mwmmM OF THK -^o /JjJ^y Division Range Shelf Received c-^i:-<-^ ccjii^~ 187), University of California. G-IB'T OF 181 J. - i^acH r/a/os Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2007 witin funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp:// ARTILLERY FOR THE UNITED STATES LAND SERVICE, X8 DEVISED AND ARRANGED BY THE ORDNANCE BOARD WITH PLATES. PREPARKD UNDER THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE COLONEL OF ORDNANCE, BY BREVET MAJOR ALFRED MORDECAI, OF THE, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. WASHINGTON: J. AND r.. S- CilDEONj T'KINTERS. 1849. L I B R A }? Y UNIVKiJM J V OF ^CALIFORNIA. ^/3 /2.iO 1 INTRODUCTION. m ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT, Washington, 16th August, 1849. Hon. G. W. Crawford, Secretary of War: Sir: During a number of years past the efforts of the Ordnance Corps have been directed, under the annexed orders of the War Department, to the preparation of a system of Artillery for the Land Service of the United States. I respectfully present for your approval the result of our labors, which, except in a few par- ticulars, are now completed, and when sanctioned, will govern in all constructions by this Department, and establish uniformity therein. I am, sir, most respectfully. Your obedient servant, G. TALCOTT, Bvt. Brig. Gen. , Col. of Ordnance. WAR DEPARTMENT, April 16M, 1839. Gentlemen: You are hereby informed that you are associated on duty for the purpose of devising and arranging a uniform sys- tem of Artillery, and other supplies of every kind furnished for the military service by the Ordnance Department, for which purpose an appropriation was made at the last session of Con- gress. IV INTRODUCTION. In the execution of this duty you will prepare the necessary drawings, tables, and descriptions in detail, of all the articles of supply, which will be presented from time to time to the Secre- tary of War for examination and, when approved, for adoption into service. "You will assemble for this purpose at Washington as early as practicable. The time of meeting to be designated by Lieut. Col. Talcott. Very respectfully. Your obedient servant, J. R. POINSETT, Secretary of War. Lieut. Col. Geo. Talcott, Major R. L. Baker, Captain A. Mordecai, Capt. B. HuGER, Ordnance Corps. War Department, August 16M, 1849. The system of Artillery for the Land Service, prepared by the Ordnance Department, is approved, and will be adopted. GEO. W. CRAWFORD, Secretary of War. INTRODUCTION. V Washington, August, 1849. To Brig. Gen. GEO. TALCOTT, Ordnance Department. Sir: I have the honor to report that I have completed, as far as practicable at present, the duty assigned to me by your instruc- tions of Oct. 14th, 1847, relative to ^ ^arranging, preparing, and publishing drawings of a uniform system of Artillery." The arrangement of the details of this system has occupied a great part of the time and attention of the Ordnance Board since its organization in 1839, and these drawings have been prepared in conformity with their decisions, approved and adopted by the proper authority. The Plates show the forms and dimensions of the ordnance, and of the various gun carriages, wagons, equipments and imple- ments for the service of the Artillery, together with the details required for their construction at the arsenals. These plates are accompanied by an explanatory Text which contains the nomenclature of the parts, and describes the nature, dimensions and quantity of the materials for their construction, together with other particulars, relative to the manner of working these materials, which could not be exhibited in the plates. The work is divided into separate parts for the purpose of facil- itating the preparation and use of it, and also in order to admit, without inconvenience, such alterations and additions as future experience may suggest. With this view, the plates of each part, and the pages of the corresponding text, are numbered in a sepa- rate series, so that they may be bound in single parts, or in any convenient volume. To avoid the necessity of frequently repeating, in the plates, the figures which are common to many parts of the work, (such as the dimensions of the heads and nuts of bolts, &c.,) those de- VI INTRODUCTION. tails are given, in tabular form, in appropriate parts of the text, according to a uniform system of clashification which is explained in the beginning of Part second. The dimensions on the plates are expressed, in inches and deci- mal parts, by figures and marks of reference. Some discrepancies, (almost unavoidable in so large a work,) may be observed between the dimensions measured by the scale and those indicated by the figures of reference; in such cases the latter are always to be taken as a guide. Part 6 is deficient in the carriages for mounting columbiads, and Part 8, in the beds for heavy mortars, the arrangement of which has been recently committed, by the Ordnance Board, to Col. Huger. I take pleasure in acknowledging here the highly valuable assistance which I have received, in the preparation and revision of this work, from Lieut. Col. Baker, of the Ordnance Depart- ment, commanding the Arsenal at Watervliet, and also from the master workmen at Watervliet and Washington Arsenals. Respectfully, your obedient servant, A. MORDECAI, Capt. Ordnance, Bvt. Major. Note. — In the plates which are colored, the nature of the material is denoted by the color, as follows : Wood - - - - Straw color. Wrought Iron - - Blue. Cast Iron - - . J^eutral lint. Steel - - - - Purple. Brass - - - - Yellow. Copper - - - - Light red. Bronze - - - - Reddish yellow. Leather - - - Light broion. Rope and Linen - - Greenish grey. CONTENTS Part I. Ordnance for the Land Service. Part II. Carriages for the service of Field Artillery. Part III. Carriages for the service of Siege Batteries. Part IV. Harness for Field and Siege Carriages. Part V. Gun Carriage and Equipments for the service of Mountain Artillery. Part VI. Carriages for the service of Barbette Batteries. Part VII. Carriages for the service of Casemate Batteries. Part VIII. Mortar Beds. Part IX. Machines for Siege and Garrison Service. Part X. Implements, Equipments, and Tools, for the service of Field, Siege, and Garrison Artillery. Part XL Ammunition and Projectiles. Part XII. Equipment of Ammunition Chests, Gun Carriages and Wagons, for the service of Field and Siege Batteries. PartXIII. Instruments for verifying the dimensions of Ord- nance and Projectiles. ARTILLERY PART FIRST ORDNANCE FOR THE LAND SERVICE 1848 PART FIRST. ORDNANCE. The following are the kinds and calibres of ordnance used in the land service of the United States. Kind of Ordnance. Calibre. Material. No. of Plate. Guns - Howitzers COLUMBIADS Mortars Field - - - - Siege and garrison Seacoast - - - Mountain Field - ■\ Siege and garrison Seacoast - - - Light - Heavy Stone mortar Coehorn - ■ ^ Eprouvette • -- \ 6-pounder 12-pounder 12-pounder 18-pounder 24-pounder 32-pounder 42-pounder 12-pounder 12-pounder 24-pounder 32-pounder 8-inch 24-pounder 8-inch 10-inch - 8-inch 10-inch - 8-inch 10-inch - 10-inch - 13-inch 16-inch - 24-pounder 24-pounder Bronze Iron Bronze Iron - Bronze Iron I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. A 12-inch columbiad, of cast iron, has also been tried and promises favorable results. PART 1. ORDNANCE. Nomenclature mid description of ordnance. The forms and dimensions of the several pieces of ordnance are shown in the Plates referred to in the last column of the preceding table. Cannon made of bronze are commonly called brass cannon. The cascable is the part of the gun in rear of the base ring; it is composed generally of the following parts: iliQ knob, the neck, the fillet, and the base of the breech. The curves of the knob and neck of the cascable are constructed in the manner represented in Plate 1. The drawing of each piece gives the length, A B, of the knob and neck together, the diameter C D of the fillet, the greatest diameter of the knob and the smallest diameter of the neck. Par- allel to A B, at a distance from it equal to one-third of the greatest semi-diameter of the knob, draw the lines m o and n p; take A I, equal to twice op, and from the centre I describe the arc L A K; from the same centre, with a radius equal to op, describe an arc cutting the lines m o, np, in m and n, and from the centres m and n, with the radius m\ ov n\, describe the arcs K r, L h. Draw a b parallel to A B, at a distance from it equal to half the smallest diameter of the neck of the cascable, intersecting the line m n produced, in a ; find the centre / of a circle passing through the points m, a and C, and draw fg perpendicular io ab which it intersects at G; an arc of a circle having its centre in the line fg and passing through the points C and G, will be tangent to the line a b and to the arc LEA. The base of the breech is a frustum of a cone, or a spherical segment, in rear of the breech. The base ring is a projecting band of metal adjoining the base of the breech and connected with the body of the gun by a con- cave moulding. NOMENCLATURE AND DESCRIPTION. 5 The breech is the mass of solid metal behind the bottom of the bore, extending to the base of the breech. The reinforce is the thickest part of the body of the gun, in front of the base ring ; if there is more than one reinforce, that which is next to the base ring is called the first reinforce; the other, the second reinforce. In some howitzers, instead of a re- inforce, there is a recess in the metal around the chamber, next to the base ring. The reinforce band is at the junction of the first and second re- inforces in the heavy howitzers and columbiads. The chase is the conical part of the gun in front of the reinforce. The astragal and fillets, in field guns, and the chase ring in other pieces, are the mouldings at the front end of the chase. The neck is the smallest part of the piece, in front of the astra- gal or the chase ring. The s^vell of the muzzle is the largest part of the gun in front of the neck. It is terminated by the muzzle mouldings, which, in field and siege guns, consist of the lip and the fillet. In the seacoast guns and heavy howitzers and columbiads, there is no fillet. In field and siege howitzers and in mortars a muzzle band takes the place of the swell of the muzzle. The face of the piece is the terminating plane perpendicular to the axis of the bore. The trunnions are cylinders, the axes of which are in a line perpendicular to the axis of the bore, and in the same plane with that axis. The rimbases are short cylinders, uniting the trunnions with the body of the gun. The ends of the rim bases, or the shoulders of the trunnions, are planes perpendicular to the axis of the trun- nions. The bare of the piece includes all the part bored out, viz: the cylinder, the chamber (if there be one) and the conical or spheri- cal surface connecting them. 6 PART 1. — ORDNANCE. The chaTnber, in howitzers, columbiads and mortars, is the smaller part of the bore, which contains the charge of powder. In howitzers and columbiads, the chamber is cylindrical ; it is united with the large cylinder of the bore by a conical surface ; the angles of intersection of this conical surface with the cylin- ders of the bore and chamber are rounded (in profile) by arcs of circles. In the 8-inch siege howitzer, the chamber is united with the cylinder of the bore by a spherical surface, in order that the shell may, when necessary, be inserted without a sabot. A conical chamber which is joined to the cylinder of the bore by a portion of a spherical surface, (as in the 8-inch and 10-inch light mortars,) is called a Gomer chamber. The bottom of the bore is a plane perpendicular to the axis, united with the sides (in profile) by an arc of a circle the radius of which is one-fourth of the diameter of the bore at the bottom. In the columbiads, the heavy seacoast mortars, the stone mortar and the eprouvette, the bottom of the bore is hemispherical. The muzzle^ or mouth of the bore, is chamfered to a depth of 0.15 inch to 0.5 inch, (varying with the size of the bore,) in order to prevent abrasion and to facilitate loading. The true windage is the difference between the true diameters of the bore and of the ball. The axis of the vent is in a plane passing through the axis of the bore, perpendicular to the axis of the trunnions. In guns, and in howitzers having cylindrical chambers, the vent is placed at an angle of 80° with the axis of the bore, and it enters the bore at a distance from the bottom equal to one-fourth the diameter of the bore. The diameter of the vent is two-tenths of an inch, in all pieces except the eprouvette in which it is one-tenth. The vents of brass guns are bored in vent pieces which are screwed into the gun ; they are made of pure wrought copper, hammered and annealed. The form and dimensions of the vent NOMENCLATURE AND DESCRIPTION. 7 piece are shown in Plate 1. The length of the screw varies ac- cording to the thickness of metal at the vent, so that the cylin- drical head of the vent piece shall enter the gun about .25 inch deep on the front side. The lock piece is a block of metal at the outer opening of the vent, in some pieces of ordnance, to facilitate attaching a lock to the cannon; the centre of its upper surface is usually in the natural line of sight, or below that line. The natural line of sight is a line drawn in a vertical plane through the axis of the piece, from the highest point of the base ring to the highest point in the swell of the muzzle, or to the top of the sight, if there is one. The natural angle of sight is the angle which the natural line of sight makes with the axis of the piece. The dispart is the difference of the semi-diameters of the base ring and the swell of the muzzle, or the muzzle band; it is there- fore the tangent of the natural angle of sight, to a radius equal to the distance from the rear of the base ring to the highest point of the swell of the muzzle, the sight, or the front of the muzzle band, as the case may be. The preponderance of the breech of a gun is the excess of weight of the part in rear of the trunnions over that in front ; it is mea- sured by the weight which it is necessary to apply in the plane of the muzzle to balance the gun when suspended freely on the axis of the trunnions. The handles of a gun are placed with their centres over the centre of gravity of the piece. PART 1. ORDNANCE. Table of weights of the several kinds of ordnance, and the prepon- derance of the breech in guns and howitzers. Kind of ordnance. Calibre. Weight. Prepon- derance. Natural angle of sight. Lbs. Lbs. o » Field- - 6-pounder 884 33 1 00 12-pounder 1,757 60 1 00 ■ 12-pounder 3,590 200 1 30 GONS - - Siege, gar- 18-pounder 4,913 200 1 30 rison and 24-pounder 5,790 255 1 30 seacoast 32-pounder 7,195 466 I I 42-pounder 8,465 440 Mountain - 12-pounder 220 30 37 r 12-pounder 788 51 1 00 Field- - j 24-pounder 1,318 112 1 00 Howitzers • Siege and ( 32-pounder 8-inch - 1,890 2,614 125 460 1 00 1 00 garrison J 24-pounder 1,476 70 1 00 Seacoast \ 8-inch - 10-inch - 5,740 9,500 380 450 COLUMBIADS - - - - 8-inch - 10-inch - 9,240 15,260 350 470 1 23 1 21 Light - \ 8-inch - 10-inch - 930 1,852 Mortars - Heavy - \ 10-inch - 13-inch - 5,775 11,500 Stone mortaj 16-inch - 1,500 Coehorn 24-pounder 164 i ^Eprouvette- 24-pounder 220 ARTILLERY PART SECOND. CARRIAGES FOR THE SERVICE OF FIELD ARTILLERY 1848. PART SECOND FIELD CARRIAGES. As a uniform system has been adopted for making the bolts, rivets, nails, &c., used in Artillery carriages, descriptions will here be given of those parts of which the elements are the same in all carriages. The descriptions are accompanied by Tables, showing the classification of these elementary parts, and the manner in which they are designated, when referred to in the descriptions of the carriages. PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. c >rt —H coco CO »-l CO T-H '^r uO CO liO CM t-OJC^ 1-1 eoco . F. - r the heads 2Ut - PQP -aid v^v^ ^^^^-^ The inner edges on the side next to the Two end bands. J spokes are slightly chamfered, to facilitate the driving; the bands are warmed, and driven on, in place of the stay bands, after the tire has been put on; each band is fastened by three nails. One tire. Hoop tire, heated and shrunk on; the bolt holes are then bored and countersunk. Seven tire bolts, seven washei'S, and seven nuts. The bolts should be a little larger than the holes in the fellies. LIMBER. 21 One nave box, (cast iron.) The castings should be of even thickness, so that the box may be easily set concentric with the circumference of the wheel. The box is driven in hard, and fastened, if necessary, with wooden wedges in the large end of the nave. Bolts and nails for one wheel. DESIGNATION. 1 Kind. LENGTH. Washers for Nuts. No. 1. No. 2. Tire bolts Nails for nave bands - - - 7 12 No. 2. H. No. 1. C. In. 4.35 1.5 In. 4.75 1.5 7 LIMBER.— Plates XI and XII. The same limber is used for all the field carriages, viz: the gun carriages, the caisson, the forge, and the battery wagon. WOOD WORK. One axle body, (white oak.) The lower edges are rounded with a radius of .6 inch, except the part under the pintle hook; the upper edges, outside of the hounds, are rounded .4 inch. Two hounds, (white oak.) The upper edges are rounded with a radius of .4 in., to the distance of 17. 15 inches from the front end ; also, 3.5 inches in rear of the rear foot board, and from the ammu- nition chest stay to the rear end. The lower edges are rounded with the same radius, from the splinter bar to the under strap, and from the rear end to the under strap; the ends are chamfered .4 inch. 22 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. One fork, (white oak.) The upper edges are rounded, on the outer sides, like those of the front part of the hounds ; the lower edges are rounded with a radius of .4 inch, between the splinter bar and the axle body. One splinter bar, (white oak.) The front of the splinter bar is straight. The ends, outside of the hounds, taper equally on the upper and under sides; they are rounded to an oval shape. The upper edges are rounded .4 inch, between the hounds and fork; the lower edges are chamfered .4 inch between the outsides of the hounds, where the roundings of the ends begin. The top of the splinter bar is notched square into the bottom of the fork, .25 inch being cut out of each piece. Between the branches of the fork, the splinter bar is notched .5 inch deep, (.25 inch deeper than the notches for the fork,) in order to admit the pole. The hounds rest on the splinter bar, the top of which is notched . 1 inch on the rear side, to fit the slope of the under side of the hounds. Four foot board brackets, (white oak.) Wood not easy to split is selected for them; their front edges are chamfered .25 inch. They are fastened to the hounds and fork, each by two wood screws, the heads of which are sunk into the wood. Two foot boards, (white oak.) The upper edges, the sides and ends are rounded with a radius of .2 inch; the front foot board is fastened by three nails in each bracket; the rear foot board by eight nails. The foot boards are nailed on after the splinter bar, the under straps and the pintle hook are in place. One pole, (tough white ash, or young oak.) The top of the pole is straight in its whole length, the taper in depth being on the under side alone. — See Plate XI. One pole prop, (tough white oak.) It is turned in the lathe, to fit the socket and ferrule. LIMBER. 23 IRONS. Four rivets, for hounds. One at each end of the hound ; the heads and burrs let into the wood. Four washer plates, for stay pins of ammunition chest. They are let into the upper and under sides of the hounds, at the holes for the stay pins, and are fastened, each by two nails. One axletree. The lower edges are rounded with a radius of . 1 inch. The axletree is forged in two unequal parts, on the longer of which the stop is jumped on and welded, before the two parts are joined ; or, it may be made in three parts, the middle piece being forged with the stop on it and then welded to the arms, which may be turned either before or after the parts are joined together. One pintle hook. The outer edges of the plate are chamfered .2 inch; the hook is fastened to the rear of the axle body by three bolts, two of which pass through the holes in the stop on the iron axletr*; the top of the plate is let in flush with the upper surface of the axle body. The inside of the cylindrical part of the hook is plated with steel, by welding a wedge shaped piece of steel into a slit in the iron and spreading it over the inner surface of the hook. • Three bolts, for pintle hook. One stay plate, for ammunition chest. The outer edges are chamfered . 15 inch. The plate is inserted between the branches of the fork; the foot, which is bent square to the plate, is fastened on the under side of the fork with two nails, and the plate is held also by the upper bolt of the pintle hook, to which it serves as a washer. The upper edges of the mortise in the plate are rounded . 1 inch. Two washers and three nuts, for pintle hook bolts. One pintle key, attached to the rear of the axle body by a chain and eye pin. One key chain, composed of eight links. No. 3, and two rings. No. 2. A. 24 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. One eye pin, No. 3, for key chain. One tar bucket hook. The edges of the plate are chamfered . 1 inch; it is fastened to the front of the axle body by two nails. Two bolts, for connecting the axle body and hounds. Two washers and two nuts, for the same. The nuts are let into the axle body from the top. Two under straps. The outer edges are chamfered . 15 inch. Four bolts, for under straps ; four nuts for these bolts. Two axle bands. They are shrunk on the ends of the axle body at a low heat, not sufficient to burn the wood, and they are fast- ened, each by three nails. Two end bands, for splinter bar. They are put on warm, and are fastened to the splinter bar, each by two rivets made of .25 inch wire riveted at both ends. Two bolts, for the hounds and splinter bar. Four washers and two nuts, for the same. One eye plate for pole prop socket. The eye is riveted^to the plate, in a square hole countersunk . 15 inch on the upper side. The plate is let into the lower side of the splinter bar its whole thickness. Two middle bands, for splinter bar. 'The bottom plate is cham- fered . 15 inch. The top plate is let into the under side of the fork, flush with the lower surface of the notch which rests on the splin- ter bar. Four trace hooks. Two in the end bands and two in the mid- dle bands. On^ f&rk strap. The edges are chamfered .15 inch. Two bolts, for splinter bar and fork. They pass through the fork strap, the middle bands, and the eye plate for the pole prop. Two nuts, for these bolts. One pole prop socket. After the exterior of the socket is turn- ed, the ring is closed in the eye plate. The upper end of the prop is then driven hard into the socket, and fastened by one rivet. LIMBER. 25 One ferrule^ for pole prop; fastened to the prop by one rivet. One pole prop chain^ consisting of one ring, No. 1, A; ten links ^ No. 2, and one straight link, of the same size as No. 2, welded into the eye of the toggle. One toggle, for pole prop chain. One eye pin, for pole prop chain. The eye pin is like No. 1, but the stem has no screw thread cut on it; it is made long enough to pass through the splinter bar, and is riveted into a burr let into the upper side of the bar. Two stay pins, for ammunition chest. The edges of the head are chamfered . 1 inch. The drawing in Plate III. gives the lengths of the stay pins for the limber and for the caisson; the position of the hole for the key is determined by the thickness of the hound or rail, so that the hole may just clear the under side of the wood, when the ammunition chest is in place. Two keys, for stay pins of ammunition chest. Two key chains, each consisting of jive links, No. 1, and two rings, No. 1, B. Two eye pins. No. 1, screwed into the under side of the hounds. One rivet, for the large end of the pole. The head is let into the upper side of the pole, and the burr into the under side, at 3.5 inches from the end. One pole bolt; two washers and one nut, for the same. The bolt passes through the fork and the pole, at 11 inches from the front end of the fork. One pole strap and ring. The strap is fastened on the front end of the pole by three rivets. Two pole chains. Each consists of nine links. No. 5, and is connected with the ring of the pole strap by an open (lapped) ring. One muff, for pole yoke. The muff is formed on a mandril of the size of the pole at the part which it is to fit; a ring is welded on it, to form the shoulder, and the whole is finished in the lathe. 4— Part 2. S6 PART 2. — FIELD CARRIAGES. One collar, for pole yoke. It is composed of two parts which are connected together by the two bolts that hold the supporting branches of the pole yoke; the holes in the lower half collar are tapped, and the bolts are screwed into them; the edges of the cir- cular part are chamfered . 15 inch, and those of the straight parts are rounded with a radius of . 1 inch. Two branches, of pole yoke. Each branch is forged in two parts which are welded together near the collar; the sliding ring is then put in place, and the button is welded on the small end. Two sliding rings, for pole yoke. Two bolts, for the collar and branches. They have hexagonal heads and are without nuts, being screwed into the lower branch of the collar. One washer^ for the muff. It fits on the muff, against the front side of the collar; the front edge of the washer is chamfered .12 inch. One key, for pole yoke. It passes through the muff and the pole, in front of the washer; the key has a hole at the lower end for a leather keeper. Two shoulder washers. Two linch washers. Two linch pins. Two wheels. No. 1. One ammunition chest. LIMBER. 27 Table of holts, rivets, nails and screws, in the limber of field carriages. DESIGNATION. 1 Kind. 4 WASHERS. REMARKS. Head Nut. Bolts. For hounds and axle body " under straps - - - '" pintle hook " ~ ) " hounds & splinter bar " fork and splinter bar " pole and fork - - - " pole yoke - - - - 2 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 N0.3.E. No. 3. B. No. 4. C. do. N0.3.D. do. do. No. 3. In. 8.25 4.56 6.9 12.7 6.13 6.5 9.13 1.75 2 1 2 2 2 1 Nuts not chamfer- ed. Head hexagonal; no nut. Rivets. For hounds - - - - - " pole " pole strap - - - - " end bands of splinter bar " pole prop socket - - " pole prop ferrule - - 4 1 3 4 1 1 No. 2. B. No. 3. B. No. 2. do. do. do. 2.75 3.5 2.5 2.5 1.75 2.13 - 4 1 1 Wires riveted j at both ends. Xails. For stay plate - - - - •' tar bucket hook - - " stay pin plates - - " axle bands - - - " foot boards - - - ) 2 2 8 6 4 4 12 N0.2.C. No. 1. C. do. do. do. do. do. 2.0 2.5 .75 .75 4.25 3.5 2.25 Screws. For foot board brackets J 4 4 No. 16. No. 14. 2.0 1.25 28 PART 2. — FIELD CARRIAGES. AMMUNITION CHEST.— Plates XIII and XIV. WOOD WORK. Two ends. "> (Black walnut, cherry, or beach.) Each Two sides. }m one piece. The ends and sides are dovetailed together and fastened with sixteen cut nails. There is a rabbet at the top to receive the edges of the cover lining, and another at the bottom. The upright corners are rounded with a radius of .5 inch. One principal partiiiony (walnut or oak.) It is let into grooves in the middle of the sides, and it is traversed by the assembling bolt. One bottom, (walnut or oak.) The bottom may be in one or two pieces; if in two, they should be joined together, nearly in the middle of the width, with a tongue and groove and strongly glued. The bottom is let in, its whole thickness, into the sides and ends, and fastened to them with eighteen cut nails; it is also fastened to the principal partition hy four wood screws. One frame for cover, (walnut,) consisting of two ends and two sides, joined by tenons and mortises and fastened at each corner by a wooden pin .25 inch thick. One panel for cover, (poplar or white pine.) It is joined by tongue and groove to the cover frame; the tongue on the end is worked out of the thickness of the panel; that on the side is formed of a piece of hard wood let into grooves in both the panel and frame. One cover lining, (poplar or white pine.) It is fastened on the inside of the cover by sixty copper tacks. AMMUNITION CHEST. 29 IRONS. Seven corner plates, viz: four for the ends and sides, two for the ends and bottom, and one for the front side and bottom. They are made of sheet iron No. 12 or 13; the parts which go under the bottom are let into the wood their whole thickness; the edges of the other parts are chamfered . 1 inch. The plates are fastened with eighty-six wood screws. One assembling bolt. It passes through the principal partition and through the back stay; its front end holds the turnbuckle for fastening the hasp. One turnbuckle, (brass.) It turns freely on the neck of the assembling bolt, the head of which is riveted over the turnbuckle. One washer plate, for assembling bolt. It is let into the front side of the box and fastened by two wood screws. One back stay. The edges of the upright part are chamfered . 1 inch. The foot is let in flush with the bottom of the chest. The stay is fastened to the back of the chest by the assembling bolt and four wood screws, and to the bottom, by two wood screws. Two front stays. The outer edges are chamfered . 1 inch. The feet are let in flush with the bottom of the chest. Each stay is fastened by two rivets and three wood screws in the front of the chest, and one wood screw in the bottom. Two hinges. The outer edges of the back strap are chamfered . 1 inch; the foot of it is let into the bottom of the chest. The cover strap is let in, its whole thickness, at the front end and .35 inch at the joint; the cover lining is cut out to fit it. A notch .15 inch deep is cut in the back of the chest for the hinge to lie in. The hinges are fastened to the chest, each by one rivet and four wood screws in the back, one wood screw in the bottom, and one rivet 2,116. five wood screws in the cover. Two hinge plates, fastened on the back edge of the cover, each by two wood screws. 30 PART 2.— FIELD CARRIAGES. One hasp. The outer edges are chamfered .1 inch. The strap is let into the cover of the chest Uke the hinge straps, and is fast- ened by one rivet amd Jive wood screws. One hasp plate, fastened to the front edge of the cover by two wood screws. Two handles. The outer edges of the flat parts are chamfered . 1 inch. The handles are fastened to the chest each by two rivets. The heads of all the rivets in the body of the chest are let into the wood on the inside, and they are covered by round washei's 1.75 inch diameter, made of sheet copper No. 24, which are let into the wood over the rivet heads and fastened each by four copper tacks. One c&ver, (sheet copper, No. 24,) fastened to the edges of the wooden cover by two hundred and sixteen copper tacks. JS'ote. The foregoing description refers especially to the ammu- nition chest for gun carriages and for the caisson. The chests for the limbers of the forge and battery wagon diiFer from this in some few particulars which will be mentioned in the descriptions of those carriages. For an account of the interior arrangement of the chests for the various carriages, see Part 12. AMMUNITION CHEST. 31 Table of bolts, rivets, nails and screws, in one ammunition chest. DESIGNATION. 1 Kind. REMARKS. For assembling bolt - - 1 No. 2. In. 20.75 See Plate XIV. Rivets. For front stays - - - - " hinges - - - - - " hasp " handles 4 \ 8 N0.2.B. do. do. No. 3. B. 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 J^ails. For sides and bottom - - " cover lining - - - " copper covering - - " rivet washers - - - 34 60 216 60 8d. 1.0 .75 .75 Cut nails. > Copper tacks. Screws. For corner plates - - - *' side and bottom plate " end and bottom plates " washer plate for bolt " hasp " hasp plate - - - - " hinge* plates - - - " hinges - - - - j " back stay - - - - " front stays - - j *♦ bottom and partition 56 14 16 2 5 2 4 2 8 10 6 6 2 4 No. 12. do. do. do. No. 14. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. No. 16. .75 .75 .75 .75 1.0 1.0 1.0 .75 1.0 1.25 1.25 1.0 .75 2.0 3^ PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. CAISSON.— Plates XV and XVI. WOOD WORK. All the parts are of white oak. Tough young wood should be selected, especially for the middle and side rails and for the stock. One middle rail. The front end has a tenon on the upper side which is inserted in a notch in the bolster of the front foot board. The edges of the rear end and the upper edges of the rail are rounded with a radius of .2 inch, up to the rear foot board. The lower edges of the rail, in rear of the axle body, are rounded with a radius of .4 inch, except the part which rests on the rear assem- bling bar. Two side rails. The upper edges are rounded with a radius of .2 inch, behind the foot boards. The lower edges are rounded with a radius of .4 inch, from the under strap to each end. The edges of the rounded ends are chamfered .4 inch. One cross bar. It is joined by tenon and mortise to the side rails, and is notched .25 inch deep, over the stock. The lower edges are rounded with a radius of .2 inch, between the rails. The upper edges are chamfered .4 inch, between the side rails and the ends of the foot board bolster. One bolster^ for front foot board. It is fastened on the middle of the cross bar by the stock stirrup bolts. One front foot board. The upper front edge is rounded with ^ radius of .6 inch; the lower front edge is chamfered .4 inch, between the bolster and the side rails. The upper edges of the rear side and of the ends are rounded with a radius of .2 inch. This foot board is fastened to the rails and cross bar by four bolts and two nails. One rear foot board. The upper edges of the sides and ends are rounded with a radius of .2 inch. The board is fastened to the rails by six nails. '•-- CAISSON. 3;i One axle. body. It is notched out in the middle 1 incli deep, to receive the middle rail; at the shoulder for the side rail it has a tenon, fitting in a notch in the rail. The upper edges of the shoulders for the middle and side rails are rounded with a radius of .6 inch, to the distance of 1 inch from the rails; the upper edges of the axle body, between these shoulders and outside oi the side rails, are rounded .4 inch; the lower edges are rounded .6 inch. The lower corners of the mortise for the end of the stock are rounded with a radius of .6 inch. One stock. The rear end of the stock is let in, its full width, .4 inch into the front of the axle body. The upper edges are rounded ,25 inch on a length of 7 inches in front of the cross bar; from that point to the lunette plates, the width is reduced .4 inch on each side, at top and bottom, and the sides are rounded, retain- ing the full width in the middle of the stock; between the lunette plates, this rounding tapers down to the width of the iron. The lower edges of the stock are rounded with a radius of .6 inch, from the rear end to the rear of the wheel guard plate; from that point they are rounded .25 inch, to the distance of 7 inches in front of the cross bar, where the rounding of the sides begins. IRONS. One middle assembling bar. The two ears in the middle of the bar serve as stay plates for the ammunition chests; their edges, above the bar, are chamfered . 1 inch. The upper edges of the bar, between the rails, and the outer edges of the feet by which it is attached to the side rails, are chamfered .15 inch. It has a slot for the axe blade, on the right of the middle rail. The bar is set even with the top of the rails, and is bolted to each rail; the bolt in the middle rail passes through the axle strap. Two bolts, two washers and two mits<, for the middle assembling bar and side rails. 5— Part 2. 34 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. One carrias^e hook. The edojes of the head are chamfered .1 inch. The plate is let in flush with the under side of the middle rail ; it is fastened by the stays and the foot bolt of the spare wheel axle. This hook is intended to take a carriage which may have lost its limber. One rear assembling bar, to support the spare wheel axle. The edges of the ends, over the side rails, are chamfered .15 inch. The bar has a slot, for carrying a pick axe, on the left of the middle rail. It is fastened to the side rails by two bolts, and to the middle rail by the stays of the spare wheel axle. Two bolts, two washers and two nuts, for the rear assembling bar and side rails. One bridle, for rear end of middle rail. The edges of the ends, which are bent over the rail, are chamfered .1 inch. The plate, through which the stays of the spare wheel axle pass, is let in flush with the slope of the middle rail. The ends are fastened to the sides of the rail by four nails. One spare wheel axle. The axle consists of the body and two ribs which are connected with the body by a washer and three rivets. The shoulder on the body and a cylindrical bearing for the washer are first turned; the washer is warmed and shrunk on against the shoulder ; the ribs are put in place and riveted, and the edges of the body and side bars are then turned, with a taper corresponding to that of the arm of the carriage axle. * The upper edges of the sides, in rear of the washer, are cham- fered . 1 inch. The lower extremity of the foot is let in flush with the upper surface of the middle rail ; the part which is sup- ported by the slope of the rail is not let in. The axle is fastened by two stays and one foot bolt. One chain and toggle, for spare wheel axle. Two stays, for spare w^heel axle. The bolt hole in the head of one of them is square; in the other, round. CAISSON. Oi) The stays pass through the bridle of the middle rail, through the round notches in the plate of the carriage hook and through the rear assembling bar. Two nutsy for the stays. One stay dolt, connecting the stays with the spare wheel axle. One nut, for stay bolt. One foot bolt, for spare wheel axle. It passes through the foot of the axle and through the carriage hook. One nut for this bolt. Three foot board boUs, fastening the front foot board to the side rails. One lock chain bridle. The edges of the plates are chamfered . 15 inch. The bridle is fastened under the front end of the left side rail, by two of the foot board bolts; the straight side is turned outwards. Before the bridle is put in place the large ring of the lock chain is hooked in it. One lock chain. Plate III. Two washers and three nuts, for foot board bolts. One lock chain hook. Like the tar bucket hook for the limber, Piate III. It is fastened on the outside of the left side rail by two nails. One axletree. Like that for the 6-pounder gun carriage. Two under straps. The edges of the sides are chamfered A5 inch; those of the ends .5 inch. Four bolts, for under straps. The heads are let in flush with the upper surface of the side rails. Four nuts for these bolts. Two axle bands, fastened on the ends of the axle body, each by three nails. One rivet, for the stock. It is placed between the two lunette bolts; the head and burr are let into the sides of the stock. One lunette. Plate IV. The lower side of the eye is plated with steel, like that for the gun carriage. The edges of the plates are chamfered .15 inch. The bolt holes in the lower plate are square. ■><^ ^ART •2.— FIELD CARRIAGES. The lunt'ttc is fastened lo the stock by two bolts and twelve ndils^ six in each plate. Two lunette bolts. Two nuts for the same. One key plate for spare pole. The outer edges of the ears are (chamfered . 15 inch ; the inner edges are rounded . 1 inch The plate is fastened on the under side of the lunette by the front lunette bolt. One spare pole key. The edges of the handle are chamfered . 1 inch. It is attached to the left side of the stock by a chain and eye pin. One key chain; consisting of eleven links, No. 1, and iwo rings. No. 1, A. One eye pin, No. 1, for the key chain. It is screwed into the left side of the stock. Two wheel guard plates. Plate IV. The edges are chamfered . Id inch. They are fastened to the stock, each by five nails. One stock stirrup. The outer edges of the sides are chamfered .15 inch; those of the ends, .5 inch. . Two bolts, for stock stirrup. They pass through the front foot board and its bolster. Two washers and two nuts for these bolts. One axle strap. The outer edges are chamfered . 15 inch. One spare pole ring. It is held by the axle strap. The straight bar of the ring is lodged in a groove made in the middle of the axle body, in rear of the iron axle tree. The edges of the broad partj on which the pole hangs, are rounded. Three bolts, for the axle strap. The head of the front bolt rests on the middle assembling bar ; those of the other bolts are let in flush with the top of the middle rail. Three nuts for these bolts. Eight tvasher plates, for stay pins of ammunition chests. They are let into the side rails, on the upper and under sides, at the holes for the stay pins, and are fastened, each by two nails. The front plates, on the upper side of the rails, are partly covered by the roar foot board. CAISSON. 37 Four stay pins^ like those for the hmber, except in the length and in the position of the key hole; for which see Plate IV. Four keys, for stay pins. Four key chains; each consisting oi jive links, No. 1, and two rings, No. LB. Four eye pins, No. 1, for key chains. They are screwed into the middle of the thickness of the rails, on the under side. One ring bolt, for spare handspike. The outer edges of the ring are chamfered .1 inch; the inner edges are rounded .1 inch. The ring is on the right side of the middle rail. Two washers and one nut for the ring bolt. One key plate, for spare handspike. The outer edges are cham- fered . 15 inch. It is fastened on the right side of the middle rail by two nails. One key plate, for the shovel handle ; fastened on the inside of the right side rail by two nails. The upper surfaces of both key plates are .25 inch below the top of the rails. Two keys, for handspike and shovel. Two key chains; each of jive links. No. 1, and two rings, No. 1, B. Two eye pins, No. 1, for key chains. They are placed ,Q5 inch below the upper surface of the rails. Two staples, for tool handles, driven into the top of the axle body in front of the iron axletree ; one for the shovel handle, near the right side rail ; the other for the handle of the pickaxe, on the left of the middle rail. Two shoulder washers. Two linch washers. Two linch pins. Two wheels, No. 1, Two ammunition chests, like the one on \\\^, limber 38 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. Bolts, rivets and nails for caisson. DESIGNATIOK. Kind. Head Nut BoUs. For middle assembling bar - " spare wheel ^^^y^^lt". a^l« - /foot bolt- " rear assembling bar - - " foot board and right side rail ------ " foot board and lock < chain bridle - - ^ " lunette < " stock stirrup - - - - *• axle strap - - - - < " understraps - - - - " speire handspike ring - No. 3. A No. 3. N0.3.D. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. N0.3.B. do. do. No. 3. In. 3.75 8.2 3.35 4.95 4.45 5.47 5.8 5.43 5.4 6.2 6.0 8.73 8.47 5.13 5.38 5.0 Plate XVI. Plate XVI. Rivets. For the stock - No. 3. B. 4.25 ^aih. For bridle of middle rail - - " footboards - . - - " lock chain hook - - - " axle bands " stay pin washers - - " lunette plates - - - - *' wheel guard plates - - No. 1. C. do. do. do. do. do. do. No. 2. C. do. 0.75 2.25 2.5 .75 .75 2.0 2.0 3.5 3.0 FORGE. 39 TRAVELLING FORGE.— Plates XVII to XXL Body and bellotvs house. WOOD WORK. M)te. — Oak will be understood to designate white oak. Two side rails, (oak.) The outer edge of the under side is rounded with a radius of .3 inch from the under strap to each end ; the inner edge of the under side is rounded in like manner, from the under strap to the middle cross bars, and also in rear of the rear middle cross bar. The outer edge of the upper side, in front and in rear of the bellows house, is rounded with the same radius; the edges of the ends are chamfered .5 inch. The notches for the tenons of the axle body, the mortises for the cross bars and studs, and the rabbets for the coal box and for the sides of the bellows house, are shown in Plate XVII. One front cross bar, (oak.) The lower edges of the front side are rounded .3 inch, between the rails and the stock; the upper edges of the same side are rounded .2 inch. The cross bar rests on the stock and its lower side is made sloping, to correspond with the slope of the stock and side rails ; it is fastened to the side rails by two wooden pins .5 inch thick, placed .5 inch clear of the inside of the rail. One middle cross bar, (oak,) in front of the axle body. The lower side is cut with a slope like the front cross bar. The lower edges are rounded .3 inch, between the rails and the stock. The bar is notched on the upper side in front, for the air back of the forge; in rear, it has a notch for the tenon of the middle rail, and a rabbet for the ends of the floor boards. It is fastened to the stock by one bolt, and to the side rails by four wooden pins, like those for the front cross bar. 40 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. One middle cross bar, (oak,) in rear of the axle body. The lower side slopes with that of the middle rail. The lower edge of the front side is rounded .3 inch, between the rails and the stock ; the upper and lower edges of the rear side are rounded .3 inch. On the front of the upper side there is a notch for the rear end of the middle rail, and a rabbet for the ends of the floor boards. The bar is fastened to the side rails by two wooden pins, .5 inch thick, placed .75 inch clear of the inside of the rails. One rear cross bar, (oak.) The lower edges and the upper rear edge are rounded with a radius of .3 inch. It is fastened to the side rails by two wooden pins, like the preceding. The upper surface of the front cross bar is flush with that of the side rails; the others are .5 inch below the side rails, being even with the floor and with the top of the middle rail. One middle rail, (oak.) The low^er edges, in rear of the axle body, are rounded .3 inch. The rail is notched out 1.25 inch deep for the axle body, and is also let, into it the same depth; the ends are let into the middle cross bars, to which they are fasten- ed by two screws in each bar. One axle body, (oak.) The lower edges are rounded with a radius of .6 inch; the upper edges, outside of the rails, .4 inch. The axle body is notched out 1.25 inch deep, for the middle rail, and it is framed into the side rails with tenons which fit into notches in the rails. On the front side, there is a mortise for the end of the stock ; the lower corners of this mortise are rounded with a radius of .6 inch. One stock, (oak.) The lower edges are rounded with a radius of .6 inch, from the rear end to the rear of the wheel guard plate; the upper edges are rounded .25 inch, under the fire place, and on a length of 7 inches in front of the front cross bar. The front end of the stock is finished like the caisson stock. The stock is let into the axL; body .4 inch. FORGE. 4 1 Four floor boards^ (oak, or other hard wood.) The floor is even with the top of the middle rail ; the boards are fastened to the middle cross bars, each by two wood screws in each end. Four corner studs, (oak.) The outer edges are rounded .3 inch. The studs are joined by tenons and mortises to the side rails and plates, to which they are fastened with one wooden pin, ,38 inch thick, in each end. One front end board, for iron room, (oak, or other hard wood.) It is mortised into the front corner studs and fastened to them by two wooden pins .25 inch thick. Two side studs, (oak,) fastened to the side rails and plates like the corner studs. Two plates, (oak,) framed on the upper ends of the studs. One front end stud, (oak.) It is mortised into the front end boards of the iron room and of the roof. A slit is cut in the mid- dle of the stud, for the bellows hook to work in. Two end boards, for roof of bellows house, (walnut or oak.) They are set flush with the ends of the plates, and are let into rabbets in the corner studs. They are fastened to the plates by one wood screw in each end on the top ; the front board is also fastened to the corner studs by one sci'ew in each end, and the rear board by two screws in each end. Two roof bows, (oak or walnut.) They are let into notches .2 inch deep, on the inside of the plates, and they are fastened to the plates by one screw in each end, on the top. Tujo side linings, (oak or walnut,) for iron room, fastened by two nails to each stud. One rear end piece, for iron room. It is dovetailed into the side linings. Two groove cleats, (oak,) for cover of iron room. They are fastened with one screw to each stud, .5 inch above the side linings. The front ends are notched over the front hoard of thp iron room. 6— Part 2. 42 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. One sliding covei', for iron room, (white pine or poplar.) It consists of about six boards, fastened to two battens by thirty-six nails. The battens project .5 inch beyond the boards at the front end, and rest in notches cut for the purpose in the top of the front end board of the iron room. The cover slides in the grooves formed by the side linings and the cleats. Two braces, for supporting the bellows, (oak.) They are framed into the corner and side studs, by means of notches cut in the braces and studs, and they are fastened by six screws, one in each stud. The braces are flush u^ith the middle stud on the outside, and they project .75 inch over the studs on the inside; in the upper side of this projecting part, a rabbet .75 inch wide and .5 deep is cut, for the ends of the bellows arms to rest in. One cap for coal box, (oak.) It is let in on the under side of the rear end board of the roof, to which it is fastened by five wood screws. It projects .5 inch in rear of the end board and covers the opening at the top of the coal box. Ten boards, for sides of bellows house, (white pine.) They are tongued and grooved, the groove being on the lower side ; a small bead is worked at the joints. They fit into rabbets in the corner studs, the side rails and the plates, to all of w^hich they are fastened with cut nails. Seven cover boards, for the roof, (white pine.) They are tongued and grooved. They may be worked straight and bent on the roof bows and the end board, to which they are fastened with cut nails; or, they may be worked to the proper curve out of thick boards. One prop, for the stock. Like the pole prop of the limber. One bellows pole, (hickory, oak, or ash.) The handle, from the small end to the iron strap, is round. IRONS. One axletree, like that for the 6-pounder gun carriage. Two axle bands, fastened each by thi'ee nails. Two under straps. The outer edges of the sides are chamfered ,15 inch; those of the ends, .5 inch. Four bolts, for under straps. Four washers and four nuts for these bolts. Two rivets, for the front end of the stock. One lunette, Plate IV. It is like that for the caisson, except that the plates have each an additional bolt hole, (the one in the lower plate being square,) and that the rear bolt hole in the upper plate is .88 inch square, and in the lower plate .63 inch round, in order to receive the vice bolt which secures the vice to the stock. See the drawing of the vice: Part 10, Plate VIII. The front lunette bolt, (Plate XX,) holds the prop for support- ing the forge when it is unlimbered. One middle bolt and twelve nails, for lunette. Three nuts, for lunette bolts. One socket, 1 n r rp, v^ 1.1. i For lorge prop. They are like those ^ , . ' , I for the pole prop of the limber. One chain and toggle, J One eye pin, No. 1, for the chain; it is screwed into the under side of the stock. One stock stirrup. The edges are chamfered like those of the under straps. It is fastened by two bolts, the heads of which are let into the upper side of the front cross bar. Two bolts, for stock stirrup. Two nuts for the same. One bolt, for the middle cross bar and stock. The head is let into the upper side of the cross bar. One washer and one nut for this bolt. One axle strap. The edges chamfered like those of the under straps. Two bolts, for axle strap. Two nuls for the same. 44 r'ART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. Two wheel guard plates^ like those for caisson, Plate IV ; they are fastened each by five nails. Two stud plates, for coal box. They are let in flush with the back of the rear corner studs of the bellows house, to which they are fastened, each by one invet and one screw. Two keysy for coal box. Two key chains; each consists of four links No. 1, and two rings No 1, B. Two eye pins, No. 1, for key chains. They are screwed into the rear corner studs. One lock chain hook, Plate III; fastened to the left side rail by two nails. One hooky for bellows pole; like the lock chain hook. It is fas- tened to the front corner stud, on the right side, by two nails. One staple, for bellows pole ; driven into the rear corner stud, on the right side. The hook and staple carry the bellows pole when travelling. Two front stay plates, for bellows arms. They are fastened to the braces, at the upper ends of the rabbets for the bellows arms, each by three screws. Two rear stay plates, for bellows arms. They are fastened to the braces, at the lower ends of the rabbets, after the bellows is put in place, each by two bolts and two thumb nuts. One front, for bellows house, (russia sheet iron, No. 24.) It has a hole for the wind pipe to pass through, and a slit for the bellows hook corresponding with that in the front end stud. It is bent towards the front, at the bottom, about an inch under the sheet of iron which covers the cross bar and is nailed down with the latter; it is also fastened to the front studs and front roof board with iron tacks. One sheet iron cover, for front middle cross bar, (sheet iron, No. 24 ;) fastened to the cross bar with iron tacks. FORGE. 45 One guard, for the stock, (sheet iron, No. 24.) It is bent over the top of the stock, between the two front cross bars, and fastened on the sides by eighteen iron tacks. One stud, for bellows pole. It is riveted into an upright stay, the outer edges of which are chamfered .1 inch. The stay is fastened to the' front roof board and to the front middle cross bar, by two screws in each. One cover, for roof, (sheet copper, No. 24.) It is fastened on the edges of the roof boards by copper tacks. One fire place, (plate iron.) The upper plate of the back is of iron No. 11; the other plates, No. 8. The lower back plate is cut out in the middle, to fit the air back of the forge; the lower part of it is bent under the bottom plate of the fire place. The two side plates are bent behind the back plate and under the bot- tom ; the right side plate is cut down in the middle, for conve- nience in managing the fire. The front plate is bent at each end, inside of the side plates, and also under the bottom. The bottom plate rests on the flanges formed by the four side plates; it has two holes bored in it, to let off the water. All these plates are riveted together, where they lap over each other. One air back, (cast iron.) It consists of a box and a back plate, which are joined together hy four bolts; the joints are made air tight by inserting sheet lead between the plates. The bolts have no nuts; they are screwed into holes tapped in the front plate of the box, which is reinforced at the corners for this pur- pose ; these holes are not bored quite through the plate. The air back is fastened to the back plate of the fire place by bolts pass- ing through holes in the ears. Five bolts, for fastening the air back to the fire place. The heads of the bolts are behind the air back. Five nuts (octagonal) for these bolts. One hook, for forge bucket; like the lock chain hook* It is riveted to the back of the fire place on the left side. 46 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. One plate, for front cross bar. It is bent down on the inside of the cross bar and riveted to the front of the fire place. The plate is fastened to the cross bar by two bolts, and to the side rails by one bolt in each. Two plates, for side rails. They are bent down on the inside of the rails, the length of the fire place, and are riveted to the side plates of the fire place. They are fastened to the side rails, each by three bolts. These three plates support the fire place and fasten it in its proper position. The dimensions of the fire place are so arranged as to leave a vacant space between these plates and the cross bar and side rails, to prevent scorching the wood. Ten bolts, for the cross bar and side rail plates. Eight washers and ten nuts, for these bolts. One lock chain bridle. It is like that of the caisson, (Plate III,) except that the diameter of the bolt holes is .5 inch. It is fast- ened by the two front bolts in the left side rail. One brace, for fire place. It is forged in two parts, each half being made out of one piece of iron, and welded together in the middle of the rod. The outer edges of the plates are chamfered . 1 inch. The brace is fastened to the back of the fire place and to the front end board of the roof, by two rivets in each. One strap, for bellows pole. The outer edges of the strap are chamfered . 1 inch. The strap has an eye for the stud on which the bellow^s pole works, and a hook for the chain. It is fastened to the pole by two rivets and three screws. One chain, for bellows pole; formed of two links, one of which is fastened in the hook. Two shoulder washers, for axletree. Two linch washers. Two linchpins. . Two wheels. No. 1. FORGE. 4^ Bellows. WOOD WORK. Three bellows planks, (poplar.) They are formed each of two pieces, joined together by a tongue of hard wood inserted in a groove in each piece ; the outer edges of the upper and lower planks are chamfered .3 inch. The middle and lower planks have square wind holes, covered by the valves. Two cross heads, (poplar.) They are fastened to the middle plank, each by six screws. The outer edges are chamfered .3 inch. The hole for the wdnd pipe is bored .1 inch above the joint be- tween the upper cross head and the middle plank; the upper plank is hollowed out at the inner opening of the hole, so as not to ob- struct it. Two ribs, (poplar or white pine.) Each rib consists of two side pieces, one end piece and one cross bar, halved on to each other, glued together and fastened with eight clout nails in each rib. Two valves, (cherry or poplar.) The valve has a batten which is fastened on with eight nails, to prevent warping. The outer edges of the valve and the batten are chamfered .3 inch. Four cleats, (poplar.) They are fastened, with four screws in each, to the middle plank, over the ends of the bellows arms ; the outer sides are cut sloping, so that the ribs may rest fair on them when the bellows is closed. IRONS. Six butt hinges, (wrought iron.) They are let into the upper and lower bellows planks and the cross heads, and are fastened to them, each by six screws. Two arms. They are let into the middle plank to which they are fastened, each by two rivets and four screws. The edges of the projecting ends of the arms are slightly rounded. 48 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. One hook. The outer edges of the plates are chamfered . 1 inch; the hook is rounded. It is fastened to the lower plank by three rivets and four screws; the rivets are placed in the three holes nearest to the junction of the plates. One wind pipe. It consists of the following parts: 1. An elbow, (brass,) which is screwed into the wind hole of the bellows; the screw has ten threads to the inch. 2. A collar, (brass,) which is screwed on to the elbow and connects it with the lower part of the pipe; the screw has six threads to the inch. 3. A joint pipe, (brass,) which has a flanch that rests on a shoulder inside of the collar, so that the latter may be turned round without turning the joint pipe. 4. A bent pipe, (sheet copper. No. 18,) which is riveted and soldered to the joint pipe, after the latter has been put into the collar. This pipe is bent in two directions, in order that, when the smaller end is inserted in the hole provided for it in the air back of the fire place, the pipe may not interfere with the movements of the bellows hook. LEATHER. Four hinges, for the ribs. They connect the ribs with the cross heads, and are fastened to them with copper tacks. Two hinges, for the valves, (bag leather, or deer skin with the hair on.) They cover the lower sides of the valves, and are fastened to them by forty-one copper tacks, and to the planks by eleven copper tacks. Two valve straps, to regulate the opening of the valves. They are fastened to the top of the battens and to the bellows planks with ten copper tacks. One bellows leather. It is cut wide enough to allow the bellows to open about 17 inches; it is fastened to the edges of the planks with bellows nails and to the edges of the ribs with clout nails. The joints between the outer planks and the cross heads are also covered with strips of leather fastened with bellows naih. FORGE. 49 Safes, or narrow strips of leather, arc put on, under the heads of the nails and around the openings made for the bellows arms to pass through. To put the bellows in its place, (the coal box being removed from the back of the bellows house,) take out the two stay plates at the lower ends of the labbets in the braces; put the projecting ends of the upper bellows arm in the rabbets, and slide them up until the ends of the lower 'arm come into their places; put on the stay plates and fasten them down with the thumb nuts. Screw the brass elbow pipe into its place, through the hole in the sheet iron front of the bellows house; put in the copper pipe and screw up the collar which connects it with the elbow pipe. Coal box. WOOD WORK. The box is made of walnut, oak, cherry, or other hard wood. Two sides. \ The ends may be advantageously cut with the Two ends. 3 grain of the wood running vertically. The sides and ends are rabbeted half their thickness, to let into each other, and are fastened with cut nails. One bottom. It is let in, its whole thickness, into rabbets in the sides and ends and fastened with cut nails. One top piece. The projecting corners, at the back of the box, are notched out .5 inch, to let the box go into the rabbets in the rear studs of the bellows house. The top is fastened on with seven wood screws. One lid. It projects .5 inch over the front of the box. It has a clamj) two inches wide, framed on each end with three tenons, to prevent the lid from warping, 7--PART 2. 50 PART 2. FIELP CARRIAGES. IRONS Four corner plates, (sheet iron, No. 12 or 13.) The back plates are let in, their whole thickness, into the back and the ends; they are fastened each by seventeen screws and by the rivet for the end strap. The front plates are let into the ends only ; they are chamfered . 15 inch on the front side, and they are fast- ened each by fourteen screws, one of which passes through the end strap. Two end straps. The outer edges of the plate are chamfered . 1 inch. These straps serve to fasten the coal box in its place, for which purpose the end of each, next to the back of the box, is bent square and has a hole to receive the stud on the rear of the bellows house. The straps are fastened to the ends of the box, each by one rivet and two screws, and by the handles. Two handles. The ends, which are tapped, pass through holes in the end straps and are fastened inside of the box, by two wash- ers and two nuts to each handle. One stud plate, for turnbuckle. The stud is riveted into the plate, which is let into the front of the box and fastened by two rivets. One turnbuckle, (brass,) riveted on the stud. One hasp and strap. The outer edges of the hasp and of the strap are chamfered . 1 inch. The strap is fastened on the inside of the lid by one rivet and three screws. As the strap is not let into the lid, a notch is cut for it in the front of the box. One cover, (sheet copper. No. 24,) in two pieces. It is fast- ened on the top of the box with sixty-nine copper tacks, and on the lid, with one hundred and sixteen copper tacks. Two hinges. The outer edges are chamfered . 1 inch. They are fastened on the outside of the copper covering, each by one rivet and Jive screws to the top piece, and by one rivet and three screws to the lid. FORGE. .51 Limber chest. The wood work is like that of the ammunition chest, except in having no principal partition across the middle. In the iron work: Omit the assembling bolt, washer plate and turnbuckle of the ammunition chest, and the four screws in the bottom and principal partition. Add one hasp staple and plate^ (Plate XIX,) which is let into the front of the chest and fastened by two rivets, No. 2. B, two inches long. The back stay has no bolt hole at the upper end ; it is fastened by one rivet, No. 2. B, two inches long, in the lower hole on the back, and by six wood screws, No. 14; two of 1.25 inch and two of 1 inch in the back of the chest, and two of .75 inch in the bottom. The heads of the rivets are not covered with copper washers, as they are in the ammunition chest. This chest carries the tools for the forge. For the interior ar- rangment and manner of packing the tools, see Part 12. 52 PART 2. — FIELD CARRIAGES. Bolts and rivets for travelling forge. J ^ WASHERS. DESIGNATIOK. S Kind. REMARKS. Head Nut. BoUs. In. For under Straps - - - 4 N0.3.D. 5.25 4 _ i middle bolt - 1 do. 5.87 - _ " lunette < prop bolt - 1 No. 3. 4.85 _ _ Plate XIX. ( vice bolt - - 1 do. 6.55 - _ Part 10. PI. VIII. " stock stirrup - - - 2 N0.3.B. 4.18 - _ " stock and middle cross bar 1 do. 8.25 _ 1 " axle strap - - - 1 1 do. do. 4.68 7.82 : - " front cross bar - - - 2 N0.-2.D. 3.84 _ 2 " right side rail - - j 1 1 do. do. 3.84 3.94 - 1 1 '* lock chain bridle - \ 1 1 do. do. 4.2 4.3 _ _ " side rails - - - ? 2 2 do. do. 4.16 4.4 - 2 2 " air back 4 N0.2.E. 3.9 4 _ No nuts. " air back and fire place " stay plates for bellows " handles for coal box - 5 do. 1.2 _ Nuts octagonal. 4 No.l.D. 2.4 _ _ Thumb nuts. 4 No. 3. - 4 Plate XIX. Rivets. For the stock - - - - 2 No. 3. B. 4.25 _ 2 " stud plates for coal box 2 No. 2. B. 2.25 - - " brace for fire place ] 2 2 do. No. 2. 2.0 .5 - - ) Wire riveted at S both ends. " bellows pole - - - 2 do. 1.5 _ _ " bellows arms - - - 4 N0.2.B. 2.0 _ _ " bellows hook - - - 3 do. 2.25 _ _ r hinges - - 4 do. 2.0 _ _ " coal box J ?^^^^^ - 2 do. 2.0 - - coai Dox < j^^gp _ _ (stud plate 1 do. 2.0 - - 2 do. 2.0 _ _ " fireplace 59 3-10 in. .6 - - Plate XX. FORGE. J^ails and screws for travelling forge. 53 DESIGNATION. Miils. For lunette --------- " wheel guard plate - - - - - " axle bands -------- " lock chain hook ------ " bellows pole hook - - - - - " sliding cover of iron room - - - " lining boards of iron room - - - " roof and sides - ------ " coal box -------- " bellows ---------| " cover of roof and coal box - - - " sheet iron on front of bellows hoHse and cross bar - - - - " sheet iron guard, under fire place 12 No. 2. C, do. No. 1. C, do. do. 10 6 2 2 36 12 272 50 617 46 361 32 500 169 18 Kind. 8d. 4d. 6d. 12 oz. 20 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz. do. In. 3.5 3.0 .75 2.5 2.0 1.25 1.13 1.0 .75 1.0 REMARKS. Wrought nails. \ Cut nails. Bellows nails. Clout nails. \ Copper tacks. > Iron tacks. Screws. For BELLOWS HOUSE. braces - - - groove cleats - ends of roof < roof bows - - cap for coal box middle rail floorboards stay plates for bellows - - - stud plates, for coal box - - bellows pole stud - - . - bellows pole ------ ' cross heads - - arms - - - - BELLOWS <( cleats - - - - hook - - - - hinges- - - - front corner plates rear corner plates hinges- - - - hasp - - - handle plates - Uop No. 14. do. do. No. 12. No. 14. do. do. do. do. No. 16. No. 14. do. No. 20. No. 14. do. do. do. No. 12. do. No. 14. do. do. do. 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.251 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 3.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.25 .75 .75 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 & ^u > ^Z ^P i -fi. " Cut nails. Copper tacks. BILLS OF TIMBER. «D BILLS OF TIMBER FOR FIELD CARRIAGES. The following tables show the dimensions and kind of timber required for each part of the field carriages. All the timber (except what is directed to be split out) should be sawed to the given dimensions. If the parts which are directed to be got more than one in a length should be cut in single pieces, the length of the rough timber should be increased, at the rate of about one inch to the foot; but in all cases the con- tents of the piece are estimated by the dimensions given in the table. The oak timber should be of the best quality of white oak, tough, straight-grained, sound, and free from centre heart, sap, knots, splits, warps, or other defects. The axle bodies are got from quartered sticks, free from centre heart. The walnut should be of the best quality of black walnut. The jjoplar should be of the best yellow poplar. The walnut, poplar, and white pine, must be all clear stuff, free from sap and centre heart. The hickory must be tough, young, and straight-grained, and free from centre heart. In making bills for getting out timber, the fractional dimen- sions should be expressed in vulgar fractions. Part 2.-9 m PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. Bills of timber NAMES OF FARTS. DIMENSIONS OF EACH PIECE. Long. Wide. Thick Long. Wide. Thick Gun carriages. For 6 pr. gun i Stock and I Cheeks 12 pr. howitzer. ( Axle body. For 12 pr. gun C Stock and < Cheeks 32 pr. howitzer. ( Axle body. For^^ pounder S^^l^^-- howitzer. ^ Axle body. Wheels. Nave ^^''■^' Spokes. I No. 1. FelUes. No. 1, No. 2. Axle body Hounds Fork Splinter bar Brackets Front foot board Rear foot board ( Large end I Small end Pole prop Ammunition chest. Ends Sides Principal partition Pole. Cover frame. (Si \ Knds Bottom Pannel for cover Cover lining Sides 2 ,1 1 In. 92.1 34. 45.9 99.1 45.75 45.9 99.1 40.75 45.9 13.75 26.25 24.3 45.82 51.7 35.25 66.05 8.55 43.55 43.55 125. 25.25 20. 42. 18.5 44. 19.5 40.75 38.5 40.5 In. 8.25 12.5 6. 10. 14.85 6. 9.2 14.38 6, (12. 2.75 5.7 6. 8. 3.5 8.25 3.38 2.3 8. 4.5 3.25 2.25 1.87 16. 16. 14.75 3.25 3.25 18.75 16.5 18.5 In. 3.8 2.8 5. 5.08 3.25 6. 4.83 3.1 6. Round Do. (1.3 il.5 2.95 5.25 2.5 3. 2.75 1.6 0.85 .85 3.25 2.25 Round In. 100 40 50 108 50 50 108 50 50 50 56 40 72 46 46 132 30 22 44 22 69 44 42 42 In. 9.25 13.5 7. 11. 16. 7. 11. 16. 7. 14. 3.5 7. 9. 4.5 9.25 4.25 8.75 5. 4.5 3.25 2.25 17. 17. 17. 3.75 20. 17.5 20. In. 4.5 3.5 6. 5.75 4. 7. 5.75 4. 7. Round 2. 3.5 6. 3.25 4. 3.5 1.13 1.13 4.5 3.25 2.25 1.31 1.31 1.31 2. 1.31 2. 0.5 BILLS OF TIMBER. 67 for field carriages. CON'TENTS OF ROUGH TIMBER. Kind of wood. REMARKS. Each piece. Total. Sup. feet. 28.90 13.12 14.58 47.44 22.22 17.01 47.44 22.22 17.01 17.09 1.55 4.59 18.75 5.68 10.27 7.43 3T14 1.86 14.11 1.05 3.40 6.80 3.40 3.59 8.00 10.21 2.91 Sup. feet. 57.80 26.24 14.58 Oak. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Oak or ash Hickory. Walnut. Do. Do. Do. Oak. \ Poplar. 2 or 3 to be got in one length. 2 in one length. 98.62 94.88 44.44 17.01 2 in one. Do. 156.33 94.88 44.44 17.01 \ Rough timber, the same as for 12 pr. carriage. 156.33 17.09 21.70 32.13 Butt cuts, bored with U in. auger. Splitfrombutts of tough, straight-grained wood, J May be in planks 5 or 6 fellies in length, and \ 7 in. or 11 in. wide. 70.92 18.75 11.36 10.27 7.43 3.14 1.86 14.11 1.05 2 in one. Do. Do.' Do. Obtained from cuttings of other pieces, 2 in one. Do. Taken from the butts of tough, straight wood, To be split out. 67.97 6.80 13.60 3.40 7.18 8.00 10.21 2.91 4 in one length. 2 in one. 4 in one. 2 pieces, each 69 inches long, 2 in one length; or in 2 pieces, each 11 in. wide. ( 2 or 3 in one piece. \ Do. Do. 52.10 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. Bills of timber for field carriages- NAME8 OF PARTS. Caisson. Middle rail Side rails Stock Axle body Cross bar Foot board bolster Front foot board Rear foot board Forge — Body. Side rails Middle rail Stock Axle body Front cross bar Rear middle cross bar.. Front middle cross bar. Rear cross bar Floor boards Roof bows Corner studs Side studs Plates Front end stud Front of iron room .... Rear of iron room Lining of iron room. . . Cleats for grooves Braces Front end of roof Rear end of roof. Cap for coal box Boards for sides Boards for roof. Boards for sliding cover Prop for stock Bellows pole OIMENSIOKS OF EACH PIECE. Long. Wide. Thick In. 68.4 72.3 78.1 45.7 35. 12. 37.55 37.55 87.9 45.5 83.9 45.76 36. 36. 36. 36. 43.5 38. 31.25 31.25 42. 19.5 36. 32. 40.5 41.5 44.25 38. 38. 33. 39. 43. 32. 25.25 53. In. 5. 4.25 5. 5. 3.5 3.5 6.7 4.25 4. 4. 5. 6.25 3.1 3. 9. 2.5 7. 3. 3. 2.5 2.5 5. 8.5 2. 7.5 1.5 3.25 9. 11. 2. 5.9 6.5 7.25 1.88 1.63 In. 4. 2.5 4. 5. 2.25 1. 1.75 1. 3. 3.5 4. 5. 3. 3. 3.13 2.5 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. 0.75 0.75 1.75 1.5 1.5 1. 0.5 .5 .5 Round Do. Long. Wide. Thick In. 76 78 84 50 40 14 42 42 96 50 90 50 40 40 40 40 48 42 36 36 46 22 40 36 44 44 48 42 42 36 42 46 36 30 57 In. 5.75 5. 6. 6. 4. 4. 7.5 5. 4.75 4.75 6. 7.25 3.5 3.5 10. 3. 8. 9. 3.5 3. 3. 6. 9.5 3. 8.5 2. 4. 10. 12. 2.5 7. 7. 8. 2.25 2. In. 4.75 3.25 4.75 6. 3. 1.25 2.13 1.25 3.75 4.25 4.75 6. 3.5 3.5 3.5 3. 1.25 1.25 2.5 2.5 2.5 1.25 1.25 1.25 1. 1. 2. 1.75 1.75 1.25 0.75 .75 .75 2.25 2. BILLS OF TIMBER. b9 Continued. CONTENTS OP ROUGH TIMBER. Kind of wood. REMARKS. Each ! Total. piece. 1 Sup. feet. Sup. feet. 14.41 14.41 Oak. 8.79 17.58 Do. 16.62 16.62 Do. 12.50 12.50 Do. 2 in one length. 3.33 3.33 Do. In plank, 2 in length and 2 or 3 in width. .48 .48 Do. in plank, 10 in one piece. 4.65 ! 4.65 Do. 2 in one length. 1.82 11.87 1.82 Do. Oak. Do. 71.39 23.74 7.01 7.01 Do. 2 in one length. 17.81 17.81 Do. 15.10 15.10 Do. 2 in one. 3.40 3.40 Do. Plank, 2 in length and 2 in width. 3.40 3.40 Do. Do. Do. Do. 9.72 9.72 Do. Do. 2 in one piece. 2.50 2.50 Do. Do. 6 in one piece. 3.33 13.32 Do. Do. 2 in one. 3.28 6.56 Do. Do. 2 in one. 2.19 8.75 Do. Do. 4 in one. 1.88 3.75 Do. Do. 6 in one. 2.39 4.78 Do. Do. 6 in one. 1.14 1.14 Do. Do. 8 in one. 3.30 3.30 Do. Do. 2 in one. 0.94 .94 Do. , Do. 8 in one. 2.59 5.18 Do. Do. 2 in one. 0.61 1.22 Do. Do. 6 in one. 2.67 5.34 Do Do. 4 in one. 5.10 5.10 Walnut. Do. 2 in one. 6.13 12.25 Do. Do. 2 in one. 0.78 .78 Do. Do. 8 in one. 1.53 15.30 White pine. Do. 3 in one length. 1.68 11.75 Do. Do. Do. 1.50 9. Do. Do. Do. 1.05 1.05 Hickory. Split out. 1.58 1.58^ 193.77 Do. Do. n FIELD CARRIAGES. Bills of timber for field carriages — NAMES OF PARTS. Forge — Bellows. Upper and lower planks. Middle plank Cross heads C Sides Ribs. < Ends ( Cross bars Cleats Valves Battens for valves Coal box. Sides and top piece. Ends Lid Clamps for lid Bottom BATTERY WAGON — Body. Lower side rails 2 Upper side rails 2 Stock 1 Axle body 1 Front cross bar 1 Front middle cross bars 2 Rear middle cross bar 1 Rear cross bar 1 Floorboards 3 Sides of body 2 Side of till 1 Bottom of till 1 Cleats for till ! 2 Ends of body. i 2 Forage rack sides Forage rack bars . Cover. Side rails Ridge pole.. . End rails.. . . End studs. .. End boards. . Roof boards. DIMENSIONS OF BACH PIECE. Long:. Wide. Thick In. 31. 41. 28. 32.25 28. 28. 7. 8. 8. 33. 14. 32.5 12.9 32. 111.25 103.8 99. 45.86 36.5 36.5 34.5 36.5 99.25 101.4 99.6 99.1 10. 35.7 31.5 42.2 103.8 103.8 38.5 13.5 39. 103.8 In. 14. 14. 3. 2.75 2.75 2. 2.75 8. 4. 22.5 22.5 12.9 2. 14. 5.75 2.25 5. 5.25 5. 3.75 3.25 3.25 10.5 20. 10:5 9. 1.25 22. 5. 2.75 2. 2. 2. 2. 12.5 5.5 In. 1.5 1.75 2.38 .75 .75 .75 .75 .5 .4 1. 1. 0.9 0.9 1. 3.25 2. 5. 5.25 4.25 3.25 2. .6 .75 2. 2. 2. 1. 1. 0.5 Long. Wide. Thick In. 34 44 32 36 32 32 9 9 36 16 36 14 36 116 108 108 50 40 40 38 40 106 108 104 104 40 36 46 108 108 42 18 42 108 In. 15. 15. 3.5 3. 3. 2.25 9. 4.5 24. 24. 14. 2.5 15. 6.5 3. 6. 6.25 5.5 4.25 4. 4. 11.5 21.5 11.5 10. 24. 5.5 3.25 3. 3. 3. 2.5 13.5 7. In. 2. 2. 3. 1. 1. 1. 0.75 .75 1.38 1.38 1.25 1.25 1.31 4. 3. 6. 6.25 5. 4. 2.5 3.5 1.25 1.38 1.25 1.25 1.38 2. 1. 3. 3. 3. 1.5 1.25 0.75 BILLS OF TIMBER. 71 Continued. CONTENTS OF ROUGH TIMBER. Each piece. Total. Kind of wood. Sup. feet. 7.08 9.17 2.33 0.75 0.67 0.50 0.42 0.21 8.28 3.68 4.37 .30 4.91 20.94 6.75 27.00 13.56 7.64 4.72 2.64 3.88 10.58 22.25 10.. 38 9.02 9.20 2.75 1.03 6.75 6.75 2.63 0.47 4.91 3.94 Sup. feet 28.32 18.34 4.66 3.00 1.34 1.00 .84 .42 57.92 16.56 7.36 4.37 .60 4.91 33.80 41.88 13.50 27.00 13.56 7.64 9.44 2.64 3.88 31.74 44.50 10.38 9.02 18.40 5.50 1.03 240.11 13.5 6.75 5.25 .94 9.82 35.44 71.70 Poplar. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Walnut. Do. Walnut. Do. Do. Do. Oak. Oak. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Wh. pine Do. Do. Do. Do. Walnut. Oak. Do. Oak. Do. Do. Do. Walnut. Wh. pine. 3 or 4 in one. 2 or 3 in one. Scantling ; 4 in one piece. / May be got in boards 12 inches wide and 11 I feet long, making 2 sets. Obtained from cuttings of the ribs. A board 13.5 inches wide and 9 feet long makes 12 of each. } ) May be in one plank 8 feet 8 inches long, or \ in two of half that length. 2 or 3 in one piece. A plank 9 ft. long, 10 in. wide makes 32 clamps. 2 or 3 in one piece. 2 in one length. 2 or 3 in one. Do. Do. Do. Obtained from cuttings of sides of body. 2 in one. 4 in one plank. 6 in one board. 2 in one piece. 12 in one piece . 2 in one. 72 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. Bills of iron for field gun carriages. NAMES OF PARTS. 1 lock chain bolt. 2 trail handles 2 bolts for handles S head ) \ body S 1 eye plate for lock chain , 1 lock chain , 1 tog-sjle for lock chain , 1 axietree (draft.) 1 lunette (draft.) 1 steel for lunette 1 trail plate 1 large pointing ring 1 plate for large pointing ring. . . 1 rivet for large pointing ring.. . *2 bolts for large pointing ring. . . 1 small pointing ring *2 bolts for small pointing ring. . 2 wheel guard plates 2 prolonge hooks 1 stop for rammer and sponge. . 1 ear plate for worm 1 key for worm 1 eye plate for implement chain . 2 implement chains I Ij^^^^Pf;,;^;; 2 stud plates 2 studs 2 hasp plates 2 trunnion plates. . .;_draft) or. *4 end pieces for trunnion plates 2 chin bolts ^^^''^'^• 2 key bolts. 6 cheek bolts. ( body. . < head.. . I body. . I head.. . I body. . 2 washers for chin bolts 2 cap squares (draft) or . . 2 cap square keys 2 D rings 4 staples for D rings 1 linstock socket FOR 6 POUNDER GUN. Wide. Thick. In. 1.5 1. 1.5 3.25 .375 1.5 1. 5.5 2. 2. .5 .625 1.5 .625 5. 2. 3.75 3.75 1. 1.375 .2 1.375 1. .5 1.75 2.5 2.75 1.5 .75 1.5 .75 1.5 .75 2.5 2.5 1.5 .5 .75 3.75 In. 0.625 Round Round .375 Round .5 .375 .2 1. 1.25 Round Round 1.5 Round .25 .75 .2 .25 .375 .25 Round .05 1. Round .25 1.5 .5 .75 Round .75 Round Round Round .875 1.25 .38 Round .375 ,15 Long. In. 20. 12. '•1 3.5 170. 4. 2.5 18. 6. 4.5 2. 12.8 7. 15.9 10. 11. 5.25 4.5 2.75 4. 56. 36. 7. 1.5 11. 20. 44. 7. 23. 7. 17. 12. 46.8 4. 18. 5.5 27. 16. 6. FOR 24 PR. HOWITZER Wide. Thick In 1.5 1. 2. 1. 3.25 .375 1.5 1. 6. 2. 2. .5 .625 1.5 .625 5. 2. 3.75 3.75 1. 1.375 .2 1.375 1. .5 1.75 3. 3. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2.75 3. 1.75 .5 .75 3.75 In. 0.625 Round Round Round .375 Round .5 .375 .2 1. 1.25 Round Round 1.5 Round .25 .75 .2 .25 .375 .25 Round .05 1. Round .25 1.5 .5 1. Round 1. Round Round Round 1. 1.25 .38 Round ,375 15 Long, In. 20. 12.5 2.5 7.0 3.5 190. 4. 2.5 18. 6. 4.5 2. 12.9 7. 16.9 10. 11. 6.75 4.5 2.75 4. 72. 48. 7. 1.5 11. 28. 52. 7. 29.0 7. 22.5 18.0 60.0 4. 22. 6. 27. 16. 6. BILLS OF IRON. Bills of iron for field gun carriages. 73 NAMES OF PARTS. 3 assembl'g bolts fNo.5 No. 4 { head. I body head. body 1 washer hook for lock chain . . . 2 handspike hooks. . . . | \^^^^^^ _ *2 understraps 2 implement hooks *1 axle strap 3 bolts for axle strap . . < Uf^A^ 1 bevel washer for axle strap bul 2 axle l)ands 2 bolts for elevating screw box.. 1 elevating screw 1 handle for elevating screw 2 shoulder washers 2 linch washers 2 linch pins 8 nuts No. 3 17 nuts No. 4 3 nuts No. 4 14 nuts No. 5 2 washers No. 3 8 wa.shers No. 4 8 washers No. 5 16 nails No. 1 32 nails No. 2, C 12 nails No. 2, D 3 key chains, No. 1 2 cap square chains, No. 2. 6 rings No. 1, B 4 rings No. 2, B 5 eye pins No. 1 2 eye pins No. 2 1 box for elevating screw. . 2 turnbuckles for implement 6 rondelles 6 POUNDER GUN. Wide. Thick. In. In. 2. Round 1. Round 1.5 Round .75 Round 1.5 .5 1.5 .5 .5 Round 2.75 .5 .5 Round 2.75 .5 1.5 Round .75 Round 1.5 .5 1.5 .25 .625 Round 2. Round 2.5 1.75 1.25 .5 1. .5 1.25 .75 1.25 .625 1.5 .75 i. .125 2.5 .19 ,25 .25 .3 .3 .375 Round .15 Round .2 Round .2 Round .25 Round .875 Round 1. Round In. 2.5 14. 4. 27.5 3. 6. 8. 50. 48. 28.75 6. 16. 1. 45. 20.5 15. 6. 26. 18. 8.5 10. 25.5 4. 20. 26.5 94.5 45. 33.75 27.5 18. 13. 7.75 5. 24 PR. HOWITZER. Cast brass. Do. Cast iron. Wid( In. 2. 1. 1.5 1.5 .5 3. .5 3. 1.5 .75 1.5 .625 2. 2.5 1.25 1. 1.25 1.25 1.5 2. 2. 3.25 .25 .3 Thick In. Round Round .5 .5 Round .5 Round .5 Round Round .25 Round Rouno 1.75 .5 .5 .75 .625 .75 1. .125 .19 .25 .3 .375 Round .15 .2 .2 .25 Round Round Round Round .875 Round 1. Round Part 2—10 It PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. For the 12 pounder gun carriage the bill of h-on is the same as for the 24 pounder howitzer, with the exception of the items mark- ed *, the dimensions of which for the 12 pounder gun are as follows; NAMES OF PARTS. 2 bolts for large pointing ring. 2 bolts for small pointing ring. 4 trunnion plates, (end pieces) 2 understraps 1 axle strap Width. Thickness. In. 0.625 .625 3.25 3.2 3.2 Length. In. Round Round .5 .5 .5 In. 14.7 18.1 60. 56. 30.75 Bill of iron for field carriage wheels. NAMES OP PARTS. One wheel. 2 brow bands 2 end bands 12 nails No. 1 1 tire. 7 tire bolts 7 washers 7 nuts 1 nave box, (cast iron) . No. 1 , 6 POUNDER. 1 Wide. JThick. Long. In. In. In. 1.25 0.25 70. 1.5 0.25 56. 0.25 0.25 19.5 2.75 0.5 180. 0.5 Round 35. 1.625 0.125 12.0 1. 0.5 7. No. 2, 12 POUNDER. Wide. Thick. Long In. 1.25 1.5 0.25 2.75 0.5 1.625 1. In. 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.625 Round 0.125 0.5 In. 75.5 64. 19.5 180. 37.8 12.0 7. Bill of iron for one field carriage limber. NAMES OF PARTS. 4 rivets for hounds 4 washer plates 1 pintle hook (draft.) 3 bolts for pintle hook 1 stay plate 1 pintle key 1 tar bucket hook 2 bolts for axle body and hounds 4 under strap bolts 2 under straps 2 axle bands 2 end bands for splinter bar Width Thickness. in. 0.375 1.5 In. Round .125 .75 Round 2.75 .5 1.625 Round 1. .25 .625 Round 1.25 Round 2.5 .5 1.25 .25 1.5 .5 Length. In. 11. 12. 27. 6.5 9. 5. 21.5 13. 46. 42. 14. BILLS OF IRON. 76 Bill of iron for one field carriage limber — Continued. NAMES OF PARTS. 2 bolts for hounds and splinter bar 1 eye plate for pole prop socket 1 eye for pole prop socket 2 middle bands 4 trace hooks 1 fork strap 2 splinter bar and fork bolts , 1 pole prop socket 1 ferrule 1 toggle for pole prop chain 2 stay pins 2 keys for stay pins . 1 pole rivet No. 3 1 pole bolt 1 pole strap and rin^ 2 pole chains No, 5 2 lapped rings for pole chains 1 muff for pole yoke 1 collar for muff 2 half collars for pole yoke 2 branches for pole yoke 2 sliding rings for pole yoke 2 bolts for collar and branches 1 washer for muff 1 key for pole yoke 2 shoulder washers 2 linch washers 2 linch pins 1 axletree (draft.) 1 middle piece for axletree 3 nuts No. 4 11 nuts, No. 3 2 washers No 4, and 4 burrs No. 2 8 washers No. 3 2 burrs No. 3 9 rivets No. 2 16 nails No. 1 2 nails No. 2 2 chains No. 1 1 chain No. 2 1 chain No. 3 5 rings No. 1 2 rings No. 2 i 2 eye pins No. 1 | 1 eye pin No. 3 i Width. In. 1. 1.75 1.5 1.5 1. 1.75 1. 3. 1.25 .5 1.25 1. .5 1. 1.5 .375 .5 4.25 .5 1.5 1.25 .75 1. 1. .3 .5 1.25 1. 1.25 3.5 1.5 1.25 2.5 2. 1.25 .25 .25 .3 .15 .2 .25 .2 .'25 .875 Thickness, In. Round 0.5 .625 .625 .5 .375 Round .625 .25 .25 .5 .25 Round Round .5 Round Rounr .25 .5 .625 1.25 Round 1. Round .3 .5 .5 .5 .75 2.5 .75 .625 .188 .125 .25 Round .25 .3 Round Round Rouni Round Round Round Round Length . In. 9. 6. 2.5 11. 22. 12. 9.5 6. 6. 2. 6. 6. 3.5 6. 12. 130.5 12. 9. 9.5 12. 12. 30. 6. 5. 10. 2. 26. 18. 8.5 10. 4.5 13.75 6.50 16. 2.25 19.25 27.5 4.25 25. 27.5 28. 16.5 10. 76 PART 2.^FIELD CARRIAGES. Bill of iron for one ammunition chest. KAMES OP PARTS. 2 corner plates. , 6 corner plates. . 1 assembline: bolt ( body. ( head . 1 nul for assembling bolt 1 washer plate for assembling: bolt 3s>ay« IS^".'!:: 2 hinges 3 hinge and hasp plates 1 hasp 1 hasp strap 2 handles 4 plates for handles 8 rivets No . 3 9 rivets No. 2 1 cover (sheet copper.) 1 turnbuckle (cast brass.) Width. In. 9. 15.5 0.5 1. 1. 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.13 1.75 1.5 0.75 1. 0.5 0.375 25. Thickness . Length In. 0.1 0.1 Round Round 0.5 0.1 0.375 1.5 0.75 0.1 0.75 0.75 Round 1. Round Round No. 24 In. 12. 35. 18. 3. 1. 2.5 21. 12. 44. 7.5 4. 11. 50. 24. 20. 18. 48. Bill of iron for one caisson. NAMES OF PARTS, 1 middle assembling bar. . 2 bolts for do 1 carriage hook 1 rear assembling bar. . . . 2 bolts for do 1 bridle f Ibody 2 ribs 1 washer Spare 3 rivets wheel { 1 chain axle. 1 toggle 2 slays 1 stay bolt 1 foot bolt ends middle piece. Width. Thickness . In. 3. 6. 1. 1.5 3. 1. 2.3 4.25 1. 5.75 0.25 0.375 1.25 1.5 1. 1. Length. In. 0.5 0.5 Round 1.5 0.5 Round 0.25 1.25 1. 0.5 Round Round 0.625 0.75 Round Round In. .32.5 6. 6. 16. 45. 7. 8.25 18. 27. 5.75 8.5 23.5 2.5 11. 2.75 3.125 BILLS OF IRON. Bill of iron for one caissson — Continued. 77 NAMES OF FARTS. 3 foot board bolts . » 1 lock chain bridle 1 lock chain 1 tog-gle for lock chain 1 lock chain hook . . » 1 axletree (draft.) 2 under straps 4 bolts for do 2 axle bands 2 rivets for stock 2 burrs do 1 lunette draft, or. 2 bolts for do 1 key plate for spare pole 1 key for do 2 wheel is:uard plates 1 stock stirrup. 2 bol ts for do 1 axle strap 1 spare pole ring 1 bolt for axle strap, (No . 3, D) 1 Do. Do. (No.3,B) 8 washer plates 4 stay pins 4 keys for do 1 rins: bolt 2 key plates for shovel and handspike. . . 2 keys 2 staples for tool handles 2 shoulder washers 2 linch do 2 linch pins 23 nuts No. 3 10 washers No . 3 22 nails No . 2 32 do. No. 1 7 chains No . 1 14 rings No . 1 7 eye pins No . 1 Width. Thickness, In. 1. 1.5 0.375 1.5 1. 2.5 1.25 1.5 0.5 1.125 3.5 1. 2. 1.25 4. 2.5 1. 2.5 1.5 1. 1.25 1.5 1.25 1. 1. 3.5 1. 0.375 1.25 1. 1.25 1.25 2. 0.3 0.25 0.15 0.2 0.875 In. Round 0.75 Round 0.5 0.25 0.5 Round 0.25 Round 0.25 1. Round 0.5 0.625 0.25 0.5 Round 0.5 0.625 Round Round 0.125 0.5 0.25 1. 0.25 0.25 Round 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.625 0.125 0.3 0.25 Round Round Round Length. In. 12. 5. 136. 4. 5. 42. 20. 36. 7.5 2.25 38. 8.5 9. 6. 10. 21. 9. 21. 10. 5.5 11.25 24. 12. 12. 6.5 6. 4. 21. 26. 18. 8.5 28.75 20. 74.75 35.5 102.5 49. 12.25 78 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES Bill of iron for one travelling fo^'ge. NAMES OF PARTS. Width. Thickness Length. Body. 1 axletree draft, 2 axle bands 2 under straps , 4 bolts for under straps, No. 3, D 2 rivets for stock 1 lunette draft, or, 1 prop bolt for lunette 1 middle bolt for lunette 1 socket for prop 1 ferrule for prop 1 toggle for prop chain 1 stock stirrup 2 bolts for stock stirrup. 1 bolt for middle cross bar 1 axle strap 2 bolts for axle strap 2 wheel guard plates 2 stud plates for coal box 2 studs 2 keys for coal box 1 lock chain hook 1 bellows pole hook 1 bellows pole staple 4 stay plates 4 bolts for stay plates 4 thumb nuts for stay plates 1 front of bellows house sheet iron. 1 cover for middle cross bar. .sheet iron. 1 guard for stock tin or sheet iron . 1 stud for bellows pole 1 stay for bellows pole | ul'p^right* \ 1 cover for roof. sheet copper . 1 upper plate of back sheet iron . 1 lower iDack plate sheet iron . 2 side plates sheet iron . 1 front plate sheet iron . 1 bottom plate sheet iron. 1 air back cast iron. 4 bolts for air back 5 bolts for fire place and air back 1 hook for forge bucket 1 plate for front cross bar. . . .sheet iron . 2 plates for side rails sheet iron , In. 1.5 2.5 1. 0.5 3.5 1.5 1. 3. 1.25 0.5 2.5 1.25 1.25 2.5 1.25 4. 2. 0.625 .375 1. 1. 0.375 2.625 0.75 1. 28. 11.75 6. 1.25 1.25 1.25 22.5 13.25 26.25 8. 8. 13.8 0.5 0.75 1. 4.5 4.5 In. 0.25 0.5 Round Round 1. Round Round 0.625 .25 .25 .5 Round Round 0.5 Round 0.25 .15 Round Round 0.25 .25 Round 0.25 Round 0.375 No. 24 No. 24 No. 24 1.25 1.25 0.5 No. 24 No. 11 No. 8 No. 8 No. 8 No. 8 Round 0.75 .25 No. 8 No. 8 In. 38. 42. 16. 7.5 38. 3.5 4. 6. 6. 2. 22. 8.5 5.5 18. 9.75 10. 10. 2.8 6. 5. 5. 7.5 12. 8. 10. 37.5 32. 17. 3. 3. 26. 88. 31. 31. 31. 34. 30.75 21.6 12. 5. .37.5 51.5 BILLS OF IRON. Bill of iron for one travelling forge — Continued. 79 NAMES OP PARTS. Body — Continued . 10 bolts for plates 1 lock chain bridle 1 lock chain. I toggle for lock chain.. . 1 brace for fire place 2 plates for brace 1 strap for bellows pole.. 1 chain for bellows pole. 2 shoulder washers 2 linch washers 2 linch pins Bellows. 6 butt hinges 3 in. X 3 in . 2 arms 1 elbow for windpipe cast brass, 1 collar for windpipe cast brass , 1 joint pipe for windpipe cast brass, 1 bent pipe sheet copper 1 hook for bellows Coal bjx. 2 front corner plates sheet iron 2 rear corner plates 2 end straps 2 handles 1 stud plate for turnbuckle 1 stud for turnbuckle 1 hasp strap 1 cover sheet copper 2 hinges 2 hinge straps Vice. 2 jaws steel for jaws 1 screw 1 handle 1 washer 1 strap 1 key Igib 2 joint plates 1 bolt for joint plate, No. 4, D Width. ! Thickness. In. 0.75 1.5 0.375 1.5 0.5 2. 1.25 0.375 1.25 1.25 1.5 6. 1.5 10. 10. 2. 1.25 2.25 0.875 1.75 1.5 18.5 J. 5 1.5 2. 0.75 2.5 0.75 0.625 1.25 1.5 0.625 2.5 1. In. Round 0.75 Round 0.5 Round 0.25 1. Round 0.5 .5 .75 0.5 No. 18 0.375 No. 12 No. 12 0.5 Round 0.15 Round 0.75 .75 No. 24 1. 0.75 1.375 0.5 Round Round 0.375 .375 .375 .375 .5 Round Length. In. 35. 5. 155. 4. 13. 8. 12. 24. 26. 18. 8.5 64. 20. 20. 18. 22.5 18. 18. 4. 1.75 4. 8. 36.5 8. 16. 26. 8. 8. 12. 7. 10.5 2.5 2.5 8. 2.5 80 PART 2. — FIELD CARRIAGES. Bill of iron for one travelling forge — Continued. NAMES OF PARTS. 1 spring for vice steel. 1 stay for foot of vice 1 vice bolt f 15 nuts No. 3 15 nuts No. 2 8 washers No. 2, and 2 burrs 7 washers No. 3 10 nails No. 1 22 nails No. 2 4 rivets 22 rivets 1 chain No. 1 1 chain No. 2 5 rings No. 1 3 eye pins No. 1 Widtli. In. 1. 2. 2. 1.25 I. 1.625 2. 0.25 .3 0.25 .375 .15 .2 .2 .875 Thickness . In. 0.25 1. 1. 0.625 .5 .125 .125 .25 .3 Round Round Round Round Round Round Length. In. 4. 5. 5. 18.75 15. 15. 14. 15.75 74.75 6.88 41. 18. 27.5 17.5 5.25 Bill of iron for one battery wagon. NAMES OF PARTS. 2 assembling bolts. 8 side studs 1 sp;ire stock hook and button 1 spare stock stirrup 4 grooves < head.. ( body. 12 bolts for grooves and side rails 3 bolts for middle side siud 1 turnbuckle bolt 1 turnbuckle cast brass. 1 hook for cover prop 1 eye pin 2 stays for upper rail | ^|^']^- ' 2 end studs 1 mortise plate 1 axletree draft. 2 under straps 4 bolts for under straps Width. In. 1.625 1.5 1.25 3.75 1.5 0.75 .375 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1. 1. 1.625 5.25 2.5 1.5 Thickness . In. 0.5 1. 0.375 .15 Round Round Round Round Round Round Round 1. 0.375 .5 .25 .5 Round Length. In. 160. 10. 20.5 89. 3.25 74.6 38. 9.75 4. 2.5 2.5 18. 64. 40. 7.75 42. 16. BILLS OF IRON. 81 Bill of iron for one battery wagon — Continued. NAMES OF PARTS. 1 bolt for right side rail 2 bolts for lock chain bridle. No. 3, D ^ No. 3, B. 1 lock chain bridle 1 lock chain 1 toggle for lock chain , 1 lock chain hook , 1 lunette draft, or, 2 bolts for lunette , 2 wheel guard plates 1 stock stirrup , 2 bolts for stock stirrup 2 bolts for middle cross bars 2 forage rack chains 2 fora2:e rack hooks 2 forage rack bands 2 forsige rack bolts 2 shoulder washers 2 linch washers 2 linch pins Wagon cover. 4 corner squares 2 end bows LTf5' P^"""" I ends 4 joint bolts. .. . 2 middle bows. 2 staples 1 cover prop. . . 1 li'isp 3 hinges G bolts Width. handle., prop,. . . 34 rivets 6 rivets 22 nuts No. 1 7 nuts No. 3 IG nuts No. 4 6 washers No. 3. 8 washers No. 4, 12 burrs 8 washer plates. . 2 nails No. 1 22 nails No. 2 In. 1. 1. 1.25 1.5 0.375 1.5 1. 3.25 1. 4. 2.5 1.5 1.5 0.25 1. 1. 1.25 1.25 1. 1.25 1.5 1. 1. 0.625 1.5 0.375 2. 1.5 1.25 5.5 0.625 .5 .25 .75 1.25 1.5 2. 2.5 1.125 3.75 0.25 .3 Thickness In. Round Round Round 0.75 Round 0.5 .25 1. Round 0.25 .5 Round Round Round 0.375 0.125 Round 0.5 .5 .75 .25 1. 0.25 Round 0.25 Round 0.75 .375 .25 .375 Round Round Round 0.375 .625 .75 .125 .188 .25 .15 .25 .3 Leno-th. In. 4. 4. 3.5 5. 200. 4. 5. 38. 8.5 10. 22. 7. 11. 296. 7. 75. 9. 26. 18. 8.5 32. 16. 96. 10. 103. 5.5 6. 18. 4.5 20. 13.5 83. 17. 16.5 8.75 24. 10. 20. 13.5 12.75 5.25 74.75 Part -2.-11 82 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. Summary bills of iron for field carriages. Kind of carriage. Width. Thick- ness. Length. Weight. REMARKS. In. In. Feet. Lbs. 6 PR. GUN 0.15 Round 2.81 0.18 For chains No. 1. CARRIAGE. 0.2 Round 8.50 .90 2.3 feet for chains No. 2. 0.25 Round 1.1 .18 0.375 Round 18. 6.62 0.5 Round 7.2 4.70 0.625 Round 4.10 4.18 0.75 Round 10.86 15.96 0.875 Round 0.65 1.30 1. Round 2.58 6.73 1.5 Round 2.17 12.78 2. Round 1.46 15.28 Hammered. 0.25 0.25 2.21 .46 0.3 0.3 7.87 2.36 .75 0.375 1..33 1.25 Hammered. 1.0 0.375 0.23 .29 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.52 1.0 1.0 0.58 1.94 1.25 0.5 2.16 4.53 1.25 0.625 0.84 2.20 Hammered. 1.25 0.75 0.7 2.20 1.375 0.05 3.0 .70 1.375 0.25 0.33 .38 1.5 0.25 3.75 4.72 1.5 0.375 .46 .86 1.5 0.5 1.16 2.92 Hammered. 1.5 0.625 1.66 5.22 Hammered. 1.5 0.75 3.3 12.47 Hammered. 1.5 1.5 .59 4.46 Hammered. 1.75 0.25 .93 1.36 2.0 0.125 .33 .27 2.0 0.75 .93 4.68 2.0 1. .5 3.36 Hammered. 2.0 1.25 .38 3.19 Hammered. 2.5 0.188 1.66 2.60 2.5 0.875 .33 2.42 2.5 1.25 1.5 15.75 J Hammered ; or 2 drafts \ for cap squares. 2.5 1.5 1.66 20.91 ^ Hammered ; or 2 drafts ( for trunnion plates. 2.5 1.75 .5 7.35 Hammered. 2.75 0.5 10.23 47.26 3.25 0.375 0.39 1.23 3.75 0.15 .5 .95 '* 3.75 0.2 .44 1.11 BILLS OF IRON. 83 Summary bills of iron for field carriages — Continued. Kind of carriage. Width. Thick- ness. Length. Weight. REMARKS. In. In. Feet. Lbs. 6 PR. GUN 3.75 0.25 0.38 1.19 CARRIAGE- 5. 0.25 .83 3.48 Continued. 5.5 0.2 1.5 5.53 136.00 28.00 2 drafts for axletree. 1 draft for lunette. 404.93 1.0 0.375 0.21 .26 17.00 Steel for lunette. 4 small rondelles ) Cast 2 large rondelles \ iron. 13.00 30.00 8.00 Brass box of elevat'g: screw. .42 Brass f For cha DF turnbuckles. 8.42 24 POUNDER 0.15 Round 2.81 0.18 in No. L HOWITZER 0.2 Round 9.80 1.03 2.3 feet for chains No. 2. CARRIAGE. 0.25 Round 1.08 .18 0.375 Round 19.6 7.21 0.5 Round 7.54 4.93 ^^^*=5at_^^ 0.625 Round 4.50 4.59 (r^ ■»- "~~^~^^ ^-~: 0.75 0.875 Round Round 1.42 0.65 2.08 1.30 / ^'^i^U 1.0 Round 15.83 41.32 1.5 2.0 0.25 0.3 0.75 Round Round 0.25 0.3 0.375 0.5 3.58 2.21 7.88 1.33 2.94 37.48 .46 2.36 1.25 1.0 0.375 0.23 .29 ^ V>^J 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.52 1.0 1.0 0.58 1.94 1.25 0.5 2.16 4.53 1.25 0.625 0.84 2.20 Hammered. 1.25 0.75 0.71 2.23 1.375 0.05 4.0 .92 1.375 0.25 0.33 .37 1T\ 84 PART 2, — FIELD CARRIAGES. Summwry bills of iron for field carriages — Continued. Kind of carriage. Width. Thick- ness. Length. Weight. REMARKS. In. In. Feet. Lbs. 24 POUNDER 1.5 0.25 4.0 5.04 HOWITZER 1.5 0.5 1.08 2.72 Hammered. CARRIAGE— 1.5 0.625 1.66 5.22 Hammered. Continued. 1.5 0.75 0.37 1.39 Hammered. 1.5 1.5 0.59 4.46 Hammered. 1.75 0.25 0.93 1.36 1.75 0.375 3.5 7.70 2.0 0.125 0.33 .28 Hammered. 2.0 0.75 0.92 4.63 2.0 1.0 4.0 26.88 Hammered. 2.0 1.25 0.38 3.19 Hammered. 2.5 1.75 0.5 7.35 Hammered. 2.75 1. 0.33 3.04 3.0 0.5 11.23 56.59 3.0 1.25 1.84 23.18 ( Hammered; or 2 drafts \ for cap squares. 3.0 1.5 2.33 35.22 (Hammered; or 2 drafts \ for trunnion plates. 3.25 0.188 2.57 5.24 3.25 0.375 0.30 1.22 3.75 0.15 0.5 .94 3.75 0.2 0.57 1.43 3.75 0.25 0.38 1.19 5.0 0.25 0.83 3.48 6.0 0.2 1.5 6.04 200. Draft for axletree. 1.0 0.375 0.21 37. Draft for lunette. 567.10 0.26 Steel for lunette. 17. 4 small rondelles ) Cast 2 large rondelles J iron. 13. 30. 8. ( Brass for box of elevating ( screw. .42 Brass for 2 turnbuckles. 8.42 BILLS OP IRON. 85 Summary bills of iron for field carHages — Continued. Kind of carriage. Width. Thick- ness. Length. Weight. REMARKS. In. In. Feet. Ll)s. 12 PR. GUN 0.15 Round 2.81 0.18 For chains No. 1. CARRIAGE. 0.2 Round 9.80 1.03 2.3 feet for chains No. 2. 0.25 Round 1.08 .18 0.375 Round 19.60 7.21 0.5 Round 7.54 4.93 0.625 Round 4.73 4.82 0.75 Round 1.42 2.08 0.875 Round 0.65 1.30 1.0 Round 15.83 41.32 1.5 Round 0.5 2.94 2.0 Round 3.58 37.48 Hammered. 0.25 0.25 2.21 .46 0.3 0.3 7.88 2.36 0.75 0.375 1.33 1.25 Hammered. 1.0 0.375 .23 .29 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.52 1.0 1.0 .58 1.04 1.25 0.5 2.16 4.53 1.25 0.625 0.84 2.20 Hammered. 1.25 0.75 0.71 2.23 1.375 0.05 4.00 .92 1.375 0.25 0.33 .37 1.5 0.25 4.0C 5.04 1.5 0.5 1.08 2.72 Hammered. 1.5 0.625 1.66 5.22 Hammered. 1.5 0.75 .37 1.39 Hammered. 1.5 1.5 .59 4.46 Hammered. 1.75 0.25 .93 1.36 1.75 0.375 .5 1.10 2.0 0.125 .33 .28 Hammered. 2.0 0.75 0.92 4.63 2.0 1.0 4.00 26.88 Hammered. 2.0 1.25 0.38 3.19 Hammered. 2.5 1.75 0.5 7.35 Hammered. 2.75 1.0 0.33 3.04 3.0 1.25 1.84 23.18 (Hammered; or 2 drafts / for cap squares. 3.0 1.5 2.33 35.22 (Hammered; or 2 drafts 3.2 0.5 7.23 38.86 ( for trunnion plates. 3.25 0.188 2.17 4.42 3.25 0.375 0.30 1.22 3.25 0.5 5.00 27.30 3.75 0.15 0.5 .94 PART 2. — FIELD CARRIAGES. Summary bills of iron for field carriages — Continued. Kind of carriage. Width. Thick- ness. Length. Weight. REMARKS. 12 PR. GDN CARRIAGE- Continued. In. 3.75 3.75 5.0 6.5 1.0 In. 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.375 Feet. 0.57 0.38 0.83 1.5 .21 Lbs. 1.43 1.19 3.48 6.54 200. 42. Draft for axletree. Draft for lunette. 574.08 0.26 Steel for lunette. 17. 13. 4 small rondelles ) Cast 2 large rondelles \ iron. 30. 8. .42 ( Brass for box of elevating ( screw. Brass for 2 turnbuckles. 8.42 Wheel No. 1. 0.5 0.25 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.625 2.75 Round 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.125 0.5 2.93 1.63 0.58 5.83 4.67 1.00 15.00 1.91 0.34 0.97 6.12 5.88 0.68 69.30 In one piece ; for tire. 85.20 15.5 Cast iron for nave box. Wheel No. 2. 0.5 0.25 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.625 2.75 Round 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.125 0.625 3.15 1.63 0.58 6.29 5.33 1.00 15.00 2.06 0.34 0.97 6.60 6.72 0.68 86.55 In one piece; for tire. 103.92 15.5 Cast iron for nave box. BILLS OF IRON. 87 Summary bills of iron for field carriages — Continued. Kind of carriage. Width. Thick- ness. Length. Weight. REMARKS. In. In. Feet. Lbs. Limber. 0.15 Round 2.08 0.13 For chains No. 1. 0.2 Round 3.67 .38 2.3 feet for chains No. 2. 0.25 Round 4.95 .80 2.33 feet for chains Nc ►.3. 0.375 Round 11.8 4.34 0.5 Round 1.30 .85 0.625 Round 1.80 1.83 0.75 Round 4.75 6.98 0.875 Round 0.30 .60 1.0 Round 2.69 7.02 1.25 Round 1.08 4.41 1.625 Round 0.75 5.18 0.25 0.25 2.3 .48 0.3 0.3 1.19 .35 0.5 0.25 0.17 .07 0.5 0.5 0.95 .80 i.O 0.25 0.93 .78 1.0 0.5 3.33 5.59 Hammered. 1.0 0.1 0.5 1.68 Hammered. 1.25 0.25 4.19 4.40 Hammered. 1.25 0.5 2.67 5.60 1.25 0.625 1.15 3.01 1.25 0.75 0.71 2.23 Hammered. 1.25 1.25 1.0 5.25 1.5 0.125 1.0 .63 1.5 0.5 2.17 5.46 Hammered. 1.5 0.625 2.12 6.67 Hammered. 1.5 0.75 .38 1.43 1.75 0.375 1.0 2.20 1.75 0.5 0.5 1.47 2.0 0.125 1.33 1.11 2.5 0.188 0.54 .85 2.5 0.5 3.84 16.12 2.5 1.5 0.5 t 6.30 2.75 0.5 0.54 i 2.49 3.0 0.625 0.5 3.15 3.5 2.5 0.84 24.69 ( Hammered ; middle I for axletree. piece 4.25 0.25 0.75 2.67 120. 125. 2 drafts for axletree. Draft for pintle hook. 283. 1.0 0.375 0.21 0.26 Steel for pintle hook. 88 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. Summary bills of iron for field carriages — Contiaued. Kind of carriage. Width. Thick- ness. Length. Weight REMARKS. In. In. Feet. Lbs. Ammu- 0.375 Round 1.5 0.55 nition 0.5 Round 3.16 2.06 CHEST. 0.75 Round 4.13 6.07 1.0 Round 0.25 .65 1.0 0.5 0.08 .13 1.0 1.0 2.00 6.72 1.5 0.375 1.73 3.26 1.5 0.75 4.58 17.31 1.5 1.0 0.2 1.00 1.5 1.5 1.0 7.56 1.75 0.75 0.33 1.45 15.5 25.0 0.1 No. 24 4.0 4. 20.50 Sheet copper for Brass for turnb 67.26 9.50 cover. 0.21 uckle. Caisson. 0.15 Round 8.53 0.50 For chains No 1. 0.2 Round 4.08 0.43 0.25 Round 0.71 .11 0.375 Round 15.04 5.53 0.5 Round 0.63 .41 0.875 Round 1.02 2.04 1.0 Round 4.49 11.71 1.25 Round 2.61 10.67 0.25 0.25 2.92 .61 0.3 0.3 6.23 1.87 1.0 0.25 1.75 1.47 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.52 1.0 1.0 2.79 9.37 Hammered. 1.125 0.25 0.19 .18 1.25 0.5 3.18 6.68 1.25 0.625 3.1 8.12 Hammered. 1.25 0.75 0.70 2.20 Hammered. 1.5 0.125 2.0 1.26 1.5 0.25 3.0 3.78 1.5 0.5 0.33 .83 1.5 0.625 .83 2.61 Hammered. 1.5 0.75 1.33 5.02 Hammered. X.S 1 1.5 1 1.33 10.05 BILLS OF IRON. 89 Summary hills of iron for field carriages — Continued. Kind of Width. Thick- Lenfflh. Weight. REMARKS. carriage. ness. o In. In. Feet. Lbs. Caissok — 2.0 0.125 1.67 1.40 Continued. 2.0 0.5 0.75 2.52 2.31 0.25 0.69 1.33 2.5 0.5 7.0 29.40 3.0 0.5 6.46 32.55 3.5 0.25 0.5 1.47 3.5 1.0 3.17 37.27 ( Hammered ; or 2 \ for lunette. drafts 4.0 0.25 0.84 2.82 4.25 1.25 1.5 26.77 5.75 0.5 0.48 4.63 6.0 0.5 0.5 5.04 136. 2 drafts for axletree. 369.17 Forge. 0.15 Round 1.5 0.09 For chain No. 1. 0.2 Round 3.75 .38 2.3 feet for chain No 2. 0.25 Round 0.57 .93 0.375 Round 19.48 7.17 0.625 Round 0.24 .24 0.5 Round 3.51 2.29 0.75 Round 4.58 6.73 0.875 Round 0.58 1.16 1.0 Round 1.88 4.90 1.25 Round 3.48 14.23 1.5 Round 0.3 1.76 2.5 Round 0.67 10.96 0.25 0.25 1.32 .28 0.3 0.3 6.23 1.88 0.5 0.25 .17 .07 0.625 0.375 .79 1.89 0.75 0.75 1.0 .63 1.0 0.25 1.25 1.05 1.0 0.375 0.84 1.06 1.0 0.5 2.75 4.62 1.25 0.25 0.5 .52 1.25 0.375 0.88 1.38 1.25 0.5 4.31 9.05 1.25 0.625 1.56 4.e8 Hammered. 1.25 0.75 0.7 2.20 1.25 1.0 1.0 4.20 Hammered. Part 2. -12 90 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. Summary bills of iron for field carriages — Continued. Kind of carriage. Width. Thick- ness. Length. Weight. REMARKS. In. In. Feet. Lbs. FOROE— 1.25 1.25 0.5 2.62 Continued. 1.5 0.25 3.17 4.00 Hammered. 1.5 0.375 1.88 3.55 1.5 0.5 5.66 14.26 1.5 0.75 2.42 9.14 Hammered. 1.5 1.0 0.66 3.32 Hammered. 1.625 0.125 1.25 .85 1.75 0.75 0.33 1.45 Hammered. 2.0 0.15 0.84 .84 2.0 0.125 1.17 .98 2.0 0.25 0.67 1.12 2.0 0.5 1.5 5.04 2.0 1.0 0.83 5.58 Hammered. 2.0 1.375 2.17 20.03 Hammered. 2.25 0.15 0.33 .37 2.5 0.5 7.5 31.50 2.625 0.25 1.0 2.20 3.0 0.625 0.5 3.15 Hammered. 3.5 1.0 3.17 37.27 ( Hammered ; or 2 drafts X for hmette. 4.0 0.25 0.84 2.82 10. No. 12 3.4 12.5 Sheet iron. 13.25 No. 11 2.58 14.25 Sheet iron. 27. No. 8 7.5 122.00 Sheet iron. 28. No. 24 5. 11.85 Russia sheet iron. 0.75 0.5 0.67 136. 1 2 drafts for axletree. 530.44 1 .84 Cast steel. 1.0 22.5 0.25 No. 24 0.33 7.33 .27 Spring steel. 36.5 Cast iron air back. 6. Brass for windpipe. 15.75 ( Sheet copper ; in 2 sheets \ 44 in. long. 18.5 No. 24 3.04 5.25 Sheet copper. 20. No. 18 0.05 1.90 Sheet copper. 22.90 BILLS OF IRON. 91 Summary bills of iron for field carriages — Continued. Kind of Width. Thick- Length. Weight. REMARKS. carriage. ness. o - In. In. Feet. Lbs. Battery 0.25 Round 26.08 4.25 24.7 feet for chains No. 4. WAGON. 0.375 Round 20.3 7.47 0.5 Round 6.92 4.52 0.625 Round 1.92 1.95 0.75 Round 6.22 9.14 1.0 Round 1.38 3.60 1.25 Round 2.60 10.63 1.5 Round 3.11 18.31 0.25 0.25 0.44 .09 0.3 0.3 6.23 1.88 0.75 0.375 1.38 1.29 1.0 0.125 6.25 2.62 1.0 0.25 8.41 7.06 1.0 0.375 5.92 7.46 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.52 1.0 1.0 2.84 9.54 Hammered. 1.125 0.25 1.12 2.11 1.25 0.25 0.38 .40 1.25 0.375 1.71 2.68 1.25 0.5 2.18 4.58 1.25 0.625 0.73 1.91 Hammered. 1.25 0.75 0.71 2.23 Hammered. 1.5 0.25 11.25 14.17 1.5 0.375 1.5 2.83 1.5 0.5 0.33 .83 1.5 0.75 2.47 9.32 Hammered. 1.5 1.0 0.83 4.18 1.625 0.5 16.67 45.50 2.0 0.125 0.83 .70 2.0 0.75 0.5 2.52 2.5 0.188 1.67 2.62 2.5 0.5 5.33 22.38 3.5 1.0 3.17 37.27 ( Hammered ; or 2 drafts ( for lunette. 3.75 0.15 8.48 16.02 4.0 0.25 0.83 2.79 5.25 0.25 0.65 2.87 5.5 0.375 1.66 11.50 136.00 2 drafts for axletree. 417.74 0.21 Cast brass for turnbuckle. 9"2 PART 2. FIELD CARRIAGES. Remarks on the bills of iron. The iron in the foregoing bills is to be rolled iron, when not otherwise specified. It should be of the best quality, neatly rolled, and clear of fag ends. Rolled iron of good quality may also be substituted for some of the hammered iron; but the latter is to be preferred for all the bars thus designated in the bills. As the manufacturers of iron use common fractions for the dimensions of bars, the bills for their use should be made out ac- cordingly, in vulgar fractions, instead of decimals. The drafts of pieces which are to be hammered in peculiar shapes are represented in Plate XXIX. These shapes should be of the full dimensions given in the drafts. The draft for the axletree of the limber represents one of the arms which are to be welded to a middle piece containing the stop. Another method of making this axletree is to have one of the arms forged sufficiently long to weld the stop on it, before it is joined to the other arm. In that case the middle piece for the axletree will be omitted in the bill of iron. Formers for iron work. — Plates XXX, XXXI, XXXII. The formers for shaping the irons of field carriages are repre- sented in the plates, together with a vice for forming the heads of bolts, and clamps for bending some of the irons. For the gun carriages, the formers for the 6 pounder irons only are drawn. Those for the other gun carriages can be readily made from these, by referring to the drawings of the irons pecu- liar to those carriages. Plate IX. The formers are made of cast iron. They have flanges, with holes in them, for securing them to blocks of wood, by means of FORMERS FOR IRON WORK. 93 bolts or nails. Most of the formers are represented as furnished with clamps and keys for holding down one part of the iron whilst the other is shaped and hammered. These clamps are not absolutely necessary in all cases; they may be used or omit- ted, at the discretion of the master workman. The formers for trunnion plates and cap squares represented in Plate XXXI differ from those given in Plate XXX, for the same pieces. Both kinds are given, as patterns of the formers used at different Arsenals; either of them may be adopted, ac- cording to the mode of working which may be thought most convenient. Vice for heading holts — Plate XXX. This vice is intended for forming the heads of those bolts which are made by upsetting the iron for the head. It consists of a fixed jaw A, of cast iron, which is fastened to a wooden bench B by two bolts,^No. 5, E. and a moveable jaw C which is held against the fixed jaw by means of a lever acted on by the foot of the workman. The jaws contain the dies for forming the head of the bolt. The bed or lower part of the piece A is bored out, to receive the cylindrical part of the cast iron guide D, which contains the screw for supporting the lower end of the bolt and regulating its length. This guide is fastened to the underside of the bed A by 4 bolts, No. 3, E. which pass through the circular flanch F. The brass nut N of the screw is let into the lower part of the guide D, and is fastened there by a pin. The screw is inserted from the top of the guide, and it passes through a circular plate or box G, which has a feather fitting into a slot in the screw, so that this plate serves as a handle for turning the screw; for this purpose holes are bored in the edge of the plate, to insert a pin for turning it. Corrections — Part second. Page 12 — after one lock chain bolt, (&c. ; add : " one washer and one nu(, for the same." 29 — 7th line, for '* eighty-six, ^^ read "mnefy-sir." 29 — 10th line, add : " one nut, for this bolt." 30— 7th line, for *' two'' read "four." 31— in the table of screws, 2nd line, for *' 14," read " 20." 31— in the table of screws, 3rd line, for " 16," read " 20." 32— 5th line from the bottom, for '^four,'^ read "jfitje." 35— 18th line, for "two,'' read "fcmr." 35— 6th Une from the bottom, for " one," read " two ;" and for " It is," read " They are." 46— after the 14th Une, add : " One lock chain, Plate III." 59— 6th line, for " two," read "four." 59— 4th line from the bottom, for "back," read "rack." 62— strike out all the first paragraph, after the word "forge,'* in the first line. 63— 3d line from bottom, last column, insert " 1." ARTILLERY PART THIRD, CARRIAGES FOR THE SERVICE OP SIEGE BATTERIES L I B R x\ H 1 TTNIVKIiSTTY OF 1848 PART THIRD. SIEGE CARRIAGES. Gu7i carriages r — Plates I to V. There are three gun carriages for the service of siege artillery^ viz: One for the 12-pounder gun. One for the 18-pounder gun. One for the 24-pounder gun and the 8-inch howitzer. These carriages are similar to each other in their construction, differing only in their dimensions, as shown in the plates. In mounting the 8-inch howitzer on the 24-pounder gun car- riage, a quoin is used instead of the elevating screw, the howitzer being too short to rest on the screw. A table of bolts, rivets, nails and screws, follows the nomen- clature and description of the parts of the carriages. Wood loork. White oak is used for all these carriages. See the general remarks on wood work of artillery carriages: Part 2, page 10. Those roundings of the wood which are not shown in the plates are given in the description of the parts. One stock. It is made of two pieces, put together with dowels. The edges are rounded with a radius of 1.5 inch, except at the place of the rondelles and the trail plate, as in the field carriage. The head of the stock is hollowed out, with a radius equal to that of the gun in front of the trunnions, in order to allow the gun to be depressed. Two dowels, for the stock. 2 PART 3. SIEGE CARRIAGES. Two cheeks. The pattern of the cheek includes the trunnion plate, on the upper edge; the part to be cut off, for fitting the trunnion plate, is marked by means of the plate itself. The lower corners are rounded with a radius of .4 inch, where the iron work allows it. One axle body. The notches for the stock and the cheeks to fit in, are shown in the drawings. The corners are rounded with a radius of 1.25 inch, except at the axle strap, where the round- ing is .4 inch. The corners of the ends are chamfered .2 inch. One breech bolster. It should be made of a piece of wood which will not split easily. The upper corners are rounded with a radius of .6 inch; the ends, with 1.5 inch. Irons. — Plates IV aQd V. One assembling bolt, for the stock. Two washers and one nut for the same. One mancRuvring bolt. It is square, and is cut at each end with the thread No. 5. Two collars, for manoeuvring bolt. They are made of sheet iron welded, and are formed on a mandril, to go over the diago- nal of the bolt; they are turned on the exterior, and the ends are faced in the lathe. Four washers, for manoeuvring bolt. Two of them have square holes, to fit the body of the bolt; these are apphed to the sides of the stock, and they are let into the wood a little, on the front side, so as to be perpendicular to the axis of the bolt. The other two washers have round holes, to fit bolts No. 5, and their edges are rounded, instead of being chamfered; they are applied to the outer ends of the collars. Two nuts, No. 5, for the manoeuvring bolt. Six rondelles, (cast iron.) They are placed between the stock and the cheeks; the assembling bolts pass through them. The GUN CARRIAGE. 3 two in rear, through which the lock chain bolt passes, have each two tenons which are let into the stock and cheeks. The ron- delles should be faced and turned to the proper size and thickness. Two assembling bolts. Four loashers and two nuts for the same. One assembling eye bolt, for the lock chain. The square under the head of this bolt is in the right cheek, and one diagonal of it is parallel to the bottom of the cheek. The screw on the bolt is cut with the thread No. 7. The ring of the lock chain is welded in the eye of the bolt. One washer, No. 9, for the head of this bolt. One washer and one nut. No. 7. One lock chain — Plate IV. It consists of a chain, (No. 7,) to which the shoe is attached; another chain, (No. 7,) for the toggle, and a drag chain, (No. 5,) which connects the first chain with the eye bolt. When the shoe is no longer required to act on the wheel, the toggle is loosened by knocking off the ring, and the wheel runs over the shoe, which is then drawn by the drag chain, until it can be hooked up. One shoe. The under side of the shoe is faced with a plate of steel, which is welded and riveted to the iron. One key, for the shoe. It passes through the holes in the ears of the shoe, on the inside of the felly, to keep the w^heel from slipping off. Two trunnion plates. They are bent on a former, and they are warmed when applied to the cheeks. They are fastened by the several bolts which pass through the width of the cheeks, and also by two bolts in the heads of the cheeks. The cheeks are chamfered down to the width of the trunnion plates. Two chin bolts. The edges of the heads are chamfered . 1 inch. Two bevel washers and two nuts for these bolts. The washers are made to fit in the outer angles of the understraps. Two key bolts. The edges of the heads are chamfered . 1 inch. Two nuts for these bolts. Four cheek bolts. Four washers and/ow nuts for the same. 4 PART 3. SIEGE CARRIAGES. Two travelling trunnion bolts — Plate V. The heads are cham- fered .1 inch. These bolts, with the trunnion plaies, form a sup- port for the trunnions of the gun in its travelling position. Two washers and two nuts for the trunnion bolts. The washers and nuts are all No. 7, although the bolts in the 18-pounder and 24- pounder carriages are No. 9. Two trunnion plate bolts. The nuts for these bolts are let into the heads of the cheeks, from the inside. Two cap squares. The upper edges are chamfered .15 inch. Two cap square chains. Each chain consists of six links , No. 3, and two rings, No. 2, A. Four eye pins. No. 3, for cap square chains. Two of them are riveted into the cap squares; the other two are screwed into the sides of the cheeks. Two cap square keys. Two key chains, each oifive links, No. 2, and two rings. No. 2, B. Two eye pins, No. 2, for key chains. They are screwed into the sides of the cheeks. One axle tree — Plate IV. The stop in the middle of the upper side is dovetailed into the body. The lower corners are rounded with a radius of . 1 inch. Two understraps. The exterior edges are chamfered . 15 inch. The straps are put on warm. One axle strap. It serves as a washer to the two bolts which connect the stock with the axle body. Two bolts, for the stock and axle body. Their heads are let into the upper side of the stock. Two nuts for these bolts. Two axle bands. They are put on warm, and they are fastened to the axle body, each by three nails. One lock chain hook. It passes through the axle body on the right side of the carnage. Two washers and one nut for the bolt of the hook. GUN CARRIAGE. O One hook, for the shoe. It is screwed into the right cheek of the carriage. These hooks carry the lock chain and shoe when they are not in use. See Plates XI and XII. One cheek plate, for the shoe. It is fastened with three wood screws, on the right cheek of the carriage, to protect the wood from the friction of the shoe, in travelling. One box, for the elevating screw, (brass.) The composition of the metal is the same as that for the box of the screw of field carriages. The under part of the box is let into the wood, the plate rest- ing on the upper side of the stock. Two bolts, for the box of the elevating screw. Their heads are countersunk in the plate. Two washers and two nuts for these bolts. One elevating screw. The head is fastened on in the same manner as in the screw for field carriages; the tenon on the upper end of the screw is 1.5 in. diameter. The handles are screwed into the head; the screw is .75 inch diameter and .88 in. long. One strap staple. It is driven into the middle of the stock, on the under side; it projects .25 inch clear of the stock, and serves to confine a leather strap 22 inches long and 1.5 inch wide. When the gun is in its travelling position, the elevating screw is inverted in its box, and this leather strap is buckled round one of the handles, to prevent the screw from turning. See Plate XII. Two wheel guard plates. They are fastened to the stock, each by six nails. One lunette. The pintle hole is reinforced by a rondelle, which is fastened to the upper side of the lunette plate with three rivets. This rondelle is let into the under side of the stock, its whole thickness. The rear end of the plate has an eye, to receive the hook of the lashing chain on the limber. See Plate XII. The outer corners of the plate are chamfered .2 in; those of the eye are rounded. 6 PART 3. — SIEGE CARRIAGES. Two lunette bolts. Two washers and two nuts. The heads of the bdts are countersunk in the under side of the lunette plate. One trail plate. The part under the stock, which rests on the sweep bar of the limber, is reinforced by a guard plate which is fastened to the trail plate with six rivets. This inner plate is let into the stock. The trail plate is bent on a former; it is applied warm, and is fastened to the stock by twenty-nine nails. Two bolster bolts. The heads are let into the upper side of the bolster, and they are hollowed out to correspond with the curva- ture of the wood. Two washers and two nuts for these bolts. Two shoulder washers , for the axle tree. They are shrunk on the axle arms, against the ends of the wooden body. Two linch washers. Two linch pins. Two wheels. GUN CARRIAGE. Bolts, rivets, nails and screws for siege gun carriages. i Kind. LENGTH. WASHERS. DESIGNATION. 12-p'r. 18-p'r. 24-p'r. 1 1 Bolts. For the stock. 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 ] 2 2 1 No. 7, A. Do. No. 9.* No. 7.t No. 7, A. Do. No. 3, E. No. 7. § Do. II No. 9.|| No. 5, B. Do. No. 4, C. Do. Do. No. 4, B. In. 12.2 25.1 25.1 20.6 20.65 18.9 5. 23.2 18.3 17.3 17.45 17.1 12.2 12.35 12.15 15.8 8.63 In. 13.85 27.7 27.7 21.1 21.2 19.3 5. 23.3 18.8 17.5 17.45 17.1 12.2 12.35 12.15 16.1 8.63 In. 14.75 29.9 29.9 21.4 21.8 20.1 5. 24.25 19.5 18. 17.45 17.1 12.2 12.35 12.15 16.45 8.63 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 t 1 " cheeks and stock *' manoeuvring collars " trunnion plates and cheeks < " chin bolts " key bolts " travelling trunnion bolts. " stock and axle body. ... J " box of elevating screw. . ] " lunette " breech bolster ** " lock chain hook ^-'-r-^tetfe'!':':::::::: 6 3 No. 3, C. Do. 0.9 1.5 1.15 1.5 1.15 1.5 - - C For trail plate J^ails. < " wheel guard plates i " axle bands 29 12 6 No.3,C. No.2,C. No.l,C. 3.5 3. 2.5 3.5 3. 2.5 3.5 3. 2.5 - - Screws^ for cheek plate 3 No. 12. 1.5 1.5 1.5 * Nut and its washer, No. 7. f Two nuts, No. 5.— See Plate IV. t Nuts not chamfered. Bevel Washers— Plate IV. || Plate V— Washers and nuts, No. 7. ** Plates I, II, and HI. tt Plate IV. 8 PART 3. SIEGE CARRIAGES. WHEEL. — PLATE VI. Wood loork. One nave, ^ Fourteen spokes, [> White oak. Seven fellies. J The corners of the fellies are rounded with a radius of .8 inch; except at the rear of the spokes, where the rounding is .3 inch. Seven dowels. They are round, tapering a little towards the ends. Iron work. Two brow bands, ") The inner edge of the band, on the side Two end bands, j next to the spokes, is slightly rounded, to prevent it from chafing the nave when it is driven on. The outer edge of the end band, on the thickest side, is chamfered .15 inch. Each band is fastened with three nails. One tire. Hoop tire, shrunk on in the usual manner. Seven tire bolts. Seven washers and seven nuts for the same. One nave box, (brass.) It is fastened with wooden wedges. Bolts and nails for one wheel. Designation. 1 1 Kind. Length. Washers for nuts. Tire bolts 7 12 No.4,H. No. 1, C. In. 5.94 2. 7 Nails for nave bands. ••• LIMBER. » LIMBER. — PLATES VII and VIII. Wood work. — (White oak.) Oiie fork. In rear of the axletree, the corners are rounded with a radius corresponding to the difference of width of the wood and the iron, where it does not exceed 1 inch. In front of the axle tree, the lower corners are rounded with a radius of 1 inch, up to the splinter bar; the upper corners are rounded with a radius of .8 inch, in front of the sweep bar. Two hounds. The corners are chamfered .5 inch, except where the iron work is applied. The upper surface of the hounds is in the same plane with that of the fork, for a length of 16.2 inches from the rear end; from that point it slopes towards the front, the under side being straight. One splinter bar. It is straight on the front side. The ends are rounded, outside of the hounds; the corners of the middle part are chamfered .5 inch, as shown in the drawing. One pole. It is straight on the upper side, the taper being on the lower side, beginning at the splinter bar. It is connected with the fork by two bolts. One leading bar. It has an oval shape, corresponding with that of the bands, as shown in Plate VIII. Irons.— Flaie VIII. One bolt, for the head of the fork. It serves as a rivet for the fork, in front of the pintle. Two washers and one nut for the same. One axletree, like that for the gun carriage. It is let into notches on the under side of the fork and the hounds, so that the upper surfaces of these pieces may be in the same plane. One pintle plate. The holes in the plate are perpendicular to its upper surface. The form and dimensions of the pintle hole Part 3.-2 10 PART 3. — SIEGE CARRIAGES. are determined by those of the pintle. The plate is fastened to the fork by seven nails and by two of the axle strap bolts. One sweep bar. The centre of the circular part is in the axis of the pintle hole. The ends are turned down square, over the outside of the hounds, and fastened by a bolt through each of the ears thus formed. The sweep bar is also fastened to the fork by two of the axle strap bolts, and to the hounds by two of the bolts which hold the understraps. Two bolts, for the ears of the sweep bar. Two washer's and two nufs for the same. One axle strap. The corners of the under side are chamfered . 15 inch. The rear end has an eye for the lashing chain. The strap is put on warm, and is fastened to the fork by six bolts and by the pintle. One lashing chain. It consists of four rings and one hook; the first ring is welded into the eye of the axle strap. Six bolts, for the axle strap. Two of them pass through the pintle plate, two through the sweep bar, and two through the fork in front of the sweep bar. Two washers and six nuts for these bolts. Two understraps, fastening the hounds to the axle tree. The lower corners are chamfered . 15 inch. The understraps are put oo warm, and they are fastened to the hounds, each by two bolts, one of w^hich passes through the sweep bar. Four bolts, for the understraps. Two washers and four nuts for the same. One pintle. The upper, conical part is turned. The shoulder and the shank should be fitted accurately in the mortises, both in the pintle plate and in the wooden fork. One nut for the lower p J of the pintle. Two end bands, for the splinter bar. Their edges are cham- fered . 1 inch. They are put on hot, and are fastened each by two rivets Two middle bands, for splinter bar. The upper plates are let into the front ends of the fork, and the bands are fastened by the bolts which connect the splinter bar and fork. Four trace hooks, for the splinter bar. They are welded into the loops of the bands. One bridle, for the front end of the fork. The outer corners are chamfered , 15 inch. It is fastened by the two bolts which connect the fork and the splinter bar. Two bolts, for the splinter bar and fork. Two nuts for the same. Two bolts, for the splinter bar and hounds. Four washers and two nuts for the same. One bridle^ for the middle of the fork. The outer corners are chamfered . 15 inch. It is fastened to the fork, at the rear end of the pole, by four nails. One rivet, for the rear end of the pole. One burr for the same. One eye plate, for the front end of the pole. It is let into the middle of tie pole, and is fastened by two bolts, one ferrule, and one clasp. Two pole chains. Each chain consists of nine links, No. 6, one S link, (coldshut,) and one ring, which is w^elded into a hrle in the eye plate. One ferrule, for the end of the pole. The corners are cham- fered .15 inch. It is put on hot, at the same time that the eye plate is put in place. One pole clasp. The corners are chamfered .15 inch. The ends form two ears through which the clasp bolt passes, one of them being tapped to receive the thread of the bolt. The clasp is fastened also by one of the eye plate bolts. One clasp bolt. The head is hexagonal. It has no nut, being screv/ed into the tapped ear of the clasp. Two bolts, for the eye plate of the pole. Three washers and two nuts for the same. 12 PART 3. — SIEGE CARRIAGES. Two bolts, for the pole and fork. Four washers and two nuts for the same. One middle band, for the leading bar. A hook, for fastening the leading bar to the eye plate of the pole, is welded into the rear loop of the band, and a double trace hook into the front loop. The band is fastened to the leading bar by two rivets. Two end bands, for leading bar, like those for the splinter bar. They are fastened each by two rivets. They have also two trace hooks, like those on the splinter bar. Two axle shoulder washers, ^ Two linch washers, Two linch pins, Two wheels. Like those on the gun carriage. LIMBER. 13 Bolts, rivets and nails for limber of siege carriages. DESIGNATION. Bolls. For pintle plate axle strap. " sweep \ hounds, bar, (^understraps. . " hounds and understraps " fork and axle strap " splinter bar and hounds. , " splinter bar and fork. . . , " pole and fork , " fork " pole and eye plate " pole clasp and eye plate " pole clasp Kind. No. 4, C, Do. Do. Do. No. 4, D Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. No.2,D Do. No. 2. In. 8.15 8.4 4.43 6.38 5.8 7.85 7.72 8.8 11.15 10.35 3.75 4. 1.5 Hexag'l head. No nut. Rivets. For pole " splinter bar bands. " leading bar bands. No.3,B. No. 2. Do. JSToib. For pole bridle... " pintle plate. . 4.75 3.5 3.5 f Wire riveted I at both ends. No.2,C. 3. No.3,C. 3. 14 PART 3. SIEGE CARRIAGES. MORTAR WAGON. This wagon is designed for the transportation of siege mortars and their beds, or of siege guns, or large shot and shells. It has the same limber as the siege gun carriage. Wood work.— Pldiie IX. White oak is used for all the wood work. Two middle rails. They are framed together, and form the stock of the wagon. The upper corners are rounded with a radius of .6 inch, on the inside, from the breech bolster to the pintle hole, except at the front cross bar; on the outside, they are rounded in their whole length, including the front end. The lower corners are rounded in like manner, except at the axle body. One front transom. It is placed between the middle rails, in front of the pintle plate, and is fastened by two dowels. The grain of the wood runs in the same direction as that of the rails. Two dowels. They are round; they pass through the front transom into the rails. One middle transom. It is placed between the front cross bar plate and the assembling bar; its ends have wedge-shaped tenons which are let into the middle rails, on the inside. One rear transom. It is placed between the middle rails, and rests on the axle body; its tenons are let into the inner sides of the rails. The top of the transom is sloped towards the rear, end hollowed out, with a radius of 10 inches, to form a bolster for supporting the breech of the gun. The corners of this sloping surface are rounded with a radius of .6 inch. Two side rails. The upper corners are rounded with a radius of .6 inch, except the inner corners, opposite to the windlass, where the rounding is .4 inch. The lower corners are rounded ,6 inch, except at the axle body. The ends are chamfered .75 inch. MORTAR WAGON. 15 One rear cross bar. It is let into the rear of the middle rails, and its ends are let into the side rails. The lower corners are chamfered .5 inch, between the rails. Six middle cross bars. They are placed between the middle rails and the side rails, and are let into both. The lower corners are chamfered .5 inch. Two front cross bars. They rest on the assembling bar, and are let into the middle and side rails their full size. Two bottom planks. The upper corners are rounded with a radius of .6 inch. They are fastened to the front and rear cross bars, each by one bolt, and to the other cross bars by two nails in each. One axle body. The upper corners are rounded with a radius of .6 inch. The lower corners are rounded with a radius of 1.25 inch, except under the middle rails, where the rounding is .4 inch. The corners of the ends are chamfered .2 inch. There are two circular cuts in the upper side of the axle body, for the roller handspikes to lie in. The drawings of the axle body show the manner in which the middle and side rails are notched into it. One windlass. The corners of the middle part are rounded with a radius of 1 inch. The other parts are turned in the lathe. Two handspikes, for working the windlass. One muzzle bolster. It is intended to support the neck or the muzzle of the gun, when the wagon is loaded with one. The upper part is hollowed out for this purpose. The upper corners, and those of the ends, are rounded with a radius of .6 inch. The bolster is fastened to the middle rails and to the front transom by five iron dowels. Six stakes. They support a strong frame which is placed on the wagon, for carrying balls. This frame is made of 4 planks, 12 inches wide and 1.25 thick, dovetailed together and strength- ened by iron corner plates. 16 PART 3. SIEGE CARRIAGES, Irons, — Plate X. One assembling bar. It passes through the middle rails, under the front transom and cross bars, and is traversed by the bolts of the cross bar plate. Two handspike hooks. The corners of the plate are chamfered . 15 inch. They are fastened to the outside of the middle rails, against the front cross bars, each by two nails. One assembling bolt. It passes through the rails, the rear tran- som, and the two middle cross bars which are over the axle body. Two washers and one nut for this bolt. One eye plate, for the lashing chain. It is placed between the middle rails, in rear of the pintle hole, and is fastened by a bolt. Two bolts, for the front ends of the middle rails. One of them passes through the front transom, the other through the eye plate. Four washers and two nuts for these bolts. Two manceuvring staples. They are driven into the under side of the middle rails, in rear of the eye plate bolt. Two cross bar plates. They are placed over the front and rear cross bars, and are bolted to them and to the rails. Twelve bolts, for cross bar plates. JVine washers and twelve nuts for the same. One lock chain bridle. The loop is rounded; the edges of the plates are chamfered . 15 inch. It is fastened under the left side rail by two bolts, one of which is the bolt which fastens the cross bar plate to the rail. One bolt, for the lock chain bridle. One nut for the same. One lock chain and shoe, ) Like those on the gun carriage : One key, for the shoe. > Plate IV. One trail plate. It is fastened under the front ends of the middle rails by eleven nails. MORTAR WAGON. 17 One lunette. The square plate, which reinforces the upper side of the lunette, is fastened to the lower plate by four rivets, which are countersunk in both plates. The corners of the under side of the lunette are chamfered . 15 inch. The reinforce plate is let into the under side of the middle rails, and the lunette plate is also let in, to the depth of .25 inch. One bridle^ for the pintle to bear against. The upper corners are chamfered .15 inch. It is placed on the upper side of the middle rails, over the lunette plate. The part which is turned, downwards, perpendicular to the plate, is let into the rear end of the front transom. Three holts, for the lunette and bridle. Three nuts for the same. Two wheel guard plates, like those for the gun carriage, Plate IV, except that they are bent to fit the rounding of the rails. They are fastened to the middle rails, against the front cross bars, each by six nails. One axle tree, like that of the gun carriage. Two under straps. The outer corners are chamfered . 15 inch. The straps are put on warm; they are fastened to the side rails, each by two bolts. Four bolts, for the understraps. Their heads are let into the upper side of the rails. Four nuts for these bolts. Four bolts, for the middle rails and axle body. Their heads are let into the upper side of the rails. Four nuts for these bolts. Two axle straps. The outer corners are chamfered .15 inch. They serve as washers to the four bolts just mentioned. One breech hurter. It is let into the middle rails, on the upper and inner sides, in rear of the lodgment for the breech of the gun, and it is fastened hy four nails. Six stake sockets. The outer corners are chamfered .15 inch; the inner corners are slightly rounded. They are bolted on the outside of the side rails; the middle socket opposite to the middle Part 3—3 18 PART 3. — SIEGE CARRIAGES. cross bar; the ends of the others opposite to the inside of the front and rear cross bars. They receive the stakes which support the sides of the frame for carrying shot. The sockets and the stakes have holes through them for pins, to prevent the stakes from being lost. Ten bolts, for stake sockets. Ten washers and ten nuts for the same. Two lock chain hooks. They take the places of two bolts in fastening the front and middle stake sockets on the left side. Two washers and two nuts for the same. One tarbucket hook, like that for the limber of field carriages. It is fastened on the outside of the left side rail, near the rear end, by two nails. Four roller plates, for handspike sockets on the windlass. The outer edges are chamfered . 15 inch. The edges of the holes are rounded. The plates are fastened on the square part of the wind- lass, each by eight nails. Two roller bands. They are let into the ends of the roller, and fastened each by three nails. Two journal boxes, (brass.) They are let into the ends of the windlass their whole depth. For this purpose an annular mortise is made in the wood, and, after the box is driven in, the wood on the inside of it is removed to the depth of 1.75 inch, which is oc- cupied by the journal. Two journals, for the windlass. They are cylindrical, with necks which are riveted into the oval plates on the outside of the rails. By unscrewing the nuts which confine these plates, the journals may be taken out and the windlass removed, when ne- cessary. Two ovaljournal plates. The outer edges are chamfered . 15 inch. Two circular journal plates. They are fastened on the inside of the rails, each by two nails and by the two bolts which fasten the oval plates. MORTAR WAGON. 10. Four bolts, for journal plates. Four nuts for the same. Two roller hooks. They are driven into the windlass at 5.5 inches from the centre, projecting 1.6 inch in the clear. They are designed to fasten the ends of the rope which is wound on the windlass. Two handspike straps. The middle part is round. The plates are fastened on the small end of the handspike by two rivets. The strap forms a loop to hang the end of the handspike on the hook. Two shoulder washers, for the axle tree, Two wheels, Like those for the Two linch washers, fg^^ carriage. Two linchpins. 20 PART 3.— SIEGE CARRIAGES. Bolts, rivets and nails for mortar wagon. DESIGNATION. Bolts. For the rails and rear transom " middle rails, front transom and eye ) plate * . ) r lock chain bridle " front cross- i right side rail bar plate, 1 middle rails [ bottom planks r.^ C side rails " W Ttf ■ \ middle rails bar plate, ^ bottom planks " lunette and bridle ] " lock chain bridle " under straps " axle straps " stake sockets , " stake sockets and lock chain hooks. , " roller journal plates , Kind. No. 4, A. Do. No.4,C. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. No. 4, B. Do. Do. No. 3, D. No. 3.* No.3,C. t In. 41.2 13.75 7.4 7. 8.55 5.13 8.13 7.55 5.3 7.95 7.75 7. 7.95 14.65 5.13 5.13 5.2 ■73 (U S ffi ^ Rivets. For lunette plate, r " two handspike straps No. 3, C. No. 2. 2. 2.5 Nails. For trail plate. " handspike hooks ... " wheel guard plates . . " breech hurter " bottom planks " tar bucket hook " roller journal plates. " roller bands , " handspike sockets . . . No. 3, C. No.2,C. Do. Do. Do. No. 1,C. Do. Do. Do. 3.5 2.5 3. 3. 3.25 2.5 2.5 2. 2. Plate X. BILLS OF TIMBER. 21 • lo -H •-n -H QC >0 CO •«* to CO Oi CM I Ci r-i 'CM CO -^ O I lO O O I ■s^ lO O lO ^5 t'^CxjcO 00 iO 00 CO »0 ITS lO lO saoaid jo -o^ CO -^ t- lO l-"^ t-co to in r^if5j> CO lO 00 ITS o t-^ oo'co C 00 00 CO ■* CO "^ • • • . . . tr '. >^ \ I >> I ' ! >. I H U .13 . .-O • .T3 . . C3 eeks lebo ster. •^ Beks. lebo ster. -^ eeks. lebo ster. h OS C s: X"© 5^ X o c J= ^ o a ?? b C S 00 t O =5 Q. O Part 3—4 PART 3. SIEGE CARRIAGES. — • S§3 .sii d :)j c3Ss f.^rl?. « i^ •• 00 CO lO Tf cc § »o uouououo U0U5UOU0 c o ^ r-t lO -^ O "* ■^ 001- t- Tji Ti* rj- 00 Ci CO CO CO ^ ^ fcJD • •II i^ b C c O OO (?* o OfOO OJO»CO-<3'XOOCOO}OCO o < o oo t- -<* t- 'S' Ol Ci "T f-i !-■ t- ■* CO ^ (M >0 '^ J ^ <^x-^ uo uo Ol uo 00 C0 1 1 &. ^ lO uo o c (M (MO t-i-ii-iCi uouoi-rot- CO3 to 09 O ;5 <» CO CO •<* CO oo rtCOCOUO-^CMd-ii-iCOCOUOOJi^ O^ ►5? S5 Q . to uo U W u c* uo o uo •-1 Tj« c- t- uo CM •<5 g a ^3 c ^ «i ^ O -^ CO "^ CO CO t-CO-^COCO'^-^-^t^'t-COCOCOCO "^ o fa r-t uo uo uo uo O} uo uo be t-^ CM'^CTsci'^a-Ot-OCO'^^CM c? 3 ,= ^to to i— c? (MOOCOOJuOCOOOO-HOf— 'OOOi-l uo ■* CO oo to COCM 00 CO r-l 1-1 I- "«* CO i-< T-i uo •saoa [djo •0N[ i-i(M 'H ^ r-l C^rHr-lf-lOJi-lCOCJCM— 1<-li-lCO - 96. - 96. - 96. Cast brass... " 15.37 - 15.37 - 15.37 Box for screw. Part 3—5 so PART 3. SIEGE CARRIAGES. Summary bill of iron for one siege carriage wheel. Width. Thickness. Length. Weight. REMARKS. In. In. Feet. Lbs. 0.75 Round 4.33 6.36 0.25 0.25 2.12 .44 1.5 0.375 7.66 14.48 1.5 0.75 .87 3.29 1.75 0.375 6.08 13.37 2.5 0.188 1.46 2.29 4. 0.75 15.5 156.24 196.47 Cast brass 24. IMfurp Hnv Summary bill of iron for one siege carriage limber. Width. Thickness. Length. Weight. REMARKS. In. In. Feet. Lbs. 0.25 Round 2.92 .47 0.5 Round 14.83 9.70 0.75 Round 15.58 22.90 1.0 Round 1.5 3.91 1.25 Round 2.71 11.08 0.3 0.3 1.04 .31 0.375 0.375 1.83 .86 1.0 0.5 .17 i .28 1.125 0.25 .09 .08 1.5 0.5 0.5 1.26 1.5 0.625 2.42 , 7.62 1.5 0.75 3.21 12.13 1.75 0.5 1.33 3.91 2. 0.2 .83 i 1.11 2. 0.5 1.33 4.46 2.5 0.188 3.33 5.23 2.5 0.5 .83 ; 3.48 Hammered . 2.5 0.625 6.08 31.92 Hammered . 2.5 1.25 .21 ! 2.20 2.5 2.5 .96 20.16 Hammered . 2.75 0.625 5.33 30.75 3.0 0.625 3. 18.90 3.5 0.625 .96 7.05 Hammered . 4.0 0.75 4. 1 40.32 5.5 1. .83 1 J 15.34 222.00 36.50 Draft for axletree . Draft for pintle plate. 513.93 BILLS OF IRON. bill of iron for one mortar wagon. 31 Width. Thickness . Length. Weight. REMARKS. In. In. Feet. Lbs. 0.25 Round .42 0.06 0.375 Round 8.79 3.23 0.5 Round .62 .40 0.625 Round 17.46 17.81 0.75 Round 17.87 26.27 1. Round 2.92 7.62 1.25 Round .83 3.39 1.5 Round 2.75 16.20 1.625 Round 1.08 7.46 0.25 0.25 8.03 1.68 0.3 0.3 8.40 2.53 0.375 0.375 3.32 1.56 1. 0.25 .42 .35 1. 0.5 .37 .62 1.25 0.2 2.89 2.43 1.25 0.625 1.67 4.37 1.5 0.375 1.08 2.04 1.5 0.5 .58 1.46 1.5 0.625 2.42 7.62 1.5 0.75 4.21 15.91 2. 0.125 2. 1.68 2. 0.75 .58 2.92 2. 2. .50 6.72 2.5 0.188 3.12 4.90 2.5 0.375 6. 18.90 2.5 0.5 1.67 7.01 5.5 0.625 .50 2.62 Hammered. 2.75 0.5 5.17 23.88 3. 1.5 .29 4.38 3.375 0.5 7.33 41.56 3.5 0.625 .92 6.56 3.75 0.75 3.21 30.33 4. 0.75 .42 4.23 5. 0.3 .92 4.63 5.5 0.3 3.58 19.83 €. 0.3 1. 6.04 6. 0.75 .75 11.34 6.5 0.25 1.08 5.89 6.5 0.3 .60 3.93 8. 0.5 .80 10.75 222.00 21.50 Draft for axletree Draft for shoe. 584.61 5.75 0.375 0.79 5.72 Steel for shoe. 3.5 Brass, for two journal boxes. 32 PART 3. — SIEGE CARRIAGES. Re7narks on the bills of iron. The general remarks on the bills of iron, in Part 2, page 92, apply also to the bills of iron for siege carriages. The drafts of pieces which are to be hammered to peculiar shapes are represented in Plate XIII, together with some of the formers required for shaping the iron work. As most of the formers for siege carriages, such as ^those for trunnion plates, cap squares and understraps, are made in the same manner as the formers for similar parts of field carriages, it is not considered necessary to represent them separately. Their shapes and dimensions are easily deduced from the drawings of the irons themselves, and of the formers for field carriages. ARTILLERY PART FOURTH Correction— Par/ Third. Page?— Line ''rivets for trail plate," for "0.9," read " 1.15. FIELD AND SIEGE CARRIAGES. f • L'l B ii A U i I TTNIV^RSITY OF CALIFORNIA. 1 848, PART FOURTH ARTILLERY HARNESS. The construction of the field carriages requires a harness dif- lerent, in some respects, from that of common wagons. The limber having no sweep bar, the pole is supported directly by the wheel horses, by means of a chain which connects the hames with the pole yoke of the limber; and, in order to diminish the weight at the end of the pole, the leading bars are dispensed with, the traces of the leaders being attached to those of the wheel horses. The same harness is perfectly adapted also to the siege carri- ages; but, as these are arranged for draught in the ordinary man- ner, common wagon harness may be used with them, if necessary. Black leathe)' is used for the harness, when not otherwise speci- fied; it should be of the best quality, and the strongest leather is selected for the parts which are exposed to the greatest strain, such as traces and breeching. The leather is sewed with strong waxed thread, in doi^ble stitch, with about eight stitches to the inch. The seam along; an edge is .15 inch or .2 inch from the edge. The awls should be small for the thread. The ends of the thread should be well fastened before they are cut off. Straps, or other pieces which have buckles or iron loops at- tached to them, are generally doubled on a length equal to twice their width, to receive the buckle or loop, which is fastened by two seams. The double end is shaved down. Standing loops are placed close to the buckles. Their ends are shaved down, brought together, and fastened between the two parts of the strap, if it is doubled- 2 PART 4. — ARTILLERY HARNESS. The tongue holes for buckles are made with a punch corres- ponding to the size of the tongue. Their distance apart is gene- rally equal to the width of the strap, and the first hole is at double that distance from the end of the strap. This end is shaved down and reduced in width, to facilitate its entrance into the buckle. The buckles, loops, rings and hooks are of wrought iron japan- ned, (black.) The buckles are all made with rollers. Note. — A layer is a piece of leather sewed upon another piece, to strengthen it. A chape is a piece used to fasten a buckle or[|a loop to a strap, or other piece of leather. A billet is a strap which enters a buckle. A safe is a piece of leather placed under a buckle, &c., to pre- vent it from chafing. Head gear . — Plate I. The head gear is made of strong, black bridle leather, not less than . 1 inch thick. Halter. One crown piece^ having a billet at each end, for the buckles of the cheek straps. Two cheek straps. Each of them is sewed to a square iron loop, and has at the upper end a buckle y with one standing and one sliding loop. One brow band, having a loop at each end, through which the crown piece passes. One nose band, sewed to the same loop as the cheek straps. Two chin straps. They are double, and are sewed to the loops of the cheek straps, and also to another square iron loop in rear. One throat strap. It is made double and sewed to the last men- tioned iron loop; its upper end is formed into a loop to receive the throat lash. MEAD GEAR. 3 One tkroai lash^ with one buckle^ one standing and one sliding loop on the left side. It passes through the loops in the brow band and the throat straps One chain^ (common halter chain.) It consists of about 65 links, Noi 1, connected by two rings and a swivel. It is fastened by a ring to the loop which connects the chin straps of the halter. The other end of the chain has a toggle and a loose ring^ to hitch with. Whole length of chain, 4^ feet. Bridle. One crown piece. It is split at each end, so as to form, at one end, two billets for the buckles of the cheek straps, and at the other, one billet and one buckle strap^ with a buckle and a standing loop^ for the throat lash. One brow bajid, formed into a loop at each end for the crown piece to pass through* Two cheek straps. Each of them is sewed at the lower end into an iron loop, and has at the upper end a buckle, with one standing and one sliding loop, to fasten it to the crown piece. Two billets for attaching the bit to the loops of the cheek straps. Each billet has a buckle with one standing and one sliding loop. Two reins. Each rein is sewed to a billet, which has a buckle^ a standing and a sliding loop^ for attaching it to the bit* The short rein is on the near side, and has a buckle, a standing and a sliding loop, for the billet of the long rein* The bit* It is made of iron, tinned* The bars are riveted into the cheek pieces. There may be different degrees of severity in the curve of the port mouth; that represented in the plate being the most severe. The width of the bit, between the cheeks, also varies for three sizes, viz: 4| inch, 5 inch, and 5\ inch; about three-fifths being of the medium size. The curb chain consists of 19 links, diminishing in size from the middle towards each end. It is attached by an S to the right cheek piece, and by a hook to the left. PART 4. — ARTILLERY HARNESS, Driver^ s Saddle. — Plate I The TREE. The frame is made of beech, and consists of the' pommel, the cantle and two side bars, which are notched into the pommel and cantle. The frame is covered with canvas, which is glued on and painted. The iron parts are : Two pommel plates. The upper one is fas- tened by six rivets passing through both plates; the lower one by two additional rivets in each end, one of which holds one end of the stirrup bar. One cantle plate, fastened on the under side of the cantle and the side bars by ten rivets. Two stirrup bars. The front end fastened to the pommel by one of the rivets of the lower pommel plate; the rear end fastened to the side bar by one rivet. The stay is formed of a piece of iron bent round the stirrup bar, and fastened to the side bar by one rivet. There is a roller on each side of the stay, for the stirrup and girth billets to pass over. Two loops, with rollers; one fastened to the pommel, the other to the cantle, by two of. the rivets which hold the plates. The saddle tree is covered with hemp webbing and strong tow hnen, stretched on and nailed to the tree. Leather parts. The seat is covered with black upper lea- ther, and stuffed with deer's hair. Two skirts are sewed, with welts, to the cover of the seat. Two iron loops, for holster straps, Tare fastened to the front of the saddle by leather loops which pass through slits in the skirts, and are nailed to the tree. Two inner skirts, or flaps, nailed to the side bars, protect the pad from being chafed by the stirrup and girth leathers. The pad is made of russet sheep skin, lined with strong linen, and faced with black sheep skin; it is stuffed with deer's hair, and quilted. Two iron loops, for cloak straps, are fastened by leather loops which are nailed to the under side of the cantle. SADDLES. St One billet, for the collar strap, is sewed to tlie upper loop on the pommel. Two girth billets, and two billets for the trace loops, are sewed on the stirrup bars, behind the middle stay. Two stirrup leathers pass over the stirrup bars in front of the stay; the buckle, with one standing and one sliding loop, is sewed to the thin end of the strap, which is doubled and stitched, on a length of 8 inches, where it passes through the eye of the stirrup. The girth is of thick black leather. It has a buckle and a standing loop fastened to each end by a layer. The pommel and the cantle are plated with sheet brasSy No. 20, fastened with brass tacks. Valise Saddle. — Plate I. The tree. The frame is made like that of the driver's saddle, except in its dimensions. The lower pommel plate is fastened by ten rivets, six of which also hold the upper plate. These plates have holes in them for the shank of the bridle hook. The hole in the upper plate is square; that in the lower, round. The cantle plate is fastened under the cantle with eight rivets. The hook for the reins is fastened to the top of the pommel by a nut. The end of the shank should be riveted over the nut. Two loops, for the collar strap and the crupper, are fastened to the pommel and cantle, as in the driver's saddle. Four oval rings, for the valise straps, are fastened by staples which are driven into the tree; two of them in the side bars and two in the cantle. The seat and the pad are formed as in the driver's saddle, but the seat is not stuffed. The skirts are joined in a similar manner to the cover of the seat. The girth is of leather, and is sewed to the off skirt of the saddle; it has a buckle and two loops, fastened to it by a layer. A billet for the girth is sewed to the near skirt. 6 PART 4. — ARTILLERY HARNESS. Two billets, for the trace loopsj pass through the skirts, and are nailed to the side bars. Two valise straps^ each with a buckle^ a standing and a sliding loop. A billet for the collar strap is sewed to the iron loop on the pommel. The crupper strap is double. It is sewed to the iron loop on the cantle, and has another loop^ with a roller, attached to the rear end, for the back strap of the crupper to pass through, so that the same crupper may fit both saddles. Valise. — Plate I. The valise is made of black bridle leather, and lined with cot- ton ticken. The lining is pasted to the inside of the valise; it is sewed round the borders of the outer cover, forming a pocket which has an opening in the middle. The inner flap is held down by a strap passing through six staples of iron wire. No. 12, and fastened by a buckle and loop-^ a strip of leather is stitched over the inner' ends of the staples. The ends of the valise are double. The cover is fastened down by three billets and three buckle straps and loops. The handles are of leather, rounded and sewed into the ends. Two loops, 1 inch wide, for the valise straps to pass through, are sewed to the bottom of the valise. TF%.— Plate I. The stock is of hickory or of raw hide, about 30 inches long. It is covered with braided leather. A loop for the hand is fas- tened to the butt of the whip. The leather should be well fastened together at the small end, A lash of thread is tied on, and not plaited in with the leather. DRAUGHT HARNESS. I Leg Guard.— Fleiie II. The body is made of stout kip leather; two layers are stitched to the upper and lower parts. The under strap, to pass under the foot, is sewed to the bottom. Four leg straps, each with a buckle and a loop, are fastened to the body of the leg guard, under the plate. The billet ends of these straps pass through slits in the body. The plate is of iron . 1 inch thick, and is fastened to the body with five rivets. Draught Harness. — Plates II and III. The collar. The rim is made of bridle leather, and stuffed with uncut rye straw. The ielly, made of upper leather, in two pieces, is stuffed with straw cut into pieces not longer than \ inch. The collar is made open at the top, and the size is regu- lated by two buckle straps and two billets sewed to the open ends. A pad, made of black sheep skin, stuffed with deer's hair, pro- tects the neck of the horse from being chafed by these straps. The hames are made of iron, and painted black. The branches have studs forged on them to receive the bolts of the joint loops for the trace tugs; these loops turn freely on the bolts. Two links, for supporting the breast strap, are welded into the eyes of the bolts. Two rings, for the trussing straps, are welded into the rec- tangular eyes at the upper ends of the branches. The branches are joined together, at the lower ends, by a clasp which is made fast to the off branch. The chain and toggle, for connecting the pole yoke with the hames, are fastened to the hames clasp. See Part 2, Plate XII. Two leather safes are sewed round the branches, under the joint loops, to protect the collar from being chafed by the trace tugs. 8 PART 4. ARTILLERY HARNESS. Two trace tugs, made of four layers of leather, .63 inch thick, are stitched into the joint loops and into two loop rings through whicli the traces pass. Two trussing straps^ each with one buckle, one standing and one sliding loop, pass through the rings in the upper ends of the hames. They are used for trussing up the harness. One hames strap, with a buckle and two loops, connects the two branches together at the top. One collar strap, having one buckle and one loop, passes round the hames strap, and is buckled to the billet on the pommel of the saddle, to keep the collar in place. The TRACES, for the wheel and the leading harness, are alike, except in the length of the leather part. The leather trace is made of three layers of leather, making a thickness of .63 inch. An iron loop is fastened to each end with three rivets, .25 inch thick. The trace chains are made of iron .3 inch diameter. The front chain has Jive links and a toggle. The rear chain has fourteen links, four rings, (oYal,) and a toggle. Two trace loops. The loop is formed by doubling the leather. It has at the upper end a buckle and a standing loop, by means of which it is connected with the billet on the saddle. At the lower end of each trace loop is an iron loop, to which the belly band is sewed. The belly band is made in two parts, one being a billet, and the other having a buckle and a standing loop. One loin strap, for supporting the traces. It is the same for the wheel and the leading harness, except in length. A layer is sewed under the middle of the wheel loin strap, forming a loop through which the back strap of the crupper passes. Each end of the loin strap is buckled into a loop, like those just described, through which the trace passes. The CRUPPER. The dock is made of a piece of leather, 3.5 inches wide and 14 inches long, which is doubled and rounded. BREECHING. iJ without being stuffed. A buckle and a standing loop are sewed to each end- The body of the crupper is split, at the rear end, into two billets which connect it with the buckles of the dock. At the other end are a buckle and/owr loops for the billet of the back strap. A layer, 10 inches long, is sewed on the body, leaving an opening for the hip strap to pass through; a short layer is in- serted, under the first, in rear of this opening. The back strap is sewed in under the first layer in front of the opening for the hip strap. The back strap, passing through the loop in the mid- dle of the loin strap, and through the iron crupper loop on the saddle, returns to the buckle on the body of the crupper. A sliding loop holds the two parts together, near the saddle. Breeching-. The breech strap is made of thick harness leather. A laye?-, also of stout leather, is stitched on the outside of the strap. A buckle and three standing loops are fastened, at each end, by both these pieces of leather, which are turned back three or four inches and stitched down. Two iron loops are fastened by chapes sewed to the breech strap. Four tugs, for the hip straps, are fastened to the breech strap; two of them in the buckles, and two in the iron loops. These tugs are made double, and have each a buckle and three standing loops attached to them. A safe is sewed to the inside of each tug, to prevent it from chafing the horse. The hip strap is made in one piece, split at each end into two billets which buckle into the tugs of the breech strap. The breast strap is made of three layers put together in such a manner as to make the strap .63 inch thick in the middle, and .5 inch at the ends, where it is buckled to the breech strap. The breast strap is supported by the iron loops on the hames, and by the trace loops attached to the saddle. An iron loop, with an eye for the pole chain hook, slides on the middle part of the Part 4.-2 10 PART 4. — ARTILLERY HARNESS. breast strap; it is covered with leather, to prevent it from chafing the strap. The pole chain hook is like the trace hook of the limber; it is welded into the eye of the sliding loop, and forms a direct con- nection between the pole and the breeching, independently of the collar and hames. Plate III represents the harness of each horse complete. It shows the manner in which the parts are put together, and also the manner of hitching the horses to the carriage. Harness required for each horse. WHEELERS. Near side. Halter Bridle Driver^s saddle Valise saddle and valise Collar and hames i wheel Traces, < ( leading Trace loops and belly band C wheel. . Loin straps and trace loops, < ( leading Crupper Breeching, hip strap and breast strap Leg guard Whip Off side. Near side. Off side. DIMENSIONS, 11 Dimensions of the principal leather parts of artillery harness^ with the number and size of buckles. Halter. The ends and sides are dovetailed and glued to- One bottom. ) gether. The bottom is let into the sides and ends, and fastened by nails. One panel, ^^^^^ ^j^^ ^^^^^ (Poplar or white pine.) Two clamps, 3 The panel is joined to the clamps by three tenons, glued ana fastened with wooden pins. Two beckets, for the handles. (Oak, or other hard wood.) Their outer corners are rounded . 15 inch. They are fastened to the chest, each with four screws. The handles are loops of inch rope. Irons. One brace. It is made of round iron flattened at the ends and bent at right angles. It is fastened to the back of the chest by one screw, and to the front by a rivet, which also fastens the turn- buckle stud plate. One stud plate. The stud for the turnbuckle is riveted into the plate, which is let into the front of the chest and fastened by ome rivet and one screw. One turnbuckle, (brass.) It turns freely on the stud which is riveted over the turnbuckle. Four corner plates. They are made of sheet iron, No. 18, and fastened to the chest, each by ten screws. Two hinges. The short straps are let into the underside of the cover to which they are fastened, each by four screws. The outer corners of the long straps are chamfered . 1 inch. The straps pass round the bottom of the chest, and are fastened each by nine screws and by the two rivets which hold the lashing chain. AMMUNITION CHEST. V Two lashing chains, for attaching the chest to the pack saddle. Each chain consists of four links; it is fastened to the chest by a bridle which is held by two rivets passing through the hinge strap. One hasp. The strap is let into the underside of the cover and fastened to it hy four screws. One covering, of stout linen. It is well painted, and is fastened on, after the wood has been painted, with copper tacks. A strip of leather is put under the heads of the tacks. Two leather loops, for a linstock. They are fastened to the front of the chest, each by four screws. Interior divisions. Sixteen cleats, (poplar.) Eight on each side of the chest. They are glued on and fastened to the sides; the long cleats by four nails in each; the others by one screw and two nails each. Rivets, screws, and nails for one ammunition chest. DESIGNATIOK. No. Kind. Length. REMARKS. Jji.*,|[< )r hin&res ............. 4 1 No.2,B. No. 2. In. 1.4 1. Wire riveted. Screws^ ' for corner plates " linstock straps. . . . " hinges j " hasp 1 " stud plate « brace 40 i 2 2 1 1 4 4 8 No. 7. Do. No. 9. Do. Do. Do. Do. No. 12. Do. No. 14. No. 7. 0.63 .63 .75 .63 .75 .63 .63 .75 .75 1.25 .63 « brackets | " interior divisions. . ^ ., (for the linen cover •^""*' \ " interior divisions. . . . 160 48 3d. .75 Copper tacks. Cut nails. Part 5—2 10 MOUNTAIN ARTILLERY. AMMUNITION. -PLATE Ml. The ammunition for the mountain howitzer consists of shells, spherical case shot and canisters, all of which are fixed; the car- tridge and the projectile being attached to the same sabot. The forms and dimensions of the sabots and of the finished ammuni- tion are shown in the plate. Spherical case shot are fixed in the same manner as shells. The canister is filled with musket balls. The charge of powder is 8 ounces, for all kinds of ammunition. The fuze holes of shells and spherical case shot are stopped with tow, and the fuze is inserted at the time of loading the piece. The fuze is the same as for other shells for field service. PACK SADDLE. — PLATE IV. Ash or beach is suitable for the wood work. Two arcs, for the frame. They are made each of three pieces, halved together, glued and fastened by six screws in the front arc, and eight screws in the rear arc. Two transoms. They have circular notches for the trunnions of the gun to lie in. They are fastened to the arcs by bolts which traverse their whole length, and by one screw in each end. One cross bar. It is let into the transoms .38 inch, and is fas- tened to them by two screws in each end. A circular notch is cut in it, of the same depth as that in the front arc. Two inner side bars. They are let into notches on the inside of the arcs, and the inner surfaces of the bars are curved to cor- respond with the form of the arcs. They are fastened to the arcs by three screws in each end. Two outer side bars. They are mortised into the arcs. Each of these bars has a piece of leather nailed on the outside, where the lashing rope passes round it, for securing the pack on the saddle. PACK SADDLE. 11 Two round bars. They connect the lower ends of the arcs, to which they are joined by round tenons and mortises, and fastened by one screw in each end. This screw serves also to strengthen the bearing notch for the ammunition chest. Two arc plates. They are fastened on the outside of the arcs, each by two rivets and by the assembling bolts. They have hooks at each end, for attaching the lashing chains of the ammunition and tool chests. Each plate has a staple riveted to it in the middle. To the staple on the front plate a wooden button is strapped, to hook the bridle on. The crupper strap is attached to the staple on the rear plate. T\uo assembling bolts. They pass through the transoms, con- necting the front and rear arcs together. Two nuts for these bolts. The heads and nuts are octagonal. Four staples, for confining the lashing straps. They are fas- tened to the arcs by two nuts in each. Four billets, for lashing straps. They are fastened near the head of the arcs, each by one screw and a staple. Four buckle straps, for the same. They are fastened to the inside of the arcs, at the lower end, each by one screw. Two buckle straps, for the billets of the shoulder straps. They are fastened to the front arc, each by one screw and two nails. One cover, (bridle leather.) It is stretched over the inner side bars and nailed to the inside of the arcs. A strip of thin leather is put under the heads of the nails. Two flaps, of harness leather, are sewed to the lower ends of the cover. Two thill straps. They pass over the round bars and form loops for the shafts of the gun carriage. One lining, (thick black leather.) It is nailed to the inside of the arcs and sewed to the flaps of the cover, below the round bars. Six girth billets. They are sewed to the lining, three on each side of the saddle. 12 PART 5. MOUNTAIN ARTILLERY. Four iron loops, for the breeching and breast straps. They are held by leather loops which are sewed to the lining. One girthy (strong hemp webbing.) It has three buckles sewed to each end, with leather loops. One pad. The upper side is made of sheep skin; the lining, of strong canvass. It is stuffed with straw and deer's hair and stitched in the usual manner. The pad is fastened to the lining of the saddle with ten leather thongs. Bolts, rivets, nails and screws far the pack saddle. DESI6KATI0N. S Kind. Length. REMARKS. Assemt Rivets, ling bolts 2 4 8 No. 1. No.2,B. In. 17.75 1.4 1.25 [ for arc plates. •••..••... octagonal. ' " staples Wire, No. II. f for transoms ........... 4 4 4 12 14 2 8 No. 20. No. 16. Do. No. 14. Do. Do. Do. 3. 2.5 2.5 1.25 1. 1. 1. " cross bar. " round bars* Bcrews,' " sidebars « arcs " front buckle straps.. " lashing straps JVai&,fc \t the leathers 320 10 oz. - Iron tacks. HARNESS. 13 HARNESS. — PLATE V. The same harness is used for the packs and for draught, except that the lashing girth and lashing rope are not required for the latter purpose. The harness is made of black leather, like that for field artillery. Bridle. One crown piece. One end is split into two billets, and the other into a billet and buckle strap, for the throat lash and cheek pieces. One buckle and one standing loop, for the throat lash. One buckle and loop, attached to the top of the crown piece, for the billets of the winker straps. One brow band. It is formed into a loop at each end, through which the crown piece passes. Two cheek straps. Each strap has two buckles and^ve standing loops. The upper end of the strap is buckled to the billet of the crown piece; the lower end passes through the ring of the bit. Two winkers. They are sewed to the cheek straps and sup- ported at the front part by two straps which are fastened in the buckle at the top of the crown piece. One leading rein. It is sewed into the ring on the right end of the bit, and passes through the other ring. A wooden button is sewed into a loop at the loose end of the rein, with a leather washer inside of it. One bit. It consists of a bar and two rings, made of iron and tinned. Halter. The halter and its chain are like those used for the field artillery. 14 PART 5. — MOUNTAIN ARTILLERY. Crupper. The dock, with a buckle and loop at each end, by which it is connected with the body of the crupper, the rear end of the latter being split into two billets for that purpose. The back strap. It is sewed to the crupper and passes through the staple on the rear arc plate of the saddle. One buckle, with three standing loops and a sliding loop, for the billet of the back strap. The loin strap passes between the back strap and the body of the crupper. The ends are two billets to which the breeching is buckled. Breeching. The breech strap. To each end of it is sewed a side strap, with a buckle and /owr standing loops. These side straps pass through two iron loops on the pack saddle, or through the staples in the shafts, when the harness is used for draught. Two buckle straps. Each strap has a buckle and three standing loops. It is fastened to the breech strap by an iron loop and a chape. A safe is sewed under each strap, its whole length. These buckle straps receive the billets of the loin strap which support the breeching. Breast Strap. The breast plate. A billet strap, with a buckle and three loops, is sewed to each end of the breast plate. These billets are buckled into the front iron loops on the pack saddle, or into the staples on the shafts, when the harness is used for draught. Two shoulder straps. They are sewed to the breast plate, which they support by means of the buckle straps on the front of the pack saddle. FORGE. 15 Lashing Girth. This is a broad piece of thick leather, to each end of which an iron hook is securely fastened. The lashing rope is a piece of 2^ inch rope, 10 feet long, which is used, with the lashing girth, to secure the pack on the saddle. The ends of the rope are served with twine. PACKS. — PLATE VI. The figures in the plate show the manner in which the load of each horse is attached to the pack saddle, and also the arrange- ment of the gun carriage and harness when adjusted for draught. FORGE.-PLATE VII. The hearth is of sheet iron. No. 13, bent into a hollow form and riveted to an iron frame. The back of the hearth is bent under the bottom and riveted to it. The border of the hearth is bent round the back, and is riveted to it and to the frame. The back of the fire-place is of sheet iron. No. 13, connected with the back of the hearth by two brass hinges, which are riveted to each. The edges of both the back pieces are stiffened by strips of sheet iron riveted to them. An air back is formed by a piece of sheet iron. No. 7, bent hot into a convex shape and riveted to the inside of the back plate of the fire-place. A button, turning on an axis which is riveted to the outside of the back plate, serves to fasten this plate to a stud in the front border of the hearth, when the pack is turned down on its hinges. The frame is supported by three legs, which are connected with it by bolts, so that they can be folded up close to the frame. The front leg is divided into two branches, which are bolted to two eye pieces that are riveted to the sides of the frame. The two other legs are connected together by a cross bar, with a nut at 16 PART 5. MOUNTAIN ARTILLERY. each end. This bar supports also the fork in which the bellows handle works. The legs of the frame have round tenons at the lower ends, with shoulders which rest on three socket plates at- tached to the side of the forge chest, for the forge to stand on when set up for use. The bellows handle is a bent bar of iron with a wooden head. It is attached to a joi^k which fits in a square hole in the cross bar joining the rear legs of the frame. The lower end of the handle is hooked into a connecting rod attached to the rear end of the bellows; it is fastened to this rod by a sliding catch which is secured by a thumb screw. When the bellows is dismounted, this rod is hooked into an eye on the upper side of the bellows, to keep it closed. Th J BELLOWS. The frame consists of an upper, a lower y and a middle plank, (walnut) and two ribs, (poplar,) connected by a cross head, as in a common smith's bellows. There are valves in the middle and the lower plank. A bar of iron, attached to the middle plank, terminates in two journals, which support the bellows, fitting in the joints of the rear legs of the frame of the forge. The nozzle, of sheet iron, is inserted into the cross head, above the middle plank. It enters into an iron pipe which is attached to the rear of the forge back by means of a bridle bolted to the back plate of the hearth. A handle is attached to a plate which is fastened on the upper bellows plank. A leaden weight of one pound is attached to the inside of the lower plank by the rivets which hold the eye plate on the connecting rod. The bellows leather (calfskin) is fastened to the planks by small bellows nails, in the manner represented in the plate. The forge bucket is of sheet iron, stiffened with a band at top, and furnished with a handle. TOOL CHESTS. 17 The anvil is fitted into a block of tough oak, or other hard wood, and fastened by an iron pin. The block has a band round the top. Two rings fastened by staples serve for handles. The coal sack is made of strong leather. It is 14 inches in diameter and 18 inches high; it is closed at the top by a leather strap passing through slits in the sack. Weight of sack filled with charcoal, 24 lbs. TOOL CHESTS. Chests for the forge and smith'* s tools. The forge and the smith's tools are packed in two chests, which are aHke, except in the interior divisions. The forge chest alone has socket plates, for the legs of the forge to stand on. Wood work, (walnut.) Two ends and two sides, dovetailed together. One bottom let into the ends and sides and fastened by thirty-two nails. One lid, made with two end clamps, like that of the ammunition chest. Irons. Four corner plates, of sheet iron, No. 18, fastened each by eighteen screws, 0.63 inch. No. 7. Two handles. The straps are turned under the bottom of the chest. They are fastened each by one rivet and fotir screws. Two hinges. The short strap is fastened to the inside of the lid by one rivet and three screws. The long straps are bent under the bottom of the chest and fastened, each by three rivets and eleven screws. Two of these rivets hold the bridle for the lashing chain, which is placed at the same distance from the bottom as in the ammunition chest. One hasp. The strap is let into the inside of the cover and fastened with four screws. One hasp staple dind plate. The staple is riveted into the plate^ which is fastened to the box with ttvo riveUf - Pabt 5.-3 <^ ttlJi II 18 PART 5. MOUNTAIN ARTILLERY. One linen covering, like that of the ammunition chest. Three socket plates, fastened on the back of the forge chest, each by four screws. They have holes in them for the legs of the frame of the forge to stand in, when it is mounted for use. Contents of the forge chest and manner of packing. Plate VII. The legs are folded up close to the frame, and the back of tlie fire-place is turned down on the hearth and fastened by its catch. The bellows is closed and fastened by the connecting rod, the handle being detached. The fire-place and frame are placed against the back of the chest, the hearth outwards. They are kept in place by a clamp which fits, over the top of the frame, into an iron staple fastened by two screws to the back of the chest. The bellows is placed on its side, with its top against the front of the chest. One journal goes into a hole in a cleat screwed to the bottom. The nozzle is supported by a notched board which is framed into a cleat screwed on the bottom of the chest, and it is held fast by a buckle strap passing through a staple in the board. A clamp, with a hole for the upper journal, goes across the top of the bellows, and is held by staple plates screwed to the front and back of the chest. The bellows handle hangs on a cleat in the front of the box, to- wards the right hand, the hook downwards. One wrench, (for nuts Nos. 1 and 4,) in two iron brackets on the right end of the chest, near the front. One hand hammer, One riveting hammer One fore pu One creaser. I With handles. One fore punch, ') ^ , „ >-0n same handle. Placed upright near the wrench. TOOL CHESTS. 19 Ten pounds of horse shoe nails, in two strong linen bags, packed in tow, in the vacant space to the right of the bellows. Contents of smithes tool chest and manner of packing. Plate VII. The forms of the tools and some of their principal dimensions are represented in the plate. Most of them are lighter than those of the same kind which accompany the travelling forge, and which are represented in the plates of Part 10. The anvil and its block are placed in the bottom of the chest; the head of the anvil in a mortise made in a cleat screwed on the bottom. The block rests also on a notched cleat screwed on the bottom, and it is fastened by a leather strap and buckle to an iron staple in the bottom of the chest. One water bucket, (iron,) on the anvil block, resting on a moveable cleat which is hollowed out to fit the block and the bucket. One pair shoeing pincers, "> In a wooden cleat, on the front of One vice. S the chest. In iron brackets^ against the front of the chest. One nailing hammer, One shoeing hammer. One flitting chisel. One pair tongs, > In a triangular cleat, in the left front One pritchel, S corner. One hardie, ^ One clinching iron, [>In a wooden rack, on the left end. One shoeing knife. J One poker, ^ One shovel. One rake, One nail punch. »-In two wooden racks, on the back of the chest. 29 PART 5. — MOUNTAIN ARTILLERY. One buttress, hung on two hooks in the front of the upper shovel rack, and held fast by a wooden button. One toe knife, in two cleats, on the back of the chest, near the t(^. One rasp, ") In two racks, on the back of the chest, near One square file, j the left end. Two flat files, fastened by two cleats and a button to the inside of the lid. Ten pounds of horse shoe nails, in two bags; one on the bottom at the left end, the other in the water bucket. Arrangement for transportation. The forge chest and its tool chest are carried by one horse, on the same kind of pack saddle that is used for the other parts of the equipments; except that these chests, being larger than the ammunition chests, require longer lashing straps to go round them. The weight of each of the chests packed is about 100 pounds. The bags of horse shoe nails should be distributed in the two chests so as to equalize and adjust the weight on each side. They should be packed in tow, to prevent injury to the tools. The coal sack is strapped on the top of the pack saddle, be- tween the tool chests. TOOL CHESTS. 21 Carriage maker'' s tools. The tools and stores for the use of carriage makers, in repairing the carriages and equipments, are packed in two chests, which are like those for the ammunition, but without the interior divisions. The hasp and hasp staples are like those of the forge chest. The two chests are designated by the letters A and B. List of carriage maker'* s tools and stores. CHEST A. CHEST B. 1 claw hatchet, 1 hand axe, 1 nailing hatchet, 1 claw hatchet. 2 firmer chisels, i and % inch, 1 nailing hatchet, 1 tryine square. 2 firmer chisels, 1 bevel, 1 firmer gouge, 2 augers, g and \ in., and one handle, 1 pair compasses, 1 riveting hammer, 1 trying square, six inches, 1 hand saw. 1 scriber. 1 jack plane. 1 riveting hammer. 1 screw driver 1 mallet, 1 rule, (two feet,) 3 gimlets, 3 gimlets, 2 hand saw files, 1 screw driver, 1 wood rasp. 2 wood files, twelve inch. 1 oil stone, 2 sickles, 6 brad awls, 1 gunner's gimlet, 2 sickles, 1 priming wire. 1 gunner's gimlet, 1 gunner's pincers. 1 priming wire. 2 papers of sprigs, 1 inch and U in., 2 papers tacks, 8 oz. and 12 i lb. twine, oz., 2 papers of tacks, 8 oz. and 12 oz., 60 wood screws, \ inch, No. 9, 25 leather thongs. 2 lbs. sash cord, 36 wood screws, li in. & 1 in. ,No. 14. 1 lb. twine. 12 do. 2 in. , No. 16. 12 nuts, No. 1; 2, No. 2; 6, No. 4. 12 washers, No. 1. The sickles are fastened to the front and back of the chests, (inside,) with small cleats at the necks and points. The other articles are securely packed in tow, the edges of the cutting tools being carefully wrapped up, to prevent injury. Each chest packed weighs about 45 pounds. n PART 5. MOUNTAIN ARTILLERY. Bill of timber for mountain howitzer carriage, Sfc. NAMES OF PARTS. 1 DIMENSIONS OP EACH PIECE. REMARKS. ! } Length. Width Thick- ness. Crun carriage body. Stock 2 2 2 24 12 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 In. ! 66. 44. 11 20. 21. 72. 33. 44. 36. 66. 50. 20. 14 42. 20 50 In. 9. 5. 9. 2.5 5.5 3. 3.5 11. 7. 8. 12. 12. 6. 12. 1.5 2.5 In. 7. 3. Round 1.5 2.5 2.25 2.25 1. 1. 1. 1.25 1.75 1.25 0.75 1.5 2.5 Oak. Young, tough Tioo wheels. Nave hickory. Oak. Spokes Do. Fellies Do. One pair of shafts. Shafts Ash. Cross-bar Do. One ammunition chest. Poplar. Bottom Cover and partitions One pack saddle. Do. Transoms.. Do. Cross bar Do. Side bars Do Round bars Hickory. Hickory. One handspike ^.,. BILL OF IRON. '23 Bill of iron for mountain howitzer carriage, Sfc. NAMES OF PARTS. Gun carriage body. Cap square and key chains Rivets No. 2, nails No. 1,& staples Nails No. 2 Handspike staple, bolts No. 1, ) and rivets No. 3 ^ Implement hooks, and bolt No. 3 . Bolts No. 4 Eye pins No. 1 Elevating screw Nuts No. 1 Handspike strap and linch pins.. . Washers No. 1 Axle bands Cap square keys Nut No. 3 Heads of key and chin bolts Nuts No. 4 Ferrules for axletree Washer hooks Understraps Handles for elevating screw Trunnion plates and cap squares Washers No. 4 Knee of lunette Trail plate Axle skean Lunette Box for elevating screw Two wheels. Band nails No. 1 0.25 Round 48. Tire bolts No. 1 Brow bands Nuts No. 1 i 0.75 End bands I 1. Washers No. 1 < 1.25 Tires ! 2.00 Nave boxes, Chains No. 1. Hammered. Hammered. Hammered. Cast brass. Cast iron. 24 PART O. MOUNTAIN ARTILLRRY. Bill of iron for mountain hovntzer carriage, S(c. NAMES OF PARTS. Shafts Key chain Rivets No. 2 Staples Bolts No. 2 Key.... Supporting bar Cross bar plate Ammunition chest. Chains, and rivets No. 2. Hinges and hasp strap. . . . Bridles and brace Hasp Turn buckle plate Corner plates Turnbuckle Pack saddle. Staples and rivets Bolts Nuts Arc plates , Width Thick- ness. In. In. I 0.15 iRound 0.25 ; Do. 0.375 0.5 I 0.75 1. 2.75 0.25 1. 1. 1. 1.5 2.4 Do. Do. Do. 0.5 0.25 .A to Round 0.375 0.5 0.625 i 0.1 |No.l8. In. 12. 12. 26. 7. 4. 48. 30. 43. 38. 4. 3.5 3.5 40. ' I 0.25 Round! 0.375 Do. I 0.75 I 0.375 1.25 0.2 12. 37. 1.25 36. Lbs. 0.06 0.16 0.80 0.38 0.49 6.72 5.78 14.39 0.60 4.00 0.56 0.61 0.15 1.35 7.27 0.10 0.16 1.13 0.10 2.52 3.91 Chain No. 1. Russia sheet iron. Cast brass. ARTILLERY PART SIXTH, Corrections — Part Fifth. Page 2 — 9th line from the bottom, for ♦' two handspike hooks, screwed into the sides," read " one sponge and rammer hook, screwed into the right side." " 3— 4th line from the bottom, for " 10," read " 5." ** 11— 16th line, for " nwte," read rivets.'' " 11 — after the 16th line, insert : " Four notch plates. They are let into the bearing notches of the arcs, and are fastened, each by /our screws, 1 inch. No. 14." *' 23 — last line, for ^^ iron,'' read ^^ brass."" 1848. PART SIXTH. BARBETTE CARRIAGES. The carriages used for mounting the following pieces of ord- nance, in barbette batteries, are similar to each other in their con- struction, viz: 'For the 12-pounder, 18-pounder, and 24-pounder siege and garrison guns; the 32-pounder and 42-pounder sea^ coast guns; the 8-inch and 10-inch sea coast howitzers. The plates show the form and the dimensions of these carriages and of their parts, in detail, with the exception of the carriage for the 10-inch howitzer. This has not been engraved, as but few of these carriages will probably be made. The carriage is like that for the 42-pounder gun, with such obvious variations in width, &c., as are required by the differences in the general dimensions of the gun and howitzer. Each of these barbette carriages consists of a gun carriage and a chassis, or traversing carriage. The timber for garrison and sea-coast carriages (barbette and casemate) should be, as far as possible, free from centre heart. In pieces of very large size, which cannot be procured free from heart, it is better that the heart should be nearly central, and it must be perfectly sound. When circumstances render it neces- sary to make these parts of two pieces, instead of one, they should be joined with dowels and fastened together by a number of rivet bolts, according to the length of the piece. See also the remarks relative to the wood work of artillery carriages : Part 2, page 10. The roundings of the corners of the wood w^ork of these car- riages are shown in the plates. White oak is used for all the w^ood work. 2 PART 6. BARBETTE CARRIAGES. GUN CARRIAGES. — PLATES I to VII. Wood mark. Two uprights, '^ These pieces form the cheeks of the carriage;. Two braces. S they are joined together by two tenons and mortises; the circular cut for letting in the trunnion plate is traced by the trunnion plate, after the cheek is framed. One front transom. The corners are rounded, and the transom is let into the cheeks, as represented in the drawing. One middle transom. The ends are let into the braces, the full size of the transom. One rear transom. It is connected by tenons and mortises with the braces, and by two dowels with the transom and axle tie. The transom is notched out, on the lower side, to fit the tongue of the chassis. If the hole for the elevating screw comes over the transom, a notch is cut out of the front of the transom, or a hole is bored obliquely through the front part of it, (as repre- sented in the sections of the transom and tie,) in order to let off any water which may enter the screw hole. One transom and axle tie. It is connected with the rear tran- som by two dowels, and is let into the bottom of the middle transom. One elevating bed. It is connected with the transom and axle tie by two dowels, and is let into the rear of the middle transom. The elevating bed of the 8-inch howitzer carriage is made higher than the others, in order to allow the handles of the elevating screw to clear the middle transom. One axle body. The roundings of the corners are shown by the drawings of the wood work and of the irons; the ends are chamfered .15 inch. The axle body is notched into the transom and axle tie, as rep- resented in the plates. GUN CARRIAGES. 3 In putting this carriage together, the uprights and braces are first assembled, forming the two cheeks, in which the trunnion holes are cut. The rear transom, the tie, the middle transom, and the elevating bed, are then joined together and assembled with the cheeks, (the front transom being inserted at the same time,) after which the axle body is put in its place. Irons, — Plates VI and VII. Two trail rivet bolts. Their heads are let into the upper side of the braces. Two washers and two nuts for the same. Two rivet bolts, fdr uprights. Four washers and two nuts for the same. Two cheek bolts. Two flat washers for the heads of these bolts; two beveled washers, (cast iron;) two nuts. One lunette. The plate is let into the under side of the tran- som and axle tie, and it is fastened by the rear transom and tie bolt. Four assembling bolts. Two through the front transom, one through the middle transom, and one through the rear transom. Eight washers and /owr nuts for these bolts. For calibres above the 24-pounder, there are two additional bolts, one for the middle transom and one for the rear transom, with ybttr washers and two nuts. One bolt, for the rear transom and tie. The head is let into the bottom of the notch in the rear transom, .1 inch more than the thickness of the head. One washer and one nut for this bolt. In the 8-inch howitzer carriage, there are two of these bolts, with two washers and two nuts. One bolt, for the rear transom and tie and the bed plate of ele- vating screw. The head is let in like the preceding. One nut for this bolt. 4 PART 6. — BARBETTE CARRIAGES. One boltf for elevating bed plate. One washer and one nut. For the 8-inch howitzer, there are two bolts, two washers, and two nuts. One bed plate, for elevating screw. It is the same for all the carriages except the 8-inch howitzer. See Plate VI. One nut, for elevating screw, (brass.) Four handles for the same, screwed into the nut. One elevating screw. The screw has a slot in nearly its whole length, which fits on a feather in the bed plate; so that by turn- ing the nut, the screw is worked up and down, without turning round. One axle tree. Plate VI. Two axle stirrups, ") The stirrups are made of such a Two bridles. Four nuts. 3 length as to leave an opening of about .25 inch between the bridle and the shoulders of the stirrup, in order to allow for the shrinking of the axle body. One clamj) washer, for 12 and 18-pounder carriages; or, On£ axle and tie brace, for the larger calibres. Two axle and tie bolts. The heads are underneath the axle body, resting on the clamp washer, or on the brace. One double washer and two nuts, for these bolts. One bolt, for middle transom and tie. In the 12 and 18-pounder carriages, this bolt has two washers; in the other carriages, except the 8-inch howitzer, it has but one washer, as the brace takes the place of a washer under the nut. In the 8-inch howitzer car- riage, it has no washer, the head of the bolt being let into the top of the middle transom, in order to clear the handles of the ele- vating screw. One nut for this bolt. Two mancBUvring bolts, with collars, cheek plates, nuts, and washers — Plate VII, In the 12, 18, and 24-pounder carriages, there is a cheek plate and a collar on the front end of the bolt only; in the other carriages, each end of the bolt has a cheek plate and a collar and a washer. Each of the cheek plate,'^ is fastened by GUN CARRIAGES. one wood screw and by the manoeuvring bolt. The washers at the outer ends of the collars are rounded, instead of being cham- fered, on the edges. The bolts are made of square iron, and the corners are flattened with the hammer. The collars are welded on a mandril, and turned on the outside. Two mancBuvring staples. They are driven hard into the under side of the braces. Two trunnion plates. Plate VII. Four bolts, for trunnion plates. Four nuts for the same. The nuts are let into the cheeks from the inside, and the mor- tise is closed with a piece of wood. Two rollers, (cast iron.) Plate VI. The pipe for the axle tree is reamed out and faced at the ends; the octagonal part is dressed by a gauge. The rollers are of two sizes; one for the 12, 18, and 24-pounder carriages, and one for the larger calibres. Two shoulder washers, for the axle tree. They are let in .2 inch into the ends of the axle body; they are applied hot and shrunk on. Two linch washers. Two linchpins. Two wheels. They are alike for all the carriages. WHEEL. — PLATE VI. Wood. — Ten spokes. They are driven in hard, nearly to the bottom of the sockets in the nave. Irons. — One nave, (cast iron.) The octagonal opening in the nave should be dressed out by a gauge, so that the rollers and naves may fit together indiscriminately. One tire. The tire is shrunk on the wheel, in the usual man- ner, before boring the nail holes. Ten tire nails. 6 PART 6. BARBETTE CARRIAGES. CHASSIS. — PLATES VIII to XII. Wood work. l\uo rails. Two hurtersy "> Wood not easily split is selected for Two counter hurters. 3 them. They are notched into the top of the rails, and fastened each by two nails. One front transom, One middle transom, One rear transom. One tongue. One prop. The drawings show the manner in which the transoms are connected with the rails and tongue. /rows.— Plate XII. Two rail plates. They are let into the outside of the rails, .2 inch below the top, and they are fastened to the rails, each by two bolts and fifteen wood screws. Four rail plate bolts. Four washers and /owr nuts. Four rivets and four burrs, for hurters and counter hurters. Six rivet bolts, for front and middle transoms. Six washers and six nuts. One friction plate. It is let in flush with the lower surface of the front transom, and fastened by the two transom and rail bolts, and by ten nails. In the chassis for carriages above the 24-pounder, a transom and tongue brace is connected with the friction plate. Two bolts, for the hurters and rails. Four washers and two nuts. Two bolts, for front transom and rails. Two nuts for the same. Two bolts, for middle transom and rails. Two washers and two nuts. In chassis for 32-pounder and heavier calibres, there are four of these bolts, with/ow/' washers dudfour nuts. CHASSIS. 7 Four bolts, for counter hurters, rails and fork plates. Four nuts for these bolts. Two fork sockets. They are made of plate iron welded on a mandril; the ends are filed to the proper slope, so as to fit against the fork plate when the axis of the socket is vertical. The sockets are driven hard into their mortises. Two fork plates. They are fastened to the under sides of the rails, each by six nails and three bolts. Two bolts, for rear transom and fork plates. The heads are let into the upper side of the transom. Two nuts for these bolts. One manceuvring loop. Fastened to the rear end of the tongue by two nails and o?ie bolt. One nut for loop bolt. One bolt, for front transom and tongue. The head of this bolt is 2.25 inches diameter; it is let into the transom in the bottom of the pintle hole. One washer and one nut for this bolt. Two bolts, for the tongue and the middle and rear transoms. The heads are let into the upper side of the tongue. Two washers and two nuts for these bolts. Two prop plates, fastened to the prop, each by two nails. One prop bolt. One key for this bolt. Two forks. They may be made from hammered shapes, or of bar iron, of which the two parts are welded together to form the stem. The stem is finished with the file, to fit in the sockets indis- criminately; the corners are slightly rounded. Two fork bolts. Twd nuts, octagonal. The heads of the fork bolts are elongated, to serve for manoeuvring bolts. Two traverse wheels, (cast iron.) The hole for the bolt is reamed out, and the hub is faced to the proper thickness. For chassis of 32-pounder and heavier calibres, add : Four pipes, (cast iron.) The ends should be faced in the lathe, to the proper length. Two pipe bolts. Four washers and two nuts. 8 Part 6. — baIibette carriages. PINTLE CROSS, BOLSTER AND TRAVERSE CIRCLE. In permanent batteries, the pintle is fixed in a block of stone, and the traverse circle is an iron plate, set also on stone. For temporary batteries, the pintle is attached to a wooden bolster, which is covered by a circular cast iron plate, and at- tached by four bolts to a wooden cross picketed firmly into the ground. The traverse circle is formed of planks pinned to sleepers and fastened by pickets, or secured to string pieces which connect the traverse circle with the pintle cross. The two kinds of pintle are shown in Plate XIL Plate XIII represents a 12-pounder gun carriage, mounted on a Wooden pintle block and platform. Plate XIV represents a 32-pounder gun carriage, mounted on a stone pintle block and traverse circle. JSTails and screws for barbette carriages. DESIGNATION. Gun carriage. J^ails, for tire of 2 wheels o ^.„- S ^^^ cheek plates, 12, 18, and 24-p'rs JVaib, Chassis. for hurters and counter hurters.. friction plate fork plates manceavring: loop , Screws, for rail plates prop )la 20 2 4 8 10 12 2 4 30 Kind. No. 4, C. No. 20. Do. No. 2, C. Do. Do. Do. Do. No. 20. Length. 4.5 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3. 2.5 2.5 BOLTS. Bolts and rivets for barbette carriages. DESIGNATION. Kind. 12-p'r. 18-p'r 24-p'r. ffl Gun carriage. For connecting the uprights ( and braces > " manoeuvring collars... \ " assembling the cheeks . . . " axle body and tie " elevating bed plate " middle transom and tie. . " middle transom and brace " rear transom and bed plate " rear transom and tie " trunnion plates No. 5, A. No. 6, A. No. 5.t No. 6.t No. 5, A. Do. Do. Do. Do. No. 5, B. Do. No. 4, E. No. 4, A. No.2,G In. 28. 21.38 25.28 16.36 16.94 18.88 21.3 20.47 4. 16.88 12. In. 28. 21.38 27.28 16.36 16.94 18.88 21.22 20.47 4. 16.88 12. In. 29.3 22.25 28.98 16.36 16.94 19.19 21.13 20.3 4.5 17.63 12.63 Chassis. For hurters and rails *• middle transom and rmls. " front transom and tongue " middle transom & tongue " rear transom and tongue. " rear transom & fork plates " counter hurters, rails, ( and fork plates ( ** front transom and rails. . " rail plates " manoeuvring loop " prop '. «'-'"»"=- ISe""""""- Rivets for hurters and ) counter hurters. . . \ No. 5, A. No. 5, B. Do.§ Do. Do Do. No. 5.** Do.** Do.** No. 2, C. No. 2, B. No. 2. ** No. 2, F. Do. No. 4, B. 14.83 16.19 13.25 18.19 14.19 8.6 12.75 16.55 15.9 6.63 9.9 8.35 8.63 6.63 6. 14.83 16.19 13.25 18.19 14.19 8.6 12.75 16.55 15.9 6.63 9.9 8.35 8.63 6.63 6. 15.83 17.19 14.25 19.19 15.19 8.6 13.75 17.55 16.9 7.63 10.9 9.35 8.63 7.63 2* 2* 2 2 4 It 4 2 4tt * Bevel washers. f Plate VII. \ Double washer. || Nuts not chamfered. § Head 2.25 inches diameter. ** Plate XII. ft Burrs. 10 PART 6. BARBETTE CARRIAGES. Bolts and rivets for barbette carriages. DESIGNATION. Gun carriage. For connecting the uprights and braces " manoeuvring collars . . . " assembling the cheeks . . . " axle body and tie " elevating bed plate. ... 5 " mid. transom and brace " rear transom and bed plate *' rear transom and tie, " trunnion plates , Rivet bo.t.4f--^p^^-::; Kind. No. 7, A. No. 7.t No. 5, A. Do. Do. No. 4, A. No. 5, A. No. 5, B. Do. Do. Do. No. 5, E. No- 5, A. No.2,G. 32-p'r, In. 31.35 27.25 33.2 16.44 16.94 20.88 21.13 20.3 5. 18.38 14.13 8-inch how'r. In. 31.35 27.25 33.2 16.44 18.7 20.7 21.3 21.65 5. 18.38 14.13 42-p'r. In. 32.45 28. 35.48 16.41 16.94 21.7 21. 20.2 5 19.13 14.63 WASHERS Chassis. For hurters and rails " pipes " middle transom and rails. " front transom and tongue " tongue and brace " middle transom & tongue " rear transom and tongue. " rear transom & fork plates *' counter hurters, rails, ( and fork plates ( " front transom and rails. . " rail plates " manoeuvring loop " prop Rivet bolts for front and V middle transoms. . . . ( Rivets for hurters and / counter hurters. . . \ No. 5, A. Do. No. 5, B. Do. II Do. Do. Do. Do. No. 5. * Do.* Do.* No. 2, C. No. 2, B. No. 2.* No. 2, F. No. 4, B. 16.8 52.68 19.19 15.19 12.5 21.19 16.19 9.6 14.75 18.55 17.85 8.63 11.9 10.35 10.63 8. 16.8 52.68 19.19 15.19 12.5 21.19 16.19 9.6 14.75 18.55 17.85 8.63 11.9 10.35 17.8 54.88 21.19 16.19 13.5 23.19 17.19 9.6 15.75 19.55 18.85 9.63 12.9 11.35 10.63 10.63 8. 9.00 4tt Bevel washers. f Plate VJI. J Double washer. § Nuts not chamfered. II Head 2.25 inches diameter. ** Plate XII. ft Burrs. BILLS OF TIMBER. 11 03 w S 6 . CA tS ^o(7< -t»o CO CO o ^ "S <»CM O on .-icooito in ^ ^ ig o 1 -: CO OJ t~ >o I— 1 i-HCOuOt- do5 00 oi CO rH to t^ t irHOiOO ^ "« Wa &-COCO r-^ '-' (M «o .-1 Oi CICMCJ'-' 5 ^- a . . c c q5 c c . . as 2 in on Do 4or6i Do Do 4 or 6i 3 or 4 i 6 in on i 4or 6 i 2or 3i Do Do 4 in on( OCX) to o o» o _^ CO CSJ 00 CO c< ss ■^ «2 jocooocovot^ooiio CO 00 CO CO uo ^ CO ^ lO CO 00 uo -HUOOl o . n H t^00'-"i-< iOCTS COO (?t«> CO CO 00 CO 5ZJ O o & o o •as ^ CDO kc;ot^iO-Hc- C5 i-H ;ouo CO ^ ^■5. a. CO CO 00 CO ic t- o en CJ t- 00 00 uo T— uo en g " (« r^ OiOtOl-^ ^ lO O lO uo ?2 t^t- lOCM O CS{ lO ^ '^ s km lo 05 05 "H OT CO 00 rr 00 O CDQOQOCn'* N H ""• *>§ a to o t- CO-*00t^l^00CO %^ V lo o 00 g c CO (7< -^ 00 CO O 00 00 CO fMt^t^OOOOOOOOO 2 til »-( r-( »o o o 00 COCOCO CO E^ 6j: CO lO CO CO CO I- 1- CO CO -ST coo CO rf ■:2 J c CO-^asOJOiCOCOtTJl:^ CO O CO uo U5 CO 00 CO fiq .rl,t: :< 2 C C3 W 2 I c CQ 1 1 Middle tr Rear tran Transom Elevatinp- o -=5 re II c c 5c o ^ BILLS OF TIMBER. 13 i ce o -^ o -§ n t, S ^ »0 r-H I— 1 ITS C- ^ 1=1 ^ ^l^^^^^:::'^^'^ i-t OJ OJ CO t^ 1— o " BS W & •^ CO -^CI «5 1-1 1—1 I— I g o IS ITS ifS lO lO ^ t-t- iO(>j 1 UO C* "O •< c «otoo50s«Nd«5o6a6"^ OJ >0 050050Tt< "f^ a H ^ (U C^l O CM io l« c 00 5 ? 00'*CMT-lrt 00 OS CO c^ CO a3 ."^ .*^ »« , , g c t-(ro-<05cooaiaic»oo coxoooooor-Ho: 2 .— 1 I— < I— 1 r-H 1— 1 i-H rl-l i-H i^ fa ^ . coco feJO (Mt-fOcocct-Qoaoc: CO «3OC0 CO OJ b c s lO-^cJcJcJcocoeocDt^ coocO'-'-HOOsco "g ►J ' ' ^£-CM(MGMC-C<(MCOrH COi-n-iiC^-^t-CO • ^ "** CMC«^r.r-.^^^r-.0 I 1 (?«(?« 5 5 2 c 3a 1 J 're V 1, i3 *^ re 2 c Dd 2 Oh 14 PART 6, BARBETTE CARRIAGES. C O V to o o s s • • S o o S^ §^ o & « o WB. r-H (M O lO rH CO CTJ »0 CO "^^ ■5 »-lO»OOJ (MCTSO^O dj to t^ r- i-i "<* CM o^ i> A (MiOoJow^-HCOCOci g^ 10 i;0 0» 01 CO t- rH (N w . G^CN 10 CM ^S t-^ t-^ oi O^ C< rH «0 (30 Tt 1—1 1-H Ho io" CM rl Oi ITS CO rl 10 -H i-H • . ^ I— (I— II— It-^i-Hi— I— <05'^ e UO t^ 00 00 00 UO 05 »« CM ^ «0 00 CM (M CM 00 (M "* CM £ CDCDOOOO ^010 t^CO ^ r^"*CMO"^ooooco ■«* O i-(0 t^ t^' CO CM ■^ lOCMO' CO CI % o ITi ^ m 10 05r-(05^ '"' uo iO ITS 1—1 1— 1 01 CO ClCO-?t«OOOOOOCO ■* Ci 05 O O 00 CM O •S309jdj0 'O^ O 00 S^' * V : ^ • o : ^ is C C tJDT3t2 eS C c O •^S=S ^ c ^ «^ 11 »- is "^ 03 •'S 3 =5 5 3 « 5 O 03 ti! y fe § pil H eu BILLS OF IRON. 15 Bill of iron for one 12-pr. or one IS-pr. barbette gttn carriage. NAMES OF PARTS. Wide. Thick. Long. 2 trail rivet bolts 2 rivet bolts for up- ( Heads.. . rights I Bodies. . 12 heads for bolts No. 5 2 cheek bolts — bodies 2 bevel washers ] lunette 4 assembling bolts- ( 12-pr... . bodies ( 18-pr... . 1 rear transom and tie bolt — body 1 bed plate bolt — body 1 bed plate bolt — body 1 bed plate forelevatingscrew < 1 nut for elevating screw ] elevating screw 1 axletree 2 axle stirrups 2 bridles 1 clamp washer 2 bolts for axle and tie — bodies 1 double washer. 1 bolt for middle transom and tie— body 2 manoeuvring bolts I gj^^f^^;; 2 collars 2 cheek plates 2 manoeuvring staples 2 trunnion plates. 4 trunnion plate bolts 2 rollers 4 axle washers 2 linch pins 2 washers No. 2 4 washers No. 4 18 washers No. 5 2 nuts No. 2 10 nuts No. 4 14 nuts No. 5 f 2 naves 2 wheels.. < 2 tires (20 nails In. 0.5 1.5 0.75 2. 1. 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 4. 2. 2.375 2. 2. 3. 1. 3. 2. ]. 4. 3.25 0.75 4.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.625 2.5 3.25 1. 1.5 2. 4.5 0.5 In. Round Round Round Round Round 1.5 Round Round Round Round Round 1. 1. Round 0.75 0.75 .5 Round 1. Round Round 1. 0.5 0.25 Round 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.75 0.125 0.188 0.188 0.5 0.75 1. 0.875 0.5 In. 27. 4. 27.78 36. 48. 14. 85.12 93.12 16.47 17.3 12.94 9.5 10.5 21. 40. 22. 15.5 24.72 4.5 14.88 6. 34. 14.25 19.5 30. 47.25 12. 62. 10. 3.25 10. 57.5 2. 15. 28. 272. 95. Cast iron. Cast brass. Draft. Cast iron. Cast iron. In two pieces. 16 PART 6. BARBETTE CARRIAGES. Bill of iron for one M-pounder barbette gun carriage. NAMES OF PARTS. 2 trail rivet bolts 2 rivet bolts for up- ( Heads... rights ( Bodies, . 2 bevel washers 1 lunette 10 heads of bolts No. 5 4 assembling bolts — bodies. 1 rear transom and tie bolt — body 1 bed plate bolt — body 1 bed plate bolt — body 1 bedplate for elevating screw 1 nut for elevating screw. .... ] elevating screw , 1 axletree , 2 axle stirrups 2 bridles 1 axle and tie brace 2 axle and tie bolts — bodies.. . 1 double washer 1 middle transom and tie bolt — body 2mancBuvringbolts|f^^^f;^-;; 2 collars 2 cheek plates 2 manoeuvring staples 2 trunnion plates 4 trunnion plate bolts 2 rollers 4 axle washers 2 linchpins 2 washers No. 2 4 washers No. 4 11 washers No. 5 6 washers No. 6 2 nuts No. 2 10 nuts No. 4 10 nuts No. 5 4 nuts No. 6 2 naves 2 wheels. . { 2 tires 20 nails Wide. Thick. In. 0.5 1.5 0.75 2.25 1.125 4. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 4. 2. 2.375 2. 2. 3. 1. 3. 1. 2.25 1.125 4. 3.5 0.75 4.75 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.625 2.5 3.25 3.625 1. J.5 2. 2.25 4.5 0.5 In. Round Round Round Round Round 1.5 Round Round Round Round Round 1. 1. Round 0.75 0.75 0.5 Round 1. Round Round 1.125 0.5 0.25 Round 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.75 0.125 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.5 0.75 1. 1.125 Long. 0.875 0.5 In 28.25 4. 29.26 6.5 50.6 14. 30. 100. 16.3 17.13 12.94 9.5 10.5 21. 40. 22. 37.25 24.72 4.5 15.19 6.5 35.75 15.28 19.5 30. 49.75 12. 62. 10. 3.25 10. 35.25 21.5 2. 15. 20. 10. Cast iron. Cast brass. Draft. Cast iron. 272. 95. Cast iron. In two pieces. I BILLS OF IRON. 1*7 Bill ofirmf&r one S2-pr. or one S-in, how^r barbette g^m carriage. NAMES OF PARTS. Wide. 2 trail rivet bolts 14 headsofboltsNo.5,for32-pr. 13 heads of bolts No. 5, for 8-in. 2 rivet bolts for uprights, bodies 2cheekboits..|»'^Y;^-;::;; 2 bevel washers 1 lunette 6 assembling bolts — bodies . . . 1 rear trans. & tie bolt, for 32-pr 2 rear trans. & tie bolts, for 8-in 2 bed plate bolts — for ( Heads . 8-inch \ Bodies. 1 bed plate for elevating screw \ 1 nut for elevating screw 1 elevating screw 1 axletree 2 axle stirrups and bridles. . . . 1 axle and tie brace 2 axle and tie bolts — bodies. . . 1 double washer 1 middle transom and tie bolt.. 2ma„CBUvringboIta|H^»f;^;; 4 collars 4 cheek plates 2 manoeuvring staples 2 trunnion plates 4 trunnion plate bolts 2 rollers 4 axle washers 21inch pins 2 washers No. 2 2 washers No. 4 — for 8-inch. 19 washers No. 5 — for 32-pr.. 18 washers No. 5 — for 8-inch. 6 washers No. 7 2 nuts No. 2 4 nuts No. 4 — for 32-pounder. 6 nuts No. 4— for 8-inch . . . . 18 nuts No. 5 — for 32-pounder. 17 nuts No. 5 — for 8-mch . . . . 4 nuts No. 7 i 2 naves 2 wheels.. < 2 tires f 20 nails Thick. Long. In. 0..5 2. 2. 1. 2.5 1.25 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.5 0.75 4. 2. 2.375 2. 3. 1. 3. 1. 2.5 1.25 4. 4.25 0.75 5.5 2. 1.5 1.5 1.625 2.5 3.25 3.25 4.125 1. 1.5 1.5 2. 2. 2.5 4.5 0.5 In. Round Round Round Round Round Round 1.5 Round Round Round Round Round Round Round 1. 1. In. 31.25 42. 39. 28.76 7. 54.7 14. 165.2 16.3 34.95 17.13 12.94 4. 31.4 9.5 10.5 Round 0.75 0.5 Round 1. Round Round 1.25 0.5 0.25 Round 0.5 2. 0.5 0.75 0.125 0.188 0.188 0.188 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.75 1. 1. 1.25 0.875 0.5 Cast iron. 21. 62. 37.25 24.88 4.5 16.88 7. 45.75 29. 39. 30. .54.75 14. 62. 10. 3.25 5 60.75 57.5 24.5 2. 6. 9. 36. 34. 10. 272. 95. 7. 5 for 8-inch. Cast brass. Draft. Cast iron. Cast iron. In two pieces. Part 6—3 18 PART 6. — BARBETTE CARRIAGES. Bill of iron for one i'H-pounder barbette gun carriage. NAMES OF PARTS. Wide. 2 trail rivet bolts 14 heads for bolts No. 5 2 rivet bolts for uprights, bodies 2 cheek bolts.. I H'l^;^-;;:; 2 bevel washers 1 lunette 6 assembling bolts — bodies. . . . 1 rear transom & tie bolt, body 1 bed plate bolt — body 1 bed plate bolt — body 1 bed plate for elevating screw < 1 nut for elevating screw 1 elevating screw 1 axletree 2 axle stirrups 2 bridles 1 axle and tie brace 2 axle and tie bolts — bodies. . . 1 double washer 1 middle trans, and tie bolt — body 2 manoeuvring bolts.. | g^^^^^ 4 collars 4 cheek plates , 2 manoeuvring staples. ... 2 trunnion plates 4 trunnion plate bolts. ... 2 rollers 4 axle washers 2 linch pins 2 washers No. 2 19 washers No. 5 6 nuts No. 7 , 2 nuts No. 2 4 nuts No. 4 18 nuts No. 5 4 nuts No. 7 C 2 naves .... 2 wheels.. < 2 tires f 20 nails Thick. Long. In. 0.5 2. 1. 2.5 1.25 4. 1. 1. 1. 1. 4. 2. 2.375 2. 2. 3. 1. 3. 1. 2.5 1.25 4. 4.75 0.75 6. 2. 1.5 1.5 1.625 3.25 4.125 1. 1.5 2. 2.5 4.5 0.5 In. Round Round Round Round Round 1.5 Round Round Round Round 1. 1. Round 0.75 0.75 0.5 Round 1 Round Round 1.25 0.5 0.25 Round 0.5 2. 0.5 0.75 0.125 0.188 0.25 0.5 0.75 1. 1.25 0.875 0.5 In. 32.25 42. 30.26 7. 56.9 14. 188.88 16.2 17. 12.94 9.5 10.5 21. 40. 22. 37.25 24.82 4.5 17.7 7. 47.25 29. 39. 30. 55. 14. 62. ]0. 3.25 60.75 24.5 2. 6. 36. 10. 272. 95. Cast iron. Cast brass. Draft. Cast iron. Cast iron. In two pieces. BILLS OF IRON. 19 Bills of iron for barbette chassis, for l2-pounder, IS-pounder and '2\i-pounder carriages. Width. i LENGTH. KAMES OF PARTS. l2-pr.& 18-pr. 24-pr. 2 rail plates • In. 2. 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 5. 3.5 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 6.625 8. 2. 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.75 3. 2.375 1.625 3.25 2! 0.25 In. 0.25 Round Round 0.375 Round 0.5 0.5 Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round 0.25 1. 0.4 Round 0.3 Round 0.125 1.25 Round 0.125 0.188 0.5 1. 0.25 In. 220.3 30.52 32. 6. 59.78 8. 33.5 45. 21.66 23.8 24.38 42.6 8.2 9.25 24.38 19.9 19. 14.5 11.4 19.75 9.85 1.5 66. 16. 16. 28.75 11. 34. 93. In. 218.94 34.5 36. 6. 61.78 8. 34.5 45. 22.66 24.8 25.38 46.6 8.2 10.25 26.38 19,9 19. 14.5 12.4 19.75 10.85 1.5 66. 16. 16. 28.75 11. 34. 93. 4 bolts for rail plates 4 rivets for hurters and counter hurters 4 burrs for rivets € rivet bolts for transoms - » . , . , . C Middle. ••■« ifnction plate.. Ie^jJs.. :;:;;:;;;: 15 heads of bolts No. 5 2 bolts for hurters and rails — bodies. . 2 bolts for front transom and rails— ) bodies \ 2 bolts for middle transom and rails— \ bodies \ 4 bolts for rails and fork plates — ) bodies \ 2 bolts for rear transom and fork) plates — bodies \ 1 bolt for front transom and tongue — ) body \ 2 bolts for middle and rear transom ) and tongue — bodies \ 2 fork sockets 2 fork plates 1 manoeuvring loop 1 loop bolt * *,. 2 prop plates ^ . * 1 prop bolt t 1 key for prop bolt 2 forks 2 fork bolts 10 washers No. 2 9 washers No. 5 11 nuts No. 2 17 nuts No. 5.... 28 nails No. 1.. . ., 2 traverse wheels— cast iron . Part 6 — 4 20 PART 6. BARBETTE CARRIAGES. Bills of iron for barbette chassis, for S2-pounder, S-inck and ^L^-pounder carriages. NAMES OP PARTS. 2 rail plates 4 bolts for rail plates 4 rivets for hurters and counter hurters 4 burrs for rivets 6 rivet bolts for transoms C Middle... 1 friction place and brace. < Ends .... ( Brace... . 20 heads of bolts No. 5 1 bolt for tongue and brace — body. . , . 2 bolts for hurters and rails — bodies, . 2 bolts for front transom and rails — bodies 4 bolts for middle transom and rails — bodies 4 bolts for rails and fork plates — bodies 2 bolts for rear transom and fork ) plates — bodies ^ 1 bolt for front transom and tongue^- ) body I 2 bolts for middle and rear transom > and tongue — bodies ) 2 bolts for pipes — bodies 2 fork sockets 2 fork plates ■ 1 manoeuvring loop 1 loop bolt 2 prop plates 1 prop bolt 1 key for prop bolt 2forks 2 fork bolts 10 washers No. 2 15 washers No. 5 11 nuts No. 2 22 nuts No. 5 , 28 nails No. 1 4 pipes — cast iron, 2 traverse wheels — cast iron. Width, In. 2. 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.5 7. 3.5 3. 2. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 6.625 8. 2. 0.5 1.5 0.5 0.75 3. 2.375 1.625 3.25 1. 2. 0.25 In. 0.25 Round Round 0.375 Round 0.5 0.5 0.5 Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round 0.25 1. 0.4 Round 0.3 Round 0.125 1.25 Round 0.125 0.188 0.5 1. 0.25 32-pr. & 8-inch. In. 217.92 38.52 40, 6. 75.78 8. 39.8 35.83 60. 8.5 25.6 27,7 68.76 50.6 11.2 11.19 29.38 97.36 19.9 19. 14.5 13.4 19.75 11.85 1.5 66. 16. 16. 48. 11. 44. 93. 42-pr. In. 217.6 42.52 44. 6. 75.78 8. 41. 35.83 60. 9.5 26.6 28.7 76.76 64.6 11.2 12.19 32.38 101.76 19.9 19. 14.5 14.4 19.75 12.85 1.5 66. 16. 16. 48. 11. 44. 93. BILLS OF IRON. 21 Summary bill of iron for one \%-pr. or one \S-pr. barbette carriage. SIZE OP IRON. CHASSIS. TOTAL. GUNCARRIAGB. REMARKS. Wide. Thick. In. In. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. 0.5 Round 2.25 1.47 11.96 7.82 14.21 9.29 0.75 Round 4.82 7.08 _ ._ 4.82 7.08 1. Round 18.28 47.72 12.85 33.53 31.13 81.25 Add8in.forl8-pr 1.5 Round .33 1.94 — _ .33 1.94 2. Round 3.5 36.64 3.75 39.26 7.25 75.90 2.375 Round 1.75 25.83 1.33 19.63 3.08 45.46 Hammered. 0.25 0.25 - _ 7.75 1.63 7.75 1.63 0.5 0.5 7.92 6.65 - _ 7.92 6.65 0.75 0.125 _ _ .12 .03 .12 .03 1.0 0.5 .17 .28 .92 1.54 1.09 1.82 1.0 1.0 2.83 9.50 , _ 2.83 9.50 1.5 0.3 _ _ 1.64 2.49 1.64 2.49 1.5 0.375 - _ .50 .94 .50 .94 1.5 0.5 5.17 13.02 _ _ 5.17 13.02 1.5 0.75 2.08 7.86 _ _ 2.08 7.86 1.5 1.5 1.00 7.56 _ -. 1.00 7.56 1.625 0.125 .27 .18 1.33 .90 1.60 1.08 2.0 0.25 _ 18.36 30.84 18.36 30.84 2.0 0.4 _ _ 1.21 3.24 1.21 3.24 2.0 0.75 5.17 26.05 _ 5.17 26.05 2.0 1. 3.20 21.50 2T83 19.02 6.03 40.52 2.5 0.188 .83 1.30 _ _ .83 1.30 3.0 0.5 1.30 6.55 _ _ 1.30 6.55 3.0 1.0 .37 3.73 _ _ .37 3.73 3.0 1.25 _ _ 5.5 69.30 5.5 69.30 3.25 0.188 4.80 9.79 2.40 4.89 7.20 14.68 3.25 0.25 1.62 4.42 - - 1.62 4.42 3.5 0.5 - 2.80 16.46 2.80 16.46 4.0 0.5 1.19 7.99 _ _ 1.19 7.99 4. 1.0 .79 10.61 _ _ .79 10.61 4. 1.5 1.16 23.41 _ _ 1.16 23.41 4.5 0.5 3.94 29.78 - 3.94 29.78 4.5 0.875 22.67 299.69 - 22.67 299.69 2 pieces, 11 ft. 4 in. 5. 0.5 _ _ 1.6 13744 1.6 13.44 6.625 0.25 _ _ 1.62 9.0 1.62 9.0 8. 1. _ - 1.58 42.47 1.56 42.47 141. - - - 141. Draft for axletree. 751.55 - 316.43 - 1067.98 Add 1.751b for 18p f - 4. - _ — 4. 2 bevel washers. j - 270. -. _ _ 270. 2 rollers. Cast iron.. . < - 206. - - - 206. 2 naves. - - - 130. - 130. 2 traverse wheels. 1 - 480. - 130. - 610. Cast bi ass.... - 11. - - - 11. Nut for screw. 22 PART 6. — BARBETTE CARRIAGES. Summary bill of iron for one 2i'pounder barbette carriage. SIZE OF IRON. TOTAL. GUN CARRIAGE. CHASSIS. REMARKS. Wide. rhick. In. In. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. 0.5 Round 2.35 1.54 12.96 8.47 15.31 10.01! 075 Round 4.94 7.26 _ _ 4.94 7.26 1.0 Round 15.52 40.50 13.69 35.73 29.21 76.23! 1.125 Round 4.21 13.93 _ _ 4.21 13.93 1.5 Round .33 1.94 _ _ .33 1.94 2. Round 2.5 26.17 3.75 39.26 6.25 65.43 2.25 Round 1.08 14.31 _ _ 1.08 14.31 2.. 375 Round 1.75 25.83 1.33 19.63 3.08 45.46 Hammered. 0.25 0.25 _ - 7.75 1.62 7.75 1.62 0.5 0.5 7.92 6.65 _ - 7.92 6.65 0.75 0.125 _ - .12 0.03 .12 .03 1.0 0.5 .16 .27 .91 1.52| 1.07 1.79 1.125 1.125 3.14 13.34 _ 3.14 13.34 1.5 0.3 _ - 1.64 2T49 1.63 2.49 1.5 0.375 - - 0.5 .94 .5 .94 1.5 0.5 5.16 13. _ - 5.16 13.00 1.5 0.75 2.92 11.03 _ _ 2.92 11.03 1.5 1.5 1.0 7.56 _ _ 1.0 7.56 1.625 0.125 .27 .18 1.33 .90 1.60 1.08 2.0 0.25 _ _ 18.25 30.66 18.25 30.66 2.0 0.4 _ _ 1.21 3.24 1.21 3.24 2.0 0.75 5.17 26.05 _ _ 5.17 26.05 2.0 1.0 2.54 17.07 2.83 19.01 5.37 36.08 2.25 1.125 .83 7.05 _ - .83 7.05 2.5 0.188 .83 1.30 _ _ .83 1.30 3.0 0.5 3.10 15.62 "~ _ 3.10 15.62 3.0 1.0 .37 3.73 _ .37 3.73 3.0 1.25 _ — 5.5 69.30 5.5 69.30 3.25 0.188 2.94 5.99 2.39 4.88 5.33 10.87 3.5 0.25 1.62 4.76 _ - 1.62 4.76 3.5 0.5 _ - 2.87 16.87 2.87 16.87 3.625 0.188 1.8 4.10 _ - 1.8 4.10 4. 0.5 1.27 8.53 _ _ 1.27 8.53 4. 1.0 .8 10.75 _ _ .8 10.75 4. 1.5 1.17 23.61 _ _ 1.17 23.61 4.5 0.875 22.67 299.69 _ - 22.67 299.69 2pieces, lift. 4in. 4.75 0.5 4.15 33.11 - - 4.15 33.11 5. 0.5 _ - 1.6 13.44 1.6 13.44 6.625 0.25 _ _ 1.66 9.23 1.66 9.23 8.0 1.0 _ _ 1.58 42.48 1.58 42.48 147. - - - 147. Draft for axletree. 791.87 - 319.7 - 1111.57 r - 6. _ - - 6. 2 bevel washers. Cast iron...' _ 270.* 206. _ ISO.f 400. 206. *2 rollers, ]2 wh'Is 2 naves. - 482. - 130. - 612. Cast b rass . . . 11. - - - 11. Nut for screw BILLS OF IRON. 23 Summary bill of iron for one S^-pounder barbette carriage. SIZE OP IRON. 1 i n.« GU NT CARRIAGE. CHASSIS. 1 TO'iAi.. REMARKS. Wide. Thick. ! In. In. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. 0.5 Round 2.60 1.70 14.96 9.78 17.56 11.48 0.75 Round 2.50 3.67 _ _ 2.50 3.67 1.00 Round 23.51 61.36 27.52 71.82 51.03 133.18 1.25 Round 4.56 18.65 _ _ 4.56 18.65 2. Round 3.50 36.64 5.0 52.35 8.50 88.99 2.375 Round 1.75 25.83 1.33 19.63 3.08 45.46 Hammered. 2.5 Round 1.17 19.14 _ 1.17 19.14 0.25 0.25 _ .77 .16 .77 .16 0.5 0.5 7.92 6.65 _ _ 1 7.92 6.65 0.75 0.125 _ .14 .04 i -14 .04 1.0 0.5 .16 .27 .91 1.52 1.07 1.79 1.25 1.25 3.81 20.00 _ 3.81 20.00 1.5 0.3 _ _ lT64 2.49 1.64 2.49 1.5 0.375 _ _ .50 .94 .50 .94 1.5 0.5 5.17 13. _ _ 5.17 13. 1.5 0.75 1.33 5.02 _ _ 1.33 5.02 1.625 0.125 .27 .18 1.33 .90 1.60 1.08 2.0 0.25 18.16 30.51 18.16 30.51 2.0 0.4 _ _ 1.21 3.24 1.21 3.24 2.0 0.75 5.17 26.05 _ 5.17 26.05 2.0 1.0 3.87 26.00 3.67 24.66 7.54 50.66 2.0 2.0 1.17 15.72 _ „ 1.17 15.72 2.5 1.25 .83 8.71 _ _ .83 8.71 3.0 0.5 3.10 15.62 2.98 15.01 6.08 30.63 3.0 1. .44 4.44 _ _ .44 4.44 3.0 1.25 _ _ 5.5 69.30 5.5 69.30 3.25 0.188 5.06 10.32 4. 8.16 9.06 18.48 3.5 0.5 3.32 19.52 3.32 19.52 4.0 0.5 2.42 I6T26 _ _ 2.42 16.26 4.0 1.0 .79 10.62 _ _ .79 10.62 4.0 1.5 1.17 23.61 _ _ 1.17 23.61 4.125 0.25 2.04 7.06 _ _ 2.04 7.06 4.25 0.25 3.25 11.60 _ _ 3.25 11.60 4.5 0.875 22.67 299.69 - - 22.67 299.69 2pieces,llft.4iii. 5.5 0.5 4.56 42.13 _ - 4.56 42.13 6.625 0.25 _ « 1.66 9.23 1.66 9.23 7.0 0.5 _ _ .67 7.88 .67 7,88 8.0 1.0 - - 1.58 42.48 1.58 42.48 205. - - - 205. Draft for axletree. 934.94 - 389.62 - 1324.56 ■ - 7.5* _ 50. t _ 57.5 *2 wash's,! 4 pipes Cast iron... -^ ~ 292.+ 206. - 130.11 - 422. 206. 12 rollers, ||2wh'ls 2 naves. I - 505.5 - 180. 685.5 Castbi ass.... - 11. - - - 11. Nut for screw. 24 PART 6. BARBETTE CARRIAGES. Summanj bill of iron for one S-inc/i howitzer barbette carriage. SIZE OB- IRON. CHASSIS. TOTAL. GUN CARRIAGE REMARKS. Wide. Thick. In. In. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. 0.5 Round 2.60 1.70 14.96 9.78 17.56 11.48 0.75 Round 5.12 7.53 5.12 7.53 1.0 Round 22.55 58.85 27.52 71.83 50.07 130.68 1.25 Round 4.56 18.65 _ _ 4.56 18.65 1.5 Round .33 1.94 _ _ .33 1.94 2.0 Round 3.25 34.03 5.0 52.35 8.25 86.38 2.375 Round 1.75 25.83 1.33 19.63 3.08 45.46 Hammered. 2.5 Round 1.17 19.14 _ _ 1.17 19.14 0.25 0.25 _ _ .77 .16 .77 .16 0.5 0.5 7.92 6.65 _ 7.92 6.65 0.75 0.125 - _ .14 .04 .14 .04 1.0 0.5 .16 .27 .91 1.52 1.07 1.79 1.25 1.25 3.81 20.00 3.81 20.00 1.5 0.3 _ _ 1.64 2.49 1.64 2.49 1.5 0.375 _ _ .50 .94 .50 .94 1.5 0.5 .52 1.31 .52 1.31 1.5 0.75 .16 .60 _ _ .16 .60 1.625 0.125 .27 .18 1.33 .90 1.60 1.08 2.0 0.25 18.16 30.51 18.16 30.51 2.0 0.4 - _ 1.21 3.24 1.21 3.24 2.0 0.75 5.17 26.05 _ _ 5.17 26.05 2.0 1.0 3.71 24.93 3.67 24.66 7.38 49.59 2.0 2.0 1.17 15.72 _ _ 1.17 15.72 2.5 0.188 .42 .66 _ _ .42 .66 2.5 1.25 .83 8.71 _ _ .83 8.71 3.0 0.5 3.10 15.62 2.98 15.01 6.08 30.63 3.0 1.0 .37 3.73 _ _ .37 3.73 3.0 1.25 _ _ 5.5 69.30 5.5 69.30 3.25 0.188 4.79 9.77 4.0 8.16 8.79 17.93 3.5 0.5 _ 3.32 19.52 3.32 19.52 4.0 0.5 2.42 16.26 _ 2.42 16.26 4.0 1.0 .62 8.33 _ _ .62 8.33 4.0 1.5 1.17 23.61 _ - 1.17 23.61 4.125 0.25 2.04 7.06 _ _ 2.04 7.06 4.25 0.25 3.25 11.60 _ _ 3.25 11.60 4.5 0.875 22.67 299.69 _ _ 22.67 299.69 2 pieces, 11 ft. 4 in. 5.5 0.5 4.56 42.13 _ _ 4.56 42.13 6.625 0.25 _ 1.66 9.23 1.66 9.23 7.0 0.5 _ „ .67 7.88 .67 7.88 8.0 1.0 _ _ 1.58 42.48 1.58 42.48 205. - 205. Draft for axletree. 915.55 - 389.63 - 1305.18 ' _ 7.5* _ 50. t _ 57.5 *2 wash's, 14 pipes Cast iron. . . < - 292.t 206. - 130.11 - 422. 206. +2rollers,||2wh'ls 2 naves. I - 505.5 - 180. - 685.5 Cast br ass.... I~ 11. - - - 11. BILLS OF IRON. 25 Summary bill of iron for one ^^-pounder barbette carriage. SIZE OF IRO M. ~ GUN CARRIAGE. CHASSIS. TOTAL. REMARKS. Wide. ThLc k. In. In. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. 0.5 Rour d 2.69 1.76 15.80 10.33 18.49 12.09 0.75 Rour d 2.5 3.67 _ 2.5 3.67 1.0 Rour d 25.65 66.95 30.31 79.11 55.96 146.06 1.25 ROUK d 4.74 19.38 _ _ 4.74 19.38 2.0 Roun d 3.5 36.64 5. 52.35 8.5 88.99 2.375 Roun d 1.75 25.83 ].33 19.63 3.08 45.46 Hammered. 2.5 Roun d 1.17 19.14 _ 1.17 19.14 0.25 0.2i > - _ 7.75 1.63 7.75 1.63 0.5 0.5 7.92 6.65 _ _ 7.92 6.65 0.75 O.IS 55 - _ .14 .04 .14 .04 1.0 0.5 .17 .28 _ .17 .28 1.25 1.2f ) 3.94 20.68 _ _ 3.94 20.68 1.5 0.3 1.64 2.49 1.64 2.49 1.5 0.3' 5 - _ .5 .94 .5 .94 1.5 0.5 5.17 13.02 .92 2.32 6.09 15.34 1.5 0.7£ » 1.33 5.02 _ _ 1.33 5.02 1.625 1.25 .27 .18 1.33 .90 1.60 1.08 2.0 0.25 - 18.13 30.45 18.13 30.45 2.0 0.4 _ 1.21 3.24 1.21 3.24 2.0 0.75 1 57l7 26.05 _ _ 5.17 26.05 2.0 1.0 3.87 26.00 3.67 24.66 7.54 50.66 2.0 2.0 1.17 15.72 _ _ 1.17 15.72 2.5 1.25 .83 7.05 _ _ .83 7.05 3.0 0.5 3.10 15.62 2.99 15.01 6.09 30.63 3.0 1.0 .37 3.73! _ _ .37 3.73 • 3.0 1.25 _ - 1 5.5 69.30 5.5 69.30 3.25 0.18 8 5.06 10.32 4.0 8.16 9.06 18.48 3.5 0.5 3.42 20.11 3.42 20.11 4.0 0.5 2.42 16.26 _ _ 2.42 16.26 4.0 1.0 .79 10.62 _ _ .79 10.62 4.0 1.5 1.17 23.611 - _ 1.17 23.61 4.125 0.25 2.04 7.06 - _ 2.04 7.06 4.5 0.87 5 22.67299.69 _ _ 22.67 299.69 2pieces,llft. 4in. 4.75 0.25 3.25 12.97i _ _ 3.25 12.97 6. 0.5 4.58 46.16 _ _ 4.58 46.16 6.625 0.25 _ _ 1.66 9.23 1.66 9.23 7. 0.5 - _ .67 7.881 .67 7.88 8. 1.0 - - 1.58 42.48 1.58 42.48 213. - - 213. Draft for axletree. 953.06 - 400.26! - 1353.32 - 7.5* _ 49. t _ 56.5 *2 wash's, t4 pipes Cast iron... • - 292.1 206. - 130.11 - 422. 206. :2 rollers, ||2wh'la 2 nares. - 505.5 - 179. - 684.5 Cast br ass... . 11. - i - 1 - 11. Nut for screw. ^ PART 6. BARBETTE CARRIAGES. Remarks on the bills of iron . The bar iron in the above bills is all rolled iron, except that for the elevating screws, for which hammered iron is preferable. No hammered drafts are required, except for the axle trees, the dimensions of which are readily obtained from the drawings of finished axle trees, and by reference to the drafts of those for siege carriages. Part 3. It is, therefore, considered unnecessary to represent the drafts for the barbette axle trees. Formers are required for shaping the trunnion plates and forks of these carriages; but as these formers are similar to those for other carriages, of which numerous examples are given in the plates of Parts 2, 3 and 7, and as their dimensions are easily de- duced from the drawings of the finished irons, they are not rep- resented in the plates of this part. ARTILLERY. PART SEVENTH. Corrections — Part Sixth, Page 10— in table of bolts for chassis, 2d column, lines 9, 11, and 14, for" *," read "**;'♦ and in line 10, for " *," read " B." 19— 1st line of table, for " 220.3," read " 225.8." 19— 1st line of table, for " 218.94," read " 224.44." 20— 1st line of table, for "217.92," read " 223.42." 20— 1st line of table, for "217.6," read "223.1." 21— iron 2.0 by 0.25, for " 18.36," read " 18.80." 21— iron 2.0X0.25, for "30.84," read "31.61." "18 25," read "18.71." "30.66," read "31.43." for "18.16," read "18.62." 30.51," read "31.28." 18.13," read "18.59." 30.45," read "31.22." Make corresponding corrections in the total weights of wrought iron. 22— do. for 22— do. for 23 and 24— do. for 23 and 24— do. for 25— do. for 25— do. for 1848 /c- r ■-■'•^.-, ^^^ PART SEVENTH. "^Jv^ ^^ CASEMATE CARRIAGES. The carriages for the 24, 32 and 42-pounder guns, and for the 8-inch columbiad, are similar to each other, differing only in their dimensions. A special carriage is arranged for mounting the 24-pounder howitzer in the flanks of casemate batteries. The general remarks relative to the wood work of barbette carriages apply also to casemate carriages. Each of these carriages consists of a gun carriage and a chassis. GUN CARRIAGE. — PLATES I to V. Wood iDork. Two cheeks. Each cheek consists of two pieces, which are notched trgether and fastened by two dowels, as shown in the plates; the dowels are placed parallel to the short sides of the notches. One front transom. The ends are joined to the cheeks with tenons and mortises. The top of the transom is hollowed out, to admit of elevating and depressing the gun; the edges are rounded with a radius of .5 inch. One rear transom and slide. These may be made in one piece, but on account of the large size they are better made of two, or even of four pieces. The upper piece, which is the transom proper, contains the tenons which connect it with the cheeks; the lower piece is the slide, which bears on the chassis and is 2 PART 7. CASEMATE CARRIAGES. notched out to lit the tongue; the notch is made .1 inch wider at the bottom than at the top; the transom and slide are joined to- gether by two dowels. Instead of cutting the notch out of the transom, it may be ad- vantageously formed by adding on the bottom of the slide two transverse pieces of the depth of the notch, (2 inches,) fastened each by 6 nails, No. 3, C, thus forming the whole transom in four pieces, which are held together by the two bolts of the elevating bed plate and by two bolts for the rear transom and slide. If timber of the proper width is not at hand, the slide itself may be made of two pieces, which will be held together by the roller bolts, in addition to the four other bolts just mentioned. Orie axle tree. Tough, young oak should be selected for it. The axle tree is let into notches in the cheeks; there is an inter- val of . 1 inch between the bottom of the front transom and the top of the axle tree. Two guides. They are fastened to the front transom and the axle tree, each by two bolts. They are cut to fit the flare of the cheeks and the understraps, as represented in the drawings; the inside of the guides being parallel to the axis of the carriage. Irons. — Plate V. The forms and dimensions of the iron parts of these carriages are fully exhibited in the plate. Six cheek bolts, No. 6, B. Their heads are let into the upper sides of the cheeks. Six washers and six nuts for these bolts. Two cheek bolts, No. 5, A. Four washers and two nuts for th same. Two trunnion plates. They are made on formers which give them the proper set, to correspond with the flare of the cheeks. Four bolts, for trunnion plates and understraps. Four nuts for the same. GUN CARRIAGE. 6 One bed plate y for elevating screw, (cast iron.) The pattern is the same for all the carriages; the bolt holes are 13 inches apart for the 24-pounder, and 14 inches for other calibres; a fea- ther of wrought iron is dovetailed in one side of the hole for the screw, to prevent the screw from turning when it is worked up or down. The holes for the shaft and the seat for the box of the elevating screw are reamed out. One nut, for elevating screw, (brass.) The upper part of the nut forms a beveled wheel of 41 teeth, by means of which the screw is worked. To facilitate dressing out these teeth a groove, about .2 inch wide, is cut round the inner ends of the teeth, as represented in the drawing. One elevating screw. A slot cut in the threads of the screw, to fit the feather in the bed plate, prevents the screw from turn- ing with its nut; a stop is inserted in the lowest groove of the thread, in such a position as to prevent the screw from being turned out clear of the feather in the bed plate. One pinion, (brass.) It has 15 teeth, fitting those of the bev- eled wheel on the nut. The pinion is connected with the shaft by means of a slot and feather. One shaft, for the elevating screw. To prevent the shaft from working out of its place, a set screw, with a square head, is in- serted in the projecting ear on the bed plate, and the point of the screw enters into a groove turned in the shaft. 07ie cheek washer, for the shaft, (not represented in the plate.) It is 3.5 in. diameter and .19 in. thick, with a hole 1.5 in. diameter. It is fastened on the outside of the right cheek, over the hole for the shaft, by three screvjs. One handle, for the elevating screw, (cast iron.) It fits on a square, at the outer end of the shaft. One washer and one nut for the shaft, to keep the handle in place. The arms of the handle should be cast smooth, so as not to require turning in the lathe. 4 PART 7. CASEMATE CARRIAGES. Two bolts, for elevating bed plate. They pass through the rear transom and the slide, the heads of the bolts being under- neath the slide. Two washers and two nuts for these bolts. Two bolts, for the rear transom and slide. The heads are let into the upper side of the transom. Two washers and two nuts for the same. One roller, (cast iron.) The outer surface is turned, the ends are faced, and the interior is reamed out at each end to re- ceive the shaft; a small oil hole is bored near each end of the roller. The length of the roller is equal to the width of the tongue of the chassis. One roller shaft. It is accurately turned, to form journals for the roller; the ends are squared, forming shoulders for the ec- centrics. Two eccentrics, for the roller shaft. They are forged, each in one piece, and turned to the proper form. Each of them has a square hole for the shaft, and a round one for the handspike which works the eccentric. Two roller bolts. Each bolt has an eye in which the journal of the eccentric turns. The bolts pass horizontally through the slide under the rear transom, in which they are placed so that the eyes shall just clear the rear of the slide, the axis of the bolts being 2.5 inches above the notch in the slide, which bears on the tongue of the chassis. By means of a small handspike acting on the eccentrics, the trail of the carriage is lifted until the slide clears the tongue of the chassis .5 inch, and the roller is thus brought into action. A cylindrical groove is cut in the rear of the slide for the roller to lie in when in this position. Two washers and two nuts, for the roller bolts. Two trail handles. Four assembling bolts; two through the front, and two through the rear transom. Four washers and four nuts for the same; the GUN CARRIAGE. trail handles serving as washers for the bolts that pass through the rear transom. Eight axle skeans. Their outer surfaces are finished with the same curvature as that of the axle arms, and they are let in flush with the arms of the axle tree. The inner ends of the lower skeans and of the sid« skeans are confined by the axle straps; the upper skeans, by the shoulder plates. The outer ends are held by the axle bands, and the skeans are also fastened to the axle arms, each by two nails. Two shoulder plates. They are let in flush with the shoulders of the axle tree, and fastened to them, each hy jive nails. Two axle bands. They are let in flush with the surface of the axle arms, and are fastened to the arms, each by four nails. The ends of the skeans are turned up and lodged in notches in the outer edges of the bands. The nails used for fastening the skeans, the shoulder plates and the bands, have round stems; they are, in other respects, like the nail No. 1, C. Two understraps. They are fastened by the trunnion plate bolts. Four bolts, for the guides. Two of these bolts pass through the front transom and two through the axle tree. The heads are on the inside of the guides. Eight washers and eight nuts for these bolts. Two truck wheels J (cast iron.) They are reamed out and faced in the lathe. Two linch pins. 6 PART 7. — CASEMATE CARRIAGES. CHASSIS. — PLATES VI to X. Wood iDork. The drawings show the form and dimensions of all the parts, the manner of framing them together, and the roundings of the edges. Two rails. The rail is made in one piece, and the rabbet, for the wheel to run in, is cut out of the solid wood. Two counter hurters. They are connected with the rails, each by two dowels. One front transom. One rear transom. One tongue. One prop. It is connected with the tongue by two tenons, and fastened by two wooden pins. Irons. — Plate X. Two bolts, for rear transom and rails. The heads are let into the upper side of the transom. Two washers and two nuts for these bolts. As the centre of the bolt hole is only about 1.25 in. from the box of the traversing wheel, it is necessary to cut off a segment of the washer, and also the corners of the nut, to let it turn, as is shown in the plans of the under side of the chassis. Two bolts, for front transom and rails. Two washers and two nuts for these bolts. The heads of these bolts are on the under side of the transom. For a similar reason to that just given with regard to the rear transom and rail bolts, a segment of the washer is cut off, except in those for the 8 -inch columbiad chas- sis, as shown in the plans of the underside of the front transom. Two bolts, for counter hurters and rails. The head of the bolt is let into the bottom of the mortise for the rear traversing wheel, CHASSIS. / SO as to clear the rim of the wheel about . 15 inch. Two washers and two nuts for these bolts. Two rivet bolts, for the tongue- The heads are let into the upper side of the tongue. One double washer and two nuts for these bolts. One bolt, for the front transom and tongue. The head is let into the upper side of the tongue. One washer and one nut for the same. One bolt, for the tongue fork and front transom. The head is on the under side of the transom. One washer and one nut for the same. One tongue fork. It is let in, its whole thickness, into the under side of the notch at the front end of the tongue, and is fas- tened by the two preceding bolts. One front transom strap. It is let into the upper side of the tongue, its whole thickness, and is fastened by three of the bolts which pass through the front transom. One bolt, for the rear transom and tongue. One bolt, for the tongue and brace. The heads of both these bolts are let into the upper side of the tongue. One rear transom and tongue brace. It is fastened by the two preceding bolts. Two nuts for those bolts. Eight Journal boxes, for traverse wheels, (brass.) The box is let in, so that the axis of the wheel shall be in the plane of the underside of the transom. Four traverse wheels, (cast iron.) The journals of these wheels are of wrought iron. A groove is made in the middle of the journal, to hold it in place, the wheel being cast on it. The journal is turned, and the wheel is also turned concentric with it, and faced in the lathe. Semi-circular mortises are cut in the front and rear transoms, for the traverse wheels to turn in. 8 PART 7. CASEMATE CARRIAGES. Eitrhf caps, for the journal boxes. They are fastened each by two screws^ w^hich also hold the boxes in place. Two rail plates. They are fastened to the rails, each by o?ie holt, four screws, and twenty-seven nails. Two washers and two nuts for rail plate bolts. One tongue. It is better forged in two parts, which are welded together to make the exact length. Two tongue bolts. They connect the iron tongue and the fork. The bolt has a feather under the head to prevent it from turning when screwed up, and there is a corresponding slot in the bolt hole of the fork. Two nuts for these bolts. One pintle, (cast iron.) The pintle should be cast suffi- ciently accurate and smooth not to require dressing over in the lathe. A wrought iron eye is cast in the head of the pintle, to facilitate drawing it out of the pintle hole of the embrasure. J^ails and screws for a casemate carriage. Designation. B Kind. to Remarks. Gun carriage. r For axle skeans n.- ., 1 " shoulder plates ^a»«- < « axle bands 16 10 8 12 No. 1, C. Do. Do. No.3,C. In. 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.5 ) These nails have I round stems. [ " slides Screws, for cheek washer 3 No. 14. 1.25 Chassis. ^aiht for rail nlates 54 No. 2, C. 2.5 ^ ( For rail nlates 8 16 No. 20. No. 24. 2.5 3.5 nemos. J „ traverse wheel boxes BOLTS. Bolts for casemate carriages. U 1 |: Kind. 1 LENGTH. WASHERS. DESIGNATION. 24-p'r. 32-p'r. 42-p'r. 8-in. col'd. 3 ^ Bolts for Gun carruige. In. In. In. In. 2 No. 5, B. 21.7 22.88 23.59 23.59 - 2 For the cheeks • 2 2 Do. Do. 18.2 15.2 18.98 15.78 19.49 16.09 19.49 16.09 - 2 2 2 No.5,A. 26.88 28.08 28.78 28.78 2 2 " trunnion plates 4 Do. 27.5 28.7 29.4 29.4 - - « assem-|^^°"^*''^^°™ 2 Do. 29.2 33.48 35.7 38.48 2 2 ^^^"g-lrear « | 1 Do. 32.1 37.15 39.38 38.8 - - 1 Do. 32.75 37.85 40.1 38.8 - _ " guides & front transom 2 Do. 11.38 11.88 12.38 12.38 2 2 " guides and axle tree. . . 2 Do. 12.38 12.38 12.38 12.38 2 2 " elevating bedplate.... 2 No. 4, A. 13.44 13.44 13.44 13.44 2 - " rear transom and slide. 2'no. 4, B. 12.58 12.58 12.58 12.58 - 2 ♦' roller 2N0.4.* - - - - 2 Bolts fvr Chassis. For front transom and rails. 2 No. 5, A. 14.4 14.4 14.4 14.4 2 _ " fronttransom& tongue 1 Do. 14.75 14.75 14.75 14.75 1 - " rear transom and rails. 2;No.5,B. 16.15 16.15 16.15 16.15 _ 2 " counter hurter and rails 2 Do. 12.3 12.3 12.54 12.79 - 2 " tongue, (rivet bolts).. 2 Do. 12.19 13.69 14.19 14.19 - If *' tongue fork 1 Do. 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.8 1 " tongue and brace 1 Do. 12.5 14. 14.5 14.5 _ " tongue & rear transom. 1 Do. 20.6 20.6 20.6 20.6 - - " rail plates 2 No. 2, C. No. 5.t 7.25 8.75 8.85 8.85 2 " iron tongue and fork. . 2 3. 3. 3. 3. - * Plate V. Part 7.-2 t Double washer— Plate X. I Plate X. 10 PART 7. CASEMATE CARRIAGES. 24-POUNDER HOWITZER CARRIAGE. This carriage is designed for mounting the iron 24-pounder howitzer in the flanks of casemate batteries, for the defence of the ditch. It consists of a gun carriage and a chassis. The front part of the chassis lies on the sole of the embrasure, the interior opening of which is sufficiently large to admit the head of the carriage within the embrasure. The wood work of the carriage and chassis is of white oak. GUN CARRIAGE. Wood work. Two cheeks. The bottom of the trail has the same slope as the upper surface of the chassis on which it rests, and the bottom of the front part of the cheek is traced with reference to the same plane; the head of the cheek is perpendicular to the bottom; the end of the trail is vertical, and its upper side horizontal. The corners of the upper side and the ends are rounded with a radius of .2 inch, where the irons permit it. Irons. Two trail handles. Four washers and four nuts for the same. Two manceuvring rings. They are welded into the eyes of two eye bolts which pass through the cheeks. Two nuts for these bolts. The nuts are let into the inside of the cheeks; they are made circular, and are turned in with a forked screw driver. Two trail plates. They are let into the rear ends of the cheeks, and are fastened each by four nails. Two cheek bolts, for the trail. The heads are let into the bot- tom of the cheeks. Two washers and two nuts for these bolts. Two trunnion plates. All the bolt holes in them are square. 24-POUNDER HOWITZER CARRIAGE. 11 Two bolts for the trunnion plates and cheeks. Two washers - and two nuts for the same. Four key bolts. They pass through the trunnion plates and the understraps. Four nuts for the same. One front transom, (cast iron.) It has a tenon at each end, which is let into a notch in the bottom of the cheek, and one at the bottom, which serves for a guide to the carriage on the chassis. One rear transom, (cast iron.) It has a tenon at each end, which is let into the cheek. The elevating screw passes through the middle of the transom, which is bored and countersunk to re- ceive the box, the pinion ana the shaft of the elevating apparatus; the upper surface of the box is let in flush with that of the transom. A feather is set into the lower part of the hole in the transom, to fit a slot in the screw which prevents it from turning with the box. Recesses are left in the rear of the transom for the eccentrics and the flanch of the roller to lie in, when the roller is brought into action. Three assembling bolts. Two of them pass through the rear transom, and one through the front. Six washers and three nuts for these bolts. Two understraps. They are fastened to the bottom of the cheeks by the key bolts; they have square holes for the stems of the roller forks to pass through. Two roller fwks. The bolt hole in one branch of the fork has a slot for the feather under the head of the roller bolt. The stem is inserted in a square mortise in the bottom of the cheek of the carriage; it is kept in place by a key which passes through the cheek, close to the understrap. Two rollers, (brass.) They have shoulders in the centre, to fit the opening of the forks. Two fork bolts. The bolt has a feather under the head, like the fork bolt of the barbette carriage, to prevent it from turning. Two nuts for these bolts. 12 PART 7. CASEMATE CARRIAGES. Two keys, for fastening the forks in the cheeks. Two cap squares. They have mortises for the heads of the key bolts. Four eye pins, No. 1, for the key chains. They are riveted into the cap squares, near the outer edges. Four cap square keys. Four key chains, each consisting of six links, No. 1, and two rings, No. 1, A. One roller, for the trail, (cast iron. ) It is turned and faced in the lathe. The flanches in the middle serve to guide the trail of the carriage on the chassis. One journal, i for the roller. These parts are put to- Two eccentrics, ) gether like the similar parts of other case- mate carriages. A segment is cut off from the eccentric, to give room for turning it in against the rear transom. Two journal plates, (brass.) They are let into the inside of the cheeks, and fastened, each by two screws. One roller handspike. It is made with two branches, to act on both eccentrics at the same time. One elevating screw. A slot .3 in. wide is cut in the screw, to receive the feather in the transom which prevents the screw from turning. One box, "j for the elevating screw, (brass.) They are fit- One pinion, y ted up like the similar parts of the elevating ap- paratus of other casemate carriages. The wheel on the box has 35 teeth, and the pinion 13 teeth. One shaft. It is fitted to the pinion, as in the other elevating apparatus, and is retained in its place, in a similar manner, by a set screw in the transom, the point of which enters the groove cut in the shaft. One handle. It is made like the handle of the elevating screw of the field gun carriage; it is fitted on the shaft with a tenon .6 in. square, and is held on by a screw in the end of the shaft. 24-POUNDER HOWITZER CARRIAGE. 13 One cheek washer. It is . 12 in. thick, and is fastened on the outside of the right cheek, over the hole bored for the shaft, by three screws. When this carriage is mounted on its chassis, in battery, the trail and the front transom bear on the chassis, the front wheels just clearing the rails; so that the recoil of the carriage is checked by its friction on the chassis. When the trail is raised, by the action of the eccentrics, the carriage rests on the roller and on the front wheels, and is thus easily worked by hand to or from battery. CHASSIS. Wood work. Two rails. The inclination of the chassis is indicated by its height, at the pintle and at the traverse wheels, above the ground line; it is 3° 20'. The under part of the front end, which rests on the sole of the embrasure, is horizontal. The comers are rounded with a radius of .2 inch. One front transom. It is fastened by four dowels .75 in. square and 1.5 in. long, and by the front assembling bolt. Two middle transoms. They are framed, with tenons and mor- tises, into the rails, and fastened with four wooden pins, .75 in. diameter and 6 in. long, driven in from the under side. ^ One rear transom. It is fastened hy four dowels, .5 inch diam- eter and 1.5 inch long, and by the rear assembling bolt. The transom is hollowed out in front, between the rails, for the flanches of the trail roller to lie in when the carriage recoils to the coun- ter hurters. 14 PART 7. CASEMATE CARRIAGES. Irons. Three assembling bolts. Six washers and three nuts for the same. One collar, for the middle assembling bolt. One pintle plate. It is .5 in. thick, and is let into the upper side of the chassis. One lower pintle strap. It is .5 in. thick, and is let into the lower side of the chassis. Five bolts, for pintle plate and strap. Their heads are counter- sunk in the lower strap. Five nuts for these bolts. The nuts for the two rear bolts, which are in the track of the rollers for the car- riage, are countersunk in the pintle plate; they are circular, and are turned in with a forked screw driver. One hurter plate. It is let into the rear end of the front tran- som, and is fastened by four screws. Two counter hurter plates. They are .25 in. thick; they are let in flush with the upper surface of the rails, and are fastened each h J four screws ~ Two counter hurters. They pass through square holes in the plates, and through the rails. Two washers and two nuts for the same. One prop. The upper part is divided into two branches, which are bolted to the rails; the lower end forms a socket for the stem of the traverse wheel fork. Two prop bolts. Their heads are let in flush with the upper side of the rails. Two nuts for these bolts. One brace, for the prop. One brace bolt. Its head is let into the upper side of the rear middle transom. One nut for the same. One fork, for the traverse wheels. The stem is connected with the prop by two bolts, one of which also holds the lower end 24-POUNDER HOWITZER CARRIAGE. 15 of the brace. The branches which hold the traverse wheels are bent towards the axis of the pintle, so that the wheels may stand perpendicular to the radius of the traverse circle. The radius of the circle described by the centre of the traverse wheels is ten feet. Two bolts, for the fork and prop. Two nuts for the same. The prop and the fork may be forged in one piece; in which case one of these bolts can be dispensed with. Two traverse wheels, (cast iron.) They are necessarily made slightly conical; the diameter of the inner face is 5.95 inches; that of the outer, 6.05 inches. Two fork holts. They are made like those of the gun carriage rollers. Two nuts for the same. One pintle. It is made of wrought iron. On the under side of the head are two slots, to facilitate drawing the pintle out of its hole, in the masonry of the embrasure. 1^ PART 7. CASEMATE CARRIAGES. Bolts, nails and screws, for ^i-pounder howitzer carriage. »4 1 Kind. ! WASHERS. DESIGNATION. t3 tri 1 REMARKS. Gun carriage. Bolts. For trunnion plates and cheeks " assembling the cheeks. . . " roller forks 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 No. 5, A. Do. No. 4, A. No. 2, B. No. 5. Do. No. 4. Do. Inche^ 15.75 20.82 4.25 9.65 16.1 15.64 4.19 3.25 3 2 3 2 4 *' trail of cheeks. • « key bolts | " trail handles I Plate XIII. " manoeuvring rings J Nuts round. For trail olates ••••••••••••• 8 No.2,C. 2. Screws. 15'nr innrnal niatfia. -.. ••• 4 3 No. 12. Do. 1.5 1.25 Chassis. BoUs, For assembling the rails " prop and fork } " fork and traverse \if heels . " pintle plate and strap. . < " prop •••....... 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 No. 5, A. No. 4, A. Do. Do. No. 4, C. Do. Do. No. 4, B. Do. No. 5. 23.38 2.65 3.15 4.15 5.9 6.25 5.9 8.5 5.75 8.19 3 3 _ 2 Nuts round. ** Drace. ..••......••*.... Plate XIII. Screws. 4 8 No. 14. No. 16. 1.5 2. " counter hurter plates. . . . BILLS OF TIMBER. IT 1 s BC S jot in 4 pie 1) feet long one piece. do. do. one. one piece, one. 1 ( Maybe \ each 3 or 4 in Do. Do. 2 in one. 2 or 3 in 6 or 8 in 2 in one Do. 3 or 4 in i *^ 00 OQO t-- t^O* (M (M-<*t^r^kOO lO fe cd «s CO ificoococo o -sr-^'ooicoo o ^ ^ CO tOCOO lO CO (M cot^eocMoir^ co !! H s to r-lC QQ ^^ w 05 O 00 t^ t— ^ -H(M t- t-iO O li X (u ,« S 5r;a5oco« t- t-OOl'XJO «J [3-1. §^ S SSiwcJl^ S"Sg2§S5 QQ l/^ lOvrj "a ^ t- uo o irscM -uovo Ic C i« wwodoco i-i O f-t-^^fM « E-i X V \n \n\fi\n lO ifSU5iO 1^ £3 ■^ ? c \n «500Q0Olt- (N(M -^ o —i — 1 t—t rl s s c CM t-O OOO t- ». . ,°1 «) r-t ifi CO O CM I— < Ol 'A o lO (M Ifl iO <« •A -5 . t- 0(M t^ (MOO ^ U •^ U30 t^;oTi O -sftMCO O O *^ ^ H "^ '"""""""' V. Q g ,-*- -j-^ ^ \nvfiiei ITS uo CM (M «) t~ *s 4 ^ c CO •* lO t^ tr- t^ U5 -H UO "^ iC r- 1 I— 1 j 1 i I— I r-1 f— 1 1— 1 t— 1 "*•* CM »0 lO lO >0 "S c' . O OUOuOUOl— IX) l^ U5i— 1»0 o s CO 50 o CO (T? 00 -^ i-H Tj- o OT CO iO«5r-,Oi(M-«l'C0 uOf-lrruOQOCM ""O H? •^ w; •saoaid j o-o^ C< ^r-1 — rt(M 0((?J^^-H^ a « tti o - < 'E o ^ ounler ront tr ear tra ongue - r> ■>- ) &hC: a < SC s: OCi ff t- &. Part 7 18 PART 7. — CASEMATE CARRIAGES. w « . * i c^ S o 6 i to o o o o 1 S .SS S S wv-wW CM(M O « - to to u^«0 t-Ci Ct a>^f-*(>tino G>< n rt ^ CO CO O C^ CO CO lO O'^C-COOO c . O OJ »0 G^ lOCO CO 00 t~ O^ 05 CO l"" •«S< H a> —lOJ coQjcj t- aor~>'^Ci ^ »2 ■-1 CO CO -^ Ol>t^tOOO Z O ^ « .V o o Vi W5. "i ^ o S c i . '^o?ot- 5^ s ^ CO CMCOCOi/J^ CO r-l »o t- O OJ CO S 55 i« lOirsc^ >r5 (7*00 ^ ^ O lOiOt'COiO O -T C* CO .-H T-1 J* c-i '^ Q '^*" -'~1 cJ i-HCOC^OJCO lOt^io s s - CN (M (M lO CO uo rH Ti< to 00 cr? ■^ ^^ Ol »— 1 1—1 •S909ldj lO-oN o S« B ^ t- '^t-OO-HfO CO 00 -^O C5 t-O Ci Ci, 1-1 C^ 00 (71 t^ CO CO t~- t- CO c* -^ I- OS H •-• c^crj cocr^G^ ■«r O OSC^UOCJ o cj CJ CO ^ r-^0{ 05 1 iZ! H CO - t- tOt^CTJ<>J " rt 1 ":> >OiO V .c C t-t^t-oot-;o c}ir:'<*<'^cjcj g H ^ c5 c lOiftidO WSmirtirt '^ & g «o coooooost- "* CO :o to ■>!»« ffj o ,_H ^ rH l-C ^ ^^r-i^ o bfl • ••••• •••••• s^ c CJ 00(7{fH-^rH.-H g U o 0. ^ S £ ^ •^ feS, u. o o c 8 III -^ CCS C S 1 §!54 S2 . 5- i3 js aj 3 S 23 c § C- ) fc p: {a < c J CC Ofep; t- Q- 20 PART 7. CASEMATE CARRIAGES. O) piec ong. ece. o. o. < 2 c S « 6 •S^S c c C E *= ^ oiCO o c o o o £ (May b ( each 3 or 4 in Do. Do. 2 in one. 2 or 3 in 6 or 8 in 3 or 4 in 2 or 3 in Obt'd fro •<*» «o r^OTCJ to 00 O'* CO t^coo o •<# CO fo vi 13 '^ C- OOQO.-ICO CO QO'* CO c< t^ o CO '^^ 1 o D- r-1 -*«OOt-«> t^ r- t^ CO CD --H t- CO 10C5 ' H -^ cj cr*co(M c>8 '^ O O (M lOCM ■*!> O M Oi CO TT .-.(M OS H » O) r- (ot^motm OCMCO t^coo l^CO ^ (9 01 00 OOlOOrnrC C5 r-co CI t-o 00 >o O & O O • • 1 o o a, lo >* ;o o t-cc CO CO coco ^ t- ^s K wu O C^CMCrjCSl,- O OiOi^Oi W OJ r-l(M 1—1 ii lOi?* ITS trso ^.n s t- r- 1- 00 I- to o io iz; . l^- CNOO ^J • 1 Id s 9 t— • co ;o«oto«>io »-H r}- O:} CO 1-H rH t— I I— ( t— ir-H r-t CO t- . u:i lO lo W5 lOOS iC>itOC^ t- VO 3 ^ t-H "<*<■<*< lO I- t^ t^ t- CO UO '^ to CO r-H ^cn ' t— 1 r— I— t r-i r-< •-1 I— 1 t—l I— ( r-H in lo CO CO uo bfl U5 r-( t-HrH«)UO CO I- I-l CO r-f lO J t— 1 CO CO CO ilO Xf5 t^ in -H •«!1< 55 00 CO ^ ^J, ' lO CO crt Gsj (Tvf »o er to rl -"T CO 00 ga.^^under straps. ^42.J5r. and 8-inch. 1 bed plate for elevating screw. 1 handle for elevating screw. . . 1 nut for elevating screw 1 pinion 1 elevating screw C 24-pounder.. 1 shaft. < 32-pounder ( 42-pounder & 8-inch. 1 set screw 1 cheek washer 4 bolts No. 4. ( Heads. \ Bodies. 1 roller. . 1 roller ( 24-pounder shaft, i 32-pr. 42-pr. & 8-inch 2 eccentrics 2roiierboi,s.|«'^»ds-;;;;; 2 trail handles 20 bolts No. 5, heads f 24-pounder Ditto, bodies. n^-P°""^^'-"- ' \ 42-pounder, [ 8-inch.... 4 axle skeans 4 axle skeans 2 shoulder plates 2 axle bands 2 linch pins 2 truck wheels 2 truck handspikes 1 roller handspike 7 washers No. 4 22 washers No. 5 7 nuts No. 4k 20 nuts No. 5 34 nails Wide. Thick. In. 4.75 5.5 6. 6. 4.75 5.5 6. 2.375 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.5 3.5 1.5 0.75 1.5 1.5 3.25 2. 0.75 2. 2! 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.25 0.75 3. 1.25 1.5 1.5 1. 2.5 3.25 1.5 2. 0.375 In. 0.5 0.5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Round Round Round Round Round 0.188 Round Round Round Round Round 1.25 Round 0.75 Round Round Round Round Round 0.375 .375 .2 .2 .75 Round Round 0.188 0.188 0.75 1. Round Long. In. 49. 50. 51. 54. 55. 55. 55. 13.5 20. 22. 23. 2. 3!5 8. 44. 13.25 14.25 5. 8. 30. 28. 60. 364.75 396.6 413. 416.5 34. 42. 12. 37. 12. 84. 34. 18. 70. 10.5 40. 51. Cast iron. Cast iron. Cast brass. Cast brass. For bed plate and slide. Cast iron. Cheek bolts, assem- bling bolts, and guide bolts. Cast iron. 23 CASEMATE CARRIAGES. Bills of iron for casemate carriages — Continued. KAMES OF PARTS. Chassis. 12 heads of bolts No. 5 2 bodies of bolts No. 5 2 Ditto C 24-pr. and 32-pr. . . 2 Ditto. < 42-pounder ( 8-inch C24-pounder 2 Ditto. < 32-pounder ( 42-pounder & 8-in . 2 Ditto 1 Ditto C 24-pounder 1 Ditto. < 32-pounder ( 42-pounder & 8-in . 1 tongue fork draft. 1 tongue draft . 2 tongue bolts r 24-pounder. . 1 front transom f 32-pounder. . strap 1 42-pounder. . { 8-inch 1 rear trans. & ( 24-pr. & 32-pr. tongue brace. ( 42-pr. & 8-in. 4 traverse wheels 4 journals for traverse wheels. 8 journal boxes 8 caps for journal boxes 2 rail plates P^^^^« ^ 42-pr. & 8-in. 54 nails for rail plates 1 pintle 1 eye for pintle 2 washers No. 2 8 washers No. 5 1 double washer 2 nuts No. 2 14 nuts No. 5 Wide. In. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 2. 5. 0.5 .5 .5 .3 0.75 1.625 3.25 3.25 1. 2. Thick, In. Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 .5 .5 Round Lons:. In. 36. 24.3 20.8 16.6 17.08 17.58 16.38 19.38 20.38 21.6 16.6 8.5 10. 10.5 5.5 36.25 40.5 42.5 45.5 52. 51.5 26.5 0.25 65. 0.375272. Round 16.5 Round Round 0.3 19.5 19.7 150. Round 13.5 0.125, 2.25 0.188 25.5 0.188 0.5 1. 9.25 2. Rear transom and rails. Front transom and rails. Counter rails. hurters and > Tongue rivet bolts. Front transom & tongue. Rear transom & tongue. V Tongue and brace. Cast iron. Cast into the wheels. Cast brass. In two pieces. Cast iron. Ceist into the pintle. BILLS OP IRON. 23 Bill of iron for one 2i'pounder howitzer casemate carriage. NAMES OF PARTS. Thick. Long. In. In. Round 44. Round 16. Round 22. 0.75 7. .25 6.5 .3 20. Round 4. Round 12. 1. 36. Round 6. Round 35.5 1. 16. Round 53.5 Round 9. Round 50. 0.5 32.6 1.75 12. Round 6. Round 9. 1. 28. 0.375 3. Round 45. Round 28. Round 6. Round 12.75 Round 5. Round 48. Round 9.5 Round 10.5 1. 6. 0.125 3.25 0.188 12.25 0.188 25.5 0.5 2. 0.75 12. 1. 18. REMARKS. Gun CARRIAGE. 2 trail handles < 2 manoeuvring rings 2 eye bolts 2 trail plates 8 nails for trail plates 2 trail cheek bolts. jy^J^^"- ( Bodies. . 2 trunnion plates 2 trunnion plate bolts, j g^^^^^ ^-^'/''''''-IS:;::::". 1 front transom 1 rear transom 3 assembling bolts. \ ^^^.^^ * * *= ^Bodies.. 2 understraps 2 roller forks 2 rollers 2 fork bolts 2 fork keys 2 cap squares 4 cap square keys 4 key chains No. 1 8 rings No. 1, A 4 eye pins No. 1 1 roller for trail 1 roller journal 2 eccentrics 2 journal plates 1 roller handspike 1 elevating screw 1 nut for elevating screw 1 pinion for elevating screw.. . 1 shaft for elevating screw. . . . 1 handle for elevating screw. . 2 washers No. 2 4 washers No. 4, and 1 cheek ) washer \ 8 washers No. 5 2 nuts No. 2 8 nuts No. 4 9 nuts No. 5 In. 0.75 .5 .625 2. 3.25 0.3 1. 0.5 3.25 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 1. 3.25 1.75 1.5 0.5 3.25 1.5 0.15 0.2 0.75 1.375 3.25 1. 2. 0.875 2. 1.625 2.5 3.25 1. 1.5 2. Cast iron. Cast iron. Cast brass. Cast iron. Cast brass. Cast brass. Cast brass. 24 PART 7. CASEMATE CARRIAGES. Bill of iron for one 'i^-pr. howitzer casemate carriage — Continued. NAMES OP PARTS. Chassis. 3 assembling bolts, j 3(^gg* ' 1 collar for middle bolt 1 upper pintle strap \ 1 lower pintle strap 5 bolts for pintle straps 1 hurter plate 2 counter hurter plates 2 counter hurters 2 branches of prop 1 stem of prop 2 prop bolts 1 brace for prop 1 brace bolt 1 fork for traverse wheels. 2 fork and prop bolts. . ., . , 2 traverse wheels 2 bolts for wheels ip»"-lH°el5::::::;::: 2 washers No. 4 6 washers No. 5 15 nuts No. 4 3 nuts No. 5 Wide. Thick. In. 2. 1. 3. 12. 3. 3. 0.75 2.5 3.25 2.5 2. 2.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 2.5 6. 1.5 1.5 3. 1.25 2.5 3.25 1.5 2. In. Round Round 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Round 0.188 0.25 2. 1. 0.75 Round 0.5 Round 0.75 0.75 Round Round Round 0.75 0.188 0.188 0.75 1. Long. In. 9. 68. 5. 32. 14. 44. 30.5 3. 10. 12. 34. 16. 9. 33. 3. 37. 7. 5. 5.5 25.5 J2. 5. 19. 22.5 6. Cast iron. Remarks on the bills of iron. All the bar iron in the foregoing bills is rolled iron. The drafts of the hammered iron are represented in Plate XIV, together with some of the principal formers required for shaping the iron work. Specimens of two kinds of formers for trunnion plates and understraps are given here, as in Part 2. Either kind may be used, as may be thought most convenient. The double formers serve for the plates of both cheeks, one former on each side; they are laid on blocks of wood hollowed out for the purpose. Formers for parts of other carriages can be readily made after the examples given in the plate. filLLS OF IRON. 25 Summary bill of iron for one ^i-pounder casemate carriage. SIZE OF IRON. GUN C A KHIAUE. REMARKS. Wide. Thick. In. In. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. 0.375 Round 4.25 1.56 _ _ 4.25 1.56 0.5 Round .16 .10 1.37 0.89 1.53 .99 0.75 Round 6.16 9.05 1.12 1.64 7.28 10.69 13.5 in. for pintle. 1. Round 33.23 86.73 10.39 27.11 43.621 113. 84 1.5 Round 10.44 61.49 _ _ 10.44 61.49 2. Round 5.00 52.35 5.66 59.33 10.66 111.68 26.5 in. for traverse 2.375 Round 1.32 16.53 - _ 1.12 10.53 wheels. 3.25 Round .42 11.61 _ - .42 11.61 .3 .3 _ - 12.5 3.78 12.50 3.78 .75 .375 3.5 3.29 _ _ 3.5 3.29 1.0 0.5 _ .16 .26 ! .16 .26 1.25 0.2 3.08 2.59 _ _ ' 3.08 2.59 1.25 0.375 2.83 4.44 _ - ! 2.83 4.44 1.5 0.75 1.87 7.06 _ - 1.87 7.06 1.625 0.125 - .19 .12 . 19 .12 2. 0.25 _ _ 5.42 9.10 5.42 9.10 2. 0.75 2.,33 11.74 - _ 2.33 11.74 2. 1.0 3.33 22.38 2.33 15.65 5.66 38.03 2. ].25 .66 5.54 ^ - .66 5.54 2.5 0.188 1.5 2.35 _ _ 1.5 2..35 3.0 0.2 1. 2.01 ^ _ 1. 2.01 3.0 0.5 _ 7.35 37.04 7.35 37.04 3.25 0.188 5.83 11.89 2.89 5.90 8.72 17.79 3.5 0.188; .29 .64 _ _ .29 .64 4.75 0.5 1 8.66 69.10 _ _ 8.66 69.10 5. 0.375, : 22.66 142.75 28. 22.66 142.75 28. 2 pieces, 11 ft. 4 in. 1 draft. Tongue fork. 1 do. - - - 83. - 83. Tongue. 382.45 414.57 - 797.02 Cast iron 54.5 _ 54.5 Bed plate. Handle for screw. Roller. 2 truck wheels. Do 11.5 11.5 13. 446. Do 13. Do..... 446. - - Do Do _ _ 60. 198. : 60. 198. 2 wheels ) journals 2 do. i includ'd Do - - 92. i - 92. Pintle; eye includ'd 525.0 - 350. - 875. Cast brass* 12. 12. 2. 44. Nut for screw. Pinion for screw. 8 journal boxes. Do Do 2. - 44. - 14. - 44. j - 58. P ART 7 —4 26 PART 7. CASEMATE CARRIAGES. Summary bill of iron for one S'2-pounder casemate carriage. SIZE OF IRON. 1 GUK CARRIAGE. TOTAL. REMARKS. Wide. iThick. 1 1 1 In. In. 1 Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. 1 Feet. Lbs. 0.375 Round! 4.25 1.56 _ - 4.25 1.56 0.5 iRound| .16 .10 1.62 1.05 1.78 1.15 0.75 Round! 6.16 9.05 1.12 1.64 7.28 10.69 13.5 in. for pintle. ] . Roundj 35.88 93.64 10.77 28.10 46.65 121.74 1.5 IRoundl 10.68 62.90 _ 10.68 62.90 2. Round 5. 52.35 5.66 59.33 10.66 111.68 26.5 in. for traverse 2.375 Roundj 1.12 16.53 _ - 1.12 16.53 wheels . 3.25 Round .42 11.61 _ _ .42 11.61 .3 0.3 _ _ 12.50 3.78 12.50 3.78 .75 0.375 3.5 3.29 - - 3.5 3.29 1. 0.5 _ _ .16 .26 .16 .26 1.25 0.2 3.08 2.59 _ - 3.08 2.59 ].25 0.375 2.83 4.44 _ _ 2.83 4,44 1.5 0.75 1.87 7.06 _ _ 1.87 7.06 1.625 0.125 0.19 .12 .19 .12 2. 0.25 _ _ 5.42 9.10 5.42 9.10 2. 0.75 2.33 11.74 - - 2.33 11.74 2. 1. 3.. 33 22.38 2.33 15.65 5.66 38.03 2. 1.25 .66 5.54 _ _ .66 5.54 2.5 0.188 1.50 2.35 _ _ 1.50 2.35 3. 0.2 1. 2.01 _ _ 1.0 2.01 3. 0.5 1 7.70 38.81 7.70 38.81 3.25 0.188 5.83 11.89 2.89 5.90 8.72 17.79 3.5 0.188 .29 .64 _ _ .29 .64 5. 0.375; _ 22.66 142.75 22.66 142.75 2 pieces, 11 ft. 4 in. 5.5 0.5 8.75 80.85 ~ - 28. 8.75 80.85 28. 1 draft Tongue fork . 1 do 1 - - - 83. - 83. Tongue . 1 402.52 - 417.49 - 820.01 Cast iron 54.5 _ _ _ 54.5 Bed plate . Do Do Do Dc 11.5 14. 446. - 60. - 11.5 14. 446. 60. Handle for screw.. Roller . 2 truck wheels . 2 wheels ) journals 2 do. Vinclud'd. Pintle; eye includ'd. Do Dc - - 198. 92. _ 198. 92. 526. - 350. - 876. Cast brass 12. _ _ _ 12. Nut for screw. Do Do 2. - 44. - 2. 44. Pinion for screw. ...... 8 journal boxes. 14. - 44. 58. BILLS OF IRON. 27 Summary bill of iron for one i^-pr. or one 8-in. Columb^d carriage. SIZE OF IRON. „„.„ TOTAL. Wide. 'Thick. GUN CARRIAGE. CHAoaio. REMARKS. In. In. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. 0.375 Round 4.25 1.56 - - 4.25 1.56 0.5 Round: .16 .10 1.64 1.08 1.80 1.18 0.75 Round 6.16 9.05' 1.12 1.64 7.28 10.69 13.5 in. for pintle. 1.0 Round 37.54 97.98i 10.98 28.65 48.52 126.63 1.5 Round 10.77 63.43 - 10.77 63.43 2. Round 5. 52.35i 5.66 59.33 10.66 111.68 26.5 in. for traverse 2.375 Round 1.12 16.531 - _ 1.12 16.53 wheels. 3.25 Round .42 11.61 _ - .42 11.61 0.3 0.3 _ _ 12.50 3.78 12.50 3.78 0.75 0.375 3.5 3.29 - - 3.50 3.29 1.0 0.5 _ _ .16 .26 .16 .26 1.25 0.2 3.08 2.59 _ - 3.08 2.59 1.25 0.375 2.83 4.44 — 2.83 4.44 1.5 0.75 1.87 7.06 - - 1.87 7.06 1.625 0.125 _ _ .19 .12 .19 .12 2.0 0.25 _ _ 5.42 9.10 5.42 9.10 2.0 0.75 2.33 11.74 _ - 1 2.33 11.74 2.0 1.0 3.33 22.38! 2.33 15.65 5.66 38.03 2. 1.25 .66 5.54! - - .66 5.54 2.5 0.188 1.50 2.35 - - 1.50 2.35 3.0 0.2 , 1. 2.01 - - 1.00 '2.01 3.0 0.5 _ - i 8.08 40.72 8.08 40.72 3.25 0.188: 5.83 11.89i 2.89 5.90 8.72 17.79 3.5 0.188 .29 .64 - - 1 .29 .64 5. 0.375 _ _ 22.66 142.75 22.66 142.75 2 pieces, 11 ft. 4 in. 6. 0.5 1 9.08 91.52 - - 9.08 91.52 1 draft _ _ 28. _ 28. Tongue fork. 1 do - - - 83. - 83. Tongue. i 418.06 419.98 - 838.04 Cast Dc ron. . . 54.5 11.5 - - 54.5 11.5 Bed plate. Handle for screw. Dc Dc Dc Dc 14. 446. ■^ 60. 198. - 14. 446. 60. 198. Roller. 2 truck wheels. 2 wheels ) journals 2 do. \ includM Dc - 92. - 92. Pintle; eye includM 526. - 350. - 876. Cast brass 12. ~ 12. Nut for screw. Dc Dc ) 2. - 44. 44. _ 2. 44. Pinion for screw. ) 8 journal boxes. ~ 1 14. 1 - - 58. 28 PART 7. CASEMATE CARRIAGES. Summary bill of iron for one 24-jor. howitzer casemate carriage. SIZE OP IROK. GUK CARRIAGE CHASSIS. TOTAL. REMARKS. Wide. Thick. In. In. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. Feet. Lbs. ' 0.15 Round 3.75 .37 _ _ 3.75 .37 0.2 Round 2.33 .32 _ _ 2.33 .32 0.5 Round 3.08 2.01 _ _ 3.08 2.01 0.625 Round 1.83 1.86 _ _ 1.83 1.86 0.75 Round 4.16 6.11 2.54 3.73 6.70 9.84 0.875 Round .87 1.74 _ _ .87 1.74 1.0 Round! 15.92 41.55 5.67 14.79 21.59 56.34 1.375 Round 1.06 5.23 _ _ 1.06 5.23 1.5 Round .50 2.94 1.87 11.01 2.37 13.95 2. Round 2.04 21.35 .75 7.85 2.79 29.20 3. Round - - 2.12 49.95 2.12 49.95 3.25 Round .42 11.61 _ _ .42 11.61 0.3 0.3 1.66 .50 _ _ 1.66 .50 1.0 0.5 .17 .28 - - .17 .28 1.25 0.75 - - 1. 3.15 1. 3.15 1.5 0.375 .25 .47 _ - .25 .47 1.5 0.75 1. 3.78 1.87 7.07 2.87 10.85 1.625 0.125 .27 .18 _ _ .27 .18 1.75 1.75 1. 10.29 _ _ 1. 10.29 2.0 0.75 .58 2.92 - _ .58 2.92 2.0 1.0 3.33 22.38 3.33 22.38 6.66 44.76 2.5 0.188 1.02 1.60 .67 1.05 1.69 2.65 2.5 0.5 - - 2.75 11.55 2.75 11.55 2.5 0.75 - - 4.42 27.84 4.42 27.84 2.5 2. _ - 1. 16.80 1. 16.80 3.0 0.5 _ - 5.25 26.46 5.25 26.46 3.25 0.188 2.12 4.32 1.58 3.22 3.70 7.54 3.25 0.25 .54 1.47 .83 2.26 1.37 3.73 3.25 0.5 2.72 14.85 _ _ 2.72 14.85 3.25 1.0 5.33 58.20 - - 5,33 58.20 6.0 0.75 - - .58 8.77 .58 8.77 12.0 0.5 - - 1. 20.16 1. 20.16 216.33 - 238.04 - 454.37 Cast iron. . . ^ ifin. _ 160. 900 Front transom. Do :200. Do I 12- 12. 28. xvircii LidJloUrrJ. Roller for trail. 2 traverse wheels. Dc ) - - 28. - 372. - 28. 1 1 400. Cast brass. 15. 15. .5 12. 2. 2 rollers. Do .5 2 journal plates. IViif fnr scrpw Do 12. D( ) 2. - - - Pinion for screw. 29.5 - - - 29.5 ARTILLERY PART EIGHTH. Corrections — Part Seventh. Page 11 — 5th line, add to the description of the front transom, that it is let into the inside of the cheeks, with tenons, like the rear transom. A corresponding correction is required in the first edition of Plate XIII, Part 7. 1 849. PART EIGHTH. MORTAR BEDS Siege mortar beds. — Plate I. The beds for 8-inch and 10-inch siege mortars are similar to each other, differing only in their dimensions. They consist of two cheeks, a middle transom and a front tran- som, of CAST IRON, all made in one piece. Four mancRUvring bolts, of wrought iron, are set in the mould, when the bed is cast. The trunnion bed is accurately reamed, in the cheeks and transom. Two cap squares, of wrought iron, are fastened to the cheeks, each by two straps held by two bolts passing through holes in the cheeks, and keyed on the outside. A bolster (oak) is fastened on the front transom by two bolts and two nuts. The bolster has a groove for the elevating quoin, which is placed in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the mortar. Platform for siege mortars. — Plate II. This platform is made of planks of oak, yellow pine, or other hard wood. It consists of six sleepers and eighteen deck planks. The deck planks are held together by four dowels in one edge of each plank, which fit into four holes in the edge of the next plank. The holes for these dowels must be accurately bored in the positions assigned for them, so that any two planks may be 2 PART 8. MORTAR BEDS. put together in laying down the platform. The dowels are made of hickory, or other hard wood, and they are put in with fox wedges, to hold them fast. The front and rear planks and the sleepers are bored, to re- ceive eye bolts of iron, one at each end of each sleeper, in order to prevent the deck from ;sliding on the sleepers. Coehorn mortar bed. — Plate II. The bed is made of a block of oak wood, in one or two pieces, strengthened by two bolts, No. 3, A, with four washers and two nuts. Two cap squares are fastened to the bed, each by two bolts. No. 2, B, and two nuts. Four handles are fastened to the bed by four bolts, No. 3, A, and four nuts. Eprouvette mortar bed and platform. — Plate II. The bed plate for the eprouvette mortar is of cast iron. It has a seat, with dovetailed sides, to fit the sole of the mortar. The plate is let in, to the depth of 2 inches, into a platform of oak wood, formed of one or two pieces, strengthened by two bolts. No. 5, A, with four washers and four nuts. This wooden platform is fastened with four bolts. No. 7, to a block of stone, of the same dimensions as the wood, which is sunk m the ground and firmly imbedded in masonry. The platform must be set in such a manner that the bed shall be exactly horizontal, so that the axis of the mortar may stand at an elevation of 45"". ARTILLERY PART NINTH. MACHINES FOR SIEGE AND GARRISON SERVICE. 1849. PART NIN' MACHINES. Field and Siege Gin. — Plate I. Wood work. Two legs, (spruce or ash; straight-grained and free from knots.) The corners are rounded with a radius of .75 in., ex- cept those of the bevels for the pulleys, which are rounded .2 in. The corners of the mortises for the braces are rounded with a radius of , 1 in. One pry pokj (spruce or ash.) It is round in its whole length. Three cross bars, or braces, (oak.) The corners are rounded with a radius of .25 in. When the gin is taken apart, for transportation, the braces are tied together, in the manner represented in the plate ; holes are bored in the long brace, to receive the ends of the assembling pins of the other braces. Six assembling pins, (oak.) They are .75 in. diameter; the ends are chamfered about .1 inch. One windlass, (oak.) The corners of the mortises are rounded .15 inch. The roundings of the other parts are shown in the plate. Five handspikes, (hickory or oak.) Like the manoeuvring handspike— Part 10, Plat? III. PART 9. — MACHINES. Irons, Six rivets and burrs^ No. 2, B, for the tenons of the braces. One tongue. It is fastened to the left leg of the gin. with three rivets, the projecting part of the tongue being let into the wood. Two head straps. The outer edges are chamfered . 1 in. They are fastened on the head of the gin, each by two rivets. No. 3, and eight screws, 2 in., No. 14. One assembling bolt, No. 4, A. Two washers and one nut for the same. The nut washer is fastened to the left leg of the gin by two of the rivets which fasten the tongue. The washer for the head of the bolt is fastened to the right leg by tmo screws, \\ in., No. 14. Two sheaves, for fixed pulleys, (cast brass.) One sheave bolt. Two oval washers, for the sheave bolt. They are fastened to the legs of the gin, each by two screws, \\ in.. No. 14. One key, for sheave bolt. It has a hole for a leather keeper. One key bolt, for fastening the pry pole to the legs of the gin. One chain, for the key bolt. It consists of eight links No. 2, (not twisted,) and two rings No. 2, A. One eye pin. No. 2, for the key chain. Two journal boxes. The outer edges are chamfered .12 inch. The journal boxes are fastened to the legs, each by four bolts. Eight bolts, No. 3, C, for the journal boxes. Eight washers and eight nuts for the same. Two gudgeons, for the windlass. The gudgeons and their collars are turned. The stem and the collar are let into the end of the windlass ; they are driven in hard and fastened with a key. The holes for the keys should be bored so as to draw the gudgeon about the sixteenth of an inch. The keys are cut off flush with the wood and slightly riveted. FIELD AND SIEGE GIN. 3 Four bands, for the windlass. The outer edges are chamfered . 1 inch ; the inner edges are slightly rounded, so as not to chafe the wood when they are driven on. The bands are fastened to the windlass, each hy four nails, No. 1, C, 1^ in. long. Two bands, for the legs. ") Their outer edges are cham- Three bands, for the pry pole. 3 fered .1 inch. They are fas- tened each by two nails, No. 1, C. Three points, for the legs and pry pole. The stems are jagged and driven hard into the ends of the legs. One handle, few: the pry pole. Two washers for the handle are let into the pry pole and fastened each by three screws, \\ in., No. 14. One tongue, for the pry pole. The edges are rounded .1 inch. The part which is let into the pry pole is rounded to the shape of the wood. It is fixed in the head of the pry pole by two rivets and burrs. No. 3, B. One pulley block. It consists of a sheave, like those in the head of the gin ; two straps, a cross piece and a hook, connected together by tliree bolts and nuts, as shown in the plate. Bill of timber for field and siege gin. Legs Pry pole Windlass i Upper.. Braces. < Middle. f Lower. in . Stirrups and pole straps. . . . Nuts, No. 5 Upper skeans Nuts, No. 7 Washers, No. 4 End bands for naves Lower axle skean — body.. . Hoisting screw, (in one piece).. . Washers, No. 5 Pole prop socket Socket of screw handle Washers, No. 7 Washers for axle & bolster hooks Two wheel tires Lower axle skean — middle part. Bed plate for screw Nave boxes for two wheels. Nut for hoisting screw . Thick. In. 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.75 0.875 1. 1.5 1.75 2. 0.375 0.5 1. 1.125 1.25 1.25 1.3 ].5 1.5 1.5 1.75 1.75 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2. 2.25 2.25 2.5 2.5 3. 3. 3.25 3.5 3.5 4. 4.5 4.5 6. In. Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round 0.375 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.625 1.25 0.2 0.75 1. 1.5 0.375 0.625 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 1. 0.5 1.25 0.J88 0.375 0.5 3. 0.188 0.625 2.25 0.25 0.375 0.875 0.5 Long. Feet. 3-75 0.31 0.50 9.06 0.50 89.58 0.14 9.91 1. 5.33 0.5U 12.04 0.16 11.25 0.18 O.JO 2.33 2.50 3.25 1.33 2.50 0.66 0.83 0.33 10. 16.33 10. 1.58 4.83 0.66 0.66 0.37 4.58 13.82 3.41 3.83 0.54 1.25 1. 0.66 2.33 50. 1. Weight. Lbs. 0.26 0.03 0.08 3.33 0.32 131.68 0.28 25.86 5.86 42.69 5.23 5. 66 0.06 18.90 0.17 0.26 12.23 2.17 12.28 6.70 18.90 1.45 3.04 0.27 16.80 41.00 33.60 6.63 24.34 4.43 2.49 3.49 7.19 43.52 17.18 115.81 1.10 9.18 25.88 2.21 13.18 661.00 10.08 1336.82 42. 60. Pole prop-. 102. 14. Hammered Hammered ^ Hammered. In 4 pieces. > Cast iron. Cast brass. HAND SLING CART. 15 Hand Sling Cart. This sling cart is very convenient for use at an Arsenal, or in siege or garrison service, for the transportation of light guns and mortars, or their carriages, heavy timber, &c., to short distances; or in embarking and disembarking stores. It should not be habitually used for weights of more than 4000 lbs., but it may serve occasionally for the transportation of a •24-pounder or a 312-pounder gun. It is made entirely of iron, except the pole, which is of oak. Body, One axletree. The centre piece is forged separately, and welded to the arms ; the projection for the hook is worked out of the same piece, and the upper strap which connects the pole with the axletree is welded to it. One understrap, for the pole. It has two shoulders, between which the axletree is placed, and it is fastened by a bolt. No. 2, E, which is screwed into the under side of the axletree. Three bolts, No. 3, D, for connecting the pole with the upper and lower straps. Three nuts, for the same. Two rivets, No. 3, B, for the rear end of the pole. One pole strap and eye, for the front end of the pole. It is fas- tened to the pole by six rivets, No. 3. The eye is used for connecting the sling cart occasionally with a limber, or for attaching a horse to it, whilst the pole is held up by hand. One handle. It is retained in place by a shoulder on one side of the pole and a key on the other. Two braces, made of round iron. The rear ends pass through the axletree ; they have shoulders on the front side, and are fas- tened by two nuts. No. 3. 16 PART 9. — MACHINES. The front ends of the braces are flattened, and are fastened to the pole by one bolt, No. 2, A, and one nut. One hook. It is fastened to the rear of the axletree by one bolt, No. 4, A, and one nut. Two shoulder washers. Two linch washers. Two linch pins. Wheel. One nave, (cast iron.) Ten spokes. The spoke is forged in two parts. The tenon of the nave end is round ; the outer end is made with a plate or shoulder, to serve as a bearing for the tire. One tire. It is shrunk on the ends of the spokes and fastened to them hy four rivets, No. 3, in each spoke. Casemate Truck. — Plate VII. This truck is used for transporting guns in casemate galleries, or through posterns. Wood work, (oak.) Two rails. The corners are rounded .5 inch ; the ends, 1 inch. Three transoms. The corners are rounded .5 inch. The transoms are framed to the rails by tenons and mortises ; they have notches on the upper side, for the gun to lie in. One handle. Irons. One rear transom plate. It terminates at each end in an eye into which is welded a ring, for hooking a drag rope to the truck. The plate is let into the under side of the transom and rails, and fastened hy four nails. No. 2, C, 3.5 in. long. One front transom plate. It is made like that for the rear tran- som, except in having a swell in the middle, with a hole for the stem of the truck wheel fork. It is fastened to the transom with six nails, No. 2, C, 3.5 in. long. CASEMATE TRUCK HAND CART. 17 Six bolts, No. 4, B, for the rails and transoms. Six nuts for the same. Two rear fork plates. They are fastened to the under side of the rails, each hy four nails, No. 2, C, 3.5 in. long. Two forks and two bolts for rear wheels. They are the same as the traverse wheel forks of the barbette chassis. One fork socket, for the front wheel. It is made round, and let into the front transom. One fork and one bolt, for front wheel ; like the barbette tra- verse wheel fork, except that the upper part of the stem is coni- cal, to allow the wheel to change its direction. There is a square shoulder, below the conical part, on which the fork plate fits. The fork bolt has no manoeuvring tenon on the head. One fork plate, for front wheel. It is round, with a square hole, to fit on the shoulder of the fork, and an eye to connect it with the tongue. One tongue. One tongue bolt. No, 4, A ; one nut for the same. Three truck wheels. The same as the traverse wheels of the barbette chassis. Hand Cart.— Plate VII. It is used for the transportation of light stores, in siege and garrison service. Woodwork, (oak or ash.) One bolster, for the axle tree. Two lower side rails. They are bolted to the bolster. They are round in front of the props. Three lower cross bars. They are joined to the side rails with tenons and mortises. The front bar is round and serves for a handle. Two upper side rails and two end rails, halved together and fastened vfiihfour screws. Part 9—3 18 PART 9. MACHINES. Six side studs and six end studs. They are framed into the rails and cross bars, and fastened with wooden pins. Five boards, (hard wood,) for the bottom, sides and ends. The bottom is fastened to the bolster and the cross bars with eighteen screws, 1.5 inch, No. 14. The sides and ends are fastened to the inside of the studs, with four screws in each stud. Two WHEELS. Two uavcs, (gum.) Twenty-four spokes, (oak.J The tenons for the fellies are round. Twelve fellies, (oak.) Irons. One axletree. Two bolts. No. 2, B, for the axletree and bolster. Two nuts, for the same. Two props, fastened to the side rails each with two bolts. No. 1, D. Four nuts for these bolts. Four nave bands, fastened each with three nails. Twelve tire bolts. No. 1, C. Twelve washers and twelve nuts. Two nave boxes. They are of wrought iron, welded, . 13 inch thick, with small ribs on two sides. They are .25 in. shorter than the nave, to leave room for letting in the shoulder washers. Two shoulder washers, 2 in. diameter, and .25 in. thick; let into the ends of the naves. Two linch washers. Two linch pins Store Truck.— Plate VII. This truck is used for moving boxes in store-houses, and in embarking and disembarking stores. Woodwork, (oak.) Two rails, which are rounded at the ends, for handles. Four cross bars, framed into the rails and fastened by wooden pins. Two bolsters, between the rails and the axletree. They are nailed on the under side of the rails. STORE TRUCK LIFTING JACK. 19 Irons. One shoe, fastened on the upper side of the rails by four bolts, No. 1, C. Four washers and four nuts for these bolts. One axletrec, fastened to the rails by two bolts, No. 1, C, Two nuts for these bolts. Two guard plates, to prevent the load from touching the wheels. They are let into the rails, under the plates of the shoe, and are fastened by the two bolts which hold the axletree. Two truck wheels, (cast iron.) Two shoulder washers. Two linch washers. Two screws, with square heads. They are screwed into the ends of the axletree, in place of linch pins. Two props, fastened to the rails each by two bolts, No. 1, B. Four nuts for these bolts. Lifting Jack — Plate VIII. This is a geared screw jack, for lifting heavy weights. When the weight is near the ground, it is lifted by means of the foot which is joined to the screw. By propping up the weight and putting a block of wood on the foot of the jack, the weight may be raised high enough to place the head of the screw under it, in order to raise it to a greater height, if required. The bed is a block of oak. It is strengthened by two rivet bolts, No. 2, A, with /owr washers and two nuts. Two eye plates for the braces are let into the ends of the bed and fastened each by two screws of 2 in. and one of 1 in., No. 16. A notch is cut out of the middle of the bed, in order to let the foot of the screw come down, as near as possible, to the ground. The stand is of cast iron. It has a slot in one side, for the foot of the screw to slide in. Four points are screwed into, tljje, bot- tom of the stand, to steady it on the wooden bed. ^ y^^Mif 20 PART 9. MACHINES. Two braces, made of round iron, are hooked into the eye plates on the bed, and fastened to the stand, at the upper end, by two bolts, No. 3, which are screwed into the cast iron. The screw is of the same size and pitch as the elevating screw of the casemate carriage. The foot is formed of the same piece as the body of the screw. A plate is fastened to the foot by three screws 1.5 inch. No. 14. The head is screwed on and slightly riveted. The nut and pinion are like those of the casemate elevating apparatus. The shaft is kept in place by a screw pin, which is let into the projecting part of the stand. The crank is kept on the shaft by a nut, No. 4. It has a wooden handle which is fastened on by a washer and nut, No. 2. A cap plate is fastened on the head of the stand by four bolts. No. 1, screwed into the stand. This plate prevents the nut of the screw from working up, when it is turned. Lever Jack. — Plate VIII. The lever jack is an adjustable fulcrum for a long lever; it is designed for use in siege and garrison service. The stand is made of oak, and consists of two uprights, con- nected by a transom and a bolt. No. 4, A, and framed into a bed, or block of wood, to which they are fastened by wooden pins. The fulcrum is an iron pin which is inserted in holes in the uprights of the stand, at any required height. The pin is fastened to the stand by a chain, consisting of fifteen links, No. 4, and three rings, No. 2, A, held by an eye pin, No. 1. The LEVER is made of oak, 15 feet long. Two plates of wrought iron, with notches to fit on the fulcrum pin, are fastened to the lever, near one end, by six screws, 2.5 inch, No. 16, ARTILLERY PART TENTH. Correction— Par/ Xinth. Page IS— after line 15, add, " lv:o lires, FIELD, SIEGE AND GARRISON ARTILLERY "libra HI UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA.^ 18 4 8. PART TENTH. IMPLEMENTS, EClUIPMENTS AND TOOLS. The Plates of this part represent chiefly those implements, equipments and tools which are fabricated at the arsenals, for the service of field, siege and garrison artillery. It has not been thought necessary to present drawings of the ordinary tools which are procured by purchase for the use of the workmen, and which are embraced in the equipment lists. For the implements, equipments and tools for the service of mountain artillery, see Part 5. PLATE I. Rammer heads. They are made of beech, elm, or other tough wood. The corners of the large end are slightly rounded. The neck has a band, of sheet copper No. 18, fastened by three copper nails, .5 inch long. The rammers for howitzers are countersunk, as shown in the plate, to receive the head of the fuze. The head is bored for the tenon of the staff to which it is fastened with a wooden pin, .3 inch thick. Sponge heads. They are made of poplar, elm, &c. The head is bored for the tenon of the staff and fastened by two wooden pins. Sponges are made of woollen yarn, woven into a warp of hemp or flax thread, making a tissue about half an inch thick, which is sewed up in the form of a bag that fits the sponge head, to which it is fastened with copper nails 1 inch long, driven into the inner end of the block, near the staff; a strip of leather is put under the heads of the nails. 2 PART 10. — IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS. Sponge covers., They are made of strong linen, or canvas, painted. The diameter of the bag is equal to that of the bore of the gun; the length is sufficient to allow of the mouth being drawn together, round the staff, by means of a cord inserted in a hem. This length is: For the 6-pounder sponge 9 inches. " 12-pounder and 18-pounder sponges .11 " *' 24-p'dr, 32-p'dr, and 42-pMr sponges . 12 " A loop of canvas, sewed to the bottom, serves to pull off the cover by. They are marked, in white, with the calibre of the gun to which they belong. Staves, for rammers and spoi ges, are made of tough ash. They are turned in the lathe, with tenons and shoulders where they enter the implement heads. The rammer and the sponge for a field gun or howitzer, or a mortar, are attached to the same staff; for siege and garrison guns and howitzers, they are on separate staves. For the coehorn mortar, the sponge is attached to the rammer staff which forms the sponge and rammer heads. For the columbiads, separate woollen sponges are provided for wiping the chamber and the bore. For these pieces, stiff hair brushes are also used occasionally, in order to clean the bore and chamber more easily and thoroughly. The brushes are cylindri- cal, with hemispherical ends, made to fit the bore or chamber. PLATE II. Ladle heads. They are made in the same manner as rammer heads, and of the same kinds of wood. All the implement heads should be perfectly seasoned, and should be saturated with linseed oil, to preserve them in service. Ladles are made of sheet copper No. 18. The outer corners are rounded wdth a radius of 2 to 3.5 inches. The bands are IMPLEMENTS. 6 brazed together; the scoop is planished with a hammer to stiffen it. The ladle is fastened to the head with from 6 to 10 copper nails, 1 inch long. Staves for ladles are made like those for rammers and sponges; they are fastened to the heads with wooden pins. Worms and staves. Worms are made of iron, twisted into the forms represented in the drawing; one for siege and garrison guns, the other for field guns. The worm is fastened to its staff with one iron rivet, .25 inch thick. Staves for worms are made of ash, like those for rammers, &c. PLATE III. Trail handspike, for field gun carriages. It is made of hick- ory, or tough oak. The stop is of iron; it has a shoulder under the head; the stem passes through the wood, and the point is clinched and filed down smooth. The strap is fastened by one rivet, .25 inch thick; it has an eye for the ring, which is made of wire 3 inch thick. Man(euvring handspike, for the service of siege and garrison carriages, gins, &c. It is made of hickory, or tough oak. Shod handspike, for the service of garrison carriages and of mortars. It is made of hickory, or tough oak. The shoe is of iron, fastened to the wood with three rivets. No. 2 C; the point is roughed with a file. Truck handspike, for casemate carriages. It is made of round iron, tapered to fit the holes in the periphery of the gun carriage trucks. 4 PART 10. IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS. Roller handspike, for working the eccentric roller of the casemate carriage; made of round iron, tapered to fit the holes in the eccentrics. It may be made with two branches, as represented in Plate XIII of Part 7. Chock for casemate carriage. It is made of oak; the handle is fastened in with a round tenon. The chocks are used on both sides of the carriage; they are therefore made, in equal numbers, for the right hand and the left. Sponge bucket, for field gun carriages. It is made of sheet iron No. 13; the top and bottom are turned over the sides, and fastened each by four rivets; or the bottom may be fastened to the sides by a double fold, and stiffened with a hoop shrunk on above the seam. The jioat is of wood, fastened by two rivets to a cross bar; it is put in before the top is fastened on. The handle of the float is fastened to it with two rivets, and it is connected with the bail of the bucket by a chain consisting of seven linh, No. 1, (coldshut,) and two rings. No. 1, A. The bail is fastened to the bucket by two ears, each held by three rivets. A toggle, which is fastened to the bail by two links and a swivel, serves to attach the bucket to the eye of the axle strap on the gun carriage. Tar bucket. The bucket is made of sheet iron No. 13, like the sponge bucket. The cover is fastened to the top by a rivet on which it turns, and it is kept closed by shutting over a stud riveted into the top. The ears are fastened to the bucket each by three rivets; a ring, for suspending the bucket on its hook, is con- nected with the ears by two chains, each consisting oi five links. No. 3, and one hook. Water bucket, for the traveUing forge and the battery wagon. The staves and the bottom are of oak; there are sixteen staves, and the bottom is made of not more than two pieces. Three hoops, made of hoop iron No. 16; each hoop is joined together with two EQUIPMENTS. O rivets, and fastened to the bucket with two rivets. Two ears let into the sides, and fastened each by one rivet. The bail has a link connected with it by a swivel. Water bucket, for garrison service. It is made in a similar manner with the preceding, except that the bail has no link and swivel attached to it. Portfire stock. It is made of oak or ash. The socket is of cast brass, fastened to the stock by one brass rivet; a circular plate of copper is fastened by a nail on the head of the stock, in the bottom of the socket. The thumb screw, for holding the portfire, is of brass; the inner end is slightly riveted, to prevent its being lost. The hook is of iron, driven into the stock and clinched. Linstock, made of oak, or ash. The point is of iron, fastened to the stock by one rivet. No. 2, which also holds the ferrule. PLATE IV. Prolonge. It is made of 3|-inch hemp rope, of four strands. A toggle is fastened to one end by three rings and a thimble, which is worked into the rope; another thimble holds a hook at the other end of the rope; the splice at each end is served with marline. Two rings are lashed to the prolonge with half-inch marline; for which purpose they have a straight side, which is made to fit the pro- longe rope. Drag rope. A 4-inch hemp rope, with a thimble worked into each end; one of the thimbles carries a hook. Six handles, made of oak or ash, are put in between the strands of the rope and lashed with marline. Men's harness, made of 4-inch rope, with two thimbles and a hook, like the drag rope. Six loops, made of bag leather, are at- tached to the rope in pairs, by means of knots worked in the rope, or by leather collars sewed to the rope with strong twine. 6 PART 10, — IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS. Budge barrel, for the service of garrison guns. It has sixteen staves of oak; the bottom is also of oak, made in not more than two pieces. Four hoops, of sheet copper No. 18, joined by two rivets, are fastened to the barrel each by Jive copper rivets. The cover, made of bag leather, is fastened under the upper hoop by Jive copper nails, the heads of which are on the inside, and by the rivets which hold the hoop. It is drawn together at the top by a . double cord (five-eighths inch sash cord) passing through holes in the leather, at 1.5 inch from the top; each cord is six feet long. The ends of these cords pass through a conical hood of bag leather, which covers the mouth of the bag when drawn together, to pro- tect it from rain, or from sparks of fire. Pass box, for garrison guns. It is made of white pine; the sides and ends are dovetailed together; the bottom is let in be- tween the sides and nailed to the sides and bottom. The top has a clamp framed to it at each end, with a tongue and groove, and fastened with nails; it has two 2-inch iron butt hinges, fast- ened each with six screws; a strong hook and staple, of brass or iron, keep it closed. A wooden handle is fastened diagonally on one end with two 1^-inch screws. Quoin, for siege mortar beds. It is made of oak. The old pattern quoin represented in the plate is adapted to the old 10-inch mortar beds, which are still in service; the new pattern quoin is for the new 10-inch and 8-inch mortar beds, represented in Part 8, Plate I. Fork, ^ For hot shot. These implements are made of Ladles, [>iron, with wooden handles; their form and dimen- ToNGS. J sions are shown in the plate. The fork is used for drawing the shot out of the furnace; the ladles for carrying them to the gun; the tongs for picking up those which may have fallen on the ground. EQUIPMENTS. PLATE V Portfire case. It is made of russet sole leather. The cover rests on the top of the case when it is empty, and on the portfires when it is filled; it has two fiat loops for the straps to pass through. There are two round loops, one on the case and one on the cover, to hold the portfire stock. Two straps, one with a buckle, (tinned,) the o^her a billet, are sewed to the case, forming a shoulder belt; the buckle strap has two standing loops. Tube pouch. The sides and ends are made of russet sole leather. The inner cover has end pieces sewed to it which shut over the ends of the pouch. The fiap, or outer cover, is of the same piece as the back; it is fastened down by a strap to a brass button, which is riveted to the bottom of the pouch. The waist belt passes through two loops sewed to the back of the pouch; it has a buckle and a standing loop at one end; the buckle is of tinned iron. Two small loops are sewed to the inside of the flap, for carrying the priming wire and gimlet. Havresack. It is made of russet bag leather. The front and back are connected by gussets which form the ends and bottom, and allow the bag to be folded flat. The flap is of the same piece as the back, and is fastened to the front of the bag by a billet and a buckle strap. A billet and a buckle strap, sewed to the back of the bag, form the shoulder belt. The buckles are of tinned iron. Thumb stall. Made of black buckskin; the pad is stufifed with hair. Vent cover, for guns that have no locks. It is made of black bridle leather; a pin, of copper or brass, fastened by two rivets, enters the vent, to prevent the cover from slipping. A billet and a buckle strap, with a black buckle, fasten it to the gun. The length of the billet must vary with the diameter of the piece at the vent; that in the plate is for a 6-pounder gun. 8 PART 10. IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS. Lock cover. It is made of black bridle or harness leather. The cap which covers the lock is shaped wet, on a former. Two billets and two buckle straps, with black buckles, fasten it on the gun; the length of the straps being proportioned to the diameter of the piece. Lock covers and vent covers are also made of sheet lead, and sometimes of malleable or annealed cast iron. Priming horn. The bottom is made of ash, dogwood, or other close grained wood; it is cupped on the outside to form a sort of funnel for filling the horn; the filling hole is stopped by a wooden screw plug, to which one end of the shoulder strap is sewed. The bottom is fastened to the horn with, four brass tacks. The other end of the shoulder strap, (which is made of russet leather,) is sewed round the neck of the horn. The stopper is of wood, and is attached to a small leather strap sewed to the shoulder strap. The priming horn is sometimes made with a brass mouth-piece, in the manner represented also in the plate. Cannon lock. The lock represented in the plate is patented by Mr. E. Hidden. The drawing shows the lock as arranged for field guns, and for others that have no lock pieces. The seat is of cast brass; it is attached to the gun, on the left side of the vent, by means of two steel steady pins and one screw pin; a small brass roller is set into the rear end of the seat for the lanyard to pass round. The hammer is of brass, with a cone of hardened steel screwed into the head, and fastened by a rivet; the hole for the pin on which the hammer turns is oblong, so that the head of the hammer is drawn back by the same pull of the lanyard which causes it first to strike the primer on the vent. The lanyard is a piece of sash cord .25 in. thick and 6 feet long; one end is secured to the shank of the hammer by a knot; the other end carries an iron toggle, which serves for a handle, IMPLEMENTS. 9 and also for a wrench to turn the ^^crew pin that fastens the lock to the gun. For guns that have lock pieces, the seat of the lock is made with a flanch to fit the side of the lock piece, to which it is fas- tened by two bolts, with thumb nuts. Gunner's quadrant. It is made of well-seasoned mahogany or walnut. The arc is attached to the straight edge by a groove and three tenons, and is glued in. The plummet is a rifle ball fastened to a silk thread, which is hooked on a brass screw pin in the centre of the arc. When not in use the plummet is carried in a hole in the end of the straight edge, which is covered by a brass plate . 1 in. thick, turning on a brass screw. Gunner's pincers. They are made of iron, with steel jaws. Fuze mallet. It is turned, in one piece, out of dogwood, oak, or other hard wood. Fuze saw. A 10-inch tenon saw. Shell hooks. They are of iron, consisting of two branches joined together by a rivet, and connected, at the upper end, by two small rings, to a handspike ring. Spatula. Made of ash or hickory. Splint. Made of white pine. Scraper. The scrapei- and the spoon are made of steel; the handle, of iron. Pointing wire. Iron wire, No. 7. Dredging box. Made of sheet copper No. 21. The top fits over the box, and is pierced with holes of the size of wire No. 21. 10 PART 10. IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS. PLATE VI. Fuze gimlet. A common gimlet .2 inch diameter. Fuze setter. It is made of brass; the bottom is cupped, to prevent it from slipping off from the head of the fuze. Fuze auger. The bit is of steel, fastened into a wooden handle; at the lower end of the handle is a brass socket, with a bar, under which the graduated limb of the slider passes. The slider is of brass; it slides on the bit, and is fastened to it, at the required point, by a steel thumb screw. The position of the slider, which determines the depth to which the auger bores, is regulated by a scale attached to the slider by an iron screw. Shell plug screw. It is made of iron, and is used for ex- tracting the corks or wooden plugs with which fuze holes are stopped. • Priming wire. ..} ^ , . Made of steel wire No. 8. Gunner's gimlet. Vent punch. Steel wire No. 8, brazed into an iron head. Port fire cutter. It is made of steel. The pin is .25 inch diameter. Copper funnel. Made of sheet copper No. 21. The upper edge is turned over to stiffen it. Copper hammer. It is made of cast copper, or of brass com- position. The handle, of hickory. Tow hook. It is made of round iron, with a hook at one end, and a small hammer welded to the other end. It is used for unpacking ammunition chests of field carriages. IMPLEMENTS. II Powder measures. They are made of sheet copper, from No. 16 to No, 20. The bottom is made with a flanch .1 inch deep, turned downwards, and it is brazed or soldered to the sides. Interior dimensions of cylindrical powder measures. Contents. Diameter and height. Contents. Diameter and height. Lbs. oz. Inches. Lbs. oz. Inches. 1 1.337 2 4.240 2 1.685 1 2 8 4.571 4 2.122 ; 3 4.857 8 2.673 4 5.346 1 3.368 1 4 8 5.560 1 4 3.628 \ 6 6.120 1 8 3.855 ! 8 6.736 Fuze extractor. The inner screw and its stem are made of steel, and riveted into the handle, which is of iron. The stem is contained in a hollow screw of steel, which is worked up and down by ineans of an iron nut with two handles; the screw being prevented from turning by a slot and a feather in the frame; the nut is kept in place by 4 iron set screws, the points of which enter into a groove in the nut. The frame is of cast brass. In using this fuze extractor, the inner stem is screwed into the fuze or plug to be extracted, by means of the upper handle, and it is lifted out by turning the nut of the hollow screw. 12 PART 10. IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS. Gunner's callipers. They are made of sheet brass, with steel points. The two branches are connected together by a brass pivot, fastened on the upper side by a brass washer and screw; to prevent the screw from working loose, the upper end of the pivot and the hole in the washer are square. Besides the graduations marked in the drawing, other useful data may be engraved on the reverse side of the callipers. Tangent scales. They are made of sheet brass No. 13. The bottom is cut to fit the base ring of the gun, and a flanch is brazed to one side of it, to form a base for steadying the scale. The notches on the tangent scale indicate each quarter of a degree of elevation of the piece, by placing the scale on the base ring and using the highest point of the swell of the muzzle, (or the front of the muzzle band,) for the forward point of sight The heights of these notches for each degree are given in the plate, from the following: Table of tangents for field guns and howitzers. Degree. FOR GUNS. 1 FOR HOWITZERS. 6-pd'r. 12-pd'r. 12-pd'r. 24-pd'r. 32-pd'r. o > Inches. Inches. ! Inches. Inches. Inches. 1 15 0.256 0.333 1 0.252 0.289 0.331 1 30 0.512 0.667 ; 0.484 0.572 0.657 1 45 0.769 1.000 0.714 0.855 0.983 2 00 1.025 1.334 0.945 1.138 1.310 2 15 1.281 1.668 1.176 1.421 1.637 2 30 1.538 2.001 1.408 1.704 1.964 2 45 3 00 1.794 2.051 2.335 2.670 1.639 1.870 1.987 2.271 2.291 2.618 3 15 2.307 3.004 2.100 2.553 2.943 3 30 2.563 3.338 2.330 j 2.835 3.269 3 45 2.820 3.672 2.560 1 3.117 3.. 594 4 00 3.077 4.006 2.791 3.400 3.920 TANGENT SCALES. 13 Pendulum hausse. This is an accurate tangent scale, de- rived from the Russian artillery service. The scale is made of sheet brass No. 13. At the lower end is a brass bulb, filled with lead. The slider is of thin brass, and is retained in any desired position on the scale by means of a brass set screw wath a milled head. The scale is passed through a slit in a piece of steel, with which it is connected by a brass screw, forming a pivot on which the scale can vibrate laterally; this slit is made long enough to allow the scale to take a vertical posi- tion in any ordinary cases of inequality of the ground on which the wheels of the carriage may stand. The ends of this piece of steel form two journals, by means of which the scale is supported on the seat attached to the gun, and is at liberty to vibrate in the direction of the axis of the piece. Thus, in any ordinary varia- tions, either in the level of the wheels or in the elevation of the gun, the scale is kept in a vertical position by means of the weight in the bulb. The seat is of iron, and is fastened to the base of the breech by 3 screws, in such a manner that the centres of the two journal notches shall be at a distance from the axis equal to the radius of the base ring. A muzzle sight, of iron, is screwed into the swell of the muz- zle of guns, or into the middle of the muzzle ring of howitzers. The height of this sight is equal to the dispart of the piece, so that a line from the top of the muzzle sight to the pivot of the tangent scale is parallel to the axis of the piece; consequently, the vertical plane of sight passing through the centre line of the scale and the top of the muzzle sight, will be also parallel to the axis, in any position of the piece; the tangent scale will, there- fore, always indicate correctly the angle which the line of sight makes with the axis. • The seat for suspending the hausse on the gun must be adapted to each piece, according to the varying inclination of 14 PART 10. IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS. the base of the breech to the axis. The hausse, the seat and the muzzle sight, are marked for the kind of gun to which they belong. The hausse, when not in use, is carried in a leather pouch suspended to a shoulder strap. The drawing represents the hausse for a 6-pounder gun. The graduations on the scale are the tangents of each quarter of a degree, to a radius equal to the distance between the muzzle sight and the centre of the journal notches, which are, in all cases, one inch in rear of the base ring. Tangent scales for pendulum hausses for field guns and howitzers. FOR GUMS. FOB HOWITZERS. 6-pdr. 12-pdr. 12-pdr. 24-pdr. 32-pdr. In. In. In. In. In. Radius of base ring ] 5.15 6.5 5.0 6.0 6.9 Dispart . . 1.025 1.33 0.9 1.125 1.3 Height of muzzle sight. Tang. lO 1.042 1.349 0.931 1.138 1.310 20 2.084 2.698 1.862 2.275 2.621 30 3.124 4.046 2.792 3.412 3.933 40 4.164 5.392 3.722 4.548 5.248 50 5.203 6.737 4.650 5.683 6.566 TOOLS. PLATE VII. 15 Maul. It is made of hickory, or other tough wood, with a band of iron on each end; the handle, made of ash, is fastened in with a wedge. Mortar tompion. It is made of two pieces of oak, or other hard plank, fastened together by nails and by an eye pin No. 2, for the ring, which is clinched on the inside. Pick axe. The axe is made of iron, with steel blade and point; the handle, of hickory or ash. Felling axe. It is the common wood-cutter's axe, with strong, steel blade; the handle is of hickory. Shovel. The blades of the best shovels are made of steel, with an iron socket for the handle, which is of hickory or ash. An eye strap with a ring is fastened with a rivet, to the handle of the shovel which is to be carried on the caisson. Hand bill, (or bill hook.) The blade is made of iron, with steel edges; it has a shank which passes through the handle and is riveted on the head; the handle is of hickory, walnut, &c. Screw jack. This is a light jack, suitable for field service. The stand is of cast iron; it is hollow, and has an opening two inches diameter in the centre of the bottom. The screw is of wrought iron; it has a slot cut in nearly its whole length, to re- ceive a feather, which is let into the neck of the stand, to pre- vent the screw from turning; the head of the screw is roughed, to prevent the weight from slipping off. The nut and handles are of wrought iron, in one piece; below the handles a groove is turned in the nut, to fit the inner edges of the cap plate. The cap plate is of wrought iron, made in two parts; it lies on the head of the stand, to which it is fastened by four screws; it keeps the nut down, when the handles are worked. Anvil, for the travelling forge. A common 100 lb. anvil. 16 part 10. implements and equipments. Smith's shovel, :l, } I. 3 ^ , . Made of iron. Smith's poker. Smith's broom. The handle is of iron; the brush is made of hickory withes, which are inserted in a slit in the handle. Smith's tongs. They are made of various sizes, according to the dimensions given in the plate. Shoeing box. It is made of white pine; it has a partition in the middle lengthways, and a small division for nails in one cor- ner. The handle is a rod of round iron placed over the middle partition and fastened by two screws in each end, the ends of the rod being flattened for the purpose; a piece is cut out of the par- tition, to make room for the hand. PLATE VIII. Sledge hammer, ^ The faces and edges are of steel; the Hand hammer, [> handles of smiths' hammers, chisels, Nail hammer. J and punches, are made of hickory. Riveting hammer. Made of steel. Shoeing hammer. The head is faced with steel; the body and claws are of iron. Creaser. It is of steel, for cutting the creases in horse shoes. Fore punch. Of steel; for making the nail holes in horse shoes. The creaser and fore punch may be fastened to the same handle. Chisels, for hot iron. There are two kinds; one with a straight cutting edge; the other rounding, being convex on one side and concave on the other. They are of steel. Chisel, for cold iron. It is made with a thicker blade than those for hot iron. Hardie. It is made of steel; the shank fits the square hole in the anvil. TOOLS. 17 Buttress. The blade is of steel, welded to an iron rod; the handle is of wood, with a copper ferrule. Shoeing knife. A bent steel blade, sharpened on both edges, and fixed to a wooden handle, by a copper ferrule and a rivet. It may take the place of the buttress, in shoeing horses. Pritchell. Of steel; for opening the nail holes in horse shoes. Clinching iron. For clinching horse shoe nails. Shoeing pincers. Made of iron, with steel jaws. Vice, for the travelling forge. The female screw, the thread of which is generally brazed in, is better cut out of the solid iron, by making the cylindrical nut open at both ends; the cap is fastened to it after the screw is cut. The fixed jaw of the vice is fastened to the stock of the forge wagon by means of a shackle, which is connected by two keys with the head of the rear lunette bolt. This bolt also fastens under the stock a step, in which the lower end of the fixed jaw of the vice enters, and is secured by a nut. Tire circle. It is made of iron, with a wooden handle which has a copper ferrule. Bench stake. Made of iron, and faced with steel. Smith's callipers. Made of iron. Die stock. Made of iron; the screw of steel. The V's for holding the dies occupy two-thirds of the length of the opening in the stock, to leave room for inserting the dies. The dies are of steel, for cutting bolts of 1 inch, f , f , ^, and f inch. Tap wrench. Made of iron, with four holes for taps of vari- ous sizes. Nail claw. Made of iron. Breeching vice. The stock and the handle are made of iron; the screw of steel. There are two holes in the plate for bolting the vice to a bench. The jaws are of steel. Each jaw is made in two pieces, the lower piece being a plate which is fastened with 18 PART 10. IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS. two screws to the under side of the jaw, after it is put in place, to prevent it from dropping out. Fuller. It is made of iron, with a steel face. PLATE IX. Set hammers. They are faced with steel, and are of two kinds; one having a flat face; the other, half round. Heading tools. They are made of iron, and faced with steel. The tools represented in the plate are arranged for making the bolts and nails most commonly required for repairs of field carriages. Smith's punches. They are made of steel; three with wooden handles, and four hand punches. The tire punch is used for countersinking the holes for bolt heads in the tire of a wheel. Cold chisel. A hand chisel, made of steel. Tire band, or clip. Made of iron; for holding a broken tire for temporary service. The thick ends are bent over the inside of the felly, and joined together by an iron link passed through the eyes. For convenience of packing they may be left straight, until required for use. Screw wrench. These wrenches for nuts are generally made of malleable cast iron by the tool makers. The opening of the jaws is regulated by turning the rough headed screw, which works in a nut that forms part of the moveable jaw. Hold fast. Made of iron; for the use of carpenters and car- riasre makers. . TOOLS. 19 Armorer^ s Tools. Breeching wrench. Made of iron. Soldering irons. The point is made of cast copper, fastened by two rivets to an iron stock, which is set in a wooden handle, having a copper ferrule at the small end. Spring clamp. Made of steel; for holding small objects in a vice. Wood clamp. For holding, in a vice, such parts of arms as might be bruised by the iron jaws of the vice. The clamp con- sists of two pieces of hoop iron, which are connected together by two cross pieces of iron fastened to them by two rivets at each end; four iron Jaws, of the same width as the hoops, are fastened to their upper ends by eight rivets; two wooden jaws, lined with thick leather, the whole width of the clamp, are fastened to the inside of the iron jaws and the cross bars by 16 rivets. Spring hook. Made of steel; used in taking out the main spring of a lock. Hand screw driver. Blade of steel, with a wooden handle, having a ferrule at the small end. Barrel scraper and wiper. Made of iron, in one piece; the springs of the scraper are of steel. Straight edge. Made of steel. Bayonet mandril. Of iron; for straightening and fitting the sockets of bayonets. RiFFLER. It is made of a tapering piece of steel with square edges, which are cut in notches; the steel is then twisted into a round form; it is fastened into a wooden handle, with a copper ferrule. It is used for filing out screw holes in stocks of small arms. Armorer's punches. Small steel punches, for driving out the wires of band springs, &c. 20 PART 10. IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENTS. Drill stock. For drilling small holes. The drill is inserted into a steel stem, on which two wooden pullies, (in one piece,) for the string of the drill bow, are fastened; the upper end of the stem turns in a b7'ass socket attached to a wooden handle; the stem is retained in the socket by a small screw, the point of which enters a groove turned in the stem. The drill bow may be made of a piece of elastic wood, or of a steel ramrod, about 24 inches long, with a string of catgut, raw hide, or leather. Die stock. For cutting small screws. The stock is of iron; the screw of steel. The shank may be inserted into a wooden handle, as represented in the plate; or the handle may more conveniently be formed of the same piece as the stock, about .6 inch diameter. The dies of steel are held in place by V's, as in the large die stock; they are made for cutting the lock screws of small arms. Reamers. They are made of steel, round on the back and flat inside; they are of six sizes, as shown by the table of dimen- sions in the plate; they all fit the same brace socket. Flint screw wrench. Made of a piece of a steel ramrod. Spring vice. Made of steel. They are manufactured at the Armories for small arms. Bevel vice. It is made of iron, and is used for holding cer- tain kinds of work in the jaws of a bench vice. Oil can. Made of copper or tin. ARTILLERY. PART ELEVENTH AMMUNITION AND PROJECTILES. 1849. PART ELEVENTH AxMMUNITION AND PROJECTILES. The plates of this Part show the forms and dimensions of Artil^ lery projectiles 2Lnd of the sabots, and some other materials em- ployed in preparing them for use; als» of the fixed ammunition for field service. Instructions in detail, relative to the strapping of shot and shells, and the putting up of fixed ammunition, are given in the chapter on laboratory work, in the Ordnance Manual. A few par- ticulars, only, will be mentioned here in explanation of the plates.- For the mountain howitzer ammunition see Part 5. -S^o/.— Plate 1. Solid shot are of the calibres of 6, 1*2, 18, 24, 32, and 42: pounders, for field, siege, and garrison service. 8-inch and 10- inch shot are used in proving mortars, sea-coast howitzers, and columbiads, and may be occasionally fired from the columbiads,. in service. Shot are made of good grey or mottled cast iron; they are moulded in sand, in order that they may be as solid as possible. Canister and grape shot are also made of cast iron. Their di- mensions are shown in the drawings of finished canisters and stands of grape.— Plate lY. 4 PART 11. — AMMUNITION. Shells.— Plsiie I. All shells should be made of strong cast iron, sufficiently soft to be easily reamed at the fuze hole. They are moulded in sand. The eyes may be cored out, in the moulding, but they must be cleaned and dressed to the required dimensions. The fuze holes of all shells have the same taper, viz : . 15 in. to 1 inch. They are accurately reamed to the required dimensions. Shells for mortars are of the calibres of 8, 10, and 13 inch. The 8-inch mortar shells are used also for the siege howitzer. The cores of these shells are concentric with the exterior. Shells for howitzers, columbiads, and long guns are reinforced at the fuze hole, in order to give a greater bearing for the fuze, to prevent its being driven in by the shock of the discharge. These fuze holes are designed to receive a plug, or bouching of wood or brouze, (according to the calibre and the charge,) which forms a case for a paper fuze. Spherical case shot are also reinforced at the fuze hole. These shells, being very thin, should be made of the best and strongest iron, in order that they may not be broken in the gun. Carcasses. — Plate I. Carcasses are shells of the same dimensions as mortar shells of like calibre. They have three additional holes, like the fuze holes, for the issue of the flame from the incendiary composition with which they are charged. /S'a^o^s .—Plate II. Poplar, linden, or other light fine-grained wood, is used for making sabots and cartridge blocks. The wood should be dry and well seasoned. Sabots must be accurately turned to the given dimensions, which should be verified with proper gauges. Sabots for field ammunition of all kinds, and for siege and sea- coast howitzer canisters are made of square scantling ; those for STRAPPED SHOT AND SHELLS. O shells for siege and garrison guns, sea-coast howitzers and colum- biads, are generally made of plank. Cartridge blocks are made more conveniently of scantling. Fuze plugs. — Plate II. Fuze plugs are made of beech, or other hard close-grained wood. The wood should be perfectly seasoned and dried, so that it may not shrink after being worked. The plugs are turned full to the given exterior dimensions. The small fuze plug, repre- sented in the plate, fits all the field shells and spherical case shot, except the 32-pdr. spherical case, which requires the large plug. Strapped shot and shells . — Plate III. Shot for field guns are attached to sabots by two straps of tin, passing over the shot and fastened to the sabot by one nail in each end ; one of the straps passes through a slit cut in the middle of the other strap. Shells for field howitzers, and spherical case shot for field guns and howitzers, are attached to sabots by four tin straps con- nected with a ring of tin which is placed over the fuze hole. The straps of shells for guns are fastened each with one nail; those for the 12-pounder field howitzer with two nails, and those for 32- pounder and 24-pounder howitzers, with three nails. Strapped shells and spherical case, for S'2-po2inder and 24-pounder field howitzers, have handles made of cord, .25 inch thick, which is passed through holes in the sabot and fastened by a knot on the inside. Shells for siege and garrison guns, and for columbiads and sea- coast howitzers, are attached to sabots in the same manner as shot for field guns. The fuze holes are placed in one of the an- gles, between the straps. The straps are fastened at each end by three or four nails, in the side and under the bottom of the 6 PART 11. — AMMUNITION. sabot. Shells for the columbiads and howitzers have handles^ made of cord .38 in. thick, fastened to two loops of tin which are attached to one of the straps. Canisters. — Plate IV. Canisters are made of tin, with an iron plate at the bottom and a sheet iron cover. For field guns and howitzers the bottom plates are made of rolled iron ; for other pieces, of cast iron. Canisters for field guns and howitzers are nailed to sabots. Those for the 32-pounder and 24-pounder howitzers have handles of cord attached to the sabots. Canisters for S-in. siege and sea-coast howitzers are also attached to sabots. They have handles made of iron wire, fastened by a loop of sheet iron riveted to the cover of the sabot. Canisters for siege and garrison guns have no sabots ; the ends of the tin cylinder are cut in slits and turned over the bottom plate and the cover. The handles are of iron wire, like the preceding. Grape.— Flsiie IV. ^ stand of grape consists of nine grape shot, connected toge- ther by means of two cast iron plates and two rings, of wrought iron, joined by a bolt which passes through both plates and is fastened by a nut. The plates are countersunk, half their thick- ness, to serve as beds for the shot. The handle is of cord .38 in. thick, which is passed through two holes in the upper plate and fastened by a knot inside. The stand of grape for S-in. sea-coast howitzer is attached to a sabot, by means of the same bolt which holds the plates together, and which is made long enough to pass through the sabot. FIXED AMMUNITION. 7 Fixed Ammunition. — Plate V. For field guns and for the 12-pounder field howitzer , all the am- munition is fixed; that is to say, the projectile and the charge of powder are attached to the same sabot. For the ^i-pounder and the S2-pounder howitzer, the projectile is attached to a sabot, and the charge of powder to a cartridge block, separated from the projectile. As two different charges are used for each of the howitzers, the cartridge blocks are of two sizes, in order that the finished cartridges may be of nearly the same length, so as to fill the chamber of the piece. The cartridges for field ammunition are protected from injury, in transportation, by being covered with cylinders and caps of strong paper. Plate V shows the form and dimensions of fixed ammunition for each kind and calibre of field ordnance. PART 11. — AMMUNITION. Bill of timber for 100 sabots. DIMENSIONS. t 1 KIND OF SABOT. REMARKS. Wide. Thick. Long. o u In. In. In. Sup. ft. 2 ("Shot and sphericaH 6-pdr. ^§ 1 case (12-pdr. |^i.Cani.lers | J-P^J; 4. 4. 180 20. Poplar, linden 5. 5. 225 39.06 or maple ; 4. 4. 250 27.77 clear stuff, and 5. 5. 250 43.40 free from cen- tre heart. ( 12-pdr. 5. 5. 345 59.79 i Shells ^24-pdr. 6. 6. 265 66.25 (32-pdr. 6. 6. 265 66.25 ."S (12-pdr. 5. 5. 470 81.60 i Canisters < 24-pdr. 6.25 6.25 470 127.49 5^ i32-pdr. 6.75 6.75 500 158.20 ^ 1 l.jSmall charge J ^t?dr: 5. 5. 5. 5. 125 225 21.70 39.06 ||JLargecharge|^^:P^,- 5. 5. 5. 5. 75 100 11.63 17.36 . , ., (Shells.... For mountain howitzer I Q^nister. . \- M 300 400 52.08 69.44 f 12-pdr.... 5. 1.75 500 30.38 For shells for siege 1 • "^ 18-pdr.... 24-pdr.... 5.5 6. 1.75 1.75 550 600 36.76 43.75 and garrison guns.. 32-pdr.... 6.5 1.75 650 51.34 42-pdr.. . . 7. 2.38 700 80.99 Canisters for 8-in. siege or sea-coast ^8.5 7.25 8.5 525 263.41 ' 8-in . sea-coast howitzer ) 4., ,, J and8-in. columbiad. . 5 fehells. <; jQj^^ sea-coast howitzer. 2.38 725 86.87 8.25 2.38 825 112.49; 10-in. columbiad 9. 2.38 900 133.87 ARTILLERY PART TWELFTH. EQUIPMENT OF GUN CARRIAGES AND WAGONS FOR THE SfrRVICE OF FIELD AND SIEGE BATTERIES 1849. PART TWELFTH. X,^^> 9<^ EaUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT OF AMMUNITION CHESTS FOR FIELD GUNS AND HOWITZERS. The principal divisions of a chest are designated as the right halfdjid. the left half, to a person facing the front of the chest. The smaller divisions in each half, perpendicular to the sides, are designated as first, second, third, &c., from the principal par- tition, each way ; the divisions parallel to the sides are designated as i\iQ front, middle, and rear divisions. Ammunition chest for the ^-pounder gun. — Plate I. Eight partitions, (poplar,) four in each half, perpendicular to the sides of the chest. The partitions are supported by two strips of wood at each end, forming a groove in which the parti- tion slides ; each strip is fastened to the side of the chest with four copper nails. In the first division of the right half are two bolsters, for spheri- cal case shot ; one fastened to the principal partition by 3 screws; the other fastened to the first moveable partition by 3 screws. One tray, for holding equipments, rests on the partitions in the left half of the chest. The tray has two sides, two ends and one bottom, (poplar or white pine.) The sides and ends are 4 PART 12. EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. dovetailed together and fastened by 12 nails; the bottom is fastened to the ends and sides by 14 brass screws. Three finger holes are bored in the inside of the ends, to lift the tray by ; and a hole is bored through the middle of the bottom, to let the air escape when the tray is lifted out. Am.mu7iition chest for the \2-pounder gun. — Plate I. Six partitions^ three in each half, perpendicular to the sides of the chest, supported as in the 6-pounder chest. Four bolsters, for spherical case shot ; one of them fastened to the principal partition with 3 screws, two fastened to the first par- tition in the right half with 3 screws, and one to the left side of the second partition, right half, with 3 screws. The second and third partitions in the right half are made higher than the others, to suit the height of the canisters fixed. Ammunition chest for the \2-pounder howitzer. — Plate II. Six partitions, three in each half, supported like those of the 6-pounder chest. Twenty-one bolsters, for the lower tier of shells and spherical case shot. They are cupped out to receive the balls, and have holes bored through the bottom, for the fuzes to lie in. They are placed in the bottom of the chest, three in each division, except the first one in the right half; they are fastened to the bottom, each by 4 sprigs. Twenty-eight props, for the upper tier of shells and spherical case. Four of the props are placed in each division, except the first one in the right half. Two of them are fastened to each end of the chest, two to the left side of the principal partition, and two to the right side of the first partition in the right half, each by 6 copper nails. AMMUNITION CHESTS. fir The rest of the props are fastened in pairs to the moveable par- titions, each by 6 copper nails. Six props for canisters, (oak,) in the first division of the right half; three fastened to the principal partition, three to the move- able partition, each with 3 screws. Ammunition chest for the 2i-pounder howitzer. — Plate II. Eight linings^ two in each of the front and rear divisions, fastened to the ends of the chest and to the principal partition, each by 6 copper nails. Four long partitions^ two in each half, parallel to the sides of the chest ; they are supported by the end linings and by two up- right strips, fastened to the ends and principal partition, each by 4 copper nails. Two short partitions for canisters, in the rear division of the right half; each of them is supported by 4 strips, fastened to the back of the chest and to the long partition, each by 3 copper nails. Seven short partitions, for shells and spherical case shot : two in each of the front divisions ; two in the rear division of the left half, and one in the middle division of the right half. These par- titions sMde into grooves made each by two upright strips, which are fastened to the sides and to the long partitions, each by 4 cop- per nails ; each partition is formed of two pieces which slip into the grooves, one over the other. Thirty-three bolsters for shells and spherical case. Seven of them are fastened, at the bottom of the chest, to the end linings of the two front divisions, and the left rear division, and to the principal partition in the right middle division, each by 2 screws. Twenty-four of the bolsters are fastened in pairs on each side of the short partitions of the two front divisions and the left rear divisions ; twelve to the lower half and twelve to the upper half of the partitions ; each pair fastened by 3 screws which pass through 6 PART 12. EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. the bolsters and the partition. Two bolsters are fastened to the left side of the middle partition in the right half, one to the lower and one to the upper part of the partition, each by 2 screws. Ammunition chest for the 32-pou?ider howitzer. — Plate II. Six long partitions y three in each half; one parallel to the ends, and two parallel to the sides of the chest ; each partition is supported by 4 strips fastened to the sides and ends of the chest, or to the other partitions, each by 5 copper nails. Four short partitions, one in the front and rear division of each half, made in two pieces and fastened in the same manner as those of the 24-pounder howitzer chest. Twenty-one bolsters for shells and spherical case. Seven of them are fastened, at the bottom of the chest, to the ends and cross partitions, each by 2 screws. Twelve bolsters are fastened in pairs, as in the 24-pounder howitzer chest, to the short parti- tions in the left half, and in the rear division of the right half. Two bolsters are fastened, in like manner, on the right side of the short partition in the right front division. AMMUNITION CHESTS. AMMUNITION CARRIED IN EACH CHEST. KIND. NO. PLACE. FOR 6-POUNDER GDN. Shot, fixed 35 5 10 2 2 5 3 60 40 20 6 4 In the left half, and in 4th and 5th divi- Spherical case, fixed sions of right half. In 1st division, right half. In 2nd and 3d divisions, right half. On the spherical case. / In the fuze pouch, or in bundles in the ^ tray. Spare cartridges, 1^ lb C 2 sec Fuzes... < 3 sec ( 4 sec Percussion primers Friction primers / In the tube pouch, or in bundles in the Priming tubes. i iray. Slow match, yards Portfires > On the ammunition in right half. FOR 12-POUNDER GUN. Shot, fixed 20 8 4 2 2 8 3 3 40 25 20 6 4 In left half, & in 4th division of right half. In 1st and 2nd divisions, right half. In 3d division, right half. On the spherical case. Spherical case, fixed Canisters, fixed Spare cartridges, 2| lbs r 2 sec ■nt 13 sec In fuze pouch, or in bundles in the j tray. ^"^""••- J4sec :;::. ' 5 sec. Percussion primers. • < Friction primers f In tube pouch, or in bundles in the Priming tubes ( tray. Slow match, yards < Port fires i On the ammunition in right half. FOR 13-POUNDER HOWITZER. Shells, fixed 15 20 4 17 35 18 50 30 20 6 4 In 3d, 4th, and 5th divisions, right half. In left half. In 1st division, right half. / In the fuze pouch, or in bundles, on the ( canisters, &c. Spherical case, fixed Canisters, fixed \ 2 sec Fuzes... < 3 sec / 4 sec Percussion primers ) Friction primers., , f In tube pouch, or in bundles, on the Priming tubes I canisters, &c. Slow match, yards < Portfires > On the canisters. PART 12. — EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. Ammunition in each chest — Continued. FOR 24-POUNDER HOWITZER. Shells, strapped Spherical case, strapped. Canisters Cartridges. Fuze Small charge. Large charge. Percussion primers. Friction primers. . . . Priming tubes Slow match, yards . Port fires 12 8 3 23 6 20 7 7 30 20 10 6 4 In left half. In front and middle divisions of right half. In rear divisions of right half. 12 in middle division , left half; 9 in middle division, right half; 2 on canisters. On canisters. As for 12-pounder howitzer. FOR 32-POIINDER HOWITZER. Shells, strapped Spherical case, strapped. Canister. Cartridges. I ^--^t:^-; Fuzes ■I 2 sec. sec. sec. sec. Percussion primers. Friction primers.... Priming tubes Slow match, yards. Port fires 15 1 4 14 5 5 20 15 10 6 A Front and rear divisions of left half. Rear divisions, and right front division of right half. Left front division, right hedf. 1st division in each half. In fuze pouch, or in the middle divi- sions. In tube pouch, or in the middle divi- sions. > middle divisions. GUN CARRIAGE AND CAISSON. Implements and equipments for field carriages. KIND. NO. PLACE. FOR A GUN OR HOWITZER CARRIAGE. Sponges and rammers 2 2 j On the gun carriage. Spon°"e bucket ..•■•... Prolono'e Linstock ..••>•.... On the gun. On the limber. Lock Tar bucket Watering bucket, (leather).. Gunner's havresacks Tube pouch Vent punch ..*......••<... . In the implement trays, or in other va- Gunner's pincers cant spaces in the ammunition chest. Tow hook 1 Thumb stalls ) > In the tube pouch. In the fuze pouch Strapped on the ammunition chest. Lanyard for friction primers. Gunner's gimlet Fuze plug reamer Tarpaulin, large FOR A CAISSON. Felling axe Shovel, long handle Pick axe In the places provided for them on the caisson body. Spare handspike Spare pole. Spare wheel Tow hooks Tar bucket caisson chest. \ On the limber. Strapped on the limber chest. Watering bucket, (leather).. Tarpaulin, large. Two pairs of straps for the tarpaulins are fastened with screws to the edges of the lid of the limber chest. The straps are 1.25 inch wide ; the front straps, 24 inches long ; the rear, 10 inches long, with buckles. 2 01 PART 12. — EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. Screws and nails for interior of ammunition chests. DESIGNATION. 6-POUNDER GUK. « ""-■"- 1 framesaw 1 quart can of sperm oil. . . . SADLER'S TOOLS AND STORES. 1 mallet. 1 clam. . Fastened to the inside of chestcover BoxC, 1, Box C, 2. Box C, 3. t^ PART 12. — EQUIPMENTS OF FIELD BATTERIES. Limber chest for battery wagon, C — Continued. TOOLS AND STORES. FLACE. SADLER'S TOOLS AND STORES. — (Cont'd.) 1 hammer 1 shoe knife 1 half round knife 1 pair shears , 1 sand stone .... 1 rule, (2 feet) 100 needles 12 awls and handles 2 punches 1 pair pincers 1 pair plyers 1 claw tool 1 creaser 4 thimbles 1 strap awl 2 lbs. bees' wax 3 lbs. black wax 8 oz. bristles 5 lbs. shoe thread 2 lbs patent thread 3 doz. buckles, (assorted, .75 in. to 1.5 in.) 3000 tacks , 1 gunner's callipers 2 shoe knives 2 pairs scissors 1 tar bucket . Box C, 4. On its hook. Interior arrangement of wagon body, C. — Plate V. A TILL is placed at the back or right side of the wagon body, as described in Part 2, page 55. An axe rack extends along the whole length of the body, on the left side, 11 inches from the bottom; it is 2 in. deep and 1.5 in. wide, and is fastened to the side by the middle rivets of the side studs, and by 5 wood screws. The rack has notches, to hold three axes, a hatchet, and three hand bills. Four boxes, for stores, marked: C, Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8. One box, marked: C, Candles. BATTERY WAGON FOR FIELD BATTERY. Exterior dimensions of boxes far wagon body, C. 19 1 DESIGNATION. Length. Width Depth. REMARKS. In. In. In. C,Nos.5&6 23. 18.5 11.25 Withoutcovers..)j^^j^^f j^^^^ wood, C, No.7.... 23.5 20.25 14. With loose cover, i -75 in. thick. C, No. 8.... Candle box.. 13. 11. 13. 6.5 5. 5.5 Divided into four ^ Made of white pine, with equal parts. > covers, hinges, and hasps; ) stuff .625 in. thick. Seven tin cans', two marked: C, Neats' foot oil; one marked- C, Linseed oil; one: C, Turpentine; two: C, Olive paint ; one : C, Black paint. Dimensions of cans. KIND. Capacity. Diam. Height REMARKS. For neats' foot oil " linseed oil & turpentine " olive paint. . . • • 2 gals. Igal. 25 lbs. 5 lbs. In. 8. 6. 9.75 7. In. 11.5 10. 10.25 8.5 f Rounded tops and necks I for corks. ^ Flat tops; opening cov- \ ered with a piece of tin, *' black paint Tbo kegs, for grease; exterior dimensions: Diam. at the bilge - - 10.5 inches. Diam. at the heads - - 9.75 ** Height . - - . 12.5 '' W PART 12. EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. Contents of the wagon body, C. Box C, No. 5 is placed on the bottom of the wagon, next to the pile of harness which occupies the rear part of the body. Box No. 6 is on top of No. 5 ; No. 7 on the bottom of the wagon, in front of No. 5; No. 8 on top of No. 7. The candle box in No. 6. TOOLS AND STORES. 1 gallon linseed oil 1 gallon spirits turpentine. 50 lbs. olive paint 5 lbs. black paint In 1 tin can "j "2 do: BoxC,5. 1 do. J 12 paint brushes 5 lbs. sperm or wax candles. . 4 rammer heads , 4 sponge heads 12 sponges , 3 priming wires 3 gunner's gimlets , 6 cannon spikes , 3 dark lanterns , 4 common lanterns , In candle box 4 gallons neats' foot oil. 50 lbs. grease 20 lbs. nails, (4d,6d,8d,10d). 2 felling axes . . 1 claw hatchet. 2 hand bills 1 caisson stock. 3 rammers and sponges. 40 spokes 24 fellies 1 grindstone, 14 in. X 4in, 1 arbor and crank for do . . . 3 screw jacks. Box C, 6. In 2 tin cans . ) tj„^ n 1 "2kegs....P°^^' ^• Box C, 8. > In the axe rack. Under the till, against the side and rear of the wagon. On the caisson stock, against rear end. On the bottom ; piled lengthwise against the front end. On the spokes, crosswise. ) On the fellies, against the left side of the \ wagon. On the fellies, against the front and the till. Battery wagon for field battery. Contents of the wagon body, C — Continued. 21 TOOLS AND STORES. PLACE. ^ in IpaHinP" frar.fiss ............... fi collars • In a pile occupying 30 inches at the rear end of the wagon, between the left side • and the caisson stock, and up to the top of the till; the collars piled on each other, from the bottom. 1 fi p-irf ha 1 f! \A/hins ...................... fi bridles .. fi halters J \ On the harness. On box No. 7, to the left of No. 8. 6 pieces sash cord 50 vards slow match. On the pile of harness. Under the till, in front of the pile of har- \ ness, and against the caisson stock. On box No. 7, in front of No. 8. 1 pole yoke • 1 side harness leather. 1 prolonge. 4 scythes In the till, against the front end. In the curve of the scythes. In the till ; the bits against the rear end. Between the spade handles. On the scythes. On the corn sacks, against front end. Fagtened to the ridge pole with a wooden clamp and a leather strap. Fastened to the ridge pole with two leather straps and buckles. In the spare stock stirrup. Tied to the forage rack. In the forage rack. 4 scythe stones 2 pick axes and 2 handles 24 corn sacks 2 tarpaulins, 5 feet square 4 reaping hooks 4 scythe sneaths 1 spare stock for battery wagon . 1 watering bucket Forage 22 PART 12. — EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. EQUIPMENT OF A FORGE FOR THE FIELD PARK. Interior arrangement of the limber chest. — Plate IV. The chest is marked : Forge B. Four boxes for tools and stores ; one shoeing box ; one tin can for oil. The boxes are marked B, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. They are made like those for the Forge A. Exterior dimensions of boxes for limber chest of Forge B. DESIGNATION. Length. Width. Depth. REMARKS. In. In. In. B, No. 1 17.8 13.25 7.5 B, No. 2 26.5 17.8 7.5 B, No. 3 23.5 8. 6.5 Partition^ for oil can, 5.25 in. from B, No. 4 39.8 9.8 6.5 one end. Shoeing box, B. See PART 10; Plate VII. The oil can is like that for Forge A ; it is marked : B, sperm OIL. Boxes Nos. 1 and 2 occupy the bottom of the limber chest ; No. 1 against the left end. No. 3 is placed on top of Nos. 1 and 2, against the left end and the back of the chest. No. 4, on top of Nos. 1 and 2, against the front of the chest. The shoeing box, on No. 2, against the right end and the back of the chest. FORGE FOR FIELD PARK. Contents of limber chest of Forge B. 23 TOOLS AND STORES. 4 nuts and washers, No. 5 6 nuts and washers, No. 4 10 nuts and washers. No. 3 45 nuts and washers. No. 2 2 lbs. nails, Nos. 1 and 2, C 20 tire bolts 1 lb. rivets, for ammunition chests. . . . 20 washers for bolt heads, Nos. 3 and 4. 5 keys for ammunition chests 1 pole prop socket and ferrule * 8 linch washers 4 shoulder washers 12 linch pins 2 feet of chain. No. 2 1 pintle hook 1 cap square 2 tire bands, (clips) developed •BoxB, 1. 2 heading tools, for bolts 1 heading tool, for nails , 2 tire punches ^ 1 round punch S with handles. 1 square punch > 1 square hand punch 1 round hand punch 1 centre punch 1 key punch 1 set hammer, flat , 1 set hammer, half round. .... 3 chisels, for hot iron ) .^, , ,, 2 chisels, for cold iron ^ ^'^^ ^^ridXeB. 2 hand cold chisels. . . , 3 smith's tongs , 1 nail claw tire circle bevel vice hardie fuller hand axe Box B, 2. 1 groce screws, 1 inch, No. 14. . . . 1 small hand vice 1 hand screw driver , 6 taps... K •, , 5 3 J , . 6 pair dies 5 i' «' 5. s, i, and Im. 12 gimlets, assorted 3 small punches Box B, 3. M PART 12. EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. Contents of limber chest of Forge B — Continued. TOOLS AND STORES. 1 pair spring compasses 12 files, assorted, with handles. 1 iron wire gauge 1 scribing awl 1 pair callipers 1 bevel 1 trying square 1 scriber 1 buttress 1 quart can of sperm oil Box B, 3. 4 nave bands, developed . 1 hand hammer 1 riveting hammer 1 nailing hammer, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 sledge fore punch creaser screw wrench smith's shovel smith's poker split broom 1 tap wrench, with 4 holes 1 die stock 1 tracing point 2 augers, I in. and 1 in., (with handles) 1 framing chisel 1 felling axe > In Box B, 4. shoeing hammer, shoeing pincers. . shoeing rasps. .. pritchel nail punch toe knife clinching iron. .. hoof knife leather aprons. . . oil stone . In shoeing box. 1 iron square. 1 tar bucket. . Fastened to inside of chest cover. On its hook. FORGE AND BATTERY WAGON FOR FIELD PARK. 25 Contents of forge body, B. Boxes B, Nos. 5 and 6 of the same size as A, No. 1, are carried in the iron room. To put these boxes in place, loosen the thumb nuts and raise the rear of the bellows one inch. TOOLS AKD STORES. 1 water bucket 1 watering bucket, (leather) . 1 anvil 1 vice 100 lbs. square iron, (§ to 1 inch) 501bs.flatiron,(l|XI,lX^,l|XT% l|X|in.) 50 lbs. I round iron 10 lbs. cast steel , 5 lbs. English blistered steel 200 lbs. horse shoes, Nos. 2 and 3 20 lbs. horse shoe nails, Nos. 2 and 3. . On its hook. On the vice. On the fire place. On the stock of the forge wagon. In the iron room. Bars not more than 3 feet long. Square iron in 2 bundles. 250 lbs. bituminous coal. 1 coal shovel ) BoxesB5&B6; S half in each. t In the coal box. EQUIPMENT OF A BATTERY WAGON FOR THE FIELD PARK. Interior arrangement of limber chest. — Plate IV. The chest is marked: Battery wagon, D. Two cleats of oak are fastened to the ends of the chest, each with /owr screws, 1.5 in. No. 14. The cleats are .75 inch thick, and 1.75 inch wide ; their upper edges are 7.5 inches from the bottom of the chest. Two boxes, marked D, Nos. 1 and '2, occupy the upper part of the chest, resting on the cleats ; No. 1 against the back of the chest. They are made of white pine, .75 in, thick, with leather handles and loose covers, .5 in. thick. 4 26 PART 12. EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. Each of the bo:ses is 39.8 in. long outside, and 6.25 in. deep. No. 1 is 8 inches wide; it has two partitions 5.25 inches from one end, and 1.5 from the other, in the clear. No. 2 is 9.8 inches wide, with two partitions, 14 inches from one end, and 11.8 inches from the other end. One oil can, like that for the limber chest of Forge A, marked: D, SPERM OIL. Five wooden clamps , for saws, are fastened to the interior of the chest cover, with twelve screws. Two brass clamps, for webs or blades of frame saw, fastened to the interior of the cover, each with six nails. Contents of limber chest for Battery Wagon, D. TOOLS AND STORES. CARRIAGE maker's TOOLS. 1 set bench planes, (4) 2 wood clamps 2 oil stones 1 broad axe 1 hand axe 1 felling axe 1 hand hammer 1 claw hatchet 1 adze 1 table vice 1 holdfast... 4 framing chisels 4 firmer chisels 4 gouges 1 frame saw , 2 screw wrenches 6 augers and handles 2 claw hammers 1 saddler's mallet 1 saddler's claw 1 brace and 24 bits 1 pair pincers, small 1 pair callipers 2 spoke shaves 2 gauges 6 plane irons 1 saw set Packed with tow in the bottom of the chest. Box D, 1. BATTERY WAGON FOR FIELD PARK. 27 Contents of limber chest fm- Battery Wagon, D — Continued. TOOLS AND STORES. 1 trying square , 1 bevel 1 rule, (2 feet) 1 dozen gimlets 1 pair compasses 1 chalk line 2 brad awls 1 scriber 1 dozen taper files, (4| inches) . 6 wood files 2 wood rasps 1 compass saw 1 groce harness buckles 10,000 tacks 1 quart can sperm oil Box D, 1. 2 hand saws , 2 tenon saws , 2 webs or blades for frame saw. saddler's tools and stores. Fastened to interior of chest cover, with wooden clamps. Do. with brass clamps. 1 hammer 6 shoe knives , 1 half round knife.... 1 pair shears 3 sand stones 1 rule, (2-feet) 600 needles, assorted . . . 5 collar needles 36 awls 6 awl handles 6 punches, (assorted) . 3 pair pincers 6 pair plyers 3 claw tools 3 creasers 3 strap awls 1 gauge knife 1 pair compasses 6 thimbles 1 lb. bristles 3 lbs. bees wax 5 lbs. black wax 5 lbs. patent thread. . . ' Box D, 2. 1 tar bucket I On its hook. 28: PART 12. EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. Interim- arrangement of wagon body, D. — ^Plate VI. A till, on the right side of the wagon, as described in Part '2, page 55. An axe rack, on the left side of the wagon body, as in Battery- wagon C. Eight boxes, for tools and stores, marked: D, Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, respectively. One shoeing box, marked D. Exterior dimensions of boxes fw Battery Wagon, D. DESIGNATION. Length. Width. Depth. remarks. In. In. In. D, Nos. 3 & 5. 23.5 20.25 14. " D, No. 4 D, No. 6 D, No. 7 27.5 19.5 31.5 23.5 19.5 19.5 14. 10.5 8. Made of hard wood .75 in. thick, with hinged covers, fastened with hooks. D, No. 8 D, No. 9 D, No. 10.... 12.5 13. 14.5 8.5 13. 6. 7.5 5. 5.5 Made of white pine .625 inch thick; covers with hinges and hooks. No. 9 divided into 4 equal parts. See Part 10, Plate VII. Eight tin cans : Two of the capacity of two gallons, for neats' FOOT OIL and linseed oil; three of one gallon, for the same oils, and for turpentine ; two, for twenty-Jive pounds each of olive paint; and one, ior Jive pounds of black paint. They are made like those of the same capacity for Battery wagon C. Two kegs, for grease; like those in Battery wagon C. The clamps and other fixtures on the interior of the wagon cover, are mentioned in the list of contents. BATTERY WAGON FOR FIELD PARK. Contents of wagon body, D. — Plate VI. TOOLS AND STORES. 1 gun carriage stock, (ironed).. 2 caisson stocks, (not ironed).. 2 splinter bars 28 tire bolts, nuts, and washers. 2 axletrees 4 half tires 200 lbs. bar iron 50 lbs. steel 3 pole yokes 10 wheel traces 10 leading traces 20 trace chains, staples, & rivets 6 collars 16 girths 16 whips 25 hames straps 6 bridles 6 halters 12 halter chains 3 sides harness leather 2 sides bridle leather 30 lbs. rope, 21 in 12 nose bags 5 yards slow match 3 screw jacks 2 elevating screws 2 drag ropes 1 grindstone and arbor ( On the bottom of the wagon, against the < right side, resting on two blocks to clear ( the rammer stop; the lunette to the rear. Against the left side and rear of the wagon ; one on the other, the lunette ends in front. On the bottom, lying on each other against the caisson stocks and the rear of the wagon. On the bottom, against the front & right side On the bottom, against the gun carriage stock and the front end. Between the axletrees and the splinter bars. C In 5 bundles, not more than 3 feet long ; < on the half tires, against the front of the ( wagon. On the bar iron, towards the front. Piled on the bottom of the wagon, against the gun carriage stock and the till, and on the caisson stocks and splinter bars; occupying about 31 inches in length of the rear part of the wagon. C Trimmed and rolled up tight; on the axle- < trees and tires, in front of the pile of ( harness. Between the front ends of the caisson stocks and the bar iron. > On the pile of harness. > On the slow match. Coiled on the screw jacks. On the drag ropes. 30 PART 12. — EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. Contents of wagon body, D. — Continued. TOOLS AND STORES. For 1.5 in. rockets. 3 felling axes 3 hand bills , 3 gallons neats' foot oil 50 lbs. grease 1 gallon spirits turpentine.. . LABORATORY TOOLS. 1 copper adze, with handle 4 wooden bowls 2 bench brushes 1 pair callipers 1 dredging box 1 rocket mould . . 1 set of formers. . 1 set of drifts .... 1 set of formers for cylinders and caps, each calibre. . 4 copper funnels 1 set shot and shell gauges 3 gimlets 1 copper hammer 1 paste kettle 1 lead ladle 1 set stencils, for letters & fig's 4 mallets 1 set powder measures, 4 oz., 8oz., lib., and 2 lbs 1 brass mortar & pestle, small. 1 set moulds for musket and rifle balls, and buck shot. . . 2 wooden muUers 50 needles 3 paste brushes 3 copper pans, 10 or 12 in. 1 rule, (2 feet,) not folded. 2 sand stones 1 spring balance, 30 lbs . . . 1 dozen scissors 1 copper scoop, large 3 do. small 1 hair sieve 2 hand screw drivers, large 1 spatula 6 thimbles 1 gunner's callipers In the axe rack. In 2 cans " 2 kegs " 1 can In box D, 3 ; placed on the caisson stocks & the rolls of leather, against the front of the pile of harnesa. In box D, 4; placed on the caisson stocks and rolls of leather, next to No. 3. BATTERY WAGON FOR FIELD PARK. Contents of wagon body, D. — Continued. 31 TOOLS AND STORES. 6 priming wires 6 gunner's gimlets 3 gunner's pincers 1 tinner's furnace 3 gallons linseed oil 50 lbs. olive paint 5 lbs. black paint 2 tarpaulins, 5 feet square 2 do. do 10 lbs. marline 6 sheep skins armorer's tools. 3 wire awls 1 band set 1 drill brace 1 hand brace 6 centre bits 2 hand brushes 1 bench brush 1 pair callipers 1 centre punch 6 cold chisels 6 stocker's chisels 6 stocker's gouges 1 pair compasses 2 spring clamps 2 wood clamps 1 drill stock 6 drills, assorted 1 die stock 1 set dies 72 files, assorted 12 file handles 1 glue pot 3 spring hooks 3 bench hammers 1 drawing knife 3 pairs nippers 3 pairs plyers 12 reamers, assorted 1 pair spring compasses. . J riffler Box D, 4 — Continued. In 2 cans ^ In box D, 5; placed on the pole " 2 cans > yokes and rope, between No. 4 *' 1 can ) and the front of the wagon. On the gun carriage stock. Between the till and boxes Nos. 3, 4, and 5. On box No. 3. On boxes Nos. 4 and 5. ^ Box D, 6; placed on top of No. 5, against the front of the wagon. 32 PART 12. EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES, Contents of wagon body^ D. — Continued. TOOLS AND STORES. armorer's tools — (Cont'd.) 1 bench stake 1 hack saw frame 6 hack saw blades 4 armorer's punches 6 screw drivers, brace 1 rule, 2 feet 2 armorer's tongs 1 set screw taps. 1 breeching vice 3 hand vices 1 bevel vice 1 breeching wrench 1 tap wrench 1 straight edge 1 bayonet mandril 2 soldering irons 1 screw wrench 2 oil cans, small 1 pair tinner's shears 1 brass scale, 1 foot 1 flint screw wrench 12 haversacks 8 tube pouches 8 thumb stalls 15 yards linen canvas 10 lbs. sperm or wax candles . 20 lbs. nails, 4d to lOd 1 set of shoeing tools 6 spades 3 pick axes, without handles 3 handles for do 24 pieces sash cord. 1 drill bow 1 barrel wiper and scraper. . . 2 lbs. quick match 10 lbs. shoe thread 3 dark lanterns 4 common lanterns. ...,,,.. Box D. 6 — Continued. !Box D, 7 ; placed on top of No. 4, and against No. 6. In box D, 8, on top of No. 3. Box D, 9, on No. 3 and on the till. In shoeing box, on No. 3. In the till, on each other; the bits against the back of the wagon. In the till, between the spade handles. In the till, lying on the bottom. Box D, 10; in the left side of the till, in front of the spade handles. In the till, in front of box No. 10. ) In the left side of the till, between the shoe \ thread and the front end. BATTERY WAGON FOR FIELD PARK. Contents of wagon body, D — Continued. 33 TOOLS AND STORES. 6 rammer heads 12 sponges 12 paint brushes 6 rammer staves 6 reaping hooks 1 cross cut saw. . . . ) without 1 pit saw \ handles < 4 handles for do PLACE. In the till; between the lanterns and the side of the wagon. On box No. 10, and by the side of it. In the wagon cover ; 3 on each side of the ridge pole, secured with 2 wooden but- tons, which are fastened to the ridge pole, each with 1 screw. Fastened to the ridge pole with a wooden clamp and a leather strap passing through a staple in the ridge pole. In the wagon cover, laid on each other, and fastened by 2 wooden clamps ; the teeth of the cross cut saw against the right cover rail ; the handle end of the pit saw against the rear board of the cover. On the spade handles. > '■'y. ft A^ I >. ^ "^W"^^ 1^^^ 54 PART 12. EQUIPMENT OF FIELD BATTERIES. Bill of boards for packing boxes ^ for Forges. DESIGNATION. FOR FORGE A. T» . , ( Bottom and top i5ox A, 1 . ^ Sides and ends . 2 ^ Bottom and top ' * I Sides, ends, and partition . « ( Bottom and top ' ( Sides and ends . . ( Bottom and top ' ' I Sides, ends, and partition . c ^ Bottom and top ^' ^' J Sides and ends 4 g ( Bottom and top ' ( Sides and ends FOR FORGE B. T>^- D 1 ^ Bottom and top Box B. 1. J Sides and ends. g o ^ Bottom and top ' ' ( Sides and ends g o ^ Bottom and top ' * ( Sides, ends, and partition « . ( Bottom and top * • ( Sides and ends ■n r ( Bottom and top * ( Sides and ends g g ( Bottom and top » ) Sides and ends ROUGH DIMENSIONS. In. 38 72 38 84 38 72 50 84 84 108 38 72 38 72 56 96 53 72 84 108 38 72 38 72 ^ In. 14.25 7.5 14.25 7.5 14.25 7.5 8.75 6.5 10.5 6.5 14.25 7.5 14.25 7.5 19. 7.5 8.5 6.5 10.5 6.5 14.25 7.5 14.25 7.5 Sup. ft. 3.76 3.75 3.76 4.37 3.76 3.75 3.04 3.79 6.12 4.87 3.76 3.75 W. pine. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 48.48 3.76 3.75 7.39 5. 3.13 3.25 6.12 4.87 3.76 3.75 3.76 3.75 52.29 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. BOARDS FOR PACKING BOXES. 35 Bill of boards for packing boxes, for battery wagon, C. DESIGNATION. FOR BATTERY WAGON C. n^^ r> 1 ^ Bottom and top. Box O, 1. {sides and ends., Q n ( Bottom and top ' *) Sides and ends Q g ^ Bottom and top ' ' ( Sides, ends, and partition Q ^ ^ Bottom and top ' ' Sides, ends, and partition Q r ^Bottom ' ■ / Sides and ends. Q g < Bottom ' * I Sides and ends. n 1 ^ Bottom and top, ' ( Sides and ends. . < Bottom and tor C, 8. la top \ Sides, ends, and partitions ^ C Bottom and top C, CANDLES J Sides and ends. ROUGH DIMEN- SIONS. In. 56 .96 84 120 84 120 25 90 25 90 50 96 30 84 24 40 In. 14.25 7.5 19. 7.5 10.5 6.25 8.5 6.25 19.5 12.5 19.5 12. 21.5 14.25 14. 5. 7. 5.5 Sup. ft. 3.76 3.75 7.39 5. 6.12 5.21 4.96 5.21 3.39 7.5 3.39 7.5 7.46 9.5 2.92 2.92 1.16 1.53 88.67 White pine. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Hard wood. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. White pine. Do. Do. Do. 36 PART 12. — EQUIPMENT OP FIELD BATTERIES. Bill of boards for packing boxes, for battery wagon, D. DESIGKATION. FOR BATTERY WAGON D. Tirt-o- n 1 ^ Bottom and top BOX u, I. ^sides,ends,and] id partitions ROUGH DIMEK- SIONS. t\ n \ Bottom and top ' *( Sides, ends, and partitions r\ ^ \ Bottom and top. ' * (Sides and ends.. P i ( Bottom and top. ' * ) Sides and ends. . rx c ( Bottom and top. ' * ) Sides and ends.. T\ c \ Bottom and top. ' • ( Sides and ends . . jj - ( Bottom and top. ' * \ Sides and ends.. Pj g ( Bottom and top ' * ( Sides and ends , jy Q ( Bottom and top ' ' (Sides, ends, and partitions rw in 5 Bottom and top , ^' ^'^- ) Sides and ends , In. 84 120 84 128 50 96 112 50 96 44 44 70 112 30 48 30 84 32 45 In. 8.5 6.25 10.5 6.25 21.5 14.25 25. 14, 21.5 1. 14.25 1 21. 10.5 21. 8. 9. 7.5 14. 5. 6.5 6.5 Sup. ft 4.96 5.21 6.12 5.55 7.46 9.5 10.42 10.89 7.46 9.5 6.42 3.21 10.21 6.22 1.87 2.5 2.92 2.92 1.44 1.72 116.50 White pine. Do. Do. Do. Hard wood. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. White pine. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. ARTILLERY. PART THIRTEENTH. INSTRUMENTS VERIFYING THE DIMENSIONS ORDNANCE AND PROJECTILES. 1849 PART THIRTEENTH. INSPECTING INSTRUMENTS. Ring gauges for shot and shells. — Plate I. These gauges are made of steel, not hardened. They should be reamed with the greatest accuracy. The handles are of walnut, oak, or other smooth-grained wood. The ferrules of sheet brass, No. 13. The end of the shank is riveted in an iron burr. The exterior corners of the rings are slightly rounded. There is a large and a small gauge for each calibre ; their dimen- sions are alike, except the diameters, which are given in the table annexed to the drawing. Cylinder gauges, for shot and shells. — Plate I. These gauges are made of cast iron, turned on the exterior, and reamed out to the diameter of the large ring gauge of each calibre. The dimensions are shown in the plate. Ring gauges, for grape and canister shot. — Plate I. They are made of steel, the large and small rings being cut out of the same piece. The exterior edges are rounded, for con- venience in handling them. The tables in the drawing show the diameters of the rings for each kind and calibre. Shell Callipers. Callipers for measuring the thickness of shells at the bottom. Figs. A and B. — Plate I. For greater convenience these callipers are made of two sizes; one for shells and spherical case shot, of not more than 8 inches diameter ; the other, for 8 in, and 10 in. shells, for mortars and €olumbiads. 2 PART 13. INSPECTING INSTRUMENTS. The thickness of 12 in., 13 in., or any special shells, may be measured by inserting a graduated probe in the fuze hole. The callipers consist of a steel point which is screwed into a hollow iron stem, attached to a wooden handle, and an iron bow which turns on a pivot, and carries a steel slider. The point connected with the handle is inserted in the fuze hole and pressed against the bottom of the shell inside, whilst the slider is brought against the bottom on the outside. The varia- tions allowed in the thickness of metal are marked, for each kind and calibre of shell, on the socket of the slider. The head of the slider is screwed on and slightly riveted. If the inner point becomes worn, it can be adjusted by putting a washer under the shoulder, where it is screwed into the stem. The large callipers require separate points, for measuring mor- tar and columbiad shells ; collars of corresponding thicknesses are put on the slide, to prevent the points from interfering with each other when the instrument is not in use. Callipers for measuring the thickness of shells at the sides. The callipers represented in Fig. C, Plate I, are adapted to all shells not exceeding 10 inches diameter. The graduated limb is an iron tube ; it is inserted into a sta- tionary head, which contains also a socket for the curved branch which enters the shell, its shoulder resting on the opening of the fuze hole. This branch or measuring point is made of steel, hardened; it is different for each kind and calibre of shell, as shown in the table, at the foot of the figure. The graduated limb is prevented from turning in its socket by a screw on the upper side of the socket ; the hole in the limb for this screw is oblong, so as to allow the limb to slide a short dis- tance, by turning the screw in the end of the stationary head. The object of this motion is to adjust the limb, in case of the points becoming worn, &c., for which purpose a fixed mark of SHELL CALLIPERS. o adjustment for each calibre and kind of shell is made on the limb ; for the common shells, on the upper side, and for spherical case below, corresponding with the other graduations on the limb. These graduations show, not the thickness of each shell, but the variations allowed in the thickness. The sliding branch, which forms the exterior measuring point, is made of steel ; it slides on the limb, and can be easily turned to one side for the purpose of inserting the fixed point in the shell y the thumb screw in this branch is intended for holding it fast when the instrument is not in use. Fig. D, Plate I, represents another kind of shell callipers which may be advantageously used for inspecting large shells. The drawing shows the dimensions of the callipers for 8 in. and 10 in. mortar shells. The instrument is made of sheet iron, or steel. It has two bent branches which turn on a pivot in the centre, and to one of which a graduated limb is attached ; on this limb the socket of the other branch slides, and by its position in- dicates, in an obvious manner, whether the thickness of the shell is within the required limits. A sliding collar, fastened by a thumb screw, serves to adjust the length of the inner branch of the callipers ; so that, when the collar rests on the outer opening of the fuze hole, the point of this branch shall be at the proper depth in the shell. Gauges for fuze holes. These gauges are made of steel. There is one gauge for each kind of shell, but all have the same taper, viz., 0.15 inch to 1 inch. The stem, or straight part of the gauge, is graduated and marked to show the thickness of the shell at the fuze hole. The tapering part is marked for the interior and exterior diameters of the fuze holes, for the several sizes of shells. The edges of this part are slightly rounded, so that the corners of the plate shall not touch the sides of the fuze hole. 4 part 13. — inspecting instruments. Instruments for inspecting ordnance. Sia?' gauge. — Plate II. This is an instrument for measuring the diameter of the bore of a gun, at any part. The head is of cast brass, with four steel sockets for the mea- suring points. These sockets are fitted with great care ; two of them are soldered fast into the head; the other two are moveable. The moveable sockets and points are pushed out by means of two inclined cylinders of steel, which are fastened to a steel stem, forming a conical slider. This slider tapers 0.35 in. in a length of 2.2 in.; so that by pushing the slider the 35th part of this length (about .06 in.) the distance between the moveable points is increased .01 in. The slider is connected with a square steel rod, consisting of three parts which are screwed together, according to the length of bore to be measured. This rod slides through brass sockets soldered into a brass tube, which is also made in three pieces. The tube is graduated, in inches and quarters, commencing at the measuring points, so as to indicate the distance of the latter from the muzzle of the gun. The handle is of hard wood attached to a brass cylinder, or socket, through which the sliding rod passes. In the tube of the handle there is a slit, on the side of which a scale is marked, to indicate the movements of the measuring points. Each joint of the long tube has a mark, made on a small plate of silver, which shows the place of the zero on the scale, when the measuring points are adjusted to the true diameter of the bore. In this po- sition the handle is fixed on the sliding rod by means of a screw clamp; each joint of the rod is roughed with a file, on the two lower sides, to prevent it from slipping in the clamp. STAR GAUGE. — CYLINDER STAFF. A ring gauge, of iron, for each calibre, is used for adjusting the instrument for use. As these gauges give the minimum diameter allowed for the bore, the fixed measuring points should be adjusted so as just to fill the ring gauge, or not to have a play of more than .02 inch. A rest, in the form of a T, is placed in the mouth of the gun, to keep the instrument in the axis of the bore. This rest has three slides which can be adjusted to the different sizes of bore ; the upright branch is moveable, for convenience of packing. The star gauge, its points and rest, are packed in one box, and the ring gauges in another. Plate III. The cylinder staff. This is a round staff made of mahogany, or other hard wood. It is in two parts, which are joined together by brass sockets and screws; each part has also a brass socket and screw at the outer end, to receive the cylinder gauge, guide plate, measuring point and searcher. The staff is graduated, in inches and tenths, on a strip of brass let into it^ on one side. These graduations are ar- ranged to read the distances from the extremity of the measuring point, when it is screwed on the staff. The cylinder staff is supported, at the muzzle of the piece, by a half tompion of wood, having in the centre a groove of the size of the staff. The rest for the star gauge may be used also for this purpose. The cylinder gauge is a hollow cylinder of wrought or cast iron, turned to the exact minimum (or true) diameter of the bore^ as shown in the table of ring gauges, Plate II. The length of the cylinder is equal to its diameter. It has cross heads, at right angles to each other ; one with a smooth hole of the same diameter as the cylinder staff; the other tapped for the screw of the staff socket. 6 PART 13. — INSPECTING INSTRUMENTS. The guide plate is of wrought iron, turned to the true diameter of the bore, and having a hole in the centre which is tapped to fit the screw of the staff socket. It is screwed on the staff, to keep the measuring point in the axis of the bore. The measuring point is of steel, with a hole tapped to fit the screw of the cylinder staff, to which it is fixed, over the guide plate. The searcher consists of four pointed steel prongs, fastened to a brass socket which fits on the cyHnder staff. Trunnion gauge . The trunnion gauge is a ring gauge, made of steel. The inner circle has the true diameter of the trunnion ; the outer one, that of the rimbase. Trunnion square. The trunnion square is formed of a bar and two legs, of seasoned mahogany, framed together with tenons and mortises. On the feet of the legs are two iron plates, the lower edges of which project .1 in. from the face of the square, and are dressed exactly in the same line, for the purpose of verifying the alignment of the trunnions. The distance between the inner surfaces of these plates corresponds with the true distance between the shoulders of the trunnions. Two iron guide plates are fastened with screws to the legs, perpendicularly to the face of the square. The dis- tance of the lower edges of these plates from the bottom plate is equal to the semi-diameter of the trunnion, and their length, from the face of the square, is .2 in. greater than that semi-diameter. The length of the legs is equal to one-half the distance between them. The length of the feet is equal to that of the trunnion. In the middle of the upper bar of the square is a steel slider, fitted into a brass groove, and furnished with a thumb screw to TRUNNION GAUGES. / hold it fast when required. This slider serves to verify the posi- tion of the axis of the trunnions, with reference to the axis of the bore, supposing the bore to be concentric with the exterior sur- face of the metal. The Plate represents trunnion squares of two sizes ; one for guns of greater calibre than 24-pounder; the other, for smaller calibres. The dimensions not expressed in the drawing are readily supplied by means of the foregoing directions. For special use, at a foundry, trunnion squares may be made of cast iron, in one piece. Trunnion rule. This instrument is designed for measuring the distance from the rear of the trunnions to the rear of the base ring of guns and howitzers, or from the front of the trunnions to the face of the muzzle, in mortars. The measuring rod is a tube, (it may be made of a musket bar- rel,) graduated in inches and tenths. It is attached to an iron socket, having mortises through which two iron squares shde, at right angles to each other ; both these squares are fastened in any required position by the small set screw at the head of the socket. The large square is marked to be set in such a manner that when the upper branch rests on the top of the trunnion the head of the socket shall touch the rear line of the trunnion. The T square is graduated to be set so that when its head rests against the shoulder of the trunnion, and the side of the rod against the base ring of the piece, the rod shall be parallel to the axis of the bore. In this position the slider on the rod is brought up to the rear of the base ring and clamped with the thumb screw. This slider is furnished with a vernier for reading hundredths of an inch. 8 PART 13. — INSPECTING INSTRUMENTS. Standard scale . This scale is made of brass ; it is to serve as a standard for verifying the dimensions of other instruments and tools. For convenience in making measurements, it is furnished with two sliding heads made of brass, with steel points. One of these heads has a vernier for reading hundredths of an inch. They are steadied by small steel springs, and they are clamped, in any given position on the scale, by means of screws, with milled heads. Measuring rule. This rule is made of wood, intended for ordinary use in making the measurements required in inspections ; should be close-grained and well seasoned. Holly is a suitable kind of wood for this purpose. Callipers. The callipers are made of iron, with steel points. Three brass washers are inserted between the branches and plates in which the pivot IS riveted. The joint should be made stiff. Vent gauges. They are made of steel wire, fastened in wooden handles. The diameter of the small gauge is 0.195 in.; the large, 0.205 in. Vent searcher. This is a piece of steel wire, with a hook at the point, fastened into a wooden handle. It is used to detect cavities in the bore of the vent. I THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO R^UfiN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE QUEi -THfe PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5f^ qEl^TS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 30*1 JHE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. C^''^^^ APR 2 t944 6 1967 6 a ^^^e^:: APR 3 •JiJv^ fc^/VED J;lW2vg2 ■S-Att 2 ^ Wpt. ' A^^y- ,'\ • i^ iX ' o ^ n'seH LIBRARY USE ■^ ^ FEB 14 1960 REC.CIR. MflRl8'7 5 ♦ ' J U L 1 6 1988 AUTO OiSC.18125'88 SE^f^oNlLL JUL 8 1996 U.C.BERKELEY LD 21-100m-7,'40 (6936s) I L» D^OU J U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES I CDDt,Qbai7M UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY