ir sni iTHFRfj nrniorjAi i ibrary facility 000 635 628 . United vStates Department of Ai^n'icultnre. BUREAU OF STATISTICS— Circular No. 15. I'. S. I h r \ 1; 1 M i:n I 01 Ai.kmi 1,11 hk, I'.i UK.\r OK Statlstich, WnxFiimjIoii , I). '., Di-ranhrr 17, 190S. Sik: 1 have the honor to tniiismit herewith a ])ai)er entitled "Foreign Trade in Farm and Fure>'t Vnxhu'ts, llio:;," preparetl l)y Mr. (Jeorfre K. Hohnes, Cliief of the l)ivisi(jn of Foreifm ^hirkets, aflU to retoiunienil its ]iul>liration as Circnlar No. 15, <»f this Bnreau. Aoknowlediriiient i.s due to tiie Chief of liiu JJiireaii of Statistien, Departiiient of Coninieree and Labor, for Hupplyinj; Pome of the statistics in ailvance of j)ul)iic;ition by that Bureau, tlms making? it possible to publisli this information mncli earher tiian heretofore. Very resi>eet fully, K. >., Jr., .Irfiiii/ Slillistiridii. Ihin. James Wilson, Sficretartf of .[(iricnltnre. FOKKKiN TK.VDi: IN FAK.H AND FORKST PRODUCTS, 1!M>:{. DOMKSTIC KTCroUTS. W'itli ii total viilue of $S78,4:7!^451, the domestic exports of the farm products of this count iv reached a hioher tioure in the year ended ,Iune 3<>, 11»U8, than was ever l)efore reached in one year, except- ing VM)1. This amount is laroei- than the a\eraoe of the precedi no- five years b}* $17,441,680, and hiolun- tlian the average of the next preceding-five years, 189:3-l8i'7, hy !i^l^»!L^-l■^••1.5(»■l. The products of the forest that went into domestic exports in the last fiscal year were valued at $5S.2S1,124, an amount larger than that of lOt'l (the liighest i)receding year) hy $2,911,903, higher than the average of the five years 1898-1902 ])y !!>l(>.G32.r)9-l, and higher than the average of the preceding five years hv S2G,498.19t). Upon combining the domestic exports of farm and forest }>roducts, the total for the last fiscal year is found to be >^9o»i,7<>0.">7.">. whii-h was exceeded only by the 3'ear 1!><»1. Of the total domestic exports, those of farm products during the last fiscal year constituted 63.1 per cent, or about the percent^ige of the preceding four years. The domestii- exports of forest products are 4.2 })er cent of the domestic exports ol' all prodiuts, and the com- bination of farm and forest products gives 67.3 })er cent, mi- a little more than two-thirds of all the domestic exports of the country. IMPdKTS. Ill thf inattrr of iiiiport>. the tisial year 1V»U8 was a record year for fanii i»rt»»lti«-t>. their vahie hrinjr !?^.">r..ll»l».;{!>o. conipaicil with wliich is the pn-et'trmi,' five years" averaije. ^3Ti».l24.;U^. and the averaijy of the next preeediiitr tive years, 1S1»3-1.SI»7. which was !j^;3iU,l♦)«;.}^•25. III forrst j)r(>du«ts, t«M». the tiscal year li»(i3 was a reeord year for iiiij)oiLs. thrir vahie l>eiii«r !^^7 1.47^.0:^2, a hirij-e increase over the av«'ni^'e of the precediii«r tive years. ^r>a.!^0;">.5»t>6. 'lakcn together, the imports of farm and forest ])roducts durint^ the hi>t liscal year wen- vahied at >^."»*J7.«'>77.347. Of the total imports of the liM-al year liMC-i. 44.") per cent were farm j)nKlints. a >maller pi-rceiitaefe than f(»r any of the i)recediii<.f ten years. The fore>t products constituted 7 jif'i'cent of the total imports. or a little under the perceiitaife of the precedine' ti\-e years. L'pon eomhinintr tlie imjiorts of farm and ftirest products, tiie ))ercentaeouiilry. the domestic exports of these products exceeded the imports of the .same clas.s by !iM:22,*280,l!ii), a balance that wa.s excei'di'd durintul, includ- ing fiirni and forest pnxi- ucts. Fiirm pr7, 448 :'•>•'>, ItK), 319 7:',. ll.'i. '.•.si ■ '1 , 0-'".t. 407 400. »1\ , 468 49.1 55.8 51.0 50.1 52.4 Dollars. Nil , 030, 78.T 869,204,937 793, 392, .099 863,2tK),4^7 1.032.IW7,(i03 iPiillnri'. 621,201,671 63t;. 6:«, 747 .Vvs, 3S.i, 861 574,3y8,2ti4 689,755,193 74.8 73.2 70.4 66.5 66.8 Jidlltiri'. 195..>I4,223 271,473,428 185. 2t>9, 876 IKi, 368,8.57 288. 883, 725 .\ 7&9.nM.119 yo.i, .i2»), if }A 1 391.16(>.925 : 51.5 877,767,282 ! 616,074.947 70.2 224,908.022 1*;- ,l II -; .M.o 49.4 ■1 47.6 4l.i,744,.K>7 45.8 1 . 'J ; ■ ■ l.-u... .1....... ,.....-.; 1.370, 7t, 3, .-.71 s|4,616,.5:;0 1 , 460. 4(.2. H\6 951 , 628, :«1 1,;15;-),4K1,K01 8.57. 113, 53:i 71.0 65.9 61.6 (».2 (a. 2 M4,727,1.X) 437,2't6.8.VJ 424.477,242 5.59,697.280 443, 36h, 976 777. 926. 4MK 379.124.815 48.7 1.320.186.275 8rodnrt.% 189;} to 7.W5— Contimied. V.I Year c'liUc'il J uuu 3U — 1893 1S94 I.S95 1S96 1S97 Aimiijil iivi-raKe, 1SU3-1S97 1898. r: 1899 1900 1901 1902 Annual a vcraKi'. 1898-1902 1903 Forest products. Imports. 1 •< >ine8tic export.s. Aniouni. DoUarg. 49, 720, 275 39,683,781 43,302,134 45, 69<)rtsi)vi'r flomesti(; exports. 3.6 38, 439, 418 42,828,732 52, 076, 575 55, 3{;9, 161 48, 928, 764 47, 648, 530 3.2 3.6 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.6 58,281,124 4.2 Ditllni-K. 21,592.994 ll,tW2.320 14,725, l.>« 11,977.534 4,301,035 12, 855, 807 7, 312. 520 10, 485, .534 7, 950, .503 1,774,489 10, 2.58, 285 7, 5.57, 466 13,196,898 Farm and forest products. Vt*;ir Olidi'd .IlillP 30 — Imports Domestic exports. Exc&HS of .VuKauit. IVr cent of total. .Vmount. Per cent of total. domestic exports over imports. 1893 l)(>U(tri>. 475, 377, 723 404,844,100 416,418,119 436,72.5,731 445, 662, 931 54.9 61.8 .56.9 .56.0 .58.3 Dollais. (i49, 328, 9.52 664, ()35, 208 5.86,962, .541 608,117,051 730, 245, 621 78.1 76.5 74.0 70.4 70.8 Dollars. 173,9.51,229 lK9i. 2.59,791,108 1895 170,544,422 ]89(i 171.391.323 1,S97 284,-582, 090 Annual average, 1893-1897 435,805,721 .57.4 647, &57, 875 73.8 212, C.52, 1.54 1898. 360,043,734 408,829,147 480, 772, 306 449,074,701 472,931,600 58.4 .58.6 .56.0 .54.6 .52.4 897, 458, 304 835, (;40, 465 897,293,105 1,006.997.492 906, 042, 297 74.2 69.4 65.5 69.0 66. 8 .537,414,030 1899 426,811,318 HHIO 410, 520, 739 1 iKIl 5.57,922.791 1902 433. 110, 691 Annual avimfre. 1.S98-1902 434,330,311 5.5.8 90S, 686, 345 68.8 474.3.50.034 19 i:! 527, 677, 347 51.4 936, 760, .575 07.3 409.083 228 riiK kai;mi:k.'< i'.ai.anck of tkadk. [Extnict from the Iteporl of llie .Sei!relary of .Vf;riculture. 1903.] The i!nnien.'«e export? irom the farms of the country lead to an examination of the so-ealleil Imlance of trade. This e.xamination reveals wliat seems to have escaped the atteiitiiin of the jmlilic. and that is. lliat the lavarison is much more lavorabli- to the larmcrs tluui during the ])nMt'ding tliirtei-n-ycar period, since the value of domestic exjiorta ovfT ilUI)ort^' wa- ?;?»»7,000,(X>0, the entin- trade l)einfr iiKludinl, whiK- the excess for fanu i»nxluitt» w ju^ $4->*_*.tXH>,liOO, which was hiitiicient m>t only to offset tlie unfavor- able Lttlaniv tif tradf of $.Vi.lKiO,OlX) in products other than those of the farm, but to ' 1, the iMmrnious fav<»raMf lialainH' of !?li«>7,(XXl,(HX). urtifn vears lln-n- wais a bahmcc nf trade in favor of farm pnxi- uct>, without exwpt ngany year, that amounttni to ^,SO«J,(KX>,0(K». Apunst this way •11 lulven** lialan«v tif trade in pr«Mbicts other than those of the farm of i!S«y>,(XH),(HX), :i ' ' - .luly cancelttl this immense obliiration. but had enouirh left to J t.( \\h- (-re^lit of the nation when ihc }>ooks of international exchuukfe were ltalan«\'«l. Tl '.-s term-ly t-xpn-ss the immense national rescrvc-sustaininj;: power of tlie f; - — rv u!»der prt-sent (juantities of production It i- the farmers who 1 ii iMiudholders. IMl'OKTANT nil'«tKTS. The iiii-ivjised imjxMts «>f farm j)ru(lii in 15»<>:i ovrv llHt'i hi <• more sm'cittllv (hie to •>uoar and molasses, silk. tea. ami wool: and the inereuse in import- (»f foivst pro(hu-ts i> found cliictly in iiidia rulther aiul various jruins. Uy far the principal decrease in imports amonj^ the various classes is found in cotfee. the amcuuit of decrease heino- ^ll.Tsl.4or,. Prinripitl ijruujut of I >I I'OKTS of farm and forfeit products, 1903 and 190.i. Iiiipurt«'i' in 1903. I>tilkir*. «»7, 273 f.l 1 , 936 444.093 Detrease 1-.»U2. 1903. in 1903. A.MMAL MATTER. Aii'iiiii% li\«' DoUarg. 4,624,531 2,ai7,:«l 2. 6tw">. .S4S 2,032, 5tk; 4..«{..H45 2.f5l 4,.'i81,3;V. 1,127,818 Increase ill 1903. hnUarK. 2,02;J,244 173.2.')5 88,253 Decren.xe in 1903. JJollurn. "i''m','4W Total vi'Ketiible nmtter, exelmlinj,' forest ^ produfts '_'70. Oil. "!yK KnKRST i-Koi)rcT.s: t'ork wood or<-ork bark Dye woods and ex tracts of 303.242.0S9 20,630,731 i.hh;, 107 1,737.;!00 . 1.417.770 1 78, 741 1, 158,901 258,806 1.. Gums, not elsewliero specilied — Copal, cowrie and dammar.. Oiinibicr. or terra japonica. . . Shellac Other 2.201,200 1,102,233 1.005.(MhS 2,715,070 2,938,754 i 2,034,511 I 2,713,087 2,907,095 677,548 '. 872,278 |. 1,108,019 . 192,019 I Total Knnis, ii. i'. s. 744 ,183 10, .594 , 647 | 2, &50, 464 India rubber ' 24,899,230 1 30,430,710 | 5,537,480 WiK)d. not elsewhere specified— Cabinet woods, unsawed — Maliogany 2,301,483 999, 792 2, 783, 079 1,2.51,021 422. 19<; 2.51,829 Other Total cjvbinet woods, tinsawol 3.301,275 4,03.5,300 074,025 Lumber — Boards, deals, planks, and other sawed hnnber 9,271,090 1,302.821 1,3S0,973 10.673.317 1,494.900 1,7.53.532 1,402,227 372, .5.59 Shingles Other Total linnbcr 12,014,884 13,921,7.55 1,90(5, ,871 Otlier 4.244,0.53 4,300.794 56,141 Total wootl, n. e. s 19,020,812 22,257,849 2.037,037 WikmI i>ulp 2, 059. 092 ;,8SS, 721 3. 3S7. 770 1.045.910 1,328,678 All other •'4" 811 Total forest produet.s 59. 1S7.049 71,478,022 12,290,973 Total vegetable matter, including forest j)riMluets 335,798,407 ' 374,720.111 .^'5. 921 . 704 Total animal and vegetable matter, ex- cluding forest products 413, 744, .V>7 4.50, 199, 32.- 42, 4.54, 708 Total imports of farm and forest i)roduet>s. . 472,931,606 627,677,347 54, 745, 741 I'UO.MINENT CLASSES OF EXPORTS. The dotiiilcd table of exports eni))raced in this ciiciilar has hcfii condensed to i)roiiiiiuMit in the acconipanyini>' talth'. I'lom mi iiis|)«>ction of this foiuh'iised tahh\ the more con.spicuoiis and decreases of VMKi conn)aivd with l'.H)'2 may readily lie noticed. Nearly the entire increase of exports of fai-iu pr 'Ijnrm -iii'l fonst product.'^, 190;^aiu1 IMS. 1- pruduft' Year t.-inie»l June ; <• Imnntso in PoiTi'iisein 1902. ANMMAl ^*TTKK- VEJSETABUK MATTKK. Iktllnr* IkAUirt. 1W;5. Jhilhirf. 11 >T1 '■•il 3l.7Sl.rJ3 4.77.\.SS2 .. ^,' l;s,^.'iti.53^) ... l-y i ' 983,W2 I 41.407 l'.H«. 10, OW, l^*! •i.s.y. If*** 17, 410, iX> 29.81S.ft9S CV»ffee . . lUy. .. .'M.lW 3,3R5,8«7 104,709 r, S17.0(W>,'271 -t^^l*-^!^ 14 18,057,0-7 9.;««,:«3 ' 4r,0,022 140, < 36 ! .-.m'. l-i.".'.OSfi S,093,M8 ••-•■_■••■•■ . ,^ |s;{ I l,(o2, W.' ■■■ 3.'>9,294 jctublc. •J13. i 4 }V .02 »i5,7-.>9 8 W'7,h24 I y,4.V.,iS3 1 l,427,4.-)9 1 2'77L835 2,.^(ii»,241 imlsirup •>? 103 996 I 35,2ii0.893 j 8,14«;,H9, j;,>»t;',287 2,543,488 Hke meal. .1 Hl7 •79 .02 929, &"" 103,919 202,594 "2,' 799 Oti i.UMiuiuVr.'^x.-lVidinV fort-.-tpr(Kl- I .^ -gj g^^ 2.903,288, 171,042.. r-.ial VfRi-tahlo mutur.exchi.linK fon-sl j.ItKlUClS t.iKt-i j'Rin>: Niiviil t-lorf!" — Kie-ill ; TuriK-ntiiu', spirits tA Other CM •,.2^>7.C'S2 I>."i7.482.198 51,184,616 1,202,104 7,431,248 100,210 4,817,205 8,014,3-22 87, 181 Olo, 101 .583, 074 13.029 ToUil imvul stores. 11,733,562. 12,918,708 Wood- Timber— KiiuihI H ■.i, -HA, •.H..8 1 . 03*), (>87 !™^"" " 5, 225, 003 Sawed "___ 4,.50r.,728 787, 082 7,402,111 1, 18.5, 146 1,102,820 •2,' 237,168 243, 605 Total timber ; 9, 599, .508 12,75.5,921 UnnlKT— , , , Hoiinls. deals, Hiin plunks. sliiHiks SOlVl-s Other 16,978,312 20,905,3-^8 1,498,919 : l,f*>9,U-i5 3,8.»,432 I 4,740,1:80 4, -2.54, 887 4,0(>1,33U 3.1.56,3-23 3,987,000 . 110, im'> . 910, -248 . 346,443 . Total lumber Total wiMid All other Total fon-sl prl lUd.!. IiiiIHirti'il |iriiiliicts. Year eiifled June 30— tiniiiitity. I Value. 1903. ANIMAL MATTKR. Animals, live: Cattk'— l''iirl)R'i'ilin.L,'i>iirposi's".. number. Other do. . . Total eatHe ilo... Horses — For lireeding- purposes" do. . . ( )t her do. . . Total horses do. . . Sheep — For breeding- purposes do. . . Other do... 1,928 94,099 llilllillS. 37.'), 096 1,233,626 Total slieep do. . All other, ineluding' fowls Total live animals Beeswax l)i)inids. Bladders, other than lish Bones, hoot's, and horns Bristles: Crude, mi.sorted pounds. Sorted, bunched, or prepared. . .do. . . Total liristles do. . . Cochineal do. .. Dairy products: Butter <■ do... ( 'heese '• do. . . Milk Total Eggs dozens. . Egg yolks Feathers and downs, crude Fibers, animal: Silk- Cocoons pounds. . Raw, or as reeled from the co- coon [jounds. . Waste do Total silk. Wool, and hair of the camel, goat, alpaca, and like animals — Class 1 — Clothing pound.s.. 2 — Combing do Class 3 — Carpet do Total wool do Total animal fibers do Glue jMiunds. . Gut Hair Hide cuttings and other glue stock '.tr., 027 2,914 1.888 1 , 608, 722 1 , 2;;;, oot 31)3,627 1,577,234 2, 059 2(14, 894 46, 663 910,047 266, 9.'>3 9.n6, 710 408, 706 481,865 4,624,531 40, 537 1 . 972, 572 2, 013, 109 138, 821 4.53, 978 ,067,714 384, 070 4,118 12,620,682 1,610,026 66,131,670 6,091,024 94,354,272 . 787, 7(52 115, 937 692, 634 2S,4J6 2, 018, 885 2,047,331 24,865 SO, 725 2,5.51,366 33, 457 2. (i(>5, 548 37, 432 6, 869 2,032,56*) 1, 695 41,714,331 919,325 14,234,826 i 42,635,351 7, 927, 919 1,071,866 8,712,003 166, .576, 960 1 17,711,788 180,811,792 60,347,139 477,036 I 1.5.826 '. 1,980,319 I. 696,439 !. 1,48] 64,694 207,007 20, 671, 384 368,482 2.59 13, 0)37, 206 1,633,394 42,202,121 1.5,233,113 119, 702, .562 .5, .560, 616 DoUurif. 225, K75 935, 673 iH'i, 1~b 1.161,, 548 2, 803 2,196 1,191,611 344, 685 4,999 1,. 536, 296 1,737 299, 880 38, 037 998, 897 331,623 1,036,934 799, 067 4,, 533, 845 488, .576 127,220 34,019 619, 2;«) 34, 239 3, 009, 806 13,069 2,C>41,.535 3,044,045 2, (r)4, 604 112,714 24,215 51,-564 3,183,224 42, 696 3,277,484 29, 757 25, 795 2, 476, Gb9 158 49,002,697 1,008,295 1.5,270,8.59 I 50,011,0.50 7, 488, 394 2, 83:5, 435 11,831,132 177,137,796 22,1,52,961 192,408.6.55 ] 72,164,011 602, 077 101,827 2, 702, 734 834, 421 " Including teams of immigrants. (>Nnt stated. f Including substitutes for. 1 M I'oi: Is '' Pniied .*>V"'- - '"'.^ ' -'.. lll.iCii 1112. ;; iii.:ui3 Hi. 15y,9l'. 2^.i•2^. T'jy I6,1M2,'.«.V r>K (im; ii<, r*,031.f.l3 .trulltiii' .it |>nii1urt>: Ti>tMl iiK-at I Meat prudm-t-^- :lt iXtrint" Jl I . .\plll«l>- tuiu-r Total ll;>.-;.l I-nilUiL- Total iiu-ttt annMliicl ItiU. nliinml. iVcMeat aiul uieat pr. .•■ iii-l«. 1 Total animal luatter VKUKTAHLF. MATTER. ISCIAniNO FORt>l PKoiivrrs. ArvoU. or wiiH- Ua"* jK>un>. (."vrlirain and Rniin jinKl- • ini tons.. I gallons. Ifil.aofi 7,034.293 574,. %V. '.«*1. I'.'l 29. yycA.) 9;j, :«N 7.'>4. 5SS 492, -liu 3MJ. 4('3 830,897 2lil,421 'io.isi.'so?' 876, 2ir> 50, tU 1 7li. 7S5 9; ■.-•I — d l,oroth ITWI- T,.l..l . ldfi»ry r- and <-iirT> |Miwdi r Fl n> ... ..|Hiuiid ton ... do. ,, ,11 •. • i • 3,771,41i* 4,602,310 137.i:«.199 152, 957, -236 29,27('., MS 5 S.OOti 2, 2ta, .588 .5.5:^ 7. 159 29, 9tW, 5.57 1 3 4,871 2,734,027 288 4, 751 51,379,39t; 9r3,970 •;, (vy;, 504 295, 921 03,351,294 1,004,766 7. X20, 0>S7 292, 522 .V2,353,3;{.5]3 45. 400 I. 11. c. 13 ! 23,613 2, .304, 156 69,073 9,112 9S 715, iVMl I., (I,, I 7,M'.l 128,<.to:i / , 11,712,170 '' 74.K74,426 10,892.591 2.094.915 s. 1.55 2,02«.012 1.013.911 4,919 821,201 495,2.54 14.070 l.OH0.(>H2 4.447,«>87 ; 79.703 , 3,358.825 iili til.' wiMil iin. mid alxi bird skins and fisliskiu.*;. -oai) iiialcinir. wire drawing, anil li'atluT niuiiuiurture.s. 9 I }l I'OIM'S ofjiirm uml forest, products into the United States, 1902 and 190S — Continued. Year ended June 30 — Imported products. I'.MiJ. 1903. tinantily. Value. Quantity. Value. VEt;FrrABI,K M.\TTER, I.VCI.rDING FOREST I'KODi'iTS— continued. Kil)ers, vcgelnhle — Continued. Manila hemp tons.. Sisal grass do Other do 56,4.53 10.555,272 H9,r«! 11,961,213 9,0Ki 977,410 61,f>48 87.025 1 16,075 JMUirx. 11,.KS5,510 13,2X9,444 1,992,779 Total 43,'25«, l:<2 1 15,355,104 Flowers, natural 30,382 i 31,577 Fruit juices, n. e. s.: I'rune juit'e or prune wine. ..gallons.. Other, including cherry juice. . .do 1 42,817 32,925 29, lOS 15, 114 53, 135 32,810 40, 435 16, 709 Total do 71,925 48,039 85, 945 57,144 Fruits and nuts: Fruits- Fresh or dried — Bananas 7, 307, 437 1,23X,756 344, 8;« 4S7, 733 3. 320, :iVJ 784, tHO 44,077 399,973 . 2,053,588 ; X, 541, 156 Currants pounds.. Dates do Figs do.... Lemons do Oranges do Plums and prunes do Raisins do Other" 36, 23.S, 976 20,013,6M n,0.S7, 131 164,075,:{09 52, 742, 476 522. 478 6, 683, 545 33, 878, 209 21,681,159 16,4X2,142 152,004,213 THi, 872, 070 633, X19 6, 715, 673 743, 644 4X6, 151 775,917 3, 079, 221 six, 780 63, 218 476, 844 . 2,353,864 Total fresh or dried 15,981,396 j 17,938,795 I 'repared or preserved '• 1,454,788 1 1,521,443 Total fruits 17,43ti,184 18,860,238 Nuts— Almond.s pounds.. Cocoanuts 9, 868, 982 1,240,8S(; 832, :58;5 (") 1,971 072 X, 142, 164 1,:«7,717 90X 242 Walnuts pounds.. Other (<•) 12,:562,567 1.106,033 1.. 514, 406 4,.S60,398 Total nuts 4,044,341 : Total fruits and nuis 21,4.S0,525 [ 23, 726, 636 Ginger, preserved or pickled pounds. . 660,494 1 2X,19t | 1 569,292 23, 810 Grain and grain products: Grain- Barley bushels. . Corn ( maize ) do Oats do Rve do.... Wheat do 57,406 18,27M 25,812 88 118,612 33, 221 13,418 12, 0S5 97 78,640 56, 462 40, 919 137,416 838 1,077,424 30, 201 29, 966 45, 899 4:50 069,419 Total grain do 220, 196 137,461 1,313,059 775, 915 Grain products— Meal and flour — Oatmeal pounds.. Wheal tlour bbls. . 236,981 i;5,628 , 420 . 2,610 1 227, 681 601 13,685 4,489 Total meal and flour 16,238 1 18, 174 Malt, barley bushels. . Macaroni, vermicelli, etc. pounds. . Other f 3,019 ('•) 2,929 • ('•) 1,3X0,658 , 2,468 28.787,821 3,029 1,171,887 438 %3 * Total grain products 1,399,825 1.6:52.0.53 Total grain and grain prod- ucts . 1,537,286 407 968 "Including orange and lemon peel not preserved, candied, or dried. '' Including edible fruits, dried. '•Not stilted. 'Uncludi'd in other nuts. eincluding buckwheat, buckwheat flour, corn meal, rve flour, bran and mill feed, and lireadstuH preparations 10 I M I'mKTS uifartn tntd furtii pnnlucU iittothf I'niied StaU); I'.mJaml 7^0^— ( ontinueti. »'nrtin>r June 30— liu|>i>n«.' \alu. •■..1 p ■• i , VJx>. '.»U.i ',Miantity. Value. 1. J. 1 12 (..012.510 4,.S;{2,4.58 88, .580, 611 DitlUim. 2,238.1(1.^,4yi 1, •-'02,451 1,&4S,167 Li oui. r ; 805,212 :tir>,222 ■J09, 887 749, CS7 911,419 2,784,048 ' 819,591 348,878 2,061,057 8tC., 4(H 1,000,997 •2,987,179 Tt>Ul aiiitllk>«l ^| 3.0;{1,321 4,445,1.54 3. 229, .526 4,831,5so -.553,105 i . 198, 40G 718,383,9t.5 2,966,»13 1,292,475 8:15, 6;m 1 , -^52, 047 y,,..., .. .;,,.511 1.880,348 4.258,818 2,087,741 Win. — lie ami oiher sf«irkliiig. .33.5,256 1.930,768 407, 944 5,861,63? Still winc»— rnlmtlU-il jpiiloll-.. H<>ltlfv( Liquors, iilcoholif.) ■i-<>. climbs, viiu'.s etc 1 1 1,371,588 ' a\ I'l.iiiiv, t-tc, for jirojiagii- imii . 1,610 Total iiiirx.rv .sti«-k 1,172,570 1,373,198 y Oil •■ake imuiuls. . 2,614.a59 •20. 740 3.827,014 30,^286 OIU, v.n.- • ii- Ki\ nssi-d— "I gallons.. Ulhi-r 1,339,097 1,-579,409 5,046,811 1.494,132 1.736,648 7, 7.50, 712 Total lix«-il or cxiiniswil C, 626, 220 9,487,;«>0 Volnlilf, or e>«i<-ntial 2,092,371 I •2,1.56,331 Total vegctaMc oils 8,718.-591 11,643.691 Ojiiiiin, iTiHlf |H>un(ls. . .'ai.iso 1,216,202 1 516,570 1,019,909 Ul«'«v T\of meiil, et«\: do 7.'),«'.74,776 81,984,118 1,596,210 1.330,711 ' 78,317,310 91.33S,974 1 732 •238 r, rl<«' meal, and bniken riic. i"'iii.ih 1,3^29, 235 Tiilnl iM>nnds 1.57, CSS. >-" ! •• "■_"■ "-J] 169. (VtC, 284 3,061,473 Sii|{o. ln|i|iM-n, He ■■> '.'J - 618,•^il< KittU: •l.orllnoced bu.slii-l.s. . 477, 1.57 724,082 2. 528, 070 129,089 194.024 •' 637 '2.55 TjH«1 8,2.52,1.52 1 1 ■2,831,279 1 11 IMl'OKTS of farm and forM productH into the Uniied .SkUe.% J UU~' audi 90.'i— Continued. Year ended June 30 — Iiiiliiillrcl |>ni(lii<'ls. 1ouiuls.. l'ej>in'r, hliii'k <>!• wliito do Ot j>Ii, lHO^Uiud /WW— Continne^l. V....r ..i,.1.-.1 Inn., :tll 1 -.1 t..ii-.. 52.657 1 /> 171, IJO 1 19i« 1 IhiUan. 74K, .'■»ftO 401 , .S49 loUa tl)«.'ttv"' 1 . l.iO, 399 1 and tl...-.'. ii.'ii- •■; 1.158.904 3.72:;, 1 ■-:: 2(!7,:171 1. 117.770 tiuiuk, not I'lfivwIuTc -iHt-ifi.-.! Ambic Cainiihor. c-niil. (■■ ' ...1...... ( :ilir.(ll> I... ,..,•■ -..uu. .<• ; J. ■ ,^51 L ' ; 1 158 1... 7 4. (0.5 2O..52;i.l09 28, 4.5:5, 802 9,0«M,789 341,714 570, 405 93(i,lMi,5 2,201,200 l,l(!2.j;« 1,005,008 ,801,492 :i, '.Hi.'>. o.i:) 2. 472, 440 4,282,247 27,053,928 42,5:57.:148 11,590,725 265. •Xl<^ 704, 4o:; 9.54, :«i 2,9:is,7.5-l 2,0:i4,5ll 2,713,(i87 Othi*r 92;i,.517 Total 7,744. 1X3 10. .594, (147 HcmliM-k bark conl'-. 24,971 17,040 75,283 Iiirlla rublxT. K'»it«-|Hnlm, i-tc— (,,,.■., i....!i,tulij;, or IJtsl IikIihii IhhiikI^.. UllU. <1<> iiitlia nibU-r do 10,^50,821 .525, 707 .50,413,481 501,418 2.52, 329 24, 899. 230 13,984,817 310. 2VH} .55,010,571 345, 431 222,400 30.430,710 Total do 07,790,069 25, 0,52, 977 j 09,311,678 31,004,541 lv(ir>-, vi'KfUibU- do 14,699,215 i»;5. 189 1 17,194,434 192,093 NllVi'I vi..r icli M)f wood) ..iMirrels.. i ■■, spirit.s (if Kalloii.s.. 1,600 8,4.57 8,7% 2,814 1,242 Hi. 705 0, (KM (i, t)20 Total 11,610 1 12,024 10,905 145, 770 47, .500 5,339 .«iimuc, ground jmiuikIs.. Taiiidng inateriols, n. v. s 9,182,917 12,8.58,547 187, 180 60,401 NVooil. imt I'lM-wliiTf H|H'ci(icd — Cabilii-t Wikk)!-, (iiifniwi'd— MahoKnii V M fii-t . . <»ther 44, 795 2,301,483 999, 792 48, 387 2, 78:5, 079 1,251,021 Total cabiiu'l woods 3,361,275 4.03.5,300 TIiuIkt— Ui.iiii.l iiii'liidiiigloKb.M (fft.. II iiiR-d, or Hidcfl, . t 106,171 129, lh3 907,168 j 18,027 73, KM 207,5.54 637,881 41,131 Total tiiiilicT 925, 195 ',1,271,090 1,302,821 1,380,973 679, 012 00.5, 003 707,014 LunilHT— H..,.r.K .i..|ii(., iiluiikx, and ■■ "d IiiiiiIht.NI ((.•••t.. ^! do (it hvr 720, 9:i7 724, 131 10,073,317 1,494,'.K)6 1,7.5:1,5:12 T<>tal liitnlM-r 12,014,884 l;{, 921, 7.56 AllothiT i f.s 3,621,782 Total wtiud, II. f. H 1 1 22,2.57,849 1 13 IMrOFJTS nf fnriii II ml forest products into thr I 'nited States, ]!)02 and 190S — Contiuueulp Ions.. 67,416 116,881 Dollars. 3,387,770 59,187,049 71,478,022 Total vegctfihle mutter iiielud- ing forest jirodiicts 335,798,407 374,720,111 Total animal and vegetable mat- ter excluding forest products 413,744,557 456,199,325 Total imports of farm and forest products . 472,931,006 527,677 347 Domestic EXPORTS of farm and forest products from tJie United States during the fiscal years 1902 and 1903. Year ended J ne 30— Exported products. 1902. 1903. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. ANIMAL MATTER. .\nimals, live: Cattle niunher.. 392,884 8, 368 103,020 27,586 358, 720 Dollars. 29, 902, 212 88, 330 10,048,046 2,692,298 1,940,060 200, 738 402, 178 4,031 :i4,007 4,294 176,961 Dollars. 29, 848, 936 Hogs Horses Mules 40, 923 3,152,159 521,725 Sheep Other, including fowls 1,067,860 149 590 Total 44,871,684 34.78] 193 .pounds., ps, strips. Beeswax Bones, hoofs, horns, and lioru ti and waste 125,283 36,541 163, 180 17 70,811 21,337 193,817 515 Bristles .I)ounds.. do Dairv jiroducls: Butter Cheese Milk 16.002,169 27,203,184 2,885,609 2, 745, 597 1,473,564 8,896,166 18, 987, 178 1,604,327 2,2.50,229 921,026 Total 7, 104, 770 4,775,582 ..dozens.. Eggs Egg yolks Feathers 2, 717, 990 528, 679 14,700 239, 756 1,517,189 325,571 48,108 141,257 .pounds.. do.. . Fibers, animal: Silk waste Wool 81,477 123, 278 9, 759 13,369 129. H50 518,919 19,013 71,818 Total 204, 755 23,128 648, 769 90,831 Glue Hair't 2, 907, 632 284,413 633, 337 906, 504 106,112 2,569,164 253, 768 616 133 Hides and skins, w her than furs. Hone V .pounds.. 9,372,747 12,859,549 1,224,409 64,220 .pounils.. Meat and meat iiniducts: Meat- Beef— Fresh 301,824,473 29, 045, 056 254,795,963 25,01.3.323 Cured — Salted or piekleii Other 48,632,727 81S,3S2 3,031.027 72,8:^6 52,801,220 1.126,032 3,814,671 102. 184 Total cured... 49,451,109 3,103,863 , 53,927,252 3,916.8.55 fi Including inanufactures of. 14 Dumatie K\ Tolt Is „f fan,, ■ st prmt acts from the lvit4««l rurfO ilo (.VlllU-tl rk d > G6.G45.83S ■ IMi S.f..V2,464 76,307,114 1 ]>lllluil<. 7,916,928 C74 '. KHJ 41.171 »^ 11 •20,960,113 ■:-r.:\:.t:,(m ^ 214, IM, 365 1 9.'>,287,374 j 2, 035, 491 ji.rrj, 741 10, ii7..'k;2 22, 178, .525 25,712,63;} 9, 959, 762 #1-'' Si2,910 j ■li., -I'l. /,59 1 57, NtO. 920 13,590,897 1 1,369,(W7 :i,749 i 61,25<>,098 6,144,020 5, 264. 648 ihi-1, 476 l,079,0.'i6 .585, 088 1,831,940 117,492,216 Mt-at pnnliii-i* Or. x-nii». ami olliiT Lar.. l^nl rMinipotiiulti'i. . . .|ii>iiiuls.. 5.56, S40, 222 3«;, -Mil. 744 Oils I^inl lc«i oil iM)un(ls. . otluT gallons. . 460,035 1:58, .546, 08S :i.52,201 Toliil oils. OUHimnrniiriiii' ( iniitatioii taitter). pOUIIfls SaiisnK" <'iisiiig>i Tallow pounrls. . OthiT'> .5,721,254 :ii.itc>.=i. Tiv 2.610,925 52. 375, S64 2, 687, 6.53 327, 794 12, 2.54, %9 201,. 535 12, 7.S4, 298 601,. 521 1,795,014 1,924,. 577 3,624,764 Total iiuiit jiriMliicts ToUkl limit ami iii(>»t priMliicts.. OiU, Bliiliial. iSrr M<-iit aii<)|. .,«vf Kllx-rs, animal. I 78,404,(i46 195, 81M!, 862 490,755,821 46,130,004 102, 131, 764 2, 926, .565 .50, 8.54.. 504 3, 607, .542 356,658 I ;506,334 126,010,339 11.981.888 221,(^9 7, 643, 652 27,:J«J8,924 1.59, .505 12,447,727 6. 168 798. 273 1.964, .524 1 , 623, ,8.52 2,101,785 76, .324. 772 178, 4.56, .536 3, 976 Total Miiimal matliT. .1. 2.50, 815, 8.51 vi:j.ktaki.k mattkk, iNri.riu.vii kokknt rKoIilHTH. Un-adotiilTN. (SJ lfKi.245 S, 209, 946 443,985 I 71,152 .do. :l. 281,098 2'.>0. 997, 2.53 698, 119 29, 233, 887 .535,108 29, 768, 945 211,253 84,084 213,476 3,295,968 89,899 3,385,867 " Including; sicnriii. ami also coitolfiic and lardiiie. ''ImliidiiiK nii'iit. If anv, not I'lsewliero sinriliod. <• Sol slatvd. 15 Doiiiislir K\ POUTS of f(trm and furexi jx-odiicitt from iltf Uiiiled iSlutes during tlw fixcal ye((r.i 190.' and 1903 — C'onliiiiU'd. Kx|ii)rl(il |irii(lii(ls. Vl-XjETABLE MATTKK, INt'LUDING FOREST PRODUCTS — c'lmthiued. Cotton: ^--1-' KJmdi:: n.i"-> Kl:^^,s;: Waste cotton pounds. . Toliil. .do Flowuis. cnt Fruits and nuts: Fruits- Fresh or dried — .Xpliles — Fresh barrels. . Dried pounds. . Apricots, dried do Oranges Prunes pounds. . Raisins do Other Year ended June ao — 1902. Quantity. Value. 31,771 1 12,231,()S0 ) (■.,sn,92] 1 3, 4SS, .')47, 083 If 28,195,873 DoUavs. 2,486,907 288, 164, 912 946, 537 1903. Quantity. Dollars. f 51, 688 ( , />oQ .,_„ (^ 20,205,080 J -^.y^*-"*'" 6,886,591 I 019 145 „=« 3,522,837,942 | •'J^A-'^^.Uw 26,098,947 884, s 12 Value. 3, .528, 974, 636 291, .598, 3.56 1; 3, 569, 141, 9(;9 4,788 459, 719 15, 664, 468 1,928,367 2;5, 3.58, 819 2, 323, 274 1,628,886 1,190,593 178,143 420,835 ! 1,404,422 t 149,216 2,153,0.50 I 1,656,129 39,646,297 9,190,081 66, 385, 215 4,280,028 317, 0ti5, 271 5,290 4,381,801 2,378,635 713,887 465, 397 3,-512,507 281, .530 4. 215, OU Total fresh or dried Preserved — Canned . Other... Total preserved Total fruits 7,12.5,145 1, 195, 635 94, 323 1,289,9.58 8, 415, 103 Xuts. Total fruits and nuts . 304, 241 8, 719, 344 Ginseng pounds. . Glucose and grape sugar do Grain and grain products: (iniin — Barley ba^hels. . Buckwheat do Corn (maize ) do Oats do.... Rve do Wheat do.... Total grain dn Grain jiroducts — Meal and fldur — Corn meal barreLs.. Oatnu'al ." pounds.. Rye flour barrels. . Wheat flour do T< ital meal and flour 154,063 130,419,611 8.56, 515 2, 319, 286 1 15,951,791 1 1, 739. 571 66, 757 1 1,806,328 17,758,119 299, 558 18, 057, 677 151.985 126, 239, 981 796, 008 2,460,022 8,714,268 719,615 2>i, 636, .5.52 9,971,139 2, 697, 863 154, 8.56. 102 3, 995, 303 449, 917 16,185,673 4, 1.53, 238 1,. 581, 491 112,.S75,222 I 8, 74, 4, 5, 114, 429,141 117,953 8i3,237 613, 809 422, 731 181.420 4, 662, .544 75, 713 40,540,637 1,850,728 3,143,910 87,79.5.104 203, .59.5, 539 I 139,240,844 207,598,291 138,068,636 348, 03 1 l,01(;,t;43 59, .516, .512 1,617,298 2,369 8, 403 17,7.59,203 &5, 661, 974 451 , .506 67, 823, 935 3. 7.57 19.716,484 1,;«2,127 1,839,106 12, 818 73, 756, 404 Bran, middlings, and mill feed, tons Malt bushels. . Distillery and brewery refuse, tons . ." ! , Breadstuff preparation.s — Bread and biscuit pounds. . Other 76,990,4.55 r.04, 136 2, 205, 018 Total breadstuff preparations All other j Total grain jiroducts 2,809,1.51 I 629,797 I 74, KM), 394 Total grain and grain prod- ucts 213, 401, 238 49, 513 347, 147 73,104 945, a53 252, 801 1,320,065 11, 104, .575 .589 .5:«5 2, tW7, 409 3, 256, »15 661,131 83, 426, 4.50 ■221,4*5.086 16 Dumaiir EX I'OKTS of' fnnn nml l'i>rej'■' ' ."'OJ — Continueti. Year ending June 30— lvxp|*« l-iUIld-. . LJi>, n!cnliiili> lUst: — .\ iiiehuling eolopu- >pint- pnx)f gallonK. . Brandy do Rum do Whi«ky— I K«i'url>on do Kyu do.. ..I Total whiKky do ttilnr do I Total d!stlUe, ,.\V 24,077 1.095,401 1903. Quantiiv \'iilui Dollars. IS. 001 2.580,622 1 . .'vV). Ct-'u .....iM 50,974 7, 794, 705 611,518 155.046 Mai! I gallons.. li»i I It U doeen q iia rt.s . . 766. 564 117,02.i S22. ti99 913.77- Total ntalt liquors. 90, 769 1.199,293 1,290,062 Win. i'. giillons. . .dozen <^mrt«i. . 9"_".', 'JOO 10,952 407,345 42,980 Total wine.s. 4.50, 325 Toul alcoholic liquors I 4.413,662 ..•r»i. I .Srr Liquors, alcoholic. ) -i....l ..I ..t,.i.|..: • X pressed — ' \ '.'.'.'.'.'. «>li,i r Total flxitl or r-xprcsw-d Volatile, or cMKontial — I'.- Ut Totiil volatile, or i-wu-ntiiil Total vcgelalilc oi!- 4,266,398 33,042,848 102,116 1,769,370 12,992,393 68.617 I 220,372 . 15.050,752 3.5, (.-12, 994 182, 330 DoUarn. 15, 294 S2S. 48;i 1,9(»9.951 1 -20. 697 , 23, .510 is, 117 19,213 1,0%, 719 1,458,393 169, Wm: liM.j;;.. 203, 137 22;{. 4 SO 273, 6:« 426.7.179 1,990.091 400,072 759,027 95, 758 1.0S2.982 1,178.740 67S. 1.% 5, 232 290. 5.52 24.624 315, 176 — 3,4>«,007 158,9.59 oil i-ake and (;, 980 594, 73.! 373, 040 315, 556 Total grass seed .\11 other seeds Total seeds Spices Spirits, distilled. (*'ee Liquors, alcoholic.) Starch po\inds.. Straw Sugar, molasses, an0, 612 667, 7(il 1,228,373 2, .546, 287 19,754 I 8,439 . QuaniMv 51,622,370 4, 128, 130 15, 522, .527 18,289,917 27,759,599 3,413,387 12,265,295 99,101 10, 121,055 10,520,156 357,496,342 10, 687, 742 368,184,084 232,841 145, 509 843, 075 103,417 Value. Dollars. 532, 732 5, 698, 492 1,549,687 853, 829 581,773 2, 985, 289 238, 770 9,455,283 36, 787 832, 943 1,747 492, 260 1,714,899 3,545 358, 537 362, 082 2,569,241 34,2.58 34,972,033 278, 860 35, 250, 893 530,875 116,624 ■552, 533 1,221,425 1,200,032 ; 597 759 745, 697 1 313 4.56 I 2,543,488 18,072 24.524 606,297,682 1 657,482,198 288,012 4,929 239,786 5, 118 4,202,104 .55, 8.54 44, a56 7,431,248 23,964,498 18,622 15,972 16, 378, 787 4,817,205 .50,802 36. 379 8,014,32-2 11, 733, .562 12,918,708 "Chictly pickles, sauces, and relishes, but including also some fresh vegetables. 15574—04 2 IS Ikjt^rMi. I \ lltl; I «s ■^ '!';> •niriii>l the (h'Cttl HXfmJtU-il (ifulUrU. ri 1' ;■ 4."m«;.728 7, 4I.J. Ill T«Mtiil «tii%*r««n. 16J. l.> 1 M . 916. 363 ToIaI wimmI 44.672,2m Wood t»: . .|«I> 1-, •.'^■', .'•! •>-2 4«.4,472 445.228 T |«ri"liii I* 68,281,124 1,.,>,. ... •■' ....ii..r inchidInK fiift^t pr- ,., ■ -- 6.V..2a'..446 71.1. 763. S-^J 1 WV7.11S.63S --- 878.479.4.'il Tcrtal Includitiir iiiiiuiinutmrturvd wood mil fiM.-\vhere speclflcd. PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF FOREIGN MARKETS. Bulietim (to bo procured, nt ilif prices indicated, inmi tlie Siiperiutendent of Documents, Union Buildinpr, Wnsliinstou, D. C): Xo. 1.— Croat Hritain and Irolaiul. I'rice (including supplement), 10 cents. No. 'J.— Tlio tiornnui Empire. Price, 5 cents. No. 3.— Franco. Trice. 5 cents. No. -1. — Canada. Price, .5 cents. No. 5.— Xotlu'rlands. Price, 5 cents. No. 6. — BolKium. Price, 5 cents. No. 7. — Norway. Price, 5 cents. No. 8. — Sweden. Price, 5 cents. No. 9. — Trade of Denmark. Price, 5 cents. No. 10. — Our Foreign Trade in Agricnltaral Products during tlio F'ive Fiscal Years 1893-1«97. Price, S cents. No. 11. — .'^pain's Foreign Trade. Price, 5 cents. No. 12.— Our Trade with Spain, 1888-1897. Price, 'i cents. No. 13.— Trade of Puerto Rico. Price, 5 cents. No. 14.— Trade of the Philippine Islands. Price, 10 cents. No. 15.— Our Foreign Trade in Agricultural Products, 1894-1898. Price, 6 cents. No. 16.— Distribution of the Agric\iltnral K.xports of the United States, 1894-1898. Price, 10 cents. No. 17.— .Sources of the Agricultural Import •; an of April 17. ls9.').nud Our Possibilities of Trade with those Countries. ( Exliausted. i No. 6.— Imports and Expiorts for 18j:f, 1894, ami 189.5. (Exhausted.) No. 7. — Extension of Markets for American Feed Stuffs. No. 8.— The Manchester District of England as a Market for American Products. No. 9.— Imports and Exports for 1.S9:?, 1894. 1S9.5, and ls%. (Exhausted. ) No. 10.— Course of Wheat Production and Exportation in the United Stato-s, Canada, .Argentina, Uruguay, Ilus.sia, and British India from to isoi!. No. 11. — Agricultural Products Imported an0 .. I*rin<'>'-'1 Vfri.iniunil IiiiiM.ris ,,f il],- T'liited s-tatos durlug the Fivi- Yours Kxlmu- (In- iriiu ijai Acrnii/niriii i xjKinv ••! the I'nitod States during ilif Kive Kvhiuif-Ii-d.) ' Amerieuli I'nnluets. ;r Trade with t"uU» from 1887 lo 1^97. ■ ! Stai«-« Wheat for Eastern Asia. nil (.'omiiuTce Irom 1^^T to l^y7. i-Huiifrar>' ** * Factor in the World's (Jraiii Trade; Recent Use of American Wheat .:tiir»il luiiiort» and Export.*, Iv.i:t-lhy7. Iturul lini«ortsaiid ExiHirts, l^»^-1^98. I'tural ImiMirts and Exj>orts, 18»&-1899. 1 Iuii«irt.s and Ext>orts, 1S9«.-1900. .; luijKjri* and Exports, l^lt7-1901. No. i-.. — »nir Foreijin Trade in Aj;ricultural I'roduct.-, \wi. No. *. — Belgium's Foreie" Tru.!.- in Ag^rioultiiral Products for I90r2. i