Author of "Monoplanes and Biplanes"
Formerly Aeronautical Engineer U S. Army, Chairman Technical Committee Aero Club
of America and Engineer with the Wright Co.
Since 1915 Vice-Pres. and Chief Engineer, Sturtevant Aeroplane Co.
Printed by
W. S. Best Printing Company
Boston, Mass.
CHAPTER I Introduction : 9
CHAPTER II Types of Aeroplanes 13
CHAPTER III Primarily for Reference 25
CHAPTER IV Air Resistances 41
CHAPTER V Inclined Surfaces 57
CHAPTER VI Aerodynamic Theory 69
CHAPTER VII Characteristics of Aerofoils 73
CHAPTER VIII Characteristics of the Aeroplane 89
CHAPTER I X Stresses and Safety Factors 105
CHAPTER X Assembly and Construction 121
CHAPTER XI Marine Aeroplanes 139
CHAPTER XII Flying, Stability and Airworthiness 147
CHAPTER XIII The Eyes of the Army and Navy 171
CHAPTER XIV Conclusion.. 175
Although great strides have been made in the application of military
aeroplanes to problems of strategy and tactics, actual war lessons show
that the principles of design, construction, and flying remain the same.
Many important improvements in details, however, are given great im-
petus by the exacting and inspiring rivalry of war.
The object of this book, in assisting military aviators to acquire a
more intimate knowledge of their machines, appears to be attained, in
that at the military and naval aviation schools of several nations it has
been adopted.
These new editions are corrected, more conveniently re-arranged and
somewhat enlarged.
Boston, June, 1917.
That military or naval aviators should desire to acquire a sound
knowledge and just appreciation of the machines to which, day after
day, they entrust their lives, is but natural. And at the suggestion
of the officers of the Signal Corps Aviation Section, the writer has
gathered together some information acquired in practical experience,
into the form of a text-book for flyers.
Based, in its composition, on questions asked and information
sought by military aviators, and written practically on the field, at
the largest aviation center in this country, with unusual facilities for
inspection, test, flying and discussion of aeroplanes every effort
has been made in this work to permit this practical atmosphere to
permeate its pages.
It is to be noted that enlargement on or repetition of any matter
contained in the author's previous work, "Monoplanes and Biplanes,"
has been avoided. There is presented here a new text-book, limited
to the practical consideration of Military Aeroplanes in a manner
particularly applicable on an aviation field, and containing knowledge
that every aviator should have.
Occasion is taken to point out that the considerations of flying,
stability, airworthiness and performances, are based on experiences
of the author himself, in acting as observer, noting aeroplane move-
ments, reading instruments and taking observations, in flight (a specialty
to which the writer has devoted scores of hours in the air), particularly
in the extensive experimental flying on the Signal Corps aeroplanes
designed by him and piloted by Lieut. T. DeWitt Milling. To the
latter, the author wishes to express appreciation of much valuable
co-operation and assistance; and he is also indebted to Capt. Town-
send F. Dodd, Lieut. Walter R. Taliaferro, George Hallett, and Oscar
A. Brindley, expert aviator, for many valuable suggestions and assist-
ance in proof reading, and to Capt. Arthur S. Cowan, in command, for
every encouragement in this work.
Opportunity cannot too often be taken by aeronautical engineers
to recognize and pay tribute to the great work of the Aerodynamical
Laboratories, and in particular to the labors of the eminent French
engineer, Gustav Eiffel, whose exhaustive tests and their splendid
presentation form a basis for accurately predicting performances that
one cannot help but marvel at. This work, and the reports of the
British Advisory Committee, have been freely consulted, and refer-
ence frequently made to information they contain.
Coronado, Cal., May, 1915.
Although Aviation is a new field of human endeavor, its appli-
cation to the art of warfare is already becoming a specialty. Only
recently has it been appreciated, that military requirements have a
most vital and important influence on many features of aeroplanes
not only in the art of using them in military operations, but in their
fundamental design and construction.
It is planned, therefore, to give particular attention here to the
military aeroplane, as we find it today emerged from a crude state
of invention and development into a more or less finished product,
which, in the greatest war of history, has gloriously demonstrated its
strategical and tactical importance.
It is no longer necessary to speculate on the uses of aeroplanes in
warfare. What has actually been accomplished in directing artillery
fire, in reconnaissance, in dispatch-carrying, and in offensive work
has opened a new phase of warfare, as significant as it is surprising.
The technique of the use of aeroplanes in strategy and tactics, is
decidedly a subject for the military expert, but the general design
and construction of aeroplanes to accomplish certain definite purposes,
and their operation and maintenance in the field, are subjects that may
properly be considered here.
In addition to expert ability in their operation, it is found that
a sound and practical knowledge of the design and construction of
aeroplanes is exceedingly helpful to the military aviator.
A full consideration, therefore, is given to elementary theory and
practice applied in aviation, and the information used is primarily
designed to be of definite service, in the field, where many unforeseen
difficulties constantly arise.
Before taking up the determination of its elements, it is neces-
sary, clearly, to distinguish the aeroplane from other craft designed
to navigate the air.
Aircraft may be divided into the following classes :
The "airship," is distinctly a lighter-than-air machine, con-
sisting of a balloon or gasbag, containing a gas hydrogen for
example lighter than air, which by displacement of an equal
volume of air, gives a notation, the magnitude of which is de-
termined by the kind of gas, the size of gas container, and atmos-
pheric conditions. The ordinary free balloon is, in short, nothing
more than a harnessed "bubble," and the dirigible, or airship,
is a balloon of elongated shape, fitted with steering apparatus
and propelling mechanism.
Airships are constructed mainly in three different types,
the "Rigid," the "Semi-Rigid" and the "Flexible or Non-Rigid."
These designations refer, entirely, to the manner of combina-
tion of gas container and framework carrying the weights of en-
gines, etc. A flexible gas container, held in shape only by the
pressure of gas within and to which the load is hung, character-
izes the "Non-Rigid" system. A gas container, held in shape by
gas pressure, with an additional stiffening keel to which the weights
are attached, is descriptive of the "Semi-Rigid." Whereas, in the
"Rigid" system, a stiff, braced frame-work or hull, carrying di-
rectly the motors and loads, is formed to contain within it numer-
ous separate, drum-shaped gas containers instead of balloons.
The stiff frame provides, in itself, that necessary rigidity of hull,
which interior gas pressure on the envelope provides in the other
The Zeppelin airship was the first successful development of
the rigid system.
A Zeppelin "Rigid" airship and above it an aeroplane. The airship can float at rest
but an aeroplane must acquire speed in order to fly.
The Aeroplane In distinction to the airship, supported in the air
by a buoyant gas, the aeroplane is supported by an upward wind
pressure, generated by its own speed through the air. This lift-
ing pressure is obtained on specially formed wing surfaces, which
are set at an inclined angle, and forced through the air at the re-
quired speed by an air propeller. Suitable auxiliary surfaces
and rudders are used to preserve the equilibrium of the craft and
to enable the pilot to steer it.
The Helicopter Air propellers are similar in character to marine
screw propellers, and not only are they made use of to push or
pull an aeroplane, but it has been proposed, in operating them
on a vertical axis, to use their thrust directly, in lifting loads.
This type of flying machine is called the "Helicopter" or "direct
lift" machine, and does not involve the principle of lift from the
inclined arched plane, used in the aeroplane.
The Ornithopter Nature's flying machines the birds are neither
screw propelled aeroplanes nor helicopters. They derive their
support from the wind pressure on their outstretched wings pre-
cisely as does the aeroplane, but for propulsion, the bird flaps
its wings in a rowing, weaving motion, which gives a forward
push. When an aeroplane glides, it resembles in character the
soaring of a bird, with wings outstretched, but attempts to de-
rive propulsion from a reciprocating movement of wings, have
not been successful, as yet. Machines of this type are called
"Ornithopters" or "Flapping-wing" Machines.
Although little has been accomplished with them, the possibil-
ities of the helicopter and ornithopter have by no means been fully
investigated, and whether or not a combination of "direct lift" and
aeroplane, often called the "gyroplane," has any future, is still a sub-
ject for study.
Airships, on the other hand, are very highly developed, and al-
though they are difficult to handle and very expensive, they are looked
upon as "battleships" of the air. Their design and construction are
full of interesting, and difficult, engineering problems, and it is planned
to give them consideration elsewhere.
In this connection it is important to point out, that the oft-stated
"principle," that aeroplanes are limited in size, due to a proportionally
greater increase in weight as the size is increased, is a fallacy, and, as
a matter of fact, recent work on large-sized machines, appears to demon-
strata, that in proportion to the weight of the machine, as the size
increases, a greater excess load can be carried. (In later chapters this
feature will be further investigated.) Aeroplane "battleships" are, by
no means, an impossibility. The consideration of large-size aircraft,
therefore, becomes merely an efficiency comparison of the lift by gas
bag and the lift by air pressure on planes. If the dirigible balloon lifts
more "live load," per pound head resistance, at the same speed than does
an aeroplane, the dirigible is apt to survive.
Of the various kinds of aircraft, only one type of flying machine
is to be considered here, primarily, because we find the aeroplane, at
present, the most successful, the most economical and the best developed
means of navigating the air.
At the present time the early inventive stage in the development
of the aeroplane is gradually but perceptibly giving way to a state of
more precise engineering. And, in this step in its progress, aviation
is but following the course taken by almost every other art and sci-
ence. Any classification of aeroplanes, therefore, is subject to modi-
fication as newer craft are developed, and old ones rendered obsolete.
But the general principles of the machines do not change as rapidly as
do their concrete interpretations.
The principle of sustentation of an aeroplane from the upward
push of air flowing past it, has been stated, and, in the following chap-
ters, will be analyzed. The support being derived from the free air,
an aeroplane is readily subject to loss of balance, due to air disturb-
ances, gusts, convection currents, etc. It follows, therefore, that
many features designed to overcome loss of balance, are used on aero-
planes. Organs are also introduced to give the pilot control over the
craft within definite limits.
An aeroplane consists, therefore, of lift-generating surfaces at-
tached to a frame carrying motor, fuel, pilot and equipment, and in
combination with devices to balance and steer the craft.
Flying freely, in the air, an aeroplane has three axes of rotation.
1. It may ascend or descend, by virtue of changes in its longi-
tudinal path. The nosing up and nosing down of an aeroplane is termed
"pitching," as in boats.
2. An aeroplane, in flight, may change its direction of travel.
This is termed "yawing," as in boats.
3. In addition to these, an aeroplane can tip over to either side,
on a transverse axis, and this movement is termed "banking" or "roll-
ing." In making turns, it is necessary to "bank" up an aeroplane,
side wise, sufficiently to overcome the centrifugal force, and prevent
skidding. This "banking" is obtained by manipulating the lateral
The locomotive driver, is steered by the tracks, and has to give
his attention, only to the control of the speed of his engine; an auto-
mobile driver, controls his motor, also, but in addition must steer his
machine; whereas the aeroplane pilot both steers and operates his
engine, and in addition must give his best attention, continually, to
balancing the machine, fore and aft and side to side.
Like every science, Aviation has a language of its own, and a
method is used here of expressing this language in photographs. Study
of the explanatory caption and of the photographs themselves, there-
fore, is equal in importance to the reading of the text.
The types of aeroplanes considered here are typical ones of dis-
tinct features, and a more detailed discussion of their merits will be
found in later chapters.
An aeroplane, that is pulled through the air by a propeller situ-
ated at the front of the machine, is called a "tractor."
On the other hand if the propeller is back of the main lifting planes,
the machine is called a "pusher." These terms are very expressive
and very widely used.
The single propeller "tractor" is the most widely used type now,
but the "pusher" type, particularly for gun-carrying, has still a "raison-
The term "biplane" refers to an aeroplane with wings, super-
imposed, and "monoplane" to a single deck type of plane.
Since there are three axes about which an aeroplane may rotate,
it follows that three controlling organs are required :
1. The "elevator," for pitching;
2. The "rudder," for steering or "yawing;"
3. The "lateral" or "rolling" control.
The principle of the air force derived from an inclined plane, is
used in all of these controls. The "elevator" is inclined up or down,
to lift or depress the tail of the machine. The rudder is turned so
as to permit the wind to blow on it, to one side or the other, whereas
the lateral control consists, merely, in giving a difference in angle to
the two sides of the wings, causing one side to lift more than the other.
There are three general means of lateral control :
1. "Ailerons," or separate small planes, on either side independ-
ent of the main lifting surface;
2. "Wing flaps," or portions cut out of the main surface and
hinged thereto;
3. "Warping," which consists in twisting the main lifting sur-
face, so as to get a greater angle of inclination to the wind on one side
and less on the other.
In the construction of rudders and elevators, the necessary change
in angle to alter the wind pressure, is accomplished either by pivoting
the entire surface, or by turning a flap hinged to a fixed surface in front
of it.
Above Rear view of tractor, with overhang wings, and wing flaps for lateral control.
Center Front view of tractor with ailerons.
Below Rear view of tractor with equal planes, and lateral control flaps on both upper
and lower planes.
The combination of fixed tail plane and movable flap is often termed a "flap and fin"
The form of aeroplane that at present approaches the nearest
to a standardized type is the Tractor Biplane.
The main lifting surface, as may be seen from the photographs,
consists of two super-imposed planes, with their widest dimension
across the flight path.
The main planes are attached to a long, fish-shaped body, termed
the "fuselage," which, in effect, is the backbone of the machine, since
it carries the motor and propeller at the front and the seats near the
center, while at the extreme rear are mounted the rudder and elevator.
The use of an enclosed fuselage in a tractor type is almost uni-
versal, and greatly increases the efficiency of a machine, by reduction
of head resistance in the wind. The disposition of the seats in the
body gives excellent protection to the aviators. It will be noticed
that two seating arrangements are shown "tandem," one ahead of
the other, and "side by side." The former is good for military scouting,
and the latter possibly for training.
In the types of tractor biplanes shown, the chassis is mounted
to the body, as is also the center section of the wings. By taking the
outer wings off, this type is readily made transportable by road.
The distinction between a double flap and single flap elevator is
shown in the illustrations, and there is also shown the difference between
ailerons and flaps for lateral control.
In the photograph of the biplane tractors in flight, several de-
tails show up clearly, ' particularly, angles of view of the pilot, whose
vision is interfered with by the lower plane.
The older types of machines, particularly the early Wright and
Curtiss, were pusher types the Wright, however, had two propellers
and the Curtiss only one. These types were open-bodied, entirely
unprotected, and with the motor to the side of or behind the aviator.
A few years of development, led to the adoption of either a na-
celle short fuselage, protecting seats and motor only, or a fuselage.
In using a fuselage on a "pusher" machine, it becomes necessary either
to mount a propeller at the extreme rear "torpedo" fashion, to mount
a propeller on either side, or to have a propeller running on a large bear-
ing around the fuselage. In "pusher" flying boats the propeller tips
just clear the boat.
The earliest Wright machine had the elevator in front, so that
to ascend the elevator was turned up, thus lifting up the nose, and
vice versa; whereas, when it was later changed to the rear, for reasons
of stability, to ascend it became necessary to turn the elevator the
opposite way, thereby pressing down the tail. This distinguishes "front
elevator" and "rear elevator."
Above Tractor with stagger, overhang, wing flaps and flat span.
Center Tractor with ailerons and dihedral span. The rudder has no fixed surface
in front of it, and being hinged so as to balance the air pressures, it is called a
"balanced" rudder.
Below Tractor with double flaps, high rudder and fins for directional stability.
Above Left Wilbur Wright, the inventor, and the early type of Wright double pusher
biplane, with elevator out in front. Right Double screw pusher Wright biplane,
of later pattern, elevator in rear.
Center Twin screw, pusher fuselage biplane, with engine in front.
Bottom Left Early Curtiss open body, pusher one screw, three wheel chassis,
rudders in rear. Right Farman pusher biplane with nacelle or enclosed body.
A "fuselage" encloses motor seats, etc., but in addition serves as the main structural
unit of a machine, whereas a "nacelle" serves merely for wind protection, since a
separate frame carries the rudders.
The term "empennages" refers to the tail surfaces of a machine, whether they be "bal-
anced" or "flap and fin."
The term "fin" largely replaces the term "keel." It will be noted that the early Wright
machines have no fins or keels in the empennages.
The side surfaces of an enclosed fuselage are virtually keels.
It has often been the custom, distinctly to separate biplanes
and monoplanes, as different types. This is hardly justified, since the
only distinguishing feature is the use of a single deck, "king post"
type of truss to carry the air pressure lifting load, in the monoplane,
and a double deck, "Pratt" type truss, in the biplane. Biplane sur-
faces, do interfere slightly with each other, but in tractors the disposi-
tion of motor, wings, body, rudders and even chassis, is identical, whether
biplane or monoplane.
A further misconception, in this connection, is that the monoplane
is faster than the biplane. The more recent speed scout biplanes have
proved the fallacy of this, and, in later chapters, it will be found that
biplane and monoplane are both similar aeroplanes, differing primarily
in wing surface bracing.
Several monoplane photographs are given on the opposite page.
Monoplanes, like biplanes, may be tractors, pushers, open-bodied,
or have two propellers. Several European firms construct a body
and chassis, complete with rudders, to which either monoplane or bi-
plane wings may be mounted.
In general, the biplane carries more load, and the monoplane is
simpler in construction. But even these differences are fast disap-
A distinct advantage of the tractor monoplane over the tractor
biplane, is found when the wings of the monoplane are raised slightly
above the body, thereby enabling the pilot to look under them and
to have a free and unobstructed view.
For the purpose of starting from and alighting on water, aero-
planes of tractor, pusher, or any type are readily modified.
Merely adding pontoons to a tractor, in place of wheels, gives
the hydro-aeroplane; and the construction of aeroplanes, fitted to
receive either wheels or pontoons, as circumstances require, has de-
veloped considerably. Craft of this kind are called "convertibles."
But in order to obtain greater sea- worthiness and better co-ordi-
nation in design, a special type of aeroplane has been developed, suit-
able only for over-water work. The keynote in its design is found
in its treatment as a boat with wings, rather than an aeroplane with
floats. The aeroboat, or flying boat, therefore, is primarily charac-
terized by a staunch, boat-like body, around which the rest of the
aeroplane is built. The photographs show several different types.
For further discussion of aeroboats and hydro-aeroplanes refer-
ence is made to the chapter specially devoted thereto.
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protractor, and the sides to some convenient measurement scale. By
closing the triangle, all that is necessary in order to determine the
other sides or angles, is to measure them off. At first sight, this seems
to lack the value of preciseness, but if a large enough scale is used,
it is surprising how quickly and correctly, triangles may be solved in
this way.
In aeroplane studies the use of logarithms is rarely justified ex-
cepting possibly in propeller determinations, where formulae involv-
ing, for example, the fifth power of the diameter, D 5 , are used.
It may be recalled that a logarithm is merely the exponent, like
five in the above, to which it is necessary to raise 10, in order to pro-
duce the given number.
It will suffice to give here, the method of determining powers of
numbers. For example, in determining D 5 , a laborious calculation
is avoided by looking up the log of D, multiplying it by five, and find-
ing the number corresponding to the log represented by this quotient.
The occasion will rarely arise where logs have to be used, or even
trigonometry, if graphical methods are pursued.
Mechanics is the most logical of sciences the causes and effects
are so evident. It is often defined as the science that treats of the ac-
tion of forces upon bodies. And anything that concerns the action of
air forces on aeroplane wings and bodies, is of vital importance here.
It is almost needless to recall, that as long as the propeller is pulling
or pushing, or the aeroplane gliding, it is storing up momentum, which
is defined as the product of the mass m by the velocity v at any instant ;
whereas, inertia is that property of a body by virtue of which it tends
to continue in whatever state it happens to be, until acted upon by
some other force.
Velocity and Acceleration.
Acceleration of a particle is the amount of increase or decrease
of its velocity in a unit of time. In other words, while the velocity
is rate of motion, acceleration is rate of change by velocity.
A force is equal to a mass multiplied by its acceleration, because
it is universally agreed that a force be measured by its effect in chang-
ing the velocity of a particle. When we measure weights in pounds,
we actually measure the force of the earth's attraction, which is equal
to the mass of the body times the acceleration of gravity, g, which
increases the velocity of a particle 32 feet per second every second.
Therefore w = m x g. So that when the mass of a particle is
considered, it must be recalled that it is equal to what we call the "weight"
divided by acceleration of gravity or
A body falling freely under the action of the constant pull of the
earth, disregarding the retarding effects of air resistance, is an example
of uniformly accelerated motion. It must not be forgotten that in a
vacuum all bodies, whether a feather or a piece of lead, fall at the same
speed. Air resistance, alone affects rate of fall, in free air.
It is useful to recall, that a falling body attains a velocity v in
feet per second, falling a distance h feet, represented by
v = \/2gh
where g = 32 feet per second per second.
Rotary Motion and Centrifugal Force
In a circular orbit of radius r a particle making in revolutions per
second, covers in each revolution the circumference, 2 TT r, so that its
velocity in feet per second
v = 2 TT r n
The numerical value of this velocity is solved by the above equa-
tion, easily enough, but the particle swingng in a circle is constantly
changing the direction of its velocity. This change in v, involves an
acceleration, and since the particle has mass, it follows that a force
is introduced, which is constantly making or trying to make the particle
hold its circular path. This is the centripetal force.
The force acting from without and tending to make a particle
take a curved path is called centripetal force, and is the opposite to
centrifugal force.
Since this acceleration towards the center of the circle is equal
to v 2 /r, it follows that
V 2 W V 2
Centrifugal force F = m x =
r gr
where w is the weight in pounds, v is speed in feet per second, r is the
radius of the orbit in feet and F is the force.
The Pendulum
What applies to the speed with which weights fall, applies also
to the simple pendulum. No matter what the weight of the pendu-
lum, it is the length of arm 1 alone, that governs the period of oscillation.
This period,
P = 2 7T V~T7g~
Moment of Inertia.
Inertia has been defined, but "Moment of Inertia" must be con-
sidered when we come to rotary motion.
Moment of inertia is the quantity obtained by multiplying the
mass of each particle of a body by the square of its distance from the
axis. Whether a propeller, a flywheel, or a wing spar, every object
has a "moment of inertia" I, about any axis. It would be a laborious
computation to find I for various shaped bodies. Fortunately it has
been done for us, and values are given later in a table. I is expressed
in pounds x feet squared (Ibs. ft. 2 ).
Angular Velocity
The "radian" is often used as the measure of a distance along
the circumference of a circle. There are 2 TT or 6.28 radians, covered
in one revolution of a circle. So that one revolution per second, r. p. s.,
equals 2 TT radians per second.
If w is called the rotational or angular velocity of a particle, and
n the r.p.m., then,
w = 2 Trn
It has been indicated that acceleration of a rotating particle, due
to change in direction, gives rise to centrifugal force.
But the rotational velocity of a particle, may increase or decrease.
This is called angular acceleration and is a rate of change of angular
velocity, called s.
In linear accelerations, we have Forces, while in rotational accel-
eration, forces are also to be considered, but instead they are called
Torque, T, also equals mass X acceleration, but in its case mass
is the moment of inertia and acceleration is angular.
.'. T = I x s x -
where T is in pounds weight x feet and s in radians per second per
The Gyroscope
Linear motion and rotating motion have been considered. The
axis upon which a body is rotating can be moved in a linear motion.
In addition the axis of a rotating body may change its direction
continually. This brings us to the gyroscope.
An unbalanced force is of course necessary to change the direc-
tion of linear motion of a particle.
In the same way an unbalanced force is necessary to change the
direction of the axis of a rotating body. When a wheel is set rotat-
ing, the direction of the axle tends to remain unaltered, as long as no
unbalanced external force acts upon it. But when an unbalanced
force is applied suddenly enough the axle's fixed position in space gives
rise to a curious phenomenon, not only resisting movement by this
force, but actually causing the axle to move in a direction at right
angles to the applied force. It is unnecessary here to take up the
relation of this phenomenon to the earth's rotation or the derived formu-
lae, representing it.
An example of gyroscopic force, however, may be given. If a
bicycle wheel is held out in front of one, by one end of its axle, and
set rotating clockwise as viewed by the holder, when the axle is pointed
down the tendency is for it to swing around and point to the left, and
any effort to point the axle upward, meets a pronounced resistance,
the axle at the same time turning sharply to the right.
The effect of this phenomenon on the aeroplane's stability is taken
up later. In steadying ships or monorail cars, or in stability devices
for aeroplanes, the movement at right angles to the direction of the
applied force of a sensitive "gyro" is made use of.
Elasticity Stress and Strain.
The phenomena which are associated with the distortion of bodies
due to stresses are excessively complicated, and one has but to think
of the many familiar properties of brittle substances, like glass or chalk,
elastic ones like spring steel or rubber, and plastic ones like clay or
wax, to realize that this is in itself a formidable study, much too ex-
tensive to be given anything but a meagre consideration here. The
importance of the study of Resistance of Materials, to aviation, can-
not be overestimated, since in the design of the aeroplane proper, this
is the branch of engineering that solves the fundamental problem
to build light and yet strong.
This necessary combination is one that truly represents a cri-
terion of the excellence of an aeroplane, as a structural engineering
unit, and although it often does not, nevertheless, the aeroplane should
involve the most refined, advanced and expert, structural features
that engineering development has made possible. It has been a great
detriment to aviation that so many of its devotees have failed to realize
that the very best material obtainable, and the most ingenious and
perfect construction, is still hardly good enough to bear the strains
Of all the great variety of solid substances, having almost every
imaginable degree of elasticity, softness, hardness and brittleness,
we are concerned in later chapters, only with the behavior under stress
of those which are used as materials of construction, such as steel,
aluminum, brass, linen, spruce, ash, glues, paints and rubber.
Of the three classes of substances, solids, fluids and gases, let it
be recalled, that an "elastic" solid, like spring-steel, can withstand
a stress which tends to change its shape for an indefinite length of
time, whereas a "plastic" solid, like wax, does not recover from strain
when the stress ceases to act. One must qualify the above, however,
since the best spring steel never completely recovers from distortion,
and even wax is slightly elastic. A fluid is a substance which at rest
has no power definitely to resist a stress, and when at rest it is always
pressing, normally, on the sides of the vessel containing it. A gas is a
matter with no independent shape, adjusting itself to take the form
of the vessel in which it is confined, and tending to diffuse and expand
Substances are of two kinds grained and ungrained. Glass
and water are examples of ungrained substances, while wood, steel,
and practically all materials of construction, have a grained struc-
ture. The grain in steel is well marked, and though often lost sight
of, it is most necessary in aeroplane work, that care be taken not to
put too great a stress across the grain of a steel plate.
Elasticity may properly be defined as the resisting property of a
body to motion of its molecules.
Strain is the distortion of a body measured at a given point.
Stress is the force by which the molecules resist a strain at any
point. Stresses are developed, and strains caused, by the application
of external forces. Each stress is accompanied by its own character-
istic strain.
Stresses are of five kinds Tension, Compression, Flexure, Tor-
sion and those induced by Fluid pressure. They are illustrated on an
accompanying cut.
It is a fact of fundamental importance in the theory of elasticity,
that however irregularly a body may be distorted, any small portion
of the body suffers that simple kind of distortion which changes a circle
into an ellipse, the change of shape consisting essentially of an increase
or decrease of linear dimensions in three mutually perpendicular direc-
tions, sometimes accompanied by a slight rotation of the small parts
of a body.
The stress on a body is usually represented as pounds per square
inch, or the force in pounds acting on a one-inch square part of the
body. The total force P on a body, divided by area A, of its cross-
section gives this unit stress which is called "intensity of stress." The
strain 1 accompanying this is not represented in actual inches or units
of total deflection d, but is given as a fraction of the span L of the piece,
such that strain 1 equals d/L.
The basic law of Resistance of Materials is that intensity of stress
p is proportional to strain 1. And to balance the proportion into an
equation, a constant is introduced, called E, giving the simple rule,
p = P/A = d/L x E = 1 x E
This constant E, is called the "Modulus of Elasticity," and is of
the greatest convenience in indicating what the proportion of stress
in a given material is to strain. Thus, it is readily seen that steel is
stronger than aluminum, when it is learned that E for steel is 28,000,-
000 and for aluminum 1,700,000.
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For all materials, however, there is a limit beyond which the ratio
of stress to strain or coefficient of elasticity E = p/1, does not hold.
This region is called the "elastic limit" of the material, and while con-
siderable stress can be added beyond this, the material begins to stretch
out of all proportion and rapidly reaches the breaking away point,
which is called the "ultimate resistance."
When relieved of stress, before reaching its elastic limit, a ma-
terial will return more or less to -its former state, but when the stress
has exceeded the elastic limit the material takes a permanent set.
The forces necessary to bring any material to the elastic limit, and
the value of the ultimate resistance, are entirely matters of experi-
ment, from which are derived empirical values.
Fluids and Gases.
In liquids the phenomena of surface tension, capillary action,
cohesion, etc., are of but minor interest excepting in hydro-aeroplane
studies. It is important to recall of liquids, however, that the pres-
sure exerted on any part of an enclosed liquid, is transmitted undi~
minished in all directions (air-pressure fuel tanks). When a fluid
is in motion it is being acted upon by an unbalanced force, giving it
velocity and by a pressure, or in other words, it has the energy of a
"velocity head" and a "pressure head." Any increase in one is at
the expense of the other.
A device very widely used for the measurement of velocities of
both water and air is the Pitot tube, which measures the velocity head
v = v / 2gh. It consists, merely of a bent tube with a nozzle, point-
ing into the relative flow and measuring by means of the length of a
column of liquid, the head h, which substituted in the above, gives the
velocity v.
In considering liquids the losses in head in long pipe lines and
the effects of expansion and contraction and of nozzles, are of inter-
est with reference to the gasoline and radiator connections.
Buoyancy and Specific Gravity should be considered.
A body immersed in a liquid or a lighter gas immersed in air, is
acted upon by a lifting force which equals the weight of the liquid or
air displaced. In other words, the law of Floating Bodies is to the
effect that a floating body will displace a volume of liquid of gas whose
weight equals its own. A body immersed in pure water has a flota-
tion of 62.4 Ibs. per ft. 3
The density of a substance is its mass per unit volume, while Spe-
cific Gravity of a substance is its weight as compared with the weight
of an equal "bulk" of pure water. So that, given the specific gravity
of a substance, it is necessary to multiply by 62.4 to obtain its actual
weight in pounds per cubic foot, since water weighs 62.4 Ibs. per ft. 3
Specific gravity is sometimes referred to other substances air for
example. The specific gravity of gold is 19.26. Its weight per cubic
foot is consequently 1,200 Ibs. A table of weights and specific gravi-
ties is given later.
Gases are highly compressible, in distinction to water and solids,
and are perfectly elastic, though in distinction to solids their elasticity
is one of volume and not of form.
It must be borne in mind, with reference to gases, that the tem-
perature remaining the same, the volume of a gas is increased exactly
in the same proportion as the pressure is decreased. Or, the product
of volume X pressure equals a constant quantity.
The study of Aerodynamics which constitutes the major part of
this worJc, takes up the mechanics of gases, making it unnecessary to
give them further consideration here.
Work is said to be done when a resistance is overcome, so that
movement takes place through a certain distance. The air propeller
which pulls against a resistance of 200 pounds, causing the machine
to which it is fixed to move 80 feet, is doing work, inasmuch as it is
continually overcoming this resistance.
The unit of work is the foot-pound, which is equivalent to the
work performed in moving one pound of weight through one foot of
Work may be done in several ways pushing or pulling weights,
or working against pressures, such as the work performed by a piston
in driving a fluid of gas before it, which is equal to the intensity of
pressure X area of piston x distance traversed or stroke.
In the above example, the propeller is doing 16,000 foot pounds
work by overcoming a resistance of 200 pounds and moving against
it 80 feet.
Work, in whatever units it is expressed, is always "resistance
overcome" multiplied by "distance traversed."
Energy is distinct from work, in that it represents capacity to
do work, but not the actual work done. It is expressed in the same
units as work.
There are two kinds of energy Potential and Kinetic since a
body when at rest may have stored up "potential energy" due to its
peculiar position or condition, and when in motion, a body is capable
of performing work against a retarding resistance, due to its "kinetic
A reservoir full of water, capable of turning a water wheel, if re-
leased, is an example of potential energy, and another is the stored
energy in storage batteries or gunpowder. The weight of the stored
body x the distance through which it is capable of acting is the meas-
ure of potential energy.
Kinetic energy or K. E. of a body, is equal to the work which must
have been done upon it to have brought it to its actual velocity from
a state of rest. While potential energy is due to the acquirement
of "strategical position," kinetic energy is due to the acquirement
of "tactical impetus" or velocity.
Kinetic Energy = wv 2 /2 g and is derived from the familiar rela-
tion v = V 2 g h since K. E. equals the weight of the body x height
from which it would have had to fall to acquire its velocity.
Finally, it becomes obvious that Energy exerted = Work done.
In referring to the amount of work done in a unit of time, it is
necessary to consider Power, which may be denned as the rate of doing
work. Whether the propeller in the above example traverses the
80 feet of distance in one second, or in one hour, the actual work done
in foot pounds is the same, since time is not a dimension of work. Ob-
viously, it would take more "power" to overcome any resistance in
one second than in one hour, and to measure power it is necessary
not only to consider the resistance and the distance traversed, but also
the time it takes to do it.
Power, then, is the number of foot pounds per second or per minute
or the number of mile-tons per year, if we choose to use such units.
The customary unit of power is the Horse-Power.
One horse-power equals 33,000 foot pounds per minute, or,
1 h.p. = 550 foot pounds per second.
Thus, when a weight of 5.5 pounds is moved 100 feet per second,
one horse-power is exerted.
An aeroplane,, with a resistance in the air of 200 Ibs., requires 29
h.p. when travelling at 80 feet per second, since
200 x 80 H- 550 = 29 h.p.
It is interesting to note here, with reference to the possibility of
man- power flight, that, for a few minutes a man can exert at the limit
200 ft. Ibs. per second, and for an hour about 100 ft. Ibs. per second,
less than l/5th of one horse-power.
Although much energy is generated and expended, the fact re-
mains that the sum total of all the energy in the universe remains the
same. Mechanical energy and heat are converted one into the other,
the heat of the boiler, taken from fuel coming from the earth, passes
into the engine and into parts which do work against various kinds
of friction, until finally the sum total of the mechanical energy has
returned to the earth, from whence it originally came, as heat.
The law of the Conservation of Energy is the most firmly estab-
lished of the laws of mechanics, and only by the creation of an addi-
tional amount of energy in the universe, which is impossible by any
known human agency, could perpetual motion be achieved, although
some magnetic and atmospheric phenomena may be used very nearly
to approach it.
Any machine, in order to accomplish an amount of work in a given
time, must have work put into it in proportion. Due to friction and
other losses, it is always true that the power obtained from a machine
is not as great as the power put into it.
Now, call P, the power delivered by a machine, and P' the power
necessary to put into it, then the ratio P/P' will be less than unity, ordi-
narily; it might be equal to 1, if the machine were a perfect one with
no losses but never can it exceed one.
The ratio of the power delivered by a machine and the power it
used in doing so is called the Power Efficiency of the machine.
We have used above an example of an aeroplane, with a flying
resistance of 200 Ibs., which, when it was travelling at 80 feet per second,
required 29 h.p.
If the h.p. of the engine were 50 h.p. then the efficiency would be
29/50 or 58%.
It is most important in this study clearly to understand the sig-
nificance of Power Efficiency.
The development of a simple notion into an extensive science is
well illustrated in Graphic Statics.
Based upon the elementary fact that a force can be represented
by a line, long enough to measure its magnitude to some convenient
scale, and placed so as to indicate the direction in which the force acts
with reference to some fixed point there has been built up a com-
plete science of the action of every kind of force, and in many cases
simple solutions are obtained for problems that would require com-
plicated mathematics.
For all ordinary engineering the numerical computation of the
characteristics of forces has almost entirely given way to their determi-
nation by machine-like graphical methods. In later chapters the
particular application of graphical methods to determine the stresses
in aeroplanes will be taken up.
It will suffice here to give a general idea of how the combined
effect of several forces can be determined, composition of forces :
and how a single force can be split up into an equivalent set of forces
resolution of forces.
The single force, that would have the same effect at a point as
a set of several forces, is called the Resultant.
Referring to the diagrams, illustrating the action of forces, it is
indicated that two forces of 4 and 9 Ibs. are acting at a point o. It
is desired to know what their combined effect is, so that a single force
could be placed at o that would resist their combined action.
The mechanical process of finding their resultant consists merely
in applying what is often called the "parallelogram of forces," p. 34.
Graphically, the mechanical process is as follows: Lay off AB parallel
to the 4-lb. force, and from A lay off AC parallel to the 9-lb. force. Com-
plete the parallelogram to E, and draw AE. Then choose some scale,
such that AB when actually measured on the drawing measures 4 units,
and AC 9 units. With this same scale measure AE. It scales about
10 H units.
Therefore, its value is 10^ pounds.
Its direction is given by the direction of AE so that by drawing
the force through o, parallel to AE, and making it 10 V^ pounds long
to scale, we completely determine it in direction, magnitude and point
of application.
Finding the resultant of any number of forces, whether co-planar
or not, consists in finding the resultant of two, then finding the re-
sultant of this resultant and one other, and so on.
Moments are defined on the diagram as merely the forces times
their perpendicular lever arms, from the point about which moments
are taken. If the force is expressed in pounds and the lever arm in
feet, the moment is in foot-pounds. The unit is the same as in Work,
but obviously, moment expresses what could be termed the Potential
Energy of the force.
Scaling lever arms of forces, from diagrams to scale, is by far the
easiest and quickest way to obtain them.
Of course, if a point is in equilibrium, all the forces pulling one
way are balanced by forces pulling the opposite way. In the same
way the sum of moments of all the forces will be zero. This is a very
important conception to keep in mind.
The resolution of forces into parts or complements, along given
directions or axes, is indicated in the diagram, and is, briefly, a reverse
application of finding the Resultant.
The intricate-looking but simply-made stress diagrams of braced
frames, like bridges, are made of an elaboration of compositions and
resolutions of forces.
In all this graphical work, it is best to appreciate at the outset,
the necessity of learning the mode of procedure of laying off the lines
like learning to run a machine and then merely keeping the scales used,
clear and unconfused. Successfully to determine stresses it is as un-
necessary to know the theory involved, as it is for the average taxi-
driver to know the theory of why certain mixtures of gasoline and air
are explosive.
Charts and Graphs.
The representation of the variation of something, as a graph on
a chart, is merely a convenient way of tabulating results. Instead of
having long, cumbersome tables, giving values, at certain intervals, it
is far easier to represent them on a chart.
If it is but appreciated that a graph is a table with values for all
intervals between the limits indicated, its convenience becomes very
Diagrams are given, as an example, of two types of co-ordinates,
the Rectangular and the Polar.
Graphs are used very extensively in studying Aviation, and the
power curves for Aeroplanes bid fair to become as universal as the
power curves for electric railway cars, etc.
The combination of several curves on the same chart is illustrated
in the diagram, and consists merely in keeping the same cross lines,
but assigning to them different scales.
The Aeroplane, having been described in a general way, and an
outline having been given of the ordinary conceptions of science ap-
plied to it, we can proceed with a detailed study of its various elements.
In considering the Aeroplane, three distinct features are pre-
sented :
1. The determination of the reactions of the air on the parts of
the moving machine, giving rise to resistances, lifting forces and thrusts.
2. The study of the construction of the machine to withstand
these forces.
3. The investigation of the stability and manner of operation of
the aeroplane, under the many conditions met with.
The determination of air reaction requires, at the beginning, a
clear understanding of the nature of the air and how it may be expected
to act.
It is well to realize that lifting forces and thrusts are no more im-
portant than are the resistances, at the expense of 'which flight is ob-
tained. And when it is found that for every ten pounds of air resistance
saved there can be carried an additional load of almost one hundred
pounds, the significance of low air resistance becomes apparent.
The late Edouard Nieuport, builder of the famous French mono-
plane, made one of the greatest single advances in aeroplane construc-
tion, in the past few years, by his practical development of aeroplanes
with very low head resistance. And after the introduction of his ideas
such rapid strides were made by constructors in the improvement
of the aeroplane's efficiency, that load carrying capacity was almost
doubled. Another lesson in the relative importance of the resistance
to motion of an aeroplane, is found in the development of high-speed
racing machines. It had been generally assumed that speed depended
almost entirely on having added power, but the development of the
Deperdussin monocoques proved that far better results could be ob-
tained by systematic refinement and reduction in the resistances. It
is needless to speculate on the speeds attainable in aeroplanes. The
nature of air resistance and its increase with speed as considered in
this chapter, will lead to the realization that a high speed record of 130
miles per hour is not going to stand very long.
But it is not so much in the attainment of higher speeds that we
are interested in air resistances, as it is in the reduction of the power
necessary to fly. While fuselage and nacelle resistances are the largest,
attention must be given to the air resistance of wires, fittings, struts,
wheels, etc., the cumulative effect of which is surprisingly great. These
resistances, however, are distinct from the resistance to motion of a
wing that generates a lift.
The appreciation of the resistances of different forms and shapes
is of great value in the field in determining their effect on the efficiency
of a machine, and also on the stability, since changes in resistances
are apt to affect the center of air resistance of the machine, and con-
sequently the equilibrium of the air forces.
Occasions constantly arise in mounting bomb-dropping appar-
atus, guns and other extra equipment, and in repair work, where in-
formation of this kind is of value.
The Atmosphere.
The atmosphere is an ocean, consisting of a mechanical mixture
of several gases with water vapor, and even on the highest mountain
we are still living at the bottom of this ocean. The atmospheric en-
velope has a definite extent, and at any point exerts a pressure which
is given rise to by the weight of the amount of air above it. We are
constantly carrying around, therefore, on our shoulders, on the roofs
or buildings, everywhere, the weight of the column of air directly above.
The higher up, however, the less is the weight of air, and, consequently,
the less the pressure. Air being compressible this increase in pressure
with decrease in altitude affects the weight of air per cubic volume.
We would have quite an exact measure of height in the atmosphere,
in noting the corresponding pressure, were it not that this pressure is also
affected by temperature and great wave movements of the air ocean,
storms and winds.
As the temperature increases the density decreases, and the volume
of a pound of air increases at the same pressure.
The unit of atmospheric pressure is the mean pressure of the air
at sea level, at 60 F. and is called one "atmosphere." It value is
14.7 Ibs. per sq. in., and it causes the mercury in the barometer to rise
30 inches. Over one sq. ft., a pressure of one atmosphere is equiva-
lent to a weight of 2,116 pounds.
For every 1000 feet increase in altitude the pressure decreases
about H Ib. per sq. in. At a height of 18,500 feet, atmospheric pres-
sure is one-half of that at sea level, and at a height of 40 to 50 miles
the air must be practically weightless.
At atmospheric pressure and 60 F., the weight or density of air
is .081 Ib. per cubic foot.
It is convenient to recall that air is about 1 /800th as heavy as
salt water, and 14 times heavier than hydrogen.
Nature of Air.
Since air has weight, it follows that, as a substance, it has inertia
and momentum. The possibility of night is due to the tendency of
air to resist movement.
In addition to this, air is very elastic, but at aeroplane speeds,
it may be considered, theoretically, as almost incompressible, like water.
Air is a "continuous" medium, each particle, naturally, tending
to hold together with every other particle, and the tenuous manner
in which any air disturbance influences adjacent air filaments is beau-
tifully demonstrated in photographs of air flow.
Disturbances of the air cause up and down currents, complicated
air vortices, aerial fountains, waves and pulsations, with changes in
the velocity and direction of air streams; and just as water boils so
will air boil, when heated. The action of the sun in boiling the air
over a dry, open space, can be distinctly felt when flying.
In the consideration of air resistances, however, it is assumed
that the air is uniform in flow, and at 60 F., and atmospheric pressure.
There is another very important conception, with regard to air
resistance determinations. Disregarding the effects of inertia and
acceleration of an object, the air pressures are the same in action,
whether the object is moved against the wind, or the wind against
the object.
Motion through the air gives rise to two distinct kinds of resis-
tance :
1. Pressure, generated by the impact of the air on an object, and
2. Friction, generated by the flow of the air filaments past the
surface of the object.
Characteristics of Air Flow.
Having defined air, the manner in which it flows may be con-
sidered. Air either flows smoothly past an object in stream lines
continuous filaments or it breaks up into swirls and eddies, due to
too abrupt a change in flow. The accompanying photographs of air
flow illustrate this.
It is apparent that a spindle or fusiform shape, gently dividing
the air at the front, and gradually permitting the filaments to close
together at the rear, will give a smooth flow, which amounts to the
same thing as a very low resistance. It is also evident that a flat sur-
face creates very great disturbance, and consequently high resistance.
The curve of the stream lines, necessary to prevent disrupting
them, may be computed for any speed, by applying fluid dynamics.
But it must be kept in mind that a form of this kind gives its low re-
sistance, only at one particular speed, since the path of flow is affected
by the speed. It is unnecessary here to take up the determinations
of these forms. If the stream lines flow smoothly past an object, and
close up again without eddies, it follows that the only resistance ex-
perienced is frictional.
There are many ways of determining the manner in which the air
flows past an object, such as noting the directions in which light silk
threads are blown, or introducing smoke or particles into the air and
photographing it. Ammonium Chloride is a very convenient smoke.
Importance of Visualizing the Air.
It is of great value in aeroplane work, to become accustomed to
visualize the streamline flow of air, and ability to "see the air" often
solves many problems of stability and reduction in resistance, with-
out any recourse to mathematics or measurements. Besides this,
there is offered in the study of air flow by photography, a field of in-
vestigation of great promise and absorbing interest.
It is a common experience that in a wind, at the front of a flat
surface, there is a dead region of air, where no wind is felt. Photo-
graphs show this air cushion clearly, and in Chapter VI this simple
conception is found to hold a valuable theory.
In stability discussions, effect of following planes, interference,
and propeller stream action, priceless secrets would be revealed if the
air could be followed in its every movement.
Determination of Air Resistance.
The nature of the action of air on objects has been considered,
but we must know in addition with what force in pounds P, the air
pushes on an object when it passes it at velocity V.
Applications of Theory to determine the magnitude of air pres-
sures, are given consideration in Chapter VI, but merely for reference,
since the best measures of air resistance have been obtained by actual
Methods of measuring the resistance of the air that have been
widely used, are the following:
1. Dropping surfaces from a height and measuring time
of drop and pressure, used by Newton, and Eiffel in his earliest
2. The whirling arm, used by Langley, and consisting of
whirling the surface at the end of a large arm around a circle of
large diameter and recording the resistance automatically.
3. The moving carriage, an automobile, trolley or car, as
used in the experiments of the Due de Guiche, Canovetti, and the
Zossen Electric Railway tests.
4. By blowing or drawing air through a tunnel in which
the object or a model of the object is placed. This method is
the most modern and convenient, and permits of a uniformity of
the air current, which cannot be obtained as easily in the open.
In wind tunnels, the best practice is to draw the air in, through
screens and channels, that straighten it out, past the experimental
chamber, and thence to the fan. Practically all the great Aerodynam-
ical Laboratories use the wind tunnel method of experiment. The
prominent ones are, the Eiffel laboratory in Paris, the National Physi-
cal Laboratory in England, and the tunnel at the University of Goet-
tingen. The speed of the wind in the Eiffel laboratory can be brought
up to almost 90 miles per hour (40 metres per second), and its size
permits of testing many objects such as struts, to full size, and complete
models of aeroplanes to one-tenth full size. Such a magnitude per-
mits of exceedingly valuable determinations, and the work of the
laboratories is daily being applied with entire success to full-sized aero-
It must be borne in mind, however, that the air in a tunnel is con-
fined and that all tunnel results are not perfectly adaptable to machines,
unless suitable corrections are applied.
Measurements made in the laboratories consist of determining
not only the magnitude, direction and position of the wind forces, but
also in determining the distribution of air pressure over an object by
measuring the pressures at different points.
Air Resistance varies as V 2 .
It has been found by very careful and extensive experimenting
that the resistance of an object in an air stream is proportional to the
square of the velocity of the air.
In other words, if the velocity is doubled, it follows that the re-
sistance will be increased four times, or if velocity is five times as great,
the force on the same object would be twenty-five times as great.
There are variations from this, however, due primarily to the
fact that friction resistance alone, as distinct from impact resistance,
varies as V 1 ' 8 increasing in less proportion than V 2 . On very large
surfaces, and particularly on dirigible balloons, of streamline shape,
the frictional part of the resistance is by far the greatest, and conse-
quently makes the total resistance increase in a proportion less than
V 2 .
For our purposes, however, the total resistance, of objects, in-
cluding the pressures and frictions, are considered as varying with V 2 .
Air Resistance varies as S.
The size of the surface area, on which the air acts, S, gives a mag-
nitude of air resistance that is in direct proportion to the size. If the
area of the object is doubled, the air resistance is doubled, at the same
air speed.
This experimental fact is also subject to modification, since, as
the size of surface increases, the pressures are somewhat greater in
proportion. But we can disregard this also without serious error.
Formula for Air Resistance.
It follows, therefore, from the above, that if we call P the force
generated by the air movement at velocity V against an object of area
S in cross-section, then P varies as SV 2 .
This at once leads to an empirical formula, for the air resistance,
if we introduce K to represent a numerical constant, which must be
determined for any particular shape by experiment.
It may be stated then, that
P = K S V 2
This is the fundamental formula of Aerodynamics.
The units used will be S in square feet, V in miles per hour and
P in pounds.
Although P also depends on the density of the air, sea level and
60 F., conditions are considered here and included in the value of K.
In this chapter we are interested in the air resistance of various
objects and parts made use of in flying machines and in adding
to the air resistance of these parts the air force on the wings, that must
be overcome to obtain the lift, we obtain the value of the total resist-
ance to motion that is overcome by the propeller thrust.
In view of the above formula, it becomes necessary, merely, to
review and average up the laboratory results, so as to obtain values
of K for the various different objects.
The most accurate determinations of the latest experiments are
made use of for this purpose and it is again emphasized that the values
of K given, include both the impact and frictional resistances.
/* N
/ H
5 ,
si "
t j
$ f
x K
/ ^
v U
T- 5
./ C 7T
/6 5
1C JfO JV 40 -SO 60 70 60 yo/00 HP /JQ
V- velocity aj Air -Stream j to njilea per favr
.0056 K*.QO&
^ "
*i' :
/KWPI* 1h speed
16 Zo 36 do SO (,D 76 60 96 m fj.f)
Streamline Shapes
In this class may be included bodies of fusi-form or streamline
form, shaped for least resistance. Their application to the design of
tanks, fuselages, nacelles, hoods, etc., is of fundamental importance.
In a most interesting set of experiments, conducted by M. Eiffel,
on streamline shapes, illustrated in the diagrams and chart on p. 52,
the bodies consist of a nose, a cylindrical central portion, and a tail.
The results of the experiments show that :
1. The blunter the nose, the greater the resistance.
2. The shorter the central cylindrical portion is, for the same
nose and tail, the lower the resistance.
3. The effect of shortening up the tail is not very great, although
slightly increasing the resistance.
In each case, however, measurements made at speeds up to 90
miles an hour showed that the resistance does not vary as V 2 , the value
of K becoming constantly less with speed increase. This is a very sig-
nificant determination, and may be explained on the ground that,
in bodies of this kind, the major part of the resistance at high speeds
is frictional and therefore increases at much less than V 2 . In addi-
tion the effect of velocity increase is to flatten out the flow and suppress
The values of K for these bodies are given.
The Goettingen Laboratory conducted extensive experiments on
the best shapes for dirigible balloons which it is important to consider.
The models tested measured 3.75 feet long and .62 feet in diameter,
giving a fineness ratio of 6. The shapes in their order of least resist-
ance and values of K for 25 m. p. h. are given. At higher speeds, still
lower Ks would be expected.
The form No. 1, having the least resistance, is, perhaps, the best
form that has ever been tested in a laboratory, and at high speeds
would give a resistance about l/25th of the normal pressure on its
diametral plane. It is the form used in the Parseval non-rigid diri-
It is interesting to note in studying low resistance bodies, how
closely they resemble the shapes of fishes, and of birds, measurements
of a fast swimming fish showing an almost exact resemblance to this
Parseval shape.
As a general rule, the best streamline body is the one having a fine-
ness ratio of 6 and with the master diameter about 40% back of the
nose, both nose and tail being fairly well pointed.
The application of fineness ratios, and shapes of least resistance,
to improvement in the form of struts, has in many instances tremen-
dously improved the performance of aeroplanes.
*l NPL
In addition to the form for least resistance, however, the weight
of the struts and their strength are factors that must be considered
in choosing the best shapes. We will confine ourselves here, how-
ever, to a study of the resistance of various shapes.
A group of strut sections are given and K for each one. It is
to be noted that the effect of yawing is greatly to increase these resist-
ances by presenting the strut sidewise to the air, and it will be neces-
sary later to consider the amount of this increase.
Inclining the strut to the vertical, as in staggered planes, has the
effect of increasing the length of section in the air stream, and, con-
sequently, the resistance does not decrease for streamline shapes, while
for blunter shapes, inclination reduces the resistance considerably.
In struts, as in bodies, an increase of velocity is accomplished
by a reduction in the value of K, that is more noticeable the greater
the fineness ratio, i. e., the longer the section of the strut. This is
again due, probably, to the preponderance of friction in the total re-
The results obtained in studies of strut resistance indicate the
importance of having struts well made and of a uniform section. Just
as in bodies, abrupt changes in contour must be avoided and atten-
tion paid to a smooth curve on either side of the central portion.
It is found, in general, that a fineness ratio of 5 to 1 is best for
use, where a fin effect is desired, and where not, - the best fineness
ratio is 3 to 1.
Wheels -
The air resistance of chassis wheels is a considerable item in flight.
Experiments have been conducted on various-sized wheels, and the
results are as follows :
28^" diameter by 2^" tire, K = .0025
24 " " " 3 " " K = .00265
21 " " " 3 " " K = .0018
18 " " " 2 " " K = .0021
When the wheels are covered in, it is found in almost every case
that the resistance is halved, so that for the 24" x 3" wheel, when
covered in, K = .00133. An average K for wheels would be .002.
As an example, it is desired to determine the resistance of two
26" x 4" wheels at 80 m. p. h.
The projected surface = 1.4 sq. ft.
/. P = .002 x 1.4 x 6400
= 18 Ibs.
If the wheels were covered in at this high speed, about 9 Ibs. would
be saved in resistance; this would permit of carrying about 60 Ibs.
more load on an efficient machine, or would add 10 gallons more fuel.
Fuselages and Empennages
The resistances of the bodies of aeroplanes, and of the tail pieces,
constitute the major part of the resistance, and their importance and
variations, with angles of yawing and pitching, make it necessary to
give them separate consideration in a later chapter.
It may, however, be pointed out that the data on streamline bodies
given, is readily applied to fuselages. The laboratories, however,
have studied complete aeroplane models and fuselages, and have ob-
tained valuable results.
The data given in this chapter enables the air resistance of vari-
ous shaped bodies to be computed for any speed V and any size sur-
face S, where S is the maximum cross-sectional projection of the body,
perpendicular to the air stream. It is merely necessary to supply
the numerical values of K, S (in sq. ft.), and V (in m. p. h.), in the
P = K S V 2
It is well, again to recall that the propeller of an aeroplane must
give a pull or push great enough to overcome :
I. The resistance to motion of the struts, wires, body, wheels,
fittings, skids, gas tanks and other attachments.
II. The dynamic resistance of the wings and rudders, called the
Drift and generated by the same pressure that gives the Lift.
In this chapter the first has been considered. And a study of the
second may now be taken up.
In order to understand the mechanics of flying it is necessary
to have a sound conception of the nature of air pressure on inclined
surfaces. On a plane presented to the relative air current, at an angle
less than 90, the generated air pressure instead of acting straight back
is inclined above or below the line of flow of the air.
Before discussing this, however, a few unfamiliar terms need to
be defined.
Span is the dimension of a surface across the air stream.
Leading edge, is the first edge of the surface upon which the air
impinges, whereas, trailing edge, is the rear edge of the surface.
Chord, is the dimension between the leading edge and the trailing
edge of a surface. It is the depth of surface along the air stream.
Surfaces are of two kinds flat in section and curved in section.
Camber, is the rise of the curved contour of an arched surface,
above the chord line.
It follows from the above that for any inclined surface,
Aspect Ratio
The explanatory diagrams on p. 60, are referred to, and it is seen
that any inclined surface, is one in which the chord is inclined to the
line of flow of the air.
This angle of inclination of the chord to the air stream is termed
angle of incidence.
If the leading edge of a surface is presented to the air, above the
trailing edge, the angle of incidence is said to be positive. And when
the surface is inclined negatively to the air flow, it is meant that the
air impinges on the top face of the surface, since the leading edge is
below the trailing edge.
Lift and Drift.
The air acting on a surface presented to it with a positive angle
of incidence generates a pressure, the line of action of which is pointed
upwards and at the same time somewhat backwards. As the incidence
of the surface is varied, of course, the inclination of this force above
the horizontal is varied. But the important conception to grasp is,
that the effect of inclining the surface below 90, is to cause the total
air pressure to assume an inclined position, with respect to the axis
of flow of the air.
If the inclination is such that the total pressure points upward
and backward, a study of the resolution of forces teaches that the verti-
cal portion, or component, is equivalent to a force acting vertically
upwards, capable of lifting weights, whereas the horizontal compo-
nent of the same total air pressure is a resistance to motion.
It follows that in order to obtain this lifting component the hori-
zontal one must be overcome, the two together corresponding to the
resultant total pressure on the inclined surface.
Lift is the vertical component, called L.
Drift is the horizontal component, called D.
The resolution of the air pressure on an inclined surface into Lift
and Drift, is the fundamental process in the mechanics of the aeroplane.
Drift is a drag or resistance to motion which is overcome by the
thrust of the propeller, and at the expense of which a total inclined
pressure is generated on the aeroplane surfaces, the vertical compo-
nent of which is sufficient to support the weight.
Since Drift is a function of the pressure necessary to lift the weight,
it now becomes apparent why Drift was classified as distinct from the
head resistances of the various parts of a machine. The latter are
due solely to their form and the speed of travel, and they exert no effect
on the lifting power itself.
Consideration of this resolution into Lift and Drift, at once in-
dicates that the characteristics to be sought for in a surface are great
lift with a very small drift, so that for a minimum expenditure of power a
maximum load carrying capacity is obtained.
The ratio of lifting power, L, to drift D, is a function widely used
in considering the efficiency of surfaces, and the higher the value of
L/D the greater is the weight that can be carried per pound of resist-
It is well again to emphasize, that total resistance to motion is
composed of two distinct items.
1. The air resistances of the various parts of a machine, such as
struts, wires, wheels, bodies, etc.
2. Drift (in which is included the head resistance and frictional
resistance proper of the wings alone, at the particular angle at which
they are presented).
Flat Planes.
It is necessary to draw a distinction between planes that have
a flat cross-section, and surfaces that have a curved cross-section, be-
cause the variations of the air pressures in magnitude, position, and
dirction are quite distinct.
Let P 90 represent the normal pressure on a surface set at 90 to
the air stream and determined as explained in Chapter IV, pp. 49-50.
And let P a represent the total pressure on the surface when it is set
at an angle of incidence A to the air stream.
It would be possible to express the variation of P a , with changes
in the angle of incidence a, as a percentage of P 90 = K S V 2 . This
would necessitate determining the ratio Pa/Pgo, which is called the
"ratio of inclined to normal pressure." Then
P a = P a /P 90 KSV 2
where K is chosen for the particular aspect ratio used (see p. 50). This
is the system ordinarily employed, but for our purposes it is consider-
ably more convenient to return to the conception of having values of
K tabulated for each separate item. So that we may call K a the value
of the constant in the expression
Pa = K a S V 2
and proceed to investigate the values of K a for different angles of in-
cidence, on the various surfaces. Thus, if we desire to determine the
total pressure on a surface set at an angle of incidence, a = 6, our
system of notation becomes quite clear, in stating
P 6 = K 6 S V 2
Lift and Drift.
It is a fundamental fact of aerodynamics, capable of proof, that,
in flat planes, P a is always perpendicular to the chord. This sim-
plifies the consideration of inclined pressures on flat planes, since at
any angle of incidence we know the direction in which the air pres-
sure acts. Thus, a flat plane, set at an incidence of 10, is acted upon
by an air force, the line of action of which is pointed 80 above the
direction that would be taken by the normal pressure.
This uniformity in the direction of P a , with reference to flat planes,
enables us to obtain very simple rules for finding the Lift and Drift
of flat sections.
Obviously from the resolution of forces.
Lift = P a cosine a, = K a S V 2 cos a
Drift = P a sine a, = K a S V 2 sin a
In addition, the Lift-Drift ratio, L/D = cotangent a.
To determine the magnitude of the forces on flat planes, there-
fore, it is merely necessary to know the appropriate value of K a , as
determined by mathematics or experiment. *
* In the author's work "Monoplanes and Biplanes," many relations for Pa are
considered, in Chapter III.
ANGLES of JNCI pence.
CUR v 3
3] J
XS?^ '
f .v AMouffr of Arec,/Tire
- "T* \ ""' i /^
f . **J\^
x ~ * ^/
0' 4Mt,lS
Vt3TRI9UTlOH t on ^^^ai -,
-.**;/ ^^^Egfa*
^SqUWC f"D P*AH S-
J founding of ^^* ': /^
i"o-?fro ^ ^'* /
ILJ^' ^
Retreat *
Shape of Plane.
Cutting away the trailing edge at the tips, and rounding off the
ends of the plane, is often resorted to for reasons of construction and
appearance. It is found that this does not appreciably affect the
pressures, and cutting away the tips slightly reduces the weight of
wing. On the other hand, it is found that raking the ends of a plane or
that the trailing edge is of greater span than the leading edge, does
appreciably affect the pressures, the Drift being considerably reduced
and the ratio of L/D improved. The gain in efficiency is due undoubt-
edly to a better utilization of the sideways flow of air, in escaping past
the edges. For the best results, where consideration is given to the
strength of the wing, the ends should be raked at angles of 20 to 30.
Aspect Ratio.
The influence of aspect ratio, on the pressures experienced by
aerofoils is, of course, quite similar to its effect upon geometrical sec-
tions. It becomes quite important for us to consider this, with refer-
ence to aerofoils, in greater detail, since aeroplanes vary considerably
in aspect. The "aspect" of an aeroplane is always considered as its
total span -f- by the chord of wings, the wings not being considered
separately from their attachment to the body.
Although P a on flat planes is affected by aspect, the ratio of L/D
is not so affected, since it is always a function of angle of incidence a,
as outlined in Chapter V. But on aerofoils, not only does D vary, but
there is a very pronounced change in L/D.
As the aspect ratio is increased from 2 to 8, the usual limits used
in practice, the maximum lift coefficient remains at about the same
value, but it occurs at smaller angles of incidence as the aspect ratio is
The most marked change, due to aspect ratio variation, is in the
value of L/D. This is found to be due mainly to an increase in the
Drift, for the smaller aspects.
The average aeroplane, has an aspect of 6, which it is found is a
good value, but an increase up to 8 and 9, is justifiable, since the limit
in improvement of efficiency becomes pronounced only for these higher
aspects. For very flat sections of camber 1/30, or thereabouts, the
ratio of L/D is found to decrease at very low angles, when the aspect
is increased above 5. At higher angles, higher aspects give better
efficiency as in deeper cambered planes, but it would appear that for
the flatter sections, used at low angles and very high speed, on the
small fast scouting aeroplanes, there is justification for limiting the
aspect ratio to about 5 a feature that is structurally very advan-
The most convenient way to present* data on aspect ratio has been
a matter of question, and a system is adopted here which, it would seem,
is the most practical for the use of the engineer and the aeroplane user.
The data for wing sections given, is in every case, excepting where
otherwise noted, reduced and corrected to correspond to an aspect
ratio of 6. In addition, accompanying this, is a table which gives
the factor by which to multiply values for any other aspect ratios from
2 to 8, the aspect ratio of 6, being considered as unity (see p. 78).
For example, at 3, the L/D of N 36 Eiffel surface is found from
the graph to be 14.7 for an aspect of 6, and the corresponding lift co-
efficient, KL is .0014. It is desired to know what the values would be
for an aspect of 4. From the table, we find that L/D will be 73%
of the value of 14.7, which is 10.7, and the value of KL will be 84% of
.0014, which is .00118. If it is desired to know the values for angles
between 3 and 6, it is easiest to plot the values of 3, 6, 9 on the
chart, and draw thru them curves entirely symmetrical and of the
same character as the ones for the aspect of 6.
For field use, the table is put in a novel form, but one which it is
thought is far handier than any hitherto published. The combined re-
sults of all the laboratories were given consideration in deriving the
values given. '
Effects of Speed and Scale.
In stepping from model tests to full-sized machines, the best ap-
proximation at present made appears to work out quite well in practice.
Lift values, of coefficient KL, are applied directly without any cor-
Friction effects on Drift cause it to decrease with increase of speed,
and, therefore, at speeds higher than the wind tunnel speeds, the value
of L/D will be greater. The Eiffel results, however, were obtained in
winds of 50 to 70 miles per hour and require no correction, and in or-
der to bring the other results presented in accord, correction for speed
has been made wherever necessary. The values given, therefore, may
be applied without further correction to full-sized machines, at ordinary
speeds, by supplying the values of S and V 2 .
Pressures are, of course, functions of V 2 of the aeroplane, and the
corrections mentioned apply only to the values of KL and L/D tabu-
lated. Pressures are also functions of areas, and therefore vary as the
scale of the model squared. In the wind tunnels pressures are meas-
ured in pounds, let us say, and a particular pressure on an aeroplane
model to 1/10 scale is found to be 1 pound, in a wind of 30 miles per
hour. It is desired to know what the force on the aeroplane will be at
60 miles per hour. The observed value must be multiplied by
60 2 3600
- X 10 2 ,or x 100 = 400 pounds.
30 2 900
Typical Sections of Aerofoils.
Twelve aerofoil sections that represent a wide variety of actual
practice are tabulated. The sections are drawn out all to .the same
scale, and the center of pressure graph is drawn for a distance of chord
equal to that used in the drawings of the sections. This enables a
rather more graphic conception to be obtained than has been possible
heretofore. The values of KL and L/D are given in groups of four
sections. The graphs look complicated, but they are merely con-
venient methods of tabulating the results, and the curves can readily
be distinguished with a little practice in reading off the values.
Among the 'sections, given the Eiffel No. 13 bis, the one used on
the Bleriot monoplanes, is a very widely adopted one, and because
of its high lift and good efficiency it is one of the few of the older types
of sections remaining in use. Many of the Royal Aircraft Factory
biplanes, the Bristol biplane, several German and Italian aeroplanes,
and the Martin biplane in this country, use a section of this type, t Its
most serious disadvantage is the lack of spar room, necessitating either
a wide shallow and, therefore, heavy spar, or a lesser factor of safety
on a well loaded wing. The efficiency at very low angles is not as good
as in some of the newer types of sections, which permit of a greater
range of speed though not possessing quite as good a maximum effi-
The Eiffel No. 31 section, of crescent shape, is Eiffel's most ef-
ficient all-around wing, although its maximum L/D is exceeded by
many other sections. The Lift at low angles is very high, and the wing
is well adapted for load-carrying aeroplanes.
No. 32 Eiffel is essentially a speed range wing, for fast speed scouts,
lightly loaded and with high-powered engines. The high value of
L/D at low angles is particularly favorable to high speed.
No. 36, Eiffel is used on several military machines, and is a partic-
ularly good wing for a meduim speed, military scout. The Lift is
not run up very high, but the range of angles thru which a high L/D
is maintained is favorable, not only to high speed, but also to climb,
as will later be explained, when consideration is given to the complete
aeroplane as a unit.
The Dorand wing, Eiffel No. 35, is similar to the Wright wing,
and gives a very high lift, with a high L/D at angles from 3 to 6.
The small thickness of the section, however, does not make this wing
very favorable from the standpoint of construction. In general, thinner
wings are the more efficient, but spar room is a very necessary element,
and efficiency and strength must be compromised.
* u "
The Howard Wright wing, in which the contour is stepped, has
been used on the White seaplanes, but its characteristics are not very
advantageous, excepting in that the c. p. movement is practically
The Nieuport and Deperdussin are two standard wings, the lat-
ter designed particularly for racing aeroplanes.
R. A. F. 6 is one of the more modern sections that has become
standard on British Army aeroplanes, and also used on the huge fly-
ing-boat "America." The effect of a reversal of the trailing edge on
this section is shown also, and is of interest in connection with flaps
on the trailing edge.
The N. P. L., No. 4 wing is a particularly deep one, in which the
high Lift and fairly good L/D at angles of 3 to 6, are advantageous
for aeroplanes having a slow mean speed.
A new type of section, with a movable rear piece, is also shown,
as a suggestion of improvement by the writer. The combination of
low Lift and good L/D of a flatter section, at low angle, with facilities
for changing to a deeply cambered surface, which would have a high
Lift and also a high L/D at larger angles, could be made very greatly
to extend the speed range of aeroplanes. Suggested curves of a pre-
diction of the characteristics of a surface of this kind are indicated.
It should be emphasized here, that several years ago the extent to which
Lift and L/D could be varied on sections was not well known, and
many investigators looked for an extension of speed range, by varying
the size of the surface. The latest experiments indicate, however,
that since a change in section can be made to vary the Lift and L/D,
100 per cent, or more, at different angles, much more is to be expected
from a variable curvature section in extending speed range.
The Tail Planes.
The main wing surfaces determine in large measure the general
characteristics of an aeroplane, but the Lift and Drift of the tail pieces
or "empennages" are by no means negligible. The characteristic
variations and values of L and L/D, that have been given, are sufficiently
complete to enable us to determine their magnitude for these aux-
iliary surfaces, when it is realized that the effect of the propeller stream,
on the empennages is a powerful but more or less indeterminate factor.
Where balanced rudders are used, consisting of a flat surface of
a certain aspect ratio, it is merely necessary to apply the data given
on p. 60. And, as is often the case, where a pivoted balanced rudder
is of a more streamlined section, as illustrated on p. 78, it is proper
to consider the drift slightly reduced. Elevators or ailerons, con-
sisting of a balanced surface of constant chord, span and section, pivoted
to take various angles of incidence, may be solved by the data given
for their particular section.
On some aeroplanes, notably the early Wright biplanes, the ele-
vator consisted of a normally flat plane that was quite flexible. This
surface was fixed, at the leading edge, and so connected at the trail-
ing edge that movement for control consisted of bending the ribs by
moving the trailing edge up or down, thus causing the section to take
various curvatures and angles. A surface of this kind is readily solved
by applying the data given on p. 66, for sections of varying camber.
The more usual type of elevator, however, is the "flap and fin"
type, in which movable flaps are hinged to the rear .of a fixed surface.
It has often been customary to consider these surfaces separately,
but a moment's thought on the continuity of the air flow, shows that
the proper conception is to consider a surface of this kind altogether
as a single unit, which, when the flaps are in line with the fixed por-
tion gives a flat surface of a certain aspect ratio. When the flaps are
moved, there is obtained a section that is arched (though not circular),
and in which the chord is a line from the trailing edge of the flaps to
the leading edge of the fixed plane, with a camber depending on the
amount the flap is turned. The data on curved sections given on p. 64
and 66, is then applicable, with the modification that the section being
a pointed arch, instead of circular, will have a somewhat greater Drift,
though the Lift may be taken as about the same.
A study of the flow of the air stream about an aerofoil gives a
clear indication that the streamlines are influenced and deflected quite
a distance away from the surface, the rising streamline caused by the
"dipping" front edge of an aerofoil being an example. In addition,
the flow causes differences in pressure on an aerofoil, which, if affected,
would modify the total forces on the aerofoil.
It follows that placing bodies or other aerofoils in proximity to
any aerofoil will greatly affect its pressures. Interferences in flow
are very interesting, and of most practical value, in their application
to the aeroplane.
Biplane Effect.
When aerofoils are placed over one another, as in a biplane, there
results an interference and modification of their air forces. It is cus- 1
ternary to refer to the distance apart of the two superposed surfaces,
as the gap, and the ratio of gap to chord, is used as a measure thereof.
Since the suction on the upper face, is about three times as great
as the compression on the lower face, of an aerofoil, the effect of plac-
ing one over the other is greatly to reduce the Lift and efficiency of
the lower plane, but only slightly to affect the upper plane. This
is evident when it is borne in mind that the compression on the bot-
tom face of the upper aerofoil and the suction on the top face of the
lower aerofoil merge into and mutually reduce each other, whereas
the suction on the top face of the upper aerofoil and compression on
the bottom of the lower aerofoil remain unaltered. The suction be-
ing so much more important, it follows that the upper aerofoil must
be much less affected. This is verified by the laboratories, and prac-
tically the entire loss due to biplane effect is found in reduction of L
and L/D of the lower surface. A deduction to be drawn from this
is, that flaps on the upper plane are much more effective than flaps
on the lower. Also, flatter planes,, in which the suction is not so great,
would be less interfered with when superposed. If the combination
of high camber upper plane and a very much flatter lower plane, were
used, it is evident that the interference would be reduced consider-
ably. A table of biplane reduction coefficients for an average aerofoil
is given.
To obtain values for a biplane, multiply values for single aerofoil by factors given.
.76 .78
.81 .82
.86 .87
The position of biplane surfaces over each other is subject to vari-
ation, and the term stagger is used to describe the relative position
referred to the vertical. For reasons of visibility, and minor consid-
erations of construction and balance, it is sometimes convenient to
stagger the upper plane ahead of the lower plane, as indicated in the
sketch on p. 78. The effect of staggering, on the efficiency of the aero-
foils, is again an illustration of the mutual reaction of the regions
of suction and compression. When the upper plane is staggered for-
ward, its Lift and L/D are improved, but at the same time the L/D
on the lower plane is reduced. When the stagger is .44 of the chord
(a practical limit), the total effect is to cause the Lift, on the biplane
as a unit at angles of 5 to 10, to be improved by about 7% to 9%
with practically no effect on the L/D.
Interference of Following Planes.
The air stream deflected from the main aerofoils of an aeroplane,
takes a downward course, which causes the air flow past the empen-
nages, or any surfaces in the rear, to be affected, and causing the angles
of incidence of the rear surfaces (which are always the angles of the
chord with the air stream) to be less than the angles of their chords
with the horizontal flight axis. This is an exceedingly important ele-
ment in the balance and stability of a machine, and is taken up, more
fully, in considering the entire aeroplane as a unit further on.
Dihedral and Retreat.
Attention is called to the definitions of Dihedral angle and Re-
treat, given graphically on p. 78. The effect of these features is con-
sidered later with reference to stability. Within the limits used in
practice their effect on Lift and Drift is negligible.
From a combined consideration of Aspect Ratio, Biplane effect
and staggering, a biplane at 6 of aspect 6, stagger of .44 chord and
gap equal to chord, would have about 89% of the lift of a single aero-
foil (81% due to biplane effect and 8% increase due to stagger) and
its L/D would be 81% of that of a single aeroplane of the same as-
pect ratio. If this is compared with a single aerofoil of aspect 4.5,
however, it is found that the Lift is practically the same, and only
a slight difference is found in the efficiency. Likewise, a staggered
biplane of aspect 8 and a large gap, is practically the same as a mono-
plane of aspect 6.
When a comparison, like the above, is made, the reference to single
aerofoil means an equivalent monoplane of the same surface area as
the biplane. To get the same lift with the same section and aspect,
a monoplane would require less area than a biplane, by the amount of
the biplane coefficient.
The data given on surfaces enables the lifting capacity and cor-
responding wing resistance to be determined for the various sections.
Examples indicating the manner in which this data is used, and a con-
sideration of the aeroplane as a unit, may now be taken up.
The surprising accuracy with which the performances of an aero-
plane may be predicted from data on the lifts and resistances of its
component parts, is, perhaps, the most striking indication of the great
progress that has been made in Aeronautical Engineering, the past
year or two. Constructors, fliers and the laboratories, have co-op-
erated to advantage, and although many important features of the
aeroplane remain to be explored, information that already has been
obtained and verified, by the great work of the Laboratories, readily
permits of establishing a working basis for the presentation of data
of importance, relative to the aeroplane, in a manner not only use-
ful and intelligible to the aeroplane user, but at the same time capable
of expansion as new conceptions develop.
It is proposed in this chapter to consider the aeroplane as a unit,
with a view to determination of its total lifting capacity and resist-
ances and the power necessary to fly. In a treatise on aeroplane de-
sign, the matter considered here in a few pages would of itself consti-
tute a text book, so that the limiting scope of this work makes it neces-
sary to confine our attention to the military "field use" features capable
of leading to an intelligent solution of problems in the modification
of aeroplanes and their performances, as dictated by military neces-
sity. Flying various types of machines, with greatly varying load
conditions, radius of action, atmospheric conditions, and power varia-
tions, presents a vast quantity of problems that often are solved best
by the fliers themselves. That new kind of resourcefulness, in adapt-
ing themselves to many changing requirements, that is demanded
of a Flying Corps, is a criterion of efficiency and may be gauged not
only by skill in maintenance, but also by the knowledge that the avia-
tors and mechanicians have of the performances that may be expected
of their machines.
It must be borne in mind that a manufacturer is required to fur-
nish data on his machine in detail, and although a few examples are
given here, information on the resistances, lifts, power available, and
power required to fly, under definite conditions, of particular types,
should come with each machine the manufacturer in other words,
interpreting the laboratory results applied to his type, for the benefit
of the user. It is clear, therefore, that the military or naval user of an
aeroplane must know how to read this data and how to apply it in a
practical way.
In previous chapters, consideration has been given to the resist-
ances of bodies, and the lifting efficiency of surfaces and aerofoils
completely enough, to explain the significance of the forces generated
by an air stream, and with sufficient laboratory data to make the sub-
ject matter of direct value for reference. We are now at liberty to
combine these conceptions, and to give the definition of an aeroplane,
(p. 11) a more technical wording in that, an aeroplane consists of a
combination of sustaining and balancing aerofoils, with a Lift deter-
mined by the values of K L ,V and S, and with power suitably proportioned
to overcome the head resistance of the structure, and the Drift of the
wings, at the expense of which the Lift is obtained.
Types of Aeroplanes.
Reference to Chap. II, gives a renewed significance to the photo-
graphs of the various types of aeroplanes, and could profitably be re-
considered with a view 'to fixing the relation of theory and practice.
Thus, the wing section of the Curtiss Tractor, on p. 17, is none other
than Aerofoil No. 36, of Eiffel, given on p. 82, and the wings of the
monocoque on p. 20, have a section identical with Aerofoil No. 54,
defined on p. 83. The several machines differ widely in values of the
resistances of their various structural parts. Thus, the struts on the
old-type Wright Aeroplanes, shown on p. 19, have something like five
times the resistance of the struts on the Sturtevant tractor, p. 24, and
the wheels on the Curtiss Tractor, p. 17, may be expected to have
about half the resistance of the wheels on the Signal Corps tractor,
shown below it, due to covering. The maze of wires and struts on
the old types of pusher biplanes, are obviously more resisting than
the simplified bracing and covered bodies of the later types. The dif-
ference in aspect ratio of the Bleriot, on p. 20, and the upper plane of
the Farman, on p. 19, is most noticeable. And, whereas, the Curtiss
Model N has two staggered planes and a dihedral angle, the Deper-
dussin, on p. 20, has a single surface with no dihedral. And yet if the
surface section were the same, as is the case with the Bleriot, p. 20,
and the Martin, p. 15, we would apply the same aerofoil data to both of
them, with suitable corrections for Aspect Ratio, biplane interference
and stagger. In addition, it may be noticed that the shapes of the fusel-
ages, differ considerably, some tapering to an edge horizontally and
others vertically, some square, others round, etc.
Each aeroplane, therefore, is bound to have particular character-
istics of its own, for each of which the designer, if competent, had some
particular object in view, towards either efficiency, stability, strength
or convenience. To investigate them all would be a trespass on the
domain of the aeronautical engineer. But not to appreciate what
performances may be expected of any machine, is due to a lack of infor-
mation, that it is the object of this work to supply.
From the standpoint of lifts, resistances and power required, the
many different types all resemble each other in having a set of main
supporting surfaces, auxiliary balancing surfaces, which may or may
not exert lifting pressure, and certain structural resistances. In power
available, there are differences of importance due to gearing of the
propellers. Whereas, in characteristics of stability and operation,
distinctions are most pronounced, and necessitate a full consideration
But whether tractors, pushers, staggered biplanes, monoplane
aeroboats, etc., all aeroplanes have these characteristics in common:
I. A Lifting Capacity, determined by the surface characteristics,
and varying with speed and inclination of the machine.
II. A total resistance to motion, composed of
(a) The combined resistances of the various necessary
structural parts, called the Structural Resistance,
and varying with speed and inclination.
(b) The Drift, which is determined solely by the Lift char-
acteristics and is, of itself, independent of speed.
III. A certain Power Required to fly, varying with the speeds
of the machine and its total resistances.
IV. A certain Power Available, due entirely to the horse-power
given out by the propeller, which, in turn, for various speeds
is a certain proportion of the power of the engine, and there-
fore must correspond to a certain fuel consumption.
Flight is impossible unless the Lifting capacity exceeds the total
weight, and the Power Available is greater than the Power Required.
A study of these features enables the speed range, the glide, the
climbing rate, the load-lifting capacity and the fuel consumption, to
be determined in a most practical manner.
Inclination of the Aeroplane.
The variations of the pressures on surfaces has been considered
for changes in the angle of incidence. It is customary in aeroplanes
likewise to refer to "angle of incidence," of the supporting surfaces,
in defining the attitude of the .machine. And the inclination of the
body to the line of flight, and the line of the propeller axis, is referred
to as the angle of incidence. If the wing is set at 5 to the axis of the
body, and the angle of incidence of the machine is 5, it follows that
the body lies parallel to the air-flow. Whereas, if this same machine
were presented to the air at 10 incidence, the body axis would make
an angle of 5 with the air-flow. It is of importance, now, to realize
that the entire aeroplane as a unit may be presented to the air at various
On p. 13 the three motions an aeroplane is subject to pitching,
yawing and rolling are defined. On practically all aeroplanes the
lifting planes are fixed to the body, so that a variation in angle of in-
cidence means pitching of the machine and is considered more fully
here than either yawing or rolling, because of the effect change of in-
cidence has on the surface characteristics. Yawing slightly affects
the resistances, and rolling may affect the Lift, but both are more pro-
perly considered under Stability.
The auxiliary surfaces, particularly the tail-planes, are in turn
affected by the pitching of the machine, or, as we have defined it, by
changes in the angle of incidence of the aeroplane. Where the ma-
chine is so balanced that the tail lifts, then as the incidence of the aero-
plane is increased the lift of the tail surfaces increases. And if the
tail is set to receive a downward pressure, an increase of incidence causes
this to be relieved.
As will be seen later, the variation in inclination of the structure,
at the different angles of incidence, gives rise to alterations in the struc-
tural air resistance, particularly of the fuselage, and in a staggered
biplane an increase in the angle of incidence, increases the resistance
of the struts and wires.
The Aeroplane as a combination, then, must be studied at various
attitudes, and changes of inclination are expressed as changes in angle
of incidence of the supporting planes. Where the special feature is
involved of varying the angle of incidence as on some recent machines,
inclination could be referred to the propeller axis. But it is more
convenient in determining Resistances, and Lifts, to consider the chord
of the wing as the base line.
Before proceeding with the study of Resistance and Power charac-
teristics of an aeroplane, attention must be given to important features
occasioned by combinations of lifting and auxiliary aerofoils, on the
aeroplane frame.
Decalage, Wash-out, and Tail Interference.
The term "decalage" is used to define the difference in the angle
of incidence between any two distinct aerofoils on an aeroplane. It
is most often used to describe the difference between the setting of
the main planes and the tail piece, and in a biplane the term is also
used to denote a difference in angle of incidence between the upper
surface and the lower one. Thus, on an aeroplane in which the body
axis is in the line of flight with an angle of incidence of 5, and with
the chord of the elevator, inclined +2 above the body axis, the deca-
lage of the elevator would be 3. And in a biplane where, in order to
gain slightly in efficiency, the upper surface is set at an incidence of
3, when the lower one is at 5, the decalage would be equal to 2.
With reference to the decalage of the surfaces of a staggered bi-
plane, laboratory experiments indicate that the effect of setting the
upper surface at about 2 less incidence than the lower surface gives
a pronounced increase in Lift and a slight gain in L/D over any other
setting. This, however, is subject to modification where different
wing sections are used, and a field of importance remains to be explored
in the determination of the best combination of stagger, surface sec-
tions and decalage, to minimize the effect of biplane interference and
improve the Lift range of the biplane as a unit.
"Wash-out" is a term used to describe the progressive reduction
in the angle of incidence, from body to tip, used on some aeroplanes
for reasons of stability. Thus, on an aeroplane, in which the wings
are set at an angle of incidence of 7 at the body, and then steadily
reduced until the angle at the tip is only 3, there is said to be a "wash-
out" of 4. With reference to the aerodynamic characteristics of this
feature, laboratory results show that the approximation of considering
the entire wing, as set at an incidence, equal to the mean of the angles
at the body and the tip, is quite close enough. The stability features
will be given consideration later.
The air that is thrown back from the front main surfaces of an
aeroplane, onto the tail, is given a most pronounced downward trend,
governed by the particular angle of incidence and surface section com-
bination used. ' The tail pieces, consequently, are riding in air waves
generated by the sustaining surfaces, and therefore are interfered with.
"Tail interference" has only recently been given proper considera-
tion, and its importance on the functioning of a machine requires parti-
cular attention. Eiffel's experiments on this feature are particularly
complete, and from them there can be drawn the general conclusion
that the air, passing back from the sustaining surfaces, acquires a down-
ward trend, dependent on their angle of incidence, which persists for
some time, so that by the time this air region passes by the tail sur-
faces it has straightened out to only a half to one degree less than the
actual angle of incidence of the sustaining planes. It becomes nec-
essary, then, to distinguish between the apparent angle of incidence
of the tail surfaces and their real angle with the direction of the air-
flow past them. The apparent angle is the incidence referred to the
line of flight, just as for the sustaining planes, whereas the real
angle at which the air attacks the sustaining planes is the one for which
all calculations of pressures on the tail surfaces must be made. A
few examples will aid in making this clear. Let us consider an aero-
plane, at an angle of incidence of 4, in which the body axis is parallel
to the line of flight, and the tail surfaces of which have a decalage of 4,
with the sustaining surfaces. From our definition of decalage, the
apparent angle of incidence of the tail surfaces would be 0, i.e., they
lie parallel to the body axis. But the air acquiring a downward trend
from the main surfaces, of 4, which gradually straightens out to 3,
as it passes the tail causes the real angle of attack of the air on the tail
surfaces to be 3. For the same case, if the tail surfaces are acted upon
by the air stream, so that their real angle of incidence is 0, it follows
that the sustaining surfaces are at an angle of incidence of +7 and the
body is inclined to the air flow at +3. For any particular machine,
it is necessary to have special data on these features furnished by the
Although other features causing modification of pressures on the
various aerofoils may be met with, their importance would not re-
quire special consideration here. The type of sustaining surface char-
acterized by the "Dunne" class of aeroplanes, see p. 23, is readily solved
when the laboratory data on this surface as a unit is furnished, since
the changing camber, and angle of incidence, would in no way alter
the method of considering the values of L and L/D at different angles
of inclination, precisely as for any other surface section. The sta-
bility features of this type, however, require special consideration.
Having acquired a working conception of the aeroplane as a unit,
we may proceed with a study of its probable performances, as out-
lined on p. 91, and predicted from the laboratory measurements.
The data on surface sections furnished for any machine, together
with suitable corrections for biplane effect, aspect ratio, stagger, deca-
lage, etc., is the first essential and perhaps the most convenient
way to represent this is to have curves showing the corrected values
of L and L/D as applied to the particular machine, on the same chart
with the data on the wing section alone, examples of which are given
on pp. 82-84. The corrected curves, then, give us direct informa-
tion on the actual values of KL and L/D, to apply to the lifting sur-
faces as a unit, corresponding to angles of incidence of the chord of
the wings to the line of flight. Since the value of the surface area
S is given for a definite machine, and also information on the weight
W to be carried, we can at once supply suitable values for solving
W = L = K L S V 2
so that we may learn at what angles the machine must be flown, for
given speeds, or, conversely, how fast and how slow we could go, with
a definite range of angle of incidence. Since features of stability de-
termine a safe limit of angles, the latter problem is the one most often
met with.
Thus, for an aeroplane with 335 sq. ft. of surface area, in the form
of a staggered biplane, of aspect 7, and gap equal to chord, and with
a wing section corresponding to Eiffel No. 53, the values of KL and
L/D corrected, would be shown, as indicated on p. 96. For this ex-
ample, let us find the speed range corresponding to a range in the angle
of incidence from 1 to 12.
At the low angle 1, we find by referring to the first chart that
KL = .00085. Supplying values of S and L, equal to the weight, we
W = K L S V 2 = 1800 = .00085 x 335 x V 2
from which it develops that,
V 2 = 6320, and V = 79.5 miles per hour.
In the same way, reference to the chart of aerofoil characteristics
shows that at 12, K L = .0027, so that
L = 1800 = .0027 x 335 x V 2
from which we obtain,
V = 44.6 miles per hour.
Since the required lifting power and area of the wing surfaces
are fixed, it is hardly necessary to emphasize that, for any inclination,
there is only one speed at which horizontal flight is attained with the
given load. Each angle 'has its particular corresponding speed, and
in the above example the angle range of 1 to 12, corresponds to a
speed range of 44.6 to 79.5 miles per hour, and to none other unless
the load is changed or the surface characteristics altered.
A simple way to record this process is to write the speeds cor-
responding to the various angles on the curve for KL, as has been done
in the example given.
This, then, is the first step in determining the aeroplane's char-
acteristics, i. e. : finding the speeds required in order to lift the weight,
at various angles of incidence.
fc^Jo ri'o.S
II s5 Is:-
o v*
"rt aT4-. to -^5^
L: I
rt ^ O'J 3
uoji-j., U
" 3 - C ~- I:: <
C3 - Q.
* H cncS
OOTDrtoJ OtuOi.:
M too eoo 9 Mo 1100 /too I3eo WO '
f\. P. M.
L 1
N 'S
3 V 5 O- > -2
i *****%
F a w T 8 g
g-5.Ua 5^^^-5E
CU" H V,
As already indicated several times, the resistance overcome by
the propeller consists of two distinct items: Structural Resistance and
Structural Resistance.
The air resistance of the structural parts of an aeroplane, such
as the wheels, struts, wires, body, tanks, etc., all total up to a formid-
able value, and are conveniently and properly classed together in one
item, called the "Structural Air Resistance." This term, altho a new
one, is deemed so much more expressive than the older terms, "body
resistance," "parasite resistance," etc., that its introduction is cer-
tainly justified. The term "parasite" is misleading, since a high drift
is as much a "parasite" as an uncovered wheel.
In Chapter IV the determinations of the resistances of various
shaped bodies were given consideration. For any aeroplane it is neces-
sary to know the details of construction before a working total of the
structural air resistances can be determined.
There are hardly any two types of aeroplanes with the same shape
of body, so that this item, above all others, can be considered but from
data given by the manufacturer. It may be of interest to note, how-
ever, that the values of K, for the nacelle of the Farman (illustrated
on p. 19), has been found by Eiffel to be .0014, and K for the Deper-
dussin monocoque (p. 20), is .001. It has also been determined that
in yawing and pitching the flat-sided fuselage has an appreciably greater
resistance than a rounded one.
The resistance of the tail surfaces ordinarily should include some
allowance for the drift of the tail, as determined by the particular shape
and incidence used. Altho this should, perhaps, be considered in
company with the wing resistances, its value is small for a well-bal-
anced machine, and it is more convenient to include it in the struc-
tural resistance until it assumes a greater value.
Altho the process of determining the Structural Resistance con-
sists essentially of applying information on the values of K, for the
various structural items, in the formula, P = K S V 2 , and adding
up the result, we have found that a change in V for horizontal flight
involves a change in the angle of incidence. This, in turn, means
that at the various speeds the entire aeroplane assumes a "tail high
nose down," or "tail low nose high" attitude. For the wheels, wires,
etc., these incidence variations have but a slight effect, but the bodies,
fuselages or nacelles are formed so as to give a least resistance in only
one position when the axis is in line with the wind. Any depart-
ure from this due to a change in the angle of incidence, causes an in-
crease in their resistance. So that at angles both above and below
the normal angle of incidence, the resistance of the body is higher,
due to higher values of KL.
On p. 96 a typical resistance chart is given, and on it is shown a
typical curve of structural resistance. The range of incidence of 1
to 12, used as an example already, is, as indicated, accompanied by
a rise in structural resistance from 60 Ibs. at 12, to 195 Ibs. at 1, since
the speeds corresponding to these angles are 44.6 and 79.5 m. p. h.
If we refer to the first chart showing KL and L/D, and recall that
for any value of the angle of incidence the value of KL was read, to
determine speed, it is seen that we can also read at the same time the
value of L/D for that particular KL. Knowing the weight, this ratio
at once gives us the Drift, since for horizontal flight,
Drift = Weight + L/D.
It becomes clear, now, why reasons of convenience lead to plot-
ting the values of L/D in preference to the values of KD, to supply
in D = KD S V 2 . Drift is always a fraction of Lift and, therefore, of
the weight, but is in no other way concerned with the speed, V.
Thus, when the chart is referred to, to obtain the value of KL for
1, the value of L/D = 13.6 could be read at the same time, and know-
ing that the weight is 1800 Ibs. the Drift at that angle is immediately
determined as, 1800 -f- 13.6 = 132 Ibs. In the same way the Drift at
12 is found to be, 1800 - 8 = 225 Ibs., and the least drift at about 4
is 1800 -=- 15 = 120 Ibs. Since these determinations are made in com-
pany with the determinations of the air speeds corresponding to the
various angles of incidence, we at once have obtained the values of
the Drift for the various speeds and, consequently, have solved for
the second part of the Total Air Resistance. We proceed, then, to
plot a curve showing the Wing Resistance, on the same chart, on which
we have already plotted Structural Resistance, for different speeds.
The Total Air Resistance is the sum of these two. On a chart,
curves drawn to the same cross lines are easily added graphically, by
merely surmounting one value on top of the other. Thus, for 60 miles
an hour speed, the value of the Wing Resistance, 120 Ibs. is added
by means of dividers (in actual measurement) above the point on the
Structural Resistance curve, which reads 105 Ibs., and this gives the
total 225 Ibs., graphically. The same process is followed with other
points, sufficient to establish the curve of Total Resistance to motion,
which is the second characteristic to be determined.
In Chapter III it was recalled that power expended corresponded
to the exertion of foot pounds work at a certain rate, and that one
horse-power = 550 foot pounds per second.
At any speed, therefore, the Ibs. Resistance X the speed in feet
pen second, gives the number of foot pounds per second used up by
the* aeroplane. Dividing this quantity by 550, will give us the Horse
Power Required for horizontal flight at that particular speed.
If we call R the resistance and V the speed in miles per hour, then
R X V X 1.47
H.P. = -
since V in m. p. h. must be multiplied by 1.47, in order to express it
in feet per second. Combining 1.47 -r- 550, we get the handier rela-
tion that,
Rx V
Required H. P. = -
where R is the total Resistance in pounds read for any speed from the
Resistance Chart, and V is the velocity in miles per hour.
A curve may then be plotted of Power Required to fly at the vari-
ous speeds. This is done in the third chart, p. 96. It is to be recalled
that in plotting the Drift on the resistance chart, the corresponding
angles of incidence were marked on the curve.
This is also done on the Power Required Curve, the correspond-
ence between Speeds and Angles of incidence being precisely the same
as originally determined, when considering the first chart of KL and
As examples of the manner in which to determine Power Required,
let us take the machine at incidences of 12, 6 and 1.
From the Resistance Chart we find that at 12, corresponding
to a speed of 44 ^ m. p. h., the Total Resistance is 285 Ibs. Therefore,
285 x 44.5
Required H. P. at 12 = - - = 33.8 h. p.
The same values read for 6, give
215 x 54
Required H. P. at 6 = - - = 31 h. p.
And likewise for 1, there is obtained
327 x 79.5
Required H. P. at 1 = - - = 69 h. p.
It is most important to note the general form of this curve, and
as a "Characteristic" of the aeroplane, it is decidedly the most im-
portant one. At angles below 10 there is a noticeable rise in Power
Required, because the increase in Drift is so much greater than the
decrease in Structural Resistance, corresponding to a slower speed.
And the pronounced increase in Power Required, at angles below 6,
is due primarily to the greater preponderance of the increase in the
Structural Resistance, as the speed increases.
At angles of 10 to 6, corresponding to speeds of about 45 to 55
m. p. h., the Power required is at its lowest value and remains very
nearly the same for this particular machine. Power required curves
vary greatly for different aeroplanes, both in their contour and in the
angles at which the low points are located. But the rise both above
and below a certain speed where the power is least, is noticeable on
all power curves, and leads to the general conclusion, that high drift
at low speeds, and high structural resistance at high speeds, are the
wasteful elements.
The establishment of all the points on the Power Required Curve,
is made in the manner indicated, and we then obtain the third char-
acteristic of the Aeroplane which is the determination of the horse
power, required for horizontal flight, at various speeds.
A certain horse power is given by the engine at various revolu-
tions per minute, and a curve of this "Brake Horse Power," for cor-
responding "r. p. m.," is as necessary and as easily furnished as in-
formation on the size and weight of the engine. On p. 97, a curve
for the particular motor taken as an example here is given.
But this power is not directly available, since its exertion on the
air to move the aeroplane is thru the medium of an air propeller, which,
unfortunately, is more or less wasteful of the power the engine gives
to it.
The efficiency of the propeller, therefore, must be considered.
Of all features of the aeroplane, propeller determinations from both
theory and practice are exceedingly unsatisfactory. But laboratory
experiments, notably Eiffel's, lately have given valuable informa-
tion on a few good blades, in which the shape and section are left un-
altered, and only the r. p. m. and diameter adjusted for different aero-
planes. The theory of the "similitude of propellers," which permits
of passing from one machine to another with the same type of blade,
is at present the only really valuable basis for propeller determina-
Experiment shows that the old notion of "pitch," etc., on a basis
of screw propeller theory is poorly founded. Whereas, the more mod-
ern notion of a propeller, consists simply in a consideration of the blade
as an aerofoil at a certain angle of incidence, moved against the air
in a rotating path, and in which KL S V 2 , would represent the Thrust,
and K D S V 2 , the Torque.
For purposes of aeroplane design, considerations of the propeller,
its loading, deflections and strength, and its Thrust and Torque char-
acteristics, are most important. For field use the strength question
requires merely that a propeller never be run at a greater r. p. m. than
has been proven safe, without information from the manufacturer as
to the strength of that particular propeller; and that alterations, such
as metal tipping, be done by the propeller maker, unless the propeller
has already been designed therefor. But, we are very vitally inter-
ested here in the suitability of various propellers, for different aeroplane
performances, so as to enable us to pick out the propeller desired.
Since on any engine the power is determined from the r. p. m., by
merely mounting any propeller in question on the engine and reading
the r. p. m. for a given throttle, there is at once established the power
used by the propeller. This is so readily and conveniently done in
the field that for the present it is unnecessary to compute by extensive
mathematics the power necessary to drive this propeller at a certain
r. p. m. In the determination of the Power given out by the propeller
in the air, however, no such convenient measurements can be made.
We have recourse, therefore, to laboratory data furnished with the
This data is most conveniently given as -a curve showing the Effi-
ciency of the propeller, corresponding to values of the quantity v/nd.
The Efficiency of the propeller is merely the % of the power put
into it, that is given out in Thrust Power by the propeller.
The quantity v/nd, is a convenient numerical relation, used by
the laboratories to express the Efficiency of a propeller of definite shape
and section for any combination of values of
(1) The velocity of the aeroplane in feet per second, v,
(2) The revolutions per second of the engine, n,
(3) The diameter of the propeller in feet, d.
The speed thru the air of the tip of the blade is determined in
feet per second by the circumference = xd, and the number of times
a second it covers this distance = n. The quantity v/7rnd is the actual
relation between the "tip speed" of the propeller and the speed thru
the air of the entire aeroplane. Let us say, briefly, that it has been
"discovered" that this relation definitely determines the efficiency of
any particular blade.
Our data on the engine gives us n, which is taken in this example
as normally 1200 r. p. m. = 20 r. p. s. The diameter, d, in this example
is 8 feet. For any speed of the aeroplane, v, therefore, we can com-
pute v/nd, and on the Efficiency chart, p. 97, read % efficiency of
the propeller. Knowing the horse power of the engine for the given
value of n, we readily determine the actual horse power available from
the propeller. As an example, at 60 m. p. h. speed, v = 60 x 1.47 =
88 feet per second, n = 20, and d = 8, whence v/nd = .55. Reading on
the first chart p. 97, we find that for v/nd = .55, propeller efficiency =
76 %. On the second chart, p. 97, it is seen that at 20 revolutions
per second, or rather 20 x 60 = 1200 r. p. m., the engine may be ex-
pected to give 88 h. p. Our propeller Power Available, therefore, is
76 % of 88 = 67 h. p., and is so plotted on the Power chart for 1200
r. p. m., on p. 96.
In the same way all the other points, not only for this same curve
but for values of r. p. m. = 800, 1000, etc., are plotted, and we thus
obtain the fourth characteristic the thrust Power Available for any
r. p. m., at the various speeds of the aeroplane.
The characteristics of the aeroplane having been determined we
may proceed with determinations of the performances that may be
expected of it.
The Glide or Volplane
In horizontal flight the thrust of the propeller in pounds is just
slightly in excess of the total Resistance of the Aeroplane. When
the motor is shut off, however, this balance between power required
and power exerted ceases, and a distinctly different condition of flight
results. If some other force were not introduced to overcome the
total resistance, which is still about the same as in the conditions of
power flight,* the aeroplane would slow down and finally fall in some
dangerously unbalanced condition. Such a force can at any moment
be introduced, by merely inclining the path of the machine down-
wards, enough to cause the gravity force, equal to the weight, to be-
come the resultant of two forces a Lift on the planes, less than the
weight W, and a forward component of this gravity force, equal to the
Total Resistance. The machine then descends, on a downward path,
in which the power spent in descending the machine's weight at an
inclined rate corresponding to a fall of a certain number of feet per
second is equal to the power used up in overcoming the total Resist-
ance, at the particular speed, on this downward path. The determi-
nation of the slope of this path, becomes very easy. It is merely the
ratio of the Weight of the machine to the Total Resistance, at the
particular angle of incidence and speed assumed on the glide. This
* It is to be noted that in a tractor, the air propeller throws back a stream of air
on the body that has a speed greater than the aeroplane's speed, so that shutting off the
engine slightly reduces the Total Resistance.
feature is considered again in connection with the Stability and Opera-
tion of the aeroplane.
A curve of "gliding angles" is readily plotted on the Resistance
Chart, by dividing the weight by the Total Resistance at any point.
Thus, at 55 m. p. h., the Total Resistance is 215 Ibs. Therefore the
gliding slope is 8.4 to 1. In other words, the aeroplane will travel
8.4 times as far as its vertical descent.
High Speed and Low Speed
It is apparent from a study of the Power Chart, p. 96, that the
speed range is determined by the crossing points of the Power Re-
quired and Power Available curve. Thus, at 1200 r. p. m., horizontal
flight is impossible due to lack of power, above 82 m. p. h., and below
41 m. p. h. The speed ranges for other r. p. m. are also indicated.
Climbing Rate
Although atmospheric conditions vitally affect the rate of climb
and height attainable of any aeroplane, it is possible to determine the
initial climbing rate. The climbing of a machine is due to the exer-
tion of an extra amount of power, which raises the Ibs. weight of the
machine a certain number of feet per second, thereby using up a cer-
tain horse power. This excess power is directly available, if the Power
Available is greater than the Power Required. And a measure of this
excess power is the difference between these two curves. Thus, at 56
m. p. h., the Power Required is 32 h. p., and the corresponding Power
Available at 1200 r. p. m. in actual thrust, at that speed, is 63 h.p.
Therefore, we have a reserve power of 31 h. p., which can be entirely
made use of in climbing the machine. Since the weight is W = 1800
Ibs.. the equation for climb becomes,
H. P. for climb = 1800 x climbing rate in feet per second, whence,
Climbing Rate = H. P. in foot Ibs. per second -4- 1800 Ibs. weight.
Therefore, for this example,
31 x 550
Climb in feet per minute = x 60 = 570 f. p. m., rate.
Other curves giving the economy in fuel consumption and cor-
responding engine speeds and aeroplane speeds, are explained on p.
97, and are of very practical value.
By the processes outlined in this chapter, the performances of
an aeroplane may be predicted and recorded, with an accuracy and
value that is, indeed, not only of great interest, but of real benefit to
the aeroplane user.
It is seen that the characteristics of the aeroplane, from which
the performances may be predicted so readily, are based on the data
furnished by the laboratory tests on the aerodynamic features and
the engine, so that the significance and importance of this informa-
tion becomes evident.
The nature and magnitude of the supporting and resisting pres-
sures on aeroplanes, and their effect in determining characteristics
and performances to be expected when the thrust power available
and fuel consumption are known, constitute one feature of the study
of the aeroplane, as outlined in Chap. IV., p. 41. We may proceed,
therefore, with a consideration of the second feature the study of
the construction of the machine. And eventually, after having given
attention to stability and operation, we will be at liberty to discuss
the various military types of aeroplanes.
It is necessary to know the distributed loading on the aeroplane,
of the air forces generated by the movement thru the air, before pro-
per consideration can be given to the stresses and safety factors in its
In gliding, the lifting forces on the wings are slightly less, and
in climbing slightly greater, than in horizontal flight, but only in a
small degree. When attacked by sudden puffs, the air forces are in-
creased in various ways; banking on turns introduces extra stresses,
due to the centripetal force ; and in various maneuvers such as a sud-
den recovery from a steep dive, looping the loop, flying with full power
at very high angles, etc., additional loads are imposed on the structure
of the machine, which must be withstood.
Safety Factor
The ratio of the breaking strength of any structural part to the
load imposed upon it, is termed the safety factor of that part. Thus,
if a wire requires a tension of 3000 Ibs. in order to break it, whereas
the load it carries is only 300 Ibs., it is said to have a safety factor of
10. In ordinary engineering practice, the load that it is considered
necessary for any part to carry is taken as the maximum load that
the particular part will ever have to stand, and, in designing it, a safety
factor is applied to this maximum possible load. Contrary to all good
engineering practice, the structural parts of an aeroplane are gener-
ally designed to have a certain "safety factor," with reference to the
normal flying load, determined by the weight of the machine. The
excess stress due to some additional maneuver is taken account of
in the "safety factor" itself, so that in the engineering sense it is not
a safety factor at all, but merely an allowance for extra stresses, in-
duced by conditions other than ordinary horizontal flight. It is pos-
sible to estimate what the maximum possible stresses are, and to deter-
mine whether or not the aeroplane will collapse when they are im-
posed. And in general an aeroplane is so designed that the strength
of its weakest structural part will at least be great enough to with-
stand a reasonable value of this maximum stress, without breakage,
the real safety factor being very seldom as much as two. In most
other branches of engineering a safety factor of at least ten is required.
The object of a safety factor is to provide against the increased stresses
of sudden impact shocks, which are difficult to estimate, and to take
account of defective material and workmanship, so that, at first sight,
it would seem odd that intelligent engineers should permit this gen-
eral conception of "safety factor" in aeroplanes to survive, thereby
apparently still further increasing the dangers of aviation. It is useless
to deny this element of danger, or to attempt to excuse it, on any ground,
excepting that it is a well considered compromise of opposing features.
An aeroplane, constructed with a high safety factor, on the maxi-
mum stresses to which it can be subjected, would actually prove so poor
and dangerous a flyer and so difficult to land, due to its enormous
weight, that ever-present dangers and limitations in its operation
would far outweigh the possible dangers of its not being quite strong
enough to stand some very unusual and remote maximum stress, to which
in the hands of a well informed aviator it would never be subjected.
The justification for building aeroplanes as light as possible, and cut-
ting down to the limit of simplicity and necessity all the structural
features, is exactly what makes a well-built aeroplane one of the most
refined of engineering structures. The fact is only too often lost sight
of, that increasing the strength of an aeroplane for flight, by thicker
spars and struts, heavier wires, cables and larger fittings, immediately
requires a landing gear much heavier in proportion, all of which results
in a very much heavier machine, which for the same flying character-
istics will require a more powerful engine, not only heavier in itself,
but requiring more fuel, larger tanks, etc., until the final result is a
machine in which the higher safety factor is largely lost by greater
stresses due to the increased weight with nothing gained. In aero-
plane engineering there seems to be a remarkably nice balance be-
tween flying capacity and limitations of strength due to allowable
weight of machine. And the degree in which strength has been gained
by lightening up a machine, thereby improving its flying capacity, is
a better criterion by which to judge of an aeroplane.
Maximum Stresses.
The greatest source of danger in flying, due to imposing great
stress on the wings, is, without question, given rise to in flattening
out sharply after a long dive. Modern aeroplanes have compara-
tively low structural and drift resistance, and when pointed earth-
wards the gravity force of the weight is opposed only by the air re-
sistance of the machine, so that in diving steeply the aeroplane read-
ily acquires a velocity through the air very much greater than its maxi-
mum high speed in horizontal flight. If, after acquiring a great speed,
due to a steep dive, the aeroplane is turned, to flatten out and fly hori-
zontally, a centripetal force must be exerted on the wings in order
to make the turn. For any given radius of turn r, in feet, an aero-
plane of weight w, pounds, having acquired a speed thru the air of
v feet per second, will have to have exerted upon it a force equal to
wv 2 /32.2 r (see p. 30). in order to flatten out at this rate. As an ex-
ample of the magnitude of this force, let us take the case of an aeroplane,
weight loaded = 2000 Ibs., which dived a few hundred feet and ac-
quired a speed of 75 miles an hour (110 f. p. s.), and which the pilot
rather quickly flattens out by turning up on an arc of radius = 100
feet a quick recovery to be sure, but not at all unusual. The centri-
petal force exerted on the wings, is,
wv 2 2000 x 12,100
= 7520 Ibs.
gr 32.2x100
a stress almost four times as great as the weight of the machine.
The magnitude of this force for greater speeds and sharper turns
would seem enormous, but there is a definite limit, since, if this force,
which makes the machine take a curved path, exceeds the maximum
pressure corresponding to the angle with the highest K of the wing
surfaces for the particular aeroplane speed, the aeroplane will "slip"
and refuse to take this curve, since the air pressure on its wings cannot
be made greater than the maximum pressure. It becomes quite easy
then to determine the limiting stress. The maximum speed attain-
able on a glide is the one for which the air resistance becomes equal
to the weight of the machine. This limits the speed of falling. A
simple way to estimate it is to determine from the Resistance Chart,
the minimum value of the quantity KS in R = KSV 2 . Then sup-
plying this same K S, and R = Weight of machine, a solution is ob-
tained for V 2 , the maximum diving speed. Thus, it is found, p. 96,
that at 85 m. p. h., on the Resistance Chart, R = 365 Ibs., and V 2 =
7225; it follows that K S = 365/7225 = .0505. The assumed total
weight is 1800 Ibs., so that
1800 = .0505 V 2 , and V = V 35,600 = 189 miles per hour.
The maximum value of K for the wing (about .003), would indicate
that if the machine after diving several thousand feet vertically, could
suddenly be turned up, the wings would "bite" the air with a force
KS V 2 = .003 x 335 x 189 2 = 35,650 pounds, which is almost twenty
times the weight of the machine. This is the limit that is approached,
and it is clear that the lower the head resistance of a machine and the
greater the surface and weight, the greater does this become. On
the other hand, the greater the longitudinal moment of inertia, the
more difficult does it become to flatten out sharply.
In turning, the additional force on the wing, caused by banking
the machine, and required in order to hold the machine to the turn,
may be determined in the same way. Other excessive stresses, such
as those induced by sharp upward puffs, are not as easily evaluated,
but careful observation indicates that the forces of sharp puffs, or
sudden changes in wind direction, may easily give stresses three to
four times the weight of the machine.
Although the stresses in the main wings are the most important
ones, the other parts of the aeroplane also are subjected to great pres-
sures. The effects of sudden maneuvers, or of gusts, in snapping the
tail around, not only introduce great pressures on the tail, but subject
the fuselage to severe twists. The proper proportioning of parts to
resist vibration, due to variations in the engine and propeller, is
almost entirely a matter of experience. And the stresses introduced
by landing shocks are a separate class, requiring careful considera-
tion and much experience, to be properly taken care of. In taxi-ing
on the ground on some aeroplanes with tail skids, enormous twist-
ing stresses are induced in the fuselage,, by sharp turns, that every
careful pilot avoids as much as possible, since all such stresses are un-
necessarily racking and fatiguing the aeroplane structure.
The maximum stresses in an aeroplane may become very large
but, in the hands of an expert pilot, they can be kept under control.
Supported in the most perfect pneumatic fashion imaginable, and
operated with skill and caution, an aeroplane is not likely to receive
impact shocks of dangerous magnitude, and at the present time a break-
ing strength of 8 times the stresses due the weight, appears to compro-
mise all opposing features properly and to give a sufficient "safety factor"
for military purposes.
Kinds of Stresses.
In an aeroplane, distinction can be made between six different
kinds of stresses:
(1) Lift stresses on the wings due to the lifting force equal to
the weight, and carried by the main struts and wires.
(2) Drift stresses on the wings, taken account of by the inte-
rior cross-bracing of the wing.
(3) Stresses on the control surfaces, transmitted thru the frame
or fuselage of the aeroplane.
(4) Stresses on various small items due to their air resistance.
(5) Stresses induced by the pull or push of the propeller and
secondary effects of gyroscopic action or vibrations on the engine bed.
(6) Landing stresses on the entire machine, due to the shock
of alighting. In view of the variable nature of landing fields and of
air conditions near the ground, estimates of these stresses are difficult
to make, and are largely a matter of experience for any particular
The thrust of the propeller is the largest single air force acting
at any point on the machine, and necessitates proper distribution over
the frame. But it is definite in magnitude, and easily taken care of.
The consideration given stresses here, is not for the purposes of
design, but rather to enable the military aviator more readily to under-
stand the information on stresses supplied by the manufacturer. The
most important stresses are occasioned by the load lifted on the wing
Stresses in the Wings and Bracing.
Since the consideration and method of determining the lifting
stresses in the main supporting wings may be extended, readily, to
other stresses in the machine, it may prove beneficial to take up an
The process of determining stresses consists, of
(1) Finding what proportion of the load is carried by different
parts of the frame ;
(2) Determining what stresses these loads induce in the mem-
bers of the framework.
Since a biplane involves practically every feature requiring con-
sideration, we may take as an example the aeroplane assumed in Chap-
ter VIII, in which the full load weight is 1800 Ibs., the surface area 335
sq. ft., chord 5 ft., gap 5 ft., and span 36 feet. Let us assume that the
bracing is of the familiar strut and cross-wire type usually termed a
"Pratt Truss."
t/ trass = IJ4& * body
The loads at the connecting points U, U', U", called panel points, are indicated on the diagram,
and are due to the air load on the wings. The heavy line wires are the "flying wires," taking the stresses
due to these loads; and the dashed lines in the truss diagram are the "landing wires," taking the weight
of wings on landing.
In the graphical stress method, each panel point is considered in order, and for each one a closed
triangle or polygon of forces is drawn. The force polygons must all close, since the point is in equili-
First, a "sense" of rotation for the diagram is chosen and indicated by the arrow as clockwise,
and a scale to which to lay off the forces is chosen. Then, on the truss diagram, the regions between
forces are lettered A, B, C, etc., the forces considered being only the forces carrying the truss load. That
is why the compression in L"U" is not considered, since it is carried to U" and from there over the truss.
Taking the first point U", we have the force between A and B, called ab, = 205 Ibs. total, and the force
of compression in U"U', called be and a third force, the tension in the wire ca. Thus, there are three
forces at this point. The magnitude of one is known and the direction of the other two, so that a force
triangle, as given on the stress diagram abc, may be drawn, such that ab = 205 Ibs. to scale, be, is parallel
to U"U', and ac is parallel to U"L'. Their point of intersection establishes the closing point of the tri-
angle, thus determining ac and be in Ibs., merely by reading their lengths to the same scale to which ab
was laid off.
Panel point L' is now taken, the forces being taken in the same order going around the point clock-
wise. First, we have ac, already solved and then cd, the strut compression, the direction of which we
know, so we draw cd thru c, parallel to U'L'. To obtain the rest of the polygon it is now necessary to
consider ea, acting upwards at L', which is laid off on the vertical, and then to close the polygon the other
force line de, may be drawn thru e, parallel to L'L, the point d being located by the intersection of the
lines of action of the two unknown forces thru e and c. Thus, with d found, cd and de are readily read
to scale.
A similar process is employed for the rest of the truss.
A moment's thought on the manner in which the air force on the
wings lifts the rest of the machine, will lead to the simple conception
that an aeroplane is virtually a swing bridge, turned upside down,
with a uniform static load of the simplest kind, equal in average in-
tensity to 1800/335 = 5.4 Ibs. per sq. ft. (a factor often termed the
"loading" of the wing). The complicated stress determinations for
steel bridges resulting from "live loads," such as moving locomotives
of 300,000 Ibs. weight, are happily in another realm, and as for the
actual consideration of the aeroplane structure itself, it is well to real-
ize that it is the simplest kind of a bridge.
For the purposes of this example reference is made to only one-
half of the machine, since the other side is symmetrical, and it fol-
lows that the upper and lower wings under consideration together carry
half the load.
The load actually carried by the structure is the total weight less
the weight of the wings themselves, since the latter pressing down
by gravity directly against the air pressure, relieve the struts and wires
of having to transmit any stresses due to their weight. If the weight
of the wings is taken at 240 Ibs. a reasonable figure the load on the
side of the machine we are considering equals (1800 240) -*- 2 = 780
Ibs. This is the distributed load over the upper and lower wings. But,
due to the biplane effect (Chap. VII), the upper wing may be expected
to carry a considerably greater proportion of this load. In general,
on a biplane the upper plane carries about 60 % of the load and the
lower plane 40 %.
From this it is indicated that the upper plane on one side, carries
780 x .60 = 468 Ibs., whereas the corresponding lower plane carries
312 Ibs.
This load is transmitted by the cloth covering to the ribs, each
one of which, acting as a beam, transmits the load to the spars, which
in turn are suitably braced to the body by struts and wires, so that
Ibs. weight in the body are carried by Ibs. per sq. ft., air pressure on
the outstretched wings. But, since this is distributed between the
spars, of which in this case (see p. 110) there are two, it follows that
separate stress determinations must be made for the front and rear
truss. This at once necessitates determining what portion of the
load each spar carries.
The position of the center pressure determines this readily, for
if the c. p. were midway between the two spars, obviously they would
each carry half the load, and if the c. p. were directly in line with a
spar, the entire load on the wing would be carried by it. Since the
c. p. moves, and we are here interested in the maximum stresses due
to carrying the weight, the next step is to determine the max. rear
position of c. p. applying the greatest load to the rear spar, and max.
front position for the front spar. This is done (p. 110), and from what
information we already have on the aerofoils and the aeroplane, we
may recall that the former condition corresponds to a high speed and
low angle of incidence, and the latter to a slow speed and high angle of
Since the data indicates that the rear spar carries a maximum
of 75 % of the load at incidence, it follows that the upper plane rear
spar, which spans 16.5 feet, carries (468 X .75) -^ 16.5 = 21.3 Ibs.
per foot run, and the lower plane rear spar, carries (312 x .75) -r-15.5
= 15.1 Ibs. per foot run, the spans being taken to include allow-
ances for the rake and reduction of pressure of the ends of the planes,
and for the body section.
Knowing the spans we can, as has been done on p. 110, indicate
the load at each panel point U, U', U", etc. This load, which is the
force carried thru the truss, results from the uniform loads on adja-
cent spans. For example, U' carries half the load on span UU' = 21.3
X 3.125, plus half the load on span U'U" = 21.3 x 3.625, which to-
gether give 144 Ibs. The other panel loads are obtained in the same
way, and since the slopes of wires and depth of truss are outlined to
scale, the graphical method explained, p. 110, is reaily made use of
to determine the stresses in the members of the truss.
The tension stress on any wire, as determined in the stress dia-
gram, may be compared directly with the breaking strength of the wire,
to determine the safety factor. Thus, if L U' indicated by dg, as having
a stress of 730 Ibs., consists of two 5/32" cables each with a breaking
strength of 3000 Ibs., the "safety factor" is more than 8.
The strength of struts is not as readily found, since struts usual-
ly fail by bending. Only in the case where a strut is very short and
thick is it possible to find its strength by multiplying the compres-
sion strength of the material in pounds per square inch by the cross-
sectional area. Failure from bending makes it necessary to introduce
standard engineering formulae*, which vary greatly among them-
selves and are largely based on experiment. Their object is merely
to determine a reduced value of the allowable compressive strength
of the material, to take into account the weakening due to bending.
As an example, spruce, ordinarily, stands 5600 Ibs. per sq. inch in direct
compression, whereas one of the most practical strut formulae taking
into account the average dimensions of aeroplane struts, reduces this
* These formulae and data are ordinarily furnished by the manufacturer, and
if need be are readily checked by actual breakage test on a strut. A typical formula
is the RAF strut formula.
Crippling Strength = , in which F = allowable compression stress,
1 + 6500 P/k
A = area of section 1 = length of strut in inches, and k = least radius of gyration.
to about l/5th, giving 1100 Ibs. per sq. in., as the ultimate strength
to be expected. If U'L' is made of spruce, with 2.3 sq. in. cross section,
it may be expected to have a strength of about 2.3 x 1100 = 2500 Ibs.,
and since the stress induced is 310 Ibs., there is a safety factor of 8 (see
p. 110).
The stresses on the wing spars are considerably more compli-
cated and frequently of greater importance, than stresses on other
members. In almost all aeroplanes, nowadays, the upper spars are
the weakest structural parts.
This is due largely to their receiving a combination of stresses
which, as will be seen later, causes the spar progressively to weaken as
the stresses increase, due to deflection.
The type of construction of wings, is now almost universally stand-
ardized, and consists of carrying the air pressure by means of cloth
covering to light ribs running fore and aft, which are formed to give
the aerofoil section desired. These ribs are carried by large beams
or spars running across the wing transversely, and these spars are braced
to the rest of the machine by suitable struts and wires, as already indi-
cated. The stresses on the spars, therefore, may be divided into two
items :
(1) The stresses due to the loading of the spar as a beam, carry-
ing the air pressure loads transmitted by the wing covering and ribs;
(2) The stresses due to their part in the general bracing of the
wing truss, as found by the stress diagram, p. 110 ; which indicates
at once that as members of the rigid truss, the lower spars are sub-
jected to tension and the upper spars to compression.
The result of the application of these stresses to the spar, may
be taken up as follows :
(a) Compression or Tension Stress in Spar. The allowable
breaking load in Ibs. per sq. in., for the particular material used, mul-
tiplied by the area of the cross section of the spar in sq. inches, gives
the breaking strength, which, divided by the load as determined from
the stress diagram, determines the factor of safety for that stress.
(b) Bending due to the pull of wires of the frame, attached un-
symmetrically with reference to the neutral axis of the spar. This
feature on some machines is of considerable magnitude, but fittings
are so readily made to bring the pull of wires, etc., all together at any
one point, symmetrical with the beam's center line, that they should
(VNCfHTKAri-t LOW W Iba . per foel *vn
. '. 73 /7/v!f> r,
Bending Moments and Sections of Beams
always be demanded, so as to enable this unnecessary load on the wing
to be eliminated.
(c) Bending and Compression due to the Drift Load. This is
an element in the rigidity of the wing, which requires that the stresses
be taken care of by suitable cross bracing, etc., but as a factor in de-
termining the strength of the spars, the drift loads are so small in pro-
portion to the lift loads, that they are negligible, for our purposes.
(d) Bending due to Uniform Load of air pressure on the Wing.
- This load is the principal one on a long span, and since the load may
be considered as spread uniformly, along the spar, the ordinary engi-
neering formulae for beams are directly applicable.
(e) But the bending of the spar due to the uniform air loading,
introduces a certain deflection of the beam, which gives any compres-
sive force on the spar due to the truss load a chance still further to
increase the bending moment. In the inner spars of the upper wing
of an aeroplane, this stress is by no means a negligible one.
The stresses on a beam, then, are first considered in the deter-
mination of the several bending moments due to the loading and these
are combined and charted for convenience on a "moment diagram,"
an example of which is given on p. 110. The truss is laid off to scale
as indicated, and the bending moment values are given in "Ibs. ft."
Suitable corrections are applied for the continuity of the spars, and
these diagrams, furnished for each spar by the manufacturer, enable
the value of the total bending moment at any point to be read.
Bending Moment.
It would prove beneficial here to consider what is meant by "bend-
ing moment," and how it is made use of in strength determinations.
In the tension on wires and the compression on struts or spars,
the load stresses are taken up by members which have areas of a cer-
tain number of square inches of a certain material. It is known by
experiments that the particular manner in which the material is used
permits of assigning to it a certain breaking strength, called "fibre
strength" or "modulus of rupture," which is most easily expressed
as a certain number of "Ibs. per sq. inch." The area of the member
times the strength of its material per unit of area, gives the total act-
ual force that it is reasonable to expect would break the member in
question. In beams, however, the loads are not applied endwise,
so that instead of having a direct push or pull, the beam is subjected to a
The loads on the beam tend to make it sag and the amount of sag
for any given load is determined not only by the load, but by the man-
ner in which the beam is supported.
1. The beam may merely be resting freely on its supports, or
pinned to them in which case it is termed a "simply supported"
2. The beam may be fixed at both ends and held firmly in its
supports, or may be continuous over several spans in which case it
is termed a "fixed end" beam. A "cantilever" is a fixed end beam, held
only at one end.
When loaded, the beam resists the bending tendencies of the load
with a force which varies from that of a light string (which has practi-
cally no beam strength) to the deep plate girders of a railroad bridge, and
which is determined by the shape, span, size, and material of the beam.
The mechanics of the action of a beam are very simple. The
forces, and air pressure loads, have lever arms and, therefore, moments
about any point of a spar that we care to consider. These can all
be summed up into an equivalent force, in Ibs., with a certain lever
arm in feet. This moment is the "bending moment" for the partic-
ular point under consideration. On beams that are loaded uniformly,
like the spars of an aeroplane, the maximum bending moment is found
at the center of the beam, and decreases as the points of support are
approached, with the exception that the continuity of spars over two
or three spans may slightly modify this.
This maximum bending moment for any beam, loaded uniformly,
is readily found by supplying values for the quantities in the accom-
panying simple formulae. This, then, gives us the value of the "bend-
ing moment" due to the air loading, which is the important one for
the spar, but which is slightly modified by the other forces causing
bending, as already indicated.
The total maximum bending moment as determined by the manu-
facturer and read from the diagram for the beam, is equal in its effect
to the twist of a force in Ibs. with a leverage in ft., giving the same
Ibs. ft. moment, about the center of the section of the beam, at the
point considered.
Any "twist" or moment of this kind would naturally be taken
up by a tension resistance on the upper side of the beam and a com-
pression on the lower. The final test is what "the extreme fibre" of
the beam will stand, since, if the beam begins to cripple on the upper
or lower flange, it will progressively weaken to the breaking point.
The strength of the extreme fibre of a beam, then, expressed in
Ibs. per sq. inch, will give us a measure of the resisting force of the
beam; and the depth of the beam from the center or neutral axis to the
outer edge is the lever arm of this "Resisting Moment" of the beam,
which opposes the "Bending Moment" of the loads.
This Resisting Moment for any beam is,
M = K I/d
where, K = the strength per sq. inch of the material, I = the moment
of inertia of the section, and d = the distance from the neutral axis
to the extreme fibre = ^ depth of beam.
If it were desired to know what fibre stress was induced in a beam,
for which I and d were known, by a bending moment M, the value
of which is known, it would merely be necessary to solve for K in the
above formula. So that on a spar, if to this determined fibre stress
there is added the stress per sq. in., due to the compression, a value
is at once obtained for the total intensity of stress in Ibs. per sq. in.,
on the weakest extreme fibre of the beam. Comparing this value with
the breaking strength of the material in Ibs. per square inch gives the
safety factor for the spar.
An example would serve to illustrate how the safety factor of a
spar may be determined. Let us suppose that the rear spar in the
span UU', (see p. 110) consists of a rectangular section beam of spruce
3 inches deep and 1 inch wide, and with a cross-sectional area of 3 sq.
inches. The span 1 is 6 1/4 ft. and the load per foot of spar is w = 21.3
Ibs. per foot.
We could read from the moment diagram furnished what the
maximum bending moment is, account having been taken of the nature
of fixing of the ends of the spar, the moments due to any unsymmetrical
wire pulls, etc. For the purposes of convenient analysis, in the field, how-
ever, it is not necessary to go into these details. A sufficiently accurate
conception of the bending moment in the beam is obtained by con-
sidering the ends fixed, and finding the large moment due solely to
the air load on the spar per foot run. The table given shows this to be,
wl 2 21.3x6.252
B.M. = - - = 69.5 Ibs. ft.
12 12
It is desired to find what stress this bending moment induces on
the outer fibre of the beam. We merely substitute, then, in the equa-
M = K I/d
taking care, however, to express M in Ib. inches, by multiplying by 12,
to correspond with the units of I and d.
For any rectangular section beam, the moment of inertia I, is
bd 3 /12, and in this case d = 3 inches and d = 1 inch, so that I = 27/12 =
2.25. The distance to extreme fibre from the neutral axis equals half
the depth of the beam = 1 }/ inches, and solving we get
M = 69.5 x 12 = K x , whence
K = 555 Ibs. per sq. inch.
To this stress must be added that due to the compression truss
load also carried by these same fibres. From the diagram on p. 110,
this is seen to be 870 Ibs. and being distributed over the 3 sq. inches of
cross-section of the spar, adds a stress of 290 Ibs. per sq. in. to the spar.
The totaf fibre stress, then, is the sum = 845 Ibs.
The material of the spar being spruce, which has a fibre strength
of 5600 Ibs. per sq. inch, it follows that the safety factor for the spar
is 5600 + 845 = 6.64.
It is of interest to note that the continuity of spars over several
spans is apt to reduce the value of the max. bending moment, but in-
creases its value at the points of support. This is determined by the
Theorem of Three Moments, which it is not necessary to consider
here, but a characteristic bending moment diagram inclusive of these
corrections is shown, p. 110. As indicated in this example the b. m.,
due to the air load on the span, gives an excellent and sufficiently intel-
ligible indication of the magnitude of the stress in the spar.
The upper rear spar of the panel, next to the body, on a tractor
biplane is almost always the weakest member of the entire structure,
and is subjected to a combination of loads that are very formidable.
A study of a stress diagram, as to the distribution of loads, and
the magnitude of bending moments, should always be made by a con-
scientious aeroplane pilot, in order to obtain an appreciation of the
nature of the stresses his machine is required to withstand.
The weakening of spars by the drilling of holes, for some extra
kind of fitting, should never by done, until the moment diagrams have
been consulted and a rough calculation made of how much the reduc-
tion in sectional area caused by the hole, is going to weaken the spar.
The splicing and re-enforcing of spars by ferrules, etc., is taken
up later, and should always be considered in the light of preserving depth
of section and strength in extreme fibre.
Tightening of Wires.
A feature that results directly from a consideration of the aero-
plane structure as a truss, is, that extra stresses may be induced on
the members by tightening up too much on some parts, lack of proper
fitting, etc. The systems of wiring on aeroplanes consist of the "fly-
ing wires," indicated by full lines on p. 110, and the "landing wires,"
indicated by the dashed lines. The stresses for the former are deter-
mined by the methods already outlined.
The stresses on landing wires are largely indeterminate, and proper
strength to take landing shocks is a matter of experience. Due to the
possibility of large negative air loads, the "landing wires" are usually
made of practically the same strength as the "flying wires."
In addition to these, the general rigidity of the truss and resist-
ance to drift loads, twists, etc., requires, cross wiring from front to
rear of the panels. (See photographs in Chap. II.)
The entire structure, therefore, is cross wired and completely
braced, although in flying only the "flying wires" should take the loads.
Nevertheless, complicated extra loads can be induced on the spars
and struts and flying wires by the universal mistake of having the
wires too tight. Thus, if L U' and U L' are both tightened up too
much, L U' before it ever receives its proper flying load, is carrying
an initial load due merely to the tightening, while the spars L L' and
U U' are perhaps already bent up and weakened before they ever re-
ceive their air load bending moments. Buckling of spars and struts
and initial stresses in wires, due to having the trusses tightened up
too much, greatly fatigue the parts, introduce entirely uncalled for
stresses and are apt to result in serious crippling. Wires should never
"sing" and need only be tight enough to avoid deflection of the truss
when loaded.
"Follow Thru"
The characteristic wing sections, struts and wires, the stresses
in which have been considered here, are readily distinguishable, in
the photographs of aeroplanes, p. 15 and p. 17, and may conveniently
be referred to. Some aeroplanes have "overhangs," others more panels
than taken in the example p. 110, etc., but the general principles of
finding the air loads and solving the stresses graphically are the same.
There is one very important feature, however obvious it maybe
on the stress diagram, that, to the unpracticed eye, is not so easy to
appreciate on a full sized aeroplane, i. e., the degree in which the stresses
induced in the wires, struts and spars, are carried thru the truss to
their logical end, so as really to "complete" their strength. A wire
may be strong enough in itself to hold the stress induced in it, but the
fitting holding this wire at the base of the strut may not be properly
On monoplanes, (see p. 20), the wing spars are subjected to a
large compression, due to the truss load, and may be made strong enough.
These spars, however, on either side* of the body, press against the
body towards each other with an enormous compression. Lack of
attention in following thru these stresses so that the spars could butt
directly against each other with ample compressive strength, led many
constructors to provide therefor merely by permitting the spars to
rest in sockets against the body with no suitable provision across the
body at this point. Many accidents are attributable to the crush-
ing of the body by this spar compression, due solely to lack of "follow
A typical example is found today in more or less serious measure
on many tractor biplanes of reputable construction. Reasons of sim-
plicity and convenience in the chassis have eliminated auxiliary safety
wires from points like L' (see diag. p. 110) to the chassis. It follows,
then, that the pull of the wire L U', and the tension in the spar L L',
are all exerted at the point L, on the body. It is customary to draw
the diagrams and determine the stresses and safety factors for all the
struts, wires and spars, but not always is the proper attention given
to the cross member at the body, indicated in the diagram by O Y.
As a matter of fact, this member carries an enormous tension a stress
of 870 Ibs., from both sides of the truss and the "following thru"
of the tension in wire L U', denoted as dg, across under the body, con-
necting to the wire symmetrical to L U', on the other side of the aero-
plane, is of the very greatest importance. A safety factor of at least
ten should be demanded on this tension stress, and more attention paid
to it. Similar instances can be cited, but the general principle is the
same, and applies equally in importance to the proportioning of bolt
heads, plate fittings, pins and turnbuckles to develop the full strength
of the wire or cable to which they are attached. An expert can spot
these flaws in construction quite readily, but the location of the "weak
link" in the chain is not always so apparent to the amateur, and mili-
tary aviators can profitably spend considerable effort in acquiring that
"knack" that will enable them to locate lack of "follow thru," in the
construction of the machines they are using.
Details of construction that bear directly on this are studied in
the next Chapter.
An aeroplane with a "safety factor" of 12 throughout. The Sturtevant military
tractor, in which provision is made for carrying two gun turrets.
Above Views in flight with and without turrets.
Although it is difficult to give in written form all the practical
information and directions desirable relative to the assembly, align-
ment and verification of construction of aeroplanes, a few notes are
presented here, accompanied by some data on the strength of aero-
plane parts, that may be of use. Structural details on aeroplanes
differ greatly, but the ones chosen here as examples will serve to illus-
trate the mode of procedure in considering these details, and, at the
same time, will be found to give many suggestions, to help in repair
and maintenance work in the field where, as already stated, resource-
fulness in keeping the equipment in operation is of the greatest import-
Aeroplanes for other purposes may become elaborate in construc-
tion and exceedingly replete in extra fittings, but for military pur-
poses it is quite certain that the structural details will become as simple
and as easy to repair as possible, with particular attention paid to hav-
ing parts accessible for inspection and easy to take down or assemble.
And in order to reduce the amount of stores necessary to carry around
in the way of "spare parts," it should be an elementary policy of the
construction department of a Flying Corps to standardize as many parts
as possible, accentuating interchangeability of parts, and reducing
to the minimum the different grades and thicknesses of lumber, the dif-
ferent sizes of wire and the thickness of steel plate used in fittings, so
that a small stock of raw material may be found suitable for repairing
practically any part of the machine.
An aeroplane received from the manufacturer almost always has
suffered from shipment or packing in one way or another, and in taking
the parts out of the boxes and crates, great care should be exercised not
to do any more damage.
Aeroplanes do not seem so fragile when they are all assembled, tight-
ened up and trim, but when dis-assembled they can easily be maltreated.
One of the most serious things to watch out for is the bending or
twisting of wires and cables, as they are coiled or uncoiled for conven-
ience. Cable can readily be unravelled, and hard wire, if bent up too
much, should under no circumstances be straightened, but the entire
wire must be replaced. The same holds true of turnbuckles, fittings
and bolts, which, in unpacking and setting up may become more or less
seriously bent up or knocked out of true, and the wilful straightening
of these'parts, without bringing them to the attention of someone who is
competent to judge of the degree of weakness resulting from the damage
is most reprehensible.
Among other things, it is the universal experience that wings or
other surfaces may have suffered a few holes or rips. These should all
be repaired, first by cross-stitching and then by covering with a glued
patch of the same material as the wing covering and then,
Care should be taken, never to lay tools on the planes.
Caution should be exercised, not to permit bolts or turnbuckles
to fall on the ground or in the sand, with possibilities of unnecessary
damage to the threads by grit. And to prevent any chance of loss or
error, each part should be tagged and tied to the place to which it belongs.
Alignment, or "Trueing up."
From a consideration of the foregoing we are at once led to the
study of the trueing up, or lining up, of the truss of an aeroplane, so
as to obtain the proper alignment of the members, with respect to
each other and to the rest of the machine.
"Trueing up" may be defined as the process by which the wings
and rudders are adjusted to the body and line of thrust, so as to give
the proper angle of incidence, dihedral, decalage, etc., with perfect
Since slight errors in alignment cause marked changes in flying
qualities, this subject is a particularly important one for practical
field work, and it should be borne in mind that an aeroplane must be
properly trued up, just like any other delicate piece of machinery,
before the best results can be obtained from it.
Aeroplanes can, of course, be flown when more or less out of align-
ment, but tricky characteristics are apt to arise from this, and the ma-
chines will not give their best and most pleasing performances, while
they may actually prove dangerous.
There are four general methods of lining up an aeroplane:
1. By level and plumb bob, in a factory or shed, with a solid
2. By transit, projection of angles and levels. (The most ac-
curate method, and of great convenience in a factory in setting up.)
3. By measurements of cross distances and wire lengths, com-
bined with sighting.
4. By sighting alone.
Methods 1 and 2 are obviously capable of great accuracy in a
factory, and should be resorted to when the aeroplane is first con-
Methods 3 and 4, may be used anywhere at all, on the side of a
hill, if necessary, and directly concern us here in reassembling a machine
for use on the field.
Types of aeroplanes differ widely among themselves, and actual
instructions and measurements for lining up aeroplanes are required
to be furnished in complete detail by the manufacturer.
Certain general principles of importance are involved, however,
to which special attention must be given.
All bolts on fittings should be tightened before any trueing up
of wires is attempted.
Turnbuckles, when assembling, should first have the barrel taken
off and then be started even and turned up about 6 or 8 turns enough
to give a firm hold.
In tightening up any wires, as already indicated, the tension should
not exceed that required to make the wire just taut and free of sag or
In placing bolts in fittings, or in spars, great care should be taken
to see that the threads are neither worn nor burred, and that the bolts
are not forced in too strongly since they have been made to fit well
and are driven home best by carefully directed, easy pressure.
Under no circumstances should wings and their parts be ham-
mered and jerked into place, since if the parts do not fit together snugly
and smoothly there will be some extra strain somewhere, when they
are finally assembled. In this connection it must be borne in mind,
however, that treated linen covering may tighten so much on a wing
frame that, if left standing for a long time, it may twist and warp the
wing out of shape.
Assuming a biplane of the common tractor type, with a small
center section and wings, each of two panels, in which the chassis and
body are assumed to be in proper alignment, it may prove of interest
to consider the assembly and trueing up by methods (3) and (4), out-
lined above.
Assembly and Alignment by Cross Distances.
The several steps in the assembly are indicated by referring to the
sketch on p. 124. To begin with, the center section of wing over the
body, is set over the body, on the four small struts. The first step in
alignment is to make this center section parallel to the body and centered
over it. Since the body is lined up, and the section aff'a', is a parallelo-
gram, it follows that the cross distances, indicated as af, may be made
equal, in order to center up. When this is done for both front and rear
trusses, the center section is bound to lie parallel to the body axis, provid-
ing, of course, the distances were measured between symmetrical points.
Diagrams for Alignment.
It then remains to adjust the front and rear wires until the section has
been pulled forward or back, so that one measurement f"a agrees with
the similar one on the other side of the body and with the data on the
machine. But these wires should not be tightened up until the wings
are on, in order to give play for the spar fittings of the wing section.
Unless the center section is somewhat near centered, however, difficulty
will be found in fitting the rest of the wings. The next step is to fit the
lower wings on either side to the body, and to hold them up by means
of their landing wires, fastened to the proper fittings at aa', but not
tightened up. The top wings next to the body are then fastened to the
center section and held in place by hand until the struts de, d'e', are
inserted, when the landing wire ae, a'e', will hold both wings in place.
If the wings have no dihedral and the fittings are symmetrical, the
distances ae and bd, should be equal and can readily be made so, by tak-
ing up the landing wire on both sides, front and rear. This will then give
the proper setting laterally. If a dihedral is employed, there will be
differences in the measurements, ae being shorter than bd, but for proper
alignment it is merely necessary to have similar wires on the other side,
the same length. Of course, it is assumed that the struts and the size
and position of fittings on the spars are unalterably correct. The outer
sections may now be put on by the same method, the lower one first, held
by the landing wires, and then the top one, supported on the struts,
and the cross distances made equal similarly by taking up on the landing
wire. The entire wing structure is now assembled, attached to the body,
which is resting on the chassis. It is assumed that, laterally, the wings
are symmetrical to the body and properly transverse thereto. This is
readily checked by measuring the two distances, a h and c d, as indicated.
The cross wires running from front to rear between the struts are next
adjusted, just to tautness, and the alignment of the struts as viewed
from the side is checked by eye. Measurements of these cross distances
from top front to lower rear, and lower front to top rear, at the body,
are then carried out to the tips, and thus the angle of incidence is checked.
The "flying wires" are then all tightened up, just so as not to give the
landing wires more than the strain of carrying the weight. Final meas-
urements are then made from the rear point of the tail to panel points
h, h', out at the ends of the wings, in order to determine if the transverse
wing axis is symmetrical with the longitudinal body axis. The machine
is then lined up correctly providing that the distances measured are all
taken to some points on fittings or marks on spars and struts, that are
absolutely symmetrical for the two sides.
Alignment by Sighting.
The process of assembly, as outlined above, would be the same.
After the wings are attached to the frame, the trueing up process proper
begins. The method consists merely in doing by eye what was done in
the previous example by extensive measurements. The first sight is
taken, from below the body, up to the center section, so as to get the
points a, a', over the points b, b'. Both sides, front and rear are sighted
and the positions averaged up by the wires. In assembling, however,
no lining up is done, until all the wings are on, held by the landing wires.
The observer then stands at s, to one side, and sighting along the top
plane, establishes the line across the bolt heads or fittings at a, a', and
proceeds first, to bring up d, d', by means of the wires a e, a'e', and then
g g', on either side, are brought up by taking up their landing wires until
they are in line with a, a', d, d', etc. In other words, the transverse line,
across the top of the center section, is projected to either side. The same
is done for the rear spar, and then the load wires for the front spar only
are tightened, just enough so that when the point h, for example, is al-
ternately raised and lowered no wires are seen to slack or sag, the
alignment held by the landing wires being the correct one to be held.
The final and important element in the sighting is to establish the
correctness and uniformity of the angle of incidence, which is the main
object of the alignment. To do this best, the observer stands 15 to 20
feet in front of the fuselage, taking care to center himself, by sighting
along the center struts, shaft, axle center, tail piece, etc. The observer
then chooses a height, or tilts the machine, so that, when sighting along
the top plane, he can see just a little of the under side. This permits
him to see a certain point of the rear strut sockets showing against the
lower side of the front beam. Then, by holding the head, central, and
just high enough to see these points, and moving only the eyes, to right
and left, he can note any lack of alignment of the rear spar, parallel to
the front spar. This is corrected by means of the rear spar landing wires,
if necessary, after which the rear load or flying wires are also tightened.
The fore and aft cross wires are now set, so that when standing 10
feet or so from either end of plane all struts will lie in line and parallel
with each other and with the center struts. These wires are then set no
tighter than necessary, for if too tight they merely tend unduly to com-
press and buckle the ribs.
A check on the perpendicularity of the transverse wing axis to the
longitudinal body axis is then made by measurement, and if necessary,
adjusted by the "drift" wires running from the nose of the machine to
the front intermediate struts.
The tail pieces are then lined parallel to the wing axis, by merely
sighting and adjusting them until they are parallel. It is well to sight
from behind and below, so as to get the tail line just below the front edge
of the top plane.
The last wires to be tightened are any auxiliary wires from the chassis
to the wings.
This method, in the hands of one who has had some experience, is
the quickest, easiest, and accurate enough for field work.
A judicious combination of the sighting method and the method of
measuring cross distances, gives the best results in the alignment or
trueing up of aeroplanes.
Particular attention is called to the systematic manner of doing
the aligning with the landing wires, leaving the tightening of the "flying"
wires to the very last thing.
On the diagram, a note is given relative to the importance of loosen-
ing up the proper wires when a local adjustment of one panel point is
made, on a machine already all wired up.
I Propeller Diagram and Balancing stand.
Propeller Balance.
After the machine is assembled and lined up the propeller may be
mounted, but before doing so its balance should at least be checked up.
A propeller "out of balance" is heavier on one blade than on the other,
and when run on the engine will vibrate. Any vibration of this nature
is, really, a severe strain on the machine, and particularly on the engine.
A propeller may also be troublesome in vibrating if the blades are warped,
and lacking in symmetry. This may be checked up by measurements
of offsets on the blade.
The accompanying diagram shows a method of propeller balancing
that is effective, and also shows the manner in which the useful data on.
the shape, section and angles of the blade may be presented.
If the propeller is slightly out of balance, a little more varnish on
the light side is the best way to equalize it.
Metal tips along the entering edge of the tip of the blades are a
great protection against both water and shrubbery, to prevent cracking
and splitting of the edge of the blade. These, however, must be very
firmly attached and because of the centrifugal force should be made as
light as possible. For water work, it is necessary to bore a few small
holes in this metal tipping, in order that the water, that has soaked in
by impinging so hard, may be freely thrown off by centrifugal force,
instead of tending to work in under and finally to split open the metal
tipping, and for land work such holes will prevent "dry rot."
Attention should also be given the propeller bolts to make sure that
they are properly proportioned as to thread, that the nut fits and shows
no sign of having been forced, and that the bolts are properly locked
by a wire, which is not likely to be cut by the nut of the bolt "backing
Details of Construction.
Examination of the details of construction, to make sure of the
proper fitting of parts and "follow thru," is most important, and special
training in the proper inspection of machines is next in importance
to training in flying. No matter how well built or how reliable struc-
tural features appear to be, there is always the possibility of breakage.
Just because an aeroplane has flown very successfully is no excuse for
being any the less careful in inspection of its construction.
It is well, first, to go over the entire machine and make sure that
all the bolts are locked, and while doing so the material of the bolt,
whether special steel or "commercial" iron bolts, should be examined,
and also the thread of the bolt, and fit of the nut and its locking. If
iron bolts (stove bolts) are found, with deep threads, in places taking
any vital stress, they should be replaced.
Bolts may be locked in four ways :
1. By a lock washer, or cut washer, fitting under the nut and
"biting" into it when the nut turns backwards.
2. By a pin, or lock wire, passing thru a hole drilled into the bolt,
and fastened in such a way that vibration will not permit "backing off"
of the nut, to break the locking wire.
3. By riveting the head of the bolts. This is the most positive
4. By painting the bolt head. This is suitable only where a
small, relatively unimportant fitting is concerned.
The practice of "spoiling the thread" of the bolt for locking is not a
reliable one.
Knowing the comparative strengths of various bolts in shear and
pull, as outlined in the table p. 136, the inspection will intelligently
reveal the uniformity of "safety factor" and "follow thru."
After attending to the bolts, the pins in the fittings and the turn-
buckles may be examined at each panel point, one by one the pins for
proper locking, unless already riveted, and the t. b.'s for the purpose of
making sure that enough threads are everywhere engaged in the barrel
and that the t. b. is, in each case, locked so that the safety wire will not
wear or tend to break at any point.
The general inspection of the wires, struts and remainder of the
machine can then be made, special attention being given to the controls,
so as to make sure that they are connected up to work properly, and
that all t. b.'s and pins are suitably locked, with no possibility of a cable
binding by running off its pulley, or of parts of the control "catching"
To assist in the detection of flaws in construction, improper propor-
tioning of parts for a uniform strength and "follow thru," and for gen-
eral information on the construction of aeroplanes, some tables and
data are presented. It is perhaps necessary to state that the strength
values are largely based on tests and experiences of the writer relative
to aeroplanes, and may be taken as at least a beginning of a handbook
for Aviation, to which new data of value should constantly be added.
The illustrations of details of construction, with examples of ap-
parently reliable and unreliable features, should receive particularly
close attention from military aviators. The small variety of details
shown must, of course, be taken as serving merely as examples, since
no attempt has been made to present all the structural features that
might be found on a various assortment of types of aeroplanes.
In order to avoid the inconveniences of cross reference, notes
relative to the various features have been incorporated on the illus-
trations themselves, and should be read and digested as carefully as any
emphasized text.
Steel is obtained from iron by many processes, differing in ore treat-
ment, expense, etc., the most extensive ones being Bessemer, open-
hearth and crucible. All refer to the original method of obtaining
the steel, and have little bearing on the quality of the steel, excepting
in the amount of carbon, alloy, etc., in it. There are many instances,
however, of Bessemer process steel proving less reliable than the others.
The crucible process is used to obtain the most uniform tool steels.
The percentage of carbon in steel largely determines its hardness,
strength and ductility, and ranges from .05 % to .25 %. The higher the
carbon, the harder, more tenacious and less ductile is the steel. The
lower the phosphorus or sulphur, the less likely is the steel to develop
flaws and cracks.
The word "temper" is used by manufacturers to represent the
amount of carbon in steel. Thus, a "high temper" steel is a "higher
carbon" steel, and therefore hard, tenacious, but brittle. Steels may be
"tempered," after manufacturing by applying various degrees of hard-
ening and softening that is, most uniform steels can be made as hard
and tenacious, or as ductile and soft as desired.
"Hardening" is done by heating the steel with particular attention
to uniform heating of the metal and then quickly immersing in brine,
oil or water; the amount or nature of this quick uniform cooling, or of
the heat to which the steel was brought, being determined by the kind
of hardening desired (all of which requires personal skill and experience).
"Softening" of steel is designed to make its texture more uniform,
easier to manipulate, and less brittle. This process is termed "anneal-
ing," and consists merely in heating steel up to a desired temperature
and then letting it cool very slowly, the slower the cooling the softer the
steel. As in any other treatment of steel, uniformity of heating or cool-
ing is of the utmost importance. Practically all high grades of steel
come from the mills in annealed condition, but if not, and if it is de-
sired to bend the steel sharply, great care must be exercised in heat-
ing it in a forge for annealing to make sure that the steel is uniformly
heated, otherwise its grain and texture will be uneven and weakened.
In this connection, it is important to point out that steel has as
marked a "grain" as wood, only not as easy to see. Steel is always weak-
est across the grain.
Alloy steels, by various heat treatments, can be made to give various
strengths, but increased hardness or elastic limit is almost always
obtained at the expense of ductility. In the annealed condition, which,
because of the reduction in brittleness, is desirable for aeroplane work,
steels do not show much variation. A table is -given of the strengths
of various grades of alloy steels, and the elongation or per cent that any
length will stretch before breakage is given, and 'is an indication of the
In aeroplane work, it is essential to have the maximum of reliability,
and since local thoughtless heating may have robbed a "special" steel
of its special qualities, it is the best practice to proportion all parts for a
ductile, easily bent, mild carbon steel, with the strength given in the
table. Then, if any advantageous alloy like Vanadium steel is used, its
greater resistance to fatigue is an added and much needed safety factor.
The commercial names of "tool steel," or "drill rod" (bars of tool
steel), refer to a specially uniform and reliable grade of rather pure steel,
particularly adapted to being heat treated, tempered and hardened for
1, 2, 3, 4. Various single and double pulley arrangements for control cables,
5. The Curtiss double U bolt fitting. 6. The Burgess clip fitting. 7. The
Curtiss single U bolt fitting. 8. Signal Corps, pin and plate fitting. 9. The steel
block and eye head strut bolt fitting used on German aeroplanes. 10. The Wright
hook fitting. 11-12. Hinge details.
1. Control with cables and pulleys on ball bearings. 2. Same with friction leads.
3. Detail of rubber shock absorber bridge. 4. Steel Spring chassis, with central
skid. 5. Softer rubber chassis with no skid. Both of them are typical chassis for
exactly the same work. 6. Fuselage details. 7. Details of wing frames, ferrules
and lumber.
special tool purposes. Tool steel and drill rod, in annealed condition,
are good, mild steels for bolts, pins, etc.
Bolts, pins, turnbuckles, and particularly wires and cables, may often
be of heat-treated special chrome nickel or vanadium steel, and care must
be taken not to heat unequally any of these parts, and thus reduce
the added safety factor they furnish. This is particularly important
in the case of steel wires and cables, in which the material and method
of drawing of the wire have been designed particularly to give a high
tension strength, which any local heating, for the purposes of bending
or attachment, may very seriously weaken. For example, a tension
brace of a particularly fine grade of piano wire, received undamaged
from the manufacturer and properly put into place, may be relied upon
to give its average tested breaking strength. But let this same wire
come into long contact with a torch flame, being used to bend, solder or
braze some fitting, and it may well have been reduced in strength to one-
third of what it is supposed to be.
Cold rolled steel (abbreviated c. r. s.), which is used so largely in
aeroplane work, in fittings, ferrules, clips, etc., is steel that has been
rolled out to the sheet or bar in question, but in doing so the grain of the
steel becomes more marked. This steel is harder and more tenacious
than mild annealed steel, but works very easily and has splendid wearing
qualities. Bends in c. r. s., however, should not be made too sharp,
and when plate more than 1-8" thick is used, care should be taken to
anneal before bending, or else to bend slowly in a vise in which the jaws
are protected by thick copper pads, to avoid nicking the plate.
Other Metals.
The table on p. 136 gives the strengths and weights of other metals,
but they are rarely used in the parts of an aeroplane carrying the main
stresses, excepting the bronze barrels of turnbuckles.
Aluminum should never be used in any important fitting, and its
alloys, though at times exhibiting remarkable characteristics, are almost
as unreliable as aluminum itself. Many of them, however, are ad-
vantageously of use in castings, sheet metal coverings, etc., requiring
a metallic construction, but carrying no great stress. Duralumin has
very nearly the strength of mild steel, in spots, and is somewhat more
weather and water-resisting than any of them. Aluminum sheeting
should never be used on coverings in sheeting of less than 1-1 6th inch
thick, as it eventually flakes and cracks.
Tin and copper are used for the ferrules of wire joints and for
"Monel" metal, an alloy of about the same qualities as mild steel,
is extensively used on metal fittings where particular rust resisting quali-
ties are desired.
Crystallization and Fatigue.
The wearing down of the resisting qualities of a material by constant
vibration and jar, is a familiar phenomenon met in practical engineering
of all kinds so much so, that a certain "life" is assigned to metal parts,
after which their strength is considered unreliable. This should be
followed in relation to aeroplane metal fittings, but a great error is made
in attributing so much danger to "crystallization" in the failure of parts,
since the vibrations on aeroplanes are neither sharp nor excessive.
"Fatigue," is the destruction of the resisting qualities of a material
by repeated strains of bending or twisting, exceeding what the "springi-
ness" of the material will stand, as illustrated by the ease with which a
wire can be broken by repeated twisting or a steel plate by repeated
bending. It is of the utmost importance, then, to make sure that the
structural details are not such as to permit the pull or flexing of a part
to result in bending or twisting strains on details not suitably made for
them. Attention to some examples of this is given in the illustrations
of structural details.
In the construction of military aeroplanes it is desirable to eliminate
brazed and welded fittings as much as possible, not only because of the
added difficulty of replacement, but because a welded joint does not
always reveal a possible flaw to the naked eye, and, though apparently
satisfactory, might actually prove dangerously inadequate for its stress.
Practically all aeroplane fittings may be made of simple and effective
steel plate clips, as light and as strong as more "refined" and elaborate
arrangements- refined only in that they are harder to make, replace, and
pass on.
L[/VC,TH or fcxrrvLE
8t SCMffft
Cable and Solid Wire Ends.
Aeroplane Woods
For use in the construction of aeroplanes wood has peculiar virtues,
one of the best of which is the ease with which flaws can be detected.
In this connection, it is a great mistake to paint wooden parts on aero-
planes, since varnish, or "dope," will give as good preservation and yet
bring out clearly in evidence any defective features.
Among the woods used in aeroplane work attention may profitably
be given to Spruce, Ash, Maple, Hard Pine, Walnut, Mahogany, Cedar
and Hickory, strengths and weights of which are given in the table.
Spruce, of clear silver grain, straight, smooth and free of knotholes
or sap pockets, is the lightest, strongest and most generally satisfactory
material for aeroplane construction available. It must be properly
ferruled, where fittings are attached, however, to prevent splitting.
As a material for spars, ribs, struts, etc., it gives a splendid combination
of flexibility, lightness and strength.
Ash is springy, strong in tension, hard, and very tough. Its weight,
however, is considerably greater than spruce, which, when properly
ferruled, can for the same weight be made stronger than any other
Maple has excellent qualities, in strength and reliability, for very
small wood details requiring unusual resisting powers like the blocks
connecting rib pieces across a spar.
Hard Pine is a tough, uniform wood, particularly applicable to
members like the "longerons" of fuselages (longitudinal members).
Walnut and Mahogany are used extensively on propellers, their
uniformity in finishing and strength giving excellent results for this
Cedar is often used as planking of hulls, or fuselage covering, is
readily obtained in the boards, and quite uniform and easily worked.
In this connection, fuselages, particularly "monocoques," are some-
times made of veneers, or glued layers of wood, with tr e grains crossing
for added strength. Tulip wood, bass wood, cedar, alder and mahogany,
are used for veneer covering work. There are innumerable trade makes
of "veneers," some of them very satisfactory in aeroplane work.
Hickory, which is tough and springy, and with a hard surface, is a
favorite material for skids, control levers, etc.
For the preservation of wood several coats of spar varnish, or of
aeroplane dope, should be used, after an original "filler" of oil or shellac.
Laminations in wooden members are designed to make splitting of
the member more difficult by having different layers of wood with the
grain running in opposite directions, glued firmly together. Weather-
ing, however, is apt to affect the glue and open the laminations, and it is
good practice to wrap the members with linen or paper, or to freshen up
the paint or varnish from time to time.
The wrapping of wooden members with linen, may be made to
increase the strength against splitting, if the linen is wound very tight
and treated with "dope" or glue in such a way that it will forcibly
tighten up. The "dope" should be renewed from time to time.
Due to the necessity of having a certain least width to a strut, so
that the ratio of the length of a strut 1 to its least width r will not exceed
by too great a margin, the 1/r of 45, that engineering practice prescribes
as a limit, wooden struts, particularly of spruce, are better than steel or
any other material, for the saving in width and therefore head resist-
ance of a stronger material, would sacrifice strength against bending.
Experience in being able to pick out good lumber and detect flaws,
is of great benefit, and should in a measure be acquired by any aviator
who is interested enough in his machine to desire assurance as to its
Wing Covering.
The general practice in wing construction is to cover the rib and spar
framework with an air-tight cloth, giving a smooth finish to the surface
and some degree of resistance to deterioration by exposure.
Rubbered fabrics were used for several years, but it was necessary
to tighten them by hand in stretching on the frame, and the cloth would
sag in dry, sunny weather, and tighten in damp weather.
An improvement in covering was made by the adoption of fine,
unbleached linen, which is stretched rather loosely on the wing frame,
and is then treated with "dope."
"Dopes" are of several kinds, but they are almost all cellulose or
"collodion" compounds, some soluble in ether and some in aceton.
"Cellon," "Novavia," "Emaillite," "Cavaro," "Titanine," are but a
few of the trade names, all with some particular virtue some fireproof,
others lacking in bothersome chemical odors, but all designed to accom-
plish the same purpose, i. e., to tighten up the linen on the frame, and
after a few coats, applied with a brush, to give to the surface a smooth,
weather-resisting finish.
Skill in applying dopes and various "formulae" for the processes,
give varying degrees of finish, but in general four or five coats of a
tightening solution, followed by three coats of a thicker finishing solution,
will give a good finish. It is customary to varnish this covering with spar
varnish, after the dope has set, but, in view of the difficulty of patching
and "re-doping" over the varnish, the advisability of this practice is
questionable. To clean most doped fabrics, some soap and water will
be found better than anything else.
The linen fabric used for this covering is woven in the customary
way with "warp," the yarn running lengthwise, and "weft," the yarn
running across the cloth.
Good aeroplane linen should test to a tension of at least 50 Ibs. for
1-inch width strip of cloth undoped, and should be difficult to tear and
rip. When doped it should show a strength of at least 70 Ibs. per inch.
Cloth with a fine thread is not quite as strong as cloth with a coarser
thread, but the latter absorbs very much more "dope" for a good finish.
Aeroplane linen, doped to a good finish, weighs approximately
0.10 Ibs. per sq. ft. of surface, inclusive of tape or batten rib-covering
and varnish, for both top and bottom faces of a surface taken together.
Weights Elastic Limit Ultimate
per cu. in. Tension Tension Compression Shear
Steel c. r. s 283 35,000 50,000 50,000 40,000
Steel, piano wire 280,000 300,000
Aluminum 096 10,000 15,000 12,000 10,000
Duralumin 103 29,000 45,000 50,000 40,000
Tin 265 3,000 3,500 6,000 4,000
Brass 310 20,000 25,000 30,000 30,000
Mn. Bronze 319 50,000 50,000 80,000 70,000
Copper 320 12,000 20,000 30,000 20,000
Modulus of
All strengths are in Ibs. per sq. inch and averages.
Inches 1
bs. per sq.
Aluminum Brass or Copper
Ibs. per sq. ft. Ibs. per sq. ft.
per sq.
Tension of c. r. s. steel plate in Ibs. per inch width = Thickness X 50,000.
Bearing strength of wire in plate = diam. wire X thickness plate X 50,000.
Kind of Steel
Softest Low Carbon Steel
Commercial Mild Carbon Steel, annealed
Chrome Nickel Steel, annealed
Type "D" Vanadium Steel, annealed
Chrome Nickel Steel, -tempered
Type "D" Vanadium Steel, tempered
*O /Q
No. of Threads
to the Inch
40 U. S. St.
32 U. S. St.
20 U. S. St.
28 A. L. A. M.
18 U. S. St.
24 A. L. A. M.
24 A. L. A. M.
20 A. L. A. M.
18 A. L. A. M.
16 A. L. A. M.
14 A. L. A. M.
Diam. at
Tension Shearing
@ 50,000 @ 40,000
320 256
880 704
1,350 1,080
1,650 1,320
2,500 2,000
2,865 2,292
4,050 3,240
7,500 6,000
11,900 9,520
17,650 14,120
32,500 26,000
Lbs. Strength
Double Shear
Diam. Lbs. Strength
Inches Double Shear
For single shear take 1/2 loads given.
Diameter No. of
Wt. Lbs.
Strength in
Inches Wires
per 100 ft.
1/32 R
1/16 R
1/16 R
3/32 R
.091 MS. . . .
7/64 R
!!.!!!!!! 19
.118 MS. . . .
1/8 R
'. .' .' .' .' '. '. '. 19
.138 MS
5/32 R
3/16 R
.158 MS. . . .
.209 MS. . .
1/4 R
".'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 19
R= "
MS = "Morane Saulnier"
Wt. Ibs.
Strength in
or descr. p
er 100 ft.
20 R
19 R
16 R
14 R
12 R
10 R
ASW Van.
ASW Van.
R and
No = gauge
Roebling. ASW = American Steel and Wire Co.
Area of Wt. per
Section foot
Moment of
Rad. of Lbs. Tension
20 ga.
18 ga.
sq. in. length
.051 .17
. 086 . 30
.108 .37
Inertia I
Gyr. r.
@ 30,000
.135 .46
20 ga.
.106 .36
. 184 . 63
.344 1.17
20 ga.
. 134 . 45
. 233 . 79
.442 1.50
. 282 . 96
.540 1 . 84
.773 2.63
1.07 3.63
1.77 6.01
2.16 7.34
. 0247
No. of Gauge Birmingham Brown & Sharp United States
Diameter of
Amer. Steel
& Wire Go's
^,* . \J, . \J*\JL\J . \J^^J\J\J
Birmingham, used for steel tubes; B and S for sheet metals.
Length of Length of Last diam. No. of Strength
Name Barrel ends of ends threads in Ibs.
Burgess 3" 1^" -2" 32 3370
Burgess 3" 1 Y 2 " . 175" 32 2470
3" iy 2 " .15" 32 1700
5" 2 1 A" -23" 26 3457
4^" 2J4" .20" 26 2492
3" 1W .15" 34 1442
National .
National .
National .
Weight in Tension Extreme
Kind of Wood Lbs. per cu. ft. Strength Fibre Stress
Ash 50 14,000 6500
Bamboo 22 6,000 1000
Cedar 28 5,000 3000
Hickory 48 13,000 7000
Hard Pine 45 12,000 6000
Mahogany 51 11,000 7000
Maple 46 10,000 8000
Oak 52 10,000 6000
Spruce 32 10,000 5600
Walnut 42 9,000 5000
All strengths in Ibs. per sq. in.
Triangle. Area equals one-half the product of the base and the altitude.
Parallelogram. Area equals the product of the base and the altitude.
Irregular figure bounded by straight lines. Divide the figure in triangles, and find
the area of each triangle separately. The sum of the areas of all the triangles equals
the area of the figure.
Circle. Circumference equals diameter multiplied by 3.1416.
Circle. Area equals diameter squared, multiplied by 0.7854.
Circular arc. Length equals the circumference of the circle, multiplied by the num-
ber of degrees in the arc, divided by 360.
(Useful for tanks, partly filled.)
Circular sector. Area equals the area of the whole circle multiplied by the quotient
of the number of degrees in the arc of the sector divided by 360.
Circular segment. Area equals area of circular sector formed by drawing radii from
the center of the circle to the extremities of the arc of the segment, minus area of tri-
angle formed by the radii and the chord of the arc of the segment.
Prism. Volume equals the area of the base multiplied by the altitude.
Cylinder. Volume equals the area of the base circle times the altitude.
Pyramid or Cone. Volume equals the area of the base times one-third the altitude.
kilometer = 0.6214 mile
meter = 3.2808 feet
centimeter = 0.3937 inch
sq. meter = 10.764 sq. feet
sq. centimeter = 0.155 sq. inch
cub. meter = 35.314 cub. feet
liter = 0.0353 cubic foot
1 kilogram = 2.2046 pounds
1.609 kilometer
0.3048 meter
2.54 centimeters
sq. foot = 0.0929 sq. meter
sq. inch = 6.452 sq. centimeters
cub. foot = 28.317 liters
U. S. gallon = 3.785 liters
1 pound = 0.4536 kilogram
Hydro-aeroplanes and aeroboats involve all the features of aero-
planes that we have considered, and in flight, whether land born 01
water born, no distinctions can be drawn. But in the replacement oi
landing wheels by watertight pontoons for flotation, there' is intro-
duced an important feature worthy of special attention.
Because of the continuous and broad expanse for alighting, and
the generally smoother air conditions, large water courses offer par-
ticularly practical inducements for flying, whether it be for the pur-
poses of coast defence and naval operations, or for travel and sport.
And for preliminary instruction in flying there are many who hold
and justifiably that flying should first be taught over water, be-
cause of its greater safety, more uniform conditions, and continuous
facilities for practice in alighting.
The general care and maintenance of aeroboat hulls, or pontoons,
differs in no way from that of high-class boats, excepting that in be-
ing hauled out and in, with more or less abuse, the light structure neces-
sary is apt to suffer rather severe wear and tear.
The necessity of strongly braced construction, the best of lapped
and copper-rivetted planking, the elimination of metals liable to rust,
the use of the proper wood and its protection, so as to avoid water
soaking, protective keels and coating, all with a minimum of weight,
are but applications of good motorboat practice.
In the form, functioning and adaptability, of pontoons or hulls to
the aeroplane, however, there is found a specialty about which more
than one entire textbook could profitably be written.
To assist in the solution of difficulties, in the proper application
of pontoons or hulls to aeroplanes, a few brief notes are presented here,
so that the military or naval aviator may understand the mechanics
of water-flying machines, sufficiently to detect difficulties in balance
or "planing," and be able to judge of the suitability of various units
of flotation for any particular machine.
Air Resistance.
Attention should be given to having as little disturbance as pos-
sible to flying characteristics, by the addition of pontoons. Of ne-
cessity, the floating members must be low, and being bulky, more or
less additional air resistance is introduced. The addition of this weight,
so low, appreciably lowers the center of gravity.
Pontoons have, generally, a considerable expanse of side surface,
which by being low and at the front, brings the directional center of a
surface forward, and also introduces large fin effect below the c. g., a
condition ordinarily giving serious lateral instability. Both of these
features must be cared for, preferably by adding a fin at the rear and
giving a slight extra dihedral to the wings, or by rebalancing the ma-
chine, unless the design was originally made for water flying. Refer-
ence is made to Chap. XII, on the significance of these features.
The difference in resistance of pontoons and wheels is not nearly
as great as commonly supposed, excepting at cabre attitudes or large
angles of yaw. Some values of K are given on p. 142 for several dif-
ferent pontoons.
When the fuselage and hull are combined,* as done in the aero-
boats or flying boats, efficiency in flying may actually be gained by
the elimination of the resistance corresponding to the chassis. Al-
though the seaworthiness of this type is not necessarily greater or less
than other types, the compactness of design and gain in efficiency
that may be obtained by placing the crew, motor, etc., in the hull,
which of itself has the proper strength and form to serve as the fusel-
age is considerable, and the entire craft becomes more boatlike in
design, passing from the "aeroplane with floats," to the "boat with
In order to support the weight of the machine on the water, the
pontoons or hull must displace 1 cubic foot for every 62 to 64 Ibs. of
weight. The number of cubic feet necessary for the total weight of
the aeroplane, loaded will then represent the volume of the pontoons
or hull "under water." The center of flotation (merely the center of
this volume) will be under the center of gravity.
The total available amount of flotation, for any kind of prac-
tical use, should be, at the very least, two and one-half times as much
as this, and the subdivision of the pontoons or hull into water-tight
compartments, is as necessary for reasons of safety in flotation as it
is to prevent any water that has leaked in, from acting as a shifting
ballast to the detriment of the flying qualities.
The distribution of the flotation used and the extra flotation pro-
vided must be such that there is :
1. Ample flotation at the rear of the c. g., in order to prevent
the craft, when at rest, from being blown over backwards by a wind
from the front. The amount is largely a matter of experience but
depends on the size and height above the water of the wing surfaces
and air-resisting parts.
* Several years ago the author proposed this feature, and was the first to put it
into actual practice in his aeroboat, publicly exhibited in 1912, after months of pioneer
2. An excess of flotation forward, to give plenty of lift over on-
coming waves, and to prevent upsetting by a wind under the tail.
Ordinarily ample flotation is given forward, because of the necessary
forward position of the pontoon for hydro-planing.
3. Sufficient flotation on either side, to prevent side gusts from
pushing a wing into the water, the construction of the wings being
so fragile, ordinarily, that contact with the water may result in dam-
age. This side flotation is usually obtained by using either a twin-
float or a three-float system, the latter consisting of a large central float
and smaller side floats placed on the tips of the wings Even where
twin floats of large size are used additional floats on the wings are some-
times fitted.
The provision forj excesi flotation, as indicated, is of the utmost
importance, since high winds out on the water exert a most power-
ful force in tending to upset the craft when it is at rest, drifting or
anchored. When anchored in a severe storm, it has often happened
that the wind blowing on the wings has lifted the entire craft bodily
out of water, upsetting it. In this connection the feature of folding
back the wings, when on the water, is a particularly advantageous one.
The action of a surface at an angle of incidence, moved/ in water
or "hydroplaning," is the same as "aeroplaning" in air, in that a Lifting
Force is generated at the expense of a Drift or Resistance. The {plan-
ing surface on pontoons or hulls is obtained by suitable conforma-
tion of the bottom, the sides of the hull causing this action to be very
similar to the action of a surface of the "wetted" area and shape of the
bottom on which the water is impinging when immersed.
The various shapes of the bottom of aeroboat hulls^ ojr pontoons,
arched, flat, or double concave "V" all appear to have very nearly
the same hydroplaning power in lifting force. The contours and dis-
position of these planing surfaces, however, differ greatly in efficiency.
In getting under way, the marine aerpplane, ploughs thru the
water as a displacement boat for some time, until the speed thru the
water becomes great enough to cause the hydroplaning action of the
hull to take effect, after which, as the speed increases, the "planing"
surface lifts more and more of the hull out of the water, at the same
time reducing its own surface and resistance. Meanwjiile,, the wings
are acquiring , speed ( enougji relative to the air to acquire their lift,
and, finally, the amount of surface "planing" on the water is reduced
to a fraction of an inch, and the speed of the wings thru the air being
sufficient for support, the craft leaves the water. In the .acquirement
of flying speed on the w,ater,|the greates powejr is required at just
that stage wher^ displacement travel ceases and "hydroplaning" be-
CfturtcK BOW PLUM- xaw BOW
Diagrams of Floats or Pontoons, and air resistance values Aeroboats and Pontoon
Hydro-aeroplanes, showing centers of forces and balance.
gins, and unless enough power is available to overcome the drift on
the hull, necessary to obtain this lift, ''planing" will not be attained.
Any suction tending to hold the craft down, or to add to (the hull's
resistance, may render "planing" at speed difficult, so that everything
should be done to make the bottom of the hull or pontoon a good "planer."
This is secured primarily by having a high aspect ratio to the
planing area of the bottom as important in hydroplaning pontoons
as it is in aeroplanes.
So definite a factor is this in determining "planing," that it may
be laid down as a general rule, regardless of laboratory results, that
for every 500 Ibs. weight of machine there should be at least one foot
width of bottom. If this be obtained in two pontoons, the increased
side resistance would give slightly more drag than if a large central
float were used, with the small side pontoons lifting readily out of the
The angle of incidence of the flat bottom that gives the best re-
sults is about 4 incidence; any greater angle than this gives too high
a resistance and is, therefore, wasteful of power.
The contour of the bottom, so as to obtain this angle on the wetted
surface and with the area and center of lift properly placed, is worthy
of extensive study.
Centers of Forces and Balance.
As indicated in the diagram, the proper balance for planing' is de-
termined by considering the thrust, the lift on the tail in the pro-
peller stream, the c. g., and the c. h., or center of the hydroplaning
pressure on the bottom. The thrust, being so high above the water,
exerts a powerful I moment about the point of support, i. e., the water
surface. This moment may be overcome by turning the tail up, giv-
ing a downward pressure and moment opposing that of the propeller.
This is actually used at the very start, before the planing ajction on the
hull is appreciable in order to prevent the propeller push from forc-
ing the bow in too deep. When the planing comes into effect, however,
it is possible to do away with this negative tail moment, which is both
slowing down and adding weight to what the pontoons must lift by
having the wetted hydroplane surface far enough forward to have the
c. h. in front of the c. g.
The Shape of the Bottom.
The contour of the bottom of the floats must be such that the
c. h. is well forward, when planing, and yet with sufficient planing
surface aft to feather on the water and prevent the craft from jump-
ing back too easily on its tail, since the latter condition, causing sud-
den changes in the angle of the bottom and its planing pressure, is
what gives rise to the disagreeable effect of "porpoising" -a fore and
aft rocking and jumping, which is, at times, difficult to stop.
At the front the contour should be such that there is a large ex-
panse of hydroplaning surface in front of that wetted in ordinary opera-
tion, in order to give ample lift at the bow for proper recovery when
alighting on the water at a steep gliding angle otherwise the nose of
the float might catch in the water and upset the craft.
It is interesting in this connection to point out a feature on many
floats or hulls that defeats its own purpose. It is assumed by many
designers that a bow gradually turning up steeply, presenting a greater
hydroplaning angle, will be the most effective in recovery charac-
teristics on a "nose down" landing. As a matter of fact, the recovery
moment is dependent not only on the size of surface and speed of landing,
but also on the lever arm of this pressure at the bow, about the c. g.
As indicated on the diagram (the pressures being normal to the sur-
face) a flatter angle at the bow gives a much more powerful recovery
moment. This is fully verified by actual practice.
In order to break up the contour into the various areas at dif-
ferent positions and angles, the practice of building the bottom in
"steps" is resorted to. A reduction of friction resistance and splen-
did effect in dividing up the surface is obtained by this feature, if the
steps are made from two to five inches deep, with ample ventilation,
i. e., large air tubes or air slots in the hull, to feed air into the corner
of the steps, for the relief of the suction created there by movement
of the water.*
In considering the contour of a float, the fact that the water will
acquire, and for a time hold, an acceleration downwards, produced by
passing under an inclined surface, is often lost sight of. And the friction
resistance of long surfaces is very great.
Perhaps the most difficult incompatibility (excepting that of
"stability and controllability" on an aeroplane) is to make a hydro-
plane type of hull seaworthy. The fact that the hull, when it gets
up to speed, is supported by dynamic water pressure, means that any
increase or decrease of angle or surface wetted, caused by choppy water,
will result in terrific bumping and pounding, and the old saying about
the hardness of water, if hit hard enough, becomes uncomfortably
evident. If the angle at the bow, as the craft goes into a wave is very
* The surprising magnitude of this suction is illustrated by the fact, that, in the
early development of hydro-aeroplanes, a single J^-inch air-tube was considered suffi-
cient ventilation for a step, which today would be required to have at least three 2>-
inch tubes.
steeply upturned, the bump is felt with unusual force, since it also
tends to slow down the craft. Where a hull is used in which the upturn
at the bow is kept as flat as possible, very little bumping is felt, in com-
parison, the hull riding over the waves instead of pounding into them.
However, in the latter case, since considerable depth to the bow is
necessary to avoid "tripping" on waves, a freeboard is obtained by a
"cruiser" bow construction quite readily, or by use of a "turtle back"
bow. The cruiser bow cuts thru very large waves, throwing a great
amount of spray to be sure, but the speed of the craft is not stopped
as suddenly as with an upflare bow, and spray is readily protected
The shape of the bottom is of importance .for seaworthiness, since
a V bottom is found to give much less pounding, an easier entry, a
softer landing, and much less tendency to bounce on alighting. In
addition, tendency of the craft to skid outwards, when being turned
on the water, is somewhat provided against. Pounding on the bottom
causes very great strains on the seams, by spreading, and a V bottom
by relieving this, of necessity reduces the possibility of leakage.
The long dragging hull in the rear, on some types, greatly increases
the length of run necessary to get off, because of its added and un-
necessary resistance. The hull at the rear should be given a positive
action that will lift it out of the water, but this may become too great,
resulting at the start in digging the nose in too deeply.
All these features require careful compromise and balance. Sev-
eral outlines of hulls and floats are given.
Many features, such as self -bailing cockpits, and thorough water
protection of the motor, etc., require attention for increased sea-worthi-
But the most seaworthy characteristic of marine aeroplanes has
been, and possibly always will be, ability to rise out of the water quickly
and with the shortest run.
The greater excess of flotat'on of the aeroboat type is a feature
of considerable importance. On a marine aeroplane, consisting of a
land machine mounted on pontoons, a very large pontoon at the rear is
required, to give anywhere near the excess of flotation obtained with
the aeroboat. In this and in the greater ease with which the centers
of flotation, hydroplaning, thrust and c. g., may be brought closer
together there are found the only real advantages of the "boat" type
over the "hydro" since flying characteristics and even "planing," on
either one, are governed by the same limitations. Structurally, the
aeroboat type can be built stronger for the same weight than a "hydro,"
or pontoon aeroplane, and when the great stresses induced by "side
swiping" in landing across wind are considered, the boat is decidedly
advantageous in being so well self-contained.
The relative merits of the single pontoon and twin pontoon sys-
tems are not yet well defined. The single pontoon is handier in a
sea, but twin pontoons, on a large craft, give a wider expanse of bot-
tom, thereby improving the planing by a higher "aspect ratio," but
at the expense of more frictional resistance. The twin pontoon system
is apparently well adapted to launching devices.
Elements of seaworthiness found in the larger sized marine aero-
planes are distinctly advantageous, and indicate that for real work in
the open sea, seaplanes will become huge in size, and will have to pos-
sess great range of action and excess of power.
Above left The Burgess-Dunne Seaplane, pusher type with pontoons.
Above right Martin Tractor Seaplane, shown also at lower left.
Lower right Loening Monoplane Aeroboat, an early experimental marine
aeroplane, the first of the flying boat class.
The characteristics of resistance, lift, speed, and power of the
aeroplane having been studied, and attention having been given to the
construction and adjustment of these machines, it is appropriate now
to consider the actual flying of the machine.
As already outlined, it must be borne in mind that the aeroplane
is supported in a perfectly free fashion on a medium that is, at times,
very treacherous, and the most efficient aeroplane in the world, as
to speed and power, and the very best and refined in construction, is
more or less worthless unless it embodies "controllability" and, above
all "airworthiness."
For the military aviator, the importance of acquiring a very sound
and intelligent grasp of the principles of stability and operation involved
in the notion "airworthy," cannot be overestimated.
Actual instruction in the manipulation of controls on the ma-
chines, thorough practice in acquiring the "feel" of the air, and de-
velopment of unerring judgment on landings, form the major part
of the practical work in the training of aeroplane pilots. But unless
this is accompanied by an intelligent understanding of the actions
of aeroplanes in the air, the pilot is little more than a somewhat in-
stinctive automaton.
No mathematics, or formulae, need be involved in the consid-
eration of the stability and operation of aeroplanes. But there is
required a continued and judicious use of "common sense."
The subject may be divided into the three broad generalities of
considering :
1. The flying of the machine, the assuming of different atti-
tudes, unsafe positions that may be taken, and proper methods of oper-
2. The stability of the machine, which may at once be defined
as the degree and manner in which the aeroplane tends of its own accord
to keep a certain relative "even keel" attitude to the air stream.
3. The airworthiness of the machine, or degree in which com-
fortable stability is obtained without too much sensitiveness to air
disturbances, and controllability, is obtained without making the aero-
plane too easy to upset.
The absolute opposition of inherent stability to controllability is
always met in flying characteristics, and it is a fact that an inherently
stable and safe aeroplane is stiff and apt to "fight" its controls, while
it is sensitive to and moved by air disturbances whereas a "neutral"
stability aeroplane, with powerful controls and no tendency to hold
any position relative to the air, is handy and precise in answering its
helm, and is not readily upset, if equipped with a good automatic pilot
The popular notion, held by many intelligent people, that "sta-
bility" means "steadiness in flight" is very erroneous. The least air
disturbance causes a "stable" aeroplane correspondingly to adjust
itself to keep the same attitude relative to the air so that its position
relative to the ground is changed by air movements, and so percep-
tibly that on a rough, puffy day an inherently stable aeroplane ap-
pears to roll, pitch and sway in a most alarming fashion, while, as a
matter of fact, it is merely answering to the air billows. It is much
more correct to conceive of an "inherently stable" aeroplane, pri-
marily as "non-capsizable," and not at all steady in its flight. For
that reason a neutral stability aeroplane, with a delicate mechanical
automatic pilot, makes a much steadier gun platform.
The aeroplane, in flight, is subjected to the action of four forces:
(1) The Thrust acting at the center of thrust, C. T. which is
merely the line of the propeller axis.
(2) The Total Resistance acting at the center of resistance,
C. R. which is determined by balancing the air resistances of all the
separate structural parts (see Chap. IV) with the drift, and finding
the resultant point at which a force equivalent to the total resistance
would be applied.
(3) The Lift acting at the center of pressure, C. P. which
is the center of pressure of the lifting forces for the particular angle
of incidence, at which flying is taking place, and found from the sur-
face section data and tail lift data.
(4) The Weight acting at the center of gravity, C. G.
Center of Gravity.
It is of fundamental importance, before studying this subject
further, to know how and where the center of gravity of any machine
is located.
An aeroplane is suspended in the air and rotates about its center
of gravity, so that it is proper to consider the path of the center of gravity,
in considering the trajectory of any machine. An aeroplane distinctly
does not rotate about any center of lift or resistance.
The center of gravity, therefore, must be known, and should be
measured and marked on the machine.
The manufacturer furnishes drawings and data, indicating the
proper position of the center of gravity. The aeroplane user, after fully
loading the machine for flight, should determine whether or not the
weight of the machine is properly balanced.
There are several methods of finding the center of gravity.*
(1) The machine could be swung, by flexible suspension from
an overhead point, and a plumb line dropped from this point, would
intersect the body at the c. g., no matter what the position of the
(2) The machine could be supported on a large pipe, or knife
edge, and moved until balanced on either side. The c. g. fore and
aft, and side to side, may be obtained readily by this method, although
it is, at times, awkward to support a machine in this way. In this method
the height of the c. g. above the bottom of the body is not so easily
obtained, and the total weight is not measured.
(3) The method of moments in which the measurement of
weight is made at any two points, and the distance between them
measured. The total of the weight at any two points of support is
the total weight of the machine, and as indicated on the diagram, p. 152,
the center of gravity is very easily obtained by solving the suitable
lever arms. This is an exceedingly quick, simple and accurate method
for a combined determination of the weight and balance, and at any
large aviation field, where platform scales are available, this method
is particularly convenient. To determine the lateral correctness of
the c. g., it is merely necessary to see if weights measured at either
end strut, lifting the machine about the opposite wheel, are equal.
The lateral c. g., however, is rarely variable enough to require check-
ing. To determine the actual height of the c. g. above the wheels,
it would be necessary to repeat the operation for the horizontal bal-
ance, with the tail very low and the front as high as possible, thus es-
tablishing an intersection where the two c. g. lines cross each other.
Or, if the chassis permits, the machine may be tilted up at the rear,
until a balance is obtained over the axle, and by projecting a plumb
line above this an intersection point is also obtained.
The longitudinal position of the c. g. is the important one, and
consideration of the accompanying diagram shows that if the total
weight is reasonably well known, the single measurement of the weight
carried by the tail skid, and its distance from the axle, will at once
determine how far back of the axle the c. g. is situated. For this only
a 200 Ib. spring balance is necessary in the field, and data on the cor-
rect weight the tail skid should carry is given by the manufacturer.
* It is necessary to note that correct results in balancing are apt to be upset, if
a draught or wind blows on the aeroplane, when being balanced. Still air is a prere-
The Equilibrium of the Forces.
These four forces of Thrust, Resistance, Lift and Weight, acting
at their respective centers, must be in equilibrium when the machine
is in steady flight.
Generally, an aeroplane is so designed that the line of thrust passes
very nearly thru the center of resistance and the center of gravity is
made in line with the center of pressure. The aeroplane is then said
to be balanced on the principle of "coincident centers" (centres con-
fondus). But there are notable exceptions to this practice. For
reasons of handiness in taking proper angles, as later explained, the
center of thrust is often placed below the center of resistance. This
couple, tending to turn the machine, as indicated on the diagram,
is overcome by the couple obtained by having the center of lift in back
of the center of gravity. This can be obtained either by having the
center of pressure of the surface slightly back of the c. g., or by intro-
ducing a small lifting force on the tail. We are at once led then to
The Effect of Tail Lift on the Center of Lift.
Up to now we have considered that the center of the lifting forces
on the machine, was found at the center of pressure of the main wings.
This is only true if the tail surfaces are perfectly neutral, as found
in the majority of well balanced aeroplanes. If the tail surfaces re-
ceive a negative pressure a downward air force the center of lift of
the aeroplane will be in front of the center of pressure of the main wing,
and if the tail actually exerts a lift, then the center of lift will be pro-
portionately behind the c. p. of the wings so that the lift of the tail
X its lever arm back of the resultant center of lift = the lift of the wings
X the lever arm of the wing c. p. about the resultant center of lift.
This, then, is the nature of the position of the Total Lift force (tail
+ wings) acting at the center of pressure, C. P., of the entire machine,
and is the point referred to, ;n considering the four forces in equilibrium.
Lateral and Directional Centers.
There are two other centers to be considered. The center of sup-
port, or pressure, may shift slightly laterally as the aeroplane takes
different positions in the air, due to differences in the lift of either wing.
Attention is given to this under "rolling."
The aeroplane, with fins, covered body and wheels, rudders, etc.,
presents a sidewise expanse of surface to the air. It is necessary to
know the position of the center of surface of all this side area. Of
course, the areas can be computed and the center of area determined,
but it is much easier to cut out a paper pattern to scale, of the side ele-
vation of the aeroplane, and then by balancing this on a pin point,
finding the center of gravity of the paper. The center of side sur-
face, or directional center, as it is sometimes called, may then be taken
as slightly in front of this point, and may be marked on the machine.
The centers having been defined, we are free to proceed with the
study of the relative movements of the aeroplane and the air. Their
classification into, Pitching, Yawing, Rolling, has already been out-
lined on p. 13.
The Moments of Inertia of the aeroplane about the various axes
must also be considered, since the inertia largely governs the rate
with which a machine responds to changes in attitude, with reference
to the ground.*
The longitudinal motion of an aeroplane in rising or descending,
corresponding to changes in the angle of incidence, is controlled by
the elevator, but is subject to inherent effects in the aeroplane itself,
due to the disposition of surfaces and the magnitude of the longitu-
dinal inertia.
The action of an elevator in merely steering the machine up or
down, in its trajectory, is remarkably powerful, and only a fraction
of a degree change in the angle of the flaps is sufficient in normal fly-
ing, to direct the machine to a different angle and path. For any one
speed there is only one elevator setting and balance, corresponding
to the one particular angle of incidence for that speed, and any change
in the elevator manipulated by hand, changes the incidence, and for
the same initial speed will cause the machine either to climb or point
downwards. Flight at the different angles is effected by changes in
speed obtained by throttling of the engine, combined with a more
or less unconscious setting of the elevator to give the proper balance.
The necessity of introducing lifts or depressions by the elevator, to
keep the relation of the center of lift about the c. g., in the form that
will balance the action of the centers of thrust and resistance, is al-
ways present for flight at any angle of incidence. The pitching control
can be varied greatly in delicacy and power by alterations of the size,
movement and leverage of the elevator flaps. The general charac-
teristics of this control, however, and the movements, positions and
limits of equilibrium longitudinally are common to all aeroplanes.
The angle ranges that have been studied in Chap. VIII now assume a
more particular significance.
1. There is a "normal flight" position of the aeroplane gen-
erally when the body axis is in the line of flight where there is the
desired combination of speed, power, glide and climb characteristics.
* It must be borne in mind that inertia effects tend to keep the machine in what-
ever state of position, motion, or rest, it happens to be. And the greater the distance
separating items of weight, the greater is the moment 01 inertia, and, therefore, the
slower the oscillations.
.c.c,'. ^
if/ew jtjtti*y anyJe different
' ' "V
* ,
- . MOMENT cvfrcs
In the negative and lifting tail diagrams, the total C. P. is at the C. G.
2. There is a "low angle," or "vol pique," position, generally
corresponding to the attitude for highest speed and least angle of in-
cidence at which the machine is said to fly "tail high."
3. There is a "high angle," or "vol cabre," position, correspond-
ing to the attitude for slowest speed and large angle of incidence, at
which the machine is said to fly "tail low."
The "regime" of flight, at different speeds and angles, is all the
way from the "tail high" to the "tail low" position. At any of these
positions, governed longitudinally by the elevator and the throttle,
the machine has a certain climb, depending on the excess of the Power
Available over the Power Required, a glide governed by the total
resistance, and a certain fuel consumption, all as outlined in Chap.
VIII. But in its path through the air, if the machine does climb or
glide, it must always be borne in mind that the angle of incidence is
the angle between the chord and the flight path. Just because a ma-
chine is pointed up very steeply, does not mean that it will necessarily
climb steeply, since it might have much more excess power at a very
much lower angle, and actually climb more feet per minute by the
application of this excess power, with the machine on an apparently
level keel. As a corollary, a machine does not necessarily glide best
the more it is pointed down and speeded up. By holding a machine
apparently pointed up, the actual glide slope would be flattest if the
particular high angle of incidence, corresponding with this attitude
to the air flow, was actually the angle for best glide. Speeding up a
machine by nosing down on a glide may increase the Total Resistance
so much as to cause the glide to steepen, greatly. All these charac-
teristics may be studied from the Power and Resistance charts, and any
aviator can profitably acquire familiarity with them.
Although its significance is often overestimated, consideration
of the "reversed flight" region may be given here. Referring to p. 96,
it is seen that at speeds below angles of 10, increase of angle of inci-
dence, corresponding to slower speeds, involves a pronounced rise in
the Power Required, due to increased resistance. And above 17
the lifting power of the wings actually decreases. The effect of flying
at these high angles is to ause an inversion of controls. Increasing
the angle of incidence, whn in horizontal flight, without giving the
engine "more throttle," actually causes the machine to sink, and whereas
if flying at 14, let us say, the machine's incidence were to be reduced
to 10, with the same engine power, the maneuver would result in
a climb, due to gain in excess power. The old conception, then, of
pointing a machine up for climbing, and down for gliding, is not al-
ways correct; and the aviator at some angles may, much to his surprise
find himself climbing when he points the machine down, and sinking
when he points it up for a climb. Such phenomena are only too often
blamed on "puffs and uptrends," when, as a matter of fact, a glance
at the power chart would show the reason for apparent inversions of
this kind.
This leads at once to the realization that higher power is often
of advantage in attaining slower speeds, since flying can then be done
at angles where the resistance would prove too much for a lower-powered
machine. Thus, referring to p. 96, it is seen that the slow speed attain-
able at 800 r. p. m. is 43 miles an hour, whereas an increase to 1400
r. p. m. would very likely permit of flying at 39 miles an hour. The
"regime lente" or "slow," at which the aeroplane is flying, in cabre atti-
tudes, is perhaps, the most difficult one to negotiate, and there are not
many pilots expert enough to get the very slowest speeds out of their
machines. Flying at the high speeds is merely a matter of giving the
engine all the power it has, and being on the alert for the uncomfortable,
quicker action of puffs. Flying a machine at its attitude for best
climb, or best glide, is, of course, a matter of systematic practice, but
information from the Power Chart is particularly of value for this.
Stalling and Diving.
An aeroplane's angle of incidence can be increased or decreased,
providing the speeds are changed in proportion. But, at any angle,
if the speed drops the aeroplane is subject to loss of headway, and con-
sequently to loss of support. This condition is called a "stall." There
are many ways in which an aeroplane can be stalled, either by a false
maneuver or a peculiar air disturbance. Immediately after a machine
has lost headway, however, it begins to sink, either sideways, tail first,
or on a level keel. The latter condition corresponds merely to a sud-
den rise in the angle of incidence, and recovery is possible. In the
other two conditions, speed for flight can be regained only after a long
fall, and then only if the machine has the necessary recovery charac-
teristics and the pilot the presence of mind to apply them.
Stalling on turns is considered later. Stalling due to pitching
maneuvers may be considered here.
On a steep climb, continual incidence increase and slowing down
may eventually result in exceeding the maximum lifting angle, and
the condition of lost support, due to too great an angle and lack of
speed, is merely a stall. Novices, when leaving the ground, often point
their machines up too steeply and thereby lose headway, necessary
for support.
Pancaking is usually taken to define the settling of a machine,
on landing, due to having turned up so steeply that a stall is reached,
and the machine robbed of speed and support sinks more or less ab- "
ruptly to the ground, with little if any forward speed.
The acquirement of the proper skill in operation to feel an ap-
proaching stalled condition and to be in such position that, if the power
suddenly ceases, a tendency to stall may immediately be overcome
by taking a proper gliding angle, is better taught by experts in flight,
on any particular machine.
In taking a downward path an aeroplane may be gliding float-
ing down on a long slope, held at a certain incidence, and therefore
coming down at a constant speed or it may be diving, i. e., coming
down on what is practically a fall with no particular value to the inci-
dence, and constantly increasing speed.
Any of the foregoing kinds of stalling may be met with as easily
by sudden changes in wind direction, due to up or down trends, as
by changes in the attitude or speed of the aeroplane.
Stalling, when on the gliding path or slope, is a frequent and lit-
tle appreciated source of accident. The fact is lost sight of, only too
often, that angles of incidence are just as important on the down-
ward slope in a glide, as in horizontal flight, and stalling may be reached
by a gradual loss of headway and increase of angle. After a long dive,
a mistake in recovery to more level flight may result in a stall. It has
frequently happened that aeroplanes with a small longitudinal inertia
(resembling the old type "pusher" aeroplanes) have been turned up
too quickly after a dive or glide so that the tendency of the machine
to keep on going in the direction of the dive, for a moment results in
the wings attacking the air at a very high angle of incidence and a
quickly retarded speed. A characteristic of this kind is due largely
to so small a longitudinal moment of inertia, that the aeroplane could
be turned around its transverse axis, without much displacement of
its center of gravity, and is distinctly a dangerous one. Lack of knowl-
edge on this feature has cost, doubtless, many lives.
The usual pitching control of pushing forward on a post to go
down and pulling back to increase the angle, is very instinctive.
The general construction of the elevator surfaces on aeroplanes,
in the form of a large fixed area to which trailing flaps are attached,
gives rise to an interesting phenomenon.
In flying at very high angles of incidence, since the entire machine
is inclined, it follows that the fixed tail surface has a high angle
of incidence to the air flow past it, and therefore is subject to a Lift.
In the preservation of the balance, it may happen where the fixed
portion is large and the flap small, that the flap is turned to a con-
siderable angle upwards. The air flows past the inclined front fixed
surface, and breaks up into eddies, seriously interfering with the air
pressure on the flap, with the effect that a further up-turn to the flap
would result in no appreciable change in the air forces. In other words
the pitching of the machine would lack any response to the elevator
movement, due to the masking of the air on the flaps by the fixed plane
in front of them. If an action like this were to take place at about 11
incidence, on an aeroplane that would not stall before 12 to 14 had been
reached, it would obviously be impossible in flying level to stall such a
machine by pulling the elevator control to its limit. This feature, though
in a sense a serious limiting factor in controllability, has actually been
used on many aeroplanes for training purposes, with excellent success,
as a "safety factor" against stalling.
Steep dives introduce other dangers than those already indicated
as due to the possibility of stalling on recovery. The most import-
ant effect of a steep dive is the acquirement of very greatly increased
velocity, which may prove exceedingly dangerous, due to the tail effect
considered below, and due to the possibilities of great strains on the
Different types of aeroplanes, of course, vary widely in their pitch-
ing characteristics, but in practically all aeroplanes with deeply cam-
bered surfaces, at low angles of 1 or 2 flying becomes exceedingly
uncomfortable. The machine apparently loses much of its handiness
in the control of pitching, because the surfaces at these low angles
are flying at low values of KL, and greatly varying values of L/D,
so that slight variations in the wind direction cause rather large and
sudden changes in the pressures, and consequent "jumping" of the
machine. Large surfaced, deeply cambered machines, with any con-
siderable excess power, always exhibit this characteristic when flown
with full power on the horizontal. And the angle on some sections
may come so perilously near to the angle of no Lift, and rear most
c. p. position, as to. introduce the danger of a sudden dive, which the
elevator may not be big or powerful enough to negotiate. Aeroplanes
with deeply curved wing sections and an excess of power for climb,
should never be flown on the horizontal, with "all power out," if this
low angle region is approached thereby.
Longitudinal Stability.
The attitudes assumed and limits of control reached in pitching
having been considered briefly, attention may be given to the natural
characteristics of the longitudinal equilibrium of aeroplanes quite in-
dependent of manually controlled pitching.
The center of pressure . on practically every type of aeroplane
surface extensively used at present, excepting the "Taube," moves
backward as the incidence is decreased, and forward as the incidence
is increased, within the ordinary range of flight angles of to 12
(see Chap. VII). This means that the main lifting force has a pro-
nounced tendency to make a machine dive still more when the angle
of incidence is decreased, and to stall when the angle is increased. This
is, clearly, a condition of instability, i. e., any pitching is accentuated
by the air pressure. For stability that is, a tendency for the ma-
chine to right itself it would be necessary to have the center of pres-
sure move back on increase of angle, and move forward on decrease
of angle. Many attempts have been made to attain this by the use
of reversed curve sections of wing, but up to now they have all been
at a great sacrifice of efficiency. A c. p. position that is almost sta-
tionary, thru the range of angles, has been closely approached by some
of the newer flat section wings, and by use of a washout in the angle
or the upturned tip as in the "Taube." But for actual positive stabil-
izing action, it has been necessary to rely on the action- of a tail plane or
auxiliary surface.
This brings us to the consideration of, perhaps, the most import-
ant and essential inherent stability characteristic of an aeroplane
the powerful corrective action, on disturbances of longitudinal equi-
librium of the convergent tandem arrangement of surfaces.
The definitions of the convergent tandem system, often called the
"longitudinal dihedral," which is so desirable for longitudinal stability,
and sketches of several systems of tail and main surface combinations,
are given in the accompanying diagram.
For most practical purposes, on the average present day aero-
plane, the complete tail surface, situated at about three chord lengths
from the main surface, is made to have an area of about l/6th of the
main surface. This is inclusive of the flaps, which are merely a means
of altering the camber and pressures on the tail surface for purposes
of control. The error should not be made of considering the fixed tail
pieces as separate from the flaps, because of the continuity of the two,
except in the extreme case of "masking ' already considered. The
main and auxiliary surfaces could be of various different proportions,
such as the tandem disposition of equal surfaces, as in the old Langley
machines, or the "Canard" arrangement with the smaller surface in
front (see p. 152).
Whatever the relative size of the surfaces, if the angle of the front
one is positive and the angle of the rear one negative,* the system
is said to be a "convergent tandem"; and its characteristic is that
when the angle of incidence of the aeroplane is decreased, the air force
on the tail becomes more negative, acting downwards, thus tending to
force the nose of the machine up, while if the aeroplane assumes a cabre
position, the rear surface lifts more, thus pointing the nose of the ma-
chine down. 'This action is accentuated, in addition, by the slowing
* In all this discussion the angle of the tail surfaces with the air is meant, i. e.,
interference of the air flow by the main surface is taken account of by the usual reduc-
tion of a degree or two.
down of the machine at high angles and the speeding up at low angles.
Practically all Lift values on aerofoils increase at a much steeper rate
at low angles than at high angles. So that the rear surface, as in the
divergent tandem, will actually change its Lift in less proportion than
the front one, for changes in incidence, and this accentuates the action
of the pressures on the main surface alone, tending to make the machine
nose over still further of its own accord when it pitches forward, and
to make it nose up still more when the incidence increases. The ''di-
vergent tandem," then, is naturally an unstable system. The con-
vergent tandem is often spoken of as a "longitudinal dihedral," because
the surfaces are turned up relative to each other.
It is not always necessary to have a negative tail in order to obtain
the desirable pitching stability, since the main surface may be set at
+ 3 and the tail surface at + 2, with an interference on the tail caus-
ing a 1 negative flow, which would give a longitudinal dihedral of 2,
and still leave the tail a lifting one, at an incidence to the air of 1.
This leads to the consideration of the effect on the balance of speed
variation of the air passing the tail surfaces. Varying the r. p. m.
of the propeller by the throttle varies the speed of the air thrown back
by the blades. In every type, excepting the "torpedo" type, the pro-
peller is in front of the tail surfaces, and therefore changes in the pro-
peller stream affect the pressures on the tail.* In machines with a
neutral tail, neither negative nor lifting, the effect of stopping or speed-
ing up the propeller is not felt. But on a lifting tail machine, sudden
stoppage of the propeller will relieve the lift on the tail, and give a
tendency to stall just at the wrong time, while sudden starting again
will nose the machine over. This can, of course, be offset by having
the center of thrust below the center of resistance. Where the tail
is a negative one, with a large longitudinal dihedral, sudden stoppage
of the propeller stream causes the negative tail pressure partly to be
relieved and the machine to nose over to a proper gliding angle. And,
when the propeller is speeded up, there is introduced an increased nega-
tive tail pressure, tending to make the machine climb at just the right
time. On overpowered machines this tendency of a negative tail
surface, to make the machine climb when the full power is applied, is
an exceedingly comfortable and air- worthy feature.
The most dangerous feature of a pronounced lifting tail is in the
acquirement of higher and ever-increasing speeds on a steep dive.
The lift of the tail is directly increased as the square of the speed, but
its lever arm about the center of gravity remains the same; so that,
as the speed increases and this tail lift moment increases, an unbalanced
force is introduced. The speeds attained on dives increase so greatly
and this tail lift action may become so powerful that the maximum
* It must be borne in mind that, due to "slip," the actual velocity of the air
thrown back by the propeller averages 20 to 25% faster than the velocity of the aero- "
exertion on the part of the pilot on the elevator control, may not be
enough to overcome it. This exceedingly dangerous feature of the
lifting tail has resulted in some very severe accidents.
It is seen, then, that a longitudinal dihedral giving the "converg-
ent tandem" system, favorable to inherent stability, is far preferable
to a lifting tail, for safety, stability and airworthiness. Their compari-
son on a basis of efficiency is not favorable to the negative tail, because
the machine must constantly carry double the negative air load, and
extra resistance, whereas a large lifting tail will add just that much
area for the load lifting capacity and give very great improvement
in Climbing Rate, Speed, Range, etc.
At times it is necessary to compromise stability and safety for
efficiency, and for special performances in the hands of an expert a
powerful lift on the tail is often used. Rarely, however, does this ex-
ceed 50 to 60 pounds.
The effect of having the Center of Thrust below the c. r. and the
c. g., is to introduce a tendency for the machine to assume a glide angle
when the engine is shut off, and to cl mb when the power is applied
characteristics that are certainly more desirable than a high thrust,
which, when the power is shut off, would tend to stall the machine.
The control of longitudinal balance and the natural tendency of
machines to keep an even keel, fore and aft, having been considered,
we may proceed with a study of
The lateral balance of an aeroplane is understood to refer to the
balance of the wings transversely across the flight path. And rolling
is the movement about the longitudinal axis, caused by alterations
in lateral balance in distinction to pitching, which is the movement
along the longitudinal axis.
The lateral balance of an aeroplane may be varied by air disturb-
ances and by the torque of the propeller (assuming that the wing setting
and weight are symmetrical).
The Torque of the Propeller, is an air force due to the pressure
of the propeller blades on the air, which on single propeller machines
must be resisted or else the propeller might stand still and the motor
turn about it. The tendency of the machine is to turn 'opposite to
the propeller, so that the effect of the torque is to unbalance the aero-
plane laterally, in so much as it is necessary to introduce a lift on
one side by a slight increase in the incidence, which will have a tend-
ency to make the machine roll in the same direction as the propeller
turns. Of course, where two propellers are used, working in opposite
directions, the torque is neutralized. When the engine is suddenly
turned on or off, on single propeller aeroplanes of high power and small
surface, the torque is a very perceptible force. It is interesting to
note that the torque of small, high-speed propellers is very much less
than that of large, slow, geared-down propellers.
The effect of air disturbances on lateral balance is merely to tip
up one side or the other, or to throw the entire machine sideways,
thereby affecting its transverse attitude.
Since the actual attitude of the aeroplane to the air that is pass-
ing it, governs the stability characteristics, it follows that we are con-
cerned here with the effect on the wings of a sidewise flow of air, and
of a difference in the angle of attack on either side. The latter, on any
type of aeroplane, merely makes the air force on one side greater than
on the other, and for the preservation of the balance requires a correc-
tive effort.
Lateral Stability and Instability.
Pitching requires control for the attainment of different angles
of incidence and altitudes. Yawing requires control for the steering
of the machine. But, independent of the necessary feature of bank-
ing on turns, the lateral control of an aeroplane is primarily for the pre-
servation of lateral balance.
"Lateral stability" may be defined as a natural tendency for an
aeroplane to keep an even keel transversely. If a machine departs
from an even keel laterally, it may roll over and fall sideways, and
it is well for any pilot to realize, that of all conditions of instability,
lateral instability is the easiest to acquire and the most difficult to
eliminate, without sacrificing controllability.
The lateral stability characteristics of an aeroplane are consid-
ered before taking up the study of lateral controls, so as to acquire a
better understanding of their function.
The effect of side winds, or, what amounts to the same thing, a
sidewise movement of the machine, is not necessarily destructive of
lateral balance, as will be explained presently.
On the older type of open-bodied aeroplanes,, with the wings straight
across the span, and at constant incidence, a side wind would pass
thru the machine with very little effect in tipping up one side more
than another. But as soon as a large covered fuselage or nacelle is
used, it is obvious that a side wind on the body will blanket the wing
away from the wind, to a certain extent, so that the machine will have
a slight tendency to lift up on the inside wing. This, however, is largely
overcome by the effect of the body wheels, etc., which as covered areas
below the c. g., catch the side wind and tend to turn the inside wing
down. This opposition may be balanced on a machine quite readily
and neutral lateral stability obtained, to the degree that the machine
will not tip up sideways. The entire machine, however, being acted
upon by a sideways flow of air of less velocity fore and aft, has less
lift and would tend to stall, were it not that the "weathercock" action,
considered later, turns it to meet the side wind. The "side wind"
referred to is not of "puff" nature giving an actual incidence difference
on the wings and tipping up the side with the greater angle. This must
be borne in mind.
It is well to realize, at once, that any arrangement for natural
corrective effort when the machine moves sideways, relative to the air,
makes the same machine roll when hit by a side wind.
There are three general ways of obtaining natural lateral sta-
1. By a Dihedral Angle to the Span.
The wings are bent up, as indicated on the diagram, and when
the machine, due to some disturbance, rolls over, the low wing lifts
more than the high wing and tends to correct the roll. When the
machine moves sideways the dihedral angle of the wings causes a greater
area and angle to be presented to the air on the leading wing, thus
lifting it up. At the same time, however, the higher resistance on
this wing tends to make the machine turn into the relative wind. A
side puff will lift up the inside wing that it first attacks and then throw
the machine sideways after which the dihedral causes a greater
lift on the low wing, tending to bring the machine back to an even
keel. This answer to a side puff, followed by the righting effect, is
always characteristic of a dihedral wing, and is uncomfortable.
2. By a Retreating Wing Shape.
The shape of wing in the form of a retreat, as indicated, gives
clearly a difference in projected entering edge, and shape of wing, which,
without quite as much sensitiveness to sharp side puffs, at the same
time gives considerable difference in lift, and strong recovery. Like
the dihedral, however, the difference in wing, laterally, causes a dif-
ference in resistance, tending to turn the machine into the side wind,
and the great leverage of the difference in lift and resistance about the
c. g. makes both systems exceedingly sensitive.
3. By the Double "High Fin" System.
As indicated (diagram p. 152), the rudder is placed high and a fin
above the c. g. is placed forward. The action of a side wind on this
system tends to roll the machine up on the inside wing, but while the
dihedral and retreat are exceedingly sensitive to the least sideways
deviation of the air flow from its direction along the axis of the ma-
chine, fins of this class require a most pronounced sideways attack of
the air before any considerable effect is created. Ordinary deviations
of the wind direction in flight (which would cause a dihedral or retreat
to roll the machine) have very little effect on this fin system, and the
small leverage of the fin pressures about the c. g. rob them of sen-
sitiveness. At the same time, when the machine itself moves sideways,
to any great extent, the high fin action resists the movement and tends
to bank the machine up properly, and to overcome lateral instability.
If the fin surfaces were below the c. g., or if the angle across the
span is made catedral (turned down) instead of dihedral, a side puff
would press down the inside wing, and a side movement of the ma-
chine would introduce a force tending to roll the machine over, and to
upset it, i. e., lateral instability.
It is clear, then, that on a machine with provision for corrective
effort, tending to right the machine laterally when it is thrown over
sideways, it is actually necessary for the machine to be disturbed and
moved sideways before this corrective force is created. Every inherent
lateral stability feature, as a corollary, has more or less tendency first
to permit air disturbances to roll the machine high fins less so than
any other system.
The position of the c. g. may effect this, in so far as a low c. g.
does tend to give a lateral righting effect, although the machine is apt
to swing in increasing amplitude if too low, while a high c. g., if above
the center of support and displaced, would tend to roll the machine
over and upset it. The lateral moment of inertia is ordinarily small,
since the weights are practically at the same height, laterally. But
on the old Wright aeroplanes, and the Curtiss flying boats (with motor
high and hull low), there is a considerably greater inertia laterally,
which makes the roll slower, and the resistance to initial movement
by air puffs greater. However, this feature causes the machine, after
it has acquired a roll, to keep on rolling with considerable force, which
is detrimental to controllability.
Lateral Controls
For the purposes of assuming the proper banking on turns and
the preservation of equilibrium, laterally, aeroplanes are provided
with transverse controlling devices.
Practically all of these take the form of adjustable surfaces out
at the sides, in which changes of incidence or changes in camber (as
in wing flaps), are relied upon to give a greater lift on one side than on
the other, thereby rolling the machine.
The several different arrangements for lateral control warping
of the wings, ailerons and wing flaps have been explained in Chap.
II. Other devices for this purpose, such as variable surface area and a
movable center of gravity, have been proposed and tried, but not as
yet with any degree of success.
Because of extensive patent litigation, great stress has too often
been laid on a relatively unimportant point, i. e., the difference in
the air resistance of either side, due to the operation of the transverse
control. If a wing is warped to a greater angle of incidence on -one
side and a lesser angle of incidence on the other, and if the Drift of
the higher angle is greater than the Drift of the lower angle, obviously
the machine will tend to turn about the wing with the greater angle.
The relative nature of this difference, however, depends on the L/D
characteristics of the particular surface section used. The old circular
arc sections normally, at an incidence of 5 or 6, had this characteristic.
But the placid assumption that all wings when warped must necessarily
have a higher resistance on the side with the greater incidence, needs
but a little intelligent investigation to be amply discredited and is
fully refuted by actual flying experiments. For example, referring to
Chap. VII, the Eiffel 13 bis section may be taken as an illustration.
If flying normally at an angle of incidence of 2 3^, the wings are warped
to incidences of at one side and 5 at the other, it is seen that K L
will be .0006 for and .00175 for 5, and that L/D will be 5 at and
15 at 5. Since the surface area and speed may be taken as the
same (the machine flying normal), it follows that this mean warp,
applied to the wing will cause the side with the lesser angle to have
the higher resistance. The values of KL for the two sides will deter-
mine the difference in Lift, that will result in rolling and the values
of L/D will determine the resistance. The ratio, then, of KL -* L/D,
will give (in the form of KD) the actual numerical proportion of the
resistances. For 0, K L +- L/D = .0006/5 = .000120, and for 5,
the same quantity = .00175/15 = .000117, which means that the wing
with incidence has the greater resistance. R. A. F. 6 section in
the form of a biplane warped 3 either way for an incidence of 3 (which
would be an excellent one to use), would also exhibit a higher resist-
ance for the lower angle. Various angle combinations, on different
sections, exhibit every shade of increase and decrease of the resist-
ance of one side over the other, and in the tuning up of a machine with
warping wings, it is readily possible to adjust the amount of warp and
washout, so as largely to eliminate this characteristic of turning, when
the wings are warped.
In sharp turns, the difference in the higher speed of the outside
wing and slower speed of the inside wing, must also be considered in
determining which wing has the greater Drift. But even in this case
it is possible to have KL div. L/D low enough, on the high wing, to
make its resistance equal to or less than the lower wing.
Whether or not ailerons can be made to function without show-
ing tendencies to turn the machine, depends so much on their shape,
setting and interference with the flow on the main surfaces, that it is
necessary to analyze particular cases. As a general rule, they always
exhibit turning tendencies, due to "choking" effects.
With wing flaps, however, the combination of change of camber
and angle at the same time, gives splendid latitude for proportioning
the transverse control, so as to eliminate any tendency to turn the
machine. Particularly is this true where very large flaps on a flat
section are used, which, because of their ample size, may be operated
thru a small range. In the consideration of modern aeroplanes any
very pronounced tendency to turn, when the lateral control alone is
operated, is considered as evidence of poor balance and careless de-
sign and adjustment. It is high time to explode the absurd conten-
tion of the necessity of always having to overcome a tendency to turn,
when the lateral control is operated, although this uncomfortable
characteristic is still found on some types of aeroplanes.
A change in Lift on either side, then, is made use of to control
the lateral equilibrium of the machine, in those instances where the
inherent features on an aeroplane do not give the required response.
It is important to note here, that the inherent features of lateral sta-
bility are steadily receiving attention and development, and it may
well be possible, in view of the great progress already made, that the
lateral balancing by manual control will give way to an automatic
functioning of the aeroplane itself, thus eliminating one of the con-
trols, and rendering flying that much easier. At any rate, the assist-
ance to lateral balancing given by natural stability features, at pres-
ent, is very great and very promising.
In several instances reference has been made to the necessity of
banking up an aeroplane, so as to obtain a centripetal force sufficient
to hold the aeroplane to the degree of turn dictated by the amount of
rudder movement given. The manner in which the added pressure on
the wing is resolved into this banking force, and the weight, is shown
on the diagram, and for very steep banks the magnitude that this
pressure must attain in order to have a component equal to the weight
is evident.
The steering by rudder is simple enough; and wide turns may be
made, in calm weather, without any appreciable degree of bank, but
for maneuvering of any consequence there is but one proper bank
for any particular turn, and that is the one that will give just the proper
centripetal force to keep the machine flying on the turn at the same
angle of incidence relative to the air, without any gain or loss of altitude.
The faster the speed and the greater the weight the steeper must be the
bank for any turn. And fast, small-surfaced machines are limited in
the sharpness of turns that can be made, since the centrifugal force
may exceed the maximum pressure the wings can give at the aeroplane's
speed, with the result that the machine will slip outwards, and in doing
this the aeroplane may perform the odd maneuver of sliding outwards
uphill the path of least resistance.
If the bank assumed by an aeroplane is not sufficient to hold it
to a given turn, the centrifugal force generated by the turn will cause
the machine to skid outwards, and in doing so the. relative flow of air
past the machine changes from axial to more or less sideways. A fairly
sharp turn, in which the tail was whipped around by the rudder with-
out enough bank, would find the machine facing around after completing
the turn, but with its speed so greatly reduced, that a stall and a
bad one would be apt to follow. In riding with a pilot who skids badly
on his turns, the side wind created by the skidding outward of the
machine is readily detected, and the feeling is distinctly uncomfortable.
The relative side wind created will give a powerful corrective effort
tending to bank the machine more steeply, if a dihedral, retreat, or
high fin, are incorporated. Here is one of the important stability char-
acteristics of these features.
Even though some pilots of long experience skid their turns badly,
the fact that so many serious accidents have resulted directly from
stalling after a skidded turn can but lead to the conclusion that the
practice is distinctly inadvisable, excepting under some very excep-
tional landing conditions where the pilot desires to "kill" his speed.
Too much bank for a given turn causes the machine to roll over
into the turn and to slip down sideways. This error ordinarily re-
sults in a nose dive, which, after a long fall may, on a well-balanced
machine, permit of recovery. A bad side slip, however, is as serious
and positive a destruction of the equilibrium of the machine, as is
possible in ordinary flying, and certainly a tendency on the part of
a pilot to skid his turns is far preferable to overbanking them. Side-
slipping also introduces a sidewise flow of air, and, consequently, the
inherent stability characteristics obtained from a dihedral, a retreat,
or a high fin system, tend at first to stiffen a machine against slipping
and then to exert a positive corrective effort. It is safe to say that
in their recovery power on this characteristic alone these features,
particularly a high fin system, are distinctly desirable and fully justified.
The proper combination of bank and rudder for any particular
machine, and skill in the detection of skidding or slipping, are drilled
into the pilot by instruction in flying on the field. But the following
general principles may be stated :
Skidding is apt to result in a stall, and is overcome by decreas-
ing the rudder, or increasing the bank.
Side-slipping is apt to result in a nose dive, and is first overcome
by more rudder and less bank, and later, if too far gone, by ruddering
These features, relative to turns, however, are subject to modi-
fication, because on steep banks and turns there is
The Inversion of the Rudder and Elevator.
The degree in which this is accentuated varies greatly for differ-
ent machines and steepness of banks. But, as a general rule, a turn
banked to over 45 has begun to make the rudder perform the func-
tion of the elevator, and if left, offset for the turn, the machine will
begin to spiral down. Whereas, on a steep bank the elevator becomes
the rudder, and to keep the degree of turn, whether to right or left,
the elevator must be pulled in.
The "Feel" of a Proper Turn.
Whether to the pilot or to the passenger who, by experience, has
acquired sensitiveness to the movement of the aeroplane in the air,
a properly made turn, should give rise to no change in the relative
wind, no tendency of the body to swing either out or in, but only to
a slight increased pressure on the seat.
Yawing and Directional Stability.
There remains to be considered the stability of direction, or "yaw-
ing." If the directional center were in front of the c. g., a side wind
would obviously tend to turn the machine away from the wind and
either stall or upset it laterally. Some tendency to head into the rela-
tive wind is necessary. This is obtained by having enough rudder
or fin surface aft to bring the directional center back of the c. g. and
is called "weathercock" stability.
However, if this feature is accentuated too much, the machine
tends to yaw uncomfortably, on meeting the least side wind. What
is called "spiral instability" may also be developed, i. e., the machine,
when making a spiral turn downwards, has a tendency to sharpen
the spiral and dive, due- to the side pressure on the body, and when
spiralling upwards on a climb, a tendency to stall is readily developed.
In this connection modern fuselage tractors should prove more dif-
ficult to get out of a small field by a spiral climb than the old open-
bodied pushers.
It is important to point out that struts of large fineness ratio, and
propellers, present considerable side surface and affect the directional
center, at different angles of yaw, by the amount indicated for any
machine on its yawing moment diagram.
The Dunne.
An examination of the photographs of this type (p. 23) reveals an
aeroplane with a very accentuated retreat, with the angle of incidence
varying from positive at the nose to negative at the tips, and con-
trolled solely by flaps on the ends of the wings. While there is no
tail, there are virtually what amounts to two tails on this type, and
the operation of pitching consists of turning all flaps up or down for
rising or descending. There is the added feature of the large braced
panel, on either end of the wing span. The "bustle" and change in
camber are not considered vital.
Studying this type of machine, it becomes apparent that the change
in angle of incidence gives the effect of the "convergent tandem" sur-
face arrangement, but with an exceedingly powerful negative tail.
For a normal flap setting there is no question but that stalling or diving
are rendered practically impossible by this inherent stability feature.
This might lead to the conclusion that the machine was, in conse-
quence, a constant incidence, constant speed machine, with no range,
and a climb obtained solely from excess propeller push. This, how-
ever, is actually not the case, due to the changes in trim obtained from
flap adjustment in flight, and it is found that the speed range, glide and
climb of this type compare favorably with the more common types,
excepting in the loss of efficiency due to the negative pressures at the
The retreat, combined with the change in angle, give most re-
markable effects on rolling and yawing. To begin with, the least
deviation of the air is immediately felt, and the machine has a power-
ful tendency to turn into any side wind, which results in a great deal
of yawing in flight, although the action is slow and deliberate. Yaw-
ing and rolling, however, appear to be inseparably combined. Oper-
ation of the flaps, inversely, will lift up one side and press down the
other, and in doing so the machine will tend to sideslip in. This, how-
ever, is met by the presentation of the low inside wing, across its en-
tire span, to the relative side movement, which causes the low side to
lift and turn at the same time. In being thrown over on one of its
sides in this fashion the inside side-panel of the machine receives a
considerable pressure, which tends still more to accentuate the turn.
A skid is, of course, impossible, since the machine would turn into it
and the negative tips would keep the wing from rising. Various de-
grees of climbing on turns, or spiralling downwards, are obtained by
pulling up the flaps on the low side, or pulling down the flaps on the
high side, both maneuvers causing the machine to be thrown over
on one wing, in the first case at a high angle of incidence, and in the
other at a lower one. Any turn is at the expense of a roll, and any
roll, even when caused by a puff, results in a turn.
The inherent tendency and power of the machine to hold an even
keel, with respect to the air, is unmistakable. Because of its constant
answering to air disturbances, however, the machine is not comfort-
able and handy in flight.
The safety features of its inherent stability when used over water,
where there is a great deal of room for alighting, makes the Dunne type
of practical use. But for land flying, where operations in more or
less restricted places are necessary, it is apparent that the Dunne in-
herent stability features hardly compensate for the dangers of catching
a wing or landing across wind, due to the inherent rolling and yawing
movements of the machine. These, however, may be capable of im-
provement, though they might very possibly lead to this type becoming
more and more like the ordinary airworthy, controllable type of "main
surface and tail" aeroplane, so widely and successfully used.
The Taube
The outstanding feature of this type, a German "pigeon" shape
monoplane, is a retreating wing shape combined with upturned wing
tips, of flexible construction. The upturned wing tips, when warped
for lateral control, give a distinctly greater resistance on the side that
it is desired to lower, thus helping to turn the machine properly when
banked. This, combined with the retreat, does give a strong, in-
herent stability action, tending to eliminate side-slipping and skid-
ding, very much as on the Dunne, but the Taube has rudders which
permit of powerful control, near the ground. The flexible, upturned
wing-tip feature, renders the c. p. movement for the wing favorable
to longitudinal stability, by increased negative pressure at the rear
of the wing when the incidence is decreased, and reduction of this
pressure when it is increased. In addition, the flexibility of the wing
causes the tip to be pressed up, thus giving a righting effect, when an
upward puff hits the wing tip, and vice versa. Since the inertia of the
machine resists movement at first, this flexibility causes the machine
to cede to side puffs without rolling and yet to have an inherent cor-
rective action. Any side wind action "washes out" the negative tip,
just enough to prevent the machine from swerving into it too strongly,
and yet without sacrifice of the inherent stability features of the re-
treating wing. The upturned flexible wing .tip, however, is wasteful
of power, but developments along this line are apparently promising.
There may be drawn from the consideration of the common ele-
vator rudder and laterally controlled "main and tail surface" aero-
plane, several interesting conclusions on airworthiness.
The most airworthy combination for longitudinal control and
stability would appear to be a slightly negative tail, on a convergent
tandem system, of which the flaps form a large percentage of the area,
so that ample control is obtained with minimum effort and drag.
On the lateral equilibrium, handy control, wind-fighting qualities,
natural stability and comfort, seem best obtained by a combination of
powerful lateral controls, on an aeroplane with a high fin system and
a slight retreat or dihedral. In a high fin system it must be borne in
mind that a dihedral in side projection is virtually a fin.
The arching of the wing transversely (see p. 152), appears to give
excellent "fin" qualities without being too sensitive to rolling in side
Since the approach to the critical angle and a stall greatly affect
the sensitiveness of the lateral control, thus accentuating tendency to
side slip, a very powerful control by large flaps (variable camber) is
most desirable.
The degree in which many qualities of controllability and inher-
ent stability can be combined and accentuated are much more a mat-
ter for the personal taste and "feel" of the pilot than has been sup-
posed. Some pilots rather prefer a quick handy machine, while others
favor a high degree of natural tendency to a level keel, requiring less
attention and being less tiring to operate.
The necessity at present of considering the landing and starting
conditions as the real limitations for flying, need hardly be emphasized.
And the constant effort of designers to extend the speed range, not
only to higher speeds but to slower speeds for landing, and to obtain
greater climbing rate for rising out of confined areas, must be accom-
panied by an equally great effort to make the machines handy, quickly
controllable, and devoid of tricks or whims, in order to make operations
under puffy, treacherous conditions as practical as possible. It is un-
fortunate that, thus far, every device for inherent stability or automatic
mechanically controlled stability lacks the flexibility and quick power
of judgment of the human brain, necessary for operations in landing
in difficult places in a bad wind. Flying aloft is, after all, not so very
difficult, on a comfortable, well-balanced "inherently airworthy" ma-
chine, but aside from the advantage gained in relieving the pilot of
having constantly to operate the controls, all "inherent" or "automatic"
stability features fail to add in safety, unless they first render safer
the operation of coming back to earth. In this connection safety
is, perhaps, better served by a robust landing gear on a machine that is
perfectly controllable, and in the hands of a pilot with good judgment.
A few notes in the form of directions may prove of value :
1. If a machine is tail heavy, with a lifting tail, move the entire
c. g. of the machine forward. If tail heavy with a negative tail, first
reduce the negative tail angle, slightly.
2. If a machine is nose heavy with a lifting tail, thus tending to
dive, first move the c. g. back by some weight in the rear, and if the
characteristic is still exhibited, take the weight out, and reduce the angle
of the tail two or three degrees.
3. If there is a pronounced tendency for the machine to yaw, at
the least puff, and to want to dive steeply into a spiral, there may be too
much "weathercock" action, in which case, either mount a small rudder,
or put some fin surface forward.
4. If an unbalanced (flap and fin) rudder is too hard to operate,
increase the lever arm. If a balanced rudder "catches" it is a sign that
its hinge is too far back.
5. Adjustment of flaps is capable of giving various degrees of
sensitiveness and ease of operation, depending on the machine. The
best all-around results are given by having the trailing edge of the flap
a little below the trailing edge of the plane.
6. Only two maneuvers need be resorted to, as tests of the im-
portant inherent features. When the aeroplane is flying horizontally,
application of excess power without any elevator change, should cause
the machine to climb. And in a turn with rudder alone, skidding out
strongly, the machine should display a natural tendency to bank.
A Taube in flight. The up- Above A modern Taube. the flexing of the wing
turned wing tips are evident. end is indicated.
Below A typical modern German biplane an Avi-
atik. Note the retreating wing.
A proper appreciation of military aeroplanes, cannot be had with-
out giving consideration to the manner in which aeroplanes may be used
in military and naval operations. But, in doing so, let us not trespass
on the special studies of flying officers in the use of aeroplanes in strategy
and tactics, further than to state that aeroplanes are used,
1. To see with;
2. To communicate with;
3. To attack with.
Superiority in speed, facility and accuracy of observation, com-
bined with fighting power to run the enemy's aeroplanes "out of the
sky," or to do damage to important points, must be sought for in com-
pany with efficiency in construction, equipment, repair and operation.
The command of the sea belongs to the ship that can "overtake,
observe the most, hit the hardest, and run away" with the greatest
And the command of the air belongs to the aeroplane that can
get up into the sky the quickest and observe the most, with precision
and ease, and with sufficient fighting power to prevent the enemy
from doing the same all of which also must be accomplished with re-
liability and efficiency.
Structural Perfection.
For military purposes, efficiency and reliability in the structural
features of the machines must be sought in :
1 . The utmost simplicity in construction, ease of repair and facility
in rapid assembly.
2. Resistance to deterioration by weathering and hard use, min-
imizing the requirements for parking and overhauling.
3. Standardization of parts, requiring a minimum of stores and
facilitating interchangeability.
There are many different types of metal fittings, wooden parts,
struts, controls and chassis (see Chap. X), that differ so slightly from
1. The Bleriot Monoplane used by France earlier in the war.
2. The Taube Monoplane used by Germany, at the start of the war.
3. The Aviatilc Tractor, a German high powered biplane.
4. The B. E. 2 British Reconnaissance Tractor.
5. The Twin-Motored Caudron, used by the French. This machine climbs very
fast but is not very speedy.
6. The Vickers Pusher with gun.
7. The French Nieuport Speed Scout a highly successful type, with excellent
speed and splendid climb.
8. The Martinsyde Biplane, a typical British speed scout.
one another in the use to which they are put that a Flying Corps can
readily standardize many of these features for all machines. In general,
welded or brazed fittings, or laminated wooden members, requiring
special facilities for manufacture, can largely be eliminated, and aero-
planes for military purposes with a few rugged, easily accessible and
repaired parts, are far more preferable than aeroplanes with delicate
construction and countless small parts, clips, pins, bolts and ''gadgets,"
all differing from each other. The "military" aeroplane is bound to be
trie one the construction of which is typified by the feature that only
one size of bolt, with the same thread and nut, is required for the entire
It is not at all impossible to have an aeroplane so designed, with
solid wire braces and simple steel plate fittings, that the crew of the
machine need carry on the machine in flight only a few tools, a blow
torch, a soldering iron, a roll of wire, and a piece of steel plate, with
an extra wheel or two and a few wooden members (and engine spares)
for the immediate repair of the machine without outside assistance.
How impossible this would be on some types of otherwise sat-
isfactory aeroplanes, is evident at the first glance. The more difficult
an aeroplane is to repair, and the more extensive the expert labor and
equipment required to do it, the less satisfactory is the machine for
military work in the field.
Whether in actually observing the movements of troops, the effect
of artillery fire, or in taking sights for and noting the results obtained
by gun firing or bomb dropping, the most important requirement in
military aeroplanes is that the field of view be as unrestricted as possible.
Obviously, the "pusher" type offers a better view and arc of gun fire than
does the "tractor," but in the latter type many modifications, such as
openings in the planes near the body, the raising of the wing, as in the
"parasol" type, and special posts for the observer ("prone" below the
fuselage or above the wings), are certain to be incorporated. The
ordinary tractor monoplane is exceedingly difficult to observe from. In
this connection the use of suitable periscopes is well worth experiment.
The effect of speeds of aeroplanes in rendering observation more
difficult is not of as much consequence now, in view of the great height
from which observations are made.
Although it generally has not been so considered in the design
of the more common tractors, it is the writer's opinion that, for mili-
tary purposes, the "eyes" of the army and navy should be made to
see, and everything that is possible should be done to extend the field
of view.
1. The Morane-Saulnier "Parasol" Monoplane, a highly successful French speed
scout, later copied in the German Fokker Monoplane.
2. The Albatros a long range, heavy duty German Tractor, which has proven
to be an effective type.
3. The Twin Tractor German Battleplane, with gunners in center nacelle.
4. The Voisin "avion de guerre," a pusher gun carrier.
5. The Bristol Speed Scout used by the British.
Whether monoplanes or biplanes, tractors or pushers, with rotary
engines or. water cooled engines, the most suitable aeroplanes for mili-
tary purposes will be the ones that are superior in flight to the aeroplanes
of the enemy. And this means that, precisely as in naval work, a
"race" is on between nations for superiority in aircraft!
In what, then, may we find "superiority?"
Simplicity of construction and efficiency in organization for main-
tenance of the machines is not all. More is required than numbers,
although a Flying Corps is not of much use without plenty of spare
machines. Thorough training and great personal skill, on the part
of the flying officers as important as the personal . equation in any
line of human endeavor may still fail to give superiority, because
our aeroplanes in flight must have command of the air, which can be
obtained only by ability to start from and alight in more difficult country,
higher climbing rate, greater speed and radius of action, better facilities
for observation and gun fire, and greater load-lifting capacity.
High speed, so desirable for operations in the air, means a re-
duction in load-lifting capacity, and limitations of landing and start-
ing, requiring special aerodromes. Facilities for observation and gun
fire may necessitate sacrifice of flying efficiency and simplicity of con-
struction. Great radius of action and climbing speed may limit the
load capacity, in bombs, etc. So that the ingenuity and skill of the
engineer officers of a Flying Corps, must be exerted to the utmost
in compromising properly these opposing features.
It is barely possible that there will be many types of military
aeroplanes, light, fast speed scouts, slower load-carrying, gun and
bomb machines, aeroplanes especially adapted to artillery observa-
tion, to naval coast defense work, to messenger service but the fact
remains, that from all of them the maximum possible view must be
obtained, with fighting quality superior to the enemy's and with the
greatest load-lifting capacity and climbing speed possible. Every-
thing must be done, therefore, to improve the aeroplane's efficiency
for military work, in extending the speed range, the climbing rate and
the load capacity.
Although flying is properly taught on a basis of acquiring the
"feel" of the air, any instrument of assistance to flying without adding
considerable weight is most desirable. On the dashboard of a well-
equipped aeroplane there are found the usual clock, aneroid, fuel gauges,
and engine tachometer. But, in addition to these, other devices are
mounted to indicate the relation of the aeroplane to the air. For
this purpose pitot tube or pressure plate air speed indicators are used.
Angles of incidence to the air may be indicated by a vane floating in
the stream, operating a needle on a dial. The inclination of the aero-
plane to the ground may be indicated by inclinometers, such as a bubble
in a curved tube, or a pendulum. Various simple devices, such as
strings or light vanes, may be used to indicate any sidewise movement
or skidding of the aeroplane thru the air. In the determination of
the speed, climb, etc., for any position, the pilot, having at hand a
power chart of the machine, may read the r. p. m. of his engine, thus
establishing its power; by reading the air speed or the angle of inci-
dence (either one determines the other) he readily notes the power
required so that he can judge what his climbing power and rate
are, and what the fuel consumption is. Or, if he is flying on the hori-
zontal and desires to use the minimum of fuel per mile, he throttles to
the r. p. m. indicated, and checks the speed of greatest economy, by
reading his angle of incidence and referring to his power chart. A very
extensive use of these charts may be made in flight, the only two instru-
ments necessary being the engine tachometer and an angle of incidence
indicator. Comparison of the inclinometer and incidence dial will
readily reveal whether or not he is flying in up or down trends, since
the one reads the "air angle" and the other the "ground angle."
Stabilizers or Automatic Pilots.
In addition to giving the pilot information on his flying, there are
the "automatic stabilizers," instruments to relieve him of having to
hold the controls. Inherent features of airworthiness in the machines
will also do this, but only after answering to disturbances in much
greater measure than a delicately adjusted stabilizer. The latter, also,
if pendulum of gyroscope governed, holds the aeroplane to a "base line"
relative to the ground and not to the air.
Level flight is thus obtained, with more or less success, and with
pendulum and gyroscope stabilizers it is possible for the pilot to be re-
lieved of having to attend to the controls, in that the "stabilizer" or
"automatic pilot" keeps the aeroplane on a fixed and steady course.
This requires careful adjustment for each particular type of aeroplane,
however, and since flying on an airworthy machine, with inherent
features not too much accentuated is comfortably possible with con-
trols locked, reasons of safety alone do not demand "automatic
stabilizers," in view of their added complication.
Stabilizers can also be made to bank an aeroplane properly on a
turn and hold it, with an accuracy and precision that is remarkable.
For night flying, an automatic pilot mechanism has very great
advantages. And for bomb dropping, etc., in improving the steadiness
of the aeroplane as a platform, it is a valuable auxiliary.
Performances and Operation.
It is of the utmost importance in military operations to have in-
formation on the radius of action, the load-lifting capacity and the
speeds of the aeroplanes to be used. For the purpose of assisting in
these matters, particular attention has been given to the prediction of
the performances of aeroplanes.
In choosing machines to lift a great load of bombs here, or to travel
a great distance at high speed on a raid there, or to climb up very quickly
and return with information for some other purpose, a study of the
Power Charts and data on fuel consumption and lifting capacity (Chap.
VII and VIII) is not merely helpful it is necessary. And for all
intelligent military aviators, a study of this kind is of great import-
ance. In fitting auxiliary devices, guns, bomb droppers, etc., in-
formation on the resistances (Chap. IV), and on proper balancing
of the weights (Chap. XII), as well as the strength of parts necessary
to do the work desired (Chap. IX and X), may be applied directly
to such problems in the field.
The conditions of actual operation of aeroplanes as dictated by
the weather are quite variable. Fog is the most serious detriment
to flying, next to which may be put the possible limitations of start-
ing and alighting. In certain winds some small fields are not difficult
to negotiate, but under different conditions they may prove impos-
sible. Here again local conditions bring up questions of suitability of
various aeroplanes in such a way that countless problems are pre-
sented requiring "heady" resourcefulness. For example, a condition
may readily arise where a machine of slow speed, which gets off the
ground in a short run but does not climb fast, may be preferable to a
very much faster machine of longer run, even though its climb is better.
Not only may the performances of an aeroplane be studied on
the field, but in their work the technical officers and engineers of a
Flying Corps should be able to judge of the probable performances of
an aeroplane from charts and drawings sufficiently to limit the ac-
ceptance tests to satisfactory construction and balance, and to choose
the aeroplanes needed for any particular purpose before delivery. It
is decidedly inefficient blindly to try a machine out for some special
performance without first going through all the simple computations
and determinations bearing thereon.
The operation of aeroplanes in a wind requires consideration of
the direction and force of the wind, in determining the radius of action.
The aeroplane always keeps its particular attitude and speed relative
The Caudron Twin Tractor, with centre nacelle for gunner (upper left) gained excellent climb,
at the sacrifice of speed, by the two-motor arrangement. This, however, obstructs the view of the pilot.
Below it is shown the Curtiss Seaplane, with two tractor motors of so called "America" type. This large
craft, due to its size shows good seaworthiness, but at the expense of flying characteristics. At lower
left is shown a view of the huge Sikorsky multi-motored machine, used by Russia. In general, huge
land aeroplanes have not yet attained the perfection or excellence in performance that will warrant their
adoption as Zeppelin fighters, although large gun carriers are very successfully used at night as "avions
de bombardement."
On the right are shown some speed scouts. The big aeroplane has still much to prove for itself,
although its gradual development is inevitable. The light, fast speed scout, however, is -decidedly the
success of all war aeroplanes. Operated by one man only, who is expert in both flying and military work,
these small machines outclimb and outspeed all the heavier, larger types. Their offensive value has
consisted merely of a light machine gun, shooting over or through the propeller. The Nieuport, as seen
from a companion machine in flight, is shown at the top right. Below it is a "pusher" type speed scout,
built in England, and at lower right is the S. E. 4, a very fast machine, constructed by the British Gov-
Speed scouts are frequently equipped with an automatic pilot such as the Sperry gyroscope, to
relieve the pilot of having to operate the controls, and making the aeroplane a steadier platform for gun
Great excess of power gives these small machines a very real advantage in acquiring command
of the air.
to the body of air it is passing thru, but this entire body in the form
of wind may be moving so that the aeroplane's travel relative to the
earth becomes the resultant of its velocity and the wind velocity.
In naval work, only speeds on the horizontal need be considered,
but in speed thru the air an aeroplane must have superior velocity up-
wards as well as onwards.
For tactical observation and for artillery work, it becomes of the
utmost importance to consider that climbing speed, after all, may prove
the most, vital criterion of superiority since a slower machine, superior
in load capacity and climbing speed, may dominate a faster machine,
and climb away from it so that efficiency may well be strained to the
limit to obtain speed upwards.
The fight between aeroplane and aeroplane is where the real test
of superiority is certain to be found, and both the moral ascendency
and actual command of the air, goes to the pilot whose aeroplane and
whose skill permits him to climb over and dominate or drive the enemy
out of the sky.
It has been assumed throughout this work that one of the most
vital parts of an aeroplane the motor was working smoothly and
without a miss. If not universally the case, at present, the day is
certainly not far distant when aeroplane motors may be relied upon
exactly as are automobile motors today.
Attention has purposely not been given to the military technique
of the use of aeroplanes in military or naval operations, neither has
any special attention been given to the art of flying, cross country
navigation, etc. features that are acquired by the military aviator
from the officers and instructors of the Flying Corps, in their routine
work. Consideration has been given to the military aeroplane, for the
particular purpose of assisting the military aviator or student to acquire
a better appreciation of the machine, a fuller knowledge of why it flies
and what he may expect of it, in performance, in strength and in flying
Absolute system of units, 72.
Acceleration, machines of, 29.
Aeroboats, 21, 142, 146.
Aerodynamics, 36, 69.
Aerofoils, 67, 73-75.
Aeroplane, definite, 11, 13, 90.
Aeroplane types, 14, 90, 152.
Aeroplane characteristics, 89.
Aeroplane linen, 136.
Ailerons, def., 14.
Air flow, diagrams, 68.
Air, nature of, 43.
Air resistances, 42, 45, 140.
Airships, def., 10.
Airworthiness, 147.
Alignment of wings, 122-125.
America, flying boat, 22.
Angle ranges, 153.
Angle of incidence, 57, 60.
Angular velocity, 31.
Areas of figures, 40.
Ash, 134, 138.
Aspect ratio, 44, 57, 60.
Aspect ratio, corrected table, 78.
Aspect ratio of aerofoils, 79, 80.
Aspect ratio of hydro surfaces, 142.
Atmosphere, 42.
Automatic stability, 24, 176.
Axes of rotation of aeroplane, 13.
Balance, directions for, 170.
Balance of hydros, 143.
Balanced rudder, 78.
Beam sections, 114.
Beam, bending moments, 114.
Bending moments, general, 115, 116.
Biplanes, tractors and pushers, 16.
Biplane effect, 86.
Biplane table, 87.
Bleriot monoplane, 20.
Blunt nose aerofoil, 76.
Boat upkeep, 140.
Bolts, locking of, 127.
Bolts, strength of, 137.
Bracing of wings, 110, 111.
Breguet Hydro, 22.
Burgess-Dunne, 23.
Burgess-Loening tractor, 146.
Bustle, 23.
Cables, 48, 51.
Cable ends, 132.
Cable strengths, 137.
Cabre attitude, 18, 152, 153.
Camber, 57.
Cambered planes, 62, 63.
Camber of upper and lower face, 76, 78.
Centers of forces, 148.
Center of pressure, 60, 61, 111.
Center of pressure total for aeroplane, 150.
Center of gravity, by moment method
148, 149.
Centers co-incident in balancing, 150.
Center panel, 15.
Centrifugal and Centripetal forces, 30.
Centripetal force, stress, 107.
Charts, 40.
Chord, 60.
Climbing Rate, 104.
Complements, forces, 39.
Composition of forces, 38.
Constants, 27.
Construction details, 127, 130, 131.
Controls, 14.
Controllability, 148.
Co-ordinates, 40.
Crystallization, 132.
Curtiss Flying Boat, 22.
Curtiss Tractor, 18.
Cylinders, resistances, 48, 51.
Decalage, 93.
Deflection of Beams, 114.
Deflection of air, theory, 71.
Density of air, 35.
Deperdussin monoplane, 20.
Depth of curvature, 65.
Depth of aerofoil section, 76.
Diametral plane, 49.
Dihedral angle, 17.
Dihedral arched, 152, 161.
Dihedral, longitudinal, 158.
Dipping front edge, 74.
Directional stability, 166.
Directional center, 151, 152.
Dirigible Balloons, 10.
Diving, def., 155.
Diving speed, max., 107.
Dopes for wing surfaces, 134.
Drift, 56, 58, 91, 99.
Dunne aeroplane, 23, 167.
Efficiency in power, 38.
Eiffel's experiments, 44, 46.
Eiffel wings, Nos. 19, 37, 38, 42 p.. 82.
Eiffel wings, Nos. 41, 45, 59, 60 p., 83.
Elastic limit, 35.
Elasticity, 32.
Elevator, def., 14.
Elevator flap, descr., 15.
Elevator, rear and front, 16.
Elevator Masking, 155.
Empennages, def., 19.
Empirical constants, 27.
Energy, kinetic and potential, 36.
Enlargement from model tests, 80.
Equilibrium of the air forces, 150.
Fairing, 44.
Fatigue, 132.
Fiber stress, 117.
Fineness ratio, 44.
Fins, 17.
Fin system, double high fins, 152, 162.
Flap and fin rudder, 17, 78.
Flaps, def., 14.
Flat planes, 59, 60.
Flotation.. 140.
Flying machine, def., 11.
Flying in region of inverse controls, 154.
Flying at low angles, 156.
Flying Boats, 21.
Follow thru, 119.
Forces, graphics of, 34.
Formulae, derived and empirical, 26, 27.
Formulae for Aerodynamics, 47.
Friction def., 43.
Fuel Charts, 96.
Fuselages, 56, 16, 17.
Mechanics, theory of, 29.
Metals, weights and strengths, 132-138.
Metric system, 72.
Metric conversion, 40.
Modulus of Elasticity, 33.
Moment curves for models, 152.
Moments of forces, 39.
Moments of Inertia of Aeroplanes, 151.
Moments of Inertia, mechanics, 30, 31.
Monocoques, 20.
Monoplanes, 20, 21.
Nacelle, 19.
Newton, 46.
Nieuport, 41.
Normal plane, 49.
Normal surface, 68.
NPL 4 wing, 84, 85.
Gap, definition, 78.
Gases, mechanics of, 36.
Gliding, 103, 155.
Goettingen results, 52, 53.
Graphical stress methods, 34, 40, 110.
Gyroscope, 31.
Helicopter, definition, 11.
Horsepower, defined, 37.
Horsepower, available and required, 111.
Hydro-aeroplanes, 142.
Hydroplaning, 141, 142, 143.
Inclination of Aeroplane, 92.
Inclined surfaces, 57, 68, 71.
Inherent stability, 23.
Interference of aerofoils, 86.
Interference of tail plane, 88.
Inversion of Rudder and Elevator, 166.
Langley's experiments, 46.
Lateral balance, 159.
Lateral center, 150.
Lateral control, 14, 163, 164.
Lateral stability, 160.
Leading edge, 57.
Lifting capacity, 91, 94, 96.
Lift and Drift, 58.
Lilienthal's Tangential, 63.
Loening Aeroboat, 22.
Longitudinal stability, 156.
Marine aeroplanes, 22, 139.
Martin tractor, 18.
Master diameter, 49.
Mathematical signs, 28.
Ordinate, maximum, 77.
Ornithopter, definition, 11.
Overhang, definition, 15.
Pancaking, 155.
Parallel normal surfaces, 51.
Parseval dirigible shapes, 62.
Pendulum, mechanics of, 30.
Pfeilfliegers, 23, 170.
Phillips Entry, 77, 78.
"Pique, vol," 152, 153.
Pitching, definition, 13.
Pitching, stability. 157.
Pitot Tube, 35.
Polar Co-ordinates, 34.
Pontoon bottom, aspect ratio, 142.
Pontoon, double float system, 142.
Pontoons, sections and details, 142.
Power, definition of, 37.
Power charts, 96.
Power required and available, 91.
Pressure, definition, 43.
Propeller, general, 101, 102.
Propeller balancing, 126.
Propeller tipping, 126.
Propeller thrust, 109.
Propeller diagram and offsets, 126.
Propeller stream action in tail, 158.
Propeller Torque, 159.
Pushers, descr. and def., 14, 16, 19.
RAF 6 wing, 84, 85.
Raked end wing, 78.
Rectangles, resistances, 50.
Rectangular Co-ordinates, 34.
Regime of flight, 153.
Resistance, Total, to motion, 91, 98, 99.
Resisting Moment of a beam, 116.
Resolution of Forces on planes, 60.
Resultant, 38.
Retreat, definition, 23, 78.
Retreat, effects, 152, 161.
Reversed curve sections, 65, 77.
Reversed curve wings, 84, 85.
Rolling, definition, 13.
Rolling control, 14.
Rolling and stability, 159.
Rotary motion, mechanics of, 30.
Rounded end plane, 78.
Rudder, definition, 14.
Safety Factors, 105.
Seaworthiness, 140.
Shapes of Pontoons, 144.
Sheet Metal table, 136.
Shoulder yoke, def., 17.
Side Slipping, 165.
Signal Corps Tractor, 18.
Similitude, Theory of, 101.
Sines and Cosines, 28.
Skidding, 165.
Span, definition, 57.
Spars, stresses in, 113.
Spar, sections, 114.
Spar weakening, 118.
Specific Gravity, 35.
Speed and Scale effect, 80.
Speed, High and Low, 104.
Spheres, Resistance of, 48, 51.
Spiral Instability, 167.
Spruce, 134, 138.
Square normal plates, 48, 49.
Stability, definition, 147.
Stagger, def., 17, 78.
Staggering, effect of, 87.
Stalling, def., 154.
Steel, general, 129.
Steel, tables, 136, 138.
Strain, def., 33.
Stream lines, 43, 45, 52, 53.
Stream photos, 68.
Stress, def., 33.
Stresses, general, 105.
Stresses, maximum, 107.
Stresses, on body joints, 119.
Structural Air Resistance, 91, 98.
Struts, 54, 55.
Strut Formula, 111.
Suction on top aerofoils, 74, 78.
Tail planes, discussion, 85.
Tail skid, 17.
Taube, descr., 23, 168, 170.
Tandem system, convergent and diver-
gent, 158.
Tandem seating, 16.
Tanks, formulae for, 40.
Thrust, center of, 102, 159.
Torque, 31, 102.
Tractor, def. and disc., 14, 16.
Trailing edge, 57.
Triangles, solution of, 27, 28.
Trueing up wings, 122.
Ultimate Resistance, 35.
Unpacking of aeroplanes, 121.
"V" bottom on pontoons or hulls, 141, 142.
Variable camber wing, 84, 85.
Velocity, mechanics of, 29.
Visualizing air, its importance, 44.
Volumes of various shapes, for tankage, 40.
Warping, 14, 77.
Washout, 93.
Weathercock stability, 166.
Wheels, resistance of, 55.
Wing, covering, 134.
Wing, loading, 111.
Wing stresses, 109.
Wires, 48.
Wire tightening, 118.
Wire ends for solid wire, 132.
Work, definition, 36.
Wright, Aeroplanes, 19.
Yawing, definition, 13.
Yawing, stability, 166.
Tail high attitude, 18, 152.
Tail interference, 94.
Zeppelin dirigible balloon, 10.
Los Angeles
This book is DUE on the last date stamped below.
A pR 2 4 1967
flPR 1 4 RECD
Form L9-25m-9,'47(A5618)444
L82.ii Military
1917 aerolane s ,