■■ at^^f^ij^C!. New York, "D Appl LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. FRANCIS BRINLEY. NEW YORK : APPLETON AND COMPANY, 443 & 445 BKOADWAY. LONDON: 16 LITTLE BRITAIN. M.DCCC.LX. Enteked, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, By D. APPLETON &. CO., In the Clerk's OfiSce of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. THE FUIENDS OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE HIS BKOTHERS, (injb iolume IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY FRANCIS BRINLEY. Boston, March 1.3, 1S60. ivii6922 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Ancestry of William T. Porter. — Samuel Porter of England. — Colonel Asa Porter, graduate of Harvard College. — Merchant in Newbury- port. — Marries Mehitable Crocker. — Removes to Haverhill, N. H. — His estate on Connecticut River. — The Crocker Family. — Gov. Went- vrorth. — Colonel Porter's fondness for fine horses. — ^Arthur Liver- more.— Children of Colonel Porter.— Judge Farrand. — Thomas W. Thompson. — Miles Olcott.^ — Benjamin Porter. — Governor Peter Olcott. Newbury, Vt. — David Johnson. — William C. Thompson. — William Trotter. — Letters of Benjamin Porter, father of William T. — Daniel Webster. — Jasper Murdock.— George Blake. — Death of Benjamin Porter. — Rev. Dr. Shurtleth. — Dr. Muzzey. — Death of Col. Porter and his wife.— Description of Hanover, N. H. — Moore's Indian Charity School, and its preceptor A. F. Putnam. — William T. Porter a pupil. — His youthful habits. — School days. — William reads a life of Franklin, and resolves to be a printer. — Enters an office at An- dover, Mass. — His first visit to Boston.^ — Death of his mother. — Dr. T. 0. Porter. — Judge Perley. — Rufus Choate. — Obituary of Hon. Miles Olcott, 1 CHAPTER n. William T. Porter commences life as editor of " The Farmer's Herald," St. Johnsbury, Vt.— Removes to Norwich, Conn., and edits " The Enquirer."— Goes to New York.— Horace Greeley. — Mr. Porter estab- VI CONTENTS. lishes " The Spirit of the Times " in 1831. — Paper so named by his brother Benjamin.— State of feeling as to Sports of the Turf.— Intro- duction of racing in this country.— John Neal.— Maryland and South Carolina. — Prices of prime horses. — Friends of the Turf.— New York Jockey Club.— Mr. Porter's visit to the South and West. — George Porter. — Origin of Mr. Porter's sobriquet, " York's Tall Son." 32 CHAPTER III. New York Jockey Club. — Turf Convention proposed. — Argument of George Porter on a betting question. — Letter of Miles Olcott. — " The Spirit of the Times," a coveted name. — Subscription raised from five to ten dollars. — " The Turf Register." — Race of Boston and Charles Carter. — Letter from J. S. Skinner. — Description of the early members of the Turf Register, as edited by Mr. Porter.— Frank Forester, a name suggested by George Porter. — Cypress, Jr., N. of Arkansas. — Eng- lish Sporting periodicals. — Mr. Porter goes South, . . 54 CHAPTER lY. " The Corsair" published by Dr. T. 0. Porter aud N. P. Willis.- General Lamar. — He ofi'ers office to Dr. Porter in Texas. — Letter from Daniel Webster. — Barclay Street. — The five Brothers Porter established in New York. — "The Doctor" a good talker. — William Porter's idea of editorial qualifications. — His clear judgment. — His generositj'. — Per- sonal appearance of the Porters. — Frank Monteverde's in Barclay Street.— The house, and its patrons by " the Juvenile," . . 73 CHAPTER V. Report of the Race between Wagner and Grey Eagle by Mr. Porter, lol CHAPTER YI. Raids into his sanctum. — Death of Benjamin Porter.— Numerous accounts of the commissions with which the editor was loaded. — "Big Bear" of Arkansas. — Colonel T. B. Thorpe.— Race Between Sarah Bladen and Luda, and between Grey Medoc, Altorf, and Denizen. — Thorough- bred Colts in Kentucky.— Return of Robert L. Stevens from Europe.— Change in the proprietorsliip of the " Spirit of (lie Times."— John Richards, " The Governor." — Profit aud Loss account, . . 137 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII, Race of Boston and Fashion.— George Porter removes to New Orleans, and becomes assistant editor of the Picayune. — Francis T. Porter. — He joins George in New Orleans, and is associated with the Picayune's reports of races.— Letter from Hon. Alexander Porter. — Foot races of Gilderslceve and Greenholgh. — Remarks on them by N. P. Willis. — In 1845, the subscription price of the Spirit reduced from ten to five dollars, its original price. — Article by Mr. Porter in support of the Turf.— Original American sketches substituted for articles from British periodicals. — His " Curiosity Shop."—" Presentation of Plate " to the editor. — Mr. Porter publishes a volume of sketches taken from his paper, and edits " Hawker on Guns and Shooting." — New York Yacht Club. — Mr. Blunt's eloquence. — " Theatrical Fund Associa- tion," recommended by Mr. Porter.— Death of Judge Duval.— Of John Boardman — Of Alexander Porter — And of Henry Inman.— Inman Gallery.— Letters of Captain W. Seton Henry, during the Mexican War, ....... 150 CHAPTER VIIL Angling, ......... 211 CHAPTER IX. Foreign circulation of the Spirit. — Mr. Porter visits Boston.— Dinner given him at the Norfolk House.^First symptoms of gout. — Death of George Porter in New Orleans. — Letter from Professor Brown, of Dartmouth College, in regard to George. — Notices of his death. — Death of Dr. Porter. — Obituary by Herbert. — Death of Frank Porter in New Orleans.— His letters.— Character.— His visit to Europe. — The effect of Frank's death on William Porter. — His salutatory in 1856. — Leaves the " Old Spirit," and starts " Porter's Spirit of the Times," with George Wilkes, Esq. — Its great success. — Mr. Porter's impaired health.— His death, July (^ 1858.— General expression of sorrow.- Obituaries by " Acorn."- James Oakes, Esq., of Boston. — By George Wilkes, Esq.— Stanzas to his memory by R. S. Chilton, Esq., of Washington.— Motive of the author in preparing this volume, ........ 245 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEE. CHAPTEE I. William Trottek Pok- TEE,"^' third son of Benjamin Porter and Martha Olcott, born in l!^ewbury, Yer- mont, December 24, 1809, was of the eighth genera- tion from Samuel Porter, who emigrated with his wife from the west of England to Plymouth in 1622. Asa Porter, grandfather of William, was born May 26, 1T42, and graduated at Harvard College in 1762. He established himself as a merchant at Kewbury- port, where he married Mehitable, daughter of John * Arms of Porter. — Per Chevron sa. and ar. Three church-bells countcrchanged, each charged with an ermine-spot, also counter- changed. Crest, an antelope's head, erased ar., attired or., collared gu., therefrom on the centre of the neck, a bell pendant, sa. charged with an ermine-spot ar. 1 2 LITE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER, Crocker, Esq.* Tlie love of adventure, and the restless activity of the men of those days in plans for better- ing their condition, induced many of the inhabitants in the immediate neighborhood of Newburyport to seek new homes and larger possessions in the Coos Country, wdiicli was even then celebrated for the fer- tility of its vast meadows and the richness of its grand intervals. Col. Porter yielded to the impulse, and some time prior to 1780, removed to Haverhill, IST. H., having purchased a valuable tract of land near the Little Oxbow, on the Eastern bank of the Connecti- cut River, where, upon one of its fairest and most graceful sweeps, which his trained eye selected as a spot susceptible of attractive ornament and profitable culture, he built a durable and ample mansion, that * He was a direct descendaut from William Crocker, who came from England to this country about 1630. John Crocker was remark- able for his fine form and manly beauty, as well as for great moral purity of life and character. He was " nimble and blithe as a child, and up to the time of his death, without the stoop of age ; everybody loved him." Mary, his wife, was a daughter of Thomas Savage, whose father (H. C. 1659) married Hannah, daughter of the Hon. Edward Tyng, May 8, 1661. Of the other daughters of Mr. Tyng, Mary mar- ried Gov. Searl, of Barbadoes ; Rebecca married Gov. Joseph Dudley, of Massachusetts ; and Eunice married the Rev. Samuel Willard, Presi- dent of Harvard College. The Crockers are descended from Sir John Crocker, Knight, cup- bearer to Edward IV., who was from a branch of the house of Crocker, of Lyncham, in the County of Devon ; a name so eminent that there is an old proverbial distich, or as Prince calls, an old saw, recording its antiquity : " Crocker, Cruwys, and Coplestone, When the Conqueror came, were at home." Worthies of Devon, p. 274 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEE. 6 to this day commands the admiration of the traveller. His removal to a comparatively remote and unsettled part of the country, which, no later than 1754, the Legislature of Xew Hampshire designated as a region " hitherto unknown," would of itself establish his character for vigorous enterprise. Here amidst magnihcent scenery, grew up a well- trained and intellectual family, whose home was the favorite resort of the cultivated and refined. Col. Porter was a model of affability and dignity ; never laying aside the garb or the deportment of a gentle- man of the old school, but always preserving his courtly air and address without sacrificing a particle of his self-reliant energy and fearlessness. He is described by one, who remembers him, as " slow to anger, of a forgiving disposition and kind to the poor. In civility and politeness excelled by none." In reli- gion he was an Episcopalian, in politics a Royalist, and as he wrote to Lord Dorchester, " severely felt the resentment of that part of his countrymen which then prevailed, and suffered greatly in his person and property ; " in consideration of which he received from the Crown a grant of the township of Broome, in Canada. Indeed, his landed estate was immense, and has been estimated as high as one hundred thou- sand acres. At one time he owned a large part of Topsham, Yermont, and extensive tracts in neighbor- ing towns. He claimed, also, the town of Woodstock, Yermont, and was offered a crown ($1.10) per acre, to compromise his claim ; but with characteristic tenacity of purpose, he refused the offer, and held to 4 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. his title until it was ultimately decided against liim. Most of the lands of New Hampshire and Yermont, about the middle of the last century, and somewhat later, were held by the Crown, and grants were made to individuals ; though nominally made by the Crown, in many cases, the names of the grantees were inserted by the Governor. Col. Porter frequently had a direct interest in such grants ; but more commonly, he pur- chased the rights of the grantees for a small consid- eration. One of the provisions of these grants was, that five hundred acres in each township were re- served to the Governor. Col. Porter became the owner of many of these tracts, called the " Governor's Rights," and sometimes, " Governor's Corners." As an illustration of his persevering enterprise it may be stated that to fulfil a contract with the British Govern- ment for building a bridge at Quebec, he accompanied liis men on foot from Haverhill to that city. He did not look like one capable of the efi'ort, but he had hardened himself by keeping up the habits of gentle- men of that time, who accustomed themselves to robust exercise, and he was therefore able to accom- plish an undertaking apparently much beyond Ihs strength, without serious inconvenience. Pride and policy may have stimulated him to encounter the fatigue of this journey on foot, since, according to a French proverb, " II est aise d'aller a pied quand on tient son cheval par la bride ;" and though he had a select stable, he preferred to walk on the occasion as an encouragement to his men. In truth his passion for fine liorses was not inferior LIFE OF WILLIAJSI T. POKTER, O to his ambition for ample fields. He spared no pains in purchasing blood of pure strain. Some of his best stock was obtained of his friend Gov. Wentworth, that rare sportsman and accomplished gentleman, who did much to improve the breed of horses in New Hampshire, at his princely establishment at Wolfs- borough, on the shores of Lake Winnipiseogee. Though Col. Porter was a devoted Eoyalist, he did not inherit that faith, his father being a zealous Whig. There is an amusing testimony to the fact in the records of the Committee of Safety of New Hamp- shire, as it seems that the son was apprehended on suspicion of Toryism about the year 1777, and dis- charged from arrest on giving bond in the sum of £500 that he would repair forthwith to his father in Boxford, and not depart from his farm for the term of one year, except to attend divine service on the Lord's day. The Committee may have been over- zealous ; at any rate he was ever faithful and loyal to the new government, under whose protection he lived and prospered for so many years. It is a family tradition that during the revolution business obliged him to visit Boston. He set off in his own sleigh, which had the arms of England em- blazoned upon the back. As he drove into town, he was surprised to find his sleigh an obnoxious mark of attraction ; while vociferous threats soon warned him of the cause of the unexpected hostility. At first he was inclined to pay no other heed to it than start- ing up his horses a little ; but multiplied volleys of missiles and of words admonished him to take counsel 6 LIFE OF WILLIAjyi T. PORTEK. of his discretion, and he stopped at a painter's shop and had the obnoxious blazonry effaced. On his re- turn home, his wife was at the door to welcome him. She soon perceived the discoloration of the back of the sleigh, and with ready intuition divined the cause. She was of remarkable spirit, and entered into the political faith of her husband with all the animation of her character. She ordered her women to bring soap and brushes, and without a thought of the cold air, or too tender regard for her own fair hands, she picked her way on her little high-heels to the sleigh, and never stopped scrubbing until the old Lion and the Unicorn reappeared " fighting for the crown," as fresh as on the day they parted from her loyal eyes. Arthur Livermore, Esq.,* now of Missouri, in writing of Col. Porter to Mrs. Brinley, says : " He was beyond dispute a man of a good deal of charac- ter. I hardly know whether I can with propriety say to you, his descendant, wdiat I have very often said to those who have known you all as I have known you ; that Col. Porter has given this proof of having been thoroughbred^ as we say of a horse, that he im- pressed upon all his posterity, through several gen- erations, verv remarkable common characteristics ; * Son of Judge Arthur Livermore, and grandson of the eminent Judge Samuel Livermore. The latter went to New Hampshire simul- taneously with Col. Porter, and purchased an estate at Ilolderness, where, amidst the most romantic lake scenery, he built a mansion- house, which would be conspicuous for stateliness even in these days of ambitious architecture. LIFE OF \VILLIA]\I T. POETEK. 7 marks that distinguish them from all others. This is said neither in the way of flattery nor disparagement, nor with any purpose to be personal. He was from all accounts a gentleman. His associations were with such. His daughters married gentlemen, and his sons, gentlewomen. In person he has been described to me as a spare man, and to have been in the habit of wearing a good overcoat of sable skins on one side and scarlet cloth on the other. He was accustomed to say that it was a foolish thing to try to brave the cold. The right way was to guard well against it by abundant clothing." By his marriage Col. Porter had six children, John, Benjamin, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Moses. The daughters were brilliant and accomplished women, receiving their education at Kewburyport and Boston. The Judicial Courts for the northern part of New Hampshire were held at Haverhill Corner, about seven miles south of Col. Porter's, and the attrac- tions of his daughters, his generous hospitality and reputed wealth, brought the members of the bar lo his house in goodly numbers ; some of them prosecuted their suits with success, for the three daughters married gentlemen of the legal profes- sion ; Mary, the Hon. Judge Farrand ; Elizabeth, the Hon. Thomas W. Thompson ; and Sarah, the Hon. Mills Olcott. Col. Porter's son Benjamin, so named for his an- cestor, Benjamin Crocker, Esq., was born at New- buryport, July 13, 1771, and on the 11th of October, 8 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. 1800, Avas married to Martha, daughter of Gov. Peter Olcott,* of Korwich, Vt., and established himself in the law at ISTewbnrj^, in that State. The town of Newbiny occnj^ies a natural terrace above the broad, rich sweej) of the meadows, flanked on the westerly side bj a high, wooded, almost per- pendicular ridge called Mt. Pulaski, which, in that direction, serves to the village as a kind of dbat-vent to keep off the keen blasts of the early spring. Tow- ards the other points of compass, the horizon widens into great beauty and grandeur, embracing a chain of hills forming the lower elevations of the White Mountains, which can be traced from the top of Mt. Pulaski, in all their diversity of shape and coloring, until they unite with Mts. Washington and Lafayette ; the pale, spectral pinnacles of those thaw- less snow-peaks being clearly discerned from ISTew- bury as sharply cut against the sky as on the day I^oah removed the covering from the ark. Towards the south the prospect lies open • to a length of the Connecticut Yalley, " the asylum of love and philoso- phy," as well as of labor and comfort ; its velvet car- pets of greensward dotted over with groups of majes- tic trees and grazing cattle, hemmed in by the naked crests of New Hampshire and the undulating ranges of the Green Mountains, and apparently terminating * Gov. Olcott was of the sixth generation in descent from Thomas Olcott, a merchant in London, who emigrated with his wife, a daughter of David Porter, Esq., of that city, to Connecticut. He brought with him the experience and fruits of successful enterprise, and was one of •lie founders of the commerce of that Colony. LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETER. \) at the foot of Ascutney, which stands out against the southern sky like the fragmentary w^alls of some colos- sal barrier, to guard it from the outer world ; its loftiest points kindling into spires of gold, while the soft gray shadows of night are yet lying upon the valley. Here, among these meadows, blue hills, and wide sky, the lives of William T. Porter and his brothers took their shape and coloring. Their home included the firesides of father and grandfather, so closely were they united by the tenderest of ties, both marked by the same unaffected tone of polite life, enlarged hospi- tality, love of out-of-door existence, and study of the best authors. Benjamin Porter, their father, was a man of vigorous stamp. A keen observer, a sound lawyer, active and energetic in his practice, with con- tinual opportunities, even in that retired portion of the country, for the display of acumen and learning in disentangling the legal perplexities, and conduct- ing the controversies in which his father had neces- sarily become involved during a long and busy life in a community where land titles were undetermined, and the conflicting claims of settlers, tenants, and proprietors were the subjects of frequent and pro- tracted litigation. Indeed, his large-heartedness, popu- lar manners, and strict integrity secured the friendship of numerous clients at home and abroad, and the con* fidence of all who were brought within the range of his manly influence. " He was about the same height as his father," writes one of his neighbors, David Johnson, Esq., still living at the advanced age of 1* 10 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. eighty-two, " but more fleshy and of a larger frame, and was what may be called a handsome, well-built man, more familiar in his habits and intercourse with his neighbors than his father. A very active busi- ness man, benevolent, free, and oj^en hearted. He had a very charming, lovely, and amiable wife." Wm. C. Thompson, Esq., a nephew of Mr. Porter, thus writes of his uncle's appearance when in the prime of life : " Both Mr. and Mrs. Porter were very handsome persons ; more so than either of their chil- dren, and this is saying much. Mr. Porter's form was like his son Ben's, but taller, more active, and muscu- lar. He had a round, frank voice, and, as I remember him when I was a boy, was particularly pleasant and kind to children. He lived in a liberal and hospitable style, inheriting his father's tastes for owning lands, and farms, and capital horses." Mrs. Porter was a beautiful and attractive woman, remarkable for her dignity of character and ease of manners. She had irrepressible buoyancy of temper, united to the kindest sympathies, and a goodness that lives in the hearts of many to this late day, who never speak of her but with tears of reverence and grateful love. To fit his children for the ends and aims of life, Mr. Porter employed judicious teachers of both sexes under his own roof, until they were old enough to be sent from home to school, and at every opportunity of leisure from the exactions of professional labor, gave them his personal instruction. About this time, 1812, William was taking his first lessons in spelling, LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 11 under the paternal roof, from one of the most amiable of teachers, who afterwards married William Trotter, Esq., an especial friend of Mr. Porter, and for whom he named his son.* Mr. Porter was a capital horseman, and was every day more or less in the saddle as his engagements would permit. In early life he was in the habit of making long journeys on horseback, as was the fashion of the day, starting off for Quebec, Boston, or New York, with less bustle of preparation than in these days of rapid locomotion, although the time occupied in one of those old-fashioned horseback expeditions seems now almost incredible. In one of his letters dated Newbury, Dec. 3, 1798, addressed to his sister Sarah, then at school in Boston, he writes : " To have spent the evening of my return home, after a seventeen days' journey, in the society of my dear sister, would, to say the least, have been happier than some hours of the way. My route mostly by water to Quebec, was as rapid as I could have desired, but my journey home was as in- clement as the season. Not an inch without pain, not a step without a groan. Thus for two successive winters I have made this journey (expeditions of little moment at a moderate season), when hardly a human * She is still living to recall with melancholy interest those days of childhood at Newbury, She assures us that William's desire to make a figure in life was in him from the start, for when playfully asked, be- fore he could speak plain, what profession he intended to adorn when he became a man, he invariably replied, drawing himself up with dig- nity, " I intend to preach to make the peoples dood." 12 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POUTER. beino- could stir from the fireside from the severity of the weather." In the following allusion to one of his female friends at Quebec, in the same letter, we get at the whole heart of the man : " The specimen of your painting, dear S., so long promised to my friend Mrs. W., could hardly be dispensed with, considering the long friendship and thousand civilities to Papa and myself. I could only renew the promise that my next visit should bear it to her. Pardon me, ye belles of Quebec, if I felt more regret at leaving this good, old, sensible, thoroughbred, Christian, New England woman than all the tine faces your town can boast ; and were I for the example of some darling fiivor- ite of your sex to describe the good wife and agreeable friend, my pen would point involuntarily to Mrs. W." He closes his letter with some wholesome advice, which is quite as pertinent in these days of ultra re- finement in the education of the daughters of the land as at the time he wrote : " Col. W. tells me that his daughter already speaks very good French. This is all. very well for Miss W., as she is to reside in town. But I declare, dear S., I do not believe it will be ever asked of a girl who lives one hundred and fifty miles from salt water, and who reads with pro- priety, spells correctly, writes handsomely, and com- poses easily and elegantly in good old English, whether she pronounces French a la mode. There are in my humble opinion many other both mental and personal accomplishments, together with a long list LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 13 of domestic attainments, much more necessary in a fine woman's education, although in that of a gentle- man it is quite indispensable. I abhor French senti- ments and the hideous tone of French novels ; but I love the language, and am far from wishing with ^Y. that every French fop in this country should starve because he can do nothing better than lisp his mother tongue." In connection with Mr. Porter's journeys to Cana da in the saddle, we are reminded of several in which he was accompanied by Daniel Webster, while the latter was a law student with Mr. Thompson, (brother- in-law of Mr. Porter,) at Salisbury, In 1801-2, Mr. Thompson was accompanied by Mr. Webster to Newbury upon the occasion of one of the former's visits at Mr. Porter's house. Both Mr. and Mrs. Porter became very fond of him, and perhaps among the many pleasant recollections of Mr. Webster's early manhood which served as an animating relief from his first struggles, and afterwards from the toil of a crowded professional life, none were recalled with keener pleasure than his visits to old Cods during the ten years following his first introduction. In anti- cipation of their recurrence, Mr. Porter arranged several horseback journeys to Canada, in which Mr. Webster was to participate, and sometimes as his sole companion. The pleasure they derived from the social qualities of each other, can be readily imagined by those who knew and loved them both. The ripe and instructed mind of the elder friend kept charmed and amused by the originality and buoyant vivacity 14 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. of that great mind which was destined to give light to a nation long after the other had sunk to his rest. In the later years of the life of Mr. Webster he stated to us with marked emphasis and feeling, that Mr. Porter was the most attractive social companion he had ever known. It was during his visits at Mr. Porter's house that the foundation of a friendship was laid which became a source of life-long enjoyment to Mr. Webster. The youthful object of his regard was the orphan niece of Mrs. Porter, the only child of her sister, Sarah Olcott, and the Hon. Jasper Murdock. Upon the death of her parents she was consigned to the care of her grandfather, Gov. Olcott. At the time of Mrs. Porter's marriage she transplanted the beautiful exotic of her family to her own fireside, and scrupulously provided that she should acquire at home and abroad those accomplishments which, united to her eminent personal charms, qualified her to grace and adorn her own distinguished home upon the event of her marriage, June 25, 1810, to Hon. George Blake, of Boston. Many of Mr. Webster's most interesting letters during his early public career, w^ere addressed to her, and are contained in the vol- umes of his correspondence. She died in the prime of her days, a few months following the death of her adopted mother. During the summer of 1817, Mr. Porter first be- came aware of an incipient afiTection of the heart, though only a few weeks previous to the approach of any symptoms of the kind he said to a friend: "I am certain I shall live to a great age. Look LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 15 at my breadth of cliest. I feel long life in every muscle." Pliysicians were consulted at the first apprehen- sion, and by their advice he gave up all business, and retired with his family to one of his farms, where he kept up his almost daily exercise in the saddle, until his increasing infirmities obliged him to discontinue it altogether. He was finally induced in the following summer to try the efi'ect of a journey to Saratoga, where a consultation of eminent physicians was held upon his case. Previous to the consultation his letters evince a sanguine hope of ultimate restoration. Alas ! it was not to be. The decision of the physicians was unfavorable to his hopes, and by slow and painful progress, accompanied by his wife and son Benjamin, he reached Mr. Olcott's at Hanover. It was impossible to go any further. Day by day he became weaker, until all expectation of recovery was abandoned, and his parents and intimate friends were summoned to see him die. The event took place at five o'clock in the afternoon of Sunday, August 2d, 1818. His clergyman, the venerable Dr. Shurtleft', of Hanover, and Dr. Muzzey, his physician, both still living in honorable age, testify to the forti- tude of the dying man. Dr. Shurtleff has within a short time described to us the closing scene, which in solemnity, calm resignation, and tender solicitude for the family of his love, he had never, in his lengthened experience, seen surpassed. He sleeps in the quiet church-yard at Hanover, in compliance with his expressed wish, as he foresaw, 16 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. that to give his eldest son, then in college, the benefit of a home, to secure to his other children the advan- tage of academic training, and at the same time place Mrs. Porter where she could have the immediate counsel and protection of her brother, Mr. Olcott, she would almost of necessity select Hanover for her resi- dence after the death of his parents. Three months after his death, his father died. In a worldly view the death of father and son, so near to each other, was most deeply to be deplored. The former died in the belief that he had great wealth ; but much of his really extensive estate consisted in unproductive tracts of land not readily convertible into money or easily managed. The son had stepped aside from his profession to embark in various enterprises of pith and high promise, which his sudden and long-continued bodily prostration obliged him to surrender or neglect. His large expecta- tions seemed to warrant his extended operations, and if five years more of active life had been vouch- safed to him, and the estate of his father been kept together, his sons, who derived little or no benefit from the vast landed property of their grandfather, would have been rich and independent, and spared the crushing weight of narrow circumstances and dis- appointed hopes. " During the summer of 1821," writes Mrs. Brinley, the youngest daughter of Mr. Porter, " my mother removed to Hanover, having jjurchased a pic- turesque old residence Mdiich occupied the highest site in the village, a few steps from where the LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. lY present observatory stands. It was a large, faded, tranquil-looking, one story house, covering a good deal of ground, of no special color, but mellow with the lapse of time and changing seasons, and had been originally built for one of the presidents of the col- lege. The prospect which it commanded on every side was of wide-spread character, full of variety and heavenly beauty. Even as children we were never tired of looking at the distant blue line of sky, the far-off mountains in the north, the long, low ridge of jagged rocky hills in the rear, and the great purple and gold summits of Ascutney, now almost within arm's length, which we believed to be a celestial highway to the battlements of God's home. Directly opposite to ns, across the rivei*, were our own beloved hills of Vermont, the hills of our birthright, the hills of the setting sun, piled up into the vast heavens, with all their pastures, forests, brooks, clouds, and busy human life. "The village of Hanover was just below us, fresh, compact, and shining as a mosaic, with its venerable college, solemn old church, and clusters of white dwell- ings in a square setting of young elm trees, which lent a grateful shade to the romantic footpaths round the common. A little removed from the village on the westerly side, a narrow, beautifully shaded avenue led gently to the common burying-ground. It was of the genuine New England pilgrim stamp ; its monumen- tal tombs and graves abandoned to weeds and nettles and relentless gloom, inclosed by a plain board fence stained with the damps and moulds of time, hemmed 18 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. in and choked up by the high grass, rank shrubs, and matted ivy which trailed over it. A few stunted trees were scattered here and there, bnt shrivelled into lifeless skeletons, as if unable to resist the inex- orable destiny written all about them. The situa- tion of the old burial place, however, was beautiful, upon the verge of a deep gorge between two hills lined with a thick growth of young forest trees ; over- looking the gently swelling valley, the winding river, and the purple masses of surrounding hill. At this day the spot has participated in the general spirit of improvement of burial places throughout New Eng- land, and is not only ' embosomed soft in trees,' but includes within its limits the wooded gorge which already enshrines within its shaded depths the sleep- ing dust of inestimable worth and virtue. " On my mother's arrival at Hanover, no time was lost in placing her four youngest children, William, George, Frank, and myself, at the prominent school of the town, which was then connected with Dart- mouth College, the President of the College being ex officio President of the Academy. This school was originally established for the education of Indian youths, and the corporate name was ' Moore's Indian Charity School,' but for many years it had been open to pupils of both sexes on payment of a small tuition fee. The Dominie, Archelaus F. Putnam, (Scholse Moorensis Preceptor, as appears in the Dartmouth College Catalogue,) presided over the destinies of that institution, only known to me and to the rest of his pupils by the familiar name of ' Old Put^ I LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. 19 never knew from wliat part of the zodiac lie radiated, who gave him birth, who taught him Greek and Latin, whether he was or was not the namesake of the lineal descendant of the second son of the Judean Governor who was driven out of his dominions for his cruelty ; whether he was Orthodox or Heterodox ; whether he believed in Simon Magus, who prescribed lively bodily mortification from a notion that it had a happy influence in enlarging the mind, or sided with Hierax, who regarded children, " till the age of reason," as outcasts from heaven, and to be treated as young rebels or sinners ; or sympathized with that sect which sprung up in Italy in 1260, taking their name from the Latin Jlagello, and maintaining stoutly that a brisk application of the whip on the shoulders was of equal virtue with the sacraments ; but of the personal appearance of the Dominie, I have a distinct impression. He was an emaciated, narrow-chested man, above the medium height, with a pale, rigid face — eyes inexorable and full of danger, though chafed into a sick and pale dimness, with a mouth that vibrated betwixt a snappish irritability and an evident attempt to appear undisturbed, and at times even jocular. With the utmost diligence in our studies, and the closest observance of the rules of the school, it was impossible to escape the humili- ating blows of a mahogany ruler, which carried out the bent of his humor from day to day, by capricious hammerings of our sacred persons, that in time threatened to break down the stoutest heart amongst us. 20 LIFE OF -WILLI A.M T. PORTER. " Instinct and intellect, however, were quickened by its liglitning strokes down to their secret springs of inspiration, and vigorous progress was the result in every department. The very atmosphere of old Darmouth at that period communicated a sturdy emu- lation in both parents and children. Scholarship was the all-in-all creed of the day. Infants were expected to lisp Greek before the appearance of their first tooth — the very air was said to be freighted with Lysbian lyrics, and precedents of rare excellence among the graduates of the college were forever kept before the eyes of old and young. Tlie whole coun- try ringing with the fame of Mr. Webster, and the e very-day presence of Mr. Choate, then a tutor in college, in the rich bloom of his personal beauty, with a reputation more circumscribed but not less commanding within its sphere of display than the fame which surrounded him at the day of his death, gave impulse and courage to every young ambitious spirit within sound of the college or acade- my bell. " During these years of unflagging industry, "Wil- liam made great progress in his studies; and though often detected with a volume of Dr. Fox, or the Complete Angler, within the leaves of his Virgil, he was considered ' up to his work ' in Greek and Latin, and ranked high as a scholar. Out of school at that time he was always reading. He re- membered well and accurately what he read, and in the selection of books from the college library, to w LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. 21 preference for works of stirring action and the biog- raphies of enterprising men. " In appearance he was very striking, remarkably handsome and tall for his years, promising, if time kept on, to reach the ' supreme pitch ' of old Fried- rich Wilhelm's Life-guard Regiment of Foot. " Roughness and coarseness, such as are common even to most well-trained boys, were entirely out of his line. We do not recollect to have ever seen him angry, thougli he could plant his foot down occasionally in the shape of an opinion equal to the Dominie. His character at this age was the same as when he came to manhood, generous, un- selfish, modest, truthful, cheerful, always retaining the credulity and simplicity of a child. An utter inability to j)i"onounce the monosyllable no was the only loose screw in his organization. To utter it in good standfast fashion, and thereby cause disappointment and perplexity to another, was as impossible as to add another cubit to his stature. It lay at the foundation of his few mistakes in life, and Avas the only source of regret that threw a shade over his beaming spirit from his cradle to the grave. " In 1823 the discipline of the Dominie began to tell unfavorably upon all of us, particularly upon George, whose temperament being sanguine and ex- citable, rendered him more sensitive and restless under the forcing system than William. George was a manly type of a boy, with blonde complexion, broad forehead, and eyes of rare significance ; tall 22 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TORTPIR. for his age, with an unmistakable look of deter- mination written all over him. Of more robust intellect than William, high spirited, not easily man- aged, thoroughly sweet-tempered, clear-headed, his character from first to last bore the same impress — a transparent simplicity, overlying a foundation of strength and decision. He had an instinctive abhorrence of chastisement, and rather than run the risk of being struck, would strain forward like a thorough-bred, at the risk of life and limb. Those who were most sensitive to the blows of the Domi- nie, and could be forced forward fastest, stood al- ways most in danger from them. George had often won the first fruits of ambition and perseverance, and was one of the leading advertisements of the school. The ruler must not relax. Exasperated and worn down at last, his sleep became disturbed by a kind of nightmare, which threatened his health so seri- ously, as to open my mother's eyes, as well as those of the whole village, to the severities of the school, and ended in his being sent to an academy at Haverhill, N. H., where he remained for years, until transferred to Meriden, previous to his entering college. His emancipation had the effect to unsettle the rest of us, and gave rise to a very general idea that the long-talked-of royal road to learning was to be sought out for our especial solace. William shared in the hallucination, and permitted his mind to run riot with an idea suggested by the life of Dr. Franklin, which he was then reading for the fiftieth time, that if he could persuade my mother to LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 23 give up the prestige of Alma Maters for him, he could start off upon the great venture of life in a printing office without the necessity of going to school another day. She, however, refused to give the proposition a single thought, sympathizing very clearly with the venerable Yicar when Moses pro- posed to set out in gosling-green waistcoat to face the snares of a crafty world. " Soon after this she had the opportunity, during one of Mr. Thompson's visits at Hanover, to con- sult him, together with Mr. Olcott, about William's change of school, and, in connection with the sub- ject, she mentioned his recent proposition. To her astonishment they both advised her to let the boy have his way; at all events to let him make the trial. Time went on. Conversations were held upon the subject. The uncles argued, and William urged and promised, until she finally surrendered her prejudices, and yielded a reluctant assent. Every efibrt was made to find the most unexceptionable office in New England for his novitiate, and it was finally determined that Messrs. Elagg and Gould's printing establishment at Andover, Mass., ofi'ered the fewest objections, and held out more advantages than any other, especially when viewed through the pious medium of her mind. It was at that time the foun- tain-head of Bibles, tracts, and religious works. The conductors were men of well-known exemplary lives, residing in a theology-imbibing atmosphere, and where, from the general idea I derived as a child of the religious character of the place, I supposed that 24 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. the Commandments and Catecliism could be seen with the naked eye upon the ' pages of the air.' " He soon after left in the mail stage for Andover ; his letters came in due time, informing us of his safe arrival, good health, and agreeable surroundings. The first Tlianksgiving festival which came round, he passed in Boston at Mr. Blake's. This was his lirst and happy experience of city life, under circumstances which he recalled with fresh delight as long as he lived. Twenty-two years afterwards he alludes to that joyous time, and almost with a sigh as he closes an article styled ' An Hour at Old Drury.' ' We plead guilty to a weakness for the sports of the circus which has grown with our growth, and we can laugh at the jokes of Mr, Merry man with as hearty a gusto as when our coats were minus the tails ; like the re- perusal of Arabian Nights and Kobinson Crusoe, with- out an effort they carry us back to the days when, if we knew less, perhaps we were more happy.' He repeated his visit to Boston the following summer, and had the pleasure of accompanying Mr. Blake, who was an expert angler, to the cape, where he fished in the celebrated Marshpee Brook, ' the best trout stream,' he wrote in 18-iO, ' in which it was ever our good fortune to wet a line.' " His first return to Hanover was in April, 1825, in consequence of my mother's illness. She died on the morning of the 4th of the following month, of rapid consumption, in the presence of all her children, ex- cepting my brother, the Doctor, who was in Georgia. The day previous to her deatli, with a clear and cheer- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. 25 ful mind, as if about to take leave of us for a tempo- rary absence, she distributed tokens of her love, and gave such parting words of direction and encourage- ment as our age and circumstances required, setting forth to her sons the necessity of every manly virtue to carry them safely and honorably through life. She tenderly reminded us that she was only going away from us for a little time — a little before — going liome^ where there would be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying ; and then drawing us all closely about her, in words that cannot be remembered, except as they left an impression upon our hearts ' deeper than all love,' she breathed her last prayer for us on earth. " Eeligion in her household had been conscientious- ly taught, but it was her firm, consistent, courageous, silent example, which made an undying impression upon her children. " However full and diversified the after life of her sons, through all their trials and temptations, pleas- ures and triumphs of one kind and another, amidst the congenialities of genial and oftentimes hazardous companionship ' bullying in upon them in masses,' they never outgrew the influences stamped upon their souls when under her care. " We saw her carried upon a bier, and laid by the side of our father, and in a few weeks afterwards we were all cut adrift from the home anchorage for- ever. " Benjamin returned to Boston, William to An- dover, while George and Frank pursued their prepara- tory studies for college at Haverhill and Meriden." 2 26 LIFE OF WILLIAISI T. PORTER. Dr.. Poi-ter, the eldest brother of William T. Por- ter, graduated at Dartmouth College in 1822. His friend and classmate Mr. Chief Justice Perley, of Concord, N. H., thus writes of him in a letter to Mrs. Brinley, Sept. 28, 1859 : " I was very intimately acquainted with your brother, Dr. Porter. "When I entered college as a freshman in Sept. 1818, I found him then a member of the class. He was then, I think, sixteen years old, and had already reached nearly, if not quite, his full stature of six feet. He was then of a slender figure, very erect, and very brisk and alert in all his movements, full of viva- city and spirit ; a general favorite in college on account of his amiable disposition, his winning manners, and agreeable conver- sation. He was not a severe student of the regular college studies ; but a keen observer of all that was passing around him, very well informed on general subjects, and wholly free from all inclination to vice or low dissipation. He left college with the reputation of a young man likely to achieve a brilliant success in any department of practical life that he might select. Soon after he left college he went to Virginia, and afterwards to Georgia, and was absent from New England about five years. In Nov., 1827, 1 went to Hanover to try my chances in the law, and found your brother there, just returned from Georgia, and attending the medical lectures in the college. I saw much of hira while he remained there, which I think was about two years, and found him little changed in character or manners from the man from whom I had parted five years before. He had, however, made great advances in general knowledge, and adopted more settled views in life. " Your father had died before I knew any of the family. Your mother did not remove from Newbury until some time after the Doctor entered college, and I did not become acquainted with her until near the end of my college course. I was, however, well acquainted with her afterwards, and am under obligations to LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. 27 her kindness, which I trust I shall never forget. She had many- points of resemblance to her brother, your uncle Olcott,* his wit, * At the time of Mr. Olcott's death, an obituary appeared in the " New York Observer," written by the late Rev. George Bush, of that city, formerly a private tutor in tlie family of Mr. Olcott, so masterly in delineation, that the Hon. Rufus Choate (a son-in-law of Mr. Olcott) considered" it a more faithful portrait than the skilful pencil of any Umner could produce. The influence of such a man standing in the relationship which he did to the five brothers Porter, from their boy- hood to the hour of his death, was beyond calculation. He was their beau ideal of all that constituted a gentleman in the highest sense of that term. They loved and honored him through life with the devo- tion of children, regarding a word of commendation from his lips with more delight than from any other human source, while a hint intended to convey a shade of merited rebuke filled them with unspeakable re- gret. It is impossible to observe the outlines of Mr. Olcott's rare nature without recognizing much of the breadth and vigor which were conspicuous in his nephews, and which at this date are eminently em- braced in the character of his immediate descendants. HON. MILLS OLCOTT. Died, at Hanover, N. II., on the 11th inst., Hon. Mills Olcott, aged 71. In the death of this estimable man Society, learning, religion, share with a bereaved do- mestic circle in the consciousness of a loss well-nigh irreparable. Few men have been more widely known, few more profoundly loved and respected in life, or more sincerely lamented in death. The pen which would fain pay a becoming tribute to his various worth, finds itself at a loss to present a portrait, which, while it shall .appear true to his friends, shall not seem overwrought and extravagant to those who had not the pleasure of his personal acquaintance. Viewed as to native endowments his character was a rare assemblage of high qualities. Every thing about him was cast in moulds which gave forth only elevated and imposing forms. He was emphatically a man of large soul. A certain inbred generosity of nature — a lofty magnanimity — an expansive liberality of sentiment— a signal superiority to any thing low or little— shone conspicuous in his habitual bearing, and was abundantly realized in its appropriate actings in the various conduct of life. His intellect was remarkable for clearness and acuteness, and though receiving an early direction to the sphere of the practical rather than of the speculative, yet it was evident that, had circumstances varied the bent of his genius, he would not have failed of eminence in any department of letters or science to which he might have devoted himself. As it was, though distinguished by a refined and elegant 28 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. his slirewd observation of character, with more vivacity, and a more easy and flowing style of conversation. Her liealth, after I taste, yet his converse was rather with men than with hooks, and his keen Insight Into character— his exact judgment— his fer-secing sagacity— his proverbial pru- dence—while they secured distinguished success to his own secular plans, gave a peculiar value to his coumel—yiMch was always readily accorded— in regard to the conduct and affairs of life. In what is technically termed the knowledge of human nature it would have been difficult to find his superior. Yet with all the conscious impression and tacit acknowledgment of pre-eminent powers inspired upon those who knew him, no one was ever oppressed by it. He wore his virtues so meekly— he was so " courteously carriaged "—he had such a delicate respect to the feelings of others, even in the minutest points— and was so instinctively stu- dious of preserving their proper self esteem un wounded by the least word or look which could give pain, that thn ideal of the perfect gentleman could scarcely find itself more adequately embodied than in him. His love of the domestic circle made him averse to public life, while it availed not to quench his public spirit. Every useful enterprise, institution, and object drew largely upon his sympathies .and freely upon his support ; and yet his private charities, no less numerous or ample for his public benefactions, left their record in the grateful memory of relieved affliction and in the tears that were shed on ac- count of the tears that were spared. The Literary Institution with whoso fortunes he was more than half a century lionnected, whose interests he was ever active in the various capacities of Trustee, Secretary, and Treasurer, in promoting, and whose successive generations of alumni have borne his revered image engraved on their hearts, will feel itself shorn of a pillar of strength in his removal, and the festivities of its coming anni- versary will be gloomily damped by the view of his vacant place on the accustomed stage. In social life he was the model of every thing at once commanding and attrac- tive. His extensive acquaintance with men— his intuition of character— his un- failing store of anecdote— his delicate irony— his power of graphic portraiture— his brilliant but innocuous wit, made his society a rich treat to all ages ; and the ex- quisite manner in which ho managed to introduce some hint of practical wisdom that raiaht especially serve for the guidance of the young and inexperienced, was always felt but never can be duly described. "With the keenest perception of the eccentric, the grotesque, or the ludicrous in character, no man ever discovered more leniency to human infirmity, or was more tenderly alive to the sensibilities which guarded the weaknesses he would fain correct. The qualities which we have thus fully depicted as characterizing the deceased must needs command admiration, as they universally did in the subject of them, independent of the oper.ition of any higher element in the midst of those striking gifts of nature. But we have still to advert to the crowning excellence of the man in the spirit of unfeigned piety which adorned the greater portion of his earthly career. Ills native endowments constituted a beautiful ground for the display of tlic inwrought graces of the Spirit of God. Having attained to mature life before LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEE. 29 knew her, was seldom perfect, but she was uniformly cheerful. She was a very religious person, but her piety had nothing in it morose or severe. Her manners had been formed in the best society of her time, and had the ease and simplicity which I take to be the highest proof of pei'fect good-breeding." " I have but one positive memoiy connected with mj eldest brother," writes Mrs. Brinley, " in these early Hanover years, and as it gives significance to his after life, I rejoice to be able to recall it, " A few weeks after he left college, he was in read- iness to carry out a plan quite common among gradu- ates at that time, of starting for the South, to engage as a public or private teacher, in order to gain the means of obtaining a professional education easier, earlier, and more ample than could be done at the North. formally connecting himself with a church, he lived ever after as if intent upon bringing up the religious arrears of his earlier years. Exemplary and faithful in the discharge of every duty, he yet evinced the air of one who, oppressed with the consciousness of perpetual defects, rejoiced mainly in the hope built upon the gratuitous mercy of the gospel through the finished righteousness of the Lord tho Saviour. His child-like trust in the merits of Christ was conspicuously coupled with a delightful softening influence upon the stronger traits of his natural char- acter, causing all the more salient qualities of the man to be kept in wholesome check by the restraining graces of tho Christian. Ilumility, simplicity, meekness, continually mantled over his deportment; and if it were possible to detect a fault in his religious character, it would perhaps be in that extreme self-depreciation which seemed to forbid the thought that he could venture to assume that position of prominence in good works which every one else was so ready to accord to him. For this reason he was perhaps unduly prone to keep himself in the back ground, when the grace of God would have been more highly magnified by a believing disregard of his own conscious infirmities. But with all abatements on this or any other score, he has left to a mourning family and church the legacy of a remem- bered example of Christian virtues but seldom evinced, and the peaceful and hal- lowed calm of his death-bed, in the midst of excruciating sufferings, put the seal of heaven's encomium upon his life, and gave to himself and his friends the assured anticipation of the future "Well done, good and faithful servant." \ 30 LIFE OF WILLTAil T. TOKTEK. "TLe morning of liis departure from home, long before the dawn, while sleeping by the side of mj mother, I was awaked hj his entering the room to take leave of her. He was sobbing alond. and fell on his knees before her, and for some time both were too much overcome to speak a word. My mother recov- ered first, and in broken voice gave him much solemn and earnest advice, which seemed to me very much in the form of j)rayer. As he was about to leave her, she said to him with prophetic earnestness in her voice and manner, ' My son, if I should die before you come back, promise me to take care of my little ones.' He made the desired promise with firm voice and with all the manly warmth and sincerity of his nature. Another farewell embrace, the door opened, and they were separated, never to meet again mitil the integrity of that pledge had been tested by a life- time of labor and love in behalf of those committed to his charge. From the day that he heard the tidings of her death, his oversight of us four youngest chil- dren, William, George, Frank, and myself, commenc- ed, and though separated from us for nearly two years after that event, his letters were constant and regular, addressed not only to ourselves, but to those who had the control of our training and education. IS'othing was too trivial or insignificant to escape his loving interest and scrutiny ; and though there were many times during those two long years of absence, when we felt ourselves alone in the world, scattered and separated from each other, yet his fatherly and re- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK, 31 sponsible care kept us all comparatively liopeful and happy until his return. " We religiously preserved his letters. Their valu c to my younger brothers was of incalculable advantage, and were read and re-read so often that at this date their fragile leaves hardly hold together, and are never touched without an apprehension that they will exhale in our hands." In one of his letters to William, while the latter was still at Andover, he writes, " It has gratified me very much to know that you are so well situated in Andover, and that you are contented and happy. I think your profession, if well understood, is one of the very best in the whole circle of those employments which are usually filled by industrious and enterpris- ing men, and one which will insure every honest man a competent livelihood; and to one who improves every opportunity to become acquainted with books, it can scarcely fail of procuring both honor and profit. You seem to have employed your leisure hours to some purpose. It did my heart good to mark the freedom and justness of your remarks on the works you have read. You have only to continue your diligence a year or two longer, and you will have every thing to hope. I am not at all opposed to the course of reading you have pursued ; for you have now arrived at that age when the acquirement of a good style is equally important with the acquisi- tion of facts." CHAPTEK II. In tlie year 1829, William commenced his editorial life at St. Johnsbury, Yt, in connection with " The Farmer's Herald," and in about a year removed to Korwich, as an associate in the publication of " The Enquirer," where he remained but a short time, and then with a light heart and a lighter purse, he gave a lingering look at the hills of his native State, and started for Xew York, as the most promising field for the support of such a journal as he hoped to estab- lish. The Hon. Horace Greeley wrote us a few months ago from New York : " I came to this city about the 16th of August, 1831, and very soon found work as a compositor at Mr. John T. "West's printing office, No. 85 Chatham Street. I here found Mr. "WiUiam T. Porter at work as a compositor, and I think he officiated as fore- man. My recollections of him at that period are, tbat he was a tall, comely youth, of about twenty-five, very urbane and kind toward those younger and less favored than himself, and a capital work- man. He left West, I think, before I did, the work here being very poorly paid, while he was able to command more lucrative LIFE OK WILLIAM T. PORTEK. 33 emi^loyment. At the last end of this year, he and James How, another young printer, devised 'The Spirit of the Times,' a weekly sporting paper, which they bi-ought out on the 1st of January, 1882. I worked for them from the outset, and remem- ber getting the first number to press a little after midnight of Dec. 31, 1831, Jan. 1, 1832. I continued to work on this paper, first at No. 64 Fulton Street, afterwards at No. 45 Wall Street, till September, 1832, when I left on a visit to my relatives in New Hampshire, and my place was supplied, so that I did not work on the ' Spirit ' thereafter." * As the Jirst number of the " Spirit " was issued on Saturday, December lOtli, 1831, according to Mr. Porter, it must have been the fourth number on which Mr. Greeley was engaged as indicated in his letter ; the precise date the author has not been able to verify, as the early numbers cannot be found. The circulation was about six thousand copies ; a large number for the new paper, under all circumstances. In a few months it was united with " The Traveller," with Mr. Porter in charge of the sporting department. This arrangement did not last long, and Mr. Porter took charge of " The Xew Yorker " for a short time — and then of " The Constellation." But as those * As illustrative of Mr. Porter's appreciation of a genuine strong character, he thus alludes to Mr. Greeley as long ago as when the latter was editor of the " New Yorker " : "Mr. Greeley is the friend of our early days, and a right manly, honest editor is he. So eminent are liis abilities and so remarkable his industry, that we boldly predict for him a brilliant future ; and his career as an editor— thus far since his recent outset, propitious — is destined to be yet more commanding; ho will be yet heard in the councils of his country. Into whatever situation he may be thrown, however ho may be elevated or depressed in life, he will carry with him right staunch and sturdy honesty, the noblest gift of God." 2* 34 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEE. journals gave a subordinate place to sporting matters, it was natural that his thoughts should revert with affectionate regard to " The Spirit of the Times," which he originated, and which was baptized by his brother Benjamin, who suggested its name ; and he soon after purchased the copyright of " The Traveller, and Spirit of the Times " from C. J. B. Fisher, by whom they had been united, and on Saturday, Janu- ary 3, 1835, Mr. Porter issued the paper with the name it now bears. He was now in the position which he coveted, and the opening words of a genial address to the " Fraternity," which is full of kindness, attest his satisfaction. " We joy to meet you thus alone. It has been our good or bad fortune more than once to be connected with prmts over which our control was shackled by the will of others, and where it was inex- pedient to give free vent to our feelings to our edi- torial compeers. To be sure we had our own M'ay, but then, as Col. Hardy says in the play, we hadn't our own way of having it. Tliank Heaven, such is not now the case, and we seize the opportunity of making our grateful devoirs to each and all in that sj)irit of courtesy and good fellowship which har- monizes with our sincerest sentiments." "When he had thus consummated his cherished purpose of establishing and solely conducting a sport- ing newspaper in the Commercial Metropolis of the country, he was perfectly aware that there existed, in some sections, a marked antipathy to the very name of race-course, and a morbid apprehension of the LIFE OF AVILLIAM T. I'ORTEK. 35 ruinous and indefinite inischiefs which were errone- ously believed to be its inseparable attendants. In the Middle States, a tolerant and kindly feeling for the turf was quite prevalent ; while at the South and South-west, out-of-door life with its various sources of amusement and excitement, and its promptings to a zealous, yet rational regard for the horse, the gun, and the angling-rod, was an ardent passion with agri- cultural gentlemen of wealth and spirit. The conflicting opinions of different sections of the country, were obstacles to the smooth, rapid, and profitable progress of the novel enterprise. To face and to correct deep-rooted prejudices, demanded the aid of a " man of hope and forward-looking mind," and in whom should be united a rare variety of qualities ; enthusiasm in the subject-matter, talent, practical knowledge of printing, and a clear sense of editorial duty, good temper, sound judgment, perseverance, honor, and pluck. Fortunately, all these elements of success were mingled with different degrees of intensity, in the trustful and generous na- ture of the gifted projector of the new journal. It was a novel undertaking, no other American newspaper having the same specialty, or claiming to be regarded as reliable authority as to the value and ownership of animals asserted to be thorough-bred. These points were becoming more and more important as the investment in stock was regularly and rapidly augmenting in most parts of the United States. Horses were introduced into England at a very early date; the crown and the people both encourag- 36 LITE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. ing tlie growth of breeds of different, but superior qualities. In the reign of Queen Anne, (Herbert informs us,) the English thorough-bred horse may be regarded as fully established ; the Darley Arabian, son of Flying Childers, Curwen's Barb, and Lord Carlisle's Turk, son of the Bald Galloway, being imported in her reign. Sixteen years after her death, and three years before the foundation of Georgia, the youngest of the royal colo- nies, twenty-one foreign, and fifty native stallions, some of them the most celebrated horses the world has ever seen, such as Childers, Bartlett's Childers, the Grey Childers, the Bald Galloway, Bay Bolton, Coneyskins, Crab, Fox, Hartley's Blind Horse, Jigg, Soreheels, and Trueblue, were covering in the United Kingdoms ; and from some of those are descended almost all our racers of the present day. Six years before this, the first racing calendar was published in England, with nearly seven hundred subscribers. During this period it was, precisely, that the American colonies were planted ; and, as might be anticipated, English horses of pure blood were at a ver}- early date intro- duced. And in those regions where the settlement was principally efiected by men of birth, attached to the cavalier party, race-horses were kept and trained ; race-courses were established, and a well-authenticated stock of thorough-bred animals, tracing to the most celebrated English sires, many of which were im- ported in the early part of the eighteenth century, was in existence considerably before the outbreak of the old French war. In the Eastern States, the set- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. 37 tiers of which were, for the most part, attached to the Puritan party, and therefore opposed to all amuse- ments and pastimes, as frivolous, at the least, and unprofitable, and to horse-racing more especially as profane and positively wicked, very few horses of thorough blood were imported. Virginia and Maryland as the head-quarters of the cavaliers — the former State having for a long time refused submission to the Commonwealth and to stout old Oliver — as the seat of the aristocracy, fashion, and wealth of the Colonies, prior to the Kevolution — took an early and decided lead in this noble pursuit ; and while the love of the sport continues to distinguish their descendants, who are by far the most equestrian in their habits of any other citizens of the Republic, the result of the liberality of the first settlers is yet visible in the blood of their noble steeds. The emigrants from those States to Tennessee took some of their best stock with them, and thus it became more or less diffused, as population was attracted to fresh territory, and as the boundaries of the Union were enlarged. It is believed that the amusements of the Turf were introduced into America by Gov. Samuel Ogle, during his term of office as Governor of the Province of Maryland, from 1732 to 1745. David Ridgely, in his " Annals of Annapolis," states that " The first public horse-racing at, or near Annapolis, is adver- tised in the Maryland Gazette, to take place on the 30th and 31st days of May, 1745. The purses to he run for by any horse, mare, or gelding, (' Old Kanter ' and ' Limber Sides ' excepted,) to 38 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. carry 115 pounds, three heats, the course two miles." * * * " How this race came off, we are not informed. From the ex- clusion of ' Old Ranter ' and ' Limber Sides,' we may infer they Avere somewhat celebrated in their day." * * * " 1747. On the 29th of September, in this year, a race was run on this Course (at Annapolis) between Gov. Ogle's bay gelding and Col. Plater's grey stallion, and won by the former." " A Jockey club was instituted here about this period, con- sisting of many principal gentlemen in this and the adjacent prov- inces, many of whom, in order to encourage the breed of this noble animal, imported fi'om England, at a very great expense, horses of high reputation. This club existed for many yeai's. The races at Annapolis were generally attended by a great con- course of spectators, many coming from the adjoining Colonies. Considerable sums were bet on these occasions. Subscription purses of one hundred guineas were, for a length of time, the highest amounts run for, but subsequently were greatly increased. The day of the races usually closed with balls or theatrical amusements." " On the same ground, some years after, (1767-8,) Dr. Ham- ilton's horse Figaro, won a purse of fifty pistoles. * * * Figaro was a horse of great reputation ; it is stated of him that he had won many fifties, and in the year 1763 to have received premi- ums at Preston and Carlisle, in Old England, where no horse could enter against him ; he never lost a race." Between the years of 1Y52 and 1766, Jolly Eogers, James, Feaniouglit, and Partner, were imported into Virginia. Dr. Jolin B. Irving in his interesting history of the South Carolina Turf, written in 1843, says : " It is upwards of a century since racing commenced in Carolina as a popular pastime. The earliest record that exists of any pub- lic running, appears in the South Carolina Gazette, February 1, LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 39 1734. The prize was a saddle and bridle valued at £20. The race was on the first Tuesday in February, 1734 — mile heats — four entries. The horses carried ten stone — white riders. This was one of the stipulations of the race. There was also another condition, that the horses should be entered on the Saturday preceding the race. This race took place on a Green on Charles- ton Neck, immediately opposite a public house known in those days as the Bowling Green House." Dr. Irving describes the season of 1Y88 as " a golden age of racing in Soutli Carolina," and says in reference to it, " Whether we consider the elevated character of the gentle- men of the Turf, the attractions that the races possessed at that time, and for many subsequent years ' for all sorts and conditions of men ; ' youth anticipating its delights for weeks beforehand — ■ the sternness of age relaxing by their appi'oach— lovers becoming more ardent, and young damsels setting their caps with greater dexterity — the quality of the company in attendance— the splendid equipages— the liveried outriders that were to be seen daily on the course — the gentlemen attending the races in fashionable Lon- don made clothes, luchsTcin ireeches and top-boots — the universal interest pervading all classes, from the Judge upon the Bench, to the little school-boy with his satchel on his back— the kind greetings of the Town and Country— the happy meeting of old friends whose residences were at a distance, affording occasions of happy intercourse and festivity — the marked absence of all care^ except care of the horses— the total disregard of the value of time^ except by the competition in the races, who did their best to save and economize it— every thing combined to render race-week in Charleston, emphatically the Carnival of the State, when it was unpopular, if not impossible to be out of spirits, and not to mingle with the gay throng. " The best idea we can give of the moral influence of race- week, (as exerted formerly,) is to state that the Courts of Justice 40 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEE. used daily to adjouru, aad all the schools were regularly let out, as the hour for starting the horses drew near ; with one consent the stores in Broad and King streets were closed — all business being suspended on the joyous occasion, the feelings of the good people partaking of the rapidity of the races themselves — in fact, it was no uncommon sight to see the most venerable and distinguished dignitaries of the land, Clergymen and Judges, side by side on the course taking a deep interest in the animated and animating scene around them ! " With such a stimulus to prosperity and the preservation of good morals, no wonder that order and sobriety and good fellow- ship prevailed as abundantly as they did in those days. We must not omit to notice that in the early days of Eacing in South Carolina, the gentlemen of the Turf, like the ancient nobles, Hiero and others, never ran their horses for the pecuniary value of the prize to be won, but solely for the honor, that a horse of their own breeding and training should distinguish himself, Mr. Daniel Eaveuel, and many others, of the high-minded turfmen of those days, expressed great disapprobation at any departure from the good old custom of their fathers, and did all in their power to prevent a change when it Avas proposed. The prize used to be, not a purse of gold or silver, but a piece of plate. Several of these tokens of success are in the possession of the descendants of those who formerly owned race horses in the State. " Such were the races in South Carolina ! Let us hope then that we of the present generation will never feel less attach- ment than our fathers did to the Sports of the Turf ; and that whatever other changes may occur in our State, no change will ever take place in the celebrity of our horses ; that the animating spirit of the Chase will in all time to come, continue to call our youth to the woods, and the rational amusement of the course, our Sportsmen to the Turf! " It is not proposed to ascertain the number and names of the numerous race-courses -whicli have since been established all over the country, or to give even LIFE OF WILLIAISI T. PORTER. 41 an approximate estimate of the value of the thorough- bred stock, imported or native, as this vohime is not intended for an Index to a Racing Calendar, or a mere repertory of names. But some reference to the value of choice animals, and to the pecuniary interests allied to the Turf, is indispensable to an appreciation of the motive, independent of personal taste, which stimulated Mr, Porter to embark his limited resources, but large intelligence, in this untried field of periodical literature. A few prices are, therefore, jotted down from memory, and without regard to date, not as the most remarkable, but because they happen to occur, and will give a general idea of the great cost of the best order of animals. Thus, $10,000 were paid for Henry ', Zenith and Magnate could not be purchased for $5,000 at 3 years old. Medoc, one of the very best of our native stallions, was said to be worth not less than $35,000 at the day of his death. Black Maria was sold at public auction, at ^Nashville, Tenn., for $4,000 when thirteen years old. Mary Blunt sold for $6,000. Altmf for $10,000 at nine years of age. Eodolph for $22,000. For Fashion, $12,000 was asked, and so on. Taking into account all the associated interests of the Eace-course, its numberless auxiliaries and sur- roundings, one cannot fail to perceive the importance and even necessity of a Journal which should repre- sent the condition and demands of an interest of such pecuniary magnitude and so widely extended, and which received the encouragement and support of men of ih.Q stamp of Col. John Tayloe, John Randolph, 42 LITE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. Hoomes, Selden, and Col. William E. Johnson of Virginia ; Govs. Ogle, Ridgely, Wright, Lloyd, and Sprigg of Maryland ; Messrs. Hampton, Washington, McPherson, Alston, and Singleton of South Carolina ; Gov. Williams and Gen. Carney of North Carolina ; Gen. Jackson and Gen. Harding of Tennessee ; Eich- ard Smith, Major William Jones, and the Messrs. Hall of 'New York ; the Messrs. Stevens of New Jersey, and hosts of other honorable men in all parts of the country beyond our ability to specify in a work of this description. They gave an impulse to the meet- ings of Turfmen, and laid the fovmdation of that zeal and success, in the improvement of the breed of horses, wiiich have been so triumphantly displayed. To advocate the claims of such a cause and the interests of such men, Mr. Porter at once devoted his time and strength. The increased interest which began to be mani- fested in regard to the Turf and a variety of out-of- door athletic sports was most grateful to him, and we can easily imagine the satisfaction with which he announced the spirited action of the New York Jockey Club, in the very paper which contained his salutatory address. Some of its members agreed to run a sweepstakes over the Union Course in the spring of 1838 with fillies and colts then three years old. Tlie entrance to be $1,000, and the forfeit $250. Distance, mile heats. Among the subscribers were Messrs. W. Livingston, R. ToUotson, J. C. Stevens, W. R. John- son, Jno. C. Craig, S. Ringold, S. Gouverneur, LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 43 Wm. Wynn, A. L. Botts, E. F. Stockton, Wm. H. Minge, J. II. Wilkes, K. L. Stevens, John Heth, R. Eandolpli, Wm. Coleman, John M. Botts, A. B. Meade, Samuel Laird, J. H. Oliver and D. W. Jones, all gentlemen of the highest respectability and public spirit. The transactions in blooded stock during the year 1836, amounted to over half a million of dollars, and the high prices obtained for that of superior quality, indicated the fresh impetus which had been given to the turf in this country by men of wealth and in- fluence. In the autumn of this year Mr. Porter made a visit to the pine-clad hills, rich prairies, and verdant valleys of the south and west, from which he re- turned with enlarged and enlightened views of the character and condition of the agricultural dis- tricts, and a confirmed appreciation of the care and attention given to the raising of fine stock, whether of horses, cattle, hogs, or sheep. The number, value, and improvement of blood horses for the ordinary purposes of life, or destined for the chase or the turf; the management of race-courses in the vicinity of the prominent cities, and their large and liberal clubs, as well as the whole system of racing, with all its ramifi- cations, enlisted his acute powers of observation. Of the many courses, jockey clubs, and associa- tions of the South, he was especially delighted with the "Hampton Course," at Augusta, Ga,, and the " Hampton Court Stud ;" the latter, he says, " rivalling that of his late majesty, and containing more stock 44 LIFE OF WILLIAISI T. POKTEE. bred at the Eoyal Stud, than any other in the Union," and the former receiving its name " in honor of a gentleman whose ennobling talents and public spirit, more than his princely fortune, have placed him at the head of the Turf in Carolina and Georgia." Of Emily ^ owned by Col. Hampton, and out of Elizabeth, by Rainbow, bred by his late Majesty William lY., at the Eoyal Stud at Hampton Court, and imported into South Carolina by his present owner, he writes with characteristic enthusiasm : " She is a beautiful bay with a star and a stripe, about fifteen hands and one inch, and presents a most striking resemblance to Ackerman's superb colored engraving of the Queen of Trumps. Her head is faultless, a jDerfect non- pareil, and her eye and face beam Avith intelligence. Her limbs are as finely modelled as those of the fair representative of '/on,' and her beautiful pastern joints remind one of the delicate and well-turned ankle of la petite Augusta! Her proportions are almost perfect; her shoulder is broad and oblique, running well back, and she is also very fine across the loins. Her hocks, knees, and feet are also good, especially the first, which come well down to the ground. Altogether she is as game a looking filly as can be seen in a year's travel." Of Missouri, he writes : " She is a chestnut, under fifteen hands high, and very well put up ; a small star is her only white natural mark. Her dam was a tip-top Director mare. She was bred by Gen. Broad- nax of Virginia, and has been thrice a winner since she made her debut last spring. While we were ex- LIFE OF WILLLAJSI T. PORTER. 45 amining her in her stable, at Augusta, her owner re- marked, ' Give her a name, Mr. Porter.' ' Well,' said we, ' call her after a fine State and a charming woman who bears the same name, and call her Mis- souri."^ ' I don't know much about the State,'' replied McCargo, ' but if you know a pretty woman of that name, why Missouri it shall be.' " On his return from the South he wrote : " After a surrender of the editorial seat for some weeks, we mount the box, and gather up the ribbons of our darling turn-out. "Were we not quite up to the mark in condition, we should fear being distanced upon again entering upon our duties. For a period of nearly seven years, we have held the reins and guided the fleet coursers that have drawn this sheet from the realms of darkness into regions of light, from an inauspicious and gloomy beginning to the enjoyment of a wide-spread patronage. Seven years since, a mere boy, unknown and unaided, we started the project of a Sporting paper. Trammelled by circumstances, retarded by inexperience, we groped our way slowly into those Southern and Western regions of our country, where the sports we advocate were more generally appreciated and more liberally encouraged. To gratify our most earnest desire to visit these portions of the Union, and to make ourselves perfectly acquainted with the gentlemen, the country, and the various interests in- volved in the Sports of the Turf, we took our leave in Novem- ber, and most advantageously employed three months in the pleasing survey. What shall we say of the receptions which everywhere awaited us? What shall we write that is not already known of the unbounded hospitality that everywhere pervades that section of the Union, and which was absolutely bestowed upon us in a manner at once so elegant and so bounti- ful, that the mere acknowledgment of the grateful compliment fills our throat and eyes with the emotion its remembrance must ever excite ? From Baltimore to Wheeling, thence to Cincinnati, thence to Louisville, and thence to Vicksburg, Katchcz, St. 46 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. Francisville, and New Orleans, our journey was chequered by the most flattering attentions. At New Orleans, we had the happiness to renew old intimacies and create new ones in a wide circle of gentlemen who are unsurpassed for their elegant and refined hospitality. Our visit among that gallant throng of friends to the Turf, occurred during their great annual Jockey Club meeting," (of which Judge Alexander Porter was President,) " and long shall we retain the impression of their courteous bearing amid the excitements of the race; their bland and gracious freedom at the Club, and their mirthful reminiscences of the fortunes of the day. On our return, we traversed the entire range of the Southern States, pausing here and there amid hospitalities that often well-nigh allured us to outstay the boun- teous welcome we universally received." In reference to the "magnificent stud" of Col. Hampton, be writes : " The excess of his choice blood stock, native or imported, whether consisting of horses, cattle, or sheep, is seldom or never sold, but from motives the most patriotic distributed among those of his friends not engaged in breeding, who will rear them with attention. If, as some writer has forcibly remarked, he is en- titled to the esteem of mankind who causes two blades of grass to grow where one blade grew before, what amount of commen- dation does he not merit who thus dispenses a princely fortune in perfecting the breed and ameliorating the condition of the most useful and invaluable of animals, and so materially contrib- utes to the interests and general enjoyment of the community." During the editor's absence at the South, his brother George, who was bis junior by four years, undertook to supply his place ; as be had not before wandered far from his chosen path of the law, and bad but a very limited knowledge of the specialty of bis brother, it was to him a task of great labor and LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. 47 anxiety. In one of liis letters now before me, dated February 17, 1838, be writes : "Eejoice with me for my labors are at last over. William is at home again and has now nominally and actually relieved me from care and trouble. The first number of the new volume is at last out, and henceforth William will sail his own ship." George Porter graduated at Dartmouth College in 1831, with distinguished honor, and had, besides his admitted intellectual eminence, quite a reputation for oratorical ability ; one of several prizes which he re- ceived for superior declamation, while yet an under- graduate, is in my possession. On the completion of his collegiate course, he commenced the study of the law with George Brinkerhoff, Esq., of New York, and remained with him until he was admitted to the bar, when he opened an office in that city, with ardent aspirations for distinction in his profession. In the autumn of 1836, he was so fortunate as to become a partner of the Hon. Edward Curtis and his brother, Geo. Curtis, Esq., who were engaged in a varied and extensive practice. Preserving his literary tastes and resorting to them as a relaxation from the engrossing cares of his office, he occasionally wrote for his brother's paper ; and as already stated, at one time undertook its entire management ; not only its liter- ary department, but its fiscal afiairs fell under his temporary, but exclusive control. With the latter he became so complicated that, in the end, he felt obliged to withdraw from his legal engagements that he might devote himself exclusively to the task of sustaining 48 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. the fortunes of the " Spirit, bankruptcy and discouragement : a fancied, not a real necessity, as we believe ; and the more to be regretted on that account. Had he continued in his profession, with one-half the persevering industry which he exhibited while connected with the press, he must have risen to eminence, for he had the ele- ments of success in him to an uncommon degree. His mind was clear, comprehensive, and quick ; his power of abstraction and application very great ; his manner of speech strong and emotional ; while the responsive play of his fine and expressive face, im- parted an indescribable charm to what fell from his lips. The origin of the playful sobriquet, " York's tall son," which first became in 1837 a favorite and fa- miliar title applied to William, adding another to the many memorable cases in which a pointed verbal phrase sometimes becomes incorporated into the pop- ular vocabulary, was the result of a private incident of no interest whatever disconnected from the hero liimself; But from its still living hold npon the hearts of those who loved him, as expressive of his lofty stature as well as of his popularity in the city of his adoption, its history is worth preserving, inas- much as one of his few characteristic letters is bound up with its origin. Some time during the year 1836, Miss Clifton ofiered, through the columns of "The Spirit," the sum of $1,000 for a Tragedy, " adapted to lier histrionic acquirements." This met the eye of the younger sister of Mr. Porter, and prompted her LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. 49 to address a letter to him, dated January 13, 1837, and found among his papers after his decease. She goes on to say : " You may perhaps be aware that I have long been a wor- shipper at the shrine of the Muses. They sometimes smile upon me with a friendly spirit of encouragement, and now have deigned to inspire me with the ambitious scheme of winning the prize for the best American tragedy suited to the peculiar genius of Miss Clifton. As you are one of the number selected to examine the efibrts of the aspirants, I do not hesitate to commit to your hand the following extracts fi-om my unfinished tragedy of Hophir : Act 1st, Scene 1st, Copenhagen. — An Apartment in GynetKs Bower. Gyneth. Fold up the curtain, Ina, And let the crimson morn burst on my aching vision. Sleep has kiss'd his last farewell to me. And time drags weary oflf. Ina. Holy Mother save thee ! mistress Gyneth, And teach thee patience to endure the frowns Of fortune. Ne'er repine — Three more suns must set, And Gyneth's bosom will thrill With deeper joy than Gyneth. How ! what ! Say you that he, The Lord of Porter — will be here ? Ina. Yes, sweet lady, — He of six feet lineage, and gilded crow-quill, Was, by the artifice of a " Oirl Up Town^'' JReleas'd from prison. A carrier-bird Dropp'd at my feet this morn These perfumed stanzas, which unsuspecting, Eagerly I traced : *' Dear Gyneth, to thy arms I fly, Tho' wardour's tower be steep and high. And maelstroms fill the air ; 3 60 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. Not unicorn, or tusked boar, Shall keep me from my true love more, The brightest of the fair. For thee I'll curl my twisted crest — For thee I'll wear my " yarllerest''^ vest, My stiffest collar, too ; My standard with Propontic fury, I'll wave on top of Alpine Jura, ~ Then fleet, my love, to you. Then haste my pye-bald, gallant steed. Thro' rushing stream and verdant mead, And make thy nostrils snort ; While I for love and my ador'd Poise the tall lance, grasp high the sword, And peal aloud Le Mort ! " Gtneth. Hand o'er the Hues, And let my burning eye-balls trace the hand Of him I love. Yes, 'tis true, bis own lov'd signet. Haste thee, Ina, and bid old Gaffer Set in preparation all things fit, of mirth, And song, and joyous cheer, to greet The near approach of York's tall son. [Exit Ina. Scene II. — Moonlight. [Jlophir appears on the top of a dilapidated tower.} HoPHiR. Moon, — cold, loco-foco moon, I loathe thy light ; Thou who dost shine upon the sea and sand Alike indifferent — who round the rugged world rolls Rapid on in rotatory revolution, Like a green cheese upon the deep above, — Thou marrest all my schemes, betraying moon ! Thy silvery beams disclose my wisest plans. Shut out thy light — stars hide your rays — I hate ye — aye, as fervent as I hate The blue-eyed lord of her whom my heart loves. LITE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 51 Yes ! shake ye fountains ! freeze ye gelid skies, I am for Patagonian revels, and the throne — Beauty and wealth wave o'er me. Speed my aim Ye powers of air, who live in the blue flame ! On Hophir's brow let fall the crown of gold ! My name is Haynes — I'm off, or I shall catch a cold Upon this turret — or, perhaps, the jaunders. Because I've left mv wig for curling at that Saunders. [Uxit HoPHiR. "New Toek, April S, 1S37. "Dear Sister Sarah "Will hardly credit me when I assure her, that ia my card- rack over my desk is a letter addressed to herself, that was ■written weeks upon weeks since ; but pity 'tis, 'tis true. The fact was, after I had taken a deal of pains to write a famous letter as long as your arm, or my boot, I very promiscuously misdirected it as Paul Pry would say, whereat George laughed so much, that I, in a huff, expunged it, by drawing black lines across the face, and every day since have been thinking of re-writing it. Iltitre nous, I have now and then something to do, or your dear letter and charming communication would, despite my carelessness, have been acknowledged long since. As it is, after frankly- pleading guilty ctf unpardonable inattention, I throw myself upon the mercy of the court, after first engaging your husband as my counsellor, who, I trust, will bribe the judge (with a kiss) to let the defendant off with a reprimand on promise of future good behavior. " You cannot conceive, my darling Sis, of the pleasure your letter excited in us. I say ' us,' for I speak not only for myself, but for my ten thousand readers. You, of course, have seen it immortalized and preserved in ' Spirit,' and pi'obably have won^ dered at my gazetting you among the Staels, the Landons, and though last, not least in our dear love, the Trollopes of the 19th century. Such a laugh as the Clifton and Dr. Pangloss of all the Porters had over it ! She really screamed over ' York's tall son,' and vows to embody it in some love-lorn soliloquy. She 52 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEE. declares that not one of the veritable tragedies oflFered for her $1,000 prize are comparable with it, and, i' faith, she speaks truth, for I have read them— a paragraph each— and had I not been predestined a dunce, I should have caught the infection of their stupidity. The Doctor— the hearty old cock— strutted about like a hen with one chick, as if he knew more of the authorship of ' Hophir * than he really did. He carried the original manu- script in his pocket until worn to shreds, and then supplied him- self with about a dozen and one over of copies, the Avhich were crammed one in each pocket, another in his hat, and for what I know, one in each boot. These he read to everybody, making a holiday for his scholars, while he himself, like Leigh Hunt's pig, went up all manner of streets, radiant with the quips and quirks of the sentimental ' Gyneth,' winning raptures of applause by the emphasis and discretion, the grace and dignity, the pathos and feeling, the taste and humor with which he invested the life-drawn pictures of the amiable princess and chivalrous ' Lord of Porter ! ' Miss Clifton and myself were about rehearsing it one night, and should, but that instead of catching her, I was like to catch a cold, so that throwing aside the maiden delicacy of ' Gy- neth,' she opened the portals, let fall the drawbridge, and invited the ' Tall Son ' above mentioned ' to come in to supper,' when, what with her oysters and beauty, champagne and wit, pretty eyes and olives, Erench rolls, ardent sympathies, and capital cook, ' the original tragedy of Hophir ' was shelved. When the warm weather comes— some fervid night in the dog-days— she has promised and agreed to order a tremendous bowl of lemonade, when we are to rehearse the same with becoming gravity and spirit. » E.'s new-born girl is a cherub !— I haven't let her fall but tjvice ;— the image of her uncle William, and strange to tell, born without teeth. I've named her already, just to put her aunts out of all pain on that accoimt, Frances, Bentimia, Sarah-phina, Wilhelmina, Georgiana, Seton, Startin, Brinley Torter. " Now, my darling S., do write me often. The Doctor and George are so occupied as to give me no assistance whatever, and with the sole charge of my paper and its thousand cares upon LIFE OF WILLLA3I T. P0RTP:R. 53 my hands, cares of which you have no idea — obliged to write on subjects, and hiowingly, of which I have little practical knowl- edge, my time is incessantly occupied. My correspondents are immensely numerous, and compel my prompt response, but they are necessary to the success of my paper, which, by the by, is doing gloriously, " With best love to F., believe me your devoted "Beothee William." 51 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. CHAPTER III. Lsr the spring of 1839, a meeting of gentlemen took place at the Astor House, for the purpose of infusing fresh life and spirit into ^Northern Racing, by the for- mation of a new club for the Union Course ; under whose auspices the year commenced with every ap- pearance of a successful season in all sections of the country. A post match, for $20,000, was concluded to come off over the E'ewmarket Course, in Yirginia. Great preparations were made for races over the Course at Trenton, N J., and elsewhere, and a produce Stake with a subscription of $2,000 each, $400 forfeit, two miles heat, to be called " The Hampton Stake," was projected. Commodore Ridgley was re-elected President ; Messrs. John A. King, John C. Stevens, H. "Wilkes, and James Foster, Yice Presidents ; Messrs. Henry K. Toler, Gouverneur Kortwright, Wm. K. Gaston, and Gerard L. Coster, Stewards of the ISTew York Jockey Club, and its organization was celebrated by a dinner at the Astor House. LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 55 Mr. King presided, and eloquently addressed the company upon the object of the meeting. A Club was formed for three years. " The song, the toast, and the enlivening story succeeded each other ; and as the circling glass went round, flowing bumpers were pledged to the good men and true of the South and West, and heel-taps discolored no goblets quaffed to the Sports of the Turf." Mr. Porter was of opinion that there should be a tribunal of some sort, to which the various Jockey Clubs, as well as individuals, could resort for the ad- justment of controverted questions, and in a strong appeal in favor of a Turf Convention, he says : " So desirable do we deem a convention of the friends of the Turf with a view to the adoption of a uniform code of rides, and the establishment of a Court of Appeal for doubtful points, that we should gladly advocate it with such ability as we could com- mand, had the project not found an able supporter in the gentle- man who first suggested it. The proposition is worthy of the most serious consideration of turfmen. The permanent well- being of the turf depends not alone upon one, or two Jockey Clubs or States. The character of all sportsmen suffers by every act of injustice, or by any suspicion of unfair management that may be attached to the rQost insignificant club or association. The direct method of avoiding the hazard of foul play, and any pur- pose of it, is the creation of a tribunal, the power of which may be brought to bear directly upon all clubs foi-med, as auxiliary to it, or with an acknowledgment of its jurisdiction ; and indirectly^ as by exclusion, upon all other clubs. There would be no hazard of conflicting jurisdictions, for in associations for the promotion of sport, and the improvement of the breed of horses, there are no diverse interests to be concerned, no sectional jealousies to allay ; it is our pride, that in the pleasures of the turf, common 56 LIFE OF WILLIAJSI T. POETER. sense and manly amusement are the only ends of association, and perfect honor the principle of constitution. " A board of umpires, or a central Jockey Club, which should give law in general questions to the local clubs, could by no possibility be actuated by motives of interest ; composed as it would be of gentlemen of the highest moral worth, from different sections of the coimtry, the local influence of an individual, which sometimes tyrannizes in a small association, is neutralized, or stripped of all power save that which integrity of purpose, and intelligence as to means, should ever command. " To pm-sue in the details the advantages which would accrue from the formation of an ' American Jockey Club,' would take us beyond the limits we had marked out for this discussion, or trench upon the ground covered by our correspondent in the following, and in a preceding letter. A uniformity of decision as to Betting, general rules governing the Entrances to Stakes, and the Payment of Forfeits, a more uniform Adjustment of Weights, a strict Eegulation of Eunuing Heats, — these are obvious and palpable results of a Turf Convention, which should provide us with a constitution for ' The American Jockey Club.' But by far the most commanding consideration upon our own minds, is the respectability and dignity which it would confer upon the Sports of the Turf, in the United States. To the 'Jockey Club ' in England, and the consideration commanded by its members in general society, by their wealth, by their intelligence, and by their moral worth, is to be attributed the high and palmy state of the Turf in Great Britain. Racing is the National Sport of that country, and so will it continue to be, as long as its manly pleasures, so natural to man, and especially to the Anglo-Saxon race, shall be hedged in from abuse, or the suspicion of abuse, by an Association of Gentlemen, sans peur et sans reproche. " Will not turfmen be persuaded to give tlie subject their atten- tion, and commune together upon the practicability and the propriety of the preliminary step — a Turf Convention, to be held next winter at Washington ? That city is named by us, because it has been suggested by the originator of the whole plan in his LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 57 letter from ISTatcliez, becfiuse Congress will then be in session, and because general political conventions are to be held tliere, or at a city still further North, during the approaching session. And may we not further call upon gentlemen, for the expression of their views upon the whole proposition, — persuaded that whatever may be the decision as to the precise plan marked out by our correspondent, a general discussion of the subject will inevitably promote the interests and the respectability of the Turf? " Contemporaneous with tliis suggestion, sprung up a controversy upon tlie question : " Is a bet naming two horses against the field, void, if one of the horses named fail to start ? " Here was a case where a common, recognized, appellate tribunal could be profitably appealed to. A correspondent of the " Spirit," J. K. D., assuming as a maxim that a bet must stand in all cases, unless made void by its terms, or one party has no chance to win, his communi- cation elicited this response from the pen of George Porter : " In reading the communications of ' J. K. D.,' we are reminded of our college days, when we had to battle it with the Moral Philosophy Prof, about 'Edwards on the Will.' The logic of the old divine was too subtle for young minds, and ad- mitting his reasonable premises, he would straightway hurry you into conclusions, accurately deduced therefrom, which revolted your moral sense, though you could discover no way of escape from them. So it is with our con-espondent, he maintains his position with such dexterity and cogency, that it appears im- possible to dislodge him, though we are satisfied that the position is a false one. We will make one efibrt more to set ourselves right, both with ' J. K. D.' and our readers. " The whole argument of ' J. K. D.' is built upon this as- sumption, that a bet must stand in all cases, unless it is made 58 LIFE OF WILLTAJVI T. POKTEE. void by its express terms, or unless one farty has no chance to win. On this latter clause bangs all tbe controversy. We give to it this interpretation, tbat a bet shall stand when the party has the chance to win named in the let, or which was in the reason- able contemplation of both parties. That is, if I bet on a horse, I am entitled to the chance of his starting ; if I name two horses, I am entitled to the chance of their both starting, and not one of them ; by the expresss terms of the bet, I name two horses, and not one of two. 'J. K. D.' says no; if but one of the horses start, you have a chance to win, and therefoi'e the bet must stand. Here is the sole point at issue. " The burden of proof lies not upon us, but upon ' J. K. D.' I name two horses, and I am certainly entitled to the two, unless ' J. K. D.' can cite a rule which shall say that one of the two is enough to satisfy the requisitions of the bet. But there is no such rule in express terms. " But ' J. K. D.' says that the maxim governs all betting, that a bet must stand when there is a chance to win. And yet there is an express rule, that where one horse is betted on, and fails to start, the bet is off. Now, what is the use of such a rule if the maxim of ' J. K. D.' actually governs all betting, as he inteiyrets that maxim ? It would be plainly useless — mere surplusage. " We do not insist upon a vague and uncertain rule, but a rule fixed and reasonable, a rule like that which governs all con- tracts, all transactions between man and man. The bettor should have that chance to win which he reserved by the express terms 3f his bet, or which is fairly to be inferred from its terms. If I dame Mingo in a race, Mingo must start, or it is no bet ; if I /lame Mingo and Post Boy, Mingo and Post Boy, not Mingo or Post Boy, must start, or it is no bet. This is reasonable, this is common sense, and this is law, unless 'J. K. D.' can cite an ex- press rule to the contrary. " There is no need of ' J. K. D.'s ' maxim, if he will give it the interpretation for which we contend, and that is the reason why it cannot be found in the betting codes. A bet must stand, of course, when there is a chance to win, — that is, the chance named, the chance which each party knows the other betted on,— or, in LITE OF WILLIAIVI T. TOKTEK. 59 case of dispute, the chance which a Court or Jockey Chib would infer from the express words of the bet, to be the chance bet- ted on. " Now in what way can I more surely signify my intention of betting on two horses (not P. P.) than by naming ttco, — not one, nor one of two, but two ? Now the chance on which I bet is the chance of having two horses start ; there is no uncertainty about it, no vagueness, such as ' would annul all bets.' Nothing is said in the bet about the condition of the horses, or of the track, nor of the ownership of the horse, and, therefore, nothing is to be inferred on those points as being ' the chance on which I betted ; ' but it is certainly a fair inference, and a clear, un- doubted one, that two horses must start. Again we say, the burden of proof lies upon the other side. " There does not appear to us to be room for much argument here. It is a simple proposition : ' Does betting on two horses entitle me to two, or one of the two ? ' "We hold the two, and ' J. K. D.' ' one of the two.' But in the course of this newspaper writing, many cases have been put to illustrate the hardship of the rule, construe it which way you will. These are, of course, but illustrations. ' J. K. D.' has the benefit of the last case, which certainly seems hard, but so confident are we of the security of our position, that we shall rest here, without an effort to suppose a harder case, a more flagrant instance. " But it is proper, before quitting the subject, to deprive ' J. K. D.' of the appearance of an advantage, which he derives from his illustration of a bettor on ' the field.' He says that in the Louisville sweepstakes of ten nominations, the man who names five of them against ' the field ' should be in no better situation than he who takes the field. He might just as reasonably con- tend that a bet was unfair should a man name one P. P. in that stake against the field. There would be no unfairness in such a bet ; it would surely show that one of the bettors was a fool. Mark the want of candor in ' J. K. D.'s ' argument here. There is a positive, written rule, defining ' the field.' Every bettor is supposed to know that rule, and that by the terms of it, if he back ' the field,' he may be reduced to one horse. Now, because 60 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. a man is silly enough to take ' the field ' against half the entries in a sweepstakes named expressly^ 'J. K. D.' cries out unfairness. He should rather cry out upon the folly of his field bettor, "What, in Heaven's name, was the need of a rule defining a ' field,' if naming two or more horses amounted to the same thing? It is a term purely technical, like 'Play or Pay,' and as he who names the field is by rule entitled to one horse at all events, be- cause he stipulates for one horse by the terms of his bet, so he who stipulates for two horses, or for forty horses, is entitled to them, if there be any meaning in language, and any man rash enough to bet against forty named horses. " Since the above was written, we have received another long communication on this subject, maintaining our side of the question. We give place to a portion of it ; several heads of it, however, we omit, as they seem calculated to provoke further discussion, though really very good. "We thank ' D. E.' for his assistance, and beg him to excuse us for so abbreviating his article. 'J. K. D.' will likewise observe that we have suppressed the concluding paragraph of his paper. It might wound the feelings of others, and would certainly call out a reply, although it does not pretend to bear upon the argument. Mr. Porter, as an act of civility to liis uncle, Mr. Olcott, always sent him " The Spirit." The following letter from the latter is so creditable to both gentle- men, that it ought not to be hoarded in private : — " IIanovek, Uih March, 1839. "Deae CorsiN William, — " I was absent when your letter of December arrived, and Prof. Adams * (after he had ciphered it over and cast out the 9s) deeming it necessary for him to hold it as a voucher against you, it has not since come under my eye, which is my poor apology for not having replied to it; this I ought the more * Of Dartmouth College ; a man of high honor and great excellence of character ; guardian of William and the younger children. F. B. LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 61 especially to have done — for though this little affair might not figure much in amount in Wall Street, it has toed right up to the mark when the time came, as honorahly as if it had been done by the Primes or the Kothschilds. In these ' costermonger times,' when not only Burke's age of chivalry towards the sex Avas gone, but all chivalry in money matters is trampled in the mire, to see old claims that had been dead and bnried, ordered to be raised and brought to life again — to direct principal and in- terest to be paid in full, and see ^ 2xdd ' on the letter announcing it — this cannot be a transaction of late years, I think, but must belong to another century- — must be a dream of bygone and better days, when at least one's self-respect was worth something to him, if nothing else, " I am very glad to learn that much success is expected from your paper, and I hope you may realize from it all the fame and money that would be good for you. Your Andover masters little dreamed what they were raising up, when they thought they were preparing you for the Recorder. " It could hardly be expected that one of my age woidd be much attracted with a heading of Till high the bowl with Samian wine.' I therefore skim over your paper and light upon parts for reading, as the clergyman who divided his sermon into three heads: the world, the flesh, and the devil — and said he should just glance at the world, touch lightly upon the flesh, and hasten to the devil ! " "We shall be glad to see you or any of the blood at Hanover, and with hearty good wishes to all of you, " I remain most truly yours, &c., "Mills Oloott." The " Spirit of tlie Times " was a coveted and favorite name, judging from the frequency of its ap- propriation by those who had no right to use it, and the editor thus adverts to this poaching on his do- main. The " Boston Morning Post " announced that a new democratic paper had been established in Phila- 62 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. delphia, under the cognomen of " The Spirit of the Times," and very gravely added, " Its name is appro- priate." " Can't say," writes Mr. Porter, " we see any thing very ' appropriate ' about it, save the ap- propriation of a good name. This makes the fourth time the immediate jewel of our soul has been pilfered from us by some Hateful Parkins in this kind of way. We were first frightened out of our propriety by a great, bloody, anti-Masonic ' Spirit,' in the western part of this State ; a Kepublican Sj^irit then started in Maryland ; then all sorts of Spirits in Arkansas and Missouri ; and now the ' deep damnation of our taking off,' is chargeable to a democratic Spirit in Philadelphia. Since the first number of our paper was issued on the 10th of December, 1831, no less than seven newspapers have sj)rung into existence, bearing the same euphonious and elegant appellation. These young ' Spirits ' are generally pretty clever fellows ; their very name is a tower of strength, and if they follow in the steps of their illustrious predecessor, there's no telling but they may become as popidar and respected as their great old grandfather." Tlie oldest magazine then published in the United States was " The American Turf Kegister and Sport- ing Magazine," commenced in 1820, by Hon. John S, Skinner, of Baltimore, for the express purpose of re- covering as much as possible of the lost early pedi- grees of the magnates of the American Turf, and for the preservation of authentic records for the future. In February, 1839, it was purchased by Mr. Porter, and came under his editorial control. Mr. Herbert, LITE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 63 ill alluding to it, said, " it passed into the hands of the most able and admirable Turf-writer, than whom the Turf of America has had no more consistent advocate, or more strenuous defender." Tlie first number of the " Register " issued by Mr. Porter, contains a characteristic letter to him from its former editor, Mr. Skinner : — " Baltimore Post Office, \Bt March, 1839. "To Wm. T. Porter, Esq. " My Dear Sir, — Right glad am I to have my favorite hobby — the old ' Turf Eegister,'' fall under your care. It was the first of its I'ace ever bred in the United States. Its natural history is remarkable, as it had but one sire and no dam ; when it was foaled it was not certain where or whether it would find food or pasture. It was thrown upon the wild world, without any guarantee of corn or long fodder — but being watched with care, and sent out once a month on short excursions, for air, exercise, and exhibition, the friends of its founder, far and near, who had been previously taught by him to make good crops, most kindly and generously petted and pampered the young hobby, — sending it an ample supply of provisions, until it grew, in four or five years, to be a nag of good size and full of spirit. But, like all things excellent, in this enterprising Yankee nation, in the progress and ' Spirit of the Times^ it met its rival ! Passing from one hand to another, it has happily ceased to run the race ' antago- nistical ' by being led, where old ' Napoleon ' sends all that he can't beat, into the same stable ■with its competitor ; here I sin- cerely hope, both will long live in the best condition. ' The Spirit of the Times ' may do the light skirmishing to amuse the crowd, while the more ponderous ' Register ' is reserved for more serious work ; as Monarch is held back, for the four-mile day, by a nobler man than any monarch that lives. " As I have some right to know what will suit the old horse's constitution and temper, should he ever show signs of getting amiss, and you may imagine that his old groom can suggest any 64 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. thing to bring bim right, you must not fail to call on bis and your friend and bumble servant." This first number contained one hundred and twenty-eight pages of valuable matter, to which the new editor contributed an " Introduction," an article on trout-fishing, which was illustrated by an exqui- sitely finished picture, the pedigree and performances of Ilar'kaioay, and a capital essay on English Eclipse ; it was further embellished by accurate portraits of those horses, and more than realized the highest ex- pectations of the friends of Mr. Porter. The number for March and April contained a por- trait of Plenipotentiary^ with a memoir by the editor, and an admirable steel engraving of the Traineau of D'Orsay, full of rich life and movement. The May and June number was exquisitely embellished by an engraving called a Forest Joust, and Trout Fishing, and contained an illustrated article on Fly Fishing by the editor, with the usual amount of literary and sporting matter. In this number that distinguished scholar and sportsman, the late "William Henry Herbert, com- menced a series of admirable sketches, entitled "A week in the Woodlands, or Scenes on the Koad and round the Fire," which he published over the signa- ture of " Frank Forrester,-'' a celebrated nom dejylume originating with George Porter, and readily adopted by the gifted author. In the July number there was a jjortrait of Don John, with a memoir by Mr. Porter ; and in that for the next month appeared a portrait of Mr. Stevens' Janette, with an editorial memoir, together with a spir- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 65 ited engraving of Landseer's amusing sketch, " Eun- ning the thing into the ground," which is archly de- scribed by the editor, but closes in this practical vein : " Badinage apart, our engraving is a sly, but well- conceived and pertinent caricature, that will be well understood by those proprietors of race-courses who are in the habit of resorting to 'Mule-races, and Foot-races, and Gander-pullings, and Cock-fights,' to swell the receipts of enclosures devoted to the legiti- mate Sports of the Turf. "Wherever the sports of the Turf have been brought into discredit, it will be found, nine cases in ten, that the mismanagement of the proprietors of the course has been the primary cause ; the real friends of the Turf have more to fear from them than from open and declared enemies. Whoever heard of racing being unpopular in a section of country where the courses were managed by men of character and respectability — on the ground of any objection against racing itsehf ? The Charleston races are the most popular, the most fashionable, and the best attended of any in the United States. Kace- week, in that city, has been aptly termed ' the Car- nival ' of South Carolina — the annual jubilee of the State. The reason is perfectly obvious ; the course and its appointments are under the control of gentle- men of the highest character, and nothing is permitted to interfere with the legitimate sports of the Turf, which are managed with a degree of spirit, liberality, and scrupulous propriety unknown elsewhere on this side of the Atlantic. In Charleston a gentleman feels no more hesitation in enjoying with his family the ^Q LIFE OF WILLIAM T. FORTER. festivities and enlivening sports of tlie race-field, than he would tlic attractions of the theatre, or any other rational source of amusement. The consequence is, that the ladies' pavilion during the meeting, and the Jockey Club Ball at its close, are crowded with the elite of the beauty, the fashion, and the chivalry of the State. "Tlie number of gentlemen interested in the suc- cess of the Turf in this country, has more than doubled within the last ten years, and it is daily becoming more and more popular. The great practical advan- tage to be derived from its extension and successful prosecution, are deemed so important in a national point of view, that many of the Governments of Europe are lending it their aid, and keenly watching over its interests. We have nothing here to do but to go on and prosper, keeping in view this single fact, that if the legitimate ends of the Turf are stanchly maintained, it must become at length universally and eminently popular with all classes of society, while its friends will best subserve its true interests and their own, by frowning down those individuals whose mal- practices have so long been '• JRiinning the thing into the GroimdP'' " ]Sr, of Arkansas," " Frank Forrester," and other distinguished writers appear in this number, wliich contained but five selected articles. Among the new correspondents is " Cypress^ Jr.^'' the accomplished author of the delightful sketches which were published in the " American Monthly Magazine," under tlie des- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 67 ignation of " Fire-Islandana," and attracted great attention both in tliis country and in Europe. The embellishments for the September number were portraits of " Bloomsbuiy " and of " Deception," with memoirs by the editor ; and in that for the next month, he announces that he was making arrange- ments to give a series of portraits of distinguished Turfmen. The JSTovember number contained an illus- trated article on " Duck Shooting," by " Cypress, Jr.," the sixth day of " A week in the "Woodlands," and other excellent matter ; that for December closed the tenth volume of the Magazine, being the first of the new series under the conduct of Mr. Porter ; it con- tained an engraved Title Page — " The Turn-out of the Season " on steel, and an outline of Charles XII. on wood. The editor in his " Address on the close of the volume," said that the Magazine was commenced with little promise on his part, and not with any hope of large pecuniary profit ; and in this last particular it seems he was not disappointed ; still he boldly purposed to conduct the next volume on the same plan of liberal outlay. A careful Index appropriately closes the volume, to which are added as Appendices, " the American Racing, and the English Pacing Calendars for 1839," most elaborately prepared. The January number for that year gives a highly spirited portrait of Charles XII., winner of the Great St. Leger Stakes, 1839, and a woodcut of a " splint used for fractured limbs of horses." Among the contents of the February number, are 68 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. a memoir of Wacousta, by the editor, with a portrait ; and a brilliant sketch of " Wild horses fighting," on copper, by Bannerman after Herring. The number for March, an admirable one, is em- bellished by a stylish portrait of Col. Singleton's Phe- nomena, with an editorial memoir, and notices of that gentleman's stock. But its chief and attractive feat- ure is Mr. Porter's masterly report of the great race between ^Yagner and Grey Eagle. A memoir and an engraving of Col. Hampton's imported mare DelpMne, with Herald at her foot, is in the April number, with notices of his stock. And so we might go on with all the numbers of this brilliant periodical, which was unrivalled for the high finish of its en- gravings, the exquisite beauty of its type, and its sport- ing excellence, until it ceased to exist, Dec. 1844. The price of a complete set of the Turf Register, ten volumes, was at that time seventy-five dollars. It cannot be purchased at this date for even that large price. In the April number of the Magazine, 1841, Mr. Porter records the death of one of his especial friends, as well as one of the most admirable contributors to the Register, William P. Hawes, Esq., known as J. Cy- press, Jr. His productions were remarkable for their wit and pathos, and classic elegance. He died at the early age of thirty-eight. Had his life been pro- longed, his brow would have been encircled with the triple crown of legal, political, and literary merit. It was to the fresh creations of his mind, and to " Frank LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 69 Forrester," Pete Whetstone, the author of the " Quar- ters' Race " and " Jones's Fight," that the Spirit and Register were indebted for much of that fascinating and original literature to which Mr, Porter lent his special patronage and fostering care. In comparing the communications in the English Sporting Magazines with those which were contrib- uted to American publications, Mr. Porter took oc- casion at that date to say : "In the purely literary magazines the English beat us a long way. In Eng- land, which for more than a century has boasted the most respectable Sporting Magazines, the appropriate themes are somewhat exhausted. The Great Race meetings are necessarily monotonous. To give spirit and the interest of adventure to their sketches, the greater number of sporting writers lay the scenes of their articles in foreign lands. British India and our own country are most often selected ; and it is rare that you open either of the Sporting Magazines without find- ing a bear, a buffalo, or a panther hunt in the United States. It is to the exhaustless supply of material of this nature, the adventurous life of a frontier settler, incidents of travel over prairies and among mountains hitherto unknown to the white man, the singular variety of manners in different States, springing from their difference of origin, of climate and product, peculiar- ities of scenery unhackneyed by a thousand tourists, to this is to be attributed the greater freshness and raciness of American sketches. In pure turf-writing, England never boasted of an author equal to ' An 70 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. Old Turfman.' In plain elegant English, logical deductions and perfect familiarity with his subject, he was superior even to ' Nimrod.' Nor have our Turf-writers all passed away with the ' Old Turfman.' Many still remain, who ever and anon delight and instruct our readers." In December, 1839, Mr. Porter made another delightful circuit through the South and West, renew- ing old intimacies and forming new ones at Louisville, Lexington, &c., and everywhere receiving the most g]-atifying hospitalities. The interests and prosperity of the publications under his care were the chief objects of his journey. Returning fresh from the " Eace-Horse Eegion," he was in fine condition to minister to the tastes of his readers. Notwithstanding the heavy addition of the Regis- ter to his labors and disbursements, Mr. Porter carried out several proposed arrangements for the improve- ment of the " Spirit," and the first number of the ninth volume came out March, 1839, in an enlarged and attractive form, with a beautiful engraving of Augusta, the celebrated danseuse, in the character of " La Syl- phide," and a portrait of Black Maria, by Dick, from a painting by Troye. As the old mare entertained some vulgar prejudice against " sitting for her por- trait," Troye directed Bill Patrick, her faithful groom, to ride her out into a paddock in front of his window. This proceeding might be all very well for the painter and the mare. Bill thought, but as for him, he was in- clined to sulk after two hours' promenading ; so whip- ping off his saddle, he incautiously determined to hitch LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. Tl the mare and " bolt," for wliicli disregard of orders and lukewarmness in facilitating the progress of the line arts, Troye clapped him into his pictm-e in the very act of committing so grave an offence in the eye of a turfman, or an artist, as hitching a race-horse to a tree ! Of course he will now go down throngh all time as the boy who was guilty of so unpardonable a sin ; but for fear his punishment would be greater than he could bear, Troye, through urgent interces- sion, was finally induced to remit a portion of the punishment he had intended, by concealing his face ! This fine engraving was the first of a series of costly embellishments which the liberal editor continued for several years. The price of the paper was raised from five to ten dollars. Ko expense or labor was spared to furnish a journal to be identified with the sporting interest in America, that should be creditable alike to the editor, and worthy of the cause he advocated. In answer to his solicitations for advice upon increasing the price of the paper, he was assured by the most distinguished Breeders and Turfmen throughout the Union, of their hearty support; "make the 'Spirit of the Times' to the American sporting world," said they, " what ' Bell's Life in London ' is to the English— flinch at no expense in procuring early information, or in im- proving its appearance and the extent and variety of its contents, and you will find Brother Jonathan will not be behind John Bull in backing his friends." For the " Spirit " of June 2, 1838, Mr. Porter wrote a full account of the gallant race between Bos- 72 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. ton and Charles Carter — tlie best four-mile heat, with the exception of Henry's, that had been made in the United States. The five great match races which have taken place, and which will immortalize the names of the contest- ing horses in the annals of the American Turf, are those of American Eclipse and Sir Henry, of Ariel and Flirtilla, of Black Maria and the three mares, known as the twenty-mile race, of "Wagner and Grey Eagle, and of Boston and Fashion. The two last were reported by Mr. Porter in a style of undisputed excellence. As a turf-writer, he was without a rival in this country, or even in England, where sporting literature had been cultivated for years by men of taste and education. LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. 73 CIIAPTEK lY. DuKiNG tlie month of March, a new weekly journal was projected and started by Dr. Porter and N. P. Willis, Esq., called " Tlie Corsair," the first number of which was issued March 16, 1839. The " Doctor " from the first intended to make the practice of medicine the great business of his life ; but a removal from Vermont to New York turned the current of his days into unlooked-for channels. As his brothers, one by one, followed in the family procession to that great city, " thistle-down," as he wrote, " never flying faster from the parent stock," an increasing sense of loneliness, and the ever-present obligation not to intermit a parental supervision of the younger brothers, compelled him, as he thought, to phant himself by their side, to guide, encourage and sustain them. While waiting and struggling for pro- fessional advancement, he was invited to a Professor's Chair in the French Academy of Mr. Coudert, which he accepted ; its duties allowed him sufficient leisure for the indulgence of his passion for general litera- 4 74: LIFE OF WILLI A.M T, POKTEE. ture, and he soon acquired the reputation of a ready and spirited writer. When lie was at the South, he contracted a per- manent friendship with Mirabeau B. Lamar, late President of Texas. They were in constant corre- spondence, and Gen. Lamar's letters breathe a tone of rare affection and confidence. Li July, 1837, he writes, " some say that Houston is about to resign, and that I, of course, will have to act as Chief Exec- utive until the next election. If this be so, I do beseech you, my dear friend, to be certain to come on to Texas in October, or earlier, and any thing in my power to promote your welfare may be commanded. It is a beautiful country, good population, and you not only can acquire with -little exertion a good for- tune, but can greatly promote the cause of free government and the general happiness of man. Your brother William too — one-half of the talent displayed in his paper, would bring him in Texas four-fold fame and fortune, and be productive of an hundred more of public good." In 1839 he writes, when President of that Republic, " I should be proud to j)lace you where you could serve the cause of our young and high-spirited Republic. Would you be willing to come to this country, and identify yourself with my fortunes ? " Specific and honorable appointments were tendered to him when General Lamar became Presi- dent ; but he was not to be moved, though he well knew the immediate and prospective value of all that he relinquished in deference to his somewhat exagger- ated and over-refined sense of youthful obligation. LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETER. 75 His intercourse with editors, publisliers and antliors, drew him into an acquaintance with IST. P. Willis, Esq., which soon ripened into a lively friendship ; Mr. Wil- lis giving him the highest proof of his regard, by dedi- cating to him his " Letters from under a Bridget During the summer of 1839, the "Doctor" proposed they should establish a weekly newspaper in New York, which should be an attractive family journal, devoted to literature, dramatic criticism, fashion, and novelty ; and at the same time advocate some satis- factory system of legislation on the subject of inter- national copyright. Mr. Willis gave a willing ear to the suggestion, and wrote to the " Doctor," " you are the best man in the country to do it — with or without me." Among the preliminaries to be settled was that of the name of the proposed serial, which was of difficult determination. After sundry perplexing consultations, that of " The Cor- sair " was proposed by the " Doctor," and adopted. Mr. Willis wrote, " if I had not heard you split hairs and talk like a Professor in a hailstorm, I should never have started on a cruise like ours with you. Your talent is to be the main-stay of the paper, and you arc the best off-hand writer I know. You are world-wise, which no other literary man I know is except Halleck." The first number of an enterprise which started under the most flattering auspices, was looked for with great curiosity, and was esteemed fully up to the highest expectations of its friends. In its external appearance it resembled the London Spectator, and 76 LIFE OF WILLIAai T. POETEK. contained twice tlic uuniber of pages of the Albion. In tyi^ographieal arrangement it was very beautiful. It ranked liigh for its selections from the most approved literary sources of the day, its original contributions, its sound and liberal criticism, and its spirited range of observation and scholarship. It was under the " Doc- tor's " exclusive editorial charge ; Mr. AVillis being abroad, and contributing very irregularly to its pages. It would be difficult to find a single volume of any American literary periodical with more to commend it to the scholar and critic, or to the general reader desirous of occasional entertainment in the realms of literature. It was discontinued after a year's cruise. The following letter from Mr. Webster of this date evinces his interest in the children of the friend of his early days : "New York, March 16, 1S39. " Gentlemen : — I experieuced so much kindness and hospi- tality in your father's house, and had so much pleasure in his and your mother's acquaintance, and remember you so well as boys, that I have felt regret at not having found an opportunity of seeing and knowing more of you since you came to manhood. My interest in the family has led me often to inquire after its members, and I have had true pleasure in learning your success- ful progress in life. If your leisure should allow you to call on me when I may be in the city, or if yon should be in Boston, or Washington, when I am in either of those places, I should bo very glad to see you. In the mean time, I will thank you to send me your paper, ' The Spirit of the Times,' addressed to me in Boston, when I am not in "Washington, and at the latter place during the sitting of Congress. I hear, too, that your brother is concerned in the ' Corsair.' Will you ask him to send it to me ? With many friendly recollections, and much regard, I am yours, " Daniel Webster. "Messrs. William T. h Geokcie Bortek." LIFE OF WILLIAM T. I'ORTER. 77 Two months after the date of tliis letter, Mr. Web- ster with his family sailed for England, and Mr. Por- ter in chronicling the fact, added the following para- graphs : " Like all Americans, of whatever political sect, we admire the lofty genius of the man, his giant powers of mind, his simplicity, his downright honesty. Could he he raised above the reach of party divisions, every man in the nation would reverence him as the legitimate offspring of our free institutions. Humble in his origin, and born in a Democratic State, he caught the inspiration of freedom in his infancy. He has been the architect of his own fortune ; his elevation in life has been the direct result of his own moral and intellectual excellence fostered by our peculiar form of government. In his personal and political character, he represents the dignity of republicanism. But he possesses other characteristics which have especially won our regard and attach- ment, and impelled us to this paragraph. Mr. Webster is a sportsman, and as such we honor him ; he is one of the best shots in the States ; he is as destructive to woodcock, as to his adversaries in debate ; at English snipe-shooting, he has hardly a compeer. * * * But more than all, Mr. "Webster is an angler, an humble disciple of Izaak Walton. Show me the man who loves trout-fishing, and I will tell you who is generous, and brave, and tender-hearted. Such a man is Mr. Webster, and as Buch do we love him more than we respect him for his greatness and integrity." The advent of the " Corsair " was announced in the " Spirit of the Times " in this characteristic para- graph : " Barclay Street. — ' The Corsair ' will be published about a week hence— say on the 16th inst. The proprietors have taken an office which is nearly opposite those of the ' Albion ' and ' Mirror.' We shall hear no more of Paternoster Row, we fancy, now that four such journals as the Mirror, Albion, Corsair, and Y8 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. Spirit of the Times have established themselves in Barclay street. A month or two ago, we had another distinguished contemporary with us, — we allude to ' La Verite,^ a French journal, under the conduct of that distinguished peruquier, Geaxd Jea^-^, who like- wise grows hair to any length and of any color, if we may credit the announcements which stare at us from over the Avay. Whether the literary enthusiasm of the Frenchman has at last gone out ' spontaneously,' or whether, which we shrewdly suspect, he finds wig-making more profitable, we know not ; but the truth is, we believe that ' La Verite ' has left this world." There are few wiio knew William T. Porter and liis brothers at the time this playful announcement was written, who will not love to linger with us for a few moments over the recollection of them at that time. With firm health, elastic nerve, and a caj)acity for great and protracted mental labor, William had succeeded in placing the " Spirit " among the foremost weekly journals of the day, and in a fair way to com- mand a world-wide celebrity. A mere cursory exam- ination of its pages and of those of the " Register," will prove how great was the demand upon his mental and physical resources, and how gallantly he came up to the work ; his intellectual efforts for the year 1839, and for the years that he conducted the two publica- tions, not always exhibited in the form of elaborate essays, but in the laborious preparation of memoirs, pedigrees, calendars, tabular statements, and all the other matter of these crowded journals, were not sur- passed by those of any other editor in this country. His list of subscribers comprehended .a body of talent, character, spirit and wealth, from Hudson's Bay to the Caribbean Sea, from the shores of the Atlantic to LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 79 the Pacilic. "Witli seventy-five out of a hundred of them, he had the pleasure of a i:)ersonal acquaintance ; some, to be sure, as he said, old enough to be his father ; a fact to which he took delight in ascribing his success, having relied upon their paternal over- sight, sagacious counsel and assistance from the start. The five brothers at that time were all living in o N^ew York, united together by the tenderest aflfection, and by almost hourly intercourse. As a group of contemporary kinsmen, if they were not all conspicu- ous enough to make an impression upon their day and generation, they were at least fortunate enough to draw round them an electric chain of close and admiring fellowship of men of worth and distinction, as spontaneous and wide-spread while they lived as it proved sincere when the grave closed over them. "That band of brothers," writes. one of their south- ern correspondents, " united as we never remember to have seen or heard of any other brothers ; those five, brave, gallant, good, glorious Porters." There were certain peculiar traits which were common to them all. An abhorrence of any thing sordid or contracted, an inbred simplicity and frank- ness, an acute sense of humor, a passionate love of rural sports, an ability to look the inevitable straight in the face, however disagreeable, and make the best of it. In the " Doctor " and William an irrepressible gayety of temperament and a fondness for the society of those they loved, admirably fitted them for the delights of social and convivial intercourse. The " Doctor " was by common consent allowed to have no 80 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. inconsiderable share of what Christopher North calls "the mvincible si^irit of genius" which inspires a good talker. When surrounded by the circle of his most familiar friends, of which he was regarded the life and ornament, it was delightful to look into his fine face, when a topic was started that stirred his genial nature. All subjects coming up at such moments reflected the prismatic hues of his mind, whether they pertained to the qualities of a favorite statesman, a criticism upon the book of Job, a race on Long Island, or the uncorking of a bottle of Chateaux Margaux. " Mony a strange story fell down stane- dead when his tongue grew mute. Thoosands o' curi- ous, na, unaccountable anecdotes, ceased to be, the day his een were closed." By taking the bits in his teeth at the time he went to Andover, William lost the advantage of the re- sources of academic training, and was of course com-' polled to severer labor than the " Doctor " or George. Faculty, quick observation, diligence, a retentive memory, courage and hard work, however, enabled him to acquire a manly, graceful, unaflfected style, marked often by a vein of downright humor as fresh and free from all guile as it was characteristic of the man. He often recommended to his correspondents and to editors of papers, desirous of writing eft'cctive- ly, the following advice of Lord Jeffrey, and judging from his clear and sensible style we have no hesitation in believing that he adopted it as a guide to his own pen : " A man fully possessed of his subject and con- fident of his cause, may always write with vigor and LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 81 eft'ect, if lie can get over the temptation of writing finely, and really confine himself to the strong and clear exposition of the matter he has to bring forward. Half of the affectation and ofl'ensive pretensions we meet with in authors, arises from a want of matter — and the other half of a paltry ambition of being elo- quent and ingenious out of place." No better idea can be had of William's fitness to fill the place he occupied among his fellow-men, than is to be found in the general admission that he possessed to an eminent degree the qualities which he enume- rates in the subjoined paragraph, as essential to the position : " Every editor of a newspaper should have extensive famili- arity with literature ; cultivated tastes, thorough knowledge of men and the world, habits of observation and great facility in giving expression to his opinions. The qualities of his heart should correspond to those of his head — he should be honest, generous and brave. Alas ! how few of the craft can pretend to a tithe of the few requisites we have enumerated. But into the composition of a Sporting editor should be infused, not only other ingredients but a double portion of industry, of patience, of command of temper, and of charity ; verily he has need of all ! Then too he must be learned in a new walk of science — of small dignity in the eyes of the multitude, yet entitled to all respect for its mysteries, its usefulness, the difficulties of its acqui- sition and the ' exceeding ' small number of its adepts ! The Stud Book should be as familiar to him as his alphabet ; families of horses and their pedigrees should be as well known to him as his own. He should be intimate with every Turfman and Breeder in the country. He should number among his acquaint- ances every Trainer that ever girthed a saddle, and every Jockey that throws his leg over a thorough-bred. He should be familiar with race courses and their proprietors, with the constitutions, ■4* 82 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. I'OKTEK. rules and decisions of every Jockey Club, and with tlie standing of every man connected with the Turf. He should have the keenest eye for the points of a horse, know the comparative merits of rival champions, and no one should be able to teach Mm as to the capacity of different trainers. He must know the odds on every horse in advance^ foresee the result of every race, and withal, act with consummate prudence in giving expres- sion to the conclusions at which he arrives by the exercise of his rare capacity and foresight! With all these gifts, super- natural, acquired or otherwise, grant him good health, good nature, indomitable perseverance and assiduity, and one would think he might hope to become reasonably popular as a Sporting editor." He was habitually considerate of the feelings and even the prejudices of others, and with marvellous tact brought them to his own conclusions as if they were in fact the spontaneous results of their unassisted reason. His faculties were clear, acute and honest, enabling him to see rapidly through a vexed point or obscure question, and to sift and adjust them not only to his entire satisfaction, but in his quiet, unpretending way, as far from self-conceit as his pleasant smile was from dissimulation, to the cheerful acquiescence of the parties interested in his decision. Tlie expansive gen- erosity of his mind, his patience, his truthfulness and entire freedom from the petty motives which often in- fluence men much his superiors in masculine preten- sion, united to the absolute and sweet frame of his temper, gave to his judgments the weight of irreversi- ble decrees. To give an idea of the literary Exchange in which he contrived to write during the high noon of his LIFE OF WILLIAM T. I'OKTEK. 83 work-day reputation, and of " tlic good fellowship which rallied round him there as the centre of mag- netic attraction," we again cite the correspondent to whom we have just referred. " 111 the palmy days of tlie Turf, when the North had stables as well as the South, and when such gentlemen sportsmen as "Walter Livingston, and Eobeet Tillotson, and Major Jones, and the Stevenses, and Commodore Stockton made ' The Spirit ' office their head-quarters, and when one never could enter its time-honored door without meeting the best company, and having the best conversation that was to be found going in America ; in those days, what talent, as well as what good fellow- ship, nsed to assemble within those walls, and rally around old Bill, as the centre of magnetic attraction. " No class of men but had, there, its representative ; no branch of talent but had its proficient, from the storming a fortress or throwing up an earthwork, to calculating a lunar, or club-hauling a ship ; from construing a Greek Chorus to cropping a pup's ears ; from check-mating a first-rate player to cutting down a woodcock under full headway in a brake, or stopping a coot skating at ninety miles an hour down a northeaster ; from running a hundred off the spot, to writing a review for the North American, or a poem for Blackwood ; from riding a steeple- chase to painting a portrait of Fashion ; from rolling a dozen tenstrikes in succession to amputating a thigh in the socket — if you wanted anything done, however strange or difficult, or out of the common way, in the office of ' The Spirit ' you w^ere sure to find the man that could do it, and do it the lest, too, and no mistake ! " It is perfectly safe to say that neither of the broth- ers had a world-wise value for money. "William's purse, however, had a pecuharity which did not belong to that of the others, it being understood that it was 84 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. devoted to the use and entertainment of everybody but himself. The stanch, but unfortunate gentleman, the broken-down scholar, the poor artist, the despised, even the very offscouring of humanity, had equal right to it as long as it held out the attraction of a six- pence, although the spectre of his bootmaker's head with an unpaid bill between his teeth, vanishing through the door of his sanctum at stated times every day in the week, threatened to deprive him of all nat- ural sleep. This general suicidal disbursement of what would have contributed so much to his own comfort, always reminded us of that eccentric branch of the finny fam- ily which, according to Old Izaak, " cast their spawn on flags or stones to become a prey and to be de- voured by vermin and other fishes." Indeed, such was his comical carelessness about money, that if the wealth of the Cnesars had been compressed into a bank bill and placed in his hands to meet his " current expenses," he would probably, in a sudden rapture and enthusiasm over a " hob fly," or the points of a favorite horse, have mistaken it for a pinch of " Mrs. Miller's best," and incontinently demolished it, and upon discovering his misfortune would have re- garded it as a capital joke, and dismissed it from his mind with the mild philosophy of Uncle Toby. It is consoling in this connection to take refuge in Paley's idea, that " a man avIio is not sometimes a fool is always one." '' Where in all the world," writes Col. Albert Pike, who knew William as thor- oughly and loved him perhaps more devotedly than LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. 85 any other acknowledged friend, " was there so pure, so manly, so generous, so unselfish, so loving a soul 'i Where one so tender, so guileless, so noble, so wholly free of all stain or taint of envy, malice, ill-will, revenge, uncharitableness ? Let every one who knew him answer, if he ever saw the peer of Porter in all that constitutes the true, generous, unselfish gentle- man, made by God. incajyable of a base action or a sordid, impulse." In personal appearance the brothers were very attractive, which added much to the interest of their social intercourse. All of them of commanding stature, compact and well put together with the ex- ception of the youngest brother, who was of medium height, and built of frailer materials than the others. Their heads manly, spirited, and gracefully set upon their shoulders, the regions of wit and mirth con- spicuous in the heads of all of them, their features clear, fine and expressive, and when lighted up witli expansive feeling or flashing a response to some gene- rous emotion, it would be difiicult to find five brothers of equal power to charm and enchain the aflections. In connection with their environment in Barclay street at this time, we insert the following article upon " Frank's," a favorite club-house in the vicinity of the offices of the " Spirit " and the " Corsair," which will be read with interest by those now living who can recall the friends and wits who met there nearly a score of years ago, the eyes of most of them sealed in dust, and the music of their laughter subsided into the silence of eternity. 86 LIFE OP^ WILLIAM T. TOKTEE. FRANK MONTEVERDE'S IN BARCLAY STREET. THE HOUSE AND ITS PATRONS. " During the palmy days of the old Olympic, when Mitchel's ' little box ' was the nightly rendezvous of a knot of men about town — fast men of an almost by-gone generation, these ' bloods ' were wont to congregate before, or after the play, at a quaint public house on the corner of Howard Street, bearing a mysterious sign-board, representing something like a counterfeit of those engravings we were wont to see pasted on the inside of an im- ported segar box. This place, designated the Havannah Houee, at that period was beneath the supervision of a hearty Italian, Francis Monteverde, afterwards more familiarly known as 'Frank.' and nightly were assembled beneath his roof, and particularly within a cosy ante-chamber, motley crowds of actors and pa- trons, of sportsmen and of fast gentlemen, discussing the merits of the drama, of the turf, and the chase, interrupted only by the monotonous clang of domino pieces, employed in deciding wine wagers, by means of the then novel game of ' rounce.' "Noted as was the Ilavannah House, fortune, however, des- tined Mr. Monteverde to preside over the destinies of another establishment still more famous, and whose memory wUl be ever treasured, in connection with the celebrated sporting slieet, the ' Spirit of the Times,' as the favorite resort of the coterie of talented gentlemen who delighted to contribute to the columns of that popular journal. Unlike his neighbors, who considered it necessary to migrate to the outskirts of the metropolis to an- ticipate the emergencies of trade, Frank made a crab-like retro- gration and located his hostelry at No. 5 Barclay Street, which he forthwith christened by the title of ' Frank's.' "Within a few doors of his resting-spot was located the office of the ' Spirit ' — that museum of literary, -artistic, and sporting marvels, the Mecca of every Western pilgrim visiting the Atlantic metropolis. "For over fifteen years, 'Frank's' and the 'Spirit' jogged LIFE OF WILLIAil T. POKTER. 87 Ijarmoniously along tlie road to wealth and fame, until the irre- sistible march of improvement dissolved their local connection, and, soon after this inimical divorce, the hostelry of Frank be- came, as it were, desert in the midst of busy scenes, and survives, in the vicinage of its departed glory, but the shadow of a name. The bond of association had been broken, and the charm of familiarity, which gave so earnest a zest to ' Frank's ' liquid com- binations, was wasted upon the generation of merchants' clerks and store porters, who succeeded the crowd of ' smilers ' follow- ing in the wake of the ' Tall Son of York.' Even the original building has disappeared to make way for some palace of mer- chandise, whose tenants are probably ignorant that they daily tread upon ground hallowed by reminiscences of probably as great a body of wit, humor and talent, as has ever been congre- gated within any four walls of this progressive metropolis ; for ' Frank's ' in the zenith of its glory may have been justly regarded as the Boar's Head of a cis- Atlantic Eastcheap. " There were peculiarities distinguishing ' Frank's ' which could be encountered in no other public house in the city ; it was a specialty in its very nature, being to the literary man and the higher class of sportsman, a species of intellectual exchange comparable to the mercantile relation that ' Delmonico's ' bears to its trading patrons. It was the distinction of ' Frank's ' that its habitues were considered almost wholly as gentlemen, as the term was interpreted by the conservatives of twenty years since, meaning thereby men of independent resources, or members of the learned professions. In truth, the frequenters at 'Frank's' despised any thing like mercantile pursuits, for, being gentlemen of education, they treasured a traditional prejudice against that which we are nowadays tutored to designate the dignity of com- merce. " ' Frank's ' may have been regarded as a natural offspring from Washington Hall, many of its elder frequenters having been former patrons of that tavern, and a spirit of similarity pervaded the conversational atmosphere of both celebrated localities. The patrons of each were decidedly fast men, leaders in sports and pastimes, whose generation is being rapidly extinguislied. Tliey 88 LIFE OF WILLIASI T. POKTEK. were as unlike Young New York as we are to Hercules, our juveniles having imitated the townsmen of former clays in naught save their exceptionable vices. " Let us turn our memory to the contemplation of ' Frank's ' eighteen years ago — not a long period, to be sure, but long enough to have bestowed upon New York an entirely fresh population, radically distinct fi-om those who flourished at the epoch of which we treat. Let us seat ourselves in one of the rough arm chairs hospitably placed by the table, covered with newspapers from every part of the world — ' The Spirit's ' ex- changes, and make the acquaintance of the liaMtues at ' Frank's ' as they casually visit ' the sanctum,' as the place was familiarly entitled. ' Frank's ' was not only a refreshment saloon, but a well-appointed club-house, possessing private retreats, an ample billiard room, and a couple of bowling alleys, which, however, disappeared as that game, to which Masonic Hall was once sacrificed, grew in popular disuse, " Prominent among the visitors, as a matter of course, stood "William T. Porter, the well-known editor of The ' Spirit of the Times,' which paper he is erroneously supposed to have originated, but which was commenced by the late Chas, J. B. Fisher, who, in the imprint of its first issues, announced the fact of its being edited by a brother to the celebrated Clara Fisher. ' The Tall Sou of York,' for William counted six feet four inches, perpen- dicular from his stockings, Avas remarkable for his general suavity and disinterested philanthropy, his evident mission on earth being, as he contended, to oblige everybody. As an editor he was ever ready to confer favors ; as a man, his heart and purse were within the reacli of every applicant, for selfishness as well as egotism were unknown qualities to a man of so generous a nature. Mr. Porter was probably the only editor on record who died without enemies. " Dr. Porter, a fine, portly man, whose cast of countenance reminded one of Martin Van Buren, was a more thoroughly edu- cated man than his brother, and possessed every one of William's good qualities, besides a decidedly superior business capacity. In LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. 89 by-gone days he had been connected witli ' Tlic Corsair,' a liter- ary journal, published by him as co-editor with N". P. Willis, but at the period of his demise, the Doctor Avas English professor in Coudert's French Academy, where, from the amiability of his disposition, he was regarded by his pupils with a feeling of ten- derness rarely bestowed upon knights of the birch and ferule. In the earlier portion of his life, ' the Doctor,' as he was familiar- ly, and distinctively entitled, after having graduated with honor at a medical institution, essayed practice of his profession, but found, although theoretically an enthusiast in tlie science of medicine, his nerves unable to withstand the contemplation of physical suffering. In consequence of his repudiation of surgery, he was compelled to devote his attention to belles leth-es, and proved himself in all his productions, to be a superior critic, finished writer, and clever essayist. "George Porter, brother of Wm. T. and 'the Doctor,' pos- sessed fine literary acquirements, and by nature was more im- pulsive, or, if you please, more enterprising than any of the brothers. He never avoided, while attached to the ' Spirit,' any kind of severe labor, so that he could get ahead of his contempo- raries. In 1842 he left New York, and accepted a leading posi- tion on the ' Picayune.' For many long years he labored with most commendable industry, his peculiar abilities finding a natural field in the excitement of the Mexican war. His knowl- edge of Spanish was perfect, and his reports of the progress of the campaign gave the 'Picayune' a deserved pre-eminence. George was educated for the law, and in the few years he prac- tised in this city, he secured the reputation of being one of the most promising young men at the bar. "Another member of the Porter family — Frank — was for many years a visitor at the ' lower ofiice,' as "William good- naturedly designated Monteverde's Sanctum. His exterior diflered from the robust forms of his more celebrated brothers, being a man of comparatively small stature, but in warmth of disposition, and ingenuousness of character, was well worthy o^. their rela- tionship. He, too, was a man of letters, and the circle at 90 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. ' Frank's ' missed an esteemed companion, when lie was called to assume a situation on the New Orleans ' Picayune,' on which his brother George had been engaged. " A distinguished personage among the habitues of ' Frank's ' was a dapper gentleman, whose face bore a bushy pair of au- burn whiskers, and was garnished with a perpetual smile. Lord George Gordon, for we liad ennobled him from admiration of his patrician qualities, was quite a Chesterfield among us, and his opinions on all matters, especially such as appeilained to dress and manners, were to be regarded as pure gospel. George was the very pink of neatness ; not a speck of dust was allowed to contaminate his olive-cut-away, not a wrinkle to be observable upon his dainty waistcoat, while his blue neck-scarf, spotted with white dots, after the manner of a Belcher tie, encircled his neck with most faultless gracefulness. But particularly did the jaun- tiness of Lord George display itself in the style and manner of poising his hat on his head, as well as in the condescending patronizing elegance with which he removed it for purposes of salutation. Still the merits of Gordon were in nowise confined to the exterior man ; he had that within which passeth show, and was the Yorick of a thousand dinner parties, which he en- livened by a constant flow of wit, humor and anecdote, for Gordon was a walking encyclopedia of amusing information. The peculiarity of Gordon's wit, its appropriateness, was enhanced by the novel manner of his speech, and the earnestness of his gesture. Once called to the witness stand, the lawyer propounded the usual question as to his profession. " ' Profession — eh ? ' musingly responded Lord George ; ' how we live? Olden time, king's fool — nowadays, dine out.' And he gave a majestic wave of the hand. 'Then,' continued the lawyer derisively, as if annoyed at the retort, 'you live by your wits ? ' " ' Oh, dear, no ! ' coolly returned Gordon, ' not at all— not by my wits — want of 'em in others? ' " Another worthy of the same school was Tom Oldfield, whilom Consul of the United States at Lyons, a position he rc- ^■igned, as he boasted, from the inability of the inhabitants to LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 91 comprehend or appreciate liis jokes. Tom was emphatically a fellow of infinite jest, and although he in nowise aspired to the Beau Brummell qualities of Gordon, he possessed a striking ready fund of anecdotal humor, rendering him on convivial occasions a most agreeable companion. Poor Tom! he had experienced his shares of the ups and downs of a mundane existence, which he bore with stoical composure. While in London, with leisure time on his hands, he observed near his lodgings a broker's office, whose proprietor seemed to be of a nervously suspicious temper- ament. To worry the individual, Oldfield was wont to plant himself before the heap of gold in the money changer's window, and contemplate it, with mysterious earnestness, for hours to- gether. The movement he repeated diurnally, until the patience of the suspicious proprietor was wholly exhausted from inability to comprehend a motive for Tom's eccentric conduct; conse- quently, one day he rushed from his shop door, seized upon his outside visitor, and threatened that if he caught him again lounging around his window, he would give him into the custody of the Police. " ' My dear fellow, don't,' pathetically responded Oldfield, ' don't destroy my last consolation ; for, if I wern't to stop here every morning, I should lose all knowledge of the current coin of the realm.' " Still another proficient in conversational knowledge was Mr. Gwilt Mapelsden, Knight of the Order of St. Louis, and formerly a member of the Court of some Italian Grand Duke. He was induced to visit the country by the representations of a gentleman who died on his passage; and by this misfortune, Mapelsden was forced to resort to his pen for a livelihood. His knowledge of heraldry, and an affection for mediaeval drawing, distinguished his publications, which were of a unique order in our literature. The ' Lays of the 'Western World,' his ' Shakspeare Ballads,' and his pedigree of Washington, remain beautiful speci- mens of a revived taste for ancient illumination, which we could scarce expect from our Democratic community, to please whose vanity, as well as to earn an honest penny, Mr. Mapelsden manu- factured armorial bearings in unlimited abundance. 92 LIFE OF WILLLOI T. POKTER. " Speaking of literature reminds us that ' Frank's ' Avas hon- ored by visits from two distinguished living i)oets, whenever they chanced to sojourn in our metropolis. Col. Albert Pike, of Arkansas, a noble-looking man, over six feet in height, a re- markable embodiment of our romantic ideal of a frontiersman — has not only composed some of the finest poems in our language, but has wielded his sword in the service of his country during the Mexican campaign. Did we not dislike the bad taste of bestowing comparative titles, we would say that Col. Pike could be designated as the ' Korner of America,' notwithstanding that the veteran author of ' Woodman, Spare that Tree,' lays claim to a similar honor. " The other disciple of the Muses is a fine-looking, elderly gentleman, reminding one strongly of that which an Englishman, rather than an American, is expected to be, as much from the style of his peculiar habiliments as the polite heartiness of his manner. Mr. Fitz Greene Ilalleck, the contemporary of John Targee, and the other worthies of Tammany Hall his pen has locally immortalized, still survives the ravages of time, and con- verses as agreeably as in those days when Dickey Riker judged and Croaker sung, above the turmoil of mercantile life. " Another relict of a past age was "Walter Livingston, ' the last of the white cravats,' who adhered with pertinacity to his cambric neckcloth, ruffled shirt, buff waistcoat, and blue dress- coat, until such a fashion of costume grew to be an eccentricity even with his companions. An enthusiastic admirer of field sports, Mr. Livingston was among the last to desert the Jockey Club, and the appearance of this venerable gentleman on the Turf, until racing gave place to trotting, was ever hailed as a guarantee of the respectability of the ancient pastime. " As a striking contrast to this vestige of the ancient regime, could be observed the bustling apparition of Col. John Haggerty, who, in his time, might have been regarded as the Beau Nash of the day, so neat and trim his attire, so neatly fitting his velvet faced Chesterfield, so accurately turned over his wristbands a la cVOrsay. And how heartily the Colonel laughed at one of Gor- don's jokes, and tlion ventured upon a relation of his experience, LITE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 93 when lie fished up a rehitive in tlie neighborhood of Holyrood in the Count O'llaggerty, mdet de chamhre to Charles X. King of France. " Still another beau appeared to us in the person of Captain Marx, vulgarly and contemptuously nicknamed ' the Dandy,' although he labored strenuously, in advance of his time, to elevate the taste of the younger citizens, and to impart that appreciation of appropriateness in costume and appointments which distin- guishes a gentleman of refinement. Poor Marx ! despite many foibles, he was a man of cultivation and of merit, and was lamented by a large circle of admiring friends. The group is augmented by still another man of ton — Henry Allen "Wright, who has a tendency towards the adoption of Canadian peculiari- ties in the -waj of manners, conceiving possibly that British provincialisms may be applicable to revolted colonies, in which particular he differs from another patron of ' Frank's,' the dash- ing Frank Waddell, who, in lieu of being ' King of Bath,' aspired to the sovereignty of Newport, and to the principality of Sara- toga. Poetic Frank believed in the criticism of good manners, and conceived that no public demonstration of festivity can be regarded as comme il faut^ unless the programme has been sub- mitted to his judicial inspection. " A representative of Knickerbocker gentility has dropped in to inquire for a friend. Mr. Harry Hone, a sturdy specimen of good-humored yeomanry, probably in search of one of his equally stalwart nephews, the Anthons, that the two may exercise with dog and gun on the plains beyond Babylon on the Island. " The gentleman in fustian shooting jacket, corduroy panta- loons, and preposterously thick brogans, is the sporting writer, ' Frank Forrester,' on his way to his favorite shooting-ground near the Highlands of Neversink, who has stopped in to leave a series of messages with ' Garry,' the bar-tender, who, by the way, was a feature at ' Frank's,' as much from his personal affa- bility, as from the possession of a twin brother Peter, whose resemblance was as puzzling to the ' Barclay Guard ' as the two Dromios to the ancient Syracusans. Accompanying Herbert was pretty generally his co-editor, Thomas Picton, who, frciin 94 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. having been originally his pupil, maintained ever afterwards a close friendship with his preceptor. " A gentleman of the same profession frequently made a flying visit about the hour of uoou— a fine middle-aged Scotchman, Mr. A. D. Paterson, who, after having been long connected w^th the ' Albion,' attempted to establish the ' Anglo-American,' as a rival sheet, which experiment alone failed by reason of his sudden demise. Mr. Paterson was an excellent scholar in belles-let- tres, and unfortunately left but a few fugitive writings behind him. " So likewise on an afternoon would drop in Lewis Gaylord Clark, the editor of ' Old Nick,' partially with the view to take a hand in a roll, at ' Graves ' over the way, and partially to pick up a few stray jokes for the next number of his magazine. These contributions were never withheld from him, as the ' Spirit ' and ' Old Nick ' were regarded by all as the only genuine oracles of literature. "Accompanying Mr. Gaylord Clark, would probably be a slight-made gentleman, excessively amiable in personal appear- ance, and polished in his manners. Mr, Henry Inman, the por- trait painter, was a kind, generous-hearted man, emphatically one of nature's noblemen, as famed for his hospitable urbanity as for the invariable gentleness of his disposition. Although sorely oppressed with a pulmonic disease, Avhich seriously interrupted his professional labors, Mr. Inman was ever a leader in our cheer- ful assemblies ; in truth, it appeared that the relaxation of an evening, passed in the companionship of men of talent, wit and humor, revived a spirit which otherwise would have morbidly succumbed beneath disease and the pressure of the toil over attending his works of art. As a man, the loss of Mr. Inman was severely felt by sympathizing friends; as an artist, our country mourns a painter, leaving no successor and few imitators behind him, for his natural geniality, and affectionate admiration for children, rendered portraits of youth and innocence master- pieces of his skill. " Still another artist, in formidable beard and a slouch hat of gigantic dimensions, stands before us. It is not the person of LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. 95 Fra Diavolo, but of Charley Elliot, whose pencil has consigned more than one of ' Frank's ' celebrated patrons to immortality, as far as a very high standard of painting can confer immortality on the memories of human features. Elliot, in a mercantile method of speech, can be quoted as A No. 1, among his contem- poraries of the pallet, and among all ' good fellows ' he is surely to be honored as worthy of a ' bold stand ; ' therefore, say we, may his beard and shadow never be less. " An elderly gentleman, who occasionally penetrated into the sanctum, was for many years the inseparable companion of Mr. Inman on his piscatorial excursions among the trout streams of Long Island ; for the artist, like the immortal ' light of other days,' Phillips the vocalist, was a profound angler. This gentle- man, who, strange to say, has resided for half a century in one and the same ward in this city, is Mr. Fosdick, more familiarly styled ' Uncle Richard,' who, after surviving most of his contem- poraries, has experienced the ingratitude of Republics in being defeated as Alderman in that very Ward in which he has passed of his life threescore years, less ten. In latter years, too, even the fishes appear determined to imitate the conduct of the poli- ticians, for although the venerable angler annually continues his expedition, the recusant finny tribe absolutely refuse to be taken by other stratagem than the vulgar expedient of silver hooks. Probably, however, the ' old inhabitant ' has outlived the race which peopled the streams he frequented in his youth. " An artist of a difterent school entered on the scene in the person of Bob Clark, the animal painter, who had finer natural genius for this particular line than Landseer or Cooper, and was for several years about the only delineator of horse flesh possessed by our metropolis. Bob was a generous, impulsive, yet good- natured child of Erin, being the son of Sir Jas. Clark, of Dublin, and the nephew of the celebrated Lady Morgan. Poor Bob ! he had but one vanity, and a harmless one at that— he imagined himself the best gentleman rider in America ; indeed, so pas- sionately fond was he of equestrian pastimes when at home, that almost the only clothing he brought hither was jockey or lumtiug dresses. 96 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEE. " Prominently among those visitors addicted to the pastime of bowling, was a mysterious gentleman, Jas. Banks, a particular friend of Porter, who facetiously styled him 'Jim Baggs.' A very powerful and handsomely framed man, he excelled in the exercise ; and on one occasion, it is said, rolled a string with Caleb McNulty, of Washington, for $10,000. On another occasion he flourished before the public as the presumed robber of ' Pomeroy's trunk,' having been arrested on suspicion, as his trunk at the hotel was opened by accident, and found to contain $25,000 in gold, with regard to the possession of which he positively de- clined giving any explanation. The apprehension and suicide of the real robber relieved him from every imputation of criminality ; but to his dying day tliis eccentric personage declined gratifying public curiosity as to the source whence he derived the contents of his trunk, but which were in reality the proceeds of a heavy government contract for the transportation of the Soutberu Mail ; Uncle Sam then, as now, being in the habit of liquidating his liabilities in hard cash. " Conversing with his friend Gordon, would probably be seen the medical adviser of the crowd — Doctor "Warrington, a skilful surgeon and polished gentleman, whose eccentricity evinces itself in the wearing of a -white hat of a peculiar construction, Avhich had doubtless been patented by the original inventor somewliere about the year one. The Doctor is at the present moment the popular surgeon on one of the California Steamers. " Then would come a short, dapper individual, who jumps about, somewhat after the manner one would be expected to assume if treading upon hot coals. This is C. H. Stanley, Avell known as a chess champion, and as an attache of Her Majesty's Consulate. Stanley is a capital companion, with only one fault — a passion for concocting the most villauous puns that could ever emanate from the human brain. "As a contrast to Stanley we have Isaiah ITowe, the advocate inordinary to every patron of ' Frank's ' who has the misfortune to tumble into legal disputations, a matter-of-fact personage of more than ordinary talent, and a decided proi)ensity to argue with somebody. At this moment he is laying down tlie law to a LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. 97 small contented looking gentleman, who glides about tlio apart- ment with that mysterious profundity of manner Avhich has been chronicled as the attribute of the learned Linkum Fidelias— the ' Little Man in Black,' of Manhattanese creation. In fact ' Mac' — nobody gives him any other cognomen — is quite as whimsical, and slightly more unfathomable a character than that antique celebrity has been represented to us in the traditions of the Knickerbocker. Two local personages have entered the saloon — Harry Mabbett — a perfect epidemic on police mismanagement, who regulates conventions and committees, and, Joshua-like, commands the political Sun shining over at least two down-town wards to stand still, until he chooses to set the affairs of state in proper motion. The other is Mr. Peter Ohanfrau, brother to the theatrical representative of Mose, who, after having reaped a neat fortune by ornamenting the exterior of the human face, con- templates the measure of their internal living, and has performed the mathematical feat of converting the almost decimal fraction of a man into a full blown Boniface. ' Measure for Measure ' has been, and now is, his motto ; whether the one measure be by the yard, or by the sections of a gallon, the other is inevitably by the standard of cash, " An Indian curiosity we have in the person of Adams, the Rocky Mountain trapper, who glories in an Indian chieftaincy, with an unpronounceable name to match, but is withal an excel- lent specimen of civilization, having deserted his rifle and taken to the ' long bow,' in the drawing of which he excels his red- skinned brethren. " Next we make the acquaintance of two enthusiastic cricket- ers—John Richards, whose hearty laugh and boisterous jocularity ring through the hall, while his younger companion, a tall, wiry, athletic gentleman, seems inclined to a pensive consideration of the important subject-matter under discussion. This latter is Delancy Barclay, son of the British Consul, who, after having attained the dignity of an engineer in our fire department, has turned his attention to the game of cricket, of which both ' the Governor ' and he are most enthusiastic supporters. In their conversation they are joined by a melancholy-looking personage, 5 98 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. who delivers his opinions Avith the profundity of a Delphic oracle ; for as Hercules was known by his tread, so is ' Cuyp,' the famous bowler, recognized by the excessive gravity of his demeanor. Indeed, a casual observer would be induced, from his personal appearance, to believe him to be a Methodist parson in disguise, for he is seldom known to laugh even at Eichard's jokes. " A knot of worthies in the corner embrace some distinguished men in their own particular sphere. Col. Costar, who has wit- nessed the changes of half a century, and remains himself as unchanged as the day he first perambulated Broadway ; Col. Pride, gay, handsome, robust, just as if he had discovered the philosopher's stone, or at least swallowed a good dose of the elixir of life ; Lovell Purdy, as intent upon the encouragement of a racing stud as if he had grown legitimate heir to the ' Napo- leon of the Turf,' and Tom BattoUe, wild, harum-scarum traveller in many lands, who has determined upon trying his luck at the first new enterprise which fortune, or common rumor, suggests to his notice. " Then again, ' Frank's ' is invaded by the apparition of a bevy of theatrical magnates — not men of extraordinary calibre, but artists of established merit, particularly those who are afflicted with a propensity for scribbling, and find the ' Spirit ' an oppor- tune vent for their surcharged emotions. First, we have the poet laureate of the Mammoth Cod Association, author of that spiritual ditty, ' Don't think I'm going to Pvail, or ' &c. ; ever- joyous John Brougham, inventor of the Greeley Hat and other divine institutions. After him may come Harry Plunkett, another disciple of Momus, who executes tragedy on the stage, and does up farce upon paper. At another period can be seen the ' mer- chant vocalist,' deep-toned Brough, who claims admission to the sporting circles by dint of agency for diamond-grained gunpow- der, and who has been induced to relinquish ' those scenes I view so charming,' to dispense in wholesale Parr's Life Pills and the 'Illustrated London News.' Between merchandise and minstrelsy he leads a life unequalled by the ' Monks of Old,' and he would be the happiest of mortals were not his nerves shattered by afflictions of gout, slang, and ' nothin' else.' But before him LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POUTER. 99 stands another of his tormentors—' Gemotice,' whilom literary editor of an extinguished 'Planet,' but, at that moment, musical savaii of the ' Express,' who is intensely reading, from proof, a forthcoming critique upon the latest opera, each sentence of which gives the vocalist a twinge incomparably more severe than that produced by his hereditary gout. Among theatrical celebri- ties we moreover notice Harry Placide — a better ' Sir Harcourt ' off than on the stage — who has condescended to relinquish his parental government over ducks, chickens, and hens, and has suffered them to roam in wildness over his homestead on the ' island,' that he may shine as a star for a week or two upon the boards of old Drury. Near him can be observed his brother Tom, undeniably the best low comedian on our stage, saving the incomparable Mitchell — whose years alone prevent his identifi- cation with his better-known relative. " Sometimes we are favored, in the summer season, with the presence of New Orleans manager, Mr. Place, likewise a man of portly dimensions, who visits our city to replenish his troupe, and to add to his store of equestrian utensils, for Place, breath- ing this atmosphere of ' Frank's ' and the ' Spirit,' is afflicted with a propensity towards eqnine worship. " Speaking of Southern notabilities, here we have Col. Thorpe, a stout, solid gentleman, better known as Tom Owen the Bee Hunter, whose personal appearance gives little token of the pos- session of that heartiness of humor which characterizes his South-western sketches, particularly ' The Big Bear of Arkansas,' and who is assuredly entitled to a front seat among the American humorists. On the contrary the Colonel, has the look of a solid planter, from whom we should as confidently expect the execu- tion of a joke, as to contemplate his brother. Colonel John S. Da Solle, performing on the corde volante. " Another literary celebrity of the South is George "Wilkins Kendall, of the New Orleans ' Picayune,' who has ' seen the ele- phant ' and, during the hunt after whom, acquired some unpleas- ant reminiscences of the road to Santa Fe. He has ventured hitherward to astonish the nerves of a special party, bound to the "Wilderness of the Empire State, where he expects to take 100 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. down the deer, still tracking the sylvan groves of Hamilton County ; after this feat he will hie to Paris, to appreciate that improvement of the fandango, known to the senoritas of Mabille and the Parisian Prado, as the can can. " Moreover at times there could he encountered at ' Frank's ' pure specimens of the professional sporting race, doctors, train- ers, jockies and turfmen proper, especially during the week pre- ceding meetings over the Union Course. Then was a carnival with those who 'talked horse,' and many were the entries booked, and wagers laid for and against horse, time and field. But as these people were but of an ephemeral character, mere birds of passage, who visited the North for the instant, their acquaintance would in nowise amuse the general reader at our day. " Conspicuous, however, among turfmen, came Alfred Cono- ver, the Nestor of Long Island trainers, who was once charged with the studs of Commodore Stockton, Capt. Sutton, and the Stevenses, when these worthy gentlemen encouraged, in princely style, the most attractive of all field sports. But the memory of those halcyon days has been obliterated, and Alfred and his stables have probably shared the fate of oblivion, according to the destiny of racing. " We have attempted to carry our readers back with us to the palmy days at ' Frank's ' — many of the habitues of whom we have spoken, are already gathered to their fathers, many more are progressing thither rapidly with the stream of time. We have endeavored to preserve a faint reminiscence of the frequenters of a once famous locality, conceiving it a pleasant duty to treasure the memory of familiar faces, before all vanish before the irresistible toucli of the future," LITE OF WILLIAai T. POKTEK. 101 CHAPTER Y. WAGNER AND GKEY EAGLE. At no time had the Turf stood higher than in 1839, and the races of that year were of unsurpassed interest; all the horses of note had their sanguine friends, and more than one was believed by his own especial partisans to be invincible. Of none was this more true than of those two gallant animals, ("Wagner and Grey Eagle,) whose grandest exploit was incom- parably reported for the Turf Register in 1840, by "Wm. T. Porter. Herbert states that " Wagner in his five-year-old form, was already a tried horse, of proved speed, courage, and bottom, a distinguished winner, and even, in the high-flown aspirations of his owner, capable to compete with Boston. He was at least the equal of any other horse in America of his day ; and not long afterwards a distin- guished writer was found in the columns of the ' Spirit of the Times ' to maintain, that up to this period, the great son of Timoleus had displayed no manifest superiority over him. " He had been in training continually since his third year ; 102 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. in 1838 he had won three races of four-mile heats, and two of two-mile heats, beating Extio at 'Saw Orleans in 7.44 — 7.57— considered in those days all but the very best time. " He was a beautiful chestnut horse of fifteen and a half hands, with a white blaze on his face, and two white hind feet. lie was got by Sir Charles — he by Sir Archy, dam by imp. Citizen, gd. by Commutation, g. gd. by imp. Daredevil— g. g. gd. by imp. Shark— g. g. g. gd. by imp. Fearnought— out of Maria West by Marion, her dam Ella Cramp, by imp. Citizen — gd. by Huntsman, g. gd. by Wildair, g. g. gd. by Fearnought, g. g. g. gd. by Janus, &c. " Marion was by Sir Archy, dam by Citizen, gd. by Alder- man, g. gd. by Eobuck out of a Herod Mare. " Grey Eagle was in his fourth year, a magnificent horse nearly sixteen hands in height, said to be of almost perfect sym- metry, although scarcely equal in his quarters to his forehand, which is described as sumptuous. His color, as his name indi- cates, was a fine silvery gray. In his three-year-old form he had won two races of two-mile heats, in 3.41 — 3.43—8.48 — and 3.44, respectively, and was honestly believed by his owner, and by Kentuckian Sportsmen in general, to be equal to any thing in America, both for speed and bottom ; although, in truth, this opinion must be regarded rather as surmise than as judgment, since his powers had not yet been sufficiently tested to justify such boundless confidence. It is but fair to add, in the wonderful races Avhich are to be described, his performance was such as to prove that this confidence was not misplaced — was such, indeed, as to render it probable that, had he been ridden by a jockey competent to make the most of his powers, he might have been the winner in the first match — in which case he probably would not have been lost to the Turf, by the rash, and as I must consider it, cruel trial, of running a second four-mile race of scarcely paralleled severity within five days. " Grey Eagle Avas got by Woodpecker, he by imp. Dragon — dam, Irby's Daredevil mare, grandam by Old Wildair, g. gr. dam by Fearnought, etc., out of Ophelia by Wild Medley, gd. LIFE OF WILLIAil T. PORTER. 103 Ophelia by Grey Diomed, g. gd. Primrose by Apollo, g. g. gd. by imp. Grandby, g. g. g. gd. by imp. Figure, &c. " Wild Medley was got by Old Medley, dam by Wildair, g. d. by Tristram Shandy, g. gd. Sportley by imp. Janus, g. g. gd. Gen. Nelson's imp. Spanish Mare. There are no less than four Grey Diomeds and seven ApoUos in Edgar's Stud Book, and it is not stated which of these horses are intended. They are all, how- ever, of good blood. " The description which here ensues," continues Mr. Herbert, " has been considered by competent judges, to be the finest speci- men of turf-writing in the English language, and if the laudari a laudato be fame in literary matters, we know no one who has derived more from a single essay than the wiMter of the narrative annexed," WAGNER AND GREY EAGLE'S RACES. The editor of this Magazine had the pleasure of attending the last meeting of the Louisville Jockey Club, and witnessing the two splendid races between Wagner and Grej Eagle, Those who have noticed the spirit with which every thing connected with breeding and racing is carried on at present in Ken- tucky, will hardly be surprised to hear that the late meeting has never been equalled in the excellence of the sport, or in the number and character of the visit- ors. Turfmen and other distinguished strangers from the neighboring States mustered in great force ; while the Kentuckians themselves turned out in such num- bers that the hotels and lodging-houses literally over- flowed, A w^eek of more delightful weather we have rarely known. The fields were large every day ; the horses ran well, " all the world and his wife " were on the course; the pressure was forgotten, and all 104 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. ajipeared to enjoy themselves without stint or meas- ure. In addition to the brilliant report of " iV^. of Ar- Icansas," in the Spirit of the Times, the editor, since his return, has given his impressions of the meeting in the columns of that paper. Many readers of this magazine have expressed a desire that we should also give them a report of the two great races. * * * In compliance with the general desire of these, we proceed to give our own impressions of the two races, which have contributed in an eminent degree to give Wagner and Grey Eagle the high and endur- ing reputation they now enjoy. The races during the week were characterized by good fields, strong run- ning, fine weather, and an attendance unparalleled in numbers and respectability. The Oakland Course was in the finest possible order, the Stewards were in uniform and well mounted, and the arrangements of the proprietor, Col. Oliver, and of the Club, for the gratification and convenience of their guests, were not only in good taste but complete in all respects. We have not room to speak in this place of a variety of interesting circumstances connected with the meeting, but shall be pardoned for alluding to the imusual number of distinguished individuals present, and the blaze of beauty reflected from the Ladies' " Pavilion," on the occasion of the first race between the champions of Louisiana and Kentucky. Tlie number of ladies in attendance was estimated at eight hundred, while nearly two thousand horsemen were ■issembled on the field. The stands, the fences, the LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. 105 trees, the tops of carriages, and every eminence over- looking the course, were crowded ; probably not less than ten thousand persons composed the assemblage, comprising not only several distinguished Senators, and nearly the entire Kentucky delegation in Con- gress, with their families, but all the elite of the beauty and fashion of the State. Among the earliest on the ground were the Hon. Judge Porter, of Louisiana, the distinguished Ex-Sen- ator, and Mr. Clay. His colleague in the Senate, Mr. Crittenden, soon followed, with Gen. Atkinson, Major Stewart, and Capt. Alexander, of the army ; Judge Woolley, Gov. Poindexter, Judge Kowan, the Hon. Messrs. Menifee, Allan, Letcher, Hardin, Graves, Hawes, etc. Among the guests of the Club, well known to the sporting world, we noticed J. S. Skin- ner, Esq., of Baltimore ; W. M. Anderson, Esq., of Ohio ; C. F. M. Noland, of Arkansas ; the Messrs. Kenner, Mr. Slidell, Mr. Parker, and Mr. Beasley, of Louisiana; Mr. McCargo, Mr. Beasley, and Capt. Bacon, of Virginia ; Mr. Geo. Cheatham, of Tenn. ; Maj. Fleming, of Alabama, and a great number more whose names have escaped us. Good breeding forbids an enumeration of the dis- tinguished throng of belles. The young Miss just from the trammels of school, flush with joy and fears, the budding, blooming girl of sweet sixteen, the more stately and elegant full-blown woman, the dark-eyed Southerner, with her brown complexion and match- less form, the blue-eyed ]!Tortherner, with her dimpled cheek and fair and spotless beauty, were gathered 5* 106 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. here in one lustrous galaxy. The gentlemen were unmatched for variety ; the Bar, the Bench, the Sen- ate, and the Press, the Army and the Navy, and all the et ceteras that pleasure or curiosity attracted, were here represented. We are very much tempted to essay to describe a few of these radiant belles — had kind heaven made us a poet, like Prentice, we would immortalize them ; as we are only a proser, we can merely detail them. If any demand by what right we allude so pointedly to them, surely we may ask what right they have to be so beautiful ? There was one with a form of per- fect symmetry, and a countenance not only beautiful but entirely intellectual; like Halleck's Fanny, she may have been " younger once than she is now," but she is, and will ever be, " a thing to bless — all full of life and loveliness." With a purely Grecian bust and classic liead, and with an eye as dark as the absence of all light, beaming with a lustre that eclipses all, her figure varied itself into every grace that can belong either to rest or motion. And there was a reigning belle, in the spring-time of her youth and beauty, with a face beaming with perfect happiness ; it was like a " star-lit lake curling its lips into ripjDles in some stream of delight, as the west-wind salutes them with its balmy breath, and disturbs their placid slumber." It was the realization of Byron's idea of "music breathing o'er the face." There comes a bride — and from the East, too. A peep at her face, almost hid by clustering braids of raven hair, dis- plays a belle of an Atlantic city, and ere Ave have LIFE OF WILLIAM T. rORTEK, 107 time to ask her name, a lovely blonde sweeps by in a gay mantilla, changeable as the hues of evening, with a hat whiter than the wing of a dove, and as faultless as Nesera. It would puzzle a spliinx to divine the cause of her radiant smile. Walks she fancy free? Has Cupid's bolt passed her innocuous ? In the centre of the pavilion stand two rival belles, of a style of beauty so varied as to attract marked attention. The face and figure of one is rounded to the complete ful- ness of the mould of a Juno ; while the otlier, with the form of a sylph, and the eyes of an angel, is the impersonation of delicacy and loveliness. And there is a lady from the northernmost extremity of the Re- public, nearly allied to the Patrick Henry of the south-west, with eyes of the sweetest and most tran- quil blue " that ever reflected the serene heaven of a happy hearth — eyes to love, not wonder at — to adore and rely upon, not admire and tremble for." And then there was that beautiful belle from Scott County, and that brilliant wit from Lexington ; here, the pearl wreath strove to rival the fairer brow — the ruby, a rubier lip — the diamondj a brighter eye ; there the cornelian borrowed from the damask cheek a deeper hue ; the gossamer floated round a lighter form — the light plume nodded over a lighter heart. But what grace can flowers or sweeping plumes confer when the rich smile of beauty is parting her vermilion lips, and the breath of the morning, added to the excitement of the occasion, have given ripeness to her cheeks, and a fire to her eye, which, to our bachelor taste, would be worth a pilgrimage to Mecca 108 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. to enjoy, as we did at that moment. AVho can fail to detect the graceful being on our left, in a Parisian hat, lined with violets, whose soft liquid eye and raven braids render her the fairest gem in the bril- liant cluster of Western beauties ? The flashing eyes of a dark -browed matron from Missouri are roving restlessly over the nodding sea of heads beneath ; and the pensive smile of a fair lily, just home from school, has become absolutely radiant as she shakes back, from her open brow, a flood of glistering ringlets, and gazes down upon the multitude with the innocent gaze of a young-eyed seraph. But how shall our pen do homage to the daughters of Old Kentuck, whose striking Di Yernon beauty, with their dark, lustrous eyes and sable tresses, is only rivalled by the high culture bestowed upon their minds, and the attraction of those feminine accomplishments which " gild re- fined gold," and render them among the loveliest and most fascinating women within the circuit of the sun ? The waters of Lethe must flow deep over our souls to banish the memory of the bouquets and gloves we lost and won upon that day ! The evening festivities that followed — the brilliant dance, the plaintive song that "lapt us in elysium," and she, too, the fairy masquerader, in the Suliote cap and bodice, lives she not last, as well as first, in our remembrance ? But our pages forbid a longer retrospection. The hospitalities and courtesies of the West, joined to the smile of her beauteous women, are indelibly impress- ed upon our hearts, and shall be freshly remembered LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. 109 ■when we pledge our warmest friends in tlie generous wine- cup. The occasion of this brilliant assembly was the stake for all ages, four-mile heats, which closed on the 1st of January, 1839, with ten subscribers at $2,000 each, half forfeit, as follows : 1. Y. N. Oliver and Miles W. Dickey, of Kentucky, named gr. c, Grey Eagle, by "Woodpecker, out of Ophelia, by "Wild Medley, 4 yrs. — Dress, Red, Blue and Orange. 2. "Wm. T. "Ward, of Kentucky, named b. m. Mary Vaughan, by "Waxy, out of Betty Blusten, by imp. Blusten, 5 yrs.— Dress, Blue and "White. 3. Willa Viley, of Kentucky, named ch. f. Qtceen Mary, by Ber- trand, dam by Brimmer, 4 yrs. — Dress, "White and Green. 4. Geo. N". Sanders and Lewis Sanders, Jr., of Kentucky, named b. c. Occident, by Bertrand, out of Diamond, by Turpin's riorizel, 4 yrs. — Dress, "White. 5. Sidney Burbridge, of Kentucky, named b. c. Tarlton, by "Woodpecker, dam by Robin Gray, 5 yrs. — Dress, not de- clared. 6. Jas. C. Bradley and H. B. Steel, of Kentucky, named ch, c. HawTc-Eye, by Sir Lovell, out of Pressure's dam, by Jenkins' Sir "William, 4 yrs.— Dress, Orange and Black. 7. Archie Cheatham, of Virginia, named ch. h. Billy Townes, by imp. Fylde, dam by Virginian, 5 yrs. — Dress, Purple and Red. 8. James S. Garrison, of Louisiana, named ch. h. Wagner, by Sir Charles, out of Maria "West, by Marion, 5 yrs. — Dress, Red and Red, 9. "Wm. "Wynn, of Virginia, named b. c. Picton, by imp. Luz- borough, out of Isabella, by Sir Archy, 5 yrs. — Dress, not declared. 10. Wm. Buford, Jr., of Kentucky, named ch. f. Musidora, by Medoc, dam by Kosciusko, 4 yrs.— Dress, not declared. 110 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. The race came off on Monday, the 30th of Sep- tember. Of the ten nominations, four onl}^ came to the post — Wagner, Grey Eagle, Queen Mary, and Hawk-Eye ; of the other six, Tarlton and Musidora had given way in training ; Picton was in Tennessee, and compLaining; Occident's trials would not justify his starting ; Billy Townes and Mary Yaughan were on the ground, but not up to the mark in condition. From the day the stake closed, the betting had been going on with spirit in different sections of the country, increasing daily in amount as the race drew nigh. From the first, Wagner was decidedly the favorite ; and when it became reduced almost to a certainty that not above six would start, the betting was about 50 to T5 on him vs. the field. For many months previous to the race, and before it was known how many would start, odds were ofiered, from ISTew York to New Orleans, on Wagner and Billy Townes against the field. Immense sums were laid out at odds, in Kentucky, on Grey Eagle's winning the first heat, and in many instances he was backed against Wagner for the race. In consequence of the un- limited confidence felt by the Kentuckians in the " foot " of Grey Eagle, it was resolved by the Wagner party not to run for the first heat, unless circum- stances should occur which might render it an easy thing for their horse. But the day before the race a commission from Kew Orleans was received, oft'ering a large sum on Wagner's beating the gray the first heat, which induced them to change this determina- tion ; indeed, the inducement to run for it \\a& a LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. Ill pretty substantial one, for they could lose nothing, and might win several thousands — we do not feel at liberty to say how many, or who were the parties ; it is enough that they were keen, and also successful. Two days before the race, Mr. McCargo gave Billy Townes a trial with Missouri and Texana, and though the result was entirely satisfactory, so far as his action was concerned, he soon after cramped to such a de- gree, that it was at once declared that he could not be started. Mary Yaughan, we believe, was plated for the race, but not being quite up to the mark, she also paid forfeit. On the morning of the race, it being understood pretty thoroughly that Wagner, Grey Eagle, Queen Mary, and Hawk-Eye only would start out of the ten nominations, " business " com- menced in earnest, Wagner being freely offered against the field, and as freely taken, while Grey Eagle was backed at small odds for the first heat. The " call " for the horses was sounded at a quarter to one o'clock, and soon after all eyes were directed toward a motley group approaching from Mr. Garri- son's stable ; " with stately step and slow," the proud champion of Louisiana made his appearance. He was directly stripped, and a finer exhibition of the perfection to which the trainer's art can be carried we have rarely seen. His coat and eye were alike brilliant— TF«^n^r is a light gold chestnut, with a roan stripe on the right side of his face, and white hind feet— about fifteen hands and a half high. His head is singularly small, clean and bony, set on a light but rather long neck ; forehanded, he resembles 112 LIFE OF WILLIA3I T. PORTER. the pictures of his sire, and in his carriage is said to resemble him. His shoulder is immensely strong, running very well back into a good middle-piece, which is well ribbed home. One of the finest points about him is his great depth of chest ; few horses can measure with him from the point of his shoulder to the brisket. His arms are heavily muscled, like Mingo's, with the tendons standing out in bold re- lief. He has uncommonly strong and wide hips, a good loin, remarkably fine stifles and thighs, with as fine hocks and legs as ever stood under a horse. Wagner has been in training ever since his Three-year old, and has travelled over three thousand miles, with- out three weeks' rest this season ! Mr. Garrison com- menced galloping him just four weeks previous to this race; he had not even been turned loose in a paddock. A murmur, which was soon lost in a suppressed cheer at the head of the quarter stretch, announced to the multitude about the stand the approach of Grey Eagle ; as he came up in front of the stand, his lofty carriage and flashing eye elicited a burst of ap- plause, which told better than words can express the intense and ardent aspirations felt in his success, by every son and daughter of Kentucky. Clinton, his trainer, immediately stripped oflf his sheet and hood, and a finer specimen of the high-mettled racer was never exhibited. He was in condition to run for a man's life — a magnificent gray, nearly sixteen hands high, with the step of a gazelle and the strength of a Bucephalus. Mr. Burbridge had told us that of LIFE OF WILLIA2VI T. PORTEK. 113 one thing lie was confident — his horse might want foot, but of his game he was certain ; the correctness of his judgment the sequel will show. In the hands of Clinton, who, by the by, is a Kentuckian, not above seven and twenty years of age, Grey Eagle had never lost a heat ; the previous October, he won a two-mile sweepstakes, over this course, in 3.4:1 — 3.4:3f ; and a week afterwards repeated the race in 3.48 — 3.44. His form indicates more power of endurance than any horse we ever saw in Kentucky ; from the girth forward, his shape and make could hardly be im- proved, if he merely had the delicate, finely tapered ears of a Sir Charles or a Wild Bill. Standing be- hind him, his quarters display a fine development of muscle, but many would call them light in proportion to his size and forehead ; in this respect he closely resembles Priam. His coupling, thigh and stifle are unexceptionably good, and his hocks come well down to the ground, giving him great length from this point to that of the whirlbone. His legs are clean, broad and flat, with the ham-strings and leaders beautifully developed — no son of AVhip ever had a finer set of limbs under him. Two chestnuts next challenged the public's atten- tion ; the first was Queen Mary, a very blood-like looking filly, with white hind feet, that a single glance would have shown to be a daughter of Bertrand. She measures about 15^ hands, is well put up, and when running in good form, must be a dangerous lady to trifle with. Hawk-Eye, as we remember him, is a heavy moulded colt, of nearly 15^ hands, with a 114 LIFE OF "WILLIAM T. PORTEK. star and white fore feet ; without the foot or the endurance of his half-brother, Pressure, he presents to the eye no such game aj)pearance. We trust he was not himself on this occasion, or we should wish " ne'er to look upon his like again," for he cut a very sorry figure in this party. Both himself and the Bertrand filly have been winners, and the latter has ever been looked upon as a performer of great promise. At half-past one o'clock, the jockeys having re- ceived their orders from the judges, the order was given to " clear the course." Cato, called Kate, in a richly-embroidered scarlet dress, was put upon Wag- ner ; he is a capital jockey, and rode nearly up to his weight, 110 pounds. The rider engaged for Grey Eagle lost the confidence of his owners just before the race, and at the eleventh hour they were obliged to hunt up another. Stephen Welch, a three-year-old rider, was selected, though obliged to carry thirteen pounds dead weight in shot-pouches on his saddle ! The friends of Grey Eagle, however, had entire confi- dence in his honesty ; and it is clear that he did his best, though, weighing, as he did, but eighty-two pounds, he had neither the strength nor stamina to hold and control a powerful, fiery horse like Grey Eagle. He rode superbly for a lad of his years, while Gate's exhibition of skill and judgment Avould have done credit to Gil. Patrick. The horses took their places in accordance with the precedence of their nomination for the stake, Grey Eagle having the inside track, Queen Mary second, Ilawk-Eye third, LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 115 and Wagner the outside. Just at tliis moment Mr, Ward, the President of the Chib, dislodged the band from their seats over the judges' stand, and Mr. Clay, Judge Porter, Judge Eowan, our friend Col. Whet- stone, of the Devil's Fork of the Little Ked, and the writer of this article, with two or three other gentle- men, were invited to occupy them, by which we all obtained a fine view, not only of the race, but — of the ladies in the stands opposite. The Pace. All being in motion and nearly in line, the Presi- dent gave the word " Go ! " and tapped the drum. Grey Eagle was the last off, while Wagner went away like a quarter-horse, with Queen Mary well up second ; they were taken in hand at once, which allowed Hawk-Eye to take the place of the Queen on the back stretch, and at the three-quarter mile-post, Wagner allowed him to take the track. Hawk-Eye led home to the stand at a moderate place, Wagner second, and Queen Mary third ; both of them were pulling to Grey Eagle, at whose head Stephen was tugging with might and main. Hawk-Eye carried on the running for about half a mile further, until Gooding bid Cato "Go along." The pace mended at once; Wagner went up to Hawk-Eye, and might have cut him down in half a dozen strides, but the Queen was still lying back, and Grey Eagle had not yet made a stroke. Wagner came first to stand, and at the turn, Cato hav- ing held up his whip as a signal to the crowd of rub- 116 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TOETEK. bers and boys on Garrison's stable, that " tlie old sorrel stud " was going just right, they gave him a slight cheer, at which Wagner broke loose, and made a sj^read-eagle of the field in " no time." The other jocks were not a little startled at this demonstration of Wagner's speed, and each called upon his nag, so that, opposite the Oakland House, near the three-quarter mile post, the field closed. Stephen here let out the phenomenon he so gracefully bestrode, and, like twin bullets, the gallant gray and Wagner came out of the melee. At the head of the quarter-stretch, Stephen was told to " j^ull him steady," so that, before Wagner leached the stand. Queen Mary had changed j^laces with Grey Eagle, notwithstanding her saddle had slipped on her withers. Hawk-Eye Avas already in difficulty, and for him the j^ace was getting " no better very fast." Grey Eagle set to work in earnest on entering the back stretch, first out-footing the Queen and then challenging Wagner. From the Oakland House to the head of the quarter-stretch, the ground is descending, and from thence up the straight run to the stand, a distance of perhaps six hundred yards, it is ascending. At the half-mile post Cato called upon Wagner, and the critical moment having ar- rived, Stephen collared him with the gray, on the outside. For three hundred yards the pace was tre- mendous ; Grey Eagle once got his head and neck in front, and a tremendous shout was sent up ; but Wagner threw him ofi" so far in going round the last turn, that, half-way up the stretch, Mr. Burbridge ordered him to be pulled up, and Wagner won clev- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. 117 erly, Queen Maiy dropping just within her distance, 150 yards. Hawk-Eye was nowhere. Time, 7.48. The disappointment and mortification were so great, that for the first twenty minntes after the heat, Queen Mary was freely backed against Grey Eagle, while so far as "Wagner was concerned, it was con- sidered " a dead open and shut." Before the forty- five had elapsed, however, a re-action took place in favor of Grey Eagle. Not a Kentuckian on the ground laid out a dollar on Wagner I From the first, the very few individuals who were disposed to back hira on account of his blood, his form, his per- formances, and his condition, had not staked a dollar ; their judgment prompted them to back the Southern Champion, but they woidd not bet against Kentucky ! Talk of State pride in South Carolina ! Why, the Kentuckians have more of it than the citizens of all the States in the Confederacy added together. They not only believe Kentucky to be the Eden of the world and the garden of the Union, but their own favorite county to be the asparagus-bed of the State ! And they have good reason ; Kentucky is a glorious State. The talent and chivalry of her sons are in keeping with the intelligence and peerless beauty of her daughters, and well may they be proud of her and of each other. But to the horses. All cooled off well, but more especially Grey Eagle, who appeared not to mind the run a jot. They got, as Clinton remarked, " a capital scraj)e out of him," and he was " as fine as silk " — in good order for a bruising heat. He extended himself with a 118 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETER. degree of ease in tlie second heat, and changed his action in a manner that convinced us that the sweat had relieved liim. "Wagner, Avho resembles Boston in many other respects, showed all that placidity and calmness of look and motion which characterizes " the old White-nose." Great odds were offered on him for the race, but small amounts only were staked. Grey Eagle's noble bearing and game-cock look, as he came up to the contest in a second heat for the meed of honor and applause, was the theme of uni- versal admiration ; so much so, indeed, that a cargo of laces, gloves, bijouterie, etc., must have been required to pay the wagers made in the Ladies' Pavilion. Second Heat. — ^The tap of the drum sent them away with a beautiful start, Wagner leading off with a steady, business-like stride, while Grey Eagle, as full of game as of beauty, waited upon him close up. It was instantly evident that Mr. Burbridge had changed his tactics ; the moment Stephen got Grey Eagle into straight work on the back side, he made play for the track, and after a terrific burst of speed for one hundred and fifty yards, he came in front ; keej)ing up his stroke, he soon after made a gap of four lengths, and though Wagner drew upon him a little in coming up the rising ground towards the stand, yet he passed it far enough in advance to warrant the warm and hearty plaudits of his friends. As if in- spirited by the cheers of the crowd, and the tokens of unalloyed gratification exhibited by the galaxy of radiant beauty in the stands, Grey Eagle kept up his murderous rate throughout the entire second mile ; LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 119 Wagner lay up close, and there was no faltering, no flinching, no giving back, on the part of either. The stride was over twenty-two feet, perfectly steady, strong and regular, with no dwelling, no floundering, no laboring. Grey Eagle made the running to be- yond the half-mile post on the third mile, and the pace seemed too good to last, but there were " links " yet to be " let out." From this point the two cracks made a match of it, in which Queen Mary had as little apparent concern as if out of the race. Near the Oakland House, Wagner set to work to do or die. '•''Rowel him up ! " shouted his owner to Cato ; while Garrison, at the head of the quarter-stretch, was wav- ing his hat to him to come on ! The rally that ensued down the descent to the turn was desperate, but Wagner could not gain an inch ; as they swung round into the quarter-stretch, they were lapped ; " spur your proud coursers hard, and ride in blood ! " were the orders on this, as they are described to have been on Bosworth " field." Both horses got a taste of steel and catgut as they came up the ascent, and on casting our eye along the cord extending across the course from the judges' to the Club stands. Grey Eagle was the first under it by a head and shoulders ; at the turn Stephen manoeuvred so as to press Wagner on the outside, and soon after drew out clear in front, looking so much like a winner, that the crowd, unable to re- press an irresistible impulse, sent up a cheer that made the welkin ring for miles around. Tlie group on AVagner's stable again bid him " go on ! " but Cato, " calm as a summer's morning," was quietly biding 120 LIFE OF AVILLIAM T. POKTER. his time ; lie seemed to feel that Patience has won more dollars than Haste has coppers, and that there was but a solitary chance of winning the race out of the fire. Fully aware of the indomitable game of the nonpareil under him, he thought if he could bottle him up for a few hundred yards, there was still another run to be got out of him. He accordingly took a bracing pull on his horse, and though it was " go along " every inch, "Wagner recovered his wind so as to come again at the head of the quarter-stretch. Stephen long ere this had become so exhausted as to be unable to give Grey Eagle the support he required ; he rode wide, swerving considerably from a straight line, and was frequently all abroad in his seat. From the Oakland House home, it was a terri- ble race ! By the most extraordinary exertions "Wag- ner got up neck and neck with " the gallant gray," as they swung round the turn into the quarter-stretch. The feelings of the assembled thousands were wrought up to a pitch absolutely painful — silence the most profound reigned over that vast assembly, as these noble animals sped on as if life and death called forth their utmost energies. Both jockeys had their whip- hands at work, and at every stroke, each spur, with a desperate stab, was buried to the rowel-head. Grey Eagle, for the first hundred yards, was clearly gain- ing ; but in another instant Wagner was even with him. Both were out and doing their best. It was anybody's race yet ! Now Wagner, now Grey Eagle, luxs the advantage. It will be a dead heat ! " See ! Grey Eagle's got him ! " " No, Wagner\« LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK, 121 ahead ! " A moment ensues — the peox^le shout — hearts throb— ladies faint — a thrill of emotion, and the race is over ! "Wagner wins by a neck, in 7.44, the best race ever ran south of the Potomac ; while Kentucky's gallant champion demonstrates his claim to that proud title, by a performance which throws into the shade the most brilliant ever made in his native State. Summary : Monday, Sept. 30, 1839.— Sweepstakes for all ages, 3 yr. olds, carrying 86 lbs.— 4, 100—5, 110—6, 118—7 and upwards,* 124 lbs. ; mares and geldings allowed 3 lbs. Ten subscribers at $2,000 each, h. ft., to which the proprietors added tha receipts of the stands. Four mile heats. James S. Garrison's and John Campbell's ch. h. Wagner, by Sir Charles, out of Maria West, by Marion, 5 yrs. Cato, 1 — 1 Oliver & Dickey's and A. L. Shotwell's gr. c. Grey Eagle, by Woodpecker, out of Ophelia, by Wild Medley, 4 yrs Stephen Welch, 2—2 Capt. Willa Viley's ch. f. Queen Mary, by Bertrand, dam by Brirnmer, 4 yrs 3 — 3 Bradley «& Steel's ch. c. HaioTc-Eye, by Sir Lovell, out of Press- ure's dam, by Jenkin's Sir William, 4 yrs. . . dist. Time, 7.48-7.44. To say that "Wagner was better managed and bet- ter jockeyed in this race than Grey Eagle, is to express the opinion of every unprejudiced individual who had the pleasure of witnessing it. What might have been the result of the race, we cannot pretend to say, but w^e assert with perfect confidence our belief, that with Gil. Patrick on his back, Grey Eagle would have 6 122 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. . won tlie secon d heat. People differ in opinion, luckily, and were it not so, we should be in a mass. Had the managers of Grey Eagle been content to bide their time, another tale might have been told. " Wait and win " carries off more purses than " Take the track and keep it." Grey Eagle could out-foot Wagner in a brush of one hundred and fifty yards — he clearly demonstrated that fact half a dozen times in the course of the week ; but in a run of five or six hundred yards, Wagner could beat him about the same distance. The two horses were so nearly matched, that good generalship and good riding did the business. Instead of allowing him to go forward and cut out the work. Grey Eagle should have been laid quietly behind, with a steady, bracing pull, until within the distance stand, and then pulled out, and made to win if he could. That was his only chance ; tiring down Wag- ner is like tiring down a locomotive. We must here break off, but not without remark- ing, that after being weighed, Cato was put again on Wagner, and with the stakes in his hand — $14,000 ! — he promenaded in front of the stand, preceded by a band of music, playing " Old Yirginny never tire." In bringing our report of this memorable race to a conclusion, we must not neglect to record the gratify- ing fact, that notwithstanding the immense throng of spectators on the ground, and the peculiar excite- ment of the occasion, not a solitary circumstance occurred calculated for a moment to interrupt the harmony and general good feeling wliicli prevailed on all hands. LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TORTER. 123 "We have not room to give the details of the run- ning on the intermediate days of the meeting. Suffice it to say, that the fine Medoc filly Cub won the Post stake for 3 years olds, in 3.45| — 3.44 ; that the wood- pecker colt Ealph won the three-mile purse cleverly, in 5.50 each heat ; that the Eclipse mare Missouri won the Oakland plate, two-mile heats, in 3.50 — 3.44 — 3.50 ; and that several other exhibitions of beauty, game and speed were given during the week. The first race between Wagner and Grey Eagle came off on Monday ; on Saturday they again came out for the Jockey Club purse of $1,500, four-mile heats. Throughout the week the weather had been delightful, and the attendance good enough to realize $15,000 to the spirited proprietor ; but on this day there was an immense gathering from far and near, and the sun never shone out on a more lovely morning. The attraction, it must be confessed, could not have been surpassed — Wagner and Grey Eagle were again to come together! After their race on Monday, both parties immediately interested, were willing to draw off their forces, and enjoy an honorable armistice until next spring ; but the interference and misrepresentation of sanguine friends ultimately broke off the truce exist- ing between them, and the high contracting parties set about prosecuting the war with greater zeal and energy than ever. Some one wrote from Louisville, directly after the race, to the eflect that Wagner had declined to meet Grey Eagle in a match for $10,000, four-mile heats ; which letter made its appearance in the columns of a Lexington journal. This statement the friends 124 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. of Grey Eagle did not deny, tliongli it was made without their authority ; and in consequence AVagner was forced to notice it. In an article " by authority," from the pen of a distinguished correspondent of the " Spirit of the Times," published in the " Louisville Journal " on the 5th October, the writer remarked to the following effect : " Wagner and Grey Eagle. — The reputation of his horse is dear to a turf-man, and it is his duty to shield and defend it as he would his own honor. The contest between "Wagner and Grey Eagle will long be remembered by those who witnessed it. Wagner's honors were nobly won ; he earned them in a field where every inch of ground was closely contested ; and any one who would attempt to pluck a laurel from his brow, by falsehood or misrepresentation, deserves the scorn of every honorable man. " The writer of this has been induced to make these remarks, from the fact that a letter has been published in a Lexington paper, written from Louisville, containing a statement that Grey Eagle had challenged "Wagner for $10,000, and the latter had declined the contest. This statement is positively /a^^, and the owners of Grey Eagle will cheerfully bear testimony to the truth of the assertion. The facts of the case are these : "Wagner had gained a victory over Grey Eagle — a victory in which even the defeated party gained the brightest laurels, and won for himself imperishable fame. Hence "Wagner's friends prized his victory the more highly ; and, with that courtesy towards the friends of Grey Eagle which is ever due from the victor to the vanquished, they would have been willing to leave Kentucky, perfectly satis- fied with his performance. He is willing to run him against Grey Eagle, or any other horse in the United States, four-mile heats, for $10,000, or any amount above that sum. This ofier is made with no disposition to detract from the reputation of the game and gallant Grey Eagle, but solely on account of justice to "Wagner, who lias been placed in a situation by some of the friends of Grey Eagle that leaves no aUernutivo." LITE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 125 The article just quoted made its appearance in tlie " Journal " on the morning of the second race, which we are about to describe ; but the friends of Grey Eagle were prepared to see it. If we are not very much mistaken, it was read to its owner, as it was to several of his friends, two days before its publication, but was delayed in the hope that Grey Eagle's friends w^ould contradict the statement alluded to. In the mean time both horses were got in order, to make another race. AVe saw both immediately after their first race, and on the following morning ; both recov- ered well, and Grey Eagle especially so, exhibiting very little stiffness or soreness. They improved from that time up to Saturday morning, and we never saw two high-mettled racers in finer condition than they were when stripped to run their second race. In anticipation of a race, which, for severity and in- terest, would throw the first into the shade, both parties were wide awake to secure every honorable advantage within their reach. Wagner's rider, Cato, had become free about the time of the first race ; if he rode the second as well as he did the first, many are the odd twenties and fifties he was promised. Stephen Welch, Grey Eagle's jockey in his first race, weighing but 82 pounds, the managers of the horse endeavored to find a rider nearer up to his proper weight, 100 pounds. The only one on the ground preferable to their own, was Mr. McCargo's Archer, a very capital rider, with a good seat, a steady hand and a cool head. Mr. McCargo having no interest whatever in the race, at once placed Archer's services at the disposal of Grey 126 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. Eagle's friends ; but as his doing so might possibly place him in a position of great delicacy and embar- rassment, at his own request they relieved him from it, and concluded to put up Stephen Welch again, whose only fault Avas that there was not enough of him ! After the race on Monday, the topic of conversa- tion in every circle was the prospect of a second one between the rival champions. The Wagner party were not anxious for a race, but they would not avoid one ; their horse had not only realized their expecta- tions, but had exceeded their most sanguine hopes, and they were prepared to back him to " the size of their pile." And well did that noble son of a worthy sire justify the high opinion of his friends — a small circle, it is true, but they were staunch and firm ; and when it came to " putting up the mopasses," there were enough of them to " suit customers," and no mis- take ! The friends of Grey Eagle had every reason to be proud of the first performance of their horse, and they were so. He was the first discoverer of " the Forties " in a four-mile race, ever bred in Ken- tucky, and he had explored the degrees of pace to the latitude of 44 below the equator ! All this he had done as an untried four-year old, and if his friends backed him with less confidence now, it was on ac- count of the severe race he had made five days pre- vious. He was in fine health, and his look and action indicated all the spirit and courage of a game-cock, but it was thought physically impossible for him to make such another race as his first in the same week. LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POUTER. 127 The betting consequently settled down at two and three to one on Wagner. It will naturally be supposed that the rumor of a second four-mile race betw^een these two cracks, attracted an immense crowd of spectators. Many persons came down from Cincinnati, while the citizens of Lexington, Frankfort, Georgetown and the circle of towns for fifty miles about Louisville, turned out in great numbers. Again the city was crowded, and on the morning of the race every carriage and horse in town was in requisition. Many were glad to get out to the course and call it " riding," when jolting along in a bone-setter, compared with which riding on a white-oak rail would be fun ! Again the ladies turned out en masse, to grace the scene with their radiant beauty, and " lend enchantment to the view " of the race — and of themselves. The jockeys having received their instructions from the judges, " mounted in hot haste," Cato on "Wagner, and Stephen Welch on Grey Eagle. The third entry was Messrs. Viley & Ward's Emily John- son — own sister to Singleton, and half-sister to Mistle- toe — a four-year old bay filly by Bertrand, out of Black-eyed Susan. She was not in prime fit, and could not, therefore, live in such a crowd. THE RACE. At the word " Go," Wagner went off with the lead at about three parts speed, Emily lying second, and all three under a strong pull. Grey Eagle's long, 128 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. steady stride, after getting into straight work going down the back stretch, soon brought him up with the field ; and opposite the Oakland House — about 300 yards beyond the half-mile post — the three were lapped. The pace now improved ; Grey Eagle drew out at the last turn, but Wagner having the inside, and beginning to get warm, made sharp running up the stretch to the stand, and on the next turn came out clear in front. Down the back stretch they each kept up a good racing stroke, but at the Oakland House, Grey Eagle increased his stride and locked "Wagner ; as neither was yet called upon, a very fair view w^as had of their relative rate of going ; Grey Eagle led down to the head of the stretch and up to the stand by half a length, and immediatel}^ after came in front. He carried on the running two lengths in advance to near the termination of the mile, when Wagner got a hint to extend himself; without lapping him, Wagner waited upon him to close up, and oppo- site the Oakland House made his run ; the rally that ensued was a very brilliant affair, but Grey Eagle out-footed him in one hundred yards, and drew out clear amidst tremendous cheers from all parts of the course. The instant Wagner declined, Emily took his place, lapping the Grey as they swung round the turn. But Wagner had yet another run left, and they had no sooner got into the quarter-stretch than Cato set to work with him. Grey Eagle had been able to pull to Emily, and accordingly, when Wagner by an extra- ordinary effort reached him half-way up the stretch, lie was able to outfoot him a second time, and came LITE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. 129 away home a gallant winner by .nearly a length, Emily having the second place, amidst the waving of hats and handkerchiefs, and tumultuous cheers, that would well-nigh have drowned the roar of Nia- gara ! The first mile was run in 2.05 — the second in 1.55 — the third in 1.56 — the fourth in 1.55 ; making the time of the heat 7.51. The heartfelt gratification and rapture exhibited at the close of the heat by the assembled thousands, knew no bounds. Kentucky's most distinguished sons, and her loveliest daughters, felt alike interested, and Grey Eagle's success was enjoyed as if each was personally concerned. The odds, from being two and three to one in favor of "Wagner, now changed, and Grey Eagle had the call at four to three. Consider- able sums were staked, as Garrison declared " the old sorrel stud " had sulked, but would show his hand the next heat. The fact was. Grey Eagle for the first time had been properly managed ; instead of running the whole last half-mile, he had taken advan- tage of the ground, and made his first run down the descent from the Oaldand House to the head of the stretch, and then being braced up for three hun- dred yards, which allowed him time to recover his wind, he was able to come again and make a second rally, as brilliant as the first. As we before re- marked, we think Wagner could beat Grey Eagle by a desperate rush for six hundred yards at the heel of a very fast heat, but not over a head and shoulders at that ; while Grey Eagle had so much more speed, that in a brush of one hundred and fifty yards he 6* 130 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. could let in the daylight between them. With so light and feeble a rider as Stephen on his back, it was imiDossible to place Grey Eagle exactly as his man- agers would have liked, tliough he is a fine-tempered horse, and runs kindly ; the result of the race, we trust, will be a caution to them hereafter, how they venture in a race of so much importance without j)i*o- viding that most indispensable of requisites to success — a suitable jockey. Both horses jierspired freely, and in much less time than could have been expected they cooled out finely ; neither hung out a signal of dis- tress, but came up for the second heat with distended nostrils and eyes of fire, betokening the most unflinch- ing courage. At the tap of the drum the horses were hardly in motion, and Cato drew his whip on Wagner the very first jump. The pace was little better than a hand-gallop for the first half-mile, but as Wagner led past the entrance-gate, Gooding bid hijn " go along," and he increased his rate. Stephen seeing this, let the gray out a link, and in going down the descending ground below the Oakland House, went up on the inside so suddenly, that he had locked Wag- ner before Cato was aware of his close proximity. The run up the quarter-stretch was a pretty fast thing, though neither was doing his best ; the time of the mile was 2.08. The crowd cheered them as they ran lapped past the stand, at which Grey Eagle pricked up his ears and set to work in earnest, shaking off Wagner at the next turn. The race had now com- menced ; Stephen braced his horse as well as he was able, and kept him up to his rate down the entire LITE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. 131 length of the back stretch. At the Oakland House Cato again called on Wagner, and steel and catgut came into play. The gallant gray led clear to the turn, and half-way up the stretch, Stephen beginning to use his whip-hand, and to give the nonpareil under him an occasional eye-opener with the spur. This mile was run in 1.52. They passed the stand neck and neck, Emily being already nearly out of her dis- tance. From the stand to the first turn the ground is descending, and here almost invariably Grey Eagle gamed upon Wagner, who ke^^t up one steady stride from end to end, without flinching or faltering, and able always to do a little more when persuaded by the cold steel with which Cato plied him ever and anon throughout the heat. We said they passed the stand on the second mile neck and neck ; when they reached the turn Grey Eagle had got in front, but no sooner had they come into straight work on the back side, than Wagner made a most determined challenge and locked him ; the contest was splendid, and was main- tained with unflinching game and spirit ; at the end of 700 yards, however, Grey Eagle had the best of it, for in spite of Cato's most desperate efforts Wagner could only reach Stephen's knee ; Grey Eagle seemed able, after a brush of one hundred yards, to come again with renewed vigor ; if well braced, for a dozen strides. Down the descent, on the last half-mile, Grey Eagle maintained his advantage, but on descend- ing towards the stand Wagner's strength told, and they came through under w^hip and spur, Wagner having his head and neck in front, running this mile 132 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. in 1.55. Steplien was here instructed to take a strong pull on his horse, and to " hee^p Mm moving,''^ while " ra77i the spurs into him,''^ were the orders to Cato. The result was that Wagner came in front, and the pace down the entire back stretch was tremendous, both being kept up to their rate by the most terrible punishment. Unfortunately, Stejihen was directed to " take the trad " about opposite the Oakland House, instead of putting the issue on a brush up the last 200 yards of the heat. Too soon the gallant Grey was called upon, but true as steel the noble animal responded to it. With the most dauntless courage he made his run down the descending ground, and though Wagner, like the bravest of the brave, as he is, made the most desperate efforts. Grey Eagle came round the last turn on the outside, with his head and shoulders in front, at a flight of speed we never saw equalled. Both jockeys were nearly faint with their exertions, and Stephen, poor fellow, lost his presence of mind. Up to the distance stand it was impossible to say which was ahead ; whips and spurs had been in constant requisition the entire mile, but at this moment Stephen gave up his pull, and unconsciously yawed the horse across the track, which broke him off his stride, while Cato, holding Wagner well together, and mercilessly dashing in his spurs, at length brought him through, a gallant winner by a neck, having run the last mile in 1.48, and the heat in Y.43 ! This was, without exception, the most game and spirited race we ever witnessed. Tlie heat was Wag- ner's, and while we accord to him all the reputation LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. 133 SO brilliantly won after a bloody struggle of nearly three miles, we feel bound to express tlie belief, that for an untried four-year-old, Grey Eagle's performance is without a parallel in the annals of the American Turf ! The last three miles of a second heat, in a second four-mile race the same week, were run in 5.35, and the eighth mile in 1.48 ! Tlie enthusiasm of the spectators was now excited to the highest pitch. Tliere was not on the ground, probably, an individual who would not have been pleased to see the horses withdrawn, and the purses divided between them, rather than farther task the indomitable game and courage of these noble ani- mals ; but no such proposition was made, and after the usual respite they were brought to the post a third time, and it would have been difficult to decide which had recovered best. So much feeling was manifested in reference to the horses, that the baser impulses to bet on the result of the concluding heat were almost entirely disregarded ; odds, however, were in a few instances offered on Wagner. In detailing the contest for the third heat, we are compelled to record "A few of tlie unpleasaatest words That e'er man writ on paper ! " At the word " ^70," they broke off with a racing stride, Wagner taking the lead by about two lengths ; the pace was moderate, for Stephen on Grey Eagle was expressly charged to pull him steady, and wait for orders. Wagner accordingly led with an easy 134 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TORTEK. stroke throiigli the first mile, and being cheered as he passed the stand, he widened the gap soon after to four or five lengths. At the half-mile post Grey Eagle made play, and had nearly closed the gap as they came opposite the Oakland House, when he sud- denly faltered as if shot, and after limping a step or two, abruptly stopped ! " Grey Eagle has let doion ! " was the cry on all hands, and when the spectators became aware of the truth of the painful announce- ment, the tearful eyes of a radiant host of Kentucky's daughters, and the heartfelt sorrow depicted in the countenance of her sons, indicated the sincerity of the sympathy with which they regarded the untimely accident to their game and gallant champion ! It was supposed, on a hasty examination, that Grey Eagle had given way in the back sinews of his left fore leg, but it has since been ascertained that the in- jury was in the cofiin joint. Mr. Burbridge on the instant tightly bandaged the leg with a stout strip of dry canvas, which being kept wet, would have pre- vented the horse from coming down on his pastern joints, even had his leaders given way. A fortnight after the race the horse promised to recover perfectly ; Mr.. Shotwell informed us that the ankle and joint were a little swollen, but neither the horse's pastern nor cannon bones were affected, and his leaders were as stout as ever. We need not add, that, while his owners and managers have the cordial spnpathy of their friends, and the Sporting World generally, there is no one " with soul so dead " as to with- hold the expression of their admiration of the gal- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 135 lant gray, and their heartiest wishes for his speedy recovery. Soon after Grey Eagle was stopped, Cato pulled Wagner out of his stride, and galloped him slowly round. The intelligence of the high-mettled racer was clearly indicated by Wagner's subsequent action ; from the head of the stretch home he invariably went at a racing j)ace, and appeared as if he did not know what was required of him, frequently bursting off in spite of his rider. On the fourth mile, as he passed his own stable, the rubbers and riders standing on its roof gave him a hearty cheer, and the gallant horse broke off, and in spite of Cato's utmost exertions, ran at the very top of his speed for nearly 500 yards, as if plied with steel and whalebone the whole way ! We never saw a more magnificent exhibition of un- flinching game ; even the friends of Grey Eagle forgot their distress for a moment, in doing justice by a cheer to the gallant and victorious champion of Louisiana ! Recapitulation : Saturday, Oct. 5. — Jockey Club purse, $1,500, conditions as be- fore, four-mile heats. James S. Garrison's and John Camp- bell's ch. h. Wagner, by Sir Charles, out of Maria West, by Marion, 5 yrs Cato, 3 — 1 — 1 A. L. Shotwell's gr. c. Grey Eagle, by Woodpecker, out of Ophelia, by Wild Medley, 4 yrs. Stephen Welch, 1 — 2 * Willa Viley's b. f. Emily Johnson, own sister to Singleton, by Bertrand, out of Black-eyed Susan, by Tiger, 4 yrs. 2 dist. Time, Y.51 — 7.43 — third heat, no time kept. * Grey Eagle gave way in second mile. 136 LIFE OF WILLIAai T. POKTEK, For more convenient reference, we repeat the time of eacli mile in tabular form : 1st mill 2d " 3d " 4th " 2.05 1.55 1.56 1.55 Second Heat. 1st mile 2.08 1.52 1.55 1.48 No time kept, as Grey Eagle gave way in run- ning the second mile. American Turf Register, vol ii., p. 119. CHAPTEK YI. In the month of October, 1840, the editor writes : " During the wliole of tlie last three years, the high rate of exchange, and the deranged condition of commercial affairs thi-oughout the country, have rendered a continual struggle against the evils that followed in their train absolutely essential to the maintenance of our position, and have forced us to the most disagreeable and ruinous expedients. Like others, we flat- tered ourselves, from month to month, and from year to year, that a transition to better times could not be far distant, and we determined to defer yet a little longer the earnest appeal which we must now make to the sense of justice of every subscriber to either of our publications. The prompt payment of whatever sums which may be due to us, is the only means by which we can hope to sustain ourselves as proprietors of periodicals not entirely unworthy the countenance and support of the sporting world, as the sole accredited organs and official records of what- ever pertains to the American Turf." Another, and a vexations annoyance, induced the editor to appeal to the " felons " who had deprived 138 LIFE OF WILLI Ail T. POKTEK. him, at one fell swoop, of new and valuable music, and an 023era-glass : " We live," said lie, " in a musical age and in a musical coun- try ; but that is not a good reason (though perhaps a rational one as times go) that there should be a community in musical property. Yet such a jihase of agrarianism has certainly pre- sented itself within these few days before our lamenting eyes. And now exjjerientia docet what we had been before taught theoretically to believe — videlicet : Abstracting opera-glasses is a custom, which, as ' Soft Recorders ' have said or sung, ' is practised to a great extent in this country ! ' " While Mr. Porter was at the South, the sad intel- ligence reached him of the death of his brother Ben- jamin, on the 11th of December, 1840, bj pulmonary consumption. He was designed for college, but pre- ferred the stirring activity of mercantile pursuits, and while pre^jaring for his chosen walk in life, was a member of the family of Hon. George Blake, of Bos- ton, then United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. Not long after commencing business, in Mobile, Ala., he married Kebecca Setoii Maitland, of New York, a ward of the Kt. Kev. Bislioi) Hobart. He had clear perceptions, cool judgment, remarkable shrewdness, and was stamped with more than ordi- nary mental vigor. In the words of Horace Greeley to the writer, " he was a strong character," but want- ing that stimulus to exertion which the pursuit of a competency keej^s alive and effective ; his really remarkable capabilities were never fully developed. Happy are they whose circumstances are the spur to LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. 139 useful and generous toil, be it mental or bodily ; so that " the Spring and Summer of life may be prepara- tory to the harvest of Autumn, and the repose of winter," On his return to New York in 1841, from the South and West, Mr. Porter thus playfully alludes to the overwhelming load of commissions for Southern and Western friends that required his first attention upon getting home : " Every nook and corner of tlie office we find filled with letters and communications, and we have commissions enough to employ seven men and a boy for a fortnight. All sorts of ' fixins ' are wanted from blood horses to copper coal scuttles — from long- tailed sows and short-legged pigs, to jockey spurs and patent lightning-rods. One gentleman alone wants a 3-year-old Bare- foot colt, a gardener, a trotting stallion, a 3-year-old jockey, a Durham bull, a trainer and a mousetrap ! Nothing, however, gives us more pleasure than to have it in our power to oblige our friends ; and as we are in want of all sorts of truck, persons would do well to make known at this office if they have ' on sale or to let ' either setters or saddles, chestnut horses or horse chestnuts, rifles or radish-seed, fighting cocks or patent axle-trees, frogs for frying or tragedians for dying, wet nurses or salmon flies, Muscovy hens or pointers, pidlets, Chifney bits, or Smith's Lay Sermons, indelible ink or Ely's wire cartridges, camp meeting hymn books or Conroy's best trout rods, three-year-old fillies or presents for New Year's, Bowie knives or Nicholas Nickleby, the last ladies' fashions or songs of Jim Crow, old files of the ' Spirit ' or the latest new caricatures, tandem whips or country-house almanacs, racing plates or French mustard, patent side-saddles or ivory toddy-sticks, timing watches or Troy-built coaches. "We cannot begin to think of half the things that are marked down in our memorandum-book, under the general head of '^ca?^^' though several leaves might be filled up with our own under the head of ' New Subsciibcrs,' and ' Available funds." 140 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. Ill the number for March 27, 1841, may be found that most admirable sketch of backwoods life, the "j5/(/ Bear of Arl'a7isas," which was expressly writ- ten for the j)aper, by the author of " Tom Owen the Bee Hunter," Col. T. B. Thorpe, who, now in the mutation of all sublunary things, is no longer a resi- dent of Louisiana, but of New York, and a successor to his old friend and patron, as one of the editors and proprietors of the very paper which, nearly a score of years ago, was enriched by his graphic delineations and quiet humor. While in New Orleans, Mr. Porter witnessed the race between Sarah Bladen and Luda, which was won by the former in Y.45 — 7.40 ; and which he pro- nounced at the time to be the best race ever run south of the Potomac ; a few weeks afterwards he wrote to the ' Spirit ' : " I have now to write that on this, the 20th day of March, I have seen a race which throws the one referred to, comparatively in the shade. Kely upon it Grey Medoc's race to-day, is the best race ever run in America ! I have witnessed nearly all the great performances on the Turf for several years past, but I have never seen a race more desperately contested, or more gallantly won. Even the beaten horses have acquired a reputation which a suc- cession of bloodless victories would not have won for them. I doubt if it will ever be my good fortune to see such another per- formance, and much do I regret that want of ability not less than leisure, i)revents my doing justice to a race that will occupy the most distinguished place in the racing calendar, and go down through all time as one of the most magnificent exhibitions on record of tiie surpassing speed and game of the High Mettled Racer of America. It was a four-mile race over the Louisiana LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. 141 Course, {over a mile in lengthy) won by Grey Medoc. Beating Altorf and Denizen. Time : 7.35—8.19—7.42—8.17." The paper of June 5 contains several columns of interesting matter, written by the editor while in Kentucky ; we can spare room but for a single para- graph : " Since my arrival in Kentucky, I think I must have seen from one to two thousand thorough-bred colts ! I have tramped miles upon miles through the magnificent woodland pastures, admiring the diflerent varieties of the 'long' and ' short ' horned cattle, and the cattle with no horns at all, and have come to think no small beer of myself as a judge of long-tailed pigs and flat-tailed sheep. I do not ' cotton ' to mules, though I saw four driven up to the door of the Gait House this morning, (May 27tb,") hitched to the mail stage between this city (Louisville) and Nash- ville ; they run out and into town daily, making sixteen miles, and trot eight miles an hour, the driver teUs me. But as for the ' splendid Jacks ' you hear so much of, they can give odds to any thing wearing hair for ugliness ; if Balaam's ass was such a fright as some I've seen here, it is not so surprising that he spoke ; each particular bone and hair in his skin must have ached ! " In the ' Spirit " of ]^ov. 13, the editor thus chron- icles the return of his friend Eobert L. Stevens, from Europe, after an absence of a few months ; " ' Stephens' Travels in South America ' is the most popular book of the season, but it would be so no longer if our neighbor Mr. Stevens, of Barclay Street, would ' witch the world ' with an account of the thousand and one rare things he has seen and heard, men and women, too, inclusive, during his tour of some ten thousand miles or more. He heard Kubini and Lablache, 142 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. and saw Coronation win the Derby. He has seen Ghiucus and Louis Philippe, the Royal Yacht Club, and the Alps. lie saw mucli of Hamburg, but a good deal more of humbug. He visited the most celebrated breeding studs in England, and the veritable Maria Farina at Cologne. He saw Taglione in the Beyadere, and the National Column at the Place Vendome. He visited Tattersall's at , and the Emperor at Vienna ; raised his hat to the Pope in Rome, and to the Queen of Beauty in Buckingham Palace. He has ridden in the diligence at Calais, and the pony phaston at Windsor. Has talked horse with Prince Albert, and soft nonsense with Rachel. The doors of science, genius and fashion were thrown open to him, and the Marquis of Waterford wrenched off the knocker of his lodgings. He visited the ' Curios- ity Shop ' with the Boss, (' Boz,') and thought of ' Old Nap ' and Boston on the field of Waterloo. He achieved the dinners at Milan while he abominated the chops of the Channel. He saw Deaf Burke set-to in London, and set to Isabey himself in Paris. Brougham he thought had a very queer handle, (who 7iose?) and he saw all the world in Hyde Park. He found Compte d'Orsay's tiger quite tame, and thought Mrs. Norton very like an ' undying one ; ' He heard her new comedy, and Soult rehearse his old campaigns. He saw Byron's Chateau near Genoa, and Harkaway's stables at the . He walked through the Tunnel and the Louvre, over the Vatican and Epsom Downs. He saw the sausage makers at Boulogne, and the sausage eaters at Berlin. He ' took a private drink ' with Metternich at Johannisberg, and ' pot luck ' with the Duke at Apsley House. He saw Jem Ward and Mme. Laf- farge ; the Due d'Orleans and Mrs. Trollope ; the Tower and the guillotine ; Crockford's Club and the Palais Royal ; the house that Jack built and Westminster Abbey. He — but we must stop short." In 1 842 a change took j)lace in the proprietorship of the paper, whicli resulted from a variety of eircuni- stances. The management of all its departments, fiscal and literary, in the hard times then Aveighing LIFE OF WILLIAM T. P0RTP:K. 143 down the community, was too great a tax on the energies of any one person ; w^liile the rninons dis- count upon AVestern and Southern bank notes, added to the depressed state of the coimtry, and the back- wardness of subscribers to liquidate their accounts, (the amount then due to the oftice being more than forty thousand dollars,) rendered it impossible longer to carry on the war under such adverse circumstances. To perfect some proposed improvements in the paper, and to relieve the editor of a portion of the arduous and responsible duties which had hitherto devolved upon him, the husincss of the office was placed in the hands of Mr. John Richards, a printer by profession, and who, up to the last week of his life in February, 1859, gave strict attention to its various details. The writer was acquainted with Mr. Eichards for years before the sale of the paper to him, and met him at the " Spirit " office only a few days before his unex- pected death ; during all that time, he ever found " The Governor " an honest, reliable and independent ■ man. In April, Mr. Porter published a very thorough and well-considered article called " Profit and Loss Account " of the " Spirit," a j)art of w^hich we insert. After alluding to the perplexities of some of the pre- vious years, he pertinently asks : " "What has been effected by all this labor of years, followed up under such discouragement and annoyances ; what has the ' Spirit of the Times ' done for the Turf or the Sporting "World ? To this we proceed to answer : " It has added thirty per cext. to the value of rlood 144 LITE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. STOCK throughout the United States ! In this we are borne out not alone by our own observation, but by the testimony of the most sagacious Turfmen in the country, and the most extensive Breeders. Nor in the universal decline of prices consequent upon the disordered currency of the last few years, has the price of Blood Stock fallen so rapidly or so low as other descriptions of property. This paper was the first that ever paid Travelling Correspondents, by which the earliest and most important Sport- ing Intelligence was procured and disseminated, and by which a system of Correspondence was established through which events of interest transpiring hundreds of miles distant have been com- municated and published in its columns at a date as early in many cases as in tlie local newspapers. The utmost efforts were requisite and immense expense was involved for several years before it was possible to effect this consummation. In its early career, too, the ' Spirit ' had to contend with many formidable rivals, which one by one either broke down or were withdrawn. " The salutary effects of reporting every race in the Union and in Canada, and the principal ones in Great Britain, are manifest in the increased degree of good feeling and intimacy existing between the Turfmen and Breeders of the different States — in the promotion of the sales of horses, in the Importation of choice Blood from abroad, and in the encouragement of the best of our IsTative Bred Stock, And no sensible person can doubt that hundreds of individuals have been induced, by reading of the success of others, to invest large sums in Stock, and enter exten- sively both upon Breeding and Racing— than which no iavest- ment can be more honorable, or more advantageous to the Agricultural Interests of the country. Thousands have borne testimony, and will yet do so, with what zeal this department of the paper has been conducted, and how beneficial an influence it has exerted upon their individual revenues. IIow many young Trainers have we brought into notice, and inspirited to become useful and respectable members of society; and how many jockeys have been convinced that ' honesty is the best policy,' from seeing their names in print, accompanied by a gratifying rennirk ! How many gentlemen about to decline the Turf have LIFE OF WILLIAM T. I'ORTEE. 145 been induced to persevere from reading of brilliant stakes and high prices paid for horses ; and how many sales of stock have been effected by making breeders and turfmen better acquainted with each other ! Of our friends and acquaintances, not a 'few are indebted to us, possibly unknowingly, for interposing a shield between them and detraction. Many have we served, and in their time of need. And how many have we rendered prom- inent and popular, whose modest, sterling worth, would otherwise have been unknown beyond their own neighborhoods ? Others there are whose interests are watched over with as keen an eye as our own ; and there are many whom we have disenthralled from deep-rooted prejudices and absurd misapprehensions ; and many whom we have cheered on and supported in the good cmtse by a timely suggestion, a favorable notice, and an appeal to their pride, or by prudential advice. Nor may we altogether omit to mention that we have been in the constant habit for years, of executing commissions of all descriptions for our sporting subscribers, whether acquaintances or not, without any charge whatever, though frequently thereby subjected to serious inconvenience and expense. The person obliged being a subsoeibee, we have performed whatever labor of love was required with the most cheerful readiness. " Nor do our claims on the Sportsmen of the United States stop here. We claim to have elevated the character of the pur- suits of the Turf to a pitch they had never before reached in public estimation on this side the Atlantic. When this journal was commenced, the strongest prejudice existed, especially at the North, towards Racing and Eacing men. This prejudice had been lineally transmitted from the Puritans of New England, who, carrying to an extreme their hatred of the civil and religious principles of the Cavaliers, involved in a sweeping and indiscrimi- nate censure the excessive loyalty, the haughty assumption, and the religious intolerance which distinguished the aristocratic party, with the gallantry, the courtesy, and love of manly amuse- ments, which rendered the exercise of their power at least grace- ful and elegant. We have cautiously eschewed sympathy with such English amusements as are deemed brutal and gross in cither 7 14G LITE OF WILLIAM T. POETEE. countrj^, and as sedulously exhibited the fairer side of the picture, recording the proceedings on the Turf and in the Field of the legitimate ' Old English Sportsmen ' — a class of gentlemen com- posed of the proudest, most enlightened, and most refined of the nobility and gentry of Great Britain. Holding up so constantly the example of the best blood of the old country, we have like- wise made the public at large more intimately acquainted -with the high character and social position of our Turfmen, till the prejudice which once universally here prevailed towards a ' horse- racer,' has become extinct, save in the breasts of those who equally condemn the most tasteful and delightful recreations of society. " To effect our purpose, unwearied pains have been employed to give the ' Spirit of the Times ' some portion of Literary repu- tation, and we have great satisfaction in recording that we have upon our list many subscribers utterly indifferent to the sporting department of the paper, but who have taken it from first to last because they have approved the spirit in which we have culled for them from the Periodical Literature of England. And again, we have aimed still further to advance our primary design, by associating with Field Sports and Pastimes the pleasures of the Stage. A due share of room has ever been devoted to the subject, the most disinterested support has been given to managers and actors worthy of support ; a complete record has been kept of the current productions of tlie day, whether in Music, the Drama, or the Ballet, and we have faithfully chronicled the movements of the ' professionals ' in each art, their triumphs, and their reverses. This we have done with no expectation or hope of emolument from this class — their patronage, all told, never has repaid a tithe of the expense and trouble it has cost — but with the double intent of making the contents of the ' Spirit ' more various, and upholding in an accredited organ the pleasures of the Turf and the Stage, as these pleasures are in fact found associated in the minds of all true American Sportsmen. " To the Agriculturists of the West, too, we have endeavored to make our journal acceptable by seasonable extracts from the Agricultural writers of Great Bi'itain, Avhere the science ha- LITE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. 147 reached nearest perfection. Considerable space has been given to original and selected hints upon the improvement of the Do- mestic Stock of the country ; and the enterprising, and in a national point of view, most deserving, importer and breeder of Cattle, and Sheep, and Swine, has been encouraged and assisted in the profitable disposition of his stock, by editorial comment, and private individual exertion. "In fine, while we have made ours most emphatically a SPORTING PAPER, and as such, a paper accredited for accuracy, for fulness and impartiality, it has been our constant aim to elevate its character by associating with this peculiar feature the charms of Polite Letters, and the delights of Music and the Theatre ; to elevate in popular estimation the true position of our Turfmen, to commend their elegant hospitality and tastes, their devotion not alone to the Manly Diversions of the Field, but their warm sympathy with the Arts, by which Social Life is adorned. " Measurably, we have succeeded in our purpose ; the charac- ter of the Turf has been redeemed at the North, and the standing of its devotees made familiar among gentlemen, not alone here, but in England. 'Tis but a short time since that in England the impression was universal that the only American sport was Trot- ting—our best thorough-bred but a three-minute roadster, and our proudest sportsman but a wily jockey of some ' fast crab.' Those days are gone. Our Turfmen are now known at ' the Corner,' to those best worth knowing ; our great races are re- ported in English newspapers ; the merits of our ' cx'acks ' are understood, and the pages of their elegant magazines are adorned with portraits of Boston and Fashion, and costly illustrations of many capital articles contributed originally to these columns. Henceforth the United States will be regarded as the only nation that can compete with them in bringing to perfection the Blood Horse, and in carrying out a thorough and business-like system of Racing, by which alone all improvements must be tested. Throughout Great Britain, indeed wherever the Englisli language is spoken, the ' Spirit of the Times ' is known as the ' Bell's Life ' of the New World— the organ of the American Sporting World. Through this medium the fame of our Horses and the spirit of 148 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. our Turfmen are known nut only througliout Europe, but in the Indies, West and East. The breeders of France and Germany, the best continental customers of England, are already turning their eyes to the United States, as likely to become at no distant day, the ' Race Horse Region ' from whence their importations are to be made. Our system of racing — ' long distances and heats to boot ' — is eminently popular out of England, while even there many of the most sensible writers and speakers [vide Sir Francis Burdett's Speech upon the sale of His late Majesty's Stud] view with concern and regret the present British system of racing, which is calculated to deteriorate the old-fashioned, hard-bottomed stock of the English Race Horse — to produce speed at the expense of game and stoutness — to beget a breed of quarter horses instead of four milers, — the King's Platers of a former era. The ' Spirit,' too, has made the Turfmen of Europe familiar with the names of the Corinthian columns of the American Turf. Our Hamptons, our Stevenses, our Kennees, and our Stocktons, are known throughout the world like the Portlands, the Clevelands, and the Bentincks of England. The Livingstons and Johnsons of the New World are as eminently conspicuous as the CnESTER- FiELDs and Geosvenoes of the Old. " We approach now the last and most miserable topic in this long article. After having thus devoted ten of the best years of our life, with all the means, the influence, the industry, and the ability we could command, we have realized — what ? Why on paper, quite a snug little property, but, in truth, not the first red cent ! With nearly Fifty Thousand Dollars due it, this jour- nal passed from ours into other hands, for an amount which would not command a moderate race-horse ! What have we gained, then, beyond the ephemeral reputation of a newspaper writer ? This, to be sure, is flattering enough to our vanity, but will it make the ' pot boil ' ? With the same reputation, enterprise, means, and perseverance, ought we not to have in- sured ' that which should accompany old age, As honor, lovo, obodience, troops of friends ? ' LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. 149 We are not prepared to estimate the value of editorial popularity, nor the worth of the good opinion of the Sporting World, but we are almost tempted to say from present indications npon icMch we shall sTiortly dwell, that had we the past ten years of our life to live over again, and were offered the wages of a journey- man wood-sawyer, we should certainly hesitate before giving up the ' wages ' for the ' popularity ' — the saw horse for the race horse. " It is true that we have acquired a fund of knowledge and great experience, hut that we can ever make them available is yet to be seen. We have won in high places the consideration of those whose mere passing acquaintance is a passport to general favor. ' Praise from Sir Hubert Stanley is praise indeed ! ' and we have received it spontaneously at the hands of thousands. Many, very many stanch friends have we made, and thousands of most desirable acquaintances. Of the former, several ' whose evil stars have linked them with us,' have a claim upon our never-ceasing gratitude and regard, which is inscribed in our heart of hearts. The consideration which most embitters our regret for past mis- fortunes, is, that we have involved some of them in our own losses, and those friends the most disinterested and generous. " But we do by no means yet ' give up the ship.' With our habits of application, experience in the profession we have chosen, and claims upon the good wishes of the racing community, joined to good health, economy, and the energy of one determined to succeed, and not too old to grapple with the great world, it will be singular indeed if we are not able at no very distant day to stand upon our legs again, free from obligations of every descrip- tion." CHAPTER VII. RACE OF BOSTON AND FASHION, MAY lO, 1842. The great sectional match for $20,000 a side, four- mile heats, between the N'orth and the South, came off on Tuesday last, the 10th inst. Since the memor- able contest between Eclipse and Hennj^ on the 27th of May, 1823, no race has excited so much interest and enthusiasm. It attracted hundreds of individuals from the remotest sections of the Union, and for months has been the theme of remark and speculation, not only in the sporting circles of this country, but in England, where the success of the northern champion was predicted. It was a most thrilling and exciting race — one which throws in the shade the most cele- brated of those wonderful achievements which have conferred so much distinction upon the high-mettled racers of America ! In the early part of the year 1842, the annus mirdbilis of Turfmen, came off the great race be- tween Boston and Fashion. It was a match between the North and the South. Col. William R. John- son, of Virginia, challenged in the newspapers the LIFE OF WILLI Ail T. POKTER. 151 whole world to run against his horse Boston, and gave a special challenge to William Gibbons, Esq., of New Jersey, to run for $20,000 a side. The latter was not in the habit of betting, and gave the use of his mare Fashion to some of his friends, who made up the money and accepted the challenge. The sub- joined article by Mr. Porter, in regard to the chal- lenge and the pedigrees and performances of the two horses, will be a fit and valuable introduction to his subsequent and spirited report of the race itself : The following letter containing the acceptance of Boston's challenge to Fashion has been communi- cated exclusively to the " Spirit of the Times," by the gentleman who made the match on behalf of the friends of Fashion : New York, November 30, 1841. William R. Johnsok, Esq. : Dear Sir, — The challenge from yourself and Mr. James Long, to run Boston against Fashion^ Four-mile heats, over the Union Course, L. I., agreeable to the rules of the Course, in Spring 1842, or any day during the month of May, for $20,000 a side, (New York money,) one-half, or one- fourth forfeit, as may be agreeable to the friends of Fashion — is accepted by me on their behalf. I name the second Tuesday in May, (the 10th,) 1842, as the day of the race ; and $5,000 (or one-fourth) as the amount of forfeit, which sum has been placed in the hands of J. Peescott Hall, Esq., President of the New York Jockey Club. The same amount being received by him from you, the whole forfeit ($10,000) will be deposited by him in one of the city banks. Yours most respectfully, T. The acceptance above was mailed on Tuesday last, the 30tli ult., being the last day of November, accord- 152 LIFE OF WILLIAM T, PORTER. ing to the terms of the challenge, and the forfeit on each side has since been deposited in one of the city banks. As the match will be a general topic of dis- cussion during the winter throughout the countrj^, we have thought the sporting world would be obliged to us for an authentic statement of the several perform- ances of the two horses, with a brief account of their characteristics, etc. With this view we have compiled with the utmost care the following brief memoirs : BOSTON'S PEDIGREE, CHARACTERISTICS, AND PER- FORMANCES. Boston was bred bj the late John Wickham, Esq., of Eichmond, Ya., the eminent jurisconsult, and was foaled in Henrico Countj, in 1833. He was got by the celebrated Timoleon out of Robin Brown's dam (an own sister to Tuchahoe, also bred by Mr. W.) by Ball's Florizel, her dam by Imp. Alderman, out of a mare by Imp. Clochfast — her grandam by Sj^mmes' Wildair, etc. [For a detailed memoir, and a portrait of Boston, see the " Spirit of the Times," of March 7th, 1840.] Boston was sold by Mr. Wickham, in his two-year-old form to Mr, JN'athaniel Eives, of Eichmond, Ya., for $800, and was trained in 1836-7 by Capt. John Belcher, who had charge of one " cavalry corj^s " from Col. Johnson's stable, while Arthur Taylor had another. Cornelius, a colored lad, was Bostori's jockey up to 27th April, 1839. Ever since the spring campaign of 1838, Boston has been trained by Arthur Taylor and ridden by Gil Patrick, until this spring when Craig took Gil's place, the LIFE OF WILLIAil T. PORTER 153 latter having gone to Kentucky to ride several im- portant races, all of which he won. In May, 1839, after the first heat of his race against Decatur and Vashti, Boston was sold to Mr. James Long, of Washington City, for $12,000 and half of the purse, and he is still owned by Mr. L. and Col. Wm, R. Johnson, of Petersburg, Va. Boston is a chestnut, with white stockings on both hind feet, and a white stripe down the face. In other respects than color and marks, Boston closely re- sembles the British phenomenon, Ilarlzaioay . They have alike prodigious depth of chest, and immensely powerful loins, thighs, and hocks. Boston is a trifle only above 15i hands high, under the standard, but to the eye seems taller, owing to his immense sub- stance; he is a short-limbed horse, with a barrel rather flat, or "slab-sided" than round, and well- ribbed home, while his back is a prodigy of strength ; ten pounds extra weight would hardly " set him back any." Though he has occasionally sulked, Boston runs on his courage, and is never ridden with spurs. He is no beauty, his neck and head being unsightly, while his hips are ragged, rendering him " a rum 'un to look at ;" that he is " a good 'un to go," however, we imagine will be generally conceded after reading the annexed recapitulation of HIS PERFORMANCES. 1836. April 20, Broad Rock, Va.. .Sweepstakes.. .Mile heats lost % Boston S years old, bolted in the 1st heat, when running ahead. 154 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. Oct. 12, Petersburg, Va Purse 2 mile heats, .won $300 Beating N. Biddle, Mary Archie, Juliana, John Floyd, and ch. f. by Henry. Nov. 8, Hanover C. H., Va. .Purse 3 mile beats, .won 400 Beating Betsey Mlnge, Upton Heath, Nick Biddle, Alp. Bayard, and a Gohauna filly. 1837. May 4, Washington City. . . .Purse 3 mile heats, .won 500 Beating Norwood, Mary Selden, Meteor, Lydia, bro. to Virginia Graves. Oct. 5, Washington City Purse 3 mile heats, .won 500 Beating Prince George, Stockton, Mary Selden, Virginia Graves, Caroline Snowden, and Leesburg, in 5.50 — 5.52. Oct. 19, Baltimore, Md Purse 3 mile heats, .won 500 Beating Camsidel, Cippus, and Ked Kat, in 5.51— 6.0S. Oct. 25, Camden, N. J Purse 3 mile heats, .wou 500 Beating Betsey Andrew and Tipton, in 5.51—6.02. 1838. May 3, Union Course, L. I. .Purse 3 mile heats, .won 500 Boston, now 5 years old, walked over. May 18, Beacon Course, N. J. Purse 4 mile heats, .won 1,000 Beating Dosoris, without extending himself. May 25, Camden, N. J Purse 4 mile heats, .won 1,000 Beating Decatur, who had just distanced Fanny Wyatt, in a match for $10,000, in 7.46, at Washington. June 1, Union Course, L. I. .Purse 4 mile heats, .won 1,000 Beating Charles Carter, who broke down, in 7.40— the first three miles run in 5:36i ! ! ! June 8, Beacon Course, N. J. Purse. 4 mile heats, .won 1,000 Beating Duane, who won the 1st heat in 7.52—7.54—8.30. B. Sulked. Oct. 4, Petersburg, Va Purse 4 mile heats, .won VOO Beating Polly Green in a canter. Oct. 13, Baltimore, Md Purse 4 mile heats, .won VOO Beating Balie Peyton, who had won a heat from Duane in 7.42. Oct. 19, Baltimore, Md Purse 4 mile heats, .rcc. 600 Boston was paid $500 out of the purso not to start. LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK, 155 Oct. 27, Camden, N. J Purse 4 mile heats, .rcc. $500 Boston was paid $500 out of the purse not to start. Nov. 2, Uuion Course, L. I. .Purse 4 mile beats, .won 1,000 Beating Decatur with ease in 8.00— 7.57^. Nov. 9, Beacon Course, N. J. Purse 4 mile heats, .won 1,000 Beating; Decatur. This year B. won nine Jockey Club Purses, and received $1,000 more for not starting. 1839. April 16, Petersburg, Va Match 2 mile heats. .lost Beaten by Portsmouth in 3.50—3.48, B. being oflf his foot. April 27, Broad Rock, Va.. .Purse 3 mile heats, .won 500 Beating Lady Clifden and Brocklesby in 5.46 with ease— the best time ever made on this course. May 9, Washington City. . . .Purse 4 mile heats, .won 800 Beating Tom "WaUcer, Black Knight, Keliance, and Sam Brown, 7.53-8.06. May 24, Camden, N. J Purse 4 mile heats, .won 1,000 Boston, now six years, walked over, though several " cracks " were on the ground. May 31, Trenton, N. J Purse 4 mile heats, .won 1,000 Beating Decatur and Vashti with ease. V. had just won a 2d heat in 7.46. June 7, Union Course, L. I. .Purse 4 mile heats, .won 1,000 Beating Decatur and Balie Peyton cleverly in 7.47—8.02. Sept. 26, Petersburg, Va P. and Stake. .4 mile heats, .won 7,000 Beating the Queen and Omega in 8.02— 7.52— best time made on the course, to this date. Oct. 17, Camden, N. J P. and Stake. .4 mile heats, .won 7,000 Beating Omega in 7.49. 0. had won a heat at Washington in 7.40 1 Oct. 23, Trenton, N. J. Purse 4 mile heats, .won 1,000 Beating Decatur and Master Henry in 7.57—7.56. 1840. May 1, Petersburg, Va Purse 4 mile heats, .won 700 Beating Andrewetta, who won the 1st heat in 7.50— 8.04— the best time ever made on the course. May 8, Washington City. . . .Purse 4 mile heats, .won 1,000 Beating Keliance and Cippus without a struggle. 156 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. Oct. 2, Petersburg, Va Purse 4 mile heats, .won $700 Beating Brandt, who was drawn after 1st heat in 7.57. Oct. 8, Broad Rock, Va Purse 3 mile heats, .won 500 Beating Texas, Balie Peyton, and Laneville in 5.56 — 5.49. Dec. V, Augusta, Ga Match 4 mile beats, .won 10,000 Beating Gano in a gallop in 7.57, after which G. was drawn. Dec. 17, Augusta, Ga Purse 4 mile heats, .won 800 Beating Santa Anna and Omega in 7:52 — 7:49. 1841. In the Spring, Boston stood at Chesterfield, Va., and cover- ed 42 mares at $100 each. Sept. 30, Petersburg, Va Purse 4 mile heats, .won 700 Beating Texas without an effort. Oct. 8, Alexandria, D. C. . . .Purse 4 mile heats, .won 800 Boston walked over, though several cracks were present. Oct. 15, Washington City. . .Purse 4 mile heats, .won 800 Beating Accident, Ned Hazard, and Greenhill with ease. Oct. 21, Baltimore, Md Purse 4 mile heats, .won COO Beating Mariner, who won the 1st heat in S.OOi — 8.05—8.10— course very heavy. Oct. 28, Camden, N. J Purse 4 mile heats, .lost Distanced by John Blount and Fashion in 7.42 — Blount broke down in 2d heat, which was won by Fashion, in 7.48. Bos- ton dead amiss, and unable to run a mile under 2:10. Starting thirty-eight times, and winning thirty-five races — twenty-six of them at four mile heats, and seven at three mile heats — winning $49,500 Add for his earnings in the breeding stud. Spring of 1841, 4,200 Boston's winnings and earnings amount to the enormous sum of S53,700 It is due to Boston to state that in liis four-year- old form he was prevented from starting for the large purses offered for four mile heats, by being in the same stable with Atalanta^ Lady Cllfden^ Argyle^ LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETER. 157 and Manj Blunt. And it is no less due to him than to his liberal and high-spirited owners to add that from a regard to the best interests of the Turf, they have frequently allowed him to remain in his stable, when by starting him they could have taken the pm'ses without an effort. Boston, after his match with Gano, at Augusta, could have won a Jockey Club purse there, and at Savannah and Charleston. In the spring of 1840, he started but twice, though he could have easily won every four-mile purse given between Petersburg and Long Island. His owners, in the latter instance, were personally appealed to and consented to send him home from Washington, while one of the Northern proprietors proposed to exclude him from running. Several other occasions might be named on which Boston has been withdrawn from the contest, at the request of the proprietors of courses, upon a representation that his entrance would destroy the sport and disappoint the public. Boston, now at the advanced age of eight years, after a racing career of unparalleled severity, is still as sound as a dollar, with legs as free from blemish as a three-year old. The field of his brilliant, never-fad- ing victories extends from New York to Georgia, and he has not only beaten, one after another, every horse within his reach, but he has challenged all others, offering to meet them on their own ground. Na- poleon found a "Waterloo and so has Boston, but the latter is beaten, not defeated ; like the former it will be found that " he is never more to be feared than in his reverses." When dead amiss he was beaten, it 158 LITE OF WILLIAM T. TORTER. is true ; the race was a splendid one — one of tlie best ever run in America — but Boston had no part in it ; he could not have beaten a cocktail on that occasion, and instead of being backed as usual at " 1,000 to 300, nineteen times over," his owners did not lay out a dollar on him ! Since he was taken up this fall his owners determined to give him a trial to see whether his speed or game had been affected by his services in the breeding stud. An eye-witness of this trial, who went over two hundred miles to see it, has assur- ed us that it was not only the best trial Boston ever made, but it was the best trial ever made over a course which has been trained on for half a century ! Since that event Boston has offered to run four-mile heats '■'■against any two horses in the wm^ld^'' for $45,000, which was not accepted, and since his de- feat at Camden, by Fashion^ he has challenged her to run him next spring for $20,000. The winner of this match will richly merit and most assuredly re- ceive the proud title of Champion of the American Turf ; let us hope, therefore, that each will come to the post in tip-top condition, and we may confidently anticipate witnessing the best race, without exception, ever run in America. FASHION'S PEDIGREE, CHARACTERISTICS, AND PER- FORMANCES. Fashion was bred by William Gibbons, Esq., of Madison, Morris County, N. J., where she was foaled on the 26th April, 1837. It would be difficult to sit LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEE. 159 down over the stud book and compile a richer pedi- gree than her's, and the same remark will apply to Boston. Each is descended from the most eminently distinguished racing families on the side of both sire and dam, that have figured on the Turf for a hundred years. FasJdon was got by Mr. Livingston's imp. Trustee^ out of the celebrated Bonnets-o'-Blue by Sir Charles, and she out of Reality — " the very best race horse," says Col. Johnson, " I ever saw." Reality was got by Sir Arcliy, and her pedigree extends back through the imported horses Medley, Centinel, Janus, Monkey, Silver- Eye, and Spanher, to an im- ported Spanish mare. Trustee, the sire of Fashion, was a distinguished race-horse in England, and sold at three years old for 2,000 guineas, to the Duke of Cleveland, after running 3d in the race for the Derby of 101 subscribers. He was subsequently imported by Messrs. Ogden, Corbin, and Stockton. Trustee was foaled in 1829, and was got by Catton out of Em- ma by Whisker, and combines the blood of Hermes, Pipator, and Sir Peter, on his dam's side, with that of Penelope by Trumpator, and Prunella by High- flyer, on the side of his sire. Trustee is not a chance horse ; in addition to other winners of his family, in 1835, his own brother, Mundig, won the Derby of 128 subscribers. Fashion is a rich, satin-coated chestnut, with a star, and a ring of white above the coronet of her left hind foot ; on her right quarter she is marked with three dark spots, like Plenipo, and other " ter- ribly high-bred cattle." She is about 15^ hands high 160 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. under the standard, rising high on the withers, with a light head and neck, faultless legs, an oblique, well- shaped shoulder, and a roomy, deep, and capacious chest. She has good length of barrel, which is well ribbed out, and her loins are well arched and sup- ported by strong fillets. Though finely put up fore- handed, her great excellence consists in the muscular developments of her quarters, thighs, and gaskins. As in the greyhound and the hare, the seat of the propelling power in the horse, which enables him to move with a great degree of velocity, is centred in his hind-quarters ; necessarily in proportion to their strength there, will be the impulse which impels the whole mass forward. Fashion has been trained for all her engagements by Mr. Samuel Laird, of Colt's Neck, K J., and ridden by his son Joseph, the best jockey at the north. Mr. Gibbons, her owner, having been unfortunate with his former trainer (who nearly ruined Mariner in breaking him), and who is opposed to the general plan of training colts at two years old, resolved that Fashion should not be taken up until her form had attained a greater degree of maturity ; consequently she was not brought out until the fall of her three- year-old year. Fashion goes with a long rating stroke, gathers well, and moves with the utmost ease to herself; what is rather singular, she runs with a loose rein ; she is true as steel, has a remarkable turn of speed, can be placed anywhere, and nothing can be finer than her disposition ; a more bloodlike, honest mare was never brought to the post. Being LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETER. 161 in a public training stable, with Clarion and Mariner^ her half brother, both of them winners at three and four-mile heats. Fashion has been compelled to " take her turn " in running for " the big things," else the amount of her winnings might have been increased as well as the number of HER PERFORMANCES. 1840. Oct. 21, Camden, N. J Sweepstake.. .2 mile heats, .won $800 Beating Amelia Priestman in the mud ; two paid forfeit. Oct. 2Y, Trenton, N. J Sweepstake. ..2 mile heats, .won 1,100 Beating Fleetwood and Nannie ; two paid forfeit. 1841. May 5, Union Course, L. I. .Purse 3 mile heats, .won 500 Beating Sylphide, Prospect, Fleetfoot, and Meridian. May 19, Camden, K J Purse 2 mile heats, .lost Beaten by Tyler, after winning 2d heat. Trenton won the 1st, and Tyler the 3d and 4th. Fashion second In 4th heat, Tele- machus being ruled out— time, 4.06—3.52—3.51^—3.56. Oct. 7, Union Course, L. L. .Purse 2 mile heats, .won 200 Beating Trenton in 3.51—3.461, on a heavy course. Oct. 20, Baltimore, Md Purse 3 mile heats, .won 400 Beating John Blount, Lady Canton, and Stockton ; course slip- pery. Oct. 28, Camden, N. J Purse 4 mile heats, .won 800 Beating John Blount, who broke down in 2d heat, after winning the 1st and distancing Boston in 1st heat ; time, 7.42—7.48. Starting, in three trainings, seven times, and winning six races, one at four, and two at three-mile heats, winning ; $3,800 We have noticed the fact of her not having been trained in the spring of her three-year-old year ; last 162 LIFE OF willia:^! t. pokter. spring, too, unfortunately, after her race at Camden she went amiss and was prudently turned out until the fall, when she came out again and won not only at two and at three-mile heats, but at four. Her last race is one of the best, at four-mile heats, ever run in the United States. In the only race she ever lost it will be seen that she was beaten by Tyler after win- ning the 2d heat ; Tyler won the 3d and 4th heats, in the last of which she was 2d, having beaten Tren- ton (who won the 1st heat) and Telemachus. From the fact of being turned out after this race and of her having since twice beaten John Blount, who easily defeated Tyler in a match for $5,000, it is fair to con- clude that on the occasion alluded to she was out of condition. The brilliant reputation she acquired by her last great performance, added to the confident impression everywhere entertained of her surpassing speed and extraordinary powers of endurance, are such, however, as to render quite gratuitous any ex- planation as to the cause of her having once been defeated. As FasJiion''s friends have accepted the match offered by Boston, it is to be hoped that each will come to the post in condition to run for a man's life. Fashion will be trained as usual by Mr. Laird, and Boston by Arthur Taylor ; Joe, no doubt, will throw his leg across the pig skin on the marc, Avhile Gil Patrick, who has more strength, though not more science or coolness than Craig, will probabl}'- be put up again on Boston. The latter being an aged horse (9 years old) will have to carry 120 lbs., while the LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 163 mare's appropriate weight being then 5 years old, will be 111 lbs. No match, the South against the North, has been made np at all comparable with this in interest, since that between Eclipse and Henry^ which came off over the Union Course on the 27th of May, 1823. Each champion has, and is worthy of troops of confident friends, and each is in good hands. Let them come together in good condition — give them a fair field and no favor, and — who can name the winner ? At an early hour on Tuesday morning our streets were filled with carriages of all descriptions, wending their way to the ferries, while thousands upon thou- sands crossed over to the cars of the Long Island Rail- road Company. But after eleven o'clock the Company fomid it impossible to convey to the course the im- mense crowd which filled and surrounded the cars. * -jf * * ^ * The race commenced about two o'clock. For more than a quarter of a mile in front of the stands, the spectators ranged on the side of the course and of the field, presented one dense mass of thousands, through which the horses run the gauntlet. The course itself, owing to the rain of Sunday night, was not deemed quite so well adapted for speed as upon some other occasions ; still it was in fine order. Tlie prospect of the weather, in the morning, was unfavor- able, but though at ten o'clock there was a slight sprink- ling of rain, it soon cleared off. The day was w\arm and pleasant, but with scarce a glimpse of the sun. 164 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEE. The betting was a shade in Boston's favor. Before the race came off, however, his friends were obliged, in order to get on their money, to lay 100 to GO, and in some cases 2 to 1. We never saw so little money bet on a race here of any importance ; of heavy bet- ting we did not hear of a solitary transaction, though tlie backers of each were sanguine. Having previously given in the preceding pages complete memou-s of the rival champions, with their pedigrees, characteristics, and performances, in detail, we have only to speak of their fine condition. Both stripped well. Boston was drawn unusually to our eye, but his coat looked and felt like satin. Fashion's curb, though quite prominent, did not seem to affect her a jot ; otherwise she was in condition to run for a man's life. We need hardly say that she was admi- rably trained by Mr. Laird, nor that she was splendidly jockeyed by his son Joseph — a chip of the old block — Mr. Laird having formerly been a conspicuous jockey. Boston, of course, was managed by Col. Johnson, and ridden by Gil Patrick, in his usual superb style ; Arthur Taylor brought him to the post in unusually fine order. Gil Patrick rode the first heat without a spur. The jockeys having received their orders, mounted, and had their girths taken up another hole, brought their horses up in fine style without any assistance whatever from their trainers, and were off with a running start for the race. First Heat. — Boston on the inside went aAvay with the lead at a rattling pace, the mare laying up within two lengths of him down the straight run on the back LITE OF WILLIAM T. TOKTEK. 165 stretcli ; the half mile was run in 55 seconds. The same position was maintained to the end of the mile, (run in 1.53,) but soon after Fashion made play and the pace improved. Both made strong running down the back-stretch over the hill (opposite the half-mile post) and down the slight descent which succeeds, and though this seemed favorable ground for Boston, the mare gained on him, at this place, in this mile, and placed herself well up. Boston threw her off on the turn, and led through clear, running this mile in 1.50^. The pace seemed too good to last, and Boston's friends, as he led closely down the back-stretch, were " snatch- ing and eager " to take any thing offered. Again Boston led through, this mile— (the 3d) being run in 1.54, Fashion keeping him up to the top of his rate. Tlie contest was beautiful and exciting beyond descrip- tion ; there was no clambering, no faltering, no dwell- ing on the part of either ; each ran with a long rating stroke, and a pace that kills. Soon after com- mencing the 4th mile Joe Laird shook his whip over her head and gave Fashion an eye-opener or two, with the spur, and not 100 yards from the ground where Boston took the track from Charles Carter, she collared and passed Mm in half a dozen strokes at a flight of speed we never saw equalled, except in the desperate brush at the stand between Grey Medoc and Altorf, in their dead heat ! When Fashion responded to the call upon her, and took the track in such splendid styk, the cheers sent up from the " rude throats " of thousands might have been heard f&r miles ! Fashion made her challenge after getting 1G6 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEE. through the drawgate and took the lead opposite the quarter mile post. Boston, however, like a trump, as he is, did not give back an inch, and though it was manifest the Northern Phenomenon had the foot of him, he gave her no respite. He lapped her down the back-stretch for 300 yards, when Gil Patrick very sensibly took a strong bracing pull on him, and bottled him up for a desperate brush up the hill, where Eclipse passed Henry. Here Gil again let him out, but unfor- tunately he pulled him inside so near the fence tliat Boston struck his hip against a post, and hitting a sharp knot or a nail cut through the skin on his quar- ter for seven or eight inches ! He struck hard enough to jar himself very much, and we observed him to falter ; but he soon recovered, and though at this moment Fashion led him nearly three lengths, he gradually closed the gap round the turn to within a few feet. At this moment the excited multitude broke through all restraint in their anxiety to witness the termination of the heat, and the course was nearly blocked up ! On coming out through a narrow gaunt- let of thousands of spectators excited to the highest pitch, both horses very naturally faltered at the tre- mendous shouts, which made the welkin ring. Up the quarter stretch Gil made another desperate efibrt to win the race out of the fire. He applied his thong freely, while Joe Laird drew his whip on the mare more than once, and tapped her claret at the same time. Inside of the gate it was a " hollow thing " though Boston nearly closed the gap at the distance stand. Gil fairly caught Joe by surprise, but the LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. 1G7 latter, sliaking his wliip over lier head, gave Fashion the sj)ur, and she instantly recovered her stride, coming through about a length ahead with apparently some- thing in hand to spare, closing the heat in Y.32^ — the fastest, by all odds, ever run in America. The time was kept on the Jockey Club stand by Messrs, Kobert L. and James Stevens, and in the Judges' stand by Senator Barrow of Louisiana, Hon, Mr. Botts of Vir- ginia, J. Hamilton Wilkes, Esq., and the official Timers. We took the time of each mile from the Messrs. S., between whom we stood. Mr. Neill, Major Ringgold, and other gentlemen of acknowledged accuracy as timers, stood in the same circle, and there was but a fraction of difference in the time each de- clared " by watches, too, not made in Kentucky ! " Messrs. S. made the time 7.33, but as they kept the time of the half, and in some cases of the quarter miles, their difference of that half a second from the Timers in the Judges' stand demonstrates the remark- able accuracy of the parties. The result of the heat was the more astonishing to a few of Boston's friends as no one ever supposed Fashion could make this time, though she might heat him. AVe were prepared to expect the best time on record, not only from the fact that we had been in- formed of the res alt of Fashion's jor^'m^e tibial on the 25th ult., but from a circumstance which we shall be excused, we trust, for alluding to here. After retiring to our room at the Astor House on Monday night, at a late hour, we had the pleasure of a " domiciliary visit " from Mr. 168 LIFE OF WILLIA3I T. POETER. several mutual friends. The " party " were attired in costumes that would be esteemed somewhat unique out of the circle of the Marquis of Waterford's friends, who ride steeple chases in their shirts and drawers ! Nevertheless, there was no lack of fun or spirit : in the course of an interesting " horse talk," Mr. Long gave us several " items," one of which was, that Bos- ton would run the first heat, " sure," in T.34 ! Said Mr. Long, " He will run the first mile in about 1.53 ; the second in 1.52 ; the third in 1.54 ; and the fourth in 1.55." After he retired we made a memorandum of the time, as a curiosity after the race. And we refer to it now, to show that though beaten by the Northern Phenomenon, the gallant Boston amply sustained all the expectations formed of him from his trials and previous performances. He not only made vastly better time than he ever did before, but better time than ever had been made^time that quite eclipses the most wonderful achievements on the American Turf! The vaunted performances of the Southern " cracks " at New Orleans are almost thrown in the shade, wonderful as they are ! Had any one offered to beat the time of Eclipse and Henry on the Union Course, three to one would have been laid against it ; or had the friends of Boston been assured that he could run, as Mr. Long told us he could, in 7.34, his friends would have staked a million of dollars upon his win- ning the match ! For the first two miles, Boston, in the opinion of many shrewd judges, had tlie foot of the mare, and it is thought that luid he trailed her as LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 169 he did Charles Carter, the result of the iirst heat might have been different. But what shall be said of the incomparable daughter of Trustee and Bonnets o' Blue. Too much cannot be said of her, or of her jockey. She ran as true as steel, as game and hon- est a race as was ever recorded of a high-mettled racer ! Both horses cooled out well. Boston always blows tremendously, even after a gallop ; but he seemed little distressed. Neither was Fashion ; her action is superb, and as she came through on the fourth mile, it was remarked that she was playing her ears as if taking her exercise. She recovered sooner than Boston, and though her friends now offered large odds on her, Boston's were no less confident ; the seventh mile they thought would " fetch her." We should not have been surprised to have seen both swell over the loins, nor to have found them greatly distressed. We examined them carefully after the heat, and state with great pleasure, that though they " blowed strong," they recovered in a few minutes, and came to the post again comparatively fresh. After the heat was over, the crowd rushed into the enclosed space en masse / an endeavor was made to clear a portion of the track of the multitude who had now taken possession of it, and after great exer- tions a line was formed, through which the horses came up for the Second Heat. — Fashion led off with a moderate stroke, and carried on the running down the back stretch with a lead of about three lengths. After 170 LITE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. making tlie ascent of the liill, Boston challenged, closed the gap, and lapped her. A tremendous shout arose on all hands at this rally, but as it subsided on the part of Boston's friends, it was again more tumul- tuously caught up by the friends of the mare, as she outfooted him before reaching the head of the quarter stretch. She came through — in 1.59 — three or four lengths ahead, and kept up her rate down the entire straight stretch on the rear of the course. After get- ting over the hill, Boston, as before, made a rush, and succeeded in collaring the mare, while she, as before, again threw him off, and led through by two or three lengths, in 1.57. Gil relieved his horse for the next 600 yards, but instead of waiting for Fashion to ascend the hill at the half-mile post alone, he called on Bos- ton just before reaching it, and the two went over it nearly together ; no sooner had they commenced the descending ground, than, gathering all his energies for a final and desperate eflbrt, Boston made a dash, and this time he succeeded in taking the track ! The scene which ensued we have no words to describe. Such cheering, such betting, and so many long fiices, were never seen nor heard before. After being compelled to give up the track, Joe Laird, with the utmost pru- dence and good sense, took his mare in hand, and gave her time to recover her wind. This run tooh the shine out of Boston ! Instead of pulling him steadily, and refreshing him with a slight respite, Gil Patrick kept him at work after he took the track, and run this mile — the third — in 1.51| ! Tlie pace was tremen- dous ! Nothing short of limbs of steel and sinews of LITE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. lYl catgut could stand up under such a press ! On the first turn after passing the stand, Fashion, now fresh again, made a dash, and as Boston had not another run left in him, she cut him down in her stride, op- posite the quarter-mile post, and the thing was out. The race, so far as Boston was concerned, was past praying for ! If any thing can parallel Fashion's turn of speed, it is her invincible game. She now gradu- ally dropped him, and without another effort on his part to retrieve the fortunes of the day, she came home a gallant and easy winner in 7.45 ! Boston pulled up inside of the distance stand, and walked over the score ! As she came under the judges' cord extended across the course, Boston was exactly sixty yards behind, though he could have placed him- self in a better position had Gil called upon him. As Joe Laird rode Fashion back to the stand, the shouts were so deafening, that had not the Presi- dent of the Club and another gentleman held on to her bridle, she would not only have " enlarged the circle of her acquaintance " very speedily, but " made a mash " of some dozen of " the rank and file," then and there assembled. She looked as if another heat would not " set her back any." And thus did the North settle its account with the South, for the victory achieved by Bascombe over Post Boy. It was a magnificent race — one which will be remembered by every one who witnessed it " while Memory holds her seat." Though beaten, it is conceded on all hands that Boston has acquired a more " vast renown " by this wonderful race than by 172 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. his tliirty-live previous victories combined. He is worth more since than he was before the match. " All that can be said is, that Boston has beaten him- self, and Fashion has beaten Boston ! " The spirit of his owners on this, as npon a like memorable occasion, in May, 1823, is worthy of them, and of the Old Do- minion. Of one of them it has been well said, that, " like another Kapoleon, he is never more to be feared than in his reverses ! " In congratulating each other upon the brilliant triumph achieved by the Northern Champion — ^now the Champion of the American Turf, let no one forget to do honor to those to whose admirable skill and judg- ment the North is mainly indebted for its victory. To Mr. Samuel Laird, the trainer and jockey of Fashion, and to his fine-spirited son, who jockeyed her in a style that w^ould have conferred credit upon Jem Kobinson, too much credit cannot be given. Nor let us forget that to the gallant Boston we are indebted for ascertaining the indomitable game and surpassing speed of our Champion. What else could have dis- played it in such bold and beautiful relief? Arthur Taylor brought him to the post in the very finest pos- sible condition, and Gil Patrick, his jockey, rarely distinguished himself more than upon this occasion. Most of our contemporaries state that he rode with spurs. He wore one only, and that only in the second heat. It is peculiarly gratifying to ourselves, though we have the pleasure of numbering all the parties among our personal friends, tliat Mr. Gibbons, the owner of LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TOKTEK. 173 Pasliion, is among the oldest, most stanch, and most generous of the number. Unfortunately he was pre- vented from witnessing the race, in consequence of an accident which for some time has confined him at home. In his absence, another tried friend, Walter Livingston, Esq., the owner of Trustee — the sire of Fashion — was congratulated on all hands ; he has never doubted Fashion's success from the first. Col. W. Larkin White, of Virginia, who was also in at- tendance, came in for a liberal portion of the good feeling displayed. l!^or should it go unrecorded that Col. Johnson was by no means forgotten in the gen- eral outburst of congratulation. He " sold the stick which broke his own head," and no mistake, for after breeding Bonnets o' Blue from his own Sir Charles, and running her with great success, he parted with her to Mr. Gibbons, who bred from her a filly, which has beaten the best horse Col. Johnson has ever had in his stable, since the days of his favorite Keality, the renowned grand-dam of Fashion herself. Eecapitulation : Tuesday, May 10, 1842.— Match, the North vs. the South, |20,000 aside, $5,000 ft., four-mile heats. Heury H. Toler's and "William Gibbons' ch. m. Fashion, by Imp. Trustee, out of Bonnets o' Blue, Mariner's dam, by Sir Charles, 5 years, 111 lbs Joseph Laird, 1 — 1 Col. "Wm. E. Johnson's and James Long's ch. h, Boston, by Timo- leon, out of Kobin Brown's dam by Ball's Florizel, 9 years, 126 lbs Gil Patrick, 2—2 174 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. First Heat. Second Heat Time of 1st mile . . 1.53 Time of 1st mile . . 1.59 " " 2d " . . 1.50i " " 2d " . . 1.57 " " 3d " . . . 1.54 " " 3d " . . L51-i " " 4th " . . . 1.55 " " 4th « . . 1.57i Time of First Heat . 1.Zi\ Time of Second Heat . 7.45 At the Jockey Club dinner, after the match, Mr. Long offered to run Boston against Fashion, for $20,- 000, $5,000 forfeit, fonr-mile heats, at any time to be agreed upon by the parties between the 25th of Sep- tember and the 25th of October next. He also au- thorized us to state in our Extra, that he would bet $1,000 he wins the regular Jockey Club purse, four- mile heats, on Friday, on the Union Course ; $1,000 that Boston wins the Jockey Club purse at Trenton, and $1,000 that Boston wins the Jockey Club at Camden, the week following. Last Day. — The attraction of three races, in one of which Boston was to contend with a son of Bonnets o' Blue, drew a large assemblage to the Course, and they were amply entertained by a race, if not so brilliant as that of Fashion on Tuesday, at least as critical, and apparently more doubtful. The sport commenced with a trial of speed at mile heats be- tween Tempest and Prima Donna, the colt winning in two heats, the latter of which was particularly in- teresting. Time : 1.55 — 1.55. Joe Laird jockeyed the winner, who, Ave regret to say, was sold at auction after the race, and was knocked down for the paltry sum of $180, to Capt. Shirley of the Ttli Ilussars, B. A., who has been in attendance upon our races. Other stock was offered, but we learn was l)id in. LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. 175 Now came off tlie great race of tlic day — the strug- gle between Boston and Mariner. The former was backed in the morning at 100 to 30, and before the start at 100 to 20, which were not taken with alacrity. Boston had the pole, but retained it for a few yards only, Mariner going to the front on the first turn, and leading by several lengths. The pace for the first mile was so slow as 2.13, Mariner cutting out the work ; he increased his rate in the second mile, which was run in about 2.05, oj^ening the gap on the back side between Boston and himself, while Boston less- ened it a little in the straight, running in front. In the third mile, the pace was still further improved, both horses tasting the persuaders freely ; the fourth mile was yet more desperately contested, though without much change in the position of the horses. Boston, who was ridden by Gil, without spurs, was most severely scored in coming home ; but as it was all in vain, he pulled him up inside the distance stand. Mariner came in amidst the most tremendous shouts, in 8.13. The friends of Old White}iose were undismayed by the loss of the heat, and he still retained the call in the betting at about 100 to 80, As in the former heat, Joe Laird went away with the lead, and driving his horse at a much better pace than before. At the south turn in the commencement of the second mile, the old horse showed a taste of his old style of going, challenged for the lead, and gained it in a twinkling. No respite, however, was given by Joe to Mariner, who ran well up throughout that and the following 176 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TOKTEK. mile, though the running was strongly forced by Gil Patrick. In the first quarter of the fourth mile, in very nearly the place where Fashion made her run, Joe went up with a rush, took the track with apparent ease, continued to urge his horse with whip and spur, widening the gap with every stride. Before they came into straight running, he w^as leading by six or eight lengths, and the race was apparently safe. But here Gil Patrick brought up his nag in a style quite in- comparable ; such a rush we do not remember ever to have seen made ; the old horse appeared to sym- pathize with his eager rider, and showed all of that speed which has won for him his great renown. Joe did not appear to be aware of his close proximity till he came within the gates, when he too found his whip, and plied it lustily. The thing was out, however, for nothing but a locomotive could have held its way with Boston, who in his turn came home, amid the enthu- siastic cries of the populace, in 7.46. Many watches made the time a half-second quicker. The heat, which was won by a length, was the most interesting we recollect ever to have seen. We have heard the rid- ing of Joe in the last mile criticized ; it is said he took too much out of his horse after he had passed Boston, by forcing the run as he did. Our impression is that he pursued the safer course, and that he lost the heat only in consequence of the tremendous speed which his antagonist exhibited in the quarter stretch. There is no difference of opinion as to the masterly style in which Gil took the heat ; it would compare fivorably with any performance of Chifhoy or Robinson. LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TOKTER. 177 The third heat was scarcely less interesting than the previous one. Boston took up the running early, but was followed by Mariner at the best pace steel and catgut could get out of him. This severe chase continued throughout three miles and a half, when Mariner closed up a little. In coming into the quar- ter stretch home, Gil gave the pole a wide berth, and Joe immediately took advantage of it, and made a rush to take the lead on the inside. The struggle was now most exciting, as Mariner was evidently drawling rapid- ly upon his antagonist. At about the distance stand he lapped on to him, when Gil appeared to pull his horse towards the pole again, and thus crossed the path of Mariner and interrupted his stride. The pace was ter- rific, however, till the finish, Boston taking the heat, with his tail flirting directly in the face of his compet- itor. Time, 7.58|. A complaint was then made of foul riding against the winner, but it was not deemed by the judges to be substantiated, and the race and purse were accordingly awarded to Boston. All know how critical and hazardous is the attempt to pass a leading horse on the inside. Many believe that Joe Laird was authorized by the position of Boston to make the eftbrt he did, and that for being crossed and crowded, he would have won the race by it. The rightful authorities decided otherwise, however, and we acquiesce in their decision without hesitation. The race will be long remembered as one of the most interesting that ever came off on Long Island. The performance of Mariner surprised all his friends by the unwonted speed which he displayed, while he 178 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. ran as game a race as any horse that ever made a track. After the wonderful performance of Boston on Tues- day last, his race of yesterday will, we have no doubt, be esteemed one of the most remarkable in the annals of the Turf. The profound disappointment which was experi- enced by the Southern friends of Boston is plainly and honestly acknowledged in the columns of the Eich- mond " Whig " three days after the race. " Boston is beaten ! We did not announce the defeat of the Whigs with a profounder sorrow. We feel a melan- choly on the occasion, akin to that inspired by the death of some great public benefactor. A noble steed — the boast and glory of his native State — the victor of a hundred fields — has been arrested in his illustrious career, and in one brief day been stripped of all his glories ; and that too by 2^'parvenue — a thing of to-day — unknown yesterday, and destined, but for this un- fortunate occurrence, to be forgotten to-morrow. TT'e wish we had lost money upon him ! That would have been an earnest of our sympathy for the noble sorrows which rend his generous bosom — and might, by the compliment implied, have tended to assuage the bitter- ness of his grief. But it is idle to indulge in lamenta- tions. The times are sadly out of joint, and no longer is the race to the swift or the battle to the strong. Boston is outstripped, and the Whigs overthrown ! No event has excited so much commotion in the city, since the news of the Eevolution of the Palisades in Paris." It has already been stated that the bold and honor- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TORTER. 179 able course taken by tlie editor of the " Spirit " in regard to matters connected with this exciting race, liad drawn upon him unmerited and low abuse ; in his paper of May 21st (which by the way is a proud speci- men of Mr. Porter's industry, as nearly ten of its wide columns consist of solid editorial matter) he notices the ungenerous comments upon his course in a spirit ex- ceedingly creditable to his courage and truthfulness, and which was pronounced a triumphant vindication of these qualities which with him were inborn and ineffaceable. He closes with these words : " We have little left us in this world besides an hiimble repu- tation, and a charactei- hitherto untarnished. "We are in a posi- tion, however undeserved, of great responsibility, and oftentimes requiring the exercise of great judgment and the most delicate and adroit modes of expression — occasions where silence would be the worst possible course, and the obligation to say something can neither be shunned nor fulfilled by a hollow counterfeit, "When we are so circumstanced and are compelled by a sense of duty to express our sentiments, Ave do not intend to look calmly on and see our ' good name filched from us ' because they may have conflicted with the interests of any man. And we now take leave to say, once for all, that when any reader of our sheet finds in its columns an editorial article that unfortunately clashes with his interests, he may be sure, and we beg of him to believe, that it was written under a sense of the highest obligations to waive all personal predilections, and disregard individual interests, for the general good. But if his charity cannot extend so far, let him not go so far as to calumniate tis for telling the lare truth — let him not preach homilies on honesty to us because we do not suppress important facts that he may realize extravagant antici- pations—and let him not hope to muzzle the expression of our candid convictions or to forestall swift coming rumors by confid- ing to us as a secret what he well knows we must learn in a 180 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. few sliort hours from a hundred sources. But if charity and coa- fidence cannot go so far, and if any one still chooses to pursue a different course with us, he may rely upon it we shall ever be found ready and prompt to vindicate our conduct to the world, and by such means as lie in our power will we show our deter- mination of not tamely submitting to abusive charges and vindic- tive imputations, gross as they are groundless." About tliis time George Porter concluded an ar- rangement to become an associate editor of the New- Orleans " Picayune." He still retained a lingering affection for liis original profession, which he hoped he should ultimately be able to resume in that city. The first intelligence we had of all this was communi- cated in a letter from George, dated at New York, October 20th, 1842, in which he stated his purposes, and that he was on the eve of sailing for New Or- leans ; he added : " My desire is to return exclusively to the law." In compliance with his request, we furnished him with a letter of introduction to the Hon. Balie Peyton, then IT. S. Attorney for the Southern District of Louisiana, soliciting his aid and countenance in furthering the cherished object of Mr. Porter. On his arrival at New Orleans, he entered at once on his duties in the office of the " Picayune." In a letter of the 23d of March, 1813, he writes : " No dray horse on the levee works more steadily than I. I have the hang of the office at last, and have little difficulty ; but I pull most decidedly the laboring oar, if I except Kendall, who works like an engine of a hundred horse power, though much of his labor is given to revisals of what others may Lave written. =!= * * j gi^jjll hold fast, always being ready, how- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. 181 ever, to embrace any thing like a living in the law. As it is, I have not missed a day's work since I have been here. * * * So you see I am likely to live here as long as Yelloio Jaclc will allow." " Here I am," said he in a letter of the previous November, " perched up in the St. Charles, some ten feet nearer heaven than any other spot of land, I believe, in the whole State of Louisi- ana. * * * I am grinding out inanities for the ' Picayune^'' which is a paper too neutral in its character— as well in religion, literature and criticism as in politics— to allow a Northerner to express therein such poor thoughts as may enter his dull brain. * * * Mr. Peyton has not yet reached New Orleans, nor is he expected much before the 1st proximo. Judge Porter resides in the Attakapas, a goodly distance hence, where he is now awaiting Mr. Clay's arrival, who will spend some days at Oak Lawn, and then both the ex-Senators will come to New Orleans. " Nothing definite in regard to my legal pursuits will be deter- mined till such time as I can sec both Mr. Peyton and the Judge." It SO chanced tliat a year or two before he started for the South, Francis T. Porter the youngest of the brothers, had returned to New York, after a pro- tracted residence in Mississippi, to the great delight and advantage of his brothers. Of more delicate or- ganization than either of his family, Frank, as his friends loved to call him, was of abundant spirit and talents — of irresistible will, pjecise habits, and the very soul of honor. In resolution and fixedness of purpose, he was superior to either of his elder broth- ers. A comparatively fragile frame seemed to require the hardening process of an active life, and he was accordingly educated in reference to becoming a mer- 182 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER, cliant. Ill 1835, when about seventeen years of age, lie entered a coiiiiting-lionse in New York. Thus all the brothers, one by one, had migrated from the quiet scenes of childhood, and settled in the wilderness of a vast city. On reaching his majority, Frank became one of the firm of Davidson, Porter & Co, ; the partners being then well established at Amsterdam, Hind's County, Mississippi, to which place he at once re- moved. He writes on the Yth of February, 1837 : " Although the youngest of the family, I have wan- dered farther from the spot where our parents sleep than any, * * - My health is passable ; as well, perhaps, as I could expect after having the bilious fever five times this year ! " In subsequent letters he gives animating accounts of his business prospects, and facetiously alludes to his election as one of the " Selectmen^'' and to the offer that he should be Postmaster. He devoted himself to business, until his impaired health warned him to leave the pestilential climate of Mississippi, and he again became a resident of New York in 1839. It was then that the natural taste for writing, so characteristic of the family, became confirmed, and the " Spirit of the Times " shared the benefit of his judicious the- atrical criticisms, and other productions of his pen. Ill the autumn of 1842 he received an apj)ointment in the Custom House from Hon. Edward Curtis, the Collector of New York. Tlie duties were agreeable, and he performed them with fidelity, until he was re- moved by the successor of Mr. Curtis, on account of LIFE OF WILLIAM T. rORTER. 183 his Whig principles. In the month of December, 1846, he sailed for ISTew Orleans with the purpose of again embarking in mercantile pursuits. His brother George was delighted at his unexpected arrival, which seemed almost providential ; for he had just written to him, urging his acceptance of a ]30st in the office of the " Picayune." Frank wrote to William in refer- ence to this proposition : " If I do not get a mercantile oifer this week, I shall accept it, until I can get one." He adds : " George is well, but looks very thin and pale — works very hard. He lives in good style, and has every thing about his house comfortable and elegant." Li 1843 the " Picayune " reported the Fall races on the Louisiana course in 'New Orleans, and pro- nounced the race between Miss Foote^ George Martin and George W. Kendall^ which came off" on the fourtii day, as " the best three four-mile heats ever made in the world,"— time 7.36^—7.39— T.Sli— Miss Foote being the winner. On this statement the " Spirit " thus comments : '"iVi'ne cheers for Miss Foote!'' were duly proposed and responded to in the ' Spirit ' office, on Wednesday morning last. Throngliout the day the ' front office ' was crammed, while in the sanctum sanctorum of the editor there was not room for a man as thin as Calvin Edson. Three several times the report above, written by ' that other gentleman ' for the ' Picayune,' was read aloud. The original report was surmounted by the caption of ' The Best Eace ever run in the World ! ' which it is — in a cornucopia! We have taken the liberty of altering that same caption. We concede the point, however, that Miss Foote and George Martin have run ' the best three heats ' of four miles * ever run ' in this world or any other, though there are many 184 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TOKTER. sticklers for irroi^er tceightfor age who will not. The races of Lady Clifden and Picton, of Grey Medoc and Altorf, and espe- cially that of Henry against Eclipse, when, though not quite /owr years old, he carried one hundred and eight ipoundii^ have been discussed over and over again, in connection with this perform- ance of Miss Foote and George Martin. Assuming the English axiom that ' seven pounds is equal to a distance ' (or 240 yards in four miles), the difference in weight in Miss Foote's favor gave her an advantage over Henry of about Five Hundred and Sixty- Jive yards! — nearly one-third of a mUe in each heat. Miss Foote's three heats were run in 17| seconds less time than the three heats of Lady Clifden. She, as a 4 yr. old, carried 101 lbs. ; Miss Foote, two months later in the season, carried, as a 4 yr, old, 97 lbs. "We do not, however, subscribe to the ojiinion that ' seven pounds is equal to a distance,' as a general rule, though it has obtained in England for more than half a century. In the races between Muley Moloch and Glaucus, 3 lbs. given to the latter enabled him to beat Muley Moloch, who had beaten him two days previous, and this in a race of two miles, when both were 5 yrs. old. Indeed, horses are now handicapped there with such consummate judgment {vide case of Charles Xllth and Hyl- lus] that Jem Eobinson, the famous jockey, wittily remarked not long since, in accounting for losing a closely contested race, that he lost it from having carried the key of the stable in his pocket ! " ' The only horse,' remarks the ' Picayune,' ' which has any title to assume an equality with Miss Foote \& Fashion,'' and then it goes on to state that ' the aggregate time of Fashion's two heats Avith Boston was two seconds slower than the two first heats ot the race there,' The 'aggregate!' Stutf! — as if the 'aggre- gate ' had any thing to do with the matter. "Why, they ciphered the heats of a three-raWQ race in Kentucky not long since, in such an extraordinary way as to beat Eclipse and Henry's time atfour- mile heats into fits ! Inasmuch as Miss Foote did not happen to win the first heat of ' her ' race, [won by George INfartin ' in 7.36}j, by three or four open lengths,'] we are surprised the ' Picayimc ' does not give George Martin, instead of Fashion, a ' title to as- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 185 sume an equality with Miss Foote.' "What a compliment to the Northern Champion ! This grant to Fashion of a ' title to assume an eqiiality ' with any horse on the American Turf is ' piling up the agony ' a ' leetle too mountainous ! ' " In another paragraph the ' Picayune ' states that ' the eight miles in Fashion's race with Boston were run in 15 minutes 17^ seconds, while the two heats in this race [George Martin's and Miss Foote's] were run in 15 minutes and 15| seconds.' Here is the monstrous discrepancy of tioo seconds in a race, won by Fashion in two heats in the one case, Avhile two Jioi'ses were re- quired to make the time in the other. Moreover, Fashion as a 5 yr. old, carried on the 10th of May 111 lbs., (though foaled so late as the 26th of April.) Miss Foote runs as a 4 yr. old on the 24th of Dec, carrying 97 lbs., when seven days later she would have been rated aifive years old, and been obliged to take up ten pounds more, or 107 lbs. Fashion, less than five months later than Miss Foote, and at the same age, carried fourteen pounds MORE WEIGHT, She won her two heats in 7.32|— 7.45, while Miss Foote lost the 1st heat of ' her ' race in 7.36i, and won the 2d in 7.39, If she or George Martin could have run the 1st heat in 7.321, does any one in his senses suppose either could have repeated it ' low down in the forties ' ? Fashion won her 2d heat with ease, ' by exactly sixty yards,' while Miss Foote, after ' a desperate contest, under the spur, from end to end,' won by only ' two lengths ' from George Martin, who having been passed ' inside of the distance stand ' was ' taken in hand and galloped past the stand,' And notwithstanding all this, the ' Picayune ' gravely informs the friends of Fashion that she is 'the only horse which has now any title to assume an equality with Miss Foote ! ' This is really outrageous ; as Dogberry said, ' It is most tolerable and not to be endured.' " Tliis criticism drew from William's especial friend, tlie Hon. Alexander Porter, of Louisiana, the follow- ing admirable letter : 186 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. " Oak Lawn, January 23, 1843. " My Dear Sir: — I ought long siuce to have answered yours of the 30th November. But I have had a busy whiter; Mr. Clay's visit to me, the crowds which thronged Oak Lawn dur- ing his stay, my trip with him to New Orleans, »&c., &c., have interfered a good deal Avith my quiet and punctual habits. I saw George in the city, and had a good long talk with him about his prospects and intentions. lie is doing better in the ' Picayune ' establishment at present, than he could if he had a license to practise law in his pocket. But whether greater success in the department which now exercises his talents (and they are very good) is an equivalent to the greater rewards which would follow distinction at the bar, is perhaps a question not unworthy of con- sideration. " He has written some very good accounts of the races here, for the paper to which he is attached, and I don't think you have done the exactly clear thing towards him. Your criticisms on his remarks about the comparative excellence oi Miss Footers and Fashiori's races are very ingenious, but, my dear sir, they are the arguments of a counsel in a cause, and not the judge who decides it. You call his taking the aggregate of the two heats stuff. Why you so name it, unless you mean good stuff I cannot see. If Miss Foote made eight miles in less time than Fashion, is not that an evidence of her superiority, ceteris paribus ? And is that in any way affected by another horse having beaten Miss Foote in one of the heats ? The Little Lady could have won the first heat, in the opinion of every one who saw it, had it not been for the great gap she most unadvisedly suffered the horse to make between them. As it was, she was only two lengths behind. And then this idea, now for the first time (I think) put forward, that her race is not of the value it appears at first blush to have, because she will have to carry more weiglit next year — I do not think there is any thing in that. Have yon ever met with that as a reason given elsewhere why a race should be considered better or worse ? If it is a good one, it ought to have been mentioned this fall when Fashion won her two races. But to leave controversy, will you permit an old man, and one who loves LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TOKTEK. 187 you well, to make a few remarks to you of quite another cbar- acter? Your position at present in tliis country is in many respects an enviable one — it embraces high duties and it involves great responsibilities. You are in some respects the arbiter of horse reputation. Men look up to your opinions with deference, and they yield to them, because they believe them to be the result of intelligence and calm reflection. Nothing could shake you so soon in your high position, as an idea going abroad that your feelings were enhsted on one side or other of any matter of controversy. Hence language that would be perfectly appropriate in one of your correspondents will not do for you. Your reason- ing and your remarks must, if you expect to give satisfaction, talce a judicial tone. That in a conflict of pride and opinion between the North and the South you should, unconsciously to yourself, feel enlisted in favor of the former, is inevitable. You live there, you hear those ai'ound you contmually dwelhng on the perfections of a noble animal ; you see her— you witness her generous exertions, and you end iy being in love with her. All this is as it should be. If you were otherwise, you would want those ingredients in your composition without which no man rises above the dull level of the ' sons of earth ! ' But then, my good namesake, true toisdom consists in watching our strong qualities, and preventing them running into excess. And there is this addi- tional reason for your standing sentinel on your thoughts, that your paper is national, that it is meant by you for the whole country, and the topics of which it treats belong more to the South than to the North. " I think I see you smile at reading this sermon— perhaps ex- claim, Well, this is quite droll, an Irishman preachmg prudence to a Yankee. I plead guilty myself to all the errors I dare to find in you. I know if I lived in Jersey, I should think Fashion the best i-ace-horse in the world, and if you lived here, my life on it, you would think Miss Foote a nonpareil. Just as if you had been born and educated in Spain, you would have proved a good Catholic, and I a good Mahometan if I had been reared in Tur- key. But then, I am not now a judge — you are. I can indulge my feelings— you must restrain yours. 188 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. " I saw the great race ia New Orleans so well described by your brother. It is very faithfully reported. The race since, between Keel and Miss Foote, I did not witness. It terminated as I expected. Under the circumstances, nothing else could be looked for. I rather think Reel can beat her any time two four- mile heats. But if they should be broken and a third one comes, then I do not believe there is an animal in America can prove to be a better nag. I crave your pardon for the heresy. But if Fashion should be able to do so, she must repeat in a very different style from what she has hitherto done. " If I did not know the character of your mind, I would apologize to you for venturing any counsel to one of your ex- perience. But my heart tells me my motives are pure and kind, and I know you have intelligence and feehng to appreciate them. " With constant regard, yours, "A. POETEK." Tlie great foot-races, in which Gildersleeve and Greenhalgh were the respective victors, came off in 1844 — the former making over ten and a half miles within the hour, and the latter accomplishing twelve miles in 68.48 — and were reported at great length by the editor of the " Spirit." " The interest of these races was not attracted to see the running. It arose from the accidental contact of several of the circumstances of the races with strong under-currents of national interest. It was a trial of the Indian against the white man on the point in which the red man most boasts his superiority. It was the trial of the purely American physique against the long-held supremacy of English muscular endurance. * * * The white man beat the Indian, the American beat the English." These are the words of Willis, who in the same con- nection, alluding to the editor of the " Spirit," calls LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. 189 him " the admired turf-clironicler, secretary (of the Jockey Club) and prophet, Porter the tall." On the 1st of March, 1845, the paper entered upon a new volume, with an unsurpassed number of cor- respondents in addition to hundreds of old ones ; yet in consideration " of the low price of stock and agri- cultural products generally " the subscription was reduced from ten to five dollars, its original price — ^a change, it may be added, that very materially in- creased its circulation among the farmers and stock breeders of the country. Perhaps no more appro- priate place than the present will occur for the intro- duction of the Editor's matured opinions on the im- portance of horses of pure blood to the farmer, and on kindred topics. In reply to a letter from Mr. Botts' " Southern Planter," urging the necessity of sustaining that spir- ited, talented and unrivalled sporting paper, " The Spirit of the Times," as the means of regenerating the Sports of the Turf, and achieving the reform and sus- taining the character of the thorough-bred in America, Mr. Porter prepared an admirable argument in sup- port of those great interests, which to this day remains unanswerable : " There is no room for doubt that ' over and above the policy of sustaining the popular sports of the country, every lover of the horse — every individual who has occasion for the services of this useful animal (as who has not?) is deeply interested in the regeneration of the sports of the Turf.' We shall endeavor to demonstrate that for daily service and common use, the most enduring, active, vigorous and handsome horses are those who have a generous strain of pure blood coursing through their 190 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. veins. We shall prove that the surpassing speed and game of the American Trotter^ whose fame extends throughout the world, dates no farther hack than the introduction of thorough-bred stock into the New England States and remote sections of New York and Pennsylvania. This stock went from Long Island and New Jersey ; it consisted mainly of young thorough-bred colts, which being unsuited for the race-course, were disposed of at low rates to country breeders ; occasionally, too, a thorough or three-quarter bred mare found its way into the country, the result of all which was that every year or two a Dutchman, a Ripton or a Confidence made his appearance. " Fifteen years since thousands of dollars would have been wagered that no horse in the world could trot a mile within three minutes ; now, in this city alone, there are dozens of road- sters in daily use which can do it before a wagon, while there are twenty in the Union which can trot a mile in 2.30 ! Twelve years ago to drive a horse seventy miles between sun and sun Avould have been deemed a remarkable performance, but since strains of the blood of Messenger, Mambrino and Eclipse have been introduced into our road stock at the North, hundreds of horses can be found which can travel from eighty to ninety miles without distress. There are several horses now in this city, Philadelphia and Boston, which can travel one hundred miles in a day without injury. The use of thorough and half-bred horses for domestic purposes has already become so common in England that few others are employed for the road. The half- bred horse is not only much handsomer, but his speed and powers of endurance are infinitely greater. His head and neck are light and graceful, his limbs fine, his coat glossy and soft as satin, while his action is spirited, and his courage and stamina sufficient to carry him through a long journey without his falling off in condition, or to undergo an extraordinary trial of speed and game without distress. The ordinary cocktail is in most instances a mere brute, that in travelling sinks daily in strength, losing his appetite, and, of course, his flesh and action, so that at the termi- nation of a ten days' journey he is nearly knocked up ; he can LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TORTER. 191 travel but about forty miles per day, and requires the whole day to perform the distance. " In the course of the year 1848, ]jrobably not less than six thousand thorough-hred mares, and as many more of cold blood, were bred to horses of pure pedigree in the United States. Out of the vast produce of these mares, not above 1,500, if so many, will ever come upon the Turf, probably, so that more than one- half will eventually find their way into harness. The colts of good form, that have plenty of bone and substance, w^ill, of course, oust the common tackles that infest country taverns, while the others will be used for the saddle and the road. The result will be that in a few years the stock now in use will be supplanted by horses of superior action, wind and courage, whose greater beauty will not be more apparent than their better style of going and their imequalled powers of endurance. " The breeders of New England and "Western New York have already became so sensible of the absolute necessity of an infu- sion of ' blood ' for the improvement of their common stock, that they will only send their mares to thorough-bred stallions, or those which claim to be so. Abdallah, Andrew Jackson and other popular trotting stallions, though not quite thorough-bred, command as high a price in the market, and for their services in the stud, as fashionably bred and distinguished performers on the Turf. A fine-looking gelding, a son of Abdallah, readily com- mands $500, while he has several sons and daughters in this vicinity, which can be sold at auction for $2,500 each ! At the New York State Fair held at Albany in '42, there were not less than fifteen thorough-bred stallions exhibited, some of which were remarkably large, active and handsome. It is from such horses as these, crossed upon the common mares of the country, that the superb '■Northern Carriage Horses^ are derived. We know of nearly one hundred mares of most fashionable lineage which are owned in this and the Eastern States, which for several years have been breeding stock for the road. To these and such as these is the Sporting World indebted for its Lady Suffblks, its Forrests, its Rattlers and its Pizarros. " As a national benefit, it may be asserted by some— and the 192 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. ' Planter ' would seem to take this ground — tliat we do not require that breed in use for the Turf technically termed the ' blood horse.' To this a familiar intercourse with the most eiuinent breeders and turf-men of the Union, combined with no inconsiderable knowledge of horses and their relative powers, authorize us to dissent. Our extent of country and climate re- quire horses of great action and durability, not encumbered with unnecessary masses of flesh or cumbrous bone, forming an over- weight of carcass. Our farmers in many situations have a great extent of road to pass over, in order to reach a ^narket, and that too, upon ground often bound as hard as marble by the winter's frost, or parched dry, and rendered equally obdurate by the sum- mer's sun : upon roads of this description, or such as are macad- amized, (now coming into general use,) no heavy -moulded animal can for any length of time bear to be urged beyond a walk or slow trot, without encountering much bodily distress, and per- manent injury of both feet and limbs. Nor are any, except such as possess a large share of ' blood,' equal in extreme warm weatlier to the task of a mail stage, or other duty where expedi- tion and continuance are required. The coarse, heavy horse will not answer in a warm climate ; the varying face of our country and the heat of our summer months are ill adapted to him, and his slow, tedious movement equally repugnant to the genius of our people. " In regard to selection, we cannot but recommend adhering as closely as possible to such as come nearest in pedigree or purity of blood, symmetry, form, apparent strength and action, to those in use for the Turf, denominated ' blood horses,' as most adequate to long and severe exertion, under which horses of inferior description so frequently sink for want of that constitu- tional stamina and inherent fortitude, that those of high pedi- gree and pure ' blood ' so eminently possess. " In opposition to what we have here set forth as an estab- lished and incontrovertible fact, we shall no doubt be told by some, that the ' blood horse ' has not sufficient lone and strengtli for the generality of business purposes. Upon this point we ask leave to introduce a few remarks. This tcant of hone, so fashion- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 193 ably and eternally echoed and transmitted from one affected con- noisseur to another, without the least knowledge of the external conformation of the animal, or the most distant idea that any difference exists in the strength of bones of the same size, taken from horses of different breeds, or knowing that two bones exactly of the same dimensions, the one appertaining to the ' blood horse,' and the other one of the common breed, bear no comparison in point of either solidity, weight, fibre, or strength, or that the muscular and ligamentous appendages of the former, the very source of action and power, are much larger and stronger than those of the latter— that the use of bones are prin- cipally to extend the parts and support the frame— that, being in themselves inactive, the excess beyond what is thus required operates as dead weight to be carried along ; thus an undue pro- portion, in place of being an acquisition, forms an encumbrance, and hence arises the folly which we daily witness of selecting for severe service horses over-loaded, like cart-horses, with this same lony structure, whose undue weight and inactivity of parts render them totally unfit for either rapidity of motion or con- tinuance. " There are some who in their selections affect a preference for such as are not of pure ' blood,' but a cross of the breed, between the thorough-bred and the common horse, in England technically termed ' cocktails,' and an indifference for the posses- sion of those high-bred qualifications which are indispensably necessary to constitute a runner ; while they decline purchas- ing, at any price, such as are incapable of great performance and continuance ; nor will any other, at this day, bring a price in a city market that will defray the expense of rearing. "We ask such connoisseurs, if every good racer does not possess these innate qualifications ? And while we admit that there are many valu- able horses of the ' cross-lreecl,'' we assert that they derive the very perfections which constitute their worth, not from the parent stock of the common horse, but solely from the species which we recommend ; hence it follows, that before we can obtain even a ' cross-breed ' with the necessary acquirements, we 9 194 LITE OF WILLIAM T. POETEE. must be in possession of parent stock having these same requi- sites, only to be obtained from tlie ' blood horse ' in his greatest purity. " We do not hesitate to assert, that ' blood horses ' of proper size, formation, and symmetry, full fifteen hands (five feet) and upwards in height, of full and just proportions and muscular appearance, bred from such as are known to possess constitutional stamina and fortitude sufficient to enable them, when carrying the weight of 126 to 140 lbs., to continue their rate for four miles, and to repeat the same distance after a short interval of thirty or forty minutes, will exceed in speed, strength, or dura- bility, whatever horses may be brought against them, on the road, in the field, the chase, or any service whatever ; and when offered in market, either at home or abroad, command prices more than double that of any other class. How is this superiority to be tested, to enable us, with unerring certainty, to select the best for breed ? for among the good there is always a preference. How has this test been made, for the last hundred years and more, in England, whose horses at this day excel all others on the globe ? "We answer with confidence, by course racing, and that only. Premiums for the production of the best and most elegant horses have of late years been given by our agricultural societies, but without any test of excellence or guid- ance, other than the whim and caprice of those from year to year nominated to decide as to the perfections or imperfections of a medley of horses, cattle, sheep, and swine, among which motley group this noble animal has been doomed to pass in review, and to be adjudged and criticized upon by those more conversant with the bristly tribe, and who value things by the weight and bulk only! We would ask if even this good intention on the part of agricultural societies produces any material improve- ment ? We think not. We would next call attention to the high prices which have been paid to the State of New York by her sister States, and institute an inquiry as to the cause of such prices as $15,000 in one case, $10,000 each in two difterent in- stances, $5,000 each for several, $4,000, $3,000, and $2,000 each LIFE OF WILLIAJI T. PORTEK. 195 for many, $1,500 and $1,000 for numbers— $500 is an evcry-day oifer for roadsters — and, at this time, $2,000 each has been offered and refused for two. Let candor say whether such prices could have been had, and such sums realized, by a few spirited breeders, in the State of New York and New Jersey, but for the partial exemption from the prohibition of horse racing, which the legislative body of the former were prevailed upon to grant, about the year 1821, to the favored county of Queens, Long Island. If, again, an inquiry is instituted as to what particular section of the State produced those valuable animals, it will be found to be the identical district or immediate vicinity of that exempted from the penalties imposed by the otherwise general law enacted to prevent horse racing ; and the adjacent State of New Jersey, also benefited thereby, has, of late, totally re- pealed her prohibitory statute. We would further ask, by what test the superiority and extraordinary value of these particular horses was discovered ? The answer is obvious — the fact notO" rious — course racing ! " That the excellence or superiority sought for can in no way be tested except by actual trials, the most impartial and disiuv terested experiments, during a lapse of many years, liave fully demonstrated. For this purpose course racing was originally instituted, and for more than a century and a half has been adopted and pursued with unremitting zeal in Great Britain ; where the government, aware of its importance in a national sense, promote it by giving a bounty in numerous cases, under the appellation of Queen's Plates, yearly or semi-annually run for upon all the principal courses in the kingdom, and in almost all of the British Colonies. Thus encouraged and countenanced, their horses, whether taken into view for the field, the road, or the army, haye, from judicious selections for breeding, afforded by this same test, arrived at q, state of pre-excellence hitherto nnlieard of, and far surpassing the fo.med Arabian or Barbf^ry horse, from which they derive their origin. Witness the ever- memorable battle of Waterloo, upon which hung the fate of Europe, decided, in a great measure, by the vast superiority of the British cavalry, which, while it roused tlie fears, drew forth 196 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. the admiration of the greatest captain of the age ! ' Regardez ces heaux cTievaux gris — quelles terrible chevavx ! ' he exclaimed, as they swept through his ranlis. On the other hand, take a retrospective view of the horses in the State of New York and the adjoining State of New Jersey, as they were twenty-five years hack ; view the scanty sample of improvement made, or permitted to he made, save in a certain favored district of New York, contemplate what the whole, or rather, those in distant parts of the State, in all probabihty, Avonld have been at this date but for legislative interference, and picture to yourself what, in a comparative sense, they actually are. Compare the superb steeds that carried dismay through Napoleon's ranks, with the miserable louches our brave soldiers had to mount dur- ing either the Eevolution or the late war, and what of necessity our array would be equipped with, were they even at this late day compelled to take the field ! What a contrast ! ' If I wished to ruin a province,' said the Great Frederick of Prussia, ' I would send a philosopher to govern it.' " We may take occasion hereafter — though we should much prefer to leave the matter with our numerous corps of intelligent correspondents — to suggest some means for the general revival of the Sport of the Turf in the North as well as in the Old Dominion. Kacing cannot go down! The immense amount of capital invested in Blood Stock in the United States— noi less than Five Millions of Dollars ! — absolutely forh ids it ! Every one acquainted with the Turf is aware that a three-year-old colt like Eufiin, The Colonel, and others, will command $5,000 at any moment— that a nonpareil like Fashion is worth $10,000 (though she would not be parted with under $12,000) — that a young brood mare like Delphine is worth $3,500 or more, and that a stallion of the pretensions of Priam, Eclipse, or Medoc, in their prime would readily fetch $15,000, notwithstanding ' the hard times.' Break up your breeding and training establishments and Blue Dick would not sell for $300 !— Grey Medoo and Trustee would be worth each, about $600 !— Bonnets o' Blue would com- mand at auction $100, possibly! " It behooves the friends of the qood came to give this matter LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. 197 their grave and earnest consideration. The sports of the Turf, like every thing else, have been seriously affected by the monetary reverses of the country. But we have now, we trust, seen the worst, so that ' things must mend.' Already business and confi- dence are reviving throughout the Union. "With the steady advance in the price of real estate, and the great staples of the country, that of Blood Stock should keep pace. ' A long pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether,' by the parties interested, will effect so desirable an object. Will they unite with us, and put their shoulders to the wheel ? " The number of subscribers was never larger than in 1847, and the correspondents of the paper had increased fortj-fold. Instead of the usual array of literary articles from the British magazines, which had so long enriched its columns, the editor substi- tuted original sketches and letters written expressly for the " Spirit," giving a preference to those which were thoroughly American, and presenting the pecu- liar characteristics and illustrating scenes and inci- dents of the " Universal Yankee nation," from the St. Lawrence to the Rio Grande. The officers of the army, and the same remark will apply to those of the navy, not only liberally con- tributed to the " Spirit," and gave it the material aid of a very general subscription, but also from their strong personal attachment to the Editor, forwarded to him all manner of curiosities, both natural and arti- ficial, which were obtained by them in their expedi- tions, so that his " Curiosity Shop," as he called it, had a " charm," which would well compare with that in the Witches' Caldron, in Macbeth : 198 LIFE OF AVILLIAM T. PORTEK. " Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing." One of liis gallant friends presented to him a pair of South American or Mexican stirrups ; the editor writes of them : " They were of wood, and weighed about five pounds each ! elaborately carved on three sides ; the foot cannot project through them, and no one could imagine for what possible pur- pose they were intended, unless informed. They no more resem- ble an American stirrup than does a chest of drawers a coal scuttle, a bet on the Presidential election, or any thing else in which a man has a chance ' to put his foot in it ! ' " From the great variety of queer things ■vrhicli the thoughtfulness of familiar friends heaped upon him, he selects the names of a few, and thus acknowledges tlie receijit of Sherred Lidia Eubber Pantaloons, that were warranted to stretch to the crack of doom ; a pair of Saxon Wool Socks, knit expressly for him by the industrious wife of a Mississippi planter ; colored maps of the battles in Mexico ; a superb collection of artificial flies ; Limerick hooks ; a dozen " drop- pers ; " an assortment of colored gut " leaders ; " a har- poon and lance, used in the whale fishery ; the head of a pike, which, when dressed, weighed twenty-two pounds ; a dozen cane fishing-rods from South Caro- lina ; the skin of an enormous bear ; half a dozen skins of the White Fox and Hare of Newfoundland ; the white partridge from Nova Scotia ; a tandem LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTEK. 199 whip ; tlie skin of an immense Pelican, from C. D. Bunce, Esq., of 1^. O. ; colored engravings of the Eevolutionary scenes of Paris, from G. W. Kendall, Esq. ; a sash worn by the late Capt. S. H. Walker, of the Texas Kangers, who was killed in Mexico, from Lt. Stonehall of the U. S. E. Service ; and lastly, a snake from Korth Carolina with " thirty-one rattles besides the bntton;" "this pleasant musical box," says the Editor, " being seven inches in length." In this connection, though not in chronological order, we insert his acknowledgment of a " service of plate " and other articles of value, which is in his own peculiar and quiet style of humor : PRESENTATION OF PLATE TO THE EDITOR. " The Editor of the ' Spirit of the Times ' begs leave to offer his acknowledgments to his friends in Alabama, Louisiana, Mis- sissippi, Kentucky, Virginia, and New Jersey, for their very acceptable present of a ' Service of Plate '—or rather of ' Plates,' which 'have done the State some service.' Connoisseurs in antique gold or silver Plate may call our taste in question, as may the admirers of fine Engravings, but we, notwithstanding, take occasion to express the belief that no specimen of the Fine Arts, nor of the Goldsmiths' art, will for an instant sustain a comparison with the pieces of Plate presented us as a mark of the distinguished consideration of the donors. Be it known, then, that the ' Plates ' presented us are of neither gold nor silver —neither draughts nor drawings, but the ' Plates,' or ' pumps ' worn by High-Mettled Piacers in their exhibitions of game and speed, in place of shoes ! "We have received two of those w^orn by Mr. Gibbons' Fashmi, the Champion of the American Turf, in her great match with Long and Johnson's Boston^ and two also of those worn 200 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. by him on the same memorable occasion. One of each is in- tended for tlie editor of ' Bell's Life in London,' after they shall have been properly set and lettered, with the number of races run by the rival champions of the The North and The South. The time of ' The best race ever run in America ' — 7.32^ — 7.45 — will not be omitted. " We have also received one of the plates worn by Mr. Bos- well's Jim Bell of Kentucky, and one of those worn by Col. Bingaman's Sarah Bladen of Mississippi, when they ran four- mile heats at New Orleans, in 7.37 — 7.40 ! " We also have one of those worn by Mr. Baird's Miss Foote of Alabama, when she beat Earl of Margrave, Hannah Harris, and Luda, in 8.02—7.35 ! " Also one of those worn by Mr. Wells' Eeel of Louisiana, when she beat Luda and John E. Grymes, in 7.40 — 7.43 ! " The above, added to one worn by Messrs. Kennee's Grey Medoc^ of Louisiana, in his race beating Altorf and Denizen, in 7.35—8.19—7.42—8.17, makes our 'Service of Plate ' sufficiently complete for the accommodation of ' a pleasant party,' which in immber should not be less than the Graces nor more than the Muses ! This ' j^late ' of ours is of a description of ' ware ' that will not readily loear out! Lideed, it has seen service already, and has withstood a deal of ' loear and tear ! ' Those of Boston and Fashion especially, have received some hard knocks, and in size, as compared with those worn by Miss Foote and Reel, they are as ' fish dishes ' to ' dessert plates.' In weight one of Fash- ion's plates exceeds that of Jim Bell and Eeel added together. Sarah Bladen has the largest foot, and Miss Foote the smallest ; the Tatter's plate weighs exactly one ounce! The plates of Fashion and Boston are of the same size ; for a fore and hind foot they weigh five ounces." Again, lie writes : " We have to acknowledge this week the receipt of an addi- tion to our collection of Sporting Curiosities of extraordinary interest. We are indebted for it to Mr. Gilbeet W. Tateick LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 201 of this city, better known to the Sporting World as ' Oil Patrick^ one of the most distinguished jockeys that has figured on the American Turf. ' Gil ' has given us nothing less than one of his steel-plated Spun^ which he wore constantly from the time he rode Post Boy in his match with Bascombe in 1836, up to the day when he rode Boston in his match with Fashion ! It will be recollected that on the last occasion Gil rode the gallant veteran with a single spur ; that identical Spur is before us as we pen this paragraph ; it has not been worn since, its mate having been lost. The rowel is still discolored with the blood and sweat of old Boston, and there are half a dozen short chestnut hairs attached to its point, each one as precious in our eyes as those Benedick offered to bring ' from the Great Kham's beard.' How much ' claret ' has Gil ' tapped ' with this little instrument, and how many glossy sides has he ' tickled ' with it, between '36 and '42 ! What shouts have been raised, what enthusiasm ex- cited, what fortunes won and lost, what ' vast renown ' achieved, by ' the still small voice ' of this ' eloquent persuader ' ! Omega, Blue Dick, Santa Anna, and Argyle, have made some of their most brilliant races under the magic touch of Gil's heel when armed with this ounce of steel. Though he may never have felt its ticlding. Monarch for two seasons was on intimate terms with it, while Atalanta and Emily, Rocker and Blacknose, Lord of Lorn and Treasurei-, must have retained for some time a keen sense of Gil's use of it. Wonder and Fordham, with Charlotte Eusse, Zenobia, and many more, were no little indebted to it for the character they maintained on the Turf. Armed with this little spur, GU. ' won golden opinions from all sorts of people,' and we regard it, as do many who have seen it, as one of the most interesting articles in our collection." Mr. Porter was solicited to make a compilation of liumoroiis articles from the " Spirit," and having con- sented, he published " The Big Bear in Arkansas " and other sketches, illustrative of characters and inci- dents in the South and West, illustrated by Darlej. 9* 202 LITE OF WILLIAM T, POKTEK. The volume contained twenty-one sketches or stories, not unworthy of Hood or Dickens, and met with a rapid sale, as a capital specimen of amusing narratives and vivid descriptions. Besides this addition to his ordinary labors, in 1846 he edited the English work, " Guns and Shooting," by Col. Hawker ; how faith- fully he accomplished it may be inferred from the fact that out of four hundred and fifty -nine pages, two hundred were American and original. It was the first purely sporting work ever published in the United States, and was in every respect a well-executed manual for the sportsman ; by universal consent, it was considered as conferring infinite credit on the editor. As Mr. Porter felt a deep symj)athy for the friends of manly recreation, he watched with lively interest the organization of a Yacht Club in New York, chronicled its movements, and frequently acknowl- edged the great pleasure he had received from the civilities and consideration which it had extended to him. We well know that he loved to " wet a line," bufdoubt if he ever fancied a " wet jacket " on board any kind of craft. In one of his papers, he gave an animated picture of the Annual Kegatta of the Club, which he closed with this playful remark : " It is all very well, this talk about Demosthenes and Cicero, but the ancients never heard Mr. Blunt when present- ing a Cup to the "winner of a New York Yacht Club Regatta, nor his response." At the next race, each yacht was to be manned exclusively by members of the Club LITE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 203 Mr. Porter, " will be nothing to this in excitement. If we could not wade out or swim anywhere where it is moist, we should immediately order a life-preserver ! " Akin to this interest in sports connected with phys- ical training was his prompt support of all rational amusement ; and though not a constant or ardent play- goer, he was from the start a discriminating friend of the Drama ; the following article is proof of his appreciation of the stage and solicitude for the comfort of those who gave it attractiveness and character : "J. Theatrical Fund Association. — Altliough for the last few years the genius of invention, that characteristic of the American nation, seems to have expended itself in the creation of charitable associations — in a popular display of individual sympathy, still it is remarkable that we have but few institutions of a definite and beneficial nature. While we have zealously organized philanthropic combinations of every imaginable species, we appear to have forgotten to provide for those of our fellow- beings, whose professions are of the more elevated order of life — more especially the followers of Literature and the Drama. With commendable exertions we act as guardians to the tem- poral welfare of every aspirant to mendicity, and, with a like zeal, we take charge of the spiintual concerns of every afilicted member in our community, and, while all these things are pub- licly applauded, we omit a consideration of the sufferings of another class of fellow-men. The very life of the actor, subject to the whims and oddities of the public taste, the foibles and follies of vulgar prejudices, renders him in a great degree depend- ent not only on his own exertions, but on the benevolence of the community. The stage may be, with justice, termed the charnel- house of intellect — the crypt wherein are annually buried many bright and aspiring minds, enticed from the walks of every-day life by the pomp and glitter of a scenic world. We gaze with rapture on the actions of the actor — the minister 204 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. rOKTEK. of our happiest pleasures, and little do we dream of the vicissi- tudes of the inward life of him, whose external aspect is so in- viting. If we look at the biographies of any of those who have from time to time swayed the sceptre of the theatrical monarchy — Garrick, Kean, Moliere or Talma — we always find them keenly alive to the afflictions and necessities of their comrades — the flickering and uncertain careers of their associates. With- out doubt these considerations, based on the hardship of their early existence — their toil and labors to attain their subsequent reputation, induced Garrick and Moliere to urge the establish- ment of the Drury Lane fund, and that of the Comedie Fran- caise. The self-same causes which led to the institution of these associations in England and France, exist, in a greater degree, in our country, and therefore we would deem the establishment of similar funds not only as an act of justice, but of absolute neces- sity. We have no doubt but that, in the furtherance of a national dramatic fund, the many eminent tragedians, comedians, and vocalists now in the Union would be happy to contribute their aid, and for the consimimation of this wholesome charity, the public will never be remiss in seconding the efforts of a few leading men. The first movement must, as a matter of necessity, come from the actors themselves ; to their listlessness can be alone attributed the non-success of prior schemes ; it is for them to digest and arrange the mode of operation of the society, as being far better qualified to judge of the wants of a theatrical community, than those who have never entered within the precincts of the actor's world. When once firmly instituted on a liberal basis, one neither too diffuse nor too exclusive, we can assure them of a response on the part of the public. Of the success of such a fund we are sanguine, as benefiting not only the actor, but the di*ama in all its manifold branches." Witliin something like a twelvemontli, death had deprived Mr. Porter of some of his most distinguished friends and safe counsellors. Among them was Judge Duval, of Maryland, whose familiarity with the Turf LIFE OF WILLIAItl T. POKTEK. 205 for more than forty years was only eqnalled by his accurate knowledge of Jurisprudence. His death was followed by that of John Boardman, Esq., of Alabama, whose valuable essays on breeding, train- ing, and other kindred topics, contributed to the in- terest and usefulness of the " Spirit" and " Eegister," and were republished in England with signal com- mendation. The Hon. Alexander Porter was the next honored friend whose loss he deplored most acutely ; then succeeded that of Henry Inman, one of his best and choicest friends, on the 24th of Janu- ary, 1846 ; they were very diflerently organized, yet had many kindred tastes, and for years were united by a strong brotherly attachment, which death only could break asunder. Mr. Porter thus feelingly la- ments the event : " A great and good man lias sunk to rest — one wlio lias illus- trated the genius of liis country by the most imperishable monu- ments. Henry Inman is no more ! Rarely gifted as be was by nature, bis acquirements were of such a character, that he would have ennobled any station to which he might have been called, or graced any circle into which his enthusiastic and lofty im- pulses might have thrown him. This is not the time to write his epitaph ; eminently appreciated as he was by his country- men generally, not to speak of the almost idolatrous regard enter- tained for him by all those who came within the range of his personal acquaintance and intercourse, yet not until his memory is hallowed by time, and we are made fully to realize the loss we have sustained, can ample justice be done to his genius, his char- acter, and undying fame. " Eminent as was the position he enjoyed as an artist, and proud as his friends were of the universal homage paid to his surpassing merit on both sides of the Atlantic, by ' mouths of 206 Lli^E OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. wisest censure,' yet as a friend, a poet, and as a scholar, was he most endeared to those who enjoyed the unqualified pleasure of his companionship. His scholastic attainments were of the very highest order, and though he indulged in literary pursuits, rather as a relief to his mind than for any settled purpose, yet he has left behind him many fugitive sketches in prose and verse that will endure through all time. His intellect was not only highly cultivated, biit his knowledge was vast, and his brilliant imagination so teemed with images of grandeur and beauty, that his conversational powers surpassed those of any man we ever met ; yet was he as guileless and simple as a child. If he excelled supereminently in any thing beyond his art, we are not sure but we should give the palm to his epistolary correspond- ence ; and when the time arrives — as it inevitably will — when '■I have a j^ainting ness of the Doctor, and the anxieties of the latter concerning the school ■when he too became confined to his chamber, were very much in- creased. The day before the death of Dr. Porter, Mr. Coudert sent his eldest son with a kind message concerning his health ; to his sui'- prise, he found the Doctor up, and partly dressed, feeble as he was. He was greatly attached to the Doctor, and perceiving his extreme prostration, urged him to return to his bed. " No," rejoined the Doc- tor, " tell your father that I do not intend to shirk my duty." But he was exhausted by the effort, and from sheer debility was reluctantly obliged to follow the advice of his young friend. 258 LIFE OF -WILLDVM T. POKTEK. Of Lis moral qualities the most remarkable were, that regular benignity, which was written on his fine face by the hand of God, as if by the fingers of man in a book, that perfect truth- fulness, candor, affection to his friends, and charity — in its most extended sense — toward all mankind, which literally caused every one who knew him to love him, and which will call tears from many an eye unused to weep, and awaken regrets in many a far-distant heart. "Woe ! woe I for thee, my brother and my friend ! He died, as he had lived, so placidly and easily, that the change from time to eternity was scarce perceptible to those who watched beside him, probably scarce perceived by himself, until he awoke from the sleep of life to know himself immortal. " He is one of the few, the very few, for whom there is no fear — for whom Hope is all — Hope alone — certain as truth and Heaven. " To say that he never did evil to a living thing, is to say nothing ! For we verily believe, if it may be believed of any mortal man, that he never even thought evil of his neighbor. Eest is for the dead, and peace and happiness immortal : for those who remain behind, the weariness of memory, the loneli- ness of regret, the yearning for the untimely lost, which wiU not pass away until life itself shall have passed through the darkness of the grave, into the light of immortality. "Happy they who live as he lived — who shall die as he died — for if many a greater and many a wiser man has blazed upon the world, and died and been forgotten — none kinder, or better, or more beloved, ever adorned or charmed a circle. None ever left behind a fame more piu-e, a memory more fondly cherished, or longer to be remembered. " For hira we do not pray for peace, since wherefore should we doubt that he, whose whole life was peacefuluess, hath, by what we call death, been removed only from this mortal turmoil into the exceeding peace of the Lord ? Yaleat in cBternum xaleat ! " 111 a letter from William to Mrs. Brinley of this LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TORTER. 25\f date lie says : " The dear old Doctor is gone from me. I can do nothing to realize it. His kindness, his love, his counsels, his very being, were so interwoven and incorporated into all my life and thoughts, that I am bewildered and crushed to find him gone. The main defence that has stood by me from boyhood, which seemed so stable and so necessary to my well-being, is now laid level forever ! Frank and I are now left alone to battle on as best we can for the rest of our journey." We come down to the year 1855, as the volumes of the immediately preceding years, though sparkling with items and amusing paragraphs from the old mint, do not contain any very salient articles by the Editor. His previous work had been never-ending, and a time had now come when he felt relieved from the duty of getting up elaborate leaders, by the continual flow of admirable contributions from gifted correspondents ; and never was mental repose so ne- cessary and so grateful to him, for the bright advent of the New Year was soon shrouded by the death of Frank, the youngest and the pet of the brothers, and who had been attached to the " ISTew Orleans Pica- yune " for some seven years, during all which time his course was marked by signal and ever-increasing ability. His labors were exceedingly onerous, in view of his impaired health, and though scrupulously performed, his heart was not in them after the death of George. A. voyage to Europe was recommended to him, and through the aflfectionate interest of Mr. Holbrook, the chief of the Picayune, it was accomplished, but witli- 260 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEE. out material advantage to the invalid. We extract a few passages from his letter, dated New Orleans, the 1st of May, 1854 : " I am off for Europe this evening, on board of the clipper ship 'Bostonian,' Oapt. King. She is a most beautiful vessel, of 1098 tons, entirely new, superb accommodations, and I am the only passenger, with a large parlor state-room to myself, * * * My present intention is to be absent five or six months, and to visit Liverpool, London, Paris, Marseilles, perhaps ^N'aples, Ven- ice, Vienna, Hamburg, &c., &c. ; but much will depend on my health, time, expense, and other matters. I will more fully write you of my intended movements when in London or Paris. Should ray health be so bad in the autumn that I tliink I should not be able to work if I returned home, I may, if I can make suitable arrangements, spend the winter in the south of Europe, and visit Constantinople, &c., which I much wish. Our paper has now several European correspondents, and Mr. Kendall, wlio lives with his family in Paris, thinks of going to Constantinople ; still I shall probably write some, and over my old signature of ' Gleaner.' " My health and spirits are to-day good, for me ; my friends have been most kind and generous to me in all fashions, and lots of little ' fixins ' have been sent on board the ship for my com- fort on the voyage. I have worked long and faithfully for the ' Pic ' office, and my services have been appreciated and gener- ously repaid. The attachment of Mr. Ilolbrook, the principal manager of the paper, to George, was strong, and is so to my- self, and I have no other such firm friend for life, who has the means, as himself. * * * i visited dear George's grave a few days ago, as is my frequent pleasure. My purest, dearest, and holiest recollections of life are connected therewith, and I trust it may be permitted me to lay my bones beside him. Re- membrance of him and of our sainted mother is much oftener in my thoughts latterly than ever before." LIFE OF WILLIAItl T, PORTEK. 261 After liis return from Europe, lie wrote from New Orleans, January 1st, 1855 : " I owe you many apologies foi* sin? of omission in not visit- ing or writing you, but I so dislike to be the bearer of bad news, that I have omitted even writing — putting it off from day to day. " My situation is now truly sad, as my health and strength seem entirely to have forsaken me, and I am now constantly confined to my room, with what I have too much reason to be- lieve is a confirmed consumption. My trip abroad did me no good, and as I was laid up in Paris for three weeks, I was weak- ened very much. Before I went away, my physicians were somewhat divided as to my disease, and my Paris physician assured me that I only had a very bad chronic disorder of the bronchial tubes. To this idea I clung until facts proved its in- correctness, and I find myself totally prostrate. " I hastened home to renew my labors, but I found on my arrival here, that my strength was not equal to their perform- ance, and I gave a portion of them up, retaining such as would call for the least physical exertion. One month's work used me up. * * * "My physician is Dr. Wedderstrandt, as eminent a man, particularly in diseases of the lungs, as any in the country. Por fourteen years he was the principal physician in our great Charity Hospital, and has of course had great experience. He is also a par- ticular friend of mine, and has taken much interest in my case. He has examined me critically, and has pronounced my lungs badly affected, as indeed my constant and shocking cough now too clear- ly attests. * * The Doctor says: 'Follow my advice strictly, and you will be able to meet the warm spring weather, when I hope you will improve, and obtain strength enough to move about in the open air.' I am too much a man of the world not to know what all this means. It is a mere question of time, ^cith me. No cough like mine can ever le cured. To be thus confined in the house, deprived of work, air, society and excitement, tasks 262 LITE OF WILLIAM T. TOKTEK. my fortitude, while the prospect for the future is gloomy. I am now living in the family of my old friend, Madame Hall, where I am well nursed and cared for ; which I could not be at the St. Charles Hotel, my former home. I have a thousand minor ills and troubles ; but I will not worry you by relating them. I feel, however, that I ought to let you know of my feeble and sad con- dition. * * * " My trip, had my health and strength not failed me, would have been delightful. As it was, I worked hard, and saw much that interested me. Scarcely a place of ' high or low degree,' in London or Paris, that was famous, that I did not visit. I wrote nothing while I was absent, as I was too busily employed in sight-seeing ; but I came home with my mind well stored with that which would have interested my friends, and been a source of pleasing remembrance to me during a long life. My power of observation and comparison never had full scope before, and I improved the opportunity. * * * I saw all of high life I wished — I brought home many little trifles as souvenirs of some of the places I visited, which I should have been pleased to show you, had an opportunity offered. Many of my most pleasant days were spent in the galleries of art ; but I thrust myself into every species of amusement, gayety, sumptuous living, curiosity shop, palace and stable that promised to repay me. In fact, what I saw and learned, would be of more use to me could I live to manage it, than all I ever learned before. I never weary in talking over my adventures to my friends. * * * * " You may think that I write despondingly, but it is always better to look trouble full in the face. I know my own situation better than I can tell you, and I feel assured that I can only linger out a painful and troubled life, be the time long or short. I could fill pages did I dare to trust myself to speak of my thoughts and feelings, but it would be useless. " The merciful God who has thus far watched over me in my wanderings and vicissitudes, will not, I sincerely trust, forsake me in my hour of need ; that he may cherish and protect you both, is the fervent wish of your brother " Frank." LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. 263 In due course of mail, the following letter was re- ceived, all but the last sentence and signature being in the handwriting of a friend : " New Orleans, February 8th, 1855. " To MY Sisters — I am too feeble to write to-day, and have availed myself of the kindness of a friend, to communicate to you. It was a long and dreary suspense from tlie first of Jan- uary till to-day, when I received Sarah's letter ; Martha's and William's letters having reached me two days previously. But my confidence in her love and sympathy never forsook me ; I knew that some accident must have prevented an earlier reply. " My health and strength have rapidly failed me since I last wrote you, and I am now confined to my bed by the orders of my physician. My cough of itself is not very troublesome, al- though getting worse constantly ; but the many ills and diseases brought on by sympathy with the lungs, are very annoying. " I am surrounded by kind friends, who do all in their power to make me comfortable. If I am not able to write myself, some one else will write you very soon. Your letters have afforded me great consolation, and your mention of domestic matters has carried me back to the days of childhood. I still anticipate great pleasure from letters which must now be on their way from you." (The closing lines arc in Frank's trembling hand, and w^ere the very last ever written by him :) " God bless you, my dear sisters ; this is probably the last time I shall be able to say so to you. My last thoughts shall be of our mother and of you. " As ever, yours, " Fbancis T. Poetek." The next intelligence was of his death, on the 28th of February. He was conscious to the last moment, 264: LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POETEK. the almost inaudible prayer, " May God receive my soul," trembling on bis lips as bis spirit took fligbt. He sleejDS, as he desired, by the side of bis brother George. When we consider that his academic education tenninated by his own choice when be was quite young, and that bis subsequent pursuits were not fa- vorable to mental cultivation, we marvel at the extent of his attainments, and recognize in bis manner and style of composition the evidence of no ordinary de- gree of natural ability. From the numerous testimonials of resj)ect to his memory in our possession, we make but a single ex- tract, and that from an obituary in the " Picayune : " " Francis Porter was a man of many fine traits of character, one of which was eminently distinctive — his innate sense of what constitutes true manly honor. "We never knew a man whose instincts were more unerring in the detection of aught that was mean, sordid or unworthy in the characters of those with whom he was thrown in contact ; and he was never so earnest and decided in the expression of his opinions, as he was when denouncing or satirizing such traits. At the same time he was one of the most affectionate and attachable of friends and companions. His perceptions were quick, and his impulses gen- erous and noble. His temperament was of a character that, added to disappointments and private griefs, ' with which the stranger intermeddleth not,' occasionally clouded his mind with fits of morbid gloominess and abstraction. But the general course of his life, like the predominant tone in his character, was manly, consistent and innocent ; and now, ' After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well.' " LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 265 By Frank's death William was thoroughly deso- lated. Tlie attacks of gout for the rest of his life were frequent and severe, with little Or no alleviation, from Sydney Smith's idea that it must have taken five or six generations of gentlemen to have given it such frightful vigor. It sometimes took French leave of him for months together, when he would resume his old desk with something of revived interest. But the main-spring was gone, and he soon returned to the solitude of his home in Bleecker Street ; or taking his trout-rod, solaced his weary spirits with an occasional easy drive out of the city. His benignant smile con- tinued unaltered, and those who casually met him during the year succeeding his last bereavement could not have suspected from his manner that he had to all intents and purposes about done with life. It was fame enough for him that the life-scheme which swelled in his heart the morning he left in the mail- stage for Andover, was already a fixed fact among the things of Time. The seed had been good and honest, and was planted by his own hand, when his tears and some brave hopes were about all he had to help to moisten and quicken it into life. He had waited long and patiently for its first small, humble shoot to strike through the hard, unyielding clod into the air and light, and had had the full satisfaction of seeing it ex- pand by his own bounteous and lavish culture, until its spreading branches sparkled in the sunshine of a generous and loving patronage, its roots all abroad to resist the battling of a century's storms. The " Salutatory" for the year 1856 has a flavor of 12 266 LIFE or WILLIAM T. POKTEK. the humor that for a quarter of a century had charmed and cheered the readers of the " Spirit." But from the day of the " Doctor's " death, he was unlike his former self; even his interest in the " Old Spirit" was much diminished. Up to this time no intimation had fallen from him that he could be induced to sever his connection with it ; yet most unexpectedly to his friends, on the 26th of September he permitted his name to be associated in the publication of another weekly Sporting Journal, called " Porter's Spirit of the Times." Old friencs and old corresj^ondents ral- lied round him, and the enterprise started with flying colors ; its success was unprecedented in the annals of the newspaper press, for as early as the eighth number it was " backed by a circulation of 40,000 copies " ! To what extent Mr. Porter contributed to the literary portion of the paper, the writer will not assume the province of determining ; the probability is, that he did not compose any elaborate articles, except those to which his initials or other sure signs of pa- ternity are attached. Care, disapj) ointment, and that sickness of heart which he concealed from the world, began to tell on face and form and mental activity, and he availed himself of a stipulated privilege to spare himself much of the labor that even to a recent day had been his delight and pride. The last articles which he furnished of any great consequence were obituary notices of his old and respected friends John C. Stevens, Esq., of 'New Jersey, and Colonel Wade Hampton, of South Carolina; and they bear the stani]) of that keen analysis and generous appreciation LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTEK. 267 of cliaracter wliicli marked liis numerous essays in tliat difficult form of composition. It has been stated, and no doubt correctly, that just before his death he was engaged in an elaborate biography of the late William Henry Herbert, whose untimely end was a source of universal and painful sorrow. Mr. Porter passed most of the last winter of his life at home, with books for companions when not re- ceiving the kind attention of his friends. His thoughts and conversation were often occupied with those di- vine truths wdiich were stamped upon his soul in childhood at the knee of his mother : " Shadowy recollections, Which, be they what they may. Are yet a master-light of all our seeing ; Uphold us, cherish, and have power to make Our noisy years seem moments in the being Of the Eternal Silence ; truths that wake To perish never ; Which neither bitterness nor mad endeavor, Nor man nor boy. Nor all that is at enmity with joy, Can utterly abolish or destroy ! " For two months before his death he had been un- usually well and cheerful. On the night of Tuesday, July 13th, by imprudently leaving open a window in his sleeping-room, he took a severe cold, which result- ed in congestion of the lungs, and terminated his earthly career at half after nine on the morning of the following Monday. He was from the first impressed with the idea that it was his last illness, and with clear mind and firm serenity expressed his satisfaction that 268 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. the end was near at hand. The same urbanity, gentle patience, and thoughtfulness for others which marked his whole previous life, were equally conspicuous dur- ing these last days of mortal suffering. Just before the closing moment he requested to have the curtain of a w^indow near his bed raised, that he might once more see the light of day. " How beautiful ! " he fer- vently murmured, as the sun broke into the room ; and as if he at that moment caught sight of the blue hills of Newbury, and the white paling of the cottage where he was born, or heard the far away toll of the village bell, which brought back to his fading memory the objects which surrounded his boyhood, he breathed the names of mother and father and brothers, adding with a last effort, " I want to go home," just as the veil which separates the things of Time from the In- finite Unseen, parted to admit him, as we fondly be- lieve, to their embrace. The intelligence of his death spread with electric rapidity throughout the land, and the melancholy re- sponse of the universal newspaper press told how sincere was the grief felt at the loss of one of its dis- tinguished ornaments. Tlie funeral ceremonies took place at St. Thomas' Church, in the presence of a large audience of sympathizing friends. At their conclu- sion, the lid of the coflin, which rested between the reading-desk and the pulpit, was opened, and such of the congregation as desired to take a last view of his manly features, to which death had imparted a more than earthly beauty, were informed that they might do so. The whole congregation embraced the offer, and passed round as indicated. LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. 269 A generous tribute to liis memory appeared in the " Old Spirit," from the pen and from the heart of that sterling gentleman, James Oakes, Esq., of Bos- ton, who over the signature of " Acorn " has for so many years contributed to the value of its columns : " For more than twenty-five years have William T. Porter and myself battled our way on the banks of the river of life, as it were hand in hand, but in diflfercnt professions. During that time I have never known him to wilfully commit an unmanly, ungenerous, unkind, dishonorable or even discourteous act, to his fellow-man. He, it is true, had his weaknesses, but they were those that did injustice to himself only — no wrong to others. It was his nature to be as gentle and as kind as a child, and so made up, and so harmoniously mingled in him were all those rare and extraordinary characteristics which go to make the higli-toned, high-bred gentleman, tliat he possessed the power to fascinate every one with whom he came in contact, whether it were the little girl whom he trotted on his knee, the boy with whom he played, or the thoroughbred sporting gentleman. His mind was comprehensive, his perception keen, his deductions clear and concise ; whilst his judgment and decisions in all sporting matters were more reliable and more respected than any other man's in this country. He was the father of a school of American sporting literature, which is no less a credit to his name than it is an honor to the land that gave him birth. Many of his decisions and sporting reports will be quoted as authority for generations to come. He possessed a fund of sporting statis- tics unequalled by any other man in America. While living, he was respected and beloved by every one, no less for his child- like simplicity of nature, than for those high and manly charac- teristics which so strongly marked him as a journalist. His death will be deeply and sincerely mourned by every person who knew him. With much truth can it be said : ' 'Thou art the ruin of the noblest man That ever lived in the tide of times.' ' 270 LIFE OF "WILLIAM T. PORTEE. George "Wilkes, Esq., associate editor of " Porter's Spirit of tlie Times," furnished for that paper a tribute to his memory, from which we make the fol- lowing extract : " Loftiest among them all — with a gentleness and grace that so mingled man and woman in his nature that his own sex might love him even to tenderness, and not feel ashamed — William PoRTEE moved among the Livingstons, Hamptons, Stevenses, Stocktons, Joneses, Waddells, Longs, &c., making all happy by his cheerful spirit, and distributing favor by his presence, rather than receiving patronage. The merit of bis paper, and the bigh character of these voluntary associations, not only drew around him the most distinguished writers and correspondents of the time, both at home and from foreign lands, but brought out a new class of writers, and created a style which may be denomi- nated an American literature — not the august, stale, didactic, pompous, bloodless method of tlie magazine pages of that day ; but a fresb, crisp, vigorous, elastic, grapliic literature, full of force, readiness, actuality and point, which has walked up to the telegraph, and hardly been invigorated or improved by even the terse and emphatic lightning. This literature was not stewed in the closet, or fretted out at some pale pensioned laborer's desk, but sparkled from the cheerful leisure of the easy scholar — poured in from the emulous officer in the barracks, or at sea — emanated spontaneously from the jocund poet — and flowed from every mead, or lake, or mountain — in the land where the rifle or the rod was known. Of this literature, which is better known as ' American Sporting Literature,' Mr. Poetee may be said to be the founder and the head ; and for its creation and thousands of happy hours the people of the United States owe him as great a debt of gratitude as they do for that stimulation to the improve- ment of the breed of horses, which has made us already fore- most of all the world in the production of the most valuable species of working and pleasure stock. " The life of Mr. Poetek, for the thirty years which termi- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. POKTER. 271 nated with his management of this paper, was not marked by any striking incidents. His life flowed equahly from day to day ; and year by year parted company with him, without taking on its record a single quarrel or scarcely a ruffled feeling against any being in the world. " He was peculiarly qualified to be endeared to every thing that came within his presence ; and his kind nature was so justly balanced and so free from all invidious inclination, that, by com- mon consent, he was received throughout the coimtry as the umpire of all controverted points, not only in matters growing out of the specialities of his paper, but in all questions of friendly argument, which would not take parties into court. During his editorial career, he has probably decided more disputes, involving the award of money, than any judge who ever sat upon a bench ; and what is most remarkable in this connection is, that his de- cisions were always clieerfuUy acquiesced in, and never were made the subject of appeal. To use the language of a contem- porary : ' He seemed to live without an enemy ; and at the time of his death, he was probably the best known of any man in New York who had never filled an official place ! ' " In the same paper appeared these stanzas by R. S. Chilton, Esq., of Washington, which were repub- lished in the " Knickerbocker " of February last : IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. A heart where kindly words and deeds The founts were still unsealing, Whence flowed, unchecked through all their course, The streams of generous feeling ; A kind, true heart, that with the joys, Could share the griefs of others ; And ne'er forsook the grand old faith That all mankind are brothers. 272 LIFE OF WILLIAM T. PORTER. A soul iu which the manlier traits, And gentler, were so blended. That none could say where these began, • Or where the others ended : Alas ! to fitly speak his worth All words seem poor and common. In whose large spirit Nature fused The tenderness of Woman ! Enough ! his heart has ceased to beat ; His soul has passed the portal That shuts the other world from this, And what remains is mortal. But long as brave and gentle hearts Are held in memory's keeping, Our fond and sorrowing thoughts will haunt The grave M'liere he is sleeping. R. S. C. Similar testimonials from all parts of the Union are before us. Tlie " London Times " appropriately noticed his death, and referred to him as " a man known world-wide." These we lay aside for our pri- vate gratification, with the conviction that " this post- humous esteem reached no higher attitude," to use the words of a contemporary editor, " than that which was felt and uttered for the living man." In bringing this volume to a close, we take the highest satisfaction in the reflection that the design of compiling a Memoir of William T. Porter did not originate in an exaggerated estimate of his genial and beneficent nature, of his magical power to attract and secure the warmest affection of all who were brought within its influence, of that rare combination of child- like confidence and sagacious self-reliance in his in- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. TOKTER. 273 terconrso with tlie world, or of that large-lieartedness which made him, perhaps, too much given to hospi- tality, a failing so near akin to a Christian virtue ; by neither of these considerations were we stirred, but ratlier by an admiration of that indomitable energy which enabled him to carry out from its first and dis- couraging inception to a successful issue, the fixed, definite, precise, great idea of his youth, the introduc- tion and advancement of a fresh, original and capti- vating department of letters, and by the conviction that his editorial progress illustrated a truth which there is a tendency in youth to disregard, that vague and loose application will be barren of fruitful results, while courage and constancy are but equivalents to success and fame. " Who is the happy warrior ? who is he, That every man in arms should wish to be ? It is the generous spirit who, when brought Among the tasks of real life, hath wrought Upon the plan that pleased his boyish thought : Whose high endeavors are an inward light That makes the path before him always bright : Who, with a natural instinct to discern What knowledge can perform, is diligent to learn ! " So long as a love of recreation is recognized as " one of the features impressed on man's spirit by the Divine Creator," so long we venture tg believe the name of William T. Porter will live. U.C.BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD47filDD14