7. "ft BY THE SAME AUTHOR, &#t-bo0k an FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, WITH NEARLY 300 ILLUSTRATIONS. 12MO, SHEEP. PRICE 75 CENTS. (Third Edition, revised.) TEXT-BOOK NATUKAL PHILOSOPHY. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. CONTAINING THE MOST RECENT DISCOVERIES AND FACTS COM- PILED FROM THE BEST AUTHORITIES. JOHN 'WILLIAM DRAPER, M.D., PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, AND FORMERLY PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND CHEMISTRY IN HAMP- DEN SIDNEY COLLEGE, VIRGINIA. nearly Jfour ^untoretr Xllustratfons* NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, 82 CLIFF STREET. 1847. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven, by HARPER & BROTHERS, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. X7 PREFACE. THE success which has attended the publication of my '* Text-Book on Chemistry," four large editions of it having been called for in less than a year, has induced me to publish, in a similar manner, the Lectures I for- merly gave on Natural Philosophy when professor of that science. It will be perceived that I have made what may appear an innovation in the arrangement of the subject ; and, instead of commencing in the usual manner with Me- chanics, the Laws of Motion, &c., I have taught the physical properties of Air and Water first. This plan was followed by many of the most eminent writers of the last century ; and it is my opinion, after an extensive experience in public teaching, that it is far better than the method ordinarily pursued. The main object of a teacher should be to communi- cate a clear and general view of the great features of his science, and to do this in an agreeable and short manner. It is too often forgotten that the beginner knows nothing ; and the first thing to be done is to awaken in him an interest in the study, and to present to him a view of the scientific relations of those natural objects with which he is most familiar. When his curiosity is aroused, he will readily go through things that are abstract and forbidding ; IV PREFACE. which, had they been presented at first, would have dis- couraged or perhaps disgusted him. I am persuaded that the superficial knowledge of the physical sciences which so extensively prevails is, in the main, due to the course commonly pursued by teachers. The theory of Forces and of Equilibrium, the laws and phenomena of Motion, are not things likely to allure a beginner ; but there is no one so dull as to fail being interested with the wonderful effects of the weight, the pressure, or thje elasticity of the air. It may be more consistent with a rigorous course to present the sterner features of science first ; but the object of instruction ib more certainly attained by offering the agreeable. But though this work is essentially a text-book upon my Lectures, I have incorporated in it, from the most recent authors, whatever improvements have of late been intro- duced in the different branches of Natural Philosophy, either as respects new methods of presenting facts or the arrangement of new discoveries. In this sense, this work is to be regarded as a compilation from the best authori- ties adapted to the uses of schools and colleges. Disclaiming, therefore, any pretensions to originality, except where directly specified in the body of the work, I ought more particularly to refer to the treatises of Lame and Peschel as the authorities I have chiefly fol- lowed in Natural Philosophy ; to Arago, Herschel, and Dick in Astronomy. To the treatises of M. Peschel and the astronomical works of Dr. Dick I am also indebted for many very excellent illustrations. Those subjects, such as Caloric, which belong partly to Chemistry and partly to Natural Philosophy, and which, therefore, have been introduced in my text-book on the former subject, I have endeavored to present here in a different way, that those who use both works may have the advantage of seeing the same subject from dif- PREFACE. V ferent points of view. The laws of Undulations, now beginning to be recognized as an essential portion of this department of science, I have introduced as an abstract of what has been written on this subject by Peschel and Eisenlohr. It will, therefore, be seen that the plan of this work is essentially the same as that of the Text-Book on Chem- istry. It gives an abstract of the leading points of each lecture three or four pages containing the matter gone over in the class-room in the course of an hour. The lengthened explanations and demonstrations which must always be supplied by the teacher himself are, therefore, except in the more difficult cases, here omitted. The object marked out has been to present to the student a clear view of the great facts of physical science, and avoid perplexing his mind with a multiplicity of details. There are two different methods in which Natural Philosophy is now taught: 1st, as an experimental science ; 2d, as a branch of mathematics. Each has its own peculiar advantages, and the public teacher will follow the one or the other according as it is his aim to store the mind of his pupil with a knowledge of the great facts of nature, or only to give it that drilling which arises from geometrical pursuits. From an extensive compari- // son of the advantages of these systems, I believe that the proper course is to teach physical science experi- mentally first a conviction not only arising from consid- erations respecting the constitution of the human mind, the amount of mathematical knowledge which students commonly possess, but also from the history of these sciences. Why is it that the most acute mathematicians and metaphysicians the world has ever produced for two thousand years made so little advance in knowledge, and ,/- why have the last two centuries produced such a derful revolution in human affairs 1 It is from the lesstm VI PREFACE. first taught by Lord Bacon, that, so liable to fallacy are the operations of the intellect, experiment must always be the great engine of human discovery, and, therefore, of human advancement. To teachers of Natural Philosophy I offer this book as a practical work, intended for the daily use of the class- room, and, therefore, so divided and arranged as to en- able the pupil to pass through the subjects treated of in the time usually devoted to these purposes. A great number of wood cuts have been introduced, with a view of supplying, in some measure, the want of apparatus or other means of illustration. The questions at the foot of each page point out to the beginner the leading facts before him. JOHN WILLIAM DRAPER. University, New York, July 16, 1847. CONTENTS. Lecture -'^ i Pg I. Properties of Matter . . .* .-. -.,_*/. 1 II. Properties of Matter and Physical Forces . .' . 6 III. Natural Philosophy Pneumatics .../* . 11 IV. Weight and Pressure of the Air . - : >r. . 17 V. Pressure of the Air .. .. 22 VI. Pressure and Elasticity of the Air . . . . 26 VII. Properties of Air .... . . . . ; 31 VIII. Properties of Air (continued) " f ', ..'--'' . . 36 IX. Hydrostatics Properties of Liquids v \ * . . 41 X. The Pressures of Liquids . , ,\\ ... 45 XI. Specific Gravity . . , ' . . . .50 XII. Hydrostatic Pressure 55 XIII. Flowing Liquids and Hydraulic Machines . -." - '-'.4Q XIV. Theory of Flotation : . ' . " i ' 6* XV. Mechanics Motion and Rest . r ' '; ' -i""'-v - '*' . 69 XVI. Composition and Resolution of Forces ... 72 XVII. Inertia . . . -V^Vr^l^v ^i -i . 77 XVIII. Gravitation . . . i - ^^r . . 81 XIX,. Descent of Falling Bodies .. e :: ' k r.. PJ>* M ', - ; .. . 85 XX. Motion on Inclined Planes Projectiles . . . 90 XXI. Motion round a Center '--.*; *./;-..;. ... 94 XXII. Adhesion and Capillary Attraction . .- .^:- :; . 101 XXIII. Properties of Solids . . : . ^ fci -.- . . 107 XXIV. Center of Gravity - ./ ',. '^: .* ' .^ ! .^ no XXV. The Pendulum "> ' *. * '--4 'v.;,. ...V. . 116 XXVI. Percussion 121 XXVII. The Mechanical Powers the Lever . . . .126 XXVIII. The Pulley the Wheel and Axle . . . . 131 XXIX. The Inclined Plane Wedge Screw . . . .137 XXX. Passive 'or Resisting Forces . . % . 141 XXXI. Undulatory Motions . '. . . . 147 XXXII. Undulatory Motions (continued) . .. '. . ' . 152 XXXIII. Acoustics Production of Sound ... . . . 157 XXXIV. Phenomena of Sound . . . .:-... . . 161 XXXV. Optics Properties of Light 168 XXXVI. Measures of the Intensity and Velocity of Light . 172 XXXVII. Reflexion of Light 178 XXXVIII. Refraction of Light . . . . . . 184 Vlll CONTENTS. Lecture Page. XXXIX. Action of Lenses 190 XL. Colored Light 195 XLI. Colored Light (continued) 200 XLII. Undulatory Theory of Light 205 XLIII. Polarized Light 210 XLIV. Double Refraction 215 XLV. Natural Optical Phenomena 221 XLVI. The Organ of Vision 227 XLVIL Optical Instruments Microscopes ..... 232 XL VIII. Telescopes 238 XLIX. Thermotics the Properties of Heat . . . .244 L. Radiant Heat 249 LI. Conduction and Expansion ...... 253 LII. Capacity for Heat and Latent Heat . . . . 258 LIII. Evaporation and Boiling 262 LIV. The Steam Engine 267 LV. Hygrometry 272 LVI. Magnetism 278 LVIL Terrestrial Magnetism 283 LVIII. Electricity 288 LIX. Induction and Distribution of Electricity * 293 LX. The Voltaic Battery ....... 298 LX1. Electro-magnetism 304 LXII. Magneto-electricity Thermo-electricity . . . 309 LXIII. Astronomy 315 LXIV. Translation of the Earth round the Sun ... 321 LXV. The Solar System *. .328 LXVI. The Solar System (continued) 334 LXVIL The Secondary Planets 340 LXVIII. The Fixed Stars 346 LXIX. Causes of the Phenomena of the Solar System . .353 LXX. The Tides 358 LXXI. Figure and Motion of the Earth . 363 LXXII. Of Perturbations 369 LXXIII. The Measurement of Time . .373 INTRODUCTION. CONSTITUTION OP MATTER. LECTURE I. PROPERTIES OF MATTER. The Three Forms of Mat- ter. Vapors. The distinctive, essential, and accessory properties. Extension. Impenetrability. Unchangea- bility. Illustrations of Extension. Methods of measur- ing small spaces. The Spherometer. Illustration of Impenetrability. The Diving-Bell. ^MATERIAL substances present themselves to us under three different conditions. Some have their parts so strongly attached to each other that they resist the intru- sion of external bodies, and can retain any shape that may be given them. These constitute the group of SOL- IDS. A second class yields readily to pressure or move- ment, their particles easily sliding over one another ; and from this extreme mobility they are unable of themselves to assume determinate forms, but always copy the shape of the receptacles or vessels in which they are placed they are LIQUIDS. A third, yielding even more easily than the foregoing, thin and aerial in their character, and marked by the facility with which they may be compress- ed into smaller or dilated into larger dimensions, give us a group designated as GASES. Metals may be taken as examples of the first ; water as the type of the second ; and atmospheric air of the third of these states or condi- tions, "which are called " the three FORMS of bodies." In some instances the same substance can exhibit all three of these forms. Thus, when liquid water is cooled Under how many states do material substances occur? What are solids? What are liquids ? What are gases? Give examples of each. What is the technical designation given to these states ? Give an exam- ple of a substance that can assume all three forms. A 2 DISTINCTIVE PROPERTIES. to a certain degree, it takes on the solid condition, as ice or snow ; and when its temperature is sufficiently raised, it assumes the gaseous state, and is then known as steam. Writers on Natural Philosophy have found it convenient, for many reasons, to introduce the term Vapors, meaning by that a gas placed under such circumstances that it is ready to assume the liquid state. As the steam of water conforms to this condition, it is therefore regarded as a vapor. Under whichever of these forms material substances are presented, they exhibit certain properties: these are, first, Distinctive ; second, Essential ; third, Accessory. There is a certain bright white metal passing under the name of Potassium, the distinctive character of which is, Fig. I. that, when thrown on the surface of water, it gives rise to a violent reaction, a beautiful violet-colored flame being evolved. A piece of lead, which, to external appearance, is not unlike the potassium when brought in contact with water, exhibits no such phe- nomenon, but, as every one knows, remains quietly, neither disturbing the water nor being acted upon by it. Such distinctive qualities are the objects of a Chemist's studies. It belongs to his science to show how some gases are colored and others colorless; some supporters of com- bustion, while others extinguish burning bodies ; how some liquids can be decomposed by Voltaic batteries and some by exposure to a red heat. The general doctrines of af- finity, the modes in which bodies combine, and the char- acters of the products to which they give rise all these belong to Chemistry. But beyond these distinctive qualities of bodies, there are, as has been observed, certain other properties which are uniformly met with in all bodies whatever, and hence are spoken of as ESSENTIAL. TThey are, Extension. Impenetrability. Unchangeability. By EXTENSION we mean that all substances, whatever Into what classes may the properties of bodies be divided ? Give an ex- ample of distinctive properties. What is the object of the science of Chemistry? What are the essential properties of bodies? What is meant by extension ? What by impenetrability ? ESSENTIAL PROPERTIES. their volume or figure may be, occupy a determinate por- tion of space, We measure them by three dimensions length, breadth, and thickness. IMPENETRABILITY points out the fact that two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time. If a nail is driven into wood, it enters only by separating the woody particles from each other; if it be dropped into water, it does not penetrate, but displaces the watery particles : and even in the case of aerial bodies, through which masses can move with apparently little Fig. 2. resistance, the same observation holds good. Thus, if we take a wide-mouthed bottle, a, Fig. 2, arid insert through its cork a funnel, b, with a narrow neck, and also a bent tube, c, which dips into a glass of water, d, on pouring any liquid into the funnel, so that it may fall drop by drop into the bottle, we shall find, as this takes place, that air passes out, bubble after bubble, through the water in d. The air is, therefore, not penetrated by the water, but displaced. The same fact may also be proved by taking a cupping-glass, a. Fig. 3, and im- mersing it, mouth downward, in a glass of water, b. If the aperture, c, of the cup- ping-glass be left open the air will rush out through it, and the water flow in below : but if it be closed by the finger, as the air can now no longer escape, the water is un- able to enter and occupy its place. Similar experiments establish the impenetrability of liquids by solids. If in a glass of water, Fig. 4, Fig. 4. a leaden bullet is immersed, it will be seen that as the bullet is introduced the water rises to a higher level, showing, therefore, that a liquid can no more be penetrated by a solid than . as was seen in the former experiment, can a gas by a liquid. Two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time. The third essential property of matter is its UNCHANGE- Give an illustration that air is not penetrable by water. Give an illus- tration of the displacement of air by water. What is meant by unchange- ability as a property of bodies ? < 4 UNCHANGEABILITY OF MATTER. ABILITY. This property may be looked upon as the foun- dation of Chemistry ; and though there are many phenom- ena which we constantly witness which seem to contradict it, they form, when properly considered, striking illustra- tions of the great truth that material substances can nei- ther be created nor destroyed, and that the distinctive qualities which appertain to them remain forever un- changed. The disappearance of oil in the combustion of lamps, the burning away of coal, the evaporation of wa- ter, when minutely examined, far from proving the per- ishability of matter, afford the most striking evidence of its duration. Nor is a solitary fact known in the whole range of Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, or Physiology, which lends the remotest countenance to the opinion that, either by the slow lapse of time or by any artificial pro- cesses whatever, can matter be created, changed, or de- stroyed. Even the bodies of men and animals, the struct- ures of plants, and all other objects in the world of organ- ization, which seem characterized by the facility with which they undergo unceasing and eventually total change, are no exception to the truth of this observation. The bodies which we possess to-day are made up of particles which have formed the bodies of other animals in former times, and which will again discharge the same duty for races that will hereafter come into existence. As illustrations connected with the extension and im- penetrability of matter, I may give the following in- stances : We are frequently required to measure the dimensions of bodies ; that is, to determine their length, breadth, or thickness. It is a much more difficult thing to do this ac- curately than is commonly supposed. It requires an artist of the highest skill to make a measure which is a foot or a yard in length, or which shall contain precisely a pint or a gallon. With a view of facilitating the measurement of bodies, a great many contrivances have been invented, such as verniers, spherometers, and screw machines of different kinds. The spherometer, which is a beautiful contrivance for measuring the thickness of bodies, is constructed as foi- ls there any reason to believe that new material particles can be ere ated by artificial processes, or old ones destroyed ? THE SPHERO.METER. Fig 5. lows : It has three horizontal steel branches, a, &, c, Fig. 5, which form with each other angles of 120 degrees. From the extremities of these branches there proceed three delicate steel feet, d, e,f, and through the cen- ter, where the branches unite, a screw, g, the thread of which is cut with great precision, and which terminates in a pointed foot, , passes. The head of this screw carries a divided circle, m. Now, suppose the instrument is placed on a piece of flat glass, it will be supported on its three feet, which are all in the same plane ; but if in turning the screw we depress its point, i, beneath the plane of its feet, it can no longer stand with stability on the glass, but tot- ters when it is touched, and emits a rattling sound. By altering the screw, therefore, we can give it such a posi- tion that both by the finger and the ear we discover that its point is level with the points d, e,f. Now let the ob- ject, the thickness of which is to be measured, be placed on the glass, and the screw turned until the instrument stands without tottering, it is obvious that its point must have been lifted through a distance precisely equal to the thickness of the object to be measured, and the movement of the head of the screw read off upon the scale, n, against which it works, indicates what that thick- ness is. This instrument, therefore, serves to show that in the measurement of small spaces, the senses of touch and hearing may often be resorted to with more effect than the eye. The spherometer is here introduced in connec- tion with these general considerations respecting the ex- tension of matter, as affording the student an illustration of the delicate methods we possess of determining the mi- nutest dimensions of bodies. As an illustration of the impenetrability of matter, the machine which passes under the name of the diving-bell Describe the spherometer. What is its use ? By what senses may we often form a better estimate of small spaces than by the eye ? 6 ACCESSORY PROPERTIES. may be mentioned. It consists of a vessel, . gas, such as carbonic acid, this gas percolates rap- idly through the film, and, accumulating in the bot- tle, distends the film into a bubble, as represented in Fig. 46. Meanwhile, a little atmospheric air es- capes out of the bottle through the film in the op- posite direction. What is the law under which gases flow out of apertures? How may it be proved that gases can percolate through porous bodies, such as plugs of stucco? How may it be proved that they pass through films of water ^ 40 DIFFUSION OF GASES. This propensity of gases to diffuse into each other is clearly shown by filling a bottle, H, Fig. 47, with a very light gas, as hydrogen ; and a second one, C, with a heavy gas, as carbonic acid, and putting the bottles mouth to mouth. Diffusion takes place, the light gas descending and the heavy one rising until both are equally com- mixed. We see, therefore, that this property of gases is intimately concerned in determining the constitution of the atmosphere, which is made up of different substances, some of which are light and some heavy the heavy ones not sinking, nor the light ones ascending, but both kept equally commixed by diffusion into each other. Do the same phenomena ensue when no boundaries or harriers inter- vene ? What have these principles to tlo with the constitution of the at- mosphere '! PROPERTIES OF LKJUID8. 41 PROPERTIES OF LIQUIDS. HYDROSTATICS AND HYDRAULICS. LECTURE IX. PROPERTIES OP LIQUIDS. Extent and Depth of the Sea. Its Influence on the Land. Production of Fresh Wa- ters. Relation of Liqiiids and Gases. Physical Con- dition of Liquids. Different Degrees of Liquidity. Florentine Experiment on the Compression of Water. Oersted's Experiments. Compressibility of other Li- quids. HAVING disposed of the mechanical properties of at- mospheric air, which is the type of gaseous bodies, in the next place we pass to the properties of water, which is the representative of the class of Liquids. About two thirds of the surface of the earth are covered with a sheet of water, constituting the sea, the average depth of which is commonly estimated at about two miles. This, referred to omr usual standards of comparison, im- presses us at once with an idea of the great amount of water investing the globe ; and, accordingly, imaginative writers continually refer to the ocean as an emblem of immensity. But, referred to its own proper standard of compari- son the mass of the earth it is presented to us under a very different aspect. The distance from the surface to the center of the earth is nearly four thousand miles. The depth of the ocean does not, therefore, exceed ?T Vir part of this extent : and astronomers have justly stated, that were we on an ordinary artificial globe to place a What are the estimated dimensions of the sea ? How do these coin- pare with the size of the earth itself? 42 THE SEA. representation of the ocean, it would scarcely exceed in thickness the film of varnish already placed there by the manufacturer. In this respect the sea constitutes a mere aqueous film on the face of the globe. Yet, insignificant as it is in reality, it has been one of the chief causes engaged in shaping the external surface, and also of modeling the interior to a certain depth for geological investigations have proved the former action of the ocean on regions now far removed from its influence, in the interior of conti- nents ; and also its mechanical agency in the formation of the sedimentary or stratified rocks which are of enor- mous superficial extents and often situated at great depths. Besides the salt waters of the sea, there are collections of fresh water, irregularly disposed, constituting the dif- ferent lakes, rivers, &c. The direct sources of these are springs, which break forth from the ground, the little streams from which coalesce into larger ones. But the true source of all our terrestrial waters is the sea itself. By the shining of the sun upon it a portion is evaporated into the air, and this, carried away by winds and condensed again by cold, descends from the atmosphere as showers of rain, which, being received upon the ground, perco- lates until it is stopped by some less pervious stratum, and flowing along this at last breaks out wherever there is opportunity in the low grounds thus constituting a spring. Such streamlets coalesce into rivers, which find their way back again to the sea, the point from which they originally came an eternal round, which is repeat- ed for centuries in succession. * From these more obvious phenomena of nature we dis- cover a relationship between aerial and liquid bodies the one passing without difficulty into the other form and, indeed, many of the most important events around us depending on that fact. Experiment also shows that, in many instances, substances which under all common circumstances exist in the gaseous condition, can be made to assume the liquid. Thus, carbonic acid, which is one of the constitutents of the atmosphere, can by pressure be reduced to the liquid form, and can even be made to What great phenomena have arisen from the action of the sea ? To what source are rivers and springs due? How is it they are formed? What re lation is there between gases and liquids ? DEGREES OF LldUIDITY. 43 assume that of a solid. The main agents by which such transmutations are affected are cold and pressure. The parts of liquids seem to have little cohesion. View- ing the forms of matter as being determined by the rela- tion of those attractive and repulsive forces which are known to exist among particles, it is believed in that^ now under consideration the liquid that these forces are in equilibrio. For this reason, therefore, the parti- cles of such bodies move freely among one another; and liquids, of themselves, cannot assume any determinate shape, but conform their figure to the vessels in which they are placed. Portions of the same liquid added to one another readily unite. Among liquids we meet with what may be termed dif- ferent degrees of liquidity. Thus the liquidity of molasses, oil, and water, is of different degrees. It seems as though there was a gradual passage from the solid to this state, a passage often exhibited by some of the most limpid substances. Thus alcohol, when submitted to an extreme degree of cold, assumes that partial consistency which is seen in melting beeswax, yet at common temperatures it is one of the most mobile bodies known. So, too, that compound of tin and lead which is used by plumbers as a solder, though perfectly fluid at a certain heat, passes, in the act of cooling, through various successive stages, and at a particular point becomes plastic and may be molded with a cloth. If a quantity of atmospheric air is pressed upon by any suitable contrivance, it shrinks at once in volume. We rhave already proved this phenomenon and determined its laws. If water is submitted to the same trial, the result is very different it refuses to yield : for this reason, inas- much as the same fact applies to the whole class, liquids are spoken of as incompressible bodies. It was at one time thought that the experiment of the Florentine academicians, who filled a gold globe with water, and on compressing it with a screw found the wa- ter ooze through the pores of the gold, proved completely the incompressibility of that liquid. But more recent ex- Do the parts of liquids cohere ? What is the relation between their at- tractive and repulsive forces ? Mention some of the distinctive qualities ol liquids. Give examples of different degrees of liquidity. What exper- iment has been supposed to prove that water is incompressible ? 44 COMPRESSIBILITY OF LIQJJIDS. periments have shown, beyond all doubt, that liquids are compressible, though in a less degree than gases. Thus, it is a common experiment to lower a glass bottle, filled with water and carefully stopped with a cork, into the sea. Fig. 48. On raising it again the cork is often found forced in, and the water is uniformly brackish. But in a more exact manner the fact can be proved, and even the amount of compressibility meas- ured, by QErsted's'machine. This consists of a strong glass cylinder, a a, Fig. 48, filled with water, upon which pressure can be exerted by a piston driven by a screw, b. When the screw is turned and pressure on the liquid exerted, it contracts into less dimensions, but at the same time the glass, a a, yielding, distends, and the contraction of the water becomes complicated with the expansion of the glass in which it is placed. To enable us to get 7 % id of this difficulty, the instru- ?49. ment, Fig. 49, is immersed in the cylinder of water, as seen at Fig. 48. This consists of a glass reservoir, e, prolonged into a fine tube, e f t with a scale, x, attached to it. The reservoir and part of the tube are filled with water, and a little column of quicksilver, x, is upon the top of the wa- ter, serving to show its position. On one side there is a gage, d, partially filled with air. It serves to measure the pressure. Now when the instrument, Fig. 49, is put in the cylinder in the position indicated in Fig. 48, and pressure made by the screw, b, it is clear that the water in the reservoir will be compressed, and the glass which contains it being pressed upon equally, internally and externally, will yield but very little. Mak- ing allowance, therefore, for the small amount of com- pression which the glass thus equally pressed upon un- dergoes, we may determine the compressibility of the water as the force upon it varies. It thus appears that water diminishes ^i^ P art of its volume for each at- mosphere of pressure upon it. In the same way the com- pressibility of alcohol has been determined to be TT o^. Mention some that prove the contrary. Describe (Ersted's machine. What is the amount of the compressibility of water ? HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE. 45 LECTURE X. THE PRESSURES OP LIQUIDS. Divisions of Hydrodynam- ics. Liquids seek their own Level. Equality of press- ures. Case of different Liquids pressing against each other. General Law of Hydrostatics. Hydrostatic Par- adox. Law for Lateral Pressures. Instantaneous com- munication of Pressure. Bramah's Hydraulic Press. To the science which describes the mechanical proper- ties of liquids the title of HYDRODYNAMICS is applied. It is divided into two branches, Hydrostatics and Hydraul- ics. The former considers the weight and pressure of liquids, the latter their motions in canals, pipes, &c. A liquid mass exposed without any confinement to the action of gravity would spread itself into one continuous superficies, for all its parts gravitate independently of one another, each part pressing equally on all those around it, and being pressed on equally by them. A liquid confined in a receptacle or vessel of any kind conforms itself to the solid walls by which it is surround- ed, and its upper surface is perfectly plane, no part being higher than another. This level of surface takes place even when different vessels communicating with each other are used. Thus, if into a glass of water we dip a tube, the upper orifice of which is temporarily closed by the finger, but little water will enter, owing to the impenetrability of the air ; but, as soon as the finger is removed, the liquid instantly rises, and finally settles at the same level inside of the tube that it occupies in the glass on the outside. This result obviously depends on the equality of press- ure just referred to, and it is perfectly independent of the form or nature of the vessel. If we take a tube bent Into what branches is Hydrodynamics divided ? Under the action of gravity what form does a free liquid assume ? What is the effect when it is inclosed in a vessel ? Give an illustration of the equality of pressure. 46 PRESSURE OF DIFFERENT LIQUIDS. fig. 50. in the form of the letter U, and closing one of its branches with the finger, pour water into the other, as soon as the finger is removed the liquid rises in the empty branch, and, after a few oscillatory movements, stands at the same level in both. If one of the branches of such a tube is much wider than the other, the same result still ensues. Thus, as in Fig. 50, we might have a reser- c voir, A I, exposing an area of ten, or a huri- > dred, or ten thousand times that of a tube rising from it, B G C H, but in the latter a liquid would rise no higher than in the former, both being at precisely the same level, A D. We perceive, therefore, from such an experiment, , that the pressure of liquids does not depend on their absolute weight, but on their vertical altitude. The great mass of liquid contained in A exerts no more pressure on C than would a smaller mass contained in a tube of the same dimensions as C itself. j- A variation of this experiment will throw much light upon the subject. Instead of using one, let there be two liquids, of which the spe- cific gravities are different. Put one in one of the branches of the tube,aZc, Fig. 51, and the i4 other in the other. Let the liquids be quicksil- 13 ver and water. It will be found, under these circumstances, that the water does not press the quicksilver up to its own level, but that, for every thirteen and a half inches vertical height that it has in one of the branches the quicksilver has one inch in the other. Of course, as they communicate through the hori- zontal branch, Z>, the quicksilver must press against the water as strongly as the water presses against it; if it did not, movement would ensue. And such experiments, therefore, prove that it is the prin- ciple of equality of pressures which determines liquids to seek their own level. From this it therefore appears that a liquid in a vessel Does this depend on the mass of a liquid ? Prove that it depends on its height. What takes place when liquids of different densities are used ? In what directions do liquids press ? 51. HYDROSTATIC PRESSURES. 47 Fig. 52. not only exerts a pressure upon the bottom in the di- rection in which gravity acts, but also laterally and up- ward. From what was proved by the experiment represented in Fig. 50, it follows that these pressures are by no means ne- cessarily as the mass, but in proportion to the vertical height. If one hundred drops of water be arranged in a vertical line, the lowest one will exert on the surface on which it rests a pressure equal to the weight of the whole. And from such considerations we deduce the general rule for esti- mating the pressure a liquid exerts upon the base of a vessel. " Multiply the height of the fluid by the area of the base on which it rests, and the product gives a mass which presses with the same weight." Thus in a conical vessel, E C D F,^. 52, the base,CD, sus- tains a pressure measured by the column A B C D. For all the rest of the liquid on.ly presses on ABCD laterally, and resting on the sides EC and F D, cannot contribute any thing to the pressure on the base, C D But in a conical vessel, EC D F, Fig. 53, the pressure on A B is measured by A B C D, as before ; but the other por- tions of the liquid, not rest- ing upon the sides, press also upon the bottom, E F, and the retult, therefore, is the same as if the vessel were filled throughout to the height C A. This law is nothing more than an expression of the fact that the actual pressure of a liquid is dependent on its vertical height and the area of its base. Its applications give rise to some singular results. Thus, the Hydro- static bellows consists of a pair of boards, A, Fig. 54, Fig. 53. Give the rule for finding the pressure of a liquid 01 sel containing it. Describe the hydrostatic bellows. on the base of the ves- 48 HYDROSTATIC PARADOX. united together by leather, and from the >e lower one there rises a tube, e B e, ending in a funnel-shaped termination, e. If heavy weights, bed, are put upon the upper board, or a man stands upon it, by pour- ing water down the tube the weight can be raised. It is immaterial how slender the tube, and, therefore, how small the quantity of water it contains, the total pressure resulting depends on the area of the bellows-boards, multiplied by the ver- tical height of the tube. Theoretically, therefore, it appears that a quantity of water, however small, can be made to lift a weight however great a principle sometimes spoken of as the HYDROSTATIC PARADOX, But liquids exert a pressure against the sides as well as upon the bases of the containing vessel the force of that pressure depending on the height. The law for estima- ting such pressure is, " The horizontal force exerted against all the sides of a vessel is found by multiplying the sum of the areas of all the sides into a height equal to half that at which the liquid stands." When bodies are sunk in a liquid, the liquid exerts a pressure which depends conjointly on the surface of the solid and the depth to which its center is sunk. Thus, if into a deep vessel of water we plunge a bladder, to the neck of which a tube is tied, the bladder and part of the tube being filled with colored water, it will be seen, as the bladder is sunk, that the colored water rises in the tube. A pressure exerted against one portion of a liquid is instantly communicated throughout the whol&mass, each particle transmitting the same pressure to those around. A striking illustration of this is seen when a Prince Ru- pert's drop is broken in a glass of water, the glass being instantly burst to pieces. Bramah's press, or the Hydrostatic press, is an illus- tration of the principle developed in this lecture that every particle of a fluid transmits the pressure it receives, in all directions, to those around. It consists of a small What is meant by the hydrostatic paradox ? Give the rule for finding lateral pressures. Prove that a liquid exerts a pressure on bodies plunged in it. Give an illustration of the instantaneous communication of pressure. THE HYDRAULIC PRESS. 49 Fig. 55. metallic forcing-pump, a, Fig. 55, in which a piston, s, is worked by a lever, c b d. This little pump communicates with a strong cyl- indrical reser- voir, A, in which a water-tight pis- ton, S, moves, having a stout flat head, P, be- tween which and a similar plate, R, supported in a frame, the sub- stance to be com- pressed, W, is placed. The cyl- inder, A, and the forcing-pump, with the tube communicating between them, are filled with water, the quantity of which can be in- creased by working the lever, d. Now it is obvious that any force, impressed upon the surface of the water in the small tube, a, will, upon the principles just described, be transmitted to that in A, and the piston, S, will be pushed up with a force which is proportional to its area, compared with that of the piston of the little cylinder, a. If its area is one thousand times that of the little one, it will rise with a force one thousand times as great as that with which the little one descends the motive force ap- plied at d, moreover, has the advantage of the leverage in proportion as c d is greater than c b. On these princi- ples it may be shown that a man can, without difficulty, exert a compressing force of a million of pounds by the aid of such a machine of comparatively small dimensions. Describe the hydraulic press. c 50 SPECIFIC GRAVITY. LECTURE XI. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Definition of the term. The Stand- ards of Comparison. Method for Solids. Case when the Body is Lighter than Water. Method for Liquids by the Thousand-Grain Bottle. Effects of Temperature. Standards of Temperature. Other Methods for Li- quids. Method for Gases. Effects of Temperature and Pressure. The Hydrometer or Areometer. BY the specific gravity of bodies we mean the propor- tion subsisting between absolute weights of the same vol- ume. Thus, if we take the same volume of water and copper, one cubic inch of each, for example, we shall find that the copper weighs S'G times as much as the water: and the same holds good for any other quantity, as ten cubic inches or one cubic foot. When of the same vol- ume the copper is always S'6 times the weight of the water. Specific gravity is, therefore, a relative affair. We must have some substance with which others may be compared. The standard , which has been selected for solids and liquids is water; that for gases and vapors, atmospheric air. When we speak of the specific gravity of a substance which is of the liquid or solid kind, we mean to express its weight compared with the weight of an equal volume of water. Thus, the specific gravity of mercury is 13-5; that is to say, a given volume of it would weigh 13-5 times as much as an equal volume of water. Apparently the simplest way for the determination of specific gravities of solids, would be to form samples of a uniform volume; as, for instance, one cubic inch. Their absolute weight, as determined by the balance, would be their specific gravities. But in practice so many difficulties would be encoun- tered in such a process that its results would be quite in- What is meant by specific gravity ? What are the standards of com- parison? Describe an apparently simple method of determining the spe- cific gravity of solids. THOUSAND-GRAIN BOTTLE. 51 exact ; and the principles of hydrostatics furnish us with far more accurate means for resolving such problems. To determine the specific gravity of a solid body, it is to be weighed first in air and then in water. In the latter instance it will weigh less than in the former, because it displaces a quantity of the water equal to its own volume, and this deficit in weight is the weight of the water so displaced. The weight in air and the loss in water being thus determined, to find the specific gravity, " Divide the weight in air by the loss in water, and the quotient is the specific gravity." If the body be lighter than water, there must be affixed to it some substance sufficiently heavy to sink it, the weight of which, and also its loss of weight in water are previously known. Deduct this weight from the loss of the bodies when immersed together, and divide the abso- lute weight of the light body by the remainder ; the quo- tient gives the specific gravity. For the determination of the specific gravity of liquids several methods may be resorted to. One of the most simple is by the Thou- sand-grain Bottle. This consists of a light glass flask, <2, Fig. 56, the stopper of which is also of glass with a fine per- foration, b, through it. When the bot- tle is filled with distilled water, and the stopper inserted in its place, any excess of liquid is forced through the perfora- tion, and the bottle, on being weighed, should be found to contain one thousand grains of the liquid exactly. If any other liquid be in like manner placed in this bottle, by merely ascertaining its weight we at once de- termine its specific gravity. Thus, if it be filled with oil of vitrol or muriatic acid, it will be found to hold 1845 grains of the former and 1210 of the latter. Those num- bers, therefore, represent the specific gravities of the bodies respectively. This instrument enables us to illustrate, in a very satis- factory manner, the effect of temperature on specific grav- Give the general hydrostatic method. What is done when the body is lighter than water ? Give the method in the case of liquids by the Thou- sand-grain Bottle. STANDARDS OF TEMPERATURE. ity. It has been said that the Thousand-grain bottle is so called from its containing precisely one thousand grains of water ; but very superficial consideration satisfies us that this can only be the case at a particular temperature. Suppose the bottle is of such dimensions that at 60 Fah- renheit it contains exactly one thousand grains, if we raise its temperature to 70 Fahrenheit, the water will expand, or if we lower it to 50 Fahrenheit it will contract exact- ly as if it were a liquid in a thermometer. It is, there- fore, very clear that temperature must always enter into these considerations, and that before we can express the relation of weight between any substance, whether solid or liquid, and that of an equal volume of water, we must specify at what particular temperature the experiment was made. For many purposes 60 Fahrenheit is select- ed, and for others 391 Fahrenheit, which is the temper- ature of the maximum density of water. There is a second method by which the specific gravity of fluids may be known. It is to weigh a given solid (as a mass of glass) in the fluids to be tried, and determine the loss of weight in each case. Inasmuch as the solid displaces its own volume of the different liquids, the losses it experiences when thus weighed will be proportional to the specific gravities. The following rule, therefore, ap- plies : " Divide the loss of weight in the different liquids by the loss of weight in water, and the quotients will give the specific gravities of the liquids under trial." For the determination of the specific gravities of gases a plan analogous in principle to that of the Thousand-grain bottle is resorted to. A light glass flask, g, exhausted of air, is attached by means of the stop-cocks, e d, to the jar, c, containing the gas to be tried. This gas has been passed through a drying-tube, a, by means of a bent pipe, b, into the jar, c, over mercury. On Describe the effects of temperature on specific gravity. Give another method for determining the density of liquids. How is that of gases dis- covered ? Fig. 57. THE HYDROMETER. 53 opening the stop-cock the gas flows into g, and its weight may then be determined by the balance. From the greater dilatation of gaes by heat, all that has been just said in relation to the effect of temperature on specific gravity applies here still more strongly. It is to be recollected that this form of bodies is compared with atmospheric air taken as the standard. For gases another disturbing agency beside tempera- ture intervenes it is pressure. Atmospheric pressure is incessantly varying, and the densities of gases vary with it. It is not alone the thermometer, but also the Barom- eter which must be consulted, and the temperature and pressure both specified. Besides, great care must be taken in transferring the gas from the jars in which it is con- tained, that it is not subjected to any accidental pressures in the apparatus itself, and that the flask in which it is weighed is not touched by the hands or submitted to any other warming or cooling influences. For the determination of the densities of liquids there is still another method, often more convenient than the former, and very commonly resorted to, it is by the aid of instruments which pass under the name of Hydrometers or Areometers. The principle on which these act is, that when a body floats upon water, the quantity of fluid displaced is equal in volume to the volume of the part of the body immersed, and in weight to the weight of the whole body. Thus, a piece of cork floating on the surface of quick- silver, water, and alcohol, sinks in them to very different depths : in the quicksilver but little, in the water more, and in the alcohol still deeper; but in every instance the weight of the quantity of the liquid displaced is equal to that of the cork. It is plain, therefore, that to determine the specific gravity of a liquid, we have only to determine the depth to which a floating body will be immersed in it. The hydrometer fulfills these conditions. It consists of a cylin- drical cavity of glass, A, Fig. 58, on the lower part of which a spherical bulb, B, is blown, the latter being filled with a suitable quantity of small shot or quicksil- What disturbing effects are encountered in the case of gases ? On what principle is the hydrometer constructed. THE HYDROMETER. ver. From the cylindrical portion, A, a tube, C, rises, in the interior of which is a paper scale bearing the divisions. Fig. 58 The whole weight of the instrument is such that it floats in the liquid to be tried, and if that liquid is to be compared with water, and is lighter than water, the zero of the divided scale is toward the lower end of the paper; but if the liquid be heavier than water, the zero is toward the top of the scale. Tables are usually constructed so that, by their aid, when the point at which the hydrometer floats in a given liquid is determined in any experiment, the specific gravity is ex- pressed opposite that number in the table. Of these scale-hydrometers we have several different kinds, according as they are to deter- mine different liquids. Among them may be mentioned Fig. 59. Beaume's hydrometer, an instrument of con- stant use in chemistry. In the finer kinds of areometers the weighted sphere, B, Fig. 58, forms the bulb of a delicate thermometer, the stem of which rises into the cavity, A. This enables us to determine the temperature of the liquid at the same time with its specific gravity. Nicholson's gravimeter is a hydrometer which enables us to determine the density either of solids or liquids. It is represented at Fig. 59. Describe the hydrometer. HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE. 55 LECTURE XIL HYDROSTATIC PRESSURES AND FORMATION OF FOUNT- AINS. Fundamental Fact of Hydrostatics holds also for Gases. Illustrations of Upward Pressure. . Determination of Specific Gravities of Liquids on these Principles. Theory of Fountains. Cause of Natural Springs. Artesian Wells. THE fundamental fact in hydrostatics thus appears to be, that as each atom of a liquid yields to the influence of gravity without being restrained by any cohesive force, all the particles of such a mass must press upon those which are immediately beneath them, and therefore the pressure of a liquid must be as its depth. The same fact has already been recognized for elastic fluids, in speaking of the mechanical properties of the earth's atmosphere, which, for this veiy reason, and also from the circumstance that it is a highly compressible body, possesses different densities at different heights. The lower regions have to sustain or bear up the weight of all above them, but as we go higher and higher this weight becomes less and less, until at the surface it ceases to exist at all. We have already shown from the nature of a fluid such pressures are propagated equally in all directions, up- ward and laterally, as well as downward. This important principle deserves, how- ever, a still further illustration from the consequences we have now to draw from it. Let a tube of glass, a &, Fig. 60, have its lower end, b, closed with a valve slightly weighted and opening upward, the end, a, being open. On holding the tube in a vertical position, the valve is kept shut by its own weight. But if we depress it in What is the fundamental fact in hydrostatics ? Does this hold for elastic fluids? Describe the illustration represented in Fig. GO. How may it be made to prove the downward pressure of water ? Fig. 60. 56 LIQUIDS SEEK THEIR LEVEL. a vessel of water, as soon afif a certain depth is reached the upward pressure of the water forces the valve, and the tube begins to fill. Still further, if before immersing the tube we fill it to the height of a few inches with water, we shall find that it must now be depressed to a greater depth than before, because the downward pressure of the included water tends to keep the valve shut. From the same principles it follows, that whenever a liquid has freedom of motion, it will tend to arrange itself so that all parts of its surface shall be equidistant fro A the center of the earth. For this reason the surface of water in basins and other reservoir^ of limited extent is always in a horizontal plane ; but when those surfaces are of greater extent, as in the case of lakes and the sea, they necessarily exhibit a rounded form, conforming to the figure of the earth. It is also to be remembered that, when liquids are included in narrow tubes, the phenomena of cap- illary attraction disturb both their level and surface-figure. Fig. 61. All liquids, therefore, tend to find their own level. This fact is well illustrated by the instrument, fj Fig. 61, consisting of a cylinder V of glass, , connected by means of a horizontal branch with the tube, b, which moves on a tight joint at, c. By this joint, b can be set par- allel to , or in any other position. If a is filled with wa- ter to a given height, the liquid immediately flows through the hori- zontal connecting pipe, and rises to the same height in b that it occupies in a. Nor does it matter whether b be parallel to , or set at any inclined position, the liquid spontaneously adjusts itself to an equal altitude. The same liquid always occupies the same level. But when in the branches of a tube we have liquids, the specific gravities of which are different, then, as has already been stated in Lecture . What is the surface-figure of liquids ? Describe the illustration given 51 ' 1S the laW f different Ii( l uids pressing on each other in Fig. 62. c FORMATION OF FOUNTAINS. 57 Fig. 63. X., they rise to different heights. The law which deter- mines this is, "The heights of different fluids are inversely as their specific gravities'' If, therefore, in one of the branches of a tube, a b, Fig. 62, some quicksilver is poured so as to rise to a height of one inch, it will require in the other tube, b c, a column of water 13^ inches long to equilibrate it, because the specific gravities of quick- silver and water are as 13^ to 1. A very neat instrument for illustrating these facts is shown in Fig. 63. It consists of two long glass tubes, a b, which are con- nected with a small exhausting-syringe, c, their lower ends being open dip into the cups, w a, in which the liquids whose spe- cific gravities are to be tried are placed. Let us suppose they are water and alcohol. The syringe produces the same degree of partial exhaustion in both the tubes, and the two li- quids equally pressed up by the atmospher- ic air, begin to rise. But it will be found that the alcohol rises much higher than the water to a height which is inversely pro- portional to its specific gravity. When in the instrument, Fig. 61, we bend the tube, b, upon its joint, so that its end is below the water-level in a, the liquid now be- gins to spout out : or if, instead of the jointed tube, we have a short tube, C e D, Fig. 64, proceeding from the reservoir, A B, the wa- ter spouts from its termination and forms a fountain, E F, which rises nearly to the same height as the water-level. The resistance of the air and the descent of the falling drops shorten the altitude, to which the jet rises to a certain extent. On the top of the fountain a cork ball, G, may be s spended by the play- ing water. The same instrument may be used to show the equality of the vertical and lateral press- Fig. 64. uies at any point. For let the tube, D E, be removed so At what heights will quicksilver and water stand ? Describe the instru- ment, Fig. 63. What fact does it show ? Under what circumstances does a liquid spout 1 How may a fountain be formed ? 58 FORMATION OF FOUNTAINS. as to leave a circular aperture at e ; also let C be a plug closing an aperture in the bottom of exactly the same size as e. Now if the reservoir, A B, be filled to the height g, and kept at that point by continually pouring in water, and the quantities of liquid flowing out through the lateral aperture, e, and the vertical one, C, be measured, they will be found precisely the same, showing, therefore, the equality of the pressures ; but if an aperture of the same size were made at f, the quantity would be found corre- spondingly less. It is upon these principles that fountains often depend. The water in a reservoir at a distance is brought by pipes Fig. 65. to the jet of the fountain, and there suffered to escape. The vertical height to which it can be thrown is as the height of the reser- voir, and by having several jets variously ar- ranged in respect of one another, the fount- ain can be made to give rise to different fan- ciful forms, as is the case with the public fountains in the city of New York. A simple method of exhibiting the fount- ain is shown in Fig. 65. A jar, G-, is filled with water, and a tube, bent as at a b c, is dipped in it. By sucking with the mouth at , the water may be made to fill the tube, and then, on being left to itself, will play as a fountain. On similar principles we account for the occurrence of springs, natural fountains, and Artesian wells. The strata composing the crust of the earth are, in most cases, in po- sitions inclined to the horizon. They also differ very greatly from one another in permeability to water sandy and loamy strata readily allowing it to percolate through them, while its passage is more perfectly resisted by tenacious clays. On the side of a hill, the superficial strata of which are pervious, but which rest on an imper- vious bed below, the rain water penetrates, and being guided along the inclination, bursts out on the sides of the hill or in the valley below, wherever there is a weak place or where its vertical pressure has become sufficiently pow- erful to force a way. This constitutes a common spring. Prove the equality of vertical and lateral pressures by the instrument, Ftg. 64. What is the principle of fountains ? Describe the apparatus, Fig. 65. On what principle do springs flow from the ground ? ARTESIAN WELLS. 59 The general principle of the Artesian or overflowing wells is illustrated in Fig. 66. Let b' b c d, be the sur- face of a region of country the strata of which, b b' and Fig 66, a d d', are more or less impervious to water, while the in- termediate one, c c, of a sandy or porous constitution, al- lows it a freer passage. When in the distant sandy coun- try at c, the rain falls, it percolates readily and is guided by the resisting stratum, d d'. Now if at a, a boring is made deep enough to strike into c c or near to d on the principles which we have been explaining, the water will tend to rise in that boring to its proper hydrostatic level, and therefore, in many instances, will overflow at its mouth. The region of country in which this water ori- ginally fell may have been many miles distant. It follows, from the action of gravity on liquids, that if we have several which differ in specific gravity in the same vessel, they will arrange themselves according to their densities. Thus, if into a deep jar we pour quick- silver, solution of sulphate of copper, water, and alco- hol, they will arrange themselves in the order in which they have been named. Wbat are Artesian wells ? When several liquids are in the same vessel, how do they arrange themselves ? 60 OF FLOWING LiaUIDS. LECTURE XIII. OP FLOWING LIQUIDS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINES. Laws of the Flowing of Liquids. Determination of the Quan- tity Discharged. Contracted Vein. Parabolic Jets. Relative Velocity of the Parts of Streams. Undershot, Overshot, Breast- Wheels. Common Pump. Forcing- Pump. Vera's Pump. Chain-Pump. IF a liquid, the particles of which have no cohesion, flows from an aperture in the bottom of its containing ves- sel, the particles so descending fall to the aperture with a velocity proportional to the height of the liquid. The force and velocity with which ,a liquid issues de- pend, therefore, on the height of its level the higher the level the greater the velocity. As the pressures are equal in all directions, and as it is gravity which is the cause of the flow, " The velocity which the particles of a fluid acquire when issuing from an orifice, whether sideways, upward, or downward, is equal to that which they would have acquired in falling perpen- dicularly from the level of the fluid to that of the orifice." When a liquid flows from a reservoir which is not re- plenished, but the level of which continually descends, the velocity is uniformly retarded : so that an unreplen- ished reservoir empties itself through a given aperture in twice the time which would have been required for the same quantity of water to have flowed through the same aperture, had the level been continually kept up to the same point. The theoretical law for determining the quantity of wa- ter discharged from an orifice, and which is, that " the quantity discharged in each second may be obtained by mul- tiplying the velocity by the area of the aperture" is not found to hold good in practice a disturbance arising from the adhesion of the particles to one another, from their On what does the velocity of a flowing liquid depend ? What is that ve- locity equal to ? What is the difference of flow between a replenished and an unreplenished reservoir ? Why does not the theoretical law for the dis- charge of water hold good ? THE CONTRACTED VEIN. 61 friction against the aperture, and from the formation of what is designated "the contracted vein." For when wa- ter flows through a circular aperture in a plate, the diam- eter of the issuing stream is contracted and FI>. 67. reaches its minimum dimensions at a-distance about equal to that of half the diameter of the aperture, as at s s', Fig. 67. This effect arises from the circumstance that the flowing water is not alone that which is situated perpendicularly above the orifice, but the lateral portions likewise move. These, therefore, going in oblique directions, make the stream depart from the cylindrical form, and contract it, as has been described. By the attachment of tubes of suitable shapes to the ap- erture, this effect may be avoided, and the quantity of flowing water' very greatly increased. A simple aperture and such a tube being compared together, the latter was found to discharge half as much more water in the same space of time. As the motion of flowing liquids depends on the same lav\s as that of falling solids, and is determined by gravi- ty, it is obvious that the path of a spouting jet, the direc- tion of which is parallel or oblique to the horizon, will bo a parabola ; for, as we shall hereafter see, that is the path of a body projected under the influence of gravity in vacuo. When a liquid is suffered to escape in a horizontal direc- tion through the side of a vessel, it may be easily shown to flow in a parabolic path, as in Fig. 68. The maximum distance to which a jet can reach on a horizontal plane is, when the opening is half the height of the liquid, as at C, and at points B and D equidistant from C, it spouts to equal distances. To. measure the velocity of flowing water, floating bodies are used : they drift, immersed in the stream un- der examination. A bottle ____. What is meant by the " contracted vein ?" From what does this arise ? How may the quantity of flowing water be increased? What is the path of a spouting jet ? 62 WATER-WHEELS. partly filled with water, so that it will sink to its neck, with a small flag projecting, answers very well; or the num- ber of revolutions of a wheel accommodated with float- boards may be counted. Fig. 69. In any stream the velocity is greatest in the middle (wheve the water is deep- est), and at a certain distance from the surface. From this point it diminishes toward the banks. Investigations of this kind are best made by Pictot's stream- measurer, Fig. 69. It' consists of a ver- g tube corresponds with that outside, but | the impulse of a stream causes the water to rise in the tube until its vertical press- ure counterpoises the force. The force of flowing water is often employed for various purposes in the arts. We have several different kinds of water-wheels, as the undershot, the overshot, and the breast-wheel. The first of these consists of a wheel or drum revolving upon an axis, and on the periphery there are placed float- boards, a b c d, &c. It is to be fixed so that its lower floats are immersed in a running stream or tide, and is driven round by the momentum of the current. Fig. i\. The overshot-wheel, in like manner, consists of a cylinder or drum, with a series of cells or buckets, so arranged that the water which is delivered by a trough, A B, on the upper- most part of the wheel, may be held by the de- scending buckets as long as possible. It is the weight How may the velocity of flowing water be measured ? Describe the stream-measurer. What is the undershot-wheel ? What is the overshot- wheel? COMMON PUMP. 63 Fig. 72. of this water that gives motion to the wheel on its axis. The breast- wheel, in like manner, con- sists of a drum work- ing on an axis, and having float -boards on its periphery. It is placed against a wall of a circular form, and the water brought to it fills the buckets at the point A, and turns the wheel, partly by its momentum and partly by its weight. Of these three forms the overshot-wheel is the most powerful. i*g- 73 - There are a great many con- trivances for the purpose of rais- ing water to a higher level. These constitute the different varieties of pumps. The common pump is repre- sented in Fig. 73. It consists of three parts : the suction-pipe, the barrel, and the piston. The suc- tion-pipe^e, is of sufficient length to reach down to the water, A, proposed to be raised from the reservoir, L. The barrel, C B, is a perfectly cylindrical cavity, in which the piston, G, moves, air- tight, up and down, by the rod, d. It is commonly moved by a lever, but in the figure a rod and han- dle, D E, are represented. On >^= one side is the spout, F. At !\iHl the top of the suction-pipe, at H, there is a valve, b, and also one on the piston, at a. They both open upward. When the piston is raised from the bottom of the barrel and again depressed, it exhausts the air in What is the breast-wheel ? Which of these is the most powerful ? Describe the lifting-pump. 64 THE FORCING-PUMP. Fiff. 74. the suction-pipe, and the water rises from the reservoir, pressed up by the atmosphere. After a few movements of the piston the barrel becomes full of water, which, at each successive lift, is thrown out of the spout, F. The action of this machine is readily understood, after what has been said of the air-pump, which it closely resembles in structure. In the forcing-pump the suction pipe, e L, is commonly short, and the piston, g, has no valve. On the box at H, there is a valve, b, as in the former machine, and when the piston is moved upward in the barrel, C B, by the handle, E, and rod, I) d, the water, A, rises from the reser- voir, L, and enters the barrel. During the downward move- ment of the piston the valve, b, shuts, and the water passes by a channel round m, through the lateral pipe, M O M N, into the air vessel, K K. The entrance to this air-vessel at P, is closed by a valve, #, and there proceeds from it a ver- tical tube, H G, open at both ends. After a few movements of the piston, the lower end, I, of this tube becomes cov- ered with water, and any fur- ther quantity now thrown in compresses the air in the space, H G, which, exerting its elastic force, drives out the water in a continuous jet, S. The reciprocating motion of the piston may, therefore, be made to give rise to a continuous and uriintermitting stream by the aid of the air-vessel, K K. Among other hydraulic machines may be mentioned Vera's pump, more, however, from its peculiar construc- tion than for any real value it possesses. It consists of a Describe the forcing-pump. THE CHAIN-PUMP. 65 . 75. pair of pulleys, over which a rope is made to run rapidly, the lower one is immersed in the wa- ter to be raised. By adhesion a por- tion of the water follows the rope in its movements, and is discharged into a receptacle placed above. The chain-pump consists of a series of flat plates held together by pieces of metal, so arranged that, by turning an upper wheel, the whole chain is made to revolve, on one side ascending and on the other descending. As the flat plates pass upward .they move through a trunk of suitable shape, and therefore continually lift in it a column of water. The chain-pump requires deep water to work in, and cannot completely empty its reservoir, but it has the advantage of not being liable to be choked. LECTURE XIV. HYDRAULIC MACHINES. THEORY OF FLOTATION. Archi- medes' Screw. The Syphon acts by the Pressure of Air. The Descent, Ascent, and Flotation of Solids in Liquids. Quantity of Water displaced by a Floating Solid. Case where fluids of different densities are used. Equilibrium of Floating Solids. 3f THE screw of Archimedes is an ancient contrivance, invented by the philosopher whose name it bears, for the purpose of raising water in Egypt. It consists of a hol- low screw-thread wound round an axis, upon which it can be worked by means of a handle. The lower end of this spiral tube dips in the reservoir from which the water is to be raised, and by turning the handle the water con- tinually ascends the spire and flows out at its upper extremity. The syphon is a tube with two branches, C E, D E, What is Vera's pump ? Describe the chain-pump. Describe the screw of Archimedes. What is a syphon ? 66 THE SYPHON. Fig. 76, of unequal length, often employed in the arts for Fi 76 the purpose of raising or decanting liquids. The method of using it is first to fill it, and then placing the shorter branch in the vessel, B, to be decanted, the liquid ascends to the bend and runs down the longer branch. It is obvious that this mo- tion arises from the inequality of weight of the columns in the two branches. The long column over- balances the short one, and deter- mines the flow ; but this cannot take place without fresh quantities rising through the short branch, impelled by the pressure of the air. The syphon, therefore, is kept full by the pressure of the air, and kept running by the inequality of the lengths of the columns in its branches. This inequality is not to be measured by the actual lengths of the glass branches themselves, but it is to be estimated by the difference of level, A, of the liquid in the vessel to be decanted and the free end, D, of the Syphon. That this instrument acts in consequence of the press- ure of the air is shown by making a small one discharge quicksilver under an air-pump receiver. Its action will cease as soon as the air is removed. By the aid of a syphon liquids of different specific gravities may be drawn out of a reservoir without dis- turbing one another, and those that are in the lower part without first removing those above. Upon the same prin- ciple water may also be conducted in pipes over elevated grounds. Of the Floating of Bodies in Liquids. A solid substance will remain motionless in the interior of a liquid mass when it is of the same specific gravity. Under these circumstances the forces which tend to make it sink are its own weight and the weight of the column Why does water ascend in its short branch? Why does it run from the longer ? How is the inequality of the branches measured ? How can it be proved that its action depends on the pressure of the air ? What are the uses of the syphon ? Under what circumstances will a solid remain motionless in a liquid? OF FLOATING BODIES. 67 of water which is above it. But as its weight is the same as that of an equal volume of the liquid in which it is immersed, this downward tendency is counteracted and precisely equilibrated by the upward pressure of the surrounding liquid. Consequently the solid remains mo- tionless in any position, precisely as a similar mass of the liquid itself would be. But if the density of the immersed body is greater than that of an equal bulk of the liquid, then the downward forces preponderate over the upward pressure, and the solid descends. If, on the other hand, the solid is lighter than an equal volume of the liquid, the upward pressure of the sur- rounding liquid overcomes the downward tendency, and the body rises to the surface and floats. In the act of floating, the body is divided into two regions : one is immersed in the liquid and the rest is in the air. The part which is immersed under the surface of the liquid is such as displaces a quantity of that liquid as is precisely equal in weight to the. floating solid. This may be proved experimentally. Fill a glass, A, with water until it runs off through the spout, a, then immerse in it a floating body, such as a\ \vooden ball; the ball will displace a quantity of water, which, if it be collected in the receiver, B, and weighed, will be found precisely equal to the weight of the wood. In any fluid a solid body will therefore sink to a depth which is greater as its specific gravity more nearly ap- proaches that of the liquid. As soon as the two are equal the solid becomes wholly immersed. In fluids of different densities any floating body sinks deeper in that which has the smallest density. It will be recollected that these are the principles which are in- volved in the action of hydrometers. They are also applied in the case of specific-gravity bulbs, which are small glass bulbs, with solid handles, adjusted by the Under what will it rise, and under what will it sink ? What portion of the floating body is immersed ? How may this be proved ? How do the specific gravities of the solid and the liquid on which it floats affect the phenomenon ? 68 THE BALL-COCK. maker, so as to be of different densities. When a num- ber of these are put into a liquid some will float and some will sink ; but the one which remains suspended, neither floating nor sinking, has the same specific gravity as the liquid. That specific gravity is determined by the mark engraved on the bulb. When a body floats on the surface of water it tends to take a position of stable equilibrium. The principles brought in operation here will be more fully described when we come to the study of the center of gravity of bodies. For the present, it is sufficient to state that sta- ble equilibrium ensues when the center of gravity of the floating solid is in the same vertical line as the center of gravity of the portion of fluid displaced, and as respects position beneath it. These considerations are of great im- portance in the art of ship -build ing, and also in the right distribution of the cargo or ballast of a ship. The principle of flotation is in- geniously applied in the ball-cock, an instrument for keeping cisterns or boilers filled with a regulated amount of water. Thus, suppose that m n, Fig. 78, be the level of the water in the boiler of a steam- engine ; on its surface let there float a body, B, attached by means of a rod, F a, to a lever, a c b, which works on the fulcrum c; on the other side of the lever, at b, let there be attached, by the rod b V, a valve, V, allowing water to flow into the boiler, through the feed-pipe, V O. Now, as the level of the water, m n, in the boiler lowers through evaporation, the float, B, sinks with it, and de- presses the end, a, of the lever ; but the end, b, rising, lifts the valve, V, and allows the water to go down the feed- pipe; and as the level again rises in the boiler the valve, V, again shuts. Instead of a piece of wood or hollow cop- per ball, a flat piece of stone, B, is commonly used ; and to make it float it is counterpoised by a weight, W, on the opposite arm of the lever. How are specific-gravity bulbs used? What is the position of stable equilibrium in a floating body ? Describe the construction and action of the ball-cock. MOTION AND REST. 69 OF REST AND MOTION. MECHANICS. LECTURE XV. MOTION AND REST. Causes of Motion. Classification of Forces. Estimate of Forces. Direction and Intensity. Uniform and Variable Motions. Initial and Final Velocities. Direct, Rotatory, and Vibratory Motions. ALL objects around us are necessarily in a condition either of motion or of rest. We shall soon find that mat- ter has not of itself a predisposition for one or other of these states ; and it is the business of natural philosophy to assign the particular causes which determine it to either in any special instance. A very superficial investigation soon puts us on our guard against deception. Things roay appear in motion which are at rest, or at rest when in reality they are in motion. A passenger in a railroad car sees the houses and trees in rapid motion, though he is well assured that this is a deception a deception like that which occurs on a greater scale in the apparent rev- olution of the stars from east to west every night the true motion not being in them, but in the earth, which is turn- ing in the opposite direction on its axis. If deceptions thus take place as respects the state of motion, the same holds good as respects the state of rest. On the surface of the earth even those objects which seem to us to be quite stationary are not so in reality. Natu- ral objects, as mountains and the various works of man, though they seem to maintain an unchangeable relation as respects position with all the world for centuries together, are but in a condition of RELATIVE REST. They are, of What two states do bodies assume ? What deceptions may occur in re- lation to motion and rest ? What is meant by relative and what by abso- lute rest ? 70 MOTION AND REST. course, affected by the daily revolution of the earth on its axis, arid accompany it in its annual movements round the sun. Indeed, as respects themselves, their parts are con- tinually changing position. Whatever has been affected by the warmth of summer shrinks into smaller space through the cold of winter. Two objects which maintain their position toward each other are said -to be at rela- tive rest ; but we make a wide distinction between this and absolute rest. All philosophy leads us to suppose that throughout the universe there is not a solitary parti- cle which is in reality in the latter state. Whenever an object, from a state of apparent rest, com- mences to move, a cause for the motion may always be assigned. And inasmuch as such causes are of different kinds, they may be classified as primary or secondary motive powers. The primary motive powers are utiiver^ sal in their action. Such, for instance, as the general at- tractive force of matter or GRAVITY. The secondary are transient in their effects. The action of animals, of elas- tic springs, of gunpowder, are examples. Of the second- ary forces, some are momentary and others more perma- nent, some giving rise to a blow or shock, and some to effects of a continued duration. Forces may be compared together as respects their in- tensities by numbers or by lines. Thus one force may be five, ten, or a hundred times the intensity of another, and that relation be expressed by the appropriate figures. In the same manner, by lines drawn of appropriate length, we may exhibit the relation of forces ; and that not only as respects their relative intensity, but also in other par- ticulars. The direction of motion resulting from the appli- cation of a given force may always be represented by a straight line drawn from the point at which the motion commences toward the point to which the moving body is impelled. The point at which the force takes effect upon the body is termed the point of application ; and the direction of motion is the path in which the body moves. To this special designations are given appropri- Is any object in nature in a state of absolute rest ? How may motive powers be classified ? What are primary motive powers ? Give examples of some that are secondary. How may forces be compared together ? How may forces be represented ? What is meant by the point of appli- cation? DIFFERENT KINDS OF MOTION. 71 ate to the nature of the case, such as curvilinear, rectilin- ear, &c. Moving bodies pass over their paths with different de- grees of speed. One may pass through ten feet in a sec- ond of time, and another through a thousand in the same interval. We say, therefore, that they have different ve- locities. Such estimates of velocity are obviously^ ob- tained by comparing the spaces passed over in a given unit of time. The unit of time selected in natural phi- losophy is one second. A moving body may be in a state of either uniform or variable motion. In the former case its velocity contin- ually remains unchanged, and it passes over equal dis- tances in equal times. In the latter its velocity under- goes alterations, and the spaces over which it passes in equal times are different. If the velocity is on the in- crease it is spoken of as a uniformly accelerated motion. If on the decrease as a uniformly retarded motion. In these cases we mean by the term initial velocity the ve- locity which the body had when it commenced moving, as measured by the space it would then have passed over in one second ; and, by the final velocity, that which it pos- sessed at the moment we are considering it measured in the same way. The flight of bomb-shells upward in the air is an instance of retarded motion ; their descent down- ward of accelerated motion. The movement of the fingers of a clock is an example of uniform motion. There are motions of different kinds : 1st, direct ; 2d, rotatory ; 3d, vibratory. 1st. By direct motion we mean that in which all the parts of the whole body are advancing in the same direc- tion with the same velocity. 2d. By rotatory motion we imply that some parts of the body are going in opposite directions to others. The axis of rotation is an imaginary line, round which tho parts of the body turn, it being itself at rest. 3d. By vibratory movement we mean that the body which changes its place returns toward its original posi' lion with a motion in the opposite direction. Thus, the How are velocities measured ? What is the unit of time ? What \i meant by uniform and what by variable motion ? What by initial and final velocity? What varieties of motion are there? What is direct motion ? What is rotatory motion ? What is vibratory motion ? 72 COMPOUND MOTION. particles of water which form waves alternately rise and sink, and the pendulum of a clock beats backward and forward. These are examples of vibratory or oscillatory movement. LECTURE XVI. OP THE COMPOSITION AND RESOLUTION OF FORCES. Compound Motion. Equilibrium. Resultant. The Parallelogram of Forces. Case where there are more Forces than Two. Parallel Forces. Resolution of Forces. Equilibrium of three Forces. Curvilinear Motions. WHEN several forces act simultaneously on\a body, so as to put it in motion, that motion is said to be com- pound. In cases of compound motion, if the component or con- stituent forces all act in the same direction, the resulting effect will be equal to the sum of all those forces taken together. If the constituent forces act in opposite directions, the resulting effect will be equal to their difference, and Fig. 79. its direction will be that of the greater force. Thus, if to a knot, a, Fig. 79, we attach sev- eral weights, b c, by means,, of a string passing over a pulley, e, these weights will evidently tend to pull the knot from a to e. But sf if to the same knot we attach a weight,j by a string passing over the pulley g, this tends to draw- it in the opposite direction. When the weights on each side of the knot act conjointly, they tend to draw it oppo- site ways, and it moves in the direction of the greater force. What is compound motion? When the component forces all act in the same direction, what is their effect equal to? What is the result when they act in opposite directions ? Under what circumstances are forces in equilibrio ? PARALLELOGRAM OF FORCES. 73 If two forces of equal intensity, but in opposite direc- tions, act upon a given point, that point remains motion- less, and the forces are said to be in (equilibria. When there are many forces acting upon a point in equilibrio, the sum of all those acting on one side must be equal to the sum of all the rest which act in the opposite direction. By the resultant of forces we mean a single force which would represent in intensity and direction the conjoint action of those forces. If the constituent forces neither act in the same nor in opposite directions, but at an angle to each other, their resultant can be found in the following manner : Let a be the point on which Fig. so. the forces act ; let one of them be ft represented in intensity and di- .^ff- ^ rection by the line a b, and the other likewise in intensity and direction by the line a c. Draw the lines b d, c d, so as to com- plete the parallelogram a b c d ; fc m draw also the diagonal, a d. This c diagonal will be the resultant of the two forces, and will, therefore, represent their conjoint action in intensity and direction. The operation of pairs of forces upon a point is readily under- t^a, . . , stood. Thus, 1st. On * a point, a, Fig. 81, let two forces, a b, a c, act. Complete the parallelogram a b d c, and draw its diagonal, a d. This line will rep- resent in intensity and direction the resultant force. 2d. On a point, a, Fig. 82, Fig. m. let two forces again repre- sented in intensity and di- rection by the lines a b, a c, act. Complete the paral- lelogram abed, draw its diagonal, a d, which is the resultant, as before. Now, on comparing Fig. 81 with Fig. 82, it readily appears that the resultant of two forces What is meant by a resultant ? Describe the parallelogram of forces. Give illustrations of the case in which the forces act nearly in the same, and also of that in which they act nearly in opposite directions. D 74 ANGULAR AND PARALLEL FORCES. is greater as those forces act more nearly in the same direction, and less as those forces act more nearly in opposite directions. Many popular illustrations of the parallelogram of forces might be cited. The following may, however, suffice. If a boat be rowed across a river when there is no current, it will pass in a straight line from bank to bank perpendicularly ; but this will not take place if there is a current, for as the boat crosses it is drifted by the stream, and makes the opposite bank at a point which is lower according as the stream is more rapid. It moves in a diagonal direction. On the same principles we can determine the common resultant of many forces acting on a point. Two of the forces are first taken and their resultant found. This resultant is combined with the third force, and a second resultant found. This again is combined with the fourth force, and so on, un- til the forces are exhausted. The final resultant represents the con- joint action of all. Thus, let there be three forces applied to the point , represented in intensity and direction by the lines a b, ac,ad, Fig. S3, respectively ; if a b and a c be combined, they give as their resultant a e, and if this resultant, a e, be combined with the third force, a d, it yields the resultant af, which, therefore, represents the common action of all three forces. The resultant of two paral- lel forces applied to a line, and on the same side of it, is equal to their sum and parallel to their direction. Thus, the forces a b, a' b' applied to the line a a', give a resultant, p r, parallel to their common direction and equal to their sum. a Fig 84. P Give an illustration of the diagonal motion of a body under the influence two forces. How may the resultant of more forces than two be found ? hat is the resultant of parallel forces applied to a line on the same, and of two forces What RESOLUTION OF FORCES. 75 But when parallel forces are applied on opposite sides of a line, the resultant is equal to their difference, and its direction is parallel to theirs. In this, as also in the fore- going case, the point at which the resultant acts is at a distance from the points at which the two forces act, inversely proportional to their intensities. In the fore- going case this point falls between the directions of the two forces, and in the latter on the outside of the direction of the greater force. The parallelogram of forces not Pig- 85. only serves to effect the composi- tion of several forces, but also the resolution of any given force ; that is to assign several forces which in their intensities and directions shall be equivalent to it. Thus, let a J] Fig. 85, be the given force; by making it the diagonal of a paral- lelogram it may be resolved into its components, a d, a e ; in the same manner, a e t may be resolved into its compo- nents, a c, a b. Thus, therefore, the original force is resolved into three components, a b, a c, a d. Upon similar principles it may be readily proved that two forces acting at any angle upon a point can never maintain that point in equilibrio but three forces may ; and in this instance, they will be represented in intensity and direction by the three sides of a triangle, perpendic- ular to their respective directions. If two forces act upon a point in the direction of and in magnitude proportional to the sides of a parallelogram, that point will be kept in equilibrio by a third force op- posed to them in the direction of the diagonal and pro- portional to it. On the table, a d, place a circular piece of paper, on which there is drawn any triangle, a b c, c coin- ciding with the center of the table; and let us suppose that the sides of this triangle are, as shown in the figure, in the proportion to one another, as 2 3 4 ; draw upon the paper, c e, parallel to a b, and prolong a c to d. Take three strings, making a knot at the point c, and by means of the What is meant by the resolution of forces ? How does the parallelogram of forces serve for this purpose ? Can two forces acting at an angle upon a point keep it in equilibrio? Can three? In this case what must be their relation ? 76 COMPOSITION OF FORCES. Fig. 86. movable pullies, 1 1 1, stretch the strings over the lines c b, c d, c e ; at the end of c d suspend a weight of four pounds, at the end of c e one of three pounds, and at the end of c b one of two pounds. The knot will remain in equilibrio, proving, there- fore, the proposition. In the composition of forces ' power must always be lost. Thus, in this experiment we see that a weight of three pounds and one of two pounds equipoise a weight of four pounds only. If of two forces acting upon a point one is momentary and the other constant, the point may move in a curve. Thus, if in Fig. 87, a shot be projected obliquely up- * 87 - ward from a gun, it is under the ac- tion of two forces the momentary force of the explosion of the gun- powder and the constant effect of the attraction of the earth. It- describes, therefore, a curvilinear path, a b c, the direction of which continually declines toward the di- rection of the constant force. It is only when a force acts in a direction perpendicu- lar to a body that its full effect is obtained. This is easi- ly proved by resolving an oblique force into two others, one of which is perpendicular and the other parallel to the side of the body acted upon. This latter force is, of course, lost. Why in the composition of forces is power always lost ? What is the result of the action of a momentary and a constant force upon a point? In what direction must a force act to obtain its full effect ? INERTIA. 77 LECTURE XVII. INERTIA. Inertia a Properly of Matter. Indifference to Motion and Rest. Moving Masses are Motive Powers. Determination of the Quantity of Motion. Momen- tum. Action and Reaction. Newton's Laws of Mo- tion. Bohnenbcrger's Machine. ALL bodies have a tendency to maintain their present condition, whether it be of motion or rest. It is only by the exertion of force that that condition can be changed. A mass of any kind, when at rest, resists the application of force to put it in motion, and when in motion resists any attempt to bring it to rest. This property is termed INERTIA. It is illustrated by many familiar instances : thus, loaded carriages require the exertion of far more force to put them in motion than is subsequently required to keep them going, and a train of railroad cars will run for a great distance after the locomotive is detached. Universal experience shows that inanimate bodies have no power to produce spontaneous changes in their con- dition. They are wholly inactive. Even when in motion they exhibit no tendency whatever to alter their state. Thus, the earth rotates on its axis at the same rate which it did thousands of years ago, and the planetary bodies pursue their orbits with an unchangeable velocity. A moving mass can neither increase nor diminish its rate of speed, for if it could do the former it must necessarily have the power spontaneously to put itself in motion if it were in a condition of rest. Nor can such a mass, if in motion, change the direction of its movement any more than it can change its velocity. Such a change of direc- tion would imply the operation of some innate force, which of itself could have put the mass in movement. When- ever, therefore, we discover in a moving body changes in direction or changes in velocity, we at once impute them What is meant by the term inertia ? Give an illustration of inertia. What illustration have we that when bodies are in motion they do not spontaneously tend to come to rest? Can a moving mass increase or di- minish its rate of speed ? Can it change its direction of itself? 78 MOMENTUM. to the agency of acting forces, and not to any innate power of the moving body itself. Fig. 88. If an ivory ball, a, Fig. 88, be laid upon a sheet of paper, b c, on the table, and the paper c suddenly pulled away, the ball does not accompany the movement but remains in the same place on the table. A person jumping from a carriage in rapid motion falls down, because his body, still participating in the motion of the carriage, follows its direction after his feet have struck the earth. By the MASS of a body we mean the quantity of mat- ter contained in it that is, the sum of all its particles. The mass of a body depends on its volume and density. In consequence of their inertia, masses in motion are themselves motive powers. Such a mass impinging on a Fig. 89. second tends to set it in motion. _ Thus, if a ball a, Fig. 89, moving W i W toward c, impinge upon a second ball, b, of equal weight, the two will move together toward c, with a velocity one half of that which a originally had. In this case, therefore, a has acted as a motive force upon Z, and it is obvious that the intensity of this action must depend on the magnitude and velocity of a, increasing as they increase and dimin- ishing as they diminish. The ball a is said, therefore, to have a certain momentum or moment, which depends part- ly upon its mass and partly upon its velocity; and the mo- ments of any two bodies may be compared by multiplying together the mass and velocity of each. Thus, if a body, A, has twice the mass of another, B, and moves with the same velocity, the momentum of A will be twice that of B ; but if A, having twice the mass of B, has only half its velocity the moments of the two will be equal. It is upon this principle that heavy masses moving very slowly exert a great force, and that bodies comparatively light, moving with great speed, produce striking effects. The battering-rams of the ancients, which were heavy masses moving slowly, did riot produce more powerful Give. an experimental illustration of inertia. How is it that moving bodies are themselves motive powers ? How is the quantity of motion or momentum of a body ascertained ? ACTION AND REACTION. 79 effects than cannon-shot, which, though comparatively light, move with prodigious speed. From the foregoing considerations, it therefore appears that the amount of motion depends neither upon the mass alone nor the velocity alone. A certain mass, A, moving with a given velocity, has a certain momentum or quanti- ty of motion. If to A a second equal mass, B, with a sim- ilar velocity be added, the two conjointly will, of course, possess double the momentum of the first the mass has doubled, though the speed is the same, and therefore the quantity of motion has doubled. Again, if a certain mass, A, moves with a given speed, and a second one, B, moves with a double speed, it is obvious that this last will have twice the quantity of motion of the former. Here the masses are the same, but the velocities are different. The quantity of motion or momentum which a body possesses is, therefore, obtained by multiplying together the num- bers which express its mass and its velocity. Action and reaction are always equal to each other. The resistance which a given body exhibits is equal to the effect of any force operating upon it. This equality of action and reaction may be shown by an apparatus represented in Fig. 90, in which Fi s- 90 - two balls of clay or putty, a b, are suspended by strings so as to move over a graduated arc. If one of the balls be allowed to fall upon the other, through a given number of degrees, it will com- municate to it a pait of its mo- tion, and the following facts may be observed : 1st. The bodies, af- ter collision, move on together, and therefore have the same velocity. 2d. The quantity of motion remains unchang- ed, the one having gained as much as the other has lost, so that if the two are equal they will have half the veloc- ity after impact that the moving one had when alone. 3d. If equal, and moving in opposite directions with equal velocities, they will destroy each other's motions and come Does the mass or the velocity, taken alone, measure the amount of mo- tion T What is the relation between action and reaction ? What is the apparatus represented in Fig. 90 intended to illustrate ? Mention some 01 the results. 80 NEWTON'S LAWS. to rest. 4th. If unequal, and moving in opposite direc- tions, they will come to rest when their velocities are in- versely as their masses. The following three propositions are called "Newton's laws of motion." They contain the results depending on inertia : I. Every body must persevere in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line, unless it be compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it. II. Every change of motion must be proportional to the impressed force, and must be in the direction of that straight line in which the force is impressed. III. Action must always be equal, and contrary to re- action, or the action of two bodies upon each other must be equal and directed to contrary sides. As an example of the operation of inertia, and illustra- ting the invariability of position of the axLs of the earth during its revolution, I here describe Bohnenberger's machine. It consists of three movable rings, A A A, Fig. 91, placed at right angles to each other, AJj {^jjfl Jf and in the smallest ring there is a heavy metal ball, B, supported on an axis, which also bears a little roller, c. A thread being wound round this roller and any particular position being given to the axis, by quickly pulling the thread the ball may be set in rapid ro- tation. It is now immaterial in what position the instru- ment is placed, its axis continually maintains the same di- rection, and the ring which supports it will resist a con- siderable pressure tending to displace it. What are Newton's three laws of motion? Describe Bohnenberger's machine. What does it illustrate ? GRAVITATION. 81 LECTURE XVIII. GRAVITATION. Preliminary Ideas of Motions of Attrac- tion. The Earth and Falling Bodies. Laics of At- traction, as respects Mass and Distance. Nature of Weight. Absolute and Specific Weight. The Plumb- Line. Convergence of suck Lines toward the Earth's Center. Action of Mountain Masses. ALL material substances exert upon each other an at- tractive force. To this the designation of GRAVITY or GRAVITATION has been given. It was the great discovery of Sir I. Newton that the same force which produces the descent of a stone to the ground holds together the plan- ets and other celestial bodies. To obtain a preliminary idea of the nature and opera- tion of this force, let us suppose that two balls of equal weight be placed in presence of each other, and under such circumstances that no extraneous agency supervenes to interfere with their mutual action. Under these cir- cumstances, all the phenomena of nature prove that the two balls will commence moving toward each other with- equal speed, their velocity continually increasing until they come in contact. Inasmuch, therefore, as their masses are equal and their velocities equal, the quantities of motion they respectively possess will also be equal, as is proved in Lecture XVII. Again, let there be two other balls situated as before, but let one of them, B, be twice as large Fig. 92. as A. Motion will again ensue by reason of their mutual attraction, and they will ^^ approach each other with a velocity con- tinually increasing. In this instance, however, their speed will not be equal, the larger body, B, having a correspondingly less velocity than the smaller one, A. If, as we have supposed, it is twice as large, its What is meant by gravity ? Give an explanation of the phenomena of the attraction of two equal balls. Give a similar explanation in the case where the balls are unequal. 82 LAWS OF GRAVITATION. velocity will be only one half. But in this, as in the former case, the quantity of motion that each possesses is the same, for that depends on velocity and mass con- jointly. Further, if of the two bodies one becomes infinitely great as respects the other, then it is obvious that the lit- tle one alone will appear to move. This condition is what actually obtains in the case of our earth and bodies sub- jected to its influence. A mass of any kind, the support of which is suddenly removed, falls at once to the ground, and though in reality the earth moves to meet it just as much as it moves to meet the earth, the difference in these masses is so immeasurably great that the earth's motion is imperceptible and may be wholly neglected. The force by which bodies are thus solicited to move to the earth is called terrestrial gravity or gravitation. The force of gravity depends on two different condi- tions : 1st, the mass; 2d, the distance. 1st. The intensity of the force of gravity is directly as the mass. That is to say, that, for example, in the case of the earth, if its mass were twice as large its force of attraction would be twice as great ; or if it were only half as large its attraction would be only half as much as it is. 2d. In common with all other central forces, gravity diminishes as the distance increases. The law which de- termines this is expressed as follows: " The force of gravity is inversely as the square of the distance ;" that is to say, if a body be placed two, three, four, five times its original distance from another, the force attracting it will continually diminish, and in those different instances will successively be four, nine, sixteen, twenty-five times less than at first. When a body, instead of being allowed to fall freely to the earth, is supported, its tendency to descend is not anni- hilated, but it exerts upon the supporting surface a degree of pressure. This pressure we speak of as WEIGHT. And inasmuch as the attractive force upon a body depends on its mass, it is obvious that, if the mass is doubled, the weight is doubled ; if the mass is tripled, the weight is What is the relation in this respect between falling bodies and the earth ? On what two conditions does the intensity of gravity depend ? What is the law for the mass? What is the law for the distance? What is ABSOLUTE AND SPECIFIC WEIGHT. 83 tripled. Or, in other words, the weight of bodies is al- ways proportional to their mass. The absolute weight of a given body at the same place on the earth's surface is always the same ; for the mass, and, therefore, the attractive force of the earth never changes. If by any means the attractive influence of the earth could be doubled, the weight of every object would change, and be doubled correspondingly. The absolute weight of bodies is determined by bal- ances, springs, steelyards, and other such contrivances, as will be explained in their proper place. Different units of weight are adopted in different countries, and for dif- ferent purposes, as the grain, ounce, pound, gramme, &c. In bodies of the same nature the absolute weight is pro- portional to the volume. Thus a mass of iron which is twice the volume of another mass will also have twice its weight. But when we examine dissimilar bodies the result is very different. A globe of water compared with one of copper, or lead, or wood of the same size will have a very different weight. The lead will weigh more than the water, and the wood less. This fact we have already pointed out by the term "specific gravity," or specific weight of bodies. And, inasmuch as it is obviously a relative thing or a matter of comparison, it is necessary to select some substance which shall serve to compare other bodies with : for solids and liquids water is taken as the unit or standard of compari- son. And we say that iron is about seven, lead eleven, quicksilver thirteen times as heavy as it ; or that they have specific gravities expressed by those numbers. The unit of comparison for gaseous and vaporous bodies is atmospheric air. When an unsupported body is allowed to fall its path is in a vertical line. If a body be suspended by a thread the thread represents the path in which that body would have moved. It occupies a vertical direction, or is per- pendicular to the position which would be occupied by Is it constant for the same body ? How is absolute weight determined ? What units are employed ? What connection is there between weight and volume in bodies of the same kind ? What is meant by specific grav- ity ? What substance is the unit for solids and liquids ? What is the unit for gases and vapors ? 84 THE PLUMB-LINE. a surface of stagnant water. Such a thread is termed a plumb-line. It is of constant use in the arts to determine horizontal and vertical lines. Fig. 93. If in two positions, A B, Fig. 93, on the earth's surface plumb-lines were sus- pended, it would be found that, though they are perpendicular as respects that surface, they are not parallel to one an- other, but incline, at a small angle, A C B, to each other. If their distance be one mile this convergence would amount to one minute; and if it be sixty miles the convergence would be one degree. Now, as the plumb-line indicates the path of a falling body, it is easily understood that on different parts of the earth's surface the paths of falling bodies have the inclinations just described. A little consideration shows that the de- scent of such bodies is in a line directed to the center, C, of the earth. That center we may therefore regard as the active point, or seat of the whole earth's attractive influence. When examinations with plumb-lines are made in the neighborhood of mountain masses those masses exert a disturbing agency on the plummet, drawing the line from its true vertical position. But this is nothing more than what ought to take place on the theory of universal gravitation ; for that theory asserting that all masses ex- ert an attractive influence, the results here pointed out must necessarily ensue, and the lateral action of the moun- tains correspondingly draw the plummet aside. What is a plumb-line ? At considerable distances from one another are plumb-lines parallel? What conclusion is drawn from this fact ? What is the effect of mountain masses ? OF FALLING BODIES. 85 LECTURE XIX. THE DESCENT OF FALLING BODIES. Accelerated Motion. Different bodies fall with equal velocities. Laws of Descent as respects Velocities, Spaces, Times. Prin- ciple of Atticood's Machine. It verifies the Laws of Descent Resistance of the Atmosphere. OBSERVATION proves that the force with which a falling body descends depends upon the distance through which it has passed. A given weight falling through a space of an inch or two may give rise to insignificant results ; but if it has passed through many yards those results become correspondingly greater. Gravity being a force continually in operation, a falling body must be under its influence during the whole period of its descent. The soliciting action does not take effect at the first moment of motion and then cease, but it con- tinues all the time, exerting as it were a cumulative effect. The falling body may be regarded as incessantly receiv- ing a rapidly recurring series of impulses, all tending to drive it in the same direction. The effect of each one is, therefore, added to those of all its predecessors, and a uni- formly accelerated motion is the result. Falling bodies are, therefore, said to descend with a uni- formly accelerated motion. As the attraction of the earth operates with equal in- tensity on all bodies, all bodies must fall with equal ve- locities. A superficial consideration might lead to the erroneous conclusion that a heavy body ought to descend more quickly than a lighter. But if we have two equal masses, apart from each other, falling freely to the ground, they will evidently make their descent in equal times or with the same velocity. Nor will it alter the case at all if we imagine them to be connected with each other by an inflexible line. That line can in no manner increase or diminish their time of descent. What is the difference of effect when bodies have fallen through differ- ent spaces ? Why does gravity produce an accelerated motion '? "Do all bodies fall to the earth with the same or different velocities ? 86 LAWS OF FALLING BODIES. The space through which a body falls in one second of time varies to a small extent in different latitudes. It is, however, usually estimated at sixteen feet and one tenth. As the effect of gravity is to produce a uniformly accelerated motion, the final velocities of a descending body will increase as the times increase ; thus, at the end of two seconds, that velocity is twice as great as at one ; at the end of three seconds, three times as great ; at the end of four, four times, and so on. Therefore the final velocity at the end Of the first second is ... 32| feet. " second " ... 64| " " third " ... 96| " &c., &c. The spaces through which the body descends in equal successive portions of time increase as the numbers, &c. ; that is to say, as the body descends through sixteen feet and one tenth in the first second, the subsequent spaces will be For the first second " second " ... " third " ... &c., and these numbers are evidently as 1.3.5, &c. The entire space through which a body falls increases as the squares of the times. Thus, the entire space is, For the first second . . . IGy^feet. " second " 64 f " " third " ... 144 T ^- " &c., &c. and these numbers are evidently as 1.4.9, &c., which are themselves the squares of the numbers 1.2.3, &c. If a body continued falling with the final velocity it had acquired, after falling a given time, and the operation of gravity were then suspended, it would descend in the same, length of time through twice the space it fell through before relieved from the action of gravity . Is the space through which a body descends every where the same ? What is the relation between final velocities and times ? What relation is there between the spaces and times ? What between the entire spaces and times? Suppose a body continues to fall, gravity being suspended, what is the relation of the space through which it will move with that it has already fallen through, the times being equal? ATWOOD'S MACHINE. 87 The following table imbodiee the results of the three first laws. Times, &c. Final velocities, &c Space for each time ...., &c. Whole spaces, &c. It would not be easy to confirm these results by ex- periments directly made on falling bodies, the space described in the first second being so great (more than sixteen feet), and the spaces increasing as the squares of the times. There is an instrument, however, known as Attwood's machine, in which the force of gravity being moderated without any change in its essential characters, we are enabled to verify the foregoing laws. The principle of Attwood's machine is this. Over a pulley, A, Fig. 94, let there pass a fine silk Fig. 94. line which suspends at its extremities equal weights, b c. These weights, being equally acted upon by gravity, will, of course, have no disposition to move ; but now to one of the weights, c, let there be added another much smaller weight, d, these conjointly prepon- derating over b, will descend, b at the same time rising. It might be supposed that the small additional weight, d, under these cir- cumstances, would fall as fast as if it were unsupported in the air ; but we must not forget that it has simultaneously to bring down with it the weight to which it is attached, and also to lift the opposite one. By its gravity, therefore, it does descend, but with a velocity which is less in proportion as the difference between the two weights to which it it affixed is less than their sum. It gives us a force precisely like gravity indeed it is gravity itself operating under such conditions as to allow a moderate velocity. To avoid friction of the axle of the pulley, each of its ends rests upon two friction-wheels, as is shown at Q, Fig. 95 ; P is the pillar which supports the pulley. Oue of the weights is seen at &, the other moves in front of the divided scale c d. This last weight is made to pre- What is the principle of Attwood's machine ? Why does not the addi- tional weight fall as fast as if it fell freely ? Describe the construction of the machine. 88 ATTWOOD S MACHINE. Fig. 95. ponderate by means of a rod. There is a shelf which can be screwed opposite any of the di- visions of the scale, and the arrival of the descending weight at that point is indicated by the sound arising from its striking. A clock, R, indicates the time which has elapsed. To en- able us to fulfill the condition of sus- pending the action of gravity at any moment, a shelf, in the form of a ring, is screwed upon the scale at the point required. Through this the descend- ing weight can freely pass, but the rod which caused the preponderance is intercepted. The equality of the two weights is, therefore, reassumed, and the action of gravity virtually sus- pended. By this machine it may be shown that, in order that the descending weight shall strike the ring at inter- vals of 1, 2, 3, 4, &c., seconds, count- ing from the time at which its fall commences, the ring must be placed at distances from the zero of the scale, which are as the numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, &c. ; and t ese are the squares of the times. And in the same manner may the other laws of the falling of bodies be proved. When a body is thrown vertically upward it rises with an equably retarded motion, losing 32} feet of its original velocity every second. If in vacuo, it would occupy as much time in rising as in falling to acquire its original velocity, and the times expended in the ascent and descent would be the same. Forces which, like gravity, in this instance, produce a retardation of motion are nevertheless designated as ac- celerating forces. Their action is such that, if it were brought to bear on a body at rest, it would give rise to an accelerated motion. Give an illustration of its use. What is the effect when a body is thrown vertically upward ? Under what signification is the term " accelerating forces" sometimes used ? RESISTANCE OF THE AIR. 89 In rapid movements taking place in the atmosphere, a disturbing agency arises in the resistance of Fig. 96. the air a disturbance which becomes the more striking as the descending body is lighter, or exposes more surface. If a piece of gold and a feather are suffered to drop from a certain height, the gold reaches the ground much sooner than the feather. Thus,, if in a tall air-pump receiver we allow, by turning the button, a, Fig. 96, a gold coin and a feather to drop, the feather occupies much longer than the coin in effecting its descent ; and that this is due to the resistance of the air is proved by withdrawing the air from the receiver, and, when a good vacuum is obtained, making the coin and the feather fall again. It will now be found that they descend in the same time precisely. ,, Nor is it alone light bodies which are subject to this disturbance : it is common to all. Thus it was found that a ball of lead dropped from the dome of St. Paul's Cathe- dral, in London, occupied 4 seconds in reaching the pavement, the distance being 272 feet. But in that time it should have fallen 324 feet, the retardation being due to the resistance of the air. It has been observed that the force of gravity is not the same on all parts of the earth. The distance fallen through in one second at the pole is 16'12 feet ; but at the equator it is 16*01 feet. This arises from the circumstance, that the earth is not a perfect sphere, its polar diameter being shorter than its equatorial and, therefore, bodies at the poles are nearer to its center than they are at the equator. ThusV in Fig. 97, let N S represent the globe of the earth, N and S being What cause interferes with these results ? How can it be proved that these effects are due to the resistance of the air ? Is this disturbance lim- ited to light bodies '! What is the distance through which a falling body descends at the equator and at the poles ? What is the reason of this difference? 90 MOTION ON PLANES. the north and south poles, respectively. Owing to its polar being shorter than its equatorial diameter, bodies situated at different points on the surface may be at very different distances from the center, and the force of grav- ity exerted upon them may be correspondingly very dif- ferent. LECTURE XX. MOTION ON INCLINED PLANES. Case of a Horizontal, a Vertical, and an Inclined Plane. Wright expended partly in producing pressure and partly motion. Laws of Descent down Inclined Planes. Systems of Planes. Ascent up Planes. PROJECTILES. Parabolic theory of Projectiles. Disturb- ing agency of the Atmosphere. Resistance to Cannon- shot. Ricochet. Ballistic Pendulum. WHEN a spherical body is placed on a plane set hori- zontally, its whole gravitation is expended in producing a pressure on that plane. If the plane is set in a vertical position the body no longer presses upon it, but descends vertically and unresisted. At all intermediate positions which may be given to the plane the absolute attraction will be partly expended in producing a pressure upon that plane, and partly in producing an accelerated de- scent. The quantities of force thus relatively expended in producing the pressure and the motion will vary with the inclination of the plane : that portion producing press- ure increasing as the plane becomes more horizontal, and that producing motion increasing as the plane becomes more vertical. Let there be a ball descending on the surface of an in- clined plane, A B, Fig. 98, and let the line d e represent its weight or absolute gravity. By the parallelogram of forces we may decompose this into two other forces, df What are the phenomena exhibited by a spherical body placed on planes of different inclinations? Into what forces may the absolute gravity of the body be resolved ? MOTION DOWN INCLINED PLANES. 91 and d g, one of which is perpendicular to the plane and the other parallel to it. The first, therefore, is expended in producing pressure upon the plane, and the second in pro- ducing motion down it. The following are the laws of the descent of bodies down inclined planes. The pressure on the inclined plane is to the weight of the body as the base, B C, of the inclined plane is to its length, A B. The accelerated motion of a descending body is to that which it would have had if it fell freely as the height, A C, of the plane is to its length, A B. The final velocity which the descending body acquires is equal to that which it would have had if it had fallen freely through a distance equal to the height of the plane ; and, therefore, the velocities acquired on planes of equal height, but unequal inclinations, are equal. The space passed through by a body falling freely is to that gone over an inclined plane, in equal times, as the length of the plane is to its height. If a series of inclined planes be represented, in position and length, by the chords of a circle termi- Fig. 99 rating at the extremity of the vertical diame- A ter, the times of descent down each will be equal, and also equal to the time of descent through that vertical diameter. Thus, let A D, A G, D B, G B be chords of a circle ter- minating at the extremities, A B, of the ver- tical diameter; and, regarding these as inclin- ed planes, a body will descend from A to D, or A to G, or D to B, or G to B in the same time that it would fall from A to B. If a body descend down a system of several planes, A What effects do those forces respectively produce ? What relation is there between the pressure on the inclined plane and the weight of the body ? What is the relation between the velocities in descent down a plane and free falling ? What is the final velocity equal to ? What is the relation of the space passed through ? What is Fig. 99 intended, to illus- trate ? 92 PROJECTILES. C, Fig. 100, with different inclinations, it will acquire Fig. 100. the same velocity as it would have had in descending through the same vertical height, A B, though the times of descent are unequal. If a body which has descended an inclined plane meets at the foot of it a second plane of equal alti- tude, it will ascend this plane with the velocity acquired in coming C " down the first, until it has reached the same altitude from which it descended. Its velocity being now expended, it will re-descend, and ascend the first plane as before, oscillating down one plane, up the other, and then back again. The same thing will take place if, instead of being over an inclined plane, the motion be made over a curve, as in Fig. 101. In practice, however, the resistance of the air and friction soon bring these motions to an end. In the motions of projectiles two forces are involved the continuous action of gravity, and the momentary force which gave rise to the impulse such as muscular ex- ertion, the explosion of gunpowder, the action of a spring, &c. The resulting effects of the combination of these forces will differ with the circumstances under which they act. If a body be projected downward, in a vertical line, it fol- lows its ordinary course of descent, its accelerated motion arising from gravity being conjoined to the original pro- jectile force. But if it be thrown vertically upward, the action of gravity is to produce a uniform retardation. Its velocity becomes less and less, until finally it wholly ceases. The body then descends by the action of the earth, the time of its descent being equal to that of its as- cent, its final velocity being equal to its initial velocity. But if the projectile force forms any angle with the direction of gravity, the path of the body is in a para- bolic curve, as seen in Fig. 102. If the direction of Describe the phenomena of motion on curves. What forces are involv- ed in the motion of a projectile ? What are the effects in vertical projec- tion upward and downward? What is the theoretical path in angular projection ? PARABOLIC THEORY. 93 the projection be horizontal, the path described will be half a para- bola. This, which passes under the title of the parabolic theory of projec- tiles, is found to be entirely de- parted from in practice. The curve described by shot thrown from guns is not a parabola, but another curve, the Ballistic. In vertical projections, instead of the times of ascent and descent being equal, the former is less. The final velocity is not the same as the initial, but less. Nor is the descending motion uniformly accelerated ; but, after a certain point, it is constant. Analogous differences are discovered in angular projections. The distance through which a projectile could go upon the parabolic theory, with an initial velocity of 2000 feet per second, is about 24 miles : whereas no projectile has even been thrown farther than five miles. In reality, the parabolic theory of projectiles holds only for a vacuum. And the atmospheric air, exerting its resisting agency, totally changes all the phenomena not only changing the path, but whatever may have been the initial velocity, bringing it speedily down below 1280 feet per second. The cause of this phenomenon Fi s- 103> may be understood from Fig. 103. Let B be a cannon-ball, 5^ft moving from A to C with a ve- A- B^g C locity more than 2000 feet per second. In its flight it removes a column of air between A and B, and as the air flows into a vacuum only at the rate of 1280 feet per second, the ball leaves a vacuum behind it. In the same manner it powerfully compresses the air in front. This, therefore, steadily presses it into the vacuum behind, or, in other words, retards it, and soon brings its velocity down to such a point that the ball moves no faster than the air moves that is, 1280 feet per second. Is this the path in reality ? Mention some of the discrepancies between the theoretical and actual movements of projectiles. What are these dis- crepancies due to? Describe the nature of the resistance exerted on a cannon-shot in its passage through the air. 94 MOTION ROUND A CENTER. Fig. 104. A shot thrown with a high initial velocity not only de- viates from the parabolic path, but also to the right and left of it, perhaps several times. A ball striking on the earth or water at a small angle, bounds forward *or rico- chets, doing this again and again until its motion ceases. The initial velocity given by gunpowder to a ball, and, therefore, the explosive force of that material may be de- termined by the Ballistic pen- dulum. This consists of a heavy mass, A, Fig. 104, sus- pended as a pendulum, so as to move over a graduated arc. Into this, at the center of per- cussion, the ball is fired. The pendulum moves to a corresponding extent over the grad- uated arc, with a velocity which is less according as the weight of the ball and pendulum is greater than the weight of the ball alone. The explosive force of gunpowder is equal to 2000 at- mospheres. It expands with a velocity of 5000 feet per second, and can communicate to a ball a velocity of 2000 feet per second. The velocity is greater with long than short guns, because the influence of the powder on the ball is longer continued. LECTURE XXI. OF MOTION ROUND A CENTER. Peculiarity of Motion on a Curve. Centrifugal Force. Conditions of Free Cur- vilinear Motion. Motion of the Planets. Motion in a Circle. Motion in an Ellipse. Rotation on an Axis. Figure of Revolution. Stability of the Axis of Rota- tion. IN considering the motion of bodies down inclined planes, we have shown that the action of gravity upon What is meant by ricochet? Describe the ballistic pendulum. What is the estimate of the explosive force of gunpowder ? What is the veloci- ty of its expansion ? What is the velocity it can communicate to a ball ? MOTION ON A CURVE. 95 them may be divided into two portions one producing pressure upon the plane, and therefore acting perpendic- ularly to its surface; the other acting parallel to the plane, and therefore producing motion down it. It has also been shown that, in some respects, there is an analogy between movements over inclined planes and over curved lines, but a further consideration proves that be- tween the two there is also a very important difference. A pressure occurs in the case of a body moving on a curve which is not found in the case of one moving on a plane. It arises from the inertia of a moving body. Thus, if a body commences to move down an inclined plane, the force producing the motion is, as we have seen, parallel to the plane. From the first moment of motion to the .last the direction is the same, and inasmuch as the inertia of the body, when in motion, tends to continue that mo- tion in the same straight line, no deflecting agency is en- countered. But it is very different with Fig. 105. motion on a curve. Here the direction of descent from A to B is perpetually changing ; the curve from its form resists, and therefore deflects the falling body. At any point its inertia tends to continue its motion in a straight line : thus, at A, were it not for the curve it would move in the line A a, at B in the line B b, these lines being tangents to the curve at the points A and B. The curve, therefore, continually de- flecting the falling body, experiences a pressure itself a pressure which obviously does not occur in the case of an inclined plane. This pressure is denominated " cen- trifugal force," because the moving body tends to fly from the center of the curve. In the foregoing explanation we have regarded the body as being compelled to move in a curvilinear path, by means of an inflexible and resisting surface. But it may easily be shown that the same kind of motion will Explain the difference between motion on inclined planes and motion on curves. What is meant by centrifugal force ? Under what circumstances can curvilinear motion ensue without the intervention of a rigid curve ? 96 CURVILINEAR MOTION. Fig. 106. ensue without any such compelling or resisting surface, provided the body be under the control of two forces, one of which continually tends to draw it to the cen- ter of the curve in which it moves, while the other, as a momentary impulse, tends to carry it in a different di- rection. Thus, let there be a body, A, Fig. 106, attract- ed by another body, S, and also subjected to a projectile force tending to carry it in the direction A H. Under the con- joint influence of the two forces it will describe a curvilinear orbit, A T W. The point to which the first force solicits the body to move is termed the center of gravity- that force itself is desig- nated the centripetal force, and the momentary force passes under the name of tangential force. The following experiment clearly shows how, under the action of such forces, curvilinear motion arises. Let there be placed upon a table a ball, A, and from the top of the room, by a long thread, let there be suspend- ed a second ball, B, the point of suspension being verti- cally over A. If now we re- move B a short distance from A, and let it go, it falls at once on A, as though it were attracted. It may be regarded, therefore, as under the influence of a centripetal force emanating from A. Pig. 107. What must the nature of the two forces be ? What is the center of gravity ? What is the centripetal force ? What is the tangential force ? Describe the experiment illustrated in' Fig. 107. CURVILINEAR MOTIONS. 97 But if, instead of simply letting B drop upon A, we give it an impulse in a direction at right angles to the line ir which it would have fallen, it at once pursues a curvilin- ear path, and may be made to describe a circle or an el- lipse according to the relative intensity of the tangential force given it. This revolving ball imitates the motion of the planetary bodies round the sun. To understand how these curvilinear motions arise, let C be the center of gravity, and sup- pose a body at the point a. Let a tan- gential force act on it in such a man- ner as to drive it from a to b, in the same time as it would have fallen from a to d. By the parallelogram offerees it will move tof. When at this point, f t its inertia would tend to carry it in the directiony^-, a distan-ce equal to a f t in a time equal to that occupied in passing from a tof; but the constant attractive force still operating tends to bring it to h; by the parallelogram of forces it therefore is carried to k ; and by similar reasoning we might show that it will next be found at n, and so on. But when we consider that the centripetal force acts continually, and not by small interrupted impulses, it is obvious that, in- stead of a crooked line, the path which the body pursues will be a continuous curve. The planets move in their orbits round the sun, and the satellites round their planets, in consequence of the action of two forces a centripetal force, which is gravi- tation, and a tangential force originally impressed on them. The centrifugal force obviously arises from the action of the tangential. It is the antagonist of the centripetal force. The figure of the curve in which a body revolves is de- termined by the relative intensities of the centripetal and tangential forces. If the two be equal at all points the curve will be a circle, and the velocity of the body will Explain why this curvilinear motion ensues. What forces direct the motions of the planets ? What is the relation between the centripetal and centrifugal force ? E 98 CURVILINEAR MOTIONS. be uniform. But if the centrifugal force at different points of the body's orbit be inversely as the square of its distance from the center of gravity, the curve will be an ellipse and the velocity of the body variable. In elliptical motion, which is the motion of planetary bodies, the center of gravity is in one of the foci of the ellipse. All lines drawn from this point to the circumfe- rence are called radii vectorcs, and the nature of the mo- tion is necessarily such that the radius vector connecting the revolving body with the center of gravity sweeps over equal areas in equal times. The squares of the velocities are inversely as the dis- tances, and the squares of the times of revolution are to each other as the cubes of the distances. Fig, 109. Let A B D E be an elliptical orbit, as, for example, that of a planet, the longest diameter being A B, and the short- est D E. The points F and G are thejbci of the ellipse, and in one, as F, is placed the center of gravity, which, in this instance, is the sun. The planet, therefore, when pursuing its orbit, is much nearer to the sun when at A than when at B. The former point is, therefore, called the perihelion, the latter the aphelion, and D and E points By what circumstance is the figure of the curve determined ? Under what circumstances is it a circle ? Under what an ellipse ? What is the radius vector ? What are the laws of elliptic motion ? FIGURE OF REVOLUTION. 99 of mean distance. The line A B, joining the perihelion and aphelion, is the line of the apsides ; it is also the great- er or transverse axis of the orbit, and D E is the conju- gate or less axis. A line drawn from the center of grav- ity to the points D or E, as F D, is the mean distance, F is the lower focus, G the higher focus, A the lower apsis, B the higher apsis, and F C or G C that is the distance of either of the foci from the center the excentricity. When a body rotates upon an axis all its parts revolve in equal times. The velocity of each particle increases with its perpendicular distance from the axis, and, there- fore, so also does its centrifugal force. As long as this force is less than the cohesion of the particles, the rotating body can preserve itself, but as soon as the centrifugal force overcomes the cohesive, the parts of the rotating mass fly off in directions which are tangents to their circular motion. There are many familiar instances which are examples of these principles. The bursting of rapidly rotating masses, the expulsion of water from a mop, the projec- tion of a stone from a sling. If the parts of a rotating body have freedom of motion among themselves, a change in the figure of that body may ensue by reason of the difference of centrifugal force of the different parts. Thus, in the case of the earth, the figure is not a perfect sphere, but a spheroid, the diame- ter or axis upon which it revolves, called its polar diam- eter, is less than its equatorial, it having assumed a flat- tened shape toward the poles and a bulging one toward the equator. At the equator the centrifugal force of a particle is L_ of its gravity. This diminishes as we approach the poles, where it becomes 0. The tendency to fly from the axis of motion has, therefore, given rise to the force in question. In Fig. 110, we have a repre- sentation of the general figure of the earth, in which N S is the polar diameter and also the axis of rotation, E'E, the equatorial diameter. Define the various parts of an elliptic orbit. Describe the phenomena of rotation on an axis. What figure does a movable rotating mass tend to assume ? 100 FIGURE OF REVOLUTION. This may be illustrated by an instrument represented Fig. in. in Fig. Ill, which consists of a set of circular hoops, made of brass or other elas- tic material. They are fast- ened upon an axis at the point a, but at the point b can slide up and down the axis. When at rest they are of a circular form. By a multiplying- wheel a rapid rotation can be given them, and when this is done they depart from the circular shape and assume an elliptical one, the shorter axis being the axis of rotation. But if the parts of the rotating body have not perfect Fie. 112. freedom of motion among themselves, their centrifugal force gives rise to a pressure upon the axis. If the mass is symmetrical as respects the axis, the resulting pressures compensate each other. But as each one of the rotating particles, by reason of its inertia, has a disposition to continue its motion in the same plane, it is obvious that such a free axis can only be disturbed from MBi^iiir.iUiiiMiiiriiiiU'iM jt s position by the exercise of a force sufficient to overcome that effect. It is this result which is so well illustrated by Bohnenberger's machine (Fig. 112), already described. What does the instrument, Fig. Ill, illustrate? Under what circum- stances does pressure on the axis take place ? For what reason does the axis tend to maintain the same direction ? CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. 101 LECTURE XXII. OF ADHESION AND CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. Adhesion of Solids and Liquids. Law of Wetting. Capillary At- traction. Elevations and Depressions. Relations of the Diameter of Tubes. Motions by Capillary Attraction. Endos7nosis of Liquids and of Gases. To the arm of a balance, b c, Fig. 113, let there be at- tached a flat circular plate of glass, Kg. 113. #, arid let it be equipoised by the weights in the opposite scale, d; beneath it let there be brought a cup of water, e, and on lowering the glass plate within an inch, or even within the hundredth part of an inch of the water, no attraction is exhibited ; but if the glass and the water are brought in contact, then it will re- quire the addition of many weights in the opposite scale to pull them apart. If the cup, instead of being filled with water, is filled with quicksilver, alcohol, oil, or any other liquid, or if instead of a plate of glass we use one of wood or metal, the same effects still ensue. The force which thus main- tains the surface in contact is called " Adhesion." Adhesion does not alone take place between bodies of different forms. Two perfectly flat plates of glass or mar- ble, when pressed together, can' only be separated by the exertion of considerable force. In both this and the for- mer case the absolute force required to effect a separa- tion depends on the superficial area of the bodies in con- tact. If, on bringing a given solid in contact with a liquid, the force of adhesion is equal to more than half the co- hesive force of the liquid particles for one another, the liquid will adhere to the solid or wet it. Thus, the adhe- Give an example of the adhesion of a solid to a liquid. Does this take place when liquids of different kinds are used ? Does it take place when two solids are employed ? Under what circumstances does a liquid wet or not wet a solid ? 102 CAPILLARY TUBES. Fig. 114. sive force developed when gold is brought in contact with quicksilver is more than half the cohe- sion of the particles of the quicksilver for each other : the quicksilver, there- fore, adheres to or wets the gold. But if the force of adhesion devel- oped between a solid and liquid is less than half the cohesive force of the particles of the latter, the liquid does not wet the solid. Thus, a piece of glass in contact with quicksilver is not wetted. It is on these principles that Vera's pump acts. It consists of a cord which passes over two wheels, to which a rapid motion can be given. The water adheres to the cord and is raised by it. If the surface of some water be dusted over with lyco- podium seeds, the fingers may be plunged in it without being wetted, the lycopodium preventing any adhesion of the water. But it is in the phenomena of capillary attrac- tion that we see the effects of adhesion in the most striking manner. These phe- nomena are exhibited by tubes of small diameter, called capillary tubes, because their bore is as fine as a hair. If such a tube, a, Fig. 115, be immersed in water, the water at once rises in it to a height considerably above its level, in the glass cup, b. - Or if instead of water we fill the glass cup with quicksilver, and immerse the tube in it, bringing it near the side so that we can see the metal in the interior of the tube through the glass, it will be found to be depressed be- neath its proper level. These experiments are still more conve- niently made by means of tubes bent in the form of a syphon, as represented in Fig. 116. If one of these, A I, be partially filled with water, and Fig. 115. Fig. 116. What is the principle of the action of Vera's pump ? lary tube ? What phenomenon do these tubes exhibit ? What is a capil- SURFACE OF LIQUIDS. 103 then with quicksilver, the water will be seen to rise in the narrow tube, G D, above its level in the wide tube, A I, and the quicksilver to be depressed. When tubes of different diameters are used, the change in the level of the liquid is different. The narrower the tube the higher will water rise, and the lower will quick- silver be depressed. When tubes are very wide, or, what comes to the same thins:, when liquids are contained in i f f i Fig. 117. bowls or basins, the surface is found not to be uniformly level ; but near those points where it approaches the glass, in the case of water, it curves upward as seen at A, Fig. 117, and in the case of quicksilver it curves downward as seen atB. In tubes of the same material dipped in the same liquid, the elevations or depressions are inversely as the diameters of the tubes, the narrower the tube the higher will water rise, and the deeper will quicksilver be de- pressed. There is a beautiful experiment which shows the con- nection between the diameter of the tube and the height to which it will lift a liquid. Two square pieces of plate glass, A B, C D, Fig. 118, are arranged so that their surfaces form a minute an- gle. This position may be easily- given them by fastening them to- gether with a piece of wax or cement, K. When the plates are dipped into a trough of water, E F, G H, the water rises in the space between them to a smaller extent where the plates are far apart, and to a greater where they are closer. The upper edge of the water gives the form of a hyperbola, D I A. The plates may be supposed to represent a series o'f capillary tubes of diameters continually decreasing, they show that the narrower the intercluded space or bore of such tubes the higher the liquid will rise. The figure of the surface which bounds a liquid in a Does this depend on the width of the tube ? How does the experiment of Fig. 118 illustrate this? 104 CAPILLARY MOTIONS. Fiff 119. capillary tube is also to be remarked. Whenever a liquid rises in a tube, its bounding surface is concave upward, ^ as seen in Fig. 119, where fg is the tube, and a a the surface. When the liquid neither rises nor sinks, the sur- face a a is plane, as at d e; when the liquid is depressed, the surface a a is convex upward, as seen at b c. All these conditions may be exhibited by a glass tube properly prepared. In such a tube, when quite clean, the concavity and elevation of the liquid is seen ; if the interior of the tube be slightly greased, the surface of the water in it is plane, and it coincides in position with the level on the exterior. If it be not only greased, but also dusted with lycopodium, the liquid is depressed in it, and has a convex figure. Jt may be shown, according to the principles of hydro- statics, that it is the assumption of this curved surface which is the cause of the elevation or depression of liquids in capillary tubes. Motions often ensue among floating bodies in conse- quence of capillary attraction. At first sight they might seem to indi- cate the exertion of direct forces of attraction and repulsion ema- nating from the bodies themselves ; but this in reality is not the case, the motions arising in consequence of a disturbance of the figure of the surface on which the bodies float. Thus, if we grease two cork balls, A B, and dust them with lycopodium powder, they will, when set upon water, repel the liquid all round, each ball reposing in a hollow space. If brought iieac to each other, their repulsion exerted on the water a* G makes a complete depression, and they fall toward one another as though they were attracting each other. It is, however, the lateral pressure of the water beyond which forces them together. Under what circumstances is the boundary surface concave, plane, and convex ? What is it that determines the elevation or depression of the liquid ? Describe the motions which take place in floating bodies in con- sequence of these facts. ENDOSMOSIS. 105 Again, if one of the balls, E, is greased and dusted with lycopodium, arid the other, D, clean, and therefore capa- ble of being moistened, an elevation will exist all round D, and a depression round E. When placed near to- gether the balls appear to repel each other, the action in this case, as in the former, arising from the figure of the surface of the water. If we take a small bladder, or any other membranous Fig. 121. cavity, and having fastened it on a tube open at both ends, A B, Fig. 12], fill the bladder and tube to the height, C, with alco- hol, and then immerse the bladder in a large vessel of water ; it will soon be seen that the level at C is rising, and at a short time it reaches the top of the tube at B, and over- flows. This motion is evidently due to the cir- cumstance that the water percolates through the bladder, and the phenomenon has some- times been called endosmosis, or inward movement. Examination proves that while the water is thus flowing to the interior, a little of the al- cohol is moving in the opposite way ; but as the water moves quicker than the alcohol, there is an accumulation in the interior of the bladder, and, consequently, a rise at C. One liquid will thus intrude itself into another with very great force. A bladder filled full of alcohol, and its neck tightly tied, will soon burst open if it be plunged beneath water. Similar phenomena are exhibited by gases. If a jar Fig. 122. De filled with carbonic acid gas, and a piece of thin India-rubber tied over it, the carbonic acid escapes into the air through the India-rubber, which becomes deeply depressed as at A, Fig. 122. But if the jar be filled with air, and be ex- posed to an atmosphere of carbonic aciu, this gas, passing rapidly through it, ac- cumulates in the interior of the vessel, and gives to the India-rubber a convex or dome-shaped form, as seen at B. Endosmosis is nothing but a complex case of common capillary attraction. Under what circumstances does repulsion take place? What is meant by endosinosis ? Do gases exhibit these properties ? Give an illustration of it. 106 RISE OF SAP. The facts here described were originally discovered by Priestley ; but at a later period attention was called to them by Dutrochet, who, regarding them as being due to a peculiar physical principle, gave to the movements in question the names of endosmose and exosmose, mean- ing inward and outward motion. But I have shown that there is no reason to revert to any peculiar physical prin- ciple, since the laws of ordinary capillary attraction ex- plain every one of the facts. The bursting of a bladder rilled with alcohol and sunk under water gives us some idea of the power with which the latter liquid forces its way into the membranous cavity ; and it is surprising with what a degree of energy these movements are often accomplished. An opposing pressure of two or three atmospheres seems to offer no obstacle whatever, and I have seen gases pass through India-rubber to mingle with each other, though resisted by pressures of from twenty to fifty atmospheres. Whenever liquids which can commingle are placed on opposite sides of a membrane or cellular body which they can wet, motion ensues ; both liquids simultaneously moving in opposite directions, and commonly one much faster than the other. Thus, if a bladder full of gum- water is immersed in common water, the latter will find its way into the former against any pressure whatever. During the growth of trees, the terminations of their roots, which are of a soft and succulent nature, and which pass under the name of spongioles, are filled with a gummy material which originally was formed in the leaves. The moist or wet soil with which the spongioles are in contact, continually furnishes a supply of water which enters those organs in precisely the same way that it would enter a bladder full of gum-water. An accumulation takes place in the organs, and the liquid rises in the vascular parts of the root and the stem, which are in connection therewith. To this we give the name of ascending sap. It makes its way to the leaves, there to be changed into gum-water by the action of the light of the sun. It is immaterial how hig-l\a tree may be, the force now under consideration is competent to lift the sap to any altitude. With what degree of force are these motions accomplished ? What is the cause of the rise of the sap ? PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS. 107 PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS. LECTURE XXIII. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS. Distinctive Properties. Changes by particular Processes. Absolute Strength. Lateral Strength. Resistance to Compression. Tor- sion. Torsion Balance. A SUBSTANCE which can of itself maintain an independ- ent figure has already been defined as a solid body. This peculiarity arises from the relative intensity of the attract- ive and repulsive forces which obtain among its particles. In solids the attractive predominates over the repulsive force ; in liquids there seems to be little difference in their intensity ; in gases the repulsive force prevails. It is fur- ther to be observed, that portions of gas uniformly mix with each other; the same also takes place with liquids of a similar kind ; but when a fragment is broken from a solid mass mere coaptation will not effect reunion. The cohesive force of solids is exhibited in very dif- ferent degrees some solids being brittle, and some duc- tile some are hard, and others soft. Thus glass and bismuth may be pulverized in a mortar; but gold can be beaten out to an incredible extent by a hammer, and cop- per drawn into fine wires. The diamond is the hardest of all substances known, and, from their possessing the same quality, rhodium and indium are used for the tips of metallic pens, while other solids, such as potassium, so- dium, butter, are soft, and yield to a very moderate press- ure. Mention some of the peculiarities of solid bodies. Give examples of brktleness, hardness, and softness. 108 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. It has already been stated that the special properties which bodies possess can often be changed by proper processes. Thus glass, by slow cooling, loses much of its brittleness; and steel may be made excessively hard by being ignited and then plunged in cold water. Prince Rupert's drops furnish an illustration of these effects ; they are made by suffering drops of melted glass to fall in water. The drop takes on a pear-shaped form, ter- minating in a long thread. It will stand a tolerably heavy blow on the thick part, but bursts to dust if the tip of the thin part is broken. Solid substances differ very much in the important pecu- liarity of STRENGTH. Of all bodies steel is the strongest. The strength of materials may be considered in four ways : 1st. Absolute strength, or the resistance exerted against a force tending to tear asunder. 2d. Lateral or respective strength the resistance ex- erted against being broken across. 3d. Resistance to compression that is to a force tend- ing to crush. 4th. Strength of torsion the resistance against separa- tion by being twisted. The absolute strength of a body may be determined by fastening its upper end and attaching weights to the lower till it breaks. The absolute strength is not affected by* the length of a body, but is proportional to the area of its section. A rod of tempered steel, the area of which is one inch, requires nearly 115,000 Ibs. to tear it asunder. The strength of cords depends on the fineness of the strands ; damp cordage is stronger than dry. Silk cords, of the same diameter, have thrice the strength of those of flax, and a remarkable increase of power arises from gluing the threads together. A hempen cord, the threads of which are glued, is stronger than the best wrought-iron. The lateral strength of a beam of the shape of a paral- lelopipedon and of uniform thickness, supported at its Can these properties be changed? What phenomenon do Prince Ru- pert s drops exhibit ? What is meant by absolute strength? What by lateral ? What by resistance to compression ? What by torsion ? How may absolute strength be determined ? Upon what does it depend ? What is the law of lateral strength of rectangular beams ? TORSION. 109 ends and loaded in the middle, is inversely as the length and directly as the product of the breadth into square of the depth. This strength is least when the whole weight acts at the middle, and is greatest when at the ends. The resistance to compression increases as the section of the body increases, and it diminishes as the body be- comes longer. When the body is only a thin plate, its resistance to compression is, however, very small ; but it rapidly increases with increasing thickness reaches a maximum, and then diminishes as the square of the length. This species of resistance is called into operation in the construction of pillars or columns. Torsion resistance is connected with the elasticity of a body. As respects this force, elasticity, we have already defined it, and shown that no solid substance is perfectly elastic, though gases are. Each solid has its own limit of elasticity, beyond which, if it be strained, it takes a permanent set or it breaks. The limit of elasticity of glass is the point at which it breaks, and that of iron or copper being reached, the metal takes a permanent set. The resistance arising from elasticity is proportional to the displacement of the particles of the elastic body. The application of this law is in- volved in several valuable philosoph- ical instruments, among which may be mentioned the torsion balance, used for the determination of weak electric or magnetic forces. THE TORSION BALANCE consists of a delicate thread of glass or other highly elastic substance, a b, Fig. 123, fastened at its upper end, a, to a button, which turns stiffly in the graduated plate, c, and to its lower end at b, a lever, b d, is affixed trans- versely. The thread is inclosed in a glass tube, B, and the transverse lever moves in a glass cylinder, A. It is thus protected from the dis- turbance of currents of air. Round this cylinder, from Fig. 123. What is the law for resistance to compression ? With what property is torsion connected ? What is the law of resistance by elasticity ? De- scribe the torsion balance. 110 CENTER OF GRAVITY. to 180, graduated divisions are marked, and the whole instrument can be leveled by means of screwsyyi Suppose, now, it were required to measure any feeble repulsive force as the repulsion of a little electrified ball, e. If this ball be introduced into the interior of the cylinder through an aperture in the top, as shown in the Fig. 123, the index at c and the ball at d being both at the zero of their respective scales, the repulsion of e will drive the movable ball d through a certain number of degrees. By twisting the button at a, we can compel d to go back to its original position ; and the number of degrees through which the thread must be twisted to effect this, measures the repulsive force for the angle of torsion is always pro- portional to the force exerted. Of all methods for determ- ining feeble forces in a horizontal plane, the torsion balance is the most delicate and accurate. LECTURE XXIV. THE CENTER OF GRAVITY. Definition of the Center of Gravity. Line of Direction. Position of Equilibrium. Three Conditions of Support. Resulting States of Equilibrium. Stability of Bodies. The Floating of Bodies. IN every solid body there exists a certain point round which its material particles are arranged so as to be equally acted on by gravity. The gravitating forces soliciting these particles may be regarded as acting in lines which are parallel to one another ; for the common point of attraction, the center of the earth, is so distant, that lines, drawn from it to the different particles of any body on its surface, are practically parallel. To this point, thus found in every body, no matter what may be its figure or density, the term " Center of Gravity" is applied. A line which connects the center of gravity with the centre of the earth (or, what is the same thing, a line What is meant by the center of gravity of bodies ? CONDITIONS OF SUPPORT. Ill drawn from the center of gravity perpendicularly down- ward) is called " the line of direction." If a solid be suf- fered to fall, its center of gravity moves along the line of direction until it reaches the ground. In our reasonings in relation to solids, we may regard them as if all their material particles were concentrated in one point that point being the center of gravity- this being the point of application of the earth's attraction. It follows, therefore, that if a body has freedom of motion, it cannot be brought into a position of permanent equilib- rium until the center of gravity is at the lowest place. To satisfy this condition, sometimes effects which are apparently contradicto- tory will ensue. Thus, the cylinder, m, Fig. 124, so constructed, by being weighted on one side, as to have its cen- tre of gravity at the point g, while its ge- ometrical center is at c, will roll up an inclined plane, A B, continuing its motion until, as shown at m' t where the center of gravity, g', is in the lowest position. A prop which supports the center of gravity of a body supports the whole body. There are three different po- sitions in which this support may be given : 1st. The prop may be applied directly to the center itself. 2d. The point of support may have the center imme- diately below it. 3d. The point of support may have the center imme- diately above it. In the first case, when the point of support is directly applied to the center of gravity itself, the body, whatever its figure may be, will remain at rest in any position as is the case in a common wheel, the center of gravity of which is in the center of its figure, and this being sup- ported upon the axle, the wheel rests indifferently in any position. Let b a d, Fig. 125, be a brass semi-circle, weighted What is the line of direction ? What is the position of equilibrium of the center of gravity ? In what three positions may the center of gravity be supported ? What phenomena arise in the first position ? 112 SUPPORT OF BODIES. Fig. 125. at the p ar ts & d to such an extent that the center of gravity falls upon the line connecting b and d. To a fasten a light arm, a c, long enough to reach to that line, and on this arm, as shown by the figure, the whole body may be balanced. 2d. The point of support may be above the center of gravity. In this case, if the body have freedom of motion, it will not rest in equi- librio until its center of gravity has descended to the lowest position possible, or until it is perpendicularly beneath the point of Fig. 126. suspension. Thus, let there be a circular plate, E c, Fig. 126, the center of gravity of which is at c, and let it be suspended at the point E, having freedom of motion on that point. Whatever position we may give it to the right or left, as shown by the dotted lines, it at once moves, and is only at rest when E and c are in the same perpendicular line. In the same manner, if a ball be suspended to a point by a thread, whatever position may be given it, there is but one in which it will remain at rest, and that is when its center of gravity is immediately beneath the point of suspension, and the thread in a vertical line. 3d. The point of support may be beneath the center of gravity. In this case, also, the body will be in equilib- rio and at rest ; but the nature of its equilibrium differs essentially from that of the foregoing case, as we shall presently see. A sphere upon a horizontal plane affords a case in point; and, as its center of gravity is also its center of figure, it will be at rest, no matter what may be the particular point of its surface to which the support is applied. Upon the principle that if a body be suspended freely, and a perpendicular be drawn from the point of suspen- sion, it will pass through the center of gravity, we are What does the experiment in Fig. 125 prove? In the second position of support what are the resulting phenomena ? What are those of the third case of support ? How may the center of gravity of plane bodies bo determined ? STABILITY OF BODIES. 113 often enabled to determine the posi- ffy. 127. tion of that center experimentally. Thus, let the plane body, ABC, Fig. 127, be supported by a thread attach- ed to the point A, and to the same point let there be attached a plumb- line : this line, because it is perpen- dicular, will pass through the center of gravity ; let the line A m, against which the plumb-line hangs, be marked upon the body. Next, let it be suspended, in like man- ner, by another point, B, to which the plumb-line is also attached; the direction, B m', of the plumb-line will, in this case, intersect its direction in the former case at some point, such as G. This will be the center of gravity. When the center of gravity is above the point of sus- pension, there is produced a pressure upon that point. When the center of gravity is beneath the point of sus- pension, there is produced a pull upon that point. The stability of bodies is intimately connected w r ith the position of their center of gravity. A body may be in a condition, 1st, of indifferent ; 2d, of stable ; 3d, of insta- ble equilibrium. Indifferent equilibrium ensues when a body is support- ed upon its center of gravity ; for then it is immaterial what position is given to it it remains in all at rest. Stable equilibrium ensues when the point of support is above the center of gravity. If the body be disturbed from this situation, it oscillates for a time, and finally re- turns to its original position. Instable equilibrium is exhibited when the point of support is beneath the center of gravity. The body being movable, in this instance, it revolves upon its point of support, and turns into such a position that its center of gravity comes immediately beneath that point. In the theory of the balance, hereafter to be described, these facts are of the greatest importance. When bodies are supported upon a basis, their stability depends on the position of their line of direction. The In what case does a pressure and in what a pull upon the point of sus- pension arise? How many kinds of equilibrium may be enumerated? tinder what circumstances do these arise? On what does the stability of bodies depend ? 114 STABILITY OF BODIES. line of direction has already been defined to be a line drawn from the center of gravity perpendicularly down- ward. If the line of direction falls within the basis of support, the body remains supported. - 128. If the. line of direction falls out- side the basis of support, the body overturns. Thus, let there be a block of wood or metal, Fig. 128, of which c is the center of gravity, c d the line of direction, and let it be sup- ported on its lower face, a b. So long as the line of direction falls within this basis, the block remains in equilibrio. Fig. 129. Again, let there be another block, Fig. 129, of which c is the center of gravity and c d the line of direction. Inasmuch as this falls outside of the basis, a b, the body overturns. A ball upon a horizontal plane has its line of direction within its point of support; it therefore rests indifferently in any position in which it may be laid. But a ball upon an inclined plane has its line of direction outside its point of support, and there- fore it falls continually. From similar considerations we understand the nature of the difficulty of poising a needle upon its point. The Fig. J30. center of gravity is above the point of support, and it is almost impossible to ad- just things so that the line of direction will fall within the basis. The slightest in- clination instantly causes it to overturn. When the center of grav- ity is very low, or near the What is the condition for support, and what for being overturned ? Illus- trate these cases in the instance of square and round blocks. Why is it so difficult to poise a needle on its point ? In what circumstances is the maximum stability obtained ? EaUILIBRIUM IN FLOTATION. 115 basis, there is more difficulty in throwing the line of direction outside the basis than when it is high. For this reason carriages, which are loaded very high, or have much weight on the top, are more easily overturned than those the load of which is low, and the weight arranged beneath, as is shown in Fig. 130. The stability of a body is greater according as its weight is greater, its center of gravity lower, and its basis wider. The principles here laid down apply to the case of the flotation of bodies. When an irregular-shaped solid mass is placed on the surface of a fluid, it arranges itself in a certain position to which it will always return if it be purposely overset. In many such solids another position may be found, in which they will float in the liquid ; but the slightest touch overturns them. Bodies, there- fore, may exhibit either stable or unstable flotation. A long cylinder floating on one end is an instance of the .latter case, but if floating with its axis parallel to the sur- face of the liquid, of the former. These phenomena depend on the relative positions of the center of gravity of the floating solid, and that of the portion of liquid which it displaces. The former retains an invariable position as respects the solid mass, but the latter shifts in the liquid as the solid changes its place. Equilibrium takes place when the center of gravity of the floating body and that of the portion of liquid dis- placed are in the same line of direction. If of the two the former is undermost, stable equilibrium ensues, but if it is above the center of gravity of the displaced liquid, unstable equilibrium takes place. To this, however, there is an exception it arises when the body floats on its largest surface. There are two forces involved in the determination of the position of flotation : 1st, the gravity of the body downward; 2d, the upward pressure of the liquid. The former is to be referred to the center of gravity of the body itself, and the latter takes effect on the center of gravity of the displaced liquid. If these two centers are What is meant by stable and unstable flotation ? On what do these depend ? Under what circumstances does stable equilibrium take place ? Under what unstable ? What forces are involved in these results ? When does rotation ensue ? 116 THE PENDULUM. in the same vertical line, they counteract each other ; but in any other position a movement of rotation must ensue. The solid, therefore, turns over, and finally comes into such a position as satisfies the conditions of equilibrium. On these principles a cube will float on any one of its faces, and a sphere in any position whatever ; but if the sphere be not of uniform density, one part of it being heavier than the rest, motion takes place until the heaviest part is lowest. A long cylinder floating on its end is unstable, but when it floats lengthwise, stable. It is obvious these principles are of great importance in ship- building, and the loading and ballasting of ships. LECTURE XXV. THE PENDULUM. Simple and Physical Pendulums. Nature of Oscillatory Motion. Center of Oscillation., Laws of Pendulums. Cycloidal Vibrations. The Seconds 1 Pendulum. Measures of Time, Space, and Gravity. Compensation Pendulums. A SOLID body suspended upon a point with its center of gravity below, so that it can oscillate under the influ- ence of gravity, is called a pendulum. A simple pendulum is imagined to consist of an im- ponderable line, having freedom of motion at one end, and at the other a point possessing weight. A physical pendulum consists of a heavy metallic ball suspended by a thread or slender wire. The position of rest of a pendulum is when its center of gravity is perpendicularly beneath its point of suspen- sion, its length, therefore, is in the line of direction. If it be removed from this position, it returns to it again after making several oscillations backward and forward. Its descending motions are due to the gravitating action of the earth, its ascending due to its own inertia. A pendulum once in motion would vibrate continually were it not for friction on its point of suspension, the rigidity Give examples of the flotation of different bodies. What is a pendu- lum ? What is the difference between a simple and a physical pendulum 7 What is the position of rest ? What is the effect of removal from that po- sition ? Why does the instrument eventually come to rest ? THE PENDULUM. 117 of the thread, if it be supported by one, and the resistance of atmospheric air. The length of a pen- Fig. 131. dulum is the distance that intervenes between its point of suspension and its center of oscil- lation. Its oscillation is the extreme distance through which it passes from the right hand to the left, or from the left to the right. In Fig. 131, a is the point of suspension, b the center of oscillation ; a b the length of the pendulum; c b d or d b c the oscil- lation ; the angle a or Q is the angle of elongation ; and the time is the period that elapses in making one complete oscillation. Oscilla- tions are said to be isochronous when they are performed in equal times. Let a b c, Fig. 132, be a pendulous body, supported on the point , and performing its oscillations fig- 132 - upon that point. If we consider the motions of two points, such as b and c, it will appear that under the influence of gravity the point b, which is nearer to the point of suspension, would perform its oscillations more quickly than the point c. But inasmuch as in the pen- dulous body both are supposed to be inflex- ibly connected together, by reason of the so- lidity of the mass, both are compelled to per- form their oscillations in the same time. The point b will, therefore, tend to accelerate the motions of c, and c will tend to retard the motions of b. It follows, therefore, that in every pendulum there is a point the velocity of which, multiplied by the mass of the pendu- lum, is equal to the quantity of motion in the pendulum. What is the length of a pendulum, the point of suspension, the oscilla- tion, the angle of elongation, and the time ? 118 CENTER OF OSCILLATION. To this point the name of center of oscillation is given. In a linear pendulum that is, a rod of inappreciable thickness the center of oscillation is two thirds the length from the point of suspension. In a right-angled conical mass the center of oscillation is at the center of the base. The center of oscillation possesses the remarkable property that it is convertible with the centre of suspen- sion that is to say, if a pendulum vibrates in a given time, when supported on its ordinary centre of suspen- sion, it will vibrate in the same time exactly if it be sus- pended on its center of oscillation. Advantage has been taken of this property to determine the lengths of pendu- lums, with great precision, and thereby the intensity of gravity and the figure of the earth. In these cases a sim- ple bar of metal, of proper length, with knife-edges equi- distant from its ends, has been used and adjustment made until the bar vibrated equally when supported on either knife edge. The distance between the knife-edges is the length of the pendulum. Pendulums of equal lengths vibrate in the same place in equal times, provided their angles of elongation do not exceed two or three degrees. Pendulums of unequal lengths vibrate in unequal times the shorter more quickly than the longer the times be- ing to one another as the square roots of the lengths of the pendulums. fig- 133. If we take a circle, B, Fig. 3)133, and, causing it to roll along a plane, B D, mark out the path which is described by a point, P, in its circum- ference, the line so marked is designated a cycloid. When a pendulum vibrates in a cycloid, it will describe all arcs thereof in equal times ; and the time of each os- cillation is to the time in which a heavy body would fall through half the length of the pendulum as the circum- ference of a circle is to its diameter. The difference, therefore, between oscillation in cy- Describe the nature of the center of oscillation. What is its position in a linear pendulum and in a right-angled conical mass? What property does the center of oscillation possess? What are the laws of the mo- tion of pendulums ? What is a cycloid ? What property does a pendu- lum vibrating in a cycloid possess ? LENGTH OP THE PENDULUM. 119 cloidal and circular arcs is, that in the former all oscilla- tions are isochronous, but in the latter they are not ; for the larger the circular arc the longer the lime of oscilla- tion. And as circular movement is the only one which can be conveniently resorted to in practice, it is necessa- ry to reduce circular to cy cloidal oscillations by calcula- tion. When the length of the pendulum is such that its time of oscillation is equal to one second, it is called a seconds' pendulum. This length differs at different places. Un- der the equator it is shorter than at the poles ; and this evidently arises from the circumstance that the intensity of gravity, as has been already explained, is different at those points ; for the figure of the earth not being a per- fect sphere but an oblate spheroid, its polar axis being shorter than its equatorial, a body at the poles is more powerfully attracted than one at the equator, it being nearer the center of the earth ; and as the motion of the pendulum arises from gravity, in order to make it oscil- late in equal times, it is necessary to have it shorter at the equator than at the pole. The length of the seconds' pen- dulum in Londoa is 39.13929 inches, at a temperature of 60 Fahrenheit. For many of the purposes of physical science the pen- dulum is an important instrument. It affords us the best measure of time, and is, therefore, used in all stationary timepieces or clocks. A clock is a mechanical apparatus for the purpose of registering the numbers of oscillations which a pendulum makes, and at the same time of com- municating to the pendulum the amount of motion it is continually losing by friction on its points of support and by resistance of the air. The oscillations are performed in small circular arcs, so that the times are equal. Whatever affects the length of the pendulum changes the time of its motion. It is for this reason that clocks go slower in summer and faster in winter the changes of temperature altering the length of the pendulum. To compensate this, various contrivances have been resorted to with a view of securing the invariability of the instru- What difference is there between oscillation in cycloidal and circular arcs ? What is a seconds' pendulum ? Is there difference in its length at different places ? From what does this arise ? What is the pendulum- clock ? Why do variations of temperature change the rate of a clock ? 120 THE MERCURIAL PENDULUM. ment. The nature of these is very well illustrated by the mercurial pendulum. Fig. 134. Let A B be the pendulum-rod : at B it is formed into a kind of rectangle, F G D E, within which is placed a glass jar, G H, con- taining mercury, and serving as the bulb of the pendulum. When the weather becomes warm, the steel-rod and rectangle elongate, and therefore depress the center of oscilla- tion. But simultaneously the mercury ex- pands, and this motion takes place necessa- rily in the upward direction. If the quan- tity of mercury is properly adjusted the cen- ter of oscillation is carried as far upward by the mercurial expansion as downward by that of the steel. Its actual position remains, therefore, the same; and as the length of the pendulum is the distance between the point E of suspension and center of oscillation, that length remains unchanged. The gridiron pendulum acts on similar principles. The pendulum is also i^sed to determine the force of gravity. The nature of this ap- plication has already been pointed out in what has been said respecting oscillations at the equator and the poles. The force of gravity at any place, or the height through which a body will fall in one second is de- termined by multiplying the lengths of a seconds' pendulum for that place by the number 4.9348. The length of the seconds' pendulum being always in- variable at the same place for gravity is always invaria- ble may be used as a standard of measure. Thus, the English inch is of such a length that 39.13939 inches are equal to the length of a pendulum vibrating seconds. From these measures of length, measures of capacity might be derived by taking their cubes, and measures of surface by taking their squares. What contrivances have been resorted to to avoid this difficulty ( De- scribe the mercurial pendulum. On what principle is the pendulum used to determine the force of gravity ? Under what circumstances may the pendulum be used as a standard of measure ? PERCUSSION. LECTURE XXVI. OF PERCUSSION. Of Impact, Central, Excentric, Direct, Oblique. Inelastic and Elastic Bodies. Laws of Col- lision of Inelastic Bodies. Changes of Figure of Elastic Bodies. Phenomena of their Collision. Of Reflected Motions. IMPACT or percussion may take place in several differ- ent ways as central, excentric, direct, oblique. Central impact takes place when the bodies in collision have their centers of gravity moving in the same right line. Excentric impact is when the directions of the motion of the centers of gravity of the bodies in collision make an angle with one another. Direct impact is when the direction of the moving body is perpendicular to the surface on which it impinges. Oblique impact is when the direction of the moving body makes some angle other than a right one with the surface on which it impinges. The phenomena of percussion depend greatly on the physical character of the impinging bodies. The bodies may either be inelastic or elastic. Masses of clay or putty are illustrations of the former case, balls of ivory or steel of the latter. It has already been shown, Lecture XVII, that if two inelastic bodies move in the same direction their joint mo- mentum, after impact, is equal to the sum of their sepa- rate momenta ; and that, if they move in opposite direc- tions, it is equal to the difference. Their velocity, after impact, is found by dividing their common momentum by the sum of their masses. When a hard body impinges on an immovable mass, the particles of which can, however, recede, so as to ad- What is central impact ? What are excentric, direct, and oblique ? On what physical character do the phenomena of percussion, to a great ex- tent depend ? Give examples of inelastic and elastic solids. What are the laws of motion of inelastic bodies ? F 122 ELASTIC IMPACT. mit the impinging body, the depths to which it will pene- trate are as the squares of its velocity multiplied by its mass. When elastic bodies impinge on each other, there is, Fig. 135. during the time of their encoun- ter, a change of figure. Thus, if we take the instrument, Fig. 135, and, having painted one of its ivory balls, a, let the other ball, b, touch it gently, the latter will receive on its surface a sin- gle point of paint. But if we, raise this ball, and let it fall from a considerable distance upon the other, it will receive a circular mark of paint, showing that, during the percussion, the balls lost their spherical figure, and, instead of touching by a single point, they touched by a surface of considerable extent. Their in- stantaneous recovery of the spherical form, like the fa- cility with which that form was lost, is due to their elas- ticity. Whatever tends to impair the elasticity of such balls tends, therefore, to change the phenomena of impact. Thus, if we make a cavity in one of them, and fill it par- tially with lead, the balls, after percussion, will not re- cede from one another as far as before. The manner in which elasticity acts in these cases may be understood by considering the action of a spiral spring between the two balls, the length of it coinciding with the direction of their motion. When the balls fall upon its extremities, they give rise to compression, and the spring continually resists them at each successive instant. Their force, which was greatest at the moment of impact, is gradually overcome by the resistance of the spring, and finally vanishes. As soon as their velocity ceases, the spring can undergo no further compression, and is now able to begin to restore itself with a continually in- creasing force. Finally, it communicates to the balls the same velocity with which they originally impinged upon it. What is the nature of the change of figure which elastic bodies exhibit when they encounter '>. How may this be proved ? How may it be illus- trated by the action of a spring ? ELASTIC IMPACT. 123 When, therefore, a pair of elastic spherical balls are made to impinge on each other, there Fig. 136. is a compression of their particles in the direction in which the motion is taking place, so that the diameters, c j a b, a c, Fig. 136, are less than be- fore. A spheroidal form is, there- fore, the necessary result. But just as with the imaginary spring in the foregoing case so with the compressed particles in this. As soon as the motion of the bodies becomes 0, the elastic force of the compress- ed particles gives rise to movement in the opposite di- rection. When two perfectly elastic bodies come in collision, the force of elasticity is equal to the force of compression, and the force of compression is equal to the force of the shock. When two elastic bodies have struck each other, their recession will be with the same relative velocity with which they fell upon each other. When two equal elastic bodies move toward each other with equal velocities, after percussion they recede from each other with the same velocity. When of two equal elastic bodies fig- 137. one is in motion and the other at rest, the former, after collision, will communicate to the other all its velocity, and remain at rest itself. This phenomenon, and indeed much that is here said in relation to the impact of bodies, is well shown by an ap- paratus such as Fig. 137, in which let the ball, a, be at rest, and let b fall on it from any height, after collision, a takes the whole velocity of b, and b itself remains at rest. When of two equal bodies, moving in the same direc- tion, one overtakes the other, they exchange velocities and go on as before. When two equal bodies, moving with different veloci- ties, encounter each other, they exchange, and recede from one another in contrary directions. What are the laws of motion of perfectly elastic bodies ? How may these be proved experimentally ? 124 ELASTIC BODIES. If, in the instrument Fig. 137, instead of having only two ivory balls, we had a large number suspended, so as to touch one another, it would be found, on letting the ball at one extremity impinge on the others, that all the intermediate ones would remain motionless, and the one at the farther extremity would rebound. The motion, therefore, is transmitted through the entire series of baljs ; and it is the mutual reaction of the intermediate ones which keeps them at rest, the distant one rebounding because there is nothing against which it can react. Fig. 138. When an elastic ball strikes upon c an immovable elastic plane it will recoil with the same velocity with which it advanced. When the impact is perpendicular, the path of retrocession is the same as that of advance. Thus, if a b, Fig. 138, be the path of the advance, per- pendicular to c d, the elastic plane, the recoil or retrocession will be in the same path, but in the op- posite direction, b a. When the path of the striking body is not perpendicu- lar, but at some other angle to the elastic plane the recoil Fig. 139. will be under the same angle, but on the op- \d \ \ ja, posite side of the perpendicular. Thus/if a c, Fig. 139, be the path of the striking body, c, the elastic plane, the path after con- -, / tact will be c, d, such that the points a c d, are in the same plane, and the angle a c b is equal to the angle bed. To the former of these the name " angle of incidence" is given, to the lat- ter " angle of reflexion." The angle of incidence is the angle included between the path of the impinging body and a perpendicular, b c, drawn to the surface of impact at the point of impact And the angle of reflexion is the angle included between the path of the retroceding body and the same perpen- dicular. The principles given in this Lecture are applied in What are the laws of motion of an elastic ball striking upon an immova- ble elastic plane ? What is meant by the angle of incidence ? What is thb angle of reflexion ? PERCUSSION. 125 many cases of practice. Thus, in the pile engine, which consists of a heavy block, raised slowly by machinery be- tween two uprights, and then allowed to fall suddenly on the head of the pile to be driven into the ground. If the block thus used as a hammer is too small, it fails to move the pile ; and if its velocity is too great it splits the head of the pile. A large mass, falling from a small height, is therefore used. Thus it may be readily shown, that if the hammer weighs 1000 pounds, and it falls through a height of only four feet, the force with which it strikes the pile is equal to 120,000 pounds. When gold is beaten into thin leaves the workmen can- not employ light hammers and use them quickly, for they would divide or fissure the gold : they use, therefore, heavier hammers, and move them more slowly. Give some illustrations of the phenomena of impact. 126 MACHINES. THE ELEMENTS OF MACHINERY. LECTURE XXVII THE MECHANICAL POWERS. Definition of MacJiines. Number of Mechanical Powers. Power. Weight. Principle of Virtual Velocities. THE LEVER Definition of. Three Kinds of Lever. Conditions of Equilibrium. Uses of Levers. The Bal- ance. Weighing Machines. BY MACHINES are meant certain contrivances employed for the purpose of changing the direction of moving pow- ers, or of enabling them to produce any required velocity, or to overcome any required force. It is to be understood that the force of any moving power can never be increased by the agency of any ma- chine the duty of which is to transmit the effect of that power unimpaired to the working point. Machinery cannot create power it transmits it. Theoretically, this transmission is supposed to take place without loss, but practically there is always a certain degree of diminution arising both from imperfections of construction and the agency of such impediments to motion as friction, rigidi- ty, &c., the consideration of which we shall resume in its proper place. In what follows, it will, therefore, be understood that we speak of the action of machines theoretically, and apart from the intervention of these disturbing causes. All machines, no matter how complex soever their con- struction may be, can be reduced to one or more of six What is meant by a machine ? Can machines create power? What is the difference between the theoretical and practical action of machines? How many simple machines are there ? PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL VELOCITIES. 127 simpler elements, which pass under the name of the " me- chanical powers." They are, The Lever, Pulley, Wheel and axle, Inclined plane, Wedge, Screw. These mechanical powers, or simple machines, may, indeed, be further reduced to three : The Lever, Pulley, Inclined plane. In any machine the force or original prime-mover passes under the name of THE POWER. The resistance to be overcome, or that upon which the power is brought to bear through the intervention of the machine, goes under the name of THE WEIGHT. The general law which determines the equilibrium of all machines, whether simple or compound, is as follows : " The power multiplied by the space through which it moves in a vertical direction is equal to the weight multiplied by the space through which it moves in a vertical direction" The principle involved in this law passes under the name of " the principle of virtual velocities." The foregoing principle expounding the conditions un- der which the power and weight are in equilibrium, and the machine, therefore, in a state of rest, it follows, there- fore, that " if the product arising from the power multi- plied by the space through which it moves in a vertical di- rection, be greater than the product arising from the weight multiplied by the space through which it moves in a verti- cal direction, the power will overcome the resistance of the weight, and motion of the machine will ensue" THE LEVER. The lever is the first of the elementary machines. In theory, it is an inflexible and imponderable line supported on one point on which it can turn. In practice, it con- To what may these be further reduced ? What is the power? What is the weight ? Describe the general law of equilibrium of all machines. What name is given to the principle contained in this law ? Under what condition does motion ensue ? What is a lever ( 128 VTHE LEVER. sists of a solid unyielding rod working upon a point called a fulcrum. Three varieties of lever are commonly enumerated. In HO tlie ^ rst ' ttie f ulcrum F, is between the tg ' i*' power, P, and the weight, W, as in Fig. pi TfQ i40 t In the second, the weight is be- Fig. MI. tween the power and the fulcrum, Fig. fjH 141. In the third, the power is between the weight and the fulcrum, Fig. 142. Fig. 142. There are also other species of lever, pa such as the bent lever, the curvilinear lever. The mode of action and theory of all are the same. By the principle of virtual velocities, it appears that " any lever is in equilibria when the power and the weight are to each other inversely as their distances from. the fulcrum'' As illustrative instances of this if in a lever of the first kind, in equilibria, the power and the weight are equal, they must be at equal distances from the fulcrum. If the power is only half the weight, it must be at double the distance from the fulcrum, if one third the weight, triple the distance, &c. When, therefore, it is proposed by the intervention of a lever to cause a given power to overcome a given weight, it is necessary that the power multiplied by its distance from the fulcrum should give a greater product than the weight multiplied by its distance from the ful- Fiff. 143. crum. Thus, in Fig. 141, let 1 P be a power of six pounds, w6 7 p operating on a lever of the first kind, at a distance, p c, from the fulcrum, c, of seven inches ; let W be the weight to be overcome, and let it be seven pounds, with a distance, W c, of six inches from the fulcrum. Now the power multiplied into its distance is equal to forty-two, and the weight multiplied into its distance is also equal to forty-two ; the lever is, therefore, under the law just stated in equilibrio. But if we in- crease the distance of P from c, or increase P itself, or do How many varieties of it are there ? What is the law of equilibrium of the lever ? Give an illustration of it ? THE LEVER. 129 both, then the product of P into its distance from the fulcrum will increase, the lever will move, and the resist- ance of the weight be overcome. Levers are used in practice for many different purposes. By their agency a small power may hold in equilibrio, or move a great weight; thus, the power of one man applied at the end of a crowbar will overturn a heavy mass, the man acting at a distance of several feet, and the mass at only a few inches from the fulcrum. Of levers of the first kind, crowbars and scissors are familiar examples. Of those of the second kind, oars and nutcrackers ; of those of the third, tongs and sheepshears. For many of the purposes of science levers are used to magnify small motions. The power causing the motion is applied by a short arm near to the fulcrum of the lever, Fig. 144. Mention some of the applications of the lever. Give familiar instances of each of the three kinds of lever. 130 THE BALANCE. and the other arm. which may be ten, twenty, or more times longer, moves over a graduated scale. The py- rometer is an example of this application. The most accurate means for determining the weight of bodies is by the lever. When arranged for this pur- pose, it passes under the name of " The Balance." It is a lever of the first kind with equal arms. Various forms are given to it, and various contrivances annexed for the purpose of insuring its lightness, its inflexibility, and the absolute equality of the lengths of its arms. Fig. 144, represents one of the best kinds : a a is the beam ; c is the fulcrum, or center of motion ; d d are the scale-pans in which the weights and objects to be weighed are applied ; their points of suspension are at a a. With a view of reducing friction, the axis of motion, c, and both the points of suspension are knife-edges of hard steel working on planes of agate ; and, to preserve them unin- jured, the beam and the scale-pans are supported upon props, except at the time a substance is to be weighed. Then, by moving the handle, f, the axis of motion is de- posited slowly on its agate plane, and the scale-pans on their points of suspension, and the beam thrown into action. In balances it is essential that the center of gravity should have a particular position. The cause of this will be appreciated from what has been said in Lecture XXIV. Thus, if the center of gravity coincided with the center of motion, the balance beam would not vibrate, but would stand in a position of indifferent equilibrium, whatever angular position might be given to its arms. If the centre of gravity was above the axis of motion, the balance would be in a condition of unstable equilib- rium, and would overset by the slightest increase of weight on either side, the center of gravity coming down to the lowest point. But when it is beneath the axis of motion, the balance vibrates like a pendulum, and neither sets nor oversets. It is essential, therefore, that in all these instruments the center of gravity should be below the center of motion. And it might be shown that the Give an instance of the application of the lever to magnifying small motions. What is a balance ? What takes place if the center of gravity coincides with the center of motion ? What is the effect when it is above the axis of motion ? What when it is beneath ? With what does the sensibility of the balance increase ? WEIGHING MACHINES. 131 sensibility of the balance, or, in other words, the small- ness of the weight it will detect, becomes greater as these two centers approach each other. The different kinds of weighing-machines are either modified levers or combinations of levers. Examples oc- cur in the machine for weighing Fig. 145. loaded carts, in the steelyard, which is a lever of unequal arms, and in the bent lever balance. The latter is represented in Fig. 145. It consists of a bent lever, ABC, the end of which, C, is loaded with a fixed weight. This lever works on a fulcrum, B, supported on a pillar, H J. From the arm, A, is suspended a scale- pan, E, and to the pillar there is affixed a divided scale, F G, over which the lever moves. Through B draw the horizontal line, G K, and let fall from it the perpendiculars, A K, D C. Then, if B K and B D are inversely proportional to the weight in the scale, E, and the fixed weight, C, the balance will be in equilibrio ; but if they are not, then the lever moves, C going farther from the fulcrum, and stopping when equilibrium is at- tained. The scale, F G, is graduated by previously put- ting known weights in E. LECTURE XXVIII. THE PULLEY. Description of the Pulley. Laws of the Lever apply to it. Use of the Fixed Pulley. The Movable Pulley. Runners. Systems of Pulleys. White's Pulley. THE WHEEL AND AXLE. Law of Equilibrium. Advan- tages over the Lever. Windlass. Capstan. Wheel- work. Different kinds of TootJied-WJieels. THE pulley is a wheel, round the rim of which a groove is cut, in which a cord can work, and the center of which Describe the bent lever balance and the steelyard, sheave, and its block ? What is a pulley, its 132 THE FIXED PULLEY. moves on pivots in a block. The wheel sometimes passes under the name of a sheave. By a fixed pulley we mean one which merely revolves on its axis, but does not change its place. The power is applied to one end of the cord and the weight to the other. Fig. 146. The action of the pulley may be readily understood from that of the lever. Let c, Fig. 146, be the axis of the pulley, b the point to which the weight is attached, a the point of application of the power ; draw the lines, c b, c a they represent the arms of a lever and the law of the equilibrium of a lever, therefore, applies in this case also ; and, as these arms are necessarily equal to each other, the pulley will be in equilibrio when the weight and power are equal. If the direction in which the power is applied, instead of being P a, is P' a, the same reasoning still holds good. For, on drawing C a, as before, it is obvious that b c a represents a bent lever of equal arms. The condition of equilibrium is, therefore, the same. The fixed pulley does not increase the power, but it renders it more available, by permitting us to apply it in any desired direction. To prove the properties of the pulley experimentally, hang to the ends of its oord equal weights ; they will re- main in equilibrio. Or, if the power be increased, so as to make the weight ascend, the vertical distances passed over are equal. The movable pulley is represented at Fig. 147. Its peculiarity is that, besides the motion on its own axis, it also has a progressive one. Let b be the axis of the pul- ley, and to it the weight w is attached, the power is ap- plied at a. Draw the diameter a c, then c is the fulcrum of a c, which is in reality a lever of the third order in which the distance, a c, of the power is twice that, b c, of the weight. Consequently " the movable pulley doubles What is a fixed pulley ? Describe the nature of its action. What is the result of the action of the fixed pulley ? What is a movable pulley ? To what extent does it increase the power ? SYSTEMS OF PULLEYS. 133 Fig. 147. the effect of the power," and the dis- tance traversed by the power is twice that traversed by the weight. A movable pulley is sometimes called " a runner;" and, as*it would be often inconvenient to apply the power in the upward direction, as at a P, there is commonly associated with the runner a fixed pulley, which, without changing the value of the power, enables us to vary the direc- c tion of its action. Systems of pulleys are arrange- ments of sheaves, movable and fix- ed. When one fixed pulley acts on a number of movable ones, equilibrium is maintained, when the power and Fi^. 148. Fig. 149. Fig-. 150. i What are systems of pulleys? 134 THE WHEEL AND AXLE. weight are to each other as 1 to that power of 2 which equals the number of the movable pulleys. Thus, if there be, as in Fig. 148, three movable pulleys, the power is to the weight as 1 : 2 3 that is 1:8; consequently, on such a system, a given power will sup- port an eightfold weight. When several movable and fixed pulleys are employed, as in Fig. 149, equilibrium is obtained when the power equals the weight divided by twice the number of mov- able pulleys. In such systems of pulleys there is a great loss of power arising from the friction of the sheaves against the sides of the blocks, and on their axles. In White's pulley this is, to a considerable extent, avoided. This contrivance is represented in Fig. 150. It consists of several sheaves of unequal diameters, all turned on one common mass, and working on one common axis. The diameters of these, in the upper blocks, are as the numbers 2, 4, 6, &c., and in the lower 1, 3, 5, &c. ; consequently, they all revolve in equal times, and the rope passes without sliding or scraping upon the grooves. THE WHEEL AND AXLE. The wheel and axle consists of a cylinder, A, Fig. 151, revolving upon an axis, and having a wheel, R, of larger diameter, immovably affixed to it. The power is applied to the circumference of the wheel, the weight to that of the axle. The law of equilibrium is, that " the power must le to the weight as tlie radius of the axle is to that of the wheel" This instrument is, evidently, nothing but a modifica- tion of the lever; it may be regarded as a continuously Give the law of equilibrium when one fixed pulley acts on a system of movable ones. What is it when several movable and fixed ones are em- ployed? Describe White's pulley and the difficulties it avoids. What is meant by the Wtleel and axle '[ What is the law of its equilibrium ? THE WHEEL AND AXLE. 135 . 152. acting lever. In its mode of action, the common lever operates in an intermitting way, and, as it were, by small steps at a time. A mass, which is forced up by a lever a short distance, must be temporarily propped, and the lever readjusted before it can be brought into action again ; but the wheel and axle continues its operation constantly in the same direction. That this is its mode of ac- tion may be understood from considering Fig. 152, in which let c be the common center of the axle c b, and of the wheel c a, a the point of application of the power P, and b that of the weight \V. Draw the line a c b ; it evidently represents a lever of the first order of which the fulcrum is c, and from the principles of the lever it is easy to demonstrate the law of equilibrium of this machine, as just given. Further, it is immaterial in what direction the power be applied, as P' at the point a' for a' c b still forms a bent lever, and the same principle still holds good. Sometimes the wheel is Fi s- 154 - replaced by a winch, as in Fig. 153, it is then called a windlass, if the motion is vertical ; but if it be hori- zontal, as in Fig. 154, the machine is called a capstan. Wheels and axles are often made to act upon one another by the aid of cogs, as in clockwork and mill machinery. In these cases the cogs on the pe- riphery of the wheel take the name of teeth, those on the axle the name of haves, and the axle itself is called a pinion. The law of equilibrium of such machines may be easily demonstrated to be, that the power multiplied by the pro- duct of the number of teeth, in all the icheels, is equal to the weight multiplied by the product of the number of leaves in all the pinions. Describe its mode of action. What is a windlass and a capstan ? What are teeth, leaves, and pinions ? What is the law of equilibrium of wheelwork? Fi j 53 136 WHEELWORK. A system of wheel and pinion work is represented at TT'.'rt. 1 K ^ T*- 4 a aror*r1 \T T>or*>ccn i*v Fig. 155. Fig. 155. It is scarcely necessary to observe, that in it, as in all other cases, the law of virtual velocities holds good the power multiplied by the velocity of the power is equal to the weight multiplied by the velocity of the weight. In the construction of such ma- chinery attention has to be paid to the form of the teeth, so that they may not scrape or jolt upon one another. Several of them should be in contact at once, to diminish the risk of frac- ture and the wear. If the teeth of a wheel be in the direction of radii from its center it is called a spur-wheel. If the teeth are parallel to the axis of the wheel it is called a crown-wheel. If the teeth are oblique to the axis of the wheel it is called a beveled-wheel. By combining these different forms of wheel suitably together, the resulting motion can be transferred to any required plane. Thus, by a pair of beveled-wheels mo- tion round a vertical axis may be transferred to a hori- zontal one, or, indeed, one in any other direction. When a pinion is made to work on a toothed-bar, it constitutes a rack. This contrivance is under the same law as the wheel and axle. What precautions have to he used as respects the form of teeth ? What is a spur, a crown, and a beveled-wheel ? How may motion be trans- ferred to different planes ? What is a rack ? THE INCLINED PLANE. 137 LECTURE XXIX. THE INCLINED PLANE. Description of the Inclined Plane. Modes of Applying the Power. Conditions of Equi- librium when the Power is Parallel to the Plane or Par- allel to the Base. Position of Greatest Advantage. THE WEDGE. Description and Mode of using it. THE SCREW. -Formation of the Screw. BY the inclined plane we mean an unyielding plane surface inclined obliquely to the resist- Fig. 156 ance to be overcome. In Fig. 156, A C represents the inclined plane ; the angle at A is the elevation of the plane ; the line A C is the length, C B is the height, A B the base. In the inclined plane the power may be applied in the following directions : 1. Parallel to the plane ; 2. Parallel to its base ; 3. Parallel to neither of these lines. As in the former cases, so in this ^the conditions of the equilibrium may be deduced from those of the lever. Let us take the first instance, when the power is ap- plied parallel to the inclined plane. Let Q, Fig. 156, be a body placed upon the plane, A C, the height of which is B C, and the base A B. The weight of this body acts in the vertical direction, a W; the body rests on the point, c, as on a fulcrum ; and the power, P, under the supposi- tion, acts on Q, in the direction a P. From the fulcrum, c, draw the perpendicular, c b, to the line of direction of the weight, a W ; draw also c a. Then does b c a repre- sent a bent lever, the power being applied to the point a, and the weight at the point, b; and, therefore, the power is to the weight as b c is to a c; but the triangles, a Describe the inclined plane. What is the angle of elevation, the length, the height, and the base ? in how many directions may the power be ap plied ? 138 THE INCLINED PLANE. I c, A B C, are similar to each other. Therefore, we ar- rive at the following law: When tlie power acts in a direction parallel to the in- clined plane, it will be in equilibria with the weight when it is to the weight as the perpendicular of the plane is to its length. In a similar manner it may be shown that when the power acts parallel to the base it will be in equilibria with the weight, if it be to the weight as the perpendicular of the plane is to its base. In different inclined planes the power increases as the height of the plane, compared with its length, diminishes, and the best direction of action is parallel to the inclined plane. This is very evident from the consideration that if the power be directed above the plane a portion of it is expended in lifting the weight off the plane, while the diminished residue draws it up. If it be directed down- ward a part is expended in pressing the weight upon the plane, and the diminished residue draws it up. There- fore, if the power acts parallel to the plane, it operates under the most advantageous condition. Fig. 157. The laws of the inclined plane may be illustrated by an instrument, such as is rep- resented in Fig. 157, in which A c A' c is the plane, which may be set at any angle. It works upon an axis, A A'. Upon the plane a roller, e, moves. It has a string passing over a pulley, d, and ter- minating in a scale-pan, f. in which weights may be placed. The direction of the string may be varied, so as to be parallel to the plane, or the base, or any other di- rection. The inclined plane is used for a variety of purposes very frequently for facilitating the movements of heavy loads. THE WEDGE. The wedge may be regarded as two inclined planes What is the law of equilibrium when the power acts parallel to the plane? What is it when the power acts parallel to the hase .' For what purposes is the inclined plane used ? Describe the wedge. THE WEDGE. 139 Kg. 158. A \ laid base to base A C D being one, and A B D being the other. The planes B D and C D constitute the sides or faces of the wedge ; B C is its back, and A D its length. The mode of employing the wedge is not by the agency of pressure, but of percus- sion. Its edge being inserted into a fissure, the wedge is driven in by blows upon its back. It is kept from recoiling by the fric- tion of its sides against the surfaces past which it Fig. 159. has been forced. This mode of application of the wedge prevents us from comparing its theory with that of the in- clined plane a power to which it has so much Fig. 161. external resemblance. The power of the wedge in- creases as the length of its back, compared with that of its sides, is dimin- ished. As instances of its application, we may mention the splitting of timber, the raising of heavy weights, such as ships. Different cutting-instruments, as chisels, &c., act in consequence of their wedge- shaped form. THE SCREW. If we take a piece of paper cut into a long, right-angled triangle, Fig. 160, and wind it about a cylinder Fig. 161, so that the height C B of the triangle is parallel to the axis, the length A C will trace a screw-line on the surface. The same re- sults if we take a cylinder and wind upon it a flexible cord, so that the strands of the cord uniformly touch one another. In any screw, the line which is thus traced upon the cylinder goes under the name of the "worm," or "thread," and A each complete turn that it makes is called Fig. 160, On what principle does it act ? On what does its power depend ? How may a screw-thread be represented 1 140 THE SCREW. " a spire." The distance from one thread to another, which, of course, must be perfectly uniform throughout the screw, is called the breadth of the worm. In most cases the screw requires a corresponding cavity in which it may work; this passes under the name of " a nut." Sometimes the nut is caused to move upon the screw, and sometimes the screw in the nut. In either case the movable part requires a lever to be attached, to the end of which the power is applied. The law of equilibrium of the screw is, that " the power is to the weight as the breadth of the worm is to the circumference described by that point of the lever to which the power is attached. When the end of the screw is advancing through a nut, this law evidently becomes that the power is to the weight as the circumference described by the power is to the space through which the end of the screw advances. It is obvious, therefore, that the force of the screw increases as its threads are finer, and as the lever by which it is urged is longer. When the thread of a screw works in the teeth of a Fig 162. wheel, as shown in Fig. 162, it constitutes an endless screw. An important use of this contrivance is in the engine for dividing grad- uated circles. The screw is also used to produce slow motions, or to measure by the advance of its point, minute spaces. In the spherome- ter, represented in Fig. 5, we have an example of its use. For all these purposes where slow motions have to be given, or minute spaces divided, the efficacy of the screw will increase with the closeness of its thread. But there is soon a practical limit attained ; for, if the thread be too fine it is liable to be torn off. To avoid this, and to attain those objects almost to an unlimited extent, Hunter's screw is often used. It may be understood from Fig. 163. It consists of a screw, A, working in a nut, C. What is the worm and the spire ? What is a nut ? What is the law of equilibrium of the screw? When the end of the screw advances what does this law become ? Describe an endless screw. PASSIVE FORCES. To a movable piece, D, a second screw, B, is affixed. This screw works in the interior of A, which is hollow, and in which a corre- sponding thread is cut. While, therefore, A is screwed down- ward, the threads of B pass up- ward, and the movable piece, D, advances through a space which is equal to the difference of the breadth of the two screws. In this way very slow or minute motions may be obtained with a screw, the threads of which are coarse. 141 Fig. 163. LECTURE XXX. OF PASSIVE OR RESISTING FORCES. Difference 'between the Theoretical and Actual Results of Machinery. Of Impediments to Motion. Friction. Sliding and Roll- ing Friction. Coefficient of Friction. Action of Un- guents. Resistance of Media. General Phenomena of Resistance. Rigidity of Cordage. IT has already been stated, in the foregoing Lectures, that the properties of machinery are described without taking into account any of those resisting agencies which so greatly complicate their action. The results of the theoiy of a machine in this respect differ very widely from its practical operation. There are resisting forces or impeding agencies which have thus far been kept out of view. We have described levers as being inflexible, the cords of pulleys as perfectly pliable, and machinery, gen- erally, as experiencing no friction. In the case of one of the powers, it is true that this latter resisting force must necessarily be taken into account ; for it is upon it that the efficacy of the wedge chiefly depends. Describe Hunter's screw. What is meant by passive or resisting forces ? Why does the theoretical action of a machine differ from its practical operation ? 142 FRICTION. So, too, in speaking of the motion of projectiles, it has been stated that the parabolic theory is wholly departed from, by reason of the resistance of the air; and that not only is the path of such bodies changed, but their range becomes vastly less than what, upon that theory, it should be. Thus, a 24-pound shot, discharged at an elevation of 45, with a velocity of 2000 feet per second, would range a horizontal distance of 125,000 feet were it not for the resistance of the air ; but through that resistance its range is limited to about 7300 feet. Of these impediments to motion or passive or resisting forces, three leading ones may be mentioned. They are, 1st, friction; 2d, resistance of the media moved through ; 3d, rigidity of cordage. OF FRICTION. Friction arises from the adhesion of surfaces brought into contact, and is of different kinds as sliding friction, when one surface moves parallel to the other, rolling friction, when a round body turns upon the surface of another. By the measure of friction, we mean that part of the weight of the moving body which must be expended in overcoming the friction. The fraction which expresses this is termed the coefficient of friction. Thus, the coef- ficient of sliding friction in the case of hard bodies, and when the weight is small, ranges from one seventh to one third. It has been proved by experiment that friction increases as the weight or pressure increases, and as the surfaces in contact are more extensive, and as the roughness is greater. With surfaces of the same material it is nearly proportional to the pressure. The time which the sur- faces have been in contact appears to have a considerable influence, though this differs much with surfaces of differ- ent kinds. As a general rule, similar substances give rise to greater friction than dissimilar ones. On the contrary, friction diminishes as the pressure is Give an illustration of resisting force in the case of projectiles. How many of these impediments may be enumerated ? What varieties of fric- tion are there ? What is the coefficient of friction ? Mention some of the conditions which increase friction. RESISTANCE OF MEDIA. 143 less, as the polish of the moving surfaces is more perfect, and as the surfaces in contact are smaller. It may also be diminished by anointing the surfaces with some suita- ble unguent or greasy material. Among such substances as are commonly used are the different fats, tar, and black lead. By such means, friction may be reduced to one fourth. Of the friction produced by sliding and rolling motions, the latter, under similar circumstances, is far the least. This partly arises from the fact that the surfaces in con- tact constitute a mere line, and partly because the asperi- ties are not abraded or pushed aside before motion can ensue. The nature of this distinction may be clearly un- derstood by observing what takes place when two brushes with stiff bristles are moved over one another, and when a round brush is rolled over a flat one. In this instance, the rolling motion lifts the resisting surfaces from one another ; in the former, they require to be forcibly pushed apart. Though, in many instances, friction acts as a resisting agency, and diminishes the power we apply to machines, in some cases its effects are of the utmost value. Thus, when nails or screws are driven into bodies, with a view of holding them together, it is friction alone which main- tains them in their places. The case is precisely the same as in the action of a wedge. RESISTANCE OF MEDIA. A great many results in natural philosophy illustrate the resistance which media offer to the passage of bodies through them. The experiment known under the name of the guinea and feather experiment establishes this for atmospheric air. In a very tall air-pump receiver there are suspended a piece of coin and a feather in such a way that, by turning a button, at a, Fig. 164, the piece on which they rest drops, and permits them to fall to the pump-plate. Now, if the receiver be full of atmospheric air, on letting the objects fall, it will be found that, while the coin descends with rapidity, and reaches, in an instant, Mention some that diminish it. What is the difference of effect be- tween sliding and rolling friction? Give an illustration of this. Under what circumstances does advantage arise from friction ? 144 RESISTANCE OF MEDIA. the pump-plate, the feather comes down leisurely, being buoyed up by the air, and the speed of its motion resisted. But if the air is first extracted by the pump, and the objects allowed to fall in vacuo, both pre- cipitate themselves simultaneously with equal ve l c ity> ai) d accomplish their fall in equal times. In the vibrations of a pendulum, the final stoppage is due partly to friction and partly to this cause. And in the case of motions taking place in water, we should, of course, expect to find a greater resistance arising from the greater density of that liquid. The resisting force of a medium depends up- on its density, upon the surface which the mov- ing body presents, and on the velocity with which it moves. Water, which is 800 times more dense than air, will offer a resistance 800 times greater to a given motion. Of the two mills represented in Fig. 36, that which goes with its edge first runs far longer than that which moves with its plane first. We are not, however, to understand that the eifect of the medium, on a body moving through it, increases directly as the transverse section of the bodv; for a great deal depends upon its figure. A wedge, going with its edge first, will pass through water more easily than if impelled with its back first, though, in both in- stances, the area of the transverse section is of course the same. It is stated that spherical balls encounter one fourth less resistance from the air than would cylinders of equal diameter; and it is upon this principle that the bodies of fishes and birds are shaped, to enable them to move with as little resistance as may be through the me- dia they inhabit. The resistance of a medium increases with the velocity with which a body moves through it, being as the square of the velocity, so long as the motion is not too rapid ; but when a high velocity is reached, other causes come into operation, and disturb the result. Describe the guinea and feather experiment. What does it prove? What is the cause of the stoppage of a pendulum ? How does the density of a liquid affect its resistance ? How is resistance affected by figure ? How by velocity? RIGIDITY OF CORDAGE. 145 As with friction, so with the resistande of media, a great many results depend on this impediment to mo- tion ; among such may be mentioned the swimming of fish through water, and the flight of birds through the air. It is the resistance of the air which makes the para- chute descend with moderate velocity downward, and causes the rocket to rise swiftly upward. RIGIDITY OF CORDAGE. In the action of pulleys, in machinery in which the use of cordage is involved, the rigidity of that cordage is an impediment to motion. When a cord acts round a pulley, in consequence of imper- fect flexibility, it obtains a leverage on the pulley, as may be under- stood from Fig. 165, in which let C K D be the pulley working on a pivot at O ; let A and B be weights suspended by the rope A C K D B. From what has been said respect- ing the theory of the pulley, the action of the machine may be regarded as that of a lever, COD, with equal arms, CO, O D. Now, if the cord were perfectly inflexible, on making the weight A descend by the addition of a small weight to it, it would take the position at A', the rope being a tangent to the pulley at C' ; at the same time B, ascending, would take the position B', its cord being a tangent at D'. From the new posi- tions, A' and B', which the inflexible cord is thus sup- posed to have assumed, draw the perpendiculars, A 7 E, B' F., then will O E, O F, represent the arms of the lever on which they act a diminished leverage on the, side of the descending, and an increased leverage on the side of the ascending weight is the result. In practice the result does not entirely conform to the foregoing imaginary case, because cords are, to a certain extent, flexible. As their pliability diminishes, the dis- turbing effect is greater. The degree of inflexibility de- Mention some of the valuable results which depend on it. Give a general lage O G idea of the action of rigidity of cordage What takes place in case of ab- solute inflexibility, as in Fig. 165? On what does inflexibility depend ? 146 RIGIDITY OF CORDAGE. pends on many casual circumstances, such as dampness or dryness, or the nature of the substance of which they are made. Inflexibility increases with the diameter of a cord, and with the smallness of the pulley over which it runs. UNDULATIONS. 147 OF UNDULATORY MOTIONS. LECTURE XXXI. OF UNDULATIONS. Origin of Undulations. Progressive and stationary Undulation. Course of a progressive Wave. Nodal Points. Three different kinds of Vibra- tion. Transverse Vibration of a Cord. Vibrations of Rods. Vibrations of elastic Planes. Vibrations of Liquids. Waves on Water. WHEN an elastic body is disturbed at any point, its particles gradually return to a position of rest, after exe- cuting a series of vibratory movements. Thus, when a glass tumbler is struck by a hard body, a tremulous mo- tion is communicated to its mass, which gradually declines in force until the movement finally ceases. In the same manner a stretched cord, which is drawn aside at one point, and then suffered to go, is thrown into a vibratory or undulatory movement ; and, according as circumstances differ, two different kinds of undulation may be established, 1st, progressive undulations ; 2d, sta- tionary undulations. % In progressive un Fig. 166. dulations the vibra- ting particles of a body communicate their mo- tion to the adjacent JLm ^ ^*~ > e particles ; a succes- sive propagation of < ^ movement, therefore, ~ " G ensues. Thus, if a cord is fastened at one Wm. ^^^^^ sg end, and the other is moved up and down, y m . **"* ^ ^ e a wave or undulation, m D n E o, is produced. The part, m D n t is the elevation Under what circumstances do vibratory movements arise? How many- kinds of undulations are there ? Describe the nature of a progressive un- dulation. 148 KINDS OF VIBRATIONS. of the wave, D being the summit, n E o is the depression, E being the lowest point, D p is the height, q E the depth, and m o the length of the wave. But, under the circumstances here considered, the mo- ment this wave has formed, it passes onward, and suc- cessively assumes the positions indicated at I, II, III. When it has arrived at the other end of the cord, it at once returns with an inverted motion, as shown at IV and V. This, therefore, is a progressive undulation. Again, instead of the cord receiving one impulse, let it Fig. 167. be agitated equally at equal inter- vals of time; it will then divide itself, as shown in Fig. 167, into equal elevations and depressions with in- tervening points, m n, which are at rest. These are sta- tionary undulations, and the points are called nodal points. The agents by which undulatory movements are estab- lished are chiefly elasticity and gravity. It is the elas- ticity of air which enables it to transmit the vibratory motions which constitute sound, and, for the same reason, steel rods and plates of glass may be thrown into musical vibrations. In the case of threads and wires, a sufficient degree of elasticity may be given by forcibly stretching them. Waves on the surface of liquids are produced by the agency of gravity. There are three different kinds of vibrations into which a stretched string may be thrown : transverse, longitudinal, and twisted. These may be illustrated by the in- strument represented at Fig. 168. It consists of a piece of spirally- twisted wire, stretched from a frame by a weight. If the lower end of the wire be secured by a clamp, on pull- ing the wire in the middle, and then letting it go, it executes transverse vibrations. If the weight be gently lifted, and then let fall, the wire per- forms longitudinal vibrations ; and if What is meant by the height, depth, and length of a wave '/ Describe the stationary vibration. By what agents are undulatory motions estab- lished ? How may elasticity be communicated to cords? Into how many kinds of vibration may a string be thrown ? How may this be illus- trated by the apparatus represented in Fig. 168 ? Fig. 168. TRANSVERSE VIBRATIONS. 149 the weight be twisted round, and then released, we have rotatory vibrations. If we take astring, a b, Fig.I69, and having stretched it be- tween two fixed points, a Fi 169 and b, draw it aside, and then let it go, it executes ^ transverse vibrations, as a <^T has already been de- scribed. The cause of its motion, from the position we have stretched it to, is its own elasticity. This makes it return from the position, a c b, to the straight line, afb, with a continually accel- erated velocity ; but when it has arrived in afb, it cannot stop there, its momentum carrying it forward to a d b, with a velocity continually decreasing. Arrived in this position, it is, for a moment, at rest ; but its elasticity again impels it as before, but in the reverse direction to afb; and so it executes vibrations on each side of that straight line until it is finally brought to rest by the resistance of the air. One complete movement, from a c b to a d b and back, is called a vibration, and the time occupied in per- forming it the time of an oscillation. The vibratory movements of such a solid are isochro- nous, or performed in equal lines. They increase in rapidity with the tension that is, with the elasticity being as the square root of that force. The number of vibrations in a given time is inversely as the length of the string, and also inversely as its diameter. The vibrations of solid bodies may be studied best un- der the divisions of cords, rods, planes, and masses. The laws of the vibrations of the first are such as we have just explained. In rods the transverse vibrations are isochronous, and in a given time are in number inversely as the squares of the lengths of the vibrating parts. Thus, if a rod makes two vibrations in one second, if its length be reduced to half it will make four times as many that is, eight ; if to one fourth, sixteen times as many that is, thirty-two, &c. The motion performed by vibrating-rods is often very corn- Describe the transverse vibration of a string. What is a vibration? What is the time of an oscillation ? What is meant by isochronous vibra- tions ? How are the vibrations of solid bodies divided ? What are the laws for the vibrations of rods ? 150 VIBRATIONS OF PLANES. Fig 170. plex. Thus, if a bead be fastened on the free ex- tremity of a vibrating steel rod, Fig. 170, it will exhibit in its motions a curved path, as is seen at c. Rods may be made to exhibit nodal points. The space between the free extremity and the first nodal point is equal to half the length contained between any two nodal points, but it vibrates with the same velocity. Thus, a, Fig. 171, being the fixed, and b the free end Fig. rri. of such a rod, the part L ~~~*' between b and c is half a the distance, c c'. When elastic planes vibrate they exhibit nodal lines, answering to the nodal points in linear vibrations ; and if the plane were supposed to be made up of a series of rods, these lines would answer to their nodal points. By them the plane is divided into spaces the adjacent ones being always in opposite phases of vibrations, as shown Fig- 172. by the signs + and -7 in Fig. 172, where A B is the vibrating plane. The dimensions of these a spaces are regulated in the same B way as the internodes of vibra- ting-rods that is, the outside ones, a b a b, are always half the size of the interior. The relation of these spaces, and positions of the nodal lines may be determined by making a glass plate covered with dry sand vibrate. When the surface of a liquid, as water, is touched, a wave arises at the disturbed point, and propagates itself into the unmoved spaces around, continually enlarging as it goes, and forming a progressive undulation. A number of familiar facts prove that the apparent ad- vancing motion of the liquid on which waves are passing is only a deception. Light pieces of wood are not hur- ried forward on the surface of water, but merely rise up and sink down alternately as the waves pass. The true What are they for elastic planes ? How may the nodal lines be made visible m the latter case ? How are waves on liquid surfaces formed ? Under, such circumstances does the liquid actually advance, or is it sta- WAVES ON WATER. 151 nature of the motion is such that each particle, at the sur- face of the undulating liquid, describes a circle in a verti- cal plane, and in the direction in which the wave is ad- vancing, the movement being propagated from each to its next neighbor, and so on. And as a certain time must elapse for this transmission of motion, the different parti- cles will be describing different points of their circu^r movement at the same moment. Some will be at the highest part of their vertical circle when others are in an intermediate position, and others at the lowest, giving rise to a wave, which advances a distance equal to its own length, while each particle performs one entire revolu- tion. Thus, in Fig. 173, let there be eight particles of Fig. 173. water on the surface, a m, which, by some appropriate dis- turbance, are made to describe the vertical circles repre- sented at a b c d e f g //, moving in the direction repre- sented by the darts, and let each one of these commence its motion one eighth of a revolution later than the one before it. Then, at any given moment, when the first one, a, is in the position marked a, the second, b, will be in the position marked 7, c at 6, d at 5, e at 4,y at 3, g at 2, h at 1 ; but m will not yet have begun to move. If, therefore, we connect these various points, #7654321 w, together by a line, that line will be on the surface of the wave, the length of which is a m, the height or depth of which is equal to the radius of the circle of each particle's revolu- tion, and the time of passage through the length of one wave will be equal to the time of the revolution of each particle. What is the true nature of the motion ? Describe the illustration, Fig. 173. 152 REFLEXION OF WAVES. LECTURE XXXII. UNDULATIONS (continued). Law of the Reflection of Undulations. Applied in the case of a Plane , a Circle, an Ellipse, a Parabola. Case of a Circular Wave on a Plane. Interference of Waves. Inflexion of Waves. Intensity of Waves. Method of Combining Systems of Waves. BY a ray of undulation we mean a line drawn from the origin of a wave in the direction in which any given point of it is advancing. A wave is said to be incident when it falls on some resisting surface, and reflected when it recoils from it. Incident rays are those drawn from the origin toward the resisting surface, and reflected rays those expressing the path of the undulating points after their recoil. The angle of incidence is the angle which an incident wave makes with a perpendicular drawn to the surface of impact ; the angle of reflexion is the angle Fig. 174. made by the reflected ray and the same per- b /a pendicular. Thus, let c be a resisting sur- iace of any kind, a c an incident ray, c b f ' a perpendicular to the point of impact of the wave, c d the reflected ray. Then a c b is the angle of incidence, and deb the angle of reflexion. The general law for the reflexion of waves is, that " all the points in a wave will be reflected from the surface of the solid under the same angle at which they struck it." If, therefore, parallel rays fall on a plane surface, they will be reflected parallel ; if diverging, they will be re- flected diverging; and if converging, converging. If a circular wave advances from the center of a cir- cular vessel, each ray falls perpendicularly on the surface of the vessel, and is reflected perpendicularly that is to say, back in the line along which it came. The waves, What is meant by a ray of undulation ? What by incident and reflected rays ? What is the angle of incidence, and what that of reflexion ? What is the law of reflexion ? How does this apply in the case of plane sur- faces ? What is the path of circular waves advancing from the center of a circular vessel after reflexion ? REFLEXION OF WAVES. 153 Fig. Fig. 176. therefore, all return to the center from which they origi- nated. If undulations proceed from one focus of an ellipse, they will, after reflection, converge to the other focus. If a surface be a parabola, rays diverging from its focal point, a, will, after reflexion, pass in par- allel lines, b d] c d, e d. Or if the rays impinge in parallel lines, they will, after reflexion, con- verge to the focus. When diverging rays of a cir- cular wave fall upon a plane surface, their path, after re- flexion is such as it would have been had they originated from a point on the opposite side of the plane, and as far distant as the point of origin itself. Thus, let c be the origin of a circular wave, d a g, which impinges on a plane, ef, after re- flexion this wave will be found at e kf, as though it had originated at c', a point on the opposite side of ef, as far as c, in front of it. Now, the parts of the circular wave, dag, do not all impinge on the plane at the same time, but that at a, which falls perpendicularly, im- pinges first, and is first reflected ; the ray at d has to go still through the distance, d e, before reflexion takes place; but, in this space of time, the ray at a will have returned back to k; and, in the same way, it may be shown that the intermediate rays will have returned to intermediate positions, and be found in the line e k f, symmetrically situated, with respect to the line e n f, in which they would have been had they not fallen on the plane. And it further follows that the center, c', of the circular wave, e kf, is as far from ef as is the centre, c, of the circular wave, e nf, but on the opposite side. How are rays reflected that come from one of the foci of an ellipse ? How is it in the case of a parabola. What is the principle illustrated in Fig, 176 ? 154 INTERFERENCE AND INFLEXION. By interference we mean that two or more waves have encountered one another, under such circumstances as to destroy each other's effect. If on water two elevations or two depressions coincide, they conspire ; but when an elevation coincides with a depression, interference takes place, arid the surface of the fluid remains plane. Waves which have thus crossed one another continue their mo- tion unimpaired. If two systems of waves of the same length encounter each other, after having come through paths of equal length, they will not interfere ; nor will they interfere, even though there be a difference in the length of their paths, provided that difference be equal to one whole wave, or two, or three, &c. But if two systems of waves of equal length encounter each other after having come through paths of unequal length, they will interfere, and that interference will be complete when the difference of the paths through which they have come is half a wave, or one and a half, two and a half, three and a half, &c. When a circular wave impinges on a solid in which Fig. 177. there is an opening, as at a, b, Fig. 177, the wave passes through, and is propagated to the spaces beyond ; but other waves arise from a b, as centers, and are propagated as repre- sented at c d e f. This is the in- flexion of waves, and these new waves intersecting one another and the primitive one, give rise to inter- ferences. We have now traced the chief phenomena of vibrations in solids and on the surface of liquids. It remains to do the same for elastic bodies, such as gases. When any vibratory movement takes place in atmos- pheric air, the impulse communicated to the particles causes them to recede a certain distance, condensing those that are before them ; the impulse is finally overcome by the resistance arising from this condensation. There, What is meant by the interference of waves ? When will two systems of waves not interfere ? When will they interfere ? What is meant by the inflexion of waves ? What are the phenomena of vibrations in elastic media, as atmospheric air ? INTERFERENCE OF WAVES. 155 therefore, arises a sphere of air, the superficies or shell of which has a maximum density. Reaction now sets in, the sphere contracts, and the returning particles come to their original positions. But as a disturbance on the sur- face of a liquid gives origin to a progressive wave, so does the same thing take place in the air. By the intensity of vibration of a wave we mean the relative disturbance of its moving particles, or the mag- nitude of the excursions they make on each side of their line of rest. Thus, on the surface of water we may have waves " mountains high," or less than an inch high ; the intensity of vibration in the former is correspondingly greater than in the latter case. In aerial waves, precisely as in the surface-waves of water, interference arises under the proper conditions. Thus, let a m p h, Fig. 178, be a wave advancing toward c, arid let m n, o p be the intensity of its vibration, or the maximum distances of the excursions of its vibrating par- ticles. Then suppose a second wave, originating at b (a distance from a precisely equal to one wave length), the intensity of vibration of which is represented by q r. The motions of this second wave coinciding throughout its length with the motions of the first, the force of both sys- tems is increased. The intensity, therefore, of the wave, arising from their conjoint action at any point, q will be equal to the sum of their intensities, q r, q s that is, it will be q t, and for any other point, v, it will be equal to the sum of v w and v u that is, v x. So the new wave will be represented by b t g x h. Now let things remain as before, except that the point of impact of the second wave, instead of being one whole wave from , is only half a wave, the effects on any parti- What is meant by the intensity of vibration ? Trace the phenomena of interference represented in Figs. 178 and 179 respectively. 156 INTERFERENCE OF NAVES, cle, such as q, take place in opposite directions, the sec- ond wave moving it with the intensity and direction q fif. 17*. r, the first with q * the resultant of its movement in in- tensity and direction, will, therefore, be the difference of these quantities that is, q t. And the same reasoning continued gives, for the wave resulting from this conjoint action, 6 t g x k c. Under the circumstances given in Fig. ITS. the systems of waves increase each other's force : under those of $f. 179, they diminish it : or if equal to one another counter- act completely, and total interference results, Waves in the air, as they expand, have their superfi- cies continually increasing, as the squares of their radii of distance from the original point of disturbance. Hence the effect of all such waves is to diminish as the squares of the distances incress -v c^5 :-e ACOUSTICS. 157 THE LAWS OF SOUND. ACOUSTICS. LECTURE XXXIII. PRODUCTION OF SOUND. The Note Depends on Frequen- cy of Vibration. Distinguishing Powers of the Ear. Soniferous Media. Origin of Sounds in the Air. Elas- ticity Required and Given in the Case of Strings by Stretching. Rate of Velocity of Sounds. All Sounds Transmitted with Equal Speed. Distances Determined by it. High and Low Sounds. Three Directions of Vibration. Intensity of Sound. Quality of Sounds. TJie Diatonic Scale. WHEN a thin elastic plate is made to vibrate, one of its ends being held firm and the other being free, and its length limited to a few inches, it emits a clear musical note. If it be gradually lengthened, it yields notes of different characters, and finally all sound ceases, the vibrations be- coming so slow that the eye can follow them without dif- ficulty. This instructive experiment gives us a clear insight into the nature of musical sounds, and, indeed, of all sounds generally. A substance which is executing a vibratory movement, provided the vibrations follow one another with sufficient rapidity, yields a musical sound; but when those vibrations fall below a certain rate, the ear can no longer distinguish the effect of their impulsions. The number of vibrations which such a plate makes in What is the nature of a musical sound ? Under what circumstances does the sound become inaudible ? What regulates the number of vibra- tions of an elastic plate ? 158 SOUND ARISES IN VIBRATIONS. a given time depends upon its length, being inversely as the square of the length of the vibrating part. Thus, if we take a given plate and reduce its length, the vibra- tions will increase in rapidity ; when it is half as long it vibrates four times as fast; when one fourth, sixteen times, &c. All sounds arise in vibratory movements, and musical notes differ from one another in the rapidity of their vi- brations the more rapidly recurring or frequent the vi- bration the higher the note. There is, therefore, no difficulty in determining how- many vibrations are required to produce any given note. We have merely to find the length of a plate which will yield the note in question, knowing previously what length of it is required to make a determinate number of vibra- tions in a given space of time. Thus it has been found that the ear can distinguish a sound made by 15 vibra- tions in a second, and can still continue to hear though the number reaches 48,000 per second. That all sounds arise in these pulsatory movements common observations abundantly prove. If we touch a bell, or the string of a piano, or the prong of a tuning- fork, we feel at once the vibratory action, and with the cessation of that motion the sound dies away. . 180. But the pulsations of such a body are not alone sufficient to produce the phenomena of sound. Media must intervene between them and the or- gan of hearing. In most cases the medium is atmospheric air, and when this is taken away the effect of the vibrations wholly ceases. Thus, a bell or a musical snuff-box, under an exhausted receiver, as in Fig. 180, can no longer be heard; but on read- mitting the air the sound becomes audible. The sounding body, there- fore, requires a soniferous medium to propagate its im- pulses to the ear. Atmospheric air is far from being the only soniferous How may the number of vibrations which constitute any sound be de- termined ? How may it be proved that all sounds arise in vibratory move- ments ? How may it be proved that a soniferous medium is required ? SONIFEROUS MEDIA. 159 medium. Sounds pass with facility through water ; the scratching of a pin or the ticking of a watch may be heard by the ear applied at the end of a very long plank of wood. Any uniform elastic medium is capable of trans- mitting sound ; but bodies which are imperfectly elastic, or have not an uniform density, impair its passage to a corresponding degree. The effect of a vibrating spring, or, indeed, of any vi- brating body on the atmospheric air, is to establish in it a series of condensations and rarefactions which give rise to waves. These, extending spherically from the point of disturbance, advance forward until they impinge on the ear, the structure of which is so arranged that the move- ment is impressed on the auditory nerves, and gives rise to the sensation which we term sound. Both the sonorous body and the soniferous medium must, therefore, be elastic, the regularity of the pulsa- tions of the former depends upon the uniformity of its elasticity. In the case of strings, we give them the re- quisite degree of elastic force by stretching them to the proper degree. And, as the undulatory movements which arise in the soniferous medium are not instantaneous, but successive, it follows that the transmission of sound in any medium requires time. That this is the case, we may satisfy ourselves by remarking the period that elapses between seeing the flash of a gun and hearing the report. It is greater as we are removed to a greater distance. In different media, the velocity of transmission depends on the density and specific elasticity. It has been found, by experiment, that in tranquil air the velocity of sound at 60, and at an average state of moisture, is 1120 feet in a second. The wind accelerates or retards sound, ac- cording to its direction, damp air transmits it more slowly than dry, and hot air more rapidly than cold, the velocity increasing about 1*1 foot for every Fahrenheit degree. In a soniferous medium, all sounds move equally fast ; it is wholly immaterial what may be their quality or their Mention some such soniferous media. How is it that sounds are finally perceived by the ear ? What condition is required both for the sounding body and soniferous medium ? How may sufficient elasticity be given in the case of strings ? Does the transmission of sound require time ? What is the velocity of sound per second '( What is the effect of the wind, damp- ness, or change of temperature ? 160 VELOCITY OF SOUND. intensity. Thus, we know that even the most intricate music executed at a distance is heard without any discord, arid precisely as it would be close at hand. Nor does it matter whether it be by the human voice, a flute, a.bugle, or, indeed, by many different instruments at once, the relation of the difference of sounds is accurately preserv- ed. But this can only take place as a consequence of the equal velocity of transmission ; for if some of these sounds moved faster than others discord must inevitably ensue. The experiments of Colladon and Sturm on the Lake of Geneva show that the velocity in water is about four times that in air, being 4708 feet in a second. With re- spect to solid substances, it is stated that the velocity in air being 1, that in tin is 7s, in copper 12, in glass 17. Advantage is sometimes taken of these principles to determine distances. If we observe the time elapsing between the flash of a gun and hearing the sound, or be- tween seeing lightning and hearing the thunder, every second answers to 1120 feet. Sounds are of different kinds : some are low or high, grave or acute, according as the vibrations are slower or faster. Again : the intensity of vibration or the magni- tudes of the excursions which the vibrating particles make determine the force of sounds, an intense vibra- tion giving a loud, and a less vibration a feeble sound. The vibrations of a soniferous body may take place in three directions : they may be longitudinal, transverse, or rotatory vibrations ; or, indeed, they may all co-exist. Fi e- J81 - A body may be divided into vibrat- ing parts, separated from one another by nodal points or lines. Thus, if we take a glass or metal plate, and having strewed its surface with fine dry sand, and holding it firmly at one point between the thumb arid finger, or in a clamp, as represented in Fig. 181, draw a violin bow across its edge, it yields a musical note, and the sand is thrown off those places which are in motion, and collects on the nodal points, which are at rest. The quantity, or strength, or intensity of a. sound de What is the velocity of sounds in water 1 Into what varieties may sound be divided ? In what directions may a sounding body vibrate I How may nodal lines on surfaces be traced ? NATURE OF SOUNDS. 161 pends on the intensity of the vibrations and the mass of the sounding body. It also varies with the distance, be- ing inversely proportional to its square. Musical sounds are spoken of as notes, or as high and low. Of two notes, the higher is that which arises from more rapid, and the lower from slower vibrations. Besides this, sounds differ in their quality. The same note emitted by a flute, a violin, a piano, or the human voice is wholly different, and in each instance peculiar. In what this peculiarity consists we are not able to say. The several notes are distinguished by letters and names ; we shall also see presently that they may be dis- tinguished by numbers. They are C D E F G A B C. Or, ut, re, ini, fa, sol, la, si, ut. Such a series of sounds passes under the name of the diatonic scale. LECTURE XXXIV. PHENOMENA OP SOUND. Notes in Unison. Octave. In- terval of Sounds. Melody. Harmony. The Mono- chord. Length of Cord and Number of Vibrations re- quired for each Note. Laws of Vibrations in Cords, Rods, Planes. Acoustic Figures on Plates. Vibration of Columns of Air. Interference of Sounds. Whisper- ing Galleries. Echoes. Speaking and Hearing- Trum- pet. Two notes are said to be in unison when the vibrations which cause them are performed in equal times. If the one makes twice as many vibrations as the other, it is said to be its octave, and the relation or interval there is between two sounds is the proportion between their re- spective numbers of vibrations. There are combinations of sounds which impress our organs of sense in an agreeable manner, and others which On what does the intensity of sound depend ? What is it that determines the highness or lowness of notes ? What is meant by the quality of sounds ? How may notes be distinguished ? When are notes in unison ? What is an octave ? What is the relation or interval of sounds ? 162 THE MONOCHORD. produce a disagreeable effect. In this sense, we speak of the former as being in unison, and the latter as being discordant. A combination of harmonious sounds is a chord, a succession of harmonious notes a melody, and a succession of chords harmony. We have remarked in the last lecture that sounds may be expressed by numbers as well as by letters or names, and their relations to one another clearly exhibited. For this purpose, we may take the monochord or sonometer, C C', Fig. 182, an instrument consisting of a wire or Fig. 182. "n TO J C F H IT F M ill 03 catgut stretched over two bridges, F F', which are fast- ened on a basis, S S' ; one end of the cord passes over a pulley, M, and may be strained to any required degree of weights, P. The length of the string vibrating may be changed by pressing it with the finger upon a movable piece, H, which carries an edge, T, and the case beneath is divided into parts which exhibit the length of the vi- brating part of the wire. The upper part of Fig. 182 shows a horizontal view of the monochord, the lower a lateral view. The instrument here represented has two strings, one of catgut and one of wire. Now, it is to be understood that the number of vibra- tions of such a cord are inversely as its length ; that is, if the whole cord makes a given number of vibrations in one second, when you reduce its length to one half it will make twice as many ; if to one third, thrice as many, &c. What is a chord, a melody, and harmony, ? Describe the monochord. VIBRATIONS OF CORDS. 163 Suppose the cord is stretched so as to give a clear sound, which we may designate as C, and the movable bridge is then advanced so as to obtain successively the other notes of the gamut, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, it will be found that these are given when the lengths of the cord, com- pared with its original length, are Name of note . . . CDEFGABC Length of cord . . . 1, f, j, f, , f, T 8 5 , . but as the number of vibrations is in the inverse ratio of the lengths of the vibrating cords, we shall have for the number of vibrations, if we represent by 1, the number that gives C, the following for the other notes : Name of note . . . CDEFGABC Number of vibrations . 1, |, |, f, |, |, y 2. From C to C is an octave, and from this we gather that, in the octave, the higher note makes twice as many vibra- tions as the fundamental note, and that between these there are other intervals, which, heard in succession, are harmonious ; the eight, therefore, constitute a scale, com- monly called the diatonic scale. Musical instruments are of different kinds, depending on the vibrations of cords, rods, planes, or columns of air. It has already been stated, that the number of vibra- tions of a cord is inversely as its length the number also increases as the square root of the force that stretches it ; thus, the octave is given by the same string when stretch- ed four times as strongly ; the material of the string, whether it be catgut, iron, &c., also affects the note. In rods the height of the note is directly as the thick- ness, and inversely as the square of the length. The quality of the material also, in respect of elasticity, deter- mines the note. The foregoing observations apply to transverse vibra- tions of cords and rods ; but they may be also made to execute longitudinal and torsion vibrations, the conditions of which are different. In planes held by one point, and a bow drawn across at another, or struck by a blow, sounds are emitted, and by the aid of sand nodal lines may be traced. Thus, in Fig. 183, a is the point, in each instance, at which the What lengths of a cord are required to give the notes of the gamut ? What are the corresponding number of vibrations? What is the diatonic scale? What are the laws for the vibration of cords ? What in the case of rods ? 164 ACOUSTIC FIGURES. plate is held, and b that at which the bow is applied ; the sand arranges itself in the dotted lines. The two large figures are formed by putting together four smaller plates, in one instance bearing the nodal lines, represented at I, and, in the other, at II. They may, however, be directly generated on one" large plate of glass by holding it at a, touching it at w, and drawing the bow across it at b. Circular plates, a in III, may be made to bear a four- rayed star, by holding them in the center, drawing the bow at any point at b, and touching the plate at a point 45 distant from the bow ; but if the plate be touched 30, 60, or 90 off, it produces a six-rayed star, Fig. IV. Columns of air may be made to emit sounds by being thrown into oscillation, as in horns, flutes, clarionets, &c. In these the column of air, included in the tube of the in- strument, is made to vibrate longitudinally. The height of the note is inversely proportional to the length of the column, and therefore different notes may be obtained by having apertures, at suitable distances, in the side of the tube, as in the flute. Two sounds may be so combined together that they shall In the case of planes how may the nodal lines be varied ? How may columns of air be made to vibrate? How is the length of the vibrating column varied in different wind instruments ? INTERFERENCE OF SOUNDS. 165 mutually destroy each other's effect, and silence result. This arises from interference taking place in the aerial waves, the laws of which are those given in Lecture XXXII. The following instances will illustrate these facts. When a tuning-fork is made to vibrate, and is turned round upon its axis near the ear, four periods may be dis- covered during every revolution in which the sound in- creases or declines. .4 - If we take two tuning-forks of the same note, a d t Fig. 184, and fasten a circle of cardboard, Fig. 184. half an inch in diameter, on one of the prongs of each, and make one of the forks a little heavier than the other, by putting on it a drop of wax, and then filling a jar, b, to such a height with water, that either of the forks, when held over it, will make it resound, so long as only one is held, there will be a con- tinuous note, without pause or interruption ; but if both are held together, there will be periods of silence and periods of sound, according as the longer waves, arising from one of the forks, overtakes and inter- feres with the shorter waves, arising from the other. Sounds undergo reflexion, and may therefore be directed by surfaces of suitable figure. If, in the focus of a concave mirror a watch be placed, its ticking may be heard at a great distance in the focus of a second mirror, placed so as to receive the sound-waves of the first. On similar principles also whispering-galleries depend. These are so constructed that a low whisper uttered at one point is reflected to a focus at another, in which it may be distinctly heard, while it is inaudible in other po- sitions. The dome of St. Paul's cathedral, in London, is an example. Echoes are reflected sounds. Thus, if a person stands in front of a vertical wall, and at a distance from it of about 62 feet, if he utters a syllable, he will hear a sound which is the echo of it. If there be a series of such ver- tical obstacles, at suitable distances, the same sound may be repeated many successive times. A good ear can dis- tinguish nine distinct sounds in a second ; and, as a sound Give some illustrations of the interference of sound. How may it be proved that sounds undergo reflexion ? What are whispering-galleries '. Under what circumstances do echoes arise ? 166 ECHOES. travels 1120 feet in the same time, for the echo to be clearly distinguished from its original sound, it must travel 125 feet in passing to and from the reflecting surface, that is, the reflector must be at least 62 feet distant. Remarkable echoes exist in several places. One near Milan repeats a sound thirty times. The ancients men- tion one which could repeat the first verse of the Fig, 185. eight times. On the banks of rivers as, for example, on the Rhine, as represented in Fig. 185 sounds are often echoed from the rocks, rebounding, as at 1, 2, 3, 4, from side to side. Speaking-trumpets depend on the reflection of sound. Fig. 186. The divergence is prevented by the sides of its tube ; and if the instrument is of a suitable figure, the rays of sound issue from it, as seen in Fig. 186, in a parallel direction. Its efficiency depends on its length. It is stated that through such an instrument, from 18 to 24 feet long, a man's voice can be heard at a distance of three miles. Under common cir- cumstances, the greatest distances at which sounds have Why must two reflecting surfaces be at a certain distance ? What is the construction of the speaking-trumpet ? HEARING-TRUMPETS 107 been heard are usually estimated as follows : the report of a musket, 8000 paces; the march of a company of sol- diers at night, 830 paces; a squadron galloping, 1080 ; the voice of a strong man, in the open air, 230. But the ex- plosions of the volcano of St. Vincent were heard at Demerara, 345 miles; and, at the siege of Antwerp, the cannonading was heard, in the mines of Fig. 187. Saxony, 370 miles. The hearing-trumpet is for the purpose of collecting rays of sound by reflexion, and transmitting them to the ear. Its mode of action is represented at Fig. 187. At what distance can sounds be heard? What is the construction of the hearing-trumpet. 168 OPTICS. PROPERTIES OF LIGHT. OPTICS. LECTURE XXXV. PROPERTIES OF LIGHT. Theories of the Nature of Light. Sources of Light. Phosphorescence. Temperature of a red Heat. Effects of Bodies on Light. Passage in straight Lines. Production of Shadows. Umbra and Penumbra. HAVING successively treated of the general mechanical properties of gases, liquids, solids, and the laws of motion, we are led, in the next place, to the consideration of cer- tain agents or forces light, heat, electricity. These, by many philosophers, are believed to be matter, in an im- ponderable state ; they are therefore spoken of as im- ponderable substances. By others their effects are re- garded as arising from motions or modifications impressed on a medium everywhere present, which passes under the name of THE ETHER. Applying these views to the case of light, two different hypotheses, respecting its constitution, obtain. The first, which has the designation of the theory of emission, re- gards light as consisting of particles of amazing minute- ness, which are projected by the shining body, in all di- rections, and in straight lines. These impinging eventu- ally on the organ of vision, give rise to the sensation which we speak of as brightness or light. To the other theory, the title of undulatory theory is given ; it supposes that there exists throughout the universe an ethereal me- dium, in which vibratory movements can arise somewhat analogous to the movements which give birth to sounds Name the imponderable substances. What other theory is there re- specting their nature ? What is the theory of emission ? What is the foundation of the undulatory theory ? SOURCES OF. LIGHT. 169 in the air; and these passing through the transparent parts of the eye, and falling on the retina, affect it with their pulsations, as waves in the air affect the auditory nerve, but in this case give rise to the sensation of light, as in the other to sound. There are many different sources of light some are astronomical and some terrestrial. Among the former may be mentioned the sun and the stars among the lat- ter, the burning of bodies, or combustion, to which we chiefly resort for our artificial lights, as lamps, candles, gas flames. Many bodies are phosphorescent, that is to say, emit light after they have been exposed to the sun or any shining source. Thus, oyster-shells, which have been cal- cined with sulphur, shine in a dark place after they have been exposed to the light, and certain diamonds do the same. So, too, during processes of putrefaction, or slow decay, light is very often emitted, as when wood is mould- ering or meat is becoming putrescent. The source of the luminousness, in these cases, seems to be the same as in ordinary combustions, that is, the burning away of car- bon and hydrogen under the influence of atmospheric air; but, in certain cases, the functions of life give rise to an abundant emission of light, as in fireflies and glowworms ; these continue to shine even under the surface of water, and there is reason to believe that the phenomenon is to a considerable extent subject to the volition of the animal. All solid substances, when they are exposed to a cer- tain degree of heat, become incandescent or emit light. When first visible in a dark place, this light is of a red- dish color, but as the temperature is carried higher and higher it becomes more brilliant, being next of a yellow, and lastly of a dazzling whiteness. For this reason we sometimes indicate the temperature of such bodies, in a rough way, by reference to the color they emit : thus we speak of a red heat, a yellow heat, a white heat. I have recently proved that all solid substances begin to emit light at the same degree of heat, and that this answers to 977 of Fahrenheit's thermometer ; moreover, as the tern- Mention some of the sources of light. What is meant by phospho- rescence ? To what source may the light emitted during putrefaction and decay be attributed ? What is there remarkable in the shining of glow- worms and fireflies 1 What is meant by incandescence ? What succes- sion of colors is perceived in self-luminous bodies ? At what temperature do all solids begin to shine ? H 170 PATH^ OF RAYS. perature rises the brilliancy of the light rapidly increases, so that at a temperature of 2600 it is almost forty times as intense as at 1900. At these high temperatures an ele- vation of a few degrees makes a prodigious difference in the brilliancy. Gases require to be brought to a far higher temperature than solids before they begin to emit light. Non-luminous bodies become visible by reflecting the light which falls on them. In their general relations such bodies may be spoken of as transparent and opaque. By the former we mean those which, like glass, afford a more or less ready passage to the light through them; by the latter, such as refuse it a passage. But transparency and opacity are never absolute they are only relative. The purest glass extinguishes a certain amount of the rays which fall on it, and the metals which are commonly looked upon as being perfectly opaque allow light to pass through them, provided they are thin enough. Thus gold leaf spread upon glass transmits a greenish-colored light. The rays of light, from whatever source they may come, move forward in straight lines, continuing their course until they are diverted from it by the interposition of some obstacle, or the agency of some force. That this rectilinear path is followed maybe proved by a variety of facts. Thus, if we intervene an opaque body between any object and the eye, the moment the edge of that body comes to the line which connects the object and the ye the object is cut off from our view. In a room into which a sunbeam is admitted through a crevice, the path which the light takes, as is marked out by the motes that float in the air, is a straight line. By a ray of light we mean a straight line drawn from the luminous body, marking out the path along which the shining particles pass. A shining body is said to radiate its light, because it projects its luminous particles in straight lines, like radii, in every direction, and these falling on opaque bodies and being intercepted by them, give rise to the produc- tion of shadows. At what rate does the light increase as the temperature rises? Are solids or gases most readily made incandescent? How dp non-luminous bodies become visible ? What classes are they divided into ? Are trans- parency and opacity absolute qualities ? Prove that rays move in straight lines. What is meant by radiation ? How are shadows produced ? SHADOWS. 171 If the light is emitted by a single luminous point, the boundary of the shadow can be obtained by drawing straight lines from the lumi- Fig. iss. nous point to every point on the edge of the body, and pro- ducing them. Thus, let a, Fig. 188, be the luminous point, If c the opaque body ; by draw- ing the lines ab,ac, and pro- ducing them to d and e the boundary and figure of the shadow may be exhibited. But if the luminous body, as in most instances is the case, possesses a sensible magnitude ; if it is, for example, the sun or a flame, an opaque body will cast two shadows, which pass respect- ively under the names of the umbra and penumbra the former being dark and the latter partially illuminated. This may be illustrated by Fig. 189, in Fig. 189 which a b is the flame of a candle or any other luminous source, having a sensible magnitude, c d the opaque body. Now the straight lines, a c f, a d k, drawn from the top of the flame to the edges of the opaque body and produced, give the shadow for that point of the flame ; and the lines bee, b d g, drawn in like manner from the bottom of the flame, give the shadow for that point. But we see that the space between g and k, which belongs to the shadow for the top of the flame, is not perfectly dark, because it is so situated as to be partially illuminated by the bottom of the flame and a similar remark -may be made as respects the space, f e, which receives light from the top of the flame. But the remaining space, f g, re- ceives no light whatever it is totally dark and we there- fore call it the umbra, while the partially-illuminated re- gions, fe and g h, are the penumbra. Trace the shadow of a body formed by a luminous point. Trace the formation of a shadow when the luminous source is of sensible size. What is the umbra ? What is the penumbra ? 172 PHOTOMETRY. LECTURE XXXVI. OF THE MEASURES OF THE INTENSITY AND VELOCITY OF LIGHT. Conditions oftlie Intensity of Light. Of Pho- tometric Methods. Rumford's Method by Shadows. Ritchie's Photometer. Difficulties in Colored Lights. Masson's Method. Velocity of Light Determined by the Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites. The same by the Aber- ration of the Fixed Stars. BY Photometry we mean the measurement of the brill- iancy of light an operation which can be conducted in many different ways. It is to be understood that the illuminating power of a shining body depends on several circumstances : First, upon its distance for near at hand the effect is much greater than far off the law for the intensity of light in this respect being that the brilliancy of the light is inversely as the square of the distance. A candle two feet off gives only one fourth of the light that it does at one foot, at three feet it gives only one ninth, &c. Secondly, it depends on the absolute intensity of the luminous surface : thus we have seen that a solid at different degrees of heat emits very different amounts of light, and in the same way the flame of burning hydrogen is almost invisible, and that of spirits of wine is very dull when compared with an ordinary lamp. Thirdly, it depends on the area or surface the shining body exposes, the brightness being greater according as that surface is greater. Fourthly, in the absorption which the light suffers in passing the medium through which it has to traverse for even the most transparent obstructs it to a certain extent. And lastly, on the angle at which the rays strike the surface they illuminate, being most effective when they fall per- pendicularly, and less in proportion as their obliquity in- creases. What is photometry ? Mention some of the conditions which determine the brilliancy of light. What is the law of its decrease by distance? What has obliquity of surfaces to do with the result ? 173 INTENSITY OF LIGHT. The first and last of the conditions here mentioned, as controlling the intensity of light the effect of distance and of obliquity may be illustrated as follows : Fig. 190. 1st. That the intensity of light is inversely as the squares of the distance. Let B, Fig. 190, be an aperture in a piece of paper, through which rays coming from a small illuminated point, A, pass ; let these rays be received on a second piece of paper, C, placed twice as far from A as is B, it will be found that they illuminate a surface which is twice as long and twice as broad as A, and therefore contains four times the area. If the paper be placed atD, three times as far from A as is B, the illuminated space will be three times as long and three times as broad as A, and contain nine times the surface. If it be at E, which is four times the distance, the surface will be sixteen times as great. All this arises from the rectilinear paths which the diverging rays take, and therefore a surface illumina- ted by a given light will receive, at distances represented by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, &c., quantities of light repre- sented by the numbers 1, |, , T 'g-, &c., which latter are the inverse squares of the former numbers. 2d. That the intensity of light is dependent on the an- gle at which the rays strike the receiving surface, being most effective when they fall perpendicularly, and less in proportion as the obliquity increases. Let there be two surfaces, D C and E C, Fig. 191, on which a beam of light, A B, falls on the former perpendicularly and on the latter obliquely the latter surface, in proportion to its obliquity, must have a larger area to receive all the rays which fall on D C. A given quantity of light, therefore, Give illustrations of the effect of distance and of obliquity. 174 RUMFORD'S PHOTOMETER. Fig. 191. is diffused over a greater surface when it is received ob- liquely, and its effect is correspondingly less. To compare different lights with one another, Count Rumford. invented a process which goes under the name of the method of shadows. The principle is very simple. Of two lights, that which is the most brilliant willcast the deepest shadow, and with any -light the shadow which is cast becomes less dark as the light is more distant. If, therefore, we wish to examine experimentally the brill- iancy of two lights on Rumford's method, we take a screen of white paper and setting in front of it an opaque rod, we place the lights in such a position that the two shadows arising shall be close .together, side by side. Now the eye can, without any difficulty, determine which of the two is darkest ; and by removing the light which has cast it to a greater distance, we can, by a few trials, bring the two. shadows to precisely the same degree of depth. It remains then to measure the distances of the two lights from the screen, and the illuminating powers are as the squares of those distances. Ritchie's photometer is an instrument for obtaining the same result, not, however, by the contrast of shadows, but by the equal illumination of surfaces. It consists of a box, a Z>, Fig. 192, six or. eight inches long and one broad and deep, in the middle of which a wedge of wood, feg, with its angle, e, upward, is placed. This wedge is covered over with clean white paper, neatly doubled to a sharp line at e. In the top of the box there is a conical tube, with an aperture, d, at its upper end, to which the What is the principle of Rumford's photometric process? How is it applied -in practice ? What is the illuminating power of the lights propor- tional to ? Describe Ritchie's photometer. RITCHIE 3 PHOTOMETEE. 175 eye is applied, and the whole may be raised to any suitable height by means of the stand c. On look- ing down through d, having previous- ly placed the two lights, m n, the in- tensity of which we desire to determine, on opposite sides of in the box, they illu- minate the paper surfaces exposed to them, e f to jn and e g to n, and the eye, at d, sees both those surfaces at once. By changing the position of the lights, we eventually make them illuminate the surfaces equally, and then measuring their distances from e y their illuminating powers are as the squares of those dis- tances. It is not possible to apply either of these methods in a satisfactory manner where, as is unfortunately often the case, the lights to be examined differ in color. The eye can form no judgment whatever of the relation of bright- ness of two surfaces when they are of different colors ; and a very slight amount of tint completely destroys the accuracy of these processes. To some extent, in Ritchie's instrument, this may be avoided, by placing a colored glass at the aperture, d. A third photometric method has recently been intro- duced ; it has great advantages over either of the fore- going ; and difference of color, which in them is so se- rious an obstacle, serves in it actually to increase the ac- curacy of the result. The principle on which it is found- ed is as follows : If we take two lights, and cause one of them to throw the shadow of an opaque body upon a white screen, there is a certain distance to which, if we bring the second light, its rays, illuminating the screen, will totally obliterate all traces of the shadow. This dis- appearance of the shadow can be judged of with great What difficulties arise when the lights and the shadows they give are colored ? How may these be avoided ? Describe another process which is free from the foregoing difficulties. On what principle does it de- pend ? 176 VELOCITY OF LIGHT. | accuracy by the eye. It has been found that eyes of average sensitiveness fail to distinguish the effect of a light when it is in presence of another sixty-four times as intense. The precise number varies somewhat with dif- ferent eyes ; but to the same eye it is always the same. If there be any doubt as to the perfect disappearance of the shadow, the receiving screen may be agitated or moved a little. This brings the shadow, to a certain ex- tent, into view again. Its place can then be traced ; and, on ceasing the motion, the disappearance verified. When, therefore, we desire to discover the relative in- tensities of light, we have merely to inquire at what dis- tance they effect the total obliteration of a shadow, and their intensities are as the squares of those distances. I have employed this method for the determination of the quantities of light emitted by a solid at different temper- atures, and have found it very exact. Light does not pass instantaneously from one point to another, but with a measurable velocity. The ancients believed that its transmission was instantaneous, illustrat- ing it by the example of a stick, which, when pushed at one end, simultaneously moves at the other. They did not know that even their illustration was false ; for a certain time elapses before the farther end of the stick moves ; and, in reality, a longer time than light would re- quire to pass over a distance equal to the length of the stick. But in 1676, a Danish astronomer, Roemer, found, from observations on the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, that light moves at the rate of about 192,000 miles in one second. This singular observation may be explained as follows : Let S, Fig. 193, be the sun, E the earth, moving in the orbit E E', as indicated by the arrows ; let J be Jupi- ter and T his first satellite, moving in its orbit round him. It takes the satellite 42 hours 28 minutes 35 sec- onds to pass from T to T' that is to say, through the planet's shadow. But, during this period of time, the earth moves in her orbit, from E to E', a space of 2,880,000 miles. Now, it is found, under these circum- Does light move with instantaneous velocity ? Who discovered its pro- gressive motion ? What is its actual rate ? Describe the facts by which tins has been determined. By whom and under what circumstances has this been verified ? ROEMER'S AND BRADLEY'S DISCOVERIES. 177 ptances, that the emersion of the satellite is 15 seconds Fig. 193. later than it should have been. And it is clear that this is owing to the fact that the light requires 15 seconds to pass from E to E' and overtake the earth. Its velocity, therefore, in one second, must be 192,000 miles. This beautiful deduction was corroborated by Dr. Bradley, in 1725, upon totally different principles, involv- ing what is termed the aberration of the stars. The prin- ciple, which is somewhat dif- Fig. 194. ficult to explain, is clearly il- M lustrated by Eisenlohr as fol lows : Let M N represent a ship, whose side is aimed at point blank by a cannon at a. Now, if the vessel were at rest, a ball discharged in this Mr/ manner would pass through the points b and c, so that the three points, a, b, and c, would all be in the same straight line. But if the vessel itself move from M toward N, then the ball which entered at b would not come out at the opposite point, c, but at some other point, d, as much nearer to the stern, as is equal to the distance gone over by the vessel, from M to N, during the time of passage of the ball through her. The lines b c and b d, therefore, form an angle at i, whose magnitude depends on the po- sition of b c and b d. The greater the velocity of the ball, as compared with the ship, the less the angle. Next, What is meant by the aberration of the fixed stars ? Give an illustration of it. What is the value of the angle of aberration ? What is the velocity of light as thus determined ? 178 REFLEXION OF LIGHT. for the ship substitute in your mind the earth, and for the cannon any of the fixed stars ; let the velocity, b c, of the cannon-ball now stand for that of light, and let d c be the velocity of the earth in her orbit. The angle d b c, is called the angle of aberration. It amounts to 20 seconds for all the stars ; for they all exhibit the same alteration in their apparent position, being more backward than they really are in the direction of the earth's annual mo- tion, as Bradley discovered. By a simple trigonometri- cal calculation, it appears from these facts that the velo- city of light is 195,000 miles per second, a result nearly coinciding with the former. LECTURE XXXVII. REFLEXION OP LIGHT. Different kinds of Mirrors. General Law of Reflexion. Case of Parallel, Con- verging, and Diverging Rays on Plane Mirrors. The Kaleidoscope. Properties of Spherical Concave Mir- rors. Properties of Spherical Convex Mirrors. Spheri- cal Aberration. Mirrors of other Forms. Cylindrical Mirrors. WHEN a ray of light falls upon a surfaceAit may.be reflected, or transmitted, or absorbed./ We therefore proceed to the study of these three incidents, which may happen to light, commencing with reflexion. Reflecting surfaces in optics are called mirrors; they are of various kinds, as of polished metal or glass. They differ also as respects the figure of their surfaces, \being plane, convex, or concave;! and again they are divided into such as arej spherical, parabolic, elliptical, &c?) The general law which is at the foundation of this part of optics the law of reflexion is as follows : The angle of reflexion is equal to the angle of Incidence, the reflected ray is in the opposite side of the perpendicular, and the perpendicular, the incident, and the reflected rays are all in the same plane. i When a ray of light falls on a surface what may happen to it 1 What is meant by reflecting surfaces? What is the general law of reflexion? PLANE MIRRORS. 179 Thus, let c, Fig. 195, be the reflecting sur- face ; b c a perpendicular to it at any point, a c a ray incident on the same point ; the path of the reflected ray under the foregoing law will be c d ; such, that it is on the oppo- site side of the perpendicular to the incident ray, that a c,cb, and c d, are all in the same plane, and that the angle of incidence, a c b, is equal to the angle of reflexion, bed. Reflexion from mirror surfaces may be studied under three divisions : reflexion from plane, from concave, and from convex mirrors. When parallel rays fall on a plane mirror, they will be reflected parallel, and divergent and convergent rays will respectively diverge and converge at angles equal to their angles of incidence. When rays diverging from a point fall on a mirror, they are reflected from it in such a manner as though they proceeded from a point as far behind it as it is in reality before it. This principle has already been ex- plained in Lecture XXXII, Fig. 176. It is illustrated in Fig. 196. Thus, if from the point a two rays, a b, a c, diverge, they will, under the general law, be respect- ively reflected along b d, c e ; and if these be produced they will in- tersect at a', as far behind the mirror as a is before it. The point a! is called the virtual focus, d; From this it appears that any object seen in a plane mirror ap- pears to be as far behind it as it is in reality before it. If an object is placed between two parallel plane mir- rors each will produce a reflected image, and will also repeat the one reflected by the other. The consequence is, therefore, that there is an indefinite number of images produced, and in reality the number would be infinite Illustrate this law by Fig. 195. What three kinds of mirrors are there ? When parallel, divergent, or convergent rays fall on a plane mirror, what happens to them after reflexion ? What does Fig. 196 illustrate ? What is the effect of two parallel plane mirrors ? 180 CONCAVE MIRRORS. were the light not gradually enfeebled by loss at each successive reflexion. The kaleidoscope is a tube containing two plane mir- rors, which run through it lengthwise, and are generally inclined at an angle of 60. At one end of the tube is an arrangement by which pieces of colored glass or other objects may be held, and at the other there is a cap with a small aperture. On placing the eye at this aperture the objects are reflected, and form a beautiful hexag- onal combination, their position and appearance may be varied by turning the tube round on its axis. Concave and convex mirrors are commonly ground to a spherical figure, though other figures, such as ellipsoids, parabaloids, &c., are occasionally used for special pur- poses. It is the properties of spherical concaves that we shall first describe. The general action of a spherical mirror may be under- 197. stood by regarding it as made up of a great number of small plane mirrors, as A, B, C, D, E, F f G,jFV#197. On such a combination of small mirrors, let rays emanating from R impinge. The different degrees of obliquity under which they fall upon the mirrors cause them io follow new paths after reflexion, so that they converge to the point S as to a focus. The problem of determining the path of a ray after it has been reflected is solved by first drawing a perpen- dicular to the surface at the point of impact, and then drawing a line on the opposite side of this perpendicular, making with it an angle equal to that of the angle of incidence of the incident ray. Thus, let r, s, Fig. 198, be an incident ray falling on any reflecting surface at s. To find the path it will take after reflexion, we first draw s c, a perpendicular to the surface at the point of impact, s. And then draw the line s f on the opposite side of the What is the kaleidoscope ? What is the ordinary figure of concave and convex mirrors ? How may the general action of these mirrors be con- ceived? Describe the method for determining the path of rays after reflexion. CONCAVE MIRRORS. 181 perpendicular c s, such, that the angle c s f is equal to the angle c s r. This is nothing but an application of the general law of reflexion, that the angles of incidence and reflexion are equal to one another, and are on oppo- site sides of the perpendicular. When rays of light diverge from the center of a spheri- cal concave mirror, after reflexion they converge back to the same point. For, from the nature of such a surface, lines drawn from its center are perpendicular to the point to which they are drawn, every ray, therefore, impinges perpendicularly upon the surface and returns to the center again. When parallel rays of light fall on the surface of a sphe- Fig, 198. rical mirror, the aper- r ture or diameter of ~ which is not very large, they are re- fleeted to a point half way between the sur- IL face and center of the mirror. Thus, let rs f f s' be parallel rays falling on the mirror s s', the aperture, s s', of which is only a few degrees, these rays, after reflexion, will be found converging to the point f t which is called the principal focus, half way between the vertex of the mirror, v, and its center, c; for if we draw the radii, c s c s', these lines are perpendiculars to the mirror at the points on which they fall ; then make the angles c sf equal csr, and c s'f equal c s' r', and it is easy to prove that the pointy is midway between v and c. But if the aperture, s s', of the mirror exceeds a few de- grees, it may be proved geometrically that the rays no longer converge to the focus,/) but, as the aperture in- creases, are found nearer and nearer to the vertex, v, until finally, were it not for the opacity of the mirror, they would fall at the back of it. As this deviation is depend- ent on the spherical figure of the mirror, it is termed aberration of sphericity. When rays diverge from the center of a spherical concave mirror, where will they be found after reflexion ? What is the case when parallel rays fall on a spherical mirror ? Why is the result limited to mirrors of small aperture ? What is meant by aberration of sphericity ? 182 CONCAVE MIRRORS. Fig. 200. Conversely, if diverging rays issue from a lucid point, f.Fig. 198, half way between the vertex and center of a spheri- cal mirror of limited aperture, they will be reflected in parallel lines. Rays coming from any point, r t Fig. 199, at a finite distance beyond the center of the mirror, will be reflected so as to fall between the focus, f, and the center, c. Rays coming from a point, r, Fig. 200, between the focus, f, and the vertex, v, will diverge after reflexion. Under such circumstances a virtual focus, f, exists at the back of the mirror. Concave mirrors give rise to the formation of images in their foci. This fact may be shown experimentally by placing a candle at a certain distance in front of such a mir- ror and a small screen of paper at the focus. On this paper will be seen an image of the flame, beautifully clear and distinct, but inverted. The relative size and position of this image varies according to the distance of the object from the vertex of the mirror. The second variety of curved mirrors is the convex ; their chief properties are as follows : When parallel rays fall on the surface of a convex mir- ror, they become divergent after reflexion ; for let s s' be such a mirror, and r s r' s' rays parallel to its axis falling on it, let c be the center of the mirror, and draw c s c s', which wifl be respectively perpendicular to the mirror at the points s and s' ; then for the reflected rays, make the What is the case when diverging rays issue from the focus of a spherical mirror ? What when they come from a finite distance beyond the center ? What when they come from between the focus and the vertex ? How may it be proved that concave mirrors form images ? What is the second vari- ety of mirrors ? When parallel rays fall on a convex mirror, what path do they take ? CONVEX MIRRORS. 183 angle, t s p, equal to^? s r, and the angle, t' s' p' t equal to p' s' r'. It may then jrer.'au. be demonstrated, that not only do these re- flected rays diverge, but if they be produced through the mirror till they intersect, they will give a virtual focus at ~f, half way between the Vertex of the mir- ror, v, and its center, c, so long as the mirror is of a limited aperture. In a similar manner it may be proved that diverging rays, falling on a convex mirror, become more divergent. To avoid the effect of spherical aberration, it has been proposed to give to mirrors other forms than the spherical. Some are ground to a paraboloidal, and others to an ellip- soidal figure. . Of the properties of such surfaces I have already spoken, under the theory of Undulations, in Lec- ture XXXII ; and the effects remain the same, whether we consider light as consisting of innumerable small particles, shot forth with great velocity, or of undulations arising in an elastic ether. In both cases parallel rays, falling on a paraboloidal mirror, are accurately converged to the fo- cus, whatever the aperture of the mirror may be ; and in ellipsoidal ones, rays diverging from one of the foci, are collected together in the other. Occasionally, for the pur- poses of amusement, mirrors are ground to cylindrical or conical figures; they distort the appearance of objects presented to them, or reflect, in proper proportions, the images of distorted or ludicrous paintings. Why are paraboloidal and ellipsoidal mirrors sometimes used ? What is the effect of the former on parallel rays I What of the latter on rays is- suing from one of the foci ? What are the effects of cylindrical mirrors ? 184 REFRACTION OF LIGHT. LECTURE XXXVIII. REFRACTION OF LIGHT. Refractive Action described. Law of the fines. Relation of the Refractive Power with other Qualities. Total Reflexion. Rays on plane Surfaces. The Prism. Action of the Prism on a Ray. The M.ultiplying- Glass. WHEN a ray of light passes out of one medium into another of a different density, its rectilinear progress is disturbed, and it bends into a new path. This phenom- enon is designated the refraction of light. Thus, if a sunbeam, entering through a small hole in the shutter of a dark room, falls on the surface of some water contained in a vessel, the beam, instead of passing on in a straight line, as it would have done had the water not intervened, is bent or broken at the point of incidence, and moves in the new direction. Fig. 202. j n ne same way, also, if a coin or any other object, O, Fig. 202, be placed at the bottom of an empty bowl, A B C D, and the eye at E so situated that it cannot per- ceive the coin, the edge of the vessel intervening, if we pour in water the object comes into view; and the cause of this is the same as in the for- mer illustration : for while the vessel is empty the ray is obstructed by the edge of the bowl, as at O Gr E, but when water is poured in to the height F Gr, refraction at the point L, from the perpendicular, P Q, ensues; and now the ray takes the course OLE, and entering the eye at E, the object appears at K, in the line E L K. For the same reason oars or straight sticks immersed in water look broken, and the bottom of a stream seems at a much less depth than what it actually is. What is meant by the refraction of light ? Explain the illustrations of this phenomenon as given in Figs. 202 and 203. REFRACTION OF LIGHT. 185 The same result ensues under the circumstances repre- sented in Fig. 203, in which E represents a candle, the rays of which fall on a F v- 2 3 - rectangular box, ABC D, under such circum- stances as to cast the shadow of the side A C, so as to fall at D. If the B box be now filled with water, every thing re- D 3 C maining as before, the shadow will leave the point D and go to d, die rays undergoing refraction as they enter the liquid ; and if the eye could be placed at d, it would see the candle at e, in the direction of d A produced. Let N O, Fig. 204, be a refracting surface, and C the G E point of incidence of a ray, B C, C E the course of the refracted ray, and C K the course the ray would have taken had not refraction ensued. With the point of inci- dence, C, as a center, describe a circle, N M O G, and from A and R draw the lines A D, R H at right angles to the perpendicular M G to the point C. Then ACM will be the angle of incidence, R C G the angle of refraction ; A D is the sine of the angle of incidence, and H R the sine of the angle of refraction. Now in every medium Explain Fig. 204. What is the angle of incidence ? What is the angle of refraction ? Which are the sines of those angles ? 186 LAW OF SINES. Fig. 205. these lines have a fixed relation to one another, and the general law of refraction is as follows : In each medium the sine of the angle of incidence is in a constant ratio to the sine of the angle of refraction ; the in- cident, the perpendicular, and the refracted ray are all in the same place, which is always at right angles to the plane of the refracting medium. To a beginner, this law of the constancy of sines may be explained as follows : Let C D, Fig. 205, be a ray falling on a medium, A B, in the point D, where it undergoes refrac- tion and takes the direction D ,E. Its sine of incidence, as just explained, is C g, and its sine of refraction E e; and let us suppose that the medium is of such a nature that the sine of refraction is one half the sine of incidence that is, E e is half C g. Moreover, let there be a second ray, H D, incident also at the point D, and refracted along D F ; H h will be its sine of incidence, and F f its sine of re- fraction ; and by the law Ff will be exactly one half HA. The proportion or relation between these sines differs when different media are used, but for the same medium it is always the same. Thus, in the case of water, the pro- portion is as 1.366 to 1; for flint-glass, 1.584 to 1; for dia- mond, 2.487 to 1. These numbers are obtained by ex- periment. They are called the indices of refraction of bodies, and tables of the more common substances are given in the larger works on optics. No general law has as yet been discovered which would enable us to predict the refractive power of bodies from any of their other qualities; but it has been noticed that inflammable bodies are commonly more powerful than incombustible ones, and those that are dense are more en- ergetic than those that are rare. When a ray of light passes out of a rare into a dense What relation do these sines bear to one another ? Explain the law of the constancy of the sines as given in Fig. 205. What is the rate for water, flint-glass, and diamond ? What is meant by indices of refraction ? Is the refractive power of bodies connected with any other property ? TOTAL REFLEXION. 187 medium, it is refracted toward the perpendicular. Fig. 203 is an illustration the rays passing from air into wa- ter. But when a ray passes from a dense into a rarer medium it is refracted from the perpendicular. Fig. 202 is an example the rays passing from water into air. In every case when a ray falls on the surface of any medium whatever, it is only a portion which is transmit- ted, a portion being always reflected. If in a dark room we receive a sunbeam on the surface of some water, this division into a reflected and a refracted ray is very evi- dent : and when a ray is about to pass out of a highly re- fractive medium into one that is less so, making the angle of incidence so large th.at the angle of refraction is equal to or exceeds 90, total reflexion ensues. This may be readily shown by allowing the . Fig. 206. rays from a candle, f t or any .^ other object, to fall on the sec- ond face, b c, of a glass prism, a & b c, Fig. 2Q6 ; the eye placed atd will receive the reflected ray, d e, and it will be perceived that the face b c of the glass, when exposed to the daylight, ap- pears as though it were sil- vered, reflecting perfectly all objects exposed to its front, a c. As with the reflexion of light, so with refraction it is to be considered as taking place on plane, convex, and concave surfaces. When parallel rays fall upon a plane refracting surface they continue parallel after refraction. This must neces- sarily be the case on account of the uniform action of the medium. If divergent rays fall upon a plane of greater refractive power than the medium through which they have come, they will be less divergent than before. Thus, from the point a let the rays a b, a b' diverge ; after suffering re- fraction they will pass in the paths b c, b' c', and if these When is light refracted toward and when from the perpendicular ? Is the whole of the light transmitted '( Under what circumstance does total reflexion take place ? What ensues when parallel rays fall on a plane surface ? What is the case with diverging ones ? 188 THE PRISM. lines be projected, they will inter- sect at a', but a' b, a' b' are less divergent than a b, a b'. If, on the contrary, rays pass from a medium of greater to one of less refractive power, they will be more divergent after refrac- tion. For this reason bodies un- der water appear nearer the sur- face than they actually are. When parallel rays of light pass through a medium bounded .by planes that are parallel, as through a plate of glass, they will continue still parallel to one another, and to their original direction, after refraction. For this reason, therefore, we see through such plates of glass objects in their natural positions and relation. The optical prism is a transparent medium, having Fig. 208. plane surfaces inclined to one another. It is usually a wedge-shaped piece of glass, a a, a Fig. 208, which can be turned into any suita- ble position, on a ball and socket-joint, c, and is supported on a stand, b. As this instrument is of great use in optical researches, we shall describe the path of a ray of light through, it more minutely. Let, therefore, ABC, Fig. 209, be such a glass prism Fi z- 209 - seen endwise, and let a b be a ray of light incident at b. As this ray is passing from a \~^K rarer to a denser me- dium it is refracted c toward the perpendic- '"*&' ular to an extent de- pendent on the refractive power of the glass of which the prism is composed, and therefore pursues a new path, b c, through the glass ; at c it again undergoes refraction, and now passing from a denser to a rarer medium, takes What is the case when parallel rays pass through media with plane and parallel surfaces ? What is a prism ? Describe the path of a ray of light through this instrument. MULTIPLYING-GLASS. 189 Fig, 210. a new course, c d. To an eye placed at d, and looking through the prism, an object, a, seems as though it were at a', in the straight line d c continued. Through this in- strument, therefore, the position of objects is changed, the refracted ray, c d, proceeding toward the back, A B, of the prism. But the prism in actual practice gives rise to far more complicated and interesting effects, to be described here- after, when we come to speak of the colors of light. The multiplying-glass is a transparent body, having sever- al inclined faces. Its construc- tion and action are represented at Fig. 210. Let A B be a plane face, C D also plane and parallel to it, but A C and D B inclined. Now let rays come from any object, a, those, a b, which fall perpendicularly on the two faces will pass with- out suffering refraction ; but those, ac, a d, which fall on the inclined faces will be refracted into new paths, c f, d f, these portions acting like the prism heretofore described. Con- sequently, an eye placed aty* will see three images of the object in the direction of the lines along which the rays have come that is, at a', a, a". Hence the term multi- plying-glass, because it gives as many images of an ob- ject as it has inclined surfaces. To what other phenomenon does the prism give rise ? What is the multiplying-glass? Why does it give as many images of an object as it has faces ? 190 LENSES. LECTURE XXXIX. THE ACTION OP LENSES. Different Forms of Lenses. General Properties of Convex Lenses. General Proper- ties of Concave Lenses. Analogy between Mirrors and Lenses. Production of Images by Lenses. Size and Distance of Images. Visual Angle. Magnifying Ef- fects. Burning -Lenses. TRANSPARENT media having curved surfaces are called lenses. They are of six Fig. 211. different kinds, as repre- A .^MMiiMsi^ Plano-convex. sentedin Fig. 211.' The plano-convex lens, A, has B one surface plane and the other convex, the plano- concave, B, has one sur- face plane and the other concave ; C is the double convex, I) the double con- cave, E the meniscus, and F the concavo-convex. Plano-concave. Double Convex. Double Concave. Meniscus. Concavo-convex. For optical uses lenses are commonly made of glass, but for certain purposes other substances are employed. For example, rock crystal is often used for making spec- tacle lenses ; it is a hard substance, and is not, therefore, so liable to be scratched or in- jured as glass. In a lens the point c is called the geometrical center, for all lenses are ground to spherical surfaces, and c is the center of their curvature ; the aperture of the lens is a b, and d is its opti- cal center ; f e is the axis, and any ray, m n, which passes through the optical center, is called a principal ray. What are lenses ? How many kinds of lenses are there ? What are they commonly made of? What other substances are sometimes used ? What is the geometrical center ? What is the optical center ? What is a principal ray ? What is the aperture ? ACTION OP LENSES. 191 The general action of lenses of all kinds may be under- stood after what has been said in relation to the prism, of which it was remarked that the refracted ray is bent toward the back. Thus, if we have Fig. 213. two prisms, a c e, b c e, placed back to back, and allow parallel rays of light, m m n, to fall upon them, these rays, after refraction, being bent from their par- allel path toward the back JT of each prism, will inter- sect each other in some point, as f. Now, there is obviously a strong analogy between the figure of the double convex lens and that of these two prisms; indeed, the former might be regarded as a series of prisms with curved surfaces, and from such consideration it is clear, that when parallel rays fall on a convex lens, they will converge to a focal point. Again, let us suppose that a pair of prisms be placed edge to edge, as shown in Fig. 214, and that parallel rays, m n, are incident upon them. These rays undergo refraction, as before, to- fig 214 ward the back of their re- spective prisms, b c, d e, and therefore emerge di- vergent, as at f and g. n Now, there is an analogy between such a combina- tion of prisms and a con- cave lens, and we there- fore see that the general action of such a lens upon parallel rays is to make them divergent. By the aid of the law of refraction it may be proved that lenses possess the following properties. Every principal ray which falls upon a convex lens of limited thickness is transmitted without change of direc- tion. How may the general action of a double convex lens be deduced from that of a pair of prisms ? Trace the same action in the case of a double concave lens. 192 PROPERTIES OF LENSES. Rays parallel to the axis of a double equi-convex glass lens are brought to a focus at a distance from the optical center equal to the radius of curvature of the lens. But if it be a plano-convex glass the focal distance is twice as great. The focus for parallel rays is called the principal focus. Rays diverging from the principal focus of a convex lens after refraction become parallel. Rays diverging from a point in the axis more distant than the principal focus converge after refraction, their point of convergence being nearer the lens as the point from which they radiated was more distant. Rays coming from a point in the axis nearer than the principal focus diverge after refraction. With respect to concave lenses, the chief properties may be described as follows : Every principal ray passes without change of direction. Fi g . 215. Rays parallel to the axis are made diver- gent. Thus, m n, Fig- ure 215, being paral- lel rays falling on the double concave, a b, diverge after refrac- tion in the directions g d ; and if they be produced give rise to a virtual or imaginary focus at f. By concave lenses diverging rays are made still more divergent. When the effects of lenses are compared with those of mirrors, it will be found that there is an analogy in the action of concave mirrors and convex lenses, and of con- vex mirrors and concave lenses. It has already been remarked that concave mirrors give images of external objects in their focus. The same holds good for convex lenses. Thus, if we take a convex lens, and place behind it, at the proper distance, a paper screen, we shall find upon that screen beautiful images of What are the chief properties of convex lenses ? What are the chief properties of concave lenses ? What is the relation between mirrors and lenses in their effects ? FORMATION OF IMAGES. 193 all the objects in front of the lens in an inverted position. The manner in which they form may be understood from Fig. 216. Where L' L is a double convex lens, M N Fig. 216. any object, as an arrow, in front of it, the lens will give an inverted image, n m, of the object at a proper distance behind. From the point M all the rays, as M L, M C, M L', after refraction, will converge to a focus, m ; and from the point N all rays, as N L, N C, N I/, will like- wise converge to a focus, n; and so, for every interme- diate point between M and N, intermediate foci will form between m and n, and therefore conjointly give rise to an inverted image. The images thus given by lenses or mirrors may be made visible by being received on white screens or on smoke rising from a combustible body, or directly by the eye placed in a proper position to receive the rays. They then appear as if suspended in the air, and are spoken of as aerial images. The distance of such images from a lens, and also their magnitude, vary with circumstances. If the object be very remote, it gives a minute image in the focus of the lens ; as it is brought nearer, the im- age recedes farther, and becomes larger ; when it is at a distance equal to twice the focal distance, the image is equidistant from the lens on the opposite side, and is of the same size as the object. As the object approaches still nearer, the image recedes, and now becomes larger than the object. When it reaches the focus, the image is at an infinite distance, the refracted rays being parallel to one another. And, lastly, when the object comes be- tween the focus and the surface of the leils, an erect and Do convex lenses give rise to the formation of images ? How does this effect arise ? How may such images be made visible ? Under what circumstances do the size and distance of the image vary ? I 194 MAGNIFYING POWER. magnified image of the object will appear on the same side of the lens as the object itself. Hence, convex lenses are called magnifying-glasses. From these considerations, it therefore appears that the magnifying power of lenses is not, as is often popularly supposed, due to the peculiar nature of the glass of which they are made, but to the figure of their surfaces. The dimensions of all objects depend on the angles under which they are seen. A coin at a distance of 100 yards appears of very small size, but as it is brought nearer the eye its size increases ; and when only a few inches off, it can obstruct the view of large objects. Thus, if A rep- resent its size at a remote distance, the angle D E F, or the visual angle, is the angle under which it is seen ; when brought nearer, at B, the angle is Gr E H ; and at C, in- creases to I E K. In all cases the apparent size of an object increases as the visual angle increases, arid all ob- jects become smaller as their distances increase ; and any optical contrivances, either of lenses or mirrors, which can alter the angle at which rays enter the eye and make it larger than it would otherwise be, magnify the objects seen through them. On these principles concave mirrors and convex lenses magnify, and convex mirrors and concave lenses minify. From their property of converging parallel rays to a fo- cus, convex lenses and concave mirrors have an interesting application, being used for the production of high temper- atures, by converging the rays of the sun. Fig. 218 repre- sents such a burning-glass. The parallel rays of the sun Why are convex lenses magnifying-glasses ? On what does this mag- nifying action depend ? What is the visual angle of an object ? COLORED LIGHT. 195 Fig. 218. falling on it are made to con- verge, and this convergence might be increased by a sec- ond smaller lens. *At the focal point any small object being exposed its tempera- ture is instantly raised. In such a focus there are few sub- stances that can withstand the heat brick, slate, and other such earthy matters instantly boil, metals melt, and even volatilize away. During the last century some French chemists, using one of these instruments, found that when a piece of silver is held over gold, fused at the focus, it became gilded over by the vapor that rose from the melted mass. And in the same way gold could be whitened by the vapors of melt- ed silver. The heat attained in this way far exceeds that of the best constructed furnace. LECTURE' XL. OP COLORED LIGHT. Action of the Prism. Refraction and Dispersion. The Solar Spectrum. Its Constituent Rays. They pre-exist in White Light. Theory of the Different Rcfrangibility of the Rays of Light. Differ- ent Dispersive Powers. Irrationality of Dispersion. Illuminating Effects. The Fixed Lines. Calorific Effects. Chemical Effects. IN speaking of the action of a prism, in Lect. XXXVIII., it was observed, that it gives rise to many interesting results connected with colored lights. These, which con- stitute one of the most splendid discoveries of Newton, I next proceed to explain. Through an aperture, a, Fig. 219, in the shutter of a dark room let a beam of light, a e, enter, and let it be inter- cepted at some part of its course by a glass prism, seen What is a burning glass ? Why does it give rise to the production of an intense heat ? Mention some of the effects which have been obtained by these instruments. Describe the action of a prism on a ray of light. 196 DECOMPOSITION OF LIGHT. endwise at b c. Fig. 219. The light will undergo refraction, and in consequence of what has been al- ready stated, will pass in a direction, d, toward the back of the prism. Now, for any thing that has yet d been said, it might appear that this refracted ray, on reaching the screen d e, would form upon it a white spot similar to that which it would have given at e, had not the prism inter- vened. But when the experiment is made, instead of the light going as a single pencil of uni- form width, it spreads out into a fan shape, as is indicated by the dotted lines, and forms on the screen an oblong image of the most splendid colors. In this beautiful result, two facts, which are wholly distinct, must be remarked : 1st, the light is refracted or bent out of its rectilinear path ; 2d, it is dispersed into an oblong colored figure. On examining this figure or image, which passes under the name of the solar spectrum, we find it divided into seven well-marked regions. Its lowest portion, that is to say, the part nearest to that to which the light would have gone had not the prism intervened, is of a red color, the most distant is of a violet, and between 'these other colors may be seen occurring in the following order : Fig. 220. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. truth In Fig. 220, the order in which they occur is [indicated by their initial letters, e being the point to which the light would have gone had not the prism intervened. Now, from what source do these splendid colors come I Newton proved that they pre-existed in the white light, which, in reality, is made up of I them all taken in proper proportions. There are many ways in which this important can be established. Thus, if we take a second Is the refracted light white ? What two general facts are to he observ- ed ? What color is the lowest portion of the spectrum ? What is the color of the highest. What is the order of the colors ? DECOMPOSITION OP LIGHT. 197 Fig. 221. prism, B B' S', Fig. 221, and put it in an in- verted position, as re- spects the first, A A' S, so that it shall refract again in the opposite direction the rays re- fracted by the first, they will, after this second refraction, reunite and form a uniform beam, M, of white light, in all respects like the original beam itself. If the production of color were due to any irregular action of the faces of the first prism, the introduction of two more faces in the second prism would only tend to increase the coloration. But so far from this, no sooner is this second prism introduced than the rays reunite and recompose white light. It follows as an inevitable conse- quence that ichite light contains all the seven rays. But Newton was not satisfied with this. He further collected the prismatic colored rays together into one focus by means of a lens, and found that they produced a spot of dazzling whiteness. And when he took seven powders, of colors corresponding to the prismatic rays, and ground them intimately together in a mortar, he found that the resulting powder had a whitish aspect ; or if, on the surface of a wheel which could be made to spin round very fast on its axis, colored spaces were painted, when the wheel was made to turn so that the eye could no longer distinguish the separate tints, the whole as- sumed a whitish-gray appearance. By many experiments Newton proved that the true cause of this development of brilliant colors from a ray of white light by the prism, is due to the fact that j&afcin- strument does not refract all the colors alike. Thus, it could be completely shown, in the case of any transparent medium, that the violet-ray was far more refrangible than the red, or more disturbed by such a medium from its course. In this originated the doctrine of " the different refraugibility of the rays of light." How may it be proved by two prisms that all these colors pre-exist in white light ? What may be proved by reuniting the rays by a lens ? What by colored powders or a painted wheel? What is the cause of this de- velopment of colors? 198 IRRATIONALITY OF DISPERSION. On examining the order of colors in the spectrum, we find, in reality, as in Fig. 220, that the red is least dis- turbed from its course, and the other colors follow in a fixed order. The red, therefore, is spoken of as the least refrangible ray, the violet as the most, and the other col- ors as intermediately refrangible. We now see the cause of the development of these col- ors from white light, which contains them all. If the prism acted on every ray alike, it would merely produce a white spot at d, analogous to that at e, Fig. 220, but as it acts unequally it separates the colored rays from one another, and gives rise to the spectrum. On examining prisms of different transparent media, we find that they act very differently some dispersing the rays far more powerfully than others and giving rise, un- der the same circumstances, to spectra of very different lengths. In the treatises on optics, tables of the disper- sive powers of different transparent bodies are given : thus it appears that oil of cassia is more dispersive than rock-salt, rock-salt more than water, and water more than flu or spar. Moreover, in many instances it has been found that if we use different prisms which give spectra of equal lengths, the colored spaces are unequally spread out. This shows that media differ in their refracting action upon particu- lar rays, some acting upon one color more powerfully than another. This is called irrationality of dispersion. The different colored rays of light are not equally lu- minous that is to say, do not impress our eyes with an equal brilliancy. If a piece of finely-printed paper be placed in the spectrum, we can read the letters at a much greater distance in the yellow than in the other regions, and from this the light declines on either hand, and grad- ually fades away in the violet and the red. It has also been found that the colors are not continu- ous throughout, but that when delicate means of examina- tion are resorted to the spectrum is seen to be crossed with many hundreds of dark lines, irregularly scattered through it. A representation of some of the larger of these is To what doctrine did this discovery give rise ? Do different media dis- perse to the same or different extents ? What is meant by irrationality of dispersion ? Are all the rays equally luminous to the eye ? How may this be proved ? FIXED LINES. 199 given in Fig. 222. It is curious that though they exist in the sun-light, and in that of the planets, they are 1^.222. not found in the spectra of ordinary artificial I" lights; and, indeed, the electric spark gives a light which is crossed by brilliant lines instead of black ones. The chief fixed lines are designated by the letters of the alphabet, as shown in the figure. The light of the sun is accompanied by heat. Dr. Herschel found that the different colored pris- matic spaces possess very different power over I the thermometer. The heat is least in the violet,' and continually increases as we descend through the colors, the red being the hottest of them all. But below this, and out of the spectrum, when there is no light at all, the maximum of heat is] found. The heat of the sunbeam is, therefore, re- j frangible, but is less refrangible than the red ray of light. Late discoveries have shown that every ray of light can produce specific changes in compound bodies. Thus it is the yellow ray which controls the growth of plants, and makes their leaves turn green; the blue ray which brings about a peculiar decomposition of the iodides and chlorides of silver, bodies which are used in photogenic drawing. Those substances which phosphoresce after ex- posure to the sun are differently affected by the different rays the more refrangible producing their glow, and the less extinguishing them. Describe the fixed lines of the spectrum. How are they distinguished ? What are the calorific effects of the spectrum ? Which is the hottest space ? What are the chemical effects ? 200 HOMOGENEOUS LIGHT. LECTURE XLI. OF COLORED LIGHT. Properties of Homogeneous Light. Formation of Compound Colors. Chromatic Aberration of Lenses. Achromatic Prism. Achromatic Lens. Imperfect Achromaticity from Irrationality of Disper- sion. Cause of the Colors of Opaque Objects. Effects of Monochromatic Lights. Colors of Transparent Media. EACH color of the prismatic spectrum consists of homo- geneous light. It can no longer be dispersed into other colors, or changed by refraction in any manner. Thus, Fig. 223. let a ray of light, S, Fig. 223, enter through an aperture, F, into a dark room, and be dispersed by the prism, A B C ; through a hole, G, in a screen, D E, let the resulting spectrum pass, and be received on a second screen, d e, placed some distance behind; in this let there be a small opening, g, through which one of the colored rays of the spectrum, formed by A B C, may pass and be received on a second prisrn, a b c. It will undergo refraction, and pass to the position M on the screen, N M. But it will not be dispersed, nor will new colors arise from it ; and it is immaterial which particular ray is made to pass the opening at g, the same result is uniformly obtained. Homogeneous or monochromatic colors, therefore, can- not suffer dispersion. By the aid of the instrument Fig. 224, which consists How may it be proved that homogeneous light undergoes no further dis- persion ? What is the use of the instrument represented in Fig. 224 ? COMPOUND COLORS. 201 of a series of little plane mirrors set upon a frame, we fig. 224. can demonstrate, in a very striking manner, the constitu- tion of different kinds of lights ; for if this instrument be placed in such a manner as to receive the prismatic spec- trum, by turning its mirrors in a suitable position we can throw the rays they receive at pleasure on a screen. Thus, if we mix together the red and blue ray, a purple results ; if the red and yellow, an orange ; and if the yellow and blue, a green. It is obvious, therefore, that of the colors we have enumerated in Lecture XL, as the seven pris- matic rays, the green, the indigo, and violet may be com- pound, or secondary ones, arising from the intermixture of red, yellow, and blue, which by many philosophers are looked upon as the three primitive colors. We have already remarked that there is an analogy be- tween prisms and lenses in their action on the rays of light, and have shown how rays become converging or di- verging in their passage through those transparent solids. In the same manner it also follows, that as prisms pro- duce dispersion as well as refraction, so, too, must lenses: for, by considering the action of pairs of prisms, as in Fig. 225, or as we have already done in Lec- ture XXXIX., we arrive at the action of concave and convex lenses, and find that as refrangibility differs for different rays being least for the red and most for the violet a lens acting unequally will cause objects to be seen through it fringed with prismatic colors. This phenomenon passes under the title of chromatic aberra- tion of lenses. To understand more clearly the nature of this, let par- allel rays of red light fall upon a plano-convex lens, A Which of the colors of the spectrum maybe regarded as compound, and which as simple ? How may it be shown that lenses produce colors as well as prisms I I* 202 CHROMATIC ABERRATION. B, Fig. 226, and be converged by it to a focus in the point r, the distance of which from the lens is measured. Then Fig. 226. let parallel rays of violet light, in like manner, fall on the lens, and be converged by it to a focus, v. On being measured, it will be found that this focus is much nearer the lens than the other; and the cause of it is plainly due to the unequal refrangibility of the two kinds of light. The violet is the more refrangible, and is, therefore, more powerfully acted on by the lens, and made to converge more rapidly. But this which we have been tracing in the case of ho- mogeneous rays must of course take place in the com- pound white light. On the same principle that the prism separates the white light into its constituent rays by act- ing unequally on them, so, too, will the lens. Parallel rays of white light falling on a lens, such as Fig. 226, are not, therefore, converged to one common focus, as repre- sented in Lecture XXXIX, but in reality give rise to a series of foci of different colors, the red being the most remote from the lens, and the violet nearest. In some of the most important optical instruments it is absolutely necessary that this defect should be avoided, and that a method should be hit upon by which light may be refracted without being dispersed. Newton, who believed that it was impossible to succeed with this, gave up the improvement of the refracting telescope, in which it is required that images should be formed without chro- matic dispersion, as hopeless. But, subsequently, it was shown that refraction without dispersion can be effected. This is done by employing two bodies having equal re- fractive, but unequal dispersive powers. Those which What is the effect of a plano-convex lens on parallel rays of red and blue light, respectively ? What is the effect on white light ? ACHROMATIC PRISM AND LENS. 203 Fig. 227. are commonly selected are crown and flint glass, which refract nearly equally. The index for crown being about 1-53, and that of flint T60 ; but the dispersion of good flint glass is twice that of crown. If, now, \ve take two prisms, ABC, Fig. 227, being of crown, and A C D, of flint glass, and place them, with their bases in opposite ways, the refracting angle, C,' of the latter being half that of A, the former, or, in other words, adjusted to their relative dispersive powers, it will be found that a ray of light passes through the compound prism, undergoing re- fraction, and emerging without dispersion; for the incident ray, in its passage through the crown prism will be dis- persed into the colored rays, and these, falling on the flint prism the dispersive power of which we assume to be double, and acting in the opposite direction will be re- fracted in the opposite direction, and emerge undispersed. Such an instrument is called an achromatic prism. The same principle can, of course, be used in the construction of lenses, between which and prisms there is that general analogy heretofore spoken of. The achro- matic lens consists of a concave lens of flint and a convex one of crown, the cur- vatures of each being adjusted on the same principle as the angles of the achromatic prism are determined. Such an arrange- ment is represented in Fig. 228. It gives in its focus the images of objects in their natural colors, and nearly devoid of fringes. But in practice, it has been found impossible, by any such arrangement, to effect the total destruction of color. The edges of luminous bodies seen through such lenses are fringed with color to a slight extent. This arises from the circumstance that the dispersive powers of the media employed are not the same for every colored ray. The simple achromatic lens, Fig. 228, will collect the ex- How may refraction without dispersion be performed ? Describe the structure of the achromatic prism ? What is its mode of action ? Describe the construction of the achromatic lens. Why are there with these lenses residual fringes ? 204 COLORS OF OBJECTS. treme rays together ; but leaves the intermediate ones, to a small extent, outstanding. The theory of the compound constitution of light ena- bles us to account, in a clear manner, for the colors of natural objects. Those which exhibit themselves to us as white merely reflect back to the eye the white light which falls on them, and the black ones absorb all the in- cident rays. The general reason of coloration is, there- fore, the absorption of one or other tint, and the reflec- tion of the rest of the spectral colors. Thus, an object looks blue because it reflects the blue rays more copiously than any others, absorbing the greater part of the rest. And the same explanation applies to red or yellow, and, indeed, to any compound colors, such as orange, green, &c. That colored bodies do, in this way, reflect one class of rays more copiously than others may be proved by placing them in the spectrum. Thus, a red wafer seems of a dusky tint in the blue or violet regions, but of a brill- iant red in the red rays. On the same principles we account for the singular re- sults which arise when monochromatic lights fall on sur- faces of any kind. Thus, when spirits of wine is mixed with salt in a plate, and set on fire, the flame is a mono- chromatic yellow that is, a yellow unaccompanied by any other ray. If the variously colored objects in a room are illuminated with such a light they assume an extraor- dinary appearance : the human countenance, for exam- ple, taking on a ghastly and death-like aspect ; the red of the lips and the cheeks is no longer red, for no red light falls on it ; it therefore assumes a grayish tint. The colors of transparent bodies, such as stained glass and colored solutions, arise from the absorption of one class of rays and the transmission of the rest. Thus, there are red glasses and red solutions which permit the red ray alone to traverse them, and totally extinguish every other. But, in most cases, the colors of transpa- rent, and also of opaque bodies, are far from being mono- chromatic. They consist, in reality, of a great number How may the colors of natural objects be accounted for? What is the cause of whiteness and blackness? How can it be proved that bodies re- flect some rays in preference to others ? What is monochromatic light ? What is the cause of the singular appearance of objects seen by such lights ? What is the cause of the colors m tne direction a b, and be received upon a second plate, ' placed symmetrically with the first, it passes through both with- out difficulty. But if the second plate be turned a quarter round, as at g h, the light is totally cut off. Considering these results, it therefore appears that we can impress upon a ray of light new properties by cer- tain processes, and that the peculiarity consists in giving it different properties on different sides. Such a ray, therefore, is spoken of as a ray of polarized light. When light is polarized by reflexion, the effect is only completely produced at a certain angle of incidence, which therefore passes under the name of the angle of What is observed in the reflexion of ordinary light ? What occurs when light which has already been reflected at 56 is attempted to be re- flected again? Describe the action of a tourmaline. What is meant by polarized light? Under what circumstances does maximum polarization take place ' POLARIZATION OF LIGHT. 211 maximum polarization. It takes place when the reflected ray makes, with the refracted ray, an angle of 90. Fig. 233. Thus, let A B, Fig. 233, be a plate of glass, a b an inci- dent ray, which, at b, is partly reflected along b c and partly refracted along b e, emerging therefrom at e d. Now, maximum polarization ensues when c b e is a right angle, from which it follows that the polarizing power is connected with the refractive, the law being that " the index of refraction is the tangent of the angle of polarization." Let A B, Fig. 234, be a plate of glass, on which a ray of light, a b, falls, and after po- larization is reflect- ed along be; ate let it be received on a second plate, C D, similar to the for- mer, and capable of revolving on c b, as it were on an axis. Let us now examine in what positions of this plate the polaiized ray, b c, can be reflected, and in what it cannot. What is the law connecting refraction and polarization? What are the relative positions of the reflecting plates when the ray cannot be re- flected? 212 PHENOMENA OF POLARIZATION. Experiment at once shows that when the plane of re- flexion of the first mirror coincides with the plane of rc- 2^.235. flexion of the second, the polarized ray un- dergoes reflexion ; but if they are at right angles to one another, it is no longer reflect- ed. To make this clear, let a b,Fig. 235, be the first mirror, and c d the second, so ar- ranged as to present their edges, as seen depicted on this page. Again : let cf be the first and g li the sec- i 1. ond, now turned half *? way round, but still presenting its edge, in both those positions, the planes of incidence j | and reflexion of both the mirrors coincid- ing, the ray polarized by a b or ef will be reflected. But if, as in i &, the sec- ond mirror, I, is turned so as to present its face, or, as in m n, it is turned at o, so as to present its back, in these cases, the planes of incidence and reflexion of the two mirrors being at right angles, the polarized ray can no longer be reflected. We have, therefore, two posi- tions in which reflexion is possible, and two in which it is impossible, and these are at right angles to one another. By the plane of polarization we mean the plane in which the ray can be completely reflected from the second mirror. When a ray of light falls on the surface of a transparent medium, it is divided into two portions, as has already been said, one of tflese being reflected and the other re- fracted. On examination, both these rays are found to be polarized, but they are polarized in opposite ways, or What is the plane of polarization 1 In the case of a transparent me- dium, what is the relation between the reflected and refracted rays 1 EXPLANATION OF POLARIZATION. 213 rather the plane of polarization of the refracted is at right angles to the plane of polarization of the reflect- ed ray. When it is required to polarize light by refraction a pile of several plates of thin glass is used, for polarization from a single surface is incomplete. On the undulatory theory we can give a very clear account of all these phenomena. Common light origi- nates in vibratory movements taking place in the ether ; but it differs from the vibrations in the air which consti- tute sound in this essential particular that, while in the waves of sound the movements of the vibrating particles lie in the course of the ray, in the case of light they are transverse to it. This may be made plain by considering the wave-like motions into which a cord may be thrown by shaking it at one end, the movement being in the up-and-down or in the lateral direction, while the wave runs straight onward. The ethereal particles, therefore, vibrate transversely to the course of the ray. But then there are an infinite number of directions in which these transverse vibrations may be made : a cord may be shaken vertically or laterally, or in an infinite number of inter- mediate angular positions, all of which are transverse to its length. Common light, therefore, arises in ethereal vibrations, taking place in every possible direction transverse to the path of the ray ; but in polarized light the vibrations are all in one plane. Thus, in the case of the tourmaline, when a ray passes through it all the vibrations are taking place in one direction, and therefore the ray can pass through a second plate placed symmetrically with the first ; but if the second be turned a quarter round the vibrations can no longer pass, just in the same way th a sheet of paper, c d, may be slipped through a grating, a b, while its plane coincides with the length of the bars; but can no longer go through when it is turned as at ef, a quarter round. How is light to be polarized by refraction ? What is light according to the undulatory theory? In what directions are the vibrations made? How may this be illustrated by a cord? In what directions are the vibra- tions of polarized light ? How is this illustrated ia Fig. 236 ? 214 POLARIZED RAYS. Fig. 237. Again, in the case of polarization by reflexion, let A B, Fig. 237, be the mirror on which a ray of common light, a b, falls at the prop- er angle of polarization, and is reflected in a polar- ized condition along b c. C D will be the plane in which the ethereal parti- cles vibrate after reflection, and the curve line drawn on it may represent .the intensities of their vibra- tions. So, too, in Fig. 238, we have an illustration of polarization by refraction. Let A B Fig 238. be a bundle of glass plates, a b the incident, and c d the polarized ray; the plane C D at right angles to the plates is the plane of polarization, and the curve drawn on it represents the intensities with which the polarized particles move. In every instance the plane of polarization is perpendic- ular to the planes of reflexion and refraction. Fig. 239. The polariscope is an instru- ment for exhibiting the proper- ties of polarized light. There are many different forms of it : Fig. 239 represents one of them. It consists of a mirror of black glass, a, which can be set at any suitable angle to the brass tube, A B, by means of a graduated arc, e; it can also be rotated on the axis of the tube B A, and the amount of that rotation read off on the What is the illustration given as respects reflected light in Fig. 237 ? What is it for refracted light in Fig. 238 ? What is the constant position of the plane of polarization ? Describe the polariscope. DOUBLE REFRACTION. 215 graduated circle b. At the other end of the tube there is a second mirror of black glass, d, which, like a, can be arranged at any required angle, and likewise turned round on the axis of the brass tube, A B, the amount of its rotation being ascertained by the divided circle, c. Sometimes instead of this mirror of black glass, a bundle of glass plates in a suitable frame is useo!. The instru- ment is supported on a pillar, C. The fundamental property of light polarized by re- flexion may be exhibited by this instrument as follows : Set its two mirrors, a and d, so as to receive the light which falls on them at an angle of 56. Then, when the first, a, makes its reflexion in a vertical plane, the light can be reflected by d also in a vertical plane, upward or downward. But if d be turned round 90, so as to attempt to reflect the ray to the right or left in a hori- zontal plane, it will be found to be impossible, the light becoming extinct and in intermediate positions; as the mirror revolves the light is of intermediate intensity. LECTURE XLIV. ON DOUBLE REFRACTION AND THE PRODUCTION OP COL- ORS IN POLARIZED LIGHT. Double Refraction of Ice- land Spar. Axis of the Crystal. Crystals with two Axes. Production of Colors in Polarized Light. Complementary Colors Produced. Colors Depend 071 the Thickness of the Film. Symmetrical Rings and Crosses. Colors Produced by Heat and Pressure. Circular and Elliptical Polarization. BY double refraction we mean a property possessed by certain crystals, such as Iceland spar, of dividing a single incident ray into two emergent ones. Thus, let R r be a ray of light falling on a rhomboid of Iceland spar, ABC X, in the point r, it will be divided during its passage through the crystals into two rays, r E, r O, the latter of How may this instrument be used to exhibit light polarized by reflexion ? What is meant by double refraction? Describe the phenomena exhibited by a crystal of Iceland spar. 216 DOUBLE REFRACTION. Fig. 240. -.N Fig. 241. which follows the ordi- n nary law of refraction, and therefore takes the name of the ordinary ray, the former follows a dif- ferent law and is spoke of as the extraordinary ray. Through such a crys- tal objects appear double. A line, M N, on a piece of paper viewed through it is exhibited as two lines, M N,m n, the amount of separation depending on the thickness of the crystal. The emergent rays E e, O o, are parallel after they leave the surface X. A line drawn through the crystal from one of its obtuse angles to the other is called the axis of the crystal, and if arti- ficial planes be ground and polished as n m, op, perpendicular to this axis, a b, Fig. 241, rays of light falling upon this axis or parallel to it do not undergo double refraction. Fig. 242. Or, if new faces, o p, n m, Fig. 242, I be ground and polished parallel to the axis a b, a ray falling in the direction df also remains single. But if the refracting faces are neither at right angles nor parallel to the axis, double refraction always ensues. While Iceland spar has only one axis of double refrac- tion, there are other crystals, such as mica, topaz, gypsum, &c., that have two. In crystals that have but one axis there are differences. In some the extraordinary ray is inclined from the axis in others toward it when compared with the ordinary ray. The former are called negative crystals, the latter positive. The explanation which the undulatory theory gives of this phenomenon in crystals having a principal axis is, that the ether existing in the crystal is not equally elastic What is the axis of the crystal ? In what cases does an incident ray not undergo double refraction ? What crystals have two axes of double refrac- tion ? What are negative crystals ? What are positive ones ? ff, COLORS IN POLARIZED LIGHT. 217 in every direction. Undulations are therefore propagated unequally, and a division of the ray takes place, those undulations which move quickest having the less index of refraction. When the two rays emerging from a rhomb of Iceland spar are examined, they afe both found to consist of light totally polarized, the one being polarized at right angles to the other. We have, therefore, several different ways in which light can be polarized by reflexion, refraction, absorp- tion, and double refraction. When a crystal of Iceland spar is ground to a prismatic shape, and then achromatized by a prism of glass, it forms one of the most valuable pieces of polarizing apparatus that we have. Such a prism may be used to very great advantage instead of the mirror of the apparatus, Fig. 239. If a ray of polarized light is passed through a thin plate of certain crystalized bodies, such as mica or gyp- sum, and the light then viewed through an achromatic prism or by reflexion from the second mirror of the polarizing machine, Fig. 239, brilliant colors are at once Fig. 243. developed. Thus, let R A be a ray of light incident on the first mirror of the polariscope, A G the resulting polarized ray, and D E F G be a thin plate of gypsum or mica. If, previous to the introduction of this plate, the two mirrors A and C be crossed, or at right angles to one another, the eye placed at E will perceive no light ; What is the explanation of double refraction on the undulatory theory? \Vhat is the condition of the emergent rays? In what ways may light be polarized ? Under what circumstances are colors developed by polar- ized light ? 218 COLORS IN POLARIZED LIGHT. but, on the introduction of the crystal, its surface appears to be covered with brilliant colors, which change their tints according as it is inclined, or as the light passes through thicker or thinner places. On further examination it will be found that there are two lines, D E and F G, which, when either of them is parallel or perpendicular to the plane of polarization, R A C or A C E, no colors are produced. But if the plate be turned round in its own plane a single color appears, which becomes most brilliant when either of the lines a b, c d, inclined 45, to the former ones are brought into the plane of polarization. The former lines are called the neutral, and the latter the depolarizing axes of the film. This is what takes place so long as we suppose the two mirrors, A C, fixed ; but if we make the mirror nearest to the eye revolve while the film is stationary, the phe- nomena are different. Let the film be of such a thickness as to give a red tint, and be fixed in such a position as to give its maximum coloration, and the eye-mirror to re- volve, it will be found that the brilliancy of the color de- clines, and it disappears when a revolution of 45 has been accomplished ; and now a pale green appears, which increases in brilliancy until 90 are reached, when it is at a maximum. Still continuing the revolution, it becomes paler, and at 135 it has ceased, and a red blush com- mences, which reaches its maximum at 180 ; and the same system of changes is run through in passing from 180 to 360 ; so that while the film revolves only one color is seen, but as the mirror revolves two appear, If, instead of using a mirror, we use an achromatic Fig. 244. prism, we have two im- ages of the film at the same time, and we find that they exhibit comple- mentary colors that is, colors of such a tint that if they be mixed togeth- er they produce white light. This effect is rep- resented in Fig. 244. What are the neutral axes of the film? What are its depolarizing axes ? what takes place when the film is stationary and the mirror revolves ? What is the relation of the two resulting colors to each other? RINGS AND CROSSES. 219 That the particular colors which appear depend on the thickness of the films, is readily established by taking a thin wedge-shaped piece of sulphate of lime, and expos- ing it in the polariscope ; all the different colors are then seen, arranged in stripes according to the thickness of the film. When a slice of an uniaxial crystal cut at right angles to the axis is used instead of the films, in the foregoing experiment, very brilliant effects are produced, consisting Fig. 245. of a series of colored rings, arranged symmetrically and marked in the middle by a cross, which may either be light or dark light if the second mirror is in the proper po- sition to reflect the light from the first, and dark if it be at right angles thereto. In crystals having two axes a complicated system of oval rings, originating round each axis, may be perceiv- Fig. 246. ed, intersected by a cross. Fig. 246, represents the ap- pearance in a crystal of nitrate of potash ; and in the same way other figures arise with different crystals. How can it be proved that the color is determined by the thickness of the film? What phenomena are seen when slices from crystals are used ? With crystals of two axes what are the results ? 220 EFFECTS OF PRESSURE, ETC. If transparent noncrystalized bodies are employed in these experiments, no colors whatever are perceived. Fig. 247. Thus, a plate of glass placed in the polariscope, gives rise to no such development ; but if the structure of the glass be disturbed, either by warming it or cooling it un- equally, or if it be subjected to unequal pressure from screws, then colors are at once developed. This proper- ty may, however, be rendered permanent in glass, by heat- ing it until it becomes soft and then cooling it with rap- idity. All the phenomena here described belong to the divi- sion of plane polarization but there are other modifica- tions which can be impressed on light, giving rise to very remarkable and intricate results : these are designated circular, elliptical, &c., polarization. The mechanism of the motions impressed on the ether to produce these re- sults is not difficult to comprehend ; for common light, as has been stated, originates in vibrations taking place in every direction transverse to the ray; plane polarized light arises from vibrations in one direction only : and when the ethereal molecules move in circles they originate circular- ly polarized light, and if in ellipses, elliptical. When glass is unequally warmed or cooled, or subjected to unequal pressure*, what is the result ? How may these effects be made perma- nent? What modification of the ether gives rise to plane polarization ? What to circular and what to elliptical ? THE KAINBOW. 221 LECTURE XLV. NATURAL OPTICAL PHENOMENA. The Rainbow. Condi- tions of its Appearance. Formation of the Inner Bow. Formation of the Outer Bow. The Bows are Cir- cular Arcs. Astronomical Refraction. Elevation of Objects. The Ticilight. Reflexion from the Air. Mi- rages and Spectral Apparitions, and Unusual Refraction. THE rainbow, the moat beautiful of meteorological phenomena, consists of one or more circular arcs of pris- matic colors, seen when the back of the observer is turn- ed to the sun, and rain is falling between him and a cloud, which serves as a screen on which the bow is depicted. When two arches are visible the inner one is the most brilliant, and the order of its colors is the same in which they appear in the prismatic spectrum the red fringing its outer boundary, and the violet being within. This is called the primary bow. The secondary bow, which is the outer one, is fainter, and the colors are in the invert- ed order. When the sun's altitude above the horizon ex- ceeds 42 the inner bow is not seen, and when it is more than 54 the outer is invisible. If the sun is in the hori- zon, both bows are semicircles, and according as his alti- tude is greater a less and less portion of the semicircle is visible ; but from the top of a F - 343 mountain bows that are larger than a semicircle may be seen. These prismatic colors arise from reflexion and refraction of light by the drops of rain, which are of a spherical figure. In the primary bow there is one reflexion and two refrac- tions ; in the secondary there Under what circumstances does the rainbow form? Of the two bows which is the most brilliant ? What is the order of the colors ? What is their order in the secondary bow ? What are the circumstances which de- termine the visibility of each bow ? When are they semicircles ? When more than semicircles ? How is the primary bow formed ? 222 THE RAINBOW. are two reflexions and two refractions. Thus, let S, Fig. 248, be a ray of light, incident on a raindrop, a ; on ac- count of its obliquity to the surface of the drop, it will be refracted into a new path, and at the back of the drop it will undergo reflexion, and returning to the anterior face and escaping it will be again refracted, giving rise to violet and red and the intermediate prismatic colors between, constituting a complete spectrum; and as the drops of rain are innumerable the observer will see in- numerable spectra arranged together so as to form a cir- cular arc. m ^g The secondary rainbow arises " from two refractions and two re- flexions of the rays. Thus, let the ray S, Fig. 249, enter at the bottom of the drop, it passes in the direction toward I' after hav- ing undergone refraction at the front; from I' it moves to I", where it is a second time reflected, and then emerges in front, undergoing refraction and dispersion again. For the same reason as in the other case, prismatic spectra are seen arranged together in a circular arc and form a bow. In Fig. 250, let O be the spectator and O P a line drawn from his eye to the center of the bows. Then rays of the sun, S S, falling on the drops ABC, will produce the inner bow, and falling on D E F, the outer bow, the former by one and the latter by two reflexions. The drop A reflects the red, B the yellow, and C the blue rays to the eye ; and in the case of the outer bow, F the red, E the yellow, and D the blue. And as the color perceived is entirely dependent on the angle under which the ray enters the eye, as in the case of the interior bow, the blue entering at the angle COP, the yellow at the larger angle BOP, and the red and the largest A O P, we see the cause why the bows are circular arcs. For out of the innumerable drops of rain which compose the shower, those only can reflect to the eye a red color which make the same angle, A O P, that A does with the line O P, and these must necessarily be arranged in What are the conditions for the formation of the secondary bow ? Why are both bows circular arcs ? THE RAINBOW. 223 a circle of which the center is P. And the same reason- ing applies for the yellow, the blue, or any other ray as well as the red, and also for the outer as well as the inner bow. * Another interesting natural phenomenon connected with the refraction of light is what is called " astronomi- cal refraction," arising from the action of the atmosphere on the rays of light. It is this which so powerfully dis- turbs the positions of the heavenly bodies, making them appear higher above the horizon than they really are, and changes the circular form of the sun and moon to an oval shape. It also aids in giving rise to the twi- light. Let O be the position of an observer on the earth, Z, What is the cause of astronomical refraction ? 224 ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. Fig. 251, will be his zenith, and let R be any star, the rays from which come, of course, in straight lines, such as R E. Now, when such a ray impinges on the atmosphere Fig. 251. at s, it is refracted, and deviates from its recti- linear course. At first this refraction is fee- ble, but the atmos- phere continually in- creases in density as we descend in it, and therefore the deviation c of the ray from its orig- inal path, R E, be- comes continually greater. It follows a curvilinear line, and finally enters the eye of the observer at O. This may perhaps be more clearly understood by supposing the concentric circles, a a, b b, c c, represented in the figure, to stand for concentric shells of air of the same density, the ray at its entry on the first becomes refracted, and pursues a new course tx> the second. Here the same thing again takes place, and so with the third and other ones successively. But these abrupt changes do not oc- cur in the atmosphere, which does not change its density from stratum to stratum abruptly, but gradually and con- tinually. The resulting path of the ray is, therefore, not a broken line, but a continuous curve. Now, it is a law of vision that the mind judges of the position of an object as being in the direction in which the ray by which it is seen enters the eye. Consequently the star, R, which emits the ray we have under consider- ation, will be seen in- the direction, Or that being the direction in which the ray entered the eye and, there- fore, the effect of astronomical refraction is to elevate a star or other object above the horizon to a higher appa- rent position than that which it actually occupies. Astronomical refraction is greater according as the ob- ject is nearer the horizon, becoming less as the altitude Trace the path of a ray of light which impinges obliquely an the at- mosphere. Why is it of a curvilinear figure? How does the mind judge of the position of an object ? What is, therefore, the effect of astronomical refraction.'/ What is the difference in this respect between an object in the horizon and one in the zenith ? ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTION. 225 increases, and ceasing in the zenith. An object seen in the zenith is therefore in its true position. On these principles, the figure of the sun and moon, when in the horizon, changes to an oval shape ; for the lower edge being more acted upon than the upper, is therefore relatively lifted up, and those objects made less in their vertical dimensions than in their horizontal. Even when an object is below the horizon it may be so much elevated as to be brought into view; for just in the same way that a star, R, is elevated to r, so may one beneath the horizon be elevated even to a greater extent, because refraction increases as we descend to the hori- zon. Stars, therefore, are visible before they have ac- tually risen, and continue in sight after they have actually set. They are thus lifted out of their true position when in the horizon about thirty-three minutes. In the books on astronomy tables are given which represent the amount of refraction for any altitude. What has been here said in relation to a star holds also for the sun ; which, therefore, is made apparently to rise sooner and set later than what is the case in reality. From this arises the important result that the day is pro- longed. In temperate climates, this lengthening of the day extends only to a few minutes, in the polar regions the day is made longer by a month. And it is for this cause, too, that the morning does not suddenly break just at the moment the sun appears in the horizon, and the night set in the instant he sinks ; but the light gradually fades away, as a twilight, the rays being bent from their path, and the scattering ones which fall on the top of the atmosphere brought in curved directions down to the lower parts. The phenomenon of twilight is not, however, wholly due to refraction. The reflecting action of the particles of the air is also greatly concerned in producing it. The manner in which this takes place is shown in Fig. 252, where A B C D represents the earth, T R P the atmos- phere, and S O, S' N, S" A rays of the sun passing through it. To an observer, at the point A, the sun, at S", is just Why is the figure of the sun or moon oval in the horizon ? What is to be observed as respects the rising and setting of stars? What effect has the refraction of the air in producing twilight? How is it that the reflec- tive power of the air aids in this effect ? K* 226 TWILIGHT. set, but the whole hemisphere above him, P R T, being his sky, reflects the rays which are still falling upon it, and gives him twilight. To an observer, at B, the sun Fig. 252. \0 JM S" has been set for some time, and he is in the earth's shad- ow, but that part of his sky which is included between P Q, R x is still receiving sun-rays, and reflecting them to him. To an observer atC, the illuminated portion of the sky has decreased to P Q, z. His twilight, therefore, has nearly gone. To an observer at D, whose horizon is bounded by the line D P, the sky is entirely dark, no rays from the sun falling on it. It is, therefore, night. The action of the atmosphere sometimes gives rise to curious spectral appearances such as inverted images, looming, and the mirage. The latter, which often occurs on hot sandy plains, was frequently seen by the French during their expedition to Egypt, giving rise to a decep- tive appearance of great lakes of water resting on the sands. It appears to be due to the partial rarefaction of the lower strata of air through the heat of the surface on which they rest, so that rays of light are made to pass in a curvilinear path, and enter the eye. In the same way at sea, inverted images of ships floating in the air are often discovered. Thus, "On the 1st of August, 1798, Dr. Vince observ- ed at Ramsgate a ship, which appeared, as at A, Fig. 253, the topmast being the only part of it seen above the hori- zon. An inverted image of it was seen at B, immediately above the real ship, at A, and an erect image at C, both of them being complete and well defined. The sea was Describe this effect in the four positions, A, B, C, D of Fig. 252. Men- tion some remarkable appearances due to unusual refraction and reflex- ion of the air. THE MIRAGE. 227 Fig. 253. distinctly seen between them, as at V W. As the ship rose to the ho- rizon, the image, C, gradually dis- appeared ; and, while this was going on, the image B, descended, but the mainmast of B did not meet the mainmast of A. The two images, B C, were perfectly visible when the whole ship was actually below the horizon." These singular appearances, which have often given rise to superstitious legends, may be imitated artificially. Thus, if we take a long mass of hot iron, and, looking along the upper surface of it at an object not too distant, we shall see not only the object itself, but also an inverted image of it below, the second im- age being caused by the refraction of the rays of .light as they pass through the stratum of hot air, as is the case of the mirage. The trembling which distant objects exhibit, more es- pecially when they are seen across a heated surface, is, in like manner, due to unusual aud irregular refraction taking place in the air. - LECTURE XLVI. THE ORGAN OF VISION. The Three Parts of the Eye. Description of the Eye of Man. Uses of the Accessory Apparatus. Optical Action of the Eye. Short and Long-Sightedness. Spectacles. Erect and Double Vis- ion. Peculiarities of Vision. Physiological Colors. ALMOST all animals possess some mechanism by which they are rendered sensible of the presence of light. In some of the lower orders, perhaps, nothing more than a diffused sensibility exists, without there being any special How may the mirage be imitated ? How is it known that the lowest ani- mals are sensible to light ? 22S THE EYE. organ adapted for the purpose. Thus, many animalcules are seen to collect on that side of the liquid in which they live on which the sun is shining, and others avoid the light. But in all the higher tribes of life there is a special me- chanism, which depends for its action on optical laws it is the eye. This organ essentially consists of three different parts an optical portion, which is the eye, strictly speaking ; a nervous portion, which transmits the impressions gather- ed by the former to the brain ; and an accessory portion, which has the duty of keeping the eye in a proper work- ing state and defending it from injury. In man the eye-ball is nearly of a spherical figure, be- j tl g about an inch in di- ameter. As seen in front, between the two eyelids, d c, Fig. 254, it exhibits a white portion of a porce- lain-like aspect, a a; a col- ored circular part, b I, which continually changes in width, called the iris; and a central black por- d tion, which is tJie pupil. When it is removed from the orbit or socket in which Fig. 255. it is placed, and dissected, the eye is found to consist of sever- al coats. The white portion seen anteriorly at a a extends all round. It is very tough and resisting, and by its mechanical qualities serves to support the more delicate parts within, and also to give insertion for the at- tachment of certain muscles which roll the eye-ball, and direct it to any object. This coat passes under the name of the sclerotic. It is represented in Fig. 255, at a a a a. In its front there is a circular aperture, into which a transparent portion, b b y resembling in shape a watch-glass, is inserted. This Of how many parts does the eye consist ? What are the offices of these parts I What is the figure and size of the eye in man ? What is the iris, the pupil, and the sclerotic coat ? THE EYE. 229 This is called the cornea. It projects somewhat beyond the general curve of the sclerotic, as seen at b b t in the figure, and with the sclerotic completes the outer coat of the eye. The interior surface of the sclerotic is lined with a coat which' seems to be almost entirely made up of blood-ves- sels, little arteries and veins, which, by their internetting, cross one another in evei'y possible direction. It is called the choroid coat : it extends like the sclerotic as far as the cornea. Its interior surface is thickly covered with a slimy pigment of a black color, hence called pigmentum nigrum. Over this is laid a very delicate serous sheet, which passes under the name of Jacob's membrane, and the optic nerve, O O, coming from the brain perforates the sclerotic and choroid coats, and spreads itself out on the interior surface as the retina, rrrr. The optic nerves of the opposite eyes decussate one another on their passage to the brain. These, therefore, are the coats of which the eye is com- posed. Let us examine now its internal structure. Be- hind the cornea, b b, there is suspended a circular dia- phragm, ef, black behind and of different colors in differ- ent individuals in front. This is the iris. Its color is, in some measure, connected with the color of the hair. The central opening in it, d, is the pupil, and immediately be- hind the pupil, suspended by the ciliary processes, g g, is the crystaline lens, c c a double convex lens. All the space between the anterior of the lens and the cornea is filled with a watery fluid, which is the aqueous humor ; that portion which is in front of the iris is called the an- terior chamber, and that behind it the posterior. The rest of the space of the eye, bounded by the crystaline lens in front and the retina all round, is filled with the vitreous liumor, V V. With respect to the accessory parts, they consist chiefly of the eyelids, which serve to wipe the face of the eye and protect it from accidents and dust; the lachrymal appara- tus, which serves to wash it with tears, so as to keep i What is the cornea 7 What are the choroid coat, pigmentum nigrum, and Jacob's membrane ? What are the optic nerve and retina ? What is the position of the iris? How is the lens supported ? Where is the aqueous humor? Where the vitreous ? What are the two chambers of the eye ? What are the accessory parts and their uses 1 230 SPECTACLES. continually brilliant; and the muscles requisite to direct it upon any point. Of the nervous part of the eye, so far as its functions are concerned, but little is known the retina receives the impressions of the light, and they are conveyed along the optic nerve to the brain. Now as respects the optical action of the eye, it is ob- viously nothing more than that of a convex lens, to which, indeed, its structure actually corresponds : and as in ths focus of such a convex lens objects form images, so by the conjoint action of the cornea and crystaline, the images of the things to which the eye is directed form at the proper focal distance behind that is, upon the retina. Distinct vision only takes place when the cornea and the lens have such convexities as to bring the images exactly upon the retina. In early life it sometimes happens that the curvature of these bodies is too great, and the rays converging too rapidly, form their images before they have reached the posterior part of the eye, giving rise to the defect known as short-sightedness a defect which may be remedied by putting in front of the cornea a concave glass lens of such concavity as just to compensate for the excess of the con- vexity of the eye. In old age, on the contrary, the cornea and the lens be- come somewhat flattened, and they cannot converge the rays soon enough to form images at the proper distance be- hind. This long-sightedness may be remedied by putting in front of the cornea a convex lens, so as to help it in its action. Concave or convex lenses thus used in front of the eyes constitute spectacles. It is believed that this appli- cation was first made by Roger Bacon, and it unquestion- ably constitutes one of the most noble contributions which science has ever made to man. It has given sight to mil- lions who would otherwise have been blind. As the image which is formed by a convex lens is in- verted as respects its object, so must the images which form at the bottom of the eye. It has, therefore, been a What is the duty of the retina, and what that of the optic nerve ? To what optical contrivance is the eye analogous ? When does distihct vis- ion take place? What is the cause of short-sightedness, and what is its cure ? What is the cause of long-sightedness, and its cure ? PECULIARITIES OF VISION. 231 question among optical writers, why we see objects in their natural position, and also why we do not see double, inas- much as we have two eyes. Various explanations of these facts have been offered, chiefly founded upon optical prin- ciples. None, however, appear to have given general sat- isfaction, and in reality the true explanation, I believe, will be found not in the optical, but in the nervous part of the visual organ. It is no more remarkable that we see single, having two eyes, than that we hear single, hav- ing two ears. It is the simultaneous arrival in the brain, that gives rise out of two impressions to one perception, and accordingly, when we disturb the action of one of the eyes by pressing on it, we at once see double. Among the peculiarities of vision it maybe mentioned, that for an object to be seen it must be of certain magni- tude, and remain on the retina a sufficient length of time; arid, for distinct vision, must not be nearer than a certain distance, as eight or ten inches. This distance of distinct vision varies somewhat with different persons. The eye, too, cannot bear too brilliant a light, nor can it distinguish when the rays are too feeble ; though it is wonderful to what an extent in this respect its powers range. We can read a book by the light of the sun or the moon ; yet the one is a quarter of a million times more brilliant than the other. Luminous impressions made on the retina last for a certain space of time, varying from one third to one sixth of a second. For this reason, when a stick with a spark of fire at the end is turned rapidly round, it gives rise to an apparent circle of light. By accidental or physiological colors we mean such as are observed for a short time depicted on surfaces, and then vanishing away. Thus, if a person looks steadfastly at a sheet of paper strongly illuminated by the sun, and then closes his eyes, he will see a black surface corre- sponding to the paper. So if a red wafer be put on a sheet of paper in the sun. and the eye suddenly turned on a white wall, a green image of the wafer will be seen. Spectral illusions in the same way often arise thus, when Is there anything remarkable respecting erect and double vision? What peculiarities respecting vision may be remarked ? What is the distance of distinct vision ? To what range of intensity of light can the eye adapt itself? Why does a lighted stick turned round rapidly give rise to the appearance of a circle of fire ? What is meant by accidental colors ? 232 OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. we awake in the morning, if our eyes are turned at once to a window brightly illuminated, on shutting them again we shall see a visionary picture of every portion of the window, which after a time fades away. LECTURE XL VII. OF OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. The Common Camera Ob- scura. The Portable Camera. The Single Microscope. The Compound Microscope. Chromatic and Spheri- cal Aberration. The Magic Lantern, The Solar Mi- croscope. The Oxyhydrogen Microscope. IN this and the next Lecture I shall describe the more important optical instruments. These, in their external appearance, and also iri their principles, differ very much according to the taste or ideas of the artist. The descrip- tions here given will be limited to such as are of a simple kind. THE CAMERA OBSCURA, or dark chamber, originally con- sisted of nothing more than a double convex lens, of a foot or two in focus, fixed in the shutter of a dark room. Opposite the lens and at its focal distance, a white sheet received the images. These represent whatever is in front f the lens, giving a beautiful picture of the stationary and movable objects in their proper relation of light and shadow, and also in their proper colors. In point of fact, a lens is not required : for, if into a Fig. 256. What was the original form of the camera obscura ? CAMERA OBSCURA. 233 dark chamber, C D, Fig. 256, rays are admitted through a small aperture, L, an inverted image will be formed on a white screen at the back of the chamber, of whatever objects are in front. Thus the object, A B, gives the in- verted image, b a. These images are, however, dim, ow- ing to the small amount of light which can be admitted through the hole. The use of a double convex lens per- mits us to have a much larger aperture, and the images are correspondingly brighter. pig. 257. The portable , camera obscura n c consists of an a achromatic dou- d\ ble convex lens, a a', set in a brass mounting in the front of a box consisting of two parts, of which c c' slides in the wider one, bb'. The total length of the box is ad- justed to suit the focal distance of the lens. In the back of the part, c c', there is a square piece of ground glass, J, which receives the images of the objects to which the lens is directed, and by sliding the movable part in or out the ground glass can be brought to the precise focus. The interior of the box and brass piece, a a', is blackened all over to extinguish any stray light. The images of the camera are, of course, inverted, but they can be seen in their proper position by receiving them on a looking-glass, placed so as to reflect them up- ward to the eye. Objects that are near, compared with objects that are distant, require the back of the box to be drawn out, because the foci are farther off. Moreover, those that are near the edges are indistinct, while the cen- tral ones are sharp and perfect. This arises from the cir- cumstance that the edges of the ground glass are farther from the lens than the central portion, and, therefore, out of focus. OF MICROSCOPES. The single microscope. When a convex lens is placed Is it necessary to have a lens ? What advantage arises from the use of one? Describe the portable camera obscura. Why does the focal dis- tance vary for different objects? Why are the images on the edges indis- tinct while the central ones are sharp ? 234 THE MICROSCOPE. Fig. 258. between the eye and an object situated a little nearer than its focal distance, a magnified and erect image will be seen. The single microscope con- sists of such a lens, m, Fig. 258, the object, b c, being on one side and the eye, , at the other, a magnified and erect image, B C, is seen. The linear magnifying pow- er of such a lens is found by dividing the distance of distinct vision by its focal length. The co?npound microscope commonly consists of three lenses, A B, E F, C D, *' Fig. 259; A B being the object-glass, E F the field-glass, and C D the eye-glass. Beyond the object-glass is placed the object, at a dis- w tance somewhat greater than the focal length ; a magnified image is, therefore, produced, and this being viewed by the eye-glass is still further magnified, and, of course, seen in an inverted po- sition. The use of the field-glass is to intercept the ex- treme pencils of light, n m, coming from the object-glass, which would otherwise not have fallen on the eye-lens. It therefore^ increases the field of view, and hence its name. In this instrument the object-glass has a very short fo- cus, the eye-glass one that is much larger ; and the field- glass and the eye-glass can be so arranged as to neutral- ize chromatic aberration. To determine directly the magnifying power of this in- strument, an object, the length of which is known, is placed before it. Then one eye being applied to the instrument, with the other we look at a pair of compasses, the points of which are to be opened until they subtend a space equal to that under which the object appears. This space being divided by the known length of the object, gives the magnifying power. Describe the single microscope. How is its magnifying power found ? Describe the compound microscope. What is the use of the field lens ? How may its magnifying power be found ? COMPOUND MICROSCOPE. 235 In Fig. 260, we have a representation of the compound Fig. 260. microscope, as commonly made. A B is a sliding brass tube, which bears the eye-glass ; m n is the object- glass ; I K the field-glass ; S T a stage for carrying the objects. It can be moved to the proper focal dis- tance by means of a pinion. At V there is a mirror which reflects the light of a lamp or the sky upward, to illuminate the object. The body of the microscope is supported on the pillar M, and it can be turned into the horizontal or any oblique po- sition to suit the observer, by a joint, N. To the better kind of instru- ments micrometers are attached, for the purpose of determining the di- mensions of objects. These are some- LI/ times nothing more than a piece of glass, on which fine lines have been drawn with a diamond, forming divisions the value of which is known. Such a plate may be placed either immediately beneath the object or at the diaphragm, which is between the two lenses. In microscopes the defective action of lenses, known as chromatic aberration, and described in Lecture XLL, interferes, and, by imparting prismatic colors to the edges of objects, tends to make them indistinct. To overcome this difficulty, achromatic object-glasses are used in the finer kinds of instruments. Besides chromatic aberration, there is another defect to which lenses are subject. It arises from their spheri- cal figure, and hence is designated spherical aberration. Let P P, Fig. 261, be a convex lens, on which rays, E P, E P, E M, E M, E A, from any object, E e, are incident, it is obvious that the principal ray, E A, will pass on, through B, to F without undergoing refraction. Now, rays which are near to this, as E M, E M, converge by the action of the lens to a focus at F ; but those which are more distant, and fall near the edges of the lens, as Describe the parts of the compound microscope represented in Fig. 260. What kind of micrometers may be used ? What are the effects of chro- matic and spherical aberration ? 236 MAGIC LANTERN. E N, JS N, converge more rapidly, and come to a focus at G-. Thus, images, F f t G g, are formed by the ex- treme rays, and an intermediate series of them by the Fig. 261. E intermediate rays, the whole arising from the peculiarity of figure of the lens. It is, indeed, the same defect as that to which spherical mirrors are liable, as explained in Lecture XXXVII ; and hence, to obtain perfect action with a spherical lens, as with a spherical mirror, its ap- erture must be limited. THE MAGIC LANTERN consists of a metallic lantern, Fig. 262. A A' Fig. 262, in front of which two lenses are placed. One of these, m, is the illuminating lens, the other, n, the magnifier. A powerful Argand lamp is placed at L, and behind it a concave mirror, p q. In the space between the two lenses the tube is widened c d, or such an arrange- ment made that slips of glass, on which various figures are painted, can be introduced. The action of the in- strument is very simple. The mirror and the lens m Describe the magic lantern. What is the use of its condensing lens and mirror ? SOLAR MICROSCOPE. 237 illuminate the ^drawing as highly as possible ; for the lamp being placed in their foci, they throw a brilliant light upon it, and the magnifying lens, n, which can slide in its tube a little backward and forward, is placed in such a position as to throw a highly magnified image of the drawing upon a screen, several feet off, the precise focal distance being adjusted by sliding the lens. As it is an inverted image which forms, it is, of course, neces- sary to put tke drawing in the slide, c d, upside down, so as to have their images in the natural position. Various amusing slides are prepared by the instrument-makers, some representing bodies or parts in motion. The fig- ures require to be painted in colors that are quite trans- parent. THE SOLAR MICROSCOPE. This instrument, like the magic lantern, consists of two parts one for illuminating the object highly, and the other for magnifying it. It consists of a brass plate, which can be fastened to an aperture in the shutter of a dark room, into which a beam of the sun may be directed by means of a plane mirror. In Fig. 263, M is the mirror, to which movement in any di- rection may be given by the two buttons, X and Y, that rays from the sun may be reflected horizontally into the room. They pass through a large convex lens, R, and are con- converged by it ; they again impinge on a second lens, U S, which concentrates them to a focus, the precise point of which may be adjusted by sliding the lens to the proper position by the button B. P P' is in apparatus, consisting of two fixed plates, with a movable one, Q, be- tween them, Q, being pressed against P' by means of spiral springs. This apparatus is for the purpose of sup- porting the various objects which are held by the pressure Why must the slider be put in upside down ? What are the two parts of the solar microscope? Describe the instrument as represented in Fig. 263. 238 OXYIIYDROGEN MICROSCOPE. of Q, against P'. Immediately beyond this, at L, is the magnifying lens, or object-glass, which can be brought to the proper position from the highly illuminated object by means of the button B', and the magnified image result- ing is then thrown on a screen at a distance. The solar microscope has the great advantage of ex- hibiting objects to a number of persons at the same time. In principle, the oxyhydrogen microscope is the same as the foregoing, only, instead of employing the light of the sun, the rays of a fragment of lime ignited in the flame of a oxyhydrogen blow-pipe are used. These rays are converged on the object, and serve to illuminate it. The advantage the instrument has over the solar micro- scope is that it can be used at night and on cloudy days. LECTURE XLVIII. OF TELESCOPES. Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes. Galileo's Telescope. The Astronomical Telescope. The Terrestrial. Of Reflecting Telescopes. Hersckel's Newton's, Gregory's. Determination of their Magnify- ing Powers. The Achromatic Telescope. THE telescope is an instrument which, in principle, re- sembles the microscope, both being to exhibit objects to us under a larger visual angle. The microscope does this for objects near at hand, the telescope for those that are at a distance. Telescopes are of two kinds, refracting and reflecting. Each consists essentially of two parts, the object-glass or objective, and the eye-piece. In the former, the objec- tive is a lens, in the latter it is a concave mirror. The distinctness of objects through telescopes is neces- sarily connected with the brilliancy of the images they give, and this, among other things, depends on the size of the objective. What advantage has the solar microscope over other forms of instru. ment ? What is the oxyhydrogen microscope ? What is the telescope ? Of how many kinds are telescopes ? What are their essential parts ? What is the objective in the refracting and reflecting telescope, re- spectively ? On what does the brilliancy depend ? GALILEO S TELESCOPE. 239 There are three kinds of refracting telescopes : 1st, Galileo's ; 2d, the astronomical ; 3d, the terrestrial. GALILEO'S TELESCOPE, which is represented in Fig. 264, consists of a convex lens, L N, which is the objec- tive, and a concave eye-glass, E E. Let O B be a dis- tant object, the rays from which are received upon L N, and by it would be brought to a focus, and give the im- age, M I ; but, before they reach this point, they are in- tercepted by the concave eye-glass, E E, which makes them diverge, as represented at H K, and give an erect image, i m. This form of telescope has an advantage in the erect position of its image, which is usually presented with great clearness. Its field of view, by reason of the di- vergence of the rays through the eye-glass, is limited. When made on a small scale, it constitutes the common opera-glass. THE ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE differs from the former in having for its eye-piece a convex lens of short focus compared with that of the object-lens. In this, as in the former instance, the office of the objective is to give an image, and the eye-piece magnifies it precisely on the same principle that it would magnify any object. In Fig. 265, L N is the objective, and E E the eye-glass ; the rays from a distant object, O B, are converged so as to give a focal image, M I. This being viewed through the eye-lens, E E, is magnified, and is also inverted. The magnifying power of the telescope is found by di- How many kinds of refracting telescopes are there ? Describe Galileo's telescope. Why has it so small a field of view ? What are the essential parts of the astronomical telescope ? Why does it invert ? 240 TERRESTRIAL TELESCOPE. viding the focal length of the objective by that of the eye- lens. This telescope, of course, inverts, and therefore is not well adapted for terrestrial objects ; but for celestial ones it answers very well. THE TERRESTRIAL TELESCOPE consists of an object- Fig. 266. O lens, like the foregoing, but in its eye-piece are three lenses of equal focal lengths. The combination is repre- sented in Fig. 266, in which L N is the object lens, and E E, F F, G G the eye-lenses, placed at distances from each other equal to double their focal length. The prog- ress of the rays through the object-lens and the first eye- glass to X is the same as in the astronomical telescope ; but, after crossing at X, they are received on the second eye-lens, which gives an erect image of them, at i m, which is viewed, therefore, in the erect position by the last eye- lens, G G. As the distance at which the image forms from the ob- ject-lens is dependent on the actual distance of the object itself, one which is near giving its image farther off than one which is distant, it is necessary to have the means of adjusting the eye-piece, so as to bring it to the proper dis- tance from the image, M I. The object-lens is there- fore put in a tube longer than its own focus, and in this a smaller tube, bearing the three eye-lenses, immovably fixed, slides backward and forward ; this tube is drawn out until distinct vision of the object is attained. REFLECTING TELESCOPES are of several different kinds. They have received names from their inventors. HERSCHEL'S TELESCOPE consists of a metallic concave mirror, set in a tube in a position inclined to the axis. It of course gives an inverted image of the object at its fo- cus, and the inclination is so managed as to have the im- age form at the side of the tube. There it is viewed by How is its magnifying power found ? Describe the terrestrial telescope. What is the action of its three eye-lenses ? Why must there be means of sliding the eye-piece ? How are reflecting telescopes designated ? De- scribe Herschel's telescope. NEWTON'S AND GREGORY'S TELESCOPES. 241 an eye-lens, which shows it magnified and inverted. The back of the observer is turned to the object, and the in- clmation of the mirror is for the purpose of avoidino- ob- struction of the light by the head. NEWTON'S TELESCOPE consists of a concave mirror A R, Fig. 267, with its axis parallel to that of the tube, D E Fig. 267 F G, in which it is set. The rays reflected from it are intercepted by a plane mirror, C K, placed at an angle of 45, on a sliding support, m. They are, therefore, re- flected toward the side of the tube, the image, i m, form- ing at I M, an eye-glass at L magnifies it. THE GREGORIAN TELESCOPE has a concave mirror, A R, Fig. 268, with an aperture, L, in its center. The rays Fif.268. A o from a distant object, O B, give, as before, an inverted image, M I. They are then received on a small concave mirror, K C, placed fronting the great one. This gives an erect image, which is magnified by the eye-lens, P. The magnifying power of any of these instruments may be roughly estimated by looking at an object through them with one eye, and directly at it with the other, and com- paring the relative magnitude of the two images. In Her- schel's telescope the back of the observer is toward the object, in Newton's his side, but in Gregory's he looks di- rectly at it. The latter is, therefore, by far the most agreeable instrument to use. The largest telescopes hith- erto constructed are upon the plan of Herschel and Newton. When Sir Isaac Newton discovered the compound na- ture of light, by prismatic analysis, he came to the con- In what position does the observer stand ? Describe Newton's telescope Describe the Gregorian telescope. How may the magnifying power of these instruments be ascertained ? 242 THE ACHROMATIC TELESCOPE. elusion that the refracting telescope could never be a per- fect instrument, because it appeared impossible to form an image by a convex lens, without its being colored on the edges by the dispersion of light. He therefore turn- ed his attention to the reflecting telescope, and invented the one which bears his name. He even manufactured one with his own hands. It is still preserved in the cab- inet of the Royal Society of London. But after it was discovered that refraction without dis- persion can be effected, and that lenses can be made to form colorless images in their foci, the principle was at once applied to the telescope ; and. hence originated that most valuable astronomical instrument, the achromatic telescope. - In this the object-glass is of course compound, consist- ing, as represented in Fig. 269, of one crown and one Fig. 269. Fig. 270. flint-glass lens, or as represented in Fig. 270, of one flint and two crown-glass lenses. The principle of its action has been described in Lecture XLI. The great expense of these instruments arises chiefly from the costliness of the flint-glass, for it has hitherto been found difficult to obtain it in masses of large size, perfectly free from veins or other imperfections. Nevertheless, there are instruments which have been constructed in Germany, with an aper- ture of thirteen inches. Some of these are mounted on .Tiiat wao it van IKU LU me adoption oi tne renecting telescope i un what does the achromatic telescope depend ? Of what parts are the dou- ble and triple object-glasses composed ? What is the cause of the costli- ness of these instruments ? ACHROMATIC TELESCOPES. 243 a frame, connected with a clock movement, so that when the telescope js turned to a star it is steadily kept in the center of the field of view, notwithstanding the motion of the earth on her axis. Several large instruments of this description are now in the different observatories of the United States. 244 HEAT OR CALORIC. THE PROPERTIES OF HEAT. THERMOTICS. LECTURE XLDL THE PROPERTIES OF HEAT. Relations of Light and Heat. Mode of Determining the Amount of Heat. The Mercurial Thermometer. Its Fixed Points. Fahren- keit's, Centigrade, Reaumur's Thermometers. The Gas Thermometer. Differential Thermometer. Solid Ther- mometers. Comparative Expansion of Gases, Liquids, and Solids. WHATEVER may be the true cause of light, whether it be undulations in an ethereal medium, or particles emit- ted with great velocity by shining bodies, observation has clearly proved that heat is closely allied to it. When a body is brought to a very high temperature, and then allowed to cool in a dark place, though it might be white-hot at first it very soon becomes invisible, losing its light apparently in the same way that its loses its heat. And we shall hereafter find the rays of heat which thus escape from it may be reflected, refracted, inflected, and polarized, just as though they were rays of light. In its general relations heat is of the utmost importance in the system of nature. The existence of life, both vege- table and animal, is dependent on it; it determines the dimensions of all objects, regulates the form they assume, and is more or less concerned in every chemical change that takes place. Every object to which we have access possesses a cer- tain amount of heat, and so long as it remains at common What is observed during the cooling of bodies ? Why are the relations of heat of such^philosophical importance ? THE THERMOMETER. 245 temperatures, may be touched without pain ; but if a larg- er quantity of heat is given to it, it assumes qualities that are wholly new, and if touched it burns. To determine, therefore, with precision the quantity of heat which is present in a body when it exhibits any particular phenomenon, it is necessary that we should be furnished with some means of effecting its measurement. Instruments intended for this purpose are called ther- mometers. Of thermometers we have several different kinds. Some are made of solid substances, others of liquids, and others of gases. With a few exceptions, they all depend on the same principle the expansion which ensues in all bodies as their temperature rises. Of these the mercurial thermometer is the most F*g- 2 71 common, and for the purpose of science the most' generally available. It consists of a glass tube, Fig, 271, with a bulb on its lower extremity. The entire bulb and part of the tube are filled with quicksilver, and the rest of the tube, the ex- tremity of which is closed, contains a vacuum. This glass portion is fastened in an appropriate manner, upon a scale of ivory or metal, which bears divisions, and the thermometer is said to be at that particular degree against which its quick- silver stands on the scale. If we take the bulb of such an instrument in the hand, the quicksilver immediately begins to rise in the tube, and finally is stationary at some particular degree, generally the 98th in our ther- mometers. We therefore say the temperature of the hand is 98 degrees. In effecting a measure of any kind, it is neces- sary to have a point from which to stait and a point to which to go. The same is also necessa- ry in making a scale. One of the essential qual- ities of a thermometer is to enable observers in all parts of the world to indicate the same temperature by the same What is the use of the thermometer? What different kinds of ther- mometers have we ? On what general principle do they all depend ? What form of thermometer is the most common ? What are the degrees ? What temperature does it indicate if held in the hand? Why are fixed points necessary in forming the scale ? 246 THERMOMETRIC SCALES. degree. A common system of dividing the scale must, therefore, be agreed upon, that all thermometers may cor- respond. If we dip a thermometer in melting ice or snow, the quicksilver sinks to a certain point, and to this point it will always come, no matter when or where the experi- ment is made. If we dip it in boiling water, it at once rises to another point. Philosophers in all countries have agreed that these are the best fixed points to regulate the scale by, and accordingly they are now used in all ther- mometers. In the Fahrenheit thermometer, which is com- monly employed in the United States, we mark the point at which the instrument stands, when dipped in melting snow, 32, and that for boiling water, 212, and divide the intervening space into 180 parts, each of which is a de- gree ; and these degrees are carried up to the top and down to the bottom of the scale. In other countries other divisions are used, adjusted, however, by the same fixed points. The Centigrade thermometer has, for the melting of ice, 0, and for the boiling of water, 100, with the intervening space divid- ed in 100 equal degrees. In Reaumur's thermometer, the lower point is marked 0, and the upper 80. The philosophical fact upon which the construction of the thermometer reposes, is that quicksilver expands by an increase of heat, and is contracted by a diminution of it; and further, that these expansions and contractions are in proportion to the changes of temperature. 3 ut f or particular purposes, thermometers have been made of oil, of alcohol, and of a great many other liquid bodies, and give rise to the same gen- eral results. As an uniform law it may, therefore, be asserted that all liquids dilate as their temper- ature rises, and contract as it descends. But heat determines the volume of gases as well as of liquids. If we take a tube, a, Fig. 272, with a bulb at its upper extremity, &, and having partly filled the tube with a column of water, colored, to make its movements visible, the lower end dipping What two fixed points have been selected ? What is the Centigrade scale ? What is Reaumur's scale ? What is the fact on which the con- struction of the thermometer depends ? How may this be extended to other liquids ? AIR THERMOMETER. ' . 247 loosely into some of the same colored water, contained in a bottle, c; on touching the bulb, b, the colored liquid in the tube is pressed down by the dilatation of the air, and on cooling the bulb the liquid rises, because the air con- tracts. And were the bulb filled with any other gaseous substance, such as oxygen, hydrogen, &c., still the same thing would take place. So gases, like liquids, expand as their temperature rises, and contract as it descends. Such an instrument as Fig. 272, passes under the name of an air thermometer. Its indications are not altogether reliable, as may be proved by putting it under an air-pump receiver, when its column of liquid will instantly move as soon as the least change is made in the pressure of the air. It is affected, therefore, by changes of pressure as well as changes of temperature. There is, however, a form of air thermometer which is free from this difficulty. It is the dif- ferential thermometer. This in- strument consists of a tube, a Fig. 273, bent at right angles to- ward its ends, which terminate in two bulbs, c d. In the hori- zontal part of the tube is a little column of liquid marked by the black line, which serves as an index. If the bulb c, is touched by the hand, its air dilates and presses the index column over the scale ; if d is touched the same thing takes place, but the column moves the opposite way ;' if both bulbs are touched at once, then the column, pressed equally in opposite directions, does not move at all. Of course, a similar reasoning applies to the cooling of the bulbs. The instrument is, therefore, called a di ferential thermometer, because it indicates the difference of temperature between its bulbs, but not absolute tem- peratures to which it is exposed. In the same manner that we have thermometers, in which the changes of volume of liquids and gases are employed, to indicate changes of temperature, so, too, we have others in which solids are used. These generally consist of a strip of metal which is connected with an ar- How may it be extended to all the gases ? Describe the air thermome- ter. Describe the differential thermometer. What does this instrument indicate '? 248 EXPANSION OF LIQUIDS. Fig. 274. rangement of levers or wheels, by which any variations in its length may be multiplied. The disturbing agencies, thus introduced by this necessary mechanism, interfere very much with the exactness of these instruments. And hitherto they have not been employed, except for special purposes, and can never supplant the mercurial thermom- eter. It being thus established that all substances, gases, liquids, and solids expand as their temperature rises, and contract as it falls, it may next be remarked that great differences are detected when different bodies of the same form are compared. There are scarcely two solid sub- stances which, for the same elevation of temperature, ex- pand alike. All do expand ; but some more and some less. In the case of crystalline bodies, even the same substance expands differently in different directions. Thus, a crystal of Iceland spar dilates less in the direc- tion of its longer than it does in the direction of its short- er axis. The same holds good for liquids. If a number of thermometers, a b c, Fig. 274, of the same size be filled with different liquids, and all plunged in the same vessel of hot water, f, so as to be warmed alike, the expansion they exhibit will be very different. Until recently, it was believed that .all | _V- V^jl o ases expand alike for the same ^ changes of temperature, but it is now known that minute differences exist among them in* this respect. For every degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer atmospheric air expands T i^- of its volume at 32. Gases, liquids, and solids compared together, for the same change of temperature, exhibit very different changes of volume ; gases being the most dilatable, liquids next, and solids least of all. This, probably, arises from the fact that the cohesive force, which is the antagonist of heat, is most efficient in solids, less so in liquids, and still less in gases. Are thermometers ever made of solid bodies ? What difficulties are in the way of their use ? Do bodies of the same form expand alike ? What remarks may be made respecting Iceland spar? How may it be proved that different liquids expand differently ? What is the expansion of air for each. degree? Do other gases expand exactly like air? Of gases, liquids, and solids, which expands most ? a '* : b : c : f j J -f . j RADIANT HEAT. 249 LECTURE L. OP RADIANT HEAT. Path of Radiant Heat. Velocity of Radiant Heat. Effects of Surface. Law of Reflex- ion. Reflexion by Spherical Mirrors. Theory of Ex- changes of Heat. Diathermanou$ and Athermanous Bodies. Properties of Rock Salt. Imaginary Colora- tion. EXPERIENCE shows that whenever a hot body is freely exposed its temperature descends, until eventually it comes down to that of the surrounding bodies. There are two causes which tend to produce this result. They are radiation and conduction. All bodies, whatever their temperature may be, radiate heat from their surfaces. It passes forth in straight lines, and may be reflected, refracted, and polarized like light. The rate at which radiant heat moves is, in all proba- bility, the same as the rate for light. It has been asserted that its velocity is only four fifths that of light, but this seems not to rest upon any certain foundation. As respects the rapidity or facility with which radi- ation takes place, much depends on the nature of the sur- face. The experiments of Leslie show that, at equal temperatures, such as are smooth are far less effective than such as are rough. This result he established by taking a cubical metal- lic vessel, a, filled with hot water, the four verti- cal sides being in differ- ent physical conditions one being polished, a sec- ond slightly roughened, a third still more so, and the fourth roughened and black- ened. Under these circumstances, the rays of heat es- What causes tend to produce the cooling of bodies ? In what direction does radiant heat pass ? What is the velocity of its movement ? How is the rapidity of radiation controlled by surface? Of smooth and rough bodies which are the best radiators ? 250 REFLEXION OF HEAT. caping from each surface as it was turned in succession toward a metallic reflector, M, raised a thermometer, d, placed in the focus, to very different degrees, the polished one producing the least effect. Just as light is reflected, so, too, is heat. If we take a plate of bright tin and hold it in such a position as to re- flect the light of a clear fire into the face, as soon as we see the light we also feel the impression of the heat. The law for the one is also the law for the other, " the angle of reflexion is equal to the angle of incidence," and con- sequently mirrors with curved surfaces act precisely in one case as they do in the other. We have already shown, Lecture XXXVII, how rays diverging from tine focus of a mirror are reflected parallel, and how parallel rays falling on a mirror are converged. And it is upon that principle that we account for the following striking experiment. In the focus of a concave metallic mirror Fig. 276. let there be placed a red hot ball, , are placed in such a po- sition that their poles are reversed, and between them a ring or light ball, c, vi- brates like a pendulum on an axis, d. It is alternately attracted to the one and then to the other, and will continue its movements for years. A glass shade is placed over it to protect it from external disturbance. The purposes of philosophy require means for the detection and measurement of electricity. The instru- ments for these uses are called electroscopes and elec- trometers ; they are of different kinds. A pair of cork balls, a a, Fig. 316, suspended by cot- ton threads so as to hang parallel to one another, and be in metallic communication with the ball, b, furnish a sim- What are the phenomena of the tourmaline ? "What are Zamboni's electrical piles? How may these be made to furnish an apparent perpet- ual motion? ELECTROMETERS. 297 pie instrument of the kind. If any electricity is commu- nicated to b, the balls participate in it, and as bodies electrified alike repel, these recede from each other. The amount of their diverg- ence gives a rough estimate of the relative quantity of electricity. All delicate electrome- ters should be protected from currents in the air by means of a glass cylinder or shade, as c c. '' *' The gold leaf electroscope differs from the foregoing only in the circumstance that, instead of a pair of threads and cork balls, it has a pair of gold leaves, the good con- ducting power and extreme flexibility of which adapt them well for this purpose. The quadrant electrometer, Fig. 317, is formed of an upright stem, a b, on which is fastened a graduated semicircle of ivory, c, from the center of which hangs a cork ball, d. As this is repelled by the stem the graduation serves to show the number of degrees. But no quantity of electricity can ever drive it beyond 90 ; and, indeed, its degrees are not proportional to the quantities of electricity. The best electrometer is Coulomb's torsion Fig. 317. IS trometer, Fig. 318, of which a de- scription has been given in Lecture XXIII. The best electroscope is Bohnen- berger's. It consists of a small dry pile, a b, Fig. 319, supported hori- zontally beneath a glass shade, and Fig. 319. from its extremities, a b t curved wires pass, which terminate in parallel plates, p m. One of these is, therefore, the posi- tive, and the other the negative pole of the pile. Between them there hangs a elec- Fig. 318. Describe the cork-ball electroscope. Describe the gold-leaf electroscope. What is the quadrant electrometer? Which is the best electrometer? Which is the best electroscope T Describe it. N* 298 THE VOLTAIC BATTERY. gold leaf, d g, which is in metallic communication with die plate, o n, by means of the rod, c. If the leaf hangs equally between the two plates, it is equally attracted by each, and remains motionless ; but on communicating the slightest trace of electricity to the plate, o n, the gold leaf instantly moves toward the plate which has the opposite polarity. LECTURE LX THE VOLTAIC BATTERY. The Voltaic Pile. The Trough. Grove's Battery. Phenomena of the Battery. Sparks. Incandescence. Decomposition of Water. Electromotive Force. Resistance to Conduction. Power of the Battery. Phenomena of a Simple Circle. THE voltaic pile has a very close analogy in its con- struction with the dry piles just described. It consists of a series of zinc and copper plates, so arranged that the Fig. wo. same order is continually preserved, and be- tween them pieces of cloth, moistened with acidulated water thus, copper, cloth, zinc ; copper, cloth, zinc, &c. There should be from thirty to fifty such pairs to form a pile of sufficient power. When the opposite poles or ends of this in- strument are touched, a shock is at once felt. It is not unlike the shock of a Leyden jar; but the pile differs from the electrical machine in the circumstance that it can at once recharge itself, and gives a shock of the same strength as often as it is touched. As the voltaic battery is now employed for numerous purposes in science, many forms more convenient than that described, have been introduced. In the voltaic Fig. 321. trough the zinc and copper plates being soldered together, are let into grooves in a box, as shown in Fig. 321, the cells between each pair of plates Describe the voltaic pile. Under what circumstances does it give a shock 1 What is the form given to this instrument^ the voltaic trough ? GROVE'S BATTERY. 299 serving to hold the mixture of water and sulphuric acid. Such an instrument is easily brought into activity, and its exciting fluid easily removed. Of late other more powerful forms of voltaic battery have been invented ; such, for instance, as Grove's and Bunsen's. Grove's battery consists of a cylinder of zinc, Z, Z, Fig. 322, the surface of which is amalgamated with quicksilver. It is placed in a glass jar, G G. Fig . 303. Within this there is a cylinder of porous earth- enware, p p, in which stands a sheet of pla- z( tinum, P P. In Bunsen's battery P is a cylin- der of carbon, into which, at r, a polar wire can be fastened. The glass cup, G G, is filled G with dilute sulphuric acid (a mixture of one of acid to six of water), the porous cylinder is fill- ed with strong nitric acid, and the amalgamated zinc is therefore in contact with dilute sulphuric acid, and the pla- tinum or carbon with nitric acid. By means of the bind- ing screws polar wires maybe fastened to the plates, and a number of jars may be connected together so as to form a compound battery. In this case, the wire coming from the zinc of one cup is to be connected with the platinum or carbon of the next, the same arrangement being con- tinued throughout. When several such cups are connected together, and the polar wires of the terminal pairs brought in contact, a bright spark, or rather flame, instantly passes, and when these connecting wires are of copper the color of the light is of a brilliant green. By fastening on one of the polar wires conducting substances of different kinds, they burn or deflagrate with different phenomena, each metal yield- ing a colored light. If a fine iron or steel wire, in con- tact with one of the poles, be lowered down on some quicksilver into which the other is immersed, a brilliant combustion ensues the iron, as it burns, throwing out in- numerable sparks ; and on pointing the polar wires with pieces of hard-burnt charcoal, on approaching them to each other a spark passes, and the points may now be drawn apart several inches, if the battery is powerful, the Describe Grove's battery. In this battery how many metals and liquids are employed ? What effect ensues when the connecting wires are brought in contact ? What phenomena do the different metals exhibit during combustion ? What ensues ^vhen charcoal-points are employed ? 300 DECOMPOSITION OF WATER. Fig. 323. XTrt flame still continuing to play between them. This flame, which is arched upward, affords the most brilliant light that can be obtained by any artificial process. If, between the polar wires of a voltaic battery, a piece of platinum a metal of extreme infusibility intervenes, and the metal withstands fusion and is not too thick, it be- comes incandescent, and continues so while the current passes. But by far the most valuable effects to which these in- struments give rise are decompositions. If the poles of a battery are terminated with pieces of platinum, and these are dipped in some water, bubbles of gas rapidly escape from each they arise from the decomposition of the water. The apparatus Fig. 323, enables us to perform this experiment in a very satisfactory manner. It consists of two tubes, o h, which have lateral open- ings,^? p, through which, by means of tight corks, platinum wires, terminat- ed by a little bunch of platinum, may be passed. The tubes, o h, are sus- pended vertically, in a small reser- voir of water, g, by an upright, V. They are also graduated into parts of equal capacity. By means of the binding screws at a and b the plati- num wires may be connected with the poles of an active battery. If, now, the two tubes are filled with water and im- mersed in the trough, and the communications with the battery established, gas rapidly rises in each, and collects in its upper part. In that tube which is in connection with the positive pole of the battery oxygen accumulates, in the other hydrogen. And it is to be observed that the quantity of the latter is equal to twice the quantity of the former gas. Water contains by volume twice as much hydrogen as it does oxygen. In any voltaic combination, the exciting cause of the electricity, whatever it may be, goes under the name of Can platinum be made continuously incandescent ? Describe the pro- cess for the decomposition of water. What are the relative quantities of oxygen and hydrogen gases produced in this experiment ? SIMPLE, CIRCLE. 301 the electromotive force, and the resistances, which ob- struct the motion of the electricity, are termed resist- ances to conduction. The electromotive force determines the amount of elec- tricity which is set in motion ; and in a voltaic battery tne resistances which arise are chiefly due to the imper- fect conducting power of the liquid and metalline parts. The resistance of the metalline parts is directly as their lengths and inversely as their sections. A wire two feet long resists twice as^much as a wire one foot, if their sec- tions are equal ; and of two wires that are of an equal length that which has a double thickness or section will conduct twice as well. The resistance of the liquid parts depends on the dis- tance of the plates from one another it is inversely as their sections of those parts. The total force of any voltaic battery may be ascertain- ed by dividing the sum of all the electromotive forces by the sum of all the resistances The origin of the electrical action of voltaic combina- tions is, in all probability, due to chemical changes going on in them. The study of a simple voltaic cir- cle throws much light on these facts. If we Fig. 324. take a plate of amalgamated zinc, z, an inch wide and six long, and a copper plate, c, of equal size, and dip them in some acidulated water contained in a glass jar,^ they form a simple voltaic circle. It is to be understood that common sheet zinc is easily covered over with quicksilver, or amalgamated, by washing it with sulphuric acid and water in a dish in which some quicksilver is placed. Now, so long as the two plates remain side by side without touching, no action whatever takes place ; but if we establish a metallic communication between them by means of the wire d, innumerable bubbles of gas escape from the copper, c, and the zinc in the mean time slowly corrodes away. On lifting up d the action instantly ceases, What is meant by the term electromotive force ? What by resistances to conduction ? From what do the resistances chiefly arise? What is the law for the resistance of the metallic parts ? What lor the liquid ? How is the total force of the voltaic battery determined ? Describe the apparatus, Fig. 324. 302 ELECTROTYPE. on bringing it into contact again the action is re-establish- lished. And if the apparatus is in a dark place whenev- er d is lifted from either plate, z or c, a small but brilliant electric spark is seen, showing therefore that electricity is the agent at work. If the gas which rises from the copper plate be exam- ined, it turns out to be hydrogen, and the corrosion of the zinc is due to the combination of that metal with oxygen. Water, therefore, must have been decomposed to furnish these elements. The electric action of the common voltaic circle arises from the decomposition of water. If the wire d be a slender piece of platinum it contin- ues in an ignited condition as long as the apparatus is in activity. The electricity must, therefore, flow in a contin- uous current ; and, as the most powerful voltaic batteries are nothing but combinations of these simple ones, the same reasoning applies to both, and we attribute their ac- tion to the same cause chemical decompositions going on in them, and giving rise to an evolution of electri- city which flows in a continuous current from end to end of the instrument and back through its polar wires. A very beautiful process for working in metals, called the electrotype, and founded upon the principles explain- ed in this lecture, has been lately introduced into the arts. When water is submitted to the influence of a voltaic current we have seen that it is resolved into its constitu- ent elements, oxygen and hydrogen, a total separation ensuing, and each of these going to its own polar wire. In the same manner, when a metalline salt transmits the voltaic current, decomposition ensues, the acid part of the salt being evolved at the positive and the metalline part at the negative pole. When the salt has been properly selected the metal is deposited as a coherent mass, and faithfully copies the form of any surface in which the negative pole is made to terminate. Thus, to the polar wire Z, Fig. 325, of a simple voltaic battery let there be attached a coin or other object, N, one surface of which has been varnished or covered with some non- What ensues when a metallic communication is made between the metals ? How can it be proved that electricity is concerned in these re- sults ? Why do we know that water must have been decomposed ? Why do we know that there is a continuous current of electricity passing ? On what principles is the electrotype process founded ? ELECTROTYPE. 303 conducting material ; to the other wire, S, let there be affixed a mass of copper, C, and let the trough, N C, in which these are placed be filled with a solution of sulphate of copper. Now, when the bat- tery is charged, the sulphate of copper in the trough undergoes decomposition, metallic copper being deposited on the face of the coin, N ; and as this with- drawal of the metal from the so- lution goes on, the mass, C, undergoes corrosion, and, dis- solving in the liquid, replaces that which is continually accumulating on the face of the coin. When the experi- menter judges that the deposit on N is sufficiently thick, he removes it from the trough, and with the point of a knife splits it from the surface of the coin. The cast thus ob- tained is admirably exact. In the same manner that copper may thus be obtained from the sulphate, so other metals may be used. Casts in. gold and silver, and even alloys, such as brass, may be obtained. There is no difficulty in gilding, silvering, or platinizing surfaces, and from a single cast, by using it in turn as a mould, innumerable copies may be taken. Describe one of the methods for taking casts. Can other metals be- sides copper be used ? Is this process adapted for gilding and silvering ? 304 ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. Fig. 326. A LECTURE LXI. ELECTRO-MAGNETISM. Action of a Conducting Wire on tL" Needle. Transverse Position assumed. Effects of a Uent Wire. The Multiplier. Astatic Galvanometer. Electro- Magnet. Rotatory Movements. Attraction and Repulsion of Currents. Electro-Dynamic Helix. Elec- tro-Magnetic Theory. WHEN a magnetic needle, having freedom of motion upon its center, is brought near a wire through which an electric current is passing, the needle is deflected and tends to move into such a position as to set itself at right angles to the wire. Thus, let there be an electric cur- rent moving in the wire A B, Fig. 326 : in the direction of the arrow, and directly over the wire and par- allel to it, let there be placed a sus- pended needle ; as soon as the cur- rent passes in the wire, the needle is deflected from its north and south position, and turns round transverse- ly, and if the current is strong enough the needle comes at right angles to the wire. Now, every thing remaining as before, let the current pass in the opposite direction, the deflection takes place as before, only now it is also in the opposite direction. If the needle be placed by the side of the wire the same effect is observed. On one side it dips down arid on the other it rises up. What effect ensues when a magnetic needle is brought near a conduct ing wire? How may it be proved that the direction of the motion de pends on the direction of the current ? What takes place when the nee die is at the side of the wire ? GALVANIC MULTIPLIERS. 305 In whatever position the needle is placed as respects the conducting wire it tends to set itself at right angles thereto. This discovery was made by Oersted in 1819. From the foregoing experiments it will appear that if a wire be bent into the Fig. 327. form of a rectangle, as represented in Fig. 327, and an electric current be made to flow round it in the direction of the arrows, all the parts of the current tend to move a needle in the interior of such a rectangle in the same direction, and, therefore, it will be much more energetically disturbed than by a single straight wire. If the wire, instead of making one convolution or turn, Fig. 328. A fine Fig. 329. is bent many times on itself, so that the same current may act again and again up- on the needle,^ the effect of a very feeble force may be rendered perceptible. On this principle the galvanometer is constructed, copper wire, wrapped with silk, is bent on itself many times, forming a rectangle, d d, Fig. 328 ; the two projecting ends, a a, dip into mer- cury-cups, by which they may be connected with the apparatus, the electric current of which is to be measured. In the interior of the rectangle, supported on a pivot, is a magnetic needle, n s, the deflec- tions of which measure the current. A still more delicate instrument is made by placing two needles, with their poles reversed, on the same axis, N S, s n, suspending them by a fine thread in such a way that one By whom were these facts discovered ? What effect is there on a nee- dle in the interior of a rectangle ? What is the effect when the wire makes many convolutions? Describe the deflecting galvanometer. 306 ELECTRO-MAGNETS. of the needles is in the inside of the rectangle and the other above. If the needles are of equal power the com- bination is astatic that is, not under the magnetic influ- ence of the earth ; but both of them are moved in the same direction by the passage of the current. Such an instrument is called an astatic galvanometer. When an electric current, moving in a wire, is made to pass round a piece of soft iron, so long as the current continues the iron is magnetic ; but the moment the cur- rent ceases the iron loses its magnetism. If, therefore, a bar of soft iron be bent into the form N S, Fig. 330, and Fig. 330. b there be wound round it a copper wire in a continuously spiral course, the strands of the wire being kept from touching one another, and also from contact with the iron, by being covered with silk, whenever a current is passed through the wires by the aid of the binding-screws, p m, the iron becomes intensely magnetic. The amount of its magnetism may be measured by attaching the keeper, A, to the arm of a lever, a b, which works on a fulcrum, c ; Ti is a hook by which weights may be suspended. In this way magnets have been made which would support more than a ton. Mr. Faraday discovered that rotatory movements could be produced by magnets round conducting wires ; and, conversely, that conducting wires would rotate round magnets. Both these facts may be proved at once by the instrument Fig. 331. On the top of a pillar, gc, a strong copper wire, bent as in the figure, at d f, is fastened. Describe the astatic galvanometer. How may transient magnetism be communicated to an iron bar ? Describe the instrument, Fig. 330. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC ROTATIONS. 307 To the crook aty* a fine platina wire, h, hangs by a loop, on which it has perfect free- dom of motion. Its lower end, jy, on which is a small glass (Uf bead, dips under some mer- cury in a reservoir, b, in the center of which a magnetiz- ed sewing-needle, n, is fasten- ed by means of a slip of cop- q per, which communicates with the binding-screw, z. On the arm, d, there is soldered inflexibly another platinum wire, e, which dips into a mercury reservoir, a, which is in metallic connection with the binding-screw c by means of a slip of copper. From the center and bottom of this reservoir a magnet- ized sewing-needle is fixed by means of thin platinum wire, so as to have freedom of motion round e. Under these circumstances, if an electric current is passed from c along d, in the direction of the arrow, to z, the magnet, 7tt, rotates round the fixed wire in one direction, and the wire, k, round the fixed magnet n in the other. On re- versing the course of the current these motions are re- versed. On similar principles all kinds of rotatory, reciproca- tory, and other movements may be accomplished, magnets made to revolve on their own axes, and entire galvanic batteries round the poles of magnets. In frictional electricity we have seen that the funda- mental law of action is, that like electricities repel and unlike ones attract. In the same way attractive and repulsive motions have been discovered in the case of currents. If electric currents flow in two wires which are parallel to each other, and have freedom of motion, the wires are immediately disturbed. If the currents run in the same direction the wires move toward each other, if in the opposite the wires move apart. Or, briefly, " like currents attract, and unlike ones repel'' If a wire be coiled into a spiral form, and its ends car- ried back through its axis, as shown in Fig. 332, it forms How may movements of rotation of wires and magnets round one another be shown? Describe the instrument, Fig. 331. What ensues on reversing the current 1 What is the action of currents on each other ? What is the general law of this action ? 308 THEORY OF MAGNETISM. Fig. 332. an electro-dynamic helix. If it be sus- pended with freedom of motion in a horizontal plane, it points as a magnetic needle would ii&, north and south ; or if suspended, so as to move in a vertical plane, it dips like a dipping-needle. All the properties of a needle may be simulated by such a helix; and if two he- lices, carrying currents, are presented to each other, they attract and repel, under the same laws that two magnetic bars would do. If, therefore, we imagine an electric current to circu- late round a magnet transversely to its axis, such a sup- position will account for all its singular properties. Anticipating what will have to be said presently as re- spects thermo-electricity, it may be observed, that if we take a metal ring, and warm it in one point only, by a spirit-lamp, no effect ensues ; but if the lamp is moved an electric current runs round the wire in the course the lamp has taken. As with this metal, wire, and lamp, so with the earth. The sun, by his apparent motion, warms the parts of the earth in succession, and electric currents are generated, which follow his course. We must now call to mind all that has been said respecting the influence of the sun's heat on the magnet, in Lecture LVII. This elucidates the cause of the needle pointing north and south. It comes into that position because it is the position in which the electric currents in it are parallel to those in the earth. This is the position, as has just been explained, that cur- rents will always assume. We see why, at the polar re- gions, it dips vertically down. It is again that its currents may be parallel with those of the earth ; for in those re- gions the sun performs his daily motion in circles parallel to the horizon. We see, also, that it is for the same cause, in intermediate latitudes, that the needle points north and also dips. What is an electro-dynamic helix ? When two such helices act on each other what phenomena arise ? What ensues when a metal ring is warm- ed at one point by a lamp, and what when the lamp is moved ? How do these facts bear on the polarity and dip of the needle ? Why does a mag- v netic needle point north and south ? Why does it dip T MAGNETO-ELECTRICITY. 309 This prolific theory likewise includes all the phenom- ena of Oersted, such as the transverse position a needle takes when under the influence of a conducting-wire ; for this is again the position in which the currents of the needle are parallel to that in the wire. LECTURE LXII. MAGNETO-ELECTRICITY. THERMO-ELECTRICITY, Pro- duction of Electric Currents by Magnets. Momentary Nature of these Currents. They give rise to Sparks, Decompositions, fyc. Magneto- Electric Machines. In- duction of Currents by Currents. Electro-Magnetic Tel- egraph. Production of Cold and Heat by Electric Cur- rents. Thermo-electricity. Melloni's Multiplier. IF an electric current passing round the exterior of a bar ofjfsoft iron can convert it into a magnet, we should expect that the converse would hold good, and a magnet ought to be able to generate an electric current in a con- ducting-wire. Let there be a helix of F ig. 333. copper wire, a, Fig. 333, the successive strands of which are kept from touching, and let its ends at b be brought in con- tact. If a bar magnet, N S, is introduced in the axis, so long as it is in actual movement an electric current will run through the wire, but as soon as the bar comes to rest the current ceases. On withdrawing the bar the current again flows, but now it flows in the opposite direction. If, therefore, we alternately introduce and remove with rapidity a steel magnet, opposite currents will inces- santly run round the helix. If we open the wire at the point b, every time the current passes a bright spark is How does this theory include Oersted's phenomena ? Can a magnet develop electric currents in a wire ? Under what circumstances does this take place ? How long does the current continue ? Describe the instru- ment, Fig. 333. 310 MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINE. seen ; or if the two separated ends dip into water it un- dergoes decomposition. Fig. 334. The same results would, of course, occur, if, instead of introducing and removing a permanent steel magnet, we continually changed the polarity of a stationary soft iron bar. Thus if a b, Fig. 334, be a rod of soft iron, surrounded by a helix, and there be taken a semicircular steel magnet, N c S, which can be made to revolve on a pivot at c things being so ar- ranged that its poles, N and S, in their revolutions, just pass by the terminations of the bar, a b the polarity of this bar will be reversed every half revolution the magnet makes, and this reversal of polari- ty will generate electric currents in the wire. To instru- ments constructed on these principles the name of mag- neto-electric machines is given. The peculiarity of these currents is their momentary duration. Hence they have been called momentary cur- rents, and from the name of their discoverer, Faradian currents. There are a great many different forms of magneto- electric machines. In some, permanent steel magnets are employed; in others, temporary soft iron ones, brought into activity by a voltaic battery. Fig. 335 represents Saxton's magneto-electric machine. It consists of a horse-shoe magnet, A B, laid horizontally. The keeper, C D, is wound round with many coils of wire, covered with silk. It rotates on an axis, E F, on which it is fixed, by means of a pulley and multiplying- wheel, E G. The terminations of the wire, li i, dip into mercury cups at K. When the wheel is set in motion the keeper rotates, its polarity being reversed every half turn it makes before the magnet, and momentary currents run through its wires. If it is desirable to give the current of a magneto-elec- tric machine great intensity, so as" to furnish powerful shocks, or effect decompositions, the wire which is wound What are magneto-electric machines ? What names have their cur- rents received ? Describe Saxton's magneto-electric machine. What is the effect of using a long thin and short thick wire ? INDUCTION OF CURRENTS BY CURRENTS. 311 round the keeper should be thin and long ; hut for pro- ducing incandescence in metals, or for sparks or magnet- ic operations, the wire should be short and thick. Fig. 335. hi? Admitting the theory that all magnetic action arises from the passage of electrical currents, it follows, from the facts just detailed, that an electrical current must have the power of inducing others in conducting bodies in its neighborhood. Experiment proves that this conclusion is correct, and currents so arising are called induced or secondary currents. Thus, when two wires are extended parallel to one an- other, and through one of them an electric current is passed, a secondary current is instantly induced in the other; but its duration is only momentary. It flows in the opposite direction to the primary one. On stopping the primary current, induction again takes place in the secondary wire ; but the current now arising has the same direction as the primary one. The passage of an electri- cal current, therefore, develops other currents in its neighborhood, which flow in the opposite direction as the How may it be proved that electric currents induce others in their neigh- borhood ? What direction does the induced current take at first, and what at last? 312 MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. primary one first acts, but in the same direction as it ceases. Morse's electro-magnetic telegraph is essentially a horse- shoe of soft iron, made temporarily magnetic by the pass- age of a voltaic current. In Fig. 336, m m represent Fig. 336. the poles of the magnet, wound round with wire ; at a is a keeper, which is fastened to a lever, a I, which works on a fulcrum, at d; the other end of the lever bears a steel point, ,?, which serves as a pen. At c is a clock ar- rangement for the purpose of drawing a narrow strip of paper, p p, in the direction of the arrows. W W are the wires which communicate with the distant station. As soon as a voltaic current is made to pass through these wires, the soft iron becomes magnetic, and draws the keeper, a, to its poles ; and the other end of the lever, I, rising up, the point s is pressed against the moving paper and makes a mark. When the lever first moves it sets the clock machinery in motion, and the bell, Z, rings to give notice to the observer. When the distant operator stops the current, the magnetism of m m ceases, and the keeper, a, rising, * is depressed from the paper. By let- ting the current flow round the magnet for a short or a longer time a dot or a line is made upon the paper and Describe Morse's telegraph. How are the dots and lines which com* pose the telegraphic alphabet made by the machine ? THERMO-ELECTRICITY". 313 the telegraphic alphabet consists of such a series of marks. It is not necessary to use two wires to the instrument ; one alone is commonly employed to carry the current to the magnet ; it is brought back through the earth. If a bar of bismuth, b, Fig. 337, and one of antimony, , be soldered together at the point c, and by Fig. 337. means of wires attached to the other ends, a feeble voltaic current is passed from the an- timony to the bismuth, heat will be genera- ted at the junction, c; but if the current is made to pass from the bismuth to the anti- mony, cold is produced, so that if an excava- tion be made at c, and a little water intro- duced in it it may be frozen. The converse of this also holds good. If we connect the free terminations of a arid b, by means of a wire, and raise the temperature of the junction c, an electric cur- rent sets from the bismuth to the antimony; but if we cool the junction the current sets in the opposite way. To these currents the name of thermo-electric currents is given. Thermo-electric currents, from the circumstance that they originate in good conductors, possess but very little intensity. They are unable to pass through the thinnest film of water, and, therefore, in operating with them it is necessary that all the parts of the apparatus through which they are to flow should be in perfect metallic contact. The slightest film of oxide upon a wire is sufficient to prevent their entrance into it. As the effects of the voltaic circle can be increased by increasing the number of pairs forming it, the same is also true for thermo-electric currents. Thus, if we take a se- ries of bars of bismuth and antimony, and solder their alternate ends to one another, as shown pig. 338. in Fig. 338, on warming one set of the 5 5 j & & a, junctions, the current passes, and is \f\f\f\/\/J greater in force according as the num- \/\/\/\/\/ ber of alternations warmed is greater. a a a a, a From their feeble intensity, these currents, when passed through the wire of a multiplying galvanometer, Fig. 329, What effects arise from passing feeble electric currents through a pair of bars of bismuth and antimony ? What are thermo-electric currents ? Why have they so little intensity ? How may that intensity be increased? o 314 THERMO-MULTIPLIER. do not give rise to the same effects that are observed in ordinary voltaic currents they lose as much of their force by the resistance to conduction of the slender wire as they gain by the effect which each coil impresses on the nee- dle. A multiplier, suited for thermo-electric currents, should be made of stout wire, and make but few turns round the needle. Melloni's thermo-electric pile is represented in Fig. 339. It consists of thirty or forty pairs of small bars of Fig. 339. 1C A bismuth and antimony, with their alternate ends soldered together, forming a bundle, F F. The polar wires, C C, projecting, are put in communication with the multiplier. To each end of the pile brass caps, as seen in the figure, fit. These serve to cut off the disturbing influence of currents of air; and now if the hand or any other source of heat be presented to one side of the pile, the needle of the galvanometer immediately moves, and the amount of its deflection increases with the temperature of the radiant source. It is not necessary to use many alternations, as in the instrument of Melloni. Let a pair of heavy bars Fig. 340. of bismuth and antimony, of the shape repre- sented in Fig. 340, be soldered by the edges, a b, to a circular plate of thin copper, and at the others at a' b', to semicircular plates, e f, having projecting pieces to communicate with the wire of a galvanometer of few convolutions, and the needle of which is nearly astatic. It will be found that extremely minute changes of temperature may be indicated the combination answering very well instead of Melloni's more costly instrument. Why does not the common galvanometer increase the effect of these currents ? What ought to be the construction of a thermo-electric multi- plier ? Describe Melloni's instrument. Is it necessary to use so many al- ternations ? ASTRONOMY. 315 ASTRONOMY. LECTURE LXIII. ASTRONOMY. TJie Figure of the Earth. The Earth Ro- tates on her Axis. Illustrations of Diurnal Rotation. Annual Translation round the Sun. The Year. Mo- tions of the Moon. Planets and Comets. Astronomical Definitions. IN the infancy of knowledge the first impression which men entertained respecting the form of the earth we in- habit, was that it is an indefinitely-extended plane, the more central portions being the land, surrounded on all sides by an unknown expanse of sea. Many natural phe- nomena soon corrected these primitive ideas, and almost as far back as historic records reach, philosophers had come to the conclusion that our earth in reality is of a round or globular form. To this conclusion a consideration of the daily phenom- ena of the starry firmament would naturally lead. Every evening we see the stars rising in the east, and as the night goes on, passing over the vault of the sky, and at last setting in the west. During the day the same is also observed as respects the sun. And as these are events which are taking place day after day, in succession, and no man can doubt that the objects which we see to-day are those which we saw yesterday, it necessarily follows, that after they have sunk under the western horizon, they pursue their paths continuously, and that the earth neither extends indefinitely in the horizontal direction, nor verti- cally downward, but that she is of limited dimensions on all sides. What was probably the primitive idea respecting the figure of the earth ? How may it be proved that the earth is limited on all sides T 316 FIGURE OF THE EARTH. Where the prospect is uninterrupted, as at sea, we are further able not only to verify the foregoing conclusion, but also to obtain a clearer notion of the figure of the earth. Thus, as is seen in Fig. 341, let an observer be Ffr.341. watching a ship sailing toward him at sea. When she is at a great distance, as at a, he first perceives her topmast, but as she approaches from a toward b, more and more of her masts come into view, and finally her hull appears. When she arrives at b she is entirely visible. Now, as this takes place in whatever direction she may approach, whether from the north, south, east, or west, it obviously points out the globular figure of the earth. In the distant position, more or less of the ship is obscured by the in- tervening convexity a phenomenon which never could take place were the earth an extended plane. This great truth, though admitted by philosophers in ancient times, fell gradually into disrepute during the middle ages ; it was re-established at the restoration of learning only after a severe struggle. It is now the basis of modern astronomy. The spheroidal figure being therefore received as a demonstrated fact, it is next to be observed that the earth is not motionless in space, but in every twenty-four hours turns round once upon her axis. That such a motion ac- tually occurs is clear from the fact of the rising and set- ting of the celestial bodies. To an observer at the equator, the stars rise in the eastern horizon and set in the western, continuing in view for twelve hours, and being invisible for twelve. At the What facts prove that she is of a round or globular form ? When was the globular form of the earth denied, and when finally established ? Has the earth a motion on her axis ? In what time is it performed ? What are the phenomena of the rising and setting of the stars at the equator and the poles? MOTION OF THE SUN AND MOON. 317 pole the rising or setting of a star is a phenomenon never seen ; but these heavenly bodies seem to pursue paths which are parallel to the horizon. In intermediate lati- tudes a certain number of stars never rise or set, while others exhibit that appearance. In any of these posi- tions in our hemisphere the motion of the heavens seems to be round one, or, rather, two points, situated in opposite directions; to one of them the name of the north, and to the other of the south pole is given. These are the points to which the poles of the earth are directed. When observations are made for some days or months in succession, we find that there are motions among the celestial bodies themselves which require to be account- ed for. First, we observe that the sun does not remain stationary in a fixed position among the stars, but that he has an apparent motion ; and that after the lapse of a little more than three hundred and sixty-five days he comes round again to his original place. As with the diurnal motion so with this annual. Consideration soon satisfies us that it is not the sun which is in movement round the earth, but the earth which is in movement round the sun. To the period which she occupies in completing this rev- olution the name of the year is given. Its true length is three hundred and sixty-five days, five hours, forty-eight minutes, forty-nine seconds. The sun seems, in his daily motion, to accompany the stars ; but if we mark the point upon the horizon at which he rises or sets we find that it differs very much for different times of the year. The same observation may be made by observing the length of the shadow of an upright pole or gnomon at midday. Such observa- tions show that there is a difference in his meridian alti- tude in winter and summer of forty-seven degrees. The observation of a single night satisfies us that the moon has a motion of her own round the earth. It is ac- complished in twenty-seven days, seven hours, and forty three minutes, and is called her periodical revolution ; but, during this time, the earth has moved a certain dis- tance in the same direction or, what is the same thing, the sun has advanced in the ecliptic, and before the moon overtakes him, twenty-nine days, twelve hours, and forty- What other motion besides this may be discovered '( What is the year ? What is the month ? 318 DEFINITIONS. four minutes elapse. This, therefore, is termed her synod- ical revolution, or one month. There are also certain stars, some of which are re- markable for their brilliancy, which exhibit proper mo- tions. To these the name of planets is given. And at irregular intervals, and moving in different directions through the sky, there appear from time to time comets. Multitudes of these are telescopic, though some have ap- peared of enormous magnitude. There are several technical terms used in astronomy which require explanation. By the celestial sphere we mean a sky or imaginary sphere, the center of which is occupied by the earth. On it, for the purposes of astronomy, we imagine certain points and fixed lines to exist. Those circles whose planes pass through the center of the sphere are called great circles. The circumference of each is divided into three hundred and sixty parts, called degrees, and marked (), each degree into sixty minutes, marked ('), and each minute into sixty seconds, marked ("). All great circles bisect each other. Less circles are those whose planes do not pass through the center of the sphere. The axis of the earth is an imaginary line, drawn through her center, on which she turns. The extremities of this line are the poles. A line on the earth's surface every where equidistant from the poles is the equator. Circles drawn on the sur- face parallel to the equator are called simply parallels, arid sometimes parallels of latitude. At sea, or where the prospect is unobstructed, the sky seems to meet the earth in a continuous circle all round. To this the name of sensible horizon is given. The ra- tional horizon is parallel to the sensible, and in a plane which passes through the center of the earth. That point of the celestial sphere immediately overhead is the zenith, the opposite point is the nadir. A circle drawn through the two poles and passing through the north and south points of the horizon is a What are the planets ? What are comets ? What is the celestial sphere ? What are great and less circles ? What is the axis of the earth ? What are the poles, the equator, and parallels of latitude ? What is the sensible and what the rational horizon ? What is the zenith and the nadir ? DEFINITIONS. 319 meridian. Hour circles are other great circles which pass through the poles. A circle drawn through the zenith and the east and west points of the horizon is the prime vertical. Other great circles passing through the zenith are vertical circles or circles of azimuth. The altitude of a body above the horizon is measured in degrees upon a vertical circle. As the zenith is 90 from the horizon, the altitude deducted from 90 gives the zenith distance. The azimuth of a body is its distance from the north or south estimated on the horizon, or by the arc of the horizon intercepted between a vertical circle passing through the body and the meridian. The latitude of a place is the altitude at that place of the pole above the horizon, or, what is the same thing, the arc of the meridian between the zenith of the place and the equator. At the earth's equator the pole is, therefore, in the horizon ; at the pole it is in the zenith. The longitude of a place on the earth is the arc of the equator intercepted between the meridian of that place and that of another place taken as a standard. The observatory of Greenwich is the standard position very commonly assumed. The longitude of a star is the arc of the ecliptic intercepted between that star and the first point of Aries. The latitude of a star is its distance from the ecliptic, measured on a great circle passing through the pole of the ecliptic and the star. The declination of a heavenly body is the arc of an hour circle intercepted between it and the equator. The ecliptic is the apparent path which the sun de- scribes among the stars. It is a great circle which cuts the equator in two points, called the equinoxial points, because when the sun is in those points the nights and days are equal ; one is the vernal, the other the autumnal equinox. From this circumstance the equator itself is sometimes called the equinoxial line. What is a meridian ? What are hour circles ? What is the prime ver- tical ? What are circles of azimuth ? What are altitude and zenith distance ? What azimuth, the latitude of a place, and the declination of a heavenly body ? What is the longitude of a place and that of a star? What is the ecliptic ? 320 DEFINITIONS. Two points on the ecliptic, 90 distant from the equi- noxial points, are the solstitial points. When the sun is in one of these it is midsummer, in the other midwinter. Motions in the direction from west to east are direct. Retrograde motions are those from east to west. The ecliptic is divided into twelve equal parts called signs. They bear the following names and have the following signs. Aries C P Libra Taurus b Scorpio HI Gemini rj Sagittarius / Cancer 25 Capricornus V? Leo si Aquarius ~ Virgo n Pisces X Formerly these signs coincided with the constellations of the same name, but owing to the precession of the equinoxes, to be described hereafter, this has ceased to be the case. Two parallels to the equator one for each hemisphere which touch the ecliptic, are called tropics. That for the northern hemisphere is the tropic of Cancer ; that for the south the tropic of Capricorn. Two other parallels one for each hemisphere as far from the poles as the tropics are from the equator, are the polar circles, the northern one is the arctic, the southern one the antarctic. The right ascension of a heavenly body is the distance intercepted on the equator between an hour circle passing through it and the vernal equinoxial point. The astronomical day begins at noon, the civil day at midnight. Both are divided into twenty-four hours, each hour into sixty minutes, each minute into sixty seconds. By the orbit of a body is meant the path it describes. This, in most cases, is an ellipse. The nodes are those points where the orbit of a planet intersects the ecliptic. The ascending node is that from which the planet rises toward the north, the descending that from which it descends to the south; a line joining the two is the line of the nodes. What are the equinoxial and solstitial points? What are direct and retrograde motions ? How is the ecliptic divided ? What are the tropics and polar circles? What is right ascension? What is the difference between the astronomical and civil day? What is an orbit? What are the ascending and descending nodes ? MOTION OF THE SUN. 321 LECTURE LXIV. TRANSLATION OP THE EARTH ROUND THE SUN, AND ITS PHENOMENA. Apparent Motion and Diameter of the Sun. Elliptical Motion of the Earth. Sidereal Year. Determination of the Sun's Distance. Parallax. Dimensions of the Sun. Center of Gravity of the Two Bodies. Phenomena of the Seasons. IN the last lecture it has been observed that the sun has an apparent motion among the stars in a path called the ecliptic. A line joining that body with the earth, and following his motions, would always be found in the same plane, or, at all events, not deviating from that position by more than a single second. Observation soon assures us that if we carefully ex- amine the rate of the sun's motion in right ascension, it is far from being the same each day. This want of uni- formity might, to some extent, be accounted for by the obliquity of the ecliptic; but even if we examine the motion in the ecliptic itself, the same holds good. The sun moves fastest at the end of the month of December, and most slowly in the end of June. Further, if we measure the apparent diameter of the sun at different periods of the year, we find that it is not always the same. At the time when the motion just spoken of is greatest, that is during the month of December, the diameter is also greatest ; and when in June the motion is slowest, the diameter is smallest. These facts, there- fore, suggest to us at once that the distance between the earth and the sun is not constant ; but in December it is least, and in June greatest, for the difference in size can plainly be attributable to nothing else but difference of distance. The annual motion of the sun in the heavens, like his diurnal motion, is, however, only a deception. It is not Does the sun move with apparently equal velocity each day ? When is his motion fastest and when slowest ? Is the sun always of the same size ? When is he largest and when smallest ? How can we be certain that the earth does not move in a circle round the sun ? 322 MOTION OF THE EARTH. the sun which moves round the earth, but the earth which has a movement of translation round the sun, as well as one upon her own axis. The path which she thus de- scribes is not a circle, for in that case, being always at the same distance, the sun would always be of the same apparent magnitude, and his motion always uniform ; but it is an ellipse, having the sun in one of its foci. Thus, in Fig. 342, let F be the sun, A D B E the elliptic orbit of the earth; it is obvious that as she moves in this path Fig. 342, she will be much nearer the focus F occupied by the sun when she arrives at A than when she is at B. To the former point, therefore, the name of perihelion, and to the latter of aphelion is given ; the line A B joining them is called the line of the apsides. The periodic time occupied in one complete revolution is called the sidereal year. Its length is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, ll seconds. The law which regulates the velocity of motion of the earth round the sun was discovered by Kepler. It has already been explained, in speaking of central forces, in Lecture XXI. It is " the radius vector (that is, the line How do we know it is in an ellipse ? What are the perihelion and aphe- lion points ? What is the line of the apsides ? What is the sidereal year? What is Kepler's law respecting the radius vector ? PARALLAX. 323 Fig. 343. joining the centers of the sun and earth) sweeps over equal areas in equal times." With these general ideas respecting the nature of the orbit described by the earth, we proceed, in the next place, to the determination of the actual size of that orbit: in other words, to ascertain the distance between the earth and the sun. Let C, Fig. 343, be the center of the earth, B the po- sition of an observer upon it, and M the sun ; the observer, B, will see the sun in the direc- tion B M, and refer him in the heavens to the position, . An observer at C, the center of the earth, would see him in the po- sition C M, and refer him to the point m. His apparent place in die sky, will, therefore, be different i the two instances. This difference is called par- allax ; and a little consideration shows that the amount of parallax differs with the place of observation and posi- tion of the body observed, being greatest under the cir- cumstances just supposed, when the body is seen in the horizon, and becoming when the body is in the zenith. This diminution of the parallax is exemplified by sup- posing the sun at M' ; the observer at B refers him to ri, the observer at C to m f , but the angle B M' C is less than the angle B M C. Again, if the sun be at M" that is, in the zenith both observers, at B and C, refer him to m", and the parallax is 0. The horizontal parallax being measured by the angle, B M C is evidently the angle un- der which the semidiameter of the earth appears, as seen in this instance from the sun. Although we cannot have access to the center of the earth, there are many ways by which the parallax may be ascertained, the result of the most exact of which has fixed for the angle BMC the value of about eight sec- onds and a half. Now it is a very simple trigonometrical problem, knowing the value of this angle, and the length What is parallax ? Why does the parallax become in the zenith ? What is the horizontal parallax in reality ? What is the exact value of the parallax ? 324 DISTANCE AND SIZE OF THE SUN. of the line B C in miles, to determine the line C M. When the calculation is made, it gives about 95,000,000 miles. This, therefore, is the mean distance of the earth from the sun. Knowing the apparent diameter of an object, and its distance from us, we can easily determine its actual mag- nitude. Seen from the earth, the sun's apparent diame- ter subtends an angle of 32' 3". The true diameter, there- fore, must be 882,000 miles. But the diameter of the earth is short of 8000 miles. Such, therefore, are the dimensions of the orbit of the earth, and of the bodies concerned in it. We are now in. a position to verify all that has been said in respect of the relations of these bodies ; for, calling to mind what was proved in Lecture XXI, respecting bodies situated as these are, we see that in strictness the one cannot revolve round the other, but both revolve round their common cen- ter of gravity. Recollecting also that the center of grav- ity of two bodies is at a distance inversely proportional to their weights, and that the sun is 354,936 times heavier than the earth, it follows that this point is only 2C7 miles from his center. So, therefore, with scarce an error, the center of the sun may be assumed as the center of the earth's orbit, and with truth she may be spoken of as re- volving around him. Occupying such a central position, this enormous globe is discovered to rotate on an axis inclined 82 40' to the plane of the ecliptic, making one rotation in twenty-five days and ten hours, in a direction from west to east. This is proved by spots which appear from time to time on his surface, and follow his movements. He is the great source of light and heat to us, and determines the order of the seasons. His weight is five hundred times greater than that of all the planets arid satellites of the solar system. though he is not of greater density than water. In Fig. 344 we have a general representation of the appearance of the solar spots. They consist of a dark nucleus, surrounded by a penumbra, and are very varia- What is the distance of the earth from the sun ? What is the actual diameter of the sun ? At what distance is the center of gravity of the two bodies from the sun's center ? How is it known that the sun rotates on his axis ? What is the period of that rotation ? Describe the phenomena of his spots. SPOTS ON THE SUN. 325 ble, both in number and size. Sometimes for a consider- able period scarce any are seen, and tben they occur in great numbers in irregular clusters. Their size varies Fig. 344. from Jj to T o- part of the sun's diameter. They are, therefore, of enormous dimensions, often greatly exceed- ing the surface of the earth. Their duration is also very variable. Some have lasted for ten weeks, but more com- monly they disappear in the course of a month or less. They seem to be the seats of violent action, undergoing great changes of form, not only in appearance, but also in reality. On their first appearance on the sun's eastern edge, they move slowly they move rapidly as they ap- proach the middle of his disc, and move slowly again as they pass to the western edge. This is, however, an op- tical illusion, due to the globular figure of the sun. They rarely appear at a greater distance than from 30 to 50 from the sun's equator, and cross his disc in thirteen days and sixteen hours. Their apparent revolution is, there- fore, twenty-seven days and eight hours ; and, making al- lowance for the simultaneous movement of the earth, this 326 THE SEASONS. gives for the sun's rotation on his axis twenty-five days and ten hours. To explain the occurrence of the seasons spring, sum- mer, autumn, and winter it is to be understood that the earth's axis of rotation, for the reasons explained in Lec- ture XXI, always points to the same direction in space, and, therefore, as the earth is translated round the sun, is always parallel to itself. Let, therefore, S, Fig. 345, be the sun, and E E E, &c. t the positions the earth respectively occupies in the months marked in the figure. Her position is, therefore, in Libra at the vernal equinox, in Aries the autumnal, in Capricorn at the summer, and in Cancer at the winter solstice. lu these different positions, P m represents the axis of the earth always parallel to itself, as has been said. Now, from the globular form of the earth, the sun can only shine on one half at a time. Let, therefore, the shaded portions represent the dark, and the light portions the illuminated halves. Further, in all the different positions, let E G represent the ecliptic, P e the arctic circle, and d m the antarctic. Now, when the earth is in the position marked Aries, both poles, P m, fall just with the illuminated half. It is, therefore, day over half the northern and half the south- ern hemispheres at once. And as the earth turns round on her axis, the day and night must each be of equal length that is to say, twelve hours long all over the globe. Of course, precisely the same holds for the posi- tion at Libra. The former corresponds to September, the latter to March. . But when the earth reaches Capricorn in June, one of her poles, P, will be in the illuminated half, the other, m, in the dark ; and for a space reaching from P to e, and m to d, a certain portion of her surface will also be illumin- ated, or also in shadow. The illuminated space, P e, as the earth makes her daily rotation, will be exposed to the sun all the time ; the dark space, m d, will be all the time in shadow. At this period of the year the sun never sets at the north polar circle, and never rises at the south. And the converse of all this happens when the earth moves round to Cancer, in December. Why does the earth's axis always point in the same direction ? Ex- plain the phenomena of the seasons. 328 THE SOLAR SYSTEM. The temperature of any place depends on the amount of heat it receives from the sun. During the day the earth is continually warming; during the night cooling. When the sun is more than twelve hours above the horizon, and less than twelve below, the temperature rises, and con- versely. When the earth moves from Libra to Capri- corn, in the northern hemisphere, the days grow longer and the nights shorter, and the rise of temperature we call the approach of spring. As she passes from Capricorn to Aries, summer comes on. From Aries to Cancer, the night becomes longer than the day, and it is autumn the reverse taking place from Cancer to Libra. It is also to be remarked, that similar but reverse phenomena are oc- curring for the southern hemisphere. This, therefore, ac- counts for the seasons, and accounts for all their attendant phenomena, that the sun never sets in the polar circles during summer, nor rises during winter. LECTURE LXV. THE SOLAR SYSTEM. The Planetary Bodies. Inferior and Superior Planets. Mercury. Venus, her motions and phases. Transits of Venus over the Sun. Their importance. Mars, his physical appearance. HAVING established the general relations of the earth and sun, and shown how the former revolves round the latter in an elliptic orbit, we proceed, in the next place, to a description of the solar system, It has already been stated that among the stars theie are some which plainly possess proper motions, some- times being found in one part of the heavens and some- times in another. To these, from -their wandering 1 mo- tion, the name of planets has been given. Like the earth, they revolve in elliptic orbits round the sun. Their names, commencing with the nearest to the sun, are Mercury, Juno, Jupiter, Venus, Ceres, Saturn, Earth, Pallas, Uranus, Mars, Astrea, Neptune. Vesta, On what does the temperature of any place depend ? How is this con- nected with the seasons ? Wljat are the planets? Mention their names. MERCURY. 329 There are, therefore, two whose orbits are included in that of the earth, the others are on the outside of it. MERCURY always appears in the close neighborhood of the sun, and hence is ordinarily difficult to be seen. In the evening, after sunset, he may, at the proper time, be discovered, but, soon retracing his path, is lost among the solar rays. After a time he reappears in the morning, and proceeding farther and farther from the sun, with a velocity continually decreasing, he finally becomes station- ary, and then returns, to reappear again in the evening. The distance of this planet from the sun is more than 37,000,000 of miles, his diameter 3200, he turns on his axis in 24h. 5' 3'', and moves in his orbit with a velocity of 111,000 miles in an hour. VENUS, which is the next of the planets, and, like Mer- cury, is inferior that is, has her orbit interior to that of the earth from her magnitude and position, enables us to trace the phenomena of such a planet in a clear and Fig. 346. Under what circumstances may Mercury be seen? What is his dis- tance from the sun, his diameter, and the time of his rotation ? 330 VENUS. perfect manner. She, too, is seen alternately as an even- ing and morning star, being first discovered, as at A, Fig. 346, emerging from the rays of the sun, and moving wilh considerable rapidity from A toward B. Let K be the position of the observer on the earth, which, for the pres- ent, we will suppose to be stationary. To such an ob- server the motion of Venus, as she recedes from the sun, appears to become slower and slower, then to cease. And now the planet, passing from C to E, appears to have a retrograde motion, the velocity of which contin- ually increases, then again lessens as she moves toward G, then ceases; and, lastly, the planet moves toward A with a continually accelerated motion. All this is evidently the effect which must ensue with a body pursuing an interior orbit. The stationary appear- ance arises from the circumstance that at one point, C, she is coming toward the earth, at the opposite, Gr, re- treating from it; while at A and at E she is crossing the field of view. But the planets shine only by the light of the sun. Ve- nus, moving thus in an interior orbit, ought, therefore, to exhibit phases. Thus, in Fig. 347, when she first emerges from the rays of the sun on the opposite side, as respects the earth', a position which is called her superior con- junction, A, she must exhibit to us the whole of her il- luminated disc ; but, as she passes from A to B, a portion of her unilluminated hemisphere is gradually exposed to view. This increases at D ; and at E we see half of tho illuminated and half of the dark hemisphere. She looks, therefore, like a little half moon. As she comes into the position F Gr H we see more and more of her dark side. She becomes a thinner and thinner crescent, and at I is extinguished ; and, passing from this toward L M N O, and from that to A, we gradually recover sight of more and more of her illuminated disc. These phenomena must necessarily hold for a planet moving in an interior orbit, and were predicted before the invention of the telescope. That instrument estab- lished the accuracy of the prediction. The points E and O are the points of greatest elonga- tion, Ais the superior conjunction, and I the inferior. What phenomena does Venus exhibit? How do we account for her direct and retrograde motions ? Why does she exhibit phases ? PHASES OF VENUS. Fif. 347. 331 Common observation shows that this planet differs very much at different times in brilliancy. Two causes affect her in this respect : 1st, the different amount of illumi- nated surface which we perceive ; 2d, the difference of apparent magnitude of the planet as she changes position in her orbit. On her approach toward the earth from E to H the illuminated portion visible lessens ; but then her dimensions increase by reason of her proximity. The What are the points of her greatest elongation and the superior and in- ferior conjunction 1 What causes affect the brilliancy of this planet ? 332 TRANSITS OF VENUS. maximum of brilliancy takes place when she is about 40 from the sun. Moreover, it is obvious that at certain intervals, at the tim^ of the inferior conjunction, both this and the preceding plS.net must appear to cross the face of the sun. To this phenomenon the name of a transit is given. The planet then appears as a round black spot or disc projected on the sun. In the case of Venus, these transits take place at in- tervals of about eight and one hundred and thirteen years. They furnish the most exact means of determining the sun's parallax. Let A B, Fig. 348, be the earth, V Ve- . 348. nus, S the sutn. Let a transit of the planet be observ- ed by two spectators, A J>, at the opposite points of that diameter of the earth, perpendicular to the ecliptic. Then the spectator at A will see Venus projected on the sun's disc at C, and B at D ; but the angle A V B is equal to the angle C V D ; and since the distance of the earth from the sun is to that of Venus from the same body, as about 2| to 1, C D will occupy on the sun's disc a space 2 times that under which the earth's diameter is seen that is to say, five times as much as the horizontal parallax. The sun's parallax, as determined from the transit of 1769, is 8"-6 nearly. The period occupied by this planet in performing her revolution round the sun is 224* days, 16 hours, 42 min- utes, 25.5 seconds. The orbit is inclined to the ecliptic 3 23' 25". She revolves on her axis in 23h 21' 19". Her diameter is about 7800 miles. She is, therefore, very nearly the size of the earth. When is she most brilliant? What is a transit?. At what intervals do these take place in the case of Venus? How are these used to determine parallax ? What is the period of revolution of this planet ? What is her diameter? MARS. 333, MARS is the next planet, the earth intervening between him and Venus, his orbit is, therefore, an exterior one, and in common with the others that follow, he is desig- nated as a superior planet. He is of a reddish color, and sometimes appears gibbous, and both when in conjunction and opposition exhibits a full disc. The diameter differs very greatly according to his position, and with it, of course, his brilliancy varies. The distance from the sun is about 146 millions of miles, he revolves on his axis in 24h 31' 32", the inclination of his orbit to the ecliptic is 1:.F I". As with the earth his polar diameter is shorter than his equatorial. The physical appearance of Mars is somewhat remark- able. His polar regions, when seen through a telescope, have a brilliancy so much greater than the rest of his disc that there can be little doubt that, as with the earth so with this planet, accumulations of ice or snow take place during the winters of those regions. In 1781 the south polar spot was extremely bright ; for a year it had not been exposed to the solar rays. The color of the planet most probably arises from a dense atmosphere which surrounds him, of the existence of which there is other proof depending on the appearance of stars as they ap- proach him ; they grow dim and are sometimes wholly extinguished as their rays pass through that medium. Fig. 349. Fig. 349 represents the telescopic appearance of Mars, according to Herschel ; a is the polar spot. Why is Mars called a superior planet ? Does he exhibit phases ? What is there remarkable respecting his physical appearance ? What reasons are there fur supposing he has a dense atmosphere? 334 THE ASTEROIDS. LECTURE LXVI. THE SOLAR SYSTEM. The Five Asteroids. Jupiter and his Satellites. Saturn, his Rings and Satellites. Uranus. Neptune. The Comets. Returns of Halley's Comet. Comets of Enckc and Biela. OUTSIDE of the orbit of Mars there occur five telescopic planets closely grouped together they are VESTA. JUNO, CERES, PALLAS, and ASTREA. They have all been dis- covered within the present century, the last of them in 1846. From their smallness and distance they are far from being well known. The following table contains the chief facts in relation to them. Period of Revolu- tion. Inclination of Orbit to Ecliptic. Distance in miles. Diameter in miles. Vesta Juno Ceres Pallas Astrea 3 yrs. 66d. 4 h. 4 yrs.!28d. 4 yrs. 4 yrs. 7 m. 11 d. 4 yrs. 2m. 4 d. 7 8' 13 4Y ](P 37' 25" 34 37' 30" 5 2rces, 9. composition of, 73. 380 INDEX. Forcing-pump, 64. Forms of bodies, 1. Fountain in vacuo, 27. Fountains by pressure, 57. Friction, 142. G. Gases, specific gravity of, 52. Gravity, 70. Gravitation, 80. Gravimeter, 54. Gregorian calendar, 376. H. Heat, properties of, 244. Heights, determination of, 25. Hydraulic press, 49. Hydro-dynamics, 45. Hygrometry, 272. Impenetrability, 3. Inclined plane, 137. motion on, 90. Induction, 293. Inequalities, 370. Inertia, 77. Interference, 154. J. Julian calendar, 375. Jupiter, 334. K. Kepler's laws, 355. Latent heat, 260. Latitude, 368. Lenses, 190. Level of liquids, 46. Lever, 127. Leyden jar, 294. Light, properties of, 168. theories of, 205. velocity of, 176. Liquids, properties of, 41. pressures of, 56. Longitude, 368. M. Machines, electrical, 290. Magdeburg hemispheres, 22. Magic lantern, 236. Magnetism, 278. terrestrial, 283. Magneto-electricity, 309. Marriotte's law, 31. Mars, 333. Mechanical powers, 126. Mercurial pendulum, 120. Mercury, 329. Microscope, 233. Mirage, 226. Momentum, 78. Monochord, 162. Moon, 340. Montgolfier's balloon, 37. Motion, 69. Motion round a center, 94. Multiplier, 305. Multiplying-glass, 189. N. Nebulae, 351. Neptune, 337. Newton's laws, 80. rings, 208. O. Occultation, 345. Oersted's machine, 44. Overshot-wheel, 62. P. Parachute, 33. Paradox, hydrostatic, 48. Parallax, 323. Passive forces, 141. Pendulum, 116. Percussion, 121. Perturbations, 369. Photometry, 172. Planetary motions, 97. Plumb-line, 84. Pneumatic trough, 23. Point of application, 70. Polarization, 210. Precession of equinox, 372. Pressure of air, 21. hydrostatic, 47. of liquids, 56. Prism, 188. Projectiles, 92. Psychrometer, 277. Pulley, 131. Pump, 63. R. Radiant heat, 249. Radius vector, 98. Rainbow, 221. INDEX. 381 Refraction, 184. Refraction, double, 21 5. of heat, 252. atmospheric, 223. Reflexion, 178. Resistance of air, 32. of media, 143. Resolution of forces, 75. Rest, 69. Rigidity of cordage, 145. S. Sap, rise of, 106. Saturn, 335. , Saussure's hygrometer, 275. Screw, 139. Sea', 41. Seasons, 326. Shadows, 171. Solar micrdscope, 237. system, 337. Soniferous media, 159. Sound, 157. conducted, 34, 158. Specific gravity, 50. Specific heat, 260. Spectacles, 230. Spherometer, 5. . Spouting of liquids, 61. Stability of bodies, 113. Stars, fixed, 346. Steam engine, 267. Stream-measurer, 62. Strength, 108. Sun, 324. Syphon, 66. Syringe, 18. T. Telegraph, magnetic, 312. Telescope, 238. Thermo-electricity, 313. Thermometer, 245. Thousand-grain bottle, 51. Tides, 358. Time, 373. Torsion balance, 109. Transits, 332. Trumpet, hearing, 167. speaking, 166. Twilight, 225. Unchangeability, 4. Undershot-wheel, 62. Undulations, 14T. Undulatory theory, 205. Uranus, 336. V. Vapors, 265. Venus, 329. Vera's pump, 65. Vibrations, 148. Virtual velocities, 127. Voltaic battery, 298. W. Water, compressibility of, 44. Wedge, 138. Weight of air, 19. Wheel and axle, 134. Windlass, 135. Z. Zaniboni's piles, 296. THE END. Valuable Nero ADAPTED FOR USE IN' COLLEGES AND DISTRICT SCHOOLS, RECENTLY PUBLISHED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW YORK. HftJtrcii antr Scott's flcto freeft ami English Setfcou. 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With an Introduction, by the Rev. Dr. POTTER. 18mo, Muslin. 45 cents. This manual is decidedly the best which has yet appeared upon the subject, and is, as it were, an excellent emblem of the oratory on which it chiefly dwells : admirable in its arrangement, full of good sense in much of its detail, with a felicitous and ju- dicious application of the principles of Cicero and Quintilian to his subject. Qvar terly Review. f^acfclcg's Creates? on Containing the latest Improvements. 8vo, Sheep. $1 50. I regard it as a very valuable accession to mathematical science. I find it remark- ably full and complete. E. S. S.NELL, Professor of Mathematics, Amherst College, Massachusetts. I deem it a work of great value to the mathematical student, and better suited to the wants of private learners, and all others who wish to obtain a thorough know] edge of the science, than any other work with which 1 am acquainted. ELIJAH A. SMITH, Corresponding Secretary of Queen's County Common School Association. I have examined your work, and am highly pleased with it. Yonr management of the roots is admirable, as also of many other topics which: I might mentioa. N. T CLARKE, Canandaigua, New York. ... 12 WORKS FOR COLLEGES AND DISTRICT SCHOOLS. SLoomte'g ^Treatise on 8vo, Sheep. $1 25. Prof. Loomis's Treatise on Alg-ebra is an excellent elementary woric. It is sufli ciently extensive for ordinary purposes, and is characterized throughout by a happy combination of brevity and clearness. ALEXIS CASWELL, D.D., Professor of Math- ematics and Natural Philosophy in Brown University, I have carefully examined Prof. Loomis's Algebra, and think it better adapted for a text-book for college students than any other I have seen. C. GILL, Professor of Mathematics in St. Paul's College. for ^Popular gftse ; Containing a Description of the Geological Formations and Mineral Resources of the United States. Engravings. 18mo, half Sheep. 50 cents. This work has received the approbation of the ablest geologists in the country, and is now the standard text-book on this subject in many of the first academies and high schools in the United States. It was prepared expressly for the use of schools, but is no less adapted to the wants of the general reader. Beginning with the simplest elements of the science, it proceeds to give a clear and systematic account of tho changes which have taken place upon the earth's surface, and the causes by which they have been brought about. It is, moreover, the only work which gives within a reasonable compass a full account of the geological structure and mineral resources of the United States. It is no less comprehensive in its scope than accurate in detail : ehe scientific reputation of the author is sufficient guarantee for the general excellence und superiority of the work. Uurfee's ISssag on the Sublime antr Beautiful. A. Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. With an Introductory Discourse concerning Taste. Edited by ABRAHAM MILLS. 12tno, Muslin. 75 cents. As a writer, whether we consider the splendor of his diction, the richness and va- riety of his imagery, or the boundless store of knowledge which he displays, it mus e acknowledged that there are few who equal, and none who transcend him. WORKS FOR COLLEGES AND DISTRICT SCHOOLS. 13 Elements of gftrmtstrg; Including the most recent Discoveries, and Applications of the Sci- ence to Medicine and Pharmacy, and to the Arts. Edited by JOHN W. DRAPER, M,D. With about 250 Engravings on Wood. 8vo, Muslin. 82 00. "This text-book is undoubtedly the best, because the most comprehensive in the English language ; the additional Notes of Professor Draper have been deemed ex- ceedingly valuable. The prodigious sale of this work in this country as well as in England, sufficiently attests its high merit. The leading idea -of the author has been to present the student an account of ihe general principles and facts of Chemistry, and of its applications to Pharmacy, Medicine, and the Useful Arts. For its laborious research, accurate analysis, and profound learning, this work stands unrivaled among productions of its class." 23pttome of the i8torg of Being the Work adopted by the University of France for Instruction in the Colleges and High Schools. Translated from the French, with Additions, and a Continuation of the History. 2 vols. 18mo, Muslin. 90 cents. We have had hitherto no work in our vernacular embracing a comprehensive and, at the same time, elementary and didactic view of the history of philosophical opin- ions ; the present work seemed to the translator to be, on the whole, the best that could be adopted to supply that want. Besides an Appendix bringing down the sub- ject to the present time, the editor has added some notes and illustrations as elucida- tory of the text. $ojmlar Or, Professions and Trades. Illustrated by 81 Engravings 18mo, half Bound. 75 cents. The above work embraces /i class of subjects in which every individual is deeply interested, and with which, as a mere philosophical inspector of the affairs of men, he should become acquainted. They challenge attention in this country especially, a great proportion of the community being engaged in some branch of the professional or mechanical departments of business as a means of subsistence or distinction. It is a work eminently suited for the perusal of youth.