UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES UWIVKKSITY of AT i-OS ANGELES UHRARY Cljc UiurraiBc literature IN THE WILDERNESS BY CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER WITH A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY 14 36 If) CONTENTS M0 How I KILLED A BEAK 1 LOST IN THE WOODS 11 A FIGHT WITH A TKOUT t , , . 23 A-HUNT1NG OF THK DEER 31 A CHARACTER STUDY . , 48 CAMPING OUT . , 74 A WILDERNESS ROMANCE 88 WHAT SOME PEOPLE CALL PLEASURE 101 How SPRING CAME IN NKW ENGLAND 118 COPYRIGHT, 1878, BY CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER COPYRIGHT, I9OS, BY HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. COPYRIGHT, IQO6 AND I92O, BY SUSAN LEE WARNER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 1V)t l&ibersibt flttas CAMBRIDGE . MASSACHUSETTS PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. F CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. LIKE Mr. Aldrich, who played with his boyhood in Tkd Story of a Bad Boy, Mr. Warner has treated himself as a sort of third person in Being a Boy, the scenes of which are laid in a primitive Massachusetts country neighborhood. The place which stood for its portrait in the book is Charle- mont, near the eastern opening of the Hoosac tunnel. Here Mr. Warner spent his boyhood, removing to the place, when his father died, from Plainfield, in the same State, where he was born September 12, 1829. He was five years old when he was taken to Charlemont, and he remained there eight years, and then removed to Cazenovia, N. Y. His guardian intended him for business life, and placed him after his school days as clerk in a store, but his intellectual ambition was strong, and against all adverse fates he secured a col- legiate education at Hamilton College, where he graduated in 1851. His college many years later conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Letters. When he was in college he showed his bent for literature by contributing to the magazines of the day, and shortly after graduating compiled a Book of Eloquence. For the next half dozen years he was busy establishing himself in life, choosing the law at first as his profession, but really practicing the various pursuits which should finally qualify him for his predestined vocation as a man of letters. He spent two years in frontier life with a surveying party ic Missouri, mainly to secure a more robust condition of body ; he lectured, did hack work, wrote letters to journals, looked wistfully at public life and oratory, opened a law office id Chicago, and took what legal business he could find. IV BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH It was while he was there living by miscellaneous ven- tures that J. R. Hawley, formerly Senator from Connecti- cut, was attracted by the letters which Mr. Warner was con- tributing to his paper, the Hartford Press, and invited hii correspondent to remove to Hartford and become assistant editor of the paper. This was shortly before the opening of the war for the Union. When Mr. Hawley entered the army, Mr. Warner became editor in chief ; and when the Press became merged in the older and more substantial Courant, he became one of the proprietors and editors of that paper. In that position he remained until his death, althougL iu his last years he was relieved from much of the office work of an editor. It was in connection with his journal- istic duties that his first real stroke in literature was made He was busy with the political discussions in which the press was involved, and most of his writing was of this sort. But his morning recreation in his garden suggested to him the relief of writing playful sketches for his paper, drawn from this occupation, and the popularity attending them led to a collection of the sketches in the well-known volume My Summer in a Garden. In 1868 Mr. Warner went to Europe for a year and turned his travel-experience into sketches which were gath- ered into Saunterings. This was the beginning of his more distinctly literary life. He found his pleasure as well as his recuperation thereafter chiefly in rambling and in noting men and things. The more distinctive of his books cf travel growing out of this habit were Baddeck and That Sort oj Thing, which is a humorous sketch of a journey in Nova Scotia and among the scenes of Longfellow's Evangeline ; books of eastern travel, My Winter on the Nile and In th( Levant; rambles chiefly in the Spanish peninsula undel the name A Roundabout Journey, and a number of papers relating to American life and scenery gathered into the two volumes Studies in the South and West and Our Italy* BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH V a warm eulogy of southern California. A genuine love of nature bore rich fruit in the Adirondack sketches In the Wilderness, which form the contents of this present rolume. By a natural transfer of his own habit into a more purely literary expression, Mr. Warner wrote a book, half story, half travel, entitled Their Pilgrimage, which carried sev- eral characters from one watering-place in America to an- other, enabling him thus to sketch manners and make observations in a light, satiric vein, on some phases of American life. This venture it was that led him proba- bly into the more positive field of fictitious literature, and he produced A Little Journey in the World, which, under the guise of stoiy, was really a serious inquiry into the tendencies of social life when affected strongly by the in- sidious influence of wealth, especially newly-gotten wealth. The publication of this novel led to the writing of two other novels, The Golden House and That Fortune, pub- lished at intervals of a few years. These novels carried forward some of the inquiries started in A Little Journey in the World, and the reappearance of certain characters, with a further delineation of their experience, gives the three books something of the form of a trilogy. For several years Mr. Warner held an editorial position on Harper's Monthly, and many of his contributions were made to that magazine. The light, suggestive essay, best illustrated by his Backlog Studies, is perhaps the form of literature with which he is most identified, but the serious side of his nature is never held distinct from the humorous, as the vein of humor also runs through his more solid work. His interest in literature was always very strong, and led him into the delivery of some forcible addresses at college anniversaries and into the editorship of the American Men of Letters series, to which he contributed the volume on Washington Irving, who was his first great admiration in modern literature. He also conducted, a? editor in chief. vi BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH the extensive work entitled Library of the World's Best Literature. His interest in literature and travel was not that of a dilettante. His humor is scarcely more promi- nent than his earnest though tfulness, and he gave practical expression to his thought in the part which he took in pub- lic affairs in Hartford and in the moving question of prison reform. Mr. Warner died in Hartford, Conn., October 20 S 1900 HOW I KILLED A BEAR So many conflicting accounts have appeared about my casual encounter with an Adirondack bear last summer, that in justice to the public, to myself, and to the bear, it is necessary to make a plain statement of the facts. Besides, it is so seldom I have occasion to kill a bear, that the celebration of the exploit may be excused. The encounter was unpremeditated on both sides. I was not hunting for a bear, and I have no reason to suppose that a bear was looking for me. The fact is, that we were both out blackberrying, and met by chance, the usual way. There is among the Adiron- dack visitors always a great deal of conversation about bears, a general expression of the wish to see one in the woods, and much speculation as to how a person would act if he or she chanced to meet one. But bears are scarce and timid, and appear only to a favored few. It was a warm day in August, just the sort of day when an adventure of any kind seemed impossible^ But it occurred to the housekeepers at our cottage there were four of them to send me to the clearing, on the mountain back of the house, to pick blackber- ries. It was rather a series of small clearings, run-' ning up into the forest, much overgrown with bushes and briers, and not unromantic. Cows pastured there, 2 BOW I KILLED A BEAR penetrating through the leafy passages from one open- ing to another, and browsing among the bushes. I was kindly furnished with a six-quart pail, and told not to be gone long. Not from any predatory instinct, but to save appear- ances, I took a gun. It adds to the manly aspect of a person with a tin pail if he also carries a gun. It was possible I might start up a partridge ; though how I was to hit him, if he started up instead of standing still, puzzled me. Many people use a shot-gun for partridges. I prefer the rifle : it makes a clean job of death, and does not prematurely stuff the bird with globules of lead. The rifle was a Sharp's, carrying a ball cartridge (ten to the pound), an excellent wea- pon belonging to a friend of mine, who had intended, for a good many years back, to kill a deer with it. He could hit a tree with it if the wind did not blow, and the atmosphere was just right, and the tree was not too far off nearly every time. Of course, the tree must have some size. Needless to say that I was at that time no sportsman. Years ago I killed a robin under the most humiliating circumstances. The bird was in a low cherry-tree. I loaded a big shot-gun pretty full, crept up under the tree, rested the gun on the fence, with the muzzle more than ten feet from the bird, shut both eyes, and pulled the trigger. When I got up to see what had happened, the robin was scattered about under the tree in more than a thousand pieces, no one of which was big enough to enable a naturalist to decide from it to what species it belonged. This disgusted me with the life of a sports- man. I mention the incident to show, that, although I went blackberrying armed, there was not much in- equality between me and the bear. HOW I KILLED A SEAR 3 In this blackberry-patch bears Lad been seen. The summer before, our colored cook, accompanied by a little girl of the vicinage, was picking berries there one day, when a bear came out of the woods, and walked towards them. The girl took to her heels, and escaped. Aunt Chloe was paralyzed with terror. In- stead of attempting to run, she sat down on the ground where she was standing, and began to weep and scream, giving herself up for lost. The bear was bewildered by this conduct. He approached and looked at her ; he walked around and surveyed her. Probably he had never seen a colored person before, and did not know whether she would agree with him : at any rate, after watching her a few moments, he turned about, and went into the forest. This is an authentic instance of the delicate consideration of a bear, and is much more remarkable than the forbear* ance towards the African slave of the well-known lion, because the bear had no thorn in his foot. When I had climbed the hill, I set up my rifle against a tree, and began picking berries, lured on from bush to bush by the black gleam of fruit (that always promises more in the distance than it realizes when you reach it) ; penetrating farther and farther, through leaf-shaded cow-paths flecked with sunlight, into clearing after clearing. I could hear on all sides the tinkle of bells, the cracking of sticks, and the stamping of cattle that were taking refuge in the thicket from the flies. Occasionally, as I broke through a covert, I encountered a meek cow, who stared at me stupidly for a second, and then shambled off into the brush. I became accustomed to this dumb society, and picked on in silence, attributing all the Wood noises to the cattle, thinking nothing of any 4 HOW 2 KILLED A BEAR real bear. In point of fact, however, I was thinking all the time of a nice romantic bear, and, as I picked, was composing a story about a generous she-bear who had lost her cub, and who seized a small girl in this very wood, carried her tenderly off to a cave, and brought her up on bear's milk and honey. When the girl got big enough to run away, moved by her in- herited instincts, she escaped, and came into the valley to her father's house (this part of the story was to be worked out, so that the child would know her father by some family resemblance, and have some language in which to address him), and told him where the bear lived. The father took his gun, and, guided by the unfeeling daughter, went into the woods and shot the bear, who never made any resistance, and only, when dying, turned reproachful eyes upon her murderer. The moral of the tale was to be kindness to animals. I was in the midst of this tale, when I happened to look some rods away to the other edge of the clearing, and there was a bear ! He was standing on his hind- legs, and doing just what I was doing, picking blackberries. With one paw he bent down the bush, while with the other he clawed the berries into his mouth, green ones and all. To say that I was as- tonished is inside the mark. I suddenly discovered that I didn't want to see a bear, after all. At about the same moment the bear saw me, stopped eating berries, and regarded me with a glad surprise. It is all very well to imagine what you would do under sucb circumstances. Probably you would n't do it : I did n't< The bear dropped down on his fore-feet, and came slowly towards me. Climbing a tree was of no use, with so good a climber in the rear. If I started to ?un, I had no doubt the bear would give chase ; and HOW I KILLED A BEAR 5 although a bear cannot run down hill as fast as he can run up hill, yet I felt that he could get over this rough, brush-tangled ground faster than I could. The bear was approaching. It suddenly occurred to me how I could divert his mind until I could fall back upon my military base. My pail was nearly full of excellent berries, much better than the bear could pick himself. I put the pail on the ground, and slowly backed away from it, keeping my eye, as beast- tamers do, on the bear. The ruse succeeded. The bear came up to the berries, and stopped. Not accustomed to eat out of a pail, he tipped it over, and nosed about in the fruit, " gorming " (if there is sueh a word) it down, mixed with leaves and dirt, like a pig. The bear is a worse feeder than the pig. When- ever he disturbs a maple-sugar camp in the spring, he always upsets the buckets of sirup, and tramples round in the sticky sweets, wasting more than he eats. The bear's manners are thoroughly disagreeable. As soon as my enemy's head was down, I started and ran. Somewhat out of breath, and shaky, I reached my faithful rifle. It was not a moment too soon. I heard the bear crashing through the brush after me. Enraged at my duplicity, he was now com- ing on with blood in his eye. I felt that the time of one of us was probably short. The rapidity of thought at such moments of peril is well known. I thought an octavo volume, had it illustrated and published, sold fifty thousand copies, and went to Europe on the pro ceeds, while that bear was loping across the clearing As I was cocking the gun, I made a hasty and unsatis- factory review of my whole life. I noted that, even in such a compulsory review, it is almost impossible to think of any good thing you have done. The sina 6 HOW I KILLED A BEAR come out uncommonly strong. I recollected a news- paper subscription 1 had delayed paying years and years ago, until both editor and newspaper v/ere dead, and which now never could be paid to all eternity. The bear was coming on. I tried to remember what I had read about encoun* ters with bears. I could n't recall an instance in which a man had run away from a bear in the woods and escaped, although I recalled plenty where the bear had run from the man and got off. I tried to think what is the best way to kill a bear with a gun, when you are not near enough to club him with the stock. My first thought was to fire at his head ; to plant the ball between his eyes ; but this is a dangerous experiment. The bear's brain is very small ; and unless yoi hit that, the bear does not mind a bullet in his head ; that is, not at the time. I remembered that the instant death of the bear would follow a bullet planted just back of his fore-leg, and sent into his heart. This spot is also difficult to reach, unless the bear stands off, side towards you, like a target. I finally deter- mined to fire at him generally. The bear was coming on. The contest seemed to me very different from any- thing at Creedmoor. I had carefully read the reports of the shooting there ; but it was not easy to apply the experience I had thus acquired. I hesitated whether I had better fire lying on my stomach ; or lying on my back, and resting the gun on my toes. But in neither position, I reflected, could I see the bear until he was upon me. The range was too short ; and the bear would n't wait for me to examine the thermometer, and note the direction of the wind. Trial of the Creedmoor method, therefore, had to be HOW I KILLED A BEAR 7 abandoned ; and I bitterly regretted that I had not read more accounts of offhand shooting. For the bear was coming on. I tried to fix my last thoughts upon my family. As my family is small, this was not difficult. Dread of displeasing my wife, or hurting her feelings, was up- permost in my mind. What would be her anxiety as hour after hour passed on, and I did not return ! What would the rest of the household think as ths afternoon passed, and no blackberries came ! What would be my wife's mortification when the news was brought that her husband had been eaten by a bear I cannot imagine any thing more ignominious than to Lave a husband eaten by a bear. And this was not my only anxiety. The mind at such times is not under control. With the gravest fears the most whim- sical ideas will occur. I looked beyond the mourning friends, and thought what kind of an epitaph they would be compelled to put upon the stone. Some- thing like this : HERE LIE THE REMAINS OF EATEN BY A BEAR Aug. 20, 1877. It is a very unheroic and even disagreeable epitaph. That " eaten by a bear " is intolerable. It is gro- tesque. And then I thought what an inadequate lan- guage the English is for compact expression. It would not answer to put upon the stone simply " eaten ; " for that is indefinite, and requires explanation : it might mean eaten by a cannibal. This difficulty could not. occur in the German, where essen signifies the act of 8 HOW I KILLED A BEAR feeding by a man, smdfressen by a beast. How aim' pie the thing would be in German ! HIEB LIEGT HOCHWOHLGEBOBEN HEBB , GEFBESSEN Aug. 20, 1877. That explains itself. The well-born one was eaten by a beast, and presumably by a bear, an animal that has a bad reputation since the days of Elisha. The bear was coming on ; he had, in fact, come on. I judged that he could see the whites of my eyes. AH my subsequent reflections were confused. I raised the gun, covered the bear's breast with the sight, and let drive. Then I turned, and ran like a deer. I did not hear the bear pursuing. I looked back. The bear had stopped. He was lying down. I then re- membered that the best thing to do after having fired your gun is to reload it. I slipped in a charge, keep- ing my eyes on the bear. He never stirred. I walked back suspiciously. There was a quiver in the hind- legs, but no other motion. Still he might be sham- ming : bears often sham. To make sure, I approached, and put a ball into his head. He didn't mind it now: he minded nothing. Death had come to him with a merciful suddenness. He was calm in death. In order that he might remain so, I blew his brains out, and then started for home. I had killed a bear! Notwithstanding my excitement, I managed to saunter into the house with an unconcerned air. There was a chorus of voices : " Where are your blackberries ? " HOW I KILLED A BEAR 9 " Why were you gone so long ? " " Where 's your pail ? " " I left the pail." " Left the pail ! What for ? " " A bear wanted it." ** Oh, nonsense ! " * Well, the last I saw of it, a bear had it." " Oh, come ! You did n't really see a bear? M ** Yes, but I did really see a real bear." "Did he run?" " Yes ; he ran after me." "I don't believe a word of it. What did you do? 1 * " Oh ! nothing particular except kill the bear." Cries of " Gammon ! " " Don't believe it 1 " *> Where 's the bear ? " " If you want to see the bear, you must go up into the woods. I could n't bring him down alone." Having satisfied the household that something ex- traordinary had occurred, an* 3 excited the posthumous fear of some of them f or nfy