THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES C .ASS F 1C A' ON OF LIBRARY ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. L. STANLEY JAST, Chief Librarian, Cray don Public Libraries ; Honorary Secretary, Library Association. LONDON : THE LIBRARY SUPPLY CO., 181 QUEEN VICTORIA ST. E.G., 19O7. In mcmoriam FRANKLIN T. BARRETT, Chief Librarian, Fulham Public Libraries, 1894-1905. THIS SLIGHT EXERCISE IN AN ART HE TAUGHT SO WELL. Z Preface. I O Mr. James Duff Brown, in whose " Subject Classifica- tion," the following tables appeared, I am indebted for permission to reprint them. An index has been added, and in their present form, I hope they may be found a useful and practical library tool. I believe that, just as the card catalogue, which was the invention of librarians, has revolutionised modern business method, so classification, which, in the sense in which librarians use the term, is equally their invention, is capable of wide application to problems of organization and business. It is possible, therefore, that this little book may be the precursor of similar monographs applying classification to special businesses or systems. But this is by the way. I shall be glad to receive any suggestions or statement of difficulties from the users of these tables, which may be sent to the care of the publishers. L. STANLEY JAST. 28th December, 1906. 644520 Introduction. The following scheme is an attempt to apply classification not only to the literature of Library Economy, but also to the various written records and papers bearing upon the administration of libraries, and processes of work. The scheme under Library Economy in the Expansive classifica- tion is stated to be applicable to administrative papers, as well as to the printed literature of the subject, but it is essentially for the latter purpose and only incidentally useful for the foimer ; it is also nothing like detailed enough to be of much service in administration. Mr. Madeley, librarian of the Warrington Public Library, in the Library Association Record, v. 6, pp. 367-387, presents a classification for office papers only. The present scheme differs from Mr. Madeley's in that while primarily a classification of office papers and library activities generally, it also covers the literature of Library Economy, and is far more detailed than any tables hitherto printed. The object of the scheme is to provide a number for every kind of document, letter, record, process or group of processes in a library, and to refer by a single reference to the place of storage of every kind of material. The arrangement and indexing of business papers is aimed at by all the various makers of different kinds of files now on the market, but even librarians, who have learned the value of the systematic arrange- ment of books, have, with few exceptions, not yet appreciated the fact that command over one's papers is not essentially a matter dependent upon any kind of filing system, but can only be obtained by means of a systematic and carefully designed subject-arrangement. The ensuing scheme will achieve its purpose with the most prehistoric filing system, but the easy consultation and manipulation of papers will be aided by a good method of filing. It may be laid down as a general principle that, for the most part, any system of filing which binds papers is not so good as one in which the papers are loose. The system which lends itself best to such a system of arrangement as that following is the Vertical system. Folders are marked with the number of the topic, and all loose papers are filed under their various numbers. Bound records, such as account books, stock books, etc., will, of course, be numbered on the back, and arranged on shelves. Space will not permit a full description of the applications of the system to the practical work of the library, but a few brief notes are appended on the more important of these. INTRODUCTION. Use of other Class Numbers. The note " subdivided like the main classification," as e.g., 4296 Special reports to Committee, refers to this present Library Economy classification. But for the further division of any of these numbers to indicate form or geographical divisions, and in some cases subject, as e.g., 19 Libraries on special subjects, the numbers of whatever classification is employed in the library may be used. In the case of the Subject classification these numbers are simply added to the Library Economy numbers, the fact that the Subject numbers begin with a letter serving to prevent any confusion between these numbers and possible subdivisions of the Library Economy classification. If, however, a pure number, such as the numbers of the Dewey Decimal system, is used, it should be put in brackets. Thus o being general works on Library Economy, o (02) will mark a manual of Library Economy, 02 being the Decimal form number for compends ; so also 61222 being publishers' catalogues limited to a subject, 61222(59) w ^ mark a catalogue of zoological works. It will probably be best to use Cutter alphabetical numbers for geographical divisions, running country, district, or town in one alphabetical sequence. Thus : 17 Municipal and free libraries T7Ci7 Cardiff 17661 Cleveland (U.S.) i7C8i Cork T7C88 Croydon Correspondence. Correspondence should be treated like other material and arranged by subject. In the case of a public library most corre- spondence is far more valuable under subject than if arranged alphabetically or by date. For example, a library is running a course of lectures, all its ^correspondence dealing with that course will go in 244, and be kept together ; all its quotations (other than books) will go in 514, its accepted quotations in 5145, and if wished, this material may be subdivided like the main classification, and all quotations for, let us say, shelving, 514381, will then arrange together ; so again quotations for second-hand books will go in 6236, and here will gradually collect a mass of valuable memoranda, which in an ordinary way would not be worth keeping, merely because it would be lost in a mass of other material. Another advantage of the subject arrangement of letters is that a great deal of ephemeral material can be automatically weeded out, or destroyed at once, as it will usually be found that either the whole of the material coming under one number is worth keeping or not worth keeping, that is, as a group. In the latter case, a manilla sheet, bearing its appropriate number, should be inserted in its proper place in the file, with an instruction not to keep, as e.g. 444 Staff. Examinations. Papers of candidates. These are not to be kept. A small library with comparatively little correspondence would not probably use the full scheme, but as familiarity with the scheme increases the tendency will probably be, even in this case, to divide pretty minutely, the advantages of close classification being very great. If an assistant is told off to do the classifying and filing, it will not be necessary for the INTRODUCTION. librarian to mark the class number on his letters ; he will probably find it easier to write the subject heading in pencil as a guide to the classifier. The classifier then adds the number in the upper left hand corner, and the date in the right hand corner, to show the order within the folder, thus : 579 Reports out. The date number analysed is 6 (for 1906) N (for November), 14 (for I4th). The main objection to classifying correspondence is the liability of placing a letter where it cannot be found when it is wanted, but this is a danger to some extent, of even an alphabetical arrangement. It may be entirely obviated by having an alphabetical index of correspondents and entering the numbers under which each letter is filed under their names. This should be on cards or slips, and will serve as an address register, as well as an index to the correspondence. There is practically no more trouble in keeping this record than in indexing an ordinary letter book. Of course, it is presumed that copies of all replies are taken on loose sheets and filed with the original letters. Jones, Edward, Public Library, Castleborough. 06,4912, ^^579, , -505, 0579, , N 579- SAMPLE ENTRY, INDEX TO CORRESPONDENCE. The figures and letters in italics are in red ink and indicate year and month. The dash indicates repetition of preceding reference. Receptacle Numbers. Some numbers are intended not to mark material but receptacles. Thus a folder marked 4243 will contain letters, memoranda and other material to be submitted to the chairman. This material, therefore, only temporarily rests in 4243, on its way to be permanently filed in various other numbers. Similar receptacle numbers are 551-555, etc. Forms and Supplies. Forms and supplies are conveniently marked by the class number followed by a special letter mark for the form. In many cases special numbers are allotted to supplies ; where there is no special number the supply will take the number of the subject or process concerned. Thus 646 being the process of plating, book plates or board labels will be marked 646. Some Examples of the Marking of Supplies. 5128 R Receipt for fine, d. 5128 Ri Receipt for fine, id. 5128 R2 Receipt for fine, 2d. 5128 Rd Receipt for damaged or lost book. 5311 L Letter paper, quarto size. 5311 Lc Letter paper, continuation sheet. 5311 Lm Letter paper, memorandum size. 53*5 53 Envelope, 5! by 3$. 5315 54 Envelope, 5j by 4^. INTRODUCTION. 6686 A Catalogue card, thin. 6686 Am Catalogue card, medium. 6686 B Catalogue card, blue. 6686 M Catalogue card, manilla, unruled. 6686 Mr Catalogue card, manilla, ruled. 6686 S Catalogue Card, salmon. 6687 F Guidecard, cut in fifths, blue. 6687 Fb Guide card, cut in fifths, buff. Bulky supplies may be labelled with a luggage label, and arranged 1 in flat boxes or drawers. Separating Current from Old Material. This is best done by inserting a manilla sheet in the folder and filing current or " to be dealt with " papers in front of it. Departments. When it is necessary to classify for a department separately, e.g., School libraries, use a letter to indicate department in front or behind the class numbers. Usually the letter will come most conveniently in front, e.g., Sch65 School libraries stock ; but in cases where a parallel classification is not wanted, the letter should succeed, e.g., 65 iR Reference stock book. Pointing the Numbers. As all the numbers are decimal, they need not be pointed, but to enable the sequence to be readily grasped it is suggested that in writing the numbers a point should be inserted after every third figure, thus, 585.532.32 Catalogues of drawing inks, is easier to read than 58553232. CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. Main Divisions. General. 01 Librarian. Personal. 1 Legislation. Founding. Classes of Libraries. 2 Extension Work. 3 Building. 4 Government and Service. 5 Executive. 6 Accession. Description. Conservation. 7 Departments. 8 Publications. 9 Other. CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY Main Subdivisions, 1 Legislation. Founding. Classes of libraries 11 Ideas of libraries. Argu- ments for and against 12 Legislation 13 State aid 14 Founding. Adoption of Library Acts. Securing funds, etc. 15 Ancient and mediaeval libraries 16 National and State libraries 17 Municipal and free libraries 18 Other general libraries TQ Libraries on special subjects 2 Extension Work 21 Library and education 22 Local societies, institutions, clubs 23 Local factories, offices, etc. 24 Lectures 25 Readings .26 Exhibitions 27 Work with children 28 Circulars 29 Other extension work Building Premises. Rented or bought Location. Sites Materials. Construction Plan Rooms ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 36 37 Lighting Heating. Ventilation 38 39 Fittings. Furniture Care of building 4 Government and Service 4 1 Council 42-3 44-5 4 6 Committee Staff Rules and regulations for readers 47 4 8 Relations with other Cor- poration committees 49 Relations with other Cor- poration departments .5 Executive 5i-2 53 Finance Stationery, supplies 54 55 Communication, correspon- dence. .56-8 Office 59 6 Accession. Description. Con- servation 6i Selection 62 Purchase 63 64 65 66 67 68 Donations Book processes Stock Cataloguing Classification The Shelf 689 69 Filing Binding 7 71 72 :73 74 75 Departments Lending library. Loan Reference library News and magazine rooms Library system. Branches Children's libraries and reading rooms 76 77 78 79 School libraries Other library departments Museum Art Gallery CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 8 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9 9i 92 93 94 9 ? 96 97 98 99 Publications Catalogues Author. Title Dictionary Classified. Subject lists Indicator keys. Shelf keys Rules. Handbooks Reports Library magazines Other publications Other Library Associations Library periodicals Societies and institutions Co-operative work ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. Complete Tables, FORM DIVISIONS (The following Form numbers, in brackets, may be added to any number in the tables, e.g., 67 (09) History of classification). 01 Utility 02 Compends. Outlines 03 Dictionaries. Cyclopaedias 04 Essays. Lectures. Addresses 05 Periodicals (General library periodicals are 92) Societies. Transactions (See also 22, 91 and 93) Study and teaching Collections History 06 07 08 09 o GENERAL 01 THE LIBRARIAN. PERSONAL 02 Librarian's position (Such matters as applica- tion for an increase of salary, another post, etc., go here, as well as testimonials, refer- ences in the press, etc.) Lectures. Speeches. Literary Work Societies. Work on com- mittees. Correspondence. Mail Public and social functions. Club Accounts Matters requiring attention Other LEGISLATION. FOUNDING. CLASSES OF LIBRARIES (Catalogues, handbooks, reports and other pub- lications of particular libraries are better in 8 than here) 11 Ideas of libraries. Argu- ments for and against 12 Legislation 1205 Limitation of rate 03 04 05 06 09 I CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 1207 Combination of library authorities 13 State aid 14 Founding. Adoption of Li- brary Acts. Securing funds, bequests, etc. 1 5 Ancient and mediaeval libraries 16 National and State libraries 17 Municipal and free libraries 18 Other general libraries 181 Subscription. Commercial 182 Societies, institutions, clubs 184 Education (School libraries as a part of the library organiza- tion are 76) 1841 University and college 1842 Secondary schools (not technical, which are 1844) 1843 Elementary schools 1844 Technical 1848 Sunday school 187 Parish. Village 188 For special classes 19 Libraries on special subjects (Divided by subject) 2 EXTENSION WORK 21 Library and education (School libraries are 184 and 76. This covers the general question) 211 Relations with elemen- tary education 213 Relations with secondary education 214 Technical education 216 University extension 217 National Home Reading Union 219 Conferences (Between the library authority and educa- tional organisations) 22 Local societies, institutions, clubs (The subdivisions 221- 229 are for special local use) 10 ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 2201 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 23 24 244 246 247 25 26 27 274 275 276 Syllabuses. Programmes of meetings (When it is desired to keep these together). Local factories, offices, etc. Subdivisions for use under any of above heads. Note that these figures must be pre- ceded by a cypher when used with 22, e.g., 2206 Visits of Local Societies to Library ; 226 marks a par- ticular society : 2 Library talks or lessons at the school, society, etc. 3 Home work, involving work in library or with library books 6 Visits of classes, societies, etc., to library 8 Library notice boards, pla- card catalogues, etc., at the school, lecture room, etc. Lectures Syllabus Register of lecturers Register of subjects Readings (Divided like 24) Exhibitions Work with children (The general subject and the special heads be- low. School Libraries are 76 ; visits of school children to Library are 2116) Lectures Readings (274-5 are subdivided like 24) Exhibitions ii CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 277 Story-telling 28 Circulars (Divided like the main classification, e.g., Cir- cular re inter-library loans 287132) 29 Other extension work 292 Relations with the Press 3 BUILDING (Mark views of library buildings 3, with geo- graphic number. General descriptions of buildings may go here or in 15-19) 305 Leases. Agreements 31 Premises. Rented or bought 32 Location. Sites 33 Materials. Construction 331 Materials 333 Walls. Columns. Arches 334 Roofs 335 Floors. Floor coverings. Floor preparations 336 Doors. Windows. Screens 337 Staircases. Galleries 339 Decoration. Statuary and busts. Pictures 34 Plan. (Mark plans of libraries 34, with geographic number) 341 Draft plans. Librarian's plan 342 Competition. Rules, in- structions 343 Plans sent in 344 Premiated designs 345 Assessor 346 Accepted plans 347 Architect 3475 Builder 348 Contracts. Specifications. Quantities 3483 Tenders 3485 Accepted 3487 Clerk of works 35 Rooms 351 Public rooms 3511 Lobbies. Stairways. Lifts 12 ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 35*2 3513 3514 3515 3517 3519 352 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 35293 35295 353 3531 3532 3533 3536 3537 355 355i 3557 358 359 36 36i 3613 3615 Lending library Reference library Special libraries News and magazine rooms. Ladies' rooms Children's rooms Lecture room. Study rooms Lavatories. rooms Cloak Other public rooms Administration rooms Librarian's room Committee room Order room Cataloguing room Book processes room. General work room Binding and printing rooms Packing rooms Staff rooms Other administration rooms Delivery stations and travelling libraries Photographic dark room Storage rooms Stack rooms (For the stacks them- selves, see 381) Valuable books. Strong room Newspaper room Supplies store Janitor's store Living rooms Librarian's rooms. House Janitor's rooms Museum Art Gallery Lighting Natural lighting Top lighting Improvement of natural lighting. Reflectors, prisms H CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 362 363 364 365 3655 366 367 368 369 37 37i 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 38 38i 38108 38109 3811 3812 38121 38125 38129 3814 3816 3817 3818 3819 382 3825 383 384 3841 3842 3844 Artificial lighting Diffused&general lighting Point lighting. Lighting of desks, tables, etc. Gas Incandescent gas Electric light Arc Incandescent Other methods of lighting Heating. Ventilation Boiler house Heating supplies. Coal, etc. Systems of heating Fireplaces Hot water Steam Gas Other systems Ventilation Fittings. Furniture Shelving Wood Metal Wall shelving. Alcoves Wood Metal Floor cases Wood Metal Revolving Close stacking. Rolling stacks Shelving for large folios. Flat storage Book holders. Table cases Bookcase doors, curtains Adjustable devices Book trucks, trays, car- riers, lifts Other shelving accessories (e.g., book supports, steps, etc.) Counters Open access countei Chairs. Tables Office furniture Desks Rolltop Drawers ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 3846 Cupboards 385 Lending and reference libraries 3852 Indicators (Magazine indicators are 3864) 3854 Reading stands, easels 3857 Show cases 386 News and magazine rooms. Lecture room 3861 Newspaper stands, slopes 3862 Racks 3863 Directory stands 3864 Magazine indicators. Lists. Name tablets 3865 Lecture room 3866 Blackboard. Screens and other means for displaying diagrams 3867 Lecturer's reading stand, desk 3868 Lantern 3869 Accessories and sup- plies 387 Other special furniture 3871 Library vans. Carts 388 Miscellaneous items (Arranged alphabetically) 38811 Brackets 38818 Clocks 38863 Notice boards 38877 Safes 38884 Steps. Ladders 389 Original designs (Divided like the main classification) 39 Care of Building 391 Protection from fire 392 Staff fire drill 394 Cleaning 395 Supplies 396 Repairs. Renovation 397 Tools 398 Patrol. Night watch 4 GOVERNMENT AND SERVICE 41 Council 42 Committee. Trustees 421 Election. Co-opted members 422 Powers CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 423 424 4243 4245 425 426 427 428 4285 429 4291 4292 4294 4295 4296 43 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 44 4406 441 44111 44112 Standing orders Chairman Matters to be submitted to Chairman Vice-chairman Clerk Minutes Notices of meeting Agenda. Notices of motion Attendances Next meeting Reports. Returns Periodical (fortnightly, monthly or quarterly) Annual Next annual Special (Subdivided like the main classi- fication. It is best to keep two copies, one here, and one with the subject. This is only for reports presented to the committee ; reports obtained by the librarian for his own use are 577) Sub-Committees Finance Officers Books Sites Divisional corn- Buildings. Branches, mittees Visiting Other Temporary (The above may all be subdivided like 42 Committee) Staff Staff insurance. Superan- nuation Vacancies. Advertising. Applications Clerk Chief librarian Sub-librarian. Deputy librarian 16 ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 44114 Branch librarians. Li- brarians-in-charge. Heads of departments 44115 Senior assistants 44116 Junior assistants 44117 Extra staff. Evening, Sunday, Holiday 44118 Janitors. Cleaners 44119 Other 441192 Typists 441195 Pages. Messengers 441197 Binders 441198 Engineers 442 Interim applications 443 Examinations 444 Papers of candidates 445 Selected candidates 446 Appointments. Resigna- tions (442-6 are subdivided like 441) 447 Salaries 448 Staff rules 449 Hours. Time sheets 45 Staff (contd.) 451 Absences. Sick leave 452 Holidays 453 Duties 454 Special 455 Reports. Record of merit 456 Training. L. A. classes. Library schools 457 In the library 458 Staff meetings 459 Testimonials, i.e., given by librarian or committee 46 Rules and Regulations 461 General (Definitions. Duties & powers of librarian) 462 Hours of opening and closing 463 Membership. Readers' qualifications 464 Home use of books 465 Reference use (This includes news and magazine rooms) 466 Care of books. Bookmarks 467 Order in building CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 468 Special regulations 469 Actions at law. Prose- cutions 48 Relations with other Corpora- tion Committees These numbers may be sub- divided for sub-committees, if wished. Both committee and sub-commitee num- bers may be further divided like 42, but the divisions of 42 must be preceded by a cypher when used with Committee numbers to pre- vent confusion with figures in fourth place indicating sub-committees, thus: 488 Education committee 48806 Minutes 4886 A sub-committee of Edu- cation committee 48866 Minutes 482 Finance committee 483 General purposes committee 484 Sanitary committee 485 Watch committee 486 Parks committee 487 Tramways committee Education committee Relations with other Corpora- tion Departments (Letters conveying resolu- tions or written by instruction of a com- mittee go in 48. General correspondence with officials goes here. Under the principal official goes all corre- spondence with his de- partment) 491 Town Clerk 492 Accountant. Treasurer 493 Engineer 494 Medical officer. Inspector of Nuisances (Communications re in- fected books go in 7139) 489 49 r8 ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 495 496 497 498 499 512 5121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 5128 5129 51291 51292 51293 51294 51295 Chief constable. Police Tramways manager Clerk to education mittee com- 51296 EXECUTIVE Finance Estimates. Budget Income. Cash receipts Rate Endowment Investments Grants Rent Donations Subscriptions Fines. Damages Other sources Borrowers' replace- ments Deposits Interest Sales Publications (May be subdivided like 8, e.g., Sale of Catalogues5i295i, of library maga- zine 512958) Books. Periodicals, etc. (May be subdivided like 62, e.g., sale of second - hand books 512963) 51297 51298 51299 513 5135 514 5145 Waste paper Sales for other de- partments or in- stitutions Requisitions Approved Quotations (Both 514 and 513 may be subdivided like the main classification, e.g., 51471811 Quotations for burgess vouchers) Accepted 515 Order book (Book, etc., orders are 621. This is general order book. Corres- pondence re orders takes this number, and may be arranged in sequence of order num- bers.) 516 Bills unpaid 5161 Checked 5162 Allocated. Analysed 5163 Queried 5164 Entered in ledger 5165 Prepared for committee 5166 Approved for payment 5167 Cheque book 5169 Payment deferred 517 Expenditure. Bills paid 5171 Rent 5172 Printing and stationery 5173 Lighting. Heating. Clean- ing 5174 Loan payments 5175 Publications (May be subdivided like 8) ,5176 Books. Periodicals, etc. (May be subdivided like 62, e.g., expenditure on lantern slides 51767) 5177 Binding 5178 Salaries. Wages 5179 Other Expenditure 51791 Furniture and fittings 51792 Deposits returned 51793 Rates 51794 Repairs 51795 Telephones 51796 Insurance 51797 Subscriptions 51798 Superannuation 51799 Establishment 518 Credit notes 52 Finance (contd.) 521 Ledger 522 Cash book 523 Petty cash book. Postage book 524 Loans 20 ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 525 Bank. Paying in book 526 Bank book 527 Periodical financial state- ments 528 Audit 5285 Weekly or monthly 5286 Annual 529 Insurance 53 Stationery, supplies 531 Postal 5311 Letter paper. Official 5313 Post cards 5315 Envelopes 5317 Postal wrappers 532 Desk (Arranged alphabetically) 53215 Adhesives. Gum, paste, 5322 Elastic bands [etc. 53225 Erasers. Rubbers 5323 Ink 53232 Drawing inks 53233 Duplicating, copying, and printing inks Ink bottles, stands Paper fasteners Paper weights Pencils Penholders Pens Fountain Pentrays, racks Penwipers Piercers. Bodkins Pins (Drawing pins are 538) 5327 Rulers 53275 Sealing wax. Seals 5328 String. Tape. Straps 53285 Trays 5329 Waste paper baskets 533 Papers 5331 Writing papers 5332 Plain 5333 Ruled 5334 Cash columns 5335 Scribbling paper. Pads 5336 Cartridge papers 5337 Manilla papers 5338 Drawing papers -533^3 Squared CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 53385 Wrapping papers 5339 Blotting papers 53391 Pads 534 MS. books 5342 Plain 5343 Ruled 5344 Cash columns 5345 Squared 5346 Thumb index 5347 Manifolding 5348 Guard books. Albums 5349 Calendars. Diaries 535 Cardboards 536 Tickets. Labels 537 Stamps. Inking pads. Small printing outfits 538 Drawing. Implements and supplies (Drawing papers are 5338) (Erasers are 53225) (Inks are 5323) (Pencils are 53247) 539 Painting. Implements and supplies 55 Communication, Correspon- dence 551 Mail in 552 Immediate 553 Referred to departments, to be dealt with 5535 To report 554 Mail out 555 Departmental communica- tions 556 Telephone. Telegraph 5561 Exchange calls " in." Messages 5562 Calls " out " 5563 Trunk calls 5564 Branch telephones. Pri- vate wires. Calls "in" 5565 Calls " out " 5566 Directory 5567 Inter-departmental tele- phones 5568 Abortive calls. Com- plaints 5569 Telegrams 557 Interviews. Deputations. Call book 22 ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 558 Copying. Copying press 5585 Copying supplies 559 Correspondence file. A Z (Correspondence is best classed by subject, leaving only sundries here. See prelimin- ary remarks) 56 Office 561 Memoranda. Office tickler 562 Diary 563 Staff time book 564 Orders for the day. Work book. Routine calen- dar 565 Work in hand (Standing jobs, other than routine work) 566 Work to be done (This is work waiting, but not actually in hand) 567 Standing instructions (This is the library's manual of method how to do things. Sub- divided like the main classification) 568 Matters requiring attention 569 Ideas. Projects 57 Office (contd.) 571 Typewriting. Typewriter machine 572 Typewriter supplies 573 Duplicating. Duplicator machine 574 Duplicator supplies 575 Printing. Copy (Except catalogue copy 663, and magazine copy 881) 576 Proof 577 Reports. Returns (Obtained by the li- brarian for his own use. If for com- mittee they go in 4296. Divided like the main classifica- tion) CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 578 Departmental (Subdivided by any figures of the main classification indica- ting departments. Note that two figures should be used for the departments in class 7, thus : 57871 Lending li- brary 57874 Branches Other departments are then marked : 57862 Order dept. 57866 Cataloguing dept., etc. This head is for general reports on the work of the department. Reports on particu- lar matters go in 577) 579 Reports " out " (These are reports and returns made to other libraries, individuals, etc., on the work of the library. May be be subdivided like the main classification) 58 Office (contd.) 581 Statistics (General. Statistics of stock are 659 ; of cata- loguing 66699 ; of classification 678 ; of lending issues 7129 ; of registration 7189 ; of reference issues 7239 ; of newsroom attend- ance, 739) 582 Register of official supplies and forms. Samples (On treatment of official forms and samples of supplies, see prelimin- ary remarks) 583 Other supplies 584 Register of fittings 24 ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 585 586 587 588 589 Catalogues of supplies and fittings (Kept here, but divided like the main classifica- tion. General cata- logues of library appli- ances are marked 38) Recipes (Divided like the main classification) Notices. Bills (Whether written or printed. Divided like the main classification. Circulars are 28) Library council (This is for meeting of librarian and heads of departments General staff meetings are 458) 6 ACCESSION. DESCRIPTION. CONSERVATION 61 Selection 611 Books 6112 On approval. Personal examination 6113 Guides 6115 Reviews 6116 Marked 612 Catalogues 6121 Publishers' catalogues 6122 British 61221 General 61222 Special, limited to a subject 61223 Special, limited to an author 61224 Juvenile 61225 Series 61226 Announcements, publishers' maga- zines 61227 Prospectuses of in- dividual books 6123 American (When without Lon- don branch or re- presentatives) CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 6124 Foreign (6123-4 may be divided like 6122 British) '61243 Government and official publications 61244 Society and institution publications Booksellers' catalogues Sale catalogues Marked catalogues Desiderata. General Local To complete sets Suggestions From experts, lists on special topics 6132 Librarian's. Current 61321 Special funds, e.g. tech- nical grant 61323 Special topics 61324 Reports on stock (These are reports on authors or topics as represented on the shelves as a guide in selection) 61325 Staff (Until adopted by li- brarian) 6133 Readers'. Miscellaneous 6134 Suggestions by members of committee 61345 Queries. Doubtful books 6135 Books enquired for 6136 Duplicates 6137 Replacements 6138 Suggestions submitted to committee 6139 Suggestions approved 61395 Suggestions deferred 61396 Suggestions disapproved 614 Newspapers and magazines 6145 Excisions 6146 Specimen numbers 615 Pictures and photographs 616 Books for the blind 26 ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. '617 Lantern slides 618 Manuscripts (The above heads are subdivided like 611 Books, using the figures after 61) 62 Purchase 6203 Prices, nett book question 621 Order book (This is for books and other material classed in 62. General order book is 515) 622 New books 623 Secondhand books 624 Newspapers and magazines 625 Pictures and photographs 626 Books for the blind 627 Lantern slides 628 "Manuscripts Subdivisions for use under above numbers (621 is not divided) : 1 On order (For records of material on order other than order book, 621, e.g., Card register of secondhand books on order, 6231) 15 9n hire (e.g., subscription to a circulating library of books, 62215 ; of lan- tern slides, 62715) 2 Works in progress 3 Annuals. Continua- tions 4 Subscriptions 45 Replacements 5 Reports (Other than offers) 55 Lists of wanteds 6 Offers 62 Accepted 65 Orders not filled 27 CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 7 Orders held back 75 Orders counter- manded 8 Register of vendors 9 Auction sales 63 Donations 631 Acknowledgment 6315 Accepted. Donation book (All offers go in 631 or 6315, not under the heads below) 632 Requests for donations 633 Books 6332 Works in progress 6333 Annuals. Continuations 634 Newspapers and magazines Check list 635 Pictures and photographs 636 Books for the blind 637 Lantern slides 638 Manuscripts 64 Book processes 641 Collating 642 Allocation to departments and libraries 643 Sizing 644 Cutting 645 Stamping 646 Plating 647 Tagging 649 Examination shelves 65 Stock 651 Stock books 652 Additions catalogue, cur- rent year 6525 Additions catalogue, prior to current year 653 Ephemerae (Not permanently pre- served) 654 Reserve 655 Exchange 656 Withdrawn. Worn out. Imperfect 6562 To be replaced 6565 Not to be replaced 657 Weeding out, examination of topics on shelves 6575 Books discarded 28 ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 6578 Disposal of books, periodi- cals, etc., other than by sale and exchange 658 Missing 6585 Missing, found 659 Statistics 66 Cataloguing 6603 Various forms compared. Dictionary v. classed, etc. 6605 Annotation. Evaluation (Pro and con. Discus- sion of general prin- ciples) 661 Rules 6611 Author 6612 Subject 6613 Dictionary 6614 Annotations 6615 Pictures and photographs 6616 Music 6617 Reading lists 6618 Indexes 6619 Other special codes 66191 Manuscripts 662 Special records and memo- randa 6621 Author headings, adopted forms 6622 Dictionary headings, adopted forms 6624 Abbreviations 6625 Check marks 6626 Cataloguing queries. Cor- respondence with au- thors, publishers, etc. 6627 Annotations, not incor- porated in catalogues 6628 Readers' annotations 663 Copy for printer 6631 Checked 6632 Revised 6633 Arranged 6634 Mounted 6635 Marked 6638 Proof 664 Copy for MS. catalogues. Typed and written cards 6641 Checked 29 CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 6642 Revised 6643 Arranged 6645 Inserted 665 Cuttings from printed cata- logues. Printed cards 6651 Marked copy 6652 Cutting and mounting 6653 MS. additions 6654 Checked 6655 Revised 6656 Arranged 6658 Inserted 666 Catalogues. Staff and public (Printed catalogues are 81-84) 6661 Author or name 6662 Title 6663 Subject 66635 Subject index 6664 Dictionary 6665 Special catalogues 6666 Additions. Card or pla- card 6667 Guiding 66675 Coloured & special cards 6668 Instructions for use 66685 Temporary entries 6669 Under revision 66699 Statistics 667 Reading lists 6671 In preparation 6672 On special subjects .6673 For special classes of people (Original copy and typed lists go in 6672-3. Printed lists are 84) Suggestions for lists Picture bulletins Material Classified and arranged In preparation Collection of bulletins Fittings and supplies Cabinets Trays. Boxes Sheaf binders. Guard books 6684 Placards. Frames ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 6685 " Drum " catalogues, e.g., Rudolph rotator 6686 . Cards. Card system 6687 Guides 6688 Slips 6689 Other 669 Co-operative cataloguing 6695 Works of reference (This head is for reference to works useful in cata- loguing. It may also be used for the books themselves) 67 Classification 671 Tables 673 Under consideration 674 Decisions 675 Book numbers 677 Records on tags and in books 678 Statistics 679 Works of reference (This head is for refer- ences to works useful in classifying. It may also be used for the books themselves) 68 The Shelf 68 1 Shelf registers 682 Shelving, daily examina- tion, dusting 683 Case and shelf labels 684 Plans, classification keys 687 Stocktaking, records at shelf 688 Stocktaking, reports 689 Filing 6891 Material 68915 Pamphlets 6892 Broadsides. Sheets 68925 News cuttings 6893 Periodicals , 68935 Maps 6894 Music 6895 Prints 68955 Lantern slides 6896 Appliances 68965 Mounts 6897 Boxes 68975 Drawers. Cabinets CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 6898 Binders 68983 Portfolios 68985 Pigeon-holes 68987 Clips. Spikes 6899 Apron files. Shannon, etc. 68995 Vertical and similar files. 69 Binding 691 Covering materials 69107 Mode of preparation. Testing. Society of Arts' requirements 6911 Morocco 6912 Pigskin 6913 Roan 6914 Vellum. Parchment 6915 Other leathers 6916 Cloth 6917 Paper 6918 Boards 6919 End papers 692 Treatment 6921 Slight repairs 6922 Special repairs 6923 Recasing 6924 Binding. Rebinding 6925 Binding from the sheets 6926 Map and plate mounting 6927 Magazine cases 6928 Lettering 6929 Preservatives. Cleaning 693 Contracts. Specifications. Prices 694 Binding book 6945 Binder's sheets or slips 695 Binder's instructions (General standing in- structions) 0955 Imperfections. Missing parts. Binder's reports 696 Binding of serials and con- tinuations. Register of particulars 697 Rubbings. Sample volumes 698 Use of colours. Colour re- gister 699 Home binding 6997 Machinery and tools 6998 Supplies (Except covering ma- terials 691) ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 6999 Lettering tools and sup- plies (Process is 6928) 7 DEPARTMENTS 71 Lending Library. Loan 7102 Lending v. reference 7104 Open access. Open v. closed shelves (General and loan. Access to reference shelves is 7204) 711 Charging 71103 Charging systems 71104 Ledger 71105 Cards. Slips 71106 Indicator 712 Issue 7121 Books in. Cards, in- dicator, ledger 7122 Restricted. "Starred" books 7123 Bespoken. Retained 7124 Stopped for examin- ation (? wrong classifica- tion, undesirable, etc.) 7126 Renewals 7128 Records. Checks. Call slips 7129 Classification of issues. Statistics. Issue sheets 713 Return 7131 Books out 7132 Inter-library loans (These are loans within the library system, e.g., from central to branch or branch to branch) 7133 Inter-library dis- charges (These are books borrowed at one library and re- turned to another) 33 CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 71333 Loans to other de- partments (e.g., Lending loan to reference dept. or cata 1 o g u i n g room) 71335 Special loans, e.g., lectures, schools, other libraries 71337 Books in process loaned 7134 Reference books loaned 7135 Overdues. Fined 7136 Posted 7137 Damaged. Lost 7138 Defaulters. Personal application 71385 Reported to Town Clerk 7139 Infected. Returned to sanitary department 714 Errors. Queries. Tem- porary book cards, tickets 715 Enquiries. Suggestions. Complaints (This will take all en- quiries, suggestions and complaints as to man- agement, irrespective of department. En- quiries as to book guidance, etc., are 725) 716 Staff notice board 717 Fittings and supplies (Indicators are 3852) 7171 Trays. Ledgers 7172 Guides 7174 Sorting trays 7176 Book cards. Indicator books 7178 Pockets 718 Registration 7181 Applications. Vouchers 71811 Burgess 71812 Non-burgess 71813 Deposit 71815 Teachers' 71816 Juvenile. School children 34 ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 71817 Non-resident : privileged, non-paying 71818 Subscribers 7182 Readers' tickets 71821 Ordinary 71822 Extra (non-fiction) 71823 Juvenile 71825 Music 71826 Illustrations 71827 Teachers' . 7183 Checking. Readers' num- bers 7184 Tickets not issued. Ap- plications not in order. Queries 7185 Expiry. Renewals 7186 Members' register. Names 7187 Numbers 71875 Guarantors 7188 Suspended. Black list 7189 Statistics 72 Reference Library 7204 Open access (Reference only) 721 Signature book 722 Charging 723 Issue 7231 Application forms. Call slips 7232 Service. Delivery 7234 Home reading 7237 Restricted, " starred " books 7239 Statistics 724 Return 7241 Books in use 7242 Discharge 725 Enquiries. Information desk (This is for all enquiries relating to books, re- quests for guidance, etc., whether coming through the lending or reference departments. All other enquiries are 715) 726 Staff notice board 727 Shelf permits 35 CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY 728 Copying 7281 Notetaking 7282 Copying extracts, MSS. 7283 Copying illustrations (Not photographic pro- cesses, which are 7287) 7284 Completing imperfect books. (e.g., supplying title pages, etc. This is copied matter ; com- pleting by obtaining printed matter from publishers, etc., is 6955) 7287 Photography. Camera 7288 Accessories and supplies 729 Reading and aids 7291 Personal guidance 7292 Use of reference books 7295 Courses of reading 7296 Choice of editions 73 News and Magazine Rooms (Many matters bearing on newsroom manage- ment go elsewhere, thus, supervision is 467 ; periodical check list is 6241 ; filing periodicals . is 6893 ; furniture and fittings go in 386) 7301 Desirability 7304 Blacking out (Discussion of the ques- tion. Process is 733) 732 Methods of arrangement and display 733 Preparing newspapers and periodicals for tables 735 Notice boards (The boards themselves and their looking after ; not the matter which goes on them. Covers all the notice boards in building) 739 Statistics ECONOMY AND OFFICE PAPERS. 74 Library System. Branches (General and for the branch system as a whole. Individual branches are indicated by letters, preceding or following any class number, e.g., T6g or 6gT Binding at Thorn- ton Heath branch) 75 Children's libraries and read- ing rooms 76 School libraries (Ordinary class numbers are used, preceded or followed by the letter abbreviation for school libraries, e.g., Sch62i Book Order - book, school libraries. This is general and for heads peculiar to school li- braries) 77 Other library departments 771 Delivery stations 772 Travelling libraries 78 Museum (This is only for heads peculiar to museums) 79 Art Gallery (This is only for heads peculiar to art galleries) 8 PUBLICATIONS 806 Free list 807 Exchange list 808 } Stock 809 Advertisements (Except in magazine, which are 889) Catalogues Author. Name Title Dictionary Classified. Subject lists Pictures and photographs Books for the Blind Lantern slides Manuscripts 37 CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY ECONOMY 85 Indicator keys. Shelf keys 86 Rules. Handbooks 87 Reports 88 Library magazine 88 1 Next number (Catalogue copy is 663) 882 Read. Edited. Arranged 883 Proof 884 Final proof. Make-up 885 Author's corrections 886 Copy on hand 887 Departments. Special columns 888 Subscribers 889 Advertisements 89 Other publications (The above numbers, 81- 89 divided geographi- cally, will take the publications of other libraries) 9 OTHER 91 Library Associations 911 International congresses 912 Library Association 913 Branch Associations 914 Other British Associations 915 British Colonial Associa- tions 916 American Library Associa- tion 917 American State Associa- tions 918 Other American Associa- tions 919 Other Associations 92 Library Magazines. (i.e., professional journals) 93 Societies and institutions (These, will be mainly societies to 'which the library subscribes. Lists of publications go in 61244. Here be- long reports, etc. Local societies are 22) 94 Co-operative work (Co-operative cataloguing is 669) INDEX. Caution. It is not safe to apply numbers from the index only, without reference to the tables, many numbers being further divided in the tables. ABBREVIATIONS. Cataloguing 6624 Absences. Staff 451 Accepted plans. Building 346 Accessories. Lantern 3869 Office 56-58 Photography 7288 Stationery 53 Special, see subject Accountant, Borough 492 Actions at law 469 Acts, Library 12 Adoption of 14 Additions. Catalogues, Public 6666 Donations 63 Purchase 62 Stock, current 652 prior to current 6525 Adhesives 53215 Adjustable devices. Shelving 3817 Administration rooms. Building 352 Adoption of Library Acts 14 Advertisements. Library magazine 889 Other publications 809 Advertising vacancies. Staff 441 Agenda. Committee 428 Agreements. Building 305 Aids to reading 729 Albums. MS. books 5348 Alcoves. Shelving 3811 Allocation. Book processes 642 American books. Publishers' catalogues 6123 This is only when without London branch or representatives. American Library Associa- tions 916-918 Ancient libraries 15 Annotation, theory 6605 Annotations. Rules 6614 Annotations, not incorporated in catalogues 6627 Readers' 6628 Announcements. Public 587 Publishers' 61226 Annuals. Book purchase . . . 3 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Application forms. Reference library 7231 Applications. Registration 7181 Interim, staff 442 Not in order, registration 7184 Staff 441 Approval. Book selection 6112 Apron files 6899 Arc light 367 Arches. Building 333 Architect. Building 347 Arguments for and against libraries n Arrangement of periodicals 732 Art gallery 79. This is only for heads peculiar to Art galleries. Art gallery. Building 359 Assessor. Building 345 Attendances. Committee 4285 Auction sales. Book &c. purchase ... 9 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Audit 528 Annual 5286 Monthly 5285 Weekly 5285 Author catalogue. Card 6661 Manuscript 6661 Printed 82 Rules 6611 Author headings, adopted forms662i BANK. Cheque book 5167 Paying-in book 525 Bank book 526 Baskets, Waste paper 5329 Bequests, Securing 14 Bespoken books 7*23 Bills. Allocated 5162- 39 INDEX. Bills. Approved for payment 5166 Checked 5161 Entered in ledger 5164 Paid 517 Payment deferred 5169 Prepared for committee 5165 Queried 5163 Unpaid 516 Bills, i.e. notices 587 Binders. Applications 441197 Appointments 446197 Selected candidates 445197 Binders. Filing 6898 Sheaf 6683 Binder's instructions 695 Binder's reports 6955 Bindery 699 Building 3526 Binding 69 Contracts ,693 Home 699 Process 6924 Specifications 693 Binding book 694 Binder's sheets or slips 6945 Binding from the sheets 6925 Binding room. Building 3526 Binding serials 696 Blackboard 3866 Black list. Registration 7188 Blacking out 7304 Process 733 Blind, Books for the. Cata- logues of, publications 846 Donations 636 Purchase 626 Selection 616 Blotting papers 5339 Pads 53391 Boards. Binding 6918 Cardboards . 535 Boards, Notice 735 The boards themselves and their looking after ; not the matter which goes on them. Covers all notice boards in the building. Bodkins Boiler house Book cards. Bookcases Floor Metal 5326 37i Charging supplies 7176 381 3812 38109 Bookcases. Revolving 38129 Rolling 3813 Table 3815 Wall 3811 Wood 38108 Book carriers 3818 Book holders 3815 Book lifts 3818 Book marks 466 Book numbers. Classification 675 Book order book 621 Book plates 646 Book plating 646 Book prices 6203 Book processes 64 Room, building 3525 Book supports 3819 Book trays 3818 Book trucks 3818 Books. Care of 466 Catalogues, Publishers' 612 Discarded 6575 Disposal of, other than by sale and exchange 6578 Donations 633 Enquired for, selection 6135 Exchange of 655 Home use of 464 Imperfect, stock 656 New, purchase 622 On approval 6112 Prices of 6203 Reference use of 465 Reserve stock 654 Sale of 51296 Second hand, purchase 623 Selection 611 Withdrawn 656 Books for the blind. Cata- logues of, publications 846 Donations 636 Purchase 626 Selection 616 Books in. Charging 7121 Books in process, Loan of 71337 Books in use. Reference library 7241 Books, Manuscript. Stationery 534 Books out. Charging 7131 Books sub-committee 433 Booksellers' catalogues 61246 40 INDEX. Borrowers' register 7186 Borrowers' replacements. Cash receipts 51291 Boxes. Catalogue fittings 6682 Filing 6897 Brackets 38811 Branch Associations. Library Association 913 Branch librarians. Applications 441 14 Appointments 44614 Selected candidates 44514 Branch sub-committees 436 Branches 74 British Colonial Library Asso- ciations 915 British Library Associations 912-914 Broadsides. Filing 6892 Budget 511 Builder 3475 Building 3 Care of 39 Building sub-committee 435 Bulletins, i.e. library magazines 88 Sale of 51295 Bulletins, Picture 6675 Collection of 66759 In preparation 66758 Material 66756 classified and ar- ranged 66757 Burgess applications. Regis- tration 71811 Business. Committee 428 Busts. Building 339 CABINETS. Card 6681 Filing 68975 Calendar, Routine 564 Calendars. Stationery 5349 Call book 557 Call slips. Lending libraiy 7128 Reference library 7231 Camera. Photography 7287 Card charging systems 71*05 Card system 6686 Cardboards 535 Cards. Book 7176 Catalogue 6686 Coloured, catalogues 66675 Readers' 7182 Cards. Special, catalogues 66675 Care of books 466 Care of building 30; Carriers, Book 3818 Cartridge papers 5336 Carts, Library 3871 Case labels 683 Cases, Book 381 Floor 3812 Metal 38109 Revolving 38129 Rolling 3813 Table 3815 Wall 3811 Wood 38108 Cash book 522 Petty 523 Cash columns. MS. books 5344 Writing papers 5334 Cash receipts 512 Catalogue copy 663-5 For card catalogues, printed 665 ,, written 664 For MS. catalogues 664 printed matter 665 For printed catalogues 663 Catalogues, Booksellers' 61246 Catalogues, Library, in MS. 666 Author 6661 Card 666 Classed 6663 Dictionary 6664 Name 6661 Special 6665 Statistics of 66699 Subject 6663 Title 6662 Typed 666 Catalogues, Library, printed 81 Author 82 Books for the blind 846 Classed 84 Dictionary 83 Lantern slides 847 Manuscripts 848 Photographs 845 Pictures 845 Sales of 5*295 Subject 84 Title 825 INDEX. Catalogues of fittings 585 Catalogues of supplies 585 Catalogues, Publishers' 612 Government 61243 Institutions 61244 Marked 61249 Official 61243 Societies 61244 Catalogues, Sale 61247 Cataloguing 66 Queries 6626 Room, building 3524 Rules 66 1 Chairman 424 Matters to be submitted to 4243 Chairs 383 Charging. Lending library 711 Reference library 722 Systems 7 i:t o3 Check marks. Cataloguing 6625 Checking. Registration 7183 Checks. Charging 7128 Cheque book 5 I 67 Chief constable 495 Chief librarian. Applications 44112 Appointments 44612 Selected candidates 445*2 Children, Work with 27 Children's libraries 75 Children's reading rooms 75 Children's rooms. Building 3516 Choice of editions 7296 Circulars, Library 28 Citizen members. Committee 421 Classed catalogue. Card 6663 Dictionary versus 6603 Manuscript 6663 Printed 84 Rules 6612 Classes. Library training 456 Classes of libraries 15-19 Classes, Special, Libraries for 188 Classes, Visits of, to library ... 6 Subdivision for use under 211-217,^220. Classification 67 Keys 684 Cleaners. Applications 44118 ^ Appointments 44618 Selected candidates 445*8 Cleaning 394 Cleaning bindings 6929 Clerk of works 34^7 Clerk to Education committee 498 Clerk to Library committee 425 Applications 44 1 1 1 Appointment 445 n Selected candidates 44611 Clips. Filing 68987 Cloak rooms. Building 3518 Clocks 38818 Closed shelves, Open versus 7104 Closing, Hours of 462 Cloth binding 6916 Club, Librarian's 06 Club libraries 182 Clubs, Local. Extension work 22 Coal 372 Codes, Cataloguing 661 Collating 641 College libraries 1841 Colonial Library Associations, British 915 Coloured cards in catalogues 66675 Colours in binding 698 Columns. Building 333 Combination of library au- thorities 1207 Commercial libraries 181 Committee, Library 42 Next meeting 429 Committee room. Building 3522 Committee suggestions. Book selection 6134 Committees, Corporation 48 Communication 55 Communications, Departmental 555 Competitions, Building 342 Accepted plans 346 Plans sent in 343 Premiated designs 344 Rules 342 Complaints 715 Completing imperfect books. Binding 6955 Copying 7284 Conferences. Library associa- tions 91 Conferences of library authority with other bodies 219 Congresses, International 911 42 INDEX. Construction. Building 33 Continuations. Binding 696 Purchase . . . 3 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Contracts. Binding 693 Building 348 Co-operative cataloguing 669 Co-operative work 94 Co-opted members. Committee 421 Copy for manuscript catalogues 664 Printed material, e.g. cards 665 Copy, Printer's 575 Catalogue copy 663 Magazine copy 88 1 Copying 558 Supplies 5585 Copying from books 728 Extracts 7282 Illustrations 7283 Manuscripts 7282 Photographic 7287 Copying inks 53233 Corporation 41 Correspondence 55 File 559 Correspondence is filed with subject, leaving only sundries here. Council, Library 589 This is for meeting of librarian and heads of depart- ments. General staff meetings are 458. Council, Town 41 Countermanded orders. Book etc. purchase 75 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Counters 382 Open access 3825 Courses of reading 7 2 95 Covering materials. Binding 691 Credit notes 518 Cupboards 3846 Curtains, Bookcase 3816 Cutting. Book processes 644 Cuttings. Filing 68925 Cuttings from printed catalogues 665 DAMAGED BOOKS 7137 Damages. Cash receipts 5128 Dark room. Building 35295 Decisions. Classification 674 Decoration. Building 339 Defaulters. Personal appli- cation 7138 Defaulters Reported to Town Clerk 71385 Delivery of books. Reference library 7232 Delivery stations 771 Room 35293 Departmental communications 555 Departments. Corporation 49 Library 7 Deposit applications. Regis- tration 71813 Deposits. Cash receipts 51292 Deputations 557 Deputy librarian. Applica- tions 44H3 Appointments 44613 Selected candidates 445*3 Desiderata 6125 Local 61252 To complete sets 61255 Designs, Original. Fittings 389 Desirability of newsrooms 7301 Desk, Lecturer's reading 3867 Desk supplies 532 Desks 3841 Lighting of 364 Roll top 3842 Diagrams, Displaying 3866 Diaries 5349 Diary, Office 562 Dictionary catalogue. Card 6664 Headings, adopted forms 6622 Manuscript 6664 Printed 83 Rules 6613 Diffused lighting 363 Directory stands 3863 Discarded books 6575 Discharge of books. Inter- library. 7133 Lending library 713 Reference library 7242 Display of periodicals 732 Disposal of books, etc. Exchange 655 Sale 51296 Other disposal 6578 Divisional committees 436 Donations 63 Accepted 6315 43 INDEX. Donations. Acknowledgment 631 Books 633 Books for the blind 636 Cash 5126 Lantern slides 637 Manuscripts 638 Newspapers 634 Periodicals 634 Photographs 635 Pictures 635 Requests for 632 Doors. Building 336 Bookcase 3816 Doubtful books. Book selec- tion 61345 Draft plans. Building 34 1 Drawers 3^44 Filing 68975 Drawing. Implements 538 Inks 53232 Papers 533$ squared 533^3 Supplies 53 8 Drill, Staff fire 392 Drum catalogues 6685 Duplicates. Book selection 6136 Duplicating 573 Inks 53233 Duplicator 573 Supplies 574 Dusting. Cleaning 394 Shelf 682 Duties of librarian 461 Duties of staff 453 Special 454 EASELS, Reading 3$54 Edited copy. Library magazine 882 Editions, Choice of Education libraries Education committee Clerk to Education, Library and Elastic bands Election. Committee. Electric light Elementary education ^Rela- tions with m Elementary school libraries 7296 184 498 21 5322 421 366 211 1843 End papers. Binding 6919- Endowment. Income 5122 Engineer,IBorough 493 Engineers. Applications 441198^ Appointments 446198 Selected candidates 445198 Enquiries. General 715 Relating to books 725 Envelopes 53*5 Ephemerae 653 This takes records of books, etc., not permanently preserved. Erasers 53225 Errors. Charging 714 Estimates, Annual 511 Evaluation. Rules 6614 Theory 6605 Evening staff. Applications 44117 Appointments 44617 Selected candidates 445 17 Examination. Book selection 6112 Examination of shelves 682 Examination shelves 649 Examinations. Professional 456 Staff 443 Exchange. Charging, lending library 711 Charging, reference library 722 Publications 807 Stock 655 Exhibitions 26 Experts' suggestions. Book selection 6131 Expiry. Registration 7185 Extension work 2 Extra staff. Applications 44 TI 7 Appointments 44617 Selected candidates 44517 Extra tickets 71822 FACTORIES, Local. Extension work 23 Fairy tales. Story-telling 277 Fasteners, Paper 5324 Filing 689 Finance 5 T -52 Finance committee. Cor- poration 482 Finance sub-committee, Library 431 Financial statements. Annual 51 Periodical 527 44 INDEX. Fined books 71356 Posted 7136 Fines. Cash receipts 5128 Fire drill, Staff 392 Fire, Protection from 391 Fireplaces 374 Fittings 38 Catalogue 668 Catalogues of 585 Charging 717 Lantern 3864 Photography 7288 Register of 584 Flat storage. Shelving 3814 Floor cases. Shelving 3812 Floor coverings 335 Floor preparations 335 Floors. Building 335 Folios, Shelving for 3814 Foreign books. Publishers' catalogues 6124 Founding of libraries 14 Fountain pens 53253 Frame catalogues 6684 Frames 38831 Free libraries 17 Free list. Publications 806 Funds, Securing 14 Furniture 38 Office 384 GALLERIES. Building 337 Gas. Heating 377 Lighting 365 General Purposes committee. Corporation 483 Government 4 Government publications, Catalogues of 61243 Grants. Income 5124 Guarantors 71875 Guard books 5348 Catalogue 6683 Guidance, Personal. Reading 7291 Guides. Book selection 6113 Guides. Catalogue supplies 6687 Charging supplies 7172 Guiding catalogues 6667 Gum 53215 HANDBOOKS. Publications 86 Headings. Author catalogue 6621 Dictionary catalogue 6622 Heads of departments. Applications 44 I1: 4 Appointments 44614 Selected candidates 445 if Heating 37 Supplies 372 Hire, Books etc. on ... 15 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Holiday staff. Applications 44117 Appointments 44614 Selected candidates 44514 Holidays. Staff 452 Home binding 699 Home reading. Lending library 71 Reference library 7234 Home use of books. Rules 464 Home work, involving work in library 3 Subdivision for use under 211-217. Hot water heating 375 Hours. Library 462 Staff 449 House, Librarian's. Building 3551 IDEAS 569 Ideas of libraries n Illustration tickets 71826 Imperfect books 656 Not to be replaced 6565 To be replaced 6562 Completing, copying 7284 Binding 6955 Incandescent electric light 368 Incandescent gas light 3655 Income 512 Indexes, Rules for compiling 6618 India rubbers 53225 Indicator books 7176 Indicator charging 71106 Indicator keys. Publications 85 Indicators 3852 Magazine 3864 Infected .books 7139 Information desk 725 Ink 5323 Bottles 53235 Stands 53235 Inking pads 537 Inspector of Nuisances 494 45 INDEX. Institution libraries 182 Institutions. Local 22 Non-local 93 Instructions. Binder's 695 These are general standing instructions. Instructions. Building competi- tions 342 Office 567 This is the library's manual of method how to do things. Instructions for use. Public catalogues 6668 Insurance 5 2 9 Staff 4406 Interest. Cash receipts 51293 Interim applications. Staff 442 Inter-library discharges 7133 Inter-library loans 7132 International congresses 911 Interviews 557 Investments. Income 5123 Invoices. Analysed 5162 Approved 5166 Checked 5161 Deferred 5169 Entered in ledger 5164 Paid 517 Prepared for committee 5165 Unpaid 516 Issue. Charging, lending library 712 ,, reference library 723 Statistics, lending library 7129 reference library 7239 JANITORS. Applications 44118 Appointments 44618 Selected candidates 445 1 8 Janitor's rooms 3557 Janitor's store 3537 Journals, Professional 92 Junior assistants. Applica- tions 44116 Applications, Interim 44216 Appointments 44616 Examinations 443*6 Papers 44416 Selected candidates 445*6 Juvenile applications. Re- gistration 71816 Juvenile books. Publishers' catalogues (British) 61224 Juvenile rooms 35*6 Juvenile tickets 71823 Juveniles, Work with 27 KEYS. Classification 684 Indicator, publications 85 Shelf, publications 85 LABELS. Case 683 Shelf 683 Stationery 536 Ladders 38884 Ladies' rooms 35*5 Lantern, Optical 3868 Lantern slides. Catalogues of, publications 847 Catalogues of, trade 6172 Donations 637 Filing 68955 Hiring 62715 Making 7287 Purchase 627 Selection 617 Lavatories. Building 35 l8 Lead pencils 53247 Leases. Building 35 Leave, Staff. Holidays 452 Sick 45* Lecture room. Building 3517 Furniture 3865 Lectures 24 ' Children's 274 Lecturers 246 Children's 2746- Lecturer's reading stand 3867 Ledger 5 2 i Bills entered in 5*^4 Ledger charging 71104 Ledgers. Charging supplies 7171 Legislation I2 - Lending library. Building 35 ^ Departments 7 1 Furniture _ 3 8 5 Lending versus "reference 7102 Lessons at schools, etc., on the library ... 2 Subdivision for use under 211-217, 220. Letter paper Lettering. Binding Supplies 46 INDEX. Letters. File 559 Correspondence is filed with subject, leaving only sundries here. Letters. In 55 1 Out 554 Librarian. Applications 44112 Appointments 44612 Duties 461 Selected candidates 445*2 Librarian-in-charge. Appli- cations 44* *4 Appointments 44614 Selected candidates 445*4 Librarian's living rooms. Building 3551 Librarian's plan. Building 341 Librarian's room. Building. 3521 Librarian's suggestions. Book selection 6132 Special funds 61321 Special topics 61323 Libraries. Arguments against n Arguments for n Children's 75 Classes of *5-*9 Ideas of n School 76 Libraries. Special subjects Travelling Library Acts Adoption of Library and education Library appliances Library Association Branch Associations Library Association, American Library Associations Library authorities, Combina- tion of Library council 1207 589 This for meeting of librarian and heads of depart- ments. General staff meetings are 458. Library lessons at school, societies, etc. ... 2 Library magazines, i.e., pro- fessional journals 92 Library schools 45^ Library system 74 Library talks at school, societies, etc. ... 2 Subdivision for use under 211-217, 220. Lifts Book Lighting Artificial Electric Gas Natural ,, Improvement of Point Top Limitation of rate Lists, Periodical Lists, Reading Living rooms. Building Loan. Rules Loan department Loans. Finance Loans of books. Books in process Departmental Inter-library Lending library Reference library Special Lobbies. Building 3818 36 362 366 365 361 3615 364 3613 1205 3864 667 355 4^4 71 5 2 4 7*337 7*333 7*32 713* 7*34 7*335 35*1 Subdivision for use under 211-217, 220. Library magazine Sale of 88 51295 Local clubs. Extension work 22 Local desiderata 61252 Local factories. Extension work 23 Local institutions. Extension work 22 Local offices. Extension work 23 Local societies. Extension work 22 Location. Building 3 2 Lost books 7*37 MACHINERY. Home binding 6997 Magazine cases 6927 Magazine indicators 3864 Magazine, Library Sale of 5*295 Magazine room. Building 3515 Departments 73 Furniture 386 47 INDEX. Magazine room. Rules 465 Statistics 739 Magazines. Binding 696 Donations 634 Filing 6893 On order, check list 6241 Purchase 624 Sales of 51296 Selection 614 Specimen numbers 6146 Magazines, Professional 92 Magazines, Publishers'. British 61226 Mail. In 551 Immediate 552 Out 554 Referred, to be dealt with 553 ,, to be reported on 5535 Manifolding books 5348 Manilla papers 5337 Manuscript books 534 Cash columned 5344 Plain 5342 Ruled 5343 Squared 5345 Thumb indexed 5346 Manuscripts. Catalogues of, publications 848 Cataloguing 66191 Donations 638 Purchase 628 Maps. Filing 68935 Mounting 6926 Marks, book marks 466 Materials. Building 331 Matters requiring attention 568 Mediaeval libraries 15 Medical Officer 494 Meetings, Staff 458 Members' register. Names 7186 Numbers 7*87 Membership. Applications 7181 Registration 718 Rules 463 Statistics 7*89 Memoranda, Office 561 Merit. Staff record 455 Messengers. Applications 441195 Applications, Interim 442195 Appointments 446195 Messengers. Examinations 443195 Papers 444195 Selected candidates 445195 Metal shelving 38109 Floor 38125 Wall 38115 Minutes. Committee 426 Missing books 658 Found 6585 Missing parts. Binding 6955 Morocco. Binding 6911 Motion, Notices of. Committee 428 Mounting plates 6926 Mounts 68965 Municipal libraries 17 Museum 78 This is only for heads peculiar to Museums. Museum. Building 358 Music. Cataloguing 6616 Filing 6894 Tickets 71825 NAME catalogue. Card 6661 Manuscript 6661 Printed 82 Rules 66 1 1 Name tablets, Periodical 3864 Names. Members' register 7186 National Home Reading Union 217 National libraries 16 Natural lighting 361 Net book question 6203 New books 622 On order, order book 621 other records than order book 6221 Purchase 622 Reports 6225 News cuttings. Filing 68925 Newspaper room. Building 3533 Departments 73 Desirability 730 1 Furniture 386 Rules 465 Statistics 739 Newspaper slopes 3861 Newspaper stands 3861 Newspapers. Blacking out 7304 Desirability 73O 1 Donations 34 48 INDEX. Newspapers. On order, check list 6241 ,, order book 621 Preparing for tables 733 Purchase 624 Sales of 51296 Selection 614 Newsroom. Building 3515 Departments 73 Desirability 7301 Furniture 386 Rules 465 Statistics 739 Next meeting. Committee 429 Night watch 398 Non-burgess applications. Registration 71812 Non-fiction tickets 71822 Non-resident applications. Registration 71817 Notetaking 7281 Notice board, Staff. Lending library 716 Reference library 726 Notice boards 735 The boards themselves and their looking after ; not the matter which goes on them. Covers all notice boards in the building. Notices of meeting. Committee 427 Notices of motion. Committee 428 Notices, Public 587 Nuisances, Inspector of 494 Numbers. Members' register 7187 OFFERS. Book etc. purchase ... 6 Accepted ... 62 Subdivisions for use under 622-8. Office. Executive 56-58 Furniture 384 Office tickler 561 Officers sub-committee 432 Offices, Local. Extension work 23 Official publications. Cata- logues of 61243 Library 8 Open access 7 IO 4 Reference library 7204 Open Access counter 3825 Opening. Hours of 462 Order book 515 Thisiis general order book. Correspondence re orders goes here, arranged in sequence of order numbers. Order book. Books, etc. 621 This is for books and other material classed in 62 Correspondence re book orders arranges in sequence of order numbers. Order in building. Rules 467 Order room. Building 3523 Ordered. Book etc. purchase . . . i Subdivision for use under 622-628. Actual orders or copies, are 621. This number is for supple- mentary records. Orders. Countermanded, book etc. purchase ... 75 Held back . . . 7 Not filled ... 65 Subdivisions for use under 622-8. Orders for the day 564 Orders, Standing. Committee 423 Overdues. 7135 Posted 7136 PACKING ROOMS. Building 3527 Pads. Blotting 53391 Scribbling 5335 Pages. Applications 44 T *95 Applications, Interim 442195 Appointments 446195 Examinations 443195 papers 444^95 Selected candidates 445195 Paid bills 517 Painting. Implements and supplies 539 Pamphlets. Filing 68915 Paper. Binding materials 6917 Blotting 5339 Cartridge 5336 Cash columns 5334 Drawing 5338 End, binding 6919 Letter 5311 Manilla 5337 Plain 5332 Ruled 5333 Scribbling 5335 Squared 533^3 Wrapping 53385 Paper fasteners 53 2 4 Paper weights 53245 Paper, Waste, Sale of 51298 Papers. Stationery 533 Parchment. Binding 6914 Parish libraries 187 INDEX. Parks committee. Paste Patrol. Building Pen holders Pen racks Pencils Pens Fountain Pentrays Penwipers Periodical cases Periodical indicators Periodical, Library Sale of Periodical room. Building Departments Furniture Rules Statistics Periodicals. Binding Donations Filing On order, check list Purchase Sales of Selection Specimen numbers Periodicals, Professional Permits, Shelf Personal examination. Book select ion Personal guidance. Reading Petty cash book Photographic dark room. Building Photographs. Catalogues, Library Cataloguing rules Decoration, building Donations Filing Purchase Selection Photography Supplies Pictures. Catalogues, Library Cataloguing rules Decoration, building Donations Filing Corporation 486 53215 398 5325 53254 53247 53252 53253 53254 53255 6927 3864 51295 3515 73 386 465 739 696 634 6893 6241 624 51296 614 6146 92 727 6112 7291 523 35295 845 6615 339 635 6895 625 615 7287 7288 845 6615 339 635 6895 Pictures. Purchase 625 Selection 615 Piercers 5326 Pigeon holes 68985 Pigskin. Binding 6912 Pins 53265 Placard catalogue 6666 Placards. Catalogue supplies 6684 Plan. Building 34 Plans. Filing 68935 Plans of libraries 34 Accepted 346 Competitive 343 Draft 341 Premiated 344 Plans of shelving 684 Plate mounting 6926 Plating. Book processes 646 Pockets. Charging supplies 7178 Police 495 Portfolios. Filing 68983 Post cards 5313 Postage book 523 Postal stationery 531 Wrappers 53*7 Post. In 551 Out 554 Powers. Committee 422 Librarian 461 Premiated designs. Building 344 Premises. Building 31 Preparations, Floor 335 Preservatives. Binding 6929 Press, Relations with 292 Prices. Binding 693 Books 6203 Printed cards. Cataloguing 665 Printer's copy 575 Catalogue 663 Magazine 88 1 Printer's proof 576 Catalogue 6638 Magazine 883 Printing inks J3233 Printing outfits, Small 537 Printing room. Building 3526 Prints. Catalogues, Library 845 Cataloguing rules 6615 Decoration, building 339 Donations 635 INDEX. Prints. Filing 6895 Purchase 625 Selection 615 Prisms. Lighting 3615 Privileged members. Regis- tration 71817 Processes. Book 64 Office instructions 567 Recipes 586 Special, see subject. Programmes, local societies, &c. 2201 Progress, Works in. Purchase ... 2 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Projects 569 Proof, Printer's 576 Catalogue 6638 Magazine 883 Prosecutions 469 Prospectuses, Publishers', of single works 61227 Prospectuses containing several works go in 61226. Protection from Fire 391 Public libraries 16-17 Public rooms. Building 351 Publications, Library 8 Publishers' catalogues 6121 American 6123 When without London branch or representatives. Publishers' catalogues. British 6122 Foreign 6124 Purchase of books, etc. 62 QUALIFICATIONS, Readers' 463 Quantities. Building 348 Queries. Book selection 61345 Cataloguing 6626 Charging 714 Classification 673 Public, re administration 715 re books 725 Registration 7184 Quotations 514 Accepted 5*45 Exclusive of quotations for books and other library stock, which go in 622-8, subsections 6 and 62 ; and binding, which are 693. RACKS. Pen 53254 Periodical 3862 Rate. Income 5121 Limitation of 1205 Readers' annotations 6628 Readers' qualifications 463 Readers' register 7186 Readers' suggestions. Book selection 6133 Readers' tickets 7182 Reading 729 Courses 7 2 95 Easels 3854 Reading lists 667 Compiling 6617 In preparation 6671 Printed 84 Special classes of people 6673 Special subjects 6672 Suggestions for 6674 Reading room. Building 3533 Departments 73 Furniture 386 Rules 465 Statistics 739 Reading room, Children's. Building 3516 Departments 75 Reading stands 3854 Lecturers' 3867 Readings 25 Rebinding 6924 Recasing 6923 Receipts, Cash 512 Recipes 586 Record, Staff 455 Records. Cataloguing 662 Charging 7128 Stocktaking 687 Special, see subject Reference books. Loan of 7134 Use of 7292 | Reference, Lending versus 7102 Reference library. Building 3513 Departments 72 Fittings 385 Reference use of books. Rules 465 References. Cataloguing 6695 This head is for references to works useful in cata- loguing. References. Classifying 679 This head is for references to works useful in classifying. Reflectors. Lighting 3615 Register of members. Names 7186 Numbers 7187 INDEX. Registers, Shelf 681 Registration of borrowers 718 Regulations, Library 46 Relations with other Cor- poration committees 48 Relations with other Cor- poration departments 49 Relations with the press 292 Renewals. Books 7126 Membership 7*85 Renovation. Building 396 Rent. Expenditure 5 1 ? 1 Income 5*25 Rented premises 31 Repairs. Binding, slight 6921 Binding, special 6922 Building 396 Replacements. Borrowers' cash receipts 51291 Purchase 45 Subdivisions for use under 622-8. Selection 6137 Reports. Annual 4294 Annual, Next 4295 Binder's 6955 Books, etc. (offers) ... 6 ,, (offers accepted) ... 62 ,, (other than offers) ... 5 Subdivisions for use under 622-8. Committee, annual 4294 periodical 4292 special 4296 Departmental 578 Office 577 " Out " 579 These are reports made to other libraries, individuals, etc., on the work of the library. Reports. Publications 87 Special, committee 4296 office 577 Stocktaking 688 Reports on staff 455 Reports on stock. Book selection 61324 These are reports on authors or topics as represented on the shelves as a guide in selection. Requests for donations 632 Requisitions 513 Approved 5135 Reserve stock 654 Resignations. Staff 446 Restricted books. Lending library Reference library Return of books. Lending library Reference library Returns. Committee Office Reviews. Book selection Marked Revision. Catalogues, Public Revolving book cases Roan. Binding Rolling stacks Rolltop desks Roofs. Building Rooms. Building Routine. Office Rubbers, India Rubbings. Binding Ruled books. Stationery Ruled paper With cash columns Rulers Rules. Building competitions Cataloguing Government Library Publications Staff SAFES Salaries. Staff Sale catalogues of books Sales. Cash receipts Sales, Auction, purchase Book etc. 7122 7237 713 724 4291 577 6115 6116 6669 38129 6913 3813 3842 334 35 564 53225 697 5343 5333 5334 5327 342 661 46 46 86 448 38877 447 61247 51294 ...9 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Sample volumes. Binding 697 Samples of supplies. Official 582 Other 583 Sanitary committee. Cor- poration 484 Sanitary department, Infected books sent to 7 I 39 Schoolchildren Applications 71816 Tickets 71823 School libraries. Departments 76 Ordinary class numbers are used, preceded by " Sch." This is general and for heads peculiar to school libraries. INDEX. School libraries. Elementary 1843 Secondary 1842 Sunday 1848 Technical 1844 School libraries sub-committee 4883 Screens. Building 336 For displaying diagrams, etc. 3866 Scribbling paper 5335 Sealing wax 53275 Seals 53275 Secondary education, Rela- tions with 213 Secondary school libraries 1842 Secondhand books. Auction sales 6239 Booksellers, Register of 6238 Catalogues 61246 Offers 6236 ,, accepted 62362 On order, order book 621 ,, (supplementary re- cords) 6231 Purchase 623 Reports (other than offers) 6235 Wanteds, Lists of 62355 Selection. Books 611 Books for the blind 616 Lantern slides 617 Magazines 614 Newspapers 614 Photographs 615 Pictures 615 Senior assistants. Applica- tions 44H5 Appointments 44i5 Selected candidates 445 15 Serials. Binding 696 Purchase 3 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Series. Publishers' catalogues 61225 Service 4 Issue, reference library 7232 Sets, To complete. Desiderata 61255 Shannon files 6899 Sheaf binders 6683 Sheets. Binder's 6945 Binding from 6925 Filing 6892 Sheets. Issue, lending library 7129 ,, reference library 7236 Shelf 68. Keys, publications 85 Labels 683 Permits 727 Registers 68r Shelving. 381 Cases 3812 Close 3813 Floor 3812 Folios 3814 Metal 38109 Revolving 38129 Rolling 3813 Wall 3811 Wood 38108 Show cases 3857 Sick leave. Staff 451 Signature book. Reference library 721 Sites. Building 32 Sub-committee 435 Sizes, Book 643 Sizing. Book processes 643 Slides, Lantern. Catalogues of, publications 847 Catalogues of, trade 6172 Donations 637 Filing 68955 Hiring 62715 Making 7287 Purchase 627 Selection 617 Slip charging systems 7 II0 5 Slips. Binder's 6945 Catalogue supplies 6688 Slopes, Newspaper 3861 Societies. Libraries of 182 Local 22 ,, Visits to library 2206 Non-local 93 Publications, Catalogues of 61244 Society of Arts' requirements. Binding 69107 Sorting trays. Charging supplies 7 I 74 Special cards. Catalogues 66675 52 INDEX. Special catalogues, Manuscript and card 6665 Special classes. Libraries for 188 Reading lists for 6673 Special libraries. Building 3514 Special regulations for readers 468 'Special subjects. Libraries on 19 Publishers' catalogues (British) 61222 Reading lists 6672 Suggestions, Experts' 6131 Librarian's 61323 'Specifications. Binding 693 Building 348 Specimen numbers. Periodical selection 6146 Spikes. Filing 68987 Squared books, Manuscript 5345 Squared drawing papers 533^3 Stack. Shelving 381 . Stack rooms. Building 3531 Stacking, Close. 3813 Staff 44 Appointments 446 Duties 453 special 454 Examinations 443 Holidays 452 Hours 449 Insurance 4406 Meetings 458 Notice board, lending Iibrary7i6 ,, reference library 726 Record 455 Resignations 446 Rooms 3528 Rules 448 Salaries 447 Sick leave 451 Suggestions,, books 61325 Time book 563 Training 456 Vacancies 441 'Staff catalogues 666 Staircases. Building 337 Stairways. Building 35*1 Stamping. Book processes 645 Stamps. Supplies 537 Standing orders. Committee 423 Stands. Newspaper 3861 Reading 3854 " Starred " books. Lending library 7122 Reference library 7237 State aid 13 State libraries 16 State Library Associations, American 917 Stationery 53 Statistics 581 Catalogues, Public 66699 Classification 678 Issues, lending 7129 ,, reference 7 2 39 Newsroom 739 Registration 7189 Stock 659 Statuary. Building 339 Steam heating 376 Steps 38884 Shelf 3819 Stock 65 Publications 808 Reports on, book selection 61324 Stock book 651 Stocktaking 687 Reports 688 Stopped books. Loan 7*24 Storage rooms. Building 353 Story-telling. Work with children 277 Straps 5328 String 5328 Strong room. Building 3532 Study rooms. Building 35*7 Sub-committees 43 Subject catalogue. Card 6663 Manuscript 6663 Printed 84 Public 6663 Rules 6612 Subject index. Card 66635 Manuscript 66635 Printed 84 Public 66635 Rules 6618 Subjects. Lectures 247 Readings 257 54 INDEX. 6131 61323 44H3 44513 Subjects, Special. Libraries on 19 Publishers' catalogues (British) 61222 Reading lists 6672 Suggestions, Experts' ,, Librarian's Sub-librarian. Applications Appointments Selected candidates Subscribers. Library magazine Subscribing members 71818 Subscription libraries 181 Subscriptions. Books, etc. ... 4 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Expenditure 5 I 797 Hiring ... 15 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Income 5127 Suggestions, Book 613 Approved 6139 Deferred 61395 Disapproved 61396 Readers' 6133 Submitted to committee 6138 Suggestions, Readers' 715 Books 6133 Sunday school libraries 1848 Sunday staff. Applications 44117 Appointments 446 Selected candidates 445 Superannuation 4406 Supplementary tickets 71822 Supplies. Binding, Home 6998 Binding, Home, covering materials 691 Catalogues of 585 Cataloguing 668 Charging 717 Cleaning 395 Heating 372 Lantern 3869 Lettering, binding 6999 Photographic 7288 Register of 582 Stationery 53 Store, building 3536 Special, see subject Supports, Book 3819 Suspended tickets 7188 Syllabus. Lectures 244 Readings 254 Syllabuses. Local societies, etc. 2201 TABLES. Furniture 383 Lighting 364 Tables of classification 671 Tablets, Name, Periodical 3864 Tagging. Book processes 647 Talks, Library 24 At schools, societies, etc. ... 2 Subdivision for use under 211-217, 22 - Children's 274 Tape 5328 Teachers' applications. Regis- tration 71815 Teachers' tickets 71827 Technical education, Relations with 214 Technical libraries J 844 Telegrams 5569 Telegraph 556 Telephone 556 Temporary cards. Charging 714 Temporary entries. Card catalogues 66685 Temporary sub-committees 439 Tenders. Building 3483 Testimonials. Staff 459 Testing leather 69107 Thumb index. MS. books 5346 Tickets 536 Readers' 7182 Tickler, Office 561 Time book, Staff 563 Time sheets. Staff 449 Title catalogue. Card 6662 Manuscript 6662 Printed 825 Tools 397 Binding 6997 Lettering 6999 Top lighting 3613 Town Clerk 491 Training. In the library 457 L. A. classes 456 Library schools 456 Tramways committee Cor- poration 487 Manager 497 Travelling libraries 772 Room, building 35293 55 INDEX. Trays. Book 3818 Catalogue 6682 Charging 7171 Desk 53285 Sorting 7 I 74 Treasurer, Borough 492 Trucks, Book 3818 Trustees 42 Typed catalogue entries. Public catalogues 664 Typewriter 571 Supplies 572 Typewriting 571 Typists. Applications 441192 Appointments 446192 Selected candidates 445192 UNIVERSITY extension, Rela- tions with 216 University libraries 1841 Unpaid bills Use of reference books 7292 441 3532 3871 6914 VACANCIES. Staff Valuable books, Storing Vans, Library Vellum. Binding Vendors, Register of. Book, etc. purchase ... 8 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Ventilation 379 Vertical files 68995 Vice-Chairman 4245 Village libraries 187 Visiting sub-committee 437 Visits of schools, societies, etc., to library ... 6 Subdivision for use under 211-217, 22 - Vouchers. Registration 7181 WALL shelving 3811 Metal 38115 Wood 38111 Walls. Building Wanteds, Lists of. purchase Book etc. 333 .-55 Subdivision for use under 622-8. Waste paper baskets 5329 Waste paper, Sales of 51298 Watch committee. Corporation 485 Watch, Night 398 Weeding out 657 Books discarded 6575 Weights, Paper 53245 Windows. Building 336 Withdrawn books 656 Not to be replaced 6565 To be replaced 6562 Wood shelving 38108 Floor 38121 Wall 38111 Work book 564 Work in hand 565 Work room. Building 3525 Work to be done 566 This is work waiting, but not actually in hand o r given out. Works in progress. Purchase Subdivision for use under 622-8. Worn out books Not to be replaced To be replaced Wrappers, Postal Wrapping papers Writing entries, manuscript catalogues Writing papers Cash columns Letter Plain Ruled Scribbling 656 6565 6562 5317 533 8 5 664 5331 5334 5311 5332 5333 5335 Jsibrary Sard Systems. " Libraco " Cards are the best for public and private libraries. Cards and slips are supplied in various qualities from 2 - per 1,000. Guide cards in various shapes and colours, plain or printed, are supplied from 1/6 per 100. " Libraco " Card Cabinets give exceptional value. They are furnished with sideless trays, gravity or duplex rods, tray stops, perfect adjusting back struts, &c. Supplied in cabinets from one tray, or in building-up sections of five trays. Send for Card System Catalogue. WHAT TO USE. Public Card Catalogue. Use best quality medium or thick cards ; " Libraco" sideless trays with gravity rods and tray stops. Librarian's Author Catalogue. Use second quality medium cards and " Libraco " sideless trays with duplex rods. Stock Record. Use " Libraco " G.C. outfit. Card Charging. Use "Libraco" system with 4" by 2^" size cards. Filing of Pamphlets. Use "Libraco" Vertical Folder system. Voucher Cards. Use "Libraco" printed third grade cards, and "Libraco" inexpensive R.C. Cabinets (25/- per 4 drawers). LIBRARY SUPPLY CO., 181, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C. BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARIAN. Subject Classification. By JAMES DUFF BROWN, Librarian, Islington Public Libraries. 424 pp. Royal 8vo., cloth, 1 5s. net. Manual of Descriptive Annotation for Library CATALOGUES. By ERNEST A. SAVAGE, Chief Librarian, Wallasey Public Libraries. Crown 8vo. cloth, 5s. net. Leather for Libraries* By THE SOUND LEATHER COMMITTEE OF THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. With six Specimens of Leathers. Demy 8vo. In Art Linen. Price 2s. 6d. net. Postage, 3d. extra. ClaSS List Of Best Books, 19O5-19O6, CLASSIFIED according to the Dewey Classification. Annotated and Indexed, Published for the Library Association. Royal 8vo., 70 pp.. Paper covers, 1s. net. The Library World & Book Selector. A MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR LIBRARIANS AND OTHERS INTERESTED IN LIBRARY WORK. PRICE 6d. MONTHLY. Subscription (July-June) 7s, per annum, post free. Text Books adopted by library Association, FOR THEIR EXAMINATIONS. Manual of Library Economy. By JAMES DUFF BROWN, Librarian, Islington Public Libraries. 8vo., cloth, 8s. 6d. net. Manual of Library Cataloguing. By j. H. QUINN, Librarian, Chelsea Public Libraries. Crown 8vo., cloth, 5s. net, post free. Manual of Library Classification and Shelf ARRANGEMENT. By JAMES DUFF BROWN, Librarian, Islington Public Libraries. Crown 8vo., cloth, 4s. net, post free. Annotated Syllabus for the Systematic Study OF LIBRARIANSHIP. By JAMES DUFF BROWN. 8vo., paper, + * \ i r * ** ) f jf > Is. Id., post free. Contains an exhaustive list of books and articles on Practical Librarianship. fully annotated. Also Tables of Factors and Percentages by which any problem which may arise in connection with the planning or stocking of a Library can be worked out. PUBLISHED BY . LIBRARY SUPPLY Co., 181, Queen Victoria Street, B.C. " LIBRACO " PORTABLE SHELVING FOR Libraries, Offices, Bookstores, etc, CHEAPEST ADJUSTABLE SHELVING ON THE MARKET. SECTIONAL CONSTRUCTION LATERAL EXTENSION EASILY ERECTED HELVE&ADJUSTABLE METAL FITTINGS 600KCASE "Libraco" Portable Book Shelving costs approximately Hd. per vol. Ordinary Shelving costs from 6d. to I/- per vol. Send tor further particulars and Catalogue to . . . LIBRARY SUPPLY Co., 181, Queen Victoria Street, E.G. Manual of Descriptive Annotation, FOR LIBRARY CATALOGUES. By ERNEST A. SAVAGE. With Chapter on Evaluation and Historical Note, By ERNEST A. BAKER, M.A. " We are delighted with Mr. Savage's book ; indeed all librarians will welcome it as a very useful addition to the librarian's library. . . An extremely able book that marks an important stage in public library growth." Library Association Record. Crown 8vo. Cloth. Price 5 - net. NEW AND REVISED EDITION OF Manual of Jsibrary Economy, BY JAMES DUFF BROWN, BOROUGH LIBRARIAN, ISLINGTON, IVitfi nearly 206 illustrations and ^Diagrams. Demy 8vo Cloth. About 450pp. Price 8/6 net. LIBRARY SUPPLY Co., 181, Queen Victoria St., E.C. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-42m-8,'49(B5573)444 irit LiBRAK\ UNIVERSITY Of CALIFORNIA LOB ANGELES 2697 I- Cftss if \c of library office papers. Z697 L6J31 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 000 784 291 7