05 I < >> 5 3 S I S PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BY STUART WALKER Edited, and with an Introduction by EDWARD HALE BIERSTADT ILLUSTRATED Second Edition, Revised CINCINNATI STEWART fe? KIDD COMPANY 1917 p COPYRIGHT, 1917, BY STEWART & KIDD COMPANY All rights reserved COPYRIGHT IN ENGLAND All dramatic rights reserved by Stuart Walker First Edition May, 1917 Second Edition September, 1917 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION iii PROLOGUE TO THE THEATER 3 THE TRIMPLET 5 NEVERTHELESS 41 THE MEDICINE SHOW 69 THE Six WHO PASS WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL . 85 APPENDIX 133 3G796S ILLUSTRATIONS THE PORTMANTEAU THEATER . . (Frontispiece) FACING PAGE THE TRIM P LET Caratina and her mother, Bobolara . . . . 13 NEVERTHELESS The Girl and Boy Encounter a Strange Word . 53 THE MEDICINE-SHOW The Doctor swaps a chew of tobacco for a pill from Giz 79 Six WHO PASS WHILE TH& LENTILS BOIL The Boy and the Ballad Singer 118 Six WHO PASS WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL The Queen, the defeated Headman, and the Boy 129 TAILPIECE The Portmanteau Theater Boxed to Leave . .131 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION THE MAN Especially during the last two decades in Amer ica various movements have been generated for the establishment of a more or less permanent repertory theater. In most cases these move ments have proved abortive ; indeed, they have al ways proved abortive whenever actual permanency was implied. The failure of the New Theater, now the Century Theater, in New York, marks the highest point in a long series of failures. Next in line for consideration comes Stuart Walk er s Portmanteau Theater. So far it has been entirely successful, and at the present moment there is no reason for prophesying anything but unqualified triumph for the venture. But in any case, whatever time may do to controvert the pres ent situation, the Portmanteau Theater has taught us not one, but many lessons, and it seems entirely fitting that an effort should now be made to sum up in detail the history of the theater, in order that a proper basis for future deduction may be furnished. To do this effectively it will be well to begin with the presiding genius of the Portman teau, Stuart Walker himself. Stuart Walker was born in Augusta, Kentucky, in the oldest house in that part of the State. The exact date of his birth is problematical, as Mr. Walker has so far persisted in maintaining a strict iii INTRODUCTION secrecy on the point. Whether he thinks that he is too old or too young, I do not know; very evidently he believes there is a " too " somewhere in that connection. It seems to me a safe con jecture, however, that he is about thirty-three years old. His father was a lumberman, and with this exception all Mr. Walker s forbears on both sides of the house were either lawyers or preachers. There is not a trace of the artis tic, much less theatric, talent discernible in his geneology, and this is surely worthy of note con sidering his later career. The Walker family originates in North Carolina, not Kentucky, one of the chief reasons for the emigration being that one of Stuart Walker s ancestors had a family of twenty-two children. Naturally North Caro lina felt the strain of so large a body of Walkers, and Stuart s forbear moved south near the blue grass country. Mr. Walker s early childhood was uneventful. He was a strongly imaginative youngster. The chief point of interest during this period came as a more or less direct result of an attack of measles. It was at this time that his father gave him a toy theater in the endeavor to keep the boy indoors and quiet during his convalescence. He was just six years old. The theater was of German manufacture, and it had a green baize curtain, two sets of scenery, and real, though min iature, traps. There came with it also a play to be performed, but the play was written in German, and there was no one at hand who could translate German readily. So it was that Stuart s father made him an adaptation, a very free adap- iv INTRODUCTION tation, of the " Bohemian Girl." This version was especially notable because it had two morals : the reward of virtue, and the condemnation of vice. Thus every one was satisfied. For six years the small boy gave regular performances of his one piece in the little theater, and then the audience rose in a body and demanded a change of bill. Here was a problem indeed for the Manager! Stuart rose to the occasion. He repainted the theater, changed the name of the play and gave it over again. There was almost a riot. The question now was how to hold his audience, and the answer could be only one repertory. The " star system " fortu nately could not apply in this instance. And so Stuart wrote a play a week thereafter, and gave it on Monday afternoon just as he is doing today. The influence of this toy theater on Mr. Walker s future work can hardly be over emphasized. It taught him how to hold an audience, it suggested the importance of the repertory idea, and from a standpoint of stage mechanics it gave him ma terial which he is using today. That will be taken up in detail a little further on. The plays he wrote for his fellows were designed to please they had to please, and the experience gained through their manufacture and presentation has been an ever-present help up to now. In 1890 the Walker family moved to Cincin nati. Here Stuart entered the elementary school, going from there to the High School, and to the University of Cincinnati, where he graduated in due course. While he was an undergraduate at the University he became one of the founders of v INTRODUCTION the Comedy Club, and this served to intensify his interests along the lines of the theater. It was at this time, too, that he came under the influence of Prof. George Miller of the English Department. It was through Professor Miller that Walker be came first interested and then fascinated by the old English and Scottish ballads. Their dramatic power, their skill of narration, and their ability to make the auditor actually see and feel the events they recounted, made a deep and lasting impres sion. It was an early and primitive form of the dramatic art, this minstrelsy, and it suggested the fundamental principles of that art as perhaps little else could have done. After his graduation from the University Mr. Walker was an invalid for several years. He had nothing to do but to think, and this forma tive period permitted the crystallization of ideas which had been germinating since boyhood. When he was strong enough, in an effort to re cover his lost health, Mr. Walker went back south and worked some months in a great lumber camp. Here he came into contact with the South ern negro, and through him found again the bal lad of his university days. At night, by the camp- fire, the darkies would chant their songs, each one taking up the theme in turn and acting out the story. Sometimes these assumed almost the proportion of impromptu plays the Commedia dell* Arte over again! Mr. Walker listened, and learned. He has always been peculiar in his ability to reduce anything to its common de nominator, and to put it into practical applica tion. After his lumbering experience Mr. vi INTRODUCTION Walker headed straight north to New York, and entered at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. Now was the time for dreams to be realized. After graduating from the Academy Mr. Walker played a summer in pantomime with Madame Alberti, and the following Autumn he applied for work at the Belasco offices. There he was taken on at once at $12.50 a week and William J. Dean, the general director for Mr. Belasco, told him he would have five lines to speak in a forthcoming production. The young Thespian banished thoughts of Hamlet oh, yes, he had remembered that Booth was a Southerner and took the part. The five lines were in " Is Matrimony a Failure?" and on the first night Walker was made assistant stage manager. After two weeks he was made stage manager of " The Lily " at $20 a week, and then on he went. He understudied all the important male parts in " The Lily " and in time played most of them, one night taking the place of Leo Ditrichstein who was ill. The next Autumn he went back to " Is Matrimony a Fail ure?" and played the part of the old man, but after two weeks he accepted the position of play-reader for Belasco. Next he was made stage manager of " The Concert," and manager of the Belasco Play Bureau. Again Mr. Walker took a step up, being made general stage man ager; and all the time he was acting in what ever production of Mr. Belasco s he was needed. Shortly after this last move Mr. Dean became ill, and Mr. Walker took over his work contin- vii INTRODUCTION uing with it as general director for Belasco dur ing the next year when he resigned to play for a summer in stock with Jessie Bonstelle. The following Autumn the Portmanteau Theater came into being. This was in 1914 after Mr. Walker had been with Belasco for six years. During all this time there were people who, to use Mr. Walker s own phrase, were " kind to me, and told me things." Among these were first of all William J. Dean whose friendly interest never lessened, then W. J. Ferguson, James Bradbury, Jane Cowl, and others in the cast of " Is Matri mony a Failure?"; in "The Lily," Nance O Neil, and Julia Dean, with Leo Ditrichstein, William Morris, Bruce McRae, and Charles Cartwright. But Mr. Dean was always the greatest friend of all. The average man after six years with Belasco would have succumbed to the Belascian style of production, but with Mr. Walker it taught him largely what to avoid. He had his own stand ards on his entrance to the work, and he adhered to them persistently, discarding whatever failed to meet the test. Perhaps the most vital thing he learned was how to train and handle actors, for in this Belasco is a past-master. Also as director, Mr. Walker came in close touch with a great part of the " profession," and when his time came he was able to draw upon his accumulated experience to provide himself with a company. He saw how the younger actors and actresses were passed over, unless by some chance they were able to show their talent, and he resolved that when his own day dawned he would make his knowledge react to viii INTRODUCTION their advantage and to his own. This made pos sible the incident that took place^just after the first performance of the Portmanteau when a very well-known New York manager rushed up to Mr. Walker and exclaimed, " Walker, where did you get that cast? I never heard of one of em be fore but they re wonders ! " Looking at him rather sadly Mr. Walker replied, " I got six of them out of your companies." Chesterton remarks that the poet is the only really practical man, and this is certainly true of Stuart Walker. He has to a remarkable degree the power of materializing his own visions. His practical experience with the stage has not been wastecl; he has dreamed, and he has made his drWms come true. Perhaps this is in part be cause of his great faith in them, but the concrete knowledge necessary to achieve their embodiment is there too. His taste, his judgment, are inher ent, but the ability to make definite use of them has been arduously acquired. THE THEATER It was in the Autumn of 1914 that the idea for the Portmanteau Theater first came to Mr. Walker. He himself says that it came to him while he was taking a bath. This is so frivo lous a statement that it is undoubtedly true. After all, stranger things have happened. Mr. Walker says, too, that the idea came to him as a complete vision, with every salient feature in its place just as it is now. This sounds like the poet talking, but even so that is no reason for doubting. At least he believes it. As a matter ix INTRODUCTION of fact, like most visions, the idea came to birth after a long period of almost unconcious incu bation, beginning no doubt with the toy theater of childhood. Certain it is at any rate that when Mr. Walker first came to New York he wanted to do three things to write, to act, and to pro duce plays, and it is equally certain that all these three wishes were finally realized in the Port manteau Theater. Shortly after the idea had begun to take shape in Mr. Walker s mind he went to a convention of the Drama League where he met Mrs. Coon- ley Ward with whom he discussed his new-born project. Mrs. Ward took fire at once, so much so in fact that she sent Mr. Walker on a tour through the Middle West so that he might talk publicly about the Portmanteau and gain some idea of how such a .theater would be received. On this tour Mr. Walker met with instant re sponse. He felt now that he was committed to venture, and so without more delay he returned to New York, built the theater and organized his company. This was in the Spring of 1915. According to Mr. Walker one of the first to catch the spirit of the thing was William J. Sheafe, Jr., and it was he who built the first model for the theater. The first scene was made for "Six Who Pass While the Lentils Boil," and it was about this time that Frank J. Zimmerer and Wilmot Heitland put in an appearance. Both of these men did, and indeed are doing, splendid work for the Portmanteau. It was Mr. Zim merer who found the color for the theater itself, and his stage settings for the plays of Lord Dun- INTRODUCTION sany, as well as those for the plays of Mr. Walker, have since set New York by the ears. In every instance Mr. Walker has displayed an almost un canny knack for getting just the right people to execute his ideas. This is indeed borne out in every phase of the work, artistic and mechanical. And again in almost every instance the people he has found have been hitherto quite unknown to the general public. The proportions of the theater are based, ac cording to the inventor s own statement, on the west wall of the apartment Mr. Walker occupied at that time, and this simply means that the pro portions are, to a certain extent, arbitrary. Later they were worked out in greater detail as slight changes became necessary. The theater as it was finally built, however, was, and is, strictly accord ing to Mr. Walker s primary conception. The Portmanteau Theater is in direct descent from the toy theater about which so much has already been said. The structural outlines of the theater are largely the same, the same three color lighting system is employed, the stand-lights are used in exactly the same manner, and the im proved reflectors are almost replicas. It was in the toy theater that Mr. Walker first learned that footlights cast unpleasant shadows, and he discarded them then. Later he relearned that lesson as well as others under Belasco, but they had first come to him years before. The great est point of interest here, however, is that the lighting system for the Portmanteau Theater is unique. Mr. Walker can get effects with it that cannot be duplicated in any theater in the country. xi INTRODUCTION .Yet this lighting system which has been hailed as so notable an achievement, as indeed it is, is based directly upon the system used in the little toy the ater with the green baize curtain. In 1915 Hiram Kelly Moderwell, author of " The Theater of Today " and at that time on the staff of the Boston Evening Transcript wrote an account of the Portmanteau Theater from which I shall quote at some length, for I cannot hope to better Mr. Moderwell s nar rative. " The Portmanteau Theater is a complete theatrical stage, somewhat smaller than usual, but ample for any play that does not make a special demand for bigness. It can be set up in any room sixteen and a half feet high, twenty- five feet wide, and forty feet Iqng (this length allowing for an audience of a hundred or more). Its walls support themselves by a resourceful sys tem of interlocking, and ground bracing. They can be * struck, like scenery, by a few men, and boxed in an hour and a half. When boxed for shipping, the theater, with switchboard and all paraphernelia, weighs some 3,000 pounds, oc cupies 735 cubic feet, and can be loaded on to an ordinary hauling truck. The box of dimmers is a little marvel. It is forty-four inches long, thirty-two inches high, twenty-three inches deep, and weighs 350 pounds boxed. It can plug in on the ordinary no direct current system, which fact enables the theater to dispense with clumsy cal cium devices. Mr. Walker dispenses altogether with footlights, not from necessity, but from choice. His lighting is obtained from movable xii INTRODUCTION spot lamps, and transparencies provide all needed coloring. " The stage proper is sixteen feet high, eight een feet deep, and twenty-two feet wide. The gridiron, from which scenery is hung, is a remark able contrivance, light and flexible, but to all ap pearances quite free from all danger of break ing. A cloth cyclorama is hung on a semi-circu lar iron shaft, and is used for the background in out-of-door scenes, as in the best European thea ters. There is an oblong fore-stage or apron in front of the proscenium and between two side entrance doorways, and here, in chummy near ness to his audience, Mr. Walker has large por tions of his plays acted. The wings are ample for the storing of properties between scenes, and for the sojourn of actors awaiting their cues. Some of the framework of the stage is constructed of the actual boxes in which the rest is stored and shipped. " Mr. Walker uses this stage with a keen sense of the beautiful. If he chose he could mount an ordinary realistic play in the realistic manner the equipment will lend itself to that. But in the performances thus far given the producer has set himself to the exposition of his ideals of stagecraft. These are perhaps summarized in the formula : * Imagination instead of informa tion. But Mr. Walker s personal taste narrows down still more toward the delicate and fanciful. And in this field at least, the Portmanteau should be able to equal any theater in America, provided only that the physical demands of the play be not exorbitant. The scenery in the Portmanteau is xiii INTRODUCTION of the simplest description back drops, ordi nary sets, and a few properties. It is the light ing (which must in all imaginative work be a full half of the setting) that raises these prosaic things into the domain of magic. Mr. Walker s light ing is a simple affair of movable spots, nothing more. (We have Mr. Belasco to thank for showing us the marvels of the spot-light.) But by his extensive understanding of color in light, and especially^of light against pigment, he pro duces effects of great beauty and distinction." There are several points in Mr. Moderwell s account which may in the light of later events be clarified to advantage. It is interesting to re mark that when the Portmanteau was set up in the Century Theater of New York Mr. Walker discarded the famous " million dollar switch board " of the Century, finding that he could get better effects with his own switch-board, and little dimmer-box. The Century, that gigantic mauso leum of incompetency, is a monument to the con ception that money can supply anything except brains. It should be noticed too that the fore- stage of the Portmanteau is unlike the conventional apron in that it is one step lower than the main or inner stage. When Mr. Moderwell speaks of the scenery as being " of the simplest description," he is speaking from a mechanical rather than from an artistic standpoint. Also it must be remembered that his account was written in the very early days of the Portmanteau before Zimmerer s gorgeous sets for the Dunsany plays, or for " The Birthday of the Infanta." The fore-stage, and the inner stage of the xiv INTRODUCTION Portmanteau are lighted by four stand-lights two for each stage. These stands carry one lamp each of 250 watts, behind which is an exceed ingly powerful mirror reflector. The two lights for the fore-stage are placed down stage right and left, and are masked from the audience by screens. The two lights for the inner stage are placed just inside the proscenium. It is evident at once that there can be no question of un pleasant shadow effects with this ^method. As Mr. Moderwell says, movable spots are used also, but this is true only on occasion. Mr. Walker relies on reflections, and color combinations to bring most of his results. Heretofore to obtain the diffuse light necessary for a full stage, bal cony spots have been used (Granville Barker re lies on these to a great extent), but with the single lamp used in combination with the reflectors the Portmanteau manages to obtain a diffuse light from nearby, a thing new in staging. I have called these lights " stand-lights " because they do not come under the head of any other lights used on the stage prior to their creation by Mr. Walker. They differ from the bunch-light largely in that only one bulb is used, and that the reflector is an unusually powerful one con structed by Mr. Walker particularly for this pur pose. Mr. Walker s general theory of staging is very simple. If you have a story to tell tell it. Do not bury it in a mass of detail which is unes sential. Go for the broad effects, the big out lines; the rest will be added as it becomes neces sary. That is one of the things Belasco did not xv INTRODUCTION teach the producer. You must remember also that the audience is an integral part of the whole. It must be willing to enter in and do its share. The part of an audience which will do this is worth working for, and the other part will come anyhow they will follow the rest. Simplicity is the keynote, and the knowledge when it will be more effective not to do a thing than to do it. " Nevertheless " is a masterpiece of omission, and it has been remarked that the characters of Mother and Father who never come on the stage at all are as real to the audience as the Boy or Girl. It is in connection with this play that some misguided people have tried to trace a tendency on Mr. Walker s part to return to the Elizabethan stage as the Device Bearer brings out the table, the lamp, and the chairs which go to make the set against the closed cur tains of the inner stage. It is simply a question of practicability. The fore-stage cannot be cur tained off, and as it must be set for this " Inter lude before the Curtains " it is simply a matter of setting it in the most artistic way. Better the Device Bearer than the Props of the " Yellow Jacket " with his limp cigarette. The point should be stressed again that Mr. Walker considers the audience and the stage as a unit. The fore-stage is significant of this atti tude in the degree of intimacy it permits; indeed it may be considered as the connecting link be tween the stage proper and the auditorium. In some of Mr. Walker s plays the characters descend into the audience in the effort to weld the real and the make-believe into an indivisible xvi INTRODUCTION whole. Memory as she walks down the center aisle to the stage, and the Prologue as he an swers questions, both tend to carry out this theory. You, or the person in the audience, is of course a definite character in several of the plays, but some times a youngster in the house will pipe up and ask the Prologue questions on his own account. This never fails to fill Mr. Walker with joy, and the Prologue^ himself with perturbation, but so far the illusion has never been lost, no matter how severe a strain was put upon the ingenuity of the players. Some persons, equally misguided with those be fore mentioned, have exclaimed that Mr. Walker in his attitude toward the audience has attempted to reinstitute some of the conventions of the Greek stage, and one critic has remarked that the " trick " was borrowed straight from vaudeville. The absurdity of both these statements is mani fest. The consideration of the stage and the audience as a unit, and the effort to emphasize that point in every possible manner is as old as the stage itself. It is one of the early fundamen tals of stagecraft, and the list would be endless of the times when it has been attempted. " The Knight of the Burning Pestle " is perhaps the most obvious example, but like instances can be found in the drama of almost every country, and every age as ^ far back as the ancient Hindu theater. There is not space here to elucidate this theory, but that it is of the highest importance is un questionable. In his directing, Mr. Walker makes certain demands, and adopts certain methods which are xvii INTRODUCTION interesting, less in themselves, than in the results to which they give rise. He insists that every member of a cast shall know what the play is about. He reads the play with them together and separately; he discusses it with them until all the individual conceptions become unified in the whole. One of his chief personal exactions is that actors shall be treated not as actors but as human beings, and the result is that every member of his com pany is a friend upon whom he can depend for the fullest support, and the heartiest cooperation. In rehearsing a new play Mr. Walker permits every one to work out his own ideas so far as it is possible (herein is a trace of the Belasco train ing), and a little later in the work the process of unifying the individual interpretations, and correcting them in so far as they need correction, is taken in hand. As a whole the Portmanteau company may be said to read excellently, that is, better than most American companies, and not so well as most English. Seldom a word is lost, and their reading of verse is quite re markable considering what we are usually obliged to put up with. Both in diction and in enunci ation the company will bear comparison with the best this country has to offer. Their acting is finished, and may be compared to the Irish Play ers in that the greatest effect is secured with the least effort. Every one of the young and un known actors who have come into Mr. Walker s charge has since received offers from Broadway managers, but only one or two have succumbed to the temptation. Mr. Walker s effort is always to create through xviii INTRODUCTION the audience rather than through the actors. He provides all the outline of illusion with all the necessary suggestion, leaving the audience to fill in the details for themselves. This places upon them a direct necessity for coming into the picture, to create for themselves, besides responding to the creation of others. And as I have said be fore, the part of an audience which will do this is worth working for and it is no small part. In " Six Who Pass While the Lentils Boil " a great copper pot is placed on the fore-stage. The audience is told that the pot is on a fire and that it is full of boiling water. All through the performance the audience may be heard to gasp audibly whenever any one comes near enough to the pot to be in danger of being scalded. In " The Lady of the Weeping Willow Tree " a young girl kneels by the bank of a river crooning a quiet little song, as she sorrows over her trou bles. There is no river, and there is no action, but, nine times out of ten, the audience have en tered so fully into the spirit of the scene that they have been moved to tears. Can the realistic stage setting better this? It may be quite truly said that Mr. Walker has shown what can be done with the new stage art quite as effectively as any other producer in America. In conception and in execution he has proved to the utmost that an ounce of artistic suggestion, sympathetically ap plied, is worth a pound of realistic reproduction. The first of these stimulates the imagination; the second stultifies it. It must not be thought, however, that Mr. Walker is omnipotent or that the Portmanteau xix INTRODUCTION Theater is a cure-all for the woes of the stage. One becomes so surfeited with mediocrity that the advent of the new and beautiful is apt to be hailed as the very criterion of excellence, and conse quently over-rated. Nothing could be more de structive to the well being of any movement than this attitude, for there inevitably follows in its wake a reaction which often undoes all the good that has been accomplished. The Portmanteau has very definite limitations. It cannot attempt to compete with the ordinary theater in many of its phases. Such competition is not necessary. The Portmanteau Theater has its place, and within the confines of its limitations it must exer cise what influence it can bring to bear. It cannot be otherwise considered, and in my praise of its activities it must always be borne in mind that such statements are relative, not absolute. The Portmanteau stage is small, and is naturally not to be compared with a full-sized stage which is equipped with every device of contemporary stage-craft. It is in the acceptance of its self-im posed limitations, and in the turning of them to advantage that the Portmanteau derives no small part of its importance. It should be considered not in any sense as a Messiah, but simply as a Prophet. THE PLAYS The first play in his present repertory which Mr. Walker wrote was " The Moon Lady," a pantomime written in 1908, six years before the theater itself came into being. The list of the other plays, all of them written especially for the xx INTRODUCTION Portmanteau, follows with the time of writing. "Six Who Pass While the Lentils Boil," March 29th -April ist, 1915. " The Trimplet," June 26th- 29th, 1915. " The Seven Gifts," a pantomime, December yth, 1915. "Nevertheless," December 3ist, 1915. "The Lady of the Weeping Willow Tree," February 6th -i 6th, 1916. "The Birthday of the Infanta," July I9th- 2Oth, 1916. " The Very Naked Boy," September 3rd, 1916. "The Medicine Show," September 5th, 1916. It may fairly be said that although the ideas for some of these plays had been in Mr. Walker s mind for some time, they might never have reached the dignity of paper had it not been for the building of the Portmanteau. From the very first Mr. Walker was strongly disinclined to use plays without paying royalty, but his circumstances at that time did not permit such payment. Obvi ously the only thing to do was to write his own plays, and this he did. The point of view from which the plays are written is easy of explanation. Tell_the^ story that is the sole secret; no, there is one other first have a story to tell. Mr. Walker denies the charge of symbolism energetically, and herein he is at one with Lord Dunsany who has suffered under a like burden. For the most part we can concur with Mr. Walker in his contention that his plays are without ulterior motive : it is only when such a frankly symbolic piece as u The xxi INTRODUCTION Trimplet " is brought into the discussion that we waver. But " The Trimplet " stands alone after all in its symbolism, if symbolism it be. The story is the important part to Mr. Walker, and it is the important part to most of his audiences. If the others are able to get something more from the play so much the better, but the vital fact is that they get the story first. The symbolism is secondary when it is present at all. At least half of the plays are satires of a mild form. " Six Who Pass While the Lentils Boil " is the best example of this phase, as " The Trim plet " (unquestionably Mr. Walker s finest play) is the best example of his more purely poetic vein. " The Trimplet " deals with a certain magic thing which can cure all the ills of whoever finds it. The search and the finding constitute the action of the piece. " Six Who Pass While the Lentils Boil " is per haps the most popular play in the Portmanteau repertory. The story is of a Queen who, having stepped on the ring-toe of the King s great-aunt, is condemned to die before the King s four clocks strike twelve. The Six who pass the pot, in which boil the lentils, are on their way to the behead ing. " Nevertheless," an interlude played before the curtains on the fore-stage, tells of a burglar who reaches regeneration through two children and a dictionary. This play is a point of contention. It is liked and disliked in turn by critics and audi ences. The key to the problem, however, is in the point of view which is brought to bear on the play. If one looks at it in the cold gray light of middle- xxii INTRODUCTION aged inexperience it is doubtless a rather tedious trifle, but if one s eyes are those of childhood where " every one lives happy ever after " and an all-abiding faith in the ultimate fitness of things is the chief tenet of one s convictions one will like the play. And this commentary is true in a greater or less degree of all Mr. Walker s work. " The Medicine Show " is a character study from the banks of the Ohio River. One does not see either the show or the river, but that does not matter. This play is a relic of the days in Augusta, Kentucky. Every word spoken by the three characters was heard at some time by the author as he lay, a small boy, on the banks of the great river. Its local color is exact to a degree, and its characterization is equally authentic, but that does not prevent it from being amusing. That it is true to life is well borne out by the fact that the play was received with the utmost en thusiasm in that part of the world where the char acters were known and appreciated. New Eng land took the piece coldly: Giz and Lut er were too dirty for New England. The Seven Gifts," a pantomime, was played for the first time in Madison Square, New York City, on Christmas night, 1915. The Theater was set up in the Square and a crowd of more than 5000 stood in the snow to see the perform ance. The players were warmed by heaters placed underneath the stage, and the heat gen erated became at times so intense that they were in danger in being parboiled, though the tempera ture was near the freezing mark outside. Never- xxiii INTRODUCTION theless the audience of 5000 stood patiently in the cold dark to which they were seemingly ob livious as they watched in fascinated wonder. " The Lady of the Weeping Willow Tree " is a play of old Japan, and many of the lines are taken from old Japanese songs, and legends with which the western world is not familiar. The play is a sad little tale; so sad, indeed, that I have known a hardened press-agent to weep over it as he read the manuscript. And a greater tribute than this would be impossible in my opinion! But though it is sad it is beautiful, and it is the only play Mr. Walker has written in more than one act. " The Very Naked Boy " is another interlude of rapid action. The play is not as fine as the others, however, either in conception or in the working out of the little episode on which it is based. The Birthday of the Infanta " in an adapta tion from a story of Oscar Wilde s. The original is full of dramatic incident and lends itself pe culiarly to the treatment accorded it. The play has been successful from the very start. It is notable that Alfred Noyes used the same story for his poem " The Dwarf s Tragedy," one of his most poignantly beautiful creations. Mr. Walker s conception does the original full justice, and more than that no one can say. The staging of this piece is particularly fine with costumes by Mrs. John W. Alexander from original Velasquez portraits, and the set by Frank J. Zimmerer. Mr. Walker has several plays in preparation notably " A Leaf in the Wind," a peace play in xxiv INTRODUCTION which there is no mention of war, and " The Win dow Garden," the story of a little cripple in the slums of a great city. As will be seen by the list of plays with the dates of writing Mr. Walker is a rapid workman, but that is not always true. " The Window Garden " has been rewritten six times so far, but when it is done it will be as it was always intended. Mr. Walker s attitude toward the writing of his plays, his emphasis on the importance of telling the story, may be traced in some part to the old English and Scottish ballads which influenced him so greatly in his earlier youth. The same funda mentals are apparent in each; the narrative, the color and clarity of outline, and the same tendency to bring the audience into active cooperation all proceed from the same source. But it is never plot for plot s sake with Mr. Walker. The plot grows out of the characters inevitably as it should grow, but the plot never controls the characters. The length of the plays is entirely unconventional from a theatric standpoint. Some of them play twenty minutes, and some play fifty. It depends solely on the story that is to be told. There is neither cutting to make it shorter nor padding to make it longer. The play dictates its own length by its own requirements. It has been asked whether the plays have been influenced by the theater. Physically they have not. That is to say that the plays are in no sense unconven tional because the theater itself is unconventional. Realistic plays could be staged in the Portmanteau just as effectively as the poetic and more fanciful drama. But it is quite probable that in writing XXV INTRODUCTION his plays Mr. Walker has always thought of them in terms of the Portmanteau, though this does not mean that any very pronounced limitation has been imposed upon them. Rather otherwise, in so far as theatrical effects are concerned. Mr. Walker, like Mr. Chesterton, does and says the extraordinary thing because it is the log ical thing. Herein he is at one with the child mind, and herein lies no small measure of his im portance. The creation of the Prologue, the De vice Bearer, and the You, in the audience, bear witness to this very clearly. The Prologue, who answers questions from the audience, and You who asks them, have both a very definite reason. There are usually people in the theater who talk during a performance, thus making themselves a nuisance to all around them. One dislikes them because they distract one s attention from the stage, and too because one involuntarily tries un successfully to hear what they are saying. Now we have questions asked and answered so that the whole theater can hear. The performance is un disturbed, and so is the audience. (There is dis cernible, however, a touch of satire in the concep tion.) And the Prologue to the Theater chanted by Memory, as well as the prologues to the sepa rate plays spoken by the Prologue himself are for the people who must know exactly what it is all about. What better method could there be of telling them? The Prologue to the Theater is in teresting in itself as having originally no connec tion with the Portmanteau. It was written in 1912 as the prologue to a book which was never published, and when the theater was built it be- xxvi INTRODUCTION came available. It is an exquisite bit of prose, comparable to Dunsany in its poetry of thought and of expression. In his plays Mr. Walker has reached the same conclusion that every really worthy, imaginative writer has reached in the course of centuries, namely that the child mind and the adult mind are fundamentally the same, and are thus subject to the same reaction and the same response. If the adult perception can once be induced to cast loose the bonds of custom, conventionality, and sophis try which have been grafted on imperceptibly through the course of years, and reach to the horizon of the child mind, we have every possi bility of a very high form of art. A child read ing a fairy tale perceives nothing beyond the story itself, and is consequently satisfied, providing the tale be adequate, but the more mature intelligence immediately translates the characters and inci dents into symbols of abstract qualities, acquiring thereby an emotional stimulus not only on the imaginative but also on the spiritual side. Some times this is carried to extremes, and we have a frantic search for symbolism where none is in tended, an inability to accept the story for the story s sake, it is this among other things with which^ Mr. Walker is contending. The child mind is, relatively speaking, infinite, and the word infinite brings us at once to universality, that qual ity upon which all true art is founded as upon a rocL Mr. Walker has cut through to fundamen tals in his work, and it is that which makes him worthy of especial attention. Only his terminol ogy is strange, even while it possesses that deli- xxvii INTRODUCTION cate charm which only an artist with his point of view could give it. I do not mean that Mr. Walker s type of play will be all things to all men. It will not, and can not be, nor is it even intended that it should. It will always fall short on the purely intellectual side, and those persons who derive their sole en joyment from an intellectual stimulus will always come away unsatisfied. Beyond question one of the reasons for the marked success of this type of play at present is simply that the inevitable reac tion has set in against the play of pure observa tion as opposed to that of pure imagination. One side of our natures has been greatly neglected, and that side is now coming into its own as a plant blooms under watering. When the pendulum has swung too far we shall again react. It is un fortunate that not often in an age comes that genius who can combine successfully the seen and the unseen, the actual and the real. And al though within their scope Mr. Walker s plays are of especial significance, that scope is admit tedly small. One cannot compare " Alice in Wonderland " with the " Odyssey." And by the way, here is an interesting point Mr. Walker has never read a line of Lewis Carroll; he has not even looked at the pictures! This absolves him of the accusation of imitation at any rate. It would be absurd to point out these pieces written for the Portmanteau as masterpieces either of lit erature or of the dramatic art, but within their scope, admitting their obvious restrictions, they are significant both in themselves and as an expo sition of certain artistic theories of importance. xxviii INTRODUCTION THE RESULT The first performances in the Portmanteau Theater were given at Christodora House, a set tlement on Avenue B, New York City. The reason for this was that Mr. Walker had been in terested in the activities of Christodora House for some time, and intended to establish there by means of the Portmanteau a community theater somewhat like the Neighborhood Playhouse in Grand Street. At the last moment, however, this idea proved impracticable, and several invitation performances were given instead to which profes sional people of importance were invited. The success was instantaneous. Critics, managers, and amateurs alike came, saw, and were con quered. The bill for these initial performances consisted of " The Trimplet," " The Six Who Pass While the Lentils Boil," and " A Fan and Two Candlesticks " by Mary MacMillan. The casts were composed of young professionals whom Mr. Walker had interested in the venture, and who in their enthusiasm contributed their services free of charge. It was worth their while to have such an opportunity of showing their talent, in stead of remaining buried at the bottom of a Broadway company. Not one of them ever re gretted the gamble, if such it could be deemed. These performances were given on July I4th, 1 5th, and 2ist, 1915, and from then on until Christmas Mr. Walker fought illness and pre pared as best he could for the coming year. He now had the theater, the company, and suffi cient plays with which to open a repertory season. xxix INTRODUCTION On Christmas night the Portmanteau was set up in Madison Square, and a performance of " The Seven Gifts," a pantomime, was given, and after this the Portmanteau took its place in the ranks. The first professional or paid perform ance was in Boston on February I4th, 1916, and after that the company was taken on tour through New England, as far west as Chicago, and as far south as Washington. The tour was somewhat in the nature of a triumphal march (in all my life I have never seen such notices and so many of them) and Mr. Walker brought his theater back to New York reinvigorated, and ready to try to crack the hardest nut of all New York itself. By this time the Portmanteau had found its feet. In the Christodora House it had been tried on professionals, and had been eagerly ac cepted; now during the tour it had played in great cities, and in small towns, before audiences com posed of the 400 and audiences composed of the 4,000,000, and it had gone equally well with rich and poor, young and old. Children adored the theater and the plays, and grown-ups had come to patronise and remained to applaud. It was now certain that a universal chord had been struck, and that success of the theater was assured. In the summer of 1916 the Portmanteau was taken to Wyoming, New York, and here the new plays were tried out and the repertory for the coming season whipped into shape. The next Oc tober another and shorter tour through New Eng land was arranged which was carried out with a repetition of the first success. It may be said here that fully nine-tenths of the initial bookings for the XXX INTRODUCTION Portmanteau have been renewed, and in nearly every instance for a longer run than was first given. On November 27th, 1916, the Portman teau opened at the Thirty-ninth Street Theater, New York, and after remaining there two weeks, changed to the Princess Theater just across the street, where it played until January 6th, 1917. It could have played out the season there except for the fact that bookings had been arranged which made it imperative to close at the stated time. After January 6th the theater started on a western tour. It had been considered highly undesirable to place the Portmanteau in direct competition with the Broadway theaters during the New York run, and so at the Thirty-ninth Street Theater there were no evening performances, and only four matinees a week, with one morning performance for children on Saturday. This last, however, was not successful and was shortly discontinued. On moving to the Princess Theater the demand was so great that Mr. Walker was obliged to play not only every afternoon, but also every evening, a total of twelve performances a week. And the houses to which the Portmanteau played were usually full. No mere fad could have made such a record. It is absolute proof of the in trinsic worth of the Portmanteau productions that the second largest and the most incredulous city in the world should have given it the response it did. The Portmanteau Theater was set on the stage of the larger theater, and this occasionally- puzzled the audience, but there seemed no feasi ble method of obviating the difficulty though Mr. xxxi INTRODUCTION Walker labored long and earnestly at the prob lem. The New York run was rendered notable espe cially because of the production of three plays by Lord Dunsany two of which had not hitherto been performed professionally in America. The sets for these plays, as indeed the sets for the rest of the repertory, are surpassed by little that had been done in America so far. All but three of the sets have been made by Mr. Zimmerer, who also did some of the sets for the Neighborhood Playhouse. Mr. Zimmerer has done all the sets and costumes for the Portmanteau productions with the following exceptions, the set for " Six Who Pass While the Lentils Boil " was made by William J. Sheafe, Jr., who also made the first model of the theater itself, and the costumes for the same play were designed by Wilmot Heitland who also designed the scenery and costumes for " Gammer Gurton s Nedle," and " The Lady of the Weeping Willow Tree." The costumes for " The Birthday of the Infanta " were designed by Mrs. John W. Alexander. With these ex ceptions Mr. Zimmerer has had the field to him self, and splendid use he has made of it. I do not intend in any sense to depreciate the work done by others in favor of Mr. Zimmerer their achievements are too distinguished to per mit that but Mr. Zimmerer as a member of the company, and as scenic director of the theater is surely entitled to the major portion of the credit. It was early in 1916 when Mr. Walker placed the business management of the Portmanteau in xxxii INTRODUCTION the hands of Maximilian Elser, Jr., and Russell Janney, both of them young, enthusiastic and en tirely fitted to assume such control. And here let me say that any rumors concerning the finan cial backing of the Portmanteau by any one are entirely without foundation. That is one of the most remarkable and important features of its progress. At the outset Mr. Walker borrowed $3,000, and up to December, 1916, every penny that was put into the Portmanteau came out of Mr. Walker s pocket. He received offers of backing time and again, but he refused them be cause he felt that his salvation lay in perfect freedom. With the exception of the $3,000 men tioned the Portmanteau paid its own way. It did more than that. In the Spring of 1916 it showed a profit of twenty per cent, on the invest ment to date. And yet it is an " uncommercial " theater ! Surely it is uncommercial in that it does not cater to " the tired business man," but just as surely the theater is commercial from a financial standpoint. It has not been able to pay for the mass of publicity accorded other produc tions, but no other production has been given the enormous amount of publicity accorded the Port manteau. And that is because it is important in itself, able to stand on its own feet, and make its own way in the world. The response to most of the plays has been very even no matter what the character or the situation of the audience, but one or two of the plays present rather amusing problems. " The Trimp- let " is one of the favorite pieces with the public. It has always gone well, yet it is the one piece the xxxiii INTRODUCTION critics unite in damning ! And too " Gammer Gurton s Nedle," the earliest example of English comedy, included in every university course on the history of the drama, has been a failure from the start in the colleges, but has taken by storm New York, where it was played nineteen times in two weeks. Strange, is it not? Particularly in view of what I have already said about the stage settings for the Portmanteau pro ductions, it is interesting to note what some of them cost. One play cost nothing whatever to stage, one play cost $52, one cost $300, and one cost $1500. It is not necessary to go all through the list, for these four are representative. It should be observed, however, that the play with practically no setting at all, which cost nothing, has had a success equal to that of the play that cost $1500 to produce (which sum is the largest ever expended by Mr. Walker on a production). I desire again to make here the point that the appeal of the Portmanteau has not been confined to any one class or to any one age of persons. It is this peculiar universality of appeal which makes the Portmanteau of importance both from a the atric and dramatic standpoint. I should like also to point out one thing that I have noticed about Portmanteau audiences, men are quicker to get into the spirit of the thing than women. The women are usually a little hesitant, and self-con scious, while the men lose all thought of self in their enjoyment of what is before them. Per haps this is because men always retain a large, healthy strain of the " little-boy " spirit while women have but little if any of the " little-girl." xxxiv INTRODUCTION ;And too a little boy is a known and loved factor < in the scheme of things, but a little girl is there such a thing? The reason for the Portmanteau Theater itself as differentiated from its productions may be eas ily summed up in the statement that it permits its director absolute freedom. He can in an almost I literal sense take up his theater and walk. He is : bound down by none of the inconveniences that beset the ordinary play house. When he goes on tour his scenery always fits the stage because it is always the same stage. He can play where there is no theater if there is a hall, or a barn or a ball room in which he can set up his equipment. I have been asked whether in the original conception of the Portmanteau there was not an auditorium included. No, never. And hence in a certain sense the Portmanteau is not a theater at all. It is simply a stage with all the appurtenances of one. The Portmanteau Theater proves once for all how easily and simply, and yet how artistically and effectively, things can be done. It is not " highbrow " any more than it is the opposite. It is for everybody. The Portmanteau has shown us that a very high form of art can be pro duced at a very low cast. And it has shown that whatever the cost the thing that is really worth while will more than pay for itself. The future of the Portmanteau is another ques tion. It may be that in the due course of time Mr. Walker will permit other theaters to be built from his plans, and we shall have the travelling theater as a fixture in our theatrical life. When this becomes possible it will engender a spread and xxxv INTRODUCTION growth of the new stage art which would other wise have been impossible. One of the most vital things the Portmanteau Theater has given us so far, is probably the best repertory company in America. And this is after all what Mr. Walker is working for most. Books have been written without end on the necessity of the repertory the ater. The experiment has been tried and tried again, and in most instances it has failed. But from the Theatre Libre to the Abbey Theater all these experiments have left their mark, have em phasized again the necessity for such a move, and have brought us one step nearer to the goal. And too, the traveling repertory theater has twice the chance of success that a stationary theater has, for it is not dependent upon the favor of one locality. This is of prime and far reaching im portance. It is not necessary that the repertory imply the " little " theater, though that has its undeniable place. The ideal seating capacity of a theater is from 500 to 750, and the size of the ideal stage is that of the Princess Theater, New York. The proportions of the Punch and Judy Theater, New York, are excellent in every way, but this is ex clusive of the stage itself. The auditorium should be deeper than it is wide, and no wider than the stage. The whole stage picture should always be in full view of every one, and every one should see it from approximately the same angle. Before leaving the Portmanteau Theater let me call attention to another point of importance. The full quota of sets for the theater along with the theater itself can be transported at the cost, or xxxvi INTRODUCTION less than the cost, of transporting the scenery alone of an ordinary production. And, in addi tion, there is no house rent to pay, the biggest item of all, when the theater reaches its destina tion. True, it must have its hall or auditorium of some kind, but that is not a drop in the bucket compared with what most managers have to pay for the use of a completely equipped theater. And the Portmanteau has its own lighting system and everything else it needs. If only because of this one factor of expense, the theater has more than justified its existence. With such an equip ment the young man whose principal assets are taste and judgment can afford to embark on a man agerial career unhampered by the thought that he will have to invest a fortune before he sees the first profits. If the Portmanteau eventually tends to take the theater out of the hands of those en tirely unfitted to control it, and helps to restore the balance of power by bringing the younger and more idealistic element into the field, it will have performed an epoch-making task. By all this it will be seen that the Portmanteau Theater and its plays cannot be considered quite together. The theater itself means much artis tically and commercially. It is in itself an eman cipation proclamation, for it means freedom of movement, and vastly increased opportunities. It is the modern version of the strolling players. It has given us a lighting system unequaled in its simplicity and unrivaled in the ordinary theater. The settings for its plays have been masterpieces of stage art. The theater itself and the effects which it has engendered are thus of the utmost im- xxxvii INTRODUCTION portance in the development and history of the stage. The plays contained in the repertory of the theater, of which there is a list in the Appendix, are of like importance in the scheme of things, not in themselves, but in the trend which they indicate. We are unquestionably upon the eve of a great romantic renaissance. Woe to art if this be not so! The stage craft of Craig, of Reinhardt, and of Barker has marked the roman tic renaissance of the theater; surely the drama cannot do otherwise than follow. Naturalism is to be considered as a necessary purgative rather than as a healthy, normal condition of the artistic structure. " The Gods of the Mountain " of Lord Dunsany, and " The Trimplet " of Stuart Walker are quite as " real " as " The Fugitive " of Galsworthy. Their terminology is different, that is all. That which is true of man in the mythical city of Kongros is likewise true of him in London. I do not mean to argue in favor of the abandonment of the play written in terms of every-day life, such as Galsworthy s, in favor of the purely imaginative, and poetic drama. Such an abandonment would be as futile as it would unwise. But I do mean to point out that the ab normal intellectualization of art is fully as de structive to the vital spiritual quality as the ethe- realization of art would be to the necessary intel lectual quality. The Scriptures bid us to be as little children. We are as little children, and the virtue lies not in the fact itself, but in our realiza tion and acknowledgment of it. It is only when we endeavor to assume the raiment of deities that xxxviii INTRODUCTION we are overtaken by the seven green gods of Marma and punished for our temerity or that Mr. Shaw, who also is a prophet in his own way, is able to point the finger of scorn at us, wise in our folly. In all that I have written here it will be very evident that I have dwelt on the excellencies of the Portmanteau Theater and its plays rather than on the weaknesses. Surely that is but nat ural. It must not be thought, however, that there are no weaknesses, that there is no room for improvement, or that the last word has been said on the subject. (Indeed it is one of the most vital factors, that only the first word has been said.) I have endeavored to sum up here what the Portmanteau has done as well as what it is, but by far the most important question is what it may do, and what it may become. It may be that the influence it will finally exert will be largely in direct, that the others who come after Mr. Walker will lay the surface on the road bed he has worked over. Only Time will show that, and Time is jealous of his secrets. But at least we have been shown something new, something worth while, and so it is well to pause and consider not only what it does mean, but also what it may mean in the final working out of the scheme of things. What will the travelling theater, the portable stage, mean to the repertory movement? Some thing beyond question. What does the drama of imagination as opposed to that of observation in dicate, and where will it lead us? Surely it is worthy of consideration. Hence it must again be borne in mind that the importance of the Port- xxxix INTRODUCTION manteau, and it is important, is entirely relative, not absolute, that while it is deeply suggestive it is not in any sense conclusive, and that it is far less what the Portmanteau is now than what we shall make of it in the future which must concern us. And so when Memory draws slowly back the deep blue curtains of the Portmanteau Theater, and bids us come with her through the portals of " once upon a time, but not so very long ago," it is good to grasp our faith very firmly and to go with her, for there we may find not the surface things of every day life, but the deeper things. We may even find Truth. And we may even find that Truth is beautiful. EDWARD HALE BIERSTADT. New York City January, 1917 THE PROLOGUE TO THE PORTMANTEAU THEATER THE PROLOGUE As the lights in the theater are lowered the voice of MEMORY is heard as she passes through the audience to the stage. MEMORY Once upon a time, but not so very long ago, you very grown-ups believed in all true things. -You believed until you met the Fourteen Doubters who were so positive in their unbelief that you weakly cast aside the things that made you happy for the hapless things that they were call ing life. LYou were afraid or ashamed to per sist in your old thoughts, and strong in your folly you discouraged your little boy, and other people^s little boys from the pastimes they had loved, j Yet all through the early days you had been surely building magnificent cities, and all about you laying out magnificent gardens, and, with an April pool you had made infinite seas where pirates fought or mermaids played in coral caves. Then came the Doubter* laugh ing and jeering at you, and you let your cities, and gardens, and seas go floating in the air unseen, unsung wonderful cities, and gardens, and seas, peopled with the realest of people. ... So now you, and he, and I are met at the portals. Pass through them with me. I have something there that you think is lost. The key is the tiny regret for the real things, the little regret that sometimes seems to weight 3 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS your spirit at twilight, and compress all life into a moment s longing. Come, pass through. You cannot lose your way. Here are your cities, your gardens, and your April pools. Come through the portals of once upon a time, but not so very long ago today now ! She passes through the soft blue curtains, but unless you are willing to follow her t turn back now. There are only play-things here. THE TRIMPLET THE LADY BOBOLARA THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO THE LADY CAR ATI NA THE BARON MILTON-MAURICE THE PERSON PASSING BY You (in the audience) The Scene is a lonely place. The Time is partly then and partly nowadays, THE TRIMPLET [When Memory has disappeared and the blue curtains are quite still and every one who is old and irrevocably very grown-up has left the the atre, the Prologue of the Plays and the De vice-Bearer appear at either side of the fore- stage. Then the Prologue speaks. PROLOGUE She was Memory . . I am the Prologue . . . He is the Device-Bearer ... I am here to elucidate YOU What is elucidate? PROLOGUE Elucidate means to make clear, to explain any thing you do not understand. ... As I said, I am here to elucidate everything you are not sure about. I shall answer questions sometimes, but not always. . . . Our first play is a dream play and you know what you ought to think of a dream. At first it all seems very strange, and so many things happen that you think you can not possibly remember all the events. Then suddenly something snaps and everything becomes as clear as the day which is coming over the sea with your bath and your breakfast Now, you won t spoil a dream by asking ques tions, will you? [He claps his hands twice for silence and with a very polite bow he and the Device-Bearer withdraw. PORTMANTEAU PLAYS When the curtains open the stage is empty. The lights which seemed indistinct and blurred at first, gradually increase until trees form against a luminous and misty, moonlit sky. Presently a voice is heard calling far away the voice of The Person Passing By. VOICE Halloo ! Hoola ! [Enter the Lady Caratina. She is young and eager with a note of tragic fear in her voice. CARATINA To-day I am one and twenty. To-day I come to this lonely place to learn my future. I must know how to live happily ever after. My mother says if I call aloud a voice will answer and tell me how I may live happily ever after. Halloo! Hoola! VOICE Halloo ! Hoola ! CARATINA A voice ! A voice ! The voice of The Person Passing By. VOICE Halloo I Hoola ! CARATINA The voice of The Person Passing By ! ... Speak to me. VOICE Halloo ! Hoola ! CARATINA My mother, the Lady Bobolara, bade me come to you. THE TRIMPLET VOICE Halloo! Hoola! (The voice seems to come from one afloat in the air) CARATINA Can you hear me? VOICE Halloo ! Hoola ! CARATINA Then these magic words I say: Mullion! Mizzen! The moon has risen And only one star is near; The mist has spread From its valley bed, Oh, Passer, do you hear? VOICE Plucky! Plenty! You re one and twenty Is there something you would know? This is your choice, To hear my voice, Speak truth or naught, or go. CARATINA Belith! Belath! I ve followed the path That leads to this lonely place. For hours full nine I ve climbed to the shrine Where I hope to see your face. VOICE You can not see The face of me Until the wild bird sings. Five tests I make PORTMANTEAU PLAYS For pity s sake. For dreams and finger rings. CARATINA Mullion! Mizzen! The moon has risen And only one .star is near The mist has spread From its valley bed, Oh, Passer, I am here. VOICE Can you feel? CARATINA I can feel. VOICE What do you feel? CARATINA I feel the chill of the air and the damp of the mist, and the magic of the moon and a great, great love for Milton-Maurice. VOICE You can feel. . . . Can you taste? , CARATINA I can taste. VOICE What can you taste? CARATINA I passed a lovely tree upon the way, and I tasted of the fruit that was delicate like the honey from a forget-me-not. VOICE You can taste. . . . Can you hear? CARATINA I can hear 1 the tall trees whisper to the little winds. 10 THE TRIMPLET VOICE You can hear. . . . Can you see? CARATINA I can see yon tall, tall tree touch on the nearest star. VOICE You can see. . . . Can you smell? CARATINA I can smell the hideous mould of the dead leaves that hide amongst the trees. VOICE You can not smell. CARATINA 1 can smell the death-like smell of mould. VOICE There is a surpassing fragrance of a thousand trees that fills the air. CARATINA I can not smell. . . . Alas, I need your help. VOICE I can not help until you see my face. CARATINA I can not see your face until the wild bird sings. VOICE I have nothing more to say. Halloo ! Hoola ! (The voice is lost in the distance) CARATINA Alas, my mother comes and I have naught to tell. My future lies in mystery. I am one and twenty, and still I do not know how to live hap pily ever after. (She sits and weeps) [Enter the Lady Bobolara. She is an alert, hard woman with an undertone II PORTMANTEAU PLAYS of resignation. She has come to the lonely place because she has always come, but she feels that her pilgrimage is futile. BOBOLARA Halloo! Hoola! VOICE Halloo! Hoola! BOBOLARA Mullion ! Mizzen ! The moon has risen And never a star is near; The mist has spread, From its valley bed, Oh, Passer, do you hear? VOICE Plucky! Plenty! You re three times twenty, The days will come from afar Until you see Yon tall, tall tree , Touch on the nearest star. BOBOLARA I can not see Yon tall, tall tree Touch on the nearest star. VOICE One test I ll make For pity s sake For dreams and a silver bar. BOBOLARA Mullion! Mizzen! The moon has risen And never a star is near; The mist has spread 12 & S3 -S 2 I H 53 w -* * THE TRIMPLET From its valley bed Oh, Passer, I am here. VOICE Can you see? BOBOLARA I can feel, and taste, and smell, and hear, but I can not see yon tall, tall tree touch on the near est star. CARATINA Mother, I can see yon tall, tall tree touch on the nearest star. BOBOLARA It does not touch. I see trees and hills and sky trees like jagged teeth bite into the sky. (She has seen this so, of ten she does not look) VOICE See, your daughter weeps. BOBOLARA Her eyes are in the shadow. I can not see them. VOICE So parts of the whole, wide world are always in shadow. CARATINA Mother, I am going to search for the wild bird and beg him to sing. BOBOLARA Since I was one and twenty I have waited for the tall, tall tree to touch on the nearest star. CARATINA The tall tree is touching on the star now, Mother dear. BOBOLARA Silly girl! The tree and star are miles apart. 13 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS CARATINA Come here and you will see. BOBOLARA Why should I go there? They do not touch, I say. CARATINA But I see them touch. BOBOLARA Impudent girl! CARATINA I know what I see. BOBOLARA The still, tall trees do nothing but waft their fragrance in the air. CARATINA I do not smell a fragrance. The air is filled with the smell of mould that the sun has never warmed. BOBOLARA I say there is a fragrance from the trees. CARATINA I shall not say there is no fragrance, Mother dear, but until I come face to face with The Person Passing By I can not learn to smell the fragrance. I shall find the wild bird, and beg him to sing. BOBOLARA The wild bird will never sing. CARATINA I shall find the wild bird, Mother, and when he sees my tears he will sing. (Caratina goes out) BOBOLARA He will never sing. THE TRIMPLET VOICE You do not know, old woman. Let her go. BOBOLARA (fiercely; facing the unseen) Why have you kept me waiting all these years ? VOICE I have not kept you waiting. You have kept yourself waiting. You will not see, and you have grown bitter. BOBOLARA Is there naught else for me to do but wait? VOICE To-day your daughter is one and twenty. To day Milton-Maurice is one and twenty. He comes to me to learn his fate. What shall I say? BOBOLARA He can not wed my daughter. VOICE Why? BOBOLARA His father and I have not spoken for nine and thirty years. VOICE Why? BOBOLARA His father injured my father. VOICE Did he injure you? BOBOLARA No, but I hate him because he is his father s son. VOICE Hatred will not heal the hurt. BOBOLARA Oh, if I could see you face to face ! 15 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS VOICE Your eyes are blind, Your heart is blind, Your life has been a life of ruth; Your eyes can t see The truths that be Until your heart sees truth. BOBOLARA Oh, if I could only see you face to face ! VOICE You can not see my face until you smell the fragrance of the old, old flower. BOBOLARA You can not help until I see your face and I can not see your face until I smell the fragrance of the old, old flower. VOICE I have nothing more to say. Halloo ! Hoola ! BOBOLARA (mechanically) I know the old, old flower will never bloom ; yet I shall continue to search and to wait. (Bobo- lara goes out) VOICE " High on the hills By lakes and rills She ll fly on shadowed wings : She ll find the flower Within the hour Before the wild bird sings. [Enter the Baron Milton-Maurice. He is young, confident and confiding. MILTON-MAURICE To-day I am one and twenty. To-day I come 16 THE TRIMPLET to this lonely place to hear the story of my fu ture. Halloo ! Hoola I VOICE Halloo! Hoola! MILTON-MAURICE Are you The Person Passing By? VOICE Halloo ! Hoola ! MILTON-MAURICE Mullion ! Mizzen ! The moon is risen And only one star is near : The mist has spread From its valley bed Oh, Passer, do you hear? VOICE Plucky! Plenty! You re one and twenty, Is there something you would know? This is your choice To hear my voice Speak truth or naught or go. MILTON-MAURICE Belith! Belath! I ve followed the path That leads to this lonely place. For hours full nine I ve climbed to the shrine Where I hope to see your face. VOICE You can not see The face of me Until a torch burns blue : One test I make 17 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS For pity s sake, For love, for hope, for you. MILTON-MAURICE Mullion ! Mizzen ! The moon is risen And only one star is near: The mist has spread From its valley bed Oh, Passer, I am here. VOICE Can you taste ? MILTON-MAURICE I can taste. VOICE What can you taste? MILTON-MAURICE On the way I passed a tree where a wondrous fruit hung low. I ate of it and it had a flavor like chaff. VOICE You can not taste. MILTON-MAURICE The taste was like chaff, I say. VOICE There was a delicious flavor like the honey from a forget-me-not. MILTON-MAURICE Alas ! I can not taste ... I need your help. VOICE I can not help until you see my face. MILTON-MAURICE I can not see your face until a torch burns blue. VOICE I have nothing more to say. Halloo ! Hoola 1 18 THE TRIMPLET MILTON-MAURICE Oh, Caratina, Caratina, how can we wed? Un til I taste we can not live happily ever afterward. I can not learn to taste until I see his face. I can not see his face until a torch burns blue. [Enter the Marquess of Strenathco. He is a little man with infinite vanity, and the assurance that comes with great wealth. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO What is this foolishness? MILTON-MAURICE I have come to this lonely place, my Father, to learn how to be happy ever after. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Silly boy, come home and play a game of nine pins with me. MILTON-MAURICE No, Father, no. I must first find the torch that s burning blue. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Stuff and nonsense ! MILTON-MAURICE And then I shall find the Lady Bobolara and ask her for the hand of the lovely Caratina. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO What! Marry the grand-daughter of my father s enemy? MILTON-MAURICE She is not my enemy. Why should I dislike her because my grandfather disliked her grand father? THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Milton-Maurice, my son, have you no family pride? Give up this mad whim and come 19 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS home. You can not wed the Lady Caratina. MILTON-MAURICE My Father, I am going to live happily ever after ! THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO See how happy I am ! I am the richest man in all the world. MILTON-MAURICE But you are not happy. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Why? MILTON-MAURICE You are not happy because the Lady Bobolara is richer than you are. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO For that I can not forgive her ! What right has she to be richer than I am? VOICE Mildew! Moldew! Let nothing hold you From your way, oh, Milton-Maurice Within the hour An old, old flower Will help bring lasting peace. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I think I hear a voice. Who speaks? MILTON-MAURICE It is The Person Passing By. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Where is he? MILTON-MAURICE No one knows; we seek, and seek to see his face. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO What nonsense is this ? 20 THE TRIMPLET VOICE Halloo ! Hoola ! THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO (as one who hears through a mist) Who speaks? VOICE Halloo ! Hoola ! THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO If you are here show me your face. VOICE Belith! Belath! Old man of wrath You ll never see my face Until you hear A bird song clear In this moonlit, lonely place. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO What trick is this ? MILTON-MAURICE Oh, perfect bliss That my father must learn to hear. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO My ears are good For any mood Except a song of cheer. VOICE Bingle ! Bungle ! Life s a jungle For a stern, old man like you. There s just one thing: Hear the wild bird sing And learn to dance in the dew. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Dance in the dew! 21 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS MILTON-MAURICE A man like you ! VOICE While the wild bird sings the tune, THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO With bitter word I ll stone the bird By the light of the silver moon. VOICE Ah, you can be Like him and me If you but use your eyes to see. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO My pride is based On a perfect taste, And none can smell like me. MILTON-MAURICE But he can t hear The bird song clear That floats from this lonely place Like melodious light On a moonlit night VOICE Then he can not see my face. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Now why should I Wish to descry The features of fairy folk? You can t engage To lessen my age ; My wrinkles you can t revoke. VOICE Forget your fears, Forget the years, 22 THE TRIMPLET Forget all else but this; You ll have to hear The bird-song clear Or give up all hope of bliss. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I ve tried to hear The bird-song clear, But the song is harsh, I say - I hate the notes From feathered throats, I hate the trill and roundelay. VOICE You ll have to thrill To the bird-voice trill You must learn to love the song; Else with open eyes You ll search the skies But find that all life is wrong. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I can t, I say. VOICE Then have your way ! I spake and you will not heed. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO The sound I hate. VOICE Accept your fate . . . THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO (after a terrible struggle with his vanity and his assurance) O, Passer, your help I need. MILTON-MAURICE Father 1 You ask for help ! VOICE Kelee! Keloy! 23 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS He asks for joy He s throttled his silly pride ! When he tastes the fruit With the succulent root I ll reveal myself at his side. MILTON-MAURICE Bezit! Bezoot! Please seek the fruit And learn the charm of laughter THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO (eagerly) We ll heed the voice And make the choice MILTON-MAURICE To live happily ever after. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Where is the fruit With the succulent root? MILTON-MAURICE I passed it on the way here. The land I ll search Till I find the torch THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Oh, Passer, will you stay here? MILTON-MAURICE I ll return to you With the will to do And I ll bring the flame that s burning blue. VOICE Me-la! Me-lo! THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Let s go ! MILTON-MAURICE Let s go 1 24 THE TRIMPLET VOICE And the search you ll never rue. [The Marquess of Strenathco and Milton- Maurice rush out. VOICE O er hill and hollow Good luck will follow And everything s coming out right; When they return They ll be ready to learn A way to see the light. [Enter Caratina. She carries a wondrous fruit in her hands. CARATINA (calling) Mother, Mother, I ve searched high and low for the bird, but I found only this lovely fruit. Mother ! [Enter Bobolara. Caratina hides the fruit behind her. Bobolara carries a torch with a blue flame. BOBOLARA Woe is me ! I have hunted everywhere for the old, old flower, and I found only this torch that burns blue. [Enter Milton-Maurice. Bobolara hides the torch behind her back. Milton-Maurice carries a large flower that is closed. MILTON-MAURICE I found no torch, but in my path there bloomed a flower. Ah, Caratina (He hides the flower behind him) 25 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BOBOLARA You can not wed my daughter 1 [All three, and later the Marquess of Stren- athco t seem to be in a haze. Everyone is of, and for himself alone. Enter the Marquess of Strenathco. He carries a marvelous bird on his hand. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I could not find the fruit but I have found a bird: he is mute. BOBOLARA (to Milton-Maurice) You can not wed my daughter ! THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO (hiding the bird behind him) What? BOBOLARA Caratina, tell Milton-Maurice that I did not address his father. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO My son can not wed your daughter? Indeed he can not wed your daughter 1 VOICE Hush ! End this strife As you love life And try to live in peace : Just look about And you ll find out That wonders never cease 1 CARATINA What does he mean? BOBOLARA There is no meaning. For nine and thirty years he has promised something, but I can not see any hope. 26 THE TRIMPLET VOICE Look down ! look up ! The bitter cup Is almost drained to the leas; Let each one try To face the sky And see what each one sees. (With strange obedience all four face the sky) THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Yon tall, tall tree touches the nearest star 1 BOBOLARA Absurd ! VOICE Oh, clouds and rifts You all bear gifts That you hide behind your backs; Put out your hands To my commands Or shiver and shake in your tracks. [They put out their hands, each one disclosing what another has sought. BOBOLARA I smell the breath of an old, old flower Oh, Passer, are you here? MILTON-MAURICE I see the blue of a burning torch Oh, Passer, are you here? THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I taste the fruit with the succulent root Oh, Passer, are you here? CARATINA I hear the song the wild bird sings Oh, Passer, are you here? 27 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS [The light begins to fade from the world and strange music fills the air. VOICE From North and South From source and mouth I come through the worlds to you From East and West, From vale and crest, I m bringing a message true. River and brook Learn to look At persons passing by Oh, use your ears And use your tears For a person passing by. [There is a long, still blackness and when the light again appears The Person Passing By is seen beside the four. BOBOLARA (fearfully) Caratina, is he there? I dare not look. CARATINA (in wonder. To her he seems calm and tender and strong) He is there ! [They all look. BOBOLARA Why, he is like any other man. THE PERSON PASSING BY You see that, and yet you can not see yon tall, tall tree touch on the nearest star ! THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO This man has played a trick on us. (To the Marquess of Strenathco, too, he is like any other man) 28 THE TRIMPLET THE PERSON PASSING BY When I could not be seen you listened to me and feared me. Now that I am here you doubt me. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I doubt you, but I shall be fair to you. I shall test you. [A faint, golden light illumines the face of The Person Passing By. MILTON-MAURICE Father! Father! THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I shall test him! (Age has seen wonder so long that even wonder is a commonplace) CARATINA What shall we do to live happily ever after? [The Person Passing By smiles gently at Car a- tina. The smile seems to awaken a strange tenderness in Bobolara. BOBOLARA I have so little time to live. Tell me how to be happy. [The Person Passing By smiles gently at her and at Milton-Maurice and pityingly at the Marquess of Strenathco. THE PERSON PASSING BY You do not understand. (To Caratina) You can not smell a pleasant fragrance; (To Milton-Maurice) You can not taste a delicate flavor ; (To Bobolara) You can not see a glorious sight; ( To the Marquess of Strenathco) You can not hear a lovely sound. 29 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS There is a shadow over your eyes. And over your tongue, And over your nose, And over your ears. Your defects are all different; and yet to live happily ever after, you and all the world need the same thing. ALL And what do we need? THE PERSON PASSING BY You need a trimplet. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO (remembering his importance) Oh, yes, I never thought of that. THE PERSON PASSING BY You know what a trimplet is then? THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Do you? THE PERSON PASSING BY Do you know what a trimplet is ? THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I know if you know. THE PERSON PASSING BY Perhaps you do then you ll tell the rest; I ll stand your test. Remember in a trimplet lies all happiness. CARATINA Are there enough trimplets for all of us? THE PERSON PASSING BY One trimplet is enough for all of you. CARATINA Where is the trimplet? THE PERSON PASSING BY It might be here, or there, or anywhere; but 30 THE TRIMPLET sometimes you have to have patience and wait. BOBOLARA Patience and wait! I have waited nine and thirty years ! [The golden light on the face of The Person Passing By has become stronger until it has become an overpowering radiance. THE PERSON PASSING BY You have been stubborn and impatient. BOBOLARA Stubborn and impatient! My life is almost at an end. I must hurry. THE PERSON PASSING BY Why hurry? Heaven is full of days and they are all coming this way. BOBOLARA They are nearly all gone for me. THE PERSON PASSING BY There will always be more and more and more to come. [The Person Passing By moves, as if to go. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO The trimplet! I can t remember its color. THE PERSON PASSING BY Well, I ll tell you this : a trimplet can rest in your hand but you can not hold it. It can lie upon your fingers but it can not hold them. Good-bye. I m passing on. Halloo ! Hoola ! [The Person Passing By has disappeared in the gathered gloom. . . . It brightens. BOBOLARA What is a trimplet? 31 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO She speaks to me for the first time in nine and thirty years. [A man of affairs does not always speak to the point. BOBOLARA What is a trimplet? THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Why it s a BOBOLARA What is it? Speak! THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I can not remember its color. BOBOLARA What is it? THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Woman, I do not know ! ALL What! You do not know? THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I couldn t tell him I didn t know. He would think me a fool. CARATINA Oh, and I can not live happily ever after. BOBOLARA Madman! MILTON-MAURICE Have patience, I shall ask. Halloo ! Hoola ! VOICE I have nothing more to say. Halloo ! Hoola ! MILTON-MAURICE I want to ask just one question. BOBOLARA One question only. 3* THE TRIMPLET VOICE Halloo ! Hoola ! CARATINA Please! Please! To-day I am one and twenty ! VOICE Halloo! Hoola! \The Marquess of Strenathco has been search ing for something. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Come back ! Come back ! VOICE Halloo! Hoola! (He laughs a laugh that seems to roll through the skies) BOBOLARA Now you ve done it! You with your pride and your deafness ! MILTON-MAURICE Well, there s only one thing to do : hunt for the trimplet. CARATINA I know it isn t this torch. VOICE Halloo! Hoola! MILTON-MAURICE It isn t this wild bird song. VOICE Halloo! Hoola! THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I wish I knew its color. BOBOLARA Stupid! That wouldn t help. Everything here is gloom. \The ray of golden light appears again. 33- PORTMANTEAU PLAYS CARATINA What is that golden light? MILTON-MAURICE Perhaps a sunbeam has slipped through the moon. VOICE Halloo! Hoola! BOBOLARA I have hunted everywhere. MILTON-MAURICE Let s sit down and think. [They all sit down and think. They are a ludicrous lot. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO We might as well give up. BOBOLARA No, I have been face to face with The Person Passing By. I shall stay here to the end. YOU (in the audience) Why don t you look out here? THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Who are you, sir? YOU I live in nowadays; but I think I can help you find the trimplet. BOBOLARA Impertinent! CARATINA He might as well try, Mother dear. MILTON-MAURICE He can t do worse than fail. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO All right, we re coming. 34 THE TRIMPLET YOU It can t be this handkerchief no, for I can hold that. CARATINA (now in the audience) It s not this flower. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO (now in the au dience) Perhaps it s the light of this little girl s eyes. BOBOLARA Look under the chair. MILTON-MAURICE (far out in the audience) It s not up here. BOBOLARA (to Y ou) See, you silly person, you have dragged us into nowadays to no purpose. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I m going back. YOU I ll go with you. ALL What? YOU Perhaps I can find it up there. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO You could find where we had failed. Ha ! Ha! YOU I m going anyway. [You starts for the stage, but Milton-Maurice intercepts him. vlILTON-MAURICE Well, promise if you come into the play you won t wed the lovely Caratina. 35 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS YOU I don t want to wed any one yet. I want to find the trimplet. [You runs on to the stage followed by the others. The ray of golden light falls upon his hand. He tests it. It rests in his hand but he can not hold it. It lies upon his fingers but it can not hold them. YOU (triumphantly) The trimplet ! I know what a trimplet is ! THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO What is it? YOU A trimplet is the hole a sunbeam makes in a shadow. VOICE Halloo ! Hoola ! A light a light Shines in the night And fills their souls with splendor ! STRENATHCO How can a trimplet cure my deafness? VOICE Move to the right, Stand in the light, And fill your souls with splendor. [Caratina walks with mingled hope and fear to the right of the golden ray and then steps into the light. Bobolara follows, then Milton- Maurice, then Strenathco. Each is affected to the depths of his soul as The Person Passing By speaks the word that restores his lost sense. VOICE Smell ... See ... Taste . . . Hear . . . 3.6 THE TRIMPLET [As he commands the inanimate things obey. The trees sigh, the torch glows, the flower opens and the bird sings. Blow . . . Glow . . . Burst . . . Sing . . . [ Then with the triumph of all the world Love is far love is near Love is everything. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I hear the wild bird s song. CARATINA I smell the fragrance of a thousand trees. MILTON-MAURICE I taste the flavor of the honey of forget-me- nots. BOBOLARA I see yon tall, tall tree touch on the nearest star I (then to the Marquess of Strenathco) Neighbor, Heaven has sent a new day. [There is a pause. Then You, who has stepped aside and watched the play with breathless interest, now takes a hand. YOU (to Caratina and Milton-Maurice) Now, you two must wed and live happily ever after ... If you don t I won t like the play very much. I m not sure that I like it anyway, because heaven knows how long it would have kept up if I hadn t helped you find the trimplet. VOICE The play s near done And every one Has learned a simple lesson. YOU I don t think it fair to try to teach us a lesson 37 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS every time you tell us a story. I like a play that is a play. If this had been a good play I couldn t have got into it. (To the audience) Could I? THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Well, we did our very best and I think it s a pretty good play, and so does the author. Now you go on out there. The play isn t ended yet. YOU It must have a pretty ending, mind you. [You returns to his seat. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Caratina, here is the hand of my son, the Baron Milton-Maurice. \He turns to You for approval. YOU (approving but adding a final touch) You must give him a dowry. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO I give him all my land that lies between the ends of the rainbow. [A rainbow forms in the sky. VOICE In the valley, you Will dance in the dew While the wild bird sings the tune. For what is so rare As a rainbow there Afloat in the light of the moon? To help the tale He gives a vale That to the rainbow bends, And we are told That pots of gold 38 THE TRIMPLET Lie at the rainbow ends. YOU (after waiting a moment for the complete conclusion of the story) You ought to say something, Babalora. THE MARQUESS OF STRENATHCO Her name is not Babalora it s Bobolara. BOBOLARA Well, we ve certainly worked hard enough for you to know our names at least. CARATINA But he s quite right, Mother; you ought to say something. YOU Yes, you ought to say something whether we know your name or not. BOBOLARA Quite right, I ought. I shall give to Caratina the castle of jade in the garden where the gold flowers blow. (To Caratina) And you shall live there happily ever after. YOU (satisfied) For Heaven is full of days and they re all com ing this way. VOICE Warm sun, blue sky, If you only try You ll be a person passing by, Who knows the why Of the sibilant sigh Oh, for a person passing bv! Halloo! Hoola! Halloo 1 Hoola ! (The Curtains Close) 39 NEVERTHELESS A GIRL A BOY A BURGLAR The Scene is a room just upstairs. The Time is last night or to-night, perhaps. NEVERTHELESS PROLOGUE Our next play is an interlude before the cur tains. You may sleep during an interlude, but you mustn t snore or have the nightmare be cause that would be very discourteous to the author and very discouraging to us. We can not live if you do not like us, and you can not like us if you do not keep awake. [After the Prologue has bowed the Device- Bearer brings two chairs, a stool, a table, a lamp and places them on the forestage. If you are not a very grown-up you know immediately that you are in a room that belongs to very young people. [ The Boy enters carrying a book. He is angry. He looks around to see if any one is looking and then goes to the table and tries to remove some money from a small bank that has two locks; but he can t find the keys. [As he is shaking it violently in an attempt to force it t the Girl enters. GIRL Billie! BOY I will force it! GIRL You made a compact with me. 43 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BOY Don t use words like that I hate words. (He continues to try to force the bank) GIRL It s a miserable shame, Billie Cleves! BOY Now, Lou, don t use any more words on me. I won t stand it. GIRL Well, what shall I say? BOY Say dirty shame. GIRL Billie ! BOY I don t care. I m tired of being corrected all the time. When I m old enough to paddle my own canoe, I m going to murder grammar all the time. I m going to use short words and I hope I ll say I seen and I would have went. GIRL Billie Cleves! BOY And, if I can get this bank open, I ll go away forever to-night and I ll talk just as I please. GIRL My, Billie ! You are angry ! BOY Angry! I m mad! I m awful mad! (He shakes the bank terrifically) GIRL You ll break it. BOY I don t care. I m going to bust it NEVERTHELESS GIRL Billie, Mother wouldn t like that word at all. BOY I don t care. I m going to bu break it open and then I m going to leave home for ever. (He puts it on the floor and starts to trample ^ GIRL Billie Cleves, don t you dare! That s half mine. And you can t open it unless we both agree. BOY Who said so? GIRL Why, it was our compact. BOY If you were fourteen years old, Louise Cleves, and your mother punished you for speaking bad English you d forget all about compacts. GIRL No, I wouldn t. BOY Yes, you would. GIRL No, I wouldn t. BOY You don t know what you d do; you re not four teen and you re not a boy. GIRL I wouldn t break a compact if I were a hundred and fourteen. BOY Now, Lou, listen. 45 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS GIRL I don t want to listen. BOY 4 Just put yourself in my place. GIRL Billie Cleves, we agreed never, never to open that bank until we were in need of food and clothing. BOY Well, I m in need, Lou. GIRL No, you re not; Father and Mother give you all the food and clothes you want. BOY But I m going to run away forever and go to Honolulu or Texas. GIRL No, you re not. BOY I am. GIRL Well, Billie, you deserved to be corrected. BOY All I said was, " Jim s a rotten rider." And he is. GIRL Well, that wasn t nice. BOY (exasperated at not being able to open the bank) Lou, where is my key? GIRL I put it away. BOY - Where? 46 NEVERTHELESS GIRL Our compact was for me to take the key to your blue lock and hide it, and you were to take the key to my pink lock and hide it so we couldn t fall into temptation. BOY I ll pick the locks like a burglar. GIRL You can t. They re both pick-proof. And there s only one key in all the whole wide world for each lock. BOY I ll get your key and open your lock. GIRL My key won t open your lock. BOY I can t find yours where I hid it. GIRL I found it and hid it again. BOY Where is it? GIRL I don t think I ought to tell you, Billie, I m afraid you ll fall into temptation. BOY How about you? GIRL Boys are more easily tempted than women. BOY H-m! GIRL Because they get out more. BOY I ll throw it and break it. 47i PORTMANTEAU PLAYS GIRL Now, Billie, don t be rash. BOY I don t care. GIRL Father ll hear you. BOY Father won t hear me much longer about this house. GIRL Please, Billie, read your book. BOY I won t do it, I won t. I m sick of goody-goody books. GIRL What did mother give you to read? BOY (sullenly) There it is. GIRL " The Narrow Path! " Why, she sent me up here to read that, too. BOY What for? GIRL I said " he don t " instead of " he doesn t." BOY Just after I said it? GIRL Yes. BOY You are a goose. GIRL But I don t get angry like you do. 48 NEVERTHELESS BOY You re not as old as I am. Other boys of my age do pretty much as they please. GIRL Well, here we are. There s no use quarrelling, because it s mother s plan to make us read a fine book whenever we make mistakes in grammar. And you know mother s plans ! (She opens the book) Oh, dear, no pictures! . . . Let s hurry up. BOY I won t do it. GIRL Come on, Billie, and get it over with. BOY Give me the keys or I ll break I ll bust it GIRL I won t give you the keys and you won t break it William Cleves, if you don t live up to our compact, I ll not have anything more to do with you. BOY I don t care. (He throws the bank violently) GIRL Billie ! (She pounces upon the bank and bursts into tears) GIRL I never thought you d do it. {The Boy moves about uneasily. never thought you d do it. (She weeps tor- rentially) BOY Now, Lou 49 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS GIRL You broke our compact and tried to destroy our bank. BOY (defiantly) I tried to bust it and I hope I did. GIRL Billie Cleves ! Well, you didn t even nick it. (She takes up the book after carefully plac ing the bank so that the Boy carit get it) BOY Lou, won t you lend me the keys a moment? GIRL (relentlessly) You broke a compact. *BOY Please, Lou. GIRL I have my reading to do. BOY I m going to go away forever Lou ! (BOY (fiercely) I want my money! GIRL It s our money. And I m the guardian. BOY All right. . . . Good-bye. GIRL Good-bye. (Reading) The Narrow Path is very steep and straight. It leads to a land of gold and it is not easy to negotiate because Heaven thinks it is best for people^ to climb for what they want. Nevertheless " NEVERTHELESS BOY Are you going to give me the money to run away with ? GIRL No. BOY Good-bye. GIRL A compact is binding to both parties, father says. BOY Good-bye. GIRL Good-bye. (Reading] Nevertheless never theless (She begins to giggle deliriously) BOY What s funny, Lou? GIRL Come here and look, Billie. [The Boy drags himself to the book. BOY What? GIRL This word. BOY Never the less. It s just like any other word. GIRL No, it isn t. Steep and straight and the all look like something. But this is just funny. BOY Nevertheless. [The Girl goes off into gales of laughter. 5.1 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BOY. (Reading further and turning the page) Here it is agarn. (He laughs) GIRL Where? BOY Here. (Turning back) GIRL Neverthe (turning the page and going into another paroxysm of laughter as she finds the rest of the word on the next page) less. BOY It is funny-looking ! GIRL What does it mean? BOY I ll look in the dictionary. I know what it means in a way, but I can t ex plain it BOY So do I. (He goes to the dictionary) Never the less. (She looks up and sees that the Boy is busy. She looks around cau tiously, then takes up the bank and hides it. As she hears the Boy coming back, she resumes her seat and the book) BOY It means notwithstanding, yet, however. . . . GIRL Dictionaries never tell you the real, honest, true, live meaning, do they, Billie? BOY (fascinated) Never the less. 5* NEVERTHELESS" The Girl and Boy encounter a strange word NEVERTHELESS GIRL It s three words all huddled together. (She pictures it on her fingers) BOY (counting the words on his fingers) Never the less. GIRL How did they come together ? BOY (losing himself in the puzzle) I don t know. GIRL Let s ask mother. BOY (remembering his anger) No, I won t. GIRL I will. BOY Let s be independent, Lou. I don t like to ask favors when I m punished. GIRL Well, I m being punished, too; but I want to know all about this funny word. BOY Let s try some other way. GIRL I know ! BOY What? GIRL They say if you put out the lights and shut your eyes very tight and wait very patiently that an elf will come and tell you anything you want to know. BOY I don t believe in elfs. 53 * PORTMANTEAU PLAYS GIRL Billie! BOY I don t. GIRL The plural of elf is elves. We had it to-day. BOY (exasperated) I knew it, but I get tired of having to think about everything before I speak. Sometimes I try not to think at all. GIRL (going to the lamp) I m going to turn out the light. BOY (scornfully) Nothing will happen. GIRL Well, we can try. BOY (hunting) Lou, where s the bank? GIRL I hid it, Billie. BOY You shan t hide my money ! GIRL Keep quiet, Billie, and sit down. (She puts the light out) BOY (sheepishly) I feel so silly. GIRL Are your eyes shut? BOY No. GIRL Billy, please shut your eyes. 54 NEVERTHELESS BOY I won t do it ... I m going to turn on the light. GIRL Now, Billie . . . [He evidently starts for the lamp. I ll give you the keys if you re good. BOY Now? GIRL No, afterward. BOY (turning on the lamp) Promise. GIRL Yes. (Out goes the light as she pulls it) Are you sitting down? BOY Uh-huh! GIRL Are your eyes shut? BOY Uh-huh! GIRL Tight? BOY Uh-huh! GIRL And when he comes don t talk. BOY Uh . GIRL Cause you don t believe and you might frighten him away. 55 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BOY Uh . GIRL Where are you, Billie? BOY Here I am. GIRL Move over. BOY There isn t much room. GIRL Now. (Silence) Do you hear anything? BOY No. [Silence. A pale light appears between the curtains, then a dark form. The light is shut off and presently reappears at the table. The Burglar opens the drawers and, taking out some pretty things, puts them in his pocket. The light goes out. Silence. GIRL Billie, I just can t stand it a moment longer. Don t you hear the elf? . . . (A sound) There he is! [The light comes on again and the Burglar takes up the bank. Just as he is putting it in his pocket, the Girl speaks. GIRL Do you know what nevertheless means? [The bank goes clattering to the floor. The light is turned upon the two children. The 56 NEVERTHELESS Burglar takes a step forward and stumbles over the bank. BURGLAR Don t holler. [The Boy turns the light on. BOY A burglar! GIRL If you don t move, Billie, a burglar won t hurt you. BOY Hold up your hands, Lou. BOY and GIRL (holding their hands up) We give up. BURGLAR Put out the light. * GIRL Please don t put out the light . . . We ll be good. [A door is heard to close in the next room. BURGLAR Put out the light. ( The light goes out) Who was that? GIRL Mary. BURGLAR What s she doing? BOY Don t you tell him, Lou. Make him let you turn the light on. GIRL (deciding to weep) I m afraid of the dark. BURGLAR Quit your bawling and put on the light. 57 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS [The Boy puts on the light. What s she doing? GIRL She s setting the burglar alarm for the night. BURGLAR How do I get out of here? GIRL You can t get out because if you open anything all the bells will ring and the police will come. BOY (bravely stepping forward) We ll put you in jail. (As the Burglar turns, however, he wilts) GIRL Billie, let s let him go if he tells us what never theless means. BURGLAR Huh? GIRL Do you know what nevertheless means? BURGLAR What s nevertheless? GIRL It s a word. BURGLAR What s the game? BOY If you know what nevertheless means we ll let you go. GIRL It s a compact. BURGLAR Promise you won t give me up. GIRL We won t give you up ... Sit down. 58 NEVERTHELESS [The Burglar sits. BOY Where s your pistol? BURGLAR I ain t got none. GIRL Oh, you mustn t say that. BURGLAR Well, I ain t. GIRL It s very wrong to say " I ain t." My mother would make us read all " The Narrow Path " if we talked like that. BURGLAR (puzzled) What! BOY They carry pistols in Texas. ^ BURGLAR Well, I ain t never used none, and I ain t never been in Texas, and what s more I ain t never going to Texas ! GIRL He s a very pleasant burglar, Billie. BURGLAR Well, I m in a pickle, but I can t hurt no kids. GIRL See, Billie, how bad grammar sounds. BURGLAR I don t care nothing about grammar. When you have to paddle your own canoe, you can t take no time for grammar. GIRL Oh, dear Billie, don t ever paddle your own canoe . . . Billie . . . (She goes to whisper to 59 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS the Boy) ( To the Burglar, as she passes him) Excuse me. (To the Boy) I m going to try Mother s plan on him. I m going to read to him! [The Burglar rises and looks around. BOY (whispering) I m going to call father. GIRL Now, Billie, maybe we can make him good. BOY Well, he can t get away and he hasn t a pistol BURGLAR Hey, quit your jawing and give me up if you want to. GIRL We re not going to give you up. BURGLAR Huh? GIRL We re going to read to you. BURGLAR Quit your kidding. GIRL How does it feel to be a burglar? BURGLAR Not so good. GIRL Aren t you afraid to be a burglar? BOY Course not. Look how big he is. GIRL Aren t you ashamed to be a burglar? BURGLAR Well ... I ain t never burgled before. 60 NEVERTHELESS GIRL Well, that s not so bad, but just the same we re going to read to you. BURGLAR What for? GIRL Because you use bad grammar. BURGLAR You re funny kids. Ain t you scared? BOY (magnificently) No! BURGLAR (turning suddenly) Huh? [The Boy retreats ingloriously. GIRL You wouldn t hurt us, would you? BURGLAR Why wouldn t I ? GIRL We didn t do anything to you. BURGLAR You trapped me. GIRL We didn t know you were coming. BURGLAR What was you hiding for? GIRL We expected someone else. BURGLAR Go on! [The Boy moves a chair cautiously toward the Burglar and finally summons the courage to sit down beside him. 61 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BOY (pleasantly) Did you know Jessie James? BURGLAR I heard of him but I ain t never seen him. GIRL What made you begin? BURGLAR Never mind ... I began and I got caught. . . . Now what? GIRL I m going to read to you. BURGLAR (resignedly) Go ahead. GIRL Do you want to read, Billie? BOY (unselfishly) No! GIRL This is all about the narrow path. BURGLAR Uh-huh. GIRL (reading) " The Narrow Path is very steep and straight. It leads to a land of gold and it is not easy to negotiate because Heaven thinks it is best for people to climb for what they want. Never theless " [The Boy and Girl burst out laughing so sud denly that the Burglar is quite startled. BURGLAR (uneasily) What are you laughing at? GIRL (pointing to "nevertheless") It s such a funny word. 62 NEVERTHELESS BURGLAR Ain t it just like other words? GIRL Don t it look funny? BOY Don t it look funny? GIRL I mean doesn t it look funny? [The three huddle together over the book. BURGLAR (muttering} N-E-V-E-R-T-H-E-L-E-S-S. Huh! It does look sort o funny . . . What s the rest of it? GIRL (reading) " Nevertheless the narrow path is not all hard ship." BURGLAR Maybe not; but it was pretty hard for me. GIRL Have you tried it? BURGLAR Yep. But I slipped. . . . Go on. GIRL (reading) " On the other hand, the primrose path is broad and it slopes gently downward, but it leads to the land of thorns. Neverthe (She turns a page) less " [Again the children go into gales of laughter. BURGLAR Huh? 3IRL Look. [Again they huddle over the book. 3URGLAR N-E-V-E-R-T-H-E-L-E-S-S. ... It is funny. PORTMANTEAU PLAYS (He joins heartily in the laughter) GIRL You see it s three words and they don t mean anything unless they are all huddled together just like we are now. [They all laugh uproariously. BOY (on the friendliest of terms now) Do you walk the primrose path? BURGLAR Go on! I m in the land of thorns. GIRL Well, how did you get there if you didn t walk the primrose path? BURGLAR I just naturally fell. GIRL Don t you know the meaning of neverthe less? BURGLAR I sort o know the meaning, but I can t put it into words. GIRL Can you act it out? BURGLAR Huh? GIRL Can you act it out? BURGLAR What do you mean act it out? GIRL Sometimes when Billie and I can t put things into words we act it out. Like this: If I want to tell someone what revolves means, I just do this . . . and then they know. 64 NEVERTHELESS BURGLAR Aw, yes, you pertend 1 GIRL Oh ... Well Can t you p-p-pertend never theless ? BURGLAR I hardly think so. BOY Did you get tired on the narrow path? BURGLAR Ye-eh . . . But I wish I hadn t. GIRL Can t you climb back? BURGLAR Nope. It s too late. GIRL x Mother says it s \never too late to do right. BURGLAR Sure it is. A man what s been in jail can t get straight again. BOY (admiringly) Have you been in jail? BURGLAR No, but once is enough. GIRL When are you going to jail? BURGLAR To-night, I guess. BOY What for? BURGLAR For breaking in here! GIRL We aren t going to send you to jail. 65 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BURGLAR Maybe not, but your paw and maw will. (Whimsically) Sides I can t tell you what nevertheless means and I can t act it out. And a compact s a compact, ain t it? GIRL Mother won t put you in jail. She s too kind. BOY (with sad memories) But she s awful strict about grammar and ugly words. GIRL She says it s easy to walk the narrow path. BOY Father isn t so sure, but he says it can be done. GIRL Come on and we ll help you. BURGLAR Come on where ? BOY Come on and walk the narrow path with us. BURGLAR Where is it? GIRL Here. BURGLAR What s the game? GIRL Mother says if we can walk a straight line out that door without wobbling, we can walk the narrow path all our lives without any trouble. BOY To speak of. BURGLAR What s on the other side of that door? 66 NEVERTHELESS BOY and GIRL Father and mother. BURGLAR You seem to be pretty straight kids, but it s too late for me. GIRL No, it isn t. BURGLAR Yes, it s too late. I ll take the back door and try to make my get-away. GIRL Billie, you ask him. BOY I d like to have you come with us, sir. Dad s a fine man and mother s a great woman. GIRL All we have to do is to walk straight through that door without wobbling BOY Come on BURGLAR I think it s too late for me nevertheless (He takes their hands) GIRL (ecstatically) Oh, he s acted out nevertheless! Billie, don t you see the real, honest, true, live meaning? . . . Come on, let s start. [ They start carefully for the door and, as they come to the safe they stop. The Burglar looks ruefully at it a moment. GIRL Don t wobble now. We ve almost made it [They keep on for the door. PORTMANTEAU PLAYS Isn t it easy? And mother says if you can do this little bit, you can do it always. \When they disappear through the door, the play is over. 63 THE MEDICINE SHOW LUT ER Giz DR. STEV N VANDEXTER The scene is on the south bank of the Ohio River. An old soap box, a log and a large stone are visible. The river is supposed to flow between the stage and the audience. In the background^ at the top of the " grade " is the village of Rock Springs. THE MEDICINE SHOW PROLOGUE This is only a quarter of a play. Its faults are many. Come, glory in them with us. You are a little boy once more lying on your rounded belly on the cool, damp sands beside the beautiful river. You are still young enough to see the wonder that everywhere touches the world; and men are in the world all sorts of men. But you can still look upon them with the shining eyes of brotherhood. You can still feel the mystery that is true understanding. Everywhere about you men and things are reaching for the infinite, each in his own way, be it big or little, be it the moon or a medicine show; and you yourself are not yet decided whether to reach for the stars or go a-fishing. Brother ! [Lufer enters or rather oozes in. He is a tall, expressionless, uncoordinated per son who might be called filthy were it not for the fact that the dirt on his skin and on his clothes seems an inherent part of him. He has a wan smile that what there is of it is not displeasing. Strangely enough, his face is al ways smooth Shaven. He carries a fishing pole made from a tree twig and equipped with a thread knotted frequently and a bent pin for hook. Lufer looks about and his eyes light on the PORTMANTEAU PLAYS stone. He attempts to move it with his bare foot to the water s edge, but it is too heavy for him. Next he looks at the log, raises his foot to move it, then abandons the attempt because his eyes rest on the lighter soap box. This he puts in position never deigning to touch it with his hands. Then he sits calmly and drawing a fahing worm from the pocket of his shirt fastens it on the pin-hook and casts his line into the water. Thereafter he takes no apparent in terest in fishing. After a moment Giz enters. Giz is somewhat dirtier than Lut er but the dirt is less assimilated and consequently less to be condoned. Besides he is fuzzy with a beard of long standing. He may have been shaved some Saturdays ago but quite ago. Giz doesn t speak to Lut er and Lut er doesn t speak to Giz, but Lut er suggests life by con tinued chewing and he acknowledges the prox imity of Giz by spitting and wiping his lips with his hand. Giz having tried the log and the rock finally chooses the rock and acknowledges Lut er*s salivary greeting by spitting also; but he wipes his mouth on his sleeve. After a moment he reaches forward with his bare foot and touches the water. GIZ T s warm as fresh milk. [Lut er, not to be wholly unresponsive, spits. A fresh silence falls upon them. GIZ *S Hattie Brown came in? 7 2 THE MEDICINE SHOW [Lut er spits and almost shakes his head nega tively. She s a mighty good little steam-boat. LUT ER She s water-logged. GIZ She ain t water-logged. LUT ER She is. GIZ She ain t. LUT ER She is. GIZ She ain t. ( The argument dies of malnu trition. After a moment of silence Giz speaks) GIZ S river raisin 1 ? LUT ER Nup! [Silence. GIZ Fallin ? LUT ER Nup! GIZ Standin still? LUT ER Uh! [ The conversation might continue if Giz did not catch a mosquito on his leg. GIZ Gosh ! A galler-nipper at noon day ! 73 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS [Lut er scratches back of his ear warily. GIZ An* look at the whelp ! [Giz scratches actively, examines the wound and anoints it with tobacco juice. The Play would be ended at this moment for lack of varied action if Dr. Stev n Fandexter did not enter. He is an eager } healthy -looking man with a whit ish beard that long washing in Ohio River water has turned yellowish. He wears spectacles and his clothes and general appearance are some what an improvement upon Lut er and Giz. Furthermore he wears what were shoes and both supports of his suspenders are fairly in tact. He is whittling a piece of white pine with a large jack-knife. Seeing Lut er and Giz he draws the log between them and sits. After a moment in which three cuds are audibly chewed, Dr. Stev n speaks. DOCTOR What gits me is how they done it. [For the first time Lut er turns his head as ad mission that some one is there. Giz looks up with a dawn of interest under his beard. Silence. DOCTOR I traded a two pound catfish for a box of that salve : an I don t see how they done it. [Lut er having turned his head keeps it turned. Evidently Dr. Stev n always has something of interest to say. 74 THE MEDICINE SHOW GIZ Kickapoo ? DOCTOR Ye . Kickapoo Indian Salve. I don t think no Indian never seen it. (He looks at Giz for acquiescence) GIZ Y ain t never sure about nothin these days. [Dr. Stev n looks at Lut er for acquiescence also, and Lut er approving turns his head for ward and spits assent. DOCTOR I smelled it an it smelled like ker sene. I biled it an it biled over an burnt up like ker sene. ... I don t think it was nothin but ker sene an lard. GIZ Reckon t wuz common ker sene? DOCTOR I don t know whether t wuz common ker sene but I know t wuz ker sene. . . . An I bet ker sene ll cure heaps o troubles if yer use it right. GIZ That air doctor said the salve ud cure most anything. LUT ER (#5 though a voice from the grave, long forgotten) Which doctor? GIZ The man doctor him with the p inted muss- tash. LUT ER I seen him take a egg outer Jimmie Weldon s 75 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS ear an Jimmie swore he didn t have no hen in his head. DOCTOR But the lady doctor said it warn t so good effie-cacious she called it withouten you took two bottles o the buildin up medicine, a box o the liver pills an a bottle o the hair fluid. GIZ She knowed a lot. She told me just how I felt an she said she hated to trouble me but I had a internal ailment. An she said I needed all their medicine jus like the Indians used it. But I told her I didn t have no money so she said maybe the box o liver pills would do if I d bring em some corn for their supper. DOCTOR Y got the liver pills ? GIZ Uh-huh. LUT ER Took any? GIZ Nup, I m savin em. LUT ER What fur? GIZ Till I m feelin sicker n I am now. DOCTOR Where are they? GIZ In m pocket. [They chew in silence for a minute. DOCTOR Yes, sir! It smelled like ker sene ter me THE MEDICINE SHOW and ker sene t wuz. . . . Ker sene ll cure heaps o things if you use it right. [He punctuates his talk with covert glances at Giz. His thoughts are on the pills. DOCTOR Which pocket yer pills in, Giz? GIZ (discouragingly) M hip pocket. [Again they chew. DOCTOR The Family Medicine Book where I learned ter be a doctor said camphor an* ker sene an lard rubbed on flannel an put on the chest ud cure tizic, maybe. (He looks at Giz) DOCTOR An what ud cure tizic ought ter cure anything, I think. ... I d a cured m second wife if the winder hadn t blowed out an she got kivered with snow. After that she jus wheezed until she couldn t wheeze no longer. An so when I went courtin m third wife, I took a stitch in time an told her about the camphor an ker sen an lard. (Ruefully) She s a tur ble healthy woman. (His feelings and his curiosity having overcome his tact f he blurts out) Giz, why n th hell don t yer show us yer pills ! GIZ Well if yer wanner see em here they air. [He takes the dirty, mashed box out of his hip pocket and hands it to the Doctor. The Doctor opens the box and smells the pills. DOCTOR Ker sene. . . . Smell em Lut er. (He holds the box close to Lut er s nose) 77 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS LUT ER (with the least possible expenditure of energy) Uh! DOCTOR Ker sene ! . . . Well, I guess it s good for the liver, too. . . . Gimme one, Giz? GIZ I ain t got so many I can be givin em ter everybody. DOCTOR Jus* one, Giz. Giz She said I ought ter take em all fer a cure. LUT ER What yer got, Giz? (Calling a man by name is a great effort for Lut er) GIZ Mostly a tired feelin an sometimes a crick in th back. (Lut er displays a sympathy un dreamed of) LUT ER Gimme one, Giz. GIZ Gosh! You wjant th whole box, don t yer? LUT ER Keep yer pills. (He spits) DOCTOR What s ailin you t Lut er? LUT ER Oh, a tired feelin (there is a long moment of suspended animation, but the Doctor knows that the mills of the gods grind slowly and he waits for Lut er to continue) an a crick in m* back. 7* THE MEDICINE SHOW DOCTOR I ll cure yer, Lut er. (Lufer just looks) If that Kickapoo doctor with the p inted muss-tash kin cure yer, I guess I can. Giz (who has been thinking pretty hard) Got any terbaccer, Doc? DOCTOR Yep. GIZ Well, here s a pill fer a chaw. (He and the Doctor rise) [Giz takes a pill out of the box and the Doctor takes his tobacco from his pocket, reaches out his hand for the pill and holds out the tobacco placing his thumb definitely on the plug so that Giz can bite of so much and no more. Giz bites and the Doctor takes over the pill. Lut er not to be outdone takes a battered plug of tobacco from his pocket and bites off an un limited " chaw." The Doctor takes his knife from his pocket and cuts the pill, smelling it. DOCTOR Ker sene! (He tastes it) Ker sene! Now I been thinkin things over, Lut er and Giz ... [He tastes the pill again. Ker sene, sure! [He sits down on the log once more, spits care fully and crosses his legs. I got a business proposition to make. [Silence. Lut er spits and crosses his legs, and Giz just spits. 79 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS DOCTOR There ain t enough home industry here in Rock Springs. We got a canning fact ry and a stea mill ; but here comes a medicine show from loway a Kickapoo Indian Medicine Show from loway! Now what we need in Rock Springs is a medicine show ! (He waits for the effect upon his audience) LUT ER (after a pause) How yer goin ter git it? DOCTOR Well, here s my proposition. Ain t we got as much horse sense as them loway Indians? LUT ER A damn sight more. (That is the evident an swer to the Doctor, but Lut er develops a fur ther idea) We got the country from the In dians. Giz (after a moment of accumulating admiration) By golly, Lut er, yer right. DOCTOR Now, I got some medicine science. I d a 1 cured my second wife if it hadn t been for that busted winder. GIZ Yeh, but what come o yer first wife? DOCTOR I could a cured her, too, only I hadn t found the Family Medicine Book then. LUT ER Well, what I wanter know is what s yer proposition . . . I m in a hurry. . . . Here comes the Hattie Brown. 80 THE MEDICINE SHOW [The Hattie Brown and the whistle of the stea mill indicate noon. Lut*er takes in the line removes the fishing worm and puts it in his pocket. DOCTOR Well, I ll make the salve an do the talkin ; Giz ll sort o whoop things up a bit and Lut er ll git cured. LUT ER What ll I git cured of? DOCTOR Oh, lumbago an tired feelin . . . crick in the back and tizic. LUT ER But who ll take a egg out o somebody s ear? DOCTOR Giz ll learn that. LUT ER (with a wan smile that memory illumi nates) An who ll play the pianny? DOCTOR Besteena, my daughter. LUT ER Where we goin ? DOCTOR We ll go ter Lavanny first. LUT ER How ll we git there? DOCTOR Walk unless somebody gives us a tote. GIZ We kin go in my John-boat. 81 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS LUT ER Who ll row? ( There is fear in his voice) GIZ We ll take turns. (Lut er looks with terror upon Giz) LUT ER How fur is it? DOCTOR Three an a half mile. . . . Will yer go, Lut er? LUT ER (evidently thinking deeply), How fur is it? GIZ Three an a half mile. DOCTOR Will yer go, Lut er? LUT ER Uh-h. DOCTOR Huh? GIZ He said, uh-huh. [Lut er chews in silence. DOCTOR I thought he said uh-uh. GIZ He said uh-huh. DOCTOR . ., He didn t say nothin o the sort he said uh-uh. . TT [They turn to Lut er questiomngly. tie is chewing intensely. LUT ER (after a moment} How fur did yer say it wuz? 82 THE MEDICINE SHOW DOCTOR Three an a half mile. [Silence. GIZ We ll each take a oar. [Silence. A stentorian voice is heard calling Stee vun. The Doctor rises, hastily. DOCTOR What d yer say, Lut er ? LUT ER It s three an a half mile ter Lavanny an three an a half mile back. . . . Pretty fur. DOCTOR We kin come back on the current. LUT ER Three an a half mile air three an a half mile current or no current. [Again the masterful female voice calls Stee - vun. There is no mistaking its meaning. The Doctor is torn between home and business. Lut er takes up his rod, rebaits the hook with the fishing-worm from his pocket and casts his line into the river. LUT ER I ll think it over ... but I ain t givin yuh no hope . . . Three an a half mile one way air pretty fur . . . but two ways it s turruble ! DOCTOR Come on, Giz. We ll talk it over. [ The Doctor and Giz leave Lut er to his prob lem. Lufcr is undecided. He is at a crisis in his life. 83 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS He spits thoughtfully and looks after the re treating Doctor and Giz. LUT ER Three an a half mile . . . (He takes in his line and removes the fishing-worm. He rises and looks again after the Doctor and Giz. He hesi tates) . . . two ways . . . (He starts in the opposite direction, as he justifies himself to his inner self) Rock Springs is fur enough fur me! (When he disappears the play is over.) SIX WHO PASS WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL THE BOY THE QUEEN THE MIME THE MILKMAID THE BLINDMAN THE BALLAD-SINGER THE DREADFUL HEADSMAN You (in the audience) The Scene is a kitchen. The Period is when you will. SIX WHO PASS WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL [Before the opening of the curtains the Pro logue enters upon the forestage and summons the Device-Bearer who carries a large copper pot. PROLOGUE This is a copper pot. (The Device-Bearer shows it to the audience carefully) It is filled with boiling water. ( The Device-Bearer makes the sound of bubbling water) It is on the fire. See the flames. "l&The Device-Bearer sets the pot in the center fff the forestage an^blows un der it with a pair of bellows y\ And see the water boiling over. ( The Device-Bearer again makes the sound of bubbling water and then withdraws to where he can see the play from the side of the forestage) We are looking into the kitchen of the Boy whose mother left him alone. I do not know where she has gone but I do know that he is gathering lentils now. YOU What are lentils? PROLOGUE A lentil? Why a lentil, don t you see, is not a bean nor yet a pea ; but it is kin to both . . . You must imagine that the boy has built the fire and set the water boiling. He is very indus trious but you need not feel sorry for him. His mother is very good to him and he is safe. Are PORTMANTEAU PLAYS you ready now? . . . Very well. Be quiet. [The Prologue claps his hands twice. The curtains open and a kitchen is disclosed. (There are a bench, a stool and a cupboard. A great door at the back opens into a corridor. There are also two windows one higher than the other looking upon the corridor. At the right a door opens into the bedroom of the Boy s mother. A great pewter spoon lies upon the shelf in the cupboard. A large Butterfly comes in through the door way, flits about\ind looks of stage: The song of the Boy is heard from the garden. The Butterfly goes to the door, poises a moment, then alights on the cupboard. The Boy enters with a great bowl filled with lentils. The Butterfly flies to the bowl and satisfied returns to the cupboard. The Boy smiles at the Butterfly but he does not touch him. Then he empties the lentils into the pot and water splashes on his careless hand. A moan is heard in the distance. The Boy and the Butterfly go to the door. The Queen s voice is heard calling: Butterfly, Butterfly, where shall I hide? [Enter the Queen. QUEEN Boy, Boy oh, I am distraught ! YOU What is distraught? PROLOGUE Distraught means distracted, perplexed, beset with doubt, worried by some fear.^ 88 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL BOY (pityingly) Why are you distraught? . QUEEN Oh Oh Oh They are going to behead me! BOY When? QUEEN Before mid-day. BOY Why are they going to behead you? Js-ifc a ,tary-2- Tell4t to me. QUEEN I was guilty of a breach of etiquette. BOY What is that? QUEEN I did something that was considered bad man ners and the law says the punishment is decapi tation. YOU What is decapitation? PROLOGUE f Decapitation is beheading; cutting off one s head. BOY Why, only kings and queens can be decapi tated. QUEEN Oh, I know I know BOY (disappointed) Are you a queen? QUEEN Yes. 89 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BOY I thought all queens were big. My mother says they are always regal. And my mother knows. QUEEN Oh, I am the queen. / am the queen; but I am so unhappy. BOY My mother told me kings and queens knew no fear? Why, you re afraid. QUEEN Oh, Boy, Boy, I am your queen and I am afraid and unhappy. And queens are just like other people when they are afraid and unhappy. BOY (disappointed) Aren t they always regal? QUEEN No no. Oh, little boy, hide me, hide me from the Dreadful Headsman ! BOY I haven t any place to hide you. You couldn t get under the bench and you couldn t get into the cupboard. QUEEN Little boy, can t you see that I shall lose my head if I am found? ; BOY You might have hidden in the pot if I hadn t \/ put it on the fire. QUEEN / Oh Oh Oh BOY I m sorry. QUEEN I am distraught; 9P WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL Well, I ll hide you, because you are distraught; but I am not sure you are a queen . . . Where s your crown? You can t be a queen without a crown! [She reaches up to her head. QUEEN Oh, I was running so fast that it must have slipped from my head. (Sees the Butterfly) Butterfly, tell him I am your Queen. [ The Butterfly flies to her head and lights on her disheveled locks like a diadem. BOY Oh v I have talked to the Queen 1 . -. , You can hide in my mother s bed-room in there ; but first please tell me a story. QUEEN They will find me here. I ll tell you a story afterward. BOY I want you to tell me now. QUEEN Well, you watch at the door and warn me when you see someone coming. (The Butterfly brushes her ear) But stay, the Butterfly says he ll watch. [The Butterfly goes to the door. \ BOY Will he know? QUEEN Oh, yes. He is a wonderful butterfly wise beyond his years. BOY Sit down and tell me your story. (He places PORTMANTEAU PLAYS a black pillow for the Queen on the step and an orange pillow for himself) QUEEN Last night we celebrated the second year of peace with the neighboring kingdom. We were dancing the minuet just after the banquet, when I stepped on the ring-toe of my husband the King s great aunt. BOY Didn t you say excuse me ? QUEEN It was useless. The law says that if a queen steps on the ring-toe of the King s great aunt or any member of her family the Queen must be beheaded while the King s four clocks are strik ing twelve at mid-day. (BOY Oh, that means to-day? QUEEN * YesJ BOY Why, it s almost mid-day now. See, I ve just set the lentils boiling. QUEEN If you can hide me until after the King s four clocks strike twelve I shall be safe, f BOY Why are there four clocks? QUEEN Because the law Allows only one clock for each tower in the castle. BOY Then I hear all the King s clocks every day ! 92 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL There s a big clock, and two clocks not so big, and a tiny little clock. QUEEN Yes, thdse are the four. BOY "Why will you be safe after the four clocks strike twelve ? QUEEN Because that is the law. BOY Aren t laws funny? QUEEN Funny? This one is very sad, I think. BOY Mightn t it be twelve any mid-day? QUEEN ; No; tjhe Prime Minister of my grandfather who passed the law decided that it meant only the following mid-day. BOY (rising and rushing to the door) They ll find you here. QUEEN (rising calmly) Oh, no, this is the short cut to the beheading block. Through that corridor. BOY Why didn t you run the other way? QUEEN Because they always search for escaped people in that direction. So I ran through your gar den and into this room. They ll never search for me so close to the castle. BOY How did you escape? 93 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS QUEEN l !~ [The Butterfly seems agitated. BOYf Yijiu QUEEN Someone is coming. Hide me I BOY In here in my mother s room. Sh 1 Sh I [ The Queen goes out. Enter the Mime. - < He pokes his head in the lower window and peeps around the door. Tl "he boy turns. BOY (weakly) Are you the Dreadful Headsman? MIME What? BOY Are you the Dreadful Headsman? MIME Do I look like a headsman ? BOY I don t know; I ve never seen one. MIME Well, suppose I am. BOY Are you? MIME Maybe I am. BOY Oh! MIME Booh I 94 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL BOY I m I m ! not afraid. MIME Bah! BOY And my mother isn t here. MIME Br r r r! [ThffBoy reaches for his knife. MIME Bine! BOY I $jasn t going to hurt you ! MIMJ S$I . . . Sh! . . . Sh! . . . BOY I ll gn * you my knife if you ll go MIME Ah, ha ! BOY It s nearly mid-day v . MIME Well, give me the knife. BOY Promise me to go. MIME (laughs, turning away) Aren t you going to the beheading? BOY No. I have to boil the lentils for our mid-day meal. MIME v May I come back and eat some?^ BOY You ll have to ask my mother. 95 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS MIME Where is she? BOY She s over that way. She went to the market to buy 4 bobbin. YOU What ijs a bobbin? PROLOGUl A bobbin is a spool upon which thread is wound, and it js sharp at one end so that it can be easily passed/ backward and forward, to and fro, through the other threads in making lace. MIME (starting off) Well, I ll be back to eat some lentils. BOY (too eagerly) You d better hurry. MIME You seem to want to get ric BOY (allaying sn** Well, I think ] ^ you ll be late an^ 1 wrong to be late. ^ ihe door) ^changing his mind) sit down. .^appointed) MIME What would you say if I wasn t the Heads man? BOY But you said you were. MIME I said maybe I was. BOY Aren t you? 96 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL MIME Maybe I m not. BOY Honest? MIME Um, hum. BOY (relieved) Oh! ... MIME You were afraid, x BOY No ... I wasn t. "MIME Would you fight? BOY You bet I would. MIME It wouldn t take me a minute to lick you. BOY Maybe it wouldn t, but I wouldn t give up right away. That would be cowardly.;/. . . Who are you ? MIME I m a mime BOY What s a mime ? MIME A mime s a mime. BOY Go on and tell me. MIME A mime s a (mountebank. BOY What s a mountebank? 97 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS MIME yyJ^U^t A mountebank s a strolling player. BOY Are you going to perform for me? MIME Not to-day I m on my way to the decapi tation. BOY Do you want to see the decapitation ? MIME Well, yes. But most of all I want to pick up a few coins. BOY How? MIME Why, I ll perform after the Queen has lost her head. BOY Won t you be too sorry? MIME No. You see, I ll be thinking mostly about what I m going to do. I have to do my best because it is hard to be more interesting than a decapitation. \And after it s all over the crowd will begin to talk and to move aboutVand I ll fo have to rush up to the front of them and cry out at the top of my lungs,f u Stop Ho, for Jack the Juggler! Would you miss him? In London where the king of kings lives, all the knights and ladies of the Court would leave a crowning to watch Jack the Juggler toss three golden balls with one hand or balance a weather- vane upon his nose. ^\ Then a silence will com upon the crowd ana they will all turn to me 98 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL Someone will say, " Where is this Jack the Juggler?" And I shall answer, " Jack the uggler, the greatest of the great, the pet of kings, entertainer to the Pope and the joy of Cathay stands before you." And I ll throw back my cloak and stand revealed. So 1 Some one will then shout, " Let us have it, Jack." So I ll draw my three golden balls from my pouch like this and then begin. [ The Boy is watching breathlessly and the But terfly is interested too. Their disappointment is keen when Jack does nothing. BOY Aren t you going to show me ? MIME No, I must be off. BOY Aren t you ever coming back? MIME Maybe, yes; perhaps, no. BOY I ll give you some lentils if you ll juggle the balls for me. MIME (sniffs the pot) They aren t cooked yet. BOY Let me hold your golden balls. MIME ( Takes a gold ball from his pouch and lets the Boy hold it) Here s one. BOY And do they pay you well ? MIME (taking the ball from the Boy) Ay, that they do. If I am as interesting as the 99 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS beheading I ll get perhaps fifteen farthings in money and other things that I can exchange for food and raiment. BOY I m going to be a mime and buy a castle and a sword. MIME Maybe so and maybe not. Who knows? . . . Good-bye. (He goes out) BOY (to the Butterfly) If he had been the Dreadful Headsman I would have slain him. So! ... " Ah, wicked heads man, you shall not behead the Queen! . . . Cross not that threshold or I ll run you through." [ Throughout this the Butterfly shows great In terest and enters into the spirit of it, being absorbed at times and frightened at others. Enter the Milkmaid at door. MILKMAID Pst! . . . Pst! BOY (startled) Oh! MILKMAID Are you going to the decapitation? BOY No. Are you? MILKMAID That I am. BOY Will your rriother let you go ? MILKMAID She doesn t know. 100 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL BOY / Did you run away ? MILKMAID / , No. I /went out to milk the cow. ! BOY And diffl you do it? MILKMAID , Yes. I BOY Why flidn t you wait until you came back? MILKMAID My lother was looking and I had to let her see nie doing something. BOY How pails MILKM did you get away when you took the milk nto the house? ID I die n t take them in. As soon as my mother turned her back I hid the pails and I ran through . here ito take a short cut. BOY Where did you hide the milk? MILKMAID In thje hollow tree. BOY I Won t it sour? MILKMAJID Maybe. BOY Won t your mother scold you? MILKMAID Yes, of course, but I couldn t miss the beheading. BOY Will you take the squr^milk home? 101 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS MILKMAID Yes,. and after my mother scolds me I ll make it into nice cfreese and sell it to the King s Cook and then mother will forgive me. . BOY (sniffing ihe pot) You d better hurry. It s nearly mid-day. Don t you smell the lentils? MILKMAID The headsman hasn t started yet BOY (giggling) He d better hurry. MILKMAID They can t find the Queen. BOY (so innocently) Did she escape ? MILKMAID Yes. &OY Are they hunting for her? MILKMAID Yes^x and they ve offered a big reward to the person who finds her. vBOY How much? MILKMAID A pail of gold and a pair of finger rings. BOY That s a good deal . . . with a pail of gold I could buy my mother a velvet dress and a silken kerchief and a bonnet made of cloth of gold- End I could buy myself a milk-white paffry* MILKMAID \ And you d never have to work again. > IO2 ) WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL BOY But she s such a gentle queen. Where are they hunting her ? MILKMAID Everywhere. BOY Everywhere!). . . Maybe she s waiting at the "-4- beheading block. MILKMAID Silly goose! She wouldn t try to escape this way. She d go in the opposite direction. , BOY A^ Do people always run in the opposite direction? MILKMAID Of course, everybody knows that BOY I wish I could go. MILKMAID / Come on. X BOY ^ Um uh. The lentils might burn. MILKMAID Pour some cold water on therri^ BOY Um uh. I promised I wouldn t leave the house. MILKMAID Oh, it will be wonderful ! BOY The Mime will be there. MILKMAID The one with the long cloak and the golden balls? 103 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BOY Um uh. MILKMAID Ooh! BOY How did you know?\ MILKMAID I saw him on the way to the market one day and when my mother wasn t looking at me I gave him a farthing. BOY \ Is he a good juggle^? MILKMAID \ He s magic ! Why, he can throw three golden \ balls in the air and catch them with one hand and then keep them floating in the air in a circle. BOY And can he balance a weathervane on his nose while it s turning? MILKMAID \ Yes, and he can balance an egg on the end of a long stick that is balanced on his chin ! BOY Oh I wish I could see him. (Looks at the pot to see if the lentils are done) MILKMAID Come on! BOY Well (Begins to weaken and just as he is about to start, the Butterfly flits past him into the Queen s room) , MILKMAID v Oh whatVlovely butterfly I] 104 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL BOY No No I can t go. But you had better hurry. MILKMAID V Well,^ll ti>o catch the-butferfly^first. BOY Oh, no, you mustn t touch that butterfly. MTDCMAID Why? BOY Because because he s my friend. MILKMAID Silly! BOY He is a good friend and he s the wisest butterfly in the world. MILKMAID What can he do? BOY He can almost talk. MILKMAID Almost? . . . Oh, I know. I m a goose. You want to play a trick on me so I ll miss the beheading. BOY . You d better hurry/ - ~ -~ I wish you d come. BOY (sadly) I can t. I ve a duty to perform. MILKMAID Aren t duties always hard? (Both sigh) [She takes up her milk pail. 105 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BOY What are you going to do with that pail? MILKMAID I m going to stand on it. . . . Good-bye. (She goes out) BOY Good-bye. (He watches for a moment^ then goes to the pot and tries the lentils; then whis pers through door to the Queen) The lentils are getting soft. [There is a fumbling in the passage and a voice is heard, Help the blind. Help the blind. The Butterfly returns to the top of the cupboard. The Blindman appears at the door. PROLOGUE He s blind, but hell show you how the blind can see." BLINDMAN (sniffing) Cooking lentils? BOY Yes. BLINDMAN Cook, which way to the beheading? BOY Keep straight ahead the way you are going, old man. BLINDMAN Don t you want to take me with you? BOY i Fnrnot going. BLINDMAN Not going to the beheading? BOY t \ \ No, I have to cook the lentils.) 106 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL BLINDMAN Come on and go with me and mayfie I ll give you a farthing. BOY I can t. BLINDMAN Yes, you can.^Who else is here? BOY (swallowing: it s hard to fib) No one. BLINDMAN Can t you run away ? Your mother won t know you ve gone) BOY It s my duty to stay here. BLINDMAN It s your duty to help a poor, blindman, little boy. BOY Are you stone blind ? BLINDMAN Yes. BOY Then how did you know I was a little boy? BLINDMAN Because you sound like a little boy. BOY Well, if you re stone blind why do you want to go to the beheading? BLINDMAN I can see with my ears. BOY Aw BLINDMAN Didn t I know you were a little boy? 107 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BOY Yes, but you had to guess twice. First you thought I was a cook. BLINDMAN Well, aren t you cooking lentils? BOY Yes; but you can smell them. BLINDMAN Well, I see with my nose, too. BOY Aw how can you see with your nose? BLINDMAN If you give me some bread I ll show you. BOY I can t give you any bread, but I ll give you some raw lentils. BLINDMAN All right. Give me lentils. BOY . . . I ll put them by the pot Ready. BLINDMAN All right. (Sniffs. Walks to the pot and gets lentils and puts them in an old pouch) Isn t that seeing with my nose? BOY H m! (In wonder) Now see with your ears and I ll give you some more lentils. BLINDMAN All right. Speak. [ The Boy gets behind the stool and speaks. The Blindman goes toward him. The Boy moves around stealthily. BLINDMAN You re cheating. YouVe moved. 108 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL BOY (jumping up on the bench) Well, where am I? BLINDMAN You re standing on something. BOY How did you guess it? BLINDMAN I didn t guess it. I know it. ~ Why can t I do that? BLINDMAN You can if you try; but it takes practice. Can you see the door now? BLINDMAN No. I ve turned around too manv times. Be sides there is more than one door, j BOY Oh m-m . . . You aren t really blind ! BLINDMAN Blind people learn to use what they have. r" Once I too could see with my eyes. BOY - Just like me? BLINDMAN Yes. J And then I didn t take the trouble to see with my ears and my nose and my fingers after I became blind I had to learn . . . Why, I can tell whether a man who passes me at the palace gate is a poor man or a noble or a merchant^ BOY How can you do that ? 109 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BLINDMAN By the sound of the step. BOY Aw how can you do that? BLINDMAN Shut your eyes and try it. BOY Well, I know what you are. That would be easy. BLINDMAN I ll pretend I m somebody else. (Feels with his stick; touches bench. Feels around again) BOY Why are you doing that ? BLINDMAN To see how far I can walk without bumping into ^ something. BOY BLINDMAN Ready. (hides face in hands) BLINDMAN Don t peep. ( The Boy tries hard not to) BOY I won t. BLINDMAN All ready (shuffles like a commoner) . Who was it? BOY A poor man. BLINDMAN See how easy? no WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL BOY I could see him as plain as if I had my eyes open . . . Now try me again. BLINDMAN Ready. BOY All right. (The Blindman seems to grow in height. His face is filled with a rare brightness. He steadies himself a moment and then walks magnificently down the room) BOY (in beautiful wonder) A noble ! I could see him. BLINDMAN x All you have to do is try! BOY I always thought it was terrible to be blind. BLINDMAN Sometimes it is. * BOY \ But I thought everything was blackj BLINDMAN It used to be until I taught myself how to sec. BOY Why is it terrible sometimes ? BLINDMAN Because I cannot help the poor who need help. If I had money I could feed the hungry and clothe the poor little beggar children in win ter! BOY Would a pail of gold and a pair of finger rings help you feed the hungry and clothe the poor, little beggar children in winter? in PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BLINDMAN A pail of gold! I have dreamed of what I might do with so much wealth ! BOY I can get a pail of gold if I break a promise. BLINDMAN Would you break a promise? BOY . . . No but No! BLINDMAN Of course you wouldn t. BOY I couldn t break a promise for two pails of gold. BLINDMAN Nor twenty-two, little boy. BOY When you walked like a noble I saw a beautiful man behind my eyes with a crown of gold.- BLINDMAN If you broke a promise for a pail of gold and two finger rings you would never see a beautiful noble with a crown of gold when you closed your eyes . . . BOY \ Can blind men see beautiful things even when it s rainy? i BLINDMAN Blindmen can always see beautiful things if they try. Clouds and rain are beautiful to me and when I get wet I think of the sunshine. I saw sunshine with my eyes when I was a little boy. Now I see it with my whole body when it warms me. I saw rain with my eyes when I was a little boy. Now I see it with my hands when it falls 112 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL on them drop drop drop dropity dropity and I love it because it makes the lentils grow. BOY V I never thought of that. Rain makes me stay indoors and I never like it except in June. BLINDMAN You don t have to stay in for long. BOY Can blind men see beautiful things in a be heading? BLINDMAN No. But I must be there with the crowd. ^- shall tell stories to the people and perhaps they ) will give me food or money. BOY Can t you stay and tell me stories? >^ BLINDMAN L^^ No, I must be on my way . . . if I do not see the beheading I cannot tell about it when I meet someone who was not there. Oh, I shall make a thrilling tale of it. BOY Tell it to me when you come back. BLINDMAN If you give me some cooked lentils. BOY I ll save you some. BLINDMAN Are the lentils nearly done? BOY x Halfj BLINDMAN I must be on my way then . . Good-bye, "3 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS (Starting to go in the wrong direction) BOY Here s the door. BLINDMAN Thank you, little boy . . . Don t forget to see with your ears and nose and fingers. [The Blindman goes out. BOY I won t. BLINDMAN Good-bye. BOY Good-bye. ( The Boy covers his eyes and tries to see with his ears and his nose) It s easier with the ears. [Singing is heard. Enter the Ballad-Singer. Hello! BOY Hello ! SINGER How are you? BOY I m very well. SINGER That s good. BOY Thank you. SINGER Cooking? BOY Yes. SINGER (coming into the room) Something good ? 114 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL BOY Lentils. SINGER Give me some? BOY They aren t done. SINGER Nearly. I can smell them. BOY Do you like them ? SINGER When I m hungry. V BOY Are you hungry now ? SINGER I m always hungry. ( They laugh) BOY Were you singing? SINGER Yes. BOY Do you like to sing? SINGER When I get something for my ballads. BOY Are you a ballad-singer? SINGER Yes. BOY Sing one for me? SINGER Give me some lentils ? BOY I ll give you some raw lentils. PORTMANTEAU PLAYS SINGER I want some of the cooked ones. BOY They aren t done. SINGER Are they nearly done? BOY More than half. SINGER I like them that way. BOY All right. Sing me a ballad. SINGER Well, give me the lentils first. BOY Oh, no, sing the ballad first. SINGER No, sir, give me the lentils first. BOY That isn t fair. SINGER Why not ? After I sing to you maybe you won t pay me. BOY Yes, I will. SINGER Then why not pay me first? BOY You might not sing. SINGER (laughing) Yes, I will. BOY (laughing) Well, I ll give you some lentils at the end of each verse. 116 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL SINGER That s a bargain. BOY Sing. SINGER (sings one line) Six stalwart sons the miller had Give me the lentils. BOY Finish that verse. SINGER I did finish it. BOY Now that s not fair. You only sang a line. SINGER Well, a line s a verse. BOY (with a gesture that indicates how long a verse ought to be) I meant a whole verse. SINGER ( mimicking the gesture) A line s a whole verse. BOY Oh, now, be fair, I mean a whole, whole verse. SINGER You mean a stanza. BOY I always heard it called a verse. SINGER Well, keep the bargain. I sang a verse. Give me some lentils. BOY (rising and taking a very few lentils on his spoon) Next time I mean a stanza . . . Here are some lentils. 117 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS [ The Ballad-Singer eyes the meager portion, cools it and eats. SINGER Stingy. BOY Isn t that some lentils? SINGER (laughs) Well BOY Now begin again. SINGER At the end of every stanza a spoonful of lentils. BOY I didn t say a spoonful. SINGER (starts to go) Very well, I won t sing a ballad. BOY All right I ll give you a spoonful at the end of each stanza. (He sits on the floor by the pot of lentils) SINGER (sings) The Ballad of the Miller and His Six Sons Six stalwart sons the miller had All brave and fair to see He taught them each a worthy trade And they grew gallantly. Tara da da da-da-da da-da-da Tara da da da-de da-dee. Give me some lentils. BOY Here . . . Hurry up. SINGER (sings) The first was John of the dimpled chin 118 o OQ ri -S WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL And a fist of iron had he He learned to wield the broadsword well And turned to soldiery. Tara da da, etc. BOY Please! Please don t stop. SINGER Keep to the bargain. BOY Here, taks two spoonfuls and finish wit-hoot stopping. SINGER (sings rest of ballad) The second son was christened Hugh And curly locks had he He learned to use the tabor and lute And turned to minstrelsy. Tara da da, etc. The third was James of the gentle ways And speech of gold had he He learned his psalms and learned his creed And turned to simony. ; . , y Tara da da, etc. The fourth was Dick of the hazel eye, And a steady hand had he With a hammer and saw and a chest of tools He turned to carpentry. Tara da da, etc. The fifth was Ned of the velvet tread And feather fingers had he. He used his gifts in a naughty way And turned to burglary. Tara da da, etc. 119 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS The sixth was Robin, surnamed the Rare, For always young was he He learned the joy of this sunny world And turned to poetry. Tara da da, etc. The Miller approached three score and ten A happy man was he His five good sons and the one who was bad, All turned to gallantry. Tara da da, etc. \-""^"r> n u, MUJ_^_ bmg me anotheij. SIHGER A spoonful at the end of every stanza. BOY Don t stop after you begfn. SINGER Pay me in advance. BOY I suppose I ll have to. (He fueds the Baltnd- SINGER (sings second ballad) The Ballad of the Three Little Pigs Two little pigs were pink pink pink And one little pig was black black The three little pigs were very good friends, But one little pig was black black. Three little pigs would play play play But one little pig was black black And three little pigs would have a jolly time Though one little pig was black black. I2O WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL Three little pigs soon grew grew grew And one little pig was black black. The three little pigs became fat hogs And one fat hog was black black. The two fat hogs were pink pink pink And one fat hog was black black. The three fat hogs all made good ham, / Though one fat hog was black black./ BOY Sing me another. SINGER I can t. I m tired. BOY Are you going to sing those at the beheading? SINGER What beheading? BOY At the Queen s beheading. SINGER Where? BOY Over there. SINGER When? BOY To-day. SINGER I must be going. Certainly I ll sing there and I ll take up a collection. BOY It s going to be before the King s four clocks strike twelve. 121 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS SINGER It s nearly time now. If I can collect a piece of gold I can buy a vermillion robe and sing at the King s court. BOY I could collect a pail of gold and two finger rings and sit at the feet of the King if I d break a promise. ( SINGER V Perhaps you willJ BOY / Would you? SINGER I d rather sing along the highway all my life. It is better to dream of a vermillion robe than , to have one that is not honestly got. /BOY \ The Blindman said something like Wat. SINGER Who said what?^ ( BOY - " * i The Blindman said if I broke a promise I d never again see a beautiful noble with a golden crown when I closed my eyes. SINGER He was right. BOY When you get your vermillion robe will you let me see it? SINGER That I will . . . Good-bye. BOY Good-bye. (Singer goes out) 122 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL BOY (hums a snatch of the ballads) [The Headsman steps into the door and plants his axe beside him for an impressive picture. The Boy turns and starts in terror. HEADSMAN Have you seen the Queen? BOY Sir? HEADSMAN Have you seen the Queen? BOY How should I, sir ? I ve been cooking the len tils. HEADSMAN She is here! BOY How could she be here, sir ? HEADSMAN Well, if she isn t here, where is she? BOY (relieved) I don t know where she is if she isn t here, sir. HEADSMAN She has too much sense to hide so near the castle and on the short cut to the headsman s block . . . Do you know who I am? BOY I think so sir. HEADSMAN Think? Don t you know? BOY Yes, sir. HEADSMAN Who am I then? 123 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS fi BOY You re the Dreadful Headsman. HEADSMAN I am the winder of the king s four clocks and when I am needed I am the best headsman in three kingdoms. And Ms is my axe. BOY Is it sharp? HEADSMAN It will split a hare in two. (Runs finger near blade meaningly} BOY 1 , OM HEAE^MAN A hare in twoj BOY H Would you really cut off the Queen s head? HEADSMAN That s my business: to cut off heads and the nobler the head the better my business. BOY She s such a nice queen. HEADSMAN Have you seen her? BOY Y es, sir. HEADSMAN When? BOY One da,y when I was boiling some lentils. HEADSMAN Did you see her neck? BOY I Yes, sir. 124 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL HEADSMAN Not much bigger than a hair. BOY (desperately friendly) Have you seen my knife? HEADSMAK (sharply) I m talking about the Queen and I m going to talk about myself until I hear the King s trum peter calling me to the beheading. BOY Yes, sjr. (Edging between the bench and door of the\ room where the Queen is hidden) HEADSMAN Sit down. BOY I rather stand, sir. HEADSMAN Sit down! And I ll tell you how I m going to behead the Queen. BOY You can t behead her after the King s four clocks have struck twelve. HEADSMAN How did you know that? BOY (realizing his blunder) Well HEADSMAN Nobody knows that except the royal family and people of the court. BOY A little bird told me. HEADSMAN Where is the little bird that I may cut its head off? 125 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS BOY Don t hurt the little bird, but tell me how you are going to behead the Queen. HEADSMAN Well (At the stool) This is the block. There s the Queen behind the iron gate. We ll say that door is the gate. [The Boy starts. And out there is the crowd. Now, I appear like this and walk up the steps. The crowd cheers, so I bow and show myself and my axe. Then I walk over to the gate BOY Don t go in there. That s my mother s room and you might frighten her. HEADSMAN Who s in your mother s room? BOY She is. HEADSMAN Well, if she s in there, maybe she d like to hear my story. BOY She s in bed. HEADSMAN Sick? (The Boy nods vigorously) All right . . . Well, I ve bowed to the crowd and I start for the Queen. If you won t open the door, you pretend you re the Queen. BOY I don t want to be the Queen. HEADSMAN Come on and pretend. I walk up to the gate so, and open it and then I say " Your Majesty, 126 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL I m going to cut off your head " and she bows bow (The Boy bows) And then I say " Are you ready? " and she says, " I am ready." Then I blindfold her BOY Now, don t blindfold me, sirl HEADSMAN I m showing you how it s done. BOY But if you blindfold me I can t see when you do it. HEADSMAN (admitting the point) All right . . . Then I blindfold her and I lead her to the block and I say, " Have you made your peace with Heaven?" and she says, u Yes." . . . BOY If you won t tell me any more I ll give you my knife. HEADSMAN Aren t you interested? BOY Yes, but your axe is so sharp and it might slip. HEADSMAN Sharp? It will cut a hair in two, but I know how to handle it ... Come on ... (The Boy reluctantly falls into the picture again) And then . . .(Raising his axe) And *hen . . . (Headsman sees the Butterfly) And then . . . How-d -ye-do ? Butterfly. [The Boy runs to the pot unnoticed by the Headsman. BOY Lentils, lentils, boil the time away 127 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS That my good queen may live to-day. \ [The Headsman and the Butterfly are having quite a game. Suddenly the great clock begins to strike and the two next larger follow slowly. The Headsman rushes to the back door with his axe. HEADSMAN Why doesn t the trumpeter blow his call! [The Boy counts the strokes of the clock and as the third clock strikes twelve he rushes to the door of the bedroom. BOY Queen! Queen! It s mid-day. HEADSMAN Queen Queen (He strides to the bed room and drags the Queen out) The little clock hasn t struck yet! (He pulls the Queen toward the rear door and shouts) Here! Here! don t let the little clock strike! I ve won the pail of gold ! [The Boy has set the bench in the doorway so that the Headsman stumbles. The Butterfly keeps flying against the Headsman s nose, which makes him sneeze. BOY No one heard you! QUEEN Let me go ! Let me go ! HEADSMAN (sneezing as only a headsman can) The Queen! The Queen! [The little clock begins to strike. The Boy counts eagerly, one, two, three, etc. 128 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL Between strokes the Headsman sneezes and shouts. The Queen! The Queen! [At the fifth stroke the Headsman falls on his knees. The Queen becomes regal, her foot on his neck. The Boy kneels at her side. QUEEN Base villain ! According to the law I am saved ! But you are doomed. As Winder of the King s four clocks the law commands that you be de capitated because the four clocks did not strike together. Do you know that law? HEADSMAN Oh, Lady, I do, but I did but do my duty. I was sharpening my axe this morning and I couldn t wind the clocks. Intercede for me. QUEEN It is useless. BOY Is there any other headsman? QUEEN The law says the Chief Headsman must behead the chief winder of the King s four clocks. BOY Can the Dreadful Headsman behead himself? QUEEN Aye, there s the difficulty. HEADSMAN Oh, your Majesty, pardon me! BOY Yes, pardon him. 129 PORTMANTEAU PLAYS QUEEN On one condition : He is to give his axe to the museum and devote all his old age to the care of the King s four clocks. . . . For myself, I shall pass a law requiring the ladies of the court to wear no jewels. So, if the King s aunt can wear no rings, she assuredly cannot have a ring-toe, and hereafter I may step where I please. ... Sir Headsman, lead the way. . . . And now, my little boy, to you I grant every Friday afternoon an hour s sport with the Mime, a spotted cow for the little Milkmaid, a cushion and a canopy at the palace gate for the Blindman, a vermillion cloak for the Ballad- Singer, a velvet gown, a silken kerchief and a cloth-of-gold bonnet fojr. your mother, and for yourself a milk-white palfry, two pails of gold, two finger rings, a castle and a sword. . . . Arise, Sir Little Boy. . . . Your arm. BOY May I take my knife, your Majesty? QUEEN That you may. (He gets the knife and returns to her. She lays her hand on his arm) Sir Headsman, announce our coming. HEADSMAN Make way make way for her Majesty the Queen. QUEEN (correcting) And Sir Little Boy. HEADSMAN What s his other name, your Majesty? BOY (whispering with the wonder of it all) Davie, 130 WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL QUEEN (to the Headsman) Davie. HEADSMAN Make way make way for her Majesty the Queen and Sir Davie Little Boy. [They go out. Immediately the Boy returns and gets the pot of lentils and runs after the Queen as The Curtains Close. The Portmanteau Theatre Boxed to Leave APPENDIX THE REPERTORY OF THE PORTMAN- TEAU THEATER IN THE ORDER OF PRODUCTION THE TRIMPLET Stuart Walker A FAN AND Two CANDLE STICKS Mary MacMlllan Six WHO PASS WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL Stuart Walker THE SEVEN GIFTS (A PAN TOMIME) , Stuart Walker THE MOON LADY (A PAN TOMIME) Stuart Walker NEVERTHELESS Stuart Walker GAMMER GURTON S NEDLE . William Stevenson THE LADY OF THE WEEP ING WILLOW TREE Stuart Walker THE GOLDEN DOOM Lord Dunsany VOICES Hortense Flexner* THE CRIER BY NIGHT Gordon Bottomley THE GODS OF THE MOUN TAIN Lord Dunsany THE MEDICINE-SHOW .... Stuart Walker THE VERY NAKED BOY . . . Stuart Walker THE BIRTHDAY OF THE IN FANTA (FROM OSCAR WILDE S STORY) Stuart Walker KING ARGIMENES AND THE UNKNOWN WARRIOR . . . Lord Dunsany APPENDIX CASTS At the Thirty-ninth Street Theater, and the Prin cess Theater, New York City, During Novem ber and December of 1916. PERSONS BEFORE THE PLAYS MEMORY . .. Florence W oiler sen THE PROLOGUE Lew Medbury THE DEVICE-BEARER ..... Edmond Crenshaw THE TRIMPLET THE LADY CARATINA .... Gitruda Tristjanski THE LADY BOBOLARA .... Judith Lowry THE BARON MILTON-MAU RICE , Willard Webster THE MARQUESS OF STRE- NATHCO . . . . Edgar Stehli THE PERSON PASSING BY. . McKay Morris You Gregory Kelly NEVERTHELESS A BOY Gregory Kelly A GIRL ., Nancy Winston A BURGLAR . ., McKay Morris Six WHO PASS WHILE THE LENTILS BOIL THE BOY . . . . Gregory Kelly THE QUEEN . Judith Lowry THE MIME Willard Webster THE MILKMAID Nancy Winston THE BLINDMAN ........ Edgar Stehli THE BALLAD-SINGER Stuart Walker THE HEADSMAN . .,. . McKay Morris 136 APPENDIX THE MEDICINE-SHOW The Medicine-Show was not played in New York City. LUT ER Willard Webster Giz Edgar Stehli DR. STEV N VANDEXTER . . . 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