GIFT OF a STATE OF OKLAHOMA LAWS AND OPINIONS For the Regulation and Support of the COMMON SCHOOLS LAWS 1910 This Book is the preperty of School District No.^ County of _OAr/a. County Superintendent All the School Laws Now in Effect Carefully Compiled and Carefully Annotated PREPARE? BV HON. E. D. CAMERON, State Superintendent AND HON. JNO. W. WILKINSON, Assistant Superintendent 247909 OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT To the Teachers and School Officials of Oklahoma: In accordance with the provisions of Section 5883 of Wilson's Statutes of Okla- homa which makes it my duty as State Superintendent to publish not more than once in two years the school laws in force, with such forms and regulations, instructions and decisions as may be judged expedient thereto annexed, I have arranged to have printed and distributed by Hon. Jasper Sipes of Oklahoma City several thousand copies of the School Laws. These have been carefully compiled and arranged with cross references, so that the various passages quoted may be located in the Session Laws of the various Legislatures and their correctness easily ascertained. It is somewhat unfortunate that the Report of the State Code Commission is not available at this time so that all apparent conflicts in the Laws might be eliminated. However, we have done the best we could do under the circumstances and have added a system of cross references to the Session Laws so that wherever conflicts appear the provisions of the later statutes may be followed. The present compilation contains all the important school legislation passed by the Special Session of the Legislature of 1910 as well as that of all previous sessions. Much important legislation has been passed, but much additional legislation is needed. I desire to thank publicly Hon. Bill Cross, Secretary of State, for copies of the Session Laws furnished my office for my use in compiling the copy for the School Laws: Hon. John W. Wilkinson, the Assistant Superintendent for his kind assistance in the work; and Prof. J. M. Osborn, County Superintendent Neil Humphrey, Prof. W. S. Calvert and others who kindly assisted in proof-reading the copy. The thanks of all the teachers in the state are due Hon. Jasper Sipes for generously offering to print and distribute free, copies of the School Laws to all the teachers and school officials in the state upon request. The importance of this undertaking will be appreciated when it is known that the present condition of the State Printing Fund would not justify the publication of the School Laws at this time if printed at state expense. Sincerely, E. D. CAMERON, State Superintendent 2 LIST OF COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS FOR 1910 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT POST OFFICE Adair J. B. Johnson Stilwell Okla. Alfalfa Miss Gertrude Hotter Cherokee Okla. Atoka I. L. Cook Atoka Okla. Beaver G. W. Meeks Beaver Okla. Beckham A. R. Harris Sayre Okla. Blaine Mrs. Emma Gard Mills Watonga Okla. Bryan H. C. King. Durant Okla. Caddo Mrs. Wm. McFayden Anadarko Okla. Canadian .Mrs. Kate Oldham El Reno Okla. Carter . Mrs. Mary Niblack Ardmore Okla. Cherokee A. K. Ralston Tahlequah Okla. Choctaw H. G. Bennett Hugo Okla. Cimarron Mrs. Hettie Britton Boise City Okla. Cleveland B. R. McDonald Norman Okla. Coal M. H. Caywood Coalgate Okla. Comanche J. A. Johnson Lawton Okla. Craig H. W. C. Shelton Vinita Okla. Creek . .P. T. Frye Sapulpa Okla. Custer L. B. Snider Arapaho Okla. Delaware Steve Peak Grove Okla. Dewey E. M. Frost Taloga Okla. Ellis J. A. McLain Arnett Okla. Garvin Miss Pearl Bradfield Pauls Valley Okla. Grady R. H. Wilson Chickasha '. .Okla. Greer G. W. Sims Mangum Okla. Garfield George Rainey Enid Okla. Grant C. M. Jacobson Medford Okla. Harmon G. P. Morton Hollis Okla. Harper % Mrs. Alma Criswell Buffalo Okla. Haskell M. L. Cotton Stigler Okla. Hughes - B. N. Hicks Holdenville Okla. Jackson J. M. Dale Altus Okla. Jefferson L. L. Wade Ryan Okla. Johnson J. Frank Lilly Tishomingo Okla. Kay E. A. Duke Newkirk Okla. Kingfisher G. E. Moore Kingfisher Okla. Kiowa .^ Miss A. E. Lane Hobart Okla. Latimer Miss Alice Fleming Wilburton Okla. Le Flore A. H. Crouthamel Poteau Okla. Lincoln O. F. Hayes. Chandler. . Okla. Logan Neil Humphrey. Guthrie. . . Okla. Love ; Mrs. R. Anderson Marietta Okla. Major Charles Wright Fairview Okla. Marshall W. M. Abernathy Madill Okla. Mayes Miss Carlotta Archer Pryor Creek Okla. Murray Miss Essie Bell Sulphur Okla. Muskogee . . . . J. F. Gambill Muskogee Okla. McClain . A. J. French Purcell Okla. McCurtain P. K. Faison Idabel Okla. Mclntosh L. G. Mclntosh Eufaula Okla. Noble William Martin Perry Okla. Nowata Miss Blanche Larkin Nowata Okla. Okfuskee Mrs. Mae Noble. Okemah Okla. Oklahoma Mrs. Mary Couch Oklahoma City Okla. Okmulgee E. B. Shotwell Okmulgee Okla. Osage W. E. Gill Pawhuska Okla. Ottawa J. T. Davis Miami. .' Okla. Pawnee W. R. Robinson Pawnee Okla Payne R. I. Bilyeu Stillwater Okla. Pittsburg L. E. Christian McAlester Okla. Pontotoc T. F. Pierce Ada Okla. Pushmataha Erskine Brantley Antlers Okla. Pottawatomie Clarence Robison Tecumseh Okla. Roger Mills T. C. Moore Cheyenne Okla. Rogers B. H. Hester Claremore Okla. Seminole W. F. Cooper Wewoka Okla. Sequoyah Fred Mershon Sallisaw Okla. Stephens G. A. Witt Duncan Okla. Texas H. B. Denman Guymon Okla. Tillman A. A. Rogers Frederick Okla. Tulsa William Sattgast Tulsa Okla. Wagoner Frank Shortall Wagoner Okla. Washita T. H. Hubbard Cordell Okla. Woods F. O. Hays Alva Okla. Washington Miss Amanda P. Morgan Bartlesville Okla. Woodward . . Mrs. Sadie Zimmerman . . . . Woodward Okla. ARTICLE I. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. SECTION SECTION 1. Term of Office and Powers. 2. Accepting Grades of Colleges. Sec. 1. (7955-S.) Term of Office Powers. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the principal or president of the State Normal School at Edmond and the president of the University of Oklahoma, superinten- dent of city schools and one county superintendent to be appointed by the governor, shall constitute the State Board of Education. The members thus appointed shall hold for a term of two years. The board shall have the power to grant State certificates and diplomas to teachers, certificates to conductors and instructors of normal institutes, shall prepare questions for county and city examinations. The State board shall estimate the amounts required to carry into effect the provisions of this article and it shall be the duty of the State Board of Equalization to levy a tax for the same. The State Board of Education shall be empowered to prepare such blanks as may be necessary to carry the provisions of this article into effect, and shall constitute an advisory board on all matters pertaining to the educational interests of the State. The members of the State Board of Education shall receive no compensation for services, but shall be allowed all necessary expenses incurred by the discharge of their duties as members of said board. (S. 1893, S. 5876.) Amended by the State Constitution as follows: The supervision of in- struction in the public schools shall be vested in a Board of Education whose powers and duties shall be prescribed by law. The Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction shall be president of the board. Until otherwise provided by law the governor, secretary of state and attorney general shall be ex- officio members, and with the superintendent shall compose the Board of Education. Art. XIII, S. 312. (Bunn's Constitution.) An Act Conferring Certain Powers on the Board of Education. (Laws of 1901.) Sec. 2. (7956-S.) May Accept Grades of Colleges, Other Than State Institutions: That upon the application of any college, university, or edu- cational institution of like standing, incorporated under the general laws of the State of Oklahoma, the State Board of Education shall have power to examine the courses of study prescribed and the character of the work done and if in the judgment of said board, it shall prove to have as effi- cient a course of study as those of the State normal schools, the said board of education shall have power to accept grades given on academic subjects completed in course and passed in regular examinations to persons who are graduates of or who may hereafter be graduated from such institu- tions, in lieu of the examinations on the same subject required for State certificate which said board is empowered to give by Section one (1), Article ten (10), Chapter seventy-three (73), statutes of Oklahoma, 1893. (7955). (L. 1901, p. 214.) SECTION 1. Duties. 2. Apportionment. 3. Opinions. 4. Laws. ARTICLE II. Superintendent of Public Instruction. SECTION 5. Yearly Visits. 6. Office Whore. 7. Biennial Reports. Sec. 1. (7958-S). Duties: The educational interests of the State shall be under the supervision and management of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction subject to such limitations and restrictions as or may be prescribed by law; and he shall have and exercise the powers and per- form the duties pertaining to such office. (S. 1893, S. 5880.) Sec. 2. (7959-S). Apportionment. As Amended by the Session Laws of 1908. S. B. No. 259: 1. The commissioners of the land office shall apportion the income of the state school fund, and the annual taxes collected by the State for the support of public schools, to those counties of the State from which proper reports have been received by the Superintendent of Public In- struction, and such apportionment shall be made as follows: All such moneys remaining in the State treasury on the 15th day of January shall be apportioned between the 15th and the last day of such month, and that remaining on the 15th day of July shall be apportioned between the 15th and the last day of such month. The apportionment to each county shall be made in proportion to the number of children over the age of six years and under the age of twenty-one years resident therein as shown by the last annual report of the county superintendent to the State superinten- dent. The ^commissioners of the land office in distributing all funds mentioned in this section, shall draw their order on the State treasurer or other officer having custody of such funds, in favor of the county treasurers of the counties respectively entitled to school moneys, for the amount of such moneys apportioned to his county, and certify the amount of such order to the State treasurer, and also to the >county clerk and superin- tendent of the proper county: Provided, that the Federal appropriation made shall be apportioned by said commissioners after the passage of this act to the several counties entitled to the same under act of congress provid- ing for said appropriation, in proportion to the number of children of school age shown by the last Federal census, and provided that lor the year 1908, the commissioners of the land office shall have thirty days from and after the 15th day of March, 1908, in which to make the ap- portionment of school funds to the various counties of the State. 2. The commissioners of the land office are hereby authorized and empowered to make all necessary rules and regulations, for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this law. 3. (Senate Bill No. 141.) "An Act to extend the time for making the apportionment of the school fund to the various counties by the State superintendent, and declaring an emergency," passed and approved Jan- uary 17, 1908, is hereby repealed. (Ch. 76, Art. III., p. 666, L. 1908.) Sec. 3. (7960-S). Opinions: Such Superintendent shall, at the re- quest of any county or city Superintendent, give his opinion upon a written statement of facts on all questions and controversies arising out of the interpretation and construction of the school laws in regard to the rights, powers and duties of township and city boards, school officers and county superintendents, and shall keep a record of all such opinions. Before giving any opinion which involves the construction of the school law the Superintendent shall submit the statement of facts to the attorney gen- eral forthwith, for his opinion thereon, to examine such statements and suggest the proper opinion to be made upon such facts. (S. 1893, S. 5882.) Sec. 4. (7961-S.) Laws: Such superintendent not more than once in two years may publish the school laws in force, with such forms, reg- ulations, instructions and decisions as he may judge expedient thereto annexed and shall cause the same to be forwarded to the persons en- titled to receive them. He shall prescribe and cause to be prepared all forms and blanks necessary in the details of the public school system, so as to secure its uniform operation throughout the State, and shall cause the same to be forwarded to the several county and city superinten- dents, to be by them distributed to the several persons or officers en- titled to receive the same. (S. 1893, S. 5883.) Sec. 5. (7962-S). Yearly Visits: It shall be the duty of such super- intendent to visit each county in the State at least once in each year, and as much oftener as may be consistent with the discharge of his duties, for the purpose of advancing and promoting the cause of education throughout the State, and to open such correspondence as may enable him to obtain all necessary information in relation to the system of schools in other states. (S. 1893. S. 5884.) Sec. 6. (7963-S). Office Where: Such superintendent shall have an office at the seat of government, where he shall keep all books and papers pertaining to the duties of his office, and all books, school and other, and all apparatus, maps and charts belonging to the office of the State Super- intendent and such as may hereafter be received for such office by pur- chase, exchange or otherwise, shall be .kept and preserved in such office and delivered by the superintendent to his successor. He shall file and carefully preserve in his office, the official reports made to him by the county superintendents of the several counties, trustees or directors of academies, graded schools or colleges. (S. 1893, S. 5885.) Sec. 7. (7964-S). Biennial Reports: The superintendent shall, on the first day of December preceding each regular session of the legislature, make out and deliver to the governor a report containing: First. A statement of the number of public schools in the State, the number of pupils attending the same, their sex, and the branches taught; a statement of the number of private schools in the State, so far as can be ascertained, and the number of pupils attending the same, their sex, and the branches taught; a statement of the normal schools in the State and the number of students attending them; the number of academies and colleges in the State, the number of students and their sex, attending them; and such other matters of interest as he may. deem expedient, drawn from the reports of the county superintendents of the several Counties in the State, and from other reports received on the subject of education from the trustees or other school boards within the State. Second. A statement of the condition of the public school funds of the State, including moneys, school lands or other property held in trust by the State for the support of the public schools, and giving a full state- ment of the school land account of each county. Third. A statement of the receipts and expenditures of the year. Fourth. A statement of the plans for the management and improve- ments of public schools, and such other information relating to the edu- cational interests of the State as he may deem ' important. (S. 1893, S. 5886.) 7 ARTICLE III. County Superintendent. SECTION 1. Creating Office. 2. Oath and Bond. 3. Quarterly Report Visitation. 4. Appoitioning School Funds. 5. Report to County Clerk. 6. Report to State Superintendent. 7. Board of Directors Vacancies. t 8. Vacancy in County Supt's. Office. SECTION 9. Clerks to Make Report. 10. Records. 11. Division for Districts. 12. White and Colored Districts. 13. Notice and First Meeting. 14. Deputy Superintendent Qualifications. 15. Forfeiture of Office. 16. Salary and Compensation. Sec. 1. (7965-S). Creating Office: There is hereby created the office of county superintendent of public instruction for each county in Oklahoma, which office shall be filled as hereinafter provided by election and ap- pointment, and, when elected shall be elected at the same time and in the same manner as other county officers, and his term of office shall be for a period of two years, or until his successor is elected and qualified. (S. 1893, S. 5749.) (As Amended 1899) The term of office of the county superintendent of public instruction shall commence on the first Monday in July after his election. Sec. 2. (7966-S). Oath and Bond: The county superintendent of public instruction, shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe an oath or affirmation to support the constitution of the United States and of Oklahoma, to faithfully discharge the duties of such office, and execute to the State of Oklahoma a bond in the sum of one thousand dollars, conditioned to the faithful performance of his duties; which bond, after having been approved by the board of county commis- sioners, together with his official oath shall be filed in the office of the county clerk. (S. 1893, S 5750.) Sec. 3. (7967-S). General Quarterly Report, Visitation, etc: It shall be the duty of the county superintendent of public instruction to visit each school in his county at least once each term of six months, correcting any deficiency that may exist in the government of the school, the classifica- tion of the pupils, or the method of instruction in the several branches taught, to make such suggestions in private to the teachers as he shall deem proper and necessary to the welfare of the school, to note the char- acter and condition of the school house, furniture, apparatus and grounds, and make a report in writing to the district board, making such sugges- tions as in his opinion shall improve the same; to examine the accounts and record books of the district officers, and see that they are kept as required by law; to emcourage the formation of associations of teachers and educators for mutual improvement, and as far as possible to attend the meetings of such associations, and participate in the exercises of the same, to attend the normal held in his county, using his influence to se- cure the attendance of teachers; to make daily personal inspection of the work of the institute in session, and to keep a record of the same in his office, to do such work in connection with the exercises of the institute as he may deem necessary; to hold a public meeting in each school dis- trict of his county, at least on>ce every year, for the purpose of discussing school questions and elevating the standard of education; to keep his of- fice open at the county seat Saturday of each week and in counties in which the county superintendent receives a salary of more than six hun- dred dollars per annum, he shall keep his office open when not necessarily absent attending to his. official duties. He shall keep a complete record of his official acts; a record of the name, age and postoffice address of each candidate for a teacher's certificate, with the number of weeks said candidate has attended a normal school or institute, the number of weeks he has taught, his standing in each study and the date of issue and ex- piration of each certificate granted. He shall keep a register of the teachers employed in his county, giving name of teacher, number of dis- trict in which he is employed, dates of opening and closing term, salary per month, grade of certificate and date of superintendent's visit. He shall keep a record of the semi-annual apportionment of the State and county school funds, and such other statistical records as shall be re- quired in making reports to the State superintendent of public instruction. He shall make out and transmit to the State superintendent, on the last Monday in March, June, September and December of each year, a report showing the number of school visits made with the average length of time spent in each visit, the number of consultations held with school officers, the number of days his office has been kept open, the number of district treasurers' and clerks' record books examined, the number of teachers' meetings attended, the number of public lectures delivered and such other information as the State superintendent may require regarding the duties, of such county superintendent; and until such reports shall have been for- warded to the State superintendent, and a copy thereof filed with the county clerk for publication, and that fact certified by the said county superintendent to the board of county commissioners, the warrant for his salary shall not be drawn. The county superintendent shall obtain from the county clerk, at least ten days before the time for holding the annual school meeting each year, a certified statement of the total assessed val- uation of th property of each school district in his county and immediate- ly certify the same to the several school district clerks of his county, for the information of the annual school meeting; and it is hereby made the duty of said county clerks to make out said certified statements and de- liver the same to the county superintendent. (S. 1893, S. 5751.) Sec. 4. (7968-S). Apportioning School Funds: Within five days after receiving the certificate of the State Superintendent of public instruction informing him of the amount of State school fund which has been ap- portioned to his county, the county superintendent shall apportion the same, together with the unapportioned county school fund in the county treasury, among the school districts and parts of districts in such county in the ratio of the number of persons of school age residing in each dis- trict or part of district, as shown by the last annual reports of the several clerks of such districts and parts of districts: Provided, that no district in which a common school has not been taught for at least three months the last preceding school year shall be entitled to receive any portion of said funds, and he shall draw his order on the county treasurer in favor of each of the several school district treasurers for the amount apportioned to such district: Provided, however, that counties in which districts have not been organized, and schools taught said districts shall be entitled to receive the school fund due said districts under the apportionment. (S. 1893, S. 5752.) Sec. 5. (7969-S). Report to County Clerk: It shall be the duty of the county superintendent of public instruction on or before the fourth day of July of each year, to furnish the clerk of the county a description of the boundary of each and every school district and part of district in such county. (S. 1893, S. 5753.) Sec. 6. (7970-S). Annual Report to State Superintendent: He shall, on or before the fifteenth day of October of each year, make out and trans- mit in writing to the State superintendent of public instruction a report, bearing date October first, containing a statement of the number of the school districts or parts of districts in the county, and the number of chil- dren and their sex, resident in each, over the age of six and under the age of twenty-one years; a statement of the number of districts schools in the county, the length of time the school has been taught in each, the number of scholars attending the same, their sex, the branches taught and the text books used; the number of teachers employed in the same and their sex, a statement of the number of private or select schools in the county, so far as the same can be ascertained, and the number of teachers em- ployed in the same, their sex, and the branches taught; a statement of the number of graded schools in the county, the length of time school has been taught in each, and the number of scholars attending the same, their sex, and the branches taught, the number of teachers employed in the same, and their sex; a statement of the condition of the normal school where such school has been established, the number of students attending the same, their sex, and the number of teachers employed in the same and their sex; a statement of the county normal institute; a statement of the number of icolleges and academies in the county, and the number of stu- dents attending the same, their sex, the number of teachers employed in each and their sex; a statement of the amount of public money received in each district or part of district, and what portion of the same, if any, has been appropriated to the support of graded schools; a statement of the amount of money raised in each district by tax, and paid for teachers' wages in addition to the public money paid therefor; the amount of money raised by tax or otherwise for the purpose ot purchasing school site for building, hiring, purchasing, repairing, furnishing or insuring school house, or for any other purpose allowed by law, in the district or parts of dis- tricts. (S. 1893, S. 5754. See also Ag. and Ind. Ed. 4 and Art. XXXIII., 9 and 15.) Sec. 7. (7971-S). Board of Directors Vacancies How Filled: Should a vacancy occur in the board of directors of any school district, it shall be the duty of the county superintendent to appoint some suitable person, a resident of the district to fill the same; and the person so appointed shall continue in office until the next annual meeting thereafter and until his successor is elected and qualified. (S. 1893, S. 5756.) Sec. 8. (7972-S.) Vacancy in Office of County Superintendent. When a vacancy occurs in the office of county superintendent of public instruc- tion, by death, resignation or otherwise, notice thereof shall be given by the county clerk to the board of county commissioners, who shall, as soon as practicable, appoint some suitable person to fill the vacancy; and the person receiving appointment shall before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, file his oath or affirmation, and bond in the county clerk's office as hereinbefore provided, and shall hold his office until his successor is elected and qualified: Provided, That no person shall be eligible to the office of county superintendent of public instruction who is not a graduate of some institute of learning, which shall be shown by diploma thereof, or that he is the holder of a first class certificate. (S. 1893, S. 5757.) Sec. 9. (7973-S). Clerks Shall Make Reports: He shall see that the annual reports of the clerks of the several districts and parts of districts in his county are made correctly and in due time; he shall have power to administer oaths in all cases in which an oath is made necessary by an.y provision of the school lav/; except in the qualifying of county superinten- dents and their sureties. (S. 1893, S. 5758.) Sec. 10 (7974-S). Records: The county superintendent of public in- struction of the respective counties of this State may purchase for each organized school district in his county, not having sufficient records, one set of school district records, consisting of district clerk's records and other (order) books, district treasurer's book and a teacher's daily register; each of said books shall contain such printed forms and instructions as will enable the teacher and the school district officer to perform with 'cor- rectness and accuracy their several duties as required by law: Provided, 10 The entire set of said records as above enumerated, shall not exceed in cost four dollars for each set; and the said superintendent shall draw his order or warrant on the county treasurer in favor of the person he pur- chased said books of, for the amount of the purchase money, and it is hereby made the duty of said treasurer to pay said warrant or order out of any money in his hands belonging to the respective districts in his county: Provided, That no funds in the hands of the county treasurer belonging to the several school districts of his county, 'shall be diverted from the object for which said fund was raised, and said superintendent shall deliver said bocks to the clerk of the district board of said district. (S. 1893, S. 5759.) An Act relating to schools and amendatory of Section 12, Article 1, Chapter 73 of the Statutes of Oklahoma. Sec. 11. (7975-S). Division of County Into School Districts: (As amended, 1897.) It shall be the duty of the county superintendent of pub- lic instruction to divide the county into a convenient number of school districts and to ichange such districts when the interests of the people may require it, by making them conform to existing topographical or physi- cal conditions; but only after twenty days' notice thereof, by written notice posted in at least five public places in the district or districts so alfected; but no district shall be formed containing less than eight persons of school age, and no district having a bonded indebtedness shall be so changed that such indebtedness shall exceed four per cent of the assessed property val- uation of such district. See Art. XXVII. The Constitution makes the limit five per cent. (See Art. X., S. 292, p. 78, Bunn's Con.) Provided, That no district shall be changed under the provisions of this act, except upon a petition to the county superintendent signed by at least one-third of the qualified electors of such district. Provided, Further, That one-fourth of the qualified electors of any district affected by such change, may join in appeal to the board of county commissioners from the action of the county superintendent, and their decision shall be final: Provided, That notice of such appeal shall be served on the county superintendent within ten days after the time of posting the formation or alteration o such school site or building, and may issue its bond as now provided by law in any amount not exceeding, with existing indebtedness, five per cent of the valuation of the taxable property within such school district as shown by the Jast preceding assessment for State and county purposes previous to the incurring of such indebtedness; Provided, That such bond issue must be authorized by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of the voters of such district voting at an election held in such district for the purpose of authorizing such bond issue. The bonds of any school dis- trict since the adoption of the Constitution, or for the issuance of which proceedings have been begun, are hereby legalized and validated provided such bonds were issued or are being issued for the purposes above speci- fied, and within the limitations prescribed by the Constitution. (L. 1909, H. B. 65. Took effect March 26, 1909.) Note. The following Sec. perhaps, repealed by the foregoing, at least, in part, is the first of seven sections of Chapter 7, Art. 2, L. 1895., the first of which expressly and the remainder of which by verbatim pro- visions, repeal Chapter 73, Art. 6, S. 1893. An Act amending Art. 6, Chapter 73, Statutes of Oklahoma, 1893, re- lating to school district bonds. Sec. 20. (8066-S.) District May Issue Bonds. That for the purpose of purchasing one or more school sites, erecting, purchasing or paying for and furnishing one or more school houses in and lor any school district in the State of Oklahoma, the board of directors of the same shall have the power to issue bonds of the district in an amount not exceeding, with all outstanding indebtedness, four (1908 legislature increased this to 5 per cent. See Art. XXVII and Constitution) per cent of its taxable property, as shown by the last assessment thereof, and for the purpose of extending the time of payment of the school district indebtedness, or of the bond- ed indebtedness of any school district, the board of directors shall have the power to issue the bonds of the district, in a sum not to exceed in amount its outstanding indebtedness, including bonded indebtedness: Provided, That no bonds shall be issued until, at an election called for that purpose, the question shall have been submitted to the qualified electors of the district, and two-thirds of all the qualified electors voting at such 34 election declared by their ballots in favor of issuing the same. Qualified electors for the purpose of this act are hereby declared to be all persons, male or female, over the age of twenty-one years, who are citizens of the United States, and have been bona fide residents for more than three months next preceding such school district bond election within the limits of such school district: Provided, Further, That no such election shall be ordered unless a petition stating the purpose for which the bonds are to be issued, and signed by at least one-third of the qualified electors, as herein defined, of such school district, as shown by the last preceding enumeration, by the township trustees of the township in which such school district is lo- cated, shall have been presented to the district board, praying that a vote be taken for thv issuing of such amount of bonds as may be asked for therein: And Provided, Further, That it shall be unlawful for any school district to create any bonded indebtedness unless there are at least eight persons between the age of six and twenty-one years actually residing with- in the limits thereof, as shown by a census taken by the clerk of such dis- trict, not more than three months previous to such bond election, and by such clerk verified upon oath. (L. 1895, p. 68.) Sec. 21. (8067-S.) Bond Election How Conducted Voting. Whenever such a petition so signed shall be presented to the board of directors of any school district, praying that a vote be taken on the quesion of issuing the bonds of such district, it shall be the duty of the district boar* im- mediately to order an election for the purpose of determining the question of issuing the bonds as prayed for and forthwith to give notice by posting up written notices signed by the clerk, in five of the most public places in the district, which notices shall be posted up at least ten days before such election, and shall state therein the object for which the election was called, the amount of the bonds which it is expected to issue, and the manner in which the question shall be voted upon; and the said election shall be conducted by the school district board, or in their absence, by three per- sons chosen by the bystanders, and shall be by ballot, and the polls shall be opened at 2 o'clock p. m., and close at 6 o'clock p. m. The ballots used at such election shall be either written or printed and shall contain the words, if the voter wishes to vote for the issuance of the bonds, "For the Bonds," and if he wishes to vote against the bonds, it shall contain the words, "Against the Bonds." (L. 1895, p. 69.) (Amended by H. B. 14, Spl. L. 1910, and law making the attorney general "Ex-officio bond commissioner, L. 1910.) Sec. 22. (8068-S.) Denominations Time Payable Registration Dis- posals. The bonds herein provided for shall be issued in denominations of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars each; they shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed seven per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July of each year at such place as shall be designated in the bonds, the principal of the bonds being made payable within twenty years from their date. These bonds shall specify on their face the date of issue, amount, for what pur- pose and to whom issued, the time they run, the rate and times of pay- ment of interest, and shall have coupons attached for the interest as H becomes due, said coupons being so arranged that the last one shall fall due at the maturity of the bonds. Said bond(s) and coupons thereto at- tached, shall be signed by the director and countersigned by the clerk of the district; shall be registered in the office of the State auditor, and a transcript of all the proceedings in the voting of such bonds shall be filed therewith. Upon finding that all of the proceedings have been regular, the State auditor shall so certify upon each and every one of such bonds, and shall also certify the same to the county clerk of the county in which such 35 school district is located, who shall thereupon register said bonds in his office, whereupon such bonds shall be negotiable and transferable by de- livery, and may be disposed of by the district board at not less than ninety- five cents on the dollar, and the proceeds of the same applied as provided in the petition upon which the issuance of the bonds was authorized. (L. 1895, p. 70.) Note. The Constitution provides that bonds must be registered by the State auditor and have endorsement of the icounty clerk and the county attorney, certifying that the issue is within the debt limit of the law. See Bunn's Constitution of Oklahoma, Art. X, Sec. 295, p. 79.) (Spl. L. of 1910 provide that the attorney gereral's certificate must be attached.) Sec. 23. (8069-S.) Registration by County Clerk. Before delivering any school district bonds the board of directors of the district issuing the same shall cause them to be registered with the clerk of the county in which said district is located. And it shall be the duty of the county clerk, on pre- sentation of any school bonds for registration to register the same in a book prepared for that purpose; if the said bonds contain the certificate of the State auditor that the proceedings have been regular which register shall contain: First, the number of the district. Second, the number of the bond. Third, date of bond. Fourth, to whom payable. Fifth, when and where payable. Sixth, when due. -Seventh, when interest due. Bight, amount of bond. The county clerk shall furnish one copy of his register to the county treasurer, and forward one copy to the State Superintendent, to- gether with a statement showing: First, the number of acres of land as- sessed and subject to taxation In such district. Third, the assessed valu- ation of taxable land. Fourth, the assessed valuation of all personal prop- erty in such district, which statement shall be signed by each member of the school board issuing the bond(s), and the county clerk shall certify un- der the official seal of his office to the correctness of the statement and the genuineness of the signatures attached thereto. (L. 1895, p. 71.) Sec. 24. (8070-S.) Interest and Sinking Fund Investment. It shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners of each county to levy, an- nually, upon all the taxable property in each district in such county, a tax sufficient to pay the interest accruing upon the bonds issued by such dis- trict, and to provide a sinking fund for the final redemption of the bonds, such levy to be made with the annual levy of the county, and the^ taxes collected with other taxes, and when collected shall be and remain in the hands of the county treasurer, a specific fund for the payment of the in- terest upon such bonds and for the^r final payment at maturity: Pro- vided, That moneys in the hands of the county treasurer belonging to the sinking funds of the several school districts in such county, shall be in- vested by the county treasurer: First, in the bonds of the district to which said sinking fund belongs: Provided, Such bonds can be purchased at a price not exceeding their market or par value. Second, in the bonds of other school districts of the State, maturing before the bonds for which said fund is raised: Provided, That the same can be purchased of the State of Oklahoma, or of the United States. (L. 1895, p. 71.) Sec. 25. (8071.) Penalty for Fraudulent Issue. If any school district whose duty it is under the provisions of this act to issue or assist in any manner in the issuance of the bonds of any school district, shall prepare, sign or deliver, or aid, counsel, or assist in preparing, signing or delivering. or shall cause to be prepared, signed of delivered, any bond or bonds of any school district, at any time before such bond or bonds are authorized by this act to be prepared, signed or delivered, such officer shall be guilty of (a) felony, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than five hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, or by imprison- ment in the penitentiary for not less than two years nor longer than seven years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. And if the board of directors of any school district, or any member thereof, shall use or dispose of any school district bonds, or the money accruing from the sale of such bonds, in any other manner, or for any other purpose than that for which the same was created or intended he, or they, shall be liable to be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than two thousand dollars, by indictment in any court of competent jurisdiction, or by im- prisonment in the penitentiary not more than two years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (L. 1895, p. 72.) Sec. 26. (8072-S.) Payment and Cancellation Reports. On the payment of the bonds or coupons of any school district, the county treasurer shall immediatey concel the same and endorse thereon the date of payment, and shall thereupon present the same to the county clerk, who shall cancel said bonds or coupons on his register by endorsing thereon the date of payment of each, and immediately return the same to the county treasurer; and at the same time of the settlement with the several school district trasurers of his county, the county treasurer shall deliver to each the cancelled bonds and coupons of his district and take a receipt therefor, and such cancelled bonds and coupons shall be destroyed by the district treasurer in the pres- ejice of all the officers of the district, a complete record- of their destruc- tion being made by the district clerk. On the last Saturday of July of each year, each and every county treasurer shall make the county clerk of his county a detailed report of all the bonds and coupons cancelled during the year, and the date of payment of the same, accompanied by the receipts given by district treasurers thereof. (L. 1895, p. 73.) An Act providing for the adjustment and payment of debts contracted by school districts which have been changed, and the territory belonging there- to organized into new districts and for other purposes. Sec. 27. (8073-S.) Superintendent to Apportion Debts. It shall be the duty of the county superintendent, on or before the first day of May, 1897, in each county in this State, to audit any outstanding indebtedness that may have been contracted by any school district prior to the same such district was changed and apportion the same to the districts now comprising the territory of such district,' taking as a basis of apportionment the assessed valuation of property included in the boundaries of said divided distrkt, and he shall apportion to each of the districts which have acquired the ter- ritory of said divided district such portion of said indebtedness as the assessed valuation of the property of that portion of the territory thus ac- nuired bears to the entire assessed valuation of such divided district. (L. 1897, p. 276.) Sec. 28. (8074-S.) To Issue Orders on Treasurer. When such apportion- ment has been made, the county superintendent shall have the power, and it is hereby made his duty, to issue orders on the county treasurer in pay- ment of all warrants issued against said divided districts, which orders shall be paid by the county treasurer on presentation, or as soon as he may have sufficient funds to the credit of such district: Provided, All such orders so drawn shall be paid before any other outstanding warrant indebtedness against said district or districts: Provided, (Further), That orders against such districts shall only be issued for the amount of indebtedness nropor- tioned to the same under the provisions of this act. (L. 1897, p. 276.) Sec. 28. (8075-S.) To Dispose of Property. The county superintendent shall have the power to dispose of any propertv wh^ch may belong to any such divided districts, by agreement with the district board retaining the property of such divided district; Provided, That the funds arising from 37 the sale of such property shall be applied by the county superintendent to the payment of the indebtedness of said divided district or districts. (L. 1897, p. 276.) An Act authorizing school districts in Oklahoma to relocate school houses in such districts. Sec. (8076.) Upon the petition of one-third of the voters of any school district in Oklahoma, in any district containing a town or village, qualified to vote at a school district election, the district board of said school district shall call a meeting of the voters of said school district at the school house therein, in the manner provided by law for calling special school meetings for the purpose of determining the re-location of the school house in said district. If at such meeting the voters of the district, by vote of two-thirds of the resident voters of the district voting within the school district deter- mine to re-locate the school house at some point in said district, the board of said district shall locate said school house at some point in said district in or adjoining such town or village. (L. 1895, p. 380.) 38 ARTICLE VII. SECTION 1. Branches to be Taught. 2. Agricultural Education. 3. Common School Graduation. SECTION 4. School Month. 5. May Assess a Tuition Fee, etc. Sec. 1. (8077-S.) Branches Taught. That in each and every school dis- trict shall be taught orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, geo- raphy, and arithmetic, and such other branches as may be determined by the district board: Provided, That the instructions given in the several branches taught shall be in the English language. (L. 1893, S. 5811.) Sec. 2. Agricultural Education, Etc. The elementary principles of ag- riculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, stock feeding, forestry, building county roads and domestic science, including the elements of economics shall be embraced in the branches taught in all the public schools of this State receiving any part of their support from this State, and these branches shall be as thoroughly studied and taught by observation, practical exercises, and the use of text and referentce books, and in the same manner as are other like required branches in said public schools. (Laws of 1908, Frank- lin Senate Bill 109. Sec. 2, p. 14.) Sec. 3. Common School Graduation, Etc. Candidates for graduation from the eighth grade in the common schools must receive instruction and be able to pass an examination in the following subjects in addition to those named in the preceding sections: El. music, U. S. history, including Ok- lahoma history; physiology and civics, including Oklahoma Constitution. (Rules and Regulations of State Board of Education for 1908.) Sec. 4. (8078-S.) School Month. A school month shall consist of four weeks of five days each of six hours per day. Note. This means six hours exclusive of the noon hour. Sec. 5. (8079-S.) May Assess Tuition Fee. Whenever there is not suf- ficient money belonging to any school district to support a public school the length of time prescribed by law or determined at the annual meeting or at a special meeting duly icalled, the district board, to meet said deficiency, may assess a tuition fee upon each scholar attending said school, the as- sessment to be proportioned to the number of days each pupil has been in actual attendance during the term. Provided, That no tuition shall be levied upon the pupils of any district in accordance with the provisions of this act, unless the entire amount of *2 per cent for teachers' wages as required by law be first assessed upon the taxable property of said district. (S. 1893, S. 5813.) *Note. The State Constitution provides for five mills with privileges of increasing to 15 mills by special vote. See Bunn's Constitution of Ok- lahoma, Art. X, Sec. 275, p. 75. ("Also see H. B. 14, Spl. L. 1910.") 39 ARTICLE VIII. District in More Than One County. SECTION 1. District in More Than One County How Formed .Procedure. An Act to provide for the formation of school districts situated in two or more counties. Sec. 1. (8080-S.) District in More than One County, Etc. When it shall become necessary to -form a school district lying partly in two or more ^counties, the county superintendents of the counties in which the said tract of country shall be situated, when application shall be made in writing to any one of them by five householder resident therein, shall, if by them deemed necessary, meet and proceed to lay off and form the same into a school district, issue notices for the first district meeting, and shall file the proper papers in their respective offices, and such district so organized shall be designated "Joint District No , Counties of " and the boundaries of such district shall not be altered except by the joint action of the superintendents of the several counties represented in said district: Provided, That if in the alteration of or refusal to alter the boun- daries of any joint school district, any person or persons shall feel aggrieved, such person or persons may appeal to the State superinten- dent of public instruction, and notice of such appeal shall be served on the superintendents of the several counties represented in said district within ten days after rendition by them of the decision appealed from, which no- tice shall be in writing and shall state fully the objections to the actions of the county superintendents, and a copy thereof shall be filed with the State superintendent of public instruction; and it shall be the duty of the county superintendents in whose possession are the papers connected with the action appealed from to transmit the same to the State superintendent of public instruction immediately upon being served with notice of appeal as hereinbefore provided, and thereupon the State superintendent of pub- lic instruction shall fix a time for the hearing of said appeal, and notify the several county superintendents interested, and they shall take action in accordance therewith: And, Provided Further, That each joint district, except in matters relating to the alteration of the boundaries thereof, shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the superintendent of that county represented in such districts having the largest amount of territory em- branced within the boundaries of such joint district. (L. 1895, p. 245.) ARTICLE IX. District Offices. SECTION 1. Officers Term of. 2. Powers of School Boards. 3. Oath. 3. Vacancies Filled. 5. Directors Duties of. 6. Duties of Clerk. 7. Deputy. 8. Clerk Shall Draw Orders. 9. Board Meets to make Full Report of the District. 10. Penalty for False Report. 11. District Clerk's Report to County Clerk. 12. To County Superintendent. 13. Tax Levies Reported and Penalty for Failing to Report. 14. School District Treasurer Bond, etc. 15. Duties of. 16. County Treasurer Duties of. 17. Warrants How Paid. 18. Warrants to be Registered. 19. Warrants Order of Payment. 20. Treasurer Annual Report Duties. 21. Books and Records Open for Inspection. 22. Treasurer Refusing to Pay Over Penalty. 23. County School Fund. 24. District Tax. 25. District Treasurer shall Pay Money Remaining. SECTION 26. Penalty for Failure to Pay Money. 27. Who Must Deliver Books, etc. 28. School House Site. 29. Care of School House. 30. Non-resident Pupils. 1 31. Teacher's Contract. 32. Appendages. 33. No Religion Taught. 34. Not Taxable. 35. Suspension of Pupils." 36. Teacher's Daily Register. 37. Taxes. 38. Penalty. 39. Disposition of Fines. 40. Judgments Liability of Board. 41. Removal of School House. 42. Use of School House. 43. To Audit Claims. 44. Last Assessment the Basis. 45. Special Levy. 46. Clerk to Extend Levies. 47. Treasurer to Collect. 48. Residue to be Apportioned. 49. To Reimburse Original District. 50. Superintendent to Ascertain Indebted- 51. 52. County Clerk to Extend Levy. County Treasurer to Collect. Sec. 1. (8081-S.) Officers Term of. The officers of each school dis- trict shall be a director, clerk and treasurer, who shall constitute the district board, and who shall be elected and hold their respective offices as follows: At the annual election in nineteen hundred eight there shall be elected (in all districts not previously organized according to Oklahoma school law) a director who shall hold his office for three years, a clerk, who shall hold his office for two years, and a treasurer, who shall hold his office for one year, and thereafter at each annual meeting there shall be elected one mem- ber of said board in place of the outgoing member, who shall hold his of- fice for three years and until his successor shall be elected and qualified: Provided, That school officers holding office under the existing law, shall hold office for the term for which they were elected or until their successors are elected and qualified. (L. 1907-8, P. 399.) Sec. 2. (8082-S.) Powers of School Boards. Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the present school boards .from employing teachers for the ensuing year or entering into contracts for the building and equipping of school houses or any other necessary expenses prior to the annual school meeting in 1908. (L. 1907-8, P. 399.) Sec. 3. (8083-S.) Oath of Office. School district officers before enter- ing upon their official duties shall take an oath to faithfully perform said duties, and the chairman of any regular or special meeting is hereby author- ized and empowered to administer such oaths. (S. 1893, S. 5778.) Sec. 4. (8084-S.) Vacancies How Filled. Every person duly elected to the office of director, clerk or treasurer of any school district who shall re- fuse or neglect, without sufficient cause to qualify wfthin twenty days after his election or appointment, or who, having entered upon the duties of his office shall neglect or refuse to perform any duty required of him by the provisions of this act, shall therebv forfeit his right to the office to which he was elected or appointed, and the county superintendent shall thereupon appoint a suitable person in his stead. (S. 1893, S. 5779.) 41 Sec. 5. (8085-S.) Directors Duties of. The director of each district shall preside at all district meetings, and shall sign all orders drawn by clerk authorized by a district meeting, or by the district board, upon the treasurer of the district, for moneys collected or received by him to be disbursed therein. He shall appear for and in behalf of the district, in all suits brought by or against the district, unless other directions shall be given by the voters of such district, at a district meeting. (S. 1893, S. 5780.) Sec.6. (8086-S.) Duties of Clerk. The clerk of such district shall record the proceedings of his district in a book provided by the district for that purpose, and enter thereon copies of all reports made by him to the county superintendent; and he shall keep and preserve all records, books and papers belonging to his office, and deliver the same to his successor in office. (S. 1893, S. 5781.) Sec. 7. (8087-S.) Deputy. The said clerk shall be the clerk of the dis- trict board and of all district meetings, when present; but if such clerk shall not be present at any district meeting, the voters present may appoint a clerk of such meeting, who shall certify the proceedings thereof, and the same shall be recorded by the clerk of the district. (S. 1893, S. 5782.) Sec. 8. (8088-S.) Clerk ShaM Draw Orders. The clerk of the district shall draw orders on the treasurer of the district for moneys in the hands of such treasurer which have been apportioned to or raised by the district, to be applied to the payment of teacher's wages, and apply such money to the payment of wages of such teachers as shall have been employed by the dis- trict board; and said clerk shall draw orders on the treasurer for the moneys in the hands of such treasurer to be disbursed for any other purpose ordered by a district meeting or by the district board, agreeable to the provisions of this act. (S. 1893, S. 5783.) Sec. 9. (8089-S.) Board Meets To Make Full Report of District. Each school district board shall hold a meeting at least five days previous to the annual meeting in each year, for the purpose of preparing the report of the clerk and treasurer which shall be read and submitted to the legal voters of the district at the annual meeting, for their information and consideration; if any change or alteration therein be necessary, the same shall be made, and it shall then be transmitted to the county superintendent of public instruc- tion. Said report shall show: First, the number of children, male and fe- male, white and colored, designated separately, residing in the district or part of district on the fifteenth day of January previous to the date of such report, over the age of six and under the age of twenty-one years. Second, the number of children attending the school during the year, their sex, and branches studied. Third, the length of time a school has been taught in the district by a qualified teacher, the name of the teacher and the wages paid. Fourth, the amount of money received from the county treasurer arising from disbursements of the State annual school fund, the amount received from district taxes, and the amount received from all other sources during the year, and the manner in which all moneys have been expended. Fifth, the amount of money raised by the district in such year and the purpose for which it was raised. Sixth, the kind of books used in the school, and such facts and statistics in regard to the district school as the county superin- tendent may require. (L. 1897, p. 268.) Sec. 10. (8090-S.) Penalty for False Report. Every clerk of a district who shall willfully sign a false report to the county superintendent of his county, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and punished by confinement in the penitentiary for not less than one pear nor more than three. (S. 1893, S. 5785.) Sec. 11. (8091-S.) District Clerk's Report to County Clerk. It shall be the duty of the several district clerks in this State to make out a certified list of all persons residing within their respective districts liable to pay taxes, and transmit the same to the county clerks of their respective coun- ties on or before the twenty-fifth of May, annually. (S. 1893, S. 5786.) Sec. 12. (8092-S.) To County Superintendent. The district clerk shall report to the county superintendent in writing the names and postoffice ad- dress of all the district officers elect within two weeks after said officers shall have been elected or appointed and qualified. The clerk shall also re- port to the county superintendent the time of the commencement of each term of school within two weeks of the commencement of such term. (S. 1893-5787.) Sec. 13. (8093-S.) Taxes Levied and Penalty for Not Reporting. The district clerk shall within five (5) days report to the county clerk the amount of tax levied at the annual meeting and for what purpose the same was levied. Any su'Ch clerk who shall fail to report the tax so voted shall be liable to a fine of not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dol- lars; and it is hereby made the duty of the county superintendent to have the provisions of this act enforced. (L. 1897, p. 269.) Sec. 14. 8094.) School District Treasurer Bond of Suit on Bond When The treasurer of the school district shall execute to the district a bond in double the amount, as near as it can be ascertained, to come into his hands as treasurer during each year, with sufficient sureties to be approved by the county superintendent of public schools, (conditioned that he will faithfully discharge and perform all the duties of his office; and such bond shall be taken in the name of the district. Such bond shall be justified by the affidavit of the principal and sureties as required by law in other cases; and the director of the district and the county superintendent of public in- struction are hereby authorized to adimnister the oaths for the justifica- tion of the treasurer and his sureties. Said bond shall be filed with the county superintendent of public instruction, and in case of the breach of any condition thereof, the county superintendent, or the director or clerk of the district shall cause a suit to be commenced thereon in the name of the district, and the money collected in such suit shall be applied by the board to the use of the district as the same should have been applied by the treasurer. If the county superintendent, clerk and director shall fail and refuse to prosecute said treasurer, then any taxpayer of the district may cause such prosecution to be instituted as provided in this act. (L. 1901, p. 200.) Sec. 15. (8095.) Duties of The treasurer of such district shall pay out on the order of the clerk of the district, attested by the seal therof, and countersigned by the director of such district, all public moneys which shall come into his hands for the use of the district. (L. 1901, p. 201.) Sec. 16. (8096.) County Treasurer Duties of. -The county treasurer shall pay to each district treasurer from time to time all school moneys in the county treasury belonging to the district, upon the order of the clerk and director of the district: Provided, That said order shall be accompanied by a certificate from the county superintendent, stating that said treasurer has executed and filed his bond as required by law; but such order and certificate shall not be necessary except the first time money is desired to be paid to him by the county treasurer after his qualification. (L. 1901, p. 201.) Sec. 17. (8097.) Warrants How Paid. Said district treasurer shall pay on presentation any warrant or other order properly drawn on any fund in his custody by virtue of his office; and wken paid, he shall write across the face of said warrant or order in red ink the word "Paid," the date when paid, the amount of principal and interest, if any, paid, and shall sign the same officially: Provided, That there is sufficient money in his hands "be- longing to the fund upon which said warrant or order is drawn to pay the same. (L. 1901, p. 201.) Sec. 18. (8098-S.) Warrants to be Registered. In case there is not suf- ficient money in the hands of any such treasurer belonging to the particular fund drawn upon to pay any warrant or order when presented for payment, it shall be the duty of such treasurer to make a certificate of that fact upon the back of any such warrant or order, and to date, sign and number the same in regular order; and he shall set down and enter in a book to be kept for that purpose, the registry number, amount, date and upon what fund drawn, to whom payable, and the date when presented for payment, as provided in section (8097) of this act; and all such warrants or orders shall be paid in their order of presentation for payment and of their regis- tration as shown by said book; and such books shall be known in each such office as the "Warrant Register." And all warrants after registration shall draw interest at the rate of six per centum per annum from the date of such registration until fully paid; and such registration book shall be open to the inspection of any person interested at all reasonable times. (L. 1901, p. 202.) Sec. 19. (8099-S.) Warrants Order of Payment Publication, Etc, Whenever any money shall come into his hands by virtue of his office, it shall be the duty of such district treasurer to set apart a sufficient sum from the several funds to which said money belongs to pay all warrants or orders that may have been registered against said several funds in com- pliance with the provisions of this act; or so much of said money as shall be necessary for such purpose. And if such money in any fund is not suf- ficient to pay all warrants and orders registered against said fund, he shall set apart said money for the payment of the warrants registered against the fund to which said money may belong until said money is exhausted; and he shall keep the money so set apart until it is called for by the per- son to whom it is payable; and it shall be the duty of said treasurer to post up in three public places in his district between the 15th and the last days of February and August in each year a list of the warrants or orders unpaid, and for the payment of which he has sufficient funds in his hands, and one of which lists shall be posted on the door of the school house of his district; and from and after thirty days after such posting, interest shall cease upon the warrants which he has so posted as being payable. (L. 1901, p. 202.) Sec. 20. (8100-S.) Treasurer's Annual Report, Etc. County Supt. Duties of. The treasurer shall keep a book in which he shall keep and enter an account of all moneys received and disbursed by him specifying particularly the sources from which money has been received and the person or persons to whom and the object for which the same was paid out. He shall present to the district at ea>ch annual meeting a report in writing containing a state- ment of all moneys received by him from the county treasurer during the year; also all moneys collected by him during the year from assessments in his district, and of the disbursements made by him, with the item of such disbursements and shall exhibit the voucher thereof; and the same shall be examined at such annual meeting of the district and if found correct shall be approved. Said report shall be in writing and shall be by the dis- trict clerk recorded at length; ani within ten days after such annual meet- ing said district treasurer shall present a copy of said report to the county superintendent of public instruction of his county, together with all the vouchers for disbursements by him made and said county superintendent shall examine the report and vouchers, and if he finds the same correct, he shall approve it; but if not found correct, he shall take such steps as the law and the facts may require; and at the close of his term of office the said treasurer shall settle with the county superintendent and shall turn over to his successor all the books, vouchers, orders, warrants and papers coming into his hands as the treasurer of such school district, to- gether with all moneys remaining in his hands as such treasurer. L. 1901, p. 203.) Sec. 21. (8101-S.) Books and Records Open for Inspection. The books, records, papers, vouchers and other archives of the school district treas- urer's office shall be open at all times to the inspection and examination of the county superintendent, the district clerk and director, and to all per- sons holding obligations against said district. (L. 1901, p. 204.) Sec. 22. (8102-S.) Treasurer Refusing to Pay Over Penalty. If any district treasurer shall refuse to pay over to his successor any money in his hands belonging to the district it shall be the duty of his successor in of- fice to prosecute without delay the official bond of said treasurer for the recovery of such money. And in case such successor shall fail or neglect to proceed, any taxpayer of the district may prosecute such suit in the name of the district. Any treasurer who shall willfully fail, refuse or neg- lect to pay over any money in his hands belonging to the district, shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement, and upon conviction thereof, shall be pun- ished in the manner prescribed for the felonious stealing of property of the value of that embezzled. (L. 1901, p. 204.) Sec. 23. (8103-S.) County School Fund. The county commissioners shall at -the time the annual taxes .for State and county purposes are levied, levy on the taxable property of the county a tax, not to exceed one per cent, which shall be collected as other taxes; and the money so realized together with the proceeds of all moneys collected from fines, forfeitures, penalties, proceeds from the sale of estrays and all moneys paid by persons as equiva- lent for exemption from military duty, and all moneys collected from mar- riage licenses, shall constitute a county school fund, and be appropriated exclusively for the purpose of establishing and supporting public schools for not less than three nor more than nine months in each year, and de- fraying current expenses of the same of every description; and said county school fund shall be apportioned to each school district in said county in proportion to the number of children over the age of six years and under the age of twenty-one years, resident therein, as shown by the last annual enumeration of the same. The county treasurer shall pay to each district treasurer in the county all school moneys in the county treasury belonging to the district, upon the order of the director and clerk of the district: Pro- vided, That said order shall be aiccompanied by a certificate from the dis- trict clerk, stating that the treasurer of the district has executed and filed his bond as required by law. (S. 1893, S. 5791. (See H. B. 14, Spl. L. 1910.) Sec. 24. (8104-S.) District Tax. When a school district tax has been voted, and from the fault of negligence of any officer or any other cause, has not been levied and collected in any one year, the same shall be added to and collected with the taxes of the following year; and the county treas- urer shall pay over to the treasurers of the respective school districts (all the taxes he may have collected for said districts) on the order of the dis- trict clerk, countersigned by the director, subject to the provisions contain- ed in section (8103) of this article. (S. 1893, S. 5792.) (See H. B. 14, Spl. L. 1910.) Sec. 25. (8105.-S.) District Treasurer Shall Pay Money Remaining, Etc. The treasurer shall keep a book in which he shall enter all moneys re- ceived and disbursed by him specifying particularly the sources from which money has been received and the person or persons to whom and the ob- ject for which the same was paid out. He shall present to the district at each annual meeting a report in writing containing a statement of all moneys received by him from the county treasurer during the year; also all 'moneys collected by him during the year from assessments in the dis- trict, and of the disbursements made by him, with the items of such dis- bursements and exhibit the vouchers therefor; which report by the district clerk and at the close of his term of office shall settle with the district board and shall hand over to his successor said books and all receipts, vouchers, orders, and papers coming into his hands as the treasurer of such school district, together with all moneys remaining in his hands as such treasurer. (S. 1893, S. 5793.) Sec. 26. (8106-S.) Penalty for Failure to Pay Money. If any district treasurer shall refuse or neglect to pay over to his successor any money in his hands belonging to the district it shall be the duty of his successor in office to prosecute without delay the official bond of such treasurer for the recovery of such money. And said district treasurer who shall refuse or neglect to pay over any money in his hands belonging to the district shall be guilty of a felony and shall be imprisoned in the penitentiary for a period of not less than one year nor more than five. (S. 1893, S. 5794.) Sec. 27. (8107-S.) Who Must Deliver Books. Every school district clerk or treasurer who shall neglect or refuse to deliver to his successor in office all records, books and papers, belonging to his office shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in any sum of not less than one hun- dred dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period of six months. (S. 1893, S. 5795.) Sec. 28. (8108-S.) School House Site. The district (board) shall pur- chase or lease such a site for a school house as shall have been designated by the voters of a district meeting, in the corporate name thereof and shall build, hire or purchase such school house as the voters of the district in a district meeting shall have agreed upon, out of the funds provided for that purpose, and make sale of any school house site or other property of the district, and if necessary, execute a conveyance of the same in the name of their office, when lawfully directed by the voters of such district, at any regular or special meeting, and shall carry into effect all lawful or- ders of the district. (S. 1893, S. 5796.) Sec. 29. (8109-S.) Care of School House. The district board shall have the >care and keeping of the school house and other property belonging to the district. They shall have power "to make such rules and regulations as they deem proper, and may appoint some suitable person to take charge of the school apparatus, maps, charts, etc., belonging to the district. (S. 1893, S. 5797.) Sec. 30. (8110-S.) Non-Resident Pupils. The district board shall have power to admit scholars from adjoining districts: Provided, Said pupil shalJ pay a tuition fee, which fee shall be prescribed by the district board. (S. 1893, S. 5798.) Sec. 31. (8111-S.) Teachers' Contract. The district board of each dis- trict shall contract with and hire qualified teachers for and in the name of the district, which contract shall be in writing and shall specify the wages per week or month as agreed upon by the parties, and such contract shall be filed in the district clerk's office, and, in conjunction with the county superintendent may dismiss such teacher or teachers for incompetency, cruel- ty, negligence or immorality. Whenever any person shall make and enter into a valid contract with any such district board to teach school in such district, such contract shall be binding upon such teacher until he has been legally discharged therefrom according to law or released therefrom by such district board in regular sessions; and until such person shall have thus been discharged or released, he shall not have authority to make and 46 enter into any valid contract with any other such district board or board of education in the State of Oklahoma to perform services as teacher or in- structor for a period of time covered by an existing valid contract which said person has made. No district board or board of education shall have authority to pay any money or issue any warants for the payment of money to any person for services as teacher or instructor, except for services per- formed under and by virtue of a valid contract existing between such dis- trict board and such teacher to be paid. (S. 1905, p. 362.) Sec. 32. (8112-S.) Appendages. The district board shall provide the nec- essary appendages (for the school house) during the time the school is taught therein and shall (keep) an accurate account of all expenses thus incurred, and present the same for allowance at any regular district meet- ing. (S. 1893, S. 5800.) Sec. 33. (8113-S.) No Sectarian Doctrine, Etc., Taught. No sectarian or religious doctrine shall be taught or inculcated in any of the public schools in this state, but nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the reading of the Holy Scripture. (S. 1893, S. 5801.) Sec. 34. (8114-S.) Not Taxable. All property held by the school district of any school district in this State for the use of public, schools shall be exempt from taxation, and shall not be taken in any manner for any debt from the district. (S. 1893, S. 5802.) Sec. 35. (8115-S.) Suspension of Pupils. The teachers may suspend from the privileges of a school, any pupil guilty of immorality or persistent violation of the regulations of the school, which suspension shall not ex- tend beyond the current quarter of the school: Provided, That the pupil suspended shall have the right of appeal from the decision of said teacher 10 the board of directors which shall, upon a full investigation of the charges preferred against said pupil, determine as to the guilt or innocence of the offence charged, whose decision shall be final. (S. 1893, S. 5803.) Sec. 36. (8116-S.) Teachers' Daily Register. The district board shall furnish each teacher with a suitable daily register, and shall visit together, or by one or two of their number, all the schools of their district, at least twice a term, and at such other periods during the term as in their opinion the exigencies of each school may require; at which visit they shall ex- amine the register of the teacher and see that it is properly kept, and en- quire into other matters touching the school house, facilities for ventila- tion, furniture, apparatus, library, studies, discipline, modes of teaching and improvement of the schools, and confer with the teacher with regard to the condtion and management, and make such suggestions as would, in their view, promote the interest and efficiency of the school and the prog- ress and good of the pupils. The date and result of such visits shall be en- tered by the clerk of the board on their minutes. (S. 1893, S. 5804.) Sec. 37. (8117-S.) Taxes. It shall be the duty of the school district board of the various school districts of the respective counties of the Sta f e to cause to be certified by the school district clerk to the county clerk of their respective counties, on or before the twenty-fifth day of August, an- nually, the aggregate percentage by them levied on the real and personal property in each district, as returned on the assessment roll of the county; and the county clerk is hereby authorized and required to place the same on the tax roll of said county, in a separate column or columns, designating the purpose for which said taxes were levied; and the said taxes shall be collected by the county treasurer and paid over to the treasurers of the respective school districts in the county, with the same power and restric- tions and under the same regulations and in all respects, as to the sale of real and personal property. He shall be authorized, and is hereby required, to act according to the provisions and requisitions of the law for the collec- 47 tions of taxes for State, county and township purposes. (S. 1893, S. 5805.) (See H. B. 14, Spl. L. 1910.) Sec. 38. (8118-S.) Penalty. Any member of any school district board or county clerk or county treasurer who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment; and any teacher who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be liable to immediate dis- missal, and it shall be the duty of the county superintendent to prosecute and carry out the provisions of this section. (S. 1893, S. 5806.) Sec. 39. (8119-S.) Disposition of Fines. All fines collected for any vio- lation of this act shall be paid to the treasurer of the county where the suit is brought for the support of the common schools. (S. 1893, S. 5807.) Sec. 40. (8120.) Judgments Liability of Bond. Whenever any final judgment shall be obtained against any school district, the district board shall levy a tax on all taxable property in the district for the payment thereof; such taxes shall be collected as other school district taxes, but no execution shall issue on such judgment against the school district; and in icase the district board neglect to levy a tax as aforesaid, for the space of thirty days after such judgment shall become final, or in case the proper officer shall neglect to collect the tax levied within the time and in the man- ner provided by law, then the judgment creditor of the district may have and recover a judgment against the officer or officers or his or their sure- ties, so in default, for the amount due him on such judgment against the district, with costs, upon which execution shall issue. (S. 1893, S. 5808.) Sec. 41. (8121-S.) Removal of School House. That whenever a school house or other improvements have been made upon the claim of any set- tler upon any of the public or Indian lands, within this State, to which the said settler had no title, it shall be lawful for the school directors of the proper school district to remove said school house or other improvements from the said claim at any time within one year from the time that the settler in any given case may acquire a title to his said claim: Provided, That if the said settler, in any given case, shall convey to said board of school directors one acre of land upon which said school house or other improvements are situated, the same shall not be removed; And, Provided, Further, That if any school house shall have been built of stone, brick or frame costing not less than five hundred dollars, the probate judge of the county shall appoint three disinterested persons, who shall appraise and condemn one acre of such land upon which said improvements shall have been located, and it shall be the duty of the school directors of such dis- trict to pay to the owner of such land the value of such land as found by said appraisers, according to the provisions of this act. (S. 1893, S. 2809.) Sec. 42. (8122-S.) Use of School House. The district board shall have the care and keeping of the school house and other property belonging to the district as hereinbefore provided. They are hereby authorized to open the school house for the use of religious, political, scientific, mechanical 'or agricultural societies belonging in their district, under such regulations as the school board may adopt. (S. 1893, S. 5810.) Sec. 43. (8123-S.) To Audit Claims. It shall be the duty of the county superintendent, on or before the first day of April, 1895, in each county to audit any outstanding indebtedness that may have been contracted prior to March fourteenth, 1893, by any original township school board, and ap- portion the same to the State formerly comprising said school township. (L. 1895, p. 238.) Sec. 44. (8124-S.) Last Assessment the Basis. The last assessment re- turns of property subject to taxation within said school townships sha'll be the basis for establishing a levy to pay said indebtedness. (L. 1895, p. 238.) (Compare this with H. B. 14, Sp. L. 1910.) Sec. 45. (8125-S.) Special Levy. It shall be the duty of the county su- perintendent at the same time to certify to the county clerk a special levy in addition to the annual levy authorized by law on said property sufficient to pay said indebtedness, provided such special levy shall not exceed five mills in any one year, and the county superintendent shall continue to certify such levies as aforesaid from year to year, as provided herein, until such indebtedness is fully paid. (L. 1895, p. 238.) (See H. B. 14 Sp. L. 1910.) Sec. 46. (8126-S.) Clerk to Extend Levies. It shall be the duty of the county clerk to extend such levies on the tax rolls of the county in the same manner as provided for other tax levies. (L. 1895, p. 238.) Sec. 47. (8127-8-S.) Treasurer to Collect. The county treasurer shall col- lect the taxes under such levy the same as other taxes and apply the funds of each school township as fast as collected to the payment of outstanding warrants of such townships in the order of their registration. (L. 1895, p. 239.) Sec. 48. (8128-S.) Residue to be Apportioned. Should there be any sur- plus funds collected the county superintendent shall apportion such residue to the independent districts formed out of such school townships in the ratio of the last assessed valuation of the property of such independent districts within said Sate. (L 1895, p. 239.) Sec. 49. (8129-S.) To Reimburse Original District. Any independent school district having in its possession any school buildings, seats, desks, or school supplies, contracted for or purchased by the original school town- ship under the laws of 1890, for the use of such school districts, shall, when a demand is made by the directors of a special school district as created by the law of 1893, within the limits of the said township or town- ships, levy a tax upon the district having in its possession said desks and other supplies, to reimburse the district making such demand of its share of the support paid, or debts contracted for such supply. (L. 1895, p. 239.) Sec. 5Q. (8130-S.) Superintendent to Ascertain Indebtedness. It shall be the duty of the county superintendent of such school district to ascertain the proportion due such district or districts of the money paid, or debt so contracted, for the purchase of said school supplies, and shall certify to the clerk of the Bounty a special levy, in addition to the annual levy authorized by law on said property, sufficient to pay said indebtedness: Provided, Such levy shall not exceed five mills in any one year; and said superintendent shall continue to certify such levy as aforesaid from year to year, as pro- vided herein, until such indebtedness is fully paid. (L. 1895, p. 239.) Sec. 51. (2131-S.) County Clerk to Extend Levy. It shall be the duty of the county clerk to extend the levy on the fa* roll? of. the county in the same manner as provided for other taxes. (L. 1895, p. 240.) Sec. 52. (8132-S.) County Treasurer to Collect. The county treasurer shall collect such levy the same as other taxes, and apply the funds to the several districts to which the same may be due, as shall be certified to his office by the county clerk, based upon said report of the county superin- tendent. (L. 1895, p. 240.) ARTICLE X. County High Schools. SECTION 1. Counties May Establish County High School. 2. Petition for Election Notice of Election. 3. Repeal Effect of. 4. Election How Held Board of Trustees How Selected Bond of. 5. Organization of Board Quorum. 6. Trustees to Make Estimate for Levy Liability. 7. How Collected. SECTION 8. Treasurer of High School. 9. Selecting Site. Buildings Trustese. 10. Selecting Teachers. 11. Rules and Regulations. 12. Pupils from Other Counties. 13. Principal to Goverrn School. 14. Graduates May Enter State College. 15. Annual Report of Trustees. 16. Board of Trustees. 17. Salary of Secretary and Treasurer. Sec. 1. (8133-S.) Counties May Establish High Schools. Each county in the State of Oklahoma having a population of six thousand inhabitants or over as shown by the last State or Federal census, may establish a high school on the conditions and in the manner hereinafter prescribed, for the purpose of affording better educational facilities for pupils more advanced than those attending district schools. (L. 1901, p. 187.) Note. This is repealed by Sec. 8135. Sec. 2. (8134-S.) Petition for Election Notices. When one-third of the electors of the county, as shown by the returns of the last preceding elec- tion, shall petition the board of county commissioners requesting that a high school be established in their county at a place in the said petition named, or whenever the said county commissioners shall in their discretion think proper, they shall give twenty days' notice previous to any general election, that they will submit the question to the electors of said county whether such high school shall be established and at the place specified at which election the electors of the county shall vote by ballot for or against establishing such high school. The notice contemplated in this section shall be given as are legal notices of a general or special election. (L. 1901, p. 187.) Sec. 3. (8135-S.) Repeal Effect of. That Sections one (11) (8133) and two (2) (8134) of an act to authorize the establishment and miirtenarce of county high schools, approved March 18, 1901, be, and the same are, here- by repealed. Provided that the passage of this act shall not, in any man- ner, affect any county in this State that hertofore shall have established a county high school, or any county that within sixty (60) days prior to the passage and approval of this act shall have held an election under the pro- visions of Article one (1), Chapter twenty-eight (28), Session Laws of 1901, relating to the creation, establishment and maintenance of county high schools, and in such counties that have held an election within the sixty (60) days just mentioned, wherein majority of the votes cast at said elec- tion in said county, have been for the creation, establishment, and mainten- ance of a county high school at some point in such county. The passage of this act shall in no wise affect the creation, establishment and mainten- ance of a county high school in such counties, and such county or the peo- ple thereof, as provided by law, shall have the power and authority to pro- ceed to the full creation, establishment and maintenance of such high school the same as if this act had never been passed. (L. 1909, S. B. 4, Approved Feb. 26, 1909.) Sec. 4. (8136-S.) Election How Held Board of Trustees. Said election shall be held in the same manner as are elections for county officers; ano the voters on said question shall be canvassed in the same manner as in the election of county officers, and if a majority of all the votes cast shall 50 be in favor of establishing such high school, the county commissioners shall immediately proceed to appoint six persons, who shall be residents and freeholders of the county, but not more than three of whom shall be resi- dents of the same township or city or members of the same political party, who shall with the county superintendent of public instruction, constitute the board of trustees for such school. Each of said trustees, appointed as aforesaid, shall hold his office for a term of one year or until his successor is appointed and qualified and shall be required in ten days after his ap- pointment to qualify by taking the usual oath of office, and by giving such bond as may be required by said board of county commissioners for the faithful discharge of such duties. (L. 1901, p. 188.) Sec. 5. (8137-S.) Organization of Board Quorum. The county superin- tendent shall, by virtue of his office, be president of said board of trustees. At the first meeting of said board of trustees in each year they shall ap- point from their own members a secretary and treasurer who shall perform the duties devolving upon such officers and shall give such additional bond as the county commissioners shall deem sufficient. A majority of said board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business, but four votes in the affirmative or negative shall be required to decide any question. (L. 1901, p. 188.) Sec. 6. (8138-S.) Trustees to Make Estimate for Levy. At said first meeting or at some suceeding meeting called for such purpose prior to the fifteenth day of June of each year, the trustees shall make an itemized es- timate of the amount of funds needed for payment of teachers' wages and for payment of contingent expenses, and they shall present to the board of county commissioners a certified estimate of the rate of tax required to raise the amount desired for such purpose, and the county commissioners shall cause the same to be extended upon the tax rolls and collected as other taxes and when collected, the same shall be paid to the treasurer of said board of trustees to be paid out by him on the order of said board of trustees. But in no case shall the tax for teachers' wages and contingent expenses exceed in any one year three mills on the dollar on the taxable property of the county. All indebtedness created by said board of trustees for the purpose above mentioned in excess of eighty per cent of the tax so levied shall be void as against said fund but may be recovered from the individual members voting to create the same. (L. 1903, p. 260.) Sec. 7.. (8139-S.)How Collected. Said tax shall be levied and collected in the same manner as other county taxes, and when collected the county treasurer shall pay the same to the treasurer of the county high school in the same manner that school funds are paid to the district treas- urers. (L. 1901, p. 189.) Sec. 8. (8140-S.) Treasurer of High School Duties Report. The said treasurer of the high school shall receive from the county treasurer and from other parties all moneys that belong to the funds of said school, and shall pay out. the same only by direction of the board of trustees, upon or- ders duly signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary, stating the purpose for which they were drawn. Both secretary and treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all moneys received and expended for said school, and at the close of each year or oftener if required by the board of trustees, they shall make a full statement of the financial affairs of the school. (L. 1901, p. 189.) Sec. 9. (8141-S.) Selecting Site Buildings Trustees May Issue War- rant to Pay for Same. The board of trustees shall proceed as soon as practi- cable to select the best site that in their judgment can be obtained for the location of said school building without expense to the county, they shall then proceed to advertise for plans and specifications for said county high 51 school building and after accepting or deciding on some plan shall adver- tise for bids for the erection of necessary school buildings and let the con- tract 'for the erection of said buildings, or they may proceed to make pur- chases of material and let the contract for the construction of the same. The board of trustees shall purchase the necessary furniture to furnish said building when completed, together with necessary heating and plumbing apparatus and necessary sewerage. They may, after making the contracts for the building and furnishing of such building, including heating plumb- ing and sewerage, issue warrants for the amount of the same payable in equal annual installments of not less than five nor more than twenty years, drawing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July of each year, said war- rants shall be signed by the president and secretary of said board of trus- tees, and have the seal of said board impressed thereon; they shall also be endorsed by the county clerk, that they are issued according to law and by him registered in a book to be provided for that purpose; the warrants issued for the payments of the school buildings, furniture, heating, plumb- ing and necessary sewerage shall be divided into payments so that no tax levy for the payment of any annual installments and interest shall exceed- three mills on the dollars valuation of said county for one year. Sep- arate warrants may be issued for the building of school building and for the furnishing, keating, plumbing, and sewerage: Provided, however, that the total cost of said building, heating, plumbing and sewerage shall not exceed one and one-half per centum of the assessed valuation of said county for the year in which said county voted to erect and maintain a county high school. The warrants provided for to be issued by this section shall be sold at not less than par, the money derived from the sale of warrants issued to pay for the buildings, furniture, heating and plumbing, and for necessary sewerage shall be turned over to the county treasurer, and be by him paid out on the order of the board of trustees on a warrant properly signed by the president and secretary of said board. The county commis- sioners of the county wherein said county high school is located shall at their meeting in July of each year, provide a tax levy for the payment of said warrants and the interest thereon as they become due and payable, and they shall be a lien on said tax levy, and be paid by the county treasurer out of the same when collected. The board of trustees at their discretion may lease suitable buildings for the use of the high school until the erec- tion of new buildings, the rent to be paid out of the fund created by this act. (L. 1903, p. 260.) (See H. B. 14, Sjl. L. 1910.) Sec. 10. (8142.-S.) Selecting Teachers. The board of trustees shall em- ploy a suitable person who shall take charge of said school and teach the same and shall be known as the principal of such school; and the trustees shall furnish such assistant teachers as they may deem necessary, and shall provide for the salaries thereof: Provided, That no member of the board of trustees or the wife, son or daughter of such member shall be employed as principal or teacher in such school. Sec. 11. (8143-S.) Rules and Regulations. Tuition shall be free to all pupils residing in the county where the school is located. The board of trustees shall make such general rules and regulations as they deem proper in regard to age and grade of attainments essential to entitle pupils to ad- mission in such high school who shall not have passed a satisfactory ex- amination in all the work of the district schools of the county in which such school is situated. If there should be more applicants than can be ac- commodated at any one time in such high school, each district shall be en- titled to send its equal proportion of pupils according to the number of pupils it may have, as shown by the last report of the county superinten- 52 dent of public instruction; the board of trustees shall designate such pupils as may attend subject to the proviso above: Provided, Further, When the board of trustees shall deem the same expedient they may provide separate school facilities and teachers for pupils of colored or mixed blood who are otherwise qualified for admission to such high school. (L. 1901, p. 190.) Sec. 12. (8144-S.) Pupils from Other Counties. If at any time the school can accommodate more pupils than apply for admission from that county in which the school is situated the vacancy may be filled by applicants from other counties upon the payment of such tuition as the board of trustees may prescribe, but at no time shall such pupils continue in school to the exclusion of such pupils residing in the county in which such school is lo- cated. (L. 1901, p. 191.) Sec. 13. (8145-S.) Principal to Conduct and Govern School. The prin- cipal of such high school with the approval of the board of trustees, shall make such rules and regulations as he may deem proper in regard to the studies and conduct and government of pupils in such school; and if the pupils will not conform to nor obey the rules of the school, they may be suspended or expelled therefrom by the principal of said school subject to the approval of the board of trustees: Provided, That the principal shall have power to temporarily suspend. (L. 1901, p. 191.) Sec. 14. (8146-S.) Graduates May Enter State College. Those graduat- ing from the normal course in the county high school shall be entitled to a teachers* second grade certificate and shall be admitted to the first year of professional work at the Normal Schools without further examination; and those graduating from the collegiate course shall be entitled to admis- sion to the freshman class of the State University and the State Agricultural and Mechanical College without further examination. (L. 1901, p. 191.) Sec. 15. (8147-S.) Annual Report of Trustees. The board of trustees shall annually on the first day of July of each year, make a report to the county commisioners, which report shall specify the number of students attending the high school during the year, their sex, and the number of branches taught, the text books used, the number of teachers employed, the salaries paid and the amounts expended respectively for library, apparatus, building, and for all other purposes; also the amount of funds on hand, the debts unpaid, if any; the amounts due, if any; and all other information im- portant or expedient to report. Such report shall be printed in at least one newspaper of the county, if any is published therein, and a copy of the re- port shall be forwarded to the State Superintendent of public instruction. (L. 1901, p. 192.) Sec. 16. (8148-S.) Board of Trustees Vacancies. The county com- missioners shall have power to fill any vacancy that may occur in the board of trustees. (L. 1901, p. 192.) Sec. 17. (8149-S.) Salary of Secretary and Treasurer. The county com- missioners shall allow the secretary and treasurer of the board of trustees a salary not to exceed fifty dollars per annum each; and the same to be audited and paid in like manner as other claims by the said board of trus- tees. Said trustees shall not be entitled to nor receive any other additional remuneration. (L. 1901, p. 192.) ARTICLE XI. Kindergartens. SECTION" 1. Kindergartens may be Established. 2. Same as Above. 3. Kindergarted Defined. SECTION 4. Teachers Trained Normal School. 5. Kindergarten Census. ) 6. Teacher's Qualifications. Sec. 1. (8150-S.) Kindergartens May be Established. The directors of any school district, boards of education or other duly authorized, appointed, elected or qualified public school officer, of any town, city or school district, having a population of two thousand five hundred or more, may establish and mantain kindergartens in connection with the public schools under their jurisdiction, for all children between the ages of four and six years. (L. 1903, P. 257.) Sec. 2. (8151-S.) S^me as Above. The school authorized in each and every town or city of over twenty-five hundred inhabitants as shown by the last federal census or any subsequent census authorized by the State may establish and maintain a complete kindergarten system for all children between the ages of four and six years. (L. 1903, p. 257.) Sec. 3. (8152-S.) Kindergarten Defined. The term kindergarten shall be construed to mean the application of the methods of Froebel or some approved American development of said methods, and no merely subprimary grades for children under six years of age shall be established under the authority of this act. (L. 1903, p. 257.) Sec. 4. (8153-S.) Teachers Trained Normal School. Within one year after the provisions of this act shall become law, provisions shall be made or department established for the training of kindergarten teachers in the normal schools of the state. Sec. 5. (8154-S.) Kindergarten Census. Whenever a city, town or school district shall have established kindergartens in connection with its public school system as provided for by sections 8150 and. 8151 of this act, the school oficials of each city, town or school district shall cause (a census) to be taken of all pupils between the ages of four and six years and report said census duly certified by the clerk of said board of education, or clerk of school district to the county superintendent who shall certify report of said census to the State superintendent of public instruction. *Upon re- ceipt of said report the State superintendent of public instruction shall ap- portion the funds arising from rentals on school lands in the same manner now accorded to other schools except that such aid shall inure to the dis- trict maintaining the kindergartens and on the basis of enumeration. *Note. This last provision is repealed by Sec. 1 of S. B. No. 259, Ses- sion Laws of 1908, p. 666. This is the opinion of the school land attorney to the school land commission. Sec. 6. (8155-S.) Teachers' Qualifications. All applicants for position in kindergartens maintained by said towns, city or school district shall be graduates of an accredited kindergarten normal school and subject to any examination instituted by the State Superintendent of public instruction. (L. 1903, p. 258.) 54 ARTICLE XII. Union or Graded School. SECTION 1. Union of Two or More Districts. 2. Board of Union Districts. School Funds. May Levy Tax. Apportionment of School Money. Clerk. Treasurer. Graded District Schools. Annual Meeting. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Existing Law to Apply. Majority of Vote to Decide Site. Contracts. SECTION 13. No Sectarian Doctrine. 14. Voters Meeting of. 15. County Superintendent shall Declare Districts Disorganized. 16. Officers of Consolidated District. 17. Board Powers and Duty of. 18. w Bonded Indebtedness. 19.^ Disorganized Districts Property of. 20. Annual Meeting. 21. Laws Applicable. 22. Consolidated District. Sec. 1. (8156-S.) Union of Two OP More Districts. Whenever the in- habitants of two or more school districts may wish to unite for the purpose of establishing a graded school in which instruction shall be given in the higher branches of education, the clerks of the several districts, shall, up- on written application of one-third of the voters of the respective districts, call a meeting of the voters of such districts, at some convenient place by posting up written notices thereof, in like manner as provided for calling district meetings, and if a majority of the voters in each of the two or more dis- tricts shall vote to unite for the purpose herein stated, they shall at that meeting, or at an adjourned meeting, elect a board of directors, consisting of a director, clerk and treasurer. (L. 1-895, p. 242.) Sec. 2. (8157-S.) Board of Union District. The board of directors pro- vided in the preceding section shall, in all matters relating to the graded schools, possess all the powers and dis-charge all the like duties of the district board of directors, as prescribed in this act. (L. 1895, p. 243.) Sec. 3. (8158-S.) School Funds. The union or graded school district thus formed shall be entitled to an equitable share of the school funds, to be drawn from the treasurer of each district so uniting, in proportion to the number of children attending the said graded school from each district. (L. 1895, p. 243.) Sec. 4. (8159-S.) May Levy Tax. The said union district may levy taxes for the purpose of purchasing a building or furnishing p/oper buildings for the accommodation of the school, or for the purpose of defraying neces- sary expenses and paying teachers, but shall be governed in all respects by the law herein provided for levying and collecting district taxes. (L. 1895, p. 243.) Sec. 5. (8160-S.) Apportionment of School Money. The clerk of the union district shall report in writing to the treasurer of each school dis- trict uniting in the union district the number of scholars attending the graded school from his district, their sex, and the branches studied; and the said district treasurer shall apportion the amount of school money due the union district and pay the same over to the treasurer of the union dis- trict on order of the clerk and director thereof. (L. 1895, p. 243.) Sec. 6. (8161-S.) Clerk. The clerk of the union district shall make a report to the county superintendent of public instruction and discharge all the duties of clerk in like manner as clerk of the district. (L. 1895, p. 243.) Sec. 7. (8162-S.) Treasurer. The treasurer of the union district shall perform all the duties of treasurer as prescribed in this act in like manner as the district treasurer. (L. 1895, p. 243.) 55 Sec. 8. (8163-S.) Graded District Schools. Any single district shall possess power to establish graded schools, subject to the provisions of the article in like manner as two or more districts united. (L. 1895, p. 244.) Sec. 9. (8164-S.) Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of union or graded school districts shall be held on the last Wednesday in June at such hour as may be indicated by the board. (L. 1895, p. 244.) Sec. 10. (8165-S.) Existing Law to Apply. Article 6, Chapter 73, of the Statutes of Oklahoma Territory, being an act for the support and regula- tion of common schools shall apply to, and be made a part of this act, for the purpose therein named. (L. 1895, p. 244.) Sec. 11. (8166-S.) Majority Vote to Decide Site. No part of the Statutes of Oklahoma shall be construed so as to prevent the location of the site for a school house in union or graded school districts by a majority of the electors of said union or graded s>chool districts. (L. 1895, p. 244.) Sec. 12. (8167-S.) Contracts. No expenditure involving an amount greater than two hundred dollars shall be made except in accordance with the provisions of a written contract, and no contract involving an expendi- ture of more than five hundred dollars for the purpose of erecting any pub- lic buildings or making any improvements shall be made except upon sealed proposals and to the lowest responsible bidder. (L. 1895, p. 244.). Sec. 13. (8168-S.) No Sectarian Doctrine. No sectarian doctrine shall be taught or inculcated in any of the public schools of the union district; but the Holy Scriptures, without note or 'comment, may be used therein at the discretion of each teacher. (L. 1895, p. 244.) Sec. 14. (8169-S.) Voters Meeting of Consolidation of Districts. Meetings of the voters of any two or more adjacent school districts may be called in their resective districts for the purpose of voting on the pro- position of uniting with the other said adjacent districts for the purpose of establishing a consolidated school, said call to be made in the same manner as provided by law for the calling of special district meetings. If a majority of the votes cast in each of said districts shall be in favor of such consolidation, then the clerk of each of said districts shall thereupon make a written report of such action to the county superintendent of the county in which said districts are located. The vote in each district shall be made conditional upon its carrying in all of said districts: Provided, That unorganized territories and legally organized school districts con- taining a school population of one hundred persons or more may organize under the provisions of this act. (L. 1907-8, p. 670.) (Amended Section 1, Article 1, Chapter 33, Session Laws 1905.) Sec. 15. (8170-S.) County Superintendent May Declare Districts Dis- organized. The county superintendent shall, upon receipt of the reports as provided in section 8169 of this act, declare said districts disorganized and shall form a consolidated district composed of the several districts voting to unite, and he shall designate a time and place for the meeting of the voters of the said districts so disorganized for the purpose of electing officers and completing the organization of said consolidated district. He shall give notice of said meeting by posting written or printed notices, stating the time, place and purpose of said meeting in at least three public places in each of the disorganized districts not less than ten days prior to the time of meeting; Provided, That in the formation of consolidated districts comprising territory lying in more than one county, the county superintendents of said counties shall act together in the same manner as provided by law in the formation and control of joint districts, and at said meeting of the voters of the newly organized school district, shall select a building site as near the center of population of such consolidated district as practicable. (L. 1905, p. 359.) Sec. 16. (8171-S.) Officers of Consolidated Districts. The officers of each consolidated school district shall be a director, a clerk and a treasurer, who shall constitute a district board and who shall be elected, ai,d hold their respective offices as follows: At the meeting provided for in Section 8170 of this act, there shall be elected a director who shall hold his office until the third annual meeting thereafter, and a clerk who shall hold his office until the first annual meeting thereafter, and thereafter at each annual meeting there shall be elected one member of the board in place of the outgoing member who shall hold his office -for three years and until his successor is elected and qualified: Provided, That where more than two districts unite not more than one member of the board shall be elected from the territory of any one of the disorganized districts. (L. 1895, p. 360.) Sec. 17. (8172-S.) Board Powers and Duties of. The powers and duties of the district board herein provided and of its several officers shall be the same as those provided by law for school district boards and their sev- eral officers, and in addition, it shall be the duty of said district board to provide transportation to and from school for all pupils living one and one- half miles or moer therefrom, in suitable vehicles of ample size, with com- fortable seats arranged to conform to the sizes of the pupils to be carried with an adjustable cover for the comfort and protection of the pupils, drawn by stout, gentle teams and driven by adult persons of good moral character, who shall have control of said pupils during their transportation. (L. 1905, p. 360.) Sec. 18. (8173-S.) Bonded Indebtedness. If any s-chool district uniting to form a consolidated district shall have, at the time of its disorganiza- tion a legally bonded indebtedness, such indebtedness shall attach to and become a charge against the territory comprised in such disorganized dis- trict at the time of the disorganization, and it shall be the duty of the county commissioners of the county or counties in which such territory is located to cause annually to be levied upon the property real and personal in such disorganized territory, a tax sufficient to meet the interest and pro- vide a sinking fund for the payment of such indebtedness: Provided, That the assets and property of any disorganized district having an indebtedness shall first be applied in payment of its floating indebtedness, if any, and then its bonded indebtedness, and the residue, if any, shall belong to the consolidated district. (L. 1905, p. 360.) Sec. 19. (8174-S.) Disorganized District Property of. The school prop- erty of the disorganized districts shall, upon the organization of the con- solidated district, become the property of said district except as herein- before provided, and the district board of said district is hereby authorized to dispose of said property to the best interests of said districts. (L. 1905, p. 361.) Sec. 20. (8175-S.) Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of said con- solidated district shall be held on the same date as fixed by law for holding the annual school meetings of each year at the school house belonging to said district, at two o'clock p. m., and they shall have such powers and duties as are by law provided for annual school district meetings. (L. 1905, p. 361.) Sec. 21. (8176-S.) Laws Applicable. In all matters relating to con- solidated school districts not provided for in this act, the. law relating to school districts shall be in force where said laws are applicable. (L. 1905, p. 361.) Sec. 27. (8177.) Consolidated Districts. A consolidated district, when formed, shall be known as Consolidated School District No , County of , State of Oklahoma, and shall be a body corporate with power to sue and be sued. (L. 1905, p. 362.) 57 ARTICLE XIII. Normal Institutes. SECTION 1. Annual Institute. 2. Conductor and Instructor. 3. Fees and Expenses. 4. Custodian of Fund. 5. Superintendent's Reports. 6. Disbursements. 7. Moneys not Paid Except When. 8. Certificates Renewed. SECTION 9. Superintendents not Conductors Where. 10. Union Institutes. 11. Negro Teachers Separate Institute. 12. Annual Reports. 13. Conductor's Reports. 14. Conductor's Failure to Report. 15. Superintendent Violating this Act. Sec. 1. (8178-S.) Annual Institute. The county superintendents of pub- lic instruction shall hold annually in their respective -counties, for a term of not less than two weeks nor more than four weeks, ending on the last Friday of June, July or August, a normal institute for academic and pro- fessional instruction of teachers, and those desiring to teach: Provided, That two or more 'Counties may be united in holding one normal institute each year, as hereinafter provided. (L. 1907, p. 675.) Sec. 2. (8179-S.) Conductor and Instructor. The county superintendents of public instruction shall determine the time, length of term and the place of holding their annual sessions, in -conformity with section 8178 hereof; and shall select and employ a conductor and instructors for the same: Provided, That all such contracts for conductor and instructors shall be approved by the State superintendent of public instruction before such con- tracts are valid. (L. 1907, p. 675.) Sec. 3. (8180-S.) Fees and Expenses. To defray the expenses o-f su-ch institute sessions the county superintendents of public instruction shall require the payment of a uniform fee of not less than one dollar nor more than three dollars by each person enrolled in said institute; that they shall further require the payment of the fee of two dollars by each applicant for a teacher's certificate; and, that in addition to such sum, the county com- missioners shall, upon recommendation of the county superintendents of public instruction, allow a sufficient sum, not to exceed two hundred dol- lars ($200.00) for each institute, to be paid out of any fund of the county not otherwise appropriated. (L. 1907-8, p. 675.) Sec. 4. (8181-S.) Custodian of Fund. The sum thus created shall be designated the "Normal Institute Fund," and the county treasurer shall be the custodian thereof. (L. 1907-8, p. 676.) Sec. 5. (8182-S.) Superintendent's Reports. The county superinten- dents of public instruction shall, at the close of each regular teacher's ex- amination, and at the close of each teachers' normal institute, transmit to the county treasurer all moneys received by said superintendents, as pro- vided in section 8180 of this act, together with the name of each person so contributing, the amount in each case, and the county treasurer shall place all moneys to the credit of the normal institute fund. (L. 1907-8, p. 676.) Sec. 6. (8183-S.) Disbursements. -All disbursements of the normal in- stitute fund shall be upon written order of the county superintendents of public instruction, and no order shall be drawn upon said fund, except as accompanied by a written and itemized statement of services rendered or expenses incurred, and no order shall be drawn in favor of the county su- perintendents of public instruction themselves. (L. 1907-8, p. 676.) Sec. 7. (8184-S.) Moneys Not Paid Except When. No county superinten- dents of public instruction shall pay moneys from the before mentioned fund to any conductor or instructor unless the said -conductor or instructor shall have first received an institute certificate from the State board of ex- 58 aminers: Provided, That all certificates issued by the State board of edu- cation shall be valid for the remainder of the term for which issued when same shall have been examined and approved by the State superintendent of public instruction. Provided, Further, That no county superintendent shall employ, or pay moneys from the normal institute fund to any con- ductor or instructor who draws salary from the federal or State govern- ment. (L. 1907-8, p. 676.) Sec. 8. (8185-S.) Certificates Renewed. County superintendents of public instruction shall require both the academic and professional branches to be taught in each institute session and all of them as outlined in the normal institute course of study for this State, or as ordered by the State superintendent of public instruction, and in the manner prescribed by him. County superintendents shall renew certificates of all teachers holding valid certificates to teach in the schools of this State under the laws thereof who during the validity of their certificates, have attended as bona fide partici- pants therein the sessions of the county teachers institutes called by the county superintendents of public instruction and without examination the certificates held by teachers thus attending shall be renewed once, for a time equal to the original term of validity of said certificates, when the fact of such attendance shall have been properly and duly certified to the authority renewing such certificate: Provided, That teachers whose cer- tificates are to be extended and held valid under the provisions of this act shall in no case have their certificates extended unless said teachers shall have attended at least 75 per cent of the sessions of the county teachers' Institute: Provided, Further, That in no instance shall teachers have their certificates renewed under the provisions of this act who have not made a general average of at least 75 per cent in the last examination for teachers' certificates at which they were examined; and Provided, Further, That in no instance shall a certificate be extended under the provisions of this act where the teacher holding said certificate has failed to teach for at least three months in the schools of this State each year during the validi f y of his or her certificate. (L. 1907-8, p. 676.) Sec. 9. (8186-S.) Superintendents Not Conductors. Where. County superintendents of public instruction shall not serve as conductors or in- structors in institutes in which their counties are interested, unless thev have first met the requirements set forth hi section 81 89 of this act, and that in no case shall they draw pay for services as conductor in their own counties. (L. 1907-8, p. 677.) Sec. 10. (8187-S.) Union Institutes. By and with the consent of the State superintendent of public instruction, two or more counties may unHe in holding one normal institute each year, in one of the counties so uniting; that the county superintendent of public instruction of the counties so unit- ing shall agree upon the time, place and length of term of such normal in- stitute, as hereinbefore provided, but that none of them shall be the con- ductor or instructor of such institute session, except as provided in Section (8186) hereof, and that none of such superintendents of rmblio instruction of any of the counties so forming such joint normal institutes, shall be eligible to draw as salary, or otherwise, any moneys from such normal institute fund; and that the county treasurer of the county in which such joint nor- mal institute is held, shall be the legal custodian of such fund for that session; and that the county superintendent of PubMo instruction of the countv in which such joint normal institute is held shall draw and sign all orders upon such fund for the joint sesion of such normal institute; and that the county commissioners in each of said counties so uniting, shall be subject to the provisions of Section f 81800 . except that they shall not appropriate to the normal institute fund to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) from each. 59 of said counties so united; and that, at the close of such joint normal in- stitute session, each county treasurer shall again be the custodian of all such funds in his county; and that no contracts shall be entered into by any two or more county superintendents for a period longer than two years, but that at the end of each two years such contracts may be renewed as here- inbefore provided. (L. 1907-8, p. 677.) Sec. 11. (8188-S.) Negro Teachers Separate Institutes. All teachers of the negro race shall attend separate institutes from those for teachers of the white race, and in all counties where the number of teachers, of either race, is less than twenty-five desiring to attend such institute, they shall have the right and privilege to attend any institute for their race, or to be united with the teachers of their race in any other adjacent county, under the provisions of Section (8187) and that they be given equal facilities with the other race, in such county or counties, and their conductor and instruc- tors shall be of their own race, pay their own conductor and instructors and that they shall receive their pro rata of all appropriations made by the county commissioners for institute fund in their county or counties, accord- ing to the actual attendance thereof. (L. 1907-8, p. 678.) Sec. 12. (8189-S.) Annual Reports. The county superintendents of pub- lic instruction of the respective counties of Oklahoma shall annually make a complete, report to the State superintendent of public instruction, on blanks provided for the same and furnished by him, all data relative to in- stitutes; as, exact time of holding the session, length of the term, place town and county name of conductor and instructors, and any other infor- mation required by State superintendent of public instruction, which report must be filed at the capital not later than the first Friday of April of each year. (L. 1907-8, p. 678.) Sec. 13. (8190-S.) Conductors' Reports. All conductors of teachers* in- stitutes in the respective 'Counties of this State, shall, at the close of such session, and before full compensation for such work is received, make out in duplicate form a full and complete report of such sessions, embracing the following facts; date of opening and closing such sessions, enrollment fee, number of members enrolled with their names, ages, sex, classifica- t tion, grade, normal institute grade, experience in months, and any other facts required by the State superintendent; also the name of the conductor and instructors, the date of issue and expiration of institute certificates, salary, and other compensation received, copy of the daily program used, and a certified statement to the effect that the normal institute course of study and the instructions of the state superintendent were followed both in word and in spirit during such session together with any recommenda- tions or suggestions to said State superintendent tending to the betterment of the course of study of the work for the succeeding institute year of June, July or August. A copy of this report shall be filed by such conductors im- mediately at the close of such institute session with the respective county superintendents, to become a part of their office record, and a duplicate copy shall be transmitted by mail by such conductors to the state super- intendent of public instruction to become a part of his office record on the same. (L. 1907-8, p. 679.) Sec. 14. (8191-S.) Conductor's Failure to Report. Any conductor who shall fail to comply* with all the provisions of this act shall be subject to to the revocation of his normal institute certificate by the State superinten- dent of public instruction of this State. (L. 1907-8, p. 679.) Sec. 15. (8192-S.) Superintendent Violating This Act. Any county su- perintendent who shall in any manner violate the provisions of this act, upon conviction thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and for the sec- ond offense may be removed as is provided by law. (L. 1907-8, p. 679.) Sec. 16. Art. 9, of Chap. 73, of the Statutes of 1893, and Art. 10, of Chap. 33, of the Session Laws of 1905, are hereby expressly repealed, and all other acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith are repealed. (L. 1907- 8, pp, 679-680.) 61- ARTICLE XIV. Separate Schools. SECTION 1. Maintain Separation. 2. "Colored" Defined. 3. Separate Officers. 4. Different Colored Children at same School Teacher Fined. 5. Private Institutions for Mixed Pupils Misdemeanor. 6. Instructor in Same Penalty. 7. Mixed Attendance Pupils Fined. 8. Separate Schools Established Tax Levy. 9. No Separate Schools When. 10. Children Transferred When, etc. 11. County Superintendents report to County Commissioners. SECTION 12. County Commissioners Duties of Ad- vertising for Bids Letting Contract. 13. Furniture and Equipment. 14. School Funds. 15. School Board to Employ Teachers. 16. Teachers How Paid School Buildings and Sites Repairs How Made. 17. District Boards to Settle with Commis- sioners When Penalty for Non- Settlement. 18. District Clerk, County Clerk and County Treasurer to Keep Records. Sec. 1. (8193-S.) Maintain Separation. The public schools of the State of Oklahoma shall be organized and maintained upon a complete plan of separation between the white and colored races with impartial facilities for both races. (L. 1907-8, p. 694.) Sec. 2. (8194-S.) "Colored" Construed. The term "colored" as used in the first Section shall be construed to mean all persons of African descent who possesses any quantum of negro blood, and the term "white" shall in- clude all other persons. The term "public school" within the meaning of this act, shall include all schools provided for or maintained in whole or in part at public expense. (L. 1907-8, p. 694.) Sec. 3. (8195-S.) Separate Officers. That whenever there shall be es- tablished and maintained a separate school, a separate board of school of- ficers shall be elected and chosen for the management of each school as is provided for by law for the election of other school officers. In districts having separte school boards, the electors of each separate race tiall meet as now provided by law at their respective schools for which said directors are to be elected and the electors of one race shall not participate in any election pertaining to the schools of the other race. (L. 1907-8, p. 694.) Sec. 4. (8196-S.) Colored Children and Mixed Attendance Teacher's Fine. Any teacher in this state who shall willfully and knowingly allow any child of the colored race to attend a school maintained for the white race, or to allow any white child to attend a school maintained for the colored race shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and his certificate shall be cancelled and he shall not have another issued to him for a period of one year. (L. 1907-8, p. 694.) Sec. 5. (8197-S.) Private Institutions For Mixed Pupils iMsdemeanor It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, or association of persons to maintain or operate any college, school or institution in this State where persons of the white and colored races are both received as pupils for in- struction, and any person or corporation who shall operate or maintain any such college, school or institution in violation hereof, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, and each day such school, college or institution shall be open and maintained, shall be deemed a separate offense. (L. 1907-8, p. 695.) Sec. 6. (8198.) Instructor in Same Penalty. That any instructor who shall teach in any school, 'College or institution where members of the white race and colored race are received and enrolled as pupils for in- struction, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, and each day any instructor shall continue to teach in any such college, school, or institution shall be considered a separate offense. (L. 1907-8, p. 695.) Sec. 7. (8199-S.) Mixed Attendance Pupils Fined. It shall be unlawful for any white person to attend any school, college or institution where col- ored persons are received as pupils for instruction; and any one so of- fending shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dol- lars for each offense, and each day such a person so offends as herein provided, shall be deemed a distinct and separate offense: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prevent any private school, college or institution of learning from maintaining a separate and distinct branch thereof in a different locality. (L. 1907-8, p. 695.) Sec. 8. (8200-S.) Separate Schools Established Tax Levy for Mainte- nance. In all counties separate schools 'for white and colored children are hereby established and such schools shall be permanently maintained and the board of county commisioners shall annually levy a tax on all taxable property in their respective counties, sufficient to maintain said separate schools as hereinafter provided; said taxes shall be estimated, published, levied and collected in the same manner as other taxes for county purposes and in school districts where such separate schools are maintained no white child shall attend a colored school or colored child attend a white school. (L. 1901, p. 205.) Sec. 9. (8201-S.) No Separate Schools When. That in any school dis- trict in such 'County, having both white and colored children of school age, where the number of such children, either white or colored, does not exceed ten, and they can be transferred to schools of their own color in adjoining districts as hereinafter provided, no separate schools shall be maintained. (L. 1901, p. 205.) Sec. 10. (8202.) Children Transferred to Adjoining District When County Superintendent Duties of. When either the white or colored chil- dren of school age in any such school district, having both white and colored children of school age, who do not exceed ten in number, the county superin- tendent of schools of such county, shall transfer the white or colored children that are the fewer in number, to the nearest school of their own color in some adjoining district, when the same can be done with the consent of their parents, guardians of custodians; or without such consent, when any such children can be so transferred without compelling them to travel more than two and one-half miles to attend such school. And when any child is so transferred to another school under the provisions of this act, the county superintendent shall apportion its per capita of all school revenue, except local school district tax and county separate school fund, to the school dis- trict to which it is transferred, and such children shall have all the rights and privileges in the school to which it is transferred, that are enjoyed by children resident in such district. (L. 1901, p. 205.) Sec. 11. (8203-S.) County Superintendent Report to County Commis- sioners. That immediately after the passage and approval of the act, the county superintendent of schools in each county shall ascertain what dis- tricts of his county have separate schools for white and colored children, the number of such children of each color of each district; and further as- certain the districts, if any, maintaining separate schools that have not erected school houses for both white and colored children, and report the same to the board of county commissioners of his county, and in like man- ner report such facts, when any other district in his county may desire to establish such separate schools. (L. 1901, p. 206.) Sec. 12. (8804.) County Commissioners Duties of Advertisement for Bids Letting Contract. If upon the receipt of such report the board of county commissioners of such county find from such report, or any other legal evidence that they may desire to consider, that any of such districts so maintaining or that are entitled under this act or existing law, to main- tain separate schools for white and colored children have not furnished or acquired a school building for that class of children, either white or colored, that are fewer in number in said district, and that such children cannot be transferred to adjoining districts as provided herein, then such board of county commissioners shall cause the county superintendent of schools of such county to file with them a statement in writing, with the specifi- cations of the kind of school house needed by the class of children that are fewer in number in said district; and when such board of county com- missioners have settled the plans and specifications for such building, suit- able in their judgment for such purpose, they shall advertise for bids for the construction of such building by notice posted in such district and pub- lished at least four consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in su-ch county, if any be published therein, and if no newspaper be published in such county, then by posting public notices in said school district, and at five other public places in said county; and such contract shall be let to the lowest bidder in the same manner as other contracts are let, and the board of county commissioners* shall take proper bonds for the performance there- of. Such building, when completed and accepted by such board of county commissioners shall be paid for by them by warrants drawn by them on the separate school fund of such county. (L. 1901, p. 206.) Sec. 13. (8205-S.) Furniture and Equipments. The school districts shall furnish all schools with the same kind of furniture and equipments and give equal school facilities to both white and colored children at the expense of such school district, except as otherwise provided in this act. (L. 1901, p. 207.) Sec. 14. (8206-S.) School Funds. That all school funds except the county separate school fund apportioned to such district shall be carried to the regular account of such district. (L. 1901, p. 207.) Sec. 15. (8207-S.) School Board to Employ Teachers. The school board of such district shall employ all teachers, furnish equal school terms for all schools in their districts with teachers with equal qualifications as far as practicable; but no white person shall teach a colored school, or colored person teach a white school. (L. 1901, p. 208.) Sec. 16. (8208-S.) Teachers How Paid School Buildings and Sites- Repairs, Etc. The teachers of the schools for that class of children, either white or colored, that are fewer in numbers in any district having sepa- rate schools shall be paid out of the county separate school fund; and for such purpose the school district board shall draw their warrant on the county clerk of their county in favor of the teachers of such separate schools in such districts and the county clerk shall draw his warrant on the county treasurer for such amount, which shall be paid out of the sep- arate school fund of such county in the order of its registration and pre- sentation: Provided, However, The county clerk shall not draw on said separate school fund for any greater amount for teachers employed for any district than is paid the like number of teachers for the like time by the school district for teaching in the other schools of said district: Provided, That no contract shall be let or allowance be made for building such house in any sum in excess of the moneys or bonds of such district ex- pended for the building of a school house in such district for the children of the other class: Provided, Further, That such school house so built by the county may be built in any part of said district which in the judgment of the board of county commissioners will be most convenient to the great- est number of children for whom it is intended; and for such purpose, such board of county commissioners may receive title to a proper school site, by gift, purchase, or proceedings to condemn the same in the same manner and with like effect as when such actions are brought by school districts. Such county shall not be at any other or further "expense on account of such building; but the school district, at its own expense, shall keep such house in repair and rebuild the same if destroyed. The county shall be at no expense on account of school houses, or repairing, where districts at the passage of this act have s-chool house or houses for that class of chil- dren, white or colored, that are the fewer in numbers in such district. (L. 1901, p. 208.) Sec. 17. (8209-S.) District Boards to Settle With County Commissioners When Failure to Make Settlement Penalty. That at the regular April meeting, each year, of the board of county commissioners, the school dis- trict boards of all school districts maintaining separate schools for white and colored children shall make a settlement with the board of county com- missioners of their counties, which settlement shall show the amount of money drawn for them out of such separate school fund and such other facts as the board of of -county commissioners may desire to know, and file therewith a statement of their needs for the ensuing year; and any school board that fails to make such settlement before the time to estimate the levy for annual taxes, shall be required to pay their own expenses, of all kinds for separate school for the next ensuing year. (L. 1901, p. 209.) Sec. 18. (8210-S.) District Clerk, County Clerk, and County Treasurer to Keep Records. The school district clerk, -county clerk and county treasurer shall keep proper and full records showing the condition of such separate school fund, and each of such officers shall preserve all vouchers, warrants and other orders pertaining to such fund and belonging to their respective offices. (L. 1901, p. 209.) SECTION ARTICLE XV. Teachers and Certificates. SECTION Third Grade. 7. Certificates Grades When Valid. 8. Temporary When Granted. 9. Issuing Providing Penalty. -. .County Examiners. 2. 'Examinations. 3. Grades of Certificates. 4. , First Grade. 5. Second Grade. Sec. 1. (8211-S.) County Examiners. In each county there shall be a board of county examiners composed of the county superintendent, who shall be ex-officio chairman of the board, and two competent persons, hold- ers of first grade certificates, or of State 'Certificates, or of diplomas from some State University, Normal or Agricultural College, who shall be ap- pointed by the county superintendent and shall serve from the time of their respective appointments until their successors are appointed and each of whom shall receive for his services the sum of three dollars per day, not to exceed five days in any one quarter of the year. (L. 1903, p. 255.) Note. This means that each one of the three members is entitled to remuneration at the rate of three dollars per day. Sec. 2. (8112-S.) Examinations. The board, two of whom shall constitute a quorum, shall on the the last Thursday and Friday of January, October, April and at the close of the county normal institute only at such places as may be designated by the chairman (who shall give ten days notice of examination) publicly examine all persons proposing to teach in the pub- lic schools of the county as to their competency to teach in the branches prescribed by law and such board of examiners shall issue certificates as hereinafter provided, to all such applicants as shall pass the required ex- amination and satisfy the board as to their good moral character and their ability to teach and govern successfully. (L. 1905, p. 367.)) Sec. 3. (8213-S.) Grades of Certificates to be Issued. Certificates issued by the county board shall be of three grades, first, second and third, and shall continue in force respectively three years, two years and one year. (S. 1903, S. 5816.) Sec. 4. (8214-S.) First Grade Certificates. Certificates of the first grade shall certify that the person to whom issued is proficient in and fully quali- fied to teach orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, composition, geography arithmetic, United States history, bookkeeping, physiology and hygiene, the theory and practice of teaching, civil government, elements of natural philosophy; and shall not be issued to persons under twenty years of age, nor to such as have not taught successfully twelve school months; Provided, That no person who receives a first grade certificate shall make a general average of less than ninety per cent, and in no case shall a person receive a certificate of the first grade who shall fall below seventy per cent in any one branch. (L. 1897, p. 273.) Further Amended by Laws of 1908 S. B. 109 as follows: After July 1st, 1909, no person shall teach and no certificate will be granted to an applicant to teach, in the public schools receiving aid from this State, who has not passed a satisfactory examination in the elements of agriculture and allied branches mentioned in this Act. (L. 1908 S. B. No. 109, p. 15.) Note I. According to Sec. 2 of S. B., No. 109, of the Laws 1908, the al- lied branches are horticulture, animal husbandry, stock raising, forestry, building country roads; and domestic science including the elements of economics. (See Laws of 1908, page 14, Sec. 2.) Note. II. The State board of education recommends that the examina- tion in U. S. history be made to include Oklahoma history and that civil gov- eminent be made to include Oklahoma constitution. The board also rec- ommends that public school music and drawing be added to the list of re- quirements for certificates of all grades. The subjects of agriculture and domestic science are required for ail grades of certificates. (By S. B. 103, L. 1908.) Sec. 5. (8215-S.) Second Grade. Certificates of the second grade may be issued to persons not less than eighteen years of age, who shall fully satisfy the board as to their ability to teach all the branches prescribed for first grade certificates, except bookkeeping and the elements of natural philosophy, and who have taught successfully three school months: Pro- vided, That no person who receives a second grade certificate shall make a general average of less than eighty per cent, and in no case shall a per- son receive a certificate of the .second grade who falls below sixty per cent in any one branch. (L. 1897, p. 274.) Sec. 6. (8216-S.) Third Grade. Certificates of the third grade shall cer- tify that the person to whom issued is not under sixteen years of age and is proficient in and fully qualified to teach all the branches prescribed for a second grade certificate except civil government, and has made an average of not less than seventy per cent, and not below fifty per cent in any one branch, and no third grade certificate shall be issued more than twice to the same person. (L. 1897, p. 274.) Sec. 7. (8217-S.) Certificates Grades Where Valid. That no third grade 'Certificate shall be in force except in the county in which it is is- sued: Provided, That the county superintendent shall endorse the unex- pired first grade certificate issued in any other county and all second grade certificates shall be endorsed by the county superintendent of any county adjoining the county in which said second grade certificate was issued, which certificate shall thereby be valid in the county in which such en- dorsement is made for the unexpired term of the -certificate. A certificate issued under this Act may be revoked by the board of examiners on the ground of immorality or for any other cause that would have justified the withholding thereof, when the same was granted. (L. 1907-8, p. 688.) Note. This repeals the former laws on the subject of indorsing cer- tificates. The fee for indorsement is two dollars. Sec. 8. (8218-S.) Temporary Certificates. The county superintendent upon request made in writing by any district board, and after satisfying himself by examination of the ability or proficiency of the applicant, may grant a temporary certificate in case of necessity, valid only in the desig- nated district, and valid only until the next regular examination by the county board of examiners: Provided, That no such temporary certificate shall be granted to any applicant who has failed in examination at any reg- ular meeting of the board, nor shall such certificate be granted twice to the same person: Provided, Further, That the county superintendent shall not be compelled to charge for the issuance of temporary certificates. (L. 1897, p. 274.) Note. The fee for temporary -certificates should not exceed two dollars. Sec. 9. (8219-S.) Issuing Certificates Unlawfully Penalty. No certi- cate shall be issued by any county board or county superintendent, except upon examination as provided in this act, and the county superintendent or the county board of examiners who violate any of the provisions of this act by issuing a certificate except as provided in this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction fined in the sum of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars. (L.1893, S. 5822.) Sec. 10. Renewal of Certificates, See Art. XIII., Sec. 8, Normal insti- tute. 67 ARTICLE XVI. Compulsory Education. SECTION 1. What 'Unlawful Duty of Parent. 2. Duty of Board of Education Report. 3. Where Parent is Indigent. SECTION 4. Widowed Mothers. .*>. Violation Penalty Sec. 1. (8220-S.) What Unlawful Duty of Parent. It shall be unlawful for any parent or guardian living in the State of Oklahoma, to neglect or to cause, or compel any person or persons who are, or may be, under their control as children or wards, to attend and comply with the rules of some public, private or other school or schools, unless other means of educa- tion are provided for a term of from three to six months, in the discretion of the school district board or boards of education of cities of the first class, the term to be fixed by general order at the annual school meeting, which shall apply to all children in the district, each successive year from the time said children or wards are eight years old until they are sixteen years old, unless they are prevented by mental or physical disability; the question of disability being determined by the board; or by a certificate to that effect from a duly licensed and practicing physician, or by reason of having already become proficient in the standard studies from attendance upon such private, public or other school or schools and provided that in such case they shall be excused by the superintendent of a public, private or other school or by the board of education of the school district in which said children or wards may live at the time of such failure to attend such public, private or other school or schools. (L. 1907-8, p. 393.) Sec. 2. (8221 -S.) Duty of Board of Education. It shall be the duty of the board of education of each school district to furnish to the superinten- dent of all public, private or other schools in cities, or the teachers in other districts, at the beginning of the first term of each school, a list containing the names of all the children residing within the district who are between eight and sixteen years of age, and to require a report from the superin- tendent of all public, private or other schools in cities, or the teachers in other districts, not less than fourteen nor more than twenty-six weeks be- fore the close of the last term of school for the year; which report shall contain the names of all the children between eight and sixteen years of age who have attended said school and the period of such attendance. Im- mediately upon receipt of this report, the board of education shall give written notice to the parent, guardian or custodian of such child, or chil- dren, who have not complied with the provisions of this act; that the at- tendance of such child or children is required at some public, private or other school; and if within five days such parent, guardian or custodian of such child or children does not comply with the provisions of thii act, then the board of education shall make -complaint against such parent, guardian or custodian of such child or children, before any justice of the peace, or other court having competent jurisdiction, -for the violation of the provisions of this act: Provided, That in cities or incorporated towns or villages the board of education may appoint one or more truant officers whose duty it shall be to enforce the provisions of this act in the manner- provided herein. (L. 1907-8, p. 393.) Sec. 3. (8222-S.) When Parent is Indigent. If any parent, guardian or custodian of any child or children is financially unable to furnish such child or children with the necessary books with which to attend school, then the county superintendent of public instruction of the county where such parent or guardian or custodian resides, shall furnish upon the rec- ' 68 ommendation of the school district board, tjr board of education of cities of the first class, books for such purpose to such child or children, which books shall be furnished and paid upon the certificate of such officer by the board of county commissioners of said county. (L. 1907-8, p. 394.) Sec. 4. (8223-S.) Widowed Mothers. If any widowed mother shall make affidavit to the effect that the wages of her child or children, under six- teen years of age are necessary to the support of such widowed mother, then the -county superintendent of public instruction may, after careful investigation, in his discretion, upon the recommendation of the school dis- trict board, or boards of education of cities of the first class, furnish such child or children a -certificate called a scholarship, stating the amount of wages such child or children are receiving, or so much of such wages as shall be deemed necessary so long as such child or children shall attend the" public school in accordance with the provisions of this act; which aid may be allowed and paid upon the certificate of such county superintendent of public instruction to the child or children holding such scholarship, by the board of county commissioners of the county in which such child or children reside. (L. 1907-8, p. 394.) Sec. 5 (8224-S.) Violation Penalty for. Any person or persons violat- ing the provisions of this act shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each and every offense; said fine shall be imposed by any court having jurisdiction, and all fines so collected shall be placed in the -common school fund of the district wherein the child or children reside, as other fines and penalties are paid. (T.. 1907-8, p. 395.) ARTICLE XVII. Miscellaneous. SECTION 1. Three Months School. 2. Justices Shall Have Jurisdiction. 3. Penalty for Destroying Property. 4. Tax Levy for Library Fund Duties of the Board. 5. List of Books Furnished. 6. U. S. Flag to be Displayed. 7. Board of Education shall Purchase. 8. Violation Penalty for. 9. Teaching Ethics. 10. Humanity. 11. Vivisection Prohibited. 12. Duty of School Officers. SECTION 13. Penalty. 14. Distance. 15. Consent of School iBoard. 16. Consent of Adjoining Districts. 17. County Superintendent. 18. Money Appropriated. 19. Notice to County Clerk. 20. Apportion School Tax. 21. Temporary Transfer. 22. One Year. 23. Sinking Fund. 24. Violation of Act Misdemeanor. Sec. 1. (8225-S.) Three Months' School. That in all school districts where there is a good and sufficient school building a school shall be main- tained for a period of not less than three months between the first day of October and the first day of June in each year. (S. 1893, S. 5888.) Sec. 2. (8226-S.) Justices Shall Have Jurisdiction. Justices of the peace shall have jurisdiction in all cases in which a school district is a party in- terested when the amount claimed by the plaintiff does not exceed his juris- diction as provided by statute, and the parties shall have the right of ap- peal as in other cases, and all fines and penalties not otherwise provided for in this act, shall be collected by an action in any court of competent jurisdiction. (S. 1893, S. 5894.) Sec. 3. (8227-S.) Penalties for Destroying Property. Every person who shall willfully injure or destroy any building used as a school house or for other educational purposes, or any furniture or apparatus tnereto belonging, or Who shall deface, mar or disfigure any such building, furniture or fix- tures by writing, painting, cutting or pasting thereon any likeness, figures, words or devices, shall be fined in a sum not less than ten nor more than fifty dollars for each offense above named to be in addition to, and not in lieu of, the punishment provided by the statute regulating crimes for such offenses, and all fines so collected shall be paid into the county treasury for the support of the common schools. (S. 1893, S. 5895.) Sec. 4. (8228-S.) Tax Levy for Library Fund Duties of the Board. That hereafter, at the time provided by law for making and certifying the annual levy for taxes for school purposes each year, except as hereinafter provided, the district board of each school district and the board of edu- cation of each city or town in Oklahoma, shall designate, set apart and ap- propriate out of the district fund, a sum of money as a library fund, to be used in the purchase of books and periodicals for a public library for such district, *city or town, as follows: In districts employing one teacher, not less than five nor more than ten dollars each year; in districts employing more than one and less than four teachers, not less than ten nor more than twenty-five dollars each year; in districts employing more than three teach- ers, not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars each year; cities of the first class, not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars each year. The board of education of each city or town, and the district board of each school district, except as hereinafter provided, shall certify the appropriation herein provided to the county clerk, and the county clerk shall note the appropriation on the tax rolls and certify the same to the county treasurer, and he shall set apart. the sum so designated to the credit, of the district, city or town appropriating the same, as a library fund: Pro- vided, That districts in which the maximum levy, together with all other school funds do not yield a revenue sufficent to support a four months' term of school, during any school year, shall not be subject to the provisions of this act. (L. 1899, p. 228.) Sec. 5. (8229-S.) List of Books Furnished. The county board of ex- aminers of each county shall, within thirty days after the passage of this act, furnish each county superintendent in Oklahoma a list of reference, and literary books, together with the list price of each, and the price at which they may be purchased, as near as possible, which list shall designate the order of purchase and shall govern the order of purchasing, so far as the funds will permit, and the county superintendent shall, within thirty days thereafter, mail to the secretary of each district board in their re- spective counties the list of books furnished as herein provided, together with prices and other information and instruction for carrying out the pro- visions of this act. The county board of examiners shall, at periods of not longer than two years thereafter, furnish additional lists of suitable books and periodicals to be a guide to future purchases by district boards. All purchases under this act shall follow the order given by the county board of examiners so far as the funds will permit, unless the lists in- clude books already in the library of such school. No district board, or board of education, shall -contract or pay in warrants, or otherwise, more than the lowest wholesale price of the books purchased under this act, and any and all warrants issued in excess of this sum shall be void as to the excess. (L. 1899, p. 228.) Sec. 6. (8230-S.) U. 3. Flags to be Displayed. Every board of educa- tion of every school district board within this State shall be required to own and display within the school house a United States flag. (L. 1905, p. 368.) Sec. 7. (8231-S.) Board of Education Shall Purchase. Every school dis- trict board or board of education shall purchase said flag described in Section one of this act with any moneys derived for school purposes not otherwise specifically appropriated. (L. 1905, p. 369.) Sec. 8. (8232-S.) Violation Penalty for. Any person charged with the duty imposed by this act who shall fail to comply with the requirements of the same, or shall violate this law, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. (L. 1905, p. 369.) Sec. 9. (8233-S.) Teaching Ethics. That in each and every public school it shall be the duty of each and every teacher to teach morality in the broadest meaning of the word, for the purpose of elevating and refining the character of school children up to the highest plane of life; that they may know how to conduct themselves as social beings in relation to each other as respects right and wrong and rectitude of life, and thereby les- sen wrong-doing and crime. (L. 1905, p. 378.) Sec. 10. (8234-S.) Humanity. In each and every public school, in ad- dition to the other branches of study now prescribed, not less than one- half hour of each week, during the whole of each term of school, shall be devoted to teaching the school children attending said school kindness to and humane treatment and protection of dumb animals and birds; their' lives and usefulness, and the important part they are intended to fulfill in the economy of nature, and such studies on the subject as the board of public education may adopt. "(.. 1905, p. 378.) Sec. 11. (8235-S.) Vivisection prohibited. That no experiments upon any living creature shall be permftted in any public school within the State of Oklahoma. (L. 1905, p. 379.) Sec. 12.. (8236-S.) Duty of School Officers. It shall be the duty of the superintendent of public instruction for Oklahoma, the superinten- 71 dent of public instruction of each county, the superintendent of public schools of each .city, and the principal of each and every public school in said State to see that the provisions of Sections (8233, 8234 and 8235) of this act are strictly complied with in the public schools under his super- vision. (L. 1505, p. 379.) Sec 13. (8237-S.) Penalty. iNo teacher in the public schools of the State of Oklahoma shall be entitled to receive any portion of the pub- lic school moneys as compensation for services, unless such teacher shall have complied with the provisions of this a^t. (L. 1905, p. 379.) Sec. 14. (8238-S.) Transfers. When by reason of too great distance from school or impassability of the roads it is better for scholars in one district to attend school in an adjoining one, a temporary transfer can be made in the following manner: (L. 1905, p. 381.) Sec. 15. (8239-S.) Consent of School Board. The consent of a majority of the school board in the home district must be obtained. (L. 1905, p. 381.) Sec. 16. (8240-S.) Consent of Adjoining Board. The consent of a ma jority of the school board in the district to which the parties wish to be transferred must be obtained. (L. 1905, p. 381.) Sec. 17. (8241-S.) County Superintendent. When the county superin- tendent is satisfied that the above conditions are complied with he or she may order the transfer. (L .1905, p. 381.) Sec. 18. (8242-S.) Money Appropriated. When the county superin- tendent permits the temporary transfer of scholars from one school dis- trict to another he must apportion the State, county and district school money appropriated to the person so transferred to the district to which transfer is made. (L. 1905, p. 381.) Sec. 19. (8243-S.) Notice to County Clerk. He must also notify the county clerk and county treasurer of the same. (L. 1905, p. 382.) Sec. 20. (8244-S.) Apportion School Tax. When the county clerk re- ceives notice of a temporary transfer of scholars from one district to an- other he must apportion the school district tax to the school district transferred to. (L. 1905, p. 382.) Sec. 21. (8245-S.) Temporary Transfer. All temporary transfers of scholars from one district to another must be made at least ten days prior to the annual school meeting. (L. 1905, p. 382.) Sec. 22. (8246-S.) One Year. Temporary transfers of scholars from one school district to another shall only be for one year. (L. 1905, p. 382.) Sec. 23. (8247-S.) Sinking Fund. If by any reason of bonded indebted- ness any school district by this act shall have a sinking fund, the county clerk shall retain in the home district the tax levied for that purpose. (L. 1905, p. 382.) Sec. 24. (8248-S.) Violation of Act Misdemeanors. That any member of any school district board or county clerk or county treasurer who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hun- dred nor more than five hundred dollars. (L. 1905, p. 382.) Sec. 25. (8424-S.) Floral Emblem. That the mistletoe be hereby des- ignated and adopted as the floral emblem of the State of Oklahoma. That this act be immediately in force upon its passage and approval. (S. 1893, S. 5990.) Sec. 26. (135-S.) Disposition of Estrays Proceeds for School Fund. Immediately after the sale of any estray the taker up shall endorse the fact of such sale upon the certificate issued to him by the clerk (county 72 clerk), and shall return such certificate to the 'clerk who shall note the fact in connection with the other entries required by this Act to have been previously noted by him in regard to such estray. At the same time the taker-up shall pay into the county treasury, for the use and benefit of the county school fund, one-half of the proceeds of said sale, after first de- ducting from such proceeds the . (Art. X., Sec. 28, Bunn's Constitution, p. 79.) Sec. 8. Attorney General's and County Officers' certificates. No bond or evidence of indebtedness of this State shall be valid unless the same shall have endorsed thereon a certificate, signed by the auditor and at- torney general of the State, showing that the bond or evidence of debt is issued pursuant to law and is within the debt limit. No bond or evi- dence of debt of any county, or bond of any township or any othe'r political subdivision of any county, shall be valid unless the same have endorsed thereon a certificate signed by the county clerk, or other officer authorized by law to sign such certificate, and the county attorney of the county, stat- ing that said bond, or evidene of debt is issued pursuant to law, and that said issue is within the debt limit. (Art. X., Sec. 29, Bunn's Constitution, p. 79.) Sec. 9. Uniform Accounting. The legislature shall require all money collected by taxation, or by fees, fines, and public charges of every kind, to be accounted for by a system of accounting that shall be uniform for each class of accounts, State and local which shall be prescribed and audited by authority of the State. (Art. X., Sec. 30, Bunn's Constitution, p. 79.) 80 ARTICLE XXII. Revenue and Taxation. (B.) LEGISLATIVE PROVISIONS. SECTION 1. Current Expenses. 2. Estimate must be made each year. 3. Excise Board. 4. Meeting of County Excise Board. 5. Special Election to increase levy. SECTION 6. Fifty per cent of voters lequired. 7. Election returns. 8. Where the provisions of this act apply. 9. Thirty per cent of voters must vote. House Bill 14 Session Laws 1910. Special Session An ACT To Provide for the Levying of Taxes on an Ad Valorem Basis for County, City, Town, Township and School District Purposes. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Section 1. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the total levy for current expenses of each county, city, town, township or school dis- trict, shall not exceed in any one year the following: County levy not more than five mills, provided that any county may levy not exceeding one mill additional in aid of the common schools of the county and in any county where a county high school is located, an additional levy of not more than one mill may be made for the county high school: Provided, That where the assessed valuation of any county is less than $4,000,000, the county levy shall not exceed six mills. City levy, not more than seven mills. Incorporated town levy not more than five mills. Township levy not more than three mills. School district levy for the support of common schools, not more than five mills. Section 2. Each board of county commissioners, the mayor and council of each city of the first class, or the officers exercising like powers in any city of the first class in this State, having a charter form of government, the board of trustees of each incorporated town, the directors of each town- ship, the board of education in each incorporated city and the directors of each school district in the State, shall meet on the first Monday in July of each year and shall respectively make out an itemized statement of the fiscal condition of their respective municipalities and of the estimated needs thereof for the current expenses of the ensuing fiscal year. Said estimate shall show, first, any unexpended balance on hand of the levy for any previous year or years for current expense purposes; second, the estimated income of the municipality from all sources other than from ad- valorem taxation and such estimated income for school district purposes shall include the apportionment of the income from the common school fund, based on the distribution for the next preceding fiscal year: Third, an itemized estimate of the amount necessary for the current expenses of each municipality for the ensuing fiscal year; Fourth, the amount necessary for a sinking fund, sufficient to pay at maturity, all bonded indebtedness coming due for such municipality. Fifth, the amount necessary to pay the interest coupons falling due on its outstanding bonded indebtedness. The estimate for county purposes shall be itemized so as to show the amount estimated to be necessary for salaries; for court expenses; for county supplies; for the support of the 81 poor and insane; for roads and bridges; for aid of the common schools of the -county; for contingent fund; for county^high school, if any; for a sink- ing fund which shall, with the money already in such fund, be sufficient to pay, at maturity, all bonded indebtedness of such county coming due; for the interest coupons falling due on outstanding bonds of the county ana an additional sum equal to one-third of the original amount of all outstand- ing judgments against the county where one-third or more of such judg- ments remain unpaid and in 'Case less than one-third remains unpaid, then the estimate shall include the unpaid balance. Bach estimate for county, city, incorporated town, township and school district purposes as prepared in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall be published in some newspaper published in each such county, city, incorporated town, town- ship and school district in four consecutive issues if in a daily paper and in two consecutive issues if published in a weekly paper and if here be no such paper published in such county, city, incorporated town, township or school district, then a copy of such estimate shall be posted in at least five public places therein, which posting shall be within five days after said first Monday in July. Said publication shall be made in each instance by the board or authority making the estimate. Said estimate so made out and published as aforesaid shall, as soon as completed, be certified to the excise board of the county hereinafter provided for, together with an af- fidavit showing the publication or posting thereof as required by this Act Sec. 3. County Excise Board. There is hereby created in each organ- ized county in this State an excise board to be composed of the following county officers, to-wit: County clerk, county trasurer, county judge, county superintendent and county attorney, who shall perform the duties as herein provided without additional compensation. The county judge shall be chair- man of the board and the county clerk secretary. Sec. 4. Meeting of County Excise Board. The excise board shall meet at the county seat on the last Saturday of July of each year for the pur- pose of examining the estimates of expenses for the county and for each city, incorporated town, embracing a city of the first class, township and school district therein. Their meeting shall be public and they shall keep a record of their proceedings. They shall have power to revise and correct any estimate certified to them where the amount thereof is in excess of the just and reasonable needs of the municipality for which the same is made. When they shall have approved each estimate, if the same shall be within the limit for current expenses, provided by section 1 of this Act, and shall have ascertained the assessed valuation of rropertv taxed ad valorem in the county and in each municipal subdivision thereof, and shall have ascertained the probable income of the county and of each municipal sub- division thereof from all sources other than advalorem taxation, they shall thereupon make the levy therefor, adding thereto the amount ascertained to be necessary for a sinking fund, which, with the money already in such fund, shall be sufficient to pay, at maturity, all bonded indebtedness of such municipality, and for the interest coupons falling due on the outstanding bonds of such municipality; to the total amount so ascertained to be nec- essary for current expenses, sinking fund and interest coupons shall be added ten per centum for delinquent taxes. The levies so made for them shall be certified to the county clerk, who shall extend the same upon the tax roll. , Sec. 5. If any estimate certified to the excise board for the current expenses of any county, city, incorporated town, township or school dis- trict shall exceed the limits prescribed by Section 1 of this Act, and the excise board shall be of the opinion that such excess is reasonably neces- sary for the current expenses of the municipality for Tvnich the same is 82 prepared, they shall enter such fact upon the record of their proceedings, and shall give notice by publication in one issue of some newspaper, printed in the county that a special election will be held in the county, city, in- corporated town, township or school district, as the case may be, on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in August next thereafter for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of such county, city, in- corporated town, township or school district, the question of making such increased levy Such election shall be held under the general election laws of the State and in each election held under the provisions of this Act, the amount of each proposed levy shall be printed upon the ballot with the words, "for the levy" and "against the levy" to the left of which shall be printed a square in which the elector shall stamp his choice. Provided: In school districts not in cities of the first class the elec tion shall be conducted as is now, or may hereafter be provided by law for such elections in school districts. Sec. 6. Fifty Per Cent of Voters Required. No election for an increased levy for county, city, incorporated town or township purposes shall be valid unless fifty per centum of the qualified electors, as shown by the last preceding election shall vote therein. Sec. 7. The returns of such elections held under the provisions of this Act shall be made to the excise board, who shall meet at the county seat on the Friday following such election for the purpose of canvassing the returns. If the levies voted upon shall be approved by a majority of those voting for each levy and the total number voting shall be the pro- portion of the qualified electors of the county, city, incorporated town, township or school district required by this Act, the excise board shall certify the same to the county clerk, who shall extend the same upon the tax roll; and levy for any purpose shall be valid unless made according to the provisions of this Act, and any such illegal levy, and the collections of the tax thereunder may be enjoined at the suit of any tax payer. Sec. 8. The provisions of this Act shall apply to each city whether having a charter form of government or not and to the board of education in each city, except that where an election is called for the purpose of voting a tax in excess of that prescribed by this Act, such election shall be called by the mayor and council m such city or the officers exercising like power in cities having a charter form of government and by the board of education, who shall canvass the returns thereof and make the levies and certify to the county clerk, who shall extend the same upon the tax rolls. Sec. 9. Thirty Per Centum of Voters Must Vote. It shall be the duty of the school trustees in each school district to record in a book kept for the purpose, the names of all legal voters within such school district, and at the election where it is proposed to vote an addition levy above the five mills herein authorized for school purposes the election shall be held to be a legal election when thirty per centum of the total number of legal voters living in such school district shall participate therein. BEN F. WILSON, Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives. J. C. GRAHAM, President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Approved March 17, 1910. C. N. HASKBLL, Governor of the State of Oklahoma. 83 ARTICLE XXXIII. THE BOND COMMISSIONER. House Bill No. 116. -Session Laws, 1910. Special Session AN ACT For the Protection, Validation and Sale of School Bond Issues of the State, Counties, Townships and Municipalities and All Other Political Or- ganizations and Subdivisions of the State of Oklahoma. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Section 1. The attorney general is hereby made ex-o'fficio bond com- missioner of the State of Oklahoma. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of such bond commissioner to prepare uni- form forms and prescribe a method of procedure under the laws of the State in all cases where it is desired to issue public securities or bonds, in any county, township, municipality, or political or other subdivision thereof of the State of Oklahoma; and it shall be the further duty of said bond commissioner to examine into and pass upon any security so issued, and such security, when declared by the certificates of said bond commissioner to be issued in accordance with the forms of procedure so provided shall be incontestable in any court in the State of Oklahoma unless suit thereon shall be brought in a court having jurisdiction of the same within thirty days from the date of the approval of said securties by the bond commis- sioner. Sec. 3. No bond hereafter issued by any political or municipal subdivi- sion of this State shall be valid without the certificate of said bond com- missioner. Sec. 4. An emergency is hereby declared, by reason whereof it is nec- essary for the immediate preservation of the public peace and safety that this Act shall take effect from and after its passage and approval. Approved March 24, 1910. C. N. HASKELL, Governor. 84 ARTICLE XXIV. Refunding of Bonds by Municipal Corporations. SECTION 1. Funding Bonds. 2. Notice of Issuance. 3. Outstanding Indebtedness. 4. County and City Bonds How Attested. 5. Limit of Issue. 6. Registration of Bonds. 7. Levy of Taxes to Pay. SECTION 8. Auditor, Duty of.| 9. Sinking Fund. 10. Payments. 11. Wrong Use Punishment. 12. Taxes Receivable. 13. Cancellation. 14. Acts Repealed. Sec. 1. (408-S.) Funding Bonds. Every county, every city of the first class, the board of education of every city, every township, and every school district, is hereby authorized and empowered to refund its indebt- edness, including bonds, judgments and warrants, as hereinafter provided, upon such terms as -can be agreed upon, and to issue new bonds with semi- annual interest coupons attached in payment for any sum so refunded; which bonds shall be sold at no less than par, and shall not be for a longer period than thirty years, shall not exceed in amount the actual amount of outstanding indebtedness, inclusive of attached coupons and shall not a greater interest than six per cent per annum. No indebtedness, of any kind, shall be funded or refunded under the provisions of this Act, except indebtedness actually existing at the time of the passage of this Act or hereafter legally created. (L. 1905, p. 87. See Const., Art. 10, Sec. 26.) Sec. 2. (409-S.) Notice of Issuance. Notice of the issuance of bonds provided for in this Act, shall be given by publication in a newspaper pub- lished at the county seat and by posting a copy of the same in five public places in the municipality, stating that on the day named therein the mu- nicipality will proceed before the probate court of the county, if the amount be less than one thousand dollars, or before the district court, if the amount exceed one thousand dollars, to make a showing and ask the court to hear and determine the amount of the outstanding legal indebtedness of said municipality, and to sign the bonds to be issued in payment of the same, and any person interested may remonstrate against the issuance of tUc same. Such notice shall be given for at least ten days before the day named for said hearing. (L. 1905, p. 87.) Sec. 3. Outstanding Indebtedness. On the day named in the notice re- ferred to in the preceding Section, the officers authorized to issue bonds under this Act shall go before the court, named in said notice, and make proof, to the satisfaction of the court, of the existence, character and amount of the outstanding legal indebtedness of said municipality. On such proof being made the court shall cause to be made upon the records of the court, a statement of finding to that effect and shall then, in open court proceed to sign each bond to be issued, up to the amount of said indebtedness so proven and approved, and shall, after expiration of the time for taking ap- peals, if no appeal be taken, deliver the same to the treasurer of said mu- nicipality issuing the same, who shall be chargeable therefor, and shall be liable on his official bond for said bonds. Appeals from the judgment of the court shall be allowed, as provided by law, upon the giving of a bond for costs and damages, such sum as the court shall require, and if an appeal is taken as herein provided, then said bonds shall not be de- livered to the treasurer of said municipality until the final determination of said appeal. (L. 1895, p. 88.) Sec. 4. (409-S.) Issuance of. Bonds issued under this act by any county shall be signed by the .chairman of the board of county commissioners,, and attested by the county clerk under the seal of the county. Bonds issued by any city shall be signed by the mayor and attested by the city clerk, under the seal of the city. Bonds issued by any township shall be signed by the trustee, attested by the township clerk and countersigned by the township treasurer. Bonds issued by the board o'f education of any city shall be signed by the president, and attested by the clerk of the board under the seal of such board. Bonds issued by any school district shall be signed by the director, attested by the clerk and countersigned by the treasurer of such school district board, and the coupons shall be signed by the mayor, president, director, trustee or chairman of the board of county commis- sioners, and the clerks respectively. Such bonds may be in any denomina- tion from one hundred to one thousand dollars, and made payable at such place as may be designated upon the face thereof and they shall contain a recital that they are issued under this Act. (L. 1895, p. 89.) Sec. 5. (409-S.) Limit on Issue. When a refunding has been agreed upon it shall be the duty of the proper officers to issue such bonds at the rate agreed upon, to the holder of such indebtedness, in the manner prescribed in this Act; but no bonds shall be issued under this Act until the proper evidence of the indebtedness for which the same are to be issued shall oe delivered up for cancellation; provided that no bonded indebtedness shall be refunded by the board of trustees of any township or any school district board, or board of education, under this Act. except such as have been is- sued and outstanding at least two years at the time of such refunding; and Provided Further, That except for the refunding of outstanding debt, in- cluding outstanding bonds and matured coupons thereof, or judgments thereon, or warants, no bonds of any class or description shall hereafter be issued where the total bonded indebtedness of said county or township would thereby exceed four (See Art. XXVIII. Also Sec. 25, Schedule of Constitution, Art. XXXIX, this book.) per cent of the assessment for taxa- tion as shown by ^e last finding and determination by tne proper board of equalization, or of such city, school district, or board of education; but this restriction shall not apply to the boards of education of any city or cities of the first class. (L. 1895, p. 89. See Const. Art. X., Sec. 26.) Sec. 6. Registration of Bonds. The clerk of every county, city, town- ship, school district and board of education, issuing bonds under this act shall register the same in his office. Such bonds shall also, in every case be registered by the county clerk, showing the date, number and amount thereof, rate of interest, number of coupons and amount of each, to whom payable, where payable, date of maturity, and if optional, under what con- ditions; and all indebtedness refunded under this act snail have the words "paid in full" marked in a plain manner across the face of each bond, coupon, or warant refunded; and such cancelled obligations shall be care- fully preserved in the office of the county clerk or destroyed by the coun- ty commissioners, a register of the number, amount and date of issue hav- ing first been made by the county clerk. The proper officers shall, at the time of issuing refunding bonds, make out and transfer to the auditor of the State a certified statement of all proceedings had by the proper board or ity council as shown of record and that said bonds have been issued for value in all respects in conformity to this act for certain indebtedness surrendered, definitely describing the bonds issued and the indebtedness surrendered and that they have been duly registered by the attesting clerk and county clerk as required herein; which statement shall be in such form and include such other information as the auditor of the State may require and be signed by all the officers whose signatures are attached to such bonds, and attested by the proper clerk with the corporate seal of 86 the .county, city, township, school district or board of education, if any, and duly acknowledged before the county clerk. And the auditor shall upon being satisfied that such bonds have been issued according to the provisions of this act, and that the signatures thereto of the officers signing the same are genuine, register the same in his office in a book kept for that purpose and shall, under his seal of office certify upon such bonds the fact that they have been registered in his office according to law (L 1895, p 89. See Const., Art. X., Sec. 29.) Sec. 7. (409-S.) Levy of Taxes to Pay. In every instance in which any county, city, township, the board of education of any city, or any school district shall issue bonds under this act, it shall be the imperative duty of the proper officers of such county, city, township, the board of education of any city, or of such school district whose duty it may be to levy taxes, to annually levy, at the time of making the levy of other taxes, a tax suf- ficient in amount to pay the interest upon said bonds and the coupons as they become due, and to create a sinking fund as provided for in this act for the payment of the principal of such bonds, and if such officers fail or neglect to make such levy, it shall be the duty of the County clerk forth- with to levy such tax; and in case any such officer shall neglect or refuse to levy any such tax at the time aforesaid, and in case any county clerk shall neglect or refuse to extend such tax upon the tax roll of the county at the propert time, then and in that case, any such officer so neglecting or refusing to levy or extend such tax shall be severally and individually liable and shall also be liable upon his official bond to the holder of any such bond or coupon falling due during the year for which such tax should have been levied or extended for the full amount thereof as soon as the same is due, which liability may be enforced in a civil action in the name of the holder; and any such officer so neglecting or refusing to levy or ex- tend such tax shall also be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con- viction thereof shall be fined in an amount equal to the amount which it may be shown should have been so levied or extended during such year, or imprisoned in the county jail for a term not less than three nor more than twelve months. (L. 1905, p. 91.) Sec. 8. Duty of Auditor Treasurer to Make Levy Penalty. Should the proper officer whose duty it is to levy the taxes to pay such bonds and coupons, fail or neglect to make such levy as provided for in this act, it shall be the duty of the auditor of the State, at any time thereafter, to ascertain the amount of interest and sinking fund, or principal of such bonds, accrued and to accrue during that year, and shall certify the amount thereof to the treasurer of the county in which such bonds were issued, setting forth the amount thus due, and whether from the county or from a particular city, township, the board of education of any city or school district within such county; and it shall be the duty of such county treas- urer, immediately upon reciving such certified statement from the audi- tor of the State to proceed to ascertain from the assessment roll of the county the amount of taxable property in such county, city, township, the board of education of any city, or such school district, and what percentage is required to be levied thereon to pay the said interest and sinking fund or principal, and when so ascertained shall levy such percentage upon the taxable property of such county, city, township, the board of education of any city, or such school district, as may be liable thereto, and shall imme- diately place the same upon the tax roll of the county in a separate column or columns, designating the purpose for which such taxes are levied; and the said taxes shall be collected by the county treasurer of such county in the same manner that other taxes are collected. And should such county treasurer neglect or refuse to levy tax and place the same upon the tax 87 roll for collection as herein provided, he shall be personally liable, and also liable upon his offical bond to the holder of any such bonds or cou- pons then due, for the full amount thereof, and shall also be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be imprisoned in the county jail for not less than three months nor more than twelve months. (L. 1905, p. 92.) Sec. 9. Sinking Fund Purchase Bonds. It shall be the duty of every county, city, township, the board of education of any city, and of every school district, issuing bonds under this act, and of the proper officers thereof, to create a sinking fund and to levy, annually, a sufficient tax therefor, for the redemption of such bonds, which shall be collected as other taxes, and paid into the treasury as provided by law for other taxes, and shall remain as a specific fund for the redemption of said bonds; the amount of which sinking fund shall be as follows: In every instance in which bonds shall be issued under this act for twenty years or less, the quotient fund found by dividing the amount of the principal of such bonds by such number of years shall be the amount of sinking fund to be levied each year for the redemption of such bonds; but in every instance in which such bonds shall be issued for more than twenty years, it shall not be necesary to create a sinking fund, nor to levy a tax therefor, until the twentieth year prior to maturity of such bonds, at which time, and each year thereafter, one-twentieth of the principal amount of such bonds shall be levied as a sinking fund for the redemption of such bonds: Provided, That any county, city, township, the board of education of any city, or any school district, issuing bonds under this act, may buy in and ....30 nt School Land Fund B & 94 Appeals on District Formation 30 .tingr Law for Supplies and Books. 17 Attendance Certificate 69 & lol Arbor Day ..^B 74 Biennial Retort.... 7 Board of Directors Vacancies 10 asioner H4 Bonds to ReJ'und 85 Bonds City^B 24 & 25 Bonds General 34 Bonds Officers Certificate 80 debtedness S5 Bonds Fundii^H 85 Bond Limits 8f> Books & Supplies 12 Business Day Defined 76 Branches to be Taught .100 Child Labor I City Election City Electors County Superintendei County Excise Board 82 Change of School House 31 City Board of Education 22 Cities of the First Class 21 Common Schools Defined 20 College Grades 5 Condemning Sites 32 Consolidated District, Art. 12 55 Chair of Agriculture 96 Compulsory Attendence , 68 County High School, Art. 10 50 Conductors' Institute Report, Art. 13. Sec. 8190..58 County Superintendents 3 Districts-School 29 District Officers 41 District Treasurer 43 Districts Joint Districts Disorganized, Art. 12. Sec. 8170 56 Districts New 29 Districts in More Than One County, Art. 8 Sec. 8080 40 Disorganized District Property, Art. 14. Sec. 8174 Estraya 72 Ethics 71 Fit Fii Fli Jo: loi Ki Lit La Le Mi Nc N< aid Into School Fund: .................... 73 ............................................ 91&92 ..................................................... 71 m .............. ......... ............................. 72 Schools .................................... :..40 jea, Art. 13 Sec. 8187 ...................... 68 is. Art. 11 .................................... 64 Mid Issues 3. Art. 17. ..39 & 70 Of ..39 ..43 ..24 tutes, Art. 13 58 ol Certificates ....74 76&T8 trict. Art. 9 41 ,nds 85 chool Houses, Sec. 8076 38 Certificates. Act. 13. Sec. 8185 59 axation Constitutional Provisions...79 egislative Provisions 81 lation. Art. 7. ... School Laws Publication School Month School Dist. Treasurer Bond, Art. 9. Sec. Duties 8095 Sectarian Instruction Not Allowed. Sec. 8028 Sinking Fund State Superintendent School Land Board Special School Meeting State Board of Education State Certificates State Uniform Books Suffrage Separate Schools. Art. 14 State Superintendent's Opinions ... State Superintendent's Duties Tuition Three Months' School Teachers and Certificates Teachers' Contract. Sect. 8111 Tax. Levy, H. B. 14. Spl. 1910 Text Book Commission Tax Limits Two or More School Houses Transfer of Separate School Pupils.. Union Schools University Diploma Vote Required for County Tax Ley Vote Required for School Districts.. Warrants How Paid Warrants Registered ...30 ....5 ....5 ...13 ...91 ..62 .103 ..70 ..74 ..46 ..81 ..13 ..79 ..34 ..55 ..75 ..43 .44 PEERLESS PRESSe ^OKLAHOMA CITY 104 GIFT STATE OF OKLAHOMA SCHOOL LAWS Passed by the Third Legislature 1911 UNIVEft OF COMPILED BY R. H. WILSON, State Superintendent PRESS OF HERALD-DEMOCRAT McAlester. Okla. CONTENTS ^ Pr .. ..... -. .. , ..... ... Proposed Amendment, providing for the levying of % tax ! ; ? for; ; the- benefit; of (Dommori Schools, ' House Joint Resolution No. ! 2. : T'age ' . : ; ; . . . . ........ ...... : TC - - - - ... ..... s ; v To give : to'Commer,cj&LQiuhs a right to' lease attd purchase State lands. House Bill No. 8'5- -Tage ....... iJ y. } . r ...... (To gjve any .purchaser, of school land, the privilege of pay- ing all deferred payments. flcraSe Bill^o. 86rPage. i ie ,and creating a. fun^ to be kri6wn as' consoli- dated school district fund. House Bill 'No. 9&r Page 8 Providing for the .Attendance .of school children in dis- ; .-,, ftrjcts other; , |.haii the distHcts i"n 'which they* reside. House Bill No. 108. ! Page ..... . ....... -------- n 10 : Directing; .County Superintendents to employ tlie teachers ! .; for separate or minority schools. House Bill No. 145. Page '.:;.;.::.:;::::..;....;.; 4 > , ....... i . .. i L Requiring all splxopl, funds, to be deposited in banks paying : :; 3 ; per cent interest on daily balances.' Hdiise- Bill No. 396. 'Page ......................... ....... . ! . 12 fpr sale of school , lands fdr sites for ' school houses. Senate Bill No. 62: Page . . . _________ ..'.'.. 12 Giving; the Cpu?ity Supermtendents the fight to employ an assisitanjt ; ,aljpwirig them 1 traveling expenses ;: while inspecting schools. ! Semite -Sill s No. 85. Page .......... .......... . . . . . . . , . ------- ...(.. 14 Rel:ating tp-fhe issuance of .warrants and certificates of indebtedness, etc: ( Se : riate ( BHf ; No. 100. Page . . . J . . 14 Providing --for, a State Board of Education. Seiiate Bill No. 1W7 Page . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. ...... ...... . ^ . . 18 Empowering the Sta,te .Superintendent to appoint a > State Inspector ' of Schools. Senate 'Bill: No. 139. Page -... ....... ....:;.. ......... --------- '. . . . 20 Provrd-ijig fpr transportation of pupils in consolidated school districts; " HOusfe Bill No. 42. Page . . .1. . . 21 SCHOOL LAWS ENROLLED. House Joint Resolution Xo. 2. By Milburn, Killam and Coyne of the House and Franklin of the Senate. A Resolution Authorizing the Submission of a Proposed Amendment to the Constitution to the People for Their Approval 1 or Rejection; Said Proposed Amendment Pro- viding for the Levying of a Tax for the Benefit of the Common Schools and the Distribution Thereof. Be it Resolved by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the State of Oklahoma: The following proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma shall be referred to the people for their ratification or rejection at the general election to be held in the year 1912. Said proposed amendment shall be submitted under Article 5 and 24 of the Constitution and under the provisions of Article 1 of Chapter 44 of the Ses- sion Laws of Oklahoma, 1907-08, to be known, if adopted or approved by a majority of votes cast at such election, as Section 31, Article 10, of the Constitution. Section 31. The Legislature shall have power to levy taxes in the aid of the common schools of the state and to provide for the apportionment and distribution thereof. Whenever the amount realized from a five mill ad valorem levy and all other sources shall be insufficient to maintain the common schools in any district five months in any year the remaiing sum necessary to so maintain such school shall be apportioned and paid out of such state levy. Said proposed amendment shall be submitted in the fol- lowing, form : Shall the Proposed amendment be adopted? Yes No Said proposed amendment to the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma, shall, upon receiving a majority of all electors voting at said election, voting in favor of said amendment, be adopted and shall constitute a new section to be known as Seeton 31, of Artcle 10. Passed the House of Representatives January 23, 1911. W. A. DURANT, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Passed the Senate the llth day of March, 1911. J. ELMER THOMAS, President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Approved March Sixteenth, 1911. LEE CRUCE, Governor of the State of Oklahoma. W. H, NEW, Chairman Committee on Enrollment. ENROLLED. I House Bill No. 85. By Logan. AN ACT To Give to Commercial Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, or Other Similar Organizations, a Right to Lease and Pur- chase State Lands Prom the Commissioners of the Land Office and Declaring an Emergency. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Oklahoma: Section 1. That any Commercial Club, Chamber of Com- merce, or other similar organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of Oklahoma, of any city, town or village of the State of Oklahoma, shall be permitted to lease or pur- chase land from the Commissioners of the Land Office of the State of Oklahoma, under the same rules and regulations as other lesses or purchasers of state land; Provided, that said land so leased or purchased must be located within one mile of the corporate limits of said 'city, town or village. Provided, that not more than three hundred and twenty acres of said land shall be leased or sold to such organization in any city, town or village. Section 2. For the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. Passed the House of Representatives this 24th day of Feb- ruary, 1911. W. A. DURANT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Passed the Senate this the 4th day of March, 1911. J. J. McALESTER, President of the Senate. Approved March Sixth, 1911. LEE CRUCE, Governor of the State of Oklahoma. W. T. CLARK, Acting Chairman of Committee on Enrollment. 5 ENrROJLLEDL . House. Rill No. 86, . . Byl'Logan; AN- ACT, ^ ToTGive Any Purchaser ot .School , Land Situated Within One Mile 'of the 1 Corporate Limits .of Any City, Town or Village' in the State of Oklahoma, the Privilege of Paying All 'De- ferred Payments on Said Land at. Any Time After the Pur- chase Thefeof- and ^ Repealing All Acts in 'Conflict Here- with. Be it Enacted- by the People- oLthe State of Oklahoma: Section -I. 1 The purchaser, of. any. school land, FdTcT~by the C6mmissiohers of the Land office of, the State of Oklahoma, sitiiate'tt "within one. jnile- oL the .corporate limits of any city, town or village in the State of Oklahoma, shall 'have the privilege -at- the -tinre ,of -the .purchase, or at ,any time there- after, to pay any - or all- deferred .payments, both principal and accrued interest to the Commissioner of the Land Office of the i3fate t)f Oklahoma, and upon such.p'aymeht being "made the patent for said -land -shall- -be, issued , to the purchaser or his assigns by the Commissioner ..of ..the Land .Office 'of the State of Oklahoma, as provided by law. Section 2: Air -acts and -parts ..of ..act? in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed.- Passed "the House o,f Representatives, this the 24th day of February;, . 1#1 ;! i ; W. A. DURANT, Speaker of -the House of Representatives. 1 assed- tjie Senate this, the 4th day of "March," 1911. : J, ELMER tHQMAS, President Pro, Tempore of the Senate. Myarch Sixth ,1911. LE^] CRUCE, Governor of. the State of Oklahoma. W.. T. CLARkr Acting Chairman of Committee on 'Enrollment. ENROLLED. House Bill No. 95. By Coffey of the Senate and Woodson of the House. AN ACT ^Setting Aside and Creating a Fund to .be Known as Consoli- dated School District Fund, for a Specified Use, All the 'Lands, and Funds Derived from the Sale Thereof, Embradetf ; in Section 33, and ;Lands Selected in .Lieu Thereof, Lodatefl in Greer County, as the .County Existed .Prior to Statehood, Together 'With the Proceeds of All Incomes 'Derived, or 'That ^May Accrue Therefrom Ma-king 'Proyisiohs for the Sale of ^aid'Land. 'Be it Enacted by- the People of the State of Oklahoma: Section'!. All- the- lands and funds that \ have Heretofore 1 been or may hereafter be derived from .the sale thereof, em- 1 braced in Section 33 accordiTig. to the United States' survey, 'located' in 'Greer county, as the county existed prior to Novem- f ber : 16:th, ^967, ; together, with all", lauds selected in lieu thereof , and the proceeds of all rentals, interests and sales accrued, or that may accrue therefrom, shall be set aside and credited to a fund which is hereby created, to be known as the "Union .Graded or Consolidated School District Fund" the same to be used only to assist in constructing or 'paying for school buildings or consolidated school districts that have been or may hereafter s be contructed under existing laws per- taining to consolidated school districts. Section 2. The Commissioners of the Land Office are au- thorized and directed to sell and convey the lands described and set aside in Section 1 of this Act; same to be sold under the provisions, limitations, exceptions, rules and regulations of lands sold under amended Senate Bill No. 1, approved March 2nd, 1909, the same being Article 2 of Chapter 28 of the Session Laws of Oklahoma, 1909, or as may be here- after provided by law. Section 3. Such funds as have now accrued by virtue of rentals, and such as may hereafter accrue by virtue of rentals, and the proceeds of sale and interest thereon, prior to Jan- uary 1st, 1913, are hereby appropriated and placed at the disposal of the State Board of Education, subject to the conditions and limitations contained in this Act. Section 4. The State Board of Education in apportioning said fund shall make such rules and regulations as shall ulti- mately result in a fair and eouitable distribution of said fund to the different counties of the state, in proportion as nearlv as may be possible to the scholastic population outside of cities of the first class. Section 5. In any union graded or consolidated school dis- trict that has been formed for a term of not less than six scholastic months, and has employed at least three teachers, and has an actual attendance during the said term of not fewer than one hundred thirty scholastic pupils residing within the boundary of said district, (the district having fur- nished free transportation to such as are contemplated by the law provided for consolidated school districts), and that has already constructed and furnished a suitable building of rot fewer than three rooms, upon making proof of com- pliance with the foregoing provisions approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, shall have drawn by the State Auditor upon tbe State Treasury against said building fund in favor of tbe treasurer of said consolidated schcol district, a warrant for a sum not to exceed one-half tbe co?t of said building. Provided, that in no case shall any district receive a sum exceeding twenty-five hundred ($2,500.00) dollars, from the appropriation herein made: provided, that the State Board of Education may decrease this amount if in its judgment the amount is greater than a fair proportion belonging to one district. Section 6. Whenever a school district of not less than twenty-five (25) square miles in area shall have been estab- lished and conducted for a period of riot less than six months under the terms of existing laws with reference to the consolidation of schools, and a building containing not fewer than three rooms, suitably constructed, equipped and fur- nished shall have been built, and a graded school employing not less than three teachers shall have been conducted for a term of not less than six months, upon making proof of compliance with the foregoing provisions approved by the State Superintendent of Puonc Instruction shall have drawn a warrant in favor of the district treasurer as. provided in Section 5 of this act. Passed the House of Representatives this the 28tn day of February, 1911. W. A. DURANT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Passed the Senate this the llth day of March, 1911. J. ELMER THOMAS, President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Approved March Twentieth, 1911. LEE CRUCE, Governor of the State of Oklahoma ENROLLED. House Bill No.108. By Barrett and A-kin. AN ACT Providing for the Attendance of School Children in Districts Other than the Districts in Which They Reside: Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Oklahoma: Section 1. The county superintendent of any county in this state, may when in his judgment the best interests of the schools will net be adversely affected, and when requested by the parents or guardian, permit children living in any school district in this state at a distance of two miles or more from the school house at the home district, to attend school in another district, by giving notice in writing, to the school boards of the two school ditsricts affected, at least two months before beginning of school in either district. When the county superintendent authorizes such transfer of children from one district to another, he shall tranfer the state, county, and school district funds for such children from the district in which they reside to the district in which they attend school. Provided that any child, prepared to enter a grade higher than is offered by the home district, shall be en- titled, on written request of the parent, to transfer in the same manner as described in this act, to a district, town or city school offering such higher grade of work. Section 2. After having given notice of the proposed change of districts, the parents and children shall be bound for the school year unless released by act of the majority ot the school board of each district affected. The children shall be governed by the regulations, rules and the compulsory school law of the district in which they have chosen to at- tend school. Section 3. Renters and others who come into a school district after the school term has begun may make a choice of schools under the above regulations by giving notice as soon as a residence has boen established, and their children shall be enumerated for that year by the school board for the district in which they shall attend school. Passed the House of Representatives, this the 6th day of February, 1911. 8 W. A. DURANT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Passed the Senate, this the llth day of Marsh, 1911. J. ELMER THOMAS, President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Approved March Sixteenth, 1911. LEE CRUCE, Governor of the State of Oklahoma. W. H. NEW, Chairman Committee on Enrollment. ENROLLED. House Bill No. 145. Hy Sleen and Jayne of the House and Graham of the Senate. AN ACT Directing County Superintendents of Public Instruction to Em- ploy the Teachers for the Separate or Minority Schools in Their Respective Counties, Empowering Them to Prescribe Rules and Regulations for the Government of Such Schools, Repealing All Laws in Conflict Herewith, and Declaring an Emergency. He it Enacted by the People of the State of Oklahoma: Section 1. It shall hereafter be the duty of all County Superintendents of Public Instruction to contract with and employ all the teachers for the separate, or minority schools now maintained or hereafter to be established in their respective counties; said teachers before being so employed shall possess all the qualifications which are now required by law, and shall be paid in the same manner as is now pro- vided by law. Section 2. The County Superintendent of Public Instruction shall have the power to prescribe rules and regulations for the government of said separate or minority schools. Section 3. An emergency is hereby declared to exist by reason whereof it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety that this act take effect and lie in force from and after its passage and approval. Passed the House of Representatives the 15th day of Feb- ruary, 1911. W. A. DURANT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Passed the Senate the llth day of March, 1911. J. ELMER THOMAS, i President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Approved March Sixteenth, 1911. LEE CRUCE, Governor of the State of Oklahoma, v W. H. NEW, Chairman Committee on Enrollment. ENROLLED. House Bill No. 396. By Wright, Fuller and Jackson. AN ACT Requiring Treasurers^* Cities, Towns, Villages, Treasurers of Boards of Education of Cities, Township Treasurer and School District Treasurer, to Deposit All Money Belonging to Such City, Town, Village, Board of Education of Cities, Township and School District Funds, in Banks Paying 3 Per Cent Interest on Daily Balances, Fixing Penalty for Violation Thereof, and Declaring an Emergency. Be it Er acted by the People of the State of Oklahoma: Section 1. No Treasurer of any city, town, or village, Treas- urer of the Board of Education of any City, Township Treas- urer, nor School District Treasurer in this state, shall de- posit any of the money belonging to such city, town, village, the Board of Education of such city, Township Treasurer or School District Treasurer, in any bank which will not pay for such money not less than three per cent interest on the aver- age daily balances cf all such money in said bank; provided such inverest shall become a part of the funds on deposit. Section 2. Any such Treasurer who violates Section 1 of this act shall be guilty of malfeasance in office and shall be subject to removal from office. Section 3. An emergency is hereby declared to exist for the immediate preservation of the public peace and safety, by reason whereof this act shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed, the House of Representatives this the 24th day of February, 1911. W. A. DURANT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Passed the Senate this the 9th day of March, 1911. J. ELMER THOMAS, President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Approved March Eleventh, 1911. 4 LEE CRUCE, Governdr of the State of Oklahoma. W. H. NEW, Chairman Committee on Enrollment. SEXATE BILL XO. 62. By Coffe} of the Senate and Logan and McClintic of the House A BILL Entitled An Act Providing for the Sale of Such School Lands as May Be Needed for Sites for School Houses, and Declar- ing an Emergency. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Oklahoma: Section 1. Upon application of any regularly organized School District Board to the Commissioners of the Land Office, wherein it is made to appear that it is necessary to locate a site for a public school house on any of the Public School Land or State Lands, the Commissioners of the Land Office are here- by authorized and directed to have, or cause to have, such public building site surveyed, said site to not embrace more than four acres of land, and said Commissioner shall cause said site, so located and surveyed, to be appraised as pro- vided by law. and when said School District Board shall have filed with said Commissioners of the Land Office a relinquish- ment of the preference right and interest held therein by the lessee of said site so located and surveyed, or when said 10 School District Board shall have condemned the preference right and interest of said lessee in said site, express authority being herein granted to such School District Board to so condemn such lessee's interest in any such land for the pur- poses herein mentioned under the condemnation procedure now applicable to railroads, and shall have filed with said Commissioners of the Land Office the final judgment of the court, thereupon said Commissioners of the Land Office shall, upon the payment to the state of the appraised value of said site and tract, so located and surveyed, make, execute and deliver to said School District Board a patent to said tract, as provided by law. Section 2. The money arising from the sale of public school land, as provided in Section 1 of this Act, shall be appropriated and used in the same manner and for the same purposes as money arising from the sale of other public school lands of the state, or as money arising from the leasing of public school lands. Section 3. An emergency is hereby declared to exist for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, wherefore this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Passed the Senate February 23rd, 1911. J. ELMER THOMAS, President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Passed the House of Representatives March llth, 1911. W. A. DURANT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved March Twentieth, 1911. LEE CRUCE, Governor of the State of Oklahoma. Examined and found correctly enrolled. R. P. WYNNE. SENATE BILL NO. 85. By Graham of the Senate and Woodson of the House. A BILL Entitled 'An Act Giving the County Superintendents of the State of Oklahoma a Right to Employ One Assistant; Allow- nig Them Their Necessary and Actual Expenses Incurred While Inspecting the Schools of the County Once Each Year, and Declaring an Emergency. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Oklahoma: Section 1. That each County Superintendent of this state shall have the right to employ an assistant or clerk who shall receive the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) per month; said salary to be paid monthly by the Board of County Commis- sioners. Section 2. That each County Superintendent of this state shall be allowed all actual and necessary traveling expenses while away from home inspecting the schools of the county; Provided, no expense shall accrue for the inspection of a school more than once annually. Section 3. An emergency is hereby declared, by reason whereof it is necesary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety that this Act ta-ke effect and be in force from and after its pasasge and approval. 11 Passed" by the Senate March 8th, 1911.. ' j. ELMER THOMAS; President Pro Tempore of the Senate Passed by the House of Representatives March llth, 1911. W. A. OTRANT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved March Twenty- fourth, 1911. LEE CRUCE, Governor of the State of Oklahoma^ Examined and found correctly enrolled. R. P, WYNNE. SENATE BILL, NO. 10O. By Jones, AN ACT Relating to the Issuance of Warrants and Certificates of In- debtedness; Providing Manner and Limit of Issuance of Any Municipality; Method of Registration and Payment; Providing Penalties for Issuing Warrants, Eviden3es 01 Certificates of Indebtedness in Any Form in Excess of the Estimate Made and Approved for the Fiscal Year or Au- thorized by a Bond Issue, and Repealing All Acts in Con- flict Herewith. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Oklahoma: Section 1. All public funds of anv county or of any sub- division thereof shall be disbursed only in the payment of legal warrants, bonds and interest coupons. Section 2. It n 'nereby made the duty of every officer au- thorized to allow, issue, draw or attest any warrant or cer- tificate of indebtedness against the public funds of any county, city, town, township, board of education, school district or any other subdivision of the county; to issue, drawn and re- cord cl] warrants, bonds, and interest coupons, in tbe numeri- cal order issued on each fund, beginning with number one and issuing toe same consecutively during the fiscal year. At tbe beginning of each fiscal year a new series shall be com- menced, and said series shall be designated by writing the fiscal year en the warrant or certificate of indebtedness for which tbe levy to pay the same has been made. Se2tion 3. The term "estimate made and approved" as used herein, is defined to mean the itemized statement of the estimated needs of municipality for its current expenses for the ensuing fiscal year, as approved and fixed by the exci?e board or by vote of the muni3ipality, adding thereto the amount necessary to create a sinking fund to meet matur- ing bonds, judgments and interest coupons, but the amount or limit to which warrants and certificates of indebtedness may be issued, shall not include the ten per cent to be added to the estimate for delinquent taxes. Section 4. Each and every warrant or certificate of in- debtedness must be drawn against a specific fund, and there shall be shown on such warrant, or certificate of indebtedness, by tbe officer or person issuing, drawing or attesting the same, the amount of the estimate made and approved by such pur- pose for tbe fiscal year or the specific amount authorized by a bond issue for said purpose; the amount of warrants or cer- 12 tificates of indebtedness issued or drawn against said fund and the net balance to the credit of said fund. As soon as said warrant, certificate of indebtedness, or bond is issued, the same shall be at once signed and attested and forthwith de- livered by the officer attesting the same, to the treasur< r of the county or subdivision thereof, issuing the same for reg- istration. Section 5. It is hereby made the duty of the treas\ rer of the county, or the treasurer of any subdivision thereof, to whom a warrant, certificate of indebtedness or bond is di- rected for payment, to register the same in a book to be -kept for that purpose by entering therein the number, the date, the name of the payee, the fund upon which it is drawn and the amount, and by writing in the warrant or evidence of indebt- ness, the date of registration, his name and official title. All warrants, certificates of indebtedness or bonds shall be reg- istered in the same numerical order in which the-,- have been issued, and when so registered shall be returned to the officer attesting the same. No warrant, certificate of indebtedness or bond shall be a valid charge until registered by the treas- urer of the municipality issuing the same. Warrants and all evidences of indebtedness shall bear interest at the legal rate from and after its registration by the treasurer, unless there is cash on hand to pay the same when presented for regis- tration and then the treasurer shall make the same "payable' 1 after registering the same, and no interest shall be computed or allowed thereon when paid. When the treasurer has money on hand to pay warrants duly registered, he shall pub- lish notice thereof in one issue of a newspaper, or by posting Pve rotices in public p T aces. and interest shall cease on said warrants after thirty days from the date of said publication or posting of said notices. Section 6. Warrants and certificates of. indebtedness may be issued to the amount of the estimate made and approved by the excise board for the current fiscal year or to the amount authorized for such purpose by a bond issue. Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any officer to issue, approve, sign, attest or register any warrant or certificate of indebtedness in any form in excess of the estimate of expenses made and approved for the current fiscal year or authorized for such a purpose by a bond issue, and any such warrant or certificate of indebtedness issued, approved, attested or regis- tered in excess of the estimate made and approved or author- ized by a bond issue, shall not be a charge against the mu- nicipality upon which it is issued, but may be collected by civil action from any officer issuing, drawing, approving, signing, attesting, resistering or paying the same, or from either or all of them or from their bondsmen. Section 8. Any treasurer who shall register or pay a war- rant, or certificate of indebtedness, issued in excess of the estimate made and approved by the excise board for the current fiscal year, or in excess of a bond issue for such pur- pose, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 9. It shall be unlawful for the Board of County Commissioners, the city council or the commissioners of any city, the trustees of any town, board of education, township board, school district board of any member or members of the 13 aforesaid commissioners, or of any of the above named boards, to make any contract for, incur, acknowledge, approve, allow or authorize any indebtedness against their respective munic- ipality or authorize it to be done by others, in excess of the estimate made and approved by the excise board for such .purpose for such current fiscal year, or in excess of the spe3ific amount authorized for such purpose by a bond issue. Any such indebtedness, contracts, incurred, acknowledged, ap- proved, allowed or authorized in excess of the estimate made and approved for such purpose for such current fiscal year or in excess of the specific amount authorized for such pur- pose by a bond issue, shall not be a charge against the mu- nicipality whose officer or officers contracted, incurred, ac- knowledged, approved, allowed or authorized or attested the evidence of said indebtedness, but may be collected by civil action from any official contracting, incurring, acknowledg- ing, approving or authorizing or attesting such indebtedness, or from his bondsmen. Section 10. Any officer contracting, incurring, acknow- ledging, authorizing, allowing or approving any indebtedness, or any officer issuing, drawing, or attesting any warrant or certificate of idebtedness in excess of the estimate made and approved by the excise board for such purpose for such cur- rent fiscal year or in excess of the specific amount authorized for such purpose by a bond issue, or who violates any other provision of. this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars or more than one thousand dollars, and shall forfeit and be removed from his office. Section 11. All acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Passed by the Senate February 20, 1911. J. ELMER THOMAS, President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Passed by the House of Representatives March 11, 1911. W. A. DURANT, Speaker of the H6use of Representatives. Aproved March Fifteenth, 1911. LEE CRUCE, Governor of the State of Oklahoma. Correctly enrolled. R. P. WYNNE. SENATE BILL NO. 132. As Amended by Conference Committee. By Wynne, Coffey and Williams of te Senate, and Barrett, Akin, Logan, Durant, Davison, Clark (of Grant) and Williams (of Comanche) of the House. A BILL Entitled An Act to Provide for a State Board of Education, Prescribing Its Powers and Duties and Declaring an Emergency. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Oklahoma: Section 1. The State Board of Education shall consist of seven members including the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, who shall be the President, and six members ap- 14 pointed by the Governor and with the advice and consent of the Senate,. for a period of six years, except as hereinafter prc- vidjed. The appointive" Members "Shall possess the, . sanxe qualificatibjris and be' subject to the same restrictions and lim- itations : as are how -required: of the Text "B.oqk Commission, an!d at least* two "cf them shall; be: practical school men who shall have, 'had at least ; fou>r; years experience in, actual school work,. , two years of which shall have been -in the State', of Oklahoma, Updn the passage and approval of this.' Act two members shall he appointed for a : term ending June'. 30th, 1913, two members for a term ending. June 3,0, .1915, and two members for a term ending June 3Q, 191 7,, subsequent ap- pointments, except to fill vacancies, shall be , for the full term of six years. ' ", ' ."'..' 'The appointive -members :of. said .board shall, receive as cdmperisatio'n for their services the sum of six ($6.00) dollars per day, their necessary traveling expenses, and -actual hotel expenses not to exceed three ($3.00); dollars pei? -day, while \ri the performance of their duties and they shall not be removed during their term of office except for cause. ; There shall be appointed by the President to be approved by said board, a secretary, who shall receive a salary of "two thousand dollars per annum, and a : stenographer .wlio, shall receive salary t of twelve hundred :dollars per annum, payable monthly and said positions are hereby created. Section 2. The State Board of Education, organized in ' pursuance; of this Act, shall be the legal successor of the State Board of Education as it now: exists, the State Text JLJoc'k Com- mission, .the. Board of Regents of the.: State University, the' Board of Regents of the University Preparatory Schools at Tfonkawa and Claremore, the Board of Education. now in con- trol of the State Normal Schools, the Board of Regents of the' 0klahoma Industrial Institute and College for, Girls at Chick- asha, the Board of Regents of the School of Alines and Metal- lurgy at Wilburton, the Board of Control of the School for the Deaf at Sulphur, the Board of Control for, the School for the Blind, the Board of Control of the Boys', Training School at pauls Valley,' the Board of Control of the Orphans' Home, at Prypr preek, the Board of Control of the Institution for the Feeble Minded at Enid, the Board of Regents of the Colored AgricuHural and Normal University , at ; Langston, the Board of Regents of the Institute for the Beat Blind and Orphan^ Honie for the Colored at Taft, and shall have all the po\yers. rights and 'privileges heretofore legally exercised by said .Boards; Provided, nothing in this Act: shall invalidate any ^contracts entered into by the Text Book .Commission. Said ( J B6ard shall have the following additional powers and. duties': ', a. , The. general supervision of the public, schools of the state. . ; b. To formulate and adopt courses of study for the com- mon schools and county normal institutes, and arrange courses of study and adopt text books ' for -use in the higher educa- 'tionai institutions of the state. j c.. . To formulate rules' and regulations governing the 1 issuance of all certificates tO'. teach in the public schools of . this. state. . ' ' d. To prepare questions far the exapiijnatjoji of. a,ppjican,ts for county and city certificates to teach in the public schools of the state. e. To examine applicants for state certificates, to teach in the public schools of the state, and for conductors' and in- structors' certificates to teach in the county normal institutes. f. To prepare examination questions for graduates from the eighth grade of the public schools. g. To classify the public high schools of the state and properly accredit them to the various higher educational insti- tutions of the state. h. To formulate and adopt courses of study for state pu- pils' reading circles, and for state teachers' reading circles, and to select boo-ks to be used in said reading circles, and to prepare questions for the issuance of reading circle certifi- cates. i. The State Board of Education jshall make a biennial report to the Governor and Legislature, setting forth the work of the board and the condition of the schools of the state. The board shall also prepare and submit to the Governor thirty days before the convening of each regular pessicn of the Legislature a budget estimating the necessary appropriations for each of the institutions under their man- agement and control. j. Upon application having been made in writing by the organization representing the commercial and business col- leges and institutions in this state, it shall be the duty of said board to formulate rules and regulations which shall govern the organization, operation, management and control of said commercial and business colleges; the authority herein granted is in addition to that above stated to extend to the formulation and adoption of courses of studies, the length of time necessary to complete same, and rules and regulations governing the issuance of diplomas by said commercial col- leges. Section 3. For the preservation of the public health and safety an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof it is necessary that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Passed by the Senate March 3rd, 1911. J. ELMER THOMAS, President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Passed by the House of Representatives March 6, 1911. W. A. DURANT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved March Sixth, 1911. LEE CRUCE. Governor of the State of Oklahoma. Examined and found correctly enrclled. GEO. A. COFFEY, Chairman. RNROLLKD. Senate Bill Xo. 13. By Wynne of the Senate and Akin of the House A BILL Entitled an Act Empowering the State Superintendent to Ap- 16 point a State Inspector of Schools; and Fixing His Duties and Salary. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Oklahoma: Section 1. The State Superintendent may appoint a Tstate School Inspector, who shall visit and inspect the city, town and rural schools of the State, and aid in giving information and assistance in the organization and maintenance taereof This Inspector shall assist the State Superintendent in pre- paring such special reports to the Governor, Legislature and State Board of Education bearing upon the condition and needs of the city, town and rural schools of the State as may be advisable. It shall also be the duty of this Inspector to confer with each city and county superintendent concerning the condition and needs of the schools in his city or county, to consult with, school officers, patrons and teachers in regard to school management, discipline, branches of study, school law and school sanitation, and by public lectures, conferences and meetings endeavor to arouse an intelligent interest in in- dustrial and agricultural education, as well as in the routine work of the schools. He shall investigate and report to the Superintendent plans for a better and more economical organ- ization of tfce state school system, and more perfect articula- tion thereof. He shall, as far as practicable, encourage and assist in the organization and establishment of consolidated rural schools and rural high schools. Section 2. The Inspector, provided for by this Act, shall work under the direction of the State Superintendent, and shall report to him as often as may be necessary concerning the condition of the schools inspected by him in the discharge of his duties. When the schools are not in session, said In- spector shall be assigned to other duties by the State Super- intendent. Section 3. The State School Inspector shall receve an an- nual salary of eighteen hundred dollars ($1,800.00). and shall be reimbursed for all actual and necessary traveling ex- penses when duly certified to by the State Superintendent. Section 4. Section 5884 of the Statutes of 1893 (the same being Section 7962 of Snyder's Compiled Laws) is hereby re- pealed. Passed by the Senate March 8, 1911. J. ELMER THOMAS, President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Passed by the House of Representatives March 11, 1911. W. A. DURANT, Speaker of the House ot Repiesentatives. Approved March 22nd, 1911. LEE CRUCE, Governor of the State of Oklahoma. Correctly enrolled. R. P. WYNNE. ENROLLED. House Bill Xo. 462. By Williams (of Ccmanshe.) AN ACT To Provide for the Transportation of Pupils in Consolidated 17 Schobl Districts,' and Repealing ; all, A