, and did not use a drop of intoxicating liquor, a thing he had not done for years before. At the end of that period he said to his daughter, " Mary, how many names have you got on your temperance con- stitution ?" " I will bring it and see," she replied. As her father was count- ing the names she stood between his knees, and when he had looked them over he said, " You have one hundred and fifty." She jumped up on his knee, threw her little arms around her faltier's neck, and impressed a sweet kiss on his cheek, and said, " Do you sign it too, father, and then there will be one hun- dred and fifty-one." The old drunkard's heart was melted. His bosom heaved — his bloated, haggard cheek was wet with the tears of contri- tion — he pressed his Mary to his heart, and said, " I will sign it ;" and at once affixed his name to the constitution and pledge. {h) CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. A man in Maryland notoriously addict- ed to this vice, hearing an uproar in his kitchen one evening, had the curiosity to step, without noise, to the door, to know what was the matter, when he beheld his servants, indulging in the most un- bounded roar of laughter at a couple ot his negro boys, who were mimicking himself in his drunken fits ; showing how he reeled and staggered ; how he looked and nodded, and hickuped and tumbled. j The picture which these children of na- 427 235 INTEMPERANCE. ture drew of him, and which had filled the rest with so much merriment, struck him so forcibly, that he became a per- fectly sober man, to the unspeakable joy of his wite and children. (c) THE DRUNKARD AND THE MONKEYS.— A rich drunkard kept two monkeys for his sport. One day he looked into his dining-room, where he and his guests had left some wine, and the two had mounted the table, and were helping themselves generously to the wine — ;iabbering and gesturing, as they had seen their master and his guests. In a little time they exhibited all the ap- pearance of drunken men. First they were merry, and jumped about, but soon they got to fighting on the floor, and tearing out one another's hair. The drunkard stood in amazement. " What !" said he, "is this a picture of myself? Do the brutes rebuke me ?" It so affect- ed his mind, that he resolved he would never drink another drop. And from that day he was never known to be any other than a sober and a happy man. {d) RULING OVER RUM.— Col. B was a man of amiable manners and well-informed mind. Being much employed in public business which call- ed him from place to place, ardent spi- rit ^^s often set before him with an in- vitation to drink. At first he took a so- cial glass for civility's sake. But at length a habit was formed, and appetite began to crave its customary indulgence. He drank more largely, and once or twice was quite overcome. His friends were alarmed. He was on the brink of a precipice from which many had fallen to the lowest pitch of wretched- ness. In his sober hours he saw the danger he was in. Said he to himself one day when alone, " Shall Colonel B rule, or shall rum rule ? If Co- lonel B rule, he and his family may be respectable and happy ; but if rum rule. Colonel B is ruined, his property wasted, and his family made wretched !" At length, said he, I set down my foot, and said, " Colonel B shall rule and rum obey." And from that day Colonel B did rule. He immediately broke off from his intem- perate habits, and lived to a good old age, virtuous, respected, and happy. Let | 428 every one who has acquired or is acqui- ring a similar habit, go and do likewise, (e) REFORMATION OF WM. WIRT.— The distinguished William Wirt, within six or eight months af\er his first marriage, became addicted to intemperance, the effect of which ope- rated strongly on the mind and health of his wife, and in a few months more i she was numbered with the dead. Her > death led him to leave the county where he resided, and he moved to Richmond, where he soon rose to distinction. But his habits hung about him, and occa- sionally he was found with jolly and ' frolicsome spirits, in bacchanalian rev- elry. His true friends expostulated with him, to convince him of the injury he was doing himself. But he still per- sisted. His practice began to fall off, and many looked on him as on the sure road to ruin. He was advised to get married, with a view of correcting his habits. This he consented to do, if the right person offered. He accordingly paid his addresses to a Miss Gamble. After some months' attention, he asked her hand in marriage ; she replied, — " Mr. Wirt, I have been well aware of your intentions for some time back, and should have given you to understand that your visits and attentions were not acceptable, had I not reciprocated the affection which you evinced for me. But I cannot yield my assent until you make me a pledge never to taste, touch, or handle any intoxicating drinks." This reply to Mr. Wirt was as unex- pected as it was novel. His reply was, that he regarded the proposition as a bar to all farther consideration of the subject, and left her. Her course to him was the same as ever — his, resent- ment and neglect. In the course of a few weeks he went again, and again so- licited her hand. But her reply was, her mind was made up. He became indignant, and regarded the terms she proposed as insulting to his honor, and vowed it should be the last meeting they should ever have. He took to drinking worse and worse, and seemed to run headlong to ruin. One day, while lying in the outskirts of the city, near a little grocery or grog-shop, dead drunk, a young lady, whom it is not necessary MISCELLANEOUS. 236 to name, was passing that way to her home, not far off, and beheld him with his face upturned to the rays of the scorch- ing sun. She took her handkerchief, with her own name marked upon it, and placed it over his face. After he had remained in that way for some hours, he was awakened, and his thirst being so great, he went into the little grocery or grog-shop to get a drink, when he discovered the handkerchief, at which he looked, and the name that was on it. After pausing a few minutes, he ex- claimed — "Great God! who lefl this with me ! Who placed this on my face !" No one knew. He dropped the glass, exclaiming, " Enough ! Enough !" He retired instantly from the store, for- getting his thirst, but not the debauch, the handkerchief, or the lady, vowing, if God gave him strength, never to touch, taste, or handle intoxicating drinks. To meet Miss G. again was the hard- est effort of his life. If he met her in her carriage, or on foot, he would dodge round the nearest corner. She at last addressed him a note under her own hand, inviting him to her house, which he finally gathered courage enough to accept. He told her if she still bore affection for him, he would agree to her own terms. Her reply was : " My conditions are now what they ever have been." " Then," said the disenthralled Wirt, " I accept them." They were soon married ; and from that day he kept his word, and his af- fairs brightened, while honors and glory gathered thick upon his brow. His name has been enrolled high in the temple of fame, while his deeds, his patriotism and renown, live after him with imperishable lustre. How many noble minds might the young ladies save, if they would follow the example of the heroine-hearted Miss G., the friend of humanity, of her country, and the relation of La Fayette. 216. Miscellaneous. (a) DRUNKARDS OF THE RE- VOLUTION.— Benedict Arnold, the traitor who attempted to betray his country, was a rum-seller and a drunk- ard. Three of the most important de- feats of the American army, during the Revolution, were sustained by men who died drunkards. Had a sober crew been on board the Chesapeake, the brave Lawrence would never have had to say to his men, " Don't give up the ship." (b) MR. BISHOP'S DELIRIUM TREMENS.— The delirium tremens is one of the most awful effects of in- temperance. Says Mr. Bishop, of New- Haven, " I had been for three weeks beastly drunk. One of my first recol- lections is that I was forced into my own house. I remonstrated, and was told that I had endeavored to kill a neighbor. As soon as I found an op- portunity, I seized a gun and rushed out with the intention of shooting my friend. I was immediately disarmed and forced back into the house. My mind was then seized with a frenzy. I stood in the centre of the room. I thought I heard my old companions without whispering together about ap- pointing a committee to call on me. I refused to see them. It seemed to me they were coming to murder me, and I cried out in the greatest terror. I was then secured and placed in bed. The physician stood at the head of the bed and several of his students were with him. He told me I must be still. They were going to perform an operation. I did not like the appearance of things. The students hung up wires all about the room. I saw them talking with my wife and telling her she had better give her consent. They prepared a machine to flay me alive, and began to cut my flesh with saws, pull off my skin in strings and hang them upon the wires. Then it seemed to me a cage full of wild beasts were let loose upon me. Now a tiger was ready to pounce upon me. At one moment I thought my breast was full of animals. I asked a young man to drag them out, which he did ; and every time he drew one out, a horrid sensation of faintness came over me. At length I discovered that all these horrid sensations of sawing and flaying, (fee, were occasioned by ef- forts to wake me up. I am sometimes asked whether the illusions of the delirium tremens are not 429 d37 JEWS. always distressing. They are not. At one time I had about five hours of per- feet happiness. The asparagus bush which was used to brush off the flies, seemed to me exceedingly beautiful. It was full of the birds of Paradise, and my ears were enraptured with the most delightful music. But in general the illusion is of the most "horrid character. At one time I thought my companions were assaulting me with hooks, which they endeavored to strike into my flesh. I stood on the defence in the centre of the room for seven hours, fighting with all my might until the sweat from my body stood in puddles on the floor. On another oc- casion I thought my watchers were en- deavoring to murder me. I sprang from my bed and ran out, my pulse 170 a minute, and I was brought to death's door. For 18 days I endured the utmost horror of mind. Three times my case was given over as hopeless." (c) GOOD REASON FOR SO- BRIETY. — A gentleman on entering a stage coach, rubbing his head, with a yawn said, " My head aches dread- fully ; I was very drunk last night." A person affecting surprise, replied, " Drunk, sir ! what ! do you get drunk?" "Yes," said he, "and so does every one at times, I believe. I have no doubt but you do." "No, sir!" he replied, " I do not." " What ! ne- ver ?" " No, never ; and amongst other reasons I have for it, one is, I never find, being sober, that I have too much sense ; and I am loth to lose what little I have." This remark put an end to the conversation. (d) LAW OF PITTACUS.— By one of the laws of Pittacus, one of the seven wise men of Greece, every fault committed by a person when intoxicat- ed, was deemed worthy of a double punishment. 237. JEWS. (a) THE RABBI'S CALCULA- TION.— -Dr. South informs us, that a Rabbi, who lived about fifty years be- fore Christ, upon the consideration of Jacob's prophecy. Gen. xlix. 10, and of Daniel's seventy weeks, (Dan. ix.) said, that it was impossible for the coming of the Messiah to be deferred beyond fifty years ; a proportion of time vastly dif- ferent from that of eighteen hundred. (h) A QUESTION FOR JEWS.— Bishop Patrick quotes the following af- fecting inquiry addressed by Rabbi Sa- muel Moraccanus to a friend in the eleventh century : — "I would fain learn from thee, out of the testimonies of the law, and the prophets, and other scriptures, why the Jews are thus smitten in this captivity wherein we are, which may be properly termed the perpetual anger of God, because it hath no end. For it is now above a thousand years since we were carried captive by Titus ; and yet our fathers, who worshiped idols, killed the Prophets, and cast the law behind their back, were only punished with a seven- 430 ty years' captivity and then brought home again : but now there is no end of our calamities, nor do the prophets pro- mise any." " If," says Bishop Patrick, " this ar- gument was hard to be answered then, in his days, it is much harder in ours, who still see them pursued by God's vengeance ; which can be for nothing else but rejecting and crucifying the Messiah, the Savior of the world." (c) THE RABBI'S ADMISSIONS. — A learned rabbi of the Jews, at Alep- po, being dangerously ill, called his friends together, and desired them seri- ously to consider the various former captivities endured by their nation, as a punishment for the hardness of their hearts, and their present captivity, which was continued sixteen hundred years, "the occasion of which," said he, "is doubtless our unbelief. We have long looked for the Messiah, and the Christians have believed in one Je- sus, of our nation, who was of the seed of Abraham and David, and bom in Bethlehem, and, for aught we know, JEWS. 237 may be the true Messiah ; and we may- have suffered this long captivity be- cause we have rejected him. There- fore my advice is, as my last words, that if the Messiah, which we expect, do not come at or about the year 1650, reckoning from the birth of their Christ, then you may know and believe that this Jesus is the Christ, and you shall have no other." (d) THE LEIPSIC STUDENT.— A poor student, of the university of Leipsic, having occasion to undertake a journey to his distant friends, was in want of the money needful for the pur- pose, and was compelled to go to a Jew, to pawn his Hebrew Bible and Greek Testament. The latter contained the Greek and German text in opposite co- lumns. The Jew, little as he valued this book, was prevailed on to giiie the student half a rix-doUar for it. During the absence of the student he deter- mined to read it through, with a view of confirming his enmity against Jesus, and to be the better prepared to testify his zeal for the Jewish faith. He con- cealed it from his family, and com- menced its perusal, which, as the young man was absent seven weeks, he had time to do. As he read, he was sur- prised and impressed, and at times was ready to exclaim, " Oh that Jesus was my Saviour !" When he had gone through the book, he was greatly per- plexed and astonished, that he had been able to find nothing to increase his ha- tred to Jesus, but had rathered discov- ered much that was sublime and heav- enly. He now charged himself with folly, and resolved to open the book no more. He adhered to this resolution for several days, but was soon compelled to peruse it a second time, with the deter- mination to be more careful in ascer- taining that Jesus and his apostles had deserved the hatred of Jews in all ages. Still he was unable to find what he wished ; while he was impressed with the consolation it imparted to the afflict- ed, and the immortality of glory it re- vealed, which seemed to remove the anxiety he had long felt on this subject. He was compelled a third time to read the book ; and now the history, the doc- trines, and the promises of Jesus des- troyed his opposition, and melted his soul. He was overcome to tears, and resolved on embracing the doctrines of the cross. He announced his change to a Christian minister, purchased the New Testament of the student, to whom he became a warmly attached friend, and continued to give evidence of being a consistent Christian. (e) THE TRANSLATOR CON- VERTED.— When the Rev. Claudius Buchanan was traveling in India, he obtained from the Jews in the interior of that country a very singular copy of the translation of the New Testament into Hebrew, made in the sixteenth cen- tury. The translator was a learned rab- bi, and the translation is, in general, faithful. The design of the translator was to make an accurate version of the New Testament, for the express purpose of confuting it, and of repelling the ar- guments of his neighbors, the Syrian or St. Thome Christians. But behold the providence of God ! the translator became a convert to Christianity; his own work subdued his unbelief; and he lived and died in the faith of Christ. This manuscript is now in the public library at Cambridge. (/) DEATH-BED OF THE JEW. — In his interesting work, " Judah and Israel," Mr. Frey, a converted Jew, and who for more than forty years has la- bored among this people as a minister of the gospel, says : " For seven long years, while officiating Rabbi in the synagogue, it was my painful lot to at- tend the sick and dying ; and while I found all of them sensible of their being sinners, and exposed to the wrath of God, I never found one saying, like good old Simeon, ' Now, Lord, lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.' " (g) ROCHESTER'S CONFES- SION. — The celebrated Lord Roches- ter had lived a long while in infidelity, but there was one argument in favor of Christianity which he declared he could never set aside, namely : the existing state and circumstances of the Jews. 431 238 JUDGMENT DAY. 238. JUDGMENT DAY. (a) THE DARK DAY AND THE LEGISLATOR— The 19th of May, 1780, was remarkably dark in Connec- ticut. Candles were lighted in many houses ; the birds were silent, and dis- appeared ; and domestic fowls retired to roost. The people were impressed by the idea, that the day of judgment was at hand. This opinion was entertained by the legislature, at that time sitting at Hartford. The house of representa- tives adjourned : the council proposed to follow the example. Colonel Daven- port objected. " The day of judgment," he said, " is either approaching, or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause for an adjournment : if it is, I choose to be found doing my duty. I wish, there- fore, that candles may be brought." (b) CHILD'S DREAM OF THE JUDGMENT. The Rev. Herbert Mends, of Plymouth, Eng., speaking of his early religious impressions, says-: " If any particular circumstance might be considered as making a more deep, lasting, and serious' impression, than others, it was a dream which I had when at school at Ottery. I felt the apprehension of the approach of the last great judgment day. I well remember all the attending circumstances; and observed that they were perfectly cor- responding to the description of that awful event, recorded in the Gospel of Matthew. After I had perceived vast multitudes of the human race appearing before the throne of Christ, some being approved, and others rejected, I at length beheld my beloved father and mother, and several of the family, summoned to appear. Great agitation was awakened in my breast ; but I heard them distinct- ly examined, and as distinctly heard the Judge say, ' Well done,' &c. At this period, my whole soul was filled with horror indescribable, being conscious that I was not prepared to pass my final scrutiny. At length my name was an- nounced, and I felt all the agonies of a mind fully expecting to be banished from the presence of God, and the glory of his power. The Judge then, with a stern countenance, and in language which struck me with mingled shame and hope, said, ' Well, what sayest : thou V I fell at his feet, and implored mercy, and prayed, ' Lord, spare me yet a little longer, and when thou shalt call for me again, I hope to be ready.' With a smile, which tranquilized my spirit!) the Lord replied, J Go, then, and improve the time given thee.' The ex- treme agitation of my mind awoke me. But so deep was the impression, that I have never forgotten it." (c) CONFIDENCE OF JANE- WAY. — " I remember," says the wri- ter of Mr. John Janeway's life, " once there was a great talk that one had fore- told that doomsday should be on such a day. Although he blamed their daring folly that could pretend to know that which was hid, yet, granting their sus- picion to be true, what then ? said he ; what if the day of judgment were come, as it will most certainly come shortly ? If I were sure the day of judgment were to come within an hour, I should be glad with all my heart. If, at this very in- stant, I should hear such thunderings, and see such lightnings as Israel did at Mount Sinai, I am persuaded my very heart would leap for joy. But this I am confident of, through infinite mercy, that the very meditation of that day hath even ravished my soul ; and the thought of the certainty and nearness of it, is more refreshing to me than the comforts of the whole world." 432 JUSTICE AND EQUITY. 339 239. JUSTICE AND EQUITY. (a) SOCRATES AND CHERI- CLES. — While Athens was governed by thirty tyrants, Socrates the philoso- pher was summoned to the senate-house, and ordered to go with some other per- sons they named, to seize one Leon, a man of rank and fortune, whom they determined to put out of the way, that they might enjoy his estate. This com- mission Socrates flatly refused, and, not satisfied therewith, added his reasons for such refusal : " I will never willingly assist an unjust act." Chericles sharp- ly replied, " Dost thou think, Socrates, to talk always in this high style, and not to suffer ?" "Far from it,"" added he ; " I expect to suffer a thousand ills, but none so great as to do unjustly." (b) THEMISTOCLES' PROJECT. — Themistocles having conceived the design of transferring the government of Greece from the hands of the Lace- demonians, into those of the Athenians, kept his thoughts continually fixed on this great project. Being at no time very nice or scrupulous in the choice of his meas- ures, he thought any thing which could tend to the accomplishment of the end he had in view, just and lawful. In an assembly of the people one day, he ac- cordingly intimated that he had a very important design to propose, but he could not communicate it to the people at large, because the greatest secrecy was neces- sary to its success ; he therefore desired that they would appoint a person to whom he might explain himself on the subject. Aristides was unanimously pitched upon by the assembly, who referred them- selves entirely to his opinion of the af- fair. Themistocles taking him aside, told him that the design he had conceiv- ed, was to burn the fleet belonging to the rest of the Grecian states, which then lay in a neighboring port, when Athens would assuredly become mis- tress of all Greece. Aristides returned to the assembly, and declared to them, that nothing could be more advantageous to the commonwealth, than the project of Themistocles ; but that, at the same 28 time, nothing in the world could be more ^ unfair; Without inquiring further, the assembly unanimously declared, that since such was the case, Themistocles should wholly abandon his project. (c)CONSCIENTIOUS JUDGE.— Sir Matthew Hale, when chief baron of the exchequer, was very exact and impar- tial in his administration of justice. He would never receive any private ad- dresses or recommendations from the greatest persons in any matter in which justice was concerned. One of the first peers of England went once to his chamber, and told him " that, having a suit in law to be tried before him, he was then to acquaint him with it, that he might the better understand it when it should come to be heard in court." Upon which Sir Matthew interrupted him, and said " he did not deal fairly to come to his chamber about such af- fairs, for he never received any infor- mation of causes but in open court, where both parties were to be heard alike," so he would not suffer him to go on. Whereupon his grace (for he was a duke) went away not a little dissatis- fied, and complained of it to the king as a rudeness that was not to be endur- ed. But his majesty bade him content himself that he was no worse used, and said " he verily believed he would have used himself no better if he had gone to solicit him in any of his own causes." Another passage ffell out in one of his circuits, which was somewhat censured as an affectation of unreasonable strict- ness ; but it flowed from the exactness of the rules he had set himself. A gentleman had sent him a buck for hi3 table that had a trial at the assizes ; so, when he heard his name, he asked " if he was not the same person that had sent him venison." And finding that he was the same, he told him " he could not suffer the trial to go on till he had paid him for his buck." To which the gentleman answered " that he never sold his venison, and that he had done 433 2S9 JUSTICE AND EQUITY. nothing to him which he did not do to every judge that had gone that circuit," which was confirmed by several gentle- men then present ; but all would not do, for the lord chief baron had learned from Solomon that " a gift perverteth the ways of judgment;" and therefore he would not suffer the trial to go on till he had paid for the present ; upon which the gentleman withdrew the record. And at Salisbury, the dean and chapter having, according to custom, presented him with six sugar loaves in his circuit, he made his servants pay for the sugar before he would try their cause. (d ) ARISTIDES IN JUDGMENT. — Aristides being judge between two private persons, one of them declared that his adversary had greatly injured Aristides. " Relate rather, good friend," said he, interrupting him, " what wrong he hath done to thee, for it is thy cause, not mine, that I now sit judge of" (e) BANISHMENT OF ARIS- TIDES.— A tragedy by ^Eschylus was once represented before the Athenians, in which it was said of one of the charac- ters, " that he cared not more to he just than to appear so." At these words all eyes were instantly turned upon Aris- tides as the man who, of all the Greeks, most merited that distinguished charac- ter. Ever after he received, by uni- versal consent, the surname of the Just ; a title, says Plutarch, truly royal, or, rather, truly divine. This remarkable distinction roused envy, and envy pre- vailed so far as to procure his banish- ment for ten years upon the tmjust sus- picion that his influence with the people was dangerous to their freedom. When the sentence was passed by his country- men, Aristides himself was present in the midst of them, and a stranger who stood near, and could not write, applied to him to write for him in his shell. " What name ?" asked the philosopher. " Aristides," replied the stranger. " Do you kr^w him, then," said Aristides, "or, has he in any way injured you?" " Neither," said the other ; " but it is for this very thing I would he were con- demned. I can go nowhere but I hear of Aristides the Just." Aristides in- quired no further, but took the shell and wrote his name in it as desired. 434 The absence of Aristides soon dissi- pated the apprehensions which his countrymen had so idly imbibed. He was in a short time recalled, and for many years after took a leading part in the affairs of the republic, without showing the least resentment against his enemies, or seeking any other gratifi- cation than that of serving his country with fidelity and honor. His disregard for money was strikingly manifested at his death ; for though he was frequent- ly treasurer as well as general, he scarcely left sufl[icient to defray the ex- penses of his burial. The virtues of Aristides did not pass without reward. He had two daughters, who were educated at the expense of the state, and to whom portions were allotted from the public treasury. (/) LOCKE'S RESIGNATION.— The integrity of this great man was eminently displayed on several occa- sions ; but the following evfent, which closed his political life, is worthy of particular notice : — After the English revolution of 1688, his high name and merits opened to him the prospect of honor and riches, which, however, he declined. King William III pressed him to go on an embassy to one of the principal courts in Europe, which he respectfully refused. His majesty then appointed him to a seat as one of the commissioners of the Board of Trade and Plantations. This post, which was perfectly suited to his talents, he held for some years ; but, at length, when the air of London was found to disagree with his health, he resigned the place to the king in person, saying, that his conscience would not permit him to retain a situation the duties of which he could not discharge. The king entreated him to continue in it, telling him that though he could stay in London but a few weeks, his services would be very necessary. Mr. Locke, however, persisted in his resolution; thus relinquishing one thousand pounds a year, which he might have kept till his death. When he was told by a friend that he might have made a com- position with any new candidate, and thereby have gained some advantage without giving up the whole income, he JUSTICE AND EQUITY. 239 replied, " I know it very well, that I might have done so ; and that was the very reason why I did not communicate my design to any one. I received my commission directly from the king, and to him I resolved to restore it, that he might have the pleasure of bestowing it upon some worthy man better able to fulfil the duties than myself." (g) MORVILLIERS AND CHARLES IX.— Morvilliers, keeper of the seals to Charles the Ninth of France, was one day ordered by his sovereign to put the seals to the pardon of a nobleman who had committed mur- der. He refused. The king then took the seals out of his hands, and having put them himself to the instrument of remission, returned them immediately to Morvilliers ; who refused to take them again, saying, " The seals have twice put me in a situation of great honor ; once when I received them, and again when I resigned them." [h) LOUIS XIV AND HIS CHAN- CELLOR. — Louis the Fourteenth had granted a pardon to a nobleman who had committed some very great crime. M. Voisin, the chancellor, ran to him in his closet, and exclaimed, " Sire, you cannot pardon a person in the situation of Mr. ." " I have promised him," replied the king, who was ever impa- tient of contradiction ; " go and fetch the great seal." " But, sire," — " Pray, sir, do as I order you." The chancel- lor returns with the seals ; Louis ap- plies them himself to the instrument, containing the pardon, and gives them again to the chancellor. " They are polluted now, sire," exclaims the intre- pid and excellent magistrate, pushing them from him on the table, " I cannot take them again." " What an im- practicable man !" cries the monarch, and throws the pardon into the fi]:e. " I will now, sire, take them again," said the chancellor ; " the fire, you know, purifies every thing." (i) ANOTHER BRUTUS.— In the reign of Henry the Eighth, Fitz-Stephen, merchant, Mayor of Galway, sent his only son, as commander of a ship, to Spain, for a cargo of wine. The son kept the money for the purchase of the cargo ; and the Spanish merchant, who supplied the wine, sent his nephew to receive the debt. To conceal his fraud, young Fitz-Stephen conceived the plan of murdering the Spaniard ; a project, in which he brought the crew to com- bine. . The Spaniard was seized in bed, thrown overboard, and the ship arrived in port. Some time after, one of the sailors was taken ill, and, being at the point of death, confessed the horrid deed in which he had participated. The father, though struck with horror, shook off the parent, and said, " Justice should take its course." And, as mayor he caused his son to be committed, with the rest of the crew, and the father, like Brutus, sat in judgment on his son, and with his own lips pronounced the sentence which left him childless ! (j) FITZJAMES AND HIS SOVEREIGN.— It is said of Sfr John Fitz-James, that the instant he was seated on the bench, he lost all recollec- tion of his best friends, that would in the least degree have interfered with the ad- ministration of justice. A relation once solicited a favor of him. " Come to my house," said he, " and I will deny you nothing ; but in the king's court I must do you justice." The attorney-general was weak and criminal enough to request his interest on the part of the king, in a cause to be tried before him. "I will do the king right," he replied. A ver- dict was given against the crown, and the attorney-general expostulated with Fitz-James, who dismissed the subject by adding, " I could not do his majesty right, if I had not done justice." (k) THE MONARCH AND THE MILLER.— Near Potsdam (Prussia), in the reign of Frederick King of Prus- sia, was a mill which interfered with a view from the windows of Sans Souci. Annoyed by this inconvenience to his favorite residence, the king sent to in- quire the price for which the mill would be sold by the owner. " For no price," was the reply of the sturdy Prussian ; and, in a moment of anger, Frederick gave orders that the mill should be pull- ed down. " The king may do this," said the miller, quietly folding his arms, "but there are laws in Prussia;" and forthwith he commenced proceedings 435 339 JUSTICE AND EQUITY. against the monarch, the result of which was, the court sentenced Frederick to rebuild the mill, and to pay besides a large sum of money as compensation for the injury which he had done. The king was mortified, but had the magna- nimity to say, addressing himself to his courtiers, " I am glad to find that just laws and upright judges exist in my kingdom." A few years ago, the head of the honest miller's family, who had in due course of time succeeded to the hereditary possession of his little estate, finding himself, after a long struggle with losses occasioned by the war, which brought ruin into many a house besides his own, involved in pe- cuniary difficulties that had become in- surmountable, wrote to the then king of Prussia, reminding him of the refusal experienced by Frederick the Great at the heftids of his ancestor, and stating that, if his majesty now entertained a similar desire to obtain possession of tl\e property, it would be very agreeable to him, in his present embarrassed cir- cumstances, to sell the mill. The king immediately wrote, with his own hand, the following reply : — " My dear neighbor ; — I cannot allow you to sell the mill ; it must remain in your possession as long as one member of your family exists ; for it belongs to the history of Prussia. I lament, how- ever, to hear that you are in circum- stances of embarrassment ; and there- fore send you 6000 dollars (about £1000 sterling) to arrange your affairs, in the hope that this sum will be sufficient for the purpose. Consider me always your aflTectionate neighbor, " Frederick William." (Z)THE EFFECTUAL APPEAL. — It is related of Philip, King of the Ma- cedonians, that while one was pleading before him, he dropped asleep, and, wak- ing on a sudden, passed sentence against the righteous cause : upon this the in- jured person cried out, " I appeal." The king, with indignation, asked, " To whom ?" He replied, " From yourself sleeping to yourself waking ;" and had the judgment reversed that was against him. (m) PARDON REFUSED TO ROYAL BLOOD.— When a prince of the blood royal of France disgraced nim- self, by committing robbery and mur- der in the streets of Paris, Louis XV would not grant a pardon, though eager- ly solicited to do so by a deputation from the Parliament of Paris, who tried him, and suspended their sentence until the royal pleasure should be known. " My lords and counsellors," said the king, " return to your chambers of justice, and promulgate your decree." " Con- sider," said the first president, " that the unhappy prince has your majesty's blood in his veins." " Yes," said the king, '* but the blood has become im- pure, and justice demands that it should be let out ; nor would I spare my own son for a crime, for which I should be bound to condemn the meanest of my subjects." The prince was executed on the scaffold in the court of the grand Chatelet, on the 12th of August, 1729. (n) HENRY V AND THE JUDGE. — One of the favorites of King Henry V, when Prince of Wales, having been indicted for some misdemeanor, was condemned, notwithstanding all the interest he could make in his favor ; and the Prince was so incensed at the issue of the trial that he struck the judge on the bench. This magistrate, whose name was Sir William Gascoign, acted with a spirit becoming his char- acter. He instantly ordered the Prince to be committed to prison ; and young Henry, sensible by this time of the in- sult he had offered to the laws of his country, suffered himself to be quietly conducted to jail by the officers of jus- tice. The king, Henry IV, who was an excellent judge of mankind, was no sooner informed of this transaction, than he cried out in a transport of joy, "Happy is the king who has a magis- trate possessed of courage to execute the laws ; and still more happy in hav- ing a son who will submit to such chas- tisement." TUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. 240 240. JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. (a) HERVEY'S RECANTATION. — " If it be shameful to renounce er- ror," says Mr. Hervey, " and sacrifice all to truth, I do very willingly take this shame to myself, in a copy of verses which I formerly wrote, sacred to the memory of a generous benefactor. 1 remember the following lines : "Our wants relieved by thy indulgent care Shall give thee courage at the dreadful bar, And stud the crown thou shall for ever wear." These lines, in whatever hands they are lodged, and whatever else of a like kind may have dropt from my pen, I now publicly disclaim ; they are the very reverse of my present belief, in which I hope to persevere as long as I have any being. Far be it from me to suppose that any work of mine should, in order to create my peace, or cherish my confidence, be coupled with Christ's most holy acts. I speak the words of our church, and I speak the sense of the prophet, " I will trust, and not be afraid ;" wherefore? because I am in- herently holy '? rather God is my salva- tion ; God manifest in the flesh has finished my transgression, and made an end of my sin ; and in this most magni- ficent work will I rejoice. Thy Maker is thy husband : the consequence of which is, all thy debts and deficiencies are upon him, all his consummate right- eousness is upon thee." (b) LIBERTY IN DUNGEON.— Mr. Fleming, in his Fulfilling of the Scriptures, relates the case of a man who was a very great sinner, and for his horrible wickedness was put to death in the town of Ayr, Scotland. This man had been so stupid and brutish a fellow, that all who knew him thought him beyond the reach of all ordinary means of grace ; but while the man was in prison, the Lord wonderfully wrought on his heart, and in such a measure discovered to him his sinful- ness, that after much serious exercise and sore wrestling, a most kindly work of repentance followed, with great as- surance of mercy, insomuch, that when he came to the place of execution, he could not cease crying out to the people, under the sense of pardon, and the com- forts of the presence and favor of God : " O, He is a great forgiver ! He is a great forgiver !" And he added the following words: "Now hath perfect love cast out fear. I know God hath nothing to lay against me, for Jesus Christ hath paid all ; and those are free whom the Son makes free." (c) A GLORIOUS POSITION.— Mr. Lyford, a Puritan divine, a few days previous to his dissolution, being desired by his friends to give them some account of his hopes and comforts, he replied, " I will let you know how it is with me, and on what ground I stand. Here is the grave, the wrath of God, and devouring flames, the great punish- ment of sin, on the one hand ; and here am I, a poor sinful creature, on the other ; but this is my comfort, the co- venant of grace, established upon so many sure promises, hath satisfied all. The act of oblivion passed in heaven is, " I will forgive their iniquities, and their sins will I remember no more, saith the Lord." This is the blessed privilege of all within the covenant, of whom I am one. For I find the Spirit which is promised, bestowed upon me, in the blessed effects of it upon my soul, as the pledge of God's eternal love. By this I know my interest in Christ, who is the foundation of the covenant ; and there- fore my sins being Md on him, shall never be charged on me." 437 241 KINDNESS, CONJUGAL. 241. KINDNESS. CONJUGAL. (a) "I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU." — The wife of a pious man told him one day, that if he did not give over running after the missionaries, a name often applied in the neighbor- hood where this event occurred, to Christian ministers of different denomi- nations, she would certainly leave him. Finding that he continued obstinate, she on one occasion sent for him from the harvest-field, and informed him that she was about to carry her threats into execution ; and that before she left the house, she wished some articles to be divided, to prevent future disputes. She first produced a web of linen, which she insisted should be divided. " No, no," said the husband ; " you have been, upon the whole, a good wife to me : if you will leave me, though the thought greatly distresses me, you must take the whole with you ; you well deserve it all." The same answer was given to a similar proposal respecting some other articles. At last, the wife said, " So you wish me to leave you ?" " Far from that," said the husband ; ': I would do any thing, but sin, to make you stay ; but if you will go, I wish you to go in comfort." " Then," said she, " you have overcome me by your kind- ness ; I will never leave you." (b) THE MIDNIGHT SUPPER. — A married woman was effectually called by Divine grace, and became an exemplary Christian ; but her hus- band was a lover of sinful pleasure. When spending an evening, as usual, with his jovial companions, at a tavern, the conversation happened to turn on the excellencies and faults of their wives; the husband just mentioned pronounced the highest encomiums on his wife, saying she was all that was excellent, only she was a Methodist, " Notwithstanding which," said he, " such is the command which she has of her temper, that were I to take you, gentlemen, home with me at midnight, and order her to rise and get you a supper, shi would be all submission and 438 cheerfulness !" The company regarded this merely as a vain boast, and dared him to make the experiment, by a con- siderable wager. The bargain was made, and about midnight the company adjourned, as proposed. Being admit- ted, " Where is your mistress ?" said the husband to the maid-servant, who sat up for him, " She is gone to bed, sir." " Call her up," said he. " Tell her I have brought some friends home with me, and that I desire she would get up, and prepare them a supper." The good woman obeyed the unreason- able summons ; dressed, came down, and received the company with perfect civility : told them she happened to have some chickens ready for the spit, and that supper should be got as soon as possible. It was accordingly served up, when she performed the honors of the table with as much cheerfulness as if she had expected company at the pro- per season. After supper, the guests could not refrain from expressing their astonish- ment. One of them particularly, more sober than the rest, thus addressed him- self to the lady : " Madam," said he, " your civility fills us all with surprise. Our unreasonable visit is the conse- quence of a wager, which we have certainly lost. As you are a very re- ligious person, and cannot, therefore, approve of our conduct, give me leave to ask, what can possibly induce you to behave with so much kindness to us ?" " Sir," replied she, " when I married, my husband and myself were both un- converted. It has pleased God to call me out of that dangerous condition. My husband continues in it. I tremble for his future state. Were he to die as he is, he must be miserable for ever ; I think it, therefore, my duty to render his present existence as comfortable as possible." This wise and faithful reply affected the whole company. It lefl a deep im- pression on the husband's mind. " Do you, my dear," said he, " really think KINDNESS, CONJUGAL. 241 I should be eternally miserable ? I thank you for the warnmg. By the grace of God, I will change my con- duct." From that time he became another man, a serious Christian, and consequently, a good husband, (c) A REFORMED WIFE.— A man once came to tlie Rev. Jonathan Scott, of Matlock, (Eng.) complaining of his wife. He said she was so ex- ceedingly ill-tempered, and so studious- ly tormented him in such a variety of ways, that she was the great burden of his life ; and, notwithstanding all the kind methods he had used to bring her to a better disposition, she was not at all improved, but grew continually worse and worse. Mr. Scott exhorted him to try what a redoubled affection and kindness would do ; observing to him, that the command of Scripture to hus- bands was, " to love their wives," and that " even as Clirist loved the church." This advice did not appear to satisfy the man ; and he went away much de- jected, resolving, however, if possible, to follow it ; since, though it had not hitherto succeeded, he could not but consider it as founded on the word of God. He accordingly increased his attention ; and, as an instance of his kindness, the next Saturday evening brought to his wife his whole week's wages, and, with an affectionate smile, threw them into her lap, begging her entire disposal of them. This did not succeed : she threw the wages in a passion, accompanied with many bitter execrations, at his head ; and after- wards continued in the practice of every spiteful and malicious trick that she could devise, or, according to the poor man's own conclusion, that Satan him- self could suggest, to make his life miserable. Some years elapsed, during which he sustained, as patiently as he could, this wicked and undutiful treatment, when Providence favored him with another interview with his kind friend, Mr. Scott. This happened, most opportune- ly, at a time when a neighbor had been giving him a supposed recipe for the cure of refractory wives ; and, as a strong recommendation, mentioned that he had tried it on his own wife with the happiest effects. The man therefore came to Mr. Scott with a coiTitenance bespeaking a considerable degree of confidence, which led Mr. Scott, at first, to hope that his fonner advice had proved successful ; but he was soon informed that, through the extremely vicious disposition of the woman, it had operated in a way precisely the reverse of what was expected from it. Upon being asked, why then he smiled and looked so pleasantly, he said, he believ- ed he had really found out a remedy, which, if it should meet Mr. Scott's ap- probation, would not fail of effecting a cure ; for it had been tried by a neigh- bor of his on a wife, who, though she had been in all respects as bad as his, was, by one application only, become one of the most obedient and affectionate creatures living. " And what is this excellent remedy ?" said Mr. Scott. " Why, sir, it is a good horse- whipping ! You hear, sir, what good effects have been produced : do you think I may venture to try it ?" Mr. Scott replied, " I read, my friend, nothing about husbands horse- whipping their wives in the Bible, but just the reverse ; namely, love, which I before recommended ; and I can by no means alter the word of God : but I doubt not, if you persevere, it will be attended with a happy result :" this advice was ac- companied with exhortations to more earnest prayer. The man, though he left Mr. Scott both with a mind and countenance very different from those with which he came, resolved to follow his direction, as his esteem for him was very great ; and Providence calling Mr. Scott some time after to preach at Bir- mingham, his old friend, who then re- sided there, came into the vestry to him after he had concluded the service, and with a countenance expressive of exalt- ed happiness, said, that he should have reason to bless God through eternity for the advice he had given him ; and that he had not been induced, by his weak importunities, to alter or relax it ; ad- ding that his wife, who then stood smiling with approbation by his side, was not only become a converted wo- man, through a blessing on his kind 439 241, 242 KINDNESS, POWER OF. attentions to her, but was one of the most affectionate and dutiful of wives. ( d ) UNKIND HUSBAND RE- FORMED. — A decent countrywoman, says an English divine, came to me one market day, and begged to speak with me. She told me with an air of secre- cy, that her husband behaved unkindly to her, and sought the company of other women : and that knowing me to be a wise man, I could tell what would cure him. " The remedy is simple," said I ; " always treat your husband with a smile.'' The woman thanked me, dropped a cur- lesy, and Went away. A few months after, she came again, bringing a couple of fine fowls. She told me with great sa- tisfaction, that I had cured her husband ; and she begged my acceptance of the fowls in return. I was pleased with the success of my prescription, but re- fused the fee. (e) THE PERSECUTOR'S KIND WIFE. — As I was conversing, says a writer in the New-York Observer, with a pious old man, I inquired what were the means of his conversion. For a moment he paused — I perceived I had touched a tender string. Tears rushed from his eyes, while with deep emotion he replied, " My wife was brought to God some years before myself. I per- secuted and abused her because of her religion. She, however, returned noth- ing but kindness ; constantly manifest- ing an anxiety to promote my comfort and happiness ; and it was her amiable conduct, when suffering ill-treatment from me, that first sent the arrows of conviction to my soul. " Temper," added he, " is every thing." 242. KINDNESS, POWER OF. (a) PINEL AND THE LUNA- TICS.— In 1792, Pinel, who had been for some time chief physician to the Bi- cetre, or mad-house of Paris, begged re- peatedly of the public authorities, to let him remove the chains from the furious. His applications having been unsuccess- ful, he presented himself before the commune of Paris, and repeating his objections with increased warmth, urged a reform of such monstrous treatment. " Citizen," said one of the members to him, " I will to-morrow go to visit the Bicetre ; but wo betide thee, if thou de- ceivest us, and concealest any of the enemies of the people amongst thy in- sane." This member of the commune was Couthon. The next day he went to the Bicetre . Couthon was himsel f as strange a spectacle as any whom he visited. De- prived of the use of his lowe? extremi- ties, and compelled to be borne on the arms of others, he appeared, says Pinel, a fraction of humanity implanted on another's body ; and from out of this deformity, pronounced in a feeble and feminine voice, merciless sentences pro- ceeded, sentences of death ; for death was the only logic that then prevailed. 440 Couthon visited the insane in succession, and questioned them himself; but he received only imprecations amidst the clanking of chains on floors disgustingly filthy from the evacuations of the miser- able occupants. Fatigued with the mo- notony and revolting character of this spectacle, Couthon returned to Pinel. " Citizen," said he, " art thou thyself mad to desire to unchain such animals ?" "Citizen," replied Pinel, "I am con- vinced that these lunatics are intractable only from being deprived of air and liber- ty, and I expect much from a different course." " Well," said Couthon, " do as thou likest ; I leave them to thee ; but I am afraid thou wilt fall a victim to thy presumption." Master of his own actions, Pinel im- mediately commenced his undertaking, fully aware of its real difficulties ; for he was going to set at liberty about fifty furious maniacs, without injurious or dangerous consequences, as he hoped, to the other peaceable inmates of the establishment. He determined to un- chain no more than twelve at the first trial ; and the only precaution he took, was to have an equal number of strait jackets prepared, made of strong linen KINDNESS, POWER OF. 242 ^ith long sleeves, which could be tied behind the back of the maniacj, should it become necessary to restrict 1 lim from committing acts of violence. The first person to whom Pinel ad- dressed himself, had been a resident for the longest period in this abode of mise- ry. He was an English captain, whose history was unknown, but who had been chained there for forty years. He was looked upon as the most terrible of all the insane. His attendants always ap- proached him with circumspection ; for in a paroxysm of fury, he , had struck one of the servants on the head with his manacles, and killed him on the spot. He was confined with more rigor than many of the others, which circumstance, combined with almost total neglect on the part of the keepers, had exasperated a disposition naturally furious. Pinel entered his cell alone, and approached him calmly. " Captain," said he, " if I were to remove your chains, and to give you liberty to walk in the court, would you promise me to be rational, and do harm to no one?" "I promise thee. But thou mockest me ; they, as well as thyself, are too much afraid of me." ^' Assuredly not. I have no fear ; for I have six men at hand to make me res- pected, should it be necessary. But believe my word ; be confiding and do- cile. I will give you liberty, if you will allow me to substitute this strait waistcoat for your ponderous chains." The captain yielded with a good grace to every thing required of him, shrug- ging his shoulders, but without uttering a word. In a few minutes his irons were completely removed, and Pinel withdrew, leaving the door of the cell open. Several times the maniac raised himself from his seat, but fell back again ; he had kept the sitting posture so long that he had lost the use of his legs. At length, in about a quarter of an hour, and after repeated attempts, he succeeded in retaining his equilibrium, and from the depth of his dark cell ad- vanced staggering towards the door. His first action was to look at the sky, and exclaim in ecstasy, " How beauti- ful !" Through the whole day he ran about, ascending and descending the stairs, and constantly repeating the ex- clamation, " How beautiful ! how good !" In the evening he returned to his cell, slept tranquilly on a better bed, which had been provided for him ; and during the two additional years which he passed in the Bicetre, he had no paroxysm of fury. He rendered himself, indeed, useful in the establishment, by exerting a certain degree of authority over the patients, whom he governed after his own fashion, and over whom he elected himself a kind of superintendent. But the case of Chevinge, a soldier of the French guards, is looked upon as one of the most memorable feats of that interesting and eventful day. While in the army, he had but one fault — drunk- enness ; and when in this state he be- came turbulent, violent, and the more dangerous from his strength being pro- digious. Owing to his repeated excess- es, he was dismissed from his regiment, and soon dissipated his limited resources. Shame and misery subsequently plunged him into such a state of depression, that his intellect became disordered. In his delirium he thought he had been made a general, and beat those who did not admit his rank and quality ; and, in consequence of a violent disturbance thus originating, he was taken to the Bicetre, laboring under the most furious excitement. He had been confined in chains for ten years, and with more se- verity than most of his fellow sufferers, as he had frequently broken asunder his irons by the sole strength of his hands. On one occasion, when he obtained mo- mentary liberty in this manner, he set at defiance the united efforts of all his keepers to make him re-enter his cell. His strength had, indeed, become pro- verbial at the Bicetre. Pinel, on several visits, had discover- ed in Chevinge an excellent disposition, masked under the excitement incessant- ly occasioned by cruel treatment. He promised the lunatic to ameliorate his condition, and this promise itself ren- dered him more tranquil. Pinel at length told him he should be no longer chained ; " and to prove the confidence I have in thee," said he, " and that I re- gard thee as a man adapted for doing good, thou shalt aid me in freeing those unfortunates who have not their reason 441 342 KINDNESS, POWER OF. like thee ; and if thou conductest thy- self as I have reason to hope, I will take thee into my service, and thou shalt ne- ver quit me. Never," adds Pinel, " was there a more sudden and complete revo- lution. The keepers themselves were impressed with respect and astonishment at the spectacle which Chevinge afford- ed." Scarcely was he liberated when he was seen anticipating and following with his eye, every motion of Pinel, executing his orders with skill and promptitude, and addressing words of reason and kindness to the insane, on the level with whom he had been but a short time before. This man, whom chains had kept degraded during the best years of his life, and who would doubtless have spent the remainder of his existence in the same wretched con- dition, became afterwards a model of good conduct and gratitude. Often, in the difficult times of the revolution, he saved the life of Pinel, and on one oc- casion rescued him from a band of mis- creants who were conducting him to the " Lanterne," owing to his having been an elector in 1789. During the time of famine, he left the Bicetre every morning, and returned with supplies of provisions which gold could not at that time procure. His whole life was one of perpetual devotion to his liberator. In the course of a few days, the shackles were removed from fifty-five lunatics. An unexpected improvement followed from a course previously re- garded impracticable and even fatal. The furious mad-men, who monthly de- stroyed hundreds of utensils, renounced their habits of violence; others, who tore their clothes, and rioted in filth and nudity, became clean and decent ; tran- quillity and harmony succeeded to tu- mult and disorder ; and over the whole establishment order and good feeling reigned. (b) BUNDY AND THE FERO- CIOUS PRISONER.— The power of kindness is seen in the case of Haynes, executed in 1799 at Bristol, Eng. Pie was heavily ironed, yet so extremely turbulent and outrageous, that the other prisoners stood in fear of him, and were obliged to be constantly on their guard. It became necessary even to call out the 442 military ; but this only irritated him, and made him worse. He would' ex- pose h:is naked breast to the soldiers' bayone ts, dare them to run him through, and sa; f he would rather be shot dead than SI irrender himself to them. Yet^i when force failed, remonstrance suc^ ceeded ; for he actually delivered up* to the pel 'suasions of a gentleman, a wea- pon wl lich a file of soldiers were unabl& to take from him. A pious minister by the name of Bundy, used to visit hinv and at length told the keeper he wished to spend the night with the felon. Pie was wiimed of his danger; but, moved with compassion, he persisted, and en- tered the prisoner's cell. Finding him- prostrate on the floor under the weight of his irons, he persuaded the keeper to let him have one hand and foot at liber- ty. The keeper retired late at nighty locking: after him three massive doors ; and Hatynes, immediately lifting up his; liberated hand, and reaching a clasped knife h s had concealed, rushed fiercely towards; him, exclaiming with the voice and looks of a demon, " Now thou art in my povTer, I will kill thee." The man of God thought his end had come ; but suddenly recalling the passage, " thou canst have no power over me unless it be given thee from above," was instant- ly raised above all fear, and calmly met the enraged culprit, to whom he kindly said, " Now, my friend, what harm have I done you, or of what ser- vice would my death be to you ?" He then spoke of the love of Christ, and as- sured the felon, that he was ready to receive all, even the most wicked, who came to him. These words of kindness softened the culprit's heart ; he threw down the knife, acknowledging his guilt, and burst into tears. Deeply convicted at length of sin, he asked if it was pos- sible for such a sinner as himself ever to be saved ? The anguish of his mind was extreme ; he would often weep bit- terly in view of his sins ; and there is reason to hope that he died a sincere penitent. (c) ISAAC HOPPER AND CAIN. — When Isaac Hopper lived in Phila- delphia, his attention was drawn to a colored waiter, called Cain, who was remarkable for profanity. Neither per- KINDNESS, POWER OF. 243 suasion nor rebuke had any effect to change this bad habit. One day Hop- per encountered him in the street, quar- reling and pouring forth volleys of oaths ihat made one shudder. Having faith in fines and constables, Hopper took him before a magistrate, who fined him for blasphemy. Twenty years after, Isaac met Cain, whom he had not seen for a very long time. His outward appearance was much changed for the worse ; his gar- ments were tattered, and his person emaciated. This touched the Friend's heart. He stepped up, shook hands, and spoke kindly to the forlorn being. -" Dost not thou remember me," said the Quaker, " and how I had thee fined for swearing ?" " Yes, indeed, I do ; I remember what I paid as well as yes- terday." " Well, did it do thee any good ?" " No, never a bit ; it made me mad to have my money taken from me." Hopper invited Cain to reckon up the interest on the fine, and paid him prin- cipal and interest. " I meant it for thy good, Cain, and I am sorry I did thee any harm." Cain's countenance changed ; the tears rolled down his cheeks ; he took the money with many thanks ; became a quiet man, and was heard to swear no more. {d) PILLSBURY AND THE GI- ANT PRISONER.— Mr. Pillsbury, warden of the state prison in Connecti- cut, once received into the prison a man of gigantic stature, whose crimes had for seventeen years made him the terror of the country. He told the criminal when he came, he hoped he would not repeat the attempts to escape which he had made elsewhere. " It will be best," said he, " that you and I shoilld treat each other as well as we can. I will make you as comfortable as I possibly can, and I shall be anxious to be your friend ; and I hope you will not get me into difficulty on your account. There is a cell intended for solitary confine- ment ; but we have never used it, and I should be sorry ever to have to turn the key upon any body in it. You may range the place as freely as I do ; if you trust me, I shall trust you." The man was sul ky, and for weeks showed only gradual symptoms of softening un- der the operation of Mr. Pillsbury's cheerful confidence. At length infor- mation was 'brought of the man's inten- tion to break: prison. The warden call- ed him, and taxed him with it; the man, preser\'^ed a gloomy silence. He was told it was now necessary for him to be locked in the solitary cell, and desired to f :)llow the warden, who went first, carrying a lamp in one hand, and a key in the other. In the narrowest part of thej passage, Mr. Pillsbury, a small, light man, turned round, and looked in the face of the stout criminal. " Now," said he, " 1 ask whether you have treated me as I deserve ? I have done every thing I could to make yoti happy ; I have trusted you ; but you have never given me the least confi- dence in return, and have even plarmed to get me into difficulty. Is this kind t And yet I cannot bear to lock yau up.. If I had the least sign that you cared for me" — The man burst into tears.. " Sir," said he, "I have been a very devil these seventeen years; but jom treat me like a man." " Come, fet ua go back," said the warden. The con- vict had free range of the prison as be- fore ; and from this hour he began to open his heart to the warden, and cheer- fully fulfilled his whole term of impris- onment. (e) AZEL BACKUS AND THE HEATHEN.— At a festival at Ganesa's. (Gumputtee's) temple in Ceylon, while^ the multitude of worshipers, assembled at the temple, were engaged in boiling^ their rice for an offering, one of them: who went for water, fell into the welL As soon as the ci rcumstance was made known to the cro tvd, they rushed to the well, and among them was the parida- rum (priest) of the temple, who, as soon; as he had gratifieid his curiosity, return- ed to the tempi e. None among them manifested the L jast concern for the un- fortunate man who was sunk in the water. They 1 ooked into the well, and talked about the; man in such imminent danger with th d most perfect indiffer- ence. Not an individual seemed to think assistanf^e could or ought to be rendered, till 'Dne of the headmen came 443 942 KINDNESS, POWER OF. to the spot: he exerted all his influence to induce some one to dive into the wa- ter, which any person accustomed to swimming might have done with perfect safety, but his efforts were in vain. He then sent for the priest, who was known to be an expert swimmer. At the com- mand of the headman he came, but ex- cused himself from the act of mercy re- quired of him, by saying that he could not absent himself so long from the du- ties of the temple without sustaining a loss. Just at this moment came to the place a young man, unknown to the crowd, who, as soon as he learned that a fellow being was drowning, threw aside his garment, and leaped into the well. After repeatedly diving, he found the body, and raised it to the surface of the water, from which it was taken by the by-standers. As soon as the noise and coofusfon occasioned by taking out the lifeless body had subsided, a loud whisper passed along the crowd, " Who is that young man ? Who is that good man V They were not a little sur- prised, and some of the enemies of Christianity confounded, when they were told that this good Samaritan was Azel Backus, a Christian ! 1'his event did not a little towards stopping the mouths, and weakening the strength of some who were arrayed against Chris- tians and the cause in which they are engaged ; and is to all, who have any knowledge of Scripture, a striking com- ment on the words of inspiration, ^'Overcome evil with good." (/) THE PHYSICIAN AND THE DRAYMAN.— Dr. P— , a Quaker of Philadelphia, was very kind to the poor. In times of sickness, produced by what- ever cause, he was always ready and willing to assist them. His benevolence in such cases extended farther than his gratuitous services as a physician. Of course he was beloved. The streets were frequently some- what crowded with building materials, so much so as often, at particular places, to prevent two vehicles from passing each other, if the driver of either is dis- |>osed to be obstinate. As the doctor was one day proceed- ing to visit a patient, his progress was impeded by a dray — the driver of which 444 had stopped his horses in one of those narrow passages. After waiting sever- al minutes, the doctor requested the dray- man to allow him to pass. The latter, who had heard of, but did not know the former, poured forth a volley of the vilest abuse upon the " straight coat," and swore he would not move till he thought proper. " Well, friend," said the doctor, " all I have to observe is this : if thee should get sick, or if thy family should ever be in distress, send for Dr. P., and he will do all he can to assist thee." The heart of the drayman was subdued by the kindness of the man he had abused. He was ashamed of his conduct — stam- mered an apology, and removed the ob- struction as speedily as possible. How true it is, that " a soft tongue breaketh the bone." If the doctor had cursed the drayman till midnight, he would have received nothing but curs- ing and blows in return. This may be thought a small matter, but it furnishes a useful lesson. (g) LIFE SAVED BY GOOD NATURE.— A gentleman in Philadel- phia, who constantly felt and looked kindly, going out one morning, met a wretched looking man walking hastily with a musket in his hand. " Good morning, sir," said the gen- tleman with a smile. " Good morning," muttered the other ; and passed on. Presently the gentle- man heard the report of a musket, and soon the cry of murder. It turned out that the man with the musket was in- sane, and had run out with a musket to kill the first man he should meet, that he might be hanged himself, and thus get rid of this world ; but he was asked why he did not kill the first gentleman. " Why he looked so good natured," said he, " that I thought I would not shoot him." (h) THE HAYMAKERS.— Two neighbors were getting hay from ad- joining lots of marsh land. One had the misfortune to mire his team and load so as to require aid from the other. He called to him for assistance with his oxen and men. But his neighbor felt churlish, and loading him with re- proaches for his imprudent manage- LABOR, DIGNITY OF. 243 ment, told him to help himself at his leisure. With considerable difficulty he extricated his load from the mire and pursued his business. A day or two after, his churlish neighbor met with a similar mishap. Whereupon the other, without waiting for a request, volun- teered with his oxen and rendered the necessary assistance. The churl felt ashamed of himself. His evil was overcome by his neighbor's good, and he never afterwards refused him a favor. 243. LABOR, DIGNITY OF. (a) CYRUS A GARDENER.— When Lysander, the Lacedaemonian general, brought magnificent presents to Cyrus, the younger son of Darius, who piqued himself more on his integ- rity and politeness than on his rank and birth, the prince conducted his illustri- ous guest through his gardens, and pointed out to him their varied beauties. Lysander, struck with so fine a pros- pect, praised the manner in which the grounds were laid out, the neatness of the walks, the abundance of fruits plant- ed with an art which knew how to com- bine the useful with the agreeable ; the beauty of the parterres, and the glowing variety of flowers exhaling odors uni- versally throughout the delightful scene. ^' Every thing charms and transports me in this place," said Lysander to Cyrus ; " but what strikes me most is the exqui- site taste and elegant industry of the person who drew the plan of these gar- dens, and gave it the fine order, won- derful disposition, and happiness of ar- rangement which I cannot sufficiently admire." Cyrus replied, " It was I that drew the plan and entirely marked it out ; and many of the trees which you see were planted by my own hands." "What!" exclaimed Lysander, with surprise, and viewing Cyrus from head to foot, " is it possible that, with those purple robes and splendid vestments, those strings of jewels and bracelets of gold, those buskins so richly embroider- ed ; is it possible that you could play the gardener, and employ your royal hands in planting trees ?" " Does that surprise you ?" said Cyrus ; " I assure you that, when my health permits, I never sit down to my table without hav- ing fatigued myself, either in military exercise, rural labor, or some other toil- some employment, to which I apply my- self with pleasure." Lysander, still more amazed, pressed Cyrus by the hand, and said, " You are truly happy, and deserve your high fortune, since you unite it with virtue." (b) LACEDiEMONIANS' SEA- SONING. — Dionysius the tyrant being at an entertainment given to him by the Lacedaemonians, expressed some disgust at their black broth. "No wonder," said one of them, " for it wants season- ing." "What seasoning?' asked the tyrant. " Labor," replied the citizen, " joined with hunger and thirst." ■(c) INDUSTRIOUS MONARCH. — It was the custom of Peter the Great to visit the different workshops and man- ufactories, not only to encourage them, but also to judge what other useful es- tablishments might be formed in his do- minions. Among the places he visited frequently, were the forges of Muller, at Istia, ninety versts from Moscow. — The Czar once passed a whole month there ; during which time, after giving due attention to the affiiirsof state, which he never neglected, he amused himself with seeing and examining every thing in the most minute manner, and even employed himself in learning the busi- ness of a blacksmith. He succeeded so well, that on one of the last days of his remaining there, he forged eighteen poods of iron, and put his own particu- lar mark on each bar. The boyars and other noblemen of his suite were em- ployed in blowing the bellows, stirring the fire, carrying coals, and performing the other duties of a blacksmith's assist- ant. When Peter had finished, he went to the proprietor, praised his man- ufactory, and asked him how much he gave his workmen per pood. " Three 445 943, 244 LAWSUITS AND LAWYERS. kopecks, or an altina," answered Mai- ler. " Very well," replied the Czar ; " I have then earned eighteen altinas." Muller brought eighteen ducats, offered them to Peter, and told him that he could not give a workman like his majesty less per pood. Peter refused. " Keep your ducats," said he ; "I have not wrought better than any other man ; give me what you would give to aiioth- er ; I want to buy a pair of shoes, of which 1 am in great need." At the same time he showed him his shoes, which had been once mended, and were again full of holes. Peter accepted the eighteen altinas, and bought hims(?lf a pair of new shoes, which he used to show With much pleasure, saying, — *' These I earned with the sweat of my brow." One of the bars of iron forged by Peter the Great, and authenticated by his mark, is still to be seen at Istia, in the forge of Muller. Another similar bar is preserved in the cabinet of curi- osities at St. Petersburgh. (d) WASHINGTON AND THE CORPORAL. — During the American Revolution, it is said, the commander of a little squad was giving orders to those under him, relative to a stick of timber which they were endeavoring to raise up to the top of some military works they were repairing. The timber went up hard, and on this account, the voice of the little great man was oftener heard, in regular vociferations of " Heave away ! There she goes ! Heave ho !" An officer, not in military costume, was passing, and asked the commander why he did not take hold, and render a little aid. The latter, astonished, turning round with all the pomp of an emperor, said, " Sir, I am a corporal !" " You are — are you ?" replied the officer, " I was not aware of that ;" and taking off his hat and bowing, "I ask your* par- don, Mr. Corporal." Upon this he dis- mounted, and lifted till the sweat stood' in drops on his forehead. And when finished, turning to the command(?r, he said, "Mr. Corporal, when you have another such job, and have not men enough, send for your Commancfer-in- Chief, and I will come and help you a. second time." The corporal was thun- derstruck ! It was Washington. (e) CARTER'S REPLY TO THE: TANNER.— The Rev. J. Carter,, one- of the puritan ministers, once cams un- expectedly behind a Christian of his ac- quaintance, who was busily occupied in his business as a tanner. He gave- him a pleasant tap on the shoulder ; the good man looked behind him, started, and said, " Sir, I am ashamed that you should find me thus employed." Mr. Carter replied, " Let Christ, when he Cometh, find me so doing." " What I"' said the good man, " doing thus ?" — "Yes," said Mr. C, "faithfully per- forming the duties of my calling.." An anecdote similar to this is record- ed of Dr. Doddringe and one of his: friends. (/) SOUTHERN STUDENT AND DR. STUART.— Manual labor is es- teemed by many at the South as dis- graceful. An anecdote showing to what an extent this sentiment prevails, was related at an anti-slavery meeting at Danvers. A student from one of the southern States, in the Theological Sem^ inary at Andover, had purchased some wood, and was exceedingly embarrassed at being unable readily to obtain some one to saw it for him. He went to Pro- fessor Stuart, to inquire what he should do in so unfortunate a predicament. Th& learned professor replied, that he was in want of a job himself, and he would saw- it for him. 244. LAWSUITS AND LAWYERS. (a) THE CZAR AND HIS GOV- ERNOR.— Peter the Great frequently surprised the magistrates by his unex- pected presence in the cities of the em- pire. Having arrived without previous 446 notice at Olonez, he went first to the re- gency, and inquired of the governor how many suits were depending in the court of chancery ? " None, sire," replied the governor. *'How happens that?" LAW SUITS AND LAWYERS. 244 "I endeavor to prevent lawsuits, and <;oncilisite the parties; I act ici such a manner that no traces of differ ence re- main CO the archives ; if I am wrong, your indulgence will excuse mo." "I wish," j-eplied the Czar, " that all gov- ernors >vould act on your principles. Go on, God and your sovereign are equally .satisfied." (b) GOOD ADVICE OF TWISS. — Mr. Philip Henry relates a remarka- :ible stor^^ concerning a good old friend of his, TK ho, when young, being an or- phan, wa.s greatly wronged by his uncle. His portion, which was 06200, was put into the h ands of that uncle ; who, when lie grew up, shuffled with him, and •would give him but £40, instead of his je200, aR(i he had no way of recovering Ms right but by law. But, before he "Would enj^age in that, he was willing to advise wi th his minister, who was the ■famous D r. Twiss, of Newberry. The counsel he gave him, all things consid- ered, was 5, for peace' sake, and for the preventiag of sin, and snares, and troubles, to take the £40 rather than contend; " and Thomas," said the doc- tor, " if thou dost so, assure thyself that -God will make it up to thee and thine some othe r way, and they that defraud will be th( 3 losers by it at last." He did so, and at pleased God so to bless that little whi ch he began the world with, that whesi he died in a good old age, he left his so n possessed of some hundreds a year, w hilst he that had wronged him fell into poverty. (c) TH E MAGISTRATE'S EXPE- T)IENT.- -A magistrate of Paris estab- lished a poor-box in his office; and when he happened to accomplish the pleasantes t part of his duty, that of pre- venting lit igation, he invited the parties whom he ; reconciled, to seal that recon- ciliation w ith an alms. In a single year, thia worth y functionary collected more thun 1400 francs. This ingenious means of bene€c( 3nce was truly honorable to the invento r. (d) TEIE UNSETTLED LAW- CASE. — 1 ^wo neighbors, who were brothers b; y marriagcj had a difficulty respecting their partition fence. Al- though the y had mutually erected a aubstantiai fence, four and one half feet in height on the line separating the sheep pasture of one from the grain field of the other, yet the lambs would creep through the crevices and destroy the grain. Each asserted it to be the duty of the other to chink the fence. After the usual preliminaries of demands, re- fusals, threats, challenges, and mutual recriminations, they resolved to try the glorious uncertainty of the law ; they were, however, persuaded by their friends to the more amicable mode of submitting the defence and final deter- mination to a very worthy and intelli- gent neighbor, who was forthwith con- ducted to the scene of trouble, and in full view of the premises : each party in turn, in a speech of some length, as- serted his rights, and set forth the law and the facts; at the conclusion of which, the arbitrator very gravely re- marked : " Gentlemen, the case involves questions of great nicety and importance, not only to the parties in interest, but to the community at large ; and it is my desire to take suitable time for deliber- ation, and also for advisement with those who are learned in the law, and most expert in the customs of good neighbors ; in the meantime, however, I will just clap a billet or two of wood into the sheep holes ;" and in ten minutes' time, with his hands, he effectually closed every gap. The parties silently retir- ed, each evidently heartily ashamed of his own folly and obstinacy. The um- pire has never been called upon to pro- nounce final judgment in the case ; so the law case remains unsettled to this day. (e) RULE FOR AN ATTORNEY." — A pious attorney, being asked how he could conscientiously plead for some of his clients, replied, " Sir, I have not for many years undertaken a cause which I could not pray for ; and I have never lost a case for which I could pray !" If all lawyers would do thus, the oppres- sion of the innocent would be less fre- quent. (/) ERSKINE'S OPINION.— Lord Erskine, when at the bar, and at the time when his professional talents were most eminent and popular, having been applied to by his friend Dr. Parr for his opinion upon a subject likely to be liti- 447 344, 245 LEGACIES. gated by him, after recommending the Qoctor " to accommodate the difference amicably," concluded his letter by ob- serving, " I can scarcely figure to my- self a situation in which a lawsuit is not, if possible, to be avoided." {g) THE LITIGANT'S GRATI- FICATION.— A gentleman who had been successively engaged in three pro- fessions, that of minister, physician, and lawyer, was asked the comparative ad- vantages of them for acquiring proper- ty. He replied, " The man who will give but a fourpence to save his soul, will give twenty-five cents for relief from sickness, and a dollar to have his own will." Qi) EXTRAORDINARY LAW- YER. — A circumstance is mentioned of Robert Dover, the worthy attorney of Burton on the Heath, on the last leaf of a book of verses to which his portrait is affixed, no less extraordinary than the occasion of writing the poems, namely ; that " though he was bred an attorney, he never tried but two causes, having always made up the difference." \i) MATTHEW HALE IN DIS. GUISE. — The younger of two broth- ers had e ndeavored to deprive the elder of an estate of £500 a year, by suborn- ing witnesses to declare that he died in a foreign land. Coming into the court in the guise of a miller. Sir Matthew Hale was chosen the twelfth juryman to sit on this cause. As soon as the clerk of the court had sworn in the ju- rymen, a little dexterous fellow came into their apartment and slipped ten gold pieces into the hands of eleven of the jury, and gave the miller five, while the judge was known to be bribed with a great sum. The judge summed up^ the evidence in favor of the younger brother, and the jury were about to> give their assent, when the supposed* miller stood up and addressed the court with such energetic and manly elo- quence, as astonished the judge and all present ; unraveled the sophistry to the very bottom, proved the fact of bribery, evinced the elder brother' ^ title to the estate, from the contradictory evidence- of the witnesses, and gained a complete^ victory in favor of tru/h and justice.. 245. LEGACIES. {a) THE RICH MAN'S HEIR.— An old woman, who showed the house and pictures at Towcester, expressed herself in these remarkable words : — " That is Sir Robert Farmer ; he lived in the country, took care of his estate, built this house, and paid for it ; ma- naged well, saved money, and died rich. — That is his son. He was made a lord, took a place at court, spent his estate, and died a beggar !" A very concise, but full account, and fraught with a va- luable moral lesson. "He layeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall ga • ther them." {h) THE LOST LEGACY.— We knew a worthy clergyman, says a wri- ter in the New- York Evangelist, who had the cause of religion deeply at heart, and who, by his will, had bequeathed to a benevolent institution a certain bond which he held against an individual then 448 supposed to be rich. At the time of" making his will, the bond would have- been canceled on demand. But by a reverse of circumstances, the debtor be- came insolvent ; and but a few cents; on the dollar were paid on ;he final winding up of his concerns. This to the benevolent clergyman was a source of much deeper regret, than if he had sustained the same loss in property which he had designed for his own lawful heirs- Instead of accumulating, as he had anti- cipated, so as to produce a greater ul- terior benefit to the cause, it was re- duced to a very small pittance. Had he given the money when he hr.d formed his design, it would have effected imme- diate good, and perhaps yielded, In its advantage to the cause, a far greater per-centage, than any interest upon bond, had it been perfectly salfe. This incident will serve to illustratei LICENTIOUSNESS. 215, 246 the importance of doing at once what- ever we design for the promotion of the gospel. (c) THE PRODIGAL REFORMED — Admiral Williams, when a young man, was gay, and so addicted to ex- pensive pleasures, that no remonstrances could reclaim him. When his father died, he met the rest of the family to hear the will read. His name did not occur among the other children, and he supposed the omission was a mark of his father's resentment against him. At the close of it, however, he found that he was mentioned, as residuary legatee, in these words, " All the rest of my es- tate and effects I leave to my son Peere Williams, knowing that he will spend it all." On hearing this he burst into tears. " My father," said he, " has touched the right string, and his reproach shall not be thrown away." His conduct from that time was altered, and he be- came an honor to the Christian pro- fession. 246. LICENTIOUSNESS. {a) HINT TO YOUNG LADIES. — Why did you not take the arm of my brother last night ? said a young lady to her friend, a very intelligent girl, about 19, in a large town near lake Ontario ; she replied, " Because I know him to be a licentious young man." ''Nonsense," was the answer of the sis- ter, " if you refuse the attentions of all licentious men, you will have none, I can assure you." " Very well," said her friend, " then I can dispense with them altogether — for my resolution on this point is unalterably fixed." How long would it take to revolutionize socie- ty, were all young ladies to adopt this resolution ? (h) THE HAPPY RAKE.— Colonel Gardiner, says Doctor Doddridge, was habitually so immersed in intrigues, that if not the whole business, at least the whole happiness of his life consisted in them ; and he had too much leisure for one who was so prone to abuse it. His fine constitution, than which, perhaps, there was hardly ever a better, gave him great opportunities of indulging himself in these excesses ; and his good spirits enabled him to pursue his plea- sures of every kind in so alert and sprightly a manner, that multitudes en- vied him, and called him, by a dreadful kind of compliment, " The happy rake." Yet still the checks of conscience, and some remaining principles of an excel- lent education, would break in upon his most licentious hours ; and I particu- larly remember he told me, that when 29 some of his dissolute companions were once congratulating him on his distin- guished felicity, a dog happening at that time to come into the room, he could not forbear groaning inwardly, and say- ing to himself, " Oh that I were that dog!" Such was then his happiness, and such, perhaps, is that of hundreds more, who bear themselves highest in the contempt of religion, and glory in that infamous servitude which they af- fect to call liberty. (c) HIGHWAY TO SUICIDE.— The Rev. John Owen, the eloquent ad- vocate of the Bible Society, after advert- ing, in a sermon to the young, to the peaceful death of a little girl, mentions the awful end of a youth who had been seduced from the paths of virtue by wick- ed associates. Scarcely, says he, had the turf been spread over the mortal remains of this young disciple, when the ground was opened to receive another of our youth, who, awful to relate, had raised his arm, and that with too fatal success, against the precious, the invaluable deposit of his own life. This deluded youth had received the benefit of a Christian edu- cation in one of our schools of gratuitous instruction ; and, like the happy subject who preceded him into eternity, had been carefully lectured in the house of God on matters which concerned his salvation. But a removal from school to employment was to him, as it unhap- pily is to too many of our youth, the signal for renouncing his attendance 449 247 LOVE, BROTHERLY. upon the ordinances of religion. The consequence was such as might natural- ly be apprehended. He fell into the snare of evil company, and became li- centious, profligate, and abandoned. Dis- eased, disgraced, despondent, without any cordial from religious hope, any support in Christian resignation, he yield- ed to the temptation of the destroyer, and completed the measure of his sin, his misery, and his dishonor, by an act of deliberate suicide. Behold then, this victim to his youth- ful lusts, mangled, cruelly mangled by his own violence ; and weltering, with awful publicity, in the stream of blood which his suicidal hands have spilt ! Behold — not that you may gratify an unfeeling curiosity, nor yet be convulsed' with horror and disgust — but that you may learn the solemn truth which every part of this catastrophe proclaims, " The wages of sin is death !" 247. LOVE, BROTHERLY. (a) A CALVINIST'S LIBERALI- TY. — " Though a man," says the Rev. John Newton, " does not accord with my views of Election, yet if he give me good evidence that he is effectually called of God, he is my brother. Though he seems afraid of the doctrine of final perseverance, yet if grace enable him to persevere, he is my brother still. If he will love Jesus, I will love him whatever hard names he may be called by, and whatever incidental mistakes I may think he holds. This differing from me will not always prove him to be wrong, except I am infallible myself." (b) INTIMACY WITH THE PIOUS POOR.— A truly pious man, of rank and influence in society, was in the habit of entertaining and admitting to a degree of intimacy, persons of very hunible circumstances of life, if they only gave evidence of true religion. A friend of his, who was accustomed to measure every thing according to the standard of this world, pleasantly rallied him on the subject of his associates ; in- timating his surprise that he should ad- mit to his hospitality and friendship per- sons of obscure origin, and of little esti- mation among men. He replied in a tone of unaflTected humility, that as he could scarcely hope to enjoy so elevated a rank as they in a future world, he knew not why he should despise them in the present. The reproof came home to the feelings of the proud man, and he was silent ; conscience whispering, meanwhile, how dim were his prospects of rising, in the future world, to an equality with the pious poor, if his 450 Christian friend was in danger of fall- ing below them. (c) AN UNBELIEVER CON- VINCED. — A man who had for some time attended the meetings of a certain church in the city of New- York, came before them to relate his experience, with a view to joining them by baptism. In detailing the exercises of his mind, he stated that what first drew his seri- ous attention to the subject of religion, was observing the unbroken concord and Christian affection existing among the members of the church. It struck him that such a delightful harmony and mu- tual attachment could not be the effect of natural feeling, and self-interest, for it was too pure and too holy. What could produce such a tie of brotherhood but the agency of the Spirit of God ! There was no other explanation, and the more he looked upon the church keeping the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace, the more his heart was affected, till he was led to cast himself at the feet of Christ, and pray that his hard and selfish heart might be changed, and that he might also become one of the blessed company of the saints. If all churches maintained such a fellowship as this, and could always challenge the world with " Behold how these Christians love one another," what multitudes would believe in Christ who now reject him. ! (d) PLAGUE AT ALEXANDRIA. — A striking instance of the brotherly love of the early Christians, transpired in the great plague that raged in Alex- andria, during the reign of Gallienus. LOVE, BROTHERLY. 247 At the first appearance of the symptoms, the heathen drove the infected man from their sight ; they tore themselves from their dearest connections; they threw their friends half dead into the streets, and left their dead unburied. But, in contrast with this cruel selfish- ness, " the Christians, in the abundance of their brotherly love," as their bishop Dionysius says, "did not spare them- selves, but mutually attending to each other, they would visit the sick without fear, and ministering to each other for the sake of Christ, cheerfully gave up their lives with them. Many died after their care had restored others to health. Many who took the bodies of their Christian brethren into hands and bosoms, and closed their eyes, and buried them with every mark of atten- tion, soon followed them in death." (e) CYPRIAN AND THE CAP- TIVES.— The early Christians were remarkable for their brotherly love. When a multitude of Christian men and women in Numidia, had been taken prisoners by a horde of neighboring bar- barians, and when the churches to which they belonged were unable to raise the sum demanded for their ran- som, they sent deputies to the church that was planted in the metropolis of' North Africa. No sooner had Cyprian, who was at the head of it, heard a state- ment of the distressing case, than he commenced a subscription in behalf of the unfortunate slaves, and never re- laxed his indefatigable efforts, till he had collected a sum equal to nearly $4000. This he forwarded to the Nu- midian Christians, with a letter full of Christian sympathy and tenderness. •' In cases like these," he says in his letter, " who would not feel sorrow, and who would not look upon a brother's sufferings as his own ? As the apostle says, when one member suffers, all the members suffer with it. Therefore we must consider the captivity of our bre- thren as our own captivity. We must see Christ in our captive brethren, and redeem him from captivity who redeem- ed us from death." (/) THE CONVERT'S DISAP- POINTMENT.— A young lady in Rhode Island, who had been brought up by a pious and devoted mother, and who had always looked up to Christians as patterns of all that was excellent in piety and morality, as forming societies next in their loveliness to that of heaven, was led to repentance, and united with a Christian church. Some time after her baptism, she heard some of the older and leading members of the church, speaking in terms of severity and bitter- ness respecting the faults and errors of some of the other members ; and with- out appearing grieved at the conduct they so freely censured. Her surprise and disappointment were most painful. Is this, thought she, the boasted fellow- ship of the church ? Can these profes- sors know any thing of the spirit of Christ? She was led to doubt their Christianity ; and yet as they had ex- pressed the same attachment to Christ and his cause which she had herself, she was led to think that her own feel- ings, as well as theirs, were but the kindlings of enthusiasm, the joys of false hopes, and the reveries of an excited imagination. Thus her mind was filled with gloom and despair; she felt she had been most cruelly deceived, and her wretchedness was extreme. She poured out her soul in tears, day and night ; but tears proved the food rather than the medicine of her grief. At length she began to be subject to doubts respecting the reality of spiritual reli- gion ; she, of course, neglected many of its duties ; if she tried to pray, her prayers seemed but foolishness; — at length Jesus Christ became an object of skepticism, and at last she even call- ed in question the existence of a God. And here she remained " in tideless, shoreless wo," till, through the agency of the Providence and Spirit of God, she was led to come to herself, arise and go to her father's house ! Oh ! how should such a a fact as this urge professed Christians, one and all, to be " kindly affectioned one to another, with brotherly love," and to put away from among them " all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, with all malice." (g) WHITFIELD'S OPINION OF WESLEY. — A minister, very liberal in his reflections on Mr. Wesley and 451 S4§ LOVE TO CHRIST. his followers, being once in company with Mr. Whitfield, expressed his doubt to him concerning Mr. Wesley's salva- tion, and said, " Sir, do you think when we get to heaven, we shall see Mr. Wesley?" "No, sir," replied Mr. Whitfield, " I fear not, for he will be so near the throne, and we shall be at such a distance, we shall hardly get sight of him." 248. LOVE TO CHRIST. (a) THE MORAVIAN PILOT.— In the year 1811, the Moravian mis- sionaries in Labrador determined on the introduction of the gospel in the northern parts of that land. They embarked in company with a Christian pilot whom they had obtained, named Jonathan. The sacrifices which this man made to accompany him were very great. At Hopedale, he was considered the principal person or chief of his nation ; but being made a partaker of the same spirit by which the missionary brethren were actuated, he was willing to sojourn among strangers, where he would have no pre-eminence, and to expose himself to unknown hardships and dangers, sustained only by the hope that the pro- jected voyage might open the way for the introduction of the gospel among a portion of his countrymen still sitting in darkness and the shadow of death. When any of his countrymen repre- sented to him the danger of the expedi- tion, he used to say, " Well, we will try, and shall know better when we get there :" and once he said, " When 1 hear people talk about the danger of being killed, I think Jesus went to death out of love to us ; what greater matter would it be, if we were to be put to death in his service, should that be his good pleasure ?" So effectually had he been taught that Christ died for all, that we who live should not henceforth live unto ourselves, but unto him who died for us, and rose again. Nor was this a mere empty boast; this generous principle of devotedness to Jesus evi- dently actuated our Esquimaux captain during the severe trials of a most peril- ous voyage; his cheerful, firm, and faithful conduct, under all circum- stances, being quite consistent with his Christian profession. (h) THE HAPPY HINDOO.—The 452 Rev. Eustace Carey, from India, relates a pleasing anecdote of a native Christian whom he was called to visit. Inquiring as to the s';ate of her mind, she replied, " Happy ! happy ! 1 have Christ here" laying her hand on the Bengalee Bible ; " and Christ here.," pressing it to her heart ; " and Christ there," pointing to- wards heaven. Happy Christian ! to whatever part of the universe she might be removed, the Lord of the universe was with her, and she was secure of his favor. " Whom have I in heaven but thee ? and there is none upon the earth that I desire besides thee. My heart and my flesh faileth, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever. (c) " SHALL WE KNOW EACH OTHER IN HEAVEN.— An old mi- nister, while one day pursuing his studies, his wife being in the room, was suddenly interrupted by her asking him a question, which has not always been so satisfactorily answered. " Do you think we shall know each other in heaven ?" Without hesitation, he re- plied, " To be sure we shall ; do you think we shall be greater fools there than we are here ?" After a moment- ary pause, he again proceeded ; " But I may be a thousand years by your side in heaven without having seen you ; for the first thing which will attract my notice when 1 arrive there, will be my dear Savior ; and I cannot tell when I shall be for a moment induced to look at any other object." {d) PREFERRING CHRIST TO ORNAMENTS.— In a letter from the Rev. A. Judson, a Christian missionary in Burmah, addressed to American fe- males, is the following anecdote : A Karen woman oflfered herself foi baptism. After the usual examination, I inquired whether she could give up LOVE TO CHRIST, ASSURANCE OF. 24S, 249 her ornaments for Christ. It was an unexpected blow. I explained the spirit of the gospel, and appealed to her own consciousness of vanity. I then read to her the apostle's prohibition, 1 Tim. 2:9. She looked again and again at her handsome necklace, and then, with an air of modest decision, that would adorn, beyond all ornaments, any of my sisters whom I have the honor of addressing, she took it off, saying, " I love Christ more than this." (e) LOVING CHRIST BETTER THAN RELATIVES.— A martyr was asked, whether he did not love his wife and children, who stood weeping by him ? " Love them !" said he, " yes, if all the world were gold, and at my disposal, I would give it all for the satisfaction of living with them, though it were in prison ; yet, in comparison with Christ, I love them not." (/) NONE BUT CHRIST.— John Lambert suffered in the year 1538. No man was used at the stake with more cruelty than this holy martyr. They burned him with a slow fire by inches. But God was with him in the midst of the flame, and supported him in all the anguish of nature. Just before he ex- pired, he lifted up such hands as he had, all flaming with fire, and cried out to the people with his dying voice, with these glorious words, " None but Christ f None but Christ/^' He was at last bent down into the fire and expired. 249. Love to Christ, Assurance of. (a) NAMACQUA GIRL'S LOVE. — I have observed a little Namacqua girl in my house, says Mr. Schmelen, a Christian missionary, about eight years of age, with a book in her hand, very accurately instructing another girl about fourteen. When I asked her if she loved the Lord Jesus, she answered, " Yes, I do ; and I desire to love him more." I inquired why she loved him, since she had never seen him ; she answered, " He loved me first, and died for me on the cross, that I might live." When I asked her if the Lord Jesus would love the little children, she could not answer me for weeping, and at length fainted away. I had frequent- ly observed this child under deep im- pressions at our meetings. She is de- scended from a wild Bushman, and was stolen from her people and country, but has no desire now to return. (J) "LOVEST THOU ME ?"— In one of the general associations, held in South and North Wales, of different Sunday schools to be publicly catechis- ed together, a young girl answered the close questions put by the Savior to Peter : " Lovest thou me ?" When she came to answer the third time, she was overcome by her feelings, and burst into tears, in which she was accompanied by the larger part of the congregation. Silence continued for a few minutes, all the people solemnly waiting her reply, when, recovering herself, she cried out, " Thou knowest all things ; thou know- est that I love thee !" Happy indeed are those who, by the grace of our Lord' Jesus Christ, can thus speak ! (c) "EFFECTUAL CALLING." — The Rev, Thomas Doolittle used to catechise the members, and especially the young people of his congregation, every Lord's day. One Sabbath even- ing, after having received an answer in the words of the Assembly's Catechism, to the question, " What is effectual call- ing ?" and having explained it, he pro- posed that the question should be an- swered by changing the words us and our, into me and my. Upon this propo- sal, a solemn silence followed ; many felt its vast importance ; but none had courage to answer. At length a young man rose up, and with every mark of a broken and contrite heart, by divine grace, was enabled to say, " Effectual calling is the work of God's Spirit, whereby convincing me of my sin and misery, enlightening my mind in the knowledge of Christ, and renewing my will, he did persuade and enable me to embrace Jesus Christ, freely offered me in the gospel.'' The scene was truly affecting. The proposal of that question had commanded unusual solemnity. The rising up of the young man had created high expectations, and the an- swer being accompanied with proofs of unfeigned piety and modesty, the con- gregation was bathed in tears. This young man had been convicted by being 453 349, 250 LOVE TO SOULS. catechised, and to liis honor, Mr. D. says, " From being an ignorant and wicked youth, he had become an intel- ligent professor to God's glory, and my much comfort." {d) NINE YEARS WITHOUT DOUBTING.— Dea. H. of Southing- ton, Ct., one day said to a friend, " I have scarcely seen an hour for the past nine years, since I professed religion, in which I have not been able to say in holy confidence with Peter, " Lord, thou knowest all things, thou knowest that I love thee !" 250. LOVE TO SOULS. (a) THE COLPORTEUR'S SUF- FERINGS.— The following is lan- guage held by a Colporteur of the Ame- rican Tract Society, in Florida : — " A colporteur must count the cost, admonished by Him who came to seek and to save that which was lost. Bodi- ly strength and vigor of health are pre- requisites. He must be willing to abide with the poorest and most ignorant of our fellow-men, and be content with the humblest fare ; cheerfully endure cold and heat, hunger and thirst, labor and fatigue, if souls may be benefited and the kingdom of our Redeemer pro- moted. Above all, he needs an entire reliance on the Divine aid and guidance, and must have his own heart subdued by the Spirit of God. " Though I have sunk in the bogs, and have extricated myself only by ex- cessive labor ; have broken down in the midst of a difficult stream, in the sickly and hot season, and waded out with my boxes of books ; have been lost two days in the woods without food for myself or horse ; have lain in the wild forest far from any habitation while the storm was raging about me, or only the howling of wolves and of other wild beasts was heard ; yet these trials of hunger, thirst, and exposure are of little account, if I can but win souls to Christ." (h) MISSIONARY AMONG LE- PERS. — In the south of Africa there was once a large lazar-house for lepers. It was an immense space, enclosed by a very high wall, and containing fields, which the lepers cultivate. There was only one entrance, which was strictly guarded. Whenever any one was found with the marks of leprosy upon him, he was brought to this gate and obliged to enter in never to return. No 454 one who entered in by that awful gate was ever allowed to come out again. Within this abode of misery, there was multitudes of lepers in all stages of the disease. Dr. Hal beck, a missionary of the Church of England, from the top of a neighboring hill, saw them at work. He noticed two particularly, sowing peas in the field. The one had no hands, the other had no feet, — these members being wasted away by disease. The one who wanted the hands was carrying the other who wanted the feet upon his back, and he again carried in his hands the bag of seed, and dropped a pea every now and then, which the other pressed into the ground with his foot — and so they managed the work of one man between the two. — Two Mo- ravian missionaries, impelled by an ar- dent love for souls, chose the lazar- houso as their field of labor. They en. tered it never to come out again ; ana it was said that as soon as these should die, other Moravians were quite ready to fill their place. " Ah ! my dear friends," adds the late Rev. Robert M'CheynCj '• may we not blush, and bo ashamea before God, that we, redeemed with the same blood, and taught by the same Spirit, should yet be so unlike these men in vehement, heart-consuming love to Jesus and the souls of men ?" (c) THE TWO MINERS.— At a meeting of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, the Rev. R. Young, of Truroj mentioned a very remarkable fact tha had taken place in Cornwall, (Eng.) " Two men were working together in a mine, and having prepared to blast the rock, and laid the train, the latter became by accident ignited. In a few moments a tremendous explosion they knew was inevitable, and the rock must LOVE TO SOULS. 350 be rent in a thousand pieces. On per- ceiving their danger, they both leaped into the bucket, and called to the man on the surface to draw them up. He endeavored to do so, but his arm was found too feeble to raise the bucket while both the men were in it. What was to be done ? The burning fuse, which could not be extinguished, was now within a few feet of the powder ; a moment or two, and the explosion must take place. At this awful crisis, one of the men, addressing the other, said, " You shall live, and 1 will die ; for you are an impenitent sinner, and if you now die your soul will be lost ; but if I die, I know that, by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, I shall be taken to him- self." And so saying, without waiting for a reply, he leaped out of the bucket ' and prayerfully waited the result. On the other reaching the surface, he bent over the shaft to ascertain the fate of his companion. At that moment a ter- rific explosion was heard ; a portion of the rock was thrown up and smote him on the forehead, leaving an indelible mark to remind him of his danger and deliverance. But the man of God, when they came to search for him, was found arched over by the fragments of broken rock in the mine, uninjured, and rejoicing in the Lord. This magnani- mous miner exhibited in this act an amount of disinterested love and charity which has seldom been equaled, and is never found but in connection with the love of Christ. Here is none of that un- holy daring of which we have instances among the heroes of Greece and Rome, who, actuated solely by a love of noto- riety, inflicted upon themselves tortures, and even death ; but that pure Chris- tian character, which, at all hazards, even at the sacrifice of life itself, seeks to save the immortal soul of man. This is the kind of charity we have met this day to elicit, to strengthen and to direct, and without which it is impossible that the great object of missionary enter- prise can ever be accomplished. (d) A PERSECUTOR SAVED.— The Rev. J. Underbill, a worthy and zealous minister of Christ, in Stafford- shire, (Eng.) met with much persecu tion in his work. At one time appoint- ed for public worship, an infuriated mob of more than 500, mostly colliers, col- lected, some armed with clubs, staves, and stones ; others had horns and noisy instruments, determined, as they de- clared, to drive out the methodists, or to destroy them. While the people, and : some ministers, were pursued by the i rabble, a gentleman called out fiercely I to the rioters, pointing to Mr. Under- I hill, " There is one of the methodist I dogs ; take notice of him ; do your work 1 well, and I will give you a barrel of j ale at the end of it." Two of the min- I isters narrowly escaped with their lives. i Mr. Underbill and a brother minister were j dragged to a public house ; the latter re- ceived such a violent blow with a poker I from the landlord, that he never entirely ! recovered from its effects. But, merci- fully for the landlord, that was to be his last sin in opposing the gospel. Some time afterwards, these very ministers met the landlord at a house where they supped together ; and talking over for- mer scenes of tribulation through which they had together passed, the minister said, " No part appeared so heinous as the conduct of the man who struck me when in quiet custody." He was de- sired to look on the company, and try to recognize the person. Time had ef- fiiced any recollection of his features. Mr. Underbill then said, " Behold, he dippeth with thee in the dish." Here an interesting scene took place. They wept on each other's necks, the landlord bewailing his crime, and entreating for- giveness; and the minister assuring him, that even the loss of life would have been richly repaid by the salvation of one soul. (e) TEARS PREVAILING.— An ungodly youth, who had disregarded the pious advice of his parents, at length consented to accompany them to hear a popular minister, who visited the town in which they lived. The subject of the discourse was, the heavenly state, which was described by the most glow- ing and attractive representations. On returning home, the young man express- ed his admiration of the preacher's talents — " But," said he, turning to his mother, " I was surprised, while the smile of joy was visible on the counte- 455 250 LOVE TO SOULS. nances of all around me, you and my father appeared gloomy and sad, and, more than once in tears. I was the more astonished, because I thought, that if any could claim an interest in the sub- ject, you were the happy persons." "Ah, my son," replied the anxious mo- ther, " I did weep, not because I feared my own personal interest in the subject, or that of your affectionate and pious fa- ther, but I wept for you : it was the fear that you, my beloved child, would be for ever banished from the blessedness of heaven, that caused me to give way to my bursting grief" " I supposed," said the father, turning to his wife, " that those were your reflections. The same concern for our dear son made me weep also." These pointed, yet tender and judicious remarks, found their way to the heart of their child. He felt them keenly ; they wounded his hard heart, led him to repentance, and to the cross of Christ for mercy and reconciliation, and terminated in his saving conversion. (/) EXPERIENCE OF ED- WARDS.— In the life of the Rev. Jona- than Edwards, which is prefixed to his History of Redemption, we find the fol- lowing paragraphs selected from the narrative of his own religious experi- ence. " I had then abundance of sweet religious conversation in the family where I lived, with Mr. J. Smith, and his pious mother. My heart was knit in affection to those, in whom were ap- pearances of true piety ; and I could bear the thoughts of no other com- panions, but such as were holy, and the disciples of the blessed Jesus. 1 had great longing for the advancement of Christ's kingdom in the world, my secret prayer used to be in great part taken up in praying for it. If I heard the least hint of any thing that happened in any part of the world, that appeared to me in some respect or other, to have a favorable aspect on the interest of Christ's kingdom, my soul eagerly catched at it, and it would much ani- mate and refresh me. I used to be earnest to read public news letters, mainly for that end, to see if I could not find some news favorable to the interest of religion in the world." {g) JOY OVER REPENTING SINNERS. — A pious Armenian, call- ing on Mr. Hamlin, the missionary at Constantinople, remarked that he was astonished to see how the people are waking up to the truth ; how, even among the most uncultivated, some are seeking after it as for hid treasure. — " Yes," said he, " it is going forward ; it will triumph ; but alas ! I shall not live to see it. Alas ! that 1 am born an age too soon." " But," said Mr. Ham- lin, "do you remember what our Sa- vior said, ' There shall be joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth V You may not live to see the truth triumphant in this empire ; but should you, through divine grace, reach the kingdom of heaven., and be with the angels, your joy ovei your whole nation repentant and redeem- ed, will be infinitely greater than it could be on earth." He seemed sur- prised at this thought ; but, after exam- ining the various passages to which I referred him, he yielded to the evidence with the most lively expressions of de . light, and seemed to be perfectly enrap- tured at the thought that our interest in the church of Christ and the progress of his kingdom on earth is something which death cannot touch, and which, instead of ceasing with this life, will only be increased and perfected in an- other. " Oh fool, and slow of heart,'* said he, " to read the gospel so many times without perceiving such a glorious truth. If this be so, no matter in what age a Christian is born, nor when he dies." 456 LUXURY— LYING. 351, 252 251. LUXURY. (a) SUCCESSFUL REPROOF.— The Rev. Mr. S , an eminent di- vine of the church of England, happen- ed to dine with several other clergymen, in the house of a pious gentleman. Af- ter dinner, the conversation turned on the prevailing faults of professing Chris- tians. Mr. S said, that one of the most obvious sins which those of them who are wealthy are apt to indulge in, is the keeping too good tables ; that va- rious courses, expensive removes, and luxurious dishes, savored too much of the world, had a tendency to draw away the heart from God, to cherish the de- sires of the carnal mind, and to make people fond of what is unworthy of a man's attention — good eating ; and then, in his plain blunt way, he added, " I can- not help saying, that the dinner we had to-day was not quite agreeable to my ideas of Christian simplicity." The hint was taken, and though Mr. S repeated- ly afterwards dined in the same house, he never once had occasion to repeat his remark. (b) CRCESUS' ADVICE TO CY- RUS. — When Cyrus received intelli- gence that the Lydians had revolted from him, he told CrcBsus, with a good deal of emotion, that he had almost de- termined to make them all slaves. Crce- Bus begged him to pardon them. " But," said he, " that they may no more rebel or be troublesome to you, command them to lay aside their arms, to wear long vests and buskins, that is, to vie with each other in the elegance and richness of their dress. Order them to drink, and sing, and play, and you will soon see their spirits broken, and themselves changed to the effeminacy of women, so that they will no more rebel, nor give you further uneasiness." The advice was followed, and the result proved how politic it was. While the advice is such as no good man could consistently follow, the incident shows the deteriora- ting influence of luxury in a very strik- ing light. (c) DINNER WITH BISHOP BUTLER.— The Rev. John Newton relates, that a friend of his once dined with Dr. Butler, then bishop of Dur- ham ; and though the guest was a man of fortune, and the interview by appoint- ment, the provision was no more than a joint of meat and a pudding. The bish- op apologized for his plain fare, by say- ing that it was his manner of living, and that being disgusted with the fashiona- ble expense of time and money in en- tertainments, he was determined it should receive no countenance from his example. Nor was this conduct the result of covetousness ; for, large as were his revenues, such was his liber- ality to the poor, that he left at his death little more than enough to discharge his debts and pay for his funeral. 252. LYING. {a) LYING TO CHILDREN.— The Rev. Robert Hall had so great an aversion to every species of falsehood and evasion, that he sometimes express- ed himself very strongly on the subject. The following is an instance, stated in his life by Dr. Gregory : Once, while he was spending an evening at the house of a friend, a lady, who was there on a visit, retired, that her little girl of four years old might go to bed. She return- ed in about half an hour, and said to a lady near her, " She is gone to sleep ; I put on my night- cap, and lay down by her, and she soon dropped off." Mr. Hall, who overheard this, said, " Ex- cuse me, madam : do you wtsh your child to grow up a liar ?" " Oh dear, no, sir ; I should be shocked at such a thing." "Then bear with me while I 457 352 LYING. say, you must never act a lie before her : children are very quick observers, and soon learn that that which assumes to be what it is not, is a lie, whether acted or spoken." This was uttered with a kindness which precluded offence, yet with a seriousness that could not be for- gotten. (h) SUFFERING DEATH WHILE FEIGNING IT.— One day, as Arch- bishop Leighton was going from Glas- gow to Dumblane, there happened a tremendous storm of lightning and thun- der. He was observed, when at a con- siderable distance, by two men of bad character. They had not courage to rob him ; but wishing to fall on some method to extort money from him, one said, " I will lie down by the way-side as if I were dead, and you shall inform the archbishop that I was killed by the lightning, and beg money of him to bury me." When the archbishop ar- rived at the spot, the wicked wretch told the fabricated story : the archbishop sympathized with the survivor, gave him money, and proceeded on his jour- ney. But when the man returned to his companion, he found him really life- less ! Immediately he began to exclaim aloud, " Oh ! sir, he is dead ! Oh ! sir, he is dead !" On this, the archbishop, discovering the fraud, left the man with this important reflection : " It is a dan- gerous thing to trifle with the judgments of God !" (c) NOT AT HOME.— Bishop At- terbury was once addressed by some of his right reverend coadjutors to the fol- lowing effect : " My lord, why will you not suffer your servants to deny you, when you do not care to see company ? It is not a lie for them to say you are not at home, for it deceives no one ; every body knowing it means only, that your lordship is busy." He re- plied, " My lords, if it is (which I doubt) consistent with sincerity, yet I am sure it is not consistent with that sincerity which becomes a Christian bishop." What a curious argument it is, that be- cause a falsehood should be known to be such by those who hear it, they are bound to receive it as a truth, or to be- lieve there is no guilt in uttering it ! 458 (d) TWO APPEALS.— When De- nades the orator addressed himself to the Athenians, " I call all the gods and goddesses to witness," said he, " tlic truth of what I shall say ;" the Athe- nians, often abused by his impudent lies, presently interrupted him by exclaim- ing, " And we call all the gods and goddesses to witness that we will not believe you." (e) DISSEMBLER'S INVITA- TION.— When Dr. Moore was in Par- is, in the course of his travels, he one day found a lady of quality, whom he had been in the habit of visiting, mani- festing much ill humor, and evidently betraying great agitation of mind. Dr. Moore, who had never before beheld her in such a state of confusion, suspected that some serious calamity had taken place ; and, with much sympathetic feeling, inquired into the occasion of hei perturbation. The lady, who felt the cause of her vexation in all its magni- tude, instantly returned the following reply : " Why, my dear sir, I yesterday sent Comtesse de the politest mes-» sage in the world, begging to have the honor of her company this day at din- ner ; and behold, the horrid woman, with a rudeness or ignorance of life without example, sends me word that she accepts my invitation !" (/) THE LIAR TAKEN AT HIS WORD.— J W was a laborer employed on the Liverpool and Man- chester railway. During part of the time in which he was thus employed, he lodged at Edge Hill, near Liverpool. There is reason to believe that he was a young man who had '- no fear of God before his eyes ;" that he was, in the expressive language of an inspired apos- tle, " without God in the world :" Eph. ii. 12. Becoming acquainted with a young woman, he succeeded in seducing her from the paths of virtue ; and soon after, he removed to a new lodging, with a view to avoid the consequences of his conduct. The Almighty, in mercy to the sinner, sent affliction by illness to overtake him, and thus gave him time for repentance, and an opportunity to seek the love and favor of the Lord. But he refused the mercy and hardened his heart. In the course of the last LYING. 352 week before he resumed his work, he called upon the person with whom he had formerly lodged, and among other things, asked whether old George (the young woman's father) ever came there to inquire after him. She replied that he did, and mentioned the time of his last inquiry. " Oh," said W — , " when he comes again, tell him that I was kill- ed on the railway ; and that I was buri- ed in Childwall churchyard." Child- wall is a village about a mile from part of the railway, and about four miles from Liverpool. Within a day or two, old George called, and the above iniqui- tous and awful assertion was made. De- ceived by the falsehood, the poor old man went away mourning over the dis- grace of his daughter, and the supposed sad end of her base seducer. But the delusion was soon to be dissipated ; the lie told, with a view to evade the conse- quences of previous guilt, was awfully, singularly, literally realized ; and the wretched man, who had so impiously trifled with death, was hurried, in a moment, before the bar of his Maker. On the following Monday morning. May 17, 1830, the laborer returned to work, and on the same day entered up- on his everlasting state. Being on the road at the time when an engine, to which several wagons employed to con- vey rubbish were attached, was passing, he was entangled with the apparatus, felled to the earth, and his body so dread- fully mangled, as to occasion instanta- neous death. Thus the most affecting, and, to him, important part of his wick- ed fabrication, was made, by the mys- terious providence of God, a solemn re- ality ; and that of which he had no idea when he uttered the language above re- lated, turned out, within a few days, to be a fact, namely, " That he was killed on the railway !" But there was to be a further literal accomplishment of his words, which, although to him a matter of no conse- quence after the spirit had quitted the body, should not be passed over unob- served, as it tends to show, in a still more striking manner, that the Supreme Arbiter of life and death does indeed sometimes take men at their word, and fulfil their imprecations, their thought- less wishes, or their blasphemous ex- pressions, even to the very letter. .] — VV — had no immediate relations in the neighborhood in which he so unexpect- edly expired. But, since his removal to Edge Hill, he had lodged with a fam- ily who possessed a burial-place in Child- wall churchyard. Some of his fellow workmen proposed his interment at Wal- ton, a village three miles north of Liver- pool : but others, on account of the near- ness of Childwall, urged his burial there ; and in little more than a week after he had deliberately uttered a falsehood to deceive one he had deeply injured, his own awful words were fulfilled. (g) A LIAR'S IMPRECATION ANSWERED.— A few years since, a woman in the Church Gate, Loughbo- rough, (Eng.,) went to purchase a bed- stead, which was sold to her for thirteen shillings, and change given her out of a one pound note, which she gave in pay- ment. A short time after, she went again to the shop, and asserted that eighteen pence less than the proper change was given her. This the shop- keeper denied, stating the exact coins he had given her. She, however, per- sisted in her declaration, and said, she wished she might die in his house if she had not spoken the truth. Awful to re- late, she was immediately taken ill, was removed to another house, and soon after expired, never once speaking af- ter she had left the shop. The money was found in her pocket, exactly as the shopkeeper had described. (h) NEED OF WATCHING.— Dr. Johnson, giving advice to an intimate friend, said : " Above all, accustom your children constantly to tell the truth, without varying in any circumstance." A lady present, emphatically exclaim- ed, " Nay, this is too much ; for a little variation in narrative must happen a thousand times a day, if one is not per- petually watching." " Well, madam," replied the doctor, " and you ought to be perpetually watching. It is more from carelessness about truth, than from intentional lying, that there is so much falsehood in the world." (i) LYING, BLASPHEMING, AND DYING. — A poor woman in the work- house at Milborne Port, (Eng.,) being 459 253 MARRIAGE. once charged with having stolen some trivial article, which was missing, wish- ed God might strike her dumb, blind, and dead, if she knew any thing of it. About six o'clock she ate her sup- per as well as usual — soon after, her speech faltered, her eyes closed, and before seven she was a breathless corpse, without any apparent cause. 253. MARRIAGE. (a) PHILIP HENRY'S ADVICE. — The Rev. Philip Henrj- used to give two pieces of advice to his children and others, in reference to marriage. One was, " Keep within the bounds of pro- fession." The other was, *' Look at suitableness in age, quality, education, temper," etc. He used to observe, from Gen. ii. 18, "1 will make him an help meet for him ;" that where there is not meetness, there will not be much help. He commonly said to his children, with reference to their choice in marriage, " Please God, and please yourselves, and you shall never displease me ;" and greatly blamed those parents who concluded matches for their children without their consent. He sometimes mentioned the saying of a pious gentle- woman, who had many daughters : " The care of most people is how to get good husbands for their daughters ; but my care is to fit my daughters to be good wives, and then let God provide for them." (b) MARRYING UNBELIEVERS. — The Rev. S. Kilpin, of Exeter, had witnessed the awful consequences produced in the church of Christ, and in families, from those who professed to be the disciples of Jesus, forming marriages contrary to the command, — " Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers," — ^' only in the Lord," etc. As he never shunned to declare the whole counsel of God, this subject was presented to his congregation. The next day, a gentle- man, whose name or residence he never knew, called to thank him for the dis- course, adding, that his state of mind when he entered Exeter was most dis- tressing, as he was on the very point of complying with a dreadful temptation, which would have embittered his future life. He had been a disciple of Christ, was anxious to consecrate his life to the 460 service of his adorable Master, and had sought a helpmate to strengthen his hands in serving God. A lady, whom he deemed pious, had accepted his ad- dresses ; but when every customary arrangement was made, she had dis- honorably discarded him. His mind was so exceedingly wounded and dis- gusted, that he had determined to choose a wife who made no profession of reli- gion, and had fixed on another object for his addresses, with every prospect of success, although he had not as yet mentioned his intention to her. He ad- ded, " But the providence of God led me, an entire stranger in this city, to your meeting-house. You may sup- pose, that your subject arrested my at- tention. You appeared to be acquaint- ed with every feeling of my soul. I saw my danger, and perceived the temptation, and the certain ruin of my peace if the dreadful snare had not been broken. You, sir, under God, have been my deliverer. By the next Sab- bath I should have been bound in honor to an enemy of that Jesus whom I adore ; for although she is moral and externally correct, yet she knows the Savior only in name. I could not leave the city in peace until I had sought to make this communication." They unitedly addressed him who can deliver, and does deliver his people. Thus, while part of his congregation thought it an unfit subject for the pulpit, at least one person received it as a message from God, by whom it was no doubt sent. (c) CAN I BE HAPPY ?— At Southampton, Eng., the labors of the venerable William Kingsbury had been eminently owned and blessed by God, in the conversion of sinners, and the building up of the church. " One Sab* bath after the morning service, a respect- MARRIAGE. 253 able-looking elderly woman had come in- to the vestry, and requested to speak to Mr. Kingsbury. Being introduced, she said, she felt it her duty to take the first opportunity of meeting with him, to state that his ministry had been greatly blessed to her soul, and she hoped to praise God for it to all eternity. Mr. K. observed, that she was quite a stran- ger to him, he did not recollect having ever seen her before ; and asked her where she resided, and how long she had attended his ministry. She replied, that she was a total stranger : having only heard him preach once before, and that more than forty years since, when she resided at Poole, in Dorsetshire. She was at that time young, gay, and thoughtless ; and on the point of form- ing a matrimonial connexion with a young man of similar character. Ac- cording to their usual custom, they set out for a Sunday stroll ; and having heard that a stranger was preaching, dropped in out of mere curiosity. The preacher was Mr. Kingsbury ; it pleased Almighty God to carry home the word with power to her heart. She returned home, no longer the giddy, thoughtless lover of pleasure ; but deeply concerned to know what she should do to be saved. Her concern could not escape the notice of her com- panion, who endeavored to turn the matter into ridicule ; but the " King's arrow was sharp in her heart," she could not forget the wound it had in- flicted ; nor could she find ease until relieved by the application of the '•' blood of sprinkling." The whole bias of her mind and pursuits now as- sumed a different direction ; the plea- sures of the world had no more charms for her ; she could no longer idle away the precious hours of the Sabbath ; she desired to hold communion with God in his house and ordinances. Under these circumstances, it very naturally occur- red to her, " How can I make happy, or be happy with a partner in life, whose views and feelings on the most important of all subjects are the very opposite to my own ?" She pursued the inquiry with fervent prayer for Di- vine direction, and came to the conclu- sion candidly to state to her lover the change of which she had become the subject ; and, though she felt herself bound in honor to fulfil her engage- ments to him, to appeal to him whether the difference were not likely to be a source of more lasting unhappiness be- tween them, than an honorable dissolu- tion of present engagements by mutual consent. The young man admitted the force of her reasonings ; he said he was certain he should never imbibe her re- ligious views, and he feared he should be little inclined to tolerate them ; they therefore agreed on a friendly separa- tion. Feeling uncomfortable at residing in the same town with her late compan- ion, and where their intimacy was gen- erally known, she gladly embraced an opportunity of engaging herself to reside with a pious family in the north of Eng- land. There she became acquainted with, and was in due time married to one who feared God ; with whom she had ever since lived in domestic happi- ness, and had brought up a family of eight children, every one of whom she had the happiness of seeing walking in the ways of God, and two, or more, fill- ing stations of distinguished usefulness in the Christian church. One of the sons had just returned from abroad in ill health, and was at a hospital near Portsmouth. This had occasioned the mother's journey, to conduct him home ; and, being in the neighborhood, she gladly embraced the opportunity of hearing and introducing herself to the minister to whom she felt indebted, un- der God, in everlasting obligations. Her son, she feared, was in a very pre- carious state of health ; " But," said she, " I have good evidence that he is safe for time and for eternity. Oh, how different are my circumstances and prospects from what they would have been, if I had continued unconcerned about my own soul, or even had mar- ried an ungodly man, and become the mother of an ungodly, or at best a divi- ded family !" (d) THE DELUSIVE HOPE.— If there fs no relation in life so eminent- ly calculated to promote the happiness of man as a union of " kindred minds," in the matrimonial state ; there is, on the other hand, no condition so full of 461 253 MARRIAGE, wretchedness as that of two persons who have, without any reflection, indissolu- bly united themselves, and who find sub- sequently that all their views and feel- ings are " wide as the poles asunder." None can think of E. without a feel- ing of sadness. She was possessed of a high order of intellectual talent, a grace- ful person, and a heart full of those ten- der sympathies which cannot fail to draw around their possessor, devoted friends. She was, moreover, a Chris- tian. Being addressed by a person who was regarded by her friends as an " eli- gible match," she at length consented to a union with one who had but little to recommend him, except the position which mere wealth enabled him to oc- cupy. "Although," said she, "he is not professedly pious, he is not openly profligate, aed I trust I shall be enabled to exert such an influence, by precept and example, as shall eventuate in great good to his soul." Under this delusive hope, she entered upon her duties as a wife ; but soon she discovered that in- stead of leading her husband to the per- formance of duty, there was danger of being Aerse/f drawn aside. In the daily conduct of her husband she saw an exemplification of the truth, that " the natural heart is enmity against God." Bitter was her disappointment when she saw her companion, in follow- ing the dictates of his nature, wandering farther and farther from the path of recti- tude, and consequently becoming more and more callous to good impressions. Poor E ! she lived long enough to see him who had sworn to cherish and protect her, a drunkard, a gambler, and a suicide. And though " in all her miseries" she never uttered a complaint, yet as she laid down to die, wearied and heart-broken by the sorrows of a few brief years, she was doubtless ready to acknowledge in her heart the great er- ror of her life, in disregarding the in- junction of the apostle, " Be ye not un- equally yoked together with unbelievers ; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness, and what commu- nion hath light with darkness ?" (e) THE RESULTS OF A MAR- RIAGE. — The following significant ac- count is condensed from a more detailed 462 statement in one of the publications of the American Tract Society. Mr. R. A., of Maryland, with whom the writer was well acquainted, became hopefully pious at the age of twenty, and joined the church. His life for some time seemed consistent. At length he formed an attachment to a gay young lady, of great personal attractions, but an entire stranger to religion. She was by no means pleased with his religious views, but consented to the marriage in spite of them, thinking that in due time she would be able to cure him of his reli- gious frenzy. She soon commenced the attempt. She urged him to go to places of diversion and amusement — told him that respectable persons would despise and laugh at him for having so much praying and reading in his house. "In fine," said she, " I married you to be happy, but I utterly despair of happi- ness unless you give up your religion and be like other people." He told her that he never found happiness in the way she proposed, and tried, like a Christian, to reason the case. Finding her efforts to change his mind unavail- ing, she refused to attend family devo- tion. He wept and prayed for her in secret. She continued to employ every stratagem her wicked imagination could invent. At length, wearied by her op- position, he gave up family prayer, and resolved that he would try to get to hea- ven alone. His wife pursued him to the closet, and at last succeeded in driv- ing him to abandon every religious duty. And now that ^e forsook God, God for- sook him ; and the corruptions of his heart broke out into greater excesses than before. Some time after a power- ful sermon roused his conscience, and he determined once more to enter upon the service of God ; but he was still in an enemy's hands, and less able to resist than at first. His wife redoubled her efforts, and gained her point the second time. Now, wholly quitting the com- pany of God's people, he sinned fearful- ly. In a few years he was laid on a bed of death. He was in awful anguish of mind — full of remorse and despair. He refiised to be prayed with, insist- ing that his doom was already sealed. Just before his departure, after he had MEEKNESS. 353, 254 been rolling from side to side for some time, with horror depicted in every fea- ture, he called to his wife to bring him a cup of cold water; "for," said he, " in one hour I shall be where I shall never get another drop." She brought him the water ; he drank it with greedi- ness, and reached back the cup with a trembling hand ; then staring her in the lace, his eyes flashing with terror, he cried out, " Rebecca, Rebecca, you are the cause of my eternal damnation." He turned over, and with an awful groan left the world. (/) A WISE DECISION.— Eliza Amberi', a young Parisian lady, reso- lutely discarded a gentleman to whom she was to have been married, because he ridiculed religion. Having given him a gentle reproof, he replied " that a man of the world could not be so old- fashioned as to regard God and religion." Eliza started, but, on recovering herself, said, " From this moment, sir, when I discover that you do not regard religion, I cease to be yours. He who does not love and honor God can never love his wife constantly and sincerely." (g) ADVICE OF THEMISTOCLES. — An Athenian who was hesitating whe- ther to give his daughter in marriage to a man of worth with a small fortune, or to a rich man who had no other recom- mendation, went to consult Themistocles on the subject. " I would bestow my daughter," said Themistocles, " upon a man without money rather than upon money without a man." 254. MEEKNESS. (a) DEERING ENDURING IN- SULT. — Mr. Deering, one of the puri- tan ministers in the sixteenth century, being at a public dinner, a young man, who sat on the opposite side of the table, indulged in profane swearing, for which Mr. D. sharply reproved him. The young man, taking this as an affront, immediately threw a glass of beer in his face. Mr. Deering took no notice of the insult, but wiped his face, and continued his dinner. The young gen- tleman presently renewed his profane conversation ; and Mr. D. reproved him as before ; upon which, but with in- creased violence, he threw another glass of beer in his face. Mr. Deering con- tinued unmoved, still showing his zeal for the glory of God, by bearing the in- sult with Christian meekness. This so astonished the young gentleman, that he rose from the table, fell on his knees, and asking Mr. Deering's pardon, de- clared that if any of the company'' had offered him similar insults, he would have stabbed them with his sword. Here was practically verified the New Testament maxim, " Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." (l) PERSECUTING HUSBAND SUBDUED.— A woman who had de- rived spiritual benefit from the discours- es of Mr. Robinson of Leicester, was often threatened by her wicked husband for going to St. Mary's church, in which Mr. R. officiated. His feelings were at length wrought up to such a pitch that he declared with an awful oath, that if ever she went to St. Mary's again, he would cut off her legs. Having sought direction in prayer, she was strengthen- ed to go to the place where oft she had been made joyful in the Lord. On her return from church, she found her hus- band waiting her arrival, and as soon as she had shut the door, he said in an an- gry tone, " Where have you been ?" She replied, " At St. Mary's." He in- stantly struck her a violent blow on the face, and she fell to the ground ; but rising from the floor, she turned the other side of her face, and in a mild and affectionate manner said, " My dear, if you serve this side the same, I hope I shall bear it with patience." Struck with this meek answer, for she had been a very passionate woman, he said, "Where did you learn that?" She replied, in a gentle manner, " At St. Mary's church, my dear." " Well," said he, " if that is what you learn at St. Mary's, you may go as oft as you like, I will never hinder you again." 463 954, 255 MEMORY AND PIETY. This good woman enjoyed her privileges undisturbed, and also had the pleasure, a short time afterwards, of having her husband to accompany her. (c) MEEKNESS OF DODD.— It is said of Mr. Dodd, one of the puritan di- vines, that a person being enraged at his close and awakening doctrine, raised a quarrel with him, smote him in the face, and dashed out two of his teeth. This meek and lowly servant of Christ, without taking the least offence, held the teeth out in his hand, and said, " See here, you have knocked out two of my teeth without any just provoca- tion ; but if I could do your soul good, I would give you leave to dash out all the rest." Thus he was not overcome of evil, but overcame evil with good. (d) MEEKNESS OF M. HENRY. — It is well known, that many of the most eminent ministers of Christ, during the seventeenth century, were the sub- jects of great persecution. Among others who were thus cruelly treated was the excellent Matthew Henry; but when maligned and reproached, he showed great meekness and patience ; and, instead of rendering evil for evil, requited it with good ; ever seeking to improve such occurrences for his own ad- vancement in Christian virtue. " How pleasant is it," he would say, " to have the bird in the bosom sing sweetly." (e) MEEKNESS OF LEIGHTON. — Of Bishop Leighton, Bishop Burnet declared that during a strict intimacy of many years, he never saw him for one moment in any other temper than that in which he would wish to live and die. (/) THE MISSIONARIES AND THE HINDOO.— A baboo, (that is, a wealthy Hindoo,) at Chinsurah, sent 'a message to the missionaries residing there, intimating that a very learned brahmin was in his house, and that he and his friends very much wished to hear this brahmin and the missionaries engage in an amicable dispute respect- ing the merits of Hindooism and Chris- tianity. Two of the missionaries went. The brahmin opened the debate, charg- ed the missionaries with bad motives, and misrepresented their doctrines in an ill-tempered manner. The missionaries stated in reply, that; Christianity was a religion of love ; that God so loved the world as to send his only-begotten Son, the Lord .lesus Christ, into it ; that the Son of God so loved the fallen race of man, as to give his life a sacrifice for their sins ; and that missionaries were impelled to leave their beloved relatives and friends, and the comforts of their native home, from the same principle. They then explained the leading truths of Christianity, the substance of which was, that all men every where ought to worship that God who made them, and to worship him alone. The brahmin's countenance under- went a change as the missionaries were speaking, and in his rejoinder he said, " I am a brahmin, and cannot, there- fore, be expected to say, that I deem Christianity to be superior to Hindooism ; but, in candor, I must say, that the tem- per of these Christians is superior to that of us Hindoos. Gentlemen," the- brahmin said, turning to the missionaries, " your temper is boro prarthoneco ;" that is, greatly to be prayed for. " We took our leave," say the missionaries, " convinced that the cause of Christiani- ty had that day risen in the opinion of some influential inhabitants of Chinsu- rah." 255. MEMORY AND PIET\. (a) PRACTICAL MEMORY.— A minister in Wiltshire, walking near a brook, observed a poor woman washing wool in the stream ; which is done by placing it in a sieve, and dipping it in 464 the water repeatedly, until it is white and clean. He engaged in conversation with her, and, from some expressions of regret and gratitude which she ut- tered, was induced to ask her if she MERIT OF GOOD WORKS. 255, 256 knew him. " O yes, sir," she replied, " and I hope I shall have reason to bless God for you to all eternity. I heard you preach at W , some years back ; and hope your sermon was the means of doing me great good." " Indeed, 1 rejoice to hear it ; pray what was the subject ?" " Ah, sir, I can't recollect that ; mine is such a bad head." "How then can it have done you good, if you don't even remember it ?" " Sir, my poor mind is like this sieve ; the sieve doesn't hold the water, but it runs through and cleanses the wool : my memory does not keep the words, but, blessed be God, he made them touch the heart : and now I don't love sin ; I go whenever I can to hear of Jesus Christ ; and I beg of him every day to wash me in his own blood, which cleanses from all sin." (b) TWO THINGS REMEMBER. ED. — Rev. Mr. Newton, when his me- mory was nearly gone, used to say, that forget what he might, he never for- got two things, — 1st, That he was a great sinner, — 2d, That Jesus Christ was a great Savior. Two most import- ant subjects of recollection. (c) NEWTON'S MEMORY OF SCRIPTURE.— Mr. Newton, telling in company one day, how much his me- mory was decayed, " There," said he, " last Wednesday, after dinner, I asked Mrs. C what I had been about that forenoon, for I could not recollect. Why, said she you have been preach- ing at St. Mary's. Yet it is wonderful, when I am in the pulpit, I can recollect any passage of Scripture I want to in- troduce into my sermon, from Genesis to Revelation." 256. MERIT OF GOOD WORKS. (a) NIGHT UNDER A HEDGE. — A poor blind man, by the name of Philip (writes a minister from Ireland) who was also very deaf and imbecile, be- ing a member of my congregation, I in- terested myself to give him particular instructions in the plan of salvation, hoping, by patience, perseverance, and plainness, to make him understand the simplest truths of the Gospel ; yet after a long time, and much labor, I found that not the least impression had been made. One day, (after having visited him for a year,) I repeatedly told him that in the Lord Jesus Christ alone was found salvation for sinners, and then begged of him to tell me how he hoped to be saved. He considered for a time, the perspiration pressing through every pore of his face, and replied in the most placid manner I ever witnessed : " Don't you think, sir, that if I was to spend a cold frosty night under a haw- thorn bush, it would go a good way to- wards it?" He afterwards, however, became a humble believer, and trusted in Christ alone for salvation. How many persons of vastly better advantages, have just as absurd and unscriptural views of the plan of salva- 30 tion as the subject of the foregoing sketch ? Men are much more disposed to attach merit to their own sufferings, than to rely on the sufferings of Christ. But the first principle of salvation for the sinner to learn is, that he cannot save himself. (h) THE NOBLEMAN'S MIS- TAKE.— The late Rev. C. J. Latrobe visited a certain nobleman in Ireland, who devoted considerable sums to charitable purposes ; and, among other benevolent acts, had erected an elegant church at his own expense. The nobleman, with great pleasure, showed Mr. L. his estate, pointed him to the church, and said, "Now, sir, do you not think that will merit heaven ?" Mr. Latrobe paused for a moment, and said, " Pray, my lord, what may your estate be worth a year V' " I imagine," said the nobleman, " about thirteen or four- teen thousand pounds." "And do you think, my lord," answered the minister, " that God would sell heaven, even for thirteen or fourteen thousand pounds ?" (c) IMPIOUS EPITAPH.— The fol- lowing epitaph is inscribed upon a monument in one of the Roman Catholic chapels, in the city of Cork : — "J. H. S. 465 356 MERIT OF GOOD WORKS. Sacred to the memory of the benevolent Edward Molloy, the friend of humanity, the father of the poor ; he employed the wealth of this world, only to procure the riches of the next ; and leaving a balance of merit on the book of life, he made heaven debtor to mercy. He died 17th October, 1818, aged 90. R J. P." How daring the impiety of making the Creator debtor to his creature ! (d) ELLIOT AND HIS LABORS. — When Mr. John Elliot, from advanced age and infirmities, was laid aside from his former employments, he sometimes said, with an air peculiar to himself, " I wonder for what the Lord Jesus lets me live. He knows that now 1 can do nothing for him." Speaking of his labors among the American Indians, he expressed himself thus : — " There is a cloud, a dark cloud, on the work of the gospel among the poor Indians. The Lord revive and prosper that work, and grant that it may live, when I am dead. It is a work which I have been doing much about. But what have I said ? I recall that word. My doings! Alas ! they have been poor, and small, and I will be the man that shall throw the first stone at them." He died in 1690, aged eighty-six. (e) UNSUCCESSFUL PREACH- ING. — " I preached up sanctification very earnestly for six years in a former parish," says the Rev. Mr. Bennet in a letter, " and never brought one soul to Christ. I did the same at this parish, for two years, without having any suc- cess at all ; but as soon as ever I preached Jesus Christ, and faith in his blood, then believers were added to the church occasionally ; then people flock- ed from all parts to hear the glorious sound of the gospel, some coming six, others eight, and others ten miles, and that constantly. The reason why my ministry was not blessed, when I preached up salvation partly by faith, and partly by works, is, because the doctrine is not of God." (/) HERVEY AND THE PLOUGHMAN.— In the parish where Mr. Hervey preached, when he inclined | to loose sentiments, there resided a i ploughman, who usually attended the ministry of Dr. Doddridge, and was well ! 466 informed in the doctrines of grace. Mr. Hervey being advised by his physician, for the benefit of his health, to follow the plough, in order to smell the fresh earth, frequently accompanied this ploughman in his rural employment. Mr. Hervey, understanding the ploughman was a serious person, said to him one morning, " What do you think is the hardest thing in religion ?" To which he re- plied, " I am a poor illiterate man, and you, sir, are a minister : I beg leave to return the question." "Then," said Mr. Hervey, " I think the hardest thing is to deny sinful self;" and applauded at some length, this instance of self- denial. The ploughman replied, " Mr. Hervey, you have forgotten the greatest act of the grace of self-denial, which is to deny ourselves of a proud confidence in our own obedience for justification." In repeating this story to a friend, Mr. Hervey observed : " I then hated the righteousness of Christ : I looked at the man with astonishment and disdain, and thought him an old fool. I have since clearly seen who was the fool ; not the wise old Christian, but the proud James Hervey." (g) BISHOP ASBURY'S TESTI- MONY. — Bishop Asbury being asked his thoughts on imputed righteousness, observed, " Were I disposed to boast, my boasting would be found true. I obtained religion near the age of thir- teen. At the age of sixteen I began to preach, and traveled some time in Eu- rope. At twenty-six I left my native land, and bid adieu to my weeping parents, and crossed the boisterous ocean, to spend the balance of my days in a strange land, partly settled by savages. I | have traveled through heat and cold for | forty-five years. In thirty years I have ' crossed the Alleghany mountains fifty. eight times. I have often slept in the woods, without necessary food or rai- ment. In the southern states I have waded swamps, and led my horse for miles, where I took colds that brought on the diseases which are now preying on my system, and must soon terminate in death. But my mind is still the same, that it is through the merits of Christ I am to be saved." MERIT OF GOOD WORKS. 356 (h) WILKINSON'S DYING CON- FESSION.— When the venerable Mr. Wilkinson had reached nearly the close of his life, he said to a relative who came to visit him, and who attempted to cheer him by referring to his Christian character, " Ah, you cannot see my heart. It has always been my endeavor not only to abstain from evil, but from all appearance of evil — but I would be jealous of my own heart. The heart is deceitful above all things, and des- perately wicked : who can know it ? Well, I must do as I have ten thousand times before under such feelings, cast myself entirely on the mercy of God. * God be merciful to me a sinner ' — the vilest of sinners ! and, after all I have received, a most ungrateful sinner ! / shall never get beyond that prayer.'^ (i) PRAYER AND GOOD WORKS.—" It has been often ob- served," says Dr. Owen, in his Doctrine of Justification, " that the schoolmen themselves, in their meditations and de- votional writings, speak a language quite different from that which they use in their disputes and controversies ; and I had rather learn what men really think on this head from their prayers than from their writings. Nor do I remember that I ever heard any good man, in his prayers, use any expressions about justification, wherein any thing of self- righteousness was introduced. Nor have I observed that any public liturgies (the Mass-Book excepted), guide men in their prayers before God to plead any thing for their acceptance with him, or as the means or condition thereof, but grace, mercy, the righteous- ness and blood of Christ alone." (j) CHALMERS' CONFESSION. — Dr. Chalmers, who preached the liberal system twelve years, and after this the evangelical, says, " I cannot but record the effect of an actual though undesigned experiment which I prose- cuted for upwards of twelve years among you. For the greater part of that time, I could expatiate on the meanness of dishonesty, on the villany of falsehood, on the despicable arts of calumny, in a word, upon all those de- formities of character which awaken the natural indignation of the human heart against the pests and disturbers of human society. Even at this time I certainly did press the reformations of honor, and truth, and integrity, among my people ; but I never once heard of any such reformations having been effected amongst them. If there was any thing at all brought about in this way, it was more than ever I got any account of. I am not sensible, that all the vehemence with which I urged the virtues and proprieties of social life, had the weight of a feather on the moral habits of my parishioners. And it was not until I got impressed by the utter alienation of the heart in all its desires and affections from God, it was not till reconciliation to Him became the dis- tinct and prominent object of my ministerial efforts, it was not till I took the scriptural way of laying the method of reconciliation before them, it was not till the free offer of forgiveness through the blood of Christ was urged upon their acceptance, and the Holy Ghost given through the channel of Christ's media- torship to all who ask him, was set before them as the unceasing object of their dependence and their prayers ; it was not, in one word, till the contempla- tions of my people were turned to these great and essential elements in the busi- ness of a soul providing for its interest with God, and the concerns of its eter- nity, that I ever heard of any of those sub- ordinate reformations which I aforetime made the earnest and zealous, but I am afraid, at the same time, the ultimate object of my earlier administrations." \k) CONVERTED MORALIST'S CONFESSION.— In a revival in one of the New England states, one of the subjects was a moralist, who is thus described by an acquaintance : He was a young gentleman, of good natural abilities, of respectable stand- ing in society, and of irreproachable in- ' tegrity. In his dealings with others he was accounted strictly honorable, and his exemplary observance of the ex- ternals of religion gained him the ap- pellation of " very moral." He was also " righteous in his own eyes." Though he gave full credence to the word of God, and professed to believe the ne. cessity of regeneration and justification 467 356 MERIT OF GOOD WORKS. by the righteousness of Christ, yet he was often heard to assert, that he feared not to enter eternity, and appear before his Judge. He believed that, according to his ability, he had complied with all the requisitions of Jehovah's law, and that the Redeemer would at last re- ceive his soul, and wash it from all its original pollution. One thing however was against him : the discriminating doc- trines of the cross were ever oifensive. But the Spirit of the Most High has lately unveiled to him his heart, and taught him the spirit of the divine law. His convictions were long and pungent. With tears and heart-rending repent- ance he confessed his former blindness, his ignorance of himself and of God, and was constrained to cry aloud for the mercy of Heaven to save his soul. The Savior heard him, and appeared for his relief. His joys, though humble, were ecstatic, and his soul seemed to be " filled with the fullness of God." Since that time his triumphing spirit has left the world, and joined the assembly of the redeemed above. In his dying moments he left with a friend the fol- lowing charge to me : " Tell that his moral friend has found himself to be immoral, unholy, and unclean. Tell him also that his friend has found salvation in the blood of Jesus, and is now going to join his Re- deemer in the heavens. Tell him to charge the young and giddy that for all their follies God will bring them into judgment — that if they would procure peace of conscience, and solid enjoy- ment, they must believe in the Infinite Savior, and experience the benefits of the infinite atonement. Tell him to make use of my case in warning sin- ners to flee from the wrath to come, with the earnest prayer that my death may be the means of converting some soul. Tell him the world is receding. Farewell." (Z) THE PLANK OF FREE GRACE.— Mr. M'Laren, and Mr. Gus- tart, were both ministers of the Tolbooth Church, Edinburgh. When Mr. M'- Laren was dying, Mr. G. paid him a visit, and put the question to him, " What are you doing, brother ?" His answer was, "I'll tell you what I am doing, brother ; I am gathering together all my prayers, all my sermons, all my good deeds, all my ill deeds ; and I am going to throw them all overboard, and swim to glory on the plank of Free Grace." (m) POPULAR PREACHING.— A Christian minister once said to a So- cinian preacher, " You are always tell- ing people the worth of their good works, flattering them, &c. ; now we tell them of their depravity, sinfulness, and dan- ger ; yet few come and hear you, while our houses are filled. Can you assign a reason for this ?" He said he could not. " Well," said the minister, " I will tell you ; there is a conviction on people's minds, that what we preach is truth, and what you preach is false- hood." {n) REASON FOR PREACHING CHRIST— The Rev. Mr. Venn, an evangelical and faithful minister of Christ, was one day addressed by a neighoring clergyman in nearly the following words : " Mr. Venn, I don't know how it is, but I should really think your doctrines of grace and faith were calculated to make all your hearers live in sin, and yet I must own that there is an astonishing reformation wrought in your parish; whereas I don't believe I ever made one soul the better, though I have been telling them their duty for many years." Mr. Venn was pleased at the clergyman's honest confession, and frankly told him he would do well to burn all his old ser- mons, and try what preaching Christ would do. (o) PLACE TO LOSE SELF— A person who had long practised many austerities, without finding any comfort or change of heart, was once complair,- ing to the Bishop of Alst of his state. "Alas," said he, "self-will and self- righteousness follow me every where. Only tell me when you think I shall learn to leave self. Will it be by study, or prayer, or good works ?" " I think," replied the bishop, " that the place where you lose self, will be that where you find your Savior." 468 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. 35*7, 25S MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. 257. Call to the Ministry. (a) DR. DODDRIDGE'S CALL.— WJien Dr. Doddridge was a young man, and had an earnest desire to engage in the duties of the Christian ministry, he waited upon Dr. E. Calamy on the sub- ject. The doctor advised him to turn his attention to some other pursuit. Young Doddridge felt grieved to receive such advice, but after a few weeks re- solved to enter on the study of the law. His mind was yet agitated, and he re- solved to devote a morning to special prayer before he formed his final deci- sion. While thus engaged, the postman brought him a letter from Dr. Clarke, telling him he had heard of his diffi- culties, and was ready to receive him under his care, to prepare him for his future important duties. He very pro- perly regarded this as an instance of the Divine goodness, and to this fact may be attributed, under God, his subsequent usefulness in the Christian church. (b) A KEEN RETORT.— A writer in the Georgetown Baptist Herald, says, " A preacher, not one hundred miles from this, while contending, as he thought, for the "ancient order of things," by ridiculing the doctrine of a call to the ministry, as proof that there is no such call, observed, that he never believed he was called to preach, — ^' And no person else ever helieved it,'^ said an acquaintance standing by. (c) THE FARMER BECOMING I A MINISTER.— The late Rev. R. ! Hill writes thus : — A certain farmer, ' well known to me, was always moral, yet ignorant of the gospel. By reading some of the sermons of the late Mr. Ro- maine, he was called to the knowledge ' of the truth. The farmer was a man of good sense and great integrity ; and he now conceived his domestics should not live without family worship. In his kitchen the Bible was always as much in sight as the bacon- rack ; and when he read the Bible to them, he could not but express the simple feelings of his heart. He wept, and they wept in con- cert. And in prayer, he found he was not wanting in " the spirit of grace and of supplications." Thus being enabled to tell his own wants before his family, they began to find out their wants also. This answered the end. The family was filled with surprise, and they sur- prised their neighbors, who stole in to unite in this worship. They now re- quested him to preach ; but the modest farmer resisted the call. He had a gracious sister, who charged him not to fight against God, for that others, be- sides his own family, were benefited by their attendance. The farmer con- sented ; yet he was no enthusiast, but a solid, pious, thinking man, and had a good knowledge of his Bible : and no man of good sense, though he has nei- ther Greek, Latin, nor logic, will ever talk nonsense. Thus he commenced a preacher, and was wonderfully blessed : quite the apostle, the reformer of the neighborhood. The generous public speedily accommodated the farmer with a convenient place of worship, in the town. The farmer was solemnly or- dained to the pastoral charge, and the communion among them was very seri- ously and largely attended 258. Industry, Energy, and Devotion to their Work. {a) INDUSTRY OF LUTHER.— From 1517 to 1526, the first ten years of the Reformation, the number of Lu- ther's publications was three hundred ; from 1527 to 1536, the second decade, the number was two hundred and thirty- two ; and 1537 to 1546, the year of his death, the number was one hundred and eighty-three. His first book was pub- lished in November, 1517, and he died in February, 1546, an interval of twenty- nine years and four months. In this time he published seven hundred and fifteen, an average of more than twenty- five a year, or one a fortnigh of his public life. He did not go through the manual labor of all this writing, it is 469 258 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. true, for many of his published works were taken down from his lips by his friends ; and it is also true, that several of the volumes were small enough in size to be denominated pamphlets ; but many of them are also large and elabo- rate treatises. In the circumstances in which he wrote, his translation of the Bible alone, would have been a gigantic task, even if he had his lifetime to de- vote to it. (h) LABORS OF CALVIN.— Dr. Hoyle, who wrote under the patronage of Archbishop Usher, mentioning Calvin, says, " What shall I speak of his inde- fatigable industry, almost beyond the power of nature ; which, paralleled with our loitering, will, I fear, exceed all credit ! It may be the truest object of admiration, how one lean, worn, spent, and wearied body could hold out. He read, every week of the year through, three divinity lectures; every other week, over and above, he preached every day : so that (as Erasmus said of Chrysostom) I know not whether more to admire his constancy, or theirs that heard him. Some have reckoned his yearly lectures to be one hundred and eighty-six, and his yearly sermons two hundred and eighty-six. Every Thurs- day he sat in the presbytery. Every Friday, when the ministers met to con- sult upon difficult texts, he made as good as a lecture. Besides all this, there was scarcely a day that exercised him not in answering, either by word of mouth or writing, the doubts and ques- tions of different churches and pastors ; so that he might say with Paul, ' The care of all the churches lieth upon me.' Scarcely a year passed wherein, over and above all these employments, some great volume, in folio, or other size, came not forth." This celebrated man, even in his dy- ing illness, would not refrain from his labors ; but, when his friends endear or- ed to persuade him to ease himself, he replied, " What ! shall my Lord come and find me idle ?" (c) DEATH IN VIEW.— Some years ago, the Rev. Dr. Henry Peck- well stepped into a dissecting room and touched one of the dead bodies, forget- ting that he had just before accidentally 470 cut his finger. He became diseased, and the doctors who were called in pro- nounced the accident fatal. At that time worship was held at the Taber- nacle, Moorfields, on a Friday evening. Conscious of his approaching death, the good man ascended the pulpit, and preached in so powerful a strain as to make many of bis audience weep. At the conclusion, he told the audience that it was his farewell sermon, — " not like the ordinary farewell sermons of the world, but more impressive, from the circumstances, than any preached be- fore. My hearers shall long bear it in mind, when this frail earth is moulder- ing in its kindred dust !" The congre- gation could not conjecture his mean- ing, but on the following Sabbath an un- known preacher ascended the pulpit, and informed them that their pious minister had breathed his last on the pre- ceding evening. {d) WAITING THE LORD'S TIME.— When the Rev. George White- field was last in America, the Rev. W. Tennent paid him a visit, as he was passing through New Jersey ; and one day dined with him, and other ministers, at a gentleman's house. After dinner, Mr. W. adverted to the difficulties at- tending the gospel ministry ; lamented that all their zeal availed but little ; said, that he was weary with the bur- den of the day ; and declared the great consolation, that in a short time his work would be done, when he should depart and be with Christ. He then appealed to the ministers if it was not their great comfort that they should soon go to rest. They generally assented, except Mr. T. who sat next to Mr. W. in silence, and by his countenance discovered but little pleasure in the conversation. On which Mr. W. tapping him on the knee said, " Well, brother Tennent, you are the oldest man among us ; do you not re- joice to think that your time is so near at hand, when you will be called home ?" Mr. T. bluntly answered, " I have no wish about it." Mr. W. pressed him again. Mr. T. again again answered, " No, sir, it is no pleasure to me at all ; and if you knew your duty, it would be none to you. I have nothing to do with death ; )ny business is to live INDUSTRY, ENERGY, DEVOTION, ETC. 258 as long as I can, as well as I can, and to serve my Master as faithfully as I can, until he shall think proper to call me home." Mr. W. still urged for an explicit answer to his question, in case the time of death were left to his own choice. Mr. T. replied, "I have no choice about it ; I am God's servant, and have engaged to do his business as long as he pleases to continue me there- in. But now, brother, let me ask you a question. What do you think I should say, if I were to send my man into the field to plough ; and if at noon I should go to the field, and find him lounging under a tree, and complaining, * Master, the sun is very hot, and the ploughing hard ; I am weary of the work you have appointed me, and am over- done with the heat and burden of the day. Do, master, let me return home, and be discharged from this hard ser- vice ?' What should I say? Why, that he was a lazy fellow, and that it his business to do the work that I had appointed him, until I should think fit to call him home." (e) MR. WILKS AND HIS MAS- TER'S BUSINESS.— An aged Ame- rican minister states, that in the early part of his ministry, being in London, he called on the late Rev. Matthew Wilks. Mr. W. received him with courtesy, and entered into conversation, which was kept up briskly till the most important religious intelligence in pos- session of each had been imparted. Suddenly there was a pause — it was broken by Mr. W. '' Have you any thing more to communicate ?" " No, nothing of special interest." " Any further inquiries to make ?" " None." " Then you must leave me ; I have my Master's business to attend to — good morning." " H^ere," says the minister, " I received a lesson on the impropriety of intrusion, and on the most manly me- thod of preventing it." (/) BUNYAN'S ZEAL.— Bunyan, with irresistible zeal, preached through- out the country, especially in Bedford- shire and its neighborhood ; until, on the restoration of Charles 11, he was thrown into prison, where he remained twelve years. During his confinement he preached to all to whom he could gain access ; and when liberty was offered to him, on condition of promising to abstain from preaching, he constantly replied, " If you let me out to-day, I shall preach again to-morrow." (g) BAXTER'S LABORS.— The eminently pious Richard Baxter, after he had spent many years in the ad- vancement of the glory of God, by la- borious and constant preaching, un- ceasing pastoral labors, and numerous publications from the press, was yet un- willing to give himself ease, even amidst the infirmities of disease and age. An old gentleman, who heard him preach, related, that when he ascended the pul- pit, with a man following him to pre- vent his falling backwards, and to sup- port him, if needful, in the pulpit, many persons would be ready to say he was more fit for a cofliin than for labor ; but all this he would soon forget, and manifest the fervor and energy of youth in his labors. It was feared, the last time he preached, that he would have died in the pulpit. And yet, such was his humility, that when reminded of his labors on his death-bed, he replied, " I was but a pen in God's hand, and what praise is due to a pen ?" (h) PREPARING FOR THE PULPIT.— Mr. Thomas Shephard was an excellent preacher, and took great pains in his preparations for the pulpit. He used to say, " God will curse that man's labors who goes idly up and down all the week, and then goes into his study on a Saturday afternoon. God knows that we have not too much time to pray in, and weep in, and get our hearts into a fit frame for the duties of the Sabbath." (z) LATIMER'S LABORS.— Every season of a religious revival has been marked by ministerial zeal and dili- gence. These features eminently dis- tinguished the British reformers. La- timer, in particular, was remarkable for his care in preaching and visiting every part of his diocese, earnestly trying to reform whatever was amiss. Although advanced in life, he traveled continual- ly from place to place, teaching, ex. horting, and preaching, to the utmost of his ability. These journeys were most- ly performed on foot, with few attend- 471 258 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. ants, in a plain dress, with a pair of spectacles, and a New Testament hang- ing at his girdle. Wherever he went he preached to the people ; and if he found a number assembled together, and no church at hand, he did not he- sitate to preach to them in any place which offered, and sometimes used a hollow tree for a pulpit. (j) IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP PREACfflNG.— Mr. Cecil tells us that when Mr. Newton had passed eighty years of age, some of his friends feared he might continue his public ministra- tions too long. They not only observed his injEirmities in the pulpit, but felt much on account of the decrease of his strength, and of his occasional depres- sions. On these things being men- tioned to him, he replied, that he had experienced nothing which in the least affected the principles he had felt and taught ; that his depressions were the natural result of fourscore years ; and that, at any age, we can only enjoy that comfort from our principles which God is pleased to send. " But," it was ask- ed, " in the article of public preaching, might it not be best to consider your work as done, and to stop before you evi- dently discover that you can speak no longer?" "I cannot stop," said he, raising his voice. " What ! shall the old African blasphemer stop while he can speak ?" (k) PAYSON'S LOVE FOR PREACHING.— Never has the ruling passion been more strongly exemplified in the hour of death than in the case of this excellent American minister. His love for preaching was as invincible as that of the miser for gold, who dies grasping his treasure. He directed a label to be attached to his breast when dead, with the admonition, " Remember the words which I spake unto you while I was yet present with you ;" that they might be read by all who came to look at his corpse, and by which he, being dead, still spoke. The same words were at the request of his people en- graved on the plate of the coffin, and read by thousands on the day of his in- terment. {I) CECIL'S LOVE FOR STUDY. — It is recorded of the late Rev. R. 472 Cecil, that he never seemed weary of his studies. They were not only his business, but his enjoyment and recrea- tion, and he used to call them his rest. He felt any interruptions of them re- quired acts of self-denial, and always returned to his study with pleasure. Few more carefully aimed to redeem time, and to spend it only in what was worthy of a man and a Christian min- ister; often repeating — For at back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near ; And onward, all before I see Deserts of vast eternity. (m) LABORS OF WESLEY.— Among other features in the character of Mr. Wesley, which manifested his devotedness to the great work in which he had engaged, it is said that he ever retained a cheerful insensibility to pain, and even to neglect. As he was traveling with John Nelson, one of his preachers, from common to common, in Cornwall, and preaching to a people who heard him willingly, but seldom or never offered him the slightest hospi- tality, he one day stopped his horse at some brambles, to pick the fruit. " Bro- ther Nelson," said he, as he did so, " we ought to be thankful that there are plenty of blackberries ; for this is the best country I ever saw for getting a stomach, but the worst I ever knew for getting food. Do the people think we can live upon preaching '?" *' At that time," says his companion, " Mr. Wes- ley and I slept on the floor ; he had a great coat for his pillow, and I had Bur- kitt's Notes on the New Testament for mine. One morning, about three o'clock, Mr. Wesley turned over, and finding me awake, clapped me on the side, say- ing, ' Brother Nelson, let us be of good cheer ; I have one whole side yet ; for the skin is off but on one side.' " For more than fifty years, in succes- sion, this eminent man generally de- livered two, and frequently three or four sermons in a day. But calculating at the lowest estimate, and allowing fifty annually for extraordinary occasions, the whole number, during this period, will be forty thousand five hundred and sixty. To these may be added innume- INDUSTRY, ENERGY, DEVOTION, ETC. 358 rable exhortations to the societies after preaching, and in other occasional meet- ings at which he assisted or presided. His journeys, in the work of the min- istry, during so long a period, were ex- traordinary, and probably, on the whole, without a precedent. He traveled about four thousand five hundred miles every year, on an average ; and thus, in his long course, he passed over two hundred and twenty-five thousand miles, on his errand of mercy, after he became an itinerant preacher. In addition to all which, the publications which he either wrote, or otherwise prepared for the press, were very numerous. It would have been impossible for him to perform this almost incredible degree of labor, without great punctuality and care in the management of his time. He had stated hours for every purpose, and his only re- laxation was a change of employment. His talents for managing complex affairs, and governing a numerous body, dissimi- lar in its parts, and widely diffused throughout the whole nation, were dis- played in the order which he introduced into the societies he had formed, the con- trol which he exercised over them, and the plans he devised and executed for the continuance of that economy which he had established among them. (n) NUMBER OF WHITEFIELD'S SERMONS. — From a memorandum book, in which Mr. Whitefield recorded the times and places of his ministerial labors, it appears that from the period of his ordination to that of his death, which was thirty-four years, he preached up- wards of eighteen thousand sermons. It would be difficult to tell the many thousand miles that he traveled. It is said that this celebrated man, when advanced in life, finding his physical powers fail- ing him, undertook to put himself upon what he called " short allowance." He preached once only on every day in the week, and three times on the Sabbath ! (o) WHITEFIELD'S FIRfc VOYAGE TO AMERICA.— There is a most interesting position in which we may look at Whitefield. This was during his first voyage to America, a stripling in his twenty-third year. Per- haps, since Paul's memorable voyage to Rome, the ocean has never exhibited a more surprising spectacle than that fur- nished by this ship. Such a situation would have paralyzed any ordinary man. A faint and hesitant homage, once on the Sabbath day, from a few of the less obdurate, would be all that such a man could possibly have expected to extort from an assemblage of gentlemen, of soldiers, with their wives and fami- lies, and the ship's company. Yet they became pliant as a willow in the hands of this remarkable youth. He accord- ingly converted the chief cabin into a cloister, the deck into a chapel, and the steerage into a school-room ! He so bore down all by love, reason, and Scrip- ture, that we soon behold him, at the request of the captain and officers, with the hearty concurrence of the gentle- men, reading " full public prayers " to them, twice a day, in the great cabin, and expounding every night after the evening prayers, besides daily reading prayers and preaching twice a day on deck to the soldiers and sailors, and in- creasing the services on Sundays. In addition, he daily catechised a body of young soldiers, and also catechised the women apart by themselves. Nor did all this suffice to expend his zeal, for he commenced a course of expositions on the creed and the commandments ; and so convinced was he of the value of cat- echetical teaching, that on February 3, he writes, " I began to-night to turn the observations made on the lessons in the morning into catechetical questions, and was pleased to hear some of the soldiers make very apt answers." Nor were the children forgotten ; a personal friend who accompanied him, a Mj^ H — , as- sumed that as as his department. On February 6, Mr. Whitefield writes, that he was " pleased to see Mr. H — so ac- tive in teaching the children. He has now many scholars — may God bless him !" (p) OUSELEY'S ZEAL.— The fol- lowing beautiful and striking miniature likeness of that g^eat and good man, Gideon Ouseley, is from the pen of Dr. Elliott, editor of the Western Christian Advocate. There was something in Mr. Ouseley's refusing the peerage and es- tates of his ancestors, and " choosing to suffer afflictions with the people of God," 473 258 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. so strange, that we question if his par- allel can be found in all history, except in the case of Moses. Blessed man, his reward must be great ! Mr. Ouseley was a marvelous man. He possessed a strong mind, well culti- vated with a good university education. He was of a noble family ; but became an itinerant Methodist preacher early in life, and for about fifty years kept the field, in labors most abundant. He preached in the Irish and English lan- guages with equal fluency. The Irish language (the opinion of others to the contrary notwithstanding) is the fore- most language under heaven for the pul- pit. In this he preached with power to those who understood it. His pulpit performances usually amounted to twen- ty-one each week ; two each day, in the open air, and one each evening, in a church, house, barn, &;c., as the case might be. He preached thousands of sermons on horseback, in the markets, at horse-races, cock-fights, (fee; and when the multitudes were inclined to leave, which was seldom the case, he followed them in their movements. He was often persecuted, waylaid and beat, so as to be left for dead ; but God al- ways raised him up. The Popish cler- gy hated him to execration ; and though many attempts were made on his life, he always escaped, except with the loss of one eye. His violent persecutors mostly came to an untimely end. So manifest was the hand of God in his preservation, that the Papists concluded it would not do to kill him, as by this means he would obtain the reputation of a martyr. He controverted, most free- ly, the errors of Popery, and exposed them unsparingly, always remembering to point the errorist to the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy. Many thousands were converted from Popery through his instrumentality. At the death of Sir Gore Ouseley, his uncle, he became heir to his estate and his peerage ; but he relinquished both in favor of the next heir, and con- tinued his preaching tiL death. Few men of the age equaled him for useful- ness and labors. (q) TOO MUCH MONEY AND TOO LITTLE LABOR.— Mr. Fletch- 474 er accepted the living of Madely in preference to another of more than double the value, which was offered him about the same time ; his previous in- tercourse with the people having excited within him an affection which would not suffer him to be separated from them, and which remained unabated till his death. The circumstances connected with his appointment were remarkable and characteristic. One day Mr. Hill informed him that the living of Dunham, in Cheshire, then vacant, was at his ser- vice. " The parish," he continued, " is smalls, the duty light, the income good, (j£400 per annum,) and it is situated in a fine healthy sporting country." Af- ter thanking Mr. Hill most cordially for his kindness, Mr. Fletcher added, " Alas ! sir, Dunham will not suit me : there is too much money and too little labor." " Few clergymen make such objections," said Mr. Hill ; " it is a pity to decline such a living, as I do not know that I can find you another. What shall we do ? Would you like Made- ly ?" " That, sir, would be the very place for me." " My object, Mr. Fletch- er," rejoined Mr. Hill, " is to make you comfortable in your own way. If you prefer Madely, 1 shall find no difficul- ty in persuading the present vicar to exchange it for Dunham, which is worth more than twice as much." In this way he became vicar of Madely, with which he was so perfectly satisfied, that he never afterwards sought honor or preferment. (r) THE SICK MINISTER'S CHOICE. — An eminent divine was suffering under chronic disease, and consulted three physicians, who declar- ed, on being questioned by the sick man, that his disease would be followed by death in a shorter or longer time, ac- cording to the manner in which he lived ; but they advised him unani- mously to give up his office, because, ii^lis situation, mental agitation would be fatal to him. " If," inquired the di- vine, " I give myself to repose, how long, gentlemen, will you guarantee my life ?" " Six years," answered the doctors. " And if I continue in office ?" " Three years, at most." " Your ser- vant, gentlemen," he replied ; " I should SIMPLICITY OF LANGUAGE. 359 prefer living two or three years in do- ing some good, to living six in idleness." (s) " LET ME LABOR NOW."— When that zealous and truly apostolic laborer, Mr. Grimshawe, who usually preached from twenty to thirty times a week, was entreated at any time to spare himself, his constant reply was, " Let me labor now, for the hour is at hand when I shall rest." 2§9. Simplicity of Language. (a) " DEITY ! WHO IS HE ?"— On one occasion, whilst the late Rev. S. Kilpin was preaching, but not in his own pulpit, he mentioned the great God by the name of " the Deity." A sailor, who was listening, immediately started from his seat, his elbows fully spread, and exclaimed aloud, " Deity ! well, who is He? is He our God-a-Mighty ?" The attendants were about to turn him out; but the minister stood reproved, and requested him to resume his seat, " Yes, my friend, I did mean the al- mighty God." The sailor rejoined, " I thought so, but was not quite sure ; I never heard that name before." The humbled minister replied, " You had a right to inquire ; I was to blame : whilst delivering God's message of mercy and justice to immortal souls, I ought not to have given my Divine Master a name which prevented the message from be- ing understood." "Thank you, sir," was the sailor's reply ; and he looked as though he would have devoured the remaining part of the sermon. After the service, he came and begged pardon for the interruption ; and, with a sailor's frankness, requested the kind gentleman to take some refreshment with him, to make it up. (b) LUTHER'S PREACHING.— On one occasion, during the sixteenth century, the principal reformers having been called together, several of d^m preached. Luther, though ui^pl, preached with much energy, from the words, " Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Myconius wrote to a friend, that he had often heard Luther preach, but on this occasion he seemed not so much to speak, as to thunder forth the name of Christ from heaven itself After Bucer's sermon, he supped with Luther, who, in the course of conversation, commended the discourse of his guest ; but added that he himself was a better preacher. Bucer received this apparently rude re- mark with his accustomed mildness, and readily declared his assent. Luther then spoke seriously, and said, " Do not think that I mean to boast foolishly ; I well know my own deficiencies, and that I am unable to deliver such an in- genious and learned discourse as we have this day heard from you ; but, when I am in the pulpit, I consider who my hearers are : and because the great- er part are an unlearned and simple people, I preach what I think they can understand. But you take a higher flight, so that your discourses suit learn- ed people, but are not understood by our poor people. In this I act like a kind mother who gives her craving infant the breast, thus feeding it with her own milk as well as she is able, and thinks this better for its nourishment than if mixed with the sweetest and choicest syrups and preparations of art." (c) SIMPLICITY OF WESLEY. —In June, 1790, the Rev. J. Wesley preached at Lincoln : his text was, Luke X. 42 ; " One thing is needful." When the congregation were retiring from the chapel, a lady exclaimed, in a tone of great surprise, " Is this the great Mr. Wesley, of whom we hear so much in the present day ? Why, the poorest might have understood him." The gen- tleman, to whom this remark was made, replied, " In this, madam, he displays his greatness ; that, while the poorest can understand him, the most learned are edified, and cannot be offended." (d) LEARNING MAKES PLAIN. —The late Rev. Dr. C. Evans, of Bris- tol, having once to travel from home, wrote to a poor congregation, to say that he should have occasion to stay a night in their village, and that if it were agreeable to them, he would give them a sermon. The poor people hesitated for some time, but at length permitted him to preach. After sermon, he found them in a far happier mood than when he first came among them, and could not forbear inquiring into the reason of 475 259, 260 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. all this. " Why, sir, to tell you the truth," said one of them, "knowing that you were a very learned man, and that you were a teacher of young min- isters, we were much afraid we should not understand you ; but you have been quite as plain as any minister we ever hear." " Ay, ay," the doctor replied, " you entirely misunderstood the nature of learning, my friend : its design is to make things so plain that they cannot be misunderstood." Similar was the view of Archbishop Leighton, who says, in one of his charges to his clergy, " How much learning, my brethren, is required, to make these things plain !" (e) FEW PLEASED, BUT ONE CONVERTED.— The Rev. John Cot- ton was an eminent minister of the sev- enteenth century, who labored for many years at Boston, in Lincolnshire. When at the university of Cambridge, he was remarkable for learning and eloquence ; and being called upon to preach at St. Mary's church in that town, high ex- pectations were raised as to the charac- ter of the sermon. After many strug- gles in his own mind, arising from the temptation to display his talent and learn- ing, and from a powerful impression of the importance of preaching the gos- pel with all simplicity, he at length wisely determined on the latter course. The vice-chancellor and students were not pleased, though a few of the pro- fessors commended his style ; but his sermon was blessed to the conversion of Dr. Preston, who became one of the most eminent ministers of his day. (/) ROMAINE'S PLAIN PREACH- ING. — Some persons in the Rev. Mr. Romaine's congregation, thinking his style of preaching too plain and com- mon, had requested him to exhibit a lit- tle more learning in the pulpit ; accord- ingly, on a certain occasion, he read his text in Hebrew. " Now," said he, " I suppose scarcely one in the congre- gation understands that." He then read it in Greek, and added, " Perhaps there may be one or two that understand me now : I will next read it in Latin." He did so, and said, " Possibly a few more may comprehend me, but the number is still very limited." He last of all re- peated the text in English : " There," 476 he continued, " now you all understand it ; which do you think is best ? I hope always so to preach, as that the meanest person in the congregation may comprehend me." 260. Fidelity and Boldness. (a) MILLARD AND LOUIS XL- Oliver Millard, a popular and energetic preacher of the reign of Louis XI, at- tacked the vices of the court in his ser- mons, and did not spare even the king himself, who, taking offence at it, sent the priest word, that if he did not change his tone, he would have him thrown in- to the Seine. " The king," replied Ol- iver, " is the master, to do what he pleas- es ; but tell him that I shall reach Par- adise by water sooner than he will with his post-horses." (The establishment of traveling post was instituted by Louis XI.) This bold answer at once amused and intimidated the king, for he let the priest continue to preach as he pleased, and what he pleased. (h) MASSILLON PREACHING. — The eloquence of the celebrated Mas- sillon shone conspicuously in the intro- duction of a sermon before Louis XIV, king of France, from the words of the Redeemer, Matt. v. 4 ; " Blessed are they that mourn." The preacher be- gan, " If the world addressed your ma- jesty from this place, the world would not say, ' Blessed are they that mourn.' The world would say, ' Blessed is the prince who has never fought, but to conquer; who has filled the universe with his name ; who through the whole course of a long and flourishing reign, enjoys in splendor all that men admire — extent of conquest, the esteem of his enemies, the love of his people, the wis- dom of his laws.' But, sire, the lan- guage of the gospel is not the language of the world." rd WHITEFIELD AND GRIM- Sl{||^VE. — Mr. Whitefield, in a sermon he preached at Haworth, having spoken severely of those professors of the gos- pel who, by their loose and evil con- duct, caused the ways of truth to be evil spoken of, intimated his hope, that it was not necessary to enlarge much up- on that topic to the congregation before FIDELITY AND BOLDNESS. 260 him, who had so long enjoyed the bene- jfit of an able and faithful preacher ; and he was willing to believe that their profit- ing appeared to all men. This roused Mr. Grimshawe's spirit, and, notwith- standing his great regard for the preach- er, he stood up, and interrupted him, say- ing, with a loud voice, " Oh ! sir, for God's sake, do not speak so ; I pray you, do not flatter. I fear the greater part of them are going to hell with their eyes open." (d) INDIVIDUALITY IN PREACH- ING. — It is a charge often brought against some faithful ministers, that they direct many of their remarks to certain particular persons. It is cer- tain that this was often done by Mr. Whitefield, and sometimes with very happy effect. He once drew from the conduct of his female servant the picture of ^ Christian remiss in duty, which painfully distressed her, till he gave her an assurance of his entire for- giveness. (e) RITCHIE AND THE PRO- FANE SWEARER.— The late Doctor Ritchie, Professor of Divinity in the University of Edinburgh, was one day preaching in Tarbolton church, where he was at that time minister, against profane swearing in common conversa- tion, while one of his principal heritors, who was addicted to that sin, was pre- sent. This gentleman thought the ser- mon was designedly addressed to him, and that the eyes of the whole congre- gation were fixed upon him. Though he felt indignant, he kept his place till the service was concluded, and then waited on the preacher, and asked him to dine with him, as he was quite alone. The invitation being accepted, the gen- tleman immediately after dinner thus addressed the minister : — " Sir, you have insulted me to-day in the church. I have been three times in church lately, and on every one of them you have been holding me up to the derision of the audience ; so I tell you, sir, I shall ne- ver more enter the church of Tarbolton again, unless you give me your solemn promise, that you will abstain from such topics in future, as I am resolved I shall no more furnish you with the theme of your discourse." Mr. Ritchie heard this speech to a conclusion with calm- ness, and then looking him steadfastly in the face, thus replied : " Very well, sir, if you took to yourself what I said to- day against swearing, does not your conscience bear witness to its truth ? You say you will not enter the church, till I cease to reprove your sins ; if such is your determination, it is impossible you can enter it again ; for which of the commandments have you not bro- ken?" On observing his firmness, and feeling that he was wrong in attempting to make the minister of the parish com- promise his duty, the gentleman held out his hand to Mr. Ritchie ; a mutual explanation took place ; and while the minister would abate none of his faith- fulness, the heritor endeavored to over- come his evil habits. (/) THE PREACHER AND THE CONSTABLE.— Mr. Maurice, one of the con-conformist ministers in Shrop- shire, experienced many remarkable de- liverances in the providence of God, when in danger of being apprehended by his enemies after his ejection. At one time, a constable found him preach- ing, and commanded him to desist ; but Mr. Maurice, with great courage, charged him in the name of the Great God, whose message he was then de- livering, to forbear molesting him, as he would answer it at the great day. The constable, awed by his solemn manner, sat down trembling, heard him patient- ly to the end of his discourse, and then quietly left him. (g) OFFENDING A NOBLEMAN — Mr. Dod having preached against the profanation of the Sabbath, which miich prevailed in his parish, and especially among the more wealthy inhabitants, the servant of a nobleman, who was one of them, came to him and said, " Sir, you have ofiended my lord to-day." Mr. Dod replied, " I should not have of- fended your lord, except he had been conscious to himself that he had first offended my Lord ; and if your lord will offend my Lord, let him be offended." (h) FAITHFULNESS TO GOD AND THE KING.— Bishop Latimer having one day preached before King Henry VIII a sermon which displeased his majesty, he was ordered to preach again on the next Sabbath, and to make 477 360 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. an apology for the offence he had given. After reading his text, the bishop thus began his sermon : — " Hugh Latimer, dost thou know before whom thou art this day to speak ? To the high and mighty monarch, the king's most excel- lent majesty, who can take away thy life if thou offendest ; therefore, take heed that thou speakest not a word that may displease ; but then consider well, Hugh, dost thou not know from whence thou comest ; upon whose message thou art sent ? Even by the great and migh- ty God ! who is all-present ! and who beholdeth all thy ways ! and who is able to cast thy soul into hell ! Therefore, take care that thou deliverest thy mes- sage faithfully." He then proceeded with the same sermon he had preached the preceding Sabbath, but with consi- derably more energy. The sermon ended, the court were full of expecta- tion to know what would be the fate of this honest and plain-dealing bishop. After dinner, the king called for Lati- mer, and, with a stern countenance, asked him how he dared to be so bold as to preach in such a manner. He, falling on his knees, replied, his duty to his God and his prince had enforced him thereto, and that he had merely discharged his duty and his conscience in what he had spoken. Upon which the king, rising from his seat, and tak- ing the good man by the hand, embraced him, saying, " Blessed be God, I have so honest a servant." (i) "SHORT MEASURE."— The following incident in the life of William Dawson, a very humble, but a very ex- cellent preacher, late of Barnbow, near Leeds, beautifully illustrates the power of the plainly preached word. " He was preaching in the neighbor- hood of Leeds, on Daniel 5 : 27 : " Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting." A person who travel- ed the country in the character of a pedler, and who was exceedingly par- tial to him as a preacher, was one of Mr. Dawson's auditors. The person referred to, generally carried a stick with him, which answered the double purpose of a walking-stick and a ' yard- wand ;' and having been employed pret- ty freely in the former capacity, it was 478 worn down beyond the point of justice, and procured for him an appellation of ' Short Measure.' He stood before Mr. Dawson, and being rather noisy in his religious professions, as well as ready with his responses, he manifested signs of approbation while the scales were be- ing described and adjusted, and different classes of sinners were placed in them, and disposed of agreeably to the test of justice, truth and mercy, — uttering in a somewhat subdued tone, yet loud enough for those around to hear, at the close of each particular — ' Light weight' — ' short again,' etc. After taking up the sepa- rate characters of the flagrant transgres- sor of the law of God, the hypocrite, the formalist, etc., Mr. Dawson at length came to such persons as possessed reli- gious light, but little hallowed feeling, and the semblance of much zeal, but who employed false weights and mea- sures. Here, without adverting in his mind to the case of his noisy auditor, he perceived the muscles of his face work- ing, when the report of ' short measure' occurred to him. Resolved, however, to soften no previous expression, and to proceed with an analysis and descrip- tion of the question, he placed the de- linquent, in his singularly striking way, in the scale, when, instead of the usual response, the man, stricken before him, took his stick — the favorite measure, from under his arm — raised one foot from the floor, doubled his knee, and, taking hold of the offending instrument by both ends, snapped it into two halves, exclaiming, while dashing it to the ground, ' Thou shalt do it no more !' So true is it, to employ the language of an eminent minister, ' that no man ever offended his own conscience, but first or last it was revenged upon him for it.' " ij) HACKET AND THE SOL- DIER. — Dr. John Hacket was, at the beginning of the civil war, rector of St. Andrew's, Holborn ; and when the par- liament had forbidden the use of the liturgy, under the severest penalties. Dr. Hacket continued to read, as before, the daily service, and when a sergeant with a trooper rushed into the church, commanding him with threats to desist, he with a steady voice and intrepid countenance continued ; on which the FIDELITY AND BOLDNESS. 260 soldier, raising a pistol to his head, threatened him with instant death. The undaunted minister calmly replied, — " Soldier, I am doing my duty, do you do yours !" and with a still more exalt- ed voice read on. The soldier, abashed, left the church. (k) BOURDALOUE'S FAITHFUL- NESS. — The reputation for eloquence which this celebrated preacher very early acquired, reached the ears of Louis the Fourteenth, who sent for him to preach the advent sermon, in 1670, which he did with such success that he was many years retained at court. He was called the king of preachers, and the preacher to kings ; and Louis him- self said, that he would rather hear the repetitions of Bourdaloue, than the no- velties of another. With a collected air, Bourdaloue had little action ; he generally kept his eyes half closed, and penetrated the hearts of the people by the sound of a voice uniform and solemn. On one occasion, he turned the peculiari- ty of his external aspect to a very me- morable advantage. After depicting, in soul-awakening terms, a sinner of the first magnitude, he suddenly opened his eyes, and casting them full on the king, who sat opposite to him, he added, in a voice of thunder, " Thou art the man." The effect was confounding. When he had finished his discourse, he went and threw himself at the feet of his sovereign, and said, " Sire, behold at your feet, one who is the most devoted of your servants ; but punish him not, that in the pulpit he can own no other master but the King of kings." (/)THE KNIGHT'S COMPLAINT. — During the protectorate, a certain knight, in Surrey, had a lawsuit with the minister of his parish ; and, whilst the dispute was pending. Sir John ima- gined that the sermons delivered at church were preached at him. He therefore complained against the minis- ter to Cromwell, who inquired of the preacher concerning the fact ; and hav- ing found that his sermons were aimed at the common good, he dismissed the complaining knight, saying, " Go home. Sir John, and hereafter live in good friendship with your minister ; the word of the Lord is a searching word, and I am afraid it has found you out." It were well, when we feel uncomfortable with the sermons of our ministers, if, instead of complaining of them, we seriously examined our own character, and applied whatever might be suitable to our own case. (m) WALKER AND THE REG- TOR.— After the late Rev. Samuel Walker, of Truro, had begun to feel the unspeakable importance of the truth as it is in Jesus, his preaching became of a different character to what it had previously been. When he lirged the importance of regeneration, and devot- edness to God, those who were living in a sensual and dissipated manner, or who were building their hopes of heaven on the morality of their lives, were of- fended. Accordingly, some of the most wealthy inhabitants of the town com- plained of him to the rector, and re- quested his dismission. The rector promised compliance with their wishes, and waited on Mr. Walker to give him notice to quit his curacy. He was re- ceived with much politeness and res- pect, and Mr. Walker soon took an op- portunity, from some passing remark, to explain his views of the importance of the ministerial office, and the man- ner in which its duties ought to be per- formed. His sentiments and manner were such, that the rector went away without having accomplished his pur- pose. He endeavored a second time to effect the wishes of the people, but was again so awed by Mr. W.'s superiority, that he could not speak to him on the subject. — Being afterwards pressed by one of the principal persons on the topic, he replied, " Do you go and dismiss him, if you can ; I cannot. I feel, in his presence, as if he were a being of a su- perior order, and am so abashed, that I am uneasy till I can retire from it." (n) LATIMER ACCUSED BE- FORE HENRY VIII.— Bishop Lati- mer, in preaching before King Henry the Eighth, spoke his mind ver^ plain- ly ; which some of his enemies thought to make their advantage of, by com- plaining of him to the king, that they might thus get him out of the way. Soon after his sermon, he and several others being called before the king to 479 260, 261 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. speak their minds on certain matters, one of them kneeled before his majesty, and accused Latimer of having preach- ed seditious doctrines. The king turned to Latimer, and said, " What say you to that, sir ?" Latimer kneeled down, and turning first to his accuser, said, " What form of preaching would you appoint me to preach before a king? Would you have me to preach nothing concerning a king, in a king's sermon ? Have you any commission to appoint me what I shall preach ?" He asked him several other questions, but he would answer none at all ; nor had he any thing to say. Then he turned to the king, and said, " I never thought myself worthy, nor ever sued, to be a preacher before your Grace. But I was called to it, and would be willing, if you mislike me, to give place to my betters. But if your Grace allow me for a preacher, I would desire your Grace to discharge my conscience, give me leave to frame my discourse accord- ing to mine audience. I had been a very dolt to have preached so at the borders of your realm, as I preach be- fore your Grace." These words were well received by the king as Latimer concluded, because the king presently turned to another subject. Some of his friends came to him with tears in their eyes, and told him, they looked for nothing but that he should have been sent to the tower the same night. (o) USHER AND THE KING.— Dr. Parr, in his life of Archbishop Usher, relates, that while that prelate was once preaching in the church at Covent Garden, a message arrived from the court, that the king wished imme- diately to see him. He descended from the pulpit, listened to the command, and told the messenger that he was then, as he saw, employed in God's business, but, as soon as he had done, he would attend upon the king to understand his pleasi^e, and then continued his ser- mon. 261. Ingenuity and Wit. (a) KIND OF MINISTER WANTED.— The people of one of the out parishes in Virginia, wrote to Dr. 480 Rice, who was then at the head of the Theological Seminary in Prince Ed- ward, for a minister. They said they wanted a man of first rate talents, for they had run down considerably, and needed building up. They wanted one who could write well, for some of the young people were very nice about that matter. They wanted one who could visit a good deal, for their former minis- ter had neglected that, and they wanted to bring it up. They wanted a man of very gentlemanly deportment, for some thought a great deal of that. And so they went on, describing a perfect minis- ter. The last thing they mentioned was, — they gave their last minister $350 ; but if the Doctor would send them such a man as they had described, they would raise another $50, making it $400. The Doctor sat right down and wrote a reply, telling them they had better forth- with make out a call for old Dr. Dwight, in heaven ; for he did not know of any one in this world who answered this description. And as Dr. D. had been living so long on spiritual food, he might not need so much for the body, and pos- sibly he might live on $400. (b) PREACHING ON THE TIMES. — In 1648, it was a question asked of the brethren, at the meetings of minis- ters, twice in the year, " If they preach- ed the duties of the times ?" And when it was found that Leighton did not, he was reproved for his omission ; but he replied, "If all the brethren have preached on the times, may not one poor brother be suflTered to preach on eterni- ty ^ (c) THE ELEVENTH COM- MANDMENT.— At one time Arch- bishop Usher visited Scotland, and hear- ing much of the piety of the Rev. Sa- muel Rutherford, resolved on being a wit ness of it. Disguised as a pauper, on a Saturday evening, he solicited lodging for the night. Mr. Rutherford took him in, and directed him to be seated in the kitchen. Mrs. Rutherford cate- chised the servants, as a preparation for the Sabbath ; and having asked the stranger the number of the Divine com- mandments, he answered eleven. The good woman hastily concluded him ig- norant, and said, " What a shame it is INGENUITY AND WIT. d6i for you, a man with gray hairs, in a Christian country, not to know how many commandments there are ! There is not a child six years old, in this pa- rish, but could answer the question pro- perly." Lamenting his condition, she ordered his supper, and directed a ser- vant to show him a bed in a garret. Mr. Rutherford having heard him at prayer, and finding out who he was, prevailed on the archbishop to preach for him, which he agreed to do, on con- dition that he should not be made known. Early in the morning Mr. Rutherford changed his clothes, suffered him to de- part, and afterwards introduced him to breakfast as a minister on a journey. When in the pulpit, he announced his text — " A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another ;" and remarked that this might be reck- oned the eleventh commandment. Mrs. Rutherford, remembering the answer she had received the night before from the stranger, was surprised, and looking at the preacher, almost imagined he might be the pitied traveler. The two holy men spent the evening in de- lightful conversation, and the archbishop departed, undiscovered, early on the following day. {d) WHITEFIELD AND THE EXECUTION.— During one of the visits which the Rev. George Whitefield paid to Edinburgh, an unhappy man, who had forfeited his life to the offended laws of his country, was executed in that neighborhood. Mr. W. mingled with the crowd that was collected on the occasion, and was struck with the solemnity and decorum which were ob- servable in so awful a scene. His ap- pearance, however, drew the eyes of all upon him, and raised a variety of opi- nions as to the motives which induced him to join the multitude. The next day being Sunday, he preached to a very large congregation in a field near the city ; and, in the course of his ser- mon, he adverted to the scenes of the preceding day. "I know," said he, " that many of you will find it difficult to reconcile my appearance yesterday with my character. Many of you, I know, will say, that my moments would have been better employed in praying 31 for the unhappy man, than in attending him to the fatal tree ; and that, perhaps, curiosity was the only cause that con- verted me into a spectator on that occa- sion ; but those who ascribe that uncha- ritable motive to me, are under a mis- take. I went as an observer of human nature, and to see the effect that such an example would have on those who witnessed it. I watched the conduct of those who were present on that awful occasion, ar^d I was highly pleased with their demeanor, which has given me a very favorable opinion of the Scottish nation. Your sympathy was visible on your countenances, particularly when the moment arrived that your unhappy fellow-creature was to close his eyes on this world for ever ; and then you all, as if moved by one impulse, turned your heads aside, and wept. Those tears were precious, and will be held in remem- brance. How different it was when the Savior of mankind was extended on the cross ! The Jews, instead of sym- pathizing in his sorrows, triumphed in them. They reviled him with bitter expressions, with words even more bit- ter than the gall and vinegar which they handed him to drink. Not one, of all that witnessed his pains, turned his head aside, even in the last pang. Yes, my friends, there was one ; that glorious luminary," pointing to the sun, "veiled his brightness, and traveled on his course in tenfold night." (e) HALL'S OPINION OF A SERMON. — A conceited minister hav- ing once delivered a sermon in the hear- ing of Mr. Hall, pressed him, with a disgusting union of self-complacency and indelicacy, to state what he thought of the sermon. Mr. Hall remained si- lent for some time, hoping that his si- lence would be rightly interpreted ; but this only caused the question to be pressed with greater earnestness. Mr. Hall at length said, " There was one very fine passage, sir." "I am re- joiced to hear you say so. Pray, sir, which was it ?" " Why, sir, it was the passage from, the pulpit inter the ves- try." (/) NEWTON'S REPROOF.— The excellent John Newton was faith- ful and ingenious in administering re- 481 261 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. proof. He one day heard a minister preach, who affected great accuracy in his discourses, and who occupied nearly an hour on several labored and nice dis- tinctions. Having a high esteem for Mr. Newton's judgment, he inquired of him whether he thought these distinc- tions were full and judicious. Mr. Newton said, he thought them not full, as a very important one had been omit- ted. "What can that be?" said the minister ; " for I have taken more than ordinary care to enumerate them fully." " I think not," replied Mr. N., " for when many of your congregation had traveled several miles for a meal, I think you should not have forgotten the important distinction which must ever exist between meat and bones." (g) WHITEFIELD AND ELEC- TIONS.— When Mr. Whitefield was in the zenith of his popularity, lord Clare, who knew that his influence was considerable, applied to him, by letter, requesting his assistance at Bristol, at the ensuing general election. To this request Mr. Whitefield replied, that in general elections he never interfered ; but he would earnestly exhort his lord- ship to use great diligence to make his own particular calling and election sure! {h) THE MINISTER AND THE MUSICIAN. — A musical amateur of eminence, who had often observed the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Cadogan's inatten- tion to his performances, said to him one day, " Come, I am determined to make you feel the force of music, — pay par- ticular attention to this piece." It ac- cordingly was played. " Well, what do you say now ?" " Why, just what I said before." " What ! can you hear this and not be charmed ? Well, I am quite surprised at your insensibility. Where are your ears ?" " Bear with me, my lord," replied Mr. Cadogan, " since I too have had my surprise ; I have often from the pulpit set before you the most striking and affecting truths ; I have sounded notes that might have raised the dead ; I have said. Surely he will feel now ; but you never seemed to be charmed with my music, though infinitely more interesting than yours. I too have been ready to say 482 with astonishment, Where are his ears ?" (0 MR. BROWN AND THE OPPOSER.— Rev. John Brown, of Haddington, was invited to become pas- tor there, soon after he was licensed to preach. Only one man prevented the call from being unanimous. Being a person possessed of considerable influence, it was greatly feared that he would exert that influence to the injury of the min- ister and the church. Mr. Brown meet- ing with this gentleman one day, took him by the hand, and begged him frankly to state his reasons for voting against him. " I am as frank as you are, Mr. Brown," replied he, " and I beg leave to say that my reason for voting against you is a strong one ; and it can be told in a word, I don't think you are a good preacher.' ' " There we are perfectly agreed," replied Mr. Brown ; " I know it as well as you do, my friend, and I say it as frankly as you do, that / am not a good preacher. But then," continued Mr. Brown, as he shook his neighbor heartily by the hand, " while you and I are perfectly agreed in this particular, where is the use of you and me setting up our opin- ions against the whole parish .?" The man laughed heartily, told Mr. Brown that he had completely disarmed him, that he began to be of his opinion, and that he would not be found opposing the views of the whole parish any longer. He became afterwards Mr. Brown's best friend. (j) MASSILLON AND THE THOUGHTLESS ASSEMBLY.— Massillon, an eminent French preacher, in the first sermon he ever delivered, found, upon his getting into the pulpit, the whole audience in a disposition no way favorable to his intentions ; their nods, whispers, or drowsy behavior, showed him that there was no great profit to be expected from his sowing in a soil so barren ; however, he soon changed the disposition of the audience by his manner of beginning : " If," said he, " a cause, the most important that could be conceived, were to be tried at the bar before qualified judges ; if this cause interested ourselves in partic- ular; if the eyes of the whole kingdom INGENUITY AND WIT. 1261 were fixed upon the event ; if the most eminent counsel were employed on both sides ; and if we had heard from our infancy of this undetermined trial ; would you not all sit with due attention and warm expectation to the pleadings on both sides ? would not all your hopes and fears be suspended upon the final decision ? And yet, let me tell you, you have this moment a cause of much greater importance before you : a cause where not one nation, but all the world are spectators ; tried not before a falli- ble tribunal, but the awful throne of heaven ; where not your temporal and transitory interests are the subjects of debate ; but your eternal happiness or misery ; where the cause is still unde- termined ; but, perhaps, the very mo- ment I am speaking may fix the irrevo- cable decree that shall last for ever ; and yet, notwithstanding all this, you can hardly sit with patience to hear the tidings of salvation. I plead the cause of Heaven, and yet I am scarcely at- tended to," (k) PREACHING TO A FARM- ER.-^The Rev. John Cooke, of Mai- denhead, once, when traveling, fell in with a rich farmer, who was very un- willing to listen to any serious remarks which he was disposed to make, and at length said, with a sneer, " I don't like religion ; and 1 told you so." " You are not a singular farmer, sir," replied Mr. Cooke. " I have read of one whom you greatly resemble. The farmer to whom t allude, finding his ground very productive, and his barns too small, re- solved on building larger barns and fill- ing them ; and said to his soul, ' Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years ; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool ! this night thy soul shall be required of thee : then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided V Luke xii. 19, 20. Now, sir, I think vou must see yourself in this picture. Here is a farmer, very rich, living to himself in health, ease, and pleasure, * without God in the world.' No doubt his neighbors envied and flattered him ; but no one dared to reprove so rich a man. And if no one reproved his sins, and many flattered them as virtues, tie never heard the truth. This accounts for our Lord's words, ' How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God ! But although he thought himself wise, and others wish- ed to be like him, God addresses him differently,—' Thou fool !' " Why, sir, do you suppose the only wise God called him a fool ?" He was silent. "But, candidly, do not you think he was a fool '?" " I shall not say, sir." " Well, sir, if you will allow me to hazard an opinion, he appears a fool, — " 1. Because he preferred his body to his soul. "2. Because he preferred the world to God : ' Eat, drink, and be merry,' was the extent of his aim. " 3. Because he preferred time to eter- nity : ' Thou hast goods laid up for many years.' 4. " Because he lived as if he should never die ; and, whilst presuming on many years, exposed his soul to all the horrors of sudden death, without repent- ance, without forgiveness, without holi- ness, and without hope." (0 HAYNES' REPLY TO THE SCOFFERS.— Of Mr. Haynes, the col- ored preacher, it is said, that some time after the publication of his sermon on the text, "Ye shall not surely die," two reckless young men having agreed together to try his wit, one of them said, " Father Haynes, have you heard the good news ?" " No," said Mr. Haynes, " what is it ?" " It is great news in- deed," said the other, " and, if true, your business is done." " What is it ?" again inquired Mr. Haynes. " Why," said the first, " the devil is dead." In a moment the old gentleman replied, lifting up both hands, and placing them on the heads of the young men, and in a tone of solemn concern, " Oh, poor fatherless children ! what will become of you ?" (m) THE PULPIT WINDOW AND CUSHION REPAIRED.— Rev. Zabeliel Adams at one time exchanged with a neighboring minister — a mild, inoffensive man — who, knowing the pe- culiar bluntness of his character, said to him, "You will find some panes of 483 »61 MINISTERS CHRISTIAN. glass broken in the pulpit window, and possibly you may suffer from the cold. The cushion, too, is in a bad condition ; but I beg of you not to say any thing to my people on the subject ; they are poor, &;c." " O no ! O no !" says Mr. Adams. But ere he left home, he fill- ed a bag with rags and took it with him. When he had been in the pulpit a short time, feeling somewhat incommoded by the too free circulation of the air, he de- liberately took from the bag, a handful of the rags, and stuffed them into the windows. Toward the close of his dis- course, which was more or less upon the duties of a people toward their clergyman, he became very animated, and purposely brought down both fists upon the pulpit cushions, with a tre- mendous force. The feathers flew in all directions, and the cushion was pret- ty much used up. He instantly check- ed the current of his thought, and sim- ply exclaiming, — " Why, how these feathers fly !" — proceeded. He had fulfilled his promise of not addressing the society on the subject, but had taught them a lesson not to be misun- derstood. On the next Sabbath, the window and cushion were found in ex- cellent repair. (n) NEW USE FOR JACOB'S LADDER. — A Welsh clergyman, in- vited to assist in the ordination of a min- ister in some part of England, was ap- pointed to deliver the address to the church and congregation ; and having been informed that their previous minis- ter had suffered much from pecuniary embarrassment, although the church was fully able to support him comforta- bly, he took the following singular meth- od of administering reproof. In his address to the church, he re- marked, " You have been praying, no doubt, that God would send you a man after his own heart to be your pastor. You have done well. God, we hope, has heard your prayer, and given you such a minister as he approves, who will go in and out before you, and feed your souls with the bread of life. But now you have prayed for a minister, and God has given you one to your mind, you have something more to do; you must take care of him ; and in order to 484 his being happy among you, I have been thinking you have need to pray again. ' Pray again ? Pray again ? What should we pray again for V Well, I think you have need to pray again. ' But for what ?' Why, I'll tell you. Pray that God would put Jacob's ladder down to the earth again. ' Jacob's lad- der ! Jacob's ladder ! What has Jacob's ladder to do with our minister ?' Why, I think, if God would put Jacob's lad- der down, that your mijiister could go vp into heaven on the Sabbath evening after preaching, and remain there all the week ; then he could come down every Sabbath morning so spiritually minded and so full of heaven, that he would preach to you almost like an an- gel. ' Oh, yes, that may be all very well ; and, if it were possible, we should like it ; but, then, we need our minister with us during the week, to attend prayer-meetings, visit the sick, hear ex- perience, give advice, &;c., &c., and, therefore, must have him always with us ; we want the whole of his time and attention.' That may be, and I will admit the necessity of his daily atten- tion to your concerns ; but, then, you will remember, that if he remains here he n\ust have bread and cheese ; and I have been told that your former minis- ter was often wanting the common ne- cessaries of life, while many of you can enjoy its luxuries ; and, therefore, I thought, if God would put Jacob's lad- der down, your present minister might preach to you on the Sabbath, and, by going up into heaven after the services of the do.y, save you the painful neces- sity of supporting him." (o) JAY AND THE ANGEL.— When the Edward Irving mania raged, a man calling himself an " Angel of the Church," proceeded from Bristol to Bath, on a special mission to William Jay. The grave, thinking old man, wa» in his study, and when the " Angel," a man with a dismal countenance, a white cravat, and rusty black trousers, ap- peared, Mr. Jay asked him his business, " I am the Angel of the Church," said the man. " What church ?" asked Mr. Jay. " The Irvingite church at Bris- tol," replied the angel. "Take off your coat," said Mr. Jay. The angel PERSONAL INTERCOURSE AND PASTORAL LABOR. 261, 262 took off his coat, and Mr. Jay quietly- rubbed his shoulder blades. " What are you doing?" asked the angel. " Looking for your wings," was the cool answer of William Jay. (p) WHITEFIELD AND THE SCOFFER.— When the celebrated Whitefield was addressing an immense crowd with his accustomed fervor and eloquence, under the shade of a vener- able tree in the meadows at Edinburgh, a poor creature, thinking to turn him into ridicule, had perched himself on one of the overhanging boughs right above the preacher's head, and, with monkey-like dexterity, mimicking his gesticulations, endeavored to raise a laugh among the audience. Guided by the looks of some of his hearers, Whiie- field caught a glance of him, but with- out seeming to have noticed him, con- tinued his discourse. With the skill of a practised orator, he reserved the inci- dent for the proper place and time. He was expatiating at the moment on the power and sovereignty of Divine grace. With gathering force and earnestness he told of the unlikely objects it had often chosen, and the unlooked for tri- umphs it had achievsd. As he rose to the climax of his inspiring theme, and when in the full sweep of his eloquence, he suddenly paused, and turning round and pointing slowly to the wretch above him, exclaimed, in a tone of deep and thrilling pathos, " Even he may yet be the subject of that free and resistless grace." It was a shaft from the Al- mighty. Winged by the divine Spirit, it struck the scoffer to the heart, and realized, in his conversion, the glorious truth it contained. {q) BARROW AND ROCHES- TER.— The celebrated Lord Roches- ter one day met Dr. Barrow in the Park, and being determined, as he said, to put down the rusty piece of divinity, accosted him by taking off his hat, and, with a profound bow, exclaimed, "Doc- tor, I am yours to my shoe-tie." The doctor, perceiving his aim, returned the salute with equal ceremony, " My lord, 1 am yours to the ground." His lord- ship then made a deeper congee, and said, " Doctor, I am yours to the cen- tre." Barrow replied, with the same formality, " My lord, I am yours to the antipodes;" on which Rochester made another attempt, by exclaiming, " Doc- tor, I am yours to the lowest pit of hell." " There, my lord," said Barrow, " I leave you," and immediately walked away. M. Personal Intercourse and Pastoral Labor. ■(«) DOCTOR SPRING AND THE THOUGHTLESS YOUNG LADY.— Dr. Spring, of New- York, once related, that during the period of a revival of religion in that city, a young lady, the object of high hope, the centre of wide influence, capable of noble things, yet careering on the giddy steep of fashion and folly, created in him no small soli- citude, as he would have to give an ac- count for her soul, every avenue to which seemed most sedulously guarded. He delayed the visit of counsel and ex- hortation ; and delayed, till, rebuked by conscience, he could do so no longer. As soon as he called, and was ushered into the saloon, the first and only person whom he saw was this young lady, bathed in tears, who immediately ex- claimed, " My dear pastor, I rejoice to see you. I was fearful I was the only one who had escaped your friendly no- tice." What a rebuke to fear ! What an encouragement to hope, and to ac- tion ! (h) REV. MR. CHARLES' PRAC- TICE.— When the Rev. Mr. Charles, of Bala in Wales, met a poor man or woman on the road, he used to stop his horse, and make the inquiry, " Can you read the Bible ?" He was so much in the habit of doing this, that he became every where known from this practice. " The gentleman who kindly asked the poor people about the Bible and their souls," was Mr. Charles. Meeting one day with an old man, on one of the mountains, he said to him, " You are an old man, and very near another world." " Yes," said he, " and I hope I am go- ing to heaven." " Do you know the road there, — do you know the word of God ?" " Pray, are you Mr. Charles ?" said the old man. He suspected who he was from his questions. He was 485 963 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. frequently thus accosted, when asking the poor people he met with about their eternal concerns. " Pray, are you Mr. Charles?" was often the inquiry. When he had time, he scarcely ever passed by a poor man on the road, without talking to him about his soul, and his knowledge of the Bible. When he found any ig- norant of the word of God, and not able to read it, he represented to them, in a kind and simple manner, the duty and necessity of becoming acquainted with it, and feelingly and compassionately set before them the awful state of those who leave the world without knowing the word of God, and the way of saving the soul. He sometimes succeeded in persuading them to learn to read ; and the good he thus did was no doubt very great. (c) PAYSON AND THE LAW- YER. — The following rencounter with a lawyer of Portland, who ranked among the first in the place for wealth, and flu- ency of speech, will show Dr. Payson's insight into character, and also that his conquests were not confined to " weak women and children." A lady, who was the common friend of Mrs. Payson and the lawyer's wife, was sojourning in the family of the lat- ter. Afler the females of the respec- tive families had interchanged several " calls," Mrs. was desirous of re- ceiving a formal visit from Mrs. Payson ; but, to effect this, Mr. Payson must also be invited ; and how to prevail with her husband to tender an invitation was the great difficulty. He had been accus- tomed to associate experimental religion with meanness, and of course felt, or af- fected, great contempt for the divine, as if it were impossible for a man of his religion to be also a man of talents. He knew, by report, something of Mr. Pay- son's practice on these occasions, and dreading to have his house a place for what appeared to him gloomy conversa- tion, resisted his wife's proposal as long as he could do so, and retain the char- acter of a gentleman. When he gave his consent, it was with the positive de- termination that Mr. Payson should not converse on religion, nor ask a blessing over his food, nor offer a prayer in his house. He collected his forces, and 486 made his preparations in conformity with this purpose. When the appoint- ed day arrived, he received his guests very pleasantly, and entered at once into animated conversation ; deter- mined, by obtruding his own favorite topics, to forestall the divine. It was not long before the latter discovered his ob- ject, and summoned together his powers to defeat it. He plied them with that skill and address for which he was re- markable ; still, for some time, victory was inclined to neither side, or to both alternately. The lawyer, not long be- fore, had returned from Washington city, where he spent several weeks on business at the supreme court of the United States. Mr. Payson made some inquiries respecting sundry personages there, and among others, the chaplain of the house of representatives. The coun- sellor had heard him in the devotional services of that assembly. " How did you like him ?" " Not at all ; he ap- peared to have more regard to those around him, than he had to his Maker." Mr. Payson was very happy to hear him recognize the distinction between pray- ing to God, and praying to be heard of men ; and dropped a series of observa- tions on prayer, passing into a strain of remark, which, without taking the form, had all the effect on the lawyer's con- science, of a personal application. From a topic so unwelcome, he strove to divert the conversation ; and every few min- utes would start something as wide from it as the east is from the west. But as often as he wandered, his guest would dexterously, and without violence, bring him back ; and as often as he was brought back, he would wander again. At length the trying moment, which was to turn the scale, arrived. The time for the evening repast had come ; the servant had entered the parlor with the provisions ; the master of the feast be- came unusually eloquent, resolved to engross the conversation, to hear no question or reply, to allow no interval for " grace," and to give no indication, by the eye, the hand, or the lips, that he expected, or wished for such a service. Just as the distribution was on the very point of commencing, Mr. Payson in- terposed the question, " What writer PERSONAL INTERCOURSE AND PASTORAL LABOR. 262 has said, ' The devil invented the fash- ion of carrying round tea, to prevent a blessing being asked ?' " Our host felt himself "cornered;" but, making a virtue of necessity, replied, "I don't know what writer it is ; but, if you please, we will foil the devil this time. Will you ask a blessing, sir ?" A bless- ing, of course, was asked ; and he brook- ed, as well as he could, this first certain defeat, still resolved not to sustain an- other by the offering of thanks at the closing of the repast. But in this, too, he was disappointed. By some well- timed sentiment of his reverend guest, he was brought into such a dilemma, that he could not, without absolute rude- ness, decline asking him to return thanks. And thus he contested every inch of his ground, till the visit termi- nated. But, at every stage, the minis- ter proved too much for the lawyer. Mr. Payson retained his character as a min- ister of religion, and gained his point in every thing ; and that, too, with so ad- mirable a tact, in a way so natural and unconstrained, and with such respectful deference to his "host, that the latter could not be displeased, except with himself. He not only acknowledged God on the reception of food, but read the Scriptures and prayed before sepa- rating from the family ; and did it at the request of the master, though made, as in every other instance, in violation of a fixed purpose. The chagrin of this disappointment, however, eventually be- came the occasion of the lawyer's great- est joy. His mind was never entirely at ease, till he found peace in believing. Often did he revert with devout thank- fulness to God, to the visit which had occasioned his mortification ; and ever after regarded, with more than common veneration and respect, the servant of God whom he had despised ; and was glad to receive his min^istrations, in ex- change for those on which he had for- merly attended. {d) THE INFIDEL'S RETORT. — A preacher perceiving, on one occa- sion, among his hearers, an individual who was known in the neighborhood as a ringleader of infidelity, was induced to hope that some alteration had taken place in his views. To ascertain wheth- er such was the fact, he called upon him the next day, and told him how happy he had been to see him at the house of prayer the previous evening ; the more so, as he had been given to understand that he did not believe the gospel. " Nor you either," said the un- ceremonious skeptic. " What !" he ex- claimed, " do you mean, sir, to call me a hypocrite ?" "I call you no ill names, sir," he coolly replied ; " but what 1 mean to say is this ; you have known of my infidelity for years, and though 1 have lived all the while within a short distance of your dwelling, you have never before attempted to enlighten me as to these matters ; a thing which, to do you justice, I must believe you would have done, had you thought them as im- portant as your creed would make them. Indeed, I can hardly fancy that you would see me going to hell, and never try to save my soul." (e) MISTAKE OF NEFF.—One day, as Felix Neff was walking in a street in the city of Lausanne, he saw at a distance a man whom he took for one of his friends. He ran behind him, tapped him on the shoulder, before look- ing him in his face, and asked him, " What is the state of your soul, my friend?" The stranger turned ; Neff perceived his error, apologized, and went his way. About three or four years af- terwards, a person came to Neff, and accosted him, saying, he was indebted to him for his inestimable kindness. Neff did not recognize the man, and begged he would explain. The stran- ger replied, " Have you forgotten an unknown person, whose shoulder you touched in the street in Lausanne, ask- ing him, ' How do you find your soul V It was I ; your question led me to seri- ous reflections, and now I find it is well with my souV This proves what ap- parently small means may be blessed of God for the conversion of sinners, and how many opportunities for doing good we are continually letting slip, and which thus pass irrevocably beyond our reach. One of the questions which ev- ery Christian should propose to himself, on setting out on a journey, is, " What opportunities shall I have to do good ?" And one of the points on which he 487 363 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. should examine himself, on his return, is, " What opportunities have I lost ?" Ml Success in their Labors. (a) THE DAIRYMAN'S DAUGH- TER. — Some years ago, a vessel, which was blessed with a pious chaplain, and was bound to a distant part of the world, happened to be detained by contrary winds, over a Sabbath, at the Isle of Wight. The chaplain improved the opportunity to preach to the inhabitants. His text was, " Be clothed with humili- ty." Among his hearers was a thought- less girl, who had come to show her fine dress, rather than to* be instructed. The sermon was the means of her conver- sion. Her name was Elizabeth Wall- bridge, the celebrated Dairyman's Daughter, whose interesting history, by Rev. Leigh Richmond, has been printed in various languages, and wide- ly circulated, to the spiritual benefit of thousands. What a reward was this for a single sermon preached " out of season !" (b) BERRIDGE AND HICKS.— It is credibly reported of the Rev. John Berridge, the well known vicar of Ev- erton, that in his itinerant labors through the country he preached from ten to twelve sermons a week upon an aver- age, and frequently rode a hundred miles. Nor were such extraordinary exertions occasional, but continued through the long succession of more than twenty years. The success that followed these, as well as his stated la- bors amongst his own flock, may be es- timated from the fact, that he was visit- ed, in the first year after his own spir- itual illumination, by a thousand differ- ent persons under serious impressions. It is computed, that under his own min- istry, and that of Mr. Hicks, a neigh- boring minister, of whose conversion he had been the instrument, four thousand persons were awakened to a concern for their souls in the space of twelve months. (c) MR. GRIMSHA W'S SUCCESS. — " The last time I was with Mr. Grim- shaw," says Mr. Newton, " as we were standing together upon a hill near Ha- worth, and surveying the romantic pros- pect around us, he expressed himself to 488 the following purport, and I believe I nearly retain his very words, for they made a deep impression upon me while he spoke : — ' When I first came into this country, if I had gone half a day's journey on horseback towards the east, west, north, and south, I could not have met with or heard of one truly serious person ; but now, through the blessing of God upon the poor services of the most unworthy of his ministers, besides a considerable number whom I have seen or known to have departed this life, like Simeon, rejoicing in the Lord's salvation ; and besides five dissenting churches or congregations, of which the ministers, and nearly every one of the members, were first awakened under my ministry ; I have still at my sacra- ment, if the weather is favorable, from three to five hundred communicants, of the far greater part of whom, so far as man, who cannot see the heart, and who can therefore only determine by appear- ances, profession, and conduct, may judge, I can give almost as particular an account as I can of myself I know the state of their progress in religion. By my frequent visits and converse with them, I am acquainted with their sever- al temptations, trials, and exercises, both personal and domestic, both spiritual and temporal, almost as intimately as if I had lived in their families.' " (d) HILL AND THE TWO OLD MEN.— The Rev. Thomas Jackson, of Stockwell, in the memoir of Mr. Hill, furnished to the Evangelical Magazine, states : — Perhaps no man in modern times has been more honored than Mr. Hill, as the instrument of converting souls ; his talent appeared more partic- ularly in awakening the careless ; in- stances of which the writer has had many opportunities of witnessing ; and he does not remember ever having stayed two days with Mr. H. in any town, without meeting with one person or more to whom his ministry had been made useful. One case, among many, he cannot omit : the scene occurred at Devonport, Devonshire, after Mr. H. had been preaching a missionary ser- mon to a crowded congregation in the large chapel in Prince's street. The people had withdrawn, and the deacons SUCCESS IN THEIR LABORS. 2SS and a few friends had retired, with Mr. IL, into the vestry, when two tall, ven- erable looking men, upwards of seventy years of age, appeared at the vestry door. After a short pause they enter- ed, arm-in-arm, and advanced towards Mr. H., when one of them said, with some degree of trepidation, " Sir, will you permit two old sinners to have the honor to shake you by the hand ?" He replied, with some reserve, " Yes, sir :" when one of these gentlemen, the other hanging on his arm, took his hand, kiss- ed it, bathed it with his tears, and said, " Sir, do you remember preaching on the spot where this chapel now stands, fifty years ago ?" " Yes, I do," was the reply. The old man then proceed- ed to say, " Oh, sir ! never can the dear friend who has hold of my arm, or my- self, forget that sermon ; we were then two careless young men, in his majesty's dock-yard, posting to destruction as fast as time and sin could convey us thither. Having heard that an interesting young clergyman was to preach out of doors, we determined to go and have some fun ; accordingly we loaded our pockets with stones, intending to pelt you ; but, sir, when you arrived, our courage failed, and as soon as you engaged in prayer, we were so deeply moved that our pur- pose wavered, and as soon as you began to speak, the word came with power to our hearts ; the big tears rolled down our cheeks ; we put our hands in our pockets, and dropped the stones one af- ter another, until they were all gone ; for God had taken the stone out of our hearts. When the service was over, we retired ; bpt our hearts were too full to speak, until we came near to our lodgings, when my friend at my elbow said, ' John, this will not do ; we are both wrong ; good night.' This was all ho could utter ; he retired to his apart- ment, I to mine ; but neither of us dared to go to bed, lest we should awake in hell ; and from that time, sir, we hum- bly hope we were converted to God, who, of his infinite mercy, has kept us in his ways to the present moment ; and we thought, sir,if you would permit us, af- ter the lapse of half a hundred years, to have the pleasure of shaking you by the hand before we go home, it would be the greatest honor that could be con- ferred on us." Mr, H. was deeply af- fected ; the tears rolled down his ven- erable cheeks in quick succession ; he fell on the necks of the old men quite in the patriarchal style ; and there you might have seen them, locked in each others' arms, weeping tears of holy joy and gratitude to the Father of mercies. It was a scene at which Gabriel might have rejoiced, and infidelity must have turned pale. The writer is aware that he cannot do justice to it by his descrip- tion, though he feels, at this distance of time, something like celestial pleasure in recording what he then witnessed. (e) NEWS FOR A DYING MIN- ISTER. — In the latter part of the last century, a Christian minister at Shrews- bury was brought to the closing scenes of life. He had long grieved over his apparent uselessness in the church of Christ, and when seized with his last illness, this regret was considerably in- creased. The thought planted thorns in his pillow, and embittered his dying moments. At this very period, two persons, entirely unacquainted with the feelings of the departing minister, ap- plied lor communion with the church he had long served, and attributed their conversion to God to his labors. A friend immediately hastened to commu- nicate the intelligence to the venerable man, who listened to the statement with holy joy beaming in his countenance ; and then, gathering up his feet into the bed, adopted the language of Simeon, " Now, Lord, lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation," and closed his eyes for ever on earthly objects. (/) A CHAIN OF INFLUENCE. — The 31st of January, 1841, when Mr. Jay, of Bath, England, completed fifty years of his ministry, it was ob- served by his people as a Jubilee. On that occasion the Rev. Timothy East, of Birmingham, stated, that a ser- mon Mr. Jay preached in London in the early part of his ministry, was blessed to the conversion of a thoughtless and dissolute young man, who became a minister. A sermon preached by that minister thirty-nine years ago, was the arrow of the Almighty that brought Mr. 489 263 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. East to repentance, just as he had de- termined to leave his native country for ever. And a sermon preached by Mr. East twenty-seven years ago, in London, was the means of the conver- sion of a careless, gay, and dissipated young man, who was John Williams, the late missionary to the South Seas. {g) THE FAITHFUL PASTOR.— Dr. Gilly relates an anecdote, as it was told him by a well known Irish char- acter, Thaddeus Conolly, who used to spend much of his time in wandering through Ireland, and instructing the lower classes in their native language. " I went," said he, "one Sunday, into a church, to which a new incumbent had been lately appointed. The congrega- ion did not exceed half a dozen, but the ireacher delivered himself with as .Tiuch energy and affection as if he were addressing a crowded audience. After service, I expressed to the clergy- man my surprise that he should hold forth so fervently to such a small num- ber." " Were there but one," said the Rector, " my anxiety for his improve- ment would make me equally ener- getic." The following year Conolly went into the same church, the congre- gation was multiplied twenty-fold ; a third year he found the church full. (/i) THE NEGRO'S ADVICE.— A young minister received a call from two different societies at once, to be- come their pastor. One was rich, and able to give him a large salary, and was well united ; the other was poor, and so divided that they had driven away their minister. In this condition he applied to his father for advice. An aged negro servant who overheard what they said, made this reply : " Massa, go where there is the least money and the most devil." He took the ad- vice, and was made the happy instru- ment of uniting a distracted church, and converting many souls to Christ. {i) DR. BEECHER'S SERMON TO ONE HEARER.— Dr. Beecher once engaged to preach for a country minister on exchange, and the Sabbath proved to be one excessively stormy, cold, and uncomfortable. It was in mid- winter, and the snow was piled all along in the roads, so as to make 490 the passage very difficult. Still the minister urged his horse through the drifts, put the animal into a shed, and went in. As yet there was no person in the house, and after looking about, the old gentleman — then young — took his seat in the pulpit. Soon the door opened, and a single individual walked up the aisle, looked about, and took a seat. The hour came for com- mencing service, but no more hearers. Whether to preach to such an au- dience, was a question — and it was one that Lyman Beecher was not long de- ciding. He felt that he had a duty to perform, and he had no right to refuse to do it, because only one man could reap the benefit of it ; and accordingly he went through all the services, pray- ing, singing, preaching, and the bene- diction, with only one hearer. And when all was over, he hastened down from the desk to speak to his congrega- tion, but he had departed. A circumstance so rare was referred to occasionally, but twenty years after, it was brought to the doctor's mind quite strangely. Traveling somewhere in Ohio, the doctor alighted from the stage one day in a pleasant village, when a gentleman stepped up and spoke to him, familiarly calling him by name. " I do not remember you," said the doctor. " I suppose not," said the stranger ; " but we once spent two hours together in a house alone in a storm." " I do not recall it, sir," added the old man, " pray when was it ?" " Do you remember preaching, twenty years ago, in such a place, to a single person ?" " Yes, yes," said the doctor, grasping his hand, " I do, indeed, and if you are the man, I have been wishing to see you ever since." " I am the man, sir ; and that sermon saved my soul, made a minister of me, and yonder is my church ! The converts of that sermon, sir, are all over Ohio." (i) RESULTS OF HUMBLE EF- FORTS. — At one of the anniversaries in New-York, Mr. Todd, of Northamp, ton, Mass., said — When a boy, Providence sent an humble, unostentatious minister among us — a man who is now laboring in the wilderness at the west, almost unknown. TRIALS OF MINISTERS. 3G4 There was a revival under his preach- ing — not much said or thought about it, for only a few poor boys and girls were the subjects. It was one among many of similar revivals under the labor of this man. The subjects were poor Sabbath school children : but I can fix my eye upon them, and see two or three of these girls are devoted wives of mi- nisters, two or three of these boys are deacons of churches ; two more, at least, ministers of the gospel (of whom the humble individual before you is one). I can point to at least eight new, vigor- ous, prosperous churches, gathered by these men, and nearly a score of young men from these churches, on the way to' the ministry — several powerful re- vivals of religion, many new Sabbath schools organized, and hundreds of new- born souls, who have begun to sing the song of Moses and the Lamb. All this can be traced directly to the little seed which this humble man of God cast by the wayside. 264. Trials of Ministers. (a) WAY OF TREATING COM- PLAINTS. — A young preacher stated, one day, to the late Mr. Drew, that he had received an anonymous letter, complaining of his pulpit oratory. Mr. Drew said to him, " Do not heed it, any further than to profit by its observations, if true. I have haft scores of such letters since I became an author, and often with postage to pay. They never trouble me, and I generally put them into the fire. But these letters are sometimes of use. Our good qualities we may learn from our friends ; from our enemies we may chance to discover our defects." (b) DEJECTED MINISTER SA- TISFIED.— The Rev. Ambrose Mor- ton was generally esteemed a good scholar, and remarkably humble, sanc- tified, and holy, but was inclined to melancholy, to his own discouragement. In his younger days, when he was assistant to another minister, some good people, in his hearing, speaking of their conversion, and ascribing it under God to that minister's preaching, he seemed cast down, as if he were of no use. A sensible countryman, who was present, and who had a particular value for his ministry, made this observation for his encouragement : " An ordinary work- man may hew down timber, but it must be an accomplished artist that shall frame it for the building." Mr. M. therefore rose up, and cheerfully replied, " If I am of any use, I am satisfied." Indeed his preaching was always solid and judicious, and highly esteemed by all but himself; and was especially useful to experienced Christians. (c) SOMETHING MORE AWFUL THAN THE JUDGMENT.— A cele- brated preacher of the seventeenth cen- tury, in a sermon to a crowded audience, described the terrors of the last judg- ment with such eloquence, pathos, and force of action, that some of his audience not only burst into tears, but sent forth piercing cries, as if the Judge himself had been present, and was about to pass upon them their final sentence. In the height of this commotion, the preacher called upon them to dry their tears and cease their cries, as he was about to add something still more awful and astonish- ing than any thing he had yet brought before them. Silence being obtained, he, with an agitated countenance and solemn voice addressed them thus : " In one quarter of an hour from this time, the emotions which you have just now exhibited will be stifled ; the re- membrance of the fearful truths which excited them will vanish ; you will return to your carnal occupations, or sinful pleasures, with your usual avidity, and you will treat all you have heard, ' as a tale that is told !' " (d) MINISTER'S HARVEST DAY. — During the great revival of religion in America, which took place under Mr. Whitefield, and others distinguished for their piety and zeal at that period, Mr. Tennent was laboriously active, and much engaged to help forward the work ; in the performance of which he met with strong and powerful tempta- tions. The following is from his own lips : — On the evening preceding public worship, he selected a subject for the discourse intended to be delivered, and made some progress in his preparations. 491 264 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. In the morning he resumed the same subject, with an intention to extend his thoughts further on it ; but was pre- sently assaulted with a temptation tJiat the Bible was not of Divine authority, but the invention of man. He instantly endeavored to repel the temptation by prayer, but his endeavors proved un- availing. The temptation continued, and fastened upon him with greater strength as the time advanced for pub- lic service. He lost all the thoughts which he had prepared on the preceding evening. He tried other subjects, but could get nothing for the people. The whole book of God, under that distress- ing state of mind, was a sealed book to him ; and, to add to his affliction, he was " shut up in prayer :" a cloud, dark as that of Egypt, oppressed his mind. Thus agonized in spirit, he proceeded to the church, where he found a large congregation assembled, and waiting to hear the word ; and then he was more deeply distressed than ever ; and espe- cially for the dishonor which he feared would fall upon religion through him that day. He resolved, however, to attempt the service. He introduced it by singing a psalm, during which time his agitation increased to the highest degree. When the moment for prayer commenced, he arose, as one in the most painful and perilous situation, and with arms extended to heaven, began with this exclamation, " Lord, have mercy upon me." On the utterance of this petition, he was heard ; the thick cloud instantly broke away, and light shone upon his soul. The result was a deep solemnity throughout the congregation ; and the house, at the end of the prayer, was a place of weep- ing. He delivered the subject of his evening meditations, which was brought to his full remembrance, with an over- flowing abundance of other weighty and solemn matter. The Lord blessed his discourse, so that it proved the happy means of the conversion of about thirty persons. This day he ever afterwards spoke of as " his harvest day." (e) TEXT FOR A DISCOURAGED MINISTER.— After the Rev. John Clark, of Trowbridge, had been engaged in the ministry for a few years, his mind 49^ became greatly depressed with a view of its responsibility, a sense of his own inability, and the want of more success. At length these discouragements were so oppressive, that he assured some Christian friends, one Sabbath afternoon, that he could preach no longer. In vain did they try to remove his diffi- culties, or to persuade him at least to address the congregation that evening, as no supply could be obtained. He declared his positive inability to preach any more. At this moment a pious old woman applied to speak to the minister. Being admitted, she requested him to preach from that text, " Then I said, I will speak no more in his name : but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay," Jer. 20 : 9. She stated that she did not know where the words were, but that her mind was so much im- pressed with them, that she could not forbear to request him to preach from them that evening. Being satisfied that she was entirely unacquainted with the circumstances which had just transpired, Mr. Clark was assured that Providence had thus interposed that he should con- tinue his ministry. He preached that evening from the text thus given, and never afterwards was greatly distressed on the subject. (/) SERMON THROWN UPON THE FIRE.— Mr. Trowt's anxiety in the anticipation of the public services, had been distressing ; and the trepida- tion of his mind was such, while con- ducting it, that he went home sorrow- ful. The aged widow of a minister endeavored to encourage him. " Do not fear," she said : " my husband once came down stairs, complaining, that it was no use for him to attempt to study any longer; and threw what he had written into the fire. I immediately took it out, and said, " No, you ought not to burn it — do not be dejected — God will be better to you than your fears !" Animated by his wife, the good man re- entered his study. He composed ano- ther sermon on the occasion, which was the means of awakening a person who heard it, to serious attention to religion ; and when he afterwards preached the FAULTS OF MINISTERS. 264, 265 sermon, which he had, in dejection of mind thrown in the fire, that sermon was also attended with a like blessing from God. (g) ROBERT HALL'S FIRST EFFORTS.— Robert Hall, desiring a license to commence preaching, he was appoinied to deliver an address in the vestry of Broadmead Chapel from iTim. 4 : lb : " Therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men : especially of those that believe." After proceeding for a short time, much to the gratification of his auditory, he suddenly paused, and covering his face with his hands, exclaimed, " Oh ! I have lost my ideas," and sat down, his hands still hiding his face. , The failure, however, painful as it was to his tutors, and humiliating to himself, was such as rather augmented than diminished their persuasion of what he could accomplish, if once he acquir- ed self-possession. He was therefore appointed to speak again on the same subject, at the same place, the ensuing week. This second attempt was accompa- nied by a second failure, still more pain- ful to wimess, and still more grievous to bear. He hastened from the vestry, and on retiring to his room, exclaimed, *^ If this does not humble me, the devil must have me !" Such were the early efforts of him whose humility afterwards became as conspicuous as his talents ; and who, for nearly half a century, ex- cited universal attention and admiration by the splendor of his pulpit eloquence. 26§. Faults of Ministers. (a) DR. MASON'S CRITICISM.— On one occasion it is related of Dr. Mason, of New- York, that after the de- livery of a discourse appointed for the day, and which he and others were ex- pected to criticise, he was observed to remain silent much longer than usual for him on similar occasions, apparent- ly absorbed in thought, and hesitating whether to express his opinion of the performance or not. At length he was appealed to by some one, and asked, whether he had any remarks to make. He arose, and said, " I admire the ser- mon for the beauty of its style — for the splendor of its imagery — for the correct- ness of its sentiments — and for the point of its arguments ; but, sir, it wanted owe thing;" and then pausing till the eyes of all were fixed upon him, he add- ed, "It needed to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to en- title it to the name of a Christian ser- mon." ^ (b) DR. DWIGHT AND^ THE YOUNG CLERGYMAN.— A young clergyman once called upon Dr. Dwight, and inquired respecting the best method of treating a very difficult and abstruse point in mental philosophy, upon which he was preparing a sermon. " I cannot give you any information upon the subject," the doctor replied ; " I am not familiar with such topics. I leave them for young men." (c) DEATH-BED ESTIMATE.— A celebrated Irish preacher, distinguish- ed for the eloquence of his pulpit pre- parations, is said to have exclaimed on his death-bed, '' Speak not to me of my sermons ; alas ! I was fiddling whilst Rome was burning." (d) PREACHING ALMOST EVERY THING.— The Abbe preached a fast-day sermon before Louis the Sixteenth, which contained a great deal of politics, finance, and govern- ment, and very little of the gospel. " It is a pity," said the king, as he came out of the church ; " if the abbe had only touched a little on religion, he would have told us of every thing." (e) NOT DEALING IN SCRIP- TURE. — A woman went one day to hear Dr. preach, and, as usual, carried a pocket Bible with her, that she might turn to any of the passages the preacher might happen to refer to. But she found that she had no use for her Bible there ; and on coming away, said to a friend, "I should have left my Bible at home to-day, and have brought my dictionary. The doctor does not deal in Scripture, but in such learned words and phrases as require the help of an interpreter to render them intelli- gible." (/) LONG PULPIT EXERCISES. — Complaints against long religious ser- 493 265 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. vices are very frequent. Few things appear so bad to some persons as to be kept in the house of God more than one or two hours. Let us see how it was in the seventeenth century. Mr. Howe was then minister of Great Torrington, in Devonshire. His labors here were characteristic of the times. On the public fasts, it was his common method to begin about nine in the morning, with a prayer for about a quarter of an hour, in which he begged a blessing on the work of the day ; and afterwards read and expounded a chapter or psalm, in which he spent about three-quarters of an hour ; then prayed an hour ; preach- ed another hour ; and prayed again for half an hour. After this, he retired, and took a little refreshment for a quar- ter of an hour or more, the people sing- ing all the while. He then returned to the pulpit, prayed for another hour, gave them another sermon of about an hour's length ; and so concluded the service of the day, about four o'clock in the afternoon, with half an hour or more of prayer. (g) A FUNNY PREACHER.— A popular preacher, after a pulpit ex- hibition of his wit to a country congre- gation, had particularly attracted the attention of a boy who was present. On going home to his mother, he exclaimed, " Well, mother, I shall never forget that preacher — he is the best of all I ever heard ! !" " Why so, my boy ?" " Oh, mother, because he was so very funny .'" This anecdote, though short, may be a useful hint to ministers who are in the habit of indulging their natu- ral levity in the pulpit. (h) CRYING IN THE WRONG PLACE. — I remember, (says Foster, in speaking of Robert Hall,) at the dis- tance of many years, with what vivid- ness of the ludicrous he related an anecdote of a preacher long since de- ceased, of some account in his day and connection. He would, in preaching, sometimes weep, or seem to weep, when the people wondered why, as not per- ceiving in what he was saying any cause for such emotion, in the exact places where it occurred. After his death one of his hearers happening to inspect some of his manuscript sermons, 494 exclaimed, " I have found the explana- tion ; we used to wonder at the good doctor's weeping with so little reason sometimes as it seemed. In his ser- mons, there is written here and there on the margins, ' cry here.' Now I really believe the doctor sometimes mistook the place, and that was the cause of what appeared so unaccount- able." (0 PAYING LIKE A SINNER. — Several years ago, in North Carolina, where it is not customary for the tavern keepers to charge the ministers for lodg- ing and refreshments, a preacher pre- sumingly stopped at a tavern one even- ing, made himself comfortable during the night ; and in the morning entered the stage without offering to pay for his accommodations. The landlord came running up to the stage, and said, " there was some one in there who had not settled his bill" — the passengers all said they had, except the preacher, who said he had understood that he never charged ministers any thing. " What, you a minister of the gospel, a man of God ?" cried the inn-keeper, " you came to my house last night, you sat down at the table without asking a blessing, I lit you up to your room, and you went to bed without praying to your Maker, (for I staid there until you had undress- ed ;) you rose and washed without say- ing grace, and as you came to my house like a sinner, you have got to pay like a sinner." (j) THE THIRD HEAD.— A certain French preacher, after a long and pompous introduction, said, " I shall now proceed, rny hearers, to divide my subject into three parts. 1. I shall tell you about that which I know, and that you do not know. 2. I shall tell about that which you know, and I do not know. 3. And lastly, I shall tell you about that which neither you nor I know." Alas ! how much preaching 'comes under the third head.' How often, when Paul supplies the text, has Tully, Plato, Epictetus taught! If there was more simple, plain preaching to the conscience, instead of an osten- tatious display of learning, or strife about words to no profit ; we should see more faithful, consistent Christians, and FAULTS OF MINISTERS. 265 more done to advance the mild kingdom of Christ. (k) FALSE AND UNGODLY DELICACY.— The Rev. Dr. Griffin used to relate an anecdote of a clergy- man, who said in the course of a sermon, " My dear hearers, unless you repent of your sins and turn unto God, you will go to a place that it would be inde- licate to name before so refined an as- sembly.'' *' Such a man," the doctor would add, " ought to be hurled with indignation from the pulpit." A sen- timentalism (for the want of a better word) pervades the minds of many men, and begets a taste that savors far more of false delicacy than real refinem^t or good sense. (Z) SERMON FOR DR. MAN- TON. — Dr. Harris relates, tiiat while Dr. Manton was minister at Covent Garden, he was called on to preach be- fore the lord mayor, and the companies of the city, at St. Paul's. He studied for the occasion an elaborate discourse, and was heard by the most intelligent part of his congregation with great ad- miration. But, as he was returning home in the evening, a poor man pulled the sleeve of his gown, and asked if he was the gentleman who had preached before the lord mayor in the morning. On the doctor's replying in the affir- mative, the man added, " Sir, I came with the hope of getting some good for my soul, but I was greatly disappoint- ed ; for 1 could not understand a great deal of what you said ; you were quite above me." The doctor wept, and re- plied, " Friend, if 1 did not give you a sermon, you have given me one ; and, by the grace of God, I will never again play the fool, in preaching before my lord mayor in such a manner." (m) UNDERSTOOD BY FIVE OR SIX. — I remember some years ago, says a writer in the Religious Maga- zine, to have heard a young minister who was settled in a small obscure town, preach a sermon at an association meeting, which was richly adorned with the graces of finished composition. He was afterwards asked by a senior broth- er, whether he preached such sermons at home ; and having answered in the affirmative, " And how many of your people," it was said, " do you suppose can understand you ?" " About five or six," he replied. The avowal produced, as might be expected, among men of piety and experience a mixed emotion of grief and indignation. Nor can we conceive of a more gross and revolting inconsistency, than that of a Christian pastor and teacher pleasing himself and a few fond admirers by picking flowers and wearing pretty garlands, when the sheep of his flock are ready to perish for want of being properly watched and fed. What ! will a man who has as- sumed an office of deep and awful res- ponsibility, spend his time, his strength, and his ingenuity in courting the muses, and canvassing for literary honors, when the souls of his charge are many of them rushing, unprepared, into eterni- ty ! Oh, shameful prostitution of the noblest function ! (n) THE REFORMER AND THE QUAKER. — A country clergyman was boasting in a large company of the suc- cess he had met with in reforming his parishioners, on whom his labors, he said, had produced a wonderful change for the better. Being asked in what respect, he replied that, when he came first among them, they were a set of unmannerly clowns, who paid him no more deference than they did to one an- other ; did not so much as pull ofl* their hat when they spoke to him, but bawled out as roughly and familiarly as though he was their equal ; whereas now they never presumed to address him but cap in hand and in a submissive voice, made him the best bow when they were at ten yards' distance, and styled him your reverence at every word. A Quaker, who had heard the whole patiently, made answer, " And so, friend, the up- shot of this reformation, of which thou hast so much carnal glorying, is, that thou hast taught thy people to worship thyself." (o) BAD EFFECTS OF LEVI- TY. — An eminent medical practitioner, who is also a man of true piety, was called to attend a patient on the Lord's day, at such a distance from his own place of worship, as to render his at- tendance there impossible. Not will- ing, however, to lose the benefit of pub- 495 966 MINISTERS, CHRISTIAN. lie worship altogether, he repaired to a neighboring chapel : but as the service was far advanced, and the place much crowded, he could get no farther than the door. The preacher was long and deservedly esteemed in the Christian world, but of that class who are unhap- pily prone to mingle oddities and witti- cisms in their discourse. His text was found to be, " Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian ;" and as he pro- ceeded, many ludicrous expressions es- caped him, not at all to the taste of his professional hearer. This gentleman was, however, particularly struck with the effect of his mode of preaching on a person who stood near him, who ap- peared to be a very respectable and in- telligent young man. After -listening some time with great attention, but with evident and growing indications of unea- siness and disgust, he hastily retired from the scene, muttering in an audible tone, " If this be preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, I know nothing of the meaning of the New Testament. Al- most thou persuadest me to be an infideV^ 266. Miscellaneous. (^) NETTLETON AND THE UNFAITHFUL MINISTER.— The following anecdote of Dr. Nettleton, is a delightful instance of his peculiar ten- derness for the ministerial reputation and influence of his brethren. It serves both as a powerful rebuke to that reck- less spirit which too often marks the character of flaming zealots, and as a gentle admonition for that reprehensi- ble coldness, which perhaps equally as often prevails in the bosom of the min- istry. Dr. Nettleton was most sensitively careful to sustain the influence of his brethren. He would not, when he knew there was an evident deficiency, do any thing that might tend, in the least degree, to disparage them in the estimation of their people. There was one instance, which I am about to name, in which he showed his delicacy of feeling and address, in a most Christian manner. A clergyman who lived not far from the place where Dr. Nettleton resided, bore the reputation of an indo- 496 lent and inefficient pastor, and had, in consequence, caused considerable un- easiness amongst his people. Some of the more faithful part of the church, who deplored the low state of religion and growing laxity of morals among the youth of the congregation, went to Dr. Nettleton, aud desired him to come and preach to them. To this he would by no means consent, without an express invitation from the pastor, and of that he had little hope. But there happened to be a desert spot on the borders of the town, where religious meetings were seldom held, and where the influence of the pastor did not particularly extend. When he was made acquainted with the fact, he said that he had no objec- tion to go there and hold a few evening meetings with them. He went, and without exciting observation, held seve- ral religious meetings. In a short time, a number of the youth were under deep conviction for sin. As soon as he per- ceived the joyful appearance, he re- quested all who were under serious im- pressions, to meet with him the next day, informing them that he had some- thing of an important nature, which he wished to communicate. When they had all met, he advised the young ladies to go that same evening to their pastor, and ask his counsel respecting the pres- ent state of their minds ; and the young men he advised to go the evening fol- lowing for the same purpose. They all did as he had prudently directed them ; and the effect was so powerfully elec- tric, that the slothful pastor rose up at once, went to work with all his might, preached and labored with assiduous energy, and was the favored instrument in reaping a glorious harvest of souls. As soon as the pastor got thus fairly to work, Dr. N. retired ; the pastor ever remained a faithful and useful man. {h) HOW TO HAVE A GOOjJ MINISTER.— Every church, it is pre- sumed, is desiring a good minister, yet every one may not in their own appre- hension be favored with such a blessing. Many churches often feel that their min- ister is not quite what they desire him to be — not quite the man for the place which he is in. Their eyes are there- fore turned away from the minister MISCELLANEOUS. 266 whose labors they enjoy, to some other man, or to their heau ideal of a minister, and they desire a change. For the benefit of such we would relate the fol- lowing circumstances which we are told are substantially matters of fact. A young man was settled in a large and popular congregation in New Eng- land, under very flattering circum- stances. The church and people had settled him with the belief that he was a young man of more than ordinary tal- ents, and with the expectation of his be- coming a distinguished man. After a year or two, when the novelty of the thing had worn off, the current seemed to change, and the feeling prevailed that Mr. B was not, nor likely to be, quite what they expected. He did not grow as they thought he would ; he did not perform that amount of labor which was needed to build up the church and interest the congregation. Things drag- ged heavily. The young man felt the influence of the chill atmosphere which thus surrounded him. His spirits sunk, his health ran down, and it was whis- pered around in the society, and in the neighboring towns, that Mr. B would probably have to leave, he was not the man for the place, he was not the man of talents which they had anticipated. While things were in this state, at a meeting of the church when the pastor was absent, (perhaps called to see what should be done,) Mr. O , an intelli- gent member of the church arose and said, " Brethren, I think we have been in fault respecting our minister. I think he is a young man of superior talents, and will one day be a distin- guished man. But we have not sus- tained and encouraged him as we should. We have not spoken of him to others with esteem and confidence as we should. We have been standing and looking on, expecting him to raise both himself and us to eminence. Now let us adopt a diflTerent course. Let us encourage our minister with our prayers, our sympathies, and efforts. Let us speak of him with esteem and confidence to others, and say that we think him a man of talent, and who bids fair to be a distinguished man." The thing was agreed upon. The leading men set the example. Very soon every one was speaking in favor of Mr. B . His people visited him, sympathized with him, encouraged him ; and people out of the society began to think ho^v Mr. B was rising in the estimation of his people. The young man felt the change. The cold damp chill by which he had been surrounded, and which had benumbed the energies of his soul, was exchanged for a warm genial atmosphere. His spirits rose, his health returned, his energies awoke, and he soon showed to all that he had within him the elements of a man. Sev- eral revivals have attended his labors. In the affections of the church and peo- ple he has long since firmly established himself. They delight in him as a man of talent, as well as a good man. His name has become honorably enrolled among American authors, and he is one whom his own church, and the church- es of New England delight to honor. Reader, Christian, would you have a good minister ? Go thou and do like- wise. (c) THE MINISTER'S APPEAL. £— A minister who was called to preach probationally to a vacant congregation, after sermon was addressed by the dea- con of the church, an amiable man, as follows : — " Sir, I should have approved your sermon highly had you closed it without that address to sinners." The young preacher in reply said, " Sir, I cannot preach a sermon without doing it." He was, however, chosen pastor of the church. Some time after, some young persons giving an account of their experience in order to their ad- mission, one of them, the daughter of the said deacon, publicly declared that the Lord had been pleased to make that address, which her father had so con- demned, the means of her conversion. She lived an ornament to her profession, and died happy in the Lord. The good deacon said, he should never more be an enemy to the free call of the gospel. 32 497 367 MISERS. 267. MISERS. (a) PRODIGAL TURNED MISER. — A young man, of vicious principles and habits, wasted in two or three years a large patrimony in profligacy. When his last means were exhausted, liis worthless associates, who called them- selves his friends, treated him with ne- glect. Reduced to absolute want, he one day went out of the house with an intention to put an end to his life ; but wandering awhile almost unconsciously, he came to the brow of an eminence which overlooked what were lately his estates. Here he sat down, and remain- ed fixed in thought for some hours, at the end of which he sprang from the ground with a vehement exulting emo- tion. He had tbrmed his resolution, which was, that all those estates should be his again ; he had formed his plan too, which he instantly began to execute. He walked hastily forward, determined to seize the first opportunity to gain mo- ney, though it were ever so small a sum, and resolved not to spend, if he could help it, a farthing of whatever he might obtain. The first thing that drew his attention was a heap of coals, shot out of carts on the pavement before a house. He offered himself to put them in the place where they were to be laid, and was employed. He received a few pence for his labor ; and then, in pur- suance of the saving part of his plan, requested some small gratuity of meat and drink, which was given to him. He then looked out for the next thing that might offer, and went, with indefatigable industry, through a succession of servile employments in different places, of long- er and shorter duration, still scrupulous- ly avoiding, as far as possible, the ex- pense of a penny. He promptly seized every opportunity which could advance his design, without regarding the mean- ness of occupation or appearance. By this method he gained, after a consider- able time, money enough to purchase, in order to sell again, a few cattle, of which he had taken pains to understand the value. He speedily but cautiously turned his first gains into second advan- 498 tages ; retained without a single devia- tion his extreme parsimony ; and thus advanced by degrees into larger trans- actions and incipient wealth. The final result was that he more than recovered his lost possessions, and died an invete- rate miser, worth sixty thousand pounds. Happy would it have been for this indi- vidual, if he had discovered the same anxiety to recover the heavenly inheri- tance he had lost, and had pursued it with similar decision and perseverance. {b) DANCER'S MODE OF LIVING — Daniel Dancer, Esq., was remarkable for a miserly disposition. Lady Tem- pest was the only person who had the least influence on this unfortunate man. She had one day the pleasure of pre- vailing on him to purchase a hat (hav- ing worn his own for thirteen years) from a Jew for a shilling ; but, to her great surprise, when she called the next day, she saw the old chapeau still cover- ed his head ! On inquiry it was found that, after much solicitation, he had prevailed on old Griffiths, his servant, to purchase the hat for eighteen pence, which Mr. Dancer bought the day be- fore for a shilling ! He generally, in severe weather, laid in bed to keep him- self warm ; to light a fire he thought expensive, though he had 3000/. per annum, besides immense riches ! He never took snuff*, for that was extrava- gant, but he always carried a snuff' box ! This probably he would fill in the course of a month by pinches obtained from others ! When the box was full he would barter the contents for a farthing candle at a neighboring green grocer's ; this candle was made to last till the box was again full, as he never suffered any light in his house except while he was going to bed. He seldom washed his face and hands but when the sun shone forth ; then he would betake himself to a neighboring pool, and used sand in- stead of soap ; when he was washed he would lie on his back, and dry himself in the sun, as he never used a towel, for that would wear, and, when dirty, the washing was expensive. Since his fl' MISERS. 26T death there have been jugs of dollars and shillings found in the stable. At the dead of night he has been known to go to this place, but for what purpose even Old Griffiths could not tell ; but it now appears that he used to rob one jug to add to the other. (c) VANDILLE, THE FRENCH MISER. — M. Vandille was the most remarkable man in Paris, both on ac- count of his immense riches and his ex- treme avarice. He lodged as high up as the roof would admit, to avoid noise or visits ; maintained one poor old wo- man to attend him in his garret, and al- lowed her only seven sous per week, or a half-penny per day. His usual diet was bread and milk , and, by way of indulgence, some poor sour wine on a Sunday. This prudent economist had been a magistrate or offi- cer at Boulogne, from which obscurity he was promoted to Paris for the repu- tation of his wealth, which he lent upon undeniable security to the public funds, not caring to trust individuals with what constituted all his happiness. While a magistrate at Boulogne, he maintained himself by taking upon him to be milk- taster-general at the market, and from one to another filled his belly and washed down his bread without expense to himself. (d) DEATH OF A BANKER.— In December, 1790, died at Paris, liter- ally of want, Mr. Ostervald, a well- known banker. This man felt the vio- lence of the disease of avarice (for sure- ly it is rather a disease than a passion of the mind) so strongly that, within a few days of his death, no importunities could induce him to buy a few pounds of meat, for the purpose of making a little soup for him. " 'Tis true," said he, " I should not dislike the soup, but I have no appetite for the meat ; what^ thon, is to become of that?" At the time that he refused this nourishment, for fear of being obliged to give away two or three pounds of meat, there was tied round his neck a silken bag which contained 800 assignats of 1000 livres each. At his outset in life he drank a pint of beer, which served him for supper, every night at a house much frequented, from which he carried home all the bottle corks he could come at : of these, in the course of eight years, he had collected as many as sold for 12 louis d'ors ; a sum that laid the foundation of his fortune, the super- structure of which was rapidly raised by his uncommon success in stock-job- bing. He died possessed of 125,000Z. sterling. {e) ECONOMY OF MR. EL WES. — There have been few persons in whom avarice has predominated more than in the late Mr. Elwes. His mother, in- deed, was excessively avaricious ; and though she was left nearly 100,000/. by her husband, yet she absolutely starved herself to death. Mr. Elwes seemed not less wretched than his moth- er. At his house at Stoke, in Suffolk, if a window were broken, it was mend- ed by a piece of brown paper, or by patching it with a small bit of glass ; and this had been done so frequently, and in so many shapes, that it would have puzzled a mathematician to say what figure they represented. To save fire, he would walk about the remains of an old greenhouse, or sit with a servant in the kitchen ! In the advance of the sea- son his morning employment was to pick up chips, bones, or any thing he could find, and carry them home in his pocket for fire ! One day he was surprised by a neighboring gentleman in the act of pulling down, with great difficulty, a crow's nest for this purpose ; and when the gentleman wondered why he should give himself so much trouble, " Oh, sir," replied Elwes, " it is really a shame that these creatures should do so ; do but see what waste they make. They don't care how extravagant they are." He would almost eat any thing to save expense. At a time when he was worth eight hundred thousand pounds, he would eat game at the last state of putrefaction, and meat that no other person could touch ! As to his dress, any thing would do. He wore a wig for a fortnight which he had picked up in a rut in the lane when riding with another gentleman. His shoes he never suffered to be cleaned, lest they should be worn out the sooner. As the infirmi- ties of old age, however, came upon him, he began to be more wretched. It 499 267 MISERS. is said that he was heard frequently at midnight as if struggling with some one in his chamber, and crying out, " I will keep my money ; nobody shall rob me of my property." There are many other remarkable circumstances related of him, but what we have already quot- ed will afford a striking proof of the va- nity of sublunary things, and of the insufficiency of riches to render man- kind happy. (/) QUARRELING ABOUT A FARTHING.— Sir Harvey Elwes, the miser, notwithstanding his dislike of so- ciety, was a member of a club which occasionally met at his own village of Stoke, and to which belonged two other baronets besides himself, Sir Cordwell Firebras and Sii* John Barnardiston. With these three, though all rich, the reckoning was always a subject of the minutest investigation. One day, when they were engaged in settling this diffi- cult point, a wag, who was a member, called out to a friend that was passing, " Step up stairs and assist the poor ! Here are three baronets, worth a mil- lion of money, quarreling about a far- thing." (g) THE PETERSBURGH MISER. — A Russian merchant, who was so im- mensely rich that on one occasion he lent the Empress Catharine the Second a million of rubles, used to live in a small, obscure room at St. Petersburgh, with scarcely any fire, furniture, or at- tendants,, though his house was larger than many palaces. He buried his money in casks in the cellar, and was so great a miser that he barely allowed himself the common necessaries of life. He placed his principal security in a large dog of singular fierceness, which used to protect the premises by barking nearly the whole of the night. At length the dog died ; when the master, either impelled by his avarice from buying another dog, or fearing that he might not meet with one that he could so well depend on, adopted the singular method of performing the canine service himself, by going his rounds every evening, and barking as well and as loud as he could, in imitation of his faithful sentinel. (/i) MISER STARVED IN HIS CAVE. — In the year 1762, an extra- ordinary instance of avarice and pecu- lation occurred in France. M. Foscue, one of the farmers-general of the pro- vince of Languedoc, had amassed an immense fortune by grinding the faces of the poor, and by every means, however base and cruel, that could increase his ill- gotten store. This man was ordered by the government to advance a con- siderable sum of money, but excused himself from complying with the order on the plea of poverty. Fearing, how- ever, that some of the inhabitants of the province, among whom he was very unpopular, would give information to the contrary, and his house be in con- sequence searched, he determined to hide his money in a way which might elude examination. He dug in his wine- cellar a cave, large and deep, into which he descended by a ladder ; at the en- trance of which was a spring lock, which, on shutting the door, would fasten of it- self. Soon after this M. Foscue dis- appeared. Diligent search was made for him ; the ponds were dragged ; and every imaginable method taken to find him, but in vain. A few months after the house was sold ; and the workmen beginning to repair it, they discovered a door in the cellar, with a key in the lock. The owner ordered it to be open- ed, and on going down, they discovered M. F. lying dead on the ground, with a candlestick near him ; and on a farther search, they found the vast wealth he had amassed. It was supposed, thai when he went into his cave, the door, by some accident, shut after him ; and thus, being out of the call of any per- son, he perished for want of food, and had even gnawed the flesh off both his arms for subsistence. Such was the wretched end of this oppressive miser, who died in the midst of the immense treasure he had collect- ed, which he neither enjoyed himself, nor would bestow on others. How worthless are the riches of the world if improperly used ! What is their value without the favor of God accompanying them? 500 MISSIONS. 268 MISSIONS. NEED OF MISSIONS. 268. Ignorance of the Heathen. (a) SUPERSTITION OF THE CHINESE.— On the 13th of May, 1818, a storm suddenly arose at Pekin, which darkened the heavens, and filled the air with sand and dust. The Em- peror was excessively alarmed, con- ceiving it to be a divine judgment. Anx- ious to know the meaning of the por- tentous event, he required of his min- isters of state to endeavor to ascertain the cause. In a public document, he reprimanded his astronomers for not having previously informed him when the hurricane was to take place : they had but three days before stated to him, that felicitous stars shed their happy in- fluence around his person, and indicated long life and prosperity. The Mathematical Board presented their opinion, and affirmed that if this kind of hurricane, accompanied by a descent of dust, continued a whole day, it indicated perverse behavior and dis- cordant counsels between the sovereign and his ministers ;' and also a great drought and dearness of grain. If the wind should blow up the sand, move the stones, and be accompanied with noise, inundations were to be expected. If the descent of dust should continue but an hour, pestilence may be expected in the southwest regions, and half the population will be diseased in the south- (b) THE THREE CRIMINALS. — It is perfectly natural to suppose that those who have little or no knowledge of a future state, should be careless of that life which God has given, during which to prepare for another world. A criminal among the Hindoos being con- demned to be hanged on the following day, made a low salaam, or bow, to the judge, and coolly replied, Buhost atcha, " Very good." Another, when asked if there was any thing which he par- ticularly wished before leaving the world, answered, " Yes ; I never saw a great heap of rupees together ; and. of all things, I should like to have that pleasure before I die." A third, when the same question was addressed to him, longed for something more substantial. He said, "Your food is much better than mine ; now, before you hang me, pray give me such a good dinner as you have." The indulgence was granted, and he ate with no small appetite. What should be the gratitude of those who have been taught the true end of life, and what zeal should Christians manifest in conveying this knowledge to others ! (c) HERE WE ARE LIKE BIRDS OF PASSAGE.—" It is stated in the history of England," says Dr. Philip, in an address delivered at one of the London Anniversaries, " that when the first missionary who arrived in Kent, presented himself before the king, to so- licit permission to preach the gospel in his dominions, after long deliberation, when a negative was about to be put upon his application, an aged counsel- lor, with his head silvered over with gray hairs, rose, and by the following speech obtained the permission which was requested. 'Here we are,' said the orator, ' like birds of passage, we know not whence we come, or whither we are going ; if this man can tell us, for God's sake let him speak.' I say, if there are six hundred millions of our fellow-crea- tures, who, Tike birds of passage, know not whence they came, nor whither they are going, for God's sake let us send them the gospel, which will tell them whence they came, and which is able to make them wise unto salva- tion." (d) WHERE SHALL I GO LAST OF ALL ?— A Hindoo, of a thoughtful, reflecting turn of miud, but devoted to idolatry, lay on his death-bod. As he saw himself about to plunge into that boundless unknown, he cried out, " What will become of me ?" " O," said a brahmin, who stood by, " you will inhabit another body." "And where" said he, " shall I go then ?" " Into another." " And where then," 501 368, 269 MISSIONS. " Into another, and so on, through thou- sands of millions." Darting across this whole period as though it were but an instant, he cried, " Where shall I go then ?" Paganism could not answer, and he died agonizing under the inquiry, " where shall I go last of all ?" (e) THE MIND AND THE HEART. — It is a very instructive fact, that under the highest efforts of reason in other matters, the human mind has been satisfied with the most childish and absurd notions on the subject of religion. The men who erected the pyramids and left behind them those architectural mo- numents which still excite the admira- tion of the world, cherished with all their intellectual grandeur the most puerile and degrading notions on the subject of religion. Think of the men who planned and erected the pyramids worshiping cats and onions ! The Phenicians, who claimed the glory of the invention of letters, " and the knowledge of military and naval arts," were accustomed when attacked by enemies, to chain the images of their gods to their altars that they might not abandon their city ! The men who had in their hands the letters and commerce of the world, worshiped gods which they felt themselves obliged to tie up with chains, lest they should run away through fear ! The statesmen, and ora- tors, and poets of ancient Rome, are even now read in the highest schools of Christendom ; but think of Cicero and Tacitus and Augustus Ccesar looking into the entrails of a sheep, %r watching the flight of birds, to propitiate the gods, or predict the result of a military cam- paign ! This contrast between the mind and the heart becomes more striking when we look at distinguished indivi- duals. Plutarch thought that our souls were made out of the moon, and would therefore return to it. This elegant and discriminating writer of ancient biogra- phy, gravely tells us, " that some think the inhabitants of the moon hang by the head to it, or, like Ixion, are tied fast to it, that its motions may not shake them from it ; and it ought not to seem surprising that a lion fell out of it, into the Peloponnesus." Even the wise Plato thought the sta.rs required and re- 502 ceived nourishment. Seneca was of the same opinion, who says, "hence it is that so many stars are maintained ; as eager for their pasture as they are hard worked both by day and night." This contrast between the mind and the heart is certainly one of the most striking anomalies in human nature. Do we not behold the same anomaly at the present day ? Does men's know- ledge of religious things keep pace with their general improvement ? How of- ten are the most penetrating genius and the largest acquisitions associated with religions opinions that are grossly incor- rect and miserably low. What a prac- tical comment is here given us upon the inspired declaration, " They did not like to retain God in their knowledge." 269. Idolatry. (a) IDOLATERS CAN WOR- SHIP ANY THING.— At Baitenzorg, a village of Java, Messrs. Tyerman and Bennet observed a street occupied ex- clusively by Chinese. They called at several of the houses and noticed an idol in each. In one, they observed an engraving of the French Emperor Na- poleon, in a gilt frame, before which in- cense was burning. ^ The old man, to whom the picture belonged, in their pre- sence, paid it divine honors, bowing him- self in various antic attitudes, and offer- ing a prayer for blessings upon himself and family. When we asked him why he worshiped an European engraving, he replied, " O, we worship any thing." {h) A MECHANIC'S ADVER- TISEMENT.— The following adver- tisement is copied from a Chinese news- paper : — " Achen Tea Chinchin, sculp- tor, respectfully acquaints masters of ships, trading from Canton to India, that they may be furnished with figure heads of any size, according to order, at one-fourth of the price charged in Europe. He also recommends for pri- vate venture, the following idols, brass, gold, and silver : The hawk of Vishnoo, which has reliefs of his incarnation in a fish, boar, lion, and turtle. An Egyp- tian apis, a golden calf and bull, as wor- shiped by the pious followers of Zoroas- IDOLATRY. 969 ter. Two silver mammosits, with gold- en ear-rings ; an aprimanes for Persian worship ; a ram, an alligator, a crab, a laughing hyena, with a variety of house- hold gods on a small scale, calculated for family worship. Eighteen months' credit will be given, or a discount of 15 per cent, for prompt payment of the sum affixed to each article. Direct China Street, Canton, under the Marble Rhi- noceros and Gilt Hydra." (c) A LITTLE HEATHEN BOY AND HIS SISTERS.— " I was much affected," says the Rev. Mr. French, a missionary among the Mahrattas, in India, " by the following incident which occurred in the temple at Pimpulwun- dee. A little boy, about ten years of age, accompanied by two girls smaller than himself, his sisters probably, came to pay their devotions. The little boy, in a state of almost entire nudity, first washed the idol with water, and then put a little red paint on its forehead, shoulders, and breasts. This being done, he took from the little girl some small flowers, which he laid in various places on the idol ; and, to crown all, he threw, after several ineffectual at- tempts, the idol being taller than him- self, a string of flowers over its head. Having finished this part of the cere- mony, the three pitiable little creatures commenced circumambulating and bow- ing to the senseless object which they had thus early been taught to regard as their god. i was much affected, I say, in witnessing this scene, and was led to reflect how different are the circum- stances and prospects of the dear chil- dren of my native land. There the in- fant mind is trained in the principles of virtue and salvation. Here it is initiat- ed into the mysteries of iniquity, and swallowed up in the darkness and su- perstition of idolatry. But it is a bless- ed thought, to be apprehended only by faith, however, that the infants of India, shall one day speak forth the praises of Immanuel. The Lord hasten that day in his own good time." Heathen parents take their very young children to the temple of one idol and teach them how to bow and kneel, and wash, and paint, and perform the other ceremonies which are required in the worship of that idol. At another time they take them to the temple of another idol and teach them how to worship that, and so on through all the multitude of their. idols ; and thus they train their children up to all the wicked- ness and folly of idol worship. (d) FESTIVAL OF JUGGER- NAUT. — A respectable writer gives the following description of the festival of Juggernaut : — Loud were the shouts of triumph which greeted our ears as we approached the temple of Juggernaut. Immense were the multitudes that thronged around, and thousands upon thousands would no more have been missed than a single grain from a handful of the finest sand. In a few minutes' space, we stood in front of the idol, raised upon its enor- mous car, and surrounded by a whole host of priests and devotees. The first sensations which I experi- enced, on approaching it, were those of horror and disgust ; but, alas ! how were these sensations in a tenfold de- gree increased before the ceremonies of that day were past. The car, or tower, on which the idol was raised, stood at the height of many feet above the ground. Its sides were adorned with massive and enduring sculpture, repre- senting the most lascivious forms and images which the mind of the wicked could suggest. The platform on the top was graced with an innumerable crowd of monsters, half-man, half-beast, in every variety and shape ; and in the midst of these, the idol itself, a huge misshapen block of wood, was placed. Its visage was painted black, its mouth was of a bloody color, its arms were of gold, and its apparel was of the richest and most variegated colored silk. There it sat, in horrid, horrid listlessncss, upon its elevated throne, while the priests and their assistants bowed themselves before it, and, with the most indecent attitudes and gestures, sought to propitiate its fa- vor and its grace. Loud and long were the shouts of the multitude, as men, wo- men, and children, all pressed forward, to lay, if it might be, even a finger upon the ropes that dragged the stupendous 503 270 MISSIONS. car. Many were the worn-out and travel-soiled pilgrims who were crushed to death in the vain and empty struggle ; but loud were the plaudits which they who died received, and a smile remain- ed upon their countenances even in the bitter hour of death. At length the idol moved. The enormous wheels, upon which it was supported, creaked and groaned beneath its weight, and the deeply indented ground showed the immensity of the •iressure that rolled along its surface. In a short space it stopped, and then ihe worship of the god commenced. The chief priest advanced, and with many a low salaam began to recite a long roll of obscene and indecent verses. " These are the songs," he exclaimed, " with which the god is delighted. It is but when he is pleased that his car will move." Accordingly it did move a few paces in advance, when again it stopped, and anon a youthful being was brought forward, to attempt, if it might be, something still more lascivious, to propitiate his god. He began to caper — but I cannot, I will not, carry on the horrible descj:iption. Fancy cannot picture, the imagination cannot con- ceive the abominations of this worship. I turned away, in sickness of heart, and in utter loathing and disgust, from the sight; but a loud and renewed shout fell upon my ear, and involuntarily I turned round and saw an emaciated and worn-out pilgrim, with a kind of super- natural strength, and a wild devotion gleaming in his eyes, force his way through the surrounding crowd, and prostrate himself on his face in the very course of the terrific car, and, with out- stretched arms and legs, await unmoved the consummation of his fate. On roll- ed the ponderous wheels, and ere a mi- nute had elapsed, the misguided wretch lay crushed, dismembered, broken, a shapeless mass of flesh, and scarcely to be distinguished from the dust amongst which he was almost concealed from sight. Loud songs of praise accompa- nied this act of self-devotion, for tlie multitude believed that the victim would be received as a favored child by Jug- gernaut, and recalled into life in a state of everlasting happiness and joy. 504 270. Human Sacrifices. (a) HUMAN SACRIFCES IN AN- CIENT BRITAIN.— Maurice, in his " Indian Antiquities," refers thus to the worship practised by the British Druids. The pen of history trembles to relate the baleful orgies which their frantic superstition celebrated, when, inclosing men, women and children in one vast wicker image, in the form of a man, arid filling it with every kind of combusti- bles, they set fire to the huge colossus. While the dreadful holocaust was offer- ing to their sanguinary gods, the groans and shrieks of the consuming victims were drowned amidst shouts of barbar- ous triumph, and the air was rent, as in the Syrian temple of old, with martial music. Religion shudders at such a per- version of its names and rites, humanity turns with horror from the guilty scene. Such were our ancestors. To us much has been given, and of us much will be required. {h) HUMAN SACRIFICES AT THE SOUTH SEA ISLANDS.— Mr. Ellis was informed by the inhabi- tants of Maeva, that the foundation of some of , the buildings for the abode of their gods was actually laid in human sacrifices : that every pillar supporting the roof of one of the sacred houses at Maeva, was planted upon the body of a man who had been offered as a victim to the sanguinary deity for whom the temple was erected. The unhappy wretches selected were either captives taken in war, or individuals who had rendered themselves obnoxious to the chiefs or the priests. (c) HABITATIONS OF CRUEL- TY.— Says Mr. Campbell, for twelve years a missionary in India — " The human sacrifices which Hin- dooism demands, are frightful and ap- palling. Whatever may be the charac- ter of the people, and however quiet, and passive, and submissive they appear, their superstition is the most cruel and barbarous that has ever been establish- ed. In Goomsoor, a province which has lately fallen into the hands of the British, the horrid scenes which have been discovered, are almost beyond cre- dibility. Whenever a disease raged in SELF-TORTURE AND SELF-MURDER. 270, 371 the family of the monarch, a human sa- crifico was demanded to appease the of- lended deity, and nothing less precious than the life of an only son would gra- tify the demon. Immured in houses and in dungeons, there were found hun- dreds of poor children who had been stolen from the adjoining territories; and for what purpose were they con- cealed and preserved ? that they might be fattened like so many sheep and oxen for the slaughter, and might, at a suit- able season, be offered up to the Moloch of the country. '^ At the seed-time, the farmers of a district would assemble together ; a hu- man victim was selected, was bound as a sacrifice to the altar, and was devoted to the most barbarous death. While the priests proclaim the omens to be propitious, one farmer would come, and with a large knife, would take a slice from the victinj, would carry it away to his field, and would press the blood out of it while it was yet warm, and then bury it in the earth. A second, and a third, and a fourth, would come and act a similar part, till the wretched man was sliced in pieces while he was yet alive, and was consigned to various parts of the ground. But why this barbarity ? That the favor of Maree might be ob- tained, and that no curse, nor blight might rest upon their land : and that a richer harvest might arise from fields watered by the blood of sacrifices. Oh ! these dark places of the earth are still full of the habitations of cruelty. "Deeds of blood and atrocity are mixed up with the habits and customs of the people, and fail to produce any great sensation. In England, if a mo- ther strangles her infant, if a father murders his son, if a brother puts a sis- ter to death, a thrill of horror passes through the community, the public voice is lifted up, in loud and terrible denunciations, against such a diabolical act ; and the wonder is expressed how such a monster is permitted to live. But in India, such deeds are so common that they have failed to make any impres- sion upon the community, and are often regarded by their authors as actions of merit rather than of infamy." . (d) HUMAN SACRIFICES IN AFRICA. — The Ashantees sacrifice human victims, to the number of one hundred, at all their great festivals, some of which occur every twenty-one days. On the death of his mother, the king offered three thousand victims, and at the death of a distinguished cap- tain, twenty-four hundred. At the fu- neral of a person of rank, it is usual to wet the grave by the blood of a free- man, who is slaughtered unsuspectingly, while assisting in the funeral rites, and rolled into the grave with the corpse. A regular correspondence is supposed by them to be kept up with the invisible world. Hence the king, wishing to send to any of his deceased friends, calls a servant, delivers to him a message, and kills him that he may carry it. Then, if he wishes to make any addi- tion to the message, he calls another slave, and treats him in like manner ; and all with the same indifference with which one of us would write a letter and add a postscript. 271. Self-Torture and Self-Murder. {a) DEVOTEES OF JUGGER- NAUT. — The facts below are gleaned from Dr. Duff's work on India, and from the organs of missionary societies. Many of the pilgrims to .luggemaut, from the most distant parts of India, measure the whole distance of their weary pilgrimage with their own bodies on the ground. Some remain all day with their heads on the ground and their feet in the air, some cram their eyes with mud and their mouths with straw. One man may be seen lying with his foot tied to his neck, another with a pot of fire on his breast, and a third envel- oped in a net of ropes. At the festival of Charak Pujah, so called, because then is endured the torture of hook swinging so well known, many of the devotees throw themselves down from the top of a high wall, or a scaffold twenty feet high, on iron spikes or knives, that are so thickly stuck in a large bag of straw. At night, num- bers of the devotees sit down in the open air, pierce the skin of their fore- heads, insert a small rod of iron, to 505 271 MISSIONS. which is suspended a lamp, which is kept burning until the morning dawn. Some have their breasts and arms stuck entirely full of pins, about the thickness of packing needles. Others tie them- selves to a wheel, thirty feet in diame- ter, and raised considerably above the ground — when the wheel turns round, their heads point alternately to the ze- nith and the nadir — others cover their under lip with a layer of mud, and de- posit upon it some small grains, usually of mustard seed, then stretch themselves flat on their backs, exposed to the drip- ping dews by night and the blazing sun by day. Their vow is, that they will not stir from that position, nor turn, nor move, nor eat nor drink, till the seeds planted begin to sprout ; this generally takes place on the third or fourth day. On the day of the great Charak festival, several blacksmiths are stationed in the court of the temple, with sharp instru- ments in their hands. When the pro- cession reaches the temple, a class of devotees, holding in their hands rods, canes, iron spits, or tubes, approach the blacksmiths. One extends his side, it is instantly pierced through, and in pass- es one of his rods or canes ; another ex- tends his arm, this is perforated, and in passes lys iron spit ; a third protrudes his tongue, and getting it bored through, he passes in a cord or serpent ! These devotees may be seen, in the midst of loud, discordant sounds and frantic dan- ces, pulling backward and forward, through their wounded members, the rods and the canes, the spits and the tubes, the cords and the writhing ser- pents, till their bodies seem streaming with their own blood ! (b) SWINGING ON HOOKS.— Among the Hindoos, particular villages are appropriated for swinging, where the natives assemble at stated seasons. In the centre of an area, surrounded by numerous spectators, a pole from twen- ty to'.hirty feet in height is erected, on which is placed a long horizontal beam, with a rope run over a pulley at the ex- tremity. To this rope they fix an iron hook, which, being drawn through the integuments of the foot, the swinger is suspended aloft in the air, amidst the ac- clamations of the multitude ; the longer 500 he is able to bear this painful exertion, and the more violently he swings him- self round, the greater is the supposed merit. From the flesh giving way, the performer sometimes falls from his tow- ering height, and breaks a limb ; if he escapes that accident, from the usual temperance of the Hindoos, the wound soon heals. This penance is generally voluntary, and done from supposed re- ligious motives. Who on reading such descriptions, does not pray that a purer system of faith and morals may soon pervade these vast and populous regions ! (c) A HINDOO DEVOTEE.— A Brahmin from the north, says a mission- ary, has visited these parts, and is now on his way to Cape Comorin, if he has not already reached it. He rolls him- self over and over en the bare ground, about three or four miles each day, on his way to the above mentioned place ; and it is said that he has traveled in this manner all the way from Benares, in doing which he has consumed nine years and three months. He sets out at dawn, with thick cloths tied round his body and temples; and having reached the village fixed upon, he performs his de- votions, and spends the rest of the day with his family, who travel with him in bullock-carts. He is fanned as he rolls along, by his son, a youth of ten or twelve years of age ; while the musi- cians of the village which he leaves, or of that to which he is going, accompany him with music and shouting ; thou- sands of people gazing with admiration upon his progress, and applauding him as " a great soul," a most religious man. When he comes to a tank or river, or other places which he cannot cross by rolling on the ground, he walks through them ; and on the other side rolls the same distance along the bank, and back again. When he reaches Cape Como- rin he is to set a plantain, and wait there till he offers the fruit of it to the deity whom he worships ; after which, they say, he is to roll back again to Benares, on the other side of the Ghauts. He is a stout man, of about forty years of age, and is said to be not much injured by his devoteeism. The act, instead of be- ing regarded as a waste of time and la- bor, is praised by the Hindoos general- SELF-TORTURE AND SELF-MURDER. 2'yi ly, as an evidence of the highest wis- dom and magnanimity ; and yet some of them, enlightened probably by Chris- tianity, regard it as folly ; unless, in- deed, which is not certain, he derives a splendid profit from it in the offerings of the people. Certain it is that his jfami- ly maintain a most respectable appear- ance ; but it is said that he was a man of property before he set out on his strange pilgrimage. (e) BORING THE TONGUE.— At Chinsurah, in the East Indies, there is a famous place of resort, called Surais- hortollah, or the residence of the Bull- god. This is a square area, on which, beneath the shade of one vast banyan tree, several temples stand, dedicated to several popular idols, to accommodate all classes of comers. Here many self- inflicted or self-chosen cruelties are practised by those who thus hope to merit a place in the Hindoo heaven. A favorite penance is to have the tongue bored through with a large iron spike. A blacksmith is the operator, who is said to be very skillful both in driving a nail and driving a bargain, it some- times happens that the candidates for this piece of service at his hands are so numerous and impatient, that they are obliged to submit to be arranged in or- der as they arrive, and wait till each in his turn can be gratified with a wound in the unruly member, which they use, meanwhile, with no small eloquence, to induce him to hasten to their relief, and when he is come, to get the business done as cheaply as they can. The shrewd knave, however, is wise enough to take his time, and extort a larger or a smaller fee, according to the number, rank, or fanaticism of his customers. (/) SUFFERINGS OF A HIN- DOO DEVOTEE.— A missionary thus describes a singular case of self-torture. The devotee was in the act of measur- ing his way to Juggernaut by his own body. He never rose upon his feet in traveling. When on his knees, he reached his hands forward to the ground, and thus drew his body on- ward. Every time he drew himself along thus, he beat his forehead against the ground three times, looking towards the temple, which was now in sight. " When I got sufficiently near," said the missionary, " I called to him ; but he did not appear to hear what I said, and continued on his way without pay- ing the least attention. I therefore came up, and succeeded in stopping him ; a deep melancholy sat visible upon his countenance, his lips moving in prayer to his god in a low, grumbling tone of voice. When I had surveyed him a few moments, he gave over repeating, and I began to converse with him as well as I was able. I first inquired how far he had come in that manner ? He answered, seven hundred and fifty miles. How long have you been on the way ? About eight months. He ap- peared about twenty -one years of age, and was so emaciated by his austerities that his voice was nearly gone : I could but just understand him. I asked him what he expected from this visit to Jug- gernaut ? I was told that he expected almost every thing, particularly that hereby he should get rid of his sins. I then told him about Jesus Christ dying for his sins, and that if he would only believe on Christ, he would immediately find the blessings he sought. He seem- ed to hear with some attention and sur- prise. *By this time a number of wick- ed looking Brahmins, from a neighbor- ing temple, were gathered around us, and began to encourage him to proceed." (g) THE FAKEER AND HIS BED OF SPIKES.— The following account of a Hindoo Fakeer, named Purrum Soatuntro, is given by Mr. Duncan, an English gentleman, who saw him at Benares, a large city in India. When only ten years of age, this man began a life of self-mortification, and used to lie on thorns and pebbles. He went on thus for ten years, and then be- gan to wander about as a fakeer (reli- gious beggar), going from one of their pretended holy places to another. At one place he shut himself up in a cell, where ho vowed to do penance for twelve years. There he stayed till vermin gnawed his flesh, and left marks which remained when Mr. Duncan saw him. At the end of a year, the Rajah, or chief of that country, taking pity on him, opened the door of his cell, hoping to persuade him to leave off tormenting 507 272 MISSIONS. himself; but the poor wretch was full of fury to be thus interrupted ; and told the Rajah that he should have his curse on his head, (and all the Hindoos dread the curses of these men,) for breaking in upon him. What ! Did he think that he was not above such sufferings as these ! They were nothing to him ! Let the Rajah get him a bed of spikes, that he might lie on it night and day, and show him what he was able to do, and then perhaps he might forgive him. Rajah, frightened at the thought of the curse of this ferocious man lighting on him, got him a bed of spikes ; and this bed of spikes became a sort of triumphal car for the wretchoose to tell her. It grew late and dark, and she began to be afraid of be- ing seen out at that hour. Her heart was nearly broken, for she thought she must return as she came, and die with- out obtaining salvation. She was just turning to go home, when she saw a man walking along the road. She thought she would try once more, so she asked him the same question, " Where Narraput Christian lived, the man who would lead her to Jesus?" To her great joy, he pointed her to the house, and when she reached it she met Narraput himself coming out at the door. She fell at his feet in tears, and wringing her hands in anguish she ask- ed, " Are you Narraput Christian, the man who can lead me to Jesus ? Oh I take me to him ; I shall die, and what shall I do if I die without obtaining sal- vation ?" Narraput did not receive her as the Hindoo priest had done ; he raised her kindly from the ground and led her into the house, where his family were met at their evening meal. " My dear young friend," he said, " sit down and tell me all." She told him her history, and as soon as she had done, she rose and said, " Now, sir, take me to Jesus. You know where he is. Oh ! take me to him." Ah ! if Jesus had been on earth, how willingly would he have re- ceived the poor wanderer. She thought he was on earth, and that she might go to him at once ; but Narraput knew that though he was not here, he was just as able to pity and welcome her from his mercy-throne in heaven ; so he only said, "Let us pray." All knelt down, and as he prayed, the poor Hin- doo girl felt that she had found thai which she had so long wanted. (/) THE MISSIONARY AND THE PL ANTER.— The Rev. Robert Young, missionary in the West IndieS; tells the following story : When I was in the interior of the country, in my former residence in the island, I was waited upon by a white planter, who requested me to go to his estate to teach his negroes morality and industry. I accordingly went, and about three hundred were at once made to as- semble in his large hall. I commenced religious worship, and took my stand behind his table. I gave out a hymn, and he assisted me in singing it ; and after prayer I gave out a text, which led me to speak against Sabbath-breaking, and another evil very prevalent in that country — two sins of which mine host was notoriously guilty. I perceived that the word was not very acceptable. He evidently withered under the state- ments I made ; he seemed, by his look, to say, " You are traveling beyond your record." But I had possession, and de- termined to keep it. As soon as I had finished, he rose from his seat, under the influence of great excitement, and said, " I don't believe that. Now stop, my negroes. I brought him here to teach morality and industry — that is, that you 523 STS MISSIONS. are not to steal from your owner, nor to be idle while you are at work ; but in- stead of that, he has been finding fault with me, which, to say the least, is very ungentlemanly conduct. Now," said he, " I will expose the fallacy of all that he has said. He has told you it is wrong to violate the Sabbath ; but he must have forgotten that the law respecting the Sabbath was given some thousands of years before the West India Islands were discovered, and therefore it could have no adaptation to that part of the world. And, as regards the other crime of which he has said so much, I, for one, wish you could read your Bibles ; for you will find it stated there, that Abraham patronized the very thing that Mr. Young has condemned." And thus, by the most shameful perversion of the Scriptures, he went on to defend his views, and sat down much elated with his performance. 1 rose and re- plied, and went further into the subject than I had done before : he rose and re- plied, and I rose and replied, and we kept up the discussion for two or three hours, to the no small amusement of the negroes, who could no longer sub- due their risible powers, but departed with a loud laugh, exclaiming, " Ah ! Massa, Parson have been too many for Buckra." But, hear the sequel. Before I left that country, I saw this same proud planter a humble penitent at the feet of Jesus, putting his confidence alone in that blood which cleanseth from all sin. On my recent visit to the island, I wait- ed upon him, and was delighted to see him. He expressed himself in a way that I cannot here describe : he was walking in the truth, and adorning the doctrine of God his Savior in all things. (m) AN OLD IDOLATER.— One day, while Mr. Wilson, a missionary, was preaching at Raiatea, one of the South Sea Islands, where he had re- cently introduced the Gospel, an old man stood up and exclaimed, " My forefathers worshiped Oro, the god of war, and so have 1 ; nor shall any thing that you can say persuade me to forsake this way. And," continued he, ad- dressing the missionary, " what do you want more than you have already? 524 Have you not won over such a chief, and such a chief; ay, and you have Pomare himself! what want you more ?" " All — all the people of Raiatea ; and you, yourself, I want!" replied Mr. Wilson. " No, no," cried the old man ; " me — you shall never have me ! I will do as my fathers have done ; I will worship Oro ; you shall never have me, I assure you." Little, however, did this poor man understand the power and love of God. Such was the blessed ef- fect of the Gospel on his heart, that, within six months from that time, this stanch, inflexible, inveterate adherent of Oro, the Moloch of the Pacific, aban- doned his idol, and became a worship- er of the true God. (n) AND GATHERED OF EVERY KIND.— The Rev. Mr. Coan, writing from the Sandwich Islands some eigh- teen months after the commencement of the great revival there, thus des- cribes the character of the converts, and the change wrought in them. The entire document may be found in the Herald for 1839. " Could you get a glimpse of the mot- ley group, as they bend their steps to the house of God, or as they sit around the table of their dying Lord, I am sure that the sight of your eyes would affect, yes, melt your heart. The old and de- crepit, the lame, the blind, the maimed, the withered, paralytic, those with eyes, noses, lips and limbs consumed with the fire of their own or their parents' for- mer lust, with features distorted and fig- ures the most deformed and loathsome, these come hobbling upon their staves, and led or borne by their friends, sit down at the table of the Lord. Among this throng you will see the hoary priest of idolatry with hands but recently washed from the blood of human vic- tims, together with the thief, the adul- terer, the sorcerer, the manslayer, the highway robber, the blood-stained mur- derer, and the mother — no, the monster ! whose hands have reeked in the blood of her own children. All these meet together before the cross of Christ, with their enmity slain, and themselves washed and sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. SPIRITUAL BENEFITS. 279 279. Striking Exhibitions of Christian Tempers, &c. (a) SOLITARY BUT NOT ALONE. — The following instructive anecdote was told by Rev. R. Moffatt, missionary from Africa, at an anniversary of the London Missionary Society. He and his companions had traveled in the in- terior all day and night, weary and with- out food. They approached a village inhabited by the Corannas, who w^re accustomed to bloodshed and rapine. An individual who met them warned them against entering the village ; they would do so at their peril. He pointed them to the heights beyond the town, where he said they could sleep for the night. " We tied about us the fasting girdle to prevent the gnawing of hunger. We looked at each other, for we were hun- gry and thirsty, and fatigued beyond measure. At last an individual came ; we asked for water. It was refused. I offered two or three buttons remaining on my jacket for a little milk. It was refused with scorn. It was evident something was brewing in the minds of the people, and we had good reason to be alarmed. We lifted up our hearts to God. There we sat; and as we gazed saw a woman descend from the heights. She approached with a vessel in her hand and a bundle of wood. The vessel contained milk ; having set them* down, she immediately returned. She shortly came back, bringing a vessel of water in one hand and a leg of mutton in the other. She sat herself down and cut up the meat. We asked her name, and if there was any relative of hers to whom we had shown kindness ; but she answered not a word. I again asked her to tell me to whom we were indebt- ed ; and after repeating the question three or four times, she at last replied, ' I know whose servants ye are, and I love Him, who hath told me, he that giveth a cup of cold water to one of his disciples shall in no wise lose his re- ward.' Her words seemed to glow while she wept profusely to see one of the servants of Christ. On inquiring into her history, I found she was a soli- tary lamp burning in that village. I asked her to tell me how she had kept the light of God alive in her soul. She drew from her bosom a Testament, and holding it up she said, ' That is the fountain from which I drink ; that is the oil that keeps my lamp burning in this dark place.' I looked at the book ; it was a Dutch Testament, printed by the British and Foreign Bible Society. It was given her by a missionary when she left the school ! And it was that book that had been the means of her conversion, and had kept alive her piety without any teaching save that of the Holy Ghost, or any Christian fellowship except communion with God." (b) A DISCOURSE ON THEFT LEADS TO THE RESTITUTION OF PILFERED PROPERTY.— Mr. Nott, missionary at Tahiti, preached from the text, " Let him that stole, steal no more." The next morning, when he opened his door, he saw a number of the natives sitting on the ground be- fore his dwelling. He requested an ex- planation of this circumstance. They answered, " We have not been able to sleep all night ; we were in the chapel yesterday : we thought, when we were pagans, that it was right to steal when we could do it without being found out. Hiro, the god of thieveS; used to assist us. But we heard what you said yes- terday from the word of God, that Je- hovah had commanded that we should not steal. We have stolen, and all these things that we have brought with us are stolen goods." One then lifted up an axe, a hatchet, or a chisel, and exclaim- ed, " I stole this from the carpenter of such a ship," naming the vessel ; others held up an umeti, or a saw, or a knife ; and indeed almost every kind of mova- ble property was brought and exhibited with such confessions. Mr. Nott pro- posed that they should take the plunder- ed property home and restore it, when an opportunity should occur, to its law- ful owners. They all said, " Oh no, we cannot take them back, we have had no peace ever since we heard it was displeasing to God, and we shall have no peace so long as they remain in oui dwellings ; we wish you to take them, and give them back to the owners when- ever they come." 525 279 MISSIONS. (c) THE CONFESSION OF THE Martyrs.— Fourteen christians in Madagascar, who, during the persecu- tions there, had spent two wretched years as fugitives in the mountains, de- termined to go to the sea side and sail to Mauritius. On their way they were taken prisoners, and conducted to the city. A deeply interesting circumstance transpired as these Christians were on their way to the capital, after being ap- prehended. On reaching the town of Beferona, a guard was set upon them. They were told that their manner of traveling was suspicious, and not like that of other people, having lanterns at night, and striking into unusual paths. Three days successively they underwent examination ; and, on the third, they re- solved to witness the good confession, and therefore made the following decla- ration, through Andriamanana, one of their number, whom they had appointed as their spokesman : " Since you ask us again and again, we will tell you. * We are not banditti nor murderers : we are (impivavaka) praying people ; and if this make us guilty in the kingdom of the queen, then whatever the queen does, we submit to suffer." " Is this, then," said the interrogator, " your final reply, whether for life or for death ?" " It is our fnal reply," they said, " whether for life or death." " Who," asked the ex- aminer, " sent you from Tananarivo ?" " No one," they replied, " we went forth of our own free will." After the Chris- tians made these declarations, it is said that they felt inexpressible peace and joy. They had prayed ; they had con- fessed Christ; and now that conceal- ment was at an end, and they could freely open their overburdened hearts, they said to each other, " Now we are in the situation of Christian and Faith- ful when they were led to the city of Vanity Fair." And so it proved, when a majority of them underwent the mar- tyr's death after the example of Faithful. (d) A SABBATH-BREAKER RE- BUKED. — An incident, says a mission- ary, occurred on the arrival of the Unit- ed States at Honolulu, worthy of record. The frigate came to anchor on Sabbath morning. Captain Armstrong immedi- 526 ately sent off a lieutenant to make the necessary arrangements for firing a na- tional salute. The lieutenant, in com- pany with the United States consul, call- ed at the residence of governor Kekua- naoa, but he was at church. A note was despatched informing him of the frigate's arrival, and that an officer was ready to make arrangements for a sa- lute. The governor returned an answer that he was at divine service, but would attend to the business on the following day, at nine o'clock, A. M. Hence the quiet of our Sabbath was not disturbed by the discharge of cannon on sea or land. I could not but contrast the con- duct of governor Kekuanaoa with that of the commanders of most vessels of war, as well as most of the public men in many parts of Christendom. (e) GOOD FOR EVIL.— When it was known among the islands that Mr. Williams had been killed at Eromanga, the first proposition made by the people was of a character worthy of their Christian profession. It was not to take their clubs and spears, and go, in large numbers, to avenge the death of their beloved friend, who had fallen a victim to the cruel savages on that island ; but that native teachers should be sent to carry to those blood-stained shores the gospel of peace, believing that to be the best method that could possibly be adop- ted to subdue their ferocious spirits, and *lead them joyfully to receive and kind- ly treat European missionaries, who, at some future period, might go to reside among them. Two natives had the moral courage to offer their services for that particular field of missionary en- terprise. They were taken thither by Mr. Heath. The chiefs, in whose charge they were left, promised to behave kind- ly to them and to attend to their instruc- tions. (/) THE HEART OF A NORTH AMERICAN SAVAGE SOFTENED BY THE GOSPEL.—" Whenever I saw a man shed tears," said an Indian, " I used to doubt his being a man. I should not have wept, if my enemies had cut my flesh from my bones, so hard was my heart at that time : that I now weep, is of God, who hath softened the hardness of my heart." SPIRITUAL BENEFITS. S-^O (g) A SLAVE'S LOVE FOR PUB- LIC WORSHIP.— One of the mission- aries in the West Indies gave the fol- lowing pleasing account to show how highly the converted negroes value their religious privileges : . A slave wished his owner to give him leave to attend with God's people to pray : his answer was, " No, I will rather sell you to any one who will buy you." "Will you," said he, "suffer me to buy myself free, if me can?" "If you do, you shall pay dearly for your freedom, as you are going to pray. Two hundred and fifty pounds is your price."* " Well, massa, it is a good deal of money, but me must pray ; if God will help me, me will try and pay you !" For a long time he worked hard, and at last sold all he had, except his blanket, to buy his liberty to pray in public ; or in other words, to meet with those who love Jesus Christ. (h) THE CARPENTER AND THE CONVERT.— A carpenter who was building the new church at Wai- mate, a Missionarj;^ station in New Zea- land, engaged a native convert to work in his garden, and promised to pay him for his labor. As soon as the native had finished, he went to the carpenter for his wages : but instead of getting paid, another of the European workmen knocked the poor native down, and kicked him very cruelly while lying on the p-round. The native bore it all most patiently, not murmurmg nor re- sisting, till the other had ceased his cru- elties : but then, starting on his feet, he seized the other by the throat, shook him as if he had been a cat, and bran- dished a sharp tool over his head, with which he might have taken away his life. " Now," said the native, " you see your life is in my hand ; you owe your life to the preaching of the gospel. My arm is quite strong enough to kill you, but my heart is not, because I have heard the missionaries preach the gospel. If my heart were as dark as it was before I heard them preach, I would strike off your head. You owe your life to the preaching of the gospel." He then let the workman go, without having done the least harm to him. • One hundred and forty pounds was the common price. (i) " IF YOU KILL RIPA I WILL DIE WITH HIM."-Mr. Davies visited a pa at Pateriteri, belonging to two Christian chiefs, Perika and Noa, who were brothers. They were expecting an attack from Ripa, a chief of Hokian- ga. Ripa had "made an unjust demand from the two Christian chiefs, and, on their refusal to comply with it, he had marched to attack them. It was at this crisis that Mr. Davies entered the pa, and there he found them surrounded by their armed followers, engaged in sol- emn prayer — praying especially for the pardon of their enemies — with a white flag hoisted above their heads as a token of their desire for peace. Mr. Davies then went out to meet Ripa and his party ; and how striking was the contrast! With their bodies naked, and their faces painted red, they were listening to addresses urging them on to vengeance and slaughter. The address being ended, they rushed for- ward toward the pa, yelling fright- fully, and dancing their war-dance, bid- ding bold defiance to the Christians. The Christians were assembled on the other side of the fence opposite the ene- my, while one of the Christian chiefs qui- etly walked up and down between the two parties, telling the enemy they were acting contrary to the word of God ; and that his party, though not afraid of them, were restrained by the fear of God from attacking them. Ripa and his party only amounted to twenty ; while the Christians were one hundred strong. After many speeches had been made on both sides, one of Ripa's party, in striking at the fence with his hatchet, cut Noa on the head. This Christian chief tried to conceal the wound from his tribe ; but some of them saw, by the blood tricklingdown, that he was wound- ed, and instantly there was a simulta- neous rush from the pa, and every man's musket was leveled. In anoth- er moment Ripa and his whole party would have fallen ; but Noa, the wound- ed chief, sprang forward, and exclaim- ed, " If you kill Ripa I will die with him ;" and then, throwing his own body as a shield over Ripa, saved him from destruction. Peace was then made be- tween the two parties, and there was 527 2-79 MISSIONS. great rejoicing. "Some years ago," adds Mr. Davies, " the very sight of blood would have been a signal for a dreadful slaughter." 0) JOY 0> THE REAPER.— A short time since, says Rev. iVIr. Goodell, four of our Armenian brethren of the more ordinary class, I mean those whom we have never called upon in our meet- ings to take an active part, went on a little excursion to a place in the interi- or, for a change of air. Here they found quite a party of their country- men ; for the place is rather celebrated for its salubrious air and is much fre- quented in summer. And here, amid much ridicule at first, they established daily prayer-meetings and labored di- rectly for the conversion of those whom they found there. And the result was that during the eight or ten days they remained, they had the happiness of seeing sixteen of those who had lately scoffed, join their little praying circle, and take part in the devotional exercises. These four brethren have just returned with joy to the capital, bringing some of their sheaves with them. {k) THE INSIDE MAN LOVES HIM. — Formerly, says a New Zealand convert, I was in another road, and bore another likeness. When the new road was pointed out to us by the Missiona- ries, I paid no attention to it. But after these stations were broken up, I began to think about it, and my sins were dis- covered to me about four thousand (meaning an immense number). They were like an army come up against me to kill me, to slay me, to murder me ; they fought against me and caused me great pain, as two men fight against and beat each other, and cause pain. I then began to think of taking to the new re- ligion, and fleeing to Christ. In doing so I found relief The Spirit, the Com- forter, came to my heart, and I felt love, goodness, joy, and peace. I now love Christ. I cannot say that the out- side man loves Jesus Christ; but the inside man loves him. (Z) A KING'S PRAYER.— Mr. Chamberlain, an American Missionary, giving an account of the opening of a new meeting-house in one of the Sand- wich Islands, says, " Probably not few- 528 er than four thousand persons were pre- sent, including most of the great per- sonages of the nation. We were ex- ceedingly gratified with the appearance of the King on this occasion, and also of his sister, the Princess Harieta Keop- uolani. An elegant solli, covered with satin damask of a deep crimson color, had been placed for them in the front of the pulpit. The King, in his rich Windsor uniform, sat at one end, and his sister, in a superb dress, at the other. Before the religious services commenced, the King arose from his seat, stepped to a platform in front of the pulpit, directly behind the sofa, called the attention of the congregation, and, addressing himself to the chiefs, teachers, and people generally, said, that this house, which he had built, he now publicly gave to God, the maker of heaven and earth, to be appropriated to his worship ; and declared his wish, ; that his subjects should worship and serve God, obey his laws, and learn his word. The religious exercises were appropriate ; and when these were closed, the Princess arose from her seat, and, taking her stand upon the platform, called the attention of the chiefs and people anew to what her brother had said, and exhorted them to remember and obey. She said God was the King above to whom they should give their hearts, and render constant homage. At the closing exercise of the occasion, the King stood up, and saying, " E pule kakou" (let us pray), addressed the throne of grace. In this act of worship, using the plural number, he gave the house anew to God, acknowledged him as his sovereign, yielded his kingdom to him, confessed his sinfulness, prayed for help, for teaching — supplicated his mercy, as a sinner, needing mercy, par- don, and cleansing — prayed to be pre- served from temptation, and delivered from evil. He prayed for the different classes of his subjects : for the chiefs, teachers, learners, and common people ; for the missionaries and foreign resi- dents ; and concluded, in a very appro- priate manner, by ascribing unto God the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, to the world everlasting." SPIRITUAL BENEFITS. 2§0, 2§1 280. Happy Deaths of Missiouary Converts. (a) TRIUMPHANT DEATH OF A CONVERTED BRAHMIN.— The following statement was made by the Rev. Mr. Carey, from India, in an ad- dress before the American Tract Socie- ty, in 1825. A young Brahmin obtained one of our tracts, and after reading it, he came to us full of anxiety, inquiring, " What shall I do to be saved ?" We instruct- ed him out of the Gospel. He came again and again, and at length re- nounced his idols, and, we have no doubt, gave his heart to Christ. After many weeks he joined a Christian church. But God did not suffer him to remain w4th us many years. He fell a prey to the cholera. A little before he died, another young native Christian came to see and to comfort him ; and as he laid his languishing head on the bosom of his young friend, he broke out in an ecstasy, and said in his native tongue, " Sing, brother, sing." " And what shall I sing ?" was the inquiry of his friend. " Sing salvation, salvation through the death of Jesus ! Salvation through Jesus Christ." And I believe these were the last words he uttered. (h) THE SIBERIAN LEPER ON HIS DEATH BED.— I heard the other day, said the Rev. Mr. Abeel, at a pub- lic meeting, from one of the brethren who had formerly been in Siberia, but was recalled from the field at the eleva- vation of the Emperor Nicholas to the throne, a case of the most thrilling in- terest. That brother told me, that, as he was passing one day among a col- lection of Tartar tents, he found a man lying in the last stage of that loathsome disease, the leprosy. As the Missiona- ry looked upon him, he lifted up his death-stricken eyes, and fastening them upon his countenance, said, " I know you." " How can that be," replied the Missionary, " have you ever seen me before?" "Oh yes, I have," replied the dying man. " Did you not preach three years ago in such a Bazaar?" "I cannot really tell," replied the Mission- ary, " I have no particular remembrance of it." " Don't you remember," said the man, in a tone of surprise, " you 34 stood upon the steps of such a house ?" " Oh yes," answered the other, " I do remember it now." •' And do you re- member what you preached there ?" "No," said the Missionary, " I have no recollection." " You told us," said the man, " about Jesus who died to save sinners, and that men of every nation might come to him and he would re- ceive and save them : Oh sir, I never heard such things before. I then be- lieved in Jesus ; I received him as my Savior, I never heard of him before or since. But now I am dying, and am looking to none other to help me." Penetrated with what he had heard and seen, he went to another tent, and found men drinking. He asked them, " Why do you not go to your brother ? he lies there dying with nobody to help him." " Brother !" exclaimed they with indig- nation, "he is no brother of ours ; he is a dog ; and has abandoned us, and his soul is going down swiftly to hell." The missionary, thus repulsed, went back to comfort his dying Christian brother. He entered the solitary tent, but " the spirit had fled." There lay the follower of the Lamb, dead, and with none to bury him, insomuch that the missionary was obliged to dig a hasty grave, and roll into it the emaciated and half consumed body. 281. Miscellaneous Illustrations. (a) EXTENSIVE INTEREST AWAKENED BY THE DISTRIBU- TION OF THE NEW TESTA- MENT.— The Rev. Mr. Fisher, a chaplain in Bengal, relates the follow- ing circumstances respecting a number of Hindoos who were associated togeth- er for the purpose of acquainting them- selves with the truths of Christianity, in the year 1818. It was reported that a number of strangers from several villages had as- sembled in a tope, near Delhi, and were busily employed, apparently in friendly conversation, and in reading some books in their possession, which had induced them to renounce caste, to bind them- selves to love and associate with one another, and to intermarry only with their own sect, and to lead a strict and 529 2§1 MISSIONS. holy life. A convert employed by Mr. Fisher visited the spot, and found about five hundred people, men, women, and children, seated under the shade of the trees, employed in reading and conver- sation. He accosted an elderly man, and said, " Pray who are all these peo- ple, and whence came they ?" " We are all poor and lowly, and read and love this book." " But what is this book ?" " The book of God." " Pray let me look at it, if you please." It proved to be the New Testament, in the Hindoostanee tongue, many copies of which seemed to be in their possession, some printed and otliers written by themselves. The visitor pointed out the name of Jesus in one of the copies, and inquired, " Who is that ?" " That is God. He gave us this book." " When did you obtain it ?" " An an- gel from heaven gave it to us.'' " An angel ?" " Yes — to us he was an an- gel — but he was a man, a learned pun- dit." A public reader appears to have been selected by themselves for the ex- press purpose of reading this miraculous book ; and their evenings have been habitually spent for many months in this blessed employment, crowds gath- ering to hear God's book. The ignor- ance and simplicity of many of them were very striking. They had never heard before of a printed book. All united in acknowledging the superiority of the doctrine of this book to every thing they had hitherto heard or known. An indifference to the doctrine of caste soon manifested itself, and the interfer- ence and tyrannical authority of the Brahmins became increasingly offen- sive. At last it was agreed to separate themselves from the rest of their Hin- doo brethren, and to establish a frater- nity of their own, choosing four or five, who could read the best, to be public teachers. The number daily and rap- idly increasing, especially among the poor, a public meeting was deemed ne- cessary, to which all their congenial as- sociates were invited. A large grove near Delhi was selected for the purpose, and this interesting group had now met for the first time. They seemed to have no particular form of worship, but each individual made daily and diligent 530 use of the Lord's prayer. They re- solved to hold such a protracted meeting once a year. It was found that this remarkable in- terest among so large a group of inqui- rers was awakened by the distribution of some new Testaments at Flurdwar. {h) DEMOLITION OF A DEVIL TEMPLE IN TINNEVELLY.— In Sevel, a large and populous village in Southern India, the gospel, says the Rev. Mr. Dent, has publicly triumphed over heathenism. There were a few families there under instruction, of the Shanar tribe. All of them, with three exceptions, joined the congregation ; and they then agreed among themselves to demolish their peicoil (or devil temple), and convert it into a place of worship. Soon after, I visited the village, and the people informed me of i heir intention : I rejoiced exceedingly, that they had come to this determination ; and encouraged them to it, by citing a few passages of Scripture that related to the destruction of idolatry. They asked me to come to the spot ; and I did so, in order to witness the spectacle. The most for- ward among our people entered the temple first ; and one of them, with an axe in his hand, and with this sentence, " O Christ, help !" in his mouth, gave the chief idol a blow, and severed the head from the body : then came others, and threw down the idols and altars that were therein, demolished the inner courts and walls, and leveled them all to the ground. The idols, broken to pieces, they threw out for public ex- hibition ; saying, " Such are the gods we have ignorantly worshiped and be- lieved all this time ! They cannot help themselves ; how can they help us ?" There was a great crowd of spectators collected together at this place. The heathen of the village were quite angry at this outrage and injustice, as they termed it ; and would have made some attempts to recover the gods, but my presence tended considerably to still them. The heathen cried out, " O ye fools, ye madmen ! what have ye been doing ? Have ye cut down and destroy- ed the tutelar gods and goddesses of your village ? Be sure that you and your families will ere long be visited. SPIRITUAL BENEFITS. 2§1 Ammen will revenge lierself npon you all, shortly." Our people replied : " These are sand and clay, made by our own hands : they can never do us any injury The Lord Jesus alone is God : Him we all worship, and he will pro- tect us." I had a good opportunity of addressing the crowd on the folly and absurdity of their religion, and of direct- ing them to the Lord Jesus, the Savior of poor lost creatures. The sight was overpowering to me, having never wit- nessed any thing of the kind before ; and I thanked God for this public triumph of Christianity over idols and idolatry in the village. We went after- wards, and had a prayer in that place, which but a little before was a devil- temple, and a nest of all unclean things ! (c) SIVA AND HER TEMPLE. — On the 27th of January, 1826, a place of worship was opened at Rammakal- choke, eight miles from Kidderpore : it was crov/ded : many came from distant villages : there seemed to be an awaken- ing among the inhabitants. Soon after that time, the Lord made bare his arm in a most glorious manner ; and the idols of the heathen he began to abolish. On the 20th March the native Christians tore up their idol Siva : it was a massy stone of some hundred pounds' weight. The demolition of the idol produced a wonderful effect on the people : when the " Destroyer," for that is the mean- ing of the idol's name, was taken out of his temple, the whole village ran toge- ther in perfect amazement, one crying one thing, and another another : each indi- vidual, however, seemed to say, " Great is Siva of the Hindoos !" The impres- sion, observed Ramjhee, the owner of the temple, was like the shock of an earthquake. On the 27th of March, the idol was brought to Kidderpore, and presented to the missionaries by its owners, who had turned away from it with abhorrence. Here, indeed, says these good men, we stand amazed ; and say, " What hath God wrought !" Never did our most sanguine expectations lead us to think that we should live to behold this obscene idol, in any instance, destroyed before our eyes. This is the first in- stance that has occurred in Bengal ; and it is important to add, that the rooting out of this idol from his dwell- ing-place by the hands of his owners, and consigning it to destruction, has proceeded from the principles of the gospel. The temple, in which the idol was placed, has since been taken down by its owners ; and, with a part of the ma- terials, they have erected a temple to the one only living and true God. Those very bricks which once inclosed the demon of impurity, serve for the purpose of screening the missionaries from the rays of the sun while preach- ing to the heathen the unsearchable riches of Christ, in a place which lies nearly in the centre of a number of villages, containing, at least, 20,000 in- habitants. (d) MR.WILLIAMS' CONTRAST. — In describing the influence of Chris- tian missions on society, Mr. Williams writes in his " Missionary Enterprises," in reference to Rarotonga, I cannot for- bear drawing a contrast between the state of the inhabitants, when I first visited them, in 1823, and that in which I left them, in 1834. In 1823, I found them all heathens ; in 1834, they were all professing Christians. At the for- mer period, I found them with idols and maraes ; these, in 1834, were destroyed, and, in their stead there were three spa- cious and substantial places of Christian worship, in which congregations amount- ing to six thousand persons, assembled every Sabbath day. I found them with- out a written language ; and left them reading in their own tongue the " won- derful works of God." I found them without a knowledge of the Sabbath ; and when I left them, no manner of work was done during that sacred day. When I found them, in 1823, they were igno- rant of the nature of Christian worship ; and when I left them, in 1834, 1 am not aware that there was a house in the island where family prayer was not ob- served every morning, and every even- ing. I speak not this boastingly ; for our satisfaction arises not from receiving such honors, but in casting them at the Savior's feet ; " for his arm hath gotten him the victory," and, " He shall HAVE THE GLORY." 531 / 3S1, 382 MISSIONS. What has been said of Rarotonga is equally applicable to the whole Hervey Island group ; for, with the exception of a ie\f at Mengaia, I believe there does not remain a single idolater, or vestige of idolatry, in any one of the islands. I do not assert, I would not in- timate, that all the people are real Christians ; but I merely state the de- lightful fact, that the inhabitants of this entire group have, in the short space of ten years, abandoned a dark, debasing, and sanguinary idolatry, with all its hor- rid rites ; and it does appear to me that, if nothing more had been effected, this alone would compensate for all the pri- vations, and labors, and expense, by which it has been effected. {e) CHANGES IN TEN YEARS. —In 1830, Rev. Mr. Williams, of the London Missionary Society, first bore the gospel to the Navigator's Islands. This group lies nearly west from the Society Islands, at a distance of about 700 miles. The war-whoop was one of the first sounds that fell upon his ear. Burning villages marking the warrior's track, met his eye. The mass of the people were debased and vicious, and met together only to pollute and destroy each other. In March, 1840, a pious Scotch gen- tleman visited these islands, and gives the following account :— As we approached and sailed up the harbor, we were gradually surrounded by many canoes ; and before we an- chored the deck was covered by natives, all anxiously and affectionately greeting the new missionaries who arrived with us. As we passed up to the house of the resident missionary, we observed the large erection, formerly used for hold- ing their savage dances, crowded with women, who were holding a prayer- meeting, and filling the air with notes of praise, in place of their ferocious and abominable war-songs. The chapel is 100 feet by 27, capable of containing about 1,000 people, for they fill every corner, passages and all, besides standing at the windows outside. You may imagine my feelings, when standing in the midst of reclaimed sa- vages, hearing them sing the praises of Jehovah, seeing them bow the head, 532 and reverently cover the face during prayer; and during sermon seeming to devour tlie word as it drops from the preacher's lips ; while a woman would sob out in spite of her efforts to repress it ; and a man would wipe the unbidden tear from his swarthy cheek, so lately marked by all that could express a fero- cious heart, but now, meek, humble, and subdued. Oh, how I wish you could be present, to see the fervor of the people, to see their subdued affection- ate countenances— those whose hands were deeply stained with blood and mur- der, washed and purified in the blood of Jesus. In these islands 40,000 have re- nounced heathenism — more than 20,000 have learned to read ! 28!. Reflex Benefits. (a) BRITISH SOLDIERS AT MAULMEIN. — In a letter addressed to the British and Foreign Bible Society, by W. Bannister, Esq., of Madras, in 1832, the following facts are related : — The men of the — th regiment were regarded as amongst the most depraved in the country. Five or six years ago, they were stationed at Maulmein, on the other side of the Bay of Bengal. They had there no divine ordinances, and the Sabbath was scarcely known amongst them. One of the men, in a drunken fit, on one occasion, without any parti- cular provocation, shot a sergeant of his corps, and was subsequently condemned for the crime. Before his execution, a missionary obtained access to him, and, through the blessing of God, was made instrumental in his conversion. He pleaded so affectionately and so earnest- ly with the prisoner, that the sentinel on guard was led to hearken to what was going forward inside the cell ; and was so much affected by what he heard, that he requested, as a favor, to be ad- mitted, whenever the missionary visited the condemned man. This soldier not only attended himself, but he told his comrades of the manner in which the missionary conversed with the criminal in such affecting terms, that many others were led to attend ; and after seeinoj their comrade die in peace through Christ, notwithstanding the offence he REFLEX BENEFITS. 3§5S had committed, tliey requested the mis- sionary to come to their barracks and talk to them in the same way. This he, of course, very gladly did ; and, ere long, baptized about one hundred of them, as he believed, in the faith of Christ. Many of these men remained faithful to the solemn profession they had made, and became diligent students of the Bible. (h) EMBARKATION OF MISSI- ONARIES AND THE OBJECTING SPECTATOR.— A man of the world stood upon the wharf, and saw a devot- ed company of foreign missionaries go abroad. " He saw the son, the daugh- ter, the brother, and the sister, the re- lation, and the friend, with Christian spirit and self-denial, give the parting hand, and he protested against it." These, said he, are just such spirits and talents as we need at home, and it is not right, to send them av/ay from the country, when we need them so much at home. But the Spirit of the Lord was there ; and the spirit exhibited by these missionaries was made the means of his conversion, and he afterwards, with his own money, educated more pious young men for the ministry, than sailed in that missionary company. (c) FULLER AND HIS CHURCH REWARDED.—" There was a period of my ministry," said this devoted man to a friend, " marked by the most point- ed systematic effort to comfort my seri- ous people : but the more I tried to com- fort them, the more they complained of doubts and darkness. Wherever I went among them, one lamentation met my ear, ' Ah ! sir, I can get no comfort. I am unable to appropriate any of the great and precious promises to myself, I looked for light and behold darkness.' 1 knew not what to do, nor what to think, for I had done my best to com- fort the mourners in Zion. I was therefore at my wit's end. At this time it pleased God to direct my atten- tion to the claims of the perishing hea- then in India ; I felt that we had been living for ourselves, and not caring for their souls. I spoke as I felt. My se- rious people wondered and wept over their past inattention to this subject. They began to talk about a Baptist mis- sion. The females, especially, began to collect money for the spread of the Gospel. We met and prayed for the heathen, met and considered what could be done amongst ourselves for them, met and did what we could. And, whilst all this was going on, the lamen- tations ceased. The sad became cheer- ful, and the desponding calm. No one complained of a want of comfort. And I, instead of having to study how to comfort my flock, was myself comforted by them. They were drawn out of themselves. Sir, that was the real se- cret. God blessed them while they tried to be a blessing." (d) MISSIONARY SOCIETY IN A THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY.— " It may not be improper for me to ob- serve," says the Rev. Dr. Alexander, respecting the Society of Inquiry of the Theological Institution at Princeton, " that in my opinion, no part of the ex- ercises in the Theological Seminary, has been attended with more manifest good effect than those which appertain to the proceedings of this Society." (e) INFLUENCE OF A PARTI- CIPATION IN MISSIONS ON BAP- TIST CHURCHES IN ENGLAND. — " After the departure of our brethren, — the first Baptist Missionaries to India" — says the brief narrative of the Baptist Mission, '•' we had time for reflection. In reviewing the events ol[ a few preced- ing months, we were much impressed. The thought of having done something towards enlarging the boundaries of our Savior's kingdom, and of rescuing poor heathens and Mahomedans from under Satan's yoke, rejoiced our hearts. We were glad, also, to see the people of God offering so willingly ; some leaving their country, others pouring in their property, and all uniting in prayers to Heaven for a blessing. A new bond of union was formed between distant min- isters and churches. Some who had backslidden from God were restored ; and others who had long been poring over their unfruitfulness, and question- ing the reality of their personal religion, having their attention directed to Christ and his kingdom, lost their fears and found that peace which in other pursuits ^ey had sought in vain. Christians of 533 d$2 MISSIONS. different denominations discovered a common bond of affection : and instead of^'always dwelling on things wherein they differed, found their account in uniting in those wherein they were agreed. In short, our hearts were en- larged : and if no other good had arisen from the undertaking, than the effect produced upon our own minds, and the minds of Christians in our own country, it was more than equal to the expense." (/) PROPERTY SAVED BY A MISSIONARY BOX.— On the 14th of July, 1814, the three brigs, Eliza, Mary, and Irish Miner, sailed together from Limerick, all bound for London. Early on the 26th they fell in with the American armed ship of war Whig, commanded by James Clark, Esq. Capt. Clark was first on board the Mary of Waterford, and after examin- ing his prize, he gave orders to take some supplies for the Whig, and then to set fire to the Mary, which was instant- ly complied with. After seeing her in a blaze, Capt. Clark went in his boat on board the brig Eliza, Capt. Davis. When he found her loaded with a cargo of no use to him, he gave orders imme- diately to set fire to her, and when the preparations were making to carjy the order into execution, (which would not take three minutes time,) Capt. Clark accidentally went below into the cabin, where Capt. Davis was overwhelmed with trouble, bundling up his clothes to follow his men, who by this time had been put in chains, on board the Whig. After Capt. Clark had observed all about the cabin, and took away a heap of charts and nautical and religious books, he cast his eye on the " Missionary Box," and asked what it meant. Capt. Davis consequently told him the whole. He paused a little, with one end of his stick on the little box, and then broke silence. " Captain, we Americans are not at war with you nor the like of you ; but with your government (please excuse the expression) we are at war. Captain, as your cargo belongs to your government, I will utterly destroy it : but neither you nor your vessel will I by any means hurt." With that, he or- dered fifty of his men to come on board, which they did, and threw 637 sacks of 534 corn overboard, and threw salt water over what was left for ballast so as ut- terly to spoil it ; and when Capt. Clark understood, by the register of the Irish Miner, that part of her belonged to Capt. Davis, of the Eliza, he spared her alto- gether and her cargo : so that I look upon it, that the Missionary box, actual- ly saved two vessels and one cargo. The above, I assure you, is altogether authentic. I am, gentlemen, with respect. Yours ti'uly, Thomas Propert, Master of the briff Brothers, of Pembroke. Cardiff Roads, May 17, 1814, The above is an extract from a let- ter to the Editors of the Evangelical Magazine. Capt. Davis was a member of a Me- thodist church. He was in the habit of putting into the box 6d., his mate 3d., his men Id. each, every Monday morn- ing. {g) INFLUENCE OF MISSIONS ON COMMERCE— There is, says Mr. Dibble, one result of the mission- ary effort, which is often overlooked ; the safety secured to ships in the Pacific that visit to refit or recruit at the differ- ent groups of islands. In former times there was not an island in all Polyne- sia where a ship could touch without imminent peril. There is scarcely a group of islands with which is not con- nected some tale of massacre. Now, throughout the whole of Eastern Poly- nesia, except, perhaps, the Marquesas Islands, ships may anchor, refit, and re- cruit ; and the seamen may wander in saiety over the fields, and through the groves. If the missions in the Pacific had been sustained entirely by our go- vernment and the governments of Eu- rope, it would have been a small expen- diture compared with the mere com- mercial advantages which have been gained — a far more economical expen- diture than characterizes most of our na- tional enterprises. What does it re- quire to support one man-of-war or one exploring squadron ? Yet how limited the results in comparison ; how small, I say, if we look merely at the com- mercial benefit to the world ! HINDERANCES TO MISSIONS. 2§2, 2§3 (A) AN ENGLISH SEAMAN CONVERTED AT OTAHEITE.— Before the mission lo the islands of the South Seas had proved successful, an English seaman, on board a trading vessel, called at Otaheite, and, through the blessing of God upon the efforts of the missionaries, was there called to the knowledge of the truth. After- wards he was removed to a man-of-war, and became the happy instrument, by his example and conversation, of bring- ing thirteen or fourteen of his compan- ions to a sense of their lost state and their need of salvation by Jesus Christ. (i) VARIOUS REVIVALS IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE MONTH- LY CONCERT.— The establishment of the monthly concert in this country was soon followed by great reflex spiritual blessings to the churches and congregations. In a narrative of the state of religion within the bounds of the General As- sembly of the Presbyterian Church, published, May, 1816, we find the following : " By the last General Assembly it was recommended to the churches to join in monthly concerts of prayer, for the extension of the triumphs of the gospel. This recommendation has met with very general attention : Christians of other denominations have cordially united with us in this interesting service. God has been entreated by his people ; he has answered their petitions, and blessed their souls. Several conversions to God in individual cases, and several revivals of religion in societies, may be traced to these seasons of social prayer." In a narrative of the extensive re- vivals of religion in Massachusetts, Con- necticut, and Nevv^ Hampshire, the monthly concert is particularly noticed among other means by which these interesting seasons were promoted. The General Association of Mass., in their Report for 181G, say: " In Sandis- field, a special attention to religion, which is traced to the monthly concert of prayer as its origin, has ver}^ recently changed the religious aspect of that people. A hope is entertained of two hundred, that they have passed from death unto life." "It is understood in this body, that the monthly concert, attended in this and in foreign countries, has been blessed as a very great means of pro- moting religious attention in many places. In several instances, this con- cert is mentioned as the means of exten- sive revivals. While churches have met to pray for a world lying in wicked- ness, they have been led to realize their own need of those divine influences which they have attempted to implore for others." " Such is the nature of prayer ; we cannot pray for others without being benefited ourselves." {j) HOW TO MULTIPLY MINIS- TERS.— A writer in the St. Louis Ob- server, relates the followii^ig facts as having occurred in New England : — ^' One who mourned over the march of sin, said to an old man, ' Alas, for our destitution ; within the bounds of our association fifty ministers might labor ; we have not ten who are sound, both in health and in faith. We need forty more pressingly. How shall we get them ? What shall we do V He was somcv/hat surprised to hear his aged friend say, with slow severity — ' Send one half of the best you have away ! Send five of your ten across the ocean ! He that watereth shall be watered also himself. For fifty years you have paid scarcely the least attention to our Captain's last charge, preach to every creature. Half were not sent, but some were sent, and their number of ministers and communicants was doubled, and doubled again, within the recollection of a middle-aged man." HINDERANCES TO MISSIONS. 281. Bad Example and Influence of Nomi- nal Christians. (a) FIRST MISSIONARIES TO THE SANDWICH ISLANDS OP- POSED BY EUROPEANS.— When the first missionaries from America reached the Sandwich Islands, in the spring of 1820, an efTort was made by some of the foreigners to have their landing and establishment at the Islands forbidden by the government. With this view, their motives were misrepre- 535 2§3, 284 MISSIONS. sented by them to the king and chiefs. It was asserted, that while the ostensible object of the mission was good, the secret and ultimate design was the subjugation of the Islands, and the enslavement of the people : and by way of corrobora- tion, the treatment of the Mexicans, and aborigines of South America and the West Indies, by the Spaniards, and the possession of Hindostan by the British, were gravely related. It was in conse- quence of this misrepresentation, that a delay of eight days occurred before the missionaries could secure permission to disembark. In answer to these allega- tions, the more intelligent of the chiefs remarked, — " The missionaries speak well ; they say tney have come from America only to do us good : if they intend to seize our islands, why are they so few in number ? where are their guns ? and why have they brought their wives ?" To this it was replied, " It is true their number is small ; a few only have come now, the more fully to de- ceive. But soon many more will arrive, and your islands will be lost.'"' The chiefs again answered, " They say that they will do us good ; they are few in number ; we will try them for one year, and if we find they deceive us, it will then be time enough to send them away. Permission to land was ac- cordingly granted. Mr. Young, it is said, was the only foreigner who advo- cated their reception. (b) REMARK OF A NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN. — The mis- sionary David Brainerd, in a tour among the Indians of North America, visited a place, then called Minnissinks. Here he offered to instruct the people in the truths of Christianity. The king, to whom he addressed himself for leave, laughed, and turning upon his heel, went away. Mr. Brainerd followed him into his house, and renewed his re- quest ; but he referred the business to another, who appeared to be a man of good natural parts. " Why," said he, " should you desire the Indians to be- come Christians, seeing the Christians are so much worse than the Indians ? The Christians lie, steal, and drink worse than the Indians. Tjiey first taught the Indians to be drunk. They 536 steal to that degree, that their rulers are obliged to hang them for it ; and that is not enough to deter others from the practice. But none of the Indians were ever hanged for stealing, and yet they do not steal half so much ; we will not consent, therefore, to become Christians, lest we should be as bad as they. We will live as our fathers lived, and go where our fathers are, when we die." (c) THE CHINESE AND EURO- PEAN IDOLATRY.— The more intel- ligent Chinese object to many parts of the Catholic system, particularly to what they call preaching down Chinese ido- latry, and preaching up European idola- try, for they say, they have more reason to worship their own saints, than those of Europe, of whom they know nothing ; they are willing to lay aside the worship of images wholly, but will not exchange them for those of Europe. They are also offended at the in- dulgences sold for money, for this, they say, is priestcraft. " 1 knew a merchant (says a gentle- man who resided among them) who threw off his (Catholic) religion in conse- quence of being denied to eat pork in Lent, without paying the church, which he was not then disposed to do ; and without it he understood he was to be damned, which startled him ; upon this, he inquired, why he might not as M^ell eat the flesh as fish fried in pork fat, which all the Christians in Macao were allowed to do ? He therefore told the Padre, that if his salvation depended on so nice a point as the difference between fat and lean, he should no longer be of that religion, and so returned to pagan- ism. He often asked why the English did not send Padres, who worshiped no images, and teach their religion, for it would be better approved." 284. Prejudices and PcrsccHlions of the Heathen. (a) FIRMNESS OF A HINDOO WOMAN UNDER PERSECUTION. — The Rev. Mr. Sutton, a Baptist mis- sionary, related the following account at a public meeting in New- York. A Hindoo Avoman, who professed to have been converted, applied to him for HINDERANCES TO MISSIONS. 284 Christian baptism. He had tried her state of feeling, by representing to her the sufferings which must necessarily follow a renunciation of her heathenish creed ; he set before her the loss of caste, the wrath of her husband, the disgrace, misery, and persecution, she would probably be called to endure. " I know all this," she replied. " I con- sidered about that before I came to you. I am ready and willing to bear it all : I am ready to sacrifice all to my Lord. Surely, sir, 1 cannot endure any thing in comparison to what he suffered for me." Such was converting grace in Hin- doostan, and such the pure spirit of martyrdom it could infuse into the bosom of a despised Gentoo woman. She was baptized ; her husband swore to destroy her : she applied to the judge to get her child restored to her, but the judge decided against her, her child was torn from her, she was stripped of all her clothing in open court, her hus- band went to the high priest of Jugger- naut, who performed her funeral rites, as though she were dead : and she was considered by the law and by all her former friends as a dead woman. But she endured it all, and endured it patiently, for the love she bore to Jesus of Nazareth, who had had mercy upon her. (b) TBE HINDOO'S SACRIFICE. — By the native law of India, the re- nunciation of idolatry involves the loss of all hereditary property ; hence many who sport with its absurdities and prac- tically disregard its rites, keep hold of their possessions, and retain the badge of Hindooism to their dying day. But the conscience of a Christian will not sanc- tion such a compromise, and if he has patrimonial riches to relinquish, he must renounce them, and become poor. This was exemplified in the case of a Hindoo convert, who for some years has labored as an evangelist, and who sac- rificed an income of 3,900 dollars per annum, rather than conceal his principles. And where a convert has no sacrifice of wealth to make, the dearer treasures of the heart must be relinquished. His dishonored ftxther will disown him, his frantic mother will curse the hour that gave her such a son ; by the wife of his bosom he will be despised and forsaken, and even his children, around whom his lacerated heart still lingered as the last earthly objects of interest and hope, will often be torn from his embrace. (c) PERSECUTIONS IN GREEN- LAND. — The Moravian missionaries in Greenland endured much mockery and opposition from the rude inhabitants, when communicating to them the know- ledge of divine truth. When the mis- sionaries told them they meant to instruct them about the will of God, they were met by the taunt, " Fine fellows, indeed, to be our teachers! We know very well you yourselves are ignorant, and must be taught by others !" If they tarried more than one night with them, they used all their endeavors to entice them to participate in their wanton and dissolute sports: and when they failed in this, they mocked and mimicked their reading, singing, and praying, practising every kind of droll antic ; or they accompanied their de- votions by drumming or howling hide- ously. Nor did the poverty of the brethren escape their keenest ridicule, or most cutting sarcasms. They even pelted them with stones, climbed upon their shoulders, destroyed their goods, and maliciously tried to spoil their boat, or drive it out to sea. (d) EARLY BAPTIST MISSION- ARIES' TRIALS.— "I have general- ly," says one of the Baptist missionaries in India, " been three or four hours every day in actual contact with the people. Frequently 1 go and return in good spirits, but sometimes I am low enough. Good spirits are commonly necessary to dealing with my poor peo- ple, for there is generally a great deal among them that is very provoking. I frequently tell them that it is a regard to their welfare that leads me to do as I do ; and the declaration is received with a sneer. On two or three occasions, a number of little children have been officiously seated before me, as an in- timation that I say nothing worthy the attention of men. The people often call after me as I go about : one cries, ' Juggernaut ! Juggernaut !' another perhaps says with a contemptuous smile, 537 284, 285 MISSIONS. ' Won't you give me a book V Soon after, perhaps a third says, ' Sahib ! I will worship Jesus Christ !' and a fourth exclaims, ' victory to Juggernaut the Ruler!' Among these inflituated people, I fear that the utmost propriety in spirit and demeanor would be no protection from very frequent insults. In spite of the most affectionate addresses of which I am capable, and in the midst of them, the people, in malicious derision, shout, ' Juggernaut ! Juggernaut !' and seem determined, as it were, with one heart and voice, to support their idols, and resist Jesus Christ. I hope he will, ere long, act for himself; and then floods of pious sorrow will stream from the haughtiest eyes, and the grace now scorned will be sought with successful earnestness." (e) A CHOCTAW INDIAN AND HIS ENEMIES.— The Rev. Mr. Cush- man, a missionary among the Choctaw Indians, in a letter, dated March, 1833, writes : — That you may have a clear view of the trials and temptations to which the Christian Indians are exposed, I will relate one circumstance. A man in this neighborhood, who is very deaf, gave evidence of piety, and was received into the church. His example as to industry and Christian deportment was Vv'orthy of imitation ; and his unblemish- ed character no doubt rendered him a more desirable prey for the enemy. At length he was besieged by them, and every art and stratagem was made use of, till he finally parleyed with the tempter and drank a little. Their prey was taken. He finally drank till he became completely intoxicated. After he became sober, his wife, who appears to be truly pious, told him that they had professedly set out together in the road to heaven ; that they had walked to- gether for a while ; but that he had now turned out in the road to hell. She told him further, that if he would con- tinue to go on in that way, he must go alone, and they could walk together no more ; for she could never leave the bright path that she had found. She then fell upon her knees, and prayed in the most melting, fervent manner, for the soul of her poor husband. This 538 touched his heart. He melted also, confessed his sin, and resolved never more to taste the accursed thing. After this he was again attacked by the enemy. He was requested to drink, but refused. It was urged that he had drank once, and he might as well drink again. He still refused. Finally, every thing was said that could be thought of to influence him to drink, but he stood firm. Having failed in all this, they seized him and held him fast, and forced whisky into his mouth, but as often as this was repeated, he ejected it without swallowing a drop. Finding all their efforts fail, one said, " This man has done nothing amiss, and he now takes all this ill treatment patiently, and we do wrong to use him so ; if he has a mind to be a Christian, let him be a Christian." 283. Privations and Perils of Blissionuries. (a) MISSION HOUSE ASSAILED. — The mission house at Lahaina, one of the Sandwich Islands, was assailed by English seamen. The Rev. Mr. Stewart writes thus from the scene of this outrage : " How great was my astonishment, at the peculiar circumstances in which I found our inestimable and beloved friends Mr. and Mrs. Richards ! How was I surprised to meet, at my first approach to the house, the presented bayonet, and to hear the stern challenge of the watch- ful sentry, ' who goes there V — and when I assured him that I was a friend, how inexplicable to my mind was the fact of receiving the cordial embraces of my brother, not in the peaceful cottage of the missionary, but in the midst of a garrison, apparently in the momentary expectation of the attack of a foe, and to find the very couch on which was) reclining one, who, to us, has been most emphatically a sister, surrounded by the muskets and the spears of those, known to the world only by the name of sava- ges ! My first thoughts were that a re- volt of the island against the general government had taken place, in which our friends had been seized, and were guarded as captives — or that some for- midable party of unfriendly natives had PRIVATIONS AND PERILS OF MISSIONARIES. 2§5 risen with the determination of destroy- ing them, and that they were protected by the higher chiefs — but as soon as an explanation could be given, I learned that their peril was from false brethren, if the outcasts of a civilized and Chris- tian country can be designated by such terms. The seamen of a large ship, at anchor at Lahaina, exasperated at the restraints laid on their licentiousness through the influence of the mission, \ had carried their menaces and open acts of violence against Mr. and Mrs. R. to such an extent as to cause the chiefs to arm a body of men to defend them at the hazard of life. At that very hour, three boats' crews, amounting to near forty men, were on shore with the sworn purpose of firing their houses and taking their lives. But as every thing, when I left them, was in a posture to secure their safety, it is unnecessary for me to go further into particulars." (b) SUFFERINGS OF DR. JUD- SON. — The sufferings of Dr. Judson, missionary to Burmah, while imprison- ed, during the war between Burmah and Bengal, are thus described by himself, in a letter dated Feb. 25, 1826 : " I was seized on the 8th of June, 1824, — and in company with Dr. Price, three Englishmen, one Armenian, and one Greek, was thrown into the ' death prison ' at Ava, where we lay eleven months — nine months in three pair, and two months in five pair of fetters. The scenes we witnessed and the sufferings we underwent, during that period, I would fain consign to oblivion. From the death prison at Ava, we were re- moved to a country prison at Oung-ben- lay, ten miles distant, under circum- stances of such severe treatment, that one of out number, the Greek, expired on the road ; and some of the rest, among whom was myself, were scarce- ly able to move for several days. It was the intention of the government, in removing us from Ava, to have us sacri- ficed, in order to ensure victory over the foreigners ; but the sudden disgrace and death of the adviser of the measure pre- vented its execution. I remained in the Oung-ben-lay prison for six months, in one pair of fetters ; at the expiration of which period I was taken out of irons, and sent under a strict guard to the Bur- mese head-quarters at Mah-looan, to act as interpreter and translator. Two months more elapsed, when, on my re- turn to Ava, I was released, at the in- stance, of Moung-shaw-loo, the north governor of the palace, and put under his charge. During the six weeks that I resided with him, the affairs of govern- ment became desperate, the British troops making steady advances on the capital : and after Dr. Price had been twice despatched to negotiate for peace, (a business which I declined as long as possible,) I was taken by force and as- sociated with him. We found the Bri- tish above Pahgan : and on returning to Ava with their final terms, I had the happiness of procuring the release of the very last of my fellow prisoners ; and on the 21st inst. obtained the Re- luctant consent of government to my own final departure f¥om Ava with Mrs. Judson. " On my first imprisonment, the small house which I had just erected, was plundered, and every thing valuable confiscated. Mrs. J., however, was al- lowed to occupy the place, which she did until my removal to Oung-ben-lay, whither she followed. Subsequently to that period, she was twice brought to the gates of the grave ; the last time with the spotted fever, while I was absent at Mah-looan. She had been senseless and motionless several days, when the pro- vidential release of Dr. Price at the very last extremity gave an opportunity for such applications as were blest to her relief. Even little Maria, v/ho came into the world a few months after my imprisonment, to aggravate her pa- rents' woes, and who has been, from very instinct, it would seem, a poor, sad, crying thing, begins to brighten up her little face, and to be somewhat sen- sible of our happy deliverance." Some conceptions can be formed of the sufferings of Dr. Judson during his imprisonment at Ava, from the follow- ing statement : The white prisoners were all put in- side of the common prison, in five pairs of irons each ; and where they were so crowded with Burman thieves and rob- bers, that they had not sufficient room 539 285 MISSIONS. to lie down. There were at the time near one hundred prisoners, all in one room, without a window or a hole for the admittance of air, and the door half closed. This, too, was after the severe hot season had commenced. (c) NARROW ESCAPE OF L. C. DEHNE, MORAVIAN MISSIONA- RY TO SOUTH AMERICA.— In Nov. 1757, the Carribbee Indians set out with the intention of executing their resolu- tion, long since determined upon, of murdering me. One day, while I sat at my dinner table, I saw fifty men ap- proaching in their canoes, who present- ly after surrounded my cabin. Some were armed with iron hoes and mat- tocks ; others carried swords and such like instruments. Going out, I spoke to them in the Arawak language, and bade them welcome in a friendly man- ner. They answered roughly that I should speak the Ca,rribbee tongue. In the meantime, I took care to observe which of them was their commander. Perceiving that I did not understand the Carribbee, after some consultation in this language, they ordered their inter- preter to step forth and ask me in Ara- wak, " Who gave you permission to build and to live here ?" Ans. " The governor." " Why have you come up- on our land ?" I now stepped up to the chief and thus (rankly addressed him : " I have brethren living on the other side of the ocean, who, when they heard that Indians lived here who were igno- rant of their Creator, have sent me to you in love, that I should first learn your language, and then tell you about the true God. At some future time, you may expect to see more of my brethren come here on the same errand." " I suppose you are a Spaniard ?" " No." " Or a Frenchman ?" " No." " Are you a Dutchman, then ?" " Yes, I came from Holland, and a good way further off. In short, I am one of the Brethren that love you, and live on the other side of the ocean." " Well, didn't you hear that the Indians were going to kill you ?" " Yes, but I did not believe it, and you have those among you, who have been to see me and know that I love them." " That is true ; and they have also told me that you were a Christian very dif- 510 ferent from other white people." " Well, if you knew that I loved you, how could you think of killing me ?" He replied, laughing, " Well, indeed, I never thought of that." Upon this, all changed their savage natures and walked otf. In this manner the Savior helped me on from day to day, insomuch, that at the close of the year, I found much cause for praise and thankfulness to the Giver of every good and perfect gift. During this period, I sutfered much outward distress, and often I rose in the morning without knowing what I should eat, or where I should procure food ; yet when- ever I was perfectly destitute, undoubt- edly according to the direction of Him who fed Elijah by the brook Cherith, Waraus or other Indians came and shared their " Casavi " with me. (d) NARROW ESCAPE OF COUNT ZINZENDORF.— This zea- lous friend of missions visited the In- dians along the course of the Susque- hannah river, to promote among them the establishment of Moravian missions. In one of these visits, he had occasion to encamp several days, with a few Mo- ravian brethren, among the Shawanese, a very depraved and cruel tribe. Con- rad Weiser, a man well acquainted with the customs and manners of the Indians, had accompanied the Count to this spot, and had left him for a short time, pro- mising to return. The Shawanese thought that, as Europeans, the Count and his companions came either to trade or buy land ; and, though he endeavor- ed to explain the true aim of his coming, they were not satisfied that his inten- tions were such as he described. It appeared afterwards that the sava- ges had conspired to murder him and his whole company. But the design was mercifully frustrated. Conrad Weisser, who was absent, and who could know nothing of the plot, became so uneasy that he could not prolong his stay. He was thus brought back provi- dentially, to the party marked out for destruction, just in time to discover the treacherous plan, and by his influence and dexterity to prevent its execution. I Thus, while Count Zinzendorf, uncon- I scious of danger, retired frequently to his tent, to pray for the savages around PRIVATIONS AND PERILS OF MISSIONARIES. Sf85 him, and while he enjoyed no security except such as the entrance of his tent, fastened by a pin, furnished, the shield of Providence extended over him its ample protection. (e) A MISSION FAMILY BURN- ED ALIVE.— On the 24th of Novem- ber, 1755, the Moravian Mission at Gnadenhuetten, not far from Bethle- hem, in North America, was broken up by a most destructive assault from In- dians under French influence. While the mission family were at supper, an uncommon barking of dogs was heard. Presently a gun was fired. Upon this, several ran to the door, to ascertain the nature of the disturbance. As soon as the door was opened, the In- dians fired upon the unsuspecting mis- sionaries. Martin Nitschman was in- stantly killed. His wife and some oth- ers were wounded, but fled with the rest up stairs into the garret, and barricaded the door with bedsteads. One of the missionaries escaped by a back window, another by a rear door. The savages pursued those who had taken refuge in the garret, and strove hard to force the door. Finding it too well secured to be thus opened, they set fire to the house. The building was soon in flames. A boy and the wife of a missionary who had escaped by the window, leaped from the roof, and escaped unhurt and with- out observation. Mr. Fabricuis leaped also from the roof, but before he could escape, he was perceived and murdered. The rest, eleven in number, were burnt alive in the house. Mrs. Senseman was seen by her unhappy husband, who had escaped, standing with folded hands, surrounded by the flames ; and she was heard to say, " 'Tis all well, dear Sa- vior." (/) ARRAIGNMENT OF A MIS- SIONARY AT AVA.— In the month of November, 1836, Mr. Kincaid was summoned from his home to the palace. The early hour and other circumstances indicated that a fearful storm hung over the mission at Ava. Nor was he mis- taken in this apprehension. On reach- ing the royal court, he was confronted with a list of charges, of which the sub- stance is as follows : The American teacher is stirring up divisions among the people, teaching them to despise the religion of their country, and to follow a religion which the king, the princes and noblemen do not approve. He is not contented to live quietly in the Golden City, as other foreigners do, but in the city and all places around, is giving books and preaching a foreign religion, and his object is to bring into contempt and de- stroy the religion which has been re- vered for ages. After some replies had been made by Mr. K., one of the functionaries told him publicly, that they were determined to stop the distribution of books and preaching. Mr. K. remonstrated on the violence of this proceeding, and then said, " You will allow Papists and Mus- sulmans to follow their religion unmo- lested, and converts from among the Burmans are not disturbed." They cried out most violently, " No Burmans enter the Papist and Mussulman reli- gions, and those people do not give books or preach." Mr. K. asked, " Do you intend to drive me out of the country ?" One of the leading men replied, " No, but you must promise to give no more books, and not go about preaching." " I cannot make such a promise." "You must promise." " I fear God more than earthly kings, and cannot promise : if you cut ofl* my arms, and then my head, I dare not promise." They then said he was not fit to live in the empire, and must be sent off. The court be- came exceedingly violent. Although Mr. K. had reason to expect the worst consequences, his personal liberty was not abridged. His labors however were, for a length of time, crippled by the op- position of the government. (g) A MISSIONARY "PERPLEX- ED, BUT NOT IN DESPAIR."— A missionary and his wife had been locat- ed by an English society in the colony at the Cape of Good Hope^ or among the Bushmen on its borders. The op- position they met with from the colonists destroyed all hope of success. Mean?, failed from the society ; the wife of the missionary was sick, and he must either find means to return to England, or pen- etrate the vast wilderness for many hun- dred miles. While he was making it a 541 285, 2§6 MISSIONS. matter of prayer, liis wife, regardless of her own comfort, desired that they should of their own means, procure the common conveyance of the country, and depart in search of a settlement in the wilderness. The missionary consented willingly. They traveled over four hundred miles, but met with no encour- agement of attaining their object. Al- most despairing, they encamped one night, and, upon rising in the morning, they discovered a savage chief, with his train, not far distant. The blacks ad- vanced and addressed them. They had been deputed by their tribe, and were then on a journey of five hundred miles to the colony, where they desired to pro- cure a missionary ! As may be suppos- ed, the man of God hesitated not, but returned with the savage chief to preach the Gospel to his tribe. (/i) ROMANCE OF MISSIONA- RY LIFE.— Mr. Hinsdale, writing from Mosul under date of January 4th, 1842, gives the following picture of what must be a Missionary life in that country. Earnestly as I long to greet more la- borers in this field, yet I feel constrain- ed to repeat the sentiment, long since expressed by my esteemed associate, Dr. Grant. I should regret to see any one come to labor here, who cannot cheerfully and even joyfully make up his mind to endure toils, and hardships, and weariness, and hunger, and self-de- nial, and peril in almost every form, for these must be the portion of the first Missionaries here, and especially of those who may be stationed among the mountains. It is no small step to come down from the refined circles, to which our young brethren in the ministry have been accustomed, and relinquish the conveniences, not to say luxuries, by which they have been surrounded, to sleep in a mud hut, or in the stable with his horses, with a quilt or rug spread upon the clay floor for his bed and cov- ering, surrounded perhaps with six or eight natives with even fewer accom- modations than himself; to exchange the well arranged table for the simple sheep-skin spread upon the floor, or rather ground ; to dip his large M'ooden spoon into one common dish with half a 542 dozen hungry Koords or Yezidees, or Nestorians ; to drink the pure and often impure mountain water from a simple gourd-shell ; to sit on the clay floor, with a fire in the centre of the room, and neither fire-place nor chimney ; to come down to these and various attend- ant inconveniences, is no small step, and requires no ordinary degree of self- denial. {i) WESLEYAN MISSIONARY AT FEJEE.— When the Wesleyan Missionaries ventured among the canni- bal Fejeeans, they found them sunk to the lowest depths of degradation. Soon after Mr. Hunt had settled on So- masoma, the heathen party brought sev- eral dead bodies and laid them opposite to Mr. Hunt's house ; there they baked them, and there they ate them. The Missionary, shocked at these proceed- ings, closed his door and blinds. One of the heathen chiefs went to Mr. Hunt, and insisted upon his opening them again, and intimated that if he thought proper to reside in their country, he must put up with their customs ; if he insulted them in any way, he might ex- pect a place in the oven. An Ameri- can ship of war was at anchor at a neighboring island. When the captain heard of this circumstance, he took up his anchor and sailed to Somasoma, with a view of removing ]\Ir. Hunt and family to some other island where they would not be exposed to such imminent danger. Mr. Hunt thanked the cap- tain for his kind and humane conduct in thus coming to remove him, but beg- ged respectfully to decline accepting his kind offer, stating that he was will- ing still to hazard his life in the cause of Christ. He considered the circum- stance of their being so exceedingly de- praved as an additional reason for re- maining to diffuse that gospel which, accompanied with the divine blessing, would soon improve their condition. 286. Zeal for Missions. {a) HOW TO GIVE.— At a Mis- sionary meeting held among the ne- groes in the West Indies, these three resolutions were agreed upon : ZEAL FOR MISSIONS. 286 1. We will all give something. 2. We will all give as God has ena- bled us. 3. We will all give willingly. As soon as the meeting was over, a leading negro took his seat at a table, with pen and ink, to put down what each came to give. Many came for- ward and gave, some more and some less. Amongst those that came was a rich old negro, almost as rich as all the others put together, and threw down upon the table a small silver coin. " Take dat back again," said the negro that received the money, " Dat may be according to de first resolution, but it not according to de second." The rich old man accordingly took it up, and hobbled back to his seat again in a great rage. One after another came forward, and as almost all gave more than him- self, he was fairly ashamed of himself, and again threw down a piece of money on the table, saying, " Dare ! take dat !" It was a valuable piece of gold ; but it was given so ill-temperedly, that the negro answered again, " No ! Dat won't do yet ! It may be according to de first and second resolution, but it not accord- ing to de last :" and he was obliged to take up his coin again. Still angry at himself and all the rest, he sat a long time, till nearly all were gone, and then came up to the table, and with a smile on his face, and very willingly, gave a large sum to the treasurer. " Very well," said the negro, " dat will do ; dat according to all de resolutions." (b) THE COLORED WOMAN'S EXAMPLE.— In one of the eastern counties of New- York there lived a col- ored female, who was born a slave, but she was made free by the act gradually abolishing slavery in that state. She had no resources except such as she ob- tained by her own labor. On one oc- casion she carried to her pu-stor forty dollars ; she told him that she wished him, with two dollars of this sum to procure for her a seat in his church ; eighteen dollars she desired to be given to the American Board ; and the re- maining twenty dollars she requested him to divide among other benevolent societies according to his discretion. With such a spirit pervading the church, how soon would the gospel be carried to every creature ! (c) AN ADMONITION FROM A HEATHEN.— A Chinese, says Rev. Mr. Dean, who one year ago was a worshiper of idols, and had then never heard of the gospel, has joined us for the last seven months in observing the monthly concert of prayer at Hong Kong, and has given, monthly, one dollar to the cause of missions. He commenced giving the sum when he was a day la- borer, and when his entire income amounted to less than twenty-five cents a day ; out of which he purchased his food and clothing. {(l) "THY KINGDOM COME."— A little girl sent about ten shillings to a gentleman, for the purchase of some missionary tracts ; and in her letter she says, " She who takes this freedom to ask so much of a stranger, began this letter with a trembling hand. She is indeed young in years and in knowledge too, and is not able to talk much with a gentleman on religion ; but her mother has taught her, almost eleven years, to say, ' Thy kingdom co?ne ;' and she be- lieves she cannot be saying it sincerely if she does nothing to help it on among the heathen. This thought emboldens her to write to a stranger, almost as though he were a friend." (e) GIFT OF A POOR BLIND GIRL. — A poor blind girl, in England, brought to a clergyman 30 shillings for the missionary cause. He objected, " You are a poor blind girl, and cannot afford to give so much." " I am indeed blind," said she, " but can afford to give these 30 shillings, better perhaps than you suppose." " How so." " I am, sir, by trade a basket maker, and can work as well in the dark as in the light. Now, I am sure in the last winter, it must have cost those girls who have eyes more than 30 shillings for candles, to work by, which I have saved ; and therefore hope you will take it for the missionaries." (/) THE NEGRO'S OFFERING. — The following pleasing circumstance is related in a letter from the Rev. E. Davies, of New Amsterdam. It is de- lightful to witness such proofs of Chris- tian devotedness among the negroes of 543 2§6 MISSIONS. the West Indies, whose temporal con- dition was once so unfavorable to their spiritual interests : There has been a considerable in- crease in the income of the station dur- ing the past year. That increase has been chiefly owing to a great effort which the people are now making to- wards a new chapel. In many instances I was obliged to restrain their liberality. One incident occurred which I shall never forget. In calling over the names, to ascertain how much they could give, I haupened to call the name of " Fitz- gerald Matthew." " I am here, sir," he instantly replied ; and at the same time, I saw him hobbling with his wood- en leg out of the crowd, to come up to the table-pew, where I was standing. I wondered what he meant, for the others answered to their names without mov- ing from their places. I was, however, forcibly struck with his apparent ear- nestness. On coming up, he put his hand into one pocket and took out a handful of silver wrapped in paper, and said, with a lovely kind of abruptness, "That's for me, massa." "Oh," I said, " keep your money at present, I don't want it now ; I only wanted to know how much you could afford to give ; I will come for the money anoth- er time." " Ah, massa," he replied, " God^s work must de done, and I may he dead ;" and with that he plunged his hand into another pocket and took out another handful of silver, and said, " That's for my wife, massa." Then he put his hand into a third pocket, and took out a somewhat smaller parcel, and said, " That's for my child, massa ;" at the same time giving me a slip of paper, which somebody had written for him, to say how much the whole was. It was altogether near £3 sterling — a large sum for a poor field negro with a wood- en leg ! But his expression was to me worth more than all the money in the world. I have heard eloquent preach- ers in England, and felt, and felt deep- ly, under their ministrations, but never have I been so impressed with any thing they have said, as with the simple ex- pression of this poor negro. Let me never forget it ; let it be engraved 544 on my heart ; let it be my motto in all that I take in hand for the cause of Christ — '• God's work must be done, and Imay be dead." {g) ONE STICK OF WOOD PER MONTH.— Mr. Hitchcock, a mission- ary at Kaluaaha, a little town on Mola- ki, one of the Sandwich Islands, describ- ing his monthly concerts in 1834, re- ports that there were seldom less than 100 persons present. " Most of those who attend, he added, "have, during the past year, been in the habit of con- tributing, for benevolent purposes, one stick of wood each per month. And I can assure you that it is no uninteresting sight to see men, women, and sometimes chil- dren, bringing their humble offerings on their shoulders from the distance of one, two or more miles. The men go into the mountains, and get the sticks, both for themselves and their wives ; but the latter bring and present their own. Though the people are superla- tively poor, yet their contributions in one year in this way will amount to not far from twenty dollars." {h) A WIDOW AND HER TWO SONS.— The Rev. Mr. James, of Bir- mingham, England, stated at an anni- versary of the London Missionary Soci- ety, that an association was formed for missionary purposes among his people several years before, and that on this occasion, among the other contributors, a youth of sixteen years of age came forward to enroll his name. When he was requested to state how much he wished to subscribe, he replied with some diffidence, " myself" He was the eldest son of an unfortunate widow, to whom seven other children looked for support. The proffer of the young man could not be received without the mother's consent. It was scarcely to be expected that her oldest son would « be yielded up for the missionary ser- vice, when his exertions might soon prove useful to his widowed parent, h her indigent circumstances. The in- quiry was made, whether the son coulc be allowed to give himself to the mis- sionary cause ? " Let him go," waj the prompt reply of the devoted mother. " God will provide for me and m} ZEAL FOR MISSIONS. 3S6 babes, and who am I, that I should be thus honored to have a son a missionary to the heathen ?" The young man, after obtaining an education, repaired to India, where he labored successfully and died. (I) THE MOTHER OF A MIS- SIONARY.— When the Lord's supper was first administered in the Bengalee language, at Union Chapel, Calcutta, a missionary, "Rev. J. B. Warden, spoke of the advantages of a religious educa- tion. After speaking farther of his de- parture, he said : " A pious and affectionate mother, who I trust still survives, may perhaps be with us in spirit. Among the sweet- est ingredients which are mingled in her present cup of consolation, stands this the foremost, that she has a son, an oldest son employed as a missionary to the heathen. " When I was about to quit my coun- try and home, for these distant lands, she told me in accents never to be for- gotten, that as I should not be present at her dying hour to share her parting bless- ing, and divide with my dear brothers and sisters, the small patrimony which Providence might enable her to divide to her offspring, as a pledge that her affectionate sympathies and tender con- cern would follow me to the distant scene of my missionary labors, she said, I have a silver cup, which has been handed down to each other by genera- tions now no more, and produced at the annual festivals of the domestic circle, and this I give you to employ for a very different purpose. When God shall graciously crown your labors, or those of your dear companions with success among the heathen, let this cup be em- ployed as the sacramental cup, from which the first convert may drink the emblem of the Savior's blood." He pre- sented the cup to the infant church. (j) REV. MR. COX GOING TO AFRICA. — A short time before Mr. Cox, an American missionary, sailed to Africa, he visited the University at Middletown. In conversation with one of the students, he said, •' If I die in Af- rica, you must come after me and write my epitaph." To which the other re- plied, « I will ; but what shall I write ?" 35 " Let a thousand missionaries die before Africa be given up," was the reply. In this spirit he died. (k) MISSIONARY ZEAL OF A POOR WOMAN.— Rev. W.S. Plumer addressing the Virginia Bap. Ed. So- ciety, related the following fact. A poor woman had attended a mis- sionary meeting a few years since. Her heart was moved with pity. She looked around on her house and furni- ture to see what she could spare for the mission. She could think of nothing that would be of any use. At length she thought of her five children, three daughters and two sons. She entered her closet, and consecrated them to the mission. Two of her daughters are now in heathen lands, and the other is preparing to go. Of her sons, one is on his way to India, and the other is pre- paring for the ministry, and inquiring on the subject of a missionary life. (/) ZEAL OF MARY PERTH.— Mary Perth, a black woman, kept an inn at Sierra Leone during the latter part of her life. In her early days she had been a slave in North America, and had to labor from sunrise to sunset : yet, during the interval of night, she used, twice or thrice a week, to walk seven or eight miles, with a child on her back, to teach a few slaves of her acquaintance to read, that they might be able to study the Scriptures for themselves. (m) ZEAL OF A FEMALE SER- VANT. — A small chapel was a few years ago built on the Barrackpore road, Calcutta ; the circumstances at- tending the erection are interesting in a high degree, and afford a pleasing example of zeal and devotedness to God, in the lower walks of life. It was built and finished, with conveniences which no other of the society's chapels possessed, by an aged Portuguese fe- male, a member of the church meeting in the Lai Bazar Chapel, who had been all her life a servant, and in the receipt of very moderate wages. Yet her earnings seem to have been greater than her wants ; for, out of her small pittance, she was able to save a sum, which she thought could not be better employed than by erecting a Bengalee 545 286 MISSIONS. chapel, in which the word of life might be regularly preached to the perishing heathen. GrotJnd was accordingly pro- cured, though with some difficulty, in the situation already mentioned, and a commodious little chapel erected; which she herself frequently visited, to see it kept clean and neat, and fit for the worship of God. When the whole was completed, she wrote a letter to one of the missionaries, in which, with a sim- plicity and a knowledge of her own heart truly Christian, she confessed the struggle which had taken place in her mind between good and bad motives ; but, at the same time, renounced all idea of merit on account of what she had done. Besides building and fur- ^ nishing the house, she also' defrayed the monthly rent of the ground, and the ordinary expenses of lighting, &;c., which attended Divine worship. {n) ZEAL OF ELLIOT.— Soon after the settlement of the Non-confor- mists in New-England, Mr. Elliot felt himself strongly disposed to attempt the conversion of the native Indians. He was affected with that sentiment which is expressed on the seal of the Massa- chusetts colony ; a poor Indian, having a label from his mouth, with these words: "Come over and help us." He was further induced to enter upon this work, by the following sentence in the royal charter : "To win and incite the natives to the knowledge and obedi- ence of the only true God, and Savior of mankind, and the Christian faith, is our royal intention, the adventurers' free professions and the principal end of the plantation." In the prosecution of his efforts to evangelize the Indians, he endured many hardships. In a letter to a friend he says : " I have not been dry night nor day, from the third day of the week to the sixth, but so traveled ; and at night pull off my boots, wring my stock- ings and on with them again, and so continue. But God steps in and helps." After having formed, with the greatest ■difficulty, a grammar of the Indian language, he wrote, in a letter to a friend, " Prayers and pains through faith in Christ Jesus will do any thing." Such was the perseverance of Elliot 546 in his great work, that on the day of his death, in his 80th year, the " apostle of the Indians " was found teaching the alphabet to an Indian child at his bed- side. " Why not rest from your labors, now ?" said a friend. " Because," said the venerable man, " I have prayed to God to render me useful in my sphere ; and now that I can no longer preach, he leaves me strength enough to teach this poor child his alphabet." (o) ROBERT BOYLE'S INTER. EST IN MISSIONS.— About the year 1680, the Hon. Robert Boyle evinced rare zeal for the diffusion of Christianity. He ordered five hundred copies of the Gospels and the Acts to be translated and printed in the Malayan tongue, and sent to the East at his own charge ; and a considerable number of Pococke's Arabic translations, to be distributed in every country in which that language was spoken. He also contributed large sums to the translation of the Welsh and Irish Bibles. At the same time he rendered valuable aid to the missionary Elliot in his endeavors to evangelize the aborigines of North America. This great man did not disdain the enterprise of imparting Christianity to the pagan world. (p) ZEAL OF TWO BOYS IN CANADA. — There are two little boys in Canada, the elder of whom is about ten years old, and the younger about eight. Two years ago their father gave them the use of a small garden spot, and told them they might have all they could get by the sale of vegetables, or whatever else they might choose to raise upon it. He said he would put the land in order and help them to plant it ; and then they must take all the care of it themselves. The proposition was accepted ; the land was planted, and the little fellows, with zeal and faithfulness, fulfilled their part of the bargain. When the time came for selling green corn and vegetables, these boys opened a regular account with as many families as they could supply, and, like business men, entered all the items upon their little day-book, from which every thing was duly posted to their ledger. At the close of the season, the accounts ZEAL FOR MISSIONS. 286 were all drawn off and collected. From the money thus raised, they paid their contributions to the Bible, Tract, and Home Missionary Societies, and other benevolent institutions, and then each of them gave five dollars to the Ameri- can Board. The plan succeeded so well, that last year, the contract was renewed with their father. Now, however, they took into partnership their little brother, about six years old, who thought he could help a little. The business was pursued in the same way as before. When the agent of the American Board visited their father, a few months ago, the three little boys brought him their books, and showed their accounts for the season, and then put into his hand three half eagles, (fifteen dollars,) as the portion of their income which they had consecrated to foreign missions ! (q) A POOR WOMAN GIVING A FARTHING A DAY.— A poor wo- woman just after a misionary meeting, called at the lodging of a minister, who had been engaged at the meeting, and told him she had been prevented from attending it, but hoped she was not too late to present a little contribution she wished to make to the Society. The poverty of her appearance induced the minister to say, he feared she could not afford to give any thing ; but the poor woman assured him that though she was a widow, and had four children to support by the mangle which she worked, she had contrived to save a little; and that she should be much grieved, if he should refuse to take it. She then untied a bundle she had brought with her, and produced three hundred and thirty farthings, saying, that she had laid by one farthing every day for the year past, excepting those days in which illness prevented her from working. (r) A KING A NURSING FA- THER. — When Messrs. Tyerman and Bennett, in their visit to the southern islands, held a large missionary meet- ing, previously to their departure for the Marquesas Islands, at which several persons offered to accompany them as missionaries, to introduce the gospel where it was at present unknown ; after some offers of this kind had been ac- cepted, Hautia, the regent of the island, who was virtually king, and held valu- able hereditary possessions upon it, and received large contributions lo support his royal state, both from chiefs and people, rose ; his noble countenance betrayed much agitation of spirit, and he hesitated for awhile to unburden his mind in words. At length, with an air of meekness and humility, which gave inexpressible grace to the dignity of the high-born highland chief, he said, "I have a little speech, because a thought has grown up in my heart, and it has grown up also in the heart of Hautia Vahine (his wife). But, perhaps, it is not a good thought ; yet I must speak it ; and this is our thought : If the mis- sionaries, and the deputation, and the church of Huahine, think that I and my wife would be fit companions for Anna and his wife, to teach the good word of God to those idolatrous people, who are as we loere, and cause them to become as we are here ; and in Tahiti, and Eimeo, and Raiatea, and Borabora, we should be rejoiced to go; but, perhaps, we are not worthy, and others may be better suited for the blessed work ; yet we should love to go." This declaration produced a most extraordinary sensation throughout the whole assembly ; as the speaker had given good evidence of his true Chris- tianity. When, however, it was repre- sentent to him that his usefulness where he was in the church, as the superin- tendent of the schools, and in the exer- tion of his influence among his subjects, was far more extensive than that of any other person could be ; and that, though it was well that this thought was in his heart, yet he could not on these accounts be sent, he was deeply affected, and replied, " Since you say so, perhaps it is the Lord's will that we should not go to the Marquesas, but stay in Huahine ; perhaps we may serve him better here. Be it so; and yet I wish that it had fallen to me and my wife to go." Oh, what a lesson is this to Christians. (s) ZEAL OF DR. PHILIP.— An English clergyman was once invited to take the pastoral charge of a large and wealthy congregation. One of his first 547 286 MISSIONS. inquiries on coming among them, was, what they had clone in aid of benevolent Societies. " What does your subscrip- tion for foreign missions amount to ?" " We have not given any thing for that object." " And for the Bible Society ?" " Nothing." " I cannot stay with such a church," said the clergyman. The members of the congregation, who were extremely anxious to secure his services, remarked that he could himself open subscriptions for these different religious societies on the spot. He took them at their word, and set himself immediately to work. He organized several as- sociations among his people, and col- lected, the first year, six hundred pounds sterling (nearly $3,000.) During the same year, he sent from his own church, eleven members to be missionaries; before he left his charge, he had sent out twenty, and finally devoted himself to the missionary work. This clergy- man is known to all friends of the cause. It was Dr. Philip, afterwards Super- intendent of the London Society's mis- sions at the Cape of Good Hope. (t) CONSCIENTIOUS ZEAL OF CONVERTED PAGANS.— Mission- ai*y associations were formed among the converted islanders of the South Seas, to aid the London Missionary So- ciety. The contributions consisted of oil, cotton, arrow-root, and swine. Such articles were subscribed " to buy money with.'' When an auxiliary association was formed at Huahine, the people were cautioned against making donations merely from a sense of constraint. Still, a native brought a pig to the treasurer, Hautia, and throwing the animal down at his feet, said, in an angry tone, " Here is a pig for your society." " Take it back again," replied Hautia, calmly, " God does not accept angry pigs." He then explained the objects of the society, and urged upon the con- sideration of the native the fact, that "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver." The man was deeply chagrined at the unyielding refusal of the treasurer. In Tahiti, on a similar occasion, a per- son brought a quantity of cocca-nut oil to Pomare, in a like bad spirit, exclaim- ing, " Here are are five bamboos of oil, 548 take them for your society." "No," said the king, " I will not mix your angry bamboos with the missionary oil, take them away." Are no dollars cast into the treasury of the Lord with a wrong spirit? {u^ HENRY PALMER, OR THE MISSIONARY AND THE SOL- DIER. — A writer in the London Re- cord, in urging the duty of ministers of the Gospel in England to volunteer as missionaries to Canada, relates the anecdote which we give below, with the following preamble : " I have often felt wounded and grieved, by hearing the privations of missionaries much harped upon. Soldiers and sailors go to inhos- pitable climes at the call of duty — neither whining nor simpering is set up for them ; a merchant also crosses boisterous seas, in pursuit of honorable trade, perchance; but as soon as a minister leaves home for a foreign field of labor, immediately do we hear of his self-devotedness, and a puling sympathy is extorted for the self-denying man. Surely this is not right." " Some years since, the late much esteemed Charles Macarthy, Governor of Sierra Leone, being in England and much in want of faithful men to labor in that sickly climate, when there had just been a great mortality among the missionaries, attended the Committee of the Church of England Society in London, and thus in substance address- ed them : — ' Gentleman, I need not tefll you how many of your zealous and devoted missionaries have recently fallen a sacrifice to the deadly climate of Sierra Leone; and it grieves me to find that you have not on your list any volunteers to supply the place of those men of God who have just been cut off by disease. But, gentlemen, I have just been at the Horse Guards, and on inquiring there whether there were any officers ready to proceed to that sickly station, a list containing several hundred names was immediately handed to mc of individuals anxious to accompany me on my return ; and is it possible that there is not one man in England willing to go forth with his life in his hand to preach the gospel to the poor perishing negroes?' A young friend who had ZEAL FOR MISSIONS. 2§6 left the army, where he had greatly distinguished himself, and had studied for the ministry, was sitting in a retired part of the room ; the words of Sir Charles reached his heart ; he offered himself and was accepted, as a mis- sionary under that Society, and soon after proceeded to Sierra Leone, where, through his instrumentality, a goodly number of poor negroes were turned from the service of dumb idols to that of the liviving and true God, who learned to bless the name of Henry Palmer while he lived, and who doubtless will be his crown of rejoicing throughout eternity." {v) DR. CAREY'S LABORS.— Dr. Carey completed the translation of the entire Scriptures, in seven of the prin- cipal languages of India, viz., the Sungskit, the Bengalee, the Hindu, the Ooria, the Mahratta, the Panjabee, and the Assamese. In addition, he com- pleted the translation of the New Testa- ment la twenty-two more, and portions of both Testaments in several others, besides superintending the printing of the translations in other languages still. These early translations made in the first stages of acquaintance with the languages of the East, were necessarily very imperfect ; but they show what a single individual may accomplish in very difficult circumstances, under the influence of the love of souls, when it becomes the master passion. (w) CAREY, MARSHMAN, AND WARD'S DONATIONS.— Those who are most intimately acquainted with missions, set the highest estimate on their importance. Missionaries, as all must admit, are best qualified to form a correct judgment in reference to the value of the means employed, to bless and save the heathen around them. And they are willing to sacrifice the enjoy- ments of refined society — to live an exile from kindred, and friends, and home — to suffer poverty, shame, im- prisonment, and even death, in order to carry forward the work in which they are engaged. If their situation is such that they can acquire property in con- nection with their labors, they are ready to lay it oTit in behalf of the mission to which they are attached . For instance, the Rev. Messrs. Carey, Marshman, and Ward, (missionaries at Calcutta and Serampore,) each of them gave about £1500, in all about $20,000 a year, which they acquired by their printing establishment, to be expended in efforts for the spiritual welfare of the pagans around them. (x) GOOD REASON FOR SELL- ING A FARM.— Near the close of a Missionary meeting at Syracuse, N. Y., a minister made the following state- ment : — A member of his church, when first commencing business in the world, had purchased a dairy farm, for which, by industry and economy, he had been able to pay all the purchase money, and on which he continued to thrive. It was, however, remote from any village, and the enjoyment of the religious and social privileges could only be procured by considerable effort. In due time an- other farm was purchased, more I'avor- ably situated and furnished with much more convenient and pleasant buildings, to which they removed. This farm was also paid for, and a third purchased. During all this time his contributions for benevolent purposes were very small, and all solicitation was met by him with the plea that he was in debt. Nevertheless, he and his companion were under the influence of religious principle, and frequently conversed with each other respecting a return to the old dairy farm, in order that, by the sale of one of the others, they might be in better circumstances to aid the cause of Christ. These discussions, however, always terminated adversely to any change, by the recollection, that they were occupy- ing a very comfortable home, surround- ed with all the enjoyments of life, and the old farm house was dilapidated and remote from every enjoyment. This good couple were at the mission- ary meeting until the morning of the last day, when it became necessary for them to return home. On parting with their pastor, the brother said to him, " I wish you to understand that I have now fully determined to sell one of my farms immediately. I have become con- vinced at this meeting, that it is my duty. After hearing what I have of the spiritual necessities of our country, I can no longer be voluntarily in debt, so 549 3S6, 2§7 MOTHERS, PIOUS, INFLUENCE OF. as to prevent my doing my duty in the cause of Christ." " And I," said his weeping wife, " have become equally convinced of my duty ; we conversed on this subject late last night, and are agreed as to what we shall do. I am now willing to part with all the com- forts of our present home, if necessary, and return to the dairy farm and make cheese as long as I live, that I may be able to do something in spreading the gospel of Christ." The effect of this relation was power- ful. Few who heard it could refrain from tears, or fail to resolve that they would attempt, by some means, more effectually to aid the good cause. (y) THE KAREN WOMAN'S RUPEE.— Mr. Kincaid records the fol- lowing touching incident, in his journal in the Magazine for November, 1*841 : — Some time since, I went to the house of an aged female who worshiped God. For several months she had been unable to leave the house, and is fast wearing out with consumption. She has four children, but one is blind and another is deaf. She is very poor too. The house might have been worth fifteen rupees, and all there was in it fifleen more. She could talk but little, on ac- count of her cough, but expressed great anxiety for the eternal welfare of her children. After about an hour spent in conversation and prayer, I rose up to take leave, when the poor old woman bid me remain a little longer. She crept along to another part of the house, and returning soon, she put into my hand a rupee. 1 could not comprehend what she meant, and said, what is to be done with this ? " This is very little," she replied, "but it is all I have, and it is to help in the cause of Christ." " But you are old, and infirm, and poor." " Yes, but I love Christ, and this is very little." Surely, I thought, here, in the midst of poverty and decrepitude, is a converted heathen, exercising the en- lightened faith which works by love, purifies the heart, and overcomes the world. For days I could not cease re- flecting on the expression, " This is to help the cause of Christ." When I thought of the withered hand, and wrinkled face of her who gave it, that rupee was magnified a thousand times beyond its real value. The same rupee was brought to this country, and its exhibition by agents of benevolent societies, in connection with the above affecting incident, has awak- ened in thousands of hearts, a deeper interest in missions, holier emotions, and firmer purposes of Christian benevo- lence. (z)" JOHN WESLEY'S REPLY TO THE UNBELIEVER.— When John Wesley was about going to Georgia as a Missionary to the Indians, an un- believer said to him, " What is this, sir ? are you one of the knights-errant ? How, pray, got Quixotism into your head ? You want nothing : you have a good provision for life, and in a way of preferment : and must you leave all to fight windmills — to convert savages in America ?" He answered willingly and calmly, " Sir, if the Bible be not true, I am as very a fool and madman as you can conceive ; but, if it is of God, I am sober-minded. For he has declared, ' There is no man who hath left house, or friends, or brethren, for the kingdom of God's sake, who shall not receive manifold more in the present time, and in the world to come everlast- ing life.' " 287. MOTHERS, PIOUS, INFLUENCE OF. (a) ALFRED THE GREAT AND HIS ALPHABET.— Alfred the Great had reached his twelfth year before he had even learned his alphabet. An in- teresting anecdote is told of the occa- sion on which he was first prompted to apply himself to books. His mother 550 had shown him and his brothers a small volume, illuminated in diflferent places with colored letters, and such other em- bellishments as were then in fashion. Seeing that it excited the adniiration of her children, she promised that she would give it to the boy who should MOTHERS, PIOUS, INFLUENCE OF. 28T first learn to read it. Alfred, though the youngest, was the only one who had spirit enough to attempt obtaining it on such a condition. He immediately went and procured a teacher, and in a very short time was able to claim the promised reward. When he came to the throne, notwithstanding his manifold duties, and a tormenting disease, which seldom allowed him an hour's rest, he employed his leisure time either in read- ing or hearing the best books. His high regard for the best interests of the people he was called to govern, and the benevolence of his conduct, are well known. (i) DODDRIDGE AND THE DUTCH TILES.— It is related of Mrs. Doddridge, that, when her son Philip was quite a little boy, she used to teach him Scripture history from the Dutch tiles of the fireplace, on which there were pictures of subjects taken from the Bible. Philip never forgot those early instructions, and probably to them, un- der God, his future usefulness may be traced. (c) PIOUS MOTHER'S PRODI- GAL SON. — A pious mother had a prodigal son. He was about to leave her and go to sea. As a last resource, she placed a Bible in his chest, with a prayer to God for his blessing upon it. Year after year passed away, and no- thing was heard of the wanderer. But the eye of his mother's God was upon him. A long time after, a clergyman was called to visit a dying sailor. He found him penitent and prepared to die. He had in his possession a Bible, which he said, was given to him by a dying ship- mate, who, expiring in the hope of the glory of God, gave it to him with his parting blessing. On the blank leaf was found written the name of John Marshall, the pious mother's prodigal son. He was the brother of Mrs. Isabella Graham, whose interesting memoirs have profit- ed many readers. {d) THE SAILOR'S DYING MO- THER. — During the last illness of a pious mother, when she was near death, her only remaining child, the subject of many agonizing and believing prayers, who had been roving on the sea, returned to pay his parent a visit. After a very affecting meetirtg, " You are near port, mother," said the hardy- looking sailor, " and I hope you will have an abundant entrance." " Yes, my child, the fair haven is in sight, and soon, very soon I shall be landed * On that peaceful shore, Where pilgrims meet to part no more.' " " You have weathered many a storm in your passage, mother ; but now God is dealing very graciously with you, by causing the winds to cease, and by giving you a. calm at the end of your voyage." " God has always dealt graciously with me, my son : but this last expres- sion of his kindness, in permitting me to see you before I die, is so unexpected, that it is like a miracle wrought in an- swer to prayer." *' O mother !" replied the sailor, weeping as he spoke, " your prayers have been the means of my salvation, and I am thankful that your life has been spared till I could tell you of it." She listened with devout composure to the account of his conversion, and at last, taking his hand, she pressed it to her dying lips, and said, " Yes, thou art a faithful God ! and as it hath pleased thee to bring back my long-lost child, and adopt him into thy family, I will say, ' Now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace ; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.' " (e) NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP. — A venerable minister, in New Hampshire, lodging at the house of a pious friend, observed the mother teach some short prayers and hymns to her children. "Madam," said he, "your instructions may be of far more impor- tance than you are aware : my mother taught me a little hymn when a child, and it is of use to me to this day, I never close my eyes to rest, without first saying, * Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep If I should die before I wake, I pray thee, Lord, my soul to take.' " (/) THE SICK SAILOR AND HIS MOTHER.— A clergyman, at a public religious meeting, related the fol- lowing anecdote, illustrative of the pow- er of practical maternal faith : 551 28y MOTHERS, PIOUS, INFLUENCE OF. He was at the time the seamen's chaplain, at a southern port. In the course of duty, he was called to the sick bed of a sailor, apparently at the gates of death, from the effects of his licentiousness. He addressed him affectionately upon the state of his soul. With an oath, the sick man.bid him be- gone, and not harass his dying bed. The chaplain, however, told him plainly he would speak, and he must hear, for his soul was in danger of eternal death. The man, however, remained sullen and silent, and even pretended to isleep, du- ring his faithful address and prayer. Again and again the visit was repeated with similar ill success. One day, however, the sick man made use of an expression, by which the chaplain sus- pected he was a Scotchman. To ascer- tain the fact, the chaplain repeated a verse of that version of the Psalms , still in use among the churches in Scot- land : " Such pity as a father hath Unto his children dear. Like pity shows the Lord to such As worship him in fear." The chords of his heart vibrated to the well known language. Teare came into his eyes. The chaplain improved his advantage. Knowing the univer- sality of religious instruction among the Scotch, he ventured an allusion to his mother. The poor prodigal burst into tears. He admitted himself to be the child of a praying mother, who had often commended him to God. He had left her long before, to become a wan- derer on the face of the great deep. No longer he repelled the kind atten- tions of the chaplain ; and after his re- covery, his instructor had the satisfaction of seeing him give evidence that he was a humble, penitent child of God. ig) I'LL GO TO THE MEETING. — Mr. Abbott relates, in his " mother AT HOME," that a gentleman in one of the most populous cities of America, was once going to attend a seamen^s meeting in the Mariners' Chapel. Di- rectly opposite that place there was a sailors' boarding-house. In the door- way sat a hardy weather-beaten sailor, with arms folded and puffing a cigar, 552 watching the people as they gradually assembled for worship. The gentle- man walked up to him, and said, " Well, my friend, won't you go with us to meeting ?" " No," said the sailor bluntly. The gentleman, who, from the appearance of the man, was prepared for a repulse, mildly replied^ " You look, my friend, a^ though you had seen hard days : have you a mo- ther ?" The sailor raised his head, looked earnestly in the gentleman's face, and made no reply. The gentleman, however, continued : " Suppose your mother were here now, what advice would she give you The tears rushed into the eyes of the poor sailor ; he tried for a moment to conceal them, but could not ; and hastily brushing them away with the back of his rough hand, rose and said, with a voice almost inarticulate through emo- tion, " I'll go to the meeting." He crossed the street, entered the door of the cliapel, and took his seat with the assembled congregation. {h) GREAT TRUTHS EARLY COMMUNICATIED.— The mother of Dr. Samuel Johnson was a woman of great good sense and piety : and she was the means of early impressing religious principles on the mind of her son. He used to say, that he distinctly remem- bered having liad the first notice of heaven, " a place to which good people go,'^ and hell, " a place to which bad people go," communicated to him by her, when a little child in bed with her ; and that it might be the better fixed in his memory, she sent him to repeat it to her man-servant. The servant being out of the way, this was not done ; but there was no occasion for any artificial aid for its preservation. When the doctor related this circumstance, he ad- ded, "that children should be always encouraged to tell w^hat they hear, that is particularly striking, to some brother, sister, or servant, immediately before the impression is erased by the inter- vention of new occurrences." (i) PIOUS MOTHERS AND MIN- ISTERS. — Several young men who were associated in preparing for the Christian ministry, felt interested in as- certaining what proportion of their nunsi- MOTHERS, PIOUS, INFLUENCE OF. asv bcr had pious mothers. They were greatly surprised and delighted in find- ing that, out of one hundred and twenty students, more than a hundred had been blessed by a mother's prayers, and di- rected by a mother's counsels to the Savior. Though some of these had broken away from all the restraints of home, and, like the prodigal, had wan- dered in sin and sorrow, yet they coulcT not forget the impressions of childhood, and each was eventually brought to Jesus, and proved a mother's joy and blessing. ( j ) SPOT WHERE MJ MOTIJER KNEELED. — Every one who has thought on the subject, mu^ know how great is the influence of the female char- acter, especially in the sacred relations of wife and mother. I have a vivid re- collection, says the Rev. R. Knill, in his Mebioir of Mrs. Loveless, of the effects of maternal influence. My hon- ored mother was a religious woman, and she watched over and instructed me as pious mothers are accustomed to do. Alas ! I often forgot her admoni- tions ; but, in my most thou,:2:htless days I never lost the impressions which her holy example had made on my mind. After spending a large portion of my life in foreign lands, I returned again to visit my native village. Both my pa- rents died while I was in Russia, and their house is now occupied by my brother. The furniture remains just the same as when I was a boy, and at night I was accommodated with the same bed in which I had often slept before ; but my busy thoughts would not let me sleep. I was thinking how God had led me through the journey of life. At last, the light of the morning darted through the little window, and then my eye caught a sight of the spot where my sainted mother, forty years^ before, took my hand and said, " Come, my dear, kneel down with me, and I will go to prayer." This completely over- came me. I seemed to hear the very tones of her voice. I recollected some of her expressions, and I burst into tears, and arose from my bed, and fell upon my knees just on the spot where my mother kneeled, and thanked God that I had once a praying mother. And oh ! if every parent could feel what I felt then, I am sure they would pray with their children as well as pray for them. (k) RANDOLPH SAVED FROM ATHEISM.— John Randolph, the ec- centric but influential statesman, once addressed himself to an intimate friend in terms something like the following : — " I used to be called a Frenchman, because I took the French side in poli- tics; and though this was unjust, yet the truth is, I should have been a French atheist, if it had not been for one recol- lection, and that was, the memory of the time when my departed mother used to take my little hands in hers, and cause me on my knees to say, ' Our Father" which art in heaven.' " (/) THE MOTHER'S HAND.— When I was a little child, said a good man, my mother used to bid me kneel beside her, and to place her hand upon my head while she prayed. Before I was old enough to know her worth, she died, and I was left much to my own guidance. Like others, I was inclined to evil passions, but often felt myself checked, and, as it were, drawn back by the soft hand on my head. When I was a young man, 1 traveled in foreign lands, and was exposed to many temp- tations ; but, when I would have yielded, that same hand seemed to be upon my head and 1 was saved. I appeared to feel its pressure as in the days of my happy infancy, and sometimes there came with it a voice in my heart — a voice that must be obeyed — " Oh, do not this wickedness, my son, nor sin against thy God." (m) A MOTHER CONSTANT IN PRAYER.— In the vicinity of Phila- delphia, there was a pious mother, who had the happiness of seeing her children in very early life, brought to the know- ledge of the truth ; walking in the fear of the Lord, and ornaments in the Chris- tian church. A clergyman, who was traveling, heard this circumstance respecting this mother, and wished very much to see her, thinking that there might be something peculiar in her mode of giving instruction, which ren- dered it so effectual. He accordingly visited her, and inquired respecting the 553 287 MOTHERS, PIOUS, INFLUENCE OF. manner in which she discharged the duties of a mother in educating her children. The woman replied, that she did not know that she had been more faithful than any Christian mother would be, in the religious instruction of her children. After a little conversation, she said, " While my children were in- fants on my lap, as I washed them, I raised my heart to God, that he would wash them in that blood which cleans- eth from all sin ; as I clothed them in the morning, I asked my heavenly Father to clothe them with the robe of Christ's righteousness; as I provided them food, I prayed that God would feed their souls with the bread of heaven and give them to drink of the water of life. When I have prepared them for the house of God, I have pleaded that their bodies might be fit temples for the Holy Ghost to dwell in. When they left me for the week-day school, I fol- lowed their infant footsteps witli a pray- er, that their path through life might be like that of the just, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day. And as I committed them to the rest of the night, the silent breathing of my soul has been, that their heavenly Father would take them to his embrace, and fold them in his paternal arms.' (n) A MOTHER'S USEFULNESS THROUGH HER POSTERITY.— E — H — was born in Massachusetts, in 1737. His parents carefully instructed him in the principles of the Gospel. His father was an eminently godly man, but naturally of a very hasty spirit. His mother was remarkable for Chris- tian meekness, and was his principal religious instructor. When a child he was accustomed to pray that he " might possess the grace of his father and the meekness of his mother." At the age of seven he gave evidence of being born again. His whole life was emi- mently devoted to God. In the things of this world he was poor, but in Chris- tian character and influence rich. Having for some time sustained the office of deacon of a church in B — , and afterwards of a church in P — , Vermont, at the earnest solicitation of the latter he obtained license to preach, and entered on the pastoral ofRce, which 554 he reputably sustained more than twenty years. The church, while under his care, experienced repeated seasons of " refreshing from the presence of the Lord," and large accessions. Many bore joyful testimony to the powerful influence in favor of godliness every where exerted by him as he moved on in his Master's work. Especially in his family do we find striking proof of the benefits of the early religious train- ing he himself received under the in- structions of his mother. He had ten children who came to mature age ; three sons and seven daughters. Nine of them gave evidence of piety. The tenth was not pious. This child was put to a trade at the usual age, where nothing like a Christian influence was exerted over him, and his habits be- came vicious. The children of Mr. H. reared sixty children, thirty-six of whom were known to have made a Christian profession ; nearly all between the ages of ten and twenty. {<)) THE CONVERTED STU- DENTS AND THEIR MOTHER. — " In a college of ," says a cor- respondent of the N. Y. Evangelist of . 1831, "there has lately been an exten- J sive revival. Having myself a praying * mother, it occurred to me to inquire of the subjects of the revival, whether their mothers were pious. I did so, and found that scarcely one sinner was brought in- to the fold of Christ, who was not bless- ed with a pious, prayerful mother. This is a fact, and oh ! that mothers would let it make the proper impression on their hearts." (p) THE YOUNG INFIDEL AND HIS MOTHER.— "Where parental in- fluence does not convert," says Richard Cecil, "it hampers — it hangs on the wheels of evil. I had a pious mother, who dropped things in my way — I could never rid myself of them. I was a pro- fessed infidel ; but then I liked to be an infidel in company, rather than when alone — I was wretched when by my- self. These principles and maxims spoiled my pleasure. With my com- panions I would sometimes stifle them ; like embers, we kept one another warm, j Besides, I was a sort of hero ; I had be- l guiled several of my associates into my ^ MURDERERS. 287, 2§§ opinions, and I had to maintain a charac- ter before them : but I could not divest myself ot my better principles. I went with one of my companions to see : he could laugh heartily, but I could not : the ridicule on regeneration was high sport to him — to me it was none ; it could not move my features. He knew no difference between regeneration and transubstantiation — I did. I knew there was such a thing. I was afraid and ashamed to laugh at it. Parental in- fluence thus cleaves to a man — it ha- rasses him — it throws itself constantly in his way." (q) MY MOTHER'S PRAYERS AND COUNSELS.— A young man, on whose mind the doctrines of religion had been early impressed by his pious mother's instructions, at length went to sea, and became an abandoned and mis- erable creature. He was thrown into prisons and workhouses, and into dens • of wretchedness and vice : but into all these places his faithful mother followed him with her prayers and tears, till she died, leaving him in prison, convicted of crime. Here he was an object of so much dread, that not one of the keepers ventured to approach him alone. In about six months, however, the tiger began to grow tame, and his inquiry was, " What shall 1 do to be saved ?" Mr. Bradford questioned him about his feelings, and he informed him, that for two months he had paced his room, with sleepless nights, in agony and remorse, save when exhausted nature would sometimes overcome his horrible con- victions. Mr. B. inquired what partic- ular cause had led him to his present , feelings. He replied, " My mother's prayers and counsels ! Her last words to me were, ' William, there is no other name given under heaven among men, whereby you can be saved, but the nai^J- of Jesus Christ.' " His mother's prayers were answered, and this man became a consistent follower of the Lamb. (r) THE AGED PRISONER AND HIS DECEASED MOTHER.— The chaplain of the prison at Weathersfield says: " A man of fifty, who has been a wanderer over almost the whole earth, and a partaker in almost every sin that can be named, and who has also met with much which we should think was calculated to make him solemn, told me that nothing in his whole life had ever made him feel serious, but what his mo- ther said to him just before her death. She resided in Trenton, New Jersey, and was a sincere, warm-hearted Chris- tian. When she found herself dying, she sent for her son, then a lad of twelve years old, to come to her chamber. As he approached her bed, she took his hand, and spoke to him with maternal tenderness and fidelity. Telling him she must soon leave him, she earnestly be- sought him by every moving considera- tion, so to love the Savior, and so to take care of his soul, as to meet her in hea- ven. She continued to clasp his hand until hers became cold in death. For nearly half a century afterwards, this man was pressing onwards through a course of crime, too revolting for de- scription. Yet he assured me, that amidst his lowest and darkest descents into the vortex of sin, he could never utterly drive from his mind the last words of his mother, and was never able to think of them without solemn emotion. This struck me with some surprise, and appeared to me a remarkable proof of the deep and lasting impression a pious mother may make upon the mind of her child." MURDERERS. 388. Misery, Detection and Puuishmcnt of. {a) REV. E. ERSKINE AND THE MURDERER.— The Rev. Ebenezer Erskine, after traveling, at one time, toward the end of the week, from Port- moak to the banks of the Forth, on his way to Edinburgh, was, with several others, prevented by a storm from cross- ing that frith. Thus obliged to remain in Fife during the Sabbath, he was em- ployed to preach, it is believed, in King- 555 2SS MURDERERS. |brn. Conformably to his usual prac- tice, he prayed earnestly in the morning for the Divine countenance and aid in the work of the day ; but suddenly missing his note-book, he knew not what to do. His thoughts, however, were directed to the command, " Thou shalt not kill ;" and having studied the subject with as much care as the time would permit, he delivered a short ser- mon on it in the forenoon. Having re- turned to his lodging, he gave strict in- junctions to the servant that no one should be allowed to see him during the interval of worship. A stranger, how- ever, who was also one of tjie persons detained by the state of the weather, ex- pressed an earnest desire to see the min- ister; and having with difficulty ob- tained admittance, appeared much agi- tated, and asked him, with great ea- gerness, whether he knew him, or had ever seen or heard of him. On receiv- ing assurance that he was totally unac- quainted with his face, character, and history, the gentleman proceeded to state, that his sermon on tlie sixth command- ment had reached his conscience ; that he was a murderer ; that being the sec- ond son of a Highland laird, he had some time before, from base and selfish motives, cruelly suffocated his elder brother, who slept in the same bed with him ; and that now he had no peace of mind, and wished to surrender himself to justice, to suffer the punishment due to his horrid and unnatural crime. Mr. Erskine asked him if any other person knew any thing of his guilt. His an- swer was, that so far as he was aware, not a single individual had the least sus- picion of it ; on which the good man ex- horted him to be deeply affected with a sense of his atrocious sin, to make an immediate application to the blood of sprinkling, and to bring forth fruits meet fbr repentance ; but at the same time, since, in providence, his crime had hith- erto remained a secret, not to disclose it, or give himself up to public justice. The unhappy gentleman embraced this well intended counsel in all its parts, became truly pious, and maintained a friendly correspondence with Mr. Ers- kine in future life. 553 ih) THE MURDERER AND HIS i SINGULAR WOUND.— A gentleman ' who was very ill, sending for Dr. Lake, of England, told him tiiat he found he ^ must die, and gave him the following account of the cause of his death. He , had, about a fortnight before, been rid- ing over Hounslow-heath, where seve- ral boys were playing at cricket. One of them, striking the ball, hit him just j on the toe with it, looked him in the face, ' and ran away. His toe pained him ex- - tremely. As soon as he came to Brent- ford, he sent for a surgeon, who was for cutting it off. But unwillinof to suffer that, he went on to London. When he arrived there, he immediately called an- other surgeon to examine it, who told him his foot must be cut off. But nei- ther would he hear of this ; and so, be- fore the next day, the mortification seiz^ ed his leg, and in a day or two more struck up into his body. Dr. Lake ask- i ed him, whether he knew the boy that I struck the ball ? He answered, "About I ten years ago, I was riding over Houns- ' low-heath, where an old man ran by my horse's side, begged me to relieve him, and said he was almost famished. I bade him be gone. He kept up with me still ; upon which I threatened to beat him. Finding that he took no no- tice of this, I drew my sword, and with one blow killed him. A boy about four years old, who was with him, screamed' out, ' His father was killed !' His face I perfectly remember. That hoy it was who struck the hall against me, which is ) the cause of my death.^' (c) MURDER TRACED TO THE RIGHT SOURCE. — Nicholson, the murderer of ,Mr. and Mrs. Bonar, at 1 Chiselhurst, in Kent, who paid the for- I feit of his life to the violated laws of his country, declared solemnly in writing, | after sentence of death was passed upon | him, that he had no previous malice towards the parties, nor intention to / murder them, five minutes before he committed the horrid deed ; but that suddenly, as he awoke, the thought sug- gested itself to his mind, and which he can only account for by confessing, " that he had long lived in utter forget- fulness of God, and was in the habit of MISERY, DETECTION, AND PUNISHMENT OF. 28§ oiving way to the worst passions of the human heart." {d) MURDER REVEALED BY A DOG. — Mr. Clarke relates an account of two French merchants, who were traveling to a fair, and while passing through a wood, one of them murdered the other, and robbed him of his money. After burying him, to prevent discovery, he proceeded on his journey. The dog of the person murdered remained, how- ever, by the grave of his master ; and, by his loud and continued howling, at- tracted the notice of several persons in the neighborhood, who, by this means, discovered the murder. The fair being ended, they watched the return of the merchants. The murderer no sooner appeared in view, than the dog sprung furiously upon him. He was appre- hended, confessed the crime, and was executed. (e) MURDER REVEALED BY A NAIL. — When Dr. Donne, afterwards dean of St. Paul's, took possession of the first living he ever had, he walked into the churchyard as the sexton was digging a grave ; and on his throwing up a scull, the doctor took it into his hands to indulge in serious contempla- tion. On looking at it, he found a head- less nail sticking in the temple, which he secretly drew out, and wrapped it in the corner of his handkerchief. He then asked the grave-digger whether he knew whose skull it was ? He said he did ; adding, it had been a man's who had kept a brandy shop ; a drunken fel- low, who, one night, having taken two quarts of ardent spirits, was found dead in his bed the next morning. " Had he a wife ?" " Yes." " Is she living ?" "Yes." "What character does she bear ?" "A very good one ; only her neighbors reflect on her because she married the day after her husband was buried." This was enough for the doc- tor, who, in the course of visiting his parishioners, called on her: he asked her several questions, and, among others, of what sickness her husband died. She giving him the same account, he sud- denly opened the handkerchief, and cried, in an authoritative voice, " Wo- man, do you know this nail ?" She was struck with horror at this unexpected question, instantly acknowledged that she had murdered her husband, and was afterwards tried* and executed. (/) MURDERER DETECTED BY HIS OWN REMARK.— How many murders have been disclosed af- ter the lapse of years, and the perpe- trators of them brought to condign pun- ishment ! Of this, the case of Eugene Aram, of Knaresborough, is a remark- able instance. Descended from an an- cient Yorkshire family, he had cultivat- ed his talents with so much care, that he acquired a knowledge of Latin, Greek, Flebrew, and Chaldee, and was conversant with history, antiquity, bota- ny, and poetry ; but he associated with low and depraved company, and in con- junction with Daniel Clark, a shoemak- er, and Richard Housman, a flax-dress- er, it was agreed to make use of Clark's credit to borrow a quantity of silver plate and other valuables from their neighbors, and then to abscond. Hav- ing accomplished their object, they met on the evening of February 7, 1744, to make a division ; and either to prevent detection, or to increase their own share of the plunder, Aram and Housman murdered Clark, and concealed his body in St. Robert's Cave. No trace of the perpetrators of the deed occurred till fourteen years afterwards, when a skel- eton was discovered at Thistle Hill, near Knaresborough, which was at first sup- posed to be Clark's. Housman, who was then living, rejected the supposi- tion, and taking up one of the bones, said, " This is no more one of Daniel Clark's bones than it is mine." Suspi- cion was immediately excited against Housman, who at length confessed his participation in the murder, but that Aram was the perpetrator. Aram, who at that time resided at Lynn, in Nor- folk, was forthwith apprehended, tried, and executed. What an illustration of the text, "Be sure thy sin will find thee out !" (g) REMARKABLE DISCOVERY OF FRATRICIDE.— In the beginning of 1815, a circumstance took place that excited much interest in Paris. A sur- geon in the army, named Dautun, was arrested at a gambling house, in the Palais Royal, on the testimony of a scar 557 298 MURDERERS. on his wrist. Some time before, the officers of the night had found, while passing their rounds, "in the different parts of the city, four parcels tied up. One contained the head, another the trunk, a third the thighs, and a fourth the legs and arms of a man. In the teeth, tightly compressed, was a piece of human flesh, apparently torn out in the dying struggle. The parts were collected, and put together in their regu- lar order, and exhibited for a number of days at the Morgue. The mystery which enveloped this dark transaction excited considerable interest, and num- bers went to view the corpse. The general conviction was, that the deceas- ed must have been murdered ; but for a number of weeks no light was thrown upon the circumstance. When the body could not be kept any longer, a cast in plaster was taken, fully repre- senting the murdered victim, which re- mained for some time exposed to the public. Dautun happened to be en- gaged in gambling at the Palais Royal ; he played high and lost : calling for li- quor, and being angry because the wait- er was somewhat tardy, Dautun emp- tied the glass and threw it at him. It was shivered into a thousand pieces, one of which entered into Dautun's wrist under the cuff of his coat. The spec- tators gathered round, and learning the accident, wished to see the gash ; he drew down his sleeve, and firmly press- ed it round his wrist ; they insisted on seeing it, he obstinately refused. By this course the bystanders were led to suppose that something mysterious was involved in this conduct, and they de- termined at all events to see his wrist. By force they pushed up his sleeve, and a scar recently healed, as if made by tearing out of flesh, appeared. The landlord had been at the Morgue, had seen the murdered man with the flesh between the teeth, and it struck him in a moment that the flesh was torn from this man's wrist. Charging them to keep him safe, he hastened to call in the legal authorities, and arrested him. Dautun afterwards confessed, that being quartered at Sedan, and without money, he came to Paris to try some adventure. Knowing that his brother had a large 558 sum by him, directly on his arrival he went to his lodgings, in a retired part of the city, about eight in the evening. He entered the house, unnoticed by the porter, and passing to his apartment, found his brother asleep. He immedi- ately commenced his work of death ; his brother waking up, defended him- self, but being in a feeble state of health, he was speedily overpowered. In the struggle he tore out the flesh. Being killed, Dautun cut up the body, tied it up in four parcels as before mentioned, secured the money, and retired. He also confessed, that eleven months before this he had murdered an aunt, who was living with a second husband, to obtain money. Her husband was ar- rested and imprisoned for a number of months, but as nothing appeared to crim- inate him, he had been discharged. {h) MURDER DISCOVERED BY GUN WADDING.— A M. Martin was . murdered at Bilguy in France, which I was soon after discovered in a most sin- gular manner. The crime was com- mitted on the 9th of February, on the high road, at one o'clock in the after- noon. The shot entered M. Martin's heart, and. he fell down dead. He was returning from collecting, and had only 130 francs about him, of which he was robbed, as well as of his watch and ring. The charge of the gun was rammed down with a written paper. This had been carefully taken up, and carried away with the body. The writing was still legible. On this piece of paper there were words which are used in glass manufactories, and a date of near- ly fifteen years preceding. Upon this single indication, the magistrate went to the owner of the glass manufactory at Bilguy, examined his books, and suc- ceeded in finding an article relative to the delivery of some glass, of which the paper which had been found was the bill of parcels. The suspicion imme- diately fell on the son-in-law of this in- dividual, who had been out of the coun- try for ten years. Orders were given to arrest the suspected person. When the officers came to him, he confessed the deed on the spot, and even showed where the watch and ring were, which were found under the thatch of his house. MISERY, DETECTION, AND PUNISHMENT OF. 2§S .{i) A MURDERER'S HORROR OF MIND. — Some years ago, a man of the name of Cooper died in Glouces- tershire. He had long endured great horror of mind ; and, about an hour previous to his death, he mentioned the cause of it, which was, that, about forty years before, he had assisted another man, of the name of Horton, who died two years before Cooper, in murdering one Mr. Rice, a surveyor of the roads, whose body they threw into a well, where it was found soon after ; but the murderers were not discovered till he made them known. (j) GUILTY SAILORS DETECT- ED. — Some years ago, a ship, named the Earl of Sandwich, sailed from Lon- don to Vera Cruz, where she discharged her lading. She then sailed to Oratavo, and took in a cargo of wine, a quantity of Spanish dollars, gold, jewels, &;c., and sailed for London. On the voyage, four of the crew combined to put the rest of their companions to death, which they at length effected in the most cruel manner. When they had nearly reach- ed Waterford, they put their treasures in a boat, and sunk the ship. They now thought themselves secure, as the dead could tell no tales, and no one could search the bottom of the sea for evidence. On landing, they buried the bulk of their property in the sand, re- serving a portion for present use. Wher- ever they went, they were remarkable for their prodigality, and the ship which they had consigned to the sea, was cast on shore near Waterford. This occa- sioned much speculation ; and suspicion pointed out the guilty parties, who were living at Dublin in great gayety. They were at length separately examined, their guilt established, and due punish- ment awarded. (k) MURDER REVEALED BY A DREAM. — In the village of Manches- ter, Vermont, R. Colvin, a man of res- pectable connexions and character, sud- denly and mj^steriously disappeared ; all search and inquiry proved in vain, until a person dreamed that he had appeared to him, and informed him that he had been murdered by two persons, whom he named, and that he had been buried in such a place, a few rods distant from a sapling, bearing a particular mark, which he minutely described. The same dream occurred three times suc- cessively before he awoke, and each time the deceased seemed very solicit- ous for him to follow. Upon awaking, his feelings were wrought up to such a degree, and he was so impressed with a belief of the fact, that he determined to collect some friends, and follow the di- rections laid down in the dream. He did so, and discovered, to his great sur- prise, not only a tree marked precisely as described, but also the appearance of a grave ; and, upon digging, found a human skeleton ! After this discovery, Stephen and Jesse Brown, the persons implicated in the dream, were appre- hended and put in confinement, and, af- ter a few days, confessed their crime. They were tried, convicted, and sen- tenced to be executed, on the 18th of January, 1820. (I) A MILLER FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER.— In the early part of the seventeenth century, a man near Lutterworth, (Eng.,) was missing, and immediately after a miller suddenly left the neighborhood. About twenty years afterwards, the miller returned to the town to visit some friends, and the man who then occupied the mill, having oc- casion at that time to dig deep in the ground adjoining the mill, discovered a corpse. Attention was excited ; suspi- cion as to murder having been commit- ted began to exist ; some of the old peo- ple remembered the sudden disappear- ance of their neighbor, and the hasty manner in which the former miller had left the town. This led to his appre- hension, and on a close examination, he acknowledged the murder, and received the punishment of death. (m) A DOG AND THE MUR- DERER OF HIS MASTER.— The fame of an English dog has been de- servedly transmitted to posterity by a monument in basso relievo, which still remains on the chimney piece of the grand hall at the castle of Montar- gis, in France ; the sculpture repre- sents a dog fighting with a champion; and was occasioned by the following cir- cumstances : — Aubri de Mondidier, a gentleman of 559 'SS§ MURDERERS. family and fortune, traveling alone through the forest of Bondi, was mur- dered and buried under a tree. His dog, an English bloodhound, would not leave his master's grave for several days, till at length, compelled by hun- ger, he went to the house of an intimate friend of the unfortunate Aubri's at Paris, and by his melancholy howling seemed desirous of expressing the loss they had both sustained. He repeated his cries, ran to the door, then looked back to see if any one followed him, re- turned to his master's friend, pulled him by the sleeve, and with dumb eloquence entreated him to go with him. The singularity of all the actions of the dcg ; his coming there without his master, whose faithful companion he al- ways had been ; the sudden disappear- ance of his master ; and, perhaps, that divine dispensation of justice and events which will not permit the guilty to re- main long undetected, made the com- pany resolve to follow the dog, who conducted them to the tree, where he renewed his howl, scratching the earth with his feet, to signify that that was the spot they should search. Accord- ingly, on digging, the body of the un- fortunate Aubri was found. Some time after the dog accidentally met the assassin, who is styled, by all historians that relate this fact, the Cheva- lier Macaire ; when, instantly seizing him by the throat, it was with great difficulty he was made to leave his prey. Whenever he saw him after, the dog pursued and attacked him with equal fury. Such obstinate virulence in the animal, confined only to Macaire, ap- peared extraordinary to those persons who recollected the dog's fondness for his master, and, at the same time, se- veral instances wherein Macaire had displayed his envy and hatred to Aubri de Mondidier. Additional circumstances increased suspicion, which at length reached the royal ears. The king (Louis VIII.) sent for the dog. He appeared extreme- ly gentle, till, perceiving Macaire in the midst of twenty noblemen, he ran di- rectly towards him, growled, and flew at him as usual. In those times, when no positive proof 560 of a crime could be procured, an order was issued for a combat between the accuser and accused. These were de- nominated the judgment of God, from a persuasion that Heaven would sooner work a miracle than suffer innocence to perish with infamy. The king, struck with such a collec- tion of circumstantial evidence against Macaire, determined to refer the deci- sion to the chance of war ; or, in other words, he gave orders for a combat be- tween the chevalier and the dog. The lists were appointed in the aisle of Notre Dame, then an unenclosed, uninhabit- ed place ; Macaire's weapon was a great cudgel. The dog had an empty cask allowed for his retreat, to recover breath. The combatants being ready, the dog no sooner found himself at liberty than he ran round his adversary, avoiding his blows, menacing him on every side, till his strength was exhausted ; then spring, ing forward, he griped him by the throat, threw him on the ground, and forced him to confess his crime before the king and the whole court. In con- sequence of which the chevalier, after a few days, was convicted on his own acknowledgment, and beheaded on a scaffold in the aisle of Notre Dame. The above curious recital, is trans- lated from the Memoirs sur les Duels, and is confirmed by many judicious critical writers, particularly Julius Sca- liger and Montfaucon, neither of them relators of fabulous stories. (n) MURDERER DISCOVERED BY A JOKE.— The Rev. H. G. Keene states, in his " Persian Stories," that the following narrative was related by a person of authority and reputation, who was one of the party. A vessel set sail from Bassorah to Bagdad, with several passengers on board. In the course of the voyage, the sailors, by way of a joke, put a man in irons as he lay asleep, and he became a subject of di- version to the whole party, till they drew near the capital. But when the sailors wanted to let him loose, the key was nowhere to be found, and after a long and fruitless search, they were compelled to send for a blacksmith to knock off the fetters. When, however, MISERY, DETECTION, AND PUNISHMENT OF. 28S the blacksmith came, he refused to do what Ihey wanted, till he had the autho- rity of the magistrate ; for he thought the man might be some criminal whom the officers of justice had laid hold of, and that his friends wished to favor his escape. To the magistrates they ac- cordingly went, who sent down one of his attendants to see into it. But the officer, when he had heard their story, and had taken the evidence of some of the most respectable among the passengers, shook his head, and with a look of solemnity, said, it was much too serious a case for him to decide. So they repaired in a body to the magistrate, and carried the poor captive with them. So strange a procession was sure to attract notice ; and a crowd soon collected about them, each curious to know the prisoner's of- fence, and to catch a sight of him : till, at length, one man, springing forward, seized the captive by the throat, and ex- claimed, " Here is the villain I have been looking for these two years ; ever since he robbed and murdered my poor brother." Nor would he quit his hold till they came before the magistrate ; and the murder being clearly proved, the man, who had been confined in joke only, was given up to death, as a punish- ment for the blood that he had shed. (o) THE FATAL ELOPEMENT. — A young lady, named D'Aumont, was executed in the city of Lyons, for the supposed murder of her uncle, the Che- valier de la Poulone, with whom she had lived in the most affectionate harmony from her infantile years. Having con- ceived a passion for a deserving young officer quartered in the town, and be- tween whom and the young lady a mu- tual affection subsisted, she came to a determination of eloping with him un- known to her uncle, and only admitted one female servant to her confidence. It unfortunately happened, that the ser- vant was leagued with a private soldier, who meditated the plan of murdering the chevalier, with a view of plunder- ing the house, on the night the intend- ed elopement should take place, in or- der that the unhappy niece should be judged the perpetrator of the horrid deed, which was accordingly effected with every degree of barbarity. The 36 young lady and the officer were imme- diately pursued, taken, and committed to prison. The former was tried, and executed, on the false evidence of the female servant, and the ofticer, her husband, was cashiered, and sent to the gallies for life. Some time after, the servant being taken ill, threatened to divulge the whole matter before a magistrate ; to prevent which, the soldier, who had married her, put an end to his wife's existence ; but, at length, feeling sin- cere remorse for these repeated mur- ders, he voluntarily surrendered him- self up to justice, confessed the whole affair, and was publicly executed, amidst the execrations of the enraged multi- tude. What adds to the dreadful recital is, that the young lady who was executed, was not less remarkable for her beauty, than her unaffected piety, and sweet simplicity of manners. A broken heart soon terminated the existence of the wretched officer, who died in six weeks after the execution of the most amiable sufferer, in the most excruciating tor- tures. {p) THE DOGS AND THE MUR- DERERS.— A laboring man of ToboU ski, in Siberia, who had deposited in a purse of skin, which he wore at his breast, the hard-earned savings of his life, was murdered by two of his com- panions, for the sake of his little trea- sure. The murderers escaped to a neighboring forest followed by two dogs belonging to the deceased, which would not quit them. The wretches did every thing to appease them, but in vain. They then endeavored to kill them, but the dogs were upon their guard, and continued to howl dreadfully. Reduced to despair, the murderers, at the end of two days, returned to Krasnojarsk, and delivered themselves into the hands of justice. {q) MURDER CONFESSED IN A DREAM. — The following is trans- lated from a respectable publication at Basle, Switzerland : — A person who worked in a brewery quarreled with one of his fellow- work- men, and struck him in such a manner that he died upon the spot. No other 561 38S MURDERERS. person was witness to the deed. He then took the dead body and threw it into a large fire under the boiling-vat, where it was in a short, time so completely con- sumed, tfiat no traces of its existence remained. On the following day, when the man was missed, the murderer ob- served, very coolly, that he had per- ceived his fellow-servant to have been intoxicated, and that he had probably fallen from a bridge which he had to cross in his way home, and been drown- ed. For the space of seven years after no one entertained any suspicion of the real state of the fact. At the end of this period the murderer was again employed in the same brewery. He was then induced to reflect on the singu- larity of the circumstance that his crime had remained so long concealed. Hav- ing retired one evening to rest, one of the other workmen, who slept with him, hearing him say in his sleep, " It is now fully seven years ago," asked him, " What was it you did seven years ago ?" " I put him," he replied, still speaking in his sleep, " under the boil- ing-vat." As the affair was not entire- ly forgotten, it immediately occurred to the man that his bedfellow must allude to the person who was missing about that time, and he accordingly gave in- formation of what he had heard to a magistrate. The murderer was appre- hended ; and though at first he denied that he knew any thing of the matter, a confession of his crime was at length obtained from him, for which he suffer- ed condiirn punishment. (r) THE SERGEANT AND THE DRUMMER BOY.— Jarvis Mutcham was pay-sergeant in a regiment, where he was so highly esteemed as a steady and accurate man, that he was permit- ted opportunity to embezzle a consider- able part of the money lodged in his hands for the pay of soldiers, bounty of recruits, then a large sum, and other charges, which fell within his duty. He was summoned to join his regiment from a town where he had been on the recruiting service, and this, perhaps, under some shade of suspicion. Mutch- am perceived discovery was at hand, and would have deserted, had it not been for the presence of a little drum- 562 mer lad, who was the only one of his party appointed to attend him. In the desperation of his crime, he resolved to murder the poor boy, and avail himself of some balance of money to make his escape. He meditated this wickedness the more readily, that the drummer, he thought, had been put as a spy on him. He perpetrated his crime, and, chang- ing his dress after the deed was done, made a long walk across the country to an inn on the Portsmouth road, where he halted, and went to bed, desiring to be called when the first Portsmouth coach came. The waiter summoned him ac- cordingly ; but long after remembered, that when he shook the guest by the shoulder, his first words as he awoke were, " I did not kill him." Mutcham went to the seaport by the coach, and instantly entered as an able-bodied landsman or marine, I know not which. His sobriety and attention to duty gain- ed him the same good opinion of the officers, in his new service, which he had enjoyed in the army. He was afloat for several years, and behaved re- markably well in several actions. At length, the vessel came into Plymouth, was paid off, and some of the crew, among whom was Jarvis Mutcham, were dismissed as too old for service. He and another seaman resolved to walk to town, and took the route by Salisbury. It was when within two or three miles of that celebrated city, that they were overtaken by a tempest, so sudden, and accompanied with such vivid lightning, and thunder so fearfully loud, that the obdurate conscience of the old sinner began to be awakened. He expressed more terror than seemed natural for one who was familiar with the war of ele- ments, and began to look and talk so wildly, that his companion became aware that something more than usual was the matter. At length, Mutcham complained to his companion that the stones rose from the road and flew after him. He desired the man to walk on the other side of the road of the high- way, to see if they would follow him when he was alone. The sailor com- plied, and Jarvis Mutcham complained that the stones still flew after him, and did not pursue the other. " But what MUSIC. 2SS, 2S9 is worse," he added, coming up to his companion, and whispering, with a tone of mystery and fear, " who is that little drummer boy, and what business has he to follow us so closely ?" " I can see no one," answered the seaman. " What ! not see that little boy with the bloody pantaloons !" exclaimed the se- cret murderer, so much to the terror of his comrade, that he conjured him, if he had any thing on his mind to make a clear conscience, as far as confession could do it. The criminal fetched a deep groan, and declared he was un- able longer to endure the life he had led for years. He then confessed the murder of the drummer; and added, that as a considerable reward had been offered, he wished his companion to de- liver him up to the magistrates of Salis- bury, as he would desire a shipmate to profit by his fate, which he was now convinced was inevitable. Having over- come his friend's objections to this mode of proceeding, Jarvis Mutcham was sur- rendered to justice accordingly, and made a full confession of his guilt. But before the trial the love of life returned. The prisoner denied his confession, and pleaded not guilty. By this time full evidence had been procured from other quarters. Witnesses appeared from his former regiment to prove his identity with the murderer and deserter, and the waiter remembered the ominous words which he had spoken, when he awoke him to join the Portsmouth coach. Jarvis Mutcham was found guilty, and execut- ed. When his last chance of life was over, he returned to his confession, and with his dying breath averred, and truly, as he thought, the truth of the vision on Salisbury plain. (s) FATHER AND MOTHER MURDERING THEIR OWJST SON. — A seafaring man called at a village on the coast of Normandy, and asked for a supper and a bed ; the landlord and lady were elderly people, and apparent- ly poor. He entered into a conversation with them, invited them to partake of his cheer, asked many questions about them and their family, and particularly of a son who had gone to sea when a boy, and whom they had long given over as dead. The landlady showed him to his room, and when she quitted him, he put a purse of gold into her hand, and desired her to take care of it till morning, pressing her affectionately by the hand. She returned to her husband, and showed the accursed gold ; for its sake they determined to murder the traveler in his sleep, which they accomplished, and buried the body. Early in the morning came two or three relations, and asked, in a joyful tone, for the traveler who arrived the night before. The old people seemed greatly confused, but said he had risen early and gone away. " It is your own son," said they, " who has lately re- turned to France, to bless your old age, and he resolved to lodge with you, one night, unknown, and then judge of your conduct to wayfaring mariners" Language is incapable of describing the horror of the murderers, when they learned that 'they had dyed their hands in the blood of their long lost child. They confessed their crime, the body was found, and the murderers expiated their offence with their lives. 289. MUSIC. {a) CHEERFUL CHURCH MUSIC. — When the poet Carpani inquired of his fi'iend Haydn, how it happened that his church music was always so cheerful, the great composer made a most beauti- ful reply. "I cannot," said he, " make it otherwise, I write according to the thoughts I feel ; when I think upon God, my heart is so full of joy that the notes dance and leap, as it were, from my pen : and since God has given me a cheerful heart, it will be pardoned me that I serve him with a cheerful spirit." (b) THE SOLDIER UNPREPAR- ED TO SING.— Mr. Cooper, a mis- sionary in the East Indies, had been on one occasion preaching on Justification, at a military station on the Malabar 563 389 MUSIC. coast ; and on giving out the hymn at the end of the service, which was the I09th of the first book of Watts, he paused and remarked, that if any one who did not come to Christ for the bestowment of this righteousness, joined in the singing of this hymn, he was only insulting God. One of the soldiers who was hearing him said, he was as if thun- derstruck : " What a wretch must I be," said he, " that I am prohibited from joining in the praises of God !" He went to the barracks under this im- pression, and found that, without an interest in Christ, he was a wretch in- deed ; and now, to all human appear- ance, he has fled for refuge to that atone- ment he had formerly neglected. (c) THE NOBLEMAN'S DAUGH- TER. — A nobleman of great wealth. Lord , was a man of the world. His pleasures were drawn from his riches — his honors and friends. His daughter was the idol of his heart. Much had been expended in her edu- cation : and well did she repay, in her intellectual endowments, the solicitude of her parents. She was highly ac- complished, amiable in her disposition, and winning in her manners. They were all strangers to God. At length Miss attended a Methodist meet- ing in London, was deeply awakened, and soon happily converted. Now she delighted in the service of the sanctuary and social religious meetings. To her the charms of Christianity were over- powering ; frequenting those places where she met with congenial minds animated with similar hopes, she was often found in the house of God. The change was marked by her fond father with awful solicitude. To see his lovely daughter thus infatuated, was to him occasion of deep grief, and "he resolved to correct her erroneous notions on the subject of the real pleasures and business of life. He placed at her disposal large sums of money, hoping she would be induced to go into the fashions and extravagances of others of her birth, and leave the Methodist meetings, but she maintained her integrity. He took her on long and frequent journeys, conducted her in the most engaging manner, in order to 564 divert her mind from religion ; but she still delighted in the Savior. After failing in many projects which he fondly anticipated would be effectual in subduing the religious feelings of his daughter, he introduced her into com- pany under such circumstances that she must either join in the recreation of the party or give high offence. Hope lighted up the countenance of the in- fatuated but misguided father, as he saw his snare about to entangle in its meshes the object of his solicitude. It had been arranged among his friends, that several young ladies should, on the approaching festive occasion, give a song, accompanied by the piano forte. The hour arrived — the party assembled. Several had performed their parts to the great delight of the party, who were ir. high spirits : Miss was now called on for a song, and many hearts beat high in hope of victory. Should she decline, she was disgraced. Should she comply, their triumph was complete. This was the moment to seal her fate. With perfect self-possession she took her seat at the piano forte, ran her fin- gers over its keys, and commenced playing and singing in a sweet air, the following words : No room for mirth or trifling here, For worldly hope or worldly fear. If life so soon is gone ; If now the Judge is at the door. And all mankind must stand before The inexorable throne ; No matter which my thoughts employ, A moment's misery or joy ; But Oh ! when both shall end ! Where shall I find my destined place I Shall I, my everlasting days, With fiends or angels spend ? She arose from her seat. The whole party was subdued. Not a word was spoken. Her father wept aloud. One by one they left the house. Lord — — never rested till he became a Christian. He lived an example of Christian bene- volence — having given to benevolent Christian enterprises, at the time of his death, nearly half a million of dollars. (d) THE PIRATE AND THE ZENAIDA DOVES.— The following interesting fact is related by Audobon in his Ornithological Biography. In MUSIC. 289 speaking of the Zenaida dove, he says, — " A man who was once a pirate as- sured me, that several times, while at certain wells dug in the burning shelly sands of the well known Key, which must be here nameless, the soft and melancholy cry of the doves awoke in his breast feelings that had long slum- bered, melted his heart to repentance, and caused him to linger at the spot in a state of mind, which he only who compares the wretchedness of guilt with the happiness of former innocence, can truly feel. He said he never left the place without increased fears of futurity, associated as he was, although I believe by force, with a band of the most des- perate villains that ever annoyed the Florida coast. So deeply moved was he by the notes of any bird, and espe- cially by those of a dove, the only soothing sounds he ever heard during his life of horrors, that through these plaintive notes, and them alone, he was induced to escape from liis vessel, aban- don his turbulent companions, and re- turn to a family deploring his absence. After paying a parting visit to those wells, and listening once more to the cooings of the Zenaida dove, he poured out his soul in humble supplication for mercy, and once more became what one has said to be " the noblest work of God," an honest man. His escape was effected amidst difficulties and dangers ; but no danger seemed to him compar- able with the danger of one living in the violation of human and divine laws ; and now he lives in peace in the midst of all his friends. (e) IRREVERENCE IN THE CHOIR. — The result of my observa- tions, says a minister of the gospel, is, that there is a great lack of devotion, (not to say of common good breeding) in the choirs of all our denominations. Especially is this manifested by smiling and whispering, and looking over tune books in the time of sermon. I once, in a strange church, had before me a leader, who formally took up his tune book, as soon as I had named the text, and began poring over it. Seeing some little boys of the Sunday school, simi- larly engaged, I took occasion mildly to reprove them, and noticed that the offender in the gallery took the hint and amended his manners. A thousand times would I prefer the Precentor, as I have seen him in the Presbyterian churches at the South, in the front of the pulpit, rise and lead the congregation, to the best trained, most exact, scientific, undevout choir in the land. (/) LUTHER'S OPINION OF MUSIC— " Music," says Luther, "is one of the fairest and most glorious gifts of God, to which Satan is a bitter ene- my ; for it removes from the heart the weight of sorrows and the fascination of evil thoughts. Music is a kind and gentle sort of discipline ; it refines the passions and improves the understand- ing. Even the dissonance of unskillful fiddlers serves to set off the charms of true melody, as white is made more conspicuous by the opposition of black. Those who love music are gentle and honest in their tempers. I always loved music," adds Luther, " and would not, for a great matter, be without the little skill which I possess in the art." (g) WRATH OF AMURATH SUB- DUED. — Sultan Amurath, a prince no- torious for his cruelty, laid siege to Bagdad ; and, on taking it, gave orders for putting thirty thousand Persians to death, notwithstanding they had sub- mitted and laid down their arms. Among the number of the victims was a musician, who entreated the officer to whom the execution of the sultan's order was intrusted to spare him for a moment, that he might speak to the author of the dreadful decree. The officer consented, and he was brought before Amurath, who permitted him to exhibit a specimen of his art. Like the musician in Homer, he took up a kind of psaltery which resembles a lyre, and has six strings on each side, and ac- companied it with his voice. He sung the capture of Bagdad and the triumph of Amurath. The pathetic tones and exulting sounds which he drew from the instrument, joined to the alternative plaintiveness and boldness of his strains, rendered the prince unable to restrain the softer emotions of his soul. He even suffered him to proceed, until, overpowered with harmony, he melted into tears of pity and repented of his 565 2§9, 290 NOBILITY. cruelty. In consideration of the musi- cian's abilities, he not only directed his people to spare those among the pri- soners who yet remained alive, but also to give them instant liberty. (h) REFRESHMENTS IN THE ORGAN LOFT.— Many years ago, says a writer in a New-York paper, I boarded, when a very young man, with a family at the South, the head of which was an organist in the church. Not being attached to any church or to any form, I willingly attended divine service with him now and then, and for convenience sat with him in the organ loft. As I do not mention names or placeS; it is no breach of confidence to reveal the secrets with which I became acquainted, as connected with the choir. The loft was railed in, and furnished with substantial thick crimson curtains, which, when drawn, were sufficient to exclude vulgar eyes from the hallowed interior. It was the custom, when the excellent ritual of devotion was gone through, and the rector had named the text, for the singers to draw the curtain around them and read or sleep, as it suited them best. In very warm weather they also took care to be supplied with refreshments, and thus the tedious half hour allotted to the sermon was pretty easily consumed without much weari- ness. I recollect that one very warm Sabbath afternoon, the singers had water- melons and lemonade wherewith to con- sole themselves, and it happened that one of the gentlemen in handing a slice to a lady singer overset the lemonade jug. This might not have been of much consequence had the floor of the organ loft been liquor-tight. But there were many chinks in it, and the lemonade trickled through pretty freely, down into the broad aisle, to the discomfiture of the rector and such of his cono;re":a- tion as were wakeful enough to notice passing events. (0 EFFECTS OF MUSIC ON BISHOP BEVERIDGE.— Bishop Be- veridge observes, that, of all recreation, he found music to be the best, and espe- cially when he played himself. " It calls in my spirits," says he, " composes my thoughts, delights my ear, recreates my mind, and so not only fits me for after business, but fills my heart at the present with pure and useful thoughts." (j) THE CLEI^YMAN'S FAMI- LY. — An excellent clergyman, possess- ing much knowledge of human nature, instructed his large family of daughters in the theory and practice of music. They were all observed to be exceed- ingly amiable and happy. A friend inquired if there was any secret in his mode of education. He replied, " When any thing disturbs their temper I say to them sing, and if I hear them speak- ing against any person, I call them to sing to me, and so they have sung away all causes of discontent, and every dis- position to scandal." Such a use of this accomplishment, might serve to fi a family for the company of angels. Young voices around the domestic altar, breathing sacred music at the hour of morning and evening devotion, are a sweet and touching accompaniment. 290. NOBILITY. (a) SCHILLER'S ESTIMATE.— Schiller, the German poet, had a patent of nobility conferred upon him by the Emperor of Germany, which he never used. Turning over a heap of papers one day, in the presence of a friend, he came to his patent, and showed it care- lessly to his friend with this observation, I suppose you did not know I was a no- ble ; and then buried it again in the mass of miscellaneous papers in which it had long lain undisturbed. Schiller's friend might have answered, after this 566 action, "If I did not before know you were noble, I know it now." (b) A SIGNIFICANT QUESTION. — At the commencement of the first revolution in France, a gentleman of Dauphine, anxious to support the inter- ests of the aristocracy, said, " Think of all the blood the nobles of France hav€ shed in battle !" A commoner replied, " And what of the blood of the people poured forth at the same time ? Wj that water ?" NON-RESISTANCE. 291 NON-RESISTANCE * SAFETY AND OTHER BENEFITS OF. 291. Prevents and Disarms Aggression. (a) RAYMOND THE TRAVEL- ER. — Raymond, a celebrated Europe- an traveler, bears the following testimo- ny : Speaking of the Spanish smugglers, he says : " These smugglers are as adroit as they are determined, are fa- miliarized at all times with peril, and much in the very face of death. Their first movement is a never-failing shot, and certainly would be an object of dread to most passengers; for where are they to be dreaded more, than in deserts, where crime has nothing to witness it, and the feeble no assistance ? As for myself, alone and unarmed, I have met them without anxiety, and have accompanied them without fear. We have little to apprehend from men whom we inspire with no distrust or en- vy, and every thing to expect in those from whom we claim only what is due from man to man. The laws of nature still exist for those who have long sha- ken off the laws of civil government. At war with society, they are sometimes at peace with their fellows. The as- sassin has been my guide in the defiles of the boundaries of Italy ; the smug- gler of the Pyrenees has received me with a welcome in his secret paths. Armed, I should have been the enemy of both ; unarmed, they have alike res- pected me. In such expectation, I have long since laid aside all menacing appa- ratus whatever. (b) ROBERT BARCLAY AND THE ROBBERS.— Robert Barclay, the celebrated apologist of the Quakers, and Leonard Fell, a member of fhe same Society, were severally attacked by highwaymen in England, at different * By the use of this word we do not mean to have it understood that we take the ground of those technically called " Non-resistants" in our time. On the extent of Christ's precept, *' Resist not evil," there is much difference of opinion. But on that precept all will find the following facts an interesting comment. Alas that our Master's precept is so little regarded ! : times. Both faithfully adhered to their j non-resistance principles, and both sig- I nally triumphed. The pistol was lev- eled at Barclay, and a determined de- mand made for his purse. Calm and self-possessed, he looked the robber in the face, with a firm but meek benigni- ty, assured him he was his and every man's friend, that he was willing and ready to relieve his wants, that he was free from the fear of death through a divine hope in immortality, and there- fore was not to be intimidated by a deadly weapon ; and then appealed to him, whether he could have the heart to shed the blood of one who had no other feeling or purpose but to do him good. The robber was confounded ; his eye melted ; his brawny arm trembled ; his pistol fell to his side ; and he fled from the presence of the non-resistant hero whom he could no longer confront. (c) A CHILD'S PLEA FOR LIFE. — At the close of a battle, a soldier of the victorious army, more ferocious and reckless from the bloody work of the day, chanced to find a small boy on the field, and, very much from the habit of assailing whatever came in his way, lifted his sword to cleave him down, when the little fellow, looking up in his face, exclaimed, " O sir, don't kill me, Fm so little.^^ That simple appeal went to the warrior's heart ; and returning his sword into its scabbard, he galloped away without harming the child. Some men there possibly may be who would have killed him ; but scarce one man in a million would so outrage his own na- ture. (d) REV. MR. LEE AND THE GENERAL.— Says General P. of Vir- ginia, " When I was a young man I went to hear Mr. Lee preach at meeting-house. There was a very large crowd in attendance, and a great many could not get into the house. Among others I got near the door, and being fond of show and frolic, I indulged in some indiscretion, for which Mr. Lee mildly but plainly reproved me. In an instant all the bad feelings of my heart 567 291 NON-RESISTANCE. were aroused. I was deeply insulted, and felt that my whole family was dis- graced. I retired from the crowd to brood over the insult, and meditate re- venge. It was not long before I resolv- ed to whip him before he left the ground. I kept the resolution to myself ; and watched with the eager intensity of re- sentment, the opportunity to put it in execution. But the congregation was dismissed and dispersed, and I saw nothing of the preacher. How he es- caped me I could never learn. But I 'nursed my wrath to keep it warm ;' and cherished the determination to put it into execution the first time I saw Mr. Lee, although long years should intervene. Gradually, however, my feelings subsided ; and in the lapse of a few years the whole affair faded away from my mind. Thirteen years passed over me, and the impetuosity of youth had been softened down by sober man- hood. I was standing upon the down- hill of life! On a beautiful morning in the early spring, being from home on business, 1 saw, a few hundred yards before me, an elderly looking man jogging slowly along in a single gig. As soon as 1 saw him, it struck me, that's .Tesse Lee. The name, the man, the sight of him, I'ecalled all my recollections of the in- sult, and all my purposes of resentment. I strove to banish them all from my mind. But the more I thought the warmer I became. My resolution stared me in the face ; and something whispered coward in my heart if I failed to fulfil it. My mind was in a perfect tumult, and my passions waxed strong. I determined to execute my resolution to the utmost ; and full of rage 1 spur- red my horse, and was soon at the side of the man that I felt of all others I hated most. I accosted him rather rudely with the question, " Are you not a Methodist preacher ?" " I pass for one," was the reply, and in a manner that struck me as very meek. " Ain't your name Jesse Lee ?" " Yes : that's my name." " Do you recollect preach- ing m the year at meeting. house ?" " Yes ; very well." " Well, do you recollect reproving a young man for some misbehavior ?" After a short 568 pause for recollection, he replied, " 1 do." " Well," said I, " I am that young man ; and I determined I would whip you for it the first time I saw you. I have never seen you from that day to tliis ; and now I intend to carry out my purpose." As soon as I had finished speaking, the old man stopped his horse, and look- ing me full in the face, said, " You are a younger man than I am. You are strong and active ; and 1 am old and feeble. 1 have no doubt but, if I were disposed to fight, you could whip me very easily ; and it would be useless for me to resist. But as a man of God I must not strive ! So as you are de- termined to whip me, if you will just wait, I will get out of my gig, and get down on my knees, and you may whip me as long as you please." "Never," said the old general, " was I so sudden- ly and powerfully affected. I was completely overcome. I trembled from head to foot. I would have given my estate if I had never mentioned the sub- ject. A strange weakness came over my frame. I felt sick at heart ; ashamed, mortified and degraded, I struck my spurs into my horse, and dashed along the road with the speed of a madman. I am now old: few and full of evil have been the days of the years of my life, yet I am not without hope m God. I have made my peace with him who is the 'judge of the quick and dead ;' and hope eie long to see that good man of God with feelings very different from those with which I met him last." (,hildren their Father's will in a copy they can understand ; of giving the bondmen of Rome the Magna Char- ta of Protes\ant liberty. Full of grati- tude for the past, and full of hopes for the future, it is he who now addresses you. (c) DON PEDRO'S CONFESSION. — Don Pedro, one of the Spanish cap- tains taken by Sir F. Drake, being ex- amined before the Lords of the Privy Council as to what was their design of invading us, replied, " To subdue the nation and root it out." " And what meant you," said the lords, " to do with the Catholics ?" " To send them good men," says he, " directly to heaven, and you heretics to hell." " For what end were your whips of cord and wire ?" " To whip you heretics to death." " What would you have done with the young children ?" " Those above sev- en years old should have gone the way their fathers went : the rest should have lived in perpetual bondage, branded in the forehead with the letter L. for Lu- theran." (d) DECLARATION OF FRAN- CIS I. — Francis I, king of France, used to declare, " that if he thought the blood in his arm was tainted with the Lutheran heresy, he would have it cut I off; and that he would not spare even FANATICISM AND CRUELTY. 298 his own children if they entertained sentiments contrary to the Catholic Church." (e) WORKING ON SAINT'S DAY. — A historian who lived at the period of the Norman conquest, in men- tioning some kings of England before Alfred, was apprehended for working on a saint's day ; and, being asked why he gave such offence to religion, his re- ply was, " I am a poor man, and have nothing but my labor to depend upon ; necessity requires that I should be in- dustrious, and my conscience tells me there is no day but the Sabbath which 1 ought to keep sacred from labor." Hav- ing thus expressed himself, he was committed to prison, and being brought to trial, was, by his iniquitous judges, condemned to be burnt. (/) THE INDIAN'S DISLIKE OF HEAVEN.— The Spaniards, by their cruelty to the natives of the island of Cuba, rendered themselves odious, and excited in the minds of the inhabit- ants the strongest prejudices against their religion. A chief, who had been condemned to be burnt, when brought to the stake was exhorted to embrace Christianity, assured that thereby he would be admitted to heaven. The chief asked if there were any Spaniards in heaven. " Yes," said the priest who attended him, "but they are all good ones." The chief replied, " I cannot bring myself to go to a place where I should meet with but one ; therefore, do not speak to me any more of your reli- gion, but let me die." ig) DRUNK WITH THE BLOOD OF THE SAINTS.— According to the calculation of some, about two hundred thousand suffered death in seven years, under Pope Julian ; no less than a hun- dred thousand were massacred by the French in the space of three months ; the Waldenses who perished, amounted to one million ; within thirty years, the Jesuits destroyed nine hundred thou- sand ; under the Duke of Alva, thirty- six thousand were executed by the com- mon hangman ; a hundred and fifty thousand perished in the inquisition ; and a hundred and fifty thousand by the Irish massacre ; besides the vast multitude of whom the world could nev- er be particularly informed, who were proscribed, banished, burned, starved, buried alive, smothered, suffocated, drowned, assassinated, chained to the galleys for life, or immured within the horrid walls of the Bastile, or others of their church or state prisons. Ac- cording to some, the whole number of persons massacred since the rise of Pa- pacy, amounts to fifty millions ! (h) WAY THEY WOULD SERVE HERETICS.— A correspondent of the Protestant Vindicator, says : A lady who lived in Kingston, L^. C, told me she formerly belonged to the Roman church. A large family Bible had been given her, a heretic Bible, or the word of God, in which were entered the names of all her family, her marriage, births, &c., and for which she felt much veneration and regard. The Vicar General or Priest came to her house, saw the venerable book, asked what it was, of which he obtained a complete history — he said, " For shame ! — What ! you pretend to be a good Catholic, and have a vile Jieretic Bible in your house — I am astonished at you : send it out — send it out immediately, or the thing will bring a curse upon you, and all your family. She said she wished to keep it, on account of the names of all her family being inserted in it. He replied, oh ! never mind that, you must not keep the foolish thing in your house, it will spoil you, and all your children. He left the house in a rage, and then sent a person, who demanded and real- ly took from her, her valuable treasure, her Bible. She also sent some of her children to a Protestant Sunday School — they conse,- quently had Tracts, and Sunday School books given to them. He took away all the poor children's books — had a fire kindled in some part of the Popish chap- el ; called a meeting, and himself tore the little books to pieces, leaf after leaf: and threw them into the flames, saying, thus we serve heretic books, and thus ought all heretics to be served. {i) KILL THEM ALL.— The Al- bigensian war, in the beginning of the thirteenth century, commenced with the storming of Bezieres, and a massacre in which fifteen thousand persons, or, 581 29$ PAPACY. according to some accounts, sixty thou- sand, were put to the sword. Not a living soul escaped, as witnesses assure us. It was here that a Cistercian Monk, who led on the Crusaders, being asked if the Catholics were to be distinguished from heretics, answered, "Kill them all! God will know his own." (j) THE HERMIT OF LIVRY.— In the forest of Livry, three leagues distant from Paris, and not far from the site of an ancient abbey of the order of St. Augustin, lived a hermit, who having chanced in his wanderings to fall in with some of the men of Meaux, had received the truth of the Gospel into his heart. The poor hermit had felt him- self rich indeed that day in his solitary retreat, when, along with the scanty dole of bread which public charity had afforded him, he brought home Jesus Christ and his grace. He understood from that time how much better it is to give than to receive. He went from cottage to cottage in the villages around, and as soon as he crossed the thres- hold, began to speak to the poor peasants of the gospel, and the free pardon which it offers to every burdened soul, a par- don infinitely more precious than any priestly absolution. The good hermit of Livry was soon widely known in the neighborhood of Paris; many came to visit him at his poor hermitage, and he discharged the office of a kind and faithful missionary to the simple-minded in all the adjacent districts. It was not lonnr before intellicrence of what was doing by the new evangelist reached the ear of the Sorbonne, and the magistrates of Paris. The hermit was seized — dragged from his hermitage — from his forest — from the fields he had daily traversed, — thrown into a dungeon in that great city which he had always shunned, — brought to judgment, — con- victed, — and sentenced to "the exem- plary punishment of being burnt by a slow fire." In order to render the example the more striking, it was determined that he should be burnt in the close of Notre Dame; before that celebrated cathe- dral, which typifies the majesty of the Roman Catholic Church. The whole dTthe clergy were convened, and a de- 582 gree of pomp was displayed equal to that of the most solemn festivals. A desire was shown to attract all Paris, if possible, to the place of execution. " The great bell of the church of Notre Dame swinging heavily," says an his- torian, "to rouse the people all over Paris." And accordingly from every surrounding avenue, the people came flocking to the spot. The deep-toned reverberations of the bell made the workman quit his task, the student cast aside his books, the shop-keeper forsake his traffick, the soldier start from the guard-room bench, — and already the close was filled with a dense crowd, which was continually increasing. The hermit attired in the robes appropriated to obstinate heretics, bareheaded, and with bare feet, was led out before the doors of the cathedral. Tranquil, firm, and collected, he replied to the exhorta- tions of the confessors, who presented him with the crucifix, only by declaring that his hope rested solely on the mercy of God. The doctors of the Sorbonne, who stood in the front rank of the spec- tators, observing his constancy, and the effect it produced upon the people, cried aloud — " He is a man foredoomed to the fires of hell." The clang of the great bell, which all this while was rung with a rolling stroke, while it stunned the ears of the multitude, served to heighten the solemnity of that mourn- ful spectacle. At length the bell was silent, — and the martyr having answer- ed the last interrogatory of his adver- saries, by saying that he was resolved to die in the faith of his Lord Jesus Christ, underwent his sentence of being " burnt by a slow fire." And so, in the cathedral close of Notre Dame, be- neath the stately towers erected by the piety of Louis the younger, amidst the cries and tumultuous excitement of a vast population, died peaceably, a man whose name history has not deigned to transmit to us, — "the hermit of Livry." (k) OCCURRENCE IN CUBA.— In December, 1830, (says a traveler,) I went to Cuba, with an intention of re- maining at Havanna some months in the transaction of business. On one of the Popish festival days, about the new-year, I was walking alone, when I HOSTILITY TO THE BIBLE. 399 met two shaven-crowned Jesuits in their long cloaks — one bearing an image of the Virgin Mary, and the other carry- ing in his hand a crucifix. They im- mediately assailed me, and insisted that I should fall down on my knees to honor the image. I resisted their de- mand to comply with this baneful abo- mination. In consequence of my re- fusal, one of the priests struck me several times with the crucifix. When I attempted to ward off the blows, the other Jesuit came to his assistance ; upon which I laid hold of the image, and the idol was almost pulled to pieces in the scuffle. In a very short time, a number of Spaniards with their knives and dirks came around me, and after threatening to take my life upon the spot, dragged me to prison. Then the monks, who judged the cause, con- demned me to be kept on board a Spanish man-of-war for life ; but the consul, to whom I applied for protection, preserved me, so that my punishment was changed to pay thirty-four dollars fine, and to be reshipped back to Ame- rica. 299. Hostility to the Bible. (a) ADVICE OF THE BOHEMIAN BISHOPS.— It is stated, in the life of Ridley the reformer, that, in October, 1553, a closet council of Roman bish- ops was held at Bononia, to advise the pope as the best means of checking the progress of the reformation. After making many very curious concessions, the bishops of Termula?, Capralae, and Thessalonica, thus concluded their ad- dress to Pope Julius III : — " But we have reserved the most considerable advice, which we could at this time give your highness, to the last. And here you must be awake, and exert all your force to hinder, as much as you possibly can, the gospel from being read, (especially in the vulgar tongue,) in all the cities that are under your dominion. Let that little taste of it which they have in the mass serve their turn, nor suffer any mortal to read any thing more ; for as long as men were contented with that little, things went to your mind, but grew worse and worse from the time that they commonly read more. This, in short, is the book that has, beyond all others, raised these storms and tempests, in which we are almost driven to destruction. And really, whosoever shall diligently weigh the Scripture, and then consider all the things that are usually done in our churches, will find that there is a great difference between them ; and that this doctrine of ours is very unlike, and in many things quite repugnant to it." {h) PRIEST BURNING THE BI- BLE. — In the year 1833, a poor family in Ireland, of the name of M'Gennis, was greatly distressed by the painful illness of a young girl, who, after linger- ing some time, gave signs of approach- ing dissolution. She was attended by the priests of the Romish church, to which the family belonged, one of whom discovered, shortly before her decease, that she had repaired for support and comfort in her affliction to a forbidden source. In the wretched hut was a Bible, which the sufferer had received as a reward, at a Protestant minister's free school ; and the priest commanded that it should be instantly destroyed. The dying girl shuddered; the aged parent entreated that the book might be spared ; but he was inexorable, and de- manded that it should be burned in his presence. The father now declared that it should not be done under his roof; and the incensed priest, rushing from the hut with the Bible in his hand, placed it upon a fire of turf, kindled in the open air, and thus deli- berately destroyed it in the daytime, in the presence of numbers, and in the high road ! Nor is this a solitary case. (c) ENOUGH BAD BOOKS AL- READY.— The following is from '' Les Archives du Christianistne,'' a French religious monthly publication : We can attest the truth of the follow- ing fact. At a sale, made after the death of the minister of the village of Dosenheim, (Lower Rhin-e,) when the books of the deceased were about to be sold, the Romish minister of a neighbor- ing parish seized a volume, declaring that there were enough of bad books in the world already, and this should not 583 299, 300 PAPACY. be sold. It was not sold, and the reader will be more afflicted than surprised, to hear, that this bad book (as he called it) was the New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ! (d) " SINCE ADAM WAS A BOY." — Who would belong to a church which withholds from its members the inspired volume ? We copy the following fact from a periodical called " The Thistle," published in 1836 : Not long since, when priest W., of Corofin, was passing by some men and boys who were engaged in breaking stones for a new road, now in progress in the neighborhood of Carhue, he said, that the road there would be of great use ; " and it is a long time," said he, "since there was a road in this place." "Not since Adam was a boy," re- marked one of the men, " And when was that ? can you tell me ?" said priest W. " No, sir, I cannot," replied the man. The same question was asked of several persons, and a similar reply given. At length the priest turned to a young boy, and said, " Can you tell me, my lad, when Adam was a boy ?" "Sir, Adam never was a boy; God created him man, and made him perfect also." "Are ye not ashamed," said the priest, " to be excelled by a young boy like this ?" " No," answered one of those appealed to, " we are not ; that boy reads the Scriptures, and has them explained to him ; that is what is not done to us, and we are prevented from reading them ourselves." Priest W. rode away without making any reply. (e) THE ARROGANT AVOWAL. — An English officer, who was once at Valenciennes, states the following fact, which came under his own observation. A number of Bibles in French had been sent from England to the above city, for sale or distribution. Many of the people received them with gratitude, and read them with avidity ; but the priest getting information of the matter, ordered all the Bibles to be returned. The English officer, who was acquainted with him, asked the reason of this, to which he gave the following truly Popish reply: — "J teach the people every thing that is necessary for them to know I" 584 (/) THE PRIEST OUTWITTED. — An elderly female, of the Roman Catholic persuasion, residing near Mont- real, in Canada, having obtained a Bible, was visited by her priest, who earnestly endeavored to prevail on her to give it up. Finding he could not persuade her to relinquish her treasure, he attempted to induce her to sell it ; offering first five, then ten, fifteen, and at last twenty dollars. The good wo- man, after refusing these offers, at length consented to sell it for twenty- five dollars. The priest agreed, the money was paid, the obnoxious volume was given up, and he departed in triumph. But the old woman set olf immediately to Montreal, and, with the priest's twenty-five dollars, purchased twenty-five new Bibles, for herself and her neighbors. m. Idolatry. (a) VIRGIN OF GAUDALOUPE. — About ten years after what the Span- iards call " The Conquest, " the cele- brated apparition of the Virgin de Gau- daloupe, made its appearance in the fol- lowing manner. Adjacent to the city of Mexico is a hill entirely barren ; an Indian accidentally passing heard sounds of music, and, at the same time, saw an aerial female figure in a pray- ing attitude. The Indian, alarmed at the vision, fled ; btit passing near the hill a few days afterwards, the same strange occurrence again took place. The figure called him by name, and told him to repair to the spot on a cer- tain day, and he would find her picture buried under a heap of roses ; — he did so, and met with it as directed. The Indian carried this mysterious figure to the Bishop of Mexico, who was, of course, in the secret. A solemn con- clave of the clergy took place, and the Bishop, with the most profound rever- ence, knelt before the picture and nam- ed it Neuestra Senora de Gaudaloupe. A magnificent church was built for her reception, and she received the exalted title of ^^ Patroness of Mexico, ^^ which she enjoys to the present day. This is the origin of the Virgin de Gaudaloupe, conformably to the records of the church IDOLATRY. 300 now existing at Mexico. The original picture is still exhibited in the Virgin's Church ; it is painted on a cloth of lin- en manufacture, called " Uangochi, " composed of coarse threads spun from the fibres of the alos (Agava Ameri- cana) and woven very wide apart. The Indians and the Creoles say, that the picture is miraculous, because, as you approach it, the painting becomes less visible, and when quite close all traces of the picture disappear ; their blind superstition not permitting them to discover that the open texture of the material upon which it is painted, is the cause of this disappearance. A priest told the writer of the above, another circumstance respecting the Virgin, respecting another part of the miracle, viz., that the picture was found under a heap of roses in the winter season, and on a spot where those flowers had never bloomed. It never occurred to the priest that, a few leagues from this barren hill the climate was quite different and where roses grow throughout the year. Conse- quently the persons who painted the pic- ture of the Virgin did not require any celestial aid to procure a bed of roses. In such veneration do the Indians and lower order of Creoles (and indeed many of the middling and higher class- es,) hold their patroness, that they have paintings of her in all their hous- es, invoke her in all their prayers, and implore her assistance in all their dif- ficulties. {b) NEW-FOUND IMAGE.— Says the Rev. Blanco White, " I will tell you what happened at Madrid, during a residence of three years which I made in that mast Roman Catholic cap- ital. In one of the meanest parts of the town the ragged children, who are always running about the streets, found an old picture which had been thrown, with other rubbish, upon a dunghill. Not knowing what the picture was, they tied to it a piece of rope, and were dragging it about, when an old woman in the neighborhood looked at the canvas, and found upon it the head of a Virgin Mary. Her screams of horror at the profanation which she be- held scared away the children, and the old woman was left in possession of the treasure. The gossips of the neigh- borhood were anxious to make some amends to the picture for the past ne- glect and ill-treatment, and they all contributed towards the expense of burning a lamp, day and night, before it, in the old woman's house. A priest getting scent of what was going on, took the scratched virgin under his pat- ronage, framed the canvas, and added another light. All the rich folks who heard of this new-found image came to pray before it, and gave something to the priest and the old woman, who were now in close partnership. In a very short time the amount of the daily dona- tions enabled the joint proprietors of the picture to build a fine chapel, with a comfortable house adjoining it for them- selves. The cliapel was crowded from morning till night ; not a female, high or low, but firmly believed that her life and safety depended upon the favor of that particular picture : the rich en- deavored to obtain it by large sums of money for masses to be performed, and candles to be burned before it ; and the poor stinted their necessary food to throw a mite into the box which hung at the door of the chapel. I do not re- late to you old stories ; I state what I myself have seen." (c) ST. PETER'S TOE.— I have seen people, says a traveler, of all ranks and ages prostrate themselves before the statue of St; Peter at Rome, and af- ter saying a short prayer most humbly kiss his toe. To such an extent is this carried, that the great toe of the image (it is so wretched a thing I can hardly call it a statue) is from time to time worn away, and the brazier is called in to supply another, that the toe-worship- ers may not miss the object of their adoration. But a letter would not suf- fice to tell of half the instances that I have seen acted before my eyes of the most degrading superstition and image worship. (d) " IT IS NOT MY FAULT."— In Lisbon the priests once found or pre- tended to have found an image, dug up from the earth, and proclaimed it to be the effigy of an eminent saint ; it was accordingly set up io one of the churches, 5S5 300 PAPACY. Is Don Mi cruel the Sover- The image nodded assent, where crowds of devotees assem- bled to offer their devotions. To his saintship was also referred the de- cision of the disputed point, " who was the legitimate monarch of Portugal," The officiating priest put the question in an audible voice, " Is Don Pietro the lawful sovereign of these realms ?" The saint shook his head as a negative in- dication, eign ?" This was repeated on various occasions to increased congregations, and was considered by the multitude as an as- tonishing miracle. At one time in the presence of our informant, the first in- quiry had been replied to as usual ; to the second no answer was returned ; upon which the priest several times re- peated the question, and at length as- sumed great vehemence of manner, when a boy popped out his head from behind the curtain, and exclaimed, " It is not my fault, sir, the string is broken,'' (e) CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN.— The following is a transla- tion of a proclamation for the corona- tion of an image of the Virgin : — " The most reverend chapter of St. Peter's at Rome, in compliance with the will of the count Alexander Sfbrza Pallavicini, is accustomed to distribute every year certain crowns of gold, to decorate the brows of those images of the blessed Virgin, the most celebrated either for their antiquity, their wondrous works, (query, prodigies or miracles ?) or for their popularity, in order to in- crease ever more and more the worship of such images, and to excite the piety and devotion of the faithful towards the great mother of Grod. " Now the above-mentioned most reverend chapter, having listened to the claims urged in favor of the image of the immaculate conception, which is adored in the church of Jesu Vecchio, in Na- ples, represented by a little wooden statue, three feet high, with an infant Jesus in its arms ; and having found these claims to be supported by satis- factory evidence and solid documents, have judged it right to award a golden crown, not only to the image of the Virgin, but also to that of the infant 586 Jesus in her arms. With this decision the supreme pontiff, Leo XII, has sig- nified his approbation in his apostolic brief, (query, bull ?) issued on the 2nd of December, 1826 ; and he has not only signified his approval of this act, but has been pleased to grant an abun- dant portion of grace and indulgence to all who shall assist in the ceremony of the coronation, or be present in the church on that great day." Then follow the order to the archbishop to do it, and the approbation of the king of Naples, as well as all the prayers and hymns that are to be said or sung to this little wooden image, before and after the coronation, etc. etc. (/) INFANT JESUS AT ROME. — I went forth, says a gentleman on the continent, in 1825, at half past four in the morning, to see an exhibition, v/hich is made at one of the first cathedrals in Rome, (St. Mary the greater,) of tiie infant Jesus in the cradle. The splen- did edifice was brilliantly illuminated, and crowded to excess : a large body of priests, richly arrayed, with a mitred bishop at their head were engaged in per- forming mass. When this was over, they moved in procession to one of the chapels, at the side of the nave, which from the lights, the marbles, the paintings, and the gilded and jeweled altar, presented a gorgeous spectacle ; hence they short- ly issued, and made a procession round the church bearing the crucifix, and a large vase of glass, about the size of a cradle, which had on its cover the golden image of a child, and contained also a representation of a new-born infant, in wax. Returning to the chapel, the priests commenced another mass. With some difficulty we got admission to the chapel : a cordon of soldiers be- ing drawn round the entrance, and the multitude pressing to see through the open gates the exhibition within. We found, under the altar-piece, a repre- sentation of the birth of Christ, consist- ing of figures in some material as white as alabaster ; the infant was seen lying in the manger, with rays of gold round its head, and two oxen feeding near it. On one side, the virgin mother, with clasped hands, was worshiping iho child ; and on the opposite side was INDULGENCES. 301 another figure in the same attitude. But what surprised me most was to hear occasionally, a short plaintive cry, evi- dently proceeding from that part of the chapel where the child was, and so ex- actly resembling the cry of an infant, that I supposed there must be a living child in the place. I was confirmed, by the opinion of those around me, as to the quarter from whence the cry pro- ceded ; and 1 can therefore only con- jecture that it was a contrivance of the priests to impress more vividly upon the minds of the multitude, the scene which they wished to represent ! SOI. Indulgences. (a) ST. PETER'S AT ROME.— Pope Julius II began the building of the magnificent church at Rome, but left it unfinished. His successor, Leo X, was desirous to complete this superb edifice, but being involved in debt, and finding the apostolic treasury ex- hausted, he had recourse to the selling of indulgences, a gainful traffic, for the procuring a sufficient sum of money. Accordingly, in 1517 he published gen- eral indulgences throughout all Europe, to such as would contribute to the building of St. Peter's. The sum of ten sliilUngs was sufficient to purchase the pardon of sins, and the ransom of a soul from purc^atory ! {h) ABSOLUTION IN ADVANCE. — When Tetzel was at Leipsic, in the sixteenth century, and had collected a great deal of money from all ranks of the people, a nobleman, who suspected imposition, put the question to him, " Can you grant absolution for a sin which a man shall intend to commit in future ?" " Yes," replied the frontless commissioner ; " but on condition that proper sum of money be actually paid down." The noble instantly pro- duced the sum demanded ; and in return received a diploma, sealed and signed by Tetzel, absolving him from the un- explained crime, which he secretly in- tended to commit. Not long after, when Tetzel was about to leave Leipsic, the no- bleman made inquiry respecting the road he would probably travel, waited for him in ambush at a convenient place, attack- ed and robbed him ; then beat him soundly with a stick, sent him back to Leipsic with his chest empty, and at parting, said, " This is the fault I intended to commit, and for which I have your absolution." (c) SHOEMAKER OF HAG- ENAU. — The dealers in indulgences had established themselves at Hagenau in 1517. The wife of a shoemaker profiting by the permission given in the instruction of the commissary-general, had procured against her husband's will, a letter of indulgence, and had paid for it a gold florin. Shortly after, she died ; and the widower omitting to have mass said for the repose of her soul the curate charged him with con- tempt of religion, and the judge of Hagenau summoned him to appear be- fore him. The shoemaker put in his pocket his wife's indulgence, and re- paired to the place of summons. '•' Is your wife dead?" asked the judge. " Yes," answered the shoemaker. " What have you done with her ?" "I buried her and commended her soul to God." "But have you had a mass said for the salvation of her soul ?" " I have not — it was not necessary ; — she went to heaven in the moment of her death." How do you know that " — " Here is the evidence of it." The widower drew from his pocket the indul- gence, and the judge in presence of the curate, read, in so many words, that in the moment of death, the woman who had received it would go, not into pur- gatory, but straight into heaven. " If the curate pretends that a mass is neces- sary after that," said the slioemaker, " my wife has been cheated by our holy father the Pope ; but if she has not been cheated, then the curate is de- ceiving me." There was no reply to this defence, and the accused was ac- quitted. It was thus that the good sense of the people disposed of these im- postures. {(l) CROSS IN SWITZERLAND. — In Switzerland, says Bishop Wilson, we actually saw on a cross, by the road side, this notice : " The archbishop of Chamberry and the bishop of Geneva grant forty days' indulgence to all those who shall say before this cross a Pater, 587 301—303 PAPACY. and an Ave-Maria, with an act of con- trition, 1819." (e) BLACKAMOOR VIRGIN.— At Dijon, as I walked along, wrote the Rev. Dr. Wilson, bishop of Calcutta, in 1823, I observed on all the churches an immense placard. I stopped, from mere curiosity, to see what it was. It was an advertisement of a new edition of the History of the Miraculous Image of Notre Dame, at Dijon. I hurried to the church, and looked all around : I saw a gaudily embellished building, filled with altars, and pictures, and statues, but no image that I could dis« cover. I went out and inquired of an elderly woman. She took me up to an altar on which was the statue of the Virgin, resembling that of a blacka- moor, and decked out with tawdry or- naments. I afterwards bought the book ; it positively asserts that various miracles have been performed by this wretched figure ! Nay more, indul- gences are granted to all who worship this image, and a society is formed to celebrate feasts to her honor. As the image is black, the author attempts to prove, very gravely, that the Virgin Mary was of a swarthy complexion ! SOi Confession and Absolution. (a) FREE SPOKEN AMBASSA- DOR. — After the death of Charles VI, the Spanish Ambassador, Don Pe- dro Rouguillo, at his first audience of the new king James VI, being request- ed to state freely his opinion of the state of affairs in England, his excel- lency told James, " that he saw several priests about his majesty, who would importune him to alter the established re- ligion in England, but prayed him not to hearkep to their advice, lest his majesty should repent of it when it was too late." The king being a good deal displeased with this counsel, asked the ambassador with some zeal, " whether it was not customary in Spain to advise with their confessors ?" " Yes, sir," replied the ambassador, "we do so, and that's the reason our affairs succeed so ill." {b) A PENITENT ROGUE.— A Roman Catholic, who had filled up the 588 measure of his iniquities, as far as he dared, went to the priest, to confess and obtain absolution. He entered the apartment of the priest, and addressed him : " Holy father, I have sinned." The priest bid him kneel before the penitential chair. The penitent was looking about and he saw the priest's gold watch lying upon the table within his reach. He seized it and put it in his bosom. The priest approached him and requested him to acknowledge the sins for which he wished absolution. " Father," said the rogue, " 1 have stolen, and what shall I do ?" " Restore," said the priest, " the thing you have stolen, to its rightful owner." " Do you take it ?" said the penitent. " No, I shall not," said the priest ; " you must give it to the owner." " But he has refused to take it." " If this be the case you may keep it." The priest granted him full absolu- tion. — The penitent knelt and kissed his hand, craved his benediction, crossed himself, and departed with a clear con- science, and a very valuable gold watch into the bargain. §01 Inqoisilion. (a) WHITE AND HIS MOTHER. — Blanco White remarks, " Believe a man, who has spent the best years of his life where Roman Catholicism is professed without the check of dissent- ing opinions, where it luxuriates on the soil which fire and sword have cleared of whatever might stint its natural and genuine growth ; a growth inces- santly watched over by the head of the church, and his authorized representa- tives, the inquisitors." He then states, " I had a mother, re- markable for the powers of her mind, and the goodness of her heart. No wo- man could love her children more ardently, and none of those children was more vehemently loved than myself. But the Roman Catholic creed had poisoned in her the purest source of affection. I saw her during a long period unable to restrain her tears in my presence. I perceived that she shunned my conversation, especially INQUISITION. S03 when my university friends drew me into topics above those of domestic talk. [ loved her, and this behavior cut me to the heart. In my distress I applied to a friend to whom she used to commu- nicate all hnr sorrows : and, to my ut- ter horror, I learned, that suspecting me of anti-catholic principles, my mo- ther was distracted by the fear that she might be obliged to accuse me to the Inquisition, if I incautiously uttered some condemned proposition in her presence To avoid the barbarous necessity of being the instrument of my ruin, she could find no other means but that of shunning my pre- sence ! Did this unfortunate mother overrate or mistake the nature of her Roman Catholic duties ? By no means. The Inquisition was established by the supreme authority of her church, and under that authority she was enjoined to accuse any person whatever, whom she might overhear uttering heretical opinions. No exception was made in favor of fathers, children, husbands, wives ; to conceal was to abet their er- rors, and thus doom two souls to eternal perdition ! A sentence of excommuni- cation, to be incurred by the fact of having thus acted, was annually pub- lished against all persons, who having heard a proposition, directly or indirect- ly, contrary to the Roman Catholic faith, omitted to inform the inquisitors of it. Could any sincere Roman Catholic slight such a command ?" Protestants, what think ye of such a system ? {h) ADMIRAL PYE AND THE INQUISITORS.— Admiral Pye of Eng- land, having been on a visit to South- ampton, and the gentleman under whose roof he resided observing an un- usual intimacy between him and his secretary, inquired into the degree of their relationship, as he wished to pay him suitable attention. The admiral informed him that they were not relat- ed, but their intimacy arose from a sin- gular circumstance, which, by his per- mission, he would relate. The admiral said, when he was a captain, he was cruising in the Mediterranean. While on that station he received a letter from shore, stating that the unhappy author of the letter was by birth an English- man; that, having been a voyage to Spain, he was enticed, while there, to become a Papist, and, in process of time, was made a member of the Inquisition ; that there he beheld the abominable wickedness and barbarities of the inqui- sitors. His heart recoiled at having embraced a religion so horribly cruel and so repugnant to the nature of God ; that he was stung with remorse to think that, if his parents knew what and where he was, their hearts would break with grief; that he was resolved to escape if he (the captain) would send a boat on shore at such a time and place ; but begged secrecy, since, if his intentions were discovered, he should be imme- diately assassinated. The captain re- turned for answer that he could not with propriety send a boat, but if he could devise any means to come on board, he would receive him as a Brit- ish subject and protect him. He did so ; but, being missed, there was soon raised a hue and cry, and he was followed to the ship. A holy inquisitor demanded him, bi*t he was refused. Another, in the name of his holiness the popCj claimed him, but the captain did not know him or any other master but his own sovereign, King George. At length a third hoJi/ brother approached. The young man recognised him at a distance, and, in terror, ran to the captain, entreating him not to be deceived by him, for he was the most false, wicked, and cruel monster in all the Inquisition. He was introduced, the young man being pre- sent; and, to obtain his object, began with the bitterest accusations against him; then he turned to the most ful- some flatteries of the captain ; and, lastly, offered him a sum of money to resign him. The captain treated him with apparent attention ; said his offer was very handsome, and, if what he af- firmed were true, the person in question was unworthy of the English name or of his protection. The holy brother was elated ; he thought his errand was accomplished. While drawing his purse-strings, the captain inquired what punishment would be inflicted upon him. He replied that it was uncertain ; but as his offences were atrocious, it was 589 304 PAPACY. likely that his punishment would be ex- emplary. The captain asked if he thought he would be burned in a dry pan. He replied, that must be determin- ed by the holy Inquisition^ but it was not improbable. The captain then ordered the great copper to be heated, but no water to be put in. All this while the young man stood trembling ; his cheeks resembling death ; he expected to become an un- happy victim to avarice and superstition. The cook soon announced that the orders were executed. " Then I command you to take this fellow," pointing to the inquisitor, " and fry him alive in the copper." This unexpected command thunderstruck the holy father. Alarm- ed for himself, he rose to be gone. The cook began to bundle him away. " Oh, good captain ! good captain ! spare, spare me, spare me !" " Have him away !" replied the captain. " Oh no, my good captain !" " Have him away ! I'll, teach him to attempt to bribe a British commander to sacrifice the life of an Englishman to gratify a herd of bloody men." Down the inquisitor fell upon his knees, offering him all his money, and promising never to return if he would let him begone. When the captain had sufficiently alarmed him, he dismissed him, warning him never to come again on such an errand. What must have been the reverse of feelings in the young man to find himself thus happily delivered! He fell upon his knees in a flood of tears before the cap- tain, and poured out a thousand bless- ings upon his brave and noble deliverer. " This," said the admiral to the gentle- man, " is the circumstance that began our acquaintance. I took him to be my servant ; he served me from affection ; ■mutual attachment ensued ; and it has inviolably subsisted and increased to this day." 804. Praying to and for the Dead. (a) BEATIFICATION OF ST. .TULiAN. — The following account is given in a letter from Rome, dated May '28, in the year 1825 :— " On Whitmonday was beatified, in St. Peter's at Rome, a Spanish Francis- 590 can friar, named St. Julian da St. Agos- tino. The church was hung with crim- son damask, illuminated with wax can- dles, and ornamented with large pamt- ings, representing several miracles as- cribed to him while living, as well as after his decease. One of them afTord- ed considerable amusement. It repre- sented St. Julian, who it seems was cook to his convent, in the act of taking seve- ral half- roasted birds from a spit, and restoring them to life, clothing them miraculously with feathers, and ena- bling them to fly away ! The Te Deum was sung, and followed by a prayer addressed to this new saint. High mass concluded the ceremony; and in the afternoon the pope entered the church, and prayed before the portrait of the new St. Julian." (h) BUONAVANTURA'S BEA- TIFICATION.— When Dr. Moore was at Rome, in 1775, a new saint, called St. Buonavantura, was added to the list. Dr. M. was present at the first part of the ceremony usual on these occasions, which is called the beatification of a saint, and has given a full account of the particulars. For several days previous- ly, a very large picture of the proposed saint was hung up in front of St. Peter's church, and printed papers announcing the ceremony were distributed, particu- larly by the Franciscan monks, of whose order he had been a member. On the day fixed for the solemnity, the pope with many cardinals and other ecclesi- astics attended ; a long discourse was pronounced by a Franciscan friar, set- ting forth the devotions, penances, and charitable actions of the saint, and enu- merating the miracles he had performed when alive, and those effected after his death by his bones. The most remark- able among these, was his replenishing a lady's cupboard with bread, after her housekeeper had, by the saint's desire, given to the poor all the loaves she had in the family. This orator was opposed as usual by another, who is called the advocate for the devil, and objects to the miracles of the saint, his life and conduct, etc. etc. This controversy was drawn out to a great length ; but at length the claim- ant was admitted to the privileges of MIRACLES. 304, 305 beatification, which Dr. M. says the church of Rome considers " as entitling the saint to more distinction in heaven than before ; but he has not the power of freeing souls from purgatory till he has been canonized, and therefore is not addressed in prayer till he has obtained the second honor." We may here ob- serve, that the pope decrees who are to be considered as saints, and thus pro- fesses to know who are in heaven. (c) SHRINE OF THOMAS A BECKET.— The shrine of Thomas a Becket, at Canterbury, was once pro- fitable. It was valued abundantly more than the shrine of the Virgin Mary, or of Christ ; for, in one year, there was offered at Christ's altar, £3 2s. 6d., at the Virgin's, £63 5s. 6d., but at St. Thomas's, £832 12s. 3d. And the next year was offered at Christ's, no- thing ; at the Virgin's, £4 Is. 8d., but at Becket's, £954 6s. 3d. A jubilee of fifteen days was ordained for Beck- et, at Rome, every fiftieth year, and indulgence was granted to all that would visit his shrine. In the sixth jubilee, in 1420, 100,000 strangers visited his tomb ; and brought with them immense wealth. ( d) FLOGGING THE RELICS. — Galbert, monk of Marchiennes, in- forms us of a strange act of devotion in his time, and which is indeed attested by several contemporary writers. When the saints did not readily comply with the prayers of their votaries, they flog- ged these relics with rods in a spirit of impatience ; a chastisement which they supposed would bend the saints into compliance ! (e) PAPAL BLASPHEMY.— Dur- ing the great drought of the summer of 1824, in Spain, prayers were offered up in all the churches for rain, and amongst others in that of the village of Las Cabezas de San Juan, in Andalusia, where the unfortunate Riego proclaim- ed the constitution. But it was in vain that the patron St. Nicholas was invok- ed and worshiped, not a drop of rain fell. However, on a Sunday, as the faithful were at their devotions in his church, they perceived a letter in the hands of the saint. Some of the most devout approached to take it, but though St. Nicholas was of no more yielding ma- terial than wood, yet he raised the hand that held the letter, which appeared an unequivocal sign that he was unwilling to deliver it. The Cure, being inform, ed of the circumstances, came in full canonicals to the saint, and prayed him humbly to give him the letter, which the saint, by lowering his hand, acceded to ; and the Cure took the missive and read it to the assembly, to their infinite edification. The letter was composed in the following terms : — Abodes of the Blessed, May 1, 1824. *• My beloved Nicholas, — I have heard your continual prayers to me, to send down rain upon your country : you have no doubt forgotten the crimes with which your rehel village is stained, and which are the cause of the drought which afflicts unfortunate Spain. It is in vain that you ask for water ; at pre- sent it is impossible for me to oblige you. Except rain, ask any thing else you wish from Your ever Affectionate, The Eternal Father ! !" 805. Miracles. (a) GREAT CURE BY RELICS OF DOGS AND CATS.— When the reformation was spreading in Lithuania, Prince Radzivil was so affected that he went in person to visit the Pope, and pay him all possible honors. His holiness, on this occasion, presented him with a box of precious relics. Having return- ed home, the report of this invaluable possession was spread ; and, at length, some monks entreated permission to try the effect of these relics on a demoniac who had hitherto resisted every kind of exorcism. They were brought into the church with solemn pomp, deposited on the altar, and an innumerable crowd at- tended. After the usual conjurations, they applied the relics. The demoniao instantly became well. The peoplo, called out, "A Miracle/" and the prince, lifting up his hands and eyes to heaven, felt his faith confirmed. In this transport of pious joy, he observed a young gentleman, who was keeper of this rich treasure of relics, to smile, and appear by his motions to ridicule the 591 305 PAPACY. miracle. The prince, with violent in- dignation, took our young keeper of the relics to task ; who, on promise of par- don, gave the following secret intelli- gence concerning them : — He assured him, that in traveling from Rome he had lost the box of relics ; and that, not dar- ing to mention it, he had procured a similar one which he had filled with the small bones of dogs and cats, and other trifles, similar to what was lost. He hoped that he might be forgiven for smil- ing, when he found that such a collec- tion of rubbish was idolized with such pomp, and had even the virtue of expel- ling demons. It was by the assistance of this box that the prince discovered the gross imposition of the monks and demoniacs, and he afterwards became a zealous Lutheran. (i) THE AUTOMATON JESUS. — In the monastery at Isenach, (says Luther,) stands an image which I have seen. When a wealthy person came hither to pray to it (it was Mary with her child), the child turned away his face from the sinner to the mother ; but if the sinner gave liberally to that monas- tery, then the child turned to him again ; and if he promised to give more, then the child showed itself very friendly and loving, and stretched out its arms over him in the form of a cross. But this picture and image was made hollow within, and prepared with locks, lines, and screws ; and behind it stood a knave to move them, — and so were the people mocked and deceived, who took it to be a miracle ! (c) MIRACLE OF THE OMELET. — A priest in extreme poverty resolved to get credit for a miracle. He put the yolks of several eggs in a hollow cane, and stopped the end with butter ; then, walking into an alehouse, he begged to fry a single egg for his dinner. The smallness of his repast excited curiosi- ty, and they gave him a morsel of lard. He stirred the lard with his cane, and, to the wonder of the surrounding pea- sants, produced a handsome omelet. — This miracle established his fame ; he sold omelets and got rich by his inge- nuity. (d) THE MONK AND THE MAG- PIE. — St. Anthony is thought to have 592 had a great command over fire, and power of destroying by that element those who incurred his displeasure. A certain monk of St. Anthony one day assembled his congregation under a tree where a magpie had built her nest, into which he had found means to convey a small box filled with gunpowder, and out of the box hung a long thin match that was to burn slowly, and that was hidden among the leaves of the trees. As soon as the monk or his assistant had touched the match with a lighted coal, the friar began his sermon ; in the mean while the magpie. returned to her nest, and finding in it a strange body which she could not remove, she fell into a passion and. scratched with her feet most vehemently. The friar affected to hear without emotion, and continued his sermon with great composure, only he would now and then lift up his eyes towards the top of the tree, as if he wanted to know what was the matter. At last, when he judged that the match was near reaching the gunpowder, he pretended to be out of patience ; he cursed the magpie, wished St. Anthony's fire might consume her, and went on again with his sermon. But he had scarcely proceeded two or three periods, when the match on a sudden produced its effect, and blew up the magpie with its nest ; which miracle wonderfully raised the character of the friar, and proved afterwards very beneficial to him and his convent. (e) A MARTYR MAKING OFF WITH HIS HEAD.— Among the many strange things related in the Roman bre- viary for the edification of the faithful, i is the following, concerning Dionysius, the Roman saint : Dionysius, having now passed his hundredth year, was struck with tljc axe on the seventh of the ides of Octo- ber ; concerning whom tradition relates / that he took up his head, when cut off, and carried it in his hands two miles, &c. Die ix. Ociohris. Think of this, reader ; " a man run- ning two miles with his head in his ^ hands !" (/) PLAYING THE DEVIL.— A singular occurrence took place about ( 1824, in a village called Artes, near MIRACLES. 805 Hostalreich, about twelve leagues from Barcelona. A constitutionalist being at the point of death, his brother called on the curate, and requested him to come and administer the sacrament. The curate refused, saying, " Your bro- ther is a constitutionalist, that is to say, a villain, an impious wretch, and an enemy to God and man ; he is damned ^v•ithout mercy, and it is therefore use- less for me to confess him !" " But who told you that my brother was damned ?" " Who told me ?" replied the curate ; " why, God himself!" " What !" cried the astonished Spaniard, " has God spok- en to you ?" '• Yes," answered the cu- rate with assurance ; " God spoke to me during the sacrifice of the mass, and told me your brother was damned to all the devils." It was in vain that the brother had reiterated his entreaties, the curate was inexorable. A few days after, the constitutionalist died, and the brother returned to the curate to beg him to perform the funeral ceremonies on the body. The curate refused, say- ing, " The soul of your brother is now burning in hell, as I told you before. It would be in vain for me to take any trouble about interring his body, for du- ring the night the devils will come and carry it away, and in forty days you yourself will meet with the same fate." The Spaniard not giving implicit credit to this diabolical visit, watched during the night by the body of his brother with his pistols loaded. Between twelve and one o'clock a knock was heard at the door, and a voice exclaimed, " I command you to open, in the name of the living God ; — open, if not, your in- stant ruin is at hand." The Spaniard refused to open, and shortly after, he saw enter by a window, three able- bodied devils, covered with skins of wild beasts, having the usual quantity of horns, claws, and spiked tails, who set about carrying off the coffin containing the body. Upon this the Spaniard fired, and shot one devil dead. The others took to flight ; he fired after them, and Wounded both, one of whom died in a few minutes, the other escaped. In the morning, when the people went to church, there was no curate to officiate, and it was shortly after discovered, on 38 examining the two defunct devils, that one was the curate, the other the vicar ; the wounded devil was the sacristan, who confessed the whole diabolical af- fair. (g) GIVING SIGHT TO THE BLIND.— In the Life of Mary Queen of Scots, by Henry Glassford Bell, Esq., we find the following account of a pre- tended miracle upon a blind boy. The author was certainly not induced to give this account from any partiality to the Scottish Reformers, of whom he speaks in no friendly terms. The miracle is in good keeping with many related in the Roman Breviary, and is a fulfillment of the prophecy of Paul the Apostle concerning " lying wonders," 2 Thess. ii. 9. " There was a chapel in the neigh- borhood of Musselburgh, dedicated to the Lady of Loretto, which, from the character of superior sanctity it had ac- quired, had long been the favorite resort of religious devotees. In this chapel a body of the Catholic priests undertook to put their religion to test by perform- ing a miracle. They fixed upon a young man who was well known as a common beggar in the streets of Edin- burgh, and engaged to restore to him, in the presence of the assembled people, the perfect use of his eyesight. A day was named on which they calculated they might depend on this wonderful interposition of divine power in their behalf. From motives of curiosity, a great crowd was attracted at the ap- pointed time to the chapel. The blind man made his appearance on the scaf- fold erected for the occasion. The priests approached the altar, and after praying very devoutly, and performing other religious ceremonies, he who had previously been stone blind, opened his eyes and declared he saw all things plainly. Having humbly and grateful- ly thanked his benefactors, the priests, he was permitted to mingle among the astonished people and receive their cha- rity. Unfortunately, however, for the success of this deception, a gentleman from Fife, of the name of Colville, de- termined to penetrate, if possible, a lit- tle further into the mystery. He pre- vailed upon the subject of the recent 593 306 TRANSUBSTANTIATION. experiment to accompany him to his lodgings in Edinburgh. As soon as they were alone, he locked the chamber door, and either by bribes or threats contrived to win from him the whole secret. It turned out that in his boyhood this tool in the hands of the designing had been employed as a herd by the nuns of the convent of Sciennes, then in the neigh- borhood of Edinburgh. It was remark- ed by the sisterhood that he had an ex- traordinary facility in ' flipping up the lid of his eyes, and casting up the white.' Some of the neighboring priests, hear- ing accidentally of this talent, imagined that it might be applied to good account. They accordingly took him from Sci- ennes to the monastery near Mussel- burgh, where they kept him till he had made himself an adept in this mode of counterfeiting blindness, and till his per- sonal appearance was so much changed that the few who had been acquainted with him before, would not be able to recognize him. They then sent him to Edinburgh to beg publicly, and make himself familiarly known to the inhabit- ants as a common blind mendicant. So far every thing had gone smoothly, and the scene at the chapel of Loretto might have had effect on the minds of the vul- gar, had Colville's activity not discover- ed, the gross imposture. Colville, who belonged to the congregation, instantly took the most effectual means to make known the deceit. Fie insisted upon the blind man's appearing with him next day at the cross of Edinburgh, where the latter repeated all he had told Col- ville, and confessed the iniquity of his own conduct, as well as that of the priests. To shelter him from their re- venge, Colville immediately afterward carried him off to Fife, and the story with all its details being speedily dis- seminated, exposed the Catholic clergy to more contempt than ever." 306. Transubstantiation. (a) GETTING A WORLD OF MERIT. — An anecdote was related by the celebrated Mr. Maclaurin, professor of mathematics in the university of Edin- burgh, which most impressively illus- trates the implicit confidence of the Ro- 594 man Catholics in the dogmas of their creed, however opposed to reason they may appear. When Mr. Maclaurin was traveling in France, he accidentally fell into the company of a learned Jesuit, with whom he traveled several leagues. After some mathematical conversation, the Jesuit discovered and lamented his heretical principles, and kindly offered his assist- ance to bring him into the Roman Catho- lic faith. Mr. Maclaurin embraced his offer, and the conversation turned upon transubstantiation. After a lengthened discussion of some hours, the Jesuit em- braced him, and said, " My dear Mr. Maclaurin, you are the best, the truest friend I ever met with. How happy am I in this blessed opportunity of your conversation ! I shall never forget the obligation under which I am laid to you, above all men living !" Mr. Maclaurin was surprised, and began to hope that he had convinced the Jesuit of his errors, and requested him to tell him in what the obligation consisted. " Why, real- ly," replied the Roman Catholic, " you have made this doctrine of transubstan- tiation so very absurd and ridiculous, that for the future I shall have a world of merit in believing it." (b) GOD EATEN BY MICE.— A man who lives fifty miles below Quebec, (says the Canadian Missionary Record,) mentioned that he had a Testament, and that a neighbor had one too, about whom he related the following circumstance : A protracted meeting having been held here, several priests came to see this man, who, hearing of their coming, took a house fly, and put it on a plate on the table, with a thread tied to it. When the priests entered, the man received them very politely, thanking them for their attention to his soul's interest. They had a long conversation, in the course of which, he referred to his want of faith in the power of the priest ; but pointing to the fly, he said, " I have been told that you can work miracles ; now, if you will cause that fly to drop down dead, while I am looking at it, I will then go to confess." The priests refused, saying that they would not work a miracle for the sake of one per- son. " But my soul is very precious," PURGATORY. 306, 307 said the man, " and if you love me as you say, you should do all in your pow- er to bring me back to the church." During the conversation, speaking of the Host, he asked the priest to take some of the consecrated wafer, and put it in a cupboard with a number of mice, and if at the end of two weeks, it remained uneaten, then he would believe that it was God ; otherwise he would remain as he was, for he could not think that God would allow himself to be eaten by mice. (c) BELIEVING IN AN IMPOSSI- BILITY, — " Do you believe in transub- stantiation ?" said a Protestant to a Pa- pist. "Yes, I do," was the reply. — " Why," said the other, " the thing is impossible." " And I," said the Papist, " believe it because it is impossible !" (d) PRIESTS SUPERIOR TO AN- GELS. — In the reign of the " bloody Mary," the popish bishop of London publicly preached the doctrine, that priests were superior to angels. " The dignity of priests," said that impious prelate, " by some means passeth the dignity of angels, because there is no power given to any of the angels to make the body of Christ, which the least priest may do on earth, and the highest angel in heaven cannot do : wherefore, priests are to be honored be- fore all kings of the earth, princes, and nobles. For a priest is higher than a king, happier than an angel, and maker of his Creator " (e) LADY JANE GREY'S SAR- CASM. — It is related of lady Jane Grey, that being, when very young, at Newhall, in Essex, the seat of Mary, afterwards queen, and walking near the chapel with lady Anne Wharton, she observed her companion, as they passed, bow to the elements on the altar. Af- fecting surprise at the motion of her friend, she asked, "Is the lady Mary in the chapel ?" " No," replied her com- panion, " I bend to Him who made us all." "How is that?" retorted Jane, *• can he be there who made us all, and yet the baker made him ?" It is assert- ed that this sarcastic remark laid the foundation of Mary's hatred to this love- y woman. 307. Pnrgatory. (a) HABEAS ANIMAMFOR PUR- GATORY.— The Rev. Blanco White relates, that, in Spain, besides masses, bulls, prayers, and penances, the pope has established eight or ten days in the year, on which every Spaniard, (for the grant is confined to Spain,) by kneel- ing at five different altars, and there praying for the extirpation of heresy, is entitled to send a species of habeas ani- mam writ to any of his friends in pur- gatory ; that is, to require their deliver- ance as a reward for what he has done. (b) "I'LL TAKE BACK MY MONEY. — An Italian noble being at church one day, and finding a priest who begged for the souls in purgatory, gave him a piece of gold. " Ah ! my lord," said the good father, " you have now delivered a soul." The count threw upon the plate another piece. " Here is another soul delivered,'' said the priest. " Are you positive of it ?" replied the count. "Yes, my lord," replied the priest, " I am certain they are now in heaven." " Then," said the count, " I'll take back my money, for it signifies nothing to you now ; see- ing the souls are already got to heaven, there can be no danger of their return- ing to purgatory." (c) HEAVY DEMAND ON PA- TIENCE.— Mr. Temple, a Missionary of Malta, relates of a native of that isl- and, thai, " not long after he came into our family he was visited by a disease which reduced him so low, that his physician, a Roman Catholic, told him it was proper to confess himself, receive the host, and thus prepare himself for death. He was at that time sick in his own family, for he has a wife and chil- dren. According to the advice of the doctor, he sent for a priest, and con- fessed himself, a thing which he had not done for a long time before. " A few evenings ago when he came to prayers, I asked him what the priest said to him. As he now detests the whole system, he seemed quite willing to tell me all about it. He said he con- fessed to the priest as many of his sins as he could recollect, and then asked 595 307 PAPACY. his confessor what he must do as he felt that he must soon die. " The priest told him that, should he be spared, he must, as soon as his health would permit, kiss the ground fifteen times a day, for eight days to- gether, must hear one mass a day dur- ing the same period, and recite a cer- tain part of the Rosary a great many times for eight days ; this was the pen- ance enjoined by the confessor. ' But,' said the poor man, ' what shall I do if I die and cannot perform this penance V * Oh,' replied the confessor, ' have pa- tience and go to purgatory.' " 1 have never detected this man in a falsehood, and I have no doubt he told me the truth concerning this affair." (d) DISTRICTS IN PURGATO- RY. — A woman and two children, says Dr. Brownlee, called on a lady in Broadway, New- York, to ask alms. The woman was dressed in black, and said that she was left a widow, with the children she had accompanying her, in distressed circumstances, and she urged her request for alms with considerable earnestness. The lady informed her that she could give her no money, but offered her food and articles of clothing if she might need them. But these would not do ; the widow wanted mo- ney, and she insisted so earnestly on the gift of money, that the lady asked her into the house, and entered into conver- sation with her, when she drew from the widow the following story : " My husband," said she, " died a few weeks ago, and since that I've had no peace. Priest called on me soon after, and reproved me for not paying over to him the sum of money necessary for his release from that place of torment. I asked him how much that would be. ' Oh,' said he, ' we have had different prices for different souls. For saying mass for some we have one hundred dollars, for others fifty, and for others less. The least sum I can accept for praying the soul of your departed husband out of that place of torment is twenty-four dollars.' And now he gives me no peace because you know I have not the money, and what can I do for the soul of my poor husband ?" 596 The lady took a Bible, and handing it to the afflicted widow, said to her, " Here, take this Bible, and go to the priest you speak of, and request him to fold down a leaf on that place which teaches the doctrine of purgatory, and then you bring the Bible back to me, and I will give you the whole amount you want to pay for the praying your husband out of that place of torment." The poor Romanist was delighted with this proposal. She took the Bible and made off in great haste to the priest ; but she was not gone a great while ; she soon returned more sorrowful than before. She told the lady, in great distress, that she carried the Bible to the priest, and informed him how he could put her in the way of obtaining the whole amount necessary to procure the release of her husband's soul from the torments of purgatory. But, alas ! instead of turning down a leaf in her Bible upon the place where it teaches the doctrine of purgatory, he flew into a violent rage, and ordered her from his presence, saying, " See that the twenty- four dollars are forthcoming, or I'll put you under penance for having in your presence that heretical book, and your husband shall never be released from purgatory till the money is paid down ; and, mind you ! no other priest but my- self can pray him out, for he is in my district .'" (e) INSCRIPTION AT MENTZ. — In the year 1738, Mr. John Wesley traveled in Germany, and spent a night or two at Mentz. While there, he went into the great church, and spent an hour, and copied the following from a paper on the door. " A full release for the poor soicls in purgatory. "His Papal Holiness, Clement XII hath this year, 1738, on the 7th of Au- gust, most graciously privileged the Cathedral Church of St. Christopher, in Mentz, so that every priest, as well sec- ular as regular, who will read mass at an altar for the soul of a Christian de- parted on any holiday, or any day with- in the octave thereof, or on two extraor- dinary days, to be appointed by the or- dinary, of any week in the year, may RELICS. 307, SOS each time deliver a soul out of the fire of purgatory." (/•) THE ARMENIAN'S REA- SONING.— Rev. Mr. Dwight of Con- etantinople says, " The subject of pur- gatory was introduced in a company of eight or ten Armenians, by one of their number who had frequent intercourse with papists. He remarked he had one difficulty in regard to it which none of them could solve. " According to the papal notions," said he, "all who die in the church have certain venial sins up- on them, for which they must sutler in purgatory, according to the number and nature of those sins ; some for a year, some for a hundred years, and some for ten thousand, dtc. And this shall be the case up to the very time when the judgment day shall come. At that day what will be done with those who have not served out their time in purgatory ? For example, what will be done with those who died the week or day pre- vious to the judgment ? Some of them may require the action of the purga- torial fires for a week, and some for a year, and some for a hundred years, and some for a thousand, or ten thou- sand, before they can atone for their sins and be sufficiently purified for heaven. Let the believers in purgato- ry decide what is to be done with these cases at the judgment, when all that are in their graves shall rise, and the righteous are to be forever separated from the wicked ; the latter to go away into everlasting punishment, and the former into life eternal." ^08. Relics. (a) RELICS AT HALLE.— Halle, in Saxony, so remarkable for the hospi- tal erected by the celebrated Francke, seems to have been, in the dark ages of Popery, like Athens of old, a " city full of idols," Acts xvii. 16, (marginal reading.) The churches contained for. ty-two entire bodies of Romish saints, and more than 8,000 smaller relics ! A work, published by the authority of the archbishop, contains engravings of more than 200 vases in which these relics were kept. Some of them are particu- larly specified, as earth from a field at Damascus, where Adam was formed from the dust of the ground ! Several bones and part of the standard of St. George ; pieces of Noah's ark ; por- tions of the bodies of several patriarchs and prophets ; the rods of Moses and Aaron ; clothing which had belonged to the Virgin ; and a piece of the skin of Bartholomew ! Among the entire bod- ies was one of the infants slain by Her- od ; also seventeen bodies of the com- panions of St. Ursula, who were, by mistake, said to have been 11,000 in number, instead of one named Undeci- milla ; also the glass or mirror used by these virgin martyrs, with much more of the like trumpery. On the Sunday next after the eighth of September, in every year, these relics were carried in solemn procession, and exhibited to the people. To all such as beheld them with devotion upon this occasion, offer- ing prayers, and giving money to the collegiate church, indulgences, or par- don of sins, were promised, for 29,245,- 120 years, and 220 days. We are not told by what process of calculation this extraordinary number was ascertained ; but the authorized writer might well boast that a great treasure was to be obtained at a small price, had not the treasure, even if obtained, been utterly worthless. There was, however, a qualifying clause ; the indulgences were only to be obtained by those who were "suited to deserve them ;" an ex- pression which, as Seckendorf observes, would be as unintelligible to the people, as the millions and hundreds of thou- sands spoken of in the calculation. Into what fearful delusions do mankind fall, when they forsake the simple truths of the Bible ! {b) SINGULAR RELICS.—We are sometimes told of the harmless char- acter of Popery, and are assured that the Roman Catholic system is, in reali- ty, little different from that of Protest- antism. Let our readers, however, be assured of the following facts : When the monasteries were sup- pressed at the time of the reformation, there were found in one of them as ma- ny relics as could be named in several sheets of paper. Among others, there was an angel with one wing, that 597 30S, 309 PAPACY. brought over the spear's head which pierced the Redeemer's side. There were also some of the coals that roasted St. Lawrence, the parings of St. Ed- mund's toes, St. Thomas a Becket's pen- knife and boots, with as many pieces of the Savior's cross as Avould make a large whole one, a piece of St. Andrew's finger, set in an ounce of silver, with many others of equal veracity. Some of the images were broken ; among which was one, that, by means of springs, was made to move the head, hands, and feet : this had proved very profitable. Some of the blood of a duck was found in a phial, which was thick on one side, and thin on the other : the people were taught to believe this was the blood of Christ ; and on their pay- ing a considerable sum, the thin side of the phial was turned towards them, and ,hey were permitted to see the blood. (c) RELICS AT AIX LA CHA- PELLE.— Dr. Raffles, in his tour through Europe in 1817, visited the church of the Minorites, in Aix La Chapelle. After describing sundry an- tiquities, among which were " the re- mains of one of the children whom Her- od killed in the hope of destroying Christ," he proceeds : "All this was interesting, but the cream of the antiquities yet remained. We were conducted to the vestry, or robing place of the priest, where a young man whose province it is to ex- pose these wonders to the gaze of the credulous, threw open the curiously painted doors of an immense recess, where in an instant we were dazzled with a profusion of gold and precious stones, wrought into various forms, to contain or emblazon the precious and sacred relics. * * * * ^^Q were shown, 1. The girdle of Jesus Christ, brought from Jerusalem, by Charlemagne, and with that monarch's seal annexed to it. 2. Girdle of the Virgin Mary, derived from the same quarter. 3. A bone of the Virgin Mary's father. 4. A bit of the cord with which Jesus was bound when he was scourged. 5. A prickle from the crown of thorns. 6. A bit of the sponge with which they supplied the vinegar. 7- A bit of one of the 598 nails by which he was fastened to the cross. 8. And lastly, some sweat which fell from him in the garden of Gethsemane. To this may be added a link of the chain with which Peter was chained at Rome ! a bit of the bone of Simeon's arm, with which he embraced the infant Jesus ! ! a rib of St. Ste- phen ! ! ! and a tooth of St. Thom- as ! ! ! !" I thought of the sailor, who, after his messmates had told some wonderful sto- ries of what had been found in the bel- lies of whales and sharks, and such monsters, determining to outstrip them all, said he had once been present at the catching of a fish, out of whose bel- ly, when opened, there came a ship, with all its masts and rigging, and the whole of the crew. (d) A PHIAL OF DARKNESS. — A traveler on the continent visiting a celebrated cathedral, was shown by tlie Sacristan among other marvels, a dirty opaque phial. After eyeing it some time, the traveler said, " Do you call this a relic ?" " Sir," said the Sacris- tan indignantly, " it contains some of the darkness that was spread over the land of Egypt." §09. Moral Tendency of Papacy. (a) CONSOLING TO PIRATES. — Several Spanish pirates were once taken and brought into Boston, tried and sentenced to death. They were, it seems. Catholics ; and on the day of their execution they were attended by a Spanish priest. As they arrived at the foot of the gallows, the priest turned to the captain, and with much gravity exclaimed : " Spaniards, ascend to heaven." (h) NUNNERY AT BARDS- TOWN. — The following appeared in 183 — , in various religious journals of this country. No place in Kentucky is more famous among papists, and no place more detestable in part to Protes- tants than Bardstown in Kentucky. It is the hotbed of all popish abomina- tions. Not long since, a young lady of Ken- tucky, whose parents reside in the vicinity of Bardstown, was induced to MORAL TENDENCY OF PAPACY. 309 enter upon the noviciate for a conven- tual life : and finally she became a nun. The " Lady Superior " immediately be- gan to explain the secrets of the priest- craft — and among other delectable things inculcated for the young lady's belief, the vast superiority of a nun's enjoyments over those of common wo- men, for that they were often visited by angels in white robes, with whom they had holy intercourse ; and persuaded the thoughtless and credulous girl to believe it. When the nun was fully prepared, the Abbess informed her vic- tim, that she had a revelation from hea- ven, and that the nun might speedily expect a visit from one of the angels, cautioned her not to be alarmed, and above all to submit herself to the " White robed Angel's " commands. Almost immediately after, at night, while in her bed, she saw by the moon- light, a fisjure dressed in white enter her dormitory. She instantly sat up, and began to cross herself, and to mut- ter her Ave Marys. The " White robed Angel," proceeded towards her, and the nun instantly perceived that instead of a white robed visitant from heaven her associate was real flesh and blood, — even a priest from the neighbor- ing Jesuit seminary. By some means, she suddenly extricated herself from his grasp ; and before he could execute his nefarious design, she escaped from the nunnery, whether by the window or by the door I do not remember ; and with the fleetness of a deer, in her night dress, she fled to her father's house ; and for ever abandoned all intercourse with those who, to use her own expres- sion, represent themselves as " White robed Angels from heaven." (c) THE HARLOT'S HOME.— A Roman Catholic young woman, says a Montreal paper, received serious re- ligious impressions, and determined, after a diligent examination of the Scriptures, to renounce the Romish Church. The priest of her parents deprived them of the partial Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and declared that he would continue to do so, until they had prevailed upon their daughter to return to their church — he also expressed a desire to receive a call from the young woman. She called accordingly upon him, and informed him that her parents were not concerned in her change of views, but had done all in their power to bring her back to Popery. In the conversation which followed, the priest exerted himself to persuade her that she was in error, but in vain. At length, he inquired if she was will- ing to enter into the church, and before the altar, ask God to bless her in her present course. She replied that she was, and they proceeded together to the church, where she poured out her heart in unaffected and earnest prayer that God would smile upon her endea- vors to know and do his will, and that he would bring her parents to see the errors into which they had fallen. The priest, amazed at her resolution and steadfastness, seemed to experience a sudden change, and told her to go forward — if she thought she was right, to continue as she had begun. This she has done, and is now on the point of connecting herself with a Protestant church, as a believer in Christ. in the early stages of her seriousness, a young man, a Romanist, was author- ized by her parents, to decoy her back into the bosom of Popery, by the offer of marriage, but the attempt was unsuc- cessful. Afterwards, when she became more confirmed in her views, this young man came to her employer, with a burdened conscience, which he hoped to relieve in a measure by confession, and declared that he had been authorized by her parents — a priest consenting — to offer his hand to the young woman, and if he could not succeed in making her a Roman Catholic by any other means, to seduce her. We could not believe this except on the most credible testimony. As it is, we cannot doubt. A harlot, we might infer, is more at home in the Roman Catholic than in the Protestant Church, in the view of Romanists themselves ; but it is most distressing to find that such criminal and detestable acts are employed, and that the interests of im* mortal souls are sacrificed that the ranks of Popery may be kept unbroken. Who is not aroused from his sleep ? 599 309, 310 PAPACY. What Protestant can stand by in- active, and witness the perpetration of such enormities in the sacred name of religion ? We have another fact of much the same description, but we reserve it for a future occasion. (d) WHERE NUNS PUT THEIR CPilLDREN.— A captain of a vessel, says the Philadelphian for 184 — , stated some time since, that when in port in a Catholic country, an old nunnery was torn down, for the purpose of rebuilding, and although every exertion was made by the holy father to suppress the curiosity of the people, a number flocked round the ruins, and some few examin- ed them, when it was discovered that a large vault was under the building, wherein was a large number of infants' BONES. When this discovery was made known, the populace insisted that they should be brought out ; the bones were then laid out on a plain near the ruins, and examined by several physicians, who at once pronounced them to be human bones. Our informant, whose name we possess, states that he was among the number who witnessed the dreadful sight. (e) A NUNNERY ABANDONED. — "In the rear of Alleghany town," says the Richmond Telegraph for 184-, " and in full view of Pittsburg, is a Ca- tholic Nunnery, one of those schools of superstition, tyranny, and pollution, which are rising up, as by enchantment, in every part of the West. An event has recently occurr(*d which has in- duced the whole sisterhood, with the priest, to abandon the buildings. A gentleman, residing at the East, had a daughter in the nunnery to be educatec , with the expectation that she was to visit him occasionally. Much time elapsed, no visit was made, and not being able to get any satisfactory infor- mation respecting his daughter, he came to the nunnery to see her. The lady superior told him she was not at home ; he insisted on knowing where she was, and was finally told that she was sick in bed, and could not be seen ; he de- manded a sight of her in a spirit which the lady superior thought it imprudent to attempt to resist ; and being shown to her room, behold, there was his once 600 healthy and promising daughter, with an infant. His indignation was so aroused, that he uttered some threats in regard to the safety of the estabJisliment ; and tiie next morning not an individual was found there." (/) SINGULAR METHOD OF PROSELYTING.— The following anecdote is current in Germany, and illustrates the disguises often assumed by Jesuits to forward Popery. When the Duke and Duchess of Anhalt Cothen embraced the Romish faith, the court followed their example, with the excep- tion of one maid of honor, who adhered to her Protestant principles. Shortly after, a young gentleman arrived from Vienna, who won the affections of the lady, but informed her, that being a Roman Catholic, he could not ally him- self to a heretic. She consented, after a struggle, to forsake Protestantism, but fainted when her I'ecantation was made. The lover then informed her, that he had paid his addresses to her for the good of her soul, marriage being out of the question, as he was a priest and a Jesuit — a fact of which she was con- vinced, when taking off a wig which he wore, be showed her the tonsure or shaven crown, which is a distinguishing mark of popish priests. SIO. Miscellaneous. (a) DYING WORDS OF POPE PIUS v.— It is said of Pius Quintus, that when dying he cried out in despair : " When I was in low condition, I had some hopes of salvation ; but when I was advanced to be a cardinal, 1 greatly doubted it ; but since I came to the popedom, I have no hope at all." (h) PAPAL INSPIRATION.— A Roman Catholic cure, in France, once ventured to ask a Protestant, " Upon what do you build your belief, since you have no authority for your faith ?" The reply was, " Upon the Bible ; if the apostles had lefl behind them any infallible successors, it would have been unnecessary to bequeath to us so many instructions in writing." " The apostles ! and why are you to place greater reliance on the apostles than on their successors?" MISCELLANEOUS. 310 " Because the apostles were inspired by the Holy Ghost." " Well ! and we too are inspired." " Are you inspired ?" " Yes ! I repeat — We too are in- spired !" " Then why do you require to be further instructed in the college of the Jesuits ?" The priest was confounded. (c) SURPRISE AT THE TRUE VERSION.— The Rev. Mr. Temple, one of the American missionaries at Malta, has related the following fact: — My teacher, a native of Italy, came into my room one morning, and took up a tract, then lying on my table, and immediately cast his eyes upon the ten commandments, which I had inserted at the end. As soon as he had read the second commandment, he express- ed much astonishment, and asked whe- ther this was part of the decalogue. I immediately showed him this com- mandment in Archbishop Martini's " Italian Translation of the Latin Vul- gate." He could not suppress his feel- ing of surprise on reading this in the Italian Bible, and in a version, too, authorized by the Pope. " I have lived," said he, " fifty years ; have been pub- licly educated in Italy ; have had the command of a regiment of men, and fought in many campaigns; but, till this hour, I never knew that such a commandment as this was written in the pages of the Bible." (d) THE POPE ANGRY.— Pope Julius, sitting at dinner one day, and pointing to a peacock which he had not touched, " Keep," said he, " this cold peacock for me against supper, and let me sup in the garden; for I shall have guests." When supper came, the pea- cock was not brought to the table, on which the Pope, after his wonted man- ner, fell into an extreme rage. One of his cardinals, sitting by, desired him not to be so moved with a matter of such small weight. " What !" said the Pope, "if God was so angry for an apple, that he cast our first parents out of Paradise for the same, why may not I, being his Vicar, be angry for a peacock, since a peacock is a greater matter than an apple?" (e) ST. JANARIUS AND THE HORSES. — We were present to-day, say the author of " Rome in the Nine- teenth Century," written in 1818, at one of the most ridiculous scenes I ever witnessed, even in this country. It was St. Anthony's blessing of the horses ; which began on that saint's day, and, I understand, lasts for a week. We drove to the church of the saint, near Santa Maria Maggiore, and could scarcely make our way through the streets, from the multitude of horses, mules, asses, cows, sheep, goats, and dogs, which were journeying along to the place of benediction ; their tails, heads, and necks, decorated with bits of colored ribbon and other finery, on this — their unconscious gala day. The saint's benediction, though nominally confined to horses, is equally efficacious, and equally bestowed upon all quadrupeds ; and I believe there is scarcely a brute in Rome, or in the neighborhood, that has not participated in it. An immense crowd were assembled in the wide open space in front of the church : and from the number of beasts and men, it looked exactly like a cattle fair. At the door stood the blessing priest, dressed in his robes, and wielding a brush in his hand, which he continually dipped into a huge bucket of holy water that stood near him, and spirted at the animals as they came up, in unremitting succes- sion, taking off his little skull-cap, and muttering every time in Latin, " By the intercession of blessed Anthony the abbot, these animals are freed from evil, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen." The poor priest had such hard work in blessing, that he was quite exhausted and panting, and his round face looked fiery red with his exertions. The rider, or driver of the creature, always gave some piece of money, larger or smaller, in propor- tion to his means or generosity ; and re- ceived an engraving of the saint, and a little metallic cross : however, all ani- mals might be blessed gratis. Several well-dressed people, in very handsome equipages, attended with out-riders, in splendid liveries, drove up while we were there ; and sat uncovered till the benediction was given. Then, having 601 311 PATIENCE. paid what they thought fit, they drove off, and made way for others. One ad- venture happened, which afforded some amusement. A countryman having got a blessing on his beast, and therefore putting his whole trust in its power, set off from the church-door at full gallop ; and had scarcely gone a hundred yards, before the ungainly animal tumbled down with him, and he rolled over his head into the dirt. He soon got up, however, and shook himself, and so did the horse, without either seeming to be much the worse. The priest seemed not a whit out of countenance at this catastrophe ; and some of the standers- by exclaimed, with entire steadfastness of faith, that, " but for the blessing, they might both have broken their necks !" 311. PATIENCE. (a) TORTURED NOBLEMAN.— When the Mexican emperor, Gatimozin, was put upon the rack by the soldiers of Cortes, one of his nobles, who lay in tortures at the same time, complained bitterly to his sovereign of the pains he endured. " Do you think," said Gati- mozin, " that I lie upon roses ?" The nobleman ceased moaning, and expired in silence. " When a Christian," adds the pious Bishop Home, " thinks his suf- ferings for sin, in sickness, or pain, «&;c., intolerable, let him remember those of his Lord, endured patiently on that bed of sorrow, the cross, and he will think so no longer." (h) TRIBULATION WORKETH PATIENCE.— There was a little boy who was so crippled that he could not open his Bible, which he had always before him. A gentleman asked him why he was so fond of reading it. " I like to read the Bible," said he, " be- cause it tells me of Jesus Christ." " Do you think you have believed on Jesus Christ?" "Yes, I do." "What makes you think so ?" " Because he enables me to suffer my afflictions patiently." (c) PATIENT MINISTER.— Mr. Rivet, a learned and pious divine, was an instance of extraordinary patience under excruciating pains, which he bore for many days. " You see," says he, " through the grace of God, I am not tired : I wait, I believe, I persevere. Patience is much better than knowledge. I am no more vexed with earthly cares : I have now no desire but after heavenly things. I have learnt more divinity in these ten days, than in fifty years be- fore. This body is feeble, but the spirit 602 is strong and enriched. Far be it from me that I should murmur. How small are these pains in comparison of that grace, through which I bear, with a quiet mind, whatsoever it pleaseth God to lay upon me! The body, indeed, sutlers, but the soul is comforted and filled abundantly." {d) PATIENCE OF SARAH PAR- BECK. — One of the most remarkable instances of patience on record is to be found in the case of Miss Sarah Par- beck, of Salem, Mass. A lady visiting her in 1845, thus describes her inter- view : " The door was opened by a very old lady, wrinkled and bowed down with age, who invited us to enter. The room was so dark, that before my eyes were accommodated to the change, I could only see a figure dressed in white, sit- ting upon the bed and rocking to and fro. This motion was attended by a sound like the click of wooden machine- ry, which arose, as I afterwards dis- covered, from the bones as they worked in their loosened sockets. As we ap- proached, she extended her hand to my companion, and said in a painful but af- fectionate voice, ' Eliza, I am very glad to see thee ;' and then asked my name and place of residence. She had just given me her hand, when a spasm seized her, and it was twitched suddenly from my grasp. It flew some four or five times with the greatest violence against her face, and then, with a sound which I can only compare to that made by a child who has been sobbing a long time, in catching its breath, she threw up both her arms, and with a deep guttural PATIENCE. 311 groan was flung back upon her pillow, with a force inconceivable to one who has not witnessed it. The instant she touched the bed, she uttered that pierc- ing shriek again, and sprung back to her former position, rocking to and fro, with those quick, heart-rending groans which I had heard while standing at the door. It was several minutes before she could speak, and then there was none to answer her. Both my compan- ion and myself'were choked with tears. Her poor mother went to the other side of the bed, and smoothed the coverlid, and rearranged the pillows, looking sad- ly upon her poor child, writhing in tor- ture which she could not alleviate. I became faint, and trembled with a sud- den weakness ; a cold perspiration stood upon my face. The objects in the room began to swim about me, and I was obliged to take hold of the bedside for support. I have been in our largest hospitals, and have spent hours in going from room to room with the attending physician. I have witnessed there al- most every form of human suffering, but I had never beheld any thing to be compar- ed to that now before me. She afterwards told me, as if in apology for her screams, that when she was hurled back upon her pillow both shoulders were dislocat- ed, and as they sprung back into their sockets, the pain was far beyond en- durance, and extorted from her these shrieks. " Her sentences were broken, uttered with much difficulty, and frequently in- terrupted by the terrible spasm I have described above. Yet this was her * quiet ' state ; this the time when she suffered hast. Day afler day, night after night, fourteen weary years have dragged themselves along, whilst her poor body has been thus racked. No relief; no hope of relief, except that which death shall give. When I asked her if her affliction did not at times seem greater than she could bear, ' O ! never,' she replied. ' I cannot thank God enough for having laid his heavy hand upon me. I was a thoughtless sinner, and had he not in his mercy afflicted me, I should probably have lost my immortal soul. I see only his kindness and love. The sweet communion I have with my Sav- ior more than compensates me for all I suffer. I am permitted to feel, in a measure, in my poor body, what he suf- fered to save me, and my soul can never grow weary in his praise.' This last sentence, I must say, gave me an argu- ment which put doubts of the verity and power of religion to flight more effectu- ally than all the evidences which the wisdom of man has arrayed against the skeptic ; and I could not but exclaim, 'If this be delusion, let me be deluded!' " She spoke in the most tender terms of her Savior's love. Her conversation was in heaven, from whence also she looked for her Savior, knowing that he should change her body of humiliation, and fashion it like unto his glorious body. I shall never forget the tones and language in which she entreated my sobbing companion to give that Savior her heart. As she recovered from a spasm, I said to her, ' Do you not often desire to depart, and be with the Savior you love so fervently V She had hard- ly recovered her exhausted breath, but replied with great decision, ' By the grace of God / have never had that wish. Though death will be a welcome gift when my Father sees fit to bestow it upon me, yet, thanks to his supporting grace, I can wait his time without im- patience. He sees that there is much dross to refine away, and why should I wish against his will V " I remained by her side for more than an hour ; such, however, were the attractions of her discourse, that I was unconscious of the time. I know not when I have been so drawn towards a fellow Christian, and never had I been led to such delightful contemplations of our Savior's character ; his faithfulness and love. I remarked to her, as I turn- ed to go away, ' God has made you a powerful preacher, here upon your bed of pain.' ' O,' she replied, ' if he will make me the instrument of saving but a single soul, I am willing to live and suffer here until my hair is gray with age.' I noticed some bottles standing upon a small table, and asked her if she found any relief from opiates. ' Through God's kindness,' she answered, ' I pro- bably owe the preservation of my life thus far to an extract made from black- 603 311 PATIENCE. drop.' ' Does it enable you to sleep V I ' O no,' she replied, ' I have not known sleep for a very long time.' ' What !' I cried, ' do you never rest V A severe spasm here seized her, and it was some time before she could answer me ; she had been attacked in this way some twelve or fifteen times whilst conversing with us, and frequently in the midst of a reply. When she recovered, she said the physicians thought she obtained rest in her ' long spasm,' which lasted for more than an hour. * During that time,' she continued, ' I am dead to every thing but a sense of the most extreme anguish. I see and hear nothing ; I only feel as though I was being crushed in pieces by some immense weight.' This was her rest ! The rack ! Yet, through all this suffering, the smiles of God pene- trate to her heart. She sees him just, and acknowledges his love." (e) SUFFERING PATIENTLY FOR CHRIST.— Negrino and Paschali exercised their ministry in Calabria, in comforting the persecuted Waldensians among the woods and mountains. But when the sufferers were closely hunted, the preachers were not likely to escape. At the instance of the inquisitor, they were both apprehended. Negrino was starved to death in prison at Casueza. At this place Paschali was detained in confinement eight months, whence he was sent prisoner to Naples, with a view of being conducted to Rome. The pa- tience with which he endured the cross, appears from the sensible and ardent let- ters which he addressed to the persecut- ed church of Calabria, to his afflicted spouse Camilla, and to the church of Geneva. In one of these he thus de- scribes his journey from Cosenza to Na- ples: " Two of our companions had been prevailed on to recant ; but they were no better treated on that account, and we know not what they will suffer at Rome, whither they are to be conveyed, as well as Marquet and myself. The Spaniard, our conductor, wished us to give him money to be relieved from the chain by which we were bound to one another ; yet, in addition to this, he put on me a pair of handcuffs, so strait that 604 they entered into the flesh, and deprived me of all sleep ; and I found that, if at all, he would not remove them until he had drawn from me all the money I had, amounting only to two ducats, which I needed for my support. At night, the beasts were better treated than we, for their litter was spread for them, while we were obliged to lie on the hard ground, without any covering ; and in this condition we remained for nine nights. On our arrival at Naples we were thrust into a cell, noisome in the highest degree, from the damp, and the putrid breath of the prisoners." He was next sent in bonds to Rome, at which place his brother arrived from Coni, with letters of recommendation, to ask his liberty. With difficulty this brother obtained an interview with him, in the presence of a judge of the Inqui- sition. He gives the following descrip- tion of this first interview : " It was hideous to see him, with his bare head, and his hands and arms lace- rated with the small cords with which he was bound, like one to be led to the gibbet. On advancing to embrace him, 1 sunk to the ground. ' My brother,' said he, ' if you are a Christian, why do you distress yourself thus ? Do you know that a leaf cannot fall to the ground without tlie will of God ? Comfort your- self in Christ Jesus, for the present troubles are not to be compared with the glory to come.' " At last, on the 8th of September, 1.560, he was led to the conventual church of Minerva, to hear his proceao publicly read ; and the next day, the 9th of September, he appeared, with the greatest fortitude, in the court adjoining the castle of St. Angelo, where he was burnt in the presence of the pope and a party of cardinals. (/) ERETRIUS AND HIS FA- THER. — A youth named Eretrius was for a considerable time a follower of Zeno. On his return home, his father asked him what he had learned ? The boy replied, that would hereafter appear. On this, the father being enraged, beat his son ; who bearing it patiently, and without complaining, said, " This have I learned — to endure a parent's anger." 1^ PATRIOTISM. 312 312. PATRIOTISM. (a) THE ROMAN AMBASSA- DORS.— Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt, having sent to desire tlie friendship of the Roman people, an em- bassy was dispatched from Rome the following year, in return for the civili- ties of Ptolemy. The ambassadors were Q. Fabius Garges, Cn. Fabius Pictor, with Numerius his brother, and Q. Ogalnius. The disinterested air with which they appeared sufficiently indi- cated the greatness of their souls. Pto- lemy gave them a splendid entertain- ment, and took that opportunity to pre- sent to each of them a crown of gold, which they received because they were unwilling to disoblige him by declining the honor he intended them ; but they went the next morning and placed them on the heads of the king's statues erect- ed in the public places of the city. The kinor likewise havincr tendered them very considerable presents at their au- dience of leave, they received them as they had the crowns ; but, on their ar- rival at Rome, before giving the Senate an account of their embassy, they de- posited all those presents in the public treasury, and made it evident, by so no- ble a conduct, that in serving the re- public they had proposed no other ad- vantage to themselves than the honor of having well done their duty. The re- public, however, would not suffer itself to be exceeded in generosity of senti- ments. The Senate and people came to a resolution, that the ambassadors, in consideration of the services they had rendered the state, should receive a sum of money equivalent to that they had deposited in the public treasury. This indeed was an amiable contest ; and one is at a loss to know to which of the an- tagonists to ascribe the victory. Where shall we now find men who devote them- selves in a similar manner to the public good, without any interested expecta- tions of selfish advantage ? (b) THE CORSICAN AND HIS UNCLE. — A striking display of the character of the legislator, and of the subject, was related by Paoll to Mr. Boswell, when he visited Corsica. " A criminal," said he, " was condemned to die. His nephew came to me with a lady of distinction, that she might solicit his pardon. The nephew's anxiety made him think that the lady did not speak with sufficient force and earnest- ness. He therefore advanced, and ad- dressed himself to me, ' Sir, is it proper for me to speak V as if he felt that it was unlawful to make such an applica- tion. I bade him go on. ' Sir,' said he, with the deepest concern, ' may I beg the life of my uncle ? If it is granted, his relations will make a gift to the state of a thousand zechins. We will furnish fifty soldiers in pay during the siege of Furiana. We will agree that my uncle shall be banished, and will engage that he shall never return to the island.' I knew the nephew to be a man of worth, and I answered him, 'You are acquainted with the circum- stances of this case : such is my confi- dence in you, that if you will say, that giving your uncle a pardon would be just, useful, or honorable for Corsica, 1 promise you it shall be granted.' He turned about, burst into tears, and left me, saying in his native language, ' I would not have the honor of our coun- try sold for a thousand zechins.' His uncle suffered." ( c ) PATRIOTIC MOTHER.— History furnishes many examples of mothers, led away by the seductive at- tractions of honor, riches, and grandeur, to sacrifice the true happiness of their children, in the hope of securing the future fortune and rank of their posteri- ty. Russia, howeifer, furnishes one in- stance of a mother who opposed the elevation of her child to the highest dignity, with the utmost anxiety. Dur- ing the interregnum that succeeded the unfortunate reign of Chowski, in 1610, the Russian nobles agreed to give the crown to a near relation, on the mater- nal side, of the Czar Fedor Iwanovitch. They accordingly invited young Mi- chael Romanof and his mother to Mos- cow, but they both refused to attend ; 605 312 PATRIOTISM. the mother even went further ; she wrote to her brother Cheremetef, to beg of him to oppose the elevation of his nephew to a throne, since his extreme youth rendered him incapable of under- taking so important a charge. The election, however, proceeded, and Mi- chael Romanof was chosen Emperor. When the deputies repaired to Kostro- ma, to announce to the new sovereign the choice they had made of him, his mother begged a private interview with the plenipotentiaries, before she intro- duced them to her son. They consent- ed, and met her in the church, where, with tears, she renewed her entreaties, and begged of them to choose some per- son more able to govern the people than her son. She was informed that, hav- ing decided, the nobles would not revoke their choice. " Well, then," said she, "I must content myself with soliciting you to take my child under your guar- dianship ; he has not been educated in the difficult art of governing man- kind ; but you have elected him — you insist on him for your monarch, and if he does not fulfil your expectations, you alone will be answerable to God for the events of which your choice may be the cause ; but as for me, I have done my duty to my God, my country, and my child." (d) WASHINGTON AND HIS FRIENDS.— An anecdote is told of the great Washington, which exhibits, in a fine light, the distinction between pub- lic duty, and private friendship. Dur- ing his administration as President of the United States, a gentleman, the friend and the companion of the general, throughout the whole course of the re- volutionary war, applied for a lucrative and very responsible office. The gen- tleman was at all^times welcome to Washington's table ; he had been, to a certain degree, necessary to the domes- tic repose of a man, who had for seven years fought the battles of his country, and who had now undertaken the task of wielding her political energies. At all times, and in all places, Washington regarded his revolutionary associate with an eye of evident partiality and kindness. He was a jovial, pleasant, and unobtrusive companion. In apply- ing for this office, it was accordingly in the full confidence of success ; ancl his friends already cheered him on the prospect of his arrival at competency and ease. The opponent of this gentle- man, was known to be decidedly hos- tile to the politics of Washington ; he had even made himself conspicuous among the ranks of opposition. He had, however, the temerity to stand as candidate for the office to which the friend and the favorite of Washington aspired. He had nothing to urge in favor of his pretensions, but strong integrity, promptitude, and fidelity in business, and every quality which, if called into exercise, would render ser- vice to the state. Every one consider- ed the application of this man hopeless; no glittering testimonial of merit had he to present to the eye of Washington ; he was known to be his political enemy ; he was opposed by a favorite of the ge- neral's ; and yet, with such fearful odds, he dared to stand candidate. What was the result ? The enemy of Washington was appointed to the office, and his table companion was left desti- tute and dejected. A mutual friend, who interested himself in the aflfair, ventured to remonstrate with the presi- dent on the injustice of his appointment. " My friend," said he, " I receive with a cordial welcome ; he is welcome to my house, and welcome to my heart ; but, with all his good qualities, he is not a man of business. His opponent is, with all his political hostility to me, a man of business ; my private feelings have nothing to do in this case. I am not George Washington, but President of the United States ; as George Wash- ington, I would do this man any kind- ness in my power ; but as President of the United States, I can do nothing." 606 PEACE-MAKERS. 313 313. PEACE-MAKERS. (a) TRUE PEACE-MAKER.— When Mr. Welch accepted of the call to Ayr, he found the wickedness of the peopleTand their hatred to religion so great, that no one would let him a house, till Mr\^hn St^.war|:. an eminent Chris- tian, and some time provost of Ayr, ac- commodated him with an apartment in his house, and became his lasting friend. Mr. Welch first addressed himself to the arduous task of healing their divi- sions, uniting their factious parties, and putting an end to their daily battles, which were so desperate, that no one could walk in the street even in the day-time, without the most imminent danger of being wounded. His method was this : after he had put a helmet on his head, he would go between the parties of fighting men, already covered with blood ; but he never took a sword, which convinced them that he came not to fight, but to make peace. \-When he had brought them, by little and little, to hear him speak, and to listen to his arguments against such inhuman pro- ceedings, he would order a table to be spread in the street, and, beginning with prayer, persuade them to profess them- selves friends, and to sit down, and to eat and drink together ,*^ which, when done, he would finish this labor of love with singing a psalm. Thus, by de- grees, laboring among them in word and doctrine, for he preached every day, and setting them a good example, he brought them to be a peaceable and happy people ; and he grew, at length, in such esteem among them, that they made him their counsellor, to settle all their differences and misunderstandings, and would take no step of importance in civil affairs without his advice. {b) ENVIABLE REPUTATION. — John Dickinson, Esq., of Birming- ham, was often called by way of dis- tinction, •' The Peace-maker ;" and such was his anxiety to keep the bonds of peace from being broken — such was his solicitude to heal the breach when made, that he would stoop to any act but that of meanness — make any sacrifice but that of principle — and endure any mode of treatment, not excepting even insult and reproach. From the high estimate in which his character was held, he was often called upon to act as umpire in cases of arbitration, and it was but rarely, if ever, that the equity of his decisions was impeached. On one occasion, two men were disputing in a public-house about the result of an arbitration, when a third said, " Had John Dickinson any thing to do with it?" "Yes," was the reply. "Then all was right, I am sure ;" and in this opinion the whole party concurred, and the disputation ceased. (c) PACIFIC MINISTER.— George Wishart, one of the first Scottish mar- tyrs at the time of the reformation, be- ing desired to preach on the Lord's day, in the church of Mauchline, went thither with that design ; but the sheriff of Ayr had, in the night time, put a garrison of soldiers into the church to keep him out. Hugh Campbell, of Kinzeancleugh, with others in the parish, were exceedingly offended at this impiety, and would have entered the church by force ; but Wishart would not suffer it, saying, " Brethren, it is the word of peace which I preach unto you ; the blood of no man shall be shed for it this day. Jesus Christ is as mighty in the fields as in the church, and he himself, while he lived in the flesh, preached oftener in the desert and on the seaside, than in the temple of Jerusalem." Upon this the people were appeased, and went with him to the edge of a moor, on the south- west of Mauchline, where, having placed himself upon a mound of earth, he preached to a great multitude. He continued speaking for more than three hours, God working wondrously by him, insomuch that Laurence Ranken, the Laird of Shield, a very profane person, was converted by his discourse. The tears ran from his eyes, to the astonish- ment of all present ; and the whole of his after life witnessed that his profes- sion was without hypocrisy. 607 314 PERJURY. 314. PERJURY. (a) FORSWEARING A DEBT.— At ' a Justice's Court, heldat Mayslick,Ken- | tucky, says an eye-witness, a cause came on to be heard, wherein the sum in dispute was 75 cts. due to the plain- tiff, a tavern-keeper for whisky. Neither party having any testimony to introduce, Mr. S , one of the jus- tices, for the purpose of obtaining some knowledge of the situation of the claim, permitted the parties to go into a free conversation, on the subject of their dealings. After considerable affirmation on one side, and denial on the other, the plain- tiff told the defendant, if he would swear he had paid for two half pints, he would strike them out of his account ; defend- ant said he would, and asked Mr. S to administer the oath, but he being con- scious from prior confessions of the de- fendant, that it was impossible it could be so, said to him, I feel a delicacy in doing so, and you had better pay it ; it's a trifling sum, I would not take the trouble to swear for it. Something at that moment called the attention of Mr. S from the subject, and before he again had fixed his eyes on the defend- ant, he had stept to Mr. Y , another of the magistrates, in the other comer of the room, and had sworn in the most so- lemn manner, to the payment of the money, of which he immediately inform- ed Mr. S . Until this awful period, the defendant had retained his usual appearance of health and vigor ; but, alas ! no sooner had he turned about to inform Mr. S of his successful attempt to commit the horrid crime of perjury, than a death- like paleness was visible on his counte- nance ; the people in the room simul- taneously remarked, with astonishment, the change so instantaneously effected in his appearance. Mr. S himself remarked, when relating the circum- stance, that he had the appearance of a man already two days dead. Judg- ment was entered for fifty cents, and he retired from the scene of his guilt. But wretched infatuated mortal ! he could 608 not retire from conscious guilt. He took neither refreshment nor sleep that night ; but appeared restless, (as his wife re- lates,) and rolled in his bed from side to side, like one bereft of every earthly enjoyment. Morning came ; but with it brought no relief to his perturbed bosom. Still taking no food, after break- fast he went to the field, where a num. ber of reapers had met to cut his grain ; he gave th^m some incoherent direc- tions relative to the harvest, and return- ed to his house. The whole day was spent in thoughtful musings, and appa- rent agony of mind : and another night was spent like the preceding. In the morning, a short time after he had left his bed, he was seen running upon all- fours through the door-yard, and ex- claiming. " John Johnston (the name of the constable who attended the trial) and the Devil are after me." He was picked up by some men who were about the house, and set down on the step of the door. In a few minutes he sudden- ly started from his seat, and again com- menced running upon his hands and feet as before ; and exclaiming most awfully, " John Johnston and the Devil are after me." In this manner he made his way into a small field of corn which stood open to the door-yard, and as he ran between the rows of corn, he tore up a number of hills by the roots, and whilst thus engaged, and before he could be reached by his pursuers, in the act of tearing up a cornhill, he suddenly and instantaneously expired. (h) THE SENATOR'S OATH.— Mr. J. Taygart was elected a Senator from the county of Columbiana to the second General Assembly of the State of Ohio. He appeared and made the necessary oaths, and took his seat. In a few days he became melancholy, which soon progressed to insanity. In his insane ravings he disclosed that he was not thirty years of age when he took the oath of office and his seat ; and that his conscience upbraided him with the crime of perjury in taking an oath to support the constitution, and at the PERSECUTION— PERSECUTORS, END OF. 311—316 same moment taking a seat in violation of its provisions. From this insanity he never recovered, and survived its com- mencement but a few months. (c) STENNETT AND HIS EN- EMIES. — Dr. Samuel Stennett dwelt in the castle of Wallingford, (Eng.) where no warrant except that of the Lord Chief Justice could reach him ; and the house was so situated that reli- gious assemblies could meet there with- out any danger of legal conviction, un- less informers were admitted, which care was taken to prevent. A justice of peace in the neighborhood, highly in- censed at this, resolved, together with a clergyman, upon a conviction of the of- fence by suborning false witnesses. Several persons, therefore, were hired to swear they had heard prayer and preaching at the castle, though they never had been present. Mr. Stennett finding an indictment laid against him on the Conventicle Act, and being well assured that nothing but perjury could support it, resolved to traverse it ; and accordingly did so. The assizes were held at Newbury ; and when the time approached, his adversaries greatly tri- umphed in their expected success. But the scene was suddenly changed. News came to the justice that his son at Ox- ford was gone off with a player : this prevented one perjurer from attending. The clergyman, who was determined to be present, and boasted of the service that would be done to the church by prosecution, was removed by sudden death. One of the witnesses wlio lived at Cromast, was prevented by a violent disease, of which he subsequently died. Another of them fell down and broke his leg, and so was hindered. In short, of seven or eight persons who were en- gaged in this design, only one was left capable of appearing. He was a gar- dener, who had frequently been em- ployed by Mr. Stennett at day-labor, who had never been admitted into the meeting. This man was expected to be a very material witness, and was kept in liquor several days for that purpose. But coming to his reason just as the as- sizes drew near, he went about town exclaiminor against his ingratitude and perjury, and refused to go. So when Mr. Stennett came to Newbury, neither prosecutor or witnesses appearing against him, ho was of course dis- charged. 315. PERSECUTION. (a) DIOCLESIAN'S CONFES- SION. — Dioclesian, the last and the worst of the Roman persecuting emper- ors, observed, that the more he sought to blot out the name of Christ, the more legible it became ; and that whatever of Christ he thought to eradicate, it took the deeper root, and rose the higher in the hearts and lives of men. (b) THE HIGHEST HONOR.— One of the witnesses of the truth, when imprisoned for conscience' sake in Queen Mary's persecution of the Church, is said to have thus written to a friend : " A prisoner for Ghrist ! What is this for a poor worm ? Such honor have not all his saints. Both the de- grees which I took in the University, have not set me so high as the honor of becoriiing a prisoner of the Lord.'^ 316. PERSECUTORS, END OF. (a) END OF HEROD THE GREAT.— The disease of which Her- od the Great died, and the misery which he suffered under it, plainly showed that the hand of God was then in a signal nmnner upon him ; for not J trails and bowels ; a violent colic, and 39 609 long after the murders at Bethlehem, his distemper, as Josephus informs us, daily increased in an unheard-of man- ner. He had a lingering and wasting fever, and grievous ulcers in his en- 316 PERSECUTORS, END OF. insatiable appetite ; a venomous swell- ing in his feet ; convulsions in his nerves ; a perpetual asthma, and offen- sive breath ; rottenness in his joints and other members ; accompanied with prodigious itchings, crawling worms, and intolerable smell : so that he was a perfect hospital of incurable distem- pers. (b) DEATH OF JULIAN.— The Roman Emperor Julian, a determined enemy of Christianity, was mortally wounded in a war with the Persians. Jn this condition, we are told that he filled his hand with blood, and casting it into the air, said, '" O Galilean ! thou hast conquered." During this expedi- tion, one of Julian's followers asked a Christian of Antioch, " What the car- penter's son was doing ?" " The Mak- er of the world," replied the Christian, " whom you call the carpenter's son, is employed in making a coffin for the emperor." In a few days after, news came to Antioch of Julian's death. (c) NERO, DOMITIAN, AND OTHERS. — Persecutors, and others who have unjustly shed the blood of their fellow-creatures, have often, in the righteous providence of God, met with a violent death, or been visited by signal judgments. Nero was driven from his throne, and perceiving his life in danger, became his own execution- er ; Domitian was killed by his own servants ; Hadrian died of a distressing disease, which was accompanied with great mental agony ; Severus never prospered in his affairs after he perse- cuted the church, and was killed by the treachery of his son; Maximinus reigned but three years, and died a vi- olent death ; Decius was drowned in a marsh, and his body never found ; Va- lerian was taken prisoner by the Per- sians, and, after enduring the horrors of captivity for several years, was flay- ed alive ; Dioclesian was compelled to resign his empire, and became insane ; Maximianus Herculeus was deprived of his government, and strangled; Max- imianus Galerius was suddenly and aw- fully removed by death ; and Severus committed suicide. (d) DEATH OF CHARLES IX. — Charles IX of France was a cruel 610 and persecuting monarch, (witness the massacre at Paris in 1575,) and died in a very wretched state. He expired, bathed in his own blood, which burst from his veins, and in his last moments he exclaimed, " What blood ! — what murders ! — I know not where I am ! — how will all this end ? — what shall I do ? — I am lost forever ! — I know it !" (e) THE EARL'S BOAST.— Fe- lix, earl of Wurtemburg, one of the captains of the Emperor Charles V, be- ing at supper at Augsburg, in company with many who were threatening the sorest punishments on the persons of the pious Christians of that day, swore, before them all, that before he died he would ride up to his spurs in the blood of the Lutherans. That same night he was choked, probably by the bursting of a blood-vessel, which filled his throat, and at once removed him from the world. (/) THE EMIGRANT'S PERSE- CUTORS. — A number of persons, in the north of England, once determined to emigrate to South Africa. They had a great dread of what they called Method- ism, and refused to allow a young man, who was reputed to belong to that body of Christians, to go with them. They had not, however, been many days at sea, before it was discovered, that not- withstanding their most strenuous en- deavors to prevent the exportation of Methodism, they had got an excellent old man aboard, who privately exhorted his fellow passengers to fear God, and flee from the wrath to come. The flame of persecution was now lighted up ; and Mr. C, the leader of the party, availed himself of every opportunity to annoy and injure poor Mr. P. In the course of the passage, his wife and son were taken alarmingly ill ; but, so bit- ter was the spirit which prevailed against him, that it was with difficulty he obtained even the medicines provid- ed by government, which their state rendered absolutely necessary. The above-mentioned gentleman, who had the affairs of the party almost wholly under his control, frequently threatened not only to deprive him of the land to which he was legally entitled, but of all the privileges of the settlement, unless PERSECUTORS, END OF. 9WS he kept his religion to himself. In his menaces and designs, this petty Nero was supported by three or four others, who were influenced by a similar spir- it. The earth, however, is the Lord's, and " though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not go unpunished." Two •only of those persecutors lived to see the settlement. The death of one was occasioned by intemperance and dissi- pation while at sea. The head of the party himself fell sick immediately af- ter his arrival at Algoa Bay, and there expired, in dreadful agony, both mental and bodily. He therefore never set foot on the land which he had so arro- gantly affected to command. Another of his comrades was taken off suddenly, and carried to the grave along with him ! A fourth, being some time after- ward provoked by his companion, the only survivor of the five, presented his fowling-piece at him, and lodged the contents in his breast ; for which he was, of course, arrested, and conveyed to prison in Graham's Town. But his spirit and conduct having apparently rendered life burdensome, and filled his dungeon with insufferable gloom, '•the unhappy wretch hung himself in his cell ! " Woe unto the wicked ! it shall be ill with him ; for the reward of his hands shall be given him : but say ye to the righteous, it shall be well with him ; they shall eat the fruit of their doings." The poor old Methodist now began, more earnestly than ever, to call all around him to repentance, and actually became the virtual head of the party ; he obtained favor in the eyes of the peo- ple, and was ever after looked up to as their chief counsellor in all matters of importance. His rustic cottage was no sooner built than converted into a place of worship, wherein Divine service was regularly performed, until, by steady zeal and praiseworthy exertions, they were enabled to erect a neat little chapel, which constitutes a lasting hon- or to his memory.. This good man is now no more ; but, although dead, by his works he still speaketh ; and his name is held in the highest estimation by all who knew him. (g) THE CONSTABLE'S AD- MONITION.— In 1682, some soldiers came to break up a meeting where Mr. Browning, who had been ejected from Desborough, in Northamptonshire, was, and to apprehend him. The constable of the place, who was present, admon- ished them to be well advised in what they did," For," said he, " when Sir was alive, he eagerly persecuted these meetings, and engaged eight sol- diers of the country troop to assist him, whereof myself was one. Sir — himself is dead ; six of the soldiers are dead ; some of them were hanged, and some of them broke their necks, and I myself fell off my horse and broke my collar-bone, in the act of persecuting them. This has given me such a warn- ing, that, for my part, I am resolved I will never meddle with them more." (/i) END OF BISHOP GARDI- NER. — On the day of the martyrdom of Ridley and Latimer, Gardiner wait- ed with impatience for the account of their burning, having arranged that messengers should be dispatched to in- form him as soon as the pile should be set on fire. He delayed sitting down to his dinner till he received the desired intelligence, which arrived about four o'clock. He now sat down to his din- ner, and, as Fox remarks, " He was not disappointed of his lust, but while the meat was yet in his mouth the heavy wrath of God came upon him." While at table he felt the first attacks of a mortal disease, the effect of vices in which he had long indulged ; and though, for some days afterwards, he was able to go out and attend the parli- ament, his illness rapidly increased, until, as was stated by one of his con- temporaries, he became so offensive, " that it was scarcely possible to get any one to come near him." The suf- ferings of his mind were not less pain- ful than those of his body. He fre- quentl)'- exclaimed, " I have sinned like Peter, but I have not wept like him." He endured these protracted pains lon- ger than Ridley and Latimer had suf- fered, lingering in this state till the 13th of November, during which time it is recorded, that, " he spake little but 611 31T PHYSICIANS. blasphemy -and filthiness, and gave up the ghost with curses in his mouth, in terrible and inexpressible torments." What were the sufferings of the mar- tyrs compared with these ? 317. PHYSICIANS. (a) HUMANITY OF WALKER. — The following anecdote of Dr. Walk- er, well known as the director of the London Jennerian and Vaccine Institu- tions, is extracted from his memoir. While our troops were using the weapons of destruction, Dr. Walker was busily employed in saving life. His work of vaccination being com- pleted, he attended the sick of the British navy, and of the Turkish army. The sense of weariness while engaged in these works of mercy, he seems hardly to have known ; being assisted by his friend General Sir John Doyle, in prosecuting these labors of goodness. The following extract of a letter from that worthy officer speaks volumes. " The general can never forget the im- pression made upon him by the extra- ordinary situation in which he first made an acquEtintance with that amiable and benevolent individual, Dr. Walker. The day after the action, near Alexan- dria, where the brave Abercrombie fell, the general was riding over the field of battle, attended by two orderly dragoons, to see if there were any wounded, French or English, who had escaped notice the evening before ; when, on turning round a wall near the sea-side, he was struck with an appalling sight of more than a hundred French soldiers, with their officers, huddled together, desperately wounded by grape and cannon shot from an English brig of war. From being collected in the re- cess of the wall, they had escaped no- tice on the previous day of search, and were exposed to the night air, and with undressed wounds. Here the general saw a man, evidently English, in the garb of a Quaker, actively employed in the heavenly task of giving his humane assistance to those poor brave sufferers ; giving water to some, dressing the wounds of others, and affording conso- lation to all. Upon inquiry he found the benevolent individual to be Dr. John 612 Walker, who was himself almost ex- hausted, having been thus nobly em- ployed from day-break, without any assistance." {h) FOTHERGILL'S GENER- OSITY. — A worthy clergyman, a friend of Dr. Fothergill, was, in the early part of his life, settled in London upon a curacy of 50Z. per annum. An epidemical disease seized upon his wife and five of his children. In this state of distress he earnestly desired the doctor's advice, but dared not apply for it, from a consciousness of being unable to reward him for his attendance. A friend kind- ly offered to accompany him to the doctor's, and give him his fee. They took advantage of his hour of audience ; and, after a description of the several cases, the fee was offered and rejected, but a note was taken of his place of re- sidence. The doctor assiduously called from day to day, till his attendance was no longer necessary. The curate, anx- ious to return some grateful mark of the sense he entertained of his services, strained every nerve to accomplish it ; but his astonishment was great, when the doctor, instead of receiving the money he offered, put ten guineas into his hand, desiring him to apply to him withovit hesitation in future difficulties. (c) THE SURGEON'S REPLY.— M. Boudovi, an eminent surgeon, was one day sent for by the Cardinal Du Bois, Prime Minister of France, to per- form a very serious operation upon him. The cardinal, on seeing him enter the room, said to him, •' You must not ex- pect to treat me in the same rough man- ner, as you treat your poor miserable wretches at your hospital of the Motel Dieu." " My lord," replied M. Bou- don with great dignity, " every one of those miserable wretches, as your emi- nence is pleased to call them, is a prime minister in my eyes." (d) DR. SMITH'S METHOD.— The benevolent and eccentric Dr. Smith PHYSICIANS. 317 when established in a practice equal to that of any physician in London, did what few physicians perhaps in great practice would have done. He set apart two days for the poor in each loeek. From those who were really poor, he never took a fee ; and from those who were of the middling ranks of life, he never would take above half a guinea ! yet so great was the resort to him, that he has in one day received fifty guineas at half a guinea only from each pa- tient ! (e) EXAMPLE OF SALTER.— " The functions of a simple, earnest and skilful country surgeon," says Cole- ridge, " living in a small town or village, and circulating in a radius of ten miles, are, and might always be made, supe- rior in real, urgent, and fitting relief, to the Lady Bountiful. I often think with pleasure of the active, practical benev- olence of Salter. His rides were often sixty, averaging more than thirty miles every day over bad roads and in dark nights : yet not once has he been known to refuse a summons, though quite sure that he would receive no remuneration, nay, not sure that it would not be ne- cessary to supply wine or cordials, which in the absence of the landlord of his village, must be at his own expense. This man was generally pitied by the affluent and idle, on the score of his constant labors, and the drudgery which he almost seemed to court. Yet with little reason ; for I never knew the man more to be envied, or more cheer- ful, more invariably kind, or more pa- tient ; always kind from real kindness and delicacy of feeling; never even for a moment angry. (/) " WILL YOU TRUST MY FATHER ?"— An aged Christian who had long been an invalid and vvas depend- ent on Christian charity for her sup- port, on sending for a new physician who had just come into the place, and united with the same church of which she was a member, said to him, " Doc- tor, I wish to put myself under your care, but I cannot do it unless you will trust my father. ^^ " Well, ma'am," replied the physician, " I believe your Father is rich: 7 may safely trust Him:^- (g) GOLDSMITH'S PATIENT— A poor woman understanding that Dr. Goldsmith had studied physic, and hear- of his great humanity, solicited him in a letter to send her something for her husband, who had lost his appetite and was reduced to a most melancholy state. The good natured poet waited on her instantly, and, after some discourse with his patient, found him sinking in sickness and poverty. The doctor told him they should hear from in an hour, when he would send them some pills which he believed would prove effica- cious. He immediately went home and put ten guineas into a chip box, with the following label ; " These must be used as necessities require ; be patient, and of good heart." He sent his ser- vant with this prescription to the com- fortless mourner, who found it contained I a remedy superior to any thing Galen I or his tribe could administer. (/i)THE TWO PHYSICIANS.— Is it possible, says a writer in the Amer- ican Messenger for 1847, for physicians in full practice to be as regular in at- j tendance on public worship as other j men ? That physicians frequently j plead their business as an excuse for I neo-lectinff a rejiular attendance in the house of God is certainly true, but is I this a valid plea ? does their business justify their neglect? The following conversation which I chanced to over- hear the other day, between two physicians, may throw some light upon the subject. They are both in large practice in one of our northern cities. Dr. L. How happens it, Doctor B., that you are so regular in your attend- ance upon the public and social meet- ings of the church ? I hear that you are seldom absent, at least I always see you there when I am. There must be some secret about it, for your practice is as extensive as mine, if not more so, and with all my diligence I cannot make out to attend half the time. I really should like to know how you manage it. I often wish that I could so arrange my business as never to be ab- sent. Dr. B. You are frequently called in 613 318 POWER, ARBITRARY, CORRUPTING INFLUENCE OF. consultation with your medical friends, are you not ? Dr. L. Certainly I am, once or twice every day, and sometimes oftener. Dr. B. Arc you in the habit of meet- ing your consultations punctually ? Dr. L. I am, and am seldom obliged to make a draft upon the fifteen min- utes' grace usually allowed ? Dr. B. That is all the secret I have about the matter. I have always made it a rule punctually and promptly to meet my consultations, and I feel that I have at least two every Sabbath in the house of God, and God who loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob, has for more than thirty years enabled me, with very few exceptions, to meet them. Dr. L. thanked Dr. B. and thought he should profit by the hint, and in the^ hope that others may likewise, this par-; agraph is given to the Messenger. 318. POWER, ARBITRARY, CORRUPTING INFLUENCE OF. {a) XERXES ANGRY WITH THE HELLESPONT.— When the force of the current had carried away the temporary bridge which Xerxes had caused to be thrown over the Hellespont, on his grand expedition into Greece, he was so enraged, that he not only order- ed the heads of the workmen to be struck off, but, like a madman, inflicted lashes upon the sea, to punish it for its inso- lence ; he, moreover, affected to hold it in future under his control, by throwing fetters into it ! "A striking proof," adds the historian, " how much the possession of despotic power tends not only to cor- rupt the heart, but even to weaken and blind the understanding." {h) EFFECTS OF POWER ON NERO. — The beginning of Nero's reign was marked by acts of the great- est kindness and condescension ; by af- fability, complaisance, and popularity. The object of his administration seem- ed to be the good of his people ; and, when he was desired to sign his name to a list of malefactors that were to be executed, he exclaimed, " I wish to hea- ven I could not write !" He was an enemy to flattery ; and when the Senate had liberally commended the wisdom of his government, Nero desired them to keep their praises till he deserved them. But mark the corresponding ten- dency of arbitrary power ! This was the wretch who afterwards assassinated his mother, who set fire to Rome, and destroyed multitudes of men, women, and children, and threw the odium of 614 that dreadful action on the Christians. The cruelties he exercised towards them were beyond description, while he seem- ed to be the only one who enjoyed the tragical spectacle. " The heart is de- ceitful above all things and desperately wicked ; who can know it ?" Arbitra- ry power is dangerous, and who shall be trusted with it ? (c) CATO, THE MODEL AND THE MONSTER.— No man has ever lived who was more celebrated for his scru- pulous observance of the most exact justice, and for the illustration furnish- ed in his life of the noblest natural vir- tues, than the Roman Cato. His strict adherence to the nicest rules of equity — his integrity, honor, and incorruptible faith — his jealous watchfulness over the rights of his fellow citizens, and his generous devotion to their interest, pro- cured for him the sublime appellation of " The Just." Towards freemen his life was a model of every thing just and noble : but to his slaves he was a monster. At his meals, when the dish- es were not done to his liking, or when his slaves were careless or inattentive in serving, he would seize a thong and violently beat them, in presence of his guests. When they grew old or dis- eased, and were no longer serviceable, however long and faithfully they might have served him, he either turned them adrift and left them to perish, or starved them to death in his own family. No facts in his history are better authenti- cated than these. And what so vititeds POWER, ARBITRARY, CORRUPTING INFLUENCE OF 318 his feelings and conduct towards these slaves, but the fact that over them he exercised arbitrary power 1 (d) A WOMAN WITH TWO FA- CES. — A lady, now in the West Indies, was sent in her infancy to her friends, near Belfast, in Ireland, for education. She rennained under their charge from five to fifteen years of age, and grew up every thing which her friends could wish. At fifteen, she returned to the West Indies — was married — and after some years paid her friends near Bel- fast a second visit. Towards white people, she was the same elegant and interesting woman as before ; apparent- ly full of every virtuous and tender feeling ; but towards the colored people she was like a tigress. If Wilberforce's name was mentioned, she would say, " Oh, I wish we had the wretch in the West Indies, I would be one of the first to help to tear his heart out !" — and then she would tell of the manner in which the West Indian ladies used to treat their slaves. '' I have often," she said, " when my women have displeased me, snatch- ed their baby from their bosom, and running with it to a well, have tied my shawl round its shoulders and pretended to be drowning it : oh, it was so funny to hear the mother's screams ! !" — and then she laughed almost convulsively at the recollection. What but the exercise of despotic power could have thus steeled her sen- sibilities and corrupted her mind ? (e) WEST INDIA PLANTER— A planter of the West Indies, who was owner of a considerable number of slaves, treated them with the utmost cruelty, whipping and torturing them for the slightest fault. One of the un- fortunate victims of his cruelty, think- ing any change preferable to slavery under such a barbarian, attempted to make his escape among the mountain Indians ; but, unfortunately, was taken, and brought back to his master. Poor Arthur (so he was called) was immedi- ately ordered to receive three hundred lashes, when stripped ; which were to be given him by his fellow slaves, among whom happened to be a new negro, just brought from Africa, and who had been purchased by the planter the day before. This slave, the moment he savv the un- happy wretch destined to the lashes, flew to his arms, and embraced him with the greatest tenderness ; the other returned his transports, and nothing could be more moving than their mutual bemoaning each other's misfortunes. Their mas- ter was soon given to understand that they were countrymen and intimate friends ; and that Arthur had formerly, in a battle with a neighboring nation, saved his friend's life at the extreme hazard of his own. The new negro, at the same time, threw himself at the planter's feet with tears, beseeching him, in the most moving manner, to spare his friend, or, at least, to suffer him to un- dergo the punishment in his room, pro- testing he would rather die ten thousand deaths, than lift his hand against him. But the wretch, looking on this as an affront to the absolute power he pre- tended over him, ordered Arthur to be immediately tied to a tree, and his friend to give him the lashes ; telling him, too, that for every lash not well laid on, he should himself receive a score. The new negro, amazed at a barbarity so un- becoming a human creature, with a gen- erous disdain refused to obey him, at the same time upbraiding him with his cruelty ; upon which the planter, turn- ing all his rage on him, ordered him to be immediately stripped, and command- ed Arthur, to whom he promised for- giveness, to give his countryman the lashes he had been destined to receive himself. This proposal too was receiv- ed with scorn, each protesting he would rather suffer the most dreadful torture than injure his friend. This generous conflict, which must have raised the strongest feelings in a breast susceptible of pity, did but the more inflame the monster, who now determined they should both be made examples of; and to satiate his revenge, was resolved to whip them himself. He was just pre- paring to begin with Arthur, when the new negro drew a knife from his pock- et, stabbed the planter to the heart, and the following instant struck it to his own. West India slavery was fruitful in such atrocities. And why produce such 615 Sl§, S19 POWER, VANITV OF. results? Because it placed arbitrary power in the master's hand, making him a despot on the small scale. (/) SELLING ONE'S OWN CKILD. — A person who resided in a slaveholding country, sold a black wo- man and her mulatto child to a negro trader. The woman knew nothing of the sale until she and her child were taken possession of*by the purchaser. She was, it appears, a female of spirit, and as she was now out of the hands of her former master, and must go, she knew not whither, she took occasion to vent her indignant feelings in language that showed at once the courage of the Roman matron, as it respected herself, and the heartless villany of a slave- dealer, when applied to him. Walking toward him with her child in her arms, she interrogated him as follows : " Well, sir, I am sold, am I ?" " Yes," was the reply. She continued — " This gen- tleman, I suppose, then, is my master." He answered in the affirmative. " Well, now," she proceeded, " I will tell you to your ftice, that you are one of tiie most wicked, unmanly, cold-hearted crea- tures, that I ever heard of. Here, sir, is your own child — ijour owji Jle.sfi and blood — which, together with its mother, you have sold for money ! ! Look at it, sir. Your features are in its face — your blood runs in its veins — and yet, you've sold it — away ! I cannot bear the sight of you." And these results were the legitimate fruits of the illegitimate and irresponsible authority which the tyrant exercised over her and her offspring. 319. POWER, VANITY OF. (a) CYRUS' CROWN.— Cyrus, the Persian king, was accustomed to say, that did men but know the cares he had to sustain, he thought no man would wish to wear his crown. (b) GILIMEX VICTORIOUS.— Gi- limex, king of the Vandals, when he was led in triumph by Belisarius, crie 1 out, " Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." (c) WORDS OF CHARLES V.— Charles V, emperor of Germany, whom of all men the world judged most hap- py, cried out, in reference to whatever is generally considered good and great, " Get you hence, let me hear no more of you." (d) ALEXANDER'S TEARS.— The conquests of Alexander the Great could not satisfy him ; for when he had conquered the whole of one known world, he sat down and wept because he knew of no other world to conquer. {e) SKETCH OF MENZIKOFF.— Menzikoff, who was at first a pastry cook, accidentally coming into favor of Peter the Great, rose with a rapidity beyond example. He was loaded with honors, and frequently appeared in pub- lic as vice-czar, the emperor assuming the rank of a private person. It is not very surprising, that so extraordinary 616 and sudden an elevation should cause Menzikoft' sometimes to forget that he was a man. His enemies trembled at his presence ; for, as his power was great, so was his revenge. After the death of his imperial master, to whom he was warmly attached, he remained faithful to Catherine ; and upon her de- cease, he placed the crown upon the head of Peter III, son of the unfortu- nate Alexis, and grandson of his bene- factor. It is said he had formed the ambitious design of marrying his daugh- ter to this young prince. The sun of prosperity, however, which had hither- to shone in meridian splendor upon Al- exander Menzikoff, was now Hist sink- ing into the darkest gloom. The Dol- goroukis, a noble family who hated him, were artful, pliable, and insinuating ; Peter was young, unsuspicious, and easily imposed upon by the frank and apparently disinterested friendship of the younger branches of the family. The ruin of the man who had placed him on the throne, was now, at the in- stigation of the Dolgoroukis, resolved on, and the fall of Menzikoff was even more rapid than his rise. As he had seldom shown mercy, so little was shown to him. His banishment to Berezof was PRAYER. 320 attended with every aggravation that could be imagined. Previous to this fatal sentence, he had been deprived of his dignities, his pensions, his employ- ments. This blow was quickly follow- ed by another; he was banished the court, and desired to confine himself to his country house at Oranienburg. On his way thither he was overtaken by a messenger, accompanied by a party of dragoons, who brought the fatal man- date of banishment to Siberia. Bere- zof is situated near the mouth of the Oby ; during six months in the year there is no actual daylight, and the earth is covered with frost and snow. What a situation for persons who had been used to every luxury, every in- dulgence ! The Princess MenzikofF died on the journey, and was buried on the banks of the Wolga. She had al- ways very weak eyes, and they were so aifected by the cold and her exces- sive weeping, that she lost her sight be- fore the half of her journey was com- pleted. This unfortunate family were treated like the worst of criminals. — Their dresses were twice changed ; first to the coarsest woolen, then to the coars- est stuffs. After being used to walk upon the softest carpets, clothed in the richest attire, and to travel with every possible convenience, they were now exposed to cold, and all the inclemen- cies of the weather, in small wooden carts made without springs, and which are always used to convey criminals to their place of exile. Menzikoff and one of his daughters lived to reach Berezof, but to end their days in that place of solitude. When MenzikofF found his death ap- proaching, he called his children to his bedside, and thus addressed them : " My children, I draw near to my last hour ; death, the thoughts of which have been familiar to me since I have been here, would have nothing terrible in it, if I had only to account to the Supreme Judge for the time I have passed in mis- fortune. Hitherto your hearts have been free from corruption. You will preserve your innocence better in these deserts than at court : but should you return to it, recollect only the examples which your^father has given you here." On the accession of the Empress Anne to the throne, Menzikoff's young- er daughter, and his son, returned to Russia ; and the Dolgoroukis felt, in their turn, all the horrors they had con- tributed to inflict on the Menzikoffs ; with this aggravation, that the same person who conducted them to Berezof, carried with him the recall of Menzi- koff and his family. PRAYER. NATURE OF PRAYER.-SCKIPTURAL PRAYER. 320. Praying with Faith. (a) MINISTER LEARNING TO PRAY. — A curious case occurred in one of the towns in the western part of the state of New- York. There was a revival there. A certain clergyman came to visit the place, and heard a great deal said about the prayer of foith. He was staggered at what they said, for he had never regarded the sub- ject in the light they did. He inquired about it of the minister who was labor- ing there. The minister requested him, in a kind spirit, to go home and take his Testament, look out the passages that refer to prayer, and go round to his most praying people, and ask them how they understood those passages. He said he would do it, for though these views were new to him, he was willing to learn. He did it, and went to his praying men and women, and read the passages with- out note or comment, and asked them what they thought. Fie found their plain common sense had led them to un- derstand these passages, and to believe that they mean just as they say. This affected him, and then the fact of his going round and presenting the promises before their minds, awakened a spirit of prayer in them, and a revival fol- lowed. 617 320-322 PRAYER. (b) PRAYER FOR A DYING CHILD. — A clergyman, concluding a sermon to youth, took occasion to press upon parents the duty of parental faith, and illustrated its power in the following manner : About two- and -twenty years ago, a little circle were met around the couch of an apparently dying infant ; the man of God, who led their devotions, seemed to forget the sickness of the child, in his prayer for his future usefulness. He prayed for the child, who had been con- secrated to God at his birth, as a man, a Christian, and a minister ol the word. The parents laid hold of the horns of the altar, and prayed with him. The child recovered, grew towards manhood, and ran far in the ways of folly and sin. One after another of that little circle ascended to heaven ; but two, at least, and one of them the mother, lived 10 hear him proclaim the everlas'ting gospel. " It is," said the preacher, " no fiction ; that child, that prodigal youth, that preacher, is he who now addresses you." (c) GOOD REASON FOR PRAY- ING. — A little girl, about four years of age, being asked, " Why do you pray to God ?" replied, " Because I know he hears me, and I love to pray to him." " But how do you know he hears you ?" Putting her little hand to her heart, she said, " I know he does, because there is something here that tells me so." (d) SECRET OF THE NEGRO'S COMFORT.— A negro slave in Vir- ginia, whose name we will call Jack, was remarkable for his good sense, knowledge of the leading truths of the gospel, and especially for his freedom from all gloomy fears in regard to his future eternal happiness. A professing Christian, a white man, who was of a very different temperament, once said to him, "Jack, you seem to be always comfortable in the hope of the gospel. I wish you would tell me how you man- age it, to keep steadily in this blessed frame of mind." " Why, massa," re- plied Jack, " I just fall flat on the pro- mise, and I pray right up." We re- commend Jack's method to all despond- ing Christians, as containing, in sub- stance, all that can be properly said on 618 the subject. Take ground on the pro- mises of God, and plead them in the prayer of faith — pray " right up." §21. Praying with Submission. (a) BOLINGBROKE AND LADY HUNTINGDON.— Lord Bolingbroke once asked Lady Huntingdon, how she reconciled prayer to God for particular blessings, with absolute resignation to the Divine will. " Very easily," an- swered her ladyship ; "just as if I were to offer a petition to a monarch, of whose kindness and wisdom I had the highest opinion. In such a case, my language would be, I wish you to bestow on me such or such a favor ; but your majesty knows better than I, how far it would be agreeable to you, or right in itself to grant my desire. I therefore content myself with humbly presenting my petition, and leave the event of it entire- ly to you." (b) THE CHILD RESTORED.— A Christian widow in London saw with great alarm, her only child taken dan- gerously ill. As the illness increased she became, almost distracted, from a dread of losing the child ; at length it became so extremely ill, and so con- vulsed, that she kneeled down by the bed, deeply affected, and in prayer said, " Now, Lord, thy will be done." From that hour the child began to recover, till health was perfl^ctly restored. M, Praying with Importunity and Ear- nestness. (a) A MOTHER'S INTERCES. SION. — A Christian minister in Somer- setshire, Eng., stated, that on the even- ing when the first permanent impressions were made on his mind, his pious mo- ther was detained at home. She spent the time devoted to public worship, in secret prayer for the salvation of her son ; and so fervent did she become in these intercessions, that she fell on her face, and remained in fervent supplica- tion till the service had nearly closed. Her son, brought under the deepest im- pressions by the sermon of his father, went into a field after the service, and there prayed most fervently for NATURE OF PRAYER. 322, 323 himself. When he came home, the mother looked at her son with a manifest concern, anxious to discover whether her prayers had been heard, and whe- ther her son had commenced the all- important inquiry, " What shall I do to be saved ?" In a few days the son ac- knowledged himself to be the subject of religious impressions ; impressions which lay the foundation of all excel- lence of character here, and of all blessedness hereafter. (b) MY HEART TALKED.— A child, six years old, in a Sunday school, said, " When we kneel down in the school-room to pray, it seems as if my heart talked." Vain are words, if the heart pray not. (c) " WHY, SIR, I BEGGED."— A little boy, one of the Sunday school children, in Jamaica, called upon the missionary, and stated that he had lately been very ill ; and in his sickness often wished his minister had been present to pray with him. " But, Thomas," said the missionary, " I hope you prayed." "Oh yes, sir." "Did you repeat the collect I taught you?" "I prayed." " Well, but how did you pray ?" " Why, sir, I begged." 323. Praying with Constancy and Per- severance. (a) "PRAY WITHOUT CEAS- ING. " — A number of ministers were assembled for the discussion of difficult questions, and among others it was asked, how the command " to pray without ceasing " could be complied with. Various suppositions were start- ed, and at length one of the number was appointed to write an essay upon it, to read at the next monthly meeting ; which being overheard by a female servant, she exclaimed, " What ! a whole month wanted to tell the mean- ing of that text ! It is one of the easi- est and best texts in the Bible. " " Well, well, " said an old minister, " Mary, what can you say about it ? Let us know how you understand it ; can you pray all the time ? " " O yes, sir. " " What ! when you have so many things to do? " " Why, sir, the more I have to do, the more I can pray. Indeed ; well, Mary, do let us know how it is ; for most people think otherwise. " " Well, sir, " said the girl, " when I jfirst open my' eyes in the morning, I pray, Lord, open the eyes of my understanding ; and while I am dressing, I pray, that I may be clothed with the robe of righteousness ; and when I have washed myself, I ask for the washing of regeneration ; and as I begin to work, I pray, that I may have strength equal to my day. When I begin to kindle the fire, I pray, that God's work may revive in my soul ; and as I sweep out the house, I pray, that my heart may be cleansed from all its impurities ; and while preparing and partaking of breakfast, I desire to be fed with the hidden manna, and the sincere milk of the word ; and as I am busy with the little children, I look up to Godi>as my Father, and pray for the Spirit of adoption, that I may be his child, and so on all day : every thing I do furnishes me with a thought for prayer. " " Enough, enough, " cried the old divine, "these things are re- vealed to babes, and often hid from the wise and prudent. " " Go on, Mary, " said he, " pray without ceasing ; and as for us, my brethren, let us bless the Lord for this exposition, and remember that He has said, ' The meek will he guide in judgment. ' " The essay, as a matter of course, was not consid- ered necessary after this little event occurred. (h) WHITEFIELD'S PRAYERS FOR HIS BROTHER.— One Lord's day morning, Mr. Whitefield, with his usual fervor, exhorted his hearers to give up the use of the means for the spiritual good of their relations and friends only with their lives ; remarking that he had had a brother, for whose spiritual welfare he had used every means. He had warned him and pray- ed for him ; and apparently to no pur- pose, till a ^e\Y weeks ago, when his brother, to his astonishment and joy, came to his house, and with many tears declared, that he had come up from the country, to testify to him the great change that divine grace had wrought upon his heart ; and to acknowledge with gratitude his obligation to the man 619 323, 324 PRAYER. whom God had made the instrument of it. Mr. Whitefield added, that he had that morning received a letter which informed him, that on his bro- ther's return to Gloucestershire, where he resided, he dropped down dead as he was getting out of the stage coach, but that he had previously given the most unequivocal evidence of his being a new man in Christ Jesus — " There- fore, " said Mr. Whitefield, " let us pray always for ourselves and for those who are dear to us, and never faint. " (c) TWO WOMEN PRAYING.— In the county of A. there lived, remote ffom a village, two pious females, who had been recently united with husbands opposed to the gospel of Christ. These young women beheld, with the keenest sensation, the dear partners of their lives pursuing a path which must soon end in everlasting death. E^ had often carried her troubles and sorrows to the throne of grace, and laid them before One who knew the anxiety of her heart, and each had often shed the .silent tear. As a great intimacy had existed between those -young females, they jointly agreed to spend one hour daily in praying for their husbands. They continued this prayer for seven years without any visible effect. At length, with hearts full of anguish, they met to mingle together their sorrows. Their inquiry was, shall we no longer pray for our dear partners — must they. Oh, must they be for ever miserable ? They concluded that although their prayers had not been answered, yet they would persevere even unto the end of life, in the course they had adopted ; and if their husbands would go down to destruction, they should go loaded with their prayers. They more- over resolved to renew their strength, and to pray more earnestly than ever. Thus they continued for three years longer. About this time one of them was awakened in the night by the men- tal distress of her husband. Sleep had departed from his eyes; distress and anguish had seized his soul, for the prayers of these females had come up in remembrance before the throne of God ; and the man who could once ridicule the tender anxieties of a dis- 620 tressed wife, was 4k)w upon his knees in the greatest agony. Now, with ear- nestness, he entreated her to pray for him ; for, said he, the day of grace is almost over, and the door of mercy is ready to be closed against me for ever. His distress, and the hope of the wife, continued to increase. As soon as the day dawned she went with an overflow- ing heart to tell her praying companion, that God was about to answer their petitions. But great was her surprise, to meet her friend coming on the same errand, to tell her what God was doing for her own husband. Thus after ten years' perseverance in calling mightily upon God, tliese Christian females had the unspeakable satisfaction of seeing both their hus- bands brought on the same day to rea- lize their undone condition, and about the same time to accept, as it is hoped, the offers of mercy. 324, Miscellaneous. (a) THE PUBLICAN'S PRAYER. — A Hottentot of immoral character, being under deep conviction of sin, was anxious to know how to pray. He went to his master, a Dutchman, to consult with him ; but his master gave him no encouragement. A sense of his own wickedness increased, and he had no one netir him to direct him. Oc- casionally, however, he was admitted with the family at the time of prayer. The portion of Scripture which was one day read by the master, was the para- ble of the Pharisee and the Publican. While the prayer of the Pharisee was read, the poor Hottentot thought within himself, " This is a good man ; there is nothing for me;" but when his master came to the prayer of the Publican — God be merciful to me a sinner — " This ' suits me," he cried ; " now I know how to pray !" With this prayer he imme- diately retired, and prayed night and day for two days, and then found peace. Full of joy and gratitude, he went into the fields, and as he had no one to whom he could speak, he exclaimed, " Ye hills, ye rocks, ye trees, ye rivers, hear what God has done for my soul ! — he has been merciful to me, a sinner." NATURE OF PRAYER. 324, 325 (h) PHILIP HENRY'S PROMISE. — The following remark of Rev. Philip Henry, after he had been engaged in ardent prayer for two of his children, that were dangerously ill, is so expres- sive of the simplicity and tenderness of Christian faith and love, as to recom- nnend itself to the hearts of those who walk with God : " If the Lord will be pleased to grant nne this my request concerning my children, I will not say as the beggars at our door used to do, ' I'll never ask any thing of him again ;' but, on the contrary, he shall hear oftener from me than ever ; and I will love God the better, and love prayer the better as long: as I live." UNSCRIPTURAL PRAYER. §S5. Praying without Submission. {a) THE BOY AND HIS DEAD BIRD. — " What occasions that melan- choly look ?" said a gentleman to one of his young favorites, one morning. He turned away his face, to hide a tear that was ready to start from his eyes. His brother answered for him, " Mother is very angry with him," said he, " be- cause he would not say his prayers last night; and he cried all day, because a sparrow died of which he was very fond. The little mourner hastily turned round, and looking at me exclaimed, " I could not say thy will be done, because of my poor bird." The gentleman took him by the hand, and pointing to his school-fel- lows, " Mark the observation," said he, " from the youngest present, only six years old ; for it explains the nature of prayer, of which, perhaps, some of you are ignorant. Many persons repeat words, who never prayed in their lives. My dear boy, I am very glad to find you were afraid to say to God what you could not say truly from your heart ; but you may beg of him to give you submisssion to his will." (b) MR. AND MRS. MART AND THEIR SON.— Mr. Edmund Calamy relates, in his life, that some persons of the name of Mart, in whose family he resided for some time, had a son who discovered the most wicked and impious disposition. When confined in prison, he wrote letters professing penitence ; but, as soon as he had an opportunity, he returned to his former sins. This young man had been the darling of both his father and mother ; and the latter had set her affections upon him to so great a degree, that when she saw him a monster of wickedness, she became deranged, and attempted to de- stroy herself, which she at length ef- fected. So far from being suitably im- pressed with this awful event, her son now proceeded to greater lengths in wickedness. At length he professed to be sorry for his depraved course, and applied to the Rev. Samuel Pomfret to intercede for him with his father. Fie was made ready for sea, but unhappily became connected with a gang of vil- lains, and, on the very night before he was to set sail, he robbed Mr. Pomfret, was pursued, tried, and condemned to die. On the Sabbath preceding the Wed- nesday on which he was condemned to die, his father entreated Dr. Calamy to accompany him that evening to his cell in Newgate, to converse with his un- happy son, and to give his opinion as to the propriety of seeking to obtain his pardon. The doctor went, and found him in a very awful state of mind, re- senting different things which he con- ceived his father had done wrong, and saying that he might obtain a pardon for him if he would but part with some of his money. In vain did the doctor expostulate with him on the improper feelings he manifested, and entreat him to humble himself before God on account of his sins, as the only way of engaging his friends to obtain for him a reprieve. His reply was, " Sir, I scorn any thing of that nature ; and would rather die with my company." The doctor reasoned with him on the exist- ence of a hereafter, charged him with the death of his mother, taxed him with the murder of some persons abroad, whose blood he had actually shed, and showed him the heavy punishment he must endure in an eternal world unless he turned to God, repented of his sins, and prayed for pardon through the atonement of the Lord Jesus. He ad- mitted the truth of all these things, but 621 325, 326 PRAYER. was filled with trifling unconcern. He I frankly said that he had no hope of be- I ing better in his character, and that, on i the contrary, he was satisfied she should | grow worse. The next morning he was i visited by Dr. Jekyl, who asked him ! whether, during the whole time he had ! been confined in Newgate, he had once | bowed his knees to the great God, mak- j ing it his earnest request to him to give ; him a sense of his sins, and to create in { him a tender heart : he admitted that | he had not, nor did he think it of any use. He was promised that if he would engage to pray morning and evening for the grace of God, an effort should be made, with every probability of suc- cess, for a reprieve, and subsequently a pardon. But he would make no j engagement, and was hung on the day appointed. On the day of his execution, the fa- ther of this unhappy young man told Dr. Calamy, that when the culprit was a very young child, and their only child, he was exceedingly ill with a fever, and that both his wife and him- self, thinking their lives were bound up in the life of the child, were exceedingly importunate with God in prayer that his life might be spared. A pious mo- ther expostulated with him on the vehe- mence he manifested, and said she dreaded the consequence of his praying in such a way, and that it became him to leave the matter to an infinitely wise God. At length the father said, " Let him prove what he will, so he is but spared, I shall be satisfied.'' The old man added, " This 1 now see to have been my folly. For, through the just hand of God, I have lived to see this wretched son of mine a heart-breaking cross to them that loved him with the greatest tenderness, a disgrace to my whole family, and likely to bring my gray hairs with sorrow to my grave. I read my sin very distinctly in my punishment ; but must own that God is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works." (c) "I CANNOT BEAR IFS."— It is of great importance that we should entreat the Spirit of God to enable us to pray as we ought. It is quite possible to ask for what may appear to us good 622 things, but which, if we had them, would prove evil. Rachel, indulging a petu- lant disposition, said, " Give me children, or I die :" her desire was granted, and as the result she died. The late Mr. Kilpin, of Exeter, writes, " I knew a case, in which the minister, praying over a child apparently dying, said 'if it be thy will, spare .' The poor mother's soul yearning for her beloved, exclaimed, 'It must be his will ! I cannot bear if's. The minister stopped. To the surprise of many the child recovered ; and the mother, after almost suffering martyrdom by him while a stripling, lived to see him hang- ed before he was two-and-twenty ! Oh ! it is good to say, ' Not my will, but thine be done.' " S26. Vnrioas Examples. (a) PRAYER WITHOUT EF- FORT. — At a boarding school in the vicinity of London, a Miss , one of the scholars, was remarked for repeating her lessons well ; a school-fellow rather idly inclined, said to her one day, " How is it that you always say your lessons so perfectly ?" She replied, " I always pray that I may say my lessons well." "Do you?" said the other; " well, then, I will pray too :" but, alas ! the next morning she could not even repeat a word of her usual task. Very much confounded, she ran to her friend, and reproached her as deceitful : " I prayed," said she, " but I could not say a single word of my lesson." " Perhaps," rejoined the other, " you took no pains to learn it !" " Learn it ! learn it !" answered the first, " I did not learn it at all. I thought I had no oc- casion to learn it, when 1 prayed that I might say it." {b) ABUSE IN PRAYER— Mr. John Kilpin, father of the Rev. Samuel Kilpin, of Exeter, having from some cause displeased a member of the church ; at a prayei meeting, his offend- ed brother used most unbecoming ex- pressions respecting him in prayer. On his family's offering their sympathy and expressing resentment, he said, with a mind unruffled, " I was not the least hurt on my own account ; such NATURE OF PRAYER. 326 talking never goes any higher than the ceiling ; the God of love never admits it as prayer.^'' (c) PRAYERS TOO SELFISH.— A man once complained to his minister, that he had prayed for a whole year that he might enjoy the comforts of re- ligion, but found no answer to his pray- ers. The minister replied, " Go home now, and pray, Father, glorify thyself." Reader, are you one of those who find no profit in calling upon God? Ask yourself if your prayers are not all selfish. {d) OBJECTS OF PRAYER.— A gentleman conversing with his friend re- specting the exercises of his own mind, before and after conversion, observed that there was a great difference as to the ohjects of prayer. " When I was," said he, " only a nominal Christian, I used to pray to my family, if any strangers were present I prayed to them, when 1 was alone I prayed to myself — but since I have been renewed by di- vine grace, in all my prayers I pray to God !" (e) PRAYING TO MAN.— In the town of- in Connecticut, there lived Mr. S — , an elderly man of undoubted piety, and one whose catholic and Christian spirit led him to associate with the people of God of all denomina- tions. He circulated to some extent, among Congregationalists, Baptists and Methodists ; attended many of their prayer meetings, and was frequently in- vited to conduct them. Every Chris- tian loved Father S — . One evening he was to conduct a meeting for prayer, and had opened it with reading a por- tion of Scripture, after which he pro- posed to lead in prayer. He had nearly finished his chapter, when elder L — , a Baptist minister of high-toned Calvin- istic sentiments, entered and took his seat near him. The thought crossed his mind, " Now I am rather moderate in some of my views, and I must try to shape my prayer so as not to give of- fence to good brother L — ." With this thought in his mind, he kneeled and commenced with a few words of address to the Deity — became confused, and stopped. A second and third attempt were made with similar results. No one except the Baptist brother could conjec- ture what it was that occasioned the embarrassment of father S — . At length he exclaimed, " I don't know what ails me, I can't pray a bit !" " I know what ails you," said Mr. L — , " you are try- ing to pray to me ; pray to God and you will get along well enough." " I believe you are right," said the old gen- tleman, " I will try once more." He did so, and succeeded to the edification of all present. (/) SAYING PRAYERS SEV- ENTY YEARS.— A poor old man, when a child of three years of age, had been taught by his mother to repeat a prayer every night, which he did till he was seventy-three years old ; and not a little proud was he to say that he had not omitted saying his prayers every night for seventy years ! At this advanced age, it pleased God to afilict him severely ; he was led by the Holy Spirit to see that he was a poor sinner, who had been living in the form of god- liness, but had never felt its power. He was enabled to spend the last few years of his life in humble dependence on the grace of Christ ; and when he referred to himself, he would often add, " I am the old man who said his pray- ers for seventy years, and yet all that time never prayed at all." {g) IRREVERENCE IN PRAY- ER. — An aged minister told me, says a correspondent of the Morning Star, that when he was a young man, he had, on a certain occasion, been praying in a family, and in his prayer he had made a very frequent and energetic use of the terms Osgood God and God Almighty. At the close of his prayer, a little child, about four years of age, came to his mother and said, " Mother, I don't like to hear that minister pray !" Why, in- quired the mother. '• Because," said the child, " he swears so when he prays." This reproof from the child, broke the minister of swearing when he prayed. Prayer is petition : and no one would use the name of a ruler, to whom he was making a petition in as harsh a manner as many use the name of the great God. (A) A LONG PRAYER— Rev. Mr. while traveling through one of 623 327 PRAYER. the western States, stopped for the night at the house of a worthy member of a church. When Mr. entered the house, the old gentleman was about commencing family worship. Mr. being seated, he who was the head of the family proceeded with worship ; and after having read and sung the usual length of time, he, together with all who were present, kneeled in prayer. Mr. — thought the prayer extremely long, but being much fatigued with the day's journey, supposed that his impression with regard to its length might have arisen, in some degree, from that circum- stance. After havins: made a slight change in his attitude, he endeavored to compose himself, and wait patiently un- til the service should end. But the prayer continuing for near an hour, he could no longer control his impatience ; but turning to a son of the old gentle- man, who was kneeling or reclining near him, asked him if his father was not almost through with his prayer. The youth inquired if he had yet got to the Jews ? Mr. — replied that he be- lieved not. Well, said he, he is not half done yet. OCCASIONS OF PRAYER. W. Secret Prayer. (a) MELANCTHON'S EXPE- RIENCE. — When Melancthon was en- treated by his friends to lay aside the natural anxiety and timidity of his tem- per, he replied, " If I had no anxieties, I should lose a powerful incentive to prayer ; but when the cares of life im- pel to devotion, the best means of conso- lation,- a religious mind cannot do* with- out them. Thus trouble compels me to prayer, and prayer drives away trouble." (b) EXAMPLE OF MASON.— It is a fact which deserves the attention of all, that many of the most eminent men of the world have left behind them the most decisive testimony to the importance and value of true religion. Sir John Mason, who had been a privy counsel- lor to four successive monarchs, and was connected with the most important transactions of the state for thirty years, 624 in the evening of his life declared, " Were I to live again, I would ex- change the court for retirement, and the whole life I have lived in the pal- ace for one hour's enjoyment of God in my closet. All things .low forsake me, except my God, my duty, and my prayers." It is said further of tnis eminent man, that at the close of lifo he observed, that the result of h/s 'oservation and experience might be comprised in three short sentences : — Seriousness is the greatest wisdom ; temperance the best physic ; and a good conscience the best estate." (c) PHILIP HENRY'S PRAC- TICE — In the life of Philip Henry, it is said, " He and his wife constantly prayed together, morning and evening."] He made conscience of closet worship,} and abounded in it. It was the cautionj and advice which he frequently gave to his children and friends, " Be sure you look to your secret duty ; keep that up, whatever you do ; the soul cannot pros- per in the neglect of it. Apostacy generally begins at the closet door." (d) GRIMSTONE'S HABIT.— Sir Harbottle Grimstone, master of the rolls, an eminent lawyer, a just jutlge, and a person of large fortune, who lived in the 17th century, was a very pious and devout man, and spent, every morning and evening, at least an hour in meditation and prayer. And even in winter, when he was obliged to be very early on the bench, he took care to rise soon enough to have the time he' usually devoted to these exercises. (e) THE THREE METHODS.— The celebrated Haydn was in company with some distinguished persons. The conversation turned on the best means of restoring their mental energies, whei exhausted with long and difficult stud- ies. One said, he had recourse in such a case, to a bottle of wine — anothei that he went into company. Haydi being asked what he would do, or di( do, said that he retired to his closet and engaged in prayer — that nothin^^ exerted on his mind a more happy and efficacious influence than prayer. Haydn was no enthusiast. OCCASIONS OF PRAYER. 32T (/) PAYING FOR PRAYING.— A.n aged burgomaster, traveling to Ger- many, stopped at an inn on the borders of that country and Holland. He ob- served that the servant girl who laid the cloth, and made other preparations for his supper, performed these offices neat- ly and with much alacrity, and he com- mended her, saying also, " I trust that, while you show yourself so careful in the performance of the common duties of your station, you are not less diligent in observing the duties and privileges of a Christian." The girl, who was quite ignorant of religion, replied by asking what he meant ; upon which he entered more particularly into an ex- planation of his meaning, dwelling es- pecially on the importance of prayer, as he found that she lived in entire neglect of it. Her countenance and manner indicated a strict adherence to truth, and he told her that if, when he again passed through the place, she could as- sure him that she had knelt down every night and morning, and uttered a short prayer, he would give her a ten-guilder piece, (a gold coin, value 16^. 8d.) Af- ter some hesitation the girl agreed, and asked what the prayer was, the repeti- tion of which was to procure her a lar- ger sum than she had ever before pos- sessed at one time. The burgomaster told her, " Lord Jesus, convert my soul." At first, the girl hesitated, and sometimes thought that she might omit the repetition of these words, the full meaning of which she did not under- stand. A better feeling, however, in- duced her to continue, and also to in- quire the meaning of these words. About six months afterwards, the old gentleman returned ; he went to the same inn ; another girl laid his supper cloth ; he inquired for her predecessor in vain. He then asked for the land- lord, who told him that five months back the girl alluded to had been seiz- ed with such a praying fit, that he found she would no longer do for his service, and that she was then living with a private family in the neighbor- hood. In the morning the old gentle- man sought for and found her ; and said he was come to fulfil his promise. She immediately recognized him, but 40 decidedly refused his offered money, saying, '• I have found a reward much richer than any sum of gold." (g) A SECRET OF^ SUCCESS.— Edward Lee, of Manchester, Massa- chusetts, was for several years a sailor, and apparently hardened in sin, but he became converted, and then all his energies were devoted to the service of Jesus Christ. Quitting the sea for the sake of being more useful, he took up his residence in his native village ; and the time which could be spared from his labors on the farm, he employed in behalf of God's glory, and the salva- tion of souls. For thirty years he kept up a weekly prayer-meeting every Thursday afternoon in his own house. It was his rule to visit all the families in the village once in a year, to in- quire after their spiritual welfare. The houses of affliction and sorrow were always sure of his visits and his prayers. In his own house, in the field, and on his journeys, wherever he could warn and plead with the impenitent, he was sure to do so. One night, putting up at an inn where a country ball had commenced, he got permission to enter the room, and addressed the company with such moral power and energy, that dancing was abandoned, and the evening, begun in mirth and folly, was spent in holy exhortation, and closed with prayer. Mr. Lee gave away one eighth of his income, yet left enough to support his widow for thirty years after his death. Wonderful example of piety ! What was the secret of his high at- tainments '? He was a man of prayer ! A few days before he died, he pointed his Christian friends to a spot on the floor, and observed that for more than thirty years, with the exception of ten days' illness, he had risen from his bed at night, and prayed for a dying world's salvation. His minister used to say. "I am but a babe to brother Lee : I prize his prayers more than gold." (h) A SHEEPCOT FOR A CLOSET.— Dr. Milne, a laborious and useful Missionary in China, in his ear- ly years attended a Sabbath evening school, which was taught in the neigh- borhood of his residence. Here his. 625 327 PRAYER. knowledge of evangelical truth increas- ed, and considerable impressions of its importance were made upon his mind. Sometimes he used to walk home from the school alone, about a mile over the brow of a hill, praying all the way. At this time he began the worship of God in his mother's family ; and also held some meetings for prayer, with his sis- ters and other children, in a barn that belonged to the premises. When removed from the immediate care of his mother, the providence of God placed him near to the spot where one of those persons lived, who, though poor in this world, are rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom. He used sometimes to go to his house, at the hour of prayer, when he and his family bow- ed the knee and worshiped God, at the foot of their domestic altar. After reading a chapter in the Bible, he was accustomed to make some remarks upon it, both for the instruction of his chil- dren, and as a preparation for the sol- emn exercise of prayer ; these remarks interested young Milne very much, and showed him a beauty in the word of God, which he never saw before. From this time, more particularly^ he began to discover an excellence in religion, which led him to choose it as the only object deserving the supreme attention of an immortal creature. As the family in which he lived were strangers to re- ligion themselves, and derided all others who made it their concern, he was very unpleasantly situated. The only place he found for retirement, where he could be quiet and unnoticed, was a sheepcot in which the sheep were kept in winter. Here, surrounded with his fleecy com- panions, he often bowed the knee on a piece of turf, which he carried with liim for the purpose. Many hours did he spend there, in the winter evenings, with a pleasure to which before he was a stranger ; and, while some of the members of the family were plotting how to put him to shame, he was eating in secret of that bread " which the world knoweth not of." (i) SANCTUARY IN THE GROVE — A correspondent of the N. Y. Evangelist remarks : While it is a 626 subject of regret, that many professors of religion are so conformed to the world, as exceedingly to limit their use- fulness, it is very refreshing to the spir- its of holy ones, to meet with here and there a disciple living above the world, and at the same time shedding a holy influence on all around. Of this latter and better sort of Christians, 1 knew a man who departed this life at the ad- vanced age of 94 years. His whole business, while 1 knew him, and as I have been told for about 80 of the last years of his life, had been to serve God and en- large the kingdom of Christ on earth. His conversation was spiritual beyond that of any other man I ever knew. It was exceedingly difficult to interest him in any other subject than that of religion. The cause of his high spiritual attain- ments consisted in the fact, that he was more than any other person of my knowledge, a man of prayer. On the day of his burial, when many friends were assembled to commit his remains to the tomb, the subject of his spirituality and holy living, became a topic of conversation. Said one, who was more intimately acquainted with the deceased than the rest, if you will take a short walk, I will let you into the great secret of our departed friend's ho- ly life, and triumphant death. To this proposition a number of the relatives conceded. They were conducted along a narrow beaten footpath into a grove some fifty rods from the house. This grove was the chosen place for many years of this holy man for prayer and meditation. Soon after entering the grove, they came to the devoted spot, the sanctuary where the holy man had carried on his intercourse with the up- per world. The very impress of his knees, as he bowed before the Mighty One of Israel, was distinctly visible. He supported himself in this attitude by two saplings, one on either side, Avhich, by long and frequent use were worn smooth like polished steel. The place was often afterwards visited by the cu- rious, and was ever regarded as one of the best mementoes of the worth of this departed saint. This footpath and the prints of the knees and hands were visi- OCCASIONS OF PRAYER. S2Y, 33S ble for some two or three years after the good man entered his rest ; but are now overgrown and forgotten. 0) PRAYER OF THE CON- DEMxNED SOLDIER.— During the unhappy commotions in Ireland, a pri- vate soldier in the army of Lord Corn- v/allis, was daily observed to be absent from his quarters and from the compa- ny of his fellow-.soldiers. He began to be suspected of withdrawing himself for the purpose of holding intercourse with the rebels ; and on this suspicion, probably increased by the malice of his wicked comrades, he was tried by a court-martial, and condemned to die. The Marquis hearing of this, wished to examine the minutes of the trial ; and not being satisfied, sent for the man to converse with him. Upon being interro- gated, the prisoner solemnly disavowed every treasonable practice or intention, declared his sincere attachment to his Sovereign, and his readiness to live and die in his service : — he affirmed that the real cause of his frequent absence was, that he might obtain a place of retirement for the purpose of private prayer ; for which his Lordship knew he had no op- portunity among his profane comrades, who had become his enemies merely on account of his profession of religion. He said, he had made this defence on his trial ; but the officers thought it so improbable, that they paid no attention to it. The Marquis, in order to satisfy himself as to the truth of his defence, observed that if so, he must acquire some considerable aptness in this exer- cise. The poor man replied, that as to ability, he had nothing to boast of. The Marquis then insisted on his kneeling down and praying aloud before him ; which he did, — and pouring forth his soul before God with such copiousness, fluency, and ardor, that the Marquis took him by the hand, and said, he was satisfied that no man could pray in that manner who did not live in the habit of intercourse wtth his God. He not only revoked the sentence, but received him into his peculiar favor, placing him among his personal attendants. m. Family Prayer. (a) FAMILY PRAYER ESTAB- LISHED BY A CHILD.— The Rev. John Baily, an eminent divine of the 17th century, was so honored of God as to be made the instrument of the conversion of his own father, while he was yet a child. His mother was a very pious woman, but his father was a wicked man. The good instructions and frequent prayers of the former, were so blessed to the soul of little John, that he was converted to God while very young : and having a re- markable gift in prayer, his mother wished him. to pray in the family. His father, overhearing him engaged in this exercise, was so struck with remorse and shame at finding his child, then not above eleven or twelve years of age, performing that duty in his house, which he had neglected him- self, that it brought on a deep convic- tion of his wretched state, and proved, through the Divine blessing, the means of his conversion. {b) AN INFIDEL CONVERTED. — Mr. Abbott states, in his " Mother AT Home," that a gentleman from Eng- land brought a letter of introduction to a gentleman in America. The stran- ger was of accomplished mind and man- ners, but an infidel. The gentleman to whom he had brought letters of intro- duction, and his lady, were active Christian philanthropists. They invited the stranger to make their house his home, and treated him with every pos- sible attention. Upon the evening of his arrival, just before the usual hour for retiring, the gentleman, knowing the peculiarity of his friend's sentiments, observed to him, that the hour had ar- rived in which they usually attended family prayers ; that he should be happy to have him remain and unite with them, or, if he preferred, he could retire. The gentleman intimated that it would give him pleasure to remain. A chapter of the Bible was read, and the family all knelt in prayer, the stran- ger with the rest. In a few days the stranger left this hospitable dwelling, and embarked on board a ship for a foreign land. In the course of three 627 33S PRAYER. or four years, however, the providence of God again led that stranger to the same dwelling. But oh, how changed ! He came the happy Christian, the hum- ble man of piety and prayer. In the course of the evening's conversation he remarked, that when he, on the first evening of his previous visit, knelt with them in family prayer, it was the first time for many years that he had bowed the knee to his Maker. This act brought to his mind such a crowd of recollections, it so vividly reminded him of a parent's prayers, which he had heard at home, that he was entire- ly bewildered. His emotion was so great, that he did not hear one syllable of the prayer which was uttered, from its commencement to its close. But God made this the instrument of lead- ing him from the dreary wilds of infi- delity to the peace and the joy of piety. His parents had long before gone home to their eternal rest ; but the prayers they had offered for and with their son, had left an influence which could not die. They might have prayed ever so fervently for him, but if they had not prayed with him, if they had not knelt by his side, and caused his listening ear to hear their earnest supplications, their child might have continued through life an infidel. (c) FAMILY WORSHIP IN GEY- LON. — At the annual meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in 1826, the Rev. W. B. Fox, a Missiona- ry from Ceylon, said, that as he was traveling in a jungle, in the dead of the night, which is the usual time for jour- neying, he heard a voice reading. He drew near to the cottage, and found that the party was reading the word of God. He put aside the leaves, of which the cottage was composed, and saw the whole group, consisting of three or four generations, sitting on the ground, while a youth was reading the 14th of St. John. He waited in silence, to see the result : and, at the conclusion, the boy began to invoke the Divine blessing on what he had read ; and one of the peti- tions was very remarkable : he prayed that God would make larger the ears of his grandmother. Mr. F. supposed, from this circumstance, that his poor 628 relative was so deaf that she could not hear those truths which he admired himself. He added, that these instan- ces were formerly rare, but they were now spreading over the whole land ; and though he was no prophet, yet he would venture to predict, that nothing like half a century would pass, ere it would be said, that there were no hea- then temples, and no idols remaining in Ceylon. (d) LOSS OF FAMILY PRAYER. — A young lady, the child of pious parents, had arrived at the years of maturity apparently without having any salutary impression made on her mind, either by the instructions she had re- ceived, or the examples she had wit- nessed. In this state of mind she received the addresses of a gentleman destitute of religion, and who, probably, had not possessed her early advantages. He was moral, respectable, and honor- able in social life, and had no idea that any thing more was necessary. In due time they were married. The worth of any blessing is often best taught by its loss. The very first day of her residence in the house of her husband, the young lady was struck with horror and distress at the omission of family prayers ; and that the family separated at night, and met in the morning, and no Bible was called for ; no expressions of gratitude offered for protection and refreshment through the night ; no supplication for provision, direction, and support through the day. She felt desolate and uncomfortable : and that which she had so long disre- garded in the house of her father, seem- ed now absolutely essential to her com- fort. The deficiency was the means of awakening in her mind deep and serious convictions of her sin, in having failed to improve the privileges with which she had so long been flivored. She was led to tremble at her awful state of guilt and danger as a sinner before God ; she humbly and earnestly sought mercy through the blood of the cross, and found joy and peace in believing. Now, the instructions and admonitions of her pious parents, which had so long seemed to be like good seed rotting beneath the clod, began to spring up and yield fruit. OCCASIONS OF PRAYER. 3d8 She said, " The God of my parents shall be my God;" and she gave her- self up to him in a covenant never to be forgotten ! She could not now be insensible to the best interests of her husband and family ; these became matter of deep solicitude and fervent prayer. Her pious endeavors were blessed : her husband was awakened to discern the things that belonged to his everlasting peace, and was made a par- taker of the grace of God in truth. Their household was soon numbered among those in whose tabernacles is heard the voice of rejoicing and salva- tion. They became eminently pious, exemplary, and useful characters, and trained up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (e) FAMILY PRAYER ABAN- DONED AND RESUMED.— A pious tradesman, conversing with a minister on family worship, related the following instructive circumstances respecting himself: When I first began business for my- self, I was determined, through grace, to be particularly conscientious with respect to family prayer. Accordingly, I persevered for many years in the de- lightful practice of domestic worship. Morning and evening, every individual of my family was ordered to be present; nor would I allow my apprentices to be absent on any account. In a few years, the advantages of these engagements manifestly appeared ; the blessings of the upper and nether springs followed me ; health and happiness attended my family, and prosperity my business. At length, such was the rapid increa,se of trade, and the importance of devoting every possible moment to my customers, that I began to think whether family prayer did not occupy too much of our time in the morning. Pious scruples arose respecting my intentions of relin- quishing this part of my duty ; but, at length, worldly interests prevailed so far as to induce me to excuse the attendance of my apprentices, and, not long after, it was deemed advisable, for the more eager prosecution of business, to make the prayer with my wife, when we rose in the morning, suffice for the day. Notwithstanding the repeated checks of conscience that followed this base omission, the calls of a flourishing con- cern, and the prospect of an increasing family, appeared so imperious and com- manding, that I found an easy excuse for this fatal evil, especially as I did not omit prayer altogether. My con- science was now almost seared with a hot iron ; when it pleased the Lord to awaken me by a singular providence. One day I received a letter from a young man who had formerly been my apprentice, previous to my omitting family prayer. Not doubting but I continued domestic worship, his letter was chiefly on this subject ; it was couched in the most affectionate and respectful terms : but judge of my sur- prise and confusion, when I read these words : " O, my dear master, never, never shall I be able sufficiently to thank you for the precious privilege with which you indulged me in your family devotions ! O, sir,, eternity will be too short to praise my God for what I learned there. It was there I first beheld my lost and wretched state as a sinner ; it W£is there that I first knew the way of salvation ; and there that I first experienced the preciousness of ' Christ in me, the hope of glory.' O, sir, permit me to say, never, never neg- lect those precious engagements : you have yet a family, and more apprentices, may your house be the birth-place of their souls !" I could read no further ; every line flashed condemnation in my face. I trembled, I shuddered, I was alarmed lest the blood of my children and apprentices should be demanded at my soul-murdering hands. Filled with confusion, and bathed in tears, I fled for refuge in secret. I spread the letter before God. I agon- ized, and — but you can better conceive than I can describe my feelings ; suffice it to say, that light broke in upon my disconsolate soul, and a sense of blood- bought pardon was obtained. I imme- diately flew to my family, presented them before the Lord, and from that day to the present I have been faithful, and am determined, through grace, that whenever my business becomes so large as to interrupt family prayer, I will give up the superfluous part of my business, 629 32§ PRAYER. and retain my devotion : better to lose a few shillings, thi/fn become the deli- berate murderer of my family, and the instrument of ruin to my own soul. (/) RYLAND AND THE IN- KEEPER'S FAMILY. — The Rev. John Ryland, of Northampton, being on a journey, was overtaken by a violent storm, and compelled to take shelter in the first inn he came to. The people of the house treated him with great kindness and hospitality. They would fain have showed him into the par- lor, but being very wet and cold, he begged permission rather to take a seat by the fireside with the family. The good old man was friendly, cheerful, and well stored with entertaining anec- dotes, and the family did their utmost to make him comfortable : they all sup- ped together, and both the residents and the guest seemed mutually pleased with each other. At length, wlien the house was cleared, and the hour of rest ap- proached, the stranger appeared uneasy, and looked up every time a door opened, as if expecting the appearance of some- thing essential to his comfort. His host informed him, that his chamber was prepared vvhenever he chose to retire. "But," said he, "you have not had your family together." " H^ad my fa- mily together ! for what purpose ? I don't know what you mean;" said the landlord. "To read the Scriptures, and to pray with them," replied the guest : " surely you do not retire to rest in the omission of so necessary a duty." The landlord confessed that he had never thought of doing such a thing. " Then, sir," said Mr. R., " I must beg you to order my horse immediately." The landlord and family entreated him not to expose himself to the inclemency of the weather at that late hour of the night ; observing, that the storm was as violent as when he first came in. "May be so," replied Mr. R., " but I had rather brave the storm than venture to sleep in a house where there is no prayer. Who can tell what may befall us before morning? No, sir, I dare not stay." The landlord still remon- strated, and expressing great regret that he should offend so agreeable a 630 gentleman, at last said, he should have no objection to "call his family to- gether," but he should not know what to do when they came. Mr. R. then proposed to conduct family worship, to which all readily consented. The fa- mily was immediately assembled, and then Mr. R. called for a Bible ; but no such book could be produced. However, he was enabled to supply the deficiency, as he always carried a small Bible or Testament in his pocket. He read a portion of Scripture, and then prayed with much fervor and solemnity, espe- cially acknowledging the preserving goodness of God, that none present had been struck dead by the storm, and im- ploring protection through the night. He earnestly prayed that the attention of all might be awakened to the things belonging to their everlasting peace, and that the family might never again meet in the morning, or separate at night, without prayer. When he rose from his knees, almost every individual present was bathed in tears, and the in- quiry was awakened in several hearts — " Sir, what must we do to be saved ?" Much interesting and profitable conver- sation ensued. The following morning, Mr. R. again conducted family worship, and obtained from the landlord a pro- mise, that however feebly performed, it should not in future be omitted. This day was indeed the beginning of days to that family ; most, if not all of them, became decided and devoted followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and were the means of diflusing a knowledge of the gospel in a neighborhood which had be- fore been proverbially dark and destitute. (g) GOOD EXAMPLE OF A MAY- OR. — Sir Thomas Abney was the be- loved friend of the celebrated Dr. Watts, who found in his house an asylum for more than thirty-six years. This knight was not more distinguished by his hospitality than his piety. Nei- ther business nor pleasure interrupted his observance of public and domestic worship. Of this a remarkable instance is recorded : upon the evening of the day that he entered on his office as lord mayor of London, wiihout any notice, he withdrew from the public assembly OCCASIONS OF PRAYER. 32§ at Guildhall after supper, went to his house, there performed family worship, and then returned to the company. (h) HOWARD'S PRACTICE.— Mr. Howard, the philanthropist, never neglected the duty of family prayer, even though there v/as but one, and that one his domestic, to join in it ; always declaring, that where he had a tent, God should have an altar. This was the case, not only in England, but in every part of Europe which they visited together, it being the invariable practice, wherever, and with whomsoever he might be, to tell Tomasson to come to him at a certain hour, at which, well knowing what the direction meant, he would be sure to find him in his room, the doors of which he would order him to fasten ; when, let who would come, nobody was admitted till this devotional exercise was over. " Very few," says the humble narrator, " knew the good- ness of this man's heart." (i) THE DISCOURAGED FA- THER.— The Rev. A. D. Merrill states that there was once a pious father with seven children, who had maintain- ed the worship of God in his family, until all his children had grown up to manhood, and womanhood, and not one of them had been as yet converted to God. At last the old man's faith began to fail, in relation to the promise ; and growing " weary and faint in his mind," he resolved to give up his family wor- ship, and confine his devotions to the closet, and to leave his children to do as they pleased. But before he finally proceeded to do this, he concluded to call his children together once again, to pray with them, and explain to them his reasons for this course. Being as- sembled, and taking up the " old family Bible," from which he had so often read to them " the words of eternal life," he thus addressed them : — " My children, you know that from your earliest recollection I have been accus- tomed to call you together around this altar, for family worship. I have en- deavored to instruct you in the ways of the Lord, and to imbue your minds with the truth. But you have all grown up, and not one of you is converted to God. You are yet in your sins, and show no signs of penitence. I fbel discouraged, and have concluded to make no further efforts for your salvation — to demolish my family altar — to confine my own de- votions to my closet, and thus to en- deavor still to work out my own salva- tion, while I leave you to yourselves." Upon his speaking thus, first one and then another fell upon their knees, until they were all bowed before God, and besought him, that he would not do as he had resolved, but, that he would still continue to pray for them, and that he would do it now ; for they were now ready to give their hearts to God. He bowed with them. The Spirit descended according to the promise, and before they rose from their knees, they were all made happy in God. One of their number who was married, and away from home, upon returning on a visit, and hearing what great things the Lord had done for the rest of the family, likewise immediately submitted to God, and thus were they all saved, and the covenant promise fulfilled. ( j ) FAMILY PRAYER BY TWO DAUGHTERS.— A gentleman resid- ing in the western part of the state of New-York, had sent two of his daughters to Litchfield, to be educated. While they were there, God was pleased to bless the place with a revival of religion. The news of it reached the ears of their father. He was much troubled for his daughters, "apprehensive," to use his own words, " lest their minds should be affected, and they be frightened into re- ligion." Alive, as he thought, to their happi- ness, and determined to allay their fears, and quiet their distresses, he sent a friend to Litchfield, with positive orders to bring them immediately home, that they might not be lost to all happiness and hope, and consigned to gloom and despondency. The messenger departed on this er- rand. But they had already chosen Christ for their portion, and had resolved that, whatever others might do, they would serve the Lord. They returned to their father's, not overwhelmed, as he expected, with gloom and despondency, but with hearts glowing with gratitude to God, and 631 32S PRAYER. countenances beaming with serenity and hope. Indeed, they rejoiced in the Savior. Soon after their return home, they were anxious to establish family wor- ship. They affectionately requested their father to commence that duty. He replied, that he saw no use in it. He had lived very well more than fifty years without prayer, and he could not be burdened with it now. They then asked permission to pray with the fa- mily themselves. Not tliinking they would have confidence to do it, he as- sented to the proposition. The duties of the day being ended, and the hour for retiring to rest having arrived, the sisters drew forward to the stand, placed on it the Bible ; one read a chapter — they both kneeled — the other engaged in prayer. The father stood, and while the humble fervent prayer of his daughter was ascending to heaven, his knees began to tremble ; he also kneeled, and then became prostrate on the floor. God heard their prayer, and directed their father's weeping eyes, which had never shed tears of penitence before, to the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world. Happy family ! a believing father, and believing children ! whose God is the Lord ! (k) "SIR, WHO HAVE YOU BEEN TALKING WITH ?"— There lived in the town of in Vt. (says a correspondent of the Christian Mirror,) a man who had a large family of children. He was poor ; and unable to keep them at home, he put some of them away from home to live. It was the favored lot of a little girl, I think, about eight years of age, to fall into a family, where daily prayers were offered up to Al- mighty God. Prayer she was unac- quainted with. The subject was new to her. At home she never heard a prayer. An astonishment seized her, when she saw her master, night and morning, standing in one corner of the room, talking, as she termed it, with something that she could not see. An anxiety swelled in her little bosom to know who it could be. Unwilling to ask any one of the family with whom she lived, yet solicitous to know, she 632 obtained leave to go home. She had hardly reached the lonely cottage, be- fore she asked her mother who it was that her master talked with, when stand- ing in the corner of the room night and morning. She told her that she did not know, being herself a heathen though in a Christian land. Not satisfied, she asked her father, who answered in a thoughtless and inhuman manner, "The devil 1 suppose." The little inquisitive child returned uninformed to her mas- ter, where she witnessed the same promptitude and holy ardor as before. Not many days had elapsed, before she summoned fortitude enough to put the question. One morning, after her master had been talking with the unknown being, she stepped up before him, and said, " Sir, who have you been talking with this morning ?" The question was so unexpected, and from such a source, that at first he felt unable to answer her ; and was unusually impressed with the importance of the duty of prayer, and the weight of obligation resting up- on him to approach God aright. But after recollecting himself a little, he said, and that with reverence, " I have been trying to talk with God." " God !" said she with astonishment, " where is he ? where does he live ?" &c. Many questions of a similar nature she puJ with much interest and feeling to which her master gave her such answers as were calculated to awaken the liveliest feelings of her mind, in regard to Je- hovah. After she had learned all her little mind could contain of divine tilings, she desired to go home and see her pa- rents, with an earnestness that could not be resisted. Go she must ; leave was granted ; she went home to her father's cottage, a place where prayer was not wont to be made, with her little bosom beating with a high tone of pious feel- ing in view of the importance of prayer. She went to her father, and said, " Fa- ther, pray." She urged with warmth a compliance ; but he utterly refused. She then went to her mother and ask- ed her to pray ; but with no better success. She could not endure it any longer; her feelings must vent them« selves in words. She said, let us pray. OCCASIONS OF PRAYER. 32S She knelt down and prayed, and it ap- pears to me, that scripture was fulfilled. " The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much." In an- swer to her prayer, both of her pa- rents were brought under conviction, which terminated in hopeful conversion to God. And this was the beginning of an extensive revival of relii^ion. (Z) SELF-CONVICTED COM- MITTEE. — In a certain church, there were four brethren, heads of families, who were generally known to neglect the important social Christian duty of Family Prayer. The subject being in- troduced at a church meeting, it was proposed to appoint a committee to wait upon two of these brethren, and labor with them on this subject. When the committee was nominated, who should be named, but the two other brethren who were known by many to be guilty of the same neglect. They tried to shift off the appointment and excuse themselves, without, however, stating the true reason of their reluctance ; but it was all in vain, the vote was put, and these two were appointed ihe committee. They were now in rather an awkward sit- uation — pretty sort of persons, thought they, to be appointed to labor with others for the neglect of family prayer, when we are guilty of the same ourselves. The result, however was good. The two brethren got together to talk the matter over, and concluded that they cou!(l not very well converse with the others, till they had reformed them- selves. After conversing together, and reflecting alone, they were each con- victed of the guilt of their criminal ne- glect. They assembled their families, confessed to them their guilt, re-estab- lished at once the family altar, and the Lord came down and blessed their souls. They were then ready to go and con- verse with the other two delinquents ; they told them how they had been equal- ly guilty, how they had repented of their sinful neglect, and how the Lord had blessed them and their families in erecting afresh the broken down family altar, and entreated them to do the same. The consequence was, that fa- mily prayer was immediately re-estab- lished in these families also, and at the next church meeting, the committee re- ported with tears in their eyes, that they had been successful in reclaiming not only their brethren, but also themselves, from the guilt and the inconsistency of those professedly Christian heads of fa- milies who call not upon the name of the Lord. (m) THE SON'S ADMONITION. — My father, says Prof. B., was one of those still men who, much as he thought of company, carried on his part of con- versation in brief questions and mon- osyllabic answers. He had deceived himself into the belief that his talents were not such as to make it his duty to conduct family worship. With this view, he had lived for more than forty years, in every other respect a consis- tent Christian. A son, who, at the time referred to, was preparing for the min- istry, and already licensed to preach, was spending a vacation at home — the last evening of his stay had arrived — the family Bible, as usual, is placed be- fore him on the stand, with a request to lead in prayer. The thought oc- curred, that now for a year or more, whatever devotion might be felt, no voice of prayer could be heard in the family, except from the lips of strangers who should turn in for the night. The thought affected him, and endeavoring to use such a manner as would become him in addressing a father almost three- score years and ten, he said — " Father, I delight to lead in this exercise when at home, but I am affected with the thought that there is to be no more prayer here, until I shall return. How is it that you have never established family prayer? I know the diffidence of your nature — I know that it would be hard to overcome it — but would it not have been attended with satisfaction to yourself, and a blessing to the family worth a far greater sacrifice ? You can ask a favor of a neighbor — to do the same thing with God, is prayer : and he greatly mistakes, who thinks that the best prayer is that clothed in the most fluent language." The old man was affected — said he knew that it was so — and then gave an account of his feelings and practice in this respect since the commencement of his Christian 633 3SS, 329 PRAYER. course. Tears glistened in the eyes of some unaccustomed to weep for sin, and the father's expression gave encourage- ment to hope that the suggestion would not be in vain, and that an altar would still be erected, whence incense and a pure offering should daily rise to Hea- ven. On the day following, befo leaving, the son mentioned the scene of the previous evening to the minister of the place, who took an opportunity to add his influence to what had been said, and it proved effectual. The man whose voice, though for forty years a professed Christian and a father, had never been heard in prayer by his chil- dren, at the age of threescore years and ten, commences the discharge of that duty in his family, and so far as I know never ceases until the infirmities of age render it impossible. His children, ten in number, who had not before, have since professed the religion of Christ, though I cannot say how much the father's prayers had to do with this result. (n) FAMILY WORSHIP ESTA- BLISHED BY A CHILD.— A boy, about fourteen years of age, who had learned, at one of the schools belonging to the Gaelic Society, the value of his own soul, was deeply impressed with the importance of family religion. As none of the family could read but him- self, he intimated his intention of esta- blishing family worship. No answer was made, no opposition started, and as little encouragement given. Still he made the attempt. He read the Scrip, tures, and prayed for himself, and for all present. The rest of the family looked on. Alone he continued to wor- ship God in this manner for some time, the others being merely spectators ; but at length, one after another sunk down m their knees beside him, until the A^'hole domestic circle united in the hal- lowed exercise ; the gray-headed father kneeling down beside his child, and joining in his artless aspirations to God the Father of all. (o) A FAMILY CONVERTED.— A man in the western country removed into a new town and took the first mea- sures to establish religious meetings. The Lord blessed his exertions ; a church 634 was formed of which he was chosen deacon, and a minister was settled. His family grew up around him, but none of his children were converted, and he felt great anxiety lest fainily prayer should cease after he should be removed. He lived to be upwards of seventy years old, and all the time his constant prayer was, that God would have mercy on liis children and not suffer the lamp of piety to go out in his house. One of the sons moved into the family mansion to take care of the old man, as his wife was dead. He still kept up family prayer as usual, never forgetting to pray for his son, that he might be converted and take his place at the family altar. A revival commenced in the town and the minister heard that there was sometliing unusual at the old family mansion. He called to see them ; in one room he beheld six or seven persons weeping, distressed for their sins, and the old man kneeling in one corner with his eyes and hands lifted up to heaven, crying to God to have mercy on his children. The minis- ter attempted to address them, but found every thing he attempted to say far be- neath the subject. God was there doing his own work — to this God he kneeled and prayed and then left them. The result was that the son, and several of his children were converted, and the good old man could say with Simeon, " Now Lord lettest thou thy servant de- part in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.' §29. Giving Thanks at Meals. (a) DON'T LET US FORGET.— At Lebanon, in the state of New York, there dwelt a certain man, about fifty years of age, who had not only lived a very careless life, but was an open op- poser of the gospel plan of salvation, and of t' \e work of God in the late re- vival of religion in that part of the country ; he was, however, brought under serious convictions in the follow- ing manner: — One day there came into his house a traveler with a burden on his back ; the family being about to sit down to dinner, the stranger was invited to partake with them, which he accord- OCCASIONS OF PRAYER. 329, 330 ingly did. When the repast was fin- ished, and the members of the family were withdrawing from their seats, the stranger said, " Don't let us forget to give thanks to God." He accordingly gave thanks, and departed. The man of the house felt reproved and con- founded. The words of the stranger were fastened on his mind by the power of God. He was led to reflect on his wickedness in being unmindful of God, and in neglecting prayer and thanksgiving ; he was also led to re- flect on his manifold sins, which soon appeared to him a burden infinitely greater than that which the traveler bore. He found no relief until he sought in that very way which ne used formerly to despise, through the peace- speaking blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. {b) REBUKE ADMINISTERED. — Very salutary impressions have fre- quently been produced upon the minds of foreigners by the pious example of the native converts. I was on one oc- casion dining on board an English ship of war with Queen Pomare, other members of the royal family, and sev- eral chiefs. A large table was pre- pared on the quarter-deck. All being seated, the plates were soon abun- dantly supplied, but not one of the na- tives attempted to eat. The captain was greatly surprised at this, and said to me, " Mr. Pritchard, I fear we have not provided such food as the natives like ; I don't see one of them begin to eat." I replied, " You could not have provided any thing that the natives would like better ; the reason why they do not commence eating is simply this, they are accustomed always to ask a blessing." Before I could say any thing more, the captain evidently feel- ing a little confused, said, " I beg your pardon, Mr. Pritchard: please to say grace." I immediately " said grace," when the natives soon gave proof that they liked the food, which had been provided. One of the officers from the end of the table looked at the captain very significantly, and said, " We have got it to-day !" And then addressing himself to me he said, " Mr. Pritchard, you see what o. graceless set we are." All the gentlemen seemed to feel the rebuke thus unintentionally given. {(') THE KIiNG OF TOOBOW.— The king of the island of Toobow, one of the Friendly Islands, avowed an at- tachment to Christianity. In the early part of 1823, he went on board a British vessel, to pay a visit to the captain and unconsciously conveyed a very for- cible practical reproof to the party. He sat down at the captain's tabhi to partake of some refreshment; though food was placed before him, he made a very observable pause ; and when ask- ed why he did not begin, he replied that he was waiting till a blessing had been asked on their food. The reproof was felt ; and the party were ashamed at being rebuked by a man whose intel- lectual attainments they considered far inferior to their own. They rose, and the king gave thanks previously to their commencing the repast. §30. Social and Public Prayer. {a) PRAYER MEETING ABAN- DONED. — In former times, there was a neighborhood some few miles from Philadelphia, where the inhabitants did not, it would seem, enjoy but seldom the blessings of a gospel ministry. Still, some of them were professors of I'eli- gion, and for a long time they met to- gether in a school-house in the capacity of a conference and prayer meeting. The spirit of religion, however, was so low among them, that their meetings were conducted with little interest and attended by a scanty number. At length, at the close of a lifeless service, some dne proposed that the meetings thereafter should be abandoned. All assented but an aged mother in Israel, who, after a vain remonstrance, assured them that the worship of God should be kept up there, though she might have to keep it up alone. On the ensuing Sabbath she accordingly bent her soli- tary steps to the deserted sanctuary. She read a portion of Scripture, sang a hymn, and knelt down to weep and pray over the desolation of Zion. While en- gaged in this exercise, two men happen- ed to be strolling by, and overhearing prayer, went in. What was their sur- 635 »»0 PRAYER. prise on entering, to find but a single Christian present, where they expected to find an assembly. They took their seats and waited till she had got done. As she rose fi^om her knees, seeing strangers present, she asked them to engage in prayer. They had probably never prayed in their lives, and accord- ingly, they peremptorily refused. Hav- ing, therefore, we presume, addressed them faithfully on the subject of religion, she sung another hymn, and once more addressed the throne of grace. At the close of the services, she gave out an appointment for a prayer meeting in the same place on the ensuing Sabbath. These men were not slack in publishing their singular visit to the school-house, or in circulating the notice of another meeting which was to be held there the next Lord's day. When the time ar- rived, some came from shame, perhaps, and more from curiosity, and so the school-house was filled ! The Spirit of the Lord now began to work ; Christians confessed their lukewarmness and de- voted themselves afresh to the service of God ; and sinners began to inquire, " What shall we do to be saved ?" In- deed, there was a precious revival ; and as the result, a church was constituted, and remains as a monument of that Christian woman's .faithfulness to this day. One of the converts became a minister of the gospel, and labored in the western part of Pennsylvania, and was, perhaps, instrumental in the con- version of many souls. Despise not the day of small things. Keep up the prayer meetings. {b) A PRAYER MEETING OF FORTY YEARS.— Mr. W-^,^, of , N. Y., (says the writer of a tract,) was a plain man, a farmer, with a very limited common-school education. But he studied the Bible diligently, not to theorize, but that he might know the will of God, and do it. His piety was consistent, humble, meek, benevolent, active, uniform. He was acknowledged by all to be an every-day Christian. At a time when the church was small and but two or three brethren lived in his vicinity, he consulted his pastor and established a neighborhood prayer meet- ing, to be held on Sabbath evening in 636 the district school-house. In the circle of attendance there were sixteen or eighteen families, in very few of which the domestic altar had ever been erect- ed. The meeting was commenced in the year 1800. Mr. W led it for twenty years, when, with a hope full of immortality, and a faith whicii triumph ed over death, he entered his eternal] rest. Others were raised up, who have also' gone to their reward. And after the lapse of forty years, when but two of the original heads of families yet live,! the prayer meeting, which no heat o| cold, no darkness or storm, breaks uj is still sustained and cherished witl warm^ffection. During the first year of the meetingj several parents and a few youth wen brought publicly to profess Christ. Then succeeded a long and severe trij of faith and perseverance. For four^i teen years very few were added to th< church, and "the ways of Zion mourn-' ed." Thoughtlessness and mirth pre- vailed. Few came to the prayer meet- ing, but it was never relinquished. Mr. W and one or two others, now in heaven, were always at their post, to pray and speak a word for the Redeem- er, to warn sinners of the error of their way, and beseech them to become re- conciled to God. During the fourteenth year of this spiritual dearth, these individuals be- came so deeply affected in view of the condition of the impenitent, and so anx- ious that " Zion might arise and shine," that after others had retired from the school-house, they frequently remained one, two, or three hours in prayer. In the opening spring their hopes revived. The meetings became full and solemn. Their cries had reached heaven, ani the Holy Spirit came down. One eve- ning, a youth who had been deeply im- pressed for several days, could no longer suppress his feelings. He gave vent to his burdened heart by a single expres- sion of warning to his companions, which carried conviction to several other minds, and from that hour a deep solemnity pervaded the neighborhood, and resulted in a glorious and powerful wojk of grace. The means, blessed of God, OCCASIONS OF PRAYER. 330 were personal conversation, family visit- ing, and more frequent prayer meetings, all conducted among themselves, with very little ministerial help. The revival continued for two years, and spread not only through that con- gregation, but into neighboring churches, and hundreds renounced their sins and consecrated themselves to God. In this district nearly every family had now erected a family altar, and nearly every adult was rejoicing in hope of the glory of God. Other seasons of refreshiug have been enjoyed, and eternity alone can make known the number of souls that have been and will be converted in answer to the prayers offered in that school-room. Some whole households down to the second and third genera- tions, give evidence that they will be united in the great family above. And as another result, not less than ten men have been raised up in these families to preach the blessed gospel. (c) THE AGED LADY AND THE PRAYER MEETING.— A pious old lady, (says the Religious Intelligencer,) in a country town, has long been in the habit of attending religious conference meetings, fov, like many others, she had often found them refreshing. It hap- pened, however, as in many other pla- ces, religion had got to a low ebb — the ways of Zion mourned because few came to her solemn feasts — the love of Christians had waxed cold — the wise and the foolish were alike asleep, and they gave up conference meetings en- tirely. I am inclined to think, howev- er, that it was because they gave up these meetings and neglected other du- ties, that they became so cold and stu- pid ; be that as it may, the old lady could not bear to give them up ; she spoke to one and another of the breth- ren to introduce them again ; but with one accord they replied, " We have worn them quite out, nobody will at- tend." Not satisfied, the old lady said she would go, if nobody else went. Ac- cordingly, the next Wednesday evening she took her hymn-book and walked some distance to the school-house where the meetings used to be held — here she prayed, and sung, and prayed. On her way home, she stopped at a neighbor's house to rest. ' " Where have you been ?" said the neighbor. " Why, I have been to conference." " To con- ference ! I didn't know there was one — who was there '?" " O, God was there, and I was there, and we have had a good conference ; and there is to be another next Wednesday evening." — Accordingly, next week the old lady went as before ; but what was her joy and surprise to find the house was crowded ; her pious zeal had admonish- ed professors ; Christians were awaken- ed ; sinners were alarmed ; and verily, God was there, and from that time has been carrying on a glorious work of grace in that place. (d) DR. FRANKLIN'S PROPO- SAL. — While the important question of the representation of the American States in the senate was the subject of debate, and the states were almost equally divided upon it, Dr. Franklin moved that prayers should be attended in the convention every morning, and in support of his motion, thus addressed the president : " Mr. President : The small progress we have made after four or five weeks of close attendance and continual rea- sonings with each other, our different sentiments on almost every question, several of the last producing as many noes as ayes, is, methinks, a melancholy proof of the imperfection of the human understanding. We indeed seem to feel our own want of political wisdom, since we have been running all about in search of it. We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and examined the different forms of repub- lics, which, having been originally form- ed with the seeds of their own dissolu- tion, now no longer exist ; and we have viewed modern states all around Eu- rope, but find none of their constitutions suitable to our circumstances. n this situation of this assembly, gropnig, as it were, in the dark, to find political truth, and scarcely able to distinguish it when presented to us, how has it hap- pened, sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of lights, to illuminate our un- derstandings ? In the beginning of the contest with Great Britain, and when 637 330, 331 PRAYER. we were sensible of danger, we had daily prayers in this room for Divine protection. Our prayers, sir, were heard, and they were graciously an- swered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle, must have observed fre- quent instances of a superintending Pro- vidence in our favor. To that kind . Providence we owe this happy opportu- nity of consulting in peace, on the means of establishing our future national feli- city. And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend ? or do we imagine we no longer need his assistance ? 1 have lived, sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth — that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow can- not fall to the ground without his no- tice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid ? We have been assured, sir, in the sacred writings, that * except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.' I firmly believe this; and I also believe, that without this concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no bet- ter than the builders of Babel ; we shall be divided by our little partial local in- terests, our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a re- proach and a by- word to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may here- after, from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing governments by human wisdom, and leave it to chance, war, or conquest. I therefore beg leave to move, that henceforth prayers, im- ploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business ; and that t one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service." What a lesson to the legislators of other nations ! (e) FORGETTING THE OF- FENCE. — A person came to Mr. Long- don one day and said, " I have some- thing against you, and I am come to tell you of it." " Do walk in, sir," he replied ; " you are my best friend : if I ■ could but engage my friends to be faith- ful with me, I should be sure to pros- per ; but, if you please, we will both pray in the first place, and ask the bless- 638 ing of God upon our interview." Af- ter they rose from their knees, and had been much blessed together, he said, " Now I will thank you, my brother, to tell me what it is that you have against me." '-'Oh," said the man, "I really don't know what it is ; it is all gone, and I believe I was in the wrong." PRAYER ANSWERED. Sll. Prayer Answered by God's Providential Control of Material and Animal Agencies. (a) THE PILGRIM FATHERS AND THE DROUGHT.— It is well known, that many of the good men who were driven from England to America, by persecution, in the seventeenth cen- tury, had to endure great privations. A numerous party, who came out about 1620, were for a time supplied with food from England, and from the na- tives of the western wilderness. But as these resources were uncertain, they began to cultivate the ground. In the spring of 1623, they planted more corn than ever before, but by the time they had done planting, their food was spent. They daily prayed, "Give* us this day our daily bread ;" and, in some way or other, the prayer was always answered. With a single boat and fishing-net they caught bass, and when these failed, they dug for clams. In the month of June, their hopes of a harvest were nearly blasted by a drought, which withered up their corn, and made the grass look like hay. All expected to perish with hunger. In their distress, the pilgrims set* apart a day for humiliation and prayerj and continued their worship for eight ol nine hours. God heard their prayers and answered them in a way which ex^ cited universal admiration. Althougl the morning of that day was clear, anc the weather very hot and dry during the whole forenoon, yet before night ii began to rain, and gentle showers coni tinned to fall for many days, so that th< ground became thoroughly soaked, the drooping corn revived. \ ■ (b) THE SOUTH SEA ISLANDS ERS. — About the time when the-Gos^ pel was beginning to make its way ii PRAYER ANSWERED. 33t Raiatea, a canoe, with four men in it, was upset at sea, and the men were thrown into the water, where, though nearly amphibious, they must have been drowned, the waves drifting them to and fro, unless speedily carried to shore, or taken up by some vessel. Two of the men having embraced Christianity, im- mediately cried out, " Let us pray to Jehovah ; for he can save us.'' " Why did you not pray to him sooner ?" re- plied their pagan comrades : " here we are in the water, and it is useless to pray now." The Christians, however, did cry mightily unto their God, while all four were clinging for life to their bro- ken canoe. In this situation, a shark suddenly rushed towards them, and seiz- ed one of the men. His companions held him as fast and as long as they could ; but the monster prevailed, and hurried the unfortunate victim into the abyss, marking the track with his blood. He was one of the two who were idola- ters. After sometime, the tide bore the surviving three to the reef, when, just as they were cast upon it, a second shark snatched the other idolater with his jaws, and carried off his prey, shriek- ing in vain for assistance, which the two Christians, themselves struggling with the breakers, could not afford him. This circumstance very naturally made a great impression upon the minds of their countrymen, and powerfully recom- mended to them the " God that heareth prayer." ^ (c) LUTHER'S PRAYER FOR MELANCTHON.— At a certain time Luther received an express, stating that his bosom friend and co-worker in the reformation, Philip Melancthon, was ly- ing at the point of death ; upon which information he immediately set out upon the journey of some 150 miles, to visit him, and upon his arrival, he actually f()und all the distinctive features of death ; such as the glazed eye, the cold clammy sweat, and insensible lethargy, upon him. Upon witnessing these sure indications of a speedy dissolution, as he mournfully bent over him, he exclaimed with great emotion, " Oh, how awful is the change wrought upon the visage of my dear brother !" On hearing this voice, to the astonishment of all present^ Melancthon opened his eyes, and look- ing up into Luther's face, remarked, " Oh Luther, is this you ? Why don't you let me depart in peace ?" Upon which Luther replied, " O no, Philip, we cannot spare you yet." Luther then turned away from the bed, and fell up- on his knees, with his face towards the window, and began to wrestle with God in prayer, and to plead with great fer- vency, for more than an hour, the many proofs recorded in Scripture of his be- ing a prayer-hearing and prayer-answer- ing God ; and also how much he stood in need of the services of Melancthon, in furthering that cause, in which the honor and glory of God's great name, and the eternal welfare of unnumbered millions of immortal souls, were so deep- ly interested ; and that God should not deny him this one request, to restore him the aid of his well tried brother Melanc- thon. He then rose up from prayer, and went to the bedside again, and took Melancthon by the hand. Upon which Melancthon again remarked, " Oh, dear Luther, why don't you let me depart in peace ?" To which Luther again an- swered, " No, no, Philip, we cannot pos- sibly spare you from the field of labor yet." Luther then requested the nurse to go and make him a dish of soup, ac- cording to his instructions. Which be- ing prepared, was brought to Luther, who requested his friend Melancthon to eat of it. Melancthon again asked him, " Oh, Luther, why will you not let mo go home, and be at rest?" To which Luther replied as before, " Philip, we cannot spare you yet." Melancthon then exhibited a disinclination to partake of the nourishment prepared for him. Upon which Luther remarked, " Philip, eat, or I will excommunicate you." — Melancthon then partook of the food prepared, and immediately grew better, and was speedily restored to his wonted health and strength again, and labored for years afterwards with his coadjutors in the blessed cause of the reformation. Upon Luther's arrival at home, he narrated to his beloved wife Catharine the above circumstances, and added, " God gave me my brother Melancthon back in direct answer to prayer;" and added further, with patriarchal simpli- 639 331 PRAYER. city, " God on a former occasion gave me, also, you back, Kata, in answer to my prayer." (d) PRAYER FOR FAIR WEA- THER.— In the life of the Rev. Robert Blair, a Scottish minister of the seven- teenth century, the following passage occurs : " There having been incessant rain for a month in harvest, the corn was growing a finger length in the sheaves, and the whole crop was in hazard of perishing. In this deplorable situation, the people resolved solemnly, by humi- liation and fasting, to beseech the Lord to avert the threatened famine. When the day came, it rained heavily from morning till night ; so that the Lord seemed to be thrusting out their prayers from him. But that same night he sent a mighty wind, which did fully dry the corn and check the growing ; and this wind continuing to blow fair for two days, the people ceased, neither night nor day, till the whole corn was got in. During these two days, I and two neigh- boring ministers were continuing our supplications and thanksgivings to the Lord for his great mercy." (e) PRAYING FOR A LUNATIC. — Richard Cook, a pious man, during Mr. Baxter's residence at Kiddermin- ster, went to live in the next house to him. After some time he was seized with melancholy, which ended in mad- ness. The most skillful help was ob- tained, but all in vain. While he was in this state, some pious persons wished to meet to fast and pray in behalf of the sufferer ; but Mr. Baxter, in this in- stance, dissuaded them from it, as he apprehended the case to be hopeless, and thought they would expose prayer to contempt in the eyes of worldly persons, when they saw it unsuccessful. When ten or a dozen years of affliction had passed over Richard Cook, some of the pious men referred to would no longer be dissuaded, but fasted and prayed at his house. They continued this prac- tice once a fortnight for several months ; at length the sufferer began to amend, his health and reason returned, and, adds Mr. Baxter, " he is now as well almost as ever he was, and so hath continued for a considerable time." 640 (/) TWO CHRISTIANS IN AVA. — The Rev. Eugenio Kincaid states, that among the first converts in Ava, were two men who had held respectable offices about the palace. Some time after they had been baptized, a neigh- bor determined to report them to go- vernment, and drew up a paper setting forth that these two men had forsaken the customs and religion of their fathers, were worshiping the foreigner's God, and went every Sunday to the teacher's house, &c. He presented the paper to the neighbors of the two disciples, taking their names as witnesses, and saying that he should go and present the accusation on the next day. The two Christians heard of it, and went to K. in great alarm, to consult as to what they should do. They said if they were ac- cused to government, the mildest sen- tence they could expect would be im- prisonment for life at hard labor, and perhaps they would be killed. K. told them that they could not flee from Ava, if they would ; that he saw nothing he could do for them, and all that they could do was to trust in God. He then knelt with them, and besought God to protect them, and deliver them from the power of their enemies. They also prayed, and soon left K., saying that they felt more calm, and could leave the matter with God. That night the persecutor was attacked by a dreadful disease in the bowels, which so distressed him, that he roared like a madman; and his friends, as is too often the case with the heathen, left him to suffer and die alone. The two Christians whom he would have ruined, then went and took care of him till he died, two or three days after his attack. The whole affair was well known in the neighbor- hood, and from that time not a dog dare move his tongue against the Christians of Ava. Is there no evidence in this of a special providence, and that God listens to the prayers of his persecuted and distressed children ? (g) ELLIOTT'S PRAYER FOR FOSTER. — Among many remarkable instances of the prevalence of prayer, which Dr. Mather in his Magnalia, mentions, the following anecdote of the celebrated Elliott deserves notice, which PRAYER ANSWERED. 331 I give in Dr. Mather's own words. There was a ,2;odly gentleman of Charlestown, one Mr. Foster, who, with his son was taken captive by the Turks. Much prayer was employed, both pub- licly and privately, by the good people here, for the redemption of that gentle- man, but we were at last informed, that the bloody prince in whose dominion he was now a slave, was resolved, that in his lifetime, no prisoner should be released, and so the distressed friends of this pri- soner now concluded, " our hope is lost.'^ Upon this, Mr. Elliot in some of his next prayers before a very solemn con- gregation, broadly begged, " Heaveiily FatJier, work for the redemption of thy ■poor servant, Foster ; and if the Prince who detains him, will not, as they say, dismiss him, as long as himself lives ; Lord, we pray thee to kill that cruel Prince: kill him and glorify thyself upon him. And now behold the an- swer : the poor captive gentleman quick- ly returns to us, that had been mourn- ing for him as a lost man, and brings us news that the Prince was come to an untimely death, by which means he was now set at liberty." (A) THE COVENANTER'S PRAYER.— Mr. Alexander Peden, a Scotch Covenanter, with some others, had been, at one time, pursued both by horse and foot, for a considerable way. At last, getting some little height be- tween them and their persecutors, he stood still and said, " Let us pray here, for if the Lord hear not our prayer and save us, we are all dead men." He then prayed, saying, " O Lord, this is the hour and the power of thine enemies, they may not be idle. But hast thou no other work for them than to send them after us ? Send them after them to whom thou wilt gi'e strength to flee, for our strength is gane. Twine them about the hill, O Lord, and cast the lap of thy cloak over puir auld Saunders, and thir puir things, and save us this ae time, and we will keep it in remem- brance, and tell to the commendation of thy guidness, thy pity and compas- sion, what thou didst for us at sic a time." And in this he was heard, f9r a cloud of mist immediately intervened between them and their persecutors; 41 and in the meantime, orders came to go in quest of James Renwick, and a great company with him. (/) THE FRENCH ARMAMENT. — The destruction of the French arma- ment, under the Duke d'Anville, in the year 1746, ought to be remembered with gratitude and admiration by every inhabitant of this country. This fleet consisted of forty ships of war; was destined for the destruction of New, England, was of suflicient force to ren- der that destruction, in the ordinary pro- gress of things, certain ; and sailed from Chebucto, in Nova Scotia for this pur- pose. In the meantime, our pious fathers, apprised of their danger, and feeling that their only safety was in God, had appointed a season of fasting and prayer to be observed in all their churches. " While Mr. Prince was officiating" in this church (Old South Church) on this fast day, and praying most fervently to God, to avert the dreaded calamity, a sudden gust of wind arose, (the day had till now been perfectly clear and calm,) so violent as to cause a loud clattering of the windows. The Rev. pastor paus- ed in his prayer, and looking round up- on the conjjregation with a countenance of hope, he again commenced, and with great devotional ardor, supplicated the Almighty God to cause that wind to frustrate the object of our enemies, and save the country from conquest and popery. A tempest ensued in which the greater part of the French fleet was wrecked on the coast of Nova Scotia. The Duke D'Anville the prin- cipal general, and the second in com- mand, both committed suicide. Many died with disease, and thousands were consigned to a watery grave. The small number that remained alive, re- turned to France without health and without spirits. " And the enterprise was abandoned, and never again resum- ed." (j) VESSEL SAVED BY PRAY- ER. — The following striking anecdote is recorded in the diary kept at Freid- ensburg, a settlement of the Moravians, in St. Croix : — In March, 1819, Mr. Bell, a captain of a ship from Philadelphia, who is a re- 641 331 PRAYER. ligious man, living some time in this island, paid us several visits. One day he brought with him another captain from Baltimore, by the name of Boyle. Having for some time conversed on reli- gious subjects, the latter inquired whe- ther any of our family were on board an English vessel, with only six guns, and twenty-two men, which in the year 1814 was attacked by a North Ameri- can privateer, of fourteen guns, and one hundred and twenty men, on her voyage to St. Thomas ; and which, after a most desperate conflict beat off the American enemy. He added, that he supposed very fervent prayer had been offered up on board the vessel. Sister Ramock answered, that she was on board the English vessel, and could assure him that there was. " That I believe," re- plied the captain, " for I felt the effects of your prayers !" He then informed us, that he was the captain who com- manded the privateer. "According to my wild way of thinking, at that time, 1 was determined to strain every nerve to get possession of the British vessel, or sink her ; but she was protected by a higher power, against which all my exertions proved vain." This disap- pointment and defeat astonished him : but when he afterwards heard, that mis- sionaries were on board the English vessel, it struck him, that the fervent prayers to God had brought them pro- tection and safety. This led him to a further thought about these things ; and at length, by God's mercy, to a total change of mind. On his making this statement, we joined him in thanking the Lord for his goodness. From this au- thentic fact, we learn that under all circumstances, however bad and hope- less, it is the Christian's duty to pray and not to faint ; to exercise faith and hope in that Almighty Jehovah, whose ear is never heavy that he cannot hear, nor his hand shortened that he cannot save. ik) THE INDIAN MOTHER'S PRAYER. — " Pummehanuit, an Indian of prime quality, on Martha's Vineyard, and his wife, had buried their first five children successively, every one within ten days of their birth, notwithstanding all their use of powows and of medi- 642 cines to preserve them. They had a sixth child, (a son,) born about the year 1638, which was a few years before the English settled on the Vineyard. The mother was greatly perplexed with fear that she should lose this child like the former; and utterly despairing of any help from such means as had been formerly tried with so little success, as soon as she was able, with a sorrowful heart, she took up her child and went out into the field, that she might weep out her sorrows. While she was musing on the insufficiency of all human help, she felt it powerfully suggested to her mind that there is one Almighty God who is to be prayed unto, that this God had created all the things that we see — and that the God who had given being to herself, and all other people, and given her child unto her, was easily able to con- tinue the life of her child. Hereupon, this poor pagan woman re- solved, that she would seek unto this God for that mercy, and did according- ly. The issue was, that her child lived, and her faith in Him who thus answer- ed her prayer was wonderfully strength- ened, the consideration whereof caused her to dedicate this child unto the ser- vice of that God who had preserved his life, and educated him, as far as might be, to become the servant of God. Not long after this, the English ciime to settle on Martha's Vineyard • and the Indians who had been present at some of the English devotions, reported that they assembled together, and that the man who spoke among them often looked upwards. This woman, from this report, presently concluded that their assemblies were for prayers, and that their prayers were unto that very God whom she had addressed for the life of her child. She was confirmed in this when the gospel was not long after preached by Mr. Mayhew to the Indians ; which gospel she readily, cheerfully, and heartily embraced. And in the confession that she made publicly at her admission into the church, she gave a relation of the preparation for the knowledge of Christ, wherewith God hito in this remarkable way favored her. Her child, whose name was Ja- phet, became afterwards an eminent min- PRA.YER ANSWERED. 331 ister of Christ. He was pastor of an Indian church, on Martha's Vyieyard ; he also took much pains to carry the gospel unto other Indians on the main land, and his labors were attended with much success." (/) THE GUARDED HOUSE.— f>When the year 1814 began, troops of Swedes, Cossacks, Germans, and Rus- sians, were within half an hour's march of the town of Sleswick ; and new and fearful reports of the behavior of the soldiers were brought from the country every day. There had been a truce, which was to come to an end at mid- night of the 5th of January, which was now drawing near. On the outskirts of the town, on the side where the enemy lay, there was a house standing alone, and in it there was an old pious woman, who was earnestly praying, in the words of an ancient hymn, that God would raise up a wall around them, so that the enemy might fear to attack them. In the same house dwelt her daugh- ter, a widow, and her grandson, a youth of twenty years. He heard the prayer of his grandmother, and could not re- strain himself from saying, that he did not understand Jiow she could ask for any thing so impossible, as that a wall should be built around them, which could keep the enemy away from their house. The old woman, who was now deaf, caused what her grandson said to be explained to her, but only answered that she had but prayed in general for protection for themselves and their town people. " However," she added, " do you think that if it were the will of God to build a wall around us, it would be impossible to him ?" And now came the dreaded night of the 5th of Januaiy ; and about mid- night the troops began to enter on all sides. The house we were speaking of lay close by the road, and was larger than the dwellings near it, which were only very small cottages. Its inhabit- ants looked out with anxious fear, as parties of the soldiers entered one after another, and even went to the neighbor- ing houses to ask for what they want- ed ; but all rode past their dwelling. Throughout the whole day there had been a heavy fall of snow — the first that winter — and towards evening the storm became violent to a degree sel- dom known. At length came four parties of Cossacks, who had been hin- dered by the snow from entering the town by another road. This part of the outskirts was at some distance from the town itself and therefore they would not go further ; so that all the houses around that where the old woman lived, were filled with these soldiers, who quar- tered themselves in them ; in several houses there were fifty or sixty of these half-savage men. It was a terrible night for those who dwelt in this part of the town, filled to overflowing with the troops of the enemy. But not a single soldier came into the grandmother's house ; and amidst the loud noises and wild sounds all around, not even a knock at the door was heard, to the great wonder of the family with- in. The next morning, as it grew light, they saw the cause. The storm had drifted a mass of snow, to such a height, between the roadside and the house, that to approach it was impossi- ble. " Do you not now see, my, son," said the old grandmother, " that it was possible for God to raise a wall around us?" Does not this story remind us of the words — "The angel of the Lord en- campeth round about them that fear Him and delivereth them !" Does it not seem as if the snow had been ga- thered together as by angels' hands to form a defence for that house where one dwelt who thus feared God and trusted in him ? (m) THE TIDE RETARDED.^ " In the number of providential inter- positions in answer to prayer," says Le Clerc, " may be placed what happened on the coast of Holland, in the year 1672. The Dutch expected an attack from their enemies by sea, and public pray- ers were ordered for their deliverance. It came to pass, that whem theic ene- mies waited only for the tide, in order to land, the tide was retarded, contrary to its usual course, for twelve hours ; so that their enemies were obliged to de- fer the attempt to another opportunity, which they never found, because a 643 833 PRAYER. storm arose afterwards, and drove them from the coast." M. Prayer answered by God's Provi- dential Control of Men's Minds. (a) THE WELL-TIMED LOAF. — A lady, who had just sat down to breakfast, had a strong impression on her mind, that she must instantly carry a loaf of bread to a poor man, who lived about half a mile from her house, by the side of a common. Her husband wished her either to postpone taking it till after breakfast, or to send it by a ser- vant ; but she chose to take it immedi- ately herself. As she approached the hut, she heard the sound of a human voice, and wishing to discover what was said, she stepped unperceived to the door. She heard the poor man praying, and among other things he said, " O Lord, help me ; Lord, thou wilt help me ; thy promise cannot fail : although my wife, my- self, and children, have no bread to eat, and it is now a whole day since we had any, I know thou wilt supply me, though thou shouldst again rain down manna from heaven." The lady could wait no longer, but opening the door, " Yes," she replied, " God has sent you relief. Take this loaf, and be en- couraged to cast your care upon Him who careth for you ; and whenever you want a loaf of bread, come to my house." (h) SLAVE'S PRAYER.— A mis- sionary in India, passing one day through the school-room, observed a little boy engaged in prayer, and over- heard him say, " O Lord Jesus, I thank thee for sending big ship into my country, and wicked men to steal me, and bring me here that I might hear about thee, and love thee ; and now. Lord Jesus, I have one great favor to ask thee, please to send wicked men with another big ship, and let them catch my father and my mother, and bring them to this country, that they may hear the mis- sionaries preach, and love thee." The missionary in a few days after, saw him standing on the sea shore, looking very intently as the ships came in. " What are you looking at, Tom ?" " I am looking to see if Jesus Christ answer prayer." For two years he was to be 644 seen day after day, watching the arrival of every, ship. One day, as the mis- sionary was viewing him, he observed him capering about, and exhibiting the liveliest joy. " Well, Tom, what oc- casions so much joy ?" '• 0, Jesus Christ answer prayer — father and mo- ther come in that ship ;" which was ac-« tually the case. (c) FRANCKE'S SCHOOL AT HALLE. — The conduct of the emi- nent and justly celebrated Francke, in the establishment of the hospital and school for the poor, at Halle, near Glau- cha, in Saxony, is well known. Hav- ing no permanent funds to meet the expenses, it may be easily supposed that the good man would frequently be re- duced to great difficulties ; at such times the interpositions of the providence of God were truly remarkable. About Easter, 1696, he knew not where to ob- tain money for the expenses of the en- suing week ; but when their food was reduced to the very last morsel, one thousand crowns were contributed by some entirely unknown person. At another time, all their provisions were exhausted, and the good minister wisely presented his requests to the God of mercy, who careth even for the ravens when they cry. When prayer was over, just as he was taking his seat, a friend from a distance arrived with fifty crowns, which was shortly followed by twenty more. At another period, the workmen wanted thirty crowns, when he remarked that he had no money, but that he trusted in God ; scarcely had he uttered the sentence, when, in this moment of necessity, the precise sum arrived. " Another time," says Francke, " all our provision was spent ; but, in ad- dressing myself to the Lord, I found myself deeply affected with the fourth petition of the Lord's prayer, ' Give us this day our daily bread ;' and my thoughts were fixed in a more especial manner upon the words 'this day,' be- cause on the very same day we had great occasion for it. While I was yet praying, a friend of mine came before my door in a coach, and brought the sum of four hundred crowns !" PRAYER ANSWERED. 332, 333 (d) THE LUNATIC RESTORED. — The following particulars, says the Columbian Star, are communicated by a friend, who received the information immediately from one of the brethren who attended the prayer meeting. The daughter of a very eminent Christian, and a deacon of the Baptist church at Birmingham in England, married a respectable merchant of the city of Bristol (distant from each other about 100 miles), and at a subsequent period (such was the will of Providence) by one sudden and unexpected loss at sea, he was nearly ruined. This news gave such a shock to his amiable com- panion, that she was rendered altogether insane, and that to such a degree, that it was necessary to confine her in order to prevent her from doing herself and others harm. Her distressed situation was immediately communicated by a letter to her father, who on receiving it, like one of old, " conferred not with flesh and blood," but presented the case before his heavenly Father ; and in the eveninfj crathered tocfether at his house many of his brethren in the church for the purpose of pleading with God in her behalf. It was a season of solemn and united supplication to the Lord. He answered prayer ; for a few days after a letter was received by her father informing him that on such an hour, her reason returned, she sat up in bed, her bands of confinement were removed, and she was, as it were, in an instant restored to her usual health. That evening and that hour of restora- tion, were the same evening, and the sa7ne hour when many were gathered together and prayer was made unto God for her. Ul Prayer answered by Ihe Agency of the Holy Spirit in various interesting Conversions. (a) THE PRAYING SISTERS.— Two young men, members of a family the greater number of whom were de- voted to God, left the house of their widowed mother, to reside in a distant state. After a little while they imbibed exceedingly erroneous views of religion, and were thus exposed to the utmost danger. Their sisters heard of their errors, and resolved to seek their deliv- erance from them by earnest prayer. They agreed separately to spend half an hour at sunset every Saturday evening in fervent supplication for their brothers. The hearer of prayer was not unmindful of their requests. The two brothers were awakened to a sense of their danger, and hopefully con- verted to God. (b) AN INFIDEL CONVERTED. — A writer in the Christian Witness, speaking of the conversion of some of Abner Kneeland's followers, says : One is so remarkable that we cannot forbear relating it to our readers. The subject of it is a young man, engaged in a pub- lic establishment, and in the employ of a pious individual. His former efforts to introduce his baneful doctrines into the establishment, were a source of great annoyance to his employer. He embraced every opportunity to expose to visitors his utter contempt of all the sacred things of the gospel. — His bold blasphemies, and his scornful sneers, were alike shocking to decency and re- ligion. The vile print which weekly disseminates its moral poison through our community, he contrived as fre- quently as possible to bring under the notice of the visitors of the establish- ment, though his employer as vigilantly sought to destroy it, whenever introduced there. — Withal, he was given to occa- sional fits of intemperance, in which his treatment to his family rendered him a terror, where he ought to have been a comfort and support. His great use- fulness in the establishment, alone re- conciled his employer to the utterance of his wicked principles, and his vicious conduct. To manifest his contempt for the ordinances of religion, and his open defiance of the God of the Bible, he laid a wager with his profane companions, that he would attend a Methodist prayer meeting in his neighborhood, and go for- ward to be prayed for. And now mark how God brings good out of evil. He went — and his hardihood carried him through the accomplishment of his wicked purpose. But perhaps his con- science was not so much at ease as his 645 333 PRAYER. demeanor indicated ; perhaps the rude impertinence of his blasphemy startled even his own proud heart, and awaken- ed his attention to the things he was en- deavoring to ridicule ; perhaps his char- acter and purposes were known to " the sons of God," so that they adapted their supplications to the dreadful enormity of his sins. Whatever may have been the immediate influence by which he was moved, certain it is that the Spirit of God strove with him, and subdued the stubborn rebellion of his heart. Conscience arose in its intended and outraged majesty; and like Esau, when he had lost his birthright, he " lifted up a great and bitter cry." He went forth from the house of prayer, his spirit bowed within him, and his very frame sym- pathizing in its strong commotion. He has found peace in believing. The influence of his change wrought upon her with whose happiness his principles had hardly less to do than with his own ; and they both entered on proba- tion as candidates for full communion in the denomination by whose pious in- strumentality the husband was first called to the knowledge of the truth. (c) THE BEGGAR'S PRAYER. A wealthy merchant in this country once gave the following account : — As he was standing at his door, a venerable gray-headed man approached him and asked an alms. He answered him with severity, and demanded why he lived so useless a life. The beggar answer- ed that " age disabled him for labor and he had committed himself to the prov- idence of God, and the kindness of good people." The rich man was at this time an infidel. He ordered the old man to depart, at the same time casting some reflections on the providence of God. The venerable beggar descended the steps, and kneeling at the bottom offered up the following prayer : — " O my gracious God, I thank thee that my bread and water are sure ; but I pray ihee, in thy intercession above, to remember this man ; he hath reflected on thy provi- dence. Father! forgive him, he knows not what he saith." Thus the present scene ended. The words, " Father ! for- give him, he knows not what he saith," constantly rung in the ears of the rich 646 man. He was much disconcerted the following night. The next day, being : called on business to a neighboring town ! he overtook the old man on the road. i As he afterwards confessed, the sight j almost petrified him with guilt and fear. j He dismounted, when an interesting con- versation ensued. .At the clbse of it the old man remarked : — " Yesterday, I was hungry, and called at the door of a rich man. He was angry, and told me he did not believe in the providence of God, and bid me depart ; but at the next house I had a plentiful meal. And this, mark ye ! was at the house of a poor woman." The wealthy man confessed, that at this moment he was pierced with a sense of guilt. He then gave some money to the poor man, of whom he never could hear afterwards ; yet the sound of these words being im- pressed on his mind by the last inter- view — " He knows not what he saith," — never left him, till he was brought to Christian repentance. (d) MOTHER PRAYING FOR A SON AT A BALL.— When I was about 18 years of age, says' a blind preacher, there was a dancing party in Middleboro, Mass., which I was solicit- ed to attend, and act as usual, in the capacity of musician. I was fond of such scenes of amusement then, and I readily assented to the request. I had a pious mother ; and she earnestly re- monstrated against my going. But at length, when all her expostulations and entreaties failed in changing my pur- pose, she said : " Well, my son, I shall not forbid your going ; but, remember that all the time you spend in that gay company, I shall spend in praying for you at home." I went to the ball, but 1 was like the stricken deer, carrying an arrow in his side. I began to play ; but my convictions sunk deeper and deeper, and I felt miserable indeed. I thought I would have given the world to have been rid of that mother's prayers. At one time I felt so wretched and so overwhelmed with my feelings, that I ceased playing and dropped my musical instrument from my hand. There was another young person there who re- fused to dance ; and, as I learned, her refusal was owing to feelings similar to PRAYER ANSWERED. 33^ my own, and perhaps, they arose from a similar cause. My mother's prayers were not lost. That was the last ball I ever attended, except one, where I was invited to play again, but went and prayed and preach- ed instead, till the place of dancing was converted into a Bochim, a place of weeping. The convictions of that wretched night never wholly left me, till they left me at the feet of Christ, and several of my young companions in sin ere long were led to believe and obey the gospel also. (e) THE PRAYING MOTHER AND HER SIX DAUGHTERS.— In a sea-port town in New England, lived a pious mother, who had six daughters. At the age of sixty, she had been for many years the subject of disease, which confined her to her house, and almost to her room. To a Christian friend she remarked, " I have not for these many years known what it is to go to the house of God, in company with his people, and to take sweet coun- sel with them. But I have another source of grief greater than this ; one that weighs down my spirits day and night, while disease and pain bear my body towards the grave. I have six daughters ; two are married and live near me, and four are with me ; but not one of them is pious. I am alone. I have no one for a Christian compan- ion. Oh that even one of them were pious, that I might walk alone no lon- ger!" Such was her language. She was evidently a woman of a sorrowful spirit, beseeching the Lord with much entreaty. Soon after this, a revival of religion commenced in the neighbor- hood, of which her four single daugh- ters were among the first subjects. A fifth was soon added to the number, but the other, the eldest, was unmoved. " Mother," said one of the converts, " let us all unite in observing a day of fasting and prayer for our unawakened sister." The agreement was made ; the day was observed. Of this, the subject of their prayers had no knowledge ; but on the same day, while engaged in her domestic concerns at home, her mind was solemnly arrested ; and she was soon after added to the Christian sister. hood. The praying mother lived a few years to enjoy tlieir Christian society. They surrounded her dying bed, re- ceived her last blessing, commended her spirit to God, and followed the faith and patience of that mother who was first removed to inherit the promises. (/) PRAYING AN HOUR DAI- LY EIGHTEEN MONTHS.— A poor woman, at Berwick St. John, in Wilt- shire, England, the wife of a day la- borer, being called by the grace of God, her husband became a bitter persecu- tor ; and, because his wife would not relinquish the service of God, he fre- quently turned her out of doors in the night, and during the winter season. The wife, being a prudent woman, did not expose this cruelty to her neigh- bors, but, on the contrary, to avoid their observations, she went into the adjacent fields, and betook herself to prayer. Greatly distressed, but not in despair, her only encouragement was, that with God all things are possible ; she there- fore resolved to set apart one hour eve- ry day, to pray for the conversion of her persecuting husband. This she was enabled to do, without missing a single day, for a whole year. Seeing no change in her husband, she formed a second resolution to persevere six months longer, which she did up to the last day, when she retired at about twelve o'clock as usual, and, as she thought, for the last time. Fearing that her wishes, in this instance, might be con- trary to the will of God, she resolved to call no more upon him ; her desire not being granted, her expectation appear- ed to be cut off. That same day her husband returned from his labor in a state of deep dejection, and, instead of sitting down as usual to his dinner, he proceeded directly to his chamber. His wife followed, and heard, to her grate- ful astonishment, that he who used to mock, had returned to pray. He came down stairs, but refused to eat, and returned again to his labor un- til the evening. When he came home, his wife affectionately asked him, " What is the matter ?" " Matter enough," said he, " I am a lost sinner. About twelve o'clock this morning," continued he, " I was at my 647 333 PRAYER. work, and a passage of Scripture was deeply impressed upon my mind, which I cannot get rid of, and I am sure I am lost." His wife encouraged him to pray, but he replied, " O wife, it is of no use, there is no forgiveness for me !" Smitten with remorse at the recollec- tion of his former conduct, he said to her, '• Will you forgive me ?" She re- plied, " Oh yes." " Will you pray for me ?" "Oh yes, that I will." " Will you pray for me now .?" " That I will, with all my heart." They in- stantly fell on their knees and wept, and made supplication. His tears of penitence mingled with her tears of gratitude and joy. He became decid- edly pious, and afterwards greatly ex- erted himself to make his neighbors acquainted with the way of salvation by Christ Jesus. (g) A WRITTEN PRAYER AN- SWERED.— Captain Mitchell K. was from early life accustomed to the sea. He commanded a merchant ship that sailed from Philadelphia. After his marriage, he again went to sea, and one day committed to writing, while in a highly devotional frame of mind, a prayer for the temporal and eternal happiness of his beloved wife and un- born babe. This prayer, nearly filling a sheet of paper, was deposited, with his other writings, at the bottom of an old oak chest. The captain died before the completion of the voyage, in the year 1757, and his instruments, papers, etc., were returned to his wife. Finding . they were generally what she could not understand, she locked up the chest for the inspection and use of her babe, (who proved to be a son,) at some future pe- riod. At eighteen, this son entered the army, and in 1775 marched for Boston. ^ He gave the reins to his lusts, and for many years yielded to almost every temptation to sin. At last, he was called to the death-bod of his mother, who gave him the key of his father's chest, which, however, he did not open, lest he should meet with something of a religious kind, that would reprove his sins and harass his feelings. At length, in 1814, when in his fifty-sixth year, he determined to examine its contents. 648 When he reached the bottom, he dis- covered a paper neatly folded, and en- dorsed — " Tiie prayer of Mitchell K. for blessings on his wife and child. August 23, 1757." He read it. The scene, the time, the place and circum- stances under which it was written and put there, all rushed upon his mind, and overwhelm.ed him; for often had his widowed mother led him to the beach, and pointed to him the direction on the horizon, where she had traced the last glimpse of flowing canvas that bore his father from her, never to re- turn. He threw the contents back into the chest, folded up the prayer, and put it in the case with his father's quadrant, locked up the chest, and de- termined never again to unlock it. But his father's prayer still haunted his imagination, and he could not forget it. His distress then became extreme, and a woman with whom he sinfully lived entreated to know the cause. He look- ed on her with wildness, and replied, " I cannot tell you." This only in- creased her solicitude ; he entreated her to withdraw ; as she left the room, she cast an anxious and expressive look on him, and he instantly called her back. He then, with all the feelings which an awakened guilty conscience could endure, told her the cause of his agonies — his father's prayer found in the old oak chest. She thought him deranged, his neighbors were called in to comfort him, but in vain. The prayer had inflicted a wound which the great Physician of souls only could heal. From that period he became an altered man. He married this woman, whom he had formerly seduced ; uni- ted himself to the church of Christ, manumitted his slaves ; and lived and died a humble, exemplary Christian. (h) PRAYER FOR THREE SIS- TERS. — A young lady, who afterwards became the wife of an American mis- sionary, immediately after her own con- version, began to pray and use means for the salvation of her three younger sisters. Sho began and continued to act systematically. A little season was devoted every week to pray with and for them. At length, He who is both a prayer-hearing and a prayer-answer. PRAYER ANSWERED. 33S ing God, who has said, " Ask, and ye shall receive," and who never said, " Seek ye me in vain," condescended to give her a gracious answer. The three sisters were brought to bow to the sceptre of Jesus, and to take upon them the pro- fession of his name. After their conver- sion, the prayer-meeting became doubly interesting to all ; and it was continued by the three, for whom it was first estab- lished, and the mother occasionally united with them. If all Christians were thus devoted to prayer, how much good might be effected ! (i) " I KNOW WHAT IS THE MATTER." — A gay, dissipated young man, went one day to his pious mother, and said, " Mother, let me have my best clothes, I am going to a ball to- night." She expostulated with him, and urged him not to go, by every argu- ment in her power. He answered, *' Mother, let me have my clothes, I will go, and it is - useless to say any thing about it." She brought his clothes ; he put them on, and was go- ing out. She stopped him, and said, " My child, do not go." He said he would ; she then said to him, " My son, while you are dancing with your gay companions in the ball-room, I shall be out in that wilderness praying to the Lord to convert your soul." He went ; the ball commenced ; but instead of the usual gayety, an unaccountable gloom pervaded the whole assembly. One said, " We never had such a dull meeting in our lives;" another, "I wish we had not come, we have no life, we cannot get along ;" a third, " I cannot think what is the matter." The young man instantly burst into tears, and said, " I know what is the mat- ter ; my poor old mother is now pray- ing in yonder wilderness for her un- godly son." He took his hat, and said, " I will never be found in such a place as this again," and left the company. To be short, the Lord converted his soul. He became a member of the church — was soon after taken ill — and died happy. (j) A FATHER AND HIS FRIENDS PRAYING.— The Boston Christian Herald relates the following instance of the efficacy of prayer. A gentleman in Boston had an impenitent son in Vermont, for whose salvation he felt extremely anxious, and calling on some of the brethren of the church, made known to them his feelings, and requested them to go with him and pray that his son might be converted to God. He prevailed on his brethren, and they joined him in prayer. Not long after this, his son knocked at his father's door in Boston ; his father went to the door, and his son on seeing him, exclaimed, weeping, " I have come to see you that you might rejoice with me for what the Lord has done for my soul." His father inquired at what time his mind was first arrested — he replied on such an evening, about eight o'clock. His father remembered it was the same time, at which he and his brethren engaged in prayer for his son, and he greatly rejoiced with him in the goodness of God. (k) THE WIFE'S LAST PRAY- ER. — In a revival that occurred some years ago in New England, several hardened men, past the meridian of life, became as little children, and were ad- mitted to the church. The case of one excited peculiar attention. He had been moral, indeed, but ignorant of re- ligion, while most of his family had become members of the church. He had withstood the gospel so long that Christians seemed to regard his case as hopeless, and forgot him in their efforts and supplications. But his wife had long been faithful in entreating him, and for years had made him the subject of many prayers. And now she felt moved once more to enter her closet in his behalf and submit his case, with an agonizing effort, fully and finally to God's disposal, and there lay down for- ever the burden of her anxiety on his account. After long wrestling, she came at length from the place of her intercessions, and finding him at the door engaged with his axe, she begged him in a farewell entreaty, for her sake if not for his own, to go immediately and pray for the salvation of his soul. He seemed amazed, like Saul of Tarsus when the voice came from Heaven. He stood a moment trembling — the axe fell from his hand — and he replied, " / 649 333 PRAYER. I will." He went to a retired place, re- mained till some time in the evening, and when he returned he was under deep convictions. He began from this time to attend all the meetings for prayer and worship. But his feelings were unknown to Christians, and at the close of the solemn meetings, he would linger behind, standing apart, neglected, and gazing at the group of happy con- verts, a lame old man waiting beside the pool and none to help him into the healing waters. His wife watched his course, and said but little. At length the light broke gradually in upon his soul. His life exhibited a marvelous change. He attended every meeting, old as he was, with the zeal of a young convert ; he confessed Christ before men, and resolved to erect a family al- tar. After knowing such a fact what wife could cease praying for a hus- band's conversion ? (l) PRAYER FOR AN ABSENT BROTHER.— A lady in New- York was one day called on by her pastor, who found her earnestly telling her newly converted husband, of the assu- rance she felt that the Lord had heard her prayer for the conversion of an absent brother, who was engaged in mercantile business at the South. The husband, though recently brought to Christ in answer to her prayers, smiled incredulously at what he considered her enthusiasm. The pastor pointed out some passages of Scripture which war- ranted the pious woman, as he thought, in exercising such feelings and expec- tations, though he himself was but half convinced that the sequel would con- firm her sanguine hopes. Her own confidence, however, was strengthened ; she felt more than ever assured that God had heard her supplications. This lady had previously done all she could by writing to awaken her brother to a sense of his condition as a sinner, and then had besieged the throne of grace in his behalf. The result was that as soon as a letter could come from the South, she received a letter from him, informing her that on that same afternoon, at the same time she was bowing her knees in his behalf in her closet, and her soul set at rest concern- 650 ing him, he, thousands of miles away from his sister, entered into his chanj- ber grieving over his sins. There he made a full surrender — there he knelt in sorrow, but arose rejoicing in Christ, (m) PRAYER MEETING FOR THE CONSUMPTIVE.— A young lady who had for several successive terms been connected with a Seminary in H., Mass., was taken sick with con- sumption. Her amiable disposition and attractive manners had won for her the esteem and love of both teacher and classmates. But amiable and morally good as she was, she was entirely des- titute of that grace which would have added lustre to all her virtues. She was not a Christian. She now found herself upon a sick bed, death staring her in the face, " without God and with- out hope in the world." The several clergymen in the place, visited and conversed with her day after day, and yet, believer as she was in the revealed truths of the Gospel, she still appeared unaffected. Several weeks passed on ; her disease in the meantime had been making rapid inroads upon her consti- tution, and it was now thought that she could survive but a short time. Her friends renewed their efforts to bring her to Christ. They plainly, but affection- ately told her of the danger to which she was exposed, and urged her as she valued her soul, to secure its salvation. She appeared to have clear intellectual views of her case, and expressed a strong desire that Go^ would bring her to repentance, but seemed disinclined to make any effort for herself. The pious students in the Seminary, and some of her classmates in an especial manner, felt deeply interested in her case, and one of them, a young man, proposed to several of his companions, that they should commence a series of prayer-meetings for the purpose of mak- ing special effort for her conversion, and continue them until she was by the blessing of God converted. And the ensuing evening they met, a little band of the fiiithful followers of the Redeemer, and he, true to his promise, met with them. Each in his turn, feelingly and fervently presented her case before God, pleading with him to have mercy upon PRAYER ANSWERED. 333, 334 her, and bring her to a saving know- ledge of his grace. The meeting at length closed, and they parted to meet again the next evening. But they had prayed in '•' faith believing," and he who has pro- mised to hear and answer such prayer, had by his Spirit been operating upon that young lady's heart, even at the very time that others were interceding for her ; and the next morning, these pious students had the satisfaction of hearing that Miss D had acknow- ledged God as her Savior, and was rejoicing in the hope of immortal life. She was converted while they were praying for her. She gave abundant evidence of the genuineness of her con- version, and died soon after, exclaiming " Jesus is precious." (n) THE PIOUS LAD AND HIS PERSECUTING FATHER. — In 1828 or 9, a lad in Kentucky was hope- fully converted, whose father was a decided enemy of the gospel of Christ ; and while his affectionate son entreated him with tears to seek the favor of his Maker, he turned away with scoffing and profaneness. It is true that the Christian character shines most beautiful in adversity. It gathers fragrance from affliction. So it was in the instance before us. This lad had learned in the school of Christ; and though he received in return the unkindest treatment, he continued his entreaties to his ungrateful parent. The father at length became enraged, and in a fit of passion told his son to quit his religion, or he should quit his father's house. He gave him until the next morning to decide the ques- tion. The night, as we may well suppose, was spent by this young disciple in laying his complaints before God ; and He whose ear is never closed to the supplications of humble and contrite hearts, was graciously pleased to afford him relief. The morning came. The father, firm to his purpose, demanded of the son if he had made his decision. " Yes, fa- ther," said the faithful boy, " / am decided to serve God — to serve him as long as I live — and I feel assured, that ' when my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.' " — The inflexible father directed him to the door — to leave his house forever. The son begged permission to pray with his parents once more, before he bade them a final adieu. So reasonable a request could not be refused. He kneeled down and prayed. The full- ness of his soul was poured out, and his ardent cries went up to the throne of God. The Holy Spirit descended, and both father and mother fell upon the floor, under the oppressive weight of their sins. When the lad rose from his knees, the hearts of his parents relented ; they besought him to tell them what they should do to be saved. In the spirit of the gospel he directed them to the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world. There was no need of his entreaties now. God had opened their eyes to see the enormity of their guilt, and they could never have peace till they found it in the hopes of the gospel. These hopes they were aoon led to cherish, and at the time this ac- count was related, they were adorning the church of Christ. UL Prayer Answered by the Agency of the Holy Spirit, in Various Interesting Revivah. (a.) ASSURANCE OF A REVI- VAL'S APPROACH— There was a woman in New Jersey, in a place where there had been a revival. She was very positive there was going to be another. She insisted upon it, that they had had the former rain, and were now going to have the latter rain. She wanted to have conference meetings appointed. But the minister and elders saw nothing to encourage it, and would do nothing. She saw they were blind, and so she went forward and got a car- penter to make seats for her, for she said she would have meetings in her own house. There was certainly going to be a revival. She had scarcely opened her door for meetings, before the Spirit of God came down in great power. And these sleepy church members found themselves surrounded all at once with 651 334, 335 PRAYER. convicted sinners. And they could only say, " Surely the Lord was in this place and I knew it not." The reason why such persons understand the indi- cation of God's will, is not because of the superior wisdom that is in them, but because the Spirit of God leads them to see the signs of the times. And this not by revelation, but they are led to see that converging of providences to a single point, which produces in them a confident expectation of a cer- tain result. (h) THE POOR BLACKSMITH'S POWER WITH GOD.— In a certain town, says Mr. Finney, there had been no revival for many years ; the church was nearly run out, the youth were all unconverted, and desolation reigned un- broken. There lived in a retired part of the town, an aged man, a blacksmith by trade, and of so stammering a tongue that it was painful to hear him speak. On one Friday, as he was at work in his shop, alone, his mind became greatly exercised about the state of the church, and of the impenitent. His agony be- came so great, that he was induced to lay aside his work, lock the shop door, and spend the afternoon in prayer. He prevailed, and on the Sabbath, called on the minister and desired him to appoint a conference meeting. After some hesitation, the minister consented, observing, however, that he feared but few would attend. He appointed it the same evening, at a large private house. When evening came, more assembled than could be accommodated in the house. All was silent for a time, until one sinner broke out in tears, and said, if any one could pray, he begged him to pray hrhim. Another followed, and an- other, and still another, until it was found that persons from every quarter of the town were under deep convictions. And what was remarkable, was, that they all dated their conviction at the hour when the old man was praying in his shop. A powerful revival followed. Thus this old stammering man prevailed, and, as a prince, had power with God. (c) REVIVAL WITHOUT A MI- NISTER.— The following facts were stated by Rev. Mr. Crane, at a mis- sionary meeting in New- York city. 652 Not four miles from my residence, said Mr. Crane, in the western part of this state, there was to be found a few years since, a most abandoned and pro- fligate set of men, who disregarded re- ligion and despised its power. In the course of Providence, a professor of re- ligion from Connecticut happened to come amongst them. He mourned over their state, and wet his couch with his tears. He prayed unceasingly that he might see the souls of those around him saved. One was finally brought to a knowledge of the truth, and with him joined in prayer. A revival of religion followed ; and soon there were to be numbered fifteen professing Christians. In answer to their prayers another in- crease was experienced ; a proposal was then made to send for a missionary that should labor amongst them. To this the aged father of the colony ob- jected, trusting that He who had helped them thus far, would not permit them to fail. No minister came among them until their number amounted to fifty- four, and they were able to build a church, and settle one with a salary adequate to his support. All this with- out any preaching, other than the ex- ample ana prayers of a single Christian. S^i Various Examples of the Power of^ Prayer. {a) DR. MASON AND THE DY- ING UNITARIAN.— The Rev. Dr. Mason, of New- York, was once re- quested to visit a lady in dying circum- stances, who, together with her husband, openly avowed infidel principles, though they attended on his ministry. On ap- proaching her bedside, he asked her if she felt herself a sinner, and perceived the need of a Savior. She frankly told him, she did not ; and that she wholly disbelieved the doctrine of a Mediator. "Then," said the doctor, "I have no consolation for you ; not one word of comfort. There is not a single passage in the Bible that warrants me to speak peace to any one who rejects the Me- diator provided for lost sinners. You must abide the consequences of your infidelity." Saying that, he was on the point of leaving the room, when some POWER OF PRAYER. 335 one said, " Well, but doctor, if you cannot speak consolation to her, you can pray for her." To this he assented, and kneeling down by the bedside, prayed for her as a guilty sinner, just sinking into hell ; and then arising from his knees, he left the house. A day or two after, he received a letter from the lady herself, earnestly desiring that he would come and see her without delay. He immediately obeyed the summons ; but what was his amaze- ment, when, on entering the room, she held out her hand to him, and said, with a benignant smile, " It is all true ; all that you said on Sunday is true. I have seen myself the wretched sinner which you described me to be in prayer. I have seen Christ that all-sufficient Sa- vior you said he was; and God has mercifully snatched me from the abyss of infidelity in which I was sunk, and placed me on the Rock of ages. There 1 am secure ; there I shall remain. I know in whom I have believed !" All this was like a dream to him ; but she proceeded, and displayed as accurate a knowledge of the way of salvation re- vealed in the gospel, and as firm a re- liance on it, as if she had been a dis- ciple of Christ for many years. Yet there was nothing like boasting or presumption — all was humility, resigna- tion and confidence. She charged her husband to educate their daughter in the fear of God ; and, above ail, to keep from her those novels and books of infi- del sentimentality, by which she had been nearly brought to ruin. On the evening of the same day, she expired in fullness of joy and peace in believing. (b) THE MURDERERS OVER- AWED. — Maree, a Polynesian, was a man of fine natural talents, and was not destitute of acquired ones ; being able to read and write well, and ac- quainted with some of the first rules of arithmetic. He was possessed of a sur- prisiixg memory, a quick perception, and a good understanding, with a sound and penetrating judgment ; while, to crown all, he was a man of genuine piety and ardent zeal in the Savior's cause. He was one of the first who publicly embraced Christianity among these islanders, and, before it became general, his life was often in jeopardy, through his profession of it. More than one attempt was made, by a number of wicked men, to shoot him, and a little praying company who used to meet with him that they might together wor- ship the true God. On one occasion, these men having found him and his little party at prayer in a place appro- priated for the purpose, leveled their muskets at them, with a view to execute their cruel design, when, as though withheld by an unseen hand, their at- tention was arrested by the prayers offering up by the intended victims of their fury. The effect was instantane- ous and powerful. Abandoning their murderous purpose, they went in and sat down with Maree and his company, confessed what their intention had been, and told them not to be afraid, as they should not molest them any more; which promise they kept. (c) "SHOW THEM THY CROSS." — Says a pastor in one of the Middle States, during a pleasing and powerful revival of religion, having but very few male members to take part in the prayer meetings, I was accustomed oc- casionally to call on one or two females, to whom the voice of the community by general consent seemed to have con- ceded the propriety of the exercise in such meetings. While one was thus engaged, all was solemnity, anxiety, and agony, with twenty or more anxious souls around us. She prayed, " Show them thy cross and lead them to it ; en- able them to see the sufferer there, and the blood thou hast shed in their behalf. ^^ These, words came like the rising sun upon the mind of an intelligent man then in agony .among the anxious, and were like balm to his soul. His guilt and danger were in full view, but now he saw the ground of hope and safety- and gladly resorted to it, submitted, be- lieved and rejoiced ; and before he left the house told us of the relief and peace he had found. But while these words seemed to give life to one, they at the same moment smote another. There was standing a little on one side, an intelligent, influential, but stub- born young man, observing all that passed ; and as these words of that 653 335 PRAYER. prayer fell upon his ear in all the feel- ing earnestness in which they were ut- tered, he said they came like a bolt from heaven ; his muscles relaxed, his knees gave way, and he sank upon the seat by him as weak as water. He passed through a season of deep dis- tress, obtained peace with the former, became an active, devoted and efficient Christian ; and is now a leading mem- ber of a prosperous church, and su- perintendent of a flourishing Sabbath School. (d) NONE PRAYS FOR ME.— A writer in the N. Y. Evangelist says : Whilst a meeting of much interest was going on in a certain country town in Virginia, Mr. K., a pious young man, selected a young lawyer who was a noted scorner, and made him the sub- ject of special prayer. About two days afterwards, the young lawyer came to the house where the pastor was. I my- self was in the same house at this time, but being particularly engaged I re- quested the pastor to speak to him. " O," says he, " he is not serious." Yes, I replied, he must be, or he would not come here. " I know him better than you do," said the pastor, " he is a scorner. There is no hope of him." The young lawyer was permitted to depart, I believe without a single reli- gious remark having been made to him. My conjectures were true. He was then under awakening influences, and a few days afterwards he professed con- version ! Perhaps two weeks after that, this young lawyer was riding along the road on his way to a protracted yneet- ing, about to be held in an adjacent county. Before he reacjhed the place he fell in with another young man, Mr. P., going to the same meeting. Reli- gious conversation was introduced, and the hopefully converted sinner spoke freely of the change of views and feel- ings which he had experienced, and ascribed them, under God, to the pray- ers of his friend, Mr. K., who selected him as the subject of special prayer. "Ah," said Mr. P., "I had friends once who used to pray for me ; but I have been so careless, so wicked, they don't think it worth while to pray for 654 me now. They have all given nje up. There is not one, I suppose, on earth, who remembers me in prayer." " O, yes," replied the young lawyer, " there is one I know." " Who is it ?" quickly asked Mr. P. " The very same who prayed for me, has made you the sub- ject of special prayer." " Is it possi- ble !" said Mr. P. ; and throwing him- self back, he had well nigh fallen from the horse upon wliich he was riding. From that moment he waked up to the claims of his undying soul. A few days after, with great joy, he was tell- ing to all around, what a dear Savior he had found ! — Blessed be God, the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (e) A DUEL BROKEN UP.— A pious young man in the army, not having a place in the barracks in which he was quartered, wherein he could pour out his soul unto God in secret, went for this purpose one dark night into a large field adjoining. Here he thought that no human being could see or hear him. But that God whose thoughts and ways are superior to ours, ordained otherwise. Two wicked men belonging to the same regiment, in whose hearts enmity had long existed against each other, were resolved, as they said, to end it that night in a bat- tle. They chose the same field to fight in, where the other had *gone to pray. The field, however, was large, and they might have taken different ways; but they were led by Providence to the same spot where the young man was en- gaged in his delightful exercise. They were surprised at hearing, as they thought, a voice in the field at that time of night ; and much more so when they drew nearer, and heard a man at prayer. They halted, and gave atten- tion ; and the effect of the prayer was to turn their mutual aversion into love. They took each other instantly by the hand, and cordially confessed that there remained no longer in either of their breasts hatred against each other. (/) A BALL BROKEN UP.— In a certain place, where there had for a long time been no revival, there was to be a splendid ball. There were three very pious and devoted Christians in POWER OF PRAYER. 335 the village who mourned over the exces- sive dissipation and folly of the rising ge- neration, and especially over the coming ball. They naturally feared it would do much to deepen the disrelish of the youth for sacred things, and to entrench them more securely in the charmed circle of worldlines and vanity. They knew no means to prevent the ball, and they determined on the evening of the dance, to meet together and carry the case to God, and beseech Him to con- found this artful scheme of Satan to delude and ruin the young. They prayed with earnestness, and with faith, wrestling as Jacob did with the angel of God. Ere long they arose from their knees, believing their supplica- tions had found audience in heaven. How was it ? Soon after the ball com- menced, a young lady was led out on the floor to dance, and being struck with an awful sense of her guilt and madness, she fell down on her knees, and in the utmost agony and horror of conscience, began to cry to God to have mercy on her soul. Confusion, sadness, and dismay spread like fire through all the circle, music and mirth suddenly ceased, and all returned to their homes. Was not this the finger of God ? Was not this the work of the Holy Spirit ? Was not His promise verified to the two or three, who were agreed as touch- ing one thing ? (g) SCHOOLMASTER PREPA- RING TO PRAY. — A minister re- lates a very extraordinary fact, which he had from a gentleman of respectabi- lity. In one of the Southern cities, an instructor was wanted to take the charge of a school. A gentleman well quali- fied by talents, made application for the situation, and was appointed. On be- coming acquainted with the duties which he must perform, he found, to his surprise, that one of the requisitions which were made on the instructor was, that he must daily open the school by prayer. As he was an infidel in his opinions, this was to him an appalling condition. How could he, with his pecu- liar views, attempt to pray to a God, in whose existence and attributes he did not believe ? Here was a mortal strug- gle. As, however, he greatly coveted the situation, to which at his own re- quest he had been appointed, he came to the conclusion he would endeavor to surmount the difficulty, by learning in some way a form of prayer. The time drawing near when he must open the school, he retired to a forest of woods in the vicinity, where he might be per- fectly free in expressing himself audi- bly and without interruption, resolving to do so as if it were the first day of opening the school. He commenced, but before leaving the woods, light darted on his mind, and conviction arrested his conscience. He became deeply sensible of the being and per- fections of Almighty God, against whom he had transgressed in denying his ex- istence ; and when the season arrived for commencing his duties as a teacher, he had become a true Christian, and he prayed with the unction and penitence of the publican. He became the in- strument of the conversion of a number of his pupils, and was afterwards an acceptable and highly popular preacher of the gospel. (7i) PRAYER ON HORSEBACK. — A young lady, says a writer in the Pastor's Journal, in making a visit to one of her acquaintance, took an unfre- quented path through a deeply shaded grove ; and as the day was very warm, after pursuing her walk some distance up a somewhat steep acclivity, she stopped to rest her on a beautiful mossy bank. While seated there, the tones of a human voice very unexpectedly broke upon her ear. On turning her eye the way from whence it came, she saw Deacon M on horseback, making his way up the same hill. The thought occurred to her that she would retire from the sight of the road, let him pass, and remain undiscovered. This she did. As Deacon M ap- proached leisurely on his horse, she was wondering what could be his object in being so busily employed in talking to himself, as she could distinctly dis- cover that no fellow mortal accompa- nied him. As he drew nearer, and she could hear his voice more plainly, she ascertained that he was engaged in prayer. The only sentence that lefl a distinct impression on her mind was, 655 336 PRAYER. " O Lord have mercy on the dear youth in this place." He passed on, praying, till the sounds which came from his lips died away on her ear. But an im- pression was made upon her heart, as it may be hoped, which will never die away, but prepare her to mingle in the symphonies of the redeemed in ascrib- ing salvation to God and the Lamb. A new discovery respecting Christians was at this instant made to her. " Is this the manner," she reflected with herself, " in which they live, and pass on their way about the town ? Do they thus pray for the youth ? How unlike a Christian have I lived ! I have never prayed in this manner : I have seldom thought of the souls of others, and cared but very little for my own. While others pray for me, I live without prayer for myself." Her sins, particularly her neglect of prayer to Him who is every where, now became a distressing burden to her. Soon, we have had reason to hope, there was joy among the angels of God over her as a penitent, and over many others in the town. She was first awa- kened in a revival. §36. Mlscallaiieous Facts Respecting Prayer. (a) MASSA, YOU NO UNDER- STAND IT.— There once lived in one of our large cities a poor colored woman, named Betty, who had been confined by sickness for nearly twenty years. By the few friends that knew her she was familiarly called poor Betty. Betty had seen comfortable days. She had long been blind, and was said to be 105 years old. Mr. B. was a man of wealth and business in the same city. His signa- ture was better than silver on the ex- change, because it was more easily transferred. His sails whitened the ocean, his charity gladdened many hearts, and his family gave impulse to many benevolent operations. Notwith- standing the pressure of business, Mr. B. often found time to drop in and see what became of poor Betty. His voice, and even his step had become familiar to her, and always lighted up a smile 656 on her dark wrinkled face. He would often say some pleasant things to cheer this lonely pilgrim on her way to Zion. One day Mr. B. took a friend from the country to see Betty. As he stop- ped and entered the cottage door, he said, " Ah, Betty, you are alive yet." " Yes, tank God," said Betty. " Betty,' ' said he, " why do you suppose God keeps you so long in this world, poor, and sick, and blind, when you might go to heaven and enjoy so much 1" While Mr. B.'s tone and manner were half sportive, he yet uttered a serious thought which had more than once come over his mind. Now comes the sermon. Betty assumed her most serious and animated tone and replied, " Ah, massa, you no understand it. Dare be two ' great things to do for de church ; one be to pray for it, toder he to act for it. Now, massa, God keep me alive to pray i for de church, and he keep you alive to act for it. Your great gifts no do much good, massa, without poor Betty's pray- ers." For a few moments Mr. B. and his friend stood silent, thrilled, and aston- ished. They felt the knowledge, the dignity, the moral sublimity of this short sermon. It seemed to draw aside the veil a little, and let them into heaven's mysteries. " Yes, Betty," replied Mr. B., in the most serious and subdued tones, " your prayers are of more im- portance to the church than my alms." This short sermon preached by poor Betty, was never forgotten by Mr. B. or his friend. It made them more prayerful, more submissive in affiic- tions. (b) GOD LESS CRITICAL THAN MEN. — " My grandfather," says Mr. Orton, " once solicited a very excellent but modest minister to pray in his family when there were several others present ; he desired to be excused, alleging that he had not thought of it, and there were so many other ministers present." My grandfather replied, " Sir, you are to speak to your master, and not to them, and my Bible tells me, he is not so criti- cal and censorious as men are." PRIDE. 337 337. PRIDE. (a) HOWARD AND THE COUN- TESS. — The eminently great and good Howard, the philanthropist, neither wanted courage or talent to administer reproof where he thought it was needed. A German count, governor of Upper Austria, with his countess, called one day on a man who had excited so large a share of the public attention. The count asked him the state of the prisons within his department. Mr. Howard replied, " The worst in all Germany ;" and advised that the countess should visit the female prisoners. " I," said she, haughtily ; " 1 go into prisons !" and rapidly hastened down stairs in great anger. Howard, indignant at her proud and unfeeling disposition, loudly called alter her, " Madam, remember that you are a woman yourself, and you must soon, like the most miserable fe- male prisoner in a dungeon, inhabit but a small space of that earth from which you equally originated." (b) THE CHIEF'S INQUIRY.— A petty African prince who was visit- ed in his cell by an English traveler, folded his arms with an air of imperial consequence, as he sat upon the floor, and demanded of his guest, " What do they think of me in Europe ?" (c) THE CONQUEROR CON- QUERED. — Tigranes, an ancient monarch of Pontus, furnishes a striking instance of the uncertainty of worldly possessions. At the beginning of his reign his dominions were small ; but he overthrew many cities of Parthia and Greece, conquered the whole of Syria and Palestine, and gave laws to the Scenites of Arabia : he acquired an authority which was respected by all the princes of Asia, and was honored by the people almost with adoration. His pride was inflamed and supported by the immense riches he possessed, by the excessive and continual praises of his flatterers, and by a prosperity which had never known an interruption. He knew no law but his own will, and as- sumed the title of king of kings ! So far did he carry his pride as to be wait^ 42 ed on by crowned heads. He never ap- peared in public without the attendance of four kings on foot, two on each side of his horse ; these persons performed for him the meanest services, especially when he gave audience to foreign ambassadors. On such occasions they were compelled to appear in the habits and posture of slaves. Such pride is universally hateful, and is sure to be ultimately punished. Tigranes was compelled to resign his dominions to Pompey, who only restored to him a small part of his power. (d) THE ANGRY MONK.— "I re- member," says a keen writer, "when at Tivoli, near Rome, conversing with a monk, who with a face of much sorrow told me, that he was a great rascal and the chiefest of sinners, worse than Judas Iscariot, and altogether vile. I said to him in reply, ' Alas, my poor friend, it is but too true,' and then the man got very angry, and would not talk with me any more !" (e) THE PEDANT SILENCED. — At a dinner party one of the com-^ pany challenged any person to start a question to which he could not give a satisfactory answer. All were silent, till a worthy clergyman said, " This plate furnishes me with a question — Here is a fish tKat has always lived in salt water ; pray tell me why it should come out a fresh fish, and not a salt one ?" The boaster was silenced : nor was there one in the room who envied him his feelings. (/) SOCRATES AND ALCIBI- ADES. — One 'day, when Alcibiades was boasting of his wealth and the great estates he had in possession, which gen- erally feed the pride of young people of high rank, Socrates carried him to a geographical map, and asked him to find Attica. It could scarcely be perceived upon the draught ; he found it, how- ever, though with much diflSculty ; but upon being desired to point out his own estate there, " It is too small," said he, " to be distinguished in so little a space. " See, then," replied the phi 657 337 PRIDE. losopher, " how much you are affected about an imperceptible point of land !" (g) AFFECTED HUMILITY AND REAL PRIDE. — Thomas a Becket, who was afterwards primate of England, was a strange compound of affected humility and real pride. While he per- formed the lowly office of washing the feet of thirteen beggars every morning, his supercilious, obstinate, and turbulent spirit assumed a proud, overbearing, spiritual authority over his sovereign, whom he was in the habit of treating with all the insolence of a licensed censor. (h) THE BOASTER BECOMING AN IDIOT.— Simon Tournay affords a memorable and affecting proof of the truth of that scripture, " Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." In 1201, after he had excelled all Oxford in learning, and had become so eminent at Paris as to be made chief doctor of the Sorbonne, he was so puffed up with foolish pride as to hold Aris- totle superior to Moses and Christ, and yet but equal to himself. In his latter days, however, he grew such an idiot as not to know one letter in a book, or to remember one thing he had ever done. (i) TRIUMPHING BEFORE THE BATTLE.—" Nothing," says Bishop Home, " can be got, but much may be lost, by triumphing before a battle. When Charles V invaded France, he lost his generals and a great part of his army by famine and disease ; and re- turned baffled and thoroughly mortified from an enterprise which he began with such confidence of its happy issue that he desired Paul Jovius, the historian, to make a large provision of paper suffi- cient to record the victories which he was going to acquire." ( j) THE GAY GIRL'S DEATH.— A young lady, eighteen years of age, in the city of New- York, was brought up by her parents in all the gayety and follies of youth ; by them encouraged to ornament her person, and engage in every vain amusement. When she was taken ill, three physicians were sent for immediately, who pronounced her to be near her dying hour. No sooner was their opinion made known to her, than 658 she requested as a favor, that all her gay companions might be collected with haste. They were soon around her bed, when she told them she was going to die — described the awful manner in which they had spent their precious time, and exhorted them all to repent- ance before it was too late, in a very affecting manner. She then, turning to her father and mother, addressed to them, in the presence of her acquaint- ances, these heart-rending words : " You have been the unhappy instruments of my being; you fostered me in pride, and led me in the paths of sin ; you never once warned me of my danger, and now it is too late. In a few hours you will have to cover me with earth ; but remember, while you are casting earth upon my body, my soul will be in hell, and yourselves the cause of my misery !" She soon after expired.. (k) FINE CLOTHES AND THE DEATH-BED.— A young lady, about twenty years of age, had been born to a rich inheritance, and was the only child of parents who were exceedingly fond of her. Nothing was spared to complete her education, as a lady of fashion. As she grew up she answered all her mother's hopes in making a dis- play in the fashionable world. But the hour of sickness came — it was a dread- ful hour, for it was the termination of all her hopes. The minister was called in. He talked of death, judgment, and eternity. She had never heard such language addressed to her, and she trembled. In her dying hour, she call- ed for some of her fine clothes. When they were brought, she looked up to her mother, and said, " These have ruined me. You never told me I must die. You taught me that my errand into this world was to be gay and dressy, and to enjoy the vanities of life. What could you mean ? You knew I must die and go to judgment. You never told me to read the Bible, or to go to church, unless to make a display of some new finery. Mother, you have ruined me. Take them away, and keep them as a remembrance of your sin, and my sad end." She died in a few moments after. PROFANITY. 338, 339 PROFANITY. 318. Profanity Sinful. {a) SWEARING AT A CHILD FOR SWEARING.— A profkne father in one of the New England States, one day learned that his little son had ut- tered some blasphemous expressions — doubtless a second edition of his own. But the father had no fancy for having his child coming forward so fast in his own footsteps. He called the child to account for his vicious conduct — re- proved him severely for his profanity, and then commenced whipping him and scolding him at the time. While whip- ping his son for his profanity, he swore several profane oaths himself! (b) THE PEASANT'S QUERY. — An elector of Cologne (who was like- wise an archbishop) one day swearing profanely, asked a peasant, who seemed to wonder, what he was so surprised at. " To hear an archbishop swear," an- swered the peasant. " I swear," re- plied the elector, " not as an archbishop, but as a prince." " But, my lord," said the peasant, " when the prince goes to the devil, what will become of the archbishop ?" (c) HOWARD'S OPINION.— As he was standing one day near the door of a printing-office, he heard some dread- ful volleys of oaths and curses from a public house opposite, and buttoning his pocket up before he went into the street, he said to the workmen near him, " I always do this whenever I hear men swear, as I think that any one who can take God's name in vain can also steal, or do any thing else that is bad." (d) ROMAINE'S REPROOF— The Rev. William Romaine, of London, in crossinof the Black Friar's bridge, came up with a man who, in a style of unusual and fearful impiety, called up- on God '• to damn his soul for Christ's sake !" Mr. Romaine, laying his hand upon the blasphemer's shoulder, said : " My friend, God has done many things for Christ's sake, and perhaps he will do THAT too ;" and passed on. The reproof, quite as original as the impre- cation, went to the wretch's heart ; and was the occasion of his " turning from the power of Satan unto God," and be- coming an exemplary follower of that Redeemer whom he had been in the habit of insulting. " A word spoken in due season, how good is it!" The power of Jesus to save, how mighty ! His grace, how free ! Si9. Profanity Rebuked, Suppressed, Abandoned. {a) ROWLAND HILL AND THE CAPTAIN. — Once when I was return- ing from Ireland, says Rowland Hill, I found myself much annoyed by the re- probate conduct of the captain and mate, who were both sadly given to the scan- dalous habit of swearing. First, the captain swore at the mate — then the mate swore at the captain — then they both swore at the wind — when I called to them with a strong voice for fair play. " Stop ! stop !" said I, " if you please, gentlemen, let us have fair play : it's my turn now." " At what is it your turn, pray ?" said the captain. " At swearing," I replied. Well, they wait- ed and waited until their patience was exhausted, and then wanted me to make haste and take my turn. I told them, however, that I had a right to take my own time, and swear at my own conve- nience. To this the captain replied, with a laugh, " Perhaps you don't mean to take your turn ?" " Pardon me, captain," I answered, " but I do, as soon as I can find the good of doing so." My friends, I did not hear another oath on the voyage. {h) MR. CLARK AND HIS WORKMEN.— Mr. A. Clark, of Edin- burgh, was accustomed, previous to en- gaging a workman, to put this question directly to him, " Are you a swearer in common conversation ? for if you are, you shall not work with me. I am determined to permit none in my shop to take the sacred name of God in vain, before whose presence angels bow down and adore." 659 339 PROFANITY. (c) THE MERCHANT AND HIS CAPTAIN. — A merchant in one of our seaports, on fitting out a ship for India, told the captain, at the time of making the contract for the voyage, that there must be no swearing among the crew ; that he (the captain) must engage not to swear himself, nor permit others to be profane ; that he must do as he pleased, with respect to taking com- mand of the ship on these terms ; but if he accepted the employment, it would be expected, that he should rigidly ad- here to the stipulation, and that it should be known, as the law of the ship, that no profaneness should be indulged. The captain seemed to have no objec- tion to reforming, but inquired, " How can I suddenly break off an inveterate habit V " I will take care that you be reminded of your duty," said the owner. " Wear the ring that I will give you, and let the law of the vessel be expli- citly known." Accordingly he pro- cured a ring for the captain, with this motto engraved upon it, " Swear not AT ALL." The vessel soon sailed, and after performing the voyage returned to the seaport from whence he sailed. On being inquired of respecting the subject, the supercargo declared, that there had been no profaneness on board excepting a little within the first twenty days after sailing. At the close of this short period, the old habit was entirely destroyed ; and during the remainder of the voyage, both in sea and in port, the success of the experiment was com- plete. This single fact is of inestimable va- lue, and it shows how groundless are the palliations of profaneness, and how easy it is to do good, when a person is seriously engaged in it, is influenced by principle, and acts with decision. (d) THE CAPTAIN'S REQUEST. — " My lads," said a captain, when about to take command of a ship, read- ing his orders to the crew on the quar- ter-deck, " there is one law I am deter- mined to make, and I shall insist on its being kept. It is a favor, indeed, I will ask of you, and which, as a Brit- ish officer, I expect will be granted by a crew of British seamen. What say you, my lads ? are you willing to grant 660 your new captain one favor ?" " Ay ay, " cried all hands, " let's know what it is, sir." " Well, my lads, it it this : that you must allow me to swear the first oath in this ship. No man on board must swear an oath before I do : I am determined to swear the first oath on board. What say you, my lads, will you grant me this favor ?" The men stared, and stood for a momen' quite at a loss what to say. " Thoy were taken," one said, " all aback.*' " They were brought up," said another, " all standing." The appeal seemed so reasonable, and the manner of the captain so kind and prepossessing, that a general burst from the ship's com- pany answered, " Ay, ay, sir," with their usual three cheers. Swearing was thus wholly abolished in the ship. (e) COLONEL GARDINER PUT- TING DOWN PROFANITY.— Dur- ing Colonel Gardiner's residence at Bankton, the Commander of the King's forces, witlv several colonels and gentle- men of rank, one day dined with him. When the company assembled, he ad- dressed them with a great deal of re- spect, and yet with a very frank and determined air, and told them that he had the honor in that district to be a Justice of the Peace, and, consequent- ly, that he was sworn to put the laws in execution, and, among the rest, those against swearing ; that he could not execute upon others with any confi- dence, or approve himself as a man of impartiality and integrity to his own h^art, if he suffered them to be broken in his presence by persons of any rank whatever ; and that, therefore, he en- treated all the gentlemen who then honored him with their company, that they would please to be on their guard ; and that if any oath or curse should escape them, he hoped they would con- sider his legal animadversion upon it as a regard to the duties of his office, and dictates of his conscience, and not as any want of deference to them. The commanding officer immediately supported him in this declaration, as entirely becoming the station in which he was, assuring him he would be ready to pay the penalty if he inad- vertently transgressed ; and when Col- PROFANITY REBUKED, SUPPRESSED, ABANDONED. 339 onel Gardiner on any occasion stepped out of the room, he himself undertook to be the guardian of the law in his absence ; and, as one of the inferior officers offended during this time, he informed the colonel, so that the fine was exacted and given to the poor, with the approbation of the company. (f) THE TRAVELER AND THE SAILOR.— From the tract entitled " The Christian Traveler, " (one of the most interesting and profitable tracts ever published,) we take the following scene which transpired on board a ves- sel on one of the western lakes. The young man, a mechanic, and the hero of the scene, had, at the breakfast table, with almost inimitable wisdom and pro- priety, obtained leave of the captain to attempt to put an end to the profanity of the sailors, one of the best means to reprove the captain himself for his own sin in this respect. Mark the manner in which the attempt was executed. " As soon as breakfast was over, the oldest and most profane of the sail- ors seated himself on the quartei^deck to smoke his pipe. The young man entered into conversation with him, and soon drew from him a history of the adventures of his life. From his boyhood, he had followed the ocean. He had been tossed on the billows in many a tempest ; had visited several missionary stations in difTerent parts of the world, and gave his testimony to the good effects of missionary efTorts among the natives of the Sandwich Islands. Proud of his nautical skill, he at length boasted that he could do any thing that could be done by a sail- or. ' I doubt it,' said the young man. ' I can,' answered the hardy tar, * and will not be outdone, my word for it.' ' Well, when a sailor passes his word he ought to be believed. I know a sailor who resolved to stop swear- ing ; and did so.' ' Ah !' said the old sailor, ' you have anchored me ; I'm fast — but I can do it.' * I know you can,' said the young man, ' and I hope you will anchor all your ship-mates' oaths with yours.' " Not a word of profanity was after- wards heard on board the vessel. Dur- ing the day, as opportunity presented itself, he conversed with each sailor singly, on the subject of his soul's sal- vation, and gained the hearts of all. " {g) AN OLD MAN'S REBUKE.— A good old man was once in company with a gentleman, who occasionally in- troduced into conversation the words " devil, deuce," etc., and who, at last, took the name of God in vain. " Stop, sir," said the old man, ^' I said nothing while you only used freedoms with the name of your own master, but I insist upon it that you shall use no freedoms with the name of mine." (h) SLAVE CURING HIS MAS- TER. — An American planter had a favorite domestic negro, who was order- ed to stand opposite to him and to wait at table. His master was a profane person, and often took the name of God in vain. Whenever he did so, the ne- gro made a low and solemn bow. On being asked why he did this, he replied, that he never heard this great name men- tioned, but it filled his whole soul with reverence and awe. His master took the hint without offence, and was reclaimed from a very sinful and pernicious prac- tice by his pious slave. The poorest Christian may thus be encouraged in the faithful discharge of duty. A word spoken in due season, how good is it !" (z) GEORGE III AND THE AR- CHITECT.— A pious architect, having some business with his majesty George III, attended at one of his palaces, and was shown into a room where a noble- man afterwards came, and used much impious and blasphemous language, for which the gentleman felt it his duty to rebuke him. The peer became very angry, so that the king came into the room to inquire the cause of the noise, when the nobleman informed him that he had been insulted by the other per- son ; but upon the architect explaining that he only rebuked him for profane- ness and blasphemy, his majesty said, he had his approbation for what he had done, as he did not allow blasphemy in his dwelling. He afterwards desired the architect to sit down, to forget his royalty, and freely tell him the ground 661 339, 340 PROFANITY. •)f his hope of salvation, which he stated to be the sacrifice and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The king said, that also was the ground of his dependence. (j) WASHINGTON'S OPINION. — " Many and pointed orders have been issued against the unmeaning and abo- minable custom of swearing ; notwith- standing which, with much regret, the general observes that it prevails, (if pos- sible,) more than ever. His feelings are continually wounded .by the oaths and imprecations of the soldiers, whenever he is in hearing of them. The name of that Being, from whose bountiful good- ness we are permitted to exist and enjoy the comforts of life is incessantly im- precated and profaned, in a manner as wanton as it is shocking. For the sake, therefore, of religion, decency, and or- der, the general hopes and trusts that officers of every rank will use their influence and authority to check a vice which is as unprofitable as wicked and shameful. If officers would make it an inviolable rule to reprimand, and (if that won't do) to punish soldiers for offences of this kind, it would not fail of having the desired effect." (k) WREN AND HIS WORKMEN. — When this eminent architect was building St. Paul's Cathedral, he caused the following notice to be affixed to seve- ral parts of the structure : — " Whereas among laborers and others, that ungodly custom of swearing is so frequently heard, to the dishonor of God and con- tempt of his authority ; and to the end that such impiety may be utterly banished from these works, which are intended for the service of God, and the honor of religion ; it is ordered that profane swearing shall be a sufficient crime to dismiss any laborer that comes to the call ; and the clerk of the works, upon a sufficient proof, shall dismiss him accordingly : and if any master, working by task, shall not, upon ad- monition, reform the profanation among his apprentices, servants, and laborers, it shall be construed his fault, and he shall be liable to be censured by the commissioners." (Z) THE SWEARER AND HIS BOY. — A man in the state of New- York, who was extremely addicted to 662 profane swearing, was one day at work with a yoke of oxen near his house. The oxen not working to suit him, he began whipping them severely, at the same time uttering vollies of most hor- rid blasphemous oaths. The oxen breaking loose from their burthen, ran to the house, while the owner in a pas- sion pursued them, and coming up with them at the house, began whipping them again, and swearing horridly as before. His little boy, at this time just old enough to begin to talk, began to prattle his profane oaths over after him. No sooner did the father hear this, than his feelings were wrought up to a lively sensibility. He paused for a moment, dropt his whip, sat down and wept bit- terly. A flood of keen reflections at once rushed upon his convicted con- science, which produced such an effect^ that he found no rest to his mind, day nor night, until his sins were forgiven and washed away in the blood of Christ, which took place a few weeks after- wards. (m) CHRYSOSTOM'S DIREC TION. — Chrysostom proposes a singu- lar method to facilitate the leaving off* this practice of customary swearing. " Would'st thou know," says the father, " by what means thou may'st be rid of this wicked custom of swearing, I'll tell thee a way, which if thou'lt take, will certainly prove successful. Every time, whenever thou shalt find thyself to have let slip an oath, punish thyself for it by missing the next meal. Such a course as this, though troublesome to the flesh, will be profitable to the spirit ; and cause a quick amendment; for the tongue will need no other monitor to make it take heed of swearing another time, if it has been thus punished with hunger and thirst for its former trans- gression, and knows it shall be so pun- ished again if ever it commits the like crime hereafter." MO. Profanity, Punishment of. (a) SUDDEN VENGEANCE.— There was, in a populous Swiss village, a pious and excellent clergyman, who preached and lived with such holy zeal and exemplary piety, that many were PROFANITY, PUNISHMENT OF. 340 converted under his ministry. But there lived in the same place a wicked and abandoned man, who not only- slighted all the means of grace, but turned the most serious matters into ridicule, and made a laughing-stock of the preacher's expressions. One morn- ing, he went early to the public house, and began to intoxicate himself with liquor, profaning the name and word of God, and ridiculing the term conver- sion. ^' Now," said he, " I myself will become a convert," turning himself from one side to the other, and dancing about the room with a variety of foolish gestures. He quickly went out, and falling down the stairs, broke his neck, and expired, exhibiting an awful monu- ment of God's most righteous vengeance, which sometimes, even in this life, overtakes those that profane his holy name. (b) THE COAL MERCHANT'S DEATH. — A coal merchant at Brigg, in Lincolnshire, had occasion to send a boat to Barton, with a cargo of coals, and ordered one of his men to take charge of it. As the boat was leaving the wharf, a person civilly accosted the man, asking where he was going. " I am going to hell," said he, with an oath. Awful to relate, he died suddenly, be- fore he reached Barton ! (c) THE LAST OATH. — Two soldiers, at Chatham, (Eng.) once laid a trifling wager which could swear most oaths. After one of them had uttered many shocking ones, he hesi- tated a short time, and said, he could think of one more, which should be his last, but was instantly siruck speechless, and so remained for about three hours, when he died. His body was, by order of his officers, made a public spectacle to the populace, soldiers, and sailors, as a warning to them. {d) DEATH FROM PROFANITY AND ANGER. — A person of consider- able property and eminence in the city of N , who lived in habits of impiety and profaneness, was seized by an in- disposition, which induced him to call a medical gentleman ; but being disap- pointed for a time, by his absence from home, he fell into a violent agitation, which was vented in horrid impreca- tions. As soon as the medical gentle- man arrived, he was saluted with a volley of oaths. The violence of his agitation broke a blood-vessel ; so that oaths and blood continued to flow from his mouth, till he could speak no longer ; and in this situation he expired. (e) THE INTOXICATED HORSE- MAN. — The following event, says a correspondent of the Charleston Intel- ligencer, occurred in my native town : A young man, about twenty years of age, of the name of G , on a public day, being somewhat intoxicated, rode down the main street with considerable rapidity, and meeting a friend, he reined in his horse, which was skittish, in order to converse with him. Not many words had passed, when the young man's friend requested him to turn about and go with him to the " North Woods." "/'// go to hell first r was the reply. The words hardly escaped his lips, when his horse suddenly reared himself on his hind legs, and pitching backwards, fell on his rider, and crush- ed him to death ! He was taken up a corpse, and carried into an adjoining house, where I saw him. He was taken at his word ! Oh ! where is his soul? 663 3il PROVIDENCE. PROVIDENCE. IN BESTOWING TEMPORAL BLESSINGS. Preserving Life. By the Control of Material and Animal Agencies. 341. Preserving from Fires, Famines, and Similar Dangers. (a) PREACHING DURING A PLAGUE. — The great plague in Lon- don, in the year 1665, gave occasion for the display of the piety and zeal of several of the ejected ministers, and of the providence of God in preserving them from the contagion, when prose- cuting their ministerial labors in the midst of it. The Rev. Thomas Vin- cent was at this period tutor of an academy at Islington, but determined to leave his situation, and devote himself to the spiritual instruction of the people in London, where many of the pulpits were deserted. His friends vainly en- deavored to dissuade him from the dan- gerous enterprise. He agreed, how- ever, to follow the advice of his rever- end brethren in and about the city. When they were assembled, he told them his resolution, and assured them that it had been the result, of much se- rious thought. He had carefully ex- amined the state of his own soul, and could look death in the face with com- fort. He thought it absolutely neces- sary that the vast numbers of people then dying, should have some spiritual assistance, and that he could never again have such a prospect of ministeri- al usefulness as now presented itself. He added, that he had solemnly devoted himself to God and souls upon this oc- casion ; and that, therefore, he hoped none of them would endeavor to weak- en his hands in this work. Encour- aged by the ministers, who prayed for his protection and success, he entered on his labors with fortitude and dili- geace. During all the time of the plague, he preached every Sabbath in some of the parish churches. He chose 664 the most moving and important subjects, and treated them in the most pathetic and searching manner. The awfulness of the judgment then before the eyes of all, gave great force to his addresses, and a very general inquiry was always made where he would preach the next Sabbath. Many learned from him the necessity of salvation, and the way to heaven through the blood of Christ. He visited all who sent for him, and it pleased God to lake especial care of his life ; for though in this year there died in London, of the plague, 68,596, including seven persons in the family in which he lived, he continued in perfect health all the time, and was a useful minister to a numerous congregation at Hoxton for upwards of tv/elve years afterwards. Thus were the promises in the ninety-first Psalm fulfilled to this servant of God. (l) ESCAPE FROM AN EARTH- QUAKE. — The following epitaph is said to have been copied from a tomb, in the vicinity of Port Royal, Jamai- ca : — " Here lieth the body of Louis Cal- DY, Esq., a native of Montpelier, in France, which country he left on ac- count of the revocation. He was swallowed up by the earthquake which occurred at this place in 1692, but, by the great providence of God, was, by a second shock, flung into the sea, where he continued swimming till rescued by a boat, and lived forty years after- wards." How wonderful are the judgments of God, and his ways " past finding out." (c) REV. T. RABAN'S ESCAPES. — During the life of this Avorthy man, who was a Christian minister for many years at Yardley Hastings, England, he was several times preserved from threat- ened death. On one occasion, being in an unfinished building two stories high, his foot slipped, and he fell to the. ground upon an axe the edge of which' stood upright : it cut his hat but not his head, and he suffered but little injury. IN BESTOWING TEMPORAL BLESSINGS. 341 At another time, a large piece of tim- ber, on which he had set his foot, heav- ed up, and fell with him into a saw-pit, and an anvil of a hundred pounds weight connected with it, fell upon him, but it only slightly bruised his leg. A still more remarkable preservation was afforded him. As he was assisting in raising a beam in a mill, the rope slip- ped, and the beam under which he stood fell with him the height of four stories, and yet he was saved. And, once more : he was driving a team with a load of hay down a narrow lane ; when, attempting to pass on to the other side of the wagon, he fell, and was thrown under one of the wheels ; but calling out to the horses, they instantly stopped. But while God thus preserves the lives of his servants, that they may ac- complish his designs, he often removes them in a way not expected, when those designs are accomplished. Mr. Raban was to learn by experience the truth of his friend Cowper's statement : " Safety consists not in escape From dangers of a frightful shape ; An earthquake may be bid to spare The man that's strangled by a hair." After preaching one Lord's day, and walking home^ his foot slipped over a pebble, and he broke his leg, which in a few weeks brought on his death. {d) THE LOST AND FOUND.— A youth, sixteen years of age, the son of a respectable Christian minister, was bathing some years ago in the river Mersey. The tide was return- ing, and having ventured too far into the water for the purpose of swimming, he was carried down the current to the distance of three or four miles. All hope of reaching the shore vanished ; and, at the moment he was about to give up the struggle, he was providen- tially perceived by the crew of a ves- sel bound from Liverpool to Dublin. When brought on board, every means was kindly used to restore nature :. the youth recovered, and was carried to the port of the Irish capital. In the mean- time, a person to whom he was known, and who had seen him go into the water, returning, and finding his clothes on the shore, but seeing nothing of his person, concluded he was drowned, and carried the afflictive intelligence to his parents. A reward was offered for the body, and suitable mourning was order- ed. On the arrival of the vessel at Dub- lin, the youth was humanely furnished, by the crew, with such articles of cloth- ing as they four hours after it was first missed, he had the satisfaction of restoring it to its mother's arms. (k) THE IMPORTUNATE IN- TRUDER.— Sir Harry Lee, in Ditch- long, in Oxfordshire, ancestor of the late earl of Litchfield, had a mastiff which guarded the house and yard, but had never met with the least particular at- tention from his master, and was retain- ed for his utility only, and not from any particular regard. One night as his master was retiring to his chamber, attended by his faitlif id valet, an Italian, the mastiff silently followed him up stairs, which he had never been known to do before, and to his master's aston- ishment, presented himself in his bed- 673 343, 314 PROVIPENCE. room. Being deemed an intruder, lie was instantly ordered to be turned out ; which being complied with, the poor animal began scratching violently at the door, and howling loudly for admis- sion. The servant was sent to drive him away. Discouragement could not check his labor of love, or rather provi- dential impulse ; he returned again, and was more importunate than before to be let in. Sir Harry, weary of opposition, bade the servant open the door, that they might see what he would do. This done, the mastiff, with a wag of his tail, and a look of affection at his lord, delib- erately walked up, and crawling under the bed, laid himself down as if desirous of taking up his night's lodging there. To save farther trouble, but not from any partiality for his company, the in- dulgence was allowed. About the hour of midnight the chamber door opened, and a person was heard stepping across the room. Sir Harry started from his sleep ; the dog sprung from his covert, and, seizing the unwelcome disturber, fixed him to the spot ! All was dark, and Sir Harry rung his bell in great trepidation, in order to procure a light. The person who was pinned to the floor by the courageous mastiff roared for assistance. It was found to be the va- let, who little expected such a reception. He endeavored to apologize for his in- trusion, and to make the reasons which induced him to take the step appear plausible ; but the importunity of the dog, the time, the place, and the man- ner of the valet, all raised suspicion in Sir Harry's mind, and he determined to refer the investigation of the business to a magistrate. The perfidious Italian, alternately terrified by the dread of punishment, and soothed with the hope of pardon, at length confessed that it was his intention to murder his master, and then rob the house. This diaboli- cal design was frustrated only by the dog, who had perhaps providentially overheard some expressions in soliloquy or conversation, from the valet, respect- ing his contemplated crime. (l) KICHERER AND THE AS- SASSIN. — This name will remind the ! reader of the first Missionary to the Af- I rican Hottentots. During his early ! 674 residence among them, he was visited by a man who had been sentenced at the Cape of Good Hope to death, but had effected his escape ; and who, making great pretensions to religion, imposed on Mr. K. and induced him to receive him into his house. He slept in a room immediately adjoining that of the Missionary, and rose during the night with the design of murdering him, and of making his escape, with the property on the premises, to a distant place. At the moment he was proceed- ing to the bedside of this good man, Mr. K. was suddenly awoke in a fit of ter- ror, and unconsciously cried out, as though aware of the design of this wick- ed man, who, in consequence, became alarmed, and fled. (m) DREAM OF THE SERVANT. — Mr. Williams, an eminently pious man, who lived at Kidderminster in the last century, records in his diary a re- markable interposition of the providence of God, in preserving his family and property from devouring flames. One of his servants dreamed that a neigh- bor's house was on fire, and through the agitation which the dream occasion- ed, she made a little noise, which awoke Mrs. W. who was sleeping in a room below. On awaking, she found her room filled with smoke ; and when Mr. Williams arose and examined the house, he found part of one of the lower rooms on fire ; which, but for the singular manner in which they had been disturb- ed, would have speedily placed the whole family in danger; and, as the house was not that year insured, have deprived the good man of nearly all he BY THE CONTROL OF MIND. 314. In Overruling Involuntary Affec- tions and Dreams. (a) THE SOLDIER AND THE JEWELER.— During the late French war, the French and Prussian troops met in Lubec. The inhabitants could not anticipate any thing but plunder and murder. Among others, a very pious jeweler determined to fly to God for refuge. All his gold and silver articles being placed IN BESTOWING TEMPORAL BLESSINGS. 344 upon a table, he requested all the mem- bers of his family to unite with him in prayer. While on their knees, a French soldier burst open the door of the house, and stood still, until the jeweler closed the solemn exercise. He then invited the soldier to the table, saying, " Sir, take of these articles whatever you please." " No !" said the soldier, I will take nothing; but shall continue with you as a guard, until we march away. At night, a bed was offered to the soldier, but he declined accepting it, preferring to remain in the room below, in order to be ready at any moment for defending the jeweler against plunder- ers. The French after some days withdrew. The soldier of course joined his troops. Stationed in another city, ho was quartered at the house of an in- timate friend of the jeweler, to whom he related the occurrence, adding, I never knew what fear was, until I un- expectedly saw the jeweler and his family upon their knees praying. Such was the degree of terror with which I was struck, that T could not move from the sill of the door until the jeweler came to me ! God protects his chil- dren. (b) THE MISSIONARIES AND l^HE MURDERERS.—Soon after the Moravian brethren had commenced their zealous and disinterested labors in Greenland, a number of murderers, ex- cited by the angekoks, or sorcerers, threatened to kill the Missionaries, and entered their house for that purpose, at a time when all were absent, excepting one, named Matthew Stach. When they arrived, they found him engaged in the work of translation, in which he went on, without showing any marks of fear, though uncertain as to their in- tention. After they had sat awhile, their leader said, " We are come to hear good." " I am glad of it," replied the Missionary, and silence being obtained, he sang, prayed, and then proceeded : " I will not say much to you of the Creator of all things — you know there is a Creator ;" — to this they all assent- ed, except one. " You also know that you are a wicked people." " Yes !" was the unanimous reply. " Now, then," resumed the Missionary, " I will tell you what is most necessary to know." He then proceeded to declare the incarnation and death of Jesus ; spoke of his resurrection from the dead ; and assured them, that he would be the final Judge of all men. He then sol- emnly appealed to the leader of the banditti, as to the account he would render of his murders and other crimes at the last day, and entreated him im- mediately to accept the mercy offered him by the Lord Jesus. After he had done, a woman, whose brother they had murdered, spoke of the efficacy of the Savior's atonement, told them she felt it, and exhorted them no longer to resist •the truth. They heard all this with attention, walked for some time before the house with their hands folded, and towards evening retired, without offer- ing either violence or insult. (c) HILL AND HIS GARDEN- ER.— The Rev. Rowland Hill had great reason to rejoice in the consistent lives, and zealous devotion to God, of many of his people at Wotton. There was amongst them a person of the name of Rugg, of a piety so deep, and of a life so useful and unblemished, that even his enemies admired and were awed by his character. Mr. Hill's gardener at Wotton, who had always passed for an honest, quiet sort of man, was at length discovered to have been the perpetrator of several burglaries, and other daring robberies in the neigh- borhood, though he had, till caught in the fact, never been even suspected. He was tried at Gloucester, condemned, and executed. It need scarcely be said that his master visited him in gaol. During his interview with him there, he confessed the many crimes of which he had been guilty. " How was it, Wil- liam," he inquired, '•' that you never robbed me, when you had such abun- dant opportunity ?" " Sir," replied he, " do you recollect the juniper bush on the border against the dining room ? I have many times hid under it at night, intending, which I could easily have done, to get into the house and plunder it ; but, sir, I was afraid : something said to me, He is a man of God : it is a house of prayer ; if I break in I shall surely be found out : so I never could 675 344 PROVIDENCE. pluck up courage to attempt it." In another conversation, he told him, " Sir, I well knew that old Mr. Rugg was in the habit of carrying a deal of money in his pocket : times and times have I hid behind the hedge of the lane leading to his house : he has passed within a yard of me, when going home from the pray- er-meeting, again and again ; I could not stir ; I durst not touch so holy a man. I was afraid. I always began to tremble as soon as he came near me, and gave up the thought altogether, for I knew he was a holy man." (d) RUFFIANS FRIGHTENED BY PRAYER.— A lady in one of our large cities had been in the habit of at- tending religious meetings in the even- ing. When she had no one to accom- pany her, she would go alone, although frequently admonished of her danger. On her return one evening from the place of worship, in crossing a public walk which lay in her way home, she was met by two ruffians, who stopped before her, and presenting a pistol to her breast, demanded her watch and money. Although alone as they supposed, there was one present in whom she trusted, that the wretches did not see, and at whose approach others like them once " went backward and fell to the ground." As she had no arm of flesh to protect her, she instantly fell upon her knees before them, and with uplifted hands cried out, " Now, Lord Jesus, help !" The affrighted assassins fled. (e) BUNYAN AND THE JAIL- ER. — The respectability of Bunyan's character and the propriety of his con- duct, while in prison at Bedford, appear to have operated very powerfully on the mind of the jailer, who showed him much kindness, in permitting him to go out and visit his friends occasionally, and once to take a journey to London. The following anecdote is told respect- ing the jailer and Mr. Bunyan : — It be- ing known to some of his persecutors, in London, that he was often out of prison, they sent an officer to talk with the jailer on the subject ; and, in order to discover the fact, he was to get there in the middle of the night. Bunyan was at home with his family, but so rest- less that he could not sleep ; he there- 676 fore acquainted his wife that, though the jailer had given him liberty to stay till the morning, yet, from his uneasiness, he must immediately return. He did so, and the jailer blamed him for coming in at such an unseasonable hour. Early in the morning the messenger came, and interrogating the jailer, said, " Are all the prisoners safe ?" " Yes." " Is John Bunyan safe ?" " Yes." " Let me see him." He was called, and ap- peared, and all was well. After the messenger was gone, the jailer, address- ing Mr. Bunyan, said, " Well, you may go in and out again just when you think proper, for you know when to return better than I can tell you. (/) THE DROWNING LADY.— — A gay lady in New England once had occasion to go to a neighboring town, where she had often been before. In the immediate vicinity was a stream which she had to go near, and which at this period was high. With a view of showing her courage to a young person whom she had taken with her as a com- panion, she went into the stream with her horse, and in a very little time was thrown into the water, — had already sunk once or twice to the bottom, and felt that she was within a few moments of an eternal world, without being pre- pared for so great a change. It so happened, that a young man in another neighboring town had felt a powerful impression on his mind that morning, that he would visit the same place. He had no business to transact ; but, being forcibly impressed with the importance of going thither, he invited a young man to accompany him. Ar- riving at the side of the stream just as the young ladies were about to cross it, they saw it was improbable that they could ford it ; yet, as the ladies went, they determined to follow. By the time the young lady was thrown from her horse, the others had nearly reached the opposite shore ; but, perceiving her danger, one of them im- mediately followed her on his horse, and in the last moment of life, as it then ap- peared, she caught hold of the horse's leg ; he thus secured her, and snatching hold of the other drowning young lady, she was saved also. After the use of IN BESTOWING TEMPORAE BLESSINGS. 344 proper remedies they recovered ; and the young gentlemen, believing that the design of their coming from home was now answered, returned back. The impressions made on the mind of this young lady were permanent, and she was led to reflect on the sins she had committed against God, to pray for the pardon of her guilt, and to devote herself to the Divine service. She em- braced the mercy of the Lord, believing in the Redeemer, who alone saves from the wrath to come. In the same town with herself lived a young gentleman, who had often spent his hours in vain conversation with her. On her return home, he went to congra- tulate her on her escape, and to his sur- prise, found she attributed her deliver- ance to the power of God, and urged him to seek that grace which they had both neglected. Her serious conversa- tion was blest to his conversion, and he became a fiithful minister of Jesus Christ. (g) WISHART AND THE FOR- GERY. — The name of this eminent man is well known in Scotland, where he acted a distinguished part in the re- formation of religion, which rendered him a constant object of the hatred of the popish party. Cardinal Benson fre- quently formed plans to take away his life. At one time, he procured a letter to be sent to him as from an intimate friend, the laird of Kinnier, in which he was requested to come to him without delay, as he had been seized with sud- den illness. In the meantime, the car- dinal had provided sixty men to waylay him, and deprive him of life. The letter having been delivered by a boy who also brought a horse to con- vey him on his journey, VVishart set out, but suddenly stopping by the way, avowed to the friends who had accom- panied him, his strong conviction that God did not will that he should proceed ; for that there was treachery in this bu- siness. The)^ went forward without him, and discovered the whole plot, by which means bis life was preserved. (h) KNOX AND THE ASSAS- SIN. — This celebrated Scotch reformer had many surprising escapes from the malicious designs of his enemies. He was accustomed to sit at the head of the table in his own house, with his back to the window ; on one particular even- ing, however, he would neither himself sit in his chair, nor allow any one else to do so. That very night a bullet was shot in at the window purposely to kill him ; it grazed the chair in which he usually sat, and made a hole in the foot of the candlestick. (i) DOD'S SINGULAR VISIT.— It is recorded of Mr. Dod, one of the Puritan ministers, that being one even- ing late in his study, his mind was strongly inclined, though he could as- sign no reason for it, to visit a gentle- man of his acquaintance, at a very un- seasonable hour. Not knowing the design of Providence, he obeyed and went. When he came to the house, after knocking a few times at the door, the gentleman himself came, and in- quired if he wanted him upon any par- ticular business. Mr. Dod having an- swered in the negative, and signified that he could not rest till he had seen him, the gentleman replied, " O, sir, you are sent of God at this very hour, for I was just now going to destroy my- self!" and immediately pulled the halter out of his pocket, by which he had in- tended to commit the horrid deed, which was thus prevented. ij) THE LOST WOMAN.— A poor woman residing in a village in Bedford- shire, had occasion to go to another vil- lage, about three miles distant ; and as she could not return before evening, it was agreed that her husband, who was a laboring man, should meet her as she returned home. The night being extremely dark, she unfortunately missed her way, and her endeavors to find the path only led her so much the farther from it. Bewilder- ed and alarmed, she wandered she knew not whither. In this distressing situa- tion she walked about for some time, until completely fatigued and exhausted. At this moment it was strongly im- : pressed upon her mind to sit down, and I wait the return of morning, which she \ accordingly did ; and on extending her I feet in order to obtain as much relief as \ possible for her v/eary limbs, they ; splashed in some water. 677 345 PROVIDENCE. Ignorant of her real situation, and without one ray of light to direct her, her feelings may be more easily con- ceived than described ; with the utmost anxiety she awaited the dawn of day, which discovered her perilous situation, on the bank of a deep river, the Ouse, into which another step would inevita- bly have plunged her. Being a pious woman, she first ac- knowledged, with unfeigned gratitude, the hand of her gracious Preserver, and then made the best of her way home. S45. In Overrnliiig Voluntary Acts and Affections. (a) THE SOLDIER'S SHIELD.— Samuel Proctor was trained up in the use of religious ordinances, and in early life felt some religious impressions. He afterwards enlisted as a soldier in the first regiment of foot guards, and was made a grenadier. Notwithstanding this, the impressions made upon his mind continued ; and the fear of the Lord, as a guardian angel, attended him through the changing scenes of life. There were a few in the regiment who met for pious and devotional exercises ; he cast in his lot among them, and al- ways carried a small pocket Bible in one pocket, and his hymn-book in the other. He took part in the struggle on the plains of Waterloo in 1815. In the evening of June 16th, in the tremendous conflict on that day, his regiment was ordered to dislodge the French from a wood, of which they had taken posses- sion, and from which they annoyed the allied army. While thus engaged, he was thrown a distance of four or five yards by a force on his hip, for which he could not account at the time ; but, when he came to examine his Bible, he saw, with overwhelming gratitude to the Preserver of his life, what it was that had thus driven him. A musket-ball had struck his hip where his Bible rested in his pocket, and penetrated nearly half through that sacred book. All who saw the ball, said that it would undoubtedly have killed him, had it not been for the Bible, which served as a shield. The Bible was kept as a sacred treasure, and laid up in his house, like 678 the sword of Goliath in the tabernacle. " That Bible," said Proctor, '• has twice saved me instrumentally — first, from death in battle, and second from death eternal." (b) POWELL SAVED BY FIDE:. LITY. — This good man was one of those devoted ministers, who, in the seventeenth century, were grievously persecuted. In an account of the trials and mercies he experienced, Jbe tells us, that two of the enemies of religion on one occasion severely beat him, one of whom, with a cudgel, greatly wounded him ; but his life was preserved. At another time, four armed men waylaid him, intending to kill him, but were unexpectedly discovered by two stran- gers, who dispersed them. One of these persecutors that very day became, un- der Mr. Powell's preaching, convinced of his sin, and refrained ever after from persecution. At another period, a poor man took an oath to kill him ; but, after several ineffectual attempts to accom- plish his purpose he went to hear Mr. P. deliver a sermon, in which the mercy of Christ as the Savior of sinners was so powerfully exhibited, that his heart was melted ; he entreated Mr. P. to pray for him and become his friend. On another occasion Mr. P. was appre- hended while preaching ; and on his way to the justice of peace, he so preached as to be the instrument of causing one of his greatest enemies to weep. When he arrived at the house of the magistrate, who was not at home, he preached even there, and the impres- sion on the minds of his two daughters was such, that they became his inter- cessors, and he was released. (c) ESCAPE OF GEN. WASH- INGTON. — Major Ferguson, who com- manded a rifle corps in advance of tlie hussars under Kniphausen, during some skirmishing a day or two previous to the battle of Brandywine, was the hero of a very singular incident, which he thus relates in a letter to a friend. It illustrates, in a most forcible manner, the overruling hand of Providence in directing the operations of a man's mind, in moments when he is least of all aware of it. " We had not lain long, when a rebel IN BESTOWING TEMPORAL BLESSINGS. 345 officer, remarkable by a hussar dress, pressed towards our army, within a hundred yards of my right flank, not perceiving us. He was followed by another, dressed in dark green and blue, mounted on a bay horse, with a remarkably high cocked hat. I ordered three good shots to steal near to them, and fire at them ; but the idea disgust- ing me, I recalled the order. The hus- sar, in returning, made a circuit, but the other pas5,ed within a hundred yards of us, upon which I advanced fVom the wood towards him. Upon my calling, he stopped ; but after looking at me, he proceeded. I again drew his attention, and made signs to him to stop, leveling my piece at him ; but he slowly can- tered away. As I was within that dis- tance at which, in the quickest firing, I could have lodged half a dozen balls in or about him, before he was out of my reach, I had only to determine ; but it was not pleasant to fire at the back of an unoffending individual, who was acquitting himself very coolly of his duty ; so I let him alone. " The day after, I had been telling this story to some wounded officers who lay in the same room with me, when one of the surgeons, who had been dressing the wounded rebel officers, came in, and told us, that they had been informing him that General Wash- ington was all the morning with the light troops, and only attended by a French officer in a hussar dress, he himself dressed and mounted in every point as above described, I am not sorry that I did not know at the time who it was." (d) TEMPTED CHRISTIAN SAVED.— About the year 1808, a young lady, walking out late on a win- ter's evening, on the Kentish coast, was alarmed by overhearing a conversation of some Irish laborers, which proved she was in danger of being robbed, if not murdered. She resolved to return to the village she had just left, which she accomplished, though pursued by one of the men, from whom she was mercifully delivered. Agitated and distressed, she deter- mined to stay at the village for the night, and went to the house of a baronet in pursuit of a pious woman, who, in the absence of the family, always slept in it. She was surprised that, for a long time, lier rap at the door was not an- swered ; and still more to find, when entrance was permitted, all the doors she had to pass with her friend fasten- ed ; nor was her astonishment lessened, when she learned that the good woman was entirely without food, or firing. However, she stayed for the night, and, in the morning, went home. Ten years rolled along, during which time the old woman treated her young friend with much kindness; the former had buried several of her family, and was about to leave the neighborhood. Previous to this, she called on her friend, reminded her of the circumstances, which, indeed, she had never forgotten ; and then, under a promise of secrecy during her life, divulged the following facts : — For some time before the events first alluded to occurred, the poor old lady, though a pious woman, had been the subject of many temptations. Melan- choly and doubting, Satan at last pre- vailed on her to attempt to take away her life. And so nearly was this pur- pose accomplished, that, at the time this young lady sought admission to the house, she had locked up all its doors, and was passing down the yard to throw herself into the sea ! She recognised the hand of God in this interposition to save her life, lived to his praise for twelve or fourteen years after this event, and at length died in the full hope of immortality, through the mediation of the Lord Jesus. (e) AUGUSTINE'S MISTAKE.— Posidonius, in his life of Augustine, re- lates, that the good man, going on one occasion to preach at a distant town, took with him a guide to direct him in the way. This man, by some unac- countable means, mistook the usual road, and fell into a bye-path. It after- wards proved, that in this way the preacher's life had been saved, as his enemies, aware of his journey, had placed themselves in the proper road with a design to kill him. (f) THE SADDLE-BAG IN THE WRONG BOAT. — The Rev. T. 679 345 PROVIDENCE. Charles, who was well known as a holy and useful minister in Wales, had once a remarkable escape from death. In one of his journeys to Liverpool, his saddle-bag was, by mistake, put into a boat different from that in which he in- tended to go, which made it necessary to change his boat, even after he had taken his seat. By this change, so con- trary to his intentions, he was gracious- ly preserved ; for the boat in which he meant to sail was lost, and all its pas- sengers were drowned. (g) DR. COLE'S COMMISrON.— It is related, in the papers of Richard earl of Cork, that towards the conclu- sion of Queen Mary's reign, a commis- sion was signed for the persecution of the Irish Protestants; and, to give greater weight to this important affair, Dr. Cole was nominated one of the com- mission. The doctor in his way to Dublin, stopped at Chester, where he was waited upon by the mayor ; to whom, in the course of conversation, he im- parted the object of his mission, and ex- hibited the leather box which contained his credentials. The mistress of the inn, where this interview took place, being a Protestant, and having over- heard the conversation, seized the op- portunity, while the doctor was attend- ing the mayor to the bottom of the stairs, of exchanging the commission for a dirty pack of cards, on the top of which she facetiously turned up the knave of clubs. The doctor, little sus- pecting the trick, secured his box, pur- sued his journey, and arrived in Dublin on the 7th of October, 1558. He then lost no time in presenting himself before lord Fitzwalter and the privy council ; to whom, after an explanatory speech, the box was presented, which to the as- tonishment of all present, was found to contain only a pack of cards ! The doctor, greatly chagrined, returned in- stantly to London, to have his commis- sion renewed : but while waiting a se- cond time on the coast for a favorable wind, the news reached him of the queen's decease, which prevented the persecu- tion, that would have otherwise proved so awful a calamity. Queen Elizabeth was so much gratified with these facts, which were related to her by Lord Fitz- ! 680 waiter on his return to England, that slie sent for the woman, whose name was Elizabeth Edwards, and gave her a pension of forty pounds a year during her life. (h) HOWARD AND THE HIGH- WAYMAN. — John Howard, Esq., the eminent philanthropist, always set a very high value on the Sabbaths he spent in England ; and, during his ab- sence on the continent, he deeply ueplored the want of Christian privileges. That he might not increase the labor of his ser- vants, nor prevent their attendance on Divine worship, he usually walked to the chapel, where he attended, at Bed- ford, though at a distance of nearly three miles from his residence. So re- gularly did he pursue this practice, that an idle and dissolute man, whom he had reproved for his sins, determined to avail himself of this opportunity to waylay and murder him. But Divine Providence remarkably interposed to preserve so valuable a life, by inclin- ing him that morning to go on horse- back a different road, by which means his valuable life was prolonged. (z) GREENLAND MISSION- ARIES FED.— When the Moravian missionaries first went, in the last cen- tury, to labor in Greenland, they were called to endure the most painful and distressing trials, both in reference to the indifference of the heathen, and the want of food. Famine, of the most afflictive kind, almost constantly threat- ened them. But in the darkest hours, God always appeared in some way or other, for their help. On one occasion. He disposed a Greenlander, a perfect stranger to them, to travel forty leagues to sell them some seals, the flesh of which, with oatmeal and train oil, was a delicacy to them compared with the old tallow candles on which they some- times lived. At another time, when they had just returned from a toilsome excursion, in which they could obtain no food, a Greenlander brought them word that a Dutch ship was lying at some distance to the south, the captain of which had letters for them. On sending to the ship, they found a cask of provisions sent them by a kind friend at Amsterdam, with the proposal to send IN BESTOWING VARIOUS BLESSINGS. 345, 346 more if they needed. At another pe- riod, they were returning home empty in their frail boat, when a contrary wind forced them on a desolate island, where they were compelled to remain all night. Here they shot an eagle, and thus obtained food, and also quills for writing. (j) MRS. ERSKINE'S RELEASE. — There is a remarkable circumstance connected with the history of Ralph Erskine — a fact well authenticated in the part of Scotland where his family lived. His mother " died and was bu- ried," some years before he was born. She wore on her finger at the time of her death a rich gold ring, which, from some domestic cause or other, was much valued by the family. After the body was laid m the coffin, an attempt was made to remove the ring, but the hand and the finger were so much swollen that it was found impossible. It was proposed to cut off the finger, but the husband's feelings revolted at the idea. She was therefore buried with the ring on her finger. The sex- ton, who was aware of the fact, formed a resolution to possess himself of the ring. Accordingly on the same night he open- ed the grave and coffin. — Having no scruples about cutting off the finger of a- dead woman, he provided himself with a sharp knife for the purpose. He lifted the stiff arm, and made an incision by the joint of the finger. The blood flowed — and the woman arose and sat up in her coffin ! The grave digger fled with affright, while the lady made her way from her narrow tenement and walked back to the door of her dwell- ing, where she stood without and knocked for admittance. Her hus- band, who was a minister, sat con- versing with a friend. When the knock was repeated he observed, " were it not that my wife is in her grave, I should say that was her knock." He arose hastily and opened the door. There stood his dear companion, wrap- ped in her grave clothes, and her uplifted finger dropping blood. " My Margaret !" hs exclaimed. " The same," said she — " Your dear wife, in her own proper person ; do not be alarmed." The lady in question, lived seven or eight years after this occurrence, and became the mother of several children, among whom was the person above spoken of. (k) WISHART AND THE PSALM. — The Covenanters, in the time of the civil wars were exceedingly fond of singing psalms. When the great Montrose was taken prisoner, his chap- lain, Wishart, the elegant historian of his deeds, shared the same fate with his patron, and was condemned to the same punishment. Being desired on the scaf- fold to name what psalm he wished to have sung, he selected the 119th, consist- ing of twenty-four parts. In this he was guided by God ; for before two thirds of the psalm was sung a pardon arrived. IN BESTOWING VARIOUS BLESSINGS. 316. In Overruling Benevolenee. (a) "THERE IS THAT SCAT- TERETH," &c.— During the siege of the Protestant city of Rochelle, under Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu, the inhabitants endured great miseries be- fore they yielded to an honorable capi- tulation, the terms of which were, how- ever, far from being kept by their ene- mies. One of the many touching inci- dents of the siege is recorded by Meri- vault. " Ho gives the names of the parties chiefly concerned," says Smed- ley ; " and the narrative is marked by an air of truth, which renders its au- thenticity undoubted. During the height of calamity among the Rochellois, some charitable individuals, who had previ- ously formed secret magazines, relieved their starving brethren without blazon- ing their good deed. The relict of a merchant, named Prosni, who was left in charge of four orphan children, had literally distributed her stores, while any thing remained, among her less fortunate neighbors ; and whenever she was reproached with profusion and want of foresight by a rich sister-in-law of less benevolent temper, she was in the habit of replying, ' The Lord will pro- vide for us.' At length, when her stock of food was utterly exhausted, and she was spurned with taunts from the door 681 346 PROVIDENCE. of her relative, she returned home des- titute, broken-hearted, and prepared to die, together with her children. But it seemed as if the mercies once displayed at Zarephath were again to be mani- fested ; and that there was still a barrel and a cruse in reserve for the widow, who, humbly confident in the bounty of Heaven, had shared her last morsel with the supplicant in affliction. Her little ones met her at the threshold with cries of joy. During her short absence, a stranger, visiting the house, had deposit- ed in it a sack of flour ; and the single bushel which it contained was so hus- banded as to preserve their lives till the close of the siege. Their unknown benefactor was never revealed ; but the pious mother was able to reply to her unbelieving kinswoman, ' The Lord hath provided for us.' " (b) ANDERSON AND THE MER- CHANT. — This worthy man, formerly minister at Walton-upon-Thames, being the subject of persecution in England, in the year 1662, and apprehensive of the ascendency of Popery, removed to Middleburgh, in Zealand. The little money he took with him was soon ex- pended, and he was reduced with his family to very great want, which his modesty would not allow him to make known. In this perplexity, after he had been at prayer one morning with his family, his children asked for some bread for their breakfast ; but he having none, nor money to buy any, they all burst into tears. While they were thus sorrowing together, the door bell was rung ; Mrs. Anderson went to the door, where she was met by a man who pre- sented a small parcel, saying it had been sent by a gentleman, and that some provision would be sent in shortly. When they opened the paper, they found it to contain forty pieces of gold. Soon afterwards a countryman arrived, with a horse-load of whatever could contri- bute to their comfort. These supplies were continued at intervals to his dying day, without his knowing where they came from. It afterwards appeared, that these kindnesses were shown by a pious merchant at Middleburgh ; who observing a grave English minister fre- quently walk the streets with a dejected 682 countenance, inquired privately into his circumstances, and sent him the gold by his apprentice, and the provision by his country servant, sayu)< God forbid that any of Christ's ambassadors should be strangers, and we not visit them ; or in distress, and we not assist them ;" at the same time expressly charging them to conceal his name. (c) THE MINISTER'S STARV- ING FAMILY.— A clergyman of the state of New- York, (says the Religious Museum,) through a misapprehension of a leading member, was precipitately deprived of his pulpit, which involved a large family in necessity. At supper, the good man had the pain of beholding the last morsel of bread placed upon the table, without the least means or pros- pect of a supply for his children's break- fast. His wife, full of grief, with her children, retired to her bed. The min- ister chose to sit up and employ his dark hours in prayer, and reading the pro- mises of God. Some secret hope of supply pervaded his breast ; but when, whence, or by whom, he knew not. He retired to rest, and in the morning ap- peared with his family, and performed the duty of prayer. It being the depdi of winter, and a little fire upon the hearth, he desired his wife to hang on the kettle, and spread the cloth upon the table. The kettle boiled — the children cried for bread — the afflicted father, standing before the fire, felt those emo- tions of heart unknown to those whose tables are replenished with affluence. While in this painful state, some one knocked at the door, entered, and de- livered a letter into the minister's hand. When the gentleman was gone, the let- ter was opened, and to the minister's as- tonishment, it contained a few bank bills with a desire of acceptance. So mani- fest an interposition of Divine goodness could not but be received with gratitude and joy ; and should be a lesson to oth- ers to trust in that Savior who hath said, " Verily thou shalt be fed ;" Psalm 37 : 3. " I never will leave thee nor forsake thee;" Heb. 13: 5. This remarkable occurrence being communicated to the editor, who hav- ing an intimacy with the gentleman said to be the hand that offered the sea- IN BESTOWING VARIOUS BLESSINGS. 316 sonable relief, was determined the next time he made him a visit to introduce the subject, and if possible, to know the reason that induced the generous action. The story being told, the gentleman discovered a modest blush, which evinc- ed the tenderness of his heart. On in- terrogation, he said, " he had frequent- ly heard that minister; on a certain morning he was disposed for a walk ; thought in the severity of the winter season a trifle might be of service as fuel was high ; felt a kind of necessity to enclose the money in a letter, went to the house, found the family adjusted as was described ; delivered the paper and retired ; but knew not the extreme necessity of the minister and his family until this moment. (d) KNOLLYS' DELIVERANCE. — The Rev. Hanserd Knollys suffered much persecution for his conscientious attachment to the truth. In the early part of his ministry, he emigrated from England to America, the common asy- lum at that time, for all who wished to enjoy liberty of conscience. There he sojourned four years, but returned in 1641, at the earnest request of an aged father. On his arrival in England he was reduced to great straits, but expe- rienced the goodness of Providence in a peculiar manner. The following par- ticulars are extracted from his own ac- count. " I was still poor and sojourned in a lodging till 1 had but sixpence left, and knew not how to provide for my wife and child. Having prayed to God and encouraged my wife to trust in him, and to remember former experiences, and especially that word of promise, ' I will never leave thee nor forsake thee,' 1 paid for my lodging and went out, not knowing whither God's good hand would lead me to receive something towards my present subsistence. About seven or eight doors from my lodgings, a woman met me in the street, and told me she came to seek me, and her husband had sent her to tell me that there was a lodging pro- vided and prepared in his house by some Christian friends for me and my wife. I told her my present condition and went along with her to the house. There she gave me twenty shillings which Dr. Bastock, a late sufferer, had given her for me, and some linen for my wifo; ; which I received, and told her husband i I would fetch my wife and child and I lodge there. I returned with great joy, i and my wife was greatly affected with this seasonable and suitable supply. After we had returned praises to God, we went to our new lodgings, where we found all things necessary provided for us, and all charges paid for fifteen weeks." When the time was expired, he undertook a school, and by the bless- ing of God was successful in bringing up a large family creditably, and though several times imprisoned for religion, continued the laborious and esteemed pastor of a poor church, for fifty years, till he went to his reward, Sept. 19th, 1691, aged ninety-two years. (e) ERSKINE'S DELIVERANCES. — Rev. Henry Erskine was often in great straits and difficulties. Once when he and his family had supped at night, there remained neither bread, meal, flesh, nor money, in the house. In the morning the young children cried for their breakfast, and their father en- deavored to divert them, and did what he could at the same time to encourage himself and wife to depend upon that Providence that hears the young ravens when they cry. While thus engaged, a countryman knocked hard at the door, and called for some one to help him off with his load. Being asked whence he came, and what he would have, he told them he came from Lady Reburn with some provisions for Mr. Erskine. They told him he must be mistaken, and that it was more likely to be for another Mr. Erskine in the same town. He replied, no, he knew what he said, he was sent to Mr. Henry Erskine, and cried, " Come, help me off with my load, or else I will throw it down at the door." Whereupon they took the sack from him, and on opening it, found it well stored with fish and meat. At another time, being at Edinburgh, he was so reduced that he had but three half pence in his pocket. VVhen he was walking about the streets, not knowing what course to steer, one came to him in a countryman's habit, presented him with a letter in which were enclosed several Scotch ducatoons, with these 683 347 PROVIDENCE. words written, " Sir, receive this from a sympathizing friend. Farewell." Mr. Erskine never could find out whence the money came. At another time, being on a journey on foot, his money fell short and he was in danger of being reduced to distress. Having occasion to fix his walking stick in some marshy ground, among the rushes, he heard something tinkle at the end of it ; it proved to be two half crowns, which greatly assisted in bear- ing his charges home. In days of per- secution and poverty God wonderfully interposes for his people. §17, In Overruling Various Acts and Affec- tions. (a) THE BUTCHER AND THE REDEMPTIONER. — A person in Holland, who had made a considerable fortune in Philadelphia, as a butcher, went on board a ship from Amsterdam, which carried a number of German Redemptioners,* for the purpose of pur- chasing one to assist him in his business. After examining the countenances of several of the passengers, without being able to please himself, his atten- tion was arrested by the tranquil and composed countenance of a man ad- vanced in years, but with much appear- ance of strength and activity. Not less pleased with the tenor of the conversation of his fellow countryman, than with his exterior, he described the purpose for which he wanted a servant, and obtained the man's consent to pur- chase his indentures, providing he would also purchase those of his wife, who had accompanied him. The parties then went ashore to com- plete the business, attended by the cap- tain ; and upon the names of the persons being mentioned, to insert them in the writings, they were found to be the name of the purchaser's father and mother : and, upon further inquiries, * A redemptioner is a person who engages to article himself, by indenture, for an agreed number of years, to some one who may want him, on his arrival in America: and the captain receives the sum paid for the services of the individual so articled, as passage and subsis- tence money. 684 he ascertained them to be, in fact, his father and mother, the latter declaring, that if he was their son, he had a re- markable mole upon his left arm, Mdiich proved to be the case. Nothing could surpass the joy of all parties. The providence of God had snatched the venerable pair from po- verty and servitude, and conducted them to plenty and independence, under the protection of an affectionate son. He, it appeared, had run away from his parents when quite a boy, and, from the continual wars in Europe, neither party had heard of the other since that period. {b} MR. NEWTON'S HABIT.— " Nothing was more remarkable," says the biographer of Mr. Newton, " than his constant habit of regarding the hand of God in every event, however trivial it might appear to others. In walking to his church, he would say, ' The way of man is not in himself, nor can he conceive what belongs to a single step. When I go. to St. Mary Woolnoth, it seems the same whether I turn down Lothbury, or go through the Old Jewry ; but the going through one street, and not another, may produce an effect of lasting consequence. A man cut down my hammock in sport, but had he cut it down half an hour later, I had not been here, as the exchange of crew was then making. A man made a smoke on the sea-shore, at the time a ship passed, which was thereby brought to, and afterwards brought me to Eng- land.' " (c) AN OLD PERSON.— The Rev. Dr. Bedell relates, that while Bishop Chase, of Ohio, was at the house of a Mr. Beck, in Philadelphia, he received a package from Dr. Ward, the Bishop of Sodor and Man, making inquiries relating to certain property in America, of which some old person in his diocese was the heir. The letter had gone to Ohio, followed him to Washington, then to Philadelphia, and found him at Mr. Beck's : when he read it to Mr. B., the latter was in amazement, and said, " Bishop Chase, I am the only man in the world who can give you information. I have the deeds in my possession, and have had them forty-three years, not knowing IN BESTOWING VARIOUS BLESSINGS. 347 what to do with them, or where any heirs were to be found." How wonder- ful, that the application should have been made to Bishop Chase, and he not in Ohio, but a guest in the house of the only man who possessed any information on the subject ! {d) THE LORD WAS THEIR BANKEPv.— Mr. Philip Henry, one of the non-comformist ministers, when silenced from preaching, by the act of uniformity, took comfort himself, and administered comfort to others, from the passage, " Let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab." "God's people," he ob- served, " may be an outcast people, cast out of men's love, their synagogues, their country; but God will own his people when men cast them out ; they are outcasts, but they are his, and some way or other he will provide a dwelling for them." Shortly before his death, the same pious man observed, that, though many of the ejected ministers were brought very low, had many chil- dren, were greatly harassed by perse- cution, and their friends generally poor and unable to support them ; yet, in all his acquaintance, he never knew, nor could remember to have heard of, any non-conformist minister in prison for debt. (e) HAPPY MEETING.— After the battle of Talavera, among the prisoners sent to France was an interesting child, about seven years old, concerning whom one of the English officers received an account, that he was the son of a ser- geant M'CuUum, who had served in the 42d Highland regiment, under Sir John Moore, in the Peninsula, and was killed in the battle of Corunna. The child's engaging manners had ' greatly won upon several persons, one of whom, as he passed through Toboso, immediately took him under his protection, and ob- tained leave to bring him to England, having a recommendation to the Duke of York. His royal highness, from what he had heard, felt such an interest in the boy, that, when brought into his presence, he took him on his knee, con- versed with him in the French and German lans^uasjes, which the child knew, and made arrangements promptly for his admission into the Military Asy- lum, at Chelsea. It being necessary to obtain the signature of Lord Huntly before the boy could be admitted, the officer and his little protege were pro- ceeding to Richmond House for that purpose, when, on reaching Charing Cross, he perceived a soldier, in the Highland uniform, walking before him : he quickened his pace, and soon over- took this man, who happened to belong to the 42d regiment. On inquiring of him if he had been acquainted with sergeant M'Cullum, who was killed the year before at Corunna, he replied, "Sir, I did not know any man of that name who was killed ; but will you be so good, sir, as to tell me why you have asked that question ?" " Because," said the officer, pointing to the boy, " that is his child, whom I found in Spain." " O sir," said he, rushing over to the boy, " he is my child ! Jamie, don't you know me ?" The scene, as may be supposed, was truly affecting. The feelings depicted in the soldier's coun- tenance, on the sudden discovery of his long-lost child, together with the rush of thought upon the past scenes of the boy abroad, so overcame the officer, that he was obliged to retire into an adjoining shop, to give vent to his emo- tions. (/) THE CAPTIVE AND HER FAVORITE HYMN.— In the year 1754, a dreadful war broke out in Can- ada, between the French and the Eng- lish. The Indians took part with the French, and made excursions as far as Pennsylvania, where they plundered and burned all the houses they came to, and murdered the people. In 1755, they reached the dwelling of a poor family from Wirtemberg, while the wife and one of the sons were gone to a mill, four miles distant, to get some corn ground. The husband, the eldest ?od, and two little girls, named Barbara and Regina, were at home. The father and his son were instantly killed by the sav- ages, but they carried the two little girls away into captivity, with a great many other children, who were taken in the same manner. They were led many miles through woods and thorny bushes, that nobody might follow them. In this condition they were brought to the hab- 685 347 PROVIDENCE. itations of the Indians, who divided among themselves all the children whom they had taken captive. Barbara was at this time ten years old, and Regina nine. It was never known what became of Barbara ; but Regina, with a Utile girl of two years old, whom she had never seen before, were given to an old widow, who was • to them very cruel. In this melancholy state of slavery these children remained nine long years, till Regina reached the age of nineteen, and her little compan- ion was eleven years old. While cap- tives, their hearts seemed to have been drawn towards what was good. Regina continually repeated the verses from the Bible, and the hymns which she had learnt when at home, and she taught them to the little girl. They often used to cheer each other with one hymn from the hymn book used at Halle, in Germany : " Alone, yet not alone am I, Though in this solitude so drear." They constantly hoped that the Lord Jesus would, some time, bring them back to their Christian friends. In 1764, the hope, of these children was realized. The merciful providence of God brought the English Colonel Bouquet to the place where they were in captivity. He conquered the Indians, and forced them to ask for peace. The first condition he made was, that they should restore all the prisoners they had taken. Thus the two poor girls were released. More than 400 captives were brought to Colonel Bouquet. It was an affecting sight to see so many young people wretched and distressed. The colonel and his soldiers gave them food and clothes, brought them to the town of Carlisle, and published in the Penn- sylvania newspapers, that all parents who had lost their children might come to this place, and in case of their find- ing them, they should be restored. Poor Regina's sorrowing mother came, among many other bereaved parents, to Car- lisle ; but, alas ! her child had become a stranger to her ; Regina had acquired the appearance and manner, as well as the language of the natives. The poor mother went up and down amongst the 686 young persons assembled, but by no efforts could she discover her daughters. She wept in bitter grief and disappoint- ment. Colonel Bouquet said, " Do you recollect nothing by which your chil- dren might be discovered ?" She an- swered that she recollected nothing but a hymn, which she used to sing with them, and which was as follows : " Alone, yet not alone am I, Though in this solitude so drear ; I feel my Savior always nigh, He comes the weary hours to cheer. I am with him, and he with me. Even here alone I cannot be." The colonel desired her to sing this hymn. Scarcely had the mother sung two lines of it, when Regina rushed from the crowd, began to sing it also, and threw herself into her mother's arms. They both wept for joy, and the colonel restored the daughter to her mother. But there were no parents or friends in search of the other little girl ; it is supposed they were all murdered ; and now the child clung to Regina, and would not let her go; and Regina's mother, though very poor, took her home with her. Regina repeatedly asked after " the book in which God speaks to us." But her mother did not possess a Bible ; she had lost every thing when the na- tives burnt her house. {g) THE CAPTIVE'S RELEASE. — "In the war called Braddock's war," says a writer in the Christian's Advo- cate, " my father was an officer in the British Navy. One night as they were running close to the coast of Barbary, the officers on deck heard some person singing. A moment convinced them that he was singing the Old Hundred psalm tune. They immediately con- jectured that the singer was a Christian captive, and determined to attempt his rescue. Twenty stout sailors, armed with pistols and cutlasses, manned the ship's boats and approached the shore. Directed by the voice of singing and prayer, they soon reached the abode of the Christian captive. It was a little hut at the bottom of his master's gar- den on a small river. They burst open the door, and took him from his knees, and in a few moments he was on the ship's deck frantic with joy. The ac- IN CONVERSIONS. 347, 34§ count he gave of himself was, that his name was McDonald ; that he was a native of Scotland ; and had been a captive eighteen years , he had obtained the confidence of his master, was his chief gardener, and had the privilege of living by himself. He said he was not at all surprised when they burst open his door, for the Turks had often done so, and whipped him when on his knees." (h) THE BROTHERS' MEET- ING. — A gentleman residing near Marl- borough, went to New-York to get a hand to work for him on his farm. He chanced to have recommended to him, a young man who had just emigrated from Germany, and through hired persons (as the German could not speak Eng- lish,) he engaged to work for him, and brought the young man over to his re- sidence. At dusk the gentleman sent to a neighbor for a German who had been working there a long time, having emigrated from Germany many years since, and whose steady habits had, as much as any thing, influenced him in retaining the young man, to come and talk with the new work-hand. The German who was sent for, came and seated himself by the fire, back of the other, who was drinking his tea. The family were waiting for the meal to be finished, expecting to here some regular Dutch talk ; nor did they wait in vain, for the moment the young man turned from the table, his eyes were fixed on the other German. Both stood a moment, regarding each other — and then nished into each other's arms — they were brothers, and had met for the first time in many years. The kind feeling, the unbounded joy, the repeat- ed embrace, were worthy of lovers. These two honest Dutchmen did talk real Dutch that night, and will proba- bly do so a long time, as they work on farms that adjoin each other. IN CONVERSIONS. 348. Overruling Misfortunes and Bereave- ments. (a) GAME OF FOOT-BALL.— Vavasor Powell, an eminent minister of the seventeenth century, being appoint- I ed to preach on a certain day, in a I meadow, near Treozaron, Cardigan- I shire, a number of idle persons, enemies j to religion, agreed to meet at the same time and place, to play at foot-ball, and thereby create a disturbance. Among them was a young man of respectable family in that neighborhood, lately re- turned home from school, who being nimble-footed and dextrous at the game, had obtained possession of the ball, in- tending to kick it in the face of the preacher. At this instant, another per- son ran towards him, and tripped up his heels. By the fall his leg was broken ; and after lying on the ground in great agony, he expressed a wish to see the minister, to whom, on his arri- val, he confessed his wicked intention, and acknowledged that the just judg- ment of God had befallen him. Mr. Powell, having represented to' him the evil and danger of sin, preach- ed the power and grace of the Savior ; and, at the request of the young man, accompanied him to his father's house. So great was the change produced in him by means of this affliction, that on his recovery he began to preach, and was for many years the most laborious and useful minister in those parts. His name was Morgan Howell. (b) THE INFIDEL CONVERT- ED. — The conversion of Dr. Vander- kemp was preceded by a very remark- able interposition of the providence of God, in the preservation of his life. He was sailing on the river near Dort, in company with his wife and daughter, when a violent storm arose, and a water- spout broke on the boat, by which it was instantly overset. Mrs. and Miss Van- derkemp were immediately drowned ; and the survivor, clinging to the boat, was carried down the stream nearly a mile ; no one daring, in so dreadful a storm, to venture from the shore to his assistance. A vessel then lying in the port of Dort, was by the violence of the storm driven from her moorings, and floated towards the part of the river in which he was, just ready to perish ; and the sailors took him from the wreck. Thus remarkably was a life preserved, which was afterwards to be employed for the advantage of mankind, and for 687 34§ PROVIDENCE. the propagation of that faith which he had labored to destroy. The sudden loss of his earthly comforts, and his long struggle against a painful death, softened his hard heart, shook tlie infi- del principles he had hitherto cherished, and ended in the consecration of his life to the cause of God. (c) THE WRECKED SAILOR'S CONSECRATION. — A ship, says Rev. John Blain, was wrecked amongst the rocks, near Cape Horn. While the winds fiercely blowed, and the foaming billows dashed the timbers in pieces, one seaman reached a lonely, barren rock. The day passed slowly away. He stretched his eye to the east and west, to the north and south, over the deep, dark, and ever restless waters — but no friendly sail appeared ! The sun disappeared, and he sat down to pass in solitude the lonely night. His shipmates were cold and silent in their watery graves. The waves dashed against the rock, the winds passed swiftly onward, the lamps of night shed their dismal light on the bosom of the deep — but no human voice sounded in his ear, no brother's hand administered to his wants. Hunger and thirst made strong demands, but he had no means to relieve them. The b.read and the water were entombed with his compa- nions. Nor had he any consolation to draw from a future world. The Bible and the Redeemer had been neglected, and he was strangely indifferent. An- other day came and passed, and an- other night. On the third night, as he lay on his back, gazing into the stariy heavens, he began to think about God and eiernity, his past life, and the in- terests of his soul. But all was dark. His skin was peeling from his face, his teeth all loose, his thirst almost intoler- able, and death seemed to stand by his side. He had never prayed, nor did he know how to pray. A single com- mandment was all he remembered, and that commandment his dear mother taught him when a child. And how should he meet that mother and his God in a future world 1 His sins passed in review, and pressed on his guilty conscience, while bitter tears of repentance began to roll down his 688 scalded cheeks. Without knowing what the Lord required of him, he rose, stood on his kness, lifted his feeble hands to- wards heaven, and there on that lonely rock, far, far away from home and friends, he submitted all to God, and most solemnly promised, if his life was spared, he would learn and do what- ever God required. From that conse- crated and blessed hour, peace flowed into his soul — Christ was his Savior, and hope entered within the vail. The next day the life-boat from a passing ship took him from the Bethel rock. He landed in Boston, found the sailor's friend, and the sailor's home, and listened to the gospel of peace. Father Taylor gave him a Bible, which he read with prayerful attention. He came to New- York — visited different churches, searched for truth, remem- bered his solemn vow, and in February, 1843, while I was preaching in the Baptist Tabernacle, he offered himself to the church. On hearing his expe- rience, every heart felt — every eye wept. Bro. Wm. W. Everts baptized him, welcomed him to the church, and he went on his vay rejoicing. (d) CURE FOR NERVOUS EX- CITEMENT.— A friend once told me that, amongst other symptoms of high nervous excitement, he had been pain- fully harassed by the want of sleep. To such a degree had this proceeded, that if in the course of the day any occasion led him to his bed-chamber, the sight of his bed made him shudder at the idea of the restless hours he had passed upon it. In this case it was re- commended to him to endeavor, when he lay down at night, to fix his thoughts on something at the same time vast and simple — such as the wide expanse of ocean, or the cloudless vault of heaven ; that the little hurried and disturbing images that flitted before his mind might be charmed away, or hushed to rest, by the calming influence of one absorbing thought. Though not at all a religious man at the time, the advice suggested to his mind, that if an object . at once vast and simple was to be se- lected, none could serve the purpose so well as that of God. He resolved then to make the trial, and to think of Him. IN CONVERSIONS. 34§ The result exceeded his most san- guine hopes ; in thinking of God he fell asleep. Night after night he resorted to the same expedient. The process became delightful ; so much so, that he used to long for the usual hour of re- tiring, that he might flill asleep, as he termed it, in God. What began as a mere physical operation, grew by im- perceptible degrees into a gracious in- fluence. The same God who was ^ his repose at night, was in all his thoughts by day. And at the same time this person spol^e to me, God, as revealed in the gospel of his Son, was " all his salvation," so inscrutable are the ways by which God can " fetch home again his banished." (e) THE STUDENT AND HIS MOTHER'S LETTERS.— Among the students in an Academy in Massachu- setts in 1845, was one, who was the son of a pious mother, but whose father was a professed believer in the doctrine of the final and universal restoration of all men, and openly rejected and ridi- culed true religion. Yet, notwithstand- ing Mr. F.'s (the young man's father) hostility to religion, he had permitted his son to be trained up in the Sabbath school, where the true principles of the gospel had been so instilled into his young mind that all the sophistical argu- ments used by his father were unable to move him. But at the period of which we are speaking, the young man was a stranger to God experimentally. The second week after he entered school, . he received a letter from his mother, in which she warned him of the danger to which he exposed himself by living in rebellion against God, and urged him to repent. He thought but little of the letter, and, being a close student, applied himself to his books, entirely regardless of the concerns of his soul. Two weeks passed and another letter came, containing the same warning and expostulations as the first. And thus she continued, for some months, to write to her impenitent son, using every argu- ment a mother's love and concern for his soul could suggest to persuade him to become a Christian. Still his mind remained unaffected. In the meantime a protracted meeting 44 was being held in the village where the academy was located. The young man had frequently been solicited to lay aside his books and attend it. This he refused to do, saying, he did not feel at all interested in the meetings, nor had he the least concern for his soul ; besides, it was more profitable for students to attend to their books, than spend their time in that manner. Two weeks had passed since he re- ceived his mother's last letter ; he went to the post-office for another, and found one with the post-mark of his native village upon it ; but on opening it, in- stead of seeing the familiar hand of his mother, his eye rested on characters scarcely legible. What could this mean? He began to read, and soon learned that his mother by accident had been deprived of the use of her right hand, and had written with her left ; still presenting to him the important theme of his salvation. This touched a chord in the young man's heart, and he said, " If my sins are the cause of so much grief to my mother, there must be something wrong, and by the grace of God I will forsake them, and begin now to seek my soul's salvation." That evening he went to the prayer- meeting ; and when '' the anxious " were requested to come forward to the altar that Christians might pray for them, he was among the first there. But as he afterward stated, he had no conviction for sin, though he knew he was a sinner, and without repentance could not be saved. It was love for his mother alone which prompted him to take the step he had, and love for her led him still further. For several successive evenings he was seen upo» the anxious seat, yet there appeared to be no change wrought in him. At length, one evening he rose up, and" stated what his feelings had been, and' added, that he now began to desire re- ligion because he believed it to be the " power of God unto salvation." Conviction from this time began to roll in upon his mind, and he saw him- self as he never had done before, a lost and condemned creature, without God and without hope. His distress of mind was great, and his trials unusually 689 349 PROVIDENCE. severe. But he heard a voice saying, " Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world," and like Andrew he went to meet Him and became his disciple, and one of the brightest ornaments of religion among the many who were hopefully con- verted at that time. 349. Overrnling Intended or Actual Per- secution. (a) INTENDED MURDERER AND THE SERMON-— Mr. Brad- bury possessed an ardent zeal in the cause of civil and religious liberty, and had many admirers. This exposed him to the hatred of the popish faction, whose designs in respect of the Jacobi- tish succession he had often exposed. They once employed a person to take away his life. To make himself fully acquainted with Mr. Bradbury's per- son, the man frequently attended at plfices of worship where he preached, place himself in front of the gallery, with his countenance steadfastly fixed on the preacher. It was scarcely pos- sible, in such circumstances, wholly to avoid listening to what was said. Mr. Bradbury's forcible way of presenting divine truth awakened the man's atten- tion ; the truth entered his understand- ing, and became the means of changing his heart. He came to the preacher with trembling and confusion, told his affecting tale, gave evidence of his con- version, became a member of Mr. Brad- bury's church, and was, to his death, an ornament to the gospel which he professed. (b) WHITEFIELD'S PERSECU- TORS. — When this distinguished min- ister was once at Plymouth, four gen- tlemen came to the house of one of his particular friends, kindly inquiring after him, and desiring to know where he lodged. Soon afterwards, Mr. White- lield received a letter, informing him that the writer was a nephew of Mr. S — , an attorney at New-York ; that he had the pleasure of supping with Mr. Whitefield at his uncle's house, and de- sired his company to sup with him and a few friends at a tavern. Mr. White- field sent hijn word, that it was not 691) customary for him to sup abroad at taverns ; but he should be glad of the gentleman's company to eat a morsel with him at his lodging : he according- ly came and supped, but was observed frequently to look around him, and to be very absent in mind. At last he took his leave, and returned to his com- panions in the tavern ; and on being asked by them what he had done, he answered, that he had been used so civilly, that he had not the heart to touch him. Upon which another of the company, a lieutenant of a man- of-war, laid a wager of ten guineas that he would do his business for him. His companions, however, had the precau- tion to take away his sword. It was now about midnight, and Mr. White- field, having that day preached to a large congregation, and visited the French prisons, had gone to bed, when the landlady came and told him that a well-dressed gentleman desired to speak with him. Mr. Whitefield imagining it was somebody under conviction, de- sired him to be brought up. He came, and sat down by the bed-side, congratu- lated him upon the success of his min- istry, and expressed much concern at being detained from hearing him. Soon after, he broke out into the most abusive language, and in a cruel and cowardly manner beat him in his bed. The landlady and her daughter, hearing the noise, rushed into the room and laid hold of him ; but he soon disengaged himself from them and repeated his blows upon Mr. Whitefield, who being apprehensive that he intended to shoot or stab him, underwent all the surprise of a sudden and violent death. After- wards a second came into the house, and cried out, from the bottom of the stairs, " Take courage, I am ready to help you !" But, by the repeated cry of " murder !" the alarm was now so great, that tliey both made off. " The next morning," says Mr. Whitefield, " I was to expound at a private house, and then to set out for Bidcford. Some urged me to stay and prosecute ; but, being better employed, I went on my intended journey, was greatly blessed in preaching the everlasting gospel, and, upon my return, M'as well pairf IN CONVERSIONS. 349 for what I had suffered, curiosity hav- ing led perhaps two thousand more than ordinary to see and hear a man that had like to have been murdered in his bed. And I trust, in the five weeks that I waited for the convoy, hundreds were awakened and turned unto the Lord." (c) THE POINTED SERMON.— In thd^ year 1743, the Rev. George Whitefield had resolved to come to this country, and had engaged his passage in a ship that was to sail from Ports- mouth ; but as the captain afterwards refused to take him, " for fear of his spoiling the sailors," he was obliged to go to Plymouth. While staying there, he frequently preached, and an attempt having recently been made to murder him in his bed, much attention was ex- cited, and many thousands flocked to hear him. While he was one day preaching, Mr. Tanner, who was at work as a ship-builder, at a distance, heard his voice, and resolved, with five or six of his companions, to go and drive him from the place where he stood ; and for this purpose they filled their pockets with stones. When, how- ever, Mr. T. drew near, and heard Mr. Whitefield earnestly inviting sinners to Christ, he was filled with astonishment, his resolution failed him, and he went home with his mind deeply impressed. On the following evening, he again at- tended, and heard Mr. Whitefield on the sin of those who crucified the Re- deemer. After he had expatiated on their guilt, he appeared to look intently on Mr. Tanner, as he exclaimed with energy, " Thou art the man !" These words powerfully affected Mr. T. ; he felt his iniquities to be awfully great, and in the agony of his soul he cried, " God be merciful to me a sinner." The preacher then proceeded to pro- claim the free and abundant grace of Jesus, which He commanded to be preached among the very people who had murdered him ; on hearing which, Mr. T. was encouraged to hope for mercy, and he surrendered himself to Christ. This sermon was made emi- nently useful to many other persons. (d) THE " HELL-FIRE CLUB." — The Rev. John Cookc; of Maiden- head, (Eng.) was once called on to preach at the opening of a chapel. Six years afterwards, a man came to him after preaching at Bristol, and told him that, at the period first referred to, he belonged to an awfully wicked society, called, " The hell-fire club," the mem- bers of which always endeavored to coin a new oath for each evening on which they met, the chairman deciding who had the preference. As this man was walking towards his club, he was ask- ing himself what sin he had not com- mitted, resolving he would commit it before he went to bed. His attention was arrested by the lights of the chapel, and the voice of the preacher. After some hesitation, whether he should en- ter the chapel for sport now, or as he returned from the club, he determined on the former. He entered as the preacher was repeating his text, " All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men ; and whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him : but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come." He described the nature of the sin; the reason why it was unpardonable ; show- ed who had not committed it, and proved that their sins might be pardoned. The man went home, locked himself in his bedroom, fell on his knees, thanked God he was out of hell, and prayed for the pardon which he was delighted to know he might yet receive, though he had often wished to die, that he might know the worst of hell. He read, prayed, heard the gospel, looked by faith to Christ, and soon enjoyed a sense of pardon, and the privilege of friendship with God. In his case he considered, " .Tehovah here resolved to show What his Almighty grace could do." (e) MR. WHITEFIELD AND THE TRUMPETER.— On one occasion, during Whitcfield's residence in Amer- ica, a black trumpeter, belonging to an English regiment, resolved to interrupt him during a discourse which he was expected to deliver in the open air. At the hour appointed for the sermon, he 691 349 PROVIDENCE. repaired to the field where it was to be preached, carrying his trumpet with him on purpose to blow it with all his might about the middle of the sermon. He took his stand in front of the minister, and at no great distance. The con- course that attended became very great, and those who were towards the extrem- ity of the crowd pressed forward, in or- der to hear more distintly, which caused such a pressure at the place where the trumpeter stood, that he found it impos- sible to raise up the arm which held the trumpet at the time he intended to blow it. He attempted to extricate himself from the crowd, but found this equally impossible, so that he was kept within hearing of the gospel as securely as if he had been chained to the spot. In a short time, his attention was ar- rested, and he became so powerfully affected by what the preacher presented to his mind, that he was seized with an agony of despair, and was carried to a house in the neighborhood. When the service was over, he was visited by Mr. Whitefield, who tendered some season- able counsels ; and the poor trumpeter from that time became an altered man. (/) WHITEFIELD AND THE FIDDLER.— John Skinner, of Hounds- croft, in Gloucestershire, (Eng.,) was a strolling fiddler, going from fair to fair, and supplying music to any party that would hire him. Having determined to interrupt that great and successful minister of Christ, Mr. Whitefield, he obtained a standing on a ladder raised to a window near the pulpit ; he re- mained a quiet, if not an attentive hear- er, till the text was named, when he intended to begin his annoying exercise on the violin. It pleased God, howev- er, while he was putting his instrument in tune, to convey the word spoken with irresistible power to his soul ; his attention was diverted from his original purpose, he heard the whole sermon, and became altos^ether a new man. (g) THE \V^IDOW AND HER SON. — A minister from England being at Edinburgh, was accosted very civil- ly by a young man in the street, with an apology for the liberty he was tak- ing : " I think, sir," said he, " I have heard you at Spafield's chapel." " You 692 probably may, sir ; for I have some- times ministered there." " Do you re- member," said he, " a note put up by an afflicted widow, begging the prayers of the congregation for the conversion of an ungodly son ?" " I do very well remember such a circumstance." " Sir," said he, " I am the very per- son ; and, wonderful to tell, ^le prayer was effectual. Going on a frolrc with some other abandoned young men, one Sunday, through the Spafields, and passing by the chapel, I was struck with its appearance, and hearing it was a Methodist chapel, we agreed to min- gle with the crowd, and stop for a few minutes to laugh and mock at the preacher and the people. We had on- ly just entered the chapel, when you, sir, read the note, requesting the pray- ers of the congregation for an afflicted widow's son. J heard it with a sensa- tion I cannot express. I was struck to the heart ; and, though I had no idea that I was the very individual meant, I felt that it expressed the bitterness of a widow's heart, who had a child as wick- ed as I knew myself to be. My mind was instantly solemnized. I could not laugh ; my attention was riveted on the preacher. I heard his prayer and ser- mon with an impression very different from that which had carried me into the chapel. From that moment, the truths of the gospel penetrated my heart ; I joined the congregation ; cried to God in Christ for mercy, found peace in believing, and became my mother's comfort, as I had long been her heavy cross. (h) THE PERSECUTING FA- THER AND HIS DAUGHTER.— During a series of religious meetings, held in the school-house of a small vil- lage, a very little girl became much in- terested for the salvation of her soul. Her father, a hater of holiness, who lived next door to the place of meeting, finding that his little daughter was much interested in the meetings, and had been forward to be prayed for, strictly for- bade her again entering the " house of prayer." The poor little girl was much oppressed, and knew not what to do, but obeyed her father until the next meet- ing was nearly half through, then slip- IN CONVERSIONS. 350 ping out without his knowledge, and getting through a hole in the back yard fence, she hastily ran to the meeting. It was some time before her father missed her, but when he found her gone, he went immediately to the meeting, where she was on her knees, with others whom the people of God were praying for. So enraged was he, that he went directly forward, and took her in his arms, to carry her from the place. As he raised her from her knees, she looked up with a heavenly smile, and said, " It is too late now, pa ; I have given my heart to the Savior." This was too much for the hardened sinner : he too sunk on his knees, while he was prayed for ; and very soon he found that Savior he had in vain attempted to s-hut out from his daughter's heart. S§0. Overruling various forms of Wicked- ness. (a) WORD OF GOD POWER- FUL. — An eminently pious curate, in England, was accustomed, on account of the village in which he resided being at a great distance from the church, to preach on the sabbath evening in his own house. On his return from his stated parochial duties, one sabbath afternoon, he was warned byone of his neighbors to keep a strict look-out against two sus- picious characters then lurking in the village, as there was some reason to ap- prehend that they intended that night to rob his house. They contrived how- ever, by some means, to get within his premises while the people were assem- bling in considerable numbers for wor- ship, and concealed themselves in a re- tired part of the house ; but not being far from the room where the worthy man was preaching, they could distinct- ly hear his voice. The sword of the Spirit pierced their hearts ; they were not only convinced of the wickedness of their meditated burglary, but of the awful criminality of sin as committed against God, and left their dark retreat under the most pungent sense of guilt. From this time, an effectual change was wrought in their minds and conduct, and the pious clergyman, after several years, could bear testimony that by their unblamable lives, they adorned the gos- pel of Christ. (h) THE NEGRO'S SERMON.— A worthy and excellent bishop of the Episcopal church was in early life an immoral and dissipated man. Dining one evening with a party of gentlemen, they sat late over their wine, and with a view to promote merriment, this young man sent for one of his slaves, who was in the habit of preaching to his com- panions in slavery, and ordered him to preach a sermon to the company. The good man hesitated for a time, but at length began to address them. Instead of the mirth, however, which they an- ticipated from the ignorance and sim- plicity of the poor man, the piety and fervor of his discourse produced a con- trary effect. The solemn truths he de- livered sank deeply into the hearts of some of the company, and, through the Divine blessing, carried conviction to the heart of his master, who now seri- ously inquired after the way of salva- tion ; which having learned, he began from a sense of duty to publish the grace of Christ, and became an or- nament to the Christian ministry. (c) THE SCOFFER CONVERT- ED.— When the Rev. G. Whitefield and J. Wesley commenced their zeal- ous and successful labors, there was a very prevalent disposition to oppose and misrepresent them. Many of the pub- lic-houses became places where their doctrines and zeal were talked of and ridiculed. Mr. Thorpe, and several other young men in Yorkshire, under- took at one of these parties to mimic the preaching of these good men. The pro- position met with applause ; one after another stood on a table to perform his part, and it devolved on Mr. T. to close this very irreverent scene. Much elat- ed, and confident of success, he exclaim- ed, as he ascended the table, " I shall beat you all." Who would have sup- posed that the mercy of God was now about to be extended to this transgres- sor of his law ! The Bible was handed to him ; and, by the guidance of un- erring Providence, it opened at Luke 13 : 3. "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." The moment he read the text his mind was impressed in 693 ^50 PROVIDENCE. a most extraordinary manner ; he saw- clearly the nature and importance of the subject ; and as he afterwards said, if he ever preached with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, it was at that time. His address produced a feeling of de- pression in his auditors ; ' and, when he had finished, he instantly retired to weep over his sins : he associated with the people of God ; and became a use- ful minister of the New Testament, and died at Masborough, in 1776. {d) TAKING OFF THE ME- THODIST.— The Rev. Mr. Madan was educated for the bar. His conversion to God arose from the following circum- stances. Some of his companions, when assembled one evening at a coffee-house, requested him to go and hear the Rev. John Wesley, who, they were informed, was to preach in the neighborhood, and then to return and exhibit his manner and discourse for their entertainment. With that intention he went to the house of God. Just as he entered the place, Mr. Wesley read as his text, " Prepare to meet thy God," Amos 4:12, with a solemnity of accent which excited his attention, and produced a seriousness which increased as the good man pro- ceeded in exhorting his hearers to re- pentance. Mr. Madan returned to the coffee-room, and was asked by his com- panions if he had taken off the old me- thodist. He replied, " No, gentlemen, but he has taken me off;" and from that time forsook their company, associated with true Christians, and became an eminently good man. (e) A SINGULAR MOTIVE FOR ATTENDING CHURCH.— A young man of the city of Norwich, (Eng.,) about eighteen years of age, was walk- ing one morning with several compan- ions, who had agreed on that day to take their pleasure. The first object that attracted attention was an old wo- man, who pretended to tell fortunes. They immediately employed her to tell theirs, and that they might qualify her for the undertaking, first made her thoroughly intoxicated. The young man, of whom mention was first made, was informed, among other things, that he would live to a very old age, and see his children, grandchildren, and great- 694 grandchildren growing up around him. Though he had assisted in intoxicating the old woman, he had credulity enough to be struck with those parts of the pre- diction which related to himself. " And so," said he, when alone, " I am to see children, grandchildren, and great- grandchildren ! At this age, I must be a burden to the young people. What shall I do? There is no way for an old man to render himself more agree- able to youth, than by sitting and tell- ing them pleasant and profitable stories. I will then," thought he, " during my youth, endeavor to store my mind with all kinds of knowledge. I will see and hear, and note down every thing that is rare and wonderful, that I may sit, when incapable of other employments, and en- tertain my descendants. Thus shall my company be rendered pleasant, and I shall be respected, rather than neg- lected, in old age. Let me see, what can I acquire first ? Oh ! here is the famous methodist preacher, Whitefield ; he is to preach, they say, to-night — 1 will go and hear him." From these strange motives the young man declared he went to hear Mr. Whitefield. He preached that evening from Matthew, 3: 7. "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sad- ducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?" "Mr. Whitefield," said the young man, " described the Sadducees' character ; this did not touch me ; I thought myself as good a Christian as any man in England. From this he went to that of the Pharisees. He de- scribed their exterior decency, but ob- served, that the poison of the viper rankled in their hearts. This rather shook me. At length, in the course of his sermon, he abruptly broke off; paus- ed for a few moments ; then burst into a flood of tears ; lifted up his hands and eyes, and exclaimed, ' Oh, my hearers ! the wrath's to come! the wrath's to come !' These words sunk into my heart, like lead in the waters ; I wept, and, when the sermon was ended, re- tired alone. For days and weeks I could think of little else. Those awful words would follow me wherever IN CONVERSIONS. 350 I went, ' The wrath's to come ! the wrath's to come !' " The issue was, that the young man soon after made a public profession of religion, in a little lime became an eminent preacher, and he himself related these circumstances to the late Rev. Andrew Fuller of Ket- tering. (/) PLAYIiNG BALL ON THE SABBATH.— The following interest- ing facts were related to the Rev. Dr. Conder, of London, by an old gentle- man, who remembered when a boy to have heard them from the great-grand- father of that gentleman : — I used, said he, when young, to ac- company my father to Royston market, which Mr. Conder also frequented. The custom of the worthy men in those days was, when they had done their market- ing, to meet together, and take needful refreshment in a private room, where, without interruption, they might talk freely about the things of God — how they had heard on the Sabbath day, and how they had gone on the week past, etc. I was admitted to sit in a corner of the room. One day, when I was there, the conversation turned upon the question, " By what means God first visited their souls, and began a work of grace upon them ?" It was your great- grandfather's turn to speak, and his ac- count struck me so, that I never forgot it. He told the company as follows : — " When I was a young man, was I great- ly addicted to foot-ball playing ; and, as the custom was in our parish, and in many others also, the young men, as soon as church was over, took a foot- ball and went to play. Our minister often remonstrated against our break- ing the Sabbath, which, however, had but little effect ; only my conscience checked me at times, and I would some- times steal away and hide myself from my companions. But being dextrous at the game, they would find me out, and get me among them. This would bring on me more guilt and horror of conscience. Thus I went on sinning and repenting a long time, but had no resolution to break off from the practice, till, one Sabbath morning, our minister acquainted his hearers that he was very sorry to tell them, that by order of the I king (James L) and his council, he must read them the following paper or relinquish his living. This was the Book of Sports, forbidding the ministers or churchwardens, or any others, to mo- lest or discourage the youth, in what were called their manly sports and re- creations on the Lord's day, etc. While our minister was reading it, I was seized with a chill and horror not to be described. Now, thought I, iniquity is established by a law, and sinners are hardened in their sinful ways ! What sore judgments are to be expected upon so wicked and guilty a nation ! What shall I do? Whither shall 1 flee? How shall I escape the wrath to come ? — And thus God convinced me that it was high time to be in earnest about sal- vation. And from that time, I ne- ver had the least inclination to take a foot-ball in hand, or to join my vain companions any more : so that I date my conversion from that time, and adore the grace of God in making that to be an ordinance for my salvation, which the devil and wicked governors laid as a trap for my destruction." This, continued the narrator, I heard him tell : and I hope with some serious benefit to my own soul. ig) THE ROBBER AND THE STOLEN SERMONS.— A minister, had been preaching one evening, in a village at some distimce from his home ; when, on his return, he was stopped by a footpad, who presented a pistol, and demanded his money. The minister allowed him to take his watch and his money; and the thief, feeling some papers in his pocket, took them also away with him, saying, that for any thing he knew, there might be bank notes among them. These papers were, however, manuscript sermons, written out at length in a fair and legi- ble hand. Some months afterwards, a respectable looking man called upon the same minister, recalled to his recollec- tion the robbery, stated that he had been the robber, restored the watch and a sum of money equivalent to that which he had taken away, and stated the cause of his making restitution was, that upon looking over the papers, he found a a sermon on the words, " Thou shall 695 350 PROVIDENCE. not steal." The singularity of this circumstance induced him to read it ; and the impression produced by its warnings upon him svas so powerful, that he abandoned his profligate courses, became an altered man, devo- ted himself to industrious labor, and took the earliest opportunity of restor- ing the property he had stolen. (h) DRUNKARD SAVED FROM SUICIDE.— An aged Christian in Ber- wick upon the Tweed, England, gave a visiter of the poor the following account of his conversion. He said, that previous to the Lord's meeting with him, he was a notoriously wicked character, and, among many other vices, he was much addicted to drinking to excess. On a certain occasion, he had, what he termed, broke out, and had been in a state of intoxication for, I think he said, a fortnight. When the effects of the liquor left him, and he began to come to himself, his spirits sunk unusually low, and ' guilt and remorse preyed on his mind so much, that he was driven to despair, and felt himself so misera- ble, that he determined on the rash act of putting an end to his existence ; he accordingly procured a rope to hang himself. At that time, his wife, who was a truly pious woman, was at Spa- fields chapel. A thought came into his mind, that he should like his wife to know his fate soon after he was dead ; this induced him to go round the back of the chapel, to seek for a convenient place to commit the fatal deed, expect- ing that when the congregation came out he should be found dead, and that liis wife would be informed. When passing the back of the chapel, with the rope in his pocket, the sound of the minister's voice caught his ear, and in- duced him to go and look in at the door. At the instant the minister was preach- ing, in a very animated manner, on the efficacy of the blood of Christ to cleanse the guilty conscience, stated that the Savior was able and willing to save the vilest rebels, and then gave a most pressing invitation to the chief of sin- ners, saying, "Come and welcome, come and welcome. All that feel your need of him." 696 These and similar sentences so pene- trated his iieart, that they produced feelings which are easier conceived than described. When the service was over, he went home, fell on his knees, and cried for mercy. His wife was, at first, aston- ed at the wonderful change ; but, on inquiry, she found the Lord had answer- ed her prayer in behalf of her husband. (0 THE THREE SCOFFERS.— In a sea-port town on the west coast of England, notice was once given of a sermon to be preached there one Sunday evening. The preacher was a man of great celebrity ; and that circumstance, together with the object of the discourse being to enforce the duty of strict ob- servance of the Sabbath, attracted an overflowing audience. After the usual prayers and praises, the preacher read his text, and was about to proceed with his sermon, when he suddenly paused, leaning his head on the pulpit, and re- mained silent for a few moments. It was imagined that he had become indis- posed ; but he soon recovered himself, and, addressing the congregation, said that before entering upon his discourse, he begged to narrate to them a short anecdote. " It is now exactly fifteen years," said he, " since I was last with- in this place of worship ; and the occa- sion was, as many here may probably remember, the very same as that which has now brought us together. Amongst those who came hither that evening, were three dissolute young men, who came not only with the intention of in- sulting and mocking the venerable pas- tor, but even with stones in their pockets to throw at him as he stood in the pul- pit. Accordingly, they had not attend- ed long to the discourse, when one of them said impatiently, " Why need we listen any longer to the blockhead ? — throw !" But the second stopped him, say- ing, " Let us first see what he makes of this point." The curiosity of the latter was no sooner satisfied, than he, too> said. "Ay, confound him, it is only as I expected — throw now !" But here the third interposed, and said, " It would be better altogether to give up the de- sign which has brought us here." At this remark his two associates took of. IN CONVERSIONS. 350 fence, and left the place, while he him- self remained to the end. Now mark, my brethren," continued the preacher, with much emotion, " what were after- wards the several fates of these young men ? The first was hanged, many years ago, at Tyburn, for the crime of forgery ; the second is now lying under the sentence of death, for mur- der, in the jail of this city. The third, my brethren " — and the speaker's agitation here became excessive, while he paused, and wiped the large drops from his brow — " the third, my breth- ren, is he who is now about to address you ! — listen to him." (j) THE INFIDEL'S SERMON TO THE PIRATES.— A native of Sweden, residing in the South of France, had occasion to go from one port to another in the Baltic Sea. When he came to the place whence he expected to sail, the vessel was gone. On in- quiring, he found a fishing boat going the same way, in which he embarked. After being for some time out to sea, the men observed that he had several trunks and chests on board, concluded he must be very rich, and therefore agreed among themselves to throw him overboard. This he heard them ex- press, which gave gave him great un- easiness. However, he took occasion to open one of his trunks which contained some books. Observing this, they remarked among themselves that it was not worth while to throw him into the sea, as they di4 not want any books, which they supposed was all the trunks contained. They asked him if he were a, priest. Hardly knowing what reply to make, he told them he was ; at which they seemed much pleased, and said they would have a sermon on the next day, as it was the Sabbath. This increased the anxiety and dis- tress of his mind, for he knew himself to be as incapable of such an undertak- ing, as it was possible for any one to be, as he knew very little of the Scriptures ; neither did he believe in the inspiration of the Bible. At length they came to a small rocky island, perhaps a quarter of a mile in circumference, where was a company of pirates, who had chosen this little sequestered spot to deposit their treasures. He was taken to a cave, and introduced to an old woman, to whom they remarked that they were to have a sermon preached, the next day. She said she was very glad of it, for she had not heard the word of God for a great while. His was a trying case, for preach he must, still he knew nothing about preaching. If he refused, or un- dertook to preach and did not please, he expected it would be his death. With tliese thoughts he passed a sleep- less night. In the morning his mind was not settled upon any thing. To I call upon God, whom he believed to be inaccessible, was altogether vain. He could devise no way whereby he might be saved. He walked to and fro, still shut up in darkness, striving to collect something to say to them, but could not think of even a single sentence. When the appointed time for the evening arrived, he entered the cave where he found the men assembled. There was a seat prepared for him, and a table with a Bible on it. They sat for the space of half an hour in pro- found silence ; and even then, the an- guish of his soul was as great as human nature was capable of enduring. At length these words came to his mind, — " Verily, there is a reward for the righteous : verily, there is a God that judgeth in the earth." He arose and delivered them : then other words pre- sented themselves, and so on till his un- derstanding became opened — his heart enlarged in a manner astonishing to himself. He spoke upon subjects suited to their condition ; the rewards of the righteous — the judgments of the wicked — the necessity of repentance, and the importance of a change of life. The matchless love of God to the chil- dren of men, had such a powerful effect upon the minds of these wretched beings, that they were melted into tears. Nor was he less astonished at the unbounded goodness of Almighty God, in thus in- terposing to save his spiritual as well as his natural life, and well might he exclaim, — " This is the Lord's doings,- and marvelous in our eyes." Under a deep sense of God's goodness, his 697 351 PROVIDENCE. heart became filled with such thankful- ness, that it was out of his power to express. What marvellous change was thus suddenly brought about by Divine interposition ! He who a little before disbelieved in communion with God and the soul, became as humble as a little child. And they who were so lately meditating on his death, now are filled with love and good will towards each other, particularly towards him ; manifesting affectionate kindness, and willing to render him all the assistance in their power ! The next morning they fitted out one of their vessels, and conveyed him where he desired. From that time he became a changed man. From senti- ments of infidelity he became a sincere believer in the power and efficacy of the truth as it is in Jesus. M, Overruling Dreams and Involuntary Affections. (a) THE MOUNTAINEER'S DREAM. — A man who has long lived in an obscure place, on one of the mountains in Berkshire county, Mass., (says the New- York Evangelist of 1831), who had been taught to read the Bible in childhood, but had not been to any religious meeting, or had a Bible in his house for many years, began last spring to dream every night whole chapters of what he had read in early life, and to think of what he had dream- ed during the day. This he did several nights and days in succession, till the truth thus brought to mind, effected a deep conviction of sin, which resulted in his hopeful conversion. (b) THE BACKSLIDER'S DREAM. — A young gentleman being reproved by his mother for being re- ligious, made her this answer : " 1 am resolved by all means to save my soul." Some time after he fell into a lukewarm state, during which time he was sick and nigh unto death. One night he dreamed that he saw himself summon- ed before God's angry throne, and from thence hurried into a place of torments : where, seeing his mother full of scorn, she upbraided him with his former an- swer ; why he did not save his soul by 698 all means. This was so much im- pressed on his mind when he awoke, that, under God, it became the means of his turning again to him ; and when any body asked him the reason why he became again religious, he gave them no other answer than this : " If I could not in my dream endure my mother's upbraiding my folly and lukewarmness, how shall I be able to suffer that God should call me to an account in the last day, and the angels reproach my luke- warmness, and the devil aggravate my sins, and all the saints of God deride my folly and hypocrisy ?" • (c) THE FATHER'S DREAM OF J U D G M E N T.—" In January last," said a pious father in writing to his friends, " I dreamed that the day of judgment was come. I saw the Judge on his great white throne, and all nations were gathered before him. My wife and I were on the right hand ; but I could not see my children. I said, I cannot bear this ; I must go and seek them. I went to the lefl hand of the Judge, and there found them all standing in the utmost despair. As soon as they saw me, they caught hold of me and cried, ' O ! father, we will never part.' I said, ' my dear chil- dren, I am come to try, if possible, to get you out of this awful situation.' So I took them all with me, but when we came near the Judge I thought he cast an angry look, and said, ' What do thy children with thee now ? they would not take thy warning when on earth, and they shall not share with thee the crown in heaven ; depart, ye cursed.' At these worc^, I awoke bathed in tears. A while afler this, as we were all sitting together on a Sabbath evening, I related to them my dream. No sooner did I begin than first one, and then another, yea, all of them, burst into tears, and God fastened conviction on their hearts. Five of them are rejoicing in God their Savior ; and I believe, the Lord is at work with the other two, so that I doubt not he will give them also to my prayers. (d) HILL'S REPLY TO THE CONVERT.— A candidate for admis- sion to church membership under the Rev. Rowland Hill being required to IN CONVERSIONS. 353 give some account of his first impres- sions as to the evil of sin, and the need of the gospel, related a dream by which he had been affected and led to serious inquiry, to flie hearing of sermons, &c. When he had ended, Mr. Hill said, We do not wish to despise a good man's dreams by any means ; but we will tell you what we think of the dream, after we have seen how you go on when you are awake. §32. Overruling various Feelings, Actions, and Events. {a) GUTHRIE AND THE PA- PIST. — Mr. Guthrie, an eminent mi- nister in Scotland, was one evening traveling home very late. Having lost his way on a moor, he laid th« reins on the neck of his horse, and committed himself to the direction of Providence. After long traveling over ditches and fields, the horse brought him to a farm- er's house, into which he went, and requested permission to sit by the fire till morning, which was granted. A popish priest was administering extreme unction to the mistress of the house, who was dying. Mr. Guthrie said no- thing till the priest had retired : then he went forward to the dying woman, and asked her if she enjoyed peace in the prospect of death, in consequence of what the priest had said and done to her. She answered, that she did not ; on which he spoke to her of salvation through the atoning blood of the Re- deemer. The Lord taught her to un- derstand, and enabled her to believe the message of mercy, and she died triumphing in Jesus Christ her Savior. Afler witnessing this astonishing scene, Mr. Guthrie mounted his horse, and rode home. On his arrival, he told Mrs. Guthrie he had seen a great won- der during the night. " I came," said he, " to a farm-house, where I found a woman in a state of nature ; I saw her in a state of grace ; arid left her in a state of glory." [1) THE DYING MINISTER'S DISSOLUTE SON.— Mr. Nathan Da- vies, the eldest son of a respectable Christian minister in Wales, was a youth of wild and dissolute conduct, and thereby occasioned much grief to his pious parents. Neither the mild nor the severe methods used to reclaim him had the desired etTect. At length, a period arrived when the aged and venerable father must die ; and, like Jacob, he desired that his children should be called to his bedside, to re- ceive his dying admonitions. Having addressed them all, one by one, except the profligate son, in a very affectionate and solemn manner, he concluded by warning them to shun the bad example and wicked ways of their eldest brother, and advised them to act towards him with caution and forbearance, adding, that he feared they would experience from him nothing but sorrow and trou- ble. He then dismissed them, and soon after died. The circumstance of the father's silence made a deeper impression on the mind of Nathan than all the re- proofs and exhortations he had before received ; and, to use his own expres- sion, he thought at the time that his heart v/ould have burst. He was then about twenty-seven years of age ; and, ^ through the Divine blessing, a great change became visible in him ; he abandoned his former ways and com- panions, became a serious hearer of the word, and, in a short time, a member of the church over which his late father had been pastor. A few years after- wards he was called to the ministry, succeeded his father in the pastoral office, and was blessed in it with emi- nent success until the day of his death, which took place in the year 1726. (c) HOWE AND HIS ENEMY. — When the melancholy state of the times compelled this excellent man to quit the public charge of his beloved congregation at Torrington, in Devon- shire, impressed with a sense of duty, he embraced every opportunity of preaching the word of life. He and Mr. Flavel used frequently to conduct their secret ministrations at midnight in different houses in the north of De- vonshire. One of the principal of these was Hudscott, an ancient mansion be- longing to the family of Rolle, between Torrington and Southmolton. Yet, even here, the observant eye of malevolence 699 352 PROVIDENCE. was upon them. Mr. Howe had been officiating there, in a dark and tem- pestuous wintry night, when an ahirm was made that information had been given, and a warrant granted to appre- hend him. It was judged prudent for nim to quit the house ; but in riding over a large common, he and his ser- vant missed their way. After several fruitless efforts to recover it, the at- tendant went forward to seek for a ha- bitation, where they might either find directions or a lodging. He soon dis- covered a mansion, and received a cheerful invitation to rest there for tlie night. But how great was Mr. Howe's surprise, to find, on his arrival, that the house belonged to his most inveterate enemy, a country magistrate, who had often breathed the most implacable vengeance against him, and, as he had reason to believe, was well acquainted with the occasion of his traveling at such an hour. However, he put the best face he could upon it, and even mentioned his name and residence to the gentleman, trusting to Providence for the result. His host ordered supper to be provided, and entered into a lengthened conversation with his guest ; and was so delighted with his company, that it was a very late hour before he could permit him to retire to his cham- ber. In the morning, Mr. Howe ex- pected to be accosted with a commit- ment, and sent to Exeter ; but, on the contrary, he was received by the family k at breakfast with a very hospitable wel- come. After mutual civilities, he de- parted to his own abode, greatly won- dering to himself at the kindness of a man from whom he had before dreaded so much. Not long after, the gentleman sent for Mr. Howe, who found him confined to his bed by sickness, and still more deeply wounded with the sense of sin. He acknowledged that, when Mr. Howe came first to his door, he inwardly re- joiced that he had an opportunity of exercising his malice upon him, but that his conversation and his manner insensibly awed him into respect. He had long ruminated on the observations which had fallen from the man of God, and was become a penitent, earnestly 700 anxious for the blessings of eternal life. From that sickness he recovered, be- came an eminent Christian, a friend to the conscientious, and an intimate com- panion of the man whom he had threat- ened with his vengeance. {d) THE DUMB SERMON EF- FECTUAL.— The Rev. William Ten- nant once took much pains to prepare a sermon, to convince a celebrated infidel of the truth of Christianity. But, in attempting to deliver this labored dis- course, he was so confused, as to be compelled to stop, and close the service by prayer. This unexpected failure, in one who had so often astonished the un- J believer with the force of his eloquence," led the infidel to reflect that Mr. T. had ^ been, at other times, aided by a Divine power. This reflection proved the means of his conversion. Thus God accomplished by silence what his serv- ant wislied to effect by persuasive preaching. Mr. Tennant used after- wards to say, his dumb sermon was one of the most profitable sermons that he had ever delivered. (e) THE DRUNKARD'S CON- VERSION. — In a regiment of soldiers stationed at Edinburgh, there was a ser- geant named Forbes, a very abandoned man, who got in debt for liquor wher- ever he could. His wife washed for the regiment, and thus obtained a little money. , She was a pious woman, but all her attempts to reclaim him were long unsuccessful. During one of Mr. Whitefield's visits to that city, she of- fered her husband a sum of money if he would for once go and hear him. This was a strong inducement, and he en- gaged to go. The sermon was in a field, as no building could have contain- ed the audience. The sergeant was ra- ther early, and placed himself in the middle of the field, that he might file off when Mr. Whitefield ascended the pul- pit ; as he only wished to be able to say that he had seen him. The crowd, how- ever, increased ; and when Mr. White- field appeared, they pressed forward, and he found it impossible to get away. The prayer produced some impression on his mind, but the sermon most deeply con- vinced him of his sinfulness and danger. He became an altered man, and proved IN CONVERSIONS. 352 the reality of his conversion, by living for rtiany years with the strictest economy, in order to liquidate the claims of every one of his creditors. (/) THE MATHEMATICIAN CONFOUNDED.— A young man, who had graduated at one of the first col- leges in America, and was celebrated for his literary attainments, particularly his knowledge of mathematics, settled in a village where a faithful minister of the gospel was stationed. It was not long before the clergyman met with him in one of his evening walks, and after some conversation, as they v/ere about to part, addressed him as follows: " I have heard you are celebrated for your mathematical skill ; I have a prob- lem which I wish you to solve." " What is it ?" eagerly inquired the young man. The clergyman answered, with a solemn tone of voice, " What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ?" The youth returned home, and endeavored to shake off the impression fastened on him by the problem proposed to him, but in vain. In the giddy round of pleasure, in his business, and in his studies, the question still forcibly re- turned to him, " What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ?" It finally re- sulted in his conversion, and he became an able advocate and preacher of that gospel which he once rejected. {g) THE MERCHANT TURNED PRE ACHER.— Peter Waldo was a citi- zen and opulent merchant of Lyons, and at one period a believer of the errors of popery. Being in company, however, with some friends, one of whom sudden- ly fell dead to the ground, he was aroused to the importance of religious truth, and led to inquire seriously after it. So deeply was he impressed with the superior value of eternal things, that he gave up his mercantile occupa- tions, distributed his wealth to the poor, exhorted his neighbors to^eek the bread of life, and became a most eminent min- ister in the Waldensian churches, who are thus designated from him. {h) THE ACTRESS AND THE COTTAGER'S FAMILY.— An ac- tress in one of the English provincial or country theatres, was one day passing through the streets of the town in which she then resided, when her attention was attracted by the sound of voices, which she heard in a poor cottage be- fore her. Curiosity prompted her to look in at an open door, when she saw a iew poor people sitting together, one of whom, at the moment of her observa- tion, was giving out the following hymn, which the others joined in singing : — " Depth of mercy ! can there be Mercy still reserved for me V The tune was sweet and simple, but she heeded it not. The words had riv- eted her attention, and she stood motion- less, until she was invited to enter, by the woman of the house, who had ob- served her standing at the door. She complied, and remained during a pray- er which was offered up by one of the little company ; and uncouth as the expressions sounded, perhaps, to her ears, they carried with them a convic- tion of sincerity, on the part of the per- son then employed. She quitted the cottage, but the words of the^hymn fol- lowed her. She could not banish them from her mind, and at last she resolved to procure the book which contained it. She did so, and the more she read it, the more decided her serious impres- sions became. She attended the minis- try of the gospel, read her hitherto neg- lected and despised Bible, and bowed herself in humility and contrition of heart, before him whose mercy she now felt she needed, whose sacrifices are those of a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and who has declared, that with such sacrifices he is well pleased. Her professsion she determined at once and for ever to renounce ; and for some little time excused herself from appearing on the stage, without, howev- er, disclosing her change of sentiments or making known her resolution finally to leave it. The manager of the theatre called upon her one morning, and requested her to sustain the principal character in a new play which was to be performed the next week for his benefit. She had frequently performed this character to general admiration ; but she now, how- 701 332 PROVIDENCE. ever, told him her resolution never to appear as an actress again, at the same time giving her reasons. At first he attempted to overcome her scruples by ridicule, but this was unavailing ; he then represented the loss he should in- cur by her refusal, and concluded his arguments by promising, that if to oblige him, she would act on this occasion, it should be the last request of the kind h6 would ever make. Unable to resist his solicitations, she promised to appear, and on the appointed evening went to the theatre. The character she as- sumed required her, on her first entrance to sing a song ; and when the curtain drew up, the orchestra immediately be- gan the accompaniment. But she stood as if lost in thought, and as one forget- ting all around her, and her own situa- tion. The music ceased, but she did not sing ; and supposing her to be over- come by embarrassment, the band again commenced. A second time they paused for her to begin, and still she did not open her lips. A third time the air was played, and then, with clasped hands, and eyes suffused with tears, she sang, not the words of the song, but, " Depth of mercy ! can there be Mercy still reserved for me ?" It is almost needless to add, that the performance was suddenly ended ; many ridiculed, though some were in- duced from that memorable night to " consider their ways," and to reflect on the wonderful power of that religion which could so influence the heart, and change the life of one hitherto so vain, and so evidently pursuing the road which leadeth to destruction. It would be satisfactory to the reader to know, that the change in Miss was as permanent as it was singular ; she walked consistently with her pro- fession of religion for many years, and at length became the wife of a minister of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (i) THE CHRISTIAN'S GLOOMY DEATH. — A pious parent had three sons, who, notwithstanding all his ad- monitions and instructions, mingled with many prayers and tears, grew up to manhood in skepticism and profligacy. 702 The father lay dying ; and, conceiving that it might perhaps produce a good impression on the minds of his aban- doned children, to let them see how a Christian dies, the friends of the family introduced them to the bedside of their expiring parent. But, to their unspeak- able grief, the good man died without any expressions of Christian confidence, and appeared destitute of those strong consolations which believers in Jesus usually experience in the closing scene. It was now apprehended that the effect of this melancholy circumstance on the young men would be to confirm them in their prejudice against religion, and af- ford them, in their opinion, a sufficient evidence that it is all a cunningly de- vised fable. However, it was not so : the ways of God are not as our ways, neither are his thoughts as our thoughts. A few days after the funeral, the youn- ger brother entered the room in which the other two were ; and observing that he had been weeping, they inquired the cause of his grief, " I have been think- ing," said he, " of the death of our fath- er." " Ah," said they, " a dismal death it was ; what truth or reality can there be in religion, when such a man as he died in such a state of mind ?" "It has not affected me in this way," re- plied the younger brother ; " we all know what a holy life our father led, and what a gloomy death he died ; now I have been thinking, how dreadful our death must be, who lead such a wicked life !" The observation was like an arrow to their consciences ; and they began to be alarmed. They repaired to the ordinances of religion, which, in their father's life time they had neglect- ed, and ultimately became as eminent for piety as their exemplary parent had been. (j) SAY YOUR PRAYERS IN FAIR WEATHER.— A sea captaii^ of a profligate character, who commands ed a vessel trading between Liverpool and America, during the last war, once took on board a man as a common sailor^ to serve during the voyage, just as he was leaving port. The new comer wa* soon found to be of a most quarrelsome, untractable disposition, a furious bias* phemer, and, when an opportunity oU IN CONVERSIONS. 353 fered, a drunkard. Besides all these disqualifications, he was wholly ignorant of nautical affairs, or counterfeited ignorance to escape duty. In short, he was the bane and plague of the vessel, and refused obstinately to give any ac- count of himself, or his family, or past life. At length a violent storm arose, all hands were piped upon deck, and all, as the captain thought, were too few to save the ship. When the men were hnustered to their quarters, the sturdy blasphemer was missing, and my friend went below to seek for him ; great was his surprise at finding him on his knees, repeating the Lord's prayer with won- derful rapidity, over and over again, as if he had bound himself to countless reiterations. Vexed at what he deemed hypocrisy or cowardice, he shook him roughly by the collar, exclaiming, "say your prayers in fair weather.^' The man rose up, observing in a low voice, " God grant I may ever see fair weather to say them." In a few hours the storm happily abated, a week more brought them to harbor, and an incident so trivial passed quickly away from the memory of the captain ; the more easily, as the man in question was paid off the day after landing, and appeared not again. Four years more had elapsed, during which, though the captain had twice been shipwrecked, and was grievously hurt by the falling of a spar, he pursued without amendment a life of profligacy and contempt of God. At the end of this period, he arrived in the port of New- York, after a very tedious and dangerous voyage from England. It was on a Sabbath morning, and the streets were thronged with persons pro- ceeding to the several houses of worship, with which that city abounds — but the captain was bent on far other occupa- tion, designing to drown the recollection of perils and deliverances, in a cele- brated tavern which he had too long, and too often frequented. As he walked leisurely towards this goal, he encountered a very dear friend, a quondam associate of many a thought- less hour. Salutations over, the captain seized him by the arm, declaring that he should accompany him to the hotel. " I will do so," replied the other, with great calmness, " on condition that you come with me first for a single hour into this house, (a church,) and thank God for his rriercies to you on the deep. The captain was ashamed to refuse, so the two friends entered the temple to- gether. Already all the seats were occupied, and a dense crowd filled the aisle ; and by dint of personal exertion, they succeeded in reaching a position right in front of the pulpit, at about five yards distance. The preacher, one of the most popular of the day, riveted the attention of the entire congregation, in- cluding the captain himself, to whom his features and voice, though he could not assign any time or place of previous meeting, seemed not wholly unknown, particularly when he spoke with anima- tion. At length the preacher's eye fell upon the spot where the two friends stood. He suddenly paused — still gaz- ing upon the captain, as if to make him- self sure that he labored under no optical delusion — and after a silence of more than a minute, pronounced with a voice that shook the building, ^^ say your prayers in fair weather. ^^ The audience were lost in amaze- ment, nor was it until a considerable time had elapsed, that the preacher re- covered sufficient self-possession to re- count the incident with which the reader is already acquainted, adding, with deep emotion, that the words which his cap- tain uttered in the storm, had clung to him by day and by night after his landing, as if an angel had been charged with the duty of repeating them in his ears — that he felt the holy call as com- ing direct from above, to do the work of his crucified Master — that he had studied at college for the ministry, and was now, through grace, such as they- saw and heard. At the conclusion of this affecting address, he called on the audience to join in prayer with himself, that the same words might be blessed in turn to him who first had used them. But God had outrun their petitions — the captain was already His child, before his former shipmate had ceased to tell his story. The power of the Spirit had wrought 703 352, 353 PROVIDENCE. effectually upon him, and subdued every lofty imagination. And so, when the people dispersed, he exchanged the hotel for the house of the preacher, with whom he tarried six weeks, and parted from him to pursue his profession, with a heart devoted to the service of his Savior, and with holy and happy assur- ances which advancing years hallowed, strengthened, and sanctified. (k) CONVERSION OF THE HAL- DANES.— The Rev. James Haldane (pastor of one of the Baptist churches in Edinburgh, Scotland), says Rev. Mr. Turnbull, was a junior member of a highly respectable and wealthy family. In his youth, he became connected with the British navy, and rose to the post of captain, in one of his majesty's war ships. On one occasion, being engaged in a warmly contested battle, he saw the whole of his men on deck swept off by a tremendous broadside from the enemy. He ordered another company to be " piped up " from below, to take the place of their lost companions. On coming up, they saw their mangled re- mains strewn upon the deck, and were seized with a sudden and irresistible panic. On seeing this, the captain jumped up, and swore a horrid oath, imprecating the vengeance of Almighty God upon the whole of them, and wish- ing that they might all sink to hell. An old marine, who was a pious man, stepped up to him, and respectfully touching his hat, said : — " Captain, I believe God hears prayer ; and if God had heard your prayer just now, what would have become of us ?" Having spoken this, he made a respectful bow, and retired to his place. After the engagement, the captain calmly reflect- ed upon the words of the old marine, and was so deeply affected by them, that he devoted his attention to the claims of religion, and was subsequently converted to God. Of course he informed his brother Robert of his change of views, but in- stead of being gratified by it, his brother was greatly offended, and requested him never to enter his house till he had changed his views. " Very well, Ro- bert," said James, " but I have one comfort in the case, and that is, you 704 cannot prevent my praying for you ;" and holding out his hand, he bade him good-bye. His brother Robert was much affected by this ; he could not get rid of the idea that his brother was constantly praying for him. He saw the error of his ways, and af\er much investigation and reflection, became a decided Christian. Some years afterwards, Robert Hal- dane made a journey to the Continent, and settled for some time in Geneva. He was much affected with the low spiritual condition of the Protestant church there, which had become infect- ed with the rationalistic and neological views prevalent in Germany. Indeed, the clergy themselves, had so far departed from the faith of the Reforma- tion, as to reject almost all the funda- mental doctrines of the gospel, particu- larly the divinity of Christ, and the doctrine of atonement. Mr. Haldane made himself acquainted with the students attending the divinity school in Geneva, and invited a number of them to his house, and, by free conversation, endeavored to teach them the gospel, and the nature of spiritual religion. This he frequently repeated, till at last, God blessed his efforts to the conversion often or twelve of them. Among them were Felix Nef, subsequently pastor in the high Alps, and one of the purest and most devoted men that ever lived. Henry Pyt, another well-known and truly pious man, and Henry Merle D^Auhigne, well known throughout the literary and religious world, as the au- thor of the History of the Reformation, and President of the New Evangelical School of Theology in Geneva. Ul Trust in Providence. (a) THE WIDOW'S PRAYER ANSWERED.— A correspondent of The Tract Magazine gives the follow- ing account as she had it from the lips of a pioifs widow of her acquaintance : " One evening we were eating our supper, we had nothing but bread, and of that not sufficient to satisfy our hun- ger. ' Mother,' said little John, when he was finishing his last morsel, ' what shall we do to-morrow morning ? there TRUST IN PROVIDENCE. 353 is no bread in the house ; we shall have no breakfast.' I answered hjm, 'Do not fear, John : God has not forsaken us : let us pray to him, and be assured he will remember us.' I made him kneel down by my side, and prayed to God, that he would in his goodness have pity upon us, and give us bread for the morrow. I then put my child to bed, telling him to go to sleep quietly, and to de})end upon his God, who never forgot those who put their trust in him. I myself went to bed, firmly believing that my God had heard my prayer, and, commending myself to the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ, I slept comfort- ably till four in the m.orning, when John woke me ; ' Mother,' said he, ' is the bread come V Poor little fellow ! he had but a scanty supper, and was very hungry. ' No,' I answered, ' it is not yet come, but be quiet, and go to sleep again ; it will come.' We both went to sleep : I was awakened a little before six in the morning by some one rapping at my window. ' Dame Bartlet,' said a woman, ' you must get up immediately. Mrs. Martin's dairymaid is taken very ill, and you must come and milk her cows :' here then was bread for us. I went to Mrs. Martin's, and milked her cows, and afterwards sat c?own in the kitchen to breakfast ; but I thought of my child, and could not eat. Mrs. Martin observing me, said, ' You do not eat your breakfast. Dame Bartlet.' I thanked her, and told her I had left a little boy at home in bed, very hungry ; if she would permit me, I should prefer carrying my breakfast home to him. ' Eat your breakfast now,' was the kind answer of Mrs. Martin ; ' you shall carry some breakfast home to your little boy besides.' Mrs. Martin then gave me a basket of provisions, sufficient for myself and child for two or three days. As I returned home, I could not but thank my God, and feel grateful to him, and my kind benefactress : I re'- joiced my little boy's heart by a sight of my breakfast. He got up directly, eager to partake of Mrs. Martin's kind- ness: after a good breakfast, I made him kneel down again by my side, whilst I returned thanks to our gracious God, who had heard our prayers the 45 evening before, and who had given us a kind benefactress. When we rose, I took him in my lap, and said to him, ' Now, John, I hope what has happened to us will be remembered by you through your whole life. Last evening we had eaten all our bread, we had none left for this morning ; but we prayed to God that, through his mercy, and for the sake of his Son Jesus Christ, he would give us our daily bread. God has heard us, and has given us bread : may this teach you through life to put your trust and faith in your heavenly Father. I most earnestly pray to God that you may never forget ihis.' " Dame Bartlet concluded her interest- ing narrative by adding, " And, madam, I have never wanted bread since. I am blessed in rfiy son, who is now a man ; he is datiful and good to me, and has never Ijrgotten the pains his mother took witii him in his childhood ; noi the exftoration I then gave him, to trust in God." (b) THE PERSECUTED WO- MAN FED. — A pious woman in the days of persecution, used to say, she should never want, because her God would supply her every need. She was taken before an unjust judge for attending the worship of God. The judge, on seeing her, tauntingly said, " I have often wished to have you in my power, and now I shall send you to prison, and then how will you be fed ?" She replied, " If it be my heavenly Father's pleasure, I shall be fed from your table." And that was literally the case; for the judge's wife being present at her examination, was greatly surprised with the good woman's firm- ness, and took care to send her victuals from her table, so that she was com- fortably supplied all the time she was in confinement ; and the other found her reward, for the Lord was pleased to convert her soul, and give her the blessings of his salvation. (c) "BREAD SHALL BE GIVEN THEE." — In a large and populous village, in one of the hundreds, or wapentakes of Yorkshire, England, lived a poor, but honest and pious man, whose name was Jonathan. He was an afflicted man, and much paralyzec' 705 353 PROVIDENCE. by disease. He liad a wife, and two or three children, whose chief depend- ence in life was upon his small earn- ings. Jonathan was patient, industrious, and persevering in his efforts to provide for himself and for his household, all of whom were content with homely fare. At the time the writer of this account knew him, he might be from forty to fifty years of age. Amongst other occurrences of his life, he says, I distinctly recollect the following, which he related to me : — During the time of harvest, while employed in gathering the fruits of the earth, he accidentally slipped from the top of a barley,mow, and sprained one or both of his ankles ; in consequence of which he was co^fined to his room and bed for some weeks. It is unne- cessary to state, that in i\\e meantime, his family must have felt the, loss of his weekly labor and income. His wife, on one occasion, went up stairs iht.o his room weeping. " What is the mattei V' said Jonathan, " what is distressing thee ?" " Why, the children are cry- ing for something to eat, and I have nothing to give them," vvas the affecting /•eply. "Hast thou faith in God?" asked Jonathan. " Dost thou believe in his providence, and in his word ? Has he not said, ' Bread shall be given thee, and thy water shall be sure?' Tsa. xxxiii. 16. Kneel down," he contin- ued, " at the bedside, and pray to God. Tell him how thy children are circum- stanced ; that they have no bread ; that thou hast nothing wherewith to buy Ihem any ; and I will also pray. Who can tell what God may do ? He hear- eth prayer." Jonathan and his wife prayed ear- nestly together ; they pleaded the prom- ises of God, and waited the result. Soon after, a person came to the door with a loaf of bread. She came from a house in the immediate neighborhood of Jona- than, the occupier of which was one of several branches of a family who were proprietors of very extensive iron works, carried on in the village where Jonathan lived. No sooner did the good woman receive the loaf of bread, than she ran to Jonathan to tell him how God had answered their prayer. " Now," said 706 Jonathan, " before any thing else be done, kneel down at the bedside, and return thanks to God for having heard our prayer." She did so : they praised his name together : and then ate their food with gladness and with singleness of heart. Not many hours elapsed be- fore another kind interposition of Provi- dence presented itself. A second visitor brought them a joint of meat. When this was told Jonathan, he replied to his wife, " Aye ! see ! God is even better than his word ! He promised bread, and he sends flesh in addition. Kneel down, and thank him again." (d) THE FARMER AND THE SOLDIERS. — Soon after the surrender of Copenhagen to the English, in the year 1807, detachments of soldiers were, for a time, stationed in the surrounding villages. It happened one day that three soldiers, belonging to a Highland regiment, were sent to forage among the neighboring farm-houses. They went to several, but found them stripped and deserted. At length they came to a large garden, or orchard, full of apple trees, bending under the weight of fruit. They entered by a gate, and followed a path which brought them to a neat farm-houfefj. Every thing without be- spoke quielT^ess and security; but as they entered by the front door, the mis- tress of the house and her children ran screaming out by the back. The inte- rior of the house presented an appear- ance of order and comfort superior to what might be expected from people in that station, and from the habits of the country. A watch hung by the side of the fireplace, and a neat book-case, well filled, attracted the attention of the elder soldier. He took down a book : it was written in a language unknown to him, but the name of Jesus Christ was legible on every page. At this moment, the master of the house enter- ed by the door through which his wife and childen had just fled. One of the soldiers, by threatening signs, demanded provisions : the man stood firm and undaunted, but shook his head. The soldier who held the book approached him, and pointing to the name of Jesus Christ, laid his hand up- on his heart, and looked up to heaven TRUST IN PROVIDENCE. 353 Instantly the farmer grasped his hand, shook it vehemently, and then ran out of the room. He soon returned with his wife and children laden with milk, eggs, bacon, etc., which were freely tendered ; and when money was offered in return, it was at first refused. But as two of the soldiers were pious men, they, much to the chagrin of their com- panion, insisted upon paying for all they received. When taking leave, the pious soldiers intimated to the farmer that it would be well for him to secrete his watch : but, by the most significant signs, he gave them to understand that he feared no evil, for his trust was in God ; and that though his neighbors, on the right hand and on the left, had fled from their habitations, and by foraging parties had lost what they could not re- move, not a hair of his head had been injured, nor had he even lost an apple from his trees. " The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and de- li vereth them." (e) INCIDENTS IN STILLING'S LIFE. — In youth. Stilling was ex- tremely poor, destitute of the common comforts and necessaries of life. After a long season of anxiety and prayer, he felt satisfied that it was the will of God that he should go to a university, and prepare himself for the medical profes- sion. He did not at first make choice of a university, but waited for an inti- mation from his heavenly Father ; for as he intended to study simply from faith, he would not allow his own will in any thing. Three weeks after he had come to this determination, a friend asked him whither he intended to go. He replied he did not know. " O," said she, " our neighbor, Mr. T., is go- ing to Strasburg, to spend the winter there, go with him." This touched Stilling's heart ; he felt that this was the intimation he had waited for. Meanwhile, Mr. T. entered the room, and was heartily pleased with the proposition. The whole of his wel- fare now depended on his becoming a physician ; and for this, a thousand dol- lars at least were requisite, of which he could not tell in the whole world where to raise a hundred. He nevertheless fixed his confidence firmly on God, and reasoned as follows : " God begins nothing without termi- nating it gloriously. Now, it is most certainly true, that he alone has order- ed my present circumstances, entirely without my co-operation. Consequent- ly, it is also most certainly true, that he will accomplish every thing regarding me in a manner worthy of himself." He smilingly said to his friends, who were as poor as himself — '• I wonder from what quarter my heavenly Father will provide me with money ?" When they expressed anxiety, he said — " Be- lieve assuredly that he who was able to feed a thousand people with a little bread lives still, and to him I commend myself. He will certainly find out means. Do not be anxious, the Lord will provide." Forty-six dollars was all that he could raise for his journey. He met una- voidable delay on the way ; and while at Frankfort, three days' ride from Strasburg, he had but a single dollar left. He said nothing of it to any one, but waited for the assistance of his heavenly Father. As he was walking the streets and praying inwardly to God, he met Mr. L., a merchant from the place of his residence, who says to him, " Stilling, what brought you here ?" " I am going to Strasburg, to study medicine." " Where do you get your money to study with ?" " I have a rich Father in heaven." Mr. L. looked steadily at him, and inquired — " How much money have you on hand ?" " One dollar," said Stilling. " So," said Mr. L. " Well, I'm one of your Father's stewards," and handed him thirty-three dollars. Stilling felt warm tears in his eyes ; says he — " I am now rich enough, I want no more." This first trial made him so coura- geous, that he no longer doubted that God would help him through every thing. He had been but a short time in Strasburg, when his thirty-three dollara 707 3^3 PROVIDENCE. had again been reduced to one, on which account he began again to pray very earnestly. Just at this time, one morn- ing, his room-mate, Mr. T., says to him, " Stilling, I believe you did not bring much money with you," and offered him thirty dollars in gold, which he gladly accepted, as an answer to his prayers. In a few months after this, the time arrived when he must pay the lecturer's fee, or have his name struck from the list of students. The money was to be paid by six o'clock on Thursday eve- ning. Thursday morning came, and he had no money, and no means of get- ting any. The day was spent in pray- er. Five o'clock in the evening came, and yet there was no money. His faith began almost to fail ; he broke out into a perspiration; his face was wet with tears. Some one knocked at the door. " Come in," said he. It was Mr. R., the gentleman of whom he had rented the room. • " I called," said Mr. R., " to see how you like your room ?" " Thank you," said Stilling, " I like it very much." Says Mr. R. — " I thought I would ask you one other question ; have you brought any money with you ?" Stilling says he now felt like Habak- kuk when the angel took him by the hair of the head to carry him to Baby- Ion. He answered " No ; I have no money." Mr. R. looked at him with surprise, and at length said, " I see how it is ; God has sent me to help you." He immediately left the room, and soon returned with forty dollars in gold. Stilling says he then felt like Daniel in the lion's den, when Habakkuk brought him his food. He threw him- self on the floor, and thanked God with tears. He then went to the college, and paid his fee as well as the best. (/) THE WALKING BIBLE.— Of a good man who from his love to the sacred volume, and his extensive know- ledge of its contents, was called " the walking Bible," it is recorded, that when he was very young, he was, with his parents, oppressed with great pov- erty. In the garden in which their T08 cottage, or rather hovel stood, there was a large pear-tree, more venerated for its age than valued for its fruitful- ness. The mother requested him to cut it down for firewood. He heard the request in silence ; she repeated it, and he still hesitated. At length he said, " Mother, I ought to obey you, but I must first obey God. The tree is not ours. It belongs to our landlord : and you know that God says, " Thou shalt not steal.' I therefore hope you will not make me cut it down." She de- sisted ; for a day or two longer they endured the cold, when she peremptorily renewed her demand that the tree should be cut down. He then said, " Mother, the good Being has often help- ed us, and supplied our want when we have been in trouble. Let us wait till this time to-morrow. Then, if we do not find some relief, though I am sure it will be wrong, yet if you make me do it, I will cut down the tree in obe- dience to your command." She yield- ed, and he, in his simple manner, retired, and in secret earnestly prayed to God to interfere, and prevent them from displeasing him by a transgression of his holy law. He sallied forth the next morning, and wandering about found a man whose cart wheel had broken under a heavy load of coal. He told his distress to the man, who was induced to leave the coals for him to carry away, with the understanding that whenever he called for the money, if the family were able, they should pay it. He never after, however, made his appearance. ig) REV. S. WELLES' CONFI- DENCE IN GOD.— The Rev. Samuel Welles, a Christian minister of the sev- enteenth century, constantly trusted the good providence of God, and was once told by a doctor of divinity that he lived better on Providence than the doctor himself with all his income. Though this good man had ten or eleven children, he declared that he had no anxiety about their support, for God would ' surely provide. On this principle he acted in leaving a situation which brought him 200Z. a year for one that yielded only 100/. per annum, that his MISCELLANEOUS. 353, 354 usefulness might be increased ; and afterwards for the same reason refused a living of 300Z. (Ii) THE SUFFERERS AT SIG- ATEA. — During the 17th century, while the Rev. Joim Cotton was minis- ter of Boston, intelligence reached that town of the distress of the poor Chris- tians at Sigatea, where a small church existed, the members of which were reduced to great extremity of suffering by persecution. Mr. Cotton imme- diately began to collect for them, and sent the sum of £700 for their relief. It is remarkable, that this relief arrived the very day after they had divided their last portion of meal, without any prospect than that of dying a lingering death, and immediately after their pas- tor, Mr. White, had preached to them from Psalm xxiii. 1, " The Lord is my Shepherd ; I shall not want." [i) THE DYING MINISTER'S FAMILY. — " I have known," says an English writer, " wonderful proofs of the faithfulness of the Lord in answering the prayers of parents who left young and helpless families behind. A friend of mine in the west of England, (a faithful laborious minister, but who, I believe, never was master of five pounds at a time,) was dying. His friends advised him to make his will ; he replied, " I have nothing to leave but my wife and children, and I leave them to the care of my gracious God." Soon after this he died, happily. But there appeared no prospect of sup- port for his family at this time. The Lord, however, stirred up a man, who had always despised his preaching, to feel for the deceased minister's poor, destitute family, and he so exerted him- self, that he was the means of j£l,600, being raised by subscriptions for them ; and the clergy of Exeter, who had never countenanced his preaching, gave his widow a house and garden for life, so that she lived in far greater plenty than in her husband's lifetime. Why was all this ? It was in answer to the prayers of the good man, who commit- ted his wife and family to that God who could supply all their needs, and who he knew was able to open the doors of relief for them. S54. Miscellaneous. (a) A BIRD'S FLIGHT DECIDING THE SPREAD OF MOHAMME- DANISM. — The great drama of a na- tion's politics, and the most mighty changes in the history and character of mankind, may hinge on circumstances of the most trivial nature. One of the most remarkable instances of this sort is found in the history of Mohammed. When his pursuers followed hard upon him to take his life, they were turned away from the mouth of the cave in which he had the moment before taken shelter, by the flight of a bird from one of the shrubs that grew at its entry ! For they infer- red that if he had recently passed that way, the bird must previously have been frightened away, and would not now have made its appearance. It is a striking remark of the historian, that this bird, by its flight on this occasion, changed the destiny of the world — in- strumental as it was in perpetuating the life of the false Prophet, and with him the reign of that superstition which to this day hath a wider ascendency over ourspecies than Christianity itself. Such are the links and concatenations of all history. It is well that God has the management, and that what to man is chaos, in the hands of God is a sure and unerring mechanism. (b) SKEPTICAL SAILOR CON- VINCED — A careless sailor, on going to sea, replied to his religious brother in words like these : " Tom, you talk a great deal about religion and Provi- dence ; and if I should be wrecked, and a ship was to heave in sight and take me off, I suppose you would call it a merciful Providence. It's all very well, but I believe no such thing ; these things happen like other things, by mere chance, and you call it Providence, that's all." He went upon his voyage, and the case he put hypothetically was soon literally true ; he was wrecked, and remained upon the wreck three days, when a ship appeared, and, seeing their signal of distress, came to their relief. He returned, and, in relating it, said to his brother, •' Oh ! Toni, when that ship hove in sight, my words to you came in a moment into my mind; it 709 354, 355 PUNCTUALITY. was like a bolt of thunder. I have never got rid of it, and now I think it no more than an act of common grati- tude to give myself up to Him who pitied and saved me." (c) COMPLAINING AGAINST PROVIDENCE.— A person with not very ample means of support, was bur- thened with a large family. A neigh- bor had just called to tell him of a friend who had got a prize in a lottery, when he was also informed of the birthpf his twelfth child. He exclaimed, peevishly, " God sends meat to others, children to me." It so happened, that God, at whose government he had so im- piously murmured, sent him those riches he longed for. But as he sent him the wished-for wealth, he deprived him of the children he had complained of. He saw them one by one go to the grave before him ; and in advanced life, and great affluence, when he endured the stroke of having his last beloved daughter taken from his eyes, he bit- terly remembered (it is hoped with salu- ary bitterness) his former rebellious murmurings against God. 355. PUNCTUALITY. (a) WASTING OTHERS' TIME. — A committee of eight ladies, in the neighborhood of London, was appointed to meet on a certain day at twelve o'clock. Seven of them were punc- tual ; but the eighth came hurrying in, with many apologies for being a quar- ter of an hour behind time. The time had passed away without her being aware of it ; she had no idea of its being so late, etc. A Quaker lady present, said, " Friend, I am not so clear that we should admit thine apology. It were matter of regret that thou shouldst have wasted thine own quarter of an hour ; but here are seven besides thy- self, whose time thou hast also consum- ed, amounting in the whole to two hours, and seven-eighths of it was not thine own property." (b) MELANCTHON'S EXAM- PLE. — It is said of Melancthon, the cele- brated reformer and colleague of Mar- tin Luther, that when he made an ap- pointment, he expected not only the hour, but the minute to be fixed, that the day might not run out in the idle- ness of suspense. (c), WILLIAM PENN'S EXAM- PLE. — Few men have been more dis- tinguished for vigorous exertions of various kinds, than the worthy and well known William Penn. If we consider the number of books which he wrote and published, the number and difficult active engagements in which he was 710 occupied, and the almost incessant trou- bles and interruptions to which he was subject, we shall wonder how it was possible for him to accomplish what he did. He who reads attentively the life of this eminent man, written by Mr. Clark- son, will find that the secret of his ex- traordinary despatch in study, writing and business, was his punctuality. (d) BLACKSTONE'S EXAM- PLE.— Of Sir William Blackstone we are informed, that in reading his lec- tures, it could not be remembered that he ever made his au'dience wait, even for a few minutes, beyond the time appoint- ed. Indeed punctuality, in his opinion, was so much a virtue, that he could not bring himself to think perfectly well of any wiio was notoriously defective in this practice. (e) WAY TO PROMOTE PUNC- TUALITY. — The residence of the Rev. David Brown in Calcutta, was at a considerable distance from the Mission Church, where he preached ; but no weather ever deterred him from meet- ing the people at the stated periods of Divine service. And when on any oc- casion, and even in cases of indisposition he was urged to postpone the service, he would not consent; for, he would observe, " If the hearers once find a minister to be irregular in his attend- ance on them, they will become irregu- lar in attending him ; but when my^ congregation sees that no inconvenience PUNCTUALITY. 355 whatever makes me neglect them, they will be ashamed to keep away on any frivolous pretext." (/) EXAMPLE OF WASHING- TON. — When General Washington assigned to meet congress at noon, he never failed to be passing the door of the hall while the clock was striking twelve. — Whether his guests were present or not, he always dined at four. Not unfrequently new members of con- gress, who were invited to dine with him, delayed until dinner was half over, and he would then remark, " gentlemen, we are punctual here." When he visited Boston in 1788, he appointed eight A. M. as the hour when he should set out for Salem, and while the Old South church clock was striking eight, he was mounting his horse. The company of cavalry, which volunteered to escort him, were parading in Tremont-street, after his departure, and it was not until the President reached Charles River Bridge, that they overtook him. On the arrival of the corps, the President, with perfect good nature, said, " Major, I thought you had been too long in my family, not to know when it was eight o'clock." Captain Pease, the father of the stage establishment in the United States, had a beautiful pair of horses which he wished to dispose of to the President, whom he knew to be an ex- cellent judge of horses. The President appointed five o'clock in the morning to examine them. But the captain did not arrive with the horses until a quar- ter after five, when he was told by the groom that the President was there at five and was then fulfilling other engage- ments. Pease, much mortified, was obliged to wait a week for another op- portunity, merely for delaying the first quarter of an hour. (g) BREWER'S PUNCTUAL- ITY. — The Rev. S. Brewer was distinguished for punctuality. When a youth in college, he was never known to be a minute behind time in attending lectures of the tutors, or the family prayers, at which the young men who boarded in private families were expect- ed to assemble. One morning the students were collected; the clock struck seven, and all rose up for pray- er ; but the tutor observing that Mr. Brewer was not present, paused awhile. Seeing him enter the room, he thus ad- dressed him ; " Sir, the clock has struck, and we are ready to begin ; but as you were absent, we supposed the clock was too fast, and therefore waited." — The clock was actually too fast by some minutes. (h) CURING A CONGREGATION. — A punctual minister once had the mis- fortune to succeed a tardy man who had had the congregation in charge for some years. He despaired of reforming them in great matters if he could not reform them in small. He found them in the habit of meeting at twelve o'clock though the hour appointed and agreed upon was eleven. The preacher knew his duty and begun at the minute. The first day after his settlement his sermon was well nigh closed before most of his congrega- tion arrived. Some actually arrived just at the'benediction. They were confound- ed. He made no apology. He only asked the seniors if they would prefer any other time than eleven o'clock and he would be sure to attend. A few weeks passed and the house was regularly full and waiting for the minute. The preacher never failed in twenty years, except in a few cases of indisposition, to commence at' the hour appointed. His congregation became as punctual and circumspect in other matters as in their attendance at church ; for it is almost impossible to be habitually punc- tual in one class of duties and to be re- miss in all others. Ill 356 PUNISHMENT OF THE WICKED, NOT IN THIS LIFE. PUNISHMENT OF THE WICKED, NOT IN THIS LIFE. S56. Because their Remorse is not Commcn- snrate witli tlicir Guilt. (a) THE TWO GREEK PI- RATES, — Two Greeks, notorious for their piracies and other crimes, were, in 1829, tried and condemned, and three days after executed at Malta. In the course of the trial, it appeared that the beef and anchovies, on board one of the English vessels which they pirated, were left untouched, and the circum- stances under which they were left ap- peared to the court so peculiar, that the culprits were asked the cause of it. They promptly answered that it was at the time of the great fast, when their church ate neither meat nor fish. They appeared to be most hardened and abandoned wretches, enemies alike to their own and every other nation, and yet rigidly maintaning their religious character : and while they were robbing, plunder- ing, and murdering and stealing the women and children of their country. men, and selling them to the Turks, and committing other atrocious deeds, they would have us understand that they were not so wicked as to taste meat or fish, when prohibited by the canons of their church ! Had a single drop of the blood of the murdered been, by means of the blows inflicted, spattered on their lips, and thus by chance passed into their mouth, they would probably have felt in continual danger of the fire that shall never be quenched, until they could have visited some church, confessed and done penance for having tasted something of an animal nature in the season of a fast. I do not know, indeed, says Mr. Goodell, that they would have manifested such igno- rance and superstition, but it would have given me no surprise to hear that they did ; and moreover, that they de- rived their principal hopes of success, in their villainous and horrid traffic, from a strict attention to the require- ments of their religion. [b) THE PIRATE GIBBS.— This man, whose name was for many years 712 a terror to commerce with the West Indies and South America, was at last taken captive, tried, condemned, and ex- ecuted in the city of New-York. He acknowledged before his death that when he committed the first murder and plundered the first ship, his compunctions were severe, conscience was on the rack, and made a hell within his bosom. But after he had sailed for years under the black flag, his conscience became so hardened and blunted, that he could rob a vessel and murder all its crew and then lie down and sleep as sweetly at night as an infant in its cradle. His remorse diminished as his crimes in- creased. So it is generally. If therefore remorse in this life is God's way of punishing crimes, the more they sin the less he punishes them ! How absurd I (c) THE SHEPHERD AND THE PRIEST.-A Neapolitan shepherd came in anguish to his priest, saying, " Fa- ther have mercy on a miserable sinner. It is the holy season of Lent ; and while I was busy at work, some whey spurt- ing from the cheese-press flew into my mouth, and, wretched man, 1 swallow- ed it. Free my distressed conscience from its agonies by absolving me from my guilt !" " Have you no other sins to confess ?" said his spiritual guide. " No ; I do not know that I have com- mitted any other.'' " There are," said the priest, " many robberies and mur- ders from time to time committed on your mountains, and I have reason to believe that you are one of the persons concerned in them." " Yes," he replied, " I am, but these are never accounted as a crime ; it is a thing practised by us all, and there needs no confession on that account." Was not this straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel with a witness ? (d) REV. HENRY WARD BEE- CHER'S TESTIMONY.—" I remem- ber the time when I swore the first oath. It seemed as though every leaf on the trees and every blade of grass were vocal in their condemnation of my sin. The very sky seemed to lower upon CONSCIENCE NOT TROUBLESOME WHEN OFTEN VIOLATED. 357 me, and all Nature raised the note of re- proof. But in after days, under the de- moralizing influence of bad company, I became able to use profane language without a blush — without the least re- morse of conscience ; and finally with- out being conscious of the language I employed." Ul. Because Conscience is not Tronble- some when often Violated. (a) KILPIN'S THEFT OF A PENNY.— The Rev. Samuel Kilpin, a minister of Exeter, (Eng.,) says, in his life : — When seven years old, I was left in charge of my father's shop. A man passed, crying, "Little lambs, all white and clean, at one penny each." In my eagerness to get one, 1 lost all self-com- mand, and taking a penny from the drawer, I made the purchase. My keen-eyed mother inquired how I came by the money. I evaded the question with something like a lie. In God's sight it was a lie, as I kept back the truth. The lamb was placed on the chimney shelf, and was much admired. To me it was a source of inexpressible an- guish ; continually there sounded in my ears and heart, " Thou shalt not steal ; thou shalt not lie." Guilt and dark- ness overcame my mind^ and in sore agony of soul I went to a hay-loft, the place is now perfectly in my recollection, and there prayed and pleaded, with groanings that could not be uttered, for mercy and pardon. I entreated for Jesus' sake. With joy and transport I left the loft from a believing application of the text, " Thy sins, which are many, are forgiven." I went to my mother, told her what I had done, and sought her forgiveness, and burned the lamb, while she wept over her young penitent. If such was young Kilpin's misery and remorse in stealing a penny, then, in justice, he who steals a pound should suffer more, provided remorse of con- science in this life gives every sinner his due punishment. But thieves and robbers who have for years pursued their path of crime, can and do steal hundreds of pounds, and have no such sense of guilt and sof row for it as young Kilpin had tor his theft of a penny. {b) STEALING A LAMB AND ASKING A BLESSING OVER IT. — Thomas D. had a large family, and lived in the parish of M , (Eng.) Time was when he loved his Bible, at- tended his church, and endeavored to instruct his children in the fear of God. In the year 1826 work was very slack, and Thomas struggled hard against poverty and sickness. His tri- als were very great ; and, instead of taking those trials to the Lord in pray- er, he sunk into a low state, little short of desperation. This was Satan's op- portunity. When Thomas was reduced to this strait, and feared that his wife and little ones would be famished, he meditated and planned a step, at which he would formerly have shuddered : he resolved on stealing a lamb from the flock of a neighboring farmer. This, after many inward struggles, was ac- complished, and that too without detec- tion. The lamb was killed, and brought home. To the inquiries of his wife, Thomas gave an evasive answer, and part of the stolen provision was cooked for supper. The poor woman called her husband from the loom when it was ready, and he was about to follow his usual custom of asking a blessing ; his tongue faltered, and he could not do it ; but snatching up the dish from his astonished family, he went with it to the farmer's house, and confessed his guilt. " My life," said he, " is yours, or if you spare it, I will try to pay you for the lamb." The farmer was touched at his tale of misery, and the voluntary confession of the theft. He told the poor fellow to take the dish and its con- tents back to his cottage, and freely for- gave him what he had done. What made the thief's conscience so sensitive and his compunctions so se- vere ? Because he so seldom violated it, while those accustomed to such vio- lations would have felt little comfDuac- tion, if at all. (c) THE YOUNG CONVERT AND HIS BROTHER'S SLED.— It is often the case that some compara- tively slight deviation from duty on the part of the Christian causes him more 713 358, 359 PUNISHMENT OF THE WICKED, NOT IN THIS LIFE. remorse of conscience than the outbreak- ing sins of the impenitent. Rev. Mr. D., of Michigan, states that soon after his conversion, when a boy some four- teen years of age, he vi^as standing at the door, and in a playful mood, pull- ing back and forth a sled belonging to his younger brother. The child saw him, and cried aloud as if some great outrage was being done to his property. Upon this Mr. D. was so much exasper- ated, that he hastily snatched up the sled and threw it over the fence. To most impenitent persons who should do such a deed, it would' cause little after- thought or regret. But not so with the young convert. His conscience severe- ly accused him ; his convictions before his conversion were scarce more ab- sorbing and severe. He felt he had treated his little brother unkindly and maliciously — acted inconsistently with his profession — above all, he had sinned, as he felt, against God. His agony of mind was distressing and awful ; and it was not till he had wept and prayed, confessed his sins to God, to his brother whom he had injured, and his mother who had witnessed his conduct, that he felt forgiven or found relief to his con- science. Did that young convert suf- fer more than he deserved ? Then he suffered unjustly, and the present retri- bution of conscience is evidently imper- fect. Did he suffer no more than he deserved? Thousands of hardened sin- ners commit offences a hundred-fold more flagrant and feel little or no com- punction. Justice, therefore, is not done in this life, and it must be done in another. 858. Because they take Dcliglit in their wickedness. (a) THE BLASPHEMOUS THANKSGIVING.— One of the most horrid circumstances attending the dreadful massacres of the Protestants under Charles IX of France, was, that when the news of this event reached Rome, Pope Gregory XIII instituted the most solemn rejoicing, giving thanks to Almighty God for this glorious vic- tory over the heretics ! 714 (b) BONAPARTE'S DELIGHT IN MASSACRE.— "Bonaparte," says Sir Robert Wilson, " having carried the town of Jaffa by assault, many of the garrison were put to the sword, but the greater part flying into the Mosques, and imploring mercy from their pursu- ers, were granted their lives. Three days afterwards, Bonaparte, who had expressed much resentment at the com- passion manifested by his troops, and determined to relieve himself from the maintenance and care of 3800 prison- ers, ordered them to be marched to a rising ground near Jaffa, where a divi- sion of French infantry formed against them. When the Turks had entered into their fatal alignment, and the mournful preparations were completed, the signal gun fired. Volleys of mus- quetry and grape instantly played against them, and Bonaparte, who had been regarding the scene through a tel- escope, when he saw the smoke ascend- ing, could not contain his joy. ^§9. Because they often Die in the very act of Sin. (a) DEA. EATON AND THE INFIDEL. — Dea. Eaton, a missionary on the Erie canal, once came in con- tact with an infidel on a canal boat, who urged him into a dispute about the divinity of Jesus Christ. At first he proposed to argue the question on the ground of the Scriptures, but being con- founded by Dea. Eaton's reading 1 John, chapter v., he declared that the Bible was nothing but man's invention. "I saw," says Dea. E., "that he ap- peared to be very angry, and left him; but during the whole afternoon, when- ever he had an opportunity, he would vent some of his spite upon me. When we came to Syracuse, where we changed packets, I thought I should stop, and was bidding the passengers farewell. Among the rest I shook hands with the infidel's wife, and said to her, 'I hope you will alter your belief before 1 see you again.' He saw me talking to her, and coming along, struck oft' my hand with which I held hers, and said, 'Let the woman alone. If you wish to at- PUNISHMENT, FUTURE. 360 tack any one, try me, but don't abuse the woman." I asked his pardon, and told him I intended no abuse to any one. I finally concluded to go in the packet, and as the boat started many of the passengers went on deck, and among the rest the infidel and his wife. I was in the cabin when a man came down in great haste, and inquired for a bottle of camphor ; he said a man had fainted on deck. Without knowing who it was, it struck me imme- diately that it was the infidel, and that God had destroyed him. 1 went on deck, and sure enough the infidel was dead. A gentleman with whom he was con- versinjT, said he was railin": against me, and saymg 1 was spunging my living, when he fell in a moment with a half- uttered curse on his lips. They were trying to bring him back to life, but I saw that there were no hopes that he would ever breathe again. He was dead the moment he reached the deck, and then presented the most awful ob- •ect I had ever looked upon. His eyes were open, and his countenance indi- cated woful despair. It was a solemn moment, as still as the house of death. One of the boatmen said to me, " It will not do to fight against God." (b) DYING WHILE BLASPHE- MING. — A minister in a small seaport town in Scotland, once furnished an ac- count of a man, who for many years was master of a coasting vessel, and an inhabitant of that place. In his younger days he made a profession of religion ; {ind, among the small but respectable body to which he belonged, he was deemed an eminent Christian. He af- terwards became a deist ! — nay, a pro- fessed atheist, and made the existence of the Deity and a future state the sub- jects of his ridicule and profane mock- ery. For horrid swearing and lewd- ness he had perhaps few equals in Scot- land, One night, in a public house, when swearing awfully, in a rage, he was summoned into eternity in a mo- ment, by the rupture of a blood-vessel. Was he punished for his blasphemy before his death ? If not, then he was punished afterwards. (c) DYING DEAD DRUNK.— George Davidson, aged about 36 years, of Fryeburg village, Maine, had been in the habit, for a long time, of drink- ing to excess occasionally ; and, though he was provident when free from this bane of society, he had, with his wife and children, lived a wretched life. For a week prior to his death, he was intoxi- cated every day, and abused his family unmercifully. That morning he said to his wife, with a horrible oath, " When I drink another glass of rum, I hope God Almighty will strike me dead !" He immediately visited the public house; drank rum while there ; filled his jug; and, returning, beat his wife, and threw her on the floor, though her peculiar situation demanded the most kind and affectionate treatment from her hus- band. About two o'clock in the after- noon, he took his "jug," and going to another room, said, " I swear I will drink till I die, let it be longer or short- er." His wife expostulated, when he replied with a most awful oath that he would do it. Before three o'clock his spirit had fled, and where, ye drunk- ards, do ye think it went ? The Bible says, that no drunkard shall enter the kingdom of God, 1 Cor. vi. 10. Gal. v. 21. What will be the reward of those who are summoned to the bar of eternal justice with an oath on the tongue ? Will such a man at once be happy in the presence o^ God ? Will he say to such, " Come, ye blessed ?" 360. Punishment, Fntnre. (a) FUTURE FEELINGS OF THE RIGHTEOUS. — The pious mother of an unworthy son, whose misconduct had brought upon her that species of decline familiarly termed a broken heart, sent for him before her death, and addressed him in this remarkable language : " My dear Charlesf how tenderly I have loved you, is but too evident from the state to which you now see me reduced ; and so long as I remain in this body, I shall not cease to love you, and to pray for you, with all a mother's anxiety ; but the period is approaching when I shall hear the sentence of even your eternal de- struction with a majestic composure 715 360, 361 QUARRELS. and an entire complacency, arising from a feeling identified only with per- fect purity and infinite rectitude." The impression this appeal made, was never effaced ; it was the means of effecting a permanent change of character. (b) PRESIDENT N— AND THE RESTORATIONIST.-President N — once preached a discourse near Schenectady, in which he set forth the intense and eternal torment of the finally impenitent. One of our modern restora- tionists heard ihe discourse, and having " an itching palm" to show his know- ledge of futurity and divine disposi- tions, he followed the President to the house, where he took tea after the exer- cises of the day were closed, and intro- duced himself by saying to Mr. N , '' Well, sir, 1 have been to hear you preach, and have come here to request you to prove your doctrine." " I thought I had proved it, for I took the Bible for testimony," was the reply. " Well, I do not find any thing in my Bible to prove that the sinner is eternally damn- ed, and I do not believe any such thing?" "What do you believe." " Why I believe that mankind will be judged according to the deeds done in the body, and those that deserve punish- ment will be sent to hell, and remain there until the debt is paid," &c. Says Mr. N — , " I have but a word to say to you ; and first — For what-did Christ die ? And lastly — there is a straight road to heaven ; but if you are deter- mined to go round through hell to get there, I cannot help it." The man took his leave, but his mind was " ill at ease." There is a straight road to heaven, still rang in his ears ; he went home, read his Bible attentively, and was soon convinced of and acknowledged his error ; and after a suitable time, united with the followers of the Lamb, (c) A CLOSE QUESTION.— A pious minister of respectable talents, now in the Methodist- connexion, was previously a preacher among the Univer- salists. The incident which led him seriously to examine the grounds of that doctrine is striking and singular. He was amusing his little son by telling him the story of the " Children in the Wood." The boy asked, " What be- came of the little innoii^nt children ?" " They went to heaven," replied the father. " What became of the wicked old uncle ?" "He went to heaven too." " Won't he kill them again, father?" said the bov. (d) MR. HALLOCK'S REPLY TO A FRIEND.— A clerical brother of like sentiments with Mr. Hallock, who had just lost a dear son without the con- solation, of strong hope in his case, once put this question, with rather peculiar emphasis : " Do you not sometimes doubt, Mr. Hallock, whether a holy and benevolent God will inflict eternal pun- ishment upon a part of mankind ?" He promptly replied, " No, sir ; if a man should tell me that he had just seen Canton meeting-house in flames, and I should hasten to the spot and find it not so, would he be able afterwards to look me in the face ? So, if there is to be no everlasting punishment for any of oui race, how could Christ, after his many positive declarations to the contrary, hold up his head before his people in the future world?" 36L QUARRELS. (a) ARISTIPPUS AND ^SCHI- NES. — Aristippus and iEschines having quarreled, Aristippus came to his op- ponent and said : — " ^schines, shall we be friends ?" " Yes," he replied, " with all my heart." " But remember," said Aristippus, "that I being older than you, do make the first motion." " Yes," replied ^schines, " and there- fore I conclude that you are the worth- 716, iest man ; for I began the strife, and you began the peace." (b) THE WORTHIEST MAN— Rev. John Clark, of Frome (Eng.), was a man of peace. He was asked one day, by a friend, how he kept himself from being involved in quarrels. He answered, " By letting the angry person always have the quarrel to himself" This saying seems to have had some influence QUARRELS. 361 on some of the inhabitants of that town ; for, when a quarrel has been likely to ensue, they have said, "Come, let us remember old Mr. Clark, and leave the angry man to quarrel by himself." If this maxim were followed, it would be a vast saving of expense, of comfort, and of honor to thousands of the human race. (c) PEACE PRESERVED BY PRAYER. — Mr. Johnston of West Africa, in one of his journals, relates the following very pleasing and instruc- tive incident : " In visiting a sick com- municant, his wife, who was formerly in our school, was present. I asked several questions, viz. if they prayed together, read a part of the Scriptures (the woman can read), constantly at- tended public worship, and lived in peace with their neighbors. All these questions Vv-ere answered in the affirm- ative. I then asked if they lived in peace together. The man answered, ' sometimes I say a word my wife no likt or my wife talk or do what I no likv but when we want to quarrel we sha.ve hands together, shut the door, and go to prayer, and so we get peace again,' This method of keeping peace quite delighted me." {(1) THOMAS, GERALD, AND THE CANDY.— These boys lived in Rhode Island, and were brothers. One cold day, when the ground was frozen, they were out driving a hoop. Both boys were following and driving the same hoop. This is rather dangerous, as the .boys, running one behind the other, and both driving the same hoop, are liable to run on to each other, and fall. As they were driving their hoop down the street, running as fast as they could, Gerald, the younger, being be- hind, Thomas hit his foot against a stone, and fell headlong upon the frozen ground — coming down with violence upon his bare hands and face. Gerald, being close behind, and running fast, could not stop, but came down with his whole weight on Thomas. This hurt Thomas still worse. He was angry at Gerald for falling on him. They both rose. Thomas, in his wrath, began to scold and storm at his brother, and beat him, What did Gerald do? Did he cry out, and strike back ? He did no such thing. He put his hand into his pocket hurriedly, fumbled about, and soon drew out a stick of candy, and thrust it into his brother's mouth, as he was scolding and beating him. Thomas instantly stopped, and looked confused and ashamed. His brother urged him to take the candy. He took it and be- gan to eat — sorry enough that he had struck his affectionate and generous brother. Thus his wrath was disarmed, and his blows stayed, by the love and kind- ness of his gentle-hearted brother. A stick of candy is a better weapon to fight with, and more sure to gain a victory, than a stick of wood, or a fist. (e)'THE YOUNG LAD AND HIS BOAT. — A young, lad says Mr. Wright, was once rowing me across the Merrimack river in a boat. Some boatmen, going down the river with lumber, had drawn up their boat and anchored it on the spot where the boy wished to land me. " There !" he exclaimed, " those boatmen have left their boat right in my way." " What did they do that for ?" I asked. " On purpose to plague me^" said he ; " but I will cut it loose, and let it go down the river. I would have them know I can be as ugly as they can." " But, my lad," said I, " you should not plague them because they plague you. Because they are ugly to you, it is no reason why you should be to them. Besides, how do you know they did it to vex and trouble you ?" " But they had no business to leave it there — it is against the rules," said he. " True," I replied, " and you have no business to send their boat down the river. Would it not be better to ask them to remove it out of the way ?" " They will not comply, rf I do," said the angry boy, " and they will do so again." "Well, try it for once," said i. " Just run your boat a little above, or a little below theirs, and see if they will not favor you, when they see you dispos- ed to give way to accommodate them." The boy complied; and when the men in the boat saw the little fellow 717 363 REASON, INSUFFICIENCY OF. quietly and pleasantly pulling at his oars, to run his boat ashore above them, they took hold and helped him, and wheeled their boat around, and gave him all the chance he wished. Thus, by submitting pleasantly to what he believed was done to vex him, the boy prevented a quarrel. Had he cut the rope, at that time and place, and let their boat loose, it would have done the boatmen much damage. There would have been a fight, and many would have been drawn into it. But the boy, who considered himself the injured party, prevented it all by a kind and pleasant submission to the injury. 362. REASON, INSUFFICIENCY OF. (a) "WHAT IS GOD?"— Simo- nides, a heathen poet, being asked by Hiero, king of Syracuse, What is God ? desired a day to think upon it ; and when that was ended, he desired two ; and when these were past, he desired four days ; thus he continued to double the number of days in which he de- sired to think of God, before he would give an answer. Upon which the king expressed his surprise at his behavior, and asked him, What he meant by this ? To which the poet answered, " The more I think of God, he is still the more dark and unknown to me." (b) THE DEIST CONFOUNDED. — A deist, on a visit to his friends, among other topics of conversation, en- larged considerably on the sufficiency of reason, separate from Divine assist- ance, to guide us to happiness. To whom the relative present, who was a farmer, made the following reply : — " Cousin, when you were about four- teen years of age, you were bound ap- prentice to your trade, and having served the appointed time, you soon be- came a master, and have now continued in business about twelve years. I wish to know whether you could not prose- cute your trade at this time to greater advantage than when you first embark- ed in it as a master?" The tradesman admitted that his experience in business was of considerable value to him; but asked, what relation that had to the pre- sent topic of discourse. The farmer answered, " You were come to the per- fect use of your reason, and had been for a long time taught how to manage your trade ; and if, therefore, your rea- son without experience was insufficient to preserve you from many errors, in so 718 plain and easy a business as yours, how can you imagine that it should be suf- ficient, without Divine assistance, to guide you to heaven ?" The deist was confounded. (c) PAINE'S REGRET.— When Thomas Paine resided in Bordentown, in the state of New Jersey, he was one day passing the residence of Dr. Staughton, when the latter was sitting at the door. Paine stopped, and after some remarks of a general character, observed, " Mr. Staugliton, what a pity it is that a man has not some compre- hensive and perfect rule for the govern- ment of his life." The doctor replied, " Mr. Paine, there is such a rule." " What is that ?" Paine inquired. Dr. S. repeated the passage, " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and thy neighbor as thyself." Abashed and confounded, Paine replied, " Oh, that's in your Bible," and imme- diately walked awav. (d) ETHICS ASIDE FROM THE BIBLE. — De Luc, speaking of .the su- perior efficacy of positive laws, com- pared with the mere precepts of any system of moral philosophy, gives us the following narrative. — " Some time ago I was conversing upon this subject with a very celebrated man, (the late Sir John Pringle,) who had been pro- J fessor of moral philosophy in the uni- | versity of Edinburgh ; he was advanced in years, and had lived much in the world. At that time I was still rather a friend to teaching rational moralittf, thinking it was useful to bring men ac- quainted with their duty in every possi- ble way. I had just read a work of this nature, entitled ' Of an Universal Moral, or Man's Duties founded upon RECONCILIATION TO GOD— RELIGION. 363, 364 Nature;'' and as he had not read it, I offered to lend it to him. I cannot ex- press the tone in which he refused this offer, but you will have some idea of it when you come to know the motives upon which he did it. ' I have been,' said he, ' for many years professor of this pretended science ; I have ransack- ed the libraries and my own brain to discover the foundation of it ; but the more I sought to persuade and convince my pupils, the less confidence I began to have myself in what I was teaching them ; so that at length I gave up my profession and turned to medicine, which had been the first object of my studies. I have nevertheless continued from that time to examine every thing that ap- peared upon the subject, which, as I have told you, I could never explain or teach so as to produce conviction ; but at length I have given up the point, most thoroughly assured, that without an express divine sanction attached to the laws of morality, and without posi- tive laws, accompanied with determi- nate and urgent motives, men will ne- ver be convinced that they ought to sub- mit to any such code, nor agree among themselves concerning it. From that time I have never read any book upon morality but the Bihle, and I return to that always with fresh delight.' " 363. RECONCILIATION TO GOD. {a) PROOF OF BEING A CHRIS- TIAN.— The simplicity of youthful conversion was illustrated in the case of a child thirteen years old, some time ago, in New-York. " Mother," said this girl, " can you know whether or not I am a Christian by my feelings ?" "My dear," replied her mother, "I must first know what your feelings are." The daughter smiled, and said, '^ Well, then, you know, when you have been angry with a person, and it is all made up, how happy you feel. Now I have been a long time angry with God, and it is all made up, and I feel so hap- py." Thus she expressed a sense of reconciliation to God through Christ •' esus. (b) PEACE WITH GOD AND CONSCIENCE. — "When I used to go," said a man who formerly lived in sin, " to all kinds of fairs, and revels, and horse-races, I was never happy. As I was coming home through the woods at night, the rustling of a leaf would frighten me ; terrified by I knew not what, fleeing when no man pursued, I galloped home as fast as my horse could carry me. Now, if I go to visit a poor dying man, or if I have been en- joying the word of life, I come home in a calm and peaceful frame of mind. I find that the Lord is present with me ; and as I walk my horse gently along, I look up and see the bright stars above my head, and am happy in the assur- ance that the God who made them all is mine in Christ. O, what a mer- cy ! — the loneliness of the wood, the rustling of the leaves, the stillness of night, no longer alarm me. I am, I trust, reconciled to my God, and at peace with him and my own conscience, through the death of his Son. He that fills the heavens with his glory, and the earth with his mercies, condescends to dwell in, and to comfort my poor sinful heart." 364. RELIGION. REFORMING POWER OF. (a) THE DISCHARGED SOL- DIER. — Wherever religion has spread its banners and enrolled its armies, or- der, discipline, and efficiency have characterized its followers. A dis- charged soldier had been a notorious Sabbath-breaker. He M^as often met on that day, ragged and barefoot, accom- panied with one or two of his children, in a similar condition, strolling with a 719 364 RELIGION, REFORMING POWER OF. gun or a fishing pole to his accustomed employment of the day. His house was the picture of wretchedness. After the lapse of a few years, a gentleman in the town where lie lived, noticed, one Sab- bath morning, a decent wagon proceed- ing to church with a well-dressed fami- ly. He thought he knew the driver, who appeared to be the head of the family, and accosted him. He was not mistaken. It was the identical Sabbath- breaker and idler. He had become a religious man, which his appearance evinced, while his tongue confessed it. His house was found to exhibit econo- my and industry. Its windows, which were once stuffed with rags, were now glazed. His children attended the Sun- day school. He was himself respecta- ble, clean, and thriving ; at peace with his own mind, and living peacably with his neighbors. Such are some of the trophies of religion, showing itself, as indeed it is, profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. (b) METHODISTS ACCUSED AND ACQUITTED.— In an early period of the ministry of the Iflev. John Wesley, he visited Epworth, in Lincoln- shire, where his father had formerly been minister, but found the people greatly opposed to what they consider- ed his new notions. He tells us, in his journal, that many persons were con- vinced of the importance of the truths he delivered from the tombstone of his father^ some of whom were conveyed in a wagon to a neighboring justice of the peace, to answer for the heresy with which they were charged. Mr. Wes- ley rode over, also : when the magis- trate asked what these persons had done, there was a deep silence ; for that was a point their conductors had forgot- ten. At length, one of them said, " Why, they pretend to be better than other people ; and, besides, they pray from morning to night." He asked, " But have they done any thing be- sides ?" " Yes, sir," said an old man, " An't please your worship, they have ccmvaried my wife. Till she went among them, she had such a tongue : and now she is as quiet as a lamb." " Carry them back, carry them back," 720 replied the justice, " and let them con- vert all the scolds in the town." (c) SAVAGE WARRIOR CON- VERTED.— It is related, in Abbott's American Religious Magazine, that as Dr. Cornelius was riding through the wilderness of the west, he met a party of Indian warriors, just returning from one of their excursions of fire and blood. One of these warriors, of fierce and fiend-like aspect, led a child of five years of age, whom they had taken captive. " Where are the parents of this child ?" said Dr. Cornelius. " Here they are," replied the savage warrior, as with one hand he exhibited the bloody scalps of a man and a wo- man, and with the other brandished his tomahawk in all the exultation of grati- fied revenge. That same warrior became a disciple of Jesus Christ, a humble man of piety and of prayer. His tomahawk was laid aside, and was never again crim- soned with the blood of his fellow men. His wife became a member of the same church with himself, and their united prayers ascended, morning and evening, from the family altar. Their daughters were amiable and humble, and devoted followers of the blessed Redeemer, trained up under the influence of a father's and a mother's prayers, for the society of angels and saints. Id) LION CHANGED TO A LAMB. — " Do you remember," said an Indian convert to a Missionary, " that a few years ago, a party of war- riors came to the vicinity of the tribe to whom you preach, and pretending friendship, invited the chief of the tribe to hold a talk with them ?" " Yes," replied the Missionary, " 1 remember it very well." " Do you remember," continued the Indian, '' that the chief, fearing treach- ery, instead of going himself, sent one of his warriors to hold the talk ?" " Yes," was the reply. " And do you remember," proceeded the Indian, " that warrior never return- ed, but that he was murdered by those who, with promises of friendship, had led him into their snare ?" " I remember it all very well," re- plied the Missionary. RELIGION, REFORMING POWER OF. 364 " Well," the Indian continued, weep- ing with emotion, " I was one of that band of warriors. As soon as our vic- tim was in the midst of us, we fell upon him with our tomahawks, and cut him to pieces." This man became one of the most in- fluential members of the Christian church, and reflected with horror upon those scenes in which he formerly ex- ulted. He gave his influence and his prayers, that there might be glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, and good will among men. (e) "IS JACK BETTER FOR THE PREACHING ?"— A person who had expressed doubts, whether the ne- groes received any real advantage by hearing the gospel, was asked, whether he did not think one named Jack was better for the preaching ? He replied, " Why, I must confess that he was a drunkard, a liar, and a thief, but, cer- tainly, he is now a sober boy, and I can trust him with any thing ; and since he has talked about religion, I have tried to make him drunk, but failed in the attempt." (/) DISPLAY OF DIVINE GRACE.—" It is now fifteen years," says the Rev. Risdon Darracott, in a letter, " since I was settled in this place, (Wellington,) and though I found reli- gion at a very low ebb, it pleased God, by my poor ministration, to revive it soon on my first coming, and to con- tinue it, more or less, in a flourishing state to this day. Every year there have been additions, and, in some years, very large, to the Church, of such as I hope will be saved. Upwards of two hundred have been taken into commun- ion, upon a credible profession, since my settlement ; many o^ them the most profligate in the places round us, whose change has been so remarkable, that the world at once bears their testimony to, and expresses their astonishment of it. Many of them so very ignorant, as not to know the plainest and most common principles of religion ; yea, were not able to read a letter, who are now mak- ing the word of God their daily study and delight ; many who never prayed in all their lives, and lived without God in the world, who have attained to such 46 a gift in prayer, as to be engaged, on particular occasions, in public, to the pleasure and edification of all present, and whose houses, which were once dens of thieves, are now become Beth- els, in which family worship is constant- ly and seriously performed. O, my dear sir, rejoice with me, and let us ex- alt his name together !" {g) RELIGION ON SHIP-BOARD. — " 1 have lately had the honor," said Captain Parry, at a public meeting in 1826, " and 1 may truly say the happi- ness, of commanding British seamen under circumstances requiring the ut- most activity, implicit and immediate obedience, and the most rigid attention to discipline and good order ; and I am sure, that the maintenance of all these was, in a great measure, owing to the blessing of God upon our humble en- deavors to improve the religious and moral character of our men. In the schools established on board our ships in the winter, religion was made the primary object, and the result was every way gratifying and satisfactory. It has convinced me, that true religion is so far from being a hinderance to the ar- duous duties of that station in which it has pleased Providence to cast the sea- man's lot, that, on the contrary, it will always incite him to their performance, from the highest and most powerful of motives ; and I will venture to predict, that in proportion as this spring of ac- tion is more and more introduced among our seamen, they would become such as every Englishman would wish to see them. To this fact at least, I can, on a small scale, bear the most decided testi- mony ; and the friends of religion will feel a pleasure in having the fact an- nounced, that the very best seamen on board the Hecla — such, I mean, as were always called upon in any case of ex- traordinary emergency — were, witJiout exception, those who had thought the most seriously on religious subjects; and if a still more scrupulous selection were to be made out of that number, the choice would fall, without hesitation, on two or three individuals possessing dispositions and sentiments eminently Christian.^' 721 365 REMORSE. 365. REMORSE. (a) JUDGED AND CONDEMN- ED. — The venerable Bede tells us of a certain great man, who was exhorted to repent of his sins, during a season of illness : he answered that he would not repent yet ; for, should he recover, his companions would laugh at him on ac- count of his religion. Getting worse, the subject was again pressed on his at- tention, when he replied, " It is too late now, for I am judged and condemned." (h) A PRESENT HELL.— An avowed infidel, who had been accus- tomed to scoff at the Holy Scriptures, to exercise his profane wit in ridiculing the justice of God, and the future pun- ishment of the wicked, and had strenu- ously denied that there was a hell, with his last quivering breath exclaimed, " Now I know that there is a hell, for I feel it." (c) SABAT'S WRETCHEDNESS. — After poor Sabat, an Arabian, who had professed fliith in Christ by means of the labors of the Rev. Henry Mar- tyn, had apostatized from Christianity, and written a book in favor of Moham- medanism, he was met at Malacca, by the Rev. Dr. Milne, who proposed to him some very pointed questions ; in reply Xo which he said, " I am unhap- py ! I have a mountain of burning sand on my head ! When I go aboui^ I know not what I am doing." It is indeed " an evil thing and bitter to for- sake the Lord our God." {d) A MODERN JUDAS.— John Diazius, a native of Spain, having em- braced the Protestant faith, came after- wards to Germany, where he visited Malvinda, the Pope's agent there. Hav- ing attempted in vain to bring him back to the church of Rome, Malvinda sent to Rome for his brother Alphonsus Di- azius, who, hearing that his brother was become a Protestant, came into Germa- ny with an assassin, resolving either to draw him back to Popery, or to destroy him. Alphonsus finding his brother so steadfast in his belief of the truths of the gospel, that neither the promises nor threats of the Pope's agent, nor his own 722 " pretensions of brotherly love, could pre- vail on him to return to Popery, feigned to take a most friendly and affectionate farewell, and then departed. Having soon returned, he sent in the ruffians who accompanied him, with letters to his brother, himself following behind, and while his brother was reading them, the assassin cleft his head with a hatch- et which they purchased on the way from a carpenter ; and, taking horse, they both rode off. Alphonsus, though highly applauded by the Papists, be- came the prey of a guilty conscience. His horror and dread of mind were so insupportable, that, being at Trent dur- ing the general council, like another Judas, he put an end to his life by hang- ing himself. (e) A MARTYR'S CROWN J_^OST. — James Le Fevre, of Etables, did not outwardly depart from the church of Rome, yet at the bottom of his heart he was a Protestant. He was protected by the Queen of Navarre, sis- ter to Francis I ; and, dining with her in company v/ith some other learned men, whose conversation pleased the queen, he began to weep : and when the queen asked him the reason of it, he answered, "the enormity of his sins threw him into that grief! It was not the remembrance of any lewdness he had been guilty of, and with regard to other vices, he felt his conscience easy enough ; but he was pricked in his con- science, that having known the truth and taught it to several persons who had sealed it with their blood, he had the weakness to keep himself in an asy- lum far from the places where crowns of martyrdom were distributed." He went to bed, where he was found dead a few hours after. (/) DEATH OF JOHN RAN- DOLPH.— John Randolph of Roanoke, was near his end. Dr. was sitting by the table, and his man John sitting by the bed, in perfect silence, when he closed his eyes, and for a few moments seemed, by his hard breathing, to be asleep. But as the sequel proved, it REPENTANCE. 366 was the intense working of his mind. Opening his keen eyes upon the doctor, he said, sharply, " rewor^e" — soon af- terward more emphatically, " remorse" — presently at the top of his strength, he cried out, " RExMORSE." He then added, " Let me see the 2oord." The doctor not comprehending his desire, made no reply. Randolph then said to him with great energy, " Let ine see the word. Show me it in a Diction- ary.'^ The Dr. looked round and told him he believed there was none in the room. " Write it then,'' said Randolph. The Dr. perceiving one of Randolph's engraved cards lying on the table, wrote the word in pencil under the printed name, and handed it to Randolph. He ! seized it, and holding it up to his eyes I with great earnestness, seemed much I agitated. After a few seconds, he i handed back the card, saying, " Write ' it on the other side." The Dr. did so, in larger letters. He took it again, and after gazing earnestly upon it a few seconds, returned ' it, and said, " Lend John your pencil, and let him put a stroke under it."" The black man took the pencil and did so, leav- ing it on the table. '• Ah !" said the dying man, " Remorse, you don't know what it means ! you don't know what it means." But added presently, ''I cast myself on the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy." 360. REPENTANCE. {a) LITTLE BOY'S FALSE- HOOD.— '' A man," says the Rev. J. Todd, " who is now a minister of the Gospel, gave me the following account. I tell it to you in order to show" you what repentance is. ' I had one of the kindest and best of fathers ; and when I was a little white-headed boy about six years old, he used to carry me to school before him on his horse, to help me in my little plans, and always seemed trying to make me happy ; and he never seemed so happy himself, as when making me happy. When I was six years old, he came home one day, very sick. My mother, too, was sick, and thus nobody but my two sis- ters could take care of my father. In a few days he was worse, very sick, and all the physicians in the region were called in to see him. The next Sabbath morning early, he was evident- ly much worse. As I went into his room he stretched out his hand to me and said, " My little boy, I am very sick. I wish you to take that paper on the stand, and run to Mr. C.'s, and get me the medicine written on that paper." I took the paper and went to the apoth- ecary's shop, as I had often done be- fore. It was about half a mile off; but when I got there, I found it shut, and as Mr. C. lived a quarter of a mile .further off, I concluded not to go to find him. I then set out for home. On my way back I contrived what to say. 1 knew how wicked it was to tell a lie, but one sin always leads to anoth- er. On going in to my father, I saw that he was in great pain ; and though pale and weak, I could see great drops of sweat standing on his forehead, forced out by the pain. O then I was sor- ry I had not gone and found the apoth- ecary. At length he said to me, " My son has got the medicine, I hope, for I am in great pain." I hung my head and muttered, for my conscience smote me, " No, sir, Mr. Carter says he has got none !" " Has got none ! Is this possible?" He then cast a keen eye upon me, and seeing my head hang, and probably suspecting my falsehood, said, in the mildest, kindest tone, " My little hoy will see his father svffer great pain for the want of that medicine .'" I went out of the room, and alone, and cried. I was soon called back. My brothers had come, and were standing — all the children were standing round his bed, and he was committing my poor mother to their care, and giving them his last advice. I was the young- est, and when he laid his hand on my head and told me " that in a few hours I should have no father ; that he would 723 366 REPENTANCE. in a day or two be buried up ; — that I must now make God my father, love him, obey him, and always do right and speak the truth, because the eye of God is always upon me" — it seemed as if I should sink ; and when he laid his hand upon my hea(^ again and prayed for the blessing of God the Redeemer to rest upon me, " soon to be a fatherless orphan," I dared not look at him 1 felt so guilty. Sobbing, I rushed from his bed-side, and thought I wished I could die. They soon told me he could not speak. O how much would I have given to go in and tell him that I had told a lie, and ask him once more to lay his hand on my head and forgive me ! I crept in once more and heard the minister pray for " the dying man." how my heart ached. I snatched my hat and ran to the apothecary's house and got the medicine. I ran home with all my might, and ran in, and ran up to my father's bed-side to confess my sin, crying oui, " O here father," — but I was hushed: and I then saw that he was pale, and that all in the room were weeping. My dear father was dead ! And the last thing I ever spake to him was to tell a lie ! I sobbed as if my heart would break ; for his kind- nesses, his tender looks, and my own sin, all rushed upon my own mind. And as I gazed upon his cold, pale face, and saw his eyes shut, and his lips closed, could I help thinking of his last words ; " My little boy will see his father suffer great pain forthe want of that medicine ;" 1 could not know but he died for the want of it. " ' In a day or two he was put into the ground and buried up. There were several ministers at the funeral, and each spoke kindly to me, but could not comfort me. Alas ! they knew not what a load of sorrow lay on my heart. They could not comfort me. My father was buried, and the children all scattered abroad, for my mother was too feeble to take care of them. " ' It was twelve years after this, while in college, that I went alone to the grave of my father. It took me a good while to find it ; but there it was, with its humble tomb-stone, and as I stood over it, I seemed to be back at his 724 bed-side, to see his pale face, and hear his voice. Oh! the thought of that sin and wickedness cut me to the heart. It seemed as if worlds would not be too much to give, could I then only have called loud enough to have him hear me ask his forgiveness. But it was too late. He had been in the grave twelve years, and I must live and die, weeping over the ungrateful falsehood. May God forgive me.'" {b) KILPIN'S PENITENT SON. — Rev. Samuel Kilpin gives the following account of his son : — On one occasion, when he had offended me, I deemed it right to manifest displeasure, and when he asked a ques- tion about the business of the day, I was short and reserved in my answers to him. An hour or more elapsed. The time was nearly arrived when he was to repeat his lessons. He came into my study, and said, " Papa, I can- not learn my lessons except you are re- conciled. I am very sorry 1 have of- fended you, I hope you will forgive me : I think I shall never offend again." I replied,' " All I want is to make you sensible of your fault ; when you acknowledge it, you know all is easily reconciled with me." " Then, papa," said he " give me the token of reconciliation, and seal it with a kiss." The hand was given, and the seal most heartily exchanged on each side. " Now," exclaimed the dear boy, " I will learn Greek and Latin with any body ;" and was hastening to his study. " Stop, stop," I called after him, " have you not a heavenly Father ? If what you have done has been evil, he is displeased, and you must apply to him for forgiveness." With tears starting in his eyes, he said, " Papa, I went to him first : I knew that except he was reconciled, I could do nothing;" and with tears fast rolling down his cheeks, he added, " I hope, I hope he has forgiven me, and now I am happy !" I never had again occasion to look at him with a shade of disapprobation. (c) MOST DELIGHTFUL EMO- TION.— " Which is the most delight- ful emotion ?" said an instructor of the REPENTANCE ON DEATH-BEDS. 366, 367 deaf and dumb to his pupils, after teach- ing them the names of our various feel- ings. The pupils turned instinctively to their slates, to write an answer ; and one with a smiling countenance wrote Joy. It would seem as if none could write any thing else ; but another with a look of more thoughtfulness, put down Hope. A third with beaming counten- ance wrote Gratitude. A fourth wrote Love, and other feelings still, claimed the superiority on other minds. One turn- ed back with a countenance full of peace, and yet a tearful eye, and the teacher was surprised to find on her slate, '■ Repentance is the most delight- ful emotion." He returned to her with marks of wonder, in which her compan- ions doubtless participated, and asked, " Why ?" " Oh," said she, in the ex- pressive languasje of looks and gestures, which marks these mutes — " It is so delightful to be humbled before God !" {d) A GREAT SINxNER AND NO SINNER. — A woman professing to be under deep conviction, went to a minis- ter, crying aloud tliat she was a sinner ; but when he came to examine her in what point, though he went over and ex- plained all the ten commandments, she would not own that she had broken one of them. 367. Repentance on Death-beds. {a) DEATH WILL NOT WAIT FOR EXPLANATION.— Mr. Wilcox in his sermon mentions the following in- cident. A young man in the vigor of health, with the fairest prospect of a long and prosperous life, was thrown from a vehicle, and conveyed to the nearest house, in a state that excited in- stant and universal alarm for his safety. A physician was called. The first question of the wounded youth was, " Sir, must I die 1 must I die ? deceive me not in this thing." His firm tone and penetrating look demanded an hon- est reply. He was told he could not live more than an hour. He waked up, as it were, at once, to a full sense of thedreadful reality. " Must I then go into Eternity in an hour ? Must I ap- pear before my God and Judge in an hour ? God knows that I have made no preparations for this event. I knew that impenitent youth were sometimes cut off thus suddenly, but it never enter- ed my mind that I was to be one of the number. And now what shall I do to be saved ?" He was told that he must repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. •' But how shall I repent and believe ? There is no time to explain the manner. Death will not wait for explanation. The work must be done. The whole business of an immortal be- ing in this probationary life is now crowded into one short hour — and that is an hour of mental agony and distrac- tion." - Friends were weeping around, and running to and fro in the frenzy of grief. The poor sufferer, with a bosom heaving with emotion, and an eye gleaming with desperation, continued his cry of " What shall I do to be saved ?" till, in less than an hour, his voice was hushed in the stillness of death. (h) MR. BOOTH'S TESTIMO- NY. — " I pay more attention," says Mr. Booth, " to people's lives than to their deaths. In all the visits I have paid to the sick during the course of a long ministry, I never met with one, who was not previously serious, that ever recovered from what he supposed the brink of death, who afterwards per- formed his vows, and became religious," notwithstanding the very great appear- ance there was in their favor when they thought they could not recover." (c) TESTIMONY OF AN AME- RICAN PHYSICIAN. — A certain American physician, whose piety led him to attend not only to people's bod- ies, but to their souls, stated that he had known a hundred or more instances in his practice, of persons who, in prospect of death, had been hopefully converted, but had subsequently been restored to health. Out of them all he did not know of more than three who devoted themselves to the service of Christ after their recovery, or gave any evidence of genuine conversion. If therefore they had died as they expected, their hopes of heaven would have proved terrible delusions. {d) TESTIMONY OF AN ENG- LISH PHYSICIAN.— A pious English physician once stated that he had known 725 368 REPROOF OF SIN. some three hundred sick persons who, soon expecting to die, had been led, as they supposed, to repentance of their sins, and saving faith in Christ, but had eventually been restored to health again. Only ten of all this number, so far as he knew, gave any evidence of being really regenerated. Soon after their recovery, they plunged, as a general thing, into the follies and vices of the world. Who would trust, then, in such a conversion ? REPROOF OF SIN. 368. Faithfulness and Firmness in Re- proving. (a) LATIMER'S REPROOF.— Latimer was obliged to attend the par- liament and the convocation, but he always avoided meddling in state affairs, and never stayed in London longer than he could help. Once he was in town on new-year's day, at which season it was customary for the bishops and no- bility, then at court, to make presents to the king : some of the former gave considerable sums of money, in propor- tion to their expectations ; but Lati- mer's gift was more simple, and highly characteristic of himself. It was a New Testament, with a leaf doubled down at Hebrews xiii. 4 : " Whoremongers and adulterers God will judge I" Henry the Eighth, forcibly as he must have felt this rebuke of his sins, did not ap- pear offended, but manifested decided kindness to his reprover. Bad men seldom despise those whose holy and consistent character condemns their wicked conduct. {b) POINTED REPLY TO A YOUTH. — An eminent man is said to have been so remarkable for his rever- ence of the Divine name, that even the bold blasphemer was awed before Iiim, and could not swear. A youth, who was his nephew, one day said to him, " Sir, I believe some parts of the Bible." The uncle replied, " Great condescen- sion in you, no doubt, to believe any thing your Maker has said. Vain boy ! whether you believe it or not, that word with which you trifle, shall judge you in the last day." (c) "SIR, I FEAR GOD."— On one ogcasion, the Rev. A. Fuller, when traveling in the Portsmouth mail, was much annoyed by the profane con- 726 versation of two young men who sat opposite to him. After a time, one of them, observing his gravity, accosted him with an air of impertinence, inqui- ring, in rude and indelicate language, whether, on his arrival at Portsmouth, he should not indulge himself in a man- ner corresponding with their own vicious intentions. Mr. Fuller, lower- ing his ample brows, and looking the inquirer full in the face, replied in a measured and solemn tone, "Sir, I fear God." Scarcely a word was uttered during the remainder of the journey. {d) IRRELIGION REPROVED.— A man was tried at Cambridge, for a robbery committed on an aged lady, in her own house. The judge was Baron Smith, who maintained a consistent profession of religion. He asked the lady if the prisoner at the bar was the person who robbed her ? " Truly, my lord," said she, " I cannot positively say it was he, for it was rather dark when I was robbed ; so dark that I could hardly discern the features of his face." " Wliere were you when he robbed you ?" " t was in a closet that joins to my bed-chamber, and he had got into my house while my servant had gone out on an errand." " What day of the week was it ?" " It was the Lord's day evening, my lord." " How had you been employed when he robbed you ?" " My lord, I am a Protestant dissenter ; I had been at the meeting that day, and had retired into my closet in the evening for prayer, and medita- tion on what I had been hearing through the day." When she uttered these words, the court, which was crowded with some hundreds of persons, includ- ing many young men, rung with a peal of loud laughter. The judge looked round the court as one astonished, and FAITHFULNESS AND FIRMNESS IN REPROVING. 368 with a decent solemnity laid his hands upon the bench, as if going to rise, and, with great emotion, spoke to the follow- ing effect : " Where am 1 ? Am 1 in the place of one of the universities of this kingdom, where it is to be supposed that young gentlemen are educated in the principles of religion, as well as in all useful learning ? and can such per- sons laugh in so improper a manner on hearinof an ased Christian relate that she retired into her closet on a Lord s day evening, for prayer and meditation ! Blush, and be ashamed, all of you, if you are capable of it, as well you may.'' And then turning to the lady, he said, "Do not be discouraged, madam, by this piece of rude and unmannerly, as well as irreligious conduct ; you have no reason to be ashamed of what you have on this occasion, and in this pub- lic manner, said. It adds dignity to your character, and shame belongs to those who would expose it to ridicule." (e) THE SERVANT AND THE SABBATH-BREAKER.— When Rev. John Fletcher was residing, as a tutor, in the family of Thomas Hill, Esq., of Tern Hall, in Shropshire, (Eng.,) though he felt the importance of religion, he was far from being an open and decided servant of Christ. On one Sabbath evening, a servant coming into his room to make up his fire, observed he was writing music, and looking at him with serious concern, said, " Sir, 1 am sorry to see you so employed on the Lord's day." At first his pride was offended, and his resentment excited, at being re- proved by a servant ; but, upon reflec- tion, he felt that the reproof was just. He immediately put away his music, and from that hour became a strict ob- server of the Lord's day. ( f) THE SABBATH SCHOOL GIRL AND HER PROFANE FATH- ER. — In the town of W — , Connecticut, there was a pious little girl belonging to the Sabbath School, whose father was an opposer of religion. One day he had several men to assist him in haying. They indulged in proftmity and scofTing at religion ; and their employer rather encouraged them in it. The little girl overheard them, and was so shocked and grieved at their conduct, that slie went into the meadow and asked them if they did not know it was wicked to use such profane language ? This drew forth their ridicule, and so exas- perated her father that he gave her a severe rebuke, and sent her back into the house. She returned as command- ed ; but retired to her closet and prayed for those who had abused her. In the course of the day she overheard their profanity again, and resolved again to reprove them whatever might be the results. As she addressed them the second time in her artless manner, her father became so angry he told her : " My daughter, we don't want any of your re- ligion here ; if you say any thing more upon that subject, you must quit my house. Now return and attend to your business." The little girl returned; but resolved rather to quit the paternal roof than to do violence to her con- science. She went back to her cham- ber, and having prayed to God, pro- ceeded to tie up her clothes, and then put on her bonnet and went out, scarce knowing whither she went. She went first to the field to bid her father farewell, and fell at his feet, say- ing, " Pa, I must leave you. I am go- ing away, but I shall pray for you." She immediately left the field, and pass- ing over the hill was soon out of sight. The unfeeling father now began to re- flect on what he had done ; and his tor- pid conscience began to awake. He could not work ; and after some time he threw down his scythe and started in pursuit of his daughter. As he was hurrying on to overtake her, he came near to a grove, and as he listen- ed he heard a voice in the adjacent field. He crept softly along to the stone wall and listened again : the woods were still, he heard it again. It was the voice of prayer — the voice of his little daughter praying for her father's salvation ! The stubborn heart of the father was melted ; he hastened over the wall to his daughter ; and clasping her in his arms asked her to pray for him, " for," said he, " I am a great sin- ner." O ! it was an affecting scene, one that must have awakened the joy of ansels ! He carried his little daughter 727 369, 370 REPROOF OF SIN. home in his arms, and ere long obtain- ed forgiveness of his sins, and father and child were soon rejoicing together in the blessings of the Christian's hope. 369. Proper Spirit in Reproving. (a) THE PIOUS SAILOR'S RE- BUKE. — A merchant and a ship own- er, of the city of New York, stood at the entrance of his store, conversing with a gentleman on business. A pi ous sailor belonging to one of his vessels approached the store with the design of entering it, but observing the door was occupied, modestly stepped aside, not willing to interrupt the conversation. As he stood waiting patiently an op- portunity to pass into the store, he overheard profane allusions made to Christ, and turning to look he perceived it was his employer that was speaking. Instantly he changed his position, and stood in front of the gentleman with his head uncovered, and his hat under his arm, and addressed his employer in the following language. " Sir, will you for- give me if I speak a word to you ?" The gentleman recognizing in the sail- or one of the crew of the vessel recent- ly arrived, and supposing he might have something to communicate affecting his interests, kindly encouraged him to speak on. Without further hesitation, the sailor proceeded : " You won't be offended then, sir, with a poor ignorant sailor, if he tells you his feelings." The gentleman again assured him he had nothing to fear. " Well then, sir," said the honest-hearted sailor with emo- tion, "will you be so kind as not to take the name of my blessed Jesus in vain ; he is a good Savior — he took my feet from the pit and the miry clay, and established my going. O sir! don't, if you please, take the name of my Jesus in vain, he never did any one any harm, but is always doing good." The rebuke was not lost upon him for whom it was intended ; a tear suffused his eye, and he replied to his urgent request, " My good fellow, God helping me, I never will again take the name of your Savior in vain." " Thank you, sir," said this faithful witness of 728 Christ, and putting on his hat he walk- ed away. (h) THE YOUNG MAN NEAR PHILADELPHIA.— A young man in the vicinity of Philadelphia, was one evening stopped in a grove, with the demand, " your money or your life." The robber then presented a pistol to his breast. The young man, having a large sum of money, proceeded leisurely and calmly to hand it over to his ene- my, at the same time setting before him the wickedness and peril of his career. The rebukes of the young man cut the robber to the heart. He became en- raged, cocked his pistol, held it to the young man's head, and with an oath, said; " Stop that preaching, or I will blow out your brains." The young man calmly replied, — " Friend, to save my money, I would not risk my life ; but to save you from your evil course, I am willing to die. I shall not cease to plead with you." He then poured in the truth still more earnestly and kindly. Soon the pistol fell to the ground ; the tears began to flow ; and the robber was overcome. He handed the money all back with the remark, " I cannot rob a man of such princi- ples." (c) DR. JOHNSON AND PRO- FANITY. — Dr. Johnson never suffered an oath to pass un rebuked in his pres- ence. When a libertine, but a man of some note, was once talking before him, and interlarding his stories with oaths, Johnson said, " Sir, all this swearing will do nothing for our story ; I beg you will not swear." The nar- rator went on swearing : Johnson said, " I must again entreat you not to swear." He swore again, and Johnson indignantly quitted the room. S70. Skill and Prudence in Reproring. (a) THE OPPOSING MILLER REPROVED.— An active and skillful young minister in the village of J — , was told of a miller, who, with more than usual profaneness, had repelled every attempt to approach him on the subject of religion, and had discouraged the hopes and efforts of the few serious persons in his vicinity. Among other SKILL AND PRUDENCE IN REPROVING. S70 practices of sinful daring, he uniformly kept his windmill, the most striking ob- ject in the hamlet, going on the Sabbath. In a little time, the minister determined to make an effort for the benefit of the hopeless man. He undertook the office of going for his flour the next time him- self. " A fine mill," said he, as the miller adjusted his sack to receive the flour ; " a fine mill indeed ; one of the completest I have ever seen." This was nothing more than just — the miller had heard it a thousand times before ; and would firmly have thought it, though he had never heard it once ; but his skill and judgment were still gratified by this new testimony, and his feelings conciliated, even towards the minister. " But, oh !" continued his customer, af- ter a little pause, " there is one defect in it!" "What is that?" carelessly asked the miller, " A very serious de- fect loo." " Eh !" replied the miller, turning up his face. " A defect that is likely to counterbalance all its advanta- ges." " Well, what is it ?" said the miller, standing straight up, and looking the minister in the face. He went on : " A defect which is likely to ruin the mill." " What is it ?" rejoined the miller. " And will one day no doubt destroy the owner." " And can't you say it out?" exclaimed the impatient miller. " Ft goes on the Sabbath !" pro- nounced the minister, in a firm, and solemn, and monitory tone. The as- tonished man stood blank and thun- derstruck ; and remained meek and submissive under a remonstrance and exhortation of a quarter of an hour's length, in which the danger of his state and practices, and the call to repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, were fully proposed to him. (b) DR. GIFFORD'S REPROOF OF PROFANITY.— As the Rev. Dr. Gliford was one day showing the Brit- ish Museum to some strangers, he was much shocked by the profane lan- guage of a young gentleman belong- ing to the party. Taking down an an- cient copy of the Septuagint, he showed it to the youth ; on which he exclaimed, " Oh ! I can read this." " Then," said the doctor, " read that passage," point- ing to the third commandment. The reproof went home to his conscience, and he immediately refrained from swearing. (c) THE SURGEON AND HIS PATIENT.— Mr. Meikle, a gentleman of eminent piety, was a surgeon at Carnwath, in Scotland. He was once called to attend a gentleman who had been stung in the face by a wasp or bee, and found him very impatient, and swearing, on account of his pain, in great wrath. " O doctor," said he, " I am in great torment ; can you any way help ?" '' Do not fear, replied Mr. M., " all will be over in a little while." Still, however, the gentleman continued to swear, and at length his attendant de- termined to reprove him. "I see, no- thing the matter," said he, "only it might have been in a better place." "Where might it have been?" asked the sufferer. " Why, on the tip of your tongue." (d) POINTED REBUKE OF PRO- FANITY. — A minister traveling in a stage coach, had the mortification of be- ing shut up for the night with a naval officer, who was much addicted to swear- ing. At length the conversation turned on the topic of the day, the Boulogne flotilla ; when the officer observed, " If one of our ships meet with them, " she will send them all to the devil." " There is a great deal of propriety, sir," said the minister, " in your observation ; for as it is probable there are many profane swearers on board the French ships, should these men die in their sins, they will certainly go to the devil." (e) WESLEY, AND A YOUNG OFFICER.— The Rev. John Wesley once traveled in a stage coach with a young officer, who swore and uttered curses upon himself in almost every sentence. Mr. W. asked him if he had read the Common Prayer Book ; for, if he had, he might remember that collect beginning, " O God, who art ever more ready to hear than we are to pray, and art wont to give more than either we desire or deserve." The young gentle- man, who had contracted a very com- mon, but despicably vulgar and sinful habit, had the good sense to make the application, and behave accordingly. 729 370 REPROOF OF SIN. (/) HOWE AND THE NOBLE- MAN. — At the time when the Confor- mity Bill was debated in Parliament, Mr. Howe passed a noble lord in a chair in St. James's Park, who sent his foot- man to call him, desiring to speak with him on this subject. In the conversation, speaking of the opponents of the dissent- ers, he said, " D — n these wretches, for they are mad." Mr. Howe, who was no stranger to the nobleman, expressed great satisfaction in the thought that there is a God who governs the world, who will finally make retribution to all according to their present characters ; " And he. my lord, has declared he will make a ditTerence between him that sweareth, and him that feareth an oath." The nobleman was struck with the hint, and said, " I thank you, sir, for your freedom. I take your meaning, and shall endeavor to make good use of it." Mr. Howe replied, " My lord, 1 have more reason to thank your lordship for saving me the most difficult part of a discourse, which is the application." (g) MEMNON AND HIS SOL- DIER. — During the war between Al- exander the Great and Darius, King of Persia, a soldier in the army of the lat- ter, thought to ingratiate himself with Memnon, the Persian General, by utter- ing the fiercest invectives against Alex- ander : Memnon gently struck the fel- low with his spear, and answered, " Friend, I pay you to fight against Al- exander, not to revile him." (h) MR. HOWE AND THE PROFANE.— The excellent Mr. Plowe being at dinner with some persons of fashion, a gentleman expatiated largely in prai'se of King Charles I., introducing some harsh reflections upon others. Mr. Howe, observing that the gentleman mixed many oaths with his discourse, told him that, in his humble opinion, he had omitted a singular excellence in the character of that prince. The gentle- man eagerly desired him to mention it, and seemed all impatience to know what it was. "It was this, sir," said Mr. Howe ; " he was never heard to swear an oath in common conversation." The hint was as politely received as given ; and the gentleman promised to break off the practice. 730 At another time, passing two persons of quality, who were talking with great eagerness, and imprecating curses on each other repeatedly ; Mr. H. said to them, taking off his hat in a respectful manner, " I pray God save you both ;" for which handsome reproof they imme- diately returned him thanks. (i) PROFANITY SILENCED.— As a minister was on his way from one town to another, for several miles his ears were assailed by oaths too awful to mention : how to stop it he was at a loss to know : at last, having looked to God for direction, he asked the gentlemen if they would grant a stranger a particu- lar favor. They all agreed that if it were in their power, they would grant it. Being assured that it was in their power, the minister begged that what he was going to say to them might not give offence. They all agreed that whatever ho said should not. Seeing their curiosity excited, he mildly told them that he was astonished to hear so many oaths uttered, and would esteem it a great favor if they would refrain from them. One of the gentlemen made this reply, " You have acted wise- ly in making us promise to perform, and also not to be angry ; and we, as gentlemen, will endeavor to keep our word. I believe you are correct in dis- liking swearing ; it is a very bad cus- tom, and it is a pity there should be so much of it ; for my own part, I am not one who swears as some do." The minister, glad to hear this confession, said that he was unacquainted with the meaning of some common oaths, but would briefly explain the meaning of some words he heard repeated by them, and they would be better able to judge as to their propriety ; accordingly he went over word by word, explaining each, when they all agreed they were wrong in using them, and promised to refrain in future. It is gratifying to know that they did as they said. One loquacious gentleman, who had inter- larded almost every sentence with oaths, now sat silent; even the coachman ceased to add an oath in calling to his horses. The conversation turned upon useful subjects, and the minister in- wardly thanked God for the word spo- SKILL AND PRUDENCE IN REPROVING. STO ken in season. One of their friends, who was riding inside, wishing to enjoy the fine evening breeze, proposed getting on the outside, and the minister offered to give him his place. " No, no," cried more than one, " you must not leave us, you must remain, for your company is highly necessary." It is pleasing.to say that for nearly forty miles, except once, they kept to their promise : and when he left the coach, they thanked hijTi for his company, and hoped they should not forget his advice. How important is it to use prudence with zeal ! (j) REPLY TO A SABBATH BREAKER.— One Lord's day, a few children were gathered round the porch of a village church, waiting for the com- mencement of public worship, when a wagon, with a number of persons in it who were going out on pleasure, stop- ped, and one of the men called out to the children, " Halloo there, what sort of religion do you have there ?" One of the young lads replied, " A sort of religion that forbids our traveling on the Sabbath." (k) TARRYING AT JERICHO— A very young clergyman, who had just left college, presented a petition to the King of Prussia, requesting that his Ma- jesty would appoint him inspector in a certain place where a vacancy had just happened. As it was an office of much consequence, the King was offended at the presumption and intportunity of so young a man, and instead of any an- swer to the petition, ho wrote under- neath, " 2 Book of Samuel, Chap. x. ver. 5," and returned it. The young clergyman was eager to examine the quotation, but, to his great disappoint- ment, found the words, " Tarry at Jer- icho until vour beards be grown." (/) THE DEIST AND THE QUA- KER. — A gay young man, traveling in a stage coach to London, forced his deistical sentiments on the company by attempting to ridicule the Scriptures ; and, among other topics, made himself merry with the story of David and Go- liath, strongly urging the impossibility of a youth like David being able to throw a stone with sufficient force to sink into the giant's forehead. On this he ap- pealed to the company, and particularly to a grave Quaker gentleman, who sat silent in one corner of the carriage. " Indeed, friend," replied he, " I do not think it at all improbable, if the Philis- tine's head was as soft as thine." This grave rebuke reduced the young man to silence. (m) REPROOFS FROM DR. WAUGH.— At one of the half-yearly examinations at the Protestant Dissent- ers' Grammar School, at Mill Hill, the head master informed the examiners that he had been exceedingly tried, by the misconduct and perverseness of a boy who had done something very wrong ; and who, though he acknowledged the fact, could not be brought to acknowl- edge the magnitude of the offence. The examiners were requested to expostulate with the boy, and try if he could be brought to feel and deplore it. Dr. Waugh was solicited to undertake the task ; and the boy was, in consequence; brought before him. How long have you been in the school, my boy ?" ask- ed the doctor. "Four months, sir." " When did you hear from your father last?" " My father's dead, sir." "Ay! alas the day ! 'tis a great loss, a great loss, that of a father. But God can make it up to you, by giving you a tender, affectionate mother." Oa this the boy, who had previously seemed as hard as a flint, began to soften. The doctor proceeded : " Well, laddie, where is your mother V "On her voyage home from India, sir." " Ay ! good news for you, my boy : do you love your mother ?" " Yes, sir." " And do you expect to see her soon ?" "Yes, sir." " Do you think she loves you ?" " Yes, sir, I am sure of it." " Then think, my dear laddie, think of her feel- ings when she comes here, and finds that, instead of your being in favor with every one, you are in such deep dis- grace as to run the risk of expulsion : and yet are too hardened to acknowl- edge that you have done wrong. Win- na ye break your poor mother's heart, think ye ? Just think o' that, my lad." The poor culprit burst into a flood of tears, acknowledged his fault, and pro- mised amendment. On one occasion, a young minister having animadverted, in the presence of 731 3T0, 371 REPROOF OF SIN. Dr. Waugh, on the talents of another minister, in a manner which he thought might leave an unfavorable impression on the minds of some of the company, Dr. W. observed, " I have known Mr. many years, and I never knew him to speak disrespectfully of a brother in my life." At another time, in a company of nearly forty gentlemen, a student for the ministry entertained those around him with some ungenerous remarks on a popular preacher in London. Dr. Waugh looked at him for some time with pity and grief depicted in his counte- nance, and when he had thus arrested the attention of the speaker, he mildly remarked, " My friend, there is a say- ing in a good old book which 1 would recommend to your consideration : ' The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to en- vy.' " (n) THE CLERGYMAN AND THE PROFLIGATE.— A clergyman having made several attempts to reform a profligate, was at length repulsed with, " It is all in vain, doctor ; you cannot get me to change my religion." " I do not want that," replied the good man ; " 1 wish relisjion to change you." (o) WESLEY'S REQUEST OF THE OFFICER.— John Wesley, hav- ing to travel some distance in a stage coach, fell in with a pleasant tem- pered, well informed officer. His conversation was sprightly, and enter- taining, but frequently mingled with oaths. When they were about to take the next stage, Mr. Wesley took the of- ficer apart, and after expressing the pleasure he had enjoyed in his company, told him he was thereby encouraged to ask of him a very great favor. " I would take a pleasure in obliging you," said the officer, " and I am sure you will not make an unreasonable request." " Then," says Mr. Wesley, " as we have to travel together some time, I beg that if I should so far forget myself as to swear, you will kindly reprove me." The officer immediately saw the motive, and felt the force of the request, and smiling said, " None but Mr. Wesley could have conceived a reproof in such a manner." 732 (p) A NOBLEMAN REPROVED BY HIS SERVANT.— A nobleman seeing a large stone lying near his gate, ordered his servant, with an oath, to send it to hell. " If," said the servant, " I were to throw it to Heaven, it would be more completely out of your lord- ship's way." iq) WHERE YOU OUGHT TO HAVE BEEN.— A clergyman who was in the habit of preaching in differ- ent parts of the country, was once at an inn, where he observed a horse-jockey trying to take in a simple gentleman, by imposing upon him a broken winded horse for a sound one. The parson knew the bad character of the jockey, and, tak- ing the gentleman aside, told him to be cautious of the person he was dealing with. The gentleman finally declined the purchase, and the jockey, quite net- tled, observed, " Parson, I would much rather hear you preach than see you privately interfere in bargains between man and man, in this way." " Well," replied the parson, " if you had been where you ought to have been last Sun- day, you might have heard me preach." " Where was that ?" inquired the jock- ey. " In the State Prison," returned the clergyman. m. Happy Effects of Reproving. (a) SUCCESSFUL REBUKE OF PROFANITY*.- When the Rev. Mr. K was settled in his congregation of S , they could not furnish him with a manse, or even with lodgings. In these circumstances, a Captain P — , in the neighborhood, though a stranger to religion, generously took him into his family, and gave him his board, it is be- lieved, gratuitously. But our young clergyman soon found himself in very unpleasant circumstances, owing to the captain's usual practice of profane swearing. Satisfied of his duty, how- ever, he determined to perform it at all hazards. Accordingly, one day at ta- ble, after a very liberal volley of oaths from the captain, he observed calmly, " Captain, you have certainly on the present occasion made use of a number of very improper terms." The captain. MISCELLANEOUS. 371, 372 who was rather a choleric man, was in. stantly in a blaze. " Pray, sir, what improper terms have I used ?" " Sure- ly, captain, you must know," replied the clergyman, with greater coolness, '' and having already put me to the pain of hearing them, you cannot be in ear- nest in imposing upon me the additional pain of repeating them." " You are right, sir," resumed the captain, " you are right. Support your character, and we will respect you. We have a par- cel of clergymen around us here, who seem quite uneasy till they get us to un- derstand that we may use any freedom we please before them, and we despise them." It ought to be known, that the captain never afterwards repeated the offence in his presence, and always treated Mr. K with marked respect, and befriended him in all his interests. (b) ALLEINE'S REPROOF.— The Rev. Joseph AUeino was very faithful and impartial ih administering reproof. Once, when employed in a work of this kind, he said to a Christian friend, " I am now going about that which is like- ly to make a very dear and obliging friend become an enemy. But, how- ever, it cannot be omitted ; it is better to lose man's favor than God's." But, so far from becoming his enemy for his conscientious faithfulness to him, he ra- ther loved him the more ever after, as long as he lived. (c) THE FAITHFUL YOUNG INDIAN. — At a meeting of a mission- ary society in Philadelphia, at which two Indian chiefs were present, and ad- dressed a very large audience, the Rev. Mr. Finley, in the concluding part of his speech, related one or two very in- teresting anecdotes, to show the progress of the revival, and the depth of solid pi- ety among the Wyandots. In one of his tours he took with him an Indian youth of zeal and piety. On setting out, he told him it was possible, when he got among sinful and wicked com- pany, that he might forget his God, and again betake himself to the paths of folly and sin. " But," said he, calling him by his name, " I would rather preach your funeral sermon than see you depart from the paths of piety." They proceeded, and in their tour came to the house of a very wealthy merchant, where they remained for some time. The merchant had two or three clerks, who were giddy, gay young men. The Indian boy was put to sleep in a room with these clerks. Before retiring to bed, he knelt down to pray. The oth- ers began to disturb and torment him, but he heeded them not. This contin- ued for some tinie : at length, one night when they were become so bad as to disturb him very much, the youth re- monstrated, pointed out the wickedness of their conduct, and concluded by say- ing, that they were really worse than any Indian in all the Wyandot tribe of Upper Sandusky, observing, that Indians would be ashamed of such conduct, as they had more common sense, virtue, and piety. This appeal came home with keen conviction to the hearts of the young men. The effect was deep and lasting, the reproof was blessed to them, and they became humble and de- voted Christians. {d) MARTIN AND THE GOWNS- MAN.— When the Rev. Henry Martyn was at college, he was called to visit a family in great distress on account of the expected death of the husband and father. Some of the family, lest the ag- ony of their grief should add to the dis- tress of the dying man, had removed to another house, where Martyn found a gownsman reading a play to them with a view to their consolation. He very properly rebuked him with some severi- ty for this great impropriety, and was led to fear, from the manner in which his reproof was received, that some un- pleasant results might follow. But mark the goodness of God, in blessing the means employed for the advance- ment of his glory. When this gowns- man again saw Martyn, it was to thank him for his faithful admonition, which proved the means of a saving change of heart ; and these two holy men labored together in India in extending the know- ledge of the Lord Jesus. m. Miscellaneous. (a) FULLER'S SEVERITY.— The natural temper of the Rev. Andrew Ful- ler, of Kettering, though neither churl- 733 372, 373 RESTITUTION. ish nor morose, was not distinguished by- gentleness, meekness, or affability. He could rarely be faithful without being severe ; and, in giving reproof, he was often betrayed into intemperate zeal. Once, at a meeting of ministers, he took occasion to correct an erroneous opinion, delivered by one of his brethren ; and he laid on his censure so heavily, that Dr. Ryland called out vehemently, in his own peculiar tone of voice, " Brother Fuller ! brother Fuller ! you can never • admonish a mistaken friend, but you must take up a sledge hammer and knock his brains out !" (b) JUDGE REPROVED BY A LOOK. — An eminent judge of Virginia, once said to a friend, that the most cut- ting reproof he had ever received for profaneness, was without words. He happened to be crossing a ferry with Dr. John H. Rice. On account of shallows, the boat could not be brought to land, and they were carried to the shore by the black ferryman. One of these was so careless as to suffer Judge H.'s clothes to become wetted, and the latter expressed his anger by an impre- cation. Dr. Rice, without saying a word, turned to him his large speaking eye, with sorrowful expression. " I ne- ver so felt a reproof," said the judge, " in my life ; and instantly begged his pardon. ' Ask pardon of God,' said Dr. Rice. I shall never forget it.'^ At this time Judge H. was entirely ig- norant who his reprover was. 373. RESTITUTION {a) A PENITENT YOUTH.— A draper in Yarmouth, England, discov- ered that a lad in his service had stolen his property. He was tried, found guil- ty, and sentenced to seven years' trans- portation ; but, on account of some fa- vorable traits in his character, applica- tion was made to the Secretary of State, and the punishment was mitigated to five years' imprisonment in the Mill- bank Penitentiary. At the expiration of three years, his conduct induced the authorities to release him, when he went at once to Yarmouth, called on his for- mer employer, and, in the spirit of a sincere penitent, expressed his sorrow for his dishonesty and ingratitude to so good a master, and said, " Sir, I have taken care of the money that I took away, and am now come to return your property." The gentleman was sur- prised at this announcement ; and see- ing him put his hand in his pocket, be- gan to expect to receive from him a few pounds. Great was his astonishment, when the lad handed to him £102 16*. 6d. (h) A PENITENT YOUNG JEW. — A young Jew, who had been admitted into an asylum for the benefit of that nation, near Dusseldorf, in the Prus- sian dominions, after having- long given 734 pain by his improper behavior, became very deeply impressed under a sermon, preached by the Rev. Mr. Schmidt, and afterwards furnished evidence that his impressions were deep and abiding. in the course of one of his sermons, the minister, to whom we have referred, was led to speak of persons who glory in their shame, and even boast of their crimes in having robbed or defrauded their neighbors. This young man be- came visibly affected, turned pale, fell into fits, and was carried out of the place. He was afterwards visited by the minister, to whom he exclaimed, " I am lost ; lost whhout remedy." In the course of the conversation, he confessed that he had robbed a widow of one thou- sand dollars, and that his life had been one whole series of awful crimes. The minister did not attempt to palliate his sins, but explained to him the atonement of Jesus, and the efficacy of his blood to take away all sin, encouraging him in this way to seek pardon. This at length afforded him rest. He now felt it his duty to travel to the residence of the widow, to acknowledge his crime, and thus to subject himself to the punish- ment of the law. When he was last heard of, he had set out on his journey, with the determination that, if the wid- RESTITUTION. 373 ow did not prosecute him, he would, by his labor, pay the debt due to her. (c) SIXTY POUNDS RESTORED. — A gentleman residing in the vicinity of York once received an anonymous letter, appointing a meeting in the oat- market, when, as the letter stated, something would be communicated for his advantage. The gentleman kept the appointment, and was accosted by a respectable looking man, who pro- posed that they should go to an inn to- gether. The gentleman consented ; and having entered a private room, they both sat down at a table, when the stran- ger presented his new friend with sixty pounds, which he said was his property. The gentleman refused to take it with- out an explanation ; but the stranger then presented him with sixty pounds more, and said that this was also due besides, as interest for the money, sim- ple and compound, during the time he held his property. He afterwards gave the following explanation to the gentle- man : " More than twenty years ago, you had an uncle, whose property you now possess : his age and infirmities rendered it expedient for him to have a housekeeper to manage his affairs. My sister was that housekeeper. Some time after his death she found sixty pounds folded up in one of her trunks, which she believed to have belonged to him at the time of his death. She sent for me, gave it into my hands, and requested that I would restore it to you, as the lawful heir of her master's property. This I promised to do, but being embar- rassed in my circumstances at the time, I made use of it for my own purposes. I now make the proper restitution. I do it to the utmost, and with pleasure ; and I do assure you that this transac- tion has taken a very heavy weight from my distressed mind." Various circumstances then occurred to the gen- tleman's mind, which left no doubt of the truth of the stranger's story. (d) STOLEN WATCH RE- STORED.— As a gentleman in Lon- don entered his house, he found a well dressed female sitting on the stairs, who asked pardon for the liberty she had ta- ken, saying, that hearing the alarm of a mad dog, she had taken refuge in his house, and had almost fainted away. On hearing her story, the gentleman gave her some refreshment, when she recovered and walked off, thanking him for his civility. In the evening his lady missed a gold watch, which she had left hanging at the head of her bed ; the servants said no person had been in that room since they had made up the bed, when they were certain the watch was there. It was, therefore, concluded that this female was the thief. Fifteen years afterwards, the guard of the York mail coach called with a small parcel, saying, that a gentleman had given him five shillings to deliver it. On opening the parcel, it was found to contain the lost watch, and a note from a female, saying, that as the gospel had changed her heart, she desired to return the watch to its rightful oMmer. (e) THE SURPLUS CHANGE RETURNED.— In the course of the forenoon of yesterday, says the New York Statesman, for 183-, a person call- ed at the office of Messrs. Beers and Bunnell, and handed to Mr. Beers the sum of twenty dollars, stating that it was from a young man who, in chang- ing money for his master, received that sum above what he should have re- ceived, at Beers and Bunnell's office, and, without saying any thing of it to his master, appropriated it to his own use. The person who handed in the money declined giving the name of the con- science-struck young man, but observed that he was lying on a bed of sickness, probably of death, and that he could not rest in view of the hereafter, till the mo- ney had been returned as evidence of his bitter contrition. (/) THE DISHONEST CLERK. — A young man, says a writer in the N. Y. Evangelist, went into one of our large cities and offered his services to a man in important public business. Here he labored for years, having the entire confidence of his employer. But he performed a hard service at small wages, and was many times deprived of his rest all night. At length the thought thwarted his mind, that the en- tire confidence placed in him gave him opportunity to do himself justice. This evil thought was the opening wedge. 735 373 RESTITUTION. He laid by from time to time such sums as he supposed would make up the de- fect in his wages, till before he quitted the man it amounted to some hundreds of dollars. He then went into another part of the country to thrive on his earnings, and as he still supposed, hon- est earnings. There, though still in rather humble life, he thrived well, and was esteemed and respected, till within a few years since. The Spirit of God came down upon the people where he lived. He became awakened, and at length obtained a hope in the mercy of God, and took his seat with those who felt as he did. But his conscience was slumbering over the scenes of olden time. He was happy because God suf- fered past scenes to be forgotten. He had never pondered on the doctrine of retribution, and went sailing on to hea- ven with fair breeze and sails all filled. At length, however, he became cast down and disconsolate, and the mystery was that no one could get from him the secret of his distress, not even his be- loved wife. What could the matter be 1 At length, when he could keep the fire shut up in his bones no longer, he sought an interview with his pastor. He watched a long time to find him en- tirely alone, and where he could not be overheard while he opened his whole heart. There was a very sequestered spot in a deep glen, where the pastor used to retire to hold uninterrupted communion with God. There this wretched man met him and told him all his heart — the length, and breadth, and height, and aggravation of his sin. And what must he do ? He could not dis- close the matter to his wife. It would ruin his family. He dare not seek and could not find the man he had wronged — the disclosure would imprison him. Indeed he was in the grave by this time, and whether any heir of his was living, to whom the debt could be re- funded, so that God would forgive him and let him live, demanded a doubt. At length the pastor set out to seek the heirs, if they could be found, that the money might be refunded to them. On his way he called on the writer of this and gave me the whole story. After going from street to street and house to 786 house many days, till it seemed to him impossible that he should ever find the object of his chase, he entered a lonely and humble habitation, where he found the only surviving daughter and child of the injured man. And to her at that time he was indeed an angel of mercy. She had been, as he presumed, in better circumstances, but was brought to pov- erty, and was then a widow poor and needy. He paid her some two hundred dollars, and will perhaps come on simi- lar errands of mercy hereafter. The widow he found trying to support her half famished family by sewing. (g) THE INFIDEL AND HIS EMPLOYER.— Mr. C— an avowed infidel, was for many years in the em- ploy of a worthy and respectable me- chanic, in a small village in R. I. He was a man of steady habits and a good workman, and consequently had se- cured the favor and confidence of Mr. A — , his employer. It was Mr. A — 's custom to settle with his workmen but once a year. At one time, a few months before the time for settlement arrived, Mr. C — was in want of some money, and called at Mr A — 's counting-room, and asked him for twenty-five dollars. The money was handed him, but, through negligence, no charge made against him. At the expiration of the year, Mr. C — went to receive the remainder of his wages, but perceiving the $25 was forgotten by his employer, received the whole amount credited him. Years passed on, and a revival of re- ligion took place in that village, and among those who were hopefully con- verted was the infidel C — . But no sooner had the Spirit of God wrought a work of grace in his heart, than he be- gan to think of the injury he had done his employer, and he felt that he ought to confess his sin and make restitution. But unsubdued pride at first prevented his doing this. At length, convictions for this sin came with such overwhelming force as to threaten destruction to his peace of mind, and he went to Mr. A — , confessed his guilt, paid him back the $25, and went on his way rejoicing. He remained afterwards a consistent fol- lower of Christ. RESTITUTION. 373 (A) PAINFUL EFFECTS OF A JOKE. — A gentleman in at- tended the preaching of Dr. Clarke, and was deeply convinced of sin. With strong prayer and tears he sought par- don, but found not. Being confined by sickness soon after, he sent for Dr. Clarke, who came ; but learning how long he had mourned, and with what earnestness he had sought salvation, he secretly wondered at God's so long withholding freedom from such deep repentance ; and finding the lamp of life burning low, and mental agony hurrying on its extinction, with tender but firm language he said, " It is not — , that God thus deals often, Mr. - with a soul so deeply humbled as yours, and in his own appointed way seeking redemption. Sir, there must be a cause. You iiave left something un- done which it is your duty and interest to have done. God judge between you and it." Fixing his eyes intently on Dr. Clarke, the gentleman gave the follow. ing narration : " In the year I was at , and took my passage in the ship for England. Before sailing, some merchants put on board a small bag of dollars, which were given in charge to the captain for such and such parties. I saw the transaction, and noticed the captain's carelessness, who left the bag day after day rolling upon the locker. For the simple pur- pose of frightening him, I hid it. He made no inquiries, and we arrived at . I still retained it till it should be missed. Months passed, and still no inquiry was made. The parties to whom it had been consigned came to the captain for it. He remembered re- ceiving it in charge, but no more. It must have been left behind. Search was made, letters written, but it could not be found. All this occupied some months. I had now become alarmed and ashamed to confess, lest I should implicate my character. " The captain was sued, and, having nothing to pay, was cast into prison. He maintained his innocence as to the theft, but confessed his carelessness. He languished two years in prison, and died. Guilt had by this time hardened my mind, t strove to be happy in the amusements of the world, but all in vain. Under your preaching the voice of God broke in upon my conscience. I have agonized at the throne of mercy for the sake of Christ for pardon ; but God is deaf to my prayer. I must go down to the grave unpardoned, un- saved." Dr. Clarke suggested to the dying penitent that God claimed from him not only repentance, but restitution. The widow and fatherless children still lived. The gentleman readily consent- ed. The sum, with interest and com- pound interest, was made up and given to the widow, to whom the circumstan- ces were made known. The dying man's mind was calmed, and soon, in firm hope of pardon, he died. (i) THE PURSE RESTORED.— Forty-two years ago, says a writer in the Boston Mercantile Journal of 183-, my father was a poor man, with a wife as industrious as himself, and one child, and he worked early and late for a sup- port. One dollar then in his purse made him feel richer than he now feels with a title to a good farm. Returning home one day with a purse containing ten silver dollars in his pock- et, he lost it on the road. Long and diligent was the search for it, but in vain, as a neighbor had picked it up and appropriated it to his own use. It must, however, have been a fire in his bosom; for how could he travel that road, or pass the house of his neighbor, without feeling the lashes of a guilty conscience ? Recently he has been brought under the influence of that gospel which teach- es man to do justly. He went to his neighbor, confessed the injury done, asked his forgiveness, restored the mo- ney, promised the accumulated interest of forty two years, and any other remu- neration in his power. " Not a wink," said he, " could I sleep last night ; nor could I rest till I had made confession and restitution." 47 737 374 RICHES. 374. RICHES. (a) RICHES AND COVETOUS- NESS. — A respectable widow lady, with a very small income, which she was obliged to elie out by the produce of her own industry and ingenuity, was remarkable for her generous liberality, especially in contributing to the cause of religion. When any work of pious benevolence was going forward, her minister hesitated to call on her, lest her liberal spirit should prompt her to con- tribute beyond her ability ; but she was always sure to find out what was in hand, and voluntarily to offer a dona- tion equal to those of persons in com- parative affluence, accompanied by a gentle rebuke to her minister for having passed her by. In process of time, this lady came into the possession of an ample fortune, greatly to the joy of all who knew her willing liberality. But it was with no small degree of regret that her minister observed she no longer came forward unsolicited towards the cause of Christ, and that when applied to, she yielded her aid but coldly and grudgingly, and sometimes excused her- self from giving at all. On one occa- sion she presented a shilling to the same cause to which she had formerly given a guinea, when in a state of compara- tive poverty. The minister felt it his duty to expostulate with her, and re- mind her of her former generosity wheti her means were so circumscribed. " Ah ! sir," she affectingly replied, " then I had the shilling means, but the guinea heart ; now I have the guinea means, but only the shilling heart. Then, I received from my heavenly Father's hand, day by day, my daily bread, and i had enough, and to spare ; now, I have to look to my ample income, but I live in constant apprehension that I may come to want !" Can any reader be at a loss to decide which was the time of her poverty and which of her riches ? (b) AFFECTING CONTRAST.— I once accompanied a friend, wrote the Rev. S. Kilpin, in 1830, to see the prince- ly abode of a certain nobleman, and was much struck with the splendor of 738 the place. The cajstle stood on the side of a beautiful river, the water of which, as it rushed over some large frag- ments of an old bridge, glittered in the sunbeams. The warder opened the massy gate at the lodge, and we pro- ceeded up an avenue hewn through the solid rock, whose sides were festooned with different shrubs and lichens. The towers and battlements were high and strong ; the smoothly shaven lawn wide and green ; the pleasure grounds exten- sive ; and the broad, dark, and flat branches of the goodly cedars swept gracefullv the very ground. But if the outside of the castle was fair to gaze upon, the inside of it was still more worthy of attention. Almost every room was ornamented with va- luable paintings, hung with curious ta- pestry, and adorned with costly vases ; statues of marble stood in niches in the hall, and in the avenues leading from one apartment to another ; the armory was filled with coats of mail, helmets, spears, and various ancient instruments of warfare ; and some thousands of vo- lumes were arranged in the library. The pomp and splendor of the whole were enough to make any one believe that the possessor of such a mansion must be a rich man ; and yet, at the moment that I was walking through his castle, he himself was not permitted to enter it ! His constitution was decayed ; his conduct had diminished his re- sources, so that his own castle was, for a season, closed against him. How then could he be a rich who had neither health of body nor peace of mind ? Now, it happened, at the time of which I am speaking, that I knew a man who was considered poor, who lived at no great distance from the castle. He dwelt near the road side, and though he had neither turrets, nor lawns, nor goodly cedars, yet his cottage was a comfortable abode ; the green before his door was very pleasant, and the fruit trees in his little garden were covered with blossoms. He had neither paintings, statues, nor RICHES. 374 vases ; nor would they have made him more happy had he possessed them. A sampler, which had been wrought by his wife in her youthful days, hung framed and glazed opposite the window ; and a painted tea-tray was placed up- right upon a table against the wall : these were the principal decorations of his humble abode. His library was not like that of the castle, for it consisted only of about half-a-dozen books, one of which was the Bible, and a few tracts. He was a hard-working man, had an excellent constitution, which he did not abuse ; and, what was better than all, he was a reader of his Bible, and a humble and sincere disciple of Jesus Christ. He had health of body and peace of mind. (c) THE MERCHANT AND THE " WHITE STONE."— In the strait between Johor and Rhio, there is a small white rock, called the " White j Stone," very little elevated above the | water, and so exactly in the centre of the passage, that many vessels, un- acquainted with it, have been wrecked upon it. A Portuguese merchant pass- ing this strait, in a vessel of his own, richly laden with gold, and other va- luable commodities, asked the pilot when this rock would be passed : but each moment appearing to him long until he was secure from the danger, he repeated his question so often, that the pilot impatiently told him the rock was passed. The merchant, trans- ported with joy, impiously exclaim- ed, that " God could not now make him poor." But in a little while, the vessel struck on the White Stone, and all his wealth was ingulfed in the abyss ; life alone remained, to make him feel his misery and his punishment. (d) " IT WILL NOT DO."— Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs, a pious minister, mentions the case of a rich man, who, when he lay on his sick-bed, called for his bags of money ; and having laid a bag of gold to his heart, after a little he bade them take it away, saying, " It will not do ! it will not do !" (e) THE RICH MAN'S PORTION. — A nobleman, who lived in the neigh- borhood of the Rev. Mr. D , one day asked him to dine with him. Be- fore dinner they walked into the garden, and after viewing the various produc- tions and rarities with which it abounded, his lordship exclaimed, " Well, Mr. D , you see I want for nothing : I have all that my heart can wish for." As Mr. D made no reply, but ap- peared thoughtful, his lordship asked him the reason. " Why, my lord," said the old man, " I have been think- ing, that a man may have all these things, and go to hell after all. The words powerfully struck the nobleman, and through the blessing of God termi- nated in his conversion. ( /) THE NOBLEMAN AND THE COTTAGER.— A nobleman in the north of England once said to a gentle- man who accompanied him in a walk, " These beautiful grounds, as far as your eye can reach, those majestic woods on the brow of the distant hills, and those ex- tensive and valuable mines belong to me ; yonder powerful steam engine ob- tains the produce of my mines ; and those ships convey my wealth to other parts of the kingdom." '•' Well, my lord," replied the gentleman, " do you see yonder little hovel that seems but a speck in your estate ? there dwells a poor woman who can say more than all this, for she can say, ' Christ is mine.' In a very few years your lordship's pos- sessions will be confined within the scanty limits of a tomb ; but she will then have entered on a far nobler inhe- ritance than your lordship now possesses — an inheritance incorruptible, unde- filed, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for those who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salva- tion." (g) CHOOSING AFFLICTION.— The Rev. H.Venn once told his children, that he would take them to see one of the most interesting sights in the world. He would not tell them what it was ; but in the evening led them to a miser- able hovel, whose ruinous walls and broken windows showed an extreme de- gree of poverty and want. " Now," said he, " my dear children, can any one that lives in such a wretched habi- tation as this be happy ? Yet this is not all ; a poor young man lies there on a miserable straw bed, dving of disease, 739 374, 375 RIDICULE. at the age of nineteen, consumed with fever, and afflicted with nine painful ulcers." " How wretched !" they all exclaimed. He then led them into the cottage, and addressing the poor dying young man, said, " Abraham Midwood, I have brought my children here to show them that it is possible to be happy in a state of disease, and poverty, and want : now, tell them if it is not so." The dying youth, with a sweet smile, replied, " Oh ! yes, sir ; I would not change my state with that of the richest person on earth, who has not those views which I have. Blessed be God ! I have a good hope, through Christ, of being admitted into those blessed regions where Lazarus now dwells, having long forgotten all his sorrows and miseries. Sir, this is nothing to bear whilst the presence of God cheers my soul, and whilst I can have access to him, by constant prayer, through faith in Jesus. Indeed, sir, I am truly happy, and I trust to be happy through eternity ; and I every hour thank God, who has brought me from a state of darkness into marvelous light, and has given me to enjoy the unsearch- able riches of his grace." (h) CECIL'S RICH HEARER.— Mr. Cecil had a rich hearer, who, when a young man had solicited his advice, but who had not, for some time, had an interview with him. Mr. C. one day went to hi-s house on horseback, being unable to walk, and, after the usual sa- lutations, adressed him thus : — " I un- derstand you are very dangerously sit- uated !" Here he paused, and his friend replied, " I am not aware of it, sir." " ] thought it was probable you were not ; and therefore I have called on you. I hear you are getting rich ; take care, for it is the road by which j the devil leads thousands to destruction !" ! This was spoken with such solemnity j and earnestness, that it made a deep and lasting impression. (zV FULLER'S QUESTION.— " This morning," says Mr. Fuller, " I have read another of Edwards' sermons, on God the Christianas Portion, from Psalm Ixxiii. 25. The latter part comes very close, and 1 feel myself at a loss what to judge as to God's being my chief good. He asks, whether we had rather live in this world rich and with- out God, or poor and with him ? Per- haps I should not be so much at a loss to decide this question as another ; name- ly, had I rather be rich in this world, and enjoy but little of God ; or poor and enjoy 7nuch of God ? I am confident the practice of great numbers of pro- fessing Christians declares that they prefer the former ; and in some in- stances 1 feel guiltv of the same thing." (j) " P O S S E S S I N G ALL THINGS."— A lady in England, more than seventy years of age, who had long been known as an " Israelite indeed," was called, in the providence of God, to pass her last days in a poor-house. She was visited one day by a Wes. leyan minister ; and while in conversa- tion with her on the comforts, prospects, and rewards of religion, he saw an un- usual lustre beaming from her counte- nance, and the calmness of Christian triumph glistening in her eye. Ad- dressing her by name, he said, " Will you tell me what thought it was that passed through your mind, which was the cause of your appearing so joyful ?" The reply of the " old disciple" was, " Oh f sir, I was just thinking what a change it will he from the poor-house to HEAVEN f" 375. RIDICULE. (a) LAUGHED OUT OF RELI- GION. — A poor man, who had heard the preaching of the Gospel, and to whom it had been greatly blessed, was the subject of much profane jesting and ridicule among his fellow workmen and neighbors. On being asked if these 740 daily persecutions did not sometimes make him ready to give up his profes- sion of attachment to Divine truth, he replied, " No ; I recollect that our good minister once said in his sermon, that if we were so foolish as to permit such people to laugh us out of our religion, till at ROBBERS— ROBBERY. 3T5, SrO last we dropped into hell, they could not laugh us out again." (h) LANDLADY'S GIFT TO AD- MIRAL COLPOYS.— Admiral Col- poys, who rose to that high station as the effect of his meritorious exer- tions, used to be fond of relating, that on first leaving an humble lodging to join his ship, as a midshipman, his landlady presented him with a Bible and a guinea, saying, " God bless you, and prosper you, my lad ; and as long as you live, never suffer yourself to be laughed out of your money or your prayers." The young sailor carefully followed this advice through life, and had reason to rejoice that he did so ; while thousands have unavailingly re- gretted that they pursued a different course. 376. ROBBERS— ROBBERY. (a) ROBBERY ITS OWN PUN- ISHMENT.— The only sailor who per- ished in the Kent Indiaman was pres- ent in the hold very shortly after the commencement of the fire which des- troyed the vessel, when, availing him- self of the confusion, he hastened to the cabin of the second mate, forced open a desk, and took from thence four hundred sovereigns, which he rolled up in a handkerchief, and tied round his waist ; but in attempting to leap into one of the boats, he fell short, and the weight of his spoils caused him imme- diately to sink ! Unhappy sailor ! of what avail were his four hundred sove- reigns when he lifted up his eyes in an eternal world, and stood before the right- eous Judge as a self-convicted robber ? What if he had gained the whole world, and could have put it round him ? It would only have sunk him deeper and quicker into the bottomless pit. How many millions of immortal souls have gone down to this abyss, loaded with ill-gotten wealth ! (b) WARNING TO YOUTH.— The St. Louis Reveille contains an ac- count of the death of a young man by the name of Leak, who, although only twenty-two years of age, had made himself notorious in crime. He was arrested for robbing a store, having been betrayed by one of his compan- ions in crime. He plead his own case before the jury, and besought them to deal lightly with him, for he was both young in years and in the knowledge of crime. The jury leaned to the side of mercy, and instead of ten, alloted him four years in the state penitentiary. A struggle now commenced in the fel- on's heart which finally ended in sui- cide. Nashville, the seat of the state pris- on, was the home of his childhood, and his aged mother lived there, highly res- pected ; his brother and sisters, also, the former being a respectable mer- chant of that city. He spoke frequent- ly on the trip up, of how hard it would be for him to pass his mother's door in chains, on his way to prison, and said he would rather die than undergo the ignominy. The companions of his childhood, his schoolmates, he said, would gather about him and look upon his wretched felon carcass until their eyes would burn into his heart. To his wretchedness of mind was added sickness of body, and at length, when eight miles above Cairo, on the Ohio river, the miserable felon, bearing the manacle badges of his wickedness upon his person, plunged Into the river and ended his guilty career. " Truly the way of the transgressor is hard." (c) ROBBER ^SON RECLAIMED. — The following is related of Mr. John Welsh. He was, it is said, a most hopeless and extravagant youth. He frequently played truant ; and, at last, while very young, he left his studies, and his father's house, and went and joined himself to the thieves on the borders of the then two kingdoms, who lived by robbery and plunder. After he had suffered many hardships among them, and, like the prodigal in the gos- pel, began to be in great misery, and no man gave unto him, he took the prodigal's resolution to return home to 741 977 RULE, GOLDEN, THE. his father's house. He made Dumfries in his way homeward, where lived a Mrs. Forgath, his father's cousin : he earnestly entreated her to bring about a reconciliation for him with his father. He had not been long with this lady, before his father came, providen- tially, to visit her ; to whom, after con- versing a while, she said, " Cousin, have you heard any thing of your son John ?" " Oh ! cruel woman !'"' said the father, with grief, " how can you mention his name to me ? The first news I expect to hear of him, is, that he is hanged for a thief." She an- swered, " Many a profligate boy has become a virtuous man ;" and endeav- ored to comfort him, but in vain. At length, he asked her if she knew whether his lost son was yet living. She answered, " Yes, he is yet alive, and I hope he will make a better man than he was a boy," at the same time she introduced him to his father. The youth came in weeping, and threw him- self at his father's feet, beseeching him, for Christ's sake, to pardon his misbe- havior, and earnestly, and with much apparent sincerity, promising future amendment. His father reproached and threatened him ; but, upon the impor- tunities of Mrs. Forgath, he was per- suaded to a reconciliation. He then besought his father to send him to col- lege, saying, " that if ever he misbe- haved again, he would be content that his father should disclaim him forever." His father granted him his request; and, after a little time spent there, not only a thorough reformation, but a sav ing conversion, took place in him ; and he was so diligent a student, that, in much less time than could be expected, he went through all his necessary stud- ies, and entered early into the ministry. He became one of the most extraordi- nary characters of his age. 377. RULE, GOLDEN, THE. (a) GOLDEN RULE VIOLA- TED. — The manner in which some professed Christians violate the golden rule in their business transactions, is deeply to be regretted as evidence of the bluntness of their moral perceptions, as a disgrace to the cause of true reli- gion, and a stumbling-block to the im- penitent. The correspondent of a cer- tain religious journal says, " I passed an American eagle and a Spanish doub- loon to a countryman, for value re- ceived, as I had given full value for them. True, I had heard from a gen- tleman broker, that they were of suspi- cious character, and probably base met- al merely baptized in gold. But as I did not certainly know that they were base coins, ought I to have offered them to persons who were not judges of them, without any intimation of the report ? I also passed in silence a 850 bank note of doubtful character, to a farmer, which I had unsuspectingly received in a fair sale of the necessaries of life ; but not knowing it to be a counterfeit, I did not altogether condemn myself, as I 742 had said nothing in commendation of it. But on reading some of your remarks I fear I have done wrong. Pray what is your opinion ?" The editor promptly replies, " My opinion is that you did a moral wrong. You have not done to another what you would have done to you ?" And the editor's reply is the heartfelt response of every enlightened, conscientious Christian, who will, for a moment, make the case of the " coun- tryman" and " farmer," who were de- ceived by the money, their own. Take another instance of the viola- tion of the same precept. " I heard," says a Western Preacher, " a conversa- tion between a father and a son, both members of the same church, in the presence too of both their families. " My son," said he, " you got cheated in that horse : he stumbles wretchedly, and will certainly go blind. You ought to sell him the first opportunity." " Yes, father, 1 was deceived : but he is a good looking horse ; and I think by putting him into the hands of your auc- tioneer I can sell him for cost." " You SABBATH, THE CHRISTIAN. 371', JJ78 ought then to do it soon," replied his father, " or perhaps you will lose by the transaction." " I will send him to town to-morrow, and let the bidder do as I did — trust to his own eyes and judgment, for I will not warrant him." '' You ought not to warrant him for two reasons — first, because the thing is wrong in itself; and in the next place, you might be made to pay the damages. Honesty is the best policy, my son. Remember that." Strange that pro- fessed Christians should talk in this manner ! Fluently and conscientiously passing a cheat upon themselves, and acting the villain under the guise of hon- esty and fair dealing. How differs such a transaction in principle from robbery ? Touch such a transaction with the gol- den rule, and its true character and de- formity will be at once apparent, like- those of Satan at the touch of Ithuriel's spear. {h) TEDYNSCUNG AND HIS FRIEND. — Tedynscung was a cele- brated chief among the Delaware In- dians of North America, about 1780. The efforts of the Christian missiona- ries had been the means of diffusing much scriptural knowledge among the native Indians, and their doctrines were frequently the subject of conversation among them. One evening, Tedyn- scung was sitting by the fireside of hi& friend, who mentioned the golden rule to him as very excellent, " For one man to do to another as he would the other should do to him!" " It is im- possible ; it cannot be done," said the Indian chief. After smoking his pipe, and musing for about a quarter of an hour, Tedynscung again gave his opin- ion, and said, " Brother, I have been thoughtful on what you told me. If the great Spirit that made man would give him a new heart, he could do so as you say, but not else." SABBATH, THE CHRISTIAN. BENEFITS OF THE SABBATH. 178. Physical Benefits to Domestic Ani- mals. {a) THE DROVERS AND THEIR SHEEP.— Two neighbors in the state of New- York, each with a drove of sheep, started on the same day for a distant market. One started sev- eral hours before the other, and travel- ed uniformly every day. The other rested every Sabbath. Yet he arrived at the market first, with his flock in a better condition than that of the other. In giving an account of it, he said that he drove his sheep on Monday about seventeen miles, on Tuesday not over sixteen, and so lessening each day, till on Saturday he drove them only about eleven miles. But on Monday, after resting on the Sabbath, they would travel again seventeen miles, and so on each week. But his neighbor's sheep, which were not allowed to rest on the Sabbath, before they arrived at the mar- ket, could not travel without injury more than six or eight miles in a day. (J) WAY TO EXPEDITION.— At a tavern in Pennsylvania, a man, who had arrived the evening before, was asked on Sabbath morning whether he intended to pursue his journey on that day. He answered, " No." He was asked, " Why not ?" " Because," said he, " I am on a long journey, and wish to perform it as soon as I can. I have long been accustomed to travel on horseback, and have found that, if I stop on the Sabbath, my horse will travel farther during the week than if I do not." (c) THE VICTORIOUS TRAV- ELER. — A gentleman started from Connecticut with his family for Ohio. He was on the road about four weeks, and rested every Sabbath. From morn- ing to night others, journeying the same way, were passing by. Before the close of the week he passed- them. Those who went by late on the Sabbath he passed on Monday ; those who went by a little earlier he passed on Tuesday ; and so on, till before the next Sabbath he had passed them all. His horses were no better than theirs, nor were 743 378, 379 SABBATH, THE CHRISTIAN. they better fed. But having had the benefit of resting on the Sabbath, ac- cording to the command of God and the law of nature, they could out-travel those who had violated that law. (d) MANUFACTURERS AND THEIR TEAMS.— A manufacturing company, which had been accustomed to carry their goods to market with their own teams, kept them employed seven days in a week, as that was the time in which they could go to the mar- ket and return. But by permitting the teams to rest on the Sabbath, they found that they could drive them the same distance in six days, that they formerly did in seven, and v/ith the same keep- ing preserve them in better order. {e) THE TEAMSTER AND HIS HORSES. — A gentleman in Vermont, who was in the habit of driving his horses twelve miles a day seven days in a week, afterwards changed his practice, and drove them but six days, allowing them to rest one. He then found that, with the same keeping, he could drive them fifteen miles a day, and preserve them in as good order as before. So that a man may rest on the Sabbath, and let his horses rest, yet promote the benefit of both, and be in all respects the gainer. (/) EXPERIMENT WITH CAT- TLE. — A number of men started to- gether from Ohio, with droves of cattle ibr Philadelphia. They had often been before, and had been accustomed to drive on the Sabbath as on other days. One had now changed his views as to the pro- propriety of traveling on that day. On Saturday he inquired for pastures. His associates wondered that so shrewd a man should think of consuming so great a portion of his profits by stopping with such a drove a whole day. He stopped, however, and kept the Sabbath. They, thinking that they could not af- ford to do so, went on. On Monday he started again. In the course of the week he passed them, arrived first in the market, and sold his cattle to great advantage. So impressed were the others with the benefits of thus keeping the Sabbath, that ever afterwards they followed his example. 744 m. Physical Benefits to Man. (a) PHYSICIANS OF ROCHES. TER. — Dr, F. Backus and seven other respectable physicians of Rochester, New- York, have given the following testimony : " Having most of us lived on the Erie Canal since its completion, we have uniformly witnessed the same deteriorating effects of seven days' work- ing upon the physical constitution, both of man and beast, as have been so ably depicted by Dr. Farre." They are more sickly than others, bring upon themselves, in great numbers, a prema- ture old age, and sink to an untimely grave. (b) EXPERIMENT IN A MILL, — The experiment was tried in a large I flouring establishment. For a number of years they worked the mills seven days in a week. The superintendent was then changed. He ordered all the works to be stopped at eleven o'clock on Saturday night, and to start none of them till one o'clock on Monday morn- ing, thus allowing a full Sabbath every week. And the same men, during the year, actually ground thousands of bushels more than had ever been ground, in a single year, in that estab- lishment before. The men, having been permitted to cleanse themselves, put on their best apparel, rest from worldly business, go with their families to the house of God, and devote the Sabbath to its appropriate duties, were more healthy, moral, punctual and dili- gent. They lost less time in drinking, dissipation and quarrels. They were more clear-headed and whole-hearted, knew better how to do things, and were more disposed to do them in the right way. (c) RESULT OF EXPERIENCE. — In the year 1839 a committee was appointed in the legislature of Pennsyl- vania, who made a report with regard to the employment of laborers on their canals. In that report, they say, in reference to those who had petitioned against the employment of the work- men on the Sabbath, •" They assert, as the result of their experience, that both man and beast can do more work by BENEFITS OF THE SABBATH. 3T9 resting one day in seven, than by work- ing on the whole seven." They then add, " Your committee feel free to con- fess, that their own experience as busi- ness men, farmers, or legislators, cor- responds with the assertion." {d) EXPERIMENT IN THE LAST WAR. — An experiment was tried on the northern frontier of the Uni- ted States, during the last war. When building vessels, making roads, and per- forming other laborious services, the commander stated that it was not prof- itable to employ the men on the Sabbath, for it was found that they could not, in the course of the week, do as much work. {e) BRITISH HOUSE OF COM- MONS.— In the year 1832, the British House of Commons appointed a commit- tee to investigate the effects of labor- ing seven days in a week, compared with those of laboring only six, and resting one. That committee consisted of Sir i\ndrew Agnew, Sir Robert Peel, Sir Robert Inglis, Sir Thomas Baring, Sir George Murray, Powell Buxton, Lord Morpeth, Lord Ashley, Lord Vis- count Sandon, and twenty other mem- bers of Parliament. They examined a great number of witnesses, of various professions and employments. Among them was John Richard Farre, M. D., of London ; of whom they speak as " an acute and experienced physician." The following is the testimony : " I have practised as a physician be- tween thirty and forty years ; and dur- ing the early part of my life, as the physician of a public medical institu- tion. I had charge of the poor in one of the most populous districts of London. I have had occasion to observe the ef- fect of the observance and non-observ- ance of the seventh day of rest during this time. I have been in the habit, during a great many years, of consi- dering the tLses of the Sabbath, and of observing its abuses. The abuses are chiefly manifested in labor and dissipa- pation. Its use, medically speaking, is that of a day of rest. " As a day of rest, I view it as a day of compensation for the inadecpiate re- storative power of the body under con- tinued labor and excitement. A physi- cian always has respect to the preser- vation of the restorative power ; because, if once this be lost, his healing office is at an end. A physician is anxious to preserve the balance of circulation, as necessary to the restorative power of the body. The ordinary exertions of man run down the circulation every day of his life ; and the first general law of nature, by which God prevents man from destroying himself, is the alternat- ing of day and night, that repose may succeed action. But, although the night apparently equalizes the circula- tion, yet it does not sufficiently restore its balance for the attainment of a long life. Hence, one day in seven, by the bounty of Providence, is thrown in as a day of compensation, to perfect by its repose the animal system. " I consider, therefore, that, in the bountiful provision of Providence for the preservation of human life, the sab- batical appointment is not, as it has been sometimes theologically viewed, simply a precept partaking of the na- ture of a political institution, but that it is to be numbered amongst the natural duties, if the preservation of life be ad- mitted to be a duty, and tlie premature destruction of it a suicidal act." (/) NEW^ HAVEN MEDICAL AS- SOCIATION. — At a regular meeting of the New Haven Medical Association, composed of twenty-five physicians, among whom were the professors of the Medical College, the following questions were considered : 1 . Is the position taken by Dr. Farre in his testimony before the committee of the British House of Commons, in your view, correct ? 2. Will men who labor but six days in a week be more healthy and live longer, other things being equal, than those who labor seven ? 3. Will they do more work, and do it in a better manner? The vote on the above was unani- mously in the affirmative ; signed by Eli Ives, chairman, and Pliny A. Jewett, clerk. {g) MINISTER OF MARINE IN FRANCE. — The minister of marine in France has addressed a letter to all the maritime prefects, directing that no 745 379, 380 SABBATH. THE CHRISTIAN. workman, except in case of absolute necessity, be employed in the govern- ment dock-yards on the Sabbath. One reason which he gives is, that men who do not rest on the Sabbath do not per- form as much labor during the week, and, of course, that it is not profitable to the state to have labor performed on that day. Another reason is, that it is useful to the state to promote among the laboring classes the religious observ- ance of the Sabbath. (h) THOROUGH EXPERIMENT WITH LABORERS.— Nor is it true that men who labor six days in a week, and rest on one, are more healthy mere- ly, and live longer than those who la- bor seven ; but they do more work, and in a better manner. The experiment was tried in England upon two thou- sand men. They were employed for years, seven days in a week. To render Ihem contented in giving up their right to the Sabbath, as a day of rest, that birthright of the human family, they paid them double wages on that day, eight days' wages for seven days' work. But they could not keep them healthy, nor make them moral. Nor can men ever be made moral, or kept most healthy in that way. Things went badly, and they changed their course — employed the workmen only six days in a week; and allowed them to rest on the Sabbath. The consequence was, that they did more work than ever be- fore. This, the superintendent said, was owing to two causes, viz. : demor- alization of the people under the first sys- tem, and exhaustion of bodily strength, which was visible to the most casual observer. Such a course will always demoralize men, and diminish their strength. %m. Iiitcllectiial Benefits. {a) TESTIMONY OF WILBER- FORCE.— The celebrated Wilberforco ascribes his continuance, for so long a time, under such a pressure of cares and labors, in no small degree, to his conscientious and habitual observance of the Sabbath. " O what a blessed day," he says, " is the Sabbath, which allows us a precious interval wherein to 746 pause, to come out from the thickets of worldly concerns, and give ourselves up to heavenly and spiritual objects. Ob- servation and my own experience have convinced me that there is a special bless- ing on a right employment of these inter- vals. O, what a blessing is Sunday, interposed between the waves of worldly business, like the divine path of the Is- raelites through Jordan. There is no- thing in which I would recommend you to be more strictly conscientious than in keeping the Sabbath holy. By this I mean not only abstaining from all un- becoming sports, and common business, but from consuming time in frivolous conversation, paying or receiving visits, which, among relations, often leads to a sad waste of this precious day. I can truly declare that to me the Sabbath has been invaluable. ^^ (b) MAKING BRIEFS ON SUN- DAY.— The distinguished Dr. Wilson, Pastor of the first Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, for a number of years before he became a preacher of the gos- pel, was an eminent lawyer in the state of Delaware. He was accustomed, when pressed with business, to make out his briefs and prepare for his Mon- day's pleading on the Sabbath. But he so uniformly failed, during the week, in carrying out his Sunday plans, that it arrested his attention. As a philoso- pher, he inquired into the cause of his uniform failure, and came to the conclu- sion that it might be, and probably was on account of his violation of the Sab- bath by employing it in secular busi- ness. He therefore, from that time, abandoned the practice of doing any thing for his clients on that day. The difficulty ceased. His efforts on Mon- day were as successful as on other days. Such were the facts in his case, and many others have testified to similar facts in their experience. (c) TESTIMONY OF A FINAN- CIER. — A distinguished financier, charged with an immense amount of property during the great pecuniary pressure of 1836 and 1837, said, " I should have been a dead man, had it not been for the Sabbath. Obliged to work from morning till night, through the whole week, I felt on Saturday, es- BENEFITS OF THE SABBATH. 3§0, 381 pecially Saturday afternoon, as if I must, have rest. It was like going into a dense fog. Every thing looked dark and gloomy, as if nothing could be saved. I dismissed all, and kept the Sabbath in the good old way. On Mon- day it was all bright sunshine. I could see through, and I got through. But had it not been for the Sabbath, I have no doubt I should have been in the grave." {d) FRUITFUL CAUSE OF IN- SANITY. — A distinguished merchant, who, for twenty years did a vast amount of business, remarked to Dr. Edwards : " Had it not been for the Sabbath, I have no doubt I should have been a maniac long ago." This was mention- ed in a company of merchants, when one remarked, " That is the case exact- ly with Mr. . He was one of our greatest importers. He used to say that the Sabbath was the best day in the week to plan successful voyages ; showing that his mind had no Sabbath. He has been in the Insane Hospital for years, and will probably die there." Many men are there, or in the maniac's grave, because they had no Sabbath. They broke a law of nature, and of na- ture's God, and found " the way of the transgressor to be hard." Such cases are so numerous that a British writer remarks, " We never knew a man work seven days in a week who did not kill himself or kill his mind." {e) DR. SEWALL'S OPINION.— Thomas Sewall, M. D., professor of pa- thology and the practice of medicine in the Columbian College, Washington, D. C, remarks : " While I consider it the more important design of the institution of the Sabbath to assist in religious de- votion, and advance men's spiritual wel- fare, I have long held ihe opinion that one of its chief benefits has reference to his physical and intellectual constitution ; affording him, as it does, one day in se- ven for the renovation of his exhausted energies of body and mind ; a propor- tion of time small enough, according to the results of my observation, for the ac- complishment of this object. I have re- marked, as a general fact, that those to whom the Sabbath brings the most entire rest from their habitual labors, perform the secular duties of the week more vigorously, and better than those who continue them without intermission. I have no hesitation in declaring it as my opinion, that if the Sabbath were univer- sally observed as a day of devotion, and of rest from secular occupations, far more work of body and mind would he ac- complished, and he hetter done ; more health would he enjoyed, with more of wealth and independence, and we should have far less of crime, and poverty and suffering. ^^ 381. Providential Benefits. (a) THE CONSCIENTIOUS ES- QUIMAUX.— In December, says Mr. Barsoe, the Missionary, a pleasing cir- cumstance occurred ; it showed the re- verence of our Esquimaux for the Lord's day. Owing to the state of the weather during the preceding month, but few seals had been taken ; and Saturday, the second of December, was the first day on which the state of the ice per- mitted our people to go out on the seal- hunt. Considering the great uncertain- ty which ever attends this occupation, the inducement to pursue it on the fol- lowing day, in the hope of securing a better provision for their families, was any thing but slight. We were, there- fore, not a little pleased to learn that a meeting of flithers of families had been convened on the Saturday evening, and that it had been resolved that they would none of them go out on the ensuing day of the Lord, but would spend it in a manner becoming the disciples of Christ, who were invited thankfully to comme- morate his coming into the world to save sinners. They expressed their belief that their Heavenly Father was able to grant them, on Monday, a sufficiency for the supply of their wants. The meeting they closed with the singing of some verses, during which they felt the presence and peace of their Lord and Savior. Their confidence in God was not put to shame. On Monday the weather proved so favorable that they captured no fewer than one hundred seals ; but in the course of the following night the frost became so intense as to close all the bays and inlets, and to pre- 747 3S1 SABBATH, THE CHRISTIAN. elude any further attempts to take seals. (b) THE CONVERTED BAKER. — A baker, who had long been accus- tomed to attend to his business on the Lord's day, having had his attention drawn to religion, and having felt its power, became desirous of associating with a body of Christians ; who, however, declined to receive him, unless he relin- quished baking on the Sabbath. The struggle in his mind was long and painful, as a considerable part of the support of his family was derived from his occupation on that day, but he at length yielded to the claims of duty ; and, by refusing to serve his customers on the Lord's day, gave them offence, and became reduced to great poverty. His Christian friends urged him to persevere, assuring him that God would not forsake him. He was enabled to do so, and Providence interposed in his behalf. His customers gradually returned to him, and at length he was favored with a larger share of business than had ever before fallen to his lot. (c) STATEMENT OF CAPTAIN SCORESBY.— " It is a little remark- able," says Captain Scoresby, in his voyage to Greenland, " that during the whole of this voyage, no circumstance ever occurred to prevent us engaging in public worship on the Sabbath day. In a few instances, the hour of worship could not be easily kept, but opportunity was always found of having each of the services in succession on a plan adopted at the commencement of the voyage. And it is worthy of observation, that in no instance, when on fishing stations, was our refraining from the ordinary duties of our profession on the Sunday ever supposed, eventually, to have been a loss to us ; for we in general found, that, if others who were less regardful, or had not the same view of the obligatory nature of the com- mand respecting the Sabbath day, suc- ceeded in their endeavors to promote the success of the voyage, we seldom failed to procure a decided advantage in the suc- ceeding week. Independently, indeed, of the divine blessing on honoring the Sab- bath day, I found that the restraint put upon the natural inclinations of the men for pursuing the fishery at all opportuni- 748"' ties, acted with some advantage, by prov- ing an extraordinary stimulus to their ex- ertions when they were next sent out after whales. Were it not out of place here, I could relate several instances in which, after our refraining to fish upon the Sab- bath, while others were thus successfully employed, our subsequent labors suc- ceeded under circumstances so striking, that there was not, I believe, a man in the ship who did not consider it the effect of the divine blessing." (d) THE SHOP-KEEPER AND HER CUSTOMERS —Mrs. Sarah Thorp, of Buckingham, (Engl.,) was left a widow with four small children, and with nothing to support herself and them but the profits of small chandler's shop, an annuity of ten pounds per an- num, left to poor widows, and making a little lace. While in this state, a Mr. Cooper came to the church, and sounded an alarm to formal professors, moralists, and the profane. Mrs. Thorp soon became convinced of the impro- priety of keeping her shop open on the Lord's day, and determined at all events to shut it up, and told her customers, in the week preceding, of her intention, and begged of them to come for what they wanted on the Saturday. At first they took very little notice of it, but went on Sunday as usual ; but Mrs. Thorp shut herself in a back room, and paid no attention to the door. The en- suing week they came again, and were very much displeased, saying they must have victuals on Sunday as well as on the other days ; and if they could not be served by her they would go where they could. She said she should be sorry to lose their custom, but she had served on the Lord's day too long. Many of her customers left her, and, for a time, she Vv^as much straitened in her circum- stances ; but this did not continue : the Lord blessed her business with increase, so that in a little time she took the house adjoining to her own, keeping the shop for her increasing stock, as before this she had lived in the shop. Finding her busi- ness still increase, she was enabled to send to London for goods, which she had hitherto taken from a superior shop in the town. After this, she went to the gentleman of whom she had received BENEFITS OF THE SABBATH. 3§1 her annuity, and told him the Lord had so blessed her in her circumstances, that she had now no need of it, and begged he would confer it on some one who was in greater necessity. The Lord still continued to bless her ; she at length bought the house and shop, and lived comfortably in them the re- mainder of her days. (e) THREE SHIPHOLDERS.— " Several years ago," says a correspon- dent of the N. York Evangelist, " there lived in one of our seaports, A. B. and C, all of whom were owners of mer- chant vessels. Each of these men load- ed a ship at the same time, which was to go first to Egypt, and then to the Bal- tic, to one of the Russian ports. All being loaded, they waited for a favora- ble wind. The harbor was so situated that there was no egress for ships except the wind blew in a particular direction. On Sabbath morning the wind was fair. The masters of the vessels went to their respective owners for sailing orders. A. and B. immediately had their ships put to sea ; but C. told the master that he must remain in port till the next day. Before Monday morning the \vind had changed, and remained contrary till the next Sunday, when it again came round fair. The master of the vessel again repaired to the house of C. to procure the ship's papers, and sailing orders. But, to his astonishment, C. remarked that his sliip must not leave port on the Sabbath. The captain attempted to rea- son the point with him, but all in vain. He said if his ship never sailed it should not put to sea on the Lord's day. He was willing to trust in Divine Provi- dence. Some time during the follow- ing week the ship sailed. Ft arrived in Egypt just as the ships of A. and B. were about to sail for the Baltic. In the meantime information had circula- ted through the country that American vessels were in port, wishing to sell their cargoes, and purchase a certain kind of their produce, which, if I mis- take not, was rice. The desired article was brought in such abundance that the market was glutted by the time C.'s ship arrived. In consequence of this his cargo was sold at an advanced price, and his ship loaded at a much better rate than the others. C.'s vessel then proceeded on her voyage up the Baltic The ships were to dispose of their rice in the Russian port, and load for home with iron. C.'s ship arrived in the Bal- tic after those of A. and B. had pur- chased their freight, and nearly loaded. Fortune, or to speak more properly. Providence operated here much as it did in the Mediterranean. Abundance of iron was brought to market, and there were enough purchasers for the rice. All these ships reached America about the same time, that of C. having cleared as much by the voyage as both the oth- ers. Thus C. found by experience, that "in keeping God's commands there is great reward," even in this world. (/) THE HIDE TRADERS AND THE SABBATH.— I was in command of a vessel, says Capt. S., of W , Mass., engaged in the Hide trade, be- tween N and a port in Brazil. In performing one of those voyages, several occurrences took place strictly providen- tial, and illustrative of the benefits to be derived from a concientious regard to the Sabbath. The custom of the Brazilian port, was to load vessels on the Sabbath. This labor was performed by gangs of negroes, under the direction of steve- dores. These stevedores were few in number ; and, in times of great hurry of business, in order to an equitable di- vision of their services, the vessels were accustomed to take their turns in the order in which they were reported as ready to receive cargo. If, when the time came round for a particular vessel to load, she was not ready, her name was transferred to the bottom of the list. It was my lot to experience some of the effects of this custom. My turn came to load. The work commenced and continued till Saturday night, when I ordered the hatches closed, and forbid any work being done on board till Monday morning. The ste- vedore and his gang, muttering curses, left the vessel, threatening to do no more work on board. Monday came. I made application to the commission merchant, and was informed that I had lost my turn in loading, and must wait until it came 749 3S1 SABBATH, THE CHRISTIAN. round again, and that the stevedore and his gang had gone on board another ves- sel. To aggravate my disappointment, I found that a hostile feeling had sprung up against me, and was participated in by all around. The merchant was studiously polite and respectful as be- fore, but no longer familiar. Masters of vessels avoided my society. Evil disposed persons busied themselves in doing me secret injuries, cutting my rigging in the night time, and in other ways showing their malice. Our de- votional exercises, morning and evening, were interrupted, and our efforts to do good derided and mocked. Thus things went on, until our turn came round again ; when, there being no other vessel ready to load, we were left to do our work in our own way. The loss of time, occasioned by the re- fusal to load on the Sabbath, amounted to several weeks ; but after all was it in fact a loss ? The result will show. It was now Saturday night again, the lading of the ship was completed, and we were ready for sea. The Sabbath dawned, and with it came a fresh and fair wind. Shall we improve it, and violate the day, and that too after so many sacrifices to pro- mote its sanctification ? It was not to be thought of, and hoisting the Bethel flag as an invitation for our shipmates to come on board, we spent the day in devotional exercises. It was a happy Sabbath to all on board. Monday morning early we were un- der sail for the lower harbor, several miles distant. On our way, we passed two brigs aground with lighters along side discharging their hides in order to light- en them and get them off. They left the upper harbor on the Sabbath, and here they were, and like to be until the next fair wind had blown itself out. On reaching the lower harbor we found to our surprise, lying at anchor, upwards of forty sail of shipping waiting for a wind. Among them were all the ves- sels that had cleared for the last month or more, including every vessel that had obtained an advantage over us in re- j spect to loading. I We had now to obtain a pilot and get I 750 to sea when the wind came fair and be- fore it had spent itself. These were by no means matters easy to be accom- plished. Pilots were few, and vessels many, and here, loo, the principle of ro- tation was rigidly enforced. The winds, meanwhile, when fair, were short-lived and feeble, and the har at the entrance of the harbor, too danger- ous to pass without a pilot. But He who had sustained us through previous trials for his name's sake, did not forsake us now. A pilot who had been on a long visit to the interior, re- turned to the sea-board and resumed his duties on the very day we reached the outer harbor, and presenting him- self on board, offered to pilot us to sea. Tuesday morning found us, with a fair wind, a pilot on board, and under way at day-light. We M^ere the second vessel over the bar, and among the first to arrive in the United States. The getting out of cargo, its expo- sure and sale, were matters of no little interest. We t/ie7i found that " in keep- ing the commandments of God there is great reward." Our cargo, owing to the delay in getting it on board, received unusual attention at our hands, and was in perfect shipping order when stowed away, and came out in the same good condition. The cargoes of the other vessels came out very differently, with a loss in some cases of 20, 30, and even 50 per cent. This loss was occasioned in part by hurrying the hides on board in the first instance without their being thoroughly dried, in order to greater dispatch, and in part to the unusual de- tention of the vessels at the port of lading. From these two causes combi- ned, and the activity of the wevils that took possession of the hides, and riddled them through and through, several of those voyages turned out splendid fail- ures. (g) FOUR FISHING VESSELS. — Capt. Bourne states that about 1829, he went out from Rhode Island in a brig on a fishing voyage along the coast of Labrador, with a crew of thirteen men. Three other vessels, with larger crews, from the same state, accompa- nied him. When they arrived upon the EXAMPLES OF THE CONSCIENTIOUS, ETC. 3§1, 383 ground, Captain B. determined that he and his crew should sacredly regard the Sabbath ; but the other crews prose- cuted their employment on that day the same as on others. After fishing with them in company for two weeks, and finding it in some respects quite disa- greeable, he parted from them, and went farther north, and fished in com- pany with English vessels, who pursued the same course respecting the Sabbath day which he did himself. Trusting in that Providence which favors those who regard the true and right, he was not disappointed. He and his men suc- ceeded in getting a " full voyage," cu- red their fish and sold it some four weeks sooner than any of the Sabbath- breaking vessels that accompanied them. What was better, Capt. B. and his crew made more profits to a share in less time, than those who profaned the Sabbath and wore themselves out by laboring hard seven davs in the week. (h) SABBATH-KEEPING FISH- ERMEN.— A gentleman, says Dr. Ed- wards, who resides in a fishing town, and who has made extensive inquiries, remarks, " Those who fish on the Sab- bath do not, ordinarily, take any more, during the season, than those who keep the Sabbath. They do not make more money, or prosper better for this world. One man followed fishing eight years. The first four he fished on the Sabbath. The next four he strictly kept the Sab- bath, and is satisfied that it was for his advantage in a temporal point of view. Another man, who was accustomed for some years to fish on the Sabbath, af- terwards discontinued it, and found that his profits were greater than before. Another man testifies that, in the year 1827, he and his men took more fish by far than any who were associated with them, though he kept the Sabbath and they did not. It was invariably his practice to rest from Saturday till Mon- day. Though it was an unfavorable season for the fisheries, he was greatly prospered in every way, and to such an extent that many regarded his success as almost miraculous. Examples like the above might be multiplied to almost any extent. So far as I can learn by diligent inquiry. all who have left off fishing on the Sab- bath, without an exception, think the change has been for their temporal ad- vantage. (i) IMPORTANT TESTIMONY. — A gentlemen, says Dr. Edwards, be- longing to a fishing town, which sends out more than two hundred vessels in a year, writes as follows : " I think it may safely be stated that those vessels which have not fished on the Sabbath have, taken together, met with 7nore than ordinary success. The vessel whose earnings were the highest, the last year and the year before, was one on board which the Sabbath was kept by refraining from labor, and by reli- gious worship. There is one firm which has had eight vessels in its employ this season. Seven have fished on the Sab- bath, and one has not. That one has earned seven hundred dollars more than the most successful of the six. There are two other firms employing each three vessels. Two out of the three, in each case, have kept the Sabbath, and in each case have earned more than two-thirds of the profits.'^ (j) SAD END OF SABBATH- BREAKERS.— A distinguished mer- chant, in a large city, said to Dr. Edwards, " It is about thirty years since I came to this city ; and every man through this whole range, who came down to his store, or suffered his counting-room to be opened on the Sabbath, has lost his property. There is no need of breaking the Sab- bath, and no benefit from it. We have not had a vessel leave the harbor on the Sabbath for more than twenty years. It is altogether better to get them off" on a week day than on the Sabbath." It is better even for this world. And so with all kinds of secular business. Men may seem to gain for a time by the profanation of the Sabbath ; but it does not end well. Their disappointment, even here, often comes suddenly. M. Examples of the Conscientious, &e. (a) MATTHEW HALE'S EXAM- PLE. — The following declaration of Sir Matthew Hale is an illustration of this truth : " Though my hands and my mind 751 382 SABBATH, THE CHRISTIAN. have been as full of secular business, both before and after I was judge, as, it may be, any man's in England, yet I never wanted time in six days to ripen and fit myself for the business and em- ployments I had to do, though I bor- rowed not one minute from the Lord's day to prepare for it, by study or other- wise. But, on the other hand, if I had, at any time, borrowed from this day any time for my secular employment, I found it did further me less than if I had let it alone ; and therefore, w|ien some years' experience, upon a most attentive and vigilant observation, had given me this instruction, I grew per- emptorily resolved never in this kind to make a breach upon the Lord's day, which I have now strictly observed for more than thirty years." {h) WASHINGTON'S EXAM- PLE. — In one of the towns of Connec- ticut, when the roads were extremely bad, Washington, the President of the United States, was overtaken one Sat- urday night, not being able to reach the village where he designed to rest on the Sabbath. Next morning, about sun-rise, his coach was harnessed, and he was proceeding forwards to an inn, near the place of worship which he proposed to attend. A plain man, who was an informing officer, came from a cottage, and inquired of the coachman, whether there was any urgent reason for his traveling on the Lord's day. The general, instead of resenting this as impertinent rudeness, ordered the driver to stop, and with great civility explained the circumstances to the offi- cer, commending him for his fidelity, and assuring him that nothing was far- ther from his intention than to treat with disrespect the laws and usages of Connecticut, relative to the Sabbath, which met his most cordial approba- tion. How many admirers of Wash- mgton might receive instruction and reproof from his example ! (c) SENTENCE WORTHY OF REMEMBRANCE.— A man who had been accustomed to go with the cars on week days, informed his wife that he had been requested to go with the cars on the Sabbath. She replied,"! take it for granted that you do not in- 752 tend to go." Such was her confidence in her husband, that she took it for granted that he would not do a wicked thing for money. He told her that, if he should not go, he might lose Jiis place ; that he had no other employ- ment, the .times were hard, and he had a family to support. "I know it," said she, " but I hope you will not for- get that, if a man cannot support a fam- ily by keeping the Sabbath, he certain- ly cannot support them by breaking it" — a sentence which ought to be written in letters of gold, and held up to the view of all Christendom. "I am very glad," said the man, " that you think- so. I think so myself. That was what I wanted — to see whether we think alike." He told the superintend- ent that he liked his situation, and should be very sorry to lose it, but that he could not go with the mail on the Sabbath ; that he \vished to attend pub- lic worship, and go with his children to the Sabbath-school. He did not lose his place, nor did he suffer in a pecuni- ary point of view. He prospered more than before, and lived to bear his testi- mony, not only to the duty, but to the utility, even for this world, of keeping the Sabbath. (d) JOHN ADAMS AND THE SABBATH.— The elder John Adams, while President of the United States, as he was returning from the country to his family in Boston, was interrupted by a New England snow storm, which effectually blocked up his way. He was then at Andover, twenty miles from Boston, where his family, as he had learned, were waiting his arrival. Sab- bath morning, the roads became for the first time passable. On the question of going to Boston that day, it was the opinion of the clergyman of the place, that the circumstances of his detention, and the sickness of his family would justify his traveling on the Sabbath. His reply was, that the justifiable occa- sion in this case would not prevent the bad influence of his example on those who might see him traveling on the Sabbath, without knowing the cause. He therefore decided to wait till Monday. (e) HAPPY EFFECTS OF DE- CISION. — In one of the ports near the EVILS OF SABBATH-BREAKING. 3S3 southern shore of Lake Erie, the little band of Christians were often disturbed by the arrival and departure of steam- boats and stages, especially by one .chiefly owned in the village, which left the port regularly every Sabbath morn- ing. The Presbyterian minister exert- ed himself both in public and private to enlighten the people, and show them the duty of keeping the Sabbath holy ; and publicly announced his determination to do his best to have the Sabbath-breaker as promptly disciplined as any other sinner. One Saturday night about sunset, an estimable member of his church called to ask his advice. Fie said he had bu- siness to a large amount that must be done at the bank in B — , on Wednesday, or a sad loss of credit and money would be the consequence ; that he had cal- culated to go in a boat on Friday ; but storms had prevented it coming in, that the stage would go on the Sabbath, and not again till Tuesday ; that the boat then in the harbor would go out in the morning, but no other boat was expect- ed for some days. And now what should he do ? He was not rich, and a delay would cost him a serious loss. He had subscribed beyond his means (and such was the fact.) for building a meeting-house, and supporting the min- ister, and economized in every way possible to meet his debts. He was told that his case was a hard one ; but that the circumstances of it would not justify him in breaking the command of God ; that he had better lose a hundred dollars, or go on horse- back, or even on foot to the next port (50 miles) than break the Sabbath. Seeing that his minister was inflexible, he relinquished his Sabbath voyage, called on several others in town in sim- ilar circumstances, mostly professed Christians, told them his determination, and invited them to go with him in ex- tra stages early on Monday morning. This they did, and had a pleasant and profitable trip. The steamboat lost by that single circumstance upwards of one hundred and twenty dollars. And the proprie- tors of the boat immediately changed the day of leaving the port from Sunday 48 to Thursday. And the following year, their boat was regularly laid by every Sabbath through the season. EVILS OF SABBATH-BREAKING. 383. Vice and Crime. (a) ENGLISH CRIMINALS.— A gentleman in England, who was in the habit, for more than twenty years, of daily visiting convicts, states that, al- most universally, when brought to a sense of their condition, they lamented their neglect of the Sabbath, and point- ed to their violation of it as the princi- pal cause of their ruin. That prepared them for, and led them on, step by step, to the commission of other crimes, and finally to the commission of that which brought them to the prison, and often to the gallows. He has letters almost in- numerable, he says, from others, prov- ing the same thing, and that they consi- dered the violation of the Sabbath the great cause of their ruin. He has at- tended three hundred and fifty at the place of execution, when they were put to death for their crimes. And nine out of ten who were brought to a sense of their condition attributed the greater part of their departure from God to their neglect of the Sabbath. \b) TESTIMONY OF CRIMI- NALS. — A gentleman, who was con- versant with prisoners for more than thirty years, stated, that he found in all his experience, both with regard to those who had been capitally convicted and those who had not, that they refer- red to the violation of the Sabbath as the chief cause of their crimes ; and that this has been confirmed by all the opportunities he has had of examining prisoners. Not that this has been the only cause of crime ; but, like the use of intoxicating liquors, it has greatly in- creased public and private immorality, and been the means, in a multitude of cases, of premature death. (c) A WARDEN'S TESTIMONY. — A gentleman, who has had charge of more than one hundred thousand pri- soners, and has taken special pains to ascertain the causes of their crimes^ 753 383, 3§ 4 SABBATH, THE CHRISTIAN. says, that he does not recollect a single case of capita] offence where the party had not been a Sabbath-breaker. And in many cases they assured him that Sabbath-breaking was the first step in their downward course.^ Indeed, he says, with reference to prisoners of all classes, nineteen out of twenty have ne- glected the Sabbath and other ordinances of religion. And he has often met with prisoners about to expiate their crimes by an ignominious death, who earnestly enforced upon the survivors the necessity of an observance of the Sabbath, and ascribed their own course of iniquity to a non.observance of that day. Says the keeper of one of the largest prisons, " Nine-tenths of our inmates are those who did not value the Sa.bbath, and were not in the habit of attending public 20orship." (d) VOICE FROM AUBURN PRI- SON.— Of twelve hundred and thirty- two convicts who had been committed to the Auburn State Prison previously to the year 1838. four hundred and forty-seven had been watermen, either boatmen or sailors — men who, to a great extent, had been kept at work on the Sabbath, and thus deprived of the rest and privileges of that day. Of those twelve hundred and thirty-two convicts, only'tv/enty-six4iad conscientiously kept the Sabbath. (e) CRIMINALS IN MASS. STATE PRISON.— Of one hundred men admitted to the Massachusetts State Prison in one year, eighty-nine thad lived in habitual violation of the Sab- bath and neglect of public worship. (/) SUSPICIOUS APPRENTICE. — A distinguished merchant, long ac- customed to extensive observation and experience, and who had gained an un- common knowledge of men, said, '' When I see one of my apprentices or clerk? riding out on the Sabbath, on Monday I ^dismiss him. Such an one cannot be trusted." (g) MURDERERS IN NEW- GATE. — In the evening, says a writer in an English Magazine, I stepped into St. Sepulchre's, Snow-hill. Dr. Rudge, a preacher of some note in the metro- polis, is evening lecturer here ; and we 754 had a sermon from him in behalf of a parochial charity, by which fifty-one poor boys of the parish are supported and educated. Pie took occasion to re- mark, that his official situation (as chaplain to Newgate) often led him to hear the confessions of malefactors, under sentence of death ; and that in almost every instance, they ascribed their ruin to their desertion of the house of God, and the violation of the day of rest. S84. Various Evils. (a) LESSON FOR YOUNG MEN. — Seven young men, in a town in Massachusetts, started in the same business nearly at the same time. Six of them had some property or assistance from their friends, and followed their busi- ness seven days in a week. The other had less property than either of the six. He had less assistance from others, and worked in his business only six days in a week. He is now (1845) the only man who has property, and has not failed in his business. (b) "THE FINGER OF GOD." — A man who ridiculed the idea that God makes a difference in his provi- dence between those who yield visible obedience to his laws and those who do not, had been engaged, on a certain. Sabbath, in gathering his crops into his barn. The next week he had occasion to take fire out into his field in order to burn some brush. He left it, as he supposed, safely, and went in to dinner. The wind took the fire andljarried it into his barn- yard, which was filled with combustibles, and, before he was aware of it, the flames were bursting out of liis barn. He arose in amazement, saw that all was lost, and fixing his eyes on the curling flames, stood speechless. Then, pointing to the rising column of fire, he said, with a solemn emphasis, " That is the finger of God." (c) FAILURES OF SABBATH- BREAKERS.— The following fact, communicated by a respectable mer- chant of New- York, is well worthy of notice : — " I have particularly observ- ed," says the gentleman, "that those merchants in New-York who have kept their counting-rooms open on the Sab- SABBATH-BREAKING UNNECESSARY. 3S4, 3§5 bath day, during my residence there (twenty-five years), have failed without exception." In another part of the country an old man remarked, " I can recollect more than fifty years ; but I cannot recollect a case of a man, in this town, who was accustomed to work on the Sabbath, who did not fail or lose his property be- fore he died." {d) WAY WHICH WORKS BEST. — A distinguished mechanic, in a part of the country where the Sab- bath was disregarded, had been accus- tomed for a time to keep his men at work on that day. He was afterwards at work for^a man who regarded the Sabbath, and who, on Saturday, was anxious to know what he intended to do ; and therefoVe asked, " What do you expect to do to-morrow ?" He said, " I expect to stop, and keep the Sabbath. 1 used to worl;: on the Sab- bath, and often obtained higher wages than on other days. But I so often lost, during the week, more than all I could gain on the Sabbath, that I gave it up years ago. I have kept the Sabbath since, and I find it works better." It does work better. And all who make the experiment will, in due time, find it so. (O MORE LOSSES THAN GAINS. — " I used," said the master of a vessel, " sometimes to work on the Sabbath ; but something would happen, by which I lost so much more than I gained by working on the Sabbath, that on one occasion, after having been at work and met with some disaster, I swore most profanely that I never would work again, or sufter my men to work on that day. And I never have." He fmds it works better. He does not swear now. He has induced many others not to swear, and not to break the Sabbath. He finds that in the keep- ing of God's commands there is great reward. Ail who obey them will find the same. (/) OLD MAN'S REMARK.— An old gentleman in Boston remarked, *' Men do not gain any thing by work- ing on the Sabbath. I can recollect men who, when I was a boy, used to load their vessels down on the Long Wharf, and keep their men at work from morning to night on the Sabbath day. But they have come to nothing. Their children have come to nothing. Depend upon it, men do not gain any thing, in the end, by working on the Sabbath." {g) THE PEDLER'S EXPERI- ENCE.— The Rev. Dr. Benedict, of Plainfield, gave a writer in the Connec- ticut Observer, the following account a few years before his death. Soon after he left college he had oc- casion to travel southward as far as the State of North Carolina. Being unac- quainted with the way, he was desir- ous of finding some one to accompany him. A man who had frequently tra- veled 'that road in the business of a pedier, was about to commence the journey, and informed him that it would afford him pleasure to be his companion and guide. They accordingly set out together. At the close of the week Mr. B. remarked to his companion, that the journey thus far had been pleasant to him ; " but,'"' added he, " I know not how I shall do next week, provided you intend to continue your journey on the Sabbath. I cannot proceed till Mon- day, and if you leave me, I shall pro- pably lose my way." The man re- plied, "I have not traveled on the Sab- bath for several years, though my busi- ness leads me to take long journeys. I formerly did ; but I always lost more than 1 gained by the practice. Some hinderance or accident would occur on the following week, which convinced me that it is for my interest to rest up- on the Sabbath." 38§. Sabbath-breaking Unnecessary. {a) SABBATH-KEEPING MILL- OWNER. — At the second annual meet- ing of the Society for * Promoting the due Observance of the Lord's Day, the Rev. FL Stowell stated, that at a large meeting, which was held at Manches- ter, (Eng.,) to petition the legislature on the better observance of the Sab- bath, a leading spinner came forward, and said, that there was nothing more common than to hear from his brother spinners and master manufacturers this 755 385 SABBATH, THE CHRISTIAN. assertion, " If you stop the mill altoge- ther on Sunday, you must frequently stop it on Monday also; because, if the engine gets out of order, or any other necessary repair be required, it must be done on the Sunday, or the mill cannot proceed on the Monday." Now, all this seems mighty plausible, said the good man, but 1 can prove it to be false ; for in my mill I never suffer a stroke to be struck on the Sabbath ; and on one occasion, my boiler had suffered a mis- fortune on a Saturday, and I feared the mill must stop on the Monday, but de- termined to try what could be done. I sent for a leading engineer, and said to him, " Can you have the mill ready to work on Monday morning ?" " Yes, certainly I can." "But then," said I, " you mean to work on Sunday ?" " Of course, sir." •' But," said I, " you shall not do it in my mill." " But I cannot mend the boiler, if I do not," said he. I said, " I do not care, you shall not work in my mill on Sunday. I would rather that my mill stood the whole of Monday, than that the Sab- bath should be violated in it !" The man said, " You are different from all other masters." I said, " My Bible, not the conduct of others, is my rule ; and you must do it without working on Sunday, or I will try to get somebody else." This had the desired effect : they set to work, and worked till twelve o'clock on the Saturday night, and began again at twelve o'clock on the Sunday night ; and the repairs were finished, and the mill was in full work, at the usual hour on Monday morninir. (b) THE DRUGGIST'S CONFES- SION. — A chemist and druggist once remarked to an American author, " There was a time when I used to court business on the Lord's day ; and, shel- tering myself under the alleged neces- sity of being at hand to supply medi- cine in case of illness, I employed my- self in preparing a quantity of tinctures, weighing packets of soda-water pow- ders, and many such like things, not because they were needed, but really for the sake of saving time on other days. At that time I did take more money on the Sabbath than on any other day, not a pennv in a shilling of 756' which was for matters of real necessi- ty. When I began to see it my duty to act differently, and refused to sell, on the Sabbath, perfumery, cigars, and other matters, of mere luxury and fan- cy, I offended a few of my customers, and expected to find that I had seri- ously injured my business ; but in a little time people fell into my arrange- ments, and left off coming for such things. I now enjoy my Sabbaths un- disturbed, except in cases of real need, to which, of course, I readily attend. Every customer whom I would wish to return has come back to me ; and, tak- ing into account the saving of Sunday expenses, which almost invariably coun- tervail Sunday gains, I can say, with humble thankfulness, that my prosperity is now greater than e^^r." (c) THE PHYSICIAN AND HIS PATIENTS.— A distinguished practi- tioner was harassed with calls on the Sabbath — his Sabbaths were broken — he was detained from public worship ; it was a trial to him to be obliged to serve his patrons so often and so con- stantly on the Sabbath. At length he adopted this expedient : he let it be known that he viewed the Sabbath as the Lord's day — sacred to his worship, and that he must regard his calls upon the sick on that day as works of neces- sity and mercy, and thai he should make no charge for his services on that day. He supposed that people would not call on him in these circumstances, that they would have too much goodness to ask his services gratuitously, and that he should have few calls and be free to attend public worship. But to his sur- prise it increased the evil ; — if his ser- vices were to be given on the Sabbath, every body wanted him on the Sabbath ; and he was sent for here and there and all about. There was no keeping the Sabbath so. He accordingly changed the tables, and gave out that he should make a double charge for travels and vi- sits 071 the Sabbath, and of course it would cost as much again to be sick on the Sabbath as any other day of the week. This expedient had the desired effect ; he could do up his business Sa- turday night, and with the exception of a few extreme cases, he could have his SABBATH-BREAKERS REPROVED. S§.5, 3§6 Sabbaths for religious uses, and regu- larly attend public worship. (d) THE MINISTER HIRING HIS NEIGHBOR.— An eminent min. ister in Wales, hearing of a neighbor who followed his calling on the Lord's day, went and aked him why he broke tiie Sabbath. The man replied, that he was driven to it, by finding it hard work to maintain his family. " Will you at- tend public worship," said Mr. P., "if 1 pay you a week day's wages ?" " Yes, most gladly," said the poor man. He attended constantly, and received his pay. After some time Mr. P. forgot to send the money ; and recollecting it, called upon the man and said, " I am in your debt." " No, sir," he replied, " you are not." " How so," said Mr. P., '• I have not paid you of late." " True," answered the man, " but I can now trust God ; for I have found that he can bless the work of six days for the support of my family, just the same as seven." Ever after that he strictly kept the Sabbath, and found that in keeping God's commands, there is not only no loss, but great reward. 386. SABBATH-BREAKERS REPROVED. (a) THE BLIND MAN AND HIS WIFE. — A pious man came into west- ern New- York, from one of the New England States. He was then perfectly blind. He had a near relative in this country, who advised him to leave or sell his farm, and come and reside with him, to be taken care of. He then had a wife of a similar religious character, (since dead.) They accepted the pro- posal of their relative and came ; and, coming from society highly refined and moral, they were not prepared to en- counter the disadvantages, and real evils, which attended a society the re- verse of this. Their first Sabbath in " York state," he declared, would ne- ver be forgotten. No sooner was its sacred dawn ushered in, than shooting and other recreations commenced in the immediate vicinity of his relative, while the latter, being a merchant, dealt out the whisky to all who applied. Con- sequently the day was trampled on, and its hallowed hours spent in dissipation. Before breakfast, which was delayed to receive a party of visitors from another town, this devoted pair resolved to seek .some retreat from the noise and pro- faneness, fled into an adjacent wood, the wife taking the Bible and leading her blind husband. Here, in the deep soli- tude of the forest, they spent the first Sabbath in fasting and prayer, and read ing the Word of God. After the Sab- bath was past, they informed their rela- tive, they could not live with him if such were the manner of spending the Sabbath, in amusements and dissipation. They must have a house of their own. He replied, that it would avail nothing, for people would visit him on the Sab- bath. Mr. D said firmly, that he would risk their visits to him. Accord- ingly a house was provided. The first Sabbath in their new residence, two ot their neighbors called to see them, one of whom was a magistrate. His wife was reading the Bible. After passing the usual compliments, and providing seats, she went on reading aloud. Be- fore the chapter was finished, one of the visitors left, and before the close of the second, the other left. But he was not troubled with visitors. He com- menced visiting some of his ungodly neighbors, and conversing with them on the subject of religion, his wife leading him. Soon they began to hold meetings on the Sabbath, and many attended. The wife read sermons, and the hus- band prayed and exhorted. One wick- ed man, whose shop was opposite the meeting, set open his door, and worked in order to disturb it. The next Sab- bath, this same man came into the meet- ing, fell on his knees, confessing his sins and asking forgiveness. The Lord came down by his Spirit on that wicked neighborhood, and forty became the members of a church, afterwards form- ed in that place, as the fruits of that re- 757 386, 3§'7 SABBATH SCHOOLS. vival. There was no regular preach- , ing in the place previously, and it was | evidently through the instrumentality j of this blind man and his wife. That j church, the writer is acquainted with. It is quite flourishing. They have built a handsome house of worship, and settled a minister to break unto them the bread of life. (b) MR. CRUDEN AND THE GARDENER.— Mr. Cruden, during the last year of his life, lived in terms of the strictest intimacy with the Rev. David Wilson, minister of the Presby- terian congregation. Bow Lane, Lon- don. The two friends were in the habit of paying frequent visits to Mr. Gordon, a pious nurseryman in the neighborhood of the metropolis. One evening Mr. Gordon informed Mr. Wil- son, that a young Scottish gardener in his employment, who usually attended divine service at Bow Lane, sometimes absented himself from public worship without a sufficient caus.e, and was be- sides rather indolent, desiring the minis- ter td admonish him. The young man was accordingly called into the parlor, and Mr. Wilson concluded a solemn ad- dress with these words : " Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." " Have you done, sir ?" said Mr. Cru- den. " Yes," replied Mr. Wilson. " Then," rejoined Mr. Cruden, " you have forgotten one-half of the command- ment : Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work, &c. ; for if a man docs not labor six days pf the week, he is not likely to rest properly on the se- venth." (c) THE LOST MOTION. — A motion was once made in the House of Commons for raising and embodying the militia, and, for the purpose of sav- ing time, to exercise them on the Sab- bath. When the resolution was about to pass, an old gentleman stood up, and said, " Mr. Speaker, I have one objec- tion to make to this ; I believe in an old book called the Bible." The mem- bers looked at one another, and the mo- tion was dropped. SABBATH SCHOOL^. VARIOUS SALUTARY INFLUENCES, ETC. 387. In Promoting Religions Knowledge and Intellectual Culture. (a) THE "TENNESSEE TES- TAMENT."— In the year 1831, a young man from Tennessee, apparently about twenty-two years of age, wan- dered into a Sabbath school in the State of Illinois, and after having gazed awhile upon the objects that surrounded him, seated himself near one of the classes that was then engaged in recitation. He was noticed by the superintendent as apparently much interested in what he heard, and at the close, was asked whether he would like to join the school. He replied promptly in the affirmative. Next Sabbath a place was assigned him in one of the classes ; and after he had been there a few weeks, the superin- tendent offered him a library book, but he refused to take it, assigning as a rea- 758 son that he was compelled to labor dur- ing the week for his livelihood, that ho had little time for reading, and all he could spare from his work he wished to spend in reading his Testament. He was then holding one in his hand, which had been given him from the library ; and as he spoke of his Testament, his coun|cnance brightened, and he said, with much apparent feeling, " This Testament is worth twenty Tennessee Testaments." The superintendent was at first at a loss for his meaning ; but a moment's reflection made it obvious. He had read the Testament in Tennes- see, and loved it ; but when he came to study it in the Sabbath school so much new light was thrown upon it by tlie instruction of the superintendent and his teacher, that the one which he used in the Sabbath school seemed to him a new book, and worth twenty of ' the Testaments which he had been ac- customed to read in Tennessee. VARIOUS SALUTARY INFLUENCES, ETC. 38T (b) DAUGHTER EXPLAINING THE BIBLE.— A teacher called at a neighbor's house, and the parents being absent, questioned the children about the creation, the flood, &c. They ap- peared much surprised at the questions, and were as unable to answer them as though they had related to another plan- et. They did not attend the Sabbath school. In tlie same neighborhood lived ano- ther child, whose age was about the av- erage age of those children just men- tioned, and her advantages, excepting the Sabbath school, of which she was a member, were no better than theirs. As her father called on the superinten- dent to inquire the meaning of a certain passage of Scripture, he remarked that he was in the habit of asking his daugh- ter the meaning of obscure portions of the Bible, and that he seldom failed of obtaining a satisfactory explanation. (c) A SCHOLAR BECOMING BLLND AND DEAF.— A writer in ''The Children's Friend," for 183S, states that while attending an eminent surgeon to have an operation performed on one of his eyes, a friend of his led into the same room a young woman who was completely blind and deaf. This sad condition had been brought on suddenly, by a violent pain in the head. Her case was examined by a^ number of surgeons then present, all of whom pro- nounced it incurable. She was led back to the house of my friend, when she eagerly inquired what the doctor said about her case, and whether he could afford her any relief. The only method by which her inquiries could be answered was by tapping her hand, which signified No ; and by squeezing it, which signified Yes ; for she could not hear the loudest noise, nor distin- guish day from night. She had to re- ceive for her answer on this occasion, the unwelcome tap. No. She burst in- to tears, and wept aloud in all the bit- terness of despair. "What!" said she, " shall I never again sec the light of day, nor hear a human voice ? Must I remain incapable of all social intercourse — shut up in silence and darkness while I live ?" Again she wept. The scene was truly affecting. Had she been able to see, she might have been pointed to the Bible as a source of comfort. Had she been able to hear, words of consola- tion might have been spoken ; but, alas ! those channels to the mind were closed, to be opened no more in this world. Her friends could pity, but they could not relieve ; and what made her case still more deplorable, she was an orphan, had no father or mother, or brother or sister, to iphy and care for her. She was entirely dependent upon a few pi- ous friends for her support. This she felt, and continued to weep, till my friend, with great presence of mind, took up the Bible, and placed it to her breast. She felt it, and said, " Is this the Bible ?" Sbe was answered that it was. She held it to her bosom, and said, '• This is the only comfort I have left, though I shall never be able to read it any more ;" and began to repeat some of its promises, such as, " Cast thy burden on the Lord, and he will sustain thee." " As thy day is, so shall thy strength be." "Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee." " My grace is sufficient for thee," etc. In a moment she dried her tears, and became one • of the happiest persons I ever saw. She never seemed to de- plore her condition afterwards. I have many times heard her speak of the strong consolations she felt. Happily for this young woman, she had been taken, when a very little girl, to a Sunday School, where she enjoyed the only opportunity she ever had of learning to read the Bible, and where slie had committed to memory those passages of Scripture which now became her comfort. With great gratitude she used to speak of her teachers, who, she said, not only taught her to read, but took pains to instruct her in the things that belonged to her etefnal peace. " What would have become of me, had I not then been taught the way of sal- vation, for now I am deprived of all out- ward means 1" was her constant lan- guage. (d) MILITARY PENSIONER.— An aged man in America, a military (pensioner, who commenced his Christian life at threescore years and ten, was in- duced to join a Sabbath school. Speak- 759 3§8, S89 SABBATH SCHOOLS. ing of the benefits derived from the school, he said he had been in the habit of reading the Bible from his youth, and had read it through many times, and thought he understood it tolerably well ; but when he joined the Sabbath school, he found it was necessary to do something more than read the Bible. He had to search the Scriptures. And it led him to observe, that we are no- where commanded to read the Bible, but every where directed and encouraged to ^'search the Scriptures." S88. Influence in Promoting Attendance on Public Worship. (a) LEADING PARENTS TO WORSHIP.— A little girl one Sabbath morning was much affected under the sermon, and on her return home, ear- nestly entreated her mother would ac- company her to chapel in the evening to hear how delightfully the minister talked about Jesus Christ. The child was so intent on this object that she made the request with tears, and the mother, at last, consented to accompany her importunate girl to the chapel . The preacher chose for his text, " I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ ; for it is the power of God unto salvation," Rom. i. 16. The woman was seriously and effectually impressed by the word of God, was led earnestly to seek salva- tion, and obtained mercy by faith in Christ Jesus. The wife now naturally became anxious for the salvation of her husband, and persuaded him also to at- tend the chapel. He also submitted to the influence of the truth, and both the parents became grateful to God for the child whose importunity led them to hear the fijospel of salvation. (h) DYING GIRL AND HER FATHER.— A little girl went to the Peter-street, Wardour-street, Sunday school, Westminster, for about two years: her conduct and conversation were always very exemplary. Her parents paid little or no regard to reli- gion ; but when, on a Sunday, her father was going out to take his pleasure she would often say, " Father, the people are going and coming out of church, why do you not go ?" and such like ex- pressions. Her death was caused by 760 an accident, some boiling liquid being thrown over her, on the 20th of Novem- ber, 1821. She lingered until the next day, and then died, aged eight years. She bore the anguish with great pa- tience and resignation ; and about two hours before her death, she said to her father, "I am going to heaven ; I hope you will go to chapel, that you may go to heaven when you die ;" and he sol- emnly promised to do as she requested. He accordingly attended public worship), and the first discourses he heard all seemed to be directed only to and for him. He then had reason to remember his dear child, and her words ; and a radical change ensued. He constantly attended there ; the word of eternal life was blessed to his soul, and he became a communicant. There was also a change at home ; the mother generally attended with her husband. Thus, through the instrumentality of this little girl, a whole family was brought near to God. (c) A SCHOOL'S INFLUENCE. — In a town in Massachusetts there was a large neighborhood, where many of the inhabitants were accustomed to spend the Sabbath in hunting, fishing, drunk- enness, and profaneness. There was only one professor of religion in the place. She went to the church with which she was connected, three or four miles distant, and asked if something could not be done to serve her neigh- bors? A few teachers were sent out to commence a Sabbath school there. One year after, most of the inhabitants had found their way to the house of God, where they afterwards attended regu- larly : and one old man who had lived eighty years, zealously declaring to all around him, that the " wicked shall not be turned into hell with all the nations that forget God," erected the family al- tar, and gave pleasing evidence that he had commenced a new life. The whole moral character of that neigborhood is radically changed. 3S9. In Promoting Benevolence and other Virtues. {a) THE LITTLE GIRL AND THE LOS^r POCKET-BOOK.— A gentlemen jumping from an omnibus VARIOUS SALUTARY INFLUENCES, ETC. 389 in the city of New- York, dropped his pocket-book, and had gone some (]istance before he discovered its loss ; then hastily returning, inquired of every passenger whom he met, if a pocket- book had been seen. Finally, meeting a little girl often years old, to whom he made the same inquiry, she asked, -' what kind of a pocket-book ?" He described it — ^then unfolding her apron, '• is this it ?" " Yes, that is mine ; come into this store with me." They entered, lie opened the book, counted the notes, and examined the papers. " They are all right," said he ; " fifteen notes of a thousand dollars each ; had they fallen into other hands, I might never have seen them again ; take then, my little girl, this note of a thousand dollars, as a reward for your honesty, and a lesson to me, to be more careful in future." " No," said the girl, " 1 cannot ^ke it ; I have been taught at Sunday school not to keep what is not mine, and my parents would not be pleased if I took the note home, they might suppose I had stolen it." " Well, then, my girl, show me where your parents live." The girl took him to an humble tene- ment in an obscure street, rude, but cleanly; he informed the parents of the case ; they told him their child had act- ed correctly. They were poor, it was true, but their pastor had always told them not to set their hearts on rich gifts. The gentleman told them they must take it, and he was convinced they would make a good use of it, from the principle they had professed. The pious parents then blessed their benefactor, for such he proved, they paid their debts which had disturbed their peace, and the benevolent giver furnished him employment in his occu- pation, as a carpenter, enabling him to rear an industrious family in compara- tive happiness. This little girl became the wife of a respectable tradesman of New- York, and had reason to rejoice that she was born of pious parents, who had secured their daughter's hap- piness by sending her to Sunday school. {b) ORIGIN OF A MISSIONARY SOCIETY.— The Rev. Richard Knill writes, in January, 1837, — " There is a town in England where the Sunday scholatrs are showing their love to the heathen ; a beautiful description of which was sent to me by their minister. I give it in his own words : — ' " ' But you should have been with us last Sabbath, for God has turned his hands upon the little ones. You remem- ber, when you were here, I told you that the young people, who were flock- ing around you, composed my spiritual family, and that they had raised a Sabbath school Missionary Society. How it happened, I cannot precisely relate ; but a few months ago the children began to be very desirous to havp a society of their own, and one little girl came to her teacher, and told her, with tears, that she had been praying to God a great while to put it into the heart of her mo- ther to give her a penny, to send the news of salvation to the children of the poor heathen. I knew the complaints which had been made respecting the contributions of older persons, but what could I do ? If the love of Christ had been enkindled in the breasts of those of tenderest yeai*s, was it for me to strive to quench it ? Thirty or forty of the dear little creatures met privately in the vestry, on Sabbath morning, for prayer, and to read the rules of the society, and I never expect to have more sublime or more tender emotions excited in my bo- som, until I join the company of the redeemed, than I felt when I looked up- on this part of the army of Jesus, who met at the footstool of divine mercy, to grasp in their feeble hands the banners of the cross, and who stood prepared to wage war against the rulers of spiritual wickedness in high places. Oh ! what an unspeakable mortification it must be to the prince of darkness, to be con- quered by such helpless instruments as these !' " fc)" BRITISH CONSUL AND SAB- BATH SCHOOL BOY.— The follow- ing anecdote is copied from a New- York paper, of July, 1818, in which it ap- pears as a communication to the editor : " This moment the British consul has related to me an anecdote too interesting to be suffered to pass unnoticed. A few days since, a young man, about nine- teen years of age, called at the consul's office, and made himself known as one 761 389 SABBATH SCHOOLS. whom, but a few years before, the con- sul had taken into his own Sunday school, in the north of Ireland. He was then a poor, little, helpless, wretched outcast. No father owned him for a son ; but the Sunday school was to him as a father, a sister and a brother. The precepts of religion and morality, which he learned there, have taken deep root in his heart, and are now ripened into abundance of fruit. He put into the consul's hand more than one hundred dollars, the little earnings he had laid up, to be remitted to his destitute mo- ther, the forlorn daughter of shame and sorrow." (d) BOY RESISTING TEMPTA- TION.— On a Sabbath afternoon, a little boy, eight years of age, was in the sick chamber of his afflicted father, reading aloud a chapter in the Bible, when two persons called in to see the father ; they requested that the child might be per- mitted to finish the chapter, which be- ing done, one of the visitors praised him highly for his reading, and gave him sixpence, desiring him to go and buy some cakes, and divide them with his brothers and sisters. " What, to-day !" exclaimed the child with astonishment, for he had been taught to reverence the Sabbath ; " none but wicked people keep open shop to-day, and I must not go and buy of them." " But mother will give you leave for once," returned the injudicious visitor, because you have been such a good boy, and read your chapter so well." The parents, of course, expressed their positive and entire objection to such a practice, and the child steadily refus- ed to receive the money. But on the persons taking their leave, the little boy was desired to go down stairs with them and open the street-door ; when his mis- taken friend renewed her temptation, slipping the sixpence into his hand, say- ing, " There, now you can run and buy what you like, your mother will not miss you." " No," replied the child, " but if she should not, it is God's com- mandment that says, ' Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.' " So say- ing, he laid the sixpence on^the step, and shut the door ; there it was found by the servant, some hours afterwards ; 762 when, on inquiry being made, the little boy confessed that the visitor had again offered him the money, and that he had refused it. It was from the other lady, who was grieved at the impropriety of her friend's conduct, while she admired that of the child, that the parents were afterwards informed of the firm and proper reply. The boy's next concern was, how to return the money ; for the idea of retaining it for his own use, even on another day, seemed never to have entered his mind. After a little consi- deration, he inquired if it would ho right to purchase with it a little book on the subject of keeping holy the Sabbath day ; his proposal being agreed to, a suitable book was named, but as the price was a shilling, the boy cheerfully contributed the remaining sixpence from his own little store ; and the following day a book was purchased, and sent to his mfstaken friend ; with his earnest prayers that a divine blessing might ac- company it. (e) DEATH-BED CONTRIBU- TION. — A girl nine years of age united with the school in T , in tiie sum- mer of 1834. She had not the privi- lege of parental religious instruction. Her residence was two or three miles from school. On one Sabbath in August, when notice was given in the school that the next Sabbath would be contri- huiion-day, she was present. But it was her last Sabbath. She went home un- der the influence of that disease which, during the week, hurried her into eter- nity. While on her bed of sickness, she re- membered the contribution-day, and spoke of the luxury of giving. Twice she had been present on the contribu- tion Sabbath, and had put her cent into the box. She called for the cent which she had laid aside for tlie Sabbath, gave it to her mother, and told her that if she died before the next Sabbath, to carry it to her teacher, that it might be put into the Sabbath school contribution trunk. On the next Sabbath, her soul was in eternity ; but her cent, like the poor widow's two mites, was cast into the treasury of the Lord. (/) LITTLE BOY AND HIS TRACT.— A little boy, belonging to a VARIOUS SALUTARY INFLUENCES, ETC. 3S9 Sabbath school in London, having occa- sion every Sunday to go through a cer- tain court, observed a shop always open for the sale of goods. Having been taught the duty of sanctifying the Lord's day, he was grieved at its profanation, and for some time seriously considered if it was possible for him to do any thing to prevent it. At length he determined on leaving a tract, " On the Lord's Day," as he passed by. On the next Sabbath, coming the same way, he ob- served that the shop was shut up. He stopped, and pondered whether this could be the effect of the tract he had left. He ventured to knock gently at the door ; when a woman within, think- ing it was a customer, answered aloud, " You cannot have any thing ; we don't sell on the Sunday." The little boy still begged for admittance, encouraged by what he had heard, when the woman recollecting his voice, opened the door, and said, " Come in, my dear little fel- low : it was you who left the tract here last Sabbath against Sabbath breaking, and it frightened me so, that I did not dare to keep my shop open any longer ; and I am determined never to do so again while I live." {g) SCHOLAR AND THE SICK WOMAN. — A gentleman, near Lon- don, went to visit a woman who was sick. As he was going into the room, he saw a little girl kneeling by the side of the poor woman's bed. The little girl rose from her knees as soon as slie saw the gentleman, and went out of the room. " Who is that child ?" the gentle- man asked. " O sir !" said the sick woman, " that is a little angel, who often comes to read her Bible to me, to my great comfort ; and she has just now given me sixpence." The gentleman was so pleased with the little girl's con- duct, that he wished to know how she had learned to love the word of God, and to be so kind to poor people. Find- ing that she was one of the scholars of a neighboring Sunday school, he went to the school, and asked for the child. She felt rather afraid when she was called to the gentleman ; but he was very kind to her, and asked her if she was the little girl that had been to read the Bible to the sick woman. She said she was. The gentleman said, " My dear, what made you think of doing so V She answered, " Because, sir, I find it said in the Bible, that " pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this — to visit the fatherless and wddows in their affliction.' " " Well," said he, " and did you give her any money?" " Yes, sir." " And where did you get it ? " Sir, it was given me as a re- ward." (h) LITTLE PEACE-MAKER.— A gentleman, once speaking at a Bible Society meeting, stated, that a little time previously he had called in at one of the Sunday schools in South wark ; and as he was looking over one of the classes, the teacher took him aside and said, " Sir, Lucy, whom you have just noticed, is one of the most extraordinary children I ever knew," " How so ?" said he. " Why, sir, she is remarkably diligent, gentle, and, above all, remark- ably humble. She is very forgiving to those who have injured her ; and there never is a quarrel in the school but she interferes, and is not satisfied until she has reconciled the parties. I am almost afraid of loving her too much." After school the gentleman addressed her : " Lucy, I am pleased to hear you give great satisfaction to your teacher. What is it makes you so desirous to oblige your schoolfellows, and settle their disputes?" She blushed, and hesitated some time ; and at last said, in a meek voice, " Sir, I hope it is because our Savior has said, ' Blessed are the peace-makers.' " (/) SCHOLARS AND THEIR SICK TEACHER.— A number of boys, who had been taught in a Sabbath school near Sheffield, England, met in a field ; and instead of spending their money in oranges, on what is called Slirove- Tuesday, they agreed to give all they had to their teacher, who they knew was in great distress. They tied up the money in an old cloth ; and, when it was dark, they opened his door, and tlirew it into the house.- Inside of the parcel was a small piece of paper, on which was written, '• Trust in the Lord, and do good, and verily thou shalt be fed." (?) THE BOY AND HIS FAR- THINGS.— At the anniversary of a 763 3S9 SABBATH SCHOOLS. Sunday school, at Copthall, a village in Essex, on Sunday, Oct. 5, 1834, whilst the collection was making, a little boy, about seven years of age, put a bag up- on the plate. As it was rather heavy, the collector was curious to ascertain its contents. On examination, it was found to contain two hundred and eighty- five farthings, or five shillings and eleven- pence farthing. Upon inquiry, it was found that the boy was in the habit of going on errands for his mother, and was allowed the farthings in change, to be disposed of as he pleased, which he per- severingly saved, and generously gave to the support of the Sunday school. (k) SATURDAY EVENING SCHOOL. — The following anecdote is extracted from a letter from Baltimore, dated July, 1818 :— A short time since, the mother of one of the girls attending my school accost- ed me in the street, and said she had been wishing to see me for some time. I replied, " I am glad to see you ; what do you want with me ?" " Sir, 1 live in a little village about three miles from Philadelphia. We have no Sabbath school there ; but my little girl attends yours ; and as she has derived a great deal of good from it, she tried to get some of our neighbors' girls to go with her, but she could not prevail on them to go, it being so far off; and so, about two months aw, she befran with a Satur- day evening school." " A Saturday evening school !" " Yes, sir ; and she has now about thirty little girls attend- ing regularly ; my house is quite filled with them." " What is the age of your daughter ?" '• She is only twelve, sir." " And how does she conduct her school ?" '' In the same way that you do : she goes through all the exercises of a Sab- bath school ; and as she has no tickets to reward them with, she is the more diligent during the week to get her les- son well, that she may receive her tickets, and with these she rewards her own scholars." After getting her address, I desired her not to say any thing of our .meeting, and I would en- deavor to be at her house next Saturday. I went, and oh ! how was I delighted with the fervency of this dear child, in ofTering up the first prayer ! I remain- 764 ed concealed ; and witnessed the whole duties of the school, conducted with all the gravity of an aged matron. (/) SOLDIER GIVING AWAY HIS PENSION.— At the annual meet- ing of the Sunday School Union, in 1822, the Rev. George Marsden stated, that as a gentleman, who by the provi- dence of God had become reduced in his circumstances, was walking along the street, he was met by an old soldier, who immediately recognized him, and mentioned the pleasure he felt in hav- ing been one of his Sabbath scholars. The soldier had heard of the circum- stances which had reduced his former teacher to distress, and thus addressed him : " You were my teacher ; I have a pension from Government ; I can work a little, and will willingly give my pension for your relief." (m) THREE SCHOLARS AND THEIR MOTHER.— Three boys at- tended a Sunday school in London for some time ; at length their father died, and their mother was taken so danger- ously ill, that, being very poor, she was obliged to be removed to the workhouse. The two elder boys had employment, by which they earned a few shillings each per week. On the mother's removal, the three boys consulted together what they should do; and they calculated that what they could earn would be sufficient to provide them with food, and to pay the rent of the room which had been tenanted by their mother. They asked the landlord if he would let them stop in the room, if they paid the weekly rent regularly ; to this he cheerfully consented. Some weeks passed on, and the third boy got a situation, and the two eldest obtained an advance in their wages on account of their diligence and good conduct. By this time their mo- ther had nearly recovered her health ; the three boys again consulted together, and found that their earnings would en- able them to maintain their mother, and they resolved upon trying to do it. They accordingly made application to the parish officers, and their mother was restored to her house : and, by prudence and economy, the boys managed to main- tain the family, and to pay their rent regularly. The boys acknowledged RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE, ETC. 390, 391 that it was by their attendance at the Sunday-school that they had been taught to feel for their parent, and to arrange their earnings so as to relieve the parish from any further charge on her account. M. In Reforming Neighborhoods. (a) TESTIMONY OF A JUS- TICE. — A justice of the peace, near Bristol, England, in 1820, speaking, of the neighborhood in which a Sunday school had been established, said, that formerly it was dangerous even to go through the parish, in consequence of the ignorant and depraved state of the inhabitants ; but now he saw such an alteration for the better, and was so pleased with the sight of the children, that on one occasion he invited them all to his house, and gave them refresh- ment. {b) CHANGE IN THE SINGING OF THE STREETS.— The teachers in a New England Sabbath school, in 1830, were fully convinced of the good influence their school had exerted on the population with whom they labored. Before its establishment, and even some time afterwards, it was no uncommon thing to hear songs and dancing tunes on Sabbath mornings, in the street where the school is located ; but during the year then closed, it was not remem- bered that one instance had occurred ; but, on the contrary, they were often heard singing psalms and hymns. (c) SUNDAY SCHOLAR AND DANCING.— The Sunday school at Sheriff Hill, Newcastle, was established in the year 1813, and the circumstances attending its establishment were rather singular. A dancing school had, at that time, been opened there, and many seemed desirous of attending it. Some Christian colliers conversing on the sub- ject, down in the pit, and endeavoring to devise some means for stopping the progress of iniquity, it occurred to one of them, that the most effectual way would be to begin a Sunday school. When they came up from the pit, they spoke to one of the agents of the colliery, who expressed himself favorable to the undertaking, and very handsomely gave them permission to teach in the very room where the dancing was taught. They went home full of gratitude to the Lord, who had so far opened a way for them. They next canvassed the whole village, taking down the names of such children as wished to come : sixty-five agreed to attend. They had, however, neither books nor forms for the school ; but the Lord raised up a kind friend, who sup- plied them with both. The school was then opened, and was soon filled. The dancing was laid aside, and the children were employed in reading their Bibles and singing hymns. M, In Counteracting and Removing Infidelity. (a) THE INFIDEL AND CHILD. — A man, who was once a decided infi- del, said he desired to bless God for Sunday schools. They had been, he observed, the means of saving his soul. Flis brother-in-law and sister had, with much entreaty, persuaded him to send his little boy to the Sunday school. The child had often heard the superintend- ents enforce the duty and importance of prayer, to which he had listened atten- tively. One Sunday morning, while his mother was dressing his little bro- ther, this boy was missing, and on in- quiring of him where he had been, he replied, he had been saying his prayers : and added, " Mother, does my father ever pray ?" She informed his father what the child had said. The father, having lived in the neglect of prayer, felt condemned ; conviction seized his mind : he sought the Lord, and found him, to the joy of his soul. {b) THE INFIDEL'S OBJEC- TION. — In conversation with a pious woman, an infidel manifested great hos- tility to Sabbath schools. He said it took possession of the minds of the young and made impressions which they could not get rid of! Such was the case with him, in reference to the instructions of his mother. Although he did not be- lieve in the religious instructions she inculcated when he was a child, yet he could never get rid of it. It was al- ways troubling him. The good woman then told him, if that was the case, she would do all that she could to encour- 765 391, 392 SABBATH SCHOOLS. age Sabbath schools, and extend their influence to the utmost. (c) THE INFIDEL AND HIS DAUGHTER.— A deist whose infidel- ity was shaken by the conversation of his little daughter, who attended a Sab- bath school, was induced to attend the preaching of the gospel. The Holy Spirit accompanied it with his blessing. On the following November 5th, he con- vened his family together, and having made a bonfire of his infidel books, they all joined in singing that hymn, " Come let us join our cheerful songs," &c. (d) AN INFIDEL'S ALARM.— An infidel in the town of B., New- York, used to ridicule religion and rail against it. On one occasion he observed, " of all religions that ever cursed the world, the Christian religion is the worst. But," said he, as if he was considering what he could do to stop its progress ; " but," said he, " what 1 shall do to put down these infernal Sunday schools, I donH know, i'm afraid of them !" That which so alarms the fears of some infi- dels, should encourage the hopes and nerve the hands of all Christians ; and for the very reasons such infidels would pull down Sunday schools, Christians should strive to build them up. MORAL AND RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE ON PUPILS. M. In Preventing and Removing Crime and Vice. (a) SABBATH SCHOOLS AND PRISONERS.— Jos. Lancaster says : " I was naturally desirous of gaining information and instruction from a ven- erable man of seventy-two, who had in a series of years, superintended the edu- cation of 3,000 poor children ; who had been actively engaged in visiting both the city and the county prisons, where- by he had gained an ample opportunity of knowing if any of the scholars were brought in as prisoners : and who on ap- pealing to his memory, which, although at an advanced age, is strong and lively, could answer — ' None !' " In a letter to the editors of the New- York Observer, in 1829, the chaplain of the State Prison attests the following im- portant fact : — 766 " I have lately made a pretty thor- ough inquiry among the convicts here, for the purpose of learning who, and how many, have ever enjoyed the ad- vantages of a Sabbath school. There- suit is, that out of more than five hun- dred convicts, not one has been found who has ever been, for any considera- ble time, a regular member of a Sabbath school : and not more than two or three who have ever attended such a school at all. (b) SCHOLAR LEARNING HON- ESTY. — A colored boy, living with Dr. M , of P , was sent by a little boy in the family with six cents to buy a top for him. On his return, he told the child that the top had cost twelve cents, and that he had paid the other six from his own money. lie was repaid, and no more was thought of the afl^air. Some time after, the colored boy was introduced to a Sunday school ; and hav- ing learned some valuable lessons, he one day said to his master's son, "I gave but six cents for that top, and not twelve, as I told you ; but I did not know then, as I do since I have been to a Sunday school, how wicked such things are." Handing him six cents from his pocket, he said, " I have been saving them for you, one by one — take them, they are yours." (c) YOUNG CRIMINAL REFOR- MED. — The followino; interesting^ ac- count appeared in the Christian Guar- dian of 1823, and was furnished by a gentleman, who visited on the Sabbath the city prison, in the Newgate of Dub- lin, for the purpose of affording reli- gious instruction to the prisoners : — One youth I gave up as a lippeless case ; he pretended he could not read, but I discovered he read better than any of them. He endeavored to pick my pockets, and to pull my coat when- ever I happened to turn round, and has pierced me with pins more than once. I bore it all patiently ; and, in- stead of causing him to be punished, I expostulated with him on the folly and wickedness of his ways. I also gave him two or three suitable tracts, which he promised to read. Cold weather coming on, he had no coat or shoes, a common thing in the RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE, ETC, 392, 39S prison, where some, indeed, were almost naked. I promised him an old coat and a pair of shoes, if he would become more attentive. The bribe was too tempting to be refused ; and, aner two or three weeks of trial, I sent him the coat and shoes. He continued promis- ing for some time, but there was nothing in his conduct which could induce a person to hope for an entire reforma- tion. It is the duty of teachers, when they meet with such a scholar, to pre- sent him in fervent prayer before the throne of grace ; yet, at the same time, to watch over him, and to lose no oppor. tunity of communicating suitable ad- vice. This was the method adopted on the occasion, and I trust it was not una- vailing. However, the term of his con- finement expired, and he was released. Shortly after, I had occasion to leave town ; and, on my return, having been reading the whole of the day, T went out in the evening to enjoy a walk. My spirits were unusually low. I pro- ceeded along one of the public roads for some time ; but the noise and bustle not suiting my feelings, I turned up a nar- row private road, shaded by trees on both sides, and interspersed here and there with neat whitewashed cottages. On passing one of them, I heard the clicking noise of a busy loom, and the singing of a light-hearted weaver. When I had passed about fifty paces, the door opened, and a neatly-dressed young man called after me by name. Not recognising him, I did not reply, but proceeded. He ran after me, and stopped me. I looked at him. " Do you not know me, sir ?" said he. " No, indeed I do not." " Do you not recol- lect your scholar at Newgate, James ?" I looked at him from head to foot ; but the neatly-combed hair, the clean face, new shirt, and plain and comfortable suit of clothes, had so metamorphosed him, that it was with difficulty T could recognize him. Ta- king me most affectionately by the hand, and with tears in his eyes, he said, " Sir, I saw you passing by, and could not refrain from coming out to ask your pardon for all my unkindness to you ; and to thank you for all that you and the other young gentlemen said to me while in Newgate. It was a sad place, but I thank God that ever I was put into it. I shall count that day the happiest in my life. 1 should have been now, perhaps, living in wicked- ness, and probably come to the gallows at last. When I got out, I was friend- less, and without a home. But reflect- ing on what was often told mcie in New- gate, that Christ is the Friend of sin- ners, and ever willing to receive the vilest, I prayed to him to support and assist me. I shuddered at the idea of going to rob and pilfer again, and de- termined to work. I got some work, and some clothes too ; and I have now employment enough at this cottage ; and I pass away my time very hap- {d)^ SABBATH SCHOOLS TOO LrVTE. — "Sabbath schools would have saved me from the gallows ; but they I were fifteen years too late for me," I muttered the abandoned Gibbs, a few days before his execution. But the history of this pirate is not the only one j that furnishes occasion for such a de- j claration. Hundreds before him, who j have shed innocent blood, might as justly have said, if we had been in- I structed in Sabbath schools, they would have saved us from this ignominious death on the scaffold ! (e) REPORTS OF THIRTY-FIVE SCHOOLS.— In the reports of 35 schools of Mass., in 1829, it was defi- nitely stated, that no individual from their number had ever been arraigned before a civil tribunal for immoral con- duct ; while only two from all the schools in the State, are mentioned, who had been arrested : and these at- tended the Sabbath school, irregularly, for a very short time. M, Conversions. (a) FAITHFULNESS REWARD- ED. — During a single week, in 1842, there were six hopeful conversions in one class of ten or twelve boys, in the Pearl-street Baptist Sabbath school in the city of Albany. The teacher, G. T. C, had for three or four weeks felt an unusual anxiety for their salvation, which led him to be faithful in his in- 767 393 SABBATH SCHOOLS. struction, and fervent in prayer for them. He held several prayer meet- ings at his house with them, to which other scholars were invited, and at one or two meetings they continued almost " all night " in prayer. One Sabbath, one of them, who had found peace the night before, called on the teacher at 4 o'clock in the morning to tell him how joyful he felt in loving the Savior, and he was so happy he could not wait until he should see hirti in the Sabbath school. When the school assembled in the P. M., they all came forward and told what the Lord had done for them, and affectionately invited their associates to come to the Savior and taste the joys they felt. Such a scene, and such a circumstance would be interesting at any time, but at that time particularly so, from the fact that in the rest of the school, and in the church, there was a lamentable coldness, while the ways of Zion mourned, and few came to her sol- emn feasts. (b) REV. MR. CHARLES' TES- TIMONY.— The excellent Rev. T. Charles, of Bala, England, informed the general meeting of the Sunday School Union, in 1813, that, throughout the country in which he resided, they re- ceived most of the members into their churches from Sunday schools ; and that, during the preceding year, nearly one hundred persons had been received into Christian communion from the Sun- day schools in the town of Bala. (c) GREAT CHANGE IN A FAMILY.— The Rev. Mr. Hoover, in addressing a meeting of the Philadelphia Sunday School Union, thus spoke : — " If you had accompanied me in a walk through this district, two years ago, I could have led you to a house, or rather a hovel, not far from this spot, which was unfit to be the residence of man or beast. There you would have seen a widow with her seven children, in the rags of poverty, and with the im- press of misery on their countenances ; the room and its occupants forming a scene of wretchedness seldom surpassed. If you will go with me to-morrow, I will show you the same house, but no longer a miserable tenement. Within, you shall behold the same widow, and the 768 same seven children ; but clothed in comfortable raiment, and peace smiling in their faces. The Sabbath school teacher has been there, and he has led them to the place of holy instruction. God has visited them in the plenitude of his grace, and five of those seven chil- dren give joyful evidence that they have passed from death unto life." (d) " FROM THE TOP OF THE ROCKS I SEE HIM."— The Rev. T. T. Biddulph, of St. James's Church, Bristol, England, mentioned from the pulpit, about 1818, that a boy, some years before, behaved so ill in the St. James's Sunday school, that neither kindness nor severity appeared to have any effect on him. At length the teach- ers were very reluctantly obliged to ex- pel him. For several years they heard nothing of him, and had almost forgot- ten the circumstance of his expulsion. Lately, however, as a clergyman, who had been a teacher in the school, Avas sitting in his study, in a distant country village, a sailor knocked at the door. On being admitted, he said to the cler- gyman, " I suppose that you have for- gotten me, sir ?" " Yes," said the Rev. Henry Poole, " I have, if I ever knew you." " Do you remember a wicked boy named James Saunders?" "Oh, yes," said he, " I have cause to remem- ber him ; he gave me much trouble and anxiety. What do you know of him ?" " I am the lad !" " You are grown so, and so much altered, 1 could not have believed it. Well, James, what account can you give of yourself?" " A very sorry one, sir. When I was expelled from the school, I left the city, and wan- dered, I scarcely knew or cared where. • At length I found myself at the sea-side. Weary of living by lying and stealing, I got on shipboard ; and after sailing in various parts of the world, I was ship- wrecked in a hurricane in the Bay of Honduras. After swimming till my strength failed me, I gave myself up for lost. In the middle of a dark night, I came to my senses, and found myself on a rock half covered with water. I looked around and called out for my shipmates, and found that two of them were circumstanced like myself, every moment expecting a watery grave. RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE, ETC. 393 For the first time since I left the school, you, sir, darted into my mind. I thought of your kindness, of my base ingratitude, and of some of the sacred truths you took so much pains to fix in my memo- ry ; particularly that passage in Num- bers xxiii. 9, ' From the top of the rocks I see him.' In my extremity, I looked to the Savior, of whom I had heard so much, but whom I had so long slighted and despised. 1 knelt down, up to my waist in water, and cried mightily, that God would be the rock of my heart, and my portion for ever. I found your words true, that ' praying breath was never spent in vain.' On the day break- ing, we discovered some pieces of the wreck, on which we ultimately succeed- ed in reaching the shore. Then many precious truths which you had taught me from the Bible came fresh into my memory ; though I had almost forgotten during my career of iniquity, even that there was such a book. I thought, sir, you would be glad to find that all your care and anxiety on my behalf was not lost; 1 therefore walked from my ship to thank you, in the best manner I can, for your former kindness to me."' Knowincj the cunning: adroitness of the lad, Mr. Poole was half inclined to discredit him. He inquired the name of his captain, to whom he wrote, and ascertained that since this young man had sailed with him, his conduct had been so correct and exemplary, that whenever he knew James Saunders was on deck, he made himself perfectly easy, knowing that the duties of the ship would be faithfully attended to. Many months afterwards, Mr. Poole received a letter from the captain, saying that poor James Saunders, in a distant part of the world, was seized with a fever ; that during its progress he sent for the sailors, read to them while lie was able out of the Bible, exhorted them to cleave to the Block of ages that never moves, to take example by him, though one of the vilest of sinners, who had found mercy and grace to help in every lime of need ; and commending them all to Jesus, he fell asleep in Him without a struggle. The new school rooms at Bristol, ac- commodating from five to six hundred 49 children, being in debt several hundred pounds, some gentlemen of the commit- tee, and other friends to the institution, had lent the money wanted, upon loan, in sums to suit their convenience, and had received bills for tbeir respective amounts bearing interest. The day af- ter narrating the above incident, Mr. Biddulph received from a member of his congregation a letter, inclosing one of these bills for fifty pounds, requesting Mr. B. to burn it, as the above anecdote had amply repaid both the principal and interest on it. Another of the congre- gation, who held three similar fifty pound bills, sent them with a like request. Surely this is encouragement for every person connected with Sunday schools, to persevere amidst discouragements. (e) TWO ORPHAN SCHOLARS. — Some years ago, two little boys, de- cently clothed, the elder about thirteen years of age, and the younger eleven, called at a lodging house for vagrants, in Warrington, to stay for the night. The keeper of the house, very properly, took them to the Vagrant Office to be examined, that, if proper objects, they might be relieved. The account they gave of themselves was very affecting, but no doubt was entertained of its truth. It appeared, that but a few weeks had elapsed since these poor little wanderers had resided with their parents in Lon- don. The typhus fever, however, in one day, carried off both father and mo- ther, leaving them orphans. Immedi- ately after their parents were buried, the children, having an uncle in Liver- pool, resolved to go and throw them- selves upon his protection ; and, tired and faint, they arrived in the town of Warrington, on their way thither. Two bundles contained their little all. In the youngest boy's was found neatly covered and carefully preserved, a Bi- ble. The keeper of the lodging house said to the boy, " You have neither mo- ney nor meat, will you sell me this Bi- ble ? 1 will give you five shillings for it." " No," exclaimed he ; " I'll starve first." " The keeper then said, " there are plenty of books to be bought besides this ; why do you love the Bible so much?" The boy replied, "-No book has stood my friend so much as the Bi- 769 393 SABBATH SCHOOLS. ble." " Why, what has the Bible done for you ?" He answered, " When I was a boy about seven years of age I became a Sunday scholar in London, where I learned to read my Bible. This Bible showed me that I was a sin- ner, and a great one too. It also point- ed me to the Savior, and I thank God, I have found mercy at the hands of Christ, and I am not ashamed to confess him before the world." To try the boy still farther, six shillings were offered to him for his Bible. " No," said he, " it has been my support all the way from London. Hungry and weary, often have I sat down to read my Bible, and have found refreshment from it, and I have experienced the comfort David felt, when he said, ' In the multitude of my thoughts within me, thy comforts delight my soul.' " He was then asked, what he would do when he got to Liverpool, should his uncle refuse to take him in ? His reply may excite a blush in many other Christians ; " My Bible tells me, ' When my father and mother forsake me the Lord will take me up.' " The children had in their pockets tickets, as rewards from the Sunday school to which they belonged, and thankfulness and humility were visible in all their deportment. At night they committed themselves to God in prayer, and the next day pursued their journey to Liv- erpool. (/) CLASS OF TWENTY CHIL- DREN.— Rev. Mr. , of H , Mass., in August, 1830, thus wrote : "Since the 1st of February, of the pre- .sent year, 161 persons have been admit- ted to this Church, most of whom have generally attended my Bible class in- struction, for the last six years, and nearly 60 of them have been members of the Sabbath school. / have a class of twenty children, all of whom are mem- bers of the Sabbath school, who arc cher- ishing the hope that they have jmssedfrom death unto life. These children are from eight to fourteen years of age. The object of bringing them into a class, has reference to their making a profession of relio;ion. fe)^THE CLASS OF LARGE SCHOLARS.— In 1833, the superin- tendent of a school in Massacliusetts 770 made an attempt to gather into the school again, some of the youth who had left under the impression that they were too old to be members. At first a class of about 16 females M^as formed. The next summer [1834] it numbered 40 males and females. Twenty of this class in two years after its formation, made a public profession of religion. {h) SAILOR CONVERTED IN PRISON.— F. O. was a sailor, illiterate and headstrong. Left in early life with- out a father to guide his youthful steps, he rushed thoughtlessly along in the path of folly and dissipation, regardless of the remonstrances of a widowed mo- ther. His progress was consequently downwards, until he was arrested by the hand of civil justice, for a deed of midnight villainy. He was convicted, and sentenced to the Auburn prison, New York. As he was about to take his leave of home, with the officer who conducted him to the place of confine- ment, he was entreated by all the force of a mother's love, to think upon his ways, to conform to the laws of the pri- son, to read his Bible, to repent, and obey God. He mocked at the counsels and tears of maternal tenderness, de- claring, with dreadful oaths, that he would " listen to none of her pious en- treaties ; that he cared not for God or man ; and that he intended to give him- self to sin while he lived !" During the first two years of his imprisonment, all the bitterness of his hostility against religion continued. A Bible was put into his cell, but he refused to read it, and, to use his own expression, " would rather see the devil than the face of a chaplain." At the end of two years he was persuaded to enter the Sabbath school kept in the prison. Here the " sword of the Spirit " found an avenue to his heart ; his enmity was slain ; his stubbornness yielded to tenderness ; and his hatred was transformed to love. He now spoke of the Savior with a burst- ing heart. " Oh," said he, " I bless God that I was ever brought to this pri- son ! It was this that saved me from destruction. I should certainly have ruined myself if I had not been arrest- ed." At the mention of his mother's name, I have seen, said the writer of the RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE, ETC. 393 account, the tear start in his eye, and his frame shake with convulsive emo- tion. " Ah, my mother ! had I listened to her counsels ! but I have broken her heart! How many sighs and tears, how many sleepless nights and agoniz- ing prayers 1 have caused her ! When I think of my poor mother, 1 sometimes feel that I could burst the walls of my cell, that I tpight go and fall before her, to ask her forgiveness." He was re- leased from prison, and immediately called on a friend, to whom the above confessions were made. After pledging himself to unite with the people of God, a Bible was put into his hands, when, with a bounding heart, he took his leave and set his face towards the mansion of his mother. (/) THE WIDOW AND HER SON. — At the annual meeting of a Sun- day School Union, in England, in 1824, the Rev. Jacob Stanley related the fol- lowing fact respecting a Sunday scholar. Some years ago, there was a widow in Staffordshire, whose son attended the Sunday school, but he did not at first re- gard the religious instructions he re- ceived. He became wild and profligate, enlisted as a soldier, and was several years on the continent. Another young man from the same town, was proceed- ing to join the regiment to which he be- longed, and called on the poor widow to ask her if she had any thing to send to her son. She said she was very poor, she had no money to send, and, if she had, it might do him no good, but that she could send him a Bible ; and she added, " Give my love to him, and tell him that it is my earnest wish that he would read this book, and, beginning at Matthew, that he would read one chapter every day." The young man took the Bible, and when he joined the regi- nicnt, he found out his townsman, who asked him, " Well have you seen the old woman, and how is she ?" *' She is well and has sent you this present, a Bible ; and she desired me to say that it was her request, and perhaps her last request, that you would read a chapter in it every day." " Well," replied he, " I will comply with her request, on condition that you will join with me in reading this chapter." The engage- ment was made, and they read to the third chapter of John, with which they were much struck. A pious sergeant explained what they read, and the Holy Spirit applying the truth to their minds, they became the subjects of godly sor- row, and attained that peace which pass- eth all understanding. Soon after they were called into an engagement, when the son of the widow was wounded, and carried into the rear by his comrade. When the battle was over, he went to look for his wounded comrade, and found him with that Bible open which had been the means of his conversion ; it was covered with his blood, and his spirit had fled. He took up the Bible, and on his return waited on the widow- ed mother, and presented her with it. (j) THE SHIPWRECKED SAIL- OR. — A young man, about to retire from a school in Scotland, received from the Rev. Dr. Colquhoun, on one occa- sion that he visited the institution, a Bi- ble, with a suitable inscription, as a re- ward for good conduct. Many, who were present on that occasion, will long remember with what earnestness that venerable servant of God invoked the blessing of the Almighty on the young man here alluded to, while he stood with the sacred gift in his hand ; that he might be protected by God in whatever situation he might be placed, and that the Bible he had that night received might prove a source of consolation to him in the hour of adversity and distress. The subsequent history of this unfortu- nate youth, showed that these supplica- tions had been abundantly answered ; for shortly after he went to sea, and the vessel in which he was on board, as a mariner, was wrecked on the western coast of Scotland, and all hands perish- ed. The corpse of the young sufferer was found stretched on the shore, and his name and birth place came to be known by the inscription on this Bible, which was found in his bosom. (k) A SAILOR'S TESTIMONY.— The followiug letter, of a sailor, is ex- tracted from the American Sunday School Magazine : — " I consider a Sunday school, proper- ly conducted, a great blessing to the poor of our land. I am a living witness 771 SABBATH SCHOOLS. of its benefits. I was born of poor pa- rents, who could send me to no other school. It was there, in the course of one year, together with my private tui- tion at home, that I acquired that degree of education which I now possess. I was taught to fear God, obey my parents, reverence the Sabbath, abhor the sins of lying, cheating, stealing, and a cata- logue of others : and had it not been for a wicked relation, who inspired me with a notion for the sea, I perhaps never should have sunk to such depths of wick- edness as I have done. But being sur- rounded, while a sailor, with sinful com- pany, I soon forsook the holy counsel given me by my teachers ; but I never could plead ignorance in sinning, for the convictions I received at the Sunday school never left me, although I sailed eleven years on the ocean, in daily re- bellion against God. Surely I may say that goodness and mercy have followed me. " During those eleven years, I have frequently sailed from England, my na- tive country, to almost all parts of Eu- rope and Africa, to the East and West Indies, South America, and British North America. And, oh ! how many times has the Lord saved me from an untimely death, both in storms and bat- tles ! Had I room, I would now record them, and thereby render a public thanksgiving to God my Savior. But I cannot forbear inserting one instance of his goodness. In May, 1812, we were sailing to the East Indies, from London, being near the equinoctial line, two ships in company, with a detach- ment of soldiers on board of each ; it being a fine day, and our ship and her consort not more than three-fourths of a mile apart, the crews and soldiers of both ships obtained leave from their offi- cers to go a swipnming. I, then a dar- ing sinner, plunged into the water, in company, perhaps, with one hundred more. A man from the other ship, at the same time, with a bottle of rum in his hand, while swimming, challenged any of us to meet him half-way between the two ships. A soldier who was a better swimmer than I was, agreed with me to meet him ; but none of the rest would dare to go. We had scarcely 772 reached him, at the distance of nearly half a mile from our ship, when our mate, who was up in the rigging, saw a shark coming astern of our ship, and called to us to make haste on board. Those who were near the ship, got im- mediately on board, and a boat was lowered down for the rest ; but she could not hold all the soldiers, and 1, who was furthermost from tj|e ship, was in consequence left. By this time, some on board had thrown overboard a hook, with an eight-pound piece of pork on it, with the intention of decoying the shark from us ; but it seemed to take no no- tice of it, but steered directly for us. By this time my companion, who out- swam me, had reached the head of the ship, and taken hold of a rope that hung from thence, but was so exhausted that he could not climb it. While he was trying to climb the rope I came up to him, and caught him by the leg as he hung about half out of water. My clinching him caused him to slip down, and being more expert than he, I caught hold of the rope above his hands, and placing my knees u[X)n his shoulders, I made an effort to reach the head of the ship ! but at that instant the rope broke, and plunged us both in the water along- side of the shark. I then swam round the stern of the ship, and took hold of another rope, and was soon on deck and out of danger. I looked down at the soldier, and saw the shark open his mouth to receive his prey. The men on deck called at the same time to the man to kick with his feet. He did so, and struck the shark on his nose ; when he directly turned away from the man, who, at that instant, was caught by a rope with a noose on it, and hauled up into the ship. The shark then took the bait, and we hoisted him in. He measured about sixteen feet ; and his jaws, when extended, would admit of a bulk nearly as large as a barrel. It was now that the serious impressions which I received at the Sunday school came fresh to my mind, and reproached me with ingrati- tude against God. But glory to his ho- ly name, he rescued me from an un- timely death, and I trust I shall praise him for the same, in time, and to all eternity. " George P. Holmes." RELIGIOUR INFLUENCE, ETC. 393, 394 (Z) THE WELSHMAN'S SAB- BATH SCHOOL.—'' When I stand in the pulpit before my own people on the Sabbath," says the Rev. John Todd, " I see before me an aged man in the gallery, for each Sabbath he is there, and the sight of him brings with it de- lightful associations. " In former days he resided in North Wales. There were no Christians in his neighborhood. He wished to com- mence a Sunday-school, but could find no better place than a back-kitchen. Here he weekly assembled his little flock, and, for eleven years, labored alone, except with the aid of the scho- lars he had trained. Among his first pupils were two children of impenitent parents. These two girls had a little brother, to whom they were accustomed to teach what they learned in the Sab- bath school. They were so interested in the Bible, that, being occupied in braiding straw as a business, they would first braid the length of a straw, then study a verse, then braid, and then study, so that they always came pre- pared with their Bible lesson. " Their instructor, a long time ago, emigrated to this country, and this aged parishioner showed me a letter he had received from this scene of his early labors. The Sunday school is still taught there, not as before, in a hack kitchen, but in a neat house of God. The minister of this sanctuary is a devoted man, laboring faithfully and successfully in his Master's vineyard. He is the " little brother " of those " little girls." His sisters are married. One is the mother of nine children, and lost her husband the last year by the fall- ing in of a coal mine ; but she had the happiness to know that, only the day before this event, he had renewedly consecrated himself to God. The mi- nister lives contentedly upon forty pounds a year, happy in his home — happy in his people — happy in his Sa- vior—blessed of God, and blessing others. This minister, this church, this flock, all sprang from that Sunday school ; and, when I look upon my aged parishioner in tJie gallery, I cannot but reflect what a crown he has for his hoary head." S94. Revivals. (a) HAPPY RESULTS OF ONE SCHOOL. — In a certain school in New England, in 1832, sixty -one out of fifteen classes of 160 pupils, under 16 years of age, became hopefully pious. In six classes, embracing 71 young persons over 16 years of age, sixty indulged hope that they had passed from death unto life, making in all one hundred and TWENTY-ONE who became hopefully pious, in a school of 231 scholars. {h) REPORT OF 1836.— The Re- port for 1836, mentions one hundred and seventy-three teachers, and one thousand four hundred and forty-four scholars, who had united with the church during the year. (c) REVIVALS IN TEN SCHOOLS. — In a County Sabbath school Society, in Mass., embracing ten parishes, and the same number of schools, the Lord smiled upon this institution, in 1834-5, and shed down upon it the in- fluence of his Holy Spirit. Six schools were blessed with powerful revivals of religion. Three hundred scholars from these ten schools made a profession during the year. It is supposed the whole number that passed from death unto life is over four hundred ! " This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eves." {d) ONE HUNDRED SCHOLARS CONVERTED.— In , Mass., ef- forts were made in the early part of the year 1835, to excite a more general and deeper interest in the Sabbath school concert. The influence of these efforts was to increase the number of the school and the fidelity of the teach- ers. " This general interest," says the pastor, " increased through the summer till September, when more manifest signs appeared — though two or three conversions had before taken place — of the presence of the Holy Spirit. In a few weeks the attention had become general throughout the school. The work of God was very solemn, as well I as animating, still and deep. One hun- I dred or more members of the school, ! we hope, have been converted. I (e) WHAT A TEACHER CAN i DO. — About the first of September, 773 395 SABBATH SCHOOLS. 1833, a deep and solemn interest upon the subject of religion, began to be visible in the Presbyterian church and congregation of Washingtonville, New- York, and particularly in the Sabbath school. Here commenced that revival flame which subsequently spread through the county, and brought sal- vation to a multitude of souls. One Sabbath school teacher, feeling deeply the responsibility resting upon her, and the worth of immortal souls, before the school was dismissed on the Lord's day, affectionately requested her class, consisting of little girls about twelve or thirteen years of age, to re- main after the rest of the school had retired. She then began, with an aching heart and with flowing tears, to reason and plead with them upon the subject of personal religion. They were deeply affected, and " wept bit- terly " in view of their lost condition. They then all knelt together before the Lord, and the teacher prayed for their salvation ; and immediately the scholar next to her commenced praying for her- self, and then the next, and so on, until the whole class, with ardent supplica- tions, begged for the forgiveness of their sins and the salvation of their souls. It would take long to tell the history of this class, and relate particular instances of conversions, and the happy changes which took place in the families to which they belonged, and show the family altars which were established. These scholars, with their teacher and their fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, were ere long seen commem- orating a Savior's dying love together. The revival extended itself to other towns, and the great day can alone un- fold the astonishing results. Wi. Happy Deaths. (a) THE CHILD'S LAST PRAY- ER. — A pious little boy, who attended the Sabbath school, a few hours before his death broke out into singing, and sung so loud, as to cause his mother to inquire what he was doing. " I am singing my sister's favorite hymn, mo- ther." " But why, my dear, so loud ?" " Why," said he, witli peculiar empha- 774 sis, "because I am so happy." Just before his death, with uplifted hands, he exclaimed, " Father ! Father ! take me, Father." His father went to lift him up, when, with a smile, he said, " I did not call you, father ; but I was calling to my heavenly Father to take me ; I shall soon be with him :" and then expired. (h) " I HAVE GIVEN MYSELF TO MY SAVIOR."-~I take the liberty (writes the wife of a pastor in Massa- chusetts) to add a few particulars of the remarkably happy death of a young lady who was nurtured in the Sabbath school, with which she was connected from early childhood until her mar- riage about two years since. ' S. A. E. was constant in her attend- ance on the Sabbath school, punctual and very correct in her lessons, and amiable in her deportment. But it was not until the age of 16, that the precious treasure of divine truth, stored up in her memory, was made instru- mental of awakening her conscience, and leading her to the " Fountain opened for sin." The moment will never be forgotten when, in a circle of weeping associates, who had assembled to in- quire of their pastor, " What shall I do. to be saved ?" S. A. E. arose, and with her characteristic decision exclaimed, " I have given myself to my Savior !" Nor will those who had assembled at that hour to pray for their beloved children, forget the thrill of joy which pervaded the room as the pastor an- nounced the fact, that this child of many prayers and tears, had, it was believed, accepted the offers of mercy. Five years she adorned her profession, and the rich fruits of gentleness, meek- ness, submission under severe trials, and filial piety, hung thickly on this youthful plant. But, at length, it pleased God to trv the strength of her faith in sickness and death. Her illness was of several weeks' continuance, but her mind was calm, collected, and with entire sub- mission patiently waiting the result. The writer, who was formerly her teacher in the Sabbath school, was per- mitted to enjoy the high privilege of looking upon this young Christian as RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE, ETC. 395 she lay in the embrace of the kinor of terrors. But there was no terror there. Her pallid face was radiant with smiles of perfect peace. " I am very low," she remarked, in clear and distinct ac- cents. " Yes, but you may be raised up again." " If it be the will of God, I de- sire to live ; if not, I desire to die. What- ever may be His will, is mine. I desire nothing but his will. I hope I shall never desire any thing but His will.'' " You are happy in your Savior ?" " Oh, yes ! Millions of worlds would be nothing in comparison with my hope in Him. His dying blood, how pre- cious ! It is all, all to me now." " You can then resign your dear babe to His care?" "Yes, and I know he will take care of it. I have not one doubt of that. It is," she added, '• a great thing to die. I have been an unprofitable servant, but Christ and his pardoning blood are my hope." More she would have said, but the day had chiefl}^ been spent in bidding farewell to her numerous friends, and express- ing to all the happiness vviiich she felt in her Redeemer. And there she stood amid the billows of death, with her foot firmly fixed on the Rock of Ages. None could look unmoved upon that scene. None could listen to such expressions of confiding trust without exclaiming, " It is well to be a Christian — it is well to die a Christian." Lovely in life, hap- py in death, and glorious in eternity, is our departed young friend. These precious words she left for the subject of her funeral sermon : " The blood of Jesus Christ his Son, cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1:7. (c) DEATH FROM HYDROPHO- BIA. — A little boy, about eleven years of age, a Sunday scholar in Camber- well, was bitten by a mad dog ; the part was cut out, and caustic applied, but the fatal poison could not be arrest- ed in its progress, and nine weeks after the accident, decided symptoms of hy- drophobia were manifested. It appears that the poor boy had depended chiefly, if not entirely, on Sunday school teach- ing for all his religious instruction, and now the great advantage of correct in- formation on scriptural subjects was evinced- He was aware of the nature of his disease, took patiently the medi- cines recommended to him, and bade farewell to a playmate, saying, he should never see him again. But frightful paroxysms of pain came on ; sometimes he was lifted suddenly up- right in the bed, while the agony of speaking was so great that he could only utter words at intervals, and then in reply to necessary questions. But in the midst of judgment God remem- bered mercy, — an interval of compara- tive composure, a fact almost unprece- dented in this disease, was granted the sufferer; and then was felt the sweet influence of that religion which he had been taught, and which gives divine wisdom to the meanest capacity. He knelt on the bed, and prayed — prayed to Jesus, and besought the salvation of his soul. He needed comfort ; but he had not, as is too frequently the case, to seek it amid the pains and confusions of a dying hour, and, in the darkness of nature, mistake broken reeds for sub- stantial supports; no, the way of peace and life had again and again been pointed out to him ; he believed, and who can doubt that he was saved ? He repeated and sung most of the hymns he had been taught ; joy beamed on the countenance which had been so lately distorted with agony ; he called on those around to attend to the things of re- ligion, and prayed that their hearts might be turned from stone to flesh. How sweet, when sinking with appre- hension, to find the means of support so near, with so firm a foundation secured to us ! " Come to Jesus, come with me," said the little sufferer, as he qui- etly passed to glory. (d) CHILDREN'S INFLUENCE ON PARENTS.— I can state, says Mr. Wilderspin, that a man discontinued drunkenness from the simple prattle of his infant. He was in the habit of fre- quently getting drunk ; there were two or three children under seven years of age, and they all slept in the same room, though not in the same bed. The man came home one night drunk ; his wife remonstrated with him, when he struck her. The woman cried very much, and continued to cry after she got into bed ; but a little creature, two 775 395, soe SABBATH SCHOOLS. or three years old, got up, and said, "Pray, father, do not beat poor mo- ther ;" the father ordered it to get into bed again : the little creature got up again, and knelt down by the side of the bed, and repeated the Lord's prayer, and then concluded in this simple lan- guage : " Pray, God, bless dear father and mother, and make father a good father. Amen !" This went to the heart of the drunkard ; the man told me he covered his face over with the bed-clothes, and that the first thoughts he awoke with in the morning, were thoughts of regret, that he should stand in need of such a remonstrance from such a young child, and it produced in him self-examination and amendment of life. The family became united to a Methodist chapel in that neighbor- hood, and I have learned that they are useful and valuable members of that society. (e) LEARNING FROM THE BEST TEACHER.— The Rev. John Griffin, of Portsea, England, gave the following account of the death of one of his Sunday scholars, in the year 1813. His mother at first had opposed his going to the school, but afterwards determined to go and hear what was taught there, and by this means was converted to God. Not long after this, her son, about eleven years of age, was brought to his death-bed, and was visited by his ministers and teachers. The first time I asked if he expected to go to heaven ; " I do," was the re- ply. I asked him, " Why do you ex- pect to go to heaven ? All that die do not go there, do they ? and why then do you think you shall go to heaven ?" He replied, "1 hope I shall go there, because I love the employment of the heavenly. I think I shall be happy in praising God, and serving him without sin ; and I think I shall go to heaven, because I delight in the society of heaven ; I shall rejoice in the presence of a holy God, and holy angels, and the spirits of just men made perfect.'' He paused, and 1 asked if he had any other reason. He replied, *' I hope I shall go to heaven, because my heart is already there ; and I do not think the Spirit of God would have drawn my heart to 776 him, and made me delight in holiness and his service, if he had not intended to take me to heaven." I asked him if he had always thought in this way. " No, no," said he ; "I was once a naughty and wicked boy, but by at- tending the Sunday school I have learned this : but I hope I have learned it from a better Teacher than our Sun- day school teachers. I think I have learned it from the Spirit of God." BENEFITS OF SABBATH SCHOOLS TO PAKENTS, ETC. %%. Moral Benefits. (a) SABBATH SCHOLAR AND THE PRISONERS.— At a Sunday school anniversary, the Rev. Mr. Hoov- er related the following facts : — He had been called, in the providence of God, some months before, to preach to the inmates of a prison. On ap- proaching a cell with the keeper, he heard the voice of supplication to God ; and when the door v/as opened, discov- ered the occupant, an old man, in chains, sitting on a log, with the Bible before him, the open leaves of which were wet with his teal's. Into two other adjoining cells was he conducted, each of which was tenanted by men whose demeanor and conversation indicated that they had passed from death unto life. To Mr. H.'s questions of surprise and pleas- ure, the keeper related, that shortly af^ ter the imprisonment of the first men- tioned convict, the unhappy man re- ceived a letter from his little son, in words to the following effect : — " Dear Father — S(X)n afler you lef\ us, a kind Sunday school teacher came to our house, and took us with him to the Sunday school. Several of my companions go there too, and we pray for you very much. We have laid up some money for you, and are saving all that we can to try to get you out. Do, dear father, be good, and trust in God.'' The artless expression of love mani- fested in this letter touched the father's heart ; and he, who had hitherto resist- ed the Bible and his own conscience^ was now bowed to the dust, in the an- guish of a smitten soul. He began to pray, and to read that BENEFITS TO PARENTS, ETC. 396, 397 neglected word of life, and ceased not, till He who had wounded, showed him that it was his merciful prerogative to heal. The prisoners in the adjoining cell, meanwhile, hearing the language of prayer, at first wondered, but shortly betook themselves to the same throne of mercy. The feeling was communica- ted to the next cell, and the inmates were constrained to cry out, " What must we do?" The fruits of this awakening were testified, in the judg- ment of charity, in the conversion of three of these convicts to God. (b) THE PUPIL AND HER MIS- TRESS. — A girl, who belonged to a Sunday school in Birmingham, obtained a situation as nurse maid in a respecta- ble family. One Sunday evening her mistress was informed that Mary had been to the chapel, and she immediately gave the girl warning to quit her ser- vice in a month, saying that she would have no chapel-going servants in her house. In the course of the ensuing week, one of the servants told her mis- tress that Mary used to pray every night before she v/ent to sleep. The mistress inquired whose prayer-book Mary took to bed with her. She was told that she prayed without a book. The mistress replied, " That cannot be, for no one can pray without a book." The ser- vant asked her mistress to come up stairs and listen, after they were gone to bed, that she might hear Mary pray in the dark without a book. The mis- tress accordingly went up that night, and heard Mary praying aloud for her master and mistress, and particularly for the little child whom she used to nurse. The mistress was much affect- ed, and informed her husband of it. Ho went up the next night, and heard Mary's fervent prayer, at which he was so (irreatly affected that he afterwards told his' wife, with tears, that she must not part with Mary. They ascertained tliat the girl had learned to pray by at- tending]!; the Sunday school ; and on the next Sunday evening the master, the mistress, and Mary, all went to chapel together. Thus Mary was confirmed in her situation, and became the means of bringing her master and mistress to attend a place of worship, which they afterwards did regularly, and became subscribers to the Sunday school. 197. Religious Benefits. (a) AN AFFECTING MEETING. — At the foot of a lofty hill, writes a correspondent of an American periodi- cal, crowned to the summit with the richest verdure, a miserable mud cabin peeped out from among encircling bush- wood and straggling elms. A stillness seemed to lie around the spot, and I felt an indescribable sensation creep over me as I drew near the house of mourn- ing. I paused at the entrance. A low murmuring kind of sound stole upon my ear, and again all was hushed. I gently opened the door^ and bent myself forward, as if to ascertain, unnoticed, what was passing within. I saw at the first glance that death had been there. The apartment on the threshold of which I now stood, was of the meanest con- struction ; it was without a single piece of furniture that deserved the name. In one corner of it a dead body lay stretched out, very slightly covered with a tattered coat, and a cold kind of hor- rible feeling ran through my very soul ; and it would probably have shrunk away from any further investigation, if I had not been suddenly arrested by a soft sweet voice, mingled with a low groan, somewhat like a death-rattle, that seemed to issue from the same apartment. I turned my head around, and beheld a sight that chained me, as if by magic, to the ground. Oh, it was heart thrilling to behold ! On a bundle of straw, a woman, somewhat in years, lay apparently in the agonies of death. Near her head hung, reclining in deep sorrow, a beautiful little half naked child. On one side, a lovely girl, about thirteen years of age knelt ; a Bible clasped in her thin slender hands, with which she was endeavoring to comfort her dying mother. I instantly recog- nized two of my Sabbath school children. The meeting was affecting. They had been without food for some days. The mother died next day, in the triumph of that faith which her little daughter taught her out of the Bible. The girls I grew up to be respectable members of 777 397 SABBATH SCHOOLS. society, and ome of them has been a teacher in a Sabbath school for several years. (b) THE SKEPTIC AND HIS SON. — A pastor's wife solicited a little boy whose father was dissolute in his habits and skeptical in his sentiments, to attend the Sabbath school. He ob- tained consent of his parents, came the following Sabbath, and took his place in the class. Books were served out to him among the rest ; he carried them home ; they were read. This had a tendency to draw his father out to church, to hear preaching, and lectures on the subject of temperance. At one of the lectures, the pastor presented the pledge to him — he signed it with his own hand. Very soon the pastor was sent for to pray and converse with him on the subject of re- ligion. In short, he found the husband and wife both deeply convicted on ac- count of their sins ! They were con- verted, baptized, and added to the church. They both honored their profession. The husband became an active, zealous member of the church. His efforts were untiring, his prayers simple, fer- vent and effective. (c) MY SON IS MY SPIRITUAL FATHER. — At a Wesleyan class meet- ing, a man rose and addressed the lead- er thus : — " I am very thankful to God, and to you, for your Sunday school. My son, who now sits beside me, is my spiritual father. He heard me cursing, while in a state of drunkenness, and said to me, ' O father ! my teacher said to-day, at the Sunday school, that nei- ther drunkards nor swearers could enter into heaven.' This so affected my mind, that from that time I was enabled, by the grace of God, to leave off those wicked practices ; and both myself and my son are now members of your soci- ety." He then laid his hand on his son's head, and repeated, " My son is my spiritual father." {d) "SPELLING REPENTANCE." — In one of the counties in England, cel- ebrated for its valuable mines, there lived a collier, grossly ignorant of di- vine things ; and the doctrines of the gospel were totally unknown to him. From his habits of vicp, and aversion to the worship of God, there seemed little 778 hope that any moral change could be effected in him. But that which to man seemed so doubtful, God was pleased to accomplish in a way exceedingly simple, yet truly marvelous. Destitute, as he appears to have been, of concern for his spiritual welfare, he was induced to permit the attendance of his children at a Sunday school, conducted on reli- gious principles ; where the children were taught to practise moral duties, and instructed in the essential doctrines of Christianity. It pleased God to visit one of the daughters of this wicked fa- ther with mortal sickness ; but, before her death, she was instrumental in ex- citing the attention of her parent to the concerns of his soul. " Father," in- quired the dying child, "can you spell repentance ?" This artless question, through the blessing of God, was effect- ual to awaken concern. " Spell repent- ance !" repeated the astonished father ; " why, what is repentance ?" Thus he became desirous of knowing, and ulti- mately was taught its sacred meaning ; and discovered that he had been a stran- ger to it, both in theory and experience. He also discovered that he needed repent- ance ; that he was a guilty condemned sinner, deserving God's wrath and ever- lasting misery ; and repentance unto life was granted to him. He spelled out its divine import ; and obtained an acquaintance with that Savior whom God has exalted to give repentance and remission of sins ; and, by bringing forth the fruits of righteousness, he, in after life, supported and adorned his Christian profession. (e) A PIOUS BOY'S FIDELITY. — In New- York city a little boy lived, who appeared to take little or no inter- est in learning, so that he was pro- nounced by his teachers a very dull scholar. He learned to read but very slowly, and finally neglected the school, thinking he should never succeed. There was a Bible class organized, which he was induced to attend. And here he soon began to manifest an inter- est in the study of the Scriptures. He learned to read well, which much as- tonished his father, who was a very wicked man. One Sabbath his father took some nails and a hammer to nail BENEFITS TO PARENTS. ETC. 397 up a fence, when he was reproved by ' his little son, who spoke about working on the sabbath day, and invited him to attend public worship. The enraged father drove him from his presence, and threatened to punish him, if he ever talked in that way again. The child went away sorrowful. Not long after this, as the little boy returned from pub- lic worship, he went and looked over his father's shoulder, and observed that he was reading Hume's History of Eng- land. He went into the middle of the room, and said, " Father, where do you expect to go when you die ?" Such a question from such a child could not be borne. " Away," said he, " from my presence immediately, or I will whip you." The child retired ; but the fa- ther was troubled. He went out to walk, but still a load was pressing on his a^onizinij soul. He thouo;ht of at- tending public worship, for nothing else seemed so likely to soothe his troubled feelings. He entered while the minis- ter was at prayer, and that day was the beginning of better days to him. He sought from God the forgiveness of his sins, and soon obtained the hope of eter- nal life. A few years passed away, and tlie old man was on his dying bed. His son attended him, constantly ministering to his spiritual wants. To a Christian minister the father said, " I am dying, but I am ffoinfj to heaven : and mv son has been the instrument of saving my soul." Soon his spirit was released to be welcomed, as we have no reason to doubt, into the mansions of glory. Hap- py child ! to be the instrument of saving his father from death. Happy parent ! to be blessed with such a child. (/) THE SAILOR AND HIS DAUGHTER. — In conversation with a respectable middle-aged seaman, at one of the prayer-mfcetings of the Liverpool Seamen's Friend Society, a friend asked, what first induced him to attend to re- ligion. After a pause of some mo- ments, he related the following narra- tive : — I have been a sailor from a very ear- ly age, and never thought about religion, or the concerns of my soul, until my re- turn from my last voyage. My home, where I have resided eighteen years, is at a village near Workington, in a small cottage, the next to a neat chapel ; but the people who go to this chapel be- ing called by the neighbors, methodists, I never would venture inside the door, nor suffer my family to do so, if I could prevent it. I usually sail out of Liver- pool. During the winter the vessel is laid up. At those times I return home for a few weeks to my family. Having a small family, and the times pressing rather hard upon us, during my absence last summer, my wife, endeavoring to save a little, sent my eldest girl, about six years of age, to the Sunday school established at the chapel. My stay, when at home, being generally of short duration, my wife might suppose it would be no difficult matter to keep me in ignorance of the circumstance. I came from my last voyage before Christmas, and went home. Being late when I arrived, I Jiad not the opportuni- ty of seeing my eldest girl until the fol- lowing day. At dinner time, when we had sat down, I began to eat what was before me, without ever thinking of my heavenly Father, who provided my dai- ly bread ; but, glancing my eye towards this girl, of whom I was dotingly fond, I observed her to look at me with aston- ishment. After a moment's pause, she asked me, in a solemn and serious man- ner, " Father, do you never ask a bless- ing before eating ?" Her mother ob- served me to look hard at her, and hold my knife and fork motionless (it was not anger — it was a rush of conviction which struck me like lightning) ; appre- hending some reproof from me, and wishing to pass it by in a trifling way, she said, "Do you say grace, Nanny." My eyes were still riveted upon the child, for I felt conscious I had never instructed her to pray, nor even set an example, by praying with my family. The child, seeing me waiting for her to begin, put. her hands together, and lifting her eyes up to heaven, breathed the sweetest prayer I ever heard. This was too much for me ; the knife and fork dropped from my hands, and I gave vent to my feelings in tears. [Here a pause ensued, and he appear- ed much affected ; on recovering him- 779 397 SABBATH SCHOOLS. self, he continued.] I inquired who had thus instructed the child. The mother informed me the good people at the chapel next door ; and the child never would go to bed, nor rise in the morning, without kneeling down to pray for her- self, and her dear father and mother. Ah ! thought I, and I never prayed for myself or my children. I entered the chapel in the evening, for the first time, and continued to attend the means of grace there. The Lord having wakened me to a sense of my danger through the instrumentality of a dear child, I am now seeking him with all my heart, and truly can I say, I am happy in the thought, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save poor sinners, of whom I am chief. {g) THE GAMBLING FATHER. — Hannah Price, a poor girl, had been instructed in a Sunday school. The serious impressions made upon her mind were soon visible ; and she show- ed that she was converted to God. Her father, though in his earlier years he had received a better education than the most respectable of the poor have usually obtained, had become the com- panion of the most profligate men in his native village, and, by degrees, the worst of them all. The alehouse, at night, received the earnings of the day ; and if any part remained after the guilty revels of the week, it was spent on Sunday in the same haunt of vice. His wife never reproached him, and only endeavored to lure him from such society, and such practices, by the comforts of home. But his home was the scene of his greatest misery ; for there he had time to reflect, and there he was surrounded by the wife and children whom he was daily inju- ring. One Sunday evening, atler drink- ing and gambling all the day, and hav- ing lost all the earnings of the week, he turned from his companions, and scarcely knowing what he did, took the road homewards. One of them called to him to return, entreated him to have one more game, and added, " Why, you will be sure to win it all back, you know." 780 He stopped — " Why, if I could get it back," said he to himself. " Come, come," said his companion, " one more game, only one." "No," said Price; "I've lost all my money, and so I can't if I would." But at that moment it occurred to him, that all his quarter's rent, except what was to be made up out of his last week's work, had been put in a cup- board, in the kitchen at home ; and that if he could get that, he should be sure to win back all he had lost. The money was to be paid the next day, and, hardened as he was, he trembled at what he was going to do, and was terrified lest his wife and children should see him. He approached the house, then ven- tured to look in at the window, and per- ceiving no one, he entered the kitchen, and went hastily up to the cupboard. It was locked, and he felt a momentary relief in the thought that he could not get the money. But again he said to himself, I shall be sure to win ; and he hastened softly up stairs to look for the key, thinking he knew where his wife had put it. As he passed the room in which the children slept, he thought he heard a faint noise, and, listening he heard several sobs, and then a voice. It was poor little Hannah, praying that her father might see the error of his ways, that God would change his heart, and make him a comfort to her mother, and to them all. Her sighs and tears seemed almost to impede her utterance ; and when he heard her call him her " dear, dear father," and felt how ill he had deserved such a name, he could scarcely forbear groaning aloud, in the anguish of his feelings. He forgot the key, crept to his bed-room, and fell on his knees. He uttered not one word, but the language of the heart is audible in the ears of Mercy ; and that evening, for the first time, it might be said of him, " Behold he prayeth." (/i) LEAVING ALL FOR CHRIST. — A large family, who resided a i^ew miles from the city of New-York, were accustomed entirely to neglect both the church and the Sabbath school ; in fact, the father and mother \vere very much CONNECTION WITH THE MINISTRY AND MISSIONS. 398 opposed to religious instruction of any kind. It so happened, however, that a little daughter of these parents became connected with a sabbath school, and was soon very much interested in the instruction she received. When her father heard of her attending the school, he forbade her going again ; but the lit- tle girl supposing that he was not really in earnest, continued to go. At length, the father, mother, brothers and sisters threatened in decided terms to turn her out of the house, if she should again be seen at the sabbath school. She, how- ever, when Sunday morning came, dressed herself as usual, except putting on her bonnet. When the hour arrived for the school to commence, she went to her father, and taking him by the hand, said, " Father, I love you, but I love Je- sus Christ more, so I now bid you fare- well !" She then took leave of her mo- ther in the same vvay, and of her bro- thers and sisters, and left them for the school. The warmth of regard of their little daughter for religious instruction, touched a tender chord in the bosom of the father, notwithstanding his apparent hard-heartedness : he did not repeat his prohibition, but followed silently after her to the school — went in — and, on witnessing the instructions given to the children, became at once reconciled towards his daughter, and interested in the school. The next sabbath he per- suaded his wife to accompany him, and she was pleased also ; and, finally, the whole family became not only interested in the sabbath school, but useful and ac- tive members of the church. This lit- tle girl, in following the dictates of her conscience, little thought that she should be the means of bringing her father, mother, brothers and sisters to the know- ledge of the truth. But God in his in- finite goodness, saw fit to make her the instrument in bringing about such a blessed result. S98. Connection of Sabbath Schools with the Ministry and Missions. (a) THE BEREAN CLASS.— A writer speaking of a certain Sabbath school in Boston, says : " One of the former teachers in that school, is now settled in the ministry in this vicinity ; another is a useful printer in the Sand- wich Islands ; another is a superintend- ent of a Sabbath school in this city ; and a fourth is studying at Andover, to fit himself for teaching in a day school. One of the former pupils is now study- ing with reference to the ministry ; two others are far advanced in their college course, and one of these will probably become a herald of that Gospel which he loves. (b) VARIOUS INSTANCES.— It is said, that of the missionaries who have gone from Great Britain to the heathen, nineteen twentieths became pious at the Sabbath schools ; and that, of the orthodox ministers in England, who are under forty years of age, more than two-thirds became pious at the Sabbath schools. Henderson and Patterson, who have done such wonders on the continent, in regard to the Bible cause, it is said, re- ceived their first impressions at Sabbath schools. The celebrated Dr. Morrison, missionary in the vast empire of China, who has translated the whole Bible into Chinese, a language spoken by the largest associated population on the globe, became pious at a Sabbath school ! O ! who can tell, how many Brainerds, and Buchanans, and Mor- risons, and Martyns, and Harriet New- els God is training in these schools, to become the blessed instruments of re- novating the world ! ! (c) ROBERT MAY AND HIS SCHOOL. — Robert May was the son of a common mariner, in indigent cir- cumstances. He was sent to the Sun- day school at Wood bridge (Eng.), where he obtained his education, and greatly improved his privileges. One Lord's day morning, as the mi- nister was going to the meeting-houso, Robert put into his hand a humble peti- tion, requesting that he might be per- mitted to be a teacher in the Sunday school ; an office in which he after- wards appeared to be both happy and useful. On the eleventh of March, 1806, when he was seventeen years of age, he was admitted a member of the inde- pendent chapel at Woodbridsre. 781 398 SABBATH SCHOOLS. Robert now felt an earnest desire to go abroad as a missionary. He often told his minister that he thought there were plenty of teachers at home, and that he should like to go abroad, to teach poor black children to read the Bible, and to learn hymns and cate- chisms. After being eminently useful in im- proving and extending the Sunday school system in the United States, his final destination was Chinsurah, in the neighborhood of Calcutta. Here he spent his time chiefly in instructing the children of the poor benighted heathen in the great principles of Christianity, and in other parts of useful knowledge. In connexion with his other exertions, he published a small volume of ser- mons, which he had preached to chil- dren, and which have since been re- printed in England. He had three thousand children under his care, and was about to add two thousand five hundred more to that number, when he was seized by a vio- lent fever, which, in a few days, ter- minated his valuable life, and brought him to the house appointed for all living. (d) HANDS' TESTIMONY.— At a public meeting, the Rev. W. Hands, a missionary in the East Indies, ob- served that, " he owed every thing to Sunday schools ; for it was there that the heavenly spark had first caught his soul ; it was there that he had first lifted up his voice for the purpose of imparting Christian instruction to others. If it had not been for that opportunity, he should probably never have offered him- self to the Missionary Society. There- fore, again he said, that he had every reason to bless God that he had begun by being a Sunday school teacher, es- pecially as he believed that it was })rincipally through the labors of Sun- day schools, that the Gospel of the Re- deemer was extended throughout the world. (e) MUNDY'S TESTIMONY.— On the same occasion, the Rev. George Mundy, missionary at Chinsurah, in the East Indies, states that he might truly say, that if he had never been a Sun- 782 day school teacher, he should never have been a missionary. if) KNILL'S TESTIMONY.— The Rev. Richard Knill wrote from St. Pe- te rsburgh, in 1819, as follows : " As an individual, I feel peculiarly indebted to such institutions, and to the glory of God I record it, that all the blessings which have been given to others, through my instrumentality, may be traced up to a Sunday school. It was my privilege to be a teacher in a Sun- day school at Bideford : hearing a ser- mon preached in behalf of the institu- tion led me first to think of being a missionary. Most of my fellow-students at Axminster had been Sunday school teachers ; and out of twenty missiona- ries, who were my colleagues at Gos- port, three-fourths of them had been engaged in the same way. (g) PHILIP'S TESTIMONY.— At the annual meeting of the Sunday- School Union, in May, 1829, the Rev. Dr. Philip, missionary from the Cape of Good Hope, stated that he commenced his labors in the church of Christ as a Sunday-school teacher. The first prayer that he offered up in the presence of others, was in a Sunday-school. The first attempt he ever made to speak from the Holy Scriptures was in a Sunday- school. And he was fully persuaded, that had it not been for his humble ex- ercises in the capacity of a Sunday- school teacher, and the advantages he there acquired, he should never have had the confidence to become a minister of the gospel, or a missionary of Jesus Christ. He informed the meeting, fur- ther, that when he commenced his minis- terial labors in Aberdeen, he felt the im- portance of .promoting Sunday school instruction ; and the benefits which had resulted from the schools established in that town were, at the present moment, incalculable. During the period that he labored there, twelve or fourteen young men went out into the field of ministerial labor, many of whom became missionaries. One of them was the la- mented Dr. Milne, and the other was the amiable Keith. Several other ministers owed their first religious impressions to the tuition they received in Sunday- schools. MISCELLANEOUS. 398, 399 (h) FOURTEEN MINISTERS FROM A CLASS.— Mr. Clark, af- terwards schoolmaster at Sierra Leone, taught a Sunday school at Edinburgh. His method of giving instruction was, after the pupils had read, or repeated a portion of Scripture, to put such explan- atory and practical questions to them as naturally arose out of the passage, and to conclude with a short address and prayer. Of one class, consisting of six- teen boys, fourteen of them at adult age, were brought to the saving knowledge of God, and acknowledged the early in- struction he had given them as the means of their conversion. The whole of these were afterwards engaged in preaching the gospel, some of them in Great Britain, and others in foreign lands. {i) REPORT OF BATH UN- ION. — The Bath Sunday school Union Report, of 1824, gives the pleasing in- formation, that several missionaries, and upwards of twenty other persons, had been called out of its schools, to preach " the glorious gospel of the blessed God." (j) THE ORPHAN HOUSE SUNDAY SCHOOL.— At a meeting of teachers conected with the Newcasile- on-Tyne Sunday School Union, in 1823, an old teacher observed that he had known the Orphan House Methodist Sunday school for twenty-one years ; and that, during this period, no less a number than twenty-six preachers had issued from it, either from the scholars or the teachers. Can there be a stronger proof of the utility of Sunday schools? {k) THE CLERGYMAN'S VIS- IT. — I was, one Sabbath afternoon, says a superintendent, about tp close the school in which I was engaged, when a well-dressed genteel person, who pre- sented himself as a visitor, requested me to allow him to speak to the children. This being readily granted, he address- ed them nearly to the following effect : There was once a poor lad, who was noted, even among his sinful compan- ions, for wickedness, but especially for swearing and Sabbath breaking. He, along with others, resolved, one Sabbath, to pelt some steady boys who were going to their school. However, it so happen- ed, that the lads, on being attacked, ran away ; this lad followed them to the very doors of the school, which, when opened, as they were then singing, such a sound came from the place as seemed to stun him. He wondered what they could be doing inside ; and a teacher at that moment admitted the other boys, and invited him in. A new scene now opened itself upon him ; nearly three hundred boys, seated with their teachers. They all appeared so neat and clean, and in such order that he wished he was "one of them." He stood, for some time, a spectacle for the whole school dirty and ragged, and with his wooden clogs on. After some consultation, it was resolved to admit him into the A B C class. Every thing was new to him. The next Sabbath he appeared, his hair was combed, his face washed, and a pair of shoes were given to him. He now found himself so much behind the other boys, that he resolved to strain every nerve to get up to them. This determination was the means of his ris- ing to the very first class ; when his conduct being approved of, he was chosen a teacher. He now felt he had something more to do than to teach ; he had a soul to be saved or lost. In a little time he was enabled, after much prayer, to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and to rejoice in his salvation. The Lord then called him to preach these glad tidings, and happening some time after to officiate within twenty miles of his own much beloved school, he rode hard, after the morning's labors, and reached the place just in time to see the poor lads in his own, very own school ; — and here he is now speaking to you. The scene now became truly affect- ing ; he burst into tears, as did several others around him ; at last, he sobbed out, " O, my dear lads, be in right good earnest to make the most of your very great Sabbath school privileges ; I have kept you too long !" He then conclud- ! ed with a most affecting prayer. i W. Miscellaneous. (a) CHIEF JUSTICE MAR- SHALL AND JUDGE WASHING- TON.— Chief Justice Marshall and 783 399 SABBATH SCHOOLS. the late Judge Washington, of the Supreme Court of the United States, were both active in the Sabbath school cause. At the age of seventy, the chief justice regarded it as his high honor to walk through the city of Rich- mond at the head of a Sunday school procession. (b) EFFECT OF FAITHFUL- NESS. — " A class," says the report from F- Mass., " consisting in all of six scholars, usually numbering three or four on the Sabbath, was left vacant by the removal of its teacher, who might be denominated a good common- place teacher. Her place was supplied by one who felt the solemn respon- sibility of her station and the worth of souls. Her influence was soon seen and felt. Numbers flocked to her class. In a short time it increased from six to fourteen, and others were necessarily denied admission. A deep interest and general seriousness soon pervaded the whole class. This was evidently the result of direct and personal conversa- tion with them on the subject of their salvation. In a short time this devoted teacher was obliged by ill health to re- sign her place to another ; the class has now lost much of its interest in spiritual things, and has gradually dwindled away to nearly its former number. This instance goes to show that even the thoughtless have a disposition to covet and listen to the instructions of those who deal faithfully with their souls." (c) THE THREE CLASSES AND THE THREE RESOLUTIONS.— In the State of New-York, a pious young lady was once requested by the superintendent to take a class of girls in the Sabbath school. She accepted the invitation and engaged in the work. She was observed to be very earnest, faithful and aflectionate with her charge. Soon a change was observed. One after another became thoughtful, se- rious, anxious and hopefully pious, un- til, in the judgment of charity, every member of her class was converted to God. She was at length requested to give up her class, and to take another, none 784 of whom were pious. With some hesi- tation she, at length consented. She had not been in her new class long be- fore similar effects were observed, and ultimately every member of the class cherished a hope in Christ. She was finally induced to give up this class also to be instructed by others, and to take another class, all of whom were uncon- verted. She had not labored long be- fore precisely the same results followed her labors as before, and every mem- ber of this third class became hopefully pious. And now her work was done. Her Master called her to her rest in heaven. She died, but her labors lived. After her death, her friends, on exa- mining her religious journal, found the following resolutions, viz. — Resolved, that I iiill pray once each day for each member of my class by name. On look- ing farther in the journal, they found the same resolution re-written and re- adopted, with a slight addition, as follows, viz. — Resolved, thai, I will pray once each day for each member of my class by name, and agonize in pirayer. Looking on still farther in her jour- nal, the same resolution was again found re-written and re-adopted, with another slight addition, as follows, viz. — Re- solved, that I will pray once each day for each member of my class by name, and agonize in prayer, and expect a bless- ing. Did that teacher do too much and pray too much ? Wliat answer would her glorified spirit now give could she speak to us ? (d) DYING TEACHER MISTAK- EN. — Mr. M. was for many years a pious and indefatigable Sunday school teacher. It pleased God to call him to suffer severe affliction, and to an early death. During his long affliction, though it was painful even to see him walk, he went to his class, nor would he resign as long as he could possibly reach the school. " It was my happiness," says a writer in the ' Teacher's Magazine,' " to visit him during his trying illness ; and the calmness of his mind under affliction, and his triumphant departure, I never shall forget. Nor shall I cease to remember another circumstance. Turning to me, and with something like MISCELLANEOUS. 399 despondency, he said, ' Well, I believe I never was useful as a Sunday school teacher.' " Some short time after his death, I visited a Sunday school in a small town some distance from that in which Mr. M. had lived. 1 soon recognized among the teachers one who had been a Sun- day scholar ; I conversed with him and found that he was a professor of religion, and a member of a Christian church in that town. I congratulated him upon his employment, and inquired by what means he had been led to love the Lord Jesus Christ ? He replied, ' The ad- vice which my teacher again and again gave me, led me to reflection and to prayer, and I hope was the means of leading me to Christ.' And who was that teacher? He replied, 'Mr. M.' Yes, that same dear friend, who, upon a dying bed, said, he believed he had never been useful as a Sunday school (c) PRESIDENT HARRISON A TEACHER. — President Harrison taught, for several years, in a humble Sabbath school on the banks of the Ohio. The Sabbath before he left home for Washington, to assume the duties of chief magistrate of the nation, he met his Bible class as usual. And his last counsel on the subject to his gardener, at Washington, it may be hoped, will never be forgotten by the nation. When advised to keep a dog to protect his fruit, he replied — " Rather set a Sunday school teacher to take care of the boys." (/) EXAMPLE OF SEVERAL STATESMEN— A writer in the New- York Journal of Commerce for 1844, says ; " The present Chancellor of the University of New- York city, (Mr. Pre- linghuysen,) was a Sunday school teach- er while he held the office of Attorney General of New Jersey, and afterwards, while a Senator in Congress ; and he may still be seen cheerfully associating with the humblest teachers. The Hon. B. F. Butler was a Sun- day-school teacher while holding the office of Attorney General of the United States, and has, at the present time, his Bible class for young men. And the visitor at Saratoga Springs, 50 who will look into the Sunday school, may there see the Hon. Chancellor of the state of New-York (R. H. Walworth) with other literary gentlemen, animating the young in their Bible investigations. Hon. Wm. Ellsworth, while gover- nor of the state of Connecticut, instruct- ed a Bible class from Sabbath to Sabbath, in one of the Cong-rearational churches of Hartford. He remarked that when he quitted the gubernatorial chair in the State-house and came before his class to teach them the word of God, he felt that he was not going down, but going wp." (g) A GOOD RESOLUTION.— At the close of an Agent's address to a meeting in the western part of the state of Massachusetts, in 1828, after alluding to the fact that a neighboring town was laboring to bring all into the Sabbath school, that old and young, in the inter- val of divine service, should be employ- ed in teaching or studying the Bible, he inquired whether it was not the duty of the people of that place to follow an ex- >ample so worthy of imitation ? Some with locks already white for the grave, said they would become Sabbath-school scholars, and, in accents tremulous with emotion, gave thanks to God that they could now come and enjoy the privileges with which he was blessing their chil- dren. The following resolution was then almost unanimously adopted by male and female, viz : That, in the opin- ion of this meeting, it is the duty of every PERSON, not prevented by the providence of God, to be connected imth a Sabbath school. And that we will do all in our power to effect this object. {h) SCHOOLS IN WALES.— A poor family, in Wales, had acquired, by great industry, the sum of thirty pounds. This, for greater security, as they thought, they placed in the hands of a person reported to be very rich ; but he shortly afterwards failed, and they lost their little all. They were nearly broken-hearted ; and, from their abject condition, did not like to be seen in a place of worship. After some time, however, their little boy found his way to a Sunday school, was very attentive, and went regularly for a long time. At length he was taken very ill, and re- 785 399, 400 SATAN, AGENCY OF. quested the teachers to come and pray with him. He gradually got worse, and it became evident to himself and others, that he was soon to leave this World. This little boy then told his pa- rents he felt quite happy in the love of God ; and said, that if he had not attend- ed a Sunday school, he should have known nothing of the Lord Jesus Christ. He entreated, as his dying request, that his mother would attend and take his place in the Sunday school ; for, in Wales, there are nearly as many adults, or grown people, in the schools, as chil- dren. The poor weeping mother con- sented, and, after her little boy's death, attended where he used to sit ; the re- sult of which was, that both she and her husband became truly converted to God. (i) EFFECT OF HAVING ADULT SCHOLARS.— A gentleman, speaking of a certain Sabbath school in Massachusetts says The school em- braces those of all ages, from 3 to 80. With a few exceptions, the whole con- gregation attend the school. A more interesting school I have never seen : all seem desirous of under- standing the word of God — and many, I trust, that they may obey it. We think that a deep interest is felt in con- sequence of all being together. The adults give character to the school. The younger members feel the importance of the study in which the older ones are engaged. The happy effects of the Sabbath school in this town are perceptible in all classes of persons. The aged have opened their eyes upon a new world. The Bible has become the delightful study of many who, till within three years, scarcely ever perused it : those who are past the meridian of life often remark to me that they find subjects of thought and inquiry which never sug- gested themselves to them till they studied for the purpose of teaching oth- ers, or to give answers to questions. Our adult classes are on the plan of mutual instruction — and I think there is quite as much interest manifested among them as among the youth. This has had a very salutary effect on the young- er scholars. 400. SATAN, AGENCY OF. {a) A HARD QUESTION.— An islander in the South Seas, once pro- posed the following query to the mission- aries : — " You say God is a holy and a powerful Being ; that Satan is the cause of a vast increase of moral evil or wick- edness in the world, by exciting or dis- posing men to sin. If Satan be only a dependent creature, and the cause of so much evil, which is displeasing to God, why does God not kill Satan at once, and thereby prevent all the evil of which he is the author ?" In answer he was told, " that the facts of Satan's depend- ence on, or subjection to the Almighty, and his yet being permitted to tempt men to evil, were undeniable from the declarations of Scripture, and the expe- rience of every one accustomed to ob- serve the operations of his own mind. Such an one, it was observed, would often find himself exposed to an influ- ence that could be attributed only to Satanic agency ; but that why he was permitted to exert this influence on man, was not made known in the Bible." {b) " THE DEVIL IS WROTH." — " I asked the Rev. Legh Richmond," says one, " how we were to reconcile the increase of religion with the acknow- ledged growth of crime, as evinced in our courts of justice ? He answered, ' Both are true. Bad men are becoming worse, and good men better. The first are ripening for judgment, the latter for glory. The increase of wickedness is, in this respect, a proof of the increase of religion. The devil is wroth, know- ing that his time is short.' " 786 SELF-CONTROL. 401 401. self-control. (a) THE MERCHANT AND THE QUAKER. — A merchant in London had a dispute with a quaker respecting the settlement of an account. The mer- chant was determined to bring the ac- count into court, a proceeding which the quaker earnestly deprecated, using every argument in his power to con- vince the merchant of his error ; but the latter was inflexible. Desirous to make a last effort, the quaker called at his house one morning, and inquired of the servant if his master was at home, the merchant hearing the inquiry, and know- ing the voice, called out from the top of the stairs, " Tell that rascal I am not at home." The quaker looking up at him, calmly said, " Well, friend, God put thee in a better mind." The mer- chant, struck afterwards with the meek- ness of the reply, and having more de- liberately investigated the matter, be- came convinced that the quaker was right and he was wrong. He requested to see him, and after acknowledging his error, he said, " I have one question to ask you, how were you able, with such patience, on various occasions, to bear my abuse ?" " Friend," replied the qua- ker, "I will tell thee ; I was naturally as hot and violent as thou art. I knew that to indulge this temper was sinful ; and I found that it was imprudent. I observed that men in a passion always spake aloud ; and I thought if I could control my voice, f should repress my passion. I have, therefore, made it a rule, never to let my voice rise above a certain key ; and by a careful observance of this rule, I have, by the blessing of God, entirely mastered my natural temper." The quaker reasoned philosophically, and the merchant, as every one else may do, benefitted by his example. (&) MARLBORO' AND HIS SER- VANT.— The Duke of Marlborough possessed great command of temper, and never permitted it to be ruffled by little things, in which even the greatest men have been occasionally found un- As he was one day riding guarded. with Commissary Marriot, it began [ to rain, and he called to his servant for his cloak. The servant not bringing it immediately, he called for it again. The servant, being embarrassed with the straps and buckles, did not come up to him. At last, it raining very hard, the duke called to him again, and asked him what he was about, that he did not bring his cloak. " You may stay, sir," grumbled the fellow, " if it rains cats and dogs, till I can get at it." The duke turned round to Marriot, and said, very coolly, " Now I would not be of that fellow's temper for all the world." (c) NEWTON AND HIS DOG.— Sir Isaac Newton's temper, it is said, was so equal and mild, that no accident could disturb it. A remarkable in- stance of which is related as follows : — Sir Isaac had a favorite little dog, which he called Diamond. Being one evening called out of his study into the next room. Diamond was left behind. When Sir Isaac returned, having been absent but a few minutes, he had the mortification to find that Diamond had overturned a lighted candle amons: some papers, the nearly finished labor of ma- ny years, which were soon in flames, and almost consumed to ashes. This loss, from Newton's advanced age, was irreparable ; but, without at all punish- ing the dog, he exclaimed, " O, Dia- mond, Diamond ! you little know the mischief you have done !" (d) THE LOGICIAN'S DIGRES- SION.— Of Mr. John Henderson, it is observed, that the oldest of his friends never beheld him otherwise than calm and collected ; it was a state of mind he retained under all circumstances. Dur- ing his residence at Oxford, a student of a neighboring college, proud of his logi- cal acquirements, was solicitous of a private disputation with the renowned Henderson ,• some mutual friends intro- duced him, and, having chosen his sub- ject, they conversed for some time with equal candor and moderation ; but Henderson's antagonist, perceiving hi? confutation inevitable, (forgetting ^he 787 401, 402 SELF-DECEPTION. character of a gentleman, and with a resentment engendered by his former arrogance,) threw a full glass of wine in his face. Henderson, without alter- ing his features or changing his position, gently wiped his face, and then coolly replied, " This, sir, is a digression ; now for the argument," (e) THE HARDEST FOE.— Peter the Great made a law in 1722, that if any nobleman beat or ill-treated his slaves, he should be looked upon as in- sane, and a guardian should be appoint- ed to take care of his person and of his estate. This great monarch once struck his gardener, who, being a man of great sensibility, took to his bed, and died in a few days. Peter hearing of this, ex- claimed, with tears in his eyes, " Alas ! I have civilized my own subjects ; I have conquered other nations; yet I have not been able to civilize or to con- quer myself." (/) SELF-CONTROL OF SOC- RATES. — Socrates finding himself in great emotion against a slave, said, " I would beat you if I were not an- gry." Having received a box on the ear, he contented himself by only say- ing with a smile, " It is a pity we do not know when to put on a helmet." Socrates meeting a gentleman of rank in the streets, saluted him, but the gentleman took no notice of it. His friends in company observing what pass- ed, told the philosopher " they were so exasperated at the man's incivility, that they had a good mind to resent it." But he very calmly made answer, '' If you meet any person in the road in a worse habit of body than yourself, would you think you had reason to be enraged at him on that account ; pray then, what greater reason can you have for being incensed at a man for a worse habit of mind than any of yourselves ?" His wite, Xantippe, was a woman of a most fantastical and furious spirit. At one time, having vented all the re- proaches upon Socrates her fury could suggest, he went out and sat before the door. His calm and unconcerned be- havior but irritated her so much the more ; and in the excess of her rage, she ran up stairs and emptied a vessel upon his head ; at which he only laugh- ed, and said, " that so much thunder must needs produce a shower." Alci- biades, his friend, talking with him about his wife, told him he wondered how he could bear such an everlasting scold in the same house with him: he replied, " I have so accustomed myself to expect it, that it now offends me no more than the noise of carriages in the streets. (g) A GREAT CONQUEST.— An- tigonus, king of Syria, during one of his campaigns, one day overheard some of his soldiers reviling him behind his tent. But instead of summoning them to appear and answer for their contume- ly, and exercising his authority in their punishment, he barely drew aside the curtain of his tent, and said, " Gentle- men, just remove toagreater distance, for your king hears you." 402. SELF-DECEPTION. (a) THE CHURCH MEMBER'S EXCUSE FOR DRUNKENNESS.— In the town of , in the State of New- York, there lived a man who oc- casionally drank to intoxication. He was a professor of religion; and as private admonitions proved ineffectual, he was at length brought before the church. The evidence of his intem- perance was clear and unquestionable ; but that he might not be condemned without the privilege of defence, he was 788 permitted, before the final vote was taken, to say what he could in vindica- tion of his conduct. He arose and ac- knowledged his offence, apparently with the deepest contrition, and entreated his brethren (tears all the while falling down his cheeks) that they would not excommunicate him from the church, alleging, as a reason for the helpless state in which he was sometimes found, that " his constitution required more spirit than his legs would bear up under .'" SELF-DECEPTION. 403 {h) THE MORALIST CONVERT- ED. — Mr. B. had received a highly re- ligious education, and from earliest years had been surrounded with pious connections. So great was his respect for religious ordinances, and his con- viction of the importance of maintain- ing its forms, that for years he heart- lessly officiated at the family altar. By this means, by regular attendance on the sanctuary, and by his blameless deportment, his friends were led, in the blindness of their charity, to believe him a truly pious man. Hence, with- out- any inquiry into his inward experi- ence, they often urged him to join the church. But some secret misgivings led him to decline ; yet, as he has since remarked, that it was his prevailing opinion, that he was better than many professors of religion. Indeed, such was the influence of the opinions of his friends over him, that he gradually fell into the belief, that at some former period he had, unawares, passed from death unto life. While in this state of mind a revival commenced in the con- gregation of which he was a member, with great power. Striking instances of painful conviction and joyful con- version passed under his observation. The officiating clergyman appointed an evening lecture, near Mr. B.'s residence. With accustomed hospitality, Mr. B. in- vited the minister homo v/ith him after the lecture. After some general re- marks, Mr. B. took occasion to dwell upon the inconsistencies of professors of religion. Little or no reply was made. At length he began to expose his own views and feelings respecting what he thought true religion. But, much to his disappointment, the clergyman waived the subject with some indefinite reply. Mr. B. thought he discovered, in this unexpected silence, that his guest (as was the fact) considered his religion suspicious, which not a little disturbed his quiet. And this incident, slight as it may seem, was the means, apparently, of apprising this man of the complete deception under which he and others had labored, respecting the true state of his heart. He was now constrained 10 explore its dark re(;csses ; and the 1 more he examined, the more he was convinced, that he had for years been wrapping himself in a delusion ; that the foundation of his hope was a lie. He soon became more deeply sensible to his own sins than to the sins of pro- fessors of religion, or of any other hu- man being. At length he submitted, as he believes, to the conditions of divine grace ; and continued afterwards to re- joice in the God of his salvation. " Oh ! 1 shudder," said he, to a friend, " at the thought of my hair-breadth escape. How easy, how easy to be deceived in the belief that we are Christians, without the least spark of vital 'piety .'" (c) THE RUM-DRINKER'S CON- VERSION.— During the revival at S., says Rev. Mr. Nettleton, I witnessed an instance which, if you please, 1 will re- late. Mr. A. was one of the most re- spectable men in that village, about thirty years of age, who kept a large boarding-house. His wife was under deep conviction, and soon was rejoicing in hope, and prayed with and tor her husband. This was the means of his conviction ; though, at the time, ii was not known. Report said he was con- fined to his bed, and dangerously ill. Hints were privately circulating that he was anxious for his soul, and was ashamed to have it known. It was late in the evening, when Brother G. went to his house, and found him in a bed- room, in a remote corner, in the great- est agony. " What is the matter ?" said Brother G. " Oh, I am sick ! I am in such distress !" " But your pulse is regular. Where is your pain ?" i He made no reply ; but with violence smote upon his breast. He was asked, "Js it there ?" " It is," he replied. The next evening I called, and found him still in the same distress. His convictions appeared to be deep. But when I returned, I suggested to Brother G. a suspicion of the smell of ardent spirits. 1 then related a number of anecdotes of false conversions, connect- ed with this suspicious scent. " Mr. A. is a very moral man," said he, " and far from suspicion on that point." But, for fear, he sent me back to give him a solemn caution. I returned, and with much delicacy, warned him not to taste, 789 403 SELF-DENIAL. lest . He seemed startled at my suggestion, and assured me that he was far from that habit. I requested his wife to watch him, and learned from her, that through his distress his strength had greatly failed, and that he had taken a very little, only, to prevent his sinking entirely. I returned, and ob- served to Brother G. that I feared Mr. A. was a ruined man. His concern continued for a few days, when he be- came exceedingly joyful. His con- version was considered wonderful. But my joy was checked. I could not for- get the smell of ardent spirits. I called and found him much elated with joy. But when I cautioned him, he seemed surprised and somewhat offended, and observed — " I think I have been dis- tressed enough to experience religion." " Ah !" said I, " now I doubt more than ever whether your heart has ever been changed. Do you think there is any merit in the distress of an awakened sinner ? Suppose you had been to hell, and endured the torments of the damn- ed ; what then ? It is not distress, but love to God and a chanfre of heart which alone can fit the sinner for hea- ven." After a little conversation, his heart rose in such opposition, that he relinquished his hope. His distress re- turned in a moment, and he cried out " What shall I do ?" His heart was evidently unrenewed, and still quarrel- ing with the justice of God. From some expressions, I caught a glimpse of his heart ; and that if he should ever experience religion, it was his secret purpose never to make a public pro- fession of it. He was evidently un- humbled, like a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke. I put into his hands " Ed- wards on the Justice of God in the Damnation of Sinners." Shortly, he again found relief He wished to pro- fess religion with others, but prudence led us to wait ; and the result was, that in progress of time he became a sot. I know not of a more hopeless be- ing on earth. He does no business ; has drunk himself out of his property, and almost out of his reason ; and, as Brother G. says, he has become a brute. 403. SELF-DENIAL. (a) TRANSCRIBING FROM DODDRIDGE.— The Southern Relig- ious Telegraph states that Miss T , of county, who was very tJiought- less, was induced by a friend to promise that she would read the " Rise and Pro- gress." For many weeks she postponed it ; but at length became interested for her soul, and took up the work and read it with care. Her feelings followed those of the writer generally, and with as little opposition as could be expected until she came to the 17th chapter. That is styled the " self-dedication chap- ter." While transcribing this chapter, according to the author's direction, to make it her own act — consecrating her- self to Jehovah's service for time and forever — she hesitated. Her wicked heart arose in opposition. She could not surrender all to God. There was a small portion of her earthly treasures; a little shining dust — used as ornaments of her perishin^f body, which she was 790 unwilling to surrender for that " glitter- ing crown of glory" which Christ prom- ises to all those that love and serve him. In great agony her pen was laid aside, and for several days she refused to finish the dedication chapter. One day, Avhile complaining to a sister (since gone to rest) that she could find no peace, her sister replied, " Perhaps there is some- thmg you are unwilling to part with — some little thing that you will not give up for the sake of an interest in Christ. Remember, he requires entire consecra- tion — all." She soon left her sister — retired to her closet — resolved to part with her jewelry and all things else for an interest in her Redeemer. She wi immediately able to finish transcribing I her chapter — light began to dawn upon^ her soul — and her proud spirit was humbled. Peace gradually dawned upoi her mind, and as soon as an opportunity! presented, she united with the church, and now walks in newness of life. SELF-DENIAL. 403 {b) UNPURCHASED, UNSE- DUCED.~The Marquis de Bougy, a gallant general in the service of Louis XIV, was greatly esteemed by that monarch, and by his prime minister. Cardinal Mazarin. He would have made a great fortune, if he had been a Roman Catholic ; and he received sev- eral letters from the queen and from the cardinal, wherein they exhorted him to change his profession, and thereby re- move the obstacle which lay in the way of his advancement. They also offered him a marshal's staff, and a considerable government, provided he would become a Roman Catholic. His answer was, that if he could resolve to betray his God for a marshal's staff, he might be- tray his king for a less advantage ; but that he would do neither of them, being contented to see that his services were acceptable, and that his religion was the only reason why he was not rewarded for them. (c) THE EAR-RINGS SACRI- FICED. — " A gentleman," says Mr. Knill, missionary at Petersburg, " res- ident on the shores of the Caspian, who once cared nothing about Christ or his cause, has, within a few years, become a warm-hearted disciple. Knowing his character, I wrote to him to assist me in the distribution of the Holy Scriptures. To my request he joyfully agreed ; but he did not think it sufficient to contribute towards it himself, but he tried to enlist others also in the good work. He men- tioned it in particular to a pious lady of his acquaintance, who had just before received a present of a hundred roubles, to purchase a pair of ear-rings. Fired •with the hope of promoting the eternal happiness of her fellow creatures, she determined to sacrifice her ear-rings to the cause of God, and sent the hundred roubles to mo. Perhaps this was the first time that ever her attachment to the Savior had called for a sacrifice ; and it must be unspeakably gratifying to her mind, when reviewing the trans- action, to feel that she could part with her ornamehts for her adorable Redeem- er." (d) SELF-DENIAL OF VA- RIOUS MARTYRS.— Julius Palmer, in Queen Mary's days, had life and pre- ferment offered hitn, if he would recant his faitlr in Christ. His answer was, that he had resigned his living in two places for the sake of the gospel, and now was ready to yield his life on ac- count of Christ. William Hunter, when urged by Bonner to recant, replied, he could only be moved by the Scriptures, for he reck- oned the things of earth but dross for Christ ; and when the sheriff offered him a pardon at the stake, if he would re- nounce his faith, he firmly rejected it. Antonius Riceto, a Venetian, was offered his life, and considerable wealth, if he would concede but a little ; and when his own son, with weeping entreat- ed him to do so, he answered, that he was resolved to lose both children and estate for Christ. The Prince of Conde, at the mas- sacre of Paris, when the King assured him that he should die within three days, if he did not renounce his religion, told the monarch that his life and estate were in his hand, and that he would give up both rather than renounce the truth. (e) PATRIOTIC THEOLOGI- AN. — Mr. Weed, in one of his letters from Scotland, says: " While at Liberton, which place ig about two miles from the centre of Edin- boro', I was informed of an instance of theological patriotism that would have made the old " Cameronian cow-feeder," were he alive, leap for joy. Observing a dozen stone masons actively engaged in putting up the wallsof a small edifice, at which as many persons were lookers on, my cabman informed me that they were building a new Kirk for a " non- intrusionist minister," and on further inquiry, I ascertained that this humble temple was designed for an eloquent preacher who, with a devotion worthy of " Reuben Butler," or even of the stoutest Cameronians, who hid them- selves in caverns during the " persecut- ing times," had renounced a living of $3,500 per annum, with a fine parson- age-house and glebe, rather than com- promise his principles." (f) THE CEYLONESE CON- VERTS. — The simplicity of many of the heathen, when they receive the truth of God in the love of it, is often very 791 403, 404 SERVANTS. admirable. Rev. W. M. Harvard stales, in his narrative relative to Ceylon, that when he was once addressing a native congregation in the government school- house at Pantura, from 1 John iii. 6, he endeavored to show that the Kappooa system was one of the works of the devil which the Son of God came to de- stroy ; and urged their immediate re- nunciation of all confidence in their vain charms, and to commit the keeping of their bodies and their souls to God. Appealing to their understandings and consciences, he inquired, " Which of you will now cast away these works of the devil, and place himself under the protection of the Son of God ?" He looked round upon the congregation, as for a reply. Presently a charm was handed up to the pulpit, which had been broken off for that purpose. He held it up, and gave thanks to God, that in that place he had begun to destroy these works of the devil. He then repeated the inquiry, " Who next ?" &c., and two or three more abandoned charms were handed up in a similar way. Be- fore the close of the service, a handful of them was in his possession. (g) THE ONLY DRESS.— A missionary in India says, " 1 rode to Nallamaram, and saw some people of the congregation there, together with the catechist. The clothes of one of the women were rather dirty, and I asked her about it. " Sir," said she, " I am a poor woman, and have only this single dress." " Well, have you always been so poor ?" " No, I had some money and jewels, but a year ago the Maravers (thieves) came and robbed me of all. They told me," she said, "7/" you will return to heathenism we shall restore you everything.'" "Well, why did you not follow their advice ? Now you are a poor Christian." " O, Sir," she replied, " I would rather be a poor Christian than a rich heathen" 404. SERVANTS. (a) THE DESPISED CONGRE- GATION. — A worldly man began to taunt a celebrated preacher, and, among other things, told him it was true his congregation was large, but it was chiefly made up of servants and low people. " I know it is," said the saga- cious divine ; " my church is composed of such converts as Jesus Christ and his apostles gained ; and, as for ser- vants, 1 had rather be instrumental in converting them than their employers." " Why so?" inquired the man. " Because," observed the minister, " they have the care of all the chil- dren." (b) DIDEROT'S SERVANT.— The Abbe Barruel, in the account he gives of the closing scenes of Diderot's life, tells us, that he had a Christian servant, to whom he had been kind, and who waited upon liim in his last illness. ' This servant took a tender interest in the melancholy situation of his master, who was just about to leave this world, without preparation for another. Though a young man, he ventured one dav, 792 when he was engaged about his master's person, to remind him that he had a soul, and to admonish him, in a respectful man- ner, not to lose the last opportunity of at- tending to its welfare. Diderot heard him with attention, melted into tears, and thanked him. He even consented to allow the young man to introduce a clergyman, whom he would probably have continued to admit to his chamber^ if his infidel friends would have suffered the minister to repeat his visits. Let us be encouraged to attempt good under the most unpromising circumstances, and, in our different stations, to remem- ber we are commanded to labor for the welfare of those with whom we are connected. (c) MEL ANCTHON'S SERVANT. — Philip Melancthon, who is univer- sally known as one of the reformers^ was highly esteemed for his great gene- rosity. Indeed his friends were aston- ished at his liberality, and wondered how, with his small means, he could afford to give so much in charity. It appears to have been principally SIN. 404, 405 owing to the care and good manage- ment of an excellent and faithful ser- vant named John, a native of Sweden. The whole duty of provisioning the family was intrusted to this domestic, whose care, assiduity and prudence am- ply justified the unbounded confidence reposed in him. He made the concerns of the family his own, avoiding all needless expenditure, and watching with a jealous eye his master's property. He was also the first instructor of the children during their infancy. John grew old in his master's service, and expired in his house amidst the affec- tionate regrets of the whole family. During a service of thirty-four years, how much usefulness was effected by honest John, and by his master through his instrumentality ! Melancthon in- vited the students of the university to attend the funeral of his faithful ser- vant, delivered an oration over his grave, and composed a Latin epitaph for his tombstone, of which the following is a translation : — " Here, at a distance from hia native land, Came honest John, at Philip's first command ; Companion of his exile, doubly dear, Who in a servant found a friend sincere ; And more than friend — a man of faith and prayer, Assiduous soother of his master's care. Here to the worms his lifeless body's given, But his immortal soul sees God in heaven.' (d) A LIVING EPISTLE.— "One day, in my travels," says Mr. Jay, " I heard of a servant who had attended a Wesley an chapel. This offended her master and mistress, who told her that she must discontinue the practice, or leave their service. She received the information with modesty, said she was sorry, but so it must be ; she could not sacrifice the convictions of her con- science to keep her place. So they gave her warning ; and she was now determined, if possible to be more cir- cumspect and exemplary than ever; determined that, if she suffered for her religion, her religion should not suffer for her. Some time after this, the mas- ter said to the mistress, " Why, this is rather a hard measure with regard to our servant ; has she not a right to worship God where she pleases as well as ourselves?" " Oh, yes," said the mistress ; " and we never had so good a servant ; one who rose so early, and got her work done so well, was so clean, and was so economical, never answering again." And so they intimated that she might remain. Some time after this the wife said to her husband, *' I think Mary's religion does her a great deal more good than our religion seems to do us ; 1 should like to hear her minister." And so she went, and was impressed ; and prevailed upon her husband to go, and he was impressed ; and now they are all followers of God, and have the worship of God in their house. 405. SIN. (a) FIVE DIRECTIONS.— " Five persons," says Mr. Brooks, " were stu- dying what were the best means to mortify sin ; one said, to meditate on death ; the second, to meditate on judg- ment ; the third, to meditate on the joys of heaven ; the fourth, to meditate on the torments of Hell ; the fifth, to meditate on the blood and sufferings of Jes'us Christ ; and certainly the last is the choicest and strongest motive of all. If ever we would cast off our despairing thoughts, we must dwell and muse much upon, and apply this precious I blood to our own souls ; so shall sorrow and mourning fiee away." (b) DEATH PREFERRED TO SIN. — Count Godomar, a foreigner of note, often professed, in the declining part of his years, when death and the eternal world seemed nearer, " That he feared nothing in the world more than sin ; and whatever liberties he had for- merly taken, he would rather now sub- mit to be torn to pieces by wild beasts, than knowingly or willingly commit any sin against God." 793 405, 406 SIN. (c) USHER'S LAST WORDS— SINS OF OMISSION. — The last words that Archbishop Usher was heard to express, were, " Lord, forgive my sins, especially my sins o^ omission." (d)THE INFANT'S ANSWER.— At a missionary station among the Hot- tentots, the question was proposed, " Do we possess any thing that we have not received of God ?" A little girl of five years old immediately answered, "Yes, sir, sin." (e) "THEY BROKE THE OR- DER." — A poor villager in England supplied an answer to the cavil of an unbeliever ; he said, " Time was, when I got amongst a set of people who would not believe the Bible, and I heard all their objections, and some of them did me great hurt ; for I was not able to answer them, and my belief became almost as bad as theirs. I felt all the time I was wrong, and I could see the folly of some of their objections. They asked me one day, how it could be sup- posed that God would destroy Adam and his descendants, only for eating an apple ? In my worst state I could see that there was nothing in this often an- swered and weak objection ; it was not that our first parents had only eaten of some kind of fruit ; it was that they had disobeyed God ; it was sir," said the poor man, " that they broke the order." (/) NEWTON'S OPINION.— " Many have puzzled themselves," says Mr. Newton, " about the origin of evil ; I observe there is evil, and that there is a way to escape it, and with this I begin and end." 406. Sin Against the Iloly Ghost. a) THE INFIDEL'S CONFES- SION. — Mr. F , the subject of the following narrative, was a respectable inhabitant of one of the northern towns of Pennsylvania. About seven years previous to his death, Mr. W , a missionary, visited the town where Mr. F resided. Under his faithful la- bors, a revival of religion commenced, in which numbers were hopefully born into the kingdom of the Reedemer. 794 The attention of Mr. F was also arrested. He was led to see his sinfulness and danger, and to inquire, " what he must do to be saved." His convictions of sin were pungent for some time, but, after a few months, his seriousness began to abate. Levity and profaneness succeeded, and, like the unclean spirit who walked through dry places, seeking rest and finding none, Mr. F returned to a state of stu- pidity seven times more dreadful than before. He soon adopted the sentiment of Universalism, and thence, as a na- tural course, he descended to infidelity j and, at lengtli, boldly denied the in- spiration of the Scriptures, and became an avowed Deist. In this situation, he was often asked by those acquainted with his previous seriousness, what he thought of his former convictions. He uniformly imputed them to enthusiasm or the work of the devil. The conse- quence was, as might have been ex- pected, he became more and more con- firmed in his infidel principles, until about four or five months previous to his death. It was at this time that the writer first became acquainted with him, and it was from his own lips, and from his neighbors, that the above ac- count of his life was received. On reading to him the first nine verses of the sixth chapter of thue Hebrews, and the last four verses of the second chap- ter of the Second Epistle of Peter, he was again awakened. The above words were like " a sharp two-edged sword." His infidel principles ap- peared in a surprising manner to leave him, and to be succeeded by a dreadful sense of the threatenings of the Divine law. The view which he had of his sinfulness was great, and such an aw- ful feelingof danger pervaded his mind, that he trembled with fear. Great pains were taken to instruct him into the way of salvation by Jesus Christ, and prayer was literally made inces- santly for him. But all availed nothing, his distress increased every day. After a few weeks he appeared to bo verging fast to a state of complete despair. This appeared to be accelerated by a fixed opinion that he had committed the un- pardonable sin. For some time he re- SIN AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST. 406 fused to tell the sin which he considered unpardonable. After much importu- nity, however, he said it consisted in imputing to the devil his previous reli- gious impressions. He was informed that it might have proceeded from an error in judgment, and not from delibe- rate malice of heart. He decided that this could not be the case, for when he said that his former convictions were enthusiasm and from the devil, he knew they were produced by the Holy Spirit ; that the above declaration proceeded directly from enmity, and had sealed his perdition. His distress and horror of mind increased, until they arose to the most alarming degree. At times he appeared to be in as much mental agony as he could possibly endure and live. He often declared he felt the very pains of hell in his bosom, and that if his soul and body were then in everlasting burnings, he could not suffer more. All means used to relieve him appeared only to increase the misery and aojo-ravate the horror of his mind. Often with a countenance distorted with all the features of despair, he would entreat those present never to quench the Spirit, never to deny the work of the Holy Ghost, or embrace the senti- ments of infidelity, especially never to impute revivals and awakenings to the devil. His sufferings soon impaired his health ; he lost his appetite for food, and sleep entirely forsook his eyes. A fearful earnest of future misery took deeper and stronger hold on his mind, till at length reason reeled from her throne, and he died by his own hand. We suppose this to be a plain instance of the sin against the Holy Ghost. (b) DELIVERANCE FROM A DELUSION.— There are instances of distressing fears on this subject, fears which, as the event shows, were unfound- ed. The following case is one ; and one of the many which might be cited to show the truth of this. Mr. L had en- 'oyed the privilege of sitting under an able and successful ministry. [lis heart had been touched ; and, during a remarkable period, in which he saw many of his friends embracing the hope of salvation, his own convictions in- creased. Not lontT after his feelings of impatience became sensitive. His at- tention was subsequently turned from its own proper object to one more nearly connected with our natural selfishness. He ceased to be an inquirer and be- came an objector. It is hard to stop here. Opposition succeeded a habit of objecting. An apparent bitterness of prejudice and malevolence of expres- sion, were observable whenever he opened his lips on the subject of reli- gion. Still the past day of conviction was a memorable time to him. Five years afterwards he was again roused to a sense of his danger. And with the alarm came the frightful recollection of his former conduct. Language which he had uttered — and which appeared nearly allied to blasphemy — returned fresh to his memory. He accused him- self of having committed the unpardon- able sin. All efforts to persuade him to the contrary were unavailing. The impression was daily deepening. His mind lost its elasticity ; and a moody temperament succeeded. His friends were alarmed. A suspicion was started among them, that his conclusions might be just. This he marked, and labored to confirm it. He seemed to take a ne- gative satisfaction in stating the despe- ration of his case ; and in watching the fallen countenance of sympathy. Many months had transpired, during which he was the subject of religious gossip v/ith some, of a kind of supersti- tious dread with others, and of fervent prayer with a few of the remainder ; — when the case was stated to a judicious minister, whom Divine Providence had called into the neighborhood. He waited on Mr. L., who, far from being averse to any conversation relative to his own state, seemed rather to court it. He was fluent in all his details of time and circumstance ; and always ended his narrative with a declaration that he had ceased for ever to pray. After a pre- paratory interchange of remarks, he was asked, " You believe yourself guilty of the unpardonable sin ?" "I am sure of it." " In what did the crime consist ?" " I opposed the work of God." " So did Saul." " I denied Jesus Christ." 795 407 SLANDER. " So did a disciple afterwards honor- ed by his master." " 1 doubted the power of Jesus Christ after strong evidence in his favor." « So did Thomas." " What ? are you attempting to prove by such examples that I am a Chris- tian ?" " Not at all : T am only inquiring in- to the nature of your guilt ; and thus far I see no reason for despair." " I have hated God," rejoined the self-condemned, " and openly avowed my enmity in sight of his Divine ope- rations." " Thus far your case is lamentable indeed; but not hopeless still. Our hearts are naturally at enmity with God. And I do not see why the open avowal of this, drawn out by the sight of the Law into visible form, must ne- cessarily and always constitute the guilt of which you accuse yourself" " I feel that I am cut off from salva- tion." " It is difficult to reason against your feelings." " But are they no proof on the pre- sent subject ?" " Let me inquire whether you desire the pardon of your sins ?" " Assuredly, if it were possible." *• Do you regret the conduct of which you accuse yourself?" " Certainly." " Do you sincerely desire repent- ance ?" " I would give the world if it were mine to be able to do so." " Then it is not possible that you have been guilty to an unpardonable extent ; for these are characteristics of a state of mind faithless, but far from being desperate. And they come with- in the design of the Gospel invitations." There was something simple and touching in this mode of ministering to a mind diseased. And it produced an effect which, probably, no other process would have accomplished. Mr. L did not long survive this interview. But his living and dying were those of a favored Christian. Alas, that many persons laboring under a like delusion respecting the sin against the Holy Ghost, should not be enlightened by si- milar instruction ! Doubtless not a few who never committed this sin, have lived for years, and then died under the horrible conviction, that they had thus sinned away the day of grace. 407. SLANDER. {a) WAY TO AVOID CALUM- NY. — " If any one speaks ill of thee," said Epictetus, " consider whether he has truth on his side ; and, if so, reform thyself, that his censures may not affect thee." When Anaximander was told that the very boys laughed at his singing, " Ay," says he " then I must learn to sing better." Plato being told that he had many enemies who spoke ill of him. " It is no matter," said he ; "I will live so that none shall believe them." Hear- ing at another time that an intimate friend of his had spoken detractingly of him, " I am sure he would not do it," said he, " if he had not some reason for it." This is the surest as well as the noblest way of drawing the sting out of a reproach, and the true method of pre- paring a man for that great and only re- 796 lief against the pains of calumny — a good conscience. (h) BOERHAAVE'S ADVICE.— The celebrated Boerhaave, who had many enemies, used to say that he never thought it necessary to repeat their cal- umnies. " They are sparks," said he, " which, if you do not blow them, will go out of themselves. The surest method against scandal is to live it down by perseverance in well-doing, and by prayer to God, that he would cure the distempered minds of those who traduce and injure us." (c)XIMENES AND ADRIAN.— Adrian, the coadjutor of Ximenes in the government of Castile, was much dis- turbed at the libels which flew about against them. Ximenes was perfectly easy. " If," said he, " we take the SLANDER. 407 liberty to act, others will take the liber- ty to talk and write : when they charge us falsely, we may laugh ; when truly, we must amend." . (d) DR. WAUGH'S REBUKES. — Dr. VVaugh, of London, had a great dislike to every thing bordering on slan- der or defamation. The following is an illustration of his character in this point : — One of his people had traveled all the way from Newton to his father's house, where he usually resided, to communicate to him an unfavorable report concerning another member of the congregation. Some friends being with him, this person was requested to stay and dine with them. After dinner, he took occasion, in a jocular manner, to ask each person in his turn, how far he had ever known a man travel to tell an evil report of his neighbor ; when some gave one reply, and some another. He at last came to this individual, but without waiting for his self-condemning reply, or unnecessarily exposing him, he stated, that he had lately met with a Christian professor, apparently so zeal- ous for the honor of the church, as to walk fourteen miles with no other object than that of making known to his minis- ter the failings of a brother member. He then in a warm and impressive man- ner enlarged on the praise of that chari- ty which covers a multitude of sins ; which " rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth." The same excellent man being in company with a number of ministers, the bad conduct of a brother in the min- istry became the subject of conversation, and every gentleman in the room joined warmly in condemning him. Dr. Waugh sat for a time silent. At last he walked up to his companions, and said, " My dear friends, surely we are not acting in accordance with our pro- fession. The person you speak of is one of ourselves, and we ought not to blow the coal. But do you know that he is as bad a man as he is represented ? and if he is, will railing against him do any good ? It is cowardly to speak ill of a man behind his back ; and I doubt if any of us would have sufficient courage, if our poor friend were to appear among us, to sit down and kindly tell him of his faults. If there be one here who feels himself quite pure, and free from error, let him throw the first stone ; but if not, let us be silent ; and I confess that I feel that I must not say one word." lie resumed his seat, and the company looked at each other, struck silent by this rebuke from one so good and mild. (e) HENRY AND THE BRO- KEN STORY.— Mr. Philip Henry used to remind those who spoke evil of people behind their backs, of that law, — " Thou shalt not curse the deaf." Those that are absent are deaf, they cannot right themselves, and therefore say no ill of them. A friend of his, inquiring of him concerning a matter which tended to reflect upon some people ; he began to give him an account of the story, but immediately broke off, and checked him- self with these words, — " But our rule is to speak evil of no man, and would proceed no farther in the story. The week before he died, a person requested the loan of a particular book from him. " Truly," said he, " I would lend it to you, but that it takes in the faults of some, which should rather be covered with a mantle of love." (/) EFFECTS OF SLANDER. — The famous Boerhaave was one not easily moved by detraction. He used to say, " The sparks of calumny will be presently extinct of themselves unless you blow them." It was a good remark of another, that " the malice of ill tongues cast upon a good man is only like a mouthful of smoke blown upon a dia- mond, which, though it clouds its beauty for the present, yet it is easily rubbed off, and the gem restored, with little trouble to its owner." (g) WHY BOERHAAVE BE- CAME A PHYSICIAN.— The affecting story oil Boerhaave, so distinguished in the medical profession, is well known. With piety, and learning, and gifts, and an ardent zeal to glorify his divine Master, his heart was fixed upon consecrating his life to the sacred ministry. The preliminary steps had been so far taken, that he had gone to Leyden to obtain his license to preach — when to his utter astonishment he found the way complete- ly hedged up. An insinuation was dis- 797 407 SLANDER. persed through the University that made him suspected of error no less shocking than Atheism itself. It was in vain that his friends pleaded his published sentiments, which contained unanswer- able confutations of the very heresies with which he was charged ; the torrent of popular prejudice was irresistible ; and thus this pre-eminently great and good man was utterly frustrated in his pious purpose by the slander of an insig- nificant person, who had become his en- emy from mortified pride. So true it is, as his biographer well observes, that no merit, however exalted, is exempt from being, not only attacked, but wounded by the most contemptible whispers. Those who cannot strike with force, can joozson tlieir weapons, and weak as they are, give mortal wounds, and bring a hero to the grave. {h) THE MONARCH'S QUES- TION. — When any one was speaking ill of another in the presence of Peter the Great, he at first listened to him at- tentively, and then interrupted him. *' Is there not," said he, " a fair side also to the character of the person of whom you are speaking ? Come, tell me what good qualities you have re- marked about him." One would think this monarch had learned that precept, "Speak not evil one of another." (i) THE WAY TO TREAT A CALUMNIATOR.— A clergyman in New- York state, in early life, had en- gaged in business which led him to buy a good deal of coal ; and after he be- came a minister of the Gospel, two of his members, who were making a bar- gain respecting a load of coal, agreed to leave it to their minister to decide how much the load contained. He accord- ingly acceded to their request, and told them how much it contained, or how to find out the amount it contained, by the law of the state. The member who wished to buy, was well pleased ; the one who wished to sell, was quite dis- satisfied. After the minister left them, the former came to see him, and stated that the brother who sold the coal had just said — that he did not believe what his minister had stated ; that if he was a minister, he was not too good to lie, &c. The Rev. Mr. S., in the first place, 708 felt deeply wounded, and strongly in- clined to go and give the rash and unkind brother a severe rebuke. But on reflect- ing a moment, he replied to his inform- ant, " I presume Brother does not really think so ;" and under that convic- tion he determined to take no notice of it, and treat the brother's offence with silence. The offender came afterwards to see his pastor ; and his uneasy and anxious appearance seemed to say — " I wish you would call me to account for my expressions against you ;" but the pastor studiously avoided all reference to them. And now, as if to appease his own conscience, the offender, who be- fore had been quite indifferent to his minister, began to load him with his kindnesses, and became one of his warm- est friends. {j ) PHILIP AND THE ATHE- NIAN ORATORS.— Philip of Mace- don was wont to say " that he was much beholden to the Athenian orators ; since by the slanderous and opprobrious man- ner in which they spoke of him, [e. g. that he was a barbarian, an usurper, a cheat ; perfidious, perjured, depraved ; a companion of rascals, mountebanks, &c.] they were the means of making him a better man, both in word and deed. For," added he, " I, every day, do my best endeavor, as well as my sayings and doings, to prove them liars." Let Christians be benefited in a sim- ilar way, by the reproaches of the world. {k) SLANDER BOOK.— When in the town of , I was struck with the above words, says a newspaper writer, written on the back of a small blank account book. I found on exam- ining the contents, that different persons were charged with so much, for one or two slanders as the case might be. The accounts were very neatly and correctly kept, credits entered, &c., with as much precision as the merchant keeps his books. Upon inquiry I was informed, that this plan (of fining people for slan- der,) originated with M , the daugh- ter of the man at whose house the book was seen, to prevent evil speaking and its consequences. She, a girl of twelve or thirteen years, perceived the evil of slander; the many interruptions pro- SOUL— SUBMISSION TO GOD'S WILL. 40S, 409 duced by it in families and neighbor- hoods ; obtained a blank book, and de- termined to fine every person who slan- dered or spoke evil of another in her presence — the money thus collected to be applied to benevolent purposes. She gave me four dollars, a donation to the Missionary Society of the Con- ference, a part of her collections only for a few months. It is very desirable and commendable, that every family have such a book, and enter into such a compact ; because — 1. The money thus collected is to be appropriated to a most noble pur- pose. 2. It would make people, and espe- cially the members of every family, more circumspect, and watch with more diligence and care over that little mem- ber which no man can tame ; and there- by prevent much slander and evil speak- ing, which is the cause, no doubt, of half of the broils and animosities which occur in families and neiorhborhoods. 408. SOUL, EXISTENCE AND VALUE OF. (a) A JEW'S REPLY.— A con- verted Jew, pleading the cause of the society through whose instrumentality he had been brought to a knowledge of Christianity, was opposed by a learned gentleman, who spoke very lightly of the objects of the society, and its efforts, and said, " He did not suppose they would convert more than a hundred all together." " Be it so," replied the Jew ; you are a skillful calculator ; take your pen now, and calculate the worth of one hundred immortal souls !" (b) DR. SCOTT'S REMARKS. — Dr. Scott, in one of his lectures to young clergymen, says : " I must own that I feel in my best moments, that I had rather be the author of the " Dis- course on Repentance," than of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia ; for the salva- tion of one soul gives joy in heaven, but we read not that angels notice philosophi- cal discoveries." 409. SUBMISSION TO GOD'S WILL. (a) THE CHILDREN'S AN- SWERS. — A Sabbath school teacher, instructing his class on that petition of the Lord's Prayer, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," said to them, " You have told me, my dear children, what is to be done — the ivill of God : and where it is to he done — on earth ; and how it is to be done — as it is done in heaven. How do you think the an- gels and the happy spirits do the will of God in heaven, as they are to be our pattern ?" The first child replied, "They do it immediately :" the second, " They do it diligently :" the third, " They do it always ;" the fourth, " They do it with all their hearts ;" the fifth, " They do it all together. ^^ Here a pause ensued, and no other children appeared to have any answer ; but, after some time, a lit- tle girl arose, and said, " Why, sir, they do it without asking any questions. ^^ Happy world ! Our Father who art in heaven, whose will is always wise and always good, thy will be thus done on earth as it is done in heaven ! {h) GOD'S DEMANDS AN- SWERED.— " I see God will have all my heart, and he shall have it," was a fine reflection made by a lady when news was brought of two children drown- ed, whom she loved very much. (c) THE INFIDEL AND HIS WIFE. — When I was in the United States (says a Christian writer), I heard of the conversion of a complete man of the world ; which, as far as means were concerned, owed its existence to the following circumstance : — God laid his hand on a lovely, and, I think, an only daughter ; and the affliction ter- minated in death. When the terrible moment arrived in which the idol of his affections must die, he stood at the head 799 409 SUBMISSION TO GOD'S WILL. of her bed, almost frantic with grief; and, having no consolation above what nature and education supplied, as is freqently the case, his grief terminated in rage ; he was almost ready to curse the God who, as he thought, could be so cruel as to deprive him of so dear a child. His wife, an amiable and sen- sible woman, at the same time stood at the foot of the bed. Her eyes were suffused with tears, her hands lifted to heaven : and, while every feature spoke the feelings of her soul, she exclaimed, " The will of the Lord be done ! The will of the Lord be done ! The will of the Lord be done ! " These exclama- tions very naturally called the attention of her frantic husband from their dying daughter to herself; and, as he after- wards confessed, he was on the point of wreaking his vengeance on, what he then considered, an unfeeling wife, and an unnathral hard-hearted mother. Af- ter a while, however, the storm of pas- sion gave place to reflection. He was a man of eminence at the bar, a colonel in the army ; he prided himself on be- ing a philosopher ; and was therefore led to examine how his courage and philosophy had supported him in the day of trial. Here he saw reason to reflect on his conduct with shame ; the more so, as he contrasted it with the conduct of his amiable and pious part- ner. " How is this ?" he could not but exclaim : " I am a man and a soldier. I boast of my courage, and pride my- self in philosophy, in which I am versed, as being equal to the support of man in every emergency. But in the hour of trial I acted an unworthy part. My wife, a delicate female, and, notwith- standing my suspicions to the contrary, one of the most affectionate of mothers, was alone the magnanimous sufferer on this trying occasion. What, under cir- cumstances so directly opposite, could lead to such contrary results ?" " She is a Christian," said a still small voice ; " and I am not : surely the secret is here !" This train of thought led to the most pleasing consequences. He concluded that there must be a reality in that religion which he had hitherto despised ; and if so, that was the one He conferred not with 800 thing needful flesh and blood ; but immediately began to seek the consolations of true religion, and, ere long, found " What nothing earthly gives, or can destroy, The soul's calm sunshine, and the heartfelt joy." (d) DUMB BOYS' EXAMINA- TION. — A clergyman once paid a visit to a deaf and dumb asylum in London, for the express purpose of examining the children in the knowledge they pos- sessed of Divine truth. A little boy, on this occasion, was asked in writing, " Who made the world ?" He took up the chalk, and wrote underneath the question, " in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." The clergy- man then inquired in a similar manner, " Why did Jesus Christ come into the world?" A smile of delight and grati- tude rested on the countenance of the little fellow, as he wrote, " This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all ac- ceptation, That Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners." A third question was then proposed, eminently adapted to call his most powerful feel- ings into exercise : " Why were you born deaf and dumb, while I can hear and speak ?" " Never," said an eye- witness, " shall I forget the look of holy resignation and chastened sorrow which sat on his countenance as he took up the chalk and wrote, ' Even so. Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight.' " (e) NONE BETTER FITTED FOR TROUBLE. — An aged and pious lady, who lost the use of her arm by a fall in winter, said to a friend, smiling, that she had just been con- sidering the circumstances of all her acquaintances, but had not been able to fix upon one who could with less incon- venience sustain such a loss than she could. She, therefore, admired the Divine wisdom and goodness in appoint- ing her to bear that affliction rather than any other person. (/) PICKING STRAWS FOR LIFE. — Mr. Hey, an eminent surgeon, early in the year 1778, received a stroke upon his thigh, which threatened the complete suspension of his professional labors. The remedies applied under liis own directions, and those of his me- dical friends, proved altogether unser- SUBMISSION, WANT OF. 409, 410 viceable ; and it appeared in the highest degree probable to himself and them, that he would never regain the power of walkino;. He was the father of a large family, and was «oon to be the parent of the eleventh child. He was in full business, and had the most rea- sonable prospect of distinction and emo- lument, as creditable to himself as advantageous to his family. Mr. Hey felt this afflictive dispensation of Divine Providence as every considerate man in similar circumstances would feel it — he was deeply affected by it ; but his lan- guage and conduct were constantly ex- pressive of the most humble submission, and meek acquiescence in the Divine will. To an intimate friend, who was lamenting the apparent consequences of a disorder which extinguished all his prospects of future usefulness, he re- plied, " If it be the will of God that f should be confined to my sofa, and he command me to pick straws during the remainder of my life, I hope I should feel no repugnance to his good plea- sure." ig) FENELON AND HIS PUPIL. — A most remarkable instance of Chris- tian resignation was discovered on one particular occasion, in the conduct of Archbishop Fenelon. When his illus- trious and hopeful pupil, the Duke of Burgundy, lay dead in his coffin, and the nobles of his court, in all the pomp of silent sadness, stood round, the arch- bishop came into the apartment, and having fixed his eyes for some time on the corpse, broke out at length in words to this effect : " There lies my beloved prince, for whom my affections were equal to the tenderest regard of the tenderest parents. Nor were my affec- tions lost ; he loved me in return with all the ardor of a son. There he lies ; and all my worldly happiness lies dead with him. But if the turning of a straw would call him back to life, I would not for ten thousand worlds be the turner of that straw in opposition to the will of God." {h) THE WISEST PREFER- ENCE. — There was a good woman, who, when she was ill, being asked, whether she was willing to live or die, answered, " Which God pleaseth." 51 " But," said one standing by, " if God should refer it to you, whether would you choose ?" " Truly," said she, "if God should refer it to me, I would even refer it to him again." (i) INSTANCE OF JOHN BROWN.— "No doubt," said the late Mr. Brown of Haddington, " I have met with trials as well as others ; yet so kind has God been to me, that, I think, if God were to give me as many years as I have aleady lived in the world, I would not desire one single circumstance in my lot changed, ex- cept that I wish I had less sin. It might be written on my coffin, Here lies one of the cares of Providence, who early wanted both father and mo- ther, and yet never missed them." 0) ALL WITH CHRIST, OR IN CHRIST.— "I have had six chil- dren," said Mr. Elliot, " and I bless God for his free grace they are all with Christ, or in Christ ; and my mind is now at rdst concerning them. My de- sire wa-*?, that they should have served Chris-c on earth ; but if God will choose to have them rather serve him in heaven, I have nothing to object to it. His will be done." {k) THE BEREAVED ^OFFICER. — During the siege of Barcelona, in 1705, Captain Carleton witnessed the following affecting fact, which he tells us in his memoirs : — " I saw an old officer, having his only son with him, a fine man about twenty years of age, going into their tent to dine. Whilst they were at dinner, a shot took ofT the head of the son. The father immedi- ately rose up, and first looking down upon his headless child, and then lifting up his eyes to heaven, while the tears ran down his cheeks, only said, ' Thy will be done.' " 410. Submission, Want of. (a) " HE SHA'N'T DIE."- •In a parish in the county of Gloucester, the widow of a gentleman resided with her only son, a lad about twelve years of age. Mrs. had unhappily taken great prejudice against the doctrines preached by her pastor, which carried her so far, as not only to induce her to 601 411 THEATRES. break off all communications with him, but even to absent herself from his mi- nistry. The clergyman adopted every method of lawful conciliation, but in vain ; and he was left to regret what he could not remedy. About this period, the boy wUs taken seriously ill, and the clergyman thinking that the mother's mind might be softened by the affliction, called to inquire after the sufferer, and offer his ministerial services. The lady admitted him to the house, and after he had endeavored to point her to the great Controller of all events, and the object of his fatherly chastisements, he proposed that they should kneel down to prayer. The mother acquiesced in the proposition, but the feeling with which she did so will be seen by the sequel. The worthy minister prayed that, if it was the Lord's will, the child might be restored ; but, if otherwise, that God's will and not theirs might be done. As he uttered the petition, the unhappy mother rose from her knees, and ex- claimed in the agony of despair — " He sha'n't die !" All efforts to compose her were unavailing, and the clergyman was compelled to take his departure. But the fearful issue of the narrative yet re- mains. From that hour the boy began to improve in health, and, in the course of time, he entirely recovered. But, alas ! the life of this lad, on which the mother was thus intent, was not a bless- ing to her or the world ; for, thirteen years afterwards, he suffered death for forgery. 411. THEATRES. (a) THE CURATE AND THE TRAGEDY.— When Racine composed the tragedy of Esther, to please Madame Maintenon, she very strongly recom- mended it at court, and every one was charmed with the performance, except one honest curate, who refused to see it. Being very urgently pressed for his rea- sons, he told Madame M. that she knew he was in the habit of publicly repro- bating the stage from the pulpit, and, that though the tragedy of Esther was far different from the generality of plays, yet it was still known to be a play : add- ing that were he to yield to the request, his hearers would compare his conduct with his sermons, and, in their practice, would pursue the course most suited to their sinful inclinations. (b) THE WAY TO THE PIT. — A young man, on reaching the door of a theatre, overheard one of the door- keepers calling out, " This is the way to the pit." Having had some instruc- tion in the word of God, in early life, what the man said reminded him that the employments of the theatre led to hell. The thought haunted him, and made him cease frequenting such amusements : he became attentive to the concerns of his soul, and afterwards was a minister of the gospel. 802 (c) PLEASURES OF THE THEATRE.— While traveling, Mr. Hervey met with a lady who largely expatiated on the amusements of the stage, as being, in her opinion, superior to all other pleasures. She remarked that there was the pleasure of thinking OR the play before she went, the pleasure she enjoyed while there, and the pleasure of reflecting on it on her bed at night. Mr. Hervey, who had heard her remarks without interruptionj now said, with his usual mildness, that there was one pleasure more, which she had forgotten. " What can that be ?" she eagerly ask- ed ; for she thought she must have in- cluded them all. With a grave look, and striking manner, Mr. H. replied, " Madam, the pleasure it will give you on a death-bed." A clap of thunder, or a flash of lightning, could not have more surprised her; the remark went to her heart. She had no reply to make ; the rest of the journey was occupied in deep thought ; she abandoned the thea- tre, and heartily pursued those pleasures which can afford satisfaction even on a (d) UNHEARD OF PRAYER. — " He that is not satisfied," says Bishop Wilson, " that plays are an unlawful diversion, let him, if he dare, offer ujp THEATRES. 411 this prayer to God hefore he goes, * Lord, lead me not into temptation, and bless me in what I am now to be employed." There are many other occupations and amusements, in which the same advice is worth attending to. (e) A YOUNG MAN'S CA- REER. — A young man, says a corres- pondent of the Journal of Commerce, of about twenty-two, called on the writer in the fall of 1831, for employment. He was a journeyman printer, was recently fj'om Kentucky, and owing to his want of employment, as he said, was entirely destitute of not only the comforts, but the necessaries of life. I immediately pro- cured him a respectable boarding-house, p-ave him employment, and rendered his situation as comfortable as my limited means would permit. He had not been with me long before he expressed a wish to go to the theatre. Some great actor was to perform on a certain night ; and he was very anxious to see him. I warned him of the consequences — told him my own experience and observation had convinced me that it was a very dangerous place for young men to visit. But my warning did him no good. He neglected his business, and went. I reproved him gently, but retained him in my employment. He continued to go, notwithstanding all my remonstran- ces to the contrary. At length my busi- ness suffered so much from his neglect- ing to attend to it as he ought, that 1 was under the necessity of discharging him in self-defence. He got temporary employment in different offices in the city, where the same fault was found with him. Immediately after he accept- ed a situation of bar-keeper in a porter house or tavern attached to the Theatre. His situation he did not long hold — from what cause I know not. He again applied to me for work ; but as his habits were not reformed, I did not think it prudent to employ him, although I said or did nothing to injure him in the estimation of others. Disappointed in procuring employment in a business to which he had served a regular ap- prenticeship, — being penniless, and see- ing no bright prospect for the future, he enlisted as a common soldier in the U. States' service. He had not been in his new vocation long before he was called upon, with other troops to defend our citizens from the attacks of the Indians. But when the troops had nearly reached the place of destination, that " invisible scourge," the Asiatic Cholera, made its appearance among them. Desertion was the consequence, and among others who fled, was the subject of this article. He returned to New York — made appli- cation, at several different offices, for employment, without success. In a few days the dreadful news came that he had been detected in pilfering goods from the house of his landlord. A war- rant was immediately issued for him — he was seized — taken to the police office, convicted, and sentenced to six months' hard labor in the Penitentiary. His name being published in the newspapers, in connection with those of other convicts — was immediately recognized by the officer under whom he had enlisted. This officer proceeds to the city — claims the prisoner — and it is at length agreed that he shall return to the United States service, where he shall, for the first six months, be compelled to roll sand as a punishment for desertion, serve out the five years for which he had enlisted, and then be given up to the City author- ities, to suffer for the crime of pilfering. Night after night has the writer of this attended the theatre ; and night after night has he witnessed the attend- ance of those v/ho were in the want of the common necessaries of life. He has frequently seen, among the theatre-going public, men who called themselves ^en- tlemen, who were in the habit of associa- ting with the " vilest of the vile," and whose actions, could they but be known to the reflecting part of the community, would cover them with infamy and dis- grace. But these facts, to many, will appear like a thrice-told tale. The simple narrative related above may be relied on as correct. Names and dates can be given if required. (/) WORDS OF PLATO.— Plays raise the passions, and pervert the use of them ; and of consequence are dangerous to morality. (g) WORDS OF ARISTOTLE. — The seeing of Comedies ought to be forbidden to young people ; until age 803 411 THEATRES. and discipline have made them proof against debauchery. {h) WORDS OF TACITUS.— The German women are guarded against danger, and preserve their purity by having no play-houses among them. (0 OPINION OF OVID.— Ovid, in a grave work addressed to Augustus, advises the suppression of theatrical amusements as a great source of corrup- tion. 0) OPINION OF ROUSSEAU. — The infidel philosopher Rousseau de- clared himself to be of the opinion, that the theatre is in all cases a school of vice. Though he has himself written for the stage, yet, when it was proposed to es- tablish a theatre in the city of Geneva, he wrote against the project, with zeal and great force, and expressed the opin- ion, that every friend of pure morals ought to oppose it ! Alas ! that which infidelity has condemned as a fruitful source of corruption and shame, is pub- licly advocated and patronized in our midst — yea, more : vindicated and pat- ronized by some professing godliness. " It is impossible, says Rousseau, " that an establishment [the Theatre at Geneva] so contrary to our ancient manners, can be generally applauded. How many generous citizens will see, with indignation, this monument of lux- ury and effeminacy raise itself upon the ruins of our ancient simplicity ! Where would be the imprudent mother who would dare to carry her daughter to this dangerous school ? And what respect- able woman would not think herself dishonored in going there ? In all countries the profession of a player is dishonorable, and those who exercise it are every where contemned." (k) DR. RUSH'S OPINION.— Dr. Rush was a great enemy to theatri- cal amusements. He was once in con- versation with a lady, a professor of re- ligion, who was speaking of the pleasure she anticipated at the theatre, in the evening. " What, madam," said he, " do you go to the theatre ?" " Yes," was the reply : " and don't you go, doc- tor ?" <' No, madam," said he, " I nev- er go to such places." " Why, sir, do you not go ? Do you think it sinful ?" said she. He replied, " I never will 804 publish to the world that I think Jesus Christ a hard master, and religion an unsatisfying portion, which I should do if I went on to the devil's ground in quest of happiness." This argument was short, but conclusive. The lady determined not to go. (I) THE COMEDIAN'S CON- FESSION. — A celebrated comic per- former on the English stage, retiring from London for a short time on account of ill-health, and meeting with a pious friend whom he had once intimately known, said, " I have been acting Sir John Falstaff so often, that I thought I should have died ; and had I died, it would have been in the service of the devil." The testimony of a player against himself (m) RESOLUTION OF CON- GRESS. — The American Congress, soon after the Declaration of Independ- ence, passed the following motion : " Whereas, true religion and good morals are the only foundation of public liberty and happiness. Resolved, that it be, and hereby is, earnestly recommended to the several states, to take the most effectual mea- sures for the encouragement thereof, and for the suppression of theatrical entertainments, horse-racing, gaming, and such other diversions as are produc- tive of idleness, dissipation, and a gen- eral depravity of principles and man- ners. (n) PRYNNE'S COLLECTION OF TESTIMONY.— William Prynne, a satirical and pungent writer, who suf- fered many cruelties for his admirable productions in the time of Charles I, has made a catalogue of authorities against the stage, which contains every name of eminence in the heathen and Christian world : it comprehends the uni- ted testimony of the Jewish and Christian Churches; the deliberate acts of fifty- four ancient and modern, general, nation- al, and provincial councils and synods, both of the Western and Eastern church- es, thecondemnatoiy sentence of seventy. one ancient Fathers, and one hundred and fifty modern popish and Protestant authors ; the hostile endeavors of philos- ophers and even poets ; with the legisla- tive enactments of a great number of TOBACCO. 411,412 pagan and magistrates, emperors and princes, (o) ADVOCATE OF THEA- TRES. — There was a poor gentleman in Paris, who used to go powdered and decorated with ruffles and ribbons. He happened to be in a company where were even some of morals so stern that they questioned the utility of the thea- tres with which Paris abounds. At that time, they had twenty-one in that city, and they were opened every evening, not excepting the Sabbath. This ruffled gentleman, in a long harangue, under- took to show that the theatres were a great public benefit. And he used argu- ments often urged by advocates of simi- lar public nuisances. There were the thousands of actors, scene-makers, can- dle-lighters, hack-drivers, footmen, print- ers, &c. &c., whose mouths were daily supplied with bread by these establish- ments. He grew warm, and, in a man- ner, eloquent. He could not deny but thousands had their morals corrupted, their hopes crushed, their property lost, and their hearts broken, in consequence of these sinks of vice. Still, he pleaded in their behalf as if for life. After he had withdrawn, and the company were musing on his arguments and vehemence, a gentleman remarked that their elo- quent friend had good reason for his opinions — for he spent all his small pension in going to the play, but staid every night till the play-house was clear- ed, and then went round in the ladies' boxes, and picked up pins enough to buy Jus food till the next play .'" (rt GOOD TEST FOR AMUSE- MENTS. — Two professors of religion were standing at the door of a theatre in the city of New- York, when one of them proposed to go in and see the play, and desired his friend to accompany him. The other declined the invitation ; and after being repeatedly solicited to enter, gave this excellent reason for his refusal : " If I should go in, and while there be called into eternity, and should be asked at the door of heaven where I had come from, I should be ashamed to answer." This incident furnishes a rule for general observance : Never go to a place where you would be ashamed to die.'' (q) THEATRES IN THE FRENCH REVOLUTION.— During the progress of the most ferocious revolution which ever shocked the face of heaven, theatres, in Paris alone, mul- tiplied from six to twenty -five. Now, one of two conclusions follows from this : either the spirit of the times produced the institutions, or the institutions cher- ished the spirit of the times, and this would certainly go to prove, that they are either the parents of vice, or the offspring of it. (r) THE MUSICIAN'S REPLY. — An accomplished musician, who had been engaged for many years perform- ing at theatres, assemblies, and other places of amusement, on being asked why he relinquished his employment, answered, " Because I cannot look to heaven for a blessing upon it." 412. TOBACCO. {a) REFORMED MAN'S TES- TIMONY. — A correspondent of the New-York Evangelist says : " I had chewed this poison more than fifteen years. I had often doubted the ^itllity of this practice before I relinquished it. I found that one argument which I had employed against the use of ardent spirits applied with as much propriety to the use of tobacco. The argument is, that it must be unfriendly to true piety, for the Christian, while in health, to be un- der the continued influence of poison. This produces a morbid excitement, di- rectly opposed to that excitement which the Holy Spirit is producing. Thus I rea- soned in reference to the use of ardent spirits, and was persuaded that the ar- gument applied also to the use of to- bacco. In this state of mind I read several articles in the New- York Evan- gelist, in opposition to this practice. I was in this way brought to the deter- mination that I would suspend the use 805 413 TOBACCO. of tobacco, and see whether I could do without it. I had been moderate in the use of this poison, if there can be any moderation in using it, and supposed that it was exerting very little influence over me. In less than two days after I had commenced this self-discipline, I experienced such a tormenting restless- ness, such a prostration of strength, as fully convinced me that tobacco was exerting a very powerful influence upon my system. When 1 perceived its in- fluence, I was determined to break up this bad habit ; and then resolved fully to renounce the use of tobaoco, as a powerful and hurtful stimulus for the human system. For a few days I suf- fered much from an almost insupport- able uneasiness in the whole system, which was calling loudly for its accus- tomed stimulus. But this only served to strengthen my resolution, and to con- vince me more and more of the im- portance of conquering this habit. I have persevered for more than six months, and have enjoyed during this period, much better health than while T used it. It is now hateful to me, and I have no desire again to resume its use. I would, from my own experience, call on my friends, and all others who are in bondage to this hateful weed, to fol- low my example. I mean to persevere, and am persuaded that I shall." (b) GOOD RULE FOR THE LORD'S STEWARDS.— Says a cor- respondent of the Ohio Observer : — " When the use of tobacco was fashion- able even among the genteel, in walk- ing through a village, I passed a store where I knew there were some very fine cigars. I was immediately seized with the hankerin^c so well known to habitual smokers. The determination arose to lay cut a few shillings in pur- chasing some. As I had been endea- voring to accustom myself to regard my money as the Lord's, and myself as the steward, I tried the rule in that case. I found myself unwilling to charge such an item on my account book. A faith- ful steward would make no such ex- penditure, thought L The money which had been taken out was dropped again into my pocket, and I passed on. I have ever found it difficult to smoke [ 806 cigars since that time. The cure which I propose is, to ask the lies sing of God on all expenditures, and to try to he faith- ful, stewards of the Lord''s vianey." (c) THE MINISTER'S REPENT- ANCE. — A country minister being in- vited to preach the weekly lecture to a congregation in the City of New- York, after dismissing the people, took out his tobacco, and began to chew the filthy weed. A member of the church re- monstrated with him on the sinfulness of the practice, and stated that he could not expect that impenitent sinners under his instructions, would give up their sins while he indulged in a sin him- self. " I know it is wrong," said the minister. " I have often resolved to give up the habit, but I have not resolution enough to persevere." " Why," said the other, " that is the very excuse the impenitent give for not repenting and foi"saking their sins." " Well, I'll think it over as I go home," observed the minister, '• and perhaps I will give it up." " That will not do," replied the church member, " for we never allow this, if we can help it ; we exhort the impenitent to repent on the spot ; we never tell them to go home and repent, nor do we pray that they may repent when they reach home." " I see," said the minister, " I cannot get away so — therefore I will try to give up chewing." " But," remarked the other, " that will not do either. We never urge sinners to try to give up their sins — do you ?" " Why, no ; I think it wrong to inti- mate that they cannot do it at once." " Will you act then as you preach, or let your conduct give the lie to your preaching ?" " With the help of God," said the rninister, " I will leave off the practice from this moment." A rfiember of the church where this conversation took place, who was in the practice of chewing tobacco, was so impressed with what had taken place, that he too solemnly promised to abjure the filthy habit without delay. (d) PRAYING OVER TOBACCO. — A pious sea captain had been in the TOBACCO. 41J habit of using tobacco, for upwards of twenty years, and had made many and strenuous efforts to abandon its use, but without success. He was a nervous man, and loved strong tea and coffee as well as tobacco, for the stimulus it afforded him. He loved tobacco, as the drunkard loves alcohol. The force of the habit may be seen in the following circumstance : — He had given up its use, as he thought, without mental reservation, and congratulated himself on the vic- tory he had obtained, after months of total abstinence. One ^day, being on charge in the city of N (he was a ship mate at the time), and convers- ing with a brother shipmate, he found tobacco ill his mouth without knowing how it came there. He expressed his surprise at the fact to his companion, who answered with a boisterous laugh, ^' I took out my tobacco box and handed it to you, and you deliberately helped yourself" He had acted under the in- fluence of an old inveterate habit, and was not conscious of having done so, until he had tasted the tobacco. Such was the strength of the habit. Finding at length that it clung to him like a dis- ease, and defied all his efforts, and being persuaded that the conflict of mind to which he was subject, by rea- son of its use, was actually impairing his usefulness as a man and a Christian, he decided upon making one more ef- fort. He was persuaded that Divine assistance alone could make that effort successful, and acted accordingly. He took the tobacco from his pocket, placed it in a chair, knelt before it, and so- lemnly pledged himself to God, that he would use it no longer, even as a medi- cine, though prescribed by a physician. He then implored the Divine blessing upon the attempt, arose from his knees, threw the tobacco into the street, and went about his business. He has not, he states, had a particle of a desire for its use from that time to the time of this narration, a period of more than two years. (e) THE CULPRIT'S RULING PASSION.— The Editor of the Che- nango Telegraph, in giving an account of the execution of George Denison, who suffered at Norwich, New- York, says, that while standing upon the fatal drop, and during the exhortation of the cler- gyman, the prisoner asked in a whisper, for the tobacco box of the deputy sheriff, from which he coolly took a quid, de- posited it in his mouth, and returned the box. In ten minutes, he was launched into eternity ! On the morn- ing of the day that Hamilton, who shot Major Birdsall, was to be executed, the clergy passed two hours in solemn exercises with him. After they left the cell, Hamilton gave some directions about his gallows wardrobe. As the keeper was leaving to execute his com- mission, he asked Hamilton if he wanted any thing else. He replied, " You may gel me a paper of tobacco.'" After a moment's reflection, he added, " Stop, perhaps I have enough" — and, rising on his elbow, drew a part of a paper from under the pillow of his pallet, and measuring in his mind the quantity of tobacco Jby the few hours he had to live, calmly remarked, " This will last me." if) MONEY FOR MISSIONS.— A minister in England, had been plead- ing with his congregation the claims of the poor heathen on Christian benevo- lence, and strongly urging on them the duty of contributing to the support of missionary exertions. His friends rea- dily contributed according to their se- veral abilities. The next year, when the missionary collection was about to be made, the minister received a one- pound note from a poor laboring man, with a statement to the following effect : — " Sir, when you preached the mis- sionary sermon last year, 1 was grieved that I had it not in my power to give what I wished. I thought and thought, and consulted my wife whether there was any thing which we could spare without stinting the poor children ; but it seemed that we lived as near as pos- sible in every respect, and had nothing but what was absolutely necessary. At last it came into my mind, ' Is that fourpence which goes every week for an ounce of tobacco absolutely neces- sary V 1 had been used to it so long, that I scarcely thought it possible to do without it ; however, I resolved to try ; 807 412 TOBACCO. so, instead of spending the fourpence, I dropped it into a box. The first week I felt it sorely ; but the second week it was easier ; and, in the course of a few weeks, it was little or no sacrifice at all ; at least I can say, that the pleasure far outweighed the sacrifice. When my children found what I was doing, they wished to contribute also ; and, if ever they got a penny or a half- penny given them for their own plea- sure, it was sure to find its way into the box instead of the cake shop. On opening the box, I have the pleasure to .find that our collected pence amount to one pound, which I now inclose, and pray that the Lord may give his bless- ing with it. I am thankful for having thus broken off* a dirty and expensive habit, and 1 have enjoyed more health and cheerfulness since I left off that which I once thought it was impossible for me to do without." (g) BATTLE WITH APPE- TITE. — A gentleman (he is such now,) who used to be a tremendous rum-drink- er, tobacco-chewer and smoker ; but for several years past has been a reformed man, writes to a friend in the city of N. York, in the following terms : " I have seen the time that my desire for tobacco has been vastly stronger than it ever has been for food. Once I was on a lee-shore ; the wind blew, the sea was tremendous. The last time I saw the rocky shore, it was three miles to the leeward. It was late in the afternoon ; I felt certain we should be on the rocks before morning, if the wind continued. I felt in my pocket for some tobacco, but could find none. I examined every part of the vessel where I thought it possible to find any. I inquired of the crew but there was none on board. At that time I would have given fifty dollars for one quid. The gale ceased, we soon found a harbor, and the first thing I inquired for was tobacco. I chewed about twenty-one years, and smoked about eighteen. For a long time before I quit the use of tobacco, I believed it was injurious to me, but I felt it was almost impossible to leave it off. Eventually I was awakened, and felt that such practices were sinful. I then thought I would try to leave them 808 off*. When I quit smoking, I felt com- paratively that I had lost all my friends. I could not eat or sleep as usual ; 1 felt restless, and for some weeks thought it uncertain whether I should be able to conquer a habit that had become so strong. But at last it was overcome, I then thought I would quit chewing — then came the struggle. To quit smok- ing was but a trifle in comparison. Af- ter I had determined to try to quit chew- ing, I always kept a piece of tobacco in my pocket. I was doubtful whether I should be able to leave it off. Many times, before I was aware of it I found I had had a piece in my mouth a long time. As soon as I perceived it, I would take it out, but often before it was dis- charged, 1 would give it one solid grind. There is nothing in the world so exquis- itely sweet as tobacco. In a few months the habit was overcome, but it was al- most like plucking out my right eye, or cutting oft' my right arm. When I had entirely ceased from using it — I had a better appetite — my sleep was sweeter, my mind more composed — my nerves were more firm — I grew more fleshy ; and now I enjoy perfect health, and can endure double the fatigue that I could for a long time before I quit the use of tobacco." (A) TOBACCO AND PROFANI- TY. — A pious man moved into a little village where there was much swearing^. One of his little boys, two years old, caught the contagion. The father and family labored with their neighbors un- til a thorough reformation was effected in that part of the town where they lived ; except the little prattler, who swore on with increased malignity ; often cursing his mother's soul to hell ; yet always avoiding his father's presence. From this circumstance, it was concluded that he was conscious of guilt ; and, there- fore, ought to be whipped. The father, as his manner was, waited until he caught him in the very act of swearing. Then he tried to show the heinousness of the crime, and the disagreeable ne- cessity that he was under to use coer- cive measures ; after which he lynched him well. To convince the child that it was a principle of love that compelled him to use this correction,, he said it TOLERATION. 412, 413 was better to whip and break him from swearing ; for, if he did not quit it, God would cast him into hell, there to burn forever. And in the vehemence of his desire to awaken conviction, offered up a short prayer to God, to change his wicked heart ; and then inquired : " Why do you swear, my son ?" The child sobbed out, " Father, be- cause I have such a wicked heart." Father — Well, my son, you must pray to God to give you a good heart." Child — Father, you must pray. Father — I do pray, and whatever you see me do, you must do. The father turned within himself and said, Have 1 done every thing I ought to do, and been every thing I ought to be, before my children ? Con- science awakened, and forced the mind on the BACK track, marking out every deviation from the path of rectitude. Nature had been in the habit, for twenty years, of leaning on the narcotic stimu- lant of tobacco, while it answered to blunt the conscience a little. The hands, ever faithful to the calls of nature, through nervous sympathy, had already extracted from the deposit, the plug and the knife. Just at this instant a new and pleasing thought shot across the little swearer's mind ; that there was one duty he had never complied with ; and, by sd doing, he would please his father and his God ; for, surely, my praying, good father, by this act, is pleasing God. With eyes beaming with joy, through tears that yet trembled on their surface, he determined now to quit the detestable practice of swearing, and take his father's godly example. En- raptured at the thought of having so easy an opportunity of convincing his father of the great change that had taken place in his mind, and with a voice as sweet as infant lips could speak, he said, " Father, give me a chew of tobacco !" I will not attempt to describe the father's feelings ; I will leave that to the reader. But what did the father do ? what could he do ? Could he contra- dict himself? Could he convince the child that it was right for the father to do a thing, and wrong for the son ? No, no. With a conscience already awak- ened, by previous light, and having half- heartedly attempted to abandon the evil before — with a conscience now driving lashes inconceivably severe, the tobacco was tossed into the street, with this can- did confession : " My son, I have done wrong ; I will now ask God to help me that I may do so no more. Will you ask God to help you that you may swear no more ?" The child looked disappointed, and sobbed out, " Well." The father then took him in his arms, and retired into the garden to pray, a great deal worse whipped than the cliild. 413. TOLERATION. (a) BURNING A HERETIC— A popish princess was entreated by some Romish ecclesiastics to concur with them in bringing a supposed heretic to the flames. " Is it not true," asked she, "that heretics burn forever in hell-fire?" " Without doubt was the reply of the priests. " Then," added she, " it would be too severe to burn them in both worlds. Since they are devoted to end- less misery hereafter, it is but justice to let them live unmolested here." (b) REPLY OF A POLISH KING. — When certain persons attempt- ed to persuade Stephen, king of Poland, to constrain some of his subjects, who were of a different religion, to embrace his, he said to them, " I am king of men, and not of consciences. The dominion of consciences belongs exclusively to God." (c) HENRY VIII AND HIS BUFFOON.— Henry VIII kingof Eng- land, wrote a silly book against Martin Luther, for which the Pope conferred on him the title " Defender of the Faiih.'^ As that tyrant appeared to be overjoyed at the acquisition, the Jester of the court asked the reason ; and being told that it was because the Pope had given him 809 «14 TRACTS, RELIGIOUS. that new title, the shrewd fool replied — " My good Harry, let thee and me de- fend each other, and let iiie faith alone to defend itself!'' That pretended buffoon must have been the wisest man of his day ; for at that period no party had learned the wisdom of leaving truth to support itself by its own vigor. TRACTS, RELIGIOUS. HAPPY EFFECTS OF TRACTS. 414. Morality Promoted. (a) THE PROFANE CREW.— The Evangelical Magazine, for 1823, gives an account of a gentleman at Liv- erpool furnishing the steward of a mer- chant vessel, which was about to leave that port to trade in the Mediterranean, with a parcel of tracts. The following is the account of the effects they pro- duced : You recollect, on my taking leave of you, you placed in my hand a small parcel of tracts, and I promised to read them ; this I have done. On leaving this port, we had a favorable wind through the Channel ; the wind then chopped round direct in our teeth. We had to contend with light contrary winds till we entered the Gut of Gibraltar. During this part of our voyage I had lit- tle or no opportunity to read the tracts : I did, on the first Sabbath, turn them over, and put a few in my pocket ; and occasionally taking one out, gave it a sneering glance, and then handed it to one of the boys or men with a smile of ridicule. On passing the Gut, we had a tedious though pleasant voyage to Smyrna. Having much time upon my hands, I now and then looked at a tract to pass it away. One evening I was looking over the ship's side, viewing the calm and peaceful close of another day. .This brought to my recollection the scenery and calmness of the evening when I took my last farewell of my friends at home. It was at sunset, on a lovely evening in July. Musing thus of home, T just then put my hand in my jacket pocket, and feeling a paper, took it out, and it proved to be a tract, " The Swearer's Prayer." t read it aloud, in the hearing of the whole crew, and, I suppose, much of my feelings was 810 mixed with my tone of voice. When I had read it, a curious kind of silence ensued ; not one of us felt inclined to raise his eyes from what they were fixed on, fearing to meet the look of another, and knowing that, to a man, we were all shockingly guilty of swearing. At length we looked at each other in a sidelong kind of way, and one man said, " Mr. William, I never heard or thought of this before ; this kind of reading has made me feel very strange ; I'm all over trembling. I don't think I shall like to swear again : shall you, Jack ?" turn- ing short to a seaman alongside of him, who looked him full in the face, and burst into tears. The shedding of tears ran like a contagion through the whole of us, even to the boy across the gun. After weeping in silence, with our faces hid with our hands, one man said, " Jack, suppose we hand up a prayer to God for forgiveness. Mr. William, you have had more learning than we, you can make a prayer." Alas ! I had never prayed ; I could only sigh ; I really thought my heart would burst. Oh, how dreadful did sin appear ! One of the men then broke the silence of grief ; with his arms across his breast, and the tears of penitential sorrow rolling down his flicp, he cried out, " O God, who made our souls, have mercy, and pardon the miserable and damned crew on this deck." Not a heart but what respond- ed, " Lord, hear this prayer, and for- give." But not to enter too long into detail, a change took place in the whole ship's company. One circumstance I must not forget to mention. The cap- tain, a drunken, swearing character, thought his men bewitched. On the following morning he came on deck, and, as usual, was giving his orders, mixed with fearful oaths, when one of the men, in a most respectful manner, begged he would not swear at therri ; they would HAPPY EFFECTS OF TRACTS. 41i obey his orders with more comfort to themselves without it. Indeed, the cap- tain remarked to a person on his return, that he was himself obliged to refrain from swearing, it began to appear so singular on board. (6) THE TORN TRACT. — In the summer of 1825 (says a gentle- man) I left the tract entitled " The Swearers Prmjer^''^ in a place where it would be found by a companion who was notoriously wicked and profane. A few weeks afterwards, I went to the place where I had left it, and found it with a few lines written on the margin with a pencil, of which I do not recol- lect the precise words ; but the amount was as follows : " The writer has erred in thinking that a pack of lies is a pro- per means of breaking a bad habit ; and it would be better for him who has left this here not to repeat such an in- sult." 1 wrote at the bottom, " Reprove a wise man, and he will love thee;" and left the tract in the same place. At my next visit I found it torn into a number of small pieces. 1 was imme- diately reminded of a fact recorded in ancient history, of a certain king, who, on receiving a petition from a poor per- son, hastily glanced at it, and returned it unanswered. The petition was pre- sented the next day, and treated in the same manner. The petitioner repeat- edly presented it with the same ill success, until, at last, the king being exasperated with her importunity, tore it to atoms. These were carefully ga- thered up, stitched together, and again presented. The king, struck with her perseverance, read the petition, and im- mediately returned a favorable answer. This circumstance being brought to my mind, I determined to try a similar ex- pei'iment. The fragments were put together in their proper order, and re- placed in the drawer in which the tract had before been laid. Soon after, the tract disappeared, and I heard nothing more of it until eight months afterwards, when I had a conversation with the person for whom it was intended, and he said, that he had determined, by the grace of God, to leave off the practice of swearing. He had treated " The Swearer's Prayer " with contempt when he first saw it ; but, when he found the fragments re-united, he believed that I was in earnest. He took the tract home, read it carefully, and resolved to swear no more. He had determined not to part with the tract as long as he lived. A great reformation in his con- duct has taken place, and 1 cannot but hope that a work of Divine grace has been begun in his heart. ^- (c) BREAD CAST ON THE WATERS.— A sailor, though he had become so wicked that few would em- ploy him, was engaged for an eighteen- months' voyage. Just before sailing, he walked out one evening with a num- ber of his companions, and passing the Bethel Flag, concluded to stop. After sermon, the preacher gave them some tracts, which they took without thinking or caring what they contained. They carried them to the ship, and soon after set sail. After having been some months at sea, this man, feeling somewhat melan- choly, concluded he would look at the tracts which had been given to him. He did so, and conviction seized his mind. He knew not what was the matter. He had never felt so before. He could not rest ; and in this state he continued waiting for the end of his voyage, that he might return home and find some one to tell him what lie must do to be saved. He broke off his habit of profaneness and open impiety, and thus remained till he arrived at port ; soon after whicli, he trusts, the Lord Jesus Christ took possession of his soul. H^> has since made one voyage, during which he established a prayer meeting on board, and won over a number to attend it, two of whom hopefally expe- rienced religion; and all disorder was banished from the ship. Speaking of some seasons he had enjoyed since he experienced a change, he mentioned one in particular which he had during his last voyage, while reading the tract " Memoir of Harriet Newell." He said, it appeared to him his soul loas wrapped up in Christ. (d) TRACT PICKED UP ON THE WHARF.— The Seventh Report 811 414 TRACTS, RELIGIOUS. of the American Tract Society contains the following letter from a mechanic in New-York city : — " I was at work on the wharf — saw a man pick up a little book, look at it, and then throw it down. I ran and got it. I saw it was called, ' The Watch- maker.' I read it ; I shed tears. 1 read it for five days, and became so deeply distressed for my sins, that I was determined to drink no more. I told my wife, who was once a member of the church, but I had been the cause of her leaving it. We had not for many years ever been inside a church. I used to swear, and curse at religion, and was an awful deist and drunkard. My family was in a destitute condition, and often distressed on my account. But, glory to God ! all is changed now. My wife and I went to a prayer-meet- ing, and it pleased God to bless her also ; and so we are both happy now. Our little children are altered. Our house and all are altered. I am laugh- ed at by my shopmates, and those who used to drink with me, and curse and swear at religion. But I don't mind them now. I thank the Lord that he stooped so low as to have mercy on one of the wickedest of sinners. I can never thank him enough." (e) HITTING THE RIGHT NAIL. — At the annual meeting of the Religious Tract Society, in 1832, John Fyson, Esq., of Thetford, stated among others, the following pleasing facts : — A tract distributer, in passing through a village a few miles from where he lived, met a man, whom he asked if he could read ; and, on being answered in the affirmative, he gave him a tract on drunkenness. The man went to a wo- man who stood at her door, and said, " You have been telling that man I'm a drunkard." The woman of course de- nied it. The man said, " You know that I am the greatest drunkard in the village, and you told him so, or he would not have given me this book." The woman again said she had not, and added, " But he has hit the right nail on the head." — The tract proved the means of converting this man. As the first fruits of this reformation, he went to his aged father, whom he had fre- 8ia quently beaten, fell on his knees, and begged his pardon. After this he was engaged at harvest, at which, according to custom, the farmer gave a feast. He saw an old companion there ; and, call- ing him out, told him, that unless he left off drunkenness, and became sober, he could not associate with him any more. The man burst into tears, and told him he had left it off, and that, in fact, he had also been reformed, through the instrumentality of a tract. He, Mr. Fyson, had been told, by the mas- ter of the man himself, that he was astonished at the change in him, it was so great. A clergyman called upon him, Mr. Fyson, and expressed his great joy at what had taken place in his parish, which had originated from some young men whom he had sent to distri- bute tracts ; the people had become regular in their attendance at the parish church, and the congregation was tre- bled. (/) THE HUNTER AND THE TRACT. — Mr. H. was one day passing through a small piece of wood, near York, UpperCanada, to a Sunday school. Seeing a hunter about to cross the path, he asked him if he was on the direct road to such a place. The hunter told him he was not ; that he must return nearly to York, and take a different road. Mr. H. thanked him kindly, and taking a tract from his pocket, said, " I myself have read this little book with pleasure. If it be as useful to you, as it has been to me, you will never regret it." "What is it?" said the hunter. " It is of the utmost importance to you, my friend," said Mr. H. ; " take it : read it, and then read it again, and then read it to your family." The hunter thanked him. Mr. H. went on his way. After the lapse of a few months, Mr. H. attended a prayer meeting in that neighborhood. At the close of the ex- ercises, a man came to him, and, after the usual salutation, told him that he was the hunter to whom he had, some months before, on a Sabbath moniing, given a little book ; and then added, "That tract brought me to the prayer meeting this morning: I feel thankful to you for it. My mind has been troubled. I have read the Bible. Since you have been HAPPY EFFECTS OF TRACTS. 414 90 kind to me, I may as well tell you the history of my life. I used to be a mere devil at home, and was not much better abroad. Liquor was my ruin. Whisky, whisky, was my ruin. I have read the little book several times : 1 have read it to my family, as they were unable to read it themselves. But every time I read it, and my Bible, I feel worse. Sometimes I think there is no mercy for me. My wife told me I had better look for the man who gave it to me." Mr. H. gave him the best in- struction in his power, from the Scrip- tures, and left him. In a few weeks he was in the same neighborhood, and again saw the hunter. The hunter was then indulging a trembling hope in the Lord Jesus. " I have reason," said he, " to bless God for the little book. I have not spent my money in the usual way, nor abused my family, since I received it." "Sbarch the Scriptures," was the title of the tract. (g) THE TRACT IN THE JUG HANDLE.— A writer in the "Chris- tian Index," Georgia, states that a bro- ther, calling at a blacksmith's shop, discovered a jug containing ardent spi- rits, and put a tract in the handle. The blacksmith returned, resorted to the jug, commenced reading — dashed the tract upon the ground and trampled on it — conscience awoke — he took it up — read, wept, and read again — and now the despised family is respected ; the disconsolate wife is filled with joy; and peace, love, and happiness reign where sorrow made her home. What has done this ? A tract that cost one- fourth of a cent. (h) THE LORD'S PRAYER IN A BROTHEL. — A gentleman was re- quested to distribute tracts among some houses of the worst description in Liver- pool. He replied, " 1 should be willing to go, but it would aiFect my character to visit those places alone ; if any body will accompany me, I will cheerfully go." A pious friend, advanced in life, went with him. They entered a cellar, and the tracts were received with thankfulness by its inmates. They en- tered another place, in which they found six sailors carousing, in company with six unhappy females. When the dis- tributers entered, one of the sailors said, " Messmates, what are you come about '?" " We have something to give you." " That's right, hand it over." "I will read some of it, if you please." The gentleman began to read a tract. The seaman presently said, " Avast there, master, I think I can read that myself." He took it, and read about a page and a half; it was the tract "On THE Lord's Prayer;" and then he said, " I tell you what, master, this won't do. God bless you, sir, that ever you should think of us poor creatures." " Come, master," said another, " hand it over to me." He took the tract and went on reading it, but soon burst into tears, and said, " Ah, master, we are all wrong." The gentleman then him- self addressed them, and gave each of them a tract. They all thanked him in a grateful manner, and said, " God bless you, sir, that any of us sailors should be thought of." The distribu- ters had not gone far before they were overtaken by one of the young women, who said to one of them, " Sir, I have long seen the error of my ways, and am most completely miserable." The gentleman appointed her to come to his house the following evening. She ac- cordingly came, and he brought her to his wife, and a friend who was then staying with them. The young woman related her tale ; it was truly " a tale of woe." At its recital, the gentleman and his wife, and their friend, all wept. But joy was mixed with their sorrow, hoping that the prodigal might be re- stored to her father's house. Her father was a respectable person, living in London ; they wrote to him, and took the young woman under their care. By the return of post they received a letter, which satisfied them that the statement she made was correct. They gave her money sufficient to buy her clothes, and paid for her journey home. A letter of thanks was afterwards re- ceived from her father ; and also one from the young woman, expressing her gratitude to them as the means of re- storing her to the paths of virtue, and the society of her friends. 813 414 TRACTS, RELIGIOUS. (i) SHOEMAKER AND COL- PORTEUll. — As I was passing from house to house, on the second week in January, (says one) hiviting all to at- tend public worship, then held every evening, a shoemaker, about middle age, replied, " No ; I can't attend. We are on the point of starvation, and it takes me morning, noon and night to get some- thing to live on. I used to go ; but I have been a hard character these last nine years, and we now see the conse- quences of it." Who can tell, thought 1, but here is an immortal spirit that may yet be a star in the Redeemer's crown ; and does not his providence beckon me here to concentrate humble prayer and efforts ? I called the next day, and found he was the son of a Methodist preacher in Ireland. That for about nine years he had frequented the grog-shop, and often reveled in gross intoxication, which led to quarrels, abuse of his family, and want of bread to sat- isfy their hunger. His Sabbaths were whiled away among intemperate com- panions ; he had become an advocate of infidelity, and for about three years had not entered the sanctuary. After a miserable fight, a few days before I saw him, from which he reached home at three in the morning, no unusual hour, he was about to take fhe law of his an- tagonist, when he said to himself; " What a fool I am. I am reduced to poverty and misery ; my wife and chil- dren are wretched, and it is all from strong drink and my ungodly associates. Henceforward, God helping me, not another drop, and no more of such com- pany." When I manifested an interest in his moral and spiritual welfare, he grasped me, as if I had been a deliverer sent from heaven. He felt that the re- sistless temptation lay in his companions, and that he must get a new train of so- cial influences, or he was lost. I preach- ed to him " Christ crucified" — sin, and salvation from sin through atoning blood ; and as I saw him almost daily, for many weeks, I found, all the way, that his sorrow for sin, discernment of the plan of salvation, love of the Bible and of the people and sanctuary of God, went forward of my anticipations, so 814 that I seemed rather to be watching how the Spirit taught him, than teaching him myself. His clothes, and his wife's clothes, which had been pawned, were early redeemed, with other aid, that they might go to the house of God ; and he was helped to resume his business with more energy and advantage. He early gave his name to the total abstinence pledge ; read me letters received in the days of his folly from his father, which rebuked him terribly, especially for abuse of his amiable wife ; and again and again he poured out the full sorrows of his heart over his heaven-daring sins. At one time, raising his right hand clenched, " There," said he, " are five bones which have been put out of joint in fighting in my revels. I have been a great sinner, and it is a wonder I have not been cut off and sent to hell. I have been guilty of every sin but mur- der — yes, and of that, too, a thousand times — I murdered Him who was mur- dered for me." Speaking of the anguish caused by his sins, I said, " Yes, but confessing them to God, there 's a pleasure in the pain." " Yes," said he seriously, in a meditating mood, " there is — it is so— I know it— I feel it." Soon he began to see more clearly the sins of his heart, and even when hoping in Christ, declared that the sin and short-coming of every day appeared to him, and were, probably, in the sight of the heart-searching God more heinous than were his outbreaking sins, which were against less light and mercy. All the earth, it would seem, would not shake his purpose to trust evermore wholly and alone in Christ, and join himself irrevocably to his cause and people. But he did not come alone. His wife would sit in silence, listening to all that was said. I knew she rejoiced in her husband's temperance ; but feared that our religious conversation would pall upon her ear. Sometimes I said : " I want you to take each other by the hand, and come together — place your feet on the Rock of Ages, and devote yourselves to the service of Christ ; train up your children for him ; be a HAPPY EFFECTS OF TRACTS. 414 family for God, and nothing will turn you aside." To my surprise I soon found that her heart had syrripathized in all she had heard ; and she seemed as steadfastly determined to serve the Lord as was her husband ; and at length she told me that the last three days had been the happiest of her life. The care of her little ones, and a want of clothing which for some time I did not ascertain, had detained her from the house of God ; but when, after about ten weeks, her husband proposed to join the church, she felt that she also must claim to eat of " the children's bread." The evi- dence of their saving conversion was deemed satisfactory, and we, last Sab- bath, sat down together at the table of our common Lord. The bonds that bound them to their old associates are broken, and their friends are the friends of Zion. They cheer- fully bear their privations ; erected, some weeks since, the family altar ; their children were in the Sabbath school ; and now the first sound that strikes the ear of the father, as he wakes at peace with God, is often their morning hymn of praise. The Bible and the place of prayer are loved ; and not unfrequently he, who once scoffed, points me to pas- sages, especially in Paul's epistles, so rich in the fullness and glory of th^ gos- pel and of the cross, that I must b*ieve he will have a harp to strike to his Re- deemer's praise for ever and ever. My own soul has been richly blessed in these interviews. I thank and praise God for them and for what he has done. Give me the joy of such labors, and it is enough, till I join the song of, 1 trust, these and all redeemed spirits before the throne. (k) THE STRIKING PICTURE. ■In a large manufacturing town in the West Riding of Yorkshire, some pious persons were in the habit of leaving tracts at the different dwellings of the poor. This was done every Sunday morning, and the same tract was depos- ited at each habitation. On one occa- sion, the tract which came in course for circulation, was the narrative of " Wil- liam Kelly." There was a cut on the frontispiece to this tract representing the subject of the story sneaking bare- headed from the presence of the storm- ing hostess, who had seized his hat as a security for a public-house score. Such a circumstance actually did take place, and proved the turning point in his life who was afterwards appropriately desig- nated " The Happy Christian.''' The disgrace of the incident induced sober reflection, sober reflection issued in re- pentance, and repentance in one of the most pleasing specimens of lowly piety that modern days can furnish. This tract, thus embellished, was left at the house of one of the most prof- ligate drunkards in the place ; and to him, strange to say, a circumstance pre- cisely similar to that which arrested Kelly in his career, had occurred the evening before. His hat being detained for debt by the landlady of a neighbor- ing alehouse, he had hastened homeward, bareheaded, incensed and ashamed, and retired to rest raging like a she-bear robbed of her young. Sunday morning found him sullen and perturbed ; he hurried down stairs half dressed, and flung himself into a chair which stood beside the breakfast table ; when lo ! the first object that caught his attention was the frontispiece of the tract which we have been describing, placed we will not say accidentally, full in his view. Glancing at it with an eye of fierceness, he seized it, and striking the table with his fist, at the same time uttering a fear- ful imprecation, exclaimed, " Those villainous Methodists ! — if they haven't got me already painted up to be the laughing-stock of the town ; here I am without a hat. I'll be even with them." Thus he raved till the tempest of his anger had somewhat exhausted itself in oaths and menaces ; then, prompted by curiosity, he thought he would ascertain what was said concerning him. A near inspection of the object of his wrath im- mediately corrected liis preposterous er- ror ; but his curiosity having been excited, he read the little narrative, and the perusal was productive of the happi- est effects. He resolved, in the strength of God, that he would reform ; he re- paired to a place of worship, began to search the Scriptures, and exhibited ev- 815 415 TRACTS, RELIGIOUS. ery symptom of real repentance. From being a disgrace to society, a curse to the neighborhood, and a scourge to his family, he became one of the kindest of neighbors, most faithful of servants, best of fathers, and most sober of men. The lessons to be gathered from this interesting incident are sufficiently ob- vious. It needs no comment. There is, however, one particular which de- serves to be appended, because it strik- ingly illustrates the principal inference which ought to be deduced from the fact ; even the perfection of that Providence which orders the minutest circumstances in wisdom. I well remember that the venerable author was not a little cha- grined, when he first saw the cut with which his production was decorated : he deemed it unfair to give such promi- nence to the most disgraceful feature in the history of his friend. Yet this very picture, insignificant as it might seem, was destined to conduce to an event which, contemplated in its bearings on eternity, is of a magnitude too mighty for a man to grasp. 41§. Suicide Prevented. (a) TRACT IN THE BARBER'S SHOP. — At the annual meeting of the Religious Tract Society, in 1824, the Rev. S. Curwen related, that a poor man was reduced to profligacy, and de- termined to rush, unbidden, into eternity. He went into a barber's shop, intending to use one of the razors for his horrid purpose. The boy had a broad sheet in his hand, containing, " The Swear- er's Prayer :" it had been left there to be affixed to the wall. It engaged the attention of this wretched man. It struck him to the soul ; he forgot his purpose, but he could not forget what he had just read ; ii brought him event- ually to sit at the feet of our Savior, " in his right mind." (b) THE TRACT AND THE HALTER.— Tl\e following interesting fact was communicated to the Board of the American Tract Society : A gentleman of respectable family and genteel appearance, while traveling j 816 on Long Island, indulged repeatedly in drinking ardent spirits, contrary, it would seem, to his usual practice ; and, before he was aware, he became intoxi- cated. Deeply mortified at finding him- self in this situation, he resolved, in a rash moment, to destroy himself, and for this purpose retired to the woods. After finding a suitable place, he took frcim his hat the handkerchief with which he intended to execute his dreadful pur- pose ; but, providentially, with the hand- kerchief he drew out from his hat a little tract, which arrested his attention. It had on the title-page, " A Word in Season." He perused it ; it struck con- viction to his heart ; he instantly fell on his knees, cried to God to have mercy on him, and after continuing some time in earnest prayer, arose, and made his way to a neighboring house, where, happily, a pious Christian dwelt. Here he gave no sleep to his eyes, but spent the whole night, like Jacob, wrestling with God. In the morning he returned to the city, thanking God for the deliverance he had effected, through the instrumentality of the " Word in Season." (c) SUICIDE PREVENTED.— The Rev. Basil Wood once related in a sermon, that a person belonging to his congregation, who had for some time been confin|d by sickness, derived great ben- efit from reading a certain tract. While thus confined, he was visited by an ac- quaintance who appeared to be laboring under great depression of spirits. His sick friend, observing his dejected frame of mind, pointed to the tract lying on the table, and requested him to sit down and read it to him. He assented, and had not proceeded far in his task before his whole attention became absorbed in the contents of the tract. As he read on, his heart became more and more affected, till at length, unable to control his feelings, he burst into tears, and pulling a weapon of destruction from his pocket, threw it upon the floor, exclaim- ing, " There, with that weapon I was : just going to take away my own life, but thought I would first look in to see yoi once more before I committed the hor- rid deed. What I have now been read<»J ing has saved me." HAPPY EFFECTS OF TRACTS. 416 416. Conversion of the Heathen. (a) FIRST ORIYA CONVERT.— *' The conversion," says a quarterly missionary paper, " of Gunga Dhor, the first Oriya convert, a Brahmin of high caste, and of great respectability and influence among his own people of every class, was an event of no ordi- nary importance. It may, in truth, be said, that, when Gunga Dhor threw off his poita, the badge of his divinity, and assumed a Christian profession by pub- lie baptism, the temple of Juggernaut received a severe shock. Then, that progress of ruin commenced, which will work till one stone shall not be left upon another, which shall not be thrown down. When he delivered his first Christian address, the Brahmins gnashed their teeth upon him and ut- tered their curses and imprecations, wishing that he might die. " The first Christian light, which en- tered Gunga Dhor's mind, was from a small tract, (written by Rev. Mr. Ward), entitled ' Jugernatha Ruth na chullebar a kottha,' or ' The account of the not proceeding of Juggernaut's car.' The tract induced in his mind a supreme contempt for that idol ; then he found other tracts and single Gos- pels ; these led him to the houss of the missionary at Cuttack, whom he woke from his bed very early in the mor- ning of January 1, 1828, begging an explanation of his books. Mr. Sutton was immediately sent for ; and ' great was the day, the joy was great,' when the missionaries met the first Christian inquirer at Orissa. Ho accompanied Mr. Lacey on a tour to Calcutta ; saw Dr. Carey ; returned to Orissa ; part- ed with kindred, friends, and every thing for Christ; was baptized, and became a laborious and faithful native Christian evangelist." (b) RENOUNCING MOHAM- MEDANISM.— " On a late visit to Soerabaya, Java," says Mr. Medhurst, in 1841, " I was informed of a spirit of inquiry which had broken out among the natives of a village about eight miles from that town, forty of whom had resolved to renounce Mohammed- 52 an customs, and to adopt the profession of Christianity. On inquiry, it appeared that one of them formerly obtained a tract, at the annual fair held at Soerabaya, from which, he learned, that he was a sinner, and in danger of perdition, while the on- ly Savior to whom he could look for help, was Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He communicated his views to some of his fellaw-villagers, who shared with him in a desire to know more of this new way. They accordingly proceed- ed further into the interior, to the house of a Dutchman, who was in the habit of instructing his tenants in the outlines of Christianity ; and having been taught by him to a certain extent, they were directed to go back to Soer- abaya, and inquire further after Chris- tians there. This, they accordingly did, and have continued to this time coming and going weekly for instruc- tion. They abstain from work on the Sab- bath day ; when they meet together, they read the New Testament, sing the tracts for hymns, and offer up such prayers as they find therein contained. They have committed to memory a short catechism, printed in Javanese, and know a great portion of the con- tents of the tracts by heart. Their knowledge of Christianity is of course circumscribed, but they stick fast to the great truth of trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. I gave them what instruction I could, during my stay, and put means in ope- ration for having them regularly visited in their own village, for the purpose of maintaining Christian worship among them. (c) WHAT TWO CENTS CAN DO.— The Rev. Dr. Scudder, 1842, says, " A young man belonging to Panditeripo received from Rev. Mr. Poor, the tract, ' Heavenly Way J On reading it, he came to converse with me on the subject of the Christian re- ligion ; placed himself under the in- struction of the sanctuary ; dedicated himself to Jesus in a covenant never to be broken ; and in due time was receiv- ed into the communion of the church. 817 416 TRACTS, RELIGIQUS. This young man became a valuable helper in making known the Gospel of Christ, and is, so far as I know, at this day devoting his energies to the same momentous work. His conversion was followed by a younger brother of his being brought under religious instruction. He attend- ed a meeting which I held for candi- dates for the church, for nearly, or quite, a year, when he was suddenly taken off by the cholera. When near to death, his mother told him that she must make offerings to her god, that he might be induced to restore him. The little boy replied, ' I do not worship idols ; I worship Christ the Lord, and if he is pleased to spare me a little longer in this world, it will be well ; if not, he will take me to himself.' Not long after, he lifted up his dying voice and uttered, ' I am going to Christ the Lord,' and I trust slept in Jesus. After the death of the little boy, the hoary-headed father came forward ^\>A publicly professed his faith in the Lora Jesus. As the young man after his conver- sion could not marry a heathen, he chose a young female among his rela- tions, whom he wished to marry, and had her sent to the Oodoovill boarding- school. There she- remained a heathen three years ; but in the ever to be remembered season, in which God vis- ited the school at that place, in 1833, she, with nearly twenty others, was humbled at the foot of the cross, and publicly professed her faith in Christ. They have long since been united in marriage, and T hope are training up a Christian family in that land of dark- ness. Such is the history of a tract, which cost about two cents, and how much more good in ages to come it may do, will best be known in that day when the affairs of the world are to come to a close. {d) PERSECUTED HINDOO.— A Hindoo met a missionary in India one day, and had ten minutes' conversation with him. It was a rule with the mis- sionary, not to leave any one without giving him a copy of the Scriptures, or a tract. He gave the man some tracts and a copy of the New Testament, 818 and heard no more of him. He al- most forgot him. But the man did not forget the missionary. He read the books, and as he read them, he began to feel that he was a sinner, and need- ed some better Savior than a dumb idol. Gradually he left off worshiping idols, and no longer paid any thing to- wards the support of the temple. Soon, he said, " I want to go and see the missionary again." He had several grown up children, and they exclaimed, " No, you shall not go ; for you will only receive more tracts, and you will disgrace us among our people." At the same time they brought fetters, and bound him hand and foot, so that the poor man could not stir. No Christian was near to encourage him or to in- struct him ; but Christ was near, and he prayed for the man, that his faith might not fail. It did not fail. He still resolved that as soon as his fetters were unloosed, he would find his way to the Christian teacher. For thirteen years he was kept in chains ! But the Hindoo man had read his New Testa- ment too well to forget it ; and had learned too much of his Savior's love to give it up. How do you think he gained his release at last? A wedding was about to take place in the family, and his children were anxious that he should go to it ; so they unchained him. He took good care to put the tracts and the Testament in his cloth under his arm, without the knowledge of his friends. He went to the place where the marriage ceremony was to be per- formed, and when they were all busy and excited in the festival, he gave them the slip, and made the best of his way to the missionary's house, which was twenty-five miles off. When he arrived there, the missionary did not remember him. He looked at him from head to foot, but could not recall him. No wonder! it was fourteen years since he had seen him, and then only for ten minutes. The man said to him, "I wish to be a Christian." He replied, " What do you know about Christianity ?" He said, " Ask me some questions, and I will tell you what I know." The missionary asked HAPPY EFFECTS OF TRACTS. 417 him some questions, and he answered them all very correctly. Of course, the missionary was very much surpris- ed, and he inquired of the man, how he had gained his knowledge of Jesus. He replied, " Did you not, when you passed by my village, fourteen years ago, give me some tracts ? They taught me that Christ is the only Sav- ior, and I was unhappy as long as I was a heathen. I have for some time left oft' idol worship ; and I should have come to you before now to tell you that I believed in Jesus, but I have been chained to my house." He then showed the wounds which the fetters had made on his hands and his feet. The missionary was glad, and after some further conversation with him, in the course of a few weeks, baptized him in the name of the Lord Jesus. 417. Conversion of Infidels. (a) CHANGING BOOKS.— A pastor in , related in substance the follow- ing fact : An infidel in Western New- York wished him a few years since when residing there, to read one of his books. He consented to do it on one condition, viz., that the infidel would read one of his in turn, which was " Leslie's Short Method with Deists. '^ It was the means, under God, of his hopeful conversion ; and of the many whose minds he had before polluted, he was the instrument of bringing back ten or twelve to the knowledge of the truth. (b) DESTROYING OxNE'S OWN WORKS. — A young man, says a tract distributer, who has aided me zealously for a week in the distribution of vol- umes, informs me that a few months ago he was the ringleader of about fifty infidels in . He was their preacher; and that he might make the Bible ridi- culous, he says he has taken it, and in reading it publicly, put in words and taken out others, to show his hearers that U contradicts itself! The Tract, " The Sinner Condemned Already,'^ was the means of his conversion, and he enter- tains a lively feeling of gatitude to the American Tract Society as the means of his salvation. He is now anxious to prepare to preach the Gospel, that he may build up the faith he has labored so hard to destroy. He has assembled his infidel friends, renounced his infi- delity, and preached Christ to them, which he intends to do day by day. (c) THE INFIDEL'S PRINCI- PLES SHAKEN— I was requested, writes a Christian minister at Godalming, in Surrey, (England,) to visit a poor man who was ill. Upon inquiring as to his previous character, I found that he had been the leader of a band of infidels, who assembled weekly to con- temn the Bible. I went ; he confessed what he had been, and expressed a de- sire for spiritual instruction. The third chapter of J^hn was the one I chose for reading, after which I prayed with him, and left. The following week I heard he was very desirous to see me. I went, found him anxious to know " how he could be born again." He was much worse in body, and too ill to walk across the room ; but while I was en- gaged in prayer, he got out of bed, and knelt by my side. When leaving, I offered him a small donation, when he replied, " I don't want your money, but your instructions and your prayers. Do come again." I visited him many times, and have reason to believe he was a sincere penitent. A short time before he died he said, " There is one thing which I am anxious to know. Soon after I was afflicted, a person brought me a small packet, but v/as not to give it to me unless I should engage to ask no questions. I promised, and found a tract and half-a-crown. The tract must have been sent by some one who knew my character and prin- ciples, and before I die I should like to know the person." I knew the history, and satisfied him ; but asked, " What effect had the tract upon you." He replied, " it shook my principles, and set me thinking." He had forgotten its title, but said it commenced with, " How do you use your reason ?" T said, " I regard you now as a dying man, and I ask upon what are you placing your hope of mercy ?" He replied, " Only upon Christ." I said, " What ! upon Him whom you have openly blasphem- ed ?" " Yes ; wretch that I have been !" 819 41§, 419 TRACTS, RELIGIOUS. Shortly after he died, and, I trust, en- tered into peace. 418. Converts Distinguished for Usefulness. (a) BECOMING A MAN-OF- WAR'S-MAN.— I know a man, said Rev. Mr. Lord, seaman's chaplain at Bos- ton, who is now a member of the church, and was hopefully converted four years ago by reading " Little Henry and his Bearer J^ He went home ; but on re- flection, made up his mind to go on board a man-of-war, for the purpose of doing good. He shipped at Charlestown, furnishing himself with tracts. Bibles, and the Society's volumes. The crew were so wicked, that at thfe end of nine months, the chaplain was compelled to leave the ship. But this man and one or two other pious men remained. At last God blessed him. One of the men was sent up to the fore-top-sail as a punishment. He asked this man to lend him a book, which he did. He was a wicked man, and had been accustomed to read Tom Paine and similar works. But now he came down serious, and inquired what he should do to be saved. God opened the windows of heaven, and in three weeks there were between twenty and thirty inquirers, and fifteen or twenty entertaining hope. There was great and continued opposition from the officers. But at the end of three years and a half the vessel arrived, and eleven men who had endured this fiery perse- cution all this time, sat down to comme- morate the dying love of Jesus. (5) THE PHYSICIAN'S EARLY IMPRESSIONS.— A pious young phy- sician called on a gentleman one day, after friendly salutations and expres- sions, of Christian affection, said, " Do you know, sir, how much I am indebted to you, for giving me a tract many years ago ?" His friend told him he had no knowledge of ever presenting him with one ; but recollecting that the father of this young physician formerly kept a turnpike-gate, and that often, when he stopped to pay his toll, he used to give tracts to the children who were playing about the door, it occurred to him a spos- sible, that he might have given him one on some of these occasions. " When 830 I was a boy," said the physician, " you gave me a tract, as you were riding by my father's house, and the first words that caught my eye were, ' Stop, poor sinner ! stop, and think.' I was much affected with the whole hymn beginning with these words, and committed it to memory. Five years ago, while a member of an university, in a time of universal attention to religion, I was present at a meeting for prayer and other devotional exercises, when they commenced singing the hymn, ' Stop, poor sinner ! stop, and think.' My early impressions were all instantly revived : I saw that I was ruined by sin ; that an eternity of woe was before me ; and I found no peace till I looked to the Savior who was crucified for me ; and, as I hope, by true repentance and faith in his blood, gave myself to him, to be his for ever." This student became an active, pious, praying physician. 419. Converts becoming Ministers. (a) DR. COKE AND HIS HOS- TESS' FAMILY.— In attempting to cross a river in America, Dr. Coke missed the ford, and got into deep water ; he and his horse were carried down the stream, and were in considerable din- ger ; he caught hold of a bough, and with some difficulty got upon dry land ; his horse was carried down the stream. After drying his clothes in the sun, he set out on foot, and at length met a man, who directed him to the nearest village, telling him to inquire for a Mrs. , from whom, he had no doubt, he would receive the kindest treatment. Dr. Coke found the good lady's house, and received all the kindness and attention she could show him ; messengers were sent after his horse, which was recover- ed, and brought back. The next morn- ing he took leave of his kind hostess, and proceeded on his journey. After a lapse of five years. Dr. Coke happened to be in America again. As he was on his way to one«of the provincial confer- ences, in company with about thirty other persons, a young man requested the favor of being allowed to converse with him ; he assented with Christian politeness. The young man asked him HAPPY EFFECTS OF TRACTS. 419 if he recollected being n such a part of America about five years ago ; he replied in the affirmative. " And do you recollect, sir, in attempting to cross the river, being nearly drowned ?" " I remember it quite well." " And do you recollect going to the house of a widow lady, in such a village ?" " I remember it well," said the doctor; " and never shall I forget the kindness which she showed me." " And do you remember^ when you departed, leaving a tract at that lady's house ?" " I do not recollect that," said he ; " but it is very possible I might do so." " Yes, sir," said the young man, " you did leave there a tract, which that lady read, and the Lord blessed the reading of it to the conversion of her soul ; it was also the means of the conversion of several of her children and neighbors ; and there is now, in that village, a little flourishing society." The tears of Dr. Coke showed something of the feelings of his heart. The young man resumed, " I have not, sir, quite told you all. I am one of that lady's children, and owe my conversion to God, to the gracious influence with which he accompanied the reading of that tract to my mind, and I am now. Dr. Coke, on my way to conference, to be proposed as a preach- er." (b) THE CAPTAIN'S CLERK.— The Rev. J. C. Smith gives the inter- esting history of a young man who was a friend of the captain of the United States ship Hornet ; and had engaged to sail with him, from the Navy Yard, Brooklyn, as clerk on the voyage in which the Hornet was lost — probably in a hurricane in the West Indies. At the hour of sailing Providence prevented his embarking — but he had already, when alone in the cabin, discovered in the sideboard drawer a tract, (Fleaven Lost, by Baxter,) having on the title- page a cut, with the words, " [f thou art lost say not that thou hast not been faithfully warned." " I was amazed," he says ; " I trembled ; I opened the book and read its few but powerful pages. The life, the energy, the reality I found in every paragraph are fresh in my memory. I began to pray, I searched the Scriptures. I had received a wound which nothing could heal but atoning blood." It was while in this state of mind that the cruise was abandoned. On his way home to Maryland, he found in a steamboat, and read with profit, another tract — on the authenticity of the Scriptures. The insignia of the navy were laid aside. A desire to make known the love of God to sinners was awakened in his heart ; he began to prepare for, and in due time entered the ministry. God has owned his labors and blessed many souls through his in- strumentality ; and few ministers have a stronger hold on the affections of their people than Rev. A. W , " the captain's clerk." (c) THE SOCINIAN AND THE_ TRACT. — x\t one of the anniversaries '] in Paris, a clergyman rose, and related i the case_ of_a Socinian minister, who i had read many books of controversy I respecting the Divinity of Christ, and i the kindred evangelical doctrines, but / ^■ still remained a champion of Socinian- / (^ ism, living himself in darkness and sin. "~^ While in this frame of mind, he was presented with a little tract, entitled '^The Best Friend," which simply told of J estiC "There was not one word of controversy in it. But he felt that this was just the friend he needed. He laid the tract on the table, fell on his knees, and yielded up his heart to Jesus. " And now," says the clergy- man, " I am that man." He is now ministers in i one of the most devoted France. (d) HOUSE-BREAKER AND THE TRACT.— Hon. Mr. Wilson, agent in Vermont, writes that a respec- table clergyman, while residing at the West, became acquainted with a very devoted minister who was converted under the following circumstances. He was long a most abandoned, dis- sipated character. One night he was found trying to get into a neighbor's house at a late hour. The family were aroused by the noise, got up, help- ed him in and made him comfortable till morning, and then put a small tract in the crown of his hat, and sent him home. When he discovered the tract, he wondered how it should have come 821 420 TRACTS, RELIGIOUS. there- He read it again and again, still wondering where such a message should have come from. He was final- ly brought under deep conviction for sin, and fled to the Savior ; was drawn to the ministry, and is now a very suc- cessful preacher' of the gospel. 420. Revivals and Numerous Conversions. (a) THE NORWEGIAN FARMER. — Many years ago, a Norwegian farmer was, at the age of twenty-five, in the habit of making excursions from his father's dwelling, for the purpose of dis- trib ting religious tracts, which he had caused to be printed at his own expense, and which he sold or gave away. The effects of his labors were perfectly astonishing ; not less than 50,000 peasants dating the period of their con- version to sound and vital Christianity, at the time when they first became known to that remarkable individual. To the sufferings which he had under- gone, it is most distressing to advert ; he endured eleven several imprisonments, one of which lasted for a period of ten years. There is a passage towards the close of his journal, dated in the year 1814, from which it appears, that a fine of a thousand rix-doUars was imposed upon him, and that all which he pos- sessed on earth was sold for the liquida- tion of that debt : he might have escaped it, could behave prevailed on himself to petition the king, saying that he was unable to pay the amount ; but such was his love of truth, that no consideration under heaven could induce him to de- clare a falsehood ; and, in consequence, he suffered himself to be reduced to the lowest degree of poverty : he allowed every thing which he possessed, down to the meanest utensil, to be sold, rather than declare that which he knew to be {b) THE CADET AND GREGO- RY'S LETTERS.— Bishop M'llvaine, in an address delivered at the anniver- sary of the Naval and Military Bible Society in London, in May, 1830, gave the following pleasing statement : — I was appointed chaplain to a military academy in my native country. I was forewarned of the rugged soil which I 822 was destined to cultivate ; and was re- commended to relinquish all idea of making any progress in the work of the Lord, under such circumstances as those by which I was then surrounded. Shortly after my arrival, I received a communication from an officer in the de- pot, stating that he should feel himself accessory to a falsehood, did he not dis- tinctly convey to me a faithful account of the position in which I was placed. However I might believe and rejoice in the doctrines which it was my duty to inculcate, there were those among my congregation who believed not a word of them ; and he reckoned himself among the number of the unbelievers. He had to state further, that he believed there was not a person in the neighborhood who put the slightest faith in my doc- trines. 1 have reason to believe that the I individual from whom I received that communication, professed opinions little different from those of an atheist. One day, soon after my appointment, a cadet came to my apartments, and told me that his father had recently die'd, and that he had enjoined him to come and seek my acquaintance. I gave the ' young man a tract ; it might not produce its effect at the moment, but it was like throwing bread upon the waters : there was little doubt that it would be found after many days. In two weeks from that period, a young man, one of the finest in the academy, came to me, at- tired in his full uniform : his eyes were filled with tears ; his utterance was nearly choked with emotion. At first, it appeared to me that he had been the victim of some sad disaster ; at length, he articulated the words, " Gregory's Letters !" He stated that he had been brought up without religion ; that he had lived unacquainted with God ; that his mind was disposed towards skepticism. " Gregory's Letters" had fallen into his hands ; and such was the effect which they produced upon his heart and mind, that, when reading them, he could not refrain from laying his hand upon the table, and saying, " This must be true." He told me that he had found a tract in his room, but was ignorant hov/ it came there. I explained to him how that tract had been given away by me; TRAFFIC IN ARDENT SPIRITS. 420, 421 and how it had found its way to the man by whom it was needed. When the young man to whom I had given the tract was on guard, this officer had put the very tract which he had found into his friend's hand, for the purpose of ascertaining how he felt on the sub- ject of religion. The effect vvas such, that in a short time both were on their knees ; soon after, they came to my apartments, and one of them, throwing his arms round my neck, inquired what he should do to be saved. It soon came to be whispered abroad that many per- sons were inclined to attend public wor- ship ; and it was not long before there were many professing, steady, zealous, practical Christians. Nor was it long before our prayer meetings were joined by the professors of military and civil engineering, the professors of miner- alogy and chemistry, and the instructor of artillery, and as many as seventeen cadets. (c) "THE GREAT QUESTION ANSWERED."— It is related by Dr. Henderson, that during his travels in Northern Europe, he was detained for a time in Copenhagen. While there, he states that he employed himself iu translating the tract entitled, " The Great Question Answered," and that the circulation of this tract had been traced as the source of all the Bible Societies in Russia, Sweden, and the neifrhborins countries. TRAFFIC IN ARDENT SPIRITS. 421. Injurious to Customers, their Friends, and the Community. (a) THE TWO RED CENTS.— A grocer in Clinton County, New- York, sold a drunkard a pint of new rum ac- cording to law, and made two red cents clear projit. The drunkard shot his son-in-law while intoxicated ; and his apprehension, confinement in jail-, exe- cution, &c., cost the county more than one thousand dollars, which temperate men had to earn by the sweat of their brows ! What say you, tax-payers, are you willing to pay a thousand dollars to enable the grog-seller to make two red cents ? {h) THE TWO RED CENTS AGAIN.— About, the 1st of July, 1843, an Indian, one of those half-civilized, rum-loving creatures who abound in the West, stepped out of Cataraugus County into the State of Pennsylvania, where, it seems, men are sold indul- gences to sin, as well as in the Empire State ; and then filled his pocket- bottle with real "red-eye," and the seller of the poison made two red cents clear profit. While under its maddening in- fluence, he went into a farmer's house near by, with whom he was totally un- acquainted, and murdered a mother and five children — all that comprised the little family, except the husband and father, who was from home. When he returned to his little interest- ing family what a sight met his eyes ! — enough, it would seem, to curdle his blood, and change the man to stone. There lay the mother and her five little ones — from ten years of age down to infancy — stretched upon the floor, swimming in blood, and all dead! Oh ! what desolation was there ! (c) " WHAT HAVE I DONE THAT I SHOULD BE USED SO ?"— said a forlorn woman, whose appear- ance gave every assurance of poverty and suffering, while she covered her eyes, no longer capable of shedding tears. The fountain was dried up. "Used how?" I asked. "He," pointing to a rum-seller living on Ches- nut-street, "he took my husband, as faithful a man as ever wedded woman, got all his money, burnt up his heart, ruined his body, palsied his tongue, and sent him home to inflict on me all the curses which overhung his own guilty head, and on his family, shame, that neither toil nor tears can wipe away ; and now that husband is in the grave, with no one to weep for him, or console his wife ajnd children. My son caught the spirit and follow- ed the example of his father ; was en- 823 422, 423 TRAFFIC IN ARDENT SPIRITS. ticed by the same rum-seller, and drained of all that he could earn or supply, till he came back upon me, not a son, but a useless carcass, quickened with the spirit of a fiend, and has end- ed his career, not in death, but crime, at the thought of which I cannot hold up my head ; widowed, childless, and old. Oh God I what have I done that I should be used so ?" Our heart melted over this picture of wo, as we exclaimed, " God will not allow the cry of the widow to go un- heard, or her cause unavenged." Alas for the man whose business calls him to such responsibility ! 422. Injurious to Traffickers and their Families. (a) FARMER TURNING RUM- SELLER. — D. B. was an industrious farmer, and by great prudence and economy, had accumulated a capital of near $5000. — Hitherto, industry and frugality had been the only means of his advancement, but now more am- bitious thoughts took possession of his mind. He resolved to live more at ease, and become a merchant in the village' of . He procured a license for selling liquors to be drank on the premi- ses. Gradually, he became intemper- ate ; at the end of three years, his wife was a widow, his children fatherless! The amount found due the estate rather exceeded the capital he had three years before embarked in the business : but of all these debts, less than $500 could be collected. The remainder passed through the hands of several intemper- ate customers, and the family is left ut- terly destitute. 425. Immoral in its Character. (a) THE PETITIONER FOR LI- CENSE. — Some twenty years ago, a carpenter, who was tired of making an honest living, came to a friend of mine in Philadelphia, with a petition for a tavern license, which he requested him to sign. My friend looked at him, and asked him why he did not stick to his plane and bench ? The answer was, " Tavern keeping is a more lucrative trade ; I want to get richer." " Well, 824 but do you not think you will be afford- ing additional facilities to drunkards to destroy themselves ?" " Perhaps I shall." "Do you not believe that at least five men every year will die drunk- ards, if you succeed in getting a li- cense ?" " Why, I never thought of that before ; but 1 suppose it would be so." " Then if the Lord lets you keep tavern ten years, fifty men will have died through your agency — now what becomes of the drunkard ? Does he go to heaven ?" " I suppose not." '^l am sure he does not, for no drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of heaven ; what becomes of him then ?" " Why^ he must go to hell." " Well, do you- not think it will be just if the Lord, at the end of ten years, sends you down to hell too, to look after those fifty drunk- ards ?" — The man threw down his pe- tition, went back to his honest occupa- tion, and was never tempted to desire a license again. {l) A RUMSELLER NO GOOD CITIZEN.— The Rev. John Chambers, of Philadelphia, in a speech before the American tFnion, said : — " A dealer in liquor was tried for some crime, convicted, and sentenced by Judge Parsons. The next day a laywer waited upon the judge and told him he could show a defect in the pro- ceedings wherefore the man should be released. ' O,' said the judge, ' that matter's settled.' ' But,' said the law- yer, ' he is a worthy man.' ' A worthy man !' said the judge, ' and make drunk- ards V * But,' said the lawyer, ' he i» a good citizen.' ' A good citizen,' said the judge, ' and fill up our jails and almshouses and cause men to commit murder and arson, and every iniquity .? That question's settled, sir, and the man must abide by the law.' The name of that judge was Parsons, and may God send us more such parsons as these !" (c) THE MYSTERIOUS WOMAN. — At a certain town meeting, the ques- tion came up whether any person should be licensed to sell rum. The clergy. man, the deacon, and physician, strange as it may now appear, all favored. One man spoke against, because of the mis- chief it did. The question was about to be put, when all at once there arose IMMORAL IN ITS CHARACTER. 433 from one corner of the room, a miser- able female. She was thinly clad, and her appearance indicated the utmost wretchedness, and that her mortal career was almost closed. After a moment of silence, and all eyes being fixed upon her, she stretched her attenuated body to its utmost height, and then her long arms to their greatest length, and rais- ing her voice to a shrill pitch, she called upon all to look upon her. " Yes !" she said, " look upon me, and then hear me. All that the last speaker has said rela- tive to temperate drinking, as being the father of drunkenness, is true. All practice, all experience, declares its truth. All drinking of alcoholic poison, as a beverage in health, is excess. Look upon me. You all know me, or once did. You all know I was once the mis- tress of the best farm in the town. You all know, too, I had one of the best — the most devoted of husbands. You all know I had fine, noble-hearted, indus- trious boys. Where are they now ? Doctor, where are they now ? — You all know. You all know they lie in a row, side by side in yonder church-yard ; all — every one of them filling the drunk- ard's grave ! They were all taught to believe that temperate drinking was safe, — excess alone ought to be avoided ; and they never acknowledged excess. They quoted you, and you^ and you,'' pointing with her shred of a finger to the priest, deacon and doctor, as authori- ty. "They thought themselves safe under such tender teachers. But 1 saw the gradual change coming over my family and prospects, with dismay and horror ; I felt we were all to be over- whelmed in one common ruin ; I tried to ward off the blow ; [ tried to break the spell, the delusive spell — in which the idea of the benefits of temperate drinking had involved my husband and sons ; i begged, I prayed ; but the odds were greatly against me. " The priest said the poison that was destroying my husband and boys was a good creature of God ; the deacon (who sits under the pulpit there, and took our farm to pay his rum bills,) sold them the poison ; the physician said that a little was good, and excess ought to be avoided. My poor husband and my dear boys fell into the snare, and they could not escape, (there were no Wash- ingtonians then,) and one after another was conveyed to the dishonored grave of the drunkard. Now look at me again, you probably see me for the last time— my sand has almost run. I have dragged my exhausted frame from my present abode — your poor-house — to warn you all — to warn you, deacon ! — to warn you, false teacher of God's word ;" and with her arms high flung, and her tall form stretched to its utmost, and her voice raised to an unearthly pitch, she exclaimed — " 1 shall soon stand before the judgment seat of God — I shall meet you there, you false guides, and be a witness against you all." The miserable female vanished — a dead silence pervaded the assembly — the priest, deacon and physician hung their heads — the President of the meeting put the question — Shall we have any more licenses to sell alcoholic poisons, to be sold as beverage ? The response was unanimous. No ! (d) A RUMSELLER CAUGHT.— One of the speakers at a meeting in Northern Liberties Temperance Hall, related the following striking incident : He had been' lecturing at a meeting in Jersey, and dwelling quite plainly on the course of the rumseller, when a man rose and said, " Sir, I am one of the trustees of this church, and you call me a murderer. — You can't have this church to lecture in any more. I ap- peal to those around me to say if I am a murderer." A woman instantly rose and cried out, " Yes, you are a murderer, you murdered my husband by giving him rum." Another woman exclaimed, "Yes, and you murdered mine alsof This was plain dealing, and the rum- seller and trustee must have felt his casks of liquid fire pressing with heavy weight on his soul about that time. (e) THE PORTUGUESE TRAP- PICKERS REPORMED.— Says the Maryland Temperance Herald, a man who was in the habit of selling a con- siderable quantity of liquor, a Portu- guese by birth, who had settled on the eastern shore of Maryland, related the following account of his own experience : I went to a temperance meeting ; the 825 423 TRAFFIC IN ARDENT SPIRITS. speaker said a good many things which hurt me very much. I felt angry with him, and would not go any more for some time ; but a short time after, while I was absent from home, one of my neighbors sold a man a gallon of rum, he got drunk upon it, went home and killed his wife. When 1 returned, I said to myself, what if I had sold this man the rum ? No, but 1 did not sell it. But something said, but if you had been at home you might have sold it to him. I said to myself, I will sell off what I have very cheap, and then I will sell no more. But something said, you may sell to some other man, and he may kill somebody, — that won't do. Then I will send it back to Baltimore to the merchant I bought it of; but something said, that won't do. He may sell it to somebody who may get drunk and kill somebody also; that won't do. I heard soon after of a temperance meeting ; I went there ; I almost ran, I jumped over the heads of the people ; 1 said, put my name down. Somebody said, Mr. , what will you do with your liquor ? Oh ! I said, that is settled. So early the next morning I turned all my liquors out, and pulled out the spigot. and said, from the earth you came and to the earth you must go back. (/) THE ELDER'S TWELVE PRAYERS.— Elder S was a dis- tiller, carried on the business largely, and supplied his neighbors with the good creature. At length one and another, and another, became drunkards, squan- dered away their property, and reduced their families to beggary and wretched- ness. Nevertheless, the Elder continu- ed to supply them, " for the public good," and being a sober man, did it very regularly. By and by one of his cus- tomers came to settle with him, and on settlement owed him twenty dollars ; and yet had nothing to pay, and nothing with which to supply his family with a rag of clothing or a morsel of bread. He and they were literally destitute. And the Elder inquired of himself, " What has made this man a drunkard, and brought his family to poverty and wretchedness ?" Conscience answered, " Your whisky." " And who must 826 answer in the day of judgment ?" said the Elder. Conscience replied, " You ;" and spoke with a voice which the Elder could not but hear. He went away heavy-hearted ; and sorely pressed, as conscience continued to echo, " You must answer at the day of judgment for making that man a drunkard." He retired to bed, but not to rest, or to sleep. He got up, kneeled down and prayed, and went again to bed, but obtained no relief. He got up, and kneeled down and prayed again, and retired, and so again and again, till he got up, prayed, confessed his sins, implored mercy, prayed for the man and his family whom he had ruined, and laid down no less than eleven times. And his distress grew greater and greater. Not only this man, but one, and another, and another, great numbers whom he had made drunkards, and for whose ruin he must answer at the day of judgment, rose up to his view, and he was well nigh over- whelmed with the conviction of his guilt. He rose and kneeled down the twelfth time before God, and not only confessed his sins, but now, for the first time, re- solved without delay to forsake them. He promised, before the Lord, that no por- tion of his time, or property, should ever again be employed in making that which tends to destroy the bodies and souls of men. And he meant what he said. He then laid down and slept till morn- ing Next morning he rose, cleared out his distillery, and said that no whis- ky should ever be made there again. He made known his determination to his children and his neighbors. One of them thought he had become too su- perstitious, and offered them for the use of his distillery five hundred dollars a year. But he utterly refused, saying that none of his property should ever again be employed by any body in that way. He held to his resolution till his death, and tried to induce all to follow his example. With his children he was successful, and numbers of them before his death were hopefully made partakers of divine grace and heirs of the king- dom of God. The Elder appeared to live the life and die the death of a peni- tent, and went to give up his account UNIVERSALISxM. 424 to the Judge of the quick and dead. There he expected to meet with many whom his business had ruined, but as, during the time of divine forbearance, he trusted that he had confessed his sins, he died, hoping for pardon, through the boundless mercy of God in the Redeemer. UNIVERSALISM. 424. Moral Tendency of Universalism. (a) END OF THE SQUIRE'S UNIVERSALISM.— Some three or four years since, (says the New- York Evangelist of 1832) the Universalists of B , Allegany Co., New- York, met for the purpose of forming them- selves into a religious society; and certain of them supposing prayer to be- long to a transaction of this kind, the inquiry was made for some one of the " brethren " to open the meeting by prayer. But in vain. Not one among them ail could be found to open or close the meeting in this appropriate and solemn way ! One of them, Mr. H , a justice, perceiving this, and having an idea that religion was a serious, prayerful concern, " took the hint," and left them ! He thought it unsafe to embark his religious and eternal in- terests with a prayerless, not to say wicked people. Hence the beginning and ending of the squire's Universalism. (b) THE JUDGE AND THE PREACHER.— In one of the Middle States, a Universalist preacher made great efforts to establish a society of his own faith. A few persons, of little character and influence, were deeply anxious that such a society should be formed amongst them, but knew not how to effect their object and build a house. It was finally agreed, that the preacher and one of his followers should wait on a distinguished judge who re- sided in tiie village, and solicit his patronage. The judge heard the lo- quacious preacher with great patience for almost half an hour, when he closed by asking the judge's aid in establish- ing the society. " No," says the judge : " I shall not be disposed, sir, to lend you any assist- ance in forming such a society. For in the the first place, it seems to me that your system of faith is not support- ed by the holy Scriptures. 1 confess I am not so thoroughly versed in those writings as I ought to be ; yet I should hardly know how to express the eternity of future punishment more clearly than I often see it there described. But this, sir, I do believe, (let the Scriptures say what they may,) that were all clergy- men to preach this doctrine which you preach, there would soon be a hell in this world, if not in the next." The judge then added with seriousness, that, if all who profess to preach the gospel were to adopt and inculcate such senti- ments, he did not believe it would be possible to hold civil society together. Human laws would be trampled under foot, and their penalties, if not backed by Divine threaten ings, would be but a subject of mockery. With these views, he must be excused from making any efibrts to establish a Universalist society in that place or any other. (c) 1 BELIEVE IT, BUT DON'T PREACH IT.— After Mr. Haynes was dismissed from his charge in Rut- land, which he had held more than twenty years, he was employed about two years as a stated supply to the Congregational church in Manchester. In this town was a Universalist society, which was supplied with only occasional preaching ; but, as in most other cases, its adherents were very fond of discuss- ing their sentiments with other denomi- nations. One of these took frequent occasion to dispute with Mr. Haynes : and though he generally, not to say always, came off second best, he seemed determined to renew the controversy on every convenient occasion. At the close of one of these inter- views, apparently under the full con- viction of his own inferiority, he said : " Mr. Haynes, you are a learned man, and I cannot argue with you ; but I 827 424 UNIVERSALISM. expect one of our ministers here before long, and 1 intend to bring hinn to see you ; he will be able to defend our doctrine." Mr. Haynes replied, in his usual good-natured way: " O, well : bring him along ; I shall be pleased to talk with him." Some weeks afterwards, the Univer- salist minister arrived ; and the parish- ioner embraced the first leisure hour to take him up to the village to see Mr. Haynes. On their way, they were met by one of the brethren of their own faith, who, after learning whither they were bound, advised them to turn back ; " for," said he, " he is an old fox, and , you can't get to the windward of him." They, however, persisted in their pur- pose, and soon arrived at the parson- age. Mr. Haynes was called from his study, to receive the visitors, without knowing or receiving the least intima- tion who they were. As he entered the room, the parishioner, after ex- changing compliments, said : " Mr. Haynes, this is Mr. , my minister, whom I promised to bring to see you." "How d' do, how d' do?" said Mr. Haynes, taking the minister familiarly by the hand ; *' well, you are the man, then, who preaches that men may swear, and lie, and get drunk, and commit adultery, and all other abomina- tions, and yet go to heaven after all :- am t you No, no," said the Universalist minister, " I don't preach any such thing." " Well," said Father Haynes, '• you believe so, don't you ?" This was a blow that completely annihilated all desire for theological discussion, and well nigh took away the power of utterance from both the minister and layman. After a few re- marks on the state of the weather, and the pleasant situation of the village, the minister said to his attendant : " Is it not time for us to be going ?" and both withdrew, apparently satisfied to dispense with all further intercourse. (d) LEWIS C. TODD'S TESTI- MONY.— Mr. Lewis C. Todd, who was once a Universalist editor and preacher, and subsequently a Methodist, in a work of his published since his change, says: 828 " I became a preacher of universal salvation, and was ordained as such in Fairfield, Herkimer county, New-York, some eight years ago. I believed the doctrine true, and thought that in pro- portion as it was propagated, mankind would become good and happy. I preached in difFerenl parts, far and near, and itinerated over an extensive region of country, suffering the excesses of heat and cold, and the pitiless peltings of stormy skies and muddy roads. No danger or effort did I consider too great that was possible ; for I believe, for a number of years, I should often have rejoiced in the martyr's privilege of attesting my faith. Some years since, however, I occasionally reflected, that although the doctrine had spread much further than I anticipated, it did not seem to produce the effects I had ex- pected. This gradually cooled my ardor and diminished my zeal, so that for some years I cared but little whether I preached or not. In this state of mind, believing Universalism to be the true sense of the Bible when rightly con- strued, and being unable to see any considerable good resulting from the system, I was much inclined to doubt Divine revelation. I could not go entirely into infidelity, nor feel much confidence in revelation. " 1 had seen the blessed influences of the doctrine spread out often upon paper, but I could not see them any where else ! No — God knows I am honest in this assertion. I do not feel to abuse the denomination ; but it is true I could not for my life see any good resulting to society from the senti- ment. This conviction rolled in upon my mind with tremendous effect. Alas ! thought I, have I been spending my ' labor for that which satisfieth not V Are all my efforts useless, and only tending to make looser the restraints of religion and virtue ? " I know individuals among them of the most amiable dispositions and char- acters, that would honor any profession. But I do not think that their doctrines ever made them so. I candidly aver, in the fear of God, that I do not believe the doctrine ever made a single soul any better than he otherwise would MORAL TENDENCY OF UNIVERSALISM. 434 have been, while it has been the means of removing necessary restraints, and giving latitude to thousands whose pro- pensities and passions needed restraint, whereby they have indulged in criminal pursuits and gone to perdition. " When I learn of a single drunkard, or gambler, or debauchee, or knave, being reformed in consequence of the Universal ist doctrine, I shall think bet- ter of its influence than I do now ; for it is my solemn opinion that such an instance never occurred. And I would gladly hold up this truth to all the friends of the doctrine, and make it speak out in thunder to their con- sciences; and then ask them if they will still teach this doctrine to their children. — Millennial Harbinger, Vol. II., p. 492. " I am personally acquainted," says the editor of the above-named periodical, " with some four or five Universalian preachers, who have joined the church of Christ of which I am a member, who all say that Mr. Todd speaks their experience, or who all concur with him in opinion." {g) A CHILD'S INFERENCE.— Some time since, a gentleman was at the house of the widow W , in T , and in the evening engaged in vindicating the doctrine of Universal- ism with zeal. The next morning, a child seven or eight years of age, who overheard the conversation the preced- ing evening, said to her mother, we may now steal, lie, and do other wipked things; for there is no punishment for us when we die. (e) UNIVERSALIST'S AT- TEMPTS AT SUICIDE.— The editor of the Western Recorder, published at Utica, N. Y., says : — We recollect to have been present at the examination of a candidate, who during his relation, stated in substance the following details : Educated very young in the orthodox creed, he afterwards lived among the Universalists, fully imbibed their senti- ments, and gave himself up to various indulgences, with a view of enjoying a heaven both here and hereafter. In process of time he became tired of his earthly heaven, and thought it advisable to die and try the other. An enormous dose of laudanum taken for this purpose, proved ineffectual ; and a little time afterwards, he removed into our section of the country. Once more he thought it advisable to exchange the present heaven for a better one. Not doubting of the issue or fearing death, he settled up his accounts, procured two new pistols, and fitted them with cool delibera- tion, till he found they would not miss fire. Having next loaded them, and laid them aside for future use, he sent for Mr. and Mr. , two Uni- versalist preachers, to stand by him, and bear witness to the world, that he died in the full faith of that creed, and with entire self-possession. The preachers, however, advised him to desist. He gave his reasons for dying, and going where he should for ever be free from trouble. But they finally told him, that there was, after all, too much reason to fear that there might be a hell. " Why tlien do you not preach so and tell us of it ?" said he. " It will not do," they replied, " it will make the people crazy." Amid the conversation he stepped into the hall ; and, as he believes, with entire self-possession, aimed the two pistols at his head, and snapped them ; when, to his great astonishment, they both missed fire, and were afterwards taken from him. The strange results of such ef- forts led him to salutary reflection. He saw in it the hand of Providence — thought upon his past conduct — began to fear there might be a hell, and that at least there ought to be a place of eter- nal punishment for one so vile as he had been. He sought forgiveness through the blood of Jesus ; determined to yield unconditionally to his disposal, and to serve him whatever might be the result. (/) WHO THAT BELIEVES HIS DOCTRINE COULD BLAME HIM ? — A young man by the name of John S , (whom the editor of this work knew,) a confirmed Universalist, resided in the town of R , N. Y. For several years he had been subject to a painful disease. One Sabbath while alone, and engaged in shaving himself, he turned his razor's edge to his neck and cut his throat. His friends, hear- ing, likely, some disturbance, came in, and found him bleeding to death. They 829 424 UNIVERSALISM. rushed up to him endeavoring to stanch the blood, and with agony and horror besought the dying man to tell them why he had committed so horrible an act as self-murder. He was just able to tell them, that he had suffered a great deal from his long illness, that he could not expect to recover, that he was tired of living ; and that being a firm be- liever in the doctrine of Universal Sal- vation, he had no doubt that all would be well with him, and he had taken this step to rid himself of his miseries and go home to heaven ! This was the sub- stance pf his explanation. It was found impossible to save his life, and in a few moments he expired. If all men are to be immediately happy at death, why did not John S. act consistently ? Probably if those who profess to believe the same doctrine, were as confident of its truth as he was, very many of them would " go and do likewise " — cutting their way to heaven through their own throats, or swinging thither in a halter like Ju- das Iscariot. (g) THE SWEARER ENCOUR- AGED. — Some time since, (says the N. Y. Evangelist of 1832,) in the town of , in New- York, a number of little boys, from eight to ten years old, were engaged in play together ; and during their sport, two boys of a professed Universalist used much profane lan- guage, for which they were reproved and reminded of the awful consequences, by a boy whose parents are pious. One of them promised that he never would swear again, but the other re- plied, " I shall go to heaven if I swear as soon as those that don't swear. ^^ (h) AFFINITY OF UNIVERSAL. ISM FOR INFIDELITY.— Universal- ism and modern infidelity are twin sisters, They mutually support each other. We ventured the remark, says the Edi- tor of the New-York Evangelist, a short time since, before a large company of infidels, that they had a strong affinity for the Universal ists — that they were quite contented with any kind of preach- ing that denied a future retribution, — and that the fact that the Bible taught this doctrine, was their chief reason for casting it away. We were acquainted with the fact, that the infidels in our 830 neighborhood often frequented and pa- tronized the preaching of Universalist ministers. One of the chief speakers at Tammany Hall being present at the close of our discourse, in personal con- versation, remarked, that what we had said of Universalism was all true. He added, " They often find fault with us for being infidels. But why, I tell them, find fault with us ? You have no hell to put us in ?" (z) THE SUICIDE AND THE DRUNKARD.— Says the editor of the Southern Religious Telegraph, " We have known Universalists from our childhood, but we have never known one who appeared to embrace the creed from an honest conviction that it was the truth as taught by Jesus Christ. One, within the circle of our acquaint- ance, who was in other respects a man of good moral character, and a respected citizen, and who appeared to be more honest in his religious opinions than his brethren, committed suicide ! Another of his fraternity, who was so religious as to pray with his family, and was equally distinguished as a profane swearer and a lover of strong drink, died in a drunken jit, in the street ! His death corresponded with his life. (j) GETTING UP A UNIVER- SALIST PRAYER-MEETING.— An interesting and intelligent young man in Canada, gave decisive evidence of a change of heart, and made a pro- fession of religion. The church had strong hopes of his usefulness, and the firm'est confidence in his piety ; but, for some time they were much tried, in consequence of his leaning to the doc- trine of universal salvation. For years the church was without any commu- nion or regular preaching. He wan- dered away from God and his brethren ; and, for a time, even the most sanguine had almost given him up. He had not, however, utterly lost a sense of divine things and his own duty. And the sin- gular proposal which he made to his Universalist friends, and the result, brought him to doubt, more than ever, the practical tendency of their senti- ments. As some of them worked in the same shop, he one day asked them, " Why don't you pray — why don't you ABSURDITY AND FOLLY OF UNIVERSALISM. 425 have a prayer meeting ? If I am going to be a Universalist, I am going to have a prayer meeting."" They found he was m good earnest. A Universalist prayer meeting ! How and by whom should it be conducted ? The proposal was not seconded. He did not succeed. Reflection, and the merciful interposi- tion of God, seemed to humble him, and brought him back to the prayer meet- ing and the communion of the church. THEORY REDUCED TO PRAC- TICE.— A young man in A., N. Y., had been visited by a sad misfortune, and life had now but few attractions for him. In this state of mind he paid a visit to a Universalist minister, and con- cealing his purpose, questioned him very pointedly about his belief respecting the future destiny of different classes of evil- doers. " Do you sincerely believe that the drunkard will be saved ? Will the robber ? Will the murderer ? Will THE Suicide ?" To all these questions the minister promptly replied in the affirmative ; it was his firm conviction that, according to reason and Scripture, all men, in whatever manner they lived or died, would be happy after death. After hearing his views on this subject, the young man went back to the store in which he was clerk, and committed suicide in a manner too shocking to de- tail. The next morning he was found dead in his room, having literally cut himself to pieces. The facts occurred at A. in 1844, and caused a great ex- citement at the time. 425. Absurdity and Folly of Universalisin. (a) THE REJECTED PILLS.— In a town in the interior of America, the board of selectmen who governed its local affairs was composed of four universalists, (or men who contended for the final happiness of all mankind, whether believers or not,) and a pious physician. They acted through the year in great harmony as to the busi- ness of the town, but at their last meet- ing it was determined to attack the doc- tor. After they had finished their trans- actions, one of them said, " Doctor, we have been very happy in being associ- ated with you the year past, and that the business of the town has been con- ducted in harmony, and to the satisfac- tion of our constituents. We have found you to be a man of good sense, exten- sive information, unbending integrity, and of the purest benevolence. It is astonishing to us, that a man of your amiable character should believe the doctrine of future punishment." The doctor replied, " Gentlemen, I should regret very much the forfeiture of the good opinion which your partiality has led you to entertain of me. Will you have the goodness to answer candidly a few questions ? Do you believe in a future state V They replied, " We do." " You believe that death will in- troduce all men to a state of perfect happiness ?" " Of this we have no doubt." " Are you now happy ?" " We are not ; we are far from it." " How do men act when they are un- happy, and know that happiness is with- in their reach ?" " They endeavor to I attain that happiness." "Do you be- lieve that I understand the nature and operation of medicine ?" " We have no doubt, doctor, of your skill in your profession ; but what has that to do with the subject ?" " In this box," said the doctor, taking a tin box in his hand, " are pills, which, if you swallow each of you one, will, without pain, carry you, within one hour, out of this world of trouble ; and, if your doctrine be true, place you in a world of perfect felicity. Will you accept one of them ?" " No, sir." " Will you .?" " No, sir." When they had all refused, the doctor said, " You must excuse me, gentle- men, from embracing your doctrine, until I have better evidence tliat you believe it yourselves." This closed the debate. (h) NOT NEEDED OR J^OT WANTED.— Mr. W., a Universalist, preaching at the village of M , where a large congregation had come out to hear something new, endeavored to con- vince his hearers that there is no pun- ishment after death. At the close of his sermon, he informed the people, that if they wished, he would preach there again in four weeks ; when Mr. C, a respectable merchant, rose, and replied, " Sir, if your doctrine is true, we do not 831 425 UNIVERSALISM. need you ; and if it is false, we do not want you." (c) A UNIVERSALIST BIBLE.— There once lived in England a man who professed to believe in the final sal- vation of all men. To sustain this doc- trine, whenever he came to a passage in the Bible which seemed favorable to his creed he turned down a leaf. In this way he converted his Bible into a kind of Universalist Text Book for the indoctrination of his family. He had a son, who imbibed the sentiments of his father. At the death of the father, the son inherited the Bible referred to, and in accordance with paternal example, he used to read where the leaves were turned down, and comfort himself in the belief that the way of sin is not death. After a few years the young man re- moved to the West. He went to hear a Universalist minister preach. The sermon being rather a lame perform- ance, the man, so far from being con- firmed by it, was rather shaken in his confidence. He thought, however, that he could make a stronger argument himself. He went home and sat down to the task. But the Bible with the leaves turned down was away in Eng- land, and he had forgotten where to look for the detached portions upon which he rested his faith, and thus was forced to read his Bible in its legitimate connexions and dependencies. So he read on, chapter after chapter, looking all the while for his favorite doctrine. But he did not find it. Nay, he was soon convinced that in order to salva- tion he must be born again. He sought and soon found peace in believing. (d) THE UNIVERSALIST CON- FOUNDED.— Dr. Harris, of Dunbar- ton, walking out one day in one of the large villages of a neighboring State, he met one of the champions of Universal- ism. It was Gen. P , the leader and main supporter of the large Uni- versalist society, which had for many years existed in that place. He was a high-minded man, quite wealthy, and very influential — having a good deal of general information, and considerable skill in argument — which last he did not hesitate to use whenever and wher- ever opportunities were presented. He 832 I and Dr. H. were personally strangers ; ! but knowing something of each other by reputation, they readily introduced themselves. The General very soon lifted up his standard, and began his war of words — not doubting that, though he might fail to convince his opponent, he should at least show him that he was no ordinary combatant : but knew well , on what ground he stood and how to i wield the sword of sectarian warfare to I good advantage. The Doctor heard I him through : then calmly turned to him, and said — " General P it is of no use for us to contend. We shall probably not convince each other, by i arguments ever so protracted. But there is one thing in relation to this matter which deserves consideration. It is this. I can treat your religion just i as I please, I can turn from it, as an I utter abomination ; I can despise it ; I I can spit on it, and trample it under j my feet — and yet after all I shall be I SAVED— sha'nH I, Gen. P .?" The I General, of course, was obliged to as- i sent, or give up the doctrine. There ' was no room for evasion. " But," add- ed the Doctor, while the General was writhing at the contempt thus thrown upon his gods, " it will not do for you to treat my religion so. If you do, you ARE A LOST MAN !" This was enough — nothing more was said. (e) THE INFIDEL'S CHARGE. — An infidel in the town of C, Allegany Co., N. Y., meeting one day with a Universalist, addressed him in a strain like the following. " You Universalists are the most inconsistent theorists in the world. You say there is no future pun- ishment, and yet you profess to believe the Bible, and, what is more absurd, attempt to prove your doctrine yrow the Bible ! You stretch out one passage interminably, and cut another short off; you pull connected sentences apart, and put disconnected sentences together ; and you set prophets at war with pro- phets, apostles at war with apostles, and each one at war with himself. As sure as your Bible is true, so surely there is a hell. For my own part, I do not be- lieve there is a hell any more than yourself; but, more consistent, I throw the doctrine of future punishment out of DEATH OF UNIVERSALISTS. 425, 426 my creed, by first throwing out the Bi- ble itself. And there is no other way to appear consistent. Get clear of that old book, and then you can easily get rid of the rest." (g) THE DEVIL ONLY AN EVIL CONSCIENCE.— It happened in a town with which 1 am somewhat acquainted, says a gentleman in England, that three gentlemen met together in an omnibus, which was going a few miles out of the town. One of these three gentlemen was a grave and venerable divine, the others were Universalists ; there were several other persons in the carriage. First Universalist. (Addressing his friend,) Well, sir, was you at the Hall last evening to hear our friend Rushey ? Second Universalist. No, I was not. F. U. That was a pity, for Rushey did the business most manfully ; you know the subject was whether there is any evidence of the being and personality of' the devil. 1 assure you he gave the most solid and positive proofs that there is no devil. And, indeed, there cannot be found, now-a-days, any man of com- mon sense who believes in the existence of the devil, or who will attempt to prove such a doctrine ; I say, (looking our divine full in the face,) I say, no man of common sense can believe in such an absurdity. Divine. Sir. [ lay claim to common sense, without pretending to any thing more, and I believe that there is a devil. F. U. Ah ! do you, sir ? do you, indeed ? I am astonished ! I am aston- ished ! Believe there is a devil ! be- lieve there is a devil ! after what Mr. Rushey has said, and many others be- side, who have with equal clearness proved the contrary ? O, no sir, there is no devil ; it is only a trick of the priests: there is no devil. D. I suppose, sir, you believe in the Scriptures. F. U. O yes, sir, to be sure I do : it was from the Scriptures that Mr. Rushey gathered his proofs. D. Well, then, do we not read again and again of the devil in the Scriptures ? F. U. Truly, sir, truly ! but devil means only an evil conscience ! D. Ah, indeed ! an evil conscience ; an evil conscience ; let us try it : " Now 53 there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them" — an evil conscience came also among them ! " and the Lord said unto Satan" — and the Lord said unto an evil conscience. F. U. O, sir, you need not go any farther there — to be sure, it does not mean an evil conscience there. D. Well, sir, we will try it in an- other case : " Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness, to be .tempted of the devil " — to be tempted of an evil conscience. F. U. (A little mortified,) Why, yes, it does not seem to hold good there neither. D. Let us try it once more : " And there was a good way off an herd of swine feeding. So the devils" — the evil conscience — " besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine ; and he said unto them. Go; and when they" — the evil conscience — " were come out, they" — the evil conscience — " went into the herd of swine." I have only to add, that the quotation was arrested here, and that the evil conscience of the Universalist was so provoked, that you would have supposed him possessed, rather than the swine ! (h) "GO WHERE YOU HAVE A MIND TO."— About the year 1823, a celebrated Universalist preached in the court-house at New-Haven, Ct., and at the close of his sermon had some dis- putation with a clergyman of the city. After hearing the debate awhile, one of the audience took the liberty to ask the following questions : — " Reverend sir, is it our duty to believe in the salvation of all men ?" " Yes," answered the preach- er. Said the other, " Where shall we go when we die if we do not believe it ?" " Go where you have a mind to !" said the preacher. This powerfully affected the risible feelings of the audience, and broke up the meeting. 4S6. Death of Universalists. (a) A DELUSION EXPLODED. — Some time in the month of November, 1828, Capt. O. T., of N., when lying 833 426 UNIVERSALISM. on his death-bed and a few hours before the close of his life, in the full possession of his reason, became alarmed, and sent for the Rev. Mr. VV., of U. On his ar- rival, Capt. T. stretched out his hand, and thus addressed him : " I am a dying man ; I shall soon be in eternity. My views and feelings are essentially al- tered. For several years past, I have followed Wood and Bailou, Universalist preachers, and believed as they did. But I find it now all a delusion. Such sentiments will do to lull the conscience to sleep while living, but will not stand the test in a dying hour. Tell my old acquaintance and friends not to trust in such refuges of lies, but to repent and be converted." This is but one instance of a thousand, which might be adduced, of the dying confessions of Universalists, relative to the fallacy and wretchedness of their scheme. Query. Did you ever know a person on a death-bed become a Universalist, who had previously lived in the belief of orthodox sentiments ? {!)) RECANTATION AND DE- SPAIR.— David W. Bell, a zealous defender of the doctrine of Universal- ism, some of whose writings may be found in the Gospel Advocate, a noted mouthpiece of that pernicious system, was called, in 1827, by the sudden death of his two youngest brothers, to visit his afflicted parents, residing in Windham, Greene Co., N. Y. Here he was seized with the typhus fever, and was soon brought to view the time as not far distant, when he himself must exchange worlds, and appear before his Omniscient Judge. Now it was with him an honest hour, and his presump- tuous heart, that could boldly challenge the injustice of God, now yielded to the conviction of truth. He exclaimed one day to his fjither, " Father, I find eternal punishment, which I have so long disputed, now to be an awful reality." At another time he says, " As soon as 1 am dead, write to brother E., in M., and to Z. T. and S. T., that the doctrine we have tried to propagate is an awful delusion — that it forsook me on a death-bed." 834 His conviction of the nature of sin was clear and pungent. Sometimes he would cry aloud to God for mercy — again entreat his Maker to annihilate him ; sometimes he would call on others to pray — again would beg them not to pray for him, for he had already sealed iiis own damnation. " Oh !" said he, " it can alone be for the glory of God and the good of others, for me to be damned ! 1 must be damned ! I am damned ! — damned to all eternity ! ! I cannot live in peace — 1 cannot die in peace, without an assurance that my renunciation of that delusive and dangerous heresy, the doctrine of Universalism, shall be made as public as my defence of it was. Oh, could I speak once to those deluded Uni- versalists !" He died Sept. 29th, 1827. " The above recantation," says Da- vid Bell, his father, " was made by my son when in the full exercise of reason. Of this there are many witnesses. Nei- ther was it extorted from him, or occa- sioned by a sudden fright, as some may pretend. It was from a deliberate and settled conviction for weeks." (c) DEATH OF A YOUNG LADY. — The subject of this notice was the daughter of Universalist parents, and had herself, together with others of the family, become attached to the doctrine of universal salvation. This furnished a quiet to her fears, whenever her con- science was oppressed with the guilt of living in sin and rejecting the gospel. The village where she lived was blessed with a revival of religion. While many were made subjects of the kingdom of God, by being born again, the delusive dream of Universalism led her to be- lieve that there was no necessity of being born of the Spirit, in the present life. Suddenly, sickness visited her, and recovery was impossible ; she must die. But ah ! where were her hopes of heaven ? The refuge under which she had taken concealment was swept away, and the wrath of God was re- vealed from heaven against her un- righteousness. She lost forever all hope of being reconciled to God. The offers of mercy she could not appro- priate to herself. Her last hour was at hand. A minister of Christ stood by, and prayed for her departing soul. She DEATH OF UNIVERSALISTS. 426 could not ejaculate, " Lord Jesus ! re- ceive my spirit;'"' but with the giving up of the ghost uttered a shriek that will never cease to ring in the ears of those who heard it. A death so full of horror, made such an impression on the minds of the parents of the wretched girl, that they abandoned a doctrine so treacherous, and by ihe converting grace of God, became hopeful subjects of the revival, together with one or two others of the family. How many parents are there in our country, who by their countenancing a doctrine which they do not themselves more than half believe, occasion their children to adopt it, and thus inevitably, here or hereafter, bring distress and anguish on their souls. {d) THE DIE IS CAST.— Rev. Mr. S., once pastor of the Baptist church in H., Mass., gives the following account of an interview which he had* with a Universalist on his death-bed, in 1837. During Mr. L.'s illness Mr. S. had called on the family once before ; but when the nurse informed her charge that Mr. S. would like to converse with him, the sick man sent back word : " Tell him when I want to see him I will send for him." The next and last time Mr. S. called, which was two weeks afterwards, he came at the especial request of Mr. L., who said he could not die until he saw him. As Mr. S. came to his bed-side, the sick man opened his dying eyes and said with much anxiety to his nurse, " Do you think that man will pray for me ?" The preacher approached, and as he took hold of Mr. L.'s hand, the latter turned up his eyes and exclaimed, " It is too late !" In detailing his history, he stated that his mind was susceptible, and his conscience tender ; but being led into the snares of Univer- salism, his feelings of guilt and his tenderness of conscience left him, till he had scarcely any more religious sen- sibility than a brute. Mr. S. directed him to Christ as an all sufficient Savior. " Ah !" said he, as at first, " it is too late." He knelt by his bed-side, and tried to pray for him. Soon after prayer Mr. S. felt called upon to return. As he took the sick man's cold and motionless hand in his, to bid him adieu, he said, in a loud, full voice, " Do pray for me when you get home. But I don't expect God will hear ; it is too late ; the die is cast ; my damnation is sealed." He died a few hours after, in awful and utter despair. ' (e) THE WAY TO GET FREE FROM UNIVERSALISM.— The nar- rator of this fact called at the house of an intelligent member of the church in the State of New- York, and in the course of conversation learned, to his surprise, that this individual had been formerly a warm advocate of the doc- trine of universal, unconditional salva- tion. His narrative was briefly as follows: "I was first led to embrace the creed of Universalists by hearing a sermon from the Rev. Mr. P . The argument by which he convinced me, was that he had formerly been a minister of the Baptist persuasion, and had been converted from that to his present faith. I subscribed for a pe- riodical in wliich these doctrines are advocated, and read nothing else. I looked occasionally into the Bible, but it was only to select the passages commented on by Universalists, with a view of convincing myself of the correctness of the interpretation ; and as it was my wish to regard these passages in the light in which they were represented, I became daily more established in the faith which I had embraced. My wife was very much opposed to these sentiments. She mani- fested her opposition in the most gentle, inoffensive, and Christian manner ; it was simply by attending religious meet- ings, and that frequently, where doc- trines opposed to my own were advo- cated. She was particularly fond of attending prayer meetings. I manifested my disapprobation ; I treated her harsh- ly ; but she still resisted my efforts to keep her at home, with the same meek, Christian spirit. After awhile, I was sub- dued by this unwavering forbearance and gentleness, and one day, when my wife had gone to tiie prayer meeting, I went into my barn, fell down upon my knees, and prayed sincerely if she was right 835 4av UNITARIANISM. and I was wrong, God would enlighten me and lead me into the right path. I felt willing to be led. I had no desire to cherish prejudices, if I before enter- tained them, against the truth. After pouring out my soul before God, I returned to the house, opened the Bible, and read it as I never read it before. A flood of light poured in upon me ; my mind was open to conviction ; I found no difficulty in discovering the truth, because I earnestly sought, and from that day abandoned the destructive sentiments of Universalism. 427. UNITARIANISM. (a) DR. PRIESTLEY'S AVOW- AL TO DR. MILLER.— The Rev. Dr. Miller, of Princeton, N. J., in a note to his sermon preached at the ordi- nation of Rev. Mr. Nevins, in Balti- more, speaking of the dr eadful and soul-destroying errors of Arius and So- cinius, remarks, that in conformity with this view of the subject, the author can- not forbear to notice and record a decla- ration made to himself by the late Dr. Priestley, two or three years before the decease of that distinguished Unitarian. The conversation was a f^ree and ami- cable one, on some of the fundamental doctrines of religion. In reply to a di- rect avowal on the part of the author that he was a Trinitarian and a Calvin- ist, Dr. Priestley said, " I do not won- der that you Calvinists entertain and express a strongly unfavorable opinion of us Unitarians. The truth is, there neither can, nor ought to be, any com- promise between us. If you are right, WE ARE NOT CHRISTIANS AT ALL j and l/ if M)e are right, you are' gross idola- ters." These were, as nearly as can be recollected, the words, and, most accu- rately, the substance of his remark. And nothing certainly can be more just. Between those who believe in the Di- ( vimty and Atonement of the Son of 1 God, and those who entirely reject both, \^ there is a great gulf fixed," which precliides all ecclesiastical intercourse. {I) AFFINITY OF UNITARIAN- ISM FOR INFIDELITY— DR. JEW- ETT'S TESTIMONY.— Dr. Thomas Jewett, of Rindge, N. H., who was for some time an avowed infidel, was hope- fully converted in 1833, and received on the last Sabbath in August, of the same year, into the church. At his request, a communication from his pen 836 was read on that day from the pulpit. From this we quote the following sig- nificant passage. " Led astray first by the plausible but fallacious arguments of Elkanah Winchester, H adopted his sentiments fully ; and from his doctrine of tempo- rary future punishment the transition to Universalism, or the disbelief of any future punishment, was very natural and easy. This latter scheme, so per- fectly agreeable to the doer of evil, I readily adopted, and warmly advocated for several years. " At thirty years of age 1 tried to be- come an Atheist, but though I never was left to deny or disbelieve the exist- ence of God, yet I adopted the system of Deism ; utterly rejecting the Bible, as the "work of man and an imposition upon the world. My course of conduct in relation to evangelical ministers and Christians was such as might be ex- pected from one who cherished such sentiments. I have it in painful remem- brance that I opposed them, and made them and the cause the subject of ridi- cule and contempt. " But the names of Infidel and Uni- versalist, I was aware. Were not popu- lar. For a few years past I have as- sumed the name of Unitarian, for two reasons ; one was, that it exposed me to less odium ; the other, I found that I could be reckoned in that class without any material change in my religious opinions. And here I honestly and so- berly declare that these several names were assumed at different times as a mere disguise, as convenience or inter- est might require. And I now regard these several schemes as essentially the same. I have been intimate with men in all ranks of society belonging to USEFULNESS, CHRISTIAN. 4L27, 428 these religious persuasions, and I have found none of them, so far as I could discover, receiving the Bible as decisive authority in religious faith. This, I need not say, is denying its inspiration.'' (c) A DEIST'S OPINION OF UNIVERSALISTS AND SOCINI- ANS. — A writer in the Western Intel- ligencer says : In conversation with one of the most open and virulent Deists I ever saw, after venting his spite against Jesus of Nazareth and his ministers, or " ilie supposed Jesus,'' as he would have it, and condemning the Bible, he said,' •' Within fifty years, the religion of Je- sus will be banished from the world ; and I am determined to do all I can to destroy it." I remarked to him he had undertaken a work of too great magni- tude for one man, or any body of men, to accomplish ; and that I believed a Universalist or a Socinian, or in other words Unitarian, would make many Deists to his one. To which he replied, " Sir, we consider Universalists and SoclhTahTm'^fhe same light in regard to our doctriiie,"that your people do John the Baptist v/ith regard to yours — they ARE MERELY FORERUNNERS ! !" {d) THE DEIST'S OPINION— A friend of ours, says a writer in the Columbian Star, called some days since at the house of an intelligent Deist, who has long been known as a determined and envenomed opposer of the Christian religion, and found him reading Dr. Channing's discourse preached at a dedication in the city of New- York. The conversation turned upon the mer- its of the sermon, and the distinguished ability of the author, when our friend inquired of the gentleman how he liked the production. •' I like it much," said he, with particular animation. " It strikes a broad blow at the Christian system, and will prove a decisive . tri- umph for the Religion of Nature. Dr. Channing differs from me in a very few points, an in five years I am satisfied he will preach the doctrine which I be- lieve." (e) THE SOCINIAN'S JUDGE. — A physician, who had imbibed Socini- an principles, made it his chief concern, in matters of religion, to degrade the character and dignity of Christ. Such was his contempt for him, that he sel- dom spoke of him in conversation under any other name than the carpenter's son. At length he was seized with af- fliction, which terminated in his death. A while before his departure, the ser- vant who attended him, on entering his room, found him in great agitation. On inquiring the cause, he answered, "I am a dying man, and that which most of all affects me is, that I must be by THE carpenter's son !" 428. USEFULNESS, CHRISTIAN. (a) A COLPORTEUR IN NOR- WAY. — When there was great spirit- ual darkness on the continent of Eu- rope, and every thing seemed to threat- en that the light of the gospel would be ■completely removed from Norway, God, in his providence, raised up a poor pea- sant, who lived near Indenckihill, on the confines of Sweden, He had re- ceived nothing but a common educa- tion, but the Lord made him acquaint- ed with the truth, and filled him with zeal to communicate that truth to his countrymen, who were perishing for lack of knowledge. This good man, with his knapsack on his back, set out on the road, went through the length and breadth of Norway, proclaiming the gospel in that wild and romantic country, to thousands and tens of thou- sands ; and the Lord gave testimony to the word spoken in a most remarkable manner ; for hundreds were in a short time, by his instrumentality, made to see and embrace the truth. It may be easily conceived, that he was not allow- ed to go on in peace : the unenlighten- ed clergy would not endure him ; they stirred up the magistrates against him, and he was cast into prison ; as soon, however, as he got out, he was again at his work ; but, at length, having come to Christiana, the capital, a most bigot- ed place in regard to religion, he was 837 42S USEFULNESS, CHRISTIAN. apprehended, and cast into a dungeon, and kept eleven years, from 1800 to 1811. But he was not idle there ; for, like Bunyan, he was writing treatises, and sending them forth into every part of the country ; contriving, in the space of a very short time, to have one hun- dred and twenty-two tracts published at Cassel. The effect of this peasant's la- bors is, that at this day there are not fewer than ten thousand followers of the Lord Jesus in that country. [b) " I HAVE HANDS, AND I CAN WORK."— A man in W., who depended for support entirely on his own exertions, subscribed five dollars annually in support of the Bombay schools. His friends inquired, " Why he gave so much, and how he could afford it?" He replied, "1 have for sometime been wishinij to dosomethin<^ for Christ's cause, but I cannot preach, neither can I pray in public, to any one's edification, nor can I talk to peo- pie, but I have hands, and I can work." (c) THREE ACTIVE YEARS PREFERRED TO SIX IDLE ONES. — Cardinal Gonsalvi was suffering un- der a chronic disease, and consulted three physicians, who declared on being questioned by the sick man, that this disease would be followed by death in a shorter or longer time, according to the manner in which he lived ; but they advised him unanimously to give up his office because, in his situation, mental agitation would be fatal to him. " If," inquired the Cardinal, " I give myself up to repose, how long, gentlemen, will you guarantee my life ?" " Six years," answered the doctors. " And if I con- tinue in office ?" " Three years at most." " Your servant, gentlemen, re- plied the Cardinal, " I should prefer liv- ing two or three years in doing some good, to living six in idleness." ^ {d) A YOUNG LADY'S DAY'S LABOR. — A young lady commenced a tour of active duty in a street in Bos- ton, with a -view to do something for the cause of the Redeemer. She devoted a whole day to visiting the poor, and the following, statistics show the result of the day's labor. Visited forty fami- lies ; found fifteen children who did not attend any Sabbath school, and who 838 engaged to go; seven families that would be pleased to receive visits from her minister ; and twelve families hav- ing no regular place for public worship, who promised to attend. Reader ! the field of usefulness in the city and coun- try is extensive ; the laborers are few ; by active and judicious efforts you can do much to enlighten and save dying sinners ; then " go thou and do like- wise." (e) THE RESOLUTE SOLICIT- OR. — A lady in Bristol, (Eng.) deeply 'impressed with the importance of the Bible Society, determined to make per- sonal application in its behalf to- an eld- erly gentleman of her acquaintance, who possessed great wealth, but never contributed to objects of this nature. She was told by her friends it would be in vain, but this did not shake her reso- lution. She called and presented the case, exhibiting all the documents cal- culated to promote her object. They produced no impression. She then nea- soned with him, but without effect. At length she asked him the question, "Have you a Bible, sir?" "Yes." " What would induce you to part with it ?" "I would not part with it on any consideration." "Sir," said she, " there are thousands in this land who are destitute of that which you profess to prize so highly. A trifling portion of your property would supply a fellow creature with the book which you would not part wiiii on any consideration." This appeal produced the desired effect. The gentleman, however, concealed his feelings, and simply asked, with an air of indifference, " What do you think I ought to give ?" Supposing that he was balancing between a small sum and an absolute refusal, she replied, " We receive any sum, sir, however small." He then went to his bureau, took a bag of guineas, and began very deliberately to count them upon the ta- ble — one, two, three, four, and so on. After he had proceeded some time in this way, the lady presuming he had forgotten the subject on which she came, and was engaged in his other business, ventured to interrupt him with the re- mark that her time was precious, and that if he did not intend to give, she USEFULNESS, CHRISTIAN. 42§ begged to be informed, that she might I solicit elsewhere. " Have patience for \ a few minutes," he replied, and pro- i ceeded until he had counted 73 guineas. | "There, madam," said hfe, ''there is ; one guinea for every year I have lived ; | take that for the Bible Society." (/) THE INEBRIATE'S WIFE, i — In a publication of the Massachusetts ; Sabbath School Society, which abounds i with excellent sentiments, entitled " A | Practical Directory for Young Christian j Females," is the following narrative: ; The amazing influence of one Chris- j tian, who shows in her life the spirit of \ Christ, is illustrated in a striking man- ner, in the life of a lady who died not long since, in one of the principal cities of the United States. I am not permit- ted to give her name, nor all the par- ticulars of her life. But what I relate may be relied upon, not only as facts, but as far below the ivhoie truth. She had been for a long time afflicted with a drunken husband. At length the sheriff came, and swept off all her pro- j perty, not excepting her household fur- j niture, to discharge his grog bills. At this distressing crisis, she retired to an I upper room, laid her babe upon the j bare floor, kneeled down over it, and ; offered up the following petition : " O | Lord, if thou wilt in any way remove | from me this affliction, I will serve thee ■ upon bread and icater, all the days of my life." The Lord took her at her j word. Her besotted husband imme- | diately disappeared, and was never | heard of again till after her death. The ; church would now have maintained ! her, but she would not consent to be- 1 come a charge to others. Although in feeble health, and afflicted with the \ sick headache, she opened a small I school, from which she obtained a bare \ subsistence ; though it was often no more than v/hat was contained in the j condition of her prayer — literally bread j and water. She was a lady of pleasing address, and of a mild and gentle dis- position. " In her lips was the law of kindness." Yet she possessed an energy of character and a spirit of perse- verance, which the power of faith alone can impart. When she undertook any Christian enterprise, she was discour- aged by no obstacles, and appalled by no difficulties. She resided in the most wicked and abandoned part of the city, which afforded a great field of labor. Her benevolent heart was pained at seeing the grogshops open upon the holy Sabbath. She undertook the difficult and almost hopeless task of closing these sinks of moral pollution upon the Lord's day, and succeeded. This was accomplished by the mild influence of persuasion, flowing from the lips of kindness, and clothed with that power which always accompanies the true spirit of the gospel. But she was not satisfied with seeing the front doors and windows of these houses closed. She would, therefore, upon the morning of the Sabbath, pass round, and enter these shops through the dwellings occupied by the families of the keepers, where she often found them engaged secretly in this wickedness. She would then re- monstrate with them, until she persuad- ed them to abandon it, and attend public worship. In this manner, she abolished, almost entirely, the sale of liquors upon the Sabbath, in the worst part of the city. She also looked after the poor, that the gospel might be preached to them. She carried with her the number of those pews in the church which were unoccupied. And upon Sabbath morn- ings, she made it her business to go out into the streets and lanes of the city, and persuade the poor to come in and fill up these vacant seats. By her per- severance and energy, she would re- move every objection, until she had brought them to the house of God. She was incessant and untiring in every effort for doing good. She would estab- lish a Sabbath school, and superintend it until she saw it flourishing, and then deliver it into the hands of some suitable person, and go and establish another. She collected together a Bible class of apprentices, which she taught herself. Her pastor one day visited it, and found half of them in tears, under deep con- viction. She was faithful to the church and to impenitent sinners. It was her habitual practice to reprove sin, and to warn sinners wherever she found them. At the time of her death, she had under her care a number of pious young men 839 ^ 42§ USEFULNESS, CHRISTIAN. preparing for the ministry. These she j had looked after, and brought out of , obscurity. As soon as their piety had | been sufficiently proved, she would bring them to the notice of her Christian friends. She persuaded pious teachers to give them gratuitous instruction, and pious booksellers to supply them with books. In the same way, she procured their board, in the families of wealthy Christians. And she formed little societies of ladies, to supply them with clothing. There was probably no person in the city whose death would have occasioned the shedding of more tears, or called forth more sincere and heartfelt grief. Her memory is still deeply cherished in the heart of her pastor. He has been heard to say, that he should not have felt so severely the loss of six of the most devoted men in his church. (g) THE PIOUS SCHOOL-BOY'S EXERTIONS.— A little lad, in one of the villages of Connecticut was con- verted to God. He attended school at this time ; and he began to study how he might benefit his playmates, and win their hearts to Christ. He was not satisfied with merely living like a Christian before them, watching care- fully over his words and actions, and bearing with patience all their persecu- tions and ridicule on account of his piety ; but he determined to use some active means for their salvation. With this in view, he gave notice that there would be a prayer meeting in the school- house during the intermission. Drawn by curiosity, and to enjoy the sport they wickedly expected, the scholars assembled. But who was to conduct the meeting ? Our little friend, strengthened by the Savior, gives out his hymn, sings and prays, and then simply, atfectionately, and faithfully, exhorts his companions. Some during the exercises behave with propriety, others jeer, laugh, and attempt to break up the little service. Unmoved by these persecutions, and his apparent ill success, the little hero | continues the meeting on succeeding | days. I The master attended, to see if every \ thing was properly conducted, and was 840 astonished undoubtedly, (for he was an unconverted man,) at the confidence and calmness of the lad. He severely reprimanded those who were only pre- sent to disturb the devotions, and saved the young Christian from further perse- cution. Soon some of the lads became anxious, patient, and were hopefully converted. Their parents witnessing the change, were induced to come with them at their hour of devotion, and ere long several of these were seeking for mercy among the little flock of pious, praying lambs. The ministers of the place, hearing this wonderful intelli- gence, were aroused, and eventually came in and took charge of the services. Other meetings were appointed, and the result was, that about sixty obtained the salvation of their souls. The whole work, the importance and value of which eternity alone can show, originat- ed, and was in a large sense, carried on by this pious, faithful, and courageous little lad ! O ! how much good young Christians may accomplish ! (h) A YOUNG LADY'S EF- FORTS.— Rev. Joel H. Linsley, in a letter to Mr. E. C. Delavan, says : A female member of one of the churches in the vicinity of Marietta, Ohio, (supplied with preaching by one of the professors in college,) took a school in one of our most destitute coun- ties. There was there only occasional Methodist preaching, and the people had barely heard of cold water societies. This single-handed female got up a meeting, presented a constitution, signed it herself, and secured four or five more signers. At a second meeting a few more were added. At a third meeting she got her brother (a farmer), member of the same church with herself, ta write and send for an address, which she was obliged to read at the meeting, (as none present could readily read,) and the issue was a large addition of members — if I mistake not about thirty, and that society now numbers one hun- dred and seventy, or one hundred and eighty members. The reformation was immediately followed by a great revival of religion, where one had never been known before. Three distilleries were shut up, and the whole face of things inv w VANITY OF THE WORLD. 429 that community is changed almost be- yond the power of language to describe. 1 heard this but a few weeks since, with some other striking facts connected with it, and could hardly credit it, but I went out a week since to preach in that little church, and conversed with the lady myself (a very modest, intelligent, and devoted female), and found every fact had been correctly reported to me. O, sir, what cannot the gospel do to gird weakness with strength, and make even the gentleness of a modest, retiring wo- man resolute to act for God. How such efforts shame timid, time-serving disci- ples among our own sex. 429. VANITY OF THE WORLD. (a) DYING WORDS OF SEVE- RUS. — When Severus, Emperor of Rome, found his end approaching, he cried out, " I have been every thing, and every thing is nothing ;" then or- dering the urn to be brouglit to him in which his ashes were to be inclosed, on his body being burned, according to the custom of the Romans, he said, " Little urn, thou shalt contain one for whom the world was too little." {b) PITT LYING IN SOLITUDE. — Pitt died at a solitary house on Wim- bledon Common. Not far off, by the roadside, stood a small country inn, where the various parties interested in the great statesman's life were accus- tomed to apply for information, and leave their horses and carriages. On the morning of the 23d of January, 1806, an individual having called at the inn, and not being able to obtain a satisfac- tory reply to his inquiries, proceeded to the hquse of Pitt. He knocked, but no servant appeared — he opened the door and entered — he found no one in attend- ance — he proceeded from room to room, and at length entered the sick chamber, where, on a bed, in silence and in per- fect solitude, he found to his unspeak- able surprise, the dead body of that great statesman who had so lately wielded the power of England, and in- fluenced, if he did not control, the desti- nies of the world. We doubt whether any much more awful example of the lot of mortality has ever been wit- nessed. (c) CONSTANTINE AND THE MISER. — Constantine the Great, in or- der to reclaim a miser, took a lance and marked out a space of ground of the size of the human body, and told him, " Add heap to heap, accumulate riches upon riches, extend the bounds of your possessions, conquer the whole world, and in a few days such a spot as this will be all j^ou will have." {d) INSTABILITY OF GREAT- NESS. — Xerxes crowned his footmen in the morning, and beheaded them in the evening of the same day ; and An- dromachus, the Greek emperor, crowned his admiral in the morning, and then took off his head in the afternoon. Rof- fensis had a cardinal's hat sent to him, but his head was cut off before it came to hand ! Most say of their crowns, as a certain king said of his, " Oh crown, more noble than happy !" (e) DIOGENES' REPLY TO ALEXANDER. — Diogenes was not in the wrong, who, when the great Alex- ander, finding him in the charnel-house, asked him what he was seeking for, an- wered, "1 am seeking for your father's bones and those of my slave ; but I can- not find them, because there is no differ- ence between them." (/) NEWTON AND MARLBO- ROUGH. — It is truly humbling to the pride of man to see to what a state of mental and physical ruin he is brought by the lapse of time. Sir Isaac New- ton, that wonderful scholar, of whom it is said, that he " surpassed the whole human race in genius," and who, if any one can be properly styled great and il- lustrious, is surely entitled to these epi- thets, when in his declining years he was requested to explain some passage on his chief mathematical work, could only, as it is reported, say, that he knew it was true once. A circum- stance in some degree similar is related of that celebrated military commander^ 841 429 VANITY OF THE WORLD. the first Duke of Marlborough, who flourished about the same period. When the history of iiis own campaigns was read to him, to beguile the tedious hours in the evening of life, we are told, so far were his intellectual faculties im- paired, tiiat he was unconscious of what he had done, and asked in admiration, from time to time, " wlio commanded ?" Here, then, not to cite more examples, we have fresh proofs that " all the glory of man," even in what he is most espe- cially apt to value himself, is but " as the flower of grass." (g) LORD CHESTERFIELD'S CONFESSION.— The Earl of Chester- field was a nobleman for whom nature had done much, and birth and educa- tion more. He was in his day univer- sally allowed to be the most elegant and accomplished man in Europe ; and he was no less conspicuous in the political than in the fashionable world. No man ever possessed greater advantages for the attainment of and the enjoyment of worldly pleasures ; and no man ever drank deeper of the sweet, but poison- ous draught. Let us hear him at a time when disease and age hung heavy upon him, and rendered him incapable of further enjoyment. " I have seen," says he, " the silly rounds of business and of pleasure, and have done with them all. I have enjoyed all the plea- sures of the world, and consequently know their futility, and do not regret their loss. I appraise them at their real value, which is, in truth, very low. Whereas those that have not expe- rienced, always overrate them. They only see the gay outside, and are daz- zled at the glare. But 1 have been behind the scenes. I have seen all the coarse pullies and dirty ropes which exiiibit and move the gaudy machines ; and I have seen and smelt the tallow candles which illuminated the whole decoration, to the astonishment of the ignorant audience. When I reflect on what I have seen, what I have heard, and what I have done, I can hardly persuade myself that all that frivolous hurry of bustle and pleasure of the world had any reality ; but I look upon all that is past as one of those romantic dreams, which opium comnjonly occa- sions ; and I do by no means desire to repeat the nauseous dose, for the sake of the fugitive dream. Shall I tell you that I bear this melancholy situation with that meritorious constancy and resignation, which most people boast of? No, for I really cannot help it. I bear it, because I must bear it, whether I will or no ! I think of nothing but killing time the best v/ay I can, now that he has become my enemy. It is my resolution to sleep in the carriage during the remainder of my journey." (h) DUKE OF ATHOL.— The es- tate of the present Duke of Athol, Mr. Colton informs us, " is immense, running in one direction more than seventy miles. On his estate there are thirty- six miles of private road for a carriage, and more than sixty miles of well made walks which are being extended every year. These roads and paths being made for pleasure, are laid through the most picturesque and romantic scenery; along the river's bank, up the glen, cut in the steep sides of the mountains and over their tops, and along the margin of the precipitous cliffs — now into the for- est gloom, now opening on a boundless prospect, or some sweet vale, now burst- ing on a waterfall, and next along the side of a murmuring brook. The father of the present duke began in his life- time, one of the most magnificent pal- aces in the kingdom. It is said that in the estimate of the cost of the edifice, the single item of raising the walls and putting on the roof, together with the materials, would have been one hundred thousand pounds, about five hundred thousand dollars." Do you envy the possessor of all this ^vealth ? jPo?' 7nore than thirty years he has been in a lunatic asylum of London. 842 r VERACITY. 430 430. VERACITY. (a) MAGNANIMOUS INDIAN.— A pledge is considered very sacred and binding among the North American Indians. The following is an instance. During the Winnebago war of 1827, Dekkerre, a celebrated chief of that nation, with four other Indians of his tribe was taken prisoner at Prairie du Chien. Colonel Snelling, who then commanded that garrison, dispatched a young Indian into the nation with orders to inform the chiefs of Dekkerre's band that unless the Indians who were per- petrators of the horrid murders of some of our citizens were brought to the fort and given up within ten days, Dekkerre and the other four Indians who were retained as hostages, would be shot at the end of that time. The awful sen- tence was proclaimed in the presence of Dekkerre, who, though proclaiming his own innocence of the outrages that had been committed by others of his nation, exclaimed, that he feared not death, notwithstanding it would be fraught with serious consequences to his large and dependent family of little children ; but if necessary, he was willing to die for the honor of his nation. The young Indian had been gone several days, and no intelligence was yet re- ceived from the murderers. The dread- ful day being near at hand, and Dekker- re being in a bad state of health, asked permission of the Colonel to go to the river and indulge in his long accustomed habit of bathing ; in order to improve his health. Upon which Colonel S. told him that, if he would promise, on the honor of a chief, that he would not leave the town, he might have his liberty and enjoy all his privileges until the day of the appointed execution. Accordingly he first gave his hand to the Colonel, thanked him for his friendly offer, then raised both his hands aloft, and in the most solemn adjuration, promised that he would not leave the bounds pre- scribed, and said, if he had a hundred lives, he would sooner lose them all than forfeit his word, or deduct from his proud nation one particle of its boasted honor. He was then set at lib- erty. He was advised to fly to the wilderness and make his escape. " But, no," said he, " do you think I prize life above honor ; or that I would betray a confidence reposed in me for the sake of saving my life ?" Nine days of the ten elapsed and his nation was not heard from, but Dekkerre remained firm, his fidelity unshaken, his countenance unmoved. It so happened that on that day Gen. Atkinson arrived ; the order for the execution was countermanded, and the Indians were permitted to repair to their homes. (b) KING JOHN AND HIS HOST- AGE. — John, king of France, left ia England two of his sons as hostages for the payment of his ransom. One of them, the Duke of Anjou, tired of his confinement in the tower of London, escaped to France. His father, more generous, proposed instantly to take his place ; and, when the principal officers of his court remonstrated against his taking that honorable but dangerous measure, he told them, " Why, 1 my- self was permitted to come out of the same prison in which my son was, in consequence of the treaty of Bretagne, which he has violated by his flight. I hold myself not a free man at present. I fly to my prison. I am engaged to do it by my word ; and if honor were banished from all the world, it should have an asylum in the breast of kings." The magnanimous monarch accordingly proceeded to England, and became the second time a prisoner in the tower of London, where he died in 1384. (c) THE HONEST REBEL AND THE KING.— In Calamy's Memoirs, there is an account of a man named Story, who was condemned for being in Monmouth's rebellion, but was reprieved by the interest of a friend with Judge Jeffries, and subsequently removed to Newgate. He was soon afterwards ordered to be brought before the Privy Council, in the same plight in which he 843 430 VERACITY. then was, which was truly miserable. The keeper advised him, in case the king was present, that the wisest way for him would be to answer the ques- tions put to him in a plain and direct manner, without concealing any thing — advice which he strictly followed. When he was brought into the Council Chamber, he made so sad and sorrowful a figure, that all present were surprised and frightened ; and he had so strong a smell, by being, so long con- fined, that it was very offensive. When the king first cast his eyes up- on him, he cried out, " Is that a man, or what else is it ?" Chancelor Jeffries told his Majesty, that that was the Story of whom he had given his Majesty so distinct an account. " Oh, Story," says the king, " I re- member him. That is a rare fellow in- deed !" Then, turning towards him, he talked to him very freely and fa- miliarly. " Pray, Mr. Story," said he, *' you were in Monmouth's army in the west, were you not ?" He, according to the advice given him, made answer presently, "Yes, an't please your Majesty." " And you," said he, " was a com- missary there, were you not ?" And he again replied, "Yes, an't please your Majesty." " And you," said he, " made a speech before great crowds of people, did you not ?" He again very readily answered, " Yes, an't please your Majesty." " Pray," says the king to him, " if you hav'nt forgot what you said, let us have some taste of your fine florid speech ; let us have a specimen of some flowers of your rhetoric, and a few of the main things on which you insisted." Whereupon, Mr. Story told us that he readily made answer, " I told them, an't please your Majesty, that it was you that fired the city of London." " A rare rogue, upon my word," said the king. " And pray what else did you tell them ?" " I told them," said he,"an't please your Majesty,that you poisoned your brother." " Impudence in the utmost height of it," said the king ; " pray let us hear 844 something further, if your memory serves you." " I further told them," said Mr. Story, " that your Majesty appeared to be fully determined to make the nation both Papists and slaves." By this time, the king seemed to have heard enough of the prisoner's speech ; and, therefore, crying out, " A rogue with a witness;" and cutting off short, he said, " to all this, I doubt not but a thousand other villanous things were added. But what would you say. Sto- ry, if, after all this, I should grant yoU your life?" To which he, without any demur, made answer, that he should pray hearti- ly for his Majesty as long as he lived. " Why, then," said the king, " I free- ly pardon the past ; and hope you will not, for the future, represent your king as inexorable." (d) DYING PREFERRED TO LYING. — The minister of the semi- nary at Clermont having been seized at Autun by the populace, the mayor, who wished to save him, advised him not to take the oath, but to allow him to tell the people that he had taken it. " I would myself make known your false- hood to the people," replied the clergy- man ; " it is not permitted me to ransom my life by a lie. The God who pro- hibits my taking this oath, will not al- low me to make it believed that I have taken it." The mayor was silent, and the minister was martyred. (e) HEGIAGE AND THE PRIS- ONERS. — Flegiage was a celebrated Arabian warrior, but ferocious and cruel. Among a number of prisoners whom he had condemned to death, was one who, having obtained a moment's audience, said, "You ought, sir, to par- don me, because when Abdarrahman was cursing you, I represented to him that he was wrong ; and ever since that time I have lost his friendship." Hegi- age asked him if he had any witness of his having done this ; and the soldier mentioned another prisoner who was likewise about to suffer death. The prisoner was called and interrogated, and having confirmed the fact, Hegiage granted the first his pardon. He then asked the witness, if he had likewise r WAR. 431 taken his part against Abdarrahman. But he, still respecting trutJi, answered, that he had liot, because he believed it was not his duty to do so. Hegiage, notwithstanding his ferocity, was struck with the prisoner's greatness of spirit. " Well," said he^ after a moment's pause, " suppose 1 were to grant you your life and liberty, should you be still my enemy ?" " No," said the prison- er. " That's enough," said Hegiage ; " your bare word is sufficient ; you have given undoubted proof of your love for truth. Go, preserve the life that is less dear to you than honor and sincerity ; your liberty is the just re- ward of your virtue." Here we see, that truth serves us best at the very crisis when we are apt to be most afraid that it will injure us. Would, it not have been supposed that the truth and integrity of the witness above mentioned would have redoubled the fury of a man so imperious and san- guinary ? Yet the fact is, that, instead of irritating, it softened and disarmed the tyrant. WAR. 4il. Battles, Battle-Fields. (a) BATTLE OF SOL DIN.— We take the following account of scenes after the battle of Soldin, from the pen of a clergyman. " At one o'clock the cannonading ceased ; and I went out on foot as far as Soldin, to learn to whose advantage the battle had turned. Towards evening, seven hundred Russian fugitives came to Sol- din, a most pitiful sight ! some holding up their hands, cursing and swearing ; others praying, and praising the King of Prussia ; without hats, without clothes ; some on foot, others, two on a horse, with their heads and arms tied up ; some dragging along by the stir- rups, and others by the tails of the horses. When the battle was decided in favor of the Prussians, I ventured to the place where the cannonading had been. After walking some way, a Cossack's horse came running full speed towards me. I mounted him ; and on my way for seven miles and a half on this side the field of battle, I found the dead and wounded lying on the ground, sadly cut in pieces. The further I advanced, the more these poor creatures lay heaped one upon another. That scene I shall never forget. The Cossacks, as soon as they saw me, cried out, ' Dear sir, water, water, water !' Righteous God ! what a sight ! Men, women and children, Russians and Prussians, carriages and horses, oxen, chests and baggage, all lying one upon another to the height of a man ! and seven villages around me in flames, and the inhabitants either massacred, or thrown into the fire ! Nor were the embers of mutual rage yet extinguish- ed in the hearts of the combatants ; for the poor wounded were still firing at each other in the greatest exaspera- tion ! The field of battle was a plain two miles and a half long, and so en- tirely covered with dead and wounded, that there was not even room to set my foot without treading on some of them ! Several brooks were so filled up with Russians, that they lay heaped one upon another as high as two men, and appeared like hills to the even ground ! I could hardly recover myself from the fright occasioned by the miserable out- cries of the wounded. A noble Prus- sian officer, who had lost both his legs, cried out to me, ' Sir, you are a priest, and preach mercy ; pray, show me some compassion, and despatch me at once.' " (b) NUMBERS SLAIN IN DIF- FERENT BATTLiiS— At Durham, 1346, there fell 15,000; at Halidonhill and Agincourt, 20,000 each ; at Baut- zen and Lepanto, 25,000 each ; at Austerlitz, Jena and Lutzen, 30.000 each ; at Eylau, 60,000 ; at Waterloo and Quatre Bras, one engagement, I 70,000 ; at Borodino, 80,000 ; at Fon- I tenoy, 100,000 ; at Yarmouth, 150,000 ; I at Chalons, no less than 300,000 of 845 432 WAR. Attila's army alone ! The Moors in Spain, about the year 800, lost in one battle 70,000 ; in another, four centu- ries later, 180,000, besides 50,000 pris- oners, and in a third, even 200,000. Still greater was the carnage in ancient times. At Cannse, 70,000 fell. The Ronrians alone, in an engagennent with the Cimbri and Teutones, lost 80,000. The Carthaginians attacked Hymera in Sicily with an army of 300,000 men, and a fleet of 2000 ships, and 3000 transports ; but not a ship nor a trans- port escaped destruction, and of the troops, only a few in a small boat reached Carthage with the melancholy tidings. Marius slew, in one battle, 140,000 Gauls, and in another, 290,000. In the battle of Issus, between Alexan- der and Darius, 110,000 were slain, in that of Arbela, 300,000. Julius and Csesar once annihilated an army of 363,000 Helvetians; in a battle with the Usipetes, he slew 400,000 ; and on another occasion, he massacred more than 430,000 Germans, who "had crossed the Rhine, with their herds, and flocks, and little ones, in quest of new settlements." 4SI. Sieges. (a) SIEGE OF GENOA.— In 1800, Genoa, occupied by 24,000 French troops, was besieged at once by a Brit- ish fleet and a powerful Austrian army. We will not detail the horrors attendant on the sallies and assaults ; but let us look at the condition of the soldiers and citizens within. The former, worn down by fatigue, and wasted by famine, had consumed all the horses in the city, and were at length reduced to the ne- cessity of feeding on dogs, cats, and vermin, which were eagerly hunted out in the cellars and common sewers. Soon, however, jtven these wretched resources failed ; and they were brought to the pittance of four or five ounces a day of black bread made of cocoa, rye, and other substances ransacked from the shops of the city. The inhabitants, also, were a prey to the most unparalleled sufferings. The price of provisions had from the first been extravagantly high, and at length 846 no kind of grain could be had at any cost. Even before the city was reduced to the last extremities, a pound of rice was sold for more than a dollar, and a pound of flour for nearly two dollars. Afterwards beans were sold for two cents each, and a biscuit of three ounces weight, when procurable at all, for up- wards of two dollars. A little cheese, and a few vegetables, were the only nourishment given even to the sick and wounded in the hospitals. The horrors of this prolonged famine in a city containing above 100,000 souls, cannot be adequately described. All day the cries of the miserable victims were heard in the streets, while the neighboring rocks within the walls were covered with a famished crowd seeking in the vilest animals, and the smallest traces of vegetation, the means of as- suaging the intolerable pangs of hunger. Men and women, in the last agonies of despair, filled the air with their groans and shrieks ; and sometimes, while ut- tering these dreadful cries, they strove with furious hands to tear out their ravening entrails, and fell dead in the streets ! At night the lamentations of the people were still more dreadful ; too agitated to sleep, and unable to endure the agonies around them, they prayed aloud for death to relieve them from their sufferings. Dreadful was the efl^ect of these protracted calamities in hardening the heart, and rendering men insensible to any thing but their own disasters. Chil- dren, left by the death of their parents in utter destitution, implored in vain the passing stranger with tears, with mourn- ful gestures, and heart-broken accents, to give them succor and relief. Infants, deserted in the streets by their own pa- rents, and women, who had sunk down from exhaustion on the public thorough- fares, were abandoned to their fate; and, crawling to the sewers, and other receptacles of filth, they sought there, with dying hands, for the means of pro- longing their miserable existence for a few hours. In the desperation produced by such long-continued torments, the more ardent and impetuous rushed out of the gates, and threw themselves into the harbor, where they perished without SIEGES. 433 assistance or commiseration. To such straits were they reduced, that not only- leather arid skins of every kind were devoured, but the horror at human flesh was so much abated, that numbers were supported on the dead bodies of their fellow-citizens ! Still more cruel, horrible beyond all description, was the spectacle presented by the Austrian prisoners of war con- fined on board certain old vessels in the port ; for such was the dire necessity at last, that they were left for some days without nutriment of any kind ! They ate their shoes, they devoured the leath- er of their pouches, and, scowling dark- ly at each other, their sinister glances betrayed the horrid fear of their being driven to prey upon one another. Their French guards were at length removed, under the apprehension that they might be made a saorifice to ravening hunger ; and so great did their desperation finally become, that they endeavored to scuttle their floating prisons in order to sink them, preferring to perish thus rather than endure any longer the tortures of famine. Pestilence, as usual, came in the rear of such calamities ; and contagious fe- vers swept off multitudes, whom the strength of the survivors was unable to inter. Death in every form awaited the crowds whom common suffering had blended together in the hospitals ; and the multitude of unburied corpses which encumbered the streets, threatened the city with depopulation almost as cer- tainly as the grim hand of famine under which they were melting away. When the evacuation took place, the extent of the suffering which the besieged had undergone appeared painfully conspicu- ous. " On entering the town," says Thiebault, " all the figures we met bore the appearance of profound grief, or sombre despair ; the streets resound- ed with the most heart-rending cries ; on all sides death was reaping its har- vest of victims, and the rival furies of famine and pestilence were multiplying their devastations. In a word, both the army and the inhabitants seemed fixst approaching their dissolution." (b) BOMBARDMENT OF ST. JEAN D'ACRE.— The bombardment of St. Jean d'Acre, in Syria, English newspapers of the day called " a most brilliant exploit ;" but let us see what it was. " At half past four in the morn- ing," says an eye-witness, " ail firing ceased, as if by one consent, when — heavens ! what a sight ! — the whole town seemed to be thrown into the air ! We saw nothing but one dense cloud extending thousands of yards into the air on all sides ; and then we felt an awful shock, which gave the line-of- battle ships a keel of two degrees. It was the explosion caused by one of our shells bursting in their main magazine of powder, by which, to speak within bounds, two thousand souls, besides beasts of burden of every description, were blown to atoms ! The entire loss of the Egyptians is computed at three thousand. At daylight, what a sight was exposed to our view ! The stupen- dous fortification, that only twelve hours before was among the strongest in the world, was so riddled that we could not find a square foot which had not a shot. I went ashore to witness the devasta- tion ; the sight beggared all descrip- tion ! The bastions were strewed with the dead, the guns dismounted, and all sorts of havoc. The spot of the explo- sion was far worse — a space of two acres laid quite bare, and hollowed out as if a quarry had been worked there for years ! Heavens ! what a sight was there before me ! Mangled human bod- ies, of botii sexes, strewed in all direc- tions, women searching for their hus- bands and other relatives, tearing their hair, beating their breasts, and howling and crying most pitoously !" AH this was done by England herself in 1840 ! ! (c) SIEGE OF MAGDEBURG.— In the siege of Magdeburg, in 1833, the resistance was long and obstinate ; but at length two gates were forced open by the besiegers, aiyl Tilly, marching a part of his infantry into the town, immediately occupied the principal streets, and with pointed cannon drove the citizens into their dwellings, there to await their destiny. Nor were they held long in suspense ; a word from Tilly decided the fate of Magdeburg. Even a more humane general would have attempted in vain to restrain such 847 433 WAR. soldiers; but Tilly never once made the attempt. The silence of their general left the soldiers masters of the citizens ; and they broke without re- straint into the houses to gratify every brutal appetite. The prayers of inno- cence excited some compassion in the hearts of the Germans, but none in the rude breasts of Pappenheim's Wal- loons. Scarcely had the massacre commenced, when the other gates were thrown open, and the cavalry, with the fearful hordes of Croats, poured in upon the devoted town. Now began a scene of massacre and outrage, which history has no language, poetry no pencil to portray. Neither the innocence of childhood, nor the helplessness of old age, neither youth nor sex, neither rank noi: beauty, could disarm the fury of the conquerors. Wives were dishonored in the very arms of their husbands, daughters at the feet of their parents, and the de- fenceless sex exposed to the double loss of virtue and life. No condition, how- ever obscure, or however sacred, could afford protection against the cruelty or rapacity of the enemy. Fifty-three women were found in a single church with their heads cut off! The Croats amused themselves with throwing chil- dren into the flames, and Pappenheim's Walloons with stabbing infants at their mothers' breasts ! Some officers of the League, horror-struck at scenes so dreadful, ventured to remind Tilly, that he had it in his power to slop the car- nage. " Return in an hour," was his answer, " and I will see what is to be done ; the soldier must have some re- compense for his dangers and toils !" No orders came from the general to check these horrors, which continued without abatement till the smoke and flames at last stopped the course of the plunderers. To increase the confusion, and break the resistance of the inhabit- ants, the invaders had, in the com- mencement of the assault, fired the town in several places ; and a tempest now arose, and spread the flames with frightful rapidity, till the blaze became universal, and forced the victors to pause awhile in their work of rapine and carnage. The confusion was deep- 848 ened by the clouds of smoke, the clash of swords, the heaps of dead bodies strewing the ground, the crash of falling ruins, and the streams of blood which ran along the streets. The atmosphere glowed ; and the intolerable heat finally compelled even the murderers to take refuge in their camp. In less than twelve hours, this strong, populous, and flourishing city, one of the finest in all Germany, was a heap of ashes, with the exception of only two churches, and a few houses. Scarcely had the flames abated, when the soldiers returned to satiate anew their rage for plunder, amid the ruins and ashes of the town. Multitudes were suffocated by the smoke ; but many found rich booty in the cellars where the citizens had concealed their valuable effects. At length Tilly him- self appeared in the town, after the streets had been cleared of ashes and corpses. Horrible and revolting to humanity was the scene that presented itself! the few survivors crawling from under the dead ; little children wander- ing about, with heart-rending cries, in quest of their parents now no more ; and infants still sucking the dead bodies of their mothers ! More than five thou- sand bodies were thrown into the Elbe just to clear the streets ; a far greater number had been consumed by the flames ; the entire amount of the slaughter was estimated at thirty thou- sand ; and in gratitude to the God of peace for such horrid success in the butchery of his children, for this tri- umph of Christian over Christian in blood, and fire, and rapine, and brutal lust, a solemn mass was performed, and Te Deum sung amid the discharge of artillery ! ! {d) SIEGE OF ZARAGOSSA.— The French fought their way into the entrance of the ill-fated city, by mining and exploding one house after another, while the inhabitants were confined to that quarter of the city still in possession of the Spaniards, who were crowded, men, women and children, into the cellars, to avoid the cannon balls and bombs. Pestilence broke out as a matter of course ; and when once begun, it was impossible to check its progress, V MILITARY HOSPITALS. 433 or confine it to one quarter of the city. It was not long before more tlian thiriy hospitals were established. As soon as one was destroyed by the bombardment, the patients were removed to some other building, which was in a state to afford them temporary shelter, and thus the infection was carried into every part of Zaragossa. The average of daily deaths from this cause was, at this time, not less than three hundred and fifty. Men stretched upon straw, in helpless misery, lay breathing their last, and with their dying breath spread- ing the mortal taint of their own disease, without medicines, food, or attendance ; for the ministers of charity themselves became the victims of the disease. The slightest wound produced gangrene and death in bodies so prepared for dissolu- tion by distress of mind, agitation, and want of proper aliment and of sleep; for there was no respite, either by day or night, for this devoted city. By day, it was involved in a red sulphuric at- mosphere of smoke and dust, which hid the face of heaven ; by night, the fire of cannon and mortars, and the flames of burning houses, kept it in a state of y horrible illumination. The cemeteries ^ could no longer afford room for the dead. Large pits were dug to receive them in the streets, and in the courts of the public buildings, till hands were wanted for the labor; they were laid before the churches, heaped upon one another, and covered with sheets ; and not un- frequently these piles of mortality were struck by a shell, and the shattered bodies scattered in all directions. When the French entered the city, six thousand bodies were lying in the streets and trenches, or piled up in heaps before the churches. 431. Military Hospitals. (a) HOSPITAL IN PORTUGAL. — The following sketch from a British officer in Portugal will help us further to conceive the horrors of a hospital. " I entered the town of Mirando Cervo about dusk. It had been a black, grim, gloomy sort of day. Huge masses of clouds lay motionless on the sky ; and then they would break up suddenly as 54 with a whirlwind, and roll off in the red and bloody distance. I felt myself in a strange sort of excitement ; my imagination got the better of all my other faculties ; and, while walking out in the principal street, I met a woman, an old haggard-looking wretch, who had in her hollow eyes an unaccountable expression of cruelty, a glance like that of madness ; but her deportment was quiet and rational, and, though clad in squallidness, she was evidently of the middle rank in society. Without being questioned, she told me in broken Eng- lish, I should find comfortable accom- modations in an old convent at some distance in a grove of cork-trees, point- ing to them with her long, shriveled hand and arm, and giving a sort of hy- sterical laugh. " I followed her advice, anticipating no danger or adventure ; yet the wild eyes, and the still wilder voice of the old crone so powerfully affected me, that I walked, in a sort of muse, up a pretty long flight of steps, and found myself standing at the entrance to the cloisters of the convent. A strange sight now burst upon my view ! Before me lay and sat more than a hundred dead bodies, all of them apparently in the very attitude or posture in which they had died. I gazed at them a minute or more before I knew that they were all corpses ; and a desperate courage then enabled me to look steadfastly at the scene before me. The bodies were mostly clothed in mats, and rags, and tattered great coats ; some of them were merely wrapt round about with girdles composed of straw ; and two or three were perfectly naked. Every face had a different expression, but all painful, horrid, agonized, bloodless. Many- glazed eyes were wide open ; and per- haps this was the most shocking thing in the whole spectacle — so many eyes that saw not, all seemingly fixed upon different objects ; some cast up to hea- ven, some looking straight forward, and others with the white orbs turned round, and deep sunk in their sockets. It was a sort of hospital ; and these wretched beings, nearly all desperately wounded,, had been stripped by their comradeSj and left there either dead, or to die, 849 \ 434 WAR. " This gliustly sight I had begun to view with some composure, when 1 saw, at the remotest part of the hospital, a gigantic figure sitting, all covered with blood, and almost naked, upon a rude bedstead, with his back leaning against the wall, and his eyes fixed directly on mine. I first thought him alive, and shuddered ; but he was stone dead ! In his last agonies he had bitten his under lip almost entirely off, and his long black beard was drenched in clotted gore, that likewise lay in large blots upon his shaggy bosom. One of his hands had convulsively grasped the wood-work of the bedstead, and crushed it in the grasp. I recognized the corpse. He was a sergeant in a grenadier regi- ment, and had, during the retreat, been distinguished for acts of savage valor. One day he killed with his own hand Harry Warburton, the right-hand man of my own company, perhaps the most powerful man in the British army. There sat the giant frozen to death. I went up to him, and raised his brawny arm, it fell down again with a hollow sound against the bloody side of the corpse. " My eyes unconsciously wandered along the walls. They were covered with grotesque figures and caricatures of the English, absolutely drawn in blood ! Horrid blasphemies, and the most shocking obscenities in the shape of songs, were in like manner written there. I observed two books lying on the floor, and picked them up. One was full of the most hideous obscenity ; the other was the Bible ! It is impos- sible to tell the horror produced in me by this circumstance. The books dropt from my hand, and fell on the breast of one of the bodies — it was a woman's breast ! Yes, a woman had lived and died in such a place as this ! What had been in that now still, death-cold heart, perhaps only a few hours before, I knew not — possibly love strong as death, love, guilty, abandoned, linked by vice unto misery, but still love that perished only with the last throb, and yearned in its last convulsion towards some one of these grim dead bodies. " Near this corpse lay that of a per- fect boy not more than seventeen years 850 of age. Round his neck was suspended, by a chain of hair, a little copper figure of the Virgin Mary, and in his hand was a letter in French. I glanced at it, and read enough to know it was from a mother — My dear Sen, &;c. It was a terrible place to think of mother — of home — of any social, any human ties. What ! have these ghastly things parents, brothers, sisters, lovers ? Were they once all happy in peaceful homes ? Did these convulsed, bloody, mangled bodies, ever lie in undisturbed beds? Did these clutched hands once press in infancy a mother's breast ? Now, alas, how loathsome, terrible, ghostlike ! Will such creatures, thought *[, ever live again ? Robbers, ravishers, incendiaries, murderers, suicides — a dragoon there had obviously blown out his own ^brains — here is a very pandemonium of guilt and horror!" iU. Punishment of Soldiers. (a) THE GAUNTLET.— "One day," says a military man, " I was on parade when preparation was making for a kind of punishnrent called the gauntlet. All the soldiers of the regi- ment were placed in two ranks facing each other, and about five feet apart. To each soldier was given a stick three feet long, or more. I could not bear to stay and witness the execution ; but I was afterwards informed that the cul- prit, stripped naked to his waist, and his hands tied before him, was marched between the ranks, preceded by a sol- dier walking backwards with a bayonet at the sufferer's breast, to keep him from going too fast. In this way he was struck once by every soldier, offi- cers going down on the outside of the ranks to see that each man did his du- ty ! and, if any one was merely suspect- ed of not laying on hard enough, he re- ceived over his own head a blow from the officer's cane. Sometimes the crim- inal has to retrace his steps ; and, as a regiment consists of six hundred or a thousand men, and some German regi- ments of two thousand, he must receive from twelve hundred to two or even four thousand blows ! The punishment of- ten proves fatal ; and to such a pitch of despair were those soldiers carried by w PUNISHMENT OF SOLDIERS, 434 their sufferings, that many of them committed suicide ; and one poor fellow shot himself near my lodgings." (6) PUNISHMENT OF A SOL- DIER. — " One wintry morn," says an eye-witness, " when the bleak wind whistled along the ranks of a regiment paraded to see corporal punishment in- flicted, every eye was turned in pity towards the delinquent" — his offence was drunkenness — " until the command- ing officer, with stentorian lungs, cried out, ' Strip, sir.' The morning was so bitterly cold, that a mere exposure of a man's naked body was itself a severe punishment. When the offender was tied, or rather hung, up by the hands, his back, from intense cold and previous flogging, exhibited a complete black- and-blue appearance. On the first lash, the blood spirted out several yards ; and, after he had received fifty, his back, from the neck to the waist, was one continued stream of blood. When tak- en down, he staggered, and fell to the ground. The poor man never looked up again ; his prospects as a soldier were utterly destroyed ; and so keenly did his degradation prey upon his spirits, that he at length shot himself in the barrack-room." (c) THE DESERTER'S EXECU- TION. — A surgeon, stationed during the war of 1812-14 at Greenbush, N. Y., says, " One morning several prison- ers, confined in the provost guard-house, were brought out to hear their sentences. Some wore the marks of long con^e- ment, and upon all had the severity of the prison-house stamped its impression. They looked dejected at this public ex- posure, and anxious to learn their fate. I had never seen the face of any of them before, and only knew that a sin- gle one had been adjudged to death. Soon as their names were called, and their sentences announced, I discerned, by his agony and gestures, the misera- ble man on whom that sentence was to fall — a man in the bloom of youth, and the fullness of health and vigor. " Prompted by feelings of sympathy, I called next morning to see him in his prison. There, chained by his leg to the beam of the guard-house, he was reading the Bible, trying to prepare himself, he said, for the fatal hour. I learned from him the circumstances of his case. He was the father of a fami- ly, having a wife and three young chil- dren, thirty or forty miles distant from the camp. His crime was desertion ; and his only object, he declared, was to visit his wife and children. Having seen that all was well with them, it was his intention to return. But, whatever his intention, he was a deserter, and, as such, taken and brought into the camp, manacled. The time between the sen- tence and its execution was brief; the authority in whom alone was vested the power of reprieve or pardon, distant. Thus he had no hope, and requested only the attendance of a minister of the gospel, and permission to see his wife and children. The first part of the re- quest was granted ; but whether he was permitted or not to see his family, I do not now remember. " Dreading the hour of his execution, I resolved, if possible, to avoid being present at the scene. But the com- mander sent me an express order to at- tend, that I might, in my official capa- city of surgeon, see the sentence fully executed. The poor fellow was taken from the guard-house, to be escorted to the fatal spot. Before him was his cof- fin — a box of rough pine boards — borne on the shoulders of two men. The prisoner stood, with his arms pinioned, between two clergymen. A white cot- ton gown, or winding sheet, reached to his feet. It was trimmed with black, and had attached to it, over his heart, the black image of a heart — the mark at which the executioners were to aim. On his head was a cap of white, also trimmed with black. His countenance was blanched to the hue of his winding sheet, and his frame trembled with ag- ony. Our procession formed, we moved forward with slow and measured steps to the tune of a death march, (Roslin Castle,) played with muffled drums, and mourning fifes. The scene was solemn beyond the power of des- cription ; a man in the vigor of life walking to his grave — to the tune of his own death march — clothed in his burial robes — surrounded, not by friends as- sembled to perform the last sad offices 851 435 WAR. of affection, and to weep over him in the last sad hour, but by soldiers with bristling bayonets and loaded muskets, urged by stern command to do the vio- lence of death to a fellow soldier. Amid reflections like these, we arrived at the place of execution, a large open field, in whose centre a heap of earth, freshly thrown up, marked the spot of the de- serter's grave. On this field the whole force then at the cantonment was drawn up in the form of a hollow square, with the side beyond the grave vacant. The executioners, eight in number, had been drawn by lot. No soldier would vol- unteer for such a duty. Their muskets had been charged by the officer of the day, seven of them with ball, the eighth with powder alone. Thus each may believe that he has the blank car- tridge, and therefore has no hand in the death of his brother soldier — striking indications of the nature of the service. " The coffin was placed parallel with the grave ; and about two feet distant. In the intervening space, the prisoner was directed to stand. He desired per- mission to say a word to his fellow-sol- diers ; and thus standing between his coffin and his grave, he warned them against desertion, continuing to speak until the officer on duty, with his watch in his hand, announced to him in a low voice, ' Two o'clock, your last moment is at hand — you must kneel on your cof- fin.' This done, the officer drew down the white cap, so as to cover the eyes and most of the face of the prisoner. The kneeling was the signal for the ex- ecutioners to advance. They had be- fore, to avoid being distinguished by the prisoner, stood intermingled with the soldiers who formed the line. They now came forward, marching abreast, and took their stand a little to the left, about two rods distant from their living mark. The officer raised his sword. At this signal, the executioners took aim. He then gave a blow on a drum which was at hand ; the executioners all fired at the same instant. The misera- ble man, with a horrid scream, leaped from the earth, and fell between his coffin and his grave. The sergeant of the guard, a moment after, shot him through the head, holding the muzzle 852 so near that his cap took fire ; and there the body lay upon the face, the head emitting the mingled fumes of burning cotton and burning hair. The whole line then marched by the body, as it lay upon the earth, the head still smoking, that every man might behold for himself the fate of a deserter. " We then started on our return. The whole band struck up, with un- common animation, our national air, (Yankee Doodle,) and to its lively mea- sures we were hurried back to our pa- rade ground ! Having been dismissed^ the commander of the post sent an invi- tation to all the officers to meet at his quarters, whither we repaired, and were treated to a glass of gin and wa- ter ! I" Uk Punishment of Marines. (a) STEALING A HANDKER- CHIEF. — Mark the severity visited upon the slightest offences. " A mid- shipman named Gale, a most rascally, unprincipled fellow, found his pocket handkerchief in possession of one of the crew. He charged the man with steal- ing it. It was in vain that the poor wretch asserted that he found it under his hammock. He was reported as a thief; a court-martial sat upon him, and returned the shamefully disproportion- ate sentence of three hundred lashes through the fleet, and one year's im- prisonment ! Nor was that sentence a dead letter ; the unhappy man endured it m the letter. Fifty were laid or* alongside the Macedonian, in conformity with the common practice of inflicting the most strokes at the first ship, in order that the gory back of the criminal may strike the more terror into the crews of the other ships. This poor tortured man bore two hundred and twenty, and was pronounced by the attending sur- geon unfit to receive the rest. Galled, bruised, and agonized as he was, he besought them to suffer the infliction of the remaining eighty, that he might not be called to pass through the degrading scene again ; but this prayer was de- nied ! He was brought on board, and when his wounds were healed, the cap- tain, Shylock-like, determined to have WAR AND THE DOMESTIC TIES. 435, 436 the whole pound of flesh, ordered him to receive the remainder ! (b) PUNISHMENT WITH THE COLT. — During the three years' cruise of the Fairfield, says Mr. McNally, I do not believe a single day elapsed that punishment by flogging did not take place. At that time there was a cus- tom in the service, directly contrary to law, whereby any officer of the deck could inflict punishment. This was not with the cat, as the law directs, but with what is termed a colt, a piece of eigh- teen-thread ratline, or one-inch rope, which generally has one or two hard twine whippings upon each end. Twelve lashes with this, over a thin frock or shirt, gave greater pain, and bruised the flesh more than the cat would have done ; and it was with this instrument that the deck officers of the Fairfield punished the men, and there was no limit to the number of lashes, but just as many as it might please the officer to order — sometimes one dozen, and at other times three. Such punishment frequently brought the blood through the shirt, and often left the flesh black for two or three weeks, and then yellow for as many more, before it healed per- fectly. Never let citizens in the Northern States rail at slavery, or the punish- ment inflicted on slaves, or say that it is wrong, so long as their own sons, their own flesh and blood, their own sea- men, their own free citizens, and the men to whom they look for protection in case of war, are daily subject to the same treatment as the southern slaves. The late John Randolph openly declar- ed in the legislative halls of Congress, that he had witnessed, in a few months, more flogging on board the man-of-war that carried him to Russia, than had taken place during ten years on his plantation, where there were five hun- dred slaves. 435. AVar and the Domestic Ties. (a) HORRORS OF WAR IN CHI- NA. — The late English war in China furnishes some revolting instances of the domestic desolation consequent on this trade of blood. " In almost every house the children had been madly murdered . The bodies of most of these victims were found lying usually in the chambers of the women, as if each fa- ther had assembled his whole family before the massacre ; in some instances these. poor little sufferers were the next day still breathing and writhing in the agony of a broken spine ; the way in which they were usually put to death. In one house were found in a single room the bodies of seven dead and dy- ing persons. It was evidently the abode of a man of some consideration ; and the delicate forms and features of the sufferers indicated the high elevation of their rank. On the floor, essaying . in vain to put food into the mouths of two young children that were writhing in the agonies of death from dislocated spines, sat a decrepit old man, weeping bitterly at the piteous moans and con- vulsive breathings of the poor infants. On a bed near these children, lay a beautiful young woman apparently asleep; but she was cold, and had long been dead. One arm clasped her neck, over which a silk scarf was thrown to conceal the gash in her throat which had destroyed life. Near her was the corpse of a woman somewhat older, her features distorted as if she had died by strangulation ; not far from her lay a dead child stabbed through the neck ; and in a narrow verandah adjoining, were the corpses of two more women suspended by their necks from the raft- ers. They were both young, one quite a girl ; and her features, in spite of their hideous distortion, from the mode of her death, still retained traces of their original beauty." (h) A WIFE AFTER BATTLE. — The battle-field makes terrible hav- oc of domestic sympathies and hopes. I once read of a devoted wife who left her babes, and walked some forty miles to see her husband in the army. She arrived the night before a battle, and contrived, by a dextrous appeal to the sentinel's heart, to gain admission to her husband's tent. The hours sped swiftly away, and the dawn heard the signal for battle. She hurried from his fond embrace with many a tender kiss for his babes, but lingered near the scene, and watched from a neighboring hill 853 436 WAR. every movement of the two armies, until the combat ceased, and all was quiet once more. The shades of night now hang in gloonfl over that battle-ground, and forbid all search for the wounded, the dying or the dead. Morn ap- proaches; and with its earliest dawn this faithful wife, with a throbbing heart, wanders over that field of slaugh- ter to see if the father of her babes has fallen. Alas, it is too true ! There he is, all cov'ered with gore. She sinks on his bosom in a swoon, and rises no more ! (c) THE MOTHER AND HER BABE. — Glance at one scene in the campaign of 1794-5. " We could not," says an eye-witness, " proceed a hun- dred yards without perceiving the dead bodies of men, women and children. One scene made an impression which time can never efface. Near a cart we saw a stout looking man, and a beauti- ful young woman with an infant about seven months old at the breast, all three frozen and dead ! The mother must have expired in the act of suckling her child, as she lay on the drifted snow with one breast exposed, and the milk apparently drawn in a stream from the nipple by the babe, and instantly con- gealed. The iilfant seemed as if its lips had but just been disengaged, and its little head reposed on its mother's bosom with an overflow of milk frozen as it trickled from the mouth." {d) COL. HAYNE AND HIS SON. — Col. Hayne, of South Carolina, a man of high character, endeared to all that knew his worth, and bound fast to life by six small children, and a wife tenderly beloved, was taken priso- ner by the British, and sentenced to be hung ! His wife, falling a victim to disease and grief combined, did not live to plead for her husband; but great and generous efforts were made for his rescue. A large number, both Ameri- cans and Englishmen, interceded in his behalf; the ladies of Charleston signed a petition for his release ; and his six motherless children were presented on their knees as humble suitors for the life of their father. It was all in vain ; for war has no heart but of iron. His eldest son, a lad about thirteen years 854 old, was permitted, as a special favor, to stay with him awhile in prison. On seeing his father loaded with irons, and condemned to die on the gallows, the poor boy was overwhelmed with con- sternation and grief. The wretched father tried to console him by various considerations, and added, " to-morrow, my son, I set out for immortality ; you will follow me to the place of my exe- cution, and, when I am dead, take my body, and bury it by the side of your dear mother." Overcome by this ap- peal, the boy threw his arms around his father's neck, crying, " O my father, I'll die with you ! I will die with you, father !" The wretched father, still loaded down with irons, was unable to return his son's embrace, and merely said in reply, " No, my son, never ! Live to honor God by a good life ; live to serve your country, and to take care of your brother and little sisters." The next morning, Col. Hayne was led forth to execution. That fond and faithful boy accompanied him ; and, when they came in sight of the gallows, the father turned to him, and said, " Now, my son, show yourself a man. That tree is the boundary of my life, and all its sorrows. Beyond that, the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are forever at rest. Don't, my son, lay our separation too much at heart ; it will be short at longest. It was but the other day your dear mother died ; to-day I die ; and you, my son, though young, must follow us shortly." " Yes, my father," replied the broken- hearted boy, " I sJiall follow you short- ly ; for I feel indeed that I can't, can't live long." And so it was ; for, on see- ing his much-loved father first in the hands of the executioner, and then struggling in the halter from the gal- lows, he stood transfixed with horror. Till then he had all along wept profuse- ly as some relief to his agonized feel- ings ; but that sight ! — it dried up the fountain of his tears ; — he never wept again. His reason reeled on the spot ; he became an incurable maniac ; and in his last moments, he called out, and kept calling out for his father in tones that drew tears from the hardest hearts. pr TESTIMONIES AGAINST WAR. 436, 43Y (e) SCENE NEAR MARSEIL- LES. — " We were some ten miles from Marseilles," says an officer, " when we saw a small vessel anchored in a nar- row bay ; and, fierce for prize-money, we manned a boat, and pushed forward till we came within pistol-shot of the craft, without seeing any one except an old woman seated in the door of a cot- tage at some distance. Just then a musket-shot from behind a rock laid our bowman a corpse, another disabled our marine, a third tore his cravat from the lieutenant's neck, and a fourth crip- pled the coxswain's arm. Still we saw no one ; and, exasperated by these dis- charges, we gave three cheers, and, pulling for the place whence they seem- ed to come, saw at length a man and a boy running from us. We interchang- ed several shots in vain, until the lieu- tenant, resting his musket on a rock, shot the child while in the act of hand- inor a cartridoje to the man. The fa- ther instantly threw down his musket, and fell by the side of his son. We seized his musket ; but he paid no at- tention to us. When we bade him fol- low us, he heeded us not ; but, with the child's head in his lap, he kept wip- ing away the blood that oozed from the wound in his forehead, and neither wept nor spoke, but watched the last chilling shiver of his boy with an eye of inex- pressible sadness. Then he jumped from the ground with a frantic air ; the marine brought his bayonet to the charge, and the miserable father tried to run upon its point ; but the marine, dropping his musket, encircled him in his arms. We desired him to lead us to the cottage. The marine carried the corpse, and the father walked by its side in silence, till we suddenly came upon the rear of the cottage. The old woman was still at her wheel, and, on discoveriftg her son a prisoner, gave a shriek which announced to a lovely fe- male in the hut that something painful had occurred. She rushed to assist her mother — her eye fell first upon her dead son in the arms of an enemy ; and, seizing the boy, she tore him from the marine, kissed him more like a maniac than a mother, and, giving one deep, piercing sigh, fell at her mother's feet. We could stand it no longer, and hastened away ; but that scene I can never blot from my memory." (/) GENERAL WASHING- TON'S CONFESSION.— Perhaps few facts would more forcibly illustrate the views, which even reflecting military men take of the nature of war, than the following : — Thomas Mullet, Esq., an English gentleman, being in America, called on General Washington, at his residence at Mount Vernon, soon after the close of the contest between that country and Great Britain. Washington asked him, in the course of conversation in his library, if he had met with an individu- al in that country, who could write the history of the recent contest. Mr. M. replied that he knew of one, and only one, competent to the task. The gene- ral eagerly asked, " Who, sir, can he be?" Mr. M. replied, "Sir, Cesar wrote his own Commentaries." The general bowed, and replied, " Cesar could write his Commentaries ; but, sir, I know the atrocities committed on both sides have been so great and many, that they cannot be faithfully recorded, and had better be buried in oblivion !" in. Testimonies against War. (a) CICERO AND SENECA ON WAR. — We could not expect the hea- then to denounce a custom so emphati- cally their own ; yet we find the wisest and best of them reprobating it in the strongest terms. Cicero speaks of war, "contention by violence, as belonging to the brutes," and complains bitterly of its effects on liberal arts and peaceful pursuits. " All our noble studies, all our reputation at the bar, all our profes- sional assiduities, are stricken from our hands as soon as the alarm of war is sounded. Wisdom itself, the mistress of affairs, is driven from the field. Force bears sway. The statesman is despised ; the grim soldier alone is caressed. Legal proceedings cease. Claims are asserted and prosecuted, not according to law, but by force of arms." Seneca, the great moralist of antiqui- ty, is still more strong in his condemna- tion of war. " How are we to treat our 855 437 WAR. fellow-creatures ? Shall we not spare the effusion of blood ? How small a matter not to hurt him to whom we are bound by every obligation to do all the good in our power ! — Some deeds, which are considered as villanous while capa- ble of being prevented, become honora- ble and glorious when they rise above the control of law. The very things which, if men had done them in their private capacity, they would expiate with their lives, we extol when perpe- trated in regimentals at the bidding of a general. We punish murders and mas- sacres committed among private per- sons ; but what do we with wars, the glorious crime of murdering whole na- tions ? Here avarice and cruelty know no bounds ; enormities forbidden in pri- vate persons, are actually enjoined by legislatures, and every species of bar- barity authorized by decrees of the sen- ate, and votes of the people." {b) DECISION OF A PRIMITIVE CHRISTIAN. — Maximilian having been brought before the tribunal to be enrolled as a soldier, Dion, the procon- sul, asked him his name. Maximilian, turning to him, replied, " Why wouldst thou know my name ? I am a Chris- tian, and cannot jiglii.^^ Then Dion or- dered him to be enrolled, and bade the officer mark him ; but Maximilian re- fused to be marked, still asserting that he was a Christian ; upon which Dion instantly replied, " Bear arms, or thou shalt die." To this Maximilian an- swered, " I cannot fight, if I die ; I am not a soldier of this world, but a soldier of God." He refused the expostulations of Dion, and was accordingly executed. (c) EARLY CHRISTIANS AND WAR. — The absolute inconsistency of war with the gospel was the prevalent belief of the early Christians. Justin Martyr, A. D. 140, quoting the prophe- cy of Isaiah already cited, says, " That these things have come to pass, you may be readily convinced ; for we who were once slayers of one another, do not now fight against our enemies." Ire- nseus, bishop of Lyons, 167, discusses the same prophecy, and proves its rela- tion to our Savior by the fact, that the followers of Jesus had disused the weap- ons of war, and no longer knew how to 856 fight. Tertullian, 200, indeed alludes to Christians who were engaged in mili- tary pursuits, but, on another occasion, informs us, that many soldiers quitted those pursuits in consequence of their conversion to Christianity ; and repeat- edly expresses his own opinion, that any participation in war is unlawful for be- lievers in Jesus, not only because of the idolatrous practices in the Roman ar- mies, but because Christ has forbidden the use of the sword, and the revenge of injuries. Origen, 230, in his work against Celsus, says, " We no longer take up the sword against any nation, nor do we learn any more to make war. We have become, for the sake of Jesus, the children of 'peace. By our prayers, we fight for our king abundantly, but take no part in his wars, even though he urge us." {d) OPINION OF ERASMUS.— Erasmus, the glory of his age, wrote against war with unrivaled beauty and force. " What infernal being, all-pow- erful in mischief, fills the bosom of man with such insatiable rage for war ! If familiarity with the sight had not de- stroyed all surprise at it, and custom blunted the sense of its evils, who could believe that those wretched beings are possessed of rational souls, who contend with all the rage of furies ? Robbery, blood, butchery, desolation, confound without distinction every thing sacred and profane." (e) WALTER RALEIGH ON WAR.— Sir Walter Raleigh, a scholar, a statesman, and a soldier, declares " there is no profession more unpropitious than that of warriors. Besides the envy and jealousy of men, the spoils, rapes, famine, slaughter of the innocent, devas- tations and burnings, with a world of mis- eries laid on the laboring man, they are so hateful to God, as with good reason did Monluc, the marshal of France, con- fess, ' that, were not the mercies of God infinite, it were in vain for those of his profession to hope for any portion of them, seeing the cruelties by "them per- mitted and perpetrated are also infi- nite.' " (/) LORD CLARENDON'S OPL NION. — Lord Clarendon, illustrious in the annals of England, is very explicit TESTIMONIES AGAINST WAR. 437 in his denunciations of this custom. " Of all the punishments and judgments which the provoked anger of divine Providence can pour out upon a nation full of transgressions, there is none so terrible and destroying as war. A whole city on fire is a spectacle replete with horror ; but a whole kingdom on fire must be a prospect much more ter- rible. And such is every kingdom in war, where nothing flourishes but rap- ine, blood, and murder. We cannot make a more lively representation and emblem to ourselves of hell, than by the view of a kingdom in war." ig) NEVER A GOOD WAR OR A BAD PEACE.— Franklin was a stanch opposer of the war-system. " If statesmen," says he, " were more ac- customed to calculation, wars would be much less frequent. Canada might have been purchased from France for a tenth part of the money England spent in the conquest of it ; and if, instead of fighting us for the power to tax us, she had kept us in good humor by allowing us to dispose of our own money, and giving us now and then a little of her own by way of donation to colleges or hospitals, for cutting canals, or fortify- ing ports, she might easily have drawn from us much more by occasional vol- untary grants and contributions, than ever she could by taxes. Sensible peo- ple will give a bucket or two of water to a dry pump, in order to get from it afterwards all they want." " After much occasion to consider the folly and mischiefs of a state of warfare, and the little or no advantage obtained even by those nations which have con- ducted it with the most success, I have been apt to think there has never been, nor ever will he, any such thing as a good war, or a bad peace. All wars are follies, very expensive and very mis- chievous ones. When will mankind be convinced of this, and agree to settle their difficulties by arbitration ? Were they to do it even by the cast of a die, it would be better than by fighting and destroying each other. We daily make great improvements in natural philoso- phy ; there is one I wish to see in mor- al — the discovery of a plan that would induce and oblige nations to settle their disputes without first cutting one an- other's throats." (h) WAR MULTIPLIES LOSSES. — Thomas Jefferson both wrote and acted with great decision in favor of peace. " I stand in awe," he says in 1798, " at the mighty conflict to which two great nations (France and England) are advancing, and recoil with horror at the ferociousness of man. Will nations never devise a more rational umpire of differences than force ? Are there no means of coercing injustice more grati- fying to our nature than a waste of the blood of thousands, and of the labor of millions of our fellow-creatures ? Won- derful has been the progress of human improvement in other respects. Let us then hope, that the law of nature will in time influence the proceedings of na- tions as well as of individuals, and that we shall at length be sensible, that war is an instrument entirely inefficient to- wards redressing wrong, and multiplies instead of indemnifying losses. Had the money which has been spent in the present war been employed in making roads, and constructing canals of navi- gation and irrigation through the coun- try, not a hovel in the Highlands of Scotland, or the mountains of Auvergne, would have been without a boat at its door, a rill of water in every field, and a road to its market-town. Were we to go to war for redress of the wrongs we have suffered, we should only plunge deeper into loss, and disqualify ourselves for half a century more for attaining the same end. These truths are palpable, and must in the progress of time have their influence on the minds and con- duct of nations." (^■) WAR MAKES VILLAINS.— Macchiavel himself denounces war as " a profession by which men cannot live honorably ; an employment by which the soldier, if he would reap any profit, is obliged to be false, and rapacious, and cruel. Nor can any man, who makes war his profession, be otherwise than vicious. Have you not a proverb, that war makes villains, and peace brings them to the gallows .?" (j) LOUIS BONAPARTE ON WAR. — " I have been as enthusiastic and joyful as any one after victory ; 857 43*7, 43§ WAR. yet I confess that even then the sight of a field of battle not only struck me with horror, but even turned me sick. And now that I am advanced in life, I can- not understand any more than I could at fifteen years of age, how beings who call themselves reasonable, and who have so much foresight, can employ this short existence, not in loving and aiding each other, and passing through it as quietly as possible, but in striving, on the contrary, to destroy each other, as though time itself did not do this with sufficient rapidity. What I thought at fifteen years of age, 1 still think, that war, and the pain of death which society draws upon itself, are but organized barbarisms, an inheritance of the savage state." (k) PRINCE EUGENE ON WAR. — " The thirst of renown sometimes in- sinuates itself into our councils, under the garb of national honor. It dwells on imaginary insults ; it suggests harsh and abusive language ; the people go on from one thing to another, till they put an end to the lives of half a million of men. A military man becomes so sick of bloody scenes in war, that in peace he is averse to re-commence them. I wish that the first minister who is called to decide on peace and war, had only seen actual service. What pains would he not take to seek, in mediation and compromise, the means of avoiding the effusion of so much blood !" (Z) LORD BROUGHAM ON WAR. — " My principles — I know not whether they agree with yours : they may be derided, they may be unfashionable ; but I hope they are spreading far and wide — my principles are contained in the words which that great man. Lord Faulkland, used to express in secret, and which I now express in public — Peace, Peace, PEACE. I abominate war as unchristian. I hold it the great- est of human crimes. I deem it to in- clude all others — violence, blood, rap- ine, fraud, every thing which can de- form the character, alter the nature, and debase the name of man." {m) COST OF WAR.— What a boundless spendthrift is war ! It is estimated that every gun of our navy 858 costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars a year; enough to support twenty or thirty missionaries ! Forty millions of dollars wasted in our war with a handful of Indians in Florida ! fifty millions a year in our last war with England ! hundreds of millions in our old revolutionary war ! Still worse do we find it in the old world. Eng- land, as stated by one of her ablest and best men, has lavished upon Lord Wel- lington alone, eleven millions of dollars I As much upon a single warrior as all Christendom has ever given in five years for the support of missionaries among the heathen ! ! The war opera- tions of England, near the time of the battle at Waterloo, are said to have consumed one million sterling a day ; about twice as much every day as the whole church of Christ is even now contributing annually for the spread of his gospel ! It has been estimated, that the late wars of Europe, in little more than twenty years, wasted in one way and another some $40,000,000,000, the bare interest of which would be, at six per cent, 82,400,000,000 a year, and, at only two and a half per cent, no less than $1,000,000,000 ! the simple interest at this low rate, enough to sup- port, at $500 each, two millions of mis- sionaries, or one to every three hundred souls in all the pagan world ! ! M'^, Miscellaneous. (a) SUFFERINGS OF THE FRENCH.— "The French soldiers," says an eye-witness, " on their retreat from Moscow, would, on halting at night, throng into the houses, throw themselves down on the first dirty straw they could find, and there perish, in large numbers, with hunger and fatigue. From such sufferings, and from the infection of the air in the warmer season by putrefied carcasses of men and horses that strewed the road, there sprang two dreadful diseases, the dysentery and typhus fever, before which they melted away like dew before the sun. At times they were so overwhelmed with whirl- winds of snow, that they could not dis- tinguish the road from the ditches, and often found their grave in the latter. MISCELLANEOUS. 438 The roads, league after league, were checkered with dead bodies covered with snow, and forming undulations or hillocks like those in a grave-yard. Many of the survivors scarce retained the human form. Some had lost their hearing, others their speech ; and many, by excessive cold and hunger, were reduced to a state of such stupid frenzy, that they roasted the dead bodies of their companions, and even gnawed their own hands and arms. " No grenade or grape," says an eye- witness, " could have so disfigured those victims of the cold. One of them had lost the upper joints of all his ten fin- gers ; and he showed us the stumps. Another wanted both ears and nose. More horrible still was the look of the third, whose eyes had been frozen ; the eyelids hung down rotting, the globes of the eyes were burst, and protruded from their sockets. It was awfully hideous ; but a spectacle yet more dreadful was to present itself. Out of the straw in a car that brought them, 1 now beheld a figure creep painfully, which one could scarcely believe to be a human being, so wild and distorted were the features. The lips were rotted away, the teeth stood exposed ; he pulled the cloth from before his mouth, and grinned on us like a death's-head !" {i) EXPENSE OF MILITIA DRILLS. — In a small town of New Enorland, there were formed even in 1842, no less than three military com- panies with some aid from an adjoining town, and one company of juvenile volunteers. Of the latter, a shrewd, economical man said, " I wish this training fever were over; for it has cost me eight or ten dollars to fit up my boys, and lost me a great deal of their time during the best season of the year." If there were only forty boys in the company, and their equipments cost four dollars each, and their time was worth only twenty-five cents a day, the sum total for these items alone, would have been $340. If we suppose the whole number from that town in the adult companies to have been only one hundred, the time spent through the season, a single week at merely half a dollar a day, their incidental expenses at barely twenty-five cents more, and their equipments of every kind eight dollars each, the aggregate, though most of these estimates are too low by half, would amount to no less than $125.0, in all, for boys and men, $1590 ; and, should we reckon the loss of time and money to the spectators, and the general suspension or derangement of business, the sum total would probably reach $3000 or more. Put it, however, at only $2000 for a population of one thousand ; and, even at this rate, you would make our militia drills now (1845) a tax upon the country of some $40,000,000 a year! (c) LADD'S DIALOGUE WITH CHILDREN.— "A distinguished in- structor of youth," says the late Wil- liam Ladd, " told me his sons were so taken up with military notions, that he could not reason with them ; and he asked me to talk to them. I took the oldest boy, aged about seven years, between my knees, and something like the following conversation ensued : — ' Do you love to see the soldiers V ' Yes, I love to see the rub-a-dubs.' ' Would you like to be one yourself ?' ' O, yes !' ' Well, but do you know what these soldiers are for V ' No.' ' Why, they are learning to kill people. Those bright guns are made to kill people with, and those bright bayonets to stab them with.' The boy turned pale ; such a thought never before entered his head. • Do you know who killed the little babes in Bethlehem, because a wicked man told them to V ' No.' ' They were soldiers. Do you know who cru- cified our Lord, and drove the spikes through his hands and feet V The boy was silent. ' They were soldiers, and soldiers would burn your house, and cut down your fruit-trees, and kill your pa, if they were told to.' Both the boys were astonished ; tears stood in their eyes. ' Do you want to be a sol- dier?' 'No.' 'Do you want to see the rub-a-dubs V ' No.' " How easy for a mother or teacher to impress such artless, susceptible minds with the horrors of war, and cast their views and feelings in the mould of peace ! (d) TEN THOUSAND LIVES EOR A BUCKET.— About seven hun- 859 438 WAR. dred years ago, there was a country in Europe called Modena, and another country lying beside it called Bologna. Some soldiers belonging to the state of Modena took a bucket from a well in the state of Bologna, and carried it away. The old bucket was of no value, and might have been replaced by a few cents ; and it is said the soldiers carried it away in mere fun and frolic. But the people of Bblogna took it as a great insult. They declared war against Modena, and had a long and bloody conflict about it. More than ten thou- sand human beings were butchered because of the old bucket ! (e) THE THIEF'S REPARTEE. — A soldier of Marshal Saxe's army, being discovered in theft, was con- demned to be hung. What he had stolen might be worth five shillings. The Marshal meeting him, as he was led to execution, said to hii What a miserable fool you were to risk your life for five shillings." " General," replied the soldier, " I have risked it every day for five pence." This re- partee saved his life. (/) SOLDIERS' BONES FOR MANURE.— In the year 1830, it is es- timated that more than a million bushels of " human and inhuman bones " were imported from the continent of Europe into the port of Hull, England. The neighborhood of Leipsic, Austerlitz, Waterloo, &c., where the principal battles were fought some fifteen or twenty years before, were swept alike of the bones of the hero, and the horse which he rode. Thus collected from every quarter, they were shipped to Hull, and thence forwarded to the York- shire bone-grinders, who by steam en- gines and powerful machinery, reduced them to a granulary state. In this condition they were sent chiefly to Don- caster, one of the largest agricultural markets of the country, and were there sold to the farmers to manure their lands. The oily substance gradually evolving as the bone calcines, makes better manure than almost any other substance — particularly human bones, i Some of the good farmers of Yorkshire, j were thus perhaps indebted to the very ! bones of their children for their daily 860 bread ! What a commentary on war and military glory does such a fact furnish us. The soldiers of England going forth to fight her battles on the Continent, their blood fattening the fields of her allies, and their bones brought back to fatten the soil of their fathers ! {g) CONQUEROR GOING TO JUDGMENT.— William the Conquer, or, extremely alarmed on his death- bed, entreated the clergy to intercede for him. " Laden with many and grievous sins," he exclaimed, " I tremble ; and, being ready to be taken soon into the terrible examination of God, I am ig- norant what I should do. I have been brought up in feats of arms from my childhood ; I am greatly polluted with the effusion of much blood ; I can by no means number the evils I have done these sixty-four years, for which I am now constrained without stay to render an account to the just Judge." {h) THE REWARD OF WAR.— The Duke of Marlborough observing a soldier leaning pensively on the butt- end of his musket, just after victory had declared itself in favor of the British arms at the battle of Blenheim, accosted him thus : " Why so pensive, my friend, after so glorious a victory ?" " It may be glorious," replied the brave fellow, " but I am thinking that all the human blood I have spilled this day lias only earned mefourpence.^' (^) SCENE WORTH CONSIDER. ING.— The New-York Journal of Com- merce has the following article, depict, ing the happiness which the news of peace spread in New- York : — Years ago, the office of the old Gazette was in Hanover Square, near the cor- ner of Pearl-street. It was a place of resort for news and conversation, espe- cially in the evening. The evening of February 15th, 1815, was cold, and at a late hour only Alderman Cebi'a and another gentleman were left with father Lang, the genius of the place. The office was about being closed, when a pilot rushed in and stood for a moment so entirely exhausted as to be unable to speak. " He has great news !" ex. claimed Mr. Lang. Presently the pilot, gasping for breath, whispered intel- ligibly, " Peace / peace .'" The gentle- WORSHIP, PUBLIC. 439 men lost their breath as fast as the pilot gained his. Directly the pilot was able to say, " An English sloop-of-war is below with the news of a treaty of peace." They say that Mr. Lang ex- claimed in greater words than he ever used before or after. All hands rushed into Hanover Square, crying, " Peace ! yeace ! peace !'' The windows flew up, for families lived there then. No sooner were the inmates sure of the sweet sound of peace, than the windows began to glow with brilliant illuminations. The cry of " Peace ! peace ! peace !" spread through the city at the top of all voices. No one stopped to inquire about "free trade and sailor's risrhts." No one inquired whether even the na- tional honor had been preserved. The matters by which politicians had irri- tated the nation into the war, had lost all their importance. It was enough that the ruinous war was over. An old man in Broadway, attracted by the noise to his door, was seen to pull down a pla- card, " To let," which had been long posted up. Never was there such joy in the city. A few evenings after, there was a general illumination, and although the snow was a foot deep and soaked with rain, yet the streets were crowded with men and women, eager to see and partake of every thing which had in it the sight or taste of peace. 439. WORSHIP, PUBLIC. {a) MR. DOOLITTLE AND HIS UNEASY HEARER. — The Rev. Thomas Doolittle, at one time, having finished prayer, looked round upon the congregation, and observing a young man, who had just been put into one of the pews, very uneasy in his situation, adopted the following singular expe- dient to detain him. Turning to one of the members of his church, who sat in the gallery, he asked this question aloud, " Brother, do you repent of com- ing to Christ V " No, sir," he replied, " I never was happy till 1 came ; I only repent that I did not come to him soon- er." The minister then turned to the opposite gallery, and addressed himself to an aged member in the same manner, " Brother, do you repent of coming to Christ ?" " No, sir," said he, " I have known the Lord from my youth up- wards." He then looked down upon the young man, whose attention was fully engaged, and, fixing his eyes upon him, said, " Young man, are you willing to come to Christ ?" This unexpected address from the pulpit, exciting the observation of all the people, so greatly affected him, that he sat down and con- cealed his face. The person who sat next to him encouraged him to rise and answer the question. The minister re- peated " Young man, are you willing to come to Christ ?" With a tremulous voice he replied, " Yes, sir." " But when, sir?" added the minister in a solemn and loud tone. He mildly an- swered, " Now, sir." " Then stay," said he, " and learn the word of God, which you will find in 2 Cor. vi. 2 : ' Behold, now is the accepted time ; be- hold, now is the day of salvation.' " By this sermon he was greatly affected, and came into the vestry, after the ser- vice, bathed in tears. The reluctance to stay, which he had discovered, was oc- casioned by the strict injunctions of his father, who threatened, that if he went to hear such preachers, he would turn him out of doors. Having now heard the gospel, and being unable to conceal the feelings of his mind, he was afraid to meet his father. The minister sat down, and wrote an affectionate letter to him, which had so good an effect, that both father and mother came to hear for themselves. They were both brought to a knowledge of the truth ; and, together with their son, were joy- fully received into Christian commu- nion. ih) THE EARLY HEARER.— A woman, who always used to attend pub- lic worship with great punctuality, and took care to be always in time, was asked how it was she could always 861 439—441 WRATH OF MAN— ZEAL IN DOING GOOD. come so early. She answered, very wisely, " It is a part of my religion not to disturb the religion of others." (c) THE COUNTESS'S EXAM- PLE.— The Countess of Burford, for the last few years of her life, had to ride, almost constantly, on horseback, upwards of sixteen miles, to and from the place where she attended to hear the gospel ; yet neither frost, snow, rain, nor bad roads were sufficient to detain her at home, nor to prevent her being there before the worship began. (d) THE DRUNKARD REFORM- ED.— The Rev. W. Ward, of Seram- pore, once preached from Eccles. xi. 9 : " Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth," dec. A notorious drunkard became, under this sermon, very seriously con- vinced of the importance of religion ; and, with his wife, a short time after- wards made a profession of faith in Christ. Previously to this, his master had used every means he could devise to persuade him to become sober, but in vain. After this change, his employer wished to prevail on him not to attend the chapel ; but he replied, " You know, sir, what a drunkard I have been, and how often you have urged me in vain to leave it off; yet by going once to the chapel, I was constrained to do that which none of your remonstrances were able to effect: therefore I wish to go 440. WRATH OF MAN PRAISING GOD. (a) DR. KALLEY SELLING THE SCRIPTURES IN PRISON. — Dr. Kalley, who was so long imprisoned at Madeira for distributing the Scriptures, and speaking to the people of the things of the kingdom, sold more copies of the Scriptures weekly during his imprison- ment, than he had been able previously to do monthly ; and in a few months of the same period, he distributed 30,000 religious tracts, besides receiving regu- lar visits from between two and three hundred natives, to obtain religious in- struction — all of whom were more or less under gracious influence, and some of them hopefully converted to God. The government could not have taken a more effectual way to spread what they call heresy, than to imprison this faithful servant of God. So it ever has been, and ever will be. All opposition to the gospel turns out to its furtherance. Were men as wise as they fancy them- selves to be, they would let it alone, for measures of violence against the truth never fail to recoil on the heads of their authors. " The righteous flourish like the palm-tree." Their strength and beauty increase in proportion to the weight of oppression laid on them. 44L ZEAL IN DOING GOOD. (a) PAINTING WITH THE MOUTH. — At a public meeting, the Rev. Dr. Henderson related the follow- ing anecdote respecting a female in one of the large trading towns of England. She was formerly a most abandoned character — one of the most wicked wo- men, perhaps, that ever trod on the face of the globe. However, by the grace of God, she was brought to a knowledge of the truth, and was sent to a penitentiary, where she gave the most decided evidence of a saving change of 862 heart ; but, shortly after being put into that situation, she was deprived of the use both of her hands and her feet. Her heart, however, was full of love to the Savior, and she was at a loss to show forth the praises of that God who had called her out of darkness into his marvelous light. She could not walk about to tell what God had done for her soul ; she could not employ her hands, but she learned to write with her mouth, and the letters thus written being sold for small sums, produced something ZEAL IN DOING GOOD. 441 considerable to the funds of the peniten- tiary. She began to learn the art of painting, and the sale of those paint- ings, which she accomplished with her mouth, produced last year $75 to the funds of the institution. We would not say, Go and do likewise ; but we would say. You have hands and you have feet, and you have a tongue to tell the won- ders of Redemption: go and do what you can. (b) LE PELLETIER AND THE MERCHANT. — I was traveling through Orleans, says Diderot, accom- panied by an officer. Nothing was talked of in the town but of what had lately happened to an inhabitant of the name of Le Pelletier ; a man who showed the deepest commiseration for the poor ; so that, after having, by his great liberality, exhausted a considera- ble fortune, he was reduced to a state of poverty himself. Though he had barely sufficient for his daily wants, he yet persisted in the benevolent labors he had undertaken, and went from door to door, seeking, from the superfluities of others, that assistance for the desti- tute which it was no longer in his pow- er to bestow. The poor and well-informed persons had but one opinion of the conduct of this individual; but many rich men, who wasted their substance in riotous' feastings and journeys to Paris, looked upon him as a madman, and his near relations treated him as a lunatic who had foolishly spent his wealth. Whilst refreshing ourselves at the inn, a number of loiterers had assem- bled round a man who was speaking, a hairdresser, and were earnestly address- ing him, " You were present, do tell us how it was." " Willingly, gentlemen," replied he, and appeared as impatient to relate as they were to hear, the following narra- tive : — Monsieur Aubertot, one of my custo- mers, whose house faces the church, was standing at his door, when Mons. le Pelletier accosted him, " Monsieur, can you give me nothing for my friends?" (thus he called the poor.) " Not to-day, sir." Mons. le Pelletier added, " Oh ! if you but knew for whom I ask your charity ! There is a poor woman ! a distressed mother ! who has not a rag to wrap round her new-born babe ! — " " I cannot to-day !" " There is a daughter, who, though young, has for a long while maintained her father and her mother; but now she wants work, and starves." " I cannot, Mons. le Pelletier ; I cannot afford it." " There is a poor working man, who earns his bread by hard labor ; he has just broken his leg by a fall from a scaffolding." " But, sir, I cannot afford it, I assure you." " Pray, pray, Mons. Aubertot, allow yourself to be moved ; oh, have com- passion !" " I cannot afford it, sir ; 1 cannot, in- deed, afford it." " My good, good, merciful Mons. Aubertot — " " Mons. le Pelletier, I beg you will leave me : when I wish to give, you know 1 do not need to be entreated." Saying these words, he turned and passed into his warehouse. Mons. le Pelletier soon followed him to his ware- house, to his back shop, and then into his apartment. Here Mons. Aubertot* exasperated by his continued and press- ing entreaties, lifted his hand, and struck him ! The blow was received. The hero of Christian charity smiled, and with a brio-ht smilinfj look exclaim- ed, " Well, that for me ; but the poor ! what for the poor ?" [At these words all present express- ed their admiration by a burst of ap- plause, and the feelings of some pro- duced tears.] The officer with whom I was, had the presumption to exclaim, " Mons. le Pelletier is but a poltroon, and had I been there, this sabre would soon have obtained satisfaction for him. A blow, indeed ! a blow !" The hairdresser replied, " I perceive, sir, you would not have allowed the insolent offender time to acknowledge his fault." « No, indeed !" "Well, sir, Mons. Aubertot, when he saw such a benevolent spirit, burst 863 441 ZEAL IN DOING GOOD. into tears, fell at the feet of the injured man, offered him his purse, and a thou- sand times asked his forgiveness." " But, what of that ?" said the officer, his hand upon his sabre, and his coun- tenance inflamed with anger, " I would have cut off the ears of Mons. Auber- tot." I then answered calmly, " You, sir, are a soldier ; Mons. le Pelletier is a Christian !" These few plain words had a wonder- ful effect. The street resounded with applause; and I said within myself. How much more dignified are we with the gospel in our heart, than when we would maintain, at the point of the sword, that imaginary idol, that vain phantom, which the world calls honor ! (c) MELVILLE AND HIS BRE- THREN.— Mr. Andrew Melville, pro- fessor of divinity at St. Andrews, in the reign of James VI, was a very bold and zealous man for the cause of God and truth. When some of his more moderate brethren blamed him for being too hot and fiery, he was wont to reply, " If you see my fire go downwards, set your foot upon it and put it out ; but if it go upward, let it return to its own place." (d) HOWARD'S LABORS.— The great philanthropist, John Howard, after 864 inspecting the receptacles of crime, of poverty, and of misery throughout Great Britain and Ireland, left his native country, relinquished his own ease, to visit the wretched abodes of those who were in want and bound in fetters of iron in other parts of the world. He traveled three times through France, four through Germany, five through Holland, twice through Italy, once through Spain and Portugal, and also through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, and part of Turkey. These excursions occupied (with some short intervals of rest at home) the period of twelve years. Never before was such a considerable portion of the life of man applied to a more benevolent and laudable purpose. He gave up his own comfort that he might bestow it upon others. He was often immured in prison that others might be set at liberty. He exposed himself to danger that he might free others from it. He visited the gloomy cell that he might inspire a ray of hope and joy in the breasts of the wretched: Yea, he not only lived, but died in the noble cause of benevolence ; for ij^ visiting a young lady, who lay danger- ously ill of an epidemic fever, in order^ administer relief, he caught the distetijt per, and fell a victim to his humanity, January 20th, 1790. TOPICAL INDEX. The numbers in this Index refer to the regular topics, which may be found in the book at the top of the pages ; and when letters are joined to the figures they refer to particular anecdotes, which are designated by the same letters where they are placed. Abney, Sir T., and family worship, 328g-. Absolution, papal, 301, 302, 356c. Abstinence, total, &c. the pecuniary advantage, &c., 1. the only safe ground, 2. influence and respect, &c., 3. illustrious examples, &c., 4. lessons, from the bmtes, 5. ibuse in prayer, 3266. Acases, and the captives, '203 d. Actors, 6. '■ ctress converted, 352A. Adams, John, and the Sabbath, 382rf. A dams, John Quincy, and the Bible, 68d. dams. Rev. Z., eccentricity of, 261m. /..drian, character of. Hid. and the bishop, 142a. and his enemy, 158c. and Ximenes, 407c. Adranus and the martyrs, IMk. .idu'tery — " the happy rake," 246ft. Affection, conjugal, 7, 241, 436c. filial, exemplified, 8, 436d. filial, rew^arded, 9. fillial, want of, 273. fraternal, 10. maternal, 11,287. paternal, 12. parental, want of, 272. Afiliction, benefits of, 13, 348a, b, c. comforts in, 50, 66, 190, 192. gratitude for, 14. Afiicaner, conversion of, 278A. Age of Reason, GQd,f, 225d. ^^ Aged, the, conversion of, 15, 125, 1266, c, 224a. reverence for, 16. temptations of, 1786. Agents of benevolent societies, 17. Agesilaus and his children, 12a. Agrippa and Thaumastus, 2036. Ailmer, Rev. Dr., faith of, 172a. Alarms of conscience, groundless, 94. Alexander the Great and his mother, 8a. and Clitus, 20a. and his victories, 1606. 865 Alexander and the humane driver, 203a. and his influence, 225c. tears of, 319c?. and Diogenes, 429e. Alexander, of Russia, and the peasant, 45g'. and the ninety-first Pslam, 53n. Alexander, Duke of Tuscany, and the peasant, 29d. Alfi-ed the Great and his last loaf, 47m. and the Psalter, 67d. and his alphabet, 287a. Alick, Blind, 69a. Alienation prevented by confession, 91. Alleine, Rev. J., reproof from, 371A. Alphonsus, clemency of, 203c. Alterations in the Bible, 67c. Ambert, Eliza, and her lover, 253/. Ambition, 18, 333. Ames, Fisher, and the Bible, 556. Amusements, vain, 30, 32, 116a, e, 350/, 411. Amurath, wrath of, subdued by music, 289g-. Anatomy proves a God, 185d, e. Anaximander and his enemies, 407a. Ancestry, 19. Anderson, Rev. Mr., and the merchant, 3466. Andromachus and his admiral, 429d. Anger indulged, 20. subdued, 21, 254. Animals benefited by the Sabbath, 378. life preserved from, or by, 343. Annihilation, 22. Anthony and revenge, 202i. Antigonus, self-control of, 40 Ig". Antinomianism, 23. Antiquity, 24. Antony and Aurelius, 45c. Anundo, conversion of, 54A:. Apologies, 25. Apostacy, 26, 13g, h,j, 231e. Appetite, slavery of, 2, 230, 2466, 412rf, e, g. Applause, 27. Arethusus, firmness of, 1736, Arians confounded, 816. miscellaneous, 427. TOPICAL INDEX. Aristides, as a judge, 239d. banishment of, 2396. Aristippus and jEschines, 361a. Aristotle and theatres, 41 Ig. Armada, the Spanish, 34 1 A;. Arnold, Benedict, a rumseller and drunkard, 236a. Artaxerxes and the favorite, 18/. Assurance of faith, 172, 240. of hope, 200. of love to Christ, 249. Asbury, Bishop, and Punch, I09e. and his good works, 256g-. Atheism and atheists, 73a, c,^, 185, a — g,209c, 213a, 216(Z, 219d, e, 221a, b, 222e, 223c. Athenagoras, conversion of, 2146. Athol, Duke of, a lunatic, 429h. Atonement, 28, 81, 240, 256. Attendance on Divine worship, 193, 279^, 350c, 388. Augustine, conversion of, 65a. fortnnate mistake of, 345e. Aurelius and Antony, 45c. Avarice, 29, 48, 267. Avery, Rev. Mr., and the promises, 171. Backsliders, backsliding, 13g, h, 26, 145c, 225c, 231e. Backus, Azel, and the heathen, 242c. Bacon, Lord, and atheism, 83g. Bacon, Dr., and ministerial education, 151c. Baily, Rev. J., and family prayer, 328a. Bajazet and Tamerlane, 116c. Balls, or public dances, incompatible with pray- er, 30. deaden natural sensibility, 31. prevent conversion and ruin the soul, 32. Bankruptcy, 33, 146c, 182a, b, c. and Sabbath -breaking, 381k, 384c, f. Baptism, 84a, d, e,f. Barclay, and the robber, 2916. Barrow, Dr., and Rochester, 261q. Battles and battle-fields, 431. Bautain, Mens., and the Bible, 55^. Baxter, Rev. Richard, his delay and loss, 42d. beneficence of, rewarded, 47^. labors 4f, 258g-. Bayard and his hostess, 44a. Beatification of Romish saints, 304o, 6. Beaufort, Cardinal, death of, 120_;. Beauty, 34. Becket, Thomas a, shrine of, 304c. character of, 33 7g". Bede's translation of the Bible, 53a. Bedell, Rev. Dr., sermon of, 195d. Beecher, Dr., sermon of to one hearer, 263i. Beecher,Rev. Henry Ward, and profanity, 356d. Beggars, beggary, 35, 333c. Bell, David W., recantation of, 4266. Beneficence, in hazarding life, 36. in dying for others, 37. self-denying, shown by the rich, 38. self-denying, shown by the poor, 39. with rule and system, 40. with industry and frugality, 41. with promptitude, 42. to debtors and robbers, 43. Beneficence, miscellaneous examples of, 44, 71, 184, 279a, 286, 31 7a— ^, 418, 420a. rewarded by its own exercise, 45. rewarded by gratitude and respect, 46, 203. rewarded in various ways by Providence, 47, 282. Benevolence, want of, 48, 29j. misdirected, 49. and cruelty combined, 117. Bennet, Rev. Mr., and unsuccessful preaching, 256c. Bereavements — the bereaved comforted, 50, 409c,g,j,k. the bereaved converted, 51, 3486. the bereaved rebuked, 52. Berridge and Hicks, success of, 2636. Bessus and the birds, 94c. Beveridge, Bishop, at death, 2006. and music, 289i. Bible, historical facts, 53. inspiration of, 54, 60a, e,/, i, 231d, e, g. testimonies to the value of the — testimony of distinguished persons, 55. testimony of infidels, 56. happy effects of the — morality promoted, 57. conversion of seamen, 58. conversion of the profligate, &c., 59. conversion of infidels, 60. conversion of Papists, 61. conversion of soldiers, 62. conversion of the learned, &c., 63. conversion of the heathen, 64. miscellaneous conversions, 65. benefits to Christians, 66 love for the Bible, 67. seaiching the Scriptures, 68. familiarity with the Bible, 69. the Bible neglected, &c., 70, 299, 310c. zeal in circulating the, 71. miscellaneous, 72, 183, 219a. Birth, obscurity of, 196, c, d. Bishop, Mr., and delirium tremens, 2366. Blackstone, punctuality of, 3556. Blair, Dr., and virtue embodied, 132Z. Blair, Mr., and evil company, 87c. Blasphemy, 73, 304c, 358a, 3596. Blessings at meals, 329. on enemies, 155. Blind, the, blindness, 146, c, 69a, 1166, 153m, 278^, 286e. Blount, character of, 215i. Boerhaave and slander, 4076, /, g. Boldness, 112, 260. Bolingbroke and Lady Huntingdon, 321a. and Christianity, 217d. Bonaparte, Louis, and war, 431 j. Bonaparte, Napoleon, high hopes of, 18c. and the peasant, I8d. and the church-clock, 18c. blasphemy of, 73 i. and the Divinity of Christ, 81^. dying, l22g. worshiped, 269a. delight of, in massacre, 3586. Bonnell, integrity of, 228/. Bonner, his treatment of Cranmer, 298a. 866 TOPICAL INDEX. Books, religious, usefulness of, in effecting con- versions, 74. in promoting revivals, 75. Borgia, dying confession of, 1206. Bourdaloue and Louis XIV, 260k. eloquence of, 153e. Bourne, Captain, and fishing on the Sabbath, 38U. Boyle, Hon. Robert, benevolence of, 71a. interest of, in missions, 286o. Bowdler, apt saying of, I88e. Bradbury and the assassin, 349a. Brainerd and the Indians, 209a. Bribery, 2286, g, 239c. ' Bricconet, apostacy of, 225c. Brothers, affectionate, 10. Brown, Rev. D., punctuality of, 355e, Brown, Rev. J., tribute to, 153/. and his enemies, 156;'. confession of, 188a. and the opposer, 261 i. submission of, 409i. Brougham and war, 43 7Z. Bruce, Robert, death of, 119c. Bruen and his enemy, 155c. Brutes, lessons from the, 5, 231a, 235c. Buchanan, Rev. Claudius, and the Highlanders, 54h. and the Bible-reader, 67z. and the aged Christian, l07a. and the Syrian Christians, 237c. Buckley's misdirected letter, 1346. Buller, Judge, and evil company, 87d. Bundy and the prisoner, 2426. Bunyan, Rev. John, zeal of, 258/. and the jailer, 344c. Bumford, Countess of, and public worship, 439c. Burnet, Bishop, benevolence of, 45d. Burkitt, Rev. Wm., and his injurers, 157 d. Butler, Bishop, at death, 1726. dinner with, 251c. Butler, Hon. B. F., a Sunday School teacher, 399/ Butterworth, Rev. J., experience of, 169c. Byne, Rev. Mr., at a dance, 30c. Byrd, Colonel, and the chief, 179c. Byron, confession of, 83c. and the fortune-teller, 177a. Cadogan, Rev. B. W., and the musician, 26U. Cassar, Augustus, and idolatry, 268c. Caesar, Julius, at Pharsalia, 202a. benevolence of, 456. and his enemies, 1586. Calumny, 407. Calvary, rock of, 81/ Calvin, disinterestedness of, 1426. and Eckius, 173i. labors of, 2586. Cambyses and Caligula, 163c. Candor, 4076. Cannibalism, 274. Card-playing, 76. Carey, Dr., humihty of, 204m. labors of, 286v. Marshman and Ward's donationB, 2SSw. Carter, Rev. J., and the tanner, 243c. Caste, 77, 284a, 6. 867 Cathcart, diary of, 189c. Cato, reward of, in doing good, 45a. and Marius Curius, 103a. the model and the monster, 318c. ^ Cecil, Rev. R., and the bookseller, 13a. and the servant girl, 47Z. in illness, 66g. and his dying mother, 1 18^. faithfulness of, 145c. and the robbers, 198c. love of, for study, 258Z. indebtedness of, to his mother, 287;?. obedience of, to his father, 296a. and his rich hearer, 3746. Censure, censoriousness, 78, 407. Chalmers, Dr., and the nobleman, 111c. congregation of, 193/ early preaching of, 256^'. Chandler, Rev. Dr., and illness, 131. Character, loss of, 141c. Charity, gospel, 36-47, 83a, d,f, 106-110, 154- 162, 175, 176, 202, 203, 277a, c, /, 279c,/, t, 285, 286, 291-294, 311, 313, 317. Charles V, words of, 319c. disappointed, 33 7i. Charles IX and the Prince of Conde, 173c. and the Catholic governor, 2026 and MovilHers, 239g-. Charles, Archduke, humanity of, 203/ Charles, Rev. Mr., humility of, 204/ practice of, 2626. escape of, 345/ Charlotte, Princess, benevolence of, 38d. Chastisement of children, 135-139. Chastity, 7g, 246a. Cherokee Indians and the Osages, 156c. Chesterfield and the infidel, 836. and the vanity of the world, 429g. Children, moral and religious influence of, 79, 328c,/ n, 388, 389, 39od, 396a, 397. happy deaths of pious, 80. duty to, 135-139. Chinese, pretensions of the, 24. monarch and the rebels, iQOd. superstition of the, 268a. infanticide of the, 272a.. and European idolatry, 283c. Choirs in churches, 289c, h. Christ, divinity of, 81. miscellaneous, 82. denial of, 130. love of, 186. character of, 218. love to, 248, 249. crucifixion of, 261c?. Christian, Rev. Mr., death of, 119j Christianity, character of, 217. Christians, the early, 1626, c, d, 4376, c. Chronology of the Chinese, 24. Chrysostom in exile, 1126. and profanity, 339m. Church discipline, 140. joining the, 84. Churches, difficulties in, 134. Cicero, retort of, 19c. and idolatry, 268c. and war, 437a. TOPICAL INDEX. Clarke, Dr. A., early scruples of, 98g-. and the dying man, 373A. Clarke, Mr. A., and his workmen, 3396. Clarke, Rev. J., discouraged, 264e. a peacemaker, 3616. Clarendon and war, 437/. Claude and the prisoner, 175/. Clemency, 43, 154-162, 202, 203. Clement XIV and his ambassador, 113c. Clothmg, gay, 146, 331 j, k, 403a, c. Cobb, Nathaniel R., covenant of, 40c. dying words of, 194A. example of, 224c. Cobbett and the duelist, 148tf. Coke, Dr., and his hostess, 419a. Cole, Dr., commission of, 345g-. Collins, William, and the Bible, 55/. Collins, the infidel, and Shaftsbury, 2156. and the countryman, 297tZ. Collins, John A., lectures of, 223c. Colporteurs, 250fl, 414i. Colstone and his missing ship, 38/. and his vessel saved by a dolphin, Aid Colt, punishment with the, 4356. Combustion, spontaneous, 234a. Commandment, the eleventh, 261c. Commandments, the ten, 54a, 836, 132A, i, 211, 366(Z. Commentaries, 85. Commerce and missions, 282g-. Coimnodus, cruelty of, 115a. Communion of the Lord's Supper, 86. Company, evil, 87. Compassion, 36, 37, 154-162, 184. Concert, monthly, influence of, 282i. Cond6 and the Bible, 54Z. firmness of, 1 73 c. Conference meetings, 88. Confession, noble examples of, 89. Confession of sin, happy eff*ects of — procures peace of mind, 90. prevents alienation, 91. subdues enmity and leads to conversion, 92. heals divisions and promotes revivals, 93. Confession and absolution, 302. miscellaneous, 57c, 95, 96. Confidence in God, 9o, 294, 353. Conscience, power of, with the guilty — in groundless suspicions and alarms, 94. in confession and reparation of injuries, 95. in confession and voluntary submission to punishment, 96. miscellaneous examples, 97, 365. Conscientiousness, examples of, 123a, 228, 239, 381a, 382, 389a, d, 4056. want of, 99. Consecration to God, 100. Consistency, Christian, 101. Consideration, 102. Constancy in prayer, 323. Constantine and the miser, 429c. Contentment, 103, 191. Controversy, 104. Conversation between Christians, 105. Conversation, religious, with the impenitent — way for humble Christians to be useful, 106. influence of earnestness, &c., 107. happy results, &c., 109. Conversation, religious, with the impenitent — various interesting conversions, 110. the duty neglected. 111. Cooke, the infidel, confession of, 216a. Cooke, Rev. J., and the duelist, 1496. and the farmer, 26 1 k. Comet and the judge, 1976. Corruption of the heart and life a cause of infi- delity, 213. Cotton, Rev. J., sermon of, 259e. Counterfeiters reclaimed, 57d. Courage, moral, 4d, 112, 173, 175/, 260, 279c, e, 284a, 285/, 7,331/ Courtesy, 113. Coventry dole, Aid. Covetousness, 29, 48, 10 Id, 267, 374. Cowper, William, experience of, 28g". benevolence of, 44/ his view of death, 172^. Cowper, Bishop, and his wife, 175A. Cranmer and his unworthy hand, 26/. the Bible of, 53/ and the traitors, 1766. and Bonner, 298a. Credulity, 114, 177, 306a, c. Cressin, defence of, 2l0a. Croesus, advice of, to Cyrus, 2516. Cromwell and Rev. J. Howe, 45e. and the merchant, 4Ga. Crombie's care for business, 4lg-. Crow, Dr., and the legacy, 44/t. Crucifixion of Christ, 261, 339/, 345e, 353d, 369a, 3Slf,j, 393j, k, 418a. St. Just, the infidel, death of, 222e. Salmasius, dying words of, 70a. Salter's benevolence, 317e. Satan, agency of, 400. Saunders, David, and his Bible, 666, 696. contentment of, 103/ Saxe, Marshal, and the soldier, 438e. Schiller, his title of nobility, 290a. Schmidt, Rev. Mr., and the Jew, 3736. Schoolmen, prayers of the, 256i Scofl^ers-scoflSng, 17fl, 73, 208, 350z. Scotch, religious education of the, 152c?. Scott, Rev. J., and his sword, 149c. Scott, Rev. Thomas, and cards, 76a. death of, 119q. his love for souls, 4086. Scriptures, the Holy, 53-72. Searching the Scriptures, 68. ^ Sieges, 432. Selden, comfort of, 28e. Self-control, 401. Self-deception, 402. Self-denial, 403, 258?, 397A Selfishness in prayer, 326c. Self-righteousness, 256, Self-torture and self-murder, 271. Seneca and war, 437a. Sensibility injured or destroyed, 31, 181. Sermon on the Mount, 54A:, 83c. Servants, 37c, d, 286m, 368e, 370p, 404. Serverus, death of, 316c. dying words of, 429a. Sewall, Judge, and the shoe-brushes, 282d. Shakers and the Indians, 291 A. Shephard and preparation to preach, 258^. Short, Luke, the centennarian convert, 224a. Sidney, Sir P., and the soldier, 44c. Sigismund and his enemies, 160c. Simplicity of language, 259. Simpson, Dr., venturing on Christ, 172(Z. Sin, 405. Sin against the Holy Ghost, 406. Siva and her temple, 281c. Skelton, Rev. P., and his books, 39i. Skill and prudence with the impenitent, 108. Slander, 407. Slavery — slaves, 9m, lid, e, 14/, 49a, 101c, I56d, I58h, 16 la, b, 176c, 182c, 3l8d— /, 3326, 339h. Slavery of appetite, 2, 230, 2466, 4l2d, e, g. Smuggling, 98a. Smollet and the beggar, 198/. Socrates, reply of, to Alcibiades, 126. to Archelaus, 228g-. rebuke of, to Alcibiades, 337/. and Chericles, 239a. self-control of, 401/ Soldiers, anecdotes of, 62, 6Sd, 13d, 327;, 364a, 393i, 434. Sons, affectionate, 8a — e, h. unnatural, l6o, c. Soul, value of, 408, 29c, Z, 326, 278a, 352/ South Sea Islands, former state of, 2706, 2726, c, 273a, 2746. improved state of, 277/ Southey, Robert, and the black boy, 156c. Spider, Du Moulin and the, 343a. Spencer, Rev. Mr., beneficence of, 47*, t. Spira, death-bed of, 26d. Spring, Dr., welcome visit of, 262a. Staughton's eloquence, 153c. Staupicius, confession of, 172e. Stephen, King, and toleration, 4136. Stennett and his enemies, 314c. Stilling, incidents in the life of, 353c. Story, the honest rebel, 4306. Straiton's prayer answered, 130a. Struense, confession of, 2l2c. Students, 175/ 2l0d, 333m, 348e. Stuart, Dr., and the Southron, 243/ Sturtevant, Lydia, death of, 127c. Submission to God's will, 409. praying with, 320. want of, 325, 410. Success in the ministry, 263. Suicide of an actor, 6rf. of an apostate, 26c. and remorse, 876. and gambling, I82rf, e,f. manuscript of a, 2176. of a drunkard's child, 233c. of a libertine, 246c. among the Hindoos, 271a. •and Univei-salism, 424e,/, i, k. prevented, 46p, 1876, e. 345d, 350h, 415. Swartz, Rev. C. F., at Tanjore, 277b,93.'ia, 388, 391-394 7. 70-72 123a, c 396, 397 1. 16 216, 217, 219, 220 9. 6 185a 9. 11 86e 1. 20 179 9. 30 54, 55a, s, 60a, c, f, i 9. 12 247g 2. 5,6 189 13. 5 40 10. 3 29a 2. 26 32b, c, f 13. 11.17,18386 1 10. 4.11,13215 6.20 328 13. 15-21 378-385 i 10. 13 424 882 SCRIPTURAL INDEX. PSALMS;— Continued. CJi. V. .Anecdotes. 10. 17 204, 247g 12. 3, 4 337c, h, i 14. 1 54e, 167a, 215 14. 5 94,221 14. 6 131c 16. 6 103d, e, f 16. 11 192a, b, 194g-l 17. 7 53n, 294, 353 17. 14 29 1 17. 15 118, 119c 18. 6 331, 332, 423f 18. 16 50a 18. 25 203 18. 27 18b, c, f, 337c, h, i 19. ]-3 24 19.7 54h,i,j, 56, 61-65, 362 19. 8 ]4g, 72a 19. 10 66, 67 22. 4, 5 131a, b, c 22. 18 180-182 22. 22 193c 22. 24 13g, h 23. 4 118, 119, 200e, 280 25. 2 131a, b, 294, 353 25. 6 l86, 187 25. 7 125 25. 9 254 25. 13 229e 26. 8 193c, 279g, 439 26. 10 228b, d-g, 239c, 241i 27. 3 190, 194j. k 27. 4 193c, 279g. 439 27. 5 170g, 172c 27. 10 333n 27. 12 314 28. 1 ]70g, 172c 28. 8 122j 31. 1 131a, b, c, 294, 353 31. 2, 3 170g, 172c 31. 5 118e, 119, 250c 31. 7 13g, h, 190, 191, ]92c-m, 194j, k 31. 17, 18 4d 31. 19 26i 31. 19, 20 294, 353 32. 5 90 32. 10 53n, 294, 353 32. 11 107f, 192 33. 1 107f, 192 34. 1 13, 14 34. 4, 15, 17 50a 34. 4, 17, 19 145a 34. 4, 6, 10, 15, 17 331, 332, 412d 34. 13, 14 252 34, 14 313 34. 16, 21 141 34. 18 133b 34. 21 4d, 132d, h, m ,34. 22 9j, 53n, 294, 353 3.5. 11 314 35. 13, 14 154, 1.58, 162 35. 18 86e, 188, 192d, 193c 3(5. 2 18g 36. 4 180-182 .36. 5, 6 341-345, 353 37. I IBd, e 37. 1, 7, 8 178, 31 1 37. 3 9j, 53n, 47 294, 346, 353, 379-381, 428, 441 37. 4 107f 37. 7 321 37. 10,12-15, 34 4d 37. 8 20 37. 12-16 316 .37. 16 103d, e, f, 374b, e, d, f 37. 18 198 37. 24 }33b 37. 25 46 37, 25,26,28 229e 37. 26 224b, 135-137 37. 35, 36 319 37. 37 1 18e, 119,133b. 250c, 280 38. 4, 18 366 39. 1 87f 39. 5, 6 319, 429 39. 8 4d PSA LMS.— Continued. Ch. V. Jlnecdotes. 39. 9 409 39. 11 34b 40. 1 321 40. 2 18g, 170g, 172c 40. 4 53n. 294, 353 40. 16 107f 41. 2 45 42. 5 13b, 1, 200 42. 5, 11 133b 42. 5, 6, 11, 14.5b 42. 9 170g, 172c 43. 3 71, 72b 43. 4 192a, b, 194j-I 43. 5 13b, 133b 44. 21 297 45. 3, 6 81 45. 6 164a 46. 1 131c 46. 1-3,7,10, 11 190, 191, 192c-m, 194j, k 48. 14 164a 49. 6-8 29e, 256b, 301, 302 49. 10 29e 49. 10,12 1418a 49. 12 ]94e 49. 14 34b 50. 13, 14 100 50. 14 188, 192d 50. 15 50a, 198c, 330a, b, 331. 412d 50. 17 212, 213 50. 21 276a 51. 1 204m 51. 3 90-93, 373 51. 3, 14 147a 51. 10 162a 51. 12 192a, b, 194g-I 53. 1 167a, 213 53. 5 87e,94 55. 22 50b 55. 23 208a, c, 252 b, f, g, i 57. 1 131c 58. 4 31 .58. 4, 5 212 58. 11 45,379-381,383,384 59. 7 215 59! 12 73,14l,208a,c,253b,f.g,i 59. 16 131c 62. 2, 6, 7 170g, 172c 62. 8 294, 353 62. 9 319 62. 10 374a 65. 2 330a, b, 331-334 65. 4 84a, 279g 66. 9 341-345 66. 16 167a 66. 19, 20 50a, 330a, b, 334, 412d 68. 3 107f 69. 12 4a 69. 30 188, ]92d 71. 1 ]31a 71. 3 170g, 172c 71. 7 131c 73. 9-11 215 73. 24 250c 73. 25 248b, 3741 74. 10, 11 73 74. 20 83b. 115, 116, 268, 270- 275, 431-437 76. 7 120a 76. 8. 9 254 76. 10 84b, d, e, f, 53i, 237d, e, 349, 440 77. 19 13 78. 34 80c 78. 34, 35 13c, d, 348 78. 35 200b, c 78. 37 32d, e 78. 58 207, 269, 300 78. 71 19b, c, d 78. 72 228, 2.39, 244i 79. 4 375 79. 8 125 82. 5 212 84. 1,2, 10 84a, 86e, 279g. 379-381 86. 5 15a, b, 187, 412d 86. 15 355 86. 26 170g, 172c PSALMS.— Continued. Ch. V. Anecdotes. 89. 29 229e 90. 2 ]H5b 9U. 12 118 91. 1 53n 91. 1-10 2901,294,353 91. 2, 9 131c 91. 15 50a, 331, 332, 412d 92. 12 379-331 93. 2 185b 94. 5-7 215 94. 8 17a 94. 9 297 94! 12 13, 6Gf, g, 80c. 170f 94. 22 131c, 170g, 172c 95. 1 170g, 172c 95. 2 188, 192d 95. 8 126 98. 1 80e,281b-e 100. 3 185d, e 100. 4 80e 100. 4, 5 188, 192d 100. 5 186, 187 101. 5 18f, 407d, e, k 102. 27 185b 102. 28 ^4b 103. 8 15 103. 8-10 187 103. 15, 16 18a, 122a, b 103. 17 229e 103. 17, 18 135-137, 224ij 106. 3-5 187c 106. 15 .325, 410 106. 23 .331 106. 37, 38 270 107. 8, 21, 31 IRH, 192d 107. 32 86e, 193c 109. 5 226 111. 1 289a, b, c, j 112. 2, 4 198 112. 4 37&-381 112. 7, 8 9j 115. 4-8 207, 269, 28 lb. c, 300 115. 9-11 294, 353 116. 1 188. 192d 116. 17 188, 192d 118. 5 50a. 331, 332, 412d 118. 8 294. 353 119. 1, 2 ]4g 119. 2, 10, 34 100 119. 9 54g, h 119. 62 327 119. 67,71,7513,14,51,80c 119. 67,71,97 66f.g 119. 68,69,145 100 119. 72 66, 67 119. 93 54h-k, 57-65 119. 97-113 55, 66, 67 119. 105 54f, 72d 119. 119,127 55,67,68. 69 119. 121 228. 239, 244i 119. 130 362 119. 136 250 119. 1,59, 163, 167 55, 67, 68, 69 119. 165 53n 122. 1 80c, 388a, b 122. 6-8 312 129. 5 132d, h, m 130. 3 256 130. 4 13f 133. 1, 2 10, 247 134. 4, 17, 19 14.5d 137. 1, 6 312 138. 6 204, 337c, h, i 138. 7 190, 192e-m, 194j, k 139. 1-12 77, 132b, 297 139. 14 185d, e 1.39. 19 87a, d 141. 10 4d 142. 4 2.50 142. 5 131c 143. 2 170d, 256 144. 4 18a 144. 14 178 145. 18, 19 .50a, 331-334, 412d 146. 3 26g 147. 5 297 147. 6 254 883 SCRIPTURAL INDEX. PSALMS.— Continued. PROVERBS.— Continued PROVERBS.— Continued. Ch. V. Jinecdotes. Ch. V. Anecdotes. Ch. V. Anecdotes, 147.7 289 13. 7 45, 46, 123b 23. 21 35 147. 11 261 13. 15 288,314. 37fia,b, 383,384 23. 21,29,30 230-234 148. 12, 13 79 13. 18 339, 352lv 23. 26 100, 403 149. 4 254 13. 20 51b, 87a-d 23. 31,32 26a, 230-234, 402a, c. 150. 1 86e, 193c, 431) 13. 24 138 421 14. 11 198 24. 1,2 87a -d PROVERBS. 14. 12, 21 14. 13 21 6a, b. 411c, e, 1 24. 9 24. 16 132a 198 1. 3 228 14. 14 13g, h, 26 24. 17 154, 158, 162 1. 8 8, 9, 143 14. 15 laTb.c 24. 28 18f, 407d, e, k 1. 10, 15 2a, 32b, c, d, 87a-d, 14. 17 148b 24. 29 154, 158, 162, 166, 291- 127a, 197i. 2-29 14. 29 " 104e, g 294 1.22,29,30 212 14. 30 18f, 163 24. 30-34 35 1. 24-27 32a, b, c, d, 121c, e, f 14.32 32f, 1188,121,222, 237f, 2.5. 11, 12 144, 368-372, 386 1. 26,27 2a, 70, 222 250c, 426, 427e 25. 18 314 1. 31. 32 29c, 146c, 229-234, 422 15. 1 149, 155, 249f, 213 25. 21, 22 43c, d, 156d, g, 184a 2. 7 198 15. 3 13b, 77 25. 22 155. 156a, c, g, 157g, 2. 10-12 387 15. 3, 11 132b, 297 158a. c, g, 241, 242 3. 3 202 15. 6 374b, d, e, f 26.3 135, 136a, 137, 139c 3. 3, 4, 35 33a 15. 8, 29 50a 26. 4 261e, g, 1, 0, q 3. 5 294, 353, 362 15. 18 21 26. 12 337e 3.6 76b 15. 19 206a, b, c 26. 15 206a, b, c 3.9,10 47, 123b 15. 23 144, 368-372 26. 21 148b 3. 11, 12 13, 14a-f, 80c. 170f 15. 25 18a, b f, 337c, h, i 26. 28 174, 252 3. 13, 18 387 15. 31,32 .368, 369, 371 27 1 42, 84, 126, 127, 128 3. 16 89 15. 32 212, 339, 352k 27. 4 18f, 163 3. 32 33b 15. 33 86b, 204 27. 5, 6 368-372 3. 33 141, 198 16. 1, 9 346-350 27. 9, 10 179 3. 34 204,247g 16, 5, 18 2e, 18b, c, f, 146c, 337c, 27. 24 33, 374c-f 3. 34, 35 73 h,i 28. 1 87e 3. 35 la 16. 7 17a 28. 6 228b, e, g 4. 5-9 387 16. 9 13m 28. 7 87a-d 4. 13,20-22 68, 69, 83g 16. 19 86b, 204 28.9 33b, 127c, 138 4. 14, 15 2a, b, e, f, 229 10. 22 I52b 28. 10 198 4. 14-16 32c, d, 51b, 87a, d 16. 25 356 28. 13 90 4. 18 198 16. 28 407 28. 14 31 4. 19 2e 16. 32 21, 174, 401 28. 22 267 4. 23 31 16. 33 354a 28. 23 174, 339, 352k, 386 4.24 252 17. 3 297 28. 25 294, 353 5. 3-11, 21. 17. 13 SS6 29. 1 32a, b, c, 126, 127, 128 22 246c 17. 14 149, 361 29.4 239c, 244i 5. 21 132b, 297 17. 17 10a, c, 179 29. 15 138, 368-371 6. 1-5 33d 17. 18 33d 29. 17 135-137, 139c 6. 6-9 206, 210 17. 23 228b, d-g, 239c 29. 20 20 6. lft-19 18f, 141, 252b, f,g,i, 314 18. 10 26i, 294, 353 29. 23 18b, c. f, 86b, 204, 337c 6. 20 143, 296 18. 11 374h h, i 6. 20, 22 9 18. 12 86b, c, f, 337c, h, i 29. 25 9j, 53m, n, 294, 353 6. 23 368. 369. 371 18. 14 145d 30. 5 294,353 6. 24,27,29246b, c 18. 15 83g 30. 8, 9 29, 103d, e, f, 267, 374 6. 27 229 18. 24 10, 179. 200b, c 30. 12 23a 6. 32-34 246b, c 19. 1 228 7. 7 195d 19.2 212 ECCT.ESIASTES. 7. 26,27 7.27 8. 10 231d 246b, c 387 19.3 19. 5, 9 19. 11 178 252b, f, g, i, 314 7a, 17a 1. 2, 14 2. 11 199, 374, 429 199, 374, 429 120g, h, j 357 6c, d 42,84.il8,128,238a,243 29c, 120, iSSa, b, 128 226 209 288 46, 65d, 72a, 74, 75, 109, 282, 414-420 8. 12 89 19. 15 35, 206a, b, c 8. 8 8. 14 9.3 9. 10 9. 12 8. 13 18b, c, f, 337c, li, i 19. 17 29i, k, 45, 317f 8. 17 8. 18 10. 6, 7, 9 80 89,166 198 19. 18 19. 21 19. 25 135, 136a, 137, 139c 13m, 348-350 339, 352k, 368, 369, 371, 10. 9 381,383 386 9. 15 10. 1 10. 20 11. 1,6 10. 13 135, 136a, 137, 139c 19. 27 51b, 87a-d, 152b 10. 15 10. 18 10. 24 374h 18f 222 20. I 20. 4 la,d,26a,229-236,402a, c, 421 35 10. 28 367 20. 7 135, 137, 152a, c, d. 197, 11. 9 12. 1 12. 11 411e 15c, 126 339, 352k, 368-372, 386 10. 29 11. 7 33b, 379-381 120, 121, 222, 237f 20. 19 224b 174 11. 8, 31 11. 15 la, 45-47, 203 33d 20. 20 20. 24 143 13m, 346-350 SONG OF S0L03I0N. 11. 17,24,2545 21. 1 347 1. 4, 7 248 11. 17, 31 379-381 21. 3 33, 373-377 2. 5 248 11. 21 229e 21. 7 376a, b 3! 2 248 11. 24, 25 29k, 46, 47, 282 21. 21 33a, 198, 203 5 9-16 248 11. 30 250 21. 25 35, 906a, b, c 7; 10 8. 6,7 8. 7 '4 11. 31 33a, b, 141 21. 28 314 12. 4 7h 21. 31 131d, e,g 7 12. 10 203a, 378 22. 1 27b 12. 16 104e, g 22. 4 3a, 86b, 197j, 204, 247g ISAIAH. 12. 17 314 22. 6 58, 86c, 135, 137, 139, 12. 19 141, 252 224b, 229e, 351a, 438c 1. 3 5, 102, 231a 12. 19, 22 8 6. 7 270 6. 6 23a, 327 23. 25 132a, 205 6. 8 33, 202, 204, 22S 229, 6^9 48c, 194a, 237k 23. 37, 38 237b, c, f, s 377 6. 10 286d, 321, 409 24. 24 305 6. 12 252 6. 12 82, 154, 187 24. 44 118, 238 6. 13 2a, 29b, 145a, 229, 40Id 24. 4H-5I 402a, c NAHUM. 6. 19, 20 120g. h, j, 121d, g, 122c 25. 34-36 188 6. 19, 21 29e 25. 40 248 1.2,6 70,73,116,208,316,38,1, 6. 20 267b, e, g, b 25. 46 360 384 6. 26-30 346 26. 11 8;ia 1.7 13, 14, 50, 66, 190, 192 6. 33 «^ 127e, 129c, 130 26. 24 359 1. 15 250a, b. 258, 259, 260, 7.2 48a 26. 26-29 86 262, 263, 277-281 7, 3-5 2c, 76a, 146e 26. 39. 42 .50a, 321, 409 3. 19 15c, 32, 70b, d, t\ 87b, 7. 7-11 50a, 33flh, 331-334, 4 12d 26. 41 2a, 29b, 145a, 229 120b.l21c->,',126, 128d, 7. 12 16a, c. 38-44, 142, 202, 26. 50 113 e, 129e, 190 286,377 26. 59, 60 314 7. 15 223c 26. 71,72 130a HABAKKUK. 7. 16-20 101, 166, 215 309, 424 26. 75 26f, 9.5-97 7. 21 101, 166, 193b 27. 3-5 6e, d, 87b, 95-97, 359 1. 12 185b 7. 22, 23 402 27. 19,24 218 2.2 72d 7. 24 192e 27. 22, 23 132d, h, j, 1, m 2. 15 2a. b, 422, 423 7. 29 19.5a, 218 27. 34-45 26 Id 2. 18 207, 269, 300 8. 8 g6b, 204 27. 35 180-182 8. 29 218 27. 54 81, 218 ZEPHANIAH. 9. 6 81a, 82 27. 55-60 248 1 12 20b, 424 9. 24 375 28. 20 260 2.' 3 254' 10. 8 38a, b, d-i, 71, 72b, 317 10. 16 17a, 21d, 108, 339a, d,f,g MARK. 263 HAGGAI. 10. 20, 26 10. 28 54, 55a, g, 60a, c, f 22, 2ee, 84d, e, f, 112 1. 17 1. 5, 7 102 119a. 147 b, 260 1. 22 195a, 218 1. 6 95a 96b 219 288 10. 33 127, 129e, 130 1. 24 218 2. 5 *'"**» i7VJW, ^±Of ..lAJU 112 195 10. 34-36 84d, e, f, 248e, f 1. 35 327 2. 8 317f 10. 37, 38 403 2. 7 301, 302 10. 39 122d, 192 1 2. 10 81a, 82 ZECHARIAH. 11. 19 11. 25 251a 28b, 194e, f, 227 2. 27 3. 28,29 379, 380 73c, e, j, ra 4. 10 5. 4 398, 399 314, 376 11. 28 62b, 81a 3. 29 164b, c 11. 28,29 28b, 62b, 81a, 172b 4. 8, 20 74, 75. 414-420 7. 9, 10 197. 198. 228 9P^Q 377 11. 29 %'^i . ... 4. 19 251a, b 7. 11,12,13 15c, 31, 32, 127, 213, 12. 31, 32 12. 36 73c, e, J, n, 406a 105a 5. 12 6. 12 425f 366, 373 8. 19 9. 9 277a, c! 291-294, 430 254 277i 12. 37 13. 22 216, 217, 219, 220 29k, 1 6. 20 6.22 197 30-32 10. 2 13. 9 177, 207, 269, 300 13, 14a-g. 13. 52 14. 2 151 94 6. 41 7. 7-9 329 269, 300 14. 6 30-32 7. 10 143 MALACHI. 14. 19 14. 23 329 327 7. 21-23 8. 6,7 132a, 146d .329 3. 5 314 318 14. 33 427a 8.34 38a. b, 256f, 403 3' 10 40 ' 15. 4 143 8. 35 122d, 192 1 3. 10-12 3. 15 46.47 358 15. 13 15. 14 205,209 209 8. 36, 37 18g, 120k, h,j, 121d, g, 122c, 191a, 267, 278a, 4. 2 119u 15. 27 86b, 204, 247g 374d, e, f, 408 15. 36 329 8. 38 127a MATTHEW. 16. 18 16. 19 170g I4nl 9. 43 9. 4.3-45 360 412 1. 23 2. 18 81 16. 24 256 9. 50 101c, d, 111b, 6,209, 265i 11 16. 24, 25 122d, 192 1, 403 10. 13-16 50d, 80, 86c, 387-399 3* 1 2 366, 373 16. 26 18g, 408 86B, 204 10. 24, 25 374b, 6 f 3! 7' 350e 18.4 10. 29, 30 248e, 250, 285 3. 8 373 18. 7 423 11.24 320, 331, 332 3. 11 366, 373 18. 8, 9 4c, 403, 412 11. 25 176 3' 14 204 18. 11 27b, 28, 81, 82, 187 12. 30, 33 100 4* 1 425f 18. 15 377 12. 31 377 4 7 10 66 18. 16 167b 12. 37 259 4! 17 366, 373 18. 18 140a 12. 42, 44 39, 389e 5,6,7. - 5. 3 54k, 83c 18. 19,20 333a, e.j.m 13. 33 145a 204, 247g 13, 50, 170f 18. 20 193c, 297, 439 14. 8 71c 5 4 18. 31-35 175c, g, 176, 155-162 14. 21 359 5'. 5 5 7 254 19. 13, 14 80 14. 36 321, 409 203 19. 18, 19 54a, 143, 362c, 377 14. 38 29b, f, 145a 5. 8 132a, 228, 239 19. 23, 24 29c 14. 56 314 5. 9 277a, c, 291-294, 313 19. 29 83e, 192 1 14. 70, 71 130 5. 12 315b 20. 6 206,210 15. 13, 14 132d, h, j, 1, m 5. 13-16 3d, 88c, 101c, d, f 233c, 265i 92,93 89 106, 21. 15, 16 21. 16 79 235a, 391, 393-397 15. 25-33 16. 16 261d 84a, 124, 169-172, 240 5.23,24 5. 25 21.22 22. 11, 12 320, 331-344 276d, 288a, i, 0, r, 365 LUKE. 5. 29,30 5. 34, 37 5. 38 5.39 5. 42 5.44 5. 45, 46 6. 1-4 235d, 412 73, 338-340 431-437 149, 175, 241, 242 294 184 154-162, 184:i 162d 9d, 43d 291- 22. 29 214, 299 22. 37, 38 100, 188, 192d 22. 39 4e, 36, 37, 142, 202, 2d0, 262, 377 23. 3 209 23. 5, 25, 27 23 205 23. 12 2e. 18b, c, f, 146c, 337c, b,i 1.6 1 10 1. 70 2. 29, 30 2. 38 2. 51 3.7,8 7h 330 54, 55a, g, 60a, o-f, i, 237d, e 119f, 237f, 287d 188, 192d 296 366, 373 886 i SCRIPTURAL INDEX. LUKE.— Continued. 1 LUKE.— Continufcd. JOHN.— Continued. Ch. V. Anecdotes. 1 Ch. V. Anecdotes. Ch. V. Anecdotes. 3. 11 38, 317 18. 16 80 15. 9 248 3. 14 103d, e, f 18. 30 286z 15. 11 192a, b, 194g, j, k 3. 17 360 19.8 95, 373 15. 12 84a, 247 4. 18, 19 50b, 277-281 19. 10 28a, 187c 15. 13 8b, e, 37 5. 8 86b 19. 22 216, 217, 220, 412h 15. 18,24,25 132d, h, j, 1, m 5. 16 3i7 19. 41 312 16. 2 298. 303. 315. 316 5, 17 81 19.42 33b, 127, 365a, 367 16. 7, 13, 14 54, 55a, g, 60a, c-f, i 5. 21, 24 81a, 82 20. 46 27 16. 8 30, 132c, 195 6. 12 322. 327, 399c 20. 47 326d, 356 16. 20, 22 50b 6. 22 132d, h, m 21. 2 389e 16. 20,22,24192a, b, 194j, k 6. 23 191b 21. 19 84a, 284e, 311 16. 27 248 6. 24 29c, 1 21. 26 120, 121, 221, 222 17. 3 185a 6. 24, 25 120g, h,j,121d, g,122c, 374b, d, e, f 21. 34 229 17. 13 192a, b, 194j, k 22. 19, 20 86 17. 15 336a 6. 25 32f 22. 33 279c 17. 17, 19 54g, h, i, 57-65 6. 27,28,3543d. 154-162, 241, 242 22. 40, 46 229 17. 20-22 204d, 247 6.29 291-294 22. 41, 42 321, 408 18. 11 50a, 409 6. 3i 187c 23. 28 250e 18. 25, 27 130 6. 37 175c, g, 176 23. 34 153m, 157 18. 38 277i 6. 38 46, 47, 48a, 123b 23. 34-45 261 d 19. 15 132d, h, j, 1, m 6. 39 209,268 23. 43 250c 19. 24 180-182-' 6. 41, 42 2e, 76a, 146e 23. 50, 51 228,239 19. 26 8 6. 46, 49 101c, d 24. 30 329 20. 28 81 7. 30 70 24. 52 427a 21. 15-17 195f, 248 7. 34 251a, b 7. 41-46 256 JOHN. ACTS. 7. 47 243 8. 8, 15 57-65, 74, 75. 263, 277- 1. 1-3 81 1. 2 54, 60a, c-f, i 281. 414-420 1. 1-14 195a 1. 14 330, 334 8. 13 26, 23 le L 12 169, 170, 240 1. 18 .359 8. 18, 21 101, 165 193, 1.29 28, 167a 1. 24 297 8. 28 218 1. 33 195 2. 23 260, 349, 350 9. 7 94 1. 36 106-109, 262 2. 33 195 9. 23 3aa, b, 256f, 403 1. 45-49 106-109, 262 2. 37 30b-e 9. 24 12->d, 192 1 3. 1-3 106-109, 262 2. 38 366, 373 9. 25 leg, I20g, h, j, 12Id, g, 122c, 191a, 267, 278a, 3. 3 65d 2. 42 86 3. 5,6 195 2. 46 330 374d, e, f, 408 3. 11 176b 3. 1 330 9. 26 127a 3. 16,17,3628a, i, 167, 168. 170. 3. 19 366, 373 9. 60 257, 258 186b, 240 3. 26 281 9. 62 26, 32c, d, e 3. 19-21 83j, 212, 213 4. 12 28a, b, 256 10. 2 257 3. 36 237f, 360 4. 13 lOlf 10. 27 100, 362c, 377 4. 36 263 4. 13,18,19, 10. 30-38 l.'>6, 242e 4. 34, 39 106-109, 262 29 84b, d, 6, f, 112, 260 11. 2 48c 4. 42 28a, i 4. 32 84a, 247 11. 4 2, 29b, 229 5. 17,18,23427a 4 36, 37 38a, b 11. 5-8 322, 399c 5. 39 55, 63, 68, 69, 214, 299, 5. 3-5 208a, c, 252b, f,g,i, 400 11. lft-13 330a, b, c, 331-334 362, 337-399 406a 11. 28 193b, 101, 166 5.43 114 5. 5 357 11. 43 27 5. 44 54e, 213 5. 8-10 29, 208a, c, 252b, f, g 11. 52 53b, i, k 6. 11,23 329 i, 400, 406a 12. 4, 5 26e, 112, 119a, 147b, 260 6. 27 120|, h, j, 121d, g, 122c, 5. 29 84b, d, e, f, 112, 173 12. 8 84,88 5. 32 295 12. 9 127a 6. 29 169-172, 240 5. 89 147b 12. 10 73c, e, j, m, 406a 6. 37 187 5. 41 119a 12 15 29a, 145c 6. 63 54f,k 5. 42 262 12. 19 122f 6 66 26 6. 3 197 12. 20, 21 29j. 120, 121, 194c 6. 68 83h 6. 4 262 12. 31 129c 7. 24 134c 6. 10 112 12. 35-37 118, 122a, b, 238 7. 46 218 6. 13 314 12. 45, 46 120 8. 9 .30a, d, e, 276d, 288a, i, 7. 9, 10 163, 346 12. 49,51-53 84b, d, e, f o, r, 289d 7. 51 32a, b, 33b, 127, 196, 12.57 94-97, 276d. 365, 377 8. 12 13g, 88c, 190-192 365a, 367, 406d 13. 3 350c, 366, 373 8. 21 120, 121. 237f, 359 7. 51-53 112, 260 14. 11 86b, 204 8. 34 230, 235d 7. 59, 60 157,254 14. 13 38c 8. 36 240b. c 8. 1-4 315a 14. 18 129a, b 8. 43 51e, 212, 213 8. 22 366, 373 14. 26,27,33 84b. d, e. f, 284a. b, 403d 8. 44 252, 400 8.23 230 14. 34 101c, d, 209 9. 31 1.52c 8. 27-33 106-110, 262 1.5. 7, 10 250g 9. 39 153n, 212 9. 29 112, 260 15. IH, 19 366, 373 10. 9 304 9. 36, 39 41 16. 9 38a, b 10. 33 427 10. 2, 4 38a, b, 328 16. 13 76c 11. 25, 26 169-172, 240 10. 22 197 16. 19 120j 12. 12-15 277i 10. 31 . 334 16. 26 307, 3G0 12. 43 27 10. 34 112b 17. 1 423 12. 48 368b 10. 36 81 17. 2 153n, 16Ic 13. 2 400 10. 38 .38-44, 317, 414-420, 441 17. 3, 4 13nb, 175c, 176,368-372, 13. 7 194d 10. 42 120a, 238, 427e 386 13. 14 81,204 10.43 170, 240 17. 10 256, 25?g 13. 15 87f 11. 24 263 18. 1-8 15-2c. 322. 3'J9c 13. 27 245b 11.29 38-40 18. 7, 8 50a. 3.30a. b, 331, .334,3.35a, 13. 34 261c 12. 5, 7, 12 330, 331 b, 412d 13. 34, 35 247 12. 21-23 18b, 316, 337c, h,i 18.9 256k 14. 1,18,27 66,172,240,294,353 | 13. 3 330 18. 11 23 14. 6 304 13. 38, 39 28a, b, 81a, 169-172, 18. 12 256b 14. 21, 23 248 186, 187, 240, 256 18. 13 1.53c. 256h, 324, 373 14. 26 54. 55a, g, 60a, c-f, i 13. 45 163 18. 14 88, l4Gc, 204 15. 3 54g, h, i, 57-65 15. 9 162a 887 SCRIPTURAL INDEX. ACTS.— Continued. ROMANS.— Continued. 1 CORINTHIANS.-Continned. C*. V. Anecdotes. C74. V. Anecdotes. Ch. V. Anecdotes. J6. 16 330 8. 35, 37 190, 191, 192c-m. 194j, 7. 10 "'^ 16. 29 30b-e, 195, 333 k,200 7. 20 l()3d, e, f 16. 31 170, 240 8. 38, 39 119 7. 23 195e 17. 5 163 9. 1-3 250, 312, 408 7. 39 253b-f 17. 11 54a, 55, 63c, 68, 69, 299 9. 5 81 1 8. 4 207, 269, 300 17. 22 114,117,305-308 9. 11 170d, 194h 1 8. 13 4e 17. 26 77,290b 10. 1 250, 312, 408 9. 12 283,284 17. 28 341-345 10. 3 61e, 256j, k, m 9. 16 258j 17.30 366, 373 10. 4 170, 240 10. 4 168, 170g, 172c 17. 31 238, 351b, c 10. 9-11 169 1 10. 10 178 18. 3 210, 243 10. 14 268 1 10. 12 29f, 131d, e, g 18. 9, 10 112 10. 15 257 10. 21 87d. 112p 18. 24 153 10. 17 61 10. 24 38a, b, 44b, c, f, i, 250 18. 25 262 11. 6 240,256 10. 31 76b, 411r, 412b 19. 8 112,260 11. 16 185c, d, e 11. 14 5, 231a, 2.35c 19. 19 177b, 278b, 295a 12. 1 100 IL 23-26 86 20.7 86 12. 3 247g 11. 27,29,30 8Cd, I12|) 20. 19 86b, 204 12. 6, 7 257,258 11. 28,31 86f 20. 20,21,26 144b, 262 12. 10 204d, 247 11. 32 ].% 14 20. 24 248a, e, 250a, b, c, 285 12. 11 206, 210, 258 12. 2 207, 2G9, 300 20. 26, 27 260 12. 12 30, 84a, 311, 322, 323, 12. 3 195 20. 31 262 327 12. 4, 6 ]67b, 168 20. 34 41, 210, 243 12. 13 201 12. 13 39b, 167b, 108 20. 35 45,286 12. 14 155, 208 13. 3 256b 20. 36 330 12. 15 36-44 13. 4-7 8a, 43a, b, 44b, 78, 163. 21. 5 330 12. 16 38, 204 175, 176, 241, 242, 21. 13 248a, 279c, e, 285 12. 17, 19 21, 175, 176, 291-294 407d, e, i, fc 21. 14 321 12. 18 313 13. 12 194d, e 22. 4 298, 303 12. 20-21 43c, d. 154c, 156, 158h, 14. 12 258,262 22. 16 84b, d, e, f i, 184a, 241, 242 14. 15 289a, b, c,i 23. 1 33a, c. e. f. 98. 228. 239 13. 3 150 14. IG 330 ^■^ 24. 2,3,10 113 13. 5 33a, c, f, 9.>-98, 228, 14. 19 '259 24. 16 33a, c, e, f, 98, 228, 239 239, 382, 389a, d 15. 10 204a 24.25 32c, e, f, 126. 127, 351b, 13. 7, a 33, 197, 198, 228, 239, 15. 33 51b. 87a, b c, 238, 260h 377 15. 54-57 118, 119,172,200,280 26. 9-11 298, 303 13. 8, 9 54, 211, 1321, 362c 15. 58 4a, (17e, 173, 175f, 285f, 26. 17, 18 212 13. 10 4e i, 403b, d 26. 18 366 13. 13 65a, 87b, 197, 228 ,239, 16. 1 40 26. 29 250 251 16. 13 4a, 67e. 173, 175f, 285f, 27. 3 113 14. 6 188, 192d i, 403b, d 27. 35 329 14. 8 122i 16. 15-17 41 28. 4 288 14. 10, 12 351b, c 16.22 224a 28. 7 113 14. 13, 21 2a, b, 3e, 88c, 209, 233c, ROMANS. 14. 17 283, 423 192a, b, 194g-l 277a, 313 4e, 44b, e, f, i, 250 (18 68, 299 2 CORINTHIANS. 1. 16 .57-65, 186 14. 19 1.5. 1, 2 1. 4,5 13. .Wb, 66f-g, 170f, 190, 1. 17 170a, 240 15. 4 191, 192c-m, 194j, k 1. 18-32 54c 15! 13, 32 132a h. 134, 1.28-32 83b, 358 1 COB TNT HI A NS. 153a, 260 1. 29-31 272-276b, 318f 4. 3, 4 32, 114, 213 2. 4,5 31, 126, .367 1. 7,8 238 4. 7 227 2. 7 311 1. 10 134a 4. 8 13, 14, 190-192 2. 12 268 1. 12 193a, e, f 4. 8-12 284c, 285 2. 14, 15 30a-€, 276b. 288a, i, o, r 1. 17 2.59 4. 15 188 2. 16 120a, 238, 351a-c 1.21 263 5. 1 118, 119, 172 3. 1,2 54, 60a, c, f, i 1. 23, 24 81b, 186 5. 7 66f, g, 170f, «5nr , 3. 3, 5, 7 349,350 7. 25-29 227 5. 8 118, 119, 122e 3. 16 180-182 1. 27-29 79, 388, 389, 391, 393, 5. 10 2.38 3. 19, 20 170d, 256, 276d, 365 396, 397 5. 11 17a, 153a, 360 3. 25, 26 4. 4, 5, 24 240 2. 1, 4, 13 259 5. 12 204(1 2. 2 186 5. 14, 15 28, 38-47, 195e, 248, 219 25 172, 240 2. 9 194k 5. 17 223e 4. 17 227 2. 12, 13 54, 55a, p, 60a, c f-i, 5. 18 257 4. 20, 21 171. 172 195a, 237d, e 5 18, 19 28gh, 170, 240, 363 5. 1, 2, 10 200. 240 1 2. 14 ]3-2g. h, j, 1, m 164b, 195, 3.33, 334 5. 20 153f 5. 3,4 13, 14, 66f, g, 80c, 190, 3. 6 5. 21 218, 240 191, 192c-m 3. 22, 23 118, 119, 250c 6. 2 128, 439a 5. 5 194, 195, 200 4.1,2 144b, 258-260, 262 6. 4 311, 285 5. 7 37 4. 7 132e, g 6. 10 13, 50b, c, 374i 5. 8 186 4. 12, 13 21d, 155, 175, 176, 210, 6 14 253b-f 5. 10 28.363 254, 401 7. 4 190, 191, 192c-m, 194j, k 5. 11 192a, b, 194g-l 5. 7,8 86f 7. 9, 11 366, 373 6. 11 100 5. 11 207, 229-236, 269, 300, 7. 11 22.3e 6. 12 230-234, 251 402a, c 8. 2 39, 41ce, 286a-g, k, 1, m. 6. 16 230 6. 1 244a, b, c. e, f P. q, t, y 6. 21 125 6. 5 134c 8. 11 42 6. 23 240 6. 7 291-294 8. 21 197, 198, 228 7. 8 132f 6. 9, 10 207, 229-236, 260, 300, 9. 6 45-47, 123b, 282 7. 23 230 402a, c 9. 7 286 8. 7 132, 213, 424, 427e 6. 11 26a. 281, 162b, 240, 277, 9. 11, 12 188 8. 15 221, 222. 240, 249 278 10. 4, 5 30a-e,57-65,74,75,195, 8. 17 172j 6. 20 100, 195e 263, 277-279 8. 28 I76f, 192e 7. 3 % g, 241 10. 10 193a-f SCRIPTURAL INDEX. CORINTHIANS.— Continued. . V. Aiiecdotes. •23-27 250a, b, 28.) 9 122], 190, 191 10 13b, 14a, b, ()6f, «, 170f, 190, 191,192c-m, 194j, k, 315b 142, 2.)8, 262 108, 339a, d, f, g 100, 166, 197 247, 213 GALATIANS. 19oe 112, 2G0 54, 55a, g, GOa. c-f, i, 195a, 237d, e 170, 194h, 240, 256 * 195e 240 170a, c, 250 28a, 195e 185a l-20e 207, 269, 300 42, 262, 235, 286, 441 112, 173, 175f, 285f, i, 403b, d 38, 39, 250, 286, 362e 251 18,20,27,29,31,32,79, 87, 115, 132, 141, 147, 163, 177, 180-182, 229- 234, 246, 288, 309, 424 13, 14, 71, 72b, 92, 93, 154-162,169-172,192a, b, 194g-l, 235, 254 146a, b, f 254 38-47, 71, 72b, 260, 262, 282, 286, 387-399,414- 420, 428, 441 14, 15 16 4 10 11, 12 16 20 6 11 13 20 18 1 14 16 19-21 22-25 6. 1 6. 9, 10 2 6,7 23 1 2 3-5,8, 13 7 12 260, 4. 1,2 3 4,5 11-13 16 17-19 18 19 20 22 24 25,'28,33 1 4 5-9 10, 13 12 14 EPHESIANS. 81 28,240 297 195 400 132, 170d, 194h, 195, 240. 256 81a, 82, 240 257 112, 169-172, 240, 279c, e 86b, 101, 166, 175, 176, 204, 254, 401 247 168 257 249c 83b, 212, 213, 268-276, 356, 358 139b, 141, 252 21a, b 243, 278e, 279b 32a, b, 33b, 127, 196 21,91,93,247f,407d,e,k, 202, 241, 242 247 105a 29a, c, e, j, 1, 246, 374 88c, 101, 166 la, 112k, 260, 368-372, 386 239-2.36 289a, b, c, j 188, 192c-f, j-m 241b, d, e 7c, f, 241a, c 296 53e. 135-139, 197j, 224b, 438c 404b, c, d 173, 260, 175f, 285f, i, 403b, d 400 166, 197, 228, 239, 240, 430 EPHESIANS.— Continued. Ch. V. Anecdvtes. 0. 16 169-172, 240 6. 15 21, 149, 154-162, 175, 176, 254, 291-294, 313, 437b, c 6. 17 53 I, 57-65, 195a 6. 18 136, 323, 324b, 399c 6. 19 193e 6. 24 248 PHILIPPIANS. 9 247, 248 20 112, 260 21 • 118, 119, 250c 23 122e, 248e 25 192a, b, 194g-I, 240 27, 28 105a, 173, 175f, 247,285f, i, 403b, d 1M7 146a, b, f, 194b. 204 87f- 1 THESSALONIANS.-Contin'd. 1,2 3 5 2. 9, 10, 11 81, 427a 2. 30 36 3. 1 50c, 88c, 107f 3. 7, 8 192 1 3. 9 240, 256 3. 17 101 166, 412h 3. 18 111b, e, 209 3. 19 230, 251a, b 3. 20 87f, 105c. d 4. 1 173, 175f, 263, 403b, d 4. 4 50c, 88c, 107f, 190, 191, 192c-in, 194j, k 4. 6 23a, 30, 76b, \m, 411 4. 7 66d, 119h 4. 8 154-162, 197, 201, 202, 228, 239 4. 11, 12 103 4. 14 38-47, 346 COLOSSIANS. 1. 5, 27 191m, 200 1. 10 71,88,106-110, 142,441 1. 11 175, 192a, b, 194g-I, 311 1. 13 277i 1. 14 28, 240 1. 20 170, 240 1. 21 363 1. 23 173, 17.5f, 285f, i, 403b, d 2. 5-7 173, 175f, 285f, i, 403b, d 2. 7 189 2. 8 213, 299, 309, 424, 427 2. 21 2a, c, 229 3. 2 120g, h, j, 122c, 199 3. 5 4c, 21, 29, 48, 14(1, 147- 149, 163, 246 3. 9 139b, 252. 311 3. 10 87f, 166, 404b, d 3. 12 86b, 154-162, 201, 202, 204,241,242 3. 13 8a, 90-93, 154-162, 175, 176 3. 14 247, 250 3, 16 289a, b, c, j 3. 18, 19 7, 241 3. 20 143, 296 3. 22-24 404b, c, d 3.25 116, 143, 145c, 182, 252 4. 2 145a, 188, 323 4. 5 14i;b 4. 12, 13 262, 285, 286, 441 5. 14, 15 247 1 THESSALONIANS. 1. 2 188, 331-334 1. 6 192a, b, 194g-l 2. 3-5 174, 260 2. 7 254, 372a 2. 10 101, 166,228.239 2. 13 54, 60a, c-f, i, 195a, 237d, e 2. 19 263 3. 5 229 3. 9 188, 279j 3. 10 323 3. 12 3fr-47, 247, 250, 286, 441 4. 6 141, 180-182, 278e, 279b Ch. V. 4. 8 4. 9, 10 4. 11 4. 12 5. 16 5. 18 5. 17 5. 19 5. 22 5. 27 Anecdotes. 195 84a, 247 41. 210, 243 197, 2-28, 239 32a-d, f, 121c, e, f, 406a 131d, e, g 169-172, 119m, 200, 247, 248 260, 311, 368-372, 386 154-162, 175, 176, 241, 242, 254, 291-294, 313 13, 50c, ll8e, 119, 192a, b, 194g-l 14, 188 23a, 58a, 136, 323, 324b 32a, b, 33b, 127, 196, 365a, 367 3. 76a, 146b, 229, 233c 68, 299 2 THESSALONIANS. 1. 5 1. 6 1. 7, 8, 9 2. 3,9 2. 4 2. 10-12 3. 10-12 1. 14 1. 15 1. 17 1. 19 2. 2 2. 6 2. 8 2. 9 3. 2,3 3. 11 4. 2 4. 3,4 4. 8 4. 10 4. 13 6. 11 6. 17, 18 6. 20 4 5 9 10 12 13 15 12 15 16 14,23 22 24 2-5 6,8 15 889 194e 316 268, 360, 424 305 298 213, 299-310, 358a, 402 35, 206d, e, 243 1 TIMOTHY. 248 2He, 132c, 170d, e, 194b 164a, 185a, b 2o, 33a, b, 98, 99, 228, 239, 382, 389a, d 197 28i, 81a 30a-e, 320, 326b 146, 248d,337j,k, 403a 3f, 135a, 142, 201, 250, 311 7h 99, .309, 356, 358 188 83e, h, 217d, 379-381 2G4a 151, 210d, 2581 2.58, 262 263 3-22, 323, 327 31, 358 11a, 210,243 258, 262 101c. 2.57b, 421, 423 404b, c, d 104a, b, 265b 103,1921,378-381 121d, g, 194c, 429c, e 103a, b, c 29, 48, 145c, 267, 374 228, 239, 247, 248, 254, 377, 401d 38, 374h 104, 105a, 264b 5 TIMOTHY. 192a, b, 194g-l 135, 136, 224b, 229e, 287 61e, 186, 194h, 240, 256 172d 28f 173, 175f,285f,i, 403b, d 26 194e 151. 258 1, 259, 260 105a 104a, b, 0, f, 265b 3, 4, 235, 247, 250, 251a, 155, 204, 259, 311, 372a, 401d 17a, 21 d, 2.54. 401d 2.30. 235d, 400 18, 29, 48, 73, 143, 205, 218f, 2-26, 246, 251 213, 309, 424 51-65, 287, 299 SCRIPTURAL INDEX. 2 TIMOTHY.-Cantinued. HEBREWS.— Continued. 1 PETER.— Continued. Ch. V. Anecdotes. Ch. V. Anecdotes. Ch. V. Anecdotes. 3. 16, 17 .54-09.726, ]93a,:J87-n99 12. 9 135-137, 315, 316 2. 19,20 175, 176, 311 4. 1 23B, ;^51b, c 12. 10, 11 13, 14, 50, 66r, g, 80c 2. 21 218 4.2,5 144b, 260, 2r)2, 2G3a,3'o8- 12. 14 175, 176, 254, 313 2. 24 81a 372, 3,-^rt 13. 1 84a, 247 3. 3 146a, f, 254, 337j,k,403a 4. 3,4 213, 2t)r!-310, 424-427 13. 3 38, 43a, b, 62a 3. 7 7a, h, 241a, c 4. 6-8 11211, 118,200,2380,240, 13. 4 368a 3. 8,9 8a. 17a, 21. 113, 155, 250c 13.5 29, 103d, e,f,122j, 145c, 1.56-175, 202, 247, 401 4. 10 374a 192i, 346 3. 10, 11 45-47, 175, 178, 252. 313, 13. 16 47, 71, 72b, 74, 75, 286, 379-381 TITUS. 317, 389b, c, e, 428, 3. 12 .5na, 331-334, 412d 1.7-9 2f, 21,76a, 191,201,228, 239, 2.54 13. 18 441 33a, c, e. f, 98, 193b, 3. 16 33a, c,e,f, 98,228,239. 260ni, 382, 389a, d, 197, 228, 239, 382, 407a, b, c. j 195e, 240a, 256f. i 1. 13 260, 36S-.372 389a, d 3. 18 1. 15 99, 356, 358 13. 17 262 4. 3,4 207, 230-232, 251, 269, 2. 4 7b, d, e, g, 241b, d, e. 300, 309 311 JAMES. •4.5 238b, 351b, c 2. 8 2. 9, 10 lOle, 407a, b, c, f, j 404b, c, d 1. 2 192c, e-k, 1941, k 4. 7 4. 8 4. 9 4. 11 4. 13, 14 118, 320-334 247 201 54, 195a, 237d, e, 260 84b, d, e, f, 192c, e, k, ra, 315b 194b, ^.56h, 1, 352i 18b, c, 146c, 204, 247g, 337c, h, i 67e, 173, 285f, i, 400, 403b, d 2. 12 2. 13 2. 14 2, 3, 228, 235, 239, 251, 377 194, 238 195e, 428, 441 1. 3 1. 4 1. 5-7 1. 8 13, 14, 311 311 320,322 32d 2. 15 3. 1 3. 2 368-372 42, 428, 441 134a, 254, 407d, e, k 1. 9, 10 1. 11 1. 15 204d 120g-j, 374b 132a 4. 18 5. 5 3. 3 3. 5 20, 162b. 163, 402 61e, 170d, 194h, 195, 256 1. 18 1. 19 58-65 21, 78, 175, 254 5. 8, 9 3. 6 186 1. 21 85, 193a, e, f 3. 9 104a, b, c, f, 265b 1. 23, 24 48b, c, 264c 1. 27 391, 44j, 346a, 389g 2 PETER. PHILEMON. 2.5 14d, 39, 41c, e, 60a, f, h. 1. 4 66c, 172h 4 188, 323, 327 2.8 353 239, 250, 362c, 286, 377 1. 5 1. 6 1. 7 68, 169-172 2-4, 235, 311 5 169-172, 147-150 2. 13 116, 316 36-47, 241, 242, 247 11 404 2. 14,17,26 48, 105a, llle, 209 1. 12, 15 200b, c, 255 la 184 2. 15-17 48c, d, 101c, 104a, b, f. 1. 19-21 54. 60. 237d. e. 299 HEBREWS. 2. 18.21,2 202d 2 2. 1 427 2. 2, 14, 15 309 1. 1 54, 55a, g, 60 24 "'lOla, b, 166, 193b 2. 4 425f 1. 2 81, 237d, e, 427a 2. 19 185a 2. 18, 19 215, 216, 230, 309, 424 1. 8 8] 164a 2. 23 240 2. 20-22 26a-e. h, 225e, 4U6a 2. 1 68. 69 3. 5 148b, 407g 3. 3, 4 54e, 214. 215, 424 2. 9 28i 3. 17 3, 21, 36-47, 54g, 71, 3. 7 2;}8. 351b, c 2. 14, 15 172, 118-121, 200 83a-d, f, h,i, j, 90-93, 3. 11, 12 105c, d, 166, 228, 238. 3. 4 185c-e 101,106-110, 142, 154- 239b, c, 351b, c 3. 12 213 162, 175, 176,201, 202, 3. 16 85, 104f, 42.5e 3. 13 15c, 31, 32, 127, .%7 228,239,241,242,250, 3. 17 51b, 173, 285f, i, 403b, d 4. 12 30a-e, 54 j, 57-65, 83c, 254,286,291-294,364. 87e, 183, 2601, 414- 420 4. 1 428, 441 431-437 1 JOHN. 4 13 297 4. 3,8 50, 136, 320-324, 330a, 1. 7 28b, h, i, 169d, 186c, d 4. 16 28i, 30a-e, 162a, 169- b, 331-334 1. 9 90-93 172, 320, 331-334 4. 4 132 2. 1 80d, 304 5. 2 43a, b 4. 6 18b. c, 146c, 204, 247g, 2. 2 28a, g, h 5. 9 164b, c, 119q 15c, 32. 126, 127, 196, 337c, h, i 2. 10 247 6. 4,6 4. 7 192k, 321, 409 2. 15 26, 29, 76c 365a, 367. 406 4. 11 407d, e, k 3. 2 204i 6. 8 121, 222, 426 4. 14 18a, 128, 194c, 199, 319, 3. 5 28h, i, 81a, 82 6. 10, 11 42 429 3. 7 101, 193b, 209 6. 12 169-172, 311 5, 5 358 3. 8 400 G. 18, 19 66, 118, 119, 170, 194, 5. 6 254, 291-294, 316 3. 11,12,14- 200,238c 5. 10, 11 13, 14, 50, 66a, b, f, g, 19, 23 247 7. 6 40 173, 285f, i, 311 3. 13 132d, h, k, m 7, 25 80d, 169, 186c, 187,242b, 5. 12 73, 338-340 3. 15 20, 132d, 288 304 5. 16 30, 50a, 90-93, 136, 322, 3. 17, 18 48, 202d 9. 22 28a, 187c 330a, b, 331-334 3. 20 95, 96, 273, 297 9. 27 238, 351b, 3. 22 331 10. 22 320 1 PETER. 4. 7, 8, 11 10. 23 67e,173,175f,285f,403b, 1.7 13, 14, 50, 112, 173, 1941, 20, 21 247 d k, 311 4. 8 48, 132d 10. 26, 27 26a,c, d,h,32, 33b,127, 1.8 50c, 53a, 86a, 118e, 119, 4. 9, 10 28d, g, 186b, 240 196, 406a 192a, b, 240 4. 19 186, 248, 249 10. 31 32, 120, 121, 222, 237f, 1. 14 268-276 4. 21 77, 247 426, 427e 1. 16-19 405a 5. 3 23, 132 i 10.36 311 I. 18, 19 195e, 256 5. 4 172, 195, 240 10. 38 26b, 170a, 240 1. 22 84a, 247 5. 13 427 11. 1-32 169-172, 240 1. 23 58-65 5. 16 73c, e, j, m, 196, 40Ca 11.4 224 1. 24 18a, 194e, 199, 429 11. 6 320 2. 1, 12 163, 252, 407d, e, k 2 JOHN. 11. 16 ' 119u, 1941 2.2 68.299 1,5 2,6 10 247 101, 166 80d 11. 23, 27 112, 173, 175f, 260, 279c 2. 7 169-172, 240, 248 11. 24 403 2. 8 153n. 427e 11. 25 374g 2. 9, 10, 15 10 le 1 11. 27 153f 2. 11 235, 2.51 3 JOHN. 11. 36-38 298, 303, 310 2. 12 83f, 166 12. 1 284e, 311 2. 17 a4a, 247 1.2 247 12. 2 169-172; 405a 890 2. 18 404b, c, d 3 101, 166 SCRIPTURAL INDEX. 3 JOHN;.— Continued. Jinecdotes. 201 142 337g JUDE. 4 3,)9 424 6, 7, 13 238, 360, 425f 7 164b, c 11 29a 48. 301 16, 18 213, 230-234, 424 25 81, 427a REVELATION. REVELATION.— Continued. Ch. V. Anecdotes. Ch. V. Jinecdotes. 1. 3 66, 63, 69, 299 17. 14 8(!d 1. 8 185b 20. 6 194e 2.24 400 20. 10 360 3. 17 29k,1, 120g-i. 12Jd, g,267 20. 12, 13 238 4. 8 1191 21. 8 26. 207, 246c, 252, 269, 5. 9 82, 195e, 240, 256 2.S8, 300, 305 5. 10 194e 21. 27 1941 7. 12 188 22. 4 248e 12. 11 248a, 173a, b, c, e, g, 22. 5 194d, e, j 175f, 285, 403b, d 22. 11 360 13. 15 293, 303, 315, 316 22. 15 207, 246c, 252, 269, 288, 14. 13 118, 119, 280 300. 305 16. 14 305 22. 17 406b 17. 6 298,303 5S. 18, ID 67c 891 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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