$rtss Stales GREEK VERBS VEITCH HENRY FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE AMEN CORNER, E.G. GREEK VERBS IRREGULAR AND DEFECTIVE THEIR l~ FORMS MEANING AND QUANTITY Embracing all the Tenses used by the Greek Writers, with References to the Passages in which they are found BY WILLIAM VEITCH, LL.D. EDIN. NEW EDITION Oxford AT THE CLARENDON PRESS M DCCC LXXXVII [ A II rights reserved] PREFACE. THIS book, on the Irregular and Defective Greek Verbs, is the result of much toilsome labour and anxious thought l the course of extensive and rather accurate reading of the Greek Authors, I had been accustomed to mark whatever occurred to me as rare or peculiar in form, quantity, and meaning. This often enabled me to supply authority in cases where none had been previously given, and often to supply even tenses which had been denied to exist. The chief peculiarities which distinguish this book from others on the same subject are the following : First, the history of the verb is more fully developed by being traced to a later period of the language, and the prose usage given commensurately with the poetic. I never could see the propriety of accepting parts and forms peculiar to the Anthology, but reject- ing those which occur first in Aristotle, Polybius, Arrian, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Lucian, etc. This fuller development will be of no slight advantage to the advanced scholar ; and I have taken care to prevent its proving injurious to the less advanced whose at- tention should be confined chiefly to what is strictly classical by marking as late those parts and forms which are not found in the purer writers. Second, I have enlarged considerably the list of verbs, and given authority for every part for which authority could be found, for the present as well as for the derivative tenses. Third and what I hold of capital importance I have always given the parts in the simple form when I could find them, and in no instance have I given a compound without warning, or exhibiting its composition. The giving as simple forms those which the Greeks uniformly employed as compound, is a fault that deeply vitiates every book on the subject, and a fault of perhaps graver import than may on first thoughts be very obvious. It is easy to say that the compound infers the simple. But to what extent, and 2037879 vi PREFACE. in what sense is this true r Legitimate analogical formation is one thing, usage is another. The Romans of the classic period said linquo, liqui, linquere, but re-lictus ; tollo, tollere, but sustuli, sublatum ; elicio, not lacio ; inspicio, not specio, etc., etc. r and we say deceive, perceive, receive, but never ceive; preserve,, observe, reserve, never : in this sense, the simple serve. This might be followed out to great length, but it is enough for my purpose merely to indicate the line of investigation, and to suggest an analogous case in other languages, especially in our own in which we can feel more strongly and finely. From the frequent absence of simples in whole or in part, and from the analogy of other languages, is it not a natural and legitimate inference that the Greeks would have felt it as strange to hear certain of their compound verbs used in the simple form as we should do to hear some of ours? No doubt changes introduced by time, accident, use and wont, the absence of such combinations of circumstances as require the simple, the fact that compounds lose their more prominent distinctiveness and thus serve the purpose of simples, degradation from written or confinement to spoken speech, usurpa- tion by other verbs identical or akin in meaning, loss of records, and other causes may go far towards accounting for certain curious phenomena in language ; but let us have correct data from which to reason : let us have what the Greeks wrote. The investigation is an interesting one, and I should be glad if it were taken up by some person who has sufficient leisure, a mind of sufficient compass, and duly exercised by use to discern the things that differ. I have uniformly used the best editions of the Greek Authors, and have thus been enabled to exhibit the Irregular and Defective Verbs somewhat more in accordance with the now approved Texts than has hitherto been done. Some books of considerable merit have been greatly marred by the use of uncritical editions. In cases of disputed readings, instead of arbitrating myself, I have given what in a book like this ought always to be given the MSS. and Editors that support each reading ; and have thus furnished the scholar with the proper data, the external grounds at least, for guiding his decision. All my references are the result of my own reading ; I have not borrowed them from others, except in a few very late Authors, Philo for instance, Apollinaris, etc., and these I owe to Lobeck. To Buttmann and Matthiae I am much in- debted. Buttmann on Epic diction has no equal; and Matthiae's list of Irregular Verbs in the third German edition of his Greek PREFACE. vii Grammar (untranslated) is one of the best I have seen. I have also derived advantage from the Paris edition of Stephens' Thesaurus, and several useful hints from the works of Poppo, Kriiger, and AhrenSc Extreme care has been taken to secure accuracy in every respect, so essentially important in a. svork like this. But amid so many disturbing biases, so many risks of going wrong, it will be marvellous indeed if I have in all cases gone right. My eye may have slipped over errors, my judgment over graver faults. In this second edition, I have corrected error and supplied defect by reading again the newest recensions of the classical, and ex- tending my reading of the later writers. I have also tried so to arrange the vouchers as to shew the usage general or confined to a class of each part of the verb, as well as the defects and dialectic peculiarities. The book has thus been brought nearer to its aim of being a trustworthy guide to the pupil and the teacher, and of some use perhaps also to the textualist and the advanced amateur scholar. I feel grateful to the Delegates of the Clarendon Press for their scholarly generosity in bringing out this book, so little fitted however good and useful its aim to engage the favour of the Trade 1865. The third edition is a severe revision of the second, with such additions and alterations as seemed to be necessary or useful. I gratefully acknowledge some important corrections and sugges- tions kindly communicated by the Dean of Christ Church. 1871. In this fourth edition, besides a general revision, the references have been largely increased, Dialectic peculiarities more carefully noted, and a few verbs added noteworthy chiefly for considerable defect. I gladly accord due thanks to Dr. G. Curtius, Leipsic, and Dr. Pokel, Prenzlau, for kindly drawing my attention to some un- seemly errors. 1879. W. V. PRINCIPAL EDITIONS TO WHICH REFERENCES ARE MADE. Homer: Bekker, Spitzner, Dindorf, La Roche. Hymns, Batr. : Francke, Bau- meister, Draheim. Hesiod : Goettling, Lennep, Schoem. Flach. Pindar : Boeckh, Schneidew. Bergk, Mommsen, Christ. Elegiac, Iamb. Lyr.* and Dithyramb. Poets : Bergk, Schneidew. Ahrens. Poetae Scenici (Aesch. Soph. Eur. Aristoph.): Pors. Elms. Herm. Blomf. Linw. Dind. Franz; references uni- formly to Dind. (5 ed.) Comic Fragments (Com. or C. Fr.) : Meineke. Orphica : Hermann. Anthology ( Anthol. or Anth.) : Jacobs, Tauchnitz, Meineke. Theocritus : Meineke, Ziegler, Paley, Fritzsche. Aratus : Bekker. Manetho : Axt and Rigler, Koechly. Lycophron : Bachm. Callimachus : Ernest. Blomf. Meineke. Ap. Rhodius : Wellauer, Merkel. Nicander : Gottl. and Otto Schneider. Babrius : Lachm. Lewis. Dionys. Perieg. : Passow. Oppian : Schneider. Quint. Sm. : Tauchnitz, Koechly. Nonnus: Graefe, Koechly. Herodotus : Bekker, Gaisf. Dind. &c. Hippocrates: Kiihn, Littre, Erm. Thucydides : Bekker, Poppo, Kru'g. Xenophon : L. Dind. Poppo, Bornem. Kriig. Sauppe, &c. Attic Oral. : Bekk. Baiter and Sauppe, Maetzn. Dind. Scheibe, Francke. Plato : Bekk. Bait. Orell. Winckel. \Aristotle: Bekker. Theophrastus : Schneider, Wimmer. Polybius : Bekker, L. Dind. Hultsch. Diodor. Siculus : Tauchnitz, Bekker, L. Dind. Dion. Halicarnas. : Reiske, Tauchnitz, Kiessling. Plutarch Vit. : Bekk. Sintenis. Moral.: Wyttenb. Diibner. Arrian : Ellendt, Kriiger. Lucian : Bekk, Jacobitz, Dindorf, Fritzsche. Pausanias : Siebel, Dind. Schubart. Appian : Bekker, Mendelssohn. Dio Cassius : Tauchnitz, Bekker,L. Dind. Strabo : Kramer. Alciphron : Wagner, Meineke. Athenaeus : Dind. Tauchnitz. Diog. Laertius: Tauchnitz. Aelian: Schneider, Hercher. Stobaeus : Tauchnitz, Gaisf. Meineke. Chariton : D'Orville, Hercher. Longus : Seiler, Hercher. Epistologr. Graeci : Hercher. Pseudo-Callisth. : Miiller, MeuseL &c. &c. * Anacr. the genuine, Anacreont. the spurious Fr, of Anacreon. GREEK VERBS IRREGULAR AND DEFECTIVE. ('Adw) Epic, To injure mentally infatuate, 1 aor. (aaera), "aa II. 8, 237,"aao-e Matron, Athen. 4, 135, "dda-' Od. 21, 296, -o-e 2 97> Q- Sm. 13, 429, COntr. acre Od. II, 6l, "ddaav, IO, 68; now Soph. Fr. 554; ao-at Aesch. Fr. 428: 1 aor pass, ada-d^v II. 19, 136; H. Hym. 4, 253; Ap. Rh. 4, 412, adtrdrjs Hym. Cer. 258, ado-0>7 II. 19, 113 ; subj. uao-% Hes. Op. 283 (Schaef. Goettl. Dind.) ; aao-Qtts Od. 21, 301; ado-dt) Hym. Cer. 246; Ap. Rh. 4, 1080. Mid. adrat (ddercu) as act. II. 19, 129 : aor. aao-d/xjji' intrans. I erred, II. 9, 119. 19, 137 (dao-d/xeo-tfa Q. Sm. 5, 422. 9, 509), aao-aro II. 9, 537, aao-- II, 340, but trans, "dcraro misled, duped (?) II. 19, 95 (Vulg. Wolf, Heyne); and if correct aaa-avro tore, Fr. Incert. 39, 3 (Bergk), see below. Vb. *aaro? (-TOS Buttm.) hurtful, Ap. Rh. i, 459, with d priv. d-daros Od. 22, 5, a-aa- II. 14, 271, inviolable, av-dros Aesch. Ag. 121 1 ; Soph. O. C. 786. At II. 19, 95 quoted, Bekker, Spitzner, and Dindorf, instead of Zijv ua-aro the common reading, adopt Zevs aa-aro with Aristarchus. By this change the aor. mid. would lose its only instance of active force in classic Greek, unless Bergk's suggestion dao-avro Fr. Inc. 39, 3, be correct for 8d signifying physical harm. It certainly is not established by the quotation from Hesychius, dda-avTo, e/3Xa\^av, for, as far as documentary evidence goes, Hesych. may be merely defining his own notions of Epic usage; and even if he have a wider reference to authors not now extant it is still not decisive, for the equivalent 6/3Xa^av has notoriously a double aspect, tfrptvas /SXaTn-etv II. 15, 724, as well as yovvara 7, 271. ; 'A/3a/ce&> ' To & speechless, know not (/3dfa>), Epic, and only aor. dftdKrjvav Od. 4, 249. The collateral mid. form djSaKifo/xoi is used in participle only, -opevuv Anacr. 74 (Bergk.) (5/3a-). 'AfJoXew To meet, Orph. Arg. 472 if sound: fut. a/JoX^o-o) Ap. Rh. 3, 1145; Hesych. : in use chiefly aor. d^dX^o-a Callim. Fr. 455; Ap. Rh. 2, 770. ^ 'A|3poTd(i> (d(fi)ppoTeii', dfiapTdvu) 70 miss, Epic, and only 1 aor. subj. d/3pordo/iei/ for -w/iec, II. IO, 65. 'A/Jpuvu (u) To make fine, adorn (d/3pdy), only pres. Aesch. Ag. 919; late prose, Philostr. V. Soph. 2, 3: and aor. opt. afipvvais Anth. (Leon. Tar.) 6, 281. Mid. d^pvvofiai to pride oneself, &c. Attic poet. Aesch. Ag. 1205; Soph. O. C. 1339; Eur. I. A. 858; Himer. Or. 5, 8. 13, n : imp. i]$pvv6p.r}v Attic prose, Xen. Ages. 9, 2 ; PI. Apol. 20. 'Ayd^u To be greatly moved, feel displeasure, adore, &c. Poet, and in act. only 2 sing, dydfeis Soph. Fr. 797 ; and inf. dyd&iv Aesch. Supp. 1063. Mid. as act. dya&vrai (Hesych.); d Pind. N. 1 1, 6 : imp. Tjyd&ro late, Orph. Arg. 64 : fut. dyd and aor. rjyavd^v &c. are perhaps better referred to aya/tat. 'Ayatojiai To be indignant, Epic, Ion. and only pres. - Archil. 25 (Bergk), -erat Hes. Op. 333; -d/ieros Od. 20, 16; Ap. Rh. i, 899; Her. 8, 69; late, to admire, Opp. Hal. 4, 138. (d.) 'AyaXXidu 70 rejoice, unclassic, and act. rare, N. T. Rev. 19, 7 (Mss. A. C. Lach. Tisch.): imp. qyaXXt'ow Nicet. Eugen. 9, 285: aor. fjyaXXiaa-a only Luc. i, 47. Usu. mid. dyaXXido/u (classic oydXXo/xat) V. T. Jer. 49 (30), 4: fut. -tdtro^ai Esai. 35, 2 ; Herm. Past. 5, i : aor. ^yoXXiaerd^j/ Ps. 15, 9; N. T. Joh. 8, 56; Orig. Ref. Haer. p. 243 (Miller) : and in same sense aor. pass. ^yaX- \ida-6r)v Ps. 47, 12. 69, 5; -ao-^i/at N. T. Joh. 5, 35 (Vat. Griesb.), -adr/vat (Sinait. Lach. Tisch.) For dyaXXiw/ie> Rev. 19, 7, some Mss. and edit, have mid. -loyietfa, and for ^yaXXiW* Luc. i, 47, Bretschneider would read mid. -do-aro on the ground that the TO of the verb had been lost owing to the article TO immediately following. The best Mss. however present, and the best editors retain, the aor. act. 'AyaXXw To adorn, Pind. N. 5, 43 ; Eur. H. F. 379 ; PI. Leg. 931 ; -XXj; ibid.; -XXcov Pind. Ol. i, 86 : imp. f}ya\\ov D. Cass. 47 *8. 57, 10. Fr. 57, 40 (Bekk.): fut. dyaXw Ar. Pax 399; Com. Fr. (Theop.) 2, 810: 1 aor. ^Xa D. Cass. 44, 48. 59, 3; subj. dyiyXw Com. Fr. (Herm.) 2, 383; opt. dyr/Xai Aristid. 10, 68 (D.), -tuv D. Cass. 66, 2; inf. dyf/Xat Eur. Med. 1027: (p. p. ^yaX/^at?): aor. pass, late dyu\6^vai D. Cass. 51, 20. Mid. dydXXo/icu am proud, II. 18, 132; Archil. 6 (Bergk); Eur. Bac. 1197; Ar. Pax 1298; Her. 4, 64; Thuc. 3, 82; PL Theaet. 176 ; imper. -\eo Archil. 66, 4: imp. qyaXXo'/^i/ Eur. Tr. 452 ; Her. i, 143. 9, 109 (Bekk.); Thuc. 2, 44; Xen. Ages. 5, 3, dyaXX- Or. Sib. 8, 476. We have never met perf. pass, except as a suggestion of D'Orville's, (g-r)ya\pevos for the Mss. reading rjyai(ifvos Charit. p. 263, now read ^yXa'icr^eVos Anth. App. Epigr. 204. (a.) At Her. i, 143, Mss. and editors agree in the augmented form ^yaXX-, at 9, 109 they differ, dyaXX- (Mss. Wessl. Schweigh. Gaisf. Stein), 7?yaXX- (Mss. Bekk. Dind. Krilg. Lhard. Bred.) The agreement of the Mss. in the first passage, and the general practice of Her. in by far the most of analogous verbs, favour the augmented form. "Ayajiai To admire (pres. and imp. like to-rajuai), Od. 6, 168. 23, 175; Eur. I. A. 28; Ar. Ach. 488; Her. 4, 46. 9, 79; Isocr. 5, 148; PI. Menex. 249: imp. ^yd/^ Xen. Conv. 8, 8; PI. Rep. 367 : fat. Epic, and rare, dyao-o/xai (o-o-) Od. 4, 181 ; Opp. Hal. 2, 1 68: aor. mid. mostly Epic in classic Greek fj-yda-- a-aro II. 3, l8l, f)yd(ra- Callim. Apoll. 16; Anth. PI. 4, 38; Opp. Hal. 2, 629, dydcrcr- II. 3, 224; Q. Sm. I, 353, dyd 7^7- ayacurQc, but rjyiacrde even in thesis, when a long precedes. At Od. 16, 203, dydaadai seems rather to mean marvel at ; with seemingly a shade of suspicion or awe in dya>ntvos Hes. Th. 619. Stein and Abicht read with some Mss. the Ionic form dyto^voi Her. 8, 69, for dyaiop-. 'Aycnrd^w To shew regard, welcome, Poet. Od. 1 6, 17; Opp. Hal. i, 385, 3 pi. Dor. -dfrvn Find. I. 5, 54 ; imper. -a(f Musae. 147 ; Epic inf. -agp. II. 24, 464; -dfav Eur. Ph. 1327 (trimet.) : imp. ayanafrv Ap. Rh. 4, 1291, d^- Od. 14, 381 : 1 aor. in Dor. prose dycnrdgat Callicr. Stob. 85, 18. Mid. dyairdon is regular and pretty complete in act. and pass, but we think without mid. A Dor. inf. dyairrfv occurs in Stob. Flor. 85, 17; and an Aeol. imp. fjydnfw Theocr. Epigr. 19. 'Ayye'XXu To announce, Soph. O. C. 1511; Ar. Lys. 1235; Her. 3, 140; Thuc. 7, 43, 3 pi. Dor. dyyeXXovn, fir- Pind. P. 4, 31; imper. ayyeXXf Aesch.. Ch. 658; Ar. Vesp. 409; PI. Leg. 913, 3 pi. dyyeXXo'i/Tcoj/ Attic so called, II. 8, 517, fit- PI. Leg. 784; dyyeXXw? Od. 14, 123; Aesch. Ag. 30; Thuc. 7, 8, Dor. fern. dyye'XXoto-a, 8t- Pind. N. 5, 3 : imp. fjyy(\\ov Thuc. 7, 17 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 15, iter. dyye\\fo-Kf, OTT- II. 17, 409: fat. dyyfXw Aesch. Pr. 943 ; Soph. O. C. 1429 ; Eur. Ale. 209 ; Ar. Thesm. 654; Thuc. 2, 85, dn- Pind. P. 6, 18, Ion. dyyt\fa> II. 9, 617; Her. i, 43. 4, 14, Dor. dyyfXtw, dv- Inscr. Heracl. i, 70 : 1 aor. ^yyetXo Od. 23, 22; Soph. O. R. 604; Her. 8, 80; Antiph. 2, y, 2; PI. Phaed. 58, Dor. ayyrjXa Inscr. Cret. 2556, 43 (Ahrens, dyyeX- 2 aor. Boeckh): p. tfyytXica. Polyb. 35, 4, KOT- LyS. 25, 30, fla- Lycurg. I, -n-fpi- Dem. 21, 4: pip. fjyye\Kfi, dn- Dem. 19, 23: p.p. fjyyfXpai rare in Poet. Aesch. Ch. 774; Thuc. 8, 97; PI. Charm. 153, e- Eur. Med. 1007: pip. TjyyeXfjLTjv, 3 pi. -t\fitvoi rjaav Xen. Hell. 6, 4, 1 6, Ion. 3 sing. yyeXro if sound Her. 7, 37, see 2 aor. : 1 aor. fiyyf\6r)v Eur. Hec. 591; Her. 6, 69; Thuc. 8, i ; Andoc. 2, 20; Xen. Hell. i, 5, 16; Isae. 9, 3; Dem. 3, 5, cm- Eur. Hec. 672; Antiph. i, ii ; Dem. 18, 284, e|ayy- Her. i, 21 (Gaisf. Dind. Stein), see below : fut. p. dyyfX^o-o/iai, an- Dem. 19, 324 : 2 aor. T)yye\r)v if correct, Eur. I. T. 932, the only instance in classic Greek (Mss. Matth. Passow, -e'X Kiessl.); Polyaen. 4, i, 21, nor- Plut. Sert. 24; Herodn. 5, 2 (Bekk:), Trap- App. Civ. i, 121 (Bekk.), unaugm. dyyeXf'^ Anth. (Agath. Schol.) 7, 614, doubtful in classic Greek, air-r^yytkov Her. 4, 153 (Mss. S. V. Gaisf. Schweigh. -eXXoi/ Steph. Bekk. Dind. Kriig. Bred. Lhard. Stein), -e\ov 7, 142 (Mss. Schweigh. Bekk. Kriig. -eXXo* Ms. S. Aid. Gaisf. Dind. Bred. Stein), t-r)yye\f Lycurg. 85 (Vulg. Bekk. -qyyeXXe Mss. A. B., Bait. Saupp. Scheibe), eiV- Dem. 20, 79 (Wolf, Schaef. -XXoj/ Bekk. B. S. Dind. Voem.), see obs. Mid. dyye'XXo/xai Poet, in simple, and only pres. Soph. Aj. 1376, e- Her. 6, 10, lir- Thuc. 6, 88; PI. Prot. 319: imp. rjyyf\\6^v, eV- Soph. El. 1018; Her. 5, 98. 7, i; PI. Lach. 186: fut. (dyyeXou/wu) : aor. f)yyfi\dfj.r]v, en- Her. 6, 35 ; PI. Gorg. 458 : 2 aor. very doubtful (dyye'Xero), ayyeXro if sound Her. 7, 37, is pass, and perhaps meant for pip. (Mss. S. V. Schaef. Gaisf. ^yyeXXf Bekk. Dind. Kriig. Bred.), err-ayy/X- 3, 142 (Vulg. eV-ayyeXX- Ms. P. Gaisf. Stein, eV-qyye'XX- Mss. V. S. Bekk. Kriig. Dind. &c.); eir-ayyeXoivro Xen. An. 5, 6, 26 (Mss. -eXXoiiro Mss. Kriig. -eiXavro Popp.), -e'Xoj/ro D. Sic. ii, 3 (Tauchn. -(\\ovro Bekk. Dind.); -eXo'/ievoi ii, 4. Fr- 30, 5 (Tauchn. -eX/xe'vot, -eXXo'/^ei/ot Bekk. Dind.) &c. &c. so doubtful are both 2 aorists rjyyeKov, ^yyeXoyujj/, see v. r. Soph. O. R. 955; Thuc. 8, 86 &c.; Xen. An. i, 4, 12. 3, 4, 14. 5, 6, 26 (Popp. Kiihn.) Vb. xaK-ayyt-Xros Soph. Ant. 1286, O.TT- ayyt\Ttov Aristot. Rhet. Alex. 31, 3. This verb in the Mss. of Her. is usu. with, often without augment. Gaisf. and Stein follow the Mss. dyy(\- 7, 37, tg-ayy- I, 21. 5, 105. 1 1 8, err-ayy- 3, 135. 142 &c. fay- 6 > 6 9- 8 8 > ar-nyy- 7 I - 39 & c - but Bekk. Kriig. Bred, always rjyy-, and perhaps Dind. except once fg-ayy- i, 21, seemingly by oversight. In the later critical recensions, editors in accordance with the best Mss. have discarded almost entirely the 2 aor. act. mid. and pass, for 1 aor. and often imp. which, if the Mss. represent the usage, seems to have been sometimes used with apparently the force of an aorist. In Xen., Plato, and the Attic Poets, we think there is not left a trace of 2 aor. except perhaps Eur. Hel. 448, ayytXt'tv, which, if correct, seems left to the sad choice of being either 2 aor., or future with &v. Gaisf. in his last ed. of Her. (1839) retains 2 aor. act. we think in one place only, drniyytXav 4, 153, Bekker and Kriig. at 7, 142, Dind. Bred. Lhardy imp. dTnjyyeAXoi' in both passages. In the orators, Bekker has left perhaps only one instance e^yyeXe Lycurg. 85, to which however, in the critical notes, he prefers e'^yyeiXf, Bait. Saupp. Scheibe ei?yyeXXe (Mss. A. B.) : 2 aor. mid. Gaisf. once and unaugm. ayyeXro (if not pip.) Her. 7, 37, but imp. qyyeXXfro (Bekk. Dind.), and Poppo, though retaining eVayye'XojiTo Xen. An. 5, 6, 26, has nevertheless stigmatized it, and suggested eV^yyetXairo from v. r. inna-xfovvTo (Dind.) : on the same grounds Kriiger suggests imp. eTnjyyeX- XOITO, but gives in the text opt. -yeXXoivro. Some foreigners, probably from want of Gaisford's last ed. of Her., have mis- represented the readings of that cautious, sound, and candid scholar. 'Ayeipw To collect, Aesch. Ch. 638 ; Dem. 8, 26, w Ar. PI. 584; subj. dyeipijs Alcm. 33 (Dind.); opt. dye/pot Od. 17, 362; Xen. Hier. 9, 9 ; imper. 3 pi. dypoVnav Attic so called, II. 2, 438 ; dye/pwi/ II. ii, 770; Her. 4, 35; Thuc. 2, 17; inf. dyeipfiv Her. 4, 35, Dor. dyfipev Theocr. 14, 40 (Mein. Words, -peiv Ahr. &c.): imp. rjyeipov Her. I, 6l, ayp- Ap. Rh. 2, 1 86: flit, (dyepw?): aor. rjyapa II. 17, 222, ayp- Od. 14, 285; Hes. Op. 652; ayei'paxrt Thuc. 6, 71; dyei'pat? Ap. Rh. I, 893; inf.' dyeipat Thuc. i, 9 ; dyet'par II. 9, 338 ; Soph. El. 695 ; Eur. Hec. 615 ; Thuc. 4, 105 ; PI. Rep. 369, Dor. -eipats Find. P. 9, 54 : p. late ovv-ayfjyepKas Theodr. Prodr. 4, 467 (Herch.) ; -K&S Hesych.r p.p. dyrjyepnevos App. Civ. 2, 134, trvv- Phot. Hesych. : pip. dy^yepTO App. Mithr. 108, Epic 3 pi. dyj;y/paro II. 4, 211 ; and late prose App. Hisp. 40: aor. riyipOijv II. i, 57, dye'p^ 22, 475, Epic 3 pLjytpdfv II. i, 57. Od. 8, 24, Sy f p&i, Ap. Rh. 3, 356 : fut. dytpdrjo-trat (Hesych.). Mid. dydpopai gather for oneself y Od. 13, 14; TTfpt-ayetpd/iei/oi PI. Rep. 621: imp. etr-ayeipero II. 15, 240. 21, 417 (Bekk.): fut. dytpovvrai reflex or pass. Orac. Sib. i, 346 : 1 aor. ^yftpd/irjj/, dyeipa(j.{vos Ap. Rh. 4, 1335; Q. Sm. 2, 559, ^w-aydparo Od. 14, 323; late prose Ael. V. H. 4, 14 : 2 aor. dy/poi/ro Epic, and reflex collected themselves, assembled, II. 18, 245. Od. 20, 277; dyipeadai Od. 2, 385 (Buttm. Bekk. -fpevBai Dind. Ameis) ; part. sync, dypoptvos I. 20, 1 66. Od. 20, 123. Late pres. dyf'pop.at = dyfip- Ap. R a- 3> 895; Opp. Hal. 3, 378, d/x. At II. 5, 510, old editions have Qvpw dyelpai, which late editors have properly changed to (yelpai ; and ftdx r i v tfy fl p a s 13, 77^> TroXe/xoj/ fjyeipav PI. Leg. 685, should also be referred to eyelpco. The mid. and passive in the simple form seem to be exclusively Epic in the classic period. The 2 aor. mid. is always intrans., the 1 aor. always trans, simple and comp. ; fo-ayelpaTo Aads Od. 14, 248 (Vulg. Dind.) has been rightly altered to imp. ea-ayeipero by Bekker, and adopted by Faesi, Baeumlein, La Roche. Her. always augments this verb, tfyfip- I, 6l. 62, (rvv-Tjyeip- 4, 4. 163. 'Ayj^Xarew, dy- To drive out as polluted (ayos-eXavva>), in the classic period, only pres. dyijAen-eet Her. 5, 72 : and fut. dyrj\aTT](Tfii> Soph. O. R. 402. (a.) c Ayiw To consecrate (ayios), Poet, and late prose, -tf Dio. H. r > 57> -ifrvvi 4, 2 ; -ifsw Soph. O. C. 1495: imp. rjytCov conveyed stealthily, filched, Ar. Plut. 68 1 : aor. pass, ayia-deis Pind. Ol. 3>/9- () 'AyZWu To bring, Epic and Ion. Od. 14, 105. 22, 198 ; Her. 3, 97, 3 pi. Ion. -eva-i Callim. Apoll. 82; aylvelv Hes. Op. 676; Crates i, 8 (Bergk), Ion. dyivtew, air- Her. 3, 89, . 'AyKaAio|iai To embrace, Simonid. 7, 77 (Bergk); Plut. Mor. 638: (fut.): aor. ^yKaXto-i/M7;i/ Anth. (Meleagr.) 12, 122; Maneth. i, 45: with p. as mid. ^y/caXio-/ieVo? Lycophr. 142, vn- Eur. He- racl. 42 : pres. pass. dyKaXi6pfvos Aesop 366 (Halm.) The comp. v-ayKa\ionai is also pass. Diod. Sic. 3, 58, and Mid. Alciphr. 2, 4, 5 (Mein.) ; Plut. Camill. 5 : imp. f'v-rjy- Alciphr. 3, 55, 8 : aor. eV-ayKoXio-ai Anth. 7, 476 ; -(rdpevos N. T. Marc. 9, 36: with p. p. as mid. fv-rjyKaXia-nevos Callistr. Descr. 146: and pip. eV-jjyxaXioro 162 (Kayser), both missed by Lexicogr. 8 v A-y/cet/ACU 'A-yi/oew. for ava- see atu To make splendid, adorn, Hippocr. 8, 368 (Lit.); Ael. N. A. 8, 28; Aristaen. i, i; Poet in Athen. 14, 16: imp. ^yXdtfoi/? Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 148 (Mss.); Philostr. Apoll. 6, 248 ; Theoph. Epist. 15 : fut. -ai, eV- Ar. Eccl. 575 : aor. f,y\ai 88; Dem. 18, 303: fut. mid. dyvofja-o^ai. as pass. Dem. 18, 249 (Bekk. B. S. Dind.); Luc. Jup. Trag. 5 (Mss. V. F.) : but fut. pass, dyi/or^o-o/icu Luc. quoted (Mss. A. C. M. Dind. Jacobitz); Dem. quoted (Vulg.). Vb. dyvorireov Dioscor. Prooem. i. Of this verb, Poets seem to have used only pres. aor. and rarely perf. act. Why fut. mid. dyvor} bring) Bion i, 82 (Vulg. ae Mein.) : fut. a<, /car- in tmesi II. 8, 403 ; Com. Fr. 2, 559: aor. eaa II. 7, 270. Od. 5, 316; Theocr. 25, 256, *car- II. 13, 257; Ar. Vesp. 1435; Thuc. 3, 89; PL Crat. 389, and rare i?a Ep. II. 23, 392, /car- Hippocr. 5, 224; a&s II. 23, 341, -v 5, 161 ; agais Hes. Op. 434, -ai> 440 ; imper. aoi/ II. 6, 306 ; part. aas II. 16, 371; Eur. Hel. 1598; inf. agcu II. 21, 178; Ap. Rh. 3, 96, /car- Eur. Sup. 508; Com. Fr. 2, 603: p. p. eaypai, KOT- P"aus. 8, 46, 5 ; Luc. Tim. 10 : 2 p. in comp. edya, r- in tmesi am broken, Hes. Op. 534, /car- Eur. Cycl. 684 ; Ar. Thesm. 403; Com. Fr. 3, 577 ; PL Gorg. 469 ; Dem. 54, 35, Ion. f;ya, nor- Her. 7, 224; Hippocr. 3, 492 (Littre*): 2 aor. e'ayqi/ II. 13, 162. 17, 607; Ap. Rh. 3, 954; Theocr. 22, 190, but Att. fdyr/v, KOT- Ar. Vesp. 1428. Ach. 944; Andoc. i, 61 ; Lys. 3, 14, un- augm. 'ayrjv rare II. 3, 367. 16, 801, ayev Ep. 3. pi. 4, 214. Att. perhaps always eayrjv, Ep. e'ay^i/, only once edy- II. u, 559 in arsi, but degraded as spurious by Bekk. in 2 ed., by others retained ; Batr. 238 (Mss. Draheim, exXao-^ Vulg. 241.) Vb. Kar-aicros Ar. Pax 1244. ayef 3 pi. for ayrj&av, II. 4, 214. See KardywfU. The simple form is always poetic in the act. and mostly in the pass, voice, ayvvrai Eur. Hel. 410, irtpi- II. 16, 78, KOT- Soph. Fr. 147; SyvvTo Hes. Sc. 279; -vpfvos II. 16, 769; Ap. Rh. 3, 1334; Her. i, 185, never in Attic prose. We have never seen pres. ayw, and imp. only once, in the Dor. form aye if correct, Bion i, 82 (Mss. Vulg., ZiegL), see above. 'Ayi'tocro-a) To know not, seems to be a late form, Musae. 249; Coluth. 186; Tzetz. A. Horn. 364; Nonn. 42, 163; Luc. Ep. Sat. 2, 25 (Jacobitz); -a>v Coluth. 8; D. Per. 173. ayv r 9- ay-, but dy- Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 620. 'Ayop Soph. Tr. 60 1 (trimeter), Epic 2 pi. -davde II. 8, 230, -owi/ro 4, i ; Ap. Rh. 3, 168; Q. Sm. 5, 432; Her. 6, n, see below: fat. (dyopTjo-o/xai) : aor. unaugm. dyop^o-aro II. 9, 95. 18, 253. Od. 7, 185: laor. p. dyopqdeis formerly Find. I. i, 51, has been altered by Pauw to (vdyoprjdeis Dor. for eu^y- which the sense and metre require. Horn, has always the lengthd. forms dyopdaade for -aeo-^f, -acrQe '. SO imp. fjyopdacrde, 3 pi. r]yopoa>vro = dovro, -OJI/TO, II. 4, I ; Her. 6, 1 1 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind.), if correct, the only instance in prose, though Passow says it is frequent in Herodotus. Liddell and Scott have now corrected this error, ay- except II. 2, 337, ay- in arsis. The Epic form tjyopoavTo in Her. is rather suspi- cious, unless it be granted that he borrowed it unchanged from Horn, see II. 4, i. It is not the usage of Her. to insert o before contracted from aw: 6p/ieWro 7, 88, cxpeavro i, 53. 4, 157 &c. fpTJxavftovro >j, 172 &c. &c. never -ocavro. Had ayopao/mi been an Ion. prose form and peculiar to the Ion. dialect, he would most probably have written dyop&vro, -eavro, or -eovro, without aug- ment ; if common to the Attic and Ion. rjyopwvro, -ewi/ro, or -eWo, with augm. The Herodotean form is dyopeua, rjyoptvov i, 60. 3, 119 &C. &C. Mid. dyopfva-acrdm 9, 26. Dietsch, Abicht, Lhardy, accordingly read yyopevomo or -evov, but if dyopdoftai is kept, dyop II. 7, 361. Od. i, 179. 3, 254. 4, 836. 12, 56 ; Hes. Op. 402 ; Alciphr. 3, 52, Trpoo-- PI. Theaet. 147, v- Luc. pro Imag. 24 : aor. ^yopev, fiirov, and that " dyopeva-s ap etnrev. d 501 : aor. late rjyplava trans. Dio Cass. 44, 47; subj. -IOVQS Ach. Tat. 2, 7 ; -dvas Ael. V. H. 2, 13. Pass, dypial.vofj.ai. rare and late D. Hal. 12, 6, 3, but e- PL Rep. 336 ; Aristot. H. An. 6, 1 8, 6: imp. fiypiaivovTO Plut. Ant. 58: fut. -av6f) again is rare, perhaps only dypioatvra Opp. Cyn. 2, 49, and aor. riypicaa-f Eur. Or. 616; Joann. Ped. 7 (West.) In comp. how- ever, as generally happens, the case differs somewhat : e'aypto> is used fn pres. act. PL Leg. 935: aor. -axra Eur. Ph. 876; Her. 6, 123; and eaypiaiVo> in pres. pass, -aivfa-dat PL Rep. 336. We therefore doubt the correctness of Phrynichus's Statement dypi<0dels o-v Ar. Ran. 468, OTT- Od. 19, 230, ayxovres (Dem.) 47, 59; -x*iv Ar. Av. 1575 : imp. %yx v Ar. Vesp. 1039, & yx - II. 3, 371 : fut . ayo> Ar. Eccl. 638 ; Luc. D. Mort. 22, i : aor. late rjyfr Christ. Pat. 327; aye Liban. Or. 13 (p. 205); inf. aygai Apocr. 4 Mace. 9, 17, but dir-dygai Ar. Pax 795. Mid. hang oneself, rare ayxto-dai Hippocr. 8, 468 (Littre'). Pass, ayxoptvos Pind. N. 1, 46, -eVq (Dem.) 47, 59; Luc. Anach. u. This verb is scarcely inflected beyond the fut. act. and pres. pass, occurring only once in Horn., never in Trag., and confined in classic prose to Dem. The only instance of mid. in the simple verb is Hippocr. 8, 468 quoted. dv-dyxa> is more used, and rather better developed, Od. 19, 230; Ar. Vesp. 686; late prose Polyb. 16, 34, 9; Plut. Mar. 27 : imp. dir-ijyxov Jos. Ant. 12, 5, 4 : fut. -dyei Luc. Tox. 14 (Jacob. Bekk.): aor. -ijya Ar. Pax 796; late prose Luc. Lex. n. Mid, dir- dyxopai strangle oneself, Com. Fr. 3, 81 ; Hippocr. 4, 482 ; Andoc. i, 125; Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 25: imp. dir-rjyxovro Thuc. 3, 81, 2 sing, unaugm. dn-dyxfo Archil. 67 (Bergk) : fut. -dyo/ieu Luc. Gall. 1 6 ; Charit. i, 4 : aor. -rjy^df^v Aesch. Supp. 465; Ar. Nub. 780; Theocr. 3, 9; Her. 2, 131. 7, 232; Xen. Hier. 7, 13; Luc. D. Mer. 2, 4. Philops. 29. "Ayu To lead, bring, II. 9, 72; Pind. P. 9, 31; Aesch. Sept. 645; Soph. O. C. 183; Ar. Ran. 190; Her. 8,65; Thuc. 2, 34; PL Gorg. 478, 3 pi. Dor. ayovri Pind. P. 7, 13; Epic subj. ayyo-i Od. 6, 37 ; Epic inf. dyepfv II. 7, 420, Aeol. dyrjv Sapph. I, 19; Dor. f. pt. ayoura, Trap- Pind. N. 7, 23: imp. ?iynv II. 7, 310; Aesch. Pers. 342; Soph. O. C. 927; Eur. I. T. 1352; Her. i, 70; Thuc. 7, 29; Andoc. 3, 22; Lys. 3, 37; Xen. Hell. 4, 5, 3, Dor. lyw Pind. P. 9, 123; Theocr. 10, 2; Aesch. Pers. 863 (chor.); Eur. Ion 896 (chor.); Ar. Lys. 1255 (chor.), Poet, 'uyov II. 7, 312.; Pind. P. 5, 76, vv- Eur. Bacc. 563 (chor.), iter. ayewov Ap. Rh. i, 849; Her. i, 148: fut. a&> II. i, 139; Soph. O. C. 874; Ar. Pax 418; Her. 8, 60 ; Thuc. 4, 28 ; PL Rep. 466, Dor. 3 pi. 5|oto-t Pind. P. 6, 13: aor. rare va Hes. Op. 434. 440; Batr. 115. 119; Antiph. 5, 46, trpoa- Thuc. 2, 97, see below ; Epic imper. with vowel of 2 aor. orre II. 3, 105. 24, 778 (v. r. -are). Od. 14, 414; inf. dt>trai II. 23, 50, deficit 23, III. 24, 663: p. faa Polyb. 3, in; Stob. 70, 13, o-ecu- Ms. B.), so Kardgavrfs Lycurg. 129 (old edit.), now rdgavres (Mss. Bekk. B. Saupp.), d^as Ar. Ran. 468, now dnyf-as (Dind.), and Kardgavras Xen. Hell. 2, 2, 20 (some Mss. and edit.) has been altered from other Mss. to Kadevras by Breitb. Sauppe &c. and branded by L. Dind. as barbarous in classic Attic. Even in late Attic some editors have removed it for the future: dtrdgaai Arr. An. 5, 19 (Vulg. -ovdpo? ; and as this was statutory and fixed, he naturally views it as a collective sum and one payment hence the aor. Whereas the 8S>pa are, from the nature of the case, viewed as paid from time to time, as convenience or inclination might prompt and hence imp. irpoaffpeptTo. So (Dem.) States the fact by eKtlvoi /ieV 'Adrjvmois (f>6povs rjvfynav II, 1 6, but the wont by vi(TdfjLT)v Eur. Ale. 648; Ar. Eq. 614; Her. i, 76; Andoc. 1, 17; Lys. 13, 60, Dor. uyatvivdpav Anth. II, 8l ; -UTCHTO Thuc. 3, 38 : p. Tjyuviornai act. Eur. Ion 939 ; Ar. Vesp. 993 ; Isocr. 1 8, 31 ; Isae. 10, i, ow 7, 10 ; Dem. 19, 60, and pass. Eur. Supp. 465; PI. Tim. 81?; Dem. 24, 145; Plut. Cat. Maj. 14, 3 pi. Ion. dyww'Sarat Her. 9, 26 : pip. TjywKrufVoi rjo-av Isocr. 18, i : aor. fjya)vi(T0r)v rare, and pass. Lys. 2, 34: fut. p. late dyu>vio-8f)(TfT(u, Aristid. 39, 504 (Dind.) The pres. and fut. are sometimes pass. dya>vi(6n(i>os Dem. 24, 28: d-ycowftrat 21, 7* 1 aor. act. occurs in part, dyow'o-as Boeckh's Inscr. i, 575. Vb. dywworroj, fivtr-Kar- D. Hal. Rhet. 8, 3, dyutvivrtov Xen. Cyr. 2, 3, ii. The fut. form dyow'o-o/iai occurs actually in late writers only, and even in them less frequently than it was wont: dytavtaro/jLtvos Dio. Hal. 3, 1 8 (now dyow'f- Kiessl.); Argum. Dem. 19; Jos. Jud. B. 3, 7, 15 (Bekk.); Porph. de Abst. i, 31, but 17 for -uro/uai Alciphr. i, 39 (Wagn.), -tovuai (Meinek.), -KTO^VOVS Luc. Anach. 36 (Vulg.), -tfrnevovs (Bekk. Dind. Jacob. 2 ed.) The Attics seem to have uniformly dropped o- in the fut. of verbs in -to, excepting dissyllab., as wt'a>, -taw, KTt'a>, -tW &c. The collat. form aywj/jaa, to contend, be anxious, seems con- fined in classic auth. to pres. and aor. and in these to part, and inf. -i&>> Isocr. 4, 91 ; PI. Charm. 162; rare in Poet. -iS>aa Com. Fr. 4, 438 ; inf. -iav PI. Prot. 333 : aor. dyuviaa-at Com. Fr. 3, 607. it is rather better developed in later writers: dyaviSt Luc. D. Mer. 12, 4; Alciphr. 3, 59, -tare D. Sic. 13, 52, -iSxri Aristot. Rhet. i, 9, 21 : imp. qywtW Ael. V. H. 2, i; Polyb. i, 10. 2, 6; D. Sic. ,1.3, 81 : fut. -tdo-w Porph. de Abst. i, 54 : aor. rjyiavlaa-a D. Sic. 14, 60; Plut. Caes. 46; Aristid. 12, 89 (Dind.): p. TjycaviaKtas , vnep- (Dem.) 6l, 28. For pres. indie. dya>viS> LyS. 26, i (Vulg.) now stands eywye (Bekk. B. Saupp. Scheib.) We have never seen either mid. or pass. 'A8dojJiCH, see oa|a>. ( 5 A8e'w) To be sated, Homeric, aor. opt. d8ij Od. i, 134 : p. part. d8r]Ku>s II. 10, 399 (a). Some aspirate dfya--, d8rjK-. 'ASrjXew To be in the dark, in act. only pres. and only in Soph. -oC/Liei/ O. C. 35. Pass. Ion. and Att. prose aS^Xen-ai S. Emp. 79, 9. 319, 4; -Xeto-^ai 591, 25. 605, 15 (Bekk.); late aS^Xov/xeVj; Theophr. Fr. 30, -v/xei>a Hippocr. 8, 18 (Lit.) 'ASiKe'u To injure, Solon 4, 22; Eur. Ph. 958; Her. 2, 160; Antiph. 6, 7; Thuc. 3, 65; Isae. n, 15; ddiKflv Aesch. Eum. 85: imp. T)8iKow Ar. Nub. 1509; Antiph. 6, 9; Lys. i, 38; PI. Prot. 322, Ion. f)8iKfov Her. i, 121 : fut. ->jo-a> Com. Fr. 3, 429 ; Xen. An. 2, 5, 3 ; PI. Crit. 48 : aor. ^St'^o-a H. H. Cer. 367 ; Her. 7, 35 ; Thuc. 3, 56 : p. ^Si'^Ka Eur. Ale. 689 ; Antiph. i, 23; Thuc. 3, 63; Lys. 9, 12, act. reg. : p. p. TjftiKrjiJLai Dem. 29, 50, -T}rai Her. 3, 21 ; Antiph. i, 31; -r^fi/os Eur. Med. 26 ; Antiph. i, 21 : pip. ^St'^ro 6, 10; Dem. 29, 41 : aor. -T)6r)v Antiph. 5, 88 ; Thuc. 3, 65 ; PI. Rep. 344 : fut. p. late -T]dr]. "A8a> To sing, Att. for dfi'Sw, Anacr. 45 (B.) ; Aesch. Ch. 1025; Eur. Cycl. 425 ; Ar. Eccl. 932 ; PI. Phaed. 85 ; Dem. 19, 280: imp. ffiov Eur. Ale. 761 ; Com. Fr. 2, 638 ; Thuc. 2, 21 ; Dem. 54, 9, Dor. aS- Theocr. 14, 30: fut. ao-w Babr. F. 12, 18; rare, if correct, in good Att. PL Leg. 666 ; late prose Himer. Or. i, 6; Menand. Rhet. 617; Nicol. Rhet. u, 14; Aeneae Epist. 18, n-poo-- Ael. H. A. 6, i, Dor. do-w Theocr. i, 145: generally mid. ao-opm H. Hym. 6, 2. 32, 19 ; Theogn. 243 ; Ar. Vesp. 1233; Com. Fr. (Theoph.) 3, 629; Thuc. 2, 54; PL Leg. 664. Gorg. 502, Dor. da-evfiai Theocr. 3, 38 : aor. j/o-a Ar. Nub. 1371 ; PL Tim. 21 : (p. 17*0?) : P- P- o"M at Com. Fr. 2, 638 ; late prose, Philostr. Ap. i, 39 ; Himer. Or. 16, 2 ; jjo-fuvos Aristid. 5, 36 (D.) : aor. ycr0T)v Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 55 ; PL Lys. 205, r- Xen. Mem. 2, 6, n : pres. mW&u Thuc. 2, 54; -6fivos Plut. Mor. 1144. Mid. aSd/^ei/oi late Dio Chrys. 23 (398): fut. aa-ofjMt see above : aor. 8i-aVao-0v II. 24, 734 (Vulg. Wolf), but see below; Xenophanes 2, 21 (B.); Ap. Rh. 3, 480. 624. 778 ; Theocr. 24, 115: fut. -etwa late, Q. Sm. 4, 113; Nonn. 37, 557- 4 2 . 5 T 3 : a- 01 "- detfAfucme Musae. 197; -Wr Nonn. 7, 97. dfdXfa seems more Ion. : imp. unaugm. dedXfe Anth. App. Epigr. 5, -Xfoi> Her. i, 67. 7, 212: fut. -faovrts Q. Sm. 4, 590 (Ms. A. Vulg. Lehrs, -evo-ovres Koechly). The contracted forms alone are used by the Attics : ddXeva rare, -fva>v PL Leg. 873 ; (in Horn, once only, II. 24, 734 Mss. Bekk. Spitzn. Dind. ; Ap. Rh. 2, 783 ; Or. Sib. 2, 38, -evouo-t Opp. Hal. i, 37. ew. 1 9 3, 596; -tvaxri 5, 198, see dtd\- above): fat. a0Xewro> Aesch. Pr. 95 ; d0\fixras Nonn. 9, 150. a6Kea> PI. Tim. 19 ; -tiv Simon. C. 149; Aeschin. 2, 147: imp. ij6\ovv (Luc.) Asin. u : fut. -TJO-W Or. Sib. 2, 43 ; Artemidor. Onir. p. 112, 22 : aor. fj6\T) 3 th e only part of this form in Horn.; Eur. Supp. 37 ; Q. Sm. 6, 494 : p. late fiffXqieoTts Plut. Demetr. 5 : (p. p. jjfajjitiiHov, KCIT- Suid.) Mid. rare, aor. ti0\r) 3 2 3- TroXeuw pres. Od. 22, 223 : but Ti-oX- or TrwX-^o-eat II. 5, 350. 'AeiSu To sing, Poet, and Ion. II. i, i ; Solon 20, 3 ; Pind. Ol. 5, 10; Eur. Ion 92 (chor.). I. T. 1091 (chor.); rare in trimeters Eur. Fr. 188 (D.); Aesch. Ag. 16; Ion. prose Her. 2, 60; Hip- pocr. 7, 124 ; Epic subj. -8170-4 Od. 19, 519 ; opt. -Soi/u II. 2, 598; inf. -Sew Od. 8, 45; Hes. Th. 34; AT. Eq. 1266 (chor.), Ep. -Se/uei/at Od. 8, 73, -Sep. Theogn. 939, Lacon. -fyv Alcm. 57 (B.), but -8fv i, 3; Theocr. 7, 100: imp. rje&ov Od. 8, 514, 'a8- II. i, 604 ; Pind. N. 5, 22 ; Theocr. 6, 4, 'dei- in arsi Od. 17, 519; H. Hym. 1 8, i; Pind. Fr. 30 &c. ; Theocr. 18, 7: fut. deurco Sapph. 64 (Ahr.); Horn. Epigr. 14, i; Theogn. 4; Eur. H. F. 68 1 chor. (Mss. Vulg. Kirchh. i edit. Nauck, see below); Theocr. 22, 135 (Vulg. Mein. Ahr. Paley, -So Ziegl. Fritz.); Callim. Apol. 30. Dian. 186. Del. i; Anth. (Mnas.) 7, 192; Q. Sm. 3, 646; Opp. Cyn. i, 80. 3, 83: and mid. deio-opai Od. 22, 352; Theogn. 943; Pind. I. 7, 39 (Bergk, Momms.); Eur. Epigr. 3 (Bergk); Horn. H. 10, i (but ao-op- 6, 2. 32, 19), Si- Theocr. 5, 22 : aor. rjeio-a Callim. Epigr. 21, 4 ; Opp. Cyn. 3, i, "ati- Simon. C. 53 (Bergk); Theocr. 9, 29, u- Od. 21, 411; Theogn. 16 ; Anth. App. Epigr. 215 ; sub/. deiW Theocr. 1,23; dWie, irpoa-- Hippocr. 6, 482 ; aturov Od. 8, 492 ; Alcae. 63 ; Eur. Tr. 513 (chor.), -ftVare Hes. Th. 965; Ar. Thesm. 115 (chor.) ; dela-ni Od. 14, 464 ; Pind. Ol. 1 1, 24 ; Her. i, 24 ; det'o-ar i, 24. Mid. deiSopai not found ; unless dft'Seo be sound H. Hym. 20, i (Mss. deiVfo Franke, Baum.) : fut. deiVo/^at see above : aor. only imper. Ep. detWo H. Hym. 17, i (dti'Seo Vulg.) ; 8t-afuro/u Theocr. 5, 22, is called subj. by Ahrens for -ada-utpu we desiderate a more decisive example. Pass, only pres. di'So/u C 2 2O Find P. 8, 25 ; dftWp.ei'os'Her. 4, 35 : and imp. aei'8-o Find. Ol. 10 (n), 76, qe/8- formerly 10, 70, has been discarded. a is short except sometimes in arsi, deify Od. 17, 519; H. Hym. 18, i. 27, i ; Opp. Hal. 5, 296. Ep. inf. pres. aetSe'/zmu Od. 8, 73. For duW Eur. H. F. 68 1 quoted, Elms. Dind. and now Kirchh. 2 ed. Nauck 3 ed. read pres. dei'So). deiafo is perhaps an Epic 1 aor. with the termination of the 2 aor. Horn. H. 17, i. deiVaTo in some edit, of Find. N. 4, 90, is an emend, of Pauw and Heyne for dei'o-frat of the Mss. ; aeio-eV TroTf was suggested by Herm. and adopted by Boeckh and Schneidewin; Kayser and Momms. retain the fut., so Bergk with seemingly a shade of doubt. 'AeiKi<>> To abuse (Epic for aicio>), II. 24, 54 : imp. &aoi> 24, 22 : fut. dfiKiS> II. 22, 256, but -ia-aca Q. Sm. io, 401 : aor. TjeiKio-a, dfiKicr&dicri II. 1 6, 545- P* P* See attifa) : aor. pass. d(iKKT0i]fj.evai Od. 1 8, 222! mid. as act. aor. deiKtWcoi/rai Q. Sm. 14, 43; -urtraifuda II. 16, 559; -tVo-aa-^ai 22, 404. (a.) See aiKi'fw, which Horn, has only in compos. 'Aeipw To raise, Poet, and Ion. Aesch. -Sept. 759 (chor.) ; Her. 2, 125; Hippocr. 8, 236, Dor. 3 pi. dflpovn, eV- Find. Ol. 9, 2O; udpe II. 6, 264; delpcov Od. II, 423: imp. rjeipov Her. 2, 125, imp- II. 19, 386; Ap. Rh. i, 248 : fut. depS>, contr. apS> Aesch. Pers. 795; Eur. Heracl. 322. I. T. 117. Tr. 1148, f^fTT-apfl Poet. Plut. M. 102 : aor. fjeipa Ap. Rh. 2, 1229; in tmesi II. io, 499. 24, 590, Trap- Archil. 94, e^- Her. 6, 126, aeip- II. 23, 730; (d(po-t) Panyas. Fr. 6) ; aeipov Theocr. 22, 65 ; ddpas II. 12, 383; Soph. Ant. 418; LuC. D. Syr. 52, fir-afipas Her. i, 87, Dor. dtipais Find. Fr. 88: p. p. rjeppai, -p.evos Ap. Rh. 2, 171 : pip. aupro, for rjepro, II. 3, 272; Theocr. 24, 43 : aor. r)fp6r)v Anth. 5, 299; Ap. Rh. 4, 1651, Trap- II. 16, 341, d/p^- Od. 19, 540; Ap. Rh. 4, 1757, Epic 3 pi. "xpdev for -Oqvav, II. 8, 74 ; subj. dtp^w Eur. An. 848 (chor.) ; dep&ls Od. 8, 375- 12, 432; Find. N. 7, 75. 8, 41; Aesch. Ag. 1525 (chor.); Her. i, 165. 9, 52; Hippocr. 8, 122. 124 (Littre"), see below. Mid. ddpofiuu raise oneself, or for oneself, Soph. Tr. 216 (chor.); inf. -tadai Her. 4, 150; -o^tvos 8, 140 (Mss. Stein, dvr- Bekk. Dind.), an-- II. 21, 563, dvr- Her. 7, 101. 209 : imp. deipop.iji/, 3 dual -fadrjv II. 23, 501 : fut. (depeirai) COntr. apelrai Eur. Hel. 1597 : aor. dfi'pao Ap. Rh. 4, 746; Epic subj. deiperat, is used once only in trimeters, often in chor. and such parts only as are unsusceptible of augment : pres. dfipo) Aesch. Sept. 759; imper. aape Eur. El. 873, -ere Hec. 62 ; deipeiv Rhes. 25 ; dtipav Aesch. Pers. 660 : aor. imper. dtipare Eur. quoted (some Mss. and edit.) ; part, ddpas Soph. Ant. 418, the only instance in trimeters. Mid. ddpofim Soph. Tr. 216 (chor.) Pass, dfipopevos Eur. Ale. 450 (chor.): aor. subj. dfp6S> Eur. An. 848 (chor.); dfpdels Aesch. Ag. 1525 (chor.) ; Eur. Fr. 903 (chor.) u, late d in arsi, Opp. Cyn. i, 347- 537- 2 > J 7 2 - 216. 526. 4, 211. We have never seen the open fut. dtpm. Her. has usually the Ionic ddpco, and so, partly on theory, Dietsch, Abicht, Stein perhaps always, but eV-ai'peis^Y, 10 (7), np av 9> 59> 7r ~ 6, 99> -at'/" 00 " 1 8, 57- 60, fir-dpas I, 90. 2, 162, e'- 9, 79> e> ~?7P 6ro 6, 133, eTT-apdr/s I, 212, -apdels i, 90. 5, 81. 91. 7, 38. 9, 49 (Mss. Gaisf. Bekk. Dind.) Hippocr. too, along with ddpa, has aipet, 8, 368, aipfiv 8, 144. 2l6, tuprrat 8, 328, err- 8, 282, aLpr^rai 8, 328, riprm, eir- 8, 280 (Littre"). ('AeKd^op,ai) To be reluctant, Epic and only part. deica6nvos Od. 1 8, 135, -oftfvri II. 6, 458. H. Cer. 30; Q. Sm. 14, 29. 'AeAirrew To have no hope (ofXriro?), only part. Ep. and Ion. df\TTTfovT(s quadrasyll. II. 7, 310; Her. 7, 168. Before Wolf, de\Treovres Stood in the II. 'Ae'lu To increase, Ep. and Ion. pres. only and imp. in classic auth. II. 17, 226 ; Hes. Op. 6 ; Theogn. 1031 ; Simon. C. 84. 5 ; Find. N. 2, 15; Soph. Aj. 226 (chor.); Eur. Hipp. 537 (chor.); once in Her. 3, 80 : imp. never augm. in early Epic, Htfov Od. 17, 489. Mid. di^fTOL grows II. 18, no; Hes. Op. 377 ; Find. Fr. 203; Emped. 330; Aesch. Ch. 825 (chor. eu>a Herm. and now Dind. 5 ed.) : imp. de'ero II. n, 84. Od. 22, 426 ; Hes. Th. 195, but r)tfv Callim. Jup. 55, -ovro Ap. Rh. 4, 1426. Late forms, fut. degfjo-ca Nonn. 12, 24: aor. Tjegijo-a 8, 104; Anth. App. Epigr. 299 : pip. p. W^ITO, dv- Nonn. 4, 427 : aor. de<}6w Anth. 9, 631 ; Nonn. 9, 168; -6ds Ap. Rh. 2, 511; Anth. 6, 171 ; Opp. Hal. 5, 464: fut. m. de^o-ea^at Ap. Rh. 3, 837. At Soph. Ant. 351, Dind. reads, from a suggestion ofi Doderl., degerai as act. for e- or a^-erai of the Mss., but calls it 'in- certa emendatio.' Franz suggested oxud&rai, which Nauck adopts. 'Aepopare'co To tread the air &c. Attic, and in classic auth. con- fined to pres. Ar. Nub. 225. 1503; -jSareli/ PI. Apol. 19; -fiarovvrfs (Luc.) Philop. 24 : aor. dfpo^arrja-as (Luc.) Philop. 12. 'A6pop.eTpe' To measure the air, Attic prose, and only inf. Xen. Oec. n, 3. 22 'Aeppw " l. =deipa) To raise, Alcae. Fr. 78; Sap ph. 91 (Bergk): aor. (fjfpara), depo-i? Panyas. Fr. 6, 13 (Diibn.) 'Aeprd^w To raise, Poet.=detpo>, Anth. 9, 674; -dfwv Callirn. Fr. 19. 2 1 1 ; Orph. L. 222 ; -eiv 617 : imp. fjeprafrv Anth. 9, 12 ; Ap. Rh. i, 738; Nonn. 48, 140: aor. deprdo-cme Nonn. 43, 99; (from depTaa>) fffpTrja-fv Anth. 6, 223 : p. p. rjeprrj^ai Anth. 5, 230 ; Opp. Cyn. 2, 99. aprda> seems to be used only in pres. imp. and rarely in aor. (depTdw) in aor. act. and p. pass, and both rather late. ('Ae'u) To breathe, rest, (sleep?) Epic, and only aor. aeo-a (d in arsi) Od. 19, 342, - 70 is late, and occurs only in aor. act. dtfivg Nic. Ther. 205, -rjvrjari 368 (avr)v- Schn.) : and pres. pass. datWai 339 (Vulg. avaivfTcu Schneid.), but the comp. Kar-adiVa> occurs in iter. aor. Ka.T-a$]va To be unused, Epic -tavowa Ap. Rh. 4, 38, -ea-a-ovrfs Nic. Alex. 378 : imp. unaugm. drjdevo-ov II. 10, 493, but with a- dropped d^to-oi/ for the metre, Ap. Rh. i, 1171, not drjdea-a aor. Though this view seems to be strengthened by the v. r. drjdeaKov in both passages, there is a strong probability in Ziegler's emen- dation drjdtov (Merkel), from drjOelv (Hesych.) (a.) "Arjfu (d) To blow, Epic unaugm. and inflected with rj, a^i Hes. Op. 516; Opp. Hal. i, 154, arjrov II. 9, 5, 3 pi. Stun Hes. Th. 875 ; subj. dya-i Opp. Hal. 3, 57. 67 ; imper. d^rw Ap. Rh. 4, 768; inf. dr)p.tvai II. 23, 214. Od. 3, 176, digital 3, 183; dfvros H. Hym. 6, 3, dewi Theocr. 13, 29, d To slight, Epic and unaugm. Od. 8, 212; Anth. 12, 98 : imp. ddepifrv II. i, 261 : fut. -i|o> Ap. Rh. 3, 548 (Vulg. but -tfw most Mss. Beck, Well. Merk.): aor. late dBepiaaa Ap. Rh. 2, 488, and -iga 2, 477; Orph. L. 675; Maneth. 2, 282 : aor. m. ddfpia-a-aTo Dion. Per. 997. (S.) 'A0\c'w, -ev Anth. 9, 505, -vpeis Anth. PI. 288 ; Opp. C. 2, 411, -ouo-t Ap. Rh. 4, 950; Himer. Or. 3, i; -{paper Or. 17, 7 ; -vpoi Ap. Rh. 3, 949; rare in Att., Eur. Fr. 325 (Dind.); -vpw II. 15, 364; H. Hym. 19, 15; Eur. Ion 53; -vpew Find. I. 4, 39 ; very rare in prose PL Leg. 796 ; and late Philostr. Imag. 5; Himer. Eel. 36, 13; Orat. i, 5 : imp. tfOvpt Opp. Hal. 5, 455 ; Dio Cass. 63, 26, unaugm. &6vpe Find. N. 3, 44; Opp. C. 4, 279. Mid. ddvpofjifvr) Hym. Merc. 485. Aldw To lament, mostly Poet. Aesch. Pers. 922 ; Eur. Or. 80; Bion i, i. 6; Anth. App. Epigr. 200; -dfapev Eur. Tr. 146; -OH I. T. 227; Mosch. 4, 27; -eiv Soph. Aj. 432. 904; Eur. Med. 1347 ; rare in prose Aristot. Hist. An. 4, 9, 20. Gen. An. 5, 7, 24 ; D. Cass. 57, 5 ; Luc. Salt. 45 : fut. - Eur. H. F. 1054 (Herm. Dind. Kirchh. &c.); Orac. Sib. 7, 99: aor. rare, part. aldas Anth. App. Epigr. 127, atgas (Mss.) Mid. alaop.evr] (Hesych.) Vb. alaicTos Aesch. Pers. 931, alao-Tfjs NlC. Fr. 74, 32. The Mss. and vulg. reading Eur. H. F. 1054 quoted, is pres. ald^T. In prose this verb seems to occur first in Aristot. but not in classic Attic. 24 To fear, respect, Dep. mid. and pass. II. 6, 442 ; Find. N. 5, 14; Aesch. Ag. 362; Soph. Aj. 1356; rare in comedy, Com. Fr. (Eubul.) 3, 236 ; Her. i, 5 ; Antiph. 2, 8, ii ; PI. Leg. 886, -evfiai Solon 32, irpo- Her. 3, 140, -fovrai Find. P. 9, 41 ; imper. al8do II. 24, 503. Od. 9, 269 ; -delvdai II. i, 23; PI. Euth. 12 ; -ovpevos Aesch. Eum. 710; PI. Phaedr. 254, Poet. mSojLtai, imper. mSeo II. 21, 74; -6p.fvos i, 331; Aesch. Eum. 549 (chor.), see below : imp. mSeWo Find. P. 9, 41, irpo- Her. i, 6 1 (Bredow, Stein) see below, rjbovvTo Aesch. Pers. 810; Eur. Ale. 823; Lys. 2, 12, jJSo^i/ Luc. D. Deor. 6, 2, Poet. al86fj.t]v II. 21, 468: fut. aiSeVojuai II. 22, 124; Eur. Med. 326; Xen. Mem. 3, 5, 15, -tWo/uai Od. 14, 388 : aor. m. f)8fa-afjLT]v mostly Poet. Od. 21, 28; Aesch. Ch. 108; Eur. Fr. no(Dind.), TJdfcro-- Coluth. 154; very rare in prose aiSf'o-jjrat Dem. 23, 72. 37, 59. 38, 22, Epic -eVtreTai II. 22, 419, see below; imper. niSeo-ai Soph. Aj. 506, Epic -eo-crm II. 9, 640, -(rda-dcov (Dem.) 43, 57 : p. T/Seo-pu, -pevos pass, reconciled Dem. 23, 77: aor. pass. 8e0-0iji/ as mid. Lycurg. 142; Xen. An. 3, 2, 4, Ep. 3 pi. aibfodfv for -6r) Aristot. Rhet. i, 12, 26 : p. p. #/ao>uu as mid. Eur. Med. 1130, pass. Kctr- Od. 19, 9, see below: pip. as mid. JJKHTTO Plut. Caes. 29 : but aor. rjKta-Orjv pass. Soph. Ant. 206 ; Andoc. i, 138 ; Lys. 6, 27; Isocr. 4, 154. Pres. aiKi^ofuu is sometimes pass. Sim. Am. quoted? Aesch. Pr. 168; (PI.) Ax. 372: imp. rJKi(ovro (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 408 : and perf. yKiarat, /car- Od. 16, 290. 19, 9 ; Eur. Med. 1130 quoted, if j}Kia-fjifvr)v, not fiiua-pevri, be adopted ; and late jlKia-pevov Plut. M. 31 ; D. Sic. 18, 47 ; Polyaen. 8, 6. Al|iaTi To draw, stain with, blood, pres. in late Att. prose, Aristot. H. A. 4, 7, 6 : aor. inf. aiparltrcu Att. poetry, Aesch. Supp. 662 (chor.) -The COllat. form at/*ao-o-o>, Att. -arrw, -av Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 29, Kad-yp-a^e PI. Phaedr. 254. atjuarou is rare and poet, in act. Eur. Supp. 77. Andr. 260: aor. -aa-ai Soph. Fr. 814: pass. -oC/uu in prose and poetry, Aesch. Ag. 1656; Eur. Ph. 1149; Ar. Pax 1020; p. ypaTatpevos Eur. Bac. 1 1 35; Ar. Ran. 476; Thuc. 7, 84; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 10; -S>a6ai Com. Fr. 3, 558. Aife'u To praise, II. 8, 9; Hes. Op. 824; Pind. Ol. 4, 15; Aesch. Eum. 737 ; Soph. Ph. 889 ; Her. i, 137, Dor. 3 pi. -<=Wi Alcm. 66 (B.), rare in Corned, and Att. prose, Monost. 506 ; PI. Rep. 404; Plut. M. 177, generally e7r-,7rap-mi>ew, see below: imp. gvow Eur. Hec. 1 154, dlvtov Her. 3, 73 : fut. aiWo-w Simon. Am. 7, 112 (Bergk); Pind. N. 7, 63; Aesch. Eum. 469; Eur. H. F. 1412, fKa, fir- IsOCr. 12, 207 : p. p. jjvqpai, fir- Isocr. 12, 233; Hippocr. 2, 334 (Lit.): aor. jjffdrjv, alvtdfls Her. 5, 102. Vb. mi/fros Anth. 7, 429, -MJTOS Pind. Nem. 8, 39, ulvtTfov late, but fn-awtTfov PI. Rep. 390. Unaugm. in Pind. and Her. No such form as cuvtlw occurs in Pind. now at least. The simple verb is confined chiefly to Epic and Dramatic AtVoXe'ft). 27 poetry, and Tonic prose : atVw Her. i, 137; -/&>i> i, 122. 6, 120: imp. aivtov 3, 73. 76. 8, 69: aor. aivetre 5, 113; -ecray I, 90: aor. pass, alvedets 5, 102 : pres. p. alvfo^evos, i, 98 ; twice only in good Att. prose, alvcls PL Rep. 404 : alveio-6 and irapaivtia alone have fut. mid. as well as fut. act., and in the same sense. See each in its place. alvea and compds. never drop s in the fut. Ainrjfxi To praise, Aeol. and Ep. for alvea>, only pres. Hes. Op. 683; and eV-cuVjj/u Simon. C. 5, 19 (Bergk), quoted by PI. Prot. 345- Aii/i^u Poet. To praise, only pres. and late in act. Anth. 1 1, 341. Mid. alviop.at Dep. only pres. II. 13, 374. Od. 8, 487. Alcuro-opu To speak darkly, Dep. mid. Eur. Ion 430; Her. 5, 56, Attic -irrofiat Ar. Pax 47 (Vulg. Br. Bekk. -iWo/u Dobr. Mein. Dind. 5 ed., as uttered by dvfjp 'IWVIKOS); Aeschin. 2, 108 ; PI. Apol. 21 : imp. 77 wr- PI. Charm. 162 : fut. alvigopai Eur. Elec. 946: aor. fivigdp.^ Soph. Aj. 1158; Ar. Av. 970; PI. Theaet. 152, alvig- Pind. P. 8, 40 : p. fjviypai pass. Theog. 68 1 ; Ar. Eq. 196; Aristot. Rhet. 3, 2, 12; Luc. V. H. r, 2 : aor. pass. PL Gorg. 495. Vb. alvucros Soph. O. R. 439. in act. is late and rare Philostr. 6, n (245). AiWpu To take, Epic, Od. 14, 144; Simon. C. 5, 17 (Bergk); alvvcro Nic. Al. 55. 148: imp. unaugm. alvv^v II. u, 580. i3> 55- 15, 459- Od. 21, 53; Hes. Sc. 149 (Wolf, Goettl.). Fr. 174; Ap. Rh. 4, 162; Callim. Fr. 238; Theocr. 24, 137; -vpfvos Od. 9, 429, -/j-evr) Hym. Cer. 6; Ap. Rh. 4, 680, -vpevoi Od. 9, 232, -tvai 22, 500, -nwovs 9, 225. Like fci/ci/fyim, but without augm. an-o-aiVu/^at Poet, for drratV- lake from, have taken, II. 13, 262 : imp. dnoaivvTo Od. 12, 419; but drraivvfjifvos II. II, 582. 17, 85, as dnaiwTO II. 15, 595 ; Anth. 14. 3. AioXe'w To variegate, only inf. -oAeu> PL Crat. 409. aioX^ro Ap. Rh. 3, 471 (some Mss. and edit.) is now eoX^ro (Mss. Br. Well. Merk.) aioXXw Ep. To move quickly, to variegate, is also very partially used, pres. atdXXi? Od. 20, 27 ; -o'XXet late Nic. Ther. 155 : and pass. al6X\ovrai Hes. Sc. 399. eu'oXXei Pind. P. 4, 233 (old edit.) is now , 8t- Inscr. Ther. 2448, dv- D. Hal. A. R. n, 18; Diod. Sic. 2, 25; e- D. Hal. 7, 56; Arr. Peripl. n, a<9- Anth. PI. 334; D. Hal. 9, 26: and late aor. efXa, dv-fiXarc N. T. Act. 2, 23 (Mss. Gb. Lachm. Tisch.) : 1 aor. ftp 7 ) late, dv- Q. Sm. 4, 40; Polyaen. 7, 39; Pseud. Callisth. i, 19. 2, 20. 3, 23: p. jjpr)Ka Aesch. Ag. 267; Thuc. i, 61. 103; Xen. Hel. 4, 4, 19, Ion. dpaiprjKa, -JJKW? Her. 4, 66, dv- 5, 102. 6, 36 (Bekk. Dind. Bred.), dv-aip^K- 4, 66. 6, 36 (Gaisf.) : pip. dpaiprjKfe Her. 3, 39 (Bekk. Dind. Bred.), alpfjKee (Gaisf. Baehr) : p. p. flp^ai Aesch. Ag. 1209 ; Soph. Ant. 493; Ar. Av. 1577 ; Thuc.8,82; Pl.Leg-77o; Dem. 20, i46,Dor.at/>r?,uai,Kn0-Sophr. 10 (Ahr.), Ion. dpaiprjp.- Her. i, 185. 7, 118. 173 (Bekk. Gaisf. Stein): pip. rjpr)To Thuc. 8, 82; Xen. An. 3, 2, i, Ion. dpatptfro Her. i, 191. 7, 83 (Bekk. Gaisf. Stein): aor. jjpedtjv Aesch. Sept. 505; Soph. O. C. 1148; Ar. Av. 799; Thuc. 7, 31; Xen. An. 5, 9, 32, Ion. alp- Her. 3, 55. 159: fut. mpetfijo-o/iai Her. 2, 13; PI. Menex. 234: fut. mid. as pass, alprjcro^ai, d(p- Eur. Tr. 1278, itf pi- Lys. 34, 4 : 3 fut. rare /pq II. 8, 319; Soph. Ph. 347; Her. i, 73; PI. Conv. 182, eXeW II. 15, 558; i\&v II. 3, 72 ; Eur. Elec. 810; Xen. Mem. i, 2, 49. Mid. alpennai take for oneself, choose, Aesch. Ch. 551; Ar. Nub. 990; Her. 8, 63; Thuc. 6, 80; Epic imper. dno-aipeo II. i, 275; part. Ion. alpfvp.(voi II. 16, 353, Aeol. alptvp.- Hes. Op. 476 (Et. M. Flach): imp. Tipovp.7)v Od. 21, 40; Thuc. 4, 26; Lys. 3, 9; PI. Phil. 22, Ion. alpfvfirjv, e- Od. 14, 232, alpeen Her. I, 'JO. 5, 94 : fut. aipijo-o^ai II. ro, 235; Eur. Or. 307 ; Her. 5, 49 ; PI. Phil. 22, as pass, see above, and late eXoOpu D. Hal. Ant. 4, 75; A" poo. 29 Or. Sib. 8, 184, d- Timostr. Com. Fr. 4, 595 ; Anth. 9, 108 ; Polyb. 3, 29 ; Sext. Emp. 577, Si- D. Hal. Ant. 4, 60, '- Alciphr. i, 9 (Meineke) : 1 aor. rare, alp^d^v (Hesych.), rjprjo-aTo, eg- Ar. Thesm. 761 (Vulg. e'a- II. 22, 18, and et\fv Her. 3, 52, eXo'/x- II. 19, 412; Alcae. 68; fXw/zat II. 22, 119; Eur. I. A. 488; Her. i, 181 ; PI. Apol. 37; eXoi'/zijjjJl. 3, 66. Od. 24, 334 ; Eur. Ale. 464 ; Her. 3, 38 ; PI. Rep. 347, eXoiaro, iC Soph. El. 345; PI. Ion 542, eXev II. 13, 294 (Dind. eX- Bekk.), eXta-da 9, 139, (\f&da>v Her. 8, 140; eXeV&u II. 10, 242; Soph. Ph. 365; Thuc. 3, 59 ; eXo/iei/oj Aesch. Supp. 396 ; Eur. Hel. 294 ; Xen. An. 2, 2, 5 : late tfXdp^i/ Anth. App. Epigr. 257; Polyb. 38, i b (Bekk. -6p.rjv Dind.), Si- Anth. 9, 56, d- Dem. 59. 13 (D.), av- 6, 20, Ion. 3 pi. dpaiptaTo, dv- Her. 6, 108 (Bekk. Kriig. Dind. dv-aip- Ms. Gaisf.) Vb. atperos Her. 4, 2OI ; PI. Phil. 21, - II. 2, 227. aipertos PI. Tim. 75. eXero? II. 9, 409. eiXaTo Simon. C. 3 (5), 7 (Vulg.) is now ftXero (Herm. Bergk.) Put. mid. d^-aip^aei is trans. Soph. Ph. 376; Ar. Ach. 464, but pass. Eur. Tr. 1278, Ion. diraiprjo-fo-dat. Her. 5, 35 (Mss. Schweig. Gaisf.), but aVaipe&jcr- (Mss. Bekk. Dind. Kriig. Stein, Abicht), strengthened, we think, by the pass, form aipfdfjv- 2, 13, and by the mid. aTratp^o-eat in a middle sense, i, 71. 9, 82. dtaiprjo-fTcu PI. Politic. 261 seems pass., but dcpeXoOimu Polyb. 3, 29 not necessarily so. The perf. and pip. with middle sense seem rare in poetry. Aipcj To raise, Aesch. Ch. 496; Soph. O. R. 914; Com. Fr. 3, 106; PI. Crat. 410; mpaxri Thuc. i, 90 (Vulg. ap- Bekk. &c.) ; atpfiv Andoc. 3, 41; Horn, only part, alpovras II. 17, 724; PL Tim. 63: imp. ypov Eur. Elec. 800; PI. Crat. 423, iter. dwaipeo-Kov Her. i, 186 (Bekk. Dind. -fto-icoi* Stein, see alpfca): fiit. apw Soph. Aj. 75; Luc. Hist. Con. 14 (Dind. Fritzs.), r- Lys. i, 36; Xen. Mem. 3, 6, 2, an- PL Crito 53 (but apS> Aesch. Pers. 795; Eur. I. T. 117. Supp. 772. Heracl. 322. Tr. 1148; Ar. Ran. 377; Anth. 5, 39 (Meineke), contr. from depw of deipa, which see) : aor. Tjpa Aesch. 30 Aipia. Ag. 47 ; Her. 9, 59 ; Thuc. 6, 18 ; subj. ap< (a) -ys Soph. Aj. 129, -py mid. (Dind. &c. 0z& - ); "apfias Aesch. Ch. 262, -tuv Simon. Am. 7, 60 (Bergk) ; apov Soph. Ph. 879; "Spas Tr. 795; Thuc. 2, 12, V- Her. i, 90; 3pat Callim. Cer. 35: p. %*a Aristot. Incess. Anim. n, 3; Dem. 25, 52, OTT- Thuc. 8, 100; Dem. 10, 23, en-- Eur. Fr. 1027 (D.); Aristid. 46, 128: pip. fjpKfa-av, dn- Dem. 19, 150: p. p. rjppai, -pJvos Eur. Fr. 1027; Thuc. 7, 41, (ir-TJprai 2, ii, as mid. see below: pip. rjpro Thuc. 1, 130: aor. rjpdrjv Simon. C. in ; Aesch. Sept. 214; Thuc. 4, 42; Dem. 2, 8; even in Ion. Hippocr. i, 737 (Erm.), r- 1, 479; 7r-ap6;if Her. i, 212 (-aep6- Stein, Abicht); dp0V Eur. Hip. 735; apSrfTf Ar. Nub. 266; apd^vai Hippocr. i, 249 (Erm.); dpBfis II. 13, 63. Od. 5, 393; Soph. Ant. in; Antiph. 2, 9, tir- Her. i, 90. 9, 49 (fir-aepd- Stein, Abicht) : fut. ap^o-op-at Ar. Ach. 565; -0rjos D. Sic. ii, 61; -Qfaevdai 12, 79; D. Cass. 37, 56: (2 aor. act. rjpov not found; subj. e'-op?j Ms. reading Athen. i, 34 (Com. Fr. 2, 846) is now fgd-yrj (Dind. Meinek.) ; but opt. dvr-dpoi late prose Agath. p. 209.) Vb. dprfov Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 498. Mid. atpopai lift for oneself, win, Eur. El. 360; Thuc. 4, 60: imp. iipofjnjv Soph. Ant. 907 : fut. opov/iat Soph. O. C. 460; Andoc. i, n ; PL Leg. 969 (apov see aeipw), apeo/uai Find. P. I, 75 : P- as ^id- kPf^"h see below: 1 aor. ripdp.rjv II. 14, 510 ; Theogn. 501 ; Pind. P. 3, 20; Eur. Heracl. 986; Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 653; Lys. 2, 14; PI. Rep. 374, ap- Pind. I. 6, 60 ; *apa>p.at Soph. Aj. 193 ; apai^v Eur. Cycl. 474, -am> Or. 3; Ar. Ran. 1406; apdpevos Ar. Pax 763. Ran. 32; Antiph. 5, 63. 6, 16; Lycurg. 95; Dem. 18, 208. 21, 132; apaaOai Com. Fr. (Aristophont.) 3, 357; Thuc. 6, 9 : 2 aor. Poet, unaugm. and referred by some to apvvpai, dpop.T)v (a) II. II, 625. 23, 592; *apa>/Ltat, -prjai HeS. Op. 632, -Tjrat II. 12, 435 ; Pind. N. 9, 46 ; apoL^v II. 18, 121; Xenophan. 2, 7; Aesch. Sept. 316; Soph. El. 34; apeatiai II. 16, 88. Od. 22, 253; Soph. Aj. 245; Theocr. 17, 117; dpopfvos Aesch. Eum. 1 68: and as mid. p. p. ^p/xeVot Soph. El. 55; Strab. 3, 150; Philostr. Ap. 3, 115. 6, 273. rjpa Ar. Ach. 913, is 2 sing. 1 aor. m. Boeot. for ijpao Xenophan. 5, i, fjpa>. Horn, uses the indie, of both w<*w v and dpo^v, but the other moods of the latter only, "dp. 31 once Athen. (Nicoch.) i, 34, has been displaced by Qayy (Dind. Meinek.) The act. is exceedingly rare in Epic ; but if our best edit, of Her. be correct, he uses parts of this verb more fre- quently than Lexicogr. allow, see adpa>. The initial a of 1 aor. remains long in the moods 'apm, 'dpatp.i &c. because it is long by compensation before receiving the augm. apa (for apa-a), with augm. vpa ; but the lengthening of it in the future seems rather abnormal Sophocles has avoided it. See aeip/iat Thuc. 6,41; Isocr. 12, 1 1 1 J -66fjivos Her. 3, 87; Thuc. 5, 3. Late writers use 1 aor. m. subj. ala-ffrja-rjTai, Schol. Arat. 418 (B.): aor. pass. ^cr6av6r^v Schol. Aesch. Pr. 253; Schol. Ar. Ran. 644 (D.), and i/ Af II. 21, 126: aor. #ia II. 21, 247. Od. 2, 154; Aesch. Pers. 470 trimet. (Pors. Well. Herm. <"*#- 24, 97. Mid. as act. dtWo/nai Poet. II. 6, 510, eV- 23, 628; Hippocr. 7, 498 (Lit.): imp. dtffvovTo Hym. Cer. 178; Hes. Th. 150; Orph. Arg. 519: fat. dtt-eadai, fir- old reading which Bekker was inclined to recall II. 23, 773 : aor. rare, ^d^v, digao-dat II. 22, J 95> >7r - 2 3> 773> see fut. : and aor. pass, ^dijv quoted. Rarely trans. ?/{(>> Soph. Aj. 40 ; hence ao-o-erot pass. O. C. 1261. In Horn, (a) except wrai II. 21, 126, Hes. and Ap. Rh. except atgg 3, 1302; in Trag. generally (a), Soph, has d once Tr. 843 (chor.); so Eur. Troad. 157. 1086 (chor.) See ao-o-o), ai-T6>. Pierson (Moeris, 301) is inclined to remove the trisyllable forms from the Tragedians by slight alterations, and Blomf. from trimeters at least. Person prefers granting a little licence to poets, and allows d(Wa> Eur. Hec. 31, d Her. 3, 69; Lycophr. 281, '- Aesch. Pr. 668 (-axroi Blomf. Dind.): aor. ra Her. 3, 127; Orph. Arg. 667, Dor. dtar- Pind. P. 3, 37, Soph. Aj. 515 (trim.), but SI-^I'OT- Tr. 88 1 (chor.); Od. 2O, 79; at'oraxra? Aesch. Pr. 232: aor. pass. v Od. io, 259; rare in Att. ma-ruddrj PI. Prot. 321. u To rule, only pres. -vp.va Eur. Med. 19. i) To disfigure, disgrace, II. 24, 418; Tyrt. io, 9; Pind. P. 4, 264; Soph. O. C. 929; rare in prose Hippocr. 6, 2; Xen. Eq. i, 12; Lys. i, 32; Isocr. 15, 251; Epic inf. -vvtp.ev II. 6, 209 : imp. tjorxvvf II. 18, 27, ata-xvve, Kar- Pind. Ol. io, 8, iter. alvxviKo-Kt, KOT- Q. Sm. 14, 531 : fut. -vva> Eur. Hipp. 719; Luc. Muse. enc. 9, ala-^vvel, /car- Aesch. Th. 546 (Herm. Weil) Dind. holds spurious, Ion. atVxiWw Her. 9, 53 : aor. 33 H. 23, 571; Soph. El. 1083; Eur. Hel. 721; Thuc. 4, 92; Lys. i, 4; PI. Rep. 495 : p. late ^xvyxevai Dio Cass. 58, 16, -XVKO. Draco p. 12, 15 : pip. ^trxyyuei. Dio Cass. 77, 16: p. p. Epic and rare j) -ofievoi, i, 6, 12: and imp. late rJTid&ro Dio Cass. 38, 10 (Bekk.) Amdofj-ai To blame, Dep. Od. i, 32; Soph. Ph. 385 ; Her. 4, 94; Antiph. 2, 8, i. 6, 17; Isocr. 17, 48; PL Phaedr. 262, Ion. -wjrai Hippocr. 6, 606 (Lit.) : imp. P'TKU/HJV Antiph. 6, 24 ; Thuc. 5, 30; Lys. 7, 17; Isocr. 15, 243, Ep. TITIOWTO II. n, 78, see below: fut. -tuo-o/zat Ar. Nub. 1433; Thuc. 6, 77; PL Phaed. 85 ; Aescbin. 2, 24 : aor. grtao-a/x^i/ Eur. Fr. 256 (D) ; D 34 Antiph. 5, 25; Lys. 7, 40; PL Meno 93; Dem. 36, 16; - Thuc. i, 120; -itiadpfvos PL Theaet. 150, Ion. -i^o-d^ej/os Her. 4, 94; Hippocr. 6, 6 (Lit.): p. ^ria/j.ai act. Dem. 19, 215, Ion. -Wat (Hippocr.) Epist. 3, 784 (K. 9, 336 Lit.), pass. Thuc. 3, 6 1 : pip. griaro act. Xen. Mem. i, 2, 64 (Dind.): aor. j/Tidtfijv always pass. Thuc. 8, 68 ; Xen. Hell. 2, i, 32 : fut. late amatfijcrofuu Dio Cass. 37, 56. Vb. alrtaros Aristot. An. Post. i, 9, 4, -'os PL Tim. 57. Lengthened Epic forms: omdairai Od. I, 32; opt. alnocoo Od. 2O, 135, -OWTO II. II, 654: inf. -idaa-dm 13,77$: imp. jjridaadf II. 16, 2O2, -OWJ/TO II, 78. In Horn, occur only pres. and imp. and only in the Epic form, in Traged. pres. and aor., in Corned, only pres. and future. KaraiTiaofiai has, we think, the perf. always pass. Am(i> To ask, solicit, a strengthened form of mYo, Epic and only pres. Od. 20, 182; Callim. Dian. 32. Fr. 190; subj. -i&i Od. 4, 651, once in Att. -t'ftre Ar. Pax 120 (Hexam.); -i'j Od. 17, 346; -a>v 17, 222. 19, 273; Callim. Cer. 115; Anth. (Agath.) 10, 66: and aor. part, alritrcras Anth 10, 66, missed or denied by Lexicogr. Alx|iaX&m&> To take captive, is late, and very complete. We therefore should not have noticed it, had we not observed that all our Lexicogr. miss the mid. voice : -ifofiai Jos. Jud. B. 4, 8, i: fut. -HTOfjifvos 4, 2,4: aor. gx/iaXururairo I, 22, I; -t&Aftsrot Diod. Sic. 13, 24 : with p. p. px/iX Soph. Aj. 1263 (contr. enaa) Eur. Here. F. 772) is freq. in prose, Her. 3, 29; PI. Apol. 19. Charm. 170, &c. : fut. late -aia-ovras Dion, de Avibus 2, 19, elv- Orac. Sib. i, 354 (Alex.) : aor. eV-qiVe Her. quoted. 'Aiu To breathe out, (017/11) Epic and only imp. aiov II. 15, 252. (5, in arsi.) Some however refer this to the previous verb, to note, know. Aiupeu To hold aloft, act. rare in classic auth. Find. P. 1,9; -topi; Luc. Hist. Conv. 8 ; -pair) Hippocr. 7, 522. 524; -5>v Dem. 18, 260; later Plut. Brut. 37; Luc. Jup. Conf. 4: imp. rjapti App. Civ. 2, 81 : aor. y&pqo-e Opp. C. 4, 216; Nonn. i, 317. Pass, -ovfiai Thuc. 7, 77, -e/u Her. 7, 92; -ovfitvos Soph. El. 1390, w- PL Phaed. 112 ; -o-ftu Hippocr. 3, 442, -elo-tfai Xen. Ven. 4, 4: imp. ycopevvro, dir- Hes. Sc. 234, HOT- 225: p. p. fi^rai Opp. Hal. 3, 532, -rivrai 2, 581, air- AristOt. Plant. I, 4, I, Ion. tTT-auop- Aretae. Morb. Diut. i, 50 (Ed. Oxon.) : pip. T/wprji-o Coluth. 108 ; Nonn. 19, 263. 24, 78, -prjvTo Orph. Arg. 1225: aor. ala>pr)0eis Her. 8, lOO: with fut. m. alcaprja-ea-dai Aristid. 46, 289 (D.) : but pass. alvpridTjVfa-Oat, Dio Cass. 41, i, dn- Hippocr. 3, 468, \mfp- 4, 294. 382. 390 (Lit.), eV- Dioscor. 5, 85. Mid. rare, aor. alatpTja-d/jLevos, irpoa-- D. Sic. 23, 9 (Bekk. 33, 7 Dind.). Our lexicons mislead by saying "Pass, with fut. mid." 'AKaxilu To grieve, afflict (a^w, aKax), Epic Od. 16, 432 : imp. aKa^ffe Q. Sm. 3, 112: fut. dKaxrjvco H. Hym. 3, 286: 1 aor. rare, d/cd^cm II. 23, 223 ; Opp. Hal. 4, 46 ; -17077 Q. Sm. i, 668 : usu. 2 aor. fJKa X ov II. 16, 822. Od. 16, 427 ; H. Hym. 5, 56; Anth. 7, i. 220; duaxw Hes. Th. 868. Mid. dKa X i- &IMI to sorrow, imper. -xi&o II. 6, 486, -xtf"' Od. n, 486, later aKaxovrai Q. Sm. 3, 224' (Mss. Koechl.): imp. OKOXOVTO Q. Sm. 5, 652 : p. p. d*cd^?7^ai as pres. Od. 8, 314. 19, 95; imper. dttt^o-o Ap. Rh. 4, 1324 (Merk.); ditdxnvdai II. 19, 335. Od. 4, 806; part, accented as a pres. -rjp.fvos II. 19, 312. 24, 550; Hes. Th. 99, and with a shifting of the quantity, d^xe- fuvos Ap. Rh. 4, 1260, -x^fvrj II- 5, 364, -xfpxvai 18, 29 : 2 aor. dAca^o'^jjv Od. 16, 342; aKaxoifj.r]v Od. I, 236, -OITO II. 13, 344; Ap. Rh. 2, 190; TheOCr. 8, 91, -olfjifda II. l6, l6. d/c^e'Sarat 3 pi. perf. for dK^irat, II. 17, 637 : pip. duaxfio-ro, -17070 (B.) 3 pi. for -XT)", II. 12, 179. See also axwp.ai, a^o/xat. The 2 aor. act. is always and a/ow^ augmented. 'AKaxfJieVos, rj, oc, (dfcay/ieVos redupl. p. p. part, of OKW ?) Epic sharpened, 11. 14, 12; Hes. Sc. 135; Opp. Hal. 2, 465, -/xeVa II. 12, 444. D 2 36 ' 'AKC'OJJW" To heal, Dep. (act. d^ew only Hippocr. 6, 294 (Lit. 2, 406 Erm.) : aor. dxeo-a?, '- Pythag. Aur. C. 68) ckcC/iai C. Fr. (Menandr.) 4, 287, if not fiit., -emu Soph. Ant. 1027 (Vulg. Nauck), -terat Democr. p. 178 (Mull.), -eWai, e|- II. 9, 507 ; but Subj. aK/jrai Soph, quoted (Wund. Dind.), -eco/ze^a II. 13, ug; dicov Soph. Tr. 1035 ; -o-0ai Eur. Med. 199; Xen. Mem. 2, 7, i; -ovpfvos PI. Phil. 30, Epic dKeio'/ifvos II. 16, 29; Pind. P. 9, 104: imp. dicfovro II. 22, 2; Ap. Rh. 2, 156: fut. late do-o/u Dio Cass. 38, 19; Aristid. 25, 312 (Vulg.), diceo-cr- Musae. 199; Orac. ap. Aristid. 25, 312 quoted, unless dut'ipGai PI. Rep. 364, e- Com. Fr. (Menandr.) 4, 287, be fut. : aor. ^ceo-dpji/ II. 5, 901; Aristot. Physiog. 6, 56; Plut. M. 523; Paus. 8, 1 8, aKfo-traro Anth. 5, 291 ; dneo-a-ato Eur. Hec. 1067 (chor.) J imper. aKfara-ai II. 16, 523, dnea-andf Od. IO, 69; dKeo-d/ifvos Hippocr. 4, 368 ; Antiph. 4 (y), 7 ; Aristot. H. An. 9, 39, 4 ; Luc. Conv. 47, diceo-o-- Plat. Epigr. 5 (B.) ; aKfo-aa-dai Her. 4, 90 ; Hippocr. 6, 588 (Lit.) : aor. p. late ^ivQ^v pass. Paus. 2, 27, 3. 3, 19, 7: also pass, and late, pres. dxetrat Aretae. C. M. i, p. 70. Vb. d^eo-rd? II. 13, 115; Antiph. 5, 91. (S.) aKto 2 sing, imper. for d/cfeo, Her. 3, 40, so Xvn-eo 8, 100, but iroifv ibid. 'AKtjS&u To neglect, Poet. Mosch. 4, 8 r ; imper. , -i^Sets II. 23, 70: fat. late -fan Q. Sm. 10, 29: aor. aKTjSeo-a II. 14, 427, later -rja-a; Subj. -rjvaa-i Q. Sm. IO, 1 6 ; -Sijo-oi Soph. Ant. 414 (Bonitz, Dind., Nauck, d$fi- Vulg.); -fjvas Q. Sm. 12, 376. Vb. dierjSfffTos II. 6, 60. (a.) 'AKoXaaraiku 7b ^ licentious, only pres. Com. Fr. (Mnesim.) 3, 569; PI. Rep. 590. Phil. 12; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 2, 6, 19; and late Plut. Alcib. 36 &c. ; Anth. 10, 56: imp. ^coXaor- Hesych. see eXao-^aiVo/xei/ : and fat. -avS> Ar. Av. 1227. (a.) This verb occurs twice only in Com. poetry, Ar. and Mnesim. quoted ; often in prose, but not earlier than Plato, and almost confined to inf. and part. pres. 'Aiccxm^o-as Well fed with barley (d^oon?), a defect aor. part. n.6,506. (a.) 'AKoudw To hear, pres. act. only Horn. H. Merc. 423 : and mid. dKovdfopu as act. -ata6ov II. 4, 343, -afcffde Od. 13, 9 ; -dfavrai Od. 9, 7; (Hes.) Certam. p. 316, 6 (Goettl.); Ionic prose Hippocr. 7, 94 (Lit.) 'AKOUW To hear, II. 2, 486; Pind. P. i, 2 ; Aesch. Sept. 245 ; Soph. Aj. 16; Her. i, 47 (Orac.). 3, 62; Antiph. 6, 14; Thuc. 6, 34, Dor. 3 pi. OKOVOVTI Pind. P. 5, 101 ; Epic inf. -e'/xi/at Od. 12, 193, -tfitv H. 15, 129: imp. TJKOVOV II. ii, 768; Aesch. Pr. 448; Soph. Ph. 595; Ar. Lys. 390; Her. 2, 3; Antiph. ' AKOVOO. 3 7 2, a, 9 ; Thuc. 8. 6 ; Dinarch. 3, i ; Dem. 54, 8, "OKOVOV II. 12, 442 ; Find. N. 4, 77 : fut. m. a/couo-o/iat II. 15, 199; Aesch. Sept. 196; Soph. O. C. 988; Eur. Heracl. 718; Ar. Ran. 206. Ach. 335; Theocr. 29, 21; Her. 9, 79; Thuc. 7, 73; Andoc. 1, 47; Lys. 13, 2; PL Apol. 17; Dem. 14, 12: and late axovo-w Lycophr. 378. 1373; D. Hal. 5, 57; Dio Cass. 76, 4; Procop. Epist. 15 (Kerch.); Anth. (Pallad.) 9, 397 &c. : aor. rjKovcra II. 22, 447; Soph. O. R. 95; Ar. Ach. 571; Her. i, 48. 2, 3. 7, 102; Antiph. 6, 36; Thuc. i, 22; Lys. 10, 2; PI. Phaed. 57, "OK- II. 24, 223; Pind. N. 2, 14, and Dor. "dKovaa P. 9, 112; Theocr. 4, 6: p. Att. d^Koa Aesch. Pr. 740; Ar. Nub. 738; Her. i, 37. 8, 109; Antiph. 4, a, 7. 5, 81; Thuc. 6,91; Lys. i, 43; Isocr. 12, 187; Isae. 6, 64, Dor. GKOUKO Plut. Agesil. 21. Mor. 191. 212 : pip. axrjKOfiv Her. always, 2, 52. 7, 208; Lycurg. 15; PI. Crat. 384 (-017 Bekk. fait- Schanz), Trap- Euthyd. 300, and ^Koeu/ Ar. Pax 616. Vesp. 800 (Vulg. Bergk), see below; Hippocr. 7, 490; Xen. Cyr. 3, 2, 2. Oec. *5> 7 (-<"? Saupp.). Hell. 5, i, 26; (Dem.) 47, 57. 60, 29; late, Luc. Philop. i. Hale. 2, d^Kodres ^O-OK Isocr. 21, 20: p. p. late rjKovo-pai D. Hal. Rhet. n, 10 ; (Luc.) Philop. 4, and if correct, aKf]KovTo>v Hyperid. Fun. Or. Col. 13, 3 (Bab.), 178 (Cobet) be correct, which we doubt, both because Hyperid. uses the classic form aKoixrfffdai Eux. p. 15, and because the pres. aKovovTtov, a slight and easy change, suits the sense at least equally well. The copyist seems however to have meant the fut., for he has fyKapida-ovros in the compared clause. And if so, we cannot, with Cobet, condemn the fut. on the ground of its 38 being "plane absurdum." "Nulla unquam," adds he, "fuit oratio neque erit, quae prodesse possit animis eorum qui earn sint audituri, id est quae prosit etiam priusquam audita sit." We think this an undue, and therefore an unfair, limitation of the phrase. The hearing of the things that were to benefit was surely future to his present utterance. Several late writers, from Lycophron onwards, use it freely, Anth. 9, 397; D. Hal. 5, 57; Menand. Rhet. 614; V. T. 2 Reg. 14, 16. Esai. 6, 9; N. T. Matt. 12, 19. 13, 14. Jo. 10, 16; Or. Sib. 4, 174. 8, 104. 206, 345 ; but even in late writers, the mid. seems to be the prevailing form. dicova> is not the only verb which takes, even in Attic Greek, the temporal as well as the syllabic augment in its pip. ; in other words, augments occasion- ally at least, the reduplicated vowel, wpwpei Aesch. Ag. 653; Soph. O. C. 1622 (both trimeters), but opo>p Ar. Pax 1287 (hexam.). In Attic prose, the correct theory would, perhaps, be always to augment it in accordance with occasional cases presented by the best Mss. e. g. dTr-wXwXa Dem. 20, 79 (Ms. S. Bind. now}. 19, 125 (most Mss. Bekk. Dind. Bait. Saupp. &c.) Herodian, an able grammarian, would write the pip. of aKova always with ?, ^mjKoeiv. But if the best Mss. and editors may be trusted, Herodotus seems never to have augmented the reduplication, the Attics to have augmented it, but certainly not " always." The form ^17x017 is called old Att. for -ew, Ar. Pax 616 (Bekk. Dind.). Vesp. 800 (Dind. Meineke) ; PI. Crat. 384 (Ms. T. Schanz), d/^ (Bekk. Or. B. W.). In some edit, various forms of the fut. act. used to stand as follows: d/covo-a II. 7, 129, now d*coutrai, d/couo-ftf Alcae. Fr. 82 (85), now dual/ecus, so Aesch. Ag. 1406 (Blomf.), -oven (Mss. Dind. Herm.), drovo-ere Ar. Thesm. 1167 (Br.), now-o^rf (Bekk. Dind.), so Dem. 18, 160 (Steph.). 25, 85 (some Mss.), now (Reisk. Bekk. &c.), aKova-o^v Ar. Ach. 295 (Mss. R. V.), (Elms. Bekk. Dind.), vn-aKowovTcs Thuc. i, 140 (Vulg.), (Mss. Haack, Bekk. Kriig. &c.), and dicovaere Luc. Ab- dic. 26, VTraKoiHTtis Navig. il (Vulg.) are now -owroire, -oixrei (Jacob. Dind.). 'AxpaxoXeu To be passionate, Att. prose, and only part, -ovvra PL Leg. 731. 'Aicpipow To make accurate, reg. but. mid. -ov/zai late in simple, fat. -wo-o/iat Joseph. Ant. 17, 2, 3 : aor. ^pij3o>o-aTo Porph. V. Pythag. ii (Nauck); Malal. p. 230, 14: and as mid. p. p. ^pi/3<7 s yfct (Hesych.), all missed by Lexicogr. In comp. the mid. is classical, 39 Isocr. 4, 1 8 ; PI. Theaet. 184 : aor. -^axr^Ba Isocr. Ep. 6, 8 ; Isae. 3, 39; PI. Polit. 292. Dep. Med. To hear, listen to, Ar. Vesp. 562 ; An- tiph. 5, 4 ; Thuc. 3, 37 ; Dem. 23, 78 ; -apevos Hippocr. 7, 252 ; Aristot. Rhet. i, i, 10; Aeschin. 3, 166 : imp. ^cpow/*- An doc. 4, 8 ; PI. Menex. 236 : fat. -oao-opu Andoc. i, 105 ; Lys. 27, 7; PI. Apol. 37; Isocr. 15, 21: aor. rjKpoavap.^v Ar. Ran. 315; Thuc. 6, 89 ; Lys. 16, 9 ; PI. Ion 530; Dem. 43, 2 ; r)icpod, C. Fr. 3, 50: p. TjKpoanai Aristot. H. A. 4, 10, n ; Luc. D. Mer. 12, 2 : aor. late and pass, dupoddtis Aristid. 4, 30 (Vulg. if Reiske, Dind.); Joseph. Ant. 17, 5, 2 (Bekk). Vb. fos Ar. Av. 1228. In the classical period this verb seems nearly ponfined to comedy and Attic prose. A poetic col- lateral form aKpodfrnai is found in Epicharmus 7 5 ; also Hippocr. 7, 70 : imp. T]KpodfTo Com. Fr. (Menand.) 4, 113, where Meineke however prefers with Steph. aor. ^poao-aro. For ^poao-o C. Fr. 3, 50, Cob. suggests fjKpodao pip. 'Aicpo{3oXia> To throw from a distance, skirmish, in act. only imp. TjKpo&6\i( Ant. Pal. 7, 546; Eustath. 5, 14. Usu. mcpo- oXt'bp,ai Dep. mid. and confined to prose, Xen. Cyr. 8, 8, 22 ; Luc. Tim. 45 : fut. (-lovfjuu): aor. ^Kpo/3oXrap.7i/ Thuc. 3, 73. 4, 34 ; -urdfjifvos Her. 8, 64. No pass. (?). 'AKpam)piaoj To cut off the extremities, Longin. 39, 4 ; Plut. Mor. 479; Polyb. 5, 54: imp. Tjicparr- Polyb. i, 80; (Luc.) Amor. 24; Athen. (Clearch.) 12, 27: aor. ^pwrr/piWa Her. 3, 59; Strab. 17, i, 46; Polyb. 8, 23; Diodor. 4, 10, 3 : p. p. r)KpcaTT]pi.aa-fievos Aristid. 13, 128 (Dind.) ; but. act. Dem. 18, 296 : aor. -dadijv Plut. Alcib. 18. Nic. 13; Philostr. 7, 4 (Kayser): mid. -aardftfvos Xen. Hell. 6, 2, 36 : and p. p. as mid. -avptvos Dem. quoted. 'AXaiKu (a) To wander, Tragic, and only pres. act. Aesch. Ag. 82 ; Eur. Tr. 1084; -aivw I. T. 284. El. 204. Or. 532 ; (3 pi. Dor. rj\aivovri Theocr. 7, 23, where once stood mid. rjXaivovTai, see TjXaiva.) 'AXaXdw To raise the war-cry, Aesch. Fr. 55 (Dind.); late prose Plut. Luc. 32. Cat. Maj. 9 ; Arr. An. i, 14, aw- Polyb. 1 8, 8 : imp. ^XaX- Eur. Bac. 1133 ; Xen. An. 6, 5, 27, dv- 4, 3, 19, aXaX- Nonn. i, 242 : fat. mid. -aop,ai Eur. Bac. 593 : act. oXaXao> late Arr. C. Alan. 25 (-dfa Kerch.); V. T. Jer. 29, 3: aor. ^XdXaa Eur. Here. F. 981 ; Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 676 ; Xen. An. 5, 2, 14 (Popp. Kriig.), dvr- Aesch. Pers. 399, or- Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 26, unaugm. <&d\afv Pind. Ol. 7, 37 ; inf. -oXa^at Soph. Ant. 133; part. d\a\dgavres Xen. Cyr. 3, 2, 9 ; Luc. Nav. 36. Mid. d\d\aopevi) as act. Soph. Fr. 479 (Dind.) : imp. ^ 40 'AXaX/cw 'AXao/Acu. Arr. An. ,5, 10, 3 : fat. -d II. 19, 30, for -a\Kflv (Vulg. Dind. La Roche). dXdX/covo-i Q. Sm. quoted, Lobeck (Tech. Verb. p. 60) would alter to oAe'lowt, but Koechly retains it. 'A\aXuKrr)p.ai Ep. To be troubled, a reduplicated perf. pass, from dXvKTfu, with meaning of pres. II. 10, 94. See dXvKTtw. 'AXdofiai To wander, mostly poet. dXw/xat Aesch. Eum. 98, -arai Solon 13, 43 ; Find. Ol. i, 58 ; Ar. Av. 942, -&>/*e0a Soph. Aj. 23, -aa-df II. IO, 141, -Stvrai Dem. 19, 310, Ep. -ocoi/rat Od. 3, 73; imper. Ep. dXo'oj (dXdeo, aXao, dXa>) Od. 5, 377; part. dXupfvos Od. 6, 206 ; Soph. O. C. 1363 ; Theocr. 13, 66 ; Her. 4, 97; Lys. 6, 30, -wo/iews Q. Sm. 14, 63; dXdadai Aesch. Pr. 666; Eur. Med. 515; Thuc. 2, 102; Isocr. 4, 168: imp. T)\>MV Od. 4, 91 ; Soph. O. C. 444 ; Eur. Ion 53 ; Ael. V. H. 4, 20 ; D. Sic. 5, 59 ; App. Civ. i, 62. 4, 115, poet. dXaro II. 6, 201, Dor. aX^ro, if correct, Bion n (8), 5 (Ahrens) : fut. rather doubtful, dXj7: aor. part. oXaoTTjo-as II. 12, 163; Callim. Del. 239; Musae. 202; Maneth. 2, 183, en- Od. i, 252 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 369. 557. 'AXyuvu (t>) To vex, poet, mostly Trag. Aesch. Sept. 358 ; Soph. O. R. 1067 ; Eur. Ale. 521 ; late Plut. Mor. 82 ; Maneth. 5, 101 : imp. ij\yvvov Aesch. Ch. 746, iter. dXyweo-Ke Q. Sm. 4, 416: fut. -vvS> Soph. O. R. 332; Eur. Hipp. 1297; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 457; and late Lycophr. 985 : aor. ifKyvva Plut. Marcell. 25; opt. d\yvvais Soph. O. R. 446 (-vois Elms.), -vveiev Tr. 458; inf. -wot Eur. I. A. 326 : aor. pass. rjKyvvdrjv Aesch. Pr. 245 ; d\yvv6S> Eur. Tr. 172 ; late prose Plotin. 26, 51 : with fut. mid. dXywovfiat as pass. Soph. Ant. 230; Eur. Med. 622: but late fut. p. dXyw^o-opzt, intrans. II. 23, 599; Opp. Cyn. i, 318, trans. Theocr. 17, 78): 2 aor. Epic, rj\8avov Od. i8, 70. 24, 368 : 1 aor. late (fjXfyvd), V- oXS^ao-a Nic. Alex. 409 (G. Schneid.), eV-aX^o-ao-a (Vulg.), iter. aXSijaaovce Orph. Lith. 364. Pass. d\8atvr)Tai Q. Sm. 9, 473. Vb. ac-aXror insatiable, Od. 18, 114. For eVaXS^ay, -faus Nic. Alex. 409, Otto Schneid. reads evavdrja-as with Ms. P. 'AXSrjo-Kw, see preced. ("AX8w), pass. -ofjMi To be healed, seems late Q. Sm. 9, 475 (Spitzn. KoechL), eV- Nic. Alex. 532. aXSopfvav in some edit, of Ar. N. 282, is a mere suggestion of Brunck for the Ms. and correct reading dp8- (Dind. Bergk, Mein.). See a\6a>. iJiw To care for, Epic, Epigramm. and only pres. II. i, 42 'AXeetVw 'AXe/^)w. 1 60 ; Hes. Th. 171 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 193 ; late prose Ep. Phal. 29 ; d\ryifdv Orph. Lith. 61; -iftov Orph. Arg. 352. Lith. 38; Aretse. C. Ac. Morb. i (83): and imp. unaugm. dX/yife II. n, 80; Ap. Rh. i, 14; Nonn. 41, 332. Pass. dXtyi^o^vov Anth. 5, 1 8. The collateral dXyw is also mostly Epic, and used only in pres. II. 9, 504. n, 389; Alcae. 58; Simon. C. 37, 10; Theocr. 15, 95; Opp. Hal. 2, 183; aXeyoi Nic. Ther. 5; dXeyuv Od. 19, 154; Hes. Op. 251 ; Find. Ol. n, 15 ; once in Att. Aesch. Supp. 751 (chor.); -ytiv Find. I. 8, 47. Pass. aXeyovrai Find. Ol. 2, 78; SUbj. a\tyrja6ov Anth. App. 50, 6. dXcyuyo also is Epic, but scarcely so confined in its inflection, imper. dXeywe Hym. Merc. 476, dXryiWe Od. i, 374; inf. -vveiv n, 186; part -vvwv H. H. Merc. 361: imp. unaugm. a\tyvvov Od. 13, 23; Ap. Rh. 2, 495: aor. d\eyvva Ap. Rh. i, 394. Mid. aor. dAeyiWro Emped. 433 (Stein) missed by Lexicogr. 'AXeeifu Epic, To avoid, Od. 13, 148. II. n, 794; -va>v II. 16, 213 ; Hes. Op. 828 ; -Wiv Opp. H. 5, 78 ; late prose Luc. Dem. enc. 23; Agath. 2, 32: imp. unaugm. dXeWop II. 13, 356; intrans. withdrew, Ap. Rh. 3, 650 : aor. late, inf. dXeflwu Maneth. 6,736. 'AXeujKd To anoint, Ar. Ach. 1066 ; Com. Fr. (Crates) 2, 237; Her. 3, 8: imp. ^Xet^ov Hipponax 41 (B); Plut. Themist. 3, f|- IsOCr. 21, 2, 7rpo<7- oXetT)v Joseph, jud. B. 2, 8, 3 (Bekk.), '- PI. Phaedr. 258 (Mss. Bekk. Stallb. Or. B. W.); Jos. Ant. 17, 12, 2, an- Dio Cass. 55, 13 (Bekk. L. Dind.). Mid. d\d 5> J 3> < " r ~ Soph. Aj. 1 66. These forms are generally referred to dXe'a>. 'A\&j To ward off, rare, inf. aXe^fitv II. 3, 9, -i^vai II. i, 590. n, 469 ; and, if sound, in a Spartan decree Thuc. 5, 77, -e'few Find. Ol. 13, 9 ; Xen. Cyr. 4, 3, 2, . The form dXe^o-ao-^ai though supported by all the Mss. Xen. An. i, 3, 6, is rejected by the best editors for d\cga0a for dXe- Tja-opfda. The forms in -jo-a> seem to be Ion. and too little in accordance with the usage of Xen. to be readily adopted even with Mss. For fat. dXaXK^a-w, and 2 aor. &\a\Kov, see dXdX/ca>. A pure form aXtgea seems doubtful in pres. dXeeii/ Find. Ol. 13, 9 (several Mss. Vulg. Bergk) has been rejected by Boeckh, Hart. Momms. for dXegtiv. Kiihner and Jelf have said " fut. dXe|o/*ai is poet, only." Kiihner however now defends it as a real fut. and the best sup- ported reading Xen. An. 7, 7, 3, quoted. 'AXe'oficu To avoid, Epic, contr. d\fv/j.ai Theogn. 575, dXeomu Opp. Hal. 5, 432 ; (subj. -eV To avert, Poet. Aesch. Pr. 567 ; Paroem. Greg. Cypr. Cent, i, 31. Diog. 2, 56; late prose Agath. i, 15 : fut. dXeuo-w Soph. Fr. 825 (D.) : aor. (^Xeuo-a), aXeuow Aesch. Sept. 141. Supp. 528, -fva-are Sept. 86. Mid. Epic dXcvo/ioi to avoid, Od. 24, 29; Hes. Op. 535; Ap. Rh. 4, 474; Mosch. 2, 77; imper. vn-aXeveo Hes. Op. 760: aor. ^Xfudymji/ II. 13, 503. 17, 305; Ap. Rh. 4, 797, dXev- II. n, 360. Od. 22, 260, 2 sing. dXfuao Nonn. 33, 326; Subj. -fverai for -TJTCU, Od. 14, 400; and (fi\ev/xtu 'AXe'eo 'AXi70/. 45 Soph, quoted, has good Mss. support, but is opposed by ega\vcap.ai (Hesych.), approved by Wessel. Heath, Br. Herm. and now Dind. We do not however think it a valid objection against e'aXevor To grind, Ar. Nub. 1358; Hippocr. 8, 112 (Lit); Aristot. Probl. 35, 3; Plut M. 284, /car- Her. 4, 172: imp. tf\ow Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 254: fut. (dXeW, Att. dXa> Moeris, Suid.): aor. ijfXecra, Kar- Strab. 260, Epic SXta-a-a Od. 2O, 109; dXfffat Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 345 ; Hippocr. 7, 266 (Lit.) ; dXeVa? 6, 454. 7, 170 (Lit.); Arr. An. 6, 23; Strab. 3, 3, 7; Herodn. 4, 7 (Bekk.): p. dX^XeKa Anth. (Nicarch.) u, 251 : 'p. p. dX^XeoyMit Her. 7, 23; Thuc. 4, 26 (Mss. Haack, Poppo, Kriig. &c.); D. Sic. 3, 14, aX^Xe/xot Thuc. quoted (Mss. Bekk. Goell. Stahl) ; Com. Fr. (Amph.) 3, 303, and late ^Xeo-^at Dioscor. i, 28 : aor. late f)\fa-d^v Dioscor. i, 173; Geop. 7, 12, and if correct, rj\r)(r6r]v Geop. 9, 19. Vb. d\f(TT(ov late, Dioscor. 5, 95. eViaXw Ar. Nub. 1299, given by some as fut. of this verb, is fut. of eViaXXo). Passow says that dX^Xea/ieVor, though altered by Bekker to dXTjXffieW Thuc. 4, 26, is still quite sure in Amphis (Athen. 14, 642). If the first line is made complete, ending with the participle, then dX^eo-pfvov is undoubted, because the form with o- is required by the metre ; but if the first line is constituted defective, and the second complete, beginning with the participle, then is -eo-^eW not only liable to doubt, but inadmissible, and the form without a-, a\rj\e^vov, absolutely demanded by the metre. Besides, it is the reading of all the Mss. In the classical period, the case, on the whole, seems to stand so : dX^XfoyieVo? Her. 7, 23 (no v. r.) ; Thuc. 4, 26 (Mss. Haack, Popp. Kriig. &c.), -tfifvos (Mss. Bekk. Goell. Cob. Stahl, &c.); Amphis, Athen. 14, 642 (all Mss. Meineke), -fo-pivos (Casaub. Schweigh. Dind.); and later D. Sic. 3, 14; Arr. An. 6, 23, -cptW Anon. Oec. 22. The strengthened form okfTptvo) is Epic and rare, Od. 7, 104; Hes. Fr. 26; -eiWro Ap. Rh. 4, 1095 : fut- ' ate -fvo-ovra Lycophr. 159. 'AXr]0{u> To speak truth, rare and late in act. Plut. M. 230. 46 'AXtfflw 'AX/f. Mid. rare in classic Greek, and only pres. oX^ifo/wu Her. 3, 72 ; -ie Xen. An. 7, 7, 25; Aristot. Eth. N. 4, 13, 8: aor. rj\rj0 (vcra Xen. An. 5, 6, 18; -fva-aifu Aesch. Sept. 562: p. -ev*ca Aristot Interp. 10, 14, has pass. dXq&vo/wu to be truly spoken, to accord with truth, Aristot. Top. 5, 4, 2. 3 &c. : with fut. mid. -evcrerat as pass. N. Eth. i, ii, 37. Top. 5, 5, 3. 5. Metaph. 10, 5, 10. 6, 17 (Bekk.) 'A\TJ9ea To grind, usu. only pres. and rare, Hippocr. 6, 494 (Lit.); Theophr. C. P. 4, 12, 13 : Anth. (Lucil.) u, 154 : imp. rj\T]6ov Babr. 131, 5 (Lach. Knoch); V. T. Num. n, 8 : aor. dXfja-as Herodn. 4, 7, 5 (Vulg.) is now dXeo-a? (Bekk.) : aor. p. T)\Tj. The collat. form oArj/w occurs only in pres. Soph. Fr. 826 (D.) 'AX-fji'ai, see iX<. A\T]) and 'AXOiaKw To heal, Hippocr. i, 472 (Foes, 7, 52 Lit.), perhaps better -iqaicw (Galen, Rost, 2, 210 Ermerins): fut. late d\6r) Nic. Ther. 587 : aor. late fjXdrjaa 496. Pass. "iXdopai, -(vrj Q. Sm. 9, 475 (Mss. A. Vulg. dXSo^i- Spitzn. KoechL) : imp. aXdero II. 5, 417: fut. dX^o-o^at, an- pass. II. 8, 405 : aor. a\6r6f)vai, w- Hippocr. 4, 126 (Lit.): aor. m. late T)\6r)o-dnT)v Poet, de Herb. 44. Epic except, pres. and aor. pass. dXdfvdfjvai from \6onai, has analogy in dxOeo-drjvat from axQopai. A fut. m. dX&'^oi/rat, as if from dX&Vo-a>, occurs in Aretae. 61, 30. Passow says " there is no example of pres. act. or pass." though aXdo^vrj is, we think, in every edit, of Q. Sm. quoted, except Koechly's (1850). 'AXipSifa) To sink in the sea, Poet, and late, Callim. Fr. 269 : aor. dXtjSSvo-ao-a Lycophr. 351. A\iw To collect, assemble (aAijs), Her. 7, 12; PL Crat. 409: fut. (dXtb-w, -iw): aor. ^Xio-a, dX/o-as Eur. H. F. 412 ; Her. i, 77; Nic. Damasc. Fr. n (L. Bind.); j/-jjXraj> Her. i, 176, but o-vv-dX- i, 125 (Mss. Gaisf. Bekk. Kriig. Stein), teW 4, 118. 7, 172; 5, 15: aor. rjXlortirjv, mjv- Xen. An. 7, 3, 48; eo) ' A\i 3 im P- o-w-qXifoiTo Her. i, 62. 5, 102. The perf. pass, is peculiarly Ion. and therefore not augmented by Her. TjXiarfj.- however (Dind.) and 7, 172 (Abicht), but aor. ovv-aXiae i, 125, though supported by the Mss. should perhaps be altered to o-w-qX- in accordance with o-v^Xio-ai/ i, 176, and avv-rfki^ovTo i, 62. 5, io2. So, we observe, Dindorf and Abicht edit, and Bredow recommends : Lhardy suggests (rvv-a\i Ar. Eccl. 287, oXwo-i Her. 2, 93; PL Leg. 937 &c. ; oXotV II. 22, 253 (Bekk. Dind.); Antiph. 2, a, 8. 5, 59; PL Theaet. 179; aXous IL 2, 374. 5, 487; Soph. O. C. 764; Ar. Nub. 1079; Her. 5, 105; Xen. An. 5, 2, 8; aX&ii/at II. 21, 281 ; Soph. Ph. 1440; Ar. Thesm. 790; Antiph. 2. y, 6; Thuc. 4, 100. Vb. dXamfc Thuc. 6, 77. Active supplied by af/>o. dXeaw, -, aXoirjv, afXov?, aXcovai, IL 4, 29! &C. except aXcowu Hipponax 74 (B.), aXovrf, which has a even in thesis, II. 5, 487. 'aXa> dissyllab. Anth. n, 155. In Epic, this verb seems confined to 2 aor. The act. forms dXiWw, dXo, are not found uncomp. except 3 sing. dXt'o-xet if sound, Prov. Diogen. Cent. 2, 66. 4, 45 ; and Hesych. In Her. and Xen. Mss. and edit, present both jjXttKa and e'dXwKa, the former prevailing in Her. the latter in Xen. In Thuc. Plato and, we think, the orators, except Dem. edXoMca is the only form. Dem. as edited by Bekker, and B. Saupp. has both forms, fj\o>Ka seven or eight times, 19, 179. 21, 105. 151. 227. 24, 77. 84 (105). 54, 33, iX- twice as often, 19, 169. 312. 341. 21, ii. 23, 28. 29. 30. 34- 35- 3 6 - 38. 79- 95. 216. 219. 24, 112. 137. 25, 17. Dind. again, in his last edition (1855), gives uniformly ijiXoxca, and aor. rj\o>v, except perhaps thrice taXcw 7, 37. 20, 79, seemingly by oversight. "jyXw/ca," Buttm. says, "belongs to the stricter Atticism." If this be correct in theory, we think it is not borne out by the usage of the stricter Attic prose writers at least In fact, we find it most frequently in those authors that are least shy of an Ionic or a common form, Her. and Xen. quoted ; ^ u(ct " s Plut. Pyr. 18. Sol. 19. Cat. Min. 68. Ant. 39; D. Sic. Fr. 21. p. 4 (Bekk.) The compd. ava\i, -aXo'w would favour the opinion more. In Trag. the perf. occurs only once edXo>Ke Aesch. Ag. 30, the aor. never in indie. In Corned, the perf occurs twice, 'AXAa. 49 and in the form qXwra Com. Fr. quoted, indie, aor. e'dXwv rare Ar. quoted. ("AXo-ai^w only mid.) and 'AXirpaii'w To sin, Epic Hes. Op. 241 (quoted Aeschin. 2, 158. 3, 135); Anth. (Jul.) 9, 763; Tryph. 269 : 1 aor. rare aXtnjo-a Orph. Arg. 647 : p. fjXirrjKa (Hesych.) : 2 aor. fj\lrov II. 9, 375; Theogn. 1170; Callim. Dian. 255; Aesch. Eum. 269 (chor.); subj. dXiYi/ Pseud.-Phocyl. 208; opt. aXiroifu Aesch. Pr. 533 (chor.); -trav Eum. 316 (chor.) ; Opp. H. 5, 563. Mid. dXtTmVroi as act. (v. r. dXirpaiv-) only Hes. Op. 330, seems Epic subj. : 2 aor. dXiTowv Od. 5, 108 ; subj. dXiYw/uat II. 24, 570, -qrai 19, 265 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 1028 ; inf. dXirea-ffai Od. 4, 378 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 390 : p. part. d\iTT)fj,epos sinning, Od. 4, 807 ; Hes. Sc. 91. This verb is Epic and Epigramm. Of Attic poets, Aesch. alone uses it, but only 2 aor. and only in chor. 'AXiw, see d\iv8('a>. ('AXicdQu) To ward off, only 2 aor. inf. -u6elv Aesch. Fr. 425 ; Soph. Fr. 827 (D.) See dXeW 'AXXdo-CTu To change, Emped. 72 (Stein); Eur. Phoen. 74; Hippocr. 2, 58, Att. -TTW PI. Farm. 139 : fut. -dw Theogn. 21 ; Eur. Bacc. 1331, fit- Thuc. 8, 89 : aor. qXXa^a Eur. Ale. 66 1 ; Plut. Mor. 212. 761, OTT- Her. r, 16; Thuc. i, 90, aXXaa, ?- Find. I. 3, 18; dXXdm/*i Aesch. Pr. 967; dXXdas Luc. D. Deor. 4, i; Apollod. 3, 4, 3, eVaXXd^ay II. 13, 359; dXXdat Soph. Ant. 945 ; Dion. Hal. Ant. 16, i; Luc. Jup. Conf. n; Apollod. 3, 4, 4 : p. ^XXa^a, cm- Xen. Mem. 3, 13, 6 ; Dem. 18, 65, per- Hyperid. 4, 23, n,8t-Com. Fr.(Dionys.) 3, 547: p.p. ^XXay/MtiCom.Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 96; Anth. 9, 67; late prose Apollod. 3, 12, 6, but CTT- Her. r, 60, 81- Aesch. Sept. 885; PI. Menex. 244, and ajr-oXX- Her. 2, 167 (Bekk. Dind. Stein) : pip. fj\\aKTo Her. 2, 26; Luc. Tox. 30, dn- Antiph. i, 7 : 1 aor. ^XXdx^v Anth. 7, 336, aw- Soph. Aj. 493, dTr- Her. 8, 18, dXXdx- Eur. I. A. 797 (chor.) ; subj. 81- oXXax$?Te Ar. Lys. 900; PI. Crat. 430; imper. dXXd^^Te Soph. Fr. 829; dXXax&i'f, 81- An doc. 2, 26, KO.T- Hyperid. Fr. 193: f. d\\ax6fjcrofwi, dir- Eur. Med. 878 ; Ar. Av. 940 : 2 aor. ^XXdy^v Isae. 4, 13; Luc. Gall. 16, cm- Aesch. Pr. 750; Her. 8, 84; Thuc. 2, 42, fit- Ar. Lys. 1161 ; Antiph. 6, 39 : fut. dXXay^o-o/iat Luc. Imag. 2, cm- Her. 2, 120; Thuc. 4, 28; PL Rep. 445. Mid. dXXdo-eropji, -drro/xm change one's own, barter, PI. Soph. 223: imp. r)\\acrcr- Eur. I. T. 292, ^XXarr- Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 23 : fut. -do/iat Dion. Hal. Ant. 19, 1 6 (Kiessl.) ; Luc. Tyr. 19, 7, dvr- Eur. Hel. 1088. Phoen. 1633: aor. ^XXa^d^i* Antiph. 5, 79; Thuc. 8,82; PI. Menex. 237; -a>/*at Eur. El. 103; changed ones place, departed, Dem. 55, 32; Aristid. 13. 95 (D.); changed I 50 'A\Ad<7. (itself) Or. Sib. 5, 517; Dion, irepirry- 392 (Passow) : and as mid. p. p. eVjjXXcucTai Soph. Aj. 208. Vb. aXXattrtov Plut. Mor. 53, air- Lys. 6, 8. See dir-d\.\darara>. In Att. poetry the 1 aor. pass, simple and compd. is used more frequently than 2 aor. by Soph, and Eur. The 2 aor. is always used by Aesch. ; SwjXXdx&jrf Sept. 885, is merely a suggestion of Burney's for 8tijXXax#e of the Mss. and editions ; generally by Aristophanes; only once by Soph. aTraXXaye/j Ant. 423; thrice by Eur. a7r-77XXdy7J Andr. 592. Ph. 592. 1409. But though Tragic and Comic poets use both aorists, they never use 2 fut. -yr), KpvTTTO), p-dcrata, pinrco, arepew, Ta<7CTG>, repjrta, but in Others with some of their compds. it is difficult occasionally to see a preference; nay, sometimes a preference leans the other way: o7r-oXXacr(ra>, /3Xd^r, ffi/yi/v/w, 6drrTa> t fiiyvvfu, Trrjyvvfu, TrXeKW, TrXi^crtro), pfjyvvfu, orptc^cu, o- Taffivat Ph. 776, never edd^drfv. fiiyvvfu, fuxdijvai Aesch. Supp. 295; Soph. O. R. 791, req. , irXexOfls Aesch. Eum. 259: e/wrXaKets Eur. Hip. 1236, req. avp.-ir\an- Soph. Fr. 548 (D.), of choice. TrXjjo-o-w, Aesch. never 1 aor. TrX^tfeiy, but 2 aor. irfyytis Sept. 608. Fr. 129; so Soph. irXrjyds Ant. 172. 819. Ph. 267 ; TrXiryijwu O. C. 605; and Eur. nXijyfis Supp. 934. Or. 497. Here. F. 1393, never -X&K, except tK-ir\T)x6fura Tr. 183. pr^ywfjn, always 2 aor. fppdyrjv Aesch. Soph. Eur. a-rpefpco, forTpf never in the Traged. though often in Horn. : 2 aor. forpdtfay, dyriv, dt>dr)v Aesch. Pers. 264; Soph. O. R. 525. 1485. Ant. 104, (pdvdrj Eur. H. F. 804, req.; fyavQev Soph. Tr. 743, not req.: 2 aor. tydvijv Aesch. Eum. 320; Soph. Aj. 739. O. C. 77. 974. El. 154. 846. Ant. 457. Tr. 862; Eur. Hec. 112 ; subj. ; opt. -firjv, imper. -divjdi; (paveis ; (pavfjvai. above fifty times in the three Tragedians, and always seemingly for the metre. From this induction it would appear that, in some verbs, the Traged. used only the 1 aor. or preferred it, or used it freely if the metre required that in others they were guided by other reasons, use and wont, conventional meaning, peculiar liking, 2 52 emphasis, harmony, or other causes too hidden for our search, or too fine for our perception. 'AXX^yu, see ova-A-. 'AAXoyvoeu To mistake for another (voeiw), only aor. part. dAAo- yvaxras Ion. for -oqera?, Her. I, 8g. 'AXXoi6w To make different, reg. : with fat. mid. -uxrofuu as pass. Galen 3, 761 : and fut. pass, -to^ao/wit 3, 641. 9, 412. Vb. aXXoieoro'j Aristot. Nat. Ausc. 3, 5. The fut. mid. has been missed by Lexicogr. "AAXofKu To leap, Hym. Cer. 175; Ar. Lys. 82; Theocr. 3, 36; Thuc. 7, 45, e- II. 5, 142, eV- Her. 2, 66 : imp. ^XXo^i/ Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 11 ; Plut. Brut. 31, V- Aesch. Pens. 516, e- Ar. Vesp. 130, dAA- Simon. (C.) 40, Aeol. d\\6fMv Sapph. 55 (B.): fut. dXoC/iat (V. T. Esai. 35, 6), virfp- Xen. Eq. 8, 4, eV- Plut. Mor. 1087, Dor. aXevpai Theocr. 3, 25. 5, 144: 1 aor. ijAd/x^ Batr. 225. 249 (Baumeist.) ; Eur. Ion 1402; Ar. Ran. 244; rare in prose Luc. Indoct. 14. Fug. 2, eV- II. 12, 438. 16, 558 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, 4, 4 ; Ael. Fr. 50, a$- Aesch. Pers. 305, V- Soph. 0. R. 1261, '- Xen. An. 7, 3, 33, Dor. S\dp.av Theocr. 23, 60 ; Anth. (Phan.) 6, 307 ; subj. oA^rai see 2 aor. ; dXd/^ej/os rare, Ar. Av. 1395; Xen. An. 4, 2, 17 (Dind. Cob. v. r. Plut. Crass. 31); Synes. Epist. 57, naQ- Xen. Hell. 4, 5, 7 (Cob. Saupp. -opwos Breitb. Dind.) ; 5\aos Aesch. Eum. 368 chor. (Ven. i. Herm. Dind. &c. dXX- Med. &c.) ; Xen. An. 4, 2, 17 (Vulg. Kriig. Saupp. &c. pifav" says Ellendt. It may be true that we have in our texts of the Tragedians no instance of this verb in the Doric form, yet in a Chorus, and amid DSrisms, Elmsley's edXo> seems not so bold. Theocr. has 3 pers. (d\aTo 17, 100, how would he have written the 2d? Grammarians account for oXo-o &c. with lenis, from " a consonant following the X." How then did a\pa escape ? It is more likely that it arose from a liking for easy utterance. See ddpoifa, d0p-, eu To think of other matters &c. Ion. and only pres. Hippocr. 7, 30 (Lit.); -BI Od. 10, 374; Theocr. 22, 129; Her. 7, 205 : and aor. d\\opove. 'AXodu To thrash, Ar. Fr. 544; PL Theag. 124, rarely 6X- Xen. Oec. 18, 3, Poet. aXoi- Theocr. 10, 48 ; imp. ^Xoa (Hesych.), Poet. aXo/a II. 9, 568, f)\oia Babr. 98, 15 : fut. -^r. 54 'AXv/CTCt^Ce) - 'A\0aj/0>. CAXUKT<{CI> Hesych.) To be excited, distressed, only imp. Her. 9, 70. The form dXvKTaivttv is in Hesych. 'AXuKTeu To be restless, anxious, rare -rt Hippocr. 8, 30 (Lit. Lind. d\vfi Vulg. Erm.) ; aor. aXvurrjo-as Hesych. : hence the Epic perf. dXoXvKT^ai II. 10, 94. 5 A\ucr6aiVw and 'AXuaOjiaii/w To be distressed, only pres. and perhaps late, -tr&uWt (Hippocr. ?) ; Nic. Ther. 427, -o-fyiaiVovo-a Callim. Del. 212. Heringa suggested and Rost approves dXv- (rOaivd Hippocr. 465, io (Foes) for d\ri Od. 19, 558; Aesch. Pers. 94; Soph. El. 627. Ant. 488; -ot Od. 17, 547 (Bekk. Dind. - La R. Ameis) ; -civ Aesch. Ag. 1615, Ep. -e/xev II. io, 371 (Bekk. 2 ed.) : and fat. m. -v|o/xat Hes. Op. 363 : aor. rjXvt-a Od. 3, 297; Phryn. Fr. 5 (Wagn.), e- Eur. Bacc. 734, 3X- Od. 23, 328; Hes. Fr. 45, 4; Find. P. 8, 16; -v&> Od. n, 113; Aesch. Pr. 587; dXvas Aesch. Pers. too (chor.); Anth. P. 6, 217; -vai II. 8, 243 ; Theocr. 24, 69; Bion to, 7 : 1 aor. m. subj. e|-aXv&>/mt Soph. Aj. 656 (Hesych. Br. Herm. Dind. Wolf), perhaps the only instance, see dXeuw. In Prose, we have met with this verb only in Philostr. Her. 735 &c. 'AXiWu To be excited, distressed, Ion. -a-a-av II. 22, 70: fut. dXuw Hippocr. 8, 16 (Lit.): pip. dXaXwero Q. Sm. 13, 499. 14, 24. 'AXuu To be greatly moved by grief or joy, mostly Poet, and only pres. Od. 18, 333; Eur. Hipp. 1182; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 434; Soph. Phil. 174, dX- (Ellendt); dXvouo-- II. 5, 352, -vW 24, 12, but -vtav Od. 9, 398 ; Aesch. Sept. 391 : and imp. ffi.vov Ap. Rh. 4, 1289. Occasionally in Ion. and late prose, Hippocr. 2, 708. 3, 122. 7, 384 ; Ael. V. H. 9, 25. 14, 12 ; Plut. Pyr. 16 ; Luc. D. Mar. 13, i, dX- Long. Past, i, 28 (Sell.) In Horn, v, except Od. 9, 398 d\va>v, at the end of a line ; so Ap. Rh. 3, 866; Nic. Al. 317; and dXcei Opp. Hal. 4, 195; Emped. 445, in the fourth foot ; in late Epic v, in Attic . 'AX^a^w To find, acquire, Poet, only pres. Eur. Med. 298 ; Ar. Fr. 308 ; -dvjj Com. Fr. (Eupol.) 2, 531 : and 2 aor. Epic rfrfav II. 21, 79; oX$ot Od. 15, 453. 17, 250, pi. -oiv for -oiev 2O, 383 (Bekk. Dind. La R.) This verb is rare : four times in Epic, 55 once in Trag., twice in Comedy. A pres. dX, and fut. dXjiTOCTiTeu> To eat barley bread, only pres. -o-tm Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 28. 'A\wTTKia> To play the fox, rarely and partially used, -iff w Ar. Vesp. 1241; Zenob. Cent, i, 70; imper. dXa>7reicife Aesop 243 (Halm.) 'AfiaOaicu To be untaught, ignorant, only pres. and almost peculiar to PI. -divy Leg. 863 ; -alveiv 698 ; -alvw Rep. 535 ; and late Aristid. 50, 411 (Dind.) 'Afictfcfu To lay in the dust, destroy, only pres. II. 9, 593 ; Aesch. Eum. 937 (chor.); Opp. Hal. 2, 611; -wot Theocr. 2, 26 : and imp. or aor. fj^dduve Lycophr. 79, apad- H. H. Merc. 140; Anth. (Paul. Sil.) 5, 281; Q- Sm. n, 250. Pass, -vvtrai Q. Sm. 2, 334: imp. duaSvvfTo Apollinar. Ps. 87, 20. 'AfiaXdirro) To crush, destroy, Poet, only aor. q/zdXcn^a Soph. Fr. 413 (D.); and late Lycophr. 34. 'Aftaprdi/oj To err, Simon. Am. 7, in ; Hipponax 83; Pind. Ol. i, 64; Soph. O. R. 1149; Ar. Vesp. 515; Her. i, 43; Antip. 2, /3, i ; Thuc. 4, 61 : imp. rmdpravov II. 10, 372. 24, 68. Od. ii, 511 ; Soph. O. C. 968; Her. 4, 140; Thuc. i, 38; PI. Phaedr. 242 : fut. m. d/iapT^o-o^at Od. 9, 512 ; Soph. El. 1207 ; Eur. Ale. 1099; Thuc. 4, 55; Xen. Mem. 3, 9, 12: and rare d/xaprqo-o) perhaps Dor. in simple, Chilon, Stob. Fl. 3, 79 (Mein.) ; and late Dio Cass. 59, 20; Galen 7, 653. 13, 755 ; Apocr. Syr. 24, 22 ; N. T. Matth. 18, 21, but fit- Hippocr. 9, 264, e'- 2, 420 (Lit. i, 335 Erm.) : 1 aor. fipAp-nja-a usu. late, but fyiapr^o-as (if correct) Emped. 372 (Stein); late V. T. i Reg. 19, 4; Anth. (Incert.) 7, 339; D. Sic. 2, 14 (Bekk.); Aristid. 45, 56; Ps. Calisth. i, 9, d<- Orph. Arg. 646: p. ^/xdprij/ca Soph. Ant. 926 ; Eur. Ale. 616; Ar. Plut. 961; Her. 9, 79; Thuc. i, 38; Lys. 7, i ; Isocr. 15, 34, e'- Antiph. 5, 91 : p. p. ^dpr^at Antiph. 5, 77; Thuc. 3, 56; -J5 Her. i, 207. 3, 35 ; PI. Theaet. 146, -777 II. 9, 501 ; PI. Gorg. 489 ; -dproipi Soph. Aj. 155, rare -dproiv C. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 47, -TOW Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 27 &c. ; -aprv Od. 56 'A/xajOreco 'A/uaa>. 21, 155 ; Soph. Ph. 231 ; Thuc. 5, 7 ; -aprwi/ II. 23, 857 ; Aesch. Supp. 915; Antiph. 3, /3, 3 ; PI. Leg. 690, Epic fJuPporov only nwftr. Od. 21, 425. 22, 154; Ap. Rh. 2, 623, -fiports II. 5, 287. 22, 279, -re Od. 7, 292. 21, 421, 3 pi. -TOV II. 16, 336. Vt>. av- afidpTrjTOS Antiph. 3, 8, 8 ; eW^-a/xaprTp-eov Dem. 22, 6. Epic rjuPpoTov for Tjnaprov seems to be formed by transposition, rjupa-, by change of vowel, rjp-po-, then by the generation of in pronouncing ftp, fjpflpo-Tov. The inf. dpfipoTelv, we have never been able to find simple or compd. except in Hesychius, Aeol. -f/v Inscr. Milyl. (Newton.) 'Afiaprew, see 6p,apr-. To sparkle, dart, Epic and only pres. and imp. Opp. C. 2, 596; -vffvwv H. H. Merc. 278. 415: imp. Hes. Th. 827; and late Nonn. 5, 485. 15, 165. Pass. t Anth. (Mar. Schol.) 9, 668; Nonn. 33, 31: imp. Ap. Rh. 4, 178. 1146; Non. 38, 307. 47, 422. b run along with, Epic and only part, -ocovra Od. 15, 451 (Vulg. Wolf &c.), but a/xa rpoxoonra (Dind. Ameis), Tpu>\a>vra (Schol. Bekk. 2 ed. La Roche). 'A/jtaup<5w 7b deprive of light, rare in act. and late except pres. and perhaps aor. Solon Fr. 4, 35; Pind. Fr. 103; Eur. Hipp. 816; Com. Fr. (Monost.)545 ; Hippocr. 2, 84. 4, 482. 8, 428 (Lit.); Xen. Cyn. 5, 4 ; inf. -ovv Eur. Fr. 420 (Dind.); Xen. Ages, n, 12 ; part, -ovaa Luc. Cal. i : fut. -ox Simon. C. 4, 5 ; Plut. Alcib. 6 : aor. apavptao-e Find. P. 12, 13. 1st. 4, 48 (Bergk, Momms.), T)pavpu>o-a Anth. (Leon. Tar.) 9, 24 ; Polyb. 20, 4 ; -wo-ai 6, 15 ; -wo-as Luc. D. Mer. 4, 5 : p. -awca Strab. 8, i ; Plut. M. 866. Pass, dfjuivpovp-ai Hippocr. 5, 644. 6, 154 (Lit.); Aesch. Pers. 223 (/xavp- Blomf. Dind.); Aristot. Eth. N. 10, 4, 9, and often late : p. fjfjMvpmrai Aristot. Probl. 4, 25 ; -a>p.evos Plut. Pericl. n. Mor. 362 : aor. d/iat-pw^ unaugm. in Her. 9, 10; -fair) Hes. Op. 693; -dfis Anth. (Antip. Sid.) 7, 241. Mid. late, aor. dfiavp^a-airo Aristaen. i, 16, missed by Lexicogr., but dpavpaxre (Ms. V.), -p&>^ (Kerch.) The pres. act. seems alone to have been used in classic Attic. For dfiavpaxrf Pind. quoted, Boeckh and Herm. read iMvpaae. 'Ajidu To mow, gather, in simple mostly Epic, dp.5. Soph. Ant. 602; opt. dp.a>s Theogn. 107, - Hes. Op. 480; Her. 6, 28, e- Ar. Lys. 367 : aor. ^o-a Hes. Th. 181 ; Aesch. Ag. 1044 > Anth. 9, 198 ; Opp. Hal. 4, 485; Si-iJ/*- Eur. Elec. 1023, Si-d/wjo-e II. 3, 359 ; Q. Sm. i, 57 620; subj. Dor. dfidoy Callim. Cer. 137, -jjo-wo-t Her. 3, 98 (Gaisf. Stein), see mid. ; a/xj/o-oj/, air- Soph. Ph. 749 ; d/xijo-as II. 24, 451. Od. 21, 301 ; Anth. 7, 241, d/x^a-as, e'<- Heliod. 2, 20 (Bekk.), Dor. a'/ifiow Theocr. n, 73 ; d/xijom Ap. Rh. 4, 374, e'- Aesch. Ag. 1655 : (p. ^ 446; d^cnjTai Q. Sm. 13, 242, -jja-wirai Her. 3, 98 (Bekk. Dind.); d^ffd^vos Od. 9, 247 ; Callim. Dian. 164 ; Anth. (Meleag.) 4, i, 26 ; late prose Jos. Ant. 8, 13, 4 (B.), but eV- Her. 8, 24; Xen. Oec. 19, II, dvrinpoo-- 17, 13; dprja-avdai Ap. Rh. 4, 989. Horn, and Hes. have in the act. form of the simple verb the initial 5, and in arsi (except Od. 9, 135): ap- II. 24, 451. Od. 21, 301 ; Hes. Cert. p. 321, 19 (Goettl.). Op. 480, once in thesi between two longs Od. 9, 135, and a in comp. St-a/x. II. 3, 359, but dn-ajj.- II. 1 8, 34 ; in mid. a and in thesi, a/x- Od. 9, 247 ; Hes. Th. 599. Op. 775, KOT- II. 24, 165, en- 5, 482. The later Epics make in act. and mid. d in arsi, a in thesi (except Ap. Rh. 3, 859, a/x- between two longs): ap.- Theocr. 10, 16. 50; Ap. Rh. i, 1183. 3, 1187. 1382; Anth. 9, 362, a>- Theocr. n, 73; Ap. Rh. 4, 374; Callim. Cer. 137; Anth. 7, 241; Nic. Ther. 684. 843. Mid. a/x- in arsi Ap. Rh. i, 688. 4, 989; Q. Sm. 13, 242; Opp. Hal. 4, 420. Cyn. 2, 56; Or. Sib. 12, 87 (in thesi, between two longs, Ap. Rh. 3, 859); a/x- in thesi Ap. Rh. i, 1305; Callim. Dian. 164; Anth. 7, 446. 4, i, 26; Q. Sm. 14, 199, v, fjw Aristot. Gen. An. 4, 4, 43 (Bekk.), e'- Apollodor. 3, 3, 3 : 2 aor. act. late, c'^/u/SXo Ael. Fr. 52 ; -a/^SXwvcu Themist. 2, 33. Pres. pass. d/x/SXoiWat Theophr. H. PI. 4, 14, 6; Longin. M, 3- The simple form seems to occur only in pres. act. and pres. and aor. pass. The form d/ij3Xuo-Kw To blunt, Emped. 3 (Stein) ; Find, in tmesi P. i, 82; Hippocr. 6, 4 (Lit.); Aristot. de Sensu 5, n; Theophr. H. P. 5, 3, 3; Plut. M. 31; Strab. 4, 6, 5: imp. j^X-Plut. Caes. 19: fut. -tfi/wPolyb. 15, 25, 8 (Dind.); Plut. M. 235,077- Aesch. Sept. 715 : aor. ijn$\vva Anth. 6, 67. 7, 243; Plut. Cat. Min. 12 : p. p. jjn&Xvpfjiai Galen 4, 374, a;r- Horn. Epigr. 12; Herodas i, 4 (Bergk), jjyx/SXvrai? Sext. Emp. 230, 24, cm- Plut. M. 785 : aor. TmP\i>0r)v Anth. 6, 65; Galen 5, 465; Joseph. J. B. 7, 9, i, dir- Plut. Timol. 37: fut. d/i/SXwtfijo-o/xat, OTT- Aesch. Pr. 866 : and fut. m. dufiXwdrai, pass. Hippocr. 4, 464 (Lit.) : pres. p. -vvtrai Aesch. Sept. 844; -vvta-du Thuc. 2, 87. 'AfipXuwireo) To be dim-sighted, only pres. and rare in classic authors, Hippocr. 2, 128; Xen. Cyn. 5, 27; -u>-na>v Com Fr. (Menand.) 4, 329 ; Plut. M. 53 ; Luc. Peregr. 45 : imp. f]^\v- umow V. T. 3 Reg. 14, 4 (Alex.). dn3Xuwrrw also is rare in classic authors, and only pres. PI. Rep. 508 ; Luc. Tim. 2, Ion. -oxro-et Hippocr. 7, 28, -wo-o-ouo-t 7, 8. 8, 270 (Lit.); -wrrrj Luc. D. Mar. 5, 2 ; -WTTOI PI. Rep. 516. Hip. Min. 374; -WTT-WJ/ Rep. 517; Luc. Tim. 27; Plut. M. 974; -urrtiv 979; Luc. Char. 7, Ion. -wo-o-etf Hippocr. 6, 294: aor. late, d/i/SXuwo-g Geop. 18, 18, seems to belong to d/i|3Xuoa>. 'Afiei^o) To change, Eur. Or. 1504; Hippocr. 6, 482 ; Arr. An. 3, 4; -@fiv Hippocr. 3, 280 (Lit.); Arr. Ind. 12, 8 ; -j3a>v II. n, 547; Pind. N. n, 42 ; Aesch. Ag. 729 ; rare in Attic prose PI. Farm. 138. Soph. 224: imp. a/xj3oi> II. 14, 381 (Bekk.), late prose >;/*- Diog. L. 4, 53 ; fat. -en// Aesch. Pr. 23, eV- II. 6, 230; late prose Plut. Marcel. 19 : aor. apti^a Hym. Cer. 275; Ap. Rh. 3, 280, Dor. a/n- Pind. P. 5, 38, vreS- for ^r- Ol. 12, 12, later rj/j-ft^- Opp. Ven. 3, 82 ; late prose Ael. V. H. 3, 42 ; subj. apffya Ibycus 24 (Bergk) ; apftyas Aesch. Pers. 69; Soph. Tr. 659; Hippocr. 6,482; late, Plut. Lysand. n; (Luc.) Amor. 7, but e'|- Xen. Ages. 2, 2 ; inf. d/m^m Her. 5, 72: (perf. ?): p. p. late ^ein-rai Galen i, 210; Argum. to Ar. Nub. 6 : pip. ap.(inro Nonn. 44, 241, may be syncop. imp. : 1 aor. rjfjLei^drjv late as pass. Anth. 7, 589. 638. 9, 304 ; D. Sic. Fr. p. 142. 13 (Bekk.); Dionys. de Av. i, 21, see below: fut. 59 dp.fi(f)8fia-(Tai Hesych. ; Ephr. Syr. vol. 3, p. 337. Mid. apft to make a return, answer, Batr. 274; Find. P. 6, 54; Aesch. Supp. 195; Her. i, 38. 40. 120; -Qeo-dcu Xen. Mem. 3, n, 12; -d/xei/os Od. 3, 148. n, 81 ; Xen. Cyn. 9, 14; late Dem. Phal. 216; Aristid. 45, 61 : imp. ^tei/So'/^i/ II. i, 121. 4, 50. Od. 10, 71 &c. a/i)3- II. 3, 171. 24, 200; Find. P. 9, 39; so Her. always i, 9. 35. 2, 173. 3, 14 &c. : flit. a/uetyo/Lmi Aesch. Ch. 965; Eur. Supp. 517; Plut. Cat. Min. 16; App. Hisp. 34; Aristid. 49, 380 : aor. ^et^d/M?" II. 23, 542 ; Soph. Ph. 378 ; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 9, 2, 5; Alciphr. i, 33 ; Plut. M. 29; Ael. V. H. 12, i; Dio Cass. 63, 5, d/m^- II. 4, 403; Her. i, 37. 43. 2, I 73- 4> 97- 5> 93> an ^ always (Bekk. Kriig. Bred. Abicht, Stein), but rjufify- 4, 97 (Mss. Gaisf. Dind. &c.) ; (Epic subj. -etyfrai may have left, Od. 10, 328. II. 9, 409): in same sense, but poet, and less freq. aor. pass, riptfy&ipi Babr. 12, 19; Opp. Cyn. i, 19, a/i'<- Pind. P. 4, 102, a/i- Theocr. 7, 27, but aTt-rj^i^e^ Xen. An. 2, 5, 15, perhaps the only instance. Vb. Si-dndirros Sapph. 14 (B.). dfjLfirrreot ? In comedy and classic Attic prose, the mid. is scarcely ever used, d/tet/So'^ei/oy changing, 'leaving, PI. Apol. 37, never in the sense to reply, answer, except \6yois d/m'/3ov Com. Fr. (Monost.) 311. Late prose auth. follow, as usual, the poetic and Ion. prose usage, dvr-ap.fipop.ai exchange, requite, answer, is Dep. mid. and very much confined to poetry, esp. Attic, Archil. 65 (Bergk) ; Soph. O. C. 814: imp. dvT-rjueift- Aesch. Sept. 1049, Dor. dir-a>i3- Theocr. 24, 72, Ion. unaugm. dvr-a^ Her. 9, 79 : fut. dyT-a/ietyo/iai Eur. Tr. 915 ; Ar. Thesm. 722 : aor. dvr-T)tJ.ei-(l/ap.T)v, subj. -afjLftycovrai Archil. 74, 7 (B.); imper. -dfift^ai Soph. Ph. 230; Eur. Phoen. 286. drr-a^fi^ofiai, again, is Dep. mid. and pass, and much confined to Epic, -ei/So/ttvor II. 20, 86 : imp. dn-apti^fTo II. 20, 199. Od. 8, 400 ; Theocr. 8, 8, syncop. -fiirro Anth. (Incert.) 14, 3, 2. 4, 2 : aor. dir-ap.ffyaro Callim. Cer. 63 : and once in Attic prose aor. pass. cm-rmttySri as mid. Xen. An. 2, 5, 15. We have not met the aorists ex- cept in the passages quoted. It is a mistake in our lexicons to confine this verb to the pass, aorist. di>r-a7ra/ie//3o/zat, only part. -opfvos Tyrt. Fr. i, 4, 6 (B). /xer-a/iei'/Scu very rare in prose, Hippocr. 5, 318 : imp. -apeifte Mosch. 2, 52 : aor. Dor. irt8-ufi.f$rav Find. Ol. 12, 12 : aor. pass, late -afifi(p6fis Dionys. de Av. 2, 4. Mid. -o/^ej/oi Find. N. 10, 55 : aor. -ei\^dp.fvos P. 3. 96. f 'A|ieipa>, see a/i/pSo). 'AfieXyw To milk (Ar. Eq. 326 has been altered), Her. 4, 2; Plut. Mor. 98. 956 ; Theocr. 5, 84, Dor. 2 sing. -e'Xyes 5, 85 (-ytis Ahr. Fritz. Ziegl.). 4, 3 (-yets Ziegl. Ahr.) ; Philostr. Apoll. 60 'A/xei/jfyoftj ' 3, 9, 101 ; imper. 3/ieXye Anth. 5,^295; Theocr. n, 75: imp. rjptkyov Od. 9, 238. 244. 308, but fip-eXyov Mosch. 3, 83, Iv- Od. 9, 223: fut. ap.f\ga> Anth. 7, 623 : aor. o>eXa Anth. 9, 645, j?/ieXa, - Aesch. Ch. 898; subj. d/^w Her. 4, 2 ; Theocr. 23, 25 ; Bion i, 48 ; a/ieX^a? Eur. Cycl. 389 ; Anth. 6, 239 ; Theocr. I, 143 : p.p. >7/xeXyp.ai Hippocr. 7, 334, e- Eur. Cycl. 209 : pres. a/xeXymu Athen. (Ion) 10, 68 ; Aristot. Hist. An. 3, 20, 9. 21,6; -yo'p.ei>ai II. 4, 434 : imp. ^/ieXyero Aristot. Hist. An. 3, 20, 10, ap,eXy- Nonn. 12, 320. Mid. dp-e'Xyo/iai Z0 // OT2//, suckle, Opp. Cyn. i, 437, /cre II. 13, 562. Ajiep8u> and dfieipu 70 deprive, both Poet., dp.ep5 Od. 19, 18 ; dpeipeiv Find. P. 6, 27 : imp. a/*ep8e II. 13, 340 ; Hes. Th. 698 : fat. d/xepa-co Orph. L. 167 ; Nonn. Metaphr. Joan. 16, 22^; inf. Ep. -epo-ffievai Q. Sm. 6, 243 : 1 aor. fjpepcra H. Cer. 312, ap- Od. 8, 64, a/*- Pind. Ol. 12, 16; dpepo-as Simon. C. 115; Eur. Hec. 1027 (chor.) ; -epo-at D. 16, 53: aor. m. late dpfpaapevos see below, Anth. 15, 32. Pass. dp,e'pSo/tat, -eat Od. 21, 290, a/*eipop,ai, d;r- Hes. Th. 8oi (Mss. Koechly, dno-p.eip- Goettl.) ; Ap. Rh. 3, 785 : aor. (^iep&?i>), subj. dpepdysll. 22, 58 ; rare and late in prose, dp-epflwo-i Theophr. H. P. 9, 8, 2 (Mss.U. M. Wimm.), where used to stand act. d^eperwo-t; d/zep&iV Orph. L. 73, d^epdfv Aretae. p. 191 (Adams.) Mid. aTr-a^iperai deprives, quoted by PL Leg. 777 (and from him by Athen. 6, 87) from Od. 17, 322, where stands ano-aiwrai : aor. late d/iepo-d/uei/or Anth. 15, 32. 'Ajj.cuop.ai Dep. To change, excel (d/mj3op,cu), Poet, and only fut. dufva-ffrdai Pind. Fr. 300 (Boeckh, 263 Bergk) : and aor. -evcrcurdai. Pind. P. I, 45; -ard^fvos Euphor. Fr. p. 140. 'AjxiXXdopu To strive, Pind. N. 10, 31; Eur. Hipp. 971; Andoc. 4, 27 ; PL Lys. 208 : imp. qp,iXXo>/w7i> Eur. H. F. 960 ; Xen. Hell. 7, 2, 14 : fut. -fja-ofiai Ar. Pax 950; PL Rep. 349 : p. T]n!X\T}fjLcu act. Eur. Hel. 546, Trap- Polyb. 12, n, but Si- pass. Luc. Paras. 58 : aor. p. act. jjpXX^i/, subj. dp.iXX70a> Eur. H. F. 1255, Dor. -d0S> Hel. 165 (chor.); PL Leg. 968; d^uXXij&w Eur. Supp. 195; Thuc. 6, 31, e'- Eur. Hel. 387, but pass. a/uXX^&Vra Eur. Fr. 809 (Dind.) quoted Aeschin. i, 152, e'- aniX\r)d>i Eur. Cycl. 628 : later in simple, aor. m. ij/uXX^o-dp,^ Plut. Arat. 3 ; Luc. Paras. 51 ; Dio Cass. 43, 23 ; Aristid. 13, 149, but - Eur. Hel. 1471. Fr. 764 (Dind.) Vb. Isocr. 7, 73. The act form tj/u.ove(a 'A/ATT/crw. 6 1 &j To be unmindful, pass over, common to the best Attic poet, and prose (but only pres. imp. fut. and aor.) Aesch. Eum. 24; Eur. Heracl. 638; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 268; Thuc. 5, 18 ; Isocr. 4, 144 ; Isae. 3, 79 ; Lycurg. 20 : imp. J^w^- (Dem.) 60, 31 : fut. -770-0) Isocr. 12, 253: aor. r^wj/wJi/rjo-a Dem. 1 8, 285 ; -jja-as Isocr. 5, 72 ; inf. -ijVm Xen. Conv. 8, i ; Dem. 7, 19. No mid. nor pass. The form dfinnioveuw seems rather doubtful : -/jiovflv has been substituted for -povfveiv Plut. M. 612 : for -fiov(ve'x Eur. Cycl. 344: 2 aor. Eur. Ion 1159 (?); Ar. Lys. 1156; PI. Prot. 320. Mid. d^nexofjiai to have round oneself, wear, Ar. Eccl. 374 ; Ach. 1024 ; Xen. Ven. 6, 17, dfjurla-xofjuu Eur. Hel. 422 ; and now Ar. Av. 1090 (Dind. 5 ed.) ; Philostr. V. Apoll. 8, and d/^Trto-xi/eo^at Ar. Av. 1090 (Vulg. Bergk, Meineke), -io-xvu (Mss. Br. Bekk. Dind. 2 ed.) : imp. ^n-xV'? I/ PI- Phaed. 87; Luc. Peregr. 15, Epic dufax- Ap. Rh. i, 324 (Well. Merk.), dfjarex- (Holtzlin) perhaps rightly, see SfM^xtv 2, 1104 (all Mss.): fut. a(xf>ego(uu Com. Fr. (Philet.) 3, 300 : 2 aor. ^TTIO-XO^V Ar. Eccl. 540 (late Epic djwrta-x- Orph. Arg. 202), and ^/uTrecrxo^i' Ar. quoted (Bekk. Anecd. Meineke, Dind. 5 ed.); Eur. Med. 1159 (Vulg. Pors. Kirchh. ^JTIO-X- Elms. Dind. Nauck); Philostr. Ap. 333; subj. dpiri(rxr} Eur. I. A. 1439, if SOUnd. For dfjiiria-xovrai, -XVOVVTCU Ar. Av. 1090, Br. Bekk. read -vrai as best supported by Mss. d/jLiricrxv- however has analogy in vTrto-^i'eoftat. Monk, Kirchhoff, Hartung, &c. reject d^iria-xr) Eur. I. A. 1439 ( r 4 J 7) as spurious, Dind. and Nauck retain it. u, mid. a/iTu'tr^o/iai, see preceding. 62 'A/xTrAcmWft) *A/iiW. To wzz'w, ^rr, Theag. Stob. Flor. i, 68 (Gaisf.), Dor. d/x/3X- i, 67 (so i, 68 Meineke) : imp. Dor. d/ujSXdKto-Koj/ Phynt. Stob. 74, 61 : (fut. ?): p. (^TrXd^Kas is Hartung's emend, for r)[m6\T)Kas Soph. Aj. 922 (978 D.): p. p. fjnTrXdKrjTai Aesch. Supp. 916 : 2 aor. fjp.7r\aKov Simon. C. 119; Aesch. Ag. 1212 ; Soph. Ant. 910; Eur. Ale. 824, rare rJ^Xanov Archil. Fr. 73 (B.); d/rXdKa) Soph. Ant. 554; dfjm\aK Trag. Fr. Incert. 247 (Wagn.), perhaps wrongly attributed to Eur. by Trine, and to Soph, by Brunck. Vb. dv-ap.Tr\aKr)Tos Aesch. Ag. 344 (D.) This verb is entirely Poetic, mostly Trag. d/in-Wiv PI. Phaedr. 242, is a quotation from Ibycus. The pres. is very rare, the form dpr- (Stob. i, 68) doubtful, see above. Some to shorten the initial vowel, write the part. 2 aor. tnrXaKcoj/ Eur. I. A. 124. Ale. 241 (Burn. Pors. Monk, Dind. Nauck). Neither pres. dfj.TT\aKea>, nor flit. dfj.Tr\aKr]v Anacr. 114; Antiph. 4, a, 7 ; Thuc. 3, 13; Lycurg. 48: imp. fjpvvov Lycurg. 78; (PI.) Epist. 329. Ax. 369, a/u- II. 15, 731 : fut. Ion. d/ivwo Her. 7, 168. 9, 60, but 3 pi. -vtvcri if correct, 9, 6, Attic -vS> Ar. Vesp. 383; Thuc. 6, 13; PL Rep. 474; -vtiv Lycurg. 76: aor. jj^vva II. 9, 599; Soph. O. C. 429; Eur. I. A. 907. Rh. 400; Thuc. 6, 80, Dor. *d/x- Pind. N. i, 50, *a/i- II. 17, 615; SUbj. dfjLVvoptv, eV- for -o)jiiei II. 13, 465; opt. d/iwat II. 12, 334; inf. d/^wat II. 18, 450; Eur. Or. 556; Thuc. 7, 34 ; PL Phaedr. 276; dpvvas ? : 2 aor. rmvvuQov, see d/nuj/d&o. Mid. dyiuj/o/xai. to repel, 11. 17, 510; Pind. I. 7, 27 ; Aesch. Ag. 63 1381; Soph. O. C. 873; Eur. Heracl. 302; Her. 5, 101 ; Antiph. 2, a, 6; PL Soph. 246: imp. T)pvv6p.r)v (II. 12, 179) Her. 3, 158; Antiph. 4, 8, 6 ; Thuc. i, 137; Xen. Ag. n, 3, an- II. 13, 514: fut. d/iwot'pu Ar. Eq. 222; Thuc. i, 144; Dem. 15, 24, -etyzat Her. 8, 143, -e'o/zat (Abicht) : aor. ^/ntu/a/^ Soph. Tr. 278; Antiph. 2, , 10; Lys. 3, 8; Isocr. 15, 2; Dem. 21, 75; opt. anvvalnrjv Od. 12, 114; Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 112; inf. -va 49 1 j KaT-apv^aTo II. 5> 425 Pres. pass. dpvo-artTai Aesch. Pers. 115; subj. -o-o-^rat Plut. M. 522. In early Attic prose this verb seems not to occur either simple or compd. i^w To drink deep, only pres. Plut. M. 650 : and aor. -a Eur. Cycl. 566 (Vulg. Dind. 5 ed.), -a (Dind.^ formerly.) To embrace, greet warmly, Epic and only pres. -afet Opp. Cyn. 2, 306: and imp. dpvres Hes. Op. 58; late Tryphiod. 138 : and aor. dn^aydirrjire H. Cer. 439. CAfjwjxryetpu) To gather about, Epic and only 2 aor. m. -ayfpovro intrans. II. 18, 37 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 1527 : and late a shortened pres. dptyayepovrcu. Theocr. 17, 94; Opp. Hal. 3, 231. 4, 130- 64 , apa-ai-, see (f>aii>a>. 7& r<2///i? about, Epic and only aor. -apd/S^o-e II. 21, 408. The collat. form dp4>apa(3i Hes. Sc. 64. 'Afia4>d(i> Epic, To feel all round, handle (in act. late and rare except part.), -a$aW Orph. L. 522; late Ion. prose -oaxn. Aretae. Morb. diut. 2, 4, p. 55 (L. B.); part. Epic -a$o'eoi> Od. 8, 196; Anth. 9, 365; Ap. Rh. 2, 199, -dwo-a Od. 4, 277 ; Anth. 2, 109, -dwrras Od. 19, 586: imp. her. d//$a in pres. seems late, Aretae. 996 : but aor. d/-i(ieXiay Hippocr. 8, 340 (Lit.) ; Orph. Fr. 44. ('A|m4pxop.ai) To come round, Epic and only aor. d^rjXvde Od. 6, 122. 12, 369. 'A(i(J>idw To clothe, (Plut. C. Gracch. 2, Ms. C. Blass, -tfr Bekk. Sint.) : imp. ^u'off, OTT- Plut. M. 406 : fat. d/^iao-w Alciphr. 3, 42; Geop. 3, 13: aor. rjfxfriaaa Anth. 7, 368; Themist. 4, 58; dufadaas Polyaen. i, 27: p. ^UOKWJ, o-w Clearch. Athen. 6, 70 : p. p. f)p.(j)ida-6ai may be mid. Stob. (Perict.) 85, 19. Mid. to clothe oneself, fut. dp. V. T. Job 29, 14, -lao-aro Apollod. 2, i, 2. 4, io (Bekk.); Themist. 16, 204; Pseudo-Callisth. i, 26; -o-d/iew? Joseph. Ant. io, i, 3. Jud. B. 7, 5, 4, /ler^t^ido-to Luc. Gall. 19 (Dind. -ro> Fritzsche) : and as mid. p. p. fj^iaa-fjifvos, per- D. Sic. 16, n. This form and its compds. are late: classic dufaewvpi. 'Ap,<|>idx<> (i Ant. 376. 'Ap.<|>iSaii&u>6a To roll round, Epic and only pres. pass. -Sived/ievot late Aretae. 54, 8 : and p. p. d/^tSeSu^rat II. 23, 562. Od. 8, 405. ^ 'A/J.(pi SoKevw ' A/n (f>ii8oKeu&> To spy about, watch for, Epic and only pres. Orph. Arg. 930 : and imp. -eSoWe Bion 2 (4), 6 ; said to be in late prose Heliod. vol. 2, p. 306, where we have not found it. 'A|ii8i.8ua)) To put about another, Poet, and late in act. 1 aor. dn Plut. C. Gracch. 2, /aera/*<- Mor. 340 (Vulg. Diibn. -afoo Fritzsche) : fut. a/iie'o-a> Od. 5, 167, Attic -ia>, irpos- Ar. Eq. 891, cm- Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 171 : aor. ^/zu'cr&> Ar. PI. 936; -ecraifu Od. l8, 361; -e'vas 15, 369; Plut. Lucull. 19; -eom HippOCF. 7, 194: p. p. Tjfjityifo-fjiai Hipponax 3; Ar. Eccl. 879; Hippocr. 7, 456 (Lit.); Lys. 13, 40; PI. Rep. 372 : pip. ^WTO D. Laert. 6, 5, 7 ; Philostr. 4, 147: aor. late a/i- App. Civ. 2, 122, //eT- Luc. Gall. 19 (Fritzsche, Dind.); Herodn. 5, 5, 5. The simple is never used in prose. The p. p. form a/iaeW Aesch. Pr. 370: it retains a- in the mid. fut. while it drops it in the act. This is for the Uniformists. 'Afj.4>iayu To sit about, settle on, Epic and only imp. ap(])lavc II. 18, 25. 'Afi4>i0e'< To run about, Epic and only pres. Od. 10, 413; Mosch. 2, 107. ee KaXuTTTO). ^w) To cleave asunder. Epic and only aor. part. -Keda-cras Od. 14, 12. 'Apf>iKEip,cu To lie round, Poet, and only pres. Find. Fr. 69 (Bergk); -eiadai Soph. Ant. 1292 ; -eipevos O. C. 1620. ('Anifidofi,ai) To rub, wipe, Epic and only aor. -ffjda-arro Q. Sm. 9, 428; imperat. -ipdo-aa-de Od. 20, 152. 'A|A<|HI>OW To doubt, only pres. Soph. Ant. 376. 'Ajjuj)icr(3TjTew To dispute, Antiph. 3, 8, 3 ; Lys. 4, 10; Isocr. 4, 20; opt. -oir)v PI. Euthyd. 296, 3 pi. -oltv Menex. 242, rare F 66 -oiT) Antiph. 3, i; PI. Politic. 281; Isae. 4, 24: aor. w^ur/SijTijo-a Isae. 2, 31. 3, 43. n, 9; Isocr. 12, 193. 18, 52; Dem. 43, 55 (Bekk. Dind.), and ^0eo-/3- Isocr. 13, 4 (Bekk. B. Saupp.); PI. Gorg. 479; Dem. 27, 15. 33, 21. 43, 20 (Bekk. B. Saupp.): p. T)n, see /3t)3afa>. 'AvaJ3iwcTKO}J.cu, see 'Arappux&J, see 'AraYiyyuoxw, -yi^aicw, To know, make known, read, recite, &c. (common in this sense), Ar. Eq. 1065; Her. 7, 10; Andoc. i, 47; Xen. An. 5, 8, 6 : imp. dveylyv- PI. Phaed. 98; Dem. 18, 259 : with fat. m. di/ayi/wo-o^ai Ar. Eq. ion; Andoc. i, 47; Lys. 19, 57; PI. Leg. 755; Dem. 20, 27: fut. act. late, dvayvaxTfis Herm. Past. Visio 2, 4 (Dressel) : 1 aor. see below: p. -(yvuKa Thuc. 3, 49; Isocr. n, i; Isae. n, 6: p. p. -eywaoTiai Isocr. 15, 67; Dinarch. i, 25; Dem. 23, 53. 86; LuC. Necy. 20: pip. -eyvcoa-ro Isocr. 12, 233: aor. -eyvtacrd^v Eur. Hel. 290; Her. 7, 236; Antiph. 5, 56; PI. Farm. 127; Dem. 23, 172: fut. -wo-^ijo-o/iat Lys. 17, 9; Isocr. 15, i; Isae. 6, 7 : 2 aor. act. -eyvav II. 13, 734; Antiph. 6, 38; Thuc. 7, 10; Isocr. 15, 93, 3 pi. dveyvov for. -axrav, Pind. I. 2, 23 (Schn. Ahr. Christ), - Ar. Nub. 19. Eq. 118; Dem. 18, 267; -yvadi Andoc. i, 13; Isae. 2, 13. 10, 10; PI. Phaedr. 262; -&VM Her. 2, 91; Isocr. 12, 136; PI. Rep. 368; -yvovs Xen. An. i, 6, 4; Isae. 8, 34: but in the sense make to know and feel up to a desired point, persuade, this verb is almost peculiar to Ion. prose : pres. dvayivaa-Keis Her. 7, 10 : 1 aor. -tyvoxra i, 68. 87. 7, 144 &c.; -oxrai 8, 57; Hippocr. 4, 80 (Lit.); - 'Ava-yo/xcu 'Avaivo/u.at. 67 Her. 3, 6 1. 5, 106 : (but 2 aor. dv-eyvcov acknowledged, 2, 91): pip. dveyvaa-fjifvot rjcrav had been persuaded, 8, no: aor. -a>a6r]v 7, 7- 236: in this sense, rare in Attic, pres. pass. dvayivoxTKo/jLtvos Antiph. 2, ft, 7, see 8, 7, where in a similar phrase he uses irfia-dds. In Ion. and Dor. poetry, this verb occurs in 2 aor. only, II. 13, 734. Od. 4, 250 &c.; Find. Ol. n, i &c.; Theocr. 24, 23; in Trag. once, aor. pass. Eur. quoted; and uncertain 2 aor. act. Soph. O. R. 1348; more freq. in Comedy, pres. 2 aor. and fut. m. Ar. Eq. 1065. Ran. 52; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 112; Ar. Nub. 19. Eq. ion; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 444. The 1 aor. dv-eyvwaa occurs in Ion. prose only, and only in the sense persuade. It is a mistake to exclude the meaning persuade entirelyrfrom Attic, and also a mistake to refuse it to the pres. in Ionic. see yco. uw To proclaim, in classic auth. scarcely used beyond the pres. Aeschin. 3, 3: and imp. dv-rjyopevov Aeschin. 3, 122 ; (Plut. Lycurg. 26. Timol. 23): fut. -evo-w (Dem.?) 18, 120; Plut. Galb. 21 : aor. -rj-yopevva Hippocr. Epist. 9, 402 (Lit.); (Dem.?) 18, 54; Polyb. 18, 29, 9; Plut. Mor. 240. Publ. 10 &c. ; Paus. 6, 13, i; Heliod. 4, 5: (p. -rjyopfvKa) : p. p. -j/yo'pfvrai Plut. Demetr. 38. Mar. 45 : aor. -fvdrjv (Xen.) Cyn. i, 14; Polyaen. 8, 14; Plut. Mor. 176. 202. C. Gracch. 3. C. Marc. 12; Paus. 6, 14, 2: fut. -eJ^o-o/iot Paus. 6, 4, n: classic, 2 aor. avfmov Thuc. 2, 2; Aesehin. 3, 122; Dem. 18, 58, Poet, -ffinov Pind. P. i, 32. 10, 9 : aor. pass, -eppfjdrjv Aeschin. 3, 45. 46. 47; Dem. 18, 120; (Plut. Demetr. 9): fut. -prj6j]6T) I, 179. 2, 125: imp. dv-aunpovTO, 3, 90. 'Ayaxoifoo), see Koivoat. 'AfaKpacj, see Kpdfa. 'AraKUTTTu To pop up, emerge, PI. Phaed. 109 : fut. -Kttyw Aristot. H. A. 9, 34, 6 ; Luc. D. Mar. 3, i ; Chrys. 13, 435; opt. -KV^OI PI. Euthyd. 302 (Bekk. Stallb. B. O. W. Herm.) : and as act. fut. m. -Kfyopai Ar. Av. 146 ; -KV^OITO as v. r. PI. Euthyd. quoted (Steph. Heindorf): aor. -e Ar. Av. 591 ; Aen. Tact. 38: aor. rare ai/-e'Xe|a Luc. Gall. 4; Dio Cass. 37, 43, Epic oXXea II. 21, 321. Pass, rare and doubtful -\fy6fj.evov Xen. An. 2, i, 17. Mid. -Xe'yo/iru gather up for oneself, read, Plut. Mor. 582 ; Aen. Tact. 38 : imp. dv-eXeyei-o Her. 3, 130: fut. -Xf'^ai Luc. Dem. enc. 27; Galen 2, 880: aor. -t\edfjL7)v Callim. Epigr. 23; Anth. 9, 428. 12, 132; D. Hal. i, 89; Luc. Pise. 6; Galen 3, 601. The act. is rare, never in Trag. nor classic prose : the mid. again is frequent in late Attic, rare in Ionic prose, never in classic poetry. 'AmXiaKw To expend, Eur. I. T. 337; Ar. Thesm. 1131. Fr. (Dait.) 15; Antiph. 6, 13; Thuc. 7, 48; PI. Rep. 420; Dor. pt. -Xi'o-Koio-a Pind. P. 9, 25, and dv Aesch. Sept. 813 ; Eur. Med. 325; Ar. PI. 248; Thuc. 2, 24; Dem. 50, 8: imp. Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 16; Isocr. 5, 96; PI. Rep. 552, and dvaXovv ThuC. 8, 45, (but ai^Xowro 3, 8l): fat. di/aXa>o-a> Eur. Cycl. 308; Thuc. 6, 31 ; PI. Rep. 568 : aor. duaXao-a Soph. Aj. 1049 (Dind. Nauck) ; Eur. Elec. 681 ; Thuc. 7, 83 ; Lycurg. 46 (Bekk. Scheibe), a-w- Dem. i, n (Bekk. aw- aw;X- Dind.), and avT)\cao-a Soph. Aj. quoted (Mss. Herm. Ellendt) ; Lys. 19, 18; Isae. 5, 35 ; Dem. 20, 10. 36, 39. 40, 36, rare and in comp. r)vd\a>cra, KO.T- Isocr. 9, 60 : p. di>d\u>ica Thuc. 2, 64 ; Dem. 27, 38. 38, 25 (Bekk.), and dvfawKa Xen. Cyr. 2, 4, 9; Lys. 26, 3; Isocr. 15, 158. 165; Isae. 8, 39; Dem. 3, 28. 27, 56. 40, 51 (Bekk. Dind.), 27, 38. 38, 25 quoted (Dind). : pip. dj/qXoo/cet Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 5; (Dem.) 7, 23, dmX- Thuc. 6, 31 : p. p. di/dXa/xat Eur. An. 1154; Hippocr. 2, 360 (K.), e- 7, 574 (Lit. 2, 455 Erm.) j^Isae. 5, 28. 29 ; D. Hal. 7, 49 (dvrj\- KiessL), and di/?j- Xw/im Hippocr. 7, 514. 588 (Lit.); Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 14; PI. Polit. 289; Dem. 27, 63. 50, 30, rare and in comp. ^dXco/xat, *ar- Isocr. 3, 31: pip. di/ijXcoTo PL Polit. 272, di/dXtoro, fear- Hippocr. I, 594 (Lit. 2, 30 Erm.) : aor. dva\u)6r)v Eur. An. 455, an- Thuc. 7, 30, vir- 3, 17, and dwjXw&ji/ Lys. 26, 22 ; Dem. 48, 12. 50, 30, aTr-aj/qX- Thuc. 2, 13, rare ^vaX&Ap, icar- Hippocr. 5, 122. 126 (Lit. Kar-avaX- Aid.) ; di/aX#eis Aesch. Ag. 570 : fat. dva\aerat as pass. Galen 15, 129 : pres. dva\ia-Kfrai Thuc. 8, 4; PI. Rep. 573 : imp. dvrf\i(TKfTo PI. Conv. 181 ; Dem. 50, 24. 25. Mid. to expend, waste on oneself, dva\iTos PL Theaet. 179, -areos Leg. 847. The tragedians and Thuc. seem to have preferred the unaugmented forms, yet di^Xoxre seems to be in all the Mss. Soph. Aj. 1049, and dvrfkovvro Thuc. 3, 8r, dTrai/j/Xw^ 2, 13 ; Xen. Plato and the orators the augmented ; and late writers, though they prefer the latter, are far from consistent. Plutarch and Lucian have both forms, and Appian has even imp. dvaXurKov Civ. B. 3, 58- Hisp. 5, KdT-avaXicrKfv Plut. Philop. 4 (Ms. R. Sint. -avrj\- Ms. U. Bekk.) The form dj/aXo'co occurs mostly in the older Attic : twice in Trag. dmXoi Aesch. Sept. 813, -ois Eur. Med. 325; three or four times in Corned. -aX5>v Ar. Eq. 915. Plut. 248, -aXoCi/ Fr. 15, -dXow ibid.; five or six times in Thuc. 2, 24. 6, 12, twice, 4, 48 : imp. dvd\ovv 8, 45, -aXoiJro I, 109, but -TJ\OVVTO 3, 8l (Bekk. Kriig. Poppo, -TJV always Stahl.) ; twice in Xen. dvaXovv Hell. 6, 2, 13, -ov/xei/a Hier. n, i. But though most freq. in old Attic, it is not confined to it, dva\ow Com, Fr. (Arar.) 3, 275, dwzXoCTCK (Philem.) 4, 22 ; Hippocr. 2, 50. 7, 588 (Lit.) 70 Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 90; and late Attic prose -ovrai Plut. M. 696, -overeat 877 &C. 'AvaXuu, see \va>. 'Aca-fAopjidpw To seethe up, only iter. imp. -vpta-Ke Od. 12, 238. 'Arai'eow 70 renew, act. late and rare, aor. av-tvia>cra Malal. p. 141, 217, 225, 245, 267, &c. Mid. classic -eoC/xat (Dem.) 18, 167 ; -ov) : aor. -eo-KoXoTricra Her. i, 128. 3, 159. 4, 43: p.p. -f Soph. Phil. 140; Theocr. 17, 92; -ao-d/iei'o? Manetho 4, 607: imp. awao-ero Ap. Rh. 4, 266. The only comp. we have seen is Anth. App. Epigr. 336, 20. 'Am(rrp&) To turn up, Soph. Ph. 449 ; Dem. 54, 8 : fut. -^&> Eur. Bacc. 793 : aor. -eWpe^a Thuc. 4, 43 ; -arptyas Aesch. Pers. 333 : perf. -tarpo^a Com. Fr. 4, 549, &c. We notice this verb merely to draw attention to what we think a mistake in our best lexicons, "pass, with /"a/, mid." The fut. is of the pass. form, dvatrrpa(pfi (Hesych.) : imp. rjv8avov II. i, 24. 15, 674. Od. 10, 373; Solon 37; Her. 7, 172. 8, 29, er]v8- II. 24, 25. Od. 3, 143, and eaVS- Her. 9, 5. 19 (Bekk. Dind. Stein, fjv8- Dietsch, Abicht) : fat. dSijo-w Her. 5, 39 : p. rare, adr/iea Hippon. Fr. 100 (Bergk, ad- Eustath.) : 2 p. Epic ea8a Ap. Rh. i, 867 ; (ta8e Theocr. 27, 22, Paley, Fritzs. 2 ed. dS Ziegl. 2 ed.) ; e'oSora II. 9, 173. Od. 18, 422 (eaS- Dind.); Ap. Rh. 2, 35. 4, 1127 ; Callim. Cer. 19 : 2 aor. ?d8ov Her. i, 151. 4, 201. 6, 1 06; Luc. Calumn. 3 (Vulg. Jacobitz, ^8^o'i> Cobet, Dind.), and a8oi> (a) II. 13, 748; Hes. Th. 917; Theogn. 226, Epic (i!a8oi> II. 14, 340. Od. 16, 28; Ap. Rh. 2, 501 ; Bion 3, 7 ; subj. a8r) H. Hym. i, 75; Her. i, 133; a8oi/u Her. 9, 79, &8oi Od. 20, 327 ; Ap. Rh. i, 828 ; a8f"iv II. 3, 173 ; Solon 7 ; Soph. Ant. 89 ; Her. 3, 45, aSe> Pind. Ol. 3, i (Boeckh, Bergk) ; d8a>v Nem. 8, 38. Mid. avSavopai as act. Anth. 10, 7 : 2 aor. late adecrffai Pythag. Epist. 1 2 (Orell.) ; hither some have referred aa-fjifvos as a syncopated and softened part, for d86(j^vos, afyiews, fop-, which it is perhaps better to assign to fj8a>. tvatiov is softened from eFa8ov now edited by Bekker (2 ed.) Buttmann says that after the digamma disappeared the genuine Homeric forms were, without doubt, Only edi>8ave, avSave, not frjvSave, fji>8ave, and the Herodotean fjv8avov, not edv8-, after the analogy of &p, imp. with digamma softened to e, edv8avov } contr. rjvSavov, with syllabic augm. er)v8avov. Compare fe'ATro^at, eVATrei-o, rfKntTO II. 25, 539. J 7> 395 & c - (ld reading.) Ffpyo>, pyw, et/jyw, &c. In this way without, as we think, violating analogy, may be defended eyvdave, fjv8ave, as equally genuine and older than edv8-, dv8-. In Her. rjv8ave, tdv8- have equal support, rjv8- 7, 172. 8, 29, e'dvS- 9, 5. 19, of which Buttm. and Bredow (Dial. Her. 314) maintain the former to be the true Ionic form, Dind.- inclines to the latter (Pref. to Her.) 72 'AvSpayaGitofAcu Dep. To act the brave, good, man, only pres. classic -ifTat Thuc. 2, 63 ; -if(r6ai 3, 40 : aor. dv8payadia-aa-6ai late, App. Civ. 5, 101. dyfcpayaOe'a) Polyb. 14, 5, 8: imp. fjv&pa- ydduw Pseud. Callisth. 2, 16: has fut. -07jcr Xen. Hell. 2, 2, 20 : aor. f)v8pairo8i(Ta Her. i, 151 ; Thuc. i, 98: p. p. f]v8pair68iafuu Her. 6, 106. 8, 29; Isocr. 17, 14; Arr. An. 2, 15; but part. dv8pcnro8io-p.(vos Her. 6, 119 (Mss. Schweigh. Gaisf. Stein, &c.), ^Sptnr- (Bekk. Lhardy, Bred. Dind.), as mid. see below : aor. r)i>8pairo8ia-6r)v Lys. 2, 57 ; Isocr. 17, 49; Xen. Hell, i, 6, 14; -&/? Her. i, 156; fut. dv8pano8ia-6f)<70fjiat Xen. Hell. 2, 2, 14 ; Ar. Ind. 28, ?- D. Sic. 15, 51 : an'd in Ion. fut. m. as pass. dcSpaTro&eC/jcu Her. 6, 17, e'- 6, 9, see mid. Mid. ai>8pa7ro8i'b/xat Her. 3, 147 ; Andoc. 3, 21: imp. Tjv8p- Her. 5, 27 : fut. -TroSieC/aat, e'- Her. i, 66 (also pass, in simple and comp., see above) : aor. fjv8paTro8ia-avTo Her. 3, 59. 6, 1 8; Thuc. 4, 48; -ia-dp.fvos Her. 4, 203, Dor. -it-dptvos Epimen. in D. Laert. i, 113; -ia6- 3, 3; in Hippocr. f)v8p- i, 614 (Erm.). 5, 356 (Lit.): and p. T)v8pa>pevos 4, 256, but '- av&p- Her. 2, 63 without v. r. Mid. aor. dvftpwvaadai (Hesych.) 'A^x w To hold up, II. 23, 426; Soph. O. R. 174; Eur. Hip. 1293 (Mss. Monk, Kirchh. an- Mss. Nauck, Dind. 5 ed.); Her. 2, 29; Thuc. i, 141; Epic subj. -fxn ' 1 - Od. 19, in (Bekk.): imp. dv-fi\ov Thuc. 7, 48 : fut. dvega rare, perhaps only Archil. Fr. 82 (Bergk) ; and late Luc. Hist. Con. 4 ; Orac, Sib. 5, 312 ; V. T. Haggai i, 10 ; di>aa-xwa> also rare, Eur. I. A. 732 ; Her. 5, 106. 7, 14; late Att. prose Plut. Alcib. 30; Parthen. 9, 4 : 2 aor. dvfcrxov II. 17, 310; Eur. Med. 482 ; Her. 8, 8; Xen. Hell, i, 6, 28; PI. Conv. 220, and Epic dveirifjii. 'A^oQe sprung, Epic 2 perf. as pres. Od. 17, 270 : as aor. II. n, 266. Formed by redupl. probably from root dvedco. 'A^e'w To flourish (avdos) Hes. Op. 582; Pind. Ol. 13, 23; Aesch. Ch.' 1009; Soph. Fr. 705; Hippocr. 2, 676 (Lit), Ion. and Dor. 3 pi. dvtievo-i Hes. Op. 227; Theocr. 27, 46; pt. avdwv PI. Rep. 475, dvdovo-a Isocr. 5, io, Ion. and Dor. -eCo-a Her. 4, i; Theocr. 5, 56 : imp. rjvOfi. Eur. Hec. 1210; Xen. Cyr. 6, 4, i, Lacon. fjvarfi. Ar. Lys. 1257: fut. dvdr'ja-fi Alcae. 83: aor. fivdrja-a H. Hym. i, 139; Thuc. i, 19; Dem. 2, io, Dor. av6- Pind. P. i, 66. I. 4 (3), 18 (Bergk); dj^am Od. n, 320: p. r}vQr)Ka Soph. Tr. 1089 &c. 74 'AvOpaKoa) ' ('Ak0paic6u>) To burn to a cinder, blasi, Trag. and confined to p. p. T)i>6paKfj.fvos Soph. El. 58 : and aor. -T)i>0paKu6T) Eur. I. A. 1602 : it has fut. m. Kar-avdpaKuxro^ai. as act. Aesch. Fr. 280 (D.) dir-avdpaKoo) has aor. act. -Tjv6pdi>a-fv Luc. D. Mort. 20, 4. 'Aci To sorrow, Poet. II. 18, 300, dvl- Od. 22, 87, also vex, Od. 19, 323, -idfovo-t 4, 598; Opp. Hal. 2, 450; C. S^Sja : imp. di/fa^oi/ II. 23, 721, iter. di/raffo-KovAp. Rh. 3, 1138: aor. fjviaa-a Anth. (Lucil.) n, 254, overlooked by Lexicogr. (i). See di>tdfj.ai to be grieved, Od. 15, 335 ; Soph. Ph. 906 ; Ar. Lys. 593 ; Com. Fr. 2, 247. 3, 316 ; Xen. Mem. 3, 9, 8 ; Lys. 13, 43, Ion. -ifjTai (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 384 ; opt. di>iap.r)v Theogn. 668, 3 pi. Ion. dwwaro Her. 4, 130; -lacr&u 5, 93: imp. tjvivvTo Xen. Cyr. 6, 3, 10: as pass, fut. mid. dviao-opai Com. Fr. (Aristoph.) 2, 1148; Xen. Mem. i, i, 8 ; (Aeschin.) Epist. 8; Luc. D. Meretr. 8, 2, Ion. -ryo-o/iat, -r/o-ei Plat. Eleg. 8 (Bergk), Epic -^o-eai Theogn. 991 : p. ^i/t'^at Mosch. 4, 3 : aor. t)viddr)v Xen. Hell. 6, 4, 20, Ion. -r\6r\v II. 2, 291. Od. i, 133; Hippocr. 6, 392 (Lit.); Democr. p. 165 (Mullach) : fut. late aviaBfafa-Qai Galen 5, 51. Mid. aor. dvicKraffOai Galen 3, 489, we think should be fut. -dcrfvdai. (av- in pres. da-- in fut. &c. i in Horn, and Trag. t in Corned, except -tow Ar. Eq. 349, i in others.) 'Avit]fU, See d(pir)(u. 'AytjidcD To draw up, in classic usage perhaps only pres. and imp. (later pretty complete with fut. m. as act.), Xen. Eq. 7, 2 ; Theophr. H. P. 4, 3, 5 : imp. avi\ui>v Xen. An. 4, 2, 8 : (fut. -i7 Plut. Mor - 7735 Luc. V. H. 2, 42; Long. P. i, 12 (Seil.); App. Mithr. 7 1 ; Arr. Peripl. 8. * A vi o-o'ft) 'Apo/ywpu. 7 5 70 w0&? equal, seems, in the classic period, to occur only in pres. act. awo-ot Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 65 (Dind.) ; -vrw PI. Polit. 289 ; -icrovv Aristot. Part. Anim. 3, 4, 19 : and aor. pass. dvta-adeis Her. 7, 103. We notice it simply to supply a defect in all our Lexicons the aor. mid. dvlvaxraiTo Opp. H. 5, 37. 'AcoiYkufu To open, Lys. 12, 10 ; Dem. 24, 209 (-VTCH Eur. Ion 923; -vptvos Ar. Eq. 1326); dyoiyu Find. P. 5,88; Soph. Aj. 344; Her. 3, 117; Thuc. 4, 74; avoiye Aesch. Supp. 321 ; (Epic dvaoi'yeo); later dfoiyvuci) Dem. Phal. 122; Paus. 8, 41, 4: imp. dvftayovll. 16, 22i. 24, 228; Com. Fr. (Amips.) 2, 706; Her. 1, 187 ; Xen. An. 5, 5, 20, vn- Dem. 32, 27, Epic dvayov II. 14, 1 68, and rare fjvoiyov Xen. Hell, i, i, 2. 6, 21 ; late, Paus. 4, 26, 8; Achr Tat. 3, 17 (Vulg. dveay- Kerch.); App. Civ. 2, 138, iter. dvaoiyfcricov II. 24, 455, late dvfcpywov App. Annib. 32. Civ. 4, 81, but -fioyw Mithr. 44 : fut. dvola> Ar. Pax 179 ; Polyaen. 5, 5, i : aor. dveaga Od. 10, 389 (Bekk. Ameis, La Roche) ; Ar. Vesp. 768; Thuc. 2, 2; Lys. i, 14; Dem. 20, 53, rare Tjvoi^a Xen. Hell, r, 5, 13 ; late, Apollod. 2, 5, 4 ; Charit. i, 10, 2, 3, 4, 14; Or. Sib. 3, 500; Pseud.-Callisth. i, 17; Polyaen. 3, 9, 45 (but di/e'a 5, 5, i), Poet. dvy~ fieVo? D. Sic. 23, 1 6 (Dind.); Heliod. 9, 9 : pip. dveWro Xen. Hell, 5, 1,14, late rjvoucro, Si- Heliod. 7,15: 1 aor. avta>x6 r i v Eur. Ion 1563; di/oi^i? (Dem.) 44, 37 ; -Sfirj PI. Phaed. 59, -Qdtv Thuc. 4, in ; -ot^^i/at Her. 2, 128; -dels 4, 14; Antiph. 5, 54; Thuc. 4, 130 ; PI. Conv. 216, late f]voi^driv Paus. 2, 35, 4; Pseud.-Callisth. 1,19; V. T. Ps. 105, 17, di/coi'x^ Nonn. 7, 317: fut. late dvoi\6r]uoiiai V. T. Esai. 60, ii ; Galen 2, 473; Epict. Ench. 33, 13. 2 aor. late fjvoiyrjv (Luc.) Amor. 14 ; Pseud.-Callisth. i, 19 ; Christ. Pat. 996 : 2 fut. awiy^o-o/iai late, V. T. Neh. 7, 3 : 3 fut. dvfca^onai Xen. Hell. 5, i, 14 (Mss. Dind. Saupp. Breilb. Cob.); Dio Chrys. vol. 2, p. 329 (Dind.): pres. dvoiyerai PL Rep. 405, -VVTCU Eur. Ion 923; -yea-Sat Thuc. 4, 104; -vvpevos Ar. Eq. 1326, -yofJLfvos Thuc. 4, 130: imp. dvfcayovro Thuc. 4, III ; PI. Phaed. 59 : 2 p. di/eVya rarely act., dvitaye opened, (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 394 (Lit.); Aristaen. 2, 22 : pip. di/f. dvoiKTtov Eur. Ion 1387. The less regular forms rjvoiyov, rjvoi^a are late, V. T. i Mace, n, 2 ; Paus. 7, 19, 3; Clement. Epist. 43, except as nautical terms, open out, gain the open sea, in which sense exclusively Xen. uses them. Gaisf., with the Mss., edits dv^a Her. i, 68, but avotga 4, 143. 9, 118, Bekk. Dind. Bred. Lhardy uniformly ai/oia, as it would seem that Her. perhaps never augments 01, dvewyes however i, 187, but in an Inscr. Hippocr. augments it, di/e'we 6, 568 (Lit.) For the monstrous form dvattgai Q. Sm. 12, 331, has been suggested, Or Substituted, dvolt-ai (Pauw), dvairTvgai (Koechly), dvoigao-Qai (Struve), called " inusitatum " by Koechly, rather hastily if Aristid. 2, 40, be sound. In late Greek, along with the classical forms ai/e'e, dvtmy^ai, dvftpxfyv, occur even with triple augm. rpftpge V. T. Gen. 8, 6 ; Joseph. Ap. 2, 9 : yveipypai N. T. Rev. 10, 8 ; Heliodor. 9, 9; Polyaen. 8, 25 (Maasv. dvcny- Woelffl.) : f)vea>x&iv Dio Cass. 44, 17 (Bekk. dvtax- Dind.); V. T. Gen. 7, ii ; N. T. Jo. 9, 10 (Vat. Sinait.) See Galen 4, 160. 47 8. 'AfopOou To set upright, Xen. Hell. 4, 8, 12, (never augments the prep, in classic writers) : fat. dvopdao-w Isocr. 6, 85 : aor. dvatpduxra Eur. Ale. 1138; Isocr. 5, 64; Aristid. 12, 84 (Dind.); -daxTov Soph. O. R. 51; -wow Thuc. 6, 88: (p.?): pip. late r)vopdp6a>iMi V. T. 2 Reg. 7, 16. i Par. 17, 14. 24; Liban. Decl. p. 800: aor. dixapdtadrjv V. T. Ps. 19, 9. Ezek. 16, 7 ; N. T. Luc. 13, 13 (Vulg. Vat.), dvopd- (Mss. Lachm. Tisch.) : imp. pass. dvcapOovvro Eunap. Fr. 76 (L. Dind.) This verb never augments the prep, in classic, scarcely even in late Greek. The tendency to double augm. is confined to the double comp. fir-avop66a>, which, in classic Greek, always augments both verb and prep. imp. eV-^wptfovi/ Isocr. 12, 200: aor. fTT-rjvu>p6u>aa (Lys.) 2, 70; Dinarch. i, 96, aw-en- (Dem.) 10, 34: p. p. (Tr-TjvvpOcoiMu Dem. 18, 311 ; Athen. (Macho) 578: aor. indie, late fir-av^pQ^Qrj Apocr. 2 Mace. 5, 20 ; inf. eV- avop6a>6rjvai Dem. 9, 76. Mid. imp. eir-r]vo)p6ov^v PI. Theaet. 143; Plut. Sert. 19; but later tn-ava>pd- Polyaen. 6, 4 f (Woelffl.), see N.T.Luc. 13, 13, above: aor. fir-T}vo)pda>/?0coo-ar, not f-r)v-. 8iopdua>, aor. Si-apdua-e Isocr. 9, 47, 'Avrayopeva) 'A*mtaC. 77 Plut. Alcib. 7 &C., not e8i-a>pd-. Karop66u>, Kar-copdcoa-av ThuC. 6, 33, not eKOT-capd-. \J *J ' * 'Arrayopeuw To speak against, rare and only pres. -eveiv Ar. Ran. 1072 : and Dor. aor. dir-dyopevo-e Find. P. 4, 156 (Vulg. Boeckh, Momms. Christ), the rest supplied by dvri\eyu>, dvrepS>, -fiprjKa, &C. 'Arda> To meet, Poet, and Ion. subj. divas H. Merc. 288 ; Opt. dvTcarj Soph. Tr. 902: imp. Ion. ijvreov II. 7, 423; Ap. Rh. 4, 845, for -aov: fut. di/r^o-w II. 16, 423; Opp. Hal. 3, 71, Dor. -da-fa Eur. Tr. 212 (chor.): aor. Tjvr^a-a II. 6, 399. Od. 4, 327; Eur. Ion 802; Her. i, 114. 2, 119, an-- Thuc. 2, 20, Dor. ai/rao-a Soph. Ant. 982 (chor.), VTT- Find. P. 8, 59 ; subj. dirrrfo-rjs ,Eur. I. A. 150, Epic -Jj(ro/iej> Od. 1 6, 254; opt. avrfjo-fie II. 7, 158; Maneth. i, 24; part, dir-jjo-as Aesch. Supp. 37 ; Soph. A)'- 533> -Dor. -"< s Pind. Ol. 10, 42 : p. dw-tjVTTjKa Ar. Lys. 420; Dem. 18, 15. 125 : p. p. -ijirr/jLiai see foil. Mid. as act. avTaffdai (Hesych.) ; usu. in comp. dTr-avra>[j.eva Polyb. 8, 8, branded by Luc. Lex. 25, as not Attic: fut. aTr-ai/rijo-opu Lys. 34, 8: aor. fjvTrja-avTo Anth. (Rhian.) 12, 121; subj. (rvv-avTri PI. Men. 80. To do good in turn, Ar. Plut. 1029 (Vulg. W. Dind. Mein. dvr eu TTOKF'O) Bergk) ; Xen. An. 5, 5, 21 (Vulg. Kriig. Kiihn. Saupp. dvr *v TTOI- L. Dind.); PI. Gorg. 520 (Bekk. dvr ev TTOI- B. O. Winck.); Dem. 20, 141 (Vulg. Bekk. Bait. Saupp. but dvr ev Trotew W. Dind.) : fut. -ijo-co : aor. dvreviroir]p.ev Dem. 2O, 124 (Bekk. Bait. Saupp. dvr ev TTOt- Dind.) : p. avrevirenoi^Kev Dem. 2O, 64 (Bekk. Bait. Saupp. dvr (v nfnoirjKfv Dind.) if right, the marvel vanishes. 'Ai/Tid^u To meet, &c. Soph. Elec. 1009; Eur. Andr. 572, VTT- Xen. Cyr. 5, 5, 9; subj. -daxri Pind. N. i, 68; Her. 4, 118: imper. aj/n'afe, VTT- Aesch. Pers. 834 : imp. dvria^ov Her. i, 166 (Mss. Vulg. Gaisf. Dind. Stein), f,vT- (Bekk. Lhardy, Bred.), compare im-r^vr- 4, 121 (Mss. Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. Stein); Aesch. Pers. 407; Xen. An. 6, 5, 27; Luc. V. H. i, 21. 37 : fut. di/nao-a> Od. 22, 28; Theogn. 552. 1308 (see dirtaw), Dor. -aa> Pind. Ol. 10 (n), 84: aor. T]i>TiuTmo> 'Ai/TiXe-yw. -dVT Od. 22, 28; Theogn. 552 : aor. Tjvriao-a Callim. Epigr. 73, VTT-avriaa-a Pind. P. 4, 135; Subj. dvTida-rja-iv Ap. Rh. 3, 643, dual. -doijTov II. 12, 356; Opt. -Vfias Od. 18, '147 ; Mosch. 2, 150, - contr. from dvndav, for which see aVida>. 'Airi/SoXe'd) 70 w^/, Ar. Nub. 155; Andoc. i, 149; Lys. 4, 20; Isae. 9, 37 : imp. f)VTifi6Xow Ar. Ach. 147 (Bekk. Dind. TjvTffi- Cob. Mein.). Fr. 460; Lys. i, 25. 29 (qi>re/3- Cob. Frohb.); Dem. 37, 14: fat. -^tr< Od. 21, 306; Lys. 14, 16: aor. Tivrfp6\T)cra rare Ar. Fr. 101 (Mss. Dind.), Ep. always aVre/SdA- II. n, 809. 13, 210. Od. 24, 87. H. Merc. 143; Hes. Sc. 439; Pind. Ol. 13, 30; Ap. Rh. 2, 1121; Orph. Arg. 498 &c. ; opt. -rjcrais rare form in Horn. Od. 4, 547. 13, 229 : aor. pass. dvrifio\T]6fis Ar. Vesp. 560. dvTifioXria-ev unaugm. II. n, 809 (Vulg.), and preferred by Buttm. Lexil. p. 122, on the ground of its being more in accordance with Homeric analogy, as the verb is a fixed compd., with augm. avre/3oX- (Ms. Ven. Wolf, Bekk. Dind. La Roche.) 'AKTiSiKtw To be a defendant, Xen. Mem. 4, 4, 8: imp. ^triStW Lys. 6. 12 (fivreS- Cob.), rjvrfb- Dem. 39, 37. 40, 18 (Ms. S. Bekk. B. Saupp., rjvnd- Dind.): fut. di/riSi/c^o-a) Isae. n, 9: aor. T)vre8ii rare, Eur. Hipp. 993 ; Ar. Ran. 998 ; Lys. 8, 10. ii (Scheibe); Xen. Conv. 2, 12; D. Hal. 10, 40: aor. dvreXet-a. rare, and Poet. (?) Dio Cass. 68, 20; -tas Dio. Hal. 9, 41 ; inf. -Ae'ai Soph. O. R. 409; Ar. Nub. 1040. Lys. 806; Dio. Hal. 10, 40: pass. aVriXeyerat Xen. Hell. 6, 5, 37; , 2, 30; -tvOai Dem. 27, 15. Vb. dirtXe/crtos Eur. Heracl. 79 975. This verb seems not to occur in Epic ; neither pres. nor imp. in Trag. ; but freq. in prose and Comedy : fut. and aor. rare, and rather Poet. The usual fut. and aor. are: dvrepS> Aesch. Ag. 539 ; Eur. Hipp. 402. Med. 364; Ar. Eccl. 249. Ach. 702 ; Thuc. i, 73; Andoc. 4, 25; Isocr. 12, 62. 18, 35; Aeschin. 2, 183; PL Rep. 580: aor. avreinov Thuc. i, 136. 4, 22; Lys. 19, 55; Isocr. 12, 215; subj. -fiVi/ Ar. Eccl. 588, -dnrjTe Eur. Elec. 361; opt. -eiTTOifjit Soph. El. 377, -etVoi Eur. I. A. 1 2 10 (Monk, Kirchh. Nauck, -eptl Elms. Dind.); -finelv Aesch. Pr. 51 ; Soph. Ant. 1053; Andoc. 4, 34; Isocr. l8, 36; -enron/ Soph. Ant. 1232; Thuc. 8, 69: p. -fiprjKoas Soph. Ant. 47 : fut. ai/Teipijo-eTai Soph. Tr. 1184. 1 aor. avnlirav late, V. ,T. Jos. 17, 14. We have not seen the indie, dvre'nrov either in Trag. or Comedy. ('Arriow), in use di/rioo/mi Dep. To oppose, Ion. -fvptQa Her. 9, 26 ; -evfjifvot 7, 139 : imp. TJVTIOVTO Her. i, 76. 4, 3 : with fut. m. dvrio3cro[jLai Her. 7, 9. IO2 : but aor. p. rjvnwdrjv as mid. Her. 7, 9. 10. 8, 100 (Bekk. Dind. Kriig. Stein), dvr- 7, 9 (Gaisf.); inf. dvTuodrjvai Aesch. Supp. 389; Her. 8, 100; -u>6eis 5, roo. See fv-avTioofjuii.. 'Amxpf] It is sufficient (xpij), impers. and only 1 aor. dvrtxpw* Her. 7, 127. 187. "Ayroficu To meet, entreat, Poet. Emped. 14 (Stein); Soph. O. C. 250; Eur. Ale. 1098; Ar. Thesm. 977 (chor.); Ap. Rh. 2, 1123; -eaQai II. 15, 698; -d/xej/o? II, 237; Phld. P. 2, 71 : imp. ^JTO'PJV, -reo Callim. Epigr. 31, -TTO II. 22, 203, crvv- IL 21, 34. Od, 4, 367, but dual avrea-d^v, aw- II. 7, 22. ("Ayufu) To accomplish, only imp. act. Dor. i pi. avvpes Theocr. 7, 10 (Vulg. Ahr. Ziegl. avo^es Meineke, Fritzs.). Pass, avvrai pres. late, Opp. Hal. 3, 427 (Vulg.); Nic. Alex. 599 (G. and Otto Schneid. -erai G. Herm. Meineke) : TJVVTO Od. 5, 243 ; Q. Sm. 9, i, awro Theocr. 2, 92, --o (Mein.) (a seems to be always in arsi, a Nic. Al. 599, is in thesi.) 'AVUCJ To accomplish, II. 4, 56 ; Eur. Ph. 453 ; Ar. Ran. 606, e- Her. 7, 183, Attic avuru Soph. Ant. 805 (Dind.); Thuc. 2, 76; Xen. Cyr. i, 6, 5, |w- Aesch. Ag. 1123: imp. ijvvov Her. 9, 66; Dem. 21, 104, and -VTOV Soph. Tr. 319; Eur. Bac. noo (Dind. ijv- Elms.); PI. Conv. 217 ; Xen. Cyr. 5,^5, 22. 7, 3, 14 (Dind. Saupp. Hertl. -vov Vulg. Popp.), Dor. awov Theocr. 21, 19: fut. dvvvu Soph. Aj. 607; Ar. Ran. 649; Artemid. Onir. 1,51, and, according to some, dvvco II. 4, 56 quoted, '- n, 365. 20, 452: aor. fjvixra Od. 24, 71; Aesch. Pers. 7^6; Soph. O. C. 454 ; Her. i, 91, Dor. av- Theocr. 7, 6 ; -vo-fitv Od. J 5> 2 94; PI- Leg. 650; -wrai Thuc. 2, 97; awo-as Ar. Nub. 8o Ll/ft). 635 ; Epic, tjvvvo-a Ap. Rh. 4, 413, amxra-a Find. P. 12, II, av- Anth. 5, 275; dvixraras H. Merc. 337; Hes. Th. 954; -vo-o-at Ap. Rh. i, 603: p. rjvvKa PI. Polit. 264: p. p. ^wrr/xat Polyb. 3, 44, 8t- Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 28 ; but yvvp-evos if correct, Theod. Metoch. 2, p. 22 (MiilL), npo- D. Hal. Rhet. 5, 4: pip. TJMCTTO Luc. Herm. 3; Paus. 5, i, 7: aor. r^aQ^v D. Hal. Ant. 3, 6; Polyb. 32, 7, 17; Philostr. V. Apoll. 40; Heliod. 4, 6, r- Hes. Sc. 311: ftit. dwardrjffoijLcu. Ael. V. H. i, 2i ; Heliod. 3, 19. Mid. avvo\uu. as act. Pind. P. 2, 49 ; -vea-dai Bion 7> 6, -\nea6ai Xen. An. 7, 7, 24 (D. Sauppe) : imp. tjwTopav Aesch. 'Ag. 1159 (chor.): butfut. avvvo^ai (o-o-) pass. (?) Od. l6, 373, act. -va-ecrdat Xen. An. 7, 7, 24 quoted (Lion, Kiihn.) : aor. fjvva-anrjv Aesch. Pr. 700; Soph. Tr. 996; Ar. Plut. 196 (D.); rare in prose, PL Phaed. 69 (best Ms. Heind. Bekk. Stallb. Schanz, -vaa^v Mss. Herm. Wohlrab); (Hippocr.) Epist. 420 (Lit.); -vo-w/xai Aesch. Ch. 858 ; -wratr&u Xen. An. 7, 7, 24 quoted (Valken. Kriig. Schenkl); and late, Polyb. 9, 4, e'- Strab. 10, 2, 25, unaugm. -avixravro Eur. Bacc. 131 (chor.), Dor. avva-dpav Theocr. 5, 144. Vb. dwffros Hippocr. 2, 142 (Erm.); Xen. An. i, 8, II, but avvros Sext. Emp. 617 (B.), av-r)W(TTOS Od. 1 6, III, dv-T)vvTos Soph. El. 166. For ^O-OTO Her. i, 91 (Mss. Schw. Gaisf.), Schaefer reads fjwo-f n, and Bekk. Lhardy, Dind. Kriig. Stein approve and accept it. Fut. m. ai/iWetr&u Od. 16, 373, is not, we think, necessarily pass. It may mean we shall never accom- plish this_/br ourselves, gain our object in this, a and v always short (Passow) : if so, the following require correction, dvvw Nonn. 21, 1 6 (Graef.), where have been suggested dAiW (Wern. oXvo) Koch, Meineke, 'do-< Koechly); dvva-ai Tryphiod. 126; dvv ; prose authors, again, prefer ai/urco, Thuc. and Plato perhaps always ; so Xen. (Dind.), usu. (Vulg. Popp.). avva>, &VVTO) with aspirate, called Attic by Moeris, Herodn. &c., and so written by Person Eur. Phoen. 463, Elms. Bac. 1098, and by Dind. formerly (4 edit.) uniformly in Sophocles, is not, we think, supported by the Mss. nor adopted by the generality of scholars: Dind. now always unaspirated dv-, fjv- (5 edit.) dvvTT(a D. Laert. i, 2, 16, and v. r. PI. Soph. 261 &c. is a vicious form. "Ayu Poet. To perform, wait Aesch. Fr. 156 (Dobr. Herm. Dind.); avovros Ar. Vesp. 369; Svtiv PI. Crat. 415: imp. rjvov Od. 3, 496; Eur. An. 1132. Pass, avopai II. 10, 251 ; Pind. 01. 8, 8 (best Mss. Boeckh, Bergk); Opp. Hal. 4, 528; ai/^reu 5, 442; avoiro II. 18, 473; dvt'ifuvos Aesch. Ch. 799; Ap. Rh. 2, 4945 Opp. Cyn. i, in; Arat. 373 (B); Her. 7, 20, v. r. 'A^COyft) 'AiOO>. 8 I dn/n-: imp. five Her. i, 189. 8, 71 (Gaisf. Dind. Stein, Abicht, rjvvtTo Bekk. Kriig.), livero Theocr. 2, 92 (Meineke), perhaps needlessly, for uwro (Vulg.) 5 usu. but in arsi, a in thesi once in Horn. &VOITO H. 18, 473, dvois Aesch. Fr. 156 (Dobr. Herm. Dind.). Ch. 799?; and late &VTJTOI Opp. Hal. 5, 442. 'Acwyu Poet, and Ion. To order, almost confined to 3 sing. -ya II. 6, 439. 19, 102. Od. 5, 139. 357; Hes. Th. 549; Her. 7, 104, but 2 sing, -yets Q. Sm. 13, 238, 3 dual -wyerov II. 4, 287, -yere (Bentl. Bekk. 2 ed.), for subj. and opt. see perf. ; (imper. oWye Eur. Or. 119; Callim. Fr. 440, -yeVw Od. 2, 195, -ytrf 23, 132, may belong to perf.); part, -ytov Lycophr. 572; -yfiv Opp. Ven. 3, 194: imp. rjvuyov II. 9, 578. Od. 14, 237; Horn. t*. i, 105; Anth. App. Epigr 376; Ap. Rh. 4, 1594, o/*j> Ep. for -(ofiev, II. 15, 295 ; inf. dvSi^ai Od. 10, 531 : 2 p. oWya as pres. and unaugm. II. 14, 105; Soph. El. 1458; Eur. Cycl. 340. 701, -yas II. 14, 262; -Aesch. Eum. 902; Soph. Ph. 100, -ye Aesch. Pr. 947; Soph. O. R. 96; Her. 3, 81, pi. syncop. ai/wy/zei/ H. H. 2, 350; Subj. dvnyrj II. 9, IOI. Od. I, 316; Her. 7, 104; -yot/u II. 19, 206, -yot Od. 8, 70; Theogn. 999, -yotrc Od. Ir > 356; imper. ai/wye Eur. Or. .119; inf. dvyei II. 6, 170. 10, 394; Soph. O. C. 1598; Theocr. 24, 67 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 247, and dvatyfi II. 18, 176. Od. 2, 385. The following are Poetic syncopated forms : avcoyntv for -o>ya/iej>, H. H. 2, 350, ava>xQ>- 2 sing.imper.il. 23, 158; Aesch. Ch. 772; Eur. Ale. 1044, 3 sing, dvta^dca for -wye'rw, II. II, 189, 2 pi. ava>\G f for -coyere, Od. 22, 437 ; Eur. Rhes. 987. Imp. ^vwyeoi/ trisyll. II. 7, 394 (Mss. Vulg. La Roche), has been changed to pip. ^vcayei(v) (Spitzn. Bekk. Dind.) 'A|IOCD To think worthy, Soph. O. R. 944; Her. 4, 115; Antiph. 6, 8; Lys. 3, 4 : imp. ^- Soph. O. C. 953; Her. 3, 42; Antiph. 6, 34; Andoc. i, 107 : fut. -oxrw Her. 7. 16; Antiph. 5, 16: aor. ^(Wa Thuc. 2, 64; Isae. 3, 2 : perf. ^uai Isocr. 1 8, 24: reg. and noticed chiefly because we think our lexicons wrong in asserting the mid. to be in Attic prose. We think the mid. is nearly confined to Trag. and Ion. prose, d^iovfjuii, -ovtrdai Aesch. Ag. 370; Ion. ai%wu Her. 5, 106; d^ifvfievos i, 199. 7, 16; dgiovpevos Aristot. Rhet. 2, 10, Ji: but fut. dtiaa-erai if correct, as pass. Soph. Ant. 637 (Musgr. Schn. Nauck, Dind.): with fut. pass, dgivdrjo-nnai Isocr. 9, 6. 10, 43; Aristot. Polit. 2, 9, 27; Diod. Sic. Fr. B. 31, n (Bekk.): aor. ^icoo-aro Aesch. Eum. 425 : imp. late ijiovro Dio Cass. G 82 'Ao 42, 35 (Bekk.) Vb. dgtwrfov Stob. 85 21, missed, by Lexi- cogr. 'AoiSmw (doiSfj) Epic=d, To sing, only pres. -met Od. 10, 227; pt. -laovo-' 5, 6 1. Aor. doifya-ov if sound, Simon. C. 174 (Bergk), requires a pres. dotfidco. 'AoXXia> To bring together, assemble, Epic, Anth. 9, 772 ; -t'fcoi/ 9, 649: aor. doXXto-o-a Jl. 6, 287; -tWas 6, 270; Ap. Rh. i, 863: aor. pass. do\\io-0r)v assembled, II. 19, 54 ; inf. Ep. -la-^/uewu 15, 588. Pres. pass. doXXi'&wat Callim. Del. 18. (a.) 'Airayopeuw To forbid, give up, Ar. Ach. 169; Her. 7, 149; Antiph. 3, 7, 7 ; (Andoc.) 4, 9 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 13; PL Prot. 334: imp. dnrjyop- Her. 3, 51. 4, 125; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 14; Isae. 2, 28; Dem. 37, 25 : fut. -etlo-w Plut. Mor. 195. Lysand. 3. Nici. 21, classic dir-(p> Ar. Lys. 165; Thuc. i, 29. 121; Xen. M. Eq. 3, 9, Ion. -epo Her. 7, 205 : aor. dnrjyopfvo-a classic, but rare, Aristot. Oec. 2, 24, 4; Dem. 40, 44. 55, 4 (Dio Cass. 56, 27. 60, 5. 6. 17; Ael. Fr. 298; Plut. Mor. 77; Luc. Conv. 19); subj. -ayopeva-rjt Plat. Theaet. 200 (often late Plut. Mor. 124. 228. Alex. 42; Strab 12, 3, n; Luc. Merc. Con. 26. Herm. 33); usu. dir-flirov Aesch. Sept. 840; Soph. Tr. 789; Thuc. 7, 60; PL Rep. 337, &c. : 1 aor. rare in this COmp. -ewra, -eiTras Soph. Ant. 405; -etnas Her. 3, 153 (mid. not in classic Attic, dTretTrd/irji/ Her. i, 59. 5, 56; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 8, 16, 4; Polyb. 33, 10, &c.): p. -rjyopevKa Aristot. Physiog. 3, 8; Plut. Mor. 1096; Luc. D. Deor. 24, 2. Saturn. 3. (Asin.) 19; classic dirdpTjKa Eur. Or. 91; Hippocr. 6, 210; Lys. 2, 52; Xen. An. 5, i, 2 ; PL Phaed. 99 ; Isocr. Epist. 3, 4 ; Dem. 3, 8: pip. -rjyopevKeiD. Cass. 58, 8; Luc. D. Deor. 5, 2 (Fritz.), classic -fipfjKeaav Xen. An. 6, 5, 30 : p. p. -ijyopev/im Aristot. Polit. 7, 17,9; D. Cass. 57, 15; Plut. Sol. 21; Joseph. Ant. 15, 4, i ; Heliod. 2, 33. 8, 7, classic -elprjuai Her. 6, 61 ; Aeschin. 3, 48 ; PL Rep. 396 : pip. -j/yopevro Plut. Fab. 4 ; Heliod. 8, 6, classic -ipfnjLT)v, -TJVTO Thuc. 5, 48 : aor. -rjyopevdrjv D. Cass. 56, 25, see Dem. Fr. 38, classic -fpptjdrjv Dem. Fr. 38: fut. dnop- prjBqvoyiai Lys. 22, 14. Vb. dnayopevrtov Luc. Herm. 47. 'AiraXXdo-o-o) To set free, deliver, Aesch. Ag. 1289; Soph. Ant. 596; Hippocr. 2, 156; Thuc. 8, 86, -drrco PL Gorg. 478: imp. aTj-jjXXan-oo Andoc. i, 59 : fut. -a Aesch. Pr. 773 ; Soph. Ant. 769; Her. 9, 106; Isocr. 5, 52; Isae. n, 31: aor. -rjXXaa Ar. Vesp. 1537; Her. i, 16. 5, 63. 8, 68; Thuc. I, 90; Isocr. n 5- P- -^XXa^a Xen. Mem. 3, 13, 6; Dem. 18, 65; Liban. Or. 15 (p. 235): p. p. -jjXXay/xat Soph. El. 783; Eur. Andr. 963; Antiph. 2, S, 5; Thuc. i, 122; -/*eW Ar. Pax 1128; Isocr. 5, 49; Her. i, 60, but dnr-oX- 2, 144. 167 (Bekk. Dind. Stein), 83 airr)\- (Dietsch, Abicht): plp.-^XXa^oDem. 34, 31, -^XXaxro Antiph. i, 7; Thuc. i, 138: 1 aor. -qXXa^i/ Com. Fr. 2, 794; Hippocr. 1, 732 (Marc. Erm. -Xdyj; Vulg. Lit. 5, 228); Her. 8, 18, but aTT-aX- 2, 152. 5, 65. 6, 40. 45, amjX- (Abicht) ; late Att. prose twr-^XX- Diog. Laert. 2, 127; subj. d7r-aX\axdn Soph. O. C. 786; Eur. Andr. 424; (PI.) Epist. 7, 335; Opt. -aXXaxdelre Ar. Vesp. 484 ; imper. -axfyri Eur. Cycl. 600, -dxQrjrov Ar. Plut. 66; -axdfis Soph. Ant. 244 ; Eur. Hip. 1181 ; Ar. Vesp. 504; Com. Fr. (Theop.) 2, 794; Her. i, 170; Arr. An. 7, 25; Diod. Sic. 2O, 40 ; -axdrjvai Plut. Mar. 35 : 2 aor. dTr-^XXayrji/ Aesch. Pr. 750; Eur. Andr. 592; Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 696; Hippocr. 5, 206; Thuc. 2, 42; Andoc. i, 68; Lys. i, 17; Isocr. 3, 6 ; Xen. An. i, 10, 8 ; PI. Rep. 406 ; Aeschin. i, 40. 53; Dem. 23, 169, and always in Att. prose; subj. -aXXayoj Aesch. Pr. 471; Ar. Eccl. noo; Isae. 2, 30; PI. Theaet. 168; -a\\ayetr)v Xen. Cyr. 6, I, 45, -yelfjifv PI. Euth. 7, -yfirjre Dem. 3, 33; -aXXdy^t Com. Fr. 3, 462; PI. Gorg. 491; -a\\ayeis Aesch. Ag. 336; Soph. Ant. 422; Eur. Ph. 592; Ar. Ach. 270; Andoc. i, 66; Isocr. 8, 20; PI. Phaed. 64; -yr)vai Com. Fr. (Polyz.) 2, 867; Xen. An. 5, i, 13; Lys. 12, 45; PI. Gorg. 458; Dem. 19, 314; rare in Ion. Her. 8, 84: 1 fat. -ax6r]To Eur. Heracl. 317 (Mss. Vulg. Kirchh. Nauck, denied by Matth. and Poppo Thuc. 8, 2, V7r-rj\\- Pflugk, Dind. 5 ed.); opt. -dan-o Plut. Cat. Min. 64 (Sint. Bekk.); Strab. 15, i, 68, no v. r. ; -dgavdai Parthen. 5 (Ms. P. Westerm.) ; Aretae. i, 7, see simple aXXa^ei/os Dem. 55, 32 : in same sense aor. and fat. pass. dTr-^XXdx^" : T- rjXXdyrjv : -axdrjtropai '. -ayfjcronat. Vb. aTT-aXXaAcreoi' Lys. 6, 8 ; PI. Parm. 163. Of this verb, Attic prose writers use neither 1 aor. nor 1 fut. pass. Aesch. has 2 aor. pass, only, Soph, and Eur. have both first and second, but the first more frequently, not however for Person's reason, for Soph. Ant. 422, and Eur. Andr. 592, would admit the first. Her. never augments the imp. : always the 1 aor. act. : varies in the p. p. and 1 aor. G 2 84 pass. A desiderative form diraX\aeio occurs in part. -eiovres Thuc. 1,^95. 3, 84. ^ 'Airap.6ipop.at, see d/ie(j3a>. 'Airarrdw To meet, Eur. Ion 940; Ar. Pax 941: Thuc. 7, 31 ; Dem. 24, 193: imp. cmj\vra>v Thuc. 4, 127; Lys. 2, 24, Dor. 3 sing. aTrdvTT) Bion 4, 7 (Mein. Ziegl.) : fut. m. -ai/r^o-o/wu, -erai Aeschin. i, 164, -ovrm Lys. 2, 32. 34, 8; -ijo-eo-^at Thuc. 7, 80; Aeschin. i, 174; (Dem.) 42, 14. 60, 20; -qo-ojueiw Thuc. 4, 77. 7, 2 ; Xen. Hell, i, 6, 3, Dor. -ao-emu Dius, Stob. 65, 16 : act. -]7 5- 5) 4, 5- 8, i, 4 : fut. -faoficu Joseph. Ant. 6, 6, 2. 9, 6, 3. 12, 4, 3; Sext. Emp. 644. 'Airarcxw, 70 deceive, Theogn. 59 ; Thuc. 8, 98, Dor. 3 pi. aTrareoi/rt, e'- Pind. Ol. I, 29 : imp. ^Trareov Eur. El. 938 ; (Dem.) 47, 9, e- Av. Eq. 1224; Aeschin. 2, 123, iter. dndraa-Kov, ?|- rare in Attic Ar. Pax 1070 (Hexam.) : fut. -faa) Od. 17, 139 ; PI. Phaedr. 262 : aor. ^Tranjo-a Thuc. 5, 9; PI. Rep. 573, Poet. aVar- II. 9, 344, Dor. dirdrava Soph. Tr. 500 (chor.) : p. qTrarq/ca Soph. Ph. 929 ; Her. 6, 80 ; Aristot. Rhet. i, 15, 25 : p. p. fjird- TTJUUI Soph. Ph. 949 ; Eur. Andr. 435 ; Thuc. 5, 46 : aor. tjira- r^6r] V Priocyl. 14; Thuc. 5, 85; Isae. 5, 14; PI. Crit. 52 ; Dem. 44, 19, very complete, and reg. except fut. m. as pass. aVaTijo-o- p.ai PI. Phaedr. 262, |- Xen. An. 7, 3, 3 : and f. p. aTraTTj&jo-o/wu Aristot. Anal. Pr. 2, 21, 9, - Aeschin. 3, 168; PI. Crat. 436. Vb. fg-ana.TT)Tfov PI. Crit. 49. The orators very seldom use dtrarS), see (Dem.) 47, 9; Lycurg. 86; Isae. 5, 14; Dem. 44, 19 ; Hyperid. Fr. 25 (Blass), though they freely use dndnj and Tib take away, Poetic, imp. aTrrjvpuv as aor. II. 19, 89, aTrqvpaj 8, 237, -rjvpa 17, 125; Hes. Th. 423; Aesch. Pers. 949 (chor.); Eur. An. 1029 (chor.), pi. di^vp^v II. 1,430; and late Epic, Ap. Rh. 4, 916 : allied in signif. fut. dTrovpf) II. 22, 489 (Bekk. Dind. -iWw Vulg. Spitzn. La Roche) : 1 aor. part. dnovpas II. i, 356, Dor. -ovpais Pind. P. 4, 149. Mid. aor. djrrjvpca Aesch. Pr. 28 trimet. (Vulg. Blomf.), -rjvparo (Od. 4, 646, before Wolf); part, dnovpdntvoi. Hes. Sc. 173, not pass, but having taken eachyftr himself \hs. life of the other deprived each other of life. For aTnjvpaTo Od. 4, 646 (Vulg.), Wolf, Bekker, and Dind. adopt the v. r. dnijvpa, and for aTnjv/xa Aesch. Pr. 28 (Vulg.), Herm. with Ms. M. reads enrjipu, Elms. Dind. and Weil (TTrjvpov. Ahrens tries very ingeniously to account for the seem- ing anomalous forms of this verb by supposing a digammated stem in Fpd(a=Fpva>, epva>. dirovpas, dirovpdp.tvos are thus softened from dTro'pas, ano-pdpevos ' and dirrjvpas, -i)vpa, -rjvparo are im- properly written for dirtvpas (direFpas), -evpa, -fvparo. There is, besides, an interchange of conjugations; dirrjvpav, at least, is from -aco, and dnrji-po), -r/vparo from -/it. Compare yap.fa>, fyr]fj.a, To deceive, Poet. Od. 1 1 , 217; -i(nca>v, e- Hes. Th. 537 : fut. d77a0i5o-a) Anth. 12, 26 : 1 aor. oTra^o-a Q. Sm. 3, 502, e|- H. Hym. 2, 198 ; Opp. Hal. 3, 94 : 2 aor. fjmxpov Ap. Rh. 3, 130; Opp. Hal. 3, 483; Anth. 9, 739, irapa- in tmesi Od. 14, 86 488, irap-fjira^)- II. 14, 360; Orph. Arg. 707; Theocr. 27, n; Subj. dnd(f)a> Anth. Plan. 108, e- Od. 23, 79 ; dncxfxav Opp. Hal. 3, 444, e- Eur. Ion 704 (chor.) ; Ap. R. 2, 1235; -oOo-a H. Hym. 4, 38 : 2 aor. m. opt. dira^olp.^ as act. Od. 23, 216, '*- IL 9, 376. 'AireiKci^w To take a likeness, Isocr. i, n: imp. dn-tiKafrv PI. Leg. 857 (Mss. Vulg.), -yKa&v (Mss. B. O. W. &c.) : fut. m. -fiKdvofjiai Xen. Mem. 3, n, i : fut. act. -/rao-a> later, Plut. Mor. 1135: aor. d-rr-eiKaa-a PI. Theaet. 169. Gorg. 493 (B. O. W.), -.v/cao-a (Bekk.); PI, Leg. 857 (Bait. O. Winck.); -eindo-m Soph. Fr. 162; Dem. 21, 143: p. p. dTT-f/Kaoyiai PI. Crat. 420. Leg. 965: aor. dTT-eiKacrfais Eur. El. 979 ; PL Rep. 511 ; -affdfjvat PI. Tim. 48 : fat. -a(r6f)W Od. 1 8, 165 ; Find. N. 10, 83 ; PL Rep. 321. There seems to be no good early authority for pres. direxdo/Mi. Of the Tragedians, Eur. alone has this verb, and only 2 aor. and, if genuine, fut. dn-ex&jo-et Ale. 7 1 (Vulg.), but bracketed by Dind. Nauck, Kirchh. as spurious; dnexdofjiai Eur. Hipp. 1260 (Vulg.) has been altered to endxdonai from Mss., but the inf. by being often accented on the antepenult aTrexdfo-dai, has led to the belief that it is pres. II. 21,^83; Thuc. i, 136; Isocr. Epist. 9, 12; Lys. 6, 53; Isae. 2, 30. Fr. 4 (Scheibe); PL Rep. 343 (Bekk. Popp. Kriig. B. S.), but aTTfx^fcrdai always (Elms. Dind. Ast, Benseler.) 'Amore'u To disbelieve, Soph. Aj. 940; Her. 3, 122. 4,96; Antiph. 3, y, 4 ; Thuc. 2, 35: imp. rjiriarow PL Theaet. 144, dirlo-Teov Od. 13, 339 : fut. -f)aro-o/u Ar. Pax 1259 ; Aeschin. 1,29, irept- Od. 23, 78 : 2 aor. dir^o^v Ar. Ach. 542. Av. 17 ; Her. 1,70; Thuc. 7, 87 ; Dem. 37, 17 ; subj. -8 455 Theocr. 8, 74; (PL) Alcib. (2) 149; Luc. Demon. 26; (y. r. Xen. An. 2, i, 22, see below); Polyb. 4, 30. 31. 15, 5. 25, 6 (Bekk.); Diod. Sic. n, 28: late also in this sense fut. diroKpWf)a-oft,ai V. T. Ps. 119, 42; N. T. Matth. 25, 45. Vb. diroKpire'ov one must separate, reject, PL Rep. 413; but one must answer, Alcib. (i) 114. d-nfKplQrjv in the sense of drreKpIvdp.^ answered, seems hot to occur before Machon a Poet of the later Comedy, Athen. 8, 41. 13, 39 (unless diroKpi6S> be sound, Com. Fr. (Pherecr.) 2, 275); for Alcib. (i. 2) ascribed to Plato, is held to be spurious. For an-o- Horn, always, Her. usually, has vTTOKpivofWJ. 1, 2. 78. 91. 164, &C., but dnoKpiv- 8, IOI (Bekk. Dind. Gaisf.). 5, 49 (Gaisf.), vrroicp- (Bekk. Dind.) dneKpidrj is in the best Mss. Xen. An. 2, i, 22, and adopted by Kiihner, but rendered doubtful by ditfuplvaro in sect. 23 : dirrjueifpffrj quoted by Kiihner is not a parallel, as Pind. has d/otfi'^^ P. 4, 102. This verb is rare in poetry : once in Epic, diroicpivSfis II. 5, 1 2, and Lyric -npiQtis Archil. 89 (Bergk), rare in Trag. aor. act. 'A7ro/cy)ouft> 'ATTOAcre/j/w. 89 s Soph. O. R. 640 (Mss. Vulg. Ell. Dind. 2 ed., dropped in 5 ed. Nauck); and mid. direKpiva Eur. I. A. 1354; -icplvmo Bac. 1272 ; imper. dvoKpivai I. A. 1133 ; more freq. in Comedy, pres. dnoKpivfTf Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 261 : mid. -opfvos Ar. Plut. 17 ; -eo-&u Ach. 632 : fut -ovfiat Nub. 1245; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 510. (Men.) 4, 144. 215: dnfKpivdiJiTjv Ar. Vesp. 964. 1433. Nub. 1244, &c. : dnoKpiQa, see above. 'AiroKpouu, see Kpova>. 'AiroKpuTTTw, see Kpinrrca. 'AiroKTeifw 71? kill, Od. 22, 167; Aesch. Ag. 1250; Eur. Ph. 1620 ; Antiph. 4, a, 2 ; PI. Rep. 573 : imp. -tKreivov Eur. Ion 1300; Thuc. 3, 81 ; Xen. Hist. 2, 3, 21 : fut. -evS> Eur. Ph. 1621; Thuc. 4^28; Lys. i, 26, Ion. -KTfv4a> Her. 3, 30: 1 aor. -turewa II- 9> 543 ; Eur. Med. 486 ; Ar. Av. 85 ; Her. 8, 38 ; Antiph. i, 6. 2, |3, 10; Thuc. i, 30; Lys. 12, 34; Xen. An. i, 2, 20: p. -tKTova Lys. 10, 7; Isocr. 12, 66; Dem. 22, 2: pip. -ewci/eu* Dem. 19, 148, Ion. -exrovee Her. 5, 67, rare and doubtful -fKTovrjKa in classic auth. Xen. Hier. 3, 8 (Vulg.); PI. Ap. 38 (Vulg. but -fKTova Mss. B V D fee. Stobae. Dind. Bekk. Stallb. &c.); Aristot. Soph. El. 33, 3: pip. -eKTovrjKfi Plut. Timol. 16 (Vulg.), and -eWayKa Aristot. Pol. 7, 2, n; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 173, later -eVruKa Polyb. n, 18, see Krei'wo : 2 aor. dir-fKravov Epic only, II. 6, 414. Od. 14, 271 ; Hes. Sc. n ; (Eur.) Rhes. 978; Anth. n, 228; subj. -Krdvrj Od. 12, 301, syncop. or from (KTTJ/JLI) dn-eKTav, dniKTa^ev Od. 23, 121 ; inf. dnoKrdp.evai II. 2O, 165, abbrev. -d/iev II. 5, 675 : Epic also 2 aor. mid. an-enro. as pass, or as we say has got himself killed, 11. 15, 437. 17, 472 ; -KrufjLfvos 4, 494. 23, 775 ; Q. Sm. 10, 3. Pass, late, dTroKrei- vfo-dai Palaeph. Incred. 7 : p. dir-fKrannevos Apocr. i Mace. 5, 51 ; -fKrdvBai Polyb. 7, 7 ; 2 MaCC. 4, 36: aor. dn-fKTavdrjv DlO Cass. 65, 4. Fr. 43 ; i Mace. 2, 9 ; Dionys. de Av. 1,3; N. T. Marc. 8, 31. Rev. 9, 18, &c., for which classic writers use TfQvrjKa, Wavov, aTroTfOvrjKa, dneOavov. The pass, form has been overlooked by Lexicogr. Collat. forms airoK-ui'j'ufu, -vat PL Gorg. 469; Dem. 23, 163, -vfjxv PI. Gorg. 468, -vda-t Xen. An. 6, 3, 5 ; PI. Gorg. 466; Dem. 23, 142 ; -vds Xen. Hell. 5. 3> 2 > PI. Crit. 48; -Wai Lys. 12, 7. 36; Xen. Hell. 5, 4, 32; PL Phaed. 58 ; Dem. 23, 74 : imp. dir-tKrivvvvav Xen. An. 6, 5, 28 ; (Lys.) 20, 9. diroimmjw, -uoi/o-t Xen. Hell. 4, 4, 2. 7, 4, 26 (Vulg. Breitb. Saupp. -van Dind. now, Cob.) ; subj. -vvtj PL Rep. 565 ; -oiot Phaed. 62 : imp. dn-eKrivvvov Xen. Hell. 5, 2, 43 (Breitb. Saupp., -vvav Dind. Cob.). &KOK.-rivvu late, Anth. (Ni- carch.) n, 395 ; v. r. N. T. Matth. 23, 37. Luc. 13, 34 : Pass. imp. djr-fKTfi'vovTo V. T. Dan. 2, 13 (Gaisf. Tisch.) QO 'AiroXau'w To enjoy, Ar. Vesp. 701 ; Thuc. i, 70; Isocr. 5, 34; Dem. 23, 210; -a>v Lys. 18, 19; Eur. Andr. 543; -ttv H. F. 1224; Isocr. 15, 105: imp. aTre'Xauoi/ Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 34; Isocr. i, 9, aTTijX- (Vulg. Bekk. dnf\- Bens. Blass, L. Dind.) : fut. m. dTroXavo-o/iat Ar. Av. 177; Isocr. 15, 305. Epist. 6, 12; Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 81 ; PI. Charm. 172 ; Luc. D. Deor. 10, 2; Themist. i, 10: fut. act. an-oXavo-a perhaps late (but Hyperid. Fun. Or. Col. 2, 147, if correct) ; Dio Hal. Ant. 6, 4. 15 ; Luc. Herm. 78 ; Plut. Pyr. 13. Mor. 776; Dio Cass. 43, 18. 52, 18; D. Sic. 2, 55; Herodn. i, 6, 2 (Bekk.); Themist. 21, 247. 26, 330; Heliod. 7, 18; Joseph. Ant. 8, n, 2, see below: aor. aTreXavo-a Eur. 1. T. 526; Ar. Av. 1358; Her. 6, 86; Lys. 28, 6; Isocr. 16, 37. 19, 21 ; Dem. 48, 28: p. dno\e\avKa Ar. Thesm. 1008; Com. Fr. (PI.) 2, 671; Isocr. 15, 195. 19, 23; Aeschin. i, 56 : p. p. late, aTToXe'Xavrai Philostr. Apoll. 6, 19, but -XeXauo7*eW Plut. Mor. 1089. 1099: aor. mvf\a\>crdr]v late, -avo-^vai Phil, vol. I, p. 37, 45. Mid. see below. Vb. aTroXauoro'y Plut. Arist. Cat. 4. The augm. with 77 seems late, and is disapproved by Herodian : dirr^avov Schol. Aesch. Ag. 559 ; and Alciphr. 3, 53 (Vulg. but oTTfX- Mein.): dTr^Xauo-a Ael. V. H. 12, 25 (a?reA- Herch.) ; Eunap. 131, 17; Schol. Aesch. Pr. 28; Dio. Hal. r, 6. 2, 55. 76 (Ms. Urb. approved by Kiessl., dn-eX- Vulg.); Themist. 6, 76. 13, 167. 172. 16, 212 &c., aTrfX- (Dind. always.) The earliest instance we know of fut. act. is diroXavo-ofuv Hyperid. Or. Funebr. Col. n, 142 (Bab.) This however we think a false reading for -o-o/i0a, both because the classic writers invariably use the mid. form, and because the identical blunder occurs PI. Charm. 172, where Par. E. alone of all the Mss. presents dTroXavo-opev, the rest, and all editions aTToXavo-d/te&i. Cobet, strange to say, retains the Ms. reading because, says he, " utraque forma usu trita est." Each may be irila, but still keep to its own walk. Aor. m. a.irf\av(Ta^rjv Ar. Av. 1358 (Br.) is a creation of Reiske's, and silently adopted by Brunck for , see oXXvfii. 'ATroXoye'o|mi Dep. To make a defence, Ar. Thesm. 188 ; Her. 7, 161 ; Antiph. 3, 8, 4; Thuc. 3, 62 : imp. dTreXoyelro Antiph. 2, ft 13; Thuc. 6, 29; Dem. 33, 32, Ion. -e'ero Her. 6, 136 : 9 1 fiit. -T)(ronai Ar. Vesp. 949 ; Antiph. r, 7 ; Thuc. 8, 85 ; Lys. 10, 6; Isocr. 18, 40: aor. direKoy^d^v Xen. An. 5, 6, 3; Lys. 22, 3; Dem. 34, 42; -OTJTCH Thuc. 8, 109; -a-a/*'09 8, 68; Antiph. 5, 13; -o-aadai Eur. Bac. 41; Antiph. 5, 60; Lys. 9, 17: p. dTroXfXoy^m act. Antiph. 5, 85; Andoc. i, 33; Isocr. 12, 218, and pass. Andoc. i, 70; PL Rep. 607 : pip. air(\e\6yr)To act. Dio Cass. 40, 54 : aor. dneXoyrid^v act. Antiph. 2, y, i (Polyb. 23, 12); -rjQfivat Antiph. 2, S, 3; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 388 ; -rfcis Antiph. 3, y, 2. 4, y, i, but pass. (?) Xen. Hell, i, 4, 13 : as 3 fut. d7roXeXoy7/W eo-o/wu Andoc. i, 72. Vb. aTro\oyr]Teov Antiph. 4, 8, i. After the instances quoted of aor. pass, it is rather curious to find Cobet asserting " Attici tfmnes dicebant aTreXoyTjo-aro, deterrimus quisque sequi- orum forma vitiosa an-eXcy?^ utitur" (Novae Lect. p. 307). An older than he has been more merciful, aTroXoyr^i/ai, dvrl TO aTToXoyqcracr&u' "AXe^ts 'AjwrfXoupyw (Bekk. Anecd. p. 82). This verb is mostly prosaic, never in Epic, once in Trag. 'AiroXoyi^ofAai To reckon up, recount, Dep. mid. PL Phil. 25 : imp. aTreXoy- Xen. Hell. 6, i, 3; Aeschin. 3, 25: fut. -tov/uai Dio Cass. Fr. 109 (Bekk.): aor. -eXoyio-dp/i/ PL Soph. 261; Dem. 24, 108, Dor. -i^a^v Inscr. vol. 2, p. 24 (Boeckh): p. -\f\oyicrfjLfva pass. Xen. Oec. 9, 8, but act. an-oXeXoytoyKU Dio. Hal. ad Cn. Pomp, i ; Inscr. vol. i, p. 157 (Boeckh), missed by Lexicogr. This verb is almost entirely prosaic ; dTroXoyifeTat if correct Ar. Fr. 79 (Vulg. Dind. 2 ed.) is perhaps the only exception, but Xoyt'f- (Dind. 5 ed. with Dobree.) The act. -\oyifiv Ar. Fr. 185 (D.), and -yifwi> Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 70, have been altered to dTroXon-t'^ti', -a>v by Fritzsche, Meineke, and now Dind. (5 edit.) 'Airop,ifin](rKW, see nip.vT)(rKta. 'Airoi'ooufJiai, see voeto. 'Airo-iraTeo) To turn aside, Com. Fr. (Crat.) 2, 48 ; Ar. Eccl. 351; Hippocr. 7, 100: fut. mid. -Trarijcro/wu Ar. Plut. 1184: but -TraTTjcrco Hippocr. 7, zoo (Lit. 2, 237 Erm.) ; Galen 7, 790, fvano- if correct, Com. Fr. (Polyz.) 2, 869, Trfpnrarfia-eis Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 21 ; Xen. Conv. 9, 7, o-ufjurepurar- Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 104: aor. aireirdTri. 'AiroTrupi^u (frvp) To roast and eat, Dor. I pi. -Trvp/fo/xe? Epicharm. 82 (Ahrens) ; irvpifav Hesych. nvpifa simple seems not to occur. 'Airope'u To be at a loss, Soph. O. R. 485; Her. i, 75. 191; Antiph. 2, 8, i ; Thuc. 6, 42 ; Isocr. 7, 9, Dor. i pi. an-opt'op." Xen. Hell, i, i, 23: imp. Tjnopovv Her. 3, 78; Lys. 19, 21; PL Prot. 321: fut. -770-0) Ar. Eccl. 664; Lys. 7, 23; Isocr. 8. 139: aor. fjTToprja-a Thuc. i, 63; Isocr. 10, 12; aTropfja-rj Ar. Vesp. 590; -a pass. Hippocr. i, 572 (Lit.); -ffadat Hippocr. i, 242 (Erm.): imp. rinopov^v Lys. 3, 10: fut. -rjo-o/xai Aristot. Eth. Mag. 2, 3, 16; Sext. Emp. 479 : p. TjTToprjpai Eur. I. A. 537 ; pass. Aristot. Nat. Ausc. 4) 9> 3; Aristid. 26, 328 (Jebb, -p??o-a Mss. Dind.); Sext. Emp. 479; r]iropr}fi(vos Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 692, pass. (Luc.) Philop. i, 81- PI. Soph. 250: aor. f]jropr]6rjv Hippocr. 4, 212; Dem. 27, 53, pass. PI. Leg. 799; Aristot. Eth. Mag. 2, 6, 45. Pol. 8, 6: fut. p. -r)6f)(rofj.at, (Tw- Sext. Emp. 477 (Bekk.) This verb seems not to occur in Epic; rarely in Trag. pres. act. in Soph. ; pres. act. and perf. pass, in Eur. : the futures m. and p. somehow appear rather late: aor. mid. simple or comp. we have not seen. 'ATroorepeo) To rob, bereave, Aesch. Pr. 777 ; Her. 6, 65; An- tiph. 4, ft, 7 ; Thuc. i, 69; PL Leg. 721; Isae. 9, 23: imp. airfovep- Antiph. 5, 35. 62; Lys. 15, 5: fut. -fja-at Isae. i, 18. 8, 43; Dem. 23, 135: perf. -eorep^a Soph. Ph. 1283; Her. 5, 106; Thuc. 7, 6; Isocr. 14, 35 &c. : fut. mid. -orep^- O-O/MU as pass. Eur. H. F. 137; Thuc. 6, 91; Dem. 24, 210. 39, n. 40, 10 : and fut. p. -orfp^o-o/im Lys. 12, 70; Dem. i, 22 ; Isocr. 7, 34 (Ms. U. Bekk. B. S. -orepijoro/iert Vulg. Bensl. Blass.) dno. 'Airoarpe'tjxu To turn away, Aesch. Ag. 1306; Her. 4, 188 ; Dem. 19, 208: fut. -e'^o) II. 10, 355; Soph. O. R. 1154; Xen. M. Eq. i, 12; PL Soph. 239: aor. -ecrrpe^-a Aesch. Ag. . 93 850; Eur. Med. 1148; Her. 4, 52; Thuc. 5, 75; Isocr. 16, 2O, iter. diroa-Tpi^aa-Ke II. 22, 197 ; Epic Subj. -o-Tptyrjvi II. 15, 62 &c. : p.p. -eorpa/ip-at Her. 7, 1 60; Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 17: pip. 3 pi. Ion. -eorpdcparo Her. I, 166. Mid. d7roo-rp, i pers. in Epicharm. only, Fr. 114 (Ahr. see part. airoxpfu>n(vos Her. i, 37): imp. -t'xPf PI. Phaedr. 275, -e'xpa Her. i, 66: fat. -xpffa-fi PI. Polit. 279, -xpwova-i Ar. PI. 484 : aor. dirfxprja- Her. 7, 196; Isocr. 4, 97. Pass, or mid. U7roxpao/icu to be contented, Dem. 17, 13, Ion. -eo//at, others -e'w/uai Her. I, 37, see I, 34; -xprjvGai Thuc. I, 68: imp. tnrexparo Aristot. Oec. 2, 21, 7; Her. i, 102 (Aldin. &c. Gaisf. Bred. Stein, Abicht), but direxp^ro (Ms. S. Bekk. Dind.), -f^pe'cro (Schaef.), which Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. Lhardy have at 8, 14, -fxpvvro Thuc. 3, 8 1 (Popp. Goell.); part, dnoxpf^p-fvos Her. i, 37 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. Stein, Lhardy), -eoptvos (Ms. S. Bredow, Dietsch, Abicht) : aor. m. d-!Tfxpw avTO US d up, destroyed, killed, only Ar. Fr. 328 (D.); dnoxpfia-aa-de in usual sense, Thuc. 6, 1 7 ', -aaBai Luc. Catapl. 2 : p. diroKexp^p-fvoi Aristot. Oec. 2, 22. This verb is generally impers., and when pers. seldom goes beyond the 3 sing, and pi. dnoxpi Aesch. Ag. 1574 ; Isocr. 5, 28; PI. Rep. 380, Ion. dnoxpa Her. 9, 79; inf. -xp^v Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 87; Dem. 4, 22; Luc. Hermot. 24; Aristid. 34, 443 (D.), Ion. - x pav Her. 3, 138. 6, 137 : imp. dn^pr) Isocr. 5, 72; PI. Phaedr. 275, Ion. -e'xpa Her. i, 66: fut. dTroxpria-fiv Her. 8, 130: aor. dnexpqvf Isocr. 12, 79. Pass, or mid. imp. aTrexpe'ero Her. 8, 14 (Bekk. Dind. -xparo Dietsch, Stein, Abicht, Bred.) 94 This compel, is not in Epic, once in Trag., rare in Comedy. In Her. Bredow, Abicht, &c. would always contract ae of this verb in a : anfxparo, not -TJTO, nor -ft, and change a before o, w, into f, -xpdovari, -fovari, -xpdovrai, -%pfovrai, -xpaopevos, -xpfOfj.evos, not -eWrat, -ea>p.evos ', Sllbj. -xpdcavrai, -e'wirai. In the Mss. there appears an occasional tendency to slide into the contr. of ae in T] for a, but whether by Her. or an innocent or learned copyist it is difficult to decide. "Airru To fasten, kindle, Eur. Or. 1543; Ar. Nub. 768 ; anrnv PL Crat. 417, Trpori- II. 24, no ; pt. rare, drrra>v, eg- II. 24, 51 ; Eur. Or. 383 : imp. ijirrov Ar. Nub. 57, e|- II. 22, 397, dv- Od. 12, 179, irpo Aesch. Ch. 868; Com. Fr. (Anax.) 3, 193, aw- Soph. Aj. 1317; Eur. Bac. 545; Xen. An. i, 5, 16; dv- Orest. 1137: aor. ?;\^a Simon. C. 99; Eur. Hel. 503; Ar. Ran. 505; Thuc. 2, 77, dv- Od. 3, 274. VTT- Her. i, 176; a\^a>nfv Aesch. Eum. 307 ; a-^ais, - Find. P. 8, 60 : with p. r/jupu Soph. Tr. 1009 ; PL Phaedr. 260; Dem. 21, 155. 51, 5. Vb. anros PL Rep. 525, anrfos Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 498 ; PL Rep. 377. In Epic, the act, especially the simple form, is very rare : Horn. aor. only atyas Od. 21, 408 quoted; in comp. irporidnra) for Trpoo-- II. 24, 1 10, fgdnratv 24, 51 : imp. t'^Trrei/ 22, 397, dv- Od. 12, 179: aor. dvtyev 3, 274: p.p. fffinrai II. 2, 15. 32. 69. Od. 22, 41; dv-Ti Inscr. Arcad. 2. (a). Pres. Ar. Eq. 1023 (trimeter) and fjnvo-a Eur. Rhes. quoted; it is therefore a mistake to say " this verb occurs only in the choral odes." (a, v in pres. and imp., but facovTes Mosch. 2, 124, dvrjTrv- 98, v in fut. and aor.) 'AirojOew, see o>0eo>. 'Apdpe'w To ring, rattle, only pres. apa/3 Epich. 9, 2 (Ahr.) ; pt. apa/SeCo-m Hes. Sc. 249 : and aor. apu/S/jo-e II. 17, 50. Od. 24, 525 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 281 ; Theocr. 22, 126. 'Apciop.cu To pray, Dep. II. 9, 240 ; Aesch. Sept. 633; Soph. AJ 509; Ar. Thesm. 350; Plut. Crass, 16, eV- PI. Leg. 684, Ion dpfofwi Her. 3, 65; so Pind. P. i, 75 : imp. rjpan^y, -p> Od. 1 8, 176, -pa.ro II. 10, 277 ; Aesch. Pr. 912 ; Soph. Ant. 428, -S>vro Her. 8, 94, KUT- Hipponax n (B.) : fut. dpaa-op.ai perhaps late in simple V. T. Num. 23, 8 (Alex.), fir- Dem. 54, 38 (corr. 5. Wolf, Bekk. Dind.), KO.T- (Dem.) 25, 100, Ion. dprj 38 (Bekk. Dind.), several Mss. and Edit have aor. -ao-uo-tfat (B. S., &C.) Vb. dpdros Soph. Ant. 972, -ijrds II. 17, 37. 96 (Initial 5 Epic, 3 Attic, second a before ?.) This verb in the simple form seems to occur once only in classic prose. 'Apapuncu (apw) To fit, Poetic, imp. dpdpurM Od. 14, 23; Theocr. 25, 103 : fut. (dpw, Ion. po-w Hesych.) : 1 aor. ^p 2, 289, -ere Ap. Rh. 2, 1062 ; aps Find. I. 2, 19 ; Eur. Elec. 948; simple late in prose dpapev Luc. Pise. 3. Catapl. 8; -pd>s Plut. Dion. 32 ; but Trpoo-apaptvai Xen. Hell. 4, 7, 6, Ion. api;pa Od. 5, 248 (Wolf, apaa-o-e Bekk. La R. Dind.); Anth. 6, 163; Opp. Hal. 3, 559, II. 23, 673, e'- Ar. Thesm. 704 : aor. rjpaa Anth. 6, 217; Opp. Hal. 3, 558 ; Babr. 115, OTT- II. 14, 497 ; Her. 8, 90, 4- Ar. Eq. 641, KOT- Hipponax 38 (B.) ; Her. 9, 69; Dem. 23, 165, eV- PI. Prot. 314, /xja Hes. Sc. 461, %w- in tmesi II. 12, 384, diro- 16, 324,' Dor. ap- Theocr. 2, 6 J dpa^re, an-- ThuC. 7, 63 ; -etev, eVc- "ApSco ' AjOe i7> Kar ~ wdx^l Thuc. 7 6, a-w-apd\6r) in tmesi Od. 5, 426 : pres. dpdo-aovTai Ap. R. 4, 762; -o-o^iei/os 2, 553; Her. 6, 44 : imp. ^pdo-a-orro Aesch. Pers. 460. Mid. fat. KOT- apdfai II. 2, 124 : Dor. pres. dpiOpevvrai Theocr. 17, 27. Mid. dpidp.fop.ai to count to or for oneself, Aristot. Met. 12, 6, 4. Nat. Ausc. 4, 14, 8 : imp. fipidnovvro Thuc. 3, 20, Ion. -eoiro Her. 6, 1 1 1 (Bekk. Dind. dpiQ- Gaisf. Stein) : aor. r/ptfyijj- adp.T)v PI. Phaedr. 270; (Luc.) Amor. 50 : but fut. dpt^o-o/xat seemingly pass. Eur. Bac. 1318, e- Dio Cass. 79, 4 (B.), , fir- Ap. R. 2, 1049: aor. fjpKfa-a II. 2o, 289; Simon. C. 101 ; Soph. O. R. 1209; Ar. Eccl. 828 (ffpeo-a Seal. Dind. 5 ed.); Her. 2, 115; Xen. Cyr. i, 6, 45, drr- Aesch. Pers. 474, Dor. &PK- Pind. Ol. 9, 3; Epic inf. dp/ceVo-ew Ap. Rh. 2, 1124: p. p. late r)pKf(rrai Stob. (Sthen. Locr.) 48, 63 : aor. r\p unlike some others in w never drops s in the fut. H 2 IOO 'Apn,<5 To fit, Find. P. 9, 117 ; Soph. Tr. 731 ; Hippocr. i, 325(Erm.2,368 Lit.); Aristot.Eth. Nic.4, 5, 17, -do-Sco, r$-Theocr. 1,53, -oWw Hippocr. 3, 558 (Lit.), Att. -drTw(Andoc.)4,6 ; Isocr. 2, 34; Aeschin. 2, 96; Dor. pt. -dfoio-a Find. P. 9, 13: imp. rjpfjiofrv Eur. Elec. 24; Hippocr. i, 580 (Lit.), Dor. app.- Find. N. 8, n, fjppoTTov locr. 7, 44; PI. Soph. 262; Dem. 20, 66 : fut. (ipnovu Soph. O. R. 902 ; Ar. Thesm. 263 ; Hippocr. i, 61 (Erm.); PI. Phaedr. 248: aor. rjpnoo-a II. 17, 210; PL Crat. 405, Dor. apu- Find. P. 3, 114; Anth. 7, 431, o-vv-dp(j.oa N. 10, 12 ; -o'o-at/u Soph. Tr. 687 ; pt. -do-as Solon 36, 17 ; Her. 9, 108, Dor. -dorms Find. N. 7, 98: p.rjpp-oKa Aristot.Poet. 24, 8; (Luc.) Ner. 6: p.p. )?p/xoa>i- (PL) Tim. Locr. 99, rjp^orrd^v Her. 5, 32 ; d/j/ndo-w/iat Com. Fr. (Heges.) 4, 479. (Mach.) 4, 497; Luc. Merc. Con. 30; -oo-aadat Harm, i, aw- PL Tim. 53; dppoo-dnevos Her. 5, 47, w- PL Polit. 309 : p. p. as mid. Ion. apjJL.oa-fj.ai Her. 3, 137 (pass. -oos Thuc. 8, 9, Ionic dpvevfi.- Hym. Merc. 390; Her. 2, 181. 6, 13, perhaps better apveop- : imp. rjpvovfirjv II. 19, 304; Xen. Hell. 7, 3, 7; Aeschin. 3, 175; Dem. 33, 29 : fut. apj^o-opu Aesch. Eum. 463 ; Soph. O. R. 571 ; Ar. Eccl. 365, an-- PL Gorg. 461 : p. j/pi/^ai Dem. 28, 24 : pip. a7r-rjpvrjij.(i>ai Tjcrav Joann. Ped. 8 (West.) : aor. fjpvTjdrjv mostly Attic, Lycurg. 30; Dem. 29, 18; Anth. PL 205. 225, dn- Soph. Tr. 480; dpvr)6fii]v Dem. 21, 191, -!/ 9, 54 ; Hippocr. Epist. 9, 326 (Lit.); -rjdfis Thuc. 6, 60, oV- Eur. Hipp. 1266; -Tjdfjvai, Lys. 4, i ; Isocr. 21, 21 ; Dem. 30, 27: and mid. rjpvr/- rather Epic and Ionic, Anth. (Incert.) n, 272; Callim. "ApVVfJLCLl ' ApOCO. I O I Cer. 75 ; Nonn. 4, 36 ; Maneth. 2, 308 ; rare in classic Attic Aeschin. 3, 224; Hyperid. Fr. 3, 140; and late, Dio. Hal. 9, 13 ; Dio Cass. 58, 19 ; Luc. D. Meretr. 7, 4, Poet. dpwjo-- Anth. 7, 4735 dpvf](Ti) Eur. Ion IO26; PrOCOp. Epist. 58; dpvrjcraifjirjv Aeschin. 2, 69, -vfjaaio II. 14, 191, -o-airo Tryphiod. 104; -jjo-atr&u II. 14, 212. Od. 21, 345; Orph. Lith. 162 ; Her. 3, i; Hype- rid. Fr. 3, 140; Aristot. Top. 8, 7; D. Laert. 2, 12, 5; -rjadp-f- voy (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 368 (Lit.); D. Laert. 2, 12, 4; Plut. Mor. 233 ; Dio Cass. 46, 30, e- Her. 3, 74 : fut. dpj/T^o-o/zat, cm- pass. Soph. Ph. 527 ; and late N. T. Luc. 12, 9, see below : pres. upvovfjLfVTjv also seems pass. Plut. Mor. 1072; dn-ap^rm Aristot. Anal. Pr. i, 32, 9. Vb. dpvrjrtov Aristot Top. 8,7. Thfsi'mpte fiit. p. dpvT)dr)? (Lennep); dpovv Theogn. 582, Ar. Plut. 525; Her. 4, 19; Xen. Oec. 16, 10; PL Phaedr. 276: fut. dpoo-o) Anth. 9, 729. 740; Geop. 3, 10: later mid. -o'o-opu Theodor. Metoch. 76, p. 510 (Mull.): aor. rjpova Soph. O. R. 1497, irfpi- Plut. Mor. 820, &p- Callim. Cer. 137 ; dpoa-rjs Hes. Op. 485; Theophr. H. P. 8, i, 6; dpdo-eui/, wept- Plut. Popl. 16; dpo'o-at Pind. N. IO, 26, -oWai Ap. Rh. 3, 497 : p. p. dprjpopat, II. 18, 548 ; Her. 4, 97 : pip. dpjjporo Ap. Rh. 3, 1343 : IO2 jOTraft). aor. rjpodriv Soph. O. R. 1485: pres. pass, dpovrm Dinarch. i, 24; -ovo-dai Soph. Fr. 298: imp. fjpovro Hesych. Mid. dpovffdai Or. Sib. 5, 505 (Friedl.) : fut. apdo-erai Thee d. Metoch. 76, 510. Epic forms: pres. inf. dpopfifvat, Hes. Op. 22 (Mss. Goettl. Lennep. -opfvai and -&>/zei/ai other Mss.) Vb. dv-fiporos Od. 9, 123 ; Aesch. Pr. 708. apdaxn 3 pi. pres. for dpovvi, Od. 9, 108 ; Ap. Rh. i, 796. dpoWeo, doubtful -&>cno, poet. fut. Anth. 7, 175: aor. -do-ora Ap. Rh. 3, 1053. e Apirdw To seize, II. 5, 556; Aesch. Sept. 259; Her. i, 4; Xen. Hell. 5, 2, 19; Dem. 53, 17; -d&re Soph. Ant. 311; -dtiv Isae. n, 16: imp. TJp-rra&v Her. i, 106 ; Thuc. i, 5: fut. dpnaa-o) Xen. Hipp. 4, 17; Anth. (Antiphil.) 7, 175, dv Eur. Ion 1303, t-w- 1. A. 535; Luc. D. Deor. 8, Si- App. Lib. 55; Polyb. 4, 18, unatt. apirdg> II. 22, 310; Babr. 89; late prose Apollod. 2, 4, 7 (Bekk.) : more freq. mid. -ao-o/iat Xen. Cyr. 7, 2, 5; Ar. Pax 1118. Eccl. 866. Av. 1460, w- Lys. 437, <- Nub. 490, Si- PI. Rep. 336, dv- Her. 8, 28. 9, 59; Plut. Marcell. 6. Aristid. 17, and late dfnr&ptu V. T. Osea 5, 14, -Srai Ezek. 18, 7 : aor. rjpTrao-a II. 13, 528; Aesch. Ag. 627; Eur. Or. 1634; Thuc. 6, 101 ; Her. 2, 156, Dor. a/Mr- Pind. P. 3, 44. 9, 6 ; Bion 2, 10 ; -do-tu Soph. Aj. 2, unatt. rjpiTaga II. 12, 305. Od. 15, 174; dpndgas Pind. N. 10, 67; Theocr. 17, 48 : p. rjpnaica Ar. Plut. 372 ; PI. Gorg. 481 : p. p. fjpna Lycophr. 505; Apollod. i, 9, 19; Strab. 10, 4, 21, dv- Plut. Pyr. 7, St- Polyb. 4, 79 ; Arr. An. 7, 13, i : fut. late apTrayfjarofj.at Joseph. J. Bell. 5, 10, 3; N. T. i Thess. 4, 17, e- Plut. Agis 19, St- Oth. 3. Mid. fut. -ao-o/iai, see above: aor. late in simple, apitaad^evos Luc. Tim. 22; Joseph. Ant. 5, 8 (Bekk.); Heliod. 4, 21 ; but vcpapirdcrcuo Ar. Eccl. 921; Siapirdcrao-dai, Arr. An. 3, 1 8, IO, dv- Dio. Hal. 3, 5 (KiessL); and as if from (apn-^i) a poet. aor. apndfj-fvos pass. Anth. ii, 59; Nonn. 40, 357, but act. in v(papirafjievrj Anth. 9, 619 : and as mid. p. p. e^-^pirav^evoi Soph. O. C. 1016. Vb. apTravTos late, -auras Hes. Op. 320. Lexicogr. have missed the aor. mid. Epic, Ionic, and Doric writers use both the s and y formations -o-o> -o>, -), is peculiar to Ionic, and therefore unaugm. dppw8 Her. i, in: imp. dppufeov 5, 35. 8, 74 : aor - dppwdrjo-a, HUT- 6, 9 : p. dppwfiijKa, HOT- 3, 145. 8j 75 pip. dppa>8r)Kef, (car- 8, 103. 'Aprdoj To suspend, reg. fut. -rjo-w Anth (Diod.) 6, 245 : aor. fjpTTjo-a Thuc. 4, 100; -jjo-asEur. Hipp. 1222; Thuc. 2, 76; -fjaai Eur. Andr. 8 1 1 : p. fjpTrjKa, Trpoo-- Arr. Epict. i, i, 14 (Mull.) : p. p. rjpTT)pa.i Eur. Hipp. 857 ; Ar. Pax 1247; Her. 6, 109; Hippocr. 5, 308 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 32 ; PI. Leg. 631 ; Dem. 9, 39 ; Dio. Hal. 2, 71, e|- Thuc. 6, 96, 3 pi. Ion. dprearai Her. i, 125: pip. 77/51-777-0 Her. 3, 19 ; Aristot. Fr. 151, see below : aor. -r/^y, IT poo-- Maneth. 4, 199. Mid. -do pat to suspend for oneself, Eur. Tr. 1012; Ar. Pax 470: fat. intrans. join, f^-aprrja-trai Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 20: aor. late dprfio-avro Orph. Arg. 1101; -jjo-d/ievos Conon 35 (Westerm.), but eg-rip-iyo-dadf Eur. Tr. 129; Luc. Fug. 14 : and in sense p. p. TJPTTJTCU, e|- Ar. Eccl. 494; Dem. 9, 49 : pip. T)prr)To Ach. Tat. i, i, 12. See foil. 'ApTe'ofiai To prepare oneself (aprios), Ion. Her. 7, 143 : imp. dprefro 8, 97, -fovro 5, I2O, irap- 8, 76 : p. dv-d.prTjp.ai. 7, 8 j -r)n.evos i, 90. 6, 88 : but pip. Trap-qpTqi-o 9, 29, which Lhardy would alter to TrapdprTjTo on the ground that in eight places where this verb occurs it is never augmented by Her. ; and K.arr\ftT^ivov 3, 80, he would refer to Karaprdadai, or adopt Stephens' emenda- tion -ijpTi *5* ijpTvva, dprvveias Ap. Rh. 3, 698 ', -was II. 12, 86. Od. 14, 469: aor. p. aprvvQrjv II. u, 216, fjpr- (Bekk. 2 ed.): mid. dprvvovrai Opp. C. 4, 113: imp. rjprvvfTO II. 2, 55: aor. rjprvvavTo Od. 8, 53; Ap. Rh. 2, 67 ; Tryphiod. 50. 'Apruw 7b prepare, Od. 4, 771; Com. Fr. 4, 460; Democr. Fr. 220 (Mullach); Geop. 7, 13; -vovra Aristot. Eth. Nic. 3, 13, 9; Theophr. Fr. 4, 3, 8; Plut. Mor. 137, e|- Eur. Elec. 422; Thuc. 2, 17: imp. fjpTvov II. 18, 379; Joseph. B. Jud. 2, 21, 6, '- Thuc. 2, 3 (u Horn, v Att.) : fut. aprta-a Soph. Fr. 601 ; Anth. 12, 95; Athen. 4, 47, KUT- Soph. O. C. 71 : aor. rjp-rvcra. Lycophr. 163; Her. i, 12; -va-ai Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 178; Polyb. 15, 25: p. ffprvKa, KUT- Aesch. Eum. 473; Eur. Fr. 42 (D.); Poet in Galen 5, 418 (K.) ; Philostr. Ap. 215: p. p. TJPTVIJMI Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 300. (Eupol.) 2, 564; Hippocr. i, 604. 7, 168 (Lit.); Theophr. Odor. 51, '- Eur. Hip. 1186; PI. Leg. 625: pip. fg-rjprvro Her. i, 61 : aor. fjprvdrjv, -deis Oribas. 4, 2, KaT-apTv8eis Soph. Ant. 478, e'- Thuc. 6, 31. Mid. in comp. fg-aprvopai Aesch. Pr. 908; Thuc. 2, 13: imp. -rjpTvovro 2, 85: fiit. -vow/rat Eur. Elec. 647; Thuc. i, 121 : aor. cg-rjpTvaravro 7, 65. In Horn, this verb has only pres. and imp. and is rarely used in comp. fir-rjprvf Od. 8, 447 : in Att. the simple form has neither pres. (excepting Com. Fr. quoted) nor imp. and rarely fut. aor. and p. p., but in comp. it is complete and reg. with v throughout, eg-apTva> Eur. Elec. 422 : -t5, KOT- Soph. O. C. 71 : fjprvKa, KUT- Aesch. Eum. 4735 -f]prv^ai, -rfprvd^v, -vaofjiat, -vtrdfjirjv, eg-apTverm Eur. Heracl. 419, but Kar-apr^erai Solon 27, u. As a prose form, it seems confined to Ion. and late Attic, dprvovres Plut. Mor. 137 : rjpTwrav Her. I, 12 ; -vaai Polyb. 15, 25, but the comp. e- KO.T- are in good Att. Thuc. 2, 3. 17, &c. ; PI. Meno 88. Leg. 625. 808. Critia. 117. Some Grammarians and Lexicogr. have maintained that the v is short even in Attic, and appeal for proof to dprva-a) in a Fr. of Soph. Athen. 68 (Fr. 60 1, Dind.). The words are eyia fuiytipos dprva-o) (ro

s, wanting a foot to complete the verse. But unless we know whether the missing foot stood at the beginning or the end, the line proves nothing. If it ended the line, v is short, as -vo-a> would form the fourth foot ; if it began the line, -vo-a> would form the fifth, and therefore may have v long. Neither is Karaprvo-uv p.o\di> O. C. 71, decisive, owing to -vtrw occupying the fifth foot. It suggests, however, the probability that the defective line ended with dpTv s. The fut. act. a/iTCo-eiy is indisputably long in Anth. (Meleag.) 12, 95, and mid. f-a/>ao/i I4-) "Apxu To begin, command, II. 2, 805 ; Find. P. 4, 230; Soph. El. 522; Her. i, 120; Thuc. 5, 19; Xen. Hel. 3, 5, 10; -Xfiv Aesch. Ag. 1424: imp. ypxov II. 3, 447; Soph. O. R. 591; Her. i, 18, and always except p. p.; Thuc. i, 20; PI. Tim. 25, Dor. apx- Pind. Ol. u, 51 ; Aesch. Pers. 856; Eur. I. A. 260 (chor.); Ar. Lys. 998 : fut. apgco Od. 4, 667 ; Aesch. Pr. 940; Her. I, 120; Thuc. i, 144; Lys. 12, 51 : aor. i?pa Od. 14, 230; Aesch. Pers. 353; Ar. Pax 605; Her. i, 14; Antiph. 4, /3, 2 ; Andoc. I, 90 ; PI. Polit. 269 : p. r,px a Psephism. Plut. Mor. 851 ; Inscr. 2, 828 : p. wypai pass, in the sense ruled over we have not seen, see mid. : aor. VPX^?". dpx&ao-t Thuc. 2, 8; -x^fivai 6, 18 ; Aristot. Pol. 7, 14, 6; dpxdfis 3, 4, 14: fut. dpxdq(T p.ai Aristot. Pol. i, 13, 5; Dio Cass. 65, 10: and mid. ap|o/*cu sometimes pass. Pind. Ol. 8, 45 ; Aesch. Pers. IO6 "Apca 'A. 589; Her. 3, 83. 7, 159. 162. 9, 122; Lys. 28, 7; PI. Tim. 34. Rep. 412, &c. Mid. apxofj.ai to begin, H. Hym. 9, 8; Find. N. 2, 3 ; Her. 4, 51 ; Thuc. 2, i ; -rjrai Soph. Fr. 715; Spxoiro Od. 8, 90: imp. fjpxo^iv II. 9, 93; Her. 5, 28. 30; Andoc. 2, 9, dp*- Find. P. 4, 30; Her. 5, 51. 6, 75, /car- 2, 45 (Mss. Gaisf. Stein, fax- Lhard. Bekk. Kriig. so Dind. except KaT-apx- 2, 45) : fut. ap|o/ncu II. 9, 97 ; Eur. I. A. 442 ; Her. 3, 83; Antiph. 6, 10; Xen. Cyr. 8, 8, 2, Dor. /)ei)^ai Theocr. 7, 95: aor. T)pd(jir)v Od. 23, 310; Aesch. Pr. 199; Soph. O. C. 625; Ar. Plut. 968; Her. i, 95; Thuc. 6, 46; Lys. 18, n; PL Prot. 338, Dor. d/>- Simon. C. 46 ; Theocr. 6, 5. 8, 32 : p. qpypai as mid. PI. Leg. 722. Hipp. Min. 364; qpynevos Hippocr. i, 310 (Erm.); PI. Leg. 771, Ion. fyyuai, -ptvos Her. i, 174 (VTT- apyfjifva 7, II, pass.?): pip. rfpKTO App. Civ. I, 28 (vTrfipKTO Antiph. 5, 58, pass. ?) Vb. (dp/cro's ruled), -eos must be ruled, or begun, PI. Tim. 48; Dem. 22, 6. apx^fvai Ep. inf. pres. II. 20, 154. The collat. dpxcuu to rule, is Epic, and only in pres. dpxwoi Ap. Rh. i, 347 ; imper. 3 PX fv II. 2, 345 ; inf. -evtw 5, 200. (*Apw) To fit, see dpaplo-K pass. (Bergk, Ziegl.). Pass, dyao/iai to be grieved, Theogn. 657; Hippocr. 6, 388. 8, 78 (Lit.); Aristot. H. A. 7, 4, 6; do-w/xews Theocr. 25, 240, Aeol. da-a/iei/or Alcae. Fr. 35 (Bergk): imp. ^o-aro Hippocr. 5, 218: fat. mid. as pass, da-fjcrei (Hesych.) : aor. ^o-jj^i/, do-j^s Theogn. 989; d(TT)d(ir) Her. 3, 41. This verb is, as Buttmann says, Dep. passive : there is no aor. mid. d Theogn. 657 sometimes quoted to vouch it, is no proof. The sense does not require an aorist, and the form forbids it. CACTeXy&o) To behave outrageously, of which we have seen only p.p. r)0-f\yr}fj.va Dem. 21, 19: and late, pip. rjo-eXyqro Jos. Ant. J 7> 5> 6 (Bekk.). The collat. do-eXyaiyo) is rather more freq. subj. -aivr) Dem. 21, 138, -aivrjrf Dio Cass. 56, 5; -aivw Andoc. 4, 7 ; PI. Leg. 879; Dem. 21, 27 ; -aivtiv PI. Conv. 190; Lys. 26, 5 : imp. rjatXyaivov Dem. 21, 31. 54, 5; Luc. Bis. ace. 31 : fut. -avS Dem. 24, 143: aor. late, da-eXyavm Dio Cass. 52, 31. The pres. seems to occur in subj. part, and inf. only. 'Ao-eiTT&ij To act impiously, only inf. -*iv Soph. Ant. 1350. 'AaOjjiau'w To pant, Poet. Ionic and late prose, and only pres. and imp. dadp^ivfis Opp. Hal. 4, 14, -w Hippocr. 7, 332. 8, 328 ; Aristot. Probl. n, 60 ; Apocr. Syr. 34, 19 ; -aivmv II. 5, 585. 10, 376. H. Hym. 2, 181 ; Find. N. 3, 48; Orph. Lith. 89; Aesch. Eum. 651 (Dind. Weil); Aristot. Respir. 5, 6; Plut. Mar. 26 ; Luc. Herm. 5. Rhet. 10 : imp. fjo-dpaivov Luc. D. Mer. 5, 4. 'AajAeye'u To feel glad, only imp. t). 'A To palpitate, struggle, Aesch. Pers. 976 ; Opp. Hal. 2, 287; -aiptav II. 12, 203; Eur. I. A. 1587; Her. i, in; Antiph. 2, 8, 5, the only instance in classic Att. prose: imp. fj. Some defend aa, STTO> without iota subscr. arrei Arist. H. An. 9, 37, 12; Plut. Mor. 87; Dio Cass. 52, 1 6 (B. an- L. Dind.), c'l-arrovo-t Aristot. Probl. 30, 14, 6, 81- 2, 31, 2 (B.) This verb is rare in prose. 'AoTpdirrw To lighten, flash, II. 9, 237; Soph. O. C. 1067; PL Phaedr. 254. (Ep.) i, 310; (Xen.) Ven. 6, 15: imp. TJo-rparrrov Aesch. Pr. 356; Xen. An. I, 8, 8, iter. darpdirTfO-Kev Mosch. 2, 86 : fut. -d\|m Or. Sib. 6, 18; Nonn. 33, 376 : aor. rjarpatya Soph. Fr. 507 ; Opp. Cyn. 2, 23 ; Aristot. Anal. Post, i, 4, 4. Rhet. 2, 19, 21 ; darpu^ta Ar. Vesp. 626 ; -d^as II. 17, 595 : pass, late, unless pip. Tjorpairro be correct Xen. Cyr. 6, 4, I (old reading, rjcrrpanTf Popp. Dind. Saupp.) : aor. qor/w^Afr very late. Mid. late, aor. subj. dorpd^Tat Aristid. 49, 391 (Vulg. d(TTpd\l/7) Reiske, Dind.), missed by all Lexicogr. 'AoxfxxXi^oj To make sure, secure, late, unless correct as a con- jecture, Aesch. Supp. 146; Polyb. 18, 13: imp. T] To be distressed, grieved, Poet. -aXda lengthened 3 sing. II. 2, 293. Od. 19, 159, for -aXa Aesch. Pr. 764, w- 161. 243 (Blomf. Herm. Weil.), which however may be : fut. for (do-xX(i(m, see below), but Ion. -jjo-^ Thales in Diog. Laert. I, i, 16, the only instance of the verb in prose. This verb is confined to pres. and fut. Horn, has always the lengthened forms -Xda Od. quoted, 3 pi. -Xdwo-t II. 24, 403; Ap. Rh. 2, 888 ; imper. do-^dXa Archil. 66 ; inf. d Eur. I. A. 920, -dav II. 2, 297; Mosch. 4, 71; part. -6a>v II. 22, 412; Ap. Rh. 4, 108 ; Theocr. 25, 236 ; Bion 4 (2), 7 (Schaef. -dwi> Vulg. Mein. Ziegl.). The collat. form dcrxdXXw has perhaps only pres. and imp. do-xdXXei Eur. Fr. 287 (Dind.), do-^dXXeTe Dio Cass. 56, 6 ; subj. -XX.vj Od. 2, 193, -ca/jifv Plut. Mor. 123; opt. -Xou Soph. O. R. 937; imper. ao-^aXXf Theogn. 219; -a>v Eur. Or. 785; Xen. Eq. 10, 6; often late, Plut. Mor. 465, &c. ; Polyb. n, 29; -fiv Dem. 21, 125; Polyb. 2, 64: imp. ^aXXe Hes. Fr. 93, 3 ; Anacreont. 12, 14 (B.); Her. 3, 152. 9, 117 ; late Attic, Plut. Luc. 15. 24; Alciphr. 3, 19; Dio Cass. 48, 31. 51, 3; Herodn. 5, 5 : fut. do-^oXct Aesch. Pr. 764 (Herwerd. Dind. for -aX5), so w 161. 243 (L. Dind.); do-^aXwi', Od. 18, 57, -ovo-a 19, 88. (a.) 'Are'fipu Epic, To harm, only pres. Od. 2, 90 ; -fiv 20, 294. 21, 312, -fpfv (Bekk.). Pass. aTepftopai to be bereft, II. 23, 445 ; -ci^fvos 23, 834. Od. 9, 42. 549. Mid. -opai to blame, subj. dre^qat Ap. Rh. 2, 56 ; -oi/iTji/ 3, 99 ; -opfvos 3, 938 ; Q.^Sm. 5, 147. 173. (a.) 'Areu To be desperate, Epic and Ion. only pres. dr/ if correct, Callim. Fr. 471 ; part, drewi/ II. 20, 332 ; Her. 7, 223. (a.) 'ATIW To disregard, Epic and Trag. Eur. Rhes. 252. 327; drifav II. 20, 166; Aesch. Supp. 733; Eur. Ale. 1037. Supp. 19; drifav Soph. O. C. 1153; Ap. Rh. i, 478, usu. pres. only: but late imp. artff Nicet. Eug. 3, 264 : fut. dnVets Aesch. Fr. 103 (D.), Epic dnW- Ap. Rh. 3, 181 : aor. ana-e Hesych., orio-crf Ap. Rh. 2, 9, -, but in pres. and imp. only : fut. --< Aesch. Eum. 917 ; Soph. El. 1427; PI. Rep. 465: aor. fjr'niaara PI. Euthyd. 292 (II. i, n, Mss. Bekk. 2 ed. La R., Ameis, -770-0 Vulg. Spitzn. Dind.); subj. drt^do-o) Aesch. Pr. 783 ; Soph. O. C. 49 ; Eur. Heracl. 227 ; Ar. Nub. 1121 ; Com. Fr. (Phryn.) 2, 605; Isocr. 2, 14: p. T/Tt/xaKa Andoc. 4, 31 ; PI. Polit. 266 : p. p. r}ri>ao7i< Eur. Med. 2OJ PI. Leg. 762, an- Aesch. Eum. 95: aor. r;Tt/xd, unless dr/ia'feo-0at N. T. Rom. i, 24, be mid. 'Arijidiu To dishonour, Od. 16, 307; Soph. Aj. 1129 (Schol. Herm. Dind. emf- Elms. Nauck): imp. dripa Od. 21, 99, -/tow 23, 28: fut. -jjo-a II. 8, 163; Hes. Op. 185: aor. rfri^va IL i, 94. 2, 240; Mosch. 4, 6 (Mein.), Dor. ao-o Find. P. 9, 80; aTi(j.f] Soph. El. 819, KUT- Archil. 61 (B.), *a<9- Lycophr. 397, o-w- Eur. Cycl. 463: aor. rjvrjva, e'- Her. 4, 173; Subj. eouji/coo-t I, 200; avrjvov Nic. Fr. 70, 6; avrfvai Hippocr. 8, 206; -i]V(K 7, 156; Her. 2, 77: but aor. pass, avdvdrjv, e'- 4, 151, avdvdrjv, eira(p- Ar. Ran. 1089 chor. (Ms. R. Suid. Bekk. enafprjv- Dind. dcpr/v- Herm. Mein.) ; avavOrivai Hippocr. 7, 498; avavQds Od. 9, 321; Aesch. Ch. 260; Hippocr. 8, 32; Theophr. C. P. 5, 13, 4. H. P. 8, 11, 3 : fut. m. as pass. mWov/xci Soph. Ph. 954 : and fut. p. late in simple, avavdrjo-ofjiai Lycophr. 1424, but d(f>- Ar. Eccl. 146 ; late prose Oribas. 8, 25 : imp. pass. Ar. Fr. 514 (Dind.), avaw- Xen. An. 2, 3, 16 (Popp. 112 Au^aiw AvSaw. Kriig. L. Bind. Saupp.) The act. form never occurs in good Alt. prose, the pass, very rarely : pres. avaivoiro Xen. Oec. 16, 14; avaivfo-dai 19, II : imp. avaivero Xen. quoted. For (-rjvijve Her. 4, 173, Bredow would read eg-avtjve in conformity with fg-avdvdrjv 4, 151 : Abicht again uniformly augments, -TJVTJM, -T)vdv0r)i> : Bekk. Bind. Stein -rjv, -av. Au8du To speak, late in act. fut. -ao> Lycophr. 892 : aor. rjvSaga Lycophr. 360; Anth. 6, 218: aor. p. avSaxfoltra Orph. Hym. 27, 9. Mid. (avBdfrnai) perhaps only aor. rjiba^d^v Her. 5, 51 ; Opp. Hal. i, 127 ; Bion. Per. 22, av8- Nic. Ther. 464; -bdgaadai Her. 2, 57. For T)v8ag- Her. 5, 51, Bredow would read avdag- as more Herodotean, and so Abicht edits. This is difficult to decide. Gaisf. gives here- no variant ; and analogy gives us little help, both because verbs with initial av are few, and because in the Mss. these few shew both ways : avSa, tjvda Her. 2, 57 j f-avdv6r}v 4, 151? fi}vt}Vf 4, 173 > av^dvcro 5. 9 2 > aVgfn 3, 39. 6, 63, perf. av^Tai I, 58, rfgdvero 5, 92, r)vero 3, 39. 6, 63, pip. TJV^TJVTO 5, 7^ > avrofj.6\fov I, 127, avro- fW\r)a-f 3, 1 60, T)vrop.6\Tj(re ibid. ev-ave 7, 231, no V. r. AuSdw To speak, Poet, and Ion. II. 14, 195. Od. 5, 89; Aesch. Sept. 1043; Soph. O. C. 864; Eur. Ph. 568; Ar. Ran. 369 (Bind.): imp. ijv8v Od. 9, 345. II, 56, -qvSa II. 4, 24. Od. 14, 79; Hes. Th. 169. Sc. 117. 445: fut. avdfau Her. (Orac.) i, 85; Soph. O. R. 846; (Theocr.) Epigr. 24 (Mein.), -rrpoir- Soph. Aj. 855, Bor. -do-w Find. Ol. i, 7; Anth. 6, 304; Eur. Ion 886 (chor.), - I. T. 181 (chor.), -ayovvri Anth. Plan. 120: aor. rjv8r] 7 1 : aor - av\T)\ur4fU]V Thuc. 4, 13. 6, 65. 7 1 - 7> 3 an( ^ always; eV-avXio-a/zei/or Her. 9, 15: p. as mid. late rjiXiar^vos, /car- Plut. Mor. 578: pip. TjvXia-To Joseph. Jud. B. i, 17, 5, ^Xia^e'vot ri Her. 9, 15; Thuc. 3, 91. 8, 33; Dio. Hal. 17, 4; Plut. Mor. 579. Sert. n. Ant. 44 : aor. p. (v-rjvXladrjv Xen. An. 7, 7, 8 (Vulg. Dind. Krtig.) firqvXio-avTo Thuc. 3, 5. 4, 134; Luc. V. H. (i), 38. (2), 2; Plut. Ant. 44. Syll. 29. KaT-jjvXio-d^ Plut. Themist. 30. Publ. 22. Tim. 12. Pyr. 27. LyS. 29: Kar-r]v\ia-&rjv Xen. An. 7, 5, 15; Eur. Rhes. 518; Soph. Ph. 30; Polyb. 5, 8 ; Plut. Alex. 24. Themist. 30. Au|dfw To augment^ Find. Fr. 130; Aesch. Pers. 756; Her. 7, 16 ; PL Tim. 41 ; intrans. wax, Aristot. Anal. Post, i, 13, 3, so also later; and ava> trans. Horn. Epigr. 13, 3; Theogn. 823; Emped. 198; Pind. I. 3, 80; Soph. Tr. 117; Eur. H. F. 672; Hippocr. 6, 264 ; Thuc. 6, 40: imp. rjvgavov (Eur.) Fr. 1117, 25 (D.), r,2ov Com. Fr. (Athen.) 4, 557; Her. 9, 31 ; PI. Rep. 569, both rare : fat. avgav> late, see below, classic ai^o-w Thuc. 6, 18; Xen. Mem. 2, 7, 9 ; PL Rep. 468: aor. rfitnaa Solon Fr. ii (B.) ; Xen. Hell. 7, i, 24; Isocr. 5, 120: p. rjv^Ka PL Tim. 90; Plut. Sert. 25 : p. p. jjtf^uu Eur. Fr. 424 (D.); Hippocr. 4, 138; PL Rep. 371; Dem. 3, 29. 9, 21, - Her. i, 58 : but pip. Tjv&vTo 5, 78 (Vulg. Bekk. Dind. Stein, av- Bred. Dietch, Abicht) : aor. rjv^fjdrjv Emped. 61 ; Hippocr. 6, 512 ; Thuc. 6, 33; PL Criti. 121 ; -ijlcfr Her. 4, 147; Dem. 23, 133: fat. avr)6r) occurs late, and is formed, some think, by a false analogy, as v they say is not characteristic, V. T. Gen. 17, 6. 20. 48, 4. Lev. 26, 9 : so aor. rjv^va Syntip. p. 2 (Eberhard) : aor. p. rjl^vdr] Aesop 71 (Schaef. -j\6i\ Halm 374.) avw8(is (Halm 28) from a marginal correction by At/ft). 115 Lachmann if correct, the only instance of avvva> we have seen. The only instance we have met with of the pure form ai>eo> is Tjvgow Dio Cass. Fr. 89, 3 (Bekk.), and ai>errfi Aretae. 42 (ed. Oxon.), uvgovvrai Plut. Mor. 724, mistakes perhaps for rjvgov (so now L. Dind.), -erai, -ovrai. Hes. Mimnerm. Soph. Thuc. always avga>, or avgopai, and Find, except avgdvoi Fr. 130 (Bergk) : Aesch. once avdvu>, and once aigtrat : Eur. al%dva> twice, -dvopai once, a.v%a>, -opai often : Her. avgdva>, -dvofj.a.1, and aij^ofiai : Xen. av|w often, never -di>a>, but avdvonai, atigopai : PI. avdvu>, ava>, -a.vofj.ai, -o/uai '. IsOCr. avdvop.ai, -f-ofiai : Dem. aija> 3, 26, eir-avgdvo) 3, 33, av^dvopat 18, l6l (lO, 34), rjv^dvfTo 1 8, 310: Ar. avdvopat, Tjv^avoprjv, av^ofiai' Com. Fr. aija), -dv, - f ' ls Od. 24, 250 ; Ar. Nub. 920, - Theophr. H. P. 4, 10, 7 ; -ew Ar. N. 442 ; PL Rep. 402 ; -5>v Ar. Plut. 84 : aor. avxw, for di; Find. I. 5 (6), 25 (Vulg. av edit. Rom.) is now pro- perly edited diet (Schol. Boeckh, Herm, Bergk). endvvov occurs with v Theocr. 23, 44, but the reading is probably corrupt. Mss. offer oir-aa-a-ov, ojravcroi/ &C. Briggs' emendation firSnvo-ov Dor. aor. of eV^rato satisfies the sense, and is adopted by Meineke and Ziegler ; but does it heal the metre ? The aor. of dwvo) is indisputably long Eur. Rhes. 776, and in no instance have we found either it or fut. decidedly short. Hermann very in- geniously changes r- of the common reading (ndvo-ov into ', and preserves the quantity of v by transposing avcrov to the end of the line. Thus : for r | dfow \ & (f>i\f, \ KeTo-tu, he edits (T | & i\e, | Kfitrai. We think neither way happy. KOTTVO-OV aor. of Kcnrva> suits the metre, and, if it suit the sense, is perhaps as near the Mss. reading as other conjectures. Ahrens, we observe, reads fnalda-ov. a Horn. 5 Find, dvrdvve P. 4, 197. Auu To kindle (av- La R.) Poet, and only pres. act. Od. 5, 490, AtL avca, d(f)- Ar. Eq. 394 : and mid. as act. avofi.ni Ar. Fr. 589 (D.) ; and late, Arat. 1035. Usu. eVauw Xen. Mem. 2, 2, 12 ; Dinarch. 2, 9 : imp. unaugm. tvavov Her. 7, 231 : aor. opt. fvava-fi Com. Fr. (Diph.) 4, 405 (Pors. Meineke) ; inf. evava-ai Plut. Phoc. 37 ; Stob. (Nicostr.) 70, 12. Mid. eVmWrat Ael. Fr. 105; -aveaQai Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 214; Plut. Num. 9: fut. (vavaofjifvos Long. Past. 3, 6: aor. tvavcraadai (PI.) Ax. 371; -avffdfievos Plut Mor. 279 ; Luc. D. Mar. 2, 2. Tim. 6. Prom. 18. datp^o>, see aipeaa-dfuvos, trap- Hippocr. 2, 720 (Erm. with Foes, Lind.) (a.) 'A4>aua>, see avw. 'Aijxiw or d<|>- To handle, Ion. and simple only in Epic part. &i> Anth. u, 366, V-a$a>z> Aesch. Pr. 849; rare in prose PI. Crat. 404: imp. iter. d/*$-a(dao-Ke Mosch. 2, 95 : fu.t. dQrja-w, In- Hippocr. 8, 352 (Lit.); Alciphr. i, 22 : aor. fj e>7r - Hecatae. Fr. 360; Hippocr. 8, 342. Mid. trans, (d^do/iat), d/i<-a$dao-0ai II. 22, 373. Od. 8, 215 ; eV-a^w/iiei/os Mosch. 2, 50; Hippocr. 8, 346; Luc. D. Mer. 12, 3: imp. d^oWro, d/x<- Od. 15, 462 : aor. r- aua, see fua). 'Aie'a> To dismiss, -ieis Dem. 24, 122 (Voem. -lets B. Saupp. -177? Vulg. Bekk. Dind.), -in Hippocr. 7, 474, Ion. diriei Her. 2, 96; imperat. d V. T. Eccl. 2, 18: imp. fjfac Marc, n, 16, &c.) ; and some appearance of pres. subj. difiiTi PI. Parm. 156, -tWt Ar. Lys. 157; opt. d^ioiev Xen. Hell. 6, 4, 3, -tWe PI. Apol. 29, see diT]fu To let go, Pind. P. 4, 149 ; Eur. Hec. 367 ; Isocr. 9, 21, -ir]s Eur. Hipp. 1450 ; PL Phil. 50 ; Dem. 24, 122, -irja-i Eur. Hec. 1105; Hippocr. i, 630, -t'e/uei/ Ar. Nub. 1426, cm- Her. 2, 17, dfaao-i Andoc. 3, 1 8 ; subj. -13 PL Rep. 520 (Bekk. Stallb. -177 Bait. F. Herm.), -t?)re Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 16 ; imper. di'eTe Od. 22, 251; dfoelo-cu Od. 7, 126, -wires H. Hym. 2, 56; PL Leg. 761 : imp. d II. 2, 263; Soph. O. C. 857 ; PL Phil. 19, Ion. an- Her. 9, 18. 7, 193 (Dind. Dietsch, Abicht, d^>- Bekk. Gaisf. Stein) : 1 aor. d^fjKa only indie. Soph. n8 Ant. 1085, -Kas Soph. Ph. 1349. O. R. 1177 ; Eur. Hipp. 1324 (ty- Dind.); Ar. Av. 91; PI. Conv. 217; Dem. 50, 7, -r>e II. 13, 410; Eur. Ion 47; Antiph. 2, a, 4 ; PI. Leg. 885, -T/Ka/iei/ Isae. 5, i, -T)KaTf Aeschin. 3, 85 ; Dinarch. i, 57 ; Dem. 36, 10. 38, 18. 27, -rfKav Thuc. 7, 19 ; Xen. Hell, i, 2, 18. 7, 2, 16; Dem. 36, 10, Ion. tMnj/c- Her. 3, 25. 75. 6, 30. 7, 121. 9, 1 8 &c., Epic d Thuc. 5, 91 ; PI. Leg. 764; dcptia-Qai PI. Leg. 945 ; Dem. 37, i; -ei/*eW Thuc. 8, 33 ; PL Rep. 395 ; Aeschin. 3, 126: pip. dei'0iji> Plut. Syll. 28 (Bekk. Sint. d(p- Ms. C), Ion. dndO- Her. 6, 112. 7, 122; dfp-fdfjvai Thuc. 5, 65: fat. d^fdrjaofum PI. Rep. 472; Lys. 12, 15; Dem. 19, 170; (Xen.) Ven. 7, n : 2 aor. (d^ijv not used in sing, indie.), dual d(j)fTT)i> Epic unaugm. II. n, 642, pi. dfa'ipw Isae. 5, 29; Dem. 33, 12, d Hipponax 75 (B.), -trj II. 16, 590, d

v II. l6, 747, -0w Archil. Fr. 68 (Bergk), late Epic St^ww Nonn. Par. 19, 29 ; Tryph. 548, contr. with 17, as 8t^d, -fj Pind. N. 3, 6 ; PL Rep. 439, Sn/^o-t PL Phil. 45, Aeol. fii^cuo-i Alcae. 39, 2 ; &^a?, -g PL Gorg. 517 ; opt. At co. 195 PI. Eryx. 401, but -& Xen. Mem. i, 3, 5. An. 4, 5, 27 ; int. tufty Soph. Fr. 701 (D.); Ar. Nub. 441 ; PI. Phil. 35; Her. 2, 24 ; 8/ri> PI. Gorg. 505, St^eW Archil. 68, 8i^wa>v Anth. (Agath. Schol.) n, 57, -i/fcoffa PL Rep. 439, -^fiJo-a Anth. (Incert.) 6, 21 : imp. fttyq Hippocr. 3, 36. 42 (Mss. Lit. i, 202 Erm. -et -a Vulg. Kiihn 3, 469. 472), -^ Xen. Mem. 2, i, 17 : aor. eStyrjo-a PL Rep. 562 : p. SeSt'^xo Hippocr. 9, 80 (Lit.) ; Plut. Pomp. 73. Mid. -ao/uai, subj. - (Cob. Stahl, so Isocr. quoted, Otto Schneid.) which occurs without v. r. PI. Leg. 685, approved by Phryn. Lob. and Poppo : Epic Sei'Sia II. 13, 49 ; Panyas 6, 12, -ias Od. 18, 80; Anth. 12, 138, -te II. 18, 34. 24, 358, pi. c II. 9, 230 : pip. only pi. syncop. fSfidt^fv II. 6, 99, e'8'- 7, 151, Set'S- 15, 652 (Dind. ?S- Bekk. La R.) Mid. Poet intrans. /0 y&zr, Aesch. Pers. 700, if correct (Mss. Dind. 2 ed.); but trans, frighten, chase, Opp. Ven. i, 426 (Vulg.); subj. SKO/HOI Od. 21, 370, diqrai II. 7, 197. 16, 246. 22, 189. 456, 8ia>vrai II. 17, IIOJ Opt. St'oiro Od. 17, 317; inf. 8ie), for though in form it may be 3 sing, of Sf/Sta, the time is imp., and we find in later Epic e'Se/Stoi/, -i, -ie Q. Sm. io, 450; Nonn. 2, 608 &c. ; even imper. 8el8ie Q. Sm. 7, 298. 305, and SeSteVw Pimpel. in Stob. Fl. 79, 52. Syncop. forms of 2 perf. and pip. are generally used, 8e8ifj.fi> Thuc. 3, 56 (but Se8t'a/*/ Isae. 5, 22 ; v. r. in Ms. Reg. Thuc. 3, 53), and Sei'Si/nei/ II. 9, 230, Se'Sir* Thuc. 4, 126 ; SeSienji/ PI. Phaedr. 251; fe'dtft Ar. Vesp. 373; Luc. D. Deor. 5, 5. D. Mer. 13, 4, and dtidWi II. 14, 342, with elis. Sei'St#' Od. 18, 63, Set'Stre II. 2O, 366 J inf. dfiBiptv Od. IO, 381 ; SeiSi/ta Ap. Rh. 3, 753: pip. edfidifjtev II. 6, 99, e'Sei'Sicrai/ 5, 790, e'8'8rai/ PI. Leg. 685, but eSeStWai/ Thuc. 4, 55. 5, 14 (Mss. Bekk. Popp. Kriig.) ; Lys. 13, 27; Isocr. 7, 33; Xen. An. 5, 6, 36 (Kriig. Saupp. -Sto-ai/ Dind.); Hell. 4, 4, 16 (Mss. Saupp. Breitb. -Sto-ai/ Schneid. &KVOW Dind.), see above. Phrynichus approves decidedly of ebeSta-av in several instances however e'SeStWai' is the reading of all the Mss. The seemingly anomalous, we say not corrupt, form 8e8ieli]v=8e&ioir)v ) derives some countenance from TT(pufiei>= irepitoifv, in a Delphic Inscr. 1688 (Boeckh.) Late poets have imper. sometimes with I in arsis, dedlfa Babr. 75, 2 (Lachm.), A/OHCW. 197 Nic. Al. 443, which Otto Schneid. edits a'&x& (Ms. TT), and would St'St^fli in Babr. See SetSiWo/uu. (Ai(oKd0w) To pursue, -a6tw Eur. Fr. 364, 25 ; PL Euth. 15, others -addv 2 aor. (Elms. Dind.) : imp. e8io>ica6ov Ar. Vesp , 1203 ; PI. Gorg. 483, others 2 aor. ; subj. -dda> Ar. Nub. 1482 ; late part, -ddovras, others 2 aor. -adovras Clem. Alex., a lengthened form of SKOKU, which see. AIUKOJ To pursue, II. 22, 8; Archil. 63; Aesch. Ag. 394; Soph. El. 738; Ar. Thesm. 1066 ; Her. 4, 22; Antiph. 2, 2; Lys. 3, 36; PI. Euthyphr. 3; imper. &We Pind. Fr. 104; -KO>V N. 5, 24; Antiph. 5, 89; Thuc. 3, 24; -vneiv II. 21, 601 ; PL Phil. 67; Ar. Ach. 235; Ep. -c'pev IL 5, 223, -e^evai. Od. 15, 278: imp. e'SiWoi/ II. 23, 424; Her. 6, 65; Thuc. 2, 91 ; Dem. 19, 293, dual SiwKfTov II. 10, 364: fat. 8uias Bekk. Kriig.); later, Plut. Ant. 48 ; Herodn. 5, 4, 10 ; Diod. Sic. 19, 108 ; Stob. 85, 19 : and -o>o/*ai Ar. Eq. 368; Thuc. 7, 85; Xen. Cyr. i, 3, 14. 4, i, 19. 4,3,18; Pl.Prot. 310. Theaet. 168; and Ar. Eq. 968. Thesm. 1224, OTTO- Nub. 1296 quoted (Elms. Dind.) ; pass. Dio. Hal. Ant. 3, 20 (Kiessl.) : aor. e'8uoa Her. 5, 92. 6, 104; Thuc. 6, 70; Antiph. 2, 6; Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 13 : p. SeStc^a Hyperid. Lye. p. 29 : p. p. late Se&wy/^Voy N. T. Matth. 5, 10 (Vat. &c.), Trapa- D. Hal. C. Verb. 20: aor. f8ia>%dr)v Her. 5, 73; Antiph. 2, 3. 6 ; Babr. 95, 41 ; Paus. 10, 35, 5, KO.T- Thuc. 3, 4. 8, 20, r- 3, 69: fut late 8t<0x0wopai Diod. Sic. 19, 95; Polyaen. Str. 2, 13: and as pass. fut. m. 8tweo-0ai Dio. Hal. Ant. 3, 20: pres. StwKerat Thuc. i, 136; Soph. El. 871; Ar. Ach. 700; Eur. Ion 1250; -coKofievos II. 22, 168. Mid. 8uoKo/iai as act. Aesch. Ch. 289: imp. 8to/n, see above. Pass. 8ia>Kop.at to be urged, pursued, Soph. El. 871, Si&wcerai Thuc. i, 136, -6p.eada Eur. Heracl. 50, -fda Ar. Ach. 700; -i/uei/os Od. 13, 162; Ar. Ach. 216; Thuc. 2,4; -a>Kf(T0ai Xen. Apol. 21, see above. Vb. StuKTOf Soph. Fr. 870 ; Athen. (Chrysip.) i, 8, -eos Her. 9, 58 ; Ar. Ach. 221 ; PL Tim. 80. In the Tragedians this verb is confined to the pres. act. mid. and pass. In Ar. mss. and most edit, present both forms of fut. -o>o>, -&>o/u ; Elms, and Dind. however uniformly read fut. mid. -&>o/wu Ach. 368, -wet 969. Thesm. 1224, cmo- Nub. 1296, for -o>? (Bekk. Bergk, &c.) The mid. fut. is not confined to classic writers, it is by 198 AvoTraX/^ft) AoKea>. far the prevailing form in the Septuag. Its pass, use by Dio. Hal. quoted, has been missed by Lexicogr. AyoiraXtw (ScWu), To shake, fling, Epic, imp. e'SvoTrdAife II. 4, 472: fut. -t'|a> Od. 14, 512. Pass. dvoTra\ifTai Opp. Hal. 2, 295. (Aodu> Hesych.) Epic, only Sodo-o-aro it seemed, a def. 1 aor. m. II. 14, 23. 16, 652; SUbj. Sodo-o-erai, for -Tjrai, II. 23,339. 8od Aesch. Pr. 289; Soph. O. C. 104; Ar. Pax 6 r ; Antiph. 4, /3, i. 5, 65, -e' II. 9, 625 ; Simon. Am. i, 9, -fl II. 12, 215; Thuc. i, 128 ; subj. 8oKfj Andoc. 3, 41, 8o Anth. 5, 299 : fut. So'o> Find. N. 4, 37; Aesch. Ag. 415; Soph. Phil. 1372; Ar. Nub. 443 ; Her. 8, 80; Antiph. 3, /3, 2 ; Lys. 8, i; Isocr. 12, 90; PL Phaedr. 275, Dor. -w, -gelrf Ar. Ach. 741 (So^o-o) usu. Poet, see below) : aor. ?Soa H. Hymn. 3, 208 ; Find. Ol. 5, 16; Aesch. Pers. 181; Eur. Hipp. 401; Her. 3, 19; Antiph. 2, a, 8 ; Thuc. 3, 82; subj. 8o'a> PI. Rep. 509 &c.; 8otu/u Ar. Eq. 1210; PI. Apol. 34, -at? Phaedr. 275, -ete Rep. 337, -atfiev Polit. 280, -aiev Xen. Cyr. 2, i, 23, -ai> (Dind. Saupp.) : p. (S/So^a?) : pip. eSefio^fo-ai' Dio Cass. 44, 26 (Bekk.): p. p. SfSoypm Aesch. Supp. 601 ; Soph. Tr. 719 ; Ar. Vesp. 485 ; Her. 8, 100; Thuc. 3, 49; PI. Crito 49; SeSd^w Leg. 799: pip. 8e8oKTo Her. 5, 96 (Mss. Vulg. Dind. Stein, S/fioK- Mss. Bekk. Gaisf. Abicht). 9, 74 (Mss. Dind. Abicht, Se'So/c- Mss. Ao/cea>. 199 Bekk. Gaisf. Stein); '&'&- PI. Menex. 244; Plut. Caes. 28: aor. tSoxOiv, Soxdtls Polyb. 21, 8; Diod. Sic. n, 50. 12, 55, Kara- Antiph. 2, /3, 2. Mid., see below. The forms from 8o'a> are mostly Poet. fut. So^o-co Aesch. Pr. 386 ; Eur. Heracl. 261 (trimet.) ; Ar. Nub. 562. Ran. 737 (chor.); Athen. (Archest.) i, 52 ; Her. (only once) 4, 74, Dor. -aarS> Theocr. i, 150 (Med. Vulg. Wordsw.), -770-5 (Mss. Ahr. Mein. Ziegl. Fritz- sche) : fdoK^a-a Pind. Ol. 13, 56 ; Stesich. 42 (Bergk), So^o-c Od. 20,93; -w a * Eur. Supp. 129; Ar. Ran. 1485 (chor.); -drat Aesch. Sept. 1036 (trimet.) ; late prose Joseph. 17, 6, 5 : 8f8uKTjKe Aesch. Eum. 309 (chor.); late prose -rjKevai Orig. Ref. Haer. p. 175 (Miller): (SeSoK^at), -rja-ai Eur. Med. 763 (chor.), -ip-at Pind. N. 5, 19 ; Ar. Vesp. 726 (chor.) ; Her. 7, 16"; (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 402 : cSoKrjdrjv Anth. 8, 188 ; So/oj&is Eur. Bac. 1390. Ale. 1161. Impers. fiom /'/ seems, Thuc. i, 3 : e'Som Antiph. i, 16; Lys. 12, 14: 8d Aesch. Pr. 259: ?8oe Her. 6, 86; Antiph. I, 17; Thuc. 4, 15: Se'Wai PI. Phaedr. 228; Her. 4, 68 : pip. SeSoKTo 9, 74 (Gaisf. Bekk. Stein), e'Se'SoKro (Dind. Dietsch); Paus. 9, 13,4. So So/ojcm : tSo'/ojo-e Aesch. Sept. 1036 : 8(8oKr)Ke Aesch. Eum. 309 : SeSJ^Tcu Pind. N. 5, 19; Her. (once) 7, 16, where some would substitute dedoKrm, but Her. seems to have used both forms, see So/ojo-et 4, 74 quoted; late prose SeSoK^ei/a Orig. Ref. Haer. 6,21. 10, 6 : SotcrjOeis Agath. i, 7. Vb. in dSoKrjTos Pind. N. 7, 31 ; Thuc. 7, 29. Horn, never has the short form (80*00), 86, -KIJCRB : I8o|a, -^a-a : but SedoKrjKO. only : of (Se'Soy^ai) only Se'SoKrat, 8f 8oyfj.evos, and of (SeSoKq/AtH) only 8e8oK;{rat. But Aristoph., we think, never uses the long forms in trimeters, Aesch. and Eur. do, at least fut. and aor. act. The part. SeSoKrj/wVor is Epic, and never used in the sense determined, resolved, but act. watching, wailing, and usually referred to fie^o/iai. We have sometimes thought it might be referred to SOKC'CO, with the sense (bethought], in earnest anxious thought, hence watching; or that it belongs to the mid. form 8oKf often think for oneself, bethink oneself in reference to the actions or intentions of another, observe, ivatch, &c., in which sense SoKevpevoi occurs Orph. Arg. 1359, &>KeWo Opp. C. 4, 296 ; and that the Epics used SeSo/^eW as its perf. in this same mid. sense, II. 15, 730; Hes. Sc. 214, and that other writers used indie. (SeSo'^tu), Stdonrja-ai, -jjrai (SeSo^/zeVoy never), and SfdoKrai, 8t8oyn*vos as pass, thought out, determined. This is more direct than the derivation from Sexo/tai, StKopai, SoKeopai, and the meaning appears as legitimate, and not less natural. 2OO Ao/,aeo In late Epic, SoKtvutvos signifies both / Synes. Epist. 99 (Kerch.), arro- Xen. Hipp, r, 13, aw- Isocr. 2, 28, but Ion. So/u5, aTTo- Her. i, 199, though called Attic, reg. : p. p. SeSoKi- /uao-at Lys. 32, 9 ; -ao-pews Xen. Mem. 3, 5, 20 ; Isae. 2, 39 : aor. f8oKtfjido-dT)v Andoc. i, 85; Isae. 9, 29 : fut. -ao-drja-ontvos Lys. 31, i ; Dem. 40, 34: with mid. 8oKip.avwp.fda choose, Xen. Oec. 8, 10 ; 8o/fi/iaoi Find. P. 4, 219 ; iovtw i, 44, Soi/oCo-a Aesch. Fr. 321 (D.) ; Bacchyl. 20 (B.) ; late Attic prose, Luc. Anach. 20 : imp. fSovei Ael. N. A. 15, 21 (Kerch.): fut. -170-0) Anacreont. 58 (Bergk) : aor. e'SoV^o-a Od. 22, 300; late Attic Alciphr. Fr. 6, 12 (Mein.) Pass. 8oi/eoi/rai Find. P. 10, 39; Opp. Hal. i, 476, -rai Ar. Av. 1183; late Attic prose, Plut. Mor. 1005; -ovpevos Themist. i, 2, -ev/xevos Bion 6, 5; Ap. Rh. 3, 1295 : imp. (8ovf(ro Her. 7, i, -tiro Hes. Sc. 237 ; App. Civ. 4, 52, Bovfovro Theocr. 7, 135; Ap. Rh. i, 223 : fut. mid. -qo-o/wu as pass. Horn. H. 2, 92: p. 8fB6vr)Tai Opp. Hal. 2, 263; -q/uW Theocr. 24, 88 : pip. e'SeSdi/jjro Herodn. 7, 5, 8, 8eSo/- Theocr. 13, 65: aor. Sonets Find. P. 6, 36 (Mss. Schneid. Bergk, Ahr.), -adfis (Vulg. Boeckh.) This verb seems doubtful in classic prose ; Sovovfievovs Xen. Conv. 2, 8 (Vulg.) is now edited, seemingly more correctly, Sivovf*.- (Steph. Dind. MehL &c.) ; Sauppe however retains Sovou/i-. AouXow To enslave, Aesch. Sept. 254: fut. -WO-CD Soph. Tr. 257 ; Thuc. 3, 58 &c. reg. : p.p. ScSouAoyuu Her. 8, 101 ; Thuc. i, 68. 4, 34; PI. Menex. 240 &c. ; but as mid. Thuc. 6, 82 ; D. Sic. 4, 28; Dio. Hal. n, 35, *ara- Eur. I. A. 1269; PI. Menex. 240 : pip. Se8owX- Her. i, 169. 7, 108, SeSovX- i, 95 (Bekk. Dind. e'SeS- Dietsch, Stein) : aor. e'SotAw&ji/ i, 174. 4, 93: and full mid. complement -ov/iat Eur. Supp. 493; Thuc. 4, 92 : fut. -oxro/xai Thuc. 7, 68. 75 ; Lys. 2, 21 : aor. -axrap^v Thuc. 5, 29. 6, 84 ; PI. Menex. 239, HOT- Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4,47- Aouireu To sound heavily, mostly Poet. Eur. Ale. 104 (chor.), and ySow- : imp. Sourr- Ap. Rh. 2, 1056, eyboimti, fir- Anth. 9, 662 : fut. SOVTHJO-CO Anth. 9, 427 : aor. edovtrrja-a Xen. An. i, 8, 18; -ijo-m Arr. Ann. i, 6, 4, Poet. Sovnrjaa II. 5, 42. 17, 50 &c., 2OI and ytioinrrjva, em- in tmesi II. ii, 45 (Bekk.) : 2 aor. late eS /car- Anth. 7, 637 : 2 p. St'Sowa Anth. Plan. 94 ; 8f8owra>? fallen, II. 23, 679 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 557 ; Orph. Arg. 537. Pass. e'8ou7rTo Philostr. Her. 742 : 1 aor. Sown^fyo-ai/ Anth. 9, 283. This verb scarcely occurs in prose. Dind. Hug bracket it, Xen. An. quoted, as an interpolation, Cobet drops it, Kriig. Kiihner, Rhedantz, Sauppe, Skenkl retain it. (Aoxfiow) To turn, bend, double up, Epic, act. late, aor. So'^coo-e Nonn. 42, 182 (251); but mro-8oxp.ni Soph. Ph. 895, and -oV Eur. Or. 779, -a>rjs Soph. Ant. 70, 3 sing. 8p<3 PI. Epin. 989, and Spar) Soph. El. 258 ; PI. Rep. 378, SpmrjfjLtv Eur. Cycl. 132, bpm^fv Soph. Phil. 1393 ; Ion. inf. 8prjv Hippocr. 3, 290: imp. tdpwv Soph. O. R. 591 ; Ar. Pax 830; Antiph. 4, 8, 6 ; Thuc. 3, 55 : fut. Bpaa-a Aesch. Pr. 744; Eur. Hec. 876; PI. Leg. 752: aor. tdpaa-a Aesch. Eum. 723; Soph. Ant. 239; Ar. Vesp. 1002 ; Antiph. 3, /3, 7 ; Thuc. 2, 49; PI. Polit. 279, Epic -ijo-a Theogn. 954; fyao-ai Solon 37, 3 ; Spdaas Antiph. 2, a, 7 ; Thuc. 3, 38, Spijo-as Theogn. 954 : p. 8e8pa Ka Soph. Ant. 536 ; Ar. Av. 325 ; Antiph. 3, 5, 5; Thuc. 8, 50: p.p. Sf'Spa/iai Ar. Pax 1039; -cyieW Eur. H. F. 169. El. 1106; late prose, Heliod. 10, 38 (Bekk.), seldom -ao-ftai Thuc. 3, 54 (-a/u some Mss. Herw. Stahl) : aor. 2O2 AjOe/Uft) f8pdoip.i for fipw/w (8p'o(/) 15, 317. The fat. form Spas (so pronounced by the Scythian) in Ar. Thesm. 1003, should probably be read Spdo-' = 8pd, as KoAuo-' for Ko\vo-a>, 1179, but Spao-' (Mein.) Spda-ay aor. part, has a, Anth. 8, 192. Desiderat. 8pa Ar. Pax 62 ; Soph. Aj. 326. Ape'fiw, see rpe^w. ApEiroi 70 />/#<:, Find. P. i, 49 ; Sp^n? PI. Leg. 844 ; 8peVf, OTTO- Hes. Op. 6ti ; Speneiv Eur. LA. 1299; Her. 3, no; Long. Past. 2, 4; SpeTrcov Eur. Elec. 778 ; Ar. Ran. 1300, Kara- Her. 8, 115, later and Poet. SpeVrco: imp. eSpfiroi/ Eur. Ion 889, bpenov Horn. H. Cer. 425, and SpeVroi/ Mosch. 2, 69 : fat. (8ptya>) : aor. fSpe^a Her. 2, 92 ; PL Tim. 91 ; Spityai, OTTO- Find. P. 9, no; pt. 8pe\l/av Pind. P. 4, 130. Mid. 8peirofun to pluck for myself, Pind. N. 2, 9 ; Bion i, 22; PL Rep. 401, and later SpeVrop-ai Anth. io, 41 : imp. 8pen6[j.r)v Horn. H. Cer. 429, Dor. f8pfrr6fjiav Anth. 12, 125 : fat. 8pe'^o/xai, OTTO- Anth. 6, 303, Dor. 8pe-^f(vp.ai, -fvptvos Theocr. 18, 40 (Vulg. Mein. -ou/x- Fritzs. Ahr. Ziegl.) : aor. c'Spe^a/xrjv Anth. 7, 414, Sp\^- Orph. Arg. 1003; -ao-&u Hes. Th. 31 (Vulg. Goettl.) ; Aesch. Sept. 718 ; Theocr. n, 27; -dptvos Od. 12, 357 ; late prose Dio. Hal. Ant. i, 40; Stob. (Socr.) 410 (Gaisf.) ; Joseph. Jud. B. 4, 8, 4. Vb. a- 8ptirros Aesch. Supp. 663. Ap^(7oru=Spd(i>, To do, pres. act. and in comp. only, VTTO- Spijo-o-GH' Ap. Rh. 3, 274; Coluth. 69. Apopxd) To run, Poet, and only iter. imp. Spo/iaaovce Hes. Fr. 221, 2 (Goettl.): and p. SeSpo/xjjKa Babr. 60 (2 pt. Lewis), Dor. 8(8p6(jiaKa, inra- Sapph. Fr. 2, io. Apu'irrw To tear, Eur. Elec. 150 (chor.) ; late prose, Philostr. Apoll. 128; and in comp. 8pv Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 30 (Dind. Saupp. Hertl. 3 edit. r)8- Popp. Hertl. 2 ed.). An. 3, i, 35 ; Lys. 7, 2 ; Isae. i, 25; Lycurg. 39; Dem. 21, 80, 'Swfjd- Soph. Aj. 1067, Dor. -udrjv Theocr. n, 59, rj8w- Aesch. Pr. 206; Hippocr. i, 480 (Erm.); Thuc. 4, 33 (Mss. Poppo, Krtig. Classen, Boehme). 7, 25 (Poppo, Goell. f8vt>- Bekk. Kriig. Dind.) ; Lys. 3, 42 ; Isocr. i, 5. 4, 102. 5, 129; Xen. Mem. 3, 13, 6. Cyr. 5, 4, 31 (Mss. Vulg. Popp. Kiihn. Saupp. t8w- Dind. 4 edit.); Dem. 19, 209. 30, i (Bekk. B. S. f8vv- Dind.), and more Ion. edwdcrfyv (not r}8w- except v. r. Her. 7, 106 Ms. S. ; and late V. T. 2 Chron. 30, 3 &c.) II. 23, 465 (Dind. 8w- Wolf, Bekk. La R.). Od. 5, 319 (Wolf, Dind. 8w- Bekk. La Roche) ; Pind. Ol. i, 56 ; Her. 2, 19. 140. 7, 106 ; Hippocr. 4, 214 (Lit); in Attic prose only Xen. Cyr. i, i, 5. 8, 2, 9. Mem. i, 2, 24. Hell. 7, 3, 3 c. ; Soph. O. R. 1212 chor. (most Mss. Ellendt, -a Dem. 41,2, -dSxn Thuc. i, 88, -aa-6a> Xen. Hell. 2, 3, 33. 6, 5, 40 &c: fut. p. as mid. late Sw^o-o/zai Dio Cass. 52, 37. 69, 4 (Bekk. but in the latter suggests dvvfa- adopted in every case by L. Dind.); Ignat. Patr. Apost. p. 373 (no v. r.), the only instances we have met except V. T. 3 Reg. 3, 9 (Vat. 8vvr](T- Alex.) ; and Jer. 5, 22 (Alex, but 8wrja-- Vat.), from which the fut. p. form in Dio Cass. (or Xiphilinus) quoted, seems to derive some support. Besides, the author is exceed- ingly fond of fut. pass, as well as of pip. : 3 fut. fit Suwjoro^at late, Sopat. p. 97 (Walz), the only instance. Vb. 8vvar6s Thuc. 2, 15. dvvaarai 2 sing, indie, pres. II. i, 393. Od. 4, 374 ; Find. P. 4, 158; Soph. Aj. 1164 (chor.); Ar. Nub. 811. Plut. 574; Xen. An. 7, 7, 8. Mem. 2, 8, 6; PI. Rep. 400; Dem. 21, 207, and always in classic prose, but in poetry and late prose, some- times syncop. 8vvrj Pythag. Aur. Carm. 19 ; Ael. V. H. 13, 32 ; Polyb. 7, ii. 24 &c. ; and, if correct, Soph. Phil. 798 (Mss.); Eur. Hec. 253. Andr. 239 (but some hold these subj.); Pors. however (Eur. Hec. 253) maintained, with the Atticists, 8vva to be the more Attic form, compare Soph. Ph. 849, and O. R. 696 (Nauck), Herm. in his last edit, of Soph. Phil. (1839) decidedly inclines to it, Ellendt approves, and Dind. now adopts it Soph. Ph. 798; Eur. Hec. 253. Andr. 239 quoted (where Paley agrees); so Aesch. uses eVtoTa Eum. 86. 581 (Ion. eV/orij Theogn. 1085). 8vva is also Dor. Theocr. 10, 2 ; to which some add Soph. Ph. 849 (chor.), see above ; so en-tWa Pind. P. 3, 80. If Person be right, and perhaps he is, 8vi>a is in Attic poet. 2 sing, indie. ; 8vvy subj. Ar. Eq. 491, and, when indica- tive, Ionic. dwearai, e8vi>faTO=.8vvavTai, -avro, Her. 4, 30. 9, 70 > SvvTjai 2 Sing. Subj. Epic II. 6, 229. foveapfda, -fcavrai Ion. Her. 4, 97. 7, 163 (Gaisf. Bekk. Kriig. dwtapfda, -uvrai Dind. Dietsch, Stein). The Epics never augment with TJ, the Attic poets rarely, and only, we think, when compelled by the metre. In Bekker's Her. the syllab. augm. is, we think, uniformly e, in Gaisf. fre- quently T), 4, no. 185. 9, 70 &c. ; so Stein in the two last. In some late critical editions of Attic prose authors, the temporal augm. is losing ground : W. Dind. has dropped it entirely in Dem., Scheibe in Isae., Franke in Aeschin., and Lud. Dind. is dropping it in Xen. (4 edit.), and Stahl in Thuc. Benseler how- ever, in accordance with the Mss., edits uniformly rjdvv- in Isocr. v, but 8vvapfvoto by arsis, Od. i, 276. n, 414. AUKC'U, Iv- for (v8i>va), -towi Her. 3, 98 (Vulg. Gaisf. Bekk. Stein), but eVSwwuo-t (Ms. S. Bred. Dind.) To go into, set ( = 8von. Mid. tivvopai as act. -d/ien>? Callim. Epigr. 19, 6. 21, 2 (Ernesti). For fut. bvvonai, p. 8e'8vica, 2 aor. eStu> &c. see 8u is rather Ionic. The Tragedians, to be sure, have used it in trimeters, and it still occurs twice or thrice in Attic prose, but we have never seen it simple or comp. in Comedy. AuTrru Poet. To dip, subj. -770-1 Antim. Fr. 6 (Bergk 2 ed. dropt in 3); Sun-reiv Theocr. n, 60 (Herm. Mein.) ; Svnraiv Lycophr. 715; Ap. Rh. i, 1008: aor. tdvtya Lycophr. 164; dv^as Ap. Rh. I, 1326. Au'pofiai To weep, Tra.g.=o8vp-, Soph. O. R. 1218 (chor.); Eur. Hec. 740 (trimet.) ; imperat. dvpeade Aesch. Pr. 271 (trimet.); -d/zei/or Aesch. Pers. 582 (chor.); Eur. Med. 159 (chor.) (u.) Vb. Trdv-Svpros Aesch. Pers. 940. Auoroxt'w To be unlucky, unhappy, Aesch. Pr. 345 ; Thuc. 6, 16. 7, 18 : imp. e8vorvxe Her. 8, 105 : ftit. -jo-< Isocr. 19, 41 : aor. f8va-Ti>xw a Lys. 12, 98; PI. Menex. 243, '8vor- Soph. O. R. 262 (trimet): SeSvoTv^Ka PL Lach. 183; Lys. 14, 41; Isocr 6, 85 ; Com. Fr. (Mon.) 4, 431 : aor. p. tfMrnjggtfy^ bv(Trvxn6n PL Leg. 877; -Qevra ill successes, Lys. 2, 70. Verbs comp. with 8vs augment before it, if they begin with a con- sonant, or a long vowel, as 8va-Ko\aivco, f8va-Ko\mvov PL Phil. 26, 8va-(j)opea>, e8vcr(p6povv Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 8, 8vTrr}i>fa>; e'Svo-wvet Anth. n, 169; but after it, if they begin with a short vowel, Sva-aptareut, 8vo--T)pfv II. 21, 232. Od. 5, 272, trans, cause to enter, put on another, in this sense the simple pres. is found only once, Svovns Theophr. H. P. 5, 4, 8, more freq. in comp. ev-8vova-i Her. 2, 42, Kara- Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 37 : imp. 8vev intrans. Bion 9, 6, *-Sve H. Ven. 165, trans. eW8ue Xen. Cyr. 6, 4, 3 : fut. 8v intrans. 206 Or. Sib. 3, 420. 5, 121, - Ar. Thesm. 1044, KUT- Her. 8, 88, air- PI. Charm. 154, n-fpi- Hyperid. Fr. 291 ; Sva-ov, a.110- Luc. D. Mort. 10, 8: p. Sedvua II. 5, 811; inf. -vKevai PI. Phaed. 116, Dor. -vneiv Theocr. i, 102 (Ahr. Ziegl. Fritz.) ; SeSuKws, ev- Her. 7, 89 (rarely causative, an-oSe'Si;** Xen. An. 5, 8, 23 ; Dio Cass. 45, 47): pip. f8t8vKtiv ev- Xen. An. 5, 4, 13: p.p. Hedvpai, ev- Com. Fr. (Menand.) 4, 199; Anth. PI. 4, 171 ; Hippocr. 6, 658, - Lys. 10, 10 ; Dem. 54, 35, OTTO- Lys. 10, 10 : aor. e8vdrjv, ano-SvOf) Ar. Ran. 715, c'/c- Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 414; Antiph. 2, /3, 5 : fut. 8v6rj/ifi> Soph. Fr. 336 (D.), ebvrf Od. 24, 106, -i(raj> II. 18, 145, and e8w II. ii, 263, iter. 8va-Kfv II. 8, 271, see below : 2 aor. p. rare, ebvrjv in 8i(K-8vfjvat. Hippocr. i, 60 1, but this is probably a false reading for SiejcSCwu. Mid. Svo/xat to put on oneself, enter, go down, II. 5, 140 ; Simon. 0.63; Eur. Rhes. 529; Her. 4, 181; Si^rai PL Soph. 235; imper. 8vov Ar. Vesp. 148 &c. : imp. f8vero PI. Polit. 269, e- II. 3, 114, 8v- 15, 345; Emped. 166: fut. 8u TO s Od. i, 24 ; Hes. Op. 384. In this sense always 2 aor. e8v, -VTTJV, -vre, -iia-av', SUbj. 8va> II. 22, 99, -jjs 9, 604, -17 II, 194 ; PI. Crat. 413; opt. 8vTj Od. 18, 348. 20, 286, dva- 9, 377 (Sm'j? Thiersch), fK-8vpev II. 1 6, 99 (-lu/u- Herm.); imper. 8v8i II. 16, 64, -dir6-8vdi Ar. Thesm. 214; Luc. Catapl. 24, 8i>rf II. 18, 140; inf. 8vvai II. 10, 221 ; Soph. Aj. 1192 ; Eur. Elec. 190, OTTO- PI. Charm. 154, Kara- Xen. Cyr. 5, 5, 9, Epic dvpevai II. 14, 63 ; Anth. 5, 255, 8vs, Kara- Hes. Sc. 196; Aesch. Ag. 1 123 ; Her. 8, 8, 8vaa PL Tim. 25, 8vvres Soph. Ant. 1217. Vb. ev-8vs Eur. Fr. 258, diro-8vTew PI. Rep. 457. In pres. and imp. v in Horn. II. 21, 2 3 2 - X 5> 345> in Attic, and occasionally in late Epic, Ap. Rh. 207 i, 925; Eur. Rhes. 529 ; Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 258. (Phil.) 4, 68, and what is remarkable v in perf. eVc-Se'fiv/cas Anth. (Rufin.) 5, 73, and in 2 aor. subj. 8vrj Hes. Op. 728. May this be 2 aor. pass. ? If so, it has its proper quantity, and countenances the correctness of the inf. 8tfK-8vf)vai quoted above from Hip- pocr. Besides, it has analogy in the 2 aor. pass, tfpvrjv, eppvrjv, of (pva>, peco. viroBvdi Ar. Vesp. 1158, -8va-aar8ai 1159, -vcrdpfvos n68, have been altered by a late Editor to wroSoC, vTrobfjo-avdai, -Sijo-d/xej/os, most unnecessarily, we think, especially in a comic writer. Ar. has said iiro8v6fj.fvos virb ra>v Kfpani8(av Vesp. 205 ' if therefore it is correct when applied to creeping under the roof of a house, we don't see how it may not legitimately express the moving of the foot under the roof of one's shoes. vTroSCo-a SaXda-a^f dpia KoXirov Od. 4, 435, does not express going under the bottom of the sea, but only the surface, answering to the upper leather of a shoe. We are sorry to observe Dindorf giving in to this change : it is unworthy of him. {m68vdi ras XOKWIKCIS seems to be ex- plained by evdfs Tro'S' 1161. Aojpe'w To present, fut. o>pijo-pfoficu, -oi>p.ai Soph. El. 458 ; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 3 ; Xen. An. 7, 3, 26, -eeTat Her. 6, 125, -emu Xen. Cyr. 2, i, 17 : imp. e'&opov/ie&z (PI.) Ale. (2) 148, -el Plut. Mor. 761, Ion. -tero Her. 3, 130: fut. Swpijo-o/iai Pind. Ol. 7, 3 ; Aesch. Pr. 778 ; PI. Phaedr. 256 : aor. e8a>pricrdp,T)v Aesch. Pr. 251 ; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 453; Her. 5, 37 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, 24; PI. Conv. 194; Charit. 8, 8, 10 (Herch.); Subj. 8a>pr]arrj Xen. An. 7, 3, 2O; Opt. 8a>pr)araiTO II. J j 557 > PI- Rep. 394, -fraiaro, ami- Eur. Hel. 159 ; -T)0ir) or ea<{>-, see OTTTCO. 'Edw, eu To let, leave alone, II. 8, 428 ; Aesch. Sept. 378 ; Soph. El. 632 ; Ar. Eq. 58 ; Her. 8, 69 ; Thuc. 3, 48 ; Isocr. 12, 227 ; PI. Rep. 361; opt. e'a5/M Od. 16, 85, e< 20, 12, Att. e'wTji/ PL Gorg. 458, -OHJ Soph. Ph. 444 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 5, 10; Dem. 53, 208 'E'yyuaX/^w 'E-yyi/aeo. 10, Epic ia< II. n, 550, augm. with : imp. ei II. 18, 448 ; Thuc. i, 28; Isae. 8, 26,>i/Her. 9, 2, eia Od. 7, 41, ea II. 5, 517; Her. i, 17. 2, 18. 19, iter. HT/C- see below : fut. (daw II. 18, 296 ; Soph. O. R. 676 ; Eur. Andr. 875 ; Ar. Eccl. 239 ; Her. 6, 55 ; Antiph. 5, 90; Thuc. i, 144; Lys. 3, 45: aor. eiao-a II. n, 323. Od. 10, 166; Find. Ol. 7, 61; Soph. Ant. 698; Thuc. 6, 41 ; Isocr. 5, 107, Poet, eao-a II. n, 437; Callim. Cer. 62; eaaov II. 8, 243 ; Aesch. Pr. 332 ; part, (do-as Her. i, 90 : p. (land Dem. 8, 37. 43, 78; Aristot. Metaph. i, 9, 26 : p. p. flap-ai Dem. 45, 22 : aor. tlddqv Isocr. 4, 97 ; PI. Tim. 85 ; Aristot. Probl. 14, 2 ; (Dem.) 10, 8; Plut. Mor. 227, late fldad- Philo : fut. mid. e'ao-o/xm pass. Eur. I. A. 331 ; Thuc. i, 142 : pres. tda-Oo) Soph. Tr. 329; eW&u O. C. 368 ; wpevos Eur. I.T. 1344; Dem. 2, 16. Vb. cWor PI. Rep. 401. Pres. sing. cdqs Od. 12, 137, eaa II. 8, 414, lengthened with a, never with o, SO inf. caav Od. 8, 509, for eqs, -a, -av\ iter. imp. eaa-Kfs II. 19, 295, -oxe 2, 832. II, 330. 24, 17, and tuuTKOv II. 5, 802, -aovct 20, 408. Od. 22, 427, -av (Dem.) 59, 13; Plut. Aristid. 27 : imp. eWyva Isae. 3, 45. 70 (Bekk. B. S.), Tfyyva (Scheibe) ; Dem. 41,6. 16 (Mss. Bekk. B. S.), rjyyva (Dind.), always in comp. Kar-rjyy- Dem. 32, 29 (Mss. Bekk. B. S. Dind.), nap- Soph. O. C. 94 ; Eur. Supp. 700 ; Xen. An. 4, i, 17. 7, I, 22 ; Polyb. I,7^: fut. (e'yyvjyao>) : aor. Tjyyvrjcra Eur. I. A. 703 ; Dem. 29, 47. 59, 79 (59, 62 Dind.) ; Dio Cass. 54, 31, KIT- Dem. 32, 30. 33, 10. 59, 40, nap- Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 69. An. 7, 3, 46, and awyupra Isae. 3, 36. 52. 79. 9, 29 (f,yyv- Scheibe) ; (Dem.) 59, 62 (Bekk. B. S. rjyyv- Dind.); Dio Cass. 48, 54 (Bekk.); App. Lyb. 10; ey^o-i? Her. 6, 57: p. ^yyv^a Dio Cass. 38, 9 ; (Dem.) 59, 53 (corr. V. Dind.), eyyty^K- (Ms. S. Bekk. B. S.) ; Isae. 3, 40, rjyyv- (Scheibe, see foil.) : but pip. Isae. 3, 58 : p. p. e'yyeyvg/ioi PL Leg. 923 ; Isae. 3, 73 - Scheibe) ; Dem. 33, 24 (Ms. S. Bekk. B. S.), }yyv- (Dind.), as always in comp. ft--iyy- 19? 169 (Bekk. Dind.), 8i-rjyy- Thuc. 3 7 : Pip- fyyeyvt]pr)v Dem. 33, 29 (Ms. Bekk. B. S., fjyyvrjfj.- Dind.), fveyeyvri- Isae. 3, 55 (Bekk. B. S.), qyyv- (Scheibe): aor. Tjyyvfj6r]v, e'- LyS. 23, II, KO.T- (Dem.) 59, 49 ; eyyvr)6tis, cg- Andoc. I, 44, Mid. eyyvaopai, to engage, Ar. Plut. 1202 ; PI. Prot. 336; Dem. 24, 41 ; -aadai Her. 6, 130, Epic -aaoQai Od. 8, 351-: imp. ^yyv^ijv Xen. An. 7, 4, 13; Lys. 13, 23; PI. Phaed. 115 ; (Dem.) 59, 51, fVeyv- Isae. 3, 70. 5, 18. 20, fjyyv- (Scheibe) : fut. iyyvijvoiuu. Dem. 24, 46; Plut. Mor. 661, Dor. -fio-o/Ltat Pind. Ol. II (10), 16 : aor. fjyyvria-d^Tjv Andoc. i, 44. 73 ; Dem. 22, 53. 33, 22. 27. 28. 53, 27 (Ms. S. Bekk. B. S. Dind.), di-rjyy- Isocr. 17, 14, and eW-yi^cr- Isae. 3, 55. 5, 4 (rjyyv- Scheibe); Dem. 33, 29 (Bekk. B. S.), fjyyv- (Ms. S. Dind.) (S.) In Isaeus, Scheibe now augments uniformly with rj, so Dindorf in Dem., Bekk. and B. S. vary with the Mss. Com- pounds have always 77, Swjyy- Isocr. 17, 14, <'- Lys. 23, n, *car- Dem. 32, 30 &c., Trap- Soph. Eur. quoted ; Xen. Hell. 4, 2, 19. There is therefore nothing remarkable in the aor. pass, being the only past tense that augments uniformly with initial 17, fjyyvfiGrjv, seeing it is always a compound. The rather anoma- lous forms fveyyvrjcra, eveyyfyvfjfjLrjv, veyyvT)fifv, II. 2, 440; f'yeipe Pind. Ol. 9, 47; Aesch. Eum. 140; Soph. O. C. 1778: imp. fjyeipoi> Ar. PL 740; Isocr. 16, 7; PI. Crito 43, eyeip- II. 15, 594: fut. eytpm Plat. Eleg. 28 (Bergk) ; Plut. Mor. 462, ;o-ai>, II. 23, 287 (ayepd- La R.), f-fyep6t)v Her. i, 34. 209 quoted (Gaisf. Dind.) ; eytpdeirj Hippocr. i, 483 (Erm.); Xen. Vect. 4, 41 ; -Q^vai Her. 4, 9 ; -0e/s Heraclit. 2 (Byw.); PI. Tim. 52: fut. late fycp8r)o-opat Babr. 49, 3 : 2 p. lypr^yopa I am awake, Ar. Lys. 306 ; PI. Ion 532. Prot. 310. Theaet. 158; -ops Aesch. Eum. 685 ; Hippocr. 5, 310; Antiph. 5, 44; Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 7. 7, 5, 20 ; PL Leg. 823; -opfvai Hippocr. 5, 694; PL Phaed. 71 : pip. fypyyoptiv Ar. PL 744. Eccl. 32 (-0/377 Pors. Dind.), -op Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 20, eyp- and r/yp- Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 309. Mid. ey et 'pM at to rise, PL Rep. 330 ; cydpoiro Hippocr. 5, 384 (Lit.); -opevos Od. 20, 100: fut. late lytptlaBai shall be raised, Polyaen. i, 30, 4, egeyepovvrat Or. Sib. 12 (14), 243 (Friedl.): 2 aor. fypo^v Epic in simple, II. 2, 41. 15, 4. Od. 13, 187 ; Callim. Fr. 206, e|- Theocr. 24, 21, T)yp6p.rfv, eg- Ar. Ran. 51; Hippocr. 5, 204 (Lit.); subj. (ypcop.ai, eyprj Ar. Vesp. 774, -rjrm Hippocr. 8, 324, e'- 6, 634 J -wirrat, or- 6, 354; Opt. eypoiro Od. 6, 113; imper. Epic, eypeo IL 10, 159. Od. 23, 5; Orph. Arg. 541; Bion i, 4, ey/>eo-0e Eur. Rhes. 532. 533 (chor.); Ap. Rh. 2, 884; typta-dai Od. 13, 124 (Bekk. eyp- Dind. La Roche), f- PL Conv. 223. Rep. 534; eypd- ptvos Od. 10, 50; Ap. Rh. 4, 671 ; PL Lys. 204, e'- Conv. 223 : 2 p. eypfjyopda see below. Vb. eyepros Aristot. Somn. i, 12, dv- ty- Gen. An. 5, i, u, eyeprtos Eur. Rhes. 690. For the rather Startling 1 aor. eyfiparo, and pip. ftfytpro Hippocr. 3, 647. 545 (Kiihn), we had happened to record as a conjecture, opt. eyet'potro, and 2 aor. f^fjypfro, which we are proud to say are now as- certained to be the Mss. readings, 5, 204. 384 (Lit.) ; eydparo however occurs late, Or. Sib. 3, 159, and fjyfpro Joseph. Ant. 15, II, 5. In Her. the Mss. preponderate in favour of the aug- ment ; Bekk. Lhardy, Bred. Kriig. always augment, Gaisf. thrice, but fgtyepdt] i, 34. 209, and so, to our surprise, Dind. 'EyKufiid^o) To praise, Com. Fr. (Axion.) 3, 534; Isocr. 3, 7; PL Conv. 199: imp. eW^w/x- Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 3; Aeschin. 3, 86 : fut. cyKcaniaan PL Gorg. 518. 519; Isocr. 12, in ; Aeschin. 3, 241; Hyperid. Leosth. 15, 5: and mid. -ao-o/wu PL Conv. 198. Rep. 581 ; Isocr. 5, 17. Epist. 7, i ; Aeschin. i, 133 : aor. tve- tuofjiiaaa Isocr. 4, 159 ; PL Lach. 191 ; inf. -ida-ai Conv. 214 : p. 'yntKconioKa PL Leg. 629. 754 ; Isocr. 7, 71. 15, 61 : p. p. e'yw- K6>/itW/Ku PL Conv. 177. Charm. 157. (Minos) 319; Isocr. 12, 8 1 : aor. eyKco/utaa^ Plut. Mor. 869; -avdeis Her. 5, 5. 'Eypityopa, see eyet'pw. 'EypTjyopdw To be awake, Epic and only part, t <&>. 211 waking, Od. 20, 6, late eyp^yopeo.), -yopovai Aristot. Probl. 4, 5; -yop>v Themist. 26, 315. 'EypYJyopOa / am awake, Epic 2 p., of which occur 3 pi. 'yprjyopOao-i, for eyp/jyopao-t, II. IO, 419; imper. fypyyopde, for -opart, 7, 371 ; inf. eyptjyopdai or -opdai io, 67. The rare collat. eypo>, see below. 'Eypi](7aa) 70 <$ To rouse, wake, only imper. eypeVw Athen. (Sopat.) 4, 77, eypei-e Eur. Rhes. 532 (Dind. 2 ed. ?n-e 5 ed. with Hart.) Mid. ?ypojiat Eur. Fr. 775, 27 (D.); and late Epic, Opp. Hal. 5, 243, av- Q. Sm. 5, 610; Opp. Hal. 2. 204 : imp. eypero Opp. Cyn. 3, 421. See eyfipa, 'EyxpifMiTu 70 bring near, mostly Epic and Ion. Her. 3, 85 ; Opp. Hal. 2, 336 ; intrans. approach, subj. -i/Jnrnt] Soph. El. 898, Poet. fvixpip-n- '. fut. (-^pi/i^co) : aor. Ive-^pifj^ra, subj. eyxpip^U Opp. Hal. 2, 71. 522, Poet, fvtxpi^rjo-i Ap. Rh. 4, 1512, -?/r- 2, 398; eyxpi^as II. 23, 334; Her. 9, 98; Opp. Hal. i, 720. fyxp : .pTrTOfj.cu to come near, approach, Eur. Hipp. 218 (chor.) ; Her. 2, 93, and -I'TITO/HCH : imp. evexpip-^rero 4, 113, eyxpipirr- II. 17, 413: with fut. mid. Ivixpi^^dai Ap. Rh. 4, 939: aor. y- xpfyatvro Themist. 15, 192 : and aor. pass. fyxpip-o-f Theocr. 22, 147. Mid. -ovfiai to portion, fut. ^axrojuai Eur. Hel. 933 (Herm. Kirchh. Nauck, Paley) : aor. eSj/wo-aro Q. Sm. 13, 510 (Koechl.) ; opt. e'eSi/dxrairo Od. 2, 53, later married, eSj/wo-airo Anth. 7, 648. The Mss. reading Eur. Hel. 933 is e'8avTat Hes. Th. 388 ; -idaa-6ai Od. 3, 35: imp. eSpidwvro II. IO, 198. Od. 7j 9^ i Ap. Rh ; i, 530. ("E&u) To seat, see (<>) KaBtgofuu. "ESw To eat, usu. Epic in pres. and imp. II. 6, 142. 15, 636. Od. 16, 431. 18, 280; Hes. Th. 640; Callim. Dian. 165; Anacreont. 14 (9), 25; rare in Attic, Eur. Cycl. 245 (trim.); Com. Fr. (Alcae.) 2, 832. (Eub.) 3, 219; rare also in prose, Hippocr. i, 580 (Lit.); late Attic, Luc. Rhet. n, Dor. 3 pi. P 2 212 Theocr. 5, 128 ; sub. ?&< Od. 13, 419. 16, 389 ; opt. ?8oi/u II. 13, 322 ; Hes. Th. 525 ; Pseud-Phocyl. 156 ; Callim. Dian. 89; $<>!/ Od. 10, 379. II. 21, 465; Eur. quoted; Callim. Cer. 89; Ap. Rh. i, 1289. 4, 265; inf. Epic is always ffyfvai II. 13, 36. Od. 1 6, 84 : imp. e8ov II. 15, 636. Od. 23, 9, iter. eSeoxoi' II. 22, 501 : fut. m. eSo/iat II. 18, 271. Od. 9, 369 ; Theocr. 3, 52 ; Ar. Nub. 121 ; Com. Fr. (Crat.) 2, 239; PI. Rep. 373. ProL 334 ; Plut. Mor. 996, KOT- Ar. Eccl. 595. Fr. 528 (D.); Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 12. (Timcol.) 3, 600. (Men.) 4, 178, TrpoovcaT- (Alex.) 3, 462, later e'SoC/xm, KO.T- Dio. Hal. Ant. i, 55 (Vulg. KO.T- idop- Kiessl.), irpo-Kar- Luc. Hes. 7 (-efio/zat Dind.) : p. tSijSoKa Ar. Eq. 362 ; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 462. 507, KO.T- Aeschin. i, 42. 106; opt. fdrjboKolr] Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 179; e'S^So/cws Xen. An. 4, 8, 20, KOT- Aeschin. i, 30 : pip. e'S^SoKei Luc. Gall. 4 : p.p. e'S^Seo-/iat, KUT- Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 87 ; PI. Phaed. no, and 3 sing, e&j&mu Od. 22, 56, tear- Dio. Hal. Ant. i, 55 (Vulg. -Setrrat Kiessl.) : aor. ^Seo-^v Hippocr. i, 686 (Vulg.); Aristot. Probl. 13, 6, KM- Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 627 : 2 p. (e'8>?8 a ), cSrjSus II. r 7> 54 2 > -8vMu Horn. H. 3, 560. Vb. eSecrro's PI. Tim. 72 ; Aristot. Pol. 7, 2, 15, -tos PL Crit. 47. Pres. and imp. mostly Epic, rare in prose, ttyevai Epic and Lyric inf. pres. for e'Se/zej/at, fdfiv, II. 13, 36; Alcm. 100 (B.) Fut. eSov/iat, KO.T- in late edi- tions of Athenaeus, Com. Fragm. and Dio. Hal. has given way to KaTf8ofjiai. See fa0ia>. 'EeiSoficu, ee'XSofj.ai, ce\iro|iai, &C. SCC e?8o/iat, IXSo^tat, e\7TCD &C. ('EepyciOw) To shut out, Epic for flpy- imp. etpyudov II. 5, 147. See ffpya>. 'Eepyyufii, see epywfu. 'Ee'pyu To ^/ o/, Epic (and Ion.?) for ?pyo>, "pyw, II. 13, 706. 23, 72 (B.). Od. ir, 503; Hes. Th. 751; Ap. Rh. 3, 427 ; Her. 8, 98 (old edit. Gaisf., ?/>y Mss. S. P. Wess. Bekk. Dind. Stein); subj. eepyrj II. 4, 131; eVpyot 18, 512 (Bekk. Dind.) ; ftpye Od. 12, 219 : imp. eepyov II. 8, 2 13 : 2 aor. tepyadov II. 5, 147, called by some imp. of (ffpydSu): pass. (fpyopfvoi II. 13, 525; Ap. Rh. 3, 649? also for (pyu, and fipyvv/j.1, to shut in, etpyfi II. 2, 617. 9, 404; Mosch. 4, 48, -us Ap. Rh. 3, 427 : imp. eepyov Od. 7, 88; Ap. Rh. 2, 201 : aor. fepe, KCIT- H. Merc. 356 : p.p. fepypevos closely compacted, II. 5, 89 ; Emped. 322 : Ap. Rh. 2, 550 : pip. Epic, eepxaro (for -;pro= (fpynevoi Tja-av) Od. io, 241 : pres. pass. ffpyfTM Ap. Rh. 4, 309 ; -ofievos Callim. Fr. 149; Opp. Hal. i, 226. Gaisf. edits eepytt Her. 8, 98 ; but tpy>, not pyo> nor ftpya, seems to be the true Herodotean form, see 3, 48. 4, 164, an- i, 72. 2, 99, St- 1, 180, <- 3> 5 1 * n f P l - 2, 148 &c. (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. Stein.) ("E(I>) To set, seal, act. not used : da-a, ftaofiai, (lardfj.r}v, see eo>. Mid. usu. Poet, eb/x/*fo-0a Eur. Elec. 109, Dor. eV8d>/x- Theocr. i, 21; imper. eeo II. 6, 354 ; Theocr. Epigr. 4, 13, Ion. tfeu II. 24, 522; -eo-tfai 18, 247 ; -ofifvos II. 14, 437; Soph. Aj. 249 (chor.); Eur. Phoen. 1517 (chor.).; Ar. Ran. 682 (chor.). Pax 801 (chor.); Her. 4, 85: imp. unaugm. efd/wji* as aor. II. i, 48. Od. 3, 389 ; Mimnerm. 9, 4; Pind. I. 6, 56; Theocr. 2, 113; Aesch. Eum. 3; Soph. O. C. 100 ; Eur. Ion 1202 ; Stob. (Phanocl.) 64, 14, see below : aor. pass, (rja-drjv), subj. eadSt Soph. O. C. 195 (Herm. Dind. 4 ed.), see below. Rare in prose, covrai Luc. D. Syr. 31 ; imperat. eecr#e Her. 8, 22 : imp. eb>fji Her. 4, 165 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. Dietsch, if- Stein) ; Joseph. Ant. 18, 6, 6 : for fut. eSovpai, eSijo-o/iat &c. see Ka6fopai. For aor. pass. eadSt, Her- mann's reading Soph. O. C. quoted, stands rrS (Nauck), ^ V&o (old edit. Dind. doubtingly 5 ed. and suggests cXi0a>), ?i f (Br.), 9 0ro> (Reisig, Elms.), T/O-&B, fjadS) (MsS.). Kadea-dca (Gloss.) Phryn. Thorn. Mag. and some late editors have objected to the aor. as a form of bad mark. Herm. however somewhat turns the point of this objection by maintaining that it does not, and was not intended to apply to poetic usage, but to the more common, more level, and less privileged style of writing. We know however of no early example of the simple, but there are several late of the comp. KuQfadrjv, see Kadtfapat. 'EGeXoKctKeu To do evil advisedly, Luc. Somn. 18 : Ion. and un- augm. imp. e6e\oKaKfov Her. i, 127. 5, 78. 8, 85 (Mss. Bekk. Kriig. Stein, yd- Dind.) : aor. -facts Polyb. 5, 100 ; Luc. Apol. 8. 'E0e'Xu To wish. II. 7, 364; Solon 4, 28; Simon. C. 88; Pind. Ol. n, 9; Aesch. Pr. 1067 (chor.); Soph. El. 132. Ph. 145 (chor.); Eur. Ion 99 (chor.); Ar. Ran. 613 (trim.) ; Her. 9, 120; Antiph. i, 15 ; Thuc. 4, 59; PI. Rep. 370, Dor. 2 sing. -\T)/u II. 9, 397 (Bekk.), -rjo-Oa 8, 471. Od. 12, 49; Emped. 28, -rj 336; Theogn. 606; Pind. P. 9, in, iter. e6(\TKov II. 13, 1 06 ; Her. 6, 12 : fut. e&Xijo-a> II. 1 8, 262 ; Pind. Ol. 7, 20 ; Ar. Vesp. 291; Her. i, 32; Antiph. i, 16; Thuc. 6, 33; Xen. Hell. 3, 5, 3; PI. Phil. 50: aor. ^eX^o-a Soph. O. R. 1348; Com. Fr. (Crito) 4, 538 ; Her. 2, 2 ; Antiph. 6, 24 ; Thuc. 4, 214 0/o> 0o>. 57; Lys. 2, 12; Dem. 2, 24, Poet. e&X- II. 18, 396; App. Epigr. 223 (Her. 7, 168 Schaf. Galsf. ^- Bekk. Dind. Stein, Abicht); e'&Xjjo-i; Aesch. Pr. 178; PI. Phaedr. 257; opt. -foais Pind. P. I, 40; PI. Gorg. 449. Lys. 206, but -a-eias Polit. 272, -a-tiav Isae. 8, 42; (GeXrjaov PI. Gorg. 449: p. T)6e\T)Ka Aeschin. 2. 139; Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, 9; Dem. 47, 5: pip. T)df\r)Kfi Xen. Hell. 6, 5, 21. See 0eXa>. '&'Aa>p Epic subj. pres. for eWAa>, II. i, 549. 9, 397. fdeXm alone is used in Horn. Hes. Theogn. and Pind. (Boeckh), but twice 6t\a>v Ol. 2, 97. P. 10, 5 (Schn. Ahr. Bergk); in Ionic and Attic prose, Attic poetry, and in the later Epic and Bucolic writers, it is the prevailing form. In tragic trimeters, the pres. is of course admissible only under very limited conditions, not so in chor. Aesch. Ag. 1569 ; Soph. O. R. 1304 (Elms. Dind.), and comic trimeters, Ar. Plut. 375. 467. Lys. 134 &c. In Her. Bredow would always write e'&'Xw. Our editors however with the Mss., have both e'&'Xw 5, 19. 9, 120 &c. and &'X< i, 59. 3, 65. 7, 10. 234 &c., but imp. always f/dehov i, 16. 97. 3, 52 &c. e&X- 3, 146. 8, 80 (Vulg. Gaisf.) is #0eX- (Mss. F. K. Bekk. Dind. Stein), fat. e6e\r) To accustom, Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 10; Isocr. 12, 210, poet. eld- Pythag. Aur. C. 9. 35, reg. but augm. with et: fut. fdia-a, -iS> Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 53 : aor. eWia-a Dem. 20, 68 ; Luc. Bis ace. 34: p. (Wind Xen. Hell. 6, i, 15 ; PL Meno 70 : p. p. eidta-pat Eur. I. A. 726 ; Ar. Eccl. 265 ; Hippocr. 4, 254 ; Thuc. i, 77 ; Andoc. 3, 28; Iscor. 6, 2. 18, 34, 3 pi. fldidarai Hippocr. i, 307 (oldest Ms. Erm. et'&oyzeW Vi Vulg. Lit. 2, 298) : pip. fWia~ro Hippocr. 2, 294 ; Xen. Ages. 1 1, 2 ; Isocr. 21, 1 1 ; (Dem.) 6 1, 14, T)6iffr- (Ms. S.) : aor. tldivdqv Ar. Vesp. 512 ; PI. Leg. 68 1 ; edia-dfi Hippocr. i, 305 (Erm.): fut. later fdia-d^a-ovrat Dio. Hal. 4, n; Aristid. 42, (518.) Vb. e&oro's Aristot. Eth. Nic. i, 10, i, -eos Isocr. 9, 7. fldi&v Plut. Lycurg. 12 (Vulg.) quoted by our lexicons as an instance of the act. used intrans. is now fidifrvTo (Bekk. Sint.) from Porphyry's rjdi^ovro the only case of augm. with r) that we have seen, except rjdta-rat. (Dem.) 26, 1 8, Tjdicrfuvos 27, 64, and pip. ^toro Dem. 61, 14 quoted (Ms. S.) "E0w To be accustomed, Epic and only part. e6a>v II. 9, 540. 16, i&'. 215 260: 2 p. floQa am accustomed, II. 5, 766 ; Eur. Supp. 576 ; Ar. Pax 730 ; Hippocr. 6, 242 ; Antiph. 6, 13 ; Thuc. 5, 9 ; Isocr. 5, 4 ; PI. Apol. 17, Ionic ea>6a II. 8, 408 ; Her. i, 133. 2, 91. 4, 134 : pip. fla>6fiv Xen. An. 7, 8, 4; PI. Conv. 213. Rep. 516, -t6ecrav Thuc. 4, 130; Xen. Hell, i, 3, 9, Ion. e'w&a Her. 4, 127, -0 4, 134. 6, 107, -0ei Horn. H. 3, 305, -udfo-av Her. i, 73- 3 3 1 ; 0wll. i5 265; Soph. Ph. 938; Eur. Hec. 358; Ar. Pax 853 ; Hippocr. 2, 300; Thuc. i, 67 ; PI. Conv. 217, Ion. eco0- Her. 3, 27. 31 ; dadevai Ar. Vesp. 94. EtjBu To pour, Poet, for \fifta>, ftfifis in tmesi II. 16, n, and flfifi 19, 323 ; so opt. tifioi Od. 16, 332 ; and ft(3a>v Od. n, 391 : imp. d$ov Od. 4, 153. 16, 219: so mid. et/So/xevor Soph. Ant. 527 chor. (Tricl. Dind. Xet/3- Ms. L. Nauck). Pass, or mid. intrans. elfierai. run, drop, Ap. Rh. 2, 664 ; Opp. Hal. 2, 373 ; Bion i, 9, KO.T- II. 15, 37 : imp. e/3eTo Hes. Th. 910, *ar- II. 24, 794. In every instance the dropping of the X is required for the metre, except Ap. Rh. quoted. (ElSe'w, etSu, eiSrjfu, tSw) (I.) To see with the bodily eye, pres. unused, unless eiSo^es be pres. Theocr. 2, 25 ?: usu. only 2 aor. eiSov II. 19, 292 ; Hes. Th. 589; Pind. P. 9, 98 ; Aesch. Ag. 247; Soph. El. 62; Ar. Pax 1184; Com. Fr. (Crat.) 2, 97; Her. i, 68. 2, 148; Thuc. 2, 79; Lys. i, 24; PI. Phil. 65; later form tlSa Orph. Arg. 119, usu. Epic i8ov II. i, 262. Od. 12, 244; Hes. Th. 555; Mimnerm. 14, 2; Pind. P. 5, 84; Her. 2, 148 (Gaisf. tl8- Bekk. Dind. Stein), iter. iSfOTce II. 3, 217 ; subj. i5a> II. 24, 555. Od. 16, 32 ; Soph. Aj. 530; Ar. Nub. 21 ; Her. 4, 119 ; PI. Rep. 376, Epic tS&>/u II. 18, 63,1^5 in Horn, if correct, only Od. 15, 76; Hym. 4, 278 ; Soph. Aj. 6 ; Ar. Ran. 644 ; PI. Rep. 445 &c. ; opt. i'8oifu II. 6, 284; Soph. Ph. 1043 ; Ar. Eq. 1324 (D); Her. 2, 32; Thuc. 6, 34; PI. Conv. 216; Xen. Cyr. i, i, 3; iSe, others tSe II. 17, 179; Aesch. Supp. 349 (chor.) ; Soph. Tr. 222 (chor.) ; Eur. Or. 1541 (chor.) ; PI. Phaed. 72, iSere Aesch. Ch. 406 ; Soph. Aj. 501 ; Eur. I. A. 593 ; ISelv Od. n, 143 ; Soph. O. R. 824 ; Ar. Nub. 119 ; Her. 2, 32. 3, ^5- 6, 137 &c. ; PI. Parm. 127, Ifcew II. 23, 463; Her. i, 32, ire pi- i, 24 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. ISflv Bred. Stein, Abicht), Aeol. iSrjv Sapph. 101 ; I8a>v II. i, 148 ; Soph. El. 975 ; Ar. Ach. 5 ; Her. 2, 139 ; Antiph. 2, /3, 6 ; Thuc. 3, 77 ; PI. Phaed. 84 : fut. Dor. Idrja-S) (i) Theocr. 3, 37. Mid. as act. 2 aor. flftoniv I saw, 11. 16, 278; Aesch. Pers. 179; Soph. Ph. 351; Eur. Hel. 122, Dor. -fiav Soph. O. R. 1217 (chor.) ; Eur. I. A. 254. 295 (chor.), in Attic prose, rare and in comp. Trpoddero Dem. 19, 250 ; Strab. 12, 8, n, Epic and Lyric Idoprjv II. 24, 484; Hes. Th. 451; Dor. ldofj.at> Eur. I. T. 150 (chor.), eV- Aesch. Pr. 427 (chor.); 2 1 6 Et Sew. subj. i8o>/zai II. 6, 365 ; Simon. (C.) 113 (Bergk 3 ed.) ; Ar. Vesp. 182 (R. V. Vulg. Bekk. Bergk, and now Dind. 5 ed. i8o> Hirsch. Meineke), 181701 II. 8, 105, and I8rj 3, 163. 4, 205, td^rai II. 14, 416. 19, 151 ; Her. 2, 38, 7rpi- Lys. 3, 47, wpo- Com. Fr. (Dion.) 3, 547, vrpo- Xen. An. 6, i, 8, Ifta>nt6a Od. 10, 44 ; Aesch. Eum. 142, fir- Ar. Nub. 287 (chor.) see below, 'ifyo-ffe II. 15, 147, -covrai Her. i, 191. 2, i2i. 4, 3; I8oifjtr)v II. 3, 453 ; Aesch. Pr. 896; Soph. Tr. 1004 (chor.); Her. 3, 148, vrr- Dem. 23, 3, tSoi'aro Od. i, 162 ; Her. 9, 51 ; I8ov Aesch. Ch. 231 ; Eur. Hec. 808; as exclamation, lo I I8ov Soph. Ph. 776; Com. Fr. (Ar.) 2, 1134. (Phryn.) 2, 593; t'SeV&u II. 9, 373; Find. I. 4, 50; Aesch. Sept. 420 (chor.); Her. 2, 42. 135. 3, 6. 68; Hippocr. 3, 256 (Lit.); Plut. Themist. 13; Long. Past, i, 13; Strab. 14, 2, 19, irpo- Dem. 18, 301. 23, 134; I86(j.fvo? (not in Horn.) Her. i, 88. 207. 2, 32. 162, rrpo- know beforehand, Aeschin. i, 165 (B. Saupp. Franke, Bens.) ; Dem. 19, 233 (Bekk. B. Saupp. Dind.); Luc. Tox. 39; Polyb. 27, 13 (Bekk.); Dio Cass. 52, 10 (Bekk.), VTT- 59, 23 Bekk.), and rare if correct, with augm. Trpo-ei86fji(vos Thuc. 4, 64 (Vulg. Bekk. Popp. Kriig. &c., irpo- iSo/x- L. Dind. Stahl) ; Polyaen i, 36 (Vulg. npo-t8- Mss. M. P. Woelff.); Dio. Hal. i, 65. 7, 42 (Vulg. 7rpo-i8- Kiessl.); and Aeschin. i, 165; Dem. 19, 233 (Vulg.) quoted. Compounds often belong, in meaning, to No. (II). Also in the mid. sense make oneself appear, seem, resemble &c. usu. Poet, tidopai II. 8, 559; Hes. Certam. p. 316, 10 (Goettl.); Mosch. 2, 155, irpov- Aesch. Ch. 178, i&- Theocr. 25, 58; flSopfvos II. 13, 69; Aesch. Ag. 771 (chor.) ; Her. 6, 69. 7, 56, eei8- Find. N. 10, 15 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 221 : fat. *i(jo//at, -o-oiro (Luc.) Ner. 2 (Kays. Jacob.): occasionally 2 aor. et'Sop/v Hes. Fr. 169; Theocr. 13,60 : often 1 aor. do-dwv II. 20, 81; Hes. Th. 700; Ap. Rh. 2, 582; Mosch. 4, 94, eWo-ao II. 9, 645, -o-o) (La R.), -aro 15, 415. Od. 5, 398; Ap. Rh. 4, 855; Callim. Cer. 44, -do- 11. i, 515; Soph. O. C. 888; Her. 2, 114 (Bekk.); Xen. Oec. n, i, et8o Od. 16, 236 (Vulg. Dind. La Roche, 8- Bekk.); Her. quoted (Dind. Kriig. Stein), I8eo-i PI. Prot. 323; Isae. 3, 15, Rep. 581. Lach. 190 B, -firjTe Andoc. 2, 19; PI. Leg. 886; Isae. 8, 40, -8elre Soph. 0. R. 1046, -t'tfv Her. 9, 42 (v. r. -olev); Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 21. 8, 2, ii ; PI. Leg. 719, but -firjvav Her. 3, 61 ; Xen. Hell. 4, 2, 6 ; Dem. 34, 8 (Bekk. B. Saupp. Dind.); I Hercher) ; et'SeW Aesch. Ch. 690 ; Soph. Ant. 301 ; Ar. Vesp. 86 ; Her. 3, 21 ; Antiph. i, 6; Thuc. i. 52; PI. Rep. 582, Epic iS/xeiwIl. 13, 273 ; Theogn. 221, l&pev II. ii, 719, tSe>ej/ Pind. N. 7, 25 ; d8us II. 7, 278; Theogn. 193; Her. 8, 13; Antiph. 5, 65; Thuc. 6, 23, 8uta II. 17, 5 &c. ; Aesch. Pr. 441. 1076, but I8vla (i) (only with Tr/xwr-t'Seo-o-i) II. i, 608 &c.: 2 pip. as imp. jjSftv Theogn. 667 (-817 Ms. A.) ; Eur. Tr. 650 if sound (#817 Cob. Nauck, Dind. 5 ed.) ; Antiph. 2, /3, 3 ; Lys. 1, 41 ; Xen. An. 3, i, 20. Cyr. i, 6, 43. Hell. 2, 3, 39; PI. Phaed. 60; Aeschin. 2, 20; Dem. 30, 26 (W. Dind.); Lud. Dind. would now always, in good Attic, write rj8r) not -i/, see Xen. Mem. 4, 2, 24 (1862), #Se Ar. Thesm. 554 (-rjaff Mein. Dind. 5 ed.); Anth. 12,132; Antiph. 5, 15; Isae. 3, 41; Dem. 20, 1 60, -eio-0a Eur. Cycl. 1 08 (Vulg. -T) is not used in pres. indicative; at 11. 14, 235, it is subj. 2 aorist, iSe'w (Bekk. La Roche.) Fut. act. eTo-w used to stand Appian B. C. 5, 39 now mid. t'o-ovrai (Bekk.) 2 sing. ol8as Theogn. 491. 957; Horn. H. 3, 456. 467. Od. i, 337 (Vulg. Dind. La Roche, fifys Bekk.) ; Hipponax 89 ; Her. 3, 72; Hippocr. 2, 370; rare in Attic, Eur. Ale. 780; Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 14 ; Xen. Mem. 4, 6, 6 (Vulg. Kiihn. Breitb. ola-da Dind. Saupp.) ; Luc. Catapl. 2 ; Pseud-Callisth. 2, 7, usu. ola-da II. i, 85. 7, 358. 15, 93. Od. 15, 20. 23, 60; Theogn. 375; Find. P. 3, 80; Aesch. Pers. 479 ; Soph. O. R. 43 ; Eur. Tr. 293 ; Ar. Vesp. 4 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 28 ; PI. Rep. 472, in Com. poetry, ola-das Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 80. (Alex.) 3, 389. (Phil.) 4, 14. (Men.) 4, 174 ; Eur. Ion 999 (Dind. olaff Nauck, Kirchh.) Regular pi. forms rather rare, dual otSaroi/ late, Epist. Socrat. 22, oiSafjifv Her. 2, 17. 4, 46. 7, 214 &c. ; Hippocr. i, 622. 5. 196. 6, 120 (Lit.) ; Antiph. 2, 3 ; Xen. An. 2, 4, 6 (best Mss. Kriig. Shenkl, Ivpw Dind. Saupp. Hug); (PI.) Alcib. (2) 141 ; (Dem.) 21, 82. 121 ; Aristot. Anal. Post. B. 8, 4, Horn, always id^tv H. Ei <5ew. 219 2,486. Od. 17, 78; Hes. Th. 28 &c. ; Her. generally i, 6. 142. 178. 7, 170 &c., oiSare Ar. Ach. 294 (Dind.); Anth. (Meleag.) 12, 81; Athen. 4, 53, nar- Eur. Supp. 1044 (Mss. Kirchh. Nauck, -ei'Sere Elms. Dind.), oidaa-i Her. 2, 43 ; Xen. Oec. 20, 14; Athen. i, 45. 8, 68, Soph. Aj. 23 ; Ar. Nub. 693 ; Thuc. i, 13 ; Isocr. 7, 13. 15, 106 ; PI. Phaedr. 261, tare Tyrt. n, 7; Pind. I. 3, 15; Soph. O. R. 66 ; Ar. Pax 337 ; Antiph. 5, 73 ; Thuc. 7, 68 ; PI. Rep. 328 ; Aeschin. 2, 14 (II. 2, 485. Od. 7, 211), to-aon (II. 6, 151. Od. 14, 89 ; Hes. Op. 814; Theogn. 598; Simon. C. 85, n); Soph. Aj. 965; Ar. Eccl. 252; Antiph. i, 29; Thuc. 4, 68 ; Lys. 4, 4 ; Isocr. 5, 42 ; Isae. 8, 17; so Horn, with i, II. 6, 151, but I II. 9, 36, Dor. to-ai/n Pind. P. 3, 29; Theocr. 15, 64: imper. 10-61 Od. 2, 356 ; Theogn. 31 ; Pind. Ol. n, ii ; Ar. Ran. 296; Her. 7, 14; PI. Conv. 208,10-6' Soph. Ant. 98, taru Pind. Ol. 6, 8; Soph. Tr. 399 ; Xen. Cyr. 3> 3> 56, "re Aesch. Pers. 211 ; Soph. Tr. 1107 &c. see above : in pip. the Poets especially dropped t, as f]8i/j.ev for -/uei/, Soph. O. R. 1232 (Elms. Dind.), ^Sere Eur. Bac. 1345, in prose fidfaav Her. 8, 78 ; PI. Tim. 72 ; Xen. An. 4, 3, 10. 6, 5, 31 ; Isae. 3, 63. 7, 28; Dinarch. i, 20 ; Dem. 57, 44; next e, as ytr^fv for jyoejuei/, Aesch. Ag. 1099; Eur. Heracl. 658. Hec. 1112; Ar. Fr. 198 ; in prose, only Antiph. Fr. 7, 3 ; Aeschin. 3, 82 (Franke, Cobet), flo-re Soph. Fr. 317 ; in prose Dem. 49, 46 (Dind.), Bekk.) fififys II. 22, 280, rjeidr] Od. 9, 206 (Bekk. Dind.), -8 (Eust. La Roche); Ap. Rh. i, 984, Epic forms of pip. ; but for rjeiSee Her. i, 45 (Schaef. rjd8e Gaisf.), Bekker, Dind. Stein read ^See (Steph. Marg.) fideiv rjei- dftv, for jjdtvav, Ap. Rh. 2, 65. 4, 1700, compare rjv, for rja-av, Hes. 22O Ji. Th. 321. In Her. Gaisf. always writes pip. with augm. fjdee &c. except vai on the ground that the "mid. is not used in trimeters." This does not hold in the indie, opt. and imper. fldoprjv I saw, Aesch. Pers. 179, KO.T- Soph. El. 892 (trim.); cla-iSoiro Soph. Tr. 151 (trim.); i8oO Aesch. Ch. 231. 247, i'Sco-fle 973. 980; Eur. Heracl. 29. Ion 1279 (trimet.) ; and even the subj. t'Sdj is used by Aesch. in a trimeter Eum. 142, so Dionys. Com. Fr. 3, 547 (Dobr. Mein. rrpoidr) re Mss.), and Ar. himself has r-iSo>/ie#a Nub. 289, but in Lyric metre; we therefore question the propriety of disturbing, especially in a comic author, iSw/wu Vesp. 182, and think that Bergk has done wisely in retaining it. Dind. in his 4 edit, made the same alteration, without giving his reasons ; but in his 5 edit, he has recalled t&o/icu. Buttmann, under 6pda> says " the mid. opaa-Bai, ISeaQat in simple, is exclusively poetic." This is true of Attic classic prose, but as regards Ionic and late Attic prose, it is a considerable mistake ; see the moods of eiSJpji/ above. EiKdu To assimilate, Soph. O. R. 404 ; Eur. Tr. 165 ; Ar. Ran. 593 ; Her. 7, 49. 9, 17 ; Antiph. 5, 64. 66 ; Thuc. 5, 9, Aeol. eiVao-So) Sapph. 104 : imp. finafrv Her. 4, 133 ; Xen. An. i, 6, ii ; PI. Polit. 260; Luc. Hist. 14 (Mss. Vulg. Fritzsche, &c.), and #Kaf- Eur. Heracl. 677; Ar. Eccl. 385 ; Thuc. 2, 54. 6, 92 (Bekk. Popp. Kriig.); Luc. quoted (Dind.): fut. Kao-o> Aesch. Eum. 49 ; Paus. 10, 28. 31 ; Luc. Hist. Con. 60 : aor. eiKao-a Her. 2, 104 ; Antiph. 5, 65; (Xen.) Apol. 15 ; PI. Meno 80. Conv. 216; Luc. Char. 19 (Dind.); Soph. El. 662 (Mss. Vulg. Hart.), but UK- (Br. Dind. Nauck) ; so Aesch. Ch. 632 Supp. 288 (Herm. Dind.); Eur. Phoen. 420 (Dind. Kirchh.); Ar. Vesp. 1308. Eq. 1076. Nub. 350; Com. Fr. (Theop.) 2, Et KaQ Soph. Ph. 1352. O. R. 650, fiKadrj, Trap- PI. Soph. 254 ; fiKadoifu Ap. Rh. 3, 849, VTT- Soph. El. 361 ; PI. Apol. 32 ; -dfaiv Soph. El. 396. Ant. 1096 ; -dda>v Tr. 1177, Epic -aOecov, VJT- Opp. Hal. 5, 500 : imp. euca6W Ap. Rh. i, 505, inro-tiK- Orph. Arg. 709, which Elms. Dind. and others take for 2 aor. t*Ka6ov ; subj. ftVca&a ; inf. fluaOfiv ; eiKa6a>v. (EIKU) To be like, appear, imp. tine seemed likely, fitting, II. 18, 520 (hither some refer eiKtv Ar. Av. 1298, was like, rjKfv Dind. 4 ed.), see perf. : fut. rare, etw Ar. Nub. 1001 : aor. e'a late and rare, part. ei'a? Sopat. Rhet. p. 208 (Walz) : p. eot/ca Od. 22, 348; Aesch. Ch. 926; Soph. Ph. 317; Eur. Hec. 813; Ar. Vesp. 1171 ; PL Apol. 21. Tim. 27, eotucas II. 15, 90; Soph. El. 516; Eur. Hel. 793 ; Ar. Vesp. 1309; Her. 3, 71; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 9 ; PL Conv. 215, (outf II. 3, 170 ; Simon. Am. 7, 41 ; Pind. I. i, 52; Soph. Ph. 911; Ar. Thesm. 382; Her. i, 39 (Mss. Gaisf. Bekk. Lhardy), see below ; Antiph. 2, /3, 4 ; Andoc. 1, 137 ; PL Soph. 229, loiKafifv PL Lach. 193, eotVare Xen. Hell. ,3,8; PL Theaet. 183, eot'/cao-t Heraclit. 2 (Bywater); Andoc. 2, 15; PL Rep. 5, 84, Poet, eoty/ier, ei'ao-i, e'inrov &c. see below, less freq. (flxa), eiKas if correct, Alcm. 76 (Ahrens &c. but cuca? 80 Bergk &c.), fiietv Ar. Av. 1298 (Br. see pip.), 3 pi. ftfro-i Eur. Hel. 497. I. A. 848 ; Ar. Nub. 341. 343. Av. 383 ; Com. Fr. {PL) 2, 664. (Eub.) 3, 250; rare in prose, PL Polit. 291. 305. Soph. 230; subj. e'otVca Xen. Conv. 6, 9; opt. eoiWjut PL Crat. 409 ; foiKf'vai Ar. Vesp. 1142. Fr. 526 ; PL Parm. 132. Conv. 215. 222 f Rep. 349. 611 ; Xen. An. 5, 8, 10. Cyr. 5, i, 21, Attic Poet. Eur. Fr. 167 (D.); Ar. Nub. 185, irpov- Eur. Bac. 1284; Ar. Eccl. 1161 ; e'oiKws II. 17, 323; Hes. Op. 235; Soph. Fr. 682 (D.); Thuc. 7, 71 ; PI. Rep. 549; Xen. Cyr. 2, 3, 7, and ei*ca>s II. 21, 254; Aesch. Ag. 760; Soph. Aj. 824. Ph. 1373; Eur. Cycl. 376; Ar. Av. 697. Vesp. 1321 ; PI. Leg. 647. Tim. 29, Ion. OIKO. Her. 4, 82, -are 5, 20. 7, 162, -ao-i 5, 106 ; OIKW 4, 180 ; oiKtos 6, 125 : pip. cam? II. 14, 474; Theocr. 7, 14; (Aeschin.) Epist. 10, 10 ; Luc. Nigr. 34, 3 pi. twKto-av Thuc. 7, 75; Xen. Hell. 7, 5, 22, foiKfo-av Horn, and only II. 13, 102 (Vulg. Dind. La Roche, e'owc- Bekk.), also a>Kfiv, Trpoa-- Anth. 6, 353, Attic rJKftv Ar. Av. 1298 quoted above (Dawes, Bergk, Dind. 5 ed.) Often impers. eouee, it seems, is fitting, II. i, 119; Soph. O. R. 962 ; Ar. Plut. 76; Thuc. i, 77, OIKC Her. 5, 97 ; neut. p. euco'y fitting, reasonable, Soph. Ant. 724 ; Ar. Pax 736; Thuc. i, 10, Ion. OIKOS Her. i, 155 : pip. earn Od. 24, 273. Contracted indie, forms dual and plural eoiy^v i pi. perf. for eoiicapcv, Soph. Aj. 1239 ; Eur. Heracl. 681. Cycl. 99, 3 pi. 6?ao-i for fi*c-(o-)ao-i, Eur. Hel. 497; Ar. Nub. 341. 343. Av. 96. 383; Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 664 ; rare in prose, PL Polit. 305 &c. quoted, TIKTOV 3 dual Epic for f'oiKarov, Od. 4, 27 : pip. 3 dual eiKTrjv Epic for fa>KfiTr]v, II. i, 104. 23, 379 ; Hes. Sc. 390. Similar pass, forms: perf. fj'iai, irpoa-- Eur. Ale. 1063, jjforai Nic. Ther. 658 : pip. rj'iKro Od. 20, 31 &c., ZIKTO II. 23, 107, see eia-Kco. Part, in Hom. e'oucws II. 2, 2O. 5, 87. 17, 323 &C., eiKto? only once, 21, 254, but fem. eiKwa II. 4, 78. 8, 305. Od. 7, 20, &c., (loiKvla once, II. 1 8, 418; with the Dramatists tlnus, dufvai almost always, but eWs'wu Ar. Vesp. 1142. Fr. 526; eWdres Soph. Fr. 682. Buttmann says the exclusive Ionic form is o' Pind. I. i, 6 : 2 aor. according to some, e*Ku8ov Ap. Rh. I, 505; Subj. eucd&a Soph. O. R. 650; -GoifJU. Ap. Rh. 3, 849; -Qflv Soph. El. 396; -6e>v Tr. 1177, see eludOn. E/X/ Aesch. Ag. 1362 ; Dem. 15, 24, Epic vnofit-a> II. 15, 211 : and inid. vn-e/^o/iat II. I, 294. Od. 12, 117, vno-ei- II. 23, 602 : aor. mid. vnfia>p.ai Ap. Rh. 4, 408, has been changed, on probable grounds, to act. V7ret'| Anth. 12, 208: and aor. eiXqo-a Dioscor. 5, 102, etX- V. T. 4 Reg. 2, 8 ; Geop. 10, 14 ; o-umX^o-as Her. 3, 45 : (p.) : pip. >X Pind. P. 4, 233 : p p. late, etX^at, -jjpfvos Lycophr. 1202, but 077- Her. 2, 141, eV- Artemid. Onir. i, 13, >'Xr?rat Hesych. : pip. eiX^ro Joseph. Ant. 12, i, 8, Epic eoX^ro Ap. Rh. 3, 471; Mosch. i, 74 (Ahr.). 2, 74 (Mein.) : aor. ftX^f, KOT- Her. i, 190. 3, 146. 8, 27 ; el\T]6eis Hippocr. 7, 278 (Lit.), but ^~ 7) 59 2 ; Aristot. Mund. 4, 17 ; Arr. An. 6, 9, (wr- Her. i, 24. 8, 109, av- Thuc. 7, 8 1 : fat. eZXqdiftrwnu, o-w- Sext. Emp. 256, 6. Mid. (or pass.) eiXoC/iai Orph. H. 26, 9 ; Theocr. i, 31 ; Geop. i, n, ei\- Ap. Rh. 4, 1271 (Merk.), XeWtu (Luc.) Astrol. 29, -eCcrai Opp. Hal. i, 148, -ovvrai, av- Aristot H. A. 9, 40, 57 : imp. etXel Ap. Rh. 4, 1067 (Merk.), tX- Mosch. 4, 104, cl\evvTo II. 21, 8, eiXe'owo Her. 8, 12, -OVVTO, IJi(vos Her. 2, 76, etXov/*- Plut. Brut. 47, X- Luc. Icar. 19. D. Mort. 27, 9 : aor. flXfja-avro, V- Q. Sm. 14, 294. See eiXw. To this verb Buttmann refers eo'Xet as imp. act. for eiXet, Pind. P. 4, 233, and eoX^ro pip. pass, for fi'Xi/ro, Ap. Rh. 3, 47 ij Mosch. 2, 74 (Mss. Mein. Ziegl.), v. r. m'oXei, atdX;To. ElXio-aa) To roll, Aesch. Pr. 1085; Ar. Ran. 1314; Her. 2,38; (Luc.) Asin. 37 (Jacob.), Attic -h rare, av- Com. Fr. (Antid.) 3, 529; PI. Phil. 15 : fat. tXi'a> Eur. Or. 171: aor. ?Xta Theocr. 22, 8 1 ; inf. -t'at Eur. Tr. 116; -igas Eur. Ph. 1178, -i'no-v-ftXT)6fvra 7, 180 (Mss. E. H. K. e. Mack.) See eAWo>, EiXXw, eiXX- for eiAcB, To roll, AT. Nub. 761, /- Thuc. 2, 76; j?, e- Dem. 37, 35 (Bekk.); dv-eiXXerai PI. Conv. 206; etXAo- PI. Tim. 40. 76 &c. etXov^- v. r. See Xa>, iAXo>. EiXudu> To whirl up, Epic II. 20, 492 : imp. d\6(f)aov intrans. Hes. Sc. 275; also etAw^aeo, trans, and only pres. dXvtya (Hesych.); Epic p. elXv(f>6a>v II. u, 156; Hes. Th. 692; dXv- an( l aXi']fj.(vai l8, 76 J aXet's 22, 308: pres. e2Xo'/iiei/off II. 5, 203. 8, 215: 1 aor. rfkffa^r)v if correct Simon. Am. 17 (Bergk.) eiXca pres. act. seems not to occur : 1 aor. iXa, a-w-elXat (Hesych.) : aXev 3 pi. 2 aor. for fd\rjcrav, II. 22. 12, See etAe'w. EifxapTdi, see fieipa). Elju To be, 11. 16, 722; Pind. N. 5, i ; Soph. O. C. 571; Ar. Eq. 34; Her. 6, 86; Antiph. i, n. 4, a, 5; PI. Prot. 317 ; Et/x/. 225 Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 45, e? Aesch. Eum. 722; Soph. O. R. 37 1; Ar. Ach. 109; Xen. An. 7, 3, 19; PI. Conv. 173, Ion. tls (ds Bekk. La R.) II. 21, 150; Archil. 107; Her. 3, 71, e' II. 2, 372; Soph. Ph. 550; Ar. Pax 663; Her. i, 170; Thuc. 3, 44; PI. Rep. 515; imper. io-0t Theogn. 301 ; Aesch. Ag. 512 ; Soph. Ant. 71; Eur. Or. 1327; Isocr. 2, 24; PI. Rep. 336, Epic eo-o-o Od. 13, 436 &c., eo-T6>o-ai> Her. i, 147 ; Thuc. 8, 18, ZO-TUV Od. i, 273; PI. Rep. 502, see below; inf. elvai II. 2, 82 ; Soph. O. C. 60; Ar. Vesp. 82; Thuc. 3, 56; PL Phaed. 76, Epic eptvai II. ,3, 42, (*[*- 7, 75, see below; &v Horn. H. 19, 32 ; Soph. Aj. 767 ; Ar. Ran. 80; Thuc. 4, 30; Isocr. i, 42, Epic to>v II. 3, 46 : imp. i pers. r/v II. 2, 96 ; Soph. Tr. 414 ; Ar. Plut. 29. 695 ; Antiph. 5, 23 ; PI. Rep. 328, and 9 Aesch. Ag. 1637 ; Soph. O. C. 973. O. R. 1123 (Bind. Wund. Nauck) ; Eur. Hec. 13, 284 (Nauck 3 ed.); Ar. Nub. 530 (Dind. 5 ed.). Av. 97. 1363 (Mein. Dind. 5ed.); PI. Conv. 173. Phaed. 61, 2 pers. ?js (PL) Ax. 365, see below, fada Lys. 7, 20, 3 pers. rjv II. 5, 9 ; Soph. Tr. 9; Ar. Eq. 250; Thuc. 2, 3. 4, 84, Epic fov II. n, 762, 3 sing, erjv 2, 219, Ion. Tr. 941 ; Her. 7, 226; Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 52; MIUVOS 2, 3, 3, Epic eW- II. 3, 460; Hes. Op. 56 ; co-eadcu Hes. Th. 210; Soph. O. C. 390; Ar. Vesp. 400; Her. 7, 219; Antiph. 2, a, 7 ; Xen. An. 7, 7, 52, Epic eo-o-- II. 15, 292; Pind. Ol. 7, 68. Vt>. eoreos, avv- Pl. Prot. 313. Imp. mid. ^/UJP seems doubtful in classic authors. Of the old Grammarians, some rejected, others received it with a caution. It occurs in some Mss. and editions of Soph. Tr. 24. Aj. 679, where now stand with general approval IJM V ) w"; so in Eur. Hel. 931 (Choerobosc. Etym. Mag. Nauck), But altered to Sp' rjv from Mss. by Herm. Kirchh. Paley, W. Dind. 5 ed. ; in Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 9, L. Dind. Breitb. and Sauppe read rjv, in Lys. 7, 34, Dobree, Bait. Saupp. read eV> Westerm. 9 /x^, Scheibe ei/u; and for 3 pi. eiaro Od. 20, 106 (Aristarch. Wolf, Dind.) aro they sal, is adopted by Bekker, Ameis, La Roche &c. with Herodian. In late authors ^W is not unfrequent, Alciphr. 3, 13. 54; Long. 4, 28; Luc. D. Mort. 28, 2. (Asin.) 15. 46; Plut. Solon 28. Alex. 14. 29. Mor. 174. 180. 222. 225; Ach. Tat. 4, i. 5, i (Kerch.), Trap- Long. 2, 5, pi. very rare, see N. Test, quoted. In Luc. however, Fritzsche and Dind. often challenge it. The following are some of the more striking dialectic forms and usages: 2 sing, tls (e"s Bekk.) for ei, is Ionic II. 21, 150; Her. i, 207, epev for icrpev, Soph. EL 21 (Schneid. &c.) is very doubtful, more certain Callim. Fr. 294 ; opt. i pi. elpfv for cii^c? is not frequent, Eur. Hipp. 349 (trimet.). Ale. 921 (chor.); PL Theaet. 147. Rep. 558. Men. 86, not in Horn., tire Od. 21, 195 ; and if correct, Soph. Ant. 215 (D.); Eur. Fr. 781, 56 (D.), seems not to occur in prose, but flrjaav and dtv often, tlr/a-civ Her. i, 2. 2, 6. 102. 3, 119. 4, 46; Antiph. 3, 8, 6 ; Thuc. i, 9. 2, 72. 3, 22. 6, 96; PL Gorg. 492; Xen. An. i, r, 5. Conv. 5, 5, fej> II. 2, 372 ; Aesch. Supp. 185; Her. i, 63. 170. 3, 23. 4, 41 ; Thuc. 3, 44; PL Rep. 515; Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 5, for fl^jTtjv dual sometimes fir^v PL Tim. 31. Parm. 149 &c.j 227 imper. eara>v 3 pi. less frequent than farraxrav, Od. i, 273 ; PI. Leg. 759. Rep. 502; Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 10. 8, 6, n (ea-rtaa-av Bornem.), rarely ovrw PL Leg. 879, 3 sing. ^ro> Rep. 361, has given way to eorca (Mss. C. Schneid.) or *TO> (Neukirch, Bait. Or. W.), it occurs however Hippocr. 8, 340 (Lit. rra> C. H. 6, I D. J.); and late Aretae. i, 2, p. 79; V. T. Ps. 103, 31. N. T. i Cor. 1 6, 22. Imp. i pers. 9 for fa Soph. O. R. H23J.JP1. Phaed. 61 &c. is perhaps old Attic, 2 pers. fc for riaBa, seems not Attic, Ar. Nub. 1029 (old edit.); Eur. LA. 339, have been altered, but later owe ?js (PI.) Ax. 365; (Luc.) Amor. 3 (Dind. &c.), dual TJVTOV PI. Euthyd. 294 (Bekk. -arrjv Bait.), fjvTTjv II. 5, 10 ; Hes. Sc. 50; Eur. Hipp. 387; Ar. Av. 19. Eq. 983; Isae. 6, 6; PI. Phaedr. 273. Euthyd. 271, rarely frov Farm. 143, ttnjv, v. r. TJTTJV, Phil. 41. Soph. 243, but plur. almost always ^re II. 16, 557; Aesch. Ag. 542; PI. Euthyd. 276, Ar. however has ^ore Pax 821. Eccl. 1086 (Dind. Bekk. Mein.), Trap- PI. Conv. 176, 3 pi. fy Hes. Th. 321; Poet ap. Aeschin. 3, 184; Soph. Tr. 520 (chor.); Ar. Lys. 1260 (chor.), ev- Eur. Ion 1146 (Xen. An. i, 5, 7. Hell. 3, i, 7. 7, 5, 17 &c. no proof), 9 Pind. P. 4, 57 ?; rjv always before its nom. Chiefly Homeric and Ionic forms: 2 sing. eWi II. r, 176, and fis 19, 217; Archil. 107; Her. i, 207. 3, 71. 4, 80 &c. occasionally ei 3, 140 (Bekk. Dind., tts Stein, Abicht). 142 (Bekk. Dietsch, fis Dind. Stein, Abicht), i pi. elfuv II. 8, 234; Hes. Sc. 351 ; Her. 7, 9. 9, 46, 3 pi. eto-iV II. 20, 183, and eaa-iv 1, 73; Hes. Th. 95; Xenophanes 7 (B); subj. o Od. 9, 18, nap- Her. 4, 98, e?a>, fifT- II. 23, 47, y/*- Sapph. 2, 2 ; Pind. Ol. 5', 16; Soph. Ant. 623 (chor.), elvai II. 21, 187 ; part in Horn. la>v II. 4, 231; Hes. Op. 514; Her. i, 26. 2, 20, e'oCo-a II. 3, 159, tov II, 637 &C. Imp. r/a II. 5, 808. Od. IO, 156, fa II. 4, 321 ; Her. 2, 19, apostr. ?' Od. 14, 222, fas Her. i, 187, ewll. ii, 762 (fi)v i pers. is now dropped). 23, 643, fada 23, Q 2 228 604; Theogn. 1314 (Dem. 18, 180. 45, 82), t^ada II. 22, 435; Hes. Op. 314, 3 pers. fr II. 4, 22 ; Her. 2, 102, e^ II. 12, 10. 24, 426; Hes. Th. 58; Her. 7, 143 &c. (Gaisf. but never Bekk.), r\tv II. 12, 9 ; Hes. Sc. 15, v 1 ?" H- H, 808. Od. 23, 316, 2 pi. fare Her. 4, 119. 5, 92 (tcurav, trepi- 9, 31 Gaisf. nepi-qcrav Bekk. Matth. Dind. Stein), r\aav II. 3, 15 ; Hes. Th. 142 ; Her. i, 13 &c. (Gaisf. Stein, earav Bekk. Dind.), e Her. 9, 40. Imp. mid. rj^v rare, if correct, 3 pi. flaro Od. 20, 1 06 (Aristarch. Vulg. Dind. elaro Herodn. Bekk. Buttm. La R.): fut. ea-opai II. 6, 409, eW- 4, 267, eo-eat 9, 605; Her. 8, 62, ecrerai II. 14, 480, eW- 4, 164, and ecrrai 4, 14 &C. even cWcirot 2, 393. 13, 317, an- Od. 19, 302, which (with ccro-ovpai) is elsewhere Doric. t Doric forms : i pers. e/i/u' Theocr. 20, 32, rather Aeol. Sapph. 2, 15, (for Epicharm. 19, and Find. N. 5, i &c. use dpi only), 2 pers. fo-o-i Epicharm. 130 (4W' 125 Ahr.) ; Find. Ol. 6, 90. N. 10, 80; Theocr. 7, 43, 3 pers. eWi Theocr. i, 17; Mosch. 5, 3 (Vulg. Mein. eWi Mss. A. B. &c. Ahr. Ziegl.), pi. ei> Theocr. 15, 73, foes Cant. Lacon. Plut. Lycurg. 21, 16 (Bekk. Sint.); Theocr. 14, 29, Find, dpev P. 3, 60; Cant. Lacon. Plut. Lycurg. 21, 14, em Epicharm. 27. 92 &c. ; Sophr. 52 ; Find. N. i, 24; Theocr. n, 45; Ar. Ach. 902; Thuc. 5, 77; inf. foev Heracl. et Cret. Tit 2555. 2558 &c. ; Ar. Ach. 741 (Vulg. Dind. 4 ed.); Lacon. Decree Thuc. 5, 77 (some Mss. Ahr.); Theocr. 14, 6 (Ziegl. Fritz.), and fl^fv Epicharm. 97; Lacon. Tit. 1335; Ar. Ach. 741. 771 Dind. 5 ed.); Arg. Treaty Thuc. 5, 77. 79 (Bekk. Kriig.); Theocf. 4, 9 (Ahr. Mein. Fritz.), also rjp fs Theocr. 14, 6 (Mein.), but condemned by Ahrens as an incorrect form of inf., and displaced by fofv or dpfv 7, 129. 8, 73. n, 79. 13, 3, jfricvai, /*- Ar. Ach. 775, but Ahrens doubts whether this be Doric. The reading is certainly . well supported, but, besides being unusual in Doric, it is made rather suspicious by the short form fofv, elptv being twice used by the same speaker 741. 771 ; Ahrens suggests elpev, av; Find, has ffipfv P. 6, 42; Sapph. 34 (Bergk); so Soph. Ant. 623 (chor.), etp-fiv Rhod. Inscr. 2905, e/xei/ Cret. 3058; part, lav and a>v, fern, ovo-a, tova-a Delph. Inscr. 1705, eolo-a Find. P. 4, 265; Theocr. 2, 64, fvva 2, 76 (Sapph. 27 Ahr. ea-a-a Bergk), irap-evo-as 5, 26, e'aaa Tim. Locr. 96. Ahrens, Meineke, and Ziegler formerly condemned the contr. masc. form, evvra Theocr. 2, 3, and approved the restitution of ftapwevvra for vv evvra (Mss. Reiske), but in their last editions they have 229 adopted cvvra. A rare form evres occurs Tab. Heracl. i, 56, dat. eirao-o-i 69, 130, gen. jrap-tvTvv Alcm. 57 (Bergk, 64, 3 ed.) ' not from a noun els,' says Ahrens, ' but probably from ea>v, epros &c. after the analogy of KVUV, KVVOS : ' imp. (rjv, faQa common), doubtful eiyr Theocr. 19, 8 (Vulg.), 3 sing, fr Theocr. 2, 90. 92. 124. 5, 10. 7, i, and r\v 2, 78. 4, 49. 20, 37 &c. Bion 8, 2. 7 (Mein. Ziegl.) ; Mosch. 2, 24. 50 ; so Find. I. i, 26. 2, 37. Ol. 8, 19 &c. Etfu /^v, usu. as fut. shall go, II. 3, 410; Theogn. 1203; Aesch. Sept. 672. 700; Soph. Ph. 461; Ar. Pax 232 ; Antiph. 5, 62 ; Thuc. 2, 36, els Hes. Op. 208, ela-da II. 10, 450. Od. 19, 69, Attic el Soph. Tr. 83 ; Ar. Av. 990, but Sv-ei H. Cer. 403, o-t II. 13, 796; Hes. Th. 972; Soph. O. R. 1458: Ar. Eccl. 933 ; PI. Rep. 520, irpov- Thuc. 4, 85, l^ev II. 17, 155; Aesch. Sept. 1068; Eur. Bac. 841: Ar. Vesp. 1250; Her. 9, 42; Thuc. i, 82, Ire i, 40, lafftv II. 16, 160; Ar. Eccl. 615; Xen. Cyr. 8, 6, 2 ; PI. Conv. 174, an- Her. 8, 60, en- Thuc. 4, 61 ; subj. To) II. 18, 188; Theogn. 912; Soph. Ant. 315; Ar. Ran. 291 ; PI. Conv. 174, en- Thuc. 4, 85, Igs II. 24, 295 ; Eur. Ion 1603; Ar. Av. 634, *Tj(r0a II. 10, 67, 117 Od. 8, 395; Thuc. 6, 79; PL Leg. 909 &c. Epic, tyo-i II. 9, 701; "u>nev Batr. 280; Thuc. 6, 18; PI. Rep. 543, Epic to/wi/ II. 10, 126. Od. 23, 83 and always Horn.; Solon 2, 5, irjre Xen. An. 7, 3, 4, icoo-t II. 12, 239; Antiph. 5, n; Thuc. 4, 42; opt. ?oi/u Xen. Cyr. 5, 5, I (Vulg. Popp. Dind.), eneg- Antiph. I, n, and loirjv Xen. Conv. 4, 16, &e- Isocr. 5, 98. 6, 42, iot II. 14, 21; PL Rep. 415; Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 27, loipev, Trap- Ar. Lys. 151, irpov- 153, louv Thuc. 7, 80; PL Rep. 360 &c., Epic 3 sing, lety II. 19, 209, and elrj 24, 139; Wi II. 3, 130; Aesch. Pers. 1038; Ar. Eq. 105; Her. 7, 234. 8, 57; PL Soph. 237, 1 II. 12, 362 ; Soph. Ph. 120 ; PL Leg. 764, Ire 797 ; Uvai II. 16, 87 ; Theogn. 352 ; Hes. Sc.-4o; (in Trag. ?); Ar. Av. 188; Her. 6, 134; Thuc. 7, 74; PL Conv. 174; l&v II. 7, 46; Soph. O. C. 618; Ar. Vesp. 99; Antiph. 2, /3, 3; PL Euth. 273; Isocr. 4, 67: imp. # i pers. rare, Luc. Herm. 25, irpoa- Xen. Oec. 6, 15; PL Lys. 206; Dem. 34, 12, an- 45, 6 &c. fieis, nepi- Aeschin. 3, 164, fjeurda, Si- PL Tim. 26, yet II. io, 286. Od. 8, 290; Thuc. 3, 93 ; Andoc. i, 36 ; PL Phaedr. 228, fare, V Aesch. Eum. 32 : the imp. form jja is perhaps old Attic, PI. Theaet. 180. Rep. 449; Dem. 45, 17, for 2 pers. jfew PI. has fitio-da, fit- Tim. 26, eVf|- Euthyphr. 4, and for 3 pers. $ he has jjeiv Criti. 117. Tim. 38, and an- even before a consonant 76 ; dual JITTJV PI. Euthyd. 294 ; pi. rjfJLtv, fire (are more frequent than j?/i, etr6 ), W fv Eur. Andr. 1102; Ar. Plut. 659; PI. Rep. 328; Isae. 10, 18, 77/300-- Dem. 19, 17. 56, n, 171-6 Xen. An. 7, 7, 6, irpoo-- Eur. Cycl. 40, e'- Dem. 23, 209 &c. indeed the full forms seem doubtful, yfipfv PI. Phaed. 59 (Ms.E.Steph. etV- Ms. Bodl. Herm.-flp.6i> Mss. Heind. Schanz &c.), e|- Aeschin. 2, 97, Trap- 2, 108 (Vulg. -fjpfv Franke), rjfire, air- Andoc. i, 66, e'- 2, 8, 6ttr- Aeschin. 3, 140 (Vulg. -rjrc Franke &c.), fifo-av Xenophan. 3, 3 (fjia-av Renner), fjvav Archil. 8 1 (Mein. Bergk), TT- Od. 19, 445, /*- Ar. Eq. 605, fla-- Com. Fr. (Callias) 2, 740 (yo-av Her. 2, 163, Schweig. Gaisf. rjurav Bekk. Dind.), but in Mss. and our editions of Attic prose authors almost always fevav Thuc. 2, 3. 3, 22. 5, 17 ; Xen. Hell. 3, 2, 26. An. 6, i, ii. Cyr. 4, 5, 55. Athen. i, 18; PI. Rep. 600. Lys. 206; Dem. 57, 15. 59, 48, oV- Aeschin. 2, in. 3, 76; Dem. 19, 154, iTporr- 21, 23, (rvv- 23, 39 &c. all those .however and all others, W. and L. Dindorf, Cobet, Voemel, Franke, &C. write, Or would write fj would appear to be its legitimate 3 pi., and the mistake, if mistake it be, of retaining t, appears as easily made and as great as our moved for mov'd, loved for lov'd, and fixed for fix'd, fixt. Judging from appearances 231 one would be apt to suppose that the lonians said (tjifo-av) ffio-av, Poet, yo-av, the Attics (jyeurai'), rjeaav, Poet, and perhaps occa- sionally in prose rj. In Horn. 2 sing, dcrda II. 10, 450. Od. 19, 69; subj. lyvOa II. 10, 67, 3 pers. lya-iv 9, 7 OI > ?! ' O f" for -/>, 2, 440 ; opt. toi 14, 21, leir) 19, 209, and e7 24, 139. Od. 14, 496; inf. livat II. 1 6, 87 &c. tfifvai II. 20, 32 (Dind. La Roche). Od. 2, 298 (Bind! Kayser, tcwu Bekk.), Od. 8, 287, t/i/*- II. 20, 365 (Bekk.), Ifjifv II. 10, 32 &c. ; Pind. Ol. 6, 63 (rare ie/ui> Dor. Stob. (Archyt.) i, 71), rare tvtu (i) Strab. (Orac.) 9, 2, 23 (Kram.), e- Athen. (Machon) 13, 43: imp. ijia Od. 10, 309; Her. 4, 82 (Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 1 1 Popp. ya Born. Dind.), and ijiov Luc. D. Syr. 25, dv- Od. 10, 146, rjif II. 7, 213; Her. 2, 26, r/e II. 12, 371, Kai--7/e Hes. Sc. 254 (Ranke, Flach, Rzach, -fie Vulg. Goettl. Schoem. Mss. differ), fai II. 13, 247. Od. 8, 290, and often lev as aor. II. 2, 872. Od. 16, 41. 155, 3 dual ITOV Hes. Op. 199, "irrjv II. i, 347 ; so Hes. quoted (Lehrs, Koechl.), pL fiontv Od. n, 22, fjio-av II. 10, 197 ; Her. i, 43; Hippocr. 3, 212 (Soph. Tr. 514 chor. Br. Erf., i, av- Od. 10, 446, IK- in tmesi 23, 370. In Attic, flfjii has almost always the sense of fut. eXevo-o/itu ivill go, Aesch. Pr. 325 ; Thuc. 2, 36, also Her. an-iavi 8, 60, even with orrcay, as OTTCBJ eneiffi Thuc. 6, 1 8, (l/ Od. 22, 392, -yo-ffa II. 2O, 250. Od. II, 224, -770-1 II. 7, 87; eirroifu Od. 22, 262 ; Pind. N. 6, 65 (Vulg.); Soph. El. 413; Ar. Eq. 18; PI. Rep. 400, -ots II. n, 791; Hes. Op. 721; Aesch. Ch. 847; Ar. Thesm. 549; PI. Phil. 23, -ot II. 17, 260; Ar. Av. 180; Antiph. 5, 50, -ot/wj/ PI. Rep. 398, -on-e Aeschin. i, 74, -oiev PI. Leg. 709; imper. cme II. 10, 384; Pind. P. 4, 100; Aesch. Ag. 121 ; Soph. Ant. 446; Eur. Hec. 986, and always in Tragedy; Ar. Ran. 39; Her. 5, m; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 13, eiVeYo> PI. Phaedr. 273. Lach. 194, irpo- Hippocr. 4, 376 (Lit.), dual flnfrov PL Protag. 330. Euthyd. 296, and -err^v Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 42; PI. Conv. 189, -tTov (Bekk.), pi. etn-erf rare, we know only PI. Prot. 357, but Epic eo-Trert II. n, 218. 16, 112; Com. Fr. (Herm.) 2, 407 (hexam.) ; direlv II. 9, 102; Pind. Ol. i, 52; Aesch. Ag. 367 ; Soph. O. R. 361 ; Ar. Eq. 608 ; Her. i, 61. 2, 91 (Gaisf. Bekk.); Thuc. 4, 22, and always in Attic prose, Epic flirtptvai II- 7> 375 J Solon 22, flirep*v II. 9, 688, Aeol. fijnjv Alcae. 50; Sapph. 28; flirwv II. 7, i ; Soph. O. C. 759; Ar. Plut. 670; Her. i, 27 (Bekk. Gaisf. Stein, -at Dind.); Antiph. 5, 75; Thuc. 2, 72 ; Isocr. 18, 2; PL Phil. 38, and perhaps always in classic Attic prose: 1 aor. fl-na Her. 4, 44. 7, n; Anth. 12, 130; rare in Attic, Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 383. Philem. 4, 52. (Athen.) 4, 558. (Euang.) 4, 572 ; Xen. Mem. 2, 2, 8 ; (Dem.) 47, 41 ; Polyb. 18, 7 (Bekk.), irpoo-- Eur. Cycl. 101, etnas II. I, 106. 108 (Heyn. Bekk. Dind. La R. with Aristarch.); Her. 7, 234; often in Attic, Aesch. Pr. 773. Pers. 798; Soph. Ph. 27. Aj. 1127. El. 407; Eur. Phoen. 915; Ar. Pax 131. Ach. 580. Ly s - 595; Xen. An. 2, 5, 23 (Kriig. Dind.). Conv. 4, 56. Oec. 19, 14 ; Aeschin. 3, 163, Poet. eWa Emped. 75 (Stein) ; Pind. N. 9, 33 ; Theocr. 22, 153 (Mein. Wordsw. Arir.), -iras (not now in Horn.); Ap. Rh. 3, 1106 &c. pi. ewra/xei/ rare, Ar. Eccl. 75 (Ms. R.Vulg. Bekk.Bergk,-o/iei/ Mss. Dind. Mein.); Aristot. Nat. Ausc. 3, 2, 3. Top. 8, 10, 6 (v. r. -o/iei/). Eth. N. i, n, 9. 12. 3 (Bekk., now -ofjiev 3 edit.), curare rare and late in simple, Dio Cass. 59, 16 ; V. T. Gen. 44, 28. Esai. 28, 15, rare in comp. rrpo- Dem. 18, 80, TT/JOCT- App. Civ. 4, 10, a-w- Aristid. 37 (471), fl-rrav Her. i, 1 20. 4, 158. 5, i. 1 8. 7, 27 &c. ; rare, if certain, in Attic, Xen. Conv. 3, 2 (-ov Born. Dind. Saupp.). Hell. 3, 5, 24. 7, 4, 4, Enrw. 233 -- 4, i, 31 (Breitenb. Saupp. but Dind. now -ov 3 edit.); Aristot. Eth. Eud. 7, 13, air- Dio. Hal. n, 41, efnrav Hes. Th. 24 (Goettl. Flach, v. r. -ov Koechly, Schoem.), late form ewroo-av V. T. Ruth 4, 1 1 ; subj. fwrw as above ; opt. rare turaifu, (man if correct, Theocr. 15, 25 (Toup. Mein. Ahr. -ts Ziegl. Fritz.), tinai Her. 3, 6. 4, 155. 9, 71 &c. (always Dind., diroi always Mss. Gaisf. Bekk. Stein), tiirtuv (Dem.) 59, 70 (Bekk. B. Saupp. ewrot Dind.), eiirainev PI. Soph. 240, -ot/zev (Steph.), -aiei> (Dem.) 53, 24 (Bekk. B. Saupp. -ouv Dind.) ; imper. elirov others dirov Simon. (C.) 154 (B.) ; Pind. Ol. 6, 92 ; Theocr. 14, n ; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 297. (Euphr.) 4, 489. (Nicol.) 4, 579 ; Xen. Mem. 3, 6, 3; PL Men. 71, eiirara> Ar. Pax 660; Lys. 8, 3; Isae. n, 3; PI. Phil. 60; Xen. Athen. 3, 6; Dem. 20, 113, dual (iirarov Ar. Av. 107. Ran. 1379; PI. Euthyd. 294, pi. flnare Od. 3, 427. 21, 198; Hes. Th. 108; Soph. O. C. 1115; Ar. Ach. 540; Thuc. 5, 85; Xen. An. 2, i, 21 ; PI. Lach. 187 ; Aeschin. i, 70; Dinarch. i, 43, late eiVaroxrai/ V. T. Ps. 39, 17; N. T. Act. 24, 20; Sext. Empir. 63, 26. 120, 10. 139, 29; Galen i, 133; inf. fwrai Ion. Her. i, 57. 3, 63. 4, 134. 6, 61 &c. ; ein-as Her. 1, 41. 3, 36. 65. 4, 98. 5, 20 &c. ; Hippocr. 6, 170, rare and perhaps late in Attic, Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 14 ; Aristot. Top. 2, 2, 2. 4, 6, 12. 5, 2, 10 &c. ; Theophr. Char. 7 (Foss) ; (Dem.) 59, 5, avr- 59, 27, Trpoo-- 50, 60 (Bekk. B. Saupp. -a>v Dind.), vpo- Com. Fr. (Dionys.) 3, 547, Dor. dnais Pind. Ol. 8, 46. Mid. pres. tWo/tuu late, Or. Sib. 2, 4 : 1 aor. (euro/iT??) in tmesi, an-6 8' eiTrao Callim. Dian. 174? Ar-6nHt> Her. i, 205, -ap.fffa 9, 7, -euro 6, lOO; -eiVrafr&u I, 59 J -eiirdfievos 4, 125. 5, 56; Anth. (Alcid.) 5, 233. (P. Sil.) 234; and later Attic prose, dir-fiTraro Ael. V. H. 2, 42 ; Plut. Them. 23, -e'nraa-de Luc. D. Mort. 29 ; Aristid. 33, 415 (D.); -dfievos (Aeschin.) Epist. 10, 8; Arr. An. 3 5> 2 > -einavOcu. Aristot. Eth. N. 8, 1 6, 4; App. Civ. 3, n; Polyb. 23, 9, 8itn- Aristot. Oec. 2, 30, wvfur- Dio. Hal. Ant. 5, 48. 51. We however know no instance of this aor. mid. in classic Attic, and therefore demur to the soundness of Thorn. Magister's doctrine ' antmdiujv /cdXXtoi/ fj dnelirov.' The assertion of Matthiae, likewise, 'that the Attics have derived from (ma a 1 aor. mid. dnenrdnriv' should have been qualified by later, less pure, or some such expression : 2 aor. aTr-dTrecrdai occurs Joseph. Ant. 17, 3, i (Bekk.), the only instance we know. i pers. (lira is rare in Attic, etn-as freq., but disputed in Horn. Wolf, with Schol. Ven. B., adopted dms for -as, II. i, 106. 108, and Spitzn. has followed him. Bekk. however, Heyne, Voss, and Dind. retain with Aristarch. eliras. Indeed, always in II. and Od. Bekk. edits diras, except -es Od. 4, 204 ; Dind., again, has 234 "EipydQw II. 24, 744, and always in Od. except -a? 22, 46 ; La Roche fin-ar always except dires II. 24, 744, i pi. flna^tv rare, see Ar. &c. quoted above, 3 pi. flnav in Attic, is, if correct, con- fined to Xen. Bornemann decidedly approves and edits -ov, and so now L. Dind. (3 edit.) ; opt. tiTra^i &c. is very rare in Attic, so rare as to appear doubtful, and, if we may credit the Mss., never even in Herodotus, see above ; the imperat. forms, again, 7rar), fpu>, ftpyKa, ttp^nt, tppfjdrjv, Ion. dpedtjv, rare eppfdrjv, TTpo- Hippocr. 5, 196 (Littre"), fut. pr)df)i]CTOfj.ai. (EipydOw) To shut out, -ddnv Soph. El. 1271; Eur. Phoen. JI75> arr-ftpyddrj Soph. O. C. 862: imp. epyudov II. II, 437, ffpy- 5> 147- Mid. as act. flpyddov, KCIT- Aesch. Eum. 566. Some hold these to be 2 aor. act. and mid. and accent flpyadflv, Kartipyadov (Dind. &c.) A Poet, lengthened form for eipyu>. El'pyw To shut in, Theogn. 710 (Mss. but tlpy- Ms. O, Bergk, Ziegl.); Antiph. 3, 2. 6, 46 (Bait. Saupp. dpy- Blass); Thuc. 3, 18 (Mss. P. Bekk. Kriig. dpy- Popp.), Kad- Luc. Amor. 39 ; Dio Hal. n, 55, (Ipyvvm, Kad- PL Tim. 45 (-vrat Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 63), and flpyvva> Andoc. 4, 27: fut. ei/>w Eur. Elec. 1255 ; Thuc. 8, 74 (Bekk.) ; Dio. Cass. 39, 33 (Bekk. -car- L. Dind.) : aor. (Ipga Eur. Bac. 443; Ar. Ach. 330; Antiph. 3, y, n; Thuc. 8, 92 (Bekk.); Dem. (12, 2). 21, 147, Kad- 3, 31. 18, 97, avyKaQ- Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 36: p.p. dpynai, -was Ar. Av. 1085; Xen. Hell. 5, 2, 31, Kad- 3, 2, 3, avyKaO- Aeschin. i, 182 : pip. flpKTo Nic. Damasc. Fr. 8 (L. Dind.), Kad- Anth. Plan. 5, 384 : aor. ("ipxdrjv, flpxdfis Lycurg. 112; flpxdf/vai (Dem.) 59, 66. Vb. dpKTT] a prison Xen. Mem. 2, i, 5. See 235 To shut out, Horn, only II. 23, 72 (cFe'py- Bekk. now); Theogn. 1180; Aesch. Ag. 1333 (D.); Find. N. 7, 6 ; Soph. Tr. 1257; Xen. Mem. i, 2, 20; Dem. 23, 40; etpyoxrt Thuc. I, 62 : imp. flpyov Soph. Ph. 569 ; Thuc. 3, i : fat. eipw Aesch. Sept. 503; Soph. Ph. 1406; Hippocr. i, 4 (Erm.); Thuc. i, 35; Aeschin. 2, 115, '- Ar. Ach. 825, an-- Dem. 20, 5 : aor. 6ipa Luc. D. Mer. 10, i, drr- Thuc. 4, 37 (Bekk.) ; Arr. An. 3, 28, 8; flpai Soph. Aj. 753: p.p. fipypai Democr. Stob, 406 (Gaisf.), COT- Eur. Heracl. 877 : aor. ftpx^v Thuc. 5, 49 (Popp. Kriig. &c. fipx" Bekk.); Dio Cass. 46, 48 : fut. m. fipo^at pass, or reflex, shut oneself out, get oneself shut out, Xen. An. 6, 6, 16 ; Aeschin. 3, 122: see pres. flpyov restrain yourself, keep off, Soph. O. C. 836 : some add as 2 aor. act. eipyaBov, tipydQa>, tlpyadfiv Soph. El. 1271 ; Eur. Phoen. 1175 : 2 aor. m. as act. tlpya66fjir]v, in Kar-etpyadov Aesch. Eum. &66, See fpya>> flpyddco. Vb. late, elpKTfov Stob. (Hier.) 39, 36. Elpe'w To say, Epic only pres. part. fern, flpeva-at Hes. Th. 38, contr. for elpeova-ai : and fut. flpfjaa), if correct, Hippocr. 7, 448 (Zwing. Lit. elp^^a Od. 16, 402 ; imper. etpeo Od. i, 284 ; flpofjifvos II. 7, 127 ; Her. i, 27 ; -r0ai Od. 19, 95 ; Her. 8, 65, eV- I, 19 : imp. dpofjajv Her. 2, 44. 150, 2 sing. ei/>eo i, 32, i/?6To II. i, 513. Od. 20, 137; Pind. Ol. 6, 49; Her. i, 30, -OVTO Od. II, 570: fut. flpr](Top. Hippocr. 2, 176 (Erm.), 8itipv 454> -VOTO 22, 303; etpvvdat Od. 3, 268. 23, 82. See epvco. v in pres. fut. and aor. except in arsis, v between two long syllables, as elpvovrai Ap. Rh. 4, 279, tlpcoiro 4, 804, and in contracted forms and perf. pass, except perhaps one or two instances, as flpvarm for -WTM, II. 4, 248. Od. 6, 265. flpvpfvai inf. pres. Epic as from ftpv/u, Hes. Opp. 818 quoted. flpvarm, -Carai (in arsis) 3 pi. pres. = ftpvvrai ', imper. eipvtro (in arsis) Ap. Rh. 4, 372 ; inf. elpva-Ocu; 3 sing. imp. eipvro (in arsis), 3 pi. e'lpvvro may be also from elpvpi; but some hold these as syncopated forms of pres. (Ipvoftai and imp. -vo^v, others as perf. and pip. or syncop. aor. in a mid. sense. See tpvu>. Etpu To say, Od. ir, 137. 13, 7, -e'o> Hes. Th. 58 (pres. not Attic): imp.?: fut. Ion. (pe H. Cer. 406 ; Mimnerm. 7, 4; Aesch. Eum. 45; Soph. O. C. 8n ; Ar. Ran. 6 1 ; Antiph. i, 6. 4, /3, 3 ; Thuc. 6, 9 ; Lys. 8, 19 ; Isocr. 15, 178; PI. Rep. 358, and etp^o-w if correct Hippocr. 7, 448 (Zwing. Lit. 3, 525, Erm.) : p. etp^a Aesch. Pr. 821 ; Soph. Tr. 63 ; Ar. Ran. 558 ; Her. I, 155 ; Antiph. 3, 8, 2 ;. Thuc. 6, 87; PL Meno 80; Lys. 8, 16; pip. tlpfjKfiv Aeschin. i, 81 ; Dem. 21, 119. 34, 18; Plut. Mor. 184: p.p. fip^ai II. 4, 363; Aesch. Eum. 710; Eur. Or. 1203 ; Ar. Lys. 13 ; Her. 8, 93; Antiph. 5, 5; Thuc. i, 22 ; PL Conv. 219, 3 pi. Ion. 'parai Her. 7, 81 : pip. ftp?? II. 10, 540 ; Her. 8, 26 ; Thuc. 5, 21 ; Lys. 10, 9 : aor. in Attic epprjdriv Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 26; PL Rep. 504. Phil. 63; Aeschin. 2, 31. 118 (Mss. Bekk. &c.) ; Dem. 23, 1 6. 1 8, Ion. dpfdrjv Her. 4, 77. 156, and always (Bekk. Gaisf. Bred. Dind. Kriig.), rare eppedrjv, irpo- Hippocr. 5, 196 (Lit.), eppfdrjo-av PI. Leg. 664 (Mss. tpptf- Bekk. B. O. W. Herm.), but in less pure Attic sometimes epptd- Aristot. Categ. 9, 3 ; Plut. Quest. Conv. 7, 8, i. 9, 14, 4, epp^- however 4, 5, i. 5, 3, 2, &c.; prjdds Od. 18,414; Soph. O. R. 1057; PL Leg. 861 : fut. pr)0f](Topai. Thuc. i, 73; PL Rep. 473; Isocr. 8, 73: 3 fut. fipriffopai (always Horn. Find. Attic Poets, and Her.) II. 23, 795 ; Find. I. 6, 59; Soph. O. R. 365; Eur. Hec. 825; Ar. Plut. 114, (avr- Soph. Tr. 1184); Her. 4, 16; Hippocr. i, 596. EtjOW E lp COTCtO). 237 (Lit.); Thuc. 6, 34; PL Leg. 918. Rep. 473. Mid. as act. fipofjiai pres. late, Nic. Ther. 359 : imp. pero II. i, 513, -ovro Od. n, 542 : fut. epovfiai, an- Anth. 12, 1 20. Prea. pass. eiperai late, Arat. 172. 261. Vb. prjros Thuc. I, 122, -eos Hippocr. 2, 127 (Erm.); PI. Apol. 22. The aor. form flpedrjv, fppedrjv has the short vowel e in indicative only; subj. always pr)6> Aeschin. i, 31 ; Dem. 20, 87; fydfis Her. i, 91. 6, 86. 8, 115; 'Soph. El. 668; Thuc. 2, 5 ; pijtffjwu Her. 3, 9; Lys. 2, 54; Isocr. 12, 192; PI. Crat. 419, see peo>. p^&jo-o/iai is used chiefly in inf. and part, but not confined to them, p^o-erat Thuc. i, 73; Xen. Hell. 6, 3, 7; PI. Rep. 473. Leg. 957; Aristot. Categ. 8, 35. Rhet. i, 12, 2; Luc. Merc. Con. 4, TT/JOO-- Pl. Polit. 259. 301. Rep. 479, am- Aeschin. 3, 147, pi. -jjowrat Aristot. Top. 5, 4 ; Hyperid. 4, 2, 5 ; Theophr. H. P. i, 2, 4 ; Aen. Tact, n, the only instances of pi. we ever met; part. -iKToufvos Thuc. 8, 66; Isocr. 5, i. 14. 15. 140; 8, 63; PL Phaedr. 259 &c. ; -r)o-f 55- 2 4O- Epist. i, 10 ; PL Phaed. 88. Conv. 189. Leg. 809 &c. ; etpijcro/xai in Attic is confined, we think, to 3 sing, indie. Aristides however has flptjo-ovrai gi, 417; and Hippocr. inf. flpfja-fcrdai 8, 28 (Lit.); and part, dprja-op-fvos, if correct, 3, 516 (Lit. v. r. prjdrjffofjLfvos strongly supported). 4, 238 ; Galen 15, 18; and late Attic Ael. N. A. 16, 36. We think the earlier Attics never used the p. post-fat, in the participle, and therefore demur to Bekker's substitution of diairfiro\fp.r}o-6pvov Thuc. 7 25 (Vat.), for StaTToAep-r/o-dp.- (Vulg.), see iro\fp.ea>. Etpw To knit, join, simple rare, Pind. N. 7, 77, av- Ar. Ach 1006, Trepi- Her. 2, 96, fit- Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 10; Aeschin. 3, 166, crvv- Dem. 18, 308; {-vv-fipcop-fv PL Polit. 267: imp. flpov, a-vv- Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 6 : fut. (epo-to, av- if sound, Hesych.) : aor. in COmp. efpa, e- Ar. Eq. 378. Vesp. 423, and epo-a; di-epvys Hippocr. 4, 108 (Lit.); opt. irap-eiptte Xen. Conv. 6, 2; 8i-elpat Hippocr. 7, 52 (Lit.), but -e'po-at 4, 108 (-eipai in marg.); -tipas Aesch. Fr. 280 (D.), av- Her. 3, 118, 8t- Ael. V. H. 4, 28 ; Luc. Alex. 26, -epaas Hippocr. 4, 296 : p. in comp. fipua, 81- Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 10 : p. p. e?pp.at, eipp,eW Callim. Fr. 140, Epic. tfpp.evos Od. 1 8, 296. Horn. H. i, 104, Ion. epp-eW, eV- Her. 4, 190 (Mss. Vulg. Bekk. Gaisf. Dind.) which Bredow would write eWipp- (with Ms. M. P. K. F. Stein); so Aristot. V-pp.- Plant, i, i, 15 : Pip- Epic, efpro Od. 15, 460; Ap. Rh. 3, 868. ^etpe imp. or aor. II. 10, 499, seems very irregular, unless we assume dfipca. See OTJVTjopos. Elpwrdw and -cu, Ion. for epwrdw, To ask, flpatras Od. 4, 347. 17, 138 ; Her. 3, 14; subj. etpwra Theogn. 519 ; etpoorewj/ Her. 238 Ef(ra 8, 26: imp. (Ipotra Od. 15, 423 (Bekk. La R.); Her. i, 88, -reov 4, 145, -revv i, 158. 3, 140 (Bekk. Bind. Stein, -eov Dietsch, Abicht.) fpo>T(6pfvov Her. i, 86 (Vulg. Gaisf.) is rightly edited etpa>T- by Bekk. Lhardy, Dind. Et). 'EIOXW To liken, compare, Epic II. 5, 181 ; eta-noi Opp. Cyn. i, 69; -axfiv Hes. Op. 62: imp. fj'iffKov II. 21, 332. Od. 4, 247, (?crKov 9, 321 ; Theocr. 25, 140 : p.p. lyiy/iat in comp. Trpocr^at art like, Eur. Ale. 1063: pip. ift'KTo Od. 13, 288. 20, 31, eiVro II. 23, 107; Ap. Rh. 2, 39; Mosch. 4, no, referred also to f*Ka>, foma : pres. itmefyuvos Nic. Ther. 421 : imp. Nonn. 4, 72. (Elo-ficuro-w) 70 thrust in the hand, to feel, only mid. (-a aor. Ion. eoyzao-a/xei/or HippOCr. 4, 198. 8, 148, Dor. Theocr. 17, 37. The Epic aor. eVf^dcro-aTo touched, affected, II. 17, 564. 20, 425, seems tO belong to /iaa>, /xao/xat, /lai'o-. EicoOa, see fdm. J EKpdu=eKpaiV, occurs in this its original form, Thuc. 5, 77 (Doric treaty). 'EKKXir]os wheeled out, coming forth, Ar. Thesm. 96 : aor. tKKVK&TjdrjTi Ar. Ach. 407 : with fut. m. ewcwcAijo-o/^u 409. co 'EX ay i/o?. 239 'EicXy u > see Xe'ya) lay. 'EKfiaicciJ, see fiaivai. 'EKTIITTOW To work in relief, Dio. Hal. Rhet. 10, 17; Luc. Philops. 38 ; Plut. Mor. 902 : fut. - Isocr. 4, 176.8, 17; Polyb. 26, 3, 4; Plut. Mor. 687: fut. -werco : aor. qXarrwo-a Aristot. Poet. 4, 13; Polyb. 16, 21 ; inf. eXaTTwo-ai Lys. 13, 9 : p. faaTTtoKa Dio. Hal. C. V. 6 ; Diod. Sic. i, 65: p.p. rjKaTTa>n(u Polyb. 17, 4 (Bekk. 18, 4 Dind.) : aor. r)\acr(T, -a>v rare and Poet. II. 24, 696. Od. 4, 2, eXaeo Ap. Rh. 3, 872, augm. f)\ae Opp. H. 5, 494, rjXaov, car -Ar. Lys. IOOI (Brurick, Bekk. and formerly Dind.), but see aor. below, iter. old reading) Ap. Rh. i, 733. 2, 1071 : fut. Xen. An. 7, 7, 55 (Vulg. Popp. Kriig. Kuhn. -Xw Dind. Saupp.); Dio. Hal. Ant. 2, 36; Luc. Navig. 33; Geop. 13, 8, e'|- Hippocr. 6, 342. 7, 348. 428 (Lit.), avmrpoa- Dio Cass. 46, 37 (Dind.), eXdo-o-w, Trap- II. 23, 427, w- Od. 18, 39, Epic eXaw Ap. Rh. 3, 411 (if not pres.), and eXoo> II. 13, 315. Od. 7, 319, Attic f\S> Aesch. Eum. 75; Soph. Aj. 504; Ar. Ran. 203; PI. Theag. 129; Her. i, 207 and always (Bekk. Dind.) ; but Hippocr. see above : aor. fjXao-a II. 5, 584 ; Hes. Th. 291 ; Tyrt. u, 10 ; Pind. N. 10, 70 ; Aesch. Supp. 309 ; Eur. Elec. mo; Her. i, 59(Bekk.); Thuc. i, 126; Xen. Cyr. 4, i, 7, Dor. 3 pi. fXaay, an- Ar. Lys. looi (Enger, Ahrens, and 240 now Dind.), ^Xaa-o-a, - II. u, 562, eXao-a 5, 80 ; Hes. Sc. 3*72 ; Find. Ol. 10, 71, -ao-o-a II. 18, 564, Dor. I pi. eXdo-a^es Plut. Mor. 211, iter. eXdo-ao-nce II. 2, 199; Epic Subj. f\d(T(roiJ.(v, gvv- Od. 1 8, 39, eAdoTjo-tfa, irapfg- II. 23, 344 : p. e'XjjXa/ta Luc. V. H. i, 42 ; Plut. Mor. 1131, an- Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 10, e- Ar. Nub. 828 : pip. f\r)\aKfiv, e- Her. 5, 90: p.p. eX^Xa/zai II. 1 6, 518. Od. 7, 113; Hes. Th. 726; Tyrt. 12, 26; Aesch. Pers. 871 ; Soph. Aj. 275; Her. i, 180. 9, 9, an-- PI. Menex. 238 ; (Dem.) 61, 49, unattic eX^ ao 'A l(U Hippocr. 8, 290. 426 (Lit.); and late Paus. 4, 26, 8 (Schub.), fjKaa-^- Aen. Tact. Excerp. 51 (Herch.): pip. T}\T)\dnT)v II. 5, 400; Hes. Sc. 143, e'XijX- II. 4, 135, air- Her. 7, 205, e'XqAfSaro, -dSaro Od. 7, 86 (others epJ/peSai-o), late T)\d, aw- 2 Mace. 4, 26, see below: aor. r]\ddr]v Aesch. Eum. 283 ; Eur. Heracl. 430 ; Apollod. 3, 10. 2, dTr-qX- Her. 3, 54, - 7t 6 - 4, 145- 5. 42 &c. ; Ap. Rh. 4, 1760 ; Lys. 13, 13 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 15; fXaOeis Ar. Eccl. 4; Dio. Hal. u, 33; fj\dcr0T]v. fXavdds late Anacreont. 52 (Bergk) ; Anth. (Arch. Byz.) 7, 278; Diod. Sic. 20, 51 (Vulg. eXa<9- Bekk. Dind.), -aiaro II. IO, 537 > -aavdpevos Od. 4, 637, fg-fXavdfi- Polyb. 4, 75 ; f\dcra 5> Theocr. 24, 119. We have not seen the mid. in Attic poetry. Vb. eXareos Xen. Eq. 2, 7, e'Xaro'v Aristot. Meteor. 4, 9, 18. 19, ^-//Xaros IL 12, 295, av- Aristot. Meteor. 4, 9. J 7- e'Xdo) Ap. Rh. 3, 411, pres. and imp. rare and Poet. eXd Anth. 14, 14, eX5 Find. N. 3, 74, eXdovo-t Or. Sib. 3, 239 ('- Hes. Op. 224?); f\doifv Opp. C. 4, 72; imper. ?Xa Find. I. 5 (4), 38 ; Eur. Fr. 779 (D.). H. F. 819 ; Anth. 7, 89; in Attic prose, only Xen. am- Cyr. 8, 3, 32 ; part. eXdwi/ Hym. Merc. 342 j Ap. Rh. 2, 80, CUT- Od. 10, 83, eX&vra H. Merc. 355, Dor. eXai/ra, Trap- Theocr. 5, 89, fXdovaa Nonn. Dion. 7, 139 ; Ep. inf. e\dav II. 8, 45 &c. Att. eXa/ Com. Fr. (Canth.) 2, 835 ; Attic prose, only Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 32 (Mss. Dind. Breitb.) : imp. ?X II. 24, 696 &c. see above: fat. c'Xw Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 20 (Dind. Popp. Saupp. -do-w best Mss. Bornem. Breitb.), e'|- Ar. Eq. 365 (Vulg. -'A Pors. Mein. Dind. 5 ed.), irepi- Eq. 290, e'Xas Eur. Bac. 'E Ae-y^w. 241 1334, 3te- Her. 5, 52, AaV r, 77 (Vulg. Schaef. Schweig. Gaisf. but subj. -aViy Mss. M. F. a. c. Wessel. Bekk. Dind. Kriig.), Xfi Soph. O. R. 418 &c. ; Xen. Eq. 3, 9; Dem. 21, 131, e'Xare Ar. Eq. 243, e'Xwo-i Eur. Ale. 951 &c. ; Her. i, 207; Xen. Eq. 3, 9, Epic e'Xo'oo-i see below; inf. e\av Eur. Med. 70 ; Her. 7, 10 ; PI. Theag. 129, Epic e'Xdai> Od. 5, 290; part. e\>v Her. 2, 162 ; Xen. An. i, 8, 10. Cyr. 6, 2, 17, '- Eur. Phoen. 607. e'XoWi Epic 3 pi. pres. Opp. H. 5, 244; e'Xo'wjres Opp. Hal. 2, 548; f\aav pres. inf. Epic for f\av II. 13, 27 : imp. dir-fi\aov used by the Dorian Herald Ar. Lys. 1001 (Vulg. Bekk. Dind. 2 ed.), both Giese and Ahrens think corrupted from oTr-ijAaac (Dind. 5 ed.) 3 pi. aor. for arr-^Xao-aj/ the reading in Ms. A., compare oppaov, tor opfjirjffov, 1247 : eXo'oxrt 3 pi. fut. for (eXntrouTt, -dotxri) e'Aokri II. 13, 315; inf. (Xdav Od. 5, 290?: pass. pres. subj. fXdrjrai Opp. Hal. 2, 14 : fXrjXddaro, -e'Saro (Bekk.) pip. Epic for f\rjj\avTo, Od. 7, 86 : rjXdo-dqv, if not e'X^AaoTxat, seems late, Paus. 4, 26, 8, 6 and always, Bekker, Bredow, Dindorf, Kiiiger adopt from certain Mss. perhaps rightly, an- l^-rfkdBrjv not -datiqv, but Gaisford and Stein follow those Mss. which have the forms with s, dn- f^-rjKda-dr^v. It would appear from this and many other verbs, that the elision of s in the fut. was by no means peculiar to the Attic dialect : drpep-ifa, fut. -ulv Her. 8, 68, 8iKaw, 8iKav I, 97, dno8oKifj.dca, -i/*a I, 199, StaerKtSay 8, 68, - Karayielv I, 86 &C. &C. "EXSojjiai Epic, To desire, II. 5, 481, -Sent Pind. Ol. i, 4, and eVXSo/zui II. 14, 276. Od. 15, 66; Hes. Op. 381, only pres.: and imp. ASd/x^ Ap. Rh. 4, 546 (Facius, Herm. Merk.), e'f\8- Od. 4, 162 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 546 (Vulg.) ; ' B. Saupp. Scheibe) : pip. e'l-eXijXeyKTo Dem. 32, 27 (Bekk. B. Saupp. Bind.): aor. j\eyxdt)v Eur. Hel. 885 (Vulg.); Antiph. 2, 8, 10 ; PL Gorg. 458 ; Dem. 36, 20, ?- Thuc. 3, 64 : fut. fXeyxd^ofjuu Antiph. 2, 8, io ; Isae. 5, 3. 4, 10; Xen. Mem. i, 7, 2. Vb. fXfyicrfov PI. Leg. 905. For e^tytuu Lys. quoted, Reiske has f'leXqXey-, so B. Saupp. Westerm. Scheibe : e^Xty- produced from Dem. 20, 131, as another instance, is no proof; the perf. there is from 'xXeyw, and in the best edit, is properly edited 'eiXey-, and for the pip. form e^XeyKro 32, 27 (Vulg.), the approved reading is t^eX^XeyKro (Bekk. B. Saupp. Dind.) 'E\e\iw To raise the war shout, to shout, Eur. Phoen. 1514 ; Xen. An. i, 8, 18: aor. i/XXt|a Xen. An. 5, 2, 14 (L. Dind. Saupp.); Dem. Phal. 98, eXeX- Callim. Del. 137. Mid. eXeXi- o/u to bewail, -opevT) Eur. Hel. 1 1 1 1 (chor.) ; Ar. Av. 213 (chor.) See dXoXaa>. 'E\eXiu) To turn rapidly, whirl, Epic and Lyric, Find. Ol. 9, 13 : imp. eXeXtf- Nonn. 2, 525, 7/XX- Hesych. : aor. Xaipo|j.cH To deceive, Od. 19, 565 : imp. Xerjpai, aiTarr/a-ai. 'EXi^uu To be quiet, Poet, and Ion. Aesch. Pr. 53 ; Ar. Thesm. 598 ; Dem. (Orac.) 21, 53 ; Her. i, 67 ; Hippocr. 2, 328. 4, 254. 5, 268 (Lit.); Plut. Mor. 275 ; Philostr. V. Apol. 2, 32 : imp. in Epic and Ionic unaugm. fXivvov, f\ti>t- Pind. Fr. 182 (Schneidw.); Her. 8, 71 ; Ap. Rh. i, 862, jpuVii- App. Mithr. 43 (Bekk.), but iter. (XlvfeaKov Ap. Rh. i, 589 : fut. X^O-CD Pind. N. 5, i. I. 2, 46 ; Luc. Lex. 2 : aor. e'XiWo-a Callim. Fr. 248 ; -uo-ai/u Aesch, Pr. 530 (chor.); -vaov Callim. Cer. 48 ; -vo-ai Theocr. io, 51 ; Anth. 5, 237; -co-as Her. 7, 56 ; Ar. An. 3, 15, 8t- Hippocr. 2, 318 (Lit.) Not used in classic Attic prose. There is no ne- cessity for writing (\iw, as i is long ; and none for supposing a pres. e'XiMWw, or a fut. eXti/vo-w Pind. quoted, (c in pres. v in fut. and aor.) EXi(7 Eur. Phoen. 711 ; Anth. 5, 275 : aor. e?Xi|a PL Tim. 73 ; eXi'&u, e- Xen. Cyr. 8, 5, 15 ; eXias II. 23, 466; Eur. Phoen. 1622, <'- Xen. Hell. 4, 3, 18. Ages. 2, ii : p.p. e?Xiy/zi Hes. Th. 791 (butX-Fr. 201); Eur. Fr. 385 (Dind.), ev- PL Conv. 220, dv- (Aeschin.) Epist. 4, 3, irepi- Paus. 6, 19, 5, and late eX^Xiy^wu IO, 17, 6: pip. eiXtxro Eur. H. F. 927, Ion. eV-eiXwcro Paus. 4, 26, 6 : aor. etXt^^j/ Eur. I. T. 444, eXt'x- Anth. 5, 255; fXi X 8fts II. 12, 74; Plut. Mor. 224, Kept- PL Phaed. 112. 113; e\ixdfj" ai Galen 5, 582, - Find. N. I, 43, et'Xi- Nonn. 43, 65; Subj. eXigerai for -qrat, see fut. Vb. e'Xticros Soph. Tr. 12. See etXiWa. Horn, has only eX/o-o-o), iX- is augm.; the Tragedians eXiWw and elXiWw, Her. perhaps eiX- only, which again is exceedingly rare in Attic prose, dv-eiXiTTUv PL Phil. 15 (v. r. tb-fX-), dv-fi\igis Polit. 270. 286. E\icea) To draw, Epic for eXxw, imp. e\Ktov H. 17, 395: fut. e\KT)o-a II. 22, 336: aor. ^X/w/o-a Od. ii, 580, e\K- (La R.) : aor. pass. f\KT)6eis II. 22, 62. "EXKW To draw, II. 24, 52; Pind. P. i, 52; Soph. Ant. 1233; Ar. Pax 470 ; Her. 7, 85 ; PL Rep. 533, later eXucvoo Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 60, if correct (eX/ce Grot. Mein.); Tzetz. Hist. 6; 621 ; imper. eX*ce Aesch. Fr. 276, nap- Od. 21, in ; Epic inf. eXKepevai H. 10, 353, -Kepev 2, l8l ; HeS. Op. 63!, Aeol. -KT)V Sapph. 70: imp. fl\nov Horn. H. Cer. 308; Aesch. Fr. 33; Soph. O. C. 927; Ar. Vesp. 793; Her. 7, 36; Thuc. 4, 14; Lys. i, 12, Horn. eX*- II. 4, 213. Od. 21, 419 and always: fut. eX|o> Aesch. Supp. 909 ; Eur. I. T. 1427 ; Ar. Plut. 955 ; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 440; Aristot. Mechan. 18, 2; Dem. 21, 221, true- PL Theaet. 181, Kad- Ar. Ran. 1398; Dem. 8, 74. Proem. 1455, 48, and eXK&ra> Hippocr. 3, 422. 7, 558 (Lit.); rare and rather late in Attic, Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 58 ; Christ. Pat. 415 Geop. 15, 2, Kad- Luc. D. Deor. 21, i, Trap- Apocr. Sir. 29, 5, dv- Aesop 4 (Tauchn.), ecp- Theod. Prod, i, 278: aor. eThKvo-a Batr. 233; always in Attic, Eur. Phoen. 987; Ar. Nub. 540; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 109; Hippocr. 6, 46; PL Rep. 560; Dem. 22, 59, d Append. Anacreont. 3, 5 (p. 857 Bergk, 1102, 3 ed.), A/7 Oribas. 7, 22; opt. eXe Plotin. 26, 72; imper. eX^art Orph. Arg. 260: p. fl\-e\Kv(rpevr>s Her. 9, 98 (Mss. Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. Kriig. Stein now, Lhardy doubtingly), dvei\K- (Bred. Dietsch, Stein 2 ed. Abicht); so Hippocr. ftX;o>i- 8, 484 (Mss. C. F. I. Aid. Lit.): pip. I\KJ;OTO Hippocr. 5, 178 (Lit.): aor. ftXKva-Srjv Hippocr. 5, 152 (Lit.); eX/cuo-^? Her. i, 140 ; Theophr. H. P. 5, 4, 5, '- Ar. Eccl. 689; -vo-tirjvcu Polyb. 15, 33, late f1\X0n v Ae l- N. A. 4, 16 ; Diog. Laert. 6, 91 ; Philostr. V. Apoll. 359; Galen de Semin. i, 6, 192; Plotin. 26, 76: fut. late Ax^creff^m Galen 3, 533. 805, and Axua^a-o^at late in simple, Lycophr. 358, but vyKu6- Aesch. Sept. 614. Mid. eAo/zat to draw my own, or to myself, II. 17, 136 ; Hermesian. 2, 4; rare in prose Pherecyd. Fr. 33 (Mull.), '<- Lys. i, 13, irpoo-- PL Rep. 439 ; imper. fXnto H. Hym. 7, 26 : imp. eXKo/^i/ II. i, 194. Od. 19, 506, f(f>-ti\K- Polyb. 25, 9; Plut. Pomp. 24: fut. late s, f(f>- Oribas. 6, 10, vv*- Eustath. 3, 4, 4 : aor. Anth. 7, 287, e'0- Hippocr. 9, 226; Aristid. 13, 120; fjim Ar. Ach. H2o; -va-dfifvos Hippocr. 4, 106 (Lit.), -- PL Crat. 407, '$- Plut. Pomp. 79 ; i\Kvaaa-6ai Alex. 51, av- Geop. Proem. 4: and more rarely flX^aro Galen 4, 534. \Tb. fXicrfov PL Rep. 365, f\KviTT(o<:, , on the other hand, they avoided aor. elXa, and used flXitZcra. In old editions of Horn, the imp. of this verb used to have the augment, but late editors, in accordance with the precept of Aristarchus, have dropped it : in Her. again, all Mss. and editors agree in d\Kf 7, 36, dXieov i, 31. 2, 124. 6, 86. 7, 36. 40, varying between fiAxfTo 2, 125 (Mss. S. V. R. Aid. Bekk. Lhardy, Dind. Kriig. Stein) and !X*c- (Mss. F. Schweig. Gaisf.), but perf. ai/-eX(cuo-ju'j/of (all Mss. Gaisf. Bekk. &c.), which Bredow would alter to dv-ft\K-, and Dietsch and others adopt. Besides, tl\Ke is read Horn. H. Merc. 116, eDuc? Cer. 308; and always in Ap. Rh. i, 533. 2, 668. 4, 888 &c. (Merk.) (v). There is no sufficient authority for v in fut. and aor. ftXidjvt old reading Od. ii, 580, has been altered to eXjojo-e (La Roche), ^EXTTW. 245 (Bekk., see Galen 5, 342), cXfcvow Her. 7, 167, to eXiciW, IXicva-avTfs Ap. Rh. i, 955, to ocXco-aires from Mss. and the Schol., and eA-ncv Ar. Av. 1281, (fjirjSifrv Her. 8, 30. 73. 9, 17 : e'/ujSurc 8, 112. 9, 31. 87, e^iXiWifoi/ Dem. 58, 37. 'EXma> To hope, Emped. 46 (Stein) ; Aesch. Sept. 589 ; Her. 8, 60 ; Thuc. 3, 30 ; Andoc. 3, 27 ; Lys. 3, 2 ; PL Rep. 427 : imp. 77X71-- Her. 7, 168; Antiph. 2, a, 7 ; Thuc. 4, 43; Isocr. 7, 22, iter. late en-(\m& simple or comp. in any of their works. The equivalents are n\r]pa)df)a-(crdai t\ni- 8os PL Rep. 494, enn\rjo-6nfvcs eX-niSos App. Syr. 7. "EXiru Epic, To cause to hope, only 3 sing. OXirei Od. 2, 91. 13, 380; (Hesych. has eVXn-ot/wi/) : 2 p. as pres. eoXn-a I hope, only indie, sing. II. 22, 216. Od. 5, 379. H. Cer. 227; Hes. Op. 273; Ap. Rh. 2, 147 ; Mosch. 4, 55, -as II. 21, 583, -* Od. 21 317 : 2 pip. as imp. fa>\irt<.v usu. 3 sing. - Od. 21, 96 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 370; Theocr. 25, 115. Mid. ^770/^01 io hope, Epic and Ion. 11. 13, 309. 18, 194 ; Pind. N. 6, 27 ; Theocr. 7, 31 ; Her. 2, 43. 6, 109, 2 sing. eXireai II. 9, 40; Pind. Fr. 2, 9, Epic 11. 13, 813; opt. f(\iroiu.r}v 8, 196, eXTT- 21, 605; subj. Od. 6, 297; imper. fXnto II. 20, 201; Theogn. 47; 18, 260; Her. 7, 218, r- Aesch. Ag. 1031 (chor.): 246 ' imp. fj^TTOfjirjv augm. in Horn, only Od. 9, 419 (Wolf, Bekk. Dind. La R.) ; Find. P. 4, 243; Anth. 7, 711. 8, 186; Orph. Arg. 1363; (Luc.) D. Syr. 22 (Dind.), f\-rr6^v II. 12, 261. 17, 404. Od. 3, 275, and eeXrr- II. 12, 407. 13, 8 ; Orph. Arg. 536. Vb. a-e\nros Archil. 74, i ; Soph. Aj. 648, em- Archil. 74, 5. Xjrt( is the Attic form. ), see fpxf*(u* , see ep^o^iat. (*EXua>) To roll, Epic and only 2 aor. pass. eKva-drjv was rolled, compressed, II. 23, 393; chvardds Od. 9, 433; Archil. Fr. 103 (Bergk); Ap. Rh. i, 1034; Opp. Hal. 2, 89. See etAvo>. ), see fiX&>. To take, see alpta. s Efipipdw, see ftdfa. 'EjjLf3pip.aop.ai, see /3/n/z-. 'EjAe'u To vomit, -ffi Hippocr. 7, 10, epovai, /ear- Ar. Fr. 207 (D.); imper. e/* Com. Fr. (Phryn.) 2, 604; fpeav II. 15, n, ->v Aesch. Ag. 1599; tpfiv Com. Fr. (Nicoph.) 2, 850; PI. Phaedr. 268 : imp. ffpavv Ar. Fr. 130 (D.); Xen. An. 4, 8, 20, -( Her. 7, 88 : fut. Attic rare f^S>, W- Com. Fr. (Polyz.) 2, 868, Ion. eX " Hippocr. 7, 28. 8, 16 (Lit.), '- D. Laert. 6, 2, 47, o-vie- Geop. 19, 7 : mid. e'/iov^ai Aesch. Eum. 730, and Ion. ffifoftai Hippocr. 2, 184. 6, 42 (fpevfTai Galen quotes): aor. rjiifva Hippocr. 2, 696. 7, 194 (Lit.); Luc. Herm. u, e'- Ar. Ach. 6, e^ecrtra, QTT- II. 14, 437 ; e/xeVo) Plut. Mor. 8oi, (- Ar. Ach. 586, inrep- Hippocr. 7, 12; opt. e'-/ie to cut out, a. suitable sense enough, if that sense suit the Myth. Nor is it quite free from suspicion in Hippocrates, for though vrrep-(fj.f)(rr), -f/iijcmf, -e/iijo-ai, -e/i^o-a? occur vol. 7> IO - 3- 32 (Lit.), yet we have inrtp- ^ecr late Geop. 2, 49, reg. : p.p. efjnrfno8iarfj.evos Aesch. Pr. 550: fiit. late fUTrodio-OTjvopai Galen 10, 765; Oribas. 7, 23; Porphyr. de Abst. i, 17: and as pass. fut. mid. -iroSi Stob. (Antip.) 67, 25, both missed by Lexicogr. Mid. di'ferai Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 57. 'EfjnroXdw To traffic, gain by, Soph. Ant. 1037 : imp. Ar. Vesp. 444, d?r- Eur. Tr. 973. Ion 1371 : fat. Soph. Ant. 1063: aor. eVen-oXijo-a Isae. n, 43 (Dobr. B. Saupp. Scheibe), eVerrcbX- (Bekk.), but aTr-^n-oX- Luc. Merc. Con. 24 (Fritz.); Apollod. 3, 6, 4, air-ip- (Bekk.) ; e/iTroX^o-ar Soph. O. R. 1025 ; Ar. Pax 563 : p. $p*&iftti Soph. Aj. 978 ; Ar. Pax 367, dTT-ij/iTT- Luc. Merc. Con. 24 quoted (Dind. Jacob.), but ^wen-ox??*- Catapl. i (Dind. Jacob.); -TJKVS Aesch. Eum. 631 : p. p. wtTTo'Xrjfuu Philostr. 7, 288, ?- Soph. Ant. 1036, air- Luc. Merc. Con. 23, Ion. eVwroXt^eW, '^- Her. i, i : aor. (rjp.iro\rj6r]v), fp.iro\r)6fis Soph. Tr. 250. Mid. to amass by traffic, only e/roXdu>im> Od. 15, 456. The form e/in-oXeo) is 248 'E/ATTOjOeuo/xcu 'Ej/aiT/oo/xcu late, Tzetz. Hist, i, 821 &c. cwr-f/MroXel D. Hal. Ant. 7, 63, ajj-f/iTroXetrai Strab. 3, 2, 4. 'E(jnrop6uojj.ai, see iropeiiofiai. 'Ep.TrpT)9to, e|nuirpT][U, efnrnrpaw, see irtpirprjiu. EfJic^opea), see . 'Ei'-ayicaXiiofiai, see dy/taX-. 'Evatpw To &'//, Poet. II. 8, 296 ; Eur. Ion 191. 218 (chor.); tvaipe II. IO, 481 ; -aipav II. 21, 26 ; Soph. Ph. 946; -eiv II. 2O, 96, -e/zev 13, 338 : imp. tvaiptv Find. N. 3, 47 ; Eur. Hipp. 1129 (chor.) ; Q. Sm. i, 395 : 1 aor. rare and late "?/>, KOT- Orph. Arg. 669: 2 aor. fjvapov Eur. Andr. 1182 (chor.), KOT- Soph. Ant. 871 (chor.); Callim. Apol. 100, and Zvapov Find. N. 10, 15; Eur. Supp. 821 (hexam.); evapelv, '- Hes. Sc. 329. Mid. tvaipo/jiai Epic as act. evatpto Od. 19, 263; -6fj.fvos II. 16, 92 : aor. Epic eVijpa/uji/ 5, 59. Od. 24, 424; Hes. Th. 316, *ar- Od. ii, 519; Opp. Hal. 2, 505; Anth. App. Epigr. 306. Pass, evaipnfuu to be destroyed, Soph. O. C. 842 : imp. fjvaip- Aesch. Sept. 811; -opevos Orph. L. 229. 551. ('vaipepfv Epic inf. pres. act. II. 24, 244. Act. Epic and Trag. Mid. Epic. Pass. Trag. and late Epic. We have never seen simple or comp. in prose or Com. poetry. This verb seems rather allied to ei/epoi than compounded of eW/pw (Buttm.) Hence augm. on initial syllable, imp. rjvmpov, 2 aor. with and without augm. fjvapov, fvap-, 1 aor. act. and mid. always without, KOT- fvript, fvrjparo, Kar-evfip-, in which ; is no augment, but the mere lengthened form of the penult, common to all liquid verbs. 'Evairioo/Acu To oppose, Andoc. 3, i ; PI. Apol. 31 ; Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 39; Dem. 16, 24; -ovaBat Thuc. 4, 65; -ovpevos Soph. Ph. 643, Ion. -evptvos Her. 7, 49 : imp. rivavnov^v Her. i, 76 ; Thuc. 6, 89 ; Andoc. 2, 4; Isocr. 19, 14 : fut. eVafrt&xro/MM Aesch. Pr. 786; Eur. Ale. 152; Ar. Pax 1049; Hippocr. 6, 2. 7, 606; Thuc. 4, 85 ; Lys. 13, 17 : p. rjvavTip.ai. Thuc. 2, 40; PI. Apol. 40; Dinarch. i, 61 ; Dem. 18, 293. 19, 205; Ar. Av. 385 (Br. Bekk. &c.), tvrjvr- (Pors. Dind. Bergk, Mein.) : aor. j)vavriu>6i]v Andoc. i, 67 ; Xen. Mem. 4, 8, 5 ; PI. Apol. 32. 40; -udqvai Her. 7, 10 (4); Thuc. i, 136: later fut. p. as mid. fvavriudfjaofiai Dio. Hal. 4, 51; Diod. Sic. 3, 6 (Vulg. Bekk. -wo-o/wu Dind.); Luc. Navig. 32 (Vulg. Jacobitz), tvavria drjaopfvos (Cobet, Dind. tlOZU, FritZSChe). Vb. evavTicariov Aristot. Top. 8, 9. Dep. with fut. m. and aor. pass, in the classic period, later fut. pass, as mid. : aor. mid. we have not seen : and augments almost always prep, ^v-avr- instead of simple verb eV-ijir- ; but f]vdvr- is inadmissible, Ar. Av. 385 quoted metro repugnante. 249 *Erapi<> To slay, spoil, Poet. -i'foi II. r, 191 (Bekk. LaRoche, see fut.); -ifowll. 21, 224; Hes. Sc. 194; but fg-fvapi&is, II. 16, 850: imp. qwipifoi/ Aesch. Ag. 1644, tvdp- II. 16, 731, in anastrophe 12, 195: fut. evapiga, -j'oi II. i, 191 ? (Wolf, -t'fot Bekk. Bind.), -i'ei Or. Sib. 5, 133, e|- II. 20, 339 (Bekk. Dind. La Roche): aor. evapi^a II. 22, 323 ; Find. N. 6, 52 (Bergk, Momms.), eg-tvap- Hes. Th. 289 ; Ap. Rh. i, 92 ; imper. fn-fvdptgov Soph. O. C. 1733 chor. (Elms. Dind. &c. evdpig- Vulg.), later rjvdpiga Lycophr. 486, and ^dpio-a Anacr. Epigr. 100 (Bergk): p.p. TjvaptcrfjLai, /car- Soph. Aj. 26 : aor. rjvapio-drjv, an- Hipponax 42, KOT- Aesch. Ch. 347 (chor.) : pres. -tfo'/xevo? Soph. Tr. 94. Mid. late, fut. (vapigfrai trans. Or. Sib. 3, 468 : aor. hapl^aro Opp. Cyn. 2, 20; but -iaaadai, oTrXiaaa-dai (Hesych.) Lexicogr. have missed the mid. 'Efao-Ke'w To work in, practise, train, late, aor. -fja-as Plut. Alex. 17 ; intrans. Polyb. i, 63 : p.p. ei/f/ovoj/wi Joseph. 3, 7. 5 : aor. -r]- Ap. Rh. i, 664, all Epic, and used both as pres. and past. The early Epics used this verb of space II. 2, 219. 10, 134. Od. 8, 365 &c., the later of time, lie on, intervene, Ap. Rh. 4, 276, but we should not from this feel warranted to infer 250 that ' the later Epic writers appear to have misunderstood the Homeric acceptation of nty^woSa.' It has been said that ' the compound with KOTO, has the same meaning as the other (firevrj- vo8a), and seems to have been assumed for the sake of the metre.' This is curiously incorrect. We venture to say that, on a careful examination, it will be found that the two compounds are in every instance purposely used in their distinctive meanings, and that as in no instance is Karf^vode demanded on metrical grounds it does not appear how it could be ' assumed for the sake of the metre/ It is joined with a plural KO/XCU Karevrjvo6(v H. Cer. 279. 'Ece'-n-u To say, Poet. Eur. Elec. 144 (chor.); Ap. Rh. 4, 985, -tis Nonn. D. 4, 47. 46, 38, -enet Find. N. 3, 75, -eVouo-i Eur. I. A. 177 (chor.); Ap. Rh. i, 26. 2, 905; Nic. Ther. TO, Dor. -eVoio-i Find. N. 6, 61; subj. eveiro Com. Fr. (Axion.) 3, 531 (lyr.) ; opt. ewrotju Od. 17, 561 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 1059, -01 Find. 01. 8, 82; Ap. Rh. 4, 1388; fv(iriv Eur. Rhes. 14 (chor.); evftrav II. n, 643. Od. 24, 414; Hes. Op. 262, and ewetr^ Aesch. Ag. 247 ; Soph. El. 1367 ; subj. -eVw Aesch. Supp. 930; -etrois Soph. Tr. 630; Horn, only imper. and imp. eWen-c II. 2, 761. Od. I, I ; Ap. Rh. 4, 2 ; Soph. O. C. 32, pi. tVi/eVere Hes. Op. 2 ; part eW^-ow Hes. Op. 262 ; Find. N. 7, 69 ; Soph. O. R. 1381, fern. Dor. fwfiroura Find. I. 8, 46 ; ewiTTfiv Soph. Tr. 402, rare ewrra>, -TTTWV, Find. P. 4, 20 1 ; Aesch. Ag. 590, late ei/iWw Orph. Arg. 855, -io-nei Dion. Per. 391, all Poet. : imp. evenov Find. N. i, 69, ewf-Kov II. 8, 412. Horn. H. 19, 29; Find. Ol. i, 47. N. 10, 79 ; Theocr. 20, 2 (rjvfn- Find, quoted, Bergk 3 ed., so irpovty- P. 4, 97. 9, 29) : fut. cvtya> II. 7, 447. Od. 2, 137, and eVto-THjo-co Od. 5, 98: 1 aor. late (eW\jm), subj. fvfya> (Theocr.) 27, 10. 38, fvfyn Nonn. Metaphr. Joan. 9, 22; tvfyai 9, 23. Dion. IO, 2OI. 46, 44: 2 aor. eviairov II. 2, 80. 24, 388; ei/to-TTQ) ii, 839. Od. 9, 37; o>iWoi/M II. 14, 107. Od. 4, 317 ; imper. ewWe? II. n, 186. 14, 470. Od. 3, 101. 4, 314, and evurne 4, 642; Ap. Rh. 3, i (-es Merk.); Theocr. 25, 34; Aesch. Supp. 603; (VHTTrnv Od. 4, 324; Hes. Th. 369 (Eur. Supp. 435), Epic -KnrepfvOd. 3,93 (Bekk.),-eti'(Vulg. Dind.LaR.) Vb. a-cnrfTos II. n, 704. Soph. Tr. 961. The Tragedians (Aesch. Soph, always) use eweVw Aesch. Ag. 247. Ch. 550 &c. ; Soph. O. C. 412. Aj. 764 &c. ; Eur. Ale. 1154. Supp. 610 &c. never imperfect; ei/eVo) (single v) in anapaests only and lyric passages, Eur. Hipp. 572. 580. Elec. 144 &c. never imperfect. Brunck would seem, therefore, to have erred in editing Trpoweira> for irpovw- in a trimeter, and against the older Mss. Soph. Tr. 227. eviiTTa say, to be distinguished from win chide. 251 , see ?x. f Evr\voQa, see evfda. c, see cp^ojuat. 70 consider, Aesch. Eum. 222 ; Hippocr. i, 241. 278 (Erm.); Antiph. 5, 6; Thuc. i, 120; Lys. 10, 30; -oi^eda Simon. Am. 2 : imp. eixdvpovp.^ Thuc. 7, 18 ; Isocr. 15, 6 : fut. ev6vfj.fia-ofi.ai Lys. 12, 45 : (no mid. aor.) : p. eWetfu/i^ai Thuc. i, 1 20 ; Xen. An. 3, i, 43 ; but pass. Ar. Eccl. 262 ; PI. Crat. 404 : pip. (i>fTf6vp.r]To Lys. 12, 70, evredvfj.- Joseph. Ant. 14, 13, 8 : aor. eveQv^Q^v Ar. Ran. 40; Hippocr. 2, 142 (Erm.); Thuc. 2, 60; Xen. Hell. 4, 3, 13 ; Lys. 31, 27 ; Dem. 24, 122 : fut. p. late ev6vfj.rj6ri, -iWwv II. 22, 497. 24, 238 ; Epic inf. -i.a-crefj.ev II. 15, 198 : imp. evicr- ITOV, -opd/ Od. 24, 161 (Wolf, Bekk. Dind.), late evimov Nic. Ther. 347 : 2 aor. (CMWOTOV v. r. II. 15, 546 &c.) fvfvto-rrov (v. r. II. 23, 473 &c.) perhaps rather uncertain even late, Q. Sm. 2, 430. 4, 302. 5, 237 (Lehrs, fvevnr- Koechly). 10, 26 (Lehrs, and, perhaps by mistake, Koechly), also evevlnov II. 15, 546. 16, 626. 23, 473, and r)vinairov 2, 245. Od. 20, 303. Werneke, Butt- mann, Bekker, Spitzner discard from Horn, the forms cvtvurirov, tvevinrov. Q. Sm. has fvevunrov often, 2, 430. 5, 237 &C (Vulg. Lehrs), Koechly always evevlrrov, except 10, 26, -to-n-e perhaps unintentionally; Tryphiod. 419 (Wern.) 'Eciffiru say, late in pres. Nic. Ther. 522 ; Dion. Per. 391 ; at Orph. Arg. 855, it may be subj. aor. See eWn 'EtaWw, see eV/T , see eVe , see vof li/kiju, Poet, eicud) To clothe another, simple pres. not used, see a/x II. 14, 178, Ion. or without elision of prep. eVi-fo-d/i- Xen. Cyr. 6, 4, 6, eo-o-awv II. 14, 350; Find. P. 4, 204, eV-fo-o-- Anth. 7, 446, e'0- Ap. Rh. r, 1326, and ffaa-dfj.- II. IO, 23: p. flfiai Od. 19, 72, mii II, 191, and ecrfuu, fo-aai Od. 24, 250, ea-rai Ion. eW-eorai Her. i, 47 (Orac.) : pip. co-prjv, etrcro II. 3, 57. Od. l6, 199, eoro II. 23, 67. Od. 24, 227, 3 dual fo6i)v II. l8, 517, 3 pi. eturo II. 18, 596, and e'eV/x-, eeoro II. 12, 464 (tFTTo Bekk.). Horn. H. 4, 86 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 1225 ; d^evcs II. 20, 381. Od. 15, 331 ; Soph. O. C. 1701 (chor.); Eur. Tr. 496 (trimet.); Ion. Kara-ei/xeVos Od. 13. 351, eVt-ftfx- II. 7, 164. Epic and Ion. fivvpi, eV-etWo-^nt Her. 4, 64; (ii>vo>, KOTO- fiwov II. 23, 135 (Vulg.), where however Bekker, Dindorf, La Roche, after Aristarchus, read Karafiwa-av ; but Kar-dwov Opp. Hal. 2, 673. The perf. tlfiai, tlrai, and 3 pi. pip. flaro for flvro, alone take the temporal augment. This verb seems to have been digammated (Ffo>) Fea-a-a, Ffipai, Fduro (Bekk. 1859), com- pare vestio. The simple verb is mostly Epic, twice only, we think, in Attic poetry, Soph, and Eur. quoted : the prose form is iifJL(pifvvvfji, 'EcoxX&> To harass, Ar. Eccl. 303 ; Lys. 8, 4 ; Dem. 18, 4 (B.); PI. Alcib. (i.) 104; -0^X3 Xen. Mem. 3, 8, 2 : imp. rjixa- x \(ov Hippocr. 3, 94 (Lit.), -ow Isocr. 5, 53 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 56; Aeschin. i, 58; Dem. 48, 19: fut. fVoxX^o-o) Anth. n, 126; Isocr. 15, 153; Dem. 58, 68; Luc. Tim. 34: fjvax^a-a Dem. 19, 206. 43, 20; -fja-eif Isocr. 5, 59: p. ^c&>xX'?* a Dem. 21, 4 : p.p. t]i>tox^wai, Trap- Dem. 18, 50 : aor. f)vX- (Ven. Mein.), fVoj^'XetTo Aeschin. 3, 34 (Ms. c. d. k. 1.), ^o^X- (Vulg. B. Saupp.), jji/w^X- (Mss. Bekk. Franke) &c. The metre requires ewo^Xew Theocr. 29 (30), 36, and Hermann, Meineke, Ahrens, Ziegler so write it, Ifo^X- Fritzsche. To enjoin, Poet, in act. Soph. Fr, 252 : aor. 253 Find. Ol. 7, 40. Generally Dep. m. eVTeXXo/ww as act. Her. 4, 9. 94 ; PI. Prot. 325 : imp. eWeXX- Her. i, 90. 3, 16 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 2, Ion. 2 sing. ei/ereXXfo Her. i, 117 : fut. late fvTfXov^ai Schol. II. 24, 117 ; V. T. Esai. 13, n : aor. cm-ftXd/^ir Her. i, 156; Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 12; (Luc.) Philoptr. 13; -Xa>/xai Luc. D. Mort. i, 2 ; -dpwos Her. r, 117 ; -aaAu 2, 121 ; Xen. An. 5, i, 13: p. 6/r'raX/*at usu. pass. -raX/Va Soph. Fr. 411 (Dind.); Eur. Phoen. 1648 ; Her. 6, 106 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 5, 3 ; act. Polyb. 17, 2 (Bekk. 18 Dind.) : pip. ej/rmiXro pass. Her. 5, 2. 'ErrpoTTaXioneu To /wr often back, only part, -o'/uecor II. 6, 496. n, 547. 21, 492 ; late Epic Ap. Rh. 3, 1222 ; Q. Sm. 12, 583; and late prose Plut. Mor. 449. 'En-uu To prepare (i5), Poet, and unaugra. Theogn. 196; imper. ei/rue Anth. 10, 118, eV- II. 8, 374: imp. evrvov\\. 5, 720 ; Pind. N. 9, 36 ; Mosch. 2, 164, but evrvvu has u Anth. 9, 624; -ovwi/ Ap. Rh. 3, 737; Orph. Arg. 792; Opp. Hal. 4, 440 : imp. tvrvvov II. 9, 203. Od. 12, 183 ; Pind. P. 4, 181, iter. e Ap. Rh. 3,40: fut.- vvS> Lycophr. 734 : aor. fvrvva, imper. Eur. Hipp. 1183 (trimet.) ; -vvaa-a II. 14, 162. Mid. i Ap. Rh. 4, 1191 ; Opp. Hal. i, 580, eV- Od. 24, 89 ; Mosch. 2, 30 (Mein.) ; -rvvecrde Callim. Ap. 8 ; -rvvn^evos Od. 17, 182 : imp. evT-ovovTo II. 24, 124. Od. 16, 2 : aor. evrvvd- (JLrjv, Tvvw/jitda Od. 17, I75> Epic 2 Sing, -rvvtai 6, 33 J -rvvain Ap. Rh. 3, 510, -euro 3, 293; -aa^at Hes. Op. 632; Ap. Rh. i, 1189; -dfievos Od. 12, l8; Ap. Rh. I, 396. Pass, evrvvovrai Ap. Rh. i, 235. This verb is chiefly Epic, once only in Attic poetry, Eur. quoted. 'Efuimdw To dream, rare in act. Aristot. H. A. 4, 10, 13; v. r. Hippocr. i, 594 (Lit.) Mid. -do/iai Hippocr. i, 594 ; Plut. Brut. 24. Cat. maj. 23 ; V. T. Deut. 13, 5. Esai. 29, 8 : aor. both frmmavqpjpr Gen. 37, 9. Jud. 7, 13 (v. r. ^v-), TJVVTT- Jer. 23, 25 (v. r. ei/un--): and ev\mviaa6r)v Gen. 28, 12. 37, 5. 6. 41, 5. Dan. 2, r, r^wn- 3 : but fut. -ao-^o-o^at Joel 2, 28. 'E|aKe'aas, see dxeofiai. see dv8pair-. To deceive, Her. i, 90 ; Hippocr. 6, 496 ; Antiph. 5, 91 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 5, 13, Dor. 3 pi. -aTrarwwi Pind. Ol. i, 29 : imp. -rjnaTav Ar. Eq. 418, iter. -airdraa-Kov Pax 1070 (hexam.) : fut. -170-0) II. 9, 371 ; Lys. 4, 14: aor. -jjTrdrqo-a Ar. Eccl. 949 ; Her. 9, 116 ; PI. Meno 80, -an-ar^o-a II. 22, 299 ; -ijo-a? Andoc. 3, 33; -f/erat Od. 13, 277; Andoc. 3, 34: p. -rjndrrjKa Her. 6, 2; PL Prot. 342 &c. reg. : except fut. mid. -aTrarr/o-o^at as pass. Xen. An. 7, 3, 3 : with fut. p. -an-aT^o-cpu PI. Crat. 436. Gorg. 499. Mid. f'lan-arw/iot seems doubtful, -arcu Hippocr. i, 572 (Lit. 254 -oTTara Ermerins) ; PL Crat. 439 (2 Mss. Stallb., a-nara Vulg. Bekk. B. O. W. Herm.) ; so Aristot. Probl. 29, 6 (Mss. Vulg. djrara Bekk.) *E|api6|jie(i), see dpid-. 'E^apke'ofxai. see dpveofjiai. 'E|eTdw To investigate, Xen. Mem. 2, 2, 13; PI. Prot. 333; Aeschin. i, 195; -erd&s Isocr. 5, 29; imper. egerae Soph. Aj. 586 ; -a&iv Her. 3, 62 ; Isocr. 3, 17 : imp. fgfjra&v Thuc. 2, 7 ; Isocr. 15, 141 : fut. e'era, though he seemingly uses the simple merely for an etymological illustration. How squares the elision of s with Cobet's and J. Word.'s rule ? 'E6\T)T(H, |6\T)TO, 566 etXfG). 'EopTd(i> To keep a festival, Thuc. 3, 3 ; Arr. Cyn. 34 ; -rdfy Eur. I. T. 1458, Ion. oprdfa Her. 2, 60: imp. (a>praov Isocr. 19, 40, Ion. Spra^ov Her. 9, 7 : fut. late eoprao-ca Alciphr. 3, 18; Luc. Mer. C. 16 ; Dio Cass. 47, 13 ; (Her.) V. Horn. 29 : aor. fatpraaa Dio Cass. 48, 34. 60, 17 (Bekk.); inf. eoprdacu Ar. Ach. 1079 ; PL Rep. 458 ; oprdaas Her. 7, 206 : p. (e'd>pra*a) : pip. St- fcapraKfi Dio CaSS. 47, 2O : aor. p. eaprdadrjit 56, 24, 8t- 51, 21. 'Eiraivdu To approve, II. 4, 29 ; Aesch. Sept. 596 ; Soph. O. C. 665; Her. 6, 130; Antiph. 3, d, 8; Thuc. 2, 35; Andoc. 3, 33; Xen. An. 3, i, 45; Isocr. n, 30 (Lacon. -aww Ar. Lys. 198, Aeol. -au/7?/u Simonid. C. 5, 19), 3 pi. Dor. -eWt Pind. P. 5, 107 (Bergk 3 ed.) : imp. fu^vtov II. 4, 380 ; Eur. Or. 902 ; Isocr. 12, 264, -vei PL Rep. 582, Ion. VaiW Her. 3, 34. 7, 116 : fut. (Traivfva Simon. Am. 7, 29 (Bergk); Aesch. Eum. 836; co *J?nravpep6>ara Lys. 2, 70; Dinarch. i, 96, a-w- Dem. 10, 34, late eir-av- Eunap. Fr. 23 (L. Dind.) : (p. a.) : p. p. eirr)v that doubles the augment. See dvopdaat. 'Eiraupcu and 'EiraupuTKu To enjoy, Epic and Lyric, both rare, -pet Hes. Op. 419, -I'O-KOUCTI Theogn. m: 2 aor. Dor. fnavpov Pind. P. 3, 36; Subj. enavpa, -ys Od. l8, 107, -rj II. 13, 649; II. 15, 316. 23, 340, and fnavptpff II. iS, 302. Od. 256 'lEtTreiyw 'E7n/3ovAeu&j. 17, 8 1. Mid. fTravpio-KOfjiai. to reap good or ill, enjoy, in poetry and prose, II. 13, 733 ; Hippocr. 7, 488 (Lit.); Democr. p. 166 (Mull.); Themist. 21, 254, eVaupo/xat ? -avptaQai Ap. Rh. i, 1275 (Well. Merk. but -ta-dat Ms. G.) : fut. ravpijj> PI. Leg. 887 ; Luc. Jup. Tr. 41 : imp. rjiifiyov Pind. Ol. 8, 47; Soph. Ph. 499, *ar- Thuc. i, 61, Horn. always ry- Od. 12, 205: fut. (e7rei&>) : aor. fjiTfiga perhaps late (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 380 (Lit.) ; Alciphr. 2, 3 ; Plut. Pomp. 21, KO.T- Sert. 19. Agis 19. Brut. 8: p.p. jJTreiy/xcu Aristid. 15, 231; Galen 6, 177; Theod. Prod. 5, 317: aor. fjmixdriv as mid. Thuc. i, 80 ; Isocr. 4, 87 ; PI. Leg. 887; eW^s Her. 8, 68. Mid. eneiyopai to haste, Aesch. Ch. 660 ; Eur. Ion 1258; Ar. Ach. 1070; Her. 4, 139; Thuc. 3, 2; PI. Rep. 517; -o>/uii (PI.) Ax. 364; imper. lireiyov Soph. Fr. 690; PL Phaed. 116, eTreiytV&a II. 2, 354 ; -opfvos II. 23, 437 ', Pind. P. 4,34; Her. 6, 112; Antiph. 5, 94; -ecrQat Eur. Ale. 1152; PI. Leg. 965: imp. ^Tmyo'/ij;!' Eur. Hipp. 1185; Her. 8, 18; Thuc. 4, 4. 5 ; Aeschin. i, 96, fVeiy- II. 5, 622 ; Hes. Sc. 21 ; Her. 4, 98 (Gaisf. Stein, fjneiy- Bekk. Dind. Dietsch) : fut. eVe^o^at Aesch. Pr. 52; Ar. Eccl. 43; Aristot. Prob. 18, 6, 2. Occa- sionally as act. urge on, eireiyovrai TTJV TrapacrKevrjv Thuc. 3, 2 &C. ; -ofifvoi Od. 2, 97. The act., again, is sometimes used as mid. enfiye Soph. El. 1435 ; Ar. Pax 943 &C. ^Tb.enfiKTfov PI. Leg. 687. KaT-rnfiya> is more frequent in Attic prose, but confined, we think, in the classic period, to pres. PL Theaet. 187, and imp. act. KaT-f]niyon Thuc. i, 61 : mid. Karen-ayo/ieu Alciphr. 3, 51^ Polyb. 5, 37, io. 'ETrenl]i'00e, see (ei/^w.) 'EiripouXeuoj To plan against, Soph. O. R. 618 ; Her. 3, 122 ; Antiph. 2, a, 2 ; PL Rep. 565 : imp. eVe/3ouX- Antiph. 5, 62 ; Thuc. 2, 5 : aor. -e/3ovAfi/o-a Antiph. 2, y, 3 : -fwa Isocr. 18, 51 : reg. except having fut. mid. -eucro/*ai pass. Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 34. 6, i, io : with fut. pass, -evfycropai late Dio Cass. 52, 33 ; Epist. 257 Phal. 122 (Herch.) : aor. p. -f3ov\fvdr]v Antiph. 4, , 5 ; Andoc. i, 117; but -tvdrjvai as act. Dio Cass. 59, 26, which, though altered by Bekker and L. Dind. to aor. act. -evo-ai, seems to derive some support from the simple form ffiovXrudrjv being used actively Dio Hal. Excerp. 15, 7 (15, 6, 7 Kiessl.) On the other hand, Dio Cass. uses fir(^ov\ev6r]v passively 55, 18. 56, 40. 57> J 9- 59> l6 - 22. 27. 66, 16 and always, unless 59, 26 is to be excepted. 'EmSe'pKO), see SepKopat. 'Em-eWufu, see evvvfjii. 'EmGujieu 70 desire, Aesch. Ag. 215 ; Hippocr. 2, 24 (Erm.); Thuc. 4, 1 08 ; Isae. 3, 8 : imp. fir-e6vfi.fi PI. Conv. 192, -/xee Her. 3, 120: fut. -f)o-a> Ar. Eccl. 804 ; Thuc. 4, 117 : aor. eV- fdvfjLijfra Her. i, 201; Andoc. 3, 3; Isocr. 15, 19 &c. : act. complete and reg. in Attic poetry, Ionic and Attic prose : of pass, we think the pres. alone classic PI. Phil. 35 : aor. -rj6eis late, Diod. Sic. Fr. 37, (40 Bekk.) : no mid., whereas eV- and Trpo-dvfj,- have no act. 'EmXyu>, see Xe'yeu. 'ErnXoyi^ofxai To think on, consider, (PI.) Ax. 365 : fat. -lovpai (PI.) Ax. 365: aor. in Attic -eXoyio-d/ii;)/ Xen. Hell. 7, 5, 16 (Vulg. Breitb. Saupp. w- Schneid. Cob. L. Dind.); (Dem.) 44, 34 : in Ion. -XoyLcr6r)v Her. 7, 177 (though o-uXXoyuraiT-o 2, 148, TTpoa-- 5, 54): p. late -XeXdyio-^ai Dio. Hal. 3, 15. Vb. riXo- yta-Tf'ov Plut. Mor. 40. 'EmjieXofiai To care for, Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 3. 8, 8, 8 ; Isocr. 19, 49 (Bekk. B. Saupp. -ovfiai Scheibe) ; PL Leg. 905 (Bekk. -ovfiai B. O. W. Herm.); -\ta6cu. Her. i, 98; Xen. Cyr. 8, i, 13 (Dind. Saupp.) ; -Xo'^f^os Thuc. 7, 39 ; Xen. Mem. 2, 7, 8 : imp. firffteXfTo Her. 2, 174, -Xoiro Thuc. 6, 54 ; Xen. An. 4, 2, 26; PL Gorg. 516 ; Lys. 14, 14, and emfAeX^opu Eur. Phoen. 556; Ar. Vesp. 154; Lys. 7, 7; Isae. n, 39; PL Prot. 325; -eXotro Xen. Hell. 6, i, 9 (Vulg. Saupp. Cob. -eXon-o Dind. 3 ed.) ; -Xftff&u Antiph. 6, 12; Thuc. 4, 118. 6, 91; Andoc. 4, i; Lys. 19, 18; Isae. 3, 69. 6, 20; Xen. An. 5, 3, i. Hell, i, i, 22. 6, 2, 4 (Dind. Cob. Saupp.). Cyr. 8, i, 13 (Popp. Saupp.); Isocr. 17, 3. 14, 19; -ovp-vos Andoc. 4, I : imp. eVe/iieXeiro Thuc. 7, 8; Xen. An. i, i, 5. Mem. 2, 9, 4 (-X-o Dind.); Lys. 13, 32 ; Isae. i, 12 ; Lycurg. 44 : whence fut. eVt^eXTjo-o/xat Her. 5, 29 ; Thuc. 3, 25 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 22 ; PI. Rep. 460. 589. Gorg. 515. Leg. 766 and always ; Lys. 21, 13; Isocr. 19, 35 ; Aeschin. i, 10 : (aor. mid. unclassic) : p. p. (Tnp.(/j.f\T][j.ai rare Thuc. 6, 41 : aor. cW/icXqdqv Lys. 6, 40; Isocr. 4, 38 ; Isae. 3, 7 1 > Dem. 27, 19; -r)6f)vai Her. 8, 109; Thuc. 4, 2; Lys. 12, 85; -rjdds s 258 Thuc. 8, 68 : fut. eVi/ieXr^o-o/iai rare, if correct in classic authors, Xen. Mem. 2, 7, 8 (Mss. Vulg. Born. -Xjjo-o/jfu Ms. E. Bind. Saupp. Kiihn. Breitb.); Aeschin. 3, 27 (Mss. Bekk. -X^o-ojwu Mss. Bait. Saupp. Franke); later Plut. Mor. 776; Pseud.-Cal- listh. i, 1 8 ; Dio. Hal. i, 67 (Vulg. -\qoronai Mss. A. C. Kiessl.) : aor. m. late fVf/ieXTjo-a/^i' (Diod. Sic. 2, 45, now -Xonevrjv Bekk. L. Dind.); Galen I, 21 (Kiihn); and late Inscr. Boeckh. vol. 2, 2802, all act. Vb. fVi/xeX^reos Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 70. The Herodotean form is eVi^eXo/icu, -fieXta-Gat Her. i, 98, imp. eW^/- Xero 2, 174 twice, -pf\6fj.(vos 2, 2 (Mss. K. F. &c. Schweigh. Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. -ov/aevos Mss. S. d. Vulg.) ; Hippocr. has both forms, eirineX^rai 3, 476 (Mss. Lit. -eerat Vulg.) ; -ffadai 3, 492. 9, 256 (Lit. &C.), but -oufvos 3, 522 (Mss. Lit. -eo'/*ei/oy Vulg.) In Attic the prevailing form is -eo/xat Xen. Plat. Orators : in the Poets it occurs very seldom, but in the pure form eVi/ie- \ovfieOa req. by the metre Eur. Phoen. 556 (Vulg. Pors. Herm. Kirchh.) which L. Dind. Nauck &c. doubt, and W. Dind. 5 ed. rejects, eVt/ieXoC Ar. Vesp. 154 (- II. 19, 188 ; Ar. Lys. 914 ; Aeschin. i, 67; Dem. 47, 31 ; Aristot. Soph. El. 25, 2 : and rare -fjaopai, Kurtm- Dem. 54, 40 (Bekk. B. Saupp.): aor. eVieap^o-a Aeschin. i, 115; Dem. 31, 9; -170-0? Ar. Ran. 102; Her. 4, 68; Lys. 32, 13; -JJcrat Her. 4, 68 ; Xen. An. 2, 4, 7 P- Artfipic$wi Xen. An. 3, i, 22 ; Lycurg. 76 ; Her. 4, 68 (Ms. F. Bekk. Lhardy, Dind. -'ETTftj. 259 Kriig. Stein, -op^a Schweig. Gaisf.) In the original sense simply to swear to, Solon ap. Lys. 10, 17. This verb, we think, does not occur in Trag. 'Emir\T]p6u>, see TrX^pda). 'Emoxoirew, see O-KOTTC'CO. 'EmoTapu To know, understand, II. 13, 223. Od. 13, 207; Simon. Am. 24; Aesch. Eum. 667; Soph. Aj. 678; Ar. Eq. 715; Her. 3, 113; Antiph. 5, 67; Thuc. 2, 35; Lys. 9, 2; PI. Euthyd. 296, Ion. 3 pi. -rmu Her. 3, 2 : imp. ^Trio-rd/w^ Aesch. Pr. 265 ; Soph. O. C. 927 ; Eur. Or. 360 ; Ar. Eq. 462 ; Her. 3, 74. 8, 136 (Bekk.), see below; Antiph. 5, 74; Thuc. 6, 64; Lys. 10, 4; Isocr. 15, 27; PI. Charm. 171, Epic Vior- II. 5, 60. 17, 671, seldom ^nor- Horn. Fr. i ; Callim. Cer. 112: fut. eVio-rijo-o/iai II. 21, 320; Soph. O. C. 290 ; Ar. Vesp. 1174 ; PI. Men. 85 ; Aristot. Anal. Post, i, 2, 3 : aor. ^Tnon^j/ PL Leg. 687; Xen. Oec. 2, n; Her. 3, 15 (Mss. Gaisf. Dind. Dietsch, Stein), eVio-r- (Ms. S. Bekk. Kriig.) Vb. eW^'? PI. Theaet. 201, -eov late. 2 sing. eVt'o-Tao-m Aesch. Pr. 982 ; Soph. El. 629 ; Ar. Eq. 690; PI. Phaedr. 230, sometimes eVi'ora Poet. Pind. P. 3, 80; Aesch. Eum. 86.' 581, on'or?? Ion. ? Theogn. 1085, and eVioTfoi, e- Her. 7, 135; SUbj. -a>/*ai Xen. Cyr. 2, 3, 22, -tori; PI. Euthyd. 296, Ion. -ew/xat, 3 pi. -eWrai Her. 3, 134; Psephism. Dem. 1 8, 91 ; imper. eVioracro Aesch. Pr. 840; Soph. O. R. 848. Ant. 305 ; Eur. Ion 650. An. 430 ; Ion. prose, Her. 7, 29, e- 7, 39 (Mss. Schweigh. Gaisf. Bekk. Bred. Stein &c.). 7, 209 (Wessel. Bekk. Bred. Stein), -iWao (Mss. Schweigh. Gaisf. and always Dind.), in Soph, more freq. eVurn Tr. 182. Ph. 419. 567. O. R. 658 &c.; Attic prose Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 32. Hell. 5, 4, 33: imp. 2 sing. ^Tuorao-o Soph. El. 394. Aj. 1134, e- Dem. 19, 250, but ^nor Eur. Here. F. 344; Attic prose, PI. Euthyd. 296. Ion 531 ; Xen. Hell. 3, 4, 9, Ion 3 pi. fViare'aTO Her. 2, 53. 3, 66. 8, 88 (Bekk. Kriig.), TJTTKTT- (Gaisf. Dind. Stein.). This verb in Bekker's and Kruger's edition of Her. is with and without, in Gaisford's generally with, augment: Dind. and Bredow, we think, invariably aug- ment it. Lhardy, a fine and candid scholar, would write sing. Tjmo-Tdfjirjv, -aro, but the Ion. 3 pi. uniformly noraTo with- out augm., so Bekk. edit. 1845, but still f-marfidTjv 3, 15 (rjmo-T- Gaisf. Lhardy, Stein), and with Stein now, imp. eV/oTaro 9, 108 (fa- Dind. Dietsch, Abicht.) Vb. eWrjjT-ds PI. Theaet. 201. 'EmTdo-o-cj, see rao-aw. 'EmTe'XXu, see re'XXa). 'Em4>paa>, see . ("Eirw) To sqy, see f"ar H. Merc. 67 ; Theogn. 893 ; Her. 3> 53> *0-ra> H. 16, 724 ; Simon. C. 142, eVeVw Her. 7, 8 (i), ?re- puVw &C. : imp. fln-ov, 8ifinofjLev II. II, 76 } irfpt-flTrev Her. 2, 169 ; Xen. Mem. 2, 9, 5, Poet. iw see above, a^$- II. 16, 124, fit- 2, 207, e<- Find. P. 6, 33, iter. en-eo-Koj/, e'<- Od. 12, 330 : fut. e\^- II. 13, 543. 14, 419) : 2 aor. act. COTTOV (not to--) eV- f "" f P*- Her. 2, 64. Mid. eWo/iai /0 < II. 23, 133 ; Eur. Hipp. 291 ; Ar. Thesm. 1219; Her. i, 45; Xen. An. 4, i, 6; PI. Phaedr. 234, tVo'pji' II. 15, 277 ; Hes. Sc. 277 ; Find. N. 3, 39, and perhaps eW- : fut. fyofjiai II. 10, 108 ; Find. Ol. 13, 42 ; Soph. El. 253 ; Eur. Hec. 346; Ar. Ach. 1232; Her. 8, 60; Xen. Cyr. 6, 3, 28; (PI.) Epist. 312, but nfpi- by some held pass. Her. 2, 115. 7, 149 : 1 aor. see below : 2 aor. tair6\u)v II. n, 472 ; Hes. Th. 201 ; Simon. C. 147; Find. Ol. 6, 72; Soph. Tr. 563; Eur. Tr. 946. Med. 1143; Ar. Vesp. 1087 (Vulg. Richt.) ; Her. 6, 90 (Bekk. Dind. &c. f'm- Stein) ; PI. Polit. 280, w-Thuc. i, 60. 7, 57, Epic 2 sing. eo-7ro II. 10, 285, rare and in comp. eWd/ir/i/, eVeo-TT- Find. P. 4, 133 ; subj. cnr%iai in tmesi eni Se- Od. 12, 349 (Bekk. now, 1858, see below), emW?; Soph. El. 967 ; PI. Theaet. 192; fOTToiwv Od. 19, 579. 21, 77 (O-TTOI- Bekk. now), em- Her. i, 32 ; Xen. An. 4, i, 6 ; imper. Epic o-Tmo II. 10, 285, for (a~iTfo) (TTTOV, eTriWou PI. Theaet. 169, cnreV#a> II. 12, 350 (Bekk.), cTTiairfvBf, (rvv- PL Critias 107; inf. oW(r&u II. 5, 423. Od. 4, 38. 22, 324 (Bekk. Dind.); Eur. Phoen. 426, em- PI. Phaedr. 248 ; CTTro'/zfi'or II. 10, 246. 13, 570 (Bekk.); Find. P. 4, 40, /iera- II. 13. 5 6 7 "- Her. 3, 31. 7, 180; Thuc. 5, n ; PI. Rep. 611. But the subj., opt. &c. uncomp. often retain the aspirated aug- ment, 8" ea-fftairat Od. 12, 349 (Wolf, Dind. La Roche), tW^i-at Find. Ol. 8, ii ; a/*' eWoi/ijjv Od. 19, 579 &c. (Wolf, Dind. La 261 Roche), einroiTo Find. Ol. 9, 83. P. 10, 17; imper. a/** eWe'o-tfw II. 12, 350. 363 (Wolf, Spitzn. Dind. La R.); y e Theocr. 9, 2 (Call. Vulg. Fritz.), ( 211 ; Xen. Hell. 3, i, 16 : fut. m. nfpifyoiuu. pass.? Her. 2, 115. 7, 149 : but aor. p. unaugm. TTfpu(f)6r}v Her. 6, 15. In Horn, en-w, eWojuai with, and without augm., in Her. Bekk. now always aug- ments, Gaisford usually, but OTOI/TO i, 80. 172. 9, 15. 262 O, see e^<. To love, Dep. (like to-ra/^at) Poet, for cpaw, II. 14, 328; Anacr. 46; Find. P. i, 57; Soph. O. C. 511 (chor.); Eur. Ale. 867 (chor.) ; Ar. Vesp. 751 (chor.) ; Dor. subj. eparat Pind. P. 4, 92 ; opt. -at'p,ai>P. ii, 50 : imp. rip&pyv, -aro Hym. Cer. 129 ; Theogn. 1346; Pind. P. 3, 20; Theocr. 13, 6, Aeol. and Dor. i pers. -upav Sapph. 33 (Bergk), Aeol. 2 sing, apao Sapph. 99 (apaa-o Ahr.) : p. late fjpavnai, act. Parthen. 2,2: aor. ^pdo-tfiji/ act. Alcm. 33, 5, (Bergk 3 ed.); Soph. Aj. 967; Eur. Hipp. 1303; Ar. Nub. 1076; Her. 3, 31 ; Xen. An. 4, 6, 3; PL Conv. 213, dv- rjp- Andoc. i, 127; epavGfjvai. Isocr. 15, 318; epa Archil. 25. 68 (Bergk), ep5> Anacr. 3, i ; Ar. Fr. 273 (D); Soph. Ph. 660, epas Soph. Ant. 90; Xen. Conv. 8, 3, epa Aesch. Fr. 41 ; Soph. Ant. 220 ; Isocr. 8, 113; PI. Phil. 35 ; subj. epSo-t Lys. 3, 39 ; e'pdot Opp. Hal. 3, 48, epoM? PL Phaedr. 237; tpav Aeschin. i, 137; epwi> Theogn. 1329: imp. fjpnv Eur. Fr. 161 (D) ; Ar. Ach. 146; Her. 9, 108 ; PL Lys. 222. Pass, e'pdop-at to be loved, indie, rare avT-tparai Xen. Conv. 8, 3 ; opt. ep, -tpq Hippocr. 7, 578 ; imper. -tpa Dem. 36, 62 ; -epS>v Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 318; -tpav (Crat.) 2, 237 : fut. (-epao-w) : aor. -rjpaa-a, eg-tpua-to Ar. Vesp. 993 > -fpd 733 > Antiph. 5, 92 ; -rdai II. 18, 469. Od. 14, 272 ; Antiph. 5, 91 ; imper. epydfev Hes. Op. 299 ; -d/wi/or Thuc. 2, 72 : imp. eipyafd/iTji/ Od. 3, 435 ; Hes. Op. 151 ; Ar. Nub. 880 ; Thuc. 3, 50, epya- Od. 24, 210; Her. i, 66. 2, 124 &c. and Vyaf- Hyperid. Eux. p. 16 (Schn.); C. Inscr. 162 : fut. e'pydo-o/wu Theogn. 1116; Soph. Ph. 66; Ar. Plut. 73 ; Her. 8, 79 ; PL Rep. 353, Dor. -afov/xai Theocr. 10, 23, and -dgopai Tab. Heracl. i, 64, late epy&iMi V. T. Gen. 29, 27. Exod. 20, 9. Job 33, 29. Jer. 22, 13. Apocr. Syr. 13, 4, and always in Septuag. : aor. elpya- trdfjiT)v Aesch. Sept. 845 ; Ar. Eccl. 134 ; Antiph. 5, 57 ; Lys. 2, 20; PL Rep. 450, Dor. -dpav Pind. I. 2, 46, fpyao-afujv Her. 2, JI 5- 3> J 5; Ephes. Inscr. 31, fjpyda-aaTo Ross. Inscr. 3, 298, but e- 7pya- C. Inscr. 456; epyda-o-aio Hes. Op. 43, epyaa-aiaro Ar. Lys. 42 : p. elpyaa-^at act. Aesch. Fr. 321 (D.); Soph. Ant. 1228; Ar. Plut. 1113; Antiph. 4, y, i. 5, 65. 6, 43; Thuc. I, 137; Isae. 6,^20; Dem. 53, 3, Zpyav- Her. 2, 121 (5). 3, 155. 9, 45, pass. f"pya Hesych. : imp. Epic eepyvw Od. 10, 238 : aor. pe, KOT- Hym. Merc. 356. "Epyw To shut in, pres. in comp. irepi-epyei Her. 2, 148 : fut. fpt-a>, ty- Tab. Heracl. i, 83, in Attic t-w- Soph. Aj. 593 : aor. cpa Her. 3, 136, KO.T- 5, 63 (Bekk. Dind. Abicht, -dpa Stein), Epic tpga Od. 14, 411 ; in Attic, (Kad-tpgys PI. Gorg. 461 Mss. Herm. Stallb.); part, epgas PI. Polit. 285, gvv- Tim. 34. Rep. 461, Trepi- Thuc. 5, ii : p. p. fpypai Horn. H. 3, 123, see below : aor. epx^W II. 21, 282; fpxGfi Hippocr. 8, 26. 36; tpx^ev 8, 26 (Lit.); Opp. Hal. i, 718 : (fut. m. ?po/zai Soph. O. R. 890, called pass, see epyw.) Vb. see epKrrj Her. 4, 146, nepi-epKros C. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 280. epxarai Epic 3 pi. p. pass, for epx^rai, II. 16, 481: tpxaro Epic 3 pi. pip. 17, 354, e'epx- Od. io, 241. See e'epyw. In Horn, this verb is written with the lenis even when signifying to enclose, and without augm. both in Horn, and Her. "EpY&> To shut out, Ion. for eipya, Her. 8, 98, cm- i, 72. 2, 99, Epic oTro-tpy- II. 8, 325. Od. 3, 296 ; fpyav Her. 3, 48 : imp. epyov, e- Her. 5, 22 (Bekk. Lhardy, Kriig. Dietsch, eftpy- Gaisf. Dind. Stein): aor. ep|a, KQT- Her. 5, 63, nar-eip^a (Mss. S P. Stein, see epyco) ; dir-tpgai 2, 124: p.p. epy/iai, aTT-epy/zeVo? Her. I, 154- 2, 99- 5, 64: to which some assign as 2 aor. IpyaQov II. n, 437, eVpy- 5, 147 : and mid. epyadop-rjv, KarepyaGov trans. Aesch. Eum. 566 (-py- Pors. Dind.) : fut. epgopai. restrain myself, refrain, Soph, O. R. 890, not pass. Pres. pass, epyo/xai e'- Her. 7, 96; epyfa-dai Her. 5, 57 ; epyopcvos 9, 108 ; II. 17, 571 (Dind. &c.), (Fepy- (Bekk. 2 edit.): imp. epyero Her. 4, 164. 7, 197 (Bekk. Gaisf. Dind.) Her. seems not to have used eipyw, pya), etpywpi with i, nor the past tenses with augment. dntipyovcra, g, 68, Ka.Teipyvv(ri 4, 69, f^iipyov 5, 22, should be air- KOT- f'-(py- (Bekk. Lhardy, Bred, and in theory Dind. but '- elpy-, Kareip^- Stein). "EpSw and IpSw To do, to sacrifice, Poet, and Ion. Callin. i, 21 (B.); Theogn. 675; Soph. O. C. 851 ; Her. 3, 80; subj. ?p8o> Od. 7, 202, epS- Simon. C. 5, 20; Her. i, 119. 2, 121 (Bekk. Dind. epS- Stein); epSois Hes. Op. 362; epSot II. io, 503 ; Aesch. Ch. 513 ; Ar. Vesp. 1431 ; ?p8e II. 4, 29 ; epSeu/ Od. u, 132 ; Aesch. Ag. 933, fp8- Solon 13, 67 ; Her. 8, 143 ; epduv Od. 19, /veo 'EjOe'0o>. 265 92 ; Find. Ol. i, 64, epS- Theogn. 105 : imp. epSov H. n, 707, tp8- Solon 35; Her. 9, 103, iter. ep8f8- Her. 4, 60, ?p8- (Stein). See peo>. Vt>. ep*cro's Arr. Ind. 20, n. Iter. imp. IpSeo-Kov II. 9, 540 (Wolf, Dind.), cpS- Her. 7, 33, ?p8- (Stein). eopyai/ 3 pi. 2 perf. for eopyda-i, Horn. Batr. 179. This verb seems never to be augmented except in pip. and only in Horn. ^p|e Aesch. Ag. 1529, is aor. of apx&>; Dind. however now reads with Naber ep|e aor. of this verb (5 ed. 1868). Attic prose authors never use, they occasionally quote this verb, Xen. Mem. i, 3, 3; PL Prot. 345. Ale. (2) 149. Euth. 12 ; see also Plut. Mor. 729. 'Epeeifw To ask, Epic and late prose, II. 6, 145; Ap. Rh. 3, 1099; subj. -flvT] H. Merc. 487 ; Plut. Mor. 288; -eu/ot Od. 23, 86; f'peeive 23, 365: imp. unaugm. epeeivov Od. 4, 137; Ap. Rh. 3, 490; Com. Fr. (Theop.) 2, 802 (hexam.) MicL as act. imp. fptfivfTo Od. 17, 305, e'- II. 10, 81. 'Epe0i' Od. 19, 45; imper. epeUfe II. i, 32 ; inf. -i&iv PL Rep. 393 ; Xen. Ven. 10, 14, Epic epfBigpev II. 4, 5 ; -ifav 17, 658 ; Eur. Bac. 148. Rhes. 373 (chor.); Hippocr. i, 424 (Erm.); Aeschin. 2, 177; (PL) Eryx. 392 : imp. l]pfdif Soph. Ant. 965 (chor.), c'ped- II. 5, 419; Telest. 4 (B.) : fut. -tw Hippocr. 4, 346 (Lit.) ; Polyb. Fr. Lib. 13, 4, -10-6) Galen i, 385: aor. qpe&o-a Dio. Hal. 3, 72; Themist. 23, 285; Synes. Epist. 159, unaugm. tped- Aesch. Pr. 181 (chor. Turneb. Elms. Dind. f)p(6- Mss. Vulg. Herm.); epedivas Her. 3, 146; and -ia, epfSl^at Anth. 12, 37 " P- fjpediKa Aeschin. 2, 37 : p.p. ^pe'&oyxai Eur. Med. 1119; Ar. Vesp. 1104; Hippocr. 3, 526; D. Hal. de Thuc. 44 ; (Luc.) Amor. 22 : pip. tjptdia-To App. Civ. 5, 67 : aor. fipfdia-drjv, eptdiadels Her. 6, 40 ; Dio. Hal. 4, 57. Vb. epe&ore'oi/ PI. Tim. 89. To provoke, Epic, Od. 19, 517; Anth. 5, 256; subj. 266 'E^oet $ Eur. Andr. 845, -077 Soph. Tr. 964 (D.); Hippocr. 4, 200 (Lit.); Plut. Mor. 368, -O-OHTI AristOt. Probl. l8, i; opt. epia-fif Hippocr. 4, 196; fpeia-ov Find. P. 10, 51 ; Eur. Elec. 898. Heracl. 603, epetWre Soph. O. C. 1113; epela-as II. 22, 97. Od. 8, 473 ; Tyrt. n, 31; Her. 6, 129; PI. Phaedr. 254; Aristot. Mechan. 14; Plut. Num. 2. Brut. 52. Eum. 14. Crass. 19; Arr. An. 6, 9, 4, Dor. epeivais, dvr- Find. P. 4, 37 : p. ^/jetxa, aw- Hippocr. 6, 372 (Lit.), irpocr- Polyb. 5, 60, and eprjpeiKa, -rrpov- Plut. Aemil. Paul. 19: p.p. eprjpfio-nai Her. 4, 152; Hippocr. 4, 220. 312 (Lit.); Aristot. Mund. 3, i; (PL) T. Locr. 97, 3 pi. fp^pedarai II. 23, 284, but fprjpeivrai Ap. Rh. 2, 320, augm. on redupl. rare and late T}pf)pfi 95 (some e'A^Ae'SaTO, -aSaro) : aor. f)pfi intrans. Hes. Sc. 362; Plut. Philop. 10. Eum. 7, an- PL Rep. 508, trans. Simon. (C.) 172 (Bergk) ; Hippocr. 3, 438. 4, 306, epeur- intrans. II. 5, 309 ; trans. Anth. 6, 83 : with p. p. eprjpfta-fuu Her. quoted, djr-rjpeta-Tai Pclyb. 3, 109 : and aor. intrans. ijptMip, epfia-6- II. quoted. Horn, augments the pip. only. The Vulg. reading Hippocr. 8, 292, is fvfipiarjrai.. This verb is mostly poetic: in good Attic prose PL alone uses it. 'Epetica) To tear, bruise, Aesch. Pers. 1060; Hippocr. 8, 174; PL Crat. 426: imp. fjpfiKov Hes. Sc. 287; Aesch. Ag. 655: aor. fjpei^a Ar. Fr. 88 (D.), KQT- Vesp. 649; lpdas Hippocr. 7, 102. 354 (Lit.), and (from epocu?) rjpi^a, f pit-as, 8, 244 (Lit.) 267 v. r. pei-), KOT- 246 : p. p. cpf]piypai Aristot. H. A. 8, 7 ; Hippocr. 7, 416 (Lit. ipripurp- some edit.). 8, 506 (no v. r.): qpet'x 68; fpiirrjo-i 17, 5 22 > -"row 8, 329 : mid. fjpnrondv pass. Anth. 9, 152 : 2 aor. p. rjptirrjv, fparevTi Pind. Ol. 2, 43 (best Mss. Boeckh, Bergk) : 2 p. tpriptna, KOT- have fallen, II. 14, 55. To this probably belongs laor. m. dv-T)pfi\lfap.i)v forced up, carried off, II. 20, 234. Od. i, 241; Anth. App. Epigr. 51, 14 (late prose Themist. 37, 332), av- epei-^- Ap. Rh. i, 214. Rare in good Attic prose, only Xen. quoted. For 2 aor. rfparov with trans, sense Her. 9, 70 (Schw. Gaisf. Stein), imp. ffpemov has been restored from Mss.; so Paus. 4, 25, i (Schubart); and the intrans. force preserved Q. Sm. 13, 452 (Koechly) by changing o\e0pov to -Opos ; fpmovres also Paus. 10, 32, 4, seems to admit of been changed to pres. epeiV-. fjpeurTo Plut. quoted, is the reading of Coraes for ^petWro, tjpiTTfTo of the Mss. The pip. is required, and Sintenis adopts it, but expresses a doubt whether f'pijpwn-o suggested by Emper. and received by Bekk. should not be preferred. If so, KUT- cpr)pei7rrcu, KaT-fp7)pfip.evos Plut. Mor. 849. 837 (Diibn.) should get a hint to follow suit. 'EpcTirw To tear, eat, Poet, and simple late in act. -mv Nonn. 40, 306: but imp. vrr-eptirre II. 21, 271: mid. only part. fpeTrrd/xej/of II. 2, 776. Od. 19, 553. H. Merc. 107; Ar. Eq. 1295 (chor.); Opp. Hal. i, 96. See eptdxa. 268 'EjOeVcro) ' Epeat II. 9, 361 ; late Attic prose -o-o-wi/ Plut. Mor. 1128 ; -o-o-eiv App. Pun. 9, -CTTO) Anth. 14, 14 ; Ael. H. A. 14, 14; Luc. Char, i : imp. epeo-ow Od. 12, 194, rjperr- Long. 3, 21 : flit, (epetrca) : aor. fjpeo-a Ap. Rh. I, 1 1 10, fit- Od. 12, 444, 8i-r)pfi> Coluth. 209, is mid. unless eperdcov there means odrj, as in Anth. 6, 4. Pass. epea-a-frai Aesch. Supp. 723 : imp. f}pf(To-fTo Pers. 422. 'Epeuyopii To cast forth, disgorge, usu. Epic and Ion. Pind. P. i, 21. Fr. 107 (Bergk); Hippocr. 7, 104. 180 (Lit.); Aristot. Probl. 10, 44; App. Mithr. 103, TT/HXT- II. 15, 621, e- Her. i, 202; -6p.evos II. 16, 162: imp. fpevytTo Od. 9, 374, rjpevy- Hesych. : fiit. epevgopai Hippocr. 8, 100 : aor. late l)ptvi;dpr}v Or. Sib. 4, 8 1 ; Hierocl. 94 (Eberh.), e|- V. T. Ps. 44, I : p. fptvyfiai, tirav-epfvyufvos Hippocr. 2, 64 (Vulg. Ktihn), where however the pres. 1-navepfvyop.evoy has by far the best Mss. support, and is adopted by Littre' 2, 370: pres. pass, or mid. intrans. fptvyerai Od. 5, 438; -opevos II. 17, 265 : (1 aor. act. in COmp. e-epe{)ai DlO. Hal. 2, 69 Vulg. e-epao-cu 0Z#) : 2 aor. fjpvyov II. 20, 403; Aristot. Probl. 10, 44; Nic. Alex, in, may belong to the Attic form tpvyyava, which see. This verb has the meaning roar in the 2 aor. ijpvyov, and late in the pres. i Mace. 3, 4: and fut. Oseae. n, 10. Amos 3, 4. 8. 'Epeuflu To make red, II. n, 394 ; become red, Hippocr. 7, 132. 218 (Lit.); Luc. Ner. 7: fut. (fpevo-a> v. r. II. 18, 329): for which aor. epevo-at II. 1 8, 329 : 2 aor. p. Opt. fpevdfirfv, vvei-- Hippocr. 2, 176 (Lit.) Pres. epf{>dop.ai Sapph. 93 (B.) ; Hip- pocr. 6, 390; -6fj.evos Theocr. 17, 127: imp. fipevdero Theocr. 30, 8 (newly found Ziegl. Fritz.), tpevd- Q. Sm. i, 226. See fpv6aiva>. 'Ep&J>o> To cover, Poet. Pind. I. 3, 72, and -eVro) : imp. fjpefov Pind. N. 6, 43 (Herm. Bergk, 4 ed.) ; Ar. Fr. 54, ep- Pind. Ol. i, 68, ep7TToj Pind. P. 4, 240; Opp. Cyn. 4, 262 : fut. epe'^w Ar. Av. i no: aor. rjpe^a Dem. 19, 265, lpoj<- II. 24, 450. Od. 23, 193; Pind. Ol. 13, 32 ; in tmesi II. i, 39; imper. epe-^ov Soph. O. C. 473: p.p. late rjptwrai Philostr. V. Apoll. i, 25. Mid. e'peVrro/ini cover oneself, or for oneself, Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 72 : fut. epov-Q\. i, 68 : aor. unaugm. in Horn, and Pind. epe^a II. i, 39. Od. 23, 193 ; Ol. X 3> 3 2 - >?pf^a Dem. 19, 265, is the only instance of this verb in classic prose. 'EjO/^iw. 269 Ou Epic, To tear, torture (tpe/Kw), only pres. part. act. tpexduv Od. 5, 83 : and pass. epe^op-eVij Hym. Ap. Pyth. 180 ; tossed, II. 23, 317. 'Epeo> 70 jay, would seem to be used especially in late Epic, epi pres. Nic. Ther. 484, epetre Epist. ad Diognet. 2 (Lindn.) ; subj. (pea Nic. Ther. 636, eptrja-iv Tzetz. P. H. 750 ; epfoi^v Liban. T. i, 63 ; epeW, e- Anth. n, 365 : imp. rfpeov Hippocr. 5, 88 (Lit.) : pass. (perai Arat. 261.) See elpw. 'Epe'u To ask, Epic, epeW Anth. 14, IO2, epeova-i, e- Od. 14, 37 5 ', subj. epeiofjiev for -e Ap. Rh. i, 296; Orph. Lith. 223, KOT- Soph. Ph. 1416 : aor. eprirvo-a, -fie II. I, 192, -va-aipev Ap. Rh. 2, 251; eprjrvffov Eur. Ph. 1260 (trim.); -vvas Panyas. Fr. 4, ii ; iter. epqruo-ao-ice II. ii, 567; Theocr. 25, 75: aor. p. Aeo\.=z-vdr](Tav, II. 2, 2ii. Mid. as act. imp. (\a6v) II. 15, 723. v seems naturally short, long before o-, or a syllable long by nature or position, and in the Aeol. aorist : Horn, has it always short in epjjrvov, -vf, -verat. This verb seems not to occur in prose, and only twice in Attic poetry. 'EpiSaiKu (i) To contend, II. 2, 342 ; Luc. Pise. 6 ; Athen. (Demetr. Byz.) 10, 77; imper. fpidaive Od. 21, 310; -8aivep.tv Od. i, 79, -Saivfiv Callim. Dian. 262, and epiSfiai^u II. 16, 260; Theocr. 12, 31: imp. rjptdaivov Babr. 68, ept'S- H. Merc. 313 (Schneidw. Baum.) : aor. fptSrjva Ap. Rh. i, 89: mid. epiSaivo/jLcii as act. -6p.tvos Q. Sm. 5, 105, missed by Lexicogr. : but aor. epl8fia-aa-6ai (I perhaps by arsis) II. 23, 792, where the form with single 8 is best supported (Wolf, Dind. La Roche, epiOjo-- however Bekk. 2 ed. with Schol. Viet.) eptS/^atVo) means also to provoke, and is scarcely used beyond the pres. -aivovai Theocr. 12, 31, Dor. -aivovri (Ziegl.); -altxao-t II. 16, 260; -aivcov Ap. Rh. 3, 94, -aivovcrai Mosch. 2, 69 ; -atveiv Q. Sm. 4, 551 : imp. iter. eptfywuVeo-Ke Nic. Alex. 407; Q. Sm. 4, 123. 'Epitu To contend, Od. 18, 38; Pind. N. 8, 22; Ar. Ach. 1114; Her. 5, 49 ; PI. Prot. 337, Dor. 3 pi. -l&vn. Pind. N. 5, 2 7O 39; -i&iTov H. 12, 423 ; -/Cot Thuc. 5, 79; -i'fw Her. 7, 50; Isocr. 2, 39; ep/C"" Soph. El. 467 ; Ar. Ran. 1105 ; Dem. 2, 29, Epic -eleven II. 21, 185, -ep-f" 23, 404, Dor. epio-Seo Theocr. i, 24. 7, 41 : imp. jfrufoj/ Dem. 9, n ; Babr. 65, ?p- II. 2, 555, iter. fpi&o-Kov Od. 8, 225 ; Crates 4 (B.), Dor. cpurfav Theocr. 6, 5, i pi. -a-8op.es 5, 67: fut. (pt late? N. T. Matth. 12, 19, air- Nicet. Eug. 4, 354, St- App. Civ. 5, 127, but Dor. ipiga> Find. Fr. 189 (Bergk) : aor. qpio-a Hes. Th. 928 ; (Lys.) 2, 42 ; Luc. Indoct. 4, fpio-a Find. I. 8 (7), 27 ; -iWn Od. 18, 277; fpia-a-eie II. 3, 223; epitrai Her. 4, 152; Ael. Fr. Iio; -i), Epic subj. eptWrrai for -qrai, Od. 4, 80 ; 8i-(picrdp.fvos Plut. Cat. maj. 15 : and in sense p. eprjpia-fMi Hes. quoted. Vb. epioro? Soph. El. 220. Nicet. Eug. quoted has i in fut. avT-epio-eiv 4, 354. fploiT PI. Lys. 207, is called pass., but why not act. for -owe ? fpifrvri 3 pi. Dor. for -overt, Find. N. 5, 39. ept'o> fut. Nonn. i, 502, has been altered to ept'tw by Graefe and Koechly; Eustath., however, Prooem. p. ii (Schn.) quotes it from Find, see above. Rare in Attic poetry : once in Tragedy, thrice or so in Comedy, and confined to pres. : in good prose, it seems not to proceed beyond the aor. : the mid. is poetic. "Epojiai To ask, 2 sing, epeai Hes. Certam. p. 314 (Goettl.), see below, Ion. eipop, &c. are used. Scheibe reads pres. epeo-&u Lys. 12, 24, with Ms. X, others aor. tpevdai. 'Epiru^u To creep, Poet. II. 23, 225 ; Anth. Pal. 7, 22 ; Opp. Hal. 4, 295 : imp. late tipirvfav Q. Sm. 13, 93: fut. 271 ting- Aristot. Mund. 6, 16 (Bekk.) : aor. eipirvva Ar. Vesp. 272 ; Anth. 12, 20; Babr. 118, usu. in comp. Luc. D. Mort. 3, 2, cpTrvo-j?, Ael. N. A. 2, 5 (Jacobs, Kerch.), e'|- Aristot. H. A. 8, 14; e-epinnras Ael. Epist. i. The Attics used the aor. only, ffapntaas Theocr. 22, 15 (Vulg.) with v has been altered to efapTroia-as (Kiessl. Mein. Ziegl. Fritzsche, -oixras Ahr.), e (pepTTva-ai Ar. Plut. 675. The Greeks used the fut. form ep^a>, rarely indeed epnvo-u, see Aristot. quoted. "Epirw To creep, Poet. II. 17, 447. OfL 18, 131; Find. I. 4, 40 ; Aesch. Eum. 39 ; Soph. Ant. 618 ; Hippocr. 6, 480. 490; Dor. subj. fpTTtofxs Theocr. 15, 42 ; epTroi Horn. Epigr. 15, 6; Pind. N. 7, 68 ; epTre Hym. Ven. 156 ; Aesch. Pr. 810 ; Eur. Med. 402, fpnero) Ar. LyS. 130; Dor. fem. pt. eprroio-a, e(p- Pind. Fr. 1 08, augm. n : imp. elp-rrov Od. 12, 395 ; Pind. Fr. 57 ; Soph. O. C. 147; Ar. Fr. 18 (D.), -n-epi- Ael. V. H. 13, i : fut. rare fptya>, erp- Aesch. Eum. 500, Dor. ep\^S> Theocr. 5, 45, -ovfics 18, 40: aor. late tlp-^a Dio Chrys. Ep. p. 622, but yptya, e'- V. T. Ps. 104, 30 (classic fipTn/aa, see epTrtJfw). Mid. epTroiTtu Aretae. 33 (ed. Oxon.), missed by Lexicogr. Vb. fpTrerov creeping, Ar. Av. 1069. Dor. dat. pi. pt. epTro'iTeo-o-i Pind. Ol. 7, 52. "Eppu To go away , perish (erro), Aesch. Ag. 419; Soph. El. 57 ; Eur. Ion 699 ; Ar. Eq. 527 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 3 ; PI. Phil. 24 ; eppoi Soph. El. 249; Eur. H. F. 651. Med. 114 (chor.); eppe II. 8, 164; Ar. Plut. 604, fppfTo> Soph. Ph. 1200; fppwv Od. 4, 367 ; Aesch. Pers. 963 ; PI. Leg. 677 ; eppeiv Aesch. Eum. 301 ; PL Leg. 677 : fat. epprja-co Horn. H. 3, 259 ; Ar. Lys. 1240. Pax 500: aor. rjopr)v Dind. 5 ed. Kirchh.) : and fut. OVK cppjjo-ere Ar. Lys. 1240. Eustath. quotes e\\erf=epperf, from Callim., see Fr. 292. Scarcely in prose beyond the pres. Xen. Plato quoted : imp. rjppov not found, though Elms, suggested irepirjppev for Trepi^pxe-r Ar. Thesm. 504. The pres. seems to be used as imp. at least joined with it, atreppet KOI Trpoa-epeiSia Niceph. 7, 23. (a) To eruct, disgorge, Attic for epevyo^ai, Eur. Cycl. 272 523 ; Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 43 ; Ion. and late Attic prose, Hippocr. 6, 618. 8, 384 (Lit.); Luc. Alex. 39: 2 aor. fjpvyov Nic. Alex, in (belched, roared II. 20, 403. 404 ; Theocr. 13, 58), tvTjp- Ar. Vesp. 913, K.O.T- 1151 ; cm-tpvyfi Hippocr. 7, 104 (Lit.) ; epvyelv AristOt. Probl. IO, 44, air- 33, 5- Mid. epvyydvfrai as act. Hippocr. 6, 616 (Lit.), intrans. belch, 6, 538 : fut. fptv^ofiai see epevyu. Pass. epvyyavfTcu Hippocr. 6, 536. 6 1 8. The sense roar seems confined to the aor. but see epfvyo^ai. A pres. epvyda>, -vyav occurs late Geop. 17, 17. 'EpuOaifto (v) To make red, Poet, and late prose, Sext. Emp. 441 (Bekk.) : aor. epvdrjva Ap. Rh. i, 791. 4, 474; Orph. Arg. 230. Pass. (pvdaivofMi grow red, blush, Bion i, 35; Opp. H. 5, 271: imjp. (pvdaivfTo II. 10, 484. 21, 21 ; Anth. 12, 8, late tjpvd- Eustath. Macr. 3, 85. Rare and late in prose epv0au/erat Stob. (Arrian) vol. 4, p. 155 (Mein.) 'EpuOpaii'u To make red, Theophr. H. P. 3, 15, 3; Perict. Stob. 85, 19. Pass, epvdpaivonai to redden, blush, Hippocr. 5, 636 (Lit.) ; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 4 ; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 4, 15 ; Plut. Mor. 894 : p. tipvdpavpfVT) Dio Cass. 51, 12. 'EpuOpidw To become red, to blush, Hippocr. 7, 76 (Lit.); Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 152 ; PI. Lys. 204, Epic 3 pi. -toWi Opp. Hal. 3, 25 ; -t>v PI. Rep. 350 ; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 178, Epic -6 *w~ Soph. Ph. 423: fut. epvo> II. 21, 62. Od. 8, 317: aor. >?pva Aesch. Sept. 1075, air- Xen. An. 5, 8, 25, epvfa II. 3, 113. Od. 17, 515; Epic subj. -gonev II. 15, 297: 2 aor. II. 5, 321, fpvK- 15, 450; opt. ('piJicdKoi 7, 342 ; imper. 13, 751 ; fpvKoKeeiv 5, 262 (rarely unredupl. and , Nic. Alex. 536, but e/>uyot Ms. P. Otto Schneid.), compare ), 2 aor. r}vincmov. Mid. epvKop.a.1 to hold oneself back, intrans. II. 23, 443. Od. 17, 17, dir-epi>Kov Soph. O. C. 169, -vKeo Nic. Al. 608, trans, as act. II. 12, 285, which some hold passive, but an-fpvKOfiai mid. Theogn. 1207 (Vulg.) has been altered from the best Mss. to dir-fpvKopfv. Pass. tpvKOfjtai II. 12, 285, see above. Od. 4, 466 ; Soph. Ph. 1153 ; fpvKopevoi Her. 9, 49. Rare in Attic prose, see above; never in Comedy: fut. and 2 aor. Epic. 'Epu'w (v) To draw, Epic II. 22, 493; Mosch. 2, 83, rarely augm. : imp. epvov II. 12, 258, rjp- Hes. Sc. 301, tip- Mosch. 2, 14. 127, iter. tpvevKf Nonn. 43, 50 : fut. Ion. epva> II. n, 454- I 5j 35 1 - 22 67 (best Mss. Bekk. Spitzn. Bind.) where some take it as pres. for fut., others adopt the full form ('pvaa (Barnes, Clarke, Bothe), which occurs Opp. Hal. 5, 375 ; Nonn. 21, 268, fpixrcra Orph. Lith. 35; Nonn. 23, 298: aor. elpva-a Od. 2, 389, II. 16, 863, -vo-o-a 3, 373, Ipvo-a II. 5, 573, Od. 22, 193, tpvaaa Od. II, 2, 71730- II. I, 308, iter. fpva-aa-Ke, eg- 10, 490; Subj. epvo-oys II. 5 HO, fpvaji 17, 230, -VCTO-TI 5, IIO, pv for - J 6 (Lit.) should perhaps be dpvo-- (v. r. tip-, and tip- six lines above, but see aor. pass.), -tWwo-t Od. 17, 479; opt. epv fipvvdai, KOT- 14, 332, see below: aor. tpvcrdfls Hippocr. 5, 234; irap-fipvadij 3, 26 (Lit.) Mid. epvofjiM to draw to oneself, protect, guard, imp. e'piWo II. 6, 403, but fpvovro 17, 277, fjpv- Philostr. Apoll. 4, 162 : fut. epva-ofjuii, Epic -va-aofjLai II. IO, 44. Od. 21, 125, and -nopal, inf. epijfo-dai II. 9, 248. 14, 422 : aor. fpvtravro II. I, 466. 7, 318; Hes. Fr. 234, but epvaaro Od. 14, 279 (Wolf, Bekk. Dind. La R.). II. 20, 450 (Bekk. 2 ed. La R.), epuo-o-- II. 22, 367 (Wolf, Bekk. Dind. La R.). 20, 450 (Wolf, Dind.). Od. 14, 279 (Rost, Kiihner); subj. tpv^rai Ap. Rh. i, 1204; opt. fpva-mo II. 5, 456, 3 pi. epva-alaro 5, 298; epvaratrQai 22, 351, fpv back, ward off, tpvro II. 5, 538. 17, 518, pvro Hes. Sc. 138, but epvro pass, was drawn in, kept, Hes. Th. 304. Vb. epvaros Soph. Aj. 730. Those forms which we have ranked as perf. and pip. may be, and indeed generally are, referred to the pres. and imp. contracted : as pres. fpvrai for epverai, tpva-dai for fpvfcrdai '. imp. epvcro for fpvewo, tpvro for epuero &C. Used sometimes as aor. ; epvro Hes. quoted, may on this view follow the analogy of verbs in pi, e8Ki>vro &c. A rare if not the only instance of v in the act. is TOOV epvw drawing, Tzetz. Horn. 196. Buttmann has examined with his usual ability the meanings and quantity of epvw, fipvu Lexil. p. 303 ; but, after all, we are inclined to think that the quantity of v depends more on place in the verse than on shades of meaning. For the forms with , see eipvw. pxaros, epyta) To shut in, Epic, and only imp. pass. Od. 14, 15. To go, come, II. 13, 256 ; Hes. Th. 751 ; Find. N. 7, 69 ; Aesch. Supp. 254 ; Soph. Ph. 48 ; Ar. Thesm. 485 ; Her. 7, 102 ; Antiph. 6, 20 ; Thuc. 6, 36 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 6, 4. Hell. 3, 2, 6 ; PL Rep. 424; Aeschin. 3, 19; Dem. 17, 10, Epic 2 sing. pxu II. 10, 385 ; Theogn. 1374, in Attic indie, chiefly; subj. rare epx?rai II. 10, 185; Callim. Fr. 67 ; Hippocr. 7, 598 (Lit.) ; Pausan. 9, 39, 10, ipwvQov Od. 16, 170, epx 893; Theogn. 220 (Ms. A. Bergk, ep^ov Vulg.) ; and late N. T. Luc. 7, 8. Rev. 6, 5 &c. epx^dov II. i, 322; Ar. Ach. 1144 (chor.), tpxf(T0f II. 9, 649 ; and late N. T. Joh. i, 40; epxfo-06o> obsol.)Il. 13, 753. Od. 1 6, 8; Ap. Rh. 3, 177 ; Ion. prose, Her. 6, 9. 8, 130; Hippocr. 7, 498. 612. 8, 38. 74 (Lit.), , d(pi'op; indeed the only exception in classic Aiiic prose is Lysias quoted, and here Elmsley thought it corrupt, as he did TrfpiTipxonrjv Ar. Thesm. 504. Elmsley was fine sometimes, we think to fastidiousness. His only ground of exception is rareness in Attic. But if we may believe the Mss. Lysias some- times indulged himself with a rarity. Is it not as easy and as safe to suppose that he used a poetic or Ionic word as that a transcriber foisted it into the text? And why should Aris- tophanes scruple to use, if it so pleased him, the imperfect, which Thucydides had used before him ? : 1 aor. rare and late, tfKv6a (Hes. Th. 660, is a false reading) Nonn. 37, 424, ir-rj\v8a- Anth. 14, 44, ^X0a, air- N. T. Rev. 10, 9 (Mss. Lachm. Tisch.), TJ\6ciTe Matth. 25, 36, e|- 26, 55, frdav Act. T2, IO, cur- V. T. 2 Chron. 29, 17, Trpoo-- N. T. Matth. 9, 28 (Vat.) ; imper. eX0dreo V. T. Esth. 5, 4, eXdare Prov. 9, 5, St- Amos 6, 2 : 2 p. eATjXvfla Attic, Aesch. Pr. 943; Soph. O. C. 366. Ph. 141; Eur. Phoen. 286 ; Ar. Nub. 238 ; Her. 8, 68 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 15 ; PI. Prot. 317. Leg. 900. Rep. 445 ; Lycurg. 33 ; Dem. 38, 3 (but Ar- Od. 4, 268), Trap- Thuc. 4, 86, i pi. f\r)\v6ap.ev Isocr. 14, 51; PI. Leg. 683, syncop. e'X^Xv^ev Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 153 ; Achae. Fr. 22, f\r)\vT( ibid. (Wagn.), -\\i6aa-i Isocr. 13, 3. 14, 19; subj. eX?j- \v6rj, VTT- Hippocr. 2, 266 (Lit.) ; opt. rare fXrjXvGoirjs, npo- Xen. Cyr. 2, 4, 17 : pip. e'XijXu&u' Eupol. ap. Ar. Eq. 1306 (t'X- Mein. T 2 276 Dind. 5 ed.), irpoa- Thuc. 6, 65, Ste- Dem. 21, 84, Ionic f\T]\vdff Her. 5, 98. 8, 114, Epic perf. f\f]\ovda, -ovdtas II. 15, 81, and ei\T)\ovda 5, 204. 15, 131 ; Theocr. 25, 35, i pi. syncop. elXfjXovdpfv II. 9, 49. Od. 3, 81 ; -\ov6> II. 22, 113; Soph. O. C. 310 ; Ar. Pax 122 ; Her. i, 209; PI. Rep. 344, f\0r)vi II. 5, 132 ; Hes. Fr. 80 ; opt. ?X0oiju II. 5, 301. Od. n, 501 ; Soph. Tr. 1189; Ar. Eq. 502; Antiph. 5, 34; Thuc. 6, 37; e'X&'Il. 23, 770; Soph. Ph. 1190; Eur. Cycl. 602; Ar. Ach. 673; PI. Charm. 155; eX&o/ II. 14, 8; Soph. O. C. 79; Ar. Nub. 89; Her. 2, 121 ; Thuc. 4, 83; PL Rep. 572, Dor. dat. pi. eX&Weo-o-t Pind. P. 4, 30; e'X&ii/ II. 7, 160; Soph. O. R. 307 ; Ar. Av. 28; Her. i, 27. 2, 32 ; Thuc. 2, 5, Epic f\6efjLfvai II. i, 151, fXdfuev 15, 146, Doric fyBov (not in Pind.) Epicharm. 126 (Ahrens); Callim. Lav. Pal. 8. Cer. 27 ; Theocr. 2, 118. 16, 9, Lacon. ^\v 1081 ; aor. mid. eXBoi^v rare and late, Batr. 179 (Mss. fXdoirjv Franke, Baumeist. rpxw' Wolf) : 1 aor. mid. dir-fXevaao-dai occurs Charit. i, 3 (D'Orville, but now -eXeva-o-&u Lobeck, Hercher), tw-eXevo-ijTat however is still in Hippocr. 2, 494 (Lit.) for which we would suggest wroXua-qrai. But fat. vne-XtvfffTai is perhaps the true reading (Mss. C D, Erm. i, 353.) Vb. /irr-eXeuoreos LuC. Fugit. 22, irrr-eXOereov Strab. 13, 3, 6 (Kram.) Pres. fpxofMi is common in every class of writers, but for the moods tpxafwi, epxoifjiTjv &c., and imp. ^>xo/;i> the Attics usually employ 1fMi rare, ep\fo, (-%ov) -^eu often in Epic, we have not noticed in Attic ; epxolprjv rare in Attic, we have not seen or failed to note in Epic ; epxo^vos, tpxevOai often in Epic, occasionally in Attic : fj\v6ov and syncop. rj\6ov never drop the augment ; the former confined to Indie, and almost always to the dactylic forms rj\\)6ov, -es, -e ; ^Xv#o/iiei> however is the Mss. reading Hes. Th. 660 (Goettl.) not fj\vda^v, which was first introduced into the text by Pasor, and adopted by some late editors. ^vBov for 'Ecr 0e'w. 277 ?jK6ov seems to have been but partially used by the Dorians : Find, never has it, and Timocr. Rhod. has eXSelv i, 4 (Ahr.), rj\Bf Chilidonism. Puer. Rhod. i. 3 pi. rj\6ocrav for rjkOov is a late form, often in Septuag. ; Pseud.-Callisth. 2, 35 : 2 perf. in pi. is occasionally syncopated, t\r)\vfiev, -\vre for -vQa^v -vdare, Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 153; Trag. Fr. (Achae.) 22. Perf. pass. die\T]\va-6ai Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 28 (old edit.) has been dis- placed by SirjviKrdai from Ms. Guelf. ; another form however fj.TTJ\6ai occurs in Peyron. Papyr. Aegypt. i, p. 34. Fut. pass. e\fv6ri(r6fj.fi/a occurs late Paroem. Apostol. Cent. 18, 22. For fax*, dv-r]pxfTo, vTreg-TjpxfTo Hippocr. (Lit.) quoted, or Epidem. 7, Sect. 35. 45. 59, Ermerins reads j?, dv/jei, {megr/ei, ' because,' says he, ' the former was not in use when this book was written.' We think this a mistake, for Sujpxfo is in Pind. Ol. 9, 93, and has never, as far as we know, been called in question. In Hippocr. there is no variant for rjpxfro, dvfipxero ; for vnegripxeTo, however, occurs vireteiv (Ms. C. for -i]tiv). But a question may arise whether this may not have been adopted by the Scribe merely because eieu occurs two lines before. In Aristoph. Thesm. 504, Bekk. and Dind. retain irfpirjpxfT ', Elms, suggested -fci or -fipptv, Hamaker Trepi/rpex' approved by Bergk and adopted by Meineke ; nepitppfi. (irepippeu] if suitable, seems fully as near the draft. 'Epu>E(i> To flow, move, also restrain, check, Epic, -o> Od. 12, 75; imper. -&>ei II. 2, 179: fut. epa>ijaa> II. i, 303. 24, 101 ; Theocr. 22, 174; Q. Smyrn. 3, 520: aor. ^pwijo-a II. 23. 433 ; Callim. Del. 133; Theocr. 13, 74, but always vn-ep- II. 8, 122. 314 ; epajjcratre drive back, II. 13, 57 (so fut. e'pa7o-a> Theocr. 22, 174 : aor. ^pco^cre forsook, 13, 74, quoted). 'Epwrdw To enquire, Soph. El. 317 ; Antiph. 5, 64 ; Thuc. I, 5 ; Lys. 12, 12 : imp. ^pwrtoj/ Hippocr. 5, 370 ; Antiph. i, 16 ; Thuc. 7, 10 (Vulg. Coll.). 8, 92 ; Lys. i, 25 : fut. -770-0) Hippocr. i, 606 ; PI. Rep. 350 ; Isae. n, 4 : aor. ^poWrjo-a Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 21 ; -jyo-as Soph. Tr. 403; HippOCr. 5, 3)0: p. fjpurrjKa PI. Phil. 18 &c. reg. Epic and Ion. elpumiw Od. 17, 138 ; Her. 3, 14: imp. flpwra Od. 15, 423 (Bekk. Dind. La Roche); Her. i, 88, 3 pi. dpuTfov 4, 145, -T(w i, 158 ; without augm. but ^pwra Od. quoted (Wolf), and dv-rjparcav Od. 4, 251 (Wolf, Bekk. Dind. La Roche), af-po>r- (Ameis, Kayser, Hentze with Eustath.), -rjpvTfw Theocr. i, 81. Horn, has always the pres. form with , Her. always, except epureoVei/oi/ i, 86 (Vulg. Gaisf.), but (Bekk. Lhardy, Dind. Stein). CEcrOeu) To cloihe, perhaps only perf. and pip. pass, e Her. 3, 129. 6, 112 (faO- Stein), rjaQrjpfvos Eur. Hel. 1539; 278 'Eo-0/w. Ael. V. H. 9, 3; rjo-dqo-dai Ael. H. A. 16, 34 : pi. fjadrjro Ael. V. H. 12, 32. 'EtrOio) 7b eat, II. 23, 182; Hipponax 85; Aesch. Fr. 246 (D.); Ar. Pax 1167; Her. 2, 35. 68; PI. Theaet. 166; imper. eV&e Od. 14, 80; eo-difiv Simon. Am. 7, 24; Soph. Fr. 596 (D.) ; Hippocr. i, 584 (Lit.), Ep. -ufixv Od. 21, 69; eV0i Her. i, 133, also a pres. eo-Oo) II. 24, 415 ; Alcm. 33 (B. 3 ed.) ; Aesch. Ag. 1597; Com. Poet in Athen. 13, 596; Com. Fr. (Philip.) 4, 469; eaQetv Od. 5, 197, Ep. -&>mu II. 24, 213. Od. IO, 373 J rare and late in prose, Plut. Mor. 101. 829; Aretae. Morb. Diut. 2, 77 (ed. Oxon.); V. T. Lev. 17, 10; Apocr. Sir. 20, 16, also 28o) II. 5, 341. Od. 14,81; Hes. Th. 640; Com. Fr. (Alcae.) 2, 832. (Eub.) 3, 219, Dor. 3 pi. e8ori Theocr. 5, 128; in Trag. Eur. edcoi/ Cycl. 245 ; Ion. and late prose, and rare, Hippocr. i, 580 (Lit.) ; Luc. Rhet. n : imp. f/dyop.ai, -ea-ai V. T. Gen. 3, 3 ; Esai. i, 19 ; Or. Sib. 3, 790 ; 2 Mace. 7, 7 ; N. T. Luc. 17, 8 ; as pres. Apocr. Sir. 36, 23 : p. e^So/ca Ar. Eq. 362 ; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 462 ; Xen. An. 4, 8, 20, cm- Ar. Ran. 984, *ar- Aeschin. i, 42 : pip. (fySoKeiv Luc. Gall. 4 : p.p. eS^Sea/xat, /car- PI. Phaed. no; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 87, Epic e'Sij&o/xat Od. 22, 56, but KOT- eSqSoTai Dio. Hal. I, 55 (Vulg. -eS^Seo-rai Kiessl.) : aor. rj&fordrjv Hippocr. i, 686 (K.) ; Aristot. Probl. 13, 6, *ar- Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 627, QTT- 2, 662 : 2 p. Epic, e&jSa, -Sws II. 17, 542, -Suia Horn. H. 3, 560 : 2 aor. tfyayov Od. 15, 373 ; Ar. Thesm. 616 ; Xen. An. 4, 8, 20, (fxiyes Od. 9, 347, dye in tmesi H. 2, 326 (Bekk.), (frdyov Pind. Ol. i, 51; subj. Qdyrj Soph. Fr. 149; Ar. Vesp. 194 ; Hippocr. 2, 264 (Lit.), -yyvi Od. 8, 477 ; dyot/u Ar. Vesp. 511 ; PI. Phaed. 81 ; imper. ' Od. 16, 143. 18, 3; i> Od. 4, 33; Simon. C. 169; Aesch. Supp. 226; Soph. Fr. 777 (D.); Ar. Eq. 806; PI. Pro.t. 314. Mid. ecrdiofiat, as act. Hippocr. 5, 160 (Lit.); Theophr. H. P. i, 6, u, and late (pdyopai Apocr. Sir. 36, 23 : fut. fdopai see above : aor. late ^Seo-a/i^i', KUT-eSea-rjTai Galen 5> 75 2 - fo-dioncu pass, is rare and confined to Epic and late prose, eV&'mzt Od. 4, 318 ; -ieadat Theophr. H. P. i, 12, 4; Luc. Cyn. n. Vb. e'fiecrrdy Soph. v Eo"7ro/Aaf 'Etmaw. 279 Ant. 206, -e'oj PL Crit. 47. $ayo seems to have existed, hence Opt. ayiois Pseud.-Phocyl. 157 (Vulg. ayovpt6a also (Gen. 3, 2) is rendered doubtful, by the Alex- andrian Ms. presenting $ayo/i-, and (f>dyfa-6e occurring in the following verse. eo-#o> and eo-0i'o> seem confined to pres. and imp. : of () the 2 aor. tyayov alone is classic. "E) r. 'Ecrcroofiai, -OUJACU (fo-awi'), 70 & / 9" aor. ecra-(a6r]v 2, 169. 3, 83; Subj. -dec0fj.fv 4, 97. See fjcra-da), TJTT-. "Eacruo, see credo). 'EarrJKw, oTrJKa) 7b j/aw^f, pres. rare and late, Posidip. Athen. 10, 4, o-TT)Kii N. T. Rom. 14, 4; or?^, >- Aretae. Morb. Ac. 2, 121 (ed. Oxon.) : fut. eWij|a) (Horn.) Epigr. 15, 14 ; Ar. Lys. 634 ; PL Conv. 220; Dem. 20, 37, KaO- Thuc. 3, 37, d0- Xen. An. 2, 4, 5; PL Rep. 587 : and -^o/xai Eur. I. A. 675 (Mss. Vulg. Herm. Kirchh. Nauck) ; Com. Fr. (Heges.) 4, 480 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 17 (Vulg. Popp. &c., but act. eor^et Dind. now, Saupp.). Ven. 10, 9 (Vulg. Dind. but act. -ei Saupp.) Pres. part. vvvfVTriKovvtov is the vulgar reading Hippocr. i, 543 (Kiihn), but Galen quoting the passage has perf. v II. 10, 206; Theocr. 7, 77, -doxm II. 2, 508. 'Erd^w, see egerdfa. c EToifi To prepare, Eur. Supp. 454 ; Her. 6, 95 ; Thuc. 6, 34 : imp. TJT- 6, 88 : fut. -d 4, 46 ; C. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 83 &c. reg. and complete: aor. eroi/nao-dra> II. 19, 197 : p. p. qrot/xooywu Thuc. 6, 64. 7, 62 ; and as mid. Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 5 ; Dem. 23, 209; Diod. Sic. i, 72 (Vulg. Trapeo-KeuaoTi- Bekk. Dind.) : pres. mid., -astral Thuc. 6, 17 ; imper. -deo-6e Her. 9, 45 : imp. ijrot^- ThuC. 4, 77- 7 3 1 ? "(>/*-, irpo- Her. 7> 22 &0 r - ^roi/iatrd/^i/ Xen. Apol. 8, Ion. eroi^aa-avro Od. 13, 184, Trpo-erot/xdo-aro Her. 8, 24 ; opt. eroi/Luurati/ro Thuc. I, 58, poet. -acraaiaTO II. IO, 57 J > -daao-dai Thuc. 6, 22; -. EuSaifiocEu 70 fo prosperous, Soph. Ant. 506 ; Ar. Eq. 172 ; PI. Leg. 636: fut. -f)o-(0 Her. i, 170; Eur. Med. 952 ; Isocr. 15, 85 ; PI. Rep. 541 : aor. quSai/idwjo-a Xen. Lac. i, 2 (v. r. Thuc. 8, 24): but p. fi>8aip6vr)Ka Aristot. Met. 8, 6, 8, else reg. Eu8oKip.e'u) To be approved, Her. 6, 63 ; Thuc. 2, 37 ; PI. Prot. 315; Isocr. 9, 36, often without augm. euS-, often with, rjv8- : imp. fv8oKip.fi Xen. Hell. 6, i, 2 ; Aeschin. 2, 108, Ion. -//we Her. 7, 227, ijv8- PI. Gorg. 515 : fut. -^o-o> Cercid. 5 (B.) ; Isocr. i, 21 ; Aeschin. 2, 130: aor. eifioKi'pjo-a Her. 3, 131 ; Isocr. 12, 78; Lycurg. 82 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 46 (Vulg. Popp. rji/8- Dind. MOW 4 ed., Saupp.) ; Dem. 7, 20 (Mss. Bekk. &c. ijvS- Dind.) : p. fv8oKinr]Ka Ar. Nub. 1031 (r)v8- Mein. Dind. 5 ed.); PI. Criti. 1 08, rjv8- Luc. Paras. 32 (Dind.) Eu8w To sleep, II. 14, 482 ; Alcm. 60 ; Pind. P. i, 6 ; Aesch. Eum. 141 ; Soph. Aj. 291 ; Ar. Lys. 15 ; Her. i, 34 ; Xen. Ven. 5, ii ; fv8tiv II. 2,61, rare -fpwai Od. 24, 255 ; subj. evbycrQa Od. 8,445: imp. euSoi/Il. 2, 2; Theocr. 2, 126; Eur. Bac. 683. Rhes. 763. 779 (Vulg. Kirchh. Nauck 2 ed.) ; Her. 3, 69, r)S8- Eur. Bac. Rhes. quoted (Elms. Dind. Paley, 683. 779 Nauck 3 ed.); PI. Conv. 203, iter. evSeovce II. 22, 503 : fut. euSiyo-to Aesch. Ag. 337: aor. Kad-fv8^v Soph. Ph. 670: imp. tvrjpyfTow Dio Cass. Fr. 9 (Bekk.) ; v. r. Xen. Ages. 4, 4, and fifpy- Xen. Apol. 26. Ages. 4, 4 (Dind. Breitb. Saupp.) : fat. fvepyfTfja-u Eur. Hel. 1298; Xen. Cyr. 3, I, 34: aor. evrjpyeTrjo-a Ar. Pint. 835 ; Lys. 9, 14 ; Dio. Hal. 2, 18, and evepy- Isocr. 4, 56 (Bekk. B. Saupp. Bens.); Dinarch. i, 16 : p. fvrjpyerrjKa Lycurg. 140; Luc. Abd. 18, and tixpy- PL Rep. 615; Isae. 4, 31; Dem. 20, 33 (Bekk. (vrjpy- Dind.): pip. evepyer^Kei Xen. Ages. 2, 29 (Dind. Breitb. Saupp.) : p. p. tv^yeV^at D. Cass. 56, 35 ; Luc. Abd. 14, fvepy- Xen. Mem. 2, 2, 3 (ffypy- Dind.); Isae. 7, 4 ; PI. Crit. 43 : pip. evepye-njvro Dem. 20, 7 1 (Bekk. fvrjpy- Dind.) : aor. (vfpyrrrjdfis PI. Gorg. 250. Vb. fvepyfTT)- reov Xen. Mem. 2, i, 28. In Dem. Dind. always edits (typy-, Bekk. always tvfpy-, so B. Saupp. EuicXet, see K\J]I\itv PL Phaed. 89 ; -^6^1 Soph. O. R. 47 : and fut. p. as mid. -^r}6rja-ofj.ai Aristot. Eth. Mag. i, 30 (-^a-ofiai v. r.) ; Diog. Laert. 7, 116; Galen 5, 249; Porphr. de Abst. 43. Vb. eXa/3p-w Hippocr. 8, 548 ; PL Rep. 424. The fut. pass. -/3r}dr](ropat, though scarcely classic, has better support than our lexicons allow. In the Septuag. and Apocr. we think it is the only form. EuXoye'cj To bless, Eur. Ion 137 ; -\oyeiv Aesch. Ag. 580 ; Isocr. ii, 4 ; -y>v Soph. Ph. 1314 : imp. eiiXoytts Eur. Fr. 349 (D.) ; Isocr. 12, 206, -yei Ar. Eccl. 454 (Vulg. Bekk. Bergk), j/t>X- (Mein. Dind. 5 ed.); and late, Orat. tr. puer. 27 : fut. -V" Eur. Hec. 465 : aor. (vXoyrjva V. T. Gen. 2, 3. Jos. 14, 13, >?vX- Gen. 24, i; 282 Dan. 4, 31 ; inf. euXoyjJo-ai Ar. Eq. 565 : p. late (v\6yr)Ka V. T. Gen. 17, 20 : p.p. eiXdyq/iai V. T. Num. 24, 9, i?vA- (Alex.): aor. fvXoyrideir) Epist. Phal. 4 : with fat. mid. fv\oyrjaofj.ai as pass. Isocr. 9, 5 (Ms. Urb. V. Bekk. B. Saupp. Bens.) : for fiit. ei>Xo- yr)0r]. r. V. T. i Par. 29, 20. An Alexandrine form of 3 pi. opt. 1 aor. fv\oyTjo-ai Anth. 10, 12 : aor. fvvrio-a Od. 4, 440; Anth. 4, 3, 87; -17077 Opp. Hal. I, 161 ; Dor. -do-eif, /car- Soph. Ph. 699 (chor.) ; -770-0? Ap. Rh. 4, 87; Nonn. 13, 276 ; p.p. evi^fiai Anth. 7, 397 ; aor. fwfjdrjv Anth. 7, 78 ; -riOfjvai II. 14, 360. Od. 4, 334, aw- Her. 6, 107 ; -rjdfis II. 2, 821. Od. 8, 292 ; Soph. Fr. 581 (trimet. Dind.), ow- Her. 6, 69, and, if sound, cvvtdrjv, gw- Hippocr. 2, 833 (K.). Mid. fivdofjtai to sleep, Soph. O. C. 1571 (chor.) to which may, per- haps, be assigned p. (formal : and aor. evvr]6rjv. Twice in Trag. Soph, quoted, not in Comedy, nor, uncomp., in prose, except perhaps fivao-dai Aretae. Morb. Ac. 2, 1 1 7 (ed. Oxon.) euf da> Soph. O. R. 961, has rather a wider range, and in some editions appears with, and without augm. : fat. ei>vutra> Od. 4, 408 ; -da-eiv Xen. Ven. 9, 3 : aor. evvaaa Anth. 7, 25 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 856. 4, 1060; Eur. Rhes. 762 (Mss. Vulg. Kirchh. Nauck 2 ed.), T^- (Dind. Nauck 3 ed.); fvvdoy Aretae. Morb. Ac. 2, 107 (ed. Oxon.); (vvaa-ov Soph. Tr. 1042. Pass, and mid. evvdfTat Horn. H. 4, 190; Eur. Med. 18; Hippocr. Epist. 9, 396, irap- Od. 22, 37 ; -dfancu Luc. D. Syr. 25, -a& Hes. Op. 339 ; -dto-6ai Xen. Ven. 12, 2 ; -o/nei/os Luc. Cyn. i : imp. evvdfcro Od. 20, i, -OITO 23, 299; Ap. Rh. 2, 497, TJVV- Themist. 26, 316 : p. KQT- ewao-Tat Eur. Rhes. 611 (Kirchh. Nauck 2 ed.), -rjvvao-rai (Dind. Nauck 3 ed.) : aor. fvvda-drjv Pind. P. 3, 25. Fr. 175 (Bergk), 77^- Eur. Ion 17. 1484 (Kirchh. Nauck, Dind.), %VV-TJW- Soph. O. R. 982 (Elms. Dind. now), but -fvvdpo>-. If they are right, the form with a is rendered doubtful in classic Greek. The augment often occurs in editions by Elmsley, W. and L. Dindorf, Meineke &c., tfpiarKov Soph. O. R. 68. Ph. 283 284 (Elms. Dind.) ; Ar. Ran. 806 (Mein. Dind. 5 ed.) ; Xen. Hell. 5, 3, 23 (Dind.); and often in late authors, Babr. 22 ; Polyb. 10, 7 (Bekk. Dind.), pass. rjvpio-Kfro Xen. An. 4, 4, 13 (Dind. 4 ed.) : rjvpov Thuc. 5, 42 (L. Dind.); Aesch. Pers. 474; Eur. Med. 553 (W. Dind. Nauck 3 ed.). Heracl. 957 (Elms. Dind. Nauck 3 ed.): T)vpr)Ka 534; Soph. O. R. 546 (Elms. Dind.): TjvprjKd Babr. 22 : p. p. ^vp/jrai Aesch. Pers. 743 J Soph. Aj. 546; Eur. Bac. 203 (Elms. Dind.); ^up^eW Xen. Cyr. 2, 3, 14 (Dind. 4 ed.); Galen 13, 889, it is therefore a mistake to say that "the perf. is never written with rjv." aor. yvpedrjv Soph. Aj. 1135; Ar. Thesm. 521 quoted; Eur. Andr. 219 (Dind.); Diod. Sic. 13, 90 : 1 aor. m. rjvpao Anth. 9, 29 : 2 aor. rjvpovro Aesch. Pr. 267 (Dind.); Thuc. i, 58 (Bekk. Dind. Classen.) A fat. vpS> occurs late Polem. 2, 40 (Orell.), and 1 aor. evpa^v Pseud.-Callisth. i, 39, as if from a liquid form evpv, to which also may be referred evpa^v Hes. Fr. &c. above ; and late Anth. Ap. Ep. 274 ; Paus. 7, n, i. 7, 17, 6. 8, 30, 4; Dio. Hal. 10, 48; Ael. V. H. 3, 17 &c. In II. Od. and generally in Epic, 2 aor. act. and mid. fvpov, -6p.r)v are alone used ; f(pfvpia-Ku> however Od. 19, 158 (Vulg.) which Wolf, followed by Bekk. Dind. La Roche, altered perhaps correctly to W fvpiaKm (ev6' fvp- Cod. Harl.) The fut. pass, form evprjdfa- we have said is late. EoTpemu To make or have ready, Aesch. Ag. 1651 ; Hippocr. 6, 324, without augm. tv, and with >ju : imp. qurpeV- Himer. Or. 8, i: fut. -iS> &c. : p.p. TjvTpfTTKTfievos Eur. I. A. mi; Ar. Plut. 626 ; Heliod. 10, 9 ; (vrpt-nivQai (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 340 (Lit.), but evrpe-ma-Tai as mid. Dem. 18, 175 (Ms. S. Bait. Saupp. and Bekk. now), rjvrp- (Dind.) : pip. j/vrptTrto-To Luc. Am. 6 (Dind. tvT- Bekk.): mid. pres. euTpeTri'ferot Themist. 2, 31 : imp. fVTpfnifrvro Thuc. 4, 123 (all Mss. Bekk. Popp. Kriig. fjvrp- Stahl). 2, 1 8 (Ms. G. Popp. Krug.), r^rp- (Vulg. Bekk. Stahl); Dio. Hal. Ant. 2, 36 ; Pseud.-Callisth. 2, 19 : aor. riirpfn-ia-aTo Nic. Damasc. 48, p. 34 (L. Dind.); fiirpouo-T/rai Dem. 23, 189: p. evrpemovai see above : pip. jjurpeVioTo Heliod. 5, 13. Vb. (VTpeTrt&reov Hippocr. 6, 344. Euruxeo) To be fortunate, Simon. Am. 7, 83; Pind. Ol. 7, 81 ; Soph. El. 945 ; Ar. Plut. 629 ; Thuc. 4, 62 ; -xfis Aesch. Sept. 627 ; -OI'TJS Aesch. Ch. 1063, -ol/xej/ Supp. 1014 ; -Tv^eW Her. i, 207 ; -TVX&V Anth. 2, 8, 9, sometimes augm. TJV, see below : imp. fvrvxovv Soph. Fr. 94 (Vulg. Ellendt) ; Eur. Hec. 18. 1208. 1228 (Herm. Kirch. Nauck 2 ed.); Thuc. 4, 79 (Bekk. Popp.): fut. eirrvxfio-o) Eur. Or. 1212: aor. eim^o-a Her. 7, 233 ; Eur. Or. 542 (Herm. Kirchh.); Xen. Hell. 3, 5, 12. An. 6, 285 3, 6 (Popp. &c.), and late -ra Anth. App. Epigr. 9, 40 ; Dor. pt. -rjffais Find. I. 3, i : p. eurt^Ka Isocr. 1 2, 7 ; PI. Hipp. Maj. 285. Leg. 8n; Dem. 19, 67 (Ms. S. Bekk. B. Saupp.) : pip. fvrvxriKfw Dem. 1 8, 1 8 (Ms. S. Bekk. B. Saupp.) : p.p. f\iTi>xw al Thuc. 7, 77 : aor. fvrvxnfyv late Herodn. 2, 14. Sometimes augm. r)VTi>xovv Aesch. Pers. 506 ; Soph. Fr. 94 (Dind. 5 ed.) ; Thuc. 4, 79 (L. Dind. Stahl); Eur! Hec. 18 (Aid. Pors. Dind. Paley, Nauck 3 ed.). 301 (Mss. Pors. Dind. Kirchh. Nauck). 1208. 1^28 (Dind. Pors. Nauck 3 ed.) : ^vTu^o-a Or. 542 (Vulg. Pors. Dind. Nauck 3 ed.) ; Xen. An. 6, 3, 6 (Dind. Breitb. Shenkl); Diod. Sic. 13, 22 (Bekk. Dind.): p. TjuTu^/ca Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, 36 (Dind. 4 edit. Saupp.) : pip. qirvx^eij/ Dem. 18, 18 (Dind.): p.p. jjw-vxw' Thuc. 7, 77 (Stahl.) On the augment. Mss. differ, and of course editors. In Eur. Herm. writes -, Dind. and now Nauck TJV- : in Xen. L. Dind. is now editing TJV-. Eufypa'ivu To cheer, Xen. Men. i, 6, 3 ; Com. Fr. (Arch.) 4, 436, Dor. 3 pi. -(ppaivoio-i Pind. Fr. 206 ; opt. - Aesch. Ch. 742; Soph. O. C. 1353; Com. Fr. (Apoll.) 2, 881 ; Luc. Somn. i ; Philostr. i, 46, Epic fv(ppav(a> II. 7, 297, (v(j>- 5, 688; Theocr. 22, 178: aor. rjvcppdva Simon. (C.) 155, 12 (Bergk 3 ed.); Eur. Or. 217. 287 (Vulg. Pors. Dind. Kirchh. Nauck); Dio Cass. 43, 19 (B.), ei>0- Pind. I. 7, 3 ; Eur. quoted (Herm. Witzsch.); Plut. Nic. 21. Oth. 2; -dvaifu Soph. Aj. 469; inf. (ixppavai Dem. 21, 202, Ion. ev(ppr)i>a II. 24, IO2 ; Theocr. 12, 8, Tjv(f>- Opp. Hal. 3, 86 ; Epic fvtpprjvrjs II. 7, 295 ; inf. -TJVCU 17, 28. Pass. ev(/jatVo/Hu to rejoice, Od. 2, 311 ; Soph. Aj. 280 ; Xen. Hier. 4, 6: imp. ttypaurijap Com. Fr. (Phil.) 4, 55, T]V- Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 15 (Dind.). 2, 2, 5 (Dind. Herd. Saupp.), eu- (Popp. i, 4, 15 Hertl. Saupp.): with flit. m. ({xppavovpai Xen. Conv. 7, 5, Ion. 2 sing. fvpaveai Her. 4, 9, -/eat (Bred. Abicht, Stein); -ovp.evos Xen. Cyr. i, 5* 9- and pass. fv<^pav6r]aofjtai Ar. Lys. 165 ; Aeschin. 1,191: aor. fixppdvdijv Pind. Ol. p, 62; Ar. Ach. 5 (Bekk. Bergk), iju$- (Dind. Mein.) ; tixfrpavdiaai Xen. Cyr. i, 5,9- Euxeraofjiai To pray, profess, Epic, pres. and imp. only, always in the lengthened forms, and unaugm. fv-^raaaQf Orph. Arg. 291, -owvrai Od. 12, 98 : imp. fvxfTouvTo II. 22, 394 > Ap. Rh. I, 231 ; Opt. fi>xeTOcafj.T]v Od. 8, 467, -OWTO II. 12, 391, for -aoifir)v, -doiro ; inf. tvxfrdaa-dai II. 17, 19. To pray, boast, II. 6, 211. 8, 526; Hes. Th. 441 ; 286 Eva). Find. Ol. 3, 2; Aesch. Ch. 540; Soph. Tr. 1190; Ar. Eccl. 171 ; PL Phaed. 117, Trpocr- Antiph. 6, 45 ; tfyeo-tfai Her. i, 27 ; Thuc. 2, 43 ; PL Tim. 27 ; cvxfyfvos Antiph. 6, 45 : imp. evxoMv 11 3, 275; Pind. OL 6, 53; Eur. Elec. 809 (Kirchh. Nauck 2 ed. Witzsch.); Ar. Eccl. 141 (Bekk. Bergk); Her. 7, 54; PL Rep. 393. 394. Menex. 247 ; Xen. An. i, 4, 7 (Popp. Kriig.), T]I>X- Timocr. i, 12 (B.); Aesch. Pers. 498 (D.) ; Eur. Or. 355 (Kirchh. Nauck, Dind.). Elec. 809 (Dind. Paley, Nauck 3 ed.) ; Ar. Eccl. 141 (Dind. Mein.) ; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 466 ; Isae. 8, 16; Aeschin. 2, 118; Xen. Cyr. 3, 2, 15. An. i, 4, 7 (Dind. 4 ed.) ; PL Ale. (2) 141, /ear- Soph. Tr. 764 : fut. evgo/jtai Soph. Ph. 1032 ; Ar. Av. 623 ; Lys. 6, 4 ; PL Phaedr. 233, Epic 2 sing, fjrfvgeai II. n, 431 : aor. 6v|a^/ II. 8, 254 ; Aesch. Ag. 933 (Blomf.). 963 (Pors. Herm. Blomf.),^- (Dind.); Soph. Ph. 1019 (Herm.), 77^- (Dind. Nauck) ; Eur. Phoen. 1373 (Herm.), rjvg- (Dind. Nauck), euf- Ar. Av. 72 (Bekk.), 7?u|- (Dind. Bergk, Mein.), ei- Her. 4, 76 ; PL Phaed. 58 ; Xen. An. 4, 8, 25. Hell. 4, 4, 12 (Popp. Breitb. Saupp.), rji/g- (Dind.), eir-iyvg- H. Hymn. 2, 184 ; Epic subj. evgtai Od. 3, 45; opt. fl^ai^v Od. 12, 334, eaio IsOCr. 5, 68, -atro Aesch. Ag. 1341 ; evao-6ai Find. P. 3, 2 ; Her. 8, 64 ; -apevos Thuc. 3, 58 ; PL Phaedr. 279 : p. TJVKTCU pass, and impers. PL Phaedr. 279; act. late V. T. Num. 6, 19: but pip. r)vyp.T)v act. Soph. Tr. 610, 3 sing. (VKTO (syncop. aor. says Buttm.) Horn. Fr. 2, 15 (Franke) : aor. late estiva pass. Dio Cass. 48, 32. Vb. evKros Eur. Ion 642; Xen. Mem. i, 5, 5, -Ttos, -7, -eov Hippocr. i, 85, if sound ; and late, Epict. Ench. 77. Moeris held rjv more Attic than ev. Mss. however do not bear this out, and editors differ. Elmsley, W. and L. Dind. Meineke &c. favour TJU, Lobeck, Herm. Blomf. Popp. Bekk. Ellendt &c. ei>. In Horn. Hes. Find. Ap. Rh. and Her. never yv, but in later Epic lyfyoj/ro Q. Sm. 6, 183 (Vulg. Koechl.), ft>X- (Lehrs). Euu To roast, Od. 2, 300; Hes. Op. 705 (Gaisf., but tva> Goettl. Lenn. Schoem. Flach) ; and late Luc. Lexiph. 1 1 : aor. evo-a Od. 14, 75: p.p. fvfj.ai, rj- (Suid.) This verb is written with the lenis evo> by Goettl. and Lennep with some Mss. Hes. quoted, and v. r. Od. 2, 300. The simple form is Epic, and in act. goes not beyond the aor. : pass, tuo'/xei/oi II. 9, 468. The comp. dfavu is almost confined to Comedy, Ar. Eccl. 13. Pax 1144: aor. a<- (Simon. Am. 2 4 Bergk) ; Ar. Thesm. 590 (Vulg. Bekk. Bergk), (Mein. Dind. 5 ed.) ; -eva-a 236 : p.p. augm. on prep. Aesch. quoted : aor. -evdfls (Suid.) We have never met with it in prose, though Buttmann says ' in prose usually 287 d, afavva.' With r, it seems to occur once only, and late, efavo-ms Nicand. Athen. 61 (Dind.); Nic. Fr. 79 (Otto Schneid. dtp- Fr. 9 Jo. Schneid.) Eucjxe'w 70 entertain, feast, Her. 4, 73; Xen. Cyr. 5, 5, 42 ; -xJJre Eur. Cycl. 346; -x^lv Ar. Vesp. 342: imp. e\iu>x ovv PI- Gorg. 522, Ion. -x Her. i, 126 : fut. -JJO-CD Theophr. Char. 7 (Foss) ; Plut. Mor. 785 : aor. -qo-a, subj. -jjo-w Com. Fr. (Metag.) 2, 756. vo>xV al /0 eat, feast on, Ar. Plut. 614 ; Her. 5, 8 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 10 : imp. evuxovvro Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 7 (Dind.) : fut. -Tjo-ofmi Ar. Eccl. 717 ; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 489 ; PL Rep. 372 ; Luc. D. Deor. 26, 2 : aor. rare, subj. evaxw u > v ' raL Luc. Cron. n : in same sense p.p. fuw^M ' Hippocr. 8, 424 (Lit.); -jy/zeW Ar. Lys. 1224. Vesp. 1306 (Vulg. Mein. Dind. 4 ed.), ^x- (Dind. 5 ed.) : with aor. evo^^i/ Her. i. 31 ; -#V Ar. Eccl. 664 ; PI. Leg. 666 : and fut. p. etxox^o-o/zai (C. Inscr. 2336. v. r. Luc. D. Deor. 26, 2.) We have seen no trace of augment excepting 7]va>x- Ar. Lys. Vesp. quoted (Dind. 5 ed.) The aor. mid. seems to have escaped the notice of Grammarians and Lexicogr. We never met with it except Luc. quoted, who uses it in exactly the same sense as Her. uses the aor. pass. Wva-dv re KOI ei/co^fyo-ai/ Her. i, 31. OTTO)? dva-coai Ka\ euco^jjcrwiTai without v. r. Luc. Cron. ii. To square this with his own notions, Cobet suggests fut. see To hate, usu. Poet. Od. 3, 215 ; Theogn. 297. 579; Aesch. Pr. 975; Soph. EL 1034; Ar. Ran. 1425, 3 pi. Dor. -aipovri Theocr. 24, 29: imp. fJx0 ai P v U- J 7 2 7J Eur. Supp. 879; Anth. 7, 648: fut. -ap>: aor. >?x%>a II. 20, 306 ; Hes. Th. 138 ; Aesch. Pers. 772 ; Soph. El. 1363 ; Dio Cass. 56, 38 ; Nic. Damasc. 53 (L. Dind.), Dor. -apa Timocr. in Plut. Them. 21. Pass. ex0atpo[Mi to be hated, Aesch. Ch. 241 ; Soph. Aj. 458 ; opt. -polaTo Aesch. Supp. 754 : imp. fjx^P fTO Mosch. 6, 6 : with fut. m. exQapotpai Soph. Ant. 93. Mid. as act. late (xdfiparo Nic. Alex. 6 1 8, dn-cxfyp- Q- Sm. 13, 255 (Vulg. Lehrs), -rixdrjp- (Mss. Koechly.) Vb. exdaprtos now Soph. Aj. 679 (Mss. Dind. &c.) Rare in prose, e'x&upovo-i (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 378 ; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 10, 10, 12 ; Plut. Rom. 17 : imp. rJx^ al P e Dio Cass. 57, i : aor. fJx 6r JP a Dio Cass. 56, 38; Nicol. Dam. Fr. 2 1 (Feder.) Rather a better prose form is exOpaifw Plut. Num. 5; Ael. H. A. 5, 2; butBabr. 59: imp. ^P aivov Xen. Ages, n, 5: aor. late rJxSprjve Maxim. Karap^- 67, -dvav i Mace, n, 38. Vb. e'xdpavreos late. Both verb and verbal used to occur in old editions of the Tragedians, the former at Soph. Ant. 93; Eur. Med. 555, the latter Soph. Aj. 679, but have been displaced in 288 late recensions by exdaipm, exdaprtos from Mss. See Pors. Eur. Med. 559. CExOoSoirew) To wrangle with, Epic and only aor. inf. e'xtfoSo- Tnjo-ai II. I, 518. 'ExOe'w, see foil. "ExOu To hate, Poet, and only pres. Aesch. Fr. 301 (D.) ; Soph. Ph. 510; Eur. Andr. 212; late Epic Callim. Del. 8. Fr. 1 1 8. Pass. ex0o/jiai Aesch. Ag. 417 ; -opevos Od. 4, 502 ; -df (Dind.) : p. p. tfx6^ta>ot quoted. See aTr-xddvofj.ui. "EXOJ To have (o-e'x<>, fx m )> H- 3> 53 > Pind. Ol. 6, 82 ; Aesch. Pr. 470; Soph. O. R. 277; Ar. Ach. 53; Her. i, 71; Antiph. 6, 36; Thuc.i, 4 i, e'xtKrda Theogn. 1316 ; Sapph. 21 (Bergk), Dor. 3 pi. fxovri Pind. P. 5, 82 (Bergk 3 ed.); fxn^ a H- 1 9, 180, -son Od. 20, 85 ; 3 pi. imper. ex VT(av Her. 3, 155 ; Dor. pt. exoio-a Pind. P. 8, 4 ; Epic inf. f\epev II. 13, 2; Theogn. 924; Hes. Sc. 369: imp. fixov II. 7, 217; Hes. Sc. 132; Aesch. Ch. 351 ; Her. i, 24 ; Antiph. 2, y, 2 ; Thuc. 2, 22 ; PI. Tim. 39, Aeol. fa * Sapph. 29 (B.), Epic fx ov H 9> J '> Hes. Th. 466 ; Pind. Ol. 9, 61, iter. ex f <* KOV H- 13. 257; Hes. Th. 533 ; Her. 6, 12 : fut. e^o> II. 18, 274; Aesch. Sept. 67 ; Soph. O. C. 820 ; Ar. Ran. 339 ; Her. 3, 137 ; Antiph. 4, a, 4 ; Thuc. 4, 92 ; Isocr. 8, 137 ; PL Rep. 476 ; opt. |ot^i Dem. 31, 2 ; (.v Thuc. 3, 32, Ep. f&iitv II. 5, 473 ; Hes. Th. 394, and o-x'/o-w II. 17, 182 ; Pind. Fr. 217; Aesch. Eum. 695 ; Soph. Aj. 684 ; Ar. Ran. 188; Her. 9, 12 ; Thuc. 7, 62; Xen. An. 3, 5, n, Epic 2 sing. Solon 13,66; Dem. 23, 128: 1 aor. (orxrjo-a (Inscr. ; Or. Sib. &c.), see below : p. eo-xixa PI. Leg. 765 ; Dem. 1 8, 99 ; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 154, /zer- Her. 3, 80, and Epic (O^WKO, for ofcto^a) (Tvv-oxaKa>s Horn, once, II. 2, 218 : p. p. eo-^jy/iat late in simple, Paus. 4, 21 ; Aq. Esai. 62, 4, an-- Dem. 49, 65, KOT- Luc. D. Mort. 19, i, and (Sy/int): pip. fir-a>x aTO Il- ia, 340: aor. ( Ion. and (late?) Attic, Arr. Ind. 37. An. 5, 7, (ruv- Hippocr. 2, 509 (K. 2, 378 Erm.), eV- Callisth. Stob. 7, 65, TTtpi- Luc. Peregr. 36 ; trxfdeis (Eur. ?) Dan. 6, ar- 27, eV- Plut. Philop. 6, Kara- Solon 2i ; a-xf&n vai Arr. An. 6, n, 2 ; Pseud.-Callisih. i, 6, ?rept- Paus. 4, 25, 3, H- 2I > 39 >' Aesch. Fr. 280 (D.) ; Her. 4, 30 ; PL Leg. 958, in comp. am- Soph. El. 636, TrapcKTx PL Leg. 919 ; a-xoirjv Isocr. i, 45 ; PL Apol. 34, eVt- II. 14, 23.1, 3 pi. o-^oiec Thuc. 6, 33, less freq. a-xolrjaav Hyperid. Eux. p. 14, 25 (Schn.), and 0-xolfJ.i, fiera- Soph. O. C. 1484, napa- Eur. Hipp, mi, Kara- Thuc. 6, n, eVi- PL Phaedr. 257; tr\fs Soph. EL 1013; Eur. Hipp. 1354, VTTO- PL Gorg. 497, occa- sionally . We hesitate to affirm that the " Homeric inf. o-xfQetw is necessarily aorist, and could only be produced from a-xffaw" see fidxoiro II. 5, 362. l6, 713, iM\eoiro I, 272. 344; opao Od. 7, 342, opo-co II, 3, 250 &c. Mid. e^o/nat / hold oneself, hold by, be near &c. II. 17, 559; Aesch. Sept. 97; Soph. O. C. 424; Ar. Pax 479 ; Her. 5, 49; PL Conv. 218 : imp. (lx"M v Pind. P. 4, 244 ; Eur. I. T. 1355 ; Her. 8, 11 ; Antiph. 5, 76 ; Thuc. i, 49, ex- Od. 5, 429, Trpovx- Od. 3, 8, iter. irap-txeo-KfTo formerly Od. 14, 521, is now edited irapeKfa-K- from irapdKfifj.ai (Wolf, Bekk. Dind. La Roche) : fut. e^ai II. 9, 102 ; Soph. O. R. 89? ; Eur. Hec. 398 ; Ar. Plut. 101 ; Thuc. 8, 3 ; PL Rep. 621, irap- Antiph. 5, 30 ; pass. Eur. Dem. see above : and o-x^op-ai II. 9, 235; Her. (Orac.) 7, 220; Ar. Av. 1335; rare in Trag. dva- a-xwei Aesch. Sept. 252, e'^ara- Soph. Ph. 1355; in prosi o-^- a-ofiai Plut. Crass. 25 ; Pseud.-Callisth. i, 6, irapa- Antiph. 5, 24 ; Lys. 9, 8 ; Hippocr. 6, 504 (Lit), mro- Dem. 33, 28 : and in sense p. eo-x^ai, Trap- Xen. An. 7, 6, n; Isae. 4, 18. 31; Aeschin. 2, 181 ; Dem. 27, 49. 36, 35. 40, 54. 57, 29, Dor, u 290 trap- fitrx- Incr. Rhod. Del. Olb. (Ahr. Dor. Dial. p. 341. 574) : 2 aor. fvxoMv II. 3,84. Od. 17, 238 (o^o- Bekk.); Soph. O. R. 1387 (Dind. Nauck). Ant. 467 (Vulg. rjwx- Dind. Nauck &c.); Her. 6, 85. 7, 169; late Attic prose Plut. Arist. 15. 17. Caes. 32, classic in comp. d/a, tjv-fo-x- Aesch. Ag. 1274; Ar. Eq. 412; Thuc. 3, 28; PI. Charm. 162, 077- Thuc. i, 20; Isocr. 16, 13, Trap- Eur. Fr. 882 (D.); Thuc. 7, 58; PI. Phil. 59; Lys. 7, 23. 9, 9 (Ar. Thesm. 147) &c. en- Thuc. 7, 33 (Bekk. Goell.); subj. (rx&vTai Od. 13, 151, aVo -//ai PI. Leg. 642 ; o-xot/ijji/ II. 2, 98, irapa- Eur. Andr. 55, dva- PI. Rep. 367 ; axeo II. 21, 379, er^oi), di/a-cr^ou Eur. Ion 947, - ^92, dva-vxfTos Thuc. 2, 21, dv-a~x- Od. 2, 63, eVtcr^ereoj PI. Phaedr. 272, OTTO- Hippocr. i, 323 (Erm.). In some editions of Her. ?X is occasionally unaugm. ex ov X J IO2 - 5> 73- ^> 95- 7' 61 &c. irapexovro 2, 148 (Schweigh. Schaef. &c.) : Gaisf. Lhardy, Bredow, and now Bekk., we think, uniformly augment it, e?x ov > ^x ovro & c - For firta-xovTo Thuc. 7, 33 (Bekk.), Poppo reads eWo-x " T0/ , on the ground that Thuc. never uses the mid. form. It is little used by any writer, probably because the act. assumed a mid. sense. He uses however the mid. of other compounds, dwe- VXOVTO i, 20 &c. 7rapecr^d/ie5a i, 74. 2, 41 &c. A rare pres. form (XfivQa occurs Sapph. 21 ; Theogn. 1316 (Bekk., so Bergk, but prefers e^fo-^a, exoiaQa Ms. A.); subj. fxn^ - II- J 9 I 1 aor. e(rxw a occurs on the Marmor. Farn. ; and subj. (or -fivGa fut.) Horn. H. Cer. 5, 366 (Ilgen, Matth.); Or. Sib. 9, 91 (Friedl.); Nonn. 17, 177 (Koechl.). eo-^a a late form of 1 aor.=!'a-xoi' is found in Inscr. Aor. pass. eVxe'^V was scarcely used by the early Attics. eV-ei'x Her. i, 118 (Mss. Gaisf. Bekk.), evf1x f (Steph. Dind. Stein) : 2 aor. eVicT^e'"" H er - 1 > 32 (Gaisf.), -vxtiv (Bekk. Stein), Epic vx^efivlX. 23, 466, o-xe^V 6 " Pind. P. 4, 75, inf. for a-x^f*', though analogical, 291 seems to occur once only, Orac. in Schol. Eur. Phoen. 638, and doubtful even there, for the Schol. Ar. Eq. 1256, quoting the passage, reads axeiv. It occurs however occasionally in comp. ndpaa-xf Eur. Hec. 842 (Mss. Herm. Pflugk.). Brunck held it barbarous, and substituted napda-xfs, which Person adopted, granting at the same time that Trapao-^e is agreeable to analogy, but of rare occurrence ; PI. Prot. 348 Trapao-^c (2 Mss.), -axes (Mss. Bekk. &c.); Xen. Conv. 8, 4 (2 Mss., -e^ Mss. Born. Saupp. Dind.); Karaoke Eur. H. F. I2IO (Mss.), Karao-Xfde (Elmsley's conjecture, Matth. Dind. Kirchh. &c.) ; ^eTao-^e Or. 1337 (some Mss.), -o^e? (Mss. Pors. Herm. Dind. &c.) f"x 0(Tav Anth. 5, 209, (rav Scymn. 695, seem to be Alexandrine forms of 3 pi. imp. and 2 aor. 'Ei|udop.cu To play with pebbles, amuse oneself, Epic -tocovTai Ap. Rh. i, 459, e occurs Aesch. Fr. 49 (D.) tyiovo-a; but Lobeck (Rhemat. p. 154), re- stored l^iovaa approved by Dind. 5 ed. In Callim. Meineke edits ty-. "E\J/w To boil, cook (fyfo> rare and often doubtful, especially in Attic), Ar. Eccl. 845 ; Her. 3, 100; e^ot Pind. Ol, i, 83; ty&w PL Euthyd. 285 ; tytiv Xen. Cyr. 8, 2, 6 : imp. rj^ov Ar. Ran. 505. Fr. 507. 548; Com. Fr. (Alcae.) 2, 831, e\J/ee Her. i, 48 (Bekk. Gaisf. Lhardy), tye (Bred.), ^e (Dind. Stein) : fat. eS/^o-w Com. Fr. (Nicoch.) 2, 846. (Men.) 4, 145; Hippocr. 2, 246 (Lit.) : and ty^o-opm see below : aor. fj^va Com. Fr. (Strat.) 2, 775; Ar. Fr. 109. 355 (Dind.); Hippocr. i, 578 (Lit.); Luc. Gall. 14, tyrja-a Her. i, 119 (Bekk. Gaisf. Lhardy, Bred.), rj^- (Ms. K. Dind. Stein, Dietsch) ; subj. ty^U p l- Euthyd. 301; fyrjaov Hippocr. 2, 522 ; -fja-ai (PI.) Eryx. 405 (also r^a, o-vvfj-^as, if sound, Com. Fr. (Timocl.) 3, 606, see below) : p. late f^- Athen. (Aristot.) 10, 34; tyrjOrjvai, w- Hippocr. i, '6 1 6 (Lit.) ; tyr)6fis Theophr. H. P. 3, 9, 2; Luc. V. Auct. 6 ; Galen 13, 399, Ephipp. Com. Fr. 3, 338 (Ms. C.), fyv (Mein.), eS^oCo-i Aristot. Mirab. c. 22, Kad- Xen. Eq. 9, 6, e^ouo-i, KaQty- (Bekk. Dind.), but tyovon Theophr. H. P. 4, 8, 12. 7, 4, n (Schneid. Wimmer) ; Geop. 5, 47 ; tyy PI. Hipp. Maj. 290, e^ (Bekk. &c.) ; imper. etyee Hippocr. 2,518 (Mss. Lit.), ?\^e, so Ms. A, pointing to fye which actually occurs without v. r. 7, 158. 160. 8, 174, e'^eVo) 8, 182; PI. Euthyd. 285; tyelv 301 (Mss. Heind. Stallb. fyw Bekk. B. O. W. &c.) ; so Hippocr. tyeiv 7, 86. 196. 254. 8, 82. 92 &c. but tyeiv 2, 32. 8, 174 (Lit.) ; e^wi/ 7, 48. 266. 276 &c. (Lit.): imp. fyee Her. i, 48, r/^e (Dind.), tyopevos Hippocr. 7, 276 (Lit.), tyeladai Geop. 2, 35, Kad- (Luc.) Asin. 25 (Jacob.), -etyevdm (Dind.) who would expel the pure form tyfo> entirely from the early writers, e'^aa, if correct, is perhaps late, fy>i>Tfs Diod. Sic. i, 84, fyovrts (Bekk. Dind. from Euseb.) ; but tyfjv Hippocr. 8, 366 (Lit.) v. r. tyclv; fycodtyfiMV 2, 806 (K.), -tyovra (Dind.). For aor. crvvtyus Com. Fr. 3, 606, quoted, Meineke, partly from Dindorf s conjecture, partly from his own, reads eV afo-> jj^es imp. of the simple, adding that the aor. form tyns is ' quite unused.' We know no other instance (f^ravTfs Xen. An. 2, i, 6 Vulg. has been altered), but it is countenanced so far by the analogical pass. aor. (fjtpdrjv), tydevrts quoted from Dioscor. etyo> seems to have been also pro- nounced f\|c&>, as our heat is by some pronounced 'eat. (*Ea>) To de, see et/. (*Eo>) To clothe, see ewvfu. ("Eu) To send, see tew, t^/u. ("Ecu) To seat, set, in act. the aor. only, mostly Poet, not in Attic prose (fut. dv-eVw see below) : efo-a II. 4, 392. 6, 189. Od. 8, 472 ; Hes. Th. 174 ; Soph. O. C. 713 (chor.); Her. 3, 61 (Kad-el&ev Eur. Phoen. 1 1 88 trimet. is now Kad-la-ev Dind. Kirchh. &C.), eo-o-a, Kad- Pind. P. 5, 42 (Bockh, Momms.) ; opt. av-evaifu II. 14, 209; imper. tlvov Od. 7, 163; inf. ro-ai in tmesi Pind. P. 4, 273, ('$- Od. 13, 274 ; part, ea-as Od. IO, 361. 14, 280, av- II. 13, 657, flaas, VTT- Her. 3, 126. 6, 103. Mid. to seat one- self, set for oneself, erect, fut. cro/wu Ap. Rh. 2, 807 ; late prose Athen. (Demetr.) 4, 21; eWecr&u, '<- II. 9, 455 : aor. fa-a-dfjLrjv Pind. P. 4, 204, e^-eVo-- Od. 14, 295 (Bekk. now, with Rhian), Kad-fo-ar- Anacr. in (B.) ; Pind. P. 5, 42 quoted (Hart. Bergk), W- II. 10, 23. Od. 14, 529, eWem- A.p. Rh. 4, 188; imper. Zaw. 293 fcrcrai, e cwaufvos, e(f>- 1 6, 443, and eto-a/iiji* Anth. (Anyt.) 7, 208 ; Theogn. 12 ; Callim. lov. 67. Del. 309 ; Theocr. 17, 123; rare in Attic, Eur. I. T. 946 (eyKaQ- Hipp. 31, -Kad-ia- Dind. 5 ed. Nauck) ; prose, Long. Past. 4, 39 (Seil.) ; Themist. 4, 54 (D.), late Epic v II. i, 88 ; Soph. Ant. 210 ; Ar. Av. 754 ; Her. 2, 162 (Gaisf. Stein, &a>v Bekk. Dind.) ; Antiph. i, 23; PL Phaed. 105 : imp. earn/, -uv Soph. El. 323 ; Eur. Ale. 295. 651 (Dind. Nauck) ; Ar. Ran. 1072; Luc. D. Mort. 27, 9, and (from i}/u) e'^i/ only in i pers. sing. Dem. 24, 7, 2 sing, e^s (contr. from efaes) Aesch. Ch. 360 ; Soph. Fr. 603 (D.); Andoc. i, 99; Dem. 18, 263. 21, 134, ?& (?*) Aesch. Ch. 360 ; Soph. Aj. 1060 ; Ar. Pax 652 ; PL Rep. 406 ; Isae. 7, 14; Aeschin. i, 102; Dem. 52, 15, pi. e'o>/uei/ (PL) Epist. 347, 294 Zevw/ui Zev etfre Xen. Cyr. 7, 2, 26, efwi> Ar. Vesp. 709; PI. Leg. 679: fut. fijo-a Epich. 149; Ar. Plut. 263. Fr. 498 (D.) ; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 345; PI. Rep. 465. 591 ; Luc. Alex. 34, 8ia- PL Leg. 792 : and mid. jo-o/*ai Hippocr. 7, 536 (Lit.); (Dem.) 25, 82 ; Aristot. Pol. 7, 6, 7; Plut. Mor. 1082; Luc. Paras. 12 ; D. Laert. 6, 2, 44; Anth. (Antiph.) 7, 175: aor. e^o-a Hippocr. 2, 112 (Lit.); Anth. (Meleag.) 7, 470; Plut. Mor. 785; Luc. Alex. 59 ; Dio Cass. 56, 3 : p. e^a Aristot. Metaph. 8, 6, 8 (Bekk.); Plut. Mor. 1082 ; Polyb. 12, 25 h; Dio. Hal. Ant. 5, 68. For aor. and perf. the Attics commonly use eftiuv, j3e/3uo/ca. efrv Eur. Ale. 295. 651, has been altered from the best Mss. to t&v. Fut. r) seems to have been the Attic form, though mid. jo> and oo> ; see the words. Zlcwju To boil, late for eo>, only pres. act. feW/iev Oribas. 5, 17 ; and part. pass. ewty*ei>oi> Alex. Aph. probl. i, 104. To join, Aesch. Pers. 191, vno- PL Polit. 309, 3 pi. -vdin Eur. EL 1323 (chor.); imper. {cvyvvre Eur. Rhes. v 33 ; -vvs Her. i, 206. 4, 89; -VVM 4, 83, o-u-f- 189, /m-a- Xen. Cyr. 6, 3, 21, see below, and l/euyvSa Her. i, 205; Polyb. 5, 52; Anth. 12, 206 ; subj. frvyvvrj, Kara- Pind. P. 2, n : imp. tfcvyvvv, -varav Her. 7, 33. 36, {evy- II. 24, 783, and ffvynov II. 19, 393, f&vyvve Her. 4, 89, r- 7, 36, dv- Xen. Cyr. 8, 5, i. 28 (Vulg. Popp. Saupp. &c. dv-e&iryw Dind. 4 edit.) : fut. feu| Ion 901. Tr. 671 ; (vgup.tvos Horn. H. 32, 9 ; Theogn. 952; Her. 3, 102; Luc. Hist. Con. 8; Heliod. 10, 29(6.) The mid. in the simple form seems not to occur in good Attic prose, but Sia&vyvvcrSm PI. Leg. 784, , eai/a- Aesch. Pr. 370 : aor. e&o-a Her. i, 59 ; Anth. 7, 385, e- Aesch. Sept. 709, eV- Eur. Cycl. 392 ; Her. 7, 13, feWa II. 18, 349; Anth. 7, 208 ; ri; Hippocr. 7, 354 ; feWie PL Tim. 70 ; inf. feVat Com. Fr. (Anax.) 4, 463 ; ras Eur. Cycl. 343 ; PL Tim. 85* p.p. teapot, OTT- Hippocr. 5, 324 (Lit), later fe is poetic, Dor. farevet Alcm. 33 (B.); Ion. Crjrevrjs Hes. Op. 398 ; -fva>v H. Apol. 215; -fixiv H. Merc. 392. Z<5w To live, Poet, for faa>, and rare, 6ftv Simon. (A.) i, 17 (Bergk): imp. 6ev Anth. 13, 21. Gaisf. reads 6tiv Her. 7, 46 (Ms. R), Bekk. Dind. Stein C an< ^ favvvat Hippocr. 8, 144 (Lit.): imp. efwwvey N. T. Joh. 21, 18 : fut. ftt>o-G> late, V. T. Exod. 29, 9. N. T. Joh. 21, 18 : aor. f&jo-a Hes. Th. 573, efooo-a Ap. Rh. i, 368; V. T. Ezec. 16, 10; imper. o-v-fao-ov Ar. Thesm. 255; fwo-ar Od. 18, 76; Hippocr. 4, 122: p. efwKa late, Anth. 9, 778 ; Paus. 8, 40, 81- Dio. Hal. 2, 5, vn- Galen 9, 402 : p.p. eftooyxai Hippocr. 4, 134, en- Her. 2, 85, St- Thuc. i, 6 (-Co-- Coluth. 207 ; Heliod. 8, 9, KT- Eur. Bac. 698, u-f- Ar. Thesm. 656, tru-f- Lys. 536 (Dind. but u-f- Mein. Dind. 5 ed.), irtpi- Pax 687; Polyb. 30, 13 : as mid. vir-efao-pevos Her. 7> 69 quoted. Vb. fooords Plut. Alex. 32. &VWVTCLI Od. 24, 89, seems sub- junctive. This verb is common in Epic, rare in prose, never, we think, in Trag. except Kar-e&a-avTo Eur. Bac. quoted, never in Comedy, except occasionally in comp. Zww To live, Epic and Ion. for (dv, (in Attic Poet, rare, never in trimet.) II. 18, 61. Od. 24, 263; Pind. Ol. 2, 25. I. 3, 5 ; 'H/3a 'H'yeo/xai. 297 Soph. El. 157 (chor.). O. C. 1213 (chor.). Fr. 520 chor. (D. 5 ed.) ; Ar. Av. 609 (anapaest.) ; Bion i, 53 ; Anth. App. Epigr. 278 ; Her. 2, 36. 3, 22. 4, 22 ; Hippocr. 6, 482. 506. 8, 70 (Lit.) ; subj. O>G> Od. 3, 354 ; &>ot/ Theogn. 1121, &>otrLuc. D. Mort. 6, 5; fo>i> II. 18, 91 ; Soph. O. C. 1212 (chor.); Her. i, 31. 7, 46 ; Luc. D. Syr. 6, Epic -epevai Od. 7, 149, -e^fv 24, 436 : imp. faev Od. 22, 245 ; Hes. Op. 112 ; Her. 4, 112, fd>oi> Hes. Scut. 86, iter. faeaicov Hes. Op. 90 ; Bion i, 30 : fut. late fao-u, Inava- Dial. Herm. de Astrol. i, 10, 42 : aor. efcoo-a, en- Her. i, 120 (Mss. S. M. K. Gaisf. Kriig. Dietsch, Stein, (ir-t&ve Mss. F. a. Aid. Bekk. Dind.): p. ?o>Ka in Inscr. 3684. See faa. a>co never occurs in classic Attic prose, and never in trimeter, in Attic poetry : in Her. Bekk. Bred, and Dind. decidedly prefer it, Gaisf. and Stein follow the Mss. H. 'HjSdw To be at, or near, the age of puberty, be vigorous, Anacr. 18; Aesch. Ag. 584; Eur. Bac. 190; Hippocr. 7, 450; Thuc. 3> 36, TJpdaKu Eur. Ale. 1085; Hippocr. i, 415 (Erm.); Xen. An. 4, 6, i ; subj. qjSa Eur. Or. 697, -600-1 Aeschin. 3, 122 ?; opt. j;/3w/u II. 7, 133; rifi&v II. 12, 382. Od. 23, 187; Aesch. Ch. 879 ; Ar. Ran. 1055 ; PI. Leg. 763 ; Aeschin. 2, 142 : imp. ilfiuiv Eur. H. F. 436 ; Ar. Vesp. 357 : fut. Dor. fiftdo-a) Anth. (Incert.) 7, 482, but 0-^ijo-a) Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 12 : aor. rj^a-a Eur. Ale. 654 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 7, 6 ; Isae. 8, 31 (B. Saupp.) ; subj. V/Sqo-j? Od. I, 41; PI. Leg. 928, -uo-i Apol. 41; Opt. -ijo-eia? Simon. C.? 183 (Bergk), -o-e Hes. Op. 132, -a-aifj. Isae. i, 10; -rjo-as II. 5, 550; Eur. Heracl. 740; Isae. 10, 12 ; Aeschin. i, 13 ; (Dem.) 46, 20 ; f)&Tjs Her. 3, 53; Luc. Lexiph. 13 : pip. Trap-rj^rjKee Her. 3, 53. ij/3o>ot/u (-cow/ii Diintzer) Epic opt. pres. lengthened on r)30- Theocr. 2, 101 : imp. T)y(6nr]v II. 5, 211, -ov^v Aesch. Pers. 400; Antiph. 2, /3, 9 ; Thuc. 3, i ; Lys. i, 37 ; PI. Phaedr. 244, Ion. -fv^v H. Cer. 181 ; Her. 2, 115, Dor. fyflro Pind. P. 10, 45 ; Theocr. u, ii : pass.? fj-yeoufvos Her. 3, 14 (Bekk.): fut. fiyfirropai II. 14, 374; Soph. El. 1038; Ar. Pax 917; Thuc. 4, 20; Lys. 12,35; Xen. Cyr. 2, i, 13; PL Rep. 530: aor. ^y^o-a^v II. 12, 251 ; Aesch. Ch. 905 ; Ar. Nub. 1474 (Bekk. Bergk) ; Her. i, 95 ; Antiph. 6, 35 ; Thuc. i, 39 ; Lys. 3, i ; PL Leg. 635, Dor. dyrja--, eis- Epich. 66 (Ahr.) : p. fjyr]p.ai, usu. act. and as pres. Eur. Phoen. 550; Her. i, 126. 2, 40. 72. 115; PL Tim. 19. Leg. 837. Hip. Min. 374 &c. Ion. 3 pi. -earai Her. i, 136, Dor. &y- Pind. P. 4, 248; pass. Dem. 43, 66 (Dor. Orac.), Si-qy- Antiph. i, 31, air- Her. i, 207. 5, 62. 9, 26 : pip. rjyrjvro act. Himer. Or. 13, 5 : T)yt]6tjv simple if sound, rare and late, Polyaen. 2, 31, 4 (Murs. Liban. T. 4, 473 : aor. rjo-a Anacr. quoted (Mss. A. C. Bergk 3 ed.); Com. Fr. (Ephipp.) 3, 326?; Ael. H. A. 10, 48. Mid. -"H/cw. 299 please oneself, delight in, Simon. Am. 7, 90; Aesch. Eum. 312 ; Soph. Tr. 374; Ar. Pax 291 ; Her. 2, 68; Thuc. i, 120; Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, i ; Lys. 21, 16 : imp. fj8fro Soph. Aj. 272; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 39 : p. (qoy"") perhaps in aoyzei/os with change of aspirate and accent for (^oyxeW) II. 14, 108 ; Find. Ol. 13, 74 ; Soph. Tr. 18; Her. 8, 14. 106; Thuc. 3, 66, see below: aor. TJvGrjv as mid. Soph. Ph. 715; Ar. Ach. 13; Her. i, 56. 69; Thuc, i, 129; Lys. 2, 26; PI. Phaed. 97: fut. ^a^o-o/iat as mid. Soph. O. R. 453 ; Eur. Elec. 415; Hippocr. 6, 650; Xen. Cyr. 2, i, 13 ; Isocr. 8, 5 ; PI. Phaedr. 233, crw- Xen. An. 7, 7, 42; Isocr. 5, 131 : aor. mid. fja-aro rare and Epic, Od. 9, 353- rftovr a pleasures, (PI.) Ax. 366. rjarai Sopat. Athen. 8, 26, has been referred to this verb, as p.p., but the passage seems to require it to be referred to /iat sit. 'Hcpe'6ojjiai To be raised, elated, to flaunt (aeipa), Poet, and only pres. -oirat II. 2, 448. 21, 12; Ap. Rh. 3, 638; Opp. Hal. i, 435 : and imp. rjepedovTo Ap. Rh. 2, 1082. 3, 368. "HKW To come, am come, II. 5, 478 (Wolf, Spitzn. Dind.) ; Hip- ponax 13 (B.); Aesch. Pr. 284 ; Soph. O. C. 732 ; Ar. Ach. 37; Her. 3, 156. 7, 157 (i, 65 Orac.); Antiph. 2, /3, 2 ; Thuc. i, 137; Andoc. i, 4 ; Lys. 12, 14 ; Isocr. 4, 3 ; Isae. 4, 24 ; subj. JJKCO Soph. Tr. 985, -Kfl Her. 7, 8 ; PI. Rep. 540 &c. ; {JKOIHI PI. Conv. 174, rJKoi Soph. Aj. 186; Her. 3, 156; PI. Leg. 952, -ote/ Her. 7, 203; Thuc. 6, 63; imper. *ce Soph. Aj. 1116; Ar. Pax 275 ; Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 25, JJK<=T Theocr. 15, 144; rjgoi Her. i, 127 ; Thuc. 4, no; fjt-ew Antiph. 2, y, 6 : aor. rjga late, Paus. 2, n, 5 ; Galen 10, 609 : pf. late rJKa Philostr. 115; Scymn. 62 (Mein.); V. T. Gen. 47, 4, Dor. i pi. fJKa/j.fs Plut. Mor. 225; fjK stands II. 5, 478. Od. J 3> 3 2 5, m all Mss. and, as far as \ve know, stood in all edi- tions till 1858, they pronounced it several years previously post- Homeric. So too thought Choerob. and Eustath., but Buttmann held it to be a dialectic variety of ucw, and Homeric Lobeck so far approves. 'HXaku To wander, act foolishly, Poet, and only pres. act. T)\alvom 3 pi. Dor. for -overt Theocr. 7, 23 (Junt. Mein. Ahr. Ziegl. Fritzsche), see mid. ; -aiva>v Callim. Dian. 251. Mid. T)\aivovrai Theocr. 7, 23 (Vulg. Wordsw.) The Tragedians use aXaivo). 'HXdoxw To wander, flee, only pres. -da-Kovai II. 2, 470 ; Emped. 388 (Stein) ; part, -ovo-ai II. 13, 104, and yXacrKafa pres. - Od. 9, 457 (r)\v(TK- Bekk. Nauck); part, -dfwi/ II. 18, 281 : and imp. rjXda-Ka&s Horn. H. i, 142. Both Epic. 'HXid^w To sit in the court 'HXiata, in act. only fiit. -dr, if correct, Ar. Lys. 380 (Mss. Bekk. Bergk, but mid. -dei Buttm. Dind.). Mid. i?Xtdto/u Com. Fr. (Phryn.) 2, 605 ; Aristot. H. A- 9> 5 7 > -a&rai (Dem.) 24, 50 : fiit. -uo-o/icu, -&m Ar. Vesp. 772, Dor. -ago. Lys. 380, see act.: aor. f]\ida-aa-6ai Ar. Eq. 798. *Hpu To sit, simple mostly Poet. II. 18, 104. Od. 14, 41, qo-m II. 15, 2 45 ; Aesch. Eum. 440, ycn-ai II. 19, 345 ; Aesch. Sept. 513 ; Eur. Ale. 604 ; Her. 9, 57, in comp. T?rat, xad-ip-ai Ar. Lys. 597 ; PI. Apol. 35, foeda II. 15, 740, r,ffdf Od. 2, 240; Com, Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 95 (hexam.), V Tat Eur. Bac. 38 ; Callim. Fr. 122 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 1086, Epic eidrat II. io, ioo; (Luc.) D. Syr. 31, Ion. edrai II. 3, 134, KO.T- Her. i, 199; subj. and opt. in comp. Kad-; imper. 0- H- 3> 46. Od. 20, 262, ijtrOco, Kad- Aesch. Pr. 916, />& Ap. Rh. 4, 856; inf. /, and Kadrjuai. Ka6f]aro II. II, 76 (Vulg.) is now Kadtiaro (Wolf, Bekk. Spitzn. Dind.) foai in simple is Epic and Trag., once or twice in Ionic prose, orai Her. and t 'H(7<7aO>. 3OI Luc. quoted : in Comedy and Attic prose, the comp. *'%itu is the form in use. 'Hfxi / say, as fa/Mi (inquam), Trot, rjpl, nal Ar. Ran. 37, fja-i Com. Fr. (Herm.) 2, 382 ; Sapph. 48 (Schneid. tja-i Bergk 97), rjTi Alcm. 139 (Bergk) : imp. r/v, % colloquially, as rjv 8' ey&> said I, PL Rep. 328, rj S'os,rj, said he, she, 327. Conv. 205, also rj 8' 6? 6 T\ai>Ka>v PI. Rep. 327, rj p"AfivKos Theocr. 22, 75, the Epics generally rj alone, as ^ he said, II. I, 219, rarely in Horn, with nominative rj pa yvvr] II. 6, 390. 22, 77. Od. 3, 337. 22, 292. It is scarcely used beyond the i sing. pres. and i and 3 sing. imp. In Attic TJV 8' e'yo> &c. is generally in the middle or end of a sentence ; Luc. however sometimes begins with it, 9 8' 8s, o-t'ya, Philop. 22, rji> 8' e'yw, oXt'yot 23. y, See a/iTrXaKio-Kco. (v, late v) To bow, sink, Poet, -vet II. 2, 148, -v, eV- Opp. H. i, 228, -vova-i Nic. Al. 453, Kor-r]^\jov To be at rest, Thuc. 6, 38 ; in tragic poet, imper. f)o-vxa& Aesch. Pr. 344; Eur. H. F. 98, -d&re Or. 1350; -dfav Soph. O. R. 620 ; Eur. Ion 60 1 ; PI. Parm. 162 ; -d&iv Eur. Bac. 790; Thuc. i, 120: imp. ijo-vx- Thuc. 2, 81 : fat. -ao-a> Thuc. i, 142. 143. 2, 84: and mid. -ao-opai Luc. Gall, i : aor. rjirvxao-a Thuc. 8, 24 ; Anth. 5, 167 ; subj. -daaxri Hippocr. 4, 326 ; but trans, having put to rest, furvxda-as PL Rep. 572. The mid. form we have seen only in Luc. quoted, the pass. ]j only in V. T. Job 37, 16. 'HCW, see a- 0. To sit, Epic (Attic ddaaco) Qadva-fit Hom. H. 3, 468, -ao-o- Ap. Rh. 3, 659 ; Coluth. 343 ; inf. 0aao-emv Ap. Rh. 4, 1274, Epic -aao-ffjifv Od. 3, 336; Horn. H. 3, 172 ; -aao-o-wi/ Ap. Rh. 2, IO26: imp. ddaara-ov II. 9, 194. 15, 124. Qdeofiat Dor. for dye- To gaze at, Poet. Find. P. 8, 45 : imp. Bdfiro Theocr. 22, 200 (Vulg. Mein. Wordsw. dyd- D. Junt. Ahr. Ziegl. Fritzsche): aor. imper. edrjaai Anth. App. Epigr. 213 ; -o-a/uei/ai Find. P. 9, 62 (Bergk, Momms.) Vb. 6ar)r6s Pind. 01. 6, 2. 0dK6a) To sit (GOKOS), Soph. Aj. 325. O. R. 20 ; Eur. Heracl. 239; imper. GUKCI Soph. Aj. 1173; 6aicS>v Aesch. Pr. 313; Soph. Tr. 23: imp. e#uK Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 146, Qdnovv unaugm. Eur. Hec. 1153 (Mss. Pors. Dind. 2 ed. Kirchh. i ed. GUKOVS Herm. Nauck, Paley, Dind. 5 ed. Kirchh. 2 ed.) Dor.? and Ion. 6, pres. only, QaxeiTe Sophr. 4 1 (Ahr.) ; 6a>Kfwv Her. 2, 173- dXe'Ow To flourish, abound, lengthened from tfaXXw, and Poet. 6a\f6ft Ap. Rh. 2, 843, -ouo-t Emped. 249; Q. Sm. u, 96 (Koechly); -6010-1 Ibyc. i, 6; -t6o>i> Od. 6, 63, -on-es II. 9, 467. 23, 32 ; causat. /<*& to grow, QaXeOowi Theocr. 25, 16 : imp. GaXe'eo Qavarda). 303 iter. 0a\fdf is Dor.) To flourish, Ion. and late Epic, 0a\eei Nonn. 16, 78, -eova-i Q. Sm. u, 96 (Vulg.) ; #aXeWa Hippocr. 6, 654 (Lit. v. r. GdXiQovra) : imp, iter. 6a\feo-Ke Mosch. 2, 67 (Ms. F. Mein. i ed. 0aXe'&o-/ce Mss. Herm. ZiegL Mein. 2 ed.) 0aXa> Dor. See under tfaXXw. dXXw To bloom, flourish, Hes. Op. 236 ; Horn. H. Cer. 402 ; Archil. 100; Find. Ol. 9, 16; Aesch. Supp. 858 (chor.); Soph. O. C. 700 (chor.); Eur. Ion 1436 (trimet.) ; Ar. Thesm. 1000 (chor.); Hippocr. 6, 248 ; Xen. Mem. 2, i, 33; PI. Conv. 203. Leg. 945; Dor. f. pt. -XXoio-a Find. P. 7, 19; also causative produce, Aesch. Pers. 616: imp. Wa\\ov causative made grow, Find. Ol. 3, 23; grew, Anth. 12, 256, and (0aXXo) etfdXXeoi* if correct, see Plut. Mor. no: fut. late 6a\\f}o-u will produce, Alex. Act. in Parthen. 14, 9, where Passow 6rj\r) from tfi/X/eo: 1 aor. late cW^Xa Ael. H. A. 2, 25. 9, 2 r. V. H. 5, 3, 4 : 2 aor. rare and doubtful, 6a\ov Horn. H. 19, 33 (Xdtfe Ruhnk. *eXe Lo- beck), but late prose dj>-fda\ov V. T. Ps. 27, 7. Sap. 4, 4 ; N. T. Phil. 4, 10 : 2 p. WftjXa as pres. Hes. Op. 227 ; Soph. Ph. 259 ; Luc. H. V. 2, 13; Dio. Hal. in Dem. 40, Dor. TtddXa Pind. Fr. 106, 5 (Bergk); subj. rt6r]\7j Epigr. PI. Phaedr. 264; Hippocr. 6, 654 (Lit.); Tfdrjkvs Od. 12, 103; Hippocr. i, 626. 632 (Lit.), Dor. -dXws Pind. P. n, 53, Tf6rf\v1a Paus. 5, 13, 4, Epic -aXvla II. 9, 208; Hes. Th. 902 ; Simon. (C.) 102 ; n0ip&ai PI. Crat. 414 ; Arr. Ind. 40 : pip. redf]\fiv as imp. Od. 5, 69, tred- Philostr. Apoll. 311 : fut. flaXqcro/iat, dva- Anth. 7, 281 (may be from 6a\ea>, late Epic Q. Sm. n, 96). 8rj\fa>, Dor. ^dX- is reg. : imp. edfjXeov Anth. App. Epigr. 207, 6fi\eov Od. 5, 73, Dor. e^5X- Plut. Mor. no (Passow) for e&iXX-, see above : fut. ^Xjjo-a, dva- II. i, 236 : aor. edrj\rja-a, Dor. Bahrjcra Pind. N. 4, 88 ; 6rj\riv Od. 19, 319, -o'cai/n Arat. 1073. dXirw To warm, flatter, Ap. Rh. 4, 1542 ; Alciphr. 2, 2, 47 ; -TTCOI/ Od. 21, 179: fut. fldXrJ/'to denied, but Alciphr. 2, 4, 74 > Septuag. Job 39, 14; v. r. Nic. Alex. 411 : aor. eda\^a Soph. Tr. 1082 reg. and complete. 6d\neai Ion. and Dor. 2 sing. pass. Theocr. 5, 31. No mid. we think, except GdX^oficu. as pass, or mid. intrans. Alciphr. 3, 42, 17. GajJipcucco, See 6aviJ.alv(o. ai/arou To put to death, Xen. Hel. 2, 3, 15 : fut. -wora> Aesch. Pr. 1053 ; Her. i, 113 : aor. edavdrwa-a Antiph. 3, y, n ; 304 Qdvu) QOLTTW. PI. Leg. 8*72: p. late rfdavartoKtvai Theod. Prodr. Catomyom. 300 (Kerch.): p.p. Teflm/arco/ie'i/os Polyb. 24, 4, 14: SLOT. p. edavarwdr} Hippocr. 3, 504 ; Xen. An. 2, 6, 4 ; PL Leg. 865 : fat. 6ava.Ta>6r]. dojicu (a) To gaze at, admire, Dor. subj. 60.^60. Sophr. 42 ; imper. 6deo Anth. Plan. 4, 306, BavSe (Megar.) Ar. Ach. 770: fut. Bda-oftai, and -ov/tat, dacTflo-Oe if correct, Callim. Cer. 3 (-o-avde Mein.) ; $ao-o/ifu TheOCr. 15, 23: aor. fdaa-dfirfv, opt. fya-aiaT Od. 18, 191 ; imper. Sao-ai Epich. 78; Sophr. 44; Theocr. 10, 41. 15, 65. Epigr. 1 6, I ; inf. dda-ao-Gai Theocr. 2, 72 ; daadpevoi Tab. Heracl. i, 70. This verb is poetic, and almost peculiar to the Doric dialect. Attic Gfdopai, Ion. drjeofiai, which see. To suckle, see ($aa>). To bury, Aesch. Ch. 440 ; Eur. Ale. 834 ; Her. 2, 41 ; Thuc. 2, 34 ; Isae. 8, 22 ; Aeschin. 3, 244 ; subj. Ban II. 21, 323; PI. Phaed. H5; Gcnrroi Od. 3, 285 &C. : imp. Wairrov Soph. Ant. 402; Her. 9, 85; Thuc. 3, 109, 6dnr- II. 23, 630; Hes. Sc. 472: fut. 6d^(o Aesch. Sept. 1052; Soph. Ant. 72; Her. i, 119; dd^ot Isae. 2, 10; 6d^a>v 8, 21; dd-^eiv 2, 25: aor. eda-^a Eur. Hel. 1166; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 164; Her. i, 113. 117; Thuc. 5, ii ; Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 5; Isae. 2, 37; Dem. 18, 208, 6dfy- II. 24, 612; inf. &n//-ai Aesch. Ch. 433 : p.p. reftz/ipu, -a\^ai? Aesch. Ch. 366 (Mss. Vulg.), -danrai Hom. Epigr. 3, 6; Isae. 6, 64; Xen. Hel. 2. 4, 19, 3 pi. Ion. Tfdd(j>aTai Her. 6, 103 (Bekk. Gaisf. Dind. Stein), rera^- (Ms. C. Bred. Dietsch, Classen); retfa/i/ieW Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 33; PI. Crat. 400 ; Te6d6a> Luc. D. Mar. 9, i ; Te8d) 0TJTTO) Hesych. To astonish, chiefly Epic and Ion. p. Tf6a(j>a, if correct, Com. Fr. (Crobyl.) 4, 566, Casaubon's emendation for r^at^e (Mss. Tfdvfa Mein.) : 2 p. T^TTO am astonished, Od. 6, 168 ; Her. 2, 156; Luc. Pise. 34; Himer. Or. 7, 5 ; Themist. 4, 49 a . 6, 80 ; T(6r)nu>s II. 21, 29 ; Emped. 81 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 215 ; Ael. V. H. 14, 47 (rer^e Hesych.): pip. eYf^Tmi/ Ael. Fr. 116 ; Luc. Peregr. 39. Scyth. 9, Epic eYe&jTrea Od. 6, 166 : 2 aor. era. daaw To sit, in Attic Poet, for dadarva, perhaps only pres. Eur. Or. 85, -ets Andr. 117 ; Ar. Thesm. 889, - Soph. O. R. 161, -oven Eur. Ion 415; 6dv Bac. 622, -ojraHerc. F. 1214; 6d To wonder, admire, Od. 4, 655; Pind. Fr. 99, 10; Aesch. Ag. 1199; Ar. Eq. 211; Antiph. i, 5; Thuc. 6, 36; Lys. 2, 77, Ion. &Bv/*aw Her. i, 155. 8, 8, #/*- in some edit.: imp. t0avfjia(ov Eur. Elec. 84; Thuc. i, 51 ; PL Conv. 206, davfj.- II. 10, 12 ; Ar. Pax 1291 (hexam.), Ion. f6o>vp.- Her. i, 68. 6, r &c. e'tfovi- some edit., iter. Qavud&o-Kov Od. 19, 229 ; Theocr. 25, 1 86: fut. &zujuacra> doubtful in classic Attic, Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, 12 (Vulg. -dbuo-t MsS. Popp. Dind. Saupp.), -do-ere Hell. 5, I, 14 (-dcrane Dind. Breitb. Saupp.), -dv\>.- or I6a>p- Her. 8, 37, Poet. Qavfj.- Horn. H. Merc. 414; Philox. 3, 23 (B.) : p. redav- paKa Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 475 ; Xen. Mem. i, 4, 2 ; Dem. 8, 4. 24, 159- P-P- Tfdavp.aa-fJ,ai. Polyb. 4, 82: aor. e6avfj,do-6r)v Xen. Ven. i, 5; (Dem). 61, 43; ^au^ao-^ Thuc. 6, 12; -delpfv Isocr. 15. 219 : fut. 6avp.ao-6fi(rofj.at. Thuc. 2, 41. 7, 56; Isocr. 6, 105; Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 690; late as mid. N. T. Rev. 17, 8 (Mss. Lach. Tisch. -daovrm Mss. Vulg. Sin.) Vb. 0av/iaoTo'y Horn. H. Cer. 10, -eo'f Eur. Hel. 85 ; Athen. n, 508, Gavparos Horn. H. Merc. 80; Hes. Sc. 165; now Pind. P. 10, 30. Mid. late, x 306 Gav/uamo eao/xar. Ael. V. H. 12, 30; Galen i, 55 (Ktihn) : fat. -a classic, see above : aor. fdavnacrd^v Aesop 92 (Halm) ; Schol. Soph. O. R. 287 ; subj. davpavapfQa Proclus in PL Farm. (Vulg. -w.fji.f6a Cousin, p. 959) ; opt. -ao-awo Nicol. Rhet. 4 (Walz) ; Galen 6, 517 ; Joseph. Jud. B. 3, 5, i : and, if correct, aor. p. tdavfida0Tjv N. T. Rev. 13, 3 (Lach. edavpao-ev Vulg. Sin. Tisch.): so fut. 6avfjLaadrjcrovTcu, 17, 8, others -da-ovrai, see above. The mid. has been overlooked by all our lexicons. The Ionic form is Variously 6a>Vfida>, 6a>vfi-, 6a>ft-, imp. e6a>v/juiov, f6a>v/j.aov, f6a>fj.-. Gaisf. varies, Bekk. 6a>vp.-, f&atvp-, Dind. leans to da>/j.-, fQ<*>n-. Tischendorf (Rev. 17, 8) reads fut. p. davfiao-dtjcrovTcu as mid. shall wonder, but retains aor. tdavpaaev (13, 3) in preference to fdavfidcrdr], on the ground that the uncials which form their end- ings are easily confused. Hesychius however explains dyavdfis by 6avfjuicr6fis and eddpftrjarev by f6avfj.dcrdr)V (fdavpcurfv Schmidt), which, if correct, favours the reading fdavpdcrdr) (Mss. A. C. Lach. Tregell.) against fdavpaotv. OaufAcuyu To admire, Poet. imp. davpaivov H. Ven. 84 (Vulg. Baum. edrf- Ms. A. Herm.); Find. Ol. 3, 32 (Boeckh, 6dfi@- Bergk, Momms.) : fut. Epic -ai//o> Od. 8, 108. Pass, davpai- VOVTCU Callicrat. Stob. Flor. 85, 17. (0du) To suckle, Epic, of act. only aor. inf. drja-ai Hesych. Mid. 0dofj.m to milk, contr. in 9, inf. dfjadai Od. 4, 88 : aor. fdrj- ad/jiTjv sucfced, Callim. Jov. 48 (Bl.), #170-- II. 24, 58 ; Hym. Cer 236 ; Opp. Hal. i, 66 1 ; but Hym. Apoll. 123, suckled. Gcdofiai To behold, Soph. Tr. 1079 ; Ar. Eccl. 270 (Dind. 2 ed.) ; Her. 3, 32; Antiph. 3, y, 7 ; Thuc. 5, 113, pass, late, Schol. Aesch. Sept. 50 : imp. fdearo Thuc. 5, 7, Ion. -ijro Hip- pocr. 7, 490, -aa-de Ar. Eccl. quoted (Dind. 5 ed. Bergk, Mein.), -Cairo PI. Charm. 154 : fut. -ao-o/nat Eur. Hipp. 66 1 ; Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 679; PI. Rep. 467. 545; Dem. 18, 144, Ion. -^o-o/zai Her. 1,8. 9, 25 (Bekk. Gaisf. Stein, 6^0-- Dind. Abicht) : aor. fdfdffdfj-Tjv Eur. H. F. 1131 ; Isocr. 4, 44 ; PI. Conv. 221 ; Dem. 5, 7, (K- Soph. O. R. 1253, Ion. efcrja-- Her. 7, 128 : p. Tf6fa.fj.cu Ar. Nub. 370 ; Xen. Mem. 2, i, 31 ; PI. Polit. 264 : pip. eYf- 6fovro Dem. 21, 2 : aor. pass, edeudrjv late and passively, Pseud.- Callisth. 2, 42. 3, 26 ; N. T. Marc. 16, n ; -ad^vai Schol. Aesch. Pers. 26 ; Apoll. Tyan. Epist. 49 ; part. dfaSev Schol. Aesch. Sept. 372 ; but in Thuc. 3, 38, is now read SpavStv (best Mss. Bekk. Popp. Kriig. Dind.). Vb. Bearos Soph. Aj. 915, -fov PL Tim. 48. See Gae'opai, 6rjfOfj.cn. The act. form 6fda> is very late, imper. 6ta, which Dindorf would alter to mid. dtaa-m, Themist. 3, 44. n, 146, but Hesych. has Ota, o-Kwret : and Babr. aor. pt. Qffaacra 23, 8 (Lewis, 2 pt.) 307 To smite, Poet. Aesch. Sept. 382 ; Opp. H. 5, 401 ; subj. Qtivr) Od. 1 8, 63, -too-t Ap. Rh. 2, 81 ; imper. 0eli/f Aesch. Pr. 56; Eur. Rhes. 676, 0eiWe Or. 1302; inf. Epic deivefievai Od. 22, 443 ; 6eiva>v II. 17, 430; Eur. Rhes. 784; Theocr. 22, 1 08 : imp. fdeivov Aesch. Pers. 418 ; Eur. H. F. 949 : fut. 6evS> Ar. Ach. 564 : 1 aor. edeiva II. 21, 491, delve II. 16, 339 ; Gfivas 20, 481 : 2 aor. (edwov), subj. 0xa Ar. Lys. 821, -rjs Eur. Rhes. 687 ; 6fve Ar. Av. 54; dtvflv Eur. Heracl. 271 ; 0euc Pind. Ol. 7, 28 (Buttm. Bergk, Hart.); Ar. Eq. 640. Pass. detverai Aesch. Pers. 303; -opevos II. 10, 484; Eur. I. A. 220: imp. fddvovTo Aesch. Sept. 959. Indie. 2 aor. seems not to occur. In Attic, the pres. form diva is not found : fa'vei pres. Aesch. Sept. 382, is now edited ddvei from Mss. ; inf. 0/veiv Eur. Heracl. 271, is now favfiv 2 aor. ; &Ve Ar. Av. 54, is imper. 2 aor. not pres. ; and part. 6eva>v Eur. Cycl. 7, is now 6eva>v, but in Theocr. 22, 66, pres. 6lvw is still supported by Mss. Vulg. Ahr. Mem., aor. 6eva>v (Kreussler, Fritz, and now Ziegl.). Ayw To stroke, charm, mostly Poet. II. 24, 343. Od. 5, 47 ; Sapph. 70; Pind. P. i, 12; Eur. Hipp. 1274; Ael. N. A. 10, 14 ; Luc. Salt. 85 ; 6e\yois Theogn. 981 ; Aesch. Supp. 1056 ; 6e\ya>v PI. Conv. 197 : imp. edeXyov II. 21, 276 ; Soph. Tr. 710 ; late prose, Philostr. Apoll. 34, 6e\y- II. 12, 255. 21, 604 (Bekk.), iter. ee\yTKe Od. 3, 264: fut. 0e\ga> (Od.) 16, 298; Aesch. Pr. J 74> -*> Theocr. Epigr. 5, 3: aor. e&Aa II. 15, 322 ; Gorgias Hel. Enc. 10 (Blass), &'Aa Pind. N. 4, 3 ; 0/Ae< Soph. Tr. 355 ; &'Aas II. 13, 435 ; Aesch. Supp. 571 : aor. pass. eWA^j/ Od. 10, 326, 3 pi. Epic edt\x6fv 18, 212 ; 6e\ x dfjs Eur. I. A. 142; late prose -dfirj Philostr. 290 ; -Qfjvai Themist. 34, 60: fut. tfeAx&jo-o/icu Luc. Salt. 85. Vb. a-6f\KToy Lycophr. 1335. In classic prose, this verb occurs only in PL and Gorg. quoted. 0e\u=0eXoj To wish, Solon 27, 12; Phocyl. 12; Simon. A. 7, 13 (Bergk); Aesch. Pr. 308. 343; Soph. Aj. 106 ; Ar. Eq. 713 ; Her. 7, 8 ; Antiph. 3, 8, 3; Xen. An. 3, 2, 16. Hell. 3, 4, 5 (Dind. Saupp.) ; PI. Phaed. 77 ; subj. &'Ao>, Epic -o>/ Mosch. 2, 156, -\j)s Ar. Av. 929, -\rj Nub. 801. Plut. 347; Hippocr. 2, 332 (Erm.) ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 21; Dinarch. 2, 3, -Ar/Te PI. Phaed. 115, -Awo-t Ar. Plut. 405; Antiph. i, 20; Thuc. 5 35- 7 l8 J x en. Cyr. 7, i, 9 ; Aeschin. 3, 57 ; opt. &'Aotju Aesch. Supp. 787, -Aots PL Rep. 581, -Aoi Pind. Ol. 8, 85 (Bergk, Momms.); Aesch. Pr. 667; Ar. Ran. 533; Xen. An. 4, 4, 5, -otjuifi/ Thuc. 6, 34 &c. ; imper. &'Ae Eur. Fr. 174 ; Com. Fr. 3, 151 ; Isocr. i, 24; OfXfiv Soph. Ant. 669; Eur. Fr. 464 ; Her. J > 59- 3> M5 a ft er a- vowel, i, 164 after a cons. (Mss. Bekk. X 2 308 Dind. Stein, &X- Bred. Abicht) : imp. 0e\ev Mosch. 2, no, never e&X-, for Zde\e Her. 3, 146, Wekov 8, 80 (Vulg.) have been altered to fjd- of e&A (Mss. F. K. S. Bekk. Dind. Stein, Abicht) : fut. 6e\T) Ar. Ach. 318?; Her. i, 109 (Bekk. Gaisf. e&X- Bred. Dind. Stein) ; Antiph. 5, 95 ; Xen. Mem. i, 4, 18 (Dind. Saupp.). 2, 8, 2 (Breitb, Kiihner) ; Lys. 20, 32 : aor. (e&Xijo-a if correct Charit. 3, 7, elsewhere he has always ^&'X-), subj. tffAijo-g Aesch. Pr. 1028; Xen. Cyr. 2, 4, 19 ; Dem. 53, 8 (Bekk.), -fjcrrjTe Dio. Hal. 4, 47 ; (Dem.) Proem. 1425, 10 (Bekk. '&X- B. Saupp.); &Xqo-ai/u Soph. O. C. 1133, -r6 Luc. Salt. 19 (Jacob.); tfeAijow Aesch. Pr. 783; 6e\r)o-as Isae. 8, n (Mss. Bekk. Scheib. '<9eX- Bait); Plut. Mor. 149 ; Herodn. 7, n, 3; Luc. Tyr. 13 (ede\- Dind. now); faXfja-ai Her. i, 24; Thuc. 5, 72 (Bekk. Popp. Kriig. e'&'X- L. Dind.); Luc. Tyr. 14; Merc. Con. 10 (tdf\- Dind. now) : p. late redfXrjKa Mosch. Trad. yvv. P. 14, 19; Sext. Emp. 682 (Bekk.); Orig. Ref. Haeres. 4, 15 (Miller) : pip. eYe&AjjKeo-ai/ Dio Cass. 44, 26, but ^eXi?*- (Bekk. L. Dind.), see 37, 23. 46, 47. 50. 79, 2. Vb. dfXijros late V. T. Mai. 3, 12. Epic subj. &Xo>/u Mosch. 2, 156, Dor. part. QeXoiva Theocr. n, 26. The indie, imp. is very rare, 0eX Mosch. 2, no, Gi\ov Ap. Rh. 2, 960; the indie, aor. seems not to occur, at least we never could find sure instances of it, rj6f\ov, T)6e\T)o-a belong to eWAco. TedeXrjKas Aeschin. 2, 139, has now given place to f]6(\T)Kus, but is found late, see above. 0eXo> is not used by Horn, unless STTI deXoiev be correct Od. 15, 317 (Bekk. 2 ed. La Roche), and ifyXeiSj; 6e\- II. i, 277 (La Roche), Hes. Theogn. nor Find, according to Boeckh, but occasionally by later Epic and Bucolic writers, Hym. Apol. Del. 46. Cer. 160 (Baum. e'&X- Franke) ; Ap. Rh. 2, 960; Theocr. 8, 7. 25, 53- 23, 45; Bion 18, i &c. The Tragedians, again, use it alone in Iambic trimeters, while Lyric writers, and the Trage- dians in lyric passages use 6e\a> and e'&'Xw interchangeably, Soph. El. 132; Eur. Ion 99. 1246 &c. ; Sapph. i, 17. 24; Anacr. 24, 2. 92, i (Bergk); Find, always e'&'Xw (Boeckh, e'&X- and 6f\- Bergk). Her. has both, tfe'Xta 3, 65. 7, 234 &c. eWXeo 9, 1 20. 5, 19 &c., but imp. always f)de\ov i, 16. 97 &c. (Bekk. Gaisf.), ?&X- 8, 80 (Vulg. Gaisf.), j6e\- (Mss. F. S. Bekk. Dind.): fut. t6e\fi(T<0 i, 206. 7, 10 &c. except 8e SeX^a-ei. i, 109 (Vulg. Gaisf. Bekk.), 8' '0eX- (Dind. Stein) : aor. indie, perhaps always r)6e\T) is not frequent, and pretty much confined to the pres. &'Xa> Antiph. 3, 8, 3, OeXeis Xen. Hell. 3, 4, 5 &c. ; subj. 6e\a> Thuc. 5, 35 ; PI. Phaed. 115 &c. ; opt. 6f\oifjn Thuc. 2, 51. 6, 34 ; imper. 6e\e Isocr. I, 24 ; 0e\a>v Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 29 ; 6f\fiv PI. Rep. 391 : imp. never e&X- always rjdf\-: occasionally fut. &A)jcra> Xen. &c. and aor. in the oblique moods 0eXijcr&> &c. see above. In most cases after a vowel, perhaps always in Plato, except TOVS fcXovras Rep. 426 ; in Thuc. always, except d(Ka$ &'Xaxri 7, 18 (Bekk. Popp. Kriig. Stahl, 0eX- L. Dind.); in Xen. usually after a vowel, but roivw 6e\.s Hell. 3, 4, 5 ; TOV 6e\ovra Cyr. 4, 5, 29 (Dind.); in the Orators almost always after a vowel, but /xei/ deXovn Andoc. 4, 7; Lys. 19, 15; &v 6e\rj Lys. 1,6; nearly always in Dem. now, we think, except d(6s 6e\n 25, 2 (Bekk. B. Saupp. Dind.) ; eWAw is far more frequent, and is used after both vowels and consonants. Qepaireuci) To serve, court, heal, Soph. Fr. 724 ; Eur. Bac. 81 ; Her. i, 193 : PL Gorg. 513 ; imper. -eve Pind. I. 8, 8, -eYo> Hip- pocr. 7, 176, -fvfre Ar. Vesp. 1054; -eveiv Hes. Op. 135; Soph. Ph. 149; Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 36 &c. : imp. tBepa-n- Thuc. 6, 89; Isocr. 4, in, dfpdir- Od. 13, 265 : fut. -eva-a Eur. Phoen. 1686 ; Ar. Eq. 799; Hippocr. i, 604. 6, 20 (Lit.); Thuc. 2, 51 ; Lys. 24, 6 ; Isocr. 19, 29 ; Dem. 23, 126 : and as act. mid. Ofpairtv- a-ofiai Poet. Horn. H. 2,212, but usu. pass, see below: aor. edfpdiTfva-a Ar. Thesm. 172; Thuc. i, 137; Isocr. 19, n, 6ep- Pind. N. 8, 26 : p. TfQepdirevica Thuc. 4, 67: p. p. Tftiepdirevnai PI. Epist. i, 309. Leg. 763 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, 2, 15 : aor. f6ep6r}(TO[i.ai late, Dioscor. 3, 119; Galen 10, 617; Geop. 2, 47, %w- Philostr. Ap. 270: and fut. m. -Trevo-o/wu pass. (PI.) Alcib. (i), 135; -Treverotro Antiph. 4, jS, 4; Galen 10, 752; v. r. Xen. Cyr. 5,4, 17 (-Trewon-o Popp. Dind. Saupp.) Mid, as act. Qcpanevov Apocr. Sir. 18, 19 : 6fpan(va-op.ai Horn. H. quoted : aor. late fdepairfva-aro V. T. 2 Reg. 19, 24, but edepd- Trevere (Vat. Gaisf. Tischend.) ; subj. -evo^roi Nicostr. Stob. 74, 65, dtpairfva-ai (Halm, Mein.) ; inf. -tvo-avdai Galen n, 295; -evtrdfjxvos II, 341, missed by our Lexicogr. Vb. Qepanevros PI. Prot. 325, -fov Xen. Mem. 2, i, 28. 6epioj To perform the work of the hot season (depos), cut, mow, Aesch. Supp. 636; Eur. Supp. 717; Ar. Av. 1697; PI. Phaedr. 260 ; Theophr. H. P. 8, 2, 9; to summer, pass the summer, -i&iv Xen. An. 3, 5, 15, Dor. inf. 0epi8-fieii> Ar. Ach. 947 (Vulg. Bergk, -i88fv Br. Elms. Bekk. Dind.) : imp. e6epiov Ar. Av. 506 ; Pseud.-Callisth. 2,16: fat. -ra> Eustath. 5, 17 (Herch.), -iw Aristot. H. An. 8, 19, 2 ; App. Lib. 100, (and -i') : aor. 3IO QepfJLOo 0e'w. Soph. Aj. 239, Gorg. Fr. 7, 3 (Bait. Saupp.), syncop. edpia-a Aesch. Ag. 536, (in-- Archil. 138 ; Sllbj. Qpio-aycri Opp. Hal. 3, 398, depig- late, see fK-0tpiga> Anacreont. 9, 7 (Bergk) ; Bfpiaas Soph. Aj. 239 ; Her. 4, 42 ; -t'o-ai Xen. Oec. 5, 9 : p. p. rtde- pta-fjifvos Xen. Hell. 7, 2, 8 : aor. fSfpivfyv, 6epur6fi Soph. Fr. 587 (D.). Mid. aor. depiffao-dcu Ar. Plut. 515 j but dn-fdpiard- tirjv Anth. Pal. 5, 237. e'ppj To warm, Epic, in act. only imper. depp-fre Od. 8, 426; Ar. Ran. 1339 (hexam.). Pass, depper subj. for -rjrai Opp. Hal. 3, 522 : imp. dipfuro II. 18, 348. Od. 8, 437 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 226. The collat. form deppaiva is more complete, and takes r) in aor. IQep^va Fur. Ale. 758 ; Bfpwvys Ar. Ran. 844, -\ir\v^ II. 14, 7, but in less classic authors -\tava Aristot. Gen. An. i, 21, II, 8ia- Probl. 4, 32, e'- 4, 14 : p. re&'p/xayKe, ex- Plut. Mor. 48 &c. Ge'pw To warm, Poet. act. rare, late, and only pres. part, d/pcav Nic. Ther. 687 : and imp. dtpov Ap. Rh. 4, 1312. Pass, and mid. 6fpop.ai de warmed, warm oneself, mostly Poet. Anth. Pal. 5, 6 ; deprjrai II. 6, 331 ; Bepov Ar. Plut. 953 ; -fo-dat Od. 19, 64 : fut. mid. depa-ofiai Od. 19, 507: 2 aor. pass, (fdeprjv), subj. 6fpfa Od. 17, 23. In prose only pres. Qeprfrcu. PI. Phil. 46; -r&u Luc. Lex. 2 ; -d/in/os Aristot. Pt. Anim. i, 5, 6 (B.) ; Archel. Plut. Mor. 954, late Gfptio^voy Nic. Alex. 567 : imp. late, etfe/jo'/^i/ Alciphr. i, 23 ; Philostr. V. Apoll. 2, 18. 4, 155. eWaaOai To /ray, entreat, a. Poet. def. aor. mid. only 3 pi. &Wawo Find. N. 5, 10 ; and part, deo-o-dfjifvos Hes. Fr. 9 ; Archil. 1 1 (Bergk). Hesych. has pres. #eWeo-&u ; -opfvos. Vb. diro- 6fip.ev II. 19, 415, deoire Ar. Eq. 1161 ; dtuv II. n, 617; Her. 8, 140, 6tiv Ar. Plut. 259, Epic Qdfiv II. 10, 437 quoted; Qeuv II. 8, 331, Beovrfs Ar. Eq. 856 ; PI. Rep. 417 : imp. edtov, Wfev II. i, 483 ; Her. i, 43, eQfi Od. 12, 407 ; Thuc. 5, 10; PI. Charm. 153, &V II. 20, 275; Hes. Sc. 224, Wfov Her. i, 82; Thuc. 4, 67, tieov II. 22, l6l, iter. deeo-Kov II. 2O, 229 : fut. mid. 6evcrop,ai } inro- Pind. P. 2, 84, Epic 2 sing, devatai II. 23, 623, &vo- Ar. Eq. 485, -a-ovrai Av. 205, OTW- Od. 2o, 245, /nera- Xen. Ven. 6, 22 ; &vo-o'- /tew)5 Luc. Hist. Con. 8, dim- Her. 5, 22, dno- 8, 56; dfvafo-dai II. ii, 701 : late &vcna Lycophr. 1119. Aor. &c. supplied by t^at. to), eo, eou not contr., but e always in Attic, except in 0eoy>eco Oqeo/zctt. 311 some of the later writers, who occasionally leave tf of this verb open, edee Plut. Marc. 20 ; Herodn. 5, 6, 7, but nap-tdei 5, 6, 8, (6eei> Diod. Sic. 16, 94 (Vulg.), but #(Bekk.), Kar-fdeev Heliod. 2, 1 2 (Bekk.) This verb is rare in Tragedy : in simple, only Eur. Ion 1217, in comp. \nrep- Eur. Andr. 195. Fr. 232 (D.) ; and Aesch. Eum. 562 : more frequent in Comedy : in simple eighteen or nineteen times in Aristoph. : in Attic prose, four or five times in Thuc., twelve or fourteen in Xen., and eighteen or nineteen in Plato's genuine works. In lexicons the usage is considerably understated. ewpe'w To gaze, be a spectator &c. Her. 8, 26; PI. Rep. 467 : imp. fdtupow Thuc. 3, 104; Isocr. 7, 46; Isae. 8, 16: fut. -jjo-to Aesch. Pr. 302 ; Xen. An. 5, 3, 7 : aor. -wpr/o-a, -jjo-cu/iev PL Rep. 372 ; Isocr. 8, 74; -rfa-aipfv 3, 17; -170-05 Her. 4, 76; PL Leg. 952: p. Tf0fu>pr)Ka Ar. Vesp. 1188; Isocr. 12, 21; Aeschin. i, 65. 92 : reg. except late fut. mid. 6e(opt]v II. ii, 416; Aesch. Ag. 1262 ; Eur. Phoen. 1380; Ar. Ran. 815, Dor. 6&y- Lys. 1256 (chor.); dqyeiv Eur. Or. 1036; rare in prose, Xen. Cyr. 2, i, n. 13, 20. Mem. 3, 3, 7 : fut. 6^ca Eur. Cycl. 242: aor. e#na Philostr. Apoll. 333; 6r)as Eur. Or. 51, Dor. Q^ais Pind. Ol. i r, 20 : (p. act. : aor. pass. ?) : p.p. Tfdrjyuat. Aesch. Pr. 311 ; Soph. Aj. 584 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 6, 41 ; Luc. Tim. 19. Mid. sharpen ones own weapon, aor. 6r)gdo-6w II. 2, 382 ; drjgdpfvos Phanocl. i, 8 (Schn.); late prose, Philostr. Imag. 13, 24. Pres. pass. Oriyevdai Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 10. He is the only classic prose author who uses the verb. Vb. BTJICTOS Aesch. Sept. 944. OTJEOJXCU To gaze, Ion. 6r]oio II. 24, 418 ; Qqevpfvos Her. 7, 146 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 300 ; Theocr. 22, 36, Dor. OdeofMt. Pind. P. 8, 45 : imp. {dr)evfj.f(r8a Od. 9, 2 1 8, edrjelro Her. 4, 85. 7, 44, f6r]fvvTO Her. 3, 136, &?TO Od. 7, 133; Theocr. 25, 108, -evvro II. 10, 524. Od. 17, 64; Mosch. 2, 49 : fut. ^o-o/wu Hes. Op. 482 ; Opp. Hal. 3, 304, -Tjvfai Her. i, 8 (Dind. Abicht, ^170-- Bekk. Stein &c.) : aor. drjijad^v II. 22, 370. Od. 10, 180, ffrmv- Od. 8, 17 (Bekk. 2 ed.); Her. 3, 23. 24 (Schweigh. Dietsch &c.), but derjo-ofiai, fdfTjadprjv uniformly in Her. we think (Bekk. Lhardy, with most Mss.), see tfeao/iat. Her. seems, if we may trust the Mss., to have used two forms, Btdo^ai, Grjeopai, both of which occur in pres. part. Bevpfvos 6, 67. 7, 208, drjev^vos 7, 44. 146. 312 G^Xeo) Qnpaa. 8, 88, but imp. always eftjerro I, 68. 7, 56 &c., the fut., again, always Berjao^at I, 8. 9, 25, and aor. f6fT](raTO 7, 128, -OJ/TO 6, I2O, 6eT), see 0aXX&>. TjXuccj 70 7a&? tender, Anth. 10, 4; Plut. Mor. 999 : aor. fdrjXvva Eur. Fr. 362, 29 (D.), e- Strab. 5, 4, 13: p. Tf6r)\vica Aristot. Stob. vol. 4, p. 279 (rectius -vyica Mein.) : varies in p. p. T#ijAvayxat HippOCr. 2, 60 (Mss. Lit. I, 269 Erm. Kararf 6- Vulg.), fK-Tcdi)\v(rn- 6, 202 ; Galen 10, 354, re^Xv^ai, en- Polyb. 37, 2 (Bekk. Dind.) ; eWe^Xw^ai 32, 2 (Bekk. Dind.), -vfuti, f<- Diod. Sic. Fr. Lib. 30, 21 (Bekk. -vp.fi- Dind. 30, 17); Luc. D. Deor. 5, 3 (Mss. Vulg. -vp.p.ai Reitz, Bekk. Dind., so Kara- Pise. 31), -6f)\vTai Dio Cass. 50, 27 (Vulg. -vvrai Bekk. Dind.): aor. fdr)\vv(h)v Soph. Aj. 651 ; Synes. Epist. 146, eVc- Dio. Hal. 14, 12. Mid. put on fine airs, coquet, 6rj\vv(To Bion 2, 18; (Theocr.) 20, 14. Rare in Attic, Eur. Fr. quoted, and pres. pass. fyXwo'^fvos Xen. Oec. 4, 2, the only instance in classic Attic prose. i^ira), see ddrrca. T]pau To hunt, Aesch. Ag. 1 194 ; Eur. I. A. 960 ; Xen. Mem. 3, n, 6 ; opt. -par) Cyr. i, 4, 16 : imp. fdr)pa>v Soph. Ph. 958 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, n : fut. aor. &c. in Attic retain a, 6r)pd Soph. Ph. 958; Eur. I. T. 1426; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 16. An 4, 5, 24. Mem. 3, n, 7; Luc. Dips. 2, for fut. m. see mid.: aor. (dfjpaa-a, Grjpdaeifv Xen. Cyr. i, 4, io ; 6r)paao>. Hipponax quoted seems to have shortened the diphthong -ev. 6r]pt,6a> to make wild, infu- riate, is very late in act., in pass, rare, and in classic authors pres. part, only, 6rjpioi>p.evos PI. Leg. 935 ; -ovvdai Com. Fr. (Eub.) 3, 254 : p. late rediipuaptvos Dioscor. 3, n ; Apocr. 2 Mace. 5, ii : aor. drjpiadijvat Theophr. Char, n (19.) Giyydi'cj To touch, Aesch. Ag. 432 ; Soph. O. C. 330 ; Hip- pocr. 6, 90; -dvcov Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 254; late Attic prose Aristot. Part An. 4, 10, 13. Gen. An. i, 6, 3 ; Luc. Bis Ace. i ; Sext. Emp. 443 (Bekk.), and late 6tya>, 6Lyti Chr. Pat. 1109; Dor. part. Qlyoiaa Pind. P. 8, 24 (Schneid. Momms.) seems pres. but tiiyoicra 2 aor. (Buttm. Bergk) : imp. IQiyyave Pseud. -Callisth. 2, 36: fat. 6ia> Herodian IT. /*. A. 22, 19 (Lehrs); Theognost. 140, irpovdi&is Eur. Heracl. 652 (Mss. Matth. Kirchh.) : but mid. wpoa-dit-ei Eur. quoted (Elms. Dind. Nauck, Kirchh. 2 ed. &c.), because of &'erat Hipp. 1086, see below : aor. p. late IBi^v Sext. Emp. 435 &c. (Bekk.) : 2 aor. act. effiyov Aesch. Ch. 949; Soph. Ant. 546 ; Eur. Ale. 108 ; late Attic prose Plut. Mor. 339. 665. 959. T. Gr. i7.Pelop. 28; Athen. 12, 72, Poet. Qiyov Pind. I. i, 18; Theocr. i, 59; subj. 6iya> Eur. Ion 560, -ys Alcm. 38; Mosch. i, 29; Xen. Cyr. i, 3, 5 ; Hippocr. 6, 300, -?/ Soph. Tr. 715; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 30 (Jacobs, Mein.) ; Aristot. H. An. 6, 14, 6; Theophr. C. P. 4, 13, 3; 6iyoifj.i Eur. Ale. 345, diyois Hippocr. 8, 88 ; diyelv Soph. O. C. 1133 ; Hippocr. 3, 272. 7, 386 ; Aristot. Metaph. i, 7, 7 ; Plut. Alcib. 23, Biyfp.fi> Pind. N. 4, 35, Lacon. o-tyfjv Ar. Lys. 1004 ; 6iy, Oiyei Chr. Pat. quoted is the only decided instance we ever met. Xdu To bruise, break^ices. rare and late, 0\S>a-a Galen 4, 83; 6\av 4, 113, indie. &a-0Xo>o-i Ael. N. A. 4, 21 : imp. e<9Xa Babr. 125, avyKaT- Athen. (Mach.) 8, 41 : fut. 6\acra> Galen 4, 24, eV- Hippocr. 7, 276 (Lit.): aor. etfXacra Od. 18, 97; Hes. Sc. 140, Epic 6Xd Or. Sib. 3, 182; Eustath. 5, 14 (Herch.), dno- Eur. Cycl. 237 (Vulg. Herm. Kirchh. Nauck, dnd\tya> Ruhnk. Dind. Nauck 3 ed.) : aor. e0uf a PI. Tim. 60 ; Callim. Del. 35, 0\fyc Opp. C. 4, 331; fafyas Orph. Lith. 746: p. re'0Ai0a Polyb. 18, 7: p.p. TfffhifjL(uu Aristot. Probl. 20, 23; Anth. 7, 472: aor. (d\i(f>6r)v PI. Tim. 91, 6!j Probl. 20, 23. Schneider reads with Ms. Vat. TrXeupj/tn BXifiei Opp. Cyn. 2, 281 : he might have preserved I by reading ir\tvpals with Ms. Ven. The simple verb is not in Tragedy, unless ^Xt/So^eVqs \>z genuine, Soph. Fr. Amph. i, i (Br.) Dind. rejects it. crjffKU) To be dying, die, Od. 12, 22; Simon. Am. i, 17; Aesch. Fr. 299; Soph. O. C. 611 ; Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 47; Hippocr. 5, 134 (Lit.); -Antiph. 5, 48; Aristot. H. An. 9, 40, 24 ; -O-/KOI PI. Phaed. 72 ; -eVa PI. Leg. 946 ; -a>v Thuc. 2, 53. 54; -eiv Hippocr. 5, 134, Dor. Qvdancu Pind. Ol. 2, 19 ; Aesch. Sept. 748 (chor.); Theocr. i, 135, late if correct re^ovco), irpo- Aretae. 70, 5 : imp. WV^^KOV Soph. Tr. 708 ; Hippocr. 2, 630. 640. 642. 646. 5, 336 ; Thuc. 2, 48. 51, OvtjvKov II. i, 383 ; Hes. Op. 116: fut. (dava>, OTTO- Ephr. Syr. vol. 3, p. 241, ajro-dv^at Aesop 152, p. 92 Cor.) davovfjuu Simon. C. 85, 9 (Bergk) ; Soph. Ant. 462 ; Eur. Tr. 1056 ; Hippocr. 8, 70. 98. 356 (Mss 315 Lit.), in Comedy and Attic prose OTTO- Ar. Eq. 68 ; Andoc. i, 33 ; PL Gorg. 481 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 19 ; -davolvro 7, 5, 34, Epic BaveofMi, -efa-6ai II. 4, 12 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 626 ', Theocr. 22, 18, Ion. prose OTTO- 2 sing, diro-tiaveai Her. 4, 163, -teat (Stein), -fovrat 4, 95 ; -eff]i-a> once in .Trag. Aesch. Ag. 1279 ; Ar. Ach. 590. Nub. 1436. Vesp. 654 ; PL Gorg. 469 ; -ow Ar. Ach. 325 : and perhaps late T(di>r]op.ai unless genuine Lys. Fr. 112 (B. Saupp.) ; v. r. Ar. Ach. Nub. Vesp. ; PL Gorg. quoted ; Luc. Pise. 10. Char. 8 ; Ael. H. A. 2, 46. V. H. 12, 29; Diog. Laert. 5, 20 ; Ach. Tat. 4, i ; Plut. Mor. 1082, Dor. -aov/u 219: 1 aor. late (eVe'^|a), -dv^avra Niceph. RheL 7, i, and (eQvrjga), SUbj. 6vra> AeSOp 134 (Tauchn., but fat. m. Tfdvrj^ofMi Halm 334): p. Tf6vT)Ka II. 18, 12; Aesch. Ch. 893; Soph. El. 1152; Ar. Thesm. 885; Her. i, 124; Antiph. 3, y, 10; Thuc. 2, 6 ; PL Apol. 41 ; Xen. An. 2, 5, 38 ; Lys. 13, 84, Dor. i pi. TfQv&Kanfs Theocr. 2, 5, 3 pi. -aKovn Plut. Lycurg. 20 ; -aws Find. N. 7, 32 : pip. fredv^Keiv Antiph. 4, ;3, 3. 5, 70; Lys. 19, 48, Aeol. TfdvuKTjv Sapph. 2, 15, 3 pi. -rjKrav Thuc. 7, 85 ; Andoc. i, 52, which occur also in the syncop. forms, 3 dual riOvurov Xen. An. 4, I, 19, pi. redva^v PL Gorg. 492, redvaa-i II. 22, 52 J Simon. C. 96 ; Aesch. Sept. 805 ; Soph. Aj. 99 ; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 29 ; Thuc. 3, 113; LyS. 13, 38. 89 : pip. eredvaa-av Antiph. 5, 70 ; Andoc. i, 59 ; Xen. Hell. 6, 4, 16, OTT- Od. 12, 393; opt. re 6vairjv II. 18,98; Theogn. 343 ; Mimnerm. i; Xen. Hell. 4, 3, 10. 7, i, 32; Luc. Enc. 46; Alciphr. i, 21, -vditv Xen. Ages. 7, 5 (but subj. T(6vf)Ka> Thuc. 8, 74); TtGvadi II. 22, 365, -a 15, 496; PL Leg. 933; Dem. 9, 44; inf. Teft/^AceW Soph. Aj. 479; Com. Fr. (Ant.) 3, 66; Lys. 13, 94, sync. Ttdvavai Simon. Am. 3 ; Ar. Ran. 1012 ; Com. Fr. (PL) 2, 640 ; Her. i, 31 ; Antiph. 5, 29 ; Thuc. 8, 92 ; Lys. 10, 28 ; Isocr. 10, 27. 53. 18, 53; Dinarch. i, 40; PL Phaed. 67, and reQvavai Mimnerm. Fr. 2, 10 (Vulg. Bergk 2 ed., -dpevai 3 ed.); Aesch. Ag. 539 (-dvai Herm. Weil, Dind. 5 ed.) ; Chr. Pat. 698 (but Ael. V. H. 3, 2, 3. 12, 3. 57, should perhaps be -avat, and so now Hercher edits), Epic TtBvu^v II. 15, 497, rfdvapevai II. 24, 225; Tyrt. 10, i; Mimnerm. 2, 10 (Bergk sed.); Te&^Kco? Theogn. 1230; Aesch. Ag. 869 ; Soph. Phil. 435 ; Antiph. i, 3; Andoc. 4, 38 ; Thuc. 3, 98, Dor. -aws Pind. N. 7, 32, TtBvrjKwa Od. 4, 734 (Mss. Wolf, La R. Ameis, Diintz. Bekk. now, Horn. Blatt. p. 228); Hippon. 29 (Bergk); Eur. Or. 109; Plut. Ant. 85, Epic re^vla Od. quoted (Mss. Thiersch, Dind. La R. Bekk. in ed.), redvrjKos PL Phaed. 7 1 ; Aesch. 2, 34, syncop. TfQvews 3 I 6 6l>l]ros Od. 19, 331 ; Ar. Ran. 1028; Her. 5, 68; Antiph. i, 4; Thuc. 5, 13 ; Lys. 1, 14 ; Isocr. 19, 3, neut. PL Tim. 85 (-eoros masc. Anth. App. Epigr. 14 ; Q. Sm. 7, 65 Vulg. *aoVop Koechly), -com Antiph. I, 4, -euro Aesch. Ch. 682, -ecora? PI. Leg. 909, ra -eura Phaed. 72, Horn. usu. Tedvriws II. 17, 161 ; Simon. C. 129, -?coros II. 6, 71 ; Hes. Sc. 454, and -r]6ros II. 17, 435. Od. 24, 56, Dor. -adros Pind. N. 10, 74, fern. Tfdvrjvtrjs, Kara- Od. n, 141, redveiws is not favoured in II. and Od. either by Wolf, Spitzn. or Bekk. Heyne, again, adopted it, and Buttm. allowed gen. -etwroy. It is more readily admitted in later Poets, Theocr. 25, 273 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 461 ; Q. Sm. 5, 502 ; Tryphiod. 178 ; Orph. Lith. 52:2 aor. fddvov Poet. Ionic and late Attic prose, i pers. rare -avov Anth. 7> 33 6 - 349- i4> 32. Epic Bdvov Od. n, 412; Anth. 7, 167, eBavfs Aesch. Sept. 961 ; Soph. Ant. 1268, Bdvts II. 22, 486, Wave II. 21, 610; Soph. O. C. 1706; Hippocr. 3, 116. 118. 5, 208. 214, and often (Lit.) ; Boeot. Inscr. 63 (Keil); Joseph. 17, 5, 7 ; in tmesi Her. 6, 114. 8, 89, Gave II. 2, 642 ; Pind. P. u, 31, Wavov Simon. C. 97 ; Ar. Thesm. 865; Hippocr. 5, 240 ; Plut. Pelop. i ; Pseud.-Callisth. 2, 32, Qdvov Od. n, 389 ; Pind. P. n, 31 ; Aesch. Pers. 490 (trimet.), in classic Attic prose dn- fdavov, -a &c. Antiph. 3, i. 5, 21. 26 ; Thuc. i, 134 ; PI. Apol. 32 ; subj. 0di>m IL n, 455 ; Eur. Tr. 904, 6dvr\ Aesch. Ag. 1318, OTTO- PI. Gorg. 524, ddvrjs Soph. Ant. 546, Bdvyo-t II. 19, 228 &c. pi. Qdvatifv Od. 12, 156, Dor. -cofjLfS Mosch. 3, IO5, 6dva>. At PI. Gorg. 469, 3 sing. re6vr)gfi. is supported by, if not all, the best Mss. and Tf6vr)gofj.fv Aesch. Ag. 1279, TfQvrigav Ar. Ach. 325, by both Mss. and metre, rtdv^ti, again, 2 sing. mid. has all, or the best Mss. support, Ar. Ach. 590. Vesp. 654. Nub. 1436, and is so edited by JBrunck, Bekk. Richter &c., but act. rtdv^eis by Dawes, Elms. Dind. and even Bergk, who, to his credit we say it, is usually rather conservative. Did both forms co-exist, and . were they so indifferent that Ar. could use either, as it might suit his fancy or convenience, or is mid. rfOvfeti a clerical blunder, in- voluntary or intentional, for rtBvii^eis, since Ar. has elsewhere certainly used the act. and was nowhere under any constraint to use the mid. ? One would gather from Luc. Soloec. 7, that Tedvrjt-o) was considered high Attic, amKi^ovros 8e TWOS KOI redv^fi (lirovTos fn\ TOV rplrov . See Elmsley's note Ar. Ach. 590. In late authors redv^o^ai is the more frequent form, (Eur.) Epist. 4, 41 (D.); Plut. Mor. 865. 866; Luc. Tyrannic. 6. D. Mort. 6, 2. 4. 7, i ; Aristaen. 2, i; Geop. 13, 3; Aesop 386 (Halm.) Bekker, in his Ar. Ach. 565. Vesp. 654, has the form redvricrfi, which is so far countenanced by the act. Tedvrjo-tw Dio Cass. 51, 13, (Vulg. Bekk.), unless this be a vicious form of Tfdvrjgfiv (L. Dind.) which occurs in part. Tedvrjguv 58, 6. 78, 32 (Bekk.): Odvtrai for -etrat, late Or. Sib. 12, 91, Kara- IO, 36. Vb. d^ros Aesch. Pr. 800, BavfTeov, drro- Aristbt. Eth. Nic. 3, i, 8 (Bekk.) In early Attic prose and Ion. of Her. the fat. and 2 aor. Seem tO OCCUr Only in COmp. aito6avoiip.ai, airtBavov, eV-, Kara-, irpo-, a-w- &c. : the perf. and pip., again, with every class of writers, are almost uniformly in simple, redvrjKa, IreGv^Kfiv. There are a few exceptions, though more than Buttmann and others are inclined to allow, Kararedi^Ka II. 15, 664, Tos II. 22, 432, Kara- 16, 565. 23, 331. Od. 22, 448 : pip. dirfTedvaarav Od. 12, 393 ; in prose TTpoTfdvdvai Thuc. 2, 52 ; furedvfutTa PI. Leg. 959, the only instances we know in good Attic, yet sufficient to prove Cobet's assertion " quae forma numquam componitur" to be too strong : more frequently in Hippocr. and later Attic, eW^Ke Hippocr. 3, 318 Goa^co Qoivaw. 252, v Ar. Ach. 15; Or hypothetically, as av dntQavov, el fit) PI. Apol. 32 ; Dem. 18, 209: i pers. Wavov in simple we have not seen in Attic. The Tragedians scarcely ever use OTTC^O-KM, Eur. only once Fr. 582 (Aristoph. often pres. fut. and aor.), nor fK&vri, Soph, only Tr. 568, and Karadv^a-KO) only in aor. and fut. and always in the syncopated forms KarQave, indie, rare, Aesch. Ag. 1553; Ap. Rh. 3, 796; Callim. Epigr. 21; subj. Karddvca Eur. Or. 777, -dvrjs 308; -dvoi Eur. Ale. 143; -avfiv Aesch. Ag. 1364; Soph. Tr. 16; Eur. Ion 628; Ko.r6avu>v Aesch. Ag. 873; Soph. Ant. 515; Eur. Hipp. 810: fut. Karda- vovfiat Eur. H. F. 210. Or. 1061 ; (Ar. once aor. KarQaveiv Ran. 1477); vTTfp6vt) only Eur. Andr. 499 &c. : and aor. -Qaviiv Ale. 155 ; -ava>v Phoen. 1090 ; (rvvdrijaKto more freq. Aesch. Ag. 819; (Soph.) Ph. 1443; Eur. Supp. 1007. Or. 1075: fut. -davovfjiai Aesch. Ch. 979. Ag. 1139 aor - -*6 avov Soph. Tr. 720. O. C. 1690 (Herm.); Eur. Med. 1210. Supp. 769: to which we add p. a-vv-Tedvr}Kf from Ar. Ran. 868. 869 : and pip. a-vv- (Te0vf]Kfi from Luc. D. Mort. 27, 3, because the lexicons confine this verb to Trag. Buttmann is rather mistaken in saying that " the feminine form redveSxra does not occur in prose, but that 6ava>v, ot davovrfs as adjective occurs often." For Te6vfa>aa see Lys. 31, 22; Dem. 40, 27 quoted; and Theophr. Ign. 60; Aristid. 27, 351 ; Charit. i, 5. 9. 14. 3, 3 (D'Orv.) ; 6avv, ol 6av6vres in Poet. Od. 17, 115; Com. Fr. (Menand.) 4, 269. 270. Qo&lu To move rapidly, hurry, Attic Poet. (6o6s) trans, and intrans. Eur. Bac. 65. Tr. 307 ; hither some refer 6od(ere Soph. O. R. 2 ; and Ood&v Aesch. Supp. 595 : imp. f66aov Eur. H. F. 383: fut. Qodvo-o), if correct, Emped. 18 (48), -a&> (Mein., but -dfa Herm. Bekk. Stein). lfa To feast upon, only imp. f0otvaf Xen. Ages. 8, 7. To entertain, feast, Poet. Eur. Ion 982 : imp. e0oi'/a>v feasted on, Hes. Sc. 212 : aor. edoivrjcra Her. i, 129 (2 Mss Bekk. 6dpvv/u.t Qpavti). 319 Gaisf. Dind. Stein, fdoivta-a others) : p. p. as mid. Tedoivapai Eur. Cycl. 377 : so aor. tfoti/^fji/ai Od. 4, 36. Mid. Ooivdopai Eur. Fr. 790. Ale. 542 ; Com. Fr.(Cratin.)2, 107 : imp. fdoiva.ro Athen. 12, 23: fut. 6otva PI. Theaet. 187 : imp. edparrov Synes. Epist. 4: aor. Wpaa PL Parm. 130; inf. 6paai Aesch. Pr. 628; Eur. Fr. 603: and, according to some, p. rerpij^a as pres. intrans. to be tumultuous, II. 7, 346; Anth. 7, 283: pip. TtTptxfiv as imp. II. 2, 95: aor. pass. eGpdxfyv Soph. Fr. 812 (D.) : Dor. fut. m. 0pa|elr. pacruVu (u) To make bold, in act. rare, and only pres. Aesch. Ag. 222; -ovTfs Thuc. i, 142: aor. pass. Qpao-wdfjvai Aesch. Supp. 772 : in same sense aor. mid. edpaa^vavro rare, Isocr. 5, 23 ; Dio Cass. 56, 13 ; Arr. An. 4, 4, 2 ; -d^evos Isocr. 4, 12; Luc. Apol. 6 ; -avBai Dio Cass. 78, 17 ; Aristid. 8, 50: pres. dpaa-vvofiai am bold, behave boldly, freq. Thuc. 5, 104; Eur. Or. 607; Ar. Ach. 330; -vvryrai Aeschin. 3, 23; -vvov Eur. Hec. 1183; -vvfodai Aesch. Ag. n 88; Soph. Ph. 1387 ; -6/j.evos PI. Leg. 879 : imp. tOpao-- Himer. Or. 2, 10. The defects of this verb are supplied by the Ionic and old Attic 6ap Od. 3, 361 ; Tyrt. 12, 19 ; Archil. 55 ; Her. 2, 141 ; intrans. Soph. El. 916, later Attic 0app- Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 18 &c. : imp. edapa-- Thuc. 6, 72, ddpa-vvov Od. 9, 377, iter. Gapo-vvfo-Kf II. 4, 233 : fat. -vv3> Eur. Ale. 318 : aor. 6dpawa II. 10, 190. (Od.) 13, 323; imper. 6dp. pau'w To bruise, Simon. C. 57; Aesch. Pers. 196; PL Crat. 426 : imp. edpavov Aesch. Pers. 416, iter. dpavevKov Orph. Lith. 140: fut. 6pav(ra> Ar. Av. 466 ; 6pavos Ch. 970 (chor.), -en) Eur. Med. 51. (Qpe^w) see rpecpca. (pe'xw) see rpfxco. pK]yeu To mourn, freq. in Trag. poet., in Comedy and good prose, confined, we think, to pres. act. Hes. Fr. 132 ; Aesch. Pers. 686 ; Soph. El. 94; Eur. Med. 1409 ; Ar. Av. 211 ; Plut. Mor. 78; -wTPl. Tim. 47; -civ Isocr. 8, 128; -5>v Ar. Nub. 1260; PI. Apol. 38 ; Isocr. 14, 47: imp. Bpfjveov Od. 24, 61. II. 24, 722 dissyl. (V. Bekk. La Roche), I6pi t v- (Wolf, Bind.); Dio Cass. 65, 5 ; Plut. Mor. 113, -vevv Theocr. 7, 74 : fat. -rja-a Aesch. Ag. 1541 ; Soph. Aj. 631 : aor. tdpfivrja-a Pseud. -Callisth. 2, 23, 6pT)vr)>, see dfplfa. po&o To utter, Poet, especially Trag. Aesch. Ag. 1137 ; Soph. Tr. 1232; Eur. Hipp. 213 ; rare in Comedy, -oelv Ar. Ran. 1276: fat. (-T)): aor. rare fdporjva Soph. Aj. 947 (chor.) Mid. as act. Qpoovpevos Aesch. Eum. 510. Pass, in late poetry and prose, dpoelade N. T. Matth. 24, 6 : aor. f0pot)6r)v Pseud.-Callisth. 3, 4; V. T. Cant. 5, 4; Nicet. Eugen. 2, 107. Rare in other poets, Gpotl Anth. Plan. 4, 228 ; Luc. Tragod. 50; Qpoflv Lycophr. 1373; Qporjdfis Theod. Prodr. 2, 296. On the contrary, the comp. 8iadpofa> is prosaic, Siadpoovvrav Xen. Hell, i, 6, 4 ; ~6poiiv Dio Cass. 56, 46 : imp. 8te6p6ei Thuc. 8, 91 : fat. -t)o- or -oXiu To make a discordant note, jar, crush (dpv\\- or -cXor), Poet. Horn. H. 3, 488 : aor. late GpvXlgas Lycophr. 487 : aor. pass. 6pv\i^6r] II. 23, 396, which some refer to a form -iWo>. PU'TTTO) To break down, spoil, Theocr. 17, 80; -TI> PI. Crat. 426 ; -TOOV Leg. 778, Dor. -oto-a Locr. 103: imp. efynwre Aesch. Ag. 1595 ; fut. late 0ptya> Greg. Naz. p. 134: aor. fdpvtya, - Hippocr. 2, 713 (K.): p,p. Ttdpv^ai Hippocr. 6, 548 (Lit.); w. 321 Luc. Charid. 4, OTTO- PL Rep. 495, Sta- Xen. Mem. i, 2, 25 : 1 aor. (6pv(pdr)v Aristot. Probl. u, 6 (Bekk.). De Anim. 2, 8, 5, VTT- Anth. 5, 294 : fut. 0pv<0i?o-o/*ai Arr. 4, 19, 2 : 2 aor. Aptyp, 8ta-Tpv(p(v II. 3, 363, late edpvftrjv Theod. Prod. 4, 327, o-vv- 325. Mid. 6pvTTTOfi.ai. put on airs &c. PL Leg. 777 ; Plut. Mor. 9, 8m- Aesch. Pr. 891 : imp. tdpimrfro PL Phaedr. 228 : fut. dpfyoncu Ar. Eq. 1163; Luc. Lap. 4. Vb. fv-6pvnros Dem. 18, 260. The simple form seems not to occur in Tragedy, unless Soph. Fr. 708, be genuine. Dind. now has, we think, dropped it : Hartung retains it. Opworicw To leap, Poet. Aesch. Ch. 846 ; Soph. Tr. 58 ; Theocr. 7, 25; Orph. Fr. 8, 18; Opp. Hal. 2, 135, - II. IO > 95> <""*- Her. 3, 64. 7, 18; subj. dpma-Kaxn II. 13, 589; dpva-Ktov 15, 470. 21, 126, OTTO- Her. 3, 129: imp. fdpavKov Hippocr. 9, 90, e- Aesch. Pers. 457, Epic BpSxruov II. 15, 314 : fut. dopovfuu, imtp- Aesch. Supp. 874, Epic -eopai II. 8, 179: 1 aor. late Hdpuga, dva- 6pa>t-a>e, e- Soph. O. C. 234 ; 6op seems trans. Aesch. Eum. 660, see also Fr. 13 (D.) Collat. form dopvvofuii, subj. -VWTCU Her. 3, 109, act. form in comp. late ava-dopvvowi Dio Cass. 63, 28 (L. Dind.), and late 0d/w>/uu Nic. Ther. 130 : tBopwro Hesych. ; Euseb. Pr. Ev. p. 680, wrongly ascribed to Sophocl. uiw To rush, Epic subj. 6vtco to rage. C/judiGj To burn incense,fumigate, Pind. Fr. 99, 4 (Bergk); Her. 3, 112; late Attic prose, -tav Luc. Prom. 19: imp. '0v/W Athen. 7, 34 : aor. etfv/iidem Hippocr. 7, 44 (Lit. 2, 205 Erm.); Philostr. 318, Ion. -rjara Her. 6, 97; -rja-as Hipponax 92 (B.): reg. but aor. pass. 6vfj.ia6eis Dioscor. i, 82, and 6vp.iacr0fis, vrro- i, 22'. fut. dvfjiiadfjveTai Dioscor. i, 83, eVc- Marc. Ant. 6, 4 : and fut. m. Bv^afrcu pass.? Hippocr. 8, 272: pres. pass, tfv/uarat AristOt. Meteor. 4, 9, 28, Ion. flu/uujrat Her. 4, 75, -arat (Dietsch, Abicht) ; 6vpicap.fvav PI. Tim. 66, the only part in classic Attic. Mid. pres. imper. Bvpi^aQv Hippocr. 7, 342. 8, 318 : fut. BvfjLifia-fTat Hippocr. 8, 272 (Lit.) see above: aor. 6vnu)t>Ta (-OWTO) V. T. i Esdr. i, 52 (Gaisf.) be correct, which Fritzsche doubts, and recommends, perhaps rightly, dv^devra offered by several Mss. : aor. edvpaxra, -Sxrai Eur. Supp. 581 (Vulg. Dind. -ovtrSai Musgr. Kirchh. Nauck) ; V. T. Hosea 12, 14. Mid. and pass, with no difference of meaning, 6vp.ovii.ai be enraged, rage, Eur. I. T. 1478; Ar. Ran. 1006; PL Leg. 865; -oi^v Soph. El. 1278 ; PI. Rep. 465 ; subj. -omu Xen. Eq. i, 10; -p>u- fievov Antiph. 2, y, 3 ; Thuc. 7,68 : fut. m. Poet. 6vfj.oja-op.ai Aesch. Ag. 1069 : and aor. (eflv/zcoo-d/^K), part. Dor. ^u/icoo-a/^eW Eur. Hel. 1343 (chor.) : in same sense p.p. Te<%to-0ai Aesch. Fr. 369 (D.) ; Eur. Fr. 1063 (Dind. 5 ed.); Her. 3, 52; Xen. An. 2, 5, 13 : and aor. e6vfj.a>6r)v Her. 7, 39. 238, 6vfj.a>dr) Batr. 241 (Franke); -6fis Soph. Fr. 514; Eur. Phoen. 461; Her. 5, 33; PI. Leg. 931 ; Plut. Mor. 10 (often in V. T. cdvn#;; Deut. 9, 8. Lev. 10, 16 &c. ; N. T. Matth. 2, 1 6): fut. late 6vfui>6^a-ofj.ai V. T. Job 21, 4. Esai. 13, 13 &c. Lexicons overlook the mid. aor. Quvld), Quvu, see Ova to rage. Ou6ci> (0uos) To make fragrant, only p. pt. pass. Tedvcofj.evos II. 14, 172 ; Hym. Horn. 2, 6 ; Callim. Lav. Pal. 61. 0uo) To sacrifice, (u) Simon. Am. 20 ; Eur. I. T. 38 ; Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 261 ; Her. 6, 38 ; Thuc. i, 126 ; subj. Dor. 3 pi. 6va>vri Theocr. 4, 21 ; opt. Qvouv Her. 2, 45 ; dve Soph. El. 632, 6vtTG> Theogn. 1146 ; 6va>v Od. 15, 260; Horn. H. Apol. 313 ; Soph. O. C. 1159; Her. 7, 191 ; Antiph. i, 18. 6, 45; Isocr. i, 13, Dor. Bvoia-a Pind. P. 3, 33 ; Bveiv Eur. Elec. 1141 ; Her. 8, 55 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 5, 26; Isocr. i, 13 : imp. Wvov Pind. Ol. 10, 57, eQvov Aesch. Eum. 692 ; Her. 6, 67. 7, 191 ; Antiph. i, 17; Thuc. 5, 50, 6ve Od. 15, 222, 0iW*e Hipponax 37 : fut. 6va-a> Eur. Elec. 1141 ; Ar. Av. 894 ; Her. 2, 45 ; PI. Leg. 909, Dor. 6v Theocr. 2, 33: aor. eGvcra Od. 9, 231; Aesch. Ag. 1417; Soph. EL 576 ; Ar. Plut. 1180; Her. 6, 81 ; Thuc. 2, 71, <9Ct Pind. OL 10, 57, 6vsff (Vulg. Dind. 2 ed. Nauck, Kirchh.) ; 6\i(a Ar. Ach. 792; Com. Fr. (Strat.) 4, 545, and late Poets, Theocr. 4, 21. In Theod. Prodr. 3, 96. 7, 421, the perf. rediJKa, T(6vKOTi is long ', so TedUfjLevos 3, 83. 6vu> and mid. di/opai seem sometimes to differ little, Xen. An. 7, 6, 44. 3, 2, 9, but generally dvca expresses rather the mere act, di/opai the object also. uo) (0iWu) Ouyu (u) To rage, rush, Epic, 6vei II. i, 342, -ouo-t Hes. Th. 874, 6vvei Pind. P. 10, 54, -vovcrt Opp. Hal. 3, 63 ; imper. Gvve IL 5, 250; tfuveoy II. 10, 524; Opp. Hal. 2, 564, 6i>uv II. 21, 234 ; Aesch. Ag. 1235 : imp. Zdvov Ap. Rh. 3, 755, a- Callim. Cer. 30, 6vav II. 16, 699. Od. n, 420; Hes. Th. 131, ZQvvov (Simon.C.?) 179 (Bergk), dvvov 11.2,446. 5, 87 ; Orph. Arg. 633; Opp. Hal. 2, 677, tdvvfov Hes. Sc. 210. 286: aor. rare edvva Anth. 13, 18 ; Callim. Fr. 82, tm- Od. 16, 297, Wvva Anth. 6, 217 ? : 2 aor. m. syncop. Qvpevos Athen. (Pratin.) 14, 617. Hither has been referred a fut. napQixrti with v, Anth. 12, 32. We believe the reading corrupt, and venture to sug- gest Trapdfd pres. of TrapaOfv. The form 6vta> occurs in pres. subj. only, 8vi/zi/, II. 2, 72 ; inf. -}at 2, n ; Hippocr. 4, 130; -ijiar Opp. Hal. 2, 512: p. TfdtopTjKOTa Ruf. Fr. p. 208. More freq. mid. to arm oneself, 6a>pr)(rpr\a- P^ofjuai. II. 7, ioi ; Theogn. 413 ; Ar. Ach. 1135; Hippocr. 2, 229 : aor. later f6o>prj^dfj.r]v, 6 34 > Q- Sm. 9, 125; Subj. -T)x6S>paiu(Tfi.evos Thuc. 2, ioo ; Com. Fr. (Ephipp.) 3, 332. Mid. -lop.ai arm oneself, imp. edrnpani^ero Xen. An. 2, 2, 14: aor. e6a>pa.Kivrat Hesych.: fat. 6a>a-o\>nt6a Epicharm. 167: aor. Buo-avdai Hesych.: p. Tfdaxrai Phot. : aor. Gcodrjvai Hesych. wujxdu, some 0(o(i,- Ion. for I. To warm, Poet. Od. 15, 379; Alcm. 36 (Bergk 3 ed.); Pind. P. 2, 90 ; Theocr. 7, 29 : imp. laivov Hym. Cer. 435, iter. laivea-Kov Q. Sm. 7, 340 : aor. "vqva Od. 8, 426; Ir/vrj II. 24, 119 ; opt. irjvfifv Q. Sm. 10, 327, Dor. tui/aiez> Pind. Ol. 7, 43 : aor. pass. Iav6r)v II. 23, 600. Od. 4, 549,' tai/fli} 22, 59; lavGfis Pind. Ol. 2, 13 : pres. ?atVo/u Od. 19, 537, -erm 6, 156 ; Theogn. 531 : imp. faiWo Od. 10, 359, uuV- 12, 175: subj. tatVjjTai Hippocr. 8, 146, missed by Lexicogr. laivatv is not now re- ceived Polyaen. i, i. I Od. 8, 426 &c., I by augm. 10, 359, by zV/j 22, 59 ; Anth. 12, 95 &c. Q. Sm. quoted; Opp. Hal. 3, 617. laKx^w, see lax-. (i) To send, Poet. Od. 13, 142 ; Aesch. Ch. 45 (chor.); ZaXXots Theogn. 573 > loXXo^v Od. 10, 376: imp. taXXoi/ II. 9, 91 ; Hes. Th. 269 ; Aesch. Pr. 659 : fat. 2aX< in eV-taXw Ar. Nub. 1299 : aor. fyXa II. 15, 19, Dor. taXa Sophr. 32 (Ahr.); t^Xw Od. 2, 316; inf. 07X01 21, 241. t sometimes by augm. f-rr-ir)\tv Od. 22, 49. This verb seems to have been without, and with the aspirate, see passages quoted, and drr-iaXX^ Lacon. inf. Thuc. 5, 77, fir-irj\fv Od. 22, 49, but foXXw Eustath. 1403, 13, t(f)-ia\fis Ar. Vesp. 1348 (Bergk), -ovptv Pax 432, '$taXfts, -ovpev (Eustath.), ^)taX- (Dind. Mein. Richter). 'Idojiai To heal, Eur. Fr. 294 (D.), larai Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 240, 7>at Hippocr. i, 459 (Erm.), Ion. 3 pi. teiWai, av- Her. 7, 236; subj. larai PL Charm. 164; opt. itpwv Soph. Tr. 1210, {'WTO PI. Charm. 164; imper. 13> Aesch. Fr. 417 (D.); Her. 3, 'la vu) 'Ia}ee>. 325 53, ld(T0a> Ar. Av. 584 ; lao-dai Find. P. 3, 46 ; Soph. Fr. 98. 501 (D.) ; Thuc. 5,65; Hippocr. 6, 316, but Ion. -rja-Oai 6, 386; latfifvos Eur. Or. 650; Her. 3, 134; PI. Rep. 346: imp. Idro II. 12, 2, -rjro Luc. D. Syr. 2o, ->vro Her. 3, 132: fut. iao-o/xat Eur. H. F. 1107 ; Ar. Plut. 1087 ; PL Gorg. 447 ; Isocr. 6, 101, Ion. Irjv- Od. 9, 525 ; Archil. 13; (Luc.) D. Syr. 20, e- Hippocr. 6, 150 (Lit.): aor. la.ffap.rjv Eur. Fr. 1057 (Dind.); PI. Phaed. 89 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 2, 25, Ion. irjtr- II. 5, 904; Hippocr. 7, 174 (Lit), e- Her. 3, 134. 132: p. p. late tapai act. V. T. 4 Reg. 2, 21, pass. N. T. Mar. 5, 29: aor. Iddrjv always pass. Andoc. 2, 9 ; PI. Leg. 758 ; Anth. 6, 330, Ion. -rjdijv Hippocr. 7, 172. 8, 24 (Lit.) : and fut. la6r}(rofMi (Luc.) Asin. 14; Geop. 12, 25; Galen 10, 377: and late fut. m. Ido-erai as pass. Aristid. 47, 317. Vb. IrjTfos Hippocr. 6, 92 (Lit.), laros PL Leg. 862. t always long in Horn., varies in Attic and late Poets. An act. form (Idea) occurs late, fut. Id, Wo-ouo-a Nicet. Eug. 3, 148: aor. Ida-afifv Galen 10, 352, missed by all Lexicogr. Her. has dvievv- TOI 7, 236, 3 pi. pres. as from Ion. dvUopai, but there is no need to ascribe to it a future meaning. The form however seems doubtful, at least it accords not with the forms of similar verbs as used by Her. With him verbs that have a vowel before the termination aa> follow in their inflection the common form, see dviav, alndcrdai, jStacr&n, ftodv, (dv, deacr6ai, dv/Jiidv, ld To rest, sleeping or awake, Poet. II. 14, 213; Hym. Ven. 177 ; Eur. Rhes. 740 (chor.); taw; Nic. Ther. 125 ; lavois 90; lavajv II. 18, 259; Eur. Phoen. 1538 (chor.); Theocr. 3, 49 ; lavtiv Soph. Aj. 1204 (chor.) ; Theocr. 17, 133 ; II. 19, 71, -ffjifv (Bekk.) : imp. tavov II. 9, 325. Od. 22, 464, iter. lavTKov 9, 184 : fut. late lav Lycophr. 101. 430: aor. "avo-a Hym. Cer. 264 ; lavo-rjs Hym. Merc. 288 ; Luc. Merc. Con. n ; inf. lava-ai Od. ii, 261 ; Q. Sm. i, 670 ; lava-as late prose, Themist. 26, 312. (i always.) Used by the Tragedians only in pres. and only in chor. 'laxe'u To shout, Poet. Horn. H. 27, 7; Aesch. Sept. 868 (Herm. a*- Dind.) ; Eur. H. F. 349 (Kirchh. Nauck, law Dind.), Ion. 3 pi. laxtvon Callim. Del. 146, and lanx* Eur. Heracl. 783. Hel. 1486. Or. 965 (Dind. ta^- Nauck) : fut. la^era Eur - Phoen. 1523 (Pars. Herm. Klotz, Nauck). 1295 (Pors. Herm.), IOK^- (Klotz, dxrjv- Dind. Nauck) : aor. ldv II. 14, 421. Od. 10, 323 : imp. MXOV II. 1 8, 29 ; Hes. Th. 69 ; Eur. Elec. quoted (Elms. Nauck). Or. 1465 chor. (Vulg. Kirchh. Nauck, Dind. 2 ed. avr-iaxov 5 ed.) ; Anth. 6, 217, nepi- Hes. Th. 678, iter. Idxfo-Kov Hes. Sc. 232: p. iax a m COmp. afji^iaxvla II. 2, 316. a, tunaugm. Od. 4, 454. II. 4, 506, t augm. II. 18, 29. 20, 62. 21, IO. MSiw To sweat (tSoy), Ar. Ran. 237. Pax 85, at/- PI. Tim. 74 (Ii) : but imp. *lblov Od. 20, 204: aor. idlya Aristot. H. A. 3, 19, 8, e|- tfiib-f Ar. Av. 791. 'iSpou (i) To sweat, -ovpev Aristot. Probl. 2, 36 (-wjuev v. r.). 2, 42 ; but -im Saupp. Hertl. 3 ed.). Hell. 4, 5, 7 (most Mss. and edit.), -vn (best Ms. Breitb. Dind. Saupp.) : fat. t8paxr II. 2, 388 : aor. t&poxra II. 4, 27; Hippocr. 5, 150; Xen. Cyr. 8, i, 38: p. Idpviea Luc. Merc. cond. 26: p.p. tSpaxrm Luc. Herm. 2. In Epic and Ionic it contracts in a> instead of ou, ot, tSpwo-at II. 1 1 , 598, but -a>ov- ovras II. 24, 344). Strong traces of this occur even in Attic, see Xen. above, and v. r. Aristot. quoted, and Theophr. Fr. 9, 7. ii. 36 &c. see ptyda. An Ion. pres. form l^paco however would seem to have existed, idpaxi Luc. D. Syr. 10, -w^ Hippocr. quoted, -ueiv Luc. D. Syr. 1 7. MSpu'w To place, erect, Plut. Mor. 474 ; ifyvg PI. Tim. 66 : imper. l&pvf II. 2, 191 : imp. idpvov Ap. Rh. 4, 1550, Nic. Damasc. 52, p. 39 (L. Dind.), /ca#- Eur. Bac. 1339: aor. i8pv- Vulg.) ; -vQeis Her. 2, 118 (all). 4, 203 (most). I, 172 (Bekk. Dind. Stein, -w6- Gaisf. Dietsch) ; Thuc. i, 131 ; (PI.) Ax. 365, Kad- Ar. Av. 45 ; ISpvdtjvai Her. 2, 44 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. Bred. -w8- Aid. &c.); Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, 10 (Born. Dind. -wd- Popp.), -\i 7> 2 5 > icptvos Soph. Tr. 514 ; Xen. Cyr. 3, 2, 10, eV- Od. 22, 470 : imp. iffiriv Soph. O. R. 1242 ; Ar. Eq. 625 ; Xen. An. i, 8, 26. (i Epic, t Attic.) Some write tepai (mid. of tt/u go) : imp. Iffujv. 'lew 70 send, pres. partially in comp. dv-u'is II. 5, 880, /*e#- 6, 523 (Wolf, Spitzn. Dind. -117? Bekk. 2 ed.), -et 10, 121, but &- t Hippocr. 5, 492 (Lit.), e|- Her. 6, 20, *a#- Plut. Ant. 77, 3 pi. Theogn. 565 : imp. uiv, irpo- Od. 9, 88. 12, 9 (Vulg. Dind. La Roche, -V Bekk. 2 ed.), ?s Ar. Vesp. 355, t II. i, 479 (Wolf, Dind. &c. Irj Bekk. 2 ed.) ; Hes. Fr. 4, ai>-/ II. 15, 24. Od. 8, 359 (-// Bekk.); Her. 4, 152, rjv-ift Hippocr. 5, 414 (Lit.), Kad-lft Plut. Ant. 77, 3 pi. tow, fi^-iow Isae. 6, 40 (Vulg. fiw Hirschig, Scheibe), iter. teo-xe, dv- Hes. Th. 157, Trpo- Q. Sm. 13, 8. The forms !?, lei are sometimes accented ??, ie, and referred to 1o>, see Od. 4, 372 ; Her. 2, 70. See tij/it. M^dfo 7b Jifo/, //ar^, also intrans. sit, II. 10, 92 (i$" Sapph. 2, 3) ; Hippocr. 6, 164 (Lit.); Thuc. 2, 76, n-poo-- Simon. Am. 7, 84 ; Aesch. Pr. 276. Sept. 696, /ca0-Eum. 29 ; C. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 360. (Menand.) 4, 328 ; Isocr. i, 52 : imp. l&vov II. 23, 258. Od. 24, 209, dp.- II. 18, 25, v- Eur. Phoen. 1382. Buttmann and others therefore err in saying " later writers, from Aristot. onwards, have also a pres. iava>, Kadidva>." "lw To seal, establish (Dor. to-8-), II. 24, 553 ; Aesch. Eum. 18 ; intrans. sit, II. 13, 281 ; Aesch. Ag. 982 ; Eur. Hec. 1 150 ; Ar. Ran. 199 ; Com. Fr. (Epicr.) 3, 366 ; rare in prose Her. i, 198; Hippocr. 3, 470. 6, 570; PL Tim. 53, Dor. to-Set, '$- Theocr. 5, 97 ; subj. tfo Hippocr. 6, 238 (Lit.) ; tbi Aesch. Supp. 685 ; imper. 1& Od. 24, 394 ; Theogn. 34 ; Eur. Hec. 147. Ion 1258; tfav Soph. Ant. 1000; Ar. Eq. 403; Her. 5, 25, ifouo-a Eur. Hel. 296, Dor. -oto-a Pind. Ol. 10 (n), 38 ; t^w Eur. Ion 1314 ; Her. 6, 57 : imp. with augm. Ifrv II. 2, 53. 18, 522 (Bekk.) ; Eur. Ale. 946 (but imperat. te), iter I& PI. Leg. 855, -fade Aesch. Supp. 224 ; inf. i&adai Her, 5, 18. 7, 16. 120; Hippocr. 4, 82. 294. 352. 8, 334 ; Xen. Ven. 9, 14; part. tfd/uei>oy Ar. Av. 742 (chor.) ; Her. i, 199. 3, 65. 122. 9, 41 ; rare in Attic -tvg PI. Tim. 25, Dor. -era Mosch. 3, 58 (Mein. e- Ahr. Ziegl.) : imp. i6pr]v Eur. Fr. incert. 853 (D.), tfeo Callim. Jov. 81 (ef- Mein.), -era Her. 3, 140. 7, 44, -6^6a 9, 26, -OJ/TO II. 3, 326. 19, 50; Her. 4, 146. 5, 18. 7, 140. 8, 67. 71. See Kadifa. In the trans, sense to seat, ?< seems never to occur in prose, and once only in Attic poetry, Aesch. Eum. 18, occasionally with an ace. sit on, Qpovov Aesch. Ag. 982 ; sit at, /Soo^oV Eur. Ion 1314. This verb is chiefly Poet, and Ion. : in Attic prose, Plato thrice, Xen. once : classic, only pres. and imp. "liqfu To send, ujs Soph. El. 596, 1170-4 II. 3, 12. Od. n, 239 ; Xenophan. i, 7 ; Aesch. Pr. 8 1 2 ; Soph. Ant. 1211; Eur. Hipp. 533 ; Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 179 ; Ar. Nub. 397 ; Xen. An. i, 5, 12, Dor. irjTi, e(p- Pind. I. 2. 9, 3 pi. Itla-i II. 3, 152, dv- Her. 2, 36, , p.(6- PL Phil. 62, ifj, irpo- H. Ven. 152, e'0- Pl. Rep. 388, Epic ifjvi Theogn. 94, ped- II. 13, 234; opt. Idijs, av- Od. 2, 185 ; imper. irpo- iei Od. 24, 519, dv- Plat. Crat. 420, but vv-te Theogn. 1240, ure, ev- II. 12, 441, w- Archil. 50; if is Solon 36, 10 ; Thuc. 3, 112 : imp. ( Pl.Euthyd. 293 (Mss. C. Bekk. approved by Schneid. Bait.). Lys. 222 (Bekk.) see below, 3 pi. ito-av Hes. Sc. 278 ; Eur. Bac. 1099, syncop. lev II. 12, 33 ; Pind. I. i, 25, in sing, the form tuv is better supported, ^(pinv PL Euthyd. 293 quoted, 3 sing, let II. i, 479 (see tew); Eur. Med. 1187; Xen. Conv. 2, 22, tyiei PL Lys. 222. Lach. 183, iter. teo-Ke, dv- Hes. Th. 157: fut. rj II. 17, 515; Aesch. Pers. 944; Soph. Aj. 630; Ar. Ran. 823, d(p- PL Conv. 175, dv- Rep. 498, Dor. f)aS>, rja-flre Ar. Ach. 747, and perhaps (CO-CD), 330 av-tffa> Epic Od. 1 8, 265 : 1 aor. r/Ka indie, only, II. 5, 125 ; Eur. Rhes. 927, e>}Ka, irpo- II. 8, 297, av-r]Kasl\. 21, 396, Trap- PL Euth. 301, r)- Dinarch. i, 57 ; Aeschin. 3, 85; Dem. 36, 10. 38, 1 8. 27, often 3d rj^av Xen. An. 4, 5, 18, irpo- Pind. Ol. i, 65, eV- Her. 7, 176, dtp- Thuc. 7, 19, Trap- 4, 38, Ka0- Eur. Ion 1200; PL Tim. 77 &c., Epic 7*a in tmesi II. 1, 48, d(p-er)Ka &c. 21, 115, dv- Hes. Th. 495 (to which some add Epic (ffa) avfo-av II. 21, 537' 7ra P" f^ov 24, 7 2 5 Opt. dvf(raiyu II. 14, 209, see Zu> sea/): p. ewca in comp. Trap- Soph. Fr. 305 (D.); Eur. Hel. 1059 > Dem. 8, 34, d-fTr)v II. n, 642, pi. icdd-fufv Od. 9, 7 2 > but Ar. Vesp. 574; Thuc. i, 76, dVetre Soph. O. R. 1405, Eur. Bac. 695, d^- Thuc. 7, 53, dv- PL Conv. 179, Epic ta-av, irpo- Od. 8, 399, dv- II. 21, 537 ; subj. a>, /ze0- Soph. Ph. 8 1 6, Kad- C. Fr. 2, 622, Epic flS>, ty- II. i, 567, $, dv- PL Rep. 411, Epic dv-m II. 2, 34, II. 15^ 359, /icd-u/uv 10, 449 ; opt. - Ar. Eq. 1159; ?u Ar. Ran. 133, KOT- Her. 7, 35, dv- PL Conv. 179, e/iei in the dialects, /w0- II. i, 283. 15, 138, a-w- Pind. P. 3, 80, ffitvai, eg- Od. n, 531 ; tts, ty- 11. i, 434, see depict. Mid. ItfjMi to hasten, desire, Od. 2, 327 ; Her. 2, 70; PL Phaedr. 241 ; ifitvos Od. i, 6 ; Mimnerm. 16; (W0at, e^>- Antiph. 5, 79: imp. lffir)v Ar. Eq. 625; Themist. 23, 298, tcro (I) II. 8, 301 ; Soph. O. R. 1242; Her. 9, 78, -t^firda Soph. Ant. 432, tevro Hes. Sc. 251 : fat. ija-eywu in comp. '/xtu, a-vv- II. 15, 381, Trpo- Thuc. i, 71; Dem. 16, 25. 21, 213; Plut. Them. 7; opt. ci^v, Trap- Soph. O. C. 1666, d- Hyperid. Fr. 76 ; PI. Conv. 217. uiv i sing, imp.^i^v, irpo-iew Od. 9, 88. io, ioo. 12, 9 (-iV* Bekk.), T)(p-ieiv PI. Euth. 293 (-/jjv Bekk.), Itv 3 pi. Epic for lea-av, II. 12, 33; Pind. I. I, 25. eo>, e;;?, erj, dfp-erj II. 1 6, 590, and flea, efpeia II. i, 567, ped- 3, 414, subj. 2 aor. Epic for w, fjs &c., and 3 sing. 1777, dv-rjij for ovr; 2, 34 ; inf. Epic If^fvai, peB- II. 13, 114, ifpfv Hes. Op. 596, (j.e6- II. 4, 351. eWrat Dor. 3 pi. p. p. for elWai, dv-eavrai Her. 2, 165 (Ms. F. Bekk. Dind. Stein), d, aV-eo-co, aor. av-ecrav, opt. dv-ecraifu to eo>, e^o>, di/-e't lipfvat II. 22, 206, peQ-lfiJitv 4, 351, ev-iere 12, 441, pt6-icT( 13, n 6, iffifvos Od. io, 529 &c. and short in Attic t??frt Aesch. Sept. 310 (chor.), telo-a Eur. Hel. 188 (chor.), teVa Aesch. Sept. 493, ids Eur. I. T. 298, telo-a Hec. 338. I. A. 1101, the four last in trimeters, iela-av Eur. Supp. 281 (dactyl). See also Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 652, w-V<> Soph. EL 131 (dactyl); Ar. Av. 946 ; Com. Fr. (Strat.) 4, 545; but not "Ar. Plut. 75." 'lOuVu (v) To guide straight, Poet. II. 23, 317; Eur. Phoen. 179 (chor.); late prose Himer. Or. 17, 3, but KOT- Her. 2, 96; 332 * I Qv vv Eur. Or. 1016 (chor.) ; late prose Ael. H. A. 13, 14; Plut. Mor. 984, Wvvova-av going straight, Anth. 6, 328; -vvciv Ap. Rh. 2, 897 : imp. Wvvov Od. 9, 78, iter. Wvvea-Kf Q. Sm. II, 101, -CO-KOV 2, 463 : fut. Wvvov pxv (Hesych.) : aor. Wvva Od. 23, 197; Himer. 31, 4, e- Hippocr. 4, 182; Wvvgs Theocr. 5, 71 (Vulg. Mein.); -veias Opp. Hal. i, 77; inf. Wvwu, KOT- Hippocr. 4, 292 (Lit.) : p.p. I6vp.fj.evos Dion. Per. 341, mr-iOvvrai Hippocr. 3, 438, e- 426 (Lit.) : aor. Idvvfyv II. 16, 475, e'- Hippocr. 4, 182. 184 (Mss. Lit.) Mid. Wvvopai as act. -opevos II. 6, 3c imp. Wwero Od. 5, 270. 22, 8 ; Hes. Sc. 324, -VVOVTO Ap. Rh. 2, 168: aor. late Wvvaadai Q. Sm. 14, 500. (r, r once Anth. Plan. 4, 74.) Never in Comedy, nor classic Attic prose, occasionally in late Attic, once or twice in Her. in pass. lOvverai i, 194, -to-dai 2, 177. Dind. in his last edition of Aeschylus, writes, with Ms. M., ijvdvvtv Pers. 411. 773 for Wwfv (Herm. Blomf.) In Eur. also, Theocr. &c. editors divide on IBvv- ei>6-. 'I0u'u (u) To rush straight, Epic and Ion. II. n, 552; Pind. Fr. 219 (B.); -va>v Her. 7, 8: aor. *6v rush, and I by arsis, idvovo-i still Opp. Hal. 2, 131. Cyn. 4, 68, IBvtt 3, 500. 512 (Schneider, IBw- Mss.). 'kdru (d) To come, Epic and Trag. II. 18, 385. Od. 22, 231 ; Solon 13, 21 ; Aesch. Ag. 1337; Soph. Ant. 224. El. 1102; IKO.VOIS Theocr. 22, 60, -dvoi II. 18, 465. Od. 19, 49 ; inf. tKavnv Orph. Hym. 85, Epic tKaveptv Od. 4, 139, -eptvai Opp. C. 4, 387 ; IKCLVUV Pind. Ol. 3, 43 : imp. IKUVOV U. 4, 210. Od. 19, 432 ; Hes. Th. 697; Theocr. 25, 211; Bion 4, 8. Mid. as act. iKavofiai Epic II. 10, 118. Od. 23, 108; Ap. Rh. 4, 85 : imp. late IKCLVOVTO Anth. 15, 40, 38, the only instance we have seen and seemingly with 3. t Epic and Trag., in imp. I, I by augm. II. 6, 370; Od. 23, 93; Hes. Th. 681 &c. Never in Comedy or prose, and only pres. in Trag. 'Ifcereuu To come to as a iKtYj/j, supplicate, in poetry and prose, Pind. Fr. 84, 7 ; Soph. O. R. 41 ; Eur. Or. 255 ; Ar. Thesm. 1002 ; Her. 6, 68 ; Andoc. i, 149; Isae. 6, 57; Isocr. 14, 56; PI. Phaed. 114; Dem. 57, i : imp. iKfrevov Od. n, 530; Hip- ponax 37 ; Com. Fr. (Strat.) 4, 546 (Pors.); Her. i, n ; Thuc. 6, 19; Andoc. i, 20; Xen. Cyr. 7, 4, 7; Lys. i, 25. 29; Isocr. 'Iicveopat. 333 14, 54: fiit. rare -eww Eur. I. A. 462; Isocr. 7, 69. 14, i; Lycurg. 143: aor. iWrtvo-a II. 16, 574. Od. 17, 573; Hes. Sc. 13; Eur. Med. 338. Heracl. 844; Thuc. 2, 47; Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 9 ; PI. Apol. 34 ; subj. -euo-o Eur. Or. 797, for -even??, Scyth. iWfCo-t Ar. Thesm. 1002 ; -f do-as PL Leg. 730 ; -eva-ai Eur. I. A. 462 (Mss.) now fat. -fva-tiv : (p ?) : pass, late, aor. luerevdeis Joseph. Ant. 6, 2 (Bekk.) Mid. t/cerevo/iat rare, Ar. Eccl. 915 chor. (Vulg. Bekk. Dind. -oprv Herm. Mein.) Vb. tKerevrfos Luc. Merc. Cond. 38. (t, but t by augm. though never in Horn.) This verb is noticed for no irregularity, but because the mid. is missed by some, the pass, by all the lexicons. Besides, it has been treated too much as Poet, or Poet, and Ion. Horn, has only imp. and aor. indie. 'iKce'oficu To come, come as a suppliant, implore, Solon 4, 24 ; Simon. C. 38 ; Aesch. Ch. 376 ; Soph. Aj. 588 ; Ar. Eccl. 958. 966 (chor.); Her. 2, 36. 6, 57; Pittac. Diog. Laert. i, 4, 10; rare in Attic prose Thuc. i, 99 ; Aristot. Polit. 7, 14, 5 (Bekk.) ; iKixiififvai Od. 9, 128: imp. rare iKveiro Soph. O. C. 970; late prose Dio Cass. Fr. 25, 5 (Bekk.), but u> Pind. P. 4, 105; Aesch. Sept. 241 (chor.), io II. 9, 56, ?u Od. 13, 4 ; Simon. C. 119; subj. IKCO/ICU II. 5, 360 ; Pind. Ol. 6, 24, uaj Soph. Aj. 556, Epic twjai II. 6, 143; Hes. Op. 468, -TJTUI II. 6, 69; Soph. O. R. 76; Eur. Elec. 956; PL Phaedr. 276, dual iKrjvdov Hom. H. 2, 323, pi. -o>/*e0a Od. 6, 296, -rja-df II. 2O, 24, -WITCH II. 1 8, 213 ; lKoifj.T}v II. 9, 363 ; Soph. El. 315; Eur. Ion 1411, Dor. -olpav Eur. Bac. 403 (chor.); Theocr. 3, 13, -oto Od. : 9 367; Theogn. 927, -on-o II. 13, 711; Soph. O. C. 308, -oinfda II. 9, 141 ; Eur. Supp. 619, -oia-de Od. IT, in ; Ar. Lys. 1037; Theocr. 24, 9 (Mein.), -OIVTO Ap. Rh. 2, 1174 (Well.), Ion. -oi'aro II. 1 8, 544; imper. wceo Pind. N. 3, 3, IKOV or -ov Anacr. i, 4 (Bergk, if KOV 3 ed.); Soph. O. C. 741, CKT&> Od. i5> 447> fafj.evos 6, 84, -ovpevos Thuc. I, 99 ; Plut. Mor. 6 ; in the sense come, see passages quoted under 2 aor., from which it would appear that Buttmann is rather strong in limiting the 2 aor. to poetry. ty-iKveofwi less freq. Isocr. 4, 187; PI. Phil. 46. Tim. 51 : fut. -igtaOcu Isocr. Epist. 4, 1 1 : eo-i occurs late Or. Sib. 7, 30, and a pres. tXeow Theod. Prodr. Catomyom. 203 (Hercher), aor. jXeuxrrjTf Ael. Fr. 47, 16 (Hercher), missed by our LexiCOgr. Vb. JXaoro'?, dv- Plut. Mor. 170, iXaoreoi/, e'- Synes. Epist. 44 (Hercher) missed by Lexicogr. *lXir]fu 7b be propitious, Epic, of pres. only imper. tX^^t Od. 3, 380; Horn. H. 20, 8 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 693, and iXatft Simon. C. 49; Callim. Dem. 139; Theocr. 15, 143; Ap. Rh. 4, 1014 ; Luc. Epigr. 22, iXare Ap. Rh. 4, 984; Maneth. 6, 754: perf. subj. IX?}KW Od. 21, 365 ; opt. iXijKoi/u Horn. H. i, 165; Ap. Rh. 2,708; Coluth. 2, 50 ; Anth. 5, 73 ; late prose Alciphr. 3, 68 ; Heliod. 9, 25. 10, 1 6. (?.) "IXX&>, for etXu or eiXXu To roll, press, tXXe Ar. Nub. 762 (Ms. M. Br. eZXXe Dind.); 'XX WJ / Nic. Ther. 478, e'- Xen. Yen. 6, 15, aV- iXXei Lys. 10, 17 ; subj. e'lt'XXco Dem. 37, 35 (Dind. -eiXXa Bekk.) : aor. iXa, W-iXa? Eur. Fr. 544 (D.) : mid. IXafjifvos, Trept- Ar. Ran. 1066 (Cob. Dind. 7rfpt-X- Phot.) Pass. iXXo'jueyos Soph. Ant. 340 (chor.) e'TT-iXXifc Od. 18, n. 336 e l//a II. 15, 17, -do-c7# II. 2, 782 ; -do-o-as Hes. Th. 857. Pass, tp-aa-o-o'fiei/os Anth. 7, 696 : imp. lfj.da-0-fTo Nonn. 42, 491. (i.) 'ifieipu (Aeol. Sapph. i, 27) 70 desire, (t) Od. 10, 431 ; Solon 13, 7; Soph. Fr. 689 (D.) ; Eur. Fr. 660 (Bind.); Ar. Nub. 435; Theocr. 22, 145; -pao-i Opp. Hal. 3, 647, -pot 3, 48; -p Aesch. Ag. 940: imp. i/ipoi> Aesch. Pers. 233. Mid. t/ift'po/icu as act. Od. i, 59 ; Soph. O. R. 386 ; Eur. I. A. 486; Hippocr. 7, 558 (Lit.); Epic subj. -ei'perat Od. i, 41 ; -oficvos 5, 209: imp. t/xet'peTO Her. 3, 123, -ovro 6, 1 20: with aor. mid. i/neipa^!/, opt. -euro II. 14, 163 : and aor. pass, t/iep&ji/ as mid. Her. 7, 44; -epQds Ap. Rh. 3, 117. Vb. Ififpros II. 2, 751 ; Pind. P. 9, 75. Act. almost always poetic, mid. and pass, form in poetry and Ionic prose. 'lySdXXo/icu To appear (eiSor, ctSdXt/ioy), H. Ven. 178, -erat II. 23, 460; Ar. Vesp. 188; PI. Theaet. 189 ; Aristot. Mund. 6, 3 : imp. tVSoXXero II. 17, 213: aor. pass, late, iv8a\6ji Maxim. KaTopx. 163; Iv8a\6eis Lycophr. 961. 'bew or -dw To void, purge, (Hesych. Phot.) : fut. m. tj/jjo-ercu Hippocr. 8, 112. 258 (Lit.) : but pass. ? 6, 318 (wrongly TJVTJO-- tlvTjo- 2, 676. 132 Kiihn) : aor. Ivda-aro Hesych., Ion. IVTJO-- a7re- Hesych. Pass, ivuvrcu Hippocr. 6, 318 (Lit.) ; -uptvos 6, 326 : fut. m. as pass, see above : aor. Ivrjdeis Hesych. 'ITTOW To press, crush, only pres. act. iTrovfifv C. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 71 ; Hesych.: and part. pass, lirovfievos Aesch. Pr. 365; Ar. Eq. 924. Poetic, for at Dem. 1441, now stands Yyp-eW (Bekk. B. Saupp. Dind.) (I) c l-mroTpoeu To maintain horses, Dioscor. 4, 15; -ov Hy- perid. 3, 29, 6 ; Plut. Mor. 52 ; -ofalv Xen. Ages, i, 23. M. Eq. i, ii ; Isocr. 16, 33 : fut. -^o-cu : aor. wrTrorpotpqo-a Paus. 3, 8, i : p. 'nrnoTfTp6(f>r]Ka Lycurg. 139, but tTTTTOTpocp^Ka Diog. Laert. 8, 51, Kad-iinroTp6, only pres. to-Kw Simon. C. 130 (Bergk) ; to-Kovres II. 16, 41, "umova-a Od. 4, 279 : and imp. tcnce Od. 22, 31 &c. See etb-Kco. Later in the sense speak, say, "VKWV Lycophr. 574 : imp. ? Ap. Rh. 2, 240. 4, 92, -KOV 4, 1718 ; Theocr. 22, 167; to which some refer Od. 19, 203. 22, 31. To place, simple late Orph Arg. 904 ; Athen. 3, 83 ; z 338 N. T. Rom. 3,31, e<- Polyb. 5, 35. 11,2 (Bekk.) ; but classic in comp. if Kad-iardveiv be correct Isae. 2, 29 (Vulg. Bekk.) ; Lys. 25, 3. 26, 15. 28, 7 (Vulg. Bekk.), where however Bait Saupp. and Scheibe have substituted Kadurrdvai: imp. 1- Plut. Mor. 233, To place, rare, la-ra Her. 4, 103 ; Themist. 23, 292, lOTwo-t Ctes. Frag. Pers. 6 ; Apocr. i Mace. 8, i ; subj. loras Ar. Fr. 445 (D.) ; imper. tore, Kad- II. 9, 202, and tori; 21, 313 ; iarav PI. Crat. 437 ; Themist. 20, 234; /0 stop, staunch, Dioscor. 4, 43 : imp. terra Her. 2, 106 ; Aesop 340 (Halm), KOT- Her. 6, 43, di>- Luc. Muse. enc. 7, o-ui/- Polyb. 3, 43, Kad- Polyaen. 5, 33, 4 (Murs. KadfjKfv Woelff.) The Mss. and editors of Her. present both forms, rra4, 103, and torjjo-t 2, 95, vn- 5, l6, torao-i 3, 24 (-Scrt c. Aid.), imp. IOTO 2, 106, KOT- 6, 43, and tor?? 6, 61 (Bekk. Kriig.), - Xen. An. 2,4, 5; PL Rep. 587 : and 'OT^OJU Eur. I. A. 675 (Vulg. Kirchh. Nauck); Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 17 (Popp. Hertl.). Ven. 10, 9 ; Com. Fr. (Hegesipp.) 4, 480 (from ioTfjKo or pf. eo-njKa, see eVrjjKw) : aor. eanjcra II. i, 448 ; Soph. O. C. 1303 ; Her. 2, 121 ; Thuc. 2, 22; Lys. 2,25; PL Phaed. 118, crrr/aa II. 4, 298. Od. 4, 582, Dor. earao-a (Anacr. 104); Pind. P. 3, 53, an- Aesch. Ch. 416 (chor.), oracra Pind. P. 9, II 8, Epic 3 pi. eerrao-ai/ for -rja-av, II. 12, 56. Od. 3, 182 (late 2 sing. (crra 535 even in trimet. Eur. Phoen. 1246, av- 824 (chor.) KOT- Pind. P. 4, 135, and arav II. 9, 193 ; Find I. 8, 58, iter. Z 2 340 II. i8, 160; jnMU II. IO, 55; (rrds II. l6, 231; Eur. Elec. 840; Ar. Nub. 771; PL Phaedr. 247, see below. Mid. lardfuu to Stand, II. 13, 271, urracrai, trap- IO, 279, icrraTai Aesch. Sept. 564 ; Soph. Ph. 893 ; Ar. Eccl. 737 ; Her. 8, 68 ; Thuc. i, 53 ; PI. Ion 535, and trans, set up for oneself, Her. 7, 9; Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 14. Cyr. 8, 6, 18 ; imper. tarao-o intrans. II. 17, 179; Hes. Sc. 449, dv- Eur. Hec. 499; Ar. Vesp. 998 &c. ; Attic prose fgav- Isocr. I, 32, Trap- I, 37, Poet, larao, -nap- II. ID, 291 (Aristarch. Bekk. Faesi), torfi/os II. 18, 533. Od. 2, 94 ; Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 7 ; irfpi-frrrjo-avro stood round, Od. 12, 356. II. 2, 410 (Vulg.) has been altered by Bekker to Trepiorrjo-dv re, which Dind. Ameis, La R. adopt, and luwarjjo-a/ie'i/w intrans. Luc. Philops. 1 8, has also been altered to fut. -qo-o^eW from Ms. A (Jacobitz, Bekk. Dind.); but or^o-airo intrans. Opp. C. 4, 128: 2 aor. l, eo-raytei> PI. Gorg. 468, eorwo-t Dem. 20, 64, ty- Eur. Bac. 319 ; opt. Poet. eVrcuV, dr Aesch. Pers. 686; Soph. Aj. 87, -wo-a Ar. Eccl. 64, -os PI. Soph. 249. Parm. 146. 156. Theaet. 183 (best Mss. Bekk. Bait. Or. W.), -is (Vulg. Stallb.), K a6- Thuc. 3, 9, ntpi- 4, 10 (v. r. -ws), Trap- Ar. Eq. 564, gen. -Srot Soph. O. R. 565; Antiph. 3, y, IO, Ion. ecreo)? Her. 2, 38, -tS>p.fv i pi. 2 aor. subj. Ion. for OTtopev, II. II, 348, e'|ara- Her. 4, 115, Epic (TTfiofifv II. 15, 297, Trept-areiWi II. 17, 95, oVo-art'coo-i Her. 3, 15, 2 sing, arifo? II. i?> 3> o^TO 5> 598, <""*- Find. P. 4, 155 (Herm. Boeckh), -airj (Ahr. Bergk) for ori}?, 0-777 ; 3 dual Trap-or^erov Od. 18, 183; imper. ora for Her. i, 56. 2, 19: imp. I l6l : ivro II. 12, 38; Ap. Rh. 2, 864. The pure form seems not to contract. rxdW Theophr. C. PI. 4, 13, 6, seems a mistake for la-xvaivei. 'Itrxyaiioj To make lean, dry, Hippocr. 427, 14 (Foes); -aiVfl Aesch. Pr. 380; -aivtiv Hippocr. 3, 468 (Lit.); PI. Gorg. 521, Dor. 3 pi. laxvaivovri, KOT- Callim. Epigr. 48 : flit, lax^vm, crvv- Eur. I. A. 694 : aor. urxvava Aesch. Eum. 267 ; Ar. Ran. 941, irpo- Aristot. Prob. 3, 23, Ion. fcxvrjva Her. 3, 24; Hippocr. 3, 316 (Lit.): p.p. lvx vT 1V* vov > Kar ~ Luc. Philopat. 20: aor. pass. la-xvdvdrjv Hippocr. 5, 662. 676 (Lit.); Aristot. De Coelo 2, 12, ii ; Geop. 17, i. Mid. fut. la-xvavovfMi, *ar- consume away, Aesch. Pr. 269. Vb. laxvavreov, aw- Aristot. Prob. I, 50. "Iw. 343 see vmv Od. n, 82 ; Soph. O. C. 950; Her. 3, 77 ; Thuc. 7, 35 : imp. "= /*#-) /^f/xfTi/xei/o? Her. 6, i &c. The subj. d(pio>, -icDp.fv, opt. acpioifjn &c. Goettling p. 22, would accent dqbtw, -iufjifv, d(j)ioip.i &C. See tea). 744 "KdBSaXe Kafla/pw. JTT^ ' ' r K. = Kar-//3aXf, II. 8, 249; Ap. Rh. 4, 188. To /a^ loud, late Anth. (Agath.) 6, 74; Athen. 10, 52, classic Kaxfj Soph. Aj. 199 chor. (Dind.); Ar. Eccl. 849 (trimet.); also later Anacreont. 31, 29 (Bergk.); Luc. D. Men 6, 3. (Amor.) 23 (Dind.) : fut. (*ayxao-o>), Kaxaa-o, Dor. KaxagS) Theocr. 5, 142: aor. eKdyxao-a Anth. (Paul. Sil.) 5, 230, av- PI. Rep. 337 ; Luc. Pseudol. 7 (Jacobitz), e- Xen. Conv. i, 1 6 (Vulg. Saupp. Mehler, -e^ao-a Dind. always) ; Kayxdo-as Babr. 99, ava- PI. Euthyd. 300. KayxaXdu Epic, To rejoice, -da Opp. Cyn. I, 507, 3 pi. -daxrt 11. 3, 43; Opp. H. 5, 236; Maneth. 5, 32; part. -S>v Lycophr. 109, Epic -oW II. 10, 565 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 124, -dwo-a Od. 23, 59 : imp. iter. Kay^aXaao-Kt Ap. Rh. 4, 996, -O-KOP Q. Sm. 8, 12. (Kdw) Poet. Tfr excel, act. not in use. Pass, as act. pres. and imp. late, Kafd/xei/or excelling, Nicet. Annal. p. 141 : ftcdgovro p. I2O: perf. (*cacr/u) K(Ka(T(Tai Od. 19, 82, KfKaarai II. 2O, 35; Emped. 347; Anth. 3, 18; Eur. Elec. 616 (trimet.); Kficdo-Sat II. 24, 546 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 1007 ; KeKaayxeW II. 4, 339 ; Hes. Th. 929; Ap. Rh. 4, 1585; Theocr. 7, 44 (Ms. M. Mein. Fritzs.); Aesch. Eum. 766 (trimet.) ; Ar. Eq. 685 (chor.), Dor. KexaS/zeW Pind. Ol. i, 27 : pip. eW/caoro II. 2, 530. Od. 19, 395; Ap. Rh. 2, 867, KfKcurro II. 14, 124. Od. 7, 157, KeKd(T[ieda Od. 24, 509. This word is poetic, for Plato, Rep. 334, rather quotes than uses it, see Od. 19, 305. See Katwfjuu, x<*>' KaGaipw To purify, Hippocr. 8, 54 (Lit.); PI. Soph. 227; Aeschin. 2, 158 ; Dem. 54, 39 ; subj. -a>pfv PI. Rep. 399, -wo-t Polit. 293; -alptiv Od. 22, 439; Hipponax 4; PI. Crat. 396; Xen. Oec. 20, n; (Lys.) 6, 53; -nipwi/ Aesch. Ch. 74; Soph. Tr. 1061; PI. Crat. 405. Tim. 72. Soph. 227: imp. eVca&upoi/, KOKad- Ar. Vesp. 118, '- II. 2, 153, K Xen. Oec. 18, 6 ; PI. Leg. 735 (Stallb.): aor. e'/ca^pa II. 16, 228; Theocr. 5, 119; Her. i, 41. 44; Hippocr. 8, 106 (Lit.); Thuc. 3, 104; Xen. An. 5, 7, 35 (Ms. Vat. Popp. Kriig. Dind. Sauppe), Kdd- II. 14, 171; -jjp?? PI. Rep. 567 ; -rjpfitv Leg. 735 &c. ; (Luc.) Menip. 7 ; Plut. Pomp. 26. Brut. 39; Arr. An. 2, 4, 8, irfpi- Theophr. H. P. 9, 7, 4, and eKaGapa Hippocr. 2, 418; Antiph. 6, 37; Xen. Oec. 18, 8 (Dind. Breitb. Kerst, Sauppe); Anab. 5, 7, 35 quoted (Vulg.); so PI. Leg. 735 (Bekk. B. O. Winck. see fut.); Theophr. Ch. 16; Plut. Mor. 134 ; Diod. Sic. 4, 31, V Dinarch. 2, 5; Dio. Hal. Rhet. n, 345 9 ; Luc. V. A. 8. Fugit. 23, 7re/>- Theophr. H. P. 4, 13, 5, QT Plut. Mor. 510, Sia- Apollod. 3, 6, 7: (p. KocdQapKa late, Schol. Ar. Pax 753): p.p. KtKadapfiai Hippocr. 7, 322 ; PI. Phaed. 69, <- Xen. Conv. i, 4: 1 aor. ficaddpdrjv Hippocr. 5, 204; Thuc. 3, 104; -ap6f) Hippocr. 7, 322; PI. Tim. 72; -defy Hippocr. 7, 386 ; -apdfis Her. i, 43. 4, 71 ; PI. Leg. 831 ; -apdfjvai Dem. 23, 72: fut. -apdfaonai late, Galen 7, 222; Oribas. 7, 26 : 2 aor. fKciSapyv, drroKadaprj Arr. Ven. 27, i, -ap#J7 (L. Dind.) Mid. Kadulpofiai to clean oneself, Aesch. Fr. 42 (D.) : fut. Kadapovpat Hippocr. 7, 54 ; PI. Crat. 396, pass, if correct, Hippocr. 7, 24. 330. 8, 338 (Lit. Lind. 2, 740 Erm. icadaip- Vulg.), diro- Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 27: aor. eKadrjpdfirjv Hippocr. 2, 644. 5, 232 ; Philostr. Ap. 7, 32; KadfjprjTcu PI. Leg. 88 1 ; -ripda6u> 868; -fipao-dai Aesch. Fr. 376 (D.); PI. Phaedr. 243; -^pdpevos PI. Leg. 865, Dor. Ka6apd[jifvos, dno- (PI.) Locr. 104. Vb. Kadapreov Hippocr. 2, 129. In the best editions the aor. has nearly always 17 in Ionic (but KuQapai Hippocr. 2, 418 Lit), and usually in Attic, varying there, and in late Greek, between 17 and a. Some, however, are inclined to write it always with 17 in classic Attic, as KaGtjpat Antiph. 6, 37 (Saupp.), eWa&jpare Dinarch. 2, 5 (Saupp.), KaBriprjs Xen. Oec. 18, 8 (Schneid.) quoted above. An act. 2 aor. seems not to occur Kaffdpy so called by Stallb. PI. Leg. 735, is assuredly not a decisive case and the 2 aor. pass, only once, diro-Ka0apjj, if sound, Arr. quoted ; the 1 aor. pass. Kadapdfjvui is used by him An. 2, 4, u (Kriig.) Moeris, p. 101, says (Ka6r)pa 'ArriKcas, (Kadapa Aeyoucrii' "E\\r]Vfs. KaOe'^ojiai To sit down, be sitting, Com. Fr. (Aristoph.) 2, 1145, in tmesi K.O.T Sp efeat Od. 10, 378, Kad(6p.eda Eur. Heracl. 33? -ovrai LyS. 13, 37 ; (PI.) Ax. 361 ; KaOf^rjrai Thuc. 6, 49, -(bfjifada Od. i, 372, -Tjo-fle Thuc. 7, 77 ; Kadfgo-du Hippocr. 7, 348 (Lit.) ; -to-dai 8, 392 (Lit.); Andoc. i, 38; -opcvos Thuc. r, 24: imp. eKa6f6p.r)v Xen. An. i, 5, 9. Cyr. 5, 3, 25; Aeschin. i, 120. 123; often as aor. Thuc. 2, 18. 4, no; Andoc. i, 44; PI. Euthyd. 272, Poet, /ra&fo/^ II. i, 536. 8, 51 &c. ; Aesch. Eum, 6; Soph. Tr. 918; Ar. Lys. 1139 : fut. (act. late, Ka6f8flv will set, put down, Synes. Prov. 2, 123, whence) mid. KadtBovnai Ar. Ran. 200. Eccl. 617. Av. 727; Andoc. i, in; PI. Theaet. 146; Dem. 5, 15. 9, 75, late Ka&fijjo-o/im Diog. Laert. 2, 72 : aor. late, (Ka6fTO Thuc. 3, 97; Lys. 13, 37; PL Prot. 315, Ion. eVai-earo Her. 3, 144. 8, 73 (Bekk. Gaisf. Dind.), and often always in Tragedy augmented after the preposition Kad^ijv (PL) Riv. 132, KaQfjTo Dem. 18, 169. 217. 21, 206 (Ms. F. Bekk. Dind. fKdd- Vulg. B. Saupp.), and KO^O-TO II. i, 569; Eur. Bac. 1102. Phoen. 1466; Isae. 6, 19; PL Rep. 328; Her. i, (45) 46. 3, 83 (Mss. Gaisf. but Ion. Ktmjoro Bekk. Dind. Lhardy, Stein), KadrjpeQa Soph. Ant. 411 ; Dem. 19, 155. 166, Ka6rj Com. Fr. (Apoll.) 4, 451 (Xen. An. 2, i, 4, some Mss. Ktihner); Plut. Mor. 234, Ion. nor- Her. 4, 190, Attic Ka&S Xen. An. 2, i, 4 quoted; Dem. 24, 25. 39, n, napa- Hippocr. 7, 608, Dor. Ka6if-> Bion 4, 1 6 (late Kadttfo-oa, see foil.): aor. exa^to-a Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 23; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 102, naQto-a II. 19, 280, and Attic Ka0r Eur. H. F. 1075 : as fut. perf. Kara-KfKovoTfs eaeade Xen. 7* 6, 36 : 2 aor. enavov Aesch. Ch. 930 ; Soph. Ant. 1319; Eur. I. T. 1252; navoi Aesch. Sept. 630; Kavuv Eur. H. F. 865 ; Kami/ Theocr. 24, 91 (Mein. Ziegl. Ahr.), -rfv (Vulg. Fritz.): 2 p. KWa Soph. Fr. 896 (D.), Kara-KfKovoTcs Xen. An. 7, 6, 36 (Dind. 4 ed. Saupp. Rhed.), KaraKficavoTes (Mss. A. B. Kiihner, xaraxaraWe; Vulg. Popp. Kriig.) Pass. Kaivfrai Aesch. Sept. 347; -opevos Eur. Cycl. 360 (Mss. Vulg. *Xti>- now) : imp. eKaivopriv I. T. 27. This verb, we think, does not occur in Epic, Comic, or Lyric, except Timocr. quoted : frequent in Tragedy : once only in prose. The prose form is usually Kara-Kaivu) pres. imp. 2 aor. and perhaps 2 perf., but, in the classic period, confined to Xen. Arrian also uses this verb KaruKaivovo-i Ind. ii, 10; -aiva>v An. 5, 24, 3; and Plut. -aivtiv Mor. 240: imp. -CKCUVOV Arr. An. 5, 17, 6 : aor. -tKavtv An. 5, 18, 7 (Kriig.); -Kavow Ind. 7, 3 (Kerch.); -aveiv Ven. 25 (Saupp.) Defectively handled in lexicons. Kaioj To burn, fire, II. 9, 77; Hes. Th. 557; Theogn. 1145; Aesch. Ag. 286 (Herm.); Soph. Fr. 480 (Dind. 2 ed. *<*< El- lendt, vat'co Dind. 5 ed.) ; Eur. Cycl. 659 (Herm. Kirchh. Nauck, *caw Dind. 5 ed.) ; Her. 2, 39. 62 ; Hippocr. 6, 544, Kara- Thuc. 8, 39 (Bekk. Popp. Kriig.) ; SO /cato'/iej/or 2, 52, irfpi-Kaiovrai Andoc. 2, 2, KSCU Ar. Fr. 403 ; PI. Tim. 58 ; see also Ar. Lys. 8 ; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 452 (not contr. KOJ); Epic inf. Kaif^ev II. 14, 397 : imp. enaiov Od. 9, 553 ; Eur. Bac. 758 (Elms. Kirchh. fKdov Dind. 5 ed.); Xen. An. i, 6, i (Popp. Kriig. Saupp. exaov Dind. Cob.), Kalov II. 21, 343, enaov Com. Fr. (Phoen.) 4, 511 ; Xen. Hell. 5, 4, 41 &c., see also Thuc. 2, 49 (Bekk. Kriig. ai- Popp.) : fut. Kava-co Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 21 ; Luc. Peregr. 5 ; Plut. Thes. 8; Anth. 9, 15, eVt- Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 68 1, Kara- Ar. Lys. 1218; Sopat. Athen. 4, 160: and /ouio-o^at rare, Ar. Plut. 1054, pass, or reflex Ka.vaovfj.evos Galen 10, 656 ; N. T. 2 Pet. 3, 10. 12 : aor. enavaa Ar. Pax 1088 (hexam.) ; in tmesi Her. 8, 33; Isae. 4, 19; Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 33, av- Eur. Cycl. 383 (trimet), /car- Thuc. 7, 25; Kava-as 7, 80; icavo-ai PI. Gorg. 456, Attic Poet, (e/cea) part. Kt'as Aesch. Ag. 849 ; Soph. El. 757 (Herm. Dind.), - Eur. Rhes. 97 (trimet.); Ar. Pax 1132 (chor.), but dno- Hippocr. 7, 422, Epic t^a II. i, 40. 24, 34. Od. 19, 366 &c. (Bekk. Spitzn. Dind. La Roche, a and -jja Wolf, 350 Buttm.) ; Hippocr. 5, 216 (Lit.) if correct, the only prose in- stance we have seen, in tmesi tcrjev II. 21, 349, late Epic Kelav Ap. Rh. i, 588; subj. Kfanev, Epic -<>/*> II. 7, 377. 396 ; opt. icrjat II. 21, 336, -aitv 24, 38, a rare form in Horn.; imper. KTJOV Od. 21, 176; inf. KJjat Od. 15, 97, /wn-a-KJJat II, 46, and KdKKrjai ii, 74; KrjavTfs Od. 9, 231, see below: p. in comp. neKavxa, Kara- Xen. Hell. 6, 5, 37, Trpoo-- Com Fr. (Alex.) 3, 439 : p. p. Kav/iai Eur. Cycl. 457 ; Hippocr. 6, 330. 442; Thuc. 4, 34, Kara- Andoc. i, io8; Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 23, - Hippocr. 2, 54. 6, 192, but KfKava-rai if correct, 7, 242 (Lit.): pip. (KfKavro Eratosth. i, 23 (Hiller) ; Dio Cass. 47, 18, d?r- Luc. Tox. 61 : 1 aor. fKavdrjv Hippocr. 5, 146. 208; Artemid. Onir. 4, 43; -dels Find. N. 10, 35; PL Tim. 68, KOT- Thuc. 3, 74; Her. i, 19. 4, 69. 6, 101, v. r. -a-8r)v : fut. Kav6f}ji> Od. 12, 13, in tmesi II. 9, 212 ; Hip- pocr. 5, 214, Kar- Her. 2, 180. 4, 79, 8t- Hippocr. 6, 330 (Lit.); Plut. Oth. 6 ; Epic inf. Kafjpevat II. 23, 210, nafjvai Pseud.-Callisth. 3, 30, KOTO- Her. 2, 107 ; Kafvra Plut. Mor. 283, icm-a- Her. i, 51 ; Plut. Pyrrh. 3 : fut. late xaijo-o/uat Or. Sib. 3, 507 ; Apocr. Syr. 28, 23, Kara- N. T. I Cor. 3, 15, but (TvyKara- Xanth. Fr. p. 41 (Mtiller) : pres. Kalerai II. 20, 491 ; -opfvos 21, 361 ; Hes. Th. 694: imp. Kaito Od. 24, 67, Kaifro Hes. Th. 861 ; II. 10, 12, -OVTO i, 52, see below. Mid. kindle for oneself, aor. eVcavcra/ir?!/, ova- Her. I, 2O2. 8, 19, Epic Krjavro II. 9, 88; -dpevot 9, 234. Fut mid. Kavo-opai seems not to occur in early prose except as a v. r. fK-Kawofjievos Hippocr. 6, 302, and once only in poetry, Ar. quoted. See po$e'o>. Vb. xauoros Eur. Cycl. 633, KQVT- (Kirchh. Nauck, Bind. 5 ed.), nvpi-Kavros PI. Tim. 85, 8ta-/cavrov Geop. 17, 25. It would appear that the Mss. of Horn, agree in giving aor. tiaia, fKrjf, opt. Krjai, Kqaiev with T) without v. r. but vary between rj and in inf. Kfjai, Kflai, imper. KTJOV, subj. K^o/iev, Keiopfv, aor. m. KTJUVTO, Kflavro &c. Bekk. Spitzn. Dind. write TI, uniformly, with the approval of Matthiae and Lobeck, and for KaTaKfifp.fv, -T)(p.ev II. 7, 408, Spitzner, Bekker and Dindorf give KaraKaip.fv with Eustathius. KriavTfs (Mss.), Kfiavres (Tricl.) used to stand Soph. El. quoted, but Br. and Herm. changed it rightly to /W, see passages quoted from other Attic Poets. It is a mistake to say that " in the passive voice the 1 aor. is the only tense in use by the Attics : " pres. pass. *do/*ai Ar. Lys. 8, xaerai Ar. Vesp. 1372 : imp. eWero Thuc. 2, 49 ; Xen. Hell. 6, 4, 36; Kaiofitvos Thuc. 2, 52; PI. Phaedr. 115 &c. &c. and perf. KeKavpevos Eur. Cycl. 457 ; Com. Fr. (PL) 2, 679 ; Thuc. KaXe'oj. 351 4, 34. icalta is Epic. Ionic, Doric, Lyric, and generally at least Trag. and Thuc. is the prevailing, in some editions the only, form in Aristophanes, Isocrates, and Plato, varying more in Xenophon. L. Dindorf however in his last edition of Xen. seems to give icaa> uniformly: so W. Dind. in the Tragedians (5 ed.) In late authors Kaia> is the more frequent form. KaXe'u To call, II. 4, 204 ; Find. P. n, 8 ; Aesch. Eum. 287 ; Soph. Aj. 72 ; Ar. Av. 849 ; Her. i, 131 ; Antiph. 5, 35 ; Thuc. 6, 4, Dor. i pi. KaXeoyn" Epich. 51 (Ahr.), 3 pi. *aXeWt Find. N. 9, 41 ; opt. KaXe'oi Her. i, n, -oir\ Xen. Hell. 2, i, 13; Epic inf. Kd\r)ftfvai II. IO, 125; pt. KaXfvvTfs Od. IO, 255: imp. eicaXet II. 22, 294; Find. P. 4, 195, -Xee Her. i, 120, -\ow PI. Leg. 700, Poet. Ka\eov II. 10, 197, dissyll. Od. 8. 550, '/cdXet? Soph. O. R. 432, iter. Ka\eea-Kov II. 9, 562 ; Hes. Th. 207 : fat. KaAeW Xen. Cyr. 2, 3, 22 (Mss. Born. Breitb. -X< Dind. Sauppe) ; Aeschin. i, 67. 3, 202, if not subj. see below; Aristot. Eth. N. 2, 7, 10, o-vy- Her. 3, 74, y- Dem. (17, 19) 19, 133. 23, 123, irapa- 8, 14 (18, 164. 165 Psephism), Horn. KaXe'w II. 3, 383, Attic usually /caXw Ar. Ach. 968. Nub. 1001 ; Xen. Conv. i, 15; PI. Charm. 155, ey- Isocr. 17, 56; Dem. 55, 17: aor. exaXeo-o Find. Ol. i, 37; Eur. Hel. 348. H. F. 1179; Her. 6, 67; PL Rep. 477, Epic fKoXfo-a-a Od. 17, 379 (Wolf, Dind.) ; Find. Ol. 6, 58, KaXea- o-a II. 1 6, 693, late Kd\r)o-a Pseudo-Callisth. 3, 35 (but e^o-a Nicand. Fr. 22, - Musae. 10, perhaps better referred to KXe'< or KXr}o>); subj. KaXro> Soph. Ph. 1452 ; opt. -e'o-cu/ PI. Conv. 174; part. KaXe'o-ay II. i, 402 &c. ; Her. 2, 107 ; PL Charm. 155 : p. KeK\T]Ka Theogn. 1229; Ar. PL 260; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 467 ; PL Rep. 580 : p. p. K<=KX>7/xai II. 10, 259 ; Find. Ol. 7, 76 ; Aesch. Eum. 417 ; Eur. Hipp. 2; Her. i, 98 ; Thuc. 2, 37 ; PL Phaedr. 258 (and KaXeo7u late if correct Suid. sub v. Opt. KeK\fjo Soph. Ph. 119, KfK\yfi.f6a Ar. LyS. 253 : pip. eK Her. i, 119; Luc. Gall. 9, Ate/cX^r' Soph. Fr. 624 (opt. Cob. Dind. 5 ed.), Ion. 3 pi. -rjaro II. 10, 195 : aor. f<\r]Qr)v Soph. O. R. 1359; Ar. Thesm. 862 ; Her. i, 173 ; Hippocr. i. 318 (Erm.) ; Antiph. 1,23; Thuc. 6,2; KXrjdeis Archil. 78 (and VcaXe' Ap. Rh. 4, 1514, pass. KoXfa-Kero II. 15, 338, KK\T)aTai. 3 pi. p. pass. Epic for -qvrai, Ap. Rh. i, 1128, Ion. K(K\faTat Her. 2, 164, but a late and corrupt form for KfK\r]rai (Hippocr.) Epist. 3, 836 (K.), 3 pi. pip. KfK\fiaro II. 10, 195. Fut. KoXroi> simple is rare. At Aeschin. i, 67. 3, 202 (B. Saupp.) it may be subj. Franke and Weidner now however read in the former passage *caXo>, and in the latter, they and Bekker KoXe'o-i;, some Mss. and editors KaXecrti, -fo-oi. For eKKaXfo-eo-dai also, Aeschin. i, 174, Weidner, and now Franke (2 edit.) read -Kt&flaBai ; and we are inclined to think that Scheibe, in accordance with the strong current of Attic usage, will on the first opportunity alter Lycurg. quoted, to eVtcaXtrat. Dind. however retains e -eVouo-t, irapa-KoXfa-fiv Dem. quoted. Kd\T]fu To call, Aeol.=(caX(a, Sapph. i, 16 (Ahr.). The col- lateral form KaXiofiai seems to occur only in comp., and only in pres. and imp. indie. irpoKaXi&Tai, Opp. Hal. 2, 325. 329; imper. TrpoKaXi&o Od. 18, 20 : imp. irpoica\i(To II. 3, 19. 5, 807. Od. 8, 228. KaXicSeoficu To roll about, spend ones time, -Sdrai Aristot. H. An. 9, 7, 2 ; -ovpfvns Xen. An. 5, 2, 31 ; Isocr. 15, 30 ; Dem. 19, 199, ty- Xen. Conv. 8, 32 (Vulg. Saupp.); -(io-dai Arr. Ven. 1 8, 2 : imp. VcaXtv8'ero Her. 3, 52, -elro Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 5, -OVVTO Thuc. 2, 52 : fat. m. -170-0/^01? : aor. pass, late Ka\iv8r)6eis Synes. Epist. 32 (Kerch.). This verb occurs in prose only, see Kv\iv8a>. Thuc. and Dem. have Ka\iv8- not KV\-, likewise Her. but ) 5, 1 6, Isocr. USU. KoAtJ/8-, but KV\- 5, 8 1 (Ms. U. Bekk. B. Saupp.), and Xen. /cvXu/6-, but /toXtvS- An. 5, 2, 31, 353 S- Cyr. i, 4, g, PI. always KuX/8-, with z>. r. KO\- Theaet. 172. Phaed. 81 (Steph.). KdXuTTTw To hide, II. 17, 243; Hipponax 52; Aesch. Pr. 220; Soph. Ant. 1254; rare in prose, Xen. Eq. 12,5; -reiv Lycurg. 89 : imp. KaXvimv II. 24, 20, e*aX- Sapph. 19, irepi- Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 14 : fut. Ka\tya> II. 21,321; Aesch. Sept. 1040; Soph. Aj. 916 ; Com. Fr. (Phil.) 4, 67 : aor. exaXv^a II. 20, 444 ; Simon. C. 168; Aesch. Pers. 646; Eur. Supp. 766; Her. 2, 47, Trepi- PI. Tim. 34, *dX- II. 23, 693 ; Hes. Op. 156, '*aX- Eur. Bac. 12 -, -v^ II. 12, 281 ; -fyatpi Pind. N. 8, 38 : (perf. late diro-KKa\v, *aXu$0- Anth. 14, 53; -v$6eis Od. 4, 402; 'vtydjjvM Eur. Supp. 531 : fut. KaXix^o-o/zai late in simple, Paus. 8, u, 6; Aristid. 13, 130 (D.); Galen 3, 695, Sta- Dem. II, 13: 3 fut. (xeKaXv^o/itat ?). Mid. (taXv7rrojLiat rozw oneself, one's own, Ar. Nub. 740 : fut. KaXv-^o/xai, e'y- Ael. H. A. 7, 12, o-iiy- Aristid. 45, 59: aor. fKa\v^dfj.r]v Horn. H. Ven. 183; Anth. App. Epigr. 127, KaXvfy- II. 14, 184; -aptvos II. 3, 141. Od. 8, 92; Hes. Op. 198; Tyrt. n, 24; rare in prose, Hippocr. 8, 322 (Mss. Lit.); and very late, Orig. Ref. Haer. p. 299 (Miller), but Kara- Her. 6, 67, eV- Aeschin. 2,111 ; PI. Phaed. 117; Isocr. 17, 18; Luc. D. Deor. 17, i. Vb. KoXvKTos Ar. Thesm. 890. avy-Ka\vnTfos Aesch. Pr. 523 ; Geop. 1 6, 9. The simple form in act. is rare in prose, poetic in mid.; the comp. frequent in prose, a/i^txaXwra) however is Poet, chiefly Epic. K(p.vci> To labour, be weary, sick, II. 19, 170 ; Eur. Andr. 816 ; Ar. Nub. 707 ; Hippocr. 6, 510 ; Xen. An. 3, 4, 47 ; subj. -v doubt- ful (Hesych. has Kajuo>, fpyao-o/mt, and Kapel Soph. Tr. 1215, may be 3 sing., usu. called 2 sing, of mid.) Kapovpai, -el, -emu II. 2, 389 ; Aesch. Eum. 88 1 ; PL Leg. 921, uncontr. -eW&u Ap. Rh. 3, 580: p. intrans. KeK^Ka II. 6, 262; (PI.) Eryx. 392, Dor. -ana Theocr. i, 17 (Mein. Ahr.) : pip. eVcfK/^Kftmc Thuc. 3, 98; part. KfK^rjK T as Thuc. 3, 59 (Vulg. Bekk. Kriig. Stahl), -rjKoras (2 Mss. Popp. Dind.) approved by Buttm. and Kriig. : 2 aor. A a 354 fKapov II. 4, 244 ; Ar. Ach. 860; Her. 3, 16 ; Xen. Hell. 3, 3, i. 5, 3, 19; Herodn. 3, 6, 3, icd/^ II. 8, 195. Od. 23, 189; Find. P. i, 78 ; subj. */*, -39, -17 II. i, 168 ; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 428 ; Her. 3, 99 ; Xen. Conv. 8, 18 ; PL Gorg. 470, Epic -r) Soph. O. C. 19 ; inf. Ka^ai Eur. Supp. 748 ; Xen. Conv. 4, 6 ; Ka^as Ar. Nub. 178 ; Her. 4, 43: (p. KfKantya ?) : p.p. KeKanpai, -fj.\^at, -fjnrrai Aristot. Probl. 15, 2 ; Nicol. Rhet. 12, 3 ; inf. Ka/Lu&n Hippocr. 4, 280 (Lit.) ; KeKapufvos Aristot. Metaph. 4, 6, n. 14, Vt- Hippocr. i, 91 (K.), crvy- Xen. Eq. 7, 2 : aor. e'/cd/^&jv PI. Menex. 244 ; inf. -0^vai Thuc. 3, 58; -6ds Aesch. Pr. 513 ; PI. Leg. 945: fut. late KafM(f)6f)(TOfMi Aristid. 13, 140; Dio Chrys. 77, 33; Galen 3, 147. 4, 387, VTTO- Geop. 12, 19. Mid. *cd/x7rrofiat bend oneself &C. KdfiwTd Eur. I. T. 815 (Mss. Vulg. but act. Kd^nrfis Blomf. Herm. Monk, Dind. Kirchh.): but aor. late itdpfaTcu Epist. Barn. p. 135 (Tisch.) Vb. KCIHTTTOS PI. Tim. 44. See yvdp-irru. Kamxit" To sound, ring, Epic and only imp. jcai/dxife II. 1 2, 36; Hes. Sc. 373; Q. Sm. 8, 55. (aa) The collat. Kavaxe'u is Epic and Comic, -ova-t Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 119; ->v 2, 162: fut. (-TJCTCO) : aor. jcaj/d^j/o-e Od. 19, 469 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 907 ; Q. Sm. 3, 315. Kairuo) (go) 71? breathe, Epic and only aor, eVcdrruo-o-a in tmesi II. 22, 467, Kan-- Q. Sm. 6, 523. K.apKalpia Kapicaipu To quake, Epic and only imp. Kaptcaipe II. 20, 157. Kapirou (Kapiros) To produce fruit, eVcapTraxra Aesch. Pei'S. 281; and late V. T. Deut. 26, 14. Lev. 2, n. Mid. /0 reap fruit, -oC/itu Thuc. 2, 38; Isae. 10, 19; Dem. 22, 67. 51, 13: imp. -ovfjqv Eur. Andr. 935; Her. 2, 168 ; PL Critia 118: fut. -wo-p/zai Aesch. Pr. 851 ; Isocr. 4, 166 : aor. -axra/i^v PL Conv. 187; Isae. 5, 35; Dem. 6, 21: with p. p. as mid. ntKapnufjicu. Xen. Cyr. 8, 7, 6 ; Dem. 27, 47. 29, 34. Kaprdfw 70 strengthen, Epic for Kparvva>, usually confined to aor. mid. fKaprivavro II. ii, 215. 12, 415; Theocr. 22, 80; Ap. Rh. i, 510; once in prose D. Laert. (Thrasibul.) i, 7, 9. Act. rare, pres. -vveiv Find. Ol. 13, 95 : rare also aor. and late, xaprvvas Stob. (Phanocl.) 64, 14; Ap. Rh. 2, 332; Opp. Hal. 2, 328. KarafJpoxw, see /Spo^a). Ka.TaYAa>TTia> To kiss wantonly, speak against, imp. xareyXwT- Ar. Ach. 380 : (fat. -ur) : p. p. KareyXwrrwr^eVos without redupl. Ar. Thesm. 131. Kardyvufu To break, Thuc. 4, n; PL Phaedr. 265 (Soph. Fr. 147 (D.); Ar. Pax 703), and Karayvva Hippocr. 7, 530; Xen. Oec. 6, 5; Com. Fr. (Eub.) 3, 254 : fut. Kardco Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 559 : aor. *careaa II. 13, 257 ; Ar. Vesp. 1435 ; Thuc. 3, 89 ; Xen. An. 4, 2, 20; PL Crat. 389, Ion. Karfjga Hippocr. 5, 224 (Lit.); subj. Kardgrj Ar. Ach. 932 ; PL Phaed. 86, v. r. -ea^rj ; imper. Karagov Ar. Fr. 488 ; inf. Kardgai Eur. Supp. 508 J Com. Fr. (Phryn.) 2, 603 ; part. Kardgas Lys. 3, 42 (Dobr. Cobet, Scheibe), but Karedgas (Mss. Bekk. B. Saupp.) ; Luc. Alex. 14: p. late KaredyTjKe if COITCCt, Cinnam. p. 190 : p. p. late Karfayfjuu Luc. Tim. 10 ; Paus. 8, 46, 5 ; Artemid. Onir. 5, 32 : 1 aor. late Kartdx&nv V. T. Jer. 31, 25 ; -ax&i'r Dio Chrys. 11, 339 ; but -axOrjvai Aristot. Part. An. i, i, 16 : 2 aor. KaTtayijv Ar. Vesp. 1428; Andoc. i, 61 ; Lys. 3, 14; subj. Karayrj PL Crat. 389; Hippocr. 4, 158 (Lit.), and if correct -eayfj 4, 172. 220, -(rjyfj 3, 428 (Lit. I, 500 Erm.); Opt. Karayeir; Ar. Ach. 943, -eayei'j; Hip- pOCr. 4, 128 (Ms. H. Lit. -ayeir) Vulg. Erm.); part, narayeis Lys. 3, 40; Anth. Plan. 187; Hippocr. 4, 148. 154, sometimes KciTfayfis 4, 154. 172. 282. 346, and -erjyeis 4, 324 (Lit. *caray- always Ermerins) : 2 p. Kartdya am broken, Ar. Ach. 1180, Ion. Koreijya Hippocr.' 3, 428. 506, rare /canjya if correct, Hippocr. 3, 75 (Kiihn) ; part, -rjyus Phoen. Coloph. 6, 3, 4 (Schneidw.), -fayws Ar. Plut. 546; PL Gorg. 524, Ion. -ej^yw? Her. 7, 224; Hippocr. 4, 130. 200. 278. 282 (Mss. Lit., but -eayvla 3, 426. 4, 158); -eayevai PL Gorg. 469. In 2 aor. a usu. in Epic, Anth. PL 187; II. 17, 607. 3, 367, but a in arsis, II. n, 559; and A a a 356 Kara^oi/Xoco Kara j/a At'ovcw. Attic, An Ach. 944. Fr. 502 (D.) : long in 2 perf. aywfu had been digammated, hence aor. KarFagas, KaFFdg- (so Kamrfvov &c.) softened icavdgais 2 sing. opt. aor. for Kardgats Hes. Op. 668. 693. This verb both in Mss. and edit, has often those forms aug- mented which usually have no augment : narea^avres Lys. 3, 42 (all the Mss.); Ael. H. A. 10, 10, K 2, KOTfdyv- (Woelffl. Kardyv- Ms. P.) For f^eayeia-a Ap. Rh. 4, 1 686, Merkel reads fdy- with Guelph. KaraSouXow To enslave, act. reg. but rare, Thuc. 3, 70; Plut. Mor. 828 : fut. -euo-o) V. T. Jer. 15, 14 : aor. -eSouXwo-a Isocr. 9, 21 ; -XSo-at Her. 6, 109 : p. -Xwxa C. Fr. (Menand.) 4, 169 : p. p. KaTa8e8ov\a>fjLai PI. Conv. 219 ; Isocr. 4, 169 ; but mid. Eur. I. A. 1269 ; PI. Rep. 351 : so aor. -coa-a/^p Lys. 12, 39; Isocr. 4, 67; PI. Menex. 245 : fut. -axro/wu Lys. 34, 2. 8 : pres. -8ov\ovp.at Her. 7, 51 ; Thuc. 3, 63 ; PI. Gorg. 483 ; Isocr. 5, 53; Dem. 18, 72. f Karacivucc, see evwp.1. KaTaaivb>, see ddva>. Kara6nfiaKO) To die, is entirely Poet., -6vf)s II. 22, 164. Od. n, 84. We have never seen this verb in prose. The Attic Poets use fut. and aor. only : the Epics pres. and pert KaraiTidojiai, see am-. KaraiSe'w, see aifieo/xat. KaraKaifa), see wuVw. KaraKTCivu, see KTfLvta. KaraXea), see aXe'w. KaraXeiTra), see XfiW. KaraXuct), see Xvca. KaracaXia-KO) To expend, imp. KaT-avd\i. ), see vfva>. Kara^oew, see voea. Kcrrapdofiai, see apa-. KarappuSeu), see appealed). KaTaoTpea), see orpttfxo. KaTapoye' 7 4, 118. ej, see e, see ( Kanrjmcxa), see ^T ), see b // crtT(u may be pass. Hippocr. 3, 446 (Lit.) : aor. -op#axnprat 4,156; -(ccra/jifvos 3,436. 482; -axracr&H 3,474: pres. -opdovadai 4, 1 88, seems mid. see 8, 144. Karruo), and -ao-u'w (u) To stitch, patch, PL Euthyd. 294; Athen. (Nicand.) 9, 9 : fut. -ixreiv Alciphr. 3, 58 : p. p. late KiKaTTvpeva Clem. Alex. 998, 43, ey-KfKarrimu Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 423. Mid. Karrvofjiai. as act. Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 356 : imp. Trap-fKarrveTO Ar. Plut. 663. Kaud|ai, see Karayvvfju. Kauxdo/iai To exult, -5/iat Theocr. 5, 77 (Ahr.), Ion. -/o/tat (Vulg. Fritz. ZiegL), - X a Lycurg. Fr. 14, late -acrai N. T. Rom. 2, 17. i Cor. 4, 7 ; -avdai Pind. Ol. 9, 38 ; Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 7 2 i -npfvos (Phil.) 4, 40: imp. enavx^^v, *- Eur. Bacc. 31, eV- Aristot. de Plant, prol. 7 : fut. Kavx>? 2 sing. Ion. - 358 Ka^)eo> KeF/zcu Her. 7, 39, -^o-rrai Com. Fr. (Eplcr.) 3, 369, -fafvOe Pseud.- Callisth. 2, 20: aor. eVau^r/o-aTo Athen. 14, 23; Aristot. Pol. 5, 10, 16; -rja-aa-dat Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 473; Aristot. Polit. 5, 10, 16 ; (Aeschin.) Epist. 4, 5 ; Dio. Hal. 8, 30; subj. Kavx^o-rj Babr. 96 : p. late ntKavx^ai N. T. 2 Cor. 7, 14. Scarcely in good Attic prose. The form Kavxao-ai, though late, may represent early usage. (Kae'(i> or icdiru) To pant, Epic part. 2 perf. Kdca(j)r) see ifa-yxaC'"- KaxXd^w and KayxX-? To dask, swell, Aesch. Sept 115 (chor.) ; late prose, Arr. An. 6, 4, 4 ; Diod. Sic. 3, 44 ; inf. -d&iv Arr. An. 5, 20; part, -dfwi/ Theocr. 6, 12, fem. Dor. -a(bio-a/ Pind. Ol. 7, 2 : imp. fKax^afrv late, Philostr. 1 1 6, iter Kaxhd&crKfv, e?n- Ap. Rh. 4, 944 : aor. eVaxXatre, ov- Opp. Cyn. i, 275. Only pres. and imp. in simple, and only in Poet, and late prose. Kdu, see Kaia>. Kedtu To split (KO, mco), chiefly Epic, fut. Kedo-aco Orph. Arg. 852 : aor. Ktaa-a Od. 14, 418. 2O, l6l, Keaarcr- II. 16, 347, eWao-cr- Od. 5, 132. 7, 250; Kedo-ai/w Od. 12, 388 ; inf. neda-a-ai 15, 322; Ap. Rh. 4, 392 ; Callim. Fr. 289 ; Keda-as Nic. Ther. 644, -do-a-as 'JOg ( Epic = o- II. 15, 657 (Wolf, Bekk. Dind.) ; Ap. Rh. 2, 135 (Merk.), Ke8ao-0- (Vulg.) ; KtSavdds II. 15, 328. Kfdoavrai or <7Kf8- 3 pi. pres. pass. Epic for KeSwj/rai (Kedaowat) Ap. Rh. 4, 500, KeSarai Hesych. A COllat. form Ace8a/o/zai, -at'g occurs Nic. Alex. 458 ; -optvos Ap. Rh. 2, 626. Keifiai To lie, Od. 19, 516. Horn. Epigr. 3; Simon. C. 169; Pind. N. 7,35. Fr. 222; Soph. Tr. 985; Eur. Hec. 28, Ion. (iV al )> Kftoradl. 19, 319; Aesch. Ch. 7 24; Soph. 0. 0.1510; Eur. Fr. 908, Epic Kflai, Kara- Horn. H. Merc. 254, n-ai II. 6, 47 ; Hes. Th. 795 ; Aesch. Pers. 325 ; Eur. Med. 24 ; Ar. Ach. 584 ; Antiph. 5, 9 ; Thuc. r, 36; Her. i, 9 (Gaisf. Bekk. Keerai Dind. Stein), and Ion. Kterai. Her. 4, 62 ; Hippocr. 2, 54 (Lit.), 3 dual ncladov Eur. Phoen. 1698, Kfififda Simon. C. 92 ; Soph. O. C. 248 ; Eur. Phoen. 1639 ; Thuc. 5, 108, Kflffde rare, 7rp6-K(ta-0e Eur. Tr. 1179, Keurai Aesch. Supp. 242; Antiph. 5, 14. 6, 2; Thuc. 2, 102; PI. Menex. 242, Ion. Keiarai Mimnerm. II, 6 (Bergk); Ap. Rh. 4, 481, KOTO- II. 24, 527, ice'arai II. u, 659; Archil. 170; Hippocr. i, Keii/ow Ke/jOW. 359 248 (Erm.), ava- Her. i, 14, 8ia- i, 105, n- 6, 58 &c. and Keovrai II. 22, 510. Od. 16, 232; Hippocr. 2, 22. 24 (Lit.); subj. rare ((ceco^at, -/), KeV ai Xen. Oec. 8, 19 ; Lycurg. 113 ; PI. Soph. 257, Kara- Hippocr. 7, 206, 0-1.7- Aristot. Metaph. 8, 10, 4, contr. Krjrai only in Epic II. 19, 32. and now 24, 554. Od. 2, 102. 19, 147 (Wolf, Bekk. Spitzn. Dind. La R. Ktlrai Mss. Vulg. Buttm. and defended by Ahrens as an Epic subj. contr. for Kfifrai), 8ia-K.er](r6f Isocr. 15, 259, irpocr-KecovTai Hippocr. 3, 438, Kara- Luc. V. Auct. 15 ; opt. Kfolwv, -OITO Her. 1,67; Isae. 6, 32; PI. Rep. 477, Kara- Hippocr. 4, 122, - Dem. 21, 103, Trpoa-KeotVTO Thuc, 4, 33 ; imper. Kfla-o II. 21, 122, K(i Od. 1$, 128 ; Soph. El. 362 ; Her. 2, 171 ; PI. Leg. 926 ; KeZa&u II. 8, 126; Eur. Hipp. 926; Her. 4, 22; Antiph. 5, 14; PI. Rep. 534, but Kffa-dai Her. 2, 2 ; Hippocr. 2, 24. 118 (Lit.); nd^vos 11. 14, 10; Soph. Ant. 1174; Ar. Ran. 761; Her. 9, 100; Antiph. 5, 96 ; Thuc. 7, 85 : imp. eW/x^ &c. II. 15, 388 ; Aesch. Ch. 964 ; Soph. El. 1 134 ; Her. 7, 208 ; Thuc. 7, 4 ; PI. Euthyd. 303, Keiprjv Od. 10, 54, Dor. nd^av Theocr. 2, 86, - Anth. 12, 140, Kfla-o Od. 24, 40, cetro II. IO, 77 ; Pind. P. 9,83, emro II. 7, 156 ; Hes. Sc. 172 ; Thuc. 7, 4 ; PL Rep. 425, -eero Her. 1, 196, 3 dual -i KeX a Seco. Her. 9, 24 ; rare in Attic prose Thuc. i, 64; ce/pi PI. Rep. 470: imp. fKfipov Od. ii, 578; Soph. Aj. 55; Her. 6, 75. 99. 7, 131 : fut. KfpS> PL Rep. 471 ; Babr. 51, Epic xepew II. 23, 146, and K/PO-OJ, -01 Mosch. 2, 32 (Vulg. d/x/pyoi #0z# Mein. Herm. Ahr.): aor. tueipa Eur. Tr. 1173, KOT- Od. 23, 356, drr- Anacr. 49 ; imper. Kfipart Pseud.-Callisth. 2, 39 ; Kfipas Soph. Tr. 1196; Eur. Hel. 1124; Her. 5, 63; Kflpai Find. P. 9, 37, Epic e/cepo-a Ap. Rh. 2, 826, in tmesi II. 13, 546, /ce'po-e Hes. Sc. 419, in tmesi II. 10, 456 ; -077 Q. Sm. n, 214; -aete Aesch. Supp. 665 (chor.) ; Kepa-as II. 24, 450 : p.- Kfnapua, n-ept- Luc, Conv. 32 : pip. fKfKapKti, ait- Tox. 51 : p. p. K(Kapp.ai The.ocr. 14, 46; Luc. Epigr. 34 (Jacob.), KfKapo-ai in tmesi Eur. Hec. 910; -pevos Archil. 36 (Bergk) ; Eur. Or. 458 ; Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 300 ; Ar. Ach. 849; Xen. Hell, i, 7, 8; KmapQai Her. 2, 36. 3, 8: pip. fKfKapp,r)i> Luc. Lex. 5 : 1 aor. eWpdV> Kfpdeis Poet. Pind. P. 4, 82, Kapd- (Ms. C.) : 2 aor. luapriv, dp(p- Anth. 9, 56 ; subj. in simple Kapfi Her. 4, 127 ; napeis Plut. Lys. i ; Kapfjvai Luc. Soloec. 6. Mid. KeipofMi to cut one's own hair, Eur. Phoen. 322 ; Her. 3, 8. 4, 175 : -opevos II. 23, 136 : imp. Kclpovro Od. 24, 46 : fut. KfpovfMi Eur. Tr. 1183; Callim. Apoll. 14, OTTO- PI. Phaed. 89: aor. (KeipdfiTjv Aesch. Ch. 189 ; Eur. Elec. 546 ; Aeschin. 3, 211, Kfip- Mosch. 3, 90 (Herm. Mein.), dn-tKdp- II. 23, 141 ; Her. 6, 21 ; Isae. 4, 7; neipaiTo Aesch. Ch. 172; imper. Kdpaa-de Eur. H. F. 1390; KfipavOai II. 23, 46; -dp,fi>os Bion I, 8 1, Epic knep- . Kapros late Geop. 2, 6, 32. airo-Kapreov Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2 > 573- Neither of the aorists pass, seems to be of Attic usage. Keiw To wish to lie down, res/, Od. 19, 340; ntlovai Arat. 1009; Subj. Keiopev for -aip-ev, Kara- Od. 1 8, 419; imper. KeiWe, Kara- 7, 188 ; and KW in part. Keav Od. 7, 342, Kfiovres II. 14, 340, -ovara Od. 23, 292 ; inf. Kfi.fp.fv Od. 8, 315. A desiderative to Kflptu lie ; and to be distinguished from /< to split, which has only pt. KO>I> Od. 14, 425. KcKaS^o-w, KeKaSor, see X"C 0) ' KcKXojxai To order, Poet, and late in pres. Ap. Rh. i, 716. 2, 693; Orph. Lith. 177 ; Opp. Hal. 3, 311 : imp. or 2 aor. (K.eKb.op.T)v Hes. Sc. 341, and KfK\6p.rjv II. 16, 657 : Ap. Rh. 4, 230 ; Pind. I. 6, 53 called; Dor. opt. KfK\olpav Aesch. Supp. 591 (chor.); /cexXo'^cvoy Soph. O. R. 159 (chor.); but pass. Maneth. 2, 251. 3, 319. Hesych. has act. *ce/Xet, /eeXewet. See Kf\op,at. KeXdSe'o) To shout, sing, Poet. Sapph. 4 (Vulg.) ; Pratin. i, 3 (Bergk); Com. Fr. (Theop.) 2, 808; Eur. I. T. 1093 (chor.), (Luc.) Philop. 3, Dor. -aSWt Pind. P. 2, 15; KeX apv^co - KeXei;w. Stesich. 33 (B.); -aSaf Eur. Tr. 121 (chor.) ; Find. Ol. i, 9, and KeXadca, -dS Sapph. quoted (Ahr. Bergk) ; part. Ke\d8a>v II. 21, 16; Ap. Rh. i, 501; Ar. Nub. 284 (chor.): imp. eKeXdSouv Eur. Phoen. 1102 (trimet.) ; late prose Charit. 6, 2, 4, Kf\d8- Eur. Elec. 716 (chor.): fut. KeXaSjja-o) Terpand. Fr. 5 (Bergk); Find. Ol. 2, 3 ; Eur. H. F. 694 (chor.) : and mid. KeXaSijo-o/wu Find. Ol. 10 (u), 79 : aor. KeXdS^o-a II. 23, 869 ; Find. N. 4, 16 ; Aesch. Cho. 610 (chor.); Eur. Hel. 371 (chor.); Theocr. 22, 99, in tmesi II. 8, 542 ; subj. -170^ Eur. Ion 93 (chor.); Theocr. 1 8, 57 ; KeXaSfJo-ai Find. P. i, 58. This verb is almost always Epic and Lyric. Ke\apu'w To flow with a noise, gurgle, Epic II. 21, 261 : imp. Kt\dpve II. ii, 813. Od. 5, 323; Theocr. 7, 137: fut. mid. Kf\apvgop.ai Or. Sib. 3, 440, -va-ofjLai Hesych. : aor. Kf\apve Find. Fr. i82 d (Schneid.). Occasionally in late prose (Luc.) Philoptr. 3 : imp. eX- (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 350 (Lit.). KeXeimdw To cheer on, a frequentative from Kf\eva>, and only pres. part. Epic KeXevrid for -TMV II. 13, 125. KeXeuw To order, II. 4, 286; Find. N. 4, 80; Aesch. Eum. 674; Soph. O. R. 226; Ar. Av. 561; Her. 7, 102; Antiph. i, 21 ; Thuc. i, 129; Epic subj. Kf\fvop.fv II. 23, 659 : imp. eWX- 11. 4, 380; Ar. Ran. 34; Her. 7, 88; Antiph. i, 10 ; Thuc. i, 126; Andoc. i, 22; Lys. 12, 12 ; PI. Conv. 220, *eX- II. 23, 767, 'K\- Ar. Vesp. 501 : fut. /ceXevo-w II. 4, 322 ; Ar. Eccl. 261 ; Thuc. 3, 44 ; Epic inf. KeXeuo-e/ieixu Od. 4, 274, called aor. by Fasi: aor. eWXevo-a II. 5, 823; Find. Ol. 6, 32 ; Soph. Ph. 544; Ar. Eq. 1047; Her. 8, 90; Antiph. 6, 15; Thuc. 2, 67; Lys. 12, 10 ; Xen. An. i, 5, 8, X- Find. Ol. 6, 70; II. 20, 4 (see fat.) ; -fverai Aesch. Eum. 6l8; KfXevo-ov Od. 7, 163 : p. KeXeu*ca Lys. i, 34 ; Luc. Demon. 44 : p. p. KeKe'Xevo>iat Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 14; Luc. D. Deor. 20, 8. Sacr. n : pip. eVceKeXevoro D. Cass. 78, 4, 3, Trapa-KfKeXevoTO Her. 8, 93 (Bekk. Gaisf. Trap-(K(KfX- Dind. Abicht, Stein, with S. V.) : aor. eKeXever&p Soph. O. C. 738 ; Eur. I. T. 937. Heracl. 501 ; Her. 7, 9; Thuc. 7, 70; Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 21. Oec. 17, 2 ; Dio. Hal. i, 48 ; 4 Mace. 9, n, dvr- Thuc. i, 139, but fKfXfvOrjv if correct, Dio. Hal. i, 84 (Vulg. -o-drjv Kiessl.) ; 4 Mace, quoted (Gaisf.) : fut. late KeXeu- a-drja-ofievos Dio Cass. 68, 9. Mid. rare in simple, KeXeiio/Mu, aor. fKe\ev 49 (Lit.) fiia/ceXeiio^ai is Dep. Her. i, 42; Dem. 17, 12 : imp. St-fxeX- Thuc. 8, 97: with fut. -fva-ofjLai Her. i, 36 : and aor. -(ice\fvardp.r)v 9, 5, and, in the classic period, irapaKf\- ; e'yKeXeuw again, is classic, and -euo/Mu late ; but wiKfXfva* and mid. -w/nai are both classic. Vb. Thuc. 6, 13. dia-KeXfva-Tfov PI. Leg. 361. The 362 KeXXw Kevow. perf. and aor. pass, seem, at least in classic Greek, to have always a-. In fact, we have seen -ei>6rjv only twice, never a, eVi- Aesch. Supp. 41 (chor.), the only instances, we think, of aor. in Trag. *e'Xu 2 sing. trisyll. II. i, 74. Od. 5, 98 &c. but dissyl. II. 24, 434. Od. 4, 812. 10, 337 (Wolf, Bekk. Dind.) where used to stand X>7. Subj. Ace'Xw/xai, and part. Kf\6nevos we have not seen. The 2 aor. seems confined to indie, and part This verb, though mostly poetic, especially Epic, occurs occasionally in, perhaps, Doric prose, Pittac. Diog. Laert. i, 4, 10; Plut. Mor. (Ages.) 211; Luc. V. A. (Heracl.) 14. Hesych. has aor. act. eW , Ion. fceiy- To empty, Eur. Med. 959 ; Hippocr. 6, 572 ; PI. Conv. 197 : fut. /cevcoo-w Eur. Ion 447, Ion. Ktiv- Nic. Ther. 56: aor. eKfvaxra Eur. Rhes. 914; opt. Kfivacrfias Nic. Alex. 140, Kcvwaai Aesch. Supp. 660; -oxras Pers. 718 ; PI. Rep. 560; inf. -wo-at Hippocr. 6, 568 : p. -w*a App. Civ. 5, 67 : p. p. '- vnvrai Hippocr. 6, 378 j -up*vos Her. 4, 123 (Mss. Bekk. Gaisf. Stein), KfKdvvn- (Dind. Bred. Dietsch) : aor. -adrjv Thuc. 2, 51 : fut. p. late Kfvudfio-fTai Aretae. 89 (ed. Oxon.); Galen 4, 709, c- i, 195: and fut. mid. as pass. Ketvwo-o^at Emped. Fr. in Kei/rew Kepdwv/Jii. 36 (Stein), eV Galen 3, 533, but act. 3, 341. Dind. and Bred. write p. p. KeKfiv- because adj. neivos, not ) II. 23, 337: p.p. KfKfVTTipai Hippocr. 3, 380 (K.) : aor. eKei/r^y Aristot. de Spiritu 5, 7 ; Theophr. H. P. 9, 15, 3 : fut. Kfi>Tr]8fi, -vcofjtfv PL Phil. 6 1 : imp. eKtpdvvvv Luc. H. V. i, 7, av- Ar. Ran. 511 : fut. late Kpaaa> Themist. 27, 340, /cepS Hesych. : aor. eKepaa-a Hippocr. I, 578 (Lit.), ev- PL Crat. 427, Poet. Kepaora Eur. Bac. 127 (chor.), Epic Ktpaa-a-a Od. 5, 93, Wp- Orph. Arg. 254 ; subj. K(pd Anacreont. 2, 4, Kepda-r) Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 46 ; PI. Soph. 262; -o-eie Xenophanes 4 (B.); Kepaa-ov Ar. Eccl. 1123 ; Ktpdaras Od. 10, 362; Com. Fr. (Ephipp.) 3, 329; Thuc. 6, 32 ; PL Phaedr. 265; inf. Ktpda-ai Com. Fr. (Eub.) 3, 245; Mosch. 3, 113 ; (Dem.) 21, 53 (Orac.), Ion. eKprja-a rare in simple, Hippocr. 7, 254 (Lit.) ; eiri-Kprjcrcu Od. 7, 164: p. late, Niceph. Rhet. 3, I ; Eustath. 7, 3 (Herch.) : p. p. ai late, Opp. C. 3, 462; Anacreont. 16, 13 (Bergk); Aristot. Fr. 508; Dio. Hal. Comp. Verb. 24; Luc. D. Meretr. 4, 4; Polyaen. 8, 23, i, classic KKpapxu Pind. P. 10, 41 ; Aesch. Pr. 116 ; Eur. Cycl. 557 ; Ar. Eq. 1 187 ; PL Rep. 397 ; Aristot. Polit. 5, 8, 2 ; Dem. 24, 214, Ion. -T^CU Hippocr. i, 600 ; -rj^vos 2, 270 (Lit.); Her. 3, 106 : pip. fKfKpap^v Sapph. 51 (Bergk) ; PL Polit. 272 (hither some refer Epic KfKpdavrai Od. 4, 616. 15, 116 : pip. KeiepdavTo 4, 132, others to KpaiVtu): aor. 364 Keoaw Xen. An. g, 4, 29 ; PL Phil. 47. Tim. 85, ow- Leg. 889, and tKpddrjv Thuc. 6, 5 ; Eur. Ion 1016; PL Phaed. 86, aw- Soph. Tr. 66 1 ; PL Tim. 68, Ion. -^v Hippocr. i, 616 (Lit.), a-w- Her. 4, 152 : fut. Kpa^o-o/xai (PL) Ep. 7, 326, v Od. 24, 364, -6a>v Athen. (Antim.) u, 33: imp. Kfpav Ap. Rh. i, 1185: for fut., aor. &c. see Kepdvwfjit. Mid. a>iTat) ; imper. Kepda&df, for Kepaade, Od. 3, 332 : imp. KfpSivTo Od. 15, 500, and Kepouvro 8, 470. Pass. K.fpai6fj.fvos Nic. Alex. 178. 511. As baryton Kepapai does not exist, and as Horn, has forms from the pure Kfpdofj.at, Kepavrai not Kfpatvr- is perhaps the correct form. KepSairu To gain, Ar. Av. 1591; Hippocr. 2, 405 (Erm.); Lys. 13, 84; PL Rep. 343 ; -aivrj PL Leg. 846 ; -aiVoi/z/ Thuc. 5, 93 ; imper. KepSaiWre Soph. Ant. 1037 ; -alveiv Soph. Tr. 231 ; Ar. Plut. 520; Thuc. 3, 84; Isocr. 17, 36; -aivuv i, 33: imp. (Kep8- Eur. Supp. 708 ; Lys. 7, 32, an-- Andoc. i, 134 : fut. Attic KtpSavS) Aesch. Ag. 1301; Soph. O. R. 889; Eur. Or. 789; Ar. Nub. 259; Lys. 8, 20; PL Rep. 607, Ion. Kep8avea> Her. i, 35. 8, 60; and KepBfjarta Anth. (Menecr. Smyrn.) 9,390; Trag. Fr. (Mosch.) 14 (Wagn.); Niceph. Rhet. 3, 3 : and mid, KepSfjffofuii Her. 3, 72 ; Joseph. Ant. 19, i, 18 : aor. eWpSui/a Pind. I. 5 (4), 27 ; and Attic, Soph. Fr. 499 ; Andoc. i, 134 ; Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 12; Dem. 9, 29. 32, 25, Ion. eWpS^va Horn. Epigr. 14, 6; Her. 8, 5, and e/c/pSijo-a Her. 4, 152 ; Plut. Mor. 311; Ach. Tat. 5, 6; Galen i, 14; Joseph. Ant. 10, 3, i, dno- Herodn. 6, 5 : p. KenepS^Ka late in simple, Orig. Ref. Haer. 9, 29, but irpoa- Dem. 56, 30, later Kftcepdaica Aristid. 29, 366 (D.); Ach. Tat. 5, 25; Epist. Phal. ^i (Herch.), and /cf^'pSay/ca Ael. Epist. 14 ; Dio Cass. 53, 5, OTTO- 43, 18 (Bekk. L. Dind.); Phot. Cod. 224. 388 : p. p. KfKep8t]fjifvos Joseph. Ant. 18, 6, 5 : aor. s Philodem. 22 : fut. Kep^Qfaovrai N. T. i Petr. 3, i Vulg.). The Attics followed the liquid formation of this 365 verb, fat. -avS>, aor. -ava, except in perf. Trpotr-KCKepS^Kao-i Dem. 5 6 > 30- Keu9o To hide, Poet, trans, and intrans. Od. 24, 474; Simon. C. 119 ; Aesch. Pr. 571 ; Soph. O. R. 1229 ; Eur. Supp. 295, Kf\j6avo> see below; subj. Kevdy II. 9, 313; Kevde II. 1 6, 19. 18, 74 : imp. (Ktvdev Od. 23, 30 ; Horn. H. 5, 452, nevdev Od. 19, 212 (Dind. Faesi, Nauck, tKfvdev Bekk. La R.) : fut. Kfv Od. 3, 187; Ap. Rh. 4, 1105, ri- Aesch. Ag. 800: fKevaa, eTTi-Kfvo-fls Od. 15, 263: 2 p. as pres. KtKevBa II. 22, 118. Od. 3, 18; Simon. C. 97. in (Bergk); Aesch. Ch. 687 ; Soph. El. 1120 ; Eur. I. A. 112: pip. as imp. fKfKfvduv Od. 9, 348, KtKfvd- Hes. Th. 505 : p. p. (KfKtvrai Hesych.) ; but KeKevdpevrj Antim. Fr. 3 (Diibn.): 2 aor. (eicvdov), Epic nvdov Od. 3, 16; Eratosth. i, 4 (Hiller) ; subj. redupl. KfKvdu Od. 6, 303. Pass. Ktiidfrat Ap. Rh. 4, 534, or mid. intrans. Opp. C. 3, 173. 179; subj. Kevdufuu II. 23, 244; Ktvdonevos Tryphiod. 76; Maneth. 3, 127: imp. tKfvd- Nonn. 2, 304. This verb is Epic and Tragic ; never, we think, in Comedy or prose. A collat. form K.evQdva> occurs in imp. fKfvdavov II. 3, 453, for which Diintzer suggests eicevdov av. The pres. and perf. are used intrans. or passively of the dead t only, lie hid, buried, Soph. O. R. 968 ; Aesch. Sept. 588 &c. KficevBei as pres. once stood in an Epigram of Simon. Anth. 7, 300 (106 Schneid. 126 Bergk), but nobody now thinks of founding on it a pres. KeKtvda, since the true reading Kf (-e'u) To vex, Epic in act. II. 17, 550 ; Callim. Dian. 231 : imp. eKTjfte II. 5, 404, iter. Kfj8rKov Od. 23, 9: fut. KJJ&JO-W II. 24, 240 : aor. (e'K^S/yo-a), aTTO-KrjSrjaas II. 23, 413 (but d-Krj8f, 2 aor. KfKa8cov are referred to xC w - For H^OVTOL Her. i, 209 (Gaisf. Bred. Dind. Stein) occurs /c^Sf'arat (Bekk. Lhardy, Kriig.) The act. is exclusively Epic, for K^eo-ut Aesch. 366 Sept. 136, is imper. aor. mid. not inf. act. as our lexicons make it by writing KijBearai, but the mid. in pres. and imp. is used by every class of writers. The collat. /c^Seua seems confined to Tragedy and, perhaps, rather late prose, Aristot. Polit. 5, 7, 10. Fr. 83 ; KT)&(vcrfii> Plut. Aristid. cum Cat. 6, aor. K^Seutmep (Dem.) 59, 8l, KT)8ev 431 j xripvffa-e Soph. El. 606 ; -vaa-fiv II. 2, 51 ' -vv 2, 438 : imp. eKTipvo-o-ov II. 2, 444 ; Thuc. i, 27, -vrrov Andoc. i, 112; Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 42 ; Aeschin. 3, 154 : fut. -v&> Ar. Eccl. 684 ; Xen. An. 6, 6, 9, Dor. Kapvga> Eur.Ion 911 (chor.), -u|w Ar. Ach. 748: aor. (nrjpv^a Her. i, 194; Thuc. 4, 37; Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 32, Dor. ticdp- Find. Ol. 5, 8, icdp- I. 3, 12 ; inf. Kijpvgai Soph. Aj. 1240; Thuc. 4, 68, Dor. Kap- Soph. Tr. 97 (chor.); part. Kijpvgas Aesch. Ch. 124 ; Soph. Ant. 192 ; PL Leg. 917, Dor. Kapvgaaa Eur. Hec. 179 (chor.); Find. Kdpvgai, ey- Pind. N. 9, 50, Kipvdre Alcae. 45 ; inf. Kipvdfifv Pind. I. 5, 25, Kipvdvai Hippocr. 8, 244 (Lit.); Athen. 10, 426; part. Kipvds Od. 16, 14; Ar. Fr. 555; Hippocr. 7, 256 (Lit.), Aeol. Kipvais Alcae. 27 (Ahr.), mpvS>v Herodn. 8, 4, 9 ; Ktpvav Polyb. 4, 21 : imp. enipva Od. 7, 182. 10, 356, and (fKipvrjv), Kipvr) 14, 78. 16, 52, "M* Eur. Supp. 1069, - X r) II. i, 26 ; Bion i, 43, -elofjav II. 21, 128 ; opt. *MXI; II. 2, 188. Od. 17, 476 ; inf. KIXW* VM II. 15, 274, and ^i/at Od. 16, 357 ; KiXfis II. 16, 342 : fut. iclxf)(TOficu II. 21, 605, -T)(T(ai Od. 7, 53, -fja-fTai Callim. Del. 95; Soph. O. C. 1487 &c. : late Klxw>> Epic inf. -r/aefjiev Ap. Rh. 4, 1482 : 1 aor. late eVi^o-a Opp. Hal. 5, 116; -770-0? 2, 567; Musae. 149: 2 aor. CKI^OJ/ Od. 3, 169; Simon. C. 119; Find. N. 10, 74; Eur. Bac. 903 (chor.), Epic KIXOV II. 18, 153; Callin. i, 15; Simon. C. 65; Find. P. 9, 26; Opp. Hal. 4, 546 ; subj. KI'^W Orph. Arg. 106, -xns Eur. Supp. 1069, Kixy Solon 13, 30; Kixoipfv Orph. Arg. 1359; KIX&V Od. !5> J 57 J Find. P. 3, 43 ; Kix f ~ iv Theogn. 1300; Bacchyl. 29, 2 (B.) : mid. Kixdvopcu as act. II. 19, 289. n, 441 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 760 ; -v6fj.fvos Od. 9, 266, and (KI^V/**") Kixwevos II. 5> 187 : flit. KixTja-o^ai see above : 1 aor. /c^o-ao H. Hym. 2, 62, -aro II. 10, 494. Od. 6, 51 ; Archil. Fr. 73 (Bergk), cn^o- Q- Sm. 13, 172 ; and perhaps Epic subj. -xwoftat for -o-w/zat II. 2, 258. Vb. d-icixr)Tos II. 17, 75 ; Aesch. Pr. 184. In the Tragedians Kixdva> always requires I: and therefore late editors have substituted Riyxdvv, founding partly on Mss., partly on Kiyxavat in Hesych. and other Gramm., as in Soph. O. C. 1450 (Elms. Herm. Dind.) &c. Kixdvei still stands in some good editions of Aesch. Ch. 613 (622); but Franz found in the Med. Ms., the oldest and best, traces of an obliterated letter between t and x, which heightens the probability that wy^a"" was the reading. To this verb some have referred e/e Simias in Ovo, Anth. 15, 27, dirfKigav Ar. Ach. 869, Kigaro Hesych. This verb is poetic, Kixdvca (Luc.) Philopatr. 3, is a quotation from Homer; and Susemihl, on perhaps too slender grounds, reads 2 aor. inf. Aristot. PoliL 4, i, 4, for Koivuvfiv 4, i, 7 (Bekk., v. r. . In pres. and imp. ia Epic, la Attic, in other forms &c. t even in Attic. xpT)fu To lend, Dem. 53, 12 (Kixpda> Liban. 4, p. 831) : fut. Her. 3, 58: aor. txpw a Lys. 19, 24; Dem. 19, 170; XPWIJS Dem. 53, n ; XPW OV Ar. Ran. 1159. Thesm. 219. 250; Xen. Mem. 3, n, 18; xp*i< Her. 3, 58. 6, 89; Lys. 19, 22 ; (PI.) Demod. 384; XP*) 5 (P1-) Demod. 384 : p. KfXP 7 ! 1 " 1 Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 205. 247; Polyb. 29, 6 C (Bekk.): pip. MXP^^ App. C. B. 2, 29 : p. p. Kfxprinai, 8ia- Dem. 27, n. Mid. to borrow, -dfitvos Plut. Mor. 534 ; and Ktxpdofuu, inf. ai Theophr. Ch. 17, but KixpaaQat (FoSS, 30): imp. (Ki- Bb 370 Kt ft> KX a Anth. 9, 584: aor. exprio-aprjv Luc. Necyom. 16 ; imper. Eur. Elec. 190; xPW acr ^ at (P1-) Demod. 384; -yvdnevos Batr. 1 86 ; Anth. 9, 13. Kiu (i) 70 tf, Poet, and only pres. KUIS Anacr. 4 ; Aesch. Ch. 680 (trimet.) ; subj. KITJS Od. i, 31 1, and perhaps nlofifv for -copfv, II. 21, 456, see imp. ; KIOI II. n, 705; Aesch. Supp. 504, -otrrjv Od. 15, 149. II. 24, 285, -on-* Od. 3, 347 ; uric 7, 50; Aesch. Supp. 852. Pers. 1068; Kiav II. 16, 263, KtoCo-a II. 9, 504. Od. 4, 736 ; KiW PI. Crat. 426 : and imp. tulov, eKiet H. Hym. 2, 31, e Od. 15, 147, nit II. 8, 337, i pi. Kionfv (if not subj. for Kicopev) II. 21, 456, cjuov II. 12, 138; Hes. Op. 345, K/OI/ II. 23, 115, (idaBov only in nfTtniaGov with i in arsi, see fj-fraKidda. nlovrfs with t, II. 14, 340 (Ms. Ven. and some inferior editions) belongs not to this verb, but to m'a> wish io lie down, and ought to be KtiovTfs (Bekk. Spitzn. Dind. La R.) ; so icdovo-a for *ci'-, Od. 23, 292. Aeschylus alone of the Tragedians has this verb, and Plato uses it merely for an etymological purpose. KXayyayu, -aivu, -y&j To bark, scream, Poet, and only pres. -yydvti Soph. Fr. 782, -yyalveis Aesch. Eum. 131 (Mss. Vulg. Herm. -dveis Dind.), -yyevvn 3 pi. Dor. Theocr. Epigr. 6. The comp. f7T-avaK\ayydvu is used by Xen. Ven. 4, 5. 6, 23. KXdu To dang, scream, mostly Poet. Aesch. Sept 386 ; Eur. Ion 906 ; Opp. Hal. 4, 123 ; -a>v II. 16, 429 ; Soph. O. R. 966 ; Plut. Alex. 27: imp. *kaov Theocr. 25, 72 (Reiske, Mein.): flit. ii\dyu> Aesch. Pers. 947 (chor.) : and mid. cecXay|o^at Ar. Vesp. 930: aor. Aaya II. i, 46; Find. P. 4, 23; Aesch. Ag. 201; Soph. Fr. 890 (D.); Eur. Ph. 1144; Pseud.-Callisth. 2, 1 6 : p. as pres. KOcXayya (from *Xayya>, as \dfjtirca, XeXafiTra), SUbj. xeKXayyw Ar. Vesp. 929 (Mss. Bekk. Mein. Dind. now) ; KXay- ywr, -yvla Xen. Cyn. 3, 9 : 2 aor. ticXayov Horn. H. 19, 14; Anth. 9, 571 ; Theocr. 17, 71, dv- Eur. I. A. 1062 : 2 p. as pres. K(K\r]ya Epic, Opp. H. 5, 268; Orph. Lith. 45: pip. MK- Xqy Alcm. 47 (Schn. K/icXay' 7 Bergk 3 ed.); part. KfKhrjyus II. 2, 222. ii, 168; Hes. Sc. 99. Op. 449, late prose KfK\ayo)s Plut Timol. 26, but oblique cases (as if from MKXrjyav) K(K\fi- yovres Epic II. 12, 125. 17, 756. 759. Od. 12, 256. 14, 30 (Wolf, Spitzn. Dind. -arts Bekk. Ameis, and in Od. La Roche), see below; Hes. Sc. 379, v. r. -6rtf, -tires, which last form Ap. Rh. uses 4, 876, and Bekker uniformly in II. and Od. The form /ceieXjjyoror, though occurring as a v. r. is rare in Text, per- haps only Orph. Lith. 374. Brunck and Bergk edit Kf<\dyxa> at Ar. Vesp. 929, implying eXay^a ; KXaya>? Plut. TimoL 26 (Vulg. Bekk. Sint), for KfK\ayx Aesch. Sept. 872. Ag. 18 (Pors. Dind. *cXai- Herm.); Soph. El. 283 (D.); Ar. Nub. 1415 &c. ; PL Phil. 48, never contr. cX; so *Xdoi/u Ar. Av. 341, -ots Aesch. Supp. 925, K\ai- ourffa II. 24, 619, never 19,310 (Bekk. B. Saupp. and now Dind. always in Dem.); Hyperid. Fr. p. 352 (B. Saupp.), and late /cXauo-w Dio. Hal. 4, 70. Excerpt. 17, 8 ; (Theocr.) 23, 34 (Mss. Ahr. Wordsw. Fritzsche) ; Or. Sib. i, 190. 7, 53 ; Maneth. 3, 143; N. T. always: aor. fK\avo-a Eur. Tr. 482 ; Theocr. I, 72, JcXaCo-e Od. 3, 261, dv- ticXavo-as Her. 3, 14; subj. jcXaverw Aesch. Sept. 828; Soph. El. 1122 ; Ar. Eq. 9 ; K\av 281; -avpcvos Aesch. Ch. 687 ; Soph. O. R. 1490, and later KeVXauer/tai, -auorai Plut. Mor. 115; -avfffj.evot Lycophr. 273; and Anth. 7, 281, where in the same line occurs also -avrai without a- : aor. late tKXavadrjv Anth. App. Epigr. 341 ; K\av KA ei(a. prevails, in Attic prose ncXauu and K\da>, the latter gaining ground, compare editions by Pors. Elms. Herm. Bekk. Popp. Dind. Kriig. &c. K\aioHT0a II. 24, 619. Theodr. Prod, has a in *Xae 8, 393, Theocr. in (K\a(i> 14, 32 (eicXai' Fritzs.), so Hermes, in Athen. 597, if IVcXae 8' (Florent.) and 'iKapiov (Dind.) be the right reading. May this be 2 aor. ? Or. Sib. i, 181, has even K\aUr ("" ), KXder' (Dind.). Meineke suggests K\aitv as the Aeol. form. K^ava-ovfiai occurs only once in classic authors, Ar. Pax 1081 quoted, and there perhaps for the metre, -ovueda forming a dactyl. Dio. Hal. along with fut. act. KXavo-w quoted, has also fut. m. K\ava-ofj.ai, dva- 4, 33. In Attic prose this verb is much confined to the pres. imperf. and fut. " Recte Cobetus," says Franke, " Tragicis voo-ot/u et 8o*oi/ et similia concessit, non concessit Comicis et Scriptoribus Atticis." Aristoph. uses, to be sure, POUT) Thesm. 506, dva-^uarjv Ran. 178, dpcpr) Thesm. 68l, and ftumiti Ach. IO52, vooirjs Nub. 1381, alrotrj Eq. 513, aKO\ov6oir)s Av. 340, but JcXooi/u 341, a7r-'X$oi/u Ach. 403, TrXe'ot Pax 699, oeot Lys. 1132, diro-doiqv Nub. Il8, 755 &C. but (iri-tioifu Ach. 1156 &c. &c. Prose SOKOITJ Thuc. 6, 34. 8, 54, but SOKOI 2, 79. 100. 3, 1 6. fyx fl P' l P & v PL Tim. 48, Koa-fj.oi Lach. 196. vooi Euthyd. 287. Karrjyopoiri Menex. 244 (Bekk. Stallb.), but Karriyopoi Gorg. 251. QITOUJV Epist. 318, fools Prot. 327 &c. &c. K\j/ Paus. 6, 4, i, KOT- II. 20, 227 ; Her. 9, 62, dv- Thuc. 2, 76 : fut. jcXatrw Luc. D. Deor. n, i ; Joseph. Ant. IO, II, 3 : aor. Xao-a, KXao-e Od. 6, 128, /car-exXacre Pind. P. 5, 34 (Bergk, 3 ed.); PI. Phaed. 117, i&da-o-c Theocr. 25, 147, 8ia- II. 5, 216, V-X- Callim. Jov. 90: p.p. KXao>u Hippocr. 3, 420 (Lit.) ; Aristot. Mechan. 25, 5, dva- Com. Fr. 2, 8l2, Trpocr- Xen. Eq. 7, 6, , Kara- Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 544 : aor. ?/cXet, xXflo). Vb. /cXeto-To'j Eur. Fr. 620 (D.), e'y-icXo-Tof Geop. 19, 7. KfK\fiptvov Her. 2, 121 (Mss. Bekk. Gaisf.) is in some editions KficXrj'ifjievov (Bred. Dind. Kriig. Abicht, Stein) perhaps rightly, at least more in accordance with the usage of Her. Nice scholars, Elmsley, Dindorf, Ellendt, &c. would banish *cXetos, Attic -Tjpevos. KXeiu To celebrate, see K\ea>. KXe'irru To steal, II. I, 132; Solon 4, 13; Find. P. 3, 29; Soph. Aj. 189 ; Ar. Ach. 525 ; Her. i, 186 ; Antiph. 5, 38 ; Dor. f. pt. -rowa Pind. Ol. 6, 36 : imp. tuXfTrrov Soph. Ph. 1272; 374 KXe'w Ar. Eq. 420; Lys. 25, 19; Aeschin. i, no, her. Her. 2, 174 ; Anth. n, 125 : fut. icXA|/- Aesch. Ch. 854 ; K\fyas Archil. 103 ; Aesch. Pr. 8 ; Antiph. 2, y, 4 ; Thuc. I, 115, Dor. /cXe^air Pind. Ol. I, 60: Ke'xXo^a Ar. Plut. 372 ; PI. Leg. 941 ; Dem. 22, 49. 24, 120 : p. p. KXe/^ai Soph. Ant. 681; Ar. Vesp. 57 (old reading KexXa/i-); Aristot. Rhet. 3, 2, 10, e<- Her. 2, 121, 8ui- Dem. 27, 12 : 1 aor. fK\t(J)6r)v, K\f Orph. Lith. 193 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 163 : fut. K\t)o-a> Castor. 2 (B.) : aor. IVcXqo-e Athen. (Nicand. Col.) 2, 35. Mid. KX'O/U Eur. Fr. 370 (D.) Pass. Horn. xXeo/xat Od. 13, 299; Pind. I. 5, 27; Soph. Tr. 639 chor. (Musgr. Dind. 5 ed. Nauck), but KXetopai Ap. Rh. i, 238 ; Orph. Lith. 278: imp. e/cXeo for -o II. 24, 202 ; Callim. Del. 40. Vb. /cXtirdj II. 6, 227. K\fo>a Dor. pres. part. act. for K\fovo-a Ar. Lys. 1299. Kirchhoff retains KXeiWts Eur. Ale. 447 ; so Hermann, on what we think insufficient grounds : " in epico verbo sequendus epicorum usus. Syllaba eo loco anceps." KXif)'w To celebrate, name (Attic for Xf tfa) Phryn. i (B.) ; Soph. O. R. 48 ; Ar. Av. 921. Thesm. 116; and late Orph. Arg. 16. Hym. 66, 10; Luc. Epigr. n (D.) : imp. (K\T)OV Eur. H. F. 340: fut. KXjfo-w Horn. H. 31, 18 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 993 : aor. e/cX^o-a, icX^^a Orph. Arg. 1007 ; subj. KXfio-afjiev Eur. I. A. 1522 ; K\IJ To celebrate, call, Ion. Hippocr. 3, 191 (and Dor. K\eio> late in pres.) : fat. K\T)I Aristid. 26, 328, Dor. K\eta> Pind. OI. T, no : aor. (K\^O, see KXiJfw), Dor. fv-K\(tgai Pind. P. 9, 91 ; ev-K\fi Theocr. 6, 32 &c. see K\^O>. Mss. and editors of Her. present K\r)i : the first seems the correct form. Bredow, Dindorf, and Kriiger would, perhaps rightly, always write p. p. -iji/xeu, aor. -rjia-drjv. Bekker has once KocXeioyifW 2, 121, KfK\dp.- (Gaisf.), and once aor. -rjidds 2, 128, -tadeis (Gaist &c. see above). KXTjpou (KXrjpos) To allot, choose by lot, Isocr. 7, 22 ; Lycurg. 127; Dem. 39, 10 : aor. eKXjjpwo-a Thuc. 6, 42, Dor. tn\apa>aa Pind. Ol. 8, 15 : p. p. Ke/cXj/pa^ai have been allotted, Eur. Tr. 240 ; chosen by lot, Dem. 24, 89, but as mid. has acquired, -rl^v (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 386 (Lit.) ; possesses, has, napSiav Ael. H. A. 5, 31 : pres. mid. KX^pov/xai Aesch. Sept. 55 ; PL Leg. 741 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 6, 46 : imp. e'/cXqp- Lycurg. 88; Dem. 19, i : fut. 376 K\t}pOVOfJLW KXtVft). K\r)paxrofiai Lys. 6, 4; Aeschin. i, 1 88 : aor. iidayutvi^ft Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 55 ; Dem. 50, 7. KX^pokofjiea) To obtain by lot, succeed to, Isocr. i, 2; Isae. 4, 19; Aristot. Polit. 5, 8, 20; Dem. 19, 320: imp. tVAqp- Lycurg. 88 : fut. -ijo-o) Isae. 4, 7 &c. : p. -17*0 Dem. 18, 312 ; -TJKWS Isae. 2 > 35 : re g- except fut. mid. KX^poi/o^jjo-oircu as pass. Luc. Tox. 22 (#. r. -T)6rj(rovTCu). K\T]'a> Z0 J^/ (Attic for K\r)ie>, Dor. KXao or /(Xaw, KXaa>, D. dial. p. 346, Ahr.), Eur. H. F. 997. Bac. 653 (Dind. Kirchh. Nauck) : imp. exXgoi/ Eur. Rhes. 304 ; Thuc. 7, 59 (Bekk. Kriig. Popp. Dind.): fut. K\^ Thuc. 4, 8, - Eur. Or. 1127, avy- Hipp. 498, OTTO- Ar. Vesp. 775, Dor. KXa< Theocr. 6, 32, -ao-5 (Ahr.) : aor. e^o-a Eur. Or. 1449; Thuc. 2, 4, CTT- Aesch. Pr. 670 (Dind. Hart.), &*- Thuc. 8, 67 (Bekk. Popp.) ; KXT/om Aesch. Pers. 723 (Dind. Herm.), vy- Thuc. 5, 72; K\yaras PL Rep. 560, vy- Thuc. 4, 35, Dor. e*Xaa, e- Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 676; a7ro-KXaoj/ Theocr. 15, 43; aTro-xXa^a? 15, 77 : p. KfK\r]Ka, OTTO- Ar. Av. 1262 (chor.) : p. p. Kt'/cXi^ttu Aesch. Supp. 956 (Dind. Herm.) ; Soph. Fr. 635 (D.) ; Eur. Hel. 977 ; Thuc. 5, 7, OTTO- 3, 109. 4, 34 (Dor. KXa/u Epich.) : aor. eK^a-drjv, tear- Thuc. i, 117; gvy-K\r)v II. 23, 171; Aristot. Physiog. 6, 37; K\iv(iv Com. Fr. (Anax.) 3, 176 : imp. X- Xen. Mem. 3, 5,13, Trpoo- Od. 21, 165: fut. <\ivS> late in simple, Lycophr. 557; (Dem.) Prooem. 1450 (Bekk. Dind.); Theon. Rhet. 5, 31 (Walz), but (yuara- Ar. Plut. 621: aor. tVcXii/a II. 8, 435; Eur. Supp. 704, e|- Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 3, K\lva II. 23, 510; K\IVOV Eur. Or. 311 ; K\ivas II. 3, 427 ; PI. Tim. 77, ay-i&iv- for ava-KX- II. 4. 113; K\lvai Her. 9, 16: p. KXuca Polyb. 30, 10 ; Anth. 12, 213 : p. p. KcXi/LMu II. 5, 709 ; Aesch. Pers. 930 ; Her. 4, 73 ; Xen. Eq. 5, 5, Epic. 3 pi. Kf<\iarai II. 16, 68 : pip. eWicXiro II. 5, 356, KfK\- 10, 472 : aor. eK\tdt]v Od. 19, 470 ; Pind. Ol. i, 92; Soph. Tr. 101. 1226; Eur. Hipp. 212. Fr. 692 (Nauck); Her. 377 i, 2ir ; Hippocr. 8, 312; PL Phaed. 109, eV Xen. Conv. 3, 13, icar- Com. Fr. (Soph.) 3, 581 ; Hippocr. 2, 682. 3, 40. 94. 140. 146 (Lit.); Xen. Hell. 4, i, 30. Cyr. 8, 7, 4. Conv. 3, 13 (all or best Mss. Saupp. Mehler). Ven. 8, 3 (Dind.) ; An doc. i, 125 (Bekk.) ; PI. Phaed. 117. Phaedr. 229 ; Hyperid. Eux. C. 31, vvyKar- Com. Fr. (Diod.) 3, 544, ano- Dem. 55, 24, K\Lvdrjv, X- Epic and Poet, almost exclusively, II. 10, 350. 3, 360 ; Hes. Th. 711; Archil. 34 (Bergk, Toup's emendation) ; Theocr. 3, 43, occasionally late prose, if correct, KO.T- Ael. H. A. 2, n (-K^ivrjv Kerch.), diro-K\ivdeis Plut. Rom. 2 (Sint. Bekk.). Galb. 27 (Sint. but -K\idfis Steph. Bekk.) : fat. KXi&jo-o/iat Or. Sib. 8, 77, Kara- Eur. Ale. 1090; Diod. Sic. Fr. Lib. 8, 19 : 2 aor. IdUUp (Eur. Fr. 692 ; Her. 9, 16, Herwerden's and Dind.'s suggestions), KOT- Ar. Lys. 906. 904. Vesp. 1211 ; Hippocr. 5, 444 (Lit.); Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, 15 (Dind. Saupp.); PI. Conv. 213. Phaedr. 230. Rep. 372 ; and late Ael. H. A. 4, 31 : fut. K\ivf)- o-o/wzi, Kara- Ar. Eq. 98 ; PI. Conv. 222. Mid. teXivopai, dno- to lay oneself down, recline, Her. 3, 104, Kara- PL Conv. 175. 203 : imp. eicXiVoiTo, KOT- Luc. D. Mar. 5, I : fut. v Mimnerm. 14, 3 ; but Aretae. Morb. Ac. 2, 101 (ed. Oxon.) : imp. eK\6veov, o-w- II. 13, 722, iter. eK\ovef(TKov, fir- Ap. Rh. 3, 687 : fut. (cXowjo-aj only Ar. Eq. 361 : (p. a: p.p.?): aor. /cXowj&V only in Ionic prose 378 KXuw Ki/cu &>. Hippocr. 7, 532. Mid. uXoveovrai move themselves &c. Ap. Rh. 2, 133; Hippocr. 7, 602; but pass. II. 14, 59; Simon. Am. i, 15; Find. P. 9, 48; Soph. O. C. 1241 ; late prose Ael. H. A. 2, 44 : imp. fK\oveoirro Hes. Sc. 317; pass. Luc. Asin. 47, icXov- II. 5, 93 : fut. K\ovr](TOfiai reflex, or pass, only Hippocr. 7, 474 (Lit.). KXu'u (u) To hear, Poet, (but pres. not in Horn.) Hes. Op. 726; Pind. P. i, 90 ; Aesch. Pr. 588 ; Soph. Aj. 871 ; Eur. Hipp. 585 ; Ar. Thesm. 1019 ; subj. KXvw Aesch. Ch. 771 ; Soph. El. 1238 ; (Eur. Supp. 436); opt. -ot/it Aesch. Pr. 313; Soph. Tr. 611; Eur. Supp. 570; late Epic Orph. Lith. 169 ; Theocr. 25, 191 ; imper. xXue Emped. 264 (Stein); Aesch. Ch. 156; Soph. El. 675; Eur. Rhes. 384, ncXvere Aesch. Sept. 171 ; Ar. Plut. 601; K\vfiv Aesch. Pers. 284 ; Soph. Tr. 290; Eur. Ale. 760; Ar. Av. 416. Ran. 1174; ccAiW Aesch. Pers. 757; Soph. El. 655; Eur. Hec. 743; Ar. Av. 432 ; late Epic Orph. Hym. 3, 13: imp. (K\VOV II. 10, 47; Soph. O. C. 1766 ; Eur. Phoen. 919 ; Ar. Pax 1283, K\VOV II. 15, 300; Hes. Th. 474: p. K\V/I Epich. : 2 aor. Xw ((cXv/w) only imper. i&vdi II. i, 37 ; Archil. 75 ; Aesch. Ch. 332 ; Soph. Tr. 1115 ; Eur. Hipp. 872, KfK\vdt II. 10, 284; Ap. Rh. 783, K\vre II. 2, 56; Solon 13, 2; Pind. Ol. 14, 4 ; Aesch. Ch. 399, Epic KXvre II. 7, 67 ; Hes. Th. 644; Pind. P. 4, 13; Ap. Rh. 4, 1654 : and perhaps 2 aor. mid. K&tfjLfvos renowned, Theocr. 14, 26; Orph. Arg. 918. Vfo. jcXuro? II. 2, 742. v, except imper. /cXv^t, K\vre. Imp. tic\vov is used as aor. and, infer enlially as pres. (was wont to hear, ay heard] hears, II. i, 218. KXoJu To cluck, hiss, rare, if at all, in classic writers, Alciphr. 3, 71 : imp. Xfre Dem. 21, 226 (Harpocr. Bekk. Dind.) where others read cKacpdyciTe (B. Saupp.). Pass, late, Aristid. 50, 403- KXw6&) To spin, Her. 5, 12; late Attic Aristot. Mund. 7, 6; Luc. Fugit. 12. Jup. Conf. 19: aor. eo-ap;i/ Anth. 7, 14, r- II. 24, 525 ; Anth. 14, 124; subj. ort-xXwo-coi/Tat Od. 2o, 196, quoted. The mid. seems to be poetic. Kcaiw To scrape, act. late in simple, Apocr. Sirach. 38, 28 (Grabe's conjecture for Kaiviei), cmo- Ar. Vesp. 68 1 ; Luc. Nigr. 8 (pass. ano-Sia- KvaLofjuu Eur. Med. 1 64 ; PI. Rep. 406) : imp. Ar. Eccl. 1087 : fut. wcu'cr<0, 8ta- Eur. Cycl. 486, Dor. w, 3 pi. KvaiaevvTi, (<- Theocr. 15, 88: aor. fwcuo-f, Si- Eur. Elec. 1307. I. A. 27, an- PI. Rep. 406 ; subj. bia-nvaivr) Ar. Ran. 1228 &c. : p. KfKvaiKa, 8ia- Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 327 (act. reg. pass, with a-): p.p. KKt>aiap.fvos, 8ia- Ar. Nub. 120: aor. '<- vaiffdrjv, 81- Hippocr. 8, 132. 262 (Lit.), OTTO- Dio Cass. 50, 33: flit. Kvai(j8r}(TtTai, 8ia- Ar. Pax 251. Kcctcj (as Kvaia>) To scrape, rub, KVO. Plut. Mor. 61, lm-Kvas Ar. Av. 1586 (-fig Cob. Mein. Dind.) ; KvS>vrfs Babr. 94, 10 (Lewis 2 pt.); Kvaxrai Plut. Mor. 786 ; Kvav Her. 7, 239 (often contr. in 7, as): imp. (i>ae) Epic KVJJ as aor. II. n, 639, if not really 2 aor. from (KVTJIU, i/rji/) : fut. KI^O-CD if correct, Hippocr. 5, 686 (Lit.) : aor. eic^o-a PI. Conv. 185 ; Hippocr. 7, 226, near- Ar. Vesp. 965, e- Her. 7, 239 : p. p. KfKvrjfffwi, Kara- Ar. Plut. 973 (Br. so Galen 13, 1022, but -KfKVHr/jiai Bekk. Dind. Bergk) : aor. (Kvfja-drjv, KOT- Ar. Eq. 771. Mid. Kvdop.ai scratch oneself, Kvdrai Plut. Pomp. 48 ; Galen 10, 979, but KV^TOI Hippocr. 3, 490 (Lit. v. r. KVU-) Kvrjadai PI. Gorg. 494, npoa-- Xen. Mem. i, 2, 30, Kvavdai Plut. Mor. 89. 439 ; Kvufievot Aristot. H. An. 9, 5, 8 : fat. Kvf](Tofj,ai Galen 10, 437 : aor. fKvriaa^v Luc. Bis Ace. i ; Galen 10, 980, irpoa-- Xen. Mem. i, 2, 30, now altered, see above; Kv^aw PL Conv. 185, is Luzac's conjecture, adopted by Bekker and Stallb., Kvrja-ais (Stob. Ast, Otto Jahn), Kivfja-ais (Mss. Bait. Or. Winck.) We have failed, it may be from inad- vertence, in finding a sure instance of fut. act. PI. Theaet. 1 66, has dnoKvr) is perhaps later, Kvfjdeiv Anth. (Strat.) 12, 238, 7rpoa-Kvf)6a>v a Poet in Plut. Mor. 462 ; and Aristot. in mid. and pass. H. A. 9, i, 18. Probl. 31, 3. Kia<> To scratch, tear, Her. 7, 10 ; Theocr. 5, 122 ; Anth. n, 73 ; Herodn. 4, 9 ; Himer. Orat. 22, 2 ; opt. -t'foi Eur. Med. 568; -ifav Hipponax 14 (B.); Opp. Hal. 2, 442: imp. ?KV- Soph. O. R. 786 ; Eur. I. A. 330; Her. 6, 62. 7, 12; App. Hisp. 37, Kviov Find. N. 5, 32 : fat. Kvta-m Ar. Ran. 1198 : aor. eKvlaa Find. P. ti, 23. I. 5, 58 (Bergk); Ar. Vesp. 1286; Anth. 12, 126 ; late prose Alciphr. i, 32; Plut. Mor. 65; Athen. 2, 36, and Dor. e/cwa for the metre, Pind. I. 6, 50. P. 10, 60 (B.) ; subj. Kvla-Tj P. 8, 32 : p. p. KfKviarai Luc. D. Mer. 10, 4, /cara- Ar. Plut. 973 (Bekk. Dind. Bergk) : aor. fKvivQrjv Theocr. 4, 59 ; subj. Kvurdfis Eur. Andr. 209 ; Kvivdrjvai. Athen. (Macho) 13, 577: pres. Kvifrpai Eur. Med. 555; cwo/xei/or App. Lib. 10, Dor. -io/jifva Pind. Ol. 6, 44: imp. eWero Themist. 21, 255. Mid. (Kj>/b/Liai), aor. Kvigaade, TTfpi- Anth. 9, 226. See Kvdca. Kvifa and compounds seem not to occur in classic Attic prose. The collat 380 Ki/v^ao) Ko//xaa>. KVVO> occurs only in pres. Kiweiv Com. Fr. (Menand.) 4, 309 : and imp. 'icvvfv AT. Thesm. 481. Kvuldw, -&>, To whimper, act. rare and late -v&l Opp. Cyn. i, 507. Mid. Kvvdofjai, -fopai, -Sivrai TheOCf. 2, 109 (Vulg.) -tiivrai (Mss. Ziegl. Fritzs. Mein.); -aadai Soph. O. C. 1571 (Dind.), -fla-dai (Elms. Nauck) ; -w/^cwf Fr. 646 (Blomf.), -ovp- (Dind.); Ar. Vesp. 977; Lycophr. 608, -ofievos Ael. H. A. n, 14 (Vulg. -w/ii- Hercher) : imp. w5ro Theocr. 6, 30 (Mein.), -flro (Fritz. Ziegl.) : fut. -ijo-erat Philostr. V. Ap. 3, 96. In our Lexicons, this verb in act. is vouched by Pollux and Suid. and the mid. is confined to the pres. KroWu To sleep, Poet, and only pres. -cnms Simon C. 37 (B.); -o-eruv Od. 4, 809 ; Find. Ol. 13, 71. P. i, 8 ; Opp. Hal. i, 31 ; Nic. Alex. 457 ; Maneth. 3, 95 ; -vo-tiv Anth. (Rhian) 12, 38 : and imp. (Kvaxra-fv Anth. (Ant. Byz.) 9, 242. KoiXaiku To hollow, Hippocr. 6, 418 (Lit.); Aristot. H. An. 9, 9, 4 ; Opp. Hal. 5, 214 : fut. -av> : aor. eWXawz Attic, Thuc. 4, 100; Luc. V. H. (2), 37, Ion. -rjva Her. 2, 73; Anth. PI. 4, 142, ey- Her. 2, 73 : p. p. Ke/co/Xa/x/wu Etym. Mag., -aoyicti if correct, Hippocr. 9, 216 (Lit.) : aor. f y Koi\dv6r)v Hippocr. 5, 420 (Lit.) , ey- Theophr. H. P. 5, 2, 4. Mid. aor. KoiXiji/aro Nonn. 12, 332, missed by Lexicogr. Koifidw To put to sleep, Poet, especially in act. Soph. Ph. 650; imper. Kolfia Aesch. Eum. 832 ; KOI^M Aesch. Sept. 3, Ion. -/ (*cot/iovrat Her. 2, 95) ; fut. Koi^aa, KOTU- Dio Cass. Fr. 36, 23 (Bekk.), and -ao-w Anth. 7, 8. 12, 49, Kara- Soph. O. R. 870 chor. (Vulg. see aor.) : aor. Kol^tra Od. 3, 397, in prose KaT-dcoip- Her. 8, 134; subj. Dor. Kot/zao-fl, Kara- Soph. O. R. 870 (chor.) ; KoinT) 4- 5 (Jacobitz, Dind.); Alciphr. i, 37, i; Dio. Hal. 4, 64; Ach. Tat. 5, 15. 4, 16. 5, 14 (Herch.)r aor. Epic Koi^o-d/wji/ II. i, 476. n, 241. Od. 12, 32 (proverb rl oX^tou cVewpgev Greg. Cypr. Cent. 3, 52, Cod. Mosq.); subj. -ijo-wwat II. 10, 99: Koti/ato KoXa^iw. 38 1 pres. Kot/xarai Od. 4, 403 ; Her. i, 182, -5>vrat Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 9, Ion. -fovrai Her. 2, 95 ; -/uwro 3, 68 ; -wfievos Aesch. Ag. 2 ; Eur. Rhes. 439 ; Com. Fr. (Chion.) 2, 5 ; PI. Conv. 203 ; -w6ai Ar. Eccl. 723 ; Com. Fr. (Timocl.) 3, 607 ; PI. Phaedr. 252 : imp. (KoiiMTo Hippocr. 3, 1 1 6, -WJTO Xen. An. 4, 5, 14, KOI/H- II. 6, 246 ; Pind. I. 8, 22. For fut. KaTa(eoi/id 4> 3^ ; -T)) To make common, impart, PI. Leg. 952 : fut. -coo-co Aesch. Ch. 673 : aor. eWvcoo-a Thuc. 5> 38 ; PL Leg. 889; -coo-as Aesch. Supp. 369, Dor. -ao-a Pind. P. 4, 115: so mid. KoivovfMi Thuc. 8, 82, dva- Her. 4, 48; imper. -KOMO Theogn. 73: imp. eKoivovvro Thuc. 8, 8, Dor. ftcoivaro, Trap- Pind. P. 4, 133 : fut. -do-opai Pind. N. 3, 12 (Boeckh, Schneid. Momms. Christ), -wo-o^ai (Vulg. Bergk 2 ed., see below) ; Eur. Med. 499. Tr. 6 1 ; Artemid. Onir. i, 80; -o-oti-o Isae. 9, 25 (Cob. Scheib. -airo Mss. Bekk. B. S.) ; -aa-opevos Dio. Hal. Ant. 5, 62 : aor. fKOivaxrawv Isae. II, 2O J Xen. Hell. 7, I, 27, av-fKoiv- (D.), Poet. 'KOIVUO-- Soph. Ant. 539; Koivavaifjifda Aesch. Ag. 1347^ -dfievos PI. Menex. 244; Isae. n, 50 : and p.p. as mid. Kficoi- vavrai Eur. Fr. 496 (Dind.) : pip. fKfKolvavro, dv- Xen. An. 5, 6, 36 : but aor. eVcowoxV we think always pass. Eur. Andr. 38; PL Leg. 673. Tim. 59. For Ko^ao-o/mt or -v PI. Leg. 867 : imp. oX- Xen. An. 2, 6, 9 ; Lys. 28, 3 : fut. KoXao-w Andoc. i, 136 ; Lys. 31, 29 (B. Saupp. Scheibe); Isocr. 7, 42 ; Lycurg. 10 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 83. Athen. i, 9; PI. Leg. 714. Rep. 389. Crit. 120; Dem. 22, 39: less freq. mid. *oXa- o-o/icu, -S>fj.ai, see below: aor. eVcdXacra Antiph. 5, 77 ; Lys. 2, 16; Isocr. i, 50; imper. KoXmrare Ar. Vesp. 927; Thuc. 3,40; KoXdom Ar. Thesm. 454; Antiph. g, 94; Lycurg. 93: (perf. ?): p. p. KCKoXaoyuu Antiph. 3, 8, 8 ; Dem. 20, 139 : aor. fKoXcia-Qrjv Antiph. 3, 8, 8 ; Xen. Conv. 4, 48 ; KoXaa-d^roxrav Thuc. 3, 39, 5 ; -aa-efjvat. 7, 68: fut. Ko\aar6fia-ofuu Thuc. 3, 66 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, i ; Luc. D. Mort. 30, i. Prom. 20. Mid. *oXdo/*ai as act. Ar. Vesp. 406 ; PL Prot. 324 ; Luc. D. Mort. 30, 3 : fut. *oXa- a-ofjLat Com. Fr. (Theop.) 2, 80 1 ; Xen. An. 2, 5, 13 (Vulg. Krug.). Hell, i, 7, 19; PL Rep. 575; Luc. Jup. Conf. 18, and KoXeo/Ltat, KoXa only Ar. Eq. 456 ; -d>fj.fvos Vesp. 244 : aor. e*oXa- trafir}v Thuc. 6, 78 ; PL Menex. 240. Vb. KoXaoreos PL Gorg. 527. The quotations of fut. act. will show that Hemsterhuis and Person were quite wrong in asserting that " the Attics use only the mid. fut. of this verb," and that Buttmann, Passow, and even Poppo are scarcely right in calling the mid. fut. 'usitatior' (Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 83). The p. pass, in part, is fre- quent in the best prose. Besides Antiph. &c. quoted, see Xen. Hell. 5, 3, 27; Dem. 20, 139. 24, 116; Luc. Hermot. 86; jceKoXaorai Plut. Mor. 585 ; KfKo\da-dr)v Aesch. Pers. 1035 (Blomf. Herm. Dind. -ovdrjv some Mss. Aid.); Theophr. H. P. 3, 7, i. 7, 2. 4. C. P. 3, 19, 2; Dio Cass. 46, 19. 50, 34 (Bekk.) : fut. Ko\ovdf) Hercher) ; PL Rep. 370 (Mss. Vulg. Schneid. B. O. Winck. Herm. -ifi Mss. Bekk. Stallb.) ; Ar. Plut. 768 (may be subj.), Attic -i5 Od. 15, 546 ; Ar. Eccl. 800. Thesm. 1198? Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 409 ; Her. 2,121; Thuc. i, 132 ; Dem. 19, 171, OTTO- Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 12 : aor. eVco/^o-a Find. N. 6, 30; Eur. Bac. 57 ; Her. 5, 98 ; Thuc. 5, 34 ; PL Phaedr. 242, e'/coVuo-o-a II. 2, 875, KOIJ.- 2, 183 (Bekk.), Dor. o'jua Find. N. 2, 19, Kopio-cifv Aesch. Ch. 344 ; -/ai Find. P. 4, 159 : p. KfKop.iKa Her. 9, 115; Isae. 5,44; PL Crito 45: p.p. K(K6ni late) 7b r#/'.r (-Ou'w see pass.) To raise up, Epic, aor. Kopdwa Hes. Th. 853. Pass. KopdsvtTai Ap. Rh. 2, 322, -VCTM (Merk.); so Nic. Ther. 426, nopdvtTai II. 9, 7. KopuWw To helmet, arm, Poet. Opp. H. 5, 284. 286 ; -itu Io lighten, Eur. Supp. 1047 > Hippocr. 7, 146; Xen. Cyr. 6, 3, 24 ; -t'fwj/ Hes. Op. 463 ; -t'fetv Soph. Ph. 735 : fut. -tS> Soph. Ant. 43, Ar. Av. 1760: aor. W<- Eur. Rhes. 281; Hippocr. i, 228 (Erm.); -was Soph. Tr. 1025 ; Thuc. 6, 34 &c. reg. Mid. late, and only fut. -IOVIMH as pass. Aristid. 46, 145 : fut. pass. -i 213- 13. 583- Od. I9,43 8 ; KpaSaotei/, n- Opp. Cyn. I, 91, KpaSeuVot Aesch. Pr. 1047 (chor.); -alva>v Ar. Ach. 965, -ovo-a Eur. H. F. 1003 : aor. late ficpaSava Plut. Ant. 37. Pres. II. 1 3, 504 ; -nevQat Theophr. Fr. 8, 8 : imp. eVc 387 . Eph. 119 : aor. fKpa^dvdrjv, Kpabavdy Plut. Mor. 435; -drjvai Plut. Alex. 74 ; -avdds Heliod. 10, 31. Kpd^w To cry out, pres. rare, Ar. Eq. 287; Aristot. H. A. 9, i, 23; Theophr. Sign. 6, 4, 52 (Wimmer) ; Aesop 62 (Halm): fut. KfKpa^ojjLat Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 428 ; Ar. Eq. 487. Ran. 265. Fr. 45, Kara- Eq. 287 ; late prose Plut. Phoc. 9 ; Sext. Emp. 557, 17: late Kpdfr Anth. n, 141; Phil. Eleph. 362; N. T. Luc. 19, 40 (Vat. Tisch. Sin.) : and Kpagopm, dva- V. T. Joel 3, 1 6 (Alex.), dvaKficpdg- (Vat.) : 1 aor. rare and late, paa V. T. Gen. 41, 55 ; N. T. Matth. 14, 30. Marc. 15, 14 &c. ; Aesop 98 (Schaef. eVcficpdyei Halm) ; Kpdgtj Theophr. Sign. 6, 52. 53 (Wimm.) ; -as Anth. n, 211 (cVc6Vpaa V. T. Ps. 21, 6 &c. ; i Mace, n, 49) : 2 aor. eKpayov (-dytre some Mss. Dem. 21, 62, is a false reading), dv- Od. 14, 467 ; Pind. N. 7, 76 ; Antiph. 5, 44 ; Andoc. i, 44 ; Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 67. An. 5, i, 14, V- Ar. Plut. 428; Dem. 21, 215 ((Kficpayov V. T. Esai. 6, 4): 2 p. as pres. KfKpdya Aesch. Pr. 743; Soph. Aj. 1236 ; Ar. Eq. 863 ; Hippocr. 8, 66 ; Aeschin. 3, 218; -y Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 68. (Men.) 4, 118; Hippocr. i, 66 1 (Erm.), 2 pi. eWpdyo-e Xen. Cyr. I, 3, IO (Dind. Saupp. -yeire Vulg.), 3 eWpdyecrai/ Ar. Eq. 674 ; Luc. Anach. 23. Imper. tugpax^ Ar. Vesp. 198 ; Luc. Tim. 53, so KiKpaxff Ar. Ach. 335, pi. Keiepdyerc Vesp. 415, for which some unnecessarily hold KeKpaxff Ach. 335, a contracted form. Pres. Kpdfa, fut. mid. KeKpdo/xat are rare ; fut. act. Kpdga>, 1 aor. fxpaga, and simple 2 aor. tKpayov seem not to occur in good Attic. The unredupl. fut. mid. Kpdo/zat is a v. r. N. T. Luc. 19, 40 (Ms. D.) Of 1 aor. in Septuag. by far the pre- vailing form is the redupl. fKtupaj-a, but dv-eKpaga : of 2 aor. the only form eW/cpayoi/, but dv-ftcpayov : and always fut. K.tKpdop.ai : in N. T. the aor. is never redupl. In late Poets the 2 perf. is sometimes short, Ktiepayev Anth. 5, 87, Kfxpay Spitzner very happily, eKpZyev 2 aor. if admissible, would be easier still, - payei, dv- Nicet. Eug. 6, 29. Collat. form Kpavydvopai Her. I, III, Kpayydv- (Lob. Bred.) Kpcuaii'Ci) To accomplish, Epic form of Kpalvca, imp. Kpaiaivev II. 5, 508, fTT-fKpai- 2, 419. 3, 302 : aor. eKp^va Horn. H. 4, 222 ; imper. Kpfavov II. i, 41, -iji/are Od. 3, 418 ; inf. Kprfvai II. 9, 101 : p. p. 3 pi. ? KeKpdavrai Od. 15, 116 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 193 : pip- 3 P 1 - ? KfKpdavro Od. 4, 132 : aor. eKpaavdyv, 3 pi. -davdev Theocr. 25, 196. Vb. dicpdavros II. 2, 138. KpaiVw To accomplish, Poet, and Ion. prose, Od. 19, 567; Pind. Ol. 6, 81; Soph. Aj. 1050; Eur. Ion 464; Hippocr. 2, 528; Kpaivrj Aesch. Ag. 1424; Kpaivew Pind. P. 9, 66; -aiVo>* c c 2 388 Ol. 3, ii : imp. eKpaive Eur. Hel. 1318, her. Kpatvea-Ke Orph. Arg. 477 : fut. K.pavea> Emped. 25 (Stein) ; Ap. Rh. 4, 404, Attic Kpav5> Aesch. Ch. 1075 ; Eur. Supp. 375 : aor. tKpava Aesch. Supp. 622 ; Eur. Ion 570, r- Soph. Ph. 1468, Epic (Kptjva, Kprjvov Od. 20, 115 ; Kprjvai 5, 170 : p. p. 3 sing, /ce/cpamu Aesch. Supp. 943. Ch. 871, 3 pi. Eur. Hipp. 1255, where however Elms. Nauck, Kirchh. and now Dind. read av^opd for -pat, Epic KfKpaavTai Od. 4, 616. 15, 116: pip. KfKpdavro 4, 132, referred also to Kepawvpi : aor. lupavOr^v Find. P. 4, 175 ; Aesch. Eum. 347 ; Eur. Supp. 814 (chor.) : fut. Kpav6f)a-onai Aesch. Pr. 911 : and fut. mid. pass. KpavefvOai II. 9, 626 ; and if correct, opt. Kpavoiro Aesch. Pr. 2ii (Elms, and now Dind. Hart., upal- VOITO Vulg. Herm. &c.) : but aor. mid. as act. frr-fKprjvavro Q. Sm. 14, 297, missed, we think, by Lexicogr. Vb. iiKpavros Aesch. Ag. 249 ; Eur. I. T. 520. Aesch. Ag. 1340, Dind. reads with the Mss. fut. eiriKpavei with long penult. ; Herm. holds this lengthening inadmissible, and alters the fut. to pres. tmcpttrm* From this Dind. (5 ed.) dissents, and retains fut. -5m with a slight misgiving, " si scripsit Aeschylus, quod incertum est, ultimam syllabam produxit, quod perraro fit in hoc verborum genere." The same anomaly occurs in the fut. of aipa>, and , which see. We observe Burgess, Bergk, Mein. and now Dind. read Ar. Eq. 300, for (pdvS> (Vulg. Bekk.) and we feel in- clined to agree, not only because the lengthening of a liquid fut. seems a violent anomaly, and because Ar. has dno(pav> Nub. 1331, but because we think he shirks the use of anofyavS) in line 1334, by using d7ro8i|cu in its stead unless, to be sure, the latter is to be taken as a threat of demonstration. Kpareu To rule, II. 5, 175 ; Pind. N. 4, 50 ; Aesch. Pr. 324; Soph. O. C. 68; Ar. Pax 680; Hippocr. 6, 504 ; Thuc. 4, 62 ; Xen. Mem. 2, 7, 2 ; PL Menex. 238 ; Isae. 8, 2 ; -reeiv II. i, 288, -Tfiv Antiph. 5, 26 : imp. fxparow Thuc. i, 50, -ret Pind. N. 5, 45 5 L y s - J 3> 26, -ree Her. 9, 42, Kpdrei Pind. P. 4, 245, iter. KpaTtfVKov Anth. 5, 294, Kparew Pind. N. 3, 52 : fut. -jjo-w Aesch. Eum. 491 ; Her. 8, 15; Thuc. 6, 49; PL Leg. 781: aor. fKpdrrjcra Pind. N. 10, 25 ; Soph. O. R. 1198 ; Her. i, 92 ; Thuc. 2, 99 ; Isae. 5, 30, Kpar- Pind. N. 6, 35 ; pt. Kparfia-as Simon. C. 155, n, Dor. -fjaats Pind. P. 10, 23: p. KfKpdrrjKa Aesch. Pers. 149; Thuc. 3, 30: reg. except fut. mid. K/xmjo-o/ie&z as pass. Aristid. 39, 501 (Dind.); read also by some Thuc. 4, 9 (Ms. G. Vulg. Haack) : but fut. p. xpcr^o-- (best Mss. Bekk. Popp. Goell. Krtig. Dind. &c.); Hippocr. 3, 482. Mid. aor. ejii-KpaTTjo-dnevos Galen 3, 467, missed by all Lexicogr., and we think fut. mid. also. Horn, seems to use pres. only. 289 KpaoJ, see To hang, be suspended, as tora/iat, Anacr. 107 ; Theogn. 1371; Find. Ol. 7, 25; Soph. Fr. 382; Com. Fr. (Herm.) 2, 403 ; Xen. An. 3, 2, 19, eVi- H. Hym. 2, 106; subj. Kpf'na>nai, -rjrai Hippocr. 4, 290 (Lit); Arist. Rhet. 3, 14, 6; opt. Kpefjiaiwv, -aio Ar. Nub. 870 (Bekk. Dind. Bergk), -aiadf Vesp. 298 (Dobr. Dind. Bergk, -owdf Vulg. Bekk.); -dadw Archil. 53; Kpep.dp.fvos Her. i, 66. 2, 121; Hippocr. 2, 118; PI. Leg. 831; Xen. Conv. 8, 19; upeiuurOai Com. Fr. 3, 41, a?- Hippocr. 2, 152 : imp. eVpf/zu/i 1 ?" Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 300; Ar. Thesm. 1053; Xen. An. 4, i, 2; Luc. Char. 17, 2 sing. fKpfp.0) II. 15, 21, KpepavTO Anth. Plan. 2IO: flit. Kpe/iTjo-o/iat Ar. Vesp. 808; Luc. Fug. 31 ; Long. Past. 4, 9; Alciphr. 3. 21. The act. K/X^W" is given by Matthiae from Athen. i, 46, where stands /cpe/xairer, which, however, Schweigh. and Lobeck would alter tO Kpepda-avres, of Kpffiaw. KpefAawiifu .70 ^a/^, suspend, Theophr. C. P. i, 7, 2 ; -awvs PI. Leg. 830, ava- Tim. 90. Ion 536, later Kptpdca (Arist.) Hist. Mir. 6, and -fmwvco Aristot. H. A. 9, 6, 4 ; Theophr. C. P. 4, 3, 3; Themist. 26, 331 : fat. Kpfp.u Com. Fr. (Alcae.) 2, 827; Or. Sib. 7, 25; Geop. 3, 6; V. T. Gen. 40, 19, Attic */>f/z, -5r, -a Ar. Plut. 312, Epic Kptpoa H. 7, 83: aor. eVepe^ao-a Ar. Thesm. 1028; Arist. Oec. 2, 33; Anth. 6, 217; Paus. 3, 12, 8; Arr. An. 6, 30, an- H. 23, 879, vntp- Theogn. 206; Find. Ol. i, 57 (Vulg. Bergk 2 ed.), av- H. Hym. i, 8; Her. 5, 77. 9, 120; Aeschin. 3, 100, xp/pio-e Pind. Ol. i, 57 (Bergk 3 ed. Christ), in tmesi Od. 8, 67 ; Kpe/zdo-ay H. 8, 19; Ar. Ran. 619, dy-Kptij.- for dva-Kp- Od. i, 440; Kpe/naaai Ar. Ach. 58 ; Hippocr. 4, 86; Xen. An. i, 2, 8, Kara- Her. 2, 121 : p.p. late, imper. Kdcpendcrda) Archim. Tetrag. 131 : pip. KocpfpsurTo, Kara- Diod. Sic. 18, 26 : aor. e*p*^ao-5;/ Ar. Thesm. 1053; Theocr. 23, 52 ; App. Civ. i, 71 ; Kpffjuivdg Eur. Bac. 1240; -aa6e'nj Hipp. 1252 ; -acrdds Xen. An. 7, 4, 17; PI. Theaet. 175, ava- Her. 9, 122, eVt- Thuc. I, 18. 3, 40; -ao-tfrjrai, ava- Her. 7, 26, ri- Thuc. 2, 53 : fat. Kpe/iao-0ijo-ojuat we have not seen. Mid. rare, aor. ficpfnavdpriv Anth. 7, 473, Kpe/nao-- Opp. C. 4, 88; -datafuu, (K- Anth. 5, 92, Kpfudoyrai Hippocr. 12, 455 (ed. Chart. Ms. O. Gal. but KpenTjrai Littre' 4, 290); -da-aw, (ircy- Nic. Fr. 72 (O. Schn.); -do-aadai HeS. Op. 629. Vb. Kpeuatrrds Soph. O. R. 1266. The form -avvvu seems scarcely classic, and Kp^da> in pres. still later, Pseud.-Aristot. quoted above; Dem. Phal. 216; Ael. H. A. 5, 3 ; Stob. (Nicol.) 123, 12 ; Geop. 10, 56. 13, 10; ajr-- pffia (Luc.) Asin. 30 (Jacob. ajr-/?/ira Bekk. Dind.) ; Kpfp-drat Anacreont. 16, 17 (Bergk); ^^601 Antiph. Athen. 10, 88 3QO lK.pe/JiqfJt.1 (459) has been altered from Mss. to Kpepao-dai (Dind.) ; so Com. Fr. 3, 41 (Mein.) In Hippocr. however still stand KpfpaaBai 1, 592 (Lit.). 2, 42 (Kiihn, 2, 288 Lit.), npoar- i, 463 (Kiirm.) We doubt these, both because in the second and third cita- tions one Ms. has Kp^aa-Qai, and in the fourth occurs tKxpe- fj.dfievov not -uptvov, and fKKpepavvvra seemingly a vicious form for -vvvvra, i, 464, tending to favour the belief that -a as KeKepao-pai, KfKpafiat, has been altered rightly by Littr (3, 490) to pres. KaTa-Kpefj.dp.evov, from eight Mss. Kpe'p.T]fu, See Kpefiapai. KpeoKoireu To cut flesh, Poet, and only 3 pi. pres. -owi Aesch. Pers. 463 ; and inf. -tiv Eur. Cycl. 359. Late occurs the form u), and even in some edit, of Eur. .Ruling, defect, part. Pind. N. 3, 10, Epic xpeiW II. 8, 31. 22, 48. KpT)(xnf](jii To suspend (Kprjfivos), Poet, imper. KP^VT] Eur. Fr. 918 (D.); Kpijfivds Pind. P. 4, 25: imp. tKpripvijv late, App. Mithr. 97. Mid. Kprjpvapat Aesch. Sept. 229; late prose, Athen. 13, 49, but KOTO- Hippocr. 2, 220; imper. Kprjpvao-de, Vc- Eur. H. F. 520 ; Kara-Kprj^vd^evai Ar. Nub. 377 : imp. eKpf]pvaro Eur. El. 1217; late prose App. Civ. i, 71 (Bekk.) The mid. is intrans. but eWpjj/wa/teer&i as act. Eur. Ion 1613. This verb seems not to occur in Attic prose, occasionally in late and Ionic. Kprjpvda) also is very partially used, and late, Kprj(j.vq (Luc.) Asin. 24; Kpr]fjivS>v Diog. Laert. 6, 50; Kprfpvav Xen. Eph. 2, 13 (Kpfpav Passow): mid. Kpr^ivarai, Kara- Dioscor. 4, 46 : but imp. fKprjp.vS>vTo, Km- as early as Horn. H. 7, 39. Kpiu To creak, Poet. Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 295 ; Boeot. inf. Kpi88fp.ev C. Fr. (Stratt.) 2, 781 : 1 aor. eKptga late prose, Kpi Ael. H. A. 5, 50 : 2 aor. Kp^e Epic, II. 16, 470, v. r. (Herodn. Clark) : 2 p. KtKplyores Ar. Av. 1521. KpiVo) (I) To judge, II. 5, 501; Aesch. Ag. 471; Soph. El. 339; Ar. Eq. 873; Her. i, 30; Thuc. 5, 60: imp. (Kpivov Hippocr. i, 219 (Erm.); Thuc. 3, 43; Isocr. 16, 8; Aeschin. 2, 144: fat. KplvSa Soph. Ant. 328; Ar. Ran. 1411 ; Thuc. 3, 57 ; Andoc. i, 105 ; PI. Phaedr. 237, Ionic KplWw Heraclit. 26 (Byw.), Sta- II. 2, 387 ; Q. Sm. 6, 55 : aor. fKplva Od. 18, 264; Pind. N. 9, 35 ; Aesch. Pr. 485 ; Eur. Phoen. 1662 ; Ar. Ran. 1473; Her. i, 120; Xen. Hell, i, 7, 34; PI. Rep. 578; Kptvas II. 6, 188; Eur. Hec. 1249; Thuc. 4, 61 ; Kplvai Soph. Tr. 970; Thuc. i, 138; PI. Apol. 35: p. KfKpina PI. Leg. 734; joouw. 391 Lys. 6, 54 ; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 260. (Nicol.) 4, 580 : p. p. *ce- Kpifiat Find. Ol. 2, 30 ; Eur. Phoen. 1663 ; Her. 4, 64. 7, 16 ; (Andoc.) 4, 35; PI. Gorg. 483; Dem. 6, 10; -i/^eW II. 10, 417; Her. 3, 31; Lycurg. 52, 3 pi. Ion. KfKpidarai, 8ia- Dio Cass. 42, 5 : aor. fKptdrjv Eur. Hec. 644 ; Theocr. 8, 74 ; Her. 5, 22 ; PL Leg. 946, Poet, xpid- Pind. P. 8, 84, Epic 3 pi. KpiOev 4, 1 68, (KpWev Ap. Rh. 4, 1462, 8t- II. 2, 815 ; KpWfj Aesch. Eum. 741; Her. 5, 5; PI. Rep. 469; Kpi6elev Thuc. 2, 40; KpWfls Pind. N. 7, 7 ; Soph. Ph. 1345 ; Isocr. 4, 46; Kpidfjvai Andoc. i, 44 j- Xen. Hell. 5, 4, 24, Dor. Kpidij^ev, 8ia- Thuc. 5, 79, Epic fKpivBrjv, Opt. 2 pi. KpivBflre, 8ta- II. 3, IO2 ; Kpivdfis II. 13, 129. Od. 8, 48, 8ia- II. 20, 141 ; inf. Kpiv8f)p.fvai Ap. Rh. 2, 148, Sta- ll. 3, 98 : fut. KpidrjffofjLai Aesch. Eum. 677 ; Antiph. 6, 37 ; PI. Crat. 438; Lys. 13, 38; Aeschin. 3, 133. Mid. Kpivopai separate for oneself, choose, contend, interpret, II. 18, 209 ; Her. 3, 120: imp. fKpu>np.r)v Ar. Nub. 66; Dem. 18, 249. 56, 47: fut. Kpwovpai Eur. Med. 609, 8ta- Dem. 32, 28 (Bekk. Dind.), Epic -e'o/xat, 8ia-Kpiveet/<9a PL Phil. 52, ava- Dem. 53, 17. Vb. Kptros II. 7, 434; -fov PL Gorg. 523. Kpldfv for fKpidrja-av, Find, quoted. eKpivfyv is the pass, aor. form in Horn., dia-eicpidfv however II. 2, 815, as always in Her. KpiQrj 5, 5 &c. Act. npiva> in the sense interpret, Aesch. Ch. 542 ; Eur. Hec. 89; pii/a Aesch. Pr. 485; Her. i, 120. The mid. with transitive force is, we think, Epic. With this limitation, Buttmann's assertion that " this verb has a mid. voice only in the Epic language" seems correct. Kpoaicoj To stamp, strike, Epic, and only pres. part, -atvuv II. 6, 57- 15? 264; Anacreont. 59, 6, -ovres Opp. Cyn. i, 279; and late prose -atW Philostr. Soph, i, 25 (537), in allusion to Hom. Kpou'u To beat, Eur. Cycl. 328 ; -w Soph. Fr. 938; Ar. Eccl. 317 ; Xen. Eq. n, 4; -eiv PL Lys. 209 : imp. ticpovov PL Theaet 154, KpovfrrKov, ava- Ap. Rh. 4, 1650: fut. upoixra) Eur. Elec. 180: aor. expova-a Xen. An. 4, 5, 18; Kpova-rjs Soph. Fr. 926, reg. in act. : p. KfKpovKa Prov. Diog. 3, 38, c- PL Phaedr. 228, Trpoo-- Dem. 21, 206. 33, 7 : p.p. KfKpovp.ai, airo- Ar. Ach. 459 (Bekk. Dind. Bergk) ; Xen. Hell. 7, 4, 26 (Dind. Saupp.), irapa- active, Dem. 6, 23 (best Ms. Bekk. Dind.), and -o 3Q2 KjOirTTTO). Dem. 24, 37 (Bekk. Dind.) ; D. Hal. 17, 4 ; Luc. Tyr. i ; but Luc. Tim. 57 (as mid.), so e*- AT. Fr. p. 169 (Bergk, 263 Dind.), OTTO- Ar. Ach. 459 (Vulg. Elms.) ; and Xen. Hell. 7, 4, 26 quoted (old edit.): pip. eW/cpouoro, Trap- PL Theaet. 168: aor. always with o-, (KpovaQiiv late in simple, Eratosth. Catast. 32, 127, OTT- Thuc. 4, 107 ; Xen. Hell. 6, 4, 5, e- Thuc. 4, 102, tvnp- Hippocr. 3, 148 (Lit.); Dem. 19, 86. Mid. icpovofiai lack a ship, raw stern foremost, Thuc. 3, 78 : imp. eVcpov- i, 50 : fut. Kpovo-o/xat, OTTO- Her. 8, 6 1, Trapa- Dem. 1 8, 147. 276: aor. fKpovo-dp.T)v (irpvp.vav) Thuc. 7, 40, Si- Her. 7, 169 : and as mid. p. KfKpovpai, Trapa- Dem. 6, 23, and -ova-pat. Luc. Tim. 57. In this sense late writers use also the act. irpvp-vav Kpoveiv Polyb. 1 6, 3, 8. Vb. Kpovareov Ar. Eccl. 988. Kpuirrca To conceal, II. 31, 239; Soph. El. 826 ; Ar. Thesm. 74; Heraclit. n (Byw.); Her. i, 216; Antiph. 5, 53; PL Phil. 66, late Kpvpu, oVo- Diod. Sic. 3, 25, e'y- i, 80, (Bekk.) ; Malal. p. 101, 21, and Kpv : imp. fKpvnTov Soph. Ant. 285; Eur. Hipp. 1209; Her. i, 61; Xen. Hell. 3, 5, 10, iter. Kpinr- Tfa-Kf H. Cer. 239, and KpimrcurKe II. 8, 272, oVo- Hes. Th. 157, late enpixpov Anth. (Diod. Gr.) 7, 700; Q. Sm. i, 393; Nonn. 23, 82, fKpvfrov Conon. Narr. 50: fut. pu\^w Od. 17, 141; Aesch. Pr. 1018 ; Soph. Aj. 1012 ; Ar. Plut. 26; Paus. 4, 20, 2 ; Polyb. i, 72 ; Himer. Or. 22, 7, oVo- Her. 7, 28, Kara- PL Rep. 460: aor. eicpu^a Hipponax 19; Aesch. Ag. 455 ; Soph. Ant. 25; Thuc. i, 133, xptya Od. 14, 357 (Bekk. 2 ed.); Hes. Th. 482 ; Pind. Ol. 6, 31 ; subj. jcpityw Od. 13, 304, -??? Ar. Lys. 714 ; Thuc. 2, 34 ; opt. -tyaifu Ar. PL 284, -nas Eur. I. T. 1024 &c. -fiav PL Rep. 548 ; inf. Kptyai II. 18, 397 ; Soph. Ph. 743 ; Her. 9, 80 ; -^as II. 14, 373 ; Eur. Ion 967 ; Her. 2, 86, Dor. -yais, Kara- Pind. N. i, 31 : p. KtKpvcpa Hippocr. 263, 51 (Foes, i, 471 Kiihn, but Littre* AciJai Soph. O. C. 1546; Eur. Bac. 955: fut. Kpvcpdfja-cfMi perhaps late, Disput. Mor. p. 545 (Mullach) : 3 fut. Kficptyop-at Hippocr. 8, 86. 98 (Lit.): 2 aor. act. late e*pv$ov, Ttfpi- N. T. Luc. I, 24; Kara- Kp\>$rja-op.ai Eur. Supp. 543 (Elms. Hart. Dind. 5 ed. Nauck 3 ed.), but upvpfaofiai (Mss. Dind. 2 ed. Kirchh. Nauck 2 ed.); and late, Plut. Mor. 576; Aesop 129 (Halm), OTTO- Galen 3, 820 : pres. pass. Kptm-rd/jew Antiph. 2, y, 8. Mid. Kpinrrop.ai conceal oneself, intrans. or for oneself^ trans, also as act. Soph. Aj. 647 ; simple not in good prose, Nic. Damasc. 48, p. 35 (L. Dind.); (Luc.) Asin. 45; Herodn. 3, 4, 6, but dn-o- Isocr. 15, 98; PI. Prot. 327, eVi- Xen, An. i, i, 6; PL Lach. 196; Dem. 30, 34 : imp. fVepuTn-ero, dir- Thuc. 2, 53 ; Isocr. 7, 35 ; Dem. 18, 156 : fut. Kptyopai. Soph. Tr. 474 ; Eur. Bac. 955, in prose OTTO- Isocr. 12, 100 ; PI. Leg. 702 ; Dem. 6, 31. 13, 10. 19, 3, see below: 1 aor. lupv^rd^v Soph. Aj. 246 ; Dem. 41, 17, an-- Thuc. 7, 85 ; PI. Euth. n ; Isae. 8, 20 : 2 aor. late, eVcpvjSo'/^f, an-- Apollod. 3, 2 : and in Sense p. Ketcpvpnai, d-rro- Dem. 28, 3. Vb. KpvnTos II. 14, 1 68, -fov Soph. Ant. 273. Fut. act. Kptyu seems rare in prose; at Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 12, some hold it subj. ; and mid. Kptyerat as pass. Hippocr. 2, 659 Kiihn, has been altered to *eKpityera(r6ev Ar. Vesp. 662 (Mss. R. V. Bekk. Dind.) 1 fut. pass. Kpvcpdtjo-oiMu of some lexicons we have never seen in situ, except in the passage quoted. KraofJiai To acquire, Eur. Supp. 950; Thuc. 2, 40, Ion. KTeopat Her. 3, 98, -fovrai (Dind. -eWrat Bekk. -5>vrai Stein) ; opt. KT^TIV Soph. Tr. 191 : imp. TITO Lys. 12, 93; Isocr. 8, 101 : fut. KTTJO-O/WU Theogn. 200; Archil. 6 (B.) ; Aesch. Eum. 289 ; Soph. Tr. 471 ; Ar. Lys. 53; PL Rep. 417 ; opt. -JO-OUTO Thuc. 6, 30 : aor. tKTrjadwv II. 9, 400; Aesch. Pers. 770; Soph. Ant. 924; Her. i, 167; Thuc. 4, 98 ; Lys. 7, 5; PL Lach. 185, 2 sing. fKT^a-a) Od. 24, 193; Aesch. Pers. 755; Ar. Vesp. 685, Dor. tKTaa-a Theocr. 5, 6, ^o-aro Od. 14, 4, Dor. dual -advQav Find. Ol. 9, 45 (Bergk, KTHTO-- Momms. Christ) : p. 'cr^at as pres. I possess, Hes. Op. 437; Aesch. Supp. 336 (by some called passive); Soph. Fr. 779(0.); Ar. Vesp. 615; Thuc. 6, 20; Andoc. 3, 38 ; PL Leg. 666, pass. Thuc. 7, 70 ; PL Leg. 965 ? ; Luc. Fug. 20; Arr. 5, 26, 6. 7, i, 4, n-poo- Thug. 2, 62, and 394 Kreart a> rather Ion. ocr^ai active, II. 9, 402 ; Simon. (Am.) 13, 2 ; Andoc. 3, 37 ; Her. 2, 44. 95, di>- Soph. Fr. 328, 3 pi. Wa- rai Her. 4, 23. 6, 52 &c. (Bekk. Gaisf.) ; -rj^vos Aesch. Pr. 795 ; PI. Leg. 954, vrpoo-- Thuc. 2, 62 (Bekk. 7rpoo--Ke- Popp. &c.), fKTTjo-dai PL Phil. 58. Meno 97. Prot. 340. Rep. 464. 469. 505: pip. fKeKT^rjv Andoc. i, 74. 4, 41 ; Lys. 2, 17. 7, 32. 19, 27. 24, n. 31, 14. 34, 3. Fr. 78 (Scheibe, 233 B. Saupp.); Isae. 6, 38, KfKTTjp- Eur. I. A. 404 (Elms. Dind.), eim;/*- Her. 2, 108; Lys. 34, 3, quoted (B. Saupp.); and Andoc. 3, 37 (Bekk. B. Saupp. Blass) ; subj. (jet/cravat, -j?) -fjrai Xen. Conv. i, 8 (Saupp. Dind.); PI. Leg. 936, KfKrfjvde Isocr. 3, 49 &c. ; opt. KeKT^^v, -wo, -ojro Xen. Ages. 9, 7 (Schneid.), -TO (Saupp. Dind. Breitb.), - however has efcrto-^iai Eur. Fr. 362, 9, late KfKTia-fji- Malal. p. 204. Ellendt (Lex. Soph.) seems to have overlooked Fr. 700, when he wrote " altera perfect! forma ficrrjuai apud Soph, jam profiler hialum non admittitur :" Hiatus in every case but this bars admission. The colloquial style of Plato admitted perhaps a little more freedom in drop- ping the K. KreoiTilca (*Te'ap) To acquire, Poet, and in act. only aor. KTfdTiaa-a II. 16, 57. Od. 24, 207; Theocr. 17, 119; -riW Od. 2, 102. 19, 147. Mid. KTeaTi&Tai Theocr. 17, 105 : fut. -riWerai Maneth. 6, 677: aor. /creartWaTo Ap. Rh. 2, 788; KreaTicrcrrj, Kara- 4, 357 : with p. as mid. e'tfTfaTiorai H. Merc. 522. KTCIKO) To kill, II. 21, 220 ; Soph. O. R. 813 ; Ar. Av. 1067 ; Her. 2, 66. 9, 22; Thuc. 3, 70, Aeol. KrWa>, OTTO- Anth. ir, KretVw. 295 395; Epic SUbj. Wf/eo/u Od. 19, 490, KTCivg PI. Leg. 865; icrcive Her. i, 85; -vuv Find. N. 3, 51; Her. 8, 38; Thuc. 7, 29, -ovo-a Aesch. Pers. 794 ; KrVf PI. PrOt. 322 &C., Epic Kreti/e/xei/ai Hes. Sc. 414: imp. tKTfivov Her. 3, 146; Thuc. i, 50; Xen. An. 2, 5, 32, KTtlv- II. 18, 529; so Od. 14, 265. 17, 434 (Bekk. 2 ed.), T- (Vulg. Dind. La R.), iter. KraWo-Kc II. 24, 393 : fut. KT(va> (II. 15, 65. 68?); Aesch. Ag. 1260; Ar. Fr. 533 ; Thuc. 3, 58. 66; LUC. Pise. 3, Ion. Krei/eco II. 22, 13. 124. Od. l6, 404, OTTO- Her. 3, 30, Epic /cramo II. 1 8, 309, KOTO- 6, 409 : 1 aor.Jxreu/a II. 19, 296. Od. 12, 379; Pind. Ol. 2, 38; Aesch. Ch. 888; Soph. El. 561 ; Antiph. 5, n; Thuc. 4, 74; Lys. 10, ii ; PI. Euth. 4, KTtlv- Hes. Th. 982; Simon. C. 94; Pind. P. 4, 249; inf. KTflvai Soph. O. R. 641 ; Her. 2, 151 ; Lys. i, 25; PI. Leg. 866; jrmVa? II. 16, 292; Her. 2, 66; Thuc. 2, 102, Aeol. KTfwais Alcae. 33 : p. tKrayna, dn- Aristot. Pol. 7, 2, n ; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 173, and eicrdKa, cm- Polyb. n, 18 (Mss. Vulg. Bekk. Dind.). 3, 86 (Mss. C. B. Vulg. -ay*a Bekk. Dind.), and (KTovrjKct, dn- Aristot. Soph. 33, 3 ; rare and doubtful in classic authors, Xen. Hier. 3, 8 (but aWro?a Stob. &c. Dind. Saupp.) ; PI. Apol. 38 Vulg. (but -r Od. 4, 537 ; Ap. Rh. i, 1040 ; in tmesi II. n, 691, KOT- II. 5, 558. 13, 780. Od. 3, 108, Krddev Q. Sm. i, 812, and perhaps late, fKTdvdrjv, xravOels Anth. (incert.) 14, 32, dn-eKTavdijv Dio Cass. (Xiphil.) 65, 4 (Bekk.); Apocr. i Mace. 2, 9 (KarfKravdrj Schneidewin's conjecture, Hippon. 7, is certainly not certain) : fut. KravQfaeude late, Schol. II. 14, 481: 2 p. as active, e/croi/a, near- only once in Trag. Aesch. Eum. 587 (Mss. Dind. Franz, Herm.), an- Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 106; Xen. An. 2, i, n. Hell. 2, 4, 21 ; PI. Apol. 38. 39; Isocr. 12, 66; Lys. 10, 7; Dem. 22, 2; -row-Vat Lys. 10, 2 : pip. aTr-eKrd- veo-av Dem. 19, 148, Ion. dn-eicrovee Her. 5, 67 : 2 aor. fKrdvov Poet. II. 2, 701 ; Pind. Ol. 7, 29 ; Aesch. Eum. 96 ; Soph. O. R. 277, 'KTOV- 844, K.TO.V- II. 2, 701. 7, 155. 21, 236 (Bekk. 2 ed.); Ibycus 1 6 (B.); KTOVTJS Soph. O. R. 606 ; Eur. Hec. 278 &c.; KTUVOI Soph. O. R. 948 ; Kravvv Ant. 1263; Eur. Hec. 712; Kiaviiv Aesch. Eum. 84; Soph. El. 536; Eur. Fr. 931 ; but Strab. 8, 28, and Kar-fKTavov II. 23, 87 ; Soph. O. C. 975 ; Eur. Med. 505 ; Q. Sm. i, 24; Plut. Mor. 189; -KTOVW Arr. Tact. 43 (Vulg. -Kavflv Herch.) ; doubted in classic authors, Xen. An. i, 9, 6 (most Mss. Kiihn.). 4, 8, 25 (most Mss. Born. Kiihn. and doubt- ingly Popp.). Ages. 2, 22 (Breitb.). Hier. 7, 12 (Saupp. i ed. 396 Breitb.), but in all those passages of Xen. Dindorf, Kriiger, Saupp. 2 ed. and perhaps Bornemann and Poppo, either have Written, or would now write Kareicavov, Poet. (KTJJ/II) eKTav, tear- II. 4, 319, was Eur. Med. 1398 (Pors. Dind. 2 ed. e II. 15, 437. 17, 472 ; KT-doArt 15, 558 ; KTapevos II. 22, 75; Hes. Op. 541 ; Pind. Fr. 186 (Bergk); Aesch. Pers. 923 (chor.) ; Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 72. 2 aor. tKTavov Poet, in the classic period, occurs occa- sionally in late prose, icraveiv Strab. 8, 3, 28 (Kram.), *ara- Arr. Tact. 15,2 (Blanc. Mull, -naveiv Kerch.) ; Kar-tKravov Plut. Mor. 189 (Diibn.), and even in Xen., if some of the Mss. may be trusted, and these Breitb. and Kiihner defend and follow, Ages. 2, 22. An. i, 9, 6. 4, 8, 25. Of the pass, we have seen in Attic writers the imp. only, eiereivovTo Thue. 3, 81 ; later D. Cass. 47, 5; Plut. Lysand. n; App. Mithr. 44; Paus. 10, i, 2, see below. For the pass, forms they used Ov^a-na, in prose more frequently dn-o- : fdivjo-KQv, and dn- : fut. Oavovpai, in prose always d;ro- : aor. Wavov, in prose always an- : p. TfdwjKa, and syncop. Tedvarov, -a^v, -van &c. &c. in Poet, and prose, and rarely compd. The lonians said urmro/iai II. 14, 60; subj. -a>/$a II. n, 668; imper. 3 pi. KTnvtaduv Her. 7, 10; -o^vos II. 18, 99, Od. 22, 328 ; Her. 4, 3 ; and late, (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 414 ; Plut. Mor. 757; V. T. Prov. 24, n ; -ccr&u II. 5, 465 : imp. (KreLvovro Her. 6, 19, KTfivovro Od. ii, 413. 24, 38 : fut. as pass. KTavtOfiai, Kara- II. 14, 481 : aor. (eVra&ji') -adev for -rj. The comp. dnoKTeiva) has in Attic poetry and prose, fut. -*vS> : 1 aor. -tiva : p. -eKTova : but 2 aor. dir-fKTavov, dn-fKrav, and mid. dn-fK.ra.To pass, are Epic only dneKTave, however, Eur. Rhes. 978. Pass, late dnoKTfivfvdai Palaeph. Incred. 7 : P- wr-wcrajifwiwf Apocr. i Mace. 5, 51, and -eKror^j/os Psell. Opusc. p. 107, KTCJ// o> K-n Xo'w. 397 17; inf. -fKrdvSai Polyb. 7, 7; 2 Mace. 4, 36 : 1 aor. -exrav^v i Mace. 2, 9; Dionys. de Av. i, 3 ; N. T. Marc. 8, 31. Rev. 9, 18 &c. : 2 aor. aTro-xraj'^i'at Galen 13, 956. All our lexicons omit the pass. form. KTCCI^W To comb, Hippocr. 6, 492 ; Dio. Hal. Comp. Verb. 208, ii : imp. eVcTewf- Eur. Hipp. 1174 : fut. (-ra>, -i>) ; p. c- reW/iat Archil. 1 66 (Bergk) ; Simon. Am. 7, 65, fit- Philostr. 335 (redupl. KfKTevio-fifvos Xen. Lac. 13, 9, is a mere suggestion of Schneider for /ce/cpt^eW) : aor. late eVr/iV0ji> Hippiatr. p. 226. Mid. KTfvifapat comb one's own hair, Her. 7, 208 : aor. KnvlariaiQe Ar. Fr. 501 ; opt. Krevivaivro Asius Fr. 13 (Marksch.) Kreywi), see ure'iva. Krepei^w Jb bury with due honours, Epic, II. 23, 646 ; Epic inf. -l&pev 24, 657 : has fut. -eiw Od. 2, 222: aor. iicrtpti^a Ap. Rh. 2, 859, /wep- Anth. 7, 163 ; -et^at Od. i, 291. But the form KTfpifa Poet. Eur. Hel. 1244; Soph. Ant. 204: has fut. -MO II. n, 455: and aor. cKrepla-a Simon. C. 109 (Bergk); -r Anth. 7, 1 80; -icratev II. 24, 38, a rare form in Horn., but -iaeuv Od. 3, 285. KTI'W To found, make, Emped. 124 (Stein); Her. i, 170; Thuc. 5, 16; PL Prot. 322: imp. txrifrv Thuc. i, 12: fut. KTiffco Aesch. Ch. 1060; Her. 5, 42 : aor. exrto-a Od. n, 263; Aesch. Supp. 171; Her. i, 167; Thuc. 4, 102; Isocr. 4, 35, fKTtvo-- Pind. P. i, 62 ; Aesch. Pers. 289 (chor.), KT/O-O-- II. 20, 216; Theocr. 28, 17, KTUTO Pind. P. 5, 89; Eur. Phoen. 682 (chor.); KTIO-OV Soph. Ant. 1101 ; /mow Aesch. Ch. 351 ; Thuc. 3, 6 1 : p. Ke/cruca Diod. Sic. Fr. 7, 3 (Bekk. r- Dind.), but fKTiKa 15, 13 : and p. p. ecTmu Hippocr. 4, 194 (Lit.); fKTiv- pevos Eur. Fr. 362, 9 (D.) ; Her. 4, 46, late Kenna-n- Malal. p. 204. 263, Epic KTtpevos as from (KTIO>) Aesch. Ch. 806, in comp. evKTifievos II. 21, 433. Od. 4, 476 ; Hes. Sc. 81 : aor. T/o-rd-K7iro? Aesch. Pr. 301. To tame, seems to be used only in aor. mid. 398 KrtV vvn i Ku So. vco. Her. 4, 113 : and the form /cnAewo in pres. pass. -VOI/Ts (Moer.), -vovcrt Koipdj/(Thom. Mag.) KTcwa Aeol. Alcae. 26, Ahren's emend, for KTOIMB (Eust.), and as a late form tnroKreWw Anth. n, 395. Bekker, Dind. and Hultsch edit dnoKTtivvvai Polyb. 2, 56. KTUTTCU To sound, mostly Poet. 11. 13, 140; Eur. Or. 1366; Ar. Ach. 1072 ; rare in prose, PI. Rep. 396 ; Luc. Salt. 10 ; Philostr. 327 : imp. eVcrv/row Soph. Tr. 787 ; Eur. Med. 1180, -TTfov Opp. C. 4, 247, KTvireov Ap. Rh. 2, 83, iter. Krvne'fffKov Q. Sm. 9, 135 : 1 aor. eKrvjnjo-a Eur. Phoen. 1181, KTVIT- Soph. 0. C. 1606 (trimet.); Eur. Or. 1467 (chor.); late prose KTinrfj- Arr. Tact. 40 : aor. pass. KTvmjdrjvai Philostr. 266: 2 aor. II. 15, 377 ; Soph. O. C. 1456 (chor.); Ap. Rh. 2, 1257, II. 8, 75. 170. 17, 595, and always (Bekk.) Mid. KTV- as act. intrans. Ar. Thesm. 995, pass. Philostr. V. Apoll. 8, 14 : imp. KTvneovro Q. Sm. 8, 449. After Homer KrvTre'w is used also trans, make resound, enTvirti Eur. Rhes. 308 : urimrjcre Or. 1467 : fKTVTrov Hes. Sc. 61. (v.) Rare in prose. Bekker now (2 ed.) writes uniformly ncrwre in II. and Od., Dind. and La Roche fKT-, except II. 8, 170. Kt/Sd^o) To revile, is reg. but defect, pres. only imper. Kv8af Epich. 3 (Ahr.). Pass. /tvSaferat Soph. Aj. 722. Mid. Ki>Sab//at Epich. 19, 6 (Ahr.); Kv8df Lycophr. 721. 929, irtpi- Or. Sib. 3, 575: aor. KvSrjva II. 23, 793; -fjvat Od. 16, 212, late prose fKvSrjve Themist. u, 153, Dor. Ki/8ave Pind. P. i, 31: pass. KvSaivoiTo Anth. 7, 142. And Epic KvSiaa pres. and imp. only, and these late, except. 3 pi. pres. and part, nvdiaeis Coluth. 180, Ki/eco Ku/cXooj. 399 -dei Anth. Plan. 339, but 3 pi. KuSioWt Horn. H. 30, 13 ; part. Kv8i6av II. 2, 579 ; Hes. Sc. 27, -oWre? II. 21, 519 : imp. iter. 3 pi. KvStdcuTKov Ap. Rh. 4, 978; Q. Sm. i, 391. 13, 418. Kue'w 7b & pregnant, Ar. Lys. 752; PI. Theaet. 210. Conv. 206; -lav II. 23, 266 ; Her. 6, 68 ; -dv Andoc. i, 125; Lys. 13, 42 (B. Saupp. Scheibe. -vtiv Bekk.): imp. CKVOW II. 19, 117 ; Ar. Lys. 745 ; PI. Conv. 209 : fut. KUJ/O-W Hippocr. 8, 56. 414 (Lit.); Sext. Emp. 648, 14 (B.), dno- Luc. Philop. 24 : and mid. KVTiaofiai Hippocr. 2, 717 (Kiihn, 2, 614 Erm.), i, 468 (Kiihn, KVIGTKO/WU Erm., in both Littre") : aor. eVcwjo-a Ar. Thesm. 641; Her. 5, 41 ; Hippocr. 5, 210. 212. 8, 416; PI. Conv. 203 ; late to beget, Dio Cass. 66, 3 : p. ecv^/ca Com. Fr. (Phil.) 4, 41 ; Sext. Emp. 81, 2; Dio Cass. 45, i, e*- Anth. 7, 385: p.p. late KfKvrjrai Porph. de Abst. i, 54 : aor. IKV^V Plut. Mor. 567 ; Geop. 15, 2, en- Aristot. Gen. An. 4, 5, 3 : fut. late Kvjj&jo-oTiei/os Galen 4, 326,^00-- Eustath. Philos. 3, 4, 3 (Herch.) : pres. pt. Kvov/j.fvov PI. Leg. 7^9- Mid. Kveopai bring forth, Aristot. Gen. An. 4, 5, 4 : aor. late envrjadp.^ Himer. Or. 7, 4, Kuqff- Opp. Cyn. 3, 22. See KVW. KUUTKU To conceive, bear, Hippocr. 4, 554 (Lit.) ; Philostr. I, 22; trans, impregnate, Himer. Or. i, 7; produce, Pseud.-Callisth. 3, 6, djj-o- Hippocr. 6, 618 (Lit. 3, 477 Erm.) : imp. titma-Kov Paus. 5, 5, 2. Mid. KvtvKOjMi / Com. Fr. 2, 380 : fut. -(io-w Eur. Cycl. 462: aor. eVcwKXeoo-e Pseud.-Callisth. i, 10; pt. Ku/cXwo-as Eur. I. A. 775, Dor.-axraw Pind. Ol. 10,72: p. -aca Polyb. 3, 116 : p.p. KeKVKXeo/iai Thuc. 4, 32, see below: aor. haabMp Thuc. 5, 71 ; PI. Critias 118 : fut. KVK\ca0^a-op.ai Dio. Hal. 3, 24 (Sylburg, Kiessl. -wo-o/xat Vulg.); see also Polyaen. 5, 10, 3 (Vulg. -KXoxro/uai Woelffl.) : and as pass. fut. mid. Kv/cXwo-o^at Dio. Hal. Ant. 3,24 (Vulg.) ; see Polyaen. quoted. Mid. -ov^ai Aesch. Sept. 121 ; Thuc. 4, 127: imp. fxvK\evvro Her. 8, 16 (Bekk. Dind. -evvro Reiske, Stein), -o5.ro 8, 10; Thuc. 7, 81, cX- Eur. Bacc. 1066, in tmesi Aesch. Pers. 45 8 (trimet.): fut. -io-o^at Callim. Dian. 170; Xen. Cyr. 6, 3, 20; Plut. Caes. 44; Polyaen. i, 28; pass. Dio. Hal. Ant. 3, 24 (Vulg.); Polyaen. 5, 10, 3 (Woelffl.), see above : aor. wcAo>o-am> Her. 9, 18; Dio Cass. 37, 4 (B.); Callim. Del. 250; Q. Sm. 8, 376; 400 Opp. Hal, 2, 5^9 ', Ki>K\coaai Ar. Av. 34^ J -crafievos Her. 3, 157; Thuc. 5, 72 &c. : with p. p. as mid. K(Ki>K\o>Tai, nepi- Xen. An. 6, 3, n, ey- Ar. Vesp. 395 ; Dio Cass. 49, 37 : and seemingly aor. KVK\a>deis Diod. Sic. 4, 24 (Bekk.) ; ey-KVK\a)6f)vai 4, 23. Act. rare. KuXi^Sw To roll, Od. i, 162 ; Find. N. 4, 40 ; Aesch. Fr. 304; Soph. Ant. 590; Eur. Fr. 312 (Ar. Eq. 1249); Com. Fr. (Tel.) 2, 361. (Apoll. Car. 4, 441); Kv\iv8a>v Plut. Pyrr. 30, KuXivSe'u Com. Fr. (Nicoph.) 2, 851 ; prose Xen. An. 4, 7, 4 (Vulg. Kriig. Kiihn. -8 Dind.), icuXfcj Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 618; Aristot. H. A. 5, 19, 18 ; Ael. H. A. 3, 16 ; Luc. Anach. 6 ; Dio. Hal. Comp. Verb. 20, npocr- Ar. Vesp. 202 (Vulg. Bekk. Bergk, Dind. 2 ed. -to-oc 5 ed., Mein. see Aristot. Poet. 26. Pol. 6, 4, 13); dva-Kv\lov Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 434, ey- Hippocr. 8, 170: imp. eicvXivSov Orph. Arg. 68 1, -Sow Xen. An. 4, 2, 3. 20 (Vulg. Kriig. Popp. Saupp. -8ov Dind. Cob. Schenkl) ; Aristid. 24, 302, (Kv\lcv Theocr. 24, 18; Luc. Hist. Con. 3, r- D. Sic. 19, 19 : fut. late KuXti/8ij(ra> Herod. Att. i, 35; Anth. (Marcel.) App. Epigr. 50, 35, -KuXiera, dno- V. T. Gen. 29, 8. N. T. Marc. 16, 3: aor. eVcvXio-a Anth. 13, 12. App. Epigr. 15, 14; Trag. Fr. (Sosith.) 2, 20 (Wagn.) ; Theocr. 23, 52 ; Ael. H. A. 3, 22 (Schn.); Luc Hist. Con. 57, e- Pind. Fr. 3 (Bergk), V- Ar. Thesm. 651 ; Dor. pt. Kv\i(rais, dp.(pi- Pind. N. 8, 23 : p. p. KfnvXia-pai Paroem. Greg. Cypr. C. 4, 9 ; Luc. Hist. Con. 63 ; Athen. 480, KOTU- Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, i : pip. xeKuXtoro Nonn. 5, 47 : aor. eKv\icrdr}v Aristot. Mechan. 24, 13, e- II. 6, 42, KvXio-d- 17, 99; KuXio-tf//, Kara- Her. 5, 1 6 ; KvXio-dcts Soph. El. 50. Fr. 334, eV- Xen. Mem. i, 2, 22, late Kv\iv8r)6eis Strab. 14, 2, 24; Heliod. 9, 8: fut. Kv\i08f]aofi.ai, eVc- Aesch. Pr. 87, cmo- Galen 3, 682. Mid. KuXtvSeTrai Simon. Am. 7, 4 ; Kv\l6fjLtvos Luc. Peregr. 44, in COmp. KuXivSd/xefO?, Trpoirpo- II. 22, 221 ; tyKvXieaQai Theophr. H. P. i, 6, 1 1 : imp. eKv\iv8ovpT)v Ar. Av. 502 (Vulg. Bekk. Dind. 2 ed. Bergk, aX- Cob. Mein. Dind. 5 ed.), -em> Plut. Mor. 184?, rrpovKvX- Dem. 19, 338 (Bekk. B. Saupp. TrpovKaX- Dind.) : fat. irpo-Kv\lcro^ai App. Exc. Rom. 5 (Bekk.) : aor. ty-KvXi are confined to the pres. and imp. act. pass, (or mid.) The former, according to the majority of Mss. and editions, is poet, and late prose, see above, and add /cuXiV8i Pind. N. 4, 40 ; Plut. Pyrr. 30 : imp. fKv\iv8ov Orph. Arg. 68 1 j KuXtVSo^ai II. n, 307 ; Alcae. 18, 2 ; Pind. Ol. Kwew. 40 1 12, 6; Soph. Fr. 872 (D.); AT. Eccl. 208; Paus. 10, 13, 2: fKv\iv8fro II. 14, 411 ; Theocr. 7, 145, iter. KvXiv&aKovro Find. P. 4, 209; -doptvos II. 24, 165; Find. P. 2, 23; Com. Fr. (Herm.) 2, 397 ; Ar. Nub. 375 ; Plut. Mor. 829 ; -Sto-dai II. u, 147. Kv\iv8e, Ka\iv8e, prevented Aristoph. Xen. and Plato from using also the form Kv\w8e- To kiss, Poet. Eur. Ale. 183. Med. 1207 ; Ar. Ach. 1207; but Aristot. H. An. 6, 2, 24 (Bekk. Kvto> v. r.) : imp. Kvvft Od. 4, 522, Kvvfov 21, 224 : fut. Kwrjo-a) in tmesi Hip- ponax 32 : mid. nwfjoopai doubtful, Eur. Cycl. 172 (Vulg. wwjo-opu Tyrwh. Kirchh. Nauck, Dind. 5 ed.) : late (K&) -o-o-toi/ Babr. 54, 17 (Lewis, 2 pt.) : aor. eKvvrja-a Athen. 9, 394, and in sense exvo-a Od. 23, 208 ; Eur. Cycl. 553 ; Ar. Av. 141 ; Anth. 12, 124; late prose, Alciphr. 3, 67; Luc. Alex. 41. 55, Epic, fKV is not in classic prose, and rare in late, Aristot. H. A. 6, 2, 24. 7rpo is regular, and in both poetry and prose, Aesch. Pers. 499 ; Soph. O. R. 327 ; Eur. Or. 1507 ; Ar. Plut. 771 ; Her. i, 134 ; PL Rep. 451 ; Aeschin. 2, 150 : imp. wpoa-fKwov Her. 3, 86 : fut. -w*> PL Rep. 469* in tmesi Hi P" ponax 32 (Bergk); Plut. Them. 27. Alex. 51. Sull. 23: fut. D d 4Q2 KuTTTft) KujOW. mid. 7rpoo--Kvvfi Anth. 9, 710; Ki>pa>v Eur. Hipp. 746 (Heath, Dind. 2 ed. valcav Mss. Kirchh. Nauck, Dind. 5 ed.) ; Callim. Cer. 38 : imp. tKvpov Soph. O. C. 1159, Kvpov II. 23, 821 : fut. Kvpa-o) Soph. O. C. 225 (chor.); Democr. Stob. Flor. 29, 88: aor. (Kvpva Aesch. Pers. 779 ; Eur. Ion 1105, cv- II. 13, 145; Kvpvy Theogn. 698; Kvpcraipi Soph. O. C. 1082, Ki/pa-aiev, ri- Find. P. IO, 21, Kvpa-fiav, trvy- II. 23, 435; Kvpvai Hes. Op. 691 ; Kvptras II. 23, 428 ; Simon. C. 120, Dor. Kvpa-ais, tm- Find. Ol. 6,7, Ion. and late prose, eV-eVupo-a Her. 3, 77. 4, 125; Arr. An. 2, n. 5, 23 ; App. Civ. 4, in. Annib. 37. Mid. tci/papai, as act. II. 24, 530. Kvpea> is reg. Aesch. Pr. 330; Soph. Tr. 386; late Attic prose Polyb. 12, 15, but in Ionic y- Heraclit. 5 (By w.) : imp. 'Kvpow Soph. El. 1331 (Dind.): fut. -)?(ra> Aesch. Ch. 707 ; Eur. Elec. 359; Her. i, 112. 9, 88: aor. ftcvprjcra Archil 18; Eur. Hec. 215 ; Mosch. 4, 68 (Vulg. Ahr.) ; Her. i, 31. 7, 208 (Valken. Bekk. Dind.), |w- Hippocr. 2, 648, eV- Polyb. 33, 12, Kvprjo-- Pind. I. 6, 36; Anth. 13, 18; Kvp^a-rjs Soph. O. C. 1703; -TJO-CU? Aesch. Supp. 589 (chor.), -facie, vyx- Hippocr. 2, 350 (Lit.); Kvpjjo-a? Hes. Op. 755 ; Soph. O. R. 398; Eur. Phoen. 490; Her. 7, 158; Kvpfaai Horn. Epigr. 6, 6; Eur. Ion 536; Her. 7, 158: p. K(Kvpr)K Mosch. 4, 68 (MSS. Vulg. Ahr.) for fireKvptranfV, on the ground that the former " non est epicorum" (Herm. B. et Mosch.) Meineke and Ziegler, we observe, adopt Hermann's emendation, and support it with fKvporapev from Ms. C. We still demur. Ku'u (u) To be pregnant, Kvfi Athen. (Call.) 454; Theogn. 1081 ; Her. 5, 92 (Orac.) ; Hippocr. 4, 546. 8, 416 (Lit.); Opp. Cyn. i, 12; Aristot. H. An. 5, 14, 13; Xen. Cyn. 5, 13, -ova-t 7^2 (Vulg. -vfl -vovo-t Saupp.) ; Ki>ov. See collat. KVf<0, KViCTKO), KVVfOi. (u) To lament, Poet. Od. 8, 527, cm- Soph. El. 283 ; Ar. Eccl. 648 ; -veiv Ran. 34 ; -va>v Bion i, 23 ; late prose Luc. D. Mort. 10, 12: imp. endxvov II. 19, 284. Od. 19, 541; Mosch. 3, 47 ; late prose Luc. Tox. 15. Lap. 45, iter. KcartevKov Q. Sm. 3, 460: fu.t. KK0\v\v6f)- o-o/iat Luc. H. V. 2, 25 ; Apocr. Sirach. 20, 2 ; Galen i, 380 : with fat. raid. KwXuo-o/iai rare and pass. Thuc. i, 142. The mid. form we have not seen except KwXvou restrain thyself, Apocr. Sir. 18, 30, and fut. -do-o/xat pass. Thuc. quoted. Vb. Ka>\vreov Xen. Hier. 8, 9. Before a vowel v, K<*>\vfv Find. P. 4, 33, -vet Ar. Eq. 723, -o Av. 463. Lys. 607. Pax 499 (Ana- paest.), -vopetrda Eur. Ion 391, -veVo) Phoen. 990. Ku>fidu To reztf/, Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 15 ; -oi/u Theogn. 886 ; -afe Pind. I. 7, 20; -d&iv Theogn. 1352; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 499 ; Isae. 3, 14; -dfav Anacr. 1 7 ; Alcae. 56; Theogn. 1065; Pind. Ol. 9, 4; Eur. Ale. 815; PI. Leg. 637; Lys. 3, 23, Dor. -do-8 Theocr. 3, i : imp. fK/*a- Hes. Sc. 281 : fut. Ka>n&(ra> Pind. N. 9, i : aor. eic&ytucra Soph. Fr. 703 (D.) ; Eur. H. F. 180 ; Aristot. Fr. 517 ; Luc. Bis ace. 16, KO>/X- Pind. N. 10, 35 ; part. Kw/ido-a? Arr. An. 7, 25, Dor. Kw/ido-ais Pind. N. n, 28 ; and imper. K&>/idaTe N. 2, 24 : p. KfKw/ia/ca Anth. 5, 112, tV-fio-- PI. Rep. 500. Mid. as act. fut. /aapao-o/iat Pind. P. 9, 89 ; Anth. 5, 64. 9, 756 ; Plut. Alex. 75 ; Luc. Luct. 13, and Dor. *co)/id|o/iai Pind. I. 3, 90 (Schol. Herm. Bergk, Momms. Christ). In classic Attic prose, the pres. and imp. only seem to be used. A. To oltain ly lot, Soph. Fr. 587. El. 751 ; Andoc. i, 12 1 ; Isocr. 16, 2 ; Isae. 8, i ; Aeschin. i, 62 ; -livy PL Leg. 903 ; -dveiv Her. 6, 23 &c. : imp. eXdy^avov Od. 20, 282 ; Her. 8, 117; Isocr. 18, 7 ; Isae. 7, 26, Xdyx- Od. 9, 160 : fut. rare, Xijo/iat PI. Rep. 617 ; (Dem.) 55, 20, Ion. Xdo/iai Her. 7, 144 : (no 1 aor.): p. X^a Aesch. Sept. 423; Soph. Aj. 1058; Eur. El. 668 ; Theocr. 16, 84 ; PI. Tim. 52; Isae. 7, 21 ; Dinarch. i, 64; Dem. 21, 227 : pip. etX^et PI. Phaed. 107; Poet, and Ion. \e\ayx a Od. ii, 304 ; Hes. Th. 203 ; Sapph. 79; Pind. N. i, 24; Eur. Tr. 282 (chor.); Her. 7, 53 (and late (Dem.) 21, 82; Aene. Tact. 18, 21; see Luc. Soloec. 7), eVt- Soph. O. C. 1235 (chor.): pip. t'XeXo'y^ei (Luc.) Amor. 18, XeXd-y^- Theocr. 4, 40 ; also (Xe'Xa^a) 3 pi. XXd^ao-t Emped. 373 (Stein): p.p. eTXiry/iat, -pfvos Eur. Tr. 296 (Heath, Seidl. Dind.) ; Isocr. 17, 22; Dem. 30, 34, rare and late XeXa^ai, 3 pi. -d^arai Stob. (Perict.) 85, 19 : aor. eXr/^^^v Lys. 17, 8 ; Xjjx&ji/at Isae. 9, 24 ; Dem. 54, 28; -xdfis Dem. 38, 20: 2 aor. act. eXu^ov 11. 10, Ad^o/xcu. 405 430; Hes. Th. 424; Find. Ol. 10, 61 ; Aesch. Eiirn. 931; Soph. O. R. 1366 AT. Pax 347 ; Her. i, 167 ; Antiph. 6, n ; Thuc. 5, 21 ; Isae. 6, 46 ; PI. Rep. 620, eXX- Horn. H. 5, 87 ; Theocr. 25, 271, Ep. \dxov II. 23, 862. 24, 400 ; Emped. 200; Pind. Ol. 6, 34; subj. \d x a> &c. II. 24, 76; Soph. O. C. 450; Ar. Pax 364 ; Thuc. 2, 44 ; Lys. 6, 4, Epic 3 sing. Mxytriv II. 7, 171, redupl. XeXa^a cause to share, only in Horn. XeXa^re II. 23, 76, XeXax<, Theocr. 15, 21. 8, 84. (Adu) To lick, only aor. part. Xda? Lycophr. 137. Aaiicdtw To prostitute, Ar. Thesm. 57: fat. \aiKuaa>, -aatis Ar. Eq. 167 (Bekk. Bergk) : but mid. -do- (Cod. Ven. Dind. Mein.) ; so XaiKaa-o/zat Com. Fr. (Cephis.) 2, 883, -do-ei (Strat.) 4, 546, an ingenious and approved restitution by Coraes. This verb seems confined to Comedy. Aaijid-TTu To swallow greedily, only in Comedy, and only 3 pi. -TTOVO-I Ar. Eccl. 1178. Adic(iw To shout, Trag. and only pres. imper. Xa/, Theocr. 2, 24. AaXaye'u To chatter, twitter, Poet. Ion. and Dor. -Xa-ynlo-i Anth. (Marian.) 9, 668, n, -Xayevm Theocr. 5, 48; imper. XaXayet Find. Ol. 9, 40 ; pt. XaXa-yeCo-a Anth. (Paul. Sil.) 6, 54, 9, -yevvres Theocr. 7, 139 : aor. XaXay^o-at Pind. Ol. 2, 97. AafApc^u To take, Pind. Ol. i, 81 ; Aesch. Ch. 128; Soph. 0. R. 1031 ; Ar. Eccl. 317 ; Her. 4, 79 ; Thuc. 7, 25 ; Isocr. 5, 31 Dor. 3 pi. -fiavovri Epich. 25 (Xaa, -a> only in Arcad. 149, 17) : imp. eKanfiavov Eur. Bac. 1313 ; Her. 7, 187 ; Antiph. 6, 10; Thuc. 2, 43; Isocr. 21, 12, late 3 pi. -$avoa-av V. T. Ezek. 22, 12 : fut. (act. Xi^a> late, X^eif if correct Archestr. 22, 13 (Bussem.), X^tre Apocr. i Mace. 4, 18): but mid. X^o/nat Eur. Bac. 239 ; Ar. Eq. 1028 ; Antiph. 5, 58 ; Thuc. 3, 56 ; Lys. 10, 22 ; Isae. 6, 61 ; PL Phaed. 78 ; Xen. Hell. 5, 4, 7, late Xi;^- N. T. Act. i, 8 (Vat. Sin.), Ion. Xd^o/^ai Her. 1, 199. 7, 39, Dor. Xa^ov/im, -17 &c. Epich. Fr. 18 ; Theocr. i, 4, and \apty- Eel. (Stob.) i, 20, 3, dno- Archyt. Epist. 2 (Herch.): 1 aor. rare, ?Xap//-a, ^- Bias in Diog. Laert. i, 85; Kara-Xfj-^t) Theophr. Fr. 6, 3, 43, now Xd/n^ from Xd/iTra (Wim- mer)': p. dXrj^a Archil. 143 ; Soph. O. R. 643 ; Eur. Bac. 226; 407 Ar. Ran. 591 ; Hippocr. 8, 584; Antiph. i, 7; Thuc. 8, 27; Lys. 12, 83 ; Isocr. 5, 21, Dor. -5$a Inscr. Phoc. 73, Ion. and Dor. XeXq/3^a Her. 4, 79. 8, 122 ; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 570, xara-Epist. Pherecyd. p. 460 (Kerch.), /zero- Archim. Aren. 127, 15 : pip. fi\r) Archim. Trag. 130, 39 : pip. 1X7777, av- Aeschin. i, 58 : aor. eXrj^^j/ Soph. Tr. 808 ; Eur. Hipp. 955 ; Ar. Eq. 101 ; Thuc. 4, 38; Lys. 13, 66; Isocr. 19, 22; -$0o>, av- N. T. Marc. 16, 19 (Lach. Tisch. -TI^QTIV Vat.), Ion. f\a^6r)v Her. 6, 92. 9, 119: fut. \r)(f>6r)(roij.ai Soph. Phil. 68; Eur. Med. 381; Thuc. 6, 91; Dem. 23, 156: 3 fut. late XeX^erat, Kara- Aristid. 54, 88 (D.), and eiX^oYfr evtade LyS. 27, 7. 30, 23: 2 aor. act. eXa/3oi> II. 17, 620 ; Pind. N. 3, 31 ; Soph. Ph. 1232 ; Ar. Pax 966 ; Her. i, 34; Antiph. 5, 61; Thuc. 4, 9; PI. Leg. 772; Dem. 32, 25, Epic. ?XXa/3- II. n, 402. Od. 1 8, 88 ; Hes. Th. 179; Ap. Rh. i, 1197, Xa/3- II. 2, 316 ; Pind. P. 4, 48, her. \afiearKov Hes. Fr. 96; Her. 4, 78 (Mss. Bekk. Gaisf.). 130 (Schaef. Bekk. Dind. Bred. Kriig. cXd/3- Schw. Gaisf.) ; subj. Xq3 Soph. O. C. 828 ; Ar. Eccl. 353, -%s Soph. O. R. 461 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 13, -fa II. 4, 230; Aesch. Eum. 556; PL Rep. 378, -jSi? "* H- 21, 24 &c., -/3coo-t Her. 3, 147; X/3oi/u II. 15, 22; Aesch. Ag. 275; Ar. Pax 521 (rare and Trag. \a$oiv Eur. Fr. 362, 6), -/3ot Her. i, 75 ; PL Parm. 135 &c., -fioitv Thuc. 2, 67 ; X/3e II. i, 407 ; PL Rep. 511, 2 dual Xdfcrov Euth. 275 &c.; \afiflv Soph. Tr. 48 ; Her. 8, 90 ; Thuc. 5, 63 ; Xa/3^ IL 6, 45 ; Soph. El. 12 ; Ar.Ach.8i; Thuc. 2, 93; Isocr. 10, 19, Dor. fern. Xao?o-a Callim. Lav. Pal. 93. ' Mid. Xa/*/3dwpu lay hold of, Eur. Heracl. 48; Andoc. 2, 15; PL Parm. 165, V.ITO.- Her. 4, 45, late Xd/Serai Or. Sib. 9, 294 : imp. eXa/x/Sdwro Her. 2, 121 : fut. Xrj^ofiai see above : (1 aor. eX^d^i' rare, if correct X^pu Soph. Ph. 761; Ar. Pax 508; 408 Hippocr. 7, 516; PI. Conv. 218; -olpiv Eur. Cycl. 470; PI. Leg. 637; Xa/3oi) Rep. 491 ; -ftop-evos Ar. Vesp. 1237; Her. 9, 76 ; Thuc. 3, 106 ; Xa/3r<9ai Soph. O. C. 374; PI. Rep. 554, redupl. \e\afBeo-dai Od. 4, 388 : with p. tir-fi\^iit6a, however, Pseudo-Callisth. i, 38 (Miiller, Meusel.). (Aafiirerdcj) To shine, Epic and only part. -TOWV II. i, 104 ; Hes. Th. no. Sc. 390; Ap. Rh. 3, 1362, -dwo-a Orph. Lith. 89, -oaxrai 291. Acifiiru To shine, II. 13, 474 ; Solon 13, 23 ; Pind. Ol. I, 23 ; Phryn. 2 (B.) ; Aesch. Ag. 774; Soph. O. R. 186; Eur. Ion 83;' Ar. Eccl. 13; Her. 2, 44; Xen. Mem. 4, 7, 7 : imp. (\ap.irov II. 22, 32 ; Anacr. 33 ; Soph. Ant. 1007; PL Phaedr. 250, \dfjLire Hes. Sc. 7 1 > II- 12 J 463, Xdfj. and only 3 sing, in tmesi Od. 7, 221, and mostly Poet. \fi6a II. 23, 323. Od. 19,91 ; Hes. Op. 268; Soph. O. R. 1325; Eur. Rhes. 810; Xen. Conv. 4, 48. Oec. 7, 31. Ages. 6, 5, Dor. \d0a Soph. El. 222 (chor.); inf. Aa&V/ Pind. Ol. i, 64 (Mss. Schneid. Christ, Bergk, 3 ed. but see 2 p.) : imp. (\dv6avov II. 13, 721. Od. 8, 93 ; Soph. El. 914 ; Her. i, 44 ; Thuc. 2, 76; Lys. 2, 77, \avd- H. Hym. 18, 9, fXrjdov Od. 19, 151 ; Soph. El. 1359, Dor. IA50- Pind. P. 3, 27, \ydov II. 15, 461, iter. AJJ&(TK> II. 24, 13 : fut. Aiyo-w II. 23, 416 ; Soph. Tr. 455 ; Ar. Eccl. 98; Her. 8, 106; Antiph. 2, a, 7; Thuc. 8, 10; Lys. 4, 16; Isocr. 12, 139; PI. Phaedr. 262; Dem. 23, 123, Dor. Aao-w Theocr. 14, 9 : 1 aor. eA^o-a Poet, and late in simple, Xfjffeifv Nic. Al. 280, eV-eA?7o-> caused to forget, Od. 20, 85, Dor. eAao-as in trnesi Alcae. 95 (Bergk) : p. p. XeA^o-^ww (as mid. see below), late in pass, sense is forgotten, eVi-AeA 77071- V. T. Esai. 23, 16. N. T. Luc. 12, 6 : 1 aor. (eAqo-^?*') I forgot, Dor. poet. inf. v, for -fjvai, Theocr. 2, 46, perhaps late in pass, sense V. T. Ps. 30, 13; Apocr. Sir. 13, 10 (Dor. if correct, V Sylburg's conject. Pind. Fr. 98 (86), where Bergk reads a-iyadev with Barnes) : and late fut. eVt-Arjo-tfijcro/wit V. T. Ps. 9, 19. Jer. 20, n. 23, 40: but 3 fut. \t\rja-onai will forget, Eur. Ale. 198 : 2 aor. act. e\a6ov II. 17, 676 ; Simon. C. 150; Pind. Ol. 6, 36 ; Eur. Fr. 224 (Dind.); Ar. Eq. 116; Her. 9, 93; Thuc. 3, 112; Isocr. 8, 88, Aa^ II. 23, 388. 24, 331. Od. 13, 270, dual badfTTjv 22, 179, iter. late (g-c\a0eo-Kf Or. Sib. i, 44; subj. Ad&> Eur. I. T. 995; PI. Charm. 166; Dem. 45, 85, 4-IO Aai>6di'(t). \ddrj Aesch. Eum. 255 ; Soph. Ph. 156 ; PI. Rep. 344, -^o-t U. 22, 191 &c. -0(*ofjLai to forget, Aristot. Poet. 17, - Soph. O. C. 1005, rt- PI. Lach. 189, and usu. Poet. Aij0o/u II. n, 790; Aesch. Ag. 39, Dor. Xd%i forgotten, in some edit, of Pind. Fr. 98 (86) is an emend, of Sylburg. SteXij^o-ac called 2 aor. pass. Hippocr. quoted, we suspect to be a false reading for pip. SifXeX^fo-ac. (\f\fjdrj, en-f\f\y0T} &c. Hippocr. 3, 66, 548 (K.), seem to be mistakes for -t)dee or -. The compds. in the active form pre- sent Xj}0o>, scarcely ever \ai>6ava>: dieXdvdavev PI. Leg. 677, is the only classic instance we have remarked. The usual prose forms are n- seldom fK\avddvofj.ai &c. The latter is poetic in the active, of which it has only 1 and 2 aor. Hecker Comment, crit. de Anthol. Grace, p. 344, says "sed aor. eX^o-a^i; num poetis in usu fuerit dubitare Cobetum video. Mihi nullum ejus exemplum ad manum est." We think the Poets were the only class that did use it : the instances quoted, Mosch. 3, 61 ; Nonn. 33, 149 ; Or. Sib. 12, 72, eV- Quint. Sm. 12, 468; Nonn. 48, 969, have, as far as we know, never been challenged. eVtX^w (nXai'0di>o> not in use) cause to forget, pres. and fut. late -\Tj6ova-a Aretae. 2, 12 (t7ri\r)6ov adject, not eVtXJjtfov part, is the approved reading Od, 4, 221 Wolf, Bekk. Dind.) : fut. eVA^o-ei Philostr. Epist. 68 (Kayser) : but aor. eVe'Xqaei' Od. 20, 85. Mid. 7i/ Ar. Nub. 855 ; Her. 3, 147; PL Prot. 309: fut. -\fja-ofiai II. 22, 387 ; in Attic Poet, only Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 6 ; but in prose Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, n ; PL Crat. 406 ; Lys. 6, 33 ; Aeschin. i, 73 : 1 aor. late eV-eX^o-aTo Nonn. 48, 969 ; Q. Sm. 12, 468: classic 2 aor. eVeXatfo^i/ Eur. Hel. 265; Ar. Ach. 473; Xen. Hell. 4, 3, 20; Isocr. 12, 139; Dem. 24, 86; subj. -Xd&B^ai Andoc. i, 148; PL Theaet. 206 &c. ; in tmesi II. 10, 99, &c. &c. : p. p. Attic eVtXeX^cr/zai as mid. Eur. I. A. 1232 ; Ar. Nub. 631; PL Phaedr. 235; Dem. 18, 182 (psephisma) ; Dor. inf. -AfXao-ftu Plut. Mor. 232 : pip. -eXeX^o-^f Xen. Cyr. i, 3, 10 ; PL Theaet. 201 : 2 p. -\f\rjda Ion. Her. 3, 46, Dor. -Xe'Xa0a Pind. Ol. II, 3, I pi. eViXeXatfafte? Plut. Mor. (Apophth.) 232. For the p. pip. aor. and fut. pass, in pass. sense, see above. Aairdo>, -CTCTU, -TTW To empty, plunder &c. Athen. 8, 64, -ao-ft Hippocr. 5, 628 (Lit.), (-rron-ai Aristot. Prob. 23, 39) : imp. tXan-ao-o-e Hippocr. 5, 192: fut. Xa7ra| Aesch. Sept. 47. 531; Galen 10, 893: aor. eXan-a^a Hippocr. 5, 176 (Lit.); Ael. H. A. 5> 39 : P- P- XeXaTray/uat, -a^Ba Aretae. 109, 34 ; -axQai Athen. 8, 64: aor. \anax6r)v Hippocr. 5, 176 (Lit.); \axdxdii 2, 478. Rare in Attic, never in classic prose. Adirrw To lap, lick, Aristot. H. A. 8, 6; Luc. V. H. i, 23 (Bekk. Jacob.) ; Opp. H. 2, 618: fut. Xd^w II. 16, 161 ; Aristot, H. A. 8, 6, i, OTTO- Ar. Nub. 811 : and mid. Aa^o/zat, - Ar. Pax 885 : aor. eXa^a late in simple, see Apollod. 3, 4, 4 (Bekk.), but e'-e'Xa^ra Ar. Ach. 1229 ; Xd^at Athen. 485 : p. Aa Ar. Fr. 492. Mid. fut. Xd^o/nai, - see above : aor. Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 294. Ad0xci> To speak, say, gabble, Poet. Eur. Andr. 671 ; - Aesch. Ag. 865; Ar. Ach. 1046, Dor. XaK Theocr. 2, 24 (Ion. XT/XCCO) : imp. f\aa-Kov Aesch. Ag. 596; Eur. Elec. 1214, \da-Kc Lycophr. 460, (\f]Kfov, eV- Od. 8, 379: fut. Xawjo-o/iat Ar. Pax 381. 384 : 1 aor. dMtopra indie, late, Hierocl. 176. 194 (Eberh.), see below; \aKrjcrrjs Ar. Pax 382, but Suz-XaK^o-ao-a Nub. 410 by license, or from Dor. SmXaKeW : 2 aor. e'Xa/coi/ Aesch. Sept. 153; Soph. Tr. 824 ; Eur. Ion 776. Tr. 269; Ar. Plut. 39, Horn. always Xa*e II. 14, 25. 20, 277 ; Hes. Th. 694, XAaKe Opp. Cyn. 2, 141 ; XQKOI Ar. Ran. 97 ; \aKflv Soph. Ant. 1094; Eur. Ale. 346 : 2 p. Xe'XaKa Aesch. Pr. 406 ; Eur. Hec. 678. Hipp. 55; Ar. Ach. 410, Epic XeX^xa Hes. Op. 207 ; Simon. Am. 7, Aa(u<7 Aeyw. 4 1 3 15 (B.); Opp. Hal. 3, 247 ; also Aristot. H. An. 9, 32, 3 ; -^ II. 22, 141, but fern. \f\aKvla Od. 12, 85: 2 aor. mid. with Epic redupl. XeAuWu To devour, II. n, 176 ; Opp. Hal. 2, 308 ; late prose Philostr. 3, 97. 4, 178; (Luc.) Asin. 27, Attic -rna Athen. 8, 362 : imp. 3 dual Xa Ael. Fr. 156 : aor. e'Xa for -T\V II. quoted. Aaxaiiaj To dig, -aivwv Opp. Hal. 5, 264 : imp. fluf^m* Mosch. 4, 96 : aor. eXa^e Ap. Rh. 3, 222 ; Anth. (Paul. Sil.) 7, 609 ; ^uxrjfjj Lycophr. 624 is Poet, and we think late in simple and COmpd. except a/i^-eXaxawe Od. 24, 242. Adw To see, Epic and only part. Xao>i> Od. 19, 229 ; H. Hym. Merc. 360: and imp. Xa Od. 19, 230. Adw, Xw To wish (Dor. for &'Xo>), Ar. Lys. 981, \fjs Epich. 44. 94 &c. ; Theocr. 8, 6 ; Ar. Lys. 95, Xi; Epich. 94 ; Ar. Lys. 1163, pi. Xayies 1162 (-pfaff Mss.), XJjTe 1 1 05 (Bekk. Dind. Ahr.), \S>vTi Epich. 19; Theocr. 4, 14; subj. \fjs Theocr. 5, 21, X^ Epich. 19; opt. \ur) Epich. 137 (Xot'q Mss.), and doubtful Xwr 58 ; inf. \rjv Thuc. 5, 77 (Poppo, Boehme); part. XWJ/TI Corcyr. Inscr. 1845; Epich. 19, i. Aeoi^u To smooth, Her. 4, 122 ; Xen. Mem. i, 4, 6 ; PI. Tim. 66, XftaiVo) Solon 4, 35; and late Nic. Ther. 95 ; Geop. 4, 12, 13: fut. Xwo Aristot. Part. An. 3, 14, 9, Ion. Xciavcu II. 15, 261 : aor. eX/jji/a, Xe^j/ats Nic. Fr. 3, 15 (Gottl. Schneid. -fivas Otto Schneid.); \efjvas Her. i, 200. 8, 142, Attic -ava Aristot. Gen. An. 5, 8, 6 ; Aene. Tact. 31, 21 ; Philostr. Ap. 3, 139 ; Athen. 3, 79, Ion. eXtirjva, Xeirjv- Od. 8, 260; \fiffvas II. 4, III ; HippOCr. 8, 360. Pass, \eaivopcn PL Polit. 270 :*p. p. XeXeaa/xeW Galen 13, 989 ; Dioscor. 5, 85; Porph. de abst. 4, 7: aor. XeawV \fov6fj Sext. Emp. 30, 30 (B.); Dioscor. 3, 106, Ion. \iMv6wai Hippocr. 8, 346 (Lit. v. r. Xu/-); \tav6fls Dioscor. 3, 165, X Geop. n, 13. Mid. XeaiVo/xat To smooth, rub oneself, -m'v Stobae. (Muson.) 18, 38; ~aivrdai Plut. Mor. 4 1 o : aor. opt. Xeujmio Nic. Ther. 646. Vb. Xeavreov Dioscor. 5, 103. Ae'yw To say, tell, Hes. Th. 27 ; Anacr. 94; Pind. Ol. 8, 43 ; Aesch. Sept. 202; Soph. Ph. 1394; Ar. Eq. 22 ; Her. i, 9; 414 Ae'y W. V Antipb. 6, 15; Thuc. i, 129 ; PI. Theaet. 198, Dor. 3 pi. Xe- yovri Find. Ol. 9, 49 ; 3 pi. imper. Xeyoi/ro)z Her. r, 89 ; PI. Soph. 246 : imp. eAryov Od. 23, 308; Ar. Pax 213; Her. 8, 19; Antiph. 5, 42; Thuc. i, 139; Lys. 8, 8, Epic \tyov II. 2, 222?: fut. Aeca Emped. 130; Aesch. Ag. 859; Soph. El. 560; Her. 4, 14; Antiph. 6, 33; Thuc. 2, 48; Andoc. 3, 21; Lys. 8, 5. 26, 16; Isocr. 18, 35; PI. Polit. 290; Isae. 10, 9. 2; Aeschin. i, 156. 3, 17. 36. 57 ; Dem. 16, 3, Dor. 3 pi. \fgovvri Pind. Fr. 99, 10 (Bergk) : aor. e\ea Aesch. Eum. 114 ; Soph. 0. R. 280; Ar. Eq. 654 ; Her. i, 141 ; Antiph. i, 15. 6, 21 ; Andoc. i, 19. 113; Thuc. 4, 114; Xen. Hell, i, 7, 16; Xe'cu/u Lys. 8, 4; Xeoi> Hes. Cert. 320, 3 (Goettl.) ; Xat Anacr. 45; Xe'as PI. Soph. 217 : p. XeXe^a Galen 1 6, 249 (Kiihn, -Xeya, -Xoya Hesych. classic pr;Ka) : p. p. X* Aey/*ai Pind. N. 8, 20 ; Eur. Med. 354 ; Aesch. Eum. 675 ; Soph. Ph. 389 ; Ar. Ran. 1244 ; Her. 2, 21. 125; PI. Leg. 732. 679. Tim. 89 (but Si-etAey/ztu mid. discuss, PI. Prot. 313. Apol. 37 : 8i-i'Xro Lys. 9, 5): aor. e'Xe'xV Soph. O. R. 1442; Her. 3, 80; Thuc. 6, 32 ; PI. Phil. 24; -Afx&i's Aesch. Ch. 665 (but en-i-Af^? active, say further, Aesch. Ag. 1498 Dind., Xe^ Herm., eVtXf'^? Voss, Franz, 5i- Her. 3, 51 ; Isocr. 19, 37): fut. Ae^o-"/ 1 "" Mosch. Trag. Fr. 5 (Wagn.); Antiph. 3, y, 4 ; Thuc. 5, 86; PI. Tim. 67; Isocr. 12, 156 : and fat. mid. as pass. Aeo/ifjifda II. 2, 435. 13, 292 : imper. Xf'yeo, Vi- Her. 7, 50 : imp. e'Aeyfro, r- said on, read, Her. i, 124 : 2 aor. sync. TrpooWAfKro said to, addressed, late Musae. 244, unless Od. 12, 34, may be taken in this sense : fut. Ae'o/iai Or. Sib. 3, 432 : aor. e'Ae'(a (Hesych.), 7rpoo--eX'aTo Hes. Op. 499 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 833; Q. Sm. i, 99. 10, 423, Dor. 7roT-fXe|- Theocr. 1, 92, en-- Her. 7, 239 ; Luc. Merc. Cond. 37 ; fm-\(^apfvoi chose, Thuc. 7, 19, and eVt-Xf^a^eW mentioned, Aesch. Supp. 49 (chor.), see aor. pass. Vb. Af/mk Soph. Ph. 633, -to? Xen. An. 5, 6, 6. This verb in the sense ' say, utter,' is said to be post-Homeric; but this meaning suits well II. 2, 222, 'Ayaptpvovi Xy 6vfi8(a, and Od. 23, 308 &c. quoted : icareiXoxf p. act. he said, Schol. II. 14, 221 : p. p. /rmAey/*e'i/of having been said, mentioned, Themist. Or. i, 22 : 2 p. Xe'Xeya, Xe'Aoya (Hesych. Phot.). Aor. ?Xe|a is notably rare in Plato and the Orators. Afyu To lay, number, gather, choose, II. 23, 239 ; late prose, Pseud. D. Chrys. 37, 41, but - Thuc. 4, 59 ; Epic subj. X'yo- P-tv Od. 24, 72 : imp. eXeyov, KO.T- Thuc. 3, 75, Epic oX-Ayoi/ for ora-X- II. 23, 253: fut. X'o> Od. 24, 224: aor. ?Xea laid (to Aeyca. 415 rest) II. 14, 252 ; Xe'oi> 24, 635 ; Dor. pt. Xe|aw gathered, Find. P- 8, 53, usually comp. o-w-eXea Ar. Ran. 1297 : Her. 7, 8, e'- Thuc. 8, 44, /car- Xen. Hell. 3, 4, 15 : p. etXo^a, \- Aeschin. 3, 100, KOTO- Themist. 16, 203, eyKara- Luc. Catapl. ii. Mid. Xeyo/nat generally as act. simple poetic? II. 8 > 57- J 3 2 76 &c. eVt- Her. 6, 86 : fut. Xe'ojH w/// Ay myself to rest, Od. 17, 102. 4, 413, ervX- 2, 292, /cara- 3, 353; Hes. Op. 523, Dor. Xegov/jMi will collect, Callim. L. Pal. 116: aor. fXf^rjv, e'XXe- Anth. App. Epigr. 114, Xe- selected, II. 21, 27; Find. P. 4, 189, '-fXe- Eur. Supp. 341 (Vulg. Kirchh. i ed. -f8dgdnT]v Herm. Dind. Nauck, Kirchh. 2 ed.) ; PI. Rep. 456, air- Her. 8, 101, eV- 8, 22, w- Thuc. 6, 71, e'Xf^- laid myself 'to rest, Od. 4, 305, Xe- II. 14, 350, irap-f\f- 6, 198; Pind. P. 2, 36, but 8t- laid out in thought, pondered, II. 17, 97 (unless rather to be referred to Xe'yw say) ; subj. Xe'^ywu for -o^ai Od. 23, 172. II. 4, 131, Trapa- 14, 237; Xf^aifj.rjv Od. 3, 365, -OITO 24, Io8; -aa-dai II. 2, 125: 2 aor. syncop. cXfyprjv I counted myself to (by some called pass.) Od. 9, 335, 3 sing. Xro counted for himself, 4, 451, but Ay , 5, 487, eXe/cro 19, 50 &c. ; Hes. Sc. 46, KQT- II. 9, 662 ; imper. Xe'o II. 24, 650, and Xe'fo II. 9, 617, Xe^e' Od. 10, 320 (Bekk. Xe> Aristarch. Dind. La R.) ; inf. Xe'x&n, Kara- Od. 15, 394 ; part. -\iyp(vos 22, 196 : p. p. as mid. e-Xey/*eVoy having selected, Isocr. 9, 46; Dem. 20, 131, late 7ri-Xe'Xe|ai >foz;,? f^o^w, Heliod. 10, 7 : aor. see tn**x$* Aesch. Ag. 1498, under Xeyw jaj/. Vb. Xfwo's Soph. O. R. 19, - PI. Rep. 456. eXey/^v and in the sense lay to rest eXea, 41 6 AemtVeo Aenroj. Xe'o/iai, e\edp.riv are Epic, and referred by Buttmann to \ex- as their stem, whence Ae^oy, Xex< &c. We are inclined to think with Heath, Dind. &c. that etX^/tevas not ei'Xey- is the true read- ing, Eur. Tr. 296. The female captives seem to be with stricter propriety called flXriypevai the allotted, as objects of eXa^e in line 277) than etXey/^e'i/ai. Aeiaicb), see Xeaivco. Aeij3a> To pour, Callim. Apol. 37 ; Aesch. Eum. 54 ; Eur. I. A. 650; PI. Rep. 411 ; -fiv Hes. Op. 724 ; Aesch. Supp. 981 ; II. 6, 266, -e/jiev (Bekk.); -u>v II. 18, 32 ; Soph. O. C. 1251; Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 157, liquidated i/3&> Poet. II. 16, n in tmesi : imp. eXei/Soi/ Sapph. 51 ; Anth. 2, 1 (78), err- Od. 3, 341, Xel/3oi> II. 13, 88, flfiov Od. 4, 153, iter. Xei'/SfOTcoi/ Q. Sm. 14, 103 : fut. (Xen/W): aor. eXet^a, inf. Xetyai II. 7, 481 ; Xetyas II. 24, 285 ; Orph. Arg. 319. Mid. \etpofwi as act. -opeva Aesch. Pr. 400 chor. (Mss. Vulg.), /3o/i- (Herm. Dind. now) ; so Soph. Ant. 527 chor. (Tricl. Dind.): aor. eXervJfdpjK Eur. Ale. 1015. Pass. Aci'/So^ai /; Pyth. Aur. Carm. 70 (Mullach) ; in prose rather late, eX^e Pseud.-Callisth. i, 44 (Meusel), e'Xenj/a/xfi/, Trap- Polyb. 12, 15 ; Strab. 6, 3, 10 ; tK-\fya>ntv Dio Cass. 38, 39 (Bekk. -XtW/Liej' L. Dind.), XXei'\^>; Aristot. Pol. i, 13, 12 (Bekk. i ed. -Xtyet 2 ed.) ; Xetyr, drro- Themist. Or. 25 d ; Xet'^as Luc. Paras. 42, Kara- D. Mer. 7, 3; Pseud.-Callisth. i, 41 ; Joseph. Ant. 12, 9, 3 : 2 p. \f\oma II. i, 253; Soph. Tr. 327 ; Eur. I. T. 562; Isocr. 12, 76; Lycurg. 77 ; Dem. 22, 77, e'/c- Aesch. Pers. 128, Kara- Ar. Lys. 736, 071-0- Her. 4, 140, napa- Andoc. i, 70: pip. eXeXoiVet Xen. Cyr. 2, i, 21, e- Thuc. 5, 42, Ion. -oiWe, eV- Her. 3, 25, Dor. XtXownj Theocr. i, 139 (-rr Mein. Ziegl.): p.p. XeXei^at II. 13, 256 ; 417 Ae/TTW. Hes. Op. 284; PL Tim. 61 ; Dinarch. i, 109, i dual -tin Soph. El. 950 (Mss. Herm. Dind. Hart. Wolf); Aesch. Ag. 517; Her. 2, 63 ; Thuc. 3, 67 : pip. eXX7m II. 2, 700, KOT- Her. 7, 88 (Stein, Dind.), v?r- Thuc. 7, 33, XtXelpp.?)* II. 22, 334, XeXeiTrro io, 256; Soph. Ant. 1202; Ap. Rh. 2, 272, Kara- Her. i, 209 (Bekk. Kriig. Dind. Kar-eX- Stein), and f XftTrro I, 45. 824 &C. See Xei)3w, elfin : aor. f\(i(f)dr]v Eur. Hel. 411 ; Her. 8, 44 ; Thuc. 3, n, Xet<- Pind. Ol. 2, 43, Epic 3 pi. e\(idev Hom. H. Merc. 195; Xet$#J7 PL Leg. 920; Opt. -firj Conv. 191 &c. ; inf. -6f)vai Aesch. Pers. 344; Thuc. 6, 72 ; -dels Antiph. 2, /3, 9 : fut. \(i 3, 424 ; \melv II. 12, in ; Soph. Aj. 653 ; Thuc. 4, 126, Epic -etiv Hes. Sc. 332, *aX- Od. 16, 296; \inuv II. 9, 194; Soph. Tr. 47 ; Ar. Fr. 199 (D.) ; Thuc. 3, n ; PL Leg. 930, -ovaa Eur. Hec. 934, Aeol. and Dor. -oTo-a Sapph. 84 ; Theocr. 2, 137 : and 2 aor. pass. fXiinjv late (unless XiW II. 16, 507, be taken as 3 pi. for -T) 3, 160; -eadai 5, 154; Her. 2, 136, E e 4 1 8 Ae/^w AeVft). aTr-(\mn{jLrfv Lys. 2O, 25 (Bekk. B. Saupp. -fX7T- Steph. Scheibe, Westerm.) ; App. Civ. 2,59 : so fut. Xctyopat will remain, be left &c. Hes. Op. 198 ; Her. 7, 8. 48, vno- Od. 17, 276. 19, 44, aVo- Pl. Charm. 176; Xen. An. 5, 4, 20; Anth. 12, 9, but will leave for oneself, wo- Antiph. 3, fi, 9; Isocr. 21, 18: 1 aor. eXe^d^ (sometimes confounded with the mid. aor. of \ei3(, see Eur. Ale. 1015) is very late, ano-\ff^ap.fvos Jos. Genes. Reg. i, p. 3 : late p. p. viro-\f\ftp.fda (Eur.) Epist. 5. Vb. \tinrtov PI. Rep. 400. t \\inov for At- Ap. Rh. 2, 1032. f\iv, irepi- Ar. Plut. 736 : fut. late X'w V. T. 3 Reg. 20, 19. Ps. 71, 9: aor. eXeia Aesch. Eum. 106 ; Callim. Fr. 201 ; Xi'as Ar. Eq. 103; Xai Trag. Fr. (Achae.) 9 (Wagn.); late prose Theophr. Sig. 15: 2 p. part, irreg. XfXx^wr Hes. Th. 826, or rather (the syncop. p. part, of Xix/wio Hes. Sc. 235) XeXix/wucwj, XfXix/*w?, Epic XfXeix/iwj : aor. pass, late Ax&V, fK- Dioscor. 3, 44. This verb does not occur in classic Attic prose. AeXir]fJiai, see XiXa/onat. Aeirrdi'u To make thin &c. Hippocr. 5, 312 ; Aristot. H. A. 8, 10, 4: fut. -iJvS> V. T. Ps. 17 (18), 43: aor. eXeWUi/a Hippocr. 5, 268 (Lit.): p. p. XeXeVTvoTiai 4, 510. 6, 174 (Lit.); Aristot. H. An. 3, 2, 4, irpo- PI. Tim. 66 ; inf. -vj/ II. 21, 455 : aor. II. i, 236, fir- Horn. H. Merc. 109 ; <-Xc'f ff v Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 82 ; nVo-Ae'^as Ar. Av. 673, prose '- Hippocr. i, 420 (K.) : p. p. Xc'Xcppat, OTTO- Epich. 109 (Ahr.) : 2 aor. f\airr) V , (K-Xairrjvai Ar. Fr. 2ii (Dind.) : fut. fK-\anT)(r(Tai. Erotian. p. 148, ed. Franz. Mid. X/n-o/^ai Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 404. AeJo-aw To see, Poet. II. 3, no. 16, 127; Simon. C. 124; Find. P. 4, 145; Aesch. Pr. 145; Soph. O. C. 705; Theocr. 22, 56 : imp. eXfwaov Aesch. Pers. 710; Soph. Tr. 897, Xfi/o-o-- Od. 8, 200, iter. AiWeo-Koi/ Emped. 419 (Stein) : fat. late, Xfvo-w'Anth. 15, 7 ; Maneth. 6, 93 : aor. e\ev -ffoxi-t 3, 352 : Opt. Xevo-etev 6, 620 ; Xevtras Or. Sib. I, 235. Aeu'u 7b j/0#ai Soph. O. C. 435 ; Eur. I. A. 1350, Kara- Xen. An. i, 5, 14 ; \evo-0fis (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 412 (Lit.), Kara- Xen. Hell. 4, 3, 23 : fut. \(ixr6r)(T(Tai Joseph, contra Ap. 2, 27, KOTO- Aeschin. 1, 163. (Ae'xcj), see Xeyw To lay. AT)'. AT)ttw To plunder, act. rare, and only imp. A#o- Thuc. 3, 85 (most Mss. Popp. Bohm. -qifrvro Bekk. Krtig. Classen, -fiC- Dind. Stahl). 4, 41 (Popp. Bekk. Kriig. Bohm. -TIOI> Dind. -r)tovTo Classen, -y- Stahl) : hence pass. \rji(6fji(vos plundered, Luc. Somn. 14 (AflfoV- Bekk. Dind.) : p. p. (XfXijur- pai), Attic Xe'X.T/o-^ai Eur. Hel. 475; XeX^tr/zeVo? not -rjpevos Eur. Med. 256. Tr. 373. Fr. 337 (Dind.): aor. fXrjta-Orjv, Xrj'iadfis Ap. Rh. 4, 400 ; Opp. H. 4, 157. Mid. \rjifrnai as act. Hes. Op. 702; Simon. Am. 6 (Bergk); Her. 4, 112; Xen. Cyr. 3, 2, i. An. 6, 6, 27. Hell. 5, I, i &c. (Vulg. Popp. Kriig. Saupp. Xj?f- Dind. always) ; Xijib>w>s Xen. An. 6, i, i, X.vfof- Anth. (Tull. Sab.) 9, 410; Xen. An. quoted (Dind. Hug), Poet. ACO> Anth. (incert.) 6, 169 : imp. eXrfi&wv Lys. 20, 24 (Vulg. Bekk. B. Saupp. Scheibe, A0f- Cobet), -^ovro Her. 4, 110; Thuc. i, 5, 24 ; Xen. An. 4, 8, 23 (Bekk. Popp. Kriig. Saupp. -?#- L. Dind. Hug); Dem. 23, 148 (Vulg. B. Saupp. -j}f- Dind. and now Bekk.): fut. Xrfvofwi. (o-o-) Od. 23,357; Hes. Op. 322, -iWai Her. 6, 86 (Stobae. Gaisf. -I^TM Bekk. Dind.) : aor. Ajjlo-a^ Her. 3, 47 ; and still Andoc. i, 101, Epic -to-o-- Opp. Hal. I, 31, X^icro-aro II. 18, 28 ; Opp. HaL I, 730, Attic e'XflVaro 62 420 Eur. Tr. 866 ; subj. -t^rat Her. 6, 86 (Bekk. Kriig. Bind.), Epic -iWmu Hes. Op. 322, see fut. ; AVo-o-ao-tfai Her. 6, 86 (Orac.) ; Aj/tVd/iei/o? 4, 145. Vb. Xto-rof 11. 9, 408, XtjiVrd? 406. The act. eXft&v (?X??f-) Thuc. 3, 85, is supported by most of the Mss. and countenanced by the passive use of the pres, Xj;ib/uu (Xiff-) Luc. quoted; and also read by some 4, 41 (Popp. Bekk. Kriig. Bind.). For fut. A^Wu Her. 6, 86 (Vulg. Gaisf.), Bekk. Kriig. and Dind. read subj. -io-ijrat. Some able scholars seem inclined to edit the contr. form Xi/f-, eX/Jf- always in Attic writers. (ATJKCIW, -l(a) To sport, aor. inf. X^o-m Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 352. Pass. \rjKovnfa6a Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 352 ; subj. XTJKO)- fieffa AT. Thesm. 493. AT]K6w To utter, sound &c. Epic (for Xao-ncw) Dor. Xa/cei Theocr. 2, 24 : imp. fXrjKfov, lit- Od. 8, 379. Hesych. has aor. e'XjjK^o-a, ev-. See Xdovcco. Jo be resolute, only -a? Ar. Ran. 494. 70 fo blear-eyed, X^w Luc. Jup. Tr. 10, -as Ar. Nub. 327 ; Luc. Tim. 2 ; ->v Ar. Plut. 581 ; Luc. D. Mort. 9, 2. ATjoredd) 70 plunder, -evav Thuc. 4, 66 ; Dio Cass. Fr. 93, 4 ; Arr. An. i, 3, 6 ; Luc. V. H. (2), 37 ; -fvnv Dem. 4, 23; Plut. Mar. 6 ; Arr. An. 7, 15, 2 : imp. Aijareiw Thuc. 7, 18 (one good Ms. Bekk. Popp. Kriig. Dind. -tvovro mid. Mss. Vulg.) ; Dio. Hal. 3, 45. 9, 60 ; Luc. Alex. 2 : fut. -fvaa> App. Lib. 116 : aor. eXrjo-Tfvaa Dio Cass. 76, 10. Pass. X^O-T (vopai. Thuc. 5, 14; Luc. Jup. Conf. 8: imp. eX^o-rewiro Thuc. 4, 2: aor. \T), II. 23, 879 (Bekk. Dind. La Roche) be correct. Pass. X(ab/i Zb suffer from stone, and XiOo |>ope'a> rarry stones, seem confined to the pres. Xt&a Aristot. Probl. 10, 43 ; -tav Athen. (Machon) 578 : -tS>v Plut. Mor. 403; and PL Leg. 916 (Vulg. Bekk. Stallb. but X^dw B. O. W.) ; -Qopeu, Thuc. 6, 98. AiKjAdw To separate, winnow, rare and defective, -/xa Xen. Oec. 18, 7; -pav 18, 8; -S>v II. 5, 500; Xen. Oec. 18, 2, 6; Luc. i A/, Epic, II. 13, 253. Od. 15, 308, -eat 11. 14, 331, -Tai Od. 20, 27 ; imper. XtXaieo 22, 349 : imp. eXt- \at6fj.r]v Hes. Th. 665; Orph. Arg. 413, XiXai- II. 20, 76: p. (XiXe'a), XfXt'Xr7/iai), XeXiq/iat, -?(rat TheOCr. 25, 196; -rmevos II. 12, 106; Emped. 304; Ap. Rh. i, 1164; Mosch. 4, no; Orph. Arg. 640 : pip. XeXtVo Ap. Rh. 3, 1158; Orph. Arg. 1267. To leave, only pres. and imp. (act. late in simple) a-i Thuc. 8, 17 ; airo-\tfnrdvois Luc. Gall. 1 8 ; imper. Hippocr. 2, 516 (Lit.); Kara-A(/J7rdi/6ti (PI.) Epist. 358: imp. f\ifjLirave Arat. Phaen. 128 (Bekk.), -aver* Jo. Chrys. in Matth. p. 387, f-f\ifj.navov Eur. Elec. 909. Med. 800, KOT- Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 18. Pass. Xi/wmi/erai Hippocr. 7, 602 (Lit.); aTro-\inTravnp.tvoi Plut. Them. IO. AZjjwSaaeo To hunger, Anth. 6, 307, -TTW Babr. 45 ; Plut. Mor. 321 ; Alciphr. i, 21 ; Luc. Luct. 9 ; Strab. 15, 2, 5 : imp. fXifMwrre App. Mithr. 76 : fut. mid. \ip.a>gfTai Niceph. Rhet. 2, 3 : aor. fXlfjLcoga Paroem. Apost. C. 10, 53 ; Niceph. Rhet. 2, 3. This verb is rarely used by early writers, and has therefore been slightly noticed in lexicons. Anrcufu To make fat, Athen. (Aspas.) 219 ; Eur. Hec. 454. Bac. 575 (chor.), eVi- Pind. Fr. 182 (Schneidw.) : aor. eXindva Com. Fr. (Axion.) 3, 532, and -171/0 Opp. Hal. 4, 357 : p. XeXt- 7rao>ia< Dion. Hal. Ant. Fr. 20, i ; Servill. Damocr. Incert. 83 ; Schol. Od. 19, 72: aor. Xin-ai/^i/ai, CK- Plut. Mar. 21. Mid. 1 aor. ~\lin]vdfjifvos Anth. Plan. 4, 273. Pass, \inaiv6fifvos Anth. 12, 192. AITTTW To long, be eager for, Poet. -1770-1 Nic. Ther. 126 ; -TO>V Ap. Rh. 4, 813; Lycophr. 131 : imp. eXwn-e Hesych. : p. part, pass. XeXt/i/neVof as act. pax*]* Aesch. Sept. 380. AUTO-OUCH To supplicate, usu. Poet. II. i, 174 ; Hipponax 64 ; Pind. Ol. 12, i ; Aesch. Supp. 748; Soph. El. 428 ; Eur. Hipp. 312; Ar. Pax 382, Epic 2 sing, -o-o-eot Od. 4, 347> ^ ess ^ rec l- X^at Horn. H. 16, 5. 19, 48 ; Ar. Thesm. 313 (chor.); Anth. Pal. 5, 165 ; Orph. H. 41, 9. 82, 6 ; Opp. Cyn. 2, 367 ; -o-o-co/ia* II. 22, 418 ; Soph. O. C. 1560 (D.), -ipu Od. 12, 53; -ao-oiro 6, 142; XiWfo II. 24, 467, -CT only pres. Eur. Elec. 1215; and Xirui/euco in poetry and prose, reg. but extend- ing only to the aor. AixfAciw, see foil. AixjJidu To lick, mostly Poet, -S>cra Eur. Bac. 698 ; Opp. Cyn. 3, 1 68, Epic \ixnTfs Q. Sm. 5, 40. 6, 200 (Koechly), and Xtxjiaw Opp. Hal. 2, 172. 4, 115 ; Nic. Ther. 229 : imp. Xt'x/uafov Hes. Sc. 235, iter. Xx/iaeo-Ke Mosch. 2, 94, eXixfut, air- D. Hal. Ant. i, 79: aor. \ixM Nonn. 23, 294 : aor. (eXdeo-o-a), opt. XofWai Callim. Jov. 17 ; XoeWas II. 23, 282 ; inf. XoWai Od. 19, 320. Mid. to bathe oneself, bathe, fut. XoeWo/zat Od. 6, 221 ; Anth. 9, 618 : aor. XoeWaro Od. 6, 227; Ap. Rh. 3, 1203, eXocWw Callim. Cer. 17, Xo-(Mein.); Xoeao-d/wof II. 10, 577. Od. 8,427; Hes. Op. 522. See Xda>. AoiSope'u Jb rail at, Aesch. Eum. 206 ; Her. 3, 145 ; Thuc. 3, 62 ; Lys. 9, 18 ; Aeschin. 2, 78 : imp. eXoiSdpow Lys. 8, 5 ; PI. Rep. 551 : fut. -ij<7/ini to rail at each other, or as act. Ar. Ran. 857 ; Her. 4, 184 ; Xen. Conv. 6, 8. 9 ; Dem. 21, 200 : imp. e'XoiS- Antiph. 2, a, 4 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 9 : fut. XotSopijao/wu Ar. Eq. 1400; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 9 ; Aeschin. 3, 207; Dem. 21, 138: aor. eXotSopijord^i/ Alciphr. 3, 62; App. Lib. 131 (B.); subj. earlier XoiSopjjcrjjrat Isae. 6, 59; Ael. Epist. 1 6 ; -rja-aadai Isocr. 7, 49 ; Charit. i, 4, 12 ; -jjo-d/iei/ot Luc. Somn. 4; Dio Cass. Fr. 104, 4 (B.): and as mid. aor. pass. fXoiSoprjGrjv Dem. 21, 132; XotSop^^wo-t Dem. 9, 54; -ij&iV aurolf having railed at them, Dem. 54, 5, 8ta- 21, 86. The Tragedians used neither mid. nor pass. Vb. XotSop^rt'oy Max. Tyr. 3, 3. Aoueu To bathe, Epic as Xoew, only imp. eXovcov, Horn. H. Cer. 289. Aouu To bathe, pres. very rare, Xov Bion i, 84 ; Her. 6, 52 ; \ovftv Hippocr. 7, 34; PI. Phaed. 115: imp. IXove Luc. Necy. 7 (Vulg. Bekk. ?Xou Dind.), '!- Babr. 72, 8: fut. Xo-a> Callim. Del. 95, Dor. \ov Theocr. 5, 146: aor. eXovo-a Anacr. 48; Soph. Ant. 901 ; Eur. Tr. 1152 ; Ar. Lys. 19, XoCo-- II. 16, 679. Od. 10, 364; Simon. C. 106; opt. Xovo-fi' Aesch. Sept. 739, in tmesi II. 18, 345 ; subj. Xovo-a Eur. Hec. 613, in tmesi II. 14, 7; XoCo-ov II. 16, 669 ; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 83; \ova-ai II. 24, 582 ; Xovo-as Od. 5, 264; Com. Fr. (Magn.) 2, 10; Her. 2, 86; Luc. Luct. 1 1 : p. p. X?Xoi>/*ai, -W II. 5, 6, or as mid. X/Xovrot Ar. Pax 868; -ov/W Av. 1 40 ; Her. I, 126; PL Conv. 174. Phaed. 1 16, late -overeat Cyrill. Hieros. Cat. 3, 2, 35 ; V. T. Cant. 5, 12 (Vat. -ovfiai Alex.): aor. Xovrai Dind.) ; subj. -w/zai Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 675; II. 6, 508 ; Hippocr. 5, 244 ; Lys. i, 9 (Bekk. B. S. Scheibe, Westerm. -owdai Cobet, so Od. 6, 216; Her. 3, 124; PI. Leg. 942); Xovd/iej/o? Her. 3, 23 (Mss. Bekk. Kriig. Dietsch &c. Xov/x- Dind.); Xen. Mem. 3, 13, 3 (Vulg. Saupp. i ed. Kiihner, XOV/LI- Dind. Saupp. 2 ed.). Hell. 7, 2, 22 (Vulg. Breitb. Saupp. \ovfM- Dind.) : imp. eXoveTo Athen. (Ptol. Everg.) 10, 52, e'XoiWo Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 4 ; so Her. 3, 125 : fut. Xovo-o/iai Ar. Nub. 837 ; PI. Phaed. 116, an-o- Od. 6, 219 : aor. eXovo-a/i^ Ar. Plut. 85; Eur. Ale. 160; Hippocr. 5, 248; PI. Phaed. 116, Xono-- II. 10, 576 ; subj. -ffTjo-de Com. Fr. (Anax.) 3, 197, -o-avrai Her. i, 198 ; opt. -o-aiT-o Od. 24, 254 ; -ffaa-df 23, 131 ; -0-dp.evot Simon. C. 143 ; Ar. Plut. 615; Her. 5, 20; Xen. Conv. i, 7; -o-acr&u II. 23, 41. Od 8, 449 ; Her. 5, 20 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 7, 4 : p. p. as mid. Xe'Xov fj.au aor. eXovdrjv see above. Vb. a-Xovros Her. 2, 64; Eur. Elec. 1107, XOVT'OI> Geop. 16, 19, -ore'oi/ Galen 10, 554. See Xo. On these forms Mss. and editors differ. Lud. Dind. and Cobet in Xen., and W. Dind. in Her. and Luc., edit now invariably the short forms eXov, XoOrat, Xovpeda, \ova-6ai, Xou/zevos, for eXovf, Xouereu, \ov6fj.(6a, Xouecr^at, \ov6p.fvo$. How far this is right, we think rather a nice question. From analogy we should think it likely that there would be a severe and a less severe Atticism, a glib and a grave. To say that \ov/j.fvos &c. is in all cases right, and Xovopevos &c. wrong, because in a parti- cular instance one or even all the Mss. preserve it, is vicious reasoning. It assumes undeviating uniformity, and keeps out of view that a nicer form may in some cases be owing entirely to a nicer copyist. See Xdw. Aoxdw To lie in ambush, waylay, Soph. Ant. 1075; Eur. El. 225 ; Plut. Ant. 46 ; Polyb. 3, 40; Luc. Herod. 5 ; Sext. Emp. 231, 19, Epic 3 pi. -owo-t Od. 13, 425, but Xo^wo-i 14, 181 ; -otovres 4, 847: imp. e'Xo'xa Joseph. Ant. 14, 15, 8 : fut. -jjo-w Luc. D. Mar. 6, 2 ; Joseph. Ant. 14, 15, 3 : and in Horn. mid. -jjo-o/nat as act. Od. 4, 670, see mid. : aor. e'Xd^o-a Her. 5, 121. 6, 138 ; Ap. Rh. i, 1252 ; Xo^o-ar Od. 22, 53 ; Eur. Ale. 846; Her. 6, 87 ; Thuc. i, 65. 3, 94 ; often late Paus. i, 6, 5. 4, 16, 5; Luc. D. Mar. 14, i ; Xo^ijtrat II. 18, 520. Mid. as act. fat. Xo^cro/itat Od. 4, 670 : aor. eXo^aa/^ Ap. Rh. 2, 967 ; -Tja-dfjitvos Od. 13, 268; Anth. 7, 7 J 7 : P- XeXo^/xevot having placed themselves in ambush, Ap. Rh. 3, 7. iC8, -r)p.evos Epist. Phal. 122 (Herch.). The act. is frequent in late, rare in early A o'ft> A VTre'o). 425 Attic prose. Indeed, we think Thuc. quoted the only instance. The mid. is Epic. No part seems to be used passively. Aou To bathe, act. Poet. Xoei Schol. in Athen. 695 ; inf. Xow Hippocr. in Galen : imp. Xo'e Od. 10, 361 (eXov Luc. Necy. 7, Dind.), aTT-e'Xou Ar. Vesp. 118, eXo/*> Plut. 657, \6ov Horn. H. I, 1 2O. Mid. Xoo/Liai, Xoet, Kara- Ar. Nub. 838, Xovrai Xen. Cyr. i, 3, ii (Vulg. Popp. Dind. v. r. Xouer-), XotWat Her. i, 198; Xoccrdai Hes. Op. 749, \ovo-6at Od. 6, 216; Her. 3, 124; Hip- pocr. 7, 74 (Lit.) ; PI. Leg. 942 ; (Dem.) 50, 35 (Bekk. Dind.) ; Xou/xei/fts Ar. Plut. 658; Xen. Hell. 7, 2, 22. Mem. 3, 13, 3 (Dind. \ov6fji- Vulg. Breitb. Kuhner) : imp. fXovpjv Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 178, e'XoOro Her. 3, 125, e'XoiWo Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 4 (Popp. Dind. Saupp. v. r. -OUOJTO), Dor. Xo>i/ro Callim. Min. 72, and XOKJI/TO 73. See Xow. Auyi^u .70 &, io>, Dor. -to> Theocr. i, 97 (Vulg. Mein. Ziegl.) : aor. -itm Ar. Vesp. 1487: p.p. XeXvyio-^W Hippocr. 4, 348 (Lit.); Anth. n, 20: aor. fXvyiadrjv Epist. Phal. 147 (Kerch.), Dor. -ix&yv Theocr. i, 98. 23, 54. Rare in Attic poet. Ar. quoted, and pass, -ferai Soph. Tr. 779 ; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 566 ; and in good Attic prose only -i6p.(vos PI. Rep. 405. AujAcukcj To abuse, maltreat, in act. rare and late, aor. subj. \vndvj} Herm. Past. 4, 2 ; inf. \vfiavai 4, i ; \vfj.f)vavra Liban. 4, 350. Usu. Xvfiaivofjicu, as act. Soph. O. C. 855; Ar. Av. 100; Her. 6, 12; Thuc. 5, 103; Isocr. 8, 46, OTTO- II. i, 313, but pass. Antiph. 5, 63; Lys. 28, 14: imp. t\vftaiv- Hippocr. I, 624 (Lit.); Lys. 13, 64; Isocr. 8, 99, an- II. i, 314: ftit. \vpavovnai Xen. Cyr. 6, 3, 24 ; Isocr. n, 49 ; Dem. 24, i ; Com. Fr. (Mach.) 4, 496, but pass, late shall be marred, Galen 5, 830 : aor. mid. fXv^vdfjujv Eur. Hel. 1099 ; Her. 8, 28 ; Hip- pocr. 4, 116; Isocr. i, 6; Isae. 6, 18 ; Dem. 55, 11: p.p. \f\i>Haa/jLai act., 3 sing. \e\vfiavTai Dem. 9, 36. 21, 173; -acrfj-tvos Xen. Hell. 7, 5, 18; Dinarch. i, 29; Dem. 19, 105 (Bekk.), and pass, \e\vfjidv6ai Dem. 20, 142 ; -paa-fitvos Paus. 7, 5> 2 - IO > 15, 3 ; (Dem.?) Proem, p. 1429, Suz- Her. 9, 112 : pip. f'XfXu- fjiavro pass. Dio Cass. 39, n : aor. f\vpdv0T]v pass. Aesch. Ch. 290, fit- Eur. Hipp. 1350; (Dem.) Epist. i, 1466: 3 fut. as act. XfXu/xaoTteW eerotro Xen. Hell. 7, 5, 1 8 : pres. Xvv*atW0e Lys. 28, 14; -vopfvos Antiph. 5, 63. Vb. fiopiXu/zajroj Aesch. Fr. 128. Auireu To vex, Soph. El. 355; Hippocr. 7, 384; Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 16; XWTT/S Hes. Op. 401; \vn(wv Her. 8, 144, Xiwwi/ Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 50, -eicra Her. 7, 190, -TTOW> Thuc. 2, 61 ; -nd* 426 AUOJ. i, 71 &c. : imp. fXvnow Thuc. 7, 87 ; Lys. 12, 56, -nte Her. 9, 61, -jrti PI. Euthyd. 297 : fut. -170-0) Soph. Aj. 1139; Isocr. 4, 185: p. XeXumjKa Dem. 24, 175, act. reg. Pass. XuTrov^m //i0a Soph. Aj. 1086; Ion. opt. -oiaro Her. i, 99; -ovpevos Soph. El. 1170; Ar. Plut. 1010 : imp. e\vn- Thuc. 2, 65 : p. XeXwr^cu Eur. Ion 1311; PluL Aem. P. 10 : aor. (Xvnfidrjv Soph. O. C. 816; Isocr. i, 47 ; Dem. 37, 10 ; -rj6rjs Aesch. Fr. 321 ; PI. Phil. 52: fut. XVTH;- 0ijero/H Aristot. Eth. Eud. 3, 5, 7 ; Luc. D. Mer. 8, 2 ; Dio Cass. 36, 47 (B.) ; Diog. Laert. 7, 118, X- Her. 6, 39: Attic, fut. mid. Xt>7njo-o/u as pass. Eur. Med. 474; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 234 ; Chilo in Diog. Laert. i, 69 ; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 4, 2, 25 ; Luc. Nigr. 9, s Thuc. 1,67, Kara- Athen. (Mach.) 13, 44; \f\vKtpai Thuc. 7, 18: p.p. Xe'Xv/xat II. 2, 135; Aesch. Pers. 592 ; Ar. Eccl. 377 ; Her. 4, 140; Thuc. i, 87 ; Xen. Cyr. i, i, 4, as mid. see below ; Epic opt. XeXiWo (-vo Od. 18, 238 (Bekk. Dind. -0 Wolf, La R.) : pip. Antiph. 5, 13, -t'Xvro Eur. Bacc. 697; Hippocr. 5, 222, -t Od. 22, 186 : aor. tXvdrjv Aesch. Pers. 594 ; Eur. Hel. 860 ; Her. 2, 135; Thuc. 2, 103; PI. Lach. 191, \v6rj II. 8, 315, \v6fv for -T]o-av, II. 1 6, 805 ; Emped. 53 ; \\>Qa> Ar. Thesm. 1205. 1207; PI. Tim. 38; \v6iiijv Rep. 515, -f'^a-av Xen. An. 3, 4, 35 &c. : fut. \v6r)ffopat Isocr. 12, 116 ; PI. Tim. 41 ; Dem. 20, 58. 24, 73, dno- Hippocr. 8, 484, Kara- Thuc. 3, 115; PI. Leg. 714 ; Dem. 38, 22 : 3 fut. XeXvo-o/zai Dem. 14, 2, dno- Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 37 : 2 aor. mid. as pass. (Xv^v II. 21, 80 (Bekk. 2 ed.), Xuro 21, 114; Opp. Hal. 2, 71, but Xo by ictus II. 24, i (Wolf, Ahr. &c. XCro Bekk. Spitzn. Dind.), XiWo 7, 16, WTT- \VVTO 1 6, 341 (syncop. from eXiJo/i^i/ ?). Mid. Xvo/xat loose for oneself, ransom, Xv/w#a II. 23, 7 ; Xvoptvos PI. Tim. 22 ; - Soph. Tr. 21, Kara- Andoc. 3, 17, &a- Isocr. 15, 16 ; -Xw Aw A&>/3ao/zcu. 427 Thuc. i, 145 : imp. X^f/up* Od. 9, 463, AiWo II. 17, 318 : fut. Aeo-o/*at II. 10, 378, Kara- Her. 9, ii, dva- H. Hym. 3, 258; Dem. 14, 34; Avo-on-o, ava- Xen. Hell. 7, 5, 18 ; Auo-d/iffo? II. i, 13; Antiph. 5, 20; -o-co-ftu Lys. 19, 25. 26, 24 (B. S. Scheibe), see below: aor. e'Avo-n/wjv II. 14,214; Find. I. 8, 52; Aesch. Supp. 1066; Com. Fr. (Ant.) 3, 156; Her. 8, 120; Antiph. 5, 63; Lys. 19, 59; Isae. 5, 44; -ifi>a Opp. Cyn. 3, 128. AtAvro perf. opt. for \e\voiro, Od. 18, 238 (Wolf, &c.), Ae'Auro (Buttm.), -Giro (Bekk. Dind.). The fut. mid. Avo-o/xai, Kara- Xen. Cyr. i, 6, 9 (Vulg. Bieitb.) seems pass, or rather reflexive will break down (but act. break off, Dio. Hal. 3, 60), see 8ia- Thuc. 2, 12, rt- Lys. 25, 33, Kara- intrans. Her. 9, n ; so aor. Kai-tAvo-d/ietfa dissolve, Aristid. 29, 370 (D.); Christ. Pat. 505; -vaptvos in- trans. Her. 9, n; but trans, -adutvot ras fx&pav 7, 146; and KaraXva-aifjuiv Eur. Med. 146, is not necessarily pass. : remove the comma usually placed after it, and its activity will be more apparent. In pres. and imp. w in Homer, v in Attic : in fut. and aor. act. and mid. v always, in perf. and pip. act. and pass. and aor. pass. v. The unique instance of v in p. pass. Ae- Av/xeVos in Posidipp. Athen. 377, has, by a simple and happy emendation, been altered by Meineke to KAfAey/W Com. Fr. 4, 523. Late, however, occur AeAO>e'i/i/ Theod. Prodr. 3, 503, i?ic-AeAu>- 4, 231. 5, 213 ; and Aweo (v. r. Aveo) if sound Opp. C. 2, 368, should be imper. p.p. for AeA^o-eo. Aw Dor. for &'Aa>, see Ada. AwjSdofxai To abuse, insult, Simon. Am. 7, 109 ; -arai Soph. Tr. 1031 ; Her. 3, 154; PI. Crito 47, Dor. -Jjrat Herodas 3 (Bergk), Ion. -eo/xat Hippocr. 4, 158 (Lit.) : imp. e'Awaro Ar. Eq. 1408; Themist. 21, 255, Dor. -J} Sophr. 66: fut. Aw/Sjjtro^at PI. Crito 47, Dor. Aa/3aWo-& Theocr. 5, 109 (Ahr. Fritz.) : aor. eXvprjo-awv Lys. 26, 9; D. Hal. 15, 2 ; Theocr. 16, 89, Aw^o-- II. 13, 623; subj. -jjo-i? Pseud.-Phocyl. 38, -ijo-Tjo-tfe in some edit. Theocr. 5, 109 (Wordsw. Mein.), see fut. ; opt. -rjcrato II. i, 232. 2, 242; -jjo-d/tej/os Her. 3, 154. 156; -iyiaaQat. Alciphr. 3, 45; Dio. Hal. Ant. 7, 9: p. AeAw/3 W at pass. Her. 3, 155 ; PI. Rep. 495 : pip- AfAtijS/jro Arr. An. 6, 29, 10 (Kriig.) : aor. Aw^jfyv pass. PL Gorg. 473, an- Soph. Aj. 217, - Ph. 330. The act. form is late, fut. Ao^tm Or. Sib. 9, 71 : aor. Aw/Sijo-ov Pseud.- 428 Maf)w Ma/iw. Phocyl. 38 (Vulg. -170-17 mid. Mss. Bergk) ; KaT-eAw/Sr/o-av Polyb. r 5> 33- Vb - ^a^Tjros II. 24, 531 ; Soph. Ph. 607, Dor. -ai-d? (chor.). Xw/Seuw mock, Epic and only pres. Od. 23, 15. 26. M. (Md0o) see pavddvoa. MaiEuu To act as midwife, deliverer, act. very late. Pass, only aor. ffjiaifvdT) Philostr. Ap. 4, 174; ^aifvdfvra PI. Theaet. 150. Usu. mid. /xaifvo/xai PL Theaet. 149. 157; Luc. D. Deor. 26, 2 ; -fveaGai PL Theaet. 150; -ofifvos : fat. -cva-opai Ar. Lys. 695; Dio Chrys. vol. 2, p. 344 (D.) : aor. fiaifixravro Callim. Jov. 35 (Bl. /xatwo- Mein.); -fvo-aaOai Philostr. Ap. i, 5; Galen 5, 221. The later form (paiou) seems to follow much the same tract, aor. pass. [uua>6riv Nonn. 2, 498 ; -adels Apollod. i, 4, 2 : fut. HauaOfjaovrai V. T. Job 26, 5. Mid. pcuovfuu Plut. Mor. 999 : imp. IfMiovro Luc. D. Deor. 16, 2 : fut. -ua-ofuu Luc. D. Deor. 8 : aor. enaiaxrdfjiTjv Themist. 4, 59 ; Nonn. 5, 60, /uai- 8, 186 ; Anth. (Leon. Tar.) 9, 80; Coluth. 180; and Callim. Jov. 35 quoted (Meineke). Maifidoj To desire eagerly, rage, Poet, pcupa Aesch. Supp. 895 (chor.), pcupSHTi II. 13, 78, Epic -a>a> f To make soft, effeminate, act. rare and late. Mid. /zoAaKi'fo/iat to become effeminate, Dem. 9, 35 ; Aristot. H. A. 8, 26 ; -i&Tai. Thuc. 6, 29; Xen. Cyr. 2, 3, 3 ; -t'foiro 3, 3, 41 ; -o'/xei/os An. 5, 8, 14; -rdcu Thuc. 3, 37: aor. mid. ffia^anicraro Xen. Apol. 33; -0-dfi.fvos Cyr. 4, 2, 21 : oftener in same sense aor. pass. fp.a\aKia-dr)v Thuc. 2, 42; Luc. Tyrannic. 14; subj. -to-^rc Thuc. 5, 9; -fymt 2,43. 5,72. 7,68; -r<9'j 3,40. 7,77; PI. Soph. 267; Dem. 24, 175 : fut. fiaAa/aopca>, see fj.rj\o(f>-. Mwedcu To learn (^dio), Soph. Tr. 472; Ar. Ran. 65; Her. i, 39 ; Thuc. 6, 39; -ave Aesch. Fr. 92 ; -avutv Pind. P. 3, 80; Aesch. Ag. 615: imp. epavOavov Soph. Ant. 532; Ar. Eq. 1238; Her. 7, 208; PI. Menex. 236: fut. (/ua^o-w, -ijo--f late if correct, Galen i, 105. 13, 450): mid. classic /ia^o-o/wu Theogn. 35; Aesch. Pr. 926; Soph. O. C. 1527; Ar. Nub. 130; Her. 9, ii ; Lys. 13, 4; Isae. n, 15 ; PI. Phil. 53, Dor. nadtvp-ai Theocr. 1 1, 60 (Vulg. Ziegl. pe^d- Mein. Fritz. /x5 Her. i, 10 (Bekk. Dind. Dietsch, -tlv Abicht, Stein); p.a6vv Eur. Ale. 754 ; Thuc. i, 42, -oOo-a Soph. Aj. 294, Dor. -oiaa Theocr. 2, 162. Pass, in classic authors only pres. navQavopai and rare, -w?rai PI. Tim. 87; -ofjifva Meno 88 : p. late /*e/*a%iei/at as act. or as we say collo- quially having been learned, Aesop F. 23, p. 92 (Schaef. 421 Tauchn.) the only instance we have seen. Vb. nadrjTos PL Prot. 319, -tov Leg. 818, Kara- Hippocr. i, 606 (Erm.). Ahrens edits juaaeC/wu Theocr. u, 60, Dor. for /^ijo-o/xat from (/*>?0) root of fiavQavto ; Meineke the redupl. p.ffna6fvp.ai, and (p.d6oip.ai) ^a6^ Mosch. i, 6. Mai>Teuw To prophesy, late in act. Arr. Ind. u, 5 ; Himer. Or. 23, 23 ; Xen. Eph. 5, 4 (-vrai Herch.), 71730- Plut. Cat. maj. 23 : aor. (fj.dvTcva-a Himer. Or. 14, 34. Mid. classic pavrfvopai as act. II. 2, 300; Aesch. Eum. 33; Soph. Aj. 746; Her. 4, 67. 8, 134; Thuc. 5, 18 ; PL Leg. 694: imp. /xai/r- Her. 8, 36; PL Rep. 431, ftavr- Od. 15, 255: fat. -tvo-opai Od. 17, 154; Find. Ol. 6, 38; Aesch. Sept. 406; Eur. Ion 365; Hippocr. 9, 8; Her. i, 65 (Orac.); Luc. Alex. 19 ; -oo^fvos Her. i, 46 : aor. (pavTfwdiJLijv Aeschin. 3, 107 ; PL Apol. 21, npo- Eur. Fr. 485 ; Her. 3, 125, pavrtv- Pind. Ol. 7, 31 : p. penavrfvp. act. Find. P. 4, 163 ; PL Phil. 67, but nfpavrtvutva pass. Her. 5, 45 ; and late Paus. 7, 21, i; Heliod. Aeth. 7, i : aor. e'/xaireil^i/ pass. Her. 5, 114; Heliod. 7, i. Vb. navTfvreov Eur. Ion 373; PL Phil. 64. Maire'civ, see /inpTrrca. Mapaiyw To make wither, Aesch. Pr. 597 ; Soph. Aj. 714; PI. Rep. 609 : fut. napat>> Anth. (App. Epigr.) 149 : aor. epdpava Horn. H. Merc. 140 ; Soph. O. R. 1328 ; Isocr. i, 6 : and mid. as act. (fj.aprivdfiT}v Anth. P. p. 967 (Jacobs) : p. p. p.(ndpanp.cu Plut. Pomp. 31, and /u/xdpaoyzat Luc. Anach. 25; Ael. H. A. i, 1 8 : pip. fjiffidpavro Q. Sm. 9, 371: aor. fp.apdv6r]v H. 9, 212; Bion i, 76 ; Plut. Nic. 13 ; Paus. 2, 34, 2 : fut. fiapavdrja-ofuu Galen 7, 691 ; N. T. Jac. i, n : pres. -aiWai Aesch. Eum. 280; Luc. de Dom. 9 ; -aivtv Aesch. Sept. 380; Soph. Fr. 722; Callim. Fr. 456, -wo-a Eur. 431 Hec. 1128, Ion. -eW, KOTO- Her. 8, 125: and papyoopai pass. -ovjjLfvos Find. N. 9, 19: p. fifp.apyup.ivos Aesch. Supp. 758. Mid, aor. fp.apyfivavro Hesych. Mapfiaipu To flash, gleam, Poet, and late prose, Alcae. 15, i (Bergk) ; Eur. Fr. 231 (D.); Plut. Caes. 6 ; Alciphr. 3, 67, Dor. 3 pi. -pom Bacchyl. 27, 8 (B.) ; subj. -palpy Orph. Fr. 7, 22; Horn, and Hes. only part, -palpuv II. 13, 22. 80 r. 23, 27 &c not in Od., -outra Hes. Th. 699 ; so Trag. Aesch. Sept. 401, -p.ai Hes. Sc. no; opt. -ai^v Od. n, 513 (Bekk.) ; imper. p.dpvdo II. 15, 475, -daQa> Pind. I. 5, 54; papvafievos II. 3, 307 ; Tyrt. 12, 33 ; Pind. P. 8, 43 ; Eur. Phoen. 1574 (chor.) ; p.dpva Eur. Ale. 847, -^fl II. 21, 564; Ar. Eq. 197 (hexam.), - Schneid. and now Meineke, Vulg. Wordsw.) act. or mid. intrans. according to the ft) Ma^o/ucu. 433 reading, not pass. : and as mid. p. p. ^/^(crat, c- Dio. Hal. in Dem. 13; Luc. Indoct. 21. Often comp. a7ro--. We have observed the mid. neither in Tragedy nor classic Attic prose. See fjuitofj.ai. To scourge, Epic and only part. fuurrt6v, see foil. MaorTtyou To lash, Ar. Thesm. 1125; -yoirjv Aeschin. 2, 157 (Mss. B. Saupp. Franke, -?ot/ Bekk.); -yovv Her. 3, 16; Isocr. J 7> I 5> -tyw" Epich. 19, 12 (Ahr.): imp. (fuumyovv Aeschin, 1, 59 ^"fut. -wo-o) Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 13 : aor. -ywo-ona Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 9; -wo-as Her. 3, 154: aor. p. -&tV Her. 3, 16 ; PL Leg. 854; Lys. i, 1 8 : reg. except fat. mid. /iaoriywo-o/uai pass. PI. Rep. 361 ; Philostr. Ap. 193 : late fut. pass, -tya^o-o/iat V. T. Ps. 72, 5. Hesych. has aor. mid. tK-fiavrfrai, See c/c-8/^rat. Vb. fj.aTeos Ar. Ran. 633. In contract, verbs, the Attic Comic and prose authors seem to have used the opt. i pers. -otrjv &c. in preference to -oifu. Maorico To lash, pres. late, not ' obsolete,' Nonn. 2, 645 ; Dor. opt. -ivdoiev Theocr. 7, 108; -ifaj> Nic. Ther. 476 ; Musae. 297; -i&iv Aretae. C. Morb. Ac. i, 90 (ed. Oxon.); N. T. Act. 22, 25 : imp. (pd(m{ov Plut. Alex. 42 : fut. paariga Nonn. 2, 274 : classic aor. p.a Anth. App. Epigr. 121 ; opt. -euv Luc. Tim. 23 ; fui/u- 7, i, 14 (Popp. Dind. Saupp.) ; -o-ao-tfat II. 3, 20; Theogn. 687 ; Her. i, 82, Epic IJMXW- H- 2 > 377- Od. 2, 245; -ijo-ai/w^v II. 13, 118 (Wolf, Bekk. Dind. /in^eoro-- Spitzn. &c.); -r^a-d^tvos II. 3, 393 > -faatrdM 5, 483. Od. 2, 245 ; late prose -jjo-a/i- Paus. i, 27, i (Vulg. -ear- Schub.), ava- Diod. Sic. 19, 93 (-euu, o-v/x- Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 14 Vulg. Zeune, Schneid. is disallowed by Buttmann and Matthiae, and now edited a-v^axea-aufvcov Popp. Born. Dind. Saupp.) : pip. ep.ffmxr)ro Philostr. Ap. 62 : aor. late, fia^eo-fl^at Paus. 5, 4, 9 ; -eadeis Plut. Mor. 970 : fut. late, -eo-^o-o/xat Schol. Aesch. Sept. 672. Vb. naxiros Od. 12, 119, d-/nax er0f Aesch. Sept. 85, fiax*Tfov PI. Soph. 249, -qreov V. r., 8ia-futx r ) T - 2 4I- paxtoiififvos, -eiofievos pres. part. Epic, Od. 24, 113. 17, 471, not in II. naxfoivro II. i, 344, cKXfXd$oii/ro Od. 22, 444, are, we think, the only instances in Horn, of 3 pi. opt. not being in the Ionic form -QUITO (yiyvoiaro, ytvolaro, jSicoaro &C.) ; Bekk. Dind. La R. retain it, Hoffm. Koechly, Ameis edit. oiW, Thiersch suggested fut. -fovrai, Porson subj. -ewvrai. In Horn. Wolf, Bekker, and Dindorf prefer, with Aristarchus, the fut. and aor. forms -Tjo-o/iwu, -rjadfajv, to -eVo-o/aat, -f^ffd^v ; and fiajppntlfttO* Theocr. 19 (22), 74 (Mss. Ziegl.) has preferable support to pax*- (Vulg. Fritzs. Paley), for which fut. Dor. t*axw f vf JLfa '& (Mein. 3 ed.). In Herodotus, Bekk. Kriig. Bred, and Dind. read, or approve pdxopai, -optvos 7, 104. 225. 239. 9, 67. 75, Gaisford -f o/nei/oj : fut. -eo-o/xai 4, 125. 127. 7, 102. 209. 8, 26. 9,48 &c. (Bekk. Kriig. &c.) : aor. -eo-d/i^i/ i, 18. 95. 7, 103, eV- 9, 7 (2) &c. (Bekk. Kriig. Bred. Dind.), -eVo/uat and -rjo-nfjuu, -tadp.r)v and -rja-dftTiv (Schxveigh. Gaisf. &c.), -ijo-o/xat, -fa-d^v Stein now always). Horn, never augments the aorist of this verb ; and the Tragedians seem to have pres. and fut. only : subj. aor. we have not seen except Sto/ia^co-w/ie^a Stein's reading Her. 9, 48, and ava- Dio Cass. quoted. Maw 435 (Mdw, (i^w) To desire eagerly, Poet, and in act. only 2 p. as pres. (pefiaa sing, not used, \ii\iaxv Theocr. 20 (25), 64 Vulg. is now iJLf'pavfv Mein. Fritzsche, Ziegl. 2 ed. -dm Herm. Ziegl. i ed.), dual syncop. pc/joroi/ II. 10, 433, pi. /M/na/z< 9, 641, /i/fiuTf 7, 160, fif/Ltaao-t IO, 208 : and 2 pip. as imp. (/^pacif) 3 pi. p.f^a.eo Epich. 121 (Dind. Ahr.), see Xen. Mem. 2, i, 20; inf. fioHrdat, Theogn. 771, see PI. Crat. 406; /iu/jtroc Soph. O. C. 836 (chor.), po/ieV/j Tr. 1136 (trimet), Dor. -\itva. Aesch. Ch. 45. 441 (chor.): aor. e/iwo-aro Hesych. Vb. on- paa-Tos Od. 20, 377. The common reading Theocr. 25, 64, is fiffiafv, approved by Valckenaer. All the Mss. however agree in the form \i^ovfv variously represented -ove, -oti/f, -OKI*, -rjvf, but as the perf. is used as pres. and a past tense required, Hermann has given pip. ptfiovfi, which Ahrens and Paley adopt as the true reading : Fritzsche, again, Ziegler 2 ed. and Meineke retain the perf. [jffjinvfv with an aoristic meaning. MeyaXi^onai To bear oneself high, Epic and only pres. Od. 23, 174 ; imperat. -i&o II. 10, 69. Me'Sofiai To be concerned about, Epic (II. 9, 622); Orph. Arg. 90; subj. -&7at Od. II, IIO, -S^rat 19, 321, -a>/xe#a II. S*? 1 ^ opt. 3 pi. -oi'aro II. 9, 622 ; fj.f8fa-6(o 2, 384 ; -fo-dcu 18, 245 : imp. peSovTo II. 24, 2 : fut. /teS^o-o^ai only II. 9, 650. We have not met ntftofuvos. MeSw, -e'u (jAeSrjfu) To rule, Poet, pefcis Alcae. 5. 49 (Bergk, but Ahrens pt. see below); Soph. Ant. 1119 (chor.). Fr. 341 (quoted Ar. Ran. 665), /iie'Set Emped. 88, late 3 pi. pt&ovo-t Q. Sm. 5, 525 ; part. sing, /ue'&uv only Od. i, 72, and fem. /jieSova-a Orph. H. 74, 3, fj.f8ov(rr}S LyCOphr. 1178, pi. fittiovres often, II. 16, 164. Od. 8, n &c. and fudtav II. 16, 234; Find. Ol. 7, 88 ; Melanip. 6 (B.), p-fStowa Horn. H. 10, 4 ; Hes. Th. 54; Eur. Hipp. 167. Or. 1690 (chor.); late prose, Aristid. 46, 192, -f'ocTt Eur. Fr. (incert.) 904 (D.), -fvvri Callim. Fr. 95 (Blomf.), -tovra Horn. H. Merc. 2; Orph. Fr. i, 16, Aeol. part Hf8fis Alcae. 2. 40 (Ahr.). The part, has generally the force of a noun, Ruler. Meeirifii To send away, Soph. Ph. 818, Ion. pm'ipu Her. i, 40, luB'w II. 6, 523. Od. 4, 372 (Bekk. -!?, -'* Dind. Ameis, La R.), /w&Vt Hippocr. 8, 310, fufful II. 10, 121 (Bekk. Dind.), F fa 436 -ie i Hippocr. 7, 572, Ion. peria Her. 2, 70. 6, 37 (Bekk. Gaisf. -tei Schaef.), -iepev II. 14, 364, -fere II. 12, 409, 3 pi. Attic /#ia II. n, 841 ; Hes. Op. 209; Aesch. Ch. 823 ; Eur. Hipp. 356; Xen. An. 7, 4, 10; PI. Phil. 23, Ion. /ier- Her. 3, 143 ; inf. -rjo-tiv Eur. Med. 751, Epic -qo-t/zej/ai Od. 16, 377, -r)o-fp.fv II. 20, 361 : 1 aor. ped^Ka Od. 5, 460; Aesch. Ag. 1385 ; Soph. O. C. 906 ; Ar. Eccl. 534; Hippocr. 7, 570; PL Tim. 78, Ion. /xr- Her. 5, 120, Epic pederjKa II. 23, 434, and late pfdijo-a, part, -rja-as Coluth. 127 : (the unusual perf. ^e/xe^eiKa Anacr. 78 or 74, is merely an emendation of Bergk's, and with- drawn in 2 ed.) : p. p. /*e&t/iai Aesch. Sept. 79 (Herm. Weil); PL Phil. 62, Ion. with augm. on prep, ^tri/uai, -n^fvos Her. 5, 1 08. 6, i. 7, 229 ; imper. neQeivQa PL Soph. 267, Ion. fj.fr- Her. 4, 98: aor. Ion. /icrct'di; Her. i, 114: and fut. mid. as pass. . (jLfTT}AQi\v &c. not used) p.e6elftfv PL Phil. 62, -fir* Eur. Andr. 1017, -elo-ai/ Ion 233 ; subj. -65) Soph. Phil. 816 ; Eur. Ph. 276, Ep. -eu II. 3, 414, -dfjs Soph. Phil. 1300, -6fi Eur. Ale. 849 ; Hippocr. 7, 570. 572, -driii Od. 5, 471 (Bekk. La R. -fir] Vulg. Dind.), -d&fjifv II. 10, 449 ; Aesch. Pr. 262 &c. ; opt. -deirjv Soph. Phil. 1302 ; Eur. Ale. itn, -fir/s Ar. Lys. 976, -fir) II. 13, 118; Eur. Med. 177; pfdfs Soph. 1.448; Eur. Hipp. 333; Ar. Eccl. 958, Ion. fifT- Her. i, 37. 39, dual pfderov Eur. Ph. 584, -dfTf Hipp. 1372 (chor.) ; pfdtis Aesch. Pers. 699; Soph. Phil. 975; Eur. Tr. 777; Ar. Lys. 485; PL Phil. 16, Ion. /*- Her. i, 33. 9, 62 ; nfQfivai Soph. Aj. 250 ; Eur. Tr. 780 ; PL Phil. 50, Epic -tfjitv II. 15, 138 : 2 aor. mid. nfBfiro Soph. Tr. 197 ; subj. dual nfdr} Meipw. 437 pcBitv Od. 21, 377, in thesis, or, as some say, by dropping the augment. McOuoxu To intoxicate, pres, rare -VOTCWI/ PI. Leg. 649 ; Aristot. Meteor. 4, 9, 29; Anth. (incert.) u, 8 ; Plut. Mor. 704 : fut. late fu6vo-a> V. T. Jer. 38, 14: aor. ep-fdva-a Poet, -va-a-a Nonn. 7, 337- 47>6i; -vo-o>/*ei> Luc. V. H. 2,46; -vo-oi/ Anth. 12,74; inf. fjLfdtcrai Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 481, -tWai Anth. 5, 261 ; -vo-a? (Luc.) D. Syr. 22, Kara- Her. i, 106 ; PI. Gorg. 471 : p.p. pept- tfuoyxai Athen. (Hedyl.) 4, 78 ; Anth. 11, 26 ; Luc. D. Mer. 3, i: aor. f*i>(rdr)v Eur. Cycl. 538; Ar. Veep. 1252; Heraclit. 73 (Byw.); Hippocr. 6, 636; Xen. Hell. 5, 4, 5 ; PL Conv. 214, inrfp- Her. 2, 121 : fut. /zftfuo-flijo-o/wu late, Luc. Luct. 13; Diog. Laert. 7, 118. /ie#vo- occurs Hippocr. 3, 12 : imp. tfifdvaKfro Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 8. Me6oo> To be intoxicated, Theogn. 478 ; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 428; PI. Lys. 222 ; -vwpev Eur. Cycl. 535; -ve'0- Ar. Vesp. 1322 : aor. (fj-tdvcra rare and late, pedvcras Nonn. 28, 211 ; Plut. Mor. 239. (MetSdu) To smile, Epic, and in use aor. only, /aei'Sqo-e II. 15, 47. Od. 5, 180 ; Hes. Sc. 115; Orph. Fr. 16, 4, -rjaav Ap. Rh. 3, 100 ; ftfi8rj(ras II. i, 596; Anth. (Meleag.) 12, 126; Babr. 94, 6 ; pfiSfjvcu H. Cer. 204. The pres. in use is /ueiStaw in -prose and poetry, -aei Horn. H. 10, 3; Anth. 10, 6, Epic, -taa for -ta, Opp. Hal. 3, 228 ; Q. Sm. 9, 476, /tetStaV PI. Parm. 130; ptidtdcov Horn. H. 7, 14, -iS>v Ar. Thesm. 513; Luc. Merc. Con. ii ; Plut. Mor. 176 ; Ael. V. H. 8, 13, Epic -6<*v II. 23, 786 ; Theocr. 7, 20, -W Anacr. Fr. 124 (Bergk) : imp. /iSia (Hip- pocr.) Epist. 9, 352 ; Luc. D. Mer. 3, 2, iter. /xeiStdWice Q. Sm. 9, 117 : fut. p(i8idffa> (Heraclit.) epist. 5 (Byw.): aor. eV&'ucra Plut. Mor. 172. Crass. 19; Luc. Jup. Conf. 4; -aVw Merc. Con. 30; fifiSiaaas PI. Phaed. 86 ; Batr. 56, Aeol. fern, -ida-aia-a Sapph. i, 14 (Bergk) ; inf. ^etSmo-at Apollod. i, 5, 3. Of this form Horn, has in II. only the Epic part. pres. /wt&toW II. 7, 212, -dwo-a 21, 491. In the Hymns occur /i5taet 10, 3 ; -tdav 7, 14 ; in Batrach. aor. /lei&tao-as 56, trisyllab. (Mei'pw, fiopw, fj,op) To divide, share, Poet, and in act. only 2 aor. e^opov, i pers. late, e'- Nic. Ther. 791, MM/> Ap. Rh. 3, 4. 4, 62, wop* (perhaps) H. i, 278 ; Dion. Per. 239 : and 438 MeXeraw MeX/eo. 2 p. ffinopa gained a share, only 3 pers. e/x/xope II. 15, 189. Od. n, 338; Hes. Op. 347; Theogn. 234, 3 pi. Dor. f^pavri in Hesych: 1 p. late, /^judp^e Nic. Alex. 213. Mid. and pass. fifipofiai to obtain, Poet, in pres. p.tipeo II. 9, 616 (Vulg. Dind. La R.), degraded as spurious (Bekk. 2 ed.), /xeipereu, ano- distri- butes, Hes. Op. 578, but pass. Th. 801, v. r. an-ap.- : p. p. ei/xaprai (from o-fjiflpa) ?) impers. it is allotted, fated, PI. Phaedr. 255, Dor. ffiftparai (Hesych.) ; ef/xap/xeW, -ij, -ov Callin. 1,12; Aesch. Ag. 913 ; Com. Fr. (Phil.) 4, 47. (Men.) 4, 135 ; Antiph. i, 21 ; PI. Prot. 320. Leg. 918. Menex. 243, -e'i/a Theogn. 1033; Aesch. Ag. 913 ; Soph. Tr. 169, Dor. e>j3pa/xe'i/a (Et. Mag.), -fvovs PI. Phaed. 113; inf. ei/xdp0m App. Civ. 2, 4, Kad- Luc. Philop. 14: pip. flfiapTo it w as fated, II. 21, 281 ; Hes. Th. 894 ; Dem. 18, 195, late /xe/xap/xm, -fie'vov Agath. i, i, 8, and /xf/xdpqrm Ap. Rh. i, 646 ; fj.ffjioprjp.evot Nic. Alex. 229 ; Anth. 7, 466, also /xep.op/x Mosch. 3, 120 (Mein.) ; subj. -o-8a> (Theocr.) 20, 28; Bion 6, 5. 10; imper. -to-Sere Mosch. 3, 15 : inf. -i&iv Aesch. Ag. 1176, -ifp.(v Pind. N. n, 18 : fut. ixeXi'o/xat Mosch. 3, 52. Usu. raid. -i'b/*at Anth. 7, 189, Dor. -iVSo/xai Alcm. 98 (B) ; Theocr. i, 2 ; Anth. (Leon.) Plan. 307, 2 sing. -tVSetu Mosch. 3, 121 (Mein.): imp. efj.f\i6p.r)v, -if* TO Nonn. 8, 14, Dor. 2 sing. /xeXt'o-Seo Mosch. 3, 59, /xeXi'fero Nonn. 5, 96 : fut. -i'o/wu see act. For /xeX/o-Seis Mosch. 3, 1 20 (Vulg. Meineke), Ahr. and Ziegl. read mid. fifXia-orj. This verb is confined to pres. act. and pres. imp. and fut. mid. : Poetic, occasionally late prose, Dio. Hal. quoted. /xeXi'fw to dismember, joint, has fut. -t> V. T. Lev. i, 6 : aor. (fifXura Dio. Hal. Ant. 7, 72 : p.p. /xf/xeXurp-W Opp. Cyn. 3, 159. Me'XXw Me' A. 439 To be about, intend, delay, II. 14, 125; find. P. 9, 52; Aesch. Pr. 625. 627 ; Soph. Ant. 939 ; Ar. Ran. 77 ; Her. 9, 17 ; Antiph. i, 7; Thuc. 6, 20 : imp. f^eXXov II. 6, 52 ; Hes. Th. 468. 490. 552 ; Soph. Aj. 443 ; Ar. Eq. 267 ; Her. 2, 43 ; Antiph. 2, y, 5 ; Thuc. 2, 71 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, i, 12; Isocr. 4, 83 (Mss. most edit.); PI. Phaed. 75. Crat. 418, and perhaps always ; Dem. 9, 64 (Bekk. Dind.), and jfceXXoi* Hes. Th. 888 ; Theogn. 906; Ar. Eccl. 597. Ran. 1038; Isocr. 12, 231 (Bekk. B. Saupp. Scheibe). 13, i (Scheibe, e/*XX- Bekk. B. Saupp,.); Aeschin. 3, 164; Dem. 21, 191. 27, 57. 29, 9 (Bekk. B. Saupp. e^ieXX- Dind. always), Epic /xe'XXov II. 17, 278, iter. /ifXXeovcoi/ Theocr. 25 (20), 240 ; Mosch. 2, 109 : fut. /ifXX^o-w Thuc. 5, 98; Dem. 6, 15 ; (PI.) Epist. 7, 326 (Bekk. Stallb.): aor. e/xe'XXqo-a Thuc. 3, 55; Xen. Hell. 5, 4, 65. Cyr. i, 3, 15. 3, i, 34 (Popp., always Dind. Saupp.) ; Isocr. 4, 97 (Bekk.) ; Dinarch. i, 49, rare ^ieXX- Theogn. 259 (Bergk) ; Xen. Hell. 7, 4, 1 6. 26 (Schn. Breitb. &c.). Pass. /xe'XXerai to be delayed, Thuc. 5, in; Xen. An. 3, i, 47 : fut. /xeXXijo-o/iat late, Procop. Goth. 2, p. 464 : p. fj.(fjif\\r]p,fvo5 Galen 8, 269. Vb. p.f\\r]Tfov Eur. Phoen. 1279. In Attic Poetry pres. and imp. only. Augment rj never in Homer, the Tragedians, Herodotus, nor perhaps Thucydides and Plato, rare in Aristophanes, twice in Xenophon (Schaef. Schneid. Breitb.), and a few times in the Orators, in the imperfect. Here however especially, the best Mss. and editors vary and differ: in Isocrates, Bekker and B. Saupp. with Mss. give e/xeXX-, jfrieXX- ; Scheibe, favoured mostly by Ms. Urb. edits always ^eXX- ; in Demosthenes, Bekker, B. Saupp. with the best Mss. e/ieXX-, jfceXX-, Dind. 1/^eXX- always, we think, now; e/ueXX- Isaeus and Lycurgus perhaps always. There seems no foundation for Buttmann, Kiihner, Jelf &c. confining the 1 aor. to the meaning have delayed, see Thuc. i, 134. 3, 55- 92. 5, 116. 8, 23; Isocr. 4, 97. 6, 44. Me'Xirw To sing, celebrate, Poet. Lasus i (B.) ; Eur. Tr. 407 ; imper. fifXire Ar. Thesm. 961 ; Opp. Cyn. i, 35 ; -KM II. i, 474; Eur. Ion 906 ; Ar. Thesm. 970 ; Epic inf. -f/wi> Pind. Fr. 53, ii (Bergk): imp. e^eX-nov Eur. Tr. 547; Mosch. 3, 81 : fat. /xeX^co Eur. Ale. 446 (chor.); Ar. Thesm. 989 (chor); Bion 2, 4 ; Anth. PL i, 8 : aor. e/wX^a Aesch. Ag. 244 ; subj. /iX^o> Ar. Thesm. 974 (chor.); -fas Aesch. Ag. 1445 : no P erf - Mid. /WXTj-o/iot Dep. Hes. Th. 66 ; Pind. P. 3, 7 8 ; Eur - Phoen. 788; -d/wo? Theocr. 8, 83, -o^o-i II. 16, 182; ne\irteX7rero Od. 4, 17, Dor. -eXTToVai/ Eur. Tr. 553 (chor.), lj.e\irovro Eur. Andr. 1039 (chor.) : but fut. n^o^ai pass. Anth. 9, 521, but act. ava- Apollinar. Ps. 77, 4 : ao*- f*M"4p*i act- 440 Me'Xw. Anth. (Leon.) 7, 19, ava- Pseudo-Callisth. i, 46, missed by Lexicogr. Me'Xw 70 concern, be a care to, also to care for, in personal form rare and mostly Poet. II. 20, 21. Od. 9, 20; Anacr. 93; Solon 13, 48 ; Find. Ol. 10, 14 ; Eur. H. F. 772 ; Anth. 10, 10 ; PL Leg. 835; Plut. Sull. 7; Epist. Phal. 13; subj. /uAo> Eur. Andr. 850; /zeXoi Supp. 939; /ieXe'ro) II. 24, 152, 3 pi. peXovrmv 18, 463; /ne'XeiK Soph. El. 342 ; Thuc. i, 141, Epic jueXe/io/ Od. 18, 421; peXuv Pind. Fr. 132 (Bergk) ; Eur. Tr. 842, -ova-a Soph. O. C. 1433: imp. ffj.t\f Od. 16, 465; Ar. Eccl. 459; Her. 8, 72 ; Isocr. 15, 146; Dem. 5, 22, f-wfXe Od. 5, 6: fat. fifXf]o-(a, -fjo-fis Theogn. 245, usu. 3 sing, and pi. II. 5, 228. 430; Eur. Elec. 1342 ; Ar. Lys. 538; Xen. Cyr. 2, i, 15; Epic inf. -TjcrefjLfv II. 10, 51 : aor. late as personal, eVfXqo-a Arislid. 25, 318 (Vulg. epcXX- Mss. Dind.), -?o-e Luc. Salt. 27, see below: 1 p. late as personal, /uejueXq/cas Aristaen. i, 10, see below, but with neut. nom. /af/zeXjj Isocr. 15, 133: 2 p. Epic and Lyric /ie/^Af as pres. II. 2, 25 ; Hes. Op. 238, -ijXas as perf. Horn. H. 3, 437, -ijXfl II. 4, 353: 2 pip. /wpjXei II. 2, 614, (fiffi- Or. Sib. i, 89; /if/zj/Xtos caring, eager for, II. 5, 708. 13, 469, Dor. ^f/naXcas dear, Pind. Ol. i, 89 (Vulg. Bergk 3 ed.) Vb. H^KOV PI. Rep. 365. Mid. fieXofjuii Poet, (in prose rt-/i'X-, fiera-) as act. -Xerai Theogn. 296; Callim. L. Pall. 138, -\6pfa6a Eur. Hipp. 60, -Xovrai Heracl. 354 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 376 ; -Xijrai Opp. Hal. 3, 260 ; -oipT)v Callim. Del. 98, -om> Soph. El. 1436; neXlvdv Od. 10, 505; Aesch. Supp. 367, /ue'Xeorfle Sept. 177; Eur. Hipp. 109 ; -\6pevoi Aesch. Sept. 178; Eur. Heracl. 96 (impers. /^eXerot Theocr. i, 53; -e Od. i, 305 ; PL Lys. 211 ; /'Xo> PL Apol. 24 ; fuXeiv Soph. El. 1446 ; Thuc. i, 141 : imp. t/wXt Ar. Eccl. 641; Her. 6, 101 ; Isocr. 15, 146; Dem. 35, 31. 43, 38 : fut. fj,f\f]ofAai Hippocr. 6,466; Stob. 9,45: fut. 442 Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 337. Vb. /^/OTTO'? Thuc. 7, i5> -"I PI. Leg. 716, but -TO? fern, and act. Soph. Tr. 446, -rtos late, Plotin. 42, 7 (Kirchhoff.) This verb in the simple form occurs first in Hes. and Theogn. but ^i-^k^o\i.ai is in both II. i, 93. 2, 225, and Od. 16, 97. Pind. has aor. pass, only, Her. mid. and pass. The Attics use mid. except Eur. and Thuc. who have both ; the latter however aor. pass, once only. In late authors the aor. pass, seems to be used passively, but act. Anton. Lib. Transf. 1 6. Buttm. narrows rather unduly the usage of aor. pass, by confining it to the " Ionics and Tragedians." Aor. part act. jit/n^a? occurs in Aesop 132 (Tauchn.), and fjif^o^tvos pass, in Diog. Laert. 6, 47. Mccoifdu (pfvos) To desire earnestly, Poetic, Ion. -i>a see imp. Epic -vmat II. 13, 79, -on/as II. 14, 264. Od. 4, 480 ; Eur. Cycl. 448, -otva Od. 17, 355. Horn. Epigr. 12, 4; Orph. Arg. 285; Soph. Aj. 341, Epic -oivda II. 19, 164; subj. Epic, and rather anomalous, /ievou/foo-t II. 15, 82 (Aristarch. Bekk. Dind. La R., -rifffie Herm. Spitzn.) ; -vu>v II. 15, 293 ; Pind. P. i, 43 ; Ar. Vesp. 1080, Epic -u>a>v Ap. Rh. 4, 1255 : imp. e^fvoiva Hes. Sc. 368, fj.fv- II. 13, 214. Od. 18, 283, 3 pi. Ion. fj.fvoLV(ov II. 12, 59: fat. (-fja-fi Orph. Lith. 85, Vulg.) : aor. ptvoivrjo-ev Od. 2, 36 ; Subj. -fia-oari II. 10, IOI ; Opt. -ri, -vS>, -vu>u>. It would familiarise the monster a trifle to read /xej/oH/a^o-t : a so circumstanced is long in the indie, fifvoivda II. 19, 164. Reflex assimilation may have something to do with it. Perhaps some would refer it to a form in -e&>. MeVw To remain, await, II. 14, 367 ; Pind. N. 6, 4 ; Aesch. Eum. 894; Soph. Ant. 563; Ar. Vesp. 969; Her. i, 199; Thuc. 6, 77, Dor. 3 pi. -vovn. Pind. N. 3, 4 ; Epic subj. ptvyai II. 22, 93 ; imper. fifvovrmv II. 23, 160 ; inf. pivnv Ar. Pax 341 ; Thuc. i, 28 ; II. 10, 65, but Ep. ptviptv 5, 486 : imp. epevov II. 13, 836; Her. i, 169; Thuc. 4, 14; PI. Euth. 1 1, Poet, pevov II. 15, 406 ; Pind. Ol. 9, 90, iter. pevevKov II. 19, 42 ; Her. 4, 42 : fut. Ion. /ieww II. 19, 308; Her. 4, 119. 8, 62, Attic pfv5> Aesch. Sept. 436 ; Soph. Ph. 810 ; Ar. Ach. 564 ; Thuc. 1,71; Isocr. 12, 238; PI. Leg. 833, Dor. 3 pi. nfvevvn Callim. Lav. Pall. 120: aor. e/netm II. 15, 656; Pind. P. 3, 16; Eur. Hipp. Mera/ue'Xet. 443 1322; Her. 3, 59; Antiph. 5, 69; Thuc. 4, 6; PI. Leg. 685, ftf'ive II. 14, 119 : p. pepfvriKa Dem. 1 8, 321 ; Luc. Pise. 44, e>- Thuc. i, 5 ; Isocr. 6, i : 2 p. rare, ni\u>va Eur. I. A. 1495, which however some refer to the def. form am eager. Vb. IJLfvfTos Thuc. i, 142, -tov PL Rep. 328, late -iptov Dio. Hal. Ant. 7, 27 (Vulg. -eTtov Kiessl.). Mepi'Joj To divide, PL Polit. 292 ; Dem. 56, 49, Dor. -ia-8ep- Polyb. 1 1, 28, 9 : fat. -iS> PL Parm. 131 : aor. ffjiepia-a Com. Fr. (Nicom.) 4, 584 ; Polyb. 2, 5, 6 ; Himer. Or. 21711, Dor -ia (PL) Tim. Locr. 99: p. p. nf^purnai PL Parm. 144 ; Dem. 15, 5, as mid. see below: aor. fptpi Ar. Pax 1315 : aor-. -?. jxat To turn oneself about, only imp. 2 sing. -Xi'feo II. 20, 190. The simple form we have seen in Hesych. Only, rpo7raXtc(, crrpefpfi. MeTaxpi<> To have in hand, manage, act. rare, Eur. Fr. incert. 904 (Dind.); Thuc. 4, 18. 6, 16: imp. (/xcre^fip- : fut. -io>) : &or. -fxeipura Her. 3, 142; Thuc. i, 13. 7, 87: p. e'y- Kf^elpiKa Dem. 19, 1 80. Usually mid. -xpi'b^ai as act. Xen. Mem. i, 4, 17; PI. Men. 81 ; -ofievoi Antiph. i, 20; Isocr. 12, 87 : imp. (jifTXfip- PL Epin. 988 : fut. -lovfuu Lys. 24, 10 ; PL Rep. 410: aor. -fxfipKraprjv PL Rep. 408; -\eiplvaio Ar. Eq. 345; -avdat Her. 2, 121 ; -apfvos Isocr. 12, 73 : p. as mid. -K PL Tim. 20. Leg. 670 : and seemingly aor. p. as mid. - rat rare PL Phaedr. 277; ey-xfipio-dfis Luc. Prom. 3. Vb. eov (Aristot.) Rhet. Alex. 39, 3 ; Geop. 7, 18. 1\\e simple seems to be unclassic. To devise (/w)8o?), Dep. mid. and Poet. II. 21, 413; Pind. Ol. i, 106; Aesch. Ag. 1102 ; -oi^v Od. 5, 189; -o^fvos Ar. Av. 689; Ap. Rh. 4,578: imp. e^So/mjv Simon. C. 140 (Bergk 2 ed.); Horn. H. 3, 46; Orph. Arg. 892, pjS- II. 7, 478, and always; Hes. Sc. 34: fut. p.f)o-op.ai. Soph. Tr. 973; Eur. Hipp. 592; Callim. Del. 127, 2 sing, wo-tai Od. n, 474 ; Anth. App. Epigr. 134, -frai Eur. H. F. 1076 : aor. ffj.7)o-apr}v Od. 3, 194 ; Simon. C. 137 ; Pind. Ol. i, 31 ; Aesch. Pr. 477 ; Soph. Ph. 1139 ; late prose (Luc.) Astr. 6, 21, /igo- II. 6, 157 ; Hes. Th. 166 ; Aesch. Ch. 605 (chor.) ; Eur. Phoen. 799 (chor.), 2 sing. p.f]o-ao II. 14, 253 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 739 ; -o-w/iat Aesch. Sept. 1057; -0-dfj.evos Alcm. p. 832 (Bergk); Soph. Ph. 1114. This verb occurs only once or twice in comedy, never in classic prose. Indeed Luc. quoted is the only prose instance we have met. fj.f]8((T0ai Plut. Mor. 407, is now K^eadat (Diibn. &c.) MrjK(iofjLai To bleat, cry, pres. /uqjcarai Schol. in Nicand. Alex. 214, in comp. V^O-^K^VTOI. Aesch. Fr. Edon. 51 (Vulg.) -/*v*c- (58 Herm. 55 Dind.): 2 aor. (l/to/coi/) nawv II. 16, 469. Od. 18, 98 : 2 p. as pres. (/^e'/xijiea) /xe/mjKcif II. io, 362, fem. shortened, 445 pefj.aK.v~ia 4, 435 : hence, or from a new pres. imp. epepyKov Od. 9, 439 (Wolf, Dind. La R.), IJ^PIJK- (Bekk.) The pres. even in comp. seems doubtful ; vn-o/iVKowrai is best supported Aesch. quoted. Mr]Xo4>ope'w To carry apples, only Dor. imp. e'/xdXo^o^et Theocr. Epigr. 2. Mi\viu To be wroth (pfjvis), Od. 17, 14; Soph. O. C. 1274 ; Her. 9, 7, Dor. \>a.v- Simon. C. 50; Eur. Hipp. 1146 (chor.); imper. prjvle II. r, 422 ; -ta>v Eur. Rhes. 494 ; D. Hal. Ant. 12, 12: imp. ffjLfjvtov II. i, 247; Her. 5, 84; Plut. Mor. 777, 11. 2, 769 : fut. (pr)viv Ant. 12, 12); Ael. H. A. 6, 17 -iW (Kerch.), Epic 3 pi. -idwo-t Ap. Rh. 2, 247. In pres. and imp. iusu. in Horn., so Eur. Hipp. 1146. Rhes. 494, but ill. 2, 769 by arsis, also Aesch. Eum. quoted, i always in fut. and aor. This verb seems to occur neither in Comedy, nor classic Attic prose. MTJI/UOJ To declare, H. Merc. 254; Soph. O. R. 102; Antiph. 2 > a > 5 ; Thuc. 6, 74 ; Lys. 12, 48, Kara- Her. 6, 29. 7, 30, Dor. pav- Pind. N. 9, 4; Bacchyl. 22 (B.) (Attic w throughout, Epic and Pind. v in pres. and imp., v in fut. aor. &c.) : imp. e^vve Antiph. 5, 54, Dor. fjAvvt Pind. Ol. 6, 52 : fut. WVV Eur. Ion 750 ; Her. 2, 121 ; Andoc. I, 15 ; PL Polit. 264, KOTO- Aesch. Pr. 175: aor. t^vvcra Andoc. i, 28; Lys. 6, 23; -1/0775 Eur. Hipp. 520, -o-oxn Thuc. 8, 39; -vo-at/u H. Merc. 364, -ey Eur. El. 620 ; /^i/uo-oi/ Ar. Ach. 206, Dor. pSv- Eur. Hec. 193. 194 (chor.); -va-ai Phoen. 1218; Antiph. 5, 68; Thuc. 6, 60; -tW Soph. O. R. 1384; Her. i, 23 : p. ne^vvna Andoc. i, 22 ; PL Menex. 2 39 P- P- ptprivvTai Andoc. I, IO , -pr)viJ Suid.), p. ^e^pvue occurs, with some Ms. support, in Hippocr. 9, 192 (Lit.); 3, 241 (Ermerins), unnoticed by Lexicogr. MTjTidw, Epic -low To plan (pjm), -dcoo-i II. IO, 208 ; -ioa>v 2O, 153, and HIJTIO) : but only in imp. p.fjrlov (I in arsi) Orph. Arg. 1341, iter. MTiaao-Kov Ap. Rh. 4, 7. Mid. /iTjTiaojucu, Epic 2 pi. -aaade IL 22, 174, -o'oofTeu Q. Sm. 12, 249 ; inf. -da/Liru, II. 3, 416 ; opt. -lo-atfjirjv Od. 1 8, 27 ; -ia-acrdai II. IO, 48. Od. 9, 262. Before Wolf -iWo^iat. t in fut. and aor. i in pres. mid. Pind. quoted, i in imp. act. in arsi, Orph. Arg. 1341. We should be glad of fact or analogy in proof of " 4 is long by nature." MTjxamw To devise, act. Poet, rare, and only pres. pt. Epic -vow Od. 18, 143 ; and inf. -xavav Soph. Aj. 1037 : p.p. pf(*i- xdvr^ai Soph. Tr. 586; Her. i, 98. 2, 95. 5, 90 ; PI. Tim. 54 ; Isocr. 3, 6, Tt-poa- Aesch. Sept. 541. 643, see below : pip. (fiffojxdvijTo Her. 8, 7 1 ; Antiph. 5, 55 : aor. f^xav^drjv Hippocr. 9, 88 (Lit.); and late, t^x avr l^ f '* Dio. Hal. Exc. n (14); Joseph. Ant. 1 8, 2, 4. Usu. mid. fj.rjxavdoij.ai Od. 3, 207; Aesch. Ag. 965 ; Eur. Bac. 805 ; Ar. Ach. 445 ; Her. 6, 62 ; Antiph. 6, 9 ; Thuc. 5, 45; PI. Rep. 519; opt. -V&TO PI. Leg. 965 (Bekk. Stallb.), Ion. 3 pi. -i/o>aro Her. 6, 46 : imp. efj.rjxai>a>fjir)v Soph. Ph. 295 ; Ar. Pax 621; Her. 8, 106 ; Thuc. 7, 25; PL Tim. 74: fut. -IJOTO/KU Aesch. Sept. 1038 ; Her. 5, 30 ; PI. Leg. 965 : aor. ffjLTjxavija-dfjtTiv Eur. Med. 1014; Ar. Thesm. 16; Her. i, 48; Antiph. 5, 25; Thuc. 4, 47; Isae. 10, 17, Dor. ffiaxavaa-- Tim. Locr. 99 : and p. as mid, fjie^xdv^fim PI. Tim. 47. Leg. 904 ; Isae. n, 36 ; Aeschin. 2, 131 ; -q/ieW Xen. Hier. n, 4; Dem. 45, 24, more freq. pass., see above. Vb. n^xav^Ttov PI. Leg. 798. (aa). Epic forms, wxavovvres Od. 1 8, 143 : mid. -oavrai 3, 207, -daaOf 20, 370; subj. -ddrai HeS. Op. 241 (Goettl. Lennep, indie. Schoem. Koechly) ; opt. -oWo Od. 1 6, 196 : imp. wxavooavTo II. 8, 177. In Mss. and edit, of Her. the 3 pi. imp. varies in form: t^xavcovro 6, 133, -/OH/TO 7> r 7 2 (Gaisf. Bekk.) -eWo 8, 7 (Dind. Stein, Abicht always, and here Gaisf. Bekk.), but e'/^X " 6 ' 07 " 5, 63, Lhardy with Matth. Kriig. and Dind. maintains to be a vicious form unauthorised by example or analogy, and confidently suggests fwxavuvro, Matth. or pip. e//e/i?7xai//aTo, Dind. reads -fovro, for though -earo is often for -OVTO, and pip. -T)vro, it is never for -doi/ro, -tovro of contract verbs. Bredow defends twxavfaro by the analogy of apfjLtuTo i, 83. 158 &c. which he takes, of course, for imp, (opp-fovro, Lhardy, Matth. &c. for pip. 5>pnrfvro. Mtatv'w To stain, Eur. H. F. 1232 ; Opp. H. 5, 418 ; -aw^ PI. Leg. 868 ; -aivwv Aesch. Ag. 209 ; -aLveiv Soph. Ant. 1044 J Antiph. 2, a, 10 ; PI. Tim. 69 : imp. e/uaivoir Lys. 12, 99 : fat. /ziai/w Antiph. 2, /3, 1 1 : aor. f/"V a I n - Hippocr. 6, 1 1 2 (Lit.) ; Opp. Hal. 3, 162 ; /u^Il. 4, 141 ; Anth. 7, 162 ; and late -ffvai App. Civ. 2, 104; Plut. Mor. 725, Attic epiava (Pind. N. 3, 16); late prT5se, Philostr. Ap. 210; fusvr) (Eur.) I. A. 1595; m&vatfu Eur. Hel. 1000, -dvtte Soph. Fr. 91; -dvas Solon 32 (Bergk); late prose, Luc. Phal. 1,12; Alciphr. i, 8 : p. late pfpiayica, -KO>S P!ut. T. Gracch. 21: p.p. pepiutrpai Hippocr. 2, i27(Erm.); Thuc. 2, 102 ; PL Phaed. 81; Ap. Rh. 4, 716; Plut. Aristid. 20; Herodn. i, 15, 7. 8, 5, 7, and late iJ.ffiiafjLfj.ai Dio Cass. 51, 22 (Bekk. L. Dind.); Epist. Phal. 121 (Kerch.) : aor. ffjudvdrjv, fudv- II. 1 6, 795. 23, 732 ; -av0r)vai Eur. Ion 1 1 18 ; -avdtls Aesch. Ch. 859; Soph. O. C. 1374 ; PI. Leg. 873 : fut. /ua^ero/iat PL Rep. 621 : pres. -aive&dai II. 16, 797: imp. epiaiv- 17, 439. Mid. pres. in comp. tK-fuaivofuu Ar. Ran. 753 : but aor. in simple ffiiqvaTo Nonn. 45, 288, missed by Lexicogr. Vb. dptavTos Aesch. Pers. 578. (t.) fjudvdrjv Epic 3 pi. 1 aor. pass, for fj-iavdev shortened form of fn.idv6ri Pind. P. 4, 120 (Bergk &c.) and permits it (9, 79. 1. 2, 23 ; Hym. Cer. in) and is so edited by Schneidewin and Ahrens. But though such syncopated 3 plurals shorten the last syllable, as tcrrav for -now, rlfffv for -Srjvcw &c. yet there appears some analogy for retaining the long vowel, in the Doric fjv for ^o-av- 7, i, 26 (Vulg. Popp. Saupp. -wv Dind.) ; Plut. Rom. 1 1, (puryov Od. i, 1 10 ; PL Tim. 41, aw- Her. 5, 112, ^107- II. 3, 270 : fut. pia> Soph. O. C. 1047 ; PL Phil. 64, pern- Od. 22, 221 : aor. e/zia Archil. 86; Pind. I. 7, 25 ; Aesch. Ch. 546 ; PL Phaedr. 240, aw- H. Hym. Ven. 250, pla Pind. P. 4, 213 ; Opp. Hal. 3, 402 ; inf. p, -vov. The latter, except of course subj. and opt. is never in the Traged. nor Thuc., nor now, we think, in Plato, and only once in Aristoph. but frequent along with -viii in the Mss. and edit, of Xen. Lud. Dind. however has in his last edit, of Xen. dis- placed -va>, except -va>v Mem. 3, 14, 5, and adopted -viu. We demur to this, because forms in -va> had been kything in the Old Comedy, Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 324, and were coming more into use with writers of the Middle, Aristophanes, Amphis &c. contemporaries of Xen., and went on increasing in classic prose and the Later Comedy. We therefore think that in Xeno- phon's time both forms were in use, and that though - Vf u was 450 Mt/xeo/xcu the more freq., it may be the more approved form, yet that an author felt at perfect liberty to use -va>, whether to meet a metrical exigency, to please a fancy, or simply to vary his dic- tion, opvvuv is demanded by the metre Alex. Com. Fr. 3, 437 ofjivvovros Antiph. 3, 149, OJJLVVOVTI Amphis 3, 319, ofivvowi Alex. 3, 458, as well as avfiirapafiiyviHav Ar. Plut. 719, occurring along with the rival form V7rop.vvfj.fvov 725. Mlp.cofi.ai To imitate, Horn. H. i, 163; Aesch. Ch. 564; Eur. Ion 451; Her. 2, 104; Thuc. 2, 37; PI. Crat. 423, but pass. Rep. 604 ; imper. /*i'/*eo Simon C. 29 : imp. ffufj.flro Xen. Conv. 2, 22, -efTo Her. 4, 166: fut. ^t/iijao/iat Eur. Rhes. 211 ; Ar. Plut. 306 ; Isocr. n, 40 ; PI. Rep. 539, Dor. -do-o/xai Ecph. Stob. 48, 64 : aor. ifUfaprdfaj9 i '^trm Dem. 22, 7? Ion. -qo-ao Her. 3, 32, -vavro I, 176; -fjo-airo Pind. P. 12, 21 ; PI. Soph. 267 ; -rjaalfieda Isocr. II, 2O; -aaa-6ai Andoc. I, 141; Isocr. 6, 83; -o-dpfvos Ar. Vesp. 1019; Lys. 2, 61 ; PI. Crat. 423 : p. /nf/xi'/xj//tai Her. 2, 169; PI. Menex. 238. Phil. 40, but pass. Ar. Lys. 159; Her. 2, 78. 86. 132; PI. Crat. 425, Dor. -5/u act. Ecph. Stob. 48, 64 : aor. always pass. ffiinrjSrjv PI. Leg. 668 : fut. fnifi^dfja-oftai pass. PI. Rep. 599. Vb. /u/^reoi/ PI. Rep. 396. t only in very late poets, Orac. Sib. 2, 146; Greg. Naz. The Traged. have only pres. and fut. Mifivoico To wait, Poet, and only pres. intrans. II. 2, 392; Opp. Hal. i, 145 ; Anth. 4, 4, 6, trans, await, Horn. H. 9, 6 : and imp. pi/xm^c Opp. H. 5, 463. MifikV)crKw To cause to remember, remind, simple Poet, in act. Od. 14, 169, vno- Aesch. Pers. 989; PI. Rep. 427, dva- Thuc. 2, 89; Andoc. 1,31; ninvT]T) Soph. Ph. 310 ; Lys. 21, 9, ^vrjo-eys Her. 7, 159 &c. ; -defy Isocr. 12, 92 ; Xen. Hell. 6, 5, 48 ; /ZI^CT^ Xen. Cyr. i, 6, 16, -ip-e Antiph. 6, 41 ; -0's Thuc. 6, 68 ; Her. 3, 32 ; fivrja-dfjvai 9, 45 ; Od. 4, 1 1 8, the only instance in Horn, of aor. pass, in the 'simple form: fut. fivrjadrjo-ofiai Eur. Med. 933; Thuc. 3, 90; Lys. 3, 45 ; Isocr. 8, 81 ; Aeschin. i, 106. 170. 193. 2, 76. 167. 3, 84; Dem. 15, 22 : 3 fut. /w/ii/ijo-o/Mu will bear in mind, 11. 22, 390 ; Eur. Hipp. 1461 ; Her. 8, 62 ; PI. Polit. 285 ; Lys. 6, 42; Isocr. 12, 259; Aeschin. 2, u. Mid. M*M OT J'' co / Lt remember, mention, Od. 15, 54 ; Theocr. 25, 173 ; (PI.) Ax. 368 (ova- Andoc. i, 46); Dio. Hal. Ant. i, 13; Plut. Mor. 653; pipvr)(TKfo II. 22, 268 ; -vrja-KOfifvos Thuc. 6, 60, and Epic /wao/*ai Od. 16, 77 ; nva)fjLtvos (Theocr.) Epigr. 15, 4, fivamp.- Od. 4, 106 : imp. fjiifivrja-KOVTO II. 13, 722, and ffivaovro II. 2, 686, p>a>ovro II. II, 71. 16, 697. 771: fut. fjivtjo-ofjiai. poet. II. 2, 724. Od. 7, 192, /xi/)j(r Eur. I. A. 667, Epic ^o-eat Theogn. 100, but 171-^0-0^01 Her. i, 5. 177. 2, 101 ; Paus. 5, 25, dn-o- Thuc. i, 137, ava- Hippocr. i, 175 (Erm.); Dinarch. i, 37 : aor. fpvrja-apTjv poet. II. 24, 602 ; Soph. O. R. 564, p.vr](T- II. 4, 222, 14, 441, Dor. fivao-ap- Aesch. Supp. 51, fTr-fnvaa-- Ch. 623 (chor.), iter. pvijo-do-icfTo II. n, 566; subj. pvr)o-T) Od. 8, 462, p.vr](To>p.e0a II. 19, 148 ; Simon. C. 104 (Bergk); fivrjaraifjuiv Tyrt. 12, i (Bergk), -atro Od. 4, 527, 3 pi. -at'aro 7, 138; fja^jtrai II. IO, 509 ; Callin. 2 (B.) ; -ffdfjLfvos II. 19, 314 ; fjivfjaraadai. Od. 7, 217 ; in prose rare, Her. 7, 39; and late (Luc.) D. Syr. 39 : as mid. p.p. /n Her. 2, 104, \up.vi}- II. 17, 364: aor. e\ur!]CF6r)v ThuC. I, IO; Lys. I, 19; fivrjado) Soph. Ph. 310, -aBfv, fin- Her. 2, 3, see above : fut. ^i^o-^ao/iat will mention, Her. 6, 19; Thuc. 3, 90; Isocr. 15, 259. Epist. 9, 12; Dem. 15, 22. 18, ii, ava- 19, 283, n- Her. 2, 3; Dem. 19, 276, see above: 3 fut. fjLfp.vfja-ofj.ai II. 22, 390 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 6, 6 ; PL Leg. 783, see above. Vb. a-fivao-ros Theocr. 16, 42, (ivrjo-Tfov Hippocr. 2, 157, ri- PI. Tim. 90. Epic lengthened forms, nvwovro, ffivuoiTo imp. 3 pi. for ipvvvro, II. n, 71. 2, 686; so part. nvcaofifvos Od. 4, 106; imper. /ifweo Ap. Rh. i, 896. ^vr^ai. for -rjo-ai, 2 sing. perf. II. 21, 442, contr. M*'/^ J 5> T ^J Theocr. 21, 41, nepvearai for -vrjvrai, Democr. p. 196 (Mull.); SUbj. nffj Gg 2 452 M//XI/W. Od. 14, 168 ; Soph. O. R. 49 (Elms. Bind.); PI. Phil. 31, Ion. -fufifda Her. 7,47 (Bekk. Kriig. -o>/u- Dind. Stein) ; opt. ^fp-vfi- fjirjv II. 24, 745, -firo Ar. Plut. 991 ; PI. Rep. 518, also fu/j.vq>o Xen. An. i, 7, 5 (Schneid. Kriig. -30 Dind. Saupp. -oto Mss. Ktihner), -WTO Xen. Cyr. i, 6, 3 (-j/ro Saupp. Dind. now), Ion. -eWo II. 23, 361 (Dind. La R. -jj Bekk. now), w^e&t Soph. O. R. 49 quoted (Eustath. Nauck &c.), and pffivaiaT for -atvro, Find. Fr. 71 (Bergk, Hart.) quoted in Etym. M. and Cram. Anecd. as 8a>piK Orph. Lith. 603, 3 Dor. pffivavda Pind. N. n, 15 : pip. ffuffivfaro for -TJVTO, Her. 2, 104, Dor. -pvavro Pind. I. 8, 26. nffj.v6fj.fvos Archil. 9, 2 (Bergk) is a mere conjecture of Scaliger, adopted however by Grotius and Gaisf. for /j.fp.(f)6fj.fvos (Vulg.) which Bergk in his 2 and 3 ed. retains, but suggests fieXn-d/ifvoj, or fjLffiftXofi-. Pres. fiifi.vT)(TKu> and fut. fj.vf) in simple are Epic. Horn, and the Traged. use both aor. pass, and mid., the Come- dians and prose writers seem never to use the mid. aor. simple or comp. The only exception we have met is fiv^a-aa-dai Her. 7, 39 ; (Luc.) D. Syr. quoted. aTro/ii/i^o-Ko/wu has no act. form, and fut. mid. dirofivrja-eaBai Only Thuc. I, 137 : aor. dnffu>r)?: imp. e/uw&t Hippocr. 3, 330 (Lit.), fpivvde (Erm. Pref. 3 vol. p. 4), pivvdov Q. Sm. 3, 406, iter. (iivvtieo-Kov Od. 14, 17: fat. fjLt,w6i](T PI. Theaet. 168; Isocr. n, 49; Dem. 10, 19: aor. ffjiia-rja-a Eur. Or. 619; Isocr. 5, 77 ; (Dem.) 12, 4, p.i(Tov Ar. Lys. 958 ; -was Dem. 18, 21 : p. /*e/V0wKa Lys. 17, 5 ; Dem. 21, 80 : p. p. ^e/n'o-^w/xat Her. 9, 38 ; PL Leg. 800 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 10: aor. ffUffOadrjv Xen. An. I, 3, i ; Isae. 6, 36 ; Dem. 18, 284. Mid. -oO/wu hire in, -OVTM Dem. 18, 149, -ovvrai Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 20 ; Her. 5, 62, but -fvvrcu. 3, 131 ; -om> Ar. Av. 1152 : imp. tfuo-dovivo Her. i, 68. 9, 34 ; Thuc. 4, 76 ; Isae. 6, 37 : fut. -eta-ofuu Ar. Vesp. 52 ; opt. -cio-oiro Dem. 27, 40 : aor. ffua-Goio-d^v Lys. 3, 24; Aeschin. i, 13. 162 ; Dem. 36, 454 Mi<7TiAao/xcu 13; -a-dfifvog Thuc. 6. 90; -uo-ao-dai Her. i, 24: and as mid. p.p. jif/iur&a/uat Lys. 17, 8; Isae. 6, 39; Dem. 45, 79. 48, 44 ; Com. FT. (Phil.) 4, 64 : and pip. e/ue/'a-0a>To Lys. 3, 1 1 ; Dem. 3 6 > 9- 45. 2 9- MurruXdopu, or fiuoriX- To ladle out, Ar. Eq. 827 : imp. -aro Luc. Lex. 5 : p. /iefti irpo-nvTj(rafj.fVT) Xen. Mem. 2, 6, 36. Lengthened forms, //Ptfa 2 sing. pres. for fiva (pvdr)) Od. l6, 431 ; inf. pvaaadai I, 39 ; part, /ii/eci/xews Her. i, 96 (/ivw/i- Stein): imp. epvdavde, vn- Od. 22, 38, fivu>ovro ii, 288, t/ij/w- (Theocr.) 27, 22. Vt>. ^VT/OTOJ), -OTJ II. 6, 246. Mrtjjioi'edo) To remember, mention, Epicharm. i ; Aesch. Pers. 783 ; Soph. Aj. 1273 ; Her. i, 36 ; Isocr. i, 47 ; Isae. 3, 16 ; Dem. 5, 10, 8ia- Antiph. 5, 54: imp. e'/x 1 "?/*- Aeschin. 2, 76: fat. -euo-o) Ar. Eccl. 264 ; Isocr. 12, 136: aor. efjLvijpovfvo-a Soph. Fr. 779; PI. Rep. 544, an- Her. 5, 65: does not redouble in p. ffju>T)iwvtvKa Joseph. Ap. i, i, dir-ffivrjfj,- PI. Leg. 672. Phaed. 103: p.p. lnvrffMvevrai, 81- PI. CritiaS 117: aor. fpvTjpovfvdrjv Isocr. 12, 192 : fut. /xi'^oi/ev^ijCTo/zat Isocr. 12, 128. 199; Dem. 1 8, 231 : with fut. mid. p.vr]p.ovfva-fTai as pass. Eur. Heracl. 334 : pres. p. -evofieva Thuc. I, 23 : imp. ep.vT]fj.- 2, 47. Mid. aor. ffj.vTHJ.oveva-d/j.r)v mentioned, Galen 15, 20, missed by all Lexicogr. Vb. p-v^fiovevros Aristot. Rhet. i, n, -riov PI. Rep. 441. MnqoxofAai To remember, only pres. Anacr. 94 (Vulg. Bergk) who suggests nr)(T(Tcu, Franke ^crerai perhaps unnecessarily. Pres. act. occurs in comp. vn-o/uwjo-jcouo-a Orph. Hym. 77, 6. Mnrjarcuw To woo, Od. 1 8, 277 ; Theogn. 1112 ; Eur. I. A. 847; PI. Leg. 773, Dor. pvaar- Theocr. 22, 155 (Mein.) : imp. p.vT) Isocr. IO, 39 : aor. e'/ii/Tforevo-a, -eva-as Od. 4, 684 ; -fva-at Isocr. 10, 20, Dor. \wavr- Theocr. 18, 6: reg. except redupl. p. fjufivrjcrrfviuas Diod. Sic. 1 8, 23 : p. p. fJ.(fJ.vj(rTevfiai V. T. Deut. 22, 28; Artemidor. Oneir. 2, 12, but fV^or- N. T. Luc. 1,27. 2, 5, as mid. see below : aor. ffjivrja-Tfiidrjv, Dor. e/ M.vu>ofJ.at Mi/ew. Eur. I. T. 2oS (chor.), wr-e/iwjor- Aristot Polit. 5, 4, 7 : pres. fj.vT]a-Tfvf Soph. Ph. 477, fi.6\rj H. 24, 781 ; Pind. P. 4, 77; Soph. Aj. 688, dual p6\rjTov Eur. Phoen. 585, but /uoXcao-i Xen. An. 7, i, 33; -oi/u Soph. O. C. 70 ; /uoXe Eur. Or. 176 (chor.); Ar. Lys. 1263 (chor.) ; -XeZi< Soph. O. C. 757 ; Eur. Bac. 838 ; late prose Polyb. 30, 9 ; -Xa>i> II. 6, 286. Od. 3, 44 ; Soph. O. R. 35 ; Ar. Ran. 1232 ; late prose Plut. Mor. 220. 225 : fut. /ioXov/im Trag. Soph. O. C. 1742 ; -Xelo-tfat Aesch. Pr. 689. See /SXoxmo. For fw\ovvT(s pres. part. Or. Sib. &c. some would edit -owes 2 aor. Mopyyofu To wipe, late, and in simple, only aor. mid. nopgavro Q. Sm. 4, 270. 374, but dn-fpop^dp.r]v Ar. Ach. 706; Anth. 6, 217. See opopyvvfit. MopfxoXuTTOfiai To scare, fear (p>p/*&>>), Xen. Conv. 4, 27 ; PI. Gorg. 473 ; -rijrai Crito 46 ; -TfaQai Ar. Av. 1245 ; -opfvos (PL) Ax. 364: imp. ffjLopiJ.o\vTTtTo Com. Fr. (Crat.) 2, 235 (Mein.) : aor. fiopfj.o\v^dfjiepos Galen io, 106, missed by Lexicogr. (Mopu'o-CTu) To soil, pollute, later mix, Epic, late and aor. in act. epopvga, -vgcus Nic. Alex. 144 : and classic p. p. /xe/xopvy- ^W Od. 13, 435 (Wolf, Dind. -v X n- Bekk. La R.); Opp. Cyn. 3, 39; Q. Sm. 5, 450; Nic. Alex. 318. 375, -x/- (Otto Schn.) Mouv Andoc. i, 132 ; piv PL Epist. 333 : imp. ffjivei Philostr. Apoll. 5, 19 (202) : fut. -TJ (Dem.) 59, 21 ; Luc. Fugit. 8; Philostr. Apoll. 4, 156 : aor. /w5ij Mv/fao/ucu. Bekk. Bergk, Bind.) ; Com. Fr. 3, 626 ; (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 314 (Lit.); Philostr. Apoll. 292; -Tjdrj Dem. 59,21; /xvq&iV PI. Conv. 209 &c. : fut. -j^o-o/iai Alciphr. 2, 4, 21 : and as pass. fut. mid. /ivijo-o/wu Philostr. Apoll. 4, 156, but seemingly act. Euseb. adv. Hierocl. 30 (Kayser in text, but fj-vija-ai in Annot. crit.), both missed by Lexicogr. Muu To suck, Xen. An. 4, 5, 27 (Suid. Dind. Popp. Kriig.) ; Hippocr. 8, 592 (Lit.), and fj.vew, 7, 252, later pvda>, etc- D. Cass. 51, 14; Ael. H. A. 3, 39: imp. /iu> Hippocr. 8, 594: aor. e/xvj^o-a, /xu^o-a? Opp. Hal. 2, 407, - II. 4, 218 ; Luc. Tim. 8 : tfjivr)dr)v, dn- Themist. 22, 282. dpiifa stands in some edi- tions of Xen. An. 4, 5, 27. This verb must be distinguished from nvfa to mutter, grumble, Aesch. Eum. 117; Ar. Thesm. 231 ; Hippocr. 7, 84. 252 : imp. tfivfr g, 206 : fut. /^o> Diog. Laert. 10, 118 : aor. e/iv|a Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 92, r- II. 8, 457, ffj-va-a Hippocr. 3, 546 (Kiihn) ; (pvo-as Plut. Pomp. 60, if not from /tuco). Mid. aor. tpj^aro (Hesych.), dn-ep.- Nic. Al. 482. MuOe'w To speak, tell, Poet, rare and perhaps late in act. Stob. (Democr.) 98, 61 ; part. /xvtfeCo-ai for -ovo-ai Eur. I. A. 790 chor. (Kirchh. Nauck, /iu&vo-ovo-i Dind. 5 ed.) : aor. nvtifjaas Phot. Usu. fjiiidfofiai Dep. mid. II. 7, 76, Dor. -ev/zt Theocr. 10, 21, 2 sing. fjLvdflai for -at Od. 8, 180, and by dropping f, pvdf'ai Od. 2, 2O2, -6f'i(r6f Aesch. Supp. 277; /xi/tfeltr&u Tyrt. 4, 7; -0ovfj.evos Soph. Aj. 1162, -6evp.fvos Simon. Am. 7, 18 : imp. t^vGfo^v Od. 12, 451, fivd- Od. 4, 152, dual -6eiv6r)v 3, 140, fnvdevvTO Ap. Rh. i, 458, her. fjivdfVKovTo II. 18, 289: fut. -Q^o^ai Od. n, 328; Soph. Aj. 865, -drjveai Od. 19, 500: aor. /ui&jo-aro II. 17, 2OO; Theocr. 2, 154 ; Epic subj. -^o-o/xat II. 2, 488 ; -crat'pji/ II. 3, 235. Od. 21, 193; Pind. P. 4, 298 ; imper. -ijo-afftfe II. 6, 376 ; -r) occurs in Eur. but not in classic prose. The Lexicons have overlooked the mid. fJLvdfvovrai Strab. 5, 3, 2 : aor. e^vGiva-avro Plut. Mor. 894, fj.v6evcr- Tzetz. Antihom. 74, both without v. r. Mu0ici> To say, tell, late in this form, -t'fwi/ Maneth. i, 238, Dor. fern. -i'o(m (Theocr. 20, n ; inf. -t'o-So/ 10, 58; Lacon. /jLvai88a>, -iSSe Ar. Lys. 94 ; -ffibdeiv 1076: aor. fj-vo-igai 981. Mid. /iu0t'b/uu Stob. (Perict.) 85, 19; -ifriTo Orph. Arg. 192. MiJicaofjKH To bellow (/*v, /uv/cw) Eur. H. F. 870; Ar. Vesp. 1488, ?rapa- Aesch. Pr. 1082 ; nvKvpevos Od. 10, 413 ; PI. Rep. 396 : imp. ffjLVKaro Ar. Ran. 562 ; PI. Rep. 615 : fut. ^uKijcro/xat Anth. 9, 730; Luc. Phal. (i), n : aor. e/xwc^o-airo Theocr. 16, 37 ; Paus. 9, 19, 4 ; Dio Cass. 51, 17, /u^o-- Theocr. 26, 20 ; co Mw. 457 Mosch. 2, 97, Dor. punaa- Theocr. 22, 75 (Vulg. Mein. -TJO-- Ahr. Ziegl. Fritzsche); -ijo-a/wvos Ar. Nub. 292 ; Philostr. Apoll. 4, 162 : 2 p. fji(p.vKa Hes. Op. 508; Aesch. Supp. 351 (chor.), in tmesi II. 24, 420, /*$i- Od. 10, 227; fi(p,vKo>s II. 18, 580. 21, 237 : pip. fu^vKfiv Od. 12, 395 (Bekk. 2 ed. La Roche), >f/iv*c- (Vulg. Dind.) r 2 aor. Epic /xiW II. 5, 749, in tmesi 20, 260. The act. form seems to be late, fat. puK^a-a Or. Sib. 8, 349 : aor. p.vKT) PL Rep. 343 : aor. diro-pv^Tj Diog. Laert. 6, 44 : pip. p. eV e 'A ll " cro > drr- Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 215. Mid. /Wo/H to wipe one's nose, Hippocr. 6, 606 (Lit.), Kara- Her. 4, 71, dno-p-vrr- Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 16: imp. dir-fpvTT- Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 209; Xen. Conv. i, 15: aor. nvgdpjvos, OTTO- Ar. Eq. 910. The mid. in the simple form has been overlooked by all Lexicographers, ajrepf- Com. Fr. quoted, is Burmann's approved emendation for Mow To shut the lips or eyes, Soph. Fr. 754 ; Callim. Dian. 95; PL Soph. 239; Aristot. Pt. Anim. 4, n, 8, Kara- Athen. (Hedyl.) 8, 34; pAw Nicand. Fr. 74, 56: fat. /*ucra> late, Lycophr. 988 ; Niceph. 7,15: aor. envaa Hippocr. 5, 234 (Lit), p.vffav II. 24, 637, ffiv- late ; ^077 PL Theaet. 164, /nvo-oxn Aristot. Meteor. 4, 3, 20; /xW Soph. Ant. 421; Eur. Med. 1183; Ar. Vesp. 988 ; PL Theaet. 164 ; Luc. Merc. Con. 21 ; Plut. Pomp. 60 ? see pvfa : p. ne^vita am shut, in tmesi II. 24, 420 ; Hippocr. 8, 14. 64 (Lit); Aristot. Probl. u, a; -wcf Anth. App. Epigr. 458 Mwyuao/m* Na/o). 48, trvfji- PL Phaedr. 251. The aorist is occasionally long in late Poets, ?/Jo-e in arsi Anth. 7, 630. 9, 558, Kara- Batr. 191, unless it should be written -wo--. In Attic, v is said to be short in pres. /*&>. It is difficult to get a direct crucial instance. nvu>-^ is short in Anth. 6, 233; Tryph. 352, but/xv- Nic. Ther. 417, in arsi. Mojfxciofjiai To blame, fta/ua Ar. Av. 171, Ion -eo/u, -etWai Theogn. 369; -cv/iei/o? 169: fat. /iw/^o-o/^ai II. 3, 412; Simon. Am. 7, 113 (Bergk); Theogn. 1079; Callim. Dian. 222; Inscr. in Plut. Mor. 346: aor. eVcB/nTjo-d/^p Aesch. Ag. 277, /nw/ijjo-- Q. Sm. 12, 563, /LKB/iao-aro Theocr. 9, 24 ; opt. /uo/xijo-airo Theogn. 875 ; Luc. D. Deor. 20, 2 ; -faavQai Hist. con. 33. Pass. rare, aor. \LV>\U\QII be blamed, N. T. 2 Cor. 6, 3. Vb. HUMTOS Aesch. Sept. 508. The collat. /u&>/*euo> we have seen in the pr. subj. only ^^evj] Od. 6, 274; and inf. -tvtiv Hes. Op. 756. N. u To dwell, inhabit, Poet trans, and intrans. and only pres. Od. 9, 21, -eraetr Opp. Hal. i, 411, -trad Hes. Th. 775, -aouo-i II. 4, 45; -awv Od. 17, 523; Emped. 235; Simon. C. 84 ; Find. N. 4, 85, irapa- Soph. Tr. 635 (chor.); -dew Ap. Rh. 3, 680: and iter. imp. vaierdao-Kov II. 2, 841. II, 673. Od. 15, 385; Ap. Rh. i, 68. 3, 977. This verb usually maintains its forms uncontracted, vaierdfi, -dovan, -dcav &C., but vaierav Soph. Ant. 1123 chor. (Dind. &c.) In the imp. -daanov it has the regular lengthening, and in the fem. part, the irregular, vaie- rdaxra Od. I, 404, ev- II. 2, 648, but vaifrdovva Hom. H. 1 8, 6, and now Od. and II. quoted (Bekk. 2 ed.), -oWa (La Roche). Naiu (cdu) To inhabit, settle, Poet. II. 16, 235 ; Hes. Op. 391; Simon. C. 164 ; Emped. 353 ; Pind. P. 12, 3 ; Aesch. Pr. 809 ; Soph. O. R. 414 ; Eur. I. T. 66, Dor. 3 pi. vaiWi Pind. P. 12, 26; vaicov II. 6, 15; Soph. Ph. 1105 ; rare in Comedy, Ar. Ran. 324 (chor.); Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 393 (hexam.), Dor. fem. vaioicra Theocr. 2, 71 ; vatttv Anacr. 112; Soph. O. C. 812; so II. 18, 87 ; but -ffiev 15, 190, -e>fwu Od. 15, 240 : imp. evaiov II. 2, 824 ; Simon. C. 98 ; Pind. P. 3, 63 ; Aesch. Pr. 452, valov II. 5, 710. 9, 484; Hes. Sc. 473; Simon, C. 48, iter. iWeo-Ke II. 16, 719; Hes. Fr. 81 : fut. mid. vdvo-opat Epic, Ap. Rh. 2, 747: aor. eWuro-a caused to dwell, placed, Hom. H. 2, 120; Pind. P. 5, 71, tear- Hes. Th. 329. Op. 168, vd&o-a Od. 4, 174; dno-vda-arcaai II. 1 6, 86 (Wolf, Spitzn. Dind. La R. -Sao-o-wo-t Bekk. 2 ed.): p. p. late veVaa/xat Anth. Ap. Epigr. 51, 8 ; -ao-/iW Dion. Per. NaVcrce) Nai/T/XXo/xai. 459 264: aor. (va Eur. Supp. 474 : aor. eVavtrro- X^o-a I. T. 103; subj. -Tj(ro> Hec. 1260; Alciphr. 2, 4 : p. vtvav- avri\\- Ap. Rh. 4, 299 : and aor. i/aui-tXao-flai Dio Cass. 56, 3. Not in Comedy, and only once in classic Attic prose. (Ndw) To dwell, see vaia>. Nefw To flow, only pres. II. 21, 197. Od. 6, 292; -a'?; Epigr. in PI. Phaedr. 264 : and imp. (with d) vaov Callim. Dian. 224; Ap. Rh. 3, 224 (Mss. Well. Merk.). i, 1146 (Well.), and valov Od. 9, 222 (Bekk.); Ap. Rh. i, 1146 (Ms. G. Merk.) Mid. or pass, vaofievai Nicand. Fr. 2, 58 (Goettl. Schn.), vaiofi- (Otto Schn. 74, 58, in note) ; with Alex. 515. vaov once stood Od. 9, 222, but Wolf, Bekker, Dindorf and La Roche adopt valov the reading of Aristarchus, and thus preserve a in Homer. The approved reading now (Ar. Ran. 146) is ddvuv, once dtl v&v. Callim. has d of imp. in thesis, Ap. Rh. in arsis twice in Wel- lauer's edition, once in Merkel's. Nedtaeuojjuu To behave like a youth, thoughtlessly, wantonly (vfavias), Dep. Ar. Fr. 653 (D.); PI. Gorg. 482 ; Isocr. 20, 17 : flit, -fvcrofiat Dem. 19, 242 : aor. eveavitvcra^v Dem. 19, 194. 21, 69 : with p. v(v(avie\)fj.ivos pass. Dem. 21, 18 : and late aor. vfaviev6ds Plut. Mar. 29. The collat. yeai/tovceuo/iai is rare, and only pres. -vrai Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 434 &c. ; -tvdai Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 15; -6ft(vos Plut. Mor. 12. veafa Poetic, late prose, and perhaps only pres. Aesch. Supp. 104; -afrv Soph. O. C. 374; Eur. Phoen. 713; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 276; late prose -afav Alciphr. i, 28 &c. Neaw and cccko To make new (veos), both very partially used, the former in pres. and aor. act. only, vtav Ar. Nub. 1117 ; late prose Theophr. C. P. 3, 20, 1.7: aor. eWao-a, vcdo-wai 3, 20, 8 : and pass, vew^vri Hes. Op. 462 ; the latter in aor. act. only, vea>ffov Aesch. Supp. 534 (chor.), late prose -wo-are V. T. Jer. 4, 3 : and mid. eVeoxroTo Anth. App. Epigr. 147. veox^oco too is very limited in its inflections, and prosaic, but perhaps not used above once in classic Attic, Her. 4, 201 ; Aristot. Mund. 7 ; Dio. Hal. Ant. 5, 74; aor. eVeoxfuao-a Her. 5, 19; Thuc. i, 12 ; Dio. Hal. i, 89. NCIK^W To chide, II. I, 521, 3 pi. -Ktva-i 20, 254, Epic -Ktiw II. 4, 359 ; Hes. Op. 332 (Lennep, Koechl.), -KtLwo-i Theocr. i, 35 ; subj. 3 sing. -Kti^ Od. 17, 189, -Kfigo-t II. i, 579 ; veiKevv Her. 9, 55, Epic, -tuav Hes. Th. 208; -titiv II. 2, 277 : imp. eWj/ceoi/ II. 18, 498, -Kfe Her. 8, 125, vtiKfov II. 12, 268, *'* 2, 224, vtiKtiov Od. 22, 26, iter. vtuHinrna* II. 4, 241 : fut. vfiKf(ra> II. 10, 115: aor. fvfiKfaa II. 3, 59, vdicfo-a 10, 158, -eo-ua 7, 161. The iter. form vfuiivao^v Od. n, 512 (Vulg.) has been altered to "Neio-aro/mcu Neyuw. 46 1 (Wolf, Bekk. Dind. La Roche). Mostly Epic, but vtiKfwv Her. 9, 55 ; imp. eWucce 8, 125. NeurcrofACU, see viavopai. Neicfjw, see vi(j>a>. NejWSwTtf/W^e/za), Epic, and in act. late vf/ie'&ofNic. Then 430. Mid. Mpl&mtu, eV- Opp. Hal. i, 611: imp. vepfdovro II. n, 635. Ncfjieadtj To take'ill, blame, II. 4, 413 ; Hes. Op. 741 ; Theocr. 27, 63, rare in prose PI. Leg. 927 : Aristot. Rhet. 2, 6, 19 ; Plut. Mor. 780; Dio. Hal. i, 67. 10, 47, Epic -cro-dto Od. 23, 213; Hes. Op. 756: imp. fvepfa-av Plut. Sull. 6, -eVo-wv II. 13, 16: fut. -(f^trco Aristot. Rhet. 2, 9, 8 ; Opp. Hal. 4, 582 : aor. eVe- fji() Epic and rare, subj. Epic i/tneo-fio-erai Od. 19, 121 ; j/f/ifcroTjo-an-o Od. i, 228 : usu. aor. pass, as mid. cW/io-jj&; Plut. Cat. min. 38, Epic vffjLfa-a-fidr) Od. I, 119, 3 pi. -f(T(rrj6tv II. 2, 223; Subj. -tfrcrr}- 6u>p.fv 24, 53, -dfupfv (La R.), -dfiopfv (Bekk. 2 ed.); imper. -fo-o~f)0T]Te II. 16, 5445 -effarr/deis II. 15, 211. vtfiftraa-Kov of OUr lexicons has escaped us. Nejj.e Eur. H. F. 462 ; Her. i, 32 ; Thuc. 8, 70; PI. Prot. 320, vkpov Od. 8, 470. 15, 140: fut. vcfjua Soph. Aj. 513, OTTO- PI. Phil. 65, late vt/^o-w Long. Past. 2, 23 (Seiler) ; (Eur.) Epist. 5, 56 (D.) : aor. ?i//xa Od. 14, 210 ; Simon. C. 142 ; Aesch. Eum. 401 ; Soph. O. C. 1396 ; Her. 3, 39 ; Antiph. 5, 10 ; Thuc. 6, 88 ; Dem. 20, 141, II. 3, 274; Pind. I. 2, 22; Soph. Aj. 1201 (chor.) : p. ]Ka, 8ia- Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 45, OTTO- Luc. Prom. 9 : p. p. vevt- PI. Parm. 144. Leg. 760; vtvtpr\ Soph. 267; -^eVos Xen. An. 7, 3, 21 ; PI. Tim. 53 : aor. ivt^Q^v PL Leg. 849 ; Dem. 59, 104. 36, 38 (Mss. A v. S ex correct. Dind.), 8t-e*p}0- Xen. Hell. 7, 4, 27 ; PL Leg. 835 ; Dinarch. i, 24, but /fjfj,' by Damm, and called 2 p. (pret. med.) for vevap, by others imp. of a form va>n<>> on what authority we know not, has been altered to m/*' by Herm. Boeckh, Bergk, on the ground that d from the contraction of ac could not be elided. Ne'ofwu To go, come, or as fut. will go, Poet II. 3, 257. 23, 150; Pind. P. 4, 102, contr. vevpai II. 18, 136; Epigr. 15, n, 2 sing. vf'tai Od. II, 114. 12, 141, vtiTai 12, 188, and mr' 4, 633, vevfitda Ap. Rh. 2, 1153 ; Theocr. 18, 56, vetvQe Ap. Rh. 3, 306, and vda-de 3, 373; Eur. Ale. 737, veovrai Od. 20, 156; subj. ver/ai II. I, 32, -rjTai Od. I, 205 &C. ; Opt. veoi^v II. 14, 335, -oififda Od. 3, 170, -o/aro II. 18, 377 ; imper. veio Leon. Tar. 70, vf( II. 23, 662, -evQatv 3, 74; inf. vflardai Od. 15, 88; Pind. P. 4, 247 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 431 ; Soph. Ant. 33, usu. vffaQai in Horn. II. 2, 84. 9, 42. 14, 221. Od. 3, 60. 4, 8 &c. ; Hes. Op. 554; Theocr. 16, 28 ; Ap. Rh. i, 708. 2, 12. 3, 646 &c. ; vfopfvos Eur. Elec. 723 (chor.), vfvfj.- Anth. 9, 96 : imp. vfoprjv Od. 17, 148; Theocr. 25, 207, veovro II. 5, 907 ; Pind. N. 4, 77, VeWo Ap. Rh. 4, 315: and perhaps aor. j^o-a/ie'w;, vrro- Hippocr. 9, 192 (Lit. -vffirjoafi- Vulg. 2/9, 43 Foes.) vtofiai occurs once in prose, vfovrat Xen. Cyr. 4, i, 1 1 (Ms. Vat. Schn. Popp. Dind.) A fut. act. VTJO-OVVTI Dor. for j^o-ovat, occurs Sophr. Fr. 19 (Ahr.) if correct; and late a pres. vtei Aretae. C. Morb. Ac. 2, 118 (ed. Oxon.) A lengthened form wje'o/nai occurs late in fut. i^o-trou Opp. Hal. 2, 216, unless this be from j/)?e'w to heap up. See vi Neoco New. 463 Neou, see Vfaca. NeuoTaco, see worafw. Neu'w To bend, nod, Eur. Fr. 152 (D.); Ar. Pax 883; Aristot. Mund. 7, 6; Theophr. H. P. 4, 9, i ; -oi/ Od. 18, 237; Hes. Op. 473 J - II- !3> J 33 5 Soph. Ant. 441 ; Her. 2, 48 ; Thuc. 4, too; PI. Leg. 945 : imp. tvevov II. n, 42, vfvov Od. 9, 468 : fut. vevcra) Od. 1 6, 283; Hippocr. 5, 196, dva- Luc. Saturn, i, 1, OTTO- Polyb. 5, 46, Dor. i/euo-et? Theocr. 7, 109 ; Epic inf. vfvS Eur. I. A. 1581 ; Theocr. 22, 203 ; Luc. Somn. 13. D. Deor. 17, 2, irpo- PI. Euthyd. 274 : pip. fvevevKfiv Polyb. 9, 5 : (p. p. vepevfuu : aor. evtvdrjv ?) Vb. vfvvros ? The COmp. dvavfvoa has fut. mid. -vevcro^ai PI. Rep. 350 : but -evo-v Luc. Saturn. I, I. So icara-veix.), fut. mid. -vev- aofiai II. i, 524 ; PI. Rep. 350: late -vev Q. Sm. 2, 149 : aor. Kavveva-as for Karavev- Od. 15, 464; Karavtixav in arsis, Od. 9, 490. (irwfvco also has both fut. but late -vev Luc. Saturn, i, 4 (Jacob.): -vfixro^ai Aristaen. 2, i. Ne<|>e'w, f&|>Gj 7b <5^ clouded, lower, only in comp. (i Eur. Fr. 329 (Wagn. -vefai 332 Dind.) ; Ar. Av. 1502, -j/<^ (Cob. Mein. Dind. 5 ed.); prose, Aristot. Rhet. 2, 19, 24; -vffovaa Eur. El. 1078, -vf'Qovaa (Cob. Nauck, Dind. 5 ed.); -vefytiv Plut. Mor. 641 : fut. late -vtQqtm Sym. Job 37, 21 : 2 p. (rvv-vevofa Ar. Fr. 142 (D.) ; late prose Dio Cass. 55, n ; -vfva>s Ar. Fr. 349 ; late prose Philostr. 508. New To swim, Pind. Fr. 203 (Bergk 2 ed., 136 Schneidw. Herm. Momms.), vd PI. Rep. 453, vtova-i Aristot. Part. An. 4, 13, 9; viT) (Suid.) : aor. evrja-a Eur. Cycl. 387 (Reisk. Herm. Dind. 2 ed. Nauck 2 ed. earpaxrev Pierson, Dind. 5 ed. Nauck 3 ed.), up for oneself, aor. eV^o-a- /*?7i>, eV^o-co, aTr- Eur. Fr. 281 ; vT}\it6a Polyaen. 8, 65, missed by Lexicogr. ; vrja-dptvos, dno- Eur. Ion 875, but vno- Hippocr. 9, 192 (Lit.) we think should be rather referred to veofuu. to go. Vb. VTJTOS Od. 2, 338. See tnjfto. ovp-vtvtarat 3 pi. Ion. for. -VTJVTOI, Her. 2, 135. 4, 62. For eonjartv Eur. Cycl. 387 (Mss. Kirchh.), Reiske suggested, and Herm. Nauck 2 ed. &c. adopted fvyvev : so Dindorf, but in 5 ed. he and Nauck in 3 ed. read ea-rpaxrev with Pierson. New, ni9w To spin, vei Hes. Op. 777; vfjdfiv PI. Polit. 289 : imp. iter. vr)deo-ices Anth. 14, 134 : fut. vrja-m Ar. Lys. 519 ; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 298 : aor. fivjcra Batr. 183 ; Soph. Fr. 391, en- II. 20, 128: p.p. late vevrja-fiai Phil, de Verm. Ser. 34, n- (Luc.) Philop. 14 : aor. ivi\6i\v PI. Polit. 282 : mid. Epic as act. aor. vfjo-avro Od. 7, 198. Vb. vr)Tos. Aelian H. A. 7, 12, has 3 pi. vaxn which implies vda>, or a peculiarity of contraction in to for ou ; so vavra, vr}6ovra Hesych. ; see also vwo-at Eup. Com. Fr. 2, 556, which Meineke has altered to vrjcrai. New, irje'ofjuu, To go, come, see vfo^uu. NTJ^W To heap up, Epic and Ion. imp. vrjfov II. 23, 163 ; Ap. Rh. i, 403, P7J- II. 23, 169 (Bekk. 2 ed. wj- La R.) : aor. vfjrja-a Od. 19, 64 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 1208 ; Opp. Hal. 4, 496 ; part, vrjrjo-as !! 9> 35 8 ; Her. i, 50 (Gaisf. Bekk. vf)a- Dind. Dietsch, Stein) ; vrj^a-ai Od. 15, 322, Trept- Her. 2, 107 (-^ jr/>m, see viu>. NTji'c'a) To ^^a/ />, Epic and only imp. in comp. fTr-ev^veov II. 7, 428. 431, irap-evffv- Od. i, 147. 16, 51 (Wolf, Spitzn. Dind. La Roche, but eir-Trap-fvrjfov Bekk. 2 edit.) ; Ap. Rh. i, 1123 ; Q. Sm. 4, 135. 10, 462 (Vulg. but irap-(vr](ov Koechl. 2 edit.), N^w N/o. 465 The simple vr\vfov once II. 23, 139, is now read vfaov (Wolf, Bekk. Spitzn. Dind. La Roche) and which Bekker now reads in the compds. also, frr-irap-tvt)tov uniformly in II. and Od. (2 ed.), and Koechly in Q. Sm. (2 ed.) If they are right, and perhaps they are, vfjvfov would seem to be a late form, and its only unchallenged voucher Ap. Rh. i, 1123. The middle v seems called in for a rest, or represents, it may be, a nasal. Niftw, Dor. cd- To be sober, seems in good authors confined to pres. Theogn. 478 ; Com. Fr. (Bato) 4, 499 ; Hippocr. 6, 192 ; PI. Leg. 918; Dor. imper. vafa Epich. 119 (Ahr.); v^w Archil. 5, 4; PI. Conv. 213; usu. part. vf}v Soph. O. C. 100; Ar. Lys. 1232; Her. i, 133; Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 20; Isocr. 8, 13; PL Critias 121. Rep. 396. Leg. 773 &c. : imp. e'l-ew^o^ev Athen. 4, 5 : fut. vf]^a>, f<- trans. Apocr. Sir. 34, 2 : aor. w^/mre Or. Sib. i, r 54 } vtyas Ael. (Orac.) Fr. 103, -avres Joseph. Ant. n, 3, 3; but trans. "?^f, '- Aretae. Morb. Ac. 2, 114 (ed. Oxon.) The trans, usage has been overlooked by Lexicogr. Nrjxw To swim, Dor. vaxw/>/ Eur. I. T. 1230; vfytie Ap. Rh. 4, 588, e<- (PI.) Epist. 352 ; vfyov Od. 19, 358 ; vtyai Soph. O. R. 1228; Eur. I. T. 1191 : p. p. vevifi^ai II. 24, 419, Theocr. 15, 32, OTTO- Ar. Vesp. 1217. Eccl. 419, - Com. Fr. (Eub.) 3, 231 : aor. w^/jc, KO.T- Hippocr. i, 218 (K.), fit- Theophr. C. P. 5, 9, 13 : 2 aor. (eVf^j/v?) : but fut. w^o-o/xai late V. T. Lev. 15, 12. Mid. vifrpai wash oneself, IV-UTTO- Her. i, 138, fiia- Hippocr. 8, 204. 206 (Lit.), and vimo/tai 8, Il6 (Lit.), OTTO- Od. 1 8, 179: imp. w'fero Od. 6, 224, drr-eviC- II. IO > 57 2 I Com. Fr. (Drom.) 3, 541, eWTrrero Eustath. Philos. i, 8 : fut. vtyopai Ap. Rh. 4, 541, djro- Ar. Av. 1 163; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 21, en- Dem. 18, 140 : aor. evi^dfjajv Paus. 9, 18, 4, vfyaro II. 16, 230 ; Hes. Fr. 76 (Goettl.) ; Eur. Bac. 767 (trimet.), dn-evty- Callim. Lav. P. 5; vi^da-da> Hippocr. 8, 218: vi^dfuvos II. 24, 305. Od. 12, 336; Hes. Op. 739; Her. 2, in; Hippocr. 8, 130 (Lit.), drro- PL Conv. 223 ; vfyao-Qai Od. 4, 54. 17, 93 : and seemingly p.p. vevi^fda, diro- Ar. Vesp. 1217. Vb. a-vmros II. 6, 266, SUO-C'K- PL Rep. 378. The simple verb seems not to occur in classic prose, but comp. diro-vifa PL Conv. 175 (mid. (vairo- Her. I, 138. 2, 172, imp. fvair-tvi- 2, 172) : fut. vtyovvi 6, 19, but in an Orac. : fut. mid. eWty Dem. 18, 140 (Dind. -^77 Bekk.): dirovi^rd^fvos PL Conv. 223; but simple viVro/iai Hippocr. 8, 116; Strab. vol. 3, p. 567 (Kram.) ; vi^dvQo Hip- pocr. 8, 218; -dfj-evog 8, 130 (Lit.). In late prose act. j/iWo> Plut. Thes. 10; N. T. John 13, 6: evi^a 13, 14; vtyai V. T. Gen. 43, 23: vevmTcu Lev. 15, n : i^orcrat 15, 12. Mid. viTtrofiai Plut. Mor. 142 ; V. T. Exod. 30, 18. N. T. Mat. 15, 2 : imp. ev'mTOVTO V. T. Exod. 38, 27: vfyonai 30, 19: (VL^dp.rjV Plut. Mar. 26; V. T. Jud. 19, 21. N. T. John 9, 15. NIKCICU To conquer, -* Simon. C. 152 ; Eur. H. F. 342 ; Ar. N. 894, -as II. 2, 370 ; Ar. Eq. 277 ; Her. i, 40, -/ca II. i, 576 ; Aesch. Ag. 574; Soph. Ant. 795; PL Rep. 588 &c., and VIKTJIU Theocr. 7, 40; subj. I>IK> Eur. Heracl. 253; PL Menex. 247; opt. viKaotfu (-<5/ii and -oir)v), -IKW PL Leg. 658, -GH; Tyrt. 12, 4 ; Xen. Hell. 6, 5, 6, -wev 4, 3, i ; PL Conv. 179, Her. 9, 69; WKWI/ Her. 9, 68, dat. pi. WKWO-I Xen. Cyr. 8, 2, 27, Dor. viK&vreaai Pind. Ol. 7, 10 : imp. eviKw 11.9, 130; Eur. Phoen. 1143; Ar. Lys. 1254; Her. 6, 18; PL Menex. 242, via- II. 15, 284, eVuca 18, 252; Soph. Ant. 274; Her. 8, 9; Thuc. 3, 8, vita Od. 13, 261, Dor. via?) Pind. N. 5, 5, iter. vutdvKopfv Od. n, 512 : fut. N/TTTft) N/<. 467 Aesch. Eum. 722; Ar. Eq. 364; PI. Theag. 128, -Vr Her. i, 71 ; Ar. Eq. 904, Dor. -datls Theocr. 8, 10, -fare Thuc. 7, 66 ; -ijo-etv Ar. Ach. 651, Dor. -acrt'iv Theocr. 8, 7, Ep. -T/o-e/xej/ D. 7, 192: mid. late vi^a-ea-de Hierocl. 205 (Eberh.), Dor. viKagoipai, -Kaf) if correct, Theocr. 21, 32 (Vulg. Ziegl. wara^ij Ameis, Fritzsche) : aor. Ivln^aa II. 3, 439; Simon. C. 155, 7; Soph.^Ant. 233; Her. i, 74^ Thuc. 2, 54, v 'ut- Od. n, 545, Dor. evLKaa-a Find. I. 8, 65, VLKaa-a Simon. C. 53 ; viKTja-as II. 3, 404 ; Eur. Tr. 1209 ; PI. Rep. 557, Dor. -do-ais Find. Ol. 5, 8. P. 9, 73. N. 10, 24 ; vt/cfjo-ai II. 21, 501 ; PI. Lach. 191, Dor. -acrat Phld. N. IO, 48: p. vfi>iicr]Ka Her. I, 82; Thuc. 2, 89; Andoc. 3, 18 ; Isae. 6, 60: p.p. veviKr/pcu Aesch. Eum. 795, Dor. -Kap.ai Find. N. 9, 2 ; -T^teW Her. i, 40. 8, 109 : aor. evinrjdrji' Xen. Hell. 4, 5, 2 ; -rjdfjs Ar. N. 1087, -ijtfjj Her. 9, 26, -v&oo-i Thuc. 1,50; -Krjdfisll. 23, 6,63; Her. i, 130; Thuc. 2,69. Mid. see fut. above overlooked by Lexicogr. Nurru, see vifa. Nio-(TO|A(u Togo, come, and as fut. Poet. Od. 10, 42 ; Hes. Op. 237 (Goettl. wtW- Lennep) ; Find. Ol. 3, 34 (Boeckh). N. 5, 37 ; Eur. Cycl. 43, em- Soph. O. C. 689 : imp. vla-a-ovro II. 12, 119 ; Hes. Sc. 469 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 824, ewWero, fur- II. 16, 779 : fut. viffofjLai II. 23, 76 ; Find. Ol. 3, 34 quoted (Bergk, Momms.); Eur. Phoen. 1234 (Aid. &c. veicr- Pors. viw- Dind. Herm. Kirchh. Nauck), Trepi-via-op.- Phocyl. n, i, Tron-j/tVo/x- Find. Ol. 6, 99, (jLtra-vivfai P. 5, 8, dno-viffOfj.- Theogn. 528 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 899 (Well, -viav- Merk.) : aor. simple late (fvlardp.r]v) vianjTai Maneth. 3, 412 (A. Rigl. wW- Hoist. Koechly), but Kar-fvia-aro Herme- sian. 2, 65 (Schneidew.) In classic authors this verb is now written almost uniformly i/iWo/ieu, fut. j/t'o-o/iai. In late recen- sions of Homer there is no trace of the forms wW-, vt'ur-, nor in Hesiod, except that Lennep retains mWoi/rai Op. 237, for MO-O-- (Goettl. Schoem. Koechly), nor in the Tragedians except vfia-eo-df Eur. Phoen. 1234 (Pors. wW- Dind. Herm. Kirchh. Nauck), Trfpivfio-fTai Ale. 449 (Musgr. Matth. Trepwiaa- Monk, Dind. Kirchh. Prinz). In Ap. Rh. also, the forms *W-, v'u, vel$- To snow, cover with snow, Epic inf. vtifepfv II. 12, 280 (Bekk. Baurnl. w- Wolf, Dind. La R.) ; ^0 Ar. Ach. 1141 ; vl$r) Xen. Ven. 8, i ; i/i^eVo) Luc. Icar. 26; vi$a>v Find. I. 7, 5 : imp. evfye Babr. 45, and ?w Poet in Plut. Mor. 949, Kara- Luc. Lex. 15 : aor. eVi^a, KOT- Ar. Ach. 138; Dio. Hal. Ant. 12, 8. Pass, vtyopai Her. 4, 31 ; -d/m/os Aesch. Sept. 213; Ar. Ach. 1075; Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 3, vei$d/i- Simon. C. 117 (B.); Plut. Mar. 23. Lucull. n &c. (Sint. Bekk.), VTTO- Thuc. 3, 23: aor. evtydrjo-av Dio. Hal. Ant. 12, 8 (Vulg. f\i>0T)(rav Kiessl.) ; Phot. We have never seen 2 aor. except in lexicons : vifonev, say they, is inf. aor. 2, for vifytiv, II. 12, 280. We are sorry we cannot give them the benefit of a doubt. Bekker writes vftyn Ar. Vesp. 773, Epic vifyyvi Hes. Cert. p. 324, 29. Noe'u To think, mark, II. 22, 235 ; Her. 3, 81, voS> Simon. C. 85, 8 ; Pind. N. 10, 86 ; Soph. Ph. 1176 ; Ar. Pax 66 1 ; PI. Crat. 407; vooirjs Ar. N. 1381, vool PI. Euthyd. 287; VOMITC Hes. Op. 261 ; Her. 8, 3, reg. in Attic: imp. v6d Od. 6, 67, eVdet H. Hym. 3, 2i3,^Hippocr. i, 537 (Erm.); PI. Rep. 524, -dee Her. 8, 103 : fut. -faa 11. 9, 104 ; PI. Rep. 524 : aor. evorja-a II. 17, 486; Xen. An. 3, 4, 44, vorja-- II. 8, 91 ; Hes. Th. 838 ; vofjvai Solon 16; Pind. Ol. 13, 48; PI. Conv. 182; vorjo-as Eur. Phoen. 1407: p. -TJKO. Com. Fr. (Stratt.) 2,779; ^- Phaedr. 229: p. p. -Tj/xat (PI.) Epist. 343: aor. -rjdrjv PI. Leg. 692; Luc. Alex. 4: fut. voT)6f]a-ofjMi Sext. Emp. 97, 12. 372, 20; Galen 4, 348. 10, 155 : mid. voovpevos Soph. O. R. 1487 : aor. vofjffaTo II. IO, 501, 7rpovvor)(rdfj.T)v Eur. Hipp. 399. 685 ', Ar. Eq. 421; Antiph. 5, 43. Vt>. VOTJTQS PI. Tim. 48, -tov Epin. 991. In Ionic the aor. perf. and pip. contracting o^ into w, become fvaxra, V-va>(ras Her. I, 86 : vdxraTo Ap. Rh. 4, 1409 ; va>crdfj.(vos Theogn. 1298; Callim. Fr. 345; Theocr. 25, 263; vaxracrdai late Dor. prose Stob. 85, 19: p. vevaxa, V- Her. 3, 6 : p.p. vevarrai as act. he purposed, Soph. Fr. 191; vei/w/ieW Anacr. 10 (Bergk) ; Her. 9, 53 : pip. eVeWro as act. Her. i, 77 (Mss. Gaisf. Lhardy, Stein &c.), eWeVwro (Bekk. Dind.), Si-ereVcoi/ro 7, 206, fv-vevcoiTo ibid. (Bekk. Dind.), evevw- (Lhardy, Stein) on the ground that Her. usually augments pip. and uses votfaSm, eWoe'eu/, never twoeevdai: but aor. uncontr. fvofjdrjv, r- 3, 122. 6, 115 (Vulg. Gaisf. Bekk. Lhardy, Kriig. Stein), but -a>V (Dind. Abicht.) VOOV/KU as act. Soph. O. R. 1487, is usually Dep. pass, in its Compounds, OTTO-, 8ta-, eV-, eVi-, /^era-, jrpo- : atrovoovnai Plut. Sol. 31 : p. -vevoT]fj.fvos Isocr. 8, 93 ; Dem. 19, 69. 43, 41 : aor. -fvorj- QTJV perhaps always, Xen. Hell. 6, 4, 23; Plut. Cat. min. 63; Diod. Sic. 17, 84, but o-vv-aTrovofjcraorQai Diod. Sic. 15, 40. Siavo- ovfjiai Her. 6, 86 ; Antiph. 4, y, 4 ; PI. Phil. 43 : imp. bi-e w. 469 Thuc. i, 93 : fat. -i/o^o-o/xai rare PL Leg. 793 : -POI^O-O/UU 837. 890 : p. -vev6i)nai Hippocr. 6, 466; Thuc. 4, 72 ; Xen. Mem. 3, 6, 2, pass. Hippocr. 9, 270 (Lit.): pip. -ei/eco^j* PI. Euthyd. 295 : aor. -fvofjdrjv Antiph. 2,7, 3; Thuc. 4, 13; PL Phaed. 99; Isocr. 21, ii ; Dem. 35, 19 &c. ; -Tjdrjvai Her. 2, 126; Siavorjdeis Antiph. 4, 8, 4; Isae. i, n ; Aeschin. 3, 91, but Staj/oTj&V pass. PL Leg. 654 : late aor. mid. Stei/oijo-aro Diod. Sic. 20, 3. ewo- oCftat Eur. Med. 900 ; -owi/rai Xen. An. 3, i, 41 : aor. evtvor)dr)s (as act.) Apoll. Tyan. Epist. 100 ; eWo^iji-i Plut. Mor. 114; fvvorjdeis PL Tim. 61. Leg. 859 ; and in some editions of Eur. Med. 882, but pass. Luc. Salt. 36 : fat. -j/^o-erat late, Aquil. Gen. 11,6. eVtvooS/xai, (-fvoovpTjv v. r. Isocr. Epist. 3, 2) : aor. mid. late firevofja-aTo (Luc.) Astr. 17 (-wo-- Dind.) ; Diod. Sic. 17, 65. Fr. (Lib. 30, 20 Dind.) : classic aor. pass, enevo^driv as mid. Her. 3, 122. 6, 115; (Luc.) Amor. 31 (Jacob. Dind.), but pass. Hippocr. 4, 184 (Lit.); Luc. D. Cone. 13 ; Diod. Sic. n, 42 : fut. -TiQrjo-fTai pass. Sext. Emp. 434, 6 (B.) : with p. eWej/dj/ra* pass. Luc. Anach. 21. Alex. 21; Diod. Sic. 17, 53. /carai/oew, act. complete, Her. Thuc. Plato : mid. we have not seen : pass, rare -ov/^evos PL Tim. 90 : aor. -rjdrjvat, pass. Aristot. Mirab. Ausc. 86. p.fTavo Ar. Av. 57 1 ; Thuc. 5, 1 1 1 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 6, ii ; Isocr. 14, 2, Ion. i pi. vomeopfv Her. 2, 17 (Dind. -tfC/xei/ Abicht, -toO/xei/ Bekk. Stein), late -fo-o> Procop. Epist. 12 (Kerch.); App. Pun. 8, 64 (Schweigh. -/& Bekk.); Long, i, i : aor. eVo/uo-a Eur. Bac. 431 ; Ar. Lys. 464; Her. i, 34; Antiph. 2, a, 8 ; Thuc. 5, i ; PL Prot. 322, vd/wo-a Find. I. 5 (4), 2 ; -to-ov Soph. Fr. 441 : p. vevopina Com. Fr. (Axion.) 3, 534 ; Her. i, 173 ; Lycurg. 75: p.p. i/ei/d^ur/iai Eur. Med. 170; Her. i, 138; Antiph. 4, a, i ; Thuc. 7, 86 ; PL Gorg. 520, Ion. 3 pi. 470 8arat Dio Cass. 51, 23; Dor. inf. vfvofj.lx8at Stob. (Sthenid.) 48, 63 : pip. vfvofua-ro Ar. Nub. 962 (anapaest.) : aor. fvopio-Qrjv Her. i, 140; Thuc. 4, 24 ; PL Conv. 182; -dfis Eur. Bac. 71 ; Soph. Fr. 107 (D.) : fut. vofiiadfja-o^ai PL Soph. 240; Dem. 54, 15 : and as pass. fat. mid. vo/uou/iat Hippocr. 6, 352 (Lit.) Vb. voptcrrfov PL Soph. 230. NOCT<|>I Soph. Ph. 1427 ; Eur. Ale. 43: aor. evoafao-a Pind. N. 6, 62 ; Aesch. Sept. 982; Eur. Rhes. 56; late Epic Ap. Rh. 2, 793; diro-voa-ffiio-aeifv Hom. H. 5, 158; voa(j)iio[juu separate for oneself, appropriate, deprive, Eur. Supp. 153, separate oneself, abandon, Od. 23, 98; Soph. O. R. 693, turn away, depart, II. 2, 81 : fut. Epic -tWo/iat Ap. Rh. 4, 1 1 08: aor. usu. Epic fvoa$ura\u\v N. T. Act. 5, 2, voo-Q- Od. ii, 425. 19, 339, -lo-o- 4, 263; -Wfl Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 42; -to-apfvos Plut. Demosth. 4 : Cat min. 45 : in same sense trans, and intrans. aor. pass. fvo Ar. Plut. 784 ; Plut. Mor. 464; VIHTO-UV II. 13, 147. 16, 704; Hes. Sc. 62; Plut. Aem. Paul. 20, "Trow Plut. Mor. 84; Luc. Merc. Cond. 21: imp. (wrrov Luc. Pseudol. 27 : fut. VVOVeiat Ael. N. An. 8, 26 quoted (Herch.); vvgas Od. 14, 485; Ar. Nub. 321; Theocr. 21, 51; Luc. Herm. 71; Plut. Mor. 79. Cleom. 37 ; D. Laert. 6, 53 : (p.) : p. p. vewy^vos Galen 10, 221. 13, 420 ; Oribas. 10, 34 : 1 aor. eW^^i/, w^df}- vm Diog. L. 2, 10, 5 ; Galen 10, 390 ; -x^fis Diog. L. 2, 10, 5 : 2 aor. evvyijv Christ. Pat. 1083, KO.T- Pseud.-Callisth. i, 14 ; wyfj Galen 10, 391 ; wyds Plut. Mor. 901. Act. alone classic, but not in prose. Nu 5 J 5 } wvravai Com. Fr. (Dion.) 3, 549, and eWoraa Theophr. Char. 7 (Foss), Vt- Plut. Brut. 36 ; Luc. Bis Ace. 2. vfucmi< Epic and only part, -dfav II. 20, 162. Od. 18, 154; Theocr. 25, 260 ; Bion 5, 3 ; Opp. Cyn. 2, 467. Nw/xce ft> fypaivo). 471 Nwp.d&) 7b distribute, direct, wield, a collat. form of !>//*<, is Poet. Od. 21, 400; Aesch. Ag. 781; Soph. Fr. 678; imper. va>na Find. P. i, 86; va>iw>v Pind. P. 8, 47; Her. 4, 128; Themist 14, 181 : imp. evu>p.a II. 5, 594; Orph. Arg. 817, vupa II. 15, 677, iter. i/tB/iao-Ke Mosch. 4, 108 : fat. wa/^(ra> Ap. Rh. 4, 1006, a/zt- Aesch. Fr. 305 (D.), Dor. 3 pi. Kw/iao-oio-t Pind. P. 4, 18 : aor. eVw^o-a, Horn, always va>p- II. i, 471. 9, 176. Od. 21, 272; Dor. pt. MfjAcras Pind. I. i, 15. Mid. wo^arai intrans. *0zw, Bacchyl. 47 (B.) : aor. trans. -^ : TO iHapav Kai TO (TKOirflv ravrov Crat. 411. N&mw To turn the back, in Tragedy only, and confined to aor. tVwTio-e Eur. Phoen. 654 (chor.), -urav Andr. 1141 (trimet.), air- Soph. Fr. 638 ; varta-at Aesch. Ag. 286 (trimet.) ; Soph. O. R. 192 (chor.): but imp. in comp. an-evwriov Eur. Bac. 763. S. Mid. To receive kindly, entertain, Aesch. Supp. 927, Ion. (iv- Ap. Rh. i, 849: fut. l^wcro/im late as mid. Lycophr. 92, as pass, see below. Pass. |/o'o/wu Eur. Hip. 1085 ; Xen. An. 7, 8, 6. 8 : with fut. mid. -wo-o/xeu as pass. Soph. Ph. 303 : p. p. fgevwpevos Soph. Tr. 65 ; Eur. Ion 820 ; Lys. 6, 48 ; Xen. Hel. 4, i, 34 : aor. if-fvadr/v Aesch. Ch. 702 ; Eur. Ale. 68 ; Xen. Hel. 4, i, 29; PI. Leg. 953, Ion. tgtiv- Her. 6, 21 ; (va>- 6eis Pind. P. 4, 299. Act. gfvom occurs late, e'xoow Heliod. 6, 7 (Bekk.), {tfa*vaf, cm- Opp. Hal. i, 272. Ee'u To scrape, smooth, PL Theag. 124 : imp. tgeov Od. 23, 199 : fut. ra> (Hesych.) : aor. eeo-a II. 5, 81 (Vulg. La R. |e'o- Bekk. 2 ed.); Sophr. 73 (Ahr.); Anth. (Plan.) 4, 160 ; Ap. Rh. i, 1119; Hippocr. 7, 276, irepi- Theocr. 22, 50, - Hippocr. 7, 276 (Lit.), eVa II. 5, 81 quoted (Bekk. 2ed.); Anth. (Simon.?) Plan. 60, Epic |eWa Od. 5, 245. 21, 44: p. (f^Ka Cram. An. vol. 4, 196): p. p. ?eo>wM Ar. Fr. 684 (D.), air- Hippocr. 7, 430 (Lit.), /car- Aristot. Mirab. Ausc. 100, Eur. Cycl. 575; Aene. Tact. 31, 10; Geop. 3, 10: aor. f&pava Hippocr. 8, 59; frlpavg, ay- II. 21, 347 > frpavai HippOCr. 472 5, 104. 8, 244, OTTO- Her. 2, 99 (Mss. Bekk. Gaisf. Dind. Dietsch, -rival Bred. Abicht, Stein); Thuc. 7, 12; grjpdvas i, 109, Ion. jva, dv- Her. 7, 109; frpfivat, Hippocr. 5,476: p.p. ij- Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 125; Hippocr. 6, 322. 588 (Lit.), CTT- Her. i, 1 8 6. 7, 109, and f^papiuu Theophr. C. P. 5, 14, 6, an- Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 440, and late, if correct, -a/*at, -a/xeVos, irpo- Dioscor. 5, 86: aor. e^pavdrfv II. 21, 348; Hippocr. 5, 228; PL Phil. 31: fut. late i-ripavdrjaopai Galen i, 516; Geop. 3, 5. 10, 67 ; V. T. Job 18, 16 : and fut. mid. as pass. ^rjpavovpjai Hippocr. 6, 236 (Lit.) ; Aristot. Meteor. 2, 3, 5 (v. r. -avdrjo-frai). 2, 3, 6. Vb. {-rjpavrfov Aristot. Probl. 37, 3, 7. The form egrjpapai, irpocmeg- Hippocr. 2, 1 88 (Kiihn), and later, is perhaps a mistake. It has now, we observe, been altered by Littre' in Hippocr. vol. 6, 172, to -e^pao-^ai from Mss. EH6 (1849), dj/-ei7pao-/i- 6, 586. The Attics appear to have written the aorist uniformly with a, -pdva, the lonians with T? and a, -pr)va, -pdva. dy^pdvy II. 21, 347, by elision and assimila- tion for dva-grjp-. =uXiofi Soph. Aj. 786 ; Her. 2, 65 ; PI. Rep. 341, rare |vp : imp. egvpov Luc. Pseudol. 27 : fat. -jjo-j/T To converse as lovers, Epic, Horn. H. 23, 3 ; in prose, perhaps only Luc. -iv Paras. 43, Epic -tfe'/i>ai II. 22, 127, but -ifciv Hym. Merc. 170 : imp. o&pi^ov II. 6, 516. 22, 128 ; Q. Sm. 2, 113, iter. contr. apieo-a> Alex. Aetol. in Parthen. Erot. 14, 33: aor. oryKoxra Eur. Andr. 320; Ar. Vesp. 1024; late prose Longin. 28, 2: p.p. oSy/icD/itu Eur. Elec. 381. Fr. 822 (Dind.); Xen. Mem. i, 2, 25 : pip. wy/cwro, eg- Her. 6, 125 (Vulg. Bekk. Dind. Stein), -6y<- Ms. S. Gaisf.): aor. AycAdgn Soph. Fr. 679; Eur. Ion 388. Mid. intrans. fut. oyK&xro/wu Ar. Ran. 703, eg- Eur. Hipp. 938, called by some pass. : aor. &>yK6>o-a/i7?i> Athen. 9, 403, eg- 7, 290. A rare form e'goy'o> Hippocr. 4, 248 (Lit.) 'OS- and dS-du), -dw, -|e'o> To smart from a bile, d8aga>vra Hippocr. 8, 58 (Lit.) : imp. (Born.) : fiit. mid. oSa^o-o/uu as pass. Hippocr. 8, 330 : p. p. ubaypai (Soph.) Fr. 708 : pres. pass. o8aarai Hippocr. 8, 214 (Lit.); Ael. H. A. 7, 35. Mid. oSdgofMi as act. Hippocr. 2, 833. 8, 338: aor. wbagdfjajv Anth. 9, 86. o8ao/ww is used passively Hippocr. i, 449 (Kiihn, 2, 761 Erm. but act. Lit. 8, 568, retaining pvKrrjpas), and the form dSa'go/tai 2, 842 (K. see 8, 352 Lit.); also oSagaopu Ael. H. A. 7> 35> an d -fofiai, -ovp-evos Dioscor. 2, 150 (Sprengel) : fut. odatfo-ofwi Hippocr. 8, 830 quoted. The Mss. differ widely in the forms of this verb, see Born. Xen. Conv. 4, 28. p. p. o>Say/u pointing to a form (o8da>) L. and W. Dindorf hold spurious. 'O8do> To put on the way, export, sell (686s), Poet, and only aor. act. Sdrjaov Eur. Cycl. 133; 68i}i- Soph. Fr. 186 (D.); Heraclitus Ap. Plut. Mor. 943; Aristot. H. An. 5, 5, 12. de 474 'OSoTroieo) 'OSvpofj-at. anima 2, 9, 9 ; Theophr. Sens. 21 : imp. axr/mro Hierocl. 126 : fat. (-T)8our6p(is Soph. Aj. 12 30, -pow Aristid. 27, 356, -peov Her. 4, no. 116 (680171-- Stein): fat. -TI Hip- pocr. 4, 250 (Lit.) : aor. a)8onr6pr)o-e Hippocr. 6, 276; 68onropf]o-7j Soph. O. C. 849 : p. 68onrt7r6pr)Ka Com. Fr. (Philip.) 4, 471 : but pip. a)8onropT)Ke(rav, 81- Her. 8, 129 (Wess. Bekk. Kriig. Dind. Si-oSotTT- Schaef. Gaisf. Stein) : p. p. a>8onr6pr)Tai Luc. Herm. 2. So oSoTrotfa) make a way, imp. o>8cnroiovv Xen. An. 4, 8, 8 ; Dem. 55, ii : fat. -jja-w &c. : p. with double augm. wSoTmroiVa : pip. u8oTT(Troif)Kfiv Arr. An. i, 26, i (Ellendt, Kriig.) : p.p. 8onenoiT]- fjifvr) Xen. An. 5, 3, i (Popp. Kriig. Kiihn.) ; Arr. An. 3, 13, 2, and wfioTToi- Xen. An. quoted (Dind. Saupp.). Hell. 5, 4, 39 ; App. B. Hann. 52, 7rpoo>8o7rot- Luc. Lex. 22 (Jacob. Bekk.); Aristot. Part. An. 2, 4, 4 (B.), but TrpowSon-eTrot- Polit. 2, 9, ii (B.) ; Luc. quoted (Dind.) 'O8uy To pain, Eur. Hipp. 247; Ar. Lys. 164; Aristot. Probl. 5, 40, 5 (B.) ; Plut. Mor. 603 : fat. oSwrja-a Ar. Eccl. 928 ; Joseph. Ant. 6, 7, 4 (Dor. -dop.ai. suffer pain, Soph. El. 804; Ar. Plut. 722; Hippocr. 7, 70 (Lit.); PL Phaedr. 251. Rep. 515, -io\uu Aretae. C. et S. Diut. Morb. 2, 63 (ed. Oxon.) ; pt. KwdviKopcvr], teal 68w- Soph. El. 804 : imp. &>8waro Hippocr. 5, 206 ; Aeschin. i, 58: with fat. mid. oSuwjo-o/xat Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 164; Stob. (Teles.) 5, 67 ; Synes. Epist. 105 ; Galen i, 247. 10, 387 : and late fat. p. oSwjj&jo-o/iat Galen i, 248. 10, 851 ; V. T. Zach. 9, 5 : aor. uSvvtjdrjv Ar. Ach. 3. Ran. 650 ; Hippocr. 5, 150 (Lit.) : fat. -ij^o-o/aai quoted. Act., we think, not in classic prose, pass, rarely. Our Lexicogr. seem to have missed the fat. mid. 'oSdpofiat To lament, in classic Greek Dep. mid. II. 22, 424; Solon 13, 35; Soph. Aj. 383, -vpei Eur. Supp. 770, -vpeai Od. 8, 577 ; rare in Comedy, Com. Fr. (Apoll.) 4, 452 ; Andoc. i, 48 ; PL Rep. 329 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 14 ; Isocr. 4, 169; Epic subj. 68vpeTat Od. 4, 740; imper. 68vpeo II. 24, 549 : imp. d)8vpovro II. 24, 166; Dem. 53, 7. 58, 2; Dio. Hal. 8, 59 ; Nic. Damasc. Fr. 8 (L. Dind.), 68vp- II. 22, 79, iter. odvpeovcero Her. 3, 119: fat. oSvpovpu Isocr. 18, 35 (Cor. B. Saupp. Bens.); Dem. 21, 186. 38, 19; Luc. D. Mort. 23, 2: 'OSvo/u Soph. O. R. 1218 (chor.) ; Eur. Hec. 740 (trimet.) ; Svpopeva Med. 159 chor. (Dind. Kirchh. Paley &c.) ; dvptade Aesch. Pr. 271 (trimet.); 8vp6fjitvoi Pers. 582 (chor.) For TOUT' oSupo/xai Eur. Andr. 397 (Vulg. Herm. Dind. &c.) Person suggested ravra Svpopu, on the ground that " the third and fourth foot of a (tragic) sena- rius never form one word." Paley retains the common read- ing ravf 68vp-, and adds " Person is not followed by the more recent critics." But he is followed by Hartung, Nauck in his 1, 2, and 3, and by Kirchhoff in his 2 edit. Paley then refers us to a note on Bacch. 1123, where he adduces five or six " similar instances of want of caesura," not one of which meets Person's objection "the third and fourth foot in one word." We don't say Porson is right, we say he is not refuted. " The fourth and fifth foot formed by one word" is assuredly no rarity in Eur. ("OSuo-o-ofiai) To be angry, Poet. p.p. 688vcrao Od. i, 62, -traro II. l8, 292. Od. 5, 340, -o-airo Soph. Fr. 408, Epic -a-a-aro Hes. Th. 617, o8vo-Se Theocr. 7, 143 : fut. otfo-m Ar. Vesp. 1059, I n ' &< Hippocr. 8, 424. 488 ; Geop. 12, 29 : aor. w&o-a Ar. Fr. 538 (D.), Ion. wfeo-a Hippocr. i, 468 (K.). 8, 488 (Lit): p. &faa Phot.: 2 p. as pres. o8o>8a Anth. 7, 30; late prose, Plut. Mor. 916; Artemid. Onir. i, 67 ; Aristaen. i, 12 ; 68a>8a>s Alciphr. 3, 59, o>88- metri grat. Athen. (Epigr.) 2, 9 : pip. o8o>8u/ Od. 9, 210; App. Hisp. 97 (Bekk.), and wSiSew Anth. 13, 29; late prose PluL Alex. 20. Dem. et Ant. 3. Mid. o^fvos as ofew, Hippocr. 2, 117 (K.), oo-8o>- Xenophanes Fr. i, 6 (Bergk, ofo/*- Herm. Renner). "OOofiai To care about, Epic and only pres. II. i, 181, -trai 15, 107. 182 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 94: unless offer be imp. II. 5, 403; Callim. Fr. 316. 476 Ota/c/^eo Qi$ do), Olaiaa) To steer, manage (ota), only part, and only in Ion. and late prose, Ion. OUJK- Her. i, 171, but OUIK- Heraclit. 28 Byw.); Aristot. Eth. Nic. 10, i; Polyb. 3, 43. 8, 8. Pass. olaKi&aGai Strab. 17, 3, 7; -i6pfvos Diod. Sic. 18, 59. OiciKocrrpo4>e'w To turn the helm, govern, pres. late : imp. unaugm. olaKoorpofaw Aesch. Pers. 767 (Vulg. Herm.), but WUKOOT- (Pors. Dind.) OfyfOfu To open, Poet. Anth. 9, 356, vn- Ar. Eccl. 15, Si- 852, av- Dem. 24, 209, and oiyeo Hes. Op. 819 ; Aesch. Pr. 611 ; Eur. H. F. 332 ; Ar. Ran. 1274, Si- Hippocr. 5, 446 (Lit.), av- Thuc. 4, 74 : fat. oia> Eur. Cycl. 502 : aor. wa II. 24, 457, av- Theocr. 14, 15, usu. in Epic &>i'a II. 6, 298. 24. 446. Od. 3, 392. 23, 370 &c. ; Ap. Rh. 3, 645; (Theocr.) 23, 53; Hippocr. 5, 144 (Mss. Lit. v. r. a), ea (Hesych.), always unaugm. in Her. av-oiga i, 68. 4, 143 &c. ; part, oigas II. 6, 89 ; Eur. Ale. 547 : p. p. fuypai, av- ThuC. 2, 4; LyS. 12, 1 6 : pip. ecaKTO, av- Xen. Hell. 5, i, 14 : aor. subj. ol^dfj Aristot. H. An. 10, 7, 5; part. olxdfis Find. N. i, 41, av- Thuc. 4, 67, Si- PI. Conv. 215:8 fut. dv-fcpt-trai Xen. Hell. 5, i, 14 (Dind.), see dv-oiywfu. Pass. Aretae. C. et S. Ac. Morb. 2, 72 (ed. Oxon.) : imp. v, vTrav- Com. Fr. (Ephipp.) 3, 327, Epic onyvvfOff 11. 2, 809, and olyopiv Ap. Rh. 2, 574, ewyoi/ro, av- Thuc. 4, III. Vb. dv-oiKTeov Eur. Ion 1387. See dvolywpj,. oLya> is the more common form. Double augm. seems to occur in comp. only. In prose, the compounds dva-, Sia- are frequent, Thuc. 4, 74. 5, 10 ; Xen. An. 5, 5, 20 ; Isocr. 17, 23; Lys. 12, 10 ; PI. Prot. 310; Dem. 24, 209; Aristot. H. A. 9, 7, 5; Theophr. H. P. 4, 7, 8. olyvvo) is rare and late, -vet (Hesych.), dv-otyvvovn Galen de Usu. part. 7, 14, 569. Her. never augments the aor. av-ota i, 68. 4, 143. 9, 118, but imp. Kerch.); Themist. 8, in (Her. 3, 127 Vulg. -e'o> Gaisf. Bekk. &c.) : imp. wSeov Od. 5, 455; Hippocr. 5, 1 8 6, iter. olbalveaKov Ap. Rh. 3, 383 : fut. olSfjcrw, -arovros Hippocr. 3, 431 (Kiihn, now aor. -a-avros Lit. 5, 76; Erm. i, 467, from Mss.): aor. a>8?cra Hippocr. 5, 84. 168 ; PI. Phaedr. 251, <58r)va Androm. Senior. 29, 98, dv- Q. Sm. 14, 470 (Tychsen, Herm. Koechly) ; olSfaas Theocr. 22, 101 ; Aristot. Prob. 9, 4, 2, olfiijo-oj', dv- Eur. Hipp. 1210: p. wSijra, Dor. 477 3 pi. -bfjKavri Theocr. i, 43, o>6Vf, dv- Hippocr. 2, 246 (Lit.) ; (?8r)K(as Plut. Mor. 831; Luc. Philops. n, e'- Eur. Cycl. 227, av- Aristot. H. An. 9, 40, 22 : pip. wfiij/cet Aristid. 24, 305, Si- Luc. Menipp. 18. Mid. intrans. or pass, olS&vofuu II. 9, 646, late ol8eop.ai Heliod. 2, 9 : but aor. as act. oldrja-avro, av- Q. Sm. 9> 345 '> an d dv-oi8r)va seem to be late. Buttmann's asser- tion that the " formation in -JJO-CB is the only one for all four forms" would appear to be not quite correct. Kiihner and Jelf quote from Eur. Hipp. 1210, dvoidija-av as an instance, we pre- sume, of 01 unaugm. in Attic. The only admissible reading there however is neut. part. dvoi8^a-av, which alters the case. 'Oiuu To wail, be miserable, Epic, (v) II. 3, 408, but ({/) Ap. Rh. 4, 1324. 1374: imp. o?vofi.ev II. 14, 89 : aor. part. 6lvaras Od. 4, 152. 23, 307. Only pres. imp. and aor. In pres. v only before a long -fai, -vcov Ap. Rh. quoted, in aor. a. OiKew To inhabit, live, Od. 6, 204 ; Pind. N. 7, 9 ; Aesch. Eum. 758; Soph. O. R. 414; Ar. Nub. 138; Her. 8, 73; Antiph. 5, 78 ; Thuc. 3, 37, Dor. 3 pi. ofceWt Pind. P. 10, 43 ; Aeol. inf. ott^v, gw- Sapph. 27 (Ahr.), Poet, ot/ceuo Hes. Th. 330; Theocr. 12, 28 (Ahr. Fritz. Ziegl.) : imp. &>Keov II. 14, 116; Hes. Fr. 216, Attic " (Dem.) 58, 62, as mid. see foil. Mid. trans, inhabit, manage for oneself, fut. otV^o-o/xat simple late Menand. Rhet. 103, but fit- Dem. 8, 13 : aor. late in simple oiKrja-dufvos Aristid. 13, 103, but oVa/cTjo-aTo Dem. 18, 247; TrpooV-ot/ojo-ao-i&u Aeschin. i, 146: and as 'mid. p.p. (/"?/*) Ion. 3 pi. otVorot Her. i, 142; o/V^W ' 2 7- 5) 73> A ' ttic KOT-W/CT;/*- Thuc. i, 120, oVw/^- Dem. 18, 178. The aor. mid. has been missed by Lexicogr. and the fut. in trans, sense. Her. never augments this verb, but Hippocr. 4 7 8 OiKifya Oi has imp. <3< 2, 666, and with double augment ecpKeov (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 406 (Lit.), but $Kfov (Ms. I. Ermerins.) OuciKIOI; PI. Rep. 453: fut. olKiSi Thuc. i, 100. 6, 23 ; Luc. Nav. 38 : aor. w/cto-a Eur. Heracl. 613; Ar. Av. 1515; Thuc. i, 98; Isocr. 15, 254, dn- Od 12, 135, wKio-o-a Pind. I. 8, 20, Ion. OIK- Her. 3, 91. 5, 42 : p. late &>MKa, aw- Strab. 12, 3, 10 : pip. App. Civ. 2, 26. Hisp. 100 : p. p. o>K(o>u Eur. Hec. 2 ; PI. Rep. 427, Ion. OIKHT- Her. 4, 12: aor. WKI'O-^J/ Thuc. 6, 5 ; PL Tim. 7 2, Ion. eV-oua'o-0- Her. i, 68: fat. otVao-^ijo-o/iai Dem. 5, 10; App. Civ. 2, 139, KOT- Thuc. 2, 17 : and as pass. fut. mid. omen-ai Xen. Hell, i, 6, 32 (Vulg. Saupp. Dind. 2 ed., olKtlrai Schneid. Dind. 3 ed. Breitnb.) Mid. oiKib/iKrd/i?i/ Anth. 7, 75 ; Kar-oiKio-a/*ei>o9 Thuc. 2, 102 ; Isocr. 19, 23. 24, dv- Thuc. i, 58, eV- 6, 2 ; D. Hal. i, 22 : with p. p. amorai inhabits, Eur. Tr. 435, V- migrated, Ar. Pax 260, - emigrated, 197. Dindorf in his 2 edit, recalled fut. mid. oiKiflrai in pass, sense Xen. Hell, i, 6, 32, but in the 3 edit, he has resumed otKemu (Schneid. &c.) pres. pass, of OIK/OO. Breitenbach retains oiKemu, but as the sense, says he, seems to require a fut. he suggests otKTjo-ei intrans. in preference to mid. oiKuZrai because " nunquam significat incoletur" This is what we call a petitio principii. In our Lexicons this word is ill handled. Olico8o|Ae'ei> To build a house, rear, reg. but in Her. unaugm. Her. 2, 121 ; Andoc. 3, 12; Thuc. i, 93 : imp. cm>86>ei Xen. Cyr. 7j 5> IJ > oiKo86fj.ee Her. i, 186, w/coSoVow Thuc. 8, 90, OIKO- 6o>eoj> Her. 8, 71 : aor. MKoSo'^o-e Xen. Hell. 5, 2, 4, okoS- Her. 2, 127. 153: p. wKoSo'p/ice Anth. n, 312; Aristot. Metaph. 8, 6, 9; Dem. 21, 158: p.p. wucoSo/^rot Thuc. 7, 29; late Attic OIK- Aen. Tact. Exc. 57 (Herch.); and Ion. Her. i, 181. 2, 149, 3 pi. -peaTcu 4, 185: aor. wKoSo/x^i/ Thuc. 6, 100; Dem. 22, 68 : fut. -TjOfjcreTai Lys. 12, 63 : aor. mid. wKoSo/xr;(ra|te^a Andoc. 3, 7, oiKoS- Her. 3, 10 &c. So ojKo<0ope'a>, mostly confined to Ionic prose, and always unaugm., see Her. 8, 142. 144. 5, 29. i, 196; even Dio. Hal. de Thuc. jud. 14. OiKoupeo) To keep the house, guard, only pres. in classic authors, Aesch. Ag. 809 ; Soph. O. C. 343; PL Rep. 451 : imp. later, and unaugm. oiKovpet Plut. Camill. n, wr- Pomp. 42, oinovpow Camill. 28. Olico({>6ope'u>, see oZKoSo/wco. To pity, II. 23, 548; Anacr. 114; Simon. C. 113; OI/JL &). Aesch. Ag. 1321; Soph. Aj. 652 ; Antiph. 3, 2, reg. in classic Auth. but otKTtpere for -ftp- Anth. (Posidip.) 7, 267 : imp. wwetpe Stesich. 1 8 (Bergk), Ion. OIK- Her. 3, 52 : fat. -tpS> Aesch. Fr. 196 (D.): aor. w/cretpa II. ii, 814; Aesch. Pr. 352; Soph. Tr. 464; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 32; olia-ftpas Aesch. Ag. 1241 ; Her. 7, 38 ; -reipat 3, 119 ; Antiph. i, 25 : no p. act. : no 2 aor. : nor mid. v. : and pass, confined to pres. oiYm'povreu Xen. Oec. 7, 40 : and imp. oWe/pero Soph. El. 1412. R. Prinz is editing in Eur. otKTipo) for -ei'pw. Though a form in -ew seems not to exist, we find late fat. olKTfipr)a-a> V. T. Jer. 13, 14; N. T. Rom. 9, 15; Joseph. Mace. 5 ; Schol. Od. 4, 740; Schol. Aesch. Supp. 209 : aor. (fKTfipTjo-a Schol. Aesch. Pr. 353 ; Nicet. Ann. 7, 5, *ar- Joseph. Ant. 8, 13, 3 : aor. pass. -i\Br\vai Schol. Aesch. Pr. 637. OIKTIU To pity, lament, pres. in simple we have not seen ex- cept late, Heliod. 4, 9, but /caT-ot/mfety Aesch. Eum. 122: fat. Attic OIKTIW, -tets Aesch. Pr. 68, KOT- Supp. 903 ; Soph. O. C. 384; Eur. Heracl. 152 (Elms. Dind. Kirchh. -iVeu> Mss. Brod. &c. -um Aid.) : aor. wimcra Aesch. Supp. 639 ; Soph. Tr. 897 ; Eur. Hec. 720 (Pors. Dind. Paley); rare in prose Xen. Apol. 4, aw- Cyr. 4, 6, 5 ; oucn'o-eie Aristot. Mund. 1,4: (p. act. : p. p. ?) : aor. (fKria-drjv, KO.T- Eur. I. A. 686. Mid. as act. owcTtfo/iat Aesch. Supp. 1032; Eur. I. T. 486. Tr. 155; rare in prose Dinarch. i, no ; Ael. Fr. 63 ; Heliod. 9, n : imp. UKTI(OVTO Thuc. 2, 51 ; Plut. Mor. 566, Ion. otm'f-, KOT- Her. 3, 156, as mid. bewailed himself: aor. o>KTio-a>/i> Aesch. Eum. 515; Eur. Supp. 280. Hel. 1053 (Hec. 720 Vulg. Nauck, see above); late prose Plut. Eum. 7, OIK- (Mss. P M V) ; -o-a/xei/os App. Annib. 46 ; Epist Phal. 20, (car- Her. 2, 121 (3). Oifidu To rush, dart, Epic and only fat. -r/a-ovcri Her. i, 62 (Orac.): and aor. ol^ve never augm. II. 22, 140. Od. 24, 538; Q. Srn. i, 592 ; -jjo-as Opp. Hal. 2, 119. OifioSo To lament, Horn. Epigr. 14, 20; Tyrt. Fr. 7 (Bergk); Soph. O. C. 820 ; Ar. Ran. 257 ; Hippocr. 7, 294. 6, 354 ; Dio. Hal. 4, 85; Luc. D. Mort. 10, n, cm- Aesch. Ch. 1014; Soph. Ant. 1224 : imp. vpafrv Ar. Lys. 516, oi/xo>ecncf, av- Q. Sm. 14, 281 : fat. oi>a>o/iat Attic, Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 551 ; Ar. Plut. in. Av. 1207. Pax 466; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 43- (Men.) 4, 120 &c. ; Xen. Hell. 2, 3, 56 ; Dem. 35, 40: later oi>o> Anth. (Agath.) 5, 302 ; Orac. Sib. 5, 296. 476; late prose Plut. Apophth. 182; Long. P. 3, 19 (Seil.) : aor. . oi^wwo? Ar. Ach. 1157 (Mss. Bekk.) rejected by Pors. Bind. &c. This verb occurs rarely in early Attic prose, and only, we think, in fut. mid., for olfuagoiTo has displaced oi/x&>|eiei> Xen. Hell. 2, 3, 56 (Mss. Schneid. Dind. Saupp. &c.) An aor. m. occurs late dn-oip.a>t-a 3> 8 ; -ooCo-a Sapph. 5, -oeva-a (Bergk) ; Horn, always -xofvu in pres. Od. 21, 142; -evw I, 143; -tvav II. 2, 127. 20, 234: imp. unaugm. olvoxoti II. i, 598. Od. 15, 141 (Bekk. Spitzn. Dind. La R. with Aristarch. : the imp. again, and aor. always from -> : compare df6\eva>, aor. a^Ai/a-a. Oii/ow To intoxicate, in act. only aor. olv5>o-ai Critias 2, 28 (Bergk). Pass. olv6op.m to be in wine, Plut. Mor. 672: p.p. oivmpcvos Soph. Tr. 268 (Mss. Herm. Ellendt, Bergk); Eur. Bacc. 687, c'- 814 (Vulg. Kirchh. i ed.) ; Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 2ii (or Pollux 6, 21); Her. 5, 18 ; Aristot. Mirab. 101. Rhet. 2, 12, 8 (Bekk.); and late Plut. Mor. i. 712 ; Diod. Sic. 1, 57, others aW/i- as more Attic, Aesch. Supp. 409 (Ms. med. Pors. Elms. Dind. Herm.) ; Soph. Tr. quoted (Elms. Dind. Nauck) ; Eur. Bacc. quoted (Elms. Nauck, and now Dind. Paley, Kirchh. 2 ed.) ; Cratin. Com. Fr. quoted (Mein.), 8i-cj>va>pcvos PI. Leg. 775, Kar-wpw/z- 815? V.r. SI-KOT-OIVO)- : aor. olva>6eis Od. 19, 1 1 ; Soph. Fr. 668 ; Anth. 7, 444 : fut. late olvudrja-ofjuu. Diog. Laert. 7, 118. Oioftai To think, Od. 10, 193 (Epic ow/i- see below) ; Aesch. Ch. 758 ; Soph. O. C. 28 ; Ar. Nub. 1342 ; rare in prose, Thuc. 2, 60. 6, 36. 40; Xen. Mem. 2, 3, 10 (olp.- L. Dind.). Oec. 3, 9; PI. Leg. 798. Conv. 173 ; Lys. 22, n ; Isae. 2, 41 ; Dem. i, 16. 22, 42. 23, 115. 126 (Bekk. B. S. &c. ot^i- Dind. always now}, more freq. ot/zai (not in Horn, see below) Aesch. Ag. 321 ; Soph. O. C. 498. El. 932 &c.; Ar. Thesm. 27. Av. 75 &c. ; Antiph. 5, 57; Thuc. i, 10. 2, 54. 4, 64. 6, 92 ; Xen. An. 2, i, 16. Cyr. i, 3, ii &c. ; PI. Rep. 400 &c. ; Isocr. 4, 84 &c. ; Isae. 3, 77; Dem. i, 27. 4, 15. 5, 3. 22, 40 &c. (Bekk. B. S. and always Dind.), 2 sing, oiei Ar. Ran. 54 ; PI. Apol. 26, rare O'o^tat. 48 1 Dor. o'r, Soph. Fr. 23 : imp. wo'/^v Aesch. Pr. 268 ; Soph. Ant 453; Ar. Vesp. 791. 1138. Nub. 1472; scarcely now in classic prose, (Aeschin.) Epist. n, i ; (Dem.) Proem. 1457 (Mss. Bekk. B. S. p.rjv Dind.); Luc. Abd. 3. Amor. 53 (Jacob. Bekk. up.- Dind.) ; v. r. Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 30. 6, 9, and a^v Ar. Nub. 373. Plut. 834 ; perhaps always in good prose, Antiph. 3,7, i; Thuc. i, 143 ; Xen. Mem. 4, 2, 23. 24. 4, 4, 12 ; PI. Phaedr. 235; Lys. i, 10. 3, 10. 8, ii ; Isocr. 4, 187; Isae. 3, 25; Aeschin. 2, 95; Dem. 18, 28. 19, 215. 40, 13 &c. : fut. OUJO-O/MU PI. Leg. 891. Rep. 397 ; Lys. 30, 8; Dem. 56, 48 (Bekk. Dind.): late aor. mid. : aor. pass, as mid. ca^v Hippocr. i, 600 (Lit.); Antiph. i, 8 ; Thuc. 4, 130; Xen. An. 4, 7, 22 ; Isocr. 7, 6 ; Isae. n, 15; Aeschin. i, 83; subj. otij^ijs Ar. Eq. 860, -6{j PI. Theaet. 178 &c. ; opt. -V Isocr. 12, 23, i pi. -dfirjpev Xen. Mem. i, 5, i (-Qfipev L. Dind.), and -Bel^fv PI. Legg. 7 1 2 (Bekk.), -Oeir/fjifv (Bait. Or. Winckl.); -rjOrjn Com. Fr. 4, 101 ; -ij0s Eur. I. A. 986 : fut. late oii^o-era* as mid. Galen i, 208 (K.) : and late aor. mid. (OTjcrnp.r]v Aral. 896 ; late prose Porphyr. Abst. 2, 24 &c. see below. Vb. av-u>urros II. 21, 39, olrjTcov Aristot. Pol. i, 8, n. The Epic and Attic poets never use fut. oi'ijo-opu, nor aor. (I) II. i, 59 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 28, mofiai (I) II. 5, 644 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 197 (but oco^i- Od. 10, 193), oieat II. I, 561. Od. 10, 380, oiercu Od. 17, 586. 19, 312, oiopfda 21, 322. 22, 165, ottvBe Ap. Rh. 2, 342; but OIOITO Od. 17, 580. 22, 12 J oiopfvos II. 15, 728. Od. 2, 351. 22, 2IO J Ap. Rh. i, 1037, but olop- Callim. Epigr. 7 : imp. &>KTO Od. 10, 248, 01- Hym. 2, 164 : fut. (otaopat Only as V. r. unless oto-aeai, ota-trai be fut. Opp. Hal. i, 432. 4, 368) : aor. ota-aro (i) in Horn, never augm. Od. 9, 213. 19, 390, later wi'o-- Coluth. 370; Arat. 1006; oia-dfj.fvos Od. 15, 443J Coluth. 258, oJurafjirjv (i) Mosch. 2, 8; Ap. Rh. i, 291; Q. Sm. 2, 19 ; ot6r)v II. 6, i. ii, 401, -ria-av Q. Sm. 6, 527. Olcrrpcia) To goad, harass, also be harassed, Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 158; PI. Phaedr. 251 ; Aristot. H. An. 19, n, later otWpeo> Ach. Tat. 2, 37, -rpei Theocr. 6, 28 (Vulg. Ahr. Ziegl.), but -rpr, Dor. for -aei (Herm. Mein.); see -eitr&u Ael. N. A. 15, 9, -aadai (Kerch.) ; -ovpfvos (Luc.) Asin. 33 : fut. -jjo-&> Athen. (Theod.) 7, 302 ; Geop. 17, 2 : aor. unaugm. oia-rp^o-a Eur. Bac. 32 (Aid. Herm. Kirchh. i ed.), but WOT- (Pors. Elms. Dind. Paley, Nauck, Kirchh. 2 ed.) ; olarpriaas Aesch. Pr. 836 : p. p. late olor prawns Lycophr. 818 ; Ael. N. A. 16, 36 : aor. olo-Tprjdeis Soph. Tr. 653 (Vulg. Nauck, vrpmdeis Musgr. Dind.) ; Opp. Hal. 2, 352 ; Ael. N. A. 4, 6. Otxofxai To go, be a going (and perhaps -eo/iat, only pres. -ei)/*ai Anth. 7, 273), usu. as perf. to be on the road, gone, II. 23, 577 ; Find. N. 10, 78 ; Aesch. Eum. 117 ; Soph. O. C. 894 ; Ar. Ach. 221 ; Her. 2, 29 ; Antiph. 2, 8, 4 ; Thuc. 7, 12, 2 sing. Ion. olxeat Her. 2, 115; imper. M - Her. i, 48. 5, 43. 6, 97 &c. : fut. otx^o/zat Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 635; Ar. Vesp. 51; Hippocr. 6, 20; Andoc. i, 4; Lys. 10, 20 ; Isae. 2, 43 ; PI. Theaet. 203 : p. OI\<^K.O. Soph. Aj. 896 (Mss. Herm. Bergk, <*\- Dind. Nauck) ; Anth. App. Epigr. 34 ; Her. 9, 98, Trap- II. 10, 252 (Bekk. now), Cj>x> Ka Aesch. Pers. 13 (Aid. Blomf. Dind. oi x - Ms. Schn. Herm.)'; Soph. Fr. 227 (D.), Epic and late prose &xn*ff Her. i, 189. 5, 20. 7, 164. 8, 126 &c. late prose Trap-wx'?*" Polyb. 8, 29 : p. p. oixw al Anth. 7, 273 (Mss. -ev/iai Jac.), di-oix- Her. 4, 136, and ^fiat, nap- Plut. Olco 'OXicrOdvco. 483 Camill. 14 ; Sext. Emp. 164, 14; Hippocr. i, 15 (Vulg. Kiihn, but irap-oix6fj.fvos Ms. A. Littr 6, 1 6), SO iraptaxnpfvos Xen. An. 2, 4, i (some Mss. Popp. Kiihner, but -oixopfvos Vulg. Kriig. and now L. Dind. 4 ed. Saupp.) ; in good Attic, therefore, the perf. pass, seems doubtful. Vb. dlx/pew Alciphr. 3, 42. To this verb, and to tnoiyvvfu, has been referred eVw^aro or entpx- II. 12, 340. We would rather, with Buttmann, refer it to fir-ex**, perf. act. redupl. -d^wKa for -o'Kco^a, p. p. -wy/j.cu, pip. -v>y^v, 3 pi. -cayvro, Ion. -w^aro, eir- were held to, shut. The formation is legi- timate, and the sense afforded suits the passage best. The act. oixo) is Dor. and rare, imper. ofa Plut. Pyrrh. 28. The collat. olxvfta is Poet, and confined to pres. -\v^ Soph. El. 166, -vi Aj. 564, Epic 3 pi. -vet Od. 3, 322 ; olxvfovrts Find. P. 5, 86; -velv Soph. El. 313 : and iter. imp. otxvfVKov II. 5, 790. Oiw To think, see o?o/u. (Oiw) To bring, see . Oiuciopai To take an augury from birds, Com. Fr. (Epin.) 4, 506 ; -ofjLfvos Xen. Cyr. i, 6, i : imp. unaugm. oltovi&vro Xen. Hell, i, 4, 12. 5, 4, 17 ; App. Annib. 18 : fut. late -wvpai V. T. Lev. 19, 26 : aor. ola>vi.(rafj.r]v 3 Reg. 21, 33 ; opt. oiawawro (Dem.) 25, 80 ; -apfvos Aristot. Pol. 5, 4, 5 ; Plut. Mor. 676 ; -wrdat Aristid. 27, 356, /*er- Dinarch. i, 92. 'OiceXXw 71? run ashore, intrans. and trans. Xen. An. 7, 5, 1 2, tg- Her. 7, 182 ; -Xoi Ar. Ach. 1159 : imp. Her. 8, 84: aor. w/ceiXa Eur. I. T. 1379; Thuc. 2,91, fir- Her. 7, 182; -ei'Xas Thuc. 4, ii ; -eiXai 4, 12. Only once in Trag. and Comedy. ('OKpidw) To make rough, enrage, only pass, and only imp. Epic OK/HOWITO Od. 1 8, 33: and p.p. o>Kptca/iVos late Lycophr. 545- 'OKXCW, see o^/o). ), see o To slip, Soph. Fr. 963; Xen. An. 3, 5, n (Pors. Popp. Kriig. Dind.) ; PI. Crat. 427 ; Hippocr. 3, 460. 4, 100. 260. 292 &c. (Mss. Lit.), air- Thuc. 7, 65, ef- Eur. Phoen. 1383 (Ms. C. Pors. Herm. Dind. Kirchh.); Ar. Eq. 491, and - rare if correct in early Auth. Si-oXivdaivd PI. Lys. 216 (B. O. W. Stallb.) ; Hippocr. 6, 290 (Lit.), dn-- 2, 262 (Lit. v. r. -dvo>), later oXitr&uW Opp. Hal. 2, 378; Aristot. Prob. 24, i. 25, n (Bekk. v. r. -dvet), GTT- Hist. An. 7, 3 ; oXio-foiW Polyb. 3, 55 (Bekk. 6av- Dind. Hultsch); Plut. Mor. 90. 392; Ap. Rh. i, 377: imp. &\iov Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 673 ; Orph. Arg. 271 ; Anth. 7, 233 : fut. late oXia^o-to V. T. Prov. 14, 19; Nonn. 36, 458: 1 aor. unattic, wXiVfyo-a Demod. 5 (Bergk) ; Anth. 9, 125 ; Opp. i i 2 484 C. 4, 451 ; but Apollod. 2, 5, 4. 3, 2 ; Strab. vol. 3, p. 476 (Kram.), 81- Hippocr. 4, 274 : p. unattic, wXurdipca Hippocr. 4, 246. 276. 308. 314 &c. (Lit.); Diod. Sic. 4, 79: pip. wXio-^KM Philostr. Apoll. 3, 129 : 2 aor. oX70e Horn, always, II. 20, 470. 23, 774; Theocr. 25, 230, <3Xi<70ov mostly Poet. Soph. El. 746 ; Anth. ii, 316; Ar. Ran. 690 ('- Eccl. 286); also Ion. and late prose, Hippocr. 4, 100. 302. 306 (Lit.) ; Philostr. Apoll. 4, 142 - r Plut. Brut. 39, iv- Cim. 16, ntpi- Marcell. 15, dn- Alciphr. 3, ii. Of the form o\iadaiva> a few traces still linger in uncri- tical editions of the earlier authors, or as a v. r. e'loXio-tfcuW Eur. Phoen. 1383 (Vulg. -dvoi Pors. Dind.); -aivtw Ar. Eq. 489 (Br. -dveiv Bekk. Dind.); PI. Crat. 427 ; at Lys. 216 however StoXt- adaivti is still in the text even of B. O. W. Stallb. &c. The most and best Mss. of Hippocr. have 6\Krddva> (Lit.), but still in text dnd\ia-daiv(iv 2, 262, V. r. -dvftv &C. The TCg. aor. Xto-0ijKei Philostr. Apoll. 3, 129. oXurdpdfa occurs Epich. 19 (Ahr.). oXio-dea pres. seems not to exist ; 6Xto-^oi)o-i Ar. Ran. 690, called by some a pres. is too evidently dat. pi. of the 2 aor. part. "OXXufu To destroy, lose, Poet. Soph. Ant. 673 ; Eur. Or. 1302; oXXvs II. 4, 451. 8, 472 (prose drr-oXXtJ/u Her. 9, 48, -vaa-i Thuc. 7, 51 (Bekk. Stahl). 8, 10; PI. Rep. 421, -vo-i Her. 4, 69; PI. Leg. 706), and oXX&a only pres. in simple and rare, Archil. 27 (Bergk) ; Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 687 ; imper. oXXve Archil. 27 (prose arr- Hippocr. i, in (Erm.); Thuc. 4, 25. 7, 51 (most Mss.) ; Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 20 (Hertl. Saupp. -u/u Dind.) ; PI. Gorg. 496; Isocr. 5, 52. 12, 226. 228, npovan- Her. i, 207. 6, 138, 8m- Pl. Crito 47 best Mss.) : imp. a>\\w, -vvav Aesch. Pers. 46 1 ; Soph. O. C. 394 (prose dn- Isocr. 12, 219; PI. Rep. 562, and aTr-wX- Xvoi> Hippocr. 7, 576; Andoc. i, 41. 58. 114; Isocr. n, 8. 21, 12; Dem. 9, 31): fut. Epic oXr Od. 13, 399; Hes. Op. 180; Anth. App. Epigr. 134, once in Her. vrpoo-aTr- 2, 121 (Wessel. Gaisf. Bekk. but -' Dind. -eoy Stein, Abicht), rare in Attic, dn- Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 62 1 ; later App. Civ. i, 10 ; Pseudo- Callisth. 3, 13 ; Charit. i, 10. 2, 5 (D'Orv. -X Kerch.); Long. Past. 3, 25; (Luc.) Asin. 33; Geop. 2, 25, Epic oXW II. 12, 250. Od. 2, 49, Ion. oXew, -if is, -if i, an- Her. I, 34. 8, 60; -tovTfs 6, 91 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. Dietsch &c.), -fvtrr fs 9, 18 (S. V. Gaisf. Dietsch, Dind. better -iovres F. Bekk. Abicht, Stein), Attic oX, -f'is, -el Tyrt. 3 ; Soph. O. R. 448 ; Eur. Hipp. 440 ; in tmesi Ar. Plut. 65 ; Aristot. Fr. 501, dn- Theogn. 36 ; PI. Meno 95; Isae. ii, 31; Dem. 33, 10 : aor. wXeaa II. 22, 107; Hes. Op. 163; Simon. C. 138; Aesch. Sept. 1056; Soph. El. 270; "OAXu/u. 485 in tmesi Her. 3, 36, air- Xen. Hell, i, r, 7, Epic and Lyric Od. 23, 319 ; Eur. Ph. 663 (chor. Herm. Nauck, Kirchh. Dind. 5 ed), -o-o-a Od. 21, 284; Theogn. 831; Find. P. n, 33, iter. oXtvKfv in tmesi II. 8, 270 (Bekk. Dind. -rv(v Vulg. Spitzn. Franke, La R.); subj. -ro>, -^ II. i, 559; Tyrt. 12, 34 &c., opt. -f'a-aifu, -ta-fif II. 8, 358; Eur. Med. 1389, -tvtiav Aesch. Sept. 567; oXeara-as II. 19, 60 ; Soph. Aj. 390 (chor.), oXeVar Aesch. Pers. 534, Dor. oXtVat? Pind. Ol. i, 79: p. oXXa, e'- Ar. Plut. 867, an- Her. i, 45 ; Antiph. 5, 91 ; Thuc. 2, 65 ; Lys. 19, 8: pip. oXaXeKei, cm- Dem. 19, 260, dn-wX- (Dind.): 2 p. oXa>Xa / undone, II. 16, 521 ; Aesch. Pers. 1015 > Soph. Ph. 76, an-- Her. 2, 181 ; Antiph. 5, 66 ; PI. Euthyd. 300: pip. oXtoXew II. 10, 187, air- Her. 3, 119 ; Isae. 6, 37 ; Thuc. 4, 133 (Bekk. Popp. Kriig-. -6>Xo>X- Dind. Scheib.); Dem. 18,49. 2O > 79- 39 33 (Bekk. -o>XX- Dind.), and -oXcoXq PI. Apol. 31, but d7r-a>X Antiph. 5, 70 (Bekk. B. S. Maetzn.) ; Aeschin. i, 95. 2, 92 (Mss. B. S. Frank. &c. -oXX- Bekk.) ; Dem. 19, 125 (Bekk. B. S. Dind.) ; Thuc. 7, 27 (Kriig. Dind. -oXo>X- Bekk. Popp.) : p. p. late oXvXfo-fMai : aor. late &\iaQr)v, ait- V. T. Ps. 82, 18; Aesop 67 (Tauchn.) : fut. late, dir-oXeff&rjo-opfvos Galen 9, 728. Mid. oXXfyun to perish, II. 20, 21 ; Soph. O. R. 179; Ar. Av. 1070, air- Antiph. 5, 35; Andoc. i, 49: imp. wXXifyw/i/ Eur. Ale. 633, Dor. -vpav Hec. 914 (chor.), -vro Soph. El. 927, an- Her. 2, 120; Antiph. 2, |3, 3 : fut. oXeopai, -ffcrde II. 21, 133, (dir-oX(6ft0a Her. 9, 42, -ffrai 8, 57, -eopevijs 8, 69, but -tvpevot if correct, 7* 2 9> see d/iwX'- o-aro Ps. Callisth. i, 2, Ms. L) : 2 aor. J>Xd W j II. 13, 772; Aesch. Eum. 565 ; Soph. Ant. 517 ; Eur. Ale. 718, dir- Antiph. 5, 3; PI. Rep. 469, oX- Od. ii, 197; Eur. Or. 199 (chor.), -6pnv I. T. 152 ; Ar. Pax 1013 (chor.); SX^ai II. 3, 417, -rpai. 20, 303; dXoi'aro Aesch. Sept. 552, dir- Od. 9, 554 ; oXoptvos Aesch. Pers. 1075, Epic oirX- II. i, 2. Od. 10, 394; Aesch. Pr. 397 (chor.); Eur. Phoen. 1528 (chor.), iter. oX/ovcero, dn- Od. n, 586. For 6X(f, II. 19, 135 (Wolf, Spitzn.), Bekker, Dind. La R. read dXeWKev from dXe'icw ; oXeo-r how- ever occurs Q. Sm. 2, 414 (Koechly) which some may think strengthens the reading in Homer. <5Xeo-icoi/ with augm. is late, Or. Sib. i, 108. oXo/ieVaj/ part. 2 aor. as adj. pernicious, fatal, Eur. Phoen. 1029 (chor.), and usually ovXdfi- properly Epic, II. 14, 84; Tyrt. 7, 2 ; Theogn. 156 ; Pind. P. 4, 293 5 but Aesch. Pr. 399 (chor.); Eur. Phoen. 1527 (chor.) In strict Attic, in- stances of fut. with XKo'/iav Dor. Soph. Tr. 1013 (chor.) This verb is poetic in simple, except late, fat. (5X V. T. Prov. 1,32: aor. wXeo-a Arr. Peripl. 3 (Gesn. wi^a- Kerch.) ; SUbj. oXeVtjre V. T. Jer. 38, 2; Opt. oXco-aurav (sic) Job 1 8, II. 20, 10: 2 p. oXa>Xa Jer. 38, 2. Mid. oXXimu perishes, Prov. II, 7 : fat. oXeirai PrOV. 25, 19, -ovvrat 13, 2 : 2 aor. wXero Job 4, ii, -OVTO Jer. 29, u. In classic prose aTroXXup. oXXOaai II. 8, 449, i s P art - P re s- not inf- a 01 *- 'OXoXu^u 70 shout, oXdXwff Od. 22, 411 ; -(iv Ar. Pax 97 ; Dem. 18, 260: imp. wXoXvfov Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 166 : fat. oXoXuo/*ai Eur. Elec. 691 ; Or. Sib. i, 163 : act. oXoAvw late V. T. Esai. 1 6, 7. 65, 14. Amos 8, 3 : aor. &>XoXua Eur. Bac. 689; late prose Heliod. 3, 5, dv- Simon. (C.) 148 (Bergk); Aesch. Ag. 587 ; Soph. El. 750; Eur. Med. 1173 r- Ar. Av. 782, unaugm. in Epic oXdX- Od. 3, 450. 4, 767. Horn. H. i, 119. 2, 267; Ap. Rh. 3, 1218; Theocr. 17, 64; imper. 0X0- XuaT? Aesch. Eum. 1043. IO 47> Ar. Eq. 1327; inf. oXoXvai Dem. 1 8, 259: aor. mid. o>XoXv|aTo, eV- Aesch. Ag. 1236. 'OXo<})upofiai To bewail, Dep. II. 16, 450; Tyrt. 12, 27; Pind. Fr. 84, 17; Soph. El. 148 (chor.); Eur. Rhes. 896 (chor.); Her. 2, 141; Thuc. 2,44: imp. oXo^cpero Ap. Rh. i, 250, arr-wX- Xen. Hell, i, i, 27 ' fu.t. oXofftvpovfjMi Lys. 29, 4: aor. &>Xo$upa/i7i> (Lys.) 2, 37. 61, dv- Thuc. 8, 81 ; PI. Prot. 327, Epic unaugm. o\o 3 ' aor. pass, ohocpvpfais Thuc. 6, 78 as mid. (Schol. Bauer &c.), as pass. (Port. Elms, and seemingly Popp. Krtig.) Poppo in reference to the mean- ing of aor. p. oXofpvpdfis Thuc. 6, 78, says cautiously, " as this verb both in Thuc. and other authors is Dep. mid. one confi- dently expects the aor. p. with pass, meaning," and refers to Rost's Gr. Gram. 113, 6. Rost there says that "the 1 aor. pass, of Dep. mid. verbs is always pass." This is too strong : ayafuu, aTroXoyeo/zat, dpveopai &c. have in classic Auth. both aor. mid. and pass, as mid., and ^'^(po^ai has in Thuc. himself, f^n- ^afir)v 3, 61. 2, 64, and in same sense e/"V"0'? 1 ' 4 85. c O|j.aXiw To level, smooth, Xen. Oec. 18, 5 ; Aristot. Pol. 2, 7, 8 : fat. -iVw late V. T. Symm. Job 3, 10, -tw Esai. 45, 2 : aor. to "O/xi/v/u. 487 -ra Esai. 28, 25: p. p. ebitaXioTxeW Isocr. 6, 65 : aor. w/ Aristot. Pol. 2, 7, 3 : fat. <5/xaAio-fyo- V^KOS Aristot. Pol. 2, 6, 10 : and earlier fut. mid. as pass, -temu Xen. Oec. 18, 5. 'Ofiapre'u To be together, accompany, mostly Poet. -T Eur. Bac. 923, -Tei Hippocr. 7, 94 (Lit.) ; Opp. Cyn. 2, 223 ; imper. -aprti Theogn. 1165 ; -TWV II. 24, 438 ; -T>/ Aesch. Eum. 338 : imp. ufjidpTovv Aesch. Pr. 678 ; Soph. O. C. 1647, I n - ~ TfVV Ap. Rh. *i 57 9> 3 dual ofjLapr^v for -Yiji; II. 13, 584 (Vulg.Wolf, Spitzn.), see below: fut. o/xapi-qo-w Hes. Op. 196; Ap. Rh. i, 305; Eur. Phoen. 1616; late prose, Philostr. Ap. 96 (Kayser) : 1 aor. aiftdpTrja-a HeS. Th. 2OI J Orph. Arg. 1219; Opt. oiuxprqcmci' Od. 13,87 (dfi- La R.); -faas 21, 188 (V Thuc. 5, 47 ; opvvvai Her. 4, 68 ; Xen. Hell, i, 3, 1 1 ; Isocr. 15, 21 ; Isae. 2, 39; Dem. 54, 39, o/xi/vo> Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 324. (Antiph.) 3, 149 ; Her. 4, 172. 5, 7 ; Xen. An. 6, i, 31. 7, 6, 18; Lycurg. 76; Dem. 23, 5. 54, 41^ an- Find. N. 7, 70; ofj.we Theocr. 27, 35, -tra> II. 19, 175 ; opvvuv Dem. 54, 40. 57, 56, and opoca pres. only in part, opovmes if correct, Her. i, 153 (Vulg. Gaisf. -vvvrts Bekk. Dind. Stein) : imp. &\LWV Ar. Eccl. 823, Av. 520 (Br. Dind. Bergk); Andoc. i, 90; Lys. 25, 27; Dem. 17, 10, an- Od. 2, 377; Ar. Eq. 424, and &HVVQV II. 14, 278; Epicharm. 71 (Ahr.); Thuc. 5, 19. 23. 24; Lys. 19, 26; Dem. 19, 292. 21, 119: fut. opovfwt, -ei, -eirat &C. II. I, 233; Hes. Op. 194 ; Ar. Lys. 193 ; Xen. Hell, i, 3, n ; Dem. 39, 3, Dor. i pi. op.iwp.e6a Ar. Lys. 183 (Vulg. Bekk. Bergk, o/xto/*- Elms. Dind. Mein.) : fut. act. late, o/xoo-w Anth. 12, 201 ; Plut. Cic. 23; App. Civ. i, 30; Dio Chrys. Or. 56 (568); Diog. Laert. i, 9 ; Geop. 12, 28: and mid. o^do-o/uu, fir- (Luc. Philo- patr. 5): aor. w/xoo-a Od. 4, 253; Soph. Ph. 623; Ar. Nub. 825; Her. i, 165; Antiph. 5, 85; Thuc. 3, 59 ; L 7 S ; I2 IO 5 PL Leg. 683, Epic w/ioo-o-a II. 2O, 313, o/xoo-a-a IO, 328, opocra 19, 113; Dor. pt. o/ioWaif Find. Ol. 6, 20 : p. o/xav>Ka Eur. Hipp. 612; Ar. Ran. 1471; Andoc. i, 90; Lys. 10, 32; Isae. 2, 47; 488 Dem. 9, 34, uvr- Antiph. i, 8 : pip. O/ZG>/UO'K Xen. Hell. 5, i, 35 (Vulg.) &pa>p- (Dind. Breitb.), opcop- Dem. 9, 15. 19, 318 (Bekk.), &pu>p- (Dind. Saupp.), v-opa>p- Dio Cass. 64, 51 (Bekk.), aw- a>pu>p- (L. Dind.), poK- (Vulg.) : p. p. oputporai (Aesch. Ag. 1290); Dem. 20, 159, w- Ar. Lys. 1007, r>ppoa-- Mendels.), o~uv-a>poo- Joseph. Ant. 15, 8, 3 : aor. wpoOrjv Isae. 2, 40, VTT- Dem. 48, 25, and vpoadrjv Xen. Hell. 7, 4, 10 (-odrjv Dind. Cob.), wr- Hyperid. Fr. 204 (Blass): fut. opoadrjaropai Andoc. 3, 34. Mid. in comp. opvvrai, 81- Lys. 10, n, eV- Ar. Plut. 725 : imp. dprif/tgy, *ar- Her. 6, 69, -WTO, &- Soph. Tr. 378; Aeschin. 3, 150: fut. fg-opovpai. Soph. Ant. 535; Dem. 45, 61, dir- Aeschin. i, 67, fit- Dem. 23, 67 : aor. apoo-aprjv, Si- Soph. Aj. 1233; Antiph. 5, 90. 96, avr- Isocr. 18, 37, '- Aeschin. 2, 94, wr- Dem. 48, 25, eV- (Dem.) 18, 137 ; Luc. Tim. 47. Vb. diT-aporos Soph. Ant. 388. 394. For the unique pres. part, opovvTes Her. i, 153, Bekker, Dind. Lhardy, Stein read opvvvrts perhaps rightly, see opvvvras 2, 118. Jmper. opvvdi II. 23, 585, Attic Spvv Soph. Tr. 1185 ; Eur. I. T. 743, Spvv before a vowel, Orac. Her. 6, 86. Fut. act. O/JOO-M is from op.6pe6a (Elms.), both are legitimate. op6au> fut. act. is late, and never, we think, contr. opS>, -ds, -el; 6p6o-o> v. r. Isocr. n, 8 : aor. w/ioiWu, subj. opoiaxrapev Isocr. 11, 8; -axras Eur. Hel. 33 J Her. 8, 28 : p.p. utpoivpai PI. Rep. 431 ; Isocr. 6, 76 : aor. -tbdrjv PI. Rep. 510 ; -udijvai Thuc. 5, 103, Epic -dfipfvai II. I, 187. Od. 3, I2O: fut. 6poia>0ri(ropm PI. Leg. 964; Galen 4, 607 : and as pass. fut. mid. opoiaxropai shall be like, Her. 7, 158; Philostr. Apoll. 270. Mid. 6poi6opai } Ion. -ev 489 (Dind. Abicht, -oil/*- Bekk. Stein) as act. liken, compare, Her. i, 123 : fut. -wo-o/wu pass, see above. The Attics, we think, did not use the mid. The act. is occasionally used in a seemingly neuter sense, is like, likens &c. npoo-onowvv Dem. 60, 30, where avrbv is Reiske's conject, al/rov (Bekk.), avrov (B. S. Dind.); so e&o-oi Soph. El. 1194; Thuc. 5, 71. 6, 87, equals as we say. The simple is so used late, Dioscor. 'OjioicXeu and -du To call to, Poet imp. unaugm. 6fj.oK\(Ofi(v Od. 24, 173, -6x\(ov II. 15, 658; Ap. Rh. 4, 1006, -ttv Orph. Arg. 944, and o/xoxXa II. 18, 156. 24, 248; Q. Sm. 3, 166 : aor. o/xoKXijcro II. 23, 363. Od. 19, 155; -ijo-fie II. 16, 714; -770-05 II. 6, 54 ; Soph. El. 7 I2 > iter. o^oxXija-ao-Ke II. 2, 199. This verb is mostly Epic. The pres, we have not seen, and imp. of the form -aw only in 3 sing. 6/id/Xa. Never augm. either in Horn, or late Epic. 'OfioXoyew To agree, confess, Soph. Ph. 980; Ar. Plut. 94; Her. 8, 94; Antiph. 2, 8, 8 ; Thuc. 2, 5; PI. Prot. 317; Isae. 3, 57 : imp. A/toX- Antiph. 5, 39; Lys. 7, 37; PI. Conv. 173 : fut. -f)ff(a Her. 8, 144; Isocr. 14, 10; Isae. i, 19; PI. Conv. 174; Xen. Hell. 2, 2, 16: aor. w/ioXdy^o-a Her. 9, 88; Antiph. 5, 14 ; Thuc. i, 101 ; Lys. 12, 9 : p. a>fjLo\6yrjKa Andoc. i, 29; Lys. 12, 34 ; Isae. 3, n : pip. -IJK Thuc. 2, 95 ; Dem. 23, 167 : p. p. -ijrm PI. Phaed. 105; Isae. 4, 15; -ij/wVa Isocr. 18, n; Isae. 5, i: pip. -w"?" Xen. An. i, 9, 14; Dem. 29, 44: aor. -T\6r)v Thuc. 8, 29; Isae. 5, 17: fut. -i^o-erai Hippocr. 6, 6 (Lit.): and as pass. fut. mid. o/xoXoyijo-frtu PI. Theaet. 171 ; v. r. Hippocr. quoted. Mid. o/w>Xoyoi)/*ai PI. Crat. 416 ; Isocr. 2, 17 : imp. &>/zoX- Isae. 8, 21 : fut. -Aoyjjo-o/Hu pass, see above, but mid. Sto/joX- PL Rep. 392, and late e'- V. T. Ps. 18, 50: aor. a>fio\oyr}(rdp.Tjv, St- Isae. 3, 28 ; Subj. 6p.o\oyr)(rp.opa in tmesi, '- Eur. Or. 219 ; opapgas in tmesi, Nic. Al. 559 (G. Schn.) : p. p. a>nopy^vos, an- Aristot. Physiog. 6, 6 : aor. pass. opopxQfis, air- Ar. Vesp. 560, by some needlessly called act. Mid. o/id/jyw^at wipe oneself, Pythag. Diog. Laert. 8, 17 : imp. u>p.6pywvro Od. n, 527 : fut. d^dp|o- fuu, an- Eur. Hipp. 653, e^- Ar. Ach. 843 : aor. To step with, accompany, Epic and only -cri^aa II. 15, 635. o/iooTt^eW quoted by some from Nonn. Par. 10, 143, as pt. of this verb is gen. pi. of adj. o/xoortx'jf. Hesych. however gives 6/ioorixei, to explain -o-Tt^aet. 'Ofioiu> To reproach, Soph. Aj. 1298; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 440; Her. i, 41 ; Thuc. i, 5 ; Andoc. 2, 5 ; Isocr. 16, 3; -8i'aw Od. 18, 380; Thuc. i, 5; -St'Cj Andoc. 2, 5: imp. wm'oifoi/ PI. Phaedr. 257 : flit. Attic -iS> Soph. O. R. 1423 ; Eur. Tr. 430; PI. Apol. 29, late -tW Aristid. 46, 278 (Vulg. -t Ms. N. Dind.) : aor. i>oto-a Soph. O. R. 412 ; Com. Fr. (Cratet.) 2, 247; Her. 8, 106 ; Thuc. 3, 62; PL Theaet. 150, owi'8- II. 9, 34 ; Theogn. 1115; -Sio-di Aesch. Ch. 917 : p. wi/ei'St/m Lys. 16, 15: aor. pass, uvfidiadrjv late, Polyb. n, 4 (5) Bekk. : and fut. -10-^170-0^01 Epist Phal. no (Kerch.) ; Apocr. Syr. 41, 7 : classic, fut. mid. ovfiSiovfuu, -lela-de as pass. Soph. O. R. 1 500 : pres. Eur. Tr. 936 ; Thuc. 1,77; PL Tim. 86. Vb. PL Leg. 689. To turn, wind (Svoi), -evovres Com. Fr. (Stratt.) 2, 772 (Mein.) only pres. : and imp. avevov Thuc. 7, 25. 'Octinrjfjii To assist, (II.) 24, 45 ; Hym. 3, 577 ; Hes. Th. 429 ; Antiph. 2, , i ; Isocr. 15, 264, like ICTTTJ/U; part, ovtvas, -a Theocr. 7, 36 : aor. Znya-a II. 9, 509 ; Eur. Tr. 933 ; Ar. Lys. 1033; Her. 9, 76; PL Apol. 27, Svrja-a II. i, 503, Dor. va) is approved. &varo II. 17, 25, belongs to ovofjuu I reproach. 'Oo|jL To name, Eur. Hel. 1193; C. Fr. (Stratt.) 2, 781; Andoc. 3, 33 ; Xen. Hell. 2, 3, i ; PI. Crat. 417; subj. -afw PI. Alcib. i, 135; opt. -atoi II. 9, 515; PI. Rep. 493; -afrv II. 10, 68 ; Thuc. 2, 17; Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 46; PI. Conv. 212 ; -afriv Od. 14, 145; Eur. Bac. 527; Ar. Eccl. 299 ; Thuc. 8, 92, n ; PI. Crat. 387, Ion. ovw/zafco Her. 4, 27. 59 : imp. awo/z- Aesch. Ag. 681; Aeschin. 2, 38, Horn, of necessity always ow/x- II. 18, 449. Od. 4, 551 : fut. -ao-eo PI. Rep. 471 : and mid. Aeol. ow- fM^ofuu Pind. P. 7, 5 : aor. eavopao-a Od. 24, 339 ; Pind. P. 12, 23; Aesch. Pr. 597; Ar. Eccl. 190; Thuc. 4, 102; PI. Prot. 330; Aeschin. 2, 167, ovi/d/*- Her. 4, 6, Aeol. oi/v/xae Pind. P. 2, 44. n, 6: p. avofuiKa PI. Soph. 219 ; Dem. 23, 39 : p. p. ^>6- pioTzot Soph. O. C. 61 ; Her. 2, 155 (ovv- Bekk. Kriig. Abicht); Thuc. 6, 96 ; PL Tim. 65, 3 pi. Ion. owo/iaSarat Dio Cass. 37, 16 (Bekk.) : aor. a>vofidt>juao'a>), pres. and imp. like 8i8ofiat, 2 sing, ovoo-ai Od. 17, 378, Epic 2 pi. ovveo-de II. 24, 241 (Vulg. Both. Spitzn.), Svarrcu Od. 21,427; Her. 2, 167; SfoiTo II. 13, 287: imp. &VOVTO, KOT- Her. 2, 172 (Aid. Bekk. Dind.), KUT-OVOVTO (Mss. V. S. Gaisf.): fiit. 6v6a-op.ai (o-o-) II. 9, 55; Anth. 7, 398; Ap. Rh. 3, 475; ov6ao- (0 -dai Od. 5,379; Ap. Rh. I, 830: aor. o/*-), a rather Poet, form of ovo- ndfa, Horn. H. Ven. 290; Luc. Hist. Con. 18 (Dind.), see below : fut. Ion. owo/iawo Her. 4, 47 : aor. Luc. Hist. Con. 18 (Bekk. Fritzs.); oi/v/Wi/erat, -vovrai Tim. Locr. 100; also Aeol. and Boeot. ovovfj.-, 1 aor. ^vov^vfv Corinn. 4 (Ahrens.) In Epic, ex- cepting H. Ven. 290, the aor. alone seems to be used, and, from necessity, always without augm. Never in Attic poetry, and once only in prose, Isae. quoted. 'O^oTd^w To blame, Poet. Hes. Op. 258 ; H. Merc. 30. Mid. ovora^ofifvai loathing, Aesch. Supp. n. 'O$6vu To sharpen, Anth. App. Epigr. 304 ; Theophr. H. P. 4, 3, 4, air- Od. 6, 269 (Mss. La R. Diintz. Ameis, -^ovo-i Bekk. Buttm. Dind.), irap- Xen. Mem. 3, 3, 13; Isocr. 12, 37 : imp. &^vvov, irap- 5, 3 : fut. oui/ei, irap- Dem. 2, II, -vvova-t 54> 25 ' aor. <5tjj/a, -vvai Soph. Tr. 1176, dn- Od. 9, 326 (most Mss. La R. airo-vv- 6, 22 (Bekk.) : pip. <3wo, nap- Dem. 57, 49: aor. tagvvdrj Hippocr. i, 184 (Erm.); Aeschin. 3, 118; Dem. 21, 2 ; o 493 n-ap- Isocr. 5, 101 ; in simple, part. ogovQtls Her. 8, 138, irap- Lycurg. 87 : fut. afadfaopai, Trap- Hippocr. 2, 426 (Lit.) : pres. O&VOVTCU. Aristot. Gen. An. 3, 2, 17. The simple form seems not to occur in classic Attic prose. 'OirdBeu To accompany, -778/0) Epic and Ion., only pres. orrafal Simon. C. 15; Find. P. 4, 287, -ij8 II. 5, 216 ; Hes. Th. 80; Theogn. 933; Callim. Del. 19; Theocr. 17, 75 (Mss. Mein. Ahr. -aStl Fritzs. Ziegler) : imp. unaugm. ondSu Theocr. 2, 14, -/S II. 2, 184. Od. 19, 398; inf. onr)8fiv Horn. H. 2, 352. oirdu II. 17, 566; Ar. Eq. 200: imp. wTrof- I). 8, 341, orr- 16, 730 : fut. -o-w, -ao-o-w Od. 8, 430 ; Colluth. 87 ; -awo^v II. 24, 153; Theocr. 28, 9: aor. wTrao-a II. 22, 51 ; Hes. Th. 974; Solon 13, 74; Find. N. i, 16 ; Aesch. Pr. 252, ona- Od. 6, 69 : aor. Sm\in\iKe, Trap- Diod. Sic. 4, 10 : pip. owrA/K Dio Cass. 78, 6 : p. p. wrXio-/^ Aesch. Sept. 433 ; Thuc. 4, 94 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, 4, 16 : aor. *>Tr\icrQi]v Thuc. 6, 17 ; Xen. Eq. 12, 10. Mid. 6n\iofmi arm one's own, trans. Eur. Or. 926. 1223 ; Opp. Hal. 4, 364: imp. 6n\iovro Od. 16, 453 (La R. Ameis), - Anth. 9, 39 : aor. awrXio-a/zq*' II. 23, 301. 351, ^TrXto-o-- Od. 2, 20. 9, 291. 344. 10, 116; Emped. 316, but 6Tr\ieo-#a for -o-a>/x- Od. 12, 292, ftp- II. 8, 503; oTrXto-a'/ievot Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 16 ? : and perhaps p. wTrXta^eVos Eur. Phoen. 267 : intrans. -c'fo/zat arm oneself, be in armour, Eur. Med. 1242 ; subj. -ayt<0a Od. 24, 495 : 494 Xen. M. Eq. i, 23 : imp. wTrXtf- II. 8, 55. Od. 14, 526 (6jrX- Mss. La Roche); Eur. Elec. 627 : fut. on-Xiou/xat late, Schol. II. 13, 20 : aor. (un-Xio-a^i/ Xen. Hell. 5, 4, 21 : in sense p. p. unrXio-fMi Eur. Heracl. 672 ; Her. 7, 79 ; Thuc. 4, 94; Xen. An. 2, 6, 25 : aor. a>n\laQi)v Her. 2, 152 ; Thuc. 6, 17 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, 4, 4, Epic 3 pi. onKia-Qev Od. 23, 143 (Vulg. Wolf, Dind. La Roche, wn-X- Bekk. 2 ed.) Vb. on-Xio-reoj/ Xen. Hipp, i, 6. This verb is usually augmented in Horn, but the forms oTrXto-a- fifa-6a, onKiaQev Od. quoted, have, from tradition, we fancy the principle we don't see been left unaugmented. Bekker now however uniformly augments it (2 ed.) ; but La Roche never in the Od. 'OTrrdw To roast &c. Ar. Av. 1691 ; Her. 9, 120; Xen. Cyr. 8, 2, 6 : imp. a>irTa>v Od. 3, 33 : fut. -ijo-w Ar. Ach. 1102 : aor. wnrrjcra II. 7, 318 ; Hes. Fr. 234 ; Her. i, 119, reg. in poetry and prose : pass, -do^ai, -nSro Her. 8, 137 ; Xen. Oec. 16, 14, -iofiat, -fvpfvos Theocr. 7, 55 : imp. WTTTUTO Com. Fr. (Polioch.) 4, 590 : p. wTrnjjuai Callim. Epigr. 44, 5 ; -q/icW Ar, Plut. 894 ; PL Hipp. maj. 288 : aor. -r\6r\v, -r)6fi Aristot. Probl. 21, n ; -dijvai Od. 20, 27 ; -dels Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 26 : fut. mid. onrqcro/iai as pass. (Luc.) Asin. 31, missed by Lexicogr. : and aor. oTrnjo-d/Aei/ot having roasted, Ar. Av. 532, also missed. Vb. oirros Od. 4, 66. 'OTTT6UW, 866 VTT-OTTTfVO). 'OTTUICJ To marry, of the man, -vi'eir Hes. Sc. 356, -wet Find. I. 4, 59, -vt'ouo-t Aristot. Eth. Nic. 7, 5, 4 (Bekk.) ; -v(v Od. 15, 21; -Wot Od. l6, 386; -vieiv Theocr. 22, l6l, -vunevai II. 14, 268, -ffjitv 13, 379, v. r. oTrto) (Aristot. Ap. Rh. and Theocr.) which seems to be the Attic form, see fut. : imp. &TTVIOV II. 18, 383 ; Hes. Fr. 83 ; Luc. Alex. 50 (Orac.). Gall. 19 (Bekk. W. Dind.), oTi-ui- Od. 4, 798 ; Ap. Rh. i, 46 ; Orph. Fr. 14, and &TTVOV Luc. Alex, quoted (Jacob. L. Dind.) : fut. OTTUO-W Ar. Ach. 255. Pass. O7rw'o/nai to be married, usu. of the woman, II. 8, 304 ; Anth. 10, 56; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 7, 6, 4; and Plut. Sol. 20 (onvop.- Bekk. Sint.) : p. p. late wrotcr/teW Dio. Hal. Excerp. 17, 3 (18, 2 Kiessl.), WTTUO-- (L. Dind.), others pres. oTrwd/xevoy. (5.) (^Oirwireci)) To see, a new pres. from perf. oirana imp. onumffv Orph. Arg. 184, -ireov 1025. Mid. aor. oTramrjo-avdai Euphor. in Schol. Eur. Phoen. 682. 'OTrupi^cj To gather fruit, PI. Leg. 845 : fut. -iw, Ion. part. -ifvvrfs Her. 4, 172. 182. Mid. -/O/H Athen. (Theopomp.) 12, 44 : aor. Dor. -igdprjv Stob. (Dius) 65, 16. c Opaa> To see (on-w, iSw), 6/>w II. 3, 234 ; Soph. O. C. 29 ; Ar. Thesm. 19 ; Antiph. & 7 ; Thuc. i, 80, 6pas Aesch. Ag. 1597, 'Opdw. 495 opaqs H. 21, 1 08, opa 1 8, 442, Dor. -pfj EpichaiTO. 1 1 7, 3 pi. -pevvn Theocr. 9, 35, Ion. 6pea> Her. i, 80, Ep. -o'o> II. n, 651 ; Epic opt. 6poW II. 4, 347; Dor. imper. Spy Theocr. 15, 12 : imp. eapaov, -tav Thuc. i, 5i ; PI. Rep. 516, Ion. &peot> Her. 4, 3 (Gaisf. Dind.), &puv (Bekk. Kriig. Stein, 8, 38 Gaisf.), Horn, always unaugm. Spa II. 16, 646 : fat. etyo/wu II. 24, 704 ; Eur. Tr. 488; Ar. Pax 78; Her. 8, 75; Isocr. 6, 69, 2 sing, in Attic always o^ei Aesch. Pr. 22 ; Soph. Tr. 199 ; Ar. Thesm. 6. Lys. 56; Xen. Athen. i, 9. Conv. 4, 22; II. 23, 620. Od. 12, 101, Ion. 3^eat II. 8, 471. 9, 359. Od. 24, 511; Her. i, 155; Eur. Andr. 1225 chor. (Mss. Vulg. Kirchh. Nauck, o^ei Herm. Dind. Paley) ; fyoivro Thuc. 6, 30, -oia.ro Soph. O. R. 1274: 1 aor. see below : p. eupa*ca Lys. n, 7. 12, 100; Isocr. 15, 38; PI. Prot. 310; Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 18 ; Dem. 17, 20. 21, 65. 25, 77 &c. (Bekk. Popp. B. Saupp.), and eopa/ca especially in comic Poet. Ar. Thesm. 32. 33 (Ms. R. Bekk. Dind Bergk, Enger). Av. 1573. Plut. 98. 1045 (Bekk. Dind. Bergk) ; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 500. (Alex.) 3, 504 &c. ; and now L. Dind. in Xen. Hell. 4, I ) 6. 5, 3, 19. Cyr. 3, i, 18. An. 2, i, 16 &c. ; so W. Dind. in Dem. 18, 190. 17, 20. 19, 157, and always (3 ed.) : pip. eapuKt) PI. Rep. 328 (-fiv Vulg.), fotpdiefa-dv Thuc. 2, 21 (Bekk. Popp. Kriig.), topOK- (L. Dind. Stahl, Classen) : p. p. e Xen. Cyr. 4, i, 17 &c. Ion. -8ia> Her. 8, 7, and ecapddrjv perhaps not in classic Attic, Diod. Sic. 20, 6 ; Jos. c. Ap. 2, 41 ; opadn Aristot. H. A. 9, 37, 6 ; 6pa0rjvai Aristot. de Mot. 4, 2 ; (PI.) Def. 411 ; Strab. 3, 5, 6. 5, 3, 2 ; Luc. Jud. v. 6 ; -dds Polyb. 3, 58 ; Plut. Dion. 9 ; Strab. 15, i, 2. 17, i, 34; Anth. 12, 197 : fut. ocp&jo-o/zat Soph. Tr. 452 ; Eur. H. F. 1155; Andoc. 2, 10 ; Lys. 3,34; Isocr. 15, 143, and late 6padfj 17- 5> IJI > Pl Tim. 73, Aeschin. 2, 43. 177 ; Dem. 6, 8. 18, 27. 149. 178. 281. 19, 271. 20, 162, v- Thuc. 3, 40, Dem. 18, 43 ; rrpo-opaffdai Thuc. 6, 78 ; Dem. 21, 61, Ion. -jjo-ftu (Hip- pocr.) Epist. 9, 366 (Lit.) : imp. unaugm. in Horn. 6pa>Mv II. r, 56, in prose late in simple, ecoparo Polyaen. 8, 16, 2, but rrept-fcop- Thuc. 6, 103, Trpo-fap- Xen. Cyr. 4, 3, 21; Dem. 19, 154. 181, late Trpo-oopeopji/ N. T. Act. 2, 25 (Vulg. -n-po-op- Lachm. Tisch.): fut. o^rofiai see above : aor. w-^a^v rare, ctyaiiro Soph. O. R. 1271 (Herm. but fut. O^OIVTO Dind. Bergk, Nauck), eV-d^aro Find. Fr. 65, 6 (Bergk); 6^wp.e6a Menand. Rhet. 68 (o^d/x- Spengel), fn-o-^apai PI. Leg. 947, em- (Buttm. Baiter &c.) : 2 aor. eldoprjv, subj. iSw/xat Ar. Vesp. 183 (trimet.), see '$>: and as mid. p. p. rrpo-fapao-Qai Diod. Sic. 2O, IO2; and di-S>p.fiai if correct Theogn. 1311 (Herm. Bergk, Ziegl.) Vb. 6par6s Xen. Cyr. i, 6, 2, vcp-opaTfov Plut. Mor. 49, onTeov late, but jrepi-oirTfov Her. 5> 39 j Thuc. 8, 48. See oprj^i. Eur. Andr. 1225 (chor.) has the Ion. 2 sing. fut. fytm, which Herm. Dind. and Paley alter to ety, see above. A unique instance of 1 aor. occurs in opt. ta-oprjaais Orph. Fr. 2, 16. Homer uses fut. fVo'^o/iat and wio^-, the former in the sense simply io look at, the latter with the accessory notion of looking at for selection, looking out, in which sense Plato Com. uses the aor. eVtw^aro Com. Fr. 2, 623. o^aivro Soph. O. R. 1271, is Hermann's emendation for fyoivro (Mss. Dind. Bergk), on the ground of the sense requiring it, and is approved by Lobeck, Wunder &c. ; subj. tya>p.f6a occurs Menand. Rhet. 68 (fyop.- Spengel), -r)pa/*ai we have not seen earlier than Isocrates, nor aor. ecapaGrjv before Aristotle. Epic form 6p6ta II. 5, 244. Od. 18, 143 &c. Ion. 6/>e'o> Her. 7, 236, pi. 6p(op.v 5, 40 (6pfv 4, 3 (Bekk. Stein), opeov 2, 106 (Bekk. Gaisf. &pa>v Stein), a>pa>nfv, (v- i, 1 20 (Lhardy, Bekk. Stein), opayiei/ (Mss.), 6p0fj.fv 2, 148 (Bekk. ap5>fjLv Stein), all which Bredow, Dind. Abicht &c. hold corrupt, and alter to tiptov, a>p(opcv according to rule (Pref. to Her. Didot.), 3 sing. &pa r, n. 3, 72, 2 pi. a 497 7, 8. Lhardy, however, who has examined the subject with an acuteness and care that reminds us of P. Elmsley, is in- clined to reduce most of those so-called Ionic forms much nearer the common, thus : 5pa>v for 5>ptop, ea>p- ; 6p- and oipoj- ptv, for wpe'ofjLfV, ope- J subj. 6pS>v, opcocra for -eoucra, but opetavra -eeoirej for -eovra, -fovres (Bekk. Dind.) Uniformity is desirable, but we hold it haz- ardous to apply a very stringent law in the case. Dindorf says that topd, eopanew is the correct Attic form of perf. and pip. in poetry and prose. In Comedy, no doubt, this form is sometimes required, perhaps always admissible. But we doubt if this be a safe ground for concluding that it must therefore be the only genuine form in prose. We can see no sound reason, except exigency of metre and this affects not prose for exempting the perf. act. from double augment, and at the same time holding liable the imp. and the perf. pass. It is a considerable mistake to confine the middle voice to Epic. It is used by Soph. Eur. quoted, Cratin. Com. Fr. 2, 94, and by Attic prose writers in comp. irpo- quoted, v(p- Xen. Mem. 2, 7, 12 ; Isae. 2, 7 ; Dem. 18, 43 ; Luc. Gall. 3, irtpi- Thuc. 2, 43. 6, 93, even the simple opareu. seems mid. Ael. V. H. 3, i ; opaa-dai H. A. 10, 17; certainly opaptvoi. Polyaen. 4, 7, 6 : imp. (uparo Polyaen. 8, 16, quoted, but ea>pS>vro Plut. Brut. 43, has been altered to e&pow (Mss. Sint. Bekk.) 'OpYtilu To knead, Soph. Fr. 432 (D.) ; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 524 ; Aristot. Probl. 2, 32 : aor. imper. opyavov Ar. Av. 839 ; opydvai, im- Hipponax 84 ; opydvas Her. 4, 64 : p. p. topycurufvos PI. Theaet. 194. Mid. aor. opydaraa-dai Hippocr. 8, 398. 400 (Lit.) ; -o-a/iej/oy Alciphr. 3, 7, missed by Lexicogr. 'Opyaifcj To be angry, Poet. Soph. Tr. 552 ; Eur. Ale. 1106 : aor. (vpyava), opt. opydveias trans, enrage, irritate, Soph. O. R. 335. Confined to Trag. 'Opyitw To exasperate, act. rare, Xen. Eq. 9, 2 : fut. -tS>, (g- Aeschin. 1,192: aor. upyiara Ar. Vesp. 425 ; -4077 404 ; (PI.) Eryx. 392; inf. -ia-m PI. Phaedr. 267; -y'uras Aristot. Eth. Nic. 5, 10, 9. Pass, (or mid. and pass.) opyifrpM to be enraged, Eur. Hel. 1646 ; Thuc. i, 77 ; PL Apol. 23 ; Lys. 14, 39 J sub J- '*'& S P h - O. R. 364 ; -ib>j/o? Antiph. 5, 72 &c. : imp. w/jytf- Thuc. 5, 52 ; Andoc. i, 24; Lys. i, 12; Isocr. 16, 14; Lycurg. in : p. p. upyio-nat, -fjitvos Eur. Hipp. 1413; Ar. Vesp. 431 ; Isocr. 6, 75; PL Phaedr. 267 ; (Dem.) 58, 32 : aor. brfurtoiv Com. Fr. (Epicr.) 3, 371; Lys. 22, 2; Dem. 21, 2; subj. -urGf) Eur. Med. 129; PL Prot. 346 ; -io-0'7 Isocr. 11,46; -urBjvai Thuc. i, 74 ', Isocr. 20, 9 &c.: fut. opyio^o-o/xat Lys. 21, 20; Dem. 49, 27. (Dem.) 59, m, K k 498 Dem. 21, too (Bekk. Dind.): more freq. in same sense fat. mid. opytoGp.ai Xen. An. 6, i, 30; Lys. 15, 9 ; Isocr. 18, 4 ; Dem. 9, 46. 14, 41. 36, 28. Vb. opyioreoi/ Dem. 21, 123; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 2, 9, 7. 'Ope'yu 70 J//Y&-A out, II. 15, 371. Od. 12, 257 ; Eur. Phoen. 1710 ; Ion. and late prose Her. 2, 2 ; Aristot. H. An. 2, i, 6; Pint. Pyr. 17. Arat. 47 ; Luc. D. Deor. 5, 4, dir- Hippocr. 3, 412 (Lit.), and opiyvvfu, only part, -yvvs II. i, 351. 22, 37 : imp. &pryov Pind. P. 4, 240 ; D. Cass. 59, 27 ; App. Civ. 4, 126 ; Philostr. Apoll. 54 : fat. opeo> II. 13, 327 ; Eur. Med. 902 ; Luc. Nav. 21 : aor. &pea II. 23, 406. 24, 102; Pind. N. 7, 58; rare in prose PI. Phaed. 117 ; (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 340 (Lit.), ope- II. 24, 743 ; subj. -? II. 22, 57, -fo 5, 33 ; opt. -&av Od. 17, 407 ; Luc. Tim. 54 ; imper. opegov Soph. O. C. 846. 1130 ; Ar. Pax 1105 &c. ; opegai II. 12, 174; Pind. P. 3, no; Xen. An. 7, 3, 2 9 > operas Eur. Heracl. 844 ; Luc. Tim. 45 : p. p. wpey/wu Hippocr. i, 520 (K. 9, 192 Lit.), redupl. <5p&>p- see below: aor. utpex&rjv (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 372 (Lit.); opex&oj Hippocr. 3, 648 (Vulg. Kuhn, i, 653 (Erm.), but pex&fy Mss. Aid. Lit. 5, 384), see below. Mid. opeyo/wu stretch ones own, oneself, desire, Thuc. 4, 17 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 2, 22 ; PL Rep. 439 ; opeyoiro Tyrt. 12, 12; opeyevdai II. 24,506; PL Rep. 485 ; Isocr. 6, 105; -yopevos Antiph. 2, /3, 12, and opfyvvpai, -vpfvos Mosch. 2, 112 ; Anth. 7, 506 : imp. vpeyovro Thuc. 4, 41 ; Dem. 16, 22 : fat. optgofjMi Eur. Hel. 353; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 3, 14 (B.), r- Emped. 227 (Stein) ; PL Rep. 486: aor. a>pfa/xr?i' Poet. II. 5, 851. 23, 99; Hes. Th. 178; Ap. Rh. 2, nn ; Eur. H. F. 16. Fr. 242 (D.) ; Theocr. 21, 44, opegaro II. 6, 466. 13, 20; Ap. Rh. 2, 828. 878 ; imper. op^ai Eur. Orest. 303, -da-6u> II. 4, 307 ; -dfjifvos II. 23, 805 ; Hes. Sc. 456, but eV- Hippocr. 9, 194 (Lit.) ; -atr&u Od. n, 392 ; Theocr. 24, 125 ; rare in prose, Xen. Mem. i, 2, 15 (eV-- Solon 5, Bergk) : and as mid. aor. pass, wpe'^^i/ (not in Epic) Eur. Hel. 1238; Xen. Mem. i, 2, 16. Ages, i, 4; and late Luc. Bis Ace. 29 ; (Eur.) Epist. 5, ope'^^V, eV- Matron, Athen. 4, 136 ; subj. opfxQfi Xen. Conv. 8, 35; -0j}wu Eur. Ion 842; -dfis Or. 328; Dio. Hal. 6, 19; D. Sic. 37, 7 (Dind.) : p. opwpey/iai, Epic 3 pi. opwpe^arai II. 1 6, 834 ; optopfypfvos Joseph. Ant. 18, 6, 5: pip. opoope'xaro II. II, 26. Vb. optKros II. 2, 543; Aristot. Metaph. n, 7, 2. In good Attic prose the active voice is confined to the aor. Lexicographers say " the aor. pass, is more frequent than the aor. mid." This is true only of Attic prose, in which Xen. alone uses it, and only thrice, the aor. mid. once : the Epics use mid. only : Eur. both, and each thrice. Collat. form opiyi/do/xai Eur. Bac. 1255; Themist. 32, 'Oplvta. 361 : imp. wpiyvaro Theocr. 24, 44, -5>vro Hes. Sc. 190 : fut. -yv^crofMt late, Dio Cass. 41, 53 : aor. optyv^vai Antiph. Fr. 109 (B. S.) ; Isocr. Epist. 6, 9. 'Ope'ojiai To rush, Epic, -eTrat Epigr. in Paus. 9, 38 : imp. optovro II. 2, 398. 23, 212. opetrai in an Epigr. ascribed to Chersias, quoted by Paus. 9, 38, is called pres. by Buttmann. We think it may be fut. mid. of opi/C^t, which see. 'OpexOe'u To <5 II. 23, 30; Ap. Rh. 2, 49, tope'*- Athen. (Aristias) 2, 56. "Oprj/u 70 see (opdea), Aeol. and Dor. Sapph. 2, n (Ahr. op- Bergk), irod-6pr^u Theocr. 6, 25 ; part. 6p's Diog. Laert. (Epist. Pittac.) i, 8 1. Mid. opijpai, 2 sing, opijcu Od. 14, 343, others opfjai Dor. COntr. of opdeai from opdopai. 'OpOeu'u 70 j^/ upright (6p66a>), only imp. &pdevfv Eur. Or. 405. The form <5p0do> is in general use, act. and pass, with mid. late (unless opOovadai be mid. intrans. Hippocr. 7, 262) wpdaxravro Q. Sm. 4, 511, but classic in compds. Si-op&io-o/ww Isocr. 4, 181 : aor. 8i-a>p6(op^- Isocr. 4, 165, see also see collat. form under op/y<. itu To bound, Aesch. Supp. 546 ; Soph. Tr. 754 ; Thuc. r, 46; Lycurg. 27, Ion. ovp- Her. 4, 42. 56 : imp. wpif- Thuc. 2, 96 : fut. -tpif- PI. Gorg. 513: fut. opiovfjuu, PI. Leg. 737. Theaet. 190, Ion. -teO/uot Hippocr. 9, 264, St- 6, 4, as pass, see above: aor. a>purdp.riv Com. Fr. (Epicr.) 3, 370; PI. Theaet. 148; Lys. 17, 6 ; Dem. 24, 79 : and as mid. p. p. wptoywu Eur. Hec. 801 ; Dem. 31, 5, d$- PI. Soph. 231, 8t- Aristot. Polit. 7, 13, 13; Dem. 24, 192. Vb. 6ptorw PI. Leg. 632. 'Opii/iii To raise, rouse t Epic, II. n, 298; Opp. Hal. 2, 511: K k 2 500 'Op/u.dcD. aor. &plva II. 19, 272. Od. 7, 273; Hes. Op. 508, opt- II. 14, 487. Od. 14, 361; Subj. optVw II. 15, 403; Opt. opivais II. II, 792, a rare form in Horn. ; Theogn. 1 295 ; part, -was Theocr. 26, 37 : aor. pass, wpivdr/v II. 16, 509 ; Opp. Cyn. i, 491, usu. opiv- II. 5, 29. 16, 280. 18, 223; Theocr. 22, 89 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 515; opivdfis Od. 22, 23 ; Com. Fr. (Epicr.) 3, 371 : pres. 6ptvop.ai II. n, 525; late prose oplvoiro Plotin. 26, 28; -warden Aristot. Probl. 27, 3, 2 ; -iv6p.evos II. 16, 377 : imp. wpiWro II. 9, 595. Od. 18, 75, opiv- Ap. Rh. 2, 971. c Opfid To incite, urge, hurry, trans, and intrans. Eur. Phoen. 259 ; Ar. Eccl. 6 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 8, 25, Epic 3 pi. -o>o>o-t, e'0- Opp. Hal. 2,94; -StvTfs Aesch. Pers. 394; Soph. Ant. 133: imp. &pfM Thuc. I, 127; Her. 8, 106, -p.S>fj.ev 7, 209 (Bekk.), -p.eop.fv (Dind.), -eon 7, 188 : fut. -170-0) Eur. Hec. 145 ; Thuc. 2, 20; Xen. Hell. 3, 4, 12, Dor. -a Eur. Supp. 1015 (chor.): aor. tipwo-a II. 6, 338; Eur. Bac. 435; Her. 4, 159; Thuc. 3, 22; Isocr. 4, 95, Dor. -5o-a Soph. Aj. 175 (chor.); opt. -p-so-ai Pind. Ol. 10, 21 ; Dor. imper. Sppaov for -jjo-oi/, Ar. Lys. 1247 (chor.); inf. -fjo-ai Antiph. 3, 8, 5: p. &pp.rjKa Hippocr. 9, 188; PI. Polit. 264 : pip. a>ppT)Kfi, d(p- Hippocr. i, 496 (Erm.) : p.p. 0ppr][wi Soph. El. 70, usu. mid. see below : so aor. mp^drjif Her. 6, 41, but dual op/i^nji/ II. 5, 12. 17, 530 (Dind. La R. Spitzn. vpp,- Bekk.), Dor. wp/w&fy Soph. El. 197 (chor.); subj. -a6s> Eur. Andr. 859, -adfj Med. 189 (Pors. Kirch.), -r)0fj (Elms. Br. Dind.); 6pp.rj6fis Od. 8, 499. 13, 82 ; Her. 4, 92, -d#V, ty- Pind. N. 10, 69. Mid. opfMOfuu to set out, rush, Pind. N. i, 5 ; Aesch. Sept. 31 ; Her. 4, 55 ; Thuc. 4, 61 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 20, Epic 3 pi. -oHoi/rat Opp. Hal. I, 598 ; 6pp.ap.fvos Thuc. I, 64, -/JLftofjL- Her. 4, 57. 6, 137. 7, 30, -/{/- (Stein): imp. wp^w^j/ Soph. O. C. 1159, -aro II. 3, 142 ; Thuc. 4, 102, -a>fjLf6a Ar. Eccl. 490, -S>VTO Thuc. 4, 102, -iovro Her. 7, 88 (Dind. Stein, JDietsch, oputavro Bekk.) : fut. OP/^O-O/LMU Her. 5, 34 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 9: aor. uppr) 73 J Xen - Cyr. 5, i, 25, Dor. -d scripta." But almost all editors of Her. now agree in writing with augment the forms wp^rai, &pp.t)To, iapuripevos. Of the act. Horn, has only 1 aor. The mid. aor. is rare and Epic in simple, never, simple or comp., in Attic poetry, once only in prose fg-upprjv- Xen. quoted, but op/^erd/i- v. r. Dem. 23, 165, -Tjaacrdai 35, 28, for -to-d/iefos, -iVatr^ai; aor. pass, as mid. is freq. in every class of writers. Our Lexicographers seem to have overlooked the puzzling form Sppdov, Dor. imper. for -avov, -rfffov, Ar. Lys. 1247. A poet, collat. form op^aivu trans, and intrans. II. 16, 435 ; Bacchyl. 27, n (Bergk); Aesch. Sept. 394. Ag. 1388: imp. &pp.mvov II. 14, 20; Find. Ol. 3, 25 (3>pp.a Momms. Christ) ; Ap. Rh. 3, 452, iter. 6pfiaive To bring to anchor, moor, Thuc. 8, 10 : imp. 2>pfi- Her. 6, 107, op/i- (Stein) : fut. -iaa>, -la-a-o^tv II. 14, 77 is perhaps Epic aor. subj.: aor. %o-a Od. 4, 785; Eur. Tr. 1155 (Aid. -170-0 Dind. Nauck) ; Thuc. 7, 30 ; Epic subj. -tWo/xei>, see fut. reg. op/xi'fo/iat come to, lie at anchor, Thuc. i, 46 : fut. 6pfuot//u Thuc. 6, 42, 7rpop/j.ta-dfj.r]v Her. 9, 96; Antiph. 5,- 22 ; Thuc. i, 51. 2, 86. 8,92, KO&- 8, 42, and always (except perhaps 6, 49); Xen. An. 6, i, 15; Dem. 23, 165; Arr. An. 2, 20, 10, see foil. : and less freq. o>pnio-0t)v, opuurdfj Com. Fr. (PhiL) 4, 31 ; -urdfis Soph. Ph. 546 ; Xen. Hell, i, 4, 18, fv-a>pfjLiar0j)v Theogn. 1274, ( 3- "OpKOfii To raise, rouse, Poet, opvvdi II. 19, 139 ; opvvs Pind. P. IO, IO; opvvp.( vat II. 17, 546, opviip-fv 9, 353, opfuu Pind. Ol. 13, I2J Orph. Lith. 220, and opa> 113 : imp. S>pvvov Od. 21, 100 (Bekk. La R.). II. 12, 142 (opv- La Roche); Pind. P. 4, I> J ' *** "P Pind. N. 9,8; Soph. Ant. 1060; gpo-o^a II. 21,335: aor. up II. 5, 8 ; Hes. Th. 523 ; Pind. Ol. 10, 24 ; Ap. Rh. i, 147 ; Aesch. Pers. 496; Eur. Andr. 1148, iter. opaaane II. 17, 423; Spar) II. 9, 703, -o-tt/wi' 7, 38, Ep. -vofjifV 4, l6, -rjTf 23, 2IOJ gpo-as 22, 190; 3po-ai Find. Ol. 4, 12 : 2 aor. <5pop" redupl. usually trans. IL 2, 146. Od. 4, 712 &c., intrans. II. 13, 7 8. Od. 19, 2OI J part, opovo-a, -ovarj HeS. Sc. 437 (Goettl.) : 2 p. opwpa intrans. II. 7, 388 ; Theogn. 909 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 59 ; opaprj II. 9, 610: 2 pip. opupciv II. 2, 810. 8, 59; Hes. Th. 70; Ap. Rh. 3, 457, augm. a>pa>peii> II. 18, 498 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 1698; Aesch. Ag. 653 J Soph. O. C. 1622. Mid. opvvfiai to rise, rush, II. 4, 423; Aesch. Sept. 90; Soph. O. C. 1320; part, -v^vos II. 4, 421; Hes. Th. 843; Find. Ol. 8, 34; Ar. Ran. 1529 (chor.), Dor. -vfjLtva Eur. I. T. 1150 : imp. mpvv^v II. 16, 635 ; Hes. Th. 191 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 122, and opfovro (opeo/^ai) II. 23, 212 : fut. opov/ieu II. 2O, 140: p. optoperat Od. 19, 377 ; Subj. opwprjrai. II. 13, 271 : 2 aor. vponTjv, -pei-o II. 22, 102, &pro 5, 590, see below, unaugm. opovro Od. 3, 471, see opop, occurs in pres. part. act. opoirer Orph. Lith. 113, according to Tyrwhitt's very probable emendation; Epic inf. opvvfj.tvai II. 17, 546, 6pvvfj.fv 9, 353 : pro 3 sing. 2 aor. mid. syncop. II. 5, 590; Hes. Op. 568; Find. P. 4, 134; Ap. Rh. i, 708 ; Aesch. Ag. 987 (chor.) ; opo-o 2 sing, imper. II. 4, 204 ; Find. Ol. 6, 62 ; Ap. Rh. i, 703, opo-eo II. 3, 250, contr. opa-ev 4, 264 ; inf. opdat II. 8, 474 (Wolf, Bekk. Spitzn. Dind. La R.), &pdai (old edit. Heyn.) ; part. Sp^vos II. n, 572 ; Aesch. Ag. 1408 (chor.); Soph. O. R. 177 (chor.) 'OpoOoKoj To raise, rouse (opcC/u), Poet. Od. 18, 407 ; Eur. Bac. 1169 (Herm. Dind. 5 ed.); Opp. Hal. 2, 330;- inf. Epic -6wep.ev Mosch. 4, 63: imp. unaugm. op66vve if not aor. II. 13, 351; Ap. Rh. i, 1153: fut. -vvS> D. Chrys. 2, p. 3, 3, i: aor. wpddvva Lycophr. 693; Luc. Char. 7; op66- II. 10, 352; Od. 5, 292 ; imper. 6p68vvov II. 21, 312 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 877. Pass, imp. utpoBvvero Aesch. Pr. 200 (trimet.) This verb is poetic, the act. Epic. For opdois Dind. now 5 ed. edits with Herm. opoBvvfis Eur. Bac. 1169 (chor.) "Opop., opwfii, or oupos, 6pdw), Epic, in tmesi eVi opovrai Od. 14, 104? imp. eVi opovro 3, 471, for opeovro see opwp.ai: 2 pip. V! opwpei II. 23, H2, which favours the first derivation. Passow adopts the second, which seems at least equally easy and suitable. For meaning compare tueor. 'Opouu To rush, Find. P. 10, 61 ; Opp. C. 2, 472 : imp. mpovov Eur. H. F. 972 : fut. opovo-w Horn. H. 2, 239 : aor. wpouo-a H. Hym. 28, 8; Find. Ol. 9, 102; Aesch. Eum. 113; Soph. O. R. 877 ; Eur. Phoen. 1236 ; Hippocr. 8, 98 ; and late Plut. Cat. maj. 13, Horn, and Hes. always unaugm. opou- II. 13, 505 ; Hes. Sc. 412 ; opovvas II. n, 743, Dor. opovo-ata 1 Find. N. i, 50, 'OpTa^ca 'Opv(Tv Xen. Eq. 8, 5 ; -etc 3, 7 : fut. -owo-wv Orph. Th. 7, 19 : and aor. unaugm. dvopowf II. 9, 193. Od. 3, i ; -ov Ar. Av. 442; PL Leg. 844, late opv^w, -xoitv Arat. 1086 : imp. o>pupvxa, KOT- Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 327 ' pip. ^p(apv\fw App. Civ. 4, 107 (Bekk.) : p. p. opa>pvy//oi Her. 3, 60 ; Xen. Oec. 19, 7, /car- PL Euth. 288. Rep. 533, di- Dem. 9, 28, and a>pvyp.ai. rare in rar/y authors, Her. 2, 158 (Gaisf. &c. <5po>p- Bekk. Dind. Stein &c.), Kar-apvyneda Antiph. 3, y, 12 (Mss. N. A. Maetzn. -opwp- Mss. Bekk. B. Saupp. Blass), but wroKar-cupvimu Sophr. Fr. 33 (Ahr.), and late Si-wpv/crat Luc. Tim> 53 ; 8t-wpvy- /wVos Diod. Sic. 4, 43: pip. opupvy^v Her. i, 186 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. Stein), i, 185 (Bekk. Dind. Stein &c. pvy- Vulg. Gaisf.); PL Critias 118, also in Attic mpcopvyp.^, fit- Xen. An. 7, 8, 14 (all Mss.), eV- Philostr. 2, 27 : 1 aor. x6r)v Her. 2, 158; PL Critias 118, KUT- Xen. An. 5, 8, u : fut. opux'^o-o/xat, *ar- Antiph. 3, /3, 10; Ar. Av. 394 (Mss. R. V. see below), fit- Luc. Tim. 53: 2 aor. wpiJ^jjj/? : 2 fut. opvxrja-oftai, KO.T- Ar. Av. 394 (Elms. Bekk. Dind.) : aor. mid. rare in classic authors wpuaro caused dig, Her. i, 186. 3, 9 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 1032 ; Num. in Athen. 7, 70; Arat. 1135 (Bekk.); late Attic, Luc. Necyom. 9 ; Paus. 8, 29, 3 ; App. Annib. 41. Pun. 134, '- Dio. Hal. 9, 55. Vb. opvKTos Xen. An. i, 7, 14. A few traces of a form in y occur, 2 aor. 5>pvye Philostr. V. Apol. I, 25; Phot. (Bekk.); subj. opvyrj (Solon) : 2 aor. pass, late upvyrjv, -rjvai Orig. Ref. Haer. 6, 20 (M.)> /car- old reading Xen. An. 5, 8, n, now Karopv^tf-; opvytis Geop. 4, 3, dv- 5, 7, fit- Heliod. 9, 7 : fut. opvyijo-o/uat, 8- Synes. Epist. 44, dv- Geop. 5, 3 (and /car- Ar. Av. quoted, Dawes, Brunck, now -^Tjo-o/xat.) In obedience to the precept of the old Grammarians, Thorn. 504 'O^eco 'Ocr(f)paivofJiai. Magister &C. " Karwpvimu KOIVOV, Karopupvicrai 'ArriKoV the unre- duplicated forms are fast disappearing from classic authors. Buttmann hesitated to pronounce &PVKTO, &PVKTCII Her. i, 185. 2, 158, incorrect, but Bekker, Dind. Bredow &c. partly from usage, partly from the analogy of other words, as apaip^a, eXq- Aa*a &c. maintain the redupl. 6pa>pvKTai, op&pvKro (not wpcop-) to be the genuine Herodotean forms. 'Opxew To make dance, excite, act. rare, aor. copxno-a Trag. Fr. (Ion) 56 (Wagn.) : pass, rare, op^ovvrai Athen. 14, 30 (631 C.). Mid. opxovpat to dance, -emu Anacr. 20; Aesch. Ch. 167; PI. Leg. 654, -OVVTCU Com. Fr. (Metag.) 2, 754, Ion. -eWai Her. 2, 60, and -evvrai Horn. H. 2, 18 ; Hes. Th. 4 ; -eo^ei/os Her. i, 141 : imp. a>pxeicr0T)v Od. 8, 378, -OVVTO Xen. An. 5, 4, 34, Aeol. -fvvro II. 1 8, 594, -tovro, KQT- Her. 3, 151 (Gaisf. Bekk. &c.), unaugm. opxeero 6, 129 (Mss. S V. Schweigh. Gaisf.), but px- (Bekk. Bred. Dind. Kriig.): fat. op^Tjo-o/^ai Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 69 ; Ar. Thesm. 1178 ; Luc. Salt. 51 : aor. ^pxna-a^v Anacr. 69 (Bergk); Xen. An. 6, i, ir; Her. 6, 129 (Ms. S. Bekk. Bred. Dind. Kriig.), opx- (Ms. K. Schweig. Gaisf.), so ojpxrjo-ao, cm- ibid. (Bekk. Bred. Dind. &c.), dn-opx- (Mss. S V. Gaisf. &c.) ; opxTja-aadai Od. 8, 37 1 J AristOt. Metaph. 6, 9, IJ -rjvapevos Andoc. i, 47. "Opw, see opvvfii. 'OcrpciofJLai, see oS/n-. "Oo-o-ofiat To see, forebode, Epic and unaugm. Ap. Rh. 2, 28, irpori.- II. 22, 356; oo-tropevos II. 14, 17. Od. 2O, 8l : imp. oo-o-ei-o Od. 18, 154 ; Hes. Th. 551, -OI/TO II. 18, 224. Od. 2, 152. 'OffpaiKO(i,ai To perceive by the smell, Eur. Cycl. 154 ; Ar. Lys. 619; Her. i, 80; PI. Theaet. 195, rare and perhaps late oo-(ppdop.ai, Luc. Pise. 48 ; Paus. 9, 21, 3 ; Aristid. 25, 315 : fut. oa(ppT] gener. to smell, is in Galen 10, 595, dn-- make smell, Anth. n, 165 : aor. irpoa-oafodiys Geop. 19, 2. 'OTopeu 70 J0d?, Poet, and only pres. oro/Set Aesch. Pr. 574. Fr. 55 (D.) 'OTOTU'O> To lament (OTOTro'n>a, av- Aesch. Ag. 1074; Eur. Hel. 371 chor. (Dind. -ororvga Nauck.) Pass. oTo-n&rat Aesch. Ch. 327. 'OTpdi/u To rouse, urge on, Poet, and late prose, II. 5, 482 ; Find. Ol. 3, 38; Aesch. Sept. 726; Soph. El. 28; subj. -wuptv Od. 24, 405, Epic -vvofitv i, 85 ; inf. orpvvew Aretae. Morb. Ac. 2, 115 (ed. Oxon.), Epic orpwepev II. 4, 286 : imp. utrpvvov II. 5, 520; Hes. Th. 883 ; Find. P. 4, 40 ; Soph. Aj. 60, orp- II. 16, 495, iter. oTpweaicov II. 24, 24 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 653 : fut. orpiWw Epic (for oTpvvS>) II. 10, 55. Od. 2, 253. 15, 3: aor. urpUva Od. 17, 430 (orp- Aristarch. La R.); subj. -vva> II. 15, 402, -wjyo-t Od. 14, 374 ; orpvvaifjii Ap. Rh. i, 701, -e Od. 15, 306 ; Ap. Rh. i, 382 ; orpvvov II. 19, 69 ; Find. Ol. 6, 87 ; inf. drpwat II. 8, 219 : pass, orpwofjifvos Aristot. Mund. 6, 24 : aor. orrpvvQr) Pseud.- Callisth. 3, 3. Mid. orpvvofiai urge oneself, haste, Od. 10, 425; -wa>fj.(da II. 14, 369 : imp. atrpvvovTo Od. 17, 183, in which sense the act. vrpwov is once used, II. 7, 420 (Vulg. Wolf, Spitzn.) where however Aristarch. read wrpiWro, which Heyne, Bekk. Dind. La Roche adopt : aor. uTpvparo Androm. Sen. 47 ; trans. urge oTpwufjLfda, en- Od. 8, 31. This verb seems very much confined to Epic, Find, and the Traged. : the mid. is Epic. fnorpvvQ) is in prose, Thuc. 7, 25, -utrpwov 6, 69; -orpvvas Her. 7, 170. oTpweova-a with signif. of pres. Od. 23, 264 (Vulg.) was read oTpvvowa by Eustath. and this is now the approved reading (Wolf, Bekk. Dind. La R. Ameis.) There thus seems no ground, at most slight, for a pres. orpiW, see wofj.-. Oupe'u mingo, Hes. Op. 758 ; Ar. Thesm. 615; Her. 2, 35; Hippocr. i, 78 (Erm.) ; Aristot. H. An. 6, 20, i : imp. eovpew Luc. Conv. 35, nrpoo- Dem. 54, 4, Ion. ovptov Hippocr. 2, 692 (Lit.), iter. ovpea-Kov late prose, Ant. Lib. 41 (Westerm.) : fut. ovprian Hippocr. 5, 444. 8, 1 6 (Lit.): and Attic, mid. ovpqo-o/uu Ar. Pax 1266: aor. eoup^o-a, ev- Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 444, Ion. ovprja-a Hippocr. 2, 696. 5, 354 (Lit.) ; also Aristot. H. A. 6, 20, 8 (Bekk.); subj. oup^o-w Ar. Vesp. 394; -ovpfcat Her. i, 107: p. fovprjKa, tv- Ar. Lys. 402, Ion. ovprjiea : pip. ovprjieei Hippocr. 5, 354 (Lit.) : aor. pass, oip^v Hippocr. 5, 534. 716 (Lit.) The Attics seem to have avoided the fut. act. : ovpfaa Ar. Vesp. 394, 506 Oupi^o) is subj. 1 aor. in spite of Dawes' and Brunck's canon. This is one of the few verbs which, though beginning with a vowel, take a Syllabic augment : SO iodeco, USU. fd>6ovv ; utVfOfjLai, ea>vovfj.rjv &C. and Some parts Of ayiwfii, eaa, fdyrjv, faya ; a\i(TKOfj.ai, edXaiv, eciXwKa ' } compare eoiKa, eaiXira, eopya ; di>8dva>, eaSov, eaSa ; 6pda>, ed>pa>v, ecupaica, fop- ; dvoiya), dv-(a>yov, dvecaa. Oupiu, see 6p-. Ourau To wound, Epic, ovra Aesch. Ch. 640 (chor.) ; imper. ovrae Od. 22, 356: imp. iter. ovraa-xe II. 15, 745 : fat. ovrria-G) late Nonn. 21, 37 : aor. OVTTJO-U II. II, 260, iter. ounjo-aovce II. 22, 375 > - TI 7^?7 Opp. Hal. 2, 493 ; -r^o-ot 2, 474 : aor. pass. ovTT)0r)v, -rjfffis II. 8, 537 ; Opp. Hal. 2, 468 : 2 aor. (OUT-OK for OVTI/V?) 3 sing. oi5r5 II. 5, 376. Od. 22, 293. 294, retaining a from orig. Theme; inf. owru/xei/cu II. 21, 68, and ovra^fv 5,821; Hes. Sc. 335 : 2 aor. mid. ovrap-fvos pass. II. 17, 86. Od. n, 40; Ap. Rh. 3, 1396; Orph. Lith. 452. Vb. ve-ovraros II. 18, 536, dv-ovTaros 4, 540 ; Aesch. Fr. 126 (D. 5 ed.) Collat. oiraa also Poet. II. 20, 459 ; Tyrt. n, 30 ; Eur. Fr. 176 (D.) : imp. ouraf- II. 13, 552 : fat. -ao-w Eur. Rhes. 255 (chor.) : aor. ofaaaa II. 15, 528; Ap. Rh. 2, 831; -ao-ar Eur. H. F. 199 : p. p. ovrcuTTcii II. ii, 661; Opp. Hal. 4, 553 ; oL-rao-^/ws Od. n, 536; Aesch. Ag. 1344 (chor.) : aor. late ovrao-fcis Lycophr. 242. Mid. imp. ourd^ero Opp. C. 4, 278, missed by Lexicogr. s O(}>et\u) To owe, I ought, Find. N. 2, 6 ; Soph. Ant. 331 ; Ar. Nub. 117 ; Her. i, 41 ; Thuc. 4, 87; Lys. 9, 9 ; -ei\a>v Aesch. Pr. 985, Epic o0eXX< II. 19, 200. Od. 8, 332 : imp. <$>e\ov (oe\ov see below), -?, el, yap &c. II. 3, 428 (a>0fXXoi> 14, 84. 24, 764) ; Simon. C. 117 ; Aesch. Pr. 48 ; Soph. El. 1022. Ph. 969 ; Eur. Ion 286. Heracl. 247 ; Ar. Thesm. 865. Pax 1069 ; Her. i, i n. 3, 65 (Bekk. Dind. Stein) ; PI. Rep. 432 ; even 2 pi. -eXere H. 24, 254. 2 aor. is often unaugm. o$eXoi/ in Epic, H. 6, 345. 9, 698. Od. ii, 548 (o$eXX- Od. 8, 312), in choral odes, and anapaests of the Attic poets, Aesch. Pers. 915; Soph. Aj. 1192; Eur. Med. 1413, and in Ion. and late prose, Her. i, in. 3, 65, quoted above (Vulg. 507 Gaisf.^Bred. $- Bekk. &c.); Luc. Soloec. i, as a solecism, Epic 5ti\ov Hes. Op. 174. Fr. 172 (Goettl.) seems to be imp. equivalent to aor. u>e\ov, o$eX- is used like a conjunction, Arr. Diss. 218; Callim. Epigr. 18; N. T. i Cor. 4, 8. 'OeXXw To increase, assist, Poet. esp. Epic, II. 15, 383 ; Hes. Op. 14; Aesch. Sept. 193 (Vulg. Herm. -XXo-ai Ms. M. &c. Dind. Weil); inf. -XX/ Find. P. 4, 260; AristoL Fr. 539, Epic -\\ffjnv Od. 15, 21 : imp. dtyeXXoi/ Od. 16, 174, o- II. 2, 420; Theocr. 25, 120: aor. (Aeol. Xio-Kcmi> To owe, incur, be guilty (o$Xo>), Soph. Ant. 470; Eur. Ale. 1093 ; PI. Theaet. 161 : imp. o>$X- Dem. 30, 2 : fat. ofay Soph. O. R. 511; Eur. Hec. 327; Ar. Pax 173; PI. Phaed. 117; Isocr. 17, 48: aor. & Isae. 5, 22; subj. o$Xv, see Mss. reading and old edit, of Eur. Thuc. and PL quoted ; Antiph. 5, 13; Dem. 23, 143. 24, 50. 29, 34. 31, 12, where nw Bekk. &c. always 6 pres. seems certain later, o(p\ovo-i Dio Chrys. 31, 642 (L. Dind. Emper.); but for o$Xo>i/ App. B. C. 2, 8, o (Bekk.); and for &\ov 5, 77 (Dind.), S>$fi\ov (Bekk.) ; 3 pi. wx^o-av II. i, 570. 15, 101 ; and part, o^o-a? II. i, 517. 1 6, 48; Hes. Th. 558. 'O^eiu To wish to see, long for, part, fyciovres II. 14, 37 (Dor. ) : imp. w^fov Sophr. 39 (Ahr.) Desider. to fyaw, ctycywH. n. fldSaw, see To lead children, guide, train, Eur. Heracl. 729; PI. Leg. 8,97 : imp. eWS- Rep. 600 : fut. -yijcrco Soph. Fr. 623 (Dind.); (PI.) Ale. I, 135: p. TrorcuSaycoyijKa Luc. Tim. 13; reg. except fut. mid. TratSaywy^cro^at, -yfafi as pass. (PL) Ale. I, 135- riaiSeuu To instruct, Soph. Tr. 451 ; Her. i, 136 ; Antiph. 3, ft, 3; PL Rep. 534: imp. 7rai8- PL Rep. 430; Isae. i, 12; Lycurg. 101 : fut. -vo-o> PL Euth. 272 : aor. eVm'Setxra Pind. Fr. 1 80; Soph. O. C. 919; Isocr. 8, 77; Aeschin. i, 140; -tvaov Ar. Ran. 1502: p. neTra&tvKa PL Rep. 606; Aeschin. i, 173: p. p. 7rraiSfvpu Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 156 ; Xen. Cyr. 2, 3, 13 : aor. fTratSevdrjv Soph. O. C. 562 ; Isocr. 7, 82 ; Lys. 9, 27 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 2 : fut. TrcuSeu&jo-o/zai PL Rep. 376; Plut. Mor. 212 : and as pass. fut. mid. n-atSeuo-o/itu PL Crito 54 ; Or. Sib. 9, 165. ITa/ft). COG Mid. TraiSeuo/zai to rear, educate for oneself, get educated, Com. Fr. (Nausicr.) 4, 575 : aor. eWSfuo-a^i/ PI. Rep. 546, TratSeva- Theocr. 24, 134 : fat. -evcrop.ai as pass, see above. Vb. n-at- SevTtos PL Rep. 526. riaiSoTroieo) To beget children (in act. Poet, and late prose), Soph. El. 589 ; Eur. Heracl. 524 ; Ar. Eccl. 615 ; Luc. D. Deor. 22, I : aor. -rjo-ai Ael. V. H. 12, 44 : p. p. TreTratSoTro/^at Dem. 25, 80; Plut. Agis 10, also as mid. see below. More freq.mid. -ovfjtai Andoc. 4, 23 ; Xen. Mem. 4, 4, 23 ; PL Leg. 784 : fut. -Tjffofuit PL Rep. 449 : aor. liraibonoirja-a^v Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 12 ; imper. -7701170-01 Eur. Or. 1080 ; -^o-aa&u PL Leg. 868 : and as mid. p. p. TTf7rm8oTroirjfJifvos Aeschin. 2, 149 ; Diod. Sic. 4, 28. Fiasco To sport, Od. 6, 106; Pind. Ol. i, 16; Soph. El. 567; Eur. H. F. 952 ; Ar. Ran. 319 ; Her. i, 94 ; PL Men. 79, Dor. iraiorSu Alcm. 38 (B.) ; Theocr. 14, 8. 15, 42 : imp. tiraifrv Od. 6, 100; Pind. OL 13, 86; Her. i, 114; PL Lys. 206, 7ral- H. H. 4, 120, Dor. raio-S- Theocr. 15, 49 : fut. iraigotpai Dor. Xen. Conv. 9, 2, irai^o^ai Anth. 12, 46, o-u/x- Luc. D. Deor. 4, 3 : and 7ra/a> Anacreont. 38, 8 (Bergk) ; Anth. 1 2, 2 1 1 : aor. en-aura, Trpoo-- PL Phaedr. 265; iraivatfjifv Ar. Av. 660. Thesm. 947; imper. TraiWre Od. 8, 251 ; irala-as Ar. Ran. 392; 7ratcio-(Tcj To look about fiercely, wildly, later of any rapid motion, only pt. TraK^dWouo-a H. 2, 450; Nic. Ther. 761 ; -o-o-oira Opp. Hal. 2, 288. Cyn. 2, 250 : and imp. Tro/^ao-o-f Ap. Rhod. 4, 1442. naica To strike, Aesch. Ag. 1384 ; Soph. O. R. 807; Ar. Av. 497 ; Her. 2, 63. 9, 107 ; Thuc. 7, 36 ; Xen. An. 6, i, 5; Dem. 54, 20 : imp. ratoj/ Aesch. Pers. 426 ; Her. 3, 137 ; Xen. An. 6, 6, 27 : fat. irat'o-o) Eur. El. 688 ; Xen. An. 3, 2, 19. Cyr. 4, i, 3, and in Com. Poet, iraifau Ar. Nub. 1125. Lys. 459 : aor. raro chiefly Trag. Aesch. Sept. 961; Soph. O. R. 1270. O. C. 544; Eur. EL 841 ; rare in Corned. Ar. Nub. 549 J Com - Fn ( Plat -) 2, 673 (e'f- Anaxil. 3, 348); Xen. An. 5, 8, 10. Cyr. 2, 4, 19: 5 1 IlaXa/o) Ila'XX a>. p. irtnaiKa simple late, V. T. Num. 22, 28, but \mep- Ar. Eccl. 1118 ; Dem. 50, 34, and late (on the analogy of fut. -^o-o>) ne- 7rair)Ka Clem. Alex. Strom. 7, p. 846 : p. p. late TreTrmoyxat, fp- Athen. 12, 543; Eustath. Od. 1775, 13: aor. firaia-dyv Aesch. Ch. 184. Sept. 961 : pres. pass, iraiopfvos Antiph. 2, 8, 4 ; Thuc. 4, 47 : imp. unaugm. nalovr Aesch. Pers. 416 (trimet.) Mid. TTinopai to strike oneself, imp. eiraiovro Plut. Pomp. 24 : fut. o-o/uu if correct, V. T. Jud. 15, 7 (Paul. Tell.) : aor. en-ato-d Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 6. For perf. and aor. pass. neirXrjyfjLai were more in use : ir\r)yels % iraionevos Lys. 4, 6. riaXaib) To wrestle, Hes. Op. 413 ; Eur. Rhes. 509; Hippocr. 6, 496; -ftv Ar. Pax 896; PL Men. 94; pt. -Am'ouo-a Soph. Fr. 678, Dor. -Xatmcra Pind. P. 9, 27 : imp. fnaXaiov II. 23, 733 (Vulg. Dind.), ndXaiov (Bekk. 2 ed. La R.), rdX- Pseud.-Callisth. 2, 20: fut. TroXaiVo) II. 23, 621 ; late prose Paus. 6, 14, 2. 23, 3, irpoo-- Pind. I. 4, 53 : aor. eVdXauro Od. 4, 343 ; Xen. Oec. 17, 2; PL Men. 94, TraX- Pind. N. 8, 27: p. TrtjrdXawca Anth. 12, 90; Philostr. Imag. 846 : p. p. irfird\aio-pai Anth. 9, 411 ; (Luc.) Asin. 10 : aor. firaXaicrdrfv Eur. El. 686. Mid. as act. fut. TroXmo-d/iej/ot Plut. Mor. 236, Kara- Pseud.-Callisth. 3, 1 6 (40), missed by Lexicogr. Vb. 8v, inf. -gfpev Od. 13, 395: aor. 7raX) = -a/iei/3a> 70 surpass, aor. -a/xeuo-at Hesych. : mid. fut. -fifva-frai Find. N. n, 13. napavojieu To transgress the law, Antiph. 5, 15; Thuc. 2, 37 : imp. (as if from Trap-ai/o^ew) iraprji/onow Lys. 3, 17 ; Aeschin. 3, 77 (Mss. Aid. Vulg.); Plut. Mor. 119 ; Dio Cass. 63, 13, but Trapfpopow Lys. 3, 17 (Cobet) ; Aeschin. 3, 77 quoted (Mss. Bekk. Bait. Saupp. Frank.); (Dem.) 17, 22 (Bekk. Dind.) ; Luc. Apol. 7 (Dind.) : fut. -^ Luc. Tim. 45 (Jacob.) : aor. iraprjvo- WO-CL Thuc. 3, 67 (Mss. Bekk. Popp. Kriig.) ; Plut. Demetr. 37 ; Dio. Hal. 10, 35; Dio Cass. 46, 13, jraptv- Her. 7, 238 ; Thuc. quoted (Ms. G. L. Dind. Stahl) ; (Luc.) Amor. 20 : p. irapnvfvo- fit)Ka Xen. Hell. 2, 3, 36; Dem. 21, 9. 43, 71; Luc. Gall. 4; Diod. Sic. 17, 106 (Bekk. Dind.). 16, 61 (L. Dind.), irap-rivon- (Vulg. Bekk.): pip. Trapavevop.rjKfcrav Xen. Hell. 2, I, 31 (Vulg. Breitb. Saupp.), irapevevofi,- (Dind. Voemel), irapyvop.^ late Dio Cass. 39, 59 : p.p. rrapavtvo^tjcrdM Dem. 44, 31. 54, 2, Traprjvofj.- Inscr. An. 355 A. Chr. : aor. TrapTjvoprjQrjv Joseph. Ant. 15, 4, i ; irapavonrifaU Thuc. 5, 1 6. This verb is prosaic. In the classic period Dind. Voemel, and perhaps Kriiger &c. prefer the augm. with t. riapac7Kod^oj, see OTcevdfa. Plap^xw, see e^o). napTjyope'w To soothe, Aesch. Eum. 507 ; Soph. Fr. 186 ; Eur. Phoen. 1449; Com. Fr. (Phil.) 4, 53; perhaps late in prose (Dem.) 60, 35 ; Plut. Pomp. 13. Mor. 156 : imp. Traprjyopei Com. Fr. (Phil.) 4, 58, -6pow Aesch. Pr. 646, -6peov Her. 9, 54 (Schweigh. Gaisf. Stein, but -opeWo Bekk. Dind. Kriig. ; so 9, 55 Bekk. Gaisf. Stein &c.), iter. iraprjyopeea-Ke Ap. Rh. 4, 1740; Musae. 39 : fut. -r) Plut. Ant. 83 : aor. Tropjjyd/^o-a Eur. Hec. 288; Hippocr. i, 320 (Erm.); (PI.) Ax. 364; Plut. Cat. min. 27 : aor. pass, -rjyoprjdtis Plut. Caes. 28. T. Gr. 20 : fut. -rjdfja-fTai Brut. Epist. 42, but *ar- Dem. 37, 47 : and as pass. fut. mid. iraprryoprjo-cTai Hippocr. 5,478 (Lit.) ; Aretae. 130, 29. Mid. Tropjjyopov/iat, Ion. -fvpevos Her. 7, 13 : imp. TraprjyopffTO Her. 5> 104. 9, 55 (Gaisf. Bekk. Kriig. Bind.), and 9, 54 (Bekk. Dind. Kriig.), Dor. irapdyopflro Find. Ol. 9, 77 : fut. -ijo-o/xot pass, see above : aor. -rja-dpTjv (Luc.) Amor. 52. Pass, rare and late -ovvrai Athen. 15, 36 ; -ela-dai, Plut. Mor. 690 : aor. -ijdeis Plut. quoted. The act. form scarcely occurs in classic prose : irapij- yopfov Her. 9, 54 (Mss. Gaisf. &c.) has been altered, perhaps rightly, to mid. -e'ovro (Bekk. Dind. &c.) ndpoii'ew To behave rudely (in wine), insult, Ar. Fr. 243 (D.) ; Antiph. 4, a, 6. y, 2 ; Aeschin. i, 70 (with double augm.) : imp. enapnvow Dem. 23, 114. 54> 4 ( v r - VapoiV) ; Dio Cass. 45, 28 (Bekk.): fat. -i?o-&>, ffi-irap- Luc. Tim. 14: aor. eVap&Jj^o-o Xen. An. 5, 8, 4 ; Dem. 22, 62 ; Luc. Conv. 2 ; Dio Cass. 45, 26 (Bekk.), Trapoivrja-a (Tauchn.) : p. TT(irap Com. Fr. (Cratet.) 2 ) 2 37> KOTO- Ar. Eq. 99 : aor. eWao-a, r- Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 121 ; icara-n-aVay Ar. Nub. 177 ; AristOt. H. A. 9, 40, 59, V7TO- Her. i, 132, 8ta- 6, 125; inf. Trdo-ai, /*- PI. Lys. 210: p.p. ireiraa-fievos Plut. Mor. 505. Sull. 2, Sta- Aristot. Hist. An. 4, 3, 7, Kara- Diod. Sic. I, 72 : pip. eVen-ao-TO Ap. Rh. I, 729, KOT- (Luc.) Asin. 7, and Tre/raoro Long. Past, i, 12 (Seil.) : aor. eVdo^V Geop. 19, 9, eVi- PI. Rep. 405 : fut. tfi-iracrdrja-o^vos Oribas. 10, 31. Mid. to sprinkle oneself, aor. Tratrdpfvos late, Apocr. 3 Mace, i, 1 8. Vb. Traa-reov Ar. Pax 1074. This verb in simple is Poet, and late prose. ricurxw To feel, suffer (irad- irq6- irfv0a>), II. 2O, 297. Od. 16, 189; Aesch. Pr. 759; Soph. Tr. 535 ; Ar. Pax 696 ; Her. 2, 20; Antiph. 2, /3, 4; Thuc. 6, 78 ; Isocr. 5. J 54J Poet. inf. iraa-xepev Theogn. 1009; Find. P. 3, 104 : imp. firavxov II. 17, 375 ; Her. i, 36 ; Antiph. 4, ft a ; Thuc. 2, 21 ; Lys. 7, 12, TTOO-X- Od. 24, 27 : fat. Tj-eiVo/^ai Od. 2, 134; Aesch. Supp. 777; Soph. Ant. 96 ; Ar. Pax 276; Lys. 8, 20; PI. Gorg. 513 (the form nfaopai and aor. emja-u see below) : 2 p. venovda Od. 13, 6 ; Ll 514 Solon n, i j Soph. Ph. 740 ; Eur. Or. 1616 ; Ar. Thesm. 445 ; Her. i, 124 ; Thuc. 6, u ; Andoc. 3, 20; Isocr. 2, 42; irrn-ovdri PI. Rep. 376; -Trovdoi Farm. 140; irfirovdus PI. Charm. 171, irpo- Antiph. 2, a, 5 ; Epic (TreV^a), neiradvl.a. Od. 17, 555; Dor. jreTTocrxa rare, Epich. Fr. 7 (Ahr.) : 2 pip. eirfnovdeiv Od. 13, 92 (Wolf, Dind.); Ar. Eccl. 650; Thuc. 4, 34 ; Dem. 21, 25. in, TTfTr6vdr) PI. Conv. 198, -&e Her. 3, 74, nenovdei Od. quoted (Bekk. 2 ed. La R.) ; Theocr. 10, i ; Thuc. 7, 71 after a vowel (Bekk. Popp. Kriig. fimrovQ- L. Dind.); Dem. 18, 213; so Aeschin. Trenovd- 3, 142, after a conson. (Bekk. B. S. ene-rr- Frank. in Praef. Weidner): 2 aor. f-rradov II. 9, 492 ; Simon. C. 113; Pind. Ol. 2, 23; Aesch. Eum. 143; Soph. El. 169; Ar. Nub. 408 ; Her. i, 197 ; Antiph. 2, 8, 7 ; Thuc. i, 96 ; Lys. 8, 17; Isocr. 15, 97 ; Xen. An. 5, 8, 17, 'iradov Soph. Ph. 1012, 7ra<9- II. quoted (Bekk. 2 ed. La R.) ; Pind. P. 3, 20. N. 10, 65 ; irada) II. 1 1, 404 ; PI. Apol. 37, -dgs Od. 17, 596 ; Soph. El. 390, -go-da II. 24, 55i; -tfoi/u II. 19, 321; Antiph. 5, 58; iradflv Aesch. Pr. 625; Thuc. 5, 103, -6eetv II. 17, 32; Her. 7, n (Bekk. Dind. -Qtlv Bred. Dietsch, Stein, Abicht) ; iraGwv Aesch. Sept. 1049 ; Antiph. 2, y, i. Vb. n-a^rds Aristot. ap. Plut. Mor. 887, Plut. Pelop. 16. The fut. form Tr^o-o/xai scarcely occurs now except as a v. r. Her. 9, 37 ; Ar. Nub. 1122 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 10; Polyb. 2, 4, 4 &c. probably by an error of the copyist, for the best Mss. generally offer mio-opai. Heliod. however has Tnjo-o/wu 8, 15. 10, 1 6 (Cor. Bekk.) The aor. (e^o-a), part, mjo-ay is the reading of the Mss. and Viet. Aesch. Ag. 1624, and Scholefield adopts it. But scholars generally have not been satisfied either with the form or the meaning which it yields. Butler conjectured Trraumy, and Pors. Blomf. Dind. Weil approved of it; but nalo-as, the reading of the Schol. Pind. P. 2, 95, is nearer the draft of the Ms. reading, furnishes an excellent sense, and is approved by Klausen, Franz, and Hermann ; Dind. however retains Trraicras (5 edit.) Trtrroo-df 2 pi. 2 perf. for Trfirovdarf II. 3, 99. Od. 23, 53. Part, ireirovdas, awev- Dem. 8, 65, been benefited. naTaoro-w To strike, II, 13, 282, eVe- Eur. H. F. 889 (Steph. Pflugk, Dind. 2 ed.) : imp. Traraacre II. 23, 370, eirdr- (Bekk. 2 ed.) : fut. -aa> Ar. Lys. 657. Ran. 646 ; Com. Fr. (Timocl.) 3, 606; prose, Aristot. Meteor. 3, i, 14; and late Plut. Mor. 185. Them, n ; Luc. Jup. Tr. 53; Heliod. 5, 7 : aor. eirdra^a Theogn. 1199; Ar. Ran. 645; Antiph. 4, 8, 5 ; Lys. 4, 15; Xen. Hell. 6, 2, 19; Dem. 21, 147. 180; Trnrri^o), -r/s 4, 40. 21, 33? -&l PI- Leg. 879 ; -a -Hi* 1 - II- 4> Jp 1 * -<*>/*" II. 7, 29, Epic -o/j> 21, 314; opt. Travafif II. I, 192, Trava-ai Thuc. 4, 62; Travaov Her. 5? 2 3 > Trautrat II. 7, 331; Antiph. 2, y, 3 : p. irenavica Dem. 2O, 70; Plut. Mor. 402 : p.p. as mid. TreVav/iat H. 18, 125; Aesch. Pr. 615; Soph. Ph. 1279; Ar. Pax 29; Her. 1,84. 2,136; Thuc. i, 6; PI. Phaed. 100 (and as a doubtful v. r. irtiravanai Her. i, 84); PI. Prot. 328. Euthyd. 278 : imper. irenava-o Dem. 24, 64, which Franc. Fritzsche had overlooked when he wrote " -niiravao seriorum est;" Luc. Herm. 81. Navig. 39 : pip. eVe'jrawo Her. '.83. 7, 9. 191 ; Thuc. 4, 13 : aor. as mid. Travdrjv Hes. Th. 533, enav6- Her. 5, 94. 6, 66 (Bekk. Dind.) ; Thuc. 2, 77. 5, 91. 100. 6, 59 &c. ; Andoc. 2, 8, and as a v. r. at those passages firaiHrdrjv, which however in some editions occurs in text, Her. quoted (Aid. Gaisf. Stein) ; Thuc. (Vulg.); Paus. 7, 19, 3. 8, 5, 9 (Schub.), but eVav is given by Choerob. Bekk. Anec. p. 1324, dva- Greg. Nyss. Maii. Coll. 8, p. 9, and Macar. Horriil. p. 67 : fut. dva-Tratja-ovrai N. T. Rev. 14, 13 (Mss. A G. Lach. Tisch. 7 edit.) Passow says " the purer Attic writers are reported to have preferred Trfnav- o-o/ztu," and refers to Moeris as authority. But the Attic writers uniformly have iravaofjuu excepting Sophocles ; and even he gives no preference to Tren-avo-o/iat, for he has it twice, and navo-opai twice. >, see (!/ue//3. To persuade, Od. 23, 230; Aesch. Ag. 1052; Soph. Aj. 150; Ar. Ran. 365 ; Her. 9, 4; Antiph. 2, 8, n ; Thuc. i, 58 ; Xen. Mem. i, 2, 23 ; Isae. 5, 13 ; Poet. inf. ireiGf^ev Pind. N. 7, 95 : imp. eireiQov II. 22, 91 ; Aesch. Supp. 615 ; Soph. Tr. 359 ; Her. 8, 4; Thuc. 3, 3; Lys. 12, 7; PI. Rep. 367, neWov II. 16, 842 ; Hes. Sc. 450, iter. ireideo-Kf Or. Sib. i, 43 : fut. 7m'o- 3> X 3> vp- II- 7> 120; simple in Horn, once, TmWe Od. 14, eo). e i 7 123; now also II. 9, 386 (Bekk. Bind.); Ar. Ran. 68; part. Dor. TrctWf Find. Ol. 3, 16 : p. nintuta Lys. 26, 7; Isocr. 14, 15; Isae. 8, 24: pip. (TTfrrfiKd Aeschin. I, 57: p. p. TTtVetoyiat Eur. El. 578; Thuc. 5, 40; Andoc. i, 62 ; PI. Prot. 328; -- Her. 8, 5: aor. eWo-^v Aesch. Eum. 593 ; Ar. Nub. 866 ; Antiph. 5, 62 ; Andoc. 3, 31 ; Isae. 3, 79 ; Xen. An. 7, 7, 29 ; -6tiij Antiph. 5, 33, -deir,v Pind. P. 3, 28; Aesch. Pr. 559 ; Ar. Plut. 949; Ran. 1 1 68, Epic irt-nWov, -We Horn. H. 2, 97, -Wov Ap. Rh. i, 964 (indie, not in II. or Od.); TrenMupev II. 9, 112; TTtTTiSoifu 23, 40; Ap. Rh. 3, 14; irrniQdv II. 9, 184 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 536; iretnOovaa II. 15, 26, Tremddw Pind. I. 4, 90, trusting, nap- winning over, Od. 14, 290. II. 23, 37 : 2 p. neiroiQa. as pres. mid. / trust, II. 4, 325; Pind. Ol. i, 103; Aesch. Sept. 37; Soph. El. 323; Ar. Eq. 770; rare in Attic prose, Thuc. 2, 42; PI. Menex. 248. Epin. 974; freq. late, Luc. Jup. Trag. 18; Plut. Mor. 196. 223. Cic. 9 &c. : pip. fanroftnv II. 16, 171 ; Her. 9, 88 ; AIT. An. 3, 17, 5, ireiroid- Theocr. 5, 28, Epic irenoiBea Od. 8, 181 ; subj. TieTroidd) Od. 24, 329, -6$s II. i, 524, -op.ev, for ->/>, Od. 10, 335; opt. ireiroidoirj, for -oidoi, Ar. Ach. 940. Mid. irfidofwi to persuade oneself, believe, obey, II. i, 79; Pind. P. I, 3; Soph. Ph. 1252; Her. 6, 100; Antiph. 5, 79; PI. Gorg. 513; opt. -OIO.TO II. 14, 93 : imp. eV0- II. i, 33 ; Her. i, 170 ; Thuc. i, 91 ; Lys. i, 50, IT eid- II. 2, 834 : fut. ndo-opai II. 20, 127 ; Solon 22 ; Soph. Aj. 529; Ar. Pax 276; Her. 2, 146; Thuc. 4, 68 ; Andoc. i, 91 ; PI. Conv. 193, TreiW II. 9, 345, Ep. -aetu 9, 74; -/*e#a Dem. 3, i (Vulg.) has been altered to fut. 7ro-oV0u (Ms. S in corr. Dind. Bekk. B. S.) (irerndp. syncop. 2 pip. Epic II. 2, 341, for eireiroidfipfv ; imper. 7rrer& Aesch. Eum. 599, is a rare form; TTfTrurdt, or TTfTToicrdi would perhaps be more analogical. Vb. mtrros trusty, II. 15, 331 ; TTOTW must persuade, PI. Rep. 421 ; must obey, Soph. Ph. 994; PI. Apol. 19. The fut. irWr) will obey, Od. 21, 369, points to (iri&o) or aor. eiridov, but nfiridrjcrv (ireirWov) will persuade, II. 22, 223; and Hesych. has TreTi-ot^era will trust, be confident: aor. part, mdrja-as trusting, II. 4, 398; Pind. P. 4, 109 ; Aesch. Ch. 617 (chor.) ; Lycophr. 735. rUitcw To comb, shear (Epic for 7rco>), Od. 18, 316, Attic nacrea Ar. Av. 714: fut. Dor. 7re|w Theocr. 5, 98 (Vulg. Ahr. Fritzsch. i ed.) : aor. ore^a Anth. 6, 279 ; subj. nfa> Theocr. quoted (some Mss. Reisk. Mein. Ziegl. Fritzsch. 2 ed.) : p. p. TreVeimu, dn-o- (Hesych.): aor. pass. eV/x^" Ar. Nub. 1356. Mid. to comb oneself, aor. Ine^aro Simon. .13 (Bergk); ire^rm Callim. Lav. Pal. 32; Kt^aivTo yield their fleeces, Theocr. 28, 13; Tre^a/iew; II. 14, 176. Pres. pass. neKTovpevof Ar. Lys. 685. This verb is poetic. Deiva'ai To be hungry, TrtivS* C. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 444, ireivfi Ar. Vesp. 1270. Eq. 1271 ; PI. Rep. 439, Dor. i pi. 7ri/5/i, 8m- Ar. Ach. 754, TTfivSxri Ar. Plut. 504 ; C. Frag. (Antiph.) 3, 66 ; Xen. Conv. 4, 36, Dor. irfiv&vn Xen. Hell, i, I, 23 ; subj. neivfj PI. Phaed. 85, cn C. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 255; irtivuw II. 3, 25; veumv Soph. Fr. 199 (D.); Eur. Fr. 887 ; Ar. Av. 787; Her. i, 133; PI. Leg. 837 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 2, n, see below : imp. eVetVwi/ Xen. Hell. 6, 2, 15, VstWw Ar. Ach. 535 : fut. -170-0) Ar. Plut. 539 ; Her. 2, 13. 14; Xen. Mem. 2, i, 17 (late -do-o> V. T. Esai. 5, 27; N. T. Rev. 7, 16) : aor. -rjo-a Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 39; late -an(v Pseud.-Callisth. 3, 6; nvwdo-ot/M Anth. n, 402; inf. -ao-ai Aesop 62 (Halm) : p. TreTm'wj/ca PL Rep. 606 &c. reg. except contracting ae into rj, aei into 17, instead of a, a, as irtivaci, iretvfj Ar. Eq. 1270; Hippo cr. 6, 488; Trtwafiv, nfivffv Ar. Plut. 595; PI. Gorg. 496, Epic Treivrifjievai Od. 2o, 137. Late writers, however, have weiva Aristot. H. A. 9, 32, 4 (Vulg.), -vy (Ms. C. Bekk.); iruvav PluL Aristid. 25 (Bekk. Sint.); trtivcovTi Dor. 3 pi. pres. Xen. Hell, i, i, 23 ; part. dat. sing. Treivavrt Theocr. 15, 148, Epic ace. TTfivaovra Opp. H. 5, 50, missed by Lexicogr. This verb is scarcely used in Tragedy, nfiv&o-a Soph. Fr. 199 ; Eur. Fr. incert. 887 (D.) Hetpda). j, see ireipdo. To end, complete (Epic for itepaiva>\ pres. late Aral. 24 : imp. eneipaive Find. I. 8, 24 : aor. Inei^va, irfipfjixias Arat. 289 ; ireip^vas Od. 22, 175. 192 ; H. Merc. 3, 48 : p. 3 sing. Trenfipavrai Od. 12, 37; and metri gr. Soph. Tr. 581 (Dind. Nauck, Bergk), where Herm. prefers irerrfipaTai (Mss. Par. Vat.) neipdu To try, prove, II. 8, 8; Find. P. 10, 67 ; Soph. O. R. 399 ; Ar. Lys. 504 ; Her. 7, 9 ; Thuc. 6, 38 ; Isocr. i, 24 : imp. fTTfipuv Thuc. 4, 25, -pa Find. N. 5, 30 : fut. ireipdo-a Thuc. 4, 9. 43, see below: aor. eWpao-a Soph. O. C. 1276; Thuc. 4, 102 ; ireipda-as Ar. Eq. 517 : p. ireneipaKa (Luc.) Amor. 26 : p. p. irenei- pafiai Od. 12, 37; Soph. Tr. 581; -Tr(ipd(r6a> Ar. Vesp. 1129: aor. 7reipddr)v Thuc. 6, 54 : fut. TTftpadfia-ofiai as mid. see below. The perf. and aor. pass, however, are generally act. see mid. iretpdop.cn as act. try, attempt, II. 2, 193 ; Soph. El. 83; Her. i, 193; Isocr. 15, 85; PI. Conv. 212; opt. -pavro Thuc. i, 25, -pcpaTo Her. i, 68; imper. weip> 8, 57, -dada Tyrt. 12, 44; -papfvos PI. Leg. 638 ; Her. 8, 89 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dietsch, -ew/i- Dind. -eo'/i- Abicht, Stein) ; i, 46 (Stein, -/*- Bekk. Gaisf. Dind. -top.- Dietsch, Abicht) : imp. eneip- Find. P. 2, 34 ; Her. 8, 97 ; Thuc. 2, 65; Lys. 8, 10; Isocr. 5, 93, ireip- Find. N. i, 43: fut. ireipdo-ofjicu Aesch. Pers. 850 ; Soph. O. C. 959 ; Ar. Thesm. 268; Antiph. 2, y, i ; Thuc. 4, 87 ; Lys. 3, 21 ; Isocr. 15, 29, Dor. -tiarovp-ai Ar. Ach. 743 ; Stob. (Hippod.) 43, 93 : aor. e7reipa.a-dp.riv Thuc. 2, 44. 85. 4, 60. 114. 117. 5, 69 ; PI. Gorg. 474 : as mid. p. Tren-etpa/iai Find. Fr. 87 ; Soph. Fr. 516 (Dind.) ; Antiph. 5, i; Thuc. 5, in; Lys. 5, 3; Isocr. 16, 45; Dem. 18, 89 : and aor. eTreipddTjv Hippocr. 5, 336; Isocr. 9, 48; PI. Phaed. 118; iretpa65> Thuc. 6, 92; PI. Leg. 839; -a&iV Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 26 ; -a^rt PI. Soph. 239; -atieis Soph. El. 1244 ; Ar. Eq. 506 ; Thuc. 2, 5. 33, Sia- Antiph. 5, 33 ; -6^ai PI. Leg. 892 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, 3, 6 : and late, fut. Treipadj'jvopai as mid. Diod. Sic. 2, 1 8. 12, i (Bekk. -da-op.ai L. Dind.); Geop. 12, 13. Vb. ireiparfov Isocr. 4, 8. Epic and Ionic forms, fut. -170-6) II. 19, 30 : aor. nelprja-a Ap. Rh. 3, 1249 : p. ireireipr)p.ai as mid. Od. 3, 23 : Her. 9, 46 : pip. Trrrreipearo Her. 7, 125 (Bekk. Dind. rr- Gaisf. Stein &c.) for -rjvro : aor. eWpij^i/ as mid. Her. 3, 152. 7, 135, n-eipW- 11.19,384; -r)6S> 22,381; -jjflny ii, 3 86 ; Theogn. 126, -rjdelnev Od. 16, 305 : aor. mid. tireiprjo-dfjujv (II. 6, 435) Od. 8, 120 ; Her. 7, 135. 172 ; Hippocr. 3, 250 (Lit.), iretp- Od. 8, 397, an-o- Opp. Hal. 2, 214; subj. Epic 7rpijo--ai for -qcnjTai, Od. 21, 159, -rjo-avrai Opp. Hal. 4, 512; -lyo-airo II. 13, 457; rreiprjrai II. I, 302: fut. -ijcro/iat II. 5, 279; Opp. Hal. 2, 306; 5 2 O ITe/jO ft) ITeX a ft>. Her. i, 124. 2, 163. 3, 137; Hippocr. 6, 92 (Lit.) subj. 1 aor. act. Theogn. 506, has given way to the pass, form ireiprjdS) the reading in most Mss. ; and irtiprjdfirjs not ireipad- is the reading of the best Ms. at 126. In Attic the aor. mid. is confined to Thuc. and Plato. In Thuc. it is the prevailing form, occurring six times, and aor. pass, thrice : Plato again, has aor. mid. once only, the aor. pass, eleven times. The compounds, except OTTO- Thuc. 6, 90. 4, 135 &c. and perhaps Kara- Lys. 30, 34, are, in classic authors, not used in the act. and have, we think, always the aor. of the pass, form, drro-irfiprjdfi Her. 2, 73, di-eTTfipddriv Antiph. 5, 33, fg-eireipdO- Eur. Supp. 1089. Collat. forms ircipdfa, -rjrifa scarcely go beyond pres. and imp. ireipd^o Od. 23, 114 ; (Luc.) Tragod. 149 : imp. Tm'pafe Ap. Rh. 3, 10 : aor. imper. irfipao-ov Anth. n, 183: mid. TT(ipaop.evos Hippocr. 2, 327 (K.) Treipr]Tici) II. 15, 615 : imp. Treipr]ri^ov 12, 257. Tretpdfoj however is complete and reg. in the Septuag. and N. Test.: pres. pass. nfipd&Tat, Plut. Mor. 230. Cleom. 7. In classic Greek it is poetic, except Hippocr. The Attic form is Treipdo), for instead of firtipcurd^v PI. Lach. 188 (Ast), fnupddrjv is now adopted by all the editors. rieipu To pierce, traverse, Ap. Rh. 2, 326 ; nfipcov Od. 13, 91 (II. 24, 8) : imp. fireipov II. 9, 210. Od. 3, 33 ; late prose Paus. 4, 17, i, ircipov Od. 2, 434 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 980 : fut. Trepw? : 1 aor. firtipa II. i, 465; late prose Strab. 13, i, 38, rrdpa II. 7, 317; 8ta-TTipas Eur. Phoen. 26, dva-ireip- Her. 4, 103, Poet, dpirfip- II. 2, 426 : p. p. TTfirap/Mu Luc. Tragod. 298, -aprai Opp. H. 4, 554 ; -fievos II. ii, 633; Hes. Op. 205; Ap. Rh. 4, 1067 ; Archil. 84 (Bergk), Poet. dp-TTfirapn- Ar. Ach. 796 : pip. TreVapro Horn. H. i, 92 : 2 aor. eiraprjv, mpi- Luc. Pise. 51 ; subj. dva-rrupS> Athen. (Macho) 8, 41, bia-irapfi Luc. Pise. 51 ; ava-napeis Her. 4, 94. Trepw Soph. Aj. 461, is quoted by some as the fut. of this verb, because, say they, " a in fat. irep&0a> (of 7Tfpa&>) cannot be con- tracted." But nfpS) here may be subj. pres. (of Trepdco) with future meaning. No doubt Tre'Aayos Alydiov Trepw (from rreipco) is a legi- timate expression, but Epic, and besides unnecessary here. This verb in simple is Epic, Lyric, and late prose. DE'KO), see TreiKw. ruXdiu To bring near, and intrans. approach, II. 5, 766 ; Aesch. Supp. 300; Soph. Ph. 301; Ar. Av. 1399; in prose always intrans. Her. 4, 181 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 7. 20 ; PI. Conv. 195 : imp. eWXafoj/ Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 48 : fut. TreXao-w intrans. Eur. Elec. 1332 (chor.). I. T. 886 (chor.), c/u- Hym. Merc. 523, trans. TreX- Eur. Or. 1684 (chor.), -do-o-ca Fr. 775, 36 chor. (D.), Attic Aesch. Pr. 282 (chor.); Soph. Ph. 1150 (chor.): aor. 5 2 1 trans. Eur. Hel. 671. 682, -ao-o-a II. 21,93; Theocr. 25, 212, 7rtXa. ne\efAiu To shake, Epic, inf. -ifow II. 16, 766; -i'fi Pind. 01.9,32 (Bergk, Momms.) : imp. 7rXXe II. 13,443' aor - 7reXe>i|a II. 21, 176; Ap. Rh. 2, 92 : aor. pass, v^itfw were 522 ITeXw. driven back, II. 4, 535: pres. 7rXe/ii'eTai Hes. Th. 458; Anth. 10, 74 ; -iop,evoi Find. N. 8, 29 : imp. TreXe/u'j^ro II. 8, 443 ; Hes. Th. 842 ; Emped. 142. Never augmented in Horn. rieXu To be, mostly Poet. Soph. O. R. 245, TreXeis Nonn. D. 44, 193. 197, -Xet II. 9, 134. Od. 5, 186; Solon 13, 16; Find. P. 4, 145; Aesch. Ch. 534 (Herm.); Soph. Ant. 990; Eur. H. F. 668 ; Theocr. 4, 43 ; late Dor. prose, Pempel. Stob. 79, 52, ireXovo-i Anth. 7, 56, Dor. -\OVTI Find. Ol. 6, 100 ; subj. (not in Horn.) 7rXo> Aesch. Supp. 339, -\rj Theocr. 28, 22 ; Ap. Rh. 2 > 345 5 opt- ( n t in Horn.) n-eAoi Find. P. i, 56 ; Aesch. Pers. 526 ; Soph. Tr. 1161 ; Eur. Phoen. 1464 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 1656 ; Theocr. 21, 54; imper. Tre'Xe Ap. Rh. i, 304; ireXeiv Aesch. Supp. 620. 801 ; Eur. Rhes. 198 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 1373, Aeol. trfXrjv Theocr. 29, 31 (Ziegl. Fritz.) ; rare in prose, -Xftv Pittac. Diog. Laert. i, 4, 10; late Ion. Aretae. 81, 20, Epic TreXeV" and TreXe- vai Parmenid. 66. 104; nf\a>v Aesch. Pr. 895: imp. em\ov, -\ts Find. Ol. i, 46, -\fv Pempel. Stob. 79, 52, -\w Anth. App. Epigr. 170, syncop. enXt II. 12, n, usu. unaugm. Tre'Xov, -Xes Q. Sm. 3, 564, -\ev II. 8, 64. n, 604; Hes. Sc. 164; Theocr. 21, 17; Ar. Pax 1276 (hexam.), Dor. pi. ireXopts Theocr. 29, 27, iter. irfXefcrice TzetZ. Post.-Hom. 348 (Vulg. reXeeo-xc Bekk. &C.) Mid. Ti-eXo/iai as act. more freq. 7re'X Aesch. Eum. 199 (trimet.). 149 (chor.), -Xerai II. 14, 345 ; Simon. Am. 7, 100 ; Solon 9 ; Soph. Fr. 583, -Xnfiea-da Theocr. 13, 4. 14, 68 ; Q. Sm. 4, 83, -\fa-6f Ap. Rh. 2, 643. 3, 911, -Xovrai II. io, 351 ; Emped. 102 ; Find. I. 5, 6; Soph. Aj. 159 (chor.); rare in prose, Archyt. Stob. I, 71; Subj. Tre'Xqrai II. 3, 287, -a>/ze#a 6, 358, -coj/rat 16, 128; Tre'Xoiro 22, 443; Aesch. Ag. 255 (chor.), -OIVTO Maxim. Ausp. 3; imper. Ion. Tre'Xeu II. 24, 219, -Xe'o-0o> Ap. Rh. i, 1320. 2, 873 ; ireX6p.evos Aesch. Supp. 122. 810 (chor.), syncop. TrXo'/ie- vos Euphor. Fr. 55, Horn, in comp. eWn-Xo/uei/os Od. 7, 261, jrepi-TrXofj.- II. 18, 220. 23, 833. Od. ii, 248, revolving, sur- rounding', ireXeadai. Ap. Rh. I, l6o. 3, 700 : imp. (TreXovTO II. 9, 526 (Bekk. 2 ed.); Simon. C. 36 (Bergk), usu. syncop. eWXeo 11. 22, 281, COntr. en-Xeu 23, 891 ; Theogn. 1313, errXero II. 22, 116 ; Hes. Th. 836 ; Emped. 97 ; Find. P. 5, 112, neXovro II. 9, 526 (Vulg. Wolf, Dind. LaR. eWX- Bekk. 2 ed.), iter. TreXeV/cto II. 22, 433, -ornfTo Hes. Fr. 44. The augmented and syncop. imp. forms have usually a pres. meaning, enXev thou art, II. 9, 54 &c. Diog. Laert. Pempel. and Aretaeus quoted, are the only prose instances of act. and Archyt. of mid. we have ever seen. Of Tre'Xea Homer and Hesiod have pres. and imp. indie.'. the Tragedians have not the imp., Aristoph. has it once in hexam.; inf. and simple part, do not occur in Homer and 523 Hesiod : 7reXo/*ai is more freq. in Homer than TT/XW, not so in Attic poetry. Fl6> To send, II. i, 390 ; Find. N. 3, 77 ; Aesch. Pers. 450 ; Soph. Tr. 55; Ar. Av. 846; Her. 8, 27 ; Thuc. i, 91 ; Xen. Cyr. 2, 4, 22; Dor. part. 7re>7roto-a Find. Ol. 6, 32; Epic inf. Tre/xn-e/xei/ai Od. 13, 48, -e>/ io, 18 (Wolf, Dind. La R.) : imp. WP.TTOV II. 18, 237; Soph. Tr. 35 ; Her. 7, 32 ; Antiph. 5, 53. 6, ii ; Thuc. 2, 6; Isocr. 7, 29, m^- II. 23, 137; Hes. Th. 716; Find. P. 4, 178, iter. Tre^o** Her. 7, 106: fut. TT/^W rare in II. i, 184. often in Od. i, 93. 15, 34. 18, 84 &c. ; Find. 01. 9, 25; Aesch. Pers. 1076 ; Soph. Ph. 1438; Her. 4, 127; Thuc. 6, 91 ; Xen. Hell. 3, 3, 9 ; Dor. -^S> Theocr. 5, 141; -ifretv II. 21, 48, -^(fifvai Od. IO, 484 : aor. ewefjL-^a Od. 17, 149 ; Find. Ol. 4, 2; Aesch. Sept. 37 ; Soph. O. C. 819; Ar. Ach. 154; Her. 8, 75; Thuc. 6, 75; Dem. 18, 211, TTC/^- II. 18, 240; Hes. Th. 477; Find. I. 6,49; --^eitv Antiph. 5, 53: p. n-eVo/i^a Thuc. 7> I2 > Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, io ; PI. Eryx. 392 ; Dem. 4, 48. 8, 58. 9, 12 (7, 9): pip. fire-nonfat Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 9; Dem. 23, 164. 50, 5, Ion. tnfnofxpef Her. i, 85 : p. p. 7rre///i I 59> Luc. Alex. 32 ; Dio Cass. 50, 13; irene^dai 41, 46: pip. eVeVf/xTrTo Dio CaSS. 36, I (Bekk.), TrpouTreVe/iTrro Thuc. 8, 79 : aor. firf^6r]v Soph. O. C. 430; Eur. Hec. 772 ; Thuc. 6, 47; Aeschin. 2, 13; Tre/i^&oo-t Thuc. 4, 46; -denji/ Xen. Hell. 7, i, 39 ; nen(pdeis Find. N. 3, 59 ; Soph. Ph. 93 ; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 439 ; Her. 6, 106 ; PI. Leg. 856 ; -<^Qrivai. Antiph. 5, 23 ; Andoc. 3, 33 : fut. m ^6^0-0^1 Plut. Demetr. 27 ; Dio Cass. 40, 66; Strab. i, i, 4, but eV PI. Leg. 923. Mid. W/i- irofj.ai send on one's own business t send for, Luc. Tox. 14 (Jacob.), an-o- Eur. Hec. 72; Her. i, 33; Xen. Vect. i, 7; PI. Rep. 423 : imp. eW/LOTowo Polyb. 32, 5 (Vulg.), /*- Thuc. i, 95, <*ir- Xen. An. i, i, 5 : fut. 7re>^o/xat Eur. H. F. 1421, fura- Ar. Plut. 609; PL Rep. 567: aor. enep^dp.^ Eur. Hec. 977, &- Thuc. 2, 14; opt. TTfp/feuaro Soph. O. C. 602 (trimet.) ; imper. 7re>- ^ao-fc, tK- Od. 20, 361 ; TTfu^ao-Qcu Soph. O. R. 556 (late prose, Sopat. Rhet. p. 207); Tre/x^n^'i/a, npo- Aesch. Pers. 137 (D.), see below. Vb. Tre'/iTTTos Thuc. 8, 86, -tov Xen. Cyr. 8, i, n. The simple pres. and imp. Mid. seem rather doubtful. In classic prose the mid. seems not to occur in simple, often in COmp. aTro-Treprercu Her. I, 33, irpo- Xen. An. 7, 2, 14 ; -ecr&zt Xen. Laced. 13, io; PL Rep. 423 : imp. /ifr-en-e/xTrovro Thuc. 5, 82, irpo- Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 53 : fut. ^-a-7re>\/<-o/^u PL Rep. 567 : aor. dir-firefjL^dfjiTjv Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 3, 81- Thuc. 2, 14, ^rr- Her. 7, 53; Thuc. 7, 31; Isocr. 16, 8; PL Conv. 175 &c. &c. 524 HevOew. Homer, we think, uses the mid. only once, fK-neptya, but even the whole verse seems useless where it stands. Matthiae sus- pected, Hermann, Dindorf, Nauck &c. rejected it. The aor. mid. Soph. O. R. 556, is not, as some maintain, used as act. Passow has limited far too much the passive voice of this verb. " In the passive," says he, " Pindar and Herodotus have aor. i part. irffi(f)6fif, and Photius the part. perf. Trene^fvos. The other tenses are generally supplied by dTraTe\\u>." And other Lexicogr. have prolonged the strain. The aor., so far from being confined to part, and to Pindar and Herodotus, is in frequent use in other parts, and in several of the best Attic writers: vai^Qi\v Soph. O. C. 430; Eur. Hec. 772 ; Thuc. 5, 54. 6, 47. 7, ii ; Xen. Hell, i, 3, 13; Dem. 18, 244. 19, 5. (49, 31. 57) ; 7re/i<0wcri Thuc. 4, 46 ; irffi(})6fir)v Xen. Hell. 7, i, 39; Dem. 18,45; */i^wK Antiph. 5,23; Andoc. 3,33; Isocr. 5, 23 ; (Dem.) 49, 58 ; especially part. Trt^dfis Soph. El. 1163 &c. ; Eur. Fr. 908 (D.); Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 439; Thuc. 8, 77. 89; Andoc. 3, 34; Lys. 12, 31; Isocr. 4, 85. 177. 12, J 74- *95; PI- Leg. 856 &c. ; Xen. Hell, i, 6, 5. 3, 2, 22. 4, 13. Cyr. 4, 2,4. 5, 5, 3. 6, 3, 14. An. 2, i, 17; Dem. 18, 137. 32, 14 : and the perf. instead of being confined to part, in Photius, is in actual use in indie. Aesch. Sept. 473, ivpo- Thuc. 7, 77; mnfftfjievos Dem. 23, 159; Luc. Alex. 32; Dio Cass. 50, 13. 56, 22; irtirfp.dai 41, 46: nor are other tenses so very seldom, pres. Tre/wro/itu Eur. Andr. 504, -erai PI. Leg. 941 ; -o/xei/os Eur. Hec. 456 ; Her. 3, 127 ; Thuc. 7, 8 ; Xen. Mem. 3, 3, 12. Hell. 3, 3, 9. Cyr. 4, 5, 13. 8, 2, 4 ; Dem. 18, 148 : imp. irfj.ir6fjiriv Aesch. Ch. 518; Soph. El. 680; Her. i, 46. 4, 167 ; Antiph. 5, 23. rUc9&> To sorrow, -6ci Aesch. Pers. 579 ; Her. 6, 58 ; PI. Rep. 606, Epic dual TTfvdfitrov II. 23, 283, for -eerov ; irevBapfv Ar. Nub. 622 ; imper. -0t Eur. Ale. 806 ; nevBtiv Soph. O. C. 739 ; Bacchyl. n (B.) : imp. enevdtov Her. 4, 95, -6ow Isocr. 19, 40: fut. -170-0) Aesch. Fr. 190 (D. 5 ed.) reg. : aor. eW^o-a Lys. 2, 66; Aeschin. 3, 211; imper. irfvd^a-are Eur. H. F. 1391; -6f) irevea-dai, if cor- rect, Eur. Elec. 785 (Barnes), for Boivrj yevfo-dai (Dind. Kirchh. Nauck, Paley &c.) The fut. ireve'i Aesch. Supp. 347 (Herm.) is merely a suggestion of Hermann's supported neither by Mss. nor usage. neiraiyw To make soft, ripe, Hippocr. 6, 244 ; Xen. Oec. 19, 19 : aor. eneTrdva, ire-navai Ar. Vesp. 646 ; Geop. 5, 2, else reg. : (perf. act. ?) : p. p. irenavBai Aristot. Probl. 20, 20 : aor. firfirdvdijv Aristot. Plant. 2, 7, 7 ; irfiravdfjs Eur. Heracl. 159, -avQrj Hippocr. 2, 140 (Lit.); Aristot. Probl. 20, 30; -0ds Paus. 10, 36, i : fut. jTeiravdrjffofjLai, Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 21 ; Dio Cass. 5 2 > 20* rieirapetc, ire'irpuTai, ircirpuficVr), see (TTO/JO)). ne'irvufiai, see Trveco. Heura), See Trecrtro). RepaiVw To end, accomplish, Pind. P. 10, 28; Aesch. Sept 1051 ; Ar. Ran. 401 ; Hippocr. 2, 458 ; PI. Leg. 716 ; Dem. 4, 28: imp. (irepcuvov Xen. Hell. 6, 2, 30; Dem. 18, 149: fut. n-epai/5 Ar. Plut. 563; Thuc. 6, 86; PI. Leg. 672, Ion. -aWa> Hippocr. 7, 496 (Lit.) ; Meliss. Fr. 10 (Mullach) : aor. tirtpava PI. Gorg. 522; -ntp&vas Soph. Aj. 22; PI. Theaet. 207: p. p. irfnfpacrfjMi, -pavrm PI. Rep. 502, but ireirfip- for the metre, Soph. Tr. 581 ; ir(7Tfpdv6a PI. Leg. 736; inf. -pw0ai Men. 75 ; -a^tvos Parm. 145. 158; Aristot. Probl. 5, 25; Polyb. 4, 4" : aor. eWpdwV, mpa0S PL Gorg. 501; -6^v (Horn.) Epigr. 14, 3; -av^vai Isocr. 5, 40 ; -avOfis Xen. Hell. 3, 2, 19. 2, 4, 39 (Wit- tenb. Dind. Saupp.) : fut. mpave^otuu Galen 3, 296. 4, 383, 526 Tlepaioa) Tlepdw. Dor. ir(pa(r6r)cr- Stob. (Crit.) 3, 74. Mid. rare in simple, vcaffai ThuC. 7, 43 : fut. -avovp.ai, 8ia- PI. Phil. 53 : aor. fnfpavdp.r}v, di- Leg. 900, aw- Aristot. Soph. 10, 7 ; -dvaa-dai, 8ia- Eur. Hel. 26; -avdpevos, Bia- PI. Prot. 314, aw- Dem. 1 8, 163. Vb. d-irfpainos PI. Critias 119, TTtpain-fov Galen 7, 765, 8ia- PI. Leg. 715- See nfipaiva). rUpaioo) To set over, Plut. Cat. min. 58. Ant. 7; Polyb. 22, ii (13), 14 (Dind.): fut. -&>o-a> Thuc. 2, 67, see below; Plut. Cat. min. 55 : aor. eVepaiWa Thuc. 4, 121; Plut. Crass. 10; Strab. 1 6, 4, 24, pass, as mid. see below. Mid. Trepaiov/xat to go over, Thuc. 1,5: fut. TTf/xuaxro/iai Thuc. i, 10 : aor. later and in comp. 8ia-irfpaiVTO Thuc. 3, 23. Once in Homer, once in Comedy, never in Tragedy. The fut. act. irepcuuvfiv occurs with sense of mid. Thuc. 2, 67, unless o be taken with one Ms. for w, and e/ieXXe Poppo's suggestion for e/ieXXoi>. riepaw To go over, cross, Aesch. Pers. 799 ; Soph. Ant. 386, Epic 3 Sing. eVn-epaa Od. 9, 323, irep-oaxn 6, 273, e*e- 8, 561; Tteprnv II. 21, 283 ; Ar. Av. 1195; Xen. Mem. 2, i, 31 ; Kfpav H. Merc. 133 ; Find. N. 3, 21 ; Aesch. Sept. 378 ; Xen. M. Eq. 6, 5, Epic -dav II. 12, 63 : imp. eVepaoj/, fnepa Find. I. 2, 41, ire paw II. 1 6, 367, iter. irepdaaKe Od. 5, 480 ; Opp. H. 5, 450 : fut. irfpa Eur. Bac. 191; Xen. M. Eq. 2, i, see below : aor. firtpdo-a Theocr. 2, 90; Callim. Cer. 14; trepans Aesch. Pr. 718; Soph. O. R. 674; opt. -ao-at Pind. N. n, 10 (Vulg.); but inf. -ao-ai (Dissen, Bergk, Momms.); Theocr. 15, 44 ; Dor. part. irepdo-ais Pind. P. 3, 76 (rare in prose eWpacra App. B. C. 4, 87. Hannib. 2 ; D. Sic. 23, n ; Plut. Cat. min. 15. Mar. 8. Cam. 25, Si- PL Soph. 261. Tim. 85) : p. nfnfpaKa Aesch. Pers. 65 ; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 499 ; Xen. Lac. 4, 7. Epic and Ion. forms irfpona-i 3 pi. pres. for -aouort, Od. 4, 709. 6, 272 ; inf. irepativ for -aetf, ~av, II. 2, 613: iter. imp. irfpdao-Kf Od. 5, 480: fut. Trepqo-a II. 23, 71 ; Her. 3, 72 ; Musae. 203 ; -fjo-fiv II. 5, 646 ; Horn. H. Merc. 158, Epic -ijo-ffifvai II. 12, 200. 218 : aor. firepqcra II. 5, 291. 21, 594, mpji, II. 21, 454: aor. TTf'pacra Od. 15, 428, eWpoo-tra II. 21, 40. 78, TlepSw TLeptfiaXXa). 527 21, 102 (Bekk. 2 edit). Od. 15, 387 (Bekk. 2 edit. La R.) ; -ao-ijTf 15, 453; -acrfie 14, 297; -acray Hom. H. Cer. 132: p. TTnfpT]fiai, -TjfjLfvos II. 21, 58. ru'p&u />#/ To destroy, sack, Poet. pres. rare, imper. trtpQe Hom. Epigr. 14, ii ; Aesch. Pers. 1057 > ~^ Soph. Ph. 1428; Eur. Bac. 1335 ; -o-otev Soph. Ph. 612; -anv II. 21, 584, -a-tfifv Q. Sm. 12, 20: 1 aor. ortpo-a Od. i, 2; Pind. N- 3, 37 ; Soph. Tr. 467, n-epwa II. 20, 192 ; Pind. P. i, 54; SUbj. nepa-rjs, (K- II. 13, 380, -ay PI. Prot. 340, Epic I pi. irep I. 5, 36; inf. irpa6fdv Hes. Sc. 240, Sia- II. 7, 32. 18, 511. Mid. as pass. fut. nlpo-erai II. 24, 729: 2 aor. eVpa&To, 5e- pass. Od. 15, 384. Pass. 7rep6op.at Her. 7, 220 (Orac.): imp. nepOfTo as aor. II. 12, 15, -dovro Ap. Rh. 2, 138 ; part. ntp66p.evos as aor. II. 4, 291 ; Pind. P- 3, 50 ; TTf'p&w II. 1 6, 708, is said to be syncop. inf. 2 aor. mid. as pass. Perf. TreVoptfa, called " post-Homeric," we have never seen. This verb in the simple form seems not to occur in prose. Plato has 1 aor. in comp. eWpo-?; Prot. 340. In Comedy we have not seen it simple or compound. The prose form is the regular irop6ea>, though even it is much more frequent in poetry. rUpipdXXu To throw round &c. as aXXw, but p. p. 7rfpi/3 (Stein, Abicht); part. -fc/SX^W Isocr. 4, 184; PI. TheaeL 174, but pass. Critias 116; Her. 2, 91; Dem. 43, 79 : 2 aor. TTfpl . . /SdXero in tmesi Od. 5, 231, irept/SoXowo Aesch. Ag. 1147 chor. (Dind. 5 ed. 7repf/3dX- Herm.) 528 nepi5~f&> To turn, whirl round, act. rare in classic authors, Soph. Fr. 310 (D.); Aeschin. 3, 167 : fut. -170-6) : aor. -eSii^o-a Luc. H. V. i, 9 ; Alciphr. i, 39. More freq. mid. -Sti/oC/xat turn oneself round, -ovptvos Xen. Conv. 7, 3, -ev/uet/os Tim. Locr. 97 : fut. -Swija-oftat Luc. Lex. 2 : with aor. pass. -r]0r)v as raid. II. 22, 165 (Wolf, Bekk. but irepi SivtjQrjv Spitzn. Dind. La Roche) : aor. mid. TTfpidivfja-aarde trans. Anth. 7, 485, missed by Lexicogr. riepieirci), see eWo). riepnr](ju To sell, Poet, for Tmrpda-KO), 3 pi. TTfpvaa-i Theogn. 1215 ; Hipponax 46 (Bergk) ; irepvds II. 22, 45; Hipponax 52 (Bergk) ; Eur. Cycl. 271 : imp. iter. nepvao-Ke II. 24, 752. Pass. rrepva/jiai Ar. Eq. 176; irepvdp.evos II. l8, 292: imp. eirepvavro Find. I. 2, 7. See (Trepdu). rieVaw 70 cook, II. 4, 513. Od. 7, 119; Hippocr. 7, 516; Aristot. Part. Anim. 3, 5, 15, Attic ire'iTu Ar. Fr. 267 ; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 470. (Mnesim.) 3, 570 ; Aristot. Part. Anim. 4, 5, 60 (B.); Theophr. H. P. 4, 2, 5 ; Plut. Eum. n, 7re/- Ar. Plut. 159; Epic inf. TreoW/xfi/ II. 2, 237: imp. twao-ov Her. 8, 137, Attic eTreTTov Ar. Ran. 505, later, ireirrcj Dioscor. 3, 33 ; Theophr. Odor. 50, -rr Ms. A. Wimmer (but TritrriaQai Hippocr. i, 197; TTfTrro'^iej/os Aristot. Ausc. 8, 6, n) whence : fut. TT^CD Com. Fr. (Ar.) 2, 1027 (Fritzsche, Mein. ne^a Vulg. Dind.); V. T. Lev. 26, 26 : aor. en-ev^a, Tre'^as PI. Rep. 37 2 ; 7T6\^at Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 345?; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 4, n, 10 (Bekk.); Kara-n-f^r) II. i, 8l ; Kara-Trrv^ai Pind. Ol. 1,55; Hippocr. 2, 490: p.p. TTfTT(fj.fMii Ar. Pax 869 ; Hippocr. 8, 548 (Lit.) ; Aristot. Gen. An. 2, 7, 17 (B.); Theophr. C. P. 2, 17, 6, Tnrpi- PI. Leg. 886 : aor. firf(j)6r)v Hippocr. 2, 522 (Lit.); Aristot. Prob. i, 42; Theophr. C. P. 6, 16, 3, wept- Ar. Vesp. 668 : fut. ire(pdrifj.eva the poeiic and late prose form; and at Aristot. Metaph. 3, 5, 15, and Diod. Sic. 4, 77, it has been changed from Mss. to irfTo^va &c., but npo- irfT- Sint.) rUTacfufu To expand, imper. irfrdvvv, 8ia- Ar. Lys. 733, but -vraxrav, dva- Luc. Jup. Tr. 33, irtravvuia, dva- Trfravvvovtri Xen. An. 7, i, 17 (Vulg. Popp. Kriig. Saupp. &c. -vao-t Dind. Cob.); -vova-a, irtpi- Oec. 19, 1 8 (Vulg. Breitb. Saupp.); Tm-ai/- vvdv, dva- Luc. Calumn. 30 (Dind.) ; later Trtrdca, dva- Luc. Cal. 21 : imp. ev-fnerdvws Xen. Cyr. i, 6, 40 (L. Dind. 4 ed. -dvwa Vulg. Popp. Saupp.): fut. Tm-ao-w Or. Sib. 4, 113 (a-a- Nonn. 16, 95), K- Eur. I. T. 1 135 (chor.), Attic Trerw, dva- Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 77. 204 : aor. (irerdaa (KUT- Ar. Plut. 731, vrepi- Aeschin. 3, 76), Horn, always TreYacra Od. 5, 269. 6, 94, and -ao-tra in tmesi II. 14, 495 ; irfrdays, dva- Luc. Hist. 7 Pt- Vfrdtrfie Od. 18, 1 60; imper. irtTaaov Luc. D. Mort. 10, 10; in tmesi Eur. Hel. 1459, dfj.-ireTaa-ov Eur. Phoen. 297 (chor.); TreToVar (Luc.) Amor. 32, Epic -dffa-as II. 21, 115. Od. 24, 397, dva-irtTdaas Her. 3, 146; PI. Phil. 62, a/i- Eur. Phoen. 788 (chor.), Kara- Ar. Vesp. 132 : p. irfirfTaica, 8ta- late Diod. Sic. 17, 115: p.p. 7r7rtraa-/it Anth. 9, 656; Opp. Hal. 2, 684; App. Pun. 120, c- Her. i, 62 (Orac.), Trapa- Polyb. 33, 3 (Bekk.), and jrrr3/iai. II. 5, 195- Od. 6, 45; Opp. Hal. 2, 173; 7rrTa M paof, see riu6Ts, see nrJY""fu To fix, freeze, Aesch. Pers. 496; Com. Fr. (Nausicr.) 4) 575j Hippocr. 2, 410; Xen. An. 4, 5, 3 ; PI. Tim. 62, -vva> rare in classic Auth. Her. 4, 72 (Vulg. Gaisf. Bekk. Stein, -v II. 22, 283 ; Aristot. Part Anim. 2, 7, 19, Dor. mi^a Pind. Ol. 531 6, 3 : aor. tir^a II. 2, 664 ; Emped. 240; Soph. Aj. 821 ; Ar. Ach. 139; Thuc. 6, 66; Andoc. 4, 30, rfgf II. 13, 372, Dor. 67rae Find. N. 7, 26, irae TheOCF. II, 16 ; 7n?&; II. 8, 95; Tr^af II. 3, 217; Hes. Op. 430; Eur. Elec. 898; PI. Leg. 817, Dor. ndfris in tmesi Find. Ol. n, 45; irf,ai II. 18, 177; Soph. El. 420; Hippocr. 8, 594 (as imper. perhaps Od. 5, 163. n, 77): p. (irfnrjxa): late pip. ((i.-irtirT)x f is called an Epic sync. 2 aor. Vb. TTTJKTOS Eur. Phoen. 489. The mid. seems scarcely to occur either in good Attic poetry or prose. The common reading Her. 4, 72, is irriyvvovo-i and re- tained by Bekk. Gaisf. Krug. &c., but Dind. decidedly prefers irrjyvvffi (Ms. S.) Hippocr. has both forms Tnyywo-t and mjyvvovcri 6, 574 (Lit.) The 2 pip. li^n^yfw, h- is trans, had fixed in t Dio Cass. 40, 40 (Tauchn.), unless there should be read 1 pip. M m 2 532 fjLiTfirfix f7o-a, -n^rjaa H. Hym. 7, 52, VqSi/o-a Aesch. Sept. 459 (trimet.); Theocr. 25, 251, Epic a/n-TnjS- 11. n, 379, for dv-errrjS- Ar. Eccl. 428. Ran. 566; Xen. Hell. 2, 3, 52, ettr- Dem. 21, 78; inf. w^o-at II. 14, 455 ; Hippocr. 7, 490, tn- Her. 3, 32 ; -fjaas Soph. O. R. 1300; Eur. Supp. 1039. Andr. 1139: p. TreTrjjfi^a Aesop 203 (Halm), OTTO- Hippocr. 4, 202 (Lit.), c- Xen. Hell. 7, 4, 37, vrrf/)- Dem. 23, 73, >- Polyb. 12, 9 : pip. fTTfTrrfbfjKeiv, e- Dem. 54, 2O: p.p. irfn-TjdrjfMi : pip. fTTfTrri8r)To Hippocr. 7, 490 (Lit.) as act. had leaped, unless for eirratr) (Vulg.), eVra should be read and TTTjSjj/iOTa understood. The Dor. form Trd8da> occurs in 3 sing, iradfj Soph. Fr. 46 (Ahr.) irabfJTe, vnep- Theocr. 5, 108 ; imper. irdSrj Ar. Lys. 1317; pt iraSuv, gen. pi. fem. iradcuiv Ar. Lys. 1313, Ionic 7rj;3e'w, ex- irrjSefiv Her. 8, 118 (Bekk. Gaisf. -8a^ Dind. Dietsch, Stein). For W- TrrjbrjKoa-iv Dem. 57, 49 (Dind.), the best Ms. (S.) has (tiVeTr^Sw- aiv), elarTTT)8S)(Tiv (Bekk.) n^fiaifw To injure, II. 15, 42 ; Soph. El. 336. O. C. 837 (Vulg. Herm. Bergk); PI. Leg. 932: imp. eV^/iatj/e Her. 9, 13: flit. Epic irrjfjLavfO), -' Hom. H. 2, 84, -ffiv II. 24, 781, -avn Soph. Aj. 1314. O. C. 837 (Pors. Dind. Hart. Nauck) ; Themist. 22, 271 ; Ar. Ach. 842 (Elms. L. and W. Dind. Bergk) where in other edit, stands fut. mid. Tr^aj/etT-at, which in the reflexive sense injure oneself, is undisputed in Soph, nrjuavovfifvos Aj. 1155 : aor. firrjfjiTjva, jnjpfjvr] PI. Leg. 933 J Trrjfjirjvfiav II. 3, 299 ; -tjv&s Soph. Tr. 715. O. C. 893; -^ai PL Rep. 364: aor. pass. nngMMpt TTTJH- Od. 14, 255 ; irrmavdrjs Aesch. Pr. 334 ; -avd^ai Od. 8, 563 ; -avGfis Hes. Cert. 319, 5 ; PL Leg. 933. Mid. fut. irrjfjiavov- reflex or pass, harm oneself, suffer, Soph. Aj. 1155 ; but will injure, Ar. Ach. 842 (Vulg. Bekk.), for which Elms, suggested Tr^ai/el ns, Dind. &c. -am Tt, see above : aor. as act. irrjfiTjvavTO Q. Sm. 13, 379- The change of -nrj^aveiTat. tO 7TT)p.avfl Tt, seems rather favoured by n^/iai/eis Soph. Aj. 1314. Vb. TrrjfjiavTeov Theogn. 689. This verb is chiefly poetic, the mid. entirely so. ILe'o>. 53 3 , see irf]ywiu. To rtf.y/, seize, called Aeol. and Dor. for jrie, Alcae. 148 : imp. firiafcv Alcm. 44 (Bergk 3 ed.) : aor. ria, iridfrs Theocr. 4, 35, a^-fnia^ Epigr. 6, eWao-a N. T. Jo. 8, 20. 21, 3 ; Hierocl. 28 ; imper. maa-are V. T. Cant. 2, 15 ; -ao-ar N. T. Act. 3, 7 &C. : p.p. TTfniacrnai Hippiatr. p. 121, 33: aor. tiruurBriv N. T. ApOC. 19, 2O : flit. TTtacrdfjO-eTai ApOCF. Sir. 23, 21. Trta- trfa'vras which once stood Her. 4, n, has been rightly altered to TTifaOevTus from Mss. (rv/jLiriao-Sfjvai occurs Hippocr. 5, 430 (Lit.). 3, 680 (Kiihn), but as he is so clear of Dorisms, it would per- haps be as well to refer, with Littre', this aor. to fji.maiva. If not, the change is easy from a-vfji-maa-dfivai to -fa-Gfjvai (o-v/i7rieo>) which Hippocr. uses in simple, meo-fli? 6, 368 (Lit.) riiaiVw To fatten, Xenophanes 2, 22 (B.); Find. P. 4, 150; Eur. Cycl. 333 ; Aristot. Probl. 5, 14, 3 : fut. -avS> Aesch. Sept. 587 : aor. tiridva Ag. 276; Hippocr. 8, 106, niuva Find. N. 9, 23, later -rjva Diog. Laert. i, 83: p.p. TmnW/xai Ael. N. A. 13, 14. 25, Kara- PI. Leg. 807: aor. lina.a-6r)v, crvv- Hippocr. 5, 430? (Lit.), and fniavdyv Theocr. 17, 126, dm- Hippocr. 7, 242, KOT- Ael. H. A. 2, 13. V. H. 9, 13; but early, mavSds Anan. 5 (Bergk); Opp. Hal. 3, 279 : fut. late mav6fafTai V. T. Esai. 58, 1 1 : pres. TrtaiWai Simon. Am. 7, 6. This verb is mostly poetic, Ionic and late prose : perhaps not in Comedy, and only once in classic Attic prose, iriaiv6p.fvos PI. Leg. 807 ? niSuw To gush forth, Anth. 9, 322. 10, 13 (TTJ/S- Cod. Pal.), ava- Plut. Aemil. P. 14 (Bekk. Sint.) : imp. embvov Hippocr. 5, 214 (L.); Plut. Aemil. P. 14 (v. r. em^S-). Mid. irldvofMt Nic. Ther. 302, is the trans. mSdu, part. TrtSaxr??? Aristot. Meteor, i, 13, 10, v.r. mSvovaTjs. irtdvu is accounted a vicious form. nie'^u To press, Alcae. 148 ; Find. N. i, 53 ; Aesch. Ch. 301 ; Ar. Lys. 416; Hippocr. 3, 334. 504 (Lit.); Xen. Mem. 3, 10, 13; subj. -ens Hes. Op. 497; -e'fetvOd. 4,419; Pl.Crat.409: imp. nr&fr II. 16, 510; Her. 5, 35; Thuc. 7, 28, mef- Od. 12, 196 : fut. TTiea-a) Com. Fr. (Diph.) 4, 383 ; Geop. 20, 44 : aor. fcftoa Her. 9, 63 ; Thuc. 4, 6. 96 ; Hippocr. 3, 436. 4, 386 (Lit.) and often, but -ta, TTK'&S 3, 434 (Vulg. -e'&s Lit.); ,meW PI. Leg. 965, Dor. -eVas Find. Ol. 6, 37 : p. p. 7rnW/u Aristot. Mund. 3, 4 ; Hippocr. 5, 196. 7, 520, eV- 2, 270 (Lit.), and -n-eirifyfi.. 3, 432 ; inf. -e'x&it 432. 436. 450 : aor. eWo-^i/, mfoff (other Mss.) ; nor Polyb. Triffo'/iewz 3, 74 (Bekk. Dind. Hultsch), eme&vvTo ii, 33 (Bekk. Hultsch, -ovro Dind.) In Plut. it seems occasionally better supported, niffrvvroy, -ovptvos Alcib. 2. Thes. i &c. (Bekk. Sint.), and imp. firuew Theocr. 25, 268 (Mein. Fritz.) but -ffrv (Ahr. Ziegl.) Hippocr. also has iru&ovo-i 3, 115 (Ktihn) but -em>(Ti (Mss. Lit. 3, 524), 7ruevvra 3, 64 (Kiihn); so Littre* 3, 334. 450, but Triefet ibid. (Kiihn, Lit.) It would thus appear to be doubtful whether this form is correctly called Epic and Ionic. (rii0ew) ni0T|a(i), niO^cras, see TTfldat. rUicpcuVw To make bitter, roughen, act. late, D. Hal. Comp. Verb. 15. de vi Dem. 55: fut. -avtl N. T. Apoc. 10, 9 : aor. firiKpava (V. T.) Apocr. i Mace. 3, 7 &c : pass, partially classic -aiverai Hippocr. 2, 288 (Lit.); Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 79; Theocr. 5, 120; -6^vos PL Leg. 731 ; -eo-&u (Dem.) 1464; D. Hal. de vi Dem. 55 ; Plut. Mor. 1120 : aor. (wiKpdvfyv V. T. Ruth i, 13; but TriKpavdfirj Athen. (Lync.) 6, 40: fut. -and^rap* V. T. Jer. 40, 9 : and fut. mid. as pass. TriKpavefadai, Trpotr-e/n- Her. 3, 146: aor. trans, mnpavavdai Dio Cass. Fr. 81 (Bekk. L. Dind.) missed by Lexicogr. niXydcj To bring near, Epic Hes. Op. 510, intrans. approach, n-iXvay H. Cer. 115 (Mss.), for which editors have given ni\vao-ai, and iri\va. Mid. iri\vafj.ai (771X1^^1) to approach, -va H. Cer. 115, -varai II. 19, 94 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 952, eVt- Od. 6, 44 : imp. unaugm. varo II. 23, 368 ; Hes. Th. 703, but irpo- Od. 13, 95. (iriTvrjfjii), not TrtXi/avro, seems the preferable reading II. 22, 402. (rii|ATrX rare, see below : imp. emfiirXrjv, -ir\aa-av Xen. An. i, 5, 10, but firifjm\uv Find. Fr. 182 (Schneidw.), eWTriVwi-Xa Luc. Calum. 3, pi. -fir(pir\a>v Dio Cass. 68, 31 (Bekk. Dind.) : fat. ir\r] Ear. Hipp. 691; Anth. 14, 130, dva- Od. 5, 302; Ar. Ach. 847 ; Dem. 20, 50, *>- PI. Leg. 875. Ale. (i) 105 : aor. tTrXi/o-a Eur. Med. 905. Or. 368 ; Mosch. 3, 74 (Mein.) ; Hippocr. 6, 454; (Dem.) Epist. 6; Pseudo-Callisth. 2, 40; in tmesi Her. 2, .87, ev- Od. 17, 503 ; Thuc. 7, 82 ; PI. Phaedr. 255, simple in Horn, always 7rXf)or seems so, Luc. Auct. Vit. 9 : fut. ffiTrXria-opfvos App. Syr. 7 ; ffjor\r]a-fa-dai Arat. 1 1 2 1, both quoted : 1 aor. trans. fn\r]- Ar. Vesp. 381; PI. Conv. 214 ; Luc. Philops. 36 ; but intrans. Nic. Ther. 176 : 2 aor. Epic c^Xr//^ (TrXijp) filled himself, was filled, unaugm. TrXJjro II. 14, 438. 21, 16. Od. 17, 436 ; Hes. Sc. 146, e>- II. 21, 607 (Dind. La R.), i^ff 21, 300, n-X^wo Od. 8, 57 ; Hes. Th. 688, e>- Od. 8, 16. II. 21, 607 (Bekk.); Batr. 167; in Comic Poet. eWTrXrjT-o Ar. Vesp. 911. 1304 ; opt. $fvX|pip Ar. Ach. 236, -JJTO Lys. 235. 236 ; imper. l/t-rrXr/o-o Ar. Vesp. 603 ; e'/i- 7r ^ I ?A iej/09 424. 984. Eccl. 56. Eq. 935. Vb. e'/tTrXrjoreos PL Rep. 373. 536 In compounds, if p. precede, the pres. and imp. drop the first p. of the Simple, as dfjnrur\dvTfs Find. N. IO, 57; fpirtir\r)pi, but eveTri(Jur\r)v ; fpiriTrXdfjievos Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 287, f/i7n'//7rX<7/uai however Eur. Ion 925 (Vulg. Dind. e/MnVX- Kirchh. Nauck) ; Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 95 &c. irin^dvTav Aesch. Ch. 360 (Herm.), is for TTtfinX- metri causa (nepaiv- Dind.) TrXijdev II. 8, 214, is not for 7T\r)crdr)crav, but imp. of 7rX)j#a>. e/ZTnVXi^dt (-Tri/wrX- La R.) 2 sing, imper. (for e/wmrAa&) II. 21, 311, Dor. -and Attic Sophr. 49, e/i-TriVXjj (-n-iVwrX- Dind.) Ar. Av. 1310, as ton? ( ffiniirXfis part, indicating a stem vowel e not a (e/urtTrXecu 7rXn/ni) Hippocr. 2, 226 (K.) ; SO 7rtprXe'a>, Trtfj.n\ev(rai HeS. Th. 880, which in some degree supports e/rMrXe Her. 7, 39, against ffjLTriir\r), fj.niir\a &C. rt/rXTo 3, 108 (Bekk. Krtig. &C.), -TrXaro (Schaef. Stein, Dind. Abicht.) e/wrwrXa again is supported by the analogy of Jora 4, 103, and by Tn/wrXao part. 7n^7rXvra Plut. Mor. 994, cv-e7rip.TT\a Luc. Calum. 3, -ir\a>v Dio CaSS. 68, 31, -ir\S>vro D. Sic. Fr. Lib. 35, 29 (Dind.). mVXo), fmnXov occurs Hes. Sc. 291, in some editions, but emrvov from rriTvat is better supported. For opt. e/LwrXfl/iiji/ Ar. Ach. 236, -firo Lys. 235 quoted, Buttmann would write epirXeipiv, -eiTo. For pip. (venfTrXrivTo Lys. 28, 6 quoted (Mss. Bekk. B. Saupp. &c.) 2 aor. eWn-X^wo has been suggested by Cobet, and adopted by Westerm. and Scheibe. We demur to the change on the ground that this aorist is not a prose form. Prose authors said Si-wrX^o-fy Thuc. 7, 85, 7re/H- Xen. Hell. 3, 2, 28; PI. Theaet. 156, eWTrX^o-tfij Hip- pocr. 2, 452; Xen. An. i, 10, 12; Dem. 54, 27. Nor is it enough that " Aristophanes has used it ;" for even in sober trimeters he frequently uses words and forms of words never employed by Attic prose writers : aXvei, for instance, Vesp. in, OTTVO) Eq. 1023, /SSe'a Plut. 693, /3pua Av. 26, eXti/ua Thesm. 598, />& Vesp. 1431, epTra) Lys. 129, Qeiva Ach. 564 do not, we think, occur in prose, nor the forms Trplaa-o Ar. Ach. 870, /3aXX]jcrco Vesp. 222, 7rv Polyb. I, 53 > -irarpav Plut. Coriol. 26 : imp. (V-eirinirprjv Thuc. 6, 94 ; Xen. Hell. 6, 5, 32 ; Dem. 18, 169, dvr- tv- Her. 5, 102, firip.irp Aesch. Sept. 434, e/i- II. 9, 242 ; Thuc. 6, 64; PI. Rep. 471 : aor. eWpjjo-a Od. 2, 427; Eur. Andr. 390 (-etra see below) ; Pseudo-Callisth. 2, 2, eV II. 22, 374 ; Ar. Nub. 399 ; Her. 8, 35; Thuc. I, 30, Trpfjo-a II. 16, 350; Trpijaai Soph. Ant. 201, VTTO- Her. 2, 107 : p. late irenprjKa, tp.- Alciphr. i, 32, KOTU- Dio Cass. 59, 1 6, into- (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 370 (Lit.) : p. p. TTfirprjfjLai, imper. ireirprja-o Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 287 ; wen-p^eV?;?, ep.- Ar. Vesp. 36 ; Trfirpfjadai, fp.- Lys. 322 ; Her. 5, 105, and irt- Trprja-p-at Ael. H. A. 2, 17 ; irenpricTfjievos, fp.- Her. 8, 144; AristOt. Prob. 12, 3, 3 ; Arr. An. 4, 24, 6; Paus. 2, 5, 4 : aor. always (irpriarffijv Com. Fr. (Amph.) 3, 313; Hippocr. 7, 324 (Lit.), eV- Her. 5, 102. 6, 25; Xen. Hell. 4, 5, 4; Dem. 24, 136; u- jrprja-dflr) PI. Gorg. 469 ; (p.-7rpr}(rdT]vai Her. 8, 55 ; irprja-dfis Q. Sm. 14, 416, e'/i- Thuc. 4, 29 ; Isocr. 4, 156 : fut. Trpqo-^rTo/wu V. T. Num. 5, 27 : 3 fut. TreTrp^o-o/wu, e/*- Her. 6, 9 (Mss. M P K, Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. Stein): and as pass. fut. mid. irpf)(rop.ai, fp.- Her. 6, 9 quoted (Mss. S c d, Aid. Matth.) ; Paus. 4, 7, 4, Poet. Vi- Q. Sm. i, 494. Mid. iriunparai Aretae. 6 1 (ed. Oxon.) ; Nic. Alex. 345, irtp-npa Theod. Prod. 2, 300 : imp. frrip-irparo Dio. Hal. C. Verb. 1 8 : fut. e/M i y7 ' M at as pass, see above : aor. eVpjjo-ai/To, (p.- Q. Sm. 5, 485, missed by Lexicogr. Mss. and editors are much divided between ir(irpT) we have seen only in imp. fv-tirprj6ov II. 9, 589 quoted. In good prose the simple verb scarcely occurs. ntfutTKO) To make wise, mostly Epic, -VO-K Callim. Dian. 152 ; subj. -va-Krj Simon. C. 12 (Bergk) ; imper. mvvaKfTe Aesch. Pers. 538 ILW 830, and jrivvara-ta Stob. (Naumach.) 74, 7, d-mv- II. 15, 10 : imp. firivv Od. n, 96, 71-177? Ar. Plut. 645, -rja-6a II. 6, 260, Trirj Od. 10, 328 ; Aesch. Sept. 736, -t'axrt PL Prot. 347; TTMM/U Od. 10, 316; Com. Fr. 3, n; inf. nlflv (11. 8, 189). Od. 8, 70 ; Eur. Cycl. 412 ; Ar. Eq. 83; Antiph. 6, 15 ; Thuc. 7, 84 ; PI. Rep. 406, Poet, and Ion. TrteW II. 7, 481. Od. n, 232 ; Hes. Sc. 252 ; Theocr. 10, 54 (Mein.) ; Her. 6, 84 (Bekk. Dind. -/ Bred. Dietsch, Stein, Abicht, with 4, 172 Bekk. Dind. &c.), Epic nleftev Od. 15, 378 ; but Tru^p in arsi, H. 16, 825. Od. 16, 143. 18, 3, so enlov Anacreont. 5, 5 (Vulg. Bergk 2 ed., firlvov Br. Bergk 3 ed.), iritv Stesich. 7 (B. 2 ed. irivfv 3 ed.) Mid. rare irivofiai, -oyie#a Com. Fr. (Herm.) 2, 389 ; so Triveo Nic. Ther. 912; Sia-n-tj/o/xej/^ Hedyl. in Athen. 11,486: fut. iriofiai see above. Pass. 7nVo/*nt, Epic part. -o/ii/oio Od. 20, 312, Ionic irivevfjifvos if correct, Hippocr. 2, 38 (Lit.) : imp. TriWo Od. 9, 45. Vb. irurros Aesch. Pr. 480, OS Ag. 1408, TioTfos PI. Leg. 674, /xra- Hippocr. i, 323 (Erm.) 539 irioiim Find. Ol. 6, 86; Ibyc. 17 (B.); Theogn. 962, is called by some a pres. unnecessarily we think, t is long in pres. and imp. except late Trim Theod. Prodr. 3, 38, long and short in fut. iriopai II. Soph. Ar. quoted, TUOJUOI Ion 2, 10 (Bergk, TTUTO> Mein.); PI. Com. Fr. &c. quoted ; Theocr. 7, 69 ; Anth. (Meleag.) 5, 137. (Rufin.) 5, 44, called by some pass, tfi-mop.- Theogn. 1 129. eiriov has t long in arsi only, inf. itlcpcv II. 6, 825. Od. 18, 3, see above, but irlep. Od. 15, 378, irueiv II. 4, 263 &C. TTW'WH Hippocr. 3, 555 (Vulg. Kiihn, seems to be a mutilation of vmeVai now the accepted reading 5, 218 Mss. C H K, Lit., Ermerins) ; TTifovcra 5, 386 (Lit.), but TTiova-a II. 24, IO2, Kara- Hippocr. 5, 382 ; imper. vie (not Trie) usually Poet. Od. 9, 347 ; Com. Fr. (Menand.) 4, 113 ; Luc. D. Mort. 13, 6, - Eur. Cycl. 563. for which Attic Poets, especially Comic, have TH& Ar. Vesp. 1489 ; Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 96. (Amips.) 2, 708. (Antiph.) 3, 88. (Men.) 4, 90. (Diph.) 4, 384 ; also Luc. Lex. 20, -7ri#t Eur. Cycl. 570, but EKrrie 563 ; irirftrOa Epic 2 sing. subj. 2 aor. act. II. 6, 260; inf. TTU or iriv (Mss. iriiv) for irulv Anth. u, 140. The fut. form in ou, movfMi, is not only rare in early writers, but has often, in good recensions of the later, given way to iriopai, Kara- Luc. Salt. 27. D. Mar. 14; Kara- Trtowrai Plut. Alcib. 15. iriovpfvos Mor. 371, but Trio/*- Mar. 38. The full form irieaai 2 sing, of iriopat, occurs late V. T. Ezec. 23, 34. N. T. Luc. 17, 8. irS>0i, ffvp-7rv6i an Aeol. imper. Etym. M. 698, 53 (Ahr. Aeol. Dial. 140.) rkmCTKco To give to drink (TRW), Hippocr. 7, 382. 8, 128 (Lit.) ; Luc. Lex. 20 : fut. iri Find. I. 6, 74 ; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 471 : aor. eWcra Hippocr. 8, 118. 182 (Lit.), - PL Rep. 6 1 6, Ionic Treo-e'o/zai II. n, 824; Her. 7, 168, but -eirai 5, 92 (OraC.), ireo-creop.- Or. Sib. IO, 244, late n-e'cro/zat Or. Sib. 3, 83. 4, 99. 12, 345, TTW- 239 : 1 aor. IVreo-a see be- low : p. neTTTcoKa Aesch. Eum. 147 ; Eur. Or. 88 ; Ar. Ran. 970 ; Her. 6, 12; PL Phil. 22; TrorTcoKwy Soph. O. R. 146; Eur. Hipp. 718 ; Ar. Pax 904; Thuc. 7, 29 ; PL Rep. 604, Tron-wr Soph. Aj. 828, see below, and later ireTrr^na Anth. (Antip.) 7, 427, for which Epic TreTm/cos Od. 14, 354 ; Anth. 7, 24, and -ecus II. 21, 503, see below: pip. Trfirra>Ktiv Thuc. i, 89 (Bekk. Popp. Kriig.), (irenr- (Vulg. Stahl), dva-ncnr- Dem. 21, 163 (Bekk. B. Saupp.), dveTTfTTT- (Dind.); SO Her. fireTrnaKee 9, 62, tv- or- 8, 38: late 1 aor. pass. irrutQtis Anth. i, 109 : 2 aor. eirea-ov II. 13, 178^ Pind. Ol. 12, 10; Soph. Aj. 621; Eur. Hipp. 241; Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 688 ; Her. 5, 64 ; Thuc. 2, 89 ; Xen. An. 6, 4, 9, irevov II. 14, 460; Hes. Sc. 365; Pind. N. 7, 31; Aesch. Pers. 313 (trimet.) ; Soph. Ant. 134 (chor.); subj. Treaty Ar. Nub. 703, TTfa-r) II. 19, no ; PL Phaedr. 248, -770-1 II. 15, 624, -a>p.fv Pind. I. 8, 7 ; -ffoifu Soph. Ant. 240, jrecroi II. 13, 289 ; 7recra>i> II. 3, 289 ; Thuc. 5, 10; iretrflv Soph. EL 398, -ei II. 6, 82, Aeol. and Dor. enfTov Alcae. Fr. 60 (Bergk), werov, e'/i- Pind. P. 8, 81, KoTTtrov for KOT-e'irfr- Ol. 8, 38 ' Dor. part. Treroto-ai for ireffovff- Ol. 7, 69 : 1 aor. emo-a perhaps late, Orph. Arg. 523, see below : 1 aor. mid. late also and rare, 8if-e7rfo-avro Polyaen. 4, 2, 14. 7, 48 (Vulg. -raiV- Koraes, Woejffl.). The Schol. on Ar. Av. 840, says the 1 aor. was not used; and in reference to classic writers he is perhaps right. It occurs however in Orph. iv 8' fTTfa-av Arg. 523, unless a slip for eWoi>, and often in writers of the Alexandrine and Byzantine periods, eWaf V. T. Jud. 1 2, 6. 2 Reg. n, 17. N. T. Rev. i, 17 ; Phoebam. Rhet. p. 505, avr- Polyb. 3, 19 (Mss. Vulg. Bekk. Hultsch, -rov v. r. Dind.), dv- Apocr. Tob. 2, I &C. Often doubtful Kar-7ra/>-e7n?Va/zei> Ach. Tat. 3, 17. 19 (Vulg. -op.fv Mss. VMF. Jacobs); Malalas &c. &c. in which OCCUr also Such forms as tyvyav, evpav, flXaro, r/\dav, ((pdya^fv &c. In some Mss. and editions of classic authors a trace of tirfva now and then occurs, but so seldom as to induce scholars even on that ground to reject it for the usual form irecrov. For instance, eVen-eVa/iei* Aeschin. 2, 176 (some Mss.) has been altered from other Mss. to -evopev (Bekk. B. Saupp.) ; irea-fie Eur. Ale. 463, tO irtaroi (MsS.), and irpo?, -ewroj II. 21, 503 (-edros Vind. Vulg.), and from s the Attics have TreTmoy, -atros Soph. Aj. 828. Ant. 697. Epic form of subj. Plat. Com. Fr. 2, 665 (anapaest.) Ionic for Trta-fiv II. 6, 307. Tree-era* a late fut. form for Treo-elrai Or. Sib. 4, 82 &C. Treroia-ai Dor. for TrecroOo-ai Pind. Ol. 7> 69, TreToWeo-o-t for Treaovcrt Pyth. 5, 50 (Bergk 3 ed.) FllTl'eCl), See TTtTVO). riiTin](j.i To spread, open, Epic imper. Trirvart Anth. 10, 6; part. iriTvas Od. it, 392 ; inf. -vdpev, dva- Pind. Ol. 6, 27: imp. irirva (.TriTvdat) II. 21, 7, irirvav for firirvuffuv, Pind. N. 5> IJ - Mid. irirvaTo Anth. 7, 711, irirvavro II. 22, 402, litirvavTo Eur. Elec. 713 (chor.) HI-ITU), -eu To fall (rriWa)), Poet Eur. Supp. 285, vjmnt Heracl. 78, -i/e* Alcm. 6 ; Aesch. Eum. 515 (Elms. Herm. Dind.); Eur. Hec. 23 (Dind., - Herm.), -m Pind. P. 8, 93 ; Anth. 10, 6, irirvonev, irpov- Soph. O. C. 1754) irirwov Soph. Aj. 185, -v5>v (Herm.); irirvtiv O. C. 1740, -m* (Herm.) : imp. perhaps trans, made fall, smoothed, dXu^v Hes. Sc. 291; TIt(j)av as pres. and (KITVOV as 2 aorist, after the analogy of Bovneca, fdovTrov, (TTvyf(o, ecrrvyov &c. The Mss. vary between mrva> and mrvea : and most editions, especially the older, of the Tragedians have irtrvoi circumflex. But since Elmsley's able defence of iriTva> Eur. Heracl. 77. Med. 55. Soph. O. C. 1732, several of our best scholars have shewn a decided leaning to his views, and edited mrvo, Trirveis, -et &c. Thus Hermann now reads always in Aeschylus mrva, -vet, and irirvw pres. pt. for TTITMV aor. Sept. 740. Ch. 35 ; so in Soph. (2. 3 ed.) Linwood by an oversight gives Hermann's old read- ing and TTiVj/o) for -via Eur. Hel. 910, irlrvei for -? Phoen. 1420. Or. 1542 &c., and Dindorf accents irirvd, irirvw Find. P. 8, 93. N. 5, 42, for TTirvfi, irirvSjv retained by Boeckh, Bergk, and Schneidewin : imp. en-m/a/ Ol. 2, 23 (Dissen, Christ), -irvfi (Beck, Bergk). In fact, Dind. in no instance admits irirvea -5 &c. The supporters of irnvea> have been challenged to produce a form proving its existence independent of the accent. They can do this, for irpoairiTvovpfv Soph. O. C. 1754, has Ms. authority. Still this is not decisive, because it is opposed by npoa-mTvofifv on at least equal authority, and it is not necessary for the metre ; and imper. irpoanrlrvei, irpomr- (Elms.), also Ms. reading Eur. Her. 619, is opposed by 7rpov in the Aldine, which last Elmsley by mere change of accent altered to irpoa>v, adopted by L. Dind. Pflugk, W. Dind. Nauck &c. After all, there seems to be wisdom in Buttmann's caution in " not rejecting the supposition that -nlrvat and TrtTce'o) may have existed together like /Swe'ca and ftvva, dwcc* and bvva>, without firirvov being therefore necessarily an im- perfect ; fK\vov from K\I/U> is used by the same Tragedians as an aorist." The form TTITVUVTO. Find. I. 2, 26 (Vulg.) has been displaced by irirvovra (Bergk, Hart Momms.), Ttvrvovra (Boeckh, Serin.) Lyric and Tragic. rii(f>auorKw To shew, say ((pda>, ), Poet. Aesch. Eum. 620; Opp. Hal. 2, 213, -J> II. 10, 502 ; Aesch. Ag. 23 ; -(TKfiv Horn. H. Merc. 540, Epic -a-Kf^ev Od. n, 442 : imp. TTifpavcrKov Od. 12, 165, -trice II. IO, 478, -v 1 8, 34 (Vulg. Graefe), but -avo-icuv (Koechly) : Iltw 543 so m(f)ava-KO) 42, 272 (Vulg. Graefe, Koechly) : imp. irtyao-Ke Or. Sib. i, 6. In the act. Homer uses ?, II. 10, 478. 502. Od. n, 442. 12, 165 &c., in the mid. always t; in Aesch. Eum. 620. Ag. 23 &c. and in the later poets, I nio), see TTtVw. nXd^w To cause to wander, Poet. II. 2, 132 ; Anth. 7, 365; but (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 380 (Lit.); -dfav II. 17, 751, simple unaugm. by Horn.: imp. TrXdfe II. 21, 269. Od. 2, 396, itpov-iiiK- 1 r > 583 : filt. (7rAayoo) : aor. 7rXdya Od. 24, 307, but irap-(ir\ayga 9, 81 ; Find. Ol. 7, 31 ; 7rXay|ats in tmesi Opp. Cyn. i, 511, 7j-Xdyfi/, OTTO- Ap. Rh. I, I22O ; 7rXdyar, Trepi- Od. 19, 187. Pass. n\do(Mi am driven from the right course, wander, II. 10, 91 ; Emped. 251; Mosch. 2,148; Ap. Rh. 2,542; late prose, Plut. Lucull. 24 ; -foiro Mar. 37; -ff ;" for though the fut. or pres. be the usual construction, Homer has one instance of aor. without a various reading, e/xcXXov eVa/xwat II. 18, 98 ; so Antiph. e/itfXXe KaraoTTjcrat I, 14 ; Isae. -Kardhnrfiv 9, 13. Homer, we think, never augments the simple form. We have not observed this verb simple or comp. in Comedy, nor in classic Attic prose. nXd0d), see TreXdeo. nXdi'du To cause to wander, Aesch. Pr. 573 ; Soph. O. C. 316; Aristot. Rhet. 3, 14, 6; Dem. 19, 335; -"" Her. 4, 128; PI. Leg. 655, reg. in act. : imp. tir\&va Com. Fr. (Theogn.) 4, 550; PL Prot. 356 : fut. -qo-w Babr. i, 14 ; N. T. Matth. 24, 5 : aor. eVXa^o-a Pseud. -Callisth. i, 10 ; 71X01/1707; Mosch. i, 25; Batr. 96 : p. jrwrXaj/qKos PI. Leg. 655; Anth. n, 347. 544 HXacro-ft) Mid. and pass. ir\avdonai to wander, Archil. 56, 5 ; Aesch. Pr. 473; AT. Av. 44; PI. Phaed. 79, -uvrai Rep. 586, Epic -owrat II. 23, 321, Ion. Tr\avfop.ai, -e'oirai Her. 2, 41 (Bekk. Dind. -avrai Stein); opt. irXavuvro Theocr. 9, 4; -aadai Soph. O. C. 304; -u>fjL(vos Simon. Am. 7, 14; Aesch. Pr. 275; Soph. O. C. 347 ; Ar. Pax 828 ; Her. 2, 115 ; Antiph. 2, /3, 5 ; Thuc. 2, 4 : imp. eVXavaro Emped. 246 ; Thuc. 2, IO2 : fut. TJ-Xayjjo-o/zat PI. Hipp. min. 376 ; Luc. Peregr. 16 : and later in same sense fut. pass. irXavrjdfia-ofjiai Dio. Hal. in Dem. 9; Luc. V. H. 2, 27: aor. rare eir\avT)(rafj,r)V, eV- DemOCr. p. 238 (Mull.) : p. 7Tfn-\dvr]fj.ai Aesch. Pr. 565; PI. Polit. 263; -q/ztVo? Her. 7, 16; Thuc. 8, 105; -T)V Soph. Aj. 148; -o-o-eii/ Her. 2, 73, Attic -TTW PI. Rep. 420 ; Isae. n, 22 ; Dem. 38, 9 ; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 103; -TTfiv Isocr. 15, 138: imp. eir\anov Ar. Nub. 879; PI. Rep. 374: fut. TrXaoxo, ava- Hippocr. 4, 346: aor. (nXaa-a Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 231 ; Aeschin. 2, 153 ; Aristot. Part. Anim. 2, 12; in tmesi Her. 2, 70, eVrXao-o-a Theocr. 24, 107, TrXaoxra Hes. Op. 70; TrXao-T? (Poet in) Lycurg. 132 ; opt. TrXao-ai Com. Fr. (Phil.) 4, 22 ; TrXao-as Simon. Am. 7, 21 ; Her. 2, 47 ; PI. Rep. 588; jrXdo-ai Ar. Vesp. 926 : p. late TreVXa/ca Dio. Hal. de Thuc. 41 ; Dio Cass. 67, 7 ; Diod. Sic. 15, n ; Christ. Pat. 575 P- P- jrrXaor/Hu Aesch. Pr. 1030 ; Pratin. 1,14 (B.) ; Isae. 7, 2. 8, 13 ; 7r7rXao-0, see TT\(I). nXe'Ku To plait, Pind. Ol. 6, 86; Aesch. Ch. 220; Eur. An. 66; Hippocr. 6, 492 (Lit.); PI. Hipp. Min. 369, 3 pi. Dor. TrXeKovri, dva- Pind. Ol. 2, 74; TrXe'cer/ Ar. Thesm. 400; -Kfiv Ar. Vesp. 644 ; -K Anth. 5, 147. 12, 165 : aor. rXea II. 14, 176; Eur. Ion 1280, 8t- PI. Tim. 78; inf. 7rXe'u Ar. Thesm. 458; PI. 545 Hipp. Min. 368; -a? PL Tim. 77, 8ia- Her. 5, 92, Dor. -7rXe'ai? Pind. P. 12, 8 : p. 7r7rXf^a, e/i- Hippocr. I, 519, but StaTrtVXo^a 518 (K.) : p.p. TTfVXey/nat, -e/crai PI. Theaet. 2O2, crvp- Eur. Bacc. 800; inf. 77e77Xex&u PL Soph. 240; nfn\eyfj.fvos Eur. An. 995 ; Her. 7, 72 ; Aristot. Pt. An. 4, 9, 9, //z- Soph. O. R. 1264 : 1 aor. eVXe'x^V, ir\(xdfis Aesch. Eum. 259 ; PL Polit. 283, Poet. n-Xe'x&jf, Tie pi- Od. 23, 33; TTfpi-jrXfxQeis 14, 313: fut. TrXe^- oro/icu, e/i- Aesch. Pr. 1079 : 2 aor. eVXa/oji/ (Schol. Ar. Plut. 1082), Kar- Hippocr. 9, 194 ; 0-^-77X0x3 Dem. 2, 21 ; crv(j.-n\aKfis Soph. Fr. 548; Ar. Ach. 704; Her. 8. 84; PL Theaet. 202, e/*- Eur. Hipp. 1236; 7r\aKT)vai, Trtpi- Luc. D. Mer. 4, 2 : fut. late 7r\aKtii- Pseudo-Callisth. 3, 20. 21: fut. 7rXe'o/wu Stob. (Perict.) 85, 19: aor. err\f^a^v Philostr. Apoll. 333; 7r\fgr]Tai Opp. Hal. 2, 298, -toi/rai PaUS. 8, 22, 4; -io Opp. Hal. 3, 341 ; -d/wos Od. 10, 168 ; Ar. Lys. 790 (chor.); Aristot. H. An. 5, 27, 4; Ion. and late prose, Her. 2, 28 ; Paus. 7, 5, 3 ; Galen 3, 4; 7rXe'|acr#ai Ap. Rh. 3, 47. Vb. wXf/cro? Aesch. Pr. 709. TTfTT\(x a 6 KOtvor, Kal irenXoxa o 'ArrtKOf (old Gramm.) 2 aor. fTr\dKT]v has often the z>. r. fn\fKrjv, and Bekker and HultSCh edit avv-fTrXfKrjvav Polyb. 3, 73 (Ms. A), -dnrj 6o J Thuc. 4, 28; PL Gorg. 467, Ionic ir\eia> Od. 15, 34. 1 6, 368 : imp. trrXtov II. 3, 444, ir\eov Od. 7, 267, 7Xee II. 14, 251 ; Her. 4, 43, Attic -X Aesch. Ag. 841; Soph. Ph. 572; Xen. Hell. 3, 4, 3, , irfpt- Thuc. 6, 99: p.p. TreiT\fv(Tfj.ai, -fvfffj.evos Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 16; Dem. 56, 12 : aor. late 28 (Vulg.) is now corrected from Mss. 7rXt (Bekk. Popp.), Kriiger however still retains nrXe'et. TrXeere though well supported, Xen. An. 7, 6, 37 (2 Mss. Kriig.) is yielding to TrXeTre (Dind. Bornem. Cobet, Sauppe), and eTrXeev Hell. 6, 2, 27, has been corrected rX by L. Dind. and Sauppe but retained by Kiihner and Breitenbach; TrXcwi/ by synizesis Od. i, 183. The contr. form never takes v ephelkust. thus en\efv, but en-Xet, never urXeu*. Horn, however has TJ L. Dind.); Paus. 6, 25, 5, but if correct, trans. Jills Soph. Fr. 6^3, o-v/i-TrXjjfl- Her. 4, 48. 50: imp. eVXij0ioi Aesch. Pers. 421 : aor. eVX^uo-a, subj. ir\r)6vay PI. Tim. 83, but ow. 547 trans, in comp. filled, o-w-fir\r]dv(r( Longin. 23, 3 ; Dio Cass. 51, 17. Mid. 7f\rj6vo^ai as act. -vta-dai Her. 2, 24. 93 (Vulg. Gaisf. Bekk.); and Aesch. Supp. 604 (Mss. Hart. &c.), but Trfydovf-ai (Wellau. Herm. Dind. now), thus avoiding the seem- ingly questionable mid. or pass. nfydvcTai, and the lengthening of its v. jr^rjdvfi, however, has v in Opp. Cyn. i, 461, and avp.ir\r)6vv is act. Her. 4, 48. 50, and thus, if correct, authorizing the mid. or pass, form ; unless here too with Dind. should be substituted TrXr/fliW, which has sometimes an active meaning, and its penult always long. We say sometimes, for cases occur in which it assumes, in its turn, a neuter or reflex sense, Aristot. Meteor, i, 14, 4. Gen. An. 2, 4, 12 (v. r. ir\r}6va>) ; Theophr. C. P. i, 19, 5 (-u Wimm.); Plut. Mor. 1005 (Vulg.); N. T. Act. 6, i. These, to be sure, are easily amended by substi- tuting the kindred verb, and in the first passage it is actually a v. r. But though uniformity be desirable, it is difficult and rather hazardous to confine words, especially if akin, exactly to their own proper limits. With them also affinity tends to reciprocity an occasional interchange of duties. This alternation, there- fore, may not always be owing to the mistakes or ignorance of transcribers ; and we may be imposing on the Greeks a law which we ourselves do not observe. Examine the usage of our corresponding verb^/f//, and see if we are more uniform than they. The cistern fills sixty gallons, and it///.r again in forty minutes. n\T]0a> To be full, II. 16, 389. 21, 218 ; Aesch. Pers. 272, Dor. ~ddu Ch. 589 (chor.), but see jrtXaa) ; TrXq&oa-i Od. 9, 8 ; ir\T)da> II. n, 492, -ovaa 18, 484; Find. P. 4, 85, the only part in classic prose Thuc. 8, 92; Xen. An. i, 8, i. 2, i, 7. Mem. i, i, 10 ; PI. Gorg. 469, but later 7rXij0 D. Sic. 3, 50, n^fjdova-i Dio. Hal. i, 55; ^dovras Plut. Per. et Fab. i ; trans, perhaps later, Anth. (Incert.) 14, 7; Opp. Cyn. i, 126; Q. Sm. 6, 345; TrXiJ- Scoa-i. Pseud.-Phocyl. 166 (Bergk, but suggests fipi6 II. 8, 214 : fut. n-Xijim late and trans. Lycophr. 1115: 2 p. poet. mrs\ri6a Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 265; Theocr. 22, 38; Aral. 841. 774= 2 pip. (nursed. Ap. Rh. 3, 271. See 7n'/rX>?/*t. Ahrens and Dindorf refer ir\a6o> Aesch. quoted to 7rXd#eo, n\ada>. nX^pou To fill, Aesch. Sept. 32; Her. 2, 7; Thuc. 6, 52 : imp. eVXiJpow Her. i, 171; Thuc. i, 29; Isocr. 8, 84: fut. -i Aesch. Sept. 477 ; PL Polit. 286 : aor. eVX^wo-a Her. i, 166. 3, 136, poet. 7rX.jp- Philox. 2, 2 (B.); -warn Soph. Ph. 324: p. -&>*ca Aristot. Pol. 2, 6, 3; (Aeschin.) Epist. 2, 5 &c. complete and almost reg. : p. p. werA^w/wu Her. 8, 46 ; PI. Phil. 35. Leg. 865 : pip. N n 2 548 Thuc. i, 29: aor. eir\ypu>6r)v Eur. Ion 1 1 68; Hip- pocr. i, 630 (Lit.); Thuc. 3, 17 : fut. irfypadfiaonai PI. Conv. 175; Aeschin. 2, 37; and Dem. 17, 28 (B. Saupp.) : 3 fut. trenXripoHTOfjidi. Epist. Phal. 19 (Hercher) : with fut. mid. TrX^pw- a-o/juii as pass. Xen. M. Eq. 3, 6; Dem. 17, 28 quoted (Bekk. Dind.); Galen 2, 560. 5, 432, OTTO- Hippocr. 8, 12 (Lit.) Mid. TrXi/poC/xai j/?// oneself, one's own, man &c. Hippocr. 5, 88. 268, dva- Eur. Hel. 907: imp. eVXjjpcnWo Xen. Hell. 6, 2, 14; Dem. 21, 154, aw- PI. Tim. 36 : fut. TrX^pwo-o/^m fill oneself &c. or pass, be filled, Xen. Dem. quoted, but trans, fill, man one's own, e'7ri-7rX?;pco(ro/ze$a Thuc. 7? 14- aor - r\i7/MaotyMji Xen. Hell. 5, 4, 56. 6,2, 35; Isae. n, 48; PI. Gorg. 493; Dem. 50, 7. Vb. TT\r)puTeoi> Geop. 6, 2, 4. n\T]aidu), see TreXafco. nXrjo-CTu, -TTU To strike, pres. perhaps late in simple, -a-a-a Batr. 273; Callim. Del. 306; Nic. Al. 456, in tmesi . . . TrXqo-o-ovo-t Od. 18, 231, eVt-TrXTjcro-- II. 12, 211 ; Her. 7, 136, eVc-TrX 770-0-- Thuc. 3, 87, but 7r\r)TTo> Mosch. Trag. Fr. 9 (Wagn.) ; Aristot. Nat. Ausc. 5, i, 2 (-o-o-ta v. r.); Paroem. C. 17, 66, irara^ot poet.), aor. enara^ci, firaura : pass, rwrro^at (fWXijTro^at) rarely rraiopat, never irardao-ofjiat in Hom. however, Occurs e*c-7re7raray/iVof Od. l8, 327, and in Luc. Trarax&k Gym. 3. Lys. 4, 15. gives^us a glimpse of the usage, irortpov ArXgpfn ^ iirara^a and Dem. 6 TrX?;- yfi's, /cav frepoxTf Trara^f 4, 40. en\rjye Aesop 97 (62. 170) Called 2 aor. seems to be a false reading for 1 aor. eWX^e, now the approved reading (Halm 347.) irtn\r]yovTfs Callim. Jov. 53, seems pres. part, as if from a pres. TrtTrXijyw, see also Nonn. D. 550 28, 327. The p. ireTr\rjya is used passively by late writers, Luc Tragod. 115; Plut. Luc. 31. Nic. 10. Alex. 75; Dio. Hal. 3, 64; Q. Sm. 5, 91 ; and, according to some, Xen. An. quoted, see Poppo ; dia-TTfirXrjxos Hippocr. 2, 838 (Kiihn), -rjyos (Lind.), but Littre* fitaTreTrXt^d? 8, 346, Erm. 2, 758: pip. Kar-eTreTrXjjyeo-ai/ Luc. D. Men 13, 2 ; App. Hisp. 23. nXdyu To wash, Ar. PI. 166 ; (Theocr.) 27, 7. 8 ; Hippocr. 6, 492; Aristot. Probl. 23, 40; n\vvu>v Od. 15, 420; -fiv Xen. Eq. 5, 7; PL Charm. 161 : imp. tn\vt>ov D. Laert. 2, 68, iter. irXtvfVKov II. 22, 155: fat. 7r\vv5> Ar. Thesm. 248; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 12; Dem. 39, n, Epic TrXiWw Od. 6, 31: aor. (rrXvva, Tr\vvav Od. 6, 93, ntpuirkvvav Plut. ]\lor. 69 ; fK-TT\vv(i( Ar. Plut. 1062; TrXwas Od. 24, 148; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 443; Aristot. Mirab. Ausc. 48; Theophr. H. P. 9, rr, 9, -rrtpi- Dem. 54,9: p. p. 7Tf7rAiV ai Com. Fr. (Sosip.) 4, 482; Hippocr. 2, 520. 6, 544 (Lit.), Kara- Aeschin. 3, 178; 7Tf7rXvo-0(fTKov, n- Ap. Rh. i, 549: fut. act. late, Lycophr. 1044 : classic, mid. 7rXaa Her. 4, 148; TrXcoo-r;, dva- Opp. Hal. I, 343; TrXtoo-Hf Her. 7, 128, rt- II. 3, 47; Tr\S>Ka Eur. Hel. 532 (Mss. Kirchh. Nauck 2 ed. Paley); Ar. Thesm. 878; Lycophr. 634, irapa- Her. 4, 99, - Hippocr. i, 520 : 2 aor. (7rX/u) eTj-Xwy, -&>$, - aTr-fVXo) *4. 339> 7ra P- I2 > 69; ort-n-Xiis II. 6, 291 ; Her. (Orac.) 2, 116. Vb. TrXwro's Od. 10, 3. TTfTrAcoKora Eur. Hel. 532, is the Mss, reading, and Aristophanes (Thesm. 878) seems to repeat it as a jeer on Euripides for using the Ionic form. We therefore do not llJ'CCt). CCT 3j * feel at liberty to substitute TrfTrXevKoVa with Matlhiae, Dindorf, and Nauck 3 ed. The collat. form TrXaiCw occurs occasionally, PI. Rep. 388, in not exactly a verbal quotation from II. 24, 12, imp. (7T\ui(ov Thuc. 1,13 (Bekk. Popp. Dind. Kriig. rXwt- Stahl,), iter. n\<0if(TKf Hes. Op. 634 : later mid. 7rXa>i'b/int as act. -d/xei/op Luc. V. A. 26. Hist. 62. n\otopai seems to occur in mid. only, and not earlier than Polyb. -o> f j/os 3, 28. 4, 47 ; Diod. Sic. 3, 34 ; Strab. 3, I, 9. 17, I, 45. So TeXedw, -fio'w as well as reXf'co. rWu To blow, breathe, Od. 5, 469 ; Pind. N. 6, i ; Aesch. Eum. 873; Eur. Ale. 493 ; Ar. Pax 87 ; Her. 2, 22; Hippocr. 6, 384 ; Xen. Oec. 18, i ; PL Theaet. 152 ; Aeol. Dor. fern, pt Trceoto-a Alcae. 66 ; Pind. Ol. 13, 90, Poet, irmw II. 3, 8 ; Hes. Sc. 24 ; Her. i, 67 (Orac.), dno- Tyrtae. 10, 24 (Bergk), *cara- Aesch. Ag. 105 chor. (Dind.), irvtixo, irvtvav, eVt- (Hesych.) : imp. firvft Aesch. Sept. 53 ; Xen. An. 4, 5, 3; Aristot. Meteor. 2, 6, 10 ; (Dem.) 25, 57, enveev Simon. C. 114 (Bergk), dv- II. II, 327, irveov Pind. P. 4, 225, iter. TiWeoTce Anth. 8, 7, -OKOV Q. Sm. 8, 349, dp-nvet- Ap. Rh. 3, 231 : fut. irvtvo-o) perhaps late, Anth. (Antiph. Thess.) 9, 112; Theophr. Fr. 6, 2, (32); Geop. i, 12, 34, unless (rvfi-nveva-ovTuv be correct, Dem. 18, 168 (Bekk. -cravrcov B. S. Dind.), aVo- Anth. 3, 6, dva- Q. Sm. 4, 23. J 3 5*6 ; Galen. 7, 776 ; Joseph. Jud. B. 5, 6, 2 : irvfvaofjtai late in simple, Apocr. Sirac. 43, 16, but fp-Trvtvaopai Eur. Andr. 555, f<- H. F. 885, irapa- Hippocr. 8, 284, and irvcvtrovpai, -fr 598. 5, 100; Aristot. Meteor, i, 7, 12, eV- II. 17, 456, dv- n, 382 ; Soph. Aj. 274; subj. nvtvo-u II. 19, 159; Eur. I. A. 761, rt- Od. 9, 139; opt. irvfvafif Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3,403, eK-rrvtvaai. Thuc. 2, 84 ; iri>fvo-as Hes. Op. 506 ; Aesch. Ch. 1067 ; Soph. Fr. 63 (D.); Hippocr. 5, 100, Dor. -- Justin Mart. 37 (Braun), for the Epic and late form jremwuai in the sense / breathe, Polyb. 6, 47- 53 5 <* m breathed into, inspired, wise, irtnvvo-ai II. 24, 377 ; but Treirvixro if SOUnd Theogn. 29 (Vulg. Ziegl. neirvvo Bergk); 7Tnua> : tat. late TTveva-dfiffofiat, 8ta- Aretae. P. 77 ; Oribas. 7, 20, but Sta-jri/eu^o- if correct, Galen n, 588. Vb. a-nvtvcrros Od. 5, 456. See ap-irvvai. For fat. a-vfiTTveva-ovTuv Dem. 18, 1 68 (Ms. S. Bekk.) and so quoted by Dio. Hal. Epist. i, n, Elms, and Schaef. sug- gested aor. -advrcov which has been adopted or approved by almost every succeeding editor. Bekker however in his last edi- tion (1854) still retains fut. (irt-irveva-Qvcri is best supported by Ap. Rh. i, 335, and is perhaps correct, notwithstanding subj. -won (Ms. D. Brunck, Beck.) eK-Trori/ewcoras is the Mss. reading Eur. Phoen. 1151, and accepted by Kirchhoff, Klotz, Nauck, and doubtingly by Paley ; Valckenaer again, Pors. Dind. Herm. &c. prefer fKvtvtvKoras the suggestion of Markland. 7iWo> like other dissyllabic verbs in -w does not contract fij, eo, * : nver; Xen. Cyn. 6, 2, irveoi Aesch. Eum. 938, nWouo-i Eur. Elec. 1147. Ale. 493, irveov Soph. Fr. 147 (D.), -eovros Xen. Hell. 7, 5, 12; PI. Theaet. 152, TiWco Aesch. Eum. 840; Eur. H. F. 1092. The only exception we know is eVnWaw Aesch. Ag. 1493. 1517, which though not contracted to the eye fiem>S>v, is so to the ear, or pronounced a dissyllable. In classic Attic prose the simple form of this verb occurs in the pres. and imp. act. only : later irvevaas Polyb. 22, 14, but av-eiTVfva-e PI. Tim. 91, -uvtva-ai Dem. 18, 195. rWyw To strangle, Sophr. 72 (Ahr.) ; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 103; rare in prose Hippocr. 2, 516. 7, 382 (Lit.); Aristot. Gen. An. i, II, 6 j Luc. Catapl. 12, diro- Her. 4, 60; nviyuxn Hippocr. 7, 344. 360; Xen. Oec. 17, 14; -yw Antiph. 4, a, 6 : imp. fiivlye Hippocr. 5, 230; Babr. 27 : fut. irvia>, diro- Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 686 (Antiph.) 3, 93 ; Luc. Char. 23 : and mid. irvi^onai, diro- Eunap. p. 24 (Boiss.), Dor. nvigoi'fi.ai reflex, Epi- charm. 106 (Ahr.): aor. fima Hippocr. 6, 212; Apollod. 2, 5, 1, an- Her. 3, 150; irvi^rj, dno- Ar. Eq. 893; Her. 4, 72 ; nvl^ov Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 35; irvlgas Batr. 158; Her. 2, 92, 071-0- Pl. Gorg. 471 : p. p. irtirviyfjiai Com. Fr. (Metag.) 2, 753; Ar. Vesp. 511; Aristot. Mirab. 29; Aristid. 24, 305, a?ro- Her. 4, 72; Aristot. H. A. 7, 4 : 1 aor. late eW^i', an- Aretae. i, 7, p. 1 1 (Adams) ; Babr. 49 (2 pt. Lewis) : 2 aor. fifviyrjv Batr. 148 ; Oribas. p. 346 ; Aretae. p. 73 (Adams), nTr-errvtyr] Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2,341, (Alex.) 3, 507 ; PI. Gorg. 512; Dem. 32,6; -nviyS) Hippocr. 2, 265 (Erm.) ; Luc. Luct. 18 ; dno-Trviyt'ifv Xen. Cyr. 8, 2, 21 ; Tmyefs Stob. (Sotad.) 98, 9 : fut. Tmyijo-o/iai Galen 2, 72. 10, 617, but dno- Ar. Nub. 1504 ; Hippocr. 7, 146 (Lit.) ; Luc. D. Mar. 6, 3 : and late 3 fut. dnonfnvl^fadai Eunap. V. Soph. p. 38. Vb. TTVIKTOS C. Fr. (Pherecr.) 2, 341. See 553 no8ia> (irous) not used simple in act. but npo-iroSifav fooling it, stepping forward, II. 13, 158, and better developed in e>7ro8/fa, which see : p. p. TrfTroSto-^eVoy foot bound, Xen. An. 3, 4, 35. Cyr. 3, 3, 27 : aor. iroftiaSeis Soph. Fr. 60. Floe'ci), see TTOte'oj. no0eo> to desire, miss, Od. i, 343 ; Emped. 230; Find. Ol. 6, 16; Aesch. Pr. 785; Soph. El. 1168; Ar. Vesp. 818; Antiph. 5, 64 ; PI. Rep. 571 ; Dor. f. pt. Tro&oio-a Theocr. 18, 42, Aeol. -jja) Sapph. 26 (B.) ; Epic inf. iroOrjfifvai Od. 12, no: imp. tKoQovv Xen. An. 6, 4, 8, -*oi> Her. 4, 95, Dor. -0ew? Ar. Ach. 730 (Bentl. -ow Dind. Mein.), Poet. 'irodow Soph. Aj. 962, in Horn, unaugm. iroQeov II. 2, 726. 23, 16, iter. 7ro0 Xen. Mem. 3, 1 1, 3. Oec. 8, 10 ; Luc. D. Deor. 4, 4; (7rt-7ro6rj(Tfiv Her. 5, 93 : but fut. mid. 7ro0 II. 13, 120; Soph. Ph. 120; Her. 8, 144; Antiph. 5, 57 ; Thuc. i, 40 ; PI. Phil. 50 ; Ep. inf. -ijo-e/zei; Od. 21, 399: aor. firoirjo-a II. 12, 30; Simon. C. 157 ; Aesch. Eum. 649; Her. 8, 54; Antiph. 5, 10; Thuc. 6, 2, TTOI'^O-- I). 20, 12 ; Hes. Op. 144. Th. 579; Epic subj. -^o^v II. 7,339: p. ircrroirjKa Her. 2, io ; Thuc. 3, 54; Isae. i, 21 ; PI. Conv. 222 &C. : pip. fnfTToifjKei Thuc. 3, 23, -jjKte Her. 5, 69 : p.p. nfiroiTjuai II. 6, 56; Ar. Thesm. 231 ; Antiph. 5, 77 ; Thuc. 4, 31 ; PI. Gorg. 512 : pip. enfnoiTjTo Her. 7, 55 : aor. eiroiTjQrjv Eur. Tr. 988; Her. 2, 159; Thuc. 2, 56 : fut. Troe^tTo/wu, /xmi- Dem. 23, 62 : with fut. mid. Tj-oujo-opu as pass. Hippocr. 9, 238 (L.) ; Aristot. Metaph. 4, 15, 7 (B.): and 3 fut. Tren-oujo-o/itu Hippocr. 8, 46. 92 (Lit). Mid. irotovpat make for oneself &c. Od. 2, 126 ; Soph. Ant. 78 ; Thuc. 4, 87 ; Andoc. i, 6; Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 19, -fvvrai Her. I, 193 : imp. enoiov^v Antiph. 5, 43, -ev^v Her. i, 118, -eero 7, 17, -6iro Thuc. 8, 41; Isae. 9, n, -ovvro Thuc. 1,5; Lys. 12, 7, -ewo Her. 7, 138, Troifvfirjv II. 9, 495, iter. iroiffcrKtTo Her. 7, 5. 119 (Gaisf.) iroifo-K- (Bekk. Dind. Lhard.) : fut. TroDjo-o^ai II. 9, 397. Od. io, 433 ; Her. 8, 4 ; Antiph. 1,4; Lys. 3, 43; PI. Rep. 370; Dem. 23, 109 : as 3 fut. and act. ear) TTfTroir^e'vos Luc. Char. 22: aor. fTroirjffdfjirjv Her. 8, 2OJ Antiph. i, 14; Andoc. i, 124; Lys. 12, 19, TTOHJO-- II. 8, 2. Od. 5, 251; Hes. Th. 921; subj. -rjo-uvrai 11. 12, 168, but Epic -jjo-erai 3, 409, -rjaofifda Od. 14, 393 : as mid. p. p. Trtnoitjuai Hippocr. 6, 2; Andoc. 4, 22; Isocr. i, 48; Isae. 2, 19; Dem. 19, 22. 24, 172 ; imper. rare Tmroirjcro Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 7 : pip. fireTToirjvro Thuc. i, 62 ; Isocr. 9, 54 ; Dem. 23, 132 : aor. eV- oiTjdrjv always pass, in simple, but Trpoo-eTrou^z/ pretended, Polyb. 5, 25. 31, 22 ; Diod. Sic. 19, 5. 6. 20, 36. Fr. 38, libr. 29 (Bekk. classic -fTroi.rja-np.rjv Thuc. 2, 30; Aeschin. 2, 166), avr- tiroirjdrjv LuC. D. Mort. 29, 2 (-r)(rdiJ.r)v Isae. 8, 4.) Vb. noirireos Thuc. 4, 99. The form TTOW occurs often in Inscr. Doric and Attic, in Mss. especially of the Attic poets, and in Bekker's edi- tion of Aristophanes. But though it is pretty clear that this form was in use, it is difficult to determine in what circumstances the form and sound were varied. Editors have, therefore, for the sake of uniformity, generally edited iroia> even where the verse requires the first syllable short. So TOIOVTOS, olos and others whose first syllable, though often shortened, never loses the t. See Boeckh's Inscr. Delph. G. i, 25. Herm. 1193. TTO>) for nolrj, is in Ms?. R. Aug. Ar. Lys. 1318 &c. &c., compare the Latin poela. DoiKiXXu To variegate, trick out, Soph. Tr. 1121 ; Hippocr. 6, 360 ; PI. Tim. 87 ; -/aXAwo-i Emped. 119; -Ki\\eiv Pind. P. 9, 77: imp. Tj-owaXAf II. 18, 590: aor. TrotKiXay Soph. Tr. 412; 8ia-7roi/ct- Hoivdw TToXe/zew. 555 Xat IsOCF. 9, 9 : p. p. ireTroiKi\rai PI. Rep. 529 ; -Kikpivr) 557, Dor. -neva Find. N. 8, 15 ; but act. -iXrai Eur. Supp. 187. Vb. iroiKi\Tfov PI. Rep. 378. noivdcj To punish, doubtful in act. Theano p. 747 ; Phot. Lex. : aor. rotVofa>, irvva>, others Troi/eco), Epic II. i, 600. 14, 155; Ap. Rh. 4, 1113; Q. Sm. u, 322: imp. Troiirvvov II. 24, 475; Ap. Rh. 4, 1399, but -vtav Pind. P. 10, 64: also u, fTroinvvov II. 18, 421. Od. 3, 430; Nonn. D. 5* 57> w*pt-iron>B5 Q. Sm. 9, 530, iter. TronrvfaffKov, irept- 6, 153: fut. late, ironrvtao) Or. Sib. Phleg. Trail, c. 4, p. 120: aor. nronmran, Tromt>) : aor. mid. ro/ciaro Theocr. 5, 26. rioXefieu 70 zaargtf war, Eur. Ion 1386; Ar. Lys. 489; Thuc. 5, 76 ,' subj. -na>/j.tv Soph. O. C. 191 &c. act. reg. : imp. eVoXe- fMw Thuc. 4, 48 ; Lys. 12, 57, -eoi> Her. 5, 94 : fut. -170-0) Andoc. 3, 26 ; PI. Rep. 373 : aor. -rja-a Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 25; Her. 5, 67; Thuc. i, 18 : p. TreTroXf'^/ca Com. Fr. (Ephipp.) 3, 328; Isocr. 4, 140; Dem. 15, 17 : p.p. irfjro\tfj.r]fjifvos App. Hisp. 48, Kara- Diod. Sic. 15, 80; -fjo-dm, Kara- Thuc. 6, 16: aor. eVoXfft^- drjv Thuc. 5, 26 : fut. TToXe/zr/flijo-o/iiai Polyb. 2, 41 ; Dio Cass. 42, 42 : with mid. as pass. TroXe/^o-o/iai Thuc. I, 68. 8, 43; Dem. 23, no, see below : and 3 fut. Sia-TreTroXe/^o-fTat Thuc. 7, 14; 8ia-TFfTro\(nr), for example, has 3 fut j^o-erai PI. Prot. 338, never rjprja-oufvos, but alp(6rj, 3 fut. ^X^o-erat Eur. Or. 271, cVe- Bac. 1314, 8ia- Dem. 16, 2, but ^X^a-o^fvos, eV- PI. Leg. 874 : ypa^w, 3 fut. ytypd^fTcu. Soph. O. R. 41 1 ; Theocr. 18,48; 556 Hippocr. 2, 304. 4, 104. 174. 252, ey- AT. Eq. 1371, but ypa- faaopfvos Hippocr. 2, 278; Dio. Hal. i, i. 6, 78; Aenae. Tact. 31 (Orell.) ; Joseph. Ant. I, (n) see below: SiKdfa, 3 fut. 8f8ucd(rovTai Luc. Bis Ace. 14, but SiKao-^o-o^ews D. Hal. Ant. 5, 6 1 : tipco (pVo>) say, 3 fut. eipijo-erai Eur. Ion 760; Ar. PI. 114; Thuc. 6, 34; PI. Theaet. 179; Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 9 &c. &c., but always p^o-d/wo? Thuc. 8, 66 ; PI. Phaedr. 259 ; Isocr. 5, i. 14. 15. 140. 8, 63 &c. : KaXeX 3 fut. KKX?3orop. say, 3 fut. XeXe'erai Thuc. 3, 53 ; PI. Crat 433. Rep. 457, but Xe-^o-o'/zfi/or Thuc. 5, 86; Isocr. 12, 156. Epist. 9,2; PI. Tim. 67. Soph. 251, Xfyqcrdpfi/or, avX- Aeschin. 3, 100 : XeiVco, 3 fut. XeXetyfo'&u Thuc. 5, 105, *ara- XtXetyerai 2, 64, but uTTo-\fL^f6fjivos as pass. PI. Charm. 176 : Xuo>, 3 fut. XfXvo-erut Dem. 14, 2, OTTO- Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 37, but Xu&j- a6fj.fvos Isocr. 12, 1 1 6, Kara- Lys. 13, 1 6, Sta- Dem. 8, ID: fiiyvvpi, 3 fut. p.e/iierat (Hes.) Op. 179; Aesch. Pers. 1052 (dp.- Dind. Herm.), ava- Hippocr. 7, 498, but fiix^ao^vns Palaeph. Incred. 14 : iravo), 3 fut. TJ-fTravo-o/iat Soph. Ant. 91. Tr. 587, but 7ravo-d- fj.evos Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 21, dw- Lys. 13, 12 : TrXrjo-o-co, 3 fut. nfn^fj- geTai Eur. Hipp. 894 ; PI. Theaet. l8o &C., but rr\ii-yricrap.fvos ) e/- Plut. Aem. Paul. 12 : TroXf^e'co, 3 fut. 7J-e7roXe^)jo-TCU, Sta- Thuc. 7, 14, but TroXe^^Tja-d^evos Polyb. 2, 41 ; Strab. 17, 3, 15, and as pass. 8ia-7ro\ffj.r]a-6fjievos Thuc. 7, 25 (Vulg.), but the point in dispute 8ia-Tr(iro\enT], 3 fut. Trde Xen. Mem. 3, 5, 6 : Tifidm, 3 fut. ren^a-erai LyS. 31, 24, but Tt(jLr]6r]a6fjLfvos Aristot. Eth. N. 4, 9 (Bekk.), and Tt/^o-d/xews as pass. Joseph. Ant. 18, 6, 9 : rtfuapem, 3 fut. TeTt/^topno-eat Her. 9, 78 (Siiv. Bekk. Dind.), but Ti/ia>p?7o? Lys. 14, 10 ; (Dem.) 26, 4 : TiTpcoovca), 3 fut. TTpuo-Tj LuC. Vot. 37, but rpcodrja-i'ip-evot PI. Crito 51 : Tpi(3<, 3 fut. Terp/^eo-^f, , 3 fut. 7Tf(f)T)(TfTa.i II. 17, 155' but (pavr)T) Antiph. i, 19. In the Ionic of Hippocr. and late Attic, the repupl. fut. part, occurs occasionally, but always opposed by a v. r. yeypa^o^vos Hippocr. 4, 80 (Lit. v. r. f Luc. TOX. 35, V. f. d(6t]aop- ; eljjr]a-6fiei>ot /^co TLoveu). Hippocr. 3, 516 (Lit. v. r. p^o-o'/zefor strongly supported); so Aelian H. A. 16, 36; Galen 15, 18: Sia-jSe^cro/iei/o? Philostr. Apoll. 251. We may be told the Greeks were nice in their notation of time ; we grant it, and say in turn, examine the pre- vious induction and see if they were always so nice. Do not 8ia\v6ficrfTai Dem. 8, 17, ireiadfjo-fade 8, 43, seem to be used as fut. exact ? Besides, how did they fare with those verbs that are unsusceptible of a 3 fut. formation ? rioXefjua> To war, Poet, for TroXe/new, II. 13, 123; Find. I. I, 50; Ar. Nub. 419, Epic TrroXeptu II. 21, 463 ; Hes. Sc. 358 ; u-oXe/u'fo 11. 19, 1 68; -t'fot II. p, 318; imper. -ifn-e 7, 279; -t'few 7, 239, Epic -t^f/j-fvat 9, 337, -tfc'/u*" 16, 220: imp. 7roXejubi/ II. 9, 352 ; Ap. Rh. i, 43, TTToX- Anth. App. Epigr. 157 : fut. 7roXf/ii'a> II. 24, 667, TrroX- 2, 328. 13, 644 : aor. 7m>A6/ii|e Ap. Rh. 3, 1234, jroX- (Merk.) Mid. 7roXe^io^ej Opp. Cyn. 3, 209. Not in Trag. and only once in Comedy. noXtopxe'to To besiege, Ar. Vesp. 685 ; Her. 8, 28 ; Thuc. i, 39 ; Isocr. 6, 40, act. reg. : imp. eiro\i6picovv Thuc. 2, 58, -K Her. i, 17, -Kfov 8, 52 : fut. -ijo- Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 12 : aor. -170-0 Ar. Lys. 281 ; Her. 5, 65 ; Thuc. i, 61 : p. p. 7Tfiro\iopKt][ifvos, Vc- Thuc. 7, 75 ; Isocr. 14, 26 : aor. (iroXiopK^v Thuc. 4, 39; Isocr. 6, 57 ; PI. Rep. 708 : fut. TroXiopK^o-o^ai Xen. Hell. 4, 8, 5 ; D. Sic. 13, 56, 2 : and as pass. fut. mid. TroXiopK^a-o^ai Her. 5, 34. 8, 49. 9, 58. 97; Thuc. 3, 109; Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 15. Hell. 7, 5, 1 8. Vb. TToXiopKjjreos Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 7. Excepting Aristoph. quoted, this verb is prosaic. noXlreuo) To be a citizen, govern $c. Thuc. 2, 37. 46; Xen. Hell, i, 4, 13 reg. : fut. -eva-ca Thuc. I, 19; Xen. Hell. 2, 3, 2 : aor. eVoXiVevcra Thuc. 2, 65 : p. p. irend\iTvp.ai Isocr. 1 6, 45; Dem. 18, n : aor. eTroXtrev^i/ Xen. Mem. 4, 4, 16 ; PI. Leg. 693. Mid. dep. iroXirevonat. discharge the duties, have the privi- leges^ of a citizen 6fc. Andoc. 2, i ; Isocr. 5, 140; rare in Trag. opt. -fvoiro Eur. Fr. 21, 2 (D.) : imp. eiroXir- Ar. Lys. 573; Thuc. 2, 15: fut. iro\iTfvcropai Ar. Eq. 1365; Xen. Athen. 3,9 : aor. eVoXtreuo-a/LHjj/ Andoc. 2, 10 ; Aeschin. i, 86; Dem. 18, 207 ; Ael. V. H. 7, 14; Strab. 12, 4, 3, ar- Dem. 19, 315, Aesch. Pr. 343 ; Isocr. 4, 186; PI. Rep. 410; Hippocr. i, 598. 8, 16. 30 (Lit.), and TToj/fo-w Hippocr. 4, 512 (Lit.) strongly opposed in the Mss. by Troi/qo-co ; Aristot. Mech. 25, 2 (B.) ; V. T. Esai. 19, 10: aor. fnovTjffa Eur. Hipp. 1369; Thuc. 6, 104; Isocr. 12, 268; PL Rep. 462 ; Hippocr. 2, 322. 6, 290 (Lit.), noi^aa Find. N. 7, 36, and fnovfo-a Hippocr. 5, 696. 6, 146. 164. 176 (Lit. -rja-a Vulg. &c.) ; and late Polyaen. 3, 10, 6; Themist. i, 14. IT, 150; V. T. Jerem. 5, 3, Dor. cVdi/doro Theocr. 15, 80, '- Find. P. 4, 236 (B.) ; Theocr. 7, 51; (Eur.) I. A. 209 (chor.) ; Dor. pt. irovr)aais Find. I. i, 40: p. irfTrovrjKa Ar. Pax 820; Hippocr. 6, 584 ; Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 22 : pip. tVeTrowjKet Thuc. 7, 38 : p. p. ir(Trwr)pai Soph. Tr. 985; PI. Phaedr. 232, Dor. -apai Find. P. 9, 93; Theocr. 13, 14 : aor. cVoi/qdip in simple, poet, and late prose Plut. Themist. 17, but '- Thuc. 6, 31 ; Dor. subj. irovaQrj Pind. Ol. 6, ii. Mid. Troi/eo/im dep. to toil $c. Theocr. 15, 115; -fa>fj.ui II. 10, 70; -foiTo 20, 359 -ffffdai II. 10, 116; -ovfifvos Ar. Pax 954 ; Thuc. 4, 59 ; (PI.) Ax. 368, Ion. -ei^vot II. 13, 288: imp. Ion. firovevpriv Orph. Arg. 960, -eiro II. 18, 413. Od. l6, 13, TTOMtTO II. 9, 12. Od. 15, 222: fut. 7T(lvf)(TOfJlCU Hippocr. 8, 26, trans, dpfa- II. 23, 159, Kara- Diod. Sic. ii, 15 (Bekk.), but TnWo-o/^u (Luc.) Asin. 9 : aor. irovfjararo poet, in simple, II. 9, 348 ; Simon. Am. 7, 45 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 718 ; Epic subj. Troi/ijo-o/iai Od. 22, 377> 5*a-7roi'ij Eur. Phoen. 985 ; Ar. Pax 126; Thuc. 4, 132 : aor. fnopewa Eur. Med. 363, n6pev Eur. Hec. 1099; PL Tim. 69 ; -tvdeis Eur. Hel. 51 ; Her. 7, 196 ; Xen. Mem. 3, 13, 6 ; PL Phaed. 113 ; -eu/a occurs in some Mss. and edit, of the N. T. Jac. 4, 13 (Grsb. Mill, Knapp, Scholz), and, undisputed, earlier in comp. t/i-Tropfuo-a/ufvor (PL) Epist. 2 (313), Trpo- Polyb. 2, 27 (Mss. Vulg.), ri- 3 Mace, i, 4, ffjiiropeva-aiTo Joseph. Jud. B. i, 26, 7rap-e/i- Luc. Hist. Con. 9. riopia> To open a way, find (nopos), Horn. Epigr. 14, 10; Eur. Med. 879; Ar. Ach. 385; Thuc. 8, 46; PL Leg. 631 : imp. eVop- Thuc. 7, 18 : fut. -tw Ar. Eq. 1079. IIQI > Thuc. 6, 29, late -taw Artemid. Onir. 2, 68, reg. : aor. ropi Isocr. 4, 28, Dor. -ixdqv Epist. Pythag. 4 (Orell.) : fut. jropio-tfij- o-o/nat Thuc. 6, 37. 94. Mid. iropi&ncu. find, provide /or oneself y PL Conv. 191; -op-fvos Thuc. i, 142; Lycurg. 131: imp. ropi'fTo Thuc. 8, 76; Xen. An. 2, i, 6 : fut. -lovpcu Thuc. 7, 15; (PL) Eryx. 404; Dem. 35, 41, later -uro/tai Diod. Sc. FT. Lib. 38-9, 23 (Bekk. -toO/xat Dind. 38, 19) : aor. ropio-u/ii7' Thuc. 2, 38 ; 7,58; Isocr. 15, 164 ; PL Tim. 47; iropt seems not to occur in act. but mid. -ao^ai, Ion. -eo/^ai aor. eV-en-opTr^o-aTo Polyaen. 8, 16; App. Hisp. 43 : p. p. as mid. fp-ireiropTiripZvos Lycurg. 40 ; Luc. D. Mer. 9, i; Dio. Hal. 2, 70: pip. 3 pi. Ion. fv-ejrenopneaTO Her. 7, 77. A late form is (fj.nopir6onai, -novadai i Mace. 14, 44. fTrinopTTfOfiai, -TTOVVTCU occurs Diod. Sic. 5j 3O, but TrepiTropTruo^iai, -a>p.(i>oi App. Hisp. 42. (n6pu, irpow) To give, Poet. 2 aor. enopov II. 17, 196; Pind. Ol. 10, 93, and iropov II. 16, 185 ; Hes. Th. 412 ; Pind. Ol. 2, 82; Phryn. 3 (B.); subj. ir6pa> II. 23, 893. Od. 22, 7; Soph. O. R. 921 ; nopoifjLi Od. 19, 413; Soph. El. 210; imper. Trope II. 9, 513; Pind. I. 7, 49; Aesch. Pr. 631 ; iropav II. 16, 178; Pind. P. u, 58. I. 4, 21 ; Aesch. Pr. 108. 946; Soph. El. 126; inf. nopdv Soph. O. R. 1255; Ap. Rh. 3, 148. 4, 590, redupl. ircn-optw to shew, Pind. P. 2, 57, edited Ktirapeiv from several Mss. by Boeckh, Schn. Bergk &c. and seemingly allied to Lat. pareo, English peer : p.-p.Tst^pcuTaiittsfaled, II. 18, 329; Aesch. Pr. 815 ; Eur. Ale. 21 ; late prose Dio. Hal. 4, 2 ; Piut. Nic. 9. C. Gr. i: eVrpw7-o Luc. Jup. conf. 14; Paus. 4, 20, i, Poet. irevpoTo Hes. Th. 464 ; irfTrpciip.evos Pind. P. 6, 27 ; Eur. Tr. 340, -kvr) Soph. Ant. 1337; Her. i, 91, -evov II. 3, 309 ; Xen. Hell. 6, 3, 6. Mem. 2, I, 33. fj irenpu>p.lvr) (al(ra)fale, Aesch. Pr. 518, see 103; Isocr. i, 43. 10, 61, so TO irenp^iitvov Pind. Fr. 217 (Bergk); personal polpa ireirpaTai and with some appearance of being mid. has determined, Aesch. Pr. 512, if so, the only in- stance we know. The 2 aor. is entirely poetic. The indicative perf. and pip. occur in poetry and late prose, the participle in early prose, but rare. nordojAai To fly, Poet. II. 2, 462, -arm Aesch. Ag. 977 ; Ar. Av. 251 (Mss. Bekk. Bergk), Aeol. or Dor. -ijrai Alcm. 26 ; Ar. quoted (Schol. Cob. Dind. Kock), and iroTeopat but unattic, Od. 24, 7 ; Alcae. 43 (Bergk) ; Ap. Rh. 2, 227 ; Opp. Hal. i, 430 : imp. eVoraro HeS. Sc. 222, ap(p- II. 2, 315, TTOTUTO Archil. 125, Troreoiro HeS. Th. 69! : fut. irorfja-oum, -qcreat Mosch. 2, 145 (Mein. Trer^o- Ahr.) : p. neiroT^ai Od. ii, 222 ; Ar. Nub. 319, 3 pi. Epic -ijarai II. 2, 90; inf. -rf Pind. P. 8, 52 ; Aesch. Eum. 896 ; Ar. Ran. 1414 ; Antiph. 2, y, n; Thuc. i, 90 ; PI. Rep. 366 : aor. fnpaga Pind. P. 2, 40; Aesch. Ag. 1467; Soph. Ph. 1269; Antiph. 2, /3, 3; Thuc. 6, 79; Isocr. 5, 61 ; 7rpaai/u Aesch. Supp. 399, -ais PI. Rep. 353, -as Soph. El. 801 ; Ar. Eq. 498, -ftfv Soph. O. C. 391; Trpdgas Aesch. Eum. 469; PI. Gorg. 514, Dor. -atf Pind. Ol. 8, 73 : p. TrtVpa^a Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 669. (Men.) 4, 254; Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 15; Dinarch. 3, 21 ; Dem. 19, 17; Aristot. N. Eth. 3, 2 (Bekk.), Ion. -r) X a Her. 5, 106; late intrans. Aristot. Rhet. Alex. 35, 12; Plut. Sert. 3. Cleom. 22. Philop. 16 : pip. trans, firenpaxfi Xen. Hell. 5, 2, 32; D. Cass. 63, 6, 9 : p. p. jreirpaypai Aesch. Ag. 551 ; Soph. Fr. 779 ; Eur. Hipp. 680; Ar. Eq. 1248; Thuc. 3, 71; Xen. Hell, i, 4, i: pip. eWwpaKi-o Thuc. 6, 56; Andoc. 2, 14 : aor. tTrpdxffrjv Aesch. Pr. 49 ; Soph. Tr. 679 ; Antiph. 2, 8, i ; Thuc. 4, 54 ; Isocr. 12, 6 1 : fut. Trpax^ero/icu Lys. 12, 76; Aeschin. 3, 98 ; Isocr. Epist. 3, 3 ; Aristot. Rhet. i, 3, 8 (B.) ; Luc. Hist. Con. 31 : 3 fut. 7r77y>ao/icu Soph. O. C. 861 ; Eur. Heracl. 980; Ar. Av. 847; Dem. 19, 74, 8ia- PL Gorg. 510: with fat. mid. irpd^fTM as pass. PI. Rep. 452 (z>. r. irfirpdg-) ; SO irpdrdai Pind. P. 4, 243 (Herm. Hart. Bergk 3 ed., but npd^aa-dai Boeckh, o o 562 Tlpavvta IT|Oe7ra>. Schn. Bergk 2 ed. Christ): 2 p. rr^pnya seemingly intrans. have done, fared &c. tv, *aXws, KCIKCOS, dyadd &c. well, or /'//, Find. P. 2, 73 ; Eur. H, F. 1375 ; PL Rep. 603 : pip. (irfnpAyfiv Thuc. 2, 5 ; trans, in the sense do TTfiruayas Ar. Eq. 683, -ydn-tv Aristot. Oec. 2, i, 10 ; TreTrpayoTfs Menand. Fr. 75 (Dind.) written vcn-pax- Com. Fr. quoted above (Mein.), obtain, Trarpayores (lev Xen. Hell, i, 4, 2. Mid. npdavo^at, irpdrr- exact for oneself, Find. Ol. 10, 30; Eur. Phoen. 1651 ; PI. Prot. 328: flit. 7rp'o/iai Xen. Hell. 6, 2, 36 : aor. eirpa^d^v Thuc. 4, 65. 8, 3 ; PI. Gorg. 511 ; in the sense of doing, Aesch. Ag. 812 ; Pind. P. 4, 243, where Hermann suggests flit. -f 2 > *> ftta-irfirpaypfvoi elal Dem. 35> 26. 56, 20; Dinarch. i, 40. 2, 21 : pip. firenpdy^v had exacted, Dem. 29, 2. Vb. irpaKrens PL Prot. 356. a is long, hence irparrf, irpagcu. In Antiphon, Blass always edits -, Her. 5> 106 &c. Trpdrraa), -TTW in act. is some- times used in the sense exact Pind. Ol. 3, 7; Aesch. Ch. 311; Her. i, 1 06, and also in the seemingly intrans. meaning of irt-rrpaya, as tv irpavaf Eur. Phoen. 403, tcaiccas PI. Prot. 313 &C. but in these formulas the meaning is really trans., the object being merely dropped. This appears from fuller expressions, as KaAa Trpao-o-G) Thuc. 6, 1 6, TO ptyurra Ar. Eccl. 104, TTUVTU rdyaSa irfTrpdyanev Ran. 303. Thuc. and the Tragedians use the form irpdvo-a) almost exclusively : irpdrTu* however is the reading of the best Mss. Soph. Tr. 1156. Ph. 1449, ^{i^parrf Aj. 1396, and Trpdrrovras Eur. Fr. Melan. 13, is still retained (Matth., 20 Wagn., irpao-a- 509 Dind. 5 ed.); Aristoph., Plato, and the Orators, except perhaps Antiphon, irpdrru ; editors of Xen. vary, Dind. -TT* perhaps uniformly. n(Trpac>ntva redupl. flit. part. Joseph. Ant. 18, 6, 6 (Dind. Bekk.) if correct, is un- classic, 7r/jad/x6i>a, irpa^drjaofjLfva (Mss.) perhaps correctly, see 18, 9, 5. See iro\efj.f: aor. (Tr Eur. Fr. 539 (Dind.), Ionic -fava Horn. H. 3, 417; Aesch. Pers. 837; -was PI. Rep. 572: aor. pass, firpavvdrjv, irpavvdrj PI. Rep. 440 : but fut. late irpawdf) Od. 19, 324; Hes. Op. 402; Her. 5, 119: aor. fnprjfr II. 18, 357; Theogn. 953; Her. r, 87. 3, 25; Hippocr. 2, 318 ; irprjgat II. i, 562 : p. ir(irprjx a have done, Her. 5, 106 : 2 p. irtnpTjya have fared, 2, 172 : p. p. irfnprjyfiui Her. 9, i. in; Hippocr. 3, 432 : aor. eirpf]x^n v Her. 3, 138. 5, 106. Mid. jrpqo-o-o/int make for oneself &c., exact, Her. 2, 126. 5, 84: fut. irpr)t;opai, (K- Her. 7, 158: aor. lirp^avro, 8t- Her. 3, 62, eVc- 7, 158, trui'- 5, 94, trwfg- 7, 169. Vb. rrprjicrtos Aretae. 94 (ed. Oxon.) npTjuyw, see irpa-. (npiapu) To buy, only 2 aor. tirp'ianrjv Com. Fr. (Archip.) 2, 723. (Plat.) 2, 685 ; Thuc. 6, 98; Andoc. 3, 5 ; Lys. 19, 21 ; Lycurg. 23, irpliifjujv Od. i, 430 ; Pind. P. 6, 39, 2 pers. en-pun for -t'arro, Ar. Vesp. 1440; late prose Themist. 21, 252, Dor. tTrpia Dor. Dial. p. 198 (Ahr.) ; subj. irptvpai Ar. Ach. 812; Dem. 18, 247. 37, 37; Luc. V. Auct. 9; PluL Mor. 1099, where stands wrongly irpidrcH opt. jrpialpijv Soph. Ant. 1171; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 547; Xen. Mem. 2, 5, 3; Dem. 53, 21; imper. rrpiaa-o Ar. Ach. 870, and irpin ibid. 34, both in trimet., Dor. irpia Epicharm. 93 (Ahr.) ; irpiavdat Eur. Med. 233 ; Ar. V. 253 ; Lys. 19, 29 ; PI. Rep. 333 ; -rrplantvos Com. Fr. (Ecph.) 2, 12; Her. i, 196; Antiph. 5, 47; Thuc. 5, 34; Isae. n, 48 ; PI. Apol. 26. Pres. imp. fut. perf. and aor. pass, sup- plied by oiveofjuu, which see. np/ci> To saw, grind the teeth, Hippocr. 6, 480 ; Opp. Hal. 2,575; imper. Trpie Soph. Fr. 777 (D.); Ar. Ran. 927; -itiv Aristot. Nat. Ausc. 2, 9, 6 ; Theophr. H. P. 5, 6, 3, and irpt'u later (PL) Theag. 124: imp. tirplov Luc. Hist. Con. 51, e'- Thuc. 7, 25 : fut. (-iVu>) : aor. trrplva Thuc. 4, 100; Hippocr. 3, 242 (Lit.), O.TCO- Her. 4, 65, and eVptcra, an-- Anth. u, 14 002 564 Tlpoayopevw IIjOoiV<7O/xat. (wpifei)): p. ireirpiKtos, ffi- Diod. Sic. 17, 92: p. p. Hippocr. 3, 242, ex- Ar. Pax 1135, Sm- PL Conv. 193: aor. firpia-drjv Soph. Aj. 1030; Hippocr. 5, 214. 226, air- Archil. 122 : fut. late irpicrdfja-frai Aen. Tact. 19. Mid. irpio^ai rare, perhaps late, Babr. 28, 8; Luc. D. Mer. 12, 2 (Bekk.); see Menand. Com. Fr. 4, 303 ; and Dor. part, irplo^va Anth. (Antip. Thess.) 9, 77: fut. Trpieirai Plut. Mor. 1099 seems a false reading for irpirjrai. subj. 2 aor. of (irpiapai). Vb. Tor Od. 1 8, 196. npoayopeuu To tell beforehand, proclaim, Her. i, 125; Antiph. 5, 10; Thuc. i, 140: imp. irpo- rjy- Her. i, 22 (Bekk. Kriig. -ay- Dind. Stein); Thuc. 2, 13: fut. -eva-o, for which irpo-epS> Thuc. i, 29 : aor. -qyo'peuo-a Her. i, 74. 125 ; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 247 ; -TjyopevKa (Dem.) n, 20 : p. p. irporjyopfvpevos Xen. Mem. J > 2 > 35 (Vulg. Kiihn. Breitb. Saupp.) : with fut. mid. -rrpoayopfv- trerai as pass. Xen. M. Eq. 2, 7 (Vulg. Saupp. i ed. -euerat Zeune, Dind. Saupp. 2 ed.) Vb. irpoayopevreov Aristot. Sophist. Elench. 17, 19. ripodyw, see aya>. npocnTopeco, see dirop(a>. ripo9&o, see Tidrjfii. npo6iJ|Ae'opii To be forward, eager, Dep. Aesch. Pr. 786; Soph. Tr. 1119 ; Ar. Vesp. 1173 ; Her. i, 206 ; Thuc. 5, 50; Lys. 9, 19: imp. irpovdvp-ovvTo Thuc. 4, 12; PI. Rep. 402, Crat. 395, -eero Her. 5, 78. 9, 38 : with fut. mid. Thuc. 4, 9; Xen. Cyr. 2, 3, 3 ; PL Polit. 262. Men. 74 : and pass, as mid. Trpo^u/i^o-o/wn Lys. 25, 17 ; PL Phaed. 91. 115 (best Mss. Bekk. B. O. W. Stallb.) : (no mid. aor.) : aor. p. 7rpovdvfjiT)6r)v as mid. Thuc. 5, 17; Antiph. i, 6 (-rrpoed- Vulg.); Xen. An. 4, i, 22. Our editions present jrpoed-, more usually npovd- ; in the older occur even a few instances of augm. before the prep, as eVpo^eiro Xen. Ages. 2, i, now corrected from MsS. irpOf6vft,-, SO crvvfTTpod-, crvpTrpovd- An. 3, I, 9. The act. form is late, o-v/Mrpotfv/iovo-av Theodor. Stud. p. 225. Vb. PL Phil. 6 1. To beg, in simple only pres. Archil. 130 (Bergk) : fut. Kara-7rpoio/iat Archil. 92 (B.) ; Her. 3, 36. 156. 5, 105. 7, 17, Attic -oigofjicu Ar. Thesm. 566. Eq. 436. Nub. 1240: aor. enpotgaro, tear- Plut. Mor. io, the only instance we know, for Themist. 2, 25, is at least doubtful. Herodian derives this verb from (io-0-w), Eustath. from (n-poo>). Schneidewin questions its authenticity, Beitr. zur Krit. d. Poet. Lyr. 9. If i, io-w, lo-erw be = tifu, subj. tw, eo, go, come, or ixw id., the steps in the mean- ings of the compounds are easy ; thus 7rpo-iW- / come be/ore, Tlpovoeco ITra/ jow. then the purpose, to entreat, beg, nara-Trpo-iara- deprecor, deprecate, succeed in deprecating, beg off. FlpOTOCCJ, see voeai. npooi|judop.cu To make a preface, premise (npooipiov), Dep. mid. PI. Lach. 178 : fut. -ao-o^ai Xen. Mem. 4, 2, 3 : aor. unaugm. Trpoot/uacrd/netfa PL Leg. 7 2 4 but p. TreTrpooi/iiaorcu pass. Luc. Nigr. 10, so also in the contr. form irfcppot/juaarfjievov Aristot. Me- taph. 2, i, 5 (B.) The act. npooipidfav late, Anth. i, 114 &c. flpoadyw, see aya>. flpoaauSdoj, see auSua). ripocrep.7HKpcuVaj, see iriicp-. ripocreai'8pa7T-oSiop.ai, see dvdpair-, , see , see ripooWfico, see v npocnroi&j, see (IpooaeXew To insult, Poet, and only pres. act. Ar. Ran. 730: and part. pass. irpovveXovfj.evos Aesch. Pr. 438. Derivation various and dark, fe'Xos, eXoy, trfeXas, o-^eXXco, o-iXXor, with Trpo-. See Buttm. Lexil. ripoT]TU4j To be an interpreter, to prophesy, Eur. Ion 413; Her. 7, in ; Aristot. Mund. i, 2 : imp. irpoe(pr)Tevov N. T. Act. 19, 6 (Vulg.), eVpcxpijT- (Vat. Lach. Tisch.) : fut. irpo Eur. Ion 369, Dor. npocpdr- Pind. Fr. 127 (Bergk): aor. Trpo-e^revo-a Menand. Rhet. 361 (Walz); N. T. Matth. 7, 22. Marc. 7, 6 (Text. Rec.), fVprxpijT- (Vat. Lach. Tisch.) : p. p. 7rpo7rev Soph. Ph. 215; PI. Theaet. 160, irpov- Hipponax 44 : imp. tnraifv Hippocr. 5, 414, irpoa-- Her. 5, 62 : fut. Trrai'crw Dem. 2, 20: aor. e^rato-a Dem. 18, 286; (PI.) Epist. 351, irpov- Her. 2, 161. 7, 170; -al Luc. Demon. 7. Vb. cv-TrrmoToy, Hippocr. i, 78, a-TrratoT- Xen. Eq. i, 6 (777010-^0 Dem. 2, 9). The act. alone seems to be classic. riTT)oraw To cower, Ar. Vesp. 1490; Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 18 ; Opp. Hal. i, 152, Aeol. Tirana: imp. eTrnjo-o-e Plut. Mor. 529 from Eur. Fr. 311 (but -rigt 807, so Eur. Fr. Dind.); later Theod. Prodr. Catomyom. 134 (Herch.), Aeol. enrafrv Alcae. 27 : fut. nTjja> Anth. 12, 141; Or. Sib. 5, 16; Pseudo-Callisth. i, 35 (Meusel): aor. IWr^a Od. 8, 190; Soph. O. C. 1466; Eur. H. F. 974; Philostr. Apoll. 275, irr^^a (II. 14, 40), in tmesi Od. 8, 190 (Bekk.); Ar. Av. 777 (chor.), Dor. (nraa Pind. P. 4 57 i irr ^n PI- Conv. 184, -w/iei/ Ar. Thesm. 36; -tiav Soph. Aj. 171 ; 7rnj|ar Aesch. Pers. 209; Lycurg. 49; Trn^ni Theogn. 1015 ; Eur. Andr. 165 ; Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 26: p. fXTrjxa Isocr. 5, 58, (car- Lycurg. 40; Dem. 4, 8, late -i?ca Themist. 24, 309: 2 aor. (irruKov, KaTa-irraKo>v Aesch. Eum. 252, also (fxrrjv) Epic, 3 dual ITTTJTTJV, KOTO- II. 8, 136 : 2 p. K(TrrT]a>s Od. 14, 354, -fares 474, VTTO- IL 2, 312, iTfimjv'ia Ap. Rh. 2, 535, iron- Od. 13, 98. Pass, rare nnjo-o-o/xai Anth. 7, 626. The part. 2 p. irtTnrj^s is apt to be confounded with the corresponding part, of 7rtWo>. KTTJ( II. 14, 40, if genuine, has the trans, signification terrified, so Theogn. 1015, and e'^-enrafas Eur. Hec. 180 (chor.) In Paul. SU. Ecphras. i, 26, irnjvo-tiv, Passow says, means to make 567 terrific. Is this correct? Collat. forms, generally Epic or Ionic, TTT&xmifcij pres. only, II. 4, 372, TTT&XTCTG) II. 21, 14; Her. 9, 48; Eur. Bacc. 223. Hec. 1065 : fat. late 7n-wa> Maneth. 5, 237 : and aor. f7rrcoa, vit- Aretae. 5, 319. n-riaaw, -rrw To pound, Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 345 ; Ar. Fr. 267 (D.); Luc. Hermot. 79: fut. -iaa> : aor. mo-a, jn-i'o-as Her. 2, 92 : p.p. firrurp.at. Hippocr. i, 600. 6, 536. 8, 102 ; Aristot. H. A. 8, 7, i ; Plut. Eum. n, mpt- Ar. Ach. 507 : aor. on-io-ft/i/, irepi-TTTia-Sels Theophr. H. P. 4, 4, 10. This verb seems not to occur in classic Attic prose. riToXefuw, see noXtfi.-. n-rupofAcu To be afraid, fear, Hippocr. 2, 646 (K.) ; Plut. Philop. 12 ; Diod. Sic. 2, 19 : 2 aor. emvprjv, nrupeiijs (PI.) Ax. 370; -vptis Plut. Fab. 3. Marc. 6: fut. nrvpTj^ovrcu, Method. Sumpos. 10, 5, 275 (Jahn.) Act. late, aor. irrvpavrts Horn. Clem. 2, 39. n-riWu To fold, simple late, Phil, de Eleph. 293, but dva- Soph. Fr. 284: fut. TTTU&>, dva- Eur. H. F. 1256: aor. ?7m/|a (ntpi-fTTT- Polyb. 13, 7); 7TTveif, 8ia- Eur. Hipp. 985; TT-rvgas Od. i, 439. 6, 252 ; Soph. O. C. 1611 ; Com. Fr. (Apoll. Car.) 4, 440; Hippocr. 8, 42, dva- Aesch. Pers. 294; Her. i, 125, irtpi- Xen. An. I, IO, 9; irrvgai Plut. Rom. 14: p.p. eirrvypai App. Civ. B. 4, 72 ; Herodn. i, 17, dv- Xen. Hier. 2, 4;- dv- enruxdat Eur. Elec. 357 ; -(irTvyfifvos Aristot. Physiog. 3, i ; but irfjrrvKTai. H. A. 4, 9, 10 (Bekk.) : aor. eirrvxfyv, or- Hippocr. 5, 354 (Lit.), 8ia- Soph. Ant. 709, dva- Hippocr. i, 151 (K.) ; Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 5 : 2 aor. eWvyrjK, dva- Hippocr. 7, 284 (Lit.) Mid. TTTi>(T To make rot, Poet. Hes. Op. 626: imp. iter. jre&ovce Ap. Rh. 4, 1530 : fut. TTCO-W II. 4, 174 ; Horn. H. 2, 191 : aor. tirva-a, Trvae Hom. H. 2, 196, Kar-enva-f 193, but nva-e Callim. Fr. -313. Pass. 7ri50o/wu rot, decay, II. n, 395. Od. i, 161; Ap. Rh. 4, 1405 ; late prose, Paus. 10, 6 ; imper. irvQev H. H. 2, 185; -6fifvos Od. 12, 46: imp. (irvdovTo Paus. 10, 6: with perf. Kara-TTfirvda, /ear- fppvrjica (Hesych.) DuKa^u To make thick, cover, Anacreont. 17, 6 (B.), Dor. -icda-fifi Theocr. 3, 14: -na&itv Od. 12, 225; Trvxafe Soph. Aj. 581; Eur. Tr. 353; Dor. inf. -Kda-deiv Theocr. 2, 153, -a-8fv (Mein.): imp. firvKafrv Theocr. 20, 23 ; Bion 2, 20 : fut. -& : aor. TTVKacre II. 8, 124. 17, 83, irvKaa-(T Sapph. 89 (Bergk); irvKaa-as II. 17, 551, -ao-o-as Hes. Op. 542; TTUKao-ai Od. II, 320; Hes. Op. 624: p.p. irenvKaarai Xenophanes i, ii (Bergk); Mosch. i, 15 (Ziegl. Ahr.) ; -ao-fievos H. 14, 289; Hes. Op. 793 ; Theocr. 7, 67, Aeol. irfTTVKadfjievos Sapph. 56 (Bergk, -tcdbptvos Ahr.): aor. (irvKd(r6r)v, irvKaa-dr) Athen. (Archestr.) 7, 113; Eur. Ale. 796; Her. 7, 197 ; (Luc.) Amor. 10. Mid. 7rvKab/iat cover, equip oneself with, make ready, Aesch. Sept. 149 (Vulg.); Eur. Heracl. 725: fut. late -aWfToi Maxim, de Ausp. 513 : aor. irvKda-avro Opp. C. 4, 394; subj. TrvKdo-Gj/wu Anth. n, 19. Not in early Attic prose, rare in Ionic and late. nukOafopii To hear, inquire, Od. 2, 315; Aesch. Pr. 744; Soph. O. C. 1155 ; Ar. Plut. 25 ; Her. 7, 101 ; Antiph. 5, 71 ; Thuc. 7, 12 ; Xen. Hell. 4, i, n, Poet, but not in Comedy, TIwQdvofJ.at. 569 Od. 3, 87 ; Mimnerm. 14, 2 ; Find. P. 4, 38 ; Aesch. Ch. 679 ; Soph. O. R. 604; Eur. I. A. 1138; Theocr. 12, 37; KtvdoiaTo Od. 4, 70 : imp. tnwQatrifup heard, Her. 9, 18 ; Lys. 23, 3; Dem. 21, 85, -OVTO Her. 2, 160; Thuc. 2, 57, inquired, Her. 7, 100; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 7, iivv8av6\a\v Od. 13, 256, firtv66^v II. 17, 408 ; Eur. Rhes. 767, 7rei>0- II. n, 21 ; Hes. Th. 463 : fut. TTfucro/iat Od. 23, 262; Aesch. Ch. 765; Soph. El. 470; Eur. Or. 1368 ; Ar. Pax 67 ; Her. 9, 58 ; Thuc. 3, 26 ; Lys. i, 21 ; PI. Rep. 530, Ep. 2 sing, -a-eai II. 18, 19, rarely Dor. irtv- a-ovfj.ai Theocr. 3, 51 ; Aesch. Pr. 988, where Dindorf reads with Ms. N. --a-ofiai: p. p. 7reVvo-/iat Od. n, 505; Aesch. Ch. 526; PI. Charm. 153 ; Dem. 19, 201. 21, 208, irenv 27 O, Seem tO imply inquiry, for besides the nature of the errand, Patroclus is enjoined (II. n, 611) Wi...epfio, and Telemachus (Od. i, 284) t\6e KOL flpeo j and in Her. fTrwdavtro i, 35. 2, 2. 4* 167. 5> 9 2 > implies direct inquiry ', and in 7, 100, seems to have as an equivalent, or to be explained by eWipoxreW ; so ayyeXov enf^nrov Treva-onevoi Her. 4, 145, See 167. 7, 139; eVpo'/ie/os fTrvbero 3, 64 &c. We are inclined to doubt the Dor. fut. form Tlvpecro'U) Aesch. Pr. 988, quoted. It is neither required by the metre, nor the dialect. Besides, there is not a trace of the Doric form in any other Attic writer, nor even in Aeschylus himself. irfvo-opai stands in all Mss. and edit. Ag. 599, where -oO/iat is admissible, and for irfvvtcrdt Pr. 642, one would as readily expect -tiade as at 988, where in most Mss. and edit, it does stand, nor is there any trace of the Dor. isfva-fl for nti/crti Pr. 963. Ag. 266. Eum. 415. 419. 454. We are therefore inclined to think that ntvcrerai (Mss. Vit. Colb. i. Par. D. Schutz, Dind.) ought to be preferred to -fi Hippocr. 8, 16 (Lit.): aor. tirvpfga Hippocr. 2, 152. 3, 106. 5, 170 (Lit.); Anth. n, 118; Aristot. Nat. Ausc. 5, 4, 10; Plut. Alex. 76, -eo-a see below: p. itrnv- , -pe \6rfs Aristot. Probl. u, 22 ; -e^e'vat Galen 10, 588 : p. p. Galen 4, 447. The aor. form firvptae which occurs in Hippocr. 3, 516. 553. 563 (Ku'hn) appears to be a false reading. In the first instance the Mss. have (Trrjpf-rrjpfv (C), firvpfavt (D H K), in the second (nvpfvo-ev (id.), in the third (TTvpfa-trev (D r G H I). Accordingly Littrd reads aor. firvpfTTjvfv 5> *5> an d imp. eVruprcre 5, 2 1 6. 230, of his edition. riupidu To put into a vapour lath, -itjv Hippocr. 7, 422, but -lav 7> 2 6 : flit. -f) PI. Polit. 260: 3 fut. TrfTrco late, Aenae. Tact. 10 : but classic, fut. mid. TrwXijaerai as pass. Com. Fr. (Eubul.) 3, 241 : pres. TrcoXoiro Thuc. 2, 60 ; Tra>\f6p.fi>os Her. 8, 105, -fv^vos Horn. Epigr. 14, 5, -ovptvos Thuc. 7, 39: imp. eVcoX- 8, 95. FluTaofiai To fly, Epic for TTOT-, H. Hym. 30, 4 ; Pind. Fr. 109 (Bergk); Theocr. 15, 122 ; Mosch. 4, 24 : imp. Treoreoi/ro II. 12, 287 ; Horn. H. 2, 264; Simon. (C.) 40 ; Theocr. 7, 142 : fut. irvrrjaofiai Theogn. 238, for which Ahrens (Dor. Dial. p. 288) says irtorjopai is Dor. Ar. Lys. 1013, at the same time suggest- ing TTWTcuopu : with aor. p. late eVarqfyv Anth. 7, 699, e'- Babr. 12. I. P. To sprinkle, Pind. P. 8, 57 ; Com. Fr. (Xenarch.) 3, 621 ; Aristot. Meteor. 3, 4, 17; Theophr. C. P. 4, 3, 3; Plut Mor. 614 ; Philostr. Apoll. 259 ; Poet. inf. -vfp.fi> Pind. I. 6, 21 : imp. eppaivov Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 410: fut. pav> Eur. Fr. 388 (Dind.); Lycophr. 1104 : aor. eppdva Eur. Rhes. 73 ; Com. Fr. (Arched.) 4, 435 ; Anth. 12, 132 ; Charit. i, 3 (D'Orv.) ; Luc. Scyth. 2, e'- Eur. Cycl. 402, Ionic epprjva Hippocr. 3, 99, Kara- 2, 1 60 (K.), Epic fprjva Opp. Hal. 2, TOO, and (paS-) eppao-o-a, imper. pao-o-are Od. 2O, 150 : p. eppayfca, Si- V. T. PrOV. 7, 17 : p. p. fppaa-p.cn Schol. II. 12, 431, eppamai Aesch. Pers. 569 (Herm.), Epic f'ppaSurai Od. 2O, 354 : pip. f'ppafiaro Epic 3 pi. II. 12, 43! ; late part, tppa^va Athen. (Persae.) 4, 140, -ap.fj.fva (Palat.) : aor. eppdvdrjv, pavQfis Pind. P. 5, ioo; Aristot. Prob. 25, 5 (B.) ; Dioscor. 4, 15; Geop. 13, 12, but kirtppaQ- Dioscor. 3, 45: imp. paivovro II. II, 282. Mid. late, aor. pui>ap.evos, nfpi- Plut. Arist. 20; -pdvaff6ai Athen. 2, 19; Long. Past. 3, 28. V"b. pavros late. This verb seems not to occur in good Attic prose. c Paio) To strike, tear in pieces, destroy, Poet, patova-i, 8ta- Od. 12, 290; pairja-i Od. 5, 221 : imp. eppcue Od. 6, 326 : fut. patW Orph. L. 598, Sia-ppaicrei II. 9, 78 ; Q. Sm. 10, 403, dno- Hes. Th. 393 ; Epic inf. paia-epfvai Od. 8, 569 : aor. fppato-a Ap. Rh. I, 617 ; paio-17 Od. 23, 235 ; palo-at 13, 151 ; Opp. H. 4, 686 : aor. p. fppaia-6r)v II. 16,339; Pind. Fr. 88 (Bergk); paio-Ofi Aesch. Pr. 189 : with fut. mid. dinppairrfcrdai as pass. II. 24, 355 (Schol.), as act. (Damm) : pres. pass. patWo Od. 9, 459. c Pdmo) To scourge, Xenophan. 6, 4 (Bergk) ; Hipponax 5 ; Her. 7, 35 ; Aristot. De Anima 2, 8, 5 : imp. eppdnifrv Her. 7, 572 223 : fut. pWtm N. T. Matth. 5, 39 (Vulg. Tisch. 7 edit., -f Vat. Lachm. Tisch. 8 edit.): aor. tppdmcra Dem. 25, 57; Luc. Herm. 81 : p.p. redupl. pfpama-fifvos Anacr. 166 (Bergk) : aor. fpptnricr6T]v t pamcrGfir) Hipponax 9 ; paTTicrOijvai Com. Fr. (Timocl.) 3, 607. 70 stitch &c. Od. 16, 422 ; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 422 ; Ar. PI. 513 : imp. epairrov Od. 16, 379, P'UTJT- 3, 118, iter. e, irori-pp- Eratosth. i, 7 : fut. pd^ra, OTTO- Aeschin. 2, 21 : aor. eppa^a Eur. Andr. 911 ; Her. 9, 17 ; D. Hal. Ant. u, 35, Epic p V. T. Esai. 9, 1 1, gvp- Thuc. 8, 96 : aor. eppaga, pdgas Dem. 54, 8, em- Soph. O. C. 1503, o-w-eppagf Xen. Hell. 7, 5, 16, KO.T- Ael. N. A. 3, 18 : p. p. (crvv-eppa.yp.evos Krtig. Suggests for vvv-rjppayp.- Dio. Hal. 3, 33) : aor. p. tppaxQrjv, KOT- Thuc. 7, 6 (some Mss. Haack, Kar-rjpdxdrjv Bekk. Popp. Kriig.); pax6r) vai , >7rt - Dio. Hal. 8, 18 : fut. mid. pdgf 335J Epic subj. pe&o-i Hes. Fr. 185 : imp. epebi/ II. 2, 400. Od. 23, 56, pffrv 3, 5, iter. pifraKov II. 8, 250: fut. pVo> Od. n, 31 ; Hym. 2, 213 ; Aesch. Sept. 105; Soph. O. C. 1724; Eur. Ale. 261: aor. cppfa rare, 11. 9, 536. 10, 49; in prose, only PI. Leg. 642, usu. poetic pe|a II. 9, 453. 23, 570. Od. 18, 139; 'PeVw 'Pew. 573 Hes. Fr. 217 ; Anacr. 109 ; Solon 36, 15 (v. r. ?pp-) ; Soph. O. C. 538 (chor.); Eur. Andr. 838. Elec. 1226 (chor.), pVa II. 9. 5355 part. /5eas II. 22, 305; Aesch. Ch. 315, Dor. p^ms Find. Ol. 9, 94 : aor. p. pex&i'v Hippocr. 5, 384 (Mss. Lit.) ; ptxGeis II. 9, 250. 20, 198. Vb. a-pfKTos II. 19, 150. The Attic poets seem not to have used the pres. avf/p r68e p in Pherecr. Com. Fr. 2, 335, is taken, according to Athenaeus, from Hesiod. Epic and Lyric Poets have double or single p after the augment; the Tragedians, we think, have single p only in chor. Soph, no doubt has epea, fpegas in a trimeter O. C. 538, but it is a tri- meter in chor. where the poet had the privilege of Epic licence. In 785 of the Rhesus too, where however a case with single p would for several reasons be less notable, use to stand (ptynov in the diverbia. But now tppeynov is read by Nauck, Kirchhoff and Dindorf. e'l-epvo-apji/ Aesch. Pr. 235, seems to be a false read- ing for e-fXuo--. 'Pe'iru To bend, incline, Pind. Ol. 8, 23 ; Aesch. Sept. 21 ; Eur. Fr. 536 (D.) ; Ar. Plut. 51 ; PL Rep. 485; peW Pind. P. 9, 25 ; Soph. O. R. 847; Isocr. 15,4; Dem. 18,298; -nnv Soph. Ant. 722 ; Xen. Lac. 4, i : imp. eppeirov Hippocr. 2, 604 (Lit.); Luc. D. Mort. n, i, and fpewov Polyb. 29, 9. 33, 15 (Vulg.), ?pp- (Bekk. Dind.), Epic pe'nov II. 8, 72. 22, 212 : fut. ptya> Her. 7, 139; Paus. 9,37: aor. tppetya PI. Phil. 46. Epist. 328; Hippocr. 4, 1 66. 216 (Mss. Lit.) ; ptya> Anth. 12, 86. Pass. peirofjLfvos Aesch. Supp. 405. Horn, has imp. only, Trag. and Corned, pres. Attic prose pres. and aor. 'Pew To flow (pfu(o, pvo>), peet II. 22, 149; Mimnerm. 5, i ; Her. i, 72. 5, 52, pel H. Ven. 237; Aesch. Sept. 80; Soph. Tr. 698 ; Ar. Lys. 1034 ; Thuc. 2, 96, Dor. 3 pi. pfovri Theocr. 14, 38, occas. peia Hes. Fr. 237 (G.); Anth. 7, 36; Dor. pt. aTro-ppeWa (PL) Tim. Locr. 102 : imp. eppet II. 17, 86 ; Eur. Ph. 1471 ; Xen. Hell. 5, 4, 58, eppff II. 23, 688; Her. 2, 121 (4), tppeov Hes. Fr. 42 ; Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 299, pVe II. 4, 451, irepi- ppfe Od. 9, 388, pe'ov Hes. Sc. 267, iter. peeo-xe, Ttpo- Ap. Rh. 3, 225: fat. peva-ofuu Theogn. 448; Hippocr. 6, 440. 442. 7, 224 &c. ; rare in Attic, Eur. Fr. 388 (Dind.) ; Com. Fr. (Crat.) 2, 238. (Pher.) 2, 316, later -o-oiJ/xai Aristor. Meteor. 2, 2, 23. 2, 4, 20 : and ptva-o) Anth. 5, 125 ; Or. Sib. 3, 84 ; Geop. 9, 12, e<- Aretae. 48 (ed. Oxon.) ; Hierocl. 182 (Eberh.), see below: aor. epptvcra Mosch. 3, 33; Anth. (Farm.) 5, 33 ; Hippocr. 7, 612. 6, 296. 302. 308 (Lit.) ; and late, Paus. 5, 7; Artemidor. i, 48; Galen 10, 311, fir- Ael. V. H. 12, 60, 81- H. A. 1 1, 10 ; pfvay Bion i, 48; rare in Attic, peva-fif (Eur.) Dan. 32 ; (Alciphr. 3, 64; PVO-TG> Luc. Bis Ace. 16); pfvvas Ar. Eq. 526 (Anapaest.) ; Himer. Or. 21, 10; pe 574 'P. Aristot. Mirab. 87, irtpi- Lycurg. 96, ptva-m trans. Themist. 27, 335, late tppvcra, irrrfKpv- . r. irpoxtf trite &C.) ; ptovp-fvos in an oracle Her. 7, 140, is not a 'contraction/ but an Epic lengthen- ing for the metre. Fut. act. pfv does not contract ?, o, e. ('Pew) To say, p. fiprjKa Aesch. Pr. 821 ; Soph. Tr. 456; Ar. Ran. 558. Nub. 910 ; Thuc. 6, 87 : p. p. dp^rai II. 4, 363 ; Aesch. Eum. 710; Soph. Ant. 725; Eur. Heracl. 117; Ar. Eccl. 68 ; Her. 3, 9 ; PI. Rep. 468, -rjvrat, Leg. 804, -carat Her. 7, 96: pip. flprjro Thuc. i, 139 : aor. tpp^v Eur. I. T. 91 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 19; Aeschin. 2, 31; (ppidijv perhaps unattic, 575 Aristot. however, Categ. 9 (Bekk.) ; Dio Cass. 47, 42 (Bekk.), vpo-eppedtjv (v. r. -T)6r)v) Hippocr. 5, 196 (Lit.), genuine Ionic Vj(7o- fuu, -aeroi always in Horn. II. 23, 795; Find. I. 6, 59 ; always in Trag. Soph. O. R. 365. Ph. 1276; Eur. Hec. 825. Phoen. 928 &c. ; Ar. Plut. 114; and Her. 2, 35. 4, 16. 82. 6, 86 ; Thuc. 6, 34 ; PI. Theaet. 179 ; elprj 85, prjga II. 12, 185; Find. N. 8, 29; Opt. dva-ppt)g(ie II. 2O, 63 ; pvoi> Ar. Nub. 960; pi^as II. 12, 241 ; Ar. Nub. 406, dwe- ll. 4, 69; pr)ai n, 538; Dem. 9, 61 : p. late, eppn\a, &- V. T. 2 Reg. 14, 30. 15, 32 : p. p. eppT)ypai rare, fT-fpp*iy~ App. Lib. 81 : fut. (p'l^o/^u), but irfpi-pp^erai reflexive burst (itself} Hippocr. 4, 392: aor. epp^d^v II. 12, 291; Eur. Heracl. 835; Aretae. 31, 52, /car- Her. 8, 99; Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 13, Epic p;- II. n, 90; Epic subj. p^6p.f6a II. 12, 224. Vb. PTJKTOS II. 13, 323. Perf. p. epp^y/xai is rare, but not so rare as some say. Buttm. Irreg. Verbs, seems to ignore it prjyvi/T)Tai usual subj. form, Hippocr. 7, 26 (Lit.), but prjyvwTai. seems subj. Hes. Sc. 377, so prjyvvTai Hipponax 19 (Bergk); and late Themist. Or. i, 5, orav SflKwrai. See Walz Rhet. vol. 7, p. 1042. diappT)o-v Dind.), see below: fut. piya>a-a> Xen. Mera. 2, i, 17; Epic inf. -wo-e^e" Od. 14, 481 : aor. fppiyuara Hippocr. 3, 50. 5, 1 68 (Lit.); Plut. Mor. 132, ev-fppiy- Ar. Plut. 846 : p. tppiyoiKores Theophr. Ign. 74 (2 Mss.); Galen n, 556. In Attic especially, this verb con- tracts in , v for -ovv, Ar. Ach. 1146. Av. 935. Vesp. 446, but piyo\>v PI. Rep. 440; Plut. Mor. 157 (Diibn.); Luc. Catapl. 15 (Dind.); Ar. Nub. 441 (Br. Bekk. -yS>v Dind. Bergk) ; subj. piya for -ot, PI. Gorg. 517, but piyol Phaed. 85 (all Mss.); opt. piywq for -yoi, Hippocr. 7, 190 (Lit. piya Erm. 2, 328); Plut. Mor. 233; piySxra fern. part, for -oCo-a, Simonid. Amorg. 7, 26 (Bergk). 'Purre'u, see foil. 'Purru 2o throw, Eur. Hel. 1325; Her. 3, 41. 4, 61 ; PL Phaed. 113 ; Dem. 32, 6 ; plirre Ar. Pax 962 ; pinrav Soph. Tr. 790 (Mss. Herm. Ell. Dind. 5 ed.) ; Thuc. 7, 44, - Aesch. Pr. 932 ; -Tfn> Thuc. 2, 49; Eur. Tr. 729. Hel. 1595 (D.), ava- Od. 7, 328 : imp. eppmrov Eur. Bacc. 1097 ; Her. 5, 92 (6); Xen. An. 4, 8, 3, iter. pinraa-Kov II. 15, 23; Hes. Sc. 256; Orph. Fr. 16, 3, -Twite Nic. Fr. 26 ; Orph. quoted (Gesn.); and, in pres. and imp. only, pnrre'u, -el Soph. Aj. 239. Ant. 131. Tr. 780 (Mss. Ellendt, Dind. -et Erf. Herm. Nauck &c.) ; -fova-i Her. 4, 188, -fv Her. 8, 53, -ow Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 33 ; App. Hisp. 82. Lib. 49, cli/- Od. 13, 78, Si- Aeschin. i, 59 : fut. /5i'^&> II. 24, 735; Eur. H. F. 562; Hippocr. 8, 16; Xen. An. 4, 7, 13: aor. tppi^a II. 23, 845 ; Hes. Th. 181 ; Pind. I. 7, 44; Aesch. Pr. 748; Soph. Ph. 265; Ar. Eccl. 66; Thuc. 2, 4; Lys. 13, 82; PI. Leg. 944, Poet, epi^a Arion 18 (B.) ; Mosch. 3, 32, an- Pind. P. 6, 37, p^e IL 3, 378 ; Hes. Th. 868; Dor. pt. pfyais Pind. P. i> 45; pZ^at Eur. Tr. 729 ; Her. i, 24. 2, 100: (2 aor. eppfyov see below): p. Zpplfa Lys. 10, 9. 21 : p. p. tppipnai. Eur. MecL pp 578 Toi^ew : 'PoQeu. 1404; Ar. Eccl. 850; Her. i, 62; Xen. Mem. 3, i, 7, Poet. pepip-fi- Find. Fr. 314 (Bergk) : pip. eppiirro Luc. Nee. 17: 1 aor. epptydrjv, pi Soph. Aj. 830; Eur. Hec. 335. Andr. 10 (D.); PL Leg. 944; Polyb. 8, 8; Plut. Luc. 42, dn- Aesch. Supp. 484, tK- Soph. El. 512 : fat. picpSfja-onai, cmo-pp- Soph. Aj. 1019, Kara- Joseph. Jud. B. 3, 7, 20 : 2 aor. t'ppt(j)r)v Eur. Fr. 486 (D.). Andr. 10 quoted (most Mss. Kirchh. Nauck); PL Leg. 944. Phil. 16; Dio Cass. 79, 20; (Luc.) Amor. 33; pxfxis Opp. Cyn. i, 500; Polyb. 4, 71 ; D. Sic. 13, 73 ; Plut. Rom. 7; Ael. H. A. 14, 8, <'- Aeschin. 2, 153, Poet, eptyrj Anth. 12, 234: 2 fat. pi(pfaop,ai perhaps later, Plut. C. Gr. 3; E. T. Esai. 34, 3 ; Joseph. Ant. 7, n, OTTO- v. r. Soph. Aj. 1019 quoted, and adopted by Wunder : 3 fat. ('pptytrai Luc. Merc. Cond. 17. Mid. late, dnoppnTToptvos Theodor. Stud. p. 194: aor. ptyavro Maneth. 6, 10; pfyaadat, drro- Galen 16, 146, both missed by Lexicogr. : Vb. piTrros Soph. Tr. 357. Oppian Cyn. 4> 35> has 2 aor. act. eppie a dactyle. Does this point to theme pi(pa> ? or may it be for tppine ? or is it the perf. with i, though it be naturally long, plirre, pfyai, plrrf]? Elms. Eur. Heracl. 150, wished to banish the form parrta from the Tragedians, and Nauck and Kirchhoff, we think, sympathise with him. Ellendt, again, and Paley vary with the Mss. In Soph, however Dind. now always edits the pure form (-ea>, -) - ; but pt. piTTTav with Elms. Herm. held, with the old Gram- marians, purTfa> to be a strengthened form of pinrco, as jacto of jacio, and was inclined to think that the form should be determined by the meaning. We doubt if the Greeks always observed this distinction. Ar. uses pum'tre x^ a ^ va ^ Eccl. 507, where the form ptTrrtTf is inadmissible, but its meaning required a simple throw, no repetition of the act. At Pax 962, again, TO!? Btarais plirre TU>V Kpi6S>v savours more of repetition, and yet pmTflTt could not stand; so tppmre Her. 5, 92 (6) decidedly of repetition. c Poi|38i> To suck in, shake, Poet, and only pres. poijSSoCo-a Aesch. Eum. 404 ; dva-ppotpSd Od. 12, io4;'Aesch. Fr. 217; Soph. Fr. 390, Poet, dva-poift- Od. 12, 105: and aor. poififyo-e Orph. Arg. 1260, dv-eppofi- Od. 12, 236, 431; -fag Lycophr. 247; -faeit Od. 12, 106; poipSfaas Anth. 7, 636. c Poie'u To whiz, Aristot. H. A. 4, 9, 7 ; (Luc.) Amor. 22 : imp. Epic poifci Ap. Rh. 4, 129, iter. poi^aa-Kt Hes. Th. 835, -fo-Ke (Ms. m. Goettl. Flach) : aor. fppoi&va Opp. Hal. i, 563, Si- Soph. Tr. 568, poifrjo-a II. 10, 502 : pip. p. as act. eppoi^ro Anth. u, 106 : and pres. po^ovfievos Lycophr. 1426. c Po<|>e'a> To sup up, Soph. Tr. 1055; Ar. Vesp. 906 ; Hippocr. 'Pi/Vat. 579 2, 456 ; Xen. An. 4, 5, 32 ; pofolv Aesch. Eum. 264 ; pv

v Hippocr. 5, 370 (Lit. i, 643 Erm.) : imp. eppofaov Hippocr. 2, 306 : fut. po(pr]a-a>, -Tjo-ei? Ar. Ach. 278. Pax 716, ec- Eq. 360 (Bekk. Bergk) see below, certain late pcxpfjo-a) Eustath. Phil. 4, 2 5> e '*~ 3> 4> 3 : but fut. mid. po^o-o^at Ar. Vesp. 814: aor. f'ppoiprja-a Hippocr. 7, 60 (Lit.); Ar. Eq. 51 ; Aristot. Meteor. 2, 3, 2, etc- Ar. Eq. 701, an-- Xen. Cyr. i, 3, 10, Ion. eppixp- Hip- pocr. 5, 374 : aor. p. pofadeis NIC. Al. 389 : aor. mid. Ion. pvcpf/- o-ao-Qat Hippocr. 5, 386 (Lit.) missed by Lexicogr. For fut. act. po(f>ri(Tfi9-A.r. Ach. 278. Pax 716. Eq. 360, Elms, and Dind. read fut. mid. potpTjo-fi as the legitimate Attic form, and refer to po Lys. 1218, which, we think, both would allow to be fut. act. not aor. subj., and Teo/aat Lys. 744, but fut. act. Tfgfi Eq. 1037, -ftv Thesm. 509, Trcmjo-eis Eq. 166, but ano--narr)- ?) 15, 29; pva-rjTai Theocr. 7, 56 (Ahr. Ziegl.); -o-mi-o Od. 12, 107; Aesch. Eum. 300; -0-dp.fvof Anacr. 107; Her. 3, 138: aor. p. late eppva-drj Diod. Sic. 21, 6 (Bekk.) ; Malal. p. 141 ; pvatijj Orig. Ref. Haer. 10, 15; Malal. 3, p. 65; /WtfJji/m Heliod. 10, 7 (Cor. Bekk.). Vb. pvros Od. 6, 267. This verb occurs once only in early Attic prose, Thuc. quoted. pixrdai syncop. inf. for pvea-0- II. 15, 141 ; so imp. tppvro as aor. Soph. O. R. 1352 (chor. e/w- Dind.), 3 pi. poaro for -ovro, p p 2 580 II. 1 8, 515, pvvitfv Ionic for -to, II. quoted, may belong to a form (pvo-Kopai). In the pres. and imp. v is variable with Epic writers, pverat II. 10, 259 ; Hes. Sc. 105, ptfovrat II. 9, 396 ; Opp. Hal. 4, 40, but pcopat II. 15, 257 ; Opp. Hal. 2, 486, pv6p,f6a Theocr. 25, 25 ; subj. pvTjrat Theocr. 7, 56 (Fritzs, pva-- others) ; opt. pvoiro II. 12, 8. 17, 224: imp. p(To II. 16, 799, pvovro Q. Sm. n, 344, Ionic pvaro II. 18, 515, always long in Attic, except pveade Aesch. Sept. 303. 824 (chor.); in fut. long; so in aor. except pva-ap)v in thesi II. quoted. For eg-tpvcrdnqv Aesch. Pr. 235 (Mss. G. &c. Aid. Vulg.), Herm. and Dind. read, perhaps correctly, eeAvdo), see po (PI.) Locr. 103; Oribas. i, 42 : imp. eppiovviiv Philostr. Apoll. 5, 218. 7, 285, and (ppwvvov Imag. 31, 395, V- Apoll. 4, 145: fut. pwo-oj, em- Plut. Mor. 9, am- Aretae. 136 (ed. Oxon.): aor. tppaxra Plut. Pericl. 19, or- Her. 8, 14 ; Thuc. 4, 36 ; (Dem.) 10, 36 : p. p. eppco/iai PI. Conv. 176, -OHTCU Dem. 22, 26, -omit Hippocr. i, 6 1 6, -u>p.tda Eur. Heracl. 636, -tavrat Thuc. 6, 17; -axrQai Com. Fr. (Crat.) 2, 214 ; PI. Phaed. 61 ; -eo/W PI. Phil. 49; Isocr. 15, 115 : pip. f'ppa>p.t)v Thuc. 7, 15, -pcoTo Her. 6, in; Thuc. 2, 8 ; Lys. 13, 31, -pa>vro Thuc. 8, 78 : aor. tppv- tr6r)v Thuc. 4, 72 ; PL Phaedr. 238, r- Soph. O. C. 66 1 : puxrdr)- (rofuu Apollod. i, 6, 10, eVt- Luc. Som. 18 : pres. p. rare p^vvvrai Hippocr. 2, 400 (Erm.) ; pcr0f (Hippocr.) Epist. 3, 781 (K.): inf. eppio-fltu PI. Phaed. 61 ; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 48. c Pwop.tu To move quickly, hasten, Epic, pres. late if correct, Orph. Lith. loifjjoaovff Dio. Per. 518 (Mss. opp.vvff in text): imp. e'ppwoiro 11. 23, 368; Hes. Sc. 230, puovro II. 18, 411 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 942, pwero late, Nic. Ther. 351 : fut. pwo-oirai? Callim. Del. 175 (Mss. Ernest. Brunck, subj. -o-co^rat Blomf. Mein.) : aor. epptaauiro II. 24, 616. Od. 24, 69; H. Merc. 505, or- II. i, 529; Hes. Th. 8; subj. poxrwvrai Callim. Del. 175 quoted (Blomf. Mein.), see fut. 581 1a.iv(t> To fawn upon, Hes. Th. 771 ; Soph. O. C. 320; Opp. Hal. i, 36, ;rept- Od. 16, 10 ; o-mWt Od. 10, 217; aaivoipev Aesch. Sept. 704; - : aor. e. Zdow -ww To preserve (o-dw), Epic, o-aol Theogn. 868 (Bergk &c.); Callim. Del. 22, o-aovo-t Tyrt. n, 13: imp. (aaa> II. 21, 238 (Vulg.), traa) (Wolf, Bekk. Dind. La R.). 16, 363 : fut. o-aa>o-w II. i, 83 ; Hes. Fr. 139 ; Her. 7, 148 (Orac.) ; Epic inf. -axreptv II. 19, 401, -aHrtfjLfvat 13, 96; Ap. Rh. 4, 837 : OOP. ecrdwo-a II. 8, 500; Find. Fr. 216. Dem. (Epigr.) 18, 289, o-dwo-- II. 5, 23. Od. 4, 364. 513 (Bekk. 2 ed.); -waeuzs II. 17, 149, -tiav 12, 123: aor. pass, eVawcfyi', Epic 3 pi. -a>8fv Od. 3, 185, o-acocfy Find. P. 4, 161 ; o-awtfiji/ai II. 15, 503; -wtfet's Ap. Rh. 3, 786: fut. mid. reflex aaaxrofuu, Epic 2 sing, -ao-eat save yourself , Od. 21, 309. (See craw, (row). o-dw 2 sing, imperat. for adov (o-doe) Epic, Od. 13, 230. 17, 595 ; Anth. 8, 37. 13, 2 ; but o-dw (e'o-dw some ed.) II. 1 6, 363. 21, 238, is 3 sing, imperf. ; craws or o-dws Aris- tarchus' reading II. 9, 68 1, crows Bekker, for o-o'^s, is subj. of cradw, the first for o-aols, like /Styai for pryoi, the second with a double contraction, thus crad^s, o-aols, O-OK, then o-o'ws not -as ; so 3 sing, o-cia) in Ms. Ven. also adopted by Bekker for 0-0)7 H- 9, 424, and 3 pi. o-dwo-i 9, 393, not -wo-i which would require oWw. An Aeol. form o-dufu, 2 pers. craws occurs Alcae. 92 (Ahr. 73 Bergk). ZOTTU To equip, furnish, Aristot. Probl. 21, 14, 2; -TTO//U Xen. Oec. 19, u, and crdacrw Hippocr. 2, 226 (K.) : imp. taarrov Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 286 : fut. (o-dw), and o-do-, tV- Hippocr. 2, 345: aor. eaaga Her. 3, 7; Xen. Oec. 19, n; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 443, and eo-ao-a, eV- Hippocr. 2, 330. 345 : p. p. cre'o-aKTai Aristot. Probl. 21, 21 ; Stob. (Cercid.) 4, 43; o-e- o-dx^a) Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 130; -ay/xeW Aesch. Ag. 644; Xen. Conv. 4, 64. Oec. 19, n : pip. 3 pi. Ionic eVeaa'^aro Her. 7, 62. 70. 73. Mid. aor. cra^d/iei/os Orac. Luc. Peregr. 30. fVdcrfi fut. and tffdaeifv aor. opt. Hippocr. quoted, seem to be mistakes for eV-cracm fa--a-dcreifv. ffdcraca is found in Hippocr. 2, 226 (Kuhn)=7, 26 (Lit.) Zau To save, Poet, and only 3 pi. o-aouo-t Tyrtae. 8, 13 (Schneidew.), but -oSo-t (Buttm. Bergk n, 13); and 3 sing. opt. o-ciot Anth. 7, 109. A mere change of accent however as o-aovo-t, Galen 13, 244. 342, dn-o- Herodic. Athen. 13, 60 : aor. eo-qcw, part. cDjo-as Hippocr. 8, 132 (Lit.) ; Geop. 2, 32 : inf. o-rjo-ai Hippocr. 8, 132 : p. p. afaT)(jifvos Hippocr. 2, 569 (K.) ; Dioscor. i, 83, and crecnjoTuiVos Hippocr. 7, 132. 176 (Lit.); Dioscor. 4, 155; Geop. 10, 22 : aor. e'cnjo-tty/ Aretae. 92 (ed. Oxon.); Dioscor. 2, 583 208, OTTO- 5, 103, and -^iji> 2, 118. Vb. aqa-Tfov Dioscor. 5, 103. eTTrjpeva for eVoij/*- perhaps as IWv/Mu or ea-crevfj.- from o-evoj, occurs Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 351. Meineke now thinks T)rn]fj.eva should be read, or that eYr^/i- if correct, is taken from some Ionic writer. IpeV^Cfu To extinguish, Her. 2, 66 ; Hippocr. 7, 474 ; PI. Leg. 835 ; Aristot. Probl. 23, ^; Com. Fr. (Ephipp.) 3, 323, Kara- Xen. Conv. 7, 4, and afievvvu Find. P. i, 5 ; Heraclit. 103 (Byw.); Hippocr. 2, 342 (Lit. -v App. Civ. 2, 68, afieo-a- Orac. Her. 8, 77 ; Theocr. 23, 26, Kara- Aesch. Ag. 958; Sept. 584 (Dind.); Eur. I. T. 633; Ar. Lys. 376 : aor. ea/Sto-a in tmesi II. 16, 293 (}i/ai, Kara- Her. 4, 5, OTTO- Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 30 ; seems late in Attic prose, but Hippocr. 2, 342, eVcnro- 8, 162 &c. l6pdofH To stand in awe, fear, Orac. Euseb. praep. 9, p. 413: aor. mid. Epic o-f^ao-o-aro II. 6, 167; Subj. crt&dvrjvOe Orph. Arg. 554 : with aor. pass, wfflda-drjv act. Anth. 7, 122 (Epigr. Diog. Laert. 8, i, 45) ; Or. Sib. 4, 405. 8, 46, pass. 8, 477 ; o-fpao-dtis act. Theophylact. Hist. 7, 3, p. 169 : fut. i/ Archil. 120; Soph.Aj.7i2; PI. Leg. 777: and imp. e late, Luc. pro Imag. 7 ; MaLal. p. 432. Mid. o-(@ofiai as act. II. 4, 242; Pind. P. 6, 25; Aesch. Pers. 693; Eur. Bacc. 566; Ar. Nub. 293 ; Her. i, 66. 138 ; Antiph. 2, 8, 12; PI. Leg. 798: imp. eVf/So'/xjji/ Her. 2, 172. 7, 197; Xen. Cyr. 8, 8, i ; PI. Rep. 393 : with aor. pass, f'a-e^drjv Soph. Fr. 175 (D.); a-e^dtji'ai (Hesych.) ; o-ttyddva aweslricken, PL Phaedr. 254 : 2 fut. late, af^fa-dai Diog. Laert. 7, 120. Vb. o-orros Aesch. Pr. 812. Act. o-f/3o> is post-Homeric. going beyond the imperf. leiu To shake, Aesch. Sept. 385 ; Ar. Av. 1751 ; Xen. Cyn. 3, 4, vTTo-o-o- Od. 9, 385 ; veieiv Her. 7, 129 ; tretW II. 5, 563 ; Soph. Ant. 291; PI. Tim. 88, Poet. o-o Anacr. 50 (Bergk) : imp. fffftov Antiph. 6, 43, a-etov Od. 3, 486, iter. cm'ao-Kf, dva-cra-- H. H. 2, 225 : fut. era'a-a V. T. Esai. 10, 14, but eVt- Eur. Or. 613, Sia- Her. 6, 109: aor. ta-eia-a Soph. El. 713; Eur. Ion 1204 ; Ar. Ach. 12 ; Thuc. 4, 52, o-elo-a II. 15, 321 ; (mam Pind. P. 4, 272 ; Eur. Bacc. 185: p. veo-eiKa, Kara- Com. Fr. (Phil.) 4, 29, fv- Luc. Merc. Con. 30: p. p. o-eo-6to-/xi Pind. P. 8, 94; Ar. Nub. 1276, K- Ach. 344: aor. cWo-dqv Soph. Ant. 584; Her. 6, 98; Thuc. 2, 8, irpofjrav- 5, 17: pres. o-eto'/ucvo? II. 13, 135: imp. eWet'oi/T-o 2O, 59 ( II. 14, 519; Hes. Sc. 458; Ar. Thesm. 126 (chor.), and nm> Eur. H. F. 919. Hel. 1133 (chor.), o-w-o II. 21, 167; Pind. Ol. i, 20: 1 aor. eao-vfyv Soph. Aj. 294 (Aretae. 43 ed. Oxon., the only instance of the simple verb in prose), Epic 3 pi. twvBev, an- Hes. Th. 183, and ea-vd^v Eur. Hel. 1302 (chor.), tg- II. 5, 293 (Zenod. Wolf, Dind. La R. -f\i>6t) Aristarch. Bekk. 2 ed.), irvQ^v Aesch. Pr. 135 (chor.); GS>p.ev Soph. O. C. 1725; o-vdeis Aesch. Sept. 942, drro- Hippocr. 2, 450 (Lit.): 2 aor. (O-O-VTJV, Lacon. IWua, an- Xen. Hell, i, i, 23 (Ms. B. Dind. Sauppe, -ro Breitb. -ova others) he is gone, is dead, see below. Mid. vevofiai to hasten after, pursue, syncop. aevrai Soph. Tr. 645, a-fvovrai Opp. Hal. 3, 643 ; a-evcavTai II. ii, 415 : imp. (o-o-fvovro II. 2, 808 : 1 aor. fo-fftvavro II. ii, 549. 15, 272 (Bekk.), (Ttvaro II. 6, 505. 7, 208; opt. a-fvairo 23, 198, and now 17, 463 ; Mimnerm. 14, 7 ; -operas Orph. Lith. 12:2 aor. syncop. (say some) eWv/z^i', -Co, -vro II. 1 6, 585. Od. 14, 34, eo-fo-o Eur. Hel. 1133 (chpr.), - 1162. Phoen. 1065 (chor.); Ar. Fr. 582 (557 5 ed.), O-UTO II. 21, 167 ; Pind. Ol. i, 20; part, o-vpfvm Aesch. Eum. 1007 (chor.), Dor. avfjifva Ag. 746, eVi-orv^fi/os Eum. 786. 8 1 6. See pip. and a-ovfiat. Vb. fma-ffvros Aesch. Eum. 924. See o-o'o^at. (TvTai Soph, quoted, is 3 sing. pres. for o-eufTai. vvptvos ac- cented as pres. Aesch. Ag. 747. Eum. 1007, is part, of syncop. aor. f, dieKSvijvai Hippocr. i, 601 (K.), firTvr)v from TTTVO), 5, 106 (Lit.), fppvrjv from pew, Thuc. 3, 116, tyvTjv from (pvv, if sound Eur. Fr. 378; Hippocr. i, 404 &c. we do not see why they might not form fo-o-vrfv from aevu> or . XTJ0w, see a-da), to sift. ZT)K(iu> To enclose, is confined, we think, to aor. pass, e'or;- Kaadrjv, Epic 3 pi. a-rjKaffdev II. 8, 131 J and pt. o-rjKaa-dfi'Tfs Xen. Hell. 3, 2, 4. iTjuaifu To shew, II. 10, 58; Aesch. Ag. 293 ; Soph. O. C. 320; Her. i, 34; Antiph. 3, y, i. 4, y, 3 ; Thuc. 2, 43, Dor. adu- Theocr. 17, 89 : imp. (o-rjfiaivov Her. 4, 79 ; Thuc. 8, 102 ; PI. Polit. 275, Aesch. Ag. 497 ; Thuc. 6, 20, Ionic -ai>(o> Od. 12, 26; Her. i, 75: aor. ecnj/^i/a Aesch. Ch. 667; Eur. Heracl. 830; Her. i, 43. 2, 2. 3, 72. 106, and always (Gaisf. Bekk.); Thuc. 5, 71 ; Xen. Cyr. 2, 3, 18. An. 3, 4, 4. Hell. 2, i, 22 &c. ; Aristot. Metaph. 3, 4, 20, cr^ra II. 23, 358, and less freq. if correct, in Attic, fa-^dva Xen. Hell, i, i, 2. 2, 1, 5. 28 (Mss. Vulg. Breitb. -r)va always now Dind. Saupp.); Polyaen. T, 41 ; Arr. An. i, 6, 2 (Mss. Ellendt, but -r^va i, 8, 3. 20, i, Ellendt, and always Kriig.) ; V. T. Jud. 7, 21 &c. ; N. T. Rev. i, i; Hierocl. p. 28, 8 (Mullach), irpo- Plut. Arist. 19; subj. (TTjudin) Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 36 (Poppo, Born. Hertl. -91/17 Dind. Saupp. Hertl. 3 ed.) ; Luc. Vot. 36 (Jacobitz, Bekk. -^ Dind.) : p. (Tfo-fjuayKa late, Epict. Diss. 3, 26, 29 : p. p. o-ecnj^ao-pu, 3 sing. -pavrai Her. 2,125 ; af(rr)fj.a(Tfj.evos Her. 2,39 ; PI. Leg. 954 ; Isocr. 17, 34; Dem. 39, 17 ; aearj/rnvdai Ar. Lys. 1198 : aor. (OTjpdvOipi Xen. Hell. 6, 2, 34; Dem. 47, 16: fut. a-rifj.avdrja-ofj.nl Polyaen. 8, 21 ; Sext. Emp. 345 (B.), r- Eur. Ion 1593 ; and seemingly as pass. fut. mid. o-^ai/eVrcu Hippocr. 7, 276 (Lit.), see below. Mid. arjuaivouai to mark for oneself, infer &c. Soph. Aj. 32 ; Her. 2, 38: fut. (rrjfj.avovij,ai Hippocr. 2, 228 (Lit.), eV- Isocr. 20, 22, but orj/zace'erat Hippocr. 7, 276, seems pass, or as we say will shew a mark: aor. eo-^wi/^i/ II. 7, 175; Xen. Cyr. 8, 2, 17 ; Isae. 7, 2 ; Dem. 28, 6, To corrupt, rot, trans. Aesch. Ch. 995; Hippocr. 6, 196; PL Tim. 84. Theaet. 153, Kara- Xen. Cyr. S, 2, 21: fat. o-^w Aesch. Fr. 270 (D.) : aor. eo-^a, KO.T- Ael. H. A. 9, 62 (Schneid. 8t- Herch.): 2 p. aivrpta. as pass, am rotten, II. 2, 135; Eur. Elec. 319 ; Luc. Philops. n, Kara- Ar. Plut. 1035, Soph. Ant. 91; Ar. Plut. 912; opt. o-tfeVoi/ii, -voi Soph. O. C. 501; Eur. Fr. 454 (Dind.), -oi/i> Soph. O. C. 256; aBivHv Aesch. Eum. 896; Eur. Supp. 216; trOtvcav Aesch. Ag. 296; Soph. Aj. 488 ; Eur. H. F. 312 ; Luc. Ocyp. 120 : and imp. fo-devov Soph. Tr. 927; Ap. Rh. 3, 965; Anth. 6, 93; Orph. Lith. 435; Q. Sm. 8, 447 ; late prose Ael. H. A. n, 31, Poet. adevov Ap. Rh. i, 62. Aelian n, 31. Fr. 98 (Herch.) quoted, are the only prose instances we have met. Ztydw To be silent, pass over in silence, Simon. C. 66 ; Pind. N. 10, 29; Aesch. Sept. 263; Ar. Lys. 70; PL Apol. 24, Dor. 3 sing, o-ty//, 3 pi. o-iywi/rt Theocr. 2, 38 ; opt. o-tyw/it Pind. Fr. 58, Attic o-ty? Thuc. 8, 66; Horn, only imper. at'yo H. 14, 90, -dra> Pind. I. 2, 44 ; viyav H. Merc. 93 ; Pind. N. 5, 18 ; Aesch. Pr. 106; Soph. O. R. 569; Her. i, 88. 7, 104; Aeschin. i, 107, Dor. a-iyrjv Epich. 130; a-tyatv Solon 4, 15; Her. 8, 26, -tu>v (Stein, Abicht) : imp. eViywi/ Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 155 ; PL Prot. 360; Aeschin. 2, 163; Ar. Lys. 515, V/yuv 515, V/yas 516: fut. (nyfjaoftai mostly Poet. Soph. O. C. 113. 980; Eur. Bacc. 801. Hipp. 604 ; Ar. Nub. 1088. Lys. 515 &c. ; Hippocr. 4, 630 ; late Attic prose, Alciphr. 3, 62 : and late o-tyV Anth. 8, 25. 9, 27 ; Or. Sib. 3,473- 5. 59 J Charit. i, 10 (Herch.): aor. eVt'yqo-a Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 19; PL Euth. 286, o-iyjjera Eur. Bacc. 1084 (trimet.) ; Dor. subj. crtyfio-w Eur. Ion 859 (chor.) ; a-iyrja-ov Aesch. Sept. 262 ; Soph. Aj. 975, -ijcrare Eur. Hipp. 565; -ij 588 2/i/OjUaz. Soph. Fr. 696 (D.); PL Rep. 616 : p. o-eo-iy^a Aeschin. 3, 218; p. p. veaiyrinai Eur. Ale. 78 ; Aeschin. 3, 4, Dor. o-eo-iyd/zat Find. 01. 9, 103: aor. eViyjj&jv Eur. Supp. 298; Her. 5, 21 ; Aeschin. 2, 86, Dor. -s'&7i> Eur. Phoen. 349 (chor.) ; Theocr. 16, 54: fat. ai-yrjdf)(TOfMi Eur. I. T. 1076; (PI.) Epist. 310 : 3 fut. o-eo-i- yijo-o/tm (PI.) Epist. 311. Vb. (TiyrjTfos Eur. Hel. 1387. o-ryd Eur. Ion 859, is not fut. but subj. aor., see 860 ; and ory^o-o^ej/ Ar. Ran. 253 (Ms. A. Brunck) is held an interpolation, and has been rejected by all subsequent editors. It occurs however certainly later, see above, and Dio Chrysost. Cor. p. 305 (Dind.), Kara- Orat. 13 (227), vno- 2O (264). Stao-tyao-o/iat is in some inferior Mss. and common text, Pind. Ol. 13, 91, for which Boeckh restored Siao-wTrao-o/zai (best Mss. Schneidew. Bergk. -o-ttoTT- Herm. Momms.) The collat. form o-lydfa bid be silent, is rare and defective, -af Opp. Cyn. 3, 286; classic only pres. part. alyd&vTos Xen. An. 6, i, 32 : late 1 aor. part, a-iyda-as Dio Cass. (Xiphil.) 64, 14 : late p. p. a-fa-iyaa-fievos, Kara- Athen. 1,4: and late, aor. p. oryao-0^ Dio Cass. 39, 34 (Bekk.) missed or denied by all Lexicogr. Iiyop,ai To injure, II. 24, 45; Hes. Op. 318; Sapph. 12; Her. 2, 68; Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 15 -io\uu. see below; Epic subj. (Tlvrfat Od. 12, 139, -TITCU PL Leg. 936; Opt. -otro Od. 12, 114, Ion. 3 pi. -oi'aro Her. 9, 51 ; -ea-dai Theocr. 24, 87 ; Her. 6, 97; Xen. Lac. 12, 5, in Horn, and Attic, only pres.: and imp. eViVoi/ro Her. 5, 74; Xen. An. 3, 4, 16, iter. oWovTo Hes. Fr. 221, -fa-KovTo Od. 6, 6 : fut. aivTjo-ofiai so, with Ms. C, reads Lud. Dind. Hippocr. 8, 112, Ivfja-- Lit. and Erm. 2, 582, elvfjcr- Vulg. Foes 610, 10; Kiihn 2, 676: aor. e'oW^i/, -avro Her. 8, 31, but -earo 7, 147; -aa-dai Hippocr. 3, 236 (Lit.): p.p. o-eo-t/i/ieVo? pass. InSCr. Chish. p. 130: SO pres. a-iverai Hippocr. 7, 232: and imp. o-iVro Orph. Arg. 212. The form (rivtopai, -eeo-6ai occurs in Ms. S. Her. 4, 123, -fofjLfvos 9, 73, and imp. fvivefTo 9, 13, -eovro 9, 49, and is adopted by Gaisf., but Bekker reads o-iVo/tat, fa-ivonrjv always, we think, except 5,81, where he retains with the Mss. the vulg. eoweoi/ro, Dind. fo-ivovro, Stein fcriKveovro. The same variation occurs in Hippocr. a-iveo- pfvos 7, 562. 592, ail-oft- 7, 592 &c. (Lit.) But as o-tVo/xat alone occurs in Horn, and the earlier writers, and often in Her. with- out a variation, i, 17. 5, 27. 6, 97, o-ij/oiaro 9, 51, la-Lvovro 5, 74, one feels rather inclined to believe it the genuine form. "Recta haec est verbi forma" (Dind. Dial. Her. p. 42); so Bredow p. 363. Act. o-iVo) late, eamov Palaeph. i (Vulg. now fo-ivovro Mss. West- erm.); Aeol. a-ivvofMi Sapph. 72 (Ahr.) A late form is Maneth. 6, 608 : fut. -&XTO 552. 580 To feed, rare and late if correct in act. -tovrav Galen 15, 1 1 8, from Hippocr. 6, 54 (Lit.) where now stands o-n-fv/wwaj/, but napa-a-ireo) PL Lach. 179, more freq. ova-virtu PI. Lach. 179: imp. trw-fcriT- PI. Conv. 219; Aeschin. 2, 126: fut. o-ucro-tnjo-o) Philostr. Apoll. 252 : aor. o-vo-cmjjcras LyS. 13, 79 : p. -afcrirrjKvs Dem. 19, 191. Usu. atreo/iat /0 a/, in classic prose and poetry, Ar. Eccl. 665 ; Her. I, 200 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 8 ; -fopfvos Her. 6, 57, -ovuevos Aesch. Ag. 1668 ; -W&u Her. i, 94, -tiodai PI. Leg. 942 : imp. eVireiro Isae. 6, 21, -eWo Her, 8, 115. 9, 118, iter. (TireffKovTo Od. 24, 209; with fut. mid. o-mjao/iai Ar. Nub. 491. Pax 7*24 ; Aristot. Mund. 6, 34 ; and aor. p. arr^v ate, Theocr. 9, 26: but aor. raid. a-trrjaaa-dai, Kara- Strab. 15, 727 (Kram.), missed by Lexicogr. The collat. (rireva is rare, partially used and prosaic, but not in classic Attic, Plut. Mor. 66 1 : imp. iter. a-irevfo-Kov Her. 7, 1 1 9. Mid. (rtrevo/xat to eat, live OH, Polyb. 12, 2; o-iT(vofi.evT)v Plut. Lucull. 40, seems pass. Imw To feed, Ar. Eq. 716 ; Her. 6, 52 ; Isocr. I, 29 : fut. -ib-o), -to> : aor. snvura Xen. Conv. 4, 9. Mid. o-mb/xat /0 #z/, Theocr. 4, 16 : fut. -to-o/uu, eVi- AIT. An. 3, 20, 4 (Kr.), Attic -u>vpai, em- Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 266; Philostr. Apoll. 252, Ionic -teC/iat, rt- Her. 9, 50: aor. fviTicrd^v, fir- Thuc. 6, 94. 8, ioi; Dem. 50, 53 : with p. p. o-eo-moyiai as mid. Pyth. in Dio. Hal. de Isae. 4. Ziwirdw To be silent, pass over in silence, Ion Chius i, 8 ; Soph. Ph. 951 ; Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 275 ; Andoc. i, 26 ; Xen. Conv. 6, 10; vtuirav II. 2, 280; Isocr. 12, no: imp. fo-iwraiv Eur. Ale. 93; Lys. i, 14; Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 13; Isocr. 12, 265: fut. o-itoTnjcro/xai Soph. O. R. 233 ; Ar. Av. 226. Lys. 364 ; PI. Phaedr. 234; Isocr. 17, 19; Dem. 18, 112. 24, 62. 45, 83; Luc. Demon. 14, Dor. ercoTTQo-o/iat, Sta- Pind. Ol. 13, 91, -crta>7r- (Herm. Momms.): and later a-ia>7nio-a> (Aeschin.) Epist. 10, i ; Dio. Hal. n, 6; Plut. Mor. 240. Phoc. 21 ; Longin. Rhet. p. 593 (Walz) ; Geop. 13, 18 : aor. eVtownjo-a Hippocr. 5, 396; Isocr. 21, 3; Plut. Mor. 184; -17077 Luc. Nigr. 35; o-uoTrijaxu/ii Soph. Ant. 185; Ar. Pax 378, -cufj.fv Eur. Phoen. 926, -tuiv Od. 17, 513; o-townjo-cu 11. 23, 568 ; Ar. Lys. 713; Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 13 ; -was Soph. O. R. 1146; Andoc. i, 58 : p. o-eo-KuTnjKa Ar. Vesp. 944; Dem. 6, 34, a- Isocr. 6, 2 : p. p. o-eo-tdjTnjTm late Stob. 403 (Gaisf.) ; -rjfjifvos Dio. Hal. i, 76 (Vulg. O-KUTTQ)^- Kiessl.), but Dor. aeav- irduf'vos Pind. I. i, 63 (B.) : aor. f To half, Epic and late prose, scarcely goes beyond part. crKafav II. ii, 811. 19, 17; Plut. Mor. 317; Luc. Merc. Cond. 39 ; and inf. - Anth. 6, 54. iKaipw To leap, frisk, dance, is usu. Epic, and gets the length of the imp. emu'pei Theocr. 4, 19, -ovo-t Od. 10, 412 (-coo-t Bekk. 2 ed.); Opp. Hal. i, 656; Aristot. Probl. 2, 31, 2. Fr. 313; -ovrfs II. 1 8, 572; Ap. Rh. i, 1135: imp. iter. o-itaipeo-Kf Ap. Rh. 4, 1402, awi- Q. Sm. 8, 321. ZicdXXa}, see 07ce'AAa>. ZKCVJTTW To dig, Horn. H. Merc. 90 ; Eur. H. F. 999 ; -TJ Hipponax 35 ; Ar. Plut. 525 ; (PI.) de Just. 375 ; Aristot. Mirab. Ausc. 91; Luc. Tim. 31; -rw Xen. Oec. 16, 15; Aeschin. 2, 156: imp. (o-Kcnrrov H. Merc. 207; Thuc. 4, 90; App. Lib. 15 : fut. ovca^to PI. Leg. 778, Kara- Eur. H. F. 566 : aor. ea-Ka^a Hippocr. 4, 116 (Lit.), KO.T- Her. 7, 156; Thuc. 4, 109 : p. f(TKa(f)a, tear- IsOCr. 14, 7. 35 : P- P. ta-Ka^ai PI. Crat. 413; Luc. Gall. 6: 1 aor. late fo-Ka^drjv Tzetz. Hes. Op. 569, /car- v.r. Diod. Sic. 13, 57: 2 aor. eo-Kafyv Geop. 12, 5, /car- Soph. O. C. 1318 ; Eur. Hec. 22 ; Her. 6, 72 ; Lys. 13, 34; Isocr. 15, 319 ; Diod. Sic. 13, 57 : fut. ovca^o-o/iai, diro- Polyaen. 5, IO, 3, Kara- Joseph. Ant. 20, 6, I. Mid. o-KaTmytat, -roiro Pseud. -Phocyl. 146 (Bergk). iKeSa'a), -SawDfU To scalier, o-KfSawi/ Nic. Al. 596, a-ne^avvvvai Theophr. C. P. 3, 6, 4 ; -VVTOS Luc. Dem. Enc. 7 (-wwrai Xen. Mag. Eq. 7, 9), and o-KeSd^u see below, oxeSaccuo) see foil. : imp. ea-Kf8dvvv(rai> Dio Cass. 40, 22, *ar- Herodn. 8, 4, 9, and ea-ntSdwiiov, KOT- Dem. 54, 4, -va-av (Bekk.) : fut. axeSa. Theogn. 883 ; Orac. Sib. i, 1 88 ; Plut. Coriol. 12 ; Joseph. Jud. B. 4, 9, 6, 8ia- Luc. D. Mer. 9, 5 ; Arr. An. 1,1,7; Pl ut - Pericl. 32. Syll. 28 ; Geop. 5, 31, Attic ovceSS, -as, a &c. Aesch. Pr. 925, OTTO- Soph. O. R. 138, Sia- Ar. Av. 1053. Vesp. 229; Her. 8, 68; inf. o-v-ovceiSaV Ar. Ran. 903 (chor.) : aor. eV/ceSao-a II. 7, 330 ; Hes. Op. 95 ; Sapph. 95 (Bergk) ; Soph. Tr. 989 ; Com. Fr. (Diph.) 4, 383 ; late prose, Polyaen. 5, 14, but fit- Thuc. i, 54, Kara- PI. Apol. 18 ; Dem. 18, 50, o-'S- II. 20, 341 : p. p. eo-Ke'Saarai Aristot. Prob. 6, 4; -aa-ftevos Her. 4, 14; Hippocr. 6, 152 (Lit.); Thuc. 2/ce'/\Ao> 591 4* 56. 6, 52 ; PI. Conv. 221 : aor. nce8do-0i;i> Aesch. Pers. 502 ; Her. 5, 102 ; Thuc. i, 74 ; PI. Leg. 699, &- Thuc. 3, 98 : 'fut. late (TKfdavdrja-eTm Marc. Aur. 6, 4 ; Galen 6, 6, Sz- Dio Cass. 47, 38. Mid. as act. aor. o-Keftda-avro in tmesi Q. Sm. 14, 596, tear- Xen. An. 7, 3, 32 (Dind. Kriig. Cobet), dno- (PI.) Ax. 365. Vb. ovceSacrrof PI. Tim. 37. See KeSdvi/iyu, Ki8vr}iJ.i, (TKibvy/jU. i-a-Kri\r] Nic. Ther. 694 : p. eo-KXrjKa as mid. am dried up, rare in simple, Choeril. Fr. 4 ; Anth. PI. 4, in ; Nic. Ther. 718. 789, e|- Epicharm. 106 (Ahr.), eV- Hippocr. 6, 196 (Lit.), KOT- Theophr. C. P. 6, 14, n; Luc. Gall. 29 ; syncop. part. eo-KXijwref Ap. Rh. 2, 53 : pip. eWX^m Ap. Rh. 2, 201 : 2 aor. eaKXrjv, 0f)vai Hippocr. 6, 18 (Lit.) ; vKf Ar. Eq. 372, Dor. -a : aor. faKfviura Ar. Thesm. 591 ; Her. i, 73; Thuc. 2, 15; PI. Parm. 127, Dor. -aa, HUT- (PI.) Locr. 99 &C. : p. p. eWvaer/^ai Thuc. 4, 33; Xen. Cyr. 6, 2, 28, 3 pi. Ionic eo-KeuuSarat Her. 4, 58 : pip. eWeuacrro App. Lib. 78, Ionic 3 pi. evufvdbaro Her. 7, 62, and effKfvaafjtevoi rftrav 7, 68 : aor. fffKevdffdrjv Galen 13, 180. 250. 341, Trap- Thuc. 4, 78 : fut. (r/cfvao-^o-o/zai Oribas. 4, I, Kara- Dem. 19, 219. Mid. -ab/iai to prepare for oneself, Eur. H. F. 956. 969 ; PI. Rep. 372 : imp. eoxeuaf- Her. 6, 100, Trap- Thuc. 5, 6 : fut. -dvopai, napa- Xen. Mem. 3, 4, ii ; Dem. 13, 2 : aor. -ao-a- ^fi/oj Dinarch. Fr. 89, 31 (B. Saupp.); Plut. Sol. 8; Tj-ap-eo-Kevao-ai/ro Thuc. i, 18 : with p. p. as mid. to-Kfvacrfuu Eur. Supp. 1057; Lys. Fr. 54 (Scheibe), -nap- PI. Menex. 234 ; Dem. 29, 28, Si- 13, 8, Km- 3, 29. Vb. ovcevaoTos PI. Rep. 510, -tos Ar. Pax 855 ; Galen 13, 649. 814, *ara- PI. Leg. 964. iKcucopew To watch the baggage, examine, contrive, act. late, Philo VOl. 2, p. 569, Sia- (Ph.) Epist. 3, 316 : aor. eo-Kencop^o-a Hesych. Mid. o-Kevupsopai. Aristot. H. An. 9, 32, 8; Dem. 9,17 : fut. -&>pjjcro/wu : aor. -ijtraro 45, 47; -i}pr)Tai act. 32, ii ; -r)fjLvos 32, 9, but pass. 45, 5. ZKrjirrd) To prop &c. Poet, in act. Aesch. Ag. 310, eVt- Her. 3, 65; Thuc. 3, 59; Aeschin. i, 146: imp. eo-^nroj/, eV- PI. Menex. 246 : fut. -\^co, tVt- PI. Theaet. 145 : aor. font^a Aesch. Ag. 302; Eur. Med. 1333, ev- Her. i, 105; a-K^eiev Aesch. Ag. 366; Eur. I. T. 1152, WIT- Archil. 29: fat. a-KiaS), Kara- Soph. O. C. 406: aor. ((TKiao-a Hes. Th. 716; Simon. C. 148, 4; Callim. Epigr. 49, 4; oxtdcn? II. 21, 232; -dtrar Opp. Hal. 4, 165; inf. ffKid Nonn. i, 292. 44, 127 : and imp. in comp. KOT- eaKidov Od. 12, 436, but iter. ovcidaovce Tzetz. P. H. 248: pass. (TKiouvrai Epic for -dovrai, Arat. 600 : imp. vTO Od. 3, 487. II, 12, fffKiouvTO, tir- Q. Sm. 5, 346. So KOfioo) for -do>, II. 2, 542. 8, 42 &c. !iuSiT]fu To scatter, rare in simple, Heraclit. 40 (Byw.) ; and late Plut. Mor. 933. 939 ; Aretae. 36 (ed. Oxon.), but 8ia-dp.fv Aristot. Plant, i, 7, 10 (B.); Sext. Emp. 119, 17, eVt- Luc. Herm. 59. Catapl. 24 ; imper. O-KO'THJO-OI/ Babr. 98, 10 ; Heliod. 3, 7, eVi- Luc. Herm. 44 ; part. (rKonfaas Heliod. 8, 16, 77/30- Theophr. Fr. 6, i ; Dio Cass. 52, 14, mpt- Polyb. Fr. incert. 90 (Bekk.), 8ta- Ach. Tat. 7, 12, eVt- Themist. 21, 248; inf. KaTa-o-KOTrrjo-ai Pseud.-Callisth. 2, 24; V. T. 2 Sam. 10, 3; N. T. Gal. 2, 4. Mid. aor. Trepi-o-KOTnjcrao-ftu Luc. H. V. I, 32, Kara- V. T. Ezec. 21, 21 (Vat.) : with p. p. n-po-av-fo-KoirrjiJ.woi Joseph. Ant. 17, 5, 6. T 7> 6, 3. Vb. (TKo-nr^Ttov Geop. 7, 15. We have been the more particular with the parts of the regular formation, because in Grammars, Lexicons, and various philological works they are usually either ignored or expressly denied. IKUOJJ.CH To be angry, Epic, and in simple, only pres. imper. a-Kufrv Od. 23, 209 ; inf. -taQai II. 24, 113 ; pt. -optvos II. 4, 23 ; Theocr. 16, 8; rm-mevfrnvrat II. 9, 370: and late imp. tanv&vro Q. Sm. 3, 133, \//-ouai Ar. Ach. 854: but O-KO>\|/-\/m mid. Elms. Dind.), late dno-(TKu>\lsa> Nicet Annal. p. 81 : aor. eo-Ko^a Ar. Nub. 540; Her. 2, 121 (4) ; Xen. Conv. 4, 28 ; PL Men. 80 : p. p. eo-Kw^at, aTr-fa-KO)(f)6ca Luc. Bacch. 8 : aor. eWdx^v Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, 18. Mid. aor. faKv^awv Alciphr. 3, 57, missed by Lexitogr. Ifiau To anoint, (in Attic contracts in 77) 3 sing. o>ijj, Vt- Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 71 ; Ar. Thesm. 389 ; inf. 07^ Luc. Lex. 3, Ionic <7fie'w, 8ta-a-p.fvrfs (Mss. M K. Lhardy, Dind. Stein), and a/J^IX" Hippocr. 2, 366. 8, 162 (Lit.); Babr. 76 ; Lycophr. 876 ; Luc. Indoct. 28 : imp. ea-^oiv, ?- Her. 3, 148, f in imitation of the old Attic. Ifjidxw To burn, -\>x<>>v Ap. Rh. 3, 762, Kara- Theocr. 3, 17, aVa- Aretae. 32 (ed. Oxon.): aor. e0yii>a, i^w To make wise, instruct, late in act. App. Mithr. 15 (B.) ; V. T. Ps. 18 (19), 8: aor. eo-o'^to-a Ps. 118 (119), 98; o-oQla-ai N. T. 2 Tim. 3, 15: p. p. o-fo-o^ioTuu Hes. Op. 649 (Lenn.); (Phocyl.) 1 30, and as mid. see below : aor. faoipia-Brjv Soph. Ph. 77 (as mid. Schol.) : fut. late o-o^to-^a-ofwu Apocr. Sir. 50, 28. Mid. o-o Aesch. Pr. 1018 : aor. evnapaga Find. Fr. 88 ; Babr. 95, 40, (COT- Ar. Eq. 729 : p.p. 8t-eaimu Com. Fr. (Eubul.) 3, 211 : aor. (nrapaxdfjvai Luc. Indoct. 19 : fut. mid. Lycophr. 484, eW Soph. Aj. 769, Sta- Her. 7, 236, dva- Luc. Hist. Con. 40 : aor. tWao-a II. 13, 178 (Dind. La R.); Aesch. Ag. 333; Ar. Vesp. 175; Ap. Rh. i, 1239; PI. Phaedr. 254, a-rrdaev in tmesi II. 5, 859. 13, 178, and always (Bekk.) ; o-rrao-i? Hippocr. 2, 276 (Erm.) ; o-Traa-a? Soph. Ant. 258; PI. Leg. 666, Poet, dv-a-naa-a-- Pind. P. 4, 27; ffirdtrai Aesch. Ch. 533, -ijcrai if correct, Aretae. 46 (ed. Oxon.) : p. fo-iraKa Aristot. Prob. 22, 2; Heliod. 10, 14; Sext. Emp. 396, ii, av- Ar. Ach. 1069; Hippocr. 8, 488 (Lit.) ; Dem. 19, 314: p. p. fo-Trao-fuii Hippocr. 6, 178; Pint Cleom. 8. Caes. 66, 81- Emped. 270; Thuc. 6, 98. 8, 104; Xen. An. i, 5, 9. 4, 8, 10, as mid. see below : aor. eWao-^v Eur. Cycl. 639. 640, dir- Thuc. 7, 80, /car- i, 63 ; Xen. An. i, 9, 6 ; a-naa-dn Hippocr. 7, 172; (riravdfis II. ii, 458; Soph. Fr. 587 ; Hippocr. i, 77 (Erm.); OTracrOfjvai Her. 6, 134: fut. . 597 imp. ((nrftpov Her. 9, 116, Sia- Plut. Pomp. 18, iter. Her. 4, 42 : fat. o-Trtpw Eur. Elec. 79 ; PI. Phaedr. 276 (Aeol. oTrepo-w Schol. Eur Hec. 198) : aor. ecrn-etpa Soph. El. 533; Eur. Phoen. 22; Her. 7, 107; PL Phaedr. 260. 276; oWpas Aesch. Sept. 754 ; PI. Tim. 41 : p. late Wapica Polyaen. 2, i, i ; V. T. Esai. 37, 30 ; Schol. Eur. Phoen. 670 : p. p. toTrap/wu Eur. H. F. 1098; Ar. Ran. 1207; Her. 5, 92 (6); Xen. Ages, i, 30; PI. Leg. 693, &- Thuc. 3, 30 : 1 aor. (eWapfyi* see below) : 1 fut. late if sound 8ta7V/v II. n, 775; Soph. El. 270; Her. 7, 54; PI. Leg. 799; Aeschin. 2, 84; -v Pind. I. 6, 9 ; Soph. Ph. 1033 ; Ar. Thesm. 793 ; Her. 2, 151 : imp. fo-nfvSov Ar. Pax 1093; Her. 2, 151 ; Xen. An. 4, 3, 13; Dem. 19, 130, iter. oWi'Seaxoi/ II. 16, 227. Od. 7, 138: fut. trrrei'o-w perhaps late in simple, Or. Sib. 7, 81 ; Nonn. 19, 194; Nicol. Rhet. n, 14 ; Himer. Or. 23, 18 ; V. T. Numb. 28, 7, but Kara- Eur. Or. 1187 ; Her. 2, 151 : aor. fmrtura Od. 13, 55 ; Soph. Fr. 49(D.); Eur. Ion 1202; Philostr. ' Apoll. 55, dn- Antiph. I, 20, OTreto-- II. 9, 177. Od. 7, 228, iter. crnfivao-Ke Od. 8, 89 ; - later, Plut. Rom. 19, v Valken. Dind. Abicht) : imp. (cnrepxf Luc. Tragod. 236, Attic r- Thuc. 4, 1 2 : aor. eo-rrepga, eV- Hesych. (Tirepxo^ai to haste, be angry, Nic. Ther. 417. 814 ; d/x?7i> (Hesych.) : pass, tnrtpxfais Pind. N. i, 40 ; Her. i, 32. The simple form seems confined to poetry and Ionic prose. JireuSu To urge on, speed, trans, and intrans. Od. 19, 137; Solon 13, 43; Pind. Ol. 4, 13; Soph. O. C. 1017; Ar. PJut. 1167; Her. i, 42 ; Thuc. 6, 10 ; PI. Crito 45, Dor. 3 pi. -8ovn Theocr. 16, 15; airtvSj) Aesch. Pers. 743, Dor. i pi. o-TrevSw/ze? Theocr. 15, 59; (nrdiSfiv II. 13, 236, Epic -dfp.ev Od. 24, 324: imp. f Soph. El. 935; Her. 9, 101; Isocr. 5, 23, erTm/S- Pind. N. 9, 21 : fut. tnrfixro) Eur. Hec. 66; Ar. Eq. 926 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 27 : aor. IWevo-a Soph. Aj. 1223 ; Eur. H. F. 1133 ; Her. 8, 41; PI. Crit. 45, o-Trevo-a Od. 9, 250; SUbj. /iej Ar. Lys. 266, Epic -o^v II. 17, 121 ; o-Trevo-ai Aesch. Supp. 599: p. later fmrfvica. Plut. Mor. 582 : -KOTI Paus. 7, 15, 5 : and p.p. (rnfv To make haste, be eager, Soph. O. C. 1143; Ar. Pax 471; Isocr. 3, 25 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 3, n : imp. eW- Xen. Oec. 9, i ; Isocr. 12, 1 88 ; Isae. 8, 16 : fut. o-jrouSuo-o) late, Polyb. 3, 5 ; Diod. Sic. r, 58 ; Dio Cass. 44, 36. 45, 6 ; Dio Chrys. Or. 3 (45); Joseph. Ant. 13,9,2: classic fut. m. oTrouSao-o/wu PI. Euth. 3; Dem. 21, 213; Luc. Salt. 25: aor. e'aTrovSacra Eur. H. F. 507; Isocr. 2, 44; PI. Phaed. 114: p. eWovSaKa Ar. Vesp. 694 ; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 101 ; Xen. Conv. 2, 17 ; PI. Phaedr. 236 : pip. -8aK(o-av App. Hisp. 94; p.p. eo-novoaa-pai Simon. C. 223; Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 38; PI. Leg. 722, KO.T- Her. 2, 173, Si- Dem. 20, 157, but act. 23, 182 : aor. later, eWovSao-s Dio. Hal. de Lys. 14 : p. p. Sieo-TrovSao-T-ai Dem. 20, 157. 23, 79. Mid. as act. 8tao-Trov8dopai : imp. 8tea-7rov8deTo Arr. An. 7, 23, 8 : fut. 8i.aa-7rov8da-op.ai Dio Cass. 52, 2O : as mid. p. p. 8t- 70 drop, Hipponax 57 (B.) ; Aesch. Ch. 1058 ; Soph. El. 1423; Her. 6, 74; Hippocr. 8, 278; PI. Tim. 82 : imp. earafrv Eur. Bacc. 711; Hippocr. 3, 82 (Lit); Babr. 72, 5; Ael. V. H. 3, 42 : fut. oraa> V. T. Jer. 49 (42), l8, Kara- Luc. Luct. 19, Dor. I pi. arafvp.(s Theocr. l8, 46, 3 pi. ordot(rt Pind. P. 9, 63: aor. eo-raga Batr. 229; Eur. H. F. 1355; Hip- pocr. 2, 654 (Lit), a-rdgf H. 19, 39. 354; Pind. N. 10, 82: p. p. faraicrai, cv- Od. 2, 271 : pip. eWoraKTO Her. 9, 3 : 1 aor. (a-rdxdrjv, eni-CTTaxdev Hippocr. 6, 424 (Lit), ev- DiosCOr. 2, 2IO: 2 aor. ttrnytfv, tvurrSyg Dioscor. 2, 75 J eVi-orayei's I, 18, V- 2, 37. trraKTos Ar. Plut. 529 ; PI. Critias 115. ordfo) is rare in prose. (ZTa0fA(u) 7/i/or Her. 7, 237, Ionic aradftfopat, -top-tvoi Her. 2, 150? Or -do/not, -fvp.(i>oi 8, 13- imp. a-radpciTO Pind. Ol. IO, 45 : fut. a-ra0p.rja-op.ai Luc. Hist. Con. 63, but pass. Ar. Ran. 797, quoted : aor. taraffp.r) 7, 610; PI. Tim. 78; subj. artya> Soph. O. R. 341; os not , is the approved reading Xen. An. i, 9, 13 (L. Dind. Popp. Kriig. Cobet, Saupp.), oTt/3d^- still however (Kiihner). orei/So'/xej/or Theocr. 17, 122, is mid. but 28 7 '> Pind. N. i, 65 ; Ar. Av. 1398; Her. 3, 76, -ouo-a Soph. Ant. 186; which Dem. (19, 248) rather quotes than uses ; but late, Plut. Mor. 901 ; Philostr. Apoll. 2, 33: imp. tcTTfixov Od. 9, 444; Hes. Fr. 174; Soph. Tr. 47 ; Philostr. Apoll. 2, 32, 8t- Pind. I. 3, 17, orel^- D. 9, 86; Hes. Th. IO : fut. (oTf/|o>) : 1 aor. Epic eora, 7repi-orar Od. 4? 2 77> -ffT|aj (Aristarch.) : 2 aor. Epic eo-u^oi/ II. 16, 258; 60 1 Callim. Del. 153; Ap. Rh. 3, 1212; Theocr. 25, 223; (Hesych.) The aorists are Epic. For Si-e'en-t^oc Find. I. 3, 17 (Vulg.), Herm. Boeckh, Bergk &c. &e'orxoj'. Hesychius presents a pres. form cm'xov Soph. Ph. 571 ; Her. 3, 141, an-- Thuc. 8, 64 : fut. oreXw Soph. Ph. 983 ; Eur. Bac. 827, Epic o-TeAea Od. 2, 287: aor. WXa Aesch. Pers. 609 ; Soph. Ant. 165; Thuc. 2, 69. 3, 86, orelX- Od. 14, 248; orei'Xar Od. 14, 247; Her. 3, 14, Trept- Od. 24, 293, Aeol. eoTfX Hermes. 2, 2 ; Soph. O. R. 434 ; Eur. Bac. 821 ; Dio. Hal. 13, 15 ; Luc. Philops. 32 &c., VTTO- Hippocr. i, 580 (Lit.) ; Isocr. 6, 89. 8, 41 ; Dem. i, 1 6, oreiA- furled, II. i, 433: see p.p. eoraX/iai Her. 7, 62; Xen. An. 3, 2, 7 ; PI. Leg. 833: pip. eWdAaro Hes. and Her. quoted : and 2 aor. f To groan, sigh, Aesch. Pr. 696; Soph. Ant. 882 ; Eur. H. F. 1065 ; Hippocr. 7, 36 ; -d&iv Soph. Aj. 982 ; Ar. Vesp. 3i6(chor.): imp. evrev- Eur. Ph. 1035, dv- Soph. Aj. 930 (chor.) : fut. Eur. H. F. 248 (Heath, Dind. Kirchh. -af- Mss.) ; Aeschin. 3, 259 (Ms. Z. Bekk. Franke, -vdm Bait. Saupp.) ; Lycophr. 973; late prose Himer. Or. 23, 21 ; V. T. Esai. 24, 7 ; Joseph, jud. B. i, 32, 2, dva- Eur. I. T. 656 : aor. fVTtvaga Eur. I. T. 550; Com. Fr. (Diph.) 4, 390; Dem. 23, 210. 27, 69; Plut. Mor. 171. 202. 204 &c. Cat. min. 70. Mar. 6. Feb. 12 &c. ; Luc. Cal. 14, dva- Her. i, 86; Xen. Conv. i, I 5- P- P- forfvaypai, -fttvos late Lycophr. 412, /car- Alciphr. i, 36. Vb. ovfvaKTos Eur. H. F. 914, -re'os Supp. 291. In classic Attic prose, this verb in the simple form is used by Aeschin. and Dem. alone, and only in aor. Zremxew To groan, aor. orei/a^o-ai II. 18, 124 (old edit.), re- jected from Horn, by Wolf, Bekker &c. for orovaxeca, which see. ZTeraxicj To sigh, lament, Epic, Od. i, 243 ; subj. -i'&> 9, 13; -it II. 19, 304. Od. 24, 317 (Bekk. Dind. La R.): imp. errt- v&xtf Hes. Th. 858, dv-effT- II. IO, 9. Mid. a-Tevax^o^ai as act., ntpt- Od. 10, 10: imp. arevaxlfcTo II. 7, 95; Hes. Th. 159 (some Mss. Lennep), others o-roi/ax/fero, a form which Wolf banished from Homer, but which Buttm. defends. Wolf with Ms. Ven. gives the mute form with e, oT/ax/fa>, but the pure form with o, orow^ea) ; Ms. Vindob. and old edit, vary between e and o. In Hes. however, Sc. 92. 344, Wolf approved p.frTTova- Xt'ffi-o. 7repi-tTTovdxi(, which other editors have adopted. In Horn. Bekker edits Soph. Ant. 574; Thuc. 4, 64, and perhaps (orepeVco) -/w, -pe* Aesch. Pr. 862, unless pres. as fut. : aor. eWpqera Eur. Andr. 1213 ; Her. 9, 93; PI. Leg. 873, air- Lys. 24, 22, Epic eWe'peo-a Anth. II, 124; inf. arep/o-ai Od. 13, 262; Orph. Arg. 1330; -iai Cram. Anecd.) : pip. e'ore/jqro Thuc. 2, 65 : 1 aor. fa-rfp^v Soph. Ant. 13; Eur. Ale. 200; Her. 8, 142 ; Antiph. 4, 8, i; Thuc. i, 24; PI. Phaed. 99; Isocr. 16, 40; -rj0S> Soph. O. R. 771 ; Dem. 28, 17; (rrfprjQfis Pind. N. 8, 27; Aesch. Pers. 579: fut. orepi/^o-o- pai Dio Cass. 41, 7; Diod. Sic. 4, 23 (Bekk. a-rfpfja- L. Dind.) ; Apollod. i, 3, 2 ; Babr. 72 (Isocr. 6, 28 Vulg.), drro- Lys. 12, 70; Dem. i, 22 ; and Isocr. 7, 34 (Ms. U. Bekk. B. S. but -ptjo-ofj.ai Vulg. Bens.): 2 aor. poet, toW^i/, a-reptis Eur. Ale. 622. Hec. 623 &c. : 2 fut. o-Tfpr)(TOfj.ai which may also be fut. mid. as pass. Soph. El. 1210; ThuG. 3, 2. 39; Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 32 (Popp. Dind.); Lys. 19, i; Isocr. 6, 28. 16, 49 (Ms. U. Bekk. B. S. Bens.) ; PI. Phil. 66 ; Dem. 20, 40, dno- Eur. H. F. 137 ; Thuc. 6, 91; Dem. 24, 210. 39, n. 40, 10: (3 fut. eWe/^o-opu Eur. I. A. 1203, is a suggestion of Reiske and Person, and adopted by Bothe, Nauck, Dind. 5 ed. for varrfprja-- Vulg., dTr-for- H. Fur. 137 Dind. for afro-or-.) Pass, (and Mid.?) vrfpeofiai very rare, -ela-Oai Eur. Supp. 793 (Ms. C. Aid. Nauck, -elo-a Markl. Dind.): cmpS>vTai, OTTO- Aesch. i, 195; oTepotTo Xen. An. 7> 6, 1 6 (Vulg. Ktihner, orepoiro Popp. Kriig. Dind.); 0-Tepov/j.fvos Xen. An. i, 9, 13 (Kriig. -(fyiej/o? Dind. Saupp.) ; more freq. (TrepiffKopai only pres. Eur. Supp. 1093 ; Her. 4, 159 ; Thuc. i, 73; Xen. Ages, n, 5; PI. Rep. 413, and oWpo/zat am deprived of, wan/, Hes. Op. 211 ; Dem. 20, 51 ; -prdai Soph. Tr. 136; Her. 8, 140; Antiph. 5, 13; Thuc. 3, 46; Andoc. 3, 20; Xen. Conv. 4, 31. An. 3, 2, 2 ; Isocr. 19, 23. 47; -popfvos Antiph. 4, a, 2 : imp. ((rrepovfufv Antiph. 2, /3, 9, ((TTfp6fj.r]v rare, Xen. Hell. 2, 2, 9 : fut. late (orfpoO/*, dnoa-repea has some Ms. support Isocr. 12, 243, opposed by d-iroa-TtpS), to which it is possible to refer as fut. arrepel Aesch. quoted, and mid. diro- oTfpelffdf as pass. Andoc. quoted, which however may be pres. compare artpop. Eur. Elec. 1309. arfpopai is perhaps always used with the force of a perf. have been deprived, am without, and on this ground Buttmann would substitute orfpo/xeVour for trrfpovfjL- Xen. An. i, 9, 13 (Kriig.) &c. We rather demur to this, because (rrfpovfiai also has sometimes decidedly the force Of a perf. rjv diroo-Tfpovpfvos rr)s irarpibos Isocr. 6, 25. 14, 1 7> xpw^ Ta)V J 7> 2 3 Dem. 30, 15, and the simple, though 605 later, oTtpovpevos rexvov Dio. Hal. 8, 30. 4 1 (-o/z- Kiessl.) ; Diod. Sic. i, 84 (-0/1- L. Dind.); Luc. Char, i (Jacob.) L. Dindorf in Steph. Thesaur. (o-Tepw) agrees with Buttm. in confining the perf. meaning to the barytone form orepo/uu, and accordingly would substitute it for artpoO/tai wherever this occurs with the sense of the perf. We think his remarks too unqualified. iTepicrKW, ore'pw, orcpofiai, see arepeat. Ijeujiai properly To stand, pledge oneself, affirm, &c. Epic def. Dep. Orph. Lith. 82 (Herm.), oreimu II. 3, 83. Od. 17, 525; Ap. Rh. 3, 337 ; Aesch. Pers. 49 chor. (Herm. Dind.), -ewrat (Blomf. Hart. &c.) : imp. orevro II. 18, 191. Od. n, 584; Ap. Rh- 3, 579. 1 pers. oreu/xat Orph. L. 82, is Herm. emendation for vTrurxvovpai (Vulg.) This verb seems connected with lo-nj/it. Eustath. says it arose from a contraction of the form OTOJX<" into i, the diphthong remaining in the other persons crew/rat, ZTO) To encircle, crown, Od. 8, 170 ; Soph. Ant. 431 ; Aristot Fr. 108; Hyperid. Fr. 120; Luc. Nigr. 30: imp. eore is much more freq. in every class of writers, act. mid. and pass, with fut. -u>6f](TfTaL Aeschin. 3, 20. 147. 244. 259 : and fut. mid. as pass. -axTfrai Aristid. 39 (496), but act. Philostr. T. Apoll. 7, 294, both missed by Lexicogr. ZT^KOJ late, see rrijK. ZTT]pia) To support, Hippocr. 5, 340 ; -iu 7, 592 ; -ifav Eur. Hipp. 1207 ; -ifiv Aristot. Nat. Ausc. 3, 5, 17 : imp. e'onjptfe Eur. Bac. 1083 (Mss. Dind. Kirch. Nauck) : fut. a-rrjpi^ (Hip- pocr. i, 541 Erm. 7, 590, some Mss. Aid. -/ Lit.) Nonn. i, 449 ; N. T. i Pet. 5, 10, and -ta-7pia II. 4, 443 ; Opp. Hal. 2, 464 (Eur. Bacc. 1083 Aid. Herm. Christ, pat. 2259, -i Mss. Dind. Nauck, Kirchh.); rare in prose, Hippocr. 3, 208, tmjp^e II. n, 28; Hes. Th. 606 2Tt/3e 498; (rrrjpi^T} HippOCf. 2, 456. 7, 212 ; (TTTjpigai Od. 12, 434; Thuc. 2, 49; -i'aj Hippocr. 7, 592; Luc. D. Mar. 10, i ; inf. -Igm Od. 12, 434, late e'orjjpio-a Anth. 14, 72 ; App. Civ. i, 98: p.p. eo-rfipi.yij.ai Hes. Th. 779; -iypevos Hippocr. 7, 122 (Lit.); Aristot. Prob. 5, 20, xar- Eur. Fr. 385 (Dind.) : pip. eW^ptKi-o II. 1 6, ii i ; Hes. Sc. 218: aor. eW^/nx^, . ZTIU> To prick, Simon. C. 78 (Bergk): imp. eorifov Her. 7, 233 ; Plut. Per. 26 : fut. OTI'CO Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 530 ; Her. 7, 35 : aor. ecrna Her. 5, 35 : (p. act. ?) : p. p. eo-nyjuut, -p.evns Ar. Av. 760; Xen. An. 5, 4, 32 ; Aeschin. 2, 79 ; Her. 5, 35 ; inf. fo-rlxdai 5, 6 ; Sext. Emp. 168, 33 : aor. eo-Tixdrjv, a-Tixdfis Porph. V. Pythag. 15 (Nauck). Mid. late fir- for- II. 24, 79 ', o-TovaxTJvai 18, 124. For fut. mid. orofaxqo-eroi Horn. H. 4, 252 quoted, Martin and Baumeister read ordp.a xeiWat. This verb seems Epic. At Soph. El. quoted, the MSS. give orovaxfiv, arfvaxtlv, and at O. R. 185 occurs the compound e'/norei/axovo-i ; hence Elmsley suggested vrevdxeiv, which is now approved by Din- dorf &c. Ellendt and Bergk, however, retain arovaxtiv. ZToraxtu To groan, sigh, Epic, but in Horn. v. r. only for artvdx- II. 23, 225: imp. ioTw&xfa Musae. 115, movax- Q. Sm. 7, 393, Trept- Hes. Sc. 344. Mid. as act. "" Q- Sm. 7, 532 : imp. a-TovaxiC eTO Hes. Th. 159, ner-tarovax- Scu. 92. See (TTevaxifa. (IropeVi/u/u) To spread, lay out (pass. oropeWvrai late, Schol. Theocr. 7, 59) syncop. ordpw/u Eur. Her. 702 ; Theocr. 17, 133; -VIHH Aesch. Ag. 909 (Elms. Dind.); -vvs Soph. Tr. 902; Her. 7, 54 (*cara-) KO-CTT Od. 17, 32: imp. fx- PL Euthyd. 277: fat. -da-ofMi Isocr. Epist. 6, 10; Aristot. Eth. N. 4, 12; Aristid. 45, 46 : aor. fo-Toxao-dfirjv PI. Gorg. 465; Hip- pOCr. I, 588. 4, 86 (Lit.)j Isocr. I, 50: with p. p. e'cn-o^acr/noi as mid. PI. Leg. 635 ; Aristot. H. A. 6, 17, 15 (B.) ; Luc. Salt. 74; Galen 13, 136. 216. 476, but pass. 10, 885. n, 35 : aor. to-roxavdr} seems late and pass. Galen 13, 713 ; Babr. 10 (2 pt. Lewis); a-roxncrddrj Oribas. 7, 26; -aaQev IO, 5 ; but -acrQeis act. Pseud. -Callisth. i, 3. Vb. aroxaoWoi/ Aristot. Polit. 2, 7, 7. Our Lexicons have missed the aor. pass, and, if we are right, the perf. with pass, sense. IrpaTcuu To do military service, take the field, &c. Her. i, 77 ; Thuc. i, 26; Lycurg. 84 : imp. torpor- Her. 6, 7 : fat. -evo-a>: p. -evKa reg. Mid. -e^o/xat Her. 2, 29 ; Thuc. 8, 22 ; Isae. 4, 27 ; -fvoivde Aesch. Pers. 790: imp. e'urpar- Her. 8, 10; Lys. 14, 14 : fut. -evo-o/iai Her. 7, n ; Thuc. 5, 54 ; Dem. 8, 23 : aor. -evos 5, 60. 7, 42. 6 1 ; -fo-dai 7, 20. The remark would apply better to Thucydides' use of 7rta-Tparva>. The form arpardo/iai is Epic and Lyric, and confined to imp. eWpaTowwo II. 3, 187. 4, 378, orpar- Ap. Ph. 2, 387 : and aor. trrparadfv Aesch. Ag. 133 (chor.) ZTpe{3Xou> 71? twist, rack, Ar. Nub. 620 ; Her. 3, 129 ; Antiph. 5, 32; Isocr. 17, 15 : fut. - Plut. Phoc. 35 : aor. -- reroi PI. Rep. 361. 613 ; Philostr. Apoll. 5, 207. iTpe^eSiceu To turn round, rare and Epic, imp. (e')orpe0e- 8lVfov Q. Sm. 13, 7 : 1 aor. pass, orpecpefir^^j/, Epic 3 pi. -SivrjdfV II. 1 6, 792. Aeschylus has a mid. form with o, aTpfxpodivovvrai wheel, Ag. 51 (chor.) : act. late, (rrpocpoSivelv Schol. II. 21, 269. One is apt to think that Aeschylus would have used the Homeric form, but he has followed the same analogy in Tpo^oStfeirot Pr. 882 (chor.) 2r|0e<^)ft). 609 To turn, II. 23, 323; Eur. Supp. 413; Hippocr. 2, 353 (Erm.); PI. Rep. 330 ; o-rpe'cpoi Find. N. 4, 93; vrptyw Aesch. Eum. 651; Soph. Aj. 575; Her. 5, 12; arptyfiv Ar. Ran. 957 : imp. ea-rpefov II. 17, 699. 5, 505 (crrp- Bekk.); PI. Euthyd. 276, orpe e>7r - Polyb. 5, no, /ner- Aristid. 34, 436 (D.) : p. p. eo-rpap.- p.ai Horn. H. 3, 411; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 140; Hippocr. i, 248 (Erm.); Xen. An. 4, 7, 15, KUT- Thuc. i, 75, av- Her. 6, 47; Isocr. 15, 283, see mid.: pip. eVrpa'/i/ZTji/, Kar-earpaTrro Thuc. 5, 29, Ionic 3 pi. -eo-rp Ar. Thesm. 1128; o-rpe'$ An. i, 10, 6 &c. PI. Tim. 77 : even act. pres. o-rptywv Soph. Fr. 771 : and aor. crrptyavrts Xen. An. 4, 3, 32. Vb. orp^n-rdy II. 5, 113. 15. 2 3- The Epics always use 1 aor. eWpecp^v simple and compd. : the Tragedians, again, though said to be fond of "strong aspirated forms," seem never to use the 1 aor. pass, simple or compd., often the 2 aor. In Attic poetry and prose, in fact, there is in each only one instance of 1 aor. Ar. Thesm. 1128, and arpffpdtis PI. Polit. 273 ; and in Ionic, only one of eWpd^/jj/, KOT- Her. i, 130, v. r. -d. In the compds. except Kara- the mid. fut. and aor. are very rare, o7rooTp 36 ; Plut. Mor. 387 : aor. dn-eo-rpfyaro trans, (late, unless sound Hermesianax 83, Athen. 598) V. T. Hosea 8, 3, -avro 3 Mace. 3, 23, missed by Lexicogr. : as mid. p. p. dTr-eorpaTrrat Euenus 2, 5 (Bergk). di>a-o-rpt(pa> has, we think, contrary to our Lexicons, never flit. mid. di/aoTpeyo^at, but fut. pass, as mid. -orpacp^o-o/ttu Isocr. quoted; Apocr. Sir. 39, 3. ZTpoj3e'w To turn, roll, Aesch. Ag. 1216; Ar. Vesp. 1528: classic fut. vvvu> Gl. Aesch. Ag. 909; Aristid. 14, 216 (D.) ; Geop. 19, 2, WTO- Athen. 2, 31 ; Geop. 2, 27 : imp. eWpwwJov N. T. Matt. 21, 8 : fut. (rrpoxrw late in simple V. T. Esai. 14, u, but wo- Eur. Hel. 59 ; Com. Fr. (Amph.) 3, 319, and orpo>wi)o-a>, fin- (Luc.) Philop. 24: aor. eorpwo-a Aesch. Ag. 921; Eur. Supp. 766; Her. 6, 139 : p. corpora: pip. eWpwKfi late Heliod. 4, 16, VTT- Babr. 34: p. p. corpa/^u Horn. H. Ven. 158 ; Eur. Med. 380; Com. Fr. (Diod.) 3, 544; Theocr. 15, 157; Her. 6, 58. 9, 82; Thuc. 2, 34, im- Her. i, 47 (Orac.): pip. eVrpw/^i/ 11. 10, 155 ; Her. 7, 193 : aor. eWpw^V, icar- Diod. Sic. 14, 114; but vrpwdeis Soph. Tr. 653 (Musgr. Dind. 5 ed.) : fut. late - OTJO-OIMI Orac. Sib. 5, 438. Mid. oTpwvvncu spread on, or for oneself, fut. orpwo-o/iat late V. T. Ezec. 27, 30 : aor. orpeoo-d/ifi/oi (Theocr.) 21, 7, wo- Paus. i, 34, missed by Lexicogr. Vb. (rrpcuToj Hes. Th. 798; Eur. Or. 313. orpwi/j/v imper. for -vdi Com. Fr. (Anax.) 4, 605. Iroyeu To hate, dread (a~rvya>, arua>), II. 7, 112; Hes. Th. 739 ; Emped. 232 ; Aesch. Pr. 46 ; Soph. Tr. 583; Ar. Ach. 33 ; Her. 7, 236 ; and late Alciphr. 3, 28, Dor. 3 pi. Pind. Fr. 186; subj. -yej U. i, 186, Epic -y*. 1 ? "* 8 > 5 J 5 : tfriyaw late Babr. 27, n (2 pt. Bergk), but dn-fa-Tvyeov Melanip. 4 (B.), iter. arvylta-nov late Nonn. Job. 15, 72 : ftit. orvyjjo-w Hesych. : aor. eoriryqo-a Eur. Tr. 705; Aesch. Supp. 528 (late prose Heliod. 8, 10; Ptol. N. Hist. 3), an- Soph. O. C. 692; Dio Cass. Fr. 40, 44, and eo-rvga made terrible, a-rvgaifju Od. n, 502 ; but o-Tvgav hated, Ap. Rh. 4, 512 ; arri&a Anth. 7, 430 ; o-rvgas 9, 1 86 : p. farvyrjKa late in simple, Joseph. Ant. 16, 7, 3. contra App. 2, 24, but an- as pres. Her. 2, 47 : p. p. fcrrvyrjpat late, Lycophr. 421, KUT- Phil, in Verm. 9 (evrvyp. Hesych.): aor. fo-rvyrjdrjv, -t)6eis Aesch. Sept. 691 ; Eur. Ale. 465: (2 aor. (o-rvyrjv ?) : fut. mid. oruyqcro/aat pass. Soph. O. R. 672 : 2 aor. act. eo-Tiyov Simon. C. 59; Ap. Rh. 2, 1196 ; Anth. 7, 596, in tmesi Od. 10, 113, KOT- II. 17, 694, an- Callim. Del. 223. Vb. oruyTjro's Aesch. Pr. 592. (). This verb simple or compound seems not to occur in early Attic prose : in Horn. Hesiod, Theogn. Ap. Rh. it is always open orvye, -ebixri. I-ru4>e\iw To dash, Poet, imper. -if ere Od. 18, 416; -Ifav II. 21, 380 ; -i'a>i Soph. Ant. 139 (chor.) ; in prose, only Hippocr. 3, 524 (Lit.) : imp. cn-v0- Musae. 296 : aor. eon'0e'Xt|a II. 5, 437 ; Find. Fr. 210 (Bergk); Anth. 7, 297. 665, o-nxf)- II. 12, 405: aor. pass. &rv^cXixdip' Nic. Eug. 5, 286: pres. oruV Aesch. Pr. 83 ; Soph. O. C. 922 ; PI. Leg. 942 ; Isocr. 10, 33; -Aai Aesch. Pers. 810; PI. Rep. 469: imp. eo-vXa II. 6, 28, trdXa 4, Il6, Aeol. dual av\f]TT]v 13, 2O2, iter. avXaa-Kf Hes. Sc. 480 : fut. -ijo-a II. 6, 71 ; Her. 5, 36 ; PI. Leg. 854 : 1 aor. eVvXqo-a Her. i, 105 ; App. Hannib. 55 ; o-uX^o-w II. 22, 258 &c.; -fi\evov II. 5, 48. (rvXe'o) to pres. -ovo-t Xanth. Fr. i (Mull.) ; part. - R r 2 6 1 2 2uX Ae< ft> 2 wot I/Taw. Inscr. Delph. vol. i, 1699, n. 1704, i3\ &c. : imp. Q. Sm. 2, 547 ; and mid. o-uXev/xej/o? (Theocr.) 19, 2. Pass. very late. loXXeyu To gather, collect, Eur. Fr. 510 (Dind.) ; Her. i, 93 ; Dem. 21, 184, vX- Thuc. 3, in : imp. o-w-eXeyoi/ Soph. Fr. 218 (D.), |ui>- Thuc. 7, 36 : fut. a~v\\ea> Xen. Cyr. I, 3, 14, vX- Thuc. 7, 7: aor. cnWXe|a Ar. Ran. 1297; Her. 7, 8; Antiph. 6, II, vv- Thuc. 6, 71 ; pt. o-uX-Xeas II. 18, 301 : p. a-vv([\oxa Dem. 18, 308 (-Xf^- Bekk.). 21, 23: p.p. o-weiXey/iat Ar. Av. 294 ; Lycurg. 82 ; Dem. 18, 312, w- Thuc. 3, 94 ; Xen. Hell. 4, 2, 10 (Dind.); PI. Rep. 574; Arr. An. i, 3, 5. 4, 2, 2, also ervX-Xf'Xfy/iai Ar. Eccl. 58 ; Her. 7, 26. 9, 41 ; Arr. An. 2, 21. 6, 22. 26 (not in good Attic prose, but eK-Xe'Xey/iai Xen. Hell, i, 6, 1 6, eTri-Xe'Xry- Cyr. 3, 3, 41) : pip. eiXejcro, w Arr. An. 3, 19, 2 : 1 aor. vwf\fx6iv rare in Attic, Ar. Lys. 526 ; Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 12; PI. Leg. 784 (Epist. 348); Aristot. Meteor, i, 13, 5; freq. in Ionic, Her. i, 97. 2, 62. 3, 130. 4, 87. 159. 5, 118 &c. : usu. 2 aor. in Attic trweXey^i/ Xen. An. 4, i, 11. Cyr. 5, 3, 24 (Dind.) ; PI. Phaed. 59 : Isocr. 9, 56 ; Aeschin. 3, 128, |w- Ar. Eccl. 116. Fr. 244 (Dind.); Thuc. 6, 9. 98. 7, 59 &c., rare in Ionic, Her. 7, 173. 9, 27. 29. 32 : fut. o-vXXfyTjo-o'^ei/oj Aeschin. 3, 100. Mid. ro Ar. Ach. 184: fut. <7uXXfo/iai Od. 2, 292 ; Xen. Hell. 4, i, 33 : aor. o-v'-eX- dfijjv Xen. An. 7, 4, 8, Epic uXX'|aro II. 18, 413 (Bekk. V. T. Esai. 34, 14 ; Maneth. 4, 554 ; N. T. Act. 20, 22 : aor. vf)imj(ra Eur. Ion 534; Ar. Plut. 41; Xen. An. i, 8, 15 : p. awT)VTT)Ka late, Polyb. 4, 61 ; Luc. Philop. i. wvavTaopai Dep. mid. (v. r. Hes. Th. 877) Chishull. Inscr. p. 103 ; Polyb. 22, 7 ; Aristenaet. i, 12 : fut. late vwavTrjo-ofiai V. T. Deut. 31, 29. Job 5, 14. Esai. 64, 5 (formerly II. 17, 134 Eustath. and old edit., and so quoted Plut. Mor. 494) : now aor. subj. (rwavrfia-vvTat. II. 17, 134 (Mss. Ven. Vind. Wolf, Bekk. Dind. Spitzn. La R.): Supine). 613 as mid. p. ovvfivnjTai late, Herodn. i, 17, 4 (Vulg. -jjira Bekk. quoted). o-wavr^Trfv has been called 2 aor. from a form (ai/rrj/u); it is not however necessarily 2 aor. for oe, are often contracted by the Epics into rj } as dual npovuvSrjrrjv (-av8aa>), (poiTr)TT]v ((poiraw), aTmAijnjf (aTmA/cu), o/naprrjnyi' (o/Ltaprea)), opfjai (opdeat) &C. The collat. orwairtafw is poetic, and occurs in imp. only, ^wrjvriafrv Soph. O. R. 804. arvvavTOfjuu in classic authors is also poetic, and confined to pres. Od. 15, 538; Hes. Th. 877; Find. Ol. 2, 96 : and imp. O-WTJITO-O II. 21, 34 ; Archil. 89 ; Eur. Ion 831; Theocr. 8, i, but dual unaugm. - PL Tim. 71, never owfjo-ofjuu, Eur. Ion 694, and Dem. 33, 14, have been corrected : aor. a-wfjKa, $vv- Aesch. Ch. 887; Soph. Aj. 99; Eur. An. 919(0.); Ar. Ach. 101 ; PL Rep. 347, aw- Farm. 128, rw- Alcae. 132 (Bergk), fgw- Anacr. 146 (Bergk), Epic gvvtrjKa II. 2, 182. Od. 18, 34, Dor. i pi. o-w-^a/^s Plut. Mor. 232, -rjKare Ar. Ach. 101 : p. later, avvdica, -etKevai Polyb. 5, 101 (Bekk.) : 2 aor. vvr)v, dual -frrjv Luc. D. Deor. 26, 2; opt. Pind. P. 3, 80; gw-ets Aesch. Pers. 361 : 2 aor. mid. Attic redupl. OKO>X<*, o^co/ca) an Epic p. part. II. 2, 218; Q. Sin. 7, 5 2 - Zuptu To play on the pipe, whistle &c. Aesch. Sept. 463 ; Eur. Ion 501 ; Hippocr. 7, 190 (Lit.), drro- H. Merc. 280, trvpirrat PL Theaet. 203 j "Aristot. H. An. 9, 5, 10; Plut. Mor. 230, Dor. ), 2 sing. -icr8fs Theocr. i, 3; so inf. -urSei/ i, 14. 16 : imp. Dem. 18, 265. 21, 226; Plut. Mor. 230, late vv^ov 6 1 4 2vjOW Nonn. 2, iSi, but inr-evip- Hippocr. 5, 378 (Lit.), Dor. Theocr. 6, 44 : fut. late, o-vpiirw Longus 2, 23 ; Mechan. Vet p. 194, -i V. T. Job 27, 23, and -(' Or. Sib. 5, 253 : and mid. v Batr. 75; Aristot. Incess. Anim. 10, 10, irapa- Ar. Eq. 527, Dor. fern, o-vpoto-a Theocr. 2, 73 : imp. tavpov Anth. 7, 105, OTT- Thuc. 7, 43, 81- Dem. 18, 299 ; Luc. Pise. 4 : fut. o-upw late, V. T. 2 Reg. 17, 13, rt- Ach. Tat. 4, 13 : aor. ecriJpa Anth. 7, 216 ; D. Laert. 6, 2, 35 ; in tmesi Her. 5, 8l, Trap- Aesch. Pr. 1065, 8ia- Dem. 19, 313 : p. o-ecrvpica, 8ia- Com. Fr. (Diph.) 4, 412 (Ms. B. Pors. Mein. -77*0 Vulg.), VTTO- Dio. Hal. i, 7 (Vulg. rt- Kiessl.) : p. p. a-ta-vpfim, 8ia- (Aristot.) Rhet. Alex. 19, 12, eWt- Polyb. 12, 4 b (Bekk.) ; Luc. D. Mer. 10, 3. Nav. 2 : 2 aor. eWpqi/ Dio Cass. 79, 20 ; Paus. 2, 32, i ; Herodn. 5, 8, 9, e- Anth. 9, 56, OTTO- Luc. Nav. 9 : fut. avpfj- o-o/wu, Trepi- Greg. Naz. Mid. o-vpopai simple late, to draw one- self, creep, Joseph. Ant. I, 4 ; Schol. Od. n, 270, but ova- Her. 2, 60, eVt- Xen. Cyn. 5, 13, and draw to, after oneself, Luc. V. H. 2, 46: aor. fo-vparo, dv- Orph. Fr. 16; App. Civ. 2, 146, Trept- fo-vpavro Hyperid. Fr. 292 (B. S.) ; App. Hisp. 65 ; o-vpanevai, dva- Diod. Sic. i, 85 ; Polyaen. 7, 45, 2. Vb. avprtov, dia- Aristot. Rhet. Alex. 37, 17. v, except fut. and aor. pass. I^aytalw To slay a -victim, act. rare, espec. in classic Auth. Ar. Av. 569 ; Plut. Mor. 221 ; Polyaen. 3, 9, 40 : aor. eV^ay/ao-a Diod. Sic. 13, 86: (p.: p. p.): aor. cV^aytao-^i/ Her. 7, 180; Heliod. 10, 10. 20. 22. 28 : fat. -ao-^a-o/Ku 10, 18. Generally irtpcryuifo/iat as Dep. mid. Xen. An. 6, 5, 8 : imp. e Her. 6, 76. 9, 72 : aor. fu^ayiaad^v Her. 6, 76; Xen. An. 6, 4, 25. o-(f>ayniofiai is pass. Ar. Av. 570; Xen. Lac. 13, 8. I4)d^u 7b j/oy, Od. 4, 320; Eur. Tr. 134; Her. 2, 39; Aristot. H. An. 9, 6, 9, in Comedy, and usu. in Attic prose enpaVTw Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 224. (Theop.) 2, 810 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 14 ; PL Gorg. 468 ; Isocr. 6, 68; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 5, 15, 2 : imp. ftraKa : pip. V0aK Dio Cass. (Xiphil.) 73, 6, tnr- Dio Cass. 78, 7, see below): p. p. r$ay^ai Od. 10, 532. n, 45; Dem. 23, 68, 7r- Aristot. de Color. 5, 19: 1 aor. ea-^d^drjv rare, Find. P. n, 23; Eur. I. T. 177 (chor.) ; Her. 5, 5, perhaps never in Attic prose : more freq. 2 aor. tv^ayrjv mostly poetic in simple, Aesch. Eum. 305; Eur. Phoen. 933. I. T. 598 &c. ; late prose Dio Cass. 40, 27. 42, 5 ; App. de Reg. Rom. 2 ; Plut. Publ. 4 ; Strab. 12, 3, 6 ; Pseudo-Callisth. 2, 20, but OTTO- Her. 4, 62 ; (Dem.) 59, 103, KUT- Xen. An. 4, i, 23 : fiit. jo-o/iai Eur. Andr. 315. Heracl. 583; Plut. Mor. 259; Dio Cass. 46, 53 (B), mro- Ar. Thesm. 7503 ; -a-^ayrja-oivTo Xen. Hell. 3, i, 27 : pres. p. o-uaa#at, ri- Xen. An. i, 8, 29 (some Mss. Dind. Kriig. Kiihn. Saupp. -o-$dat act. others). Vb. vQaKros Eur. Hec. 1077. The pip. eV0a/cet would seem to show that this verb had, in the later stage of the language, been inflected also with r, o-$do>, -TTO>, -da-eo, ffftyaKa. The Tragedians, though alleged to be fond of " strong rough forms" as fa^dx^v, have, actually of choice, taken the smoother edyr)v, see Eur. Hec. 24. Phoen. 933. Tr. 619 (D). ZdXXu To trip up, deceive, Soph. Fr. 204; Eur. Med. 198; Her. 7, 16 ; Thuc. 3, 37 ; Xen. Lac. 5, 4, Dor. 3 pi. -Aoiri Theocr. 24, no : imp. eo-<- Her. 7, 142 : fut. ,T$aX&> Thuc. 7, 67 ; PI. Euth. 296 : aor. eo-c^Aa Soph. El. 416 ; Eur. Phoen. 1419 ; Thuc. 6, 15 ; Aeschin. 3, 125, o-^ijA- Od. 17, 464, Dor. eaA*ca Polyb. 8, ii : p. p. eaA7-o Thuc. 7, 47 : 1 aor. eV^dAtf^ late, Galen 5, 62 the only instance we know: 2 aor. fcra\r]v Soph. Aj. 1136; Eur. Supp. 337; Her. 4, 140; Thuc. 8, 24, V Eur. Supp. 156, fit- Aeschin. 2, 35 ; subj. Soph. Tr. 621 ; Ar. Plut. 351 ; Her. 7, 168 ; Thuc. 4, 18 &c. ; -V 2, 43 ; Antiph. 5, 75; -Ae Soph. Tr. 727 ; Eur. Hipp. 671; Ar. Pax 146; Thuc. 6, 33, OTTO- Aesch. Pr. 472 ; a\qvai Xen. M. Eq. 8, 9, Sta- Aeschin. 3, 91 : 2 fut. o-dpaYu> To swell, sound, hiss, Epic and only mid. imp. fffpupayfvvro Od. 9, 390. 440. ZeTcpi(>> To appropriate, PI. Leg. 843: fut. -iS>: aor. eVuVoy App. Hannib. 45. tnptTfpifopat Dep. mid. Xen. Hell. 5, i, 36; Dem. 7, 41. 18, 71: imp. eVcperep- App. Hisp. 60 : fut. -ultrdai Dio Cass. 40, 50 : aor. ta-(f)fTfpiiyY w To bind, fasten, PL Tim. 58 ; afyiyye Aesch. Pr. 58, -yyere Theocr. io, 45 : imp. ( Anth. 12, 208 ; v. r. V. T. Exod. 28, 28 : aor. u, Dor. -a8w, late -TTW, 7b throb, Hippocr. 7, 16 (Lit.) ; Aristot. H. A. 3, 19, 7 ; -ovra- PL Phaedr. 251 ; -wo-8e/ Theocr. n, 71, (T late, Galen io, 387 : aor. ecr 17. Mid. aor. IpgBr^ppt cut, gave up, Ar. Nub. 107; Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 626; Synes. Epist. 129. Vb. axaariov, Kara- Dioscor. Ther. 424. Lycophr. 21, has eVxbcrai/ an Alexandrine form of the 3 pi. imp. for ((Txa&v. ax* i inhibentes, cujus quidem aoristi aliud xemplum non habeo." An example of this aor. occurs in Nonnus, Philostr. Epist. i (Boiss.) reg. : p. eVx^aruca Dio. Hal. de Thuc. 26: p.p. -ifffiai Aesch. Sept. 465; Hippocr. 4, 228. 320 ; Aristot. Nat. Ausc. I, 5, 5; Luc. Jup. Trag. 8 : aor. -itrGijv Hippocr. 5, 688 (Lit.) ; Aristot. Gen. An. i, 18, 33. Mid. -i'b/i To save, Od. 5, 490 (Vulg. Wolf, Dind. La Roche, O-OXBV Bekk. 2 ed.); Aesch. Pers. 349 ; Soph. El. 768; Ar. Av. 1062; Antiph. 5, 73. 85 ; Thuc. 6, 38 : imp. eo-cofoi/ Her. 8, 34 ; Andoc. i, 59; PI. Prot. 356: fut. o-oxrw Soph. Ph. 1391; Eur. Cycl. 202 ; Her. 3, 122 ; Thuc. i, 137 ; Lys. 12, 10. n : aor. ecroxra Aesch. Eum. 661; Soph.E1.32i; Ar.Pax867; Her. 8,8; Thuc. i, 129; Xen. An. i, 10, 3 ; opt. o-oxratr Eur. I. T. 1184, - M eW Leg. 848 (Bekk. Herm. B. O. W.), usu. o-eVoxr/Ltcu Eur. I. A. 1441 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, n, -worat Aesch. Sept. 280 ; Eur. I. T. 607 ; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 88 ; Xen. An. 7, 7, 56 ; Dem. 56, 33. 37, -^^6a Soph. Tr. 84 ; Eur. Hel. 1032; aeaSxrdai Aesch. Pers. 737; Andoc. i, 113; Dem. 18, 218. 56, 22; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 174; -teW Aesch. Ag. 618; Soph. Ant. 314; Eur. Or. 473 ; Com. Fr. (Herm.) 2, 383; Xen. Cyr. 3, 2, 15. An. 5, 5, 8 ; PL Leg. 645 ; Dem. 16, 31. (Dem.) 10, 73 : aor. always eaa>6r)v Simon. C. 165 ; Soph. O. R. 1457 5 Antiph. 5, 3 ; Thuc. 3, 24; Xen. Hell, i, i, 36; Lys. 13, 58 ; Isae. i, 10 ; PL Charm. 153 ; <6j, Eur. Hel. 292 ; Xen. An. 5, 3, 6, awtfwo-t Dem. 16, 31; wdfirjv Andoc. i, 54; 6l8 Com. Fr. (Menand.) 4, 295, -fi^ev Eur. Hel. 815, PI. Phaed. 58; O-W^TI Grit. 44; o-adqwu Her. 7, 230. 8, 92 ; Antiph. 5, 2 ; 6tis Simon. C. 165 ; Aesch. Pers. 214 ; Soph. Ant. 331 ; Her. 4, 97. 9, 71 ; Isocr. 9, 27 ; fa-axrSrjv ? : fut. oWfcjo-o/iat Eur. Or. 309; Ar. N. 77 ; Hippocr. 2, 112 (Lit.) ; Thuc. 5, in ; PI. Apol. 31 ; Dem. 5, 3. Mid. o-wfo/iai, usu. trans, to save for oneself, preserve, Soph. El. 994; PI. Theaet. 153 J o-wfotTo Xen. Hell. 4, 5, i ; PI. Rep. 455, 3 pi. o-wfriaTo, ex- Aesch. Pers. 451 : imp. eVwf- Soph. Tr. 682 : fut. o-ua-ojuat Eur. Bacc. 793> troMroutro, bia- Aesch. Pers. 360 j (rcoo-o/iei/ot, fita- Xen. Cyr. 4, 2, 28 : aor. fo-modpTjv Ar. Eccl. 402, av- Her. i, 1 06, 8t- Xen. An. 5, 5, 13 ; opt. ava- o-oxrat/^da Ar. Lys. 141 ; bj/ Eur. Hel. 266. Vb. o-woreos Eur. H. F. 1385; Ar. Lys. 501, o-arc'os (Hesych.) Epic o-aow, O-O>G>. The form o-a>fa> is rare in Epic : Horn, only once, a-mfco? Od. quoted (Mss. Wolf, Dind. La R.) which Bekk. however writes now with Buttm. u>v, Hes. once as a v. r. o-o>bt Opp. 376 ; Theogn. thrice, 68. 235. 675 ; Callim. thrice, Del. 150. 151. Epigr. 50, 4 ; Orph. thrice, Hym. 9, 12. 75, 5. 85, 10 (- 85, 7); Mosch. once, 4, 3; Maneth. once, i, 325 ; Ap. Rh. never; Nicand. never, &c. Dor. , fut. o-a>, aor. eo-wa, Kar- Inscr. Tab. Heracl. 2, 30, but KaT-ta-axra B. 47, i, 3, and o-cio-at Sophr. 26 (Ahr.) which however may be referred to pres. a-awvat (Dinol. Siculus) ; Lacon. o-wdSSei (Hesych.) We know no instance of fut. mid. a-axrta-dai being passive ; for pres. o-w&aQai, not fut. (To>(Trdai, is the approved reading Dem. 19, 44 (Bekk. B. S. Dind.) (reo-copai, though less frequent, is by some accounted more Attic than cre(r 5^ (-WOTO* Saupp.), or6trco/i.eVos 5, 5, 8 (so Saupp.) : in the Cyr. however he still retains why we see not o-e'o-oxr^uu 5> 4> u> atvaxriuvos 3, 2, 15 (so Saupp.) We think it likely that both forms were in use. Buttm. notices a form found in Inscr. (600) o-dxo which he calls an old fut. like the Epic fut. epvovo-t &c. L. Dind. writes it a-a>5>, and says that cr, for which he now (5 ed.) reads ds o-ot with Erfurdt see f Inscr. : fat. -evo-w : aor. eVd- yevo-a Xen. Hell. 6, I, 19. Pass. rayfwjTai 6, I, 8. Mid. Poet. or. rayevo-ai Aesch. Sept. 58. (Tdyu or Trjyu) To seize, only redupl. 2 aor. part. Epic Ttra- y&v II. i, 591. 15, 23, av- Ap. Rh. 2, 119 (Sanctam. Well. Merkel.) TaXcuircupeu To endure, suffer, intrans. and trans, wear out, Eur. Or. 672 ; Hippocr. 7, 582; Antiph. 5, 93 ; Thuc. i, 134 &c. : p. Tfra\anrtapr]Ka Isocr. 8, 19 &c. : with fu.t. mid. late -IJO-O/MU as pass. Aristid. 34, 438 : aor. -rja-afj^vos also late Clem. Al. Protr. p. 28, both missed by Lexicogr. : classic, pres. pass. -Trwpftrat Thuc. 4, 27, imp. eYaXawr- 7, 28, perf. TtTaXaiTrwpij^at 3, 3 ; Isocr. 5, 38, and 1 aor. TdXanraprjdeit Isocr. 3, 64. (TaXdw) sync. rXdw To bear, dare, Poet, and pres. rare and late, T\>o-a Tzetz. Hist. 9, 132 : fut. usu. rX^ero/iat II. n, 317; Aesch. Ag. 1542; Soph. Aj. 463; Eur. I. T. 617 ; late prose Plut. Mor. 253, ova- Mar. 39, Aeol. and Dor. rXdo-o/xat Sapph. 75; Pind. P. 3, 41 : late TXijo-to, -ijo-ot Babr. 91 (Lewis 2 pt), and raXaWo) Lycophr. 746 : 1 aor. Epic eYdXaacra II. 17, 166 ; Anth. 9, 152; TaXdo-CTTjs II. 13, 829, -oxrfl 15, 164; raXdao-ar Anth. 5, 246, late erX^o-a Christ. Pat. 22 ; Sta-rXijo-ay Epigr. Diog. L. 9, 3, 4, ava- Clement. Epist. 26 (Muralt.) : p. TeVX^a usu. as pres. II. i, 228. Od. 19, 347; Theogn. 825; Eur. Fr. 701 (Bind.); as perf. Ar. Thesm. 544. Plut. 280, syncop. i pi. TerXapev Od. 2O, 311; H. Cer. 148, rerXatrt Opp. C. 3, 132; (subj. rerXw?); opt. TfT\alijv II. 9, 373; Tyrtae. 12, n (Bergk); imper. reYXadt II. 5, 382 ; Hes. Op. 718; Ap. Rh. 4, 64, TerX<&- Od. l6, 275 ; inf. rerXdi/at Athen. (Metag. ?) 271, Epic TerXfJ/xevot Od. 13, 307, and rtrXd^tv 6, 190; part. (rfTXqws), -via Od. 2O, 23, -oror II. 5, 873. Od. ir, 181, -Srros Orph. Arg. 1358. Lith. 375. V Od- 4> 447- l6 > 37 J Her. (Orac.) 5, 56 (reTXijKwy we have not seen): pip. eY/TXa/^ej/ Ap. Rh. i, 807 : 2 aor. erXijv II. 22, 251. Od. 17, 104; Simon. C. 94; Aesch. Pr. 657; Soph. Tr. 71 ; Eur. Ale. i ; Ar. Nub. 1387 ; rare in Attic prose, Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 2; Isocr. 4, 96 (Bait. Saupp. Bens, and so quoted by Aristot. Rhet. 3, 7, 1 1 ; and D. Hal. de vi Dem. 40) ; Luc. Pseudol. 620 Ta/JnevdQ Tavva). 21, without syllab. augm. rXJ? II. 5, 385, Dor. lrX5i> Simon. C. 107, 7; Find. I. 7, 37; Aesch. Ch. 433 (chor.); Soph. Ph. 1201 (chor.); Eur. Andr. 1045 (chor.). Ale. 462 (chor.) &c., erX^ei/, av- Od. 3, 104, TKripev II. 5, 383, erX^e II. 24, 35; Aesch. Supp. 240. 326, Dor. erXare, av- Soph. O.C. 239 (chor.), eT\r)ai Theocr. 25, 174 ; Q. Sm. 3, 8 ; rXas Soph. O. C. 1076 ; Eur. Phoen. 1726, aw- Ar. Pax 1035, rXSo-a Aesch. Ag. 408. 895, aVa- 716. Soph. Eur. Mid. later, aor. as act. raXao-o-aTo Opp. Cyn. 3, 155. Vb. TXi/ro's II. 24, 49; Soph. Aj. 466, a-r\T)Tos Her. (Orac.) 5, 56. erXav Epic 3 pi. 2 aor. for erXTjorav, II. 21, 608 ; subj. (T-XCD), T\fjs is rare. Buttmann omits, he does not deny it; rXmei/ 3 pi. opt. for rXairjcrav, 17, 490. The Tragedians often use the Doric forms, 2 aor. eVXd Aesch. Ag. 224. Sept. 757 (Herm. Blomf. Dind.), erXdo-ai/ Soph. Ph. 1201 ; rXatfi Eur. Ale. 892 &c. all in chor. Tap,i'euoj To be a manager, and trans, to dispense &c. PI. Rep. 465 : imp. iter. ra^te^eo-Ke rare in Attic poetry, Soph. Ant. 950 (chor.) : fut. -6vo-o> Ar. Eq. 948 ; Isae. 6, 61 &c. : p. p. -tvp.ai Plut. Mor. 157 : aor. -evdrjv very late, Greg. Naz. : pres. -euo/zeVai Pind. Ol. 8, 30, -evT}i> PI. Rep. 508. Mid. -evopai Ar. Eccl. 600 ; Thuc. 6, 18; Xen. Conv. 4, 41 : fut. -euo-o/nat Dio. Hal. i, 82; Ach. Tat. 8, 8 (Vulg.) : aor. -evo-a/i^ Luc. Imag. 21 ; Diod. Sic. 4, 1 2 : with p. p. Tera/xiev/iiat Lys. 30, 3 ; Hyperid. Fr. i, 4. Tdficw, see Tfpva, Tdcdw To stretch, Epic lengthened form of rVa>, II. 17, 391. Od. 21, 152, fv- Her. 2, 173, - Hippocr. 4, 244 (Lit.): imp. Tavvfv Pind. P. 4, 129 : fut. ravva-ct simple late, Orac. Sib. 10, 82 ; Anth. (Paul. Sil.) 5, 262, *v- Od. 21, 127, Epic -tWco Orph. L. 179 ; Nonn. 2, 234, and some say (a- elided) rawa Od. 21, 174 : aor. eraviJa-a- -raw- II. 1 6, 5^7* Od. 21, 409, and fTawaa-a II. 1 6, 662. Od. 21, 407, Tavvtra II. 16, 567, eV- Pind. P. 4, 242, rdvva-aa II. 9, 213; Tavva-rj II. 23, 324, -wo-0-.v 17, 547. 23, 761; -ixr Ar. Eq. 902 ; PI. Phaed. 103 ; Xen. Mem. 2, 6, 17 (Mss. Saupp. Kiihn., dpdrr- Dind. Cob.); rapdrrr} 2, 4, 6 (Dind. Saupp.) ; Ep. inf. -aa-a-entv Find. P. n, 42 : imp. frdpaa-trov Her. 4, 129. 8, 12; Theocr. 22, 102, -arrov Dem. 1 8, 19 : fut. -da> Eur. Tr. 88 ; Ar. Eq. 358 : aor. erdpaga Od. 5, 291 ; Her. 4, 125 ; Lys. 6, 36 ; subj. -dgys Eur. H. F. 605, -dn in tmesi II. i, 579 ; -aete PI. Rep. 381 ; -aay Solon 36, 21 ; Xen. An. 6, 2, 9; Dem. 18, 154: p. (rtrd/jaxa): pip- tT(Tapd\ei, . Buttmann would form the perf. directly from 0pdWa>, which he says is formed on Tapdcr by transposing the first a, Tpad, then contracting the two into one long, and asperating the T before p, 6pdcr, -dgco, TVpa^a, Ionic -Tjxa, the 6 before p again becoming r for euphony. The Scholiast on II. 7, 346, has simply and briefly said "rerdpaxa avvKOTrji KOI rpoirrj ia>i/tc^ Tfrprjxa.' Tapxou To bury, Poet, shortened form for rap^vw, Ap. Rh. 3, 208: fut. -CO-CD II. 16, 456: aor. rdpxvo-a Q. Sm. I, 801. 8, 482 ; subj. -oo-wo-i II. 7, 85 : p. TeTdpx/xai Epigr. Gr. p. 69 (Welck.): aor. Tapxtfyv Anth. 7, 176. App. Epigr. 166; Ly- cophr. 369. Mid. aor. erapx^a-avro Nonn. D. 37, 96, rapxva-- Ap. Rh. i, 83 ; Lycophr. 882. a throughout, raplx seems confined to prose. Tdo-o-u) To arrange, order, Aesch. Ag. 332 ; Soph. El. 1495; Eur. Hec. 223, -rru> Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 108; Xen. Mem. 2, i, 9; Isocr. 5, 151 ; PI. Rep. 371 : imp. erao-ow Thuc. 4, 93, 8t- Her. 5, no, erarr- PI. Apol. 28; Dem. 1 8, 221 : fut. Tda> Aesch. Sept. 284; Soph. O. C. 639; Xen. Mem. 2, i, 7, Dor. -<, KOTO- Theocr. Epigr. 6 : aor. ?raa Aesch. Supp. 986 ; Eur. Hel. 1390 ; Her. 3, 25 ; Thuc. 6, 67 ; Lys. i, 29 : p. reVo^a Xen. Oec. 4, 5, Trtw- PI. Leg. 625 ; Dem. 32, 24 : pip. eVera^", Trap- App. Syr. 36 : p. p. rVay/xat Pind. Ol. 2; 30 ; Aesch. Sept. 448 ; Soph. Ph. 1 1 80 ; Eur. Ale. 49 ; Her. 9, 15 ; Andoc. 4, 18 ; Isocr. 6, 76 : pip. Tfrdyp.r)v Eur. Fr. 566, e're'raKTO Her. I, 84, 3 pi. -Ta^aro I, 191. 8, 85 ; Thuc. 5, 6 : 1 aor. IraxQ^v Aesch. Eum. 279 ; Soph. O. C. 851 ; Her. 5, 109; PI. Leg. 728 : fut. Tax^fo/xm D. Sic. n, 41, era- Thuc. i, 140, VTTO- Pseud.-Callisth. 2, 40 ; -^o-o/iei/oi/ PI. Leg. 740 : 2 aor. (rayrjv rare, Eur. Fr. 979 (Dind.) ; Stob. 79, 50, eVt- Apollod. i, 9, 23, Kara- Herodn. 6, 8, i, vno- Com. Fr. 2, 603 ; D. Sic. 4, 19 : 2 fut. rare and late, Tayijcro/Ltai, vno- N. T. i Cor. 15, 28, fv- Oribas. 8, i : 3 fut. rera^o/uai Eur. I. T. 1046 ; Ar. Av. 637 ; Thuc. 5, 71 ; Luc. Navig. 31. D. Deor. 4, 4 : and seemingly as pass. fut. mid. eWralo/zai Eur. Supp. 521, see below. Mid. rdaaonai, -Tro/iai to arrange, post oneself, or for oneself, reflex, and intrans. Aesch. Supp. 977 ; Eur. Heracl. 664: imp. e'rdcrcrowo Thuc. 3, 107, frdrrtro, aw- Xen. An. I, 8, 14 ' aor. eragdfjiriv Eur. An. 1099 ; Her. 3, 13; Thuc. 4, 93. intrans. 4, ii. 5, 67 : fut. simple late, ra'o/wu place myself, meet, V. T. Exod. 29, 43, so avTt- meet, oppose, Eur. Phoen. 622; Paus. 9, Taw Ten/ft). 623 17, 2, irapa- Dem. 15, 24, em- place myself next, behind, take orders from, Eur. Supp. 521, called by some pas*?. : p. -reraxQai, irapa- PI. Prot. 333 I with pip. 8i-tTeTaKTo late as act. had ordered, Joseph. Ant. 12, 5, 4. Vb. TITO'S PI. Leg. 632, -rw 631. rerd^arot Ionic 3 pi. p.p. occas. Attic, Thuc. 3, 13, cam- Xen. An. 4, 8, 5 : pip. fTtraxaro Her. 6, 113; Thuc. 5, 6. 7, 4, fit- 4, 31. -o-o- Corned. Xen. PI. and Orators. (Tdu) To take, Epic, and only imper. 2 sing. TJ; (contr. from rde as Cv from fde) // Pind. Ol. 4, 19; Eur. Supp. 979 (chor.): aor. ereya Aesch. Pr. 401 (chor.); Hippocr. 7, 378 (Lit.): (perf. ?) : aor. pass. (Ttyx8r)v Soph. Ph. 1456 (chor.); PI. Leg. 880. Mid. reyyofjuu rare, to weep, Aesch. Pers. 1065; later trans, to moisten, Eratosth. Macrob. Sat. 7, 15, 23. Vb. rtyicros Aristot. Meteor. 4, 9, 3, a-TfyKTos Eur. H. F. 833. Rare in Attic prose, only once in Comedy, re'yyevSe Ar. Lys. 550. Te6T]ira, see (07ra). Tcii/oj To stretch, trans, and intrans. II. 16, 365 (Vulg.); Aesch. Sept. 763 ; Her. 2, 6 ; PL Conv. 186 ; relvr, II. 16, 365 (Bekk. &c.); Ar. Ran. noi &c. ; rtivoi Xen. Oec. 7, 39, -veuv II. 20, 101 ; reive Soph. Aj. 1040 ; -va>v Pind. Ol. 13, 85 : imp. ereivov Eur. Or. 1494 ; Xen. An. 4, 3, 21, iter. reivevue, eVt- Her. i, 186 : fut re Ar. Thesm. 1205, - Eur. Med. 585, OTTO- PL Gorg. 458 : aor. ereiva II. 4, 124; Aesch. Ch. 510; Theocr. 21, 51, relv- in tmesi II. 3, 261, 7rap-eV- Thuc. 8, 104, air- PL Prot. 361 ; relvov Pind. N. 5, 51 : p. reY5z Dio. Hal. Excerp. 18, 2 ; V. T. Prov. 7, 16, c- Orph. Fr. i, 20, dTro- PL Gorg. 465 : p.p. 7-tVa/wu Od. n, 19 ; Emped. 288 ; Pind. P. n, 54 ; Her. 2, 8 ; Soph. Ph. 831 ; PL Rep. 432: pip. ereraro Hippocr. 5, 94, T(T- Od. II, ii ; Hes. Th. 638; Soph. Ant. 600, dual Terdxai, irapa- Thuc. 3, 46, Trpo- Dem. 14, 5 : aor. (e')reiWo 624 Te/jOw Ap. Rh. 2, 1043, irpo- Her. 9, 34, Si- Antiph. 5, 46 ; PI. Tim. 78; Tfivdfjifvos Ap. Rh. 4, 705 ; Opp. Cyn. i, 121, Kara- Hippocr. 3, 434 ; Tfivaadat, dm- Dem. 19, 153, eV- Aeschin. 2, 157 ; PI. Rep. 536. Vb. TOTof Aristot. H. An. 3, 13, rareot, irpo- Aristot. Top. 8, II, 2, w- (PI.) Epist. 7, 340. Except Kpivca, riva, reiVw, verbs in i/w seldom have the 1 perf. in good Attic writers. AcAiVa, KpiVo), Tfivto, TrXwo) generally drop v before a consonant, or are inflected from a simpler theme. $ati>, however, has 7r'. The only in- stance of this verb in classic prose is rfipopevovs Lys. 12, 35, Canter's emend, for TJJ/JO/^- of the Mss. and adopted by Bekk. Markland suggested ri[jupovfj.evovs which Bait. Saupp. and Scheibe have received, and L. Dind. approved. Canter's reading is easier, and we think Lys. may be indulged in a poetical expres- sion. It occurs in later prose, Teiperai Ael. N. A. 14, n, -o[Livr\v Galen 8, 840. Teixiu To build a wall, &c. Pind. Fr. 176; Thuc. i, 90; Dem. i, 22 : imp. eV'x- Thuc. 5, 82 : fut. TXW Thuc. 6, 97 ; Dem. 6, 14: aor. eVei'xra Thuc. 6, 98; Andoc. 3, 5. 38, rd^- Anth. Ap. Epigr. 147 ; -ia-avres Her. I, 175: p. reTe/xi/ca Dem. 19, 112 &C. reg. : pip. Teret^toro Her. I, l8l, eVeret- (Dind. Stein). Mid. -I'fo^at Thuc. 4, 3 : fut. TfixtfwOai Xen. Cyr. 6, j, 19 (Vulg. and now Dind. Saupp. -iaavdai Popp.): aor. eVeix- aavro Thuc. I, II, Epic -tWairo II. 7, 449 ; -urd[j.evos Thuc. 3, 105; -icrao-dai Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 19 (Popp. Breitb. Tfi\ifia6ai Vulg. Dind. Saupp.) : and p. p. as mid. reTet^o-/xVos avr-fm- Thuc. i, 142. The purely Ionic form Txfo> occurs in pres. part, only, TfixtovTfs Her. 5, 23. 8, 40, and imp. erei^fov Her. i, 99. 4, 124. 9, 7. 8. TcKfiaipojiai To ordain, infer, Dep. mid. II. 7, 70 ; Aesch. Pr. 336; Soph. O. R. 916; Ar. Vesp. 76; Her. i, 57. 7,234; Thuc. 4, 123 ; PI. Rep. 368 : imp. eV/i- Xen. Cyr. 8, i, 28 : fut. reKpapovnai. Hippocr. 6, 24; Xen. Cyr. 4, 3, 21 : aor. eYc- fiijpdprjv, TfKfjLrjp- II. 6, 349 ; -fipaio Xen. Mem. 3, 5, 6, -euro Isae. 7, 8 ; -rjpaadai PI. Phaedr. 230 ; Dem. 16, 4 ; -r^pd^fvos Antiph. 5, 8 1, w- Thuc. 2, 76. The act. form Tticnaipw is poet, and occurs not before Pind. Ol. 6, 73, N. 6, 8, to put a mark, to TeX eO(a TeXe&>. 625 limit, shew : aor. eY/K/^pa, imper. renpipov Aesch. Pr. 605, -jj Q. Sm. 12, 221; Arat. 18 (Bekk.) Vb. re^ap'? C. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 164, reKfiaprfov Hippocr. 3, 318 (Lit.) Te\e'0o> To arise, become, be (re'AAw), Poet. -tBtis Anth. 7, 531, -fdfi II. 7, 293 ; Pind. P. 2, 78 ; Aesch. Supp. 1040 ; Eur. And. 783 ; Hippocr. 7, 12. 34. 112 (Lit.), Dor. i pi. -(6ofj.es Epich. 94 (Ahr.), -fdovo-i II. 12, 347 ; Eur. Med. 1996, Dor. -edovri Find. P. 2, 31 (late trans. TfXe'&i makes rise, yields, Orac. Sib. 3, 263) ; subj. TfXc'&oo-t Hes. Op. .181 ; Opp. Hal. 3, 365; opt. -tdot Aesch. .-Supp. 691, -oire Theocr. 24, 99, -ouv 5, 18; -ednv Theogn. 770; Her. 7, 141 (Orac.); -edovros Aesch. Ag. 466, -omfs Od. 17, 486 : imp. iter. reXedecrKe H. Hym. Cer. 241, -TKOV Callim. Lav. Pal. 67. Pass. reMdovrai Pseudo-Phocyl. 104 (Bergk): imp. reXe^oj/ro Orac. Sib. 3, 264. Hippocr. quoted is the only prose instance we have met, except Diotog. Stob. 43, 130; Tab. Heracl. r, 63. In Traged. always in chor. Our Lexicons give this verb scrimp justice. TeXeiu, see reXeca. TeXeuTcuo To end, finish, II. 18, 328 ; Soph. Tr. 1252 ; Her. i, 25; Thuc. 1,138; PI. Leg. 630; opt. -oV Gorg. 522; -CVTUV Ar. Eq. 524, Ion. -eW Her. 3, 38: imp. (reXevra Thuc. 2, 47, reXev- Od. 3, 62: fut. -ijo-w II. 13,375; Aesch. Supp. 210; Her. i, 32; PI. Euth. 285, Dor. '-da-co Pind. Ol. 2, 33 : aor. tVfXfur^o-a Her. 6, 24 ; Thuc. 2, 41, reXeur- Od. 12, 304, Dor. -do-ef Pind. P. i, 54; Aesch. Sept. 931 (chor.); -H/a-i?? Od. i, 293, -rfja-rj Soph. Fr. 572 (D.) ; -r^o-eia? Od. 21, 200, -o-eiev 7, 331 ; Isae. I, IO ; -rjaas Od. 4, 585 ; Aj. 496 &C. : p. TfreXeiVj/Aca Her. 8, 71; Lys. 2,74; PI. Menex. 246 : pip. erereA- Dem. 36, 8 : (p. p.?): aor. eTtXevrr;^, Te\(VTijdr) Eur. Or. I2l8; -Trjd^vat II. 15, 74. Od. 2, 171: as pass. fut. mid. TeXevrijfro/zat seemingly always, II. 13, too. Od. 8, 510. 9, 511; Orph. Arg. 1338 ; Galen 16, 617, Dor. -daonai Eur. Hipp. 370 (chor.) The part. Tf\fvrtav with another verb, even another participle, is often used adverbially, as a finish, to finish, at last, reXevrav elire Xen. Cyr. I, 4, p, -avres dTTfarrjo-av Thuc. 2, 47 ; reXfurcav 8tj -\t f(7KOV Q. Sm. 8, 213 : fut. reXeVo) Pind. N. 4, 43 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 6, 3 (Vulg. Born. Popp. -X Saupp. Dind. 4 ed.), 8ta PL s s 626 Rep. 425; Dem. 21, 66, eV Theocr. 28, 10; Luc. Fug. 23, II. I, 523, -tvy 14, 44, -eW)? 23, 543; -o-ftay Od. 15, 195, -ereie II. 10, 303; Dor. pt. TfXeaais Pind. P. I, 79 : p. rereXeica PL Apol. 2o, Sta- Dinarch. i, 65 : pip. eVereXe/cet, Ttpoa- Thuc. 6, 31 : p. p. reTeXfoyiat II. 1 8, 74- Od. 13,40; Aesch. Supp. 19; Her. 7, 118; PI. Euth. 277 : pip. TereXeoTo II. 19, 242; Mosch. 2, 162, fir-fTfT- Thuc. 7, 2: aor. eYeXeo-% Od. 4, 663. II. 15, 228 (Wolf, Dind. La R. X- Bekk.); Aesch. Ch. 1067 ; Ar. Ran. 357 ; Her. 4, 79 ; Thuc. I, 93 ; Tf\f(r8fi Xen. Lac. 13, 5 &c. : fat. TtXeo-^o-o^ai Theophr. Char. 16 (Foss); Heliod. 10, 41, airo- Aristot. Polit. i, 4, i ; Luc. Rhet. 24, em- Dio. Hal. Ant. 4, 19 : and as pass. fut. mid. TfXfopm, -ffa-6ai II. 2, 36 (ori- Her. 6, 140), -e'urdm Od. 23, 284, BO perhaps reXetrai Aesch. Ag. 68. Pr. 929 : pres. TfXetrat II. 14, 48. Od. 13, 178; Aesch. Ag. 1487 ; PI. Politic. 288, -f/erai Od. 14, 160. 19, 161 ; Bion 3, 3: imp. eVeXowro PI. Phaedr. 250, -fiVro II. i, 5. Od. n, 297. Mid. TeXeio-^at, fir i- trans. Xen. Mem. 4, 8, 8 : fut. -ov/xai as pass, see above : aor. rare, fT(\e(rdiJLT]v trans. -eVo-aro Opp. Cyn. 2, 205 ; Tf\ecrai(r6e Dem. 38, 18, eVi-Pl. Phil. 27; reXe'o-aor&H Dem. 18, 150. 39, 38, cm- Hip- pocr. 3, 420 (Lit.), neva Her. 3, 134, is a fut. and so, we suppose, i, 206. Is this necessary? At II. 15, 228, Bekk. now reads -ye reXe'o-^ for y eVeX- but holds it spurious. TtXeo-Kf Callim. Fr. 434, and, as it ought to be, rfXto-xov Dian. 123, not eYfX- (Blomf. &c.) are for -ffffKf &c. Some think TeXeo-Kwi/ Nicand. Fr. 2, 10 (74, 10 Otto Schn.), a false form for Tt\i0Ka>v, as efynWo &c. and which Nic. uses Alex. 583 (Gottlob Schn.); but reXeo-Kw may be formed from TtXe'co, as Kope'o-K<> from Kop/eo, Alex. 225. 360 &c. &c. and Otto Schneid. actually reads T, -cow are reg. and used indis- criminately in Poet, and Prose. Her. however always -eo'o>, i, 120. 160. 3, 86. 5, ii. TeXX ft) Te/i j/&>. 627 TeXXu To perform, raise, complete, and intrans. rise (in .>&/>/<, pres. and aor. only), re'XX Find. Ol. 13, 83 (Herm. Schn. see fut.); Nicand. Fr. 2, 32 ; -Xoiro? Soph. El. 699, eVav- Find. Ol. 8, 28 : imp. ereXX/ in tmesi II. i, 25. 16, 199. Od. 23, 349 : fut. TfX PI. Polit. 269; Ap. Rh. 2, 1247 (i, 601, -TfiXe Et. M. Gaisf. Merk.) ; Coluth. 219, lir-av- Her. 7, 54 : fut. ava-rf\d V. T. Job n, 17, Poet., di>-TeXeWri Nic. Fr. 74, 25 (Otto Schn.): aor. dvfTfiXa II. 5, 777 ; Find. I. 6, 75, an-X- I. 7, 5 ; -TfiXrj PI. Crat. 409 ; -Tfl\ai Her. 2, 142; Dio. Hal. 2, 38; -reiXas Her. 7, 223: p. draTeraXKOs Polyb. 9, 15 (Bekk.). Mid. dcarXXo// enjoin, rare in act. Soph. Fr. 252 (D) : aor. IWftXa Find. Ol. 7, 40: p. p. To cut, Find. Ol. 13, 57 (rap- Momms.); Aesch. Supp. 807; Soph. Aj. 1179; Thuc. 3, 26; PL Tim. 61, Epic, Ionic and Dor. rd/mo II. 3, 105; Her. 2, 65 ; Hippocr. 8, 146 ; once Find. Ol. 12, 6 (best Mss. Bergk, Momms.), &a- (Tab. Heracl.), rare > II. 13, 707 ; Epic inf. rapviiuv Hes. Op. 791 : imp. fre^ov Thuc. 2, 19 ; PI. Conv. 190, >- H. Cer. 383, cra^v- II. 4, 155; Her. 2, 125. 9, 86, rd^v- II 21, 38, iter. T f >ecre Ap, s s 2 628 Rh. 1215; Q. Sm. 6, 217: fat. rt/nw Eur. Bacc. 493; Thuc. 1, 82 ; PL Conv. 190, Ionic T/XO rare Hippocr. 4, 630 Lit.); Q. Sm. 6, 48: (no 1 aor.) : p. rer^na Aristot. Soph. 22, 3; Dio. Hal. 8, 31, aw PL Meno 85, dva- Aeschin. 3, 166; Epic part, reruns as pass. Ap. Rh. 4, 156: p. p. T/r/^ai Od. 17, 195 ; Find. I. 5, 22 ; Aesch. Ch. 198 ; Soph. El. 901 ; Ar. Ach. 183 ; Her. 4, 136; Thuc. 3, 26 ; PL Tim. 80: pip. /TeV/ujro, V- Her. 5, 49 : aor. tTpr,di)v Eur. Tr. 480 ; Hippocr. 5, 94 ; PL Conv. 191, KOT- Her. 2, 108 ; ridels Eur. Med. 4; Thuc. 2, 18 ; -drjvai Andoc. 3, 8; Thuc. 2, 20; Xen. Ath. 2, 14, Dor. -%*> Stob. (Diotog.) 43, 95: fut. T/i^o-o/zat Aristot. Lin. insec. 9, 30. 31. 49 ; Sext. Emp. 448, dno- (Lys.) 6, 26 : 3 fut. simple late TfTyijjo-o/iat Philostr. Apoll. 162, but - PL Rep. 564 (Mss. B. O. W.), airo- Luc. Tox. 62:2 aor. act. era^oi/, Horn, always TO/XOI> in simple II. 6, 194. 20, 184 &c. ; and Pind. Ol. i, 49 &c., erafjiov Her. 7, 132; and old Attic Eur. Hel. 1224 (Mss. Vulg. Kirchh. Nauck, ere p.- Dind. now}', Theocr. 18, 34, e|- II. i, 460. Od. 12, 360, an- Aesch. Ag. 1410 (Vulg. -e/t- Dind.) ; ra^a-t Od. 18, 339, Tdfj.up.fv II. 3, 94 ; Thuc. i, 81 ; ra^v Pind. N. 3, 33 ; Her. 4, 201 ; ra/xe'etv II. 19, 197, r, see above. Her. besides era/xov has once frefaov, dir- 3, 69 (Vulg. Gaisf. Bekk. Teparaiixa. 629 Krug. &c.), but an- fTafiov (Dind. Dietsch, Stein). In Attic prose, this tense with a (lra/io) seems to occur once only before Aris- totle, Thuc. i, 8 1 : (TfTfjifro syncop. and redupl. for eW/ieTo, Orph. Arg. 366, has been displaced by eVe/ii* TO a conject. of Ruhnken's, and adopted by Hermann. Q. Sm. has a form in pi, eVc-rd/iwjo-t 3, 224 (Koechly.) Tepirw To gladden, amuse, Hes. Op. 487; Eur. An. 208; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 454; Hippocr. 6, 492; Thuc. 2, 44 ; PI. Leg. 658 ; Epic subj. Ttprrrja-i Od. 17, 385 ; repirfiv Od. i, 347 : imp. tTfpnnv II. 9, 189; Mosch. 2, 64, TfpTr- H. Merc. 565, iter. TepTrforKfv Anth. 9, 136; Q. Sm. 7, 378 : fut. rep^m Soph. Tr. 1246 ; Thuc. 2, 41 : aor. erep^ra Horn. H. 19, 47; Eur. Her., 433 ; Her. 8, 99 ; />V PL Leg. 658 ; n/i^ov Theocr. 27, 13: I aor. pass, erfpfpdnv Od. 8, 131. 17, 174 &c. (Vulg. Wolf, Dind. La R. erdpcpd- Bekk. 2 ed.); Soph. O. C. 1140 ; Eur. Ion 541 ; rare in prose Xen. Mem. 2, i, 24; and late V. T. Ps. 118, 14, Epic 3 pi. (Tfptydfv H. Hym. 19, 45 ; Epic and unaugm. rap^Qyv Od. 19, 213. 251. 21, 57 La R. Bekker (and now 5, 74, - 8, 131. 17, 174, and always Bekk. 2 edit. reptp- La R.), Epic 3 pi. rdpfpdev 6, 99: fut. late T(p(pdf](ronai Scymn. Per. 92 (Mein.); V. T. Ps. 34, 9, (rvv- Schol. Ar. Lys. 227 : 2 aor. irdpTnjv Epic, Od. 23, 300, Tapir- II. II, 780. Od. 4, 47 ; SUbj. Epic rpaire'ua, hence rpairfiofjifv for rparrup-ev, II. 3, 441. 14, 314; inf. rapirrjpfvai II. 24, 3, and Tap-rrrjvai Od. 23, 212. Mid. repTTOfjuu to satisfy oneself, feel delight, II. 5, 760; Find. P. 2, 74; Ar. Plut. 288; PI. Phil. 47, Epic 2 sing, rep-treat. Od. 4, 372; imper. repneo Od. 13, 61, Ion. Tepirev Her. 2, 78: imp. repTrovro Hes. Op. 115, eVe/jTr- Archil. 29(6.); Her. 8, 69: fut. reptyopai II. 20, 23; Archil. 9 (Bergk); Soph. Ant. 691 ; Eur. An. 1180; Theocr. 28, 6, but as act. gladden, Q. Sm. 5, 551: 1 aor. (rpfupip) rare, subj. T/p^o/xm for -a>/*0iV, Vd/)$V is not supported by suffi- cient analogy. It may be so, but is the analogy stronger for the change of ten-p^iV to e'oT/>a<% Her. i, 130; or for rpttp- Blvres (Horn.) Epigr. 14, 7, rpa^vai Od. 15, 80? p. rfrpafifu*, p. act. rerpixpa Ar. Nub. 858, TfTpacpa Dinarch. i, 108, dva- Dem. 18, 296 (Ms. S.) Compare rptyv, T/fya^pu Eur. Her. 578, edpecpd^ Hec. 351. The fut. mid. we have not seen in prose, the aorists mid. and pass, with a are Epic. To dry, Epic, pres. late Lycophr. 390 ; Nic. Al. 551 : 630 Teptrco aor. Tfptrrjva II. 16, 529. Pass, rtpa-aivovrai Ap. Rh. 4, 607: imp. Tfpvalvovro 4, 1405. See foil. Tepo-w or -ppu 70 dry, pres. not found, except repa-et, frpaivet (Hesych.) : flit. T/po-w Theocr. 22, 63 : aor. enpa-a late Epic, subj. Tf'po-/ Q. Sm. 9, 386 ; imper. repa-ov Nic. Ther. 693 (Vulg.) T/po-opot become dry, Epic and Ionic, Od. 7, 124; subj. Ttp (if not aor.) Hippocr. 8, 42 ; -o-o^eV^s Anth. 5, 225 : imp, erep II. II, 848, reper- Od. 5, 152 : 2 aor. pass. lTfp(rr]v, inf. II. 1 6, 519, Epic Tfpo-rjfttvai Od. 6, 98 : aor. mid. erepa-ap.Tjv, opt. Wpo-aio Nic. Ther. 709 ; Wporat 96. 693 quoted (Otto Schneid.), eYepparo (Hesych.) which points to Aeol. reppw, like &'ppa>. As the legitimate form of the 2 aor. would be eYapoTji/ or Irpd^v, a doubt may arise whether repa-rj^fvai, -o-Tjvai may not possibly belong to aor. act. of Tepo-atVw with neuter sense, as yAuKaiW, dXcatVb) &C. TeTeuxtJftat, see (revx***). Tert'^at, see (Tteioi/*e> Theocr. 25, 6 1. Hither some refer eVeV/xero ztf a mistake for rerpotVo). Wimmer however edits with Cod. Urb. TtrpaiVerat Theophr. H. P- 5> 4> 5> & a ~ C. P. i, 17, 9. TfTpfjverai called Ionic, Hippocr. 7, 498 (Lit.), imp. Tfrpfivovro Callim. Dian. 244 (Vulg. -avro aor. Mein.), are from a form (rerpiji/w) or perhaps corruptions for TfTpaiverai, -atvovro. Te'rpiixa Am tumultuous, Epic, p. Tfrprj^fv Opp. Hal. 5, 244 ; -rjxvla II. 7, 346 : pip. rerp^et II. 2, 95 ; later, to be rough, uneven, TeTp^ora Ap. Rh. 3, 1393, -tjxvta Anth. 7, 283. See Tapd(rara>. TeruKeiv To get prepared, Epic 2 aor. of revxco, with redupl. and change of aspirate, in act. only inf. Od. 15, 77 ; usu. mid. rrruKovTo II. 7, 319; Callim. Dian. 50; rrrvKoiufda Od. 12, 283; TTVK((T6al 21, 428. See TfV^ft). T> 0r#2, Epic, and only p. p. rerevx^ffdai Od. 22, 104. b prepare, make, Poet. II. i, no; Pind. Ol. i, 30; 631 Eur. Her. 614 ; revxri Aesch. Ag. 970 ; -xtw Aesch. Pers. 189 ; Soph. Tr. 756 ; Dor. pt. rvxoia-a Theocr. i, 50 (Vulg. Mein. Paley): imp. erenow II. 18, 373; Theocr. 7, 3, rtv^ov II. i, 4; Theocr. 22, 192: fat. revga II. 14, 240; Soph. Ph. 1189: aor. (Teva II. 14, 338. Od. 4, 174; Hes. Fr. no; Pind. P. 7, n ; Aesch. Supp. 306 ; Soph. Fr. 379 (D.) ; Com. Fr. (Eub.) 3, 226, TeC|- II. 18, 609. Od. 8, 276; Hes. Th. 162 ; Pind. Ol. 7, 48: p. TfTfvxa, -fvxx.6r)v, Tevx&fv Hippocr. 9, 242 (Lit.) ; Anth. 6, 207 ; Anacreont. 10, 5 (Vulg. but rvxd- ex margine cod. Melhorn, Bergk) : 3 fut. rerev^onai II. 21, 322. 585: 2 aor. act. redupl. TfTVKelv Epic and Ion. Od. 155-94, see separately. Mid. to prepare/or oneself, imp. re^oi/ Od. 10, 182 : fut. rev^ai II. 19, 208; Aesch. Ag. 1230, but pass. II. 5, 653 ? : aor. rev^ac-dai trans. Horn. H. 2, 43. 67 : 2 aor. rervKovro II. i, 467. Od. 8, 61 ; -Kotfj.(6a 12, 283 ; -VKfirdai 21, 428. See TfTVKeiv. Vb. TVKTOS II. 12, 105. For Terfi/xarov act. II. 13, 346 quoted above, Wolf with some Mss. edited Terete*, Buttm. Bekk. Spitzn. Bind. La Roche tTfvxcrov, with Schol. Ven. from old Mss. The quota- tions from the Anthology however shew that Buttm. was mis- taken in asserting that " there is no genuine instance of the perf. of revxca being used actively." This verb seems never to occur in Attic prose, perhaps only once in comedy. Tex^au To form with art &c. doubtful in 'act., aor. inf. rex^a-ai Od. 7, no (Vulg. but Bekk. Faesi, and now Dind. i-ex"'? '' 1 adject.) Dep. mid, rexydonai Soph. Aj. 86 ; Ar. V. 176 ; Bion 13, 3; Thuc. i, 122 ; Xen. Ages. 9, 3, Ion. -V Hippocr. 6, 360: imp. (rex*- Thuc. 4, 26: fut. T^^o-o^ai II. 23, 415; H. Apol. P. 148: aor. tTexiM v Soph. Tr. 534, '- Thuc. 6, 46, Texvfja-- Od. 5, 259, Dor. rex"" To melt, make liquid, Aesch. Fr. 304 (D.) ; Eur. Med. 141 (Dind.); Her. 2, 25; PI. Rep. 609, Dor. raw Soph. El. 123 (chor.); Theocr. 2, 28 ; imper. TTJK Od. 19, 264 : fut. r^at Anth. 5, 278; in tmesi Eur. Or. 1047, , Kara- Theocr. Epigr. 6, i : aor. eryga Anth. 4, i, 10. 9, 292; Her. 3, 96; Hippocr. 7, 366. 8, 190 (Lit.); App. Hannib. 7, KQT- Od. 19, 206, 8ia- Ar. Nub. 149, (K- PL Rep. 411 : p. see below: p.p. reVi^ai Plut. Mor. 106; Anth. 5, 273; Galen 10, 405 : pip. eVeVr;(cro Polyaen. i, 6, KUT- Paus. 4, 3, 5 : 1 aor. eVfo^V rare, PI. Tim. 61 ; Hippocr. 7, 612 (Lit.) ; Galen 13, 380, aw- Eur. Supp. 1029 : usu. 2 aor. eraK^v Anth. Epigr. 349; Eur. Fr. 230 (D.) ; PL Phaedr. 251; Galen 13, 383, fK- Aesch. Pr. 535, ev- Soph. Tr. 463, v Horn. H. 7, 41, -ddov II. 17, 55, -0oWa 6, 148, -Oouxrai Od. II, 590, -ddovras II. 22, 423; Mosch. 4, 97, -QowTo. Od. 13, 196; Emped. 358. (a.) TTjpe'w To guard, watch, Eur. Fr. 597 (D.) ; Antiph. 2, /3, 8 ; Thuc. 4, 60 ; PL Theaet. 169 ; subj. Dor. 3 pi. -eovri Pind. P. 2, 88 ; -poirjs Hippocr. i, 634 : imp. frrjpow Thuc. 7, 80 ; Isocr. 7, 30 : fut. -ijo-to PL Rep. 442 : aor. er^prja-a Soph. O. R. 808 ; Thuc. Ti6e<0. 633 3, 22; Lys. 3, 34, eVt- Hym. Cer. 244 : p. rfrfipijKa Aristot. de Gael. 2, 12, 3 (Bekk.) ; Polyb. 5, 77 ; Luc. Abd. 32 : p. p. Tfnjpqpu Dem. 21, 3. 23, 181 : aor. frrjp^v Hippocr. 9, 254 ; Lys. 12, 71: fut. TTjpTjefja-ofjiai D. Sic. 13, 96 ; Dio Cass. 69, 8 ; Marc. Ant. 1 1, i o : for which early Attic writers use fut. mid. T^O-O/WH as pass. Thuc. 4, 30. Mid. rripeopai to guard oneself, be on ones guard, Ar. Vesp. 372: fut. late, njprja-ofiat, irapa- V. T. Ps. 36,12; Joseph. Ant. ir, 6, 13 (Bekk.); as pass, see above. Vb. TrjprjTfOS PI. Rep. 412. TT]Tdop.ai To want, be deprived of, only pres. Hes. Op. 408 ; Eur. Or, 1084 ; Tt)Ta>p.fvos Soph. El. 1326 ; Eur. Her. 24; rare in prose, PI. Leg. 810 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, 33 (now L. Dind. Saupp.) ; Aristot. Eth. Nic. i, 8 (9), 16, Dor. Tdrvp.- Pind. N. 10, 78; TT)Ta J 3 : P- P- TfTiT)[uu, 2 dual Tfrtrjadov II. 8, 447; rern]iiivos 8,437; Hes.Th. 163. TlOe'cj To put, place (dfo), classic only sing. pres. and imp. i pers. n6S> late (Luc.) Ocyp. 43. 81, riBtls Pind. P. 8, n, TideiaBa v. r. Od. 9, 404 (Ahr.), -del II. 13, 731 ; Mimn. i, 6. 5, 7 (Bergk); Her. i, 113, irpo- 133, rrap- Od. i, 192, irapa- Her. 4, 73. "- 5, 95- 7. 35, 3 P 1 - lat e -^w* Ephr. Vit. Caes. 8708-, w- 8204 ; imper. rida II. i, 509 ; Archil. 56 ; Aesch. Sept. 201 ; Eur. Hel. 346; Ar. Lys. 243; PI. Phil. 43. Rep. 510, irpor- Hippocr. 8, 380 (Lit.); Thuc. 6, 14, Sta- Xen. Cyr. 5, 3,^21; inf. riQfiv Theogn. 286, Tidf^ev Hes. Op. 744 : imp. mdow i pers. perhaps late Procop. Epist. 140 (v. r. PI. Gorg. 500), f'v- Sever. Rhet. p. 547 (Walz), fridtis PL Rep. 497 ; Dem. 24, 60. 31, 6, iv- Ar. Nub. 59, M0ei II. 18, 561. Od. 6, 76 (Vulg. Wolf, Dind. La R. -t'fci Bekk. always 2 ed.); Andoc. i, 117; Dem. 24, 135. 159, irpoo-- Ar. Nub. 63, tear- Antiph. 5, 77, dvTtn- Thuc. i, 129, Trepi- Her. 6, 69, irpo- Dem. 18, 273, -tridtf Her. i, 206, T<', n6cu), Aesch. Ch. 145; Soph. El. 1270; Ar. Thesm. noo; Her. 7, 8 (4); Isocr. 4, 145; PI. Phil. 51; Dem. 23,^148, -% Soph. Ph. 992 ; PI. Rep. 348, -6rj(r6a Od. 9, 404, -dijcri II. 4, 83 ; Hes. Op. 518 ; Solon 13, 62 ; Pind. P. 2, 10 ; Soph. Ant. 674 ; Ar. Plut. 451 ; Andoc. i, 121 ; PL Crat. 389, Dor. rify Theocr. 3, 48, riecufv PI. Polit. 306, -erf, ?rpo- (Dem.) 25, 9, ndecun Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 437 ; Thuc. 5, 96 ; PL Rep. 339, 71710- Her. 3, 53. 5, 8 (Stob. Bekk. Dind.), aw- 4, 23 (Bekk. Dind. -elo-i Bred. Stein, Abicht), Ionic &i Aesch. Supp. 518 ; PL Leg. 80 1 ; -Geirjs Rep. 543, -fir) Hes. Op. 470 ; PL Rep. 477 ; Dem. 22, 30, -delfiev PL Rep. 605 ; inf. ridivai Thuc. 3, 58, Epic Ti&^iewu II. 23, 83, and Epic TiQincv Hes. Op. 744 ; Pind. P. i, 40 : imp. eYi&ji/ Lys. 30, 17 ; PL Gorg. 500, -idrjs rare, Rep. 528, -iU; in II. and Od. Bekk. always now, II. 18, 541. Od. 6, 76 &c. (2 edit. -IQei Dind. La R.); rare in Attic, PL Leg. 630 (Bekk. B. O. W.), usu. -# PL Rep. 497 ; Dem. 31, 6, /- Ar. Nub. 59, eYi'0 Ar. Ach. 532 ; Andoc. i, 117 ; Dem. 22, 30, KO.T- Antiph. 5, 77, eY^e/uei/ PL Rep. 507, -6fTf, (Tidevav Her. i, 144 ; Xen. Mem. 3, 14, i, rid- Od. 22, 456, rldfv Pind. P. 3, 65, irpo- Od. i, 112 (Bekk. Dind. -rlOfvTo La R.) : fut. 6^ II. 16, 673 ; Pind. Ol. 13, 98 ; Aesch. Eum. 484 ; Soph. O. C. 859 ; Her. 7, 8 ; Thuc. i, 40; Xen. Mem. 4, 2, 17, Dor. drja-S) Theocr. 8, 14, 3 pi. drja-evvri Bion 7, 3 (Ms. Reg. Br. Ziegl. -a-ovri Vulg. Ahr.) ; Poet. inf. 0r]o-(/j.ei> Pind. P. 10, 58, -(Tffjxvai II. 12, 35 : aor. W^aa only indie, classic II. 9, 485 ; Solon 36, 13; Aesch. Pr. 444; Soph. Tr. 691 ; Andoc. i, 114; Dem. 14, 37. 18, 102, -TJKUS II. 17, 37 ; Aesch. Eum. 458 ; Soph. O. C. 1357; Eur. Med. 510; PL Conv. 222; Dem. 24, 195, Trpoo-- 23, 75, II. 24, 795. Od. i, 223; Simon. C. 148, 12 ; Eur. Bac. 129 (chor.) ; opt. late driKaip.1, dva- Theoph. Epist. 29 (Hercher) : p. riOeiKa Eur. El. 7 ; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 389; Xen. Mem. 4, 4, 19; Dem. 20, 55. 22, 1 6, Dor. rede, dva- Inscr. Ross, i, 10: p.p. rtdd^ai, redfirai V. T. i Reg. 9, 24. N. T. Marc. 15, 47, npoa-- Aristot. Mechan. 18, i, dva- D. Hal. Ant. i, 76, 8ia- 4, 80 (Kiesl.), rare in Classic Auth. redela-dai (if not mid.) Ar. Fr. 304 (Dind.) ; and late redeifievos (Demad.) 12 (Bekk.) ; redela-dai Argum. Dem. 39, but Trpo- Xen. Hier. 9, n (L. Dind. Saupp.), 8ia- Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 252 ; Luc. Imag. 10. Nigr. 24, IK- Catapl. 5, o-w- Alex. 22, Dor. rtde^ai, dva- Inscr. Ross, i, 14, as mid. see be- low: aor. frtdrjv Eur. H. F. 1245 ; Her. 2, 42. 4, 45 ; Antiph. 6, 50; Thuc. 6, 4. 38; PL Tim. 62 ; 0i/ Eur. H. F. 1245; PI. Hipp. Maj. 284 ; Dem. 24, 44; redeirj Dem. 24,28; rs^rw PI. Leg. 689; re^mtAr. Nub. 1425; PI. Leg. 7 I. Phaedr. 264; -redds Eur. Elec. 1266 ; PI. Leg. 957, dpi- II. 10, 27 1 : fut. re6ri Soph. O. C. 480; Antiph. 2, y, 6 ; Isocr. 15, 158; Aeschin. 3, 163; Dem. 14, 27, Epic 6d> see below; opt. &i> II- 5. 2I 5J Andoc. i, 115; Isocr. 5, 82, &iV" PL Prot- 343; Dem. 23, 128, 0ja; Od. 12, 347, npoo-- PI. Meno 84, 0V*, eV- Dem. 18, 324, 0etTe, eVi- II. 24, 264. Od. 22, 62, wra- Dem. 14, 27 (Mss. Bekk. Dind.), but -tfoire (Mss. Bait. Saupp. &c.) if correct, the only instance of act. in this form, 3 pi. 6tl*v II. 4 , 363 ; Soph. O.C. 865, Trpoo-- PI. Leg. 742 ; 6es II. 6, 273; Theocr. 8, 14 ; PI. Rep. 424, 3 pi. 6erra Od. 19, 599 ; &wu II. 4,26; Hes. Op. 815; Soph. Ant 8; Her. 4, 179; PI. Leg. 719, Ep. ft/iei/at II. 4, 57 ; Theogn. E$0,Afpa'Od. 21,3; Theogn. 846; Pind. Ol. 2, 97; fcfs II. 23, 254. Od. 21, 55 ; Ar. Ach. 365 ; Her. 2, 52 ; Thuc. 5, 105. Mid. rt'^at io put, make Sfc.for oneself, Soph. Phil. 1448; Dem. 23, 24, 2 sing. rMtrai PL Phil. 636 47, late rlffr; Anth. (Pallad.) u, 300, -derm Her. 2, 46; PI. Rep. 338, -fvrai Od. 17, 269 ; Thuc. i, 41, -Otarai, irpo- Her. i, 133 ; Tid&nai PI. Phil. 32 ; Tidfifirjv Tyrt. 12, i ; PI. Leg. 674 ; ri6fnai Eur. H. F. 486; Thuc. 8, 84; PI. Rep. 339, Ion. #- /LMH, vn-tp- Her. 5, 24; Epic 2 sing., dr/ai Od. 19, 403 (Bekk. Dind.), Kara- Hes. Op. 601, drjTat PI. Crat. 384; so Her. i, 29; 6ft(jLr)v Soph. Ant. 188; Plut. Phoc. 17, rrapa- Od. 15, 506, ^o Od. 19, 403 quoted (Faesi, Ameis), fid Od. 17, 225; Aesch. Pr. 527; PI. Theaet. 195, Trpoo-- Dem. 6, 12 (Bekk. Dind.), -0otro (Voem.), doiptda, em- Thuc. 6, 34 (Mss. Popp. Krug. Stahl &c.), -5ei>f^a (Mss. Bekk.), 0eifuv dissyll. Od. 24, 485, irtpt- Her. 3, 81, 0o shortened, deio/Mtv for dtivpfv, ti&nev, II. 23, 244. Od. 13, 364; imper. Lacon. o-rna for &Y occurs in comp. 3 pi. pres. npo- 6 e over i II. i, 291, unless this be from npo-dfco rush forth. TI'KTU To bring forth, beget (TW), Od. 4, 86 ; Hes. Op. 235 ; Emped. 64 ; Aesch. Eum. 660 ; Soph. Tr. 94; Ar. Av. 695; Her. 6, 131 ; PI. Conv. 206 : imp. ZTIKTOV II. 22, 421 ; Find. Ol. 6, 85 ; Aesch. Eum. 321 ; Soph.^O. C. 982 ; Her. 9, 93 ; PL Conv. 191, enxff 6- Eur. H. F. 3, a.TtKTOv=d tr- 281, TI'KT- II. 16, 34 ; Hes. Th. 346; Find. P. 3, 101 : fut. T^O> Poet. Od. n, 249 (Mss. Vulg. Kaiser, La R.) but see mid.; H. Merc. 493; Aesch. Pr. 851. 869; Eur. Tr. 742; Ar. Eq. 1037. Thesm. 509; Her. 5, 92 (Orac.); but late prose, Pseud.-Callisth. i, 12: rather more freq. Tegopai II. 19, 99. Od. n, 249 (Bekk. Dind.); H. Apol. 101 ; Hes. Th. 469. 898 ; Find. P. 9, 59 ; Aesch. Pr. 768 ; (Eur.) Fr. Dan. 1117 (D.); Ar. Lys. 744 ; Her. 7, 49; Hippocr. 7, 538. 8, 322 (Lit.); Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 23 ; Ael. V. H. 14, 22, poet, and rare rfKov/wu, reKeia-Bai H. Ven. 127, so 7-fW& late, Arat. 124 : 1 aor. rfa rare, rigao-a Orph. H. 41, 8; subj. eWe'fo Ar. Lys. 553 (Vulg. -rtfr, Bergk, -ardfr Hirsch. Dind. 5 ed.) : 2 p. T'TOI Hes. Op. 591 ; Ar. Pax 757 ; Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 637; Her. i, 112; Hippocr. 8, 126; Xen. Ven. 5, 13; Luc. 638 T/AXw. D. Deor. 9, i, eV- PI. Theaet. 210, but eV- pass. Ar. Vesp. 651 : p.p. TfTcynai perhaps late, -(KTM Ael. H. A. 2, 12 ; Terexdat Paus. 3, 7, 7 ; Heliod. 9, 25, and late reroy^ai Synes. Epist. 141, but rercyfji- (Dind. Kerch.), and TfTvypai Alcae. 85 (Bergk. Ahr.), TfToy- (Seidl.) approved by Schneidewin, condemned by Dind. : aor. eTfxGrjv rare (Eur.) Fr. Dan. 1117, 44 (Dind.); Anacreont. 36, 8. 38, i (Bergk); Hippocr. 8, 486: Alciphr. i, 4; Ael. H. A. 10, 26; Plut. Dion 24. Cic. 2; Luc. D. Mort. 13, i. D. Mer. 2, i. D. Deor. 10, i : fut. late Texdf) Her. 3, 76, Dor. fem. -Xoto-a Theocr. 2, 54 ; -Aetf, OTTO- Her. 3, 16 : imp. enXXe Hip- pocr. 3, 142 (Lit.); Anth. 5, 275; Nic. Damasc. 67, r/XAe II. 22, 406 : fut. TiXw, OTTO- Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 89 : aor. erTXa, 34 8 , wept- Luc. Merc. Cond. 33 : aor. eV/X Her. 5, 67 (Dind. Stein, Abicht, ->v Bekk. Bred.) : fut. Tirf II. 9, 155; Aesch. Sept. 1046; Thuc. 4, 20; Lys. 8. i, Dor. -ao-oi, 3 pi. -cuTfvvri (Theocr.) Epigr. 15 : aor. eriwva Her. 8, 124 ; Thuc. i, 74 ; Aeschin. i, 113, W/^ora II. 16, 237, V^ijo-a Hes. Th. 399 ; Soph. Ant. 904, Dor. -ao-a Find. N. 6, 41 ; Dor. pt. -daais Find. Ol. 7, 5; Epic subj. -rjcrofj.fv II. 1 6, 271, reg. : p. TfTiwica Lys. 26, 17 ; PI. Rep. 548, Dor. -d*ca Find. I. 4, 37 : pip. fTrifj.T)Kei, dn- Dem. 41, 28 (Schaef. Dind.) : p. p. Ter^/wi II. 12, 310; Soph. O. C. 1304; Her. 2, 75. 8, 69; Thuc. 4, 26, Dor. -Sfiai Find. I. 4, 59 : pip. tVrr/^Yro Her. 2, 179, 3 pi. -earo 6, 124 : aor. fri^Qr^v Her. 7, 213 ; Antiph. 6. 38 ; Thuc. 3, 56 ; PI. Menex. 242, Dor. -ddrjv Soph. O. R. 1203 (chor.) : fat. Tifjiridrja-o/jLai rare in classic authors, Thuc. 6, 80; Dem. 19, 223 ; Aristot Eth. N. 4, 9 ; Plut. Mor. 112 ; Dio Cass. 37, 56. 59, 1 6, and often : usu. fut. mid. rt/^o-ojuu almost always pass. H. Apoll. 307; Aesch. Ag. 581 ; Soph. Ant. 210; Eur. Fr. 362, 49 (Dind. 5 ed.); Thuc. 2, 87; PL Rep. 426. Hipp. maj. 284; Xen. Hier. 9, 9. Cyr.8,7, 15; Dem. 19, 100 (104 Bekk.), irpo- Xen. An. i, 4, 14, avri- Oec. 9, n : 3 fut. rm^o-o/zat rare, Lys. 31, 24. Mid. Tifj.dofMi to prize, estimate, lay a punishment tifc. Her. 3, 154 ; PL Conv. 175: imp. eYt/ia>j/ro Dem. 53, 18 : fut. TWO-OHM PL Apol. 37; (Xen. Cyr. 8, 7, 15?) see below: aor. fTifjiTjffdfjirjv Od. 20, 129; Theocr. 12, 29 ; Thuc. 3, 40. 6, 10 ; Lys. 19, 48, TJ/WJO-- Od. 23, 339; -T)v Eur. Elec. 974; Antiph. 2, IB, 2 ; Thuc. i, 127 ; Lys. 13, 51, -eW Her. 7, 155 ; -pelv Soph. O. R. 107 ; Eur. Or. 924; Thuc. 3, 92. 4, 15 ; Lys. 13, i ; PI. Apol. 28, -f(tv Her. 4, 118. 7, 157 : imp. ertp-apow, -peov Her. i, 18: fut. -ijo-w Her. 4, 119; Antiph. 5, 87; Thuc. i, 40; PI. Apol. 28 : aor. m/xwpqo-a Thuc. 4, 85 ; PI. Conv. 179 : p. -qua Lys. 13, 97 : p. p. rert/uwp^at Thuc. 7> 77 ') -yotitu Her. 9, 79 ; -qptms Lys. 25, 15, as mid. see below: pip. erfTi^^To Thuc. 6, 60, see mid. : aor. always pass, e'ri/iwpij^i' Andoc. i, 29 ; -ij& Xen. An. 2, 6, 29 ; PL Leg. 867 ; Plut. Mor. 117 ; -^wu Xen. An. 2, 5, 27 : fut. rip^p^dfja-fTai Lys. 13, r. 31, 24. 26 : 3 fut. as mid. Terificopijtrecu see below. Mid. np.opovp.ai to avenge oneself, Eur. Bacc. 1081 ; Lys. 6, 3. 10, 30. n, 6; -ovpevos Soph. El. 349. 399; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 177: imp. f-n^peero Her. 3, 53. 7, 20, -eio-0e Lys. 27, ig, -oiWo Thuc. i, 132 : fut. TifKopfjaofjuii Soph. Ph. 1258; Eur. Ale. 733; Ar. Ach. 303. Eccl. 1044; Her. 3, 145. 6, 87. 7, 9; Thuc. 3, 58; Aeschin. i, 185: aor. -rjo-dprjv Eur. Cycl. 695; PL Rep. 377; Lys. 9, 14; Isocr. 9, 32; Aeschin. i, 112: p.p. as mid. r f Tip. 2O : as mid. 3 fut. reri^copqcreat Her. 9, 78 (Silvern, Bekk. &c.) for p. TenpapTjo-ai (Mss. Gaisf.). We doubt the necessity for change, see Aesch. Ag. 866-8; Soph. Phil. 76; Luc. D. Deor. 2, i ; at least Xen. has preferred Teri/iw/^KoYas ea-fa&u Hell. 7, 3, n ; so Lys. 13, 97. Vb. TipvprjTfov Her. 7, 168; Isocr. 15, 174, -TI Thuc. i, 86. Timo-au To shake, mostly Poet, see &ar>a. TiKujjiai, see foil. TiVu To pay, expiate, II. 18, 407; Solon 13, 31; Aesch. Pr. 112 ; Soph. O. C. 635; PL Theaet. 177, - Her. 3, 47 ; Epic inf. Tivfp.fi', ana- II. 3, 459 : imp. iter. rivta-Kev Ap. Rh. 2, 475 : fut. TICTW II. 17, 34 ; Pind. Ol. 10, 12 ; Aesch. Ch. 435; Her. 3, 14 ; PL Leg. 905, - Thuc. 5, 49, airo- Dem. 40, 56 : aor. erFo-a Od. 24, 352 ; Pind. Ol. 2, 58 ; Aesch. Ag. 537 ; Soph. O. R. 810; PL Leg. 873, dir- Antiph. 5, 63: p. re'rua Lycophr. Tiraivca. 64 1 765 ; Dio. Hal. Ant. 6, 18, *- Isae. 10, 15 ; Dinarch. 2, 18 ; Dem. 21, 89. 40, 52 : p.p. reruriuu, - PI. Phaedr. 257 ; Dem. 24, 187 : pip. e'--errro (Dem.) 47, 65 : aor. eria-dtjv, fg- Dem. 28, 2 (a?!-- 49, 63.) Mid. Tivopai to take payment, avenge, punish, Theogn. 204; Ar. Thesm. 686 (Bekk. Dind.), Ionic riviifjiai II. 3, 279. 19, 260; Opt. rlvai Soph. O. C. 994. 996; rivfa-dai Pind. P. 2, 24; Her. 9, 120 (Wessl. Gaisf. Stein, , as awfMi from ava>, not riw-, the t is always long. Bekker in Horn, and Her. always writes it with single v, so Dind. nvvfuvat Eur. Or. 323 (chor.) where alone it occurs in Attic, and ap- parently with f; Buttm. however rtwvwu, and in late Greek, Bekker. The act. form riwfu, -va>, or riw- is late and rare, rivvvovres Plut. Brut. 33 (Bekk), e'v, dva- App. Mithr. 25 (rpaea obsol.), TiTprjpt, -rpjjcri, Kara- Galen 13, 937 (Kiihn) ; Tirpdvai 13,616; Tirpds 16,683, 8ia- D. CaSS. 69, 12: imp. mrprj, 81- App. Lib. 122, eTiTpuv, 81- App. Iber. 77 : fut. rpTjo-w late, Lycophr. 655 : aor. erpijo-a Hippocr. 7, 46. 8, 148 (Lit.); Polyb. 10, 44; Polyaen. 6, 17; Strab. 16, 4, 18, aw- PI. Tim. 91; Dem. 37, 38: (p. rerprjKa ?) : p.p. TfrprifMi Emped. 289 (Stein); Ar. Pax 21 ; Her. 4, 158; Xen. Oec. 7, 40; Aristot. Polit. 6, 5, 7, KOTO- PI. Tim. 70 : pip. eYeVpqro, ovv- PI. Criti. 115 : aor. late, Tpr)6fj, Kara- Galen 13, 938; rprjOfiri Geop. 12, 18; ra Geop. 5, 33 ; -dfjvai, dva- Athen. 4, 80. Mid. aor. , 8ta- Galen 4, 708, missed by all Lexicogr. Vb. rpTfros AristOt. H. An. 3, 7 5- See rerpaiVo>. Perf. re'rp^Ka given by Kiihner and Jelf, we have never seen. TiTpwoxu To wound, rare and Epic rpd>o> Od. 21, 293; Callim. Dian. 133, Tirpwa-Kfi Hippocr. 3, 218 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 5 ; PI. Phil. 13; rare in poet. Com. Fr. (Mon.) 393; Mosch. i, 21: imp. fTirp- Xen. An. 3, 4, 26 : fut. rpaxrco Theogn. 1287 ; Eur. Cycl. 422 ; Hippocr. 8, 290; Dio Cass. 47, 44; App. Mithr. 57 ; Orac. Sib. 4, 106, Kara- Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 15 : aor. erpoxra Pind. N. 10, 60; Eur. Hipp. 392 ; Antiph. 3,/3, 4; Thuc. 4, 14, TpS>- O-O/LWU as pass, or will get oneself wounded, II. 12, 66. Vb. rpwro's II. 21, 568. In some editions of Hippocr. the subj. 1 aor. pass, occurs redupl. rtrpw^wo-tc i, 320 (Kiihn), but rpw&io-i (Op- sopae. Litt. 5, 698), so dTronrpo)^ Dioscor. 4, 138. TiTutritw To prepare, aim (a redupl. form of rev^w, ru^o), Poet, combining the meanings of revx> and Tvyxdvta, only pres. and imp. and late in act. (unless Ruhnken's conjecture rtrvo-K?; for TTIVIHTKT), Simon. 18, 2 (Gaisf.) be correct, and nrva-Kfi Antim. Fr. 9 Bergk 3 ed., Schol. Nic. Then 472, see imp.) TITK Arat. 418 ; TITIKTKUV Lycophr. 1403 ; Opp. Hal. 2, 99 : imp. Antim. Fr. 9 (Bergk 2 ed). Mid. as act. r 643 Anth. 5, 221; Tirva-Kofievos II. 3, 80 ; Theocr. 22, 88: imp. TITVO-TO II. 13, 159. 2i, 342; Ap. Rh. 4, 248. Bergk retains 7ru/iW/7 Simon. 12, Gaisf. TM-UO-K?/ (Ruhnken's conject.) TI'OJ To value at, honour (t, but I before a), Poet. II. 9, 238 ; Aesch. Sept. 77 ; Eur. Her. 1013 ; Epic inf. F>/ Od. 15, 543 : imp. II. 15, 439. Od. 22, 370, riov II. 18, 81, rtov 8, 161; Hes. Sc. 85; Aesch. Sept. 775 (chor.), rles Od. 24, 78, Tie II. 16, 146, Tt' 24, 575, iter. Tifo-Kfv II. 13, 461, TietTKov Od. 23, 65 ; Hes. Sc. 9 ; Mosch. 4, 9: flit, rfo-w II. 9, 284. Od. 14, 1 66: aor. Zrta-a II. i, 412. 16, 274; very rare in Attic irpo-rta-as Soph. Ant. 22 : p.p. reVl/tat, TfTlfj.fi/os II. 20, 426. Od. 13, 28; Hes. Th. 415; Emped. 356 : pres. p. rterai Aesch. Supp. 1037 (chor.): imp. Ti'ero II. IO, 33, iter. TUVIKTO II. 4, 46, but Tiea-Ko- fjifvoi. Welcker Syll. Epigr. p. 229, 183. Mid, as act. Tterot rare Hes. Th. 428 (nev Schoem.) Vb. STITOS II. 13, 414. O.TITOS 14, 484. Aesch. has pres. pass, riVrat Supp. quoted; but p. part TfTtptvat Ch. 399 (Vulg.) is held by some a false reading for re nnai (Ahr. Franz, TITTJVCU now Dind.) written TfTifj.cu in the Med. Ms. corr. Tert^eW ; Herm. now irpcmfM. See Franz in loc. In Epic, t in pres. and imp. is long in arsi, II. 5, 467 &c. short in thesi, 4, 257. 9, 378. 13, 176. Od. 20, 132, &c. though sometimes even there long when a long succeeds, Od. 14, 84. 22, 414; short in Attic, Aesch. Ag. 2 59- 53 L > Eur. Her. 1013 ; Ar. Ran. 1266 : always long in flit, aor. &c. Meineke may be right in preferring eVr/w to ri Com. Fr. 4, 33, but we are not sure what he exactly means by saying in his index " view non Atticum." TXdw To bear (see ToXdco) pres. rare and late, rXwo-a Tzetz. Hist. 9, 132 : imp. fT\tj?a> Parmen. 90; Orac. Sib. 5, 32, mro- Ap. Rh. 4, 1120: 1 aor. fTfj,j]^a Ap. Rh. 2, 481 ; r^^ete, OTTO- II. 1 8, 34 (Vulg. Spitzn. Dind.); T^as II. u, 146 (Spitzn. Dind. La R. irXtfas Bekk.), GTro- 10, 364. n, 468 ; Hes. Th. 188, Dor. ?r/xa|a, 8.- Theocr. 8, 24 : 2 aor. tT^yov Opp. Hal. 3, 333, Sc Od. 7, 276: 2 aor. pass. eY/xay?^, Epic 3 pi. TfmyfV II. 1 6, 374, St-friMyfv 7, 302, late tT^yrjv Anth. 9, 66 1 ; Callim. Fr. 300 ; dn-o-r^yti? Ap. Rh. 4, 1052. Mid. aor. er/u^d/ur/j/ trans. Anth. 7, 480; Nic. Alex. 68, vn- Ap. Rh. 4, 328. rut. TW&S Nic. Ther. 886, T t 2 644 has been altered from Mss. to aor. opt. r/x^aif. rpaytv Epic 3 pi. 2 aor. for erndyrja-av, II. 1 6, 374, Si- 1 6, 354. 7, 302. For TfjLT)gas II. ii, 146, and d-rro-Tprigfie 18, 34, Bekker reads TrXi^ar, and djr-afjifja-eif with Aristarch. A form T/X^O-O-W sometimes occurs : *.,. in some edit, of Athen. 3, 116 quoted, and Mosch. 2, 8 1 (Junt.). Schweigh. however, Meineke, Lobeck &c. reject it for Tfj.T)ya> and fut. rpjo-w, Sia- Nonn. Par. 15, 2 , which also Lobeck would correct : aor. mid. r/ijjo-mo Androm. Sen. 89. T6w, see TOO-O-W. Togeuu 70 ,r^00/, Soph. Ant. 1034; Her. 4, 114; -eveiv II. 23, 855 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 6, 29 : imp. ero- Find. I. 2, 3 ; Her. 8, 128; Thuc. 4, 48 ; Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 33 : aor. eYo'eu in the sense utter in a piercing tone; and Hesych. explains reropfv, rfrpoprj by erpox (pierced so as) to wound, but inf. ropeiv by rop^a-ai, refiftv. Topfow 7b OT) To hit, find (as Tuxfiv), occurring only in aor. inf. Tocro-ai Pind. Fr. 22 (Bergk 4 ed.) ; Dor. part. roVo-au P. 3, 27, eVi- IO, 33 J and indie. eVr-eroo-o-e 4, 25. Tpd-rr^w 7b turn, tread grapes, Epic Od. 7> 125, n- II. 10, 421; subj. -eaxri Anan. Athen. 282: imp. trpdneov Hes. Sc. 3 01 - , see Tpf. ovw 7: aor. frpdxvva, -fjxwa HippOCr. 5, 276 : p. Terpd^vKf, diro- Dio. Hal. C. Verb. 22: p.p. Terpaxvoywu Aristot. H. A. 4, 9, 20 (Bekk.); Galen 13, 59. 16, 713, - Luc. Pise. 51 (-x v w Dind.), -rpdxvivai Aristot. Prob. n, 22; inf. TtrpaxvvOai PI. Prot. 333; also -TpdxvfiAi Plut. Num. 8 ; v. r. Aristot. H. A. 4, 9, 20, and Luc. Pise. 51 quoted (Dind.) ; Galen 13, 20 ; Schol. Ap. w T|OeVo). 645 Rh. 3, 276 : aor. IrpaxvvQrjv, subj. Ion. Tprjxvvdfj Hippocr. 8, 450, TPv Soph. O. R. 947; Ar. Lys. 385; Antiph. 2, y, 8 ; PI. Rep. 554; Dem. 18, 263: imp. erpe/zov II. 10, 390; Theocr. 27, 51; Pseud.-Callisth. 3, 22, Tpepe II. 13, 18, rptfiov Od. ii, 527. Imp. seems not in use with classic prose writers. Tpe'-rru To turn, Her. i, 63 (Bekk., rpdn- Dind. Stein) ; Thuc. 3, 90, Ion. rpdna), Her. 2, 92 (Bekk. Dind.) : imper. rpen-e II. 8, 399; Soph. Ant. 1107; -JTOH Aesch. Fr. 321 (D.): imp. frpenov Thuc. 6, 35, eV- II. 10, 79, iter. rpeVeo-Ke Her. 4, 128 (Bekk.), rpaTT- (Dind. Bred.) : fut. rptya> II. 15, 261 ; Ar. Eccl. 68 1 ; PI. Parm. 135, so in Ionic, cmo- Her. 8, 29, ova- 62, Dor. 3 pi. rptyovn, TTI- Pind. Ol. 6, 21, rpa^w, eW Cret. Inscr. 2555 : aor. (Tpefya II. 18, 469; Aesch. Sept. 255; Her. 7, 100. 105; Thuc. 5, 72; Xen. An. I, 8, 24, Tptye II. 16, 645, Ion. erpa^a, fir- Her. 4, 202 (Vulg. Bekk.), but -erpe^- (Gaisf. Dind. Bred. Stein &c. Mss. S P F a b) ; Dor. pt. rpfyais Pind. P. 3, 35 : p. rerpocpa Ar. Nub. 858 ; Com. Fr. (Anax.) 3, 194, ava- Soph. Tr. 1008; Andoc. i, 131 ; Aeschin. i, 190. 3, 158 (B. Saupp. Franke, -rerpacpa Bekk.), and Terp3 II. 12, 273; -afjLfjifvos II. 17, 227; Aesch. Sept. 955 ; Her. 9, 34 ; Thuc. 5, 9 ; Isae. 6, 41 ; rerpdcp^ot Thuc. 7, 73, See mid.: pip. ereVpam-o PI. Crit. Il8, rirpa-mo II. 14, 403, 3 pi. Terpd(pa0' for -fparo, -cpvro E. IO, 189 : 1 aor. fTpfdeis (Horn.) Epigr. 14, 7, rt- Antiph. 4, ft, 4, Epic and Ionic tTpdcpdrjv, -6^vai Od. 15, 80 now (Wolf, Bekk. Dind. La R.); rptxpdfls always Her. 4, 12. 9, 56, eVt- i, 7 : 2 aor. tYpd^ usu. as mid. intrans. Aesch. Pers. 1027; Soph. O. C. 1537; Ar. Eccl. 416; PI. Lys. 213; Xen. Hell. 5, i, 12. An. 5, 4, 23 (Vulg.); for Epic SUbj. TpaTrdopfv, seertpTTO) : fat. late rpem-ijo-o/iat Plut. Nic. 21 ; Paus. 5, 21, i, ava- Dio Cass. 56, 25, c- Luc. 646 Herm. 86 : 3 fdt. Tfrpd^opai Hesych., eVt- Pisistr. in Diog. Laert. i, 2, 6 : 2 aor. act. frpuirov Poet. II. 20, 439 ; Hes. Sc. 456; Pind. P. 9, 43; Theocr. 25, 85, rpdir- IL 12, 24; Find. 01. 10, 15, intrans. trparr- Hes. Th. 58, rpdn- II. 1 6, 657. Mid. rpfirofiai to turn oneself, flee, Thuc. I, 20; PI. Prot. 339. Leg. 680, \iera- II. 9, 630, Ionic rpcnr- Her. 4, 60, also trans. put to flight, Xen. An. 6, 3, 5. 5, 26 &c. : imp. eVpor- trans. App. Syr. 42, intrans. Thuc. 7, 71, Trpo-rpfn- II. 5, 700 : fat. rpfyopai Eur. Hipp. 1066; Her. i, 97. 8, 57 ; Hippocr. 2, 170. 8, 100; Thuc. 5, in ; Xen. An. 3, 5, 13 ; Lys. 10, 30, trans. Ar. Eq. 276, Ionic ? Tpd\lfOfiai, fni- Her. 3, 155 (Vulg. Gaisf. Bekk. Lhard.), but -rptyo/uu (Dind. Bred. Stein with Mss. S. V.), see below : 1 aor. fTp(^dfj.T)v usu. trans. Hym. Cer. 203; Eur. Heracl. 842 ; Her. 7, 225; Thuc. 6, 98; Xen. Ages. 2, n; but intrans. Tpe^dfjLfvos Od. i, 422. 1 8, 305 : 2 aor. eTpcm6p.r]v perhaps always intrans. or reflex. II. 16, 594; Archil. 9; Aesch. Ag. 1532; Ar. Ran. 1025; Her. i, 80. 3, 13 ; Thuc. 4, 44; Isocr. 14, 46 ; it seems a mistake to call it act. PI. Euthyd. 303, rpcm- II. 18, 138 ; rarely pass. dv-fTpdnero PI. Crat. 395 ; Theocr. 8, 90 : and sometimes as mid. intrans. p.p. TeYpa/u/ifu II. 12, 273; Ar. Ach. 207; Her. 7, 16; Thuc. 7, 73; PI. Rep. 533, see pass.: 2 aor. (Tpdirrjv Soph. Aj. 743. Vb. Tpcrrros Aristot. Mund. 2, 10, Tpfnreos PI. Leg. 747, rpamjrfov Luc. Rhet. prec. 8. For (rptyaro Her. 7, 105 (Schw. &c.) Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. read erpe^e with Mss. M P K F, and dn-orerpa/z/ieVot act. Polyb. 10, 14, i (Vulg.) is now -TfTpifip.-. Her. seems to have used both rpfiro> and Tpdira, but always crpdfpQrjv, and perhaps always rptya), erpf^a, Tptyopai, IrpfyaTo. diro-rptyto occurs twice 8, 29. 62, no v. r. the aor. erpffya and compds. twenty-six times with only one v. r. eV-eVpa^e 4, 202 (Vulg. Bekk.), which however is strongly opposed by -rpe^e (Mss. S P F a b. Gaisf. Dind. Bred.) ; rpfyonai thrice without v. r., Tpd-^opai, em- once only 3, 155 (Vulg. Bekk. Gaisf.), but rpfy- (Mss. S V); and YpA|mro once 7, 225, without v. r. Usage therefore being so decidedly in favour of the fut. and aor. forms with *, firi-rpd^ovrai 3, 155 (Vulg. Bekk. Gaisf. Lhard.) should, perhaps, be altered with Mss. S V to fm-rpty-, which we observe has been recommended by Bredow, and actually adopted by Dietsch, Dind. Stein and Abicht. Iter. imp. rptireo-Kf Her. 4, 128 (Bekk. Tpdir- Dind.) Tfrpd^aTat Ion. 3 pi. p. p. Theogn. 42 ; even PI. Rep. 533. Tpfnopai mid. to turn oneself, flee, has for aor. frpairo^v rpeVojuat turn from oneself, put to flight^ has for aor. frpc^d^v, which though once or twice reflexive in Horn, is perhaps never so in Attic. A pres. rpaneo>, Tpe(pa). 647 Tpajrtovo-i OCCUrs Od. 7> 125, eVt- II. IO, 421, and rponfca, imp. rpoiTfov II. 1 8, 224. rpfiru has its full complement of aorists, fTpftya, frpaTTOv : tTprfydn.r]v, fTpanoprjv : (rpefpdrjv -d), II. 5, 52 ; Find. Ol. i, 112 ; Aesch. Ag. 880 ; Soph. Ant. 897 ; Her. 8, 115 ; Thuc. i, 81, Dor. rpd(p- Find. I. 8, 40; Ar. Ach. 787, Dor. 3 pi. rpe Hym. Ven. 257; Find. 01. 9, 106 ; Soph. Ant. 660; Her. i, 82; Thuc. 2, 46: aor. fffpe-^a II. 13, 466; Find. Fr. 133 ; Aesch. Ch. 908 ; Ar. Nub. 986; Isae. 6,< 20; PI. Tim. 23, dpty- II. 2, 548; Hes. Th. 314; Find. P. i, 17 ; Dor. pt. Bpt-tyus P. 8, 26: p. (redpefpe only as v. r. Com. Fr. (Crobyl.) 4, 566) rerpo^a intrans. Od. 23, 237, aw- Hippocr. 6, 380 (Mss. Lit. -frpofa Vulg.), trans. Soph. O. C. 186 ; Anth. App. Epigr. in, ava- Luc. Abd. 10, and r<=Vpavrai Bekk. Schneid. B. O. W.): aor. trans, fdpf^d^v nourished for oneself, Pind. Ol. 6, 46 ; Aesch. Ch. 928 ; Eur. H. F. 458 ; PI. Leg. 695, Bpefy- Pind. P. 9, 88; Bp^ai^v Soph. O. R. 1143, -\lraio Od. 19, 368 ; Theogn. 275 ; -^a/iei/or Lycurg. 85. Vb. QpfTrrios PI. Rep. 403. Dor. forms, rpfCpovn 3 pi. for -overt, Pind. Ol. IO, 95 ; rpdcpev inf. pres. Pind. P. 4, 115; Ar. Ach. 787, for rpdfatv which occurs Pind. I. 8, 40, Epic rpcxpep. Hes. Th. 480; part. rpdfpoHTa Pind. P. 2, 44 ; 1 aor. part, dptyaura Pind. P. 8, 26. 2 aor. fTpcxpov trans, seems exceedingly rare, if not rather doubtful ; for though it be coupled with an aor. in Pind. N. 3, 53, and II. 23, 90, it may notwithstanding, perhaps, be an imperfect. Hes. uses imperf. erpetpe Fr. 78, apparently in the same sense as aor. dptyev Fr. in (Goettl.) Buttm. maintains that 2 aor. pass. fTpdcu, erpdfprj, and thus accent trpdfi not frpacp' II. 21, 279. The assertion of Buttm. that frpcxpov became obsolete is rather strong : see late Auth. quoted above. With regard to the laws which regulate the Greek aspirates, he says, "where two successive syllables begin each with an aspirate, one of the aspirates, generally the first, is changed to the tenuis of the same organ ; and when by any formation the second disappears, the first is restored. Thus, the root of this verb is 0pp-, whence rpf(po), and again dptyu." This law, though general, is limited in several cases, as composition 6pvi6o-6rjpas, \i6a>-6rivai, dfj. II. 1 6, 290 &C. ; Synaloephe e late, Lycophr. 108, earlier in comp. OTTO- Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 695 : and mid. only in comp. and only in Comedy, ano-dpet-ofjuu Ar. Nub. 1 005 ; except Luc. Lex. 3, ^TO- Ar. Pax 261, Trfpi- Ran. 193, usu. 8pap.ovpM (from obsol. 8pep.o>) Alcm. p. 835 (Bergk); Eur. I. T. 1424. Or. 878; Xen. An. 7, 3, 45. Eq. 8, 6, eVt- (Dem.) 17, 19, Ionic -eo/xat Her. 8, 102, eVt- Ap. Rh. i, 373, Trepi-Spa/mrai Ar. Vesp. 138, fK- Com. Fr. (Diph.) 4, 384, OTTO- Xen. An. 7, 6, 5, o-w- 7, 6, 6 ; rare Spa/i< Asclep. or Dioscor. p. 132 (Didot) ; V. T. Cant, i, 4, imep- Com. Fr. (Philetaer.) 3, 292, see below: and 8pdp.ofjMt, ova- Anth. 9, 575 : aor. fdptga rare and poet. Eur. I. A. 1569; Gpegas Epigr. Plut. Aristid. 20, Im- II. 13, 409, 8ia- Callim. Pal. 23; 6peai, irtpi- Ar. Thesm. 657, iter. dpfgavnov II. 18, 599: p. 8e8pdp.r)ica, dva- Her. 8, 55, Kara- Xen. Hell. 4, 7, 6, w- Hippocr. 3, 538; PI. Polit. 266, ow- Dem. 17, 9, Trspt- (PI.) Clit. 410: pip. K/, p6p. 213 : fut. : aor. trpta-a II. ii, 745; Xen. An. i, 9, 6; Luc. D. 650 Mort. 27, 7, rp/o-- II. 15, 586, TpeW- 17, 603 (Bekk.); Hes. Th. 850, irap-(Tpra-- II. 5, 295 ; subj. rpftrys Eur. Ale. 328. Or. 1104, Tpea-rjre Aesch. Supp. 729; -crat/xt Aesch. Sept. 397; Tpecras Soph. Ant. 1042 ; Her. 7, 231; PI. Phaed. 117, Poet. TpeW- II. 14, 522; Tyrtae. n, 14 (Bergk); rpeVat Soph. El. 1240, rpeWat II. 13, 515. Vb. a-rpforos Aesch. Pr. 416. This verb is rare in classic prose. An Epic form rpeuo occurs in Opp. Cyn. i, 417. 4, 117, vn-o- Tim. Phlias, Plut. Mor. 705: imp. iter. TpeiW*oi> Tzetz. Antehom. 315. rpeco extended, says one of our Lexicons, from i-pc/ua ! 1 The extension seems to be centripetal. Tpt'|3co To rub, Hes. Op. 251 ; Soph. El. 602 ; Her. 2, 37 ; PI. Phaedr. 117, 8ta- Od. 20, 341 ; subj. Dor. i pi. rpi^fies Theocr. 7, 123 ; Tpifttiv Aesch. Ag. 1056 ; Thuc. 7, 49, Ep. -fieufvai II. 20, 496 : imp. eTpl@ov Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 440 ; Hippocr. 5, 216, 8ia- Od. 2, 265, aw- Aeschin. i, 59, iter. rpi^ea-Kf Ap. Rh. 2, 480 : fat. Tpfyw Soph. Fr. 429 (D) ; Ar. Plut. 526. Av. 636, aito- Od. 17, 232, 8ia- Xen. An. 4, 6, 9, Dor. 3 pi. Tptyovn, KOTO- Theocr. 24, 77 (Ahr. Ziegl. Fritz.): aor. erpi^a Com. Fr. (Plat.) 3, 84 ; PI. Phaed. 60 (Bekk.) ; inf. rpty at Od. 9, 333 ; Hippocr. 8, 380; rptyar Ar. Pax 27; Hippocr. 6, 412; PI. Euthyd. 299, 8ia- II. n, 847 : p. Te'rpicpa, crvv- Com. Fr. (Eubul.) 3, 235, eVt- Ar. Lys. 952, fiia- Isocr. 4, 141; PI. Theaet. 143: p. p. rerpififiat PI. Phaed. 1 1 6, Ion. 3 pi. TfTpicpaTai Her. 2, 93; -infj.evos Her. ibid.; Ar. Ran. 123: 1 aor. erpicpdijv, App. Syr. 51 ; rpxpBfi Aristot. Probl. 21, 8, 2, rpicpticao-i, 8ia- Dio Cass. 47, 38 ; Tpxpdfir) Hippocr. 5, 206 ; rpxpOfjvai Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 54, Sia- Dem. 19, 164; rpxptieis Thuc. 2, 77; Hippocr. 8, 380 (Lit), Sta- Isocr. 4, 14. 5, 84: more freq. 2 aor. frpt^v Anth. 6, 24 ; Aristot, Prob. 10, 27 ; Luc. Paras. 52, km- Ar. Thesm. 557. Nub. 1407. Eccl. 1068, Tpv^oco. 65 1 OTTO- Polyb. 10, 14, i (Seal. Bekk. Dind. Hultsch, -Terpa^/z- Vulg.) ; rtrplcpdai, irpov- Plut. Sol. 3 (irpooTfrpitp- ?) Vb. a-rpiTTTos Od. 21, 151, late Tpirrreov Geop. 17, 5. t, except in perf. and 2 aor. pass, (and pres. late vw-Tptfifw, in 4 foot, Theod. Prod. 2, 276.) Tpio> 70 chirp, squeak, mourn &c. Od. 24, 5 ; Hippocr. 7, 86 (Lit.); Aristot. H. A. 2, 12, 6: imp. erpi&v Pseud- Callisth. 3, 22, KO.T- Batr. 85 (Franke, -rpvov Baum.): fut. (rpi'fa) : aor. late trpia Nilus, Octo vit. 6 : 2 p. reYpcya as pres. Epich. 9, 3 (Ahr.); Her. 3, no; Hippocr. 7, 28 : pip. Ttrpiyei as imp. II. 23, 714, e'rerpfy Babr. 52 ; Synes. Epist. 4 (Herch.); rTpiy Simon C. 130 (Bergk) : imp. frpopeov H. Apoll. 47 ; II. 7, 151 (Vulg. La R.), rp6fi- (Bekk. 2 ed.) ; Pind. Ol. 13, 60, iter. Tpcyie'eo-Kov Q. Sm. 3, 1 80, vm>- II. 20, 28 : aor. late eYpo/ijjo-a i Mace. 2, 24. Mid. as act. rpofMfovrai Aesch. Pers. 64 (chor.); opt. 3 pi. Ionic -eoiaro II. io, 492; rpojieW&u Od. 1 6, 446; always, we think, uncontr. except part, rpo/iev/xei/o? Solon 36, 12 (Bergk): imp. rpopfovro II. IO, IO. Tpoire'w To turn (rpeirai), Epic and only imp. Tponeov II. 18, 224. Mid. TponfavTO, CTTUTOVV (Hesych.) The COllat. rpamau> has in act. only pt. TpconSxra Od. 19, 521 : mid. rpcanaa-de II. 15, 666 ; -aa-6ai 1 6, 95: imp. TptoTTwiro Od. 24, 536, iter. syncop. rpa>- ircKTKfro II. ii, 568, or from a form rpanrdcrKOfiai, of which Hesych. has imper. Tp, fVioTpe^eV^aj. Tpui^u To mourn, murmur, Anth. 5, 292; Opp. C. 3, 125; Hippocr. 8, 358; subj. -^e H. 9, 311; -f* Hippocr. 2, 134 (Lit.) ; -fovo-o Arr. An. i, 25, 6 : imp. frpv&v, KOT- Batr. 88, iter. Tpv&a-icev Theocr. 7, 140: fut. (-) : aor. erpva Athen. (Sopat.) 14, 74; em-rpvas Babr. H2. Lexicons confine this verb to " pres. and imp." (Tpoxou) To waste, afflict, fut. in comp. Tpvxaxrw, - Thuc. 7 48 : aor. simple late eYp^wo-a Herodn. 3, 2, 8, e- Thuc. 3, 93 : p. p. rfrpvx^vos Thuc. 4, 60. 7, 28 ; PL Leg. 807 : pip. late fTfTpixwro Herodn. 6, 6, 5 : aor. rpvx^vai Hippocr. 8, 28 (Lit.); -adds 8, 30: pres. pass, rpvx 1 Mimnerm. 2, 12; Maneth. i, 160 (Axt. Rig.) The pure form rpv^w seems never to occur in the pres. simple or compd. except in Galen's Lex. Hippocr. rpvxovv (Aid.) 652 To waste, exhaust, Od. 16, 125; Soph. O. R. 666 (chor.); Eur. Hel. 1286 (Bind. Herm. Paley); Xen. Hell. 5, 2, 4; subj. Tpi>x*> Theogn. 913, KOTO- Od. 15, 309: imp. iter. Tpvxfo-tfv Ap. Rh. 2, 473: fut. rpvgco Od. 17, 387 : p.p. (from Tpvxoa>) TfTpvxvpfvos Thuc. 4, 60 ; Plut. Pomp. 10, e/c- Luc. Tox. 30: pres. pass, rpv^ojuu Solon 4, 22 (Bergk); Ar. Pax 989; Hippocr. 6, 624 (Lit.) ; subj. -a>fi(6a Od. 10, 177 ; Theogn. 752 (Bekk. Ziegl.); -D'/WI/OS Od. i, 288; Soph. Aj. 605 (chor.); Thuc. I, 126; -x*gop.ai Ar. Ach. 806 ; Xen. Conv. 4, 8, - Ar. Vesp. 155, Kara- Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 95, irepi- Luc. Gall. 28 : 1 aor. perhaps in comp. Only, Kar-erpcagav Batr. 182; Subj. KaTa-Tptbgy Hippocr. 7, 322 (Lit.); -gavTfs Timon. Fr. 7 : p. p. rerpcoypai, 8ia- Ar. Vesp. 371, Trapfv- Com. Fr. (Eubul.) 3, 212, irapa- Plut. Mor. 665 : 2 aor. erpayov Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 280 ; Theophr. H. P. 2, 7, 6, KOT- Ar. Ach. 809, Trap- Ran. 988 ; Hippocr. 5, 252 (Lit.), eV- Com. Fr. (Timocl.) 3, 603 ; Luc. Conv. 38. Vb. T/JCOKTOJ Xen. An. 5, 3, 12. Tpuirdo), see rpoTreo). Tpuxciu To run (i-pe^o)), Epic and only pres. rpw^Sat II. 22, 163 ; ->vra Od. 15, 451 (Schol. Bekk. La R. Diintzer, rpoxoavra Vulg. Ameis, Dind. Baiiml.) : and imp. rpux^v Od. 6, 318 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 874. rpoxau seems to be late, unless sound Od. 15, 451 quoted. Had this form been current in Homer's time, we think he would have given tot graphic effect rpoxoov forrp&>xx- Od. 14, 334 ; subj. Tup^o-a Anth. 5, 278. 294 : p. rervx^Ka Horn, intrans. II. 17, 748. Od. 10, 88 ; Hippocr. 3, 434 (Lit.) ; Thuc. i, 32 ; (PI.) Eryx. 396 ; Luc. Jud. V. 4 ; trans. Xen. Cyr. 4, i, 2 ; Isocr.^, 59; Dem. 18, 128. 19, 39. 27, 175: less freq. TfTfvxa trans. Aristot. Part. An. 2, 2, i ; Dem. 21, 150 (Bekk. Dind.); Com. Fr. (Mon.) 44; Macho, Athen. 13, 44; Polyb. 4, 77; D. Sic. i, 57. 2, 22. 3, 9. 6, 2. 12, 17 ; Geop. 2, 14 (Bas. but TervxyK- Mss. Niclas) ; rrrvxevcu Aesop. 88 (Schaef. but TfrvxnKfvai in vocab. so Halm 363); ren^e N. T. Hebr. 8, 6 (Sinait. Alex. Tisch. Lachm. re'ret^e Vat. Vulg.); D. Sic. 2, 22. 3, 9. 6, i, n. 12, 17, now T(TVX- (Bekk. L. Dind.), late if correct TtVv^a, -vxviav Joseph. Jud. B. 7, 5, 4 : pip. fTtrvxvKdv App. Lib. 79, fTfTfi/xf* Ionic, intrans. Her. 3, 14 : p.p. late, fTfiTeTfvyp.evos Polyb. 6, 53 : so aor. fv-rtvxdfis 35, 6 : 2 aor. act. Tv X ov II. 5, 287; Aesch. Pers. 508; Eur. Hel. 180. Tr. 499; Ar. Vesp. 462; Her. i, 176; Antiph. i, 16; Thuc. 2, 31 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, 3 ; PI. Phaedr. 232 ; Lys. 13, 53 ; Isocr. 12, 265, X f II. n, 684; Find. N. i, 49; subj. x Aesch. Ch. 14; Isocr. 7, 71, Epic ruxuni II. 7, 243. Od. 22, 7, -nixn Soph. O. C. 482, Epic -flo-t II. II, Il6 (late Epic rervxil ' 1 - Maxim. KO.T- 577); rvxoifu Soph. Ph. 223, TV X OI Antiph. 5, 65; PI. Conv. 193, TV X O^V Find. I. 4, 43 (61), rvxo*v Thuc. 5, 56 (late Epic TfTv X oi( Maneth. 3, 299); rvx^v Find. P. 2, 92; Soph. Ant. 465; Antiph. 3, ft 4 ; rv X ^v II. 13, 371 ; Thuc. 3, 42 ; -< Aesch. Eum. 719 ; PL Gorg. 504, Dor. i-t^olo-a Pind. I. 8, 37. Mid. late, aor. T(vao-0ai Themist. 13, 161; Apocr. 2 Mace. 15, 7, Vi- Theoph. Epist. 49. 78, the only instances we ever met. Dindorf is inclined to read with Harduin, *vav II. n, 116; Pind. N. i, 49 ; Soph. Aj. 742 ; PL Euthyd. 272 ; Xen. Mem. 3, 9, 13. Vb. nvKTos C. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 26. 654 Toirru To strike, II. ir, 561; Aesch. Ag. 1128; Ar. Nub. 1331 ; Her. 2, 70 ; Antiph. 4, a, 6 ; PI. Gorg. 476 ; Isocr. 3, 4; Aeschin. i, 183 : imp. ervrrrov Antiph. 4,/3, 6 ; Thuc. 6, 57; Lys. 3, 45. 10, 8; Isocr. 20, I,TVTTTOV II. 21 20: fat. ntya late, Hierocl. 200 (Eberh.); Nonn. D. 44, 160; v.r. Q. Sm. n, 209 (Ms. H.), Attic TUTTT^O-O) Ar. Nub. 1444. Plut. 21; PI. Gorg. 527. Hipp. Maj. 292 ; Dem. 21, 204. 221 ; Artstot. Soph. 5, 13 : aor. trvfat 11.13, 529. 21, 180 (Bekk. ntya Dind. LaR.); Theocr. 10, 4; Ap. Rh. 4, 866 ; Her. 3, 64 ; rare in Attic, Aesch. Eum. 156 (chor.) ; late, Prolegom. TOU/ order- Rhet. Grace. V. 7, pt. i, p. 15 (Walz), Ttty- II. 4, 531. 17, 313; Ap. Rh. 2, 20; Theocr. 22, 88 ; inf. Tv^m Her. 3, 29 ; Hippocr. 7, 352, OTTO- 7, 86 (Lit.); rtyas Her. 4, 70, two- 6, 119; and late, Athen. 3, 94. 6, 100; see Argum. Dem. 21, 107, and crim-iyo-a not classic Attic, Aristot. Polit. 2, 12, 13 (Bekk.); Philostr. Soph. 555; Hierocl. 86 (Eberh.); Aesop 66 (Halm); Galen. 5, 17: p. (renxjta Cherobosc. inTheodos. p. 564, 20) TfTviTTrjKa perhaps late, Pollux 9, 129 ; Philostr. V. Soph. 588; Sopat. Rhet. p. 381 ; Argum. Dem. Orat. 21, 24 : p. p. reYuji- p.ai, -tvos II. 13, 782; Aesch. Sept. 888 (chor.). Eum. 509 (chor.) ; rerv0ai Her. 3, 64, and late Terinrrripai. Luc. Demon. 16; Ach. Tat. 5, 26; Argum. to Dem. 21 (26); -rrjffdat 54 (3): 1 aor. late, fTVTrrridrjv Sopat. Rhet. p. 38 ; Philo Leg. Spec. 2, 799, and erv(f)dr]v Paroem. Zenob. Cent. 2, 68; rvfydfi Geop. 18, 17; rv^Bfis Plut. Galb. 26 (Ms. A. Bekk. Sint.); Orac. Sib. u, 20. 101; Anth. 9, 140 (Lemm) ; rv^dijvai Hierocl. 138 (Eberh.): 2 aor. fTvirrjv poet. II. 24, 421; Theocr. 4, 53; ruTmV II. 13, 288; nmtts II. 15, 495; Pind. N. i, 53 ; Aesch. Pr. 361 ; Soph. O. R. 811; Eur. Andr. 1150; Ar. Ach. 1194; late prose, Alciphr. 3, 57 ; Luc. Calumn. 14 : as pass. fut. mid. rwnjo-o/^ai Ar. Nub. 1379 (Ms. Bekk. Bergk) : for which fut. p. TUTJ-JJO-O/XCU (Buttm. Dind. Mein.) : 2 aor. act. frvnov rare, Eur. Ion 767 ; runtlv Ach. Tat. 7, 15 (Vulg. but Twreiv Jacobs, Herch.); part, redupl. TfTimovrfs Callim. Dian. 61 : pres. p. Twro/zat Ar. Eq. 257. 266. 730. Nub. 494, -rerat Com. Fr. 3, 235; -rofifvos Eur. Cycl. 645; Ar. Nub. 972. Pax 743; Antiph. 4, ft 2; Xen. Hell. 4, 2, 12. 4, 3; -Tr6ai Ar. N. 1341; Xen. Athen. i, 10; Aeschin. i, 139 ; Dem. 21, 72 : imp. e-nnrrofujv rare, Ar. Plut. 1015. Mid. TVTTTo/wH to strike oneself, bewail, Her. 2, 61. 132 ; Plut. Alex. 3 ; Luc. D. Syr. 6, KOT- Sapph. 62 : imp. eYvnreTo Luc. D. Mer. 9, 2, -TOVTO App. Lib. 91 (Ms. A, Mendels.) : (fut. rvnnjo-o/xat pass, see above): aor. eVu^d/iiji/ simple late, (Luc.) Asin. 14, VTT- Nic. Alex. 1 63 ; airoTv^a>vTai ceased beating themselves, mourning, Her. 2, 40; Luc. D. Syr. 6; ava-Tv^rd^vos Joseph. Ant. 17, 6, 7* Vb. TVTTTTjTfos Dem. 54, 44. Tvpavveco To>0aw. 655 For the aoristS erv^n, t-nmov the Attics Used raraa, enaiara : TOV (ppvviKov KOI KaTaftaXXti 7raTaas Lys. 13, 71. The pres. seems to have had three forms, TVTTG>, -TTTCO, -nreta, and each with only partial development, at least in written classic speech. 1 fat. Tvfya) we have not seen earlier than Hierocles and Nonnus, but there it stands without a v. r. ; the aor. e-rv^a however of the same formation, is both early and frequent. Buttmann seems inclined to doubt rvTrrijo-o/nat Ar. quoted, on what grounds we see not, and Dindorf follows him, and reads 2 fut. p. TVTTT/O-O/WU instead. Tim is one of the very few verbs that have 2 aor. act. and pass, in actual use. 1 perf. rerv(pa, 2 p. reVvTra, 1 fut. p. Tve^o-o/iai, and, unless correct Ar. quoted, rimyo-opai we have never seen except in grammars. TupaiWu To be sovereign, to rule, Soph. O. R. 408 ; Eur. Med. 967 ; Ar. Thesm. 338; Thuc. i, 13; Xen. Cyr. i, i, i ; Isocr. 1 6, 38 ; PI. Leg. 693 ; Dem. 9, 62, and -weuo> always Her. 1.15. 59 &c.; Soph. O. C. 449 ; Eur. Hel. 786 ; Xen. Hell. 4, 4, 6; PI. Men. 76; Isocr. 2, 4. Epist. 7, 3: imp. ervpawow Ar. Av. 483 ; Thuc. 2, 30 ; Dem. 17, 7, and -wevov Ar. Fr. 324 (D.); Her. i, 23. 73 : fut. -ijo-co perhaps late, App. Civ. 2, 139; Plut. Mor. 403; Luc. Gall. 22 (Jacob. Dind.), but -evtrat Eur. Elec. 877 ; Ar. Lys. 632 : aor. -770-0 rather rare, Eur. H. F. 29; Xen. Hell. 2, 2, 24; Dem. 17, 7, freq. -vaa Solon 33, 6 (B.); always Her. i, 163. 7, 155; Thuc. 6, 55. 59 &c. ; and PL Rep. 576. 579. Gorg. 473 &c.; Isocr. 9, 39: p. -^a late, Polyb. 2, 59, but -evKa Isocr. 8, 113: p. p. TfTvpawijTcu. late, Greg. Naz. Orat. de Filio, -vevfjuu ? : aor. -i^i/late, Dio. Hal. Ant. 4, 82 ; Strabo 8, 6, 25; Epist. Phal. 2, but-e^ v Thuc. i, 18 ; PI. Rep. 574; Plut. Mor. 240 : fat. perhaps late -j/^o-o^at (Dem. 20, 161 Vulg.); Sopat. Rhet. p. 335 : and as pass. fut. mid. rvpawijo-o/xat Dem. 20, 161 quoted (Mss. S. &c. Bekk. B. Saupp. Dind.) Vb. TvpavvrjTMv (Solon) Diog. Laert. i, 2, 17. Desider. Tvpawr,, and -waa (Solon) Diog. Laert. i, 2, 18. 3, i, 14, and -am'C Dem. 17, 7. Tctyw To raise smoke, smoke, burn, Her. 4, 196 ; -rtyp Dem. 37, 36 ; imper. rixpe Ar. Vesp. 457 : imp. erw/xw Soph. Ant. 1009 : fut. (6tya>) : aor. 6fyai Suid. Hesych. : p. T(0v 'Yytaivta. PL Hipp. Maj. 290 : aor. eYo>0ao-a late, Jul. Imp. p. 159, eV- (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 356 (Lit.); App. Civ. 2, 153; but subj. Taddffu Ar. Vesp. 1362 ; inf. ruddo-ai Aristot. Rhet. 2, 4, 13, rt- App. Civ. 2, 153; but -agavres Tzetz. Epist. 38, p. 32. Y. 'Yppt'^u To abuse, insult, Od. 18, 381 ; Soph. El. 790; Ar. Ach. 1117 ; Antiph. 4, 8, 2 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, 28 ; Isae. 6, 48 ; Dor. -t'o-Sa Theocr. 14, 9; imper. v@pit Aesch. Pr. 82 ; -ifav II. ii, 695; Find. P. 4, 284; Aesch. Supp. 879; Thuc. 8, 45: imp. vppi&v Aesch. Fr. 178 ; Eur. Tr. 1020 ; Ar. Nub. 1506 ; Lys. 14, 26 ; Isocr. 8, 99 : fut. vppi, -r Soph. Aj. 560 (Br. but aor. -107; Elms. Herm. Dind. &c.), eW/3piVs Ar. Thesm. 719 (Mss. Bekk.), eW/3pte!r (Reisig, Dobr. Herm. Dind. &c.), vfipif'iv Dem. 21, 221, but later fg-vfipto-tiv App. Mithr. 79 (Bekk. -ttlv Mendels.): and mid. vfipieirai as act. Ar. Eccl. 666 ; pass. Polemon Declam. 2, 2 (Hinck): aor. vftplo-a Soph. El. 613; Eur. An. 995; Her. 6, 87; PL Conv. 222; Dem. 21, 18; -ta-as Thuc. 4, 18; Isocr. 20, 4: p. vpplita Ar. Lys. 400; Dem. 21, 128: pip. vfipiKtiv 3, 14: p. p. vftpta-pai Eur. Cycl. 665; Ar. Thesm. 903; Thuc. 6, 57; Xen. Cyr. 2, 4, 5 ; Dem. 21, 7, wept- Her. r, 114. 5, 74: pip. vppurfupi Dem. 54, 28, vppurro Poet in Plut. Mor. 993 : aor. vfipia-driv Soph. Aj. 367; Isae. 12, 12; PI. Leg. 885: fut. v^pia-dria-op-ai Dem. 21, 222. Vb. vfipio-ros Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 347, -reos Dem. 54, 44. Futures mid. in -tov/xai are rarely passive. Among these Kriiger ranks ippulrai, we doubt if rightly. See dv To be in, or recover health, Theogn. 255 ; Her. 3, 33 ; PL Gorg. 495; subj. -a/< Her. i, 153; -aivw Thuc. 2, 58: fut. vyiavSt Hippocr. 6, 662 (Lit.); Xen. Mem. 2, 2, 10 (Schn. Dind. Saupp.) ; Aristot. Metaph. 6, 7, 7. Eth. N. 3, 4, 9 (Bekk.) : aor. vyiava Aristot. Interp. 3, 3; Dem. 54, i, Ionic -irjva Hippocr. 5, 86. 7, 508 (Lit.) : aor. pass, vyidvdrjv Hippocr. 5, 174. 6, 8 &c., but vyidadqv Hippocr. 5, 678. 6, 8 (Lit.) ; Aristot. Rhet. 2, 19 : and fut. -ao-^o-o/xat Dio. Hal. 9, 53 ; Galen 9, 741, are from uyiafw (Aristot. Prob. i, 2) which is not used by the earlier Attic writers. Vb. vyiavrov Aristot. Nat. Ausc. 5, i, 2. At Xen. Mem. 2,2,10, Schneider altered, perhaps unnecessarily, the received reading vyiaivys to fut. vyiavd?. The ratio of the sentence seems analogous to 2, 4, 2. An. 4, 6, 10. Ages. 7, 7 &c. This verb is trans, make whole, Dicaearch. descript. Pelii, p. 30 (Huds.); and perhaps Hippocr. from his using the 657 passive voice f^-vyiaivovrai 6, 6, vyuivdijv 5, 174. 6, 8. 8, 410 (Lit.) Imper. vytuive like x a ' l P e > vale, is used as a form of saluta- tion verbal or written, usually on taking \ezve, farewell, Ax. Eccl. 477. Ran. 165; Luc. Laps. 8. 'YXdaica* To bark, late -ao-erco, only pres. uXaoxoi Aesch. Supp. 877 (-KM Weil, so Bind. 5 ed.); v\dfr Charit. 6, 4 (Kerch.): and aor. late v\age Dio Cass. 63, 28; v\d^ Dio Chrys. 9, 290. C Y\(&) 70 ^0z#/, bark at, Epic and only pres. vXuet Od. 20, 15; Opp. Cyn. 4, 219, -aowi Od. 16, 9; Opp. Cyn. 3, 281; -dav Anth. (r, 175? -aT Theocr. 25, 70; vXueif Opp. Cyn. r, 449 (Vulg.), -dav perhaps wrongly (Ms. A. Schneid.) : and imp. v\aov Od. 1 6, 5. Mid. imp. vXuovro Od. 1 6, 162. With v a, and always open, which throws a doubt on Schneider's reading iXa'ai* for -dfiv. vXaKreu also is mostly in pres. and imp. only, but not confined to poetry, Od. 20, 13 ; Soph. El. 299 ; Eur. Ale. 760 ; Ar. Vesp. 904 ; Theocr. 8, 27 ; Xen. Ven. 3, 5. 10, 7 ; Isocr. i, 29; Plut. Mor. 734; Luc. Pise. 36 : imp. vKdnreov II. 18, 586, vKaKTft Ar. Vesp. 1402; Polyb. 16, 24; Pseudo-Callisth. 2, 33: aor. v\aKTT]cra Luc. Nee. 10. (v, v by augm.) ('Yiraciaw) To annoy, Poet, and only opt. pres. pass. vTrcm- COVTO Ar. Nub. 1195. 'YireiicciOw To yield, Poet. vnofiK- (a lengthened form for vTTflKv), opt. -ddoipi Soph. El. 361 ; PI. Apol. 32 ; Ar. An. 7, 3, 2J VTreiKa6eav Opp. Hal. 5, 500: imp. VTrodicade Epic, Orph. Arg. 709. All these parts are assigned by some to the 2 aor. 'YTTCIKW To yield, Soph. Ant. 713 ; Hippocr. i, 632; Thuc. i, I2 7- 3 39 > PI- Tim. 62, Epic vnoflu- 11. 20, 266 : imp. virtlicov PI. Tim. 56; Xen. Ages, n, 10, V7rdc- II. 16, 305; Ap. Rh. 2, 1266 : fut. i>7m'o> Aesch. Ag. 1362 ; Soph. O. R. 625 ; Her. 7, 160; Dem. 15, 24; Ap. Rh. 2, 23, vnoeig- II. 15, 211. 4, 62, if not aor. subj. : and mid. as act. i>7m'o/iai II. i, 294. Od. 12, 117; Opp. Hal. 3, 331, imofi- II. 23, 602: 1 aor. virf'tga Hippocr. i, 632 ; Xen. An. 7, 7, 31 ; PI. Tim. 56 (Steph.), i-Tr&tfz II. 15, 227; Epic subj. vnofi&nfv II. 4, 62 quoted: 2 aor. vTrfinadov according to some, see wetKa&o. Mid. aor. t;m' 1 68 : fat. vrrotr^^o-o/zat Dem. 19, 324 : p. \me II. 15, 374, -eVx-o II. 13, 366; Soph. O. C. 149; Eur. An. 969; Her. i, 208. 5, 107. 9, 6; Antiph. 6, 16; Thuc. 6, 46; Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 31 ; Lys. 12, 14; PI. Euth. 278 ; subj. -crx&pai II. 22, 114,- o r x r ? r 39 > Ar. Thesm. 344; -< Ar. Plut. 865; Thuc. 2, 101. With the Poets the pres. vma-xvovfj-at is rare, imper. Ar. Vesp. 750, quoted says the Schol. from Eur. Fr. Hipp. 19 (Wagn.) : with this exception, they use 2 aor. only. Her. has both forms, inria-xo >fuu, vmo-xveofji-, the former more freq. but vmorxvevfjievos 2, I&2. 3, 74- 5> 5 1 * -o/*- 8, IO6, viriax v * fTO 9> IO 9> in the best Mss. and in all edit, we have seen. The 1 aor. pass. inrovx^Ti is so rare that the instance quoted above is perhaps the only one in classic Attic ; and though it has Ms. authority, its rarity as well as other reasons have rendered it suspicious. Bekker accordingly has displaced it by the kindred noun VTTO- a-xfo-ei offered by some good Mss. This aor. however certainly occurs later in other combinations, f-n-fo-xedrjv Callisth. Stob. 7, 65, Kara- (Eur.) Fr. Dan. 1117, 27 (Dind.) ; Arr. An. 5, 2, 7 (Krlig.), also the simple eS>v Ar. Lys. 143 : fut. i/nvax late, Orac. Sib. 7, 45; Geop. 18, 14; (Nic. Ther. 127 Vulg.) : aor. virvvfra Hippocr. 3, 64. 134; Plut. Alex. 76, KOT- Her. 7, 12 ; -0)077 Eur. Cycl. 454 (Mss. Dind. 2 ed., -ma-try Herm. Paley, Dind. 5 ed. &c.) ; inf. -wow Hippocr. 8, 416; Polyb. 3, 81 ; Luc. V. H. I, 29, KOT- Her. 4, 8 ; -dVas Anth. 7, 305, Dor. -coo-m? Callim. Epigr. 73: p. -eo'i/at Plut. Mor. 236: p.p. vn-vufjifvos asleep, Her. i, it. 3, 69: pres. vTri/oCrai Plut. Mor. 383. Mid. intrans. fut. vmKoo-opevr) Joseph. Ant. 5, 9, 3, missed^by all Lexicogr. We have not found the act. in the trans, sense cause to sleep; see however Dioscor. 4, 64. The Epic form is vTmoco Anth. 11, 25; Opp. C. 3, 51 ; Coluth. 349; -oWrar II. 24, 344. Od. 5, 48 ; Mosch. 2, 24 ; Op. Hal. 2, 657 : imp. iter. virvwcaKov Q. Sm. 8, 53> virvtaea-icev IO, Ipl. virvuxr(T, -o)TT seem to exist, for part, vnvovvra Aesop 346 (Halm), and -vovvres V. T. i Reg. 26, 12, belong to \mv6o), and the verbal irnvrrriieos in some edit, of Athen. i, 31, is -VUTIKOS in Theophr. H. P. 9, 18, it, from whom it is quoted. 'YiroYXaucro-w To glance stealthily, Poetic and only pt. -o-o-atv Callim. Dian. 54 : and iter. imp. vTr-e-yXaiWfo-icf Mosch. 2, 86. The comp. with dia- has only 3 pi. Sia-yXaiWouo-i Ap. Rh. i, 1281. yXavo-o-ta simple, not in use, but Hesych. has yXauo-o-et, \dfarfi. 'Yiroicopi'tojicu To speak coaxingly, gloss &c. PI. Rep. 400, Ion. vTTOKovp- Pind. P. 3, 19: imp. vir-fKoptfTo Ar. Plut. 1010: aor. -io-aiTo Aristid. 39, 493 ; -to-d/iero? Charit. 3, 7> missed or denied by Lexicogr. 'YiroKprVojiat To answer, II. 7, 407 ; Theocr. 9, 6. 24, 67 (Ar. Ach. 401; Xen. Mem. i, 3, i ; Thuc. 7, 44, some edit.); Aristot. Rhet. Alex. 37, 40 ; in Attic, usu. to play apart, act &c. Dem. 1 8, 15: imp. im-eKpiv- answered Her. 3, 31 ; acted Aristot. Rhet. 3, i, 3 : fut. -vovpai Luc. Salt 66, Ionic -eopM Her. i, 164: aor. \m-fKp~ivdp.r]v Her. i, 2. 78. 91; Dem. 19, 246; -Kpivairo Od. 15, 170 ; -Kpivat 19, 535 ; -Kpwatrdai. 19. 555 ; Her. 9, 16 ; Arr. An. 7, i, 5. 2, 3. 26, 3 (Sint. anoicpiv- Ell. Kriig.): as mid. p. p. vnoKfKpiTai Dem. 19, 246 : and aor. \nrtKpWijv Ctes. Pers. 29, 41 (Mull.); and late App. Syr. 24. Civ. 4, 46; Polyb. 5, 25. (c in pres. and aor. mid.) 'Yir-oirTco'cj To suspect, reg. except that in Her. Mss. and editors divide on the augm. Dind. and Stein always -unrtvov 3,44. 70; 6, 129; -own-evcra 3, 68, Bekker and Bredow always U U 2 66O -oTTTtvov, -6irTtv(ra, so Kriig. and Abicht except -dnrTevov 6, 129: with aor. mid. -eva-dpfvos D. Sic. 4, 31, missed by Lexicogr. The simple verb is very rare but not "obsolete," onTtva Ar. Av. 1 06 1 without v.r. 'YlTOT^fil'U, See Te'/iVO). 'YiroToire'w To surmise, suspect (as imoTrrevta), rare in act. imp. viTfTond Dio Cass. 57, 3. 6 : aor. -Tnjo-as Thuc. i, 20. 2, 13 ; -Tr^o-ai 3, 24 : p. -TfrorrrjKf Dio Cass. 38, 42. Mid. dep. vnoro- irovfjat, subj. -Tonrfrai Ar. Thesm. 496 ; -TOTTf'ta-dat Ran. 958 : imp. vrrfTonovp.^ Lys. 9, 4 : with aor. pass. in-oroTnj&Wes trans. Her. 6, 70. 9, 116; Dio. Hal. i, 81. 'Yorepew To fo /a/^r, / Ale. 418. 824 &c. 'YtJxuKu To weave (v), Od. 15, 517; Pind. Fr. 160; Ar. Eccl. 556 ; Her. 2, 35 ; PL Lys. 208, late -avda>, -oWrar Maneth. 6, 433 : imp. vfyawov II. 6, 187. Od. 4, 678 ; Hes. Sc. 28 ; Theocr. 7, 8; PL Critias 1 16, iter. -vfcrnov Od. 19, 149 : fut. v(^ava) Ar. Eccl. 654 : aor. vfyrjva Eur. I. T. 817. Ion 1417 ; Ar. Lys. 630, later -ava Batr. 186; Anth. 6, 265; subj. -T^B Od. 13, 303; inf. -^at Ar. Lys. 586 ; PL Hipp. Min. 368 ; Aristot. H. An. 5, 19, u ; -^vas Od. 4, 739 ; Eur. I. T. 814 ; Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 701, '- Her. 2, 122 : p. vayKa late, ay.Ka (Ms. V.): p.p. v6t]v PL Tim. 72, eV- Her. i, 203, alvoa. 66 1 c Y4>Sxri contr. from v(f>uovai, Od. 7, 105. "Yo> 7b ram ($), Hes. Op. 552 ; Alcae. 34, i (Bergk) ; Ar. Nub. 368 ; Her. 4, 28 ; Xen. Hell, i, i, 16 : imp. W II. 12, 25; Her. 4, 151 : fut. o-o> Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 92 ; Ar. Nub. n 18. 1129; late prose Ael. H. A. 7, 8 (Schn. Ztiv Herch.); Aristid. 48, 338 : aor. vo-a Find. Ol. 7, 50 ; Her. 2, 22 ; Aristot. H. An. i, i, 22. Soph. El. 5, 8 ; and later Attic prose, Theophr. C. P. 4, 14, 3 ; Luc. Hes. 7 : p. p. vo-pai, ty-vdyw), see to-6lae'0u To shine, Poet, and only part. afdav II. n, 735; Hes. Th. 760; Soph. El. 824 (chor.); Eur. El. 464 (chor.); Epigr. D. Laert. 8, 78 (fem. (fraedovira sister of the sun, Od. 12, 132). 4>acifa>, see foil. aiku To show (0a), Od. 20, 114; Aesch. Ch. 326; Soph. El. 24; Xen. Cyr. 6, 4, 13; Qaivfiv Her. 3, 75, Ep. -M'/WI/ Od. 8, 237 ; Pind. P. 4, 171 ; -vw II. 2, 353 ; Her. 3, 36, Dor. fem. -vmaa Pind. N. 5, 17 (and sometimes in pres. imp. and fut. intrans. to shine, PI. Tim. 39 ; Theocr. 2,11; Ar. Nub. 586), Poet. 4>aeiva> pres. only, and intrans. Hes. Th. 372 ; trans, late, Nic. Ther. 390; subj. intrans. $aVo> Od. 12, 383 : imp. tyaivor Od. 19, 25; Hes. Th. 677; Soph. El. 1359 ; Her. i, 116; Xen. Hell. 6, 5, 10, alv- Od. 18, 67; Hes. Th. 689, iter. $cuVeo>ce in 7rafi.o, dno- Hippocr. 7, 542. 8, 408 (Lit.); Epic a^avifiv H. Merc. 16 : aor. t^va II. 2, 318 ; Soph. Ph. 297 ; Her. 2, 49 ; Xen. Hell. 3, 2, 23 ; Isocr. 17, 42, Dor. -ava Pind. I. 4, 2, 81- Theocr. 18, 26, and late prose e'- Ael. V. H. 12, 33, Vt- N. T. Luc. i, 79; &)va>qvas Ar. Ach. 542; Xen. Hell. 5, i, 36; Isocr. 18, 20; ftrat Od. 3, 173; Her. i, 95; Antiph. 4, 8, n, ava- intrans. if sound, Her. i, 165 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. -a- v^vai Reiske, Stein, Abicht, -nt^vevai Kriig.), Dor. avai, - Plut Mor. 214: p. 7re J 7- J 9- 3' I ^' P-P- "' f ao '/' at pass, and mid. Soph. O. C. 1543, [-avaai], -avrai II. 2, 122 ; Pind. N. 6, 14; 662 Aesch. Ag. 374; Eur. Med. 769; PI. Soph. 231, for which m- $a(rpfvos Solon 13, 71 ; Soph. 0. C. 1 122 ; PI. Phaedr. 245, an-o- Dinarch. i, 89 ; TreQdvQai PI. Euthyd. 294 : pip. eW^awo Hes. Sc. 166 : aor. e(f)dv6r)v (e6- see below) pass, and mid. Aesch. Pers. 263 ; Soph. O. R. 525. Ant. 103, cf)di>d- Eur. H. F. 804 (chor.) ; rare in prose, Hippocr. 8, 50; Xen. Hell. 6, 4, n ; (Dem.) 58, 13, dn-o- Lys. 19, 41. 44; Dem. 5, 9. (Epist. 3, p. 1485), Epic adv6tiv in tmesi II. 17, 650, 3 pi. (j)dav6ev I, 2OO J Mosch. 2, 33, eg-effradvfyv II. 4, 468. 13, 278 ; Hes. Th. 200 : fut. irftyfja-eTai Epic, II. 17, 155 : 2 aor. t$uvr)v as mid. II. 15, 275; Aesch. Eum. 320; Soph. Aj. 739; Ar. Eq. 790; Her. 3, 82 ; Antiph. 5, 27 ; Thuc. 5, 68 ; Xen. Lac. i, i; PI. Phaed. 76; Lys. 19, 45; Isae. 5, 14, $di/- Pind. 01. i, 74. 9, 96, Ep. 3 pi. tyavev Od. 18, 68; Pind. Ol. 10, 85; (f)ai>> Anth. App. Epigr. 236 ; Antiph. 2, 8, 8; Isocr. 9, 48, avfj II. 9, 707; Her. 3, 27, Ep. -fo II. 19, 375, -ei ff Hes. Op. 680 (Goettl. Schoem.) -wpev Dem. i, 15 ; opt. -elr)v II. 20, 64. Od. 13, 402 ; Soph. Aj. 170 ; Her. 3, 82 ; Isocr. 5, 35, -eiV e " Dem. 14, 2, -fl/nei/ Aesch. Pers. 786 ; Isocr. 8, 89, -ei'ijre (Dem.) 51, 9, -tirjvav Xen. Hell. 6, 5, 42, -f'uv Isocr. 12, 99 ; <$>dvr)6i II. 18, 198 ; -r)vai Od. 1 8, 1 60; Aesch. Ch. 143; Her. 6, 135; Thuc. i, 91; Dem. 19, 116, -j^o/at II. 9, 240 ; tyavtis Od. 9, 230 ; Her. 3, 27 : fut. favfaonai Aesch. Fr. 315 (D.); Soph. Tr. 666. O. R. 457. O. C. 662 &c. ; Eur. Hipp. 479. Supp. 605. Hel. 1001 &c. ; Ar. Vesp. 528. Thesm. i &c. ; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 453; Her. 4, 97. 8, .108 &c.; Thuc. 4, 27 ; PI. Rep. 351 ; Lys. 7, 27. 13, 79; Isocr. 3, 45. 5, 70. 6, 93 &c.; Aeschin. i, 3 ; Dem. 2, 13. 5, 10. 7, 35 &c., dm- Antiph. i, 13; Xen. Hell. 3, 5, n: 2 aor. act. ftyavov seems not to occur at least in classic Greek, except in the Epic iter. form dvff]veis Dio Cass. 46, 10 (Bekk.) Mid. a.VT)- (ro/j.ai, irf(f>rjva. Vb. a-fpavros II. 6, 60. The Attic poets have, each, fut. mid. -ov/u more freq. than fut. pass, -770-0/101 ; united, double the times. In the Attic Historians also, -OV/MU is quite the prevailing form ; indeed we know only two instances of -Tja-0/j.ai, Thuc. and Xen. quoted: but in Her. and the Orators -r]crofj.ai exceeds -ovfjuu by 5 to i. In Isocr. and Dem. the disproportion is very great ; in the former 40 to 5, in the latter 58 or 60 to 1 6. Over all, then, in classic prose -qo-o/zm is far the more frequent. This will serve to limit properly Buttmann's statement " the fut. mid. is the more common, the fut. pass, more frequent in verse." On both points he is wrong. The 2 aor. act. and mid. have been entirely or almost ban- ished from classic Greek, since for (f(nce, and by Koechly to (fxivrj 8" ; Lehrs however retains the old reading, &c. &c. ; opt. (fravoirjv Soph. Aj. 313, belongs to fut. av> \ and di*) uniformly has, II. i, 200; Soph. Ant. 103. At Archimed. Aren. p. 331, occurs the Dor. fat. ^a^o-fiv, which Lobeck (Buttm. Gramm. V. 2, p. 311), thinks corrupted from ^aj/qo-o/iai. Epic forms : tyadvdrjv for tydvd- Ap. Rh. 2, 449, in tmesi II. 17, 650, c- Hes. Th. 2OO, rfrdavfffv 3 pi. for tydvdrjaav, II. I, 2OO : SO ava>, con- trary to its usual quantity, has Ar. Eq. 300 (Bekk. Dind. 2 ed.), so dvacf)di>> Eur. Bac. 527 (Dind.), for which however Herm. Kirchh. Nauck read pres. avafyaiw, and Aristoph. admits of the same emendation and Burges, Bergk, Meineke, Dind. 5 ed. adopt it ; an easy emendation certainly, if the anomaly cannot be satisfactorily explained, and this seems difficult to do. Some say it is from contr. ? This is at least intelligible ; but Aristophanes' own usage rather inclines us to the change. He uses a-n-u^>avS> Nub. 1331, but shirks dnoavS> 1334, and escapes on dn-o8e/a> unless, which some may think more probable, he here selects the latter as a stronger term. See Lys. 13, 51. Isae. 5, 35. arrdonai To appear, Her. 7, 15 ; Aesch. Ag. 1500; Eur. Ion 1444 ; PI. Rep. 572 : imp. tyavr- Her. 4, 124 : fut. -ao-^- o-o/im PL Conv. 211 : aor. f^avrda-drjv (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 338 ; Dio Cass. 65, 8; -TaaBtlr) Aristot. Nat. Ausc. i, 9, 3; -Qevra PL Phil. 38. This is the classic usage ; but late, act. rdoj make appear, Callisth. 13 &c. and mid. trans. d(7Kw To say, affirm (qfotfu), indie, rare tyavKtts Philostr. Apoll. 315, (Jxio-Kd Isae. 6, 16; Aristot. Rhet. Alex. 9, 3; Babr. 22,14 (Lach.) 1 8, 31 (Lewis 2 pt.), tydazopev if correct, Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 450, Kara- Theon Rhet. vol. 2, p. 90 (Spengel), (frdo-Kovvi Aristid. 45, 39; (Aeschin.) Epist. n, n ; Plut. Anton. 86. Mor. 856. 1124; Luc. Pise. 37. Herm. 38 ; Athen. 10, 34; Tzetz. Antehom. 144. 148. Horn. 251 (v. r. PL Phaed. 113, Steph.); subj. acTK Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 166, pi. rare f. 665 (Steph.) has been altered to X/yovo-t (Mss. Heind. Eckk. B. O. W.); but the instances quoted above from other writers prove that it was a mistake in Elmsley to say " presens non est in usu." ciTiw To say, name (qExms), Poet, and Ion. prose, Stob. (Dius) 65, 17 : fut. (-t'o-co), Dor. -t' Stob. quoted, Meineke reads $(m'o>. ao> To shine, Epic, pres. late, subj. ae as aor. Od. 14, 502 : p. p. -nl^arai Stob. (Perict.) 85, 19 : 3 fut. nffaaonai II. 17, 155, see (j)aiva>. To be distinguished from (*CIG)) To kill, (see eVa>), and (da>) stem of fa pi to say. *e{3oficu To fear for oneself , flee, defect. Dep. only pres. and imp. (a poetic collat. form of (po^eofiai), subj./Ltat II. n, 404, -ei8ofj.ai To spare, Dep. mid. Anacr. 101 ; Eur. H. F. 1146 ; Ar. Ach. 319; Lys. 21, 16 ; imper. faibov Soph. Aj. 115; Ar. Av. 987, Ion. -Seo Od. 22, 54 ; Her. 8, 68, -dev Theocr. 8, 63 ; -dd^evos II. 5, 202 ; Her. 9, 39 ; Thuc. 3, 74 : imp. ';i/ Theogn. 915; Xen. Ages. 7, i, ^8- Soph. El. 716 (Trim.): fut. ^euro/xai Ar. Ach. 312 ; Xen. Hell. 7, i, 24; PL Apol. 31, Epic Trf^tSijo-oMat II. 15, 215 : aor. e'^eio-a^j' Solon 32 ; Aesch. Sept. 412 ; Andoc. 2, n ; PL Menex. 242, II. 20, 464; -fa-Sat 21, IOI. Vb. 0(TTeoj/ Isocr. 14, 15. A collat. form SeV a > P art - -f uvot occurs late, Stob. (Euseb.) 10, 33 (Mein.), but "fut. Qti&fcoiuu" given in our Lexicons, we have never seen except in Phot, and Suid. p. 1454. $& Anth. 15, 25, some think a false reading for $et'S-. (4>eVw, *dco) To kill, neither in use, but whence (late aor. c/>Vat Schol. Pind. N. i, 70) p. P. THATCH Epic, II. 17, 164. Od. 22, 54, 3 pi. irtyavrai II. 5, 531; inf. **&<&* II. 13, 4475 *e Lycophr. 269. 1374 ; Opp. Hal. 5, 122 : 3 fut. 666 Od. 22, 217, -TjfffTai II. 15, 140: 2 aor. eirecpvov II. 21, 55, TT/^V- J 3 363 ; subj. ire, (pa, seems never, and aor. p To bear, bring (ouo. eW^a, eVey/co), II. 21, 458; Find. N. 9, 34; Aesch. Ch. 659 ; Soph. O. C. 420; Ar. Ran. 28 ; Her. i, 155 ; Antiph. 3, d, 8 ; Thuc. 6, 16; PI. Phaed. 63, Dor. 3 pi. Ti Find. P. 10, 70, and (ptpoia-i Fr. 205 ; Ep. subj. -p^o-i Od. I0 > 57 > Dor. pt. -pota-a Find. P. 3, 15 ; Theocr. 2, 148 ; Epic inf. tptpfUfvIl. 9, 411 ; Hes. Op. 215 : imp. Zfapovll. 17, 458 ; Simon. C. 163 ; Find. Ol. 10, 67 ; Her. 8, 60 ; Thuc. 7, 57 ; Isocr. 9, 54, (poi> II. 3, 245; Hes. Fr. 174, iter. fyKafj.(i> Dem. 19, 40, av- Andoc. 3, 7> yvtyKa-re Dem. 23, 167. 44, 43, -Kdi/Theogn. 880; Eur. I. A. 800; Isae. n, 18, eveyKav Q. Sm. 6, 595, Epic and Ion. eWiKaOrph.Arg. 312, av- Od. 11,625, evftKas, aTr- II. 14, 255, fjvfiKfv Od. 1 8, 300; Theocr. 23, 16; Her. 2, 146. 3, 155, tvtiK- Find. Ol. 2, 79. P. g,6,(vfiKafjifvOd. 24,43,'eiKai> Od. 4, 784 (Bekk. r)i/K-Dind. La R.), un-tv- 16, 326. 360, ijvem- Her. 3, 30, UTT- II. 5, 885, also (- Xen. An. 7, 4, 3 : fut. oia-op-ai II. 22, 217. 23, 663. 858 ; Soph. El. 969 ; Eur. An. 1282. Ph. 1546; Ar. Pax 1032 ; Her. 6, 100. 132 ; Thuc. 2, ii ; PI. Rep. 537 ; Isocr. 8, 33, as pass, see above : p.p. (la--fvt]vfyijifvr) as mid. Dem. 27, 4: 1 aor. rjvfyKwijv Soph. Tr. 462 ; Eur. Supp. 583 ; PI. Rep. 406 ; Dem. 40, 26, '|- Ar. Eccl. 76, Ionic yvfK- II. 9, 127; Her. i, 57. 2, 180, oi L. Dind. W. Dind. 5 ed.) ; eVey K a>vos Aeschin. i, 131 ; Dem. 40, 59, eV- Thuc. 5, 115, Ionic Ivtma^vos, av- Her. i, 86; eviyKcurBai App. Civ. 2, ii. 3, 6, an- Isocr. 6, 74, Ionic fakav 17, 41, and i pi. ^vlyKa^v 15, 5. St - I2 > 53- J 9 17. fo^y*** 8, 85. 104. 12, 55. 123. 189. 15,' 207. 208, V- 19, 36, - 5, 54 &c. Nay, even in Poetry fa yKa has perhaps the best claims to rjveyKt. Facts seem to confirm this, at least to point this way : Aesch. has f/veyicf Ch. 992, but 7rpoo--r]vtyKav 76 ; Soph, has I pers. rjveyKa Elec. 13, and fjftyKov O. C. 521. 964 &c., but fgrivtyicas Tr. 741 ; Eur. has fay Heracl. 332, but fjvfyitav I. A. 800, 81- Bac. 1087 ; Ar. has rjvfyicov Lys. 944. Ran. 1299 (both for the metre?), but rjtxyKas Av. 540, fg-t]veyicaTf Vesp. 815, and, what we think a stronger case, in Thesm. 743, one of the women says e'yw ijvtyKov, Mnesilochus sharply asks rjvtyKas o-v? evidently shying fytyKes, and by implication showing, one is apt to surmise, no favour for its lineal descendant fjvfyKe. Since then the Attic Poets use, beyond the i pers. no form which must necessarily be referred to the formation in o, and since they seem to have even avoided proceeding on this formation, the natural inference appears to be that Indie, fjveyicov was limited in usage to the i sing. The oblique moods are also partially used : subj. common to both, eWyKO) Ar. Vesp. 848, -KTJS Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 56, -KJI Xen. Conv. 4, 7, -Krjrf Isae. 8, 4 (Dem. 44, 43 Bekk.), -KCOO-I PI. Leg. 946 ; opt. 1 aor. eWy*cat/xi Eur. Hipp. 393 (-oi/u Dind. 5 ed.) ; PI. Grit. 43, an- Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 428, a-w- Eur. H. F. 488 (-oi/u Dind. 5 ed.), eWyxai Xen. Conv. 2, 3 (-o< Saupp.), V- Dem. 14, 26, di- 25, 20, -natfttv, VTT- Xen. Mem. 4, 3, 9 (-ot/ifv Dind. Saupp.), eveyKoiTf Eur. Heracl. 751 (Herm. Nauck, Dind. 2 ed., -otr* 5 ed. &c.), (veyKditv, cr- Dem. 14, 25; imper. eveyfyKoi/j.ev, fir- Isocr. 12, 138, -Korre Eur. Heracl. 751 (Dind. 5 ed.), fveyxoifv. Si- Xen. Mem. 3, 3, 14 (-Ke'iv Dind. Saupp.); PI. Rep. 501 (Bekk.); Isocr. 12, 121; imper. only 2 sing. f'veyKe Eur. Heracl. 699 ; Ar. Eq. 98. no. Pax 1219 ; Xen. Mem. 3, 6, 9, irpoa- Luc. D. Mar. 4, 2, other parts sup- plied by 1 aor. eveyKaTa>, -eyiaiTf ; part, fveyxav (Pind. I. 8, 2l) Soph. El. 692 ; Eur. Supp. 920; Thuc. 6, 56 ; Dem. 6, 28. 24, 141 ; Luc. Laps, n, e- Ar. Ach. 359 ; inf. eVey/wIv Aesch. Supp. 766 ; Soph. Ph. 873 ; Eur. Ion 424 ; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 34; Thuc. 7, 56; PI. Apol. 37 ; Dem. 27, 2, nporr- Pind. P. 9) S^, e- Ar. Nub. 634, eiV- Dem. 24, 141 &c. (Epic eVK- see below.) Of a pres. eVfucoo called Boeotic (Etym. Magn.), there occurs a trace in a-wevtiKfTai Hes. Sc. 440, approved by Goettling, Schoem. Flach, but altered by Herm. to pip. a-wfvfjvfUTo from the v. r. arwfvfjvtKTai. I have confined these observations to Attic Greek, but from considerable investigation I am satisfied they will apply equally to Epic and Ionic: wiica. Orph. Arg. 312, dv- Od. n, 625, fveixas, an- II. 14, 255, eveiKfv 15, 705; Pind. Ol. 3, 14, f/veiK- Od. l8, 300; Her. 3, 155, pi. eveiKafiev Od. 24, 43, eveiKav II. 13, 213; Tyrt. 4, #;* Her. 3, 30, r- 9, 70, in- II. 5, 885; Subj. eVfiKW II. 6, 258, -tiicg Od. 2, 329 ; Opt. f velum II. 1 8, 147. Od. 21, 196; TheOCr. 5, 125, -*cete Her. 6, 6l, eveiKaiev, vrai, Trpocr- HippOCr. I, 582 (Lit.), Ion. eWi'ic- Her. 4, 67 ; Opt. eVeyxatro Luc. D. Mort. 12, 2, tJW-yw. 671 da, cur- Dem. io, 36 ; imper. ?v(yKai, air- Luc. Tear. 20 (Vulg. Bekk. Jacob, -cce Dind. Cob.), and aw- in some edit, of Eur. I. A. 724; ivtyttafitvos Aeschin. i, 131; Dem. 40, 59, r- Thuc. 5, 115, fveiKap- Alcae. 35 (Bergk); eveyKao-dai App. Civ. 2, ii. 3, 6, (leyK6fj.rjv) only in oblique moods, and rare, eVyKoiro, irpoo-- Theophr. H. P. 8, 4, 5 (Ms. Pr. Aid. Wimm. -mro Schn.); Galen 4, 584. 5, 276, iV- Epist. Phal. 97; imper. tVy/coG Soph. O. C. 470; Trpoo--(vtyK((rdai. Galen 15, 204. If then these data be correct, and the induction just, there appear grounds for supposing first, that 2 aor. rjvtyKov is not, or scarcely, a prose form ; second, that it is probably confined to the i pers. sing. ; third, that it is more frequent than fjvfyKa in the simple only, not in the compound form, air-r']vfyKa, da--, e-, r-, /xer- &c. A few exceptions, if correct, occur as v. r. and occa- sionally in text, fir-rjvfyKcs late, Sopat. Rhet. vol. 8, p. 40 (Walz), fit- Epist. Socrat. 8 (L. Allat.) seemingly a false reading, -fvfyxms (Olear. Herch.), S^veyKo/iec Xen. Oec. 9, 8 (Breitb. Saupp. -apev Schn. Dind.), trpoar}vfyKov Dio Cass. Fr. 7, 3 (Bekk. Dind.). The usage of the later writers is, I think, still more exclusively in favour of Indie. 1 aor. We submit for the consideration of Scholars whether fji>fyis Isae. 8, 39 ; later rjvtyna opiav Luc. PlSC. 33, fjvtyKa av 37, "ivtyKa, em- Himer. io, 4. tpfprjtri 2 sing. pres. indie, as from ), with the inflexion of 2 aor. Poet. Od. 22, 106 ; Ar. Ran. 482, otVeVca II. 19, 173, but oicrere Od. 20, 154 may be future, 3 pi. aiaovrav Antim. Fr. io; inf. ota-nv Pind. P. 4, 102, Epic oV//iewu II. 3, 1 20, -cfjuv Od. 3, 429. 4>eu'YO) To flee, II. 21, 472 ; Pind. Ol. 6, 90; Aesch. Supp. 5; Soph. O. R. 1010; Ar. Ach. 22; Her. 2, 65; Antiph. 2, 8, 5. 5, 9 ; Thuc. 7, 70 ; Lvs. 12, 34 ; PI. Phaed. 65, Dor. 3 pi. -yovri Pind. N. 9, 27,v7r-eK-Bion6,4; 3 pl.imper. (pfvyovruvl]. 9,47 ; Ep. inf. (jjevyf'nevai II. 21, 13, (ptvyepev IO, 147: imp. (favyov II. 22, 158; Soph. O. R. 796 ; Her. 8, 38 ; Antiph. 6, 27 ; Thuc. 3, 98 ; Lys. 12, 16, frlyov II. 9, 478; Hes. Fr. 82; Tyrt. 5, 8; Pind. N. 9, 13, 672 Qevyoo. iter. $fuyrKeIl. 17, 46i,-fo-Koi/Her. 4,43 : fut. $euo/zm II. 1 8, 307; Aesch. Supp. 456 ; Soph. Ph. 1404 ; Eur. Her. 506. El. 975 ; Ar. Ach. 203. Eccl. 625 ; Her. i, 207; PI. Apol. 29. Theaet. 168. 181 j Lys. 6, 15. 34, n ; Dem. 19, 88. 20, 138. 21, 32 &c., UTTO- Thuc. 3, 13; Antiph. 6, 35. 36; Andoc. i, 123; Aeschin. i, 85. 90, Kara- Isocr. 8, 138; $euon-o Thuc. 6, 74, 3 pi. -t-otad' Aesch. Pers. 369 (Trimet.) ; -gofuvoi Xen. Hell. 4, 4, 5, and fav^ovpai. Eur. Med. 338. 341. Hel. 500. 1041 &c. ; Ar. Plut. 447. Ach. 1129 (oO- required for the metre); Eur. Med. 604. Hipp. 1093. Bac. 797 ( not required, Vulg. Kirchh. Nauck, -open Elms. Dind.) ; PI. Leg. 635 ; -{-flo-dai Dem. 38, 19 (Bekk. B. S. -eaOat Dind.), ano- PI. Leg. 762, e*c- Rep. 432, KUTU- Polyb. 18, 35 (Bekk. 49 Hultsch) : (act. form favga late, Orac. Sib. 9, 283, fK- 3, 566, wen- 567, see Aesop 349 Halm, 187 Tauchn.) : 1 aor. ffavga given by Matthiae and others from Aesch. Ag. 1281 (1308 D.) is aor. of : but late, cicfavgas Or. Sib. 6, 6 ; and Hesych. explains efavga by tyvyov : 2 p. ire'favya Aesch. Ag. 268 ; Soph. O. R. 356 ; Eur. Hec. 345 ; Ar. Av. 954 ; Her. 7, 154 ; PI. Alcib. (i) 103 ; Dem. 18, 233, irept- Pind. Ol. 2, 98, Sta- IsOCr. 4, 187 ; Opt. irffavyoifju, -yoi II. 21, 609 (Vulg. Dind. La R. -yeiv Bekk.), Tre^evyotV, fK- Soph. O. R. 840; TTffavyus Od. i, 12; Pind. Fr. 120; Soph. Ant. 412 ; Her. i, 65 ; Thuc. i, 122 ; PL Prot. 318 ; Isae. 8, 29 ; Dem. 23, 42, Kara- Antiph. 3, /3, 2; irefavyemi Soph. Ant. 437; Lys. 19, 58, fK- Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 40: pip. eV0eryei Thuc. 4, 133 ; D. Sic. u, 14, 7J-60- II. 21, 609 (Bekk.), see perf. : p. p. (vc$vy/M), Epic 7Tfvyu> Aesch. Ch. 925 ; Soph. O. C. 828 ; Eur. Hec. 1249 -^- r - J ^ v - 354 ^7?? ^- 2I > IO 3> -yn ffl 5i 258, -yerjffi, eV Opp. Hal. 3, 131, -yoxrt PL Leg. 855; ^vyo^i. Od. 14, 312 ; Soph. Aj. 456 ; C. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 526 ; PL Lach. 184 &C., Epic 2 sing, fyvyoiada, irpo- Od. 22, 325; -ycov II. 21, 57 ; Aesch. Sept. 208 ; Com. Fr. 3, 270; Thuc. 2, 61 ; fyvytlv II. 12, 327; Soph. O. R. 823; Her. 6, 103; PL Leg. 833, -iv II. 14, 80; Her. 8, 76. Mid. 1 aor. favgaadai preferred, perhaps wrongly, by Wellauer Ap. Rh. 2, 172 (some Mss.) to ev%(r6ai (best Mss. Vulg. Lobeck, Merkel), but Sia-fav^aaQai. (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 400 (Lit.). Desider. $ei>|ei'w Eur. H. F. 628. 673 Vb. faKTos H. 1 6, 128, favKTos Soph. Aj. 222 ; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 7, 6, 5 (Bekk.), -reos Xen. Mem. 2, 6, 4. A 2 fut. seems to occur late, vda>, whence aor. pass, (pv&dtis Nic. Ther. 825, as fj.ffj.v- doTes for fjLf/jLv^KOTfs Antim. (Lob. Techn. p. 81). The Attic Poets use the Dor. fut. form, -ov/xai, at least when the metre requires, -ou/xe&i Eur. Med. 341. 346. Bac. 658. Hel. 500. 1041 ; -ovfievov Ar. Ach. 1129. Plut. 447,, lament, whence aor. tfavgas Aesch. Ag. 1308. f *T]|jLt To say ((pda), II. 5, 103; Aesch. Ag. 831; Soph. Ant. 443 ; Ar. Ach. 187; Her. 2, 49; Hippocr. 6, 44; Antiph. 3, 8, 4 ; Thuc. 6, 10; PI. Phaedr. 270, (frys II. 4, 351 ; Her. i, 39; PL Prot. 312, ffiffda II. 21, 186. Od. 14. 149, $170-1' II. 15, 181 ; Andoc. i, 22, (fry Anacr. 41 ; Lys. 31, 13 (pres. and imp. like toT^t), Dor. $n/*i' Pind. P. 2, 64; Aesch. Eum. 553 ; Soph. Tr. 125 (chor.) ; Theocr. 8, 7, 3 sing. rm Ar. Ach. 771 ; Theocr. i, 51, Aeol. (paiat Sapph. 66 (B.), pi. Aesch. Ch. 91; PL x x 674 Euthyd. 296 ; Dem. 9, 18, fi Od. 19, 122 ; Dem. 22, 23, Epic (f>r)g Od. n, 128, and (frficnv i, 1 68, $000-1 Her. 4, 68; Isae. 4, 5; opt. ainfv II. 2, 8 1 ; Pind. N. 7, 87; PI. Phil. 63, (frairjTf Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 41. An. 7, 6, 23, fauiprav Thuc. 8, 53, but ara> Hip- pocr. 3, 322. 436 (Lit.); PI. Leg. 902 ; inf. vat Her. i, 27. 39. 7, 151 ; Hippocr. 7, 222 ; Xen. Oec. 7, 18 ; PL Crat. 429, Poet, (frdfjifv Pind. N. 8, 19 ; rjv II. 18, 326, (f)rjs 5, 473, $T) Isocr. 3, 26; PI. Rep. 459, $n>> Od. 9, 496, tyare Andoc. 2, 25 ; Dem. 7, 23, e Od. 10, 67, tyav II. 13, 89. Od. 18, 75, $a v H- 6 Io8 - Od. 18, 342 ; Pind. Fr. 228 : fut. $>7 II. 8, 148 ; Soph. Ant. 535 ; Eur. H. F. 578; Ar. Eccl. 590; Her. 2, 49; PI. Gorg. 449, ^(ro^ev Ar. Av. 397; Her. 4, 45; Isocr. i, 49, ^a-ere Thuc. 4, 87 ; Dem. 9, 17. 24, 205, -irovo-t, Ar. Eccl. 774; Isocr. 15, 62, Dor. (f>aa-5> Ar. Ach. 739; Theocr. u, 70, -T) Hippocr. 6, 36; PI. Prot. 349; opt. tyo-aipi Dem. 18, 293, -creias 36, 31, -cretei* Aesch. Pr. 503 ; Isocr. 7, 2, -traire Lys. ii, 8; Dem. 15, 16, -o-aiev 38, 25; imper. (fr^o-ov ? (for which (j)pd 20, 100, ava ; (frdvai however Eubul. Com. Fr. 3, 362, probably corrupt. Person transposed dvat, Pind. Ol. i, 35. N. 8, 19. In classic Attic the form e^s instead is now read Isocr. 11,7 (Ms. Bekk. B. S. Bens.) ; PL Gorg. and Euthyd. quoted (Bait.), and efaffff Aeschin. 2, 86 (Frank. Bait.) in ac- cordance with 3, 164. L. Dind. has still left, reluctantly, one instance in Xen., and W. Dind. as reluctantly a few even in Lucian. Though &>, oftener (feairjv, t)ftt w &0d voa. t\tyev, tKf\vfv which are often used when we should expect e\ffi>, fKf\fv To say, tell (^w), pres. late, Callim. Fr. 276 (Dor. ) Epic -i'a> Or. Sib. 3, 406. 9, 316 : aor. f<})r]fj.ia-a Aesch. Ch. 558; Eur. I. A. 1356; late Epic, Opp. Hal. i, 158. 4, 659. 5, 70. 632, -ta Hee. Op. 764 (Dem. 19, 243); Q. Sm. 13, 538, $ij/x- Opp. Hal. 5, 476, Dor. e^a/ufo *ar- Pind. Ol. 6, 56 ; late prose, ^/uVot Arr. An. 5, 3 : and p. p. ire^pfffifvos Strabo i, 2, 12 (Kram.) : aor. also late, t^^io^i/ Plut. Mor. 264 ; Theon. Rhet. p. 222 (Spengel), and -ixfyv, Qav), -dvei II. 9, 506, -am Eur. Med. 1169. H. F. 996 ; Her. 3, 78; Thuc. 5, 3; Xen. An. 5, 7, 16 ; (frddvao-i Antiph. i, 29; (>6dvois Ar. Eccl. 118, -avoi Eur. Or. 941 : imp. rare e^Bave Anth. 9, 272 ; Xen. Hell. 6, 2, 30 : fut. 6a Hippocr. 7, 134 (Lit.) ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 38. 7, i, 19; and late, Pseud.-Callisth. i, 8 ; Plut. Mor. 211 ; Luc. Conv. 4; App. Lyb. 20. 24, wo- Arr. An. i, 13, 3 : and mid. (fidfja-ofjiai II. 23, 444 ; Thuc. 5, 10. 8, 12 ; PI. Rep. 375; Isocr. 4, 79 : 1 aor. ecpdaa-a Hippocr. 5, 152 ; Thuc. 3, 49. 112. 7, 42 ; Xen. Cyr. 4, i, 3 ; Isocr. 5, 53. 8, 98. 9, 53; Lycurg. 128; Aeschin. 2, 16; subj. $0acra> Eur. Phoen. 975. 1280; Thuc. 5, 3; Xen. Cyr. 3, 2, 4 ; Dem. 6, 18; opt. (frddo-aifu, -o-e Ar. Plut. 685; Isocr. 8, 120, -crauv Thuc. 3, 49 (Bekk. Popp. Kriig.), -vfiav Xen. Hell. 7, 2, 14; Thuc. quoted (Classen, Stahl) ; imper. $0do-oi> (Hippocr. 9, 332; Joseph. Ant. 6, n, 7, Trpo- V. T. Ps. 16, 13 ; inf. Qddaat Thuc. i, 33. 3, 5. 4, 67. 5, 72; Xen. Cyr. i, 3, 12. 3, i, 19. 4, 3, 16. 5, 4, 38. An. 2, 5, 5. 4, i, 4 &c. Mem. 2, i, 23; Dem. 21, 38; (frddvas Aesch. Pers. 752 ; Ar. Plut. 1103; Her. 6, 65. 7, 161; Thuc. 2, 91. 4. 127. 5, 9; Xen. An. 4, 6, n ; Dem. 15, 8. 21, 41, Dor. tydaga Theocr. 2, 115 (Vulg.), but -daaa-a (Ahr. Mein. &c.) : p. e(f>6aKa (Dem.) 1 8, 39; App. Celt. 21; Epist. Phal. 138 (Herch.) ; Oribas. 8, 2, nt(p6aKa Christ. Pat. 2077 ; Pseud.-Callisth. 2, 10 : pip. f$6dK(i Plut. Galb. 17; Luc. Philops. 6 ; Arr. An. 3, 20, 2 : 1 aor. pass, tyddo-drjv late, Dio. Hal. 6, 25; Galen 4, 560; Joseph. Ant. 8, 4. Jud. B. 6, 7, 3 : 2 aor. act. e(p6rjv like i pers. rare Theogn. 969 ; Luc. Paras. 3 ; Plut. Mor. 774, 677 Od. ii, 58 ; Eur. Heracl. 121. I. T. 669; Ar. Eccl. 596, -6ij II. 16, 322 ; Her. 6, 70 &c. ; Xen. Hell, i, 6, 17. 7, 5, 10; Isocr. 17, 23 ; Dem. 43, 69. 57, 65, -%iei> Eur. Phoen. 1468 ; Isocr. 19, 22, -drjTe 5, 7, -Grjo-av Her. 4, 136. 6, 91. 9, 70; Antiph. 2, 0, 5; Isocr. 4, 86. 16, 37 (Bekk. B. S.), 00i? II. 11, 451, 3 pi. 00av II. ii, 51 ; subj. 0<9, <% PI. Polit. 266, 00>7 Eur. Or. 1220. Andr. 991; Hippocr. 6, 232; PL Euthyd. 275, Epic 0j)(Ti II. 23, 805, dds Ionic, Her. 3, 71. 9, 46, and Epic in comp. WTO- II. 7, 144, Trapa- 22, 197: 2 aor. mid. only part. (jWa/ifpo? as act. and Epic, II. 13, 387; Hes. Op. 554. Vb. 0Anrr^ Oribas. 7, 8. fyQavontvos late, Joseph. 3, 7, 20 ; -to-flat 4, 7, 2 : imp. f(j)0uvovTo Jud. B. 5, 2, 4. 0#dVo> has 5 Epic, a Attic. 0&n> Epic 3 pi. for e^fl^o-ai/, II. 1 1, 51, 0^%, 0flflo-tr Epic 3 subj. for (frfffj, II. 16, 86 1. 23, 805, also 0^0-t, irapa- rare, II. 10, 346 (Spitzn. Dind. La R.), but opt. irapa(f)0air)(Tt (Bauml. and now Bekk.) if correct, the only case of opt. with -o-t, i pi. Epic (f)6fa)fiev Od. 16, 383, 00eWt 24, 437. The Epics have only 2 aor. : Her. has both, but the ist perhaps only twice (frOdo-as 6, 65. 7, 161. The Attics use both, excepting )i>ai KO\\IOV fj $6u9e'yYOfiai To utter, speak, Dep. mid. Soph. O. C. 987 ; Eur. Hec. 192 ; Mosch. i, 9; Dem. 37, 52 ; -ydafieda Od. 10, 228; PI. Leg. 664; -yoivro Thuc. 7, 70; 0 Aesch. Ch. 109, Ion. -yfo II. 10, 67 ; -yf0ipu To corrupt, destroy, Od. 17, 246; Simon. Am. i, 13; Aesch. Ag. 949 ; Soph. Tr. 716; Ar. Av. 1068 ; Thuc. 4, 92 ; PI. Leg. 906 : imp. c(p0ipov Thuc. 3, 85, iter. (frdtipevKe, 8ia- Her. 1, 36: fiit. (f>0epS> Xen. Hell. 7, 2, u, 8ia- Aesch. Ag. 1266; Soph. Phil. 1069; PI. Prot. 360, Ion. (p0fpta>, dm- Her. 5, 51, Epic (p0fprra>, dia- II. 13, 625 : aor. e(p0ftpa Thuc. 2, 91; opt. os Aesch. Pers. 272 : pip. e(p0dpp.T)v Ionic 3 pi. (oC/*ai as 679 pass, see above : 2 aor. ? Ion. 3 pi. ^(pdapearo pass. Her. 8, 90 (Gaisf. &c.), but pip. 8tf)ddpaTo (Henn. Bekk. Dind. Bredow, Stein) perhaps correctly; though we do not with some think it a valid reason for rejecting the aorist simply because it is found nowhere else. The pip. certainly expresses the time more exactly, but we are not fond of saying that Her. could not in the circumstances express his meaning with sufficient pre- cision by the aorist. In our language, at least, were destroyed would'convey the meaning nearly as well as had been destroyed 8if(p6fipefro imp. in Ms. a c, is evidently wrong. Vb. (pdapros Aristot. Met. 9, 10. A Dor. form of fut. act. Karatpdapfl occurs Plut. Mor. 240 (Vulg.), but -Qdepd (Diibn.) ; and 8ia0ii>u0&> To consume, destroy, waste away (), trans, and intrans. Poet, and only pres. II. 6, 327. Od. i, 250, Kara- Emped. 27, diro- Eur. Fr. 908; subj. -vdaxn, OTTO- Ap. Rh. i, 683 ; (pdivvdeiv II. 2, 346 ; Galen 10, 426 ; -vdwv Ap. Rh. 4, 902, -Oovaa Opp. Hall, i, 587, aara- Hym. Cer. 353 : and imp. unaugm. (pdtvvdov II. 17, 364, iter. QdivvfacrKe II. i, 491 : except late if correct, fut. vo-a> intrans. Geop. i, 12, which Dind. would alter to (pdivr). (i v.) 4>Qivw To waste, decay (<0uo), usu. intrans. Od. 1 1, 183; Pind. P. i, 94; Soph. Aj. 1005; Com. Fr. (Xen.) 3, 614; Hippocr. 6, 314; PI. Tim. 81; -ivmv Thuc. 5, 54; Aeschin. 2, 90, Ion. Dat. pi. -ii/evcri Hippocr. 2, 674 ; -vetv Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 493 : imp. e(pdtvov Her. 3, 29; PI. Tim. 77, KOT- Pind. I. 8, 46: fut. Geop. i, 12, 34, suggested by Dind. for (Vulg.), as if from a form ((pdivfco) : and aor. tydivrjaa, (pdivfi^as Hippocr. 5, 468 (Lit.); Luc. Paras. 57, Kara- Plut. Mor. 117, and late e00ti/a, (pdlvai Nicol. Rhet. 9, 3 (Walz) : p. (e(0iKa, see ) i^divriKOTa, Kar- Plut. Cic. 14 : as 2 aor. might be reckoned ((p6Wov, air- (from a form in -6 2 5 r > but is now altered from the v. r. to dTrtydidfv for -6r)6i>. I Epic, i Attic, and Pind. v act. Chariton i, I, 8, he would change to fut. (Xo-a>v, which Matthiae and Wunder approve: Hercher reads o-w/^aro? airw 6ivv6ovcn. The emendation suggested is not violent, and it satisfies the sense and metre; but KaTacpSivvdco is notoriously intrans. as well as trans, and we really do not see why <$>6iva> should not be allowed to be SO tOO : fj\to<: Trdvra ^Xaa-rdvei Kai (f)6ivei Trag. Fr. adesp. 376 (Nauck). K (inner and Jelf say " is found intrans. in prose also, but only in the pres." This we think is a mistake, fy8u* Her. 3, 29 ; PI. Tim. 77. t>0iw To waste, consume, Poet, indie, not found except in the form 0fiei, 6vf]o-Ki Hesych; subj. tpdlrjs Od. 2, 368; imp. e Od. 16, 369; fyQla-eiev Ap. Rh. 3, 460; tftQivav Soph. O. R. 202 ; 6ia-at Aesch. Eum. 172 ; Soph. Tr. 1043 : P- 0^' Ka intrans. and late, Dioscor. Praef. i, 2, p. 6, Vo- Themist. 28, 341 : p. p. e^Gi/jLai Od. 20, 340; Theogn. 1141 (Schaef. Bergk, Ziegl.), - Aesch. Pers. 927, see aor. : pip. f(p8tfirjv, -6lao Aesch. Sept. 970, -Qlro Theogn. 1141 (Vulg.); Soph. O. R. 962; Eur. Ale. 414, imtp- Pind. P. 6, 30, 3 pi. ifydla. II. i, 251, see 2 aor. mid. : aor. pass. f(f>6idr]v, 3 pi. -6t8fv for -Qyo-av, in tmesi Od. 23, 331. Mid. intrans. to perish, fut. (pfHa-opai II. n, 821. Od. 13, 384; Ap. Rh. 3, 465 : 1 aor. (f>6ia-aadai, OTTO- Q. Sm. 14, 545 : and as 2 aor. syncop. tytfftop 11. 18, 100? Soph. O. R. 962, e'^- e^- Od. 9, 163; Subj. Epic <0terai for -ijrat, II. 2O, 173, (frOiofjicada for -u>fjifa6a 14, 87; opt. (()6lfJiT)v, diro- Od. IO, 51, (<$6lo), (frdlro Od. ii, 330; imper. 3 sing. (f>6i6ia> is short in Horn, except $#67? Od. 2, 368, t^6ltv II. 18, 446, long in Epic, II. 6, 407, $&imarr<& n, 821 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 465, (j)6i(Tfifv 3, 460, diro- 4, 1292, but ((frdiaav Opp. H. 5, 577, dirf6i6ifjiai, e^t/* 7 ?" (pip- or syncop. "aor. except opt. dirofybipiv, $61 for -$&ip;i> &c.), and 68 1 i4>8t6r)v. So Vb. euro's Aesch. Pers. 523 ; Aristot. Nat. Ausc. 3> i, 5. -00-os II. 2, 1 86. dl0oye'u To envy, II. 4, 55; Od. 18, 16; Find. I. 5, 24; Aesch. Sept. 236 ; Soph. Ant. 553 ; Ar. Thesm. 252 ; Her. 7, 237 ; Thuc. 6, 78; Lys. 24, 2 ; Xen. Conv. 4, 43 ; -c'ot/u Od. n, 381, -olfit PI. Rep. 528; ~vS>v Thuc. 2, 35; -/> Od. 18, 18, -tlv Thuc. 3, 84: imp. e Thuc. 2, 64; PI. Prot. 320; Isocr. 5, 131 : aor. tydovrjo-a Eur. Fr. 347 (D.); Her. 8, 109; PI. Apol. 33; Isocr. 4, 29; subj. -jjo-o) Aesch. Pr. 584; Ar. Ach. 497 ; PI. Prot. 320; -ijo-as Soph. O. R. 310 ; Thuc. 3, 43 &c., and -vea-a, -vtays Anth. 5, 304 ; -vfcreie Nonn. Dion. 3, 159; -vevas Anth. 7, 607 (Pseud.-Phocyl. 70, now corrected from -vfo-rjs to (pdoveois Mss. Bergk): (perf. ?) : p. p. late fdov7]0qo-ofuii Xen. Hier. IT, 15: and as pass. fut. mid. (frdovfjo-ofjLai Aristot. Rhet. Alex. 37, 47; (Dem.) 47, 70: pres. (frdwflrai Thuc. 6, 16. Mid. only fut. (f)6ovria-fi, -VOVTM as pass, will incur envy Aristot. and (Dem.) quoted. i\e'w To love, II. 10, 552; Aesch. Ch. 894 ; Soph. Ant. 1056 ; Ar. Eq. 732; Her. 3, 82; Thuc. 4, 28; PL Phaedr. 228, Aeol. 0iA77fu Sapph. 79 (Bergk), -^rja-da 22, 3 pi. -eWi Pind. P. 3, 18, Dor. -XfOi/rt Theocr. 5, 80; Epic subj. ^iX/^o-t Od. 15, 70 ; Aesch. Ag. 1559; Soph. O. C. 1131; Xen. Conv. 8, 21, Dor. -d Theocr. 23, 33 : aor. e'^x'X^o-a Pind. P. 2, 16. 9, 1 8 (most or best Mss. Ahr. Schneidw. Momms. Christ, -ao-a Boeckh, Dissen); Soph. El. 1363; Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 9, ^iXrja-a II. 3, 207 ; Pind. N. 5, 44, Dor. tyiXdo-a Theocr. 20, 31. 42 (Pind. P. 2, 1 6 &c. quoted, Boeckh, Bergk), 0tXaa- Theocr. 20 > 36- 38 (Pind. N. 5, 44 quoted, Boeckh) ; subj. -jjo-a> 682 II. 9, 117; Ar. Lys. 1036, Dor. -uo-to Theocr. 3, 19; opt. -rj Her. 2, 41; 7/iai Find. N. 4, 46; Xen. An. i, 9, 28; -a^vos Theocr. 3, 3. n, 6 (Vulg. Fritz, -rjfi- Ahrens, Ziegl.) : aor. e(f)L\T]dr]v Eur. Hec. 1000; PI. Phaedr. 253, Epic 3 pi. f&r)dev II. 2, 668 (0/X- Bekk.), -\a0ev Theocr. 7, 60 (Vulg. Fritz. -\Tj6- Ahr. Ziegl.) ; -rjdfis Her. 4, 176: fut. (^tX^o-o/xat Stob. (Epictet.) 46, 88: as pass. fut. mid. i\fj(rofjiui Od. i, 123. 15, 281 ; Antiph. i, 19, avn- Theocr. 28, 6 (some edit.): 3 fut. Tre^iXijo-o/^at Callim. Del. 270. Mid. from (), aor. tylXufuiv as act. and Epic, e'^rXao Anth. 5, 289, -i'Xaro II. 5, 6 1, (f)i\aro 2o, 304 ; subj. /*at H. Cer. 117 ; Hes. Th. 97 ; imper. $IXa II. 5, 117 (pass. $t'Xaro Ap. Rh. 3, 66; i\T)T6s Aristot. Eth. Nic. 8 (2), i, -re'os Soph. Ant. 524; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 9, 3, 3. iXoTifAeofAai To love honour, be jealous, feel piqued, PI. Rep. 336; Lys. 14, 2 ; Isocr. 8, 41 (Dep. with aor. pass, and later mid.) : imp. tyiXor- Lycurg. 98 ; D. Sic. 4, 28 : fut. -Ti/^o-o.utu PI. Phaedr. 234 ; Lys. 29, 14 ; Dem. 20, 103 ; later as mid. fut. pass, -rtpj&jo-o/wu Diod. Sic. n, 18 (Bekk. -n/^o-- Dind.) : aor. t(j>i\oTinr)(rdpr)v Ael. V. H. 3, i. 9, 29 ; Polyb. 20, 8 ; Herodn. i, 13, 6; Ach. Tat. 7, n ; Joseph. Ant. 3, 6, i : classic, aor. pass, as mid. e^iXoTi^^i/ Xen. Mem. 2, 9, 3 ; PI. Lach. 182; Isocr. 4, 44; Isae. 2, 42 : p. p. Trf^iXori^/im as mid. Dem. 28, 22 (42, 24); Diod. Sic. 5, 49; Aristaen, i, i, but pass. Aristid. 34, 446 : pip. (TTfiXo4>pove'ofAcu To be well disposed, receive kindly, PI. Leg. 738, Dep. (with aor. mid. and pass.) : imp. tlTuu To sow &c. Aesch. Supp. 312 ; Soph. Ant. 645 ; PI. Rep. 461, usu. Poet, for : fut. (piTto-a Eur. Ale. 294 : aor. fXdw) To burst, intrans. and only 2 aor. e Aesch. Ch. 28 (chor.) So (ppda>, ire(ppa8ov. *Xdu To bruise, a collateral form of 6\da>, Ar. Plut. 784 ; Hippocr. 3, 218. 220 (Lit.): imp. e, Dor. -aa-o-to Theocr. 5, 148 (Mss. Ziegl. Ahr. and now Mein.), -ao-oi (Vulg.) : aor. e^Xao-a, , -a|w ; -do-aipi, -dai[u have been withdrawn for -ao-o-5, -ao-o-at/u. There is also (f>\da> to eat greedily, swallow, only pres. and imp. and confined to Comedy, Ar. Pax 1306. Plut. 718. tXeycOci) To burn, Poet, trans, and intrans. only pres. act. -fdd II. 17, 738; Aesch. Supp. 87 (chor.), -edovo-iv II. 18, 211 ; -c6a II. 21, 358; Hes. Th. 846; Soph. Tr. 99 (chor.); Eur. Phoen. 169 (chor.) : and pass. v Aesch. Sept. 52 ; Ar. Thesm. 680; -ytiv Soph. Aj. 673: imp. t\eyov Anth. 5, 123; Opp. Hal. 2, 669, \eyov Pind. N. 6, 38 ; Mosch. 6, 3 : fut. 0X^a) Trag. Fr. (Incert.) 268 (Wagn.); Anth. 5, 179; Ap. Rh. 3, 582, Kara- II. 22, 512 : aor. ? Aesch. Pr. 582, in comp. aW-e$Xee Pind. Ol. 3, 20, e'- Ar. Pax 608 ; inf. firievor Joseph. Jud. B. 684 X 7, 8, 5 ; -yfjo-eadai Themist. Paraphr. 3, 5 : and mid. as pass. *rara- \fyovTai Aesch. Ag. 91; Bacchyl. 14, 12 (B.) : imp. \fy(ro II. 21, 365. Vb. a- Her. 8, 32, (iri(f)\f^at Thuc. 2, 77, dvf(()\exdr) (PI.) Epist. 349, Kara-Xea> To flow, abound, only part. v Aesch. Ag. 377. 1416. To squeeze, Aeol. and Ion. for tfXtffo (Theocr. pres. pass. \ipr)i>, -Xua) To 0*7 #/>, 0zw, bubble, Aesch. Sept. 66 1, eVt- Ap. Rh. i, 481 : imp. f(f)\vf in tmesi, II. 21, 361 (v in Horn, in Ap. Rh.) : aor. tyXvo-a Anth. 7, 351, a?r- Archil. 35 (Lob. Schneid. -((f)\o Nic. Al. 214. The reading Archil. Fr. 35, used to be aW^Xoo-ai/ (Gaisf. 104, so Bergk now). i Athen. (Alex. Aetol.) 15, 56, is a conjecture of Schweigh. for i-0Xsa> should, perhaps, be written irfpi-, tO which belongs 7repi-7reo06'ca To terrify (Ta>v for -^fiVcoo-ai/, Her. 7, 235: imp, foStTKov Hes. Sc. 162 : fut. foprja-co rare, Eur. Heracl. 357, eV<- Thuc. 4, 126: aor. e'^o/S^o-a, II. 15, 15; ThuC. 2, 76. 4, 115, (/>o/3- H. 20, 90; (^o/SJjo-ai 2O, 187 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 47 ; ^o/Sijo-a? PI. Rep. 551 : p. p. -d;%uu and other pass, forms as mid. see below. Mid. 36 ; imper. -/3ou Ar. Plut. 1091, Ion. !3ovfjiT)v Soph. O. R. 722 ; Thuc. 4, 108 ; Andoc. 3, 2 ; Lys. 14, 15; PI. Conv. 198, , -T], -6f)s Aesch. Pr. 128; Eur. Andr. 994; Ar. Av. 654 ; Isocr. 12, 180, Dor. -ddfj? Theocr. 23, 41 ; -fbjfou II. 22, 137 ; Aesch. Sept. 476 ; Antiph. 2, /3, 5. 4, 8, i ; Thuc. 6, 21 &c. : fut. 0o/37j^<7o/iat Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 30 (Vulg. Popp. Saupp. -@r](Top.ai. Dind.) ; Plut. Brut. 40 ; Luc. Zeux. 9. Vb. $0/3171-0? Soph. Phil. 1154, foftrjTfos PI. Rep. 452. Put. pass, oiTaw To go to and fro, has some dialectic peculiarities, (poiTSjo-i Od. 2, 182; Eur. Ion 154, Ionic -reovat Her. 2, 66; fonav PI. Phaed. 59, Dor. -TT)I> Bion 13 ; $oirwi>re? Thuc. i, 139, -Tfovrfs Her. 6, 49, (^oirSxra Eur. H. F. 846, -reovo-a Her. 3, 119 : imp. $OI'TCOJ/ Thuc. 6, 104, -reov Her. 6, 126. 9, 25, '<ope'w To carry (<>>), II. 5, 499 ; Soph. Tr. 965 ; Ar.Thesm. 148 ; Her. i, 135 ; Xen. An. 7, 4, 4 ; Isae. 5, n, Aeol. 3 pi. -e'oio-i Theocr. 28, n; Epic subj. (fropeyai Od. 5, 328. 9, 10; 4>opeois II. 6, 457. (fropoi PI. Theaet. 197, and , 8ia- Ar. Av. 355 : as pass. fut. mid. (pop^o-op-ai Plut. Mor. 398. Mid. become -rjv, and rarely if at all now in the later Doric, except in the old recensions. 4>opdca> To mix, soil, spoil, Hesych. Suid. (imp. pass, fapvvero Od. 22, 21, () pdyyup To break, rare in simple, and only pres. ^pdyvvre Anth. 7, 391 ; (ppaywvTfs Anon, in Suid.; Jos. Ant. 18, 9, i: imp. typdyvvaav, an- Thuc. 7> 74- Mid. (ppdyvvTai Plut. CaeS. 24, (ppdyvva-at, OTTO- Soph. Ant. 241, (ppdyvvvrai Ar. Fr. 336 (D.) : imp. typdywvTo Plut. Phoc. ii. Vb. a-(ppaKTos Thuc. i, 6. See (ppdaa-a). (pa8d^u) or <|>pa8(iw) To tell, make known, only aor. (ppabao-e Pind. N. 3, 26 (Mss. Bergk), -ao-ae (Vulg. Momms. Bergk 4 ed.), collat. form of pda) To show, tell ((ppdSw), Soph. Ph. 25 ; Ar. Av. 50 ; Her. 1,119; Thuc. 5, 66 ; Lys. 1,23; Isocr. 7, 36 ; Isae. 11,3; late Epic Opp. Cyn. i, 306, Dor. -ao-Sw Theocr. 20, 7 ; pdoi Antiph. 6, 13 ; a. 687 imp. f(ppaov Ar. Eq. 1048; Her. 4, 113 ; Antiph. 6, 23; Thuc. 7, 43; Dem. 27, 55. 50, 27, Aesch. Pr. 844; Her. 3, 6 ; PI. Phil. 25; Andoc. 3, 4 ; Lycurg. 32 ; Aeschin. 3, 171 : aor. typdo-a, -ao-ev Horn. H. Ven. 128. Merc. 442; Pind. I. 4, 38; Her. 7, 213. 219; Hippocr. 8, 98, Horn, only (ppda-f Od. n, 22 ; Aesch. Ag. 231 (chor.), (ppda-a-ev Hes. Fr. 125, (ppavdniv Hes. Th. 892, e PL Charm. 167 ; Com. Fr. (Philyll.) 2, 859, -007/5 (Mon.) 516, -a-axnv Thuc. 7> 25 ; (ppdo-aini Soph. Ph. 551. Ar. Av. 1544, -(mas Soph. Ph. 1222 ; Ar. Ran. no, (ppda-ais Luc. Hale. 4, (ppdaeie Soph. O. C. 1657 ; Ar. Fr. 187 (D), and (ppdo-ot Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 61 ; (ppdo-ov Aesch. Pers. 333; Ar. Nub. 314; Isae. n, 5, -crtma Ar. Fr. i (D); Lys. 4, 5; Dem. I, 12. l6, 8, (ppdo-are Ar. Eccl. II25, -do-aare Pind. P. 4, 117; inf. (ppda-ai Pind. Ol. 2, 100; Soph. Ant. 1060; Thuc. 3, 42 ; Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 346 &c. ; PI. Phaedr. 255 ; Andoc. 2, 21 ; Isocr. 15, 100. 117; Aeschin. 3, 229 &c.; pd- Od. II, 624, iter. (ppafeWero H. Apol. l68 : flit, (ppdo-oficu Epic, II. 15, 234 &c., oftener -o-o-o/xai II. 9, 619. Od. 23, 140 &c.: aor. e(ppapa6pevoi, fVt- 6, 133 : aor. (ppdo-ao-dai. Hippocr. 3, 226. 228. 5, 252 (Lit.), eVt- Her. i, 48. 5, g,so that the assertions " the middle occurs only in the Epic poets, and in one Oracle in Her. 3, 57," and " l^paa-a^v is Epic only" are rather too unqualified; the more so as Solon has f(ppaa-dp.rjv 5, 4, -aa-amo 34, i (Bergk). Archil. e Fr. 94 (Bergk) ; Aesch. imper. (ppacrai Ch. 113 (trimet.). 592 (chor.) ; and Eur. inf. ,7r(ppaSoi> seems to have analogy in irecpvov, fTre(pvov &c. sufficient to prevent the necessity of having recourse, with Thiersch, to C7rppao> ; though we cannot allow with some, that the mere fact of the non-occurrence of the moods in the compound form proves his view to be incorrect : it may be a presumption against it. By the way, n(ppapd: aor. tdpg- (Dind.); - Thuc. 7, 34 ; pdai Find. I. i, 66; Thuc. 4, 13 : p. late Trt(ppaya, Trtpi- irj>payviai Schol. Hes. Sc. 298 : but pip. fnetypaKfcrav Jos. Ant. 12, 8, 5 : p.p. Trtypn-ynai Eur. Ph. 733 ; -0pay/ieW Soph. Fr. 376 (-(papy- Dind.) ; Her. 5, 34 ; Thuc. i, 82 ; Xen. Cyr. 2, 4, 25 : pip. fir((f>pd-yp.T)y Luc. Cron. n, -UK.TO Her. 7, 142 : 1 aor. tcppdxfyv II. 17, 268; PL Leg. 779, wv- Hippocr. 8, 96, *ara- 6, 484 (Lit.) : 2 aor. late typuyrjv N. T. Rom. 3, 19, dir- Luc. D. Mort. 28, 2, e>- Plut. Mor. 521; Aretae. 7 (ed. Oxon.) : 1 fat. late, e'/x- (ppaxfyo-onai Galen 5, 616 : and late, 2 fut. Her. 9, 70 ; Themist. 23, 294; Aesch. Sept. 798, '(pap- (Dind.), apg- (Dind.) ; pagdf*tvos Batr. 1 66; Thuc. 8, 35. Horn, uses only the aorists of this verb. Lehrs (Quest. Ep. p. 306) says that Oppian uses the aor. mid. in a pass, sense, Hal. i, 260. 2, 363. Cyn. 4, 7. These in- stances are not quite decisive, inasmuch as they seem to admit of a middle sense. (t>pu, 4>P a -> ^ptjpj iri4 ) P T lf Jl1 ) To let pass in, out, through, in comp. inf. ea--m(ppdvai Aristot. Hist. An. 5, 6, 3 : imp. do-typovv Dem. 20, 53, i pi. fg-fcppdopfv for the metre Ar. Vesp. 125 (Dind. 2 ed. -pUpev Nauck, Dind. 5 ed.) : fut. (ppf)(ra>, - Ar. Vesp. 156, ea- 892, 8ia- Av. 193; Thuc. 7, 32 (Bekk. Dobr. Dind.) : aor. (fpprjo-a, da-- Heliod. 9, 1 1 ; Hesych. ; Schol. Ar. Eq. 4, en-fio--f Eur. Ale. 1056, tK-(ppS>a-i Phoen. 264 (Dind. Kirchh. Nauck); e7r-o-- t>pia PI. Rep. 387; Aristot. H. An. 6, 2, 20 ; (Dem.) 51, 9 : imp. (ppla-o-ov Hes. Sc. 171, ((ppirrov Himer. 36, 13: fut. (j>pia> Or. Sib. 3, 679. 9, 83; Galen 13, 365 : aor. ecppiga II. 13, 339; Pind. Ol. 7, 38 ; Aesch. Sept. 490; Soph. Tr. 1044; Hippocr. 5,448. 8, 610 (Lit.); PI. Phaedr. 251; Dem. 21, 135, povlpf)v), II. 9, 608 ; Emped. 337 ; Find. Fr. 19; Aesch. Ch. 774 ; Soph. O. R. 550; Her. 6, 97 ; Antiph. 2, i ; Thuc. 5, 89 ; Isocr. 10, i ; Epic subj. poverjpo- vf(apovtiv6ai; -ovptvos Aristot. Gorg. 6, 10 (Bekk.). See KaTa-cppov-. Benseler in Rost and Palm's Gr. Lex. errs by confining this verb " in Herodotus" to pres. and imp. poKTiw To think, consider, Theogn. 912 ; Aesch. Pr. 1034 ; Eur. Heracl. 680 ; Ar. Nub. 723; Her. i, 155 ; Andoc. 4, 27. 39; PI. Gorg. 502 ; Aeol. inf. (ppovrlo-fyv Sapph. 41 : imp. t(pp- Her. 8, 36; Lys. 3, 16 ; PI. Lys. 223; Dem. 50, 27 : tat. povTi5> Eur. Tr. 1234; Ar. Nub. 735; Xen. Mem. 2, r, 24: and rare mid. -toCpu Eur. I. T. 343, -tofyxei/ (Badh. Koechl.) : aor. ((ppovrura Eur. Tr. 1046 ; Lys. 14, 9 ; PI. Apol. 25 ; Aeschin. i, 165; -Tia-rjs Soph. Ph. 1404; -Tiaov Aesch. Supp. 419: p. irpp6vriKa Eur. Ale. 773 ; Ar. Eccl. 263 ; Xen. Mem. 3, 3, 8 : pip. firffypovriKd App. Mithr. 7 P- P- late irftypovriaiiivos Ael. H. A. 7, 9 ; Plut. Aemil. P. 28 : pres. pass, (ppovn&fjfvos Xen. Hier. 7, 10. Vb. (^pon-ioWoj/ PI. Crito 48. Eur. I. T. quoted, if sound, seems to be the only instance of the mid. form. 4>poupe'u To watch, guard, Simon. C. no ; Aesch. Eum. 1024 ; Soph. Fr. 35 ; Ar. Ran. 472 ; Her. 2, 30; PI. Rep. 420 : imp. ffppovpow Thuc. 4, i, -pte Her. i, 165, -*ov 4, 128, '(ppovpow Soph. Tr. 915: fut. -prjffto Aesch. Pr. 31; Soph. El. 1402; Xen. Cyr. 6 r i, 17 : aor. typovprjo-a Soph. El. 74 ; Her. 2, 30; Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 12 ; (perf. ?): p. p. nt(ppovprj/j.ai (Hippocr.) Epist. 3, 825 (Kiihn), dia- Aesch. Fr. 263 (D) : aor. f(ppovpri6r)v Eur. Ion 1390, tv- Phal. Epist. 5 : as pass. fut. mid. ^/aou/jijo-o/xai Eur. <&p vy (a $uX acrcru). 691 Ion 603; Plut. Caes. 27. Mid. (ppovpovpat to guard oneself, guard off, Eur. An. 1135: fut. -pqo-o/nai as pass, see above. Pass, rather rare, (ppovpovpai Soph. O. C. 1013; -ovpevos Eur. Hec. 995 ; PI. Rep. 579, -c Her. 8, 96 (Orac.), Dor. -S> Theocr. 7, 66 : aor. e7 Hippocr. 6, 414 (Lit.); is still in Hippocr. 2, 876 (Vulg. Kiihn), but (Mss. Lit.), and fut. (pplgovat Her. 8,96 (Vulg. Sch weigh. Gaisf. &c.) has been altered to seem late forms, Galen 6, 550; Schol. Od. 18, 27; Eustath. 1547. Quyyavw To flee (a collat. form of (p(vya>), only pres. Aesch. Pr. 513; Soph. El. 132; Hippocr. 7, 194, 8/a- Heraclit. 116 (Bywater) : and imp. tyvyyavuv late, Greg. Naz. T. 2, p. 241, 235, but 8i-f(pvyy- Thuc. 7, 44; Aeschin. 3, 10. So tx-tpvy- ydvco Aesch. Pr. 525 ; Com. Fr. (Diph.) 4, 378 ; Hippocr. 7, 330 (Lit.), *cara- Her. 6, 16 ; Aeschin. 3, 208, dno- Dem. 23, 74. Alcaeus has -n-ecpvyya 147 (Bergk). uw, see (pfvya. u\ao-o-(j To guard, II. 5, 809 ; Aesch. Ag. 8 ; Soph. Ph. 1328 ; Eur. Ion 736 ; Her. 3, 107 ; Antiph. 2, 8, 9 ; Thuc. 7, 17, -arrw Ar. Thesm. 976; Xen. Cyr. 8, 2, 23; Isocr. 8, 112; PI. Theaet. 203, Dor. 3 pi. -ao-o-owi Find. N. n, 5; Ep. inf. (pv\a(T(refJifvai II. IO, 419: imp. ev\dga Od. 22, 195; Eur. Bac. 497; Ar. Eq. 434; Her. i, 210; Thuc. 4, 43; PI. Rep. 530, Dor. -aoi Theocr. i, 63 : aor. tyvXaga Callim. Del. 204 ; Her. 5, 41, ' Leg. 783, Epic -o/n> II. 8, 529; pai, -drro/zai to keep for, with oneself, guard oneself, to beware, Hes. Op. 491 ; Solon 4, 14 ; Eur. I. T. 67 ; Her. i, 108, iAarr- PI. Phaedr. 232 ; -da-a-ov Aesch. Pr. 390; -aa-arofjifvos II. IO, 1 88 : imp. e'(vXarr- Lys. 3, 13, -no-cr- Thuc. 4, 48 : fut. (uXa'o/u Aesch. Supp. 205 ; Soph. El. 1012 ; Eur. Med. 289 ; Ar. Eccl. 831; Thuc. 5, 103; Isocr. 4, 165 : aor. (v\aanT]v Her. 7, 130 ; Antiph. 3, 8, 7 ; Xen. Ages. 8, 5 ; subj. -!x0f- Schneidewin's sug- gestion 7Tf(pvXaxdf seems easy and apposite, and would, if neces- sary, at least remove the anomaly. Trpo(pv\ax&f, if sound, is certainly not " the only irregularity connected with this verb." 4>6po> To mix, moisten, knead, Hes. Op. 61; PL Phaed. 97: imp. (): aor. ftpvppvpat Eustath. Opusc. 279. 80) : p. p. 7re : aor. fuCTido> To breathe, pant, only pres. ind. $uv Soph. Ant. 1238, Epic (pv to blow, puff up, make proud, is late (pva-ioi N. T. i Cor. 8, i : pass. pres. perf. and aor. N. T. and later. ureua) To plant, Od. 5, 340; Pind. I. 6, 12; Soph. Aj. 953 ; Thuc. i, 2 ; PI. Tim. 77 ; Epic inf. -eve^v Hes. Op. 812 : imp. tyvT-, (pvr- Od. 17, 27; Pind. N. 4, 59, Ar. Pax 558: fut. -cwo-o) Xen. Oec. 19, 13 : aor. tyvrtvo-a II. 6, 419 ; PI. Tim. 80 ; Isae. 9, 28, '(pvTfvo-a Soph. O. R. 1504; -rfvo-w Od. 17, 82; -Tfvo-at II. 15, 134 ; Pind. N. 7, 84 ; Her. 4, 145 : p. late, iretpv- TtvKa, 3 pi. -revKav for -TtvKaaiv, V. T. Ezech. 19, 13: p.p. 7tf(f)iiTfVfj.ai. Her. 2, 138; Xen. Hell. 3, 2, 10 : aor. ((pvT(vdr) Xen. An. 5, 3, 12, Epic 3 pi. (pvrevdev Pind. P. 4, 69; -evQfis Pind. P. 4, 256 ; Soph. O. C. 1324 ; PI. Rep. 492 : fut. late, (pVTevdr)uo> To produce (Aeol. (pviv), usu. trans. II. 6, 148 ; Soph. Aj. 647; Eur. Bac. 651 ; Ar. Pax 1164; Her. 8, 104; PI. Rep. 621, rarely intrans. grow, spring, II. 6, 149; Mimnerm. 2, i ; Alcae. 97 (Bergk), ec- Aristot. Prob. 5, 27, 3 pi. Dor. (pvovri Theocr. 4, 24. 7, 75; Mosch. 3, 103: imp. efpvf PL Menex. 237, (pvev II. 14, 347; Athen. (Pancrat.) 677: fut. (pvcra II. i, 2 35; Soph. O. R. 438: aor. ec^iJo-a Od. 10, 393; Aesch. Fr. 302 ; Soph. O. R. 436; Eur. Ion 547; Ar. Ran. 418; Her. 2, 68 ; Antiph. 4, a, 2 ; PI. Tim. 44 : p. irtyvKa intrans. to be naturally, to be &c. Od. 7, 114 (Herodn. Bekk. Ameis); Theogn. 80 1 ; Aesch. Pr. 27 ; Soph. El. 608 ; Eur. Hec. 743 ; Her. 2, 8; Antiph. 2, i; Thuc. 4, 61 ; Lys. 7, 35; PI. Leg. 649; -0wca>s Soph. O. C. 1294; Eur. Ph. 908; Xen. Ages. 10, 4, -Kvla Isocr. 15, 2IO, -Kvirf Her. 2, 56 &C., Epic ircfpvdo-t II. 4, 484. Od. 7, 128; Hes. Th. 728; irf^n, e >- Theogn. 396 (Bergk); Tre^wray Od. 5, 477, ep-7rf Hes. has firtyvnov for -JKfa-av, Th. 152. Op. 149. Sc. 76 : 2 aor. act. t H. Hym. Ven. 265; C. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 62; Theocr. 13, 47 ; Isocr. 12, 125, poet. $fo Od. 5, 481, but tfyvv Pind. P. i, 42; subj. (f)vw, 4>vrj Eur. Fr. 378 (Cob. Dind. Nauck), e>- vg Xen. Hier. 7, 3 (Dind. Saupp.), -iWt v. r. PI. Phaedr. 251; opt. vT]v, -vrj Theocr. 15, 94 (Mein. Ziegl.), vlr) (Herm.); (frvvai Soph. Ant. 721 ; Her. i, 108 ; Isocr. n, 41; PI. Rep. 489, Tiepi- Od. 24, 236, Epic (fivfjifvai Theocr. 25, 39; vdeis, <^- Galen 7, 725, the only instance we ever met: 2 aor. e^ui/i* Joseph. Ant. 1 8, i, i, av- Theophr. H. P. 4, 16, 2 ; subj. , -ft Eur. Fr. 377 (Wagn. vij Dind. Nauck); so PI. Rep. 494, /a- Hippocr. 6, 182 (Lit.), $t>a>o-i PL Rep. 597. Phaedr. 251 (v. r. <7i); fads Hippocr. 7, 514 (Lit.); Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 257; (frvrjvai Dioscor. 2, 8, ava- Dio. Sic. i, 7 (Bekk. -$Ci/m L. Dind.), c- Hippocr. 3, 51, SKK- i, 601 (Vulg. Kiihn), altered to ttyvta, and SiefcSij/ai from Mss. by Lit. 3, 286. 6, 374, but still erv/*- (f)v^vai 6, 182 (Lit.): fut. vtra, Corinn. 2 1 (Bergk). (f>vs in late auth. is occas. trans. 6 fas, ol occurs late, dvtxfrvfjvft V. T. Esai. 34, 13 (Vat.), -(f>vvo>, (frvopai &c. irei>a; in Attic C, (f)vfi Soph. Fr. 75Y ; fyierai Fr. 109, 4, (frvopev Ar. Av. 1 06 ; before a consonant v always, -vo-a>, -va-a, -vfa> Hippocr. 6, 566, $yvvfu late: aor. ?y/ix6fis Aretae. 104 (ed. Oxon.); Dioscor. 2, 119, npo- 2, 112. Pres. pass. (fxoyviuTat, Dioscor. i, 80. X. To make retire, force back, and intrans. give way, retreat, simple act. form unused, but xf"> x<* flv (Hesych.); and in comp. imper. a-y-^afe intrans. Soph. Fr. 800 ; ava-x^ovrt s Xen. An. 4, i, 16: imp. fxC ov ^ " Hesych.; Eunap. 174 (112 Boisson.) : 1 aor. av-fxavo-av Pind. N. 10, 69 : aor. pass, exatrdnv, X a 3 2 J Nonn. 48, 618, av- Xen. An. 4, 7, 10. Cyr. 7, i, 34, x^C- H- n> 539 : ^t- Xaaoftai, Epic ^ucrcr- II. 13, 153 ; aor. exa?Tai Opp. Hal. i, 755; x a(70 'M"'of II. 4, 535, ava- 13, 740 ; xavaaaBai 12, I73> fita-xatraff^ae Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 31 : 2 aor. K.cKa6pr)v -8ovro II. 4, 497. a is short, hence the doubling of o-. This verb is Poet, especially Epic, rare if at all in Attic poetry; for in the solitary instance Eur. Or. 1116, ou x<*CP ai is opposed in the Mss. by oi>x a Besides, we quite agree with Poppo " verbum (Sta^ao-ao-^at) non videtur a librariis aut grammaticis confingi potuisse." XcuVcj To gape, see ^ao-jew. Xai'po) To rejoice, be glad, II. 7, 191 ; Simon. Am. 7, in ; Pind. N. 8, 48 ; Aesch. Ag. 539 ; Soph. O. R. 596 ; Her. 3, 80; Xen. Mem. 2, 6, 35 ; Isocr. 9, 78 ; imper. 3 pi. xaipovrw Eur. H. F. 575 ; Dor. pt. x a ' i P la ' a Theocr. 2, 163 ; Bion 6, n ; Aeol. inf. x^PI" Sapph. 86: imp. fx ai P ov H- Ir > 73 > Pind. 01. 2, 66; Ar. Av. 116; Lys. 18, 9; PL Rep. 450, x a ~ l P f H- 14, 156; Pind. I. 4, 29, iter. x a ' l P t(rKOV IL I 8, 259: fut. x ai PW> II. 20, 363; Theogn. 992; Simon. C. 122; Ar. Plut. 64; Her. i, 128 ; Andoc. i, 101 ; PL Phil. 21 (late x a p if correct, N. T. Rev. n, 10 Vulg. Mai): and x^PW ^ 1 Late, Orac. Sib. 6, 20; (Luc.) Philop. 24, see Schol.) : fut. x a< -PWP- M v > r - (Luc.) Philop. 24, x a pw~, Kfxapr](T- see above: 1 aor. Epic, x*iP aT II. 14, 270, txw- Opp. Cyn. i, 509. 534, V- Ap. Rh. 4, 55; Xypaufvr) Anth. 7, 198 : 2 aor. mostly Epic, x&i )OVTO rare Q- Sm. 6> 315? redupl. Kfxapovro H. 16, 600; Ap. Rh. 4, 998; opt. Kfxapoipeda Philox. i, 24 (Bergk), KexdpoiTo Od. 2, 249 ; Ap. Rh. I, 920, 3 pi. -oiaro II. I, 256 : also p. /ce^a'p^at, and Kixapfiai, see above. Vb. x a P T s Soph. El. 1457 > H Prot. 358. The Scholiast remarks on x a ^pp^ 1 Ar. Pax 291, " Aurts o-arpa- irrjs TlepaSw tiirtv ijfio/nat KM ^at'po/zat, KOI /3ap/3apto - fi'' eSet -yap flnflv xaipa>" It may have been duty to say x at P w i but we would rather put the obligation on fctfag? than on the reason or principle assigned, " avrb yap TO ^at'pw avroirades ov irpovcpriprraafv avrov T& This is not confined in its scope to the present; XctAao) Xapfio/J.ai. 697 and so should la.rba.rise icfxcpw^rat in the Odyssee, because Kfxaprja-efjiev occurs in the Iliad. XdXau To loosen, Aesch. Eum. 219; Soph. O. R. 1266; Hip- pocr. 7, 472. 494 ; Xen. Eq. 5, 4, Epic 3 pi. -X(Wi Opp. Hal. 2, 451; subj. xoXw" Ar. Lys. 310: imp. e'^aXa Hippocr. 3, 43 8 - 5> 39 8: fa*- xaXa Hippocr. 2, 36. 5, 436 (Lit.); Plut. Mor. 321 : aor. e^aXao-a Hippocr. 5, 258. 390; PI. Soph. 242, -ao-o-a Horn. H. i, 6 ; Opp. C. 3, 124, xXao- jr un Cycl. 55; Ar. Lys. 419. Thesra. 1003; PI. Men. 86; Ael. Epist. 15; ^akaaas Horn. H. 27, 12; (PI.) Locr. 104, Dor. -dais Find. P. i, 6 : p. /ce^aXara Hippocr. 5, 394 (Lit.): p. p. cex" Xa PL Phaed. 116 (Bekk. Stallb.) ; Luc. Tim. 37 : aor. fxd\inijva Dio Cass. 44, 9; xaXe7njj/fl II. 1 6, 386; -irtjvas Isocr. 4, io2 ; Aristot. Polit. 5, 42; -Trfjvai H. 1 8, 1 08 : (perf. ?) : aor. pass. fxaXcirdvdr) Xen. An. 4, 6, 2 ; subj. -Travdr/s Cyr. 3, i, 38 : pres. pass. xaXeTraiWa&u Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, 18 ; PI. Rep. 337. This verb seems not to occur in Tragedy, and once only in Comedy. XakSavw To contain (yaa>, ^ew, x"^ w )> Ar. Ran. 260 (chor.) ; Hippocr. 8, 182 (Lit.): imp. f'xdvdavov Od. 17, 344; Theocr. !3 57> X^ 8 - II- 23, 742: fut. xf'-M ai Od. 18, 17; H. Ven. 252 : p. jce'^ai/Sa as pres. -^ai/Sir II. 23, 268. Od. 4, 96 : pip. KexdvSft II. 24, 192 : 2 aor. e^aSo^ II. 4, 24, xaSf u, 462 ; Anth. 7, 4; x a &f" II. 14, 34; Hippocr. 7, 482 (Lit.) Poetic, espe- cially Epic, occasionally Ionic prose. Xapto/juu To gratify (Dep. mid.), II. 13, 633; Archil. 75; Simon. Am. 7, 92; Eur. Fr. 31 (Dind.); Her. 6, 130; Thuc. 3, 37 ; PI. Rep. 351 ; -i&vdai Soph. El. 331 ; Com. Fr. (Theop.) 2, 803; Antiph. 4, y, 2; -opfvos Lys. 20, 31 : imp. exop^W Her. i, 33; PI. Tim. 20, x a P'~ Od. i, 61: fut. ^apiou/im Ar. Thesm. 756; Her. i, 90; Thuc. 3, 40; Xen. An. 7, 6, 2; -lolnrjv Ar. Eq. 776; -leur&w Her. i, 158. 3, 39; Antiph. 5. 32; Thuc. 8, 65 ; -iovfj.vos Isocr. 8, 15, late -uro/^at Sopat. Rhet. p. 332 ; Diod. Sic. Fr. p. 179 (Bekk. -wv/wu Dind. p. 157); 698 Xaovew. Pseud.-Callisth. 2, 19; Galen 15, 13; N. T. Rom. 8, 32, Dor. -i|>? Archyt. Epist. 2, -ii6pf0a Cret. Tit. 3048 : aor. exapKra^v AT. Eq. 1368; Her. i, 91 ; Dem. 21, 91 ; -lo-a/zcu Ar. Thesm. 939 ; PL Men. 75 ; Xen. An. 2, i, 10, Dor. xP ! Theocr. 5, 71 ; -taaifjLTjv II. 6, 49. ii, 134 ; PI. Menex. 236 ; x"/ 310 " 01 ^ ur - Elec. 192 if sound (Vulg. Kirchh. Paley); Ar. Thesm. 938; PI. Rep. 457; -tVaoAu Od. 13, 15; Aesch. Pers. 700; Xen. Cyr. 3) 3, I. 6, I, 38; -urd/jifvos Thuc. 4, 20 : p. Kfxapurpat, -i(rat Ar. Eccl. 1045, -torat Eq. 54 ; imper. Kfxapi called pass. PL Phaedr. 250; Kfxapia-dai Xen. Mem. 3, n, 10 ; Isocr. 19, 38; KfXaptoyxeVoy, 17, ov, usu. as adjective, pleasing, acceptable, II. 5, 243. Od. 2, 54; Eur. H. F. 892 (chor.) ; Ar. Pax 386 (chor.); Her. 3, 119 ; Isocr. 2, 48 ; PI. Soph. 218 : pip. xap(rro Od. 6, 23, iufxapurro impers. and called pass. Her. 8, 5 : aor. late, xapurdfjvai N. T. Act. 3, 14; -ladeis i Cor. 2, 12: late also fut. x a P l < r 6fa l uu N. T. Philem. 22. Vb. x a P lv Solon 13, 36 (Bergk); Hippocr. 4, 144, ava- Ar. Av. 502, and x a ' iva> ^ e in pres. Anth. 9, 797. n, 242; Dioscor. 3, 127; Geop. 10, 30, irfpi- Ael. H. A. 3, 20, ri- Luc. D. Mort. 6, 3 (Bekk. Dind. -xeip&> Ms. A. Fritz.) : imp. e^ao-ic- Hippocr. 5, 194, ap.(j>- Aesch. Ch. 545: fut. mid. x av vps II. 16, 409; Simon. Am. 7, no; Ar. Vesp. 617; PL Rep. 529: pip. (Kfxqvfiv Luc. Merc. Con. 3, Dor. and old Attic '^xw Ar. Ach. 10 : 2 aor. (\avov Ar. Fr. 319 (D); Hippocr. 7, 534, J 82. 8, 150; Hippocr. i, 70 (Erm.); x av > v H- 16, 350. Od. 12, 350; Soph. Fr. 449 (Suid.); Com. Fr. (Eub.) 3, 212; Hippocr. 4, 142 (Lit.); Aristot. Probl. 26, 48, 2 ; Luc. Peregr. 21 ; x avf ~ iv Soph. Aj. 1227 ; Ar. Vesp. 342 ; Luc. Sump. 28, -tfiv Hippocr. 4, 142. This verb is scarcely used in classic prose ; often in late, espe- cially 2 p. and 2 aor. Alciphr. i, 8; Plut. Mor. 48. 967; Luc. Icar. 3. Pise. 34. V. H. 2, i ; Strab. 14, 2, 5. For tnovax^rcu. H. Ven. 252, Buttm. would read oro'/za xw*, an d assign xw frat to this verb as another form of the fut.; and for subj. aor. Xarect) Xetpooa. 699 Hippocr. i, 475. 3, 12 (Kiihn), Lobeck would sub- stitute fut. -xavflrai, and Littrd adopts it (8, 498.) XoiTe'w To wish, want, Poet, and confined by Lexicons to pres. Karats Anth. 7, 583, -eWi Od. 15, 376; Ap. Rh. 4, 1557; -f'axri 2, 316 ; -ecav II. 15, 399 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 584; Mosch. 3, 114; Anth. 7, 585 : but imp. iter. x^* Nonn. 4, 56. The collat. xariCo) is confined to pres. and chiefly Epic, -rifcts II. 2, 225, -riff i 18, 392 ; Find. Ol. 2, 86 ; -n'W II. 17, 221. Od. 22, 50 ; Hes. Op. 2 1 ; Eur. Heracl. 465 (trimet.) Pass. xcm' 558 (Lit. 2, 445 Erm.) without v. r. Xe'u> Alvum exonero (x'S-), Com. Poet. Ar. Eq. 70 ; but Artemidor. Onir. 4, 33 ; Hierocl. 250 (Eberh.) : fut. (x'<, -vtw Anth. 7, 683?): xeVo/Liai, Kara- rare Ar. Fr. 207, usu. xeo-oO^ai Ar. Pax 1235. Vesp. 941, em- Lys. 440. 441 : 1 aor. ex tcra > Kar ~ Ar. Nub. 174; x o" at /"> y Eccl. 347; x f x* ffM 808; Com. Fr. (Strait.) 2, 783 : 2 aor. fx f *<""- Com. Fr. (Ale.) 2, 826; subj. xeV Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 519 may belong to either aor., probably to the ist ; x f. To handle, treat (x f tp), rare in act. Ar. Vesp. 443 ; Ael. H. A. 17, 32 (old edit.) Usu. mid. x ft P^ al to g et tn ^> under one's hand, subdue, Aesch. Ch. 694; Soph. Tr. 279; Her. 2, 70; Xen. Ages. 2, 31; PI. Soph. 219, sometimes passively to be subdued, Aesch. Pr. 353 ; Eur. Elec. 1168 ; Ar. Vesp. 439 &c.: imp. f'xfipovMv Soph. O. C. 950, -ovvro Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 26, but pass. Diod. Sic. 16, 20 : fut. xpo>o-o/u Soph. Tr. 1109; Eur. H. F. 570; Thuc. i, 122 ; PI. Soph. 222 ; Dio. Hal. Ant. i, 47: aor. (xapoxra^v Her. i, 169; Thuc. 3, u ; PL Menex. 7OO XepviTTTOfJiai Xe'w. 240; -a>pai Her. 4, 103; Thuc. 3, 46; -axraa-dai Her. 5, 31 J Thuc. 4, 24 &c. : as mid. p.p. Kfx f ' l P w# Her. 5, 16; Thuc. 3, 39; -wddft> 4, 19 ; -<*6eis Soph. O. C. 903; Her. 5, 17 ; -(odfjvai Her. 3, 120; Thuc. 8, 71 : fut. x f ip>0w f Tai (Dem.) 11, 5. XepyiTTTOfAcu To wash one's hands before a sacred duty, dedicate &c. Ar. Pax 961 : fut. x f p v tyoiwi Eur. I. T. 622 : aor. fxepvfyaTo Lys. 6, 52, \fpvfy- II. i, 449 : pass. aor. x f P vl see below), mostly Poetic in simple, II. 16, 385; Hes. Op. 421; Aesch. Supp. 1026; Soph. El. 84; Eur. Cycl. 405; late prose, Apocr. Sir. 43, 19, but Kara- Her. 3, 96, eV- 4, 195, ey- Xen. Cyr. i, 3, 8 ; Epic x' Hes. Th. 83, ey- Od. 9, 10, and perhaps late x 6 ^, ~ ely Nonn. 18, 344, -et Q. Sm. i, 301; but imper. ey-x euf if correct, Alcae. 33 (Ahr. -X" 41 Bergk), xV 480; Theocr. 7, 82, (Xff, far- Ar. Nub. 74, e ^ like pres., Supp. 773 (Nauck, Kirchh. -x< Dind. by oversight), em-x^s Ar. Pax 169, y- Dem. 19, 213; rrapa-xfov Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 637, late as some call it, x e > e> *- V. T.Joel 2, 28, xi Malach. 3, 3, Epic x f ^ a Od. 2, 222, -ofiev II. 7, 336, if not aor. subj.: aor. e^ea II. 18, 347; Pind. I. 8, 59 (Schmid, Bergk), eV- Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 282, e'- Ar. Thesm. 554; Arr. An. 2, 19; subj. x'a> Soph. O. C. 478? Eur. Cycl. 329, ey- Ar. Ach. 1068; x e ' a 'M l > e V" I0 55> X e ' OJ/ 5 e V Eur. Cycl. 568; Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 282, aVo- Hippocr. 2, 518 (Lit.), ey- XfoYa) Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 6; Xen. Conv. 2, 23; ey-xfas Epicharm. 61 ; Com. Fr. (Amips.) 2, 701 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 3, 9 ; PL Conv. 214, Trapa- Hippocr. 7, 238; x e ' a >"M0 l - Hes. Opp. 65, 2 7- 4> 269; Archil. 103 ; Timoth. 5 (B.), x f ^ a II. 14, 436. Od. 24, 81 ; subj. x e vn H- J 4- 16$, x f v (0a ' lv U- 7> ^6; X*vov Alcae. 42, -dro) 36, x fv &vru>v Od. 4, 214; x f ^ ay II- 2 3> 2 57- Od. 12, 14; inf. x f vai. II. 23, 45. Od. II, 75 &C., late exeva-a, Xfvaas Anth. 14, 124, Trepi- Diod. Sic. 2, 15 (Vulg. but -xeat Bekk. Dind.) : p. K^VKU, - Anth. Plan. 242, o-vy- Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 294, irpovvy- Polyb. 5, 84: p. p. Kfx^fj-ai II. 5, 141 ; Simon. C. 89 ; Pind. I. i, 4 ; Soph. Tr. 853 ; Her. i, 22. 4, 7 ; PL Tim. 66; Arist. Probl. 4, 32, eVc- PL Crito 49, o-vy- (Dem.) 25, 25 Xew. 7OI in arsi, Or. Sib. i, 139, -VVTM Mein.), Ionic 3 pi. Kara- Her. 2, 75 : pip. exvi>To Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 299 ; Theocr. 7, 145, Kf'xv- II. 20, 421. Od. 19, 539; Theocr. 20, 23: aor. fxv6r)v Ap. Rh. 3, 1009 ; in tmesi Emped. 273 ; Theocr. 22, 125, an.- Od. 4, 716, <'- Ar. Vesp. 1469, KQT- PL Soph. 264 ; xudij Eur. Or. 1398; Hippocr. 2, 386 (Erm.); x^ ei/l ? Od. 19, 590; xutfa's Soph. Ph. 293; Eur. Elec. 486. 514, dpfa- II. 23, 63; (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 366, n- Her. 2, 141, - 3, 13, wept- Pi. Tim. 60: flit. x v 0*i' o n tu Joseph. Ant. 8, 8, 5, erv-y- Dem. 23, 62, c- Luc. Tim. 18 : (2 aor. e'xvi/, e^v^ Hesych.) Mid. x/o/uu trans. /0wr oneself, stream, Od. 10, 518 ; Eur. Or. 472 ; PL Tim. 83, Epic x* x fV f JLfVOS Q- Sm. 2, 222 : imp. e'xeWo, II. 16, 267 ; Mosch. 4, 57, a/*<- Od. 22, 498, eV- Theocr. 2, 152, x f ' WTO II- 8, 159, irpo-xe- II. 2, 465 : flit. Attic (^eo/xat) X^ofjifvov Isae. 6, 51 : 1 aor. Ixfa^v rare in prose, Her. 7, 43, eV- Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 45 ; x*/*^ * e 'y~ Xen. Conv. 2, 26 ; x eai II. 19, 284. Od. 8, 527 ; occas. in Trag. Aesch. Ch. 401 (chor.), x'V 6 " " Eum. 263 (chor.); Eur. Heracl. 75 (chor.): so (K/XU/ZCH), Kexvro spread &c. II. 5, 696. 1 6, 344; Kfxvfjifvos Eur. Bac. 456. Desider. x f(Tf ' ia > Ar. Nub. 296. Vb. x v s U- 6, 464; PL Tim. 59, fy-xvTtov Dioscor. 5, 103; Geop. 6, 7. In late recensions of the Iliad and Od. the flit, and aor. with ; but strangely enough, x Varw not x fvcr ~ 2 9> 3J Ahrens, and now Bergk x ^ v , x fU T&) - X^ w > X^ v Ar. Av. 210 (Vulg.), \vaov has been substituted from Ms. V (Bekk. Dind. Bergk) ; so also dno-xvcraiva Hippocr. 8, 200 (Vulg.) has given way to airo-xeai (Mss. C 6, Lit.) ; and ey-xw6fievov Luc. pro Imag. 29 (Solan.) is now eK-Kexvpevov (Ms. A. Jacob, ey- Dind.) Buttm. says a pres. x> does not occur in Epic diction, as x 6 "" satisfies the metre. It certainly occurs in late Epic, x e ^ fls Nonn. D. 18, 344, x f ^ v Opp. Cyn. 2, 127, tK-xeverov Nicand. Fr. 74, 34 &c. Eur. Elec. 181 chor. (Mss. Vulg.) has been altered to (Pors. Dind.), i/v^va (Herm. Kirchh. Nauck.) Mid. Hes. Op. 583, airo- Eur. Ion. 148 (chor.) 1 aor. and flit, pass, regularly formed from x/co, ->, occur late, x f ^ f ' is Galen i, 433 ; Phil, de Plant. 254, even Aristot. irapa-x^fi if correct, Probl. 20, 35 (Bekk.): x f ^W fTai Galen 7, 317, - Arr. Epict. 4, 10, 26, 8ia- Themist. Paraphr. 4, 9 (Spengel.) The Epics seem not to have contracted e of this verb, x f ' fl - H- 9, 15. Od. 19, 521 ; Hes. Sc. 396. Op. 421, irpo-x^v II. 21, 219; the Attics always, Vx Soph. El. 1291, 0-1/7- Eur I. A. 37, Soph. O. C. 478, x ^ v E " r - Cycl. 405, ey-xea> Eur. Cycl. 568; Ar. Ach. 1068, *<- Soph. Ph. 13, nor eo (except fy-xtvira Theocr. 10, 54) x^ ov II. 7, 4o, irap-exov Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 445, ey- X eov Eur. Cycl. 568 ; Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 282; Ar. Eq. 122, x^ ovra Od. 4, 556, II. 7, 426; Soph. El. 84, tK- Ar. Ach. 6 1 6, eVt- PL Rep. 407, eVi-xe'oi Xen. An. 4, 5, 27, xeova-a II. 3, 142; Eur. Tr. 38, e'y- Antiph. i, 19, x e ' ou(7t Aesch. Supp. 1028, ey-xeova-i Xen. Cyr. I, 3, 8, Kara-xtova-i PL Leg. 8oo. We feel therefore some misgivings about admitting Cobet's emendation tyxov Com. Fr. (Menand.) 4, 153, for efyou (Vulg. tyx fl Piers. Meinek.) It would appear from s Find. Ol. 9, i ; -d*ovras P. 4, 179 ; inf. Kex^Sfw Fr. 57 (Bergk) for -a&e'i/ai, Hesych. has Kf^Xj/Se'i/ai, ^o^nv. XXicufu 70 warm, Soph. Epigr. 4 (Bergk); Hippocr. 7, 180. 238 (Lit.) ; Plut. Mor. 952 : fut. xXiai/w Ar. Lys. 386 : aor. To enrage (xi/ late prose, Stob. (Nicostr.) 70, 12 : fut. -axrco, Epic inf. -uxTtfJifv II. I, 78: aor. e'xoAoxra II. 1 8, in ;,-Soph. Tr. 1035 reg. Mid. and pass. xXoi)/ii to be en- raged, II. 8, 407; Plut. Mor. 461, late Epic x^ fTal Nonn. 5, 447; opt. xoXwro for -OOITO, Theogn. 325 (Bergk); -ovpfvos Archil. 95, late Epic xoX&>o>- Nonn. 4, 169. 5, 437 ; Anth. Plan. 4, 128 : fut. xXo>cro//cu Eur. Tr. 730 ; hither some refer xoXwo-eai II. 14, 310, others to subj. aor. : in Horn, redupl. /ce^oXwo-o/iai as mid. II. i, 139. 5, 421. Od. 15, 214: aor. e'^oXtoo-a/^i' II. 15, 155, XoXuo- 21, 136; Epic SUbj. xoXwo-fai, for -rjai, II. 14, 310; Ap. Rh. i, 1332, see fut.; xoXaxnuro Od. 6, 147; -o-a/^or II. 23, 482; Callim. Pall. 79; Ap. Rh. 4, 1138: aor. pass, as mid. fXo\o}0r]v II. 13, 206; xoX&>0- 13, 660; Callim. Del. 86; -a>6fjs II. 9, 33 ; -6r)vai Hippocr. 7, 494 (Lit. 2, 495 Erm.); xoXw&ts II. 23, 23; Pind..Ol. 7, 30; Soph. Ph. 374; Eur. Ale. 5 (late prose Diod. Sic. 3, 67): p.p. KexoXw/iai as mid. Od. i, 69; -60/*eW II. 13, 203 ; Her. 8, 31; Plut. Mor. 195. Fab. M. 22. Marcell. 21 : pip. Kf^oXcopji/ u. I 6 ) 585, 3 pi. -&>aro Od. 14, 282. Vb. xXwTo'y II. 4, 241 ; Luc. Lex. 20 (Jacob.) This verb is Poet. (Attic, only aor. act. and pass, and fut. mid.) and occas. in Ionic and late prose. The redupl. fut. KexoXd>o-o/ncu is freq., some say the only form in Horn. II. 23, 543, -axreat 5, 421. 762, -wo-eTat i, 139. Od. 15, 214, with pr] TTCOS II. 20, 301. Od. 24, 544. But xXwo-fai also II. 14, 310, is fut. in form, and under the in- fluence of the same words (MJJ THOJ), is it therefore under exactly the same influence? Or is the latter a softer touch, shading off into the milder subjunctive? If so, x ^ "* 01 i n Horn, is a shortened form for -oxrrjm. Xopeuu To dance, celebrate, honour with dancing, Soph. Ant. 1154; Ar. Pax 325; Her. i, 191; PI. Leg. 665: imp. f'xop- Xen. An. 4, 7, 16: fut. xP e ^o> Eur. H. F. 871; Ar. Ran. 326; Dem. 39, 23: and -evo-o/im see mid.: aor. exopevaa Eur. H. F. 686; Ar. Ran. 356, xp fv(r - Eur. Ale. 582 (chor.): p. Kexoptvua PI. Leg. 654: p.p. Kfxopfvrat impers. Ar. Nub. 1510; Plut. Mor. 704 Xow 792 : aor. exopevdqv Eur. H. F. 879 ; PI. Leg. 655. Mid. xopevofjifvai as act. Eur. Ion 1084 : fut. ^ope^ao/nm Aesch. Ag. 31 (Theophr. Fr. 83 Wimm.): aor. f^opfva-dfj.^ AT. Thesm. 103, '- Eur. Hel. 381. Vb. xp f ^ v Eur. Bac. 324. The mid. seems to be almost confined to Attic poetry. X6u To heap up, Her. 4, 71 ; inf. xw Her. 2, 137 ; Thuc. 2, 76; PL Leg. 958 (Mss. Bekk. &c. x (OVV ^ vat Vulg.); X s *" Her. 1, 162, also x wv '^ & > late Polyb. i, 47. 10, 28 ; Geop. 5, 44, 777300-- Theophr. H. P. 2, 5, 5, and x<*> v l"- Arr. An. 2, 18, 3. 2, 18, 6 ; Nic. Damasc. 52 (L. Bind.); Galen 16, 507 : imp. ex ovv Thuc. 2, 75, ex*"* Ctes. Fr. 29, 26 (Mull.) ; App. Mithr. 78 ; Arr. An. i, 20, 8. 4, 29, 7; Diod. Sic. 14, 49, eVr- 13, 107, but (x^ vv ^ ffav Dio Cass. 66, 4, a?r- Plut. Phoc. u : fut. ^wo-w Ar. Ach. 295 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, u; -o-owa Soph. Ant. 81 : aor. e^wo-a (Dem.) 25, 84; Arr. 4, 30, I ; x<*>< Eur. Or. 1585; x^ov I. T. 702; x^am Her. 9, 85; ^wo-as 2, 140; Soph. Ant. 1204; PI. Leg. 947 : p. mjpuea, -rrpo-Kex^^fvai Aristot. Mirab. 81 ; ava-Kex^xorfs Dem. 55 28, Trpoa-- Strab. 6, 2, 10: p.p. K^^^I Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 679 ; Thuc. 2, 102; Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 16, <-Vc- Her. 2, 138, eru-y- 8, 144: aor. ex^frdrjv Emped. 303; Her. 2, 137; Xen. Cyr. 7, 3, 16: fut. x^o-^oficu Eur. I. A. 1443 ; Polyb. 4, 42. Mid. late, aor. fXuadpTjv Luc. D. Deor. 14; x^ ffa ^ at Philostr. Apoll. 4, 147; Xco0-a/V7 Or. Sib. 5, 320, missed by Lexicogr. Vb. ^WTO'S Eur. Rhes. 414. The forms -v/it, -vco seem to be late, see above ; and App. Mithr. 78; Joseph. Jud. B. 3, 7, 8; XWI/WO-AU Polyb. 4, 40, 4; x Strab. 7, 5, 8 ; fxvwTo Arr. An. 2, 18, 4. Xpaio-fAe'w 7b help, ward off, Epic, pres. late and rare, Nic. Ther. 914: fut. xpawpw H- 2 > 296; Epic inf. -^o-e'/if" H- 21, 316: 1 aor. xP a ' i(r t iJ l crtv H l6, 8375 inf. ^pat subj. xpnlvpn !5) 3 2 -??o-i ii, 387; opt. -/xot 3, 54 (Bekk. Doederl. -/xi; Vulg. Spitzn. Dind. Ameis); xP a ' lcr ^ fTe Ap. Rh. 2, 218; xP aLy f-^ v ^- 2I > J 93> Ap. Rh. 2, 249. 3, 643. XpaofAai To use, -pu Ar. Eq. 889 ; Isocr. 4, 143 ; Isae. 6, i, Ion. -eofiai? XPTI Com. Fr. (Alexand.) 4, 553; PL Hipp. min. 369, -TJTCU Aesch. Ag. 953; Ar. Vesp. 1028; Andoc. 4, 27; Xen. Conv. 2, 5, Ion. -arai Her. i, 132. 2, 95- &c. (Bekk. Gaisf. Stein), and if correct, -eerai 4, 50, Sta- i, 58 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. -arat Lhard. Bred. Stein), XPW^ ^- Lach. 194 &c., -a>vrai Antiph. 5, 17; Thuc. i, 70, Ion. -fovrai Her. i, 34 (Bekk. Gaisf. Dind.), -fairm i, 173. 4, 108 (Bekk. Gaisf. Stein); opt. xPV Isocr. 5, 68; imper. XP& Ar. Thesm. 212 ; Isocr. i, 34, Ion. XP /W Her. J J 55, XP* (Schaef. Stein, -o Dietsch, Abicht); Hippocr. 2, 516, -ijffde Andoc. i, ii ; inf. xpijo-&u Soph. Ant. 213; Ar. Av. 75 1040; Antiph. 4,7, g. 5, 64; Andoc. 3, 2; Isae. 3, 22, Ion. -ao-flut Her. 2, 15. 3, 20. 4, 76. 5, 36 &c.(Bekk. Gaisf. Stein); and late, Plut. Mor. 149; Paus. 2, 28, 3, and -o-0 Hippocr. i, 253 (Erm.); Her. i, 21. 187 (Bekk. Gaisf.), still occas. -yo-dai i, 47 (Bekk. Gaisf.). 7, 10. 16. 18 (Bekk. Gaisf. Bind, -aadai Stein); xpuptvos Simon. C. 95 ; Aesch. Eum. 655 ; Antiph. 4, 8, 2 ; Thuc. i, 132, Ion. -tofjtevos Her. 2, 108 (Bekk. Gaisf.), -eu^evos (Lhard. Stein &c.); rare in Horn. II. 23, 834, see perf.: imp. f'xpunr}i> Isocr. 15, 96, XP Andoc. i, 49, X p^o Antiph. 5, 33; Isae. i, 30; PI. Prot. 315, Ion. -5 Her. 3, 3. 4, 44 &c., -U>VTO Antiph. 6, 28 ; PI. Rep. 406, -eovro Her. 2, 108. 6, 46 (Bekk. Gaisf. Dind.), and -eWro 3, 57/"5, 68 (Bekk. Gaisf. Stein) : fut. xPWP ai Soph. Ph. 1133; Eur. Ion 444 ; Ar. Pax 230; Her. 8, 85; Antiph. 5, 36; Lys. 14, 4; PI. Rep. 451, Dor. xpw f ^ Tal > ^ ta ~ Theocr. 15, 54 : aor. exprja-a^v Soph. O. R. 117 ; Ar. Nub. 22; Her. 8, 112; Antiph. 5, 83; Thuc. 5, 7; Lys. 13, 44; Isocr. 16, 12; -trdpevos Find. N. 4, 58; Antiph. 4, y, 4 : p. p. ntxP r )P- M usu - trans. Od. 3, 266 ; Eur. Med. 347; Her. i, 42; Antiph. 3, ft, 8; PI. Men. 72; Isocr. n, 33; Dem. 22, 54, Kara- PI, Crat. 426 (Epist. 8, 353 C); Dem. 35, 44 ; but pass. Com. Fr. (Amph.) 3, 306 ; Isocr. 4, 74, irpoKara- Dem. 19, 154, in poetry, also to need, long for, Ktxpw al Eur. I. A. 382, -rjiJif6a Med. 334, -rja-df Theocr. 26, 18; Kfxprja-dat Lys. 25, 15; Kexpip-fvos II. 19, 262. Od. i, 13; Emped. 361 (Stein); Soph. Ph. 1264 ; Eur. Ion 1199; needy, poor, Od. 14, 155; Hes. Op. 317 : pip. fKexpwyv, Dem. 19, 225, -xpi Lycurg. 42, xexprjro Od. 3, 266: aor. exPW^ r l v pass. Her. 7, 144; xPW^n Dem. 21, 16; jcara-xp?; 0-0/7 i> XPTI, XPn, XPfafc, XPW^ al > *XP*} TO , PI- Hipp. min. 369; Soph. O. R. 878. Tr. 906; Eur. Hipp. 107; Ar. Eq. 124; Thuc. i, 68. 6, 92; PI. Lach. 194, but f'xparo Anaxipp. Com. Fr. 4, 459; so late, Paus. &c., and usu. in Ion. xP" rat > XP""&"> xP" "^? f'xparo &c. Her. i, 132. 3, 20. 2, 123. 3, 3 &c. &c., rarely xpn^ al 7, 18, ara- 3, 36 (Bekk. Gaisf. Dind. -aadai Lhard. Bred. Stein), f'xpn TO 3,41. 129 (Bekk. Gaisf.), -Sro (Lhard. Bred. Stein.) Indeed Lhardy and Bredow would write uniformly with a as the true Ionic form ; and Mss. as well as analogy seem to favour them, see opfiarat Her. 2, 33, (nrarai 9, 107, Kar-oparai 2, 138 &C. &C. Buttmann's assertion that Her. contracts at into 9 if t precede, is z z 706 rather strong, for dvfuffrai 4, 75, quoted as an instance, is opposed by dvfjuarai (Mss. S V), and /Siarcu 3, 80 without V. r., eVatriarai 2, 121, v. r. -aadai, -avai, not 170--. From the formation in -copai, xpierai Her. 4, 5> & u ~ r 5^, -fovrai I, 34, -teuQai I, 21, dnexpffTo 8, 14, (xpfovro 2, 108; SO Hippocr. -eofjLfda 7, 224 (Lit.); imper. xp 2, 520, p. r. -eo> (Mss. A G), -' 7, 246. 288, -e'eadai 7, 168. 176 &c. ; -fopevos 2, io8 (Bekk.), see below: for to often -eo>, as XP* 6 ** Her. i, 94. 132. 2, 86 &c. (Vulg. Bekk. Gaisf. -t'ovrai Schaef. Dind. Bred.), fxpewro i, 53. 3, 57. 5, 114 &c. (Vulg. Bekk. Gaisf. Stein, -eomo Schaef. Dind. Bred.), especially part, xp/*" * i 203. 2, 15. 3, 77. 4, 96. 5, 9 &c. (Schaef. Bekk. Gaisf. Dind. Stein, -foptvos Bred. Abicht); so Horn. XP*>P~ II- 2 3> 834, imper. XP Her. i, 155 (XP> Schaef. Stein ; so Hippocr. 2, 520 Lit., o. r. -eo> Mss. A G). In this verb Lhardy condemns the forms in ee, o, and maintains those in 5, eo), to be genuine Ionic. (Xpauu) To scratch, graze (prop. xp^Fa> Aeol. for xpaa>), imp. fXP aVf > "- Her. 6, 75 : in simple only subj. 1 aor. xP a ^n H- 5> 138 ; and part, xpavvavra Q. Sm. n, 76. Xpoiu To give what is asked for, utter an oracle, xpas Her. 4, 155, Attic xpn s Soph. Aj. 1373 (Dind.), see Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 87, Xpa Her. i, 62. 5, 43 ; Luc. D. Mort. 3, 2, Attic xpfl Soph. El. 35 (D.) &c. ; XP" Her. 8, 135; Luc. Alex. 19; Ionic part, xpewi/ H. Hym. 2, 75, -eovo-a Her. 7, in, Epic xf e>i(av Od. 8, 79; H. Hym. 2, 215 : imp. e^P" " Pind. Ol. 7, 92, -eov (Momms.); Ap. Rh. 2, 454, txpa Luc. Alex. 22, txPi Tyrtae. 3, 3; Hermes. 2, 89 (Schn.); Ap. Rh. i, 302, e|- Soph. O. C. 87 : fut. xpv Horn. H. i, 132; Aesch. Ag. 1083; Her. i, 19: aor. e'xp'jo'a Aesch. Eum. 203; Eur. Ion 682; Ar. Vesp. 159; Her. 4, 156; Thuc. i, 134, XPW Pind. P. 4, 6: p. *fxPl Ka Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 205 ; Theoph. Epist. 35 : pip. Kexp^ei App. Civ. 2, 29 : p. p. Kexprja-nai, -r] *35> but XP^da* i 47 ( M SS. Bekk.), -eWftu (Dind.), -ao-&u (Lhard. Stein, Gaisf. in note.) (Xpdw) To press, attack, Epic, and only imp. or perhaps aor. ?XP II. 21, 369. Od. 5, 396 ; Anth. 5, 297, cxp&r Od. 21, 69, f\pcuv, (ir- II. 1 6, 352. 356. Od. 2, 50: unless p.p. jyvcxPffM** Her. 7, 145 belong to this, for which Bredow (p. 343) would read eyKfxpt-p-evos. Xpdw 70 /), impers. (unless be referred hither Xp^Oa Ar. Ach. 778, xPW* v Theogn. 806 (Bergk 3 ed. xP*l 4 ed.), II. i, 216; Aesch. Pr. 721; Soph. O. R. 235; Ar. Eq. 16 ; Her. i, 32; Thuc. i, 10 ; PL Conv. 190, Ion. xp?t OTTO- Her. 9, 79, Kara- i, 164: imp. e'xp^ Pind. N. 7, 44; Aesch. Ch. 907 ; Soph. Fr. 94 (D); Ar. Ran. 152 ; Antiph. i, r ; Thuc. 6, 57; PL Prot. 335. Leg. 631 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, i, i, Ion expo, an-- Her. i, 66, Kar- 7, 70, oftener xp^" Pind. Fr. 100, i ; Soph. El. 529. 579. Tr. 1133 ; Ar. Ach. 540. Eq. 535. N. 371. J 359; Thuc. 3, 63; PL Conv. 181. Apol. 17; Isocr. 4, 176 (not fxprj nor exP 7 ?"* except in comp.); subj. xpfi Soph. Ph. 999; opt. xp"? Aesch. Pr. 213; Soph. Tr. 162 ; PL Rep. 394 ; inf. xp^at Ar. Eccl. 210 ; Antiph. 5, 84 ; Thuc. 8, 78; Xen. Athen. 3, 6, and poetic TO xp*?" Eur. Hec. 260 (Pors. Herm. Dind. Nauck). H. F. 828 (Dind. Paley, TO xp^" Matth. Pflugk, TO XP*) Nauck), Ion. XP"> wro- Her. 6, 137. 9, 94; part. xp f <* v indecl. Aesch. Pr. 772; Ar. Eq. 138; Thuc. 6, 18, TOO xp f ^ v Eur. Hipp. 1256. H. F. 21, T< xpew" 7rdo- Eur. Fr. 503, 2 (Dind.), (Is TO p.f] xpsw" 494, 3 ' fut. XPn i n Her. some edit, have XP* OV 5> 49- 109 (Gaisf. Stein), -&>i/ always (Bekk. Dind. &c.) XpT)ci> To want, wish, ask, Aesch. Pr. 374; Soph. O. C. 574. O. R. 91 ; Ar. Nub. 891 ; Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 22; -fav Thuc. 3, 109, Ion. XP& Od. 17, 558; Her. i, 41. 5, 19; -ifav II. n, 835. Od. 17, 121 ; Phocyl. 7; Aesch. Ch. 815 (chor.), Dor. xpr) 2O (Gaisf.), -rjla-as (Bekk. Kriig. Dind. Stein) ; so 7, 38 (Bekk. Kriig. Stein), where however Dind. perhaps by oversight reads xpn ffas (Gaisf.) Bekker seems to have restored the Ionic form everywhere in Her. except fut. xp?? """ 7> 38. xp^ovo-t Hippocr. 2, 814 (Kiihn) seems a mistake for pres: xp^f 01 " 71 8, 310 (Lit.) This verb has occa- sionally the signif. of xP 1 * * t give an oracular response, Eur. Hel. 516. W. Dind. says that xP27f ety > XPflf" are sometimes shortened to xpn*> XPti Soph. Aj. 1373. Ant. 887, see XP^ A collat. form Xpyto-KovTo occurs Her. 3, 117 (Bekk. -ovrai Port. Stein.) Xpiu To anoint, sling, xpt Aesch. Pr. 567; Soph. Tr. 832; Hippocr. 8, 368; Luc. Anach. 24, eVt-xprwi/ Od. 21, 179, but xpift. Anth. (Nossis) 6, 275 : imp. txP' " Soph. Tr. 675, XP'" H- 23, 1 86; Bion n, 3, iter. xp'o- Ap. Rh. 4, 871 : fut. XP''< Eur. Med. 789; Trag. Fr. (Achae.) 16; Geop. 5, 38, ey- Hip- pocr. 8, 606 : aor. exP'" a Od. 10, 364 ; Soph. Tr. 689, XP" 7 " II. 1 6, 680. Od. 4, 49; D. Sic. 4, 38; -tW Hippocr. 3, 430 (Lit.) ; Aristot. Mirab. Ausc. 6 ; xp" l(r(U Apollod. i, 9, 23 : p. Kf'xptKa V. T. i Reg. 10, i : p. p. Ke'xpio-pu Ar. Fr. 231 (Dind. 2 ed.); Hippocr. 3, 430 (Lit.); Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 22 (Vulg. Popp. -ijuaiL. Dind. Saupp.); Plut. Artax. 19 ; Luc. Trag. 296 ; Diod. Sic. 4, 38 (Bekk. -t/xai Dind.), and Kfxptpai Ar. Fr. 231 quoted (Dind. 5 ed.); Com. Fr. (Magn.) 2, 10. (Eub.) 3, 250; Callim. Dian. 69; Her. 4, 189. 195 (Xen. Cyr. quoted): pip. fKfxpiTTo Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 2 (Vulg. Popp.), -xp-o (Dind. Saupp.) : aor. e'xptVfyi/ Aesch. Pr. 675 ; Trag. Fr. (Achae.) 10; Apollod. i, 9, 23 : fut. XP^W ^ 1 V. T. Exod. 30, 32. Mid. xpi/" A? anoint oneself, or for oneself, Od. I, 262. 18, 194; Find. P. 4, 222; Her. 4, 191; Xen. Hier. i, 24: imp. e'xp- Xen. An. 4, 4, 12 ; Ael. V. H. 9, 9 : fut. xpfo-o^ai Od. 6, 220 ; Geop. 15, 7 : aor. e'xpib-a/iTp, xpros Od. 6, 96 ; Hes. Op. 523; Anacr. 9 (Bergk); Hippocr. 6, 634 ; Xen. Conv. i, 7. Vb. XP' "'* Aesch. Pr. 480, eVi-xptore'oi/ Geop. 16, 18. The aor. pass, always with a-, xpi-o-dfis ; but the perf. and pip. pass, some able scholars would, in Attic, always write without, ixpi- /ifVoy, fKe'xpIro. Even in Lucian, W. Dindorf edits Kfxpipfvos for -toyieW Saturn. 2 (Mss. Vulg. Fritzsche), ey- Peregr. 45 (Mss. Vulg. Fritzsche) ; and L. Dind. in Diod. Sic. 4, 38. i usu. in pres. and imp., always in the derivative tenses fxpi<, XP'" at > KfxpivOai for Buttmann's remark that " in the sense to sting, the t is short, expio-a, xP >l( ) Kxpr0ai," is not borne out by the usage of the poets, nor perhaps a fair inference from Phryni- chus, Ktxpf'io'dai TO VTTO e'Xcu'ou dia oKpdoyyov, TO de TTfTr\fjx^ al &<* TOV i Trairaxov. Xpoi^u To touch, colour, stain (xp a }, Poet. Eur. Heracl. 915. Mid. xPK^ al Theocr. 10, 18 (Vulg. Ahr. Fritzsche 2 ed.): others fut. xpoi^eirai Theocr. quoted (Mein. Ziegl. Fritzsche i ed.): aor. pass, (xpoufw) xpoucrdela-ai Nicand. Fr. 74, 26 (Otto Schn.) Xpcitw To touch, colour, stain (XP<*S}, Eur. Ph. 1625; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 447 ; Aristot. Mirab. Ausc. 50, later xP^wiJ/it Luc. Hist. 48, -va> Liban. : fut. xpa>o-a> Hesych. : aor. e^pwo-a Anth. Plan. 138; Aristot. Meteor. 3, i, 10; Luc. Imag. 7 : p. K/XPUKO, em- Plut. Mor. 395 : p.p. Ke^pwo-p-at Eur. Med. 497 ; Hippocr. 5, 390 (Lit.); Aristot. Meteor. 3,4, 25; Theophr. H. P. 7, 9, 2; (PI.) Tim. Locr. 101 ; Luc. Anach. 25, n- (PI.) Epist. 340: aor. xpwo-fli; Aristot. de Color. 3, 12 ; xP (aa '^ vai PI- Theaet. 156 ; xpaxrdfis Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 125 : fut. xp^^n^ 6 Galen i, 278.^9, 394. Xucw, X" u > see X G)> i, -VG>, see x" 6 ** To be enraged, grieved, Epic, dep. mid. II. 20, 29 ; imper. x> fo Od. 5, 215; -d/tei/os H. 14, 260; Hes. Th. 561 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 616, -opevT) II. 21, 413; Callim. Dian. 31 &c. : imp. X&fTo II. 21, 306; Ap. Rh. i, 492 : fut. x<< r l JLai Lycophr. 362 (-o-erat II. i, 80, seems aor. subj.) : aor. tx^a-aro II. i, 64; Bion 2, n, x&xr- H. 8, 397; Hes. Th. 554; subj. x^ ffeTat f r -I 1 " * H- 1> 80; x }pijKe, '- Dem. 41, 5 : p. p. avy-Kex^p^at PI. Phil. 15, irapa- Dio. Hal. n, 52: aor. (Tvy-x^pr]6fis Xen. Hell. 3, 2, 31; Dem. 38, 4: fut. trvy-xtop^o-op. Polyb. 15, 17; Sext Emp. 273, 6. Vb. X/i- Her. i, 189, Kara- PI. Phaed. 89 : p. p. (instead of late c^i/cr/uu or -r?/xat Pollux 4, 152, v. r. irape- ^1707*-: and aor. e^o-^x or -rjfyv, 4, 4. Mid. ^-ao/zat to rub, wipe oneself, diro-^wnfada Ar. Plut. 817; imper. dn-o^co Eq. 910; -^a/iei/os Xen. Cyr. i, 3, 5 : fut. dno- \lrf)(rop.cu Ar. Pax 1231 : aor. drr-f^rjcrdfjirjv Ar. Ran. 490, -aavro ^l- 57 2 > ^ ate ^^aadai, dno- Clem. Al. Paed. p. 100, ii. Vb. dTro--^r]KTfov Geop. 17, 20. Late, this verb contracts in a, aTTO-^af, ij/dadai DioSCOr. 4, 65. J>e'Yw To blame, Soph. O. R. 338; Ar. Nub. 1045; Hippocr. 6, 2 ; PI. Crat. 417 ; Xen. Hell. 6, 5, 51 ; Isocr. 3, i ; Aeschin. i, 136; ^e'ycoj/ Aesch. Ag. 185; Andoc. 3, 34; -yeiv Aesch. Ag. 1403; Isocr. 12, 223: imp. tyeyov Xen. Hell. 6, 5, 49: fut. Ka> PL Gorg. 518 : aor. oj/^e PI. Leg. 629 ; Aeschin. i, 156; i//-'ai/ Soph. Aj. 1130, -ev PI. Phaedr. 240; tyegai Theogn. 611 : (perf. ?) : p.p. e^rcu Hippocr. 2, 334 (Lit.) : but 2 aor. 712 tyeyrjv given by Buttm. : and 2 p. fyoya by Passow, we have never seen : pres. ^eyerm Hippocr. 6, 6 ; Thuc. 5, 86. Vb. ^fKTos PI. Crat. 416, -Ttos Plut. Mor. 27. v^euSw To deceive, act. not in Epic, rare in Comic, and prose, Soph. Ant. 389 ; Eur. Fr. 652 (Dind.) : fut. ^ev Soph. O. C. 628; Xen. Hell. 4, 4, 10. Cyr. i, 5, 13 : aor. e^fuo-a Aesch. Pers. 472 ; Soph. Aj. 1382 ; ^eiiarr) Eur. Heracl. 384 ; ^eCo-oi/ Ar. Thesm. 870; ^eCow Polyb. 17, n, n : (perf. ?): p. p. fyevarpai Her. 2, 22. 8, 40; Antiph. 3, #, i ; Thuc. 4, 108; Lys. 2, 27 ; falsely reported Dem. 52, 23 : aor. tyevvdrjv Her. 9, 61 ; Antiph. 5, 46; Thuc. 8, 103; PI. Apol. 22; Ar. Nub. 618: fut. ^ffva-6r](TO(j.ai Soph. Tr. 712 ; Galen 15, 143 : and as pass. fut. mid. ^fixronai rare, PI. Soph. 240; falsely reported Eur. An. 346 (Mss. Vulg. Nauck 2 ed. Kirchh. i ed.) : for which, 3 fut. tyevo-eTai if correct, Eur. An. 346, first suggested in the Quart. Review, vol. 5, 396, and adopted by Herm. Dind. now, Nauck i ed. Paley, Kirchh. 2 ed. for ^eixrerai (Mss. Vulg. Kirchh. i ed. Nauck 2 ed.), see below. Dep. mid. \l/fv8nfj.ai to lie, report falsely, belie, Od. 14, 125; Solon 29 ; Soph. Tr. 450; Eur. Cycl. 261 ; Ar. Plut. 571 ; Her. i, 138 ; Antiph. 5, 37 ; Isocr. 18, 57 ; PI. Euthyd. 284 ; imper. V^uSe' II. 4, 404 : imp. tyeuS- Her. i, 117 ; Antiph. 5, 37, tyevb- Theocr. 21, 22 : fut. ^vao/xat II. 10, 534; Find. Ol. 13, 52; Aesch. Eum. 615; Eur. Hel. 1626. Rhes. 189; Ar. Eccl. 568; Andoc. i, 123; Isae. 10, 9. 1 1 ; Dem. 38, 25 : aor. tyevaawv Aesch. Ag. 1208 ; Soph. O. C. 1145; Eur. Bac. 31 ; Ar. Eccl. 445; Her. 6, 32; Antiph. 5,3; PI. Leg. 663, ^fva-- Anacr. 116; -era/i^o? II. 7, 352; Thuc. 3, 43 : and as mid. p. p. tyevvp. Soph. O. R. 461 ; Thuc. 6, 17 ; Xen. An. i, 3, 10; Lys. 3, 21 : pip. e^evaro Thuc. 5, 83: and aor. tyevadrjv Soph. Ph. 1342 ? Pass, in the sense falsely reported, untruly said, p. fyewrai Dem. 52, 23: fut. mid. i//-eiWrai rare if correct, Eur. An. 346 (Mss. Vulg. Kirchh.) indicated by Person as faulty on metrical grounds, Pref. Hec. p. 40, and rejected by Herm. because " nemini non active dictum videretur " for fyfvo-cTcu because " hoc passiva significatione dici non mirum " and Paley ap- proves. We think the objections of neither decisive. The only other instance of t^evo-erat we ever met is Galen 15, 137 (Kiihn) where it is used in a mid. sense stale incorrectly, exactly as ^ffiia-frat a few lines below proving, if correct, that the later writers at least, and we are inclined to include the earlier, did not always use the fut. forms in exactly the senses assigned to them by Grammarians. >iw To reckon with (^^ot) pebbles or counters^ count, Anth. 713 (Antiph.) n, 1 68; Polyb. 5, 26; (Hippocr.) Epist. 3, 811 (Kiihn); firi-\lff} Ar. Av. 1626; Her. 9, 55; Antiph. 5, 81; Thuc. i, 86. 7, 48; Lycurg. 113: imp. eN/^t'fero Her. 7, 207, -ovro Thuc. 6, 31: fut. ^9$urrft faultily Lys. 12, 44 (some Mss. -o-aio-Qe Bekk. B. S.), -iVoirai 14, 47 (Ms. X.), -toCirat (Ms. C. Bekk. B. S. Scheib.), so Kara-^^iVeo-^e Antiph. i, 12, OTTO- 6, 10 (Mss. A N. Maetzn. -i(TfjLai Xen. Hell. i, 5, 19 ; Lycurg. 10, but pass. Xen. Apol. 27 ; Thuc. 2, 53 : pip. -to-ro Ael. V. H. 13, i : aor. -t^rjQiaOrjv always pass. PI. Rep. 299. , see ^ao>. W To breathe, cool, dry, Her. 3, 104; Isocr. 15, 287; Aesch. Pr. 692 (V^" Mein. Dind.) ; ^xovaa Soph. Fr. 400 (D) : imp. tyvxov Aesop 401 (Halm), av- II. 13, 84 ; Her. 7, 59, iter. ^^oxe, dvu- Orph. Lith. 556 : fut. ^^a> Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3> 395 > Aristot. Part. Anim. 2, 7, 19 (B): aor. e^t^a Hippocr. i, 612. 6, 100 (Lit.), av- Theogn. 1273, an- Soph. Aj. 1031 ; Com. Fr. (Diph.) 4, 402, avd-tyvov Eur. Hel. 1094 ; ^v|af 714 'lvto II. 20, 440; Hippocr. 6, 102; ^C^at, &a- Thuc. 7, 12 : p. p. t^vypat, -VKTOI Hippocr. 6, 512 (L.); -vy/*eW 7, 14 ; PI. Critias 1 20; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 440; fyv\6ai Hippocr. 7, 16 (Lit.): 1 aor. tyvx6r)v Theocr. 2, 106 ; Hippocr. 5, 218; Xen. Ven. 5, 3; PL Tim. 60. 76; Aristot. Gen. An. 4, 3, 19, av- Xen. Hell. 7, i, 19, Epic 3 pi. -tyvxdev II. 10, 575 : fut. ^vx^a-oftai Hippocr. 2, 424 (Lit), e/n- Galen i, 678: 2 aor. ty^PW """ Aesch. Fr. 102 ; PI. Phaedr. 242, av- C. Fr. 2, 706 ; i/n>x's Ar. Nub. 151 (Dind. Mein. -yeis Vulg.), and tyvyijv Galen 7, 748; (pvyjj Dioscor. i, 65, irepi- Arr. Epict. 3, 22, 460 ; ^vyds Ar. Nub. 151 (Mss. Bekk. Bergk, -^ek Dind.); Geop. 5, 38; Pseud.-Callisth. i, 41 (Meusel), dn-o- Heliod. 2, 3; ^fvyrjvai Dioscor. 3, 3 ; Galen 13, 249, Kara- Aristot. Probl. 10, 54, 4 (v, r. -VX&-) ' fat. ^vyrja-op-at Galen ii, 388 ; N. T. Matth. 24, 12, -xwofjuii (Ms. K.) Mid. in comp. intrans. tyvxfyfvos, vno- Athen. (Nicand.) 7, 48: imp. trans. f^n>x OVTO t 7r " ^- JI > 621, irap- Theocr. 13, 54 : but aor. tyvt-aa6ai (Hesych.) Vb. ^VKTOS Hesych., -reos Hippocr. 6, 126 (Lit.) An aor. form fg-f^vfrvf occurs late, Pseud.-Callisth. 3, 33, see 2, 25. To &? in travail, classic in, perhaps, pres. only, II. n, 269; Soph. Aj. 794 ; Eur. I. A. 1234. Hipp. 258; Ar. Thesm, 502; Hippocr. 5, 224 (Lit.); PI. Theaet. 148. 151. 210. Rep. 395 : imp. &8lvov V. T. Esai. 23, 4 : fut. wSti/ija-w V. T. Hab. 3, 9, . r. a>8tvw: aor. a>$lva, -Ivao-a Anth. 7, 561 ; Opp. Cyn. i, 5, and u>8ivi} seems to occur : aor. pass, -fjdrjv Aquil. Prov. 8, 25. Mid. aor. wSt^o-a/xijj' Aquil. Ps. 113, 7. 'fideu To push (W&B), Od. 3, 295 ; Soph. Aj. 1307 ; Ar. Thesm. 643; Her. 3, 81 ; PI. Leg. 899; Aeschin. 2, 86 ; Aeol. imper. adriTa Alcae. 41, 6; -Qfiv Aesch. Pr. 665: imp. in Epic and Ionic, &8eov Pind. Fr. 143 (B.), w# II. 21, 241 ; rare in Attic, Eur. I. T. 1395 ; PI. Charm. 155, -6ow Trag. Fr. p. 51 (Wagn.) (udffTo, 5t- Her. 6, 86, -OVITO Thuc. 2, 84), usu. with syllab. augm. fo>6ow H. Merc. 305 ; Ar. Pax 637 ; Xen. Cyr. 7, i, 33 ; Dem. 9 66. 53, 17, e'- Thuc. 7, 52 : fut. w^o-w Poet. Eur. Cycl. 592; Ar. Eccl. 300 (chor.), '- Soph. Aj. 1248, and & Eur. Andr. 344 (Hel. 1564 Vulg. Kirchh. i ed. o>0 2 ed. 3>6d Duport. Dind.); PI. Rep. 415 and perhaps always in Attic prose, air- Od. 15, 280; Soph. O. R. 234; Eur. Heracl. 183, e- Xen. We. 715 Cyr. 6, 4, 18; Epic inf. wo-e/nei/, cm- II. 13, 367: aor. ewo-a PI. Tim. 60, 92 ; Lys. i, 24, e'f- Soph. O. C. 1296. 1330; Thuc. 2, 90. 5, 72. 8, 105; rare in Epic, toxrav Ap. Rh. 4, 104, ewo-e in tmesi 11. 1 6, 410, d?r- Od. 9, 81, and 2>o-a usu. Epic and Ionic, U. 5, 19. 8, 336; Anth. 12, 131; Theocr. 22, 201. 25, 147; Her. 3, 78. 7, 167, but an-S>(Tf Soph. Fr. 380 ; Ep. subj. d7r-wro^ei/ II. 8, 96 ; irpmtras Luc. Asin. 9, late u&jaa Dio Cass. Fr. Vat. 207 (vol. 5, p. 190 Dind.); Ael. H. A. 13, 17; Charit. 2, 7, 7, dn-- D. Cass. 38, 28 (Bekk. -oyu, simple late wfuvos V. T. Ps. 61, 4, air-oxrpevos Her. 5, 69; so Diod. Sic. 18, 66 (Vulg. -ewo-/*- Bekk. L. Dind.): aor. in early Attic always with syllab. augm. f'axrdijv Aristot. Mechan. 24, 12, - Xen. Hell. 2, 4, 34. 4, 3, 12, but &a6i]v, '- Arr. An. 4, 25. 5, 23 ; subj. dir-oxrdfj Thuc. 5, 45 ; oxrQfis PL Tim. 60: fut. u6- Boehme, Stahl): fut. wuo/iai, an-- II. 8, 533 ; Simon. Am. 7, 101 ; Soph. El. 944; PI. Rep. 366, Si- Aesch. Fr. 196 (D); Eur. Andr. 869 ; Democr. Fr. 20 (Mull.) : late w&jo-o/uai as pass. Galen 3, 400, tSi- Eunap. 74, 29, if not fut. pass, for oxr&jo-- : aor. eWd/iqi/ Attic, Thuc. 4, 43; Ar. Vesp. 1085 (Bergk, Dind. 5 ed., dno(r- Bekk., dnaxr- Dind. 2 ed.), Si- Dem. 21, 124; &>os Thuc. 6, 70, trap- PI. Rep. 471, late eWd/ieiw, Trap- Epist. Pythag. 4 (Mss. Orell. irap-uxr- Hercher), Epic and Ionic ma-dfjajv II. 16, 592; Her. 9, 25; App. Civ. i, 64. 120, an- Ar. Vesp. 1085 quoted (Dind. 2 ed., d-neaxr- Bekk.) ; Com. Fr. (Incert.) 4, 628, and late w^o-aro, Si- Dio Cass. Fr. 18 (Bekk., 8i-eo>o- Dind.); &6rj(rdptvos, (- Sever. Rhet. p. 541. Vb. cooreor Dio Chrys., drr- Eur. H. F. 294, dn-a>aT6s Soph. Aj. 1019. a>fff0f&>) Apollinar. Ps. 117, 25. Her. always, Horn, usually neglects the syllab. augm. but eWe II. 16, 410, OTT- Od. 9, 8 1, tafai H. Merc. 305; the Attics almost always use it, but u>dfi Eur. I. A. 1395; PL Charm. 155; so Pind. fodeov Fr. 143 (Bergk), &i-u>0ovvro Thuc. 2, 84; and late authors from Polyb. onward often neglect it, irpowdow 15, 33, (TwaQovvTo 3, 74 (Bekk. Hultsch, -tad- Lud. Dind.), o>&tro Plut. Sull. 21, vGoiivTo Luc. Bis Ace. 21 ; on the other hand e-&> 716 Theodr. Prodr. i, 156, Tra/D-eao-J/xevos Epist. Pythag. 4 (Mss. Orell. Trap-wo-- Hercher). 'Qveofxai To 6uy, Hes. Op. 341 ; Eur. I. A. 1170 ; Ar. Av. 530; Her. 8, 105; Antiph. 6, 13; Xen. An. 5, 3, 7 ; -volro Aesch. Supp. 336 : imp. Attic usu. eWou/x^i/ Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 505; Ancloc. i, 134; Lys. 7, 4 (Scheibe) ; Dem. 38, 8, pass. Xen. Eq. 8, 2, Ionic act. ^vfo^v Her. i, 69. 3, 139, occas. Attic wvovfiL- if correct, Lys. 7, 4 (Mss. Bekk. B. Saupp.) ; Luc. Navig. 13 (Mss. Bekk. Fritzs.); Palaeph. 46, see below: fut. wi^o-o^ai Eur. Hec. 360 ; Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 41 ; Lys. 22, 22, Dor. wi/ao-emu Sophr. 89 (Ahr.): aor. scarcely classic Attic, wwjo-dp/v Com. Fr. (Eupol.) 2, 533 if correct, the only instance ; but Anth. 1 1, 249; Plut. Nic. 10; Luc. Herm. 81. D. Mort. 4, i. Nav. 20; Paus. 3, 4, 4. 5, 21, 5, and eW^o-- Plut. Mor. 176. Cic. 3; Athen. (Caryst.) 12, 60; vvrjaaufvos Anth. n, 177; (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 362 (Lit.) ; Polyb. 4, 50 ; Dio. Hal. 7, 20 ; Xen. Ephes. 4, 3- 5> 9) -i)i>7/mi act. Ar. Plut. 7 ; Lys. 7, 2 ; Isae. 8, 23 ; Dem. 32, 18. 37, 31 &c., pass. Ar. Pax 1182; PI. Rep. 563; Isae. 1 1, 42 ; Dem. 19, 209 ; Lys. 32, 21, aw- 22,12: pip. e'coi/qro act. Dem. 37, 5 : aor. eW^iji/ pass. Xen. Mem. 2, 7, 12. Vect. 4, 35 ; PI. Leg. 850; Isae. 6, 19 ; Dem. 45, 81 : fut. uw^o-erat, cm- Com. Fr. 2, 823. Vb. coords Od. 14, 202; Thuc. 3, 40, wrjTeos PI. Leg. 849. The act. form cWeo seems to have been in use, o>!/i/, TrwXeii/ (Hesych.) : perf. ecovrjKas Bekk. Anecd. 95, 25, from Lys. Kara KaXXt'ou eVSetf- : aor. e^-wi'qo-ai/re? in Schol. Aphthon. Rhet. V. 2, 17 (Walz), hence the occasional passive use of toj/eo/xai PI. Phaed. 69 : imp. ewmro Xen. Eq. 8, 2. The Attics generally used the syllab. augm. the Ionics and occas. the Attics neglected it, wov^ Lys. 7, 4 (Bekk. B. Saupp. eav- Scheib.), &Wero Her. 3, 139, -eovro i, 69, (UI/OVJTO Aristot. Oec. 2, 5, ai/T-eoi/To Andoc. i, 134; Dio Cass. 59, 14 (Bekk., -e&>i/- Dind.), e-wi/eiro Aeschin. 3, 91 (Bekk. B. S., e^eai/- Franke). The Attics, with one exception, seem to have avoided the aor. mid. Athenaeus assigns to Eupolis quoted, x>f SeffiroTrjv wi^o-aro, but Meineke questions the authorship, and thinks that if Eupolis did use the expression, he quoted an Ionic proverb, in which dialect the aor. would be no offence. He is correct at least in the last assertion, for Hippocr. (if the Epistles are his) has wvTjfrdfjifvoy 9, 362 (Lit.) In classic Attic, the syllabic augm. seems to be dropped in compds. only: Andoc. has tavovvro along with dirwmro I, 134, Xen. dirr-tuv- Oec. 2O, 26. coi/ou/wjp Lys. quoted, should perhaps be eWoi^j/ (Scheibe), see tatvovvro 22, II. 'Qp vw 'QfaXew. 717 'flpu'u To howl, in act. only part. o>pvovcra Or. Sib. 8, 240, EI/OS 3, 117; Theophr. Sign. 3, 46; Luc. D. Mort. 10, 13, />{/- only Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 659 ; Dion. Per. 83 : imp. wpvero Philostr. Apoll. 278, copdoiro Coluth. 116: aor. ^pvaa^v Theocr. r, 71 ; Q. Sm. 12, 518; imper. upva-at Pind. Ol. 9, 109; tapva-cHrdat Plut. Mor. 973. This verb is not in good Attic prose. Rhedantz however has lately edited upvopevas for op/*- Lycurg. 40. 'J20Tiop,ai To be pushed, jostled about, press, squeeze (freq. from ea&fco), pass, and mid. Com. Fr. (Telecl.) 2, 362 ; Ar. Ach. 42. Plut. 330 ; Luc. Lexiph. 4 : fat. axmbC^ai Ar. Ach. 24. 844. 'ityeXe'u To aid (o Thuc. 6, 12 ; PI. Rep. 526 ; -Bfirjv Thuc. 2, 39 ; PI. Leg. 913 ; -j$7i/ai Thuc. 5, 90; LyS. 31, 3; -0V Thuc. I, 43: fut. a>0e- A^Tjiro/xat Hippocr. 7, 256 ; Andoc. 2, 22 ; Lys. 18, 20. 29, 4 ; PI. Theag. 128; Isae. 10, 16; Xen. Mem. 2, 7, 8 (Kiihner, Saupp. Breitb.). 3, 3, 15. Cyr. 3, 2, 20 (Kiihner, Popp. -A^o-o/iat Dind. Saupp.) : more freq. as pass. fut. mid. w^eATjo-o/xai Thuc. 6, 18. 7, 67 j Xen. Mem. i, 6, 14. 3, 7, 9. 3, n, 3. Oec. 2, 8; PL Rep. 343; Lys. 19, 61 (Ms. C. Bekk. B. Saupp. Scheibe, -ij^jjcro/jai Ms. X. Westerm. Rauch. Frohberg); Dem. 18, 144: pres. oxptXovfJiat Thuc. 3, 42 ; imper. axpeXfio-daa-av 3, 67 (-fiadatv Stahl). Vb. w^eAijreoj Xen. Mem. 2, i, 28. FINIS. 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PI. Phil. 62; Plut. Mor. 726, -fjs Soph. Aj. 496 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 26, -g Soph. O. R. 198 ; Dem. 37, 59, Epic -773 II. 17, 63 (La R.), -Sapev Aeschin. i, 73, -wo-t Xen. Cyr. i, 2, 8; opt. d(pfii)v II. 3, 317; Eur. Andr. 846; Dem. 53, 8; (PI.) Epist. 349, pi. dfairjTf Dem. 19, 71, and dfuu Plut. Them. 7) ; d^oO Soph. O. R. 1521, afaadf Ar. Eccl. 509; d<:'o-0ai Isocr. 6, 83; dfontvos PI. Rep. 354 ; Isocr. 9, 78 : as mid. p. p. dfa'io-dcu if Sound Dem. 23, 157 ; napt'ivrai 15, 15. Vb. dfareos PI. Euth. 15. (i Att, t Ep., but t Od. 7, 126. 22, 251. 23, 240, in arsi.) For dvtatvrai Her. 2, 165, Bredow would read dvtlvrai. : affirm OCCUrS 2, 65. dfytire 2 &OT. Opt. Thuc. I, 139, Cobet would alter to d(pfir)Tf. d(pirav 3 pi. imp. act. is much better ' A(f)iKveoftai 'A^ei/w. 119 supported than f)(pleo-av, but ^tWo (Dem.) 25, 47. In classic Greek, the imp. act. and pass, alone seem to augment the preposition. 'A<|>iKve'o|jiai To come, Aesch. Ag. 435 (chor.). Pers. 15 (chor.) ; Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 132. 133; Ar. Eq. 975. Av. 1418; Thuc. 7, 33 ; Lys. i, 23, Ion. amnv- Her. 2, 41. 3,82, but d<- Herac- lit. 1 8 (Byw.) ; subj. dfaKvy Soph. O. C. 1531 (trimet.): imp. dfyiavflro Thuc. 3,33; Lycurg. 21, Ion. aniKveovro Her. 4, 125: fut. dtpi^ai II. 18, 270; Find. P. 8, 54; Soph. O. R. 265; PI. Leg. 744, 2 sing. Poet. dtpigeai Od. 12, 39 ; Anan. i (B.), Ion. cm- Her. 2, 29 : p. aiy/*at Od. 6, 297 ; Aesch. Pr. 303 ; Soph. O. R. 920; Eur. Tr. 58 ; Ar. Plut. 265; Thuc. 4, 85 ; Isae. 2, 47 ; Pl.'Thaed. 57, Ion. an-tKT-at Her. i, 193 : pip. afylK.ro Soph. O. C. 1590, Ion. 3 pi. diriKaTO Her. 8, 6, and dmynevoi riaav 9, n8: 2 aor. dfylKo^v II. 18, 395; Mimnerm. 9, 2; Aesch. Ag. 504; Soph. O. R. 1005; Eur. Ale. 26; Ar. Lys. 786 (dfyl<- Pind. Ol. 9, 67) ; Thuc. 4, 129 ; Lys. 3, 34 ; Isocr. ti, 28. 17, 46, Ion. OTTIK- Her. 2, 44. 8, 8, 2 sing, mrUev i, 124, 3 pi. 071-1- Kfciro Her. i, 15. 169 (Gaisf. Bekk. Kriig. -KOVTO Dind. Dietch, Abicht, Stein); rare Dor. imper. afyiufwo Theocr. u, 42 (Junt, Schol. K. Ziegl. Fritzsche, -lufv TV Vulg.) (^ I by augm.) Pres. and imp. not in Epic, rare in Traged. and, except once, only in chor., rare also in Comedy, but freq. in prose : other tenses common in all writers. 'Apa8e'w To be senseless, Epic and only pres. dpa8fova-i Od. 7, 294 ; part, -tovri II. 9, 32. 'A^pe'u To foam, cover with foam, Ion. afypecv Ap. Rh. i, 1327, 3 pi. afypfov dissyll. II. n, 282. 'A^UO-CTCJ Epic, To draw, pour, -o-o-wi/ II. i, 598 ; Trag. Fr. (Ion) Euryt. i ; -o-o-eiv late prose Philostr. Imag. 14 : imp. a0uo-ow Callim. Cer. 70 : fut. d II. i, 171, Dor. -v|o> Theocr. 7, 65 : aor. dcfrvgri Op. Hal. r, 769. Mid. d^vcrcropm to draw for oneself, II. 23, 220; Anth. 9, 333. Pass. imp. ^>iWero was drawn, Od. 23, 305. (a.) 3 A4>uu (v) To draw, pres. in comp. only, l^-afyvovres Od. 14, 95 : fat. d 359> -/* e/OT 7 Ap. Rh. 4, 669, -/x/av Eur. Med. 836 (chor.) ; -va-(ra Eur. Ph. 1295 chor. (Elms. Dind. Nauck) : aor. axi see above, d^cme Ar. Thesm. 328, for Vulg. fjx- or "**- The collat. fo e ' w is used in prose as well as poetry: TJX" Hes. Th. 42; Soph. Tr. 866; Hippocr. 2, 197. 225 (Erm.) ; PI. Prot. 329 ; Arist. Probl. n, 9, i ; Luc. Philops. 33; Plut. Coriol. 38: imp. fJxff Hes. Th. 835, -eW^e Her. 4, 200 : aor. ^x 1 ? " H. Cer. 38 ; Hippocr. 3, 512 (Erm.), nepi- II. 7, 267; imper. aw-q^o-crre Eur. Ale. 423. Mid. ^eirat Soph. 0. C. 1500. "AxOojiai To be loaded, hence oppressed in spirit, displeased, II. 5, 361; Eur. Fr. 23 (D.); Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 442; Her. 3, i. 80 ; Antiph. 5, 46 ; Aeschin. 3, 252 ; PI. Men. 99 : imp. ^x%"7" Od. 15, 457; Hes. Th. 155; Eur. Ale. 815; Her. 9, 98; Thuc. 1, 92 ; Lys. 8, 4, &xQ- Callim. Cer. 32 : fut. dx&Vo/Mzi Ar. Nub. 1441 ; (Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, TO Dind. Cob.) ; PI. Rep. 603. Hipp. Maj. 292, v. r. dxOfjvopai. (Steph.), not to be confounded with fut. pass, of ayo>: p.p. late '7X ( % iat Lycophr. 827, an-- Synes. Epist 95 (Herch.), if not rather to be referred to exfto : aor. rixOfvdiv Aesch. Pr. 390 ; Her. 2, 103 ; Thuc. 6, 15 ; Isocr. 12, 17; Aeschin. i, 65: fut. p. as mid. 0x6^6^0-0^01. Andoc. 3, 21 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, 10, (Hertl. Saupp.); PL Gorg. 506, ovv- Aeschin. 3, 242. Pres. act. occurs late, ayBiu Aretae. 79 (ed. Oxon.) ; -(TJ 60 : imp. fjx& ff if sound, Hermes. Coloph. 2, 39 : aor. ax6r)o-as (Hesych.), which gives some countenance to the fat. form d^^a-o/xai occasionally found as a v. r. of dx#eVo/icu. The fut. pass, seems to be perfectly good Attic, but prosaic : no aor. mid. 'Aj(Xuw (u) To be dark, Epic, pres. in comp. eV- Ap. Rh. 4, 1480: aor. rjx^vo-o. Od. 12, 406; Anth. 7, 633; Ap. Rh. 3, 963, act. darkened, Q. Sm. i, 598; Nonn. 4, 368: aor. p. late 'AttWitf. 121 TIX^W- 0>i v Q Sm. 2, 550. 8, 446, though d^Xi/W does not occur. "Ax^Cfioi 7& 3 II. II, 8l8 : aor. acra, Subj. aVa> II. 1 8, 28i; Opt. aa-aifJ-t 9, 489; imper. aao-ov Q. Sm. 13, 236 ; inf. aa-at II. 20, 78. Mid. ao/xat, 3 r sing. aarat, lengthened from arm, with fut. sig. Hes. Sc. 10 1 : fut. aa-Ofuu, acreage II. 24, 717, 3 sing, carat lengthened, according to some, from arm (do-erat, dcrat, arai, carat), Others make this a present from a similar process : aor. do-d/*^, aaaaOai II. 19, 307. Vb. (a-aros) aros II. 6, 203. a/if vat Ep. inf. pres. II. 21, 70, is by some referred to (vju). To this verb has been assigned fS>p.ev (ew/xev) as a lengthened subj., with change of accent, for &nev, cf. oT0/i> II. n, 348, (frdeaai Od. 24, 437. Spitzner derives it from a kindred form eda> to satiate oneself. It may however be 2 aor. of a form in /u (a^), and its intrans. meaning, satiate onself, get a glut of, strengthens this view : it would then be 2 aor. subj. i pi. a-w/uei/ contr. &pev, lengthened ew/nev, with change of spirit and accent e f o>/*ei/ ; and To go, Eur. Ph. 544 ; Ar. PL 84; Hippocr. 6, 106 ; Antiph. 5, 24; PI. Soph. 262: imp. e'jSuSifbj/ Horn. H. Merc. 210; Ar. Nub. 980; PL Farm. 126; Lys. 4, 7, /3dS- H. Merc. 320: fat. classic /3a6ioi)/iai Ar. Thesm. 617 ; Isae. 9,7; PL Conv. 190; Dinarch. i, 49; Dem. 8, 72. 18, 263, late -ro/zai Galen 4, 43 : late also fut. act. /SaSi'o-co Sopat. Rhet. p. 371 ; Or. Sib. i, 353; Gl. (Ar. Plut. 495), 8ia- Dio Cass. 37, 53 (Bekk. Dind.), Pa8ia> Nicol. Soph. 12 (Speng.); Chron. Pasch. p. 286, 20, fita- (Luc.) Dem. enc. i (Ms. G. Jacob. Dind. -tW Vulg.) : aor. f/Sa'Sto-a Hippocr. i, 610. 7, 274 (Lit.); (PL) Eryx. 392; Arr. An. 7, 3, 3 ; Dio Cass. 74, i, &a- Thuc. 6, 101 : p. pefidSiKa Aristot. Metaph. 8, 6, 9 ; Joseph, c. Ap. 2, 39. Mid. except fut. late Sta-padifrtTo Themist. 21, 253 (doubted by Dind.), missed by Lexicogr. Vb. /SaSiord? Arr. Ind. 43, 10, Paftia-reov Soph. EL 1502 ; Aristot. Eth. Nic. 10, 10, 16, -ea Ar. Ach. 394. This verb is confined almost to Comedy and Attic prose. The fut. m. form Paftiovpai is by far the prevailing one even in later Greek the only form in Septuag. Plutarch, and the genuine Lucian. Bdo> To speak, utter, Poet. II. 9, 59 ; Pind. Fr. 134 (Bergk) ; Aesch. Ch. 882 : imp. eafe II. 16, 207 ; Eur. Rhes. 719 : fut. /3aa>, etc- Aesch. Ag. 498 : aor. e/3aa Hesych. (e/x-/3a/3dairey Hipponax 53 Schneider, f'uPifi- Schneidewin, Bergk) : p. p. /3- flaKTui Od. 8, 408. Baiva To go, II. 4, 443 ; Soph. O. C. 217 ; Eur. Hel. 66 1 ; Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 318; PL Tim. 62 ; /Sa/in? Theocr. 17, 42 ; ftaivoi H. Hym. Merc. 349 ; imper. ^ali/e Aesch. Supp. 832 ; Ar. Ach. 198; ftaiveiv Aesch. Ag. 924; PL Leg. 670; -v<*v Simon. Am. 18; Aesch. Ch. 73; Thuc. 5, 70, -ouo-a H. Merc. 28, fern. Dor. -oto-a Pind. N. 10, 18, rare ftdnai Cleob. Epist. (Hercher), -ev/iai Theocr. 2, 8. 4, 26, in Comedy Kara-^o-o/wu Ar. Vesp. 979. Pax 725, , eVi- II. 8, 197, etV- Eur. I. T. 742, Dor. Pa, npo- Pind. Ol. 8, 63, see below: aor. (j3r)(Ta Theocr. 25, 213, in tmesi Od. n, 4, Prjo-a II. 16, 810, Dor. l/Sao-a Eur. Med. 209 (chor.) fir- Pind. I. i, 39, see below : p. /3e/3j;Ka Ilns, 90; Aesch. Ag. 37; Eur. Hel. 1524; Ar. Eccl. 913 ; Her. 7, 164 ; PI. Tim. 55, Dor. -d?f, |ui/- Thuc. 4, 30, Trapa- 3, 67. 4, 23, dv- Xen. Eq. 3, 4, late ifMtrfrp, nap- Phil. adv. Flacc. 986, and f^dvdrjv, trap- Dio Cass. 39, 59. 48, 2, o-w- 41, 53 (old edit.), but Trap- , VTT6p- II. 12, 469, j3av II. 23, 58; Theogn. 1136 ; Pind. Ol. 2, 34, ai/ II. 20, 32 ; subj. (Epic /3e'a>, /Sijw, /3ei'a>, see below) /Sw Eur. Ale. 864 (chor.), /3- Xen. An. 5, 6, 12, sync. /Sat/xei', ^- Eur. Ph. 590, /3alei/, eVi- II. 8, 512, 8ia- Xen. An. 7, 2, 12; /3>5$i Anth. 6, 231, /i*Ta- Od. 8, 492, - Eur. I. T. 1086, dva- Lys. 12, 24 ; Xen. Hell. 3, 2, 13, Dor. a<9i Soph. Ph. 1196 (chor.) ; Eur. Supp. 271 (chor.). Ale. 872 (chor.), /3/;ra>, eV- Eur. Tr. 1049, Dor. /3ara> Soph. Aj. 1414 124 JBcuW. (Lyr.), see below; ffivat. Soph. Tr. 195 ; late prose Dio. Hal. in Dem. 26; Philostr. Apoll. 307, classic dva- Lys. 14, 10; PI. Rep. 519, cV- Thuc. 3, 80, - Xen. Hell. 7, 4, 3, Epic /Sij/icwu Od. 19, 296, eVi- Hes. Sc. 40, Dor. |3a/iei/ Find. P. 4, 39; j3ds II. 6, 65 ; Soph. Tr. 927 ; Her. 2, 47. 3, 148, eV- Ar. Lys. 755, Vi- PI. Leg. 864, OTTO- Isocr. 9, 30, 8ta- 4, 164, Kara- Pind. N. 6, 51 ; Thuc. 2, 98, /*- Lys. 2, 30 : 2 p v /3*/3ua, 3 pi. /3e/3aao-i II. 2, 134, Trag. contr. /3e/3ain, e>- PI. Phaedr. 252; (jStfiabp; /3'a#i?); inf. Epic /3a/xe/ II. 17, 359, /Sf/Sufat Eur. Heracl. 610 (chor.), OTTO- Her. 5, 86, avfj.- 3, 146 ; /3/3ad>s II. 14, 477 ; Hes. Sc. 307, tp.- II. 5, 199, eVe/i- Pind. N. 4, 29, and /3f/3o>s Aesch. Eum. 76 ; Soph. Ant. 996 ; Eur. H. F. 965. Bac. 646, /3e/3wo-a Od. 20, 14, but )3e/3ai>ia Horn. Epigr. 15, 10, eV- II. 24, 8 1 ; never we think in Comedy ; and rare in prose, ^t/Swra Hippocr. 3, 282, em- ibid. ; fifficarfs PI. Tim. 63, ^e/Sooray, Trpofita- Xen. Hell. 7, 2, 3, Pfpsxrav PI. Phaedr. 254 : pip. (efiefiddv), 3 pi. Syncop. fSeftaa-av II. 17, 286, /ti- 2, 720. Mid. fut. -^o-o/iat see above : aor. Epic ffirja-dnrjv, moved myself, went, -qo-ao H. Hym. I, 141, -qo-aro I, 49; Hes. Sc. 338, USU. f^rja-oiJLijv II. 14, 229. Od. 13, 75 (always Bekk. Dind. &c.), fao-- II. 3, 262. 8, 389 (Bekk. Dind.); but ava-^rjara^tvos having made go, led up, Od. 15, 475, eV-e/Sqo-a Callim. L. Pal. 65, Ion. prose gvn-ptjo-rjTai Hippocr. 9, 28 (Mss. DHU. Lit.). Vt>. /Sards Xen. An. 4, 6, 17, d/t- II. 6, 434, Sia-ftarfos Xen. An. 2, 4, 6. The pass. of the simple verb is rare, /Sati/d/wi/ai Her. i, 192, /SutWai Aristot. Metaph. 13, 6, 7; -eo-dai Hist. An. 5, 14, 26, usu. in comp. (Jaicw, especially in comp., has in some of its tenses a causa- tive sense, make to go, or as we say walk a horse, or, familiarly, walk one out, down, &c. : pres. rare Kara^aivot Pind. P. 8, 78 : fat. rt0i7 II. 8, 197 ; Epic inf. eVtj3jo-f^ei' Hes. Th. 396, eter/Sijo-a) Eur. I. T. 742, Dor. 7rpoao-a> Pind. Ol. 8, 63 : aor. /3?}cra II. 1 6, 8lO, Dor. e/3ao-a Eur. Med. 209 (chor.), an-ftaa-f Pind. P. 4, 191, eW/Sqo-a II. 8, 129; Hes. Op. 580, Dor. -ao* Pind. I. i, 39, e'le/Sijo-a Eur. Hel. 1616, eV- Heracl. 845. Cycl. 467, tiff- Ale. 1055. Bac. 466 (trimet.); subj. ^o-o/iei/ II. i, 144, Dor. /Saa-o/xfr, for -(anfv, Pind. Ol. 6, 24 ; in prose aw'/S^o-a Her. i, 80 (Mss. Bekk. Gaisf.), OTT- 5, 63. 6, 107. 8, 95, V- i, 46, very rare in Attic, vTrep-^o-ura) Xen. Eq. 7, 2 ; and late eVtjjo-ti> Luc. D. Mort. 6, 4 ; but intrans. /ierajSijo-w/iep /), fte a 16, 852, /Sew/x^ eVt- Her. 7, 50 (&>nev, irapa- AT. Av. 461), pi. ftetofiev, Kara- II. IO, 97; but Dor. /3a/i Theocr. 15, 22; imper. eia/Sa Eur. Ph. 193, eppa Eur. El. 1 13, ri- Ion 167 (chor.) ; Theogn. 847, KOTO- 5 for -|3Jj0t, (unless imper. of pres. 6/x/3a 4355 impr. ^aXXeo 4, 39, jSaXXeu Od. 12, 218: imp. f y @d\\6p.r)v II. 10, 333; Eur. Fr. 392 (D.). Tr. 1137, dv- Her. 9, 8; Aeschin. i, 63, trepi- Thuc. i, 8, npo- Xen. An. 6, i, 25 (Dind.); PL Leg. 756, friXX- Pind. P. 4, 138, iter. /SaXXeWero Her. 9, 74: fut. /SaXoD/wu late in simple, Or. Sib. i, 208. 2, 230, Trpo- Ar. Ran. 201, rt- Thuc. 6, 40, /*mi- 8, 54, v?rp- PL Menex. 247; Dem. 19, 342, Ion. aXe{;/iai, dfifpi- Od. 22, 103, -fofuu, vnep- Her. 7, 168, but pass. eK-/3aXoi)^at Epict. Diss. 3, 24: 2 aor. epa\6pr)v II. 15, 566; Her. i, 84; simple rare in Attic, Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 31; PL Leg. 961; Dem. 18, 87; (PL) Epist. 326; Dio. Hal. 3, 55, - BaTTTW. 127 Ar. Pax 213, aX- II. n, 29; Find. P. i, 74; pd\t)rai Od. n, 428; -Xoto v. r. Pseud. -Phocyl. 185 ; Ion. imper. /3dXeo, dva- Pind. N. 7, 77, aXev Theogn. 1050; Her. 8, 68, Epic eft\T]fjiT]v pass. II. n, 675, but vn-p\T)To mid. he met, 14, 39; Subj. i>n-$\r)Tai. Od. 7, 204, and /3Xqereu, for -ijqrat, Od. 17, 472; opt. /3Xi}o II. 13, 288 (Bekk.), -eio (Bind. La Roche); ftX^adat II. 4, 115; -T]fj.fvos II. n, 191. Od. 22, 18; Ap. Rh. 2, 1212: fu.t. v/i-/3Xi7o-eat (for which some suggest -p\r)fai=r]T)ai) shall encounter, II. 20, 335: and as mid. p.p. fp.-^e^Xr)rai put in, entered, Dem. 40, 28, 7rept-j3e'/3X?7Tai threw, put about himself, PI. Conv. 216, Ion. 3 pi. -/3Xmu Hippocr. 9, 80 (Lit.); -&tp\rifi.evos Isocr. 4, 184, Trapa- Thuc. 5, 113, a-vp- Lycurg. 43, >- Dem. 40, 21 : ,4>lp. irepi-efifp\t;nr)v Xen. Hell. 7, 4, 22, 3 pi. Ion. -ejSe/SXTyaro threw themselves round, gained, Her. 6, 25, -taro (Stein, Abicht), see 7rfpt/3dXX&>. Vb. fiXijTos Callim. Cer. 101. HfTa-@\r)Tfos Hippocr. i, 315 (Erm.), diro- PL Rep. 387. The 1 aor. p. e&Xt]6r)v does not occur in Epic, very rarely in Attic poetry : the fut. act. /3aX in the simple form is late in prose, /3aXeiTe Dio Chrys. Or. 34 (415), -ouo-t N. T. Matth. 13, 42 (Vat. -XXovat Sin.), and the 1 aor. seems scarcely to exist at all, fK-fiaXat Malal. 3, p. 60. ftXeirjs 2 sing. opt. Epicharm. 154, may be syncop. for B>\r)6drjs, or 2 aor. pass, fpXrjv, for e^dXrjv. For vTrepfta\\efiv Her. 3, 23, cru^aXXed/iei/os i, 68 &c., called Ion., Bekk. Dind. Kriig. read -fiaXXfiv, -\\6pevos, but 2 aor. inf. /3oXeW 2, III. 3, 12. 35, diro- 3, 41. 8, 65, e>- 4, 125, 13, 387. 14, 424. fcpXrjai 2 Sing. p. p. for -rjcrai, II. 5, 284, dissyll. or rj shortened n, 380, ^e/SXTjarat for -TJVTCU, II. n, 657, but, if sound, sing, for -qrai, Hym. i, 20 (Mss. Franke, i/o/xot -Tjarai Ilgen, Baum.); 8ia-ftf^adf opt. Andoc. 2, 24. Baima>, see /3a7rra>. Bd-nru 7i rf$, Od. 9, 392; Ar. Eccl. 216; PI. Tim. 73: imp. (Same Ap. Rh. i, 183: fut. fiasco simple late, Lycophr. ii2i ; Anth. 11, 408; Or. Sib. 7, 147; V. T. Lev. 4, 17 &c., but f/*- Ar. Pax 959 : aor. ?/3a^a Aesch. Ch. ion ; Soph. Tr. 580; Eur. Or. 707; Her. 2, 47; Hippocr. 5, 234 (Lit.); Aristot. de Anim. 3, 12, 9 ; /3ch//- Ar. Ach. 112; -ev Eur. H. F. 929 ; /3wai N. T. Mark 7, 4. Bape'o To load, Luc. Soloec. 7 ; App. Hisp. 86 ; Athen. 5, i : imp. efidpei Charit. 4, 2, i. 6, i, 6: fut. /Sop^o-w Luc. D. Mort. 10, 4 : aor. cj3dpr]- Orph. Arg. 247; Q. Sm. 2, 341: aor. f^ap^v Dio. Hal. i, 14; Artemid. Onir. i, 77. Mid. and pass. fiapefTai Hippocr. 7, 578, -ovvrai M. Anton. 8, 44; -ovfj.vos Dio Cass. 46, 32 : fut. m. as pass, firi-paprjo-oijifvos Dio. Hal. 8, 73. missed by Lexicogr. This verb is late, except perf. act. and perf. pass. See /Sapui/w. BapuOw To be oppressed, Epic, II. 16, 519; Hes. Op. 215; -ffoifv Ap. Rh. 2, 47; -60rjv Hippocr. 5, 674, Poet. 3 pi. fidpwBfv Pind. N. 7, 43 ; fiapwdfj PL Phaedr. 248, -w0S>a-i Soph. Ph. 890 ; -dds II. 8, 308; Aesch. Ag. 1463; Soph. O. R. 781 ; Eur. Heracl. 204; Hippocr. 8, 32; PI. Phaedr. 248; Plut. Mor. 895; D. Laert. 10, i, 5 : fut. Papwdi'io-oijiai Soph. Fr. 627 ; Polyb. 5, 94 ; Galen 1 6, 191. Of the act. form, only pres. and imp. are classic, and confined to Epic, Lyric, and Attic prose : the pass, is classical, Baovceo Baco. 1 29 pert excepted, and more generally used, especially pres. fiapvvonai II. 19, 165; (Simon. C.) 184 (Bergk); Aesch. Ag. 189. 836; Soph. Tr. 152. El. 820; Eur. Ale. 42. 385. I. T. 1228 &c. ; rare in Comedy, Ar. Ach. 220; -VVIJTM Xen. Eq. 8, 8; -vo>6i/ot Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, no; Thuc. 2, 64; Xen. Mem. 2, 2, 5 ; -vvto-6ai Thuc. 5> 7- imp. tfiapvvovTo Thuc. 2, 16. 8,1. (a.) BdaKw Poet. To go, come, the simple in imper. only, /SoVw II. 247 144; Aesch. Pers. 662 (chor.), pdo-Kfrt Ar. Thesm. 783 (chor.), but 8ia-&daKfi. Av. 486 (anapest.) ; inf. Epic em-fiaaKentv =j/, cause to go, lead, II. 2, 234 : imp. ejSao-Kt (Hesych.), in COmp. irap-fftaa-Ke II. II, 104. Baord^oj To carry, Pind. N. 8, 3; Soph. El. 1129 ; Eur. I. A. 36; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 448; -afav Od. n, 594; -d&iv Simon. C. 168; Soph. Ant. 216; Eur. Ale. 41; Com. Fr. (Herm.) 2, 395 ; late prose Plut. Mor. 64 : imp. f/3aor- Polyb. 8, 18 : flit. /SaeTTao-a) Aesch. Pr. 1019; Soph. Aj. 920; late prose Pseud.-Callisth. i, 42; Joseph. Ant. 15, n, 2; Oribas. 10, 37, and -aw Pseud.-Callisth. i, 45; Maur. in Strateg. p. 83; Sym. Prov. 9, 12 : aor. e/3dcrrao-a Od. 21, 405 ; Aesch. Pr. 889 (chor.); Soph. Ph. 1127 (chor.); Ar. Thesm. 437 (chor.); paardaTj Soph. Aj. 827 (trimet); -ao-ot Pind. I. 3, 8 ; late prose Alciphr. 3, 32 ; Plut. Mor. 317 ; Apollod. 3, 4, 3 ; (Luc.) Asin. 16, and late e'|3uo-raa Anth. App. Epigr. 324; Pseud.-Callisth. i, 3: p. p. late /3e/3aoTacrat, e'/i- (Luc.) Ocyp. 14 : aor. late (fiafs Ka\ova-i Plut. Mor. 292, /3aT'e, t/i- Nic. Ther. 147; /i-/3areto' 804; Anth. 7, 657 : and mid. parevvTai. Dor. Theocr. i, 87 : fut. ftaTt) Theocr. 6, 10 : aor. Pavgas, Kara- Anth. 7, 408. Vb. 8vo--0diJKTos Aesch. Pers. 574. (Bdw) To go, occurs in subj. eVt-/3^ Inscr. Heracl. i, 80; imper. f^rj Ar. Lys. 1303 (Ahr.) both Dor., /Sarf however in an iambic trimet. Aesch. Supp. 191, all which are referred by others to 2 aor. of /3aiVo> ; but pres. part. irp<>fiS>vT(s Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 88 (Bekk. Anec. p. 371), and Dor. fK^vres Thuc. 5, 77, see 130 (BSeXupcuopai) To behave abominably, only fat. -tva-erai Dem. 17, ii. BSeXu'acrofAcu, -uTTojjiai To abominate, Dep. pass, in classic au- thors, Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 577; Ar. Nub. 1132. Av. 151; Hippocr. 7, 56; PL Rep. 605 : imp. e'jSSeXim-fro Ar. Plut. 700 : fut. -v^ofjiai Hippocr. 8, 96. 98 (Lit.) : aor. fd8f\vx6ijv act. Ar. Lys. 794; ft8f\v X 0fir] Plut. Mor. 753; fi8(\v X 6(is Ar. Vesp. 792 ; Plut. Alex. 57 : (aor. m. e'/3SfXva/ir;i> late V. T. Lev. 20, 23; Joseph. J. Bell. 6, 2, 10; Chrys. V. 7, 351.) In late Greek occurs the act. (/SStXiWw), fut. -va> V. T. Lev. 20, 25 : aor. '/38eXi;a Exod. 5, 21 : p. p. ^SeXuy^iai act. PrOV. 28, 9, and pass. Osae. 9, 10; N. T. Rev. 21, 8; Theodr. Prod, i> 33. ^)38X- Paroem. (Apostol.) C. 4, 88 : aor. f/SSeX^^i/ pass. V. T. Ps. 52, 2 : fut. -vx^o-o^ai Apocr. Sir. 20, 8. Mid. /SSeXuo-o-o/iai AmOS 6, 8 : fut -V|O/H Lev. II, II : aor. e/SSeXv^a/Djv Amos 5, 10. BSe'u To emit an offensive smell, Ar. Plut. 703, &8ds Anth. 1 1, 415; &8fu>v Ar. Eq. 898; Hierocl. 237, -e'ouo-a Ar. Plut. 693: fut. (8a-a>) : aor. /38<-Vf Anth. n, 242, and ?|38evo-a if correct, Hierocl. 233. 240. 241 (Eberh.) Pass. /SSfd/xtvos Ar. Eq. 900. This verb is, luckily, very limited in its range. Epic, Trag. and genteel prose never name it, but Hierocles, and sometimes Galen professionally of course. Bef3pco9w, See 3t/3/)cocr/ca>. Be'ojjLcu / shall live, Epic and only pres. with fut. meaning, II. 15, 194, and /Seio/w" 22, 431 (j3i'o/u Hym. 2, 350), frig II. 16, 852. 24, 131. Brjcro-w To cough, Hippocr. 5, 378, Att. -TTO> Com. Fr. (Phi- lem.) 4, 42 ; Aristot. Probl. 10, i ; -a>v Ar. Fr. 548 (D.) ; -rrtiv Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 5: imp. e^o-o-e Hippocr. 5, 324, -rre Ar. Eccl. 56: fut. -|o> Hippocr. 8, 100: aor. e/ifya Hippocr. 5, 190; 8f)^rj 8, 98 ; /3}ai Her. 6, 107 ; ^^as6, 107 : aor. pass. if/SfcAp^ eic- Galen 10, 341. Mid. ^o-o-erat as act. Hippocr. 7, 82 (Lit.) : fut. /S^o/zai, dno- 8, 98. The mid. we think has been missed by Lexicogr. Bida> To force, act. rare, Od. 12, 297 : imp. ffiiafav Hippocr. 5, 96 (Lit.) : aor. tfilaaa Com. Fr. (Alcae.) 2, 833 ; late prose, Sopat. Rhet. vol. 8, p. 107 (Walz). Usu. pidtofiat act. II. 22, 229; Theogn. 547 ; Aesch. Pr. 1010; Soph. Ant. 663; Ar. Lys. 226 : Hippocr, 6, 24 ; Her. 9, 41; Antiph. 3, , i; Thuc. 4, 9; PL Prot. 337, pass. II. n, 589; Aesch. Ag. 1510; Soph. Ant. 66; Ar. Thesm. 890 ; Hippocr. 2, 34 (Lit.); Antiph. 4, 8, 5 ; Thuc. 4, 10 ; Xen. Conv. 2, 26 : imp. ffiiatfurjv act. Ar. Lys. 396; Xen. An. i, 3, i ; Isae. 3, 62, pass. Thuc. 5, 3, #af- IL Bm'co B- Xen. An. 5, 7, 7, fita- PI. Leg. 900; Dem. 23, 157; and Xen. An. 4, 8, 8. 5, 2, 10 quoted (Dind. 1857, Cobet): aor. efiipao-a Aristot. Hist. An. 6, 18, 28, m>- Her. i, 86. 3, 75; Xen. Hell. 4, 5, 3 ; Isae. 9, 30, dir- Her. 8, 76 ; PI. Gorg. 511, St- Thuc. i, 105 : p. p. late, /Se-S^aorai Sext. Emp. 252, 2 : aor. rather late, {Jtfiaafais Aristot. H. A. 6, 23, 3 ; Geop. 1 6, i : fut. late, 8ia^aa-6^a-opai Diod. Sic. 13, 81. Mid. in comp. fut 3i/3ao-o/jat, dva- Andoc. i, 148 (Bekk. B. S.) ; Lys. 18. 24 (B. S. Scheibe) ; Luc. pro Imag. 24 (Dind.), and /3iw/iai, K 2 132 iaaa) dm- Com. Fr. (Amips.) 2, 713; Aeschin. 2, 146; Dem. 19, 310: aor. f$i!3a(Tdp.r)v } an- Her. 9, 32, dv- Thuc. 7> 35 > Lys. 12, 24; Xen. Hell. 3, 4, 10; Isae. n, 4; PI. Apol. 18. (i.) Vb. dva-fiitiavTeov PI. Rep. 467. Bipdo-0w To step, Epic and only part. fiifiaaQav II. 13, 809. 16, 534. (i.) Btpdw 7, Poet. Hym. Merc. 225; part. Pifiuv Find. Ol. 14, 17: imp. iter. e'/3t/3aaxf Hym. Ap. 133. (i.) For Ptpawra II. 3, 22, /3t/3fflo-a Od. ti, 539 (Mss. Vulg. La Roche), Bekk. Dind. Foesi, Ameis read -dura, -ao-a, see foil. BI'PTJUI Epic, To go, Dor. -api, 3 pi. /3t'/3ai/n Epigr. Lacon. (Ahr. Dor. D. p. 483); part. Pifids II. 13, 371 ; and 3, 22. Od. n, 539 (Bekk. Dind. &c.), TT/JO- II. 13, 18. Od. 17, 27. (if.) Bippuoxo) To eat, Babr. 108, 9, irfpi- Plut. Mor. 1059 (pass. -uxTKovrai Hippocr. 6, 212 Lit.): fiit. late /3pco Lycophr. 678 (some Mss. and edit.): and m. late po>o-o/*at Or. Sib. 7, 157; Philostr. p. 129 : aor. late e/3po>a Anth. n, 271, and e&paxra, dv- Nic. Ther. 134: p. /3Ka Od. 22, 403; Soph. Tr. 1054; Xen. Hier. i, 24 ; jSe/SpwKj? Hippocr. 8, 350 ; -&KOI Her. i, 119; /3f/3pa>ca>j II. 22, 94; Ar. Vesp. 462 ; Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 447; Hippocr. 6, 268. 7, no (Lit); Aristot. Probl. 5, 7, 2, syncop. pffti>a>Ki Hippocr. 7, 236 : p. p. fiippw/jiai Aesch. Ag. 1097; Hippocr. 5, 192. 6, 12, Sta- PL Tim. 83, Kara- Her. 4, 199; PI. Phaed. no: pip. fpippuro Hippocr. 5, 156: aor. (fipa>6r)v Artemid. Onir. 5, 49; Apol- lod. 3, 4, 4 ; Pp0-o;xat Od. 2, 203: 2 aor. Epic, (ftpw Callim. Jup. 49, KUT- Horn. H. i, 127. (t.) Hesych. has the unredupl. /Spcoo-Aceoi/, dva-. The opt. Pfppadois II. 4, 35, perhaps infers a pres. $($pa6a>. It may however be perf. from Theme p&>$&> (/So'pw, voro.) In fact f3pa>6(iv, Kara- actu- ally occurs Babr. 67, 18 (2 pt. Lewis.) A desiderat. form PpoMTtiovres occurs Callim. Fr. 435. Vb. /3/xoro'? Eur. Sup. mo, -fos Luc. Paras. 9. The Attics seem to have used only perf. act. and pass. u, see jBeopat. To live. PIOVO-I Emped. 52 (Stein); Democr. p. 174 (Mull.); Luc. Pise. 34. Philops. 25. adv. Indoct. 16; /Sioi Com. Fr. (Mon.) 65 ; Aristot. H. An. 6, 23, 4. 7, 4, 10, 5ta- PL Leg. 730; pioi/v Eur. Fr. 240 (Dind.); Com. Fr. (Mon.) 58; &iS>v Com. Fr. Mon. 656, -ovvrts Aeschin. i, 5, -tvvres (Phocyl.) 229 : B/oV 133 imp. ffitovv Hippocr. 5, 236 (Lit.): fut. /Stwo-o/wu Eur. Ale. 784 ; An Eq. 699; Hippocr. 8, 484 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 34; PI. Gorg. 481. Rep. 344; Aristot. Eth. N. 10, 7, 8: Luc. Herm. 6: later /SKBO-W Com. Fr. (Mon.) 270; App. Civ. 4, 119; Diog. Laert. 2, 68 ; Luc. Nav. 26 (Jacob. Bekk. -077 Dind.); and late Epic, Maneth. 4, 475, dr}(r6ncvos Anton. 9, 30: 2 aor. /3iW Hippocr. 5, 204 (Lit.) ; Isocr. 9, 71 ; Isae. 3, i ; Dem. 48, 5 ; (PI.) Epist. 327, eV- Thuc. 2, 65. 5, 26 ; Isae. 2, 15, dv- Andoc. 1, 125, retains long vowel fpiuxrav Isocr. 4, 151; PI. Phaedr. 249 ; Aeschin. i, 146 ; subj. /3iw, 8ia- PI. Rep. 365, /3a PI. Leg. 872; opt. /Siwj/f PI. Gorg. 512. Tim. 89, dva- Ar. Ran. 177 (-oiV Cobet, Dind. 5 ed.); (/3t'&) -wrw II. 8, 429 ; piwai II. 10, 174; Soph. O. R. 1488; Com. Fr. (Menand.) 4, 135; Aeschin. 3, 174; PI. Gorg. 512, dia- Eur. Fr. incert. 1039 (D.) ; /3iovr Com. Fr. (Phryn.) 2, 592; Her. 9, 10; Thuc. 2, 53; PI. Prot. 351, said to occur in masc. only, but /Siovo-' Anth. App. Epigr. 262, is, and Sta/SioOo-oi seems to be aor. PI. Leg. 679, neut. fiiovv, eVt- Pollux. Mid. /3to'o/aoi to live, gain a livelihood, Her. 2, 177; Aristot. N. Eth. 10, 10, n: fut. j3io>o-o/ii see above, late Epic /Swo-o^oi Ap. Rh. i, 685 : aor. t$iuHra\i.r}v trans, caused to live, Od. 8, 468; intrans. lived Anth. App. Epigr. 381; Hippocr. 9, 298 (Lit.), see /3i&>o-Ko/wu. jSid/zeo-tfa Horn. H. 2, 350, implies {Uopai, unless it be for /3eo>r0a which Wolf adopts. Ap. Rh. has fut. o>o-eo-0 for PIOHT- i, 685. Vb. /3 occurs often, /3ioi)crdpi}i/ Hippocr. i, 149 ; Anth. App. Epigr. 381 ; and late prose Liban. i, 382 : and 2 aor. act. av-f$ia>v Andoc. i, 125; PI- Rep- 614. ftivo-Kouai, ava- is also trans, restore to life, PL Crit. 48 : with aor. simple eftiwra.^ Od. 8, 468 ; Hippocr. 9, 298, and comp. av- PI. Phaed. 89. Late authors have pres. act. dva-fiiaxrKd res/ores to life, Themist. 8, 115 (Dind.) : fut. dj>a/3io>cms wilt restore to life Ael. H. A. 2, 29 (Schneid. -o7co> occurs in an Epigr. in Joann. Comn. (Notices et Extraits de Mss. vol. 8, p. 183), dva- Schol. Eur. Ale. i ; Themist. quoted. B\af3ofiai To be hurt, only 3 pers. /SXa^erat II. 19, 82 ; Ana- creont. 31, 26 (Bergk): for 2 aor. tpKafav. and fut. /SXa/^o-o/wu, see /SAdTTTw : a 2 aor. act. late e/SXa/Sep Q. Sm. 5, 509 ; /3Xa/3 Eur. Heracl. 704. 1044 > Hippocr. 2, 336 ; Thuc. 4, 98 : aor. eAai//-o II. 23, 782 ; Soph. O. R. 375; Ar. Ran. 1064; Thuc. 3, 40; Lys. 9, 14; PL Gorg. 511, X?o-o/i(u Isocr. i, 25; PI. Meno 77; opt. -IJO-OITO Plut. Philop. 3; -ijo-d/zej/os Mor. 23; D. Cass. 58, 28 : and fut. m. as pass. /3X-a>ro late and rare, Q. Sm. 5, 466 (Koechl.) missed by Lexicogr. Buttmann unduly confined the reduplication in the perf. of verbs beginning with /3X to 135 /3Aa7rro). See (SXaordvo), /SAeVw, /SAao-^jj/iea), /SfjSXaa^^ijKe Dem. 18, 10. B\aoT(fu 72> sprout, Aesch. Sept. 594 ; Soph. O. C. 611 ; Ar. Av. 1479; Hippocr. 7, 518; Xen. Oec. 19, 2; PI. Rep. 498; Dem. 53, 16, at/a- Find. Fr. 182 (Schneid.), rare ^\aarfo> (if sound, Aesch. Ch. 589, but) Bion 3, 17 (Ursin. Ahr.) ; Theophr. C. P. 5, 4, 5. 2, 17, 4, dva- Emped. 449 (Stein) : imp. ;3Ad Eur. Fr. 430 (D.) In classic Attic prose, we have seen pres. and pip. only. A form in aa> occurs late, /SAaorwj/ra Herm. Past. P- 57- BAe'iroj To see, Solon n, 8 ; Aesch. Pers. 261; Soph. Tr. 594; Ar. Av. 176; Andoc. i, 18; Isocr. 12, 188; PI. Rep. 477; -fiv Pind. P. 8, 68; -o>v Simon. Am. 19; Pind. N. 4, 39; Antiph. 4, y, i, -oixra Soph. Tr. 313, Dor. -oto-a (Theocr.) 20, 13 : imp. (pXerrov Batr. 67 ; Aesch. Pr. 447; Soph. O. R. 1470; PI. Leg. 743 : fut. /3Atya> perhaps late in simple, Orac. Sib. i, 353. 8, 207; Aristid. 45, 46; V. T. Esai. 6, 9, dva- Her. 2, in; Ach. Tat. 6, 6, d- (Dem.) 25, 98 (Bekk. B. S. Dind.); Plut. Pomp. 69, diro- Luc. Merc. Con. 15, see below: and #A Eur. Hec. 585, seems subj. aor.: and dvTifiXtyfTt (Dem.) 25, 98, is opposed by dmiftXtyeaOf (Mss. F. V. Vulg. Dind. Oxf. 1848), which, one would suppose, is more likely to be the true reading, as the mid. form Xe'\//-eo-0e occurs a few lines before. Dind. however in his last edit. 1855, adopts dvri$\fytTe with Bekk. B. S. #X To feel, in act. only pres. Dor. -do-So/**? Ar. Lys. 1 164 (Br. Dind. -nVro/i Vulg. Bekk. Bergk); ftXtudfav Ar. Av. 530; rare in prose Luc. Lex. 12 ; -dfav Philostr. Imag. 429, 95 : and imp. e'jSXi'/i- Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 183 : aor. pXipat-ai (Hesych.) : pass. aor. f[d>\ip.da-6ri Hippocr. 5, 204 (Lit.). BXiCTcru, -TTW To take the honey, Soph. Fr. 856 (D.) ; Ar. Eq. 794 ; PI. Rep. 564 ; Aristot. H. An. 9, 40, 54 : imp. fjSXm-f Hesych: fut. (#Xuro>) : aor. e/3Xtcra Nonn. 5, 257, aTT-e'/SXio-e Ar. Av. 498 ; jSXfam PI. Rep. 564 : aor. m. dirffiXioaro formerly Anth. 7, 34, has been altered to aTreTrXdo-ero (Jacobs). Pass. ,6XiTTerat Aristot. H. A. 5, 22, 9. Vb. fK-tf\ia- Q. Sm. 14, 496 : fat. /3Xvcr< Anth. (incert.) 9, 819; (v. r. PI. Rep. 564), (o-a-) Nonn. Par. 7, 38 : aor. e/iAuo-Ka>v Nic. Ther. 450, Kara- Od. 16, 466; j3X, Trpo- Od. 21, 239, diro- Ap. Rh. 3, 1143, Epic /SXaxrKep.*" Od. 19, 25: fut. (late /3Xo>o>, Kara- Lycophr. io68 : and 1 aor. e/3Xx fTO }> su bj- p<&> Soph. Ph. 479; Ar. Lys. 743, -\ys Mimnerm. 12, 10; Aesch. Pr. 719; Soph. Ph. 1332, -Xg II. 24, 781; Aesch. Pers. 529, -Xw/^ei/ 230; ^tdXoi/ Eur. Hel. 246, /xdXoi Pind. N. 3, 63; Aesch. Ag. 345; Soph. O. C. 70; Ar. Thesm. 1146; imper. pdXe Eur. An. 509; Ar. Thesm. JI 55> *P- II- J 8, 392; /xoXetv Aesch. Pr. 236; Soph. O. C. 757 ; Eur. Ale. 107 ; /ioXwc II. n, 173. Od. 3, 44; Aesch. Ag. 293; Soph. O. R. 35; Eur. Hipp. 661 ; Ar. Ran. 1232; late in prose f'/xo'Xere Plut. Cleom. 38 ; except subj. ^dXwo-t Xen. An. 7> I t 33 > po\6vTfs Plut. Mor. 220. 225; /xoXelv Polyb. 30, 9. Late poets have pres. fioXe'co Anth. 12, 93: aor. /toXij, eVt- Aesch. Pers. 1054 (chor.): imp. e/So'ojj/ Com. Fr. (Lysipp.) 2, 748 ; Thuc. 6, 28, /3dtoi Hes. Sc. 243, iter. fiodna-Kfv Ap. Rh. 2, 588 : fut. ^o^o/xai Thuc. 7, 48 ; PI. Apol. 30; Dem. 2, 29. 21, 138; Luc. D. Mar. 6, 3, dva- 1 38 Boaor. Eur. I. A. 465; Lycurg. 31, Kara- Ar. Eq. 286, Dor. floa Anth. 7, 32. 9, 100. Plan. 169; Ap. Rh. 3, 792 ; Or. Sib. 7, in, Kara- Piut. Them. 7, Sta- Herodn. 2, 2; V. T. Lev. 25, 10, Dor. -d? see below: aor. e/3dj may be mid. Eur. I. A. 438 ; {Boao-dui Hel. 1434; /3oa>/iei/o9 shouting, Ar. Vesp. 1228; Aratus 912, &c. eW/Sodrot Eur. Med. 168, in classic Attic prose only n- Thuc. 7, 69, 8m- Dem. 26, 19; (Luc. Fug. 3); em-ftounevos Thuc. 3, 59. *>7- 7> 75- 8 9 2 ; l ate Dio. Hal. n, 49; Dio Cass. 39, 38; Luc. Tyr. 20. D. Mer. 12, I ; Themist. 6, 77: imp. iir-tfioiavTo Dio Cass. 41, 9, -dro Luc. Necyom. 9 : fut. jSoqo-o/ucu, -ao-o/xat see above: aor. Poijo-dpfvos Dion, de Avibus 2, 19; /So^o-aro Q. Sm. 10, 465 (Ms. A. Vulg. yofjv- Pauw, Lehrs, Koechly); fTTi-porjaaadai Plut. Syl. 6; Luc. D. Mar. 2, 4; Dio Cass. 59, 10; -o-d/ifKos Ep. Phal. 132 (Herch.); Dio Cass. 39, 29. Vb. ftorjrdt, nepi- Thuc. 6, 31, -/3o>ros Euen. Ascal. 8 (Bergk.) Epic extended forms, /Soda for /3od, II. 14, 394, ^odwo-i for ^odouot, II. 17, 265, &o6a>v for -awv, II. 15, 687. Epic and Ionic contr. forms: /Somu, rt- Theocr. 12, 35: ^0-op.ai, im- Od. i, 378. 2, 143. II. 10, 463 (Vulg. Spitzn. La Roche, VtS&)o-- Aristarch. Bekk. and Dind. now], Kara-/3o>o-- Her. 6, 85 : aor. act. e/3o-a Hipponax i (B.), dv- Her. i, 10. 3, 14. 155; fiaaov Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 229, /Swo-dTw Ar. Pax 1155 (chor.); /Swo-at Her. i, 146; /Saxras II. 12, 337; Her. 5, i. 6, 105. 8, 92. iiS, a/n/3a>/LteVa Her. 3, 39 : aor. e^wo-^v Her. 6, 131. 8, 124: aor. m. ejSoxraTo Theocr. 17, 60, irpoa-- Her. 6, 35, r- 9, 23, &c. Her., we think, has always the contracted forms; Horn, has aor. e'/So'jjo-a, rarely /So^o-a, only once -wo-a, but always -wo-cycat. /SoSo-w Eur. Ion 1446 (chor.), dva- Hel. 1108 (chor.), 5ta- Aesch. Pers. 637 (chor.) sometimes quoted as instances of Dor. fut. act. seem rather to be subj. aor. /3o^o-aro Q. Sm. 10, 465, has been altered to yoijo-aro on Boqfleeo Bo'AojKcu . 139 perhaps insufficient grounds, " medio non usitato " (Koechly). That the mid. is used, simple and compd., the quotations given above sufficiently prove. Koechly, on his alleged grounds of preference, had perhaps better reasons for quarrelling with aor. mid. fi^dtyavTo 5, 466, which, we think, is an unique instance of the simple aor. mid. BoTjOe'u To assist, Her. I, 62 ; Antiph. 2, y, n ; Isocr. 19, 15 ; Ion. imper. /3&>&tTe Anth. (Meleag.) 12, 84, is reg. in Attic: imp. (pof)6eov Her. 6, 103. 108. 138, e/3o>0- (Dind.), -r^Qow Thuc. 7 33 ! Lys. 31,8: fut. -r\<> Andoc. 3, 26 : aor. c/So^tra Her. 7, 165 (e/3&>0- D.); Lys. 31, 29 ; Dem. 22, 14; -rjaas Aesch. Supp. 613: p. -?K Thuc. 3, 97; Dem. 15, 3. 10, 18. Pass, rare, poTjOflrai Plut. Mor. 687. 720, -OVVTCLI 689; -6(iv6ai Apollod. 2, 8, i (B.) : p. /Se^oijfyrcu Antiph. i, 31; /fe/Soij^eW (PI.) Epist. 347 : aor. late e^o^^f V. T. Esai. 10, 3. 30, 2 : with fut. mid. j3oT)0r](TovTai as pass. V. T. Dan. n, 34. Mid. late, fut. Por)df)crt>nai see above : aor. jS^&jo-aa-tfai Galen 5, 29, both missed by Lexicogr. Vb. fryd^Teov Hippocr. 5, 316; Xerr. Hell. 6, 5, 10. Her., according to Mss. and most edit., generally uses this verb in the Attic form ftorjdico, (@oT)0(ov, ffiotflrjffa, but occasionally in the Ionic, e/3&>&e 9, 23, en- 8', I. 14: e@0e'o>, e'jSw&e, e'/Sw^o-a, &c. " because in Ionic orj contract into <>." This reason would have been stronger had the verb been exclusively or even chiefly Ionic or poetic. On the contrary, it is very frequent in Attic, and prosaic, occurring once or twice in Tragedy, rarely even in Comedy, never, we think, in good Epic. It seems to us therefore as likely that Her. meant to use the Attic form, but was occasionally surprised into the Ionic. Hippocr. we think never has the contr. form pa>0-, but always /Sojjtfwa, see i, 598. 8, 402. 9, 208. 218. 234. 268, /So^^o-wi/ (Epist.) 9, 420. In a Cretan Inscr. occurs fut. fiorjOrjaiovTi (Bergm.) (BoXea)) = Bd\Xa To throw, hit, p.p. /SejSo'Aqpu Ap. Rh. 4, 1318 : pip. &f&6\r)TO Q. Sm. 7, 726, 3 pi. -TJVTO 2, 585, -quro II. 9, 3; -T]ft.fi>os II. 9, 9; Ap. Rh. i, 262; Musae. 134: aor. late puXrjdeis Or. Sib. 12, 75. In late Epic, the comp. a/3oXo occurs in fut. -f) 2, 77> Callim. Fr. 455. (a.) B6Xo/i.cu Poet. (@uv\o[tai, volo) To wish, II. n, 319, )3dXeo-0e Od. 1 6, 387 ; Aeol. /SoXXoVi/oy Stob. Flor. (Dius) 65, 16 (Mein.) : imp. e/3oAoiTo Od. i, 234, Aeol. e/3oAXo'/xa> Theocr. 28, 15. 1 40 BoV/cft) BOO-KU To feed, Od. n, 365; Archil. 19; Soph. Fr. 518; Eur. Phoen. 396; Ar. Eq. 256; Her. i, 44; Thuc. 7, 48: imp. e/3oo7ce Eur. Phoen. 405 ; Luc. Pseudol. 25 ; Philostr. i, 5. 3, in, police II. 15, 548 : fat. /Soov^o-w Od. 17, 559; Ar. Eccl. 599: aor. late t'/Soenojo-a Geop. 18, 7: aor. p. and fut. see below. Mid. and pass. /SOCTKO/XQI to eat, Od. 14, 104; Anacr. 75; Aesch. Ag. 118. Sept. 244; Ar. Av. 1099; Her. 9, 93 ; PI. Rep. 586: imp. efiocnceTo H. Merc. 193; Eur. Bacc. 617; Luc. Peregr. 16, /Sooveowo Od. 12, 128, iter. /Soa-KeWov Od. 12, 355 : fut. Poo-Kronen Scrap, in Plut. Mor. 398 ; Or. Sib. 3, 788, Dor. -T)o-ovfj.ai Theocr. 5, 103 : aor. late epofrKrjo-dfirjv, KOT- Long. Past. 2, 1 6, eVc- Galen i, 517: with aor. pass. f8oa-Kf)6i]v Babr. 89, near- Pseud.-Callisth. i, 32; Aesop 131 (Halm); fiotTKTjdfif Trag. Fr. (Incert.) 268 (Wagn.); Nic. Then 34; Hierocl. 128: and fut. S~>a-Krjdfjo-ofj.ai, KOTO- trans. Geop. 2, 39, intrans. irepi-fioa-Krid- 2O, 22. Vb. /3o(TKJ?T>s Ar. Av. 1359. pofTKfv Dor. inf. pres. Theocr. 4, 2 (Vulg. Meineke, -cu> Ahr. Ziegl. Fritzsche). BouKoXi and -ao-8K- and /Sovx- : Ahrens, Meineke, Ziegler, and Fritzsche always the latter. BouXeuw 71? consul/, counsel, plan, reg. in act. II. 10, 415; Aesch. Eum. 700; Antiph. i, 26; Thuc. 8, 58; Epic subj. -rjo-da II. 9, 99; Epic. inf. -eve'/z*" Od. 14, 491: imp. e'/3oii\- Her. 8, 49 ; Thuc. 5, 63, /3ou\- Od. i, 444 : fut. -eiio-w II. 2, 379; Ar. Pax 692; Thuc. 8, 72; Epic inf. -evo-e'/iei/ Od. 5, 179: aor. /3ouXfw V. T. Deut. 7, 10 : aor. (Ppdsvva Dio Chrys. Or. 40 (491); App. Civ. i, 69 ; Luc. Char, i ; Dio Cass. 52, 37. 76, 7 ; Herodn. 3, 7, 4 ; Polyaen. Strat. i, 48 ; ppabvvu, >- 'Luc. Hip. 6 : p. /3e/3pa8uKo ? : pip. (ptppaSvKfiv Luc. Symp. 2O. Mid. Ppadvvofjxu Aesch. Sept. 623 (Vulg. Herm. Weil, rejected by Dind.) Pass. PpaSvvfrat Soph. O. C. 1628. El. 1501. Classic authors seem to have used only pres. act. mid. and pass. Neither Soph. Ph. 1400, nor N. T. 2 Pet. 3, 9, are decisive instances of trans, meaning: V. T. Esai. 46, 13, is stronger. Bpdci> To boil, shake, Heliod. 5, 16, ppdcr Anth. 10, i ; Nic. Alex. 359, Att. -T PI. Soph. 226; Ar. Fr. 267 (D.): fut. /3pa, ovvfK- Lycophr. 898, V- Orig. Ref. Haeres. 4, 33 (Miller): aor. (&pad/a/3of for -ovt, see also an-o/fyao-o-frat 7, 540. Ermerins reads act. form eVc/Spao-em 2, 313. Vb. Ppaarreov Geop. 3, 7- (Bpdxw) To resound, Epic and only 2 aor. eiSpa^f II. 5, 863; Ap Rh. 2, 573; Callim. Del. 140, dv- II. 19, 13, /Spa^f II. 5, 838. 16, 468. 566. Od. 21, 49 (Bekk. r/3p- Vulg. Dind.); Hes. Sc. 423. Bekk. in his last edition (1858) writes /3pax always after a vowel. Bpe'fiGj To roar, Poet, and only pres. II. 4, 425 ; Epich. 9 (Ahr.); Pind. P. n, 30; Aesch. Sept. 378 (trim.). 84 (chor.) ; Soph. Ant 592 (chor.); Hippocr. 7, 180 ; /Spe'ra Eur. Bac. 161 (chor.); -eiv Aesch. Eum. 979 (chor.) ; Eur. Heracl. 832 (trim.); -tpa>v Aesch. Pr. 424; Eur. Phoen. 112. H. F. 962. Tr. 83 (trim.). 520 (chor.) : and imp. ffipfpov Ap. Rh. 2, 567; Non. i, 231. Mid. ^pffwfjiai as act. II. 14, 399 ; Pind. N. n, 7 ; Aesch. Sept. 350 (chor.) ; Ar. Thesm. 998 (chor.) The Tragedians confine the usage of this word very much to chor. : ind. and inf. perhaps each once, part, thrice, in trimet. Eur. quoted. J$pev6uo/Jiai BjO/^ft). 143 (u) To swagger, only pros. Ar. Nab. 362. Pax 26. Lys. 887; -vofjifvos PI. Conv. 221; Luc. Tim. 54; -eo-ftu Lex. 24: and late, imp. tfipevSveTo Liban. 15, p. 431. Bpe'xw To wet, Com. Fr. (Telecl.) 2, 376; Her. i, 189; Xen. An. 3, 2, 22; PI. Phaedr. 229, 8m- Aesch. Fr. 318: imp. f$pfXv Philox. 5 (B.), j8p Or. Sib. 5, 377. 508. 10, 200, ova- Oribas. 8, 39, dno- Galen 6, 591: apr. e#p f a PI. Phaedr. 254; Pptgov Hippocr. 8, 192; /3/je'nt Xen. An. 4, 3, 12 ; @peas Com. Fr. (Ax.) 3, 531 ; Aristot. Meteor. 2, 3, 36 ; Hippocr. i, 576. 6, 632 (Lit.) : p. p. /3e- /3pey/*at Pind. Ol. 6, 55; Com. Fr. (Eubul.) 3, 263; Hippocr. 2, 484. 8, 236 (Lit.) ; Aristot. Probl. 3, i : aor. f^pex^n v Xen. An. i, 4, 17 ; Bp(xdS) Aristot. Gen. An. 3, 2, 6, Kara- Ar. Nub. 267 ; Ppexdeis Eur. Elec. 362 ; Aristot. Probl. 21, 6 ; (Dem.) 55, 25; -jjiw 55, 24: 2 aor. tBpdxW Anacreont. 31, 26 (Bergk); Hip- pocr. 8, 200 (Lit.); Aristot. Probl. 12, 3, 6: fut. late, /Spa^o-erai V. T. Esai. 34, 3. Mid. fut Pptgerai, Kara- seemingly pass, occurs Hippocr. 2, 798 (Kiihn), for which Littre' reads inf. aor. act. Karajlpet-di (Mss. J. C. 6] : aor. late dv-fppeguro Niceph. Rhet. 7, u ; '/i-/3pe'aio Nic. Alex. 237. Vb. fipetcrfov late Geop. 3, 8. Bpidw To make strong, Epic -a Hes. Op. 5. Th. 447 ; -UOVTO. be strong, Hes. Op. 5 ; Opp. Hal. 5, 96. t, a always, and only pres. Bpib> To feel heavy, drowsy, Poet. Aesch. Eum. 280; ^ov II. 4, 223; Aesch. Ag. 275. Ch. 897 : aor. t$pia Eur. Rhes. 825 (Vulg. Nauck, see &pi6<*>}; ftpl^ov, dno- Theocr. Epigr. 21 ; dno- Pp[avTes Od. 9, 151. Bpi'du (t) To be heavy, press, Horn. H. 30, 9 ; Pind. N. 3, 40 ; Soph. Aj. 130 ; PI. Phaedr. 247 ; (Hippocr.) Epist. 3, 370 ; Epic subj. /Spi'flflo-t Od. 19, 112 (others -drjvi indie.): imp. fipWov Od. 9, 219 : fut. Ppi, -vi^v H. H. Cer. 456 (Ruhnk. Frank. Baum. -vo-epev Mss.), fTn-Spitrova-i Q. Sm. 10, 30 : aor. e/Spicm II. 12, 346. 17, 512; Eur. Rhes. 825 (Vat. Kirchh. Dind. 5 ed.); Plut. Caes. 44. Lys. 12, /3plo-a Anth. ir, 91; Ppio-r] Hippocr. 6, 108. 112 (Lit.); Aristot. Probl. 16, 1*1, rt- H- 7, 343 ; /Spt'o-etar, eVt- Od. 24, 344 ; Ppio-as U. 17, 233. Od. 6, 159; Hippocr. 6, 112, Dor. /S/j'aatr, eVi- Pind. P. 3, 106, see below : p. fc&pWa II. 16, 384; Pind. Fr. 100; Eur. Elec. 305; Hippocr. 8, 280 ; Plut. Mor. 349 ; Heliod. 5, 14, Kara- Hes. Op. 234: pip. Pffipidti Od. 16, 474, e/Sf/3- Anth. 14, 120. Some- times trans, to weigh down, (ipiddv Hes. Op. 466 ; late prose Themist. 20, 234; Aretae. Diut. Morb. i, 48 (ed. Oxon.): aor. Pind. N. 8, 18; /3piW Od. 6, 159; Aesch. Pers. 346: 144 hence pass. Pptdfrai Aesch. Fr. 114 (D.); Eur. Fr. 470 (D.), -en/rat Bacchyl. 13, 12 ; -operas II. 8, 307 ; Hes. Sc. 290 ; Aesch. Sept. 153; Com. Fr. (Pher.) 2, 350: aor. fipid^vm Alciphr. 3, 67 (Wagn.) is uncertain, Kpidijmi (Mss.), npiad^vat (L. Bind.), fKptvrjdrjvai (Boisson. Mein.) This verb seems not to occur in good Attic prose, except once in Plato. BpifAaofjiai To be enraged, (in simple aor. only) Ppifuapevos, cp- Aesch. Sept. 461 : imp. late, fv-eppipuvTo N. T. Mark 14, 5 (Vat. -OVVTO Sin.): fut. late, (p.-j3pinf] 54> ^ as drunk up, viz. 6 x^Pf- Bpod^w To teem, revel, Poet. Aesch. Sup. 878 ; -dfav Timoth. 5 (Bergk); Orph. H. 33, 7. 53, 10; -d&tv Plut. Mor. (Epicur.) 1098: imp. (3pvaov Dur. Sam. in Schol. Eur. Hec. 915: aor. comp. dv-ejBpvagav Ar. Eq. 602 : yet imp. mid. e^pvd^ovro : and fut. /3pvac-o/ouu are given by Hesych. (v.) Bpu^u To drink, or breiv, seems to have only imp. fftpvfa if sound, Archil. 32 (Bergk): aor. /3piiat (Hesych.). BpJKw (0) To grind the teeth, bite, Horn. Epigr. 14, 13; Soph. Tr. 987 (chor.); Eur. Cycl. 359. 372 (chor.); Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 43; Ar. Pax 1315, and &pv X a> Anth. 15, 51 ; Hippocr. 8, 32. 84 (Lit.): imp. tppvue Ar. Lys. 301, and p* e Com. Fr. (Stratt.) 2, 767, if sound : fut. ;3/>v Hippocr. 8, 16; Lycophr. 545; Or. Sib. 8, 350: aor. fiSpv^o Hippocr 5, 252 (Lit.); Anth. 7, 624, fir- Com. Fr. (Arch.) 2, 725: p. late, unless to be referred to ^pv^do/xat, Pe&pvx<*s Opp. Hal. 2, 619; Q. Sm. 3, 146 : 2 aor. tffpuxt Anth. 9, 252, see below. Pass. 145 Soph. Ph. 745: aor. ftpvxQds Anth. 9, 267. Generally Ppvica> bite, /Spu^co gnash, yet e/3pi>x e bit, Anth. 9, 252. The change to egpvKf is easy, but their radical connection may as easily justify an occasional indiscriminate use. This verb is rare in Trag., never, we think, in Attic prose. Bpuxdojjiai To roar, Soph. Tr. 805; Ar. Ran. 823; Hippocr. 2, 56 (Erm. Dietz); and late, Ael. H. A. 5, 51; Opp. C. 4, 161: imp. efrpvx&vro Theocr. 25 (20), 137 ; Ael. Fr. 340, -firo Aesop F. 255 (Halm), @pvx- Soph. Tr. 904 : fat. very late (/Spv^o-o^ai, KOTO- Eumath. n, 445): p. /Sf/Spu^a II. 17, 264; Soph. Tr. 1072; -Ppvxn II. 17, 264 (Bekk.); -Ppvx&s 13, 393; late prose, Dio. Hal. 14, 18; Aristid. 15, 233: pip. f&fppvxet Od. 12, 242 : aor. m. t^pvx^aro Dio Cass. 68, 24, Ppvxrjo- Ap. Rh. 4,19; Nonn. 38, 357 ; ai/a-jSpv^o-a/xei/oy PI. Phaed. 117: with aor. p. as m. /3pux?0? Soph. O. R. 1265. There are some traces of a form /Spu^o/wii, subj. -aurac, if correct, Hippocr. 6, 360 (Lit. gnash, but see above 2, 56 Ermerins); part. -ofitvos Q. Sm. 14, 484 ; Luc. D. Mar. i, 4 (Jacobitz), but -wp.i/os (Bekk. Bind.) Bpu'xw, see (3pvKa>. BpiJw To abound, II. 17, 56; Aesch. Ch. 64 (Med.); Eur. Bac. 107; (PI.) Ax. 371 ; /Spuj? (Xen.) Ven. 5, 12; -vcov Aesch. Ag. 169; Soph. O. C. 16; Ar. Nub. 45; Aristot. Mund. 3, i ; Ppveiv Aesch. Ch. 70 : imp. eppvov Epigr. Athen. 2, 39 ; Diog. Laert. (Pherecyd.) i, 122: fut. /3puo- Or. Sib. 6, 8; Horn. H. 5, 456 (Mss. Doederl. Voss, fipta-- Franke, Baum.), see &pidu> : aor. eg-a/ji-ppva-ai Aesch. Eum. 912 (925) (Pauw. Herm. -ftpoo-ai Ms. Dind. 5 ed. but suggests -/3/aoai vel tale quid, metro postulante.) Occasionally trans. Anacreont. 44, 2 (Bergk) ; Phil, de Plant. 150; (Luc.) Trag. 117. This verb is scarcely in good Attic prose, (w, va--.) BpufAcxofjicu To roar, Aristot. H. A. 6, 29, 6: aor. /S/jw/LMjo-a/iej/or Ar. Vesp. 618. Bua>, see foil. Boi/ew To slop up, imp. tfivvaw Ar. Pax 645, takes from /3vo> Aristot. H. A. 9, 50, 6. de Plant. 2, 9, 7 (Pvovrai 2, 9, i): fut. fivaa>, 'TU- Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 119, irpo- Ar. Vesp. 250: aor. /3uo-a Luc. Char. 21; irpo-fiwov Ar. Vesp. 249; fiva-as Hippocr. 7, 136 (Lit.), tm- Ar. PI. 379: p. p. /3f'/3uo>uu, -pevos Od. 4, 134; Ar. Thesm. 506 ; Com. Fr. (Heg.) 4, 480; Hippocr. 8, 12; Alciphr. 3, 62; Luc. Peregr. 9, erai Her. 2, 96, in accordance with which, Bredow and Abicht alter mid. SiafivveovTai to Sia-fivvovrcu ; Bekker, Dind. Stein retain -eovrcu. /3u seems to lack authority, since f0vvow has been accepted Ar. Pax 645 (Bekk. Dind.) for (&VQVV (old edit.) Vb. pva-ros, napa- Aristot. Top. 8, i, 17; Dem. 24, 47. (u in fut. and aor. -jSuerat Anth. (Lucill.) u, 210, but in arsis.) The form (/3ufa>, -uo-w), pass. &V&TCU is in late Ionic, Aretae. Morb. Ac. 2, 2 ; the adv. however fivfrv closely, is in Thuc. 4, 8. i)fo /): aor. e/3ua Dio Cass. 56, 29. 72, 24. /Swcri/s Od. 10, 20. , see r. D, See yr}0fa>. 7b be proud, exult, Epic and only part. yalav II. i, 405. 8, 51 : but imp. her. yaieo-Kov (Hesych.) rdXrjviaw (yaXqw?) To be calm, only pres. pt. yd^rjviSiv Alciphr. i, 12, Poet, -tow Orph. Hym. 54, n; Anth. (Incert.) 9, 208, -iSxra Alciphr. 3, i, -tdawra Anth. (Rufin.) 5, 35 ; Opp. Cyn. i, 115; -Tjviiiv Themist. Or. 15, 195: and iter. imp. yd\T)vida(nee Mosch. 2, 115. The COllat. forms yd\r)vidfa, -j/t'fw are earlier, but neither in good Attic prose. rafie'w (a) To marry, of the man (duco uxorem) -fj.fi Eur. Or. 19; Ar. Ach. 49 ; Andoc. i, 124; Aeschin. 3, 172, -/xt Her. 6, 71, -/xovo-t PI. Rep. 613; -ffiv Od. 15, 522, -fiv Aesch. Pr. 909; Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, 17; -ea>v Od. 4, 208, -S>v Aesch. Supp. 227 : imp. tyapow Ar. Nub. 49, -p.fi Asius i, 2 (Bergk); Isae. 6, 24 ; Hyperid. 3, 24, 4, -(iff Her. 3, 88 : fut. (ya^eo-w) ya/wr'a> II. 9, 388. 391 ; Her. 5, 16, Att. ya/iS Aesch. Pr. 764; Soph. O. R. 1500; Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, 20; Luc. Tim. 52, late ya^a-ta Anth. n, 306; Plut. Mor. 386. 773; Luc. Rhet. 8. D. Mer. 7, 2 ; Diog. Laert. 3, 78 ; Long. Past. 4, 28 : aor. ey^a II. 14, 121. Od. 16, 34; Soph. Tr. 460; Ar. Nub. 46; Her. 3, 88; Isocr. 16, 31; Isae. 8, 7; Aeschin. 3, 172, y^a II. 13, 433; Hes. Th. 960; yfiw Xen. Cyr. 5, 2, 8 ; y^ueie Hell. 4, i, 9; yw ov Her. 5, 39; y^s II. n, 227; Eur. Phoen. 7 ; Andoc. i, 128; PI. Leg. 774; yw"u Od. 21, 72 ; Her. 5, 92 ; Thuc. i, 128; Isae. 2, 18, Dor. (yd^ev Pind. N. 4, 65, yapev P. 3, 91 ; Theocr. 8, 93, later iya^a-a gave to wife, Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 298; took to wife, Luc. Luct. 13. D. Deor. 5, 4; Diod. Sic. 2, 39: p. ytfjM^Ka Ar. Lys. 595; Her. 6, 43; PI. 1 aj/ac0. 147 Leg. 877; Dem. 39, 26: pip. eyey a / i '7 K " Thuc. i, 126 : p. p. yfydfj.rjfj.ai. of the woman, Xen. An. 4, 5, 24 ; (Aeschin.) Epist. 10, 6; Dem. 36, 32: pip. e'yeya/^ro App. Civ. 4, 23: aor. late fyafjLrjdrjv Apollod. 2, i, 3 ; Plut. Rom. 2 ; Dio. Hal. n, 34 ; Strab. 10, 4, 20; Sext. Emp. 657; N. T. Marc. 10, 12 (Vulg.), and ({yafj.(6r)v), yapfdela-a if sound, Theocr. 8, 91 (Vulg. Ziegl. Fritzsche, hence ya^ei-jj) : fat. ya^rja-ofMi late, Charit. 5, 9 ; Dio Cass. 58, 3 ; Apollod. 2, 4, 7 ; Heliod. 5, 31. Mid. yafieopai to marry, of the woman (nubo) Od. 2, 113; Soph. El. 594; Eur. Ion 58; Her. 4, 117; PL Leg. 925: fut. ya^tou/xai Eur. Phoen. 1673. Hel. 833; Ar. Thesm. 900; late prose yap.ovfj.evri Athen. 12, 42; Epic ya^f o- o-o fj.at provide a wife for, II. 9, 394 (Vulg. Dind. La R.), see below: late yafujo-o/zai Plut. Eum. 3. Artax. 26: aor. eyr)p.dfjLriv Od. 16, 392; Anacr. 86; Eur. Tr. 474; Com. Fr. (Ar.) 2, 998; Her. 4, 117; Isae. 5, 5; PL Leg. 926; Dem. 30, 17; of the man, Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 24. A desiderative form yafjr)a-fia> occurs in Alciphr. i, 13, 2. Vb. -ya/^jreW (Eur.) Plut. Demetr. 14. Dio. Hal. Rhet. 2, 2; ya^erf married, a wife, PL Leg. 841. If the anonymous author de Mulieribus &c. has quoted exactly, the 1 aor. forms lyd^a-a, fyaprjOriv are as early as Ctesias, a contemporary of Xen., see Ctesias, Fr. de Rebus Assyr. i, 5 (Miiller.) eya/xqo-e of the woman, Trag. Fr. Adesp. 157 (Nauck), and (yrjudnriv of the male, Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 24; -dpevos Apollod. 3, 12, 6. For ya/^eWerm II. 9, 394, the only instance of this form, Bekker adopts, perhaps rightly, ye /mcrorrcu, the reading of Aristarchus. ya/iov/wu mid. signifies to give oneself, or one's own in marriage: a woman yape'irai, bestows herself; a man yapelrai, yvvalicd TIVI bestows a female subject or relation in marriage, HyXevs /not yvvaiKa yapeo-a-erai (if correct) will bestow on me a wife, one of his subjects II. 9, 394; and if we may suppose that the Attics used it in this sense, it would favour the reading 6vyartp' rjv T eyrjp.aro Eur. Med. 262, whom he gave in marriage, against 17 T' e'y^aro who married him. The latter however is maintained by some of the ablest scholars, Elms. Matth. Hartung, Dind. and, perhaps, Person, though he retained rjv in the text, see note 264. If yafiov/H alone is used of a man, it is in ridicule, as ya/j.e!rcu exaoros Luc. V. H. i, 22 ; eyij/iaro Anacr. 86 (Bergk); Antiph. Com. Fr. quoted; see however Q. Sm. i, 728; Apollod. 3, 12, 6. rdcdcj Epic, To be bright, only part, in this sense, yavowra H. H. Cer. 10 ; Opp. Hal. i, 659, -6a>vres II. 13, 265 ; Aretae. Diut. Morb. i, 42 (ed. Oxon.), -oWm II. 19, 359, lengthened on &c. ; late, to make bright, yavoaxn Aral. Phaen. 190. For L 2 148 Tavow Faw. yavq 3 sing. pres. Aesch. Ag. 1392 (Vulg.), Dind. Herm. Paley &c. have adopted Person's suggestion ydvei (Mss. yav el.) FaKooj To make bright, delight, part, yavovvres Plut. Mor. 74 ; inf. yavovv 683 : aor. eydvacra (Hesych.); part, yavuxras Anacreont. 48, II (Bergk), em- Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 470: p. p. yeyavoyieW Anacr. 13 (Bergk); PI. Rep. 411; Themist. 33, 367: aor. (yava>0r]v Ar. Ach. 7 ; late prose, Plut. Mor. 370 (a.) rd.vufj.ai To rejoice, II. 20, 405; Aesch. Eum. 970 (chor.); Eur. Cycl. 504 (chor.); Ar. Vesp. 612; rare in prose PI. Phaedr. 234; Luc. Imag. 4; Aretae. 112 (ed. Oxon.), see below: imp. tyuvvvro Q. Sm. 5, 652; Aristid. 27, 354 (D.) : flit. Epic, yawo-vofjiai II. 14, 504: p. ytyavv^ai Anacreont. 35, 3 (B.) (a.) This verb is scarcely in classic prose, Xen. Conv. 8, 30 being a quotation from Homer ; more freq. in late, and sometimes with double v, ydvwrai Plut. Mor. 634 ; yavvvpfvos Polyaen. i, 18 : tyaw- Heliod. 9, i (Bekk.) &c. A late form is yavva-KOfiat Themist. 21, 254: imp. fyaviKTKero 2, 26; Epist. Socr. 1 8. fdpu'w, see yrjpvat. Taopoo) To make proud, in act. late, and only aor. fyavpuo-a Dio Cass. 55, 6 (Bekk.) Usu. yavp6op.m, pres. alone classical, -ovrat Eur. Elec. 322, -ovvrat Xen. Hier. 2, 15; yapov Eur. Fr. 22 (D.); Pseud-Phocyl. 53; -ovfuvos Batr. 266; Eur. Or. 1532. Bac. 1144; late prose, Pseud.-Callisth. 3, 2: imp. tyavpov^v Babr. 43, -OVTO Dio Cass. 53, 27 : p. p. late yeyavpcop.fvos Apocr. Sap. 6, 2 : aor. tyavpudrjv late, Dio Cass. 48, 20, but see below : fut. yavpQ)6r)(Top.ai V. T. Num. 23, 24. So fTTi-yavpoca Plut. Mor. 78 : fut. -wo-o) Dio Cass. 56, 3 : aor. -(yavpaxra 56, 41. Pass. Vt- yavpovpfvoi Plut. Oth. 17 : aor. alone classic, firiyavpudeis Xen. Cyr. 2, 4, 30; Plut. Mor. 760. eK-yavpovp.ai, -fievos is dep. and confined to pres. part. Eur. I. A. 101. (Paw) Poet. To become, 1 p. Dor. (yeydica), inf. yeyaKftv, for -Kevai, Pind. Ol. 6, 49 : 2 p. (ye'yaa), 2 pi. yfyaare Batr. 143, fK- Hom. Epigr. 16, 3 (Vulg.) see below, yeyaao-t II. 4, 325. Od. 24, 84; (Hes.) Op. 108 ; Emped. 213 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 366; PI. Crat. 410 is quoted from Horn, -yao-i Emped. 24 : pip. 3 dual fK-yey&rijv Od. IO, 138; Ap. Rh. I, 56; inf. Ep. yfya^fv Pind. 01. 9, no, - II. 5, 248. 20, 106 ; part. Epic yeyavs Maneth. 2, 421, - Ap. Rh. 3, 364, yeyavm 3, 535, - II. 3, 418. Od. 4, 219 ; Hes. Op. 256, neut. yeyaos ?, ->Tost, -awn Maneth. 6, 246, (K- II. 21, 185, yeyaStra II. 9, 456. Od. 4, 144, -vlav Ap. Rh. I, 719, dual ytyaSrre Theocr. 22, 176, pi. -aS>Tet Theocr. 17, 25; Maneth. 6, 694, -avlai Horn. H. 3, 552, - Hes. Th. 76, -omui*?, -iixTii, ->ras II. 2, 866; Ibyc. 16, Trag. yeyws Soph. Aj. 472, i rvi aw. 149 -wo-a Eur. Andr. 434; rare in Comedy, Ar. Lys. 641 ; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 96; (Philem.) 4, 30. 47, neut. yyo>j ?, -a>Tor?, -am?, -TO>I/ Eur. Med. 490, -wtri Elec. 531, -Stras Soph. Fr. 94, 4 (D.) yeya'are Batr. 143, C'K- Horn. Epigr. 16, 3, are lengthened, Buttm. says, for the metre: Thiersch conjectures yeydavi, and Herm. has, from Suid., altered eVyeyaare to ficyeydaa-df, both which Franke adopts : ytydaa-df, eKyeydavde (Baum.) perhaps rightly. If so, they infer a pres. yeydo^ai, 2 pi. yeydacrde, eVc- Batr. and Epigr. quoted. (K-yfydovrai with fut. meaning, Hom. H. 4, 19*7 : ex-yeydai/ro Anth. 15, 40, 20. rSouirew, see 8ovrre/ Solon 42 ; -emo (Xen.) Ven. 6, 24; -wi/eli/ II. 12, 337 ; Find. P. 9, 3 ; Aesch. Pr. 787. 820 ; Eur. Hipp. 585. Rhes. 270; (PI.) Hipp. Maj. 292 ; also (yyo>i/&>), subj. -owe* Soph. O. C. 213; imperat. yeywe Aesch. Pr. 193; Soph. Phil. 238 (unless to be referred to p. yeywvd), and yeyw- viaKu, -i- 9, 47. 12, 370, and eyeyutvev as aor. II. 14, 469, eyeywHTKov late prose, Dio Cass. 56, 14: fut. ye-ycowyo-w Eur. Ion 696; late prose Plut. Mor. 722: aor. yfyuvijaai Aesch. Pr. 990 : 2 p. yeyctva, -utve II. 24, 703. Od. 8, 305, -vr]Tf II. ii, 6, to perf. ye'ywa with pres. as well as perf. sense. Of course they maintain ye'yw^j/ II. 14, 469 (Vulg. H. Both.), against eyeycavev (Ms. Ven. Wolf, Spitzn. Bekk. Dind.) For e'yeycov II. 22, 34. 23, 425. Od. 21, 368, Bekk. now reads -aveiv (2 ed. 1859.) yeyoWw, and -Gw'o-KG) alone seem to occur in classic prose, and that rarely. rii>op,ai, see ysVw. TciTfidu To be near, a neighbour, Aristot. Meteor, i, 13, ii ; (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 394; Longin. 37; Plut. Sol. 23; -iav Aristot. Rhet. i, 9, 30 ; Luc. Hist. Con. 55 ; -vi&v Ar. Eccl. 327; Dem. 55, 3, yei-roi'euw Xen. Vect. i, 8, Y eiTO|/ ' u Aesch. Supp. 780; PI. Leg. 842, are rare in classic Greek, and scarcely 1 50 FeXaco used beyond the pres. : but imp. (ytirvla Ael. V. H. 13, 12 (Kerch.), -iW Aesop 84 (Schaef.), -iafav (Halm 75), eycirovtov Anth. 7, 283, -ovow PL Polit. 271 : fut. yeirvida-eiv Galen 3, 690: aor. subj. -lao-w Ael. H. A. i, 37 ; yeirj/ido-aj Luc. Philopatr. i. Mid. yfiTovfvfTai as act. Hippocr. 3, 480, -ovrm, 4, 108 (Lit.) reX<{ (a) To laugh, Hes. Th. 40; Theogn. 1113 ; Pind. I. i, 68; Aesch. Eum. 560; Soph. Ant. 551 ; Ar. Ran. 43; Her. 4, 36 ; PL Rep. 457 ; ysXoV Her. i, 99, -\rjv (Hippocr.) Epist. 9. 338 (Lit.), Epic yeXdw Od. 21, 105 : imp. eye\a>v Ar. Vesp. 1287 ; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 67 ; Lys. i, 13; Xen. Cyr. 2, 2, 10. An. 5, 4, 34, Ep. ye\a>av Od. 2O, 347 : flit. yeXao-o/wu PI. Ion 535. Phaedr. 252; Luc. Hist, n; Plut. Mor. 145, rrpoa- Ar. Pax 600, KOTO- Lys. 3, 9; yf\acr6fjLfvof Xen. Conv. i, 16 ; Luc. Sacr. 15; -dow&u Luc. D. Mort. 20, 6: late yeXuo-w Anth. 5, 179. ii, 29; Anacreont. 38, 8 (Bergk); Athen. 14, 2 ; Synes. Epist. 156; Galen 10, 98, Kara- 5, 715; Stob. 23, 13, -do- 5 : (P- ?) P- P- yfye'Xaorai, Kara- Luc. D. Mort. I, I : pip. eyeye'Xaoro, KOT- Luc. Icar. 19 : aor. (y{\ao-0T)v Dem. 2, 19 ; Plut. Mor. 47. 123; Ka.Ta-yf\a(rdfis Xen. Mem. 3, 7, 7 ; -dels Thuc. 3, 83 ; Isocr. 5, 101 ; -Brjvai PL Euth. 3 : fut. yeXao-tfijo-o/icu Diog. Laert. (Pittac.) i, 4, 4; (Luc.) Amor. 2, Kara- Luc. Indoct. 28. Jup. Trag. 18: pres. yeXw^at Soph. Ant. 838. Vb. yeXaoror Od. 8, 307, -e'or late, Clem. Alex. 167. In (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 336, Liare* gives yfXj?, but yeXar 338. yfXdw Epic, lengthened from yeXw, Od. 21, 105 ; SO yeXowwer 2O, 374, and yeXobovres 18, in : imp. yeXweav 2o, 347, see yeXotdoo. For the Dor. part. yeXfvo-a Theocr. I, 36, -doto-a I, 95. 96, -fvvri I, 89 (Vulg.), are now adopted y^XSo-a, -o'too-a, -cum (Mss. Meineke, Ahr.), so Ziegler, Fritzsche, except that they retain -doto-a; Aeol. gen. yeXaiVa? Sapph. 2, 5 : aor. part. ytXdgas, -ais in some edit, of Pind. P. 9, 38, is a mere suggestion of Pauw and Heyne for yeXdo-o-atf of the Mss. yeXdWo Anth. 7, 621, and the desiderat. yt\acrfia> PL Phaed. 64, are confined to the pres. TeXoidu To laugh, Epic for yeXdw, part. yfXouai/rer Od. 2O, 390 (Vulg. Dind.), -wojres (Bekk. La Roche): imp. yeXotW Od. 20, 347, (Bekk. La Roche) : aor. part. yeXoi^o-ao-a Horn. H. Ven. 49. To be full, only pres. Soph. O. R. 4; Eur. H. F. 1245; Yepaipw. 151 Ar. PI. 8n ; PI. Apol. 26 ; ytfjuav Aesch. Ag. 613 ; Thuc. 7, 25 : and imp. fytpov Isocr. 7, 51 ; PI. Critias 117. rmdu To get a beard, scarcely in Attic, Anth. 12, 12; Dio. Hal. I, 76, Dor. -ao-8coi> Theocr. II, 9: flit, (-ao-o>) : p. yeyema/ca Com. Fr. (Philem.) 4, 7, but yevfidv Hippocr. 7. 508 (Lit.); Ar. Eccl. 145 ; Xen. An. 2, 6, 28 ; PI. Polit. 270; Luc. Cyn. 20 : fut. (-do-a>) : aor. -ao-a, Ion. -170-0 Od. 18, 176. 269. Also yecei- dcncw, ~-a>j/ Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 5 ; -en/ PI. Conv. 181. Te^dw To 3^/, PI. Conv. 206: imp. eyeww PI. Conv. 191 : fat. -qo-a> Rep. 546, Dor. -d Eur. I. A. 1065 (chor.) : aor. -rja-a PI. Tim. 92, Dor. -acm Aesch. Supp. 48 (chor.) : p. -;*ca PI. Leg. 889, &c. reg. except fut. m. ytw^voufvos pass. Diod. Sic. 19, 2 (Bekk.) ; Pseud-Callisth. i, 4 : but aor. as act. fyfvvr), Epicharm. 126); also yeWo for ryeWo, (Hes.) Th. 199. (r4vu or yeiVw) To beget, not used in act. : aor. mid. eyeivapyv II. 15, 526; Hes. Th. 126; Simon. Am. 7, 57; Aesch. Eum. 736; Soph. O. R. 1020; Eur. Supp. 964, ytiv- II. 5, 800; Hes. Th. 185; Aesch. Supp. 581 (chor.); Callim. Ap. 103, ytivwvrat, ry- II. 19, 26 (also Ultrans. in late poets, eyetVaro Or. Sib. i. 9, yew- Callim. Cer. 58. Del. 260; yfivd Or. Sib. i, 9) ; rather rare in prose, yfivaptvos, -ij a parent, Her. i, 120. 122. 4, 10. 6, 52; Xen. Mem. i, 4, 7. (Apol.) 20; Aristot. H. A. 7, 2, 4 ; Ael. H. A. 10, 16; Dio. Hal. 2, 15; Luc. Calum. I, f^-eytivaro Tragod. 4. Pass. yetVo/iat Epic to be born, yetvofifvos II. 20, 128. 24, 210. Od. 4, 208. 7, 198 (Vulg. Dind. La Roche); Hes. Th. 82. Op. 821 ; Solon 27, 4; Theocr. 17, 75; Luc. Jup. Conf. i (Jacobitz, but yiyvop- Dind. now) : imp. yfivoMv Hes. Scut. 88 ; II. 22, 477 (Vulg. Dind. La Roche yiyv- Bekk.); Theocr. 25, 124 (Vulg. Fritz, ylv- Ahr. Ziegl.) For yfivopevos, imp. yfivopfda II. Od. (Vulg. Dind. La Roche), Bekker, edits uniformly yiyvofj.-. ydveai Od. 20, 202, is not pres. but subj. aor. for yfivrjcu, and therefore no proof that the pres. is used actively. In classic prose, this verb seems to occur in aor. part, only ; we have seen no part in comedy. Tepaipu To honour, Od. 14, 441 ; Pind. Ol. 3, 2 ; Anth. App. Epigr. 282; Ar. Thesm. 961 (chor.); Xen. Oec. 4, 8 ; (Dem.) 59, 78; Luc. Jup. Conf. n; Dor. inf. -alpev Theocr. 7, 94: imp. fytpaipov Eur. Elec. 712; Anth. App. Epigr. 282; Her. 5, 67 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, i 39, yep- II. 7, 321 : fut. yepapw Anth. App. Epigr. 393: 1 aor. lyeprjpa Anth. PI. 4, 183; Orph. Arg. 507, 152 Dor. -dpa Find. Ol. 5, 5. N. 5, 8 (but imp. tyepaip- Momms.), yeprjpa Epigr. dedic. 892 (Kaibel) ; inf. yfpfjpai. Orph, Arg. 619 : (2 aor. tyepapov: and mid. yrpcdpopat, we have never seen) : but pass, yfyaipopai Eur. Supp. 553 ; PI. Rep. 468 ; Arr. An. 4, n ; Dio. Hal. 2, 31 ; -opcvos Xen. Cyr. 8, 8, 4 ; -evOai Arr. Ind. 8, 5 ; Dio. Hal. 2, 23. The fut. and aor. seem to be poetic. The comp. entyepaipo) is confined to inf. pres. -eiv, and occurs only in Xen. Cyr. 8, 6, n. feuoi To give a taste of, Plut. Mor. 982 ; yevav PL Leg. 634 : fut. yevo-a) Com. Fr. (Anaxip.) 4, 460 : aor. eyevaa Plut. Lycurg. et Num. i ; yeva-m Eur. Cycl. 149; yeva-as Com. Fr. (Theop.) 2, 819. (Eub.) 3, 264; Her. 7, 46; yevcrai Plut. Philop. 14, ava- Ar. Nub. 523. Mid. ytvo^m to taste, Pind. I. 5, 20; Aesch. Fr. 3 (D.); Soph. Aj. 844 ; Her. 2, 18 ; (Dem.) 50, 26 : imp. eyfvo^rjv Soph. Ant. 1005 : fut. ydo-opai II. 20, 258. 21, 61 (La R.) ; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 13 ; Her. 2, 39; PL Rep. 592 ; - Horn. Epigr. 14, 21, -Tjcrfis Hom. H. 4, 279, -rja-fi II. 8, 378; Q. Sm. 3, 208 ; -fia-fiv II. 13, 416 ; Hes. Op. 476 ; Ap. Rh. 2, 442 ; Tryphiod. 246 : aor. fyr)0r)> Ap. Rh. 3, 925, in Hom. Hes. &c. always y^o-e II. 10, 190. 17, 567; Hes. Th. 173; Theogn. 10 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 1126 ; Q, Sm. i, 84. 5, 321, Dor. yad- Pind. P. 4, 122, y^drj^av 11.24,321. Od. 15, 165; Opp. Hal. 3, 565 ; Q. Sm. 7, 173; Subj. yrjdTjo-r) Anth. 7, 26 ; Opt. yrjdfja-ai II. I, 255, USU. -f)a-fi( II. 9> 77- r 3 344 ; Opp. Hal. 5, 662; Q. Sm. 6, 17; part, -ij Ttjiroveo) Ttjpdv- Her. 3, 134 ; Isocr. i, 7 ; - 577 > Ar. Eq. 1308, e'y- Thuc. 6, 18 : aor. ey^pao-a (*ar- Her. 2, 146; PL Theaet. 202); y^pdo-;; Aristot. Plant, i, 7, i; inf. yrjpatrm Soran. Eph. p. 57 (Erm.); Xen. Mem. 3, 12, 8, -dvcu (L. Dind. Saupp.); yrjpuaas Her. 7, 114; PI. Leg. 958, but act. preserved to old age, fyr)pavra>v Herch.), Ep. dat. pi. yr)pdvrea-E(i> To nourish in old age, Isae. I, 39 ; Dem. 24, 203: fat. -TJOXB PI. Menex. 248: aor. p. e'yqpoTpo^&ji/ Lys. 13, 45; Lycurg. 144: with fut. m. yr/porpocp^o-o^ai as pass. (Dem.) 60, 32, missed by Lexicogr. : pres. pass. y;porp(xpov^/oi Isocr. 14, 48. l~T]puw (v) To speak out, Poet. Orph. Arg. 1275, Dor. yap- Pind. N. 6, 60; inf. yapve^uv N. 3, 32, and -vtv for -fiv, Ol. i, 3. P. 5, 72 (Bergk): imp. ydpvov Pind. P. 4, 94: fut. (y^p0o-w) : aor. fyfjpva-a Ar. Pax 805 : aor. p. eyijpvdrjv as act. see below. Mid. yr)pvofjiai as act. Hes. Op. 260; Aesch. Pr. 78 (in Trag. with aor. mid. and pass.), Dor. ydpv- Theocr. 9, 7 : imp. y^pvero Horn. H. 3, 426: fat. yrjpva-ofjun Eur. Hipp. 213; Anth. 12, 137, yapixr- Pind. I. i, 34 : aor. ryijpvo-o) Eur. Elec. 1327 ; yrjptfo-aiTo Philet. 15 (Schneid.), Dor. yapvo-- Theocr. i, 136 ( Vulg. Ahr. Ziegl. Fritzsche, 8apr- Scalig. Mein.) ; yrjpCa-aa-dat Orph. L. 60; Ap. Rh. 2, 845 : and in act. sense also aor. p. fyTjpvdrjv Aesch. Supp. 460. (iJ) Orph. Arg. 434. 1275. Anth. 7, 201. Aesch. Pr. 78, () Pind. Ol. 13, 50. Hes. Op. 260. Horn. H. 3, 426; va-a>, -crfJii)v, KOT- Antiph. 5, 7 j a r - tyvaaGriv Eur. Elec. 852 ; Her. 4, 42 ; Antiph. 2, y, 2 ; Thuc. 2, 65 ; Isae. 2, 33; PI. Leg. 656, dva- Her. 4, 154; yvaaQeis Aesch. Supp. 7: fut. yvtaffdrjaonai, Ar. Nub. 918 ; Thuc. i, 124; PI. Crat. 440; Isocr. 6, 106. 15, 7 : 2 aor. Zyvav II. 13, 72; Hes. Op. 218; 157 Pind. Ol. 7, 83; Aesch. Ag. 1106; Soph. Ant. 1004 ; Her. 8, 92 ; Antiph. 2, /3, 3 ; Thuc. 7, 3 ; Isae. 2, 32, yv5>v II. 4, 357 ; Hes. Th. 551, 3 ^ual yvarrjv Od. 21, 36; Subj. yvo>, yvas &C. II. i, 411; Od. 22, 373; Ar. Ran. 1210. Pax 544; Antiph. 5, 46; Lys. 14, 4; opt. yvoirjv II. 5, 85; Soph. Tr. 1118; Ar. Vesp. 72; Antiph. 5, 72; Isocr. n, 19 (-&V doubtful), yvoirjpev PL Leg. 918, yvolpfv Alcib. (i), 128, |vy- Soph. Ant. 926; yvoiT/Tf-Xen. Hell. 6, 3, 13; Isae. 4, 15, yvoirjo-av- Hippocr. i, 622; Dem. 33, 15. 57, 12, yz/oui/ II. 18, 125; Xen. Cyr. 8, 3, 49; Isae. 5, 31; yvudi Aesch. Sept. 652; Soph. O. C. 1025; PI. Prot. 343, yvoyre II. 19, 84; yvStvat Od. 13, 312 J Soph. O.C. 137 ; Antiph. 2, a, 9 ; Thuc. 2, 40 ; Lys. 16, 7, Epic -oo^vai II. 21, 266; yvovs Soph. El. 731; Ar. Thesm. 171; Her. 4, 136; Thuc. 4, 28; Andoc. r, \2i : 1 aor. m. late yvoxra^Oai Maneth. 2, 51 : 2 aor. opt. o-uy-yvoiro Aesch. Supp. 216, the only instance we know of the mid. in Attic, except the fut. : in Ionic, pres. ovy-yivva-KOfjiai Her. 3, 99. 5, 94 : imp. ow- fyiviaa-KfTo 3, 53- 6, 6 1. Vb. yvaxrros Xen. Cyr. 6, 3, 4, a- yv- Od. 2, 175, yvaxTTfos PI. Rep. 396, Poet. yi/an-os II. 7, 401 ; Soph. O. R. 396. Generally speaking, yiyvtoo-Ka> is since Wolf the prevailing form in Homer, Pind. (Boeckh, Schneidew. &c.) and the older Attics, ylvao-Ku in Pind. nozv however always (Bergk, Momms. Christ), and in Ionic and late prose from Aristotle downwards, Theocritus &c. The 1 aor. occurs in comp. dv-eyvcoa-a persuaded, Her. i, 68 : 2 aor. eyvw 3 pi. for -oa-av, Hym. Cer. in ; Pind. P. 9, 79, dv- I. 2, 23, and tyvov P. 4, 1 20, which Ahrens, Schneidewin, and Mommsen would read also in the other passages quoted; Epic subj. yv Od. 14, 118; Theocr. 25, 177, -0)175 II. 23, 487, -a>g 24, 688. Od. X 7 556, <*- 24, 217, -woxri II. 23, 610, eVt- Od. 18, 30, yvti>ofj.(v Od. 1 6, 304, for yva>, -a> } yvSxrt, yvtopev : opt. yvolp,fv for -olrjfifv, PI. Ale. (i), 128, yvoifv for -qcrav, II. 18, 125 ; Soph. Ph. 325; Dem. 41, 14, o-vyyvair] Aesch. Supp. 215 (Turn. Well.) is accounted a false form for -oir] (Lob. Dind. Herm. Paley): perf. part. p. f'yiHoafifvovs Dem. 18, 228, has been quoted as active, but the best Ms. has was not vpas, and this removes the necessity at least of taking it actively. r\dw, To utter song, sing, poet, and only 2 sing. yXafs Pind. Fr. 97 (Bergk, 4 ed.). rXauKidoj Epic, To glare, in early authors part, only, -i6a>v II. 20, 172; Hes. Sc. 430 (Q. Sm. 12, 408, -oWa Maneth. 5, 250); but 3 pi. indie. -oWi Opp. Cyn. 3, 70. 71 ; in prose, late and only Heliod. y\av*ia>v 7, 10. (t.) Poet. To scrape, hollow, Hes. Sc. 432: aor. ryXa^t; 158 yXd^cu (Hesych.) ; in comp. Sia-yXftyao-a Od. 4, 438 : and m. d7j-eyXa^dp7i> Com. Fr. (Anon.) 4, 628. (a.) rXixojiai (i) To desire, yXi'^ei Ar. Fr. 160 (D.), Ion. ~x eai Her. 7, 161, -erat Dem. 18, 207, -6p.fda Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 447; Her. 3, 72, -oi/rat Dem. 6, n ; -oi^v Isocr. 12, 64; yX/^ow Anth. 9? 334 5 -x*r0 Dem. 5, 23 ; -optvos Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 47 ; Her. 2, 102. 4, 152; Isocr. 6, 109; Dem. 19, 226: imp. e'yXixero Dem. 5, 22, -OITO Thuc. 8, 15 : aor. fyKt$dp.r]v Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 695. This verb seems confined to Comedy and Prose. rXuKairw To sweeten, late in act. Dio. Hal. C. Verb. 1 2 : fut. -uvco Apocr. Sir. 12, 16: aor. eyXvKava Diog. Laert. 8, 70; V.T. Psal. 54, 15. Usu. pass. -yXvKaiVopu Soph. Fr. 239; Xen. Oec. 19, 19: p. yeyXvKacrpai Athen. 9, 384, but dir-eyXtiKaa-p- Athen. (Diphil. Siph.) 2, 55 : aor. eyXvKavdrjv Mosch. 3, 112; Hippocr. 7, 160 (Lit.); Athen. (Callix.) 5, 30: fut. -avdrjo-opai Apocr. Sir. 49, I. Mid. in COmp. 1 aor. as act. Kar-eyXv/cdi/aro, -fjvaro (Pors.) Com. Fr. (Chion.) 2, 6. (v.) r\u(f>w (i>) To grave, Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 213; Her. 7, 69; PI. Hip. Min. 368: imp, eyX{J Hippocr. 3, 142; Ar. Nub. 879 : fut. yXityeo V. T. Exod. 28, 9 : aor. tyXv^a Anth. 9, 818 ; Strabo 9, 410, eV- Her. 2, 4, irapa- Hippocr. 3, 530 (Lit): p.p. yeyXv/i/jm PI. Conv. 216 (best Mss. Herm. Stallb. now, &c.) ; Anth. 9, 752 ; Plut. Mor. 363 ; Athen. (Callix.) 5, 39, e'y- yey- Her. 2, 106. 124. 136. 138. 148 ; (PI.) Eyrx. 400, Kara- Hippocr. 4, 386, 8ia- Ael. V. H. 3, 45; Diod. Sic. i, 66, and eyXvunai PI. Conv. quoted (some Mss. Bekk. Ast, B. O. W. &c.), e- PL Rep. 616 (no v. r.); Com. Fr. (Eup.) 2, 562, by preference seemingly, for the metre would allow eK-yfy\vp.-, 8i-e'yX- Athen. 3, 45 : pip. (v-eyey- D. CaSS. 42, 18 : 1 aor. ey\v(f)()r]v, y\v(j)6fv Anth. 6, 229, where 2 aor. could not stand ; Theophr. Fr. 2, 5, 32:2 aor. fy\v yf^umuf Anth. (Agath.) n, 365, irepi- Od. 9, 80, and yvdnro> (Hesych.): fut. yvd^d Aesch. Pr. 995 (yvatyei Dind. Weil); Orph. L. 474; Lycophr. 1247: aor. yvd^tv Ap. Rh. 2, 965. 3, 1350; in tmesi II. 23, 731, (ir-eyv- 2, 14, dv-eyvafJ^lfav Od. 14, 348 (tyvaptyav II. 24, 274 Vulg. is now fKa^av); imper. yvdptyov Opp. C. 2, 370 : aor. p. Todco Tpd(f)(a. 159 eyvdpfj.ev II. 24, 664 (Papyr. Bekk. Paley, yodoipev Vulg. Dind. Ameis, La Roche), -aotre Anth. 5, 237, yodwev Od. 24, 190 (Bekk. -doiev Vulg.); yoa>v II. 18, 315. Od. 9, 467, yooatv Od. 19, 119, yoSxra Theogn. 264, yod&xra II. 16, 857; inf. yoav Aesch. Pers. 676 (Dind. Weil), Epic yo^fvai II. 14, 502 : imp. yotav Od. IO, 567, iter. yoda II. 6, 500. Mid. yoao/nat as act. Aesch. Pers. 1072; Eur. Tr. 289; AT. Thesm. 1036; -doia-de Mosch. 3, 3; yoapxvos Soph. Tr. 937, -opevr) Tr. 51 ; Lycophr. 972; in prose, only Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 9 : imp. yodro Soph. O. R. 1249 (trimet.) : fut. yo7j, &c. roufdop,ai To grasp the knees, entreat, unaugm. and proceeds not beyond the Epic aor. II. 15, 665. Od. n, 66; imper. -afeo II. 22, 345: imp. yovvae'a6r]i> II. II, 130, -diTo Ap. Rh. I, 1133: flit. -da-ofjMi II. I, 427 ; Anth. 5, 2. 103: aor. yovvatrd- fj.e(T0a Orph. Arg. 621 ; -cio-OTjai Ap. Rh. 4, 747, -ao-o-wi/rai Orph. Arg. 946. fou^oufjiai, Epic and Lyric, and only pres. and imp. II. 21, 74 ; Od. 22, 312; Anacr. i, i. 2, 6; Anth. 7, 476; -ov/uw>s II. 15, 660; Archil. 75: imp. denied, but yowov^v Od. n, 29, -vow Ap. Rh. 2, 1274. rpd<|>a> To write, Soph. Fr. 694 (D.); Ar. Ach. 31 ; Her. 7, 214; Antiph. i, 30; Thuc. i, 22; Isocr. 15, 56: imp. (y 1 60 Tpa Eur. Phoen. 574 ; Her. i, 95; PL Phaedr. 276: aor. eypmjra Solon 36, 18; Simon. C. 162; Pind. Ol. 3, 30; Eur. I. T. 585; Ar. Lys. 679; Her. 8, 22; Thuc. i, 97; PL Phaedr. 278, ypm//-< IL r 7 599 > P art - ypfyas 6, 169 ; Isocr. 10, 14 ; ypfyai Antiph. 5, 54 : p. yeypafa Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 90 ; Hippocr. i, 620; Thuc. 5, 26 ; Isocr. n, i ; PL Theaet. 166, and late yeypdcprjKa. Synes. Epist. 134; Archim. 48? v.r. Xen. An. 7, 8, i ; Aristid. 45, 68 (Vulg. yeypa(pa Ms. L. Dind. Trapaa-vyyfypdcprjKas Dem. 56, 28. 34, is from -ypa) : pip. eyeypd(pei Dem. 18, 79 (D.) : p. p. yeypa/x/itu Pind. Ol. n, 3; Aesch. Supp. 709; Eur. Supp. 433; Antiph. 4, 8, 7 ; Thuc. 2, i ; imper. ytypaQdv PL Leg. 745 ; late eypap.fj.ai Opp. Cyn. 3, 274: pip. eyeypanro Her. 3, 128; Xen. Mem. i, 2, 64 (Dind. Saupp.), yeyp- (Born. Kiihn. &c.), 3 pi. (ytypufyaTo D. Cass. 56, 32 : laor. fypd0r]v, jrcpi- Archim. Con. p. 48, 6 ; Galen 7, 489, fiia- Dionys. 159, /- Anth. 8, 147 : 2 aor. eypdtprjv Her. 4, 91 ; PL Parm. 128; Dem. 24, n ; ypd) ypdtyai seems so used, Ar. Av. 1052 J hence pass. ypd(poiro SUP; Nub. 758. Vb. ypairros Eur. Fr. 764 (D.), -reos Xen. Eq. 2, i. Of this verb Horn, has only 1 aor. act. : no 2 aor. act. or mid. seems to occur : whereas 2 aor pass, alone occurs in classic authors, but in prose only, ypd. Tpv o> Aa ivvfjL i . 1 6 1 oju To grunt, Aesch. Fr. 254 (D.); Ar. Plut. 454; Luc. Voc. 10: fat. ypv&is Ar. Eq. 224 (Bekk. Bergk, Mein. but mid. -et Elms. Dind.), in a different sense ypvarto, -ei Aristot. Probl. 4, 2, 5 (B.) : and as active, mid. ypv^o^ai Com. Fr. (Alcae.) 2, 831 : aor. eypvga PI. Euthyd. 301 ; subj. ypvn Ar. Vesp. 374; yp{)ai Isae. 8, 27 ; -va? Ar. Nub. 963, but ypva-avros if correct, Teleclid. in Sext. Emp. 751 (B.) Vb. ypvuros Ar. Lys. 656. For yptgfis Ar. Eq. 294, Elms, and Dind. read mid. ypvgei, probably because ypvgopai occurs in Alcaeus : the act. form is certain late, ov ypvgei KVUV V. T. Exod. n, 7; Apocr. Jud. n, 19; and the collat. form ypvXi&a has Dor. flit. act. -i^fire Ar. Ach. 746. A. (Aae'w) To teach, learn, see (Sda>). AaiSdXXu To deck curiously, Poet. -SaXXouo-i Opp. Cyn. i, 335 ; in classic authors the act. occurs in pres. part, and inf. only, 8ai8d\\a>v II. 18, 479. Od. 23, 200; -aXXv Pind. Ol. 5, 21 : p.p. 8e8ai8a\p.fvos Pind. Ol. i, 29. 2, 53 : aor. 8ai8a\0fis N. n, 1 8. A solitary fut. of a pure form (S), ScuSaXcocre^ej' occurs Pind. OL i, 105. Aaiu Poet. To rend, -a>v II. n, 497 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 415 ; Aesch. Supp. 680 (chor.); -teiv Tyrtae. n, 17; Orph. L. 706, Epic -i&ufvcu II. 21, 33 : imp. e8d'ie II. 21, 147, Sdife Orph. Fr. 12, 2 : fut. ato> Aesch. Ag. 207 (chor.); Nonn. 44, 158: aor. fdd'iga Ap. Rh. I, IOO2. 2, 7; Opp. C. 4, 280; 8aiat II. 2, 416. 1 6, 841; Saigas Aesch. Ch. 396 (chor.): p.p. Sfdaiypai, -diKTOi Opp. Hal. 5, 578; -iyufvos II. 18, 236. 22, 72, and 8e8aiypevos Pind. P. 8, 87 (Herm. Hart. Schneidew.), SeSay^- (Bergk, Momms.): pip. 8(8d'iKT<> Nonn. 14, 387: aor. eSa^^ Anth. 8, 216; 8di x 6 e i s Pind. P. 6, 33; Ap. Rh. 4, 1400; Eur. I. T. 872 (chor.), and 8aia-6fis Eur. Heracl. 914 (chor. Aid.), but 8at II. 19, 299; Aesch. Eum. 305; Eur. LA. 720: aor. eSato-a Eur. Or. 15; Her. i, 162; Smo-as Pind. N. i, 72: aor. p. Saurdeis Eur. Heracl. 914 (chor.) M 1 6 2 Aa/o/xai Aa/jow. Mid. SaiViJ/xat feast, eat, -va-at Od. 21, 290, -WTOI II. 15, 99; Soph. Tr. 1088; Opp. Hal. 2, 244; subj. Satv^ Od. 19, 328, see below; -vo-da) 21, 319, -vo-dc 21, 89; -wcrdai Her. 3, 18; -vpevos Hipponax 35; Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2, 95; Her. 2, too; Opp. Hal. i, 137, and SatVai Athen. (Matron) 4, 136?: imp. 8aii>vfj.Tjv II. 23, 201. Od. 3, 66; Theocr. 13, 38; Ar. Pax 1280. 1282 (Hexam.), e'ScuV- Soph. Tr. 771; Com. Fr. (Eub.) 3, 205; Opp. Hal. 1,543; Her. i, 211 (Bekk. Dind. Bred.), 8aiv- (Gaisf.) : fut. Saivopai. Lycophr. 668 (8atff- Maneth. 4, 615); Arr. An. 5, 3; Philostr. Ap. 208, /uera- Od. 1 8, 48 : aor. f8cuordp.r)v Archil. Fr. 99 (Bergk); Find. P. 10, 31 ; Soph. Fr. 153 (D.), Sato-- Find. P. 3, 93. N. 9, 24; subj. Sai'o-r/ Com. Fr. (Cratin. Min.) 3, 377, Epic dmo-o^at, ^fra- II. 23, 207; batadfievos Od. l8, 408; -(rarrtfat Soph. El. 543. Vb. a-8atTOf Aesch. Ag. 151. Sub}. Saivvtj Od. 19, 328, but Saivvg even in thesis 8, 243, for which Ahrens would read Sawvi for -vfai j v in opt. SMVVTO, Saivvaro (for -v'tro, -vi'ai/ro.) 8aivv 2 sing. imper. for -vdi II. 9, 70, and 3 imp. for e'&uVu, Od. 3, 309, but daivv' 2 sing. imp. mid. for e'&uWo-o, -wo, II. 24, 63 : Sau/Cro 3 sing. pres. opt. mid. for -vlro, 24, 665, daivvar 3 pLfor-i/iiro, Od. 18, 248. /ieraSaio-o^ai II. 23, 207, seems subj. for -o-aywu. This verb is poetic, occasionally Ionic prose. AcuojAcu To divide, tear, Find. P. 3, 81 ; -opevos Od. 17, 332 : imp. Sate Od. 15, 140: fut. 8ao-o/ull. 22, 354,a7ro-Sdo-a--i7, 231: aor. e'Sao-d^i/ Od. 14, 208 ; Ap. Rh. i, 529, fit- Find. Ol. i, 51 ; Her. 8, 121, f'Sdo-o-- Od. 6, 10 ; Hes. Th. 520, &W- II. i, 368; HeS. Th. 112; fiatra- Opp. Hal. I, II, iter. fiao-dff/cero II. 9, 333; 8da-iat II. 15, 189 ; Eur. H. F. 1329; Her. 2, 84; Stob. (Archt.) i, 75 (Mein.), Epic S'&u^a, -ai'arai Od. I, 23 (but late df8ao~rai as mid. see above): aor. later, fSdffdijv (Hesych.) ; dva-SavQfis Plut. Agis 8 ; Kara-Sao-^wu Luc. Demon. 35 (Jacob.) Vb. dvd-davros PI. Leg. 843. To this verb, rather than to Saivvfu, some may be inclined to refer pres. SaiovTtn divide for oneself, consume, Athen. (Matron) 4, 136. The pres. and fut. seem to be poetic. Aai'pw To flay, Ar. Nub. 442 (Bekk., Seip- Dind.), see 8eipa, Sf'pv. 1 aor. dijpai we have never met in any Greek. Act/to Aa/cj/w. 163 (Acuw) To divide, entertain, see Satw/u. Aaia> To kindle, usu. Poet. ScuWi II. 20, 317; SmW Aesch. Ch. 864. Ag. 496; but Hippocr. 6, 436 (Lit.); and, in a Byzant. decree, Dem. 18, 90: imp. efiaie Horn. H. 2, 266; Ap. Rh. 4, 869, Sate II. 9, 211. 18, 206: p. Se'Saa late, 8e8avla Nonn. 6, 305 : p. p. SeSau/xat, -/ieVos Simon. (Am.) 30 (Bergk) : aor. ftaiadeis Eur. Heracl. 914 (chor.) has been referred hither by Elms, and Lobeck, see &ufw : 2 p. 88??a blaze, II. 17, 253. 20, 18: pip. SeS^eti/ II. 2, 93 ; Hes. Sc. 155, a/t$t- 62. Mid. SaLopai to be on fire, Od. 6, 132; Ar. Lys. 1284 (chor.); -6/j.evos D*.8, 75; Theocr. 24, 52: imp. e'Sakro Soph. Tr. 765, Sate II. 21, 343; Hes. Sc. 165: 2 aor. (eSao'/iJji/), Subj. darjrai II. 2O, 316. 21, 375. SfSau/ieW Callim. Epigr. 52 (Blomf. Mein.) is a conjecture of Bentley's for 8eSay/x-. This verb is almost entirely Poetic. Ao.Kfdopu To be distressed, Poet, and only pres. 8awdov Aesch. Pers. 571 (chor.) .Act. dawdfa to bite, late -dfav Anth. 7, 504- Adic^o) To bile, Hipponax 49, 6 ; Aesch. Sept. 399 ; Soph. Ant. 317; Ar. Vesp. 253; Her. 2, 95; Hippocr. 2, 414 (Lit.); Xen. An. 3, 2, 35; PI. Rep. 474; Dem. 21, 89: imp. f&aicvov Ar. PI. 822 : fut. 8?jo/xat Eur. Bac. 351 ; Ar. Ach. 325; Hippocr. 7, 336; Xen. Oec. 12, 16 ; (Dem.) 25, 96 : late, 8r)ga> Schol. Lycophr. 1006 : aor. rare, ffyge Paroem. C. n, 82 ; 8fjgov (Luc.) Asin. 9 : p. SeSifoao-i (Hesych.) ; SeSij^wr Babr. 77 (Lachm.) : p.p. Se'S^y/xat Ar. Ach. i; -pc'vos Aesch. Ch. 843; Eur. Rhes. 596; Xen. Conv. 4, 28; PI. Conv. 217. 218: aor. f8f)x8 r ) v Soph. Tr. 254; Ar. Ach. 18; Xen. Cyr. 1, 4, 13; 8 nx8n Aesch. Eum. 638; Hippocr. 7, 342; bnx dfi n Eur. Med. 817; dqxQcts Eur. Hipp. 1303; Xen. Oec. 8, i; PI. Conv. 217, Dor. da x - Find. Fr. 100, 8 (Bergk) : fut. 8rj X 0fi- o-opai Eur. Ale. noo; Hippocr. 2, 578 (K.) ; Stob. (Teles.) 5, 67 : pres. Sd/cw^ai Theogn. 910 : 2 aor. eSaKrjv late, Aretae. 60 (Ed. Oxon.): 2 aor. act. eSanov Batr. 181; Simon. C. 167 ; Ar. Eq. 1372; Her. 7, 16; (Dem.) 25, 96, 8a/ce II. 5, 493; Hes. Th. 567 ; Demodoc. 4 (Bergk), redupl. Se'Sa/ce Anth. 12, 15; 8dKo> Eur. Phoen. 383, Sa/xfl? Cycl. 314, -KTJ Ar. Thesm. 530, -KOXTI Luc. Philops. 40; daKoifu Eur. Med. 1345; Ar. Eq. 1010 (Br. Bekk. Kock); (Dem.) 25, 96 ; Sancwi' Tyrtae. n, 22 ; Aesch. Pr. 1009 ; Soph. Tr. 976 ; Ar. Nub. 1369 ; Xen. Mem. 2, 2, 7; tiaKflv Ar. Vesp. 374. Ach. 376. Aristot. Pt. Anim. 4, n, n, SaKffiv II. 17, 572. 18, 585: (a late 1 aor. form e'SctKa, dvr- (Luc.) Ocyp. 27 (Dind.) : aor. mid. e'Sj^a/xqi/, 8f)gr)Tat Hippocr. 2, 542 (Vulg. S^erat Mss. Lind. Lit. Erm.); and late, M 2 1 64 Aa/fjOi/)(eft) Herodn. r, 15, 6, but -tadai (Bekk.) Of the pass, we hold the aor. not the perf. to be the more freq. Horn, seems to have onjy 2 aor. act. : fut. act. and perhaps 1 aor. are late : aor. mid. is doubtful. Vb. a-8rjKTos Hes. Op. 420. AaKpux To shed tears, in early Epic has only part, -x^v II. 9, 14 ; Aesch. Sept. 919 (chor.), -xeWro II. 22, 79 ; Ap. Rh. I, 250, Aeol. -oto-a Callim. Cer. 80; but late occur ind. 8aicpvxeo> Anth. (Meleag.) 12, 72, -' 7, 600 ; -u> Nonn. 19, 168 : and imp. iter. 8aKpvxff Aesch. Ag. 1490; Eur. Tr. 458 ; daxpiiaai Eur. Hel. 948 ; Ar. Pax 611 ; PI. Leg. 800; -tia-a? II. 10, 377 ; Her. i, 112; PI. Phaed. 116 : p. late 8(8dKpv -Kpvvrai 22, 491. Od. 2O, 204 ; and late prose StSaK/sv/zeW (PI.) Ax. 364 ; Plut. Public. 6. C. Gracch. 16; Luc. Icaromen. 13 ; Dio. Hal. 6, 81 ; Paus. i, 21, 5 ; Aristaen. i, 22, bathed in tears', pres. daKpiierm Eur. Hel. 1226. Mid. 8aKpvfo-dai as act. Aesch. Sept. 814 (Dind.) : fut. late 8aKpva-op.at Tryph. 404, quoted ; v. r. Aesch. Sept. 814 : late also aor. Saicpvo-aro Tryph. 431, e'Saxp- Nonn. 15, 381 ; unless SciKpvo-aorOcu be correct Aesch. Sept. 796 (Mss. Herm. for -vftrQai Mss. 814 Dind. Paley). Vb. d-8dKpi>Tos II. i, 415. v except occasionally in late poets, 8aKpva> Christ. Pat. 356. 913, -&ts Theod. Prodr. 2, 300, 8dKpve Anth. Pal. 9, 148. 12, 232, 8aKpva-a> Theod. Prodr. i, 263. 8aKpvaa> called fut. Aesch. Ag. 1490; Soph. O. C. 1255; Theocr. 2, 64, seems rather subj. aor. Of the pass, the pres. SaKpverai Eur. Hel. 1226, and perf. 8(8aKpvfjMi quoted, are alone in use. The pres. act. is not used by the Epics ; 8aiepva>v Batr. 69, is the only instance we know : JcXauu is the Epic pres. II. I, 362. 24, 773, ei/3a>, SaKp^ewj/, &C. The mid. is Poet, but not in Horn, and in classic authors scarcely ventures beyond the pres. Our lexicons, we think, have entirely missed it. Aafidw (Sajidu) To tame, mostly Poet, -afeis Eur. Ale. 980, -af Aesch. Ch. 324; Anacreon 65 (B.); Nic. Ther. 363. Al. 5; V. T. Dan. 2, 40, Dor. -do-Sei Theocr. 4, 55; 8ap.dfav Xen. Mem. 4, 3, 10 (see Hes. Th. 865; Pind. P. n, 24), 8ap.da> in pres. is rare, and perhaps late, fiayndcoo-t Q. Sm. 5, 247, seems 165 pres. (comp. -6a>vrat 249), see below: imp. e'Sd/iafoi/ Eur. H.F. 374 (chor.) : fat. Sa/tacrw, -da-et Anth. 6, 329 ; V. T. Dan. 2, 40, -do-o-ei II. 22, 176; Ap. Rh. 3, 353. 4, 1654, and (Sa//), 3 sing. dapa II. I, 6l, Ep. 8cifj.da 22, 2jl, 3 pi. -otocrt 6, 368, by Some called pres.: aor. e'fia/nao-a Find. N. 7, 90, Sd/zao-a II. 16, 543. 22, 446; Hes. Th. 857; Find. Ol. 10, 30; Soph. Ant. 827 (chor.), e'Sa/zao-o-a II. 5, 191. 16, 813; Hes. Th. 332 ; Find. P. 2, 8; TEur. H.F. 381 (chor.), ddfiaa-a-a II. 5, 106. Od. 14, 367; Find. P. 8, 80; Sa/wWeo II. 16, 438, -a Theocr. 22, 93; Mpcurov II. 9, 496, -aa-ffov 3, 352; da/nd II. 3, 301 ; fia/netV II. 22, 40 ; Hes. Op. 152; Sapph. 90; Find. Ol. i, 41; Aesch. Pr. 426. 861. Ag. 1495; Eur. Rhes. 764. Or. 845. I. A. 623; Sa^i/at H. 15, 522. Od. 1 8, 156; Hes. Th. 464; Aesch. Ch. 367; Soph. Ph. 200, Epic 8anf]fj.fi>ai II. 10, 403; Ap. Rh. 3, 480. Mid. Sa/*db/iat as act. Aesch. Supp. 884 (Vulg.); Eur. Fr. 683 (D.); Com. Fr, (Anax.) 3, 163. 175 : fut. Epic 8a/xdo-o-6Tat II. (n, 478 may be Subj.) 21, 226; Opp. Hal. 4, 373: aor. Sn/xno-ai/ro II. 10, 210; Q. Sm. 14, 138, Sa/xao-o-- II. 5, 278, e'Sauda-craTO Od. 9, 516; Find. P. 3, 35 ; -a/iao-cu/i^ Od. 4, 637 ; -do-acr&u II. 23, 655 ; 1 66 -curadpcvos Od. 9, 454 ; late prose e'Sa/udo-aro Galen 3, 3 ; Greg. Nyss. de horn, condit. 7, 3 (Forbes), but Kara-So/iac-d/iei/os Thuc. 7, 8 1. (Sd/i-.) VI). SapacrTfov Geop. 1 6, I, d-8d/ia d-8dfiaro? Aesch. Ch. 54) n-8/iijros II. IO, 293. Sd/*fi> Epic 3 pi. 2 aor. p. for eSa^o-civ, II. 8, 344; subj. Baudot Od. 1 8, 54, -fierf II. 7, 72 (Vulg. Dind. La Roche), -ijere (Bekk.), 80/11717? 2 sing. II. 3, 436, -777; 3 sing. 22, 246, for -figs, -pj)', inf. dapTjfievm II. io, 403. In classic authors fio/xaw occurs rarely, if ever, in pres. act. 8a/na II. i, 61, may be fut. contr. from 8a/j.d(T(i -dti -a, Epic -da 22, 271, -daxri 6, 368, but Su/xocoa-t Q. Sm. 5, 247, 8afj.6a>vrai 5, 249, seem to be pres. Horn, has both aorists pass, in the double form cdapdV&pr, e'fyu^i/, 2 t8dfjir)v: so Find. -da-Orjv twice, Ol. 2, 20. P. i, 73, -aie'i/oi Isocr. 6, 65 (Steph.) is now w/taXt To subdue, only pres. Sa/w\i'bi Pind. P. 5, 129 (162). Mid. Sa/iaAifo/ie'i/a Eur. Hipp. 231 (chor.) now approved for 8a/iab/it-, but pass. 8a/iaXibji/a> Pind. P. ii, 24 (39) now rejected for Sa/iafo^eVnv. See dapdfa. Aajirau Poet. To subdue, -vas Theogn. 1388, -va Od. n, 221; imperat. Sdjuva Sapph. i, 3: imp. tSduva II. 5, 391. 21, 270, 5d/x- II. 16, 103, iter. ddpvao-Kf Hom. H. 4, 251. Mid. Sa/xwzouat trans, seems not quite certain, for 8afj.ua II. 14, 199, may equally well be 2 sing. Of 8d/ixvafiat, -ao-at, -aat COntr. -a, from bdfjLvrjfu, which see. AdfAvrjfu To subdue, Poet. II. 5, 893. 8, 390 ; Alcae. 92 ; Theogn. 173. Mid. Sd/wa^ai as act. 8ap.va II. 14, 199, but VJTO- Od. 16,95, -VUTOI Od. 14, 488; HeS. Th. I22J 167 Archil. 85 (Berglc); Find. Fr. 207; Aesch. Pr. 164 (chor.): imp. 8dp.vaTO II. H, 309, lba.fjLva.TO Q. Sm. I, 243, tear- H. Merc. 137. Pass. 8dnvap.ai Aesch. Supp. 904 (chor.) ; Opp. Hal. 23, 387; -dp.evos II. 13, 16; -va. 7b /?, -eiovo-t V. T. Prov. 22, 7 (Vat. Alex.), -etels Deut. 15, 10. 28, 12 (Vat.), but -tets (Alex.), and 15, 6 (Vat.) &c.: so mid. Sai/o/xeu, -eti? 15, 6. 28, 12 (Vat. -ifi Alex.) Acnmvcxw .7^v Ar. Fr. 476 (D.) ; Lys. 25, 13: fut. (-ijo-Ojuae) : p. 8ebandvrjfj.ai Isocr. 18, 63; Dem. I, 27: aor. Sairavridels Isocr. 15, 225; Isae. 5, 43: but late, aor. mid. i!kupavi) Plut. Mor. 1026; -dvtiv PL Phaed. 71. 72, tTriKara- Rep. 534, OTTO- Ael. H.A. 3, 13: p. KaTa8f8ap8r)K. -tiapdfv, for -drja-av, Ap. Rh. 2, 1227; -8ap6evra Ar. Plut. 300 (Mss. Bekk. Bergk &c., but -Sap&Wa Pors. Dind.), -Bivrts PhiloStr. 2, 36; (LUC.) Philop. 21, Poet. (Kcn-eSpa^), SUbj. -Spatfw Od. 5, 471 (Vulg. Wolf), differing only in accent from subj. 2 aor. act. -dpa6a> (Bekk. Thiersch, Dind. La Roche) : 2 aor. act. Kar-e8ap6ov Com. Fr. (Ar.) 2, 1148; (Theocr.) 21, 39; Thuc. 6, 61 ; Lys. Fr. 54 (Scheibe); PL Apol. 40; Xen. Hell. 7, 2, 23; Luc. Merc. Con. 30, Poet. ebpaGov Horn, always, Od. 20, 143, Trap- 20, 88, tear- 23, 1 8 ; Theocr. 18, 9, 3 dual Ka88pu6fTT)v ((careSp-) Od. 15, 494; SUbj. Kara-Spade* Od. 5, 471, -8dp6a>Htv Ar. Thesm. 725, see above; -8dp8oi Xen. Ages. 9, 3 ; -8ap6flv PL Conv. 223 ; Ar. Nub. 38. Eccl. 628, vyKara- 623, Poet. 8pa6f(iv, irapa- II. 14, 163 ; Kara-8ap6o)V Ar. Plut. 300 (Pors. Dind.), see above; Plut. Mor. 75. 264, -8ap0oi>o-a Ar. Eccl. 37, firucara- Thuc. 4, 133. 8ap6f)(rop.ai we have never seen. Late prose authors sometimes present the Poet, form KaradpaBav Char. 6, 7, Kara8pa()ei(ra 4, i. W. Dindorf is quite decided on discarding the 1 aor. pass, of this verb, except in very late authors, such as the Scholiasts &c. (Thesaur. Aareo/iai To divide, II. 18, 264 ; Hes. Th. 606 ; Her. 1,216; -fwfifda II. 9, 280; fv-8arovfjifvos Aesch. Sept. 578; Soph. Tr. 791; Eur. H. F. 218; -teaOai Democr. p. 177 (Mull.): imp. SarfovTo II. 5, 158. 20, 394; Pind. Ol. 7, 55, and -eiWo II. 23, 121, only pres. and imp. unless darfavdat Hes. Op. 767, be inf. 1 aor.; but as such a form is against analogy, notwith- standing aAeWtfai, the reading should probably be pres. 8areVo-0ai (Ms. Flor. D.), more especially as a pres. precedes it : for fut. 8ao-op.ai : aor. e'fiao-a^iji*, see daiofjuii. Pass, in comp. (v- dare'ia-Bai Soph. O. R. 205 ; 8ta-8arovfj.fvr}s App. B. C. I, I. (Aciw) To teach, learn, Epic 2 aor. tdaov taught, Theocr. 24, 128 (Vulg.); Ap. Rh. 4, 989, 8de 3, 529, learned, Pind. Fr. 143 (B.), redupl. Stdae Od. 8, 448. 20, 72; Theocr. quoted (Ahr. Mein. Ziegl.) : 2 p. 8e8aa have learned, 8e8dua-i Callim. Ap. 45; -aas Od. 17, 519; (Hymn. Merc.?) 510; Ap. Rh. 2, 247, -aS>rt Emped. 120 (Stein); Ap. Rh. i, 52: pip. 8(8dti Orph. Arg. 127: 1 p. 8t8drjKa Od. 8, 134. 146; Emped. 85 (Stein); Orph. Arg. 46; Her. 2, 165; -TJKMS Od. 2, 61 ; Hes. Fr. 215 (Marcksch.); Anacreont. 51, 12 (Bergk); late prose -t}Kfi>ai. Dio Chrys. 74, 15 (Em per.) : p.p. SeSai^ai as act. -Tjptvos Horn. H. 3, 483; Ap. Rh. i, 200; Theocr. 8, 4; SeSarjcrdat. Ap. Rh. 2, 1154: 2 aor. fbdr)v as act. II. 3, 208; Tyrt. ii, 8; Crates 12 (Bergk); Aesch. Ag. 123 (chor.) ; Soph. EL 169 (chor.); Eur. Phoen. 819 (chor.); Hec. 76 Aea/ucu Aet<5tV Epic 2 aor. subj. pass, for 8aS>, II. 10, 425 ; inf. darjfifvai II. 21, 487, see above. From Se'Saa comes a new pres. (8e8ao//m), hence inf. SeSana&u Od. 16, 316. This verb is not in Attic prose, excepting late, SfdarjKevai Dio Chrys. quoted ; in Attic poetry, only in chor.; rare in Ionic prose, Her. and Luc. Syr. quoted. (Ae'djiai) Epic, To appear, S/aro a defect, imp. Od. 6, 242 (Wolf, Bekk. Dind. Sdaro yulg.) Pres. in Hesych. 8mu= (SeiKfupu) To greet, SfStcrKo/zei/of Od. 15, 150. See i, 8e8i(ro-op.ai, -irrofJiai (Siop,ai) To frighten, 8e8i'a/ceai Horn. H. Merc. 163, -tYrerai Luc. Bis ace. 7 ; Plut. Mor. 150. 724; -tTTro Polyaen. i, 12. The form 8e8iWyiat is very rare, Stdio-Kfai Horn. H. 3, 163 quoted, is an emendation of Pierson and Moer. for Tirva/ceai of the Mss., but generally adopted. Maltby would discard this form in the sense to frighten, and read To fear, a Dor. pres. (or perf with term, of pres.) Theocr. 15, 58. Ae8oKT]fxeVos watching, a def. p. part. Epic II. 15, 730; Hes. Sc. 214. See SOIKW. AeSoKeii/ Dor. inf. for -vKfvai Theocr. i, 102. Aei // is necessary. See Se'co to want. AeiSeyfxai, see SdKvvpi. Aei8i(TKop,ai To greet, welcome, Epic -opevos Od. 3, 41 : imp. To Od. 18, 121. 20, 197 ; Ap. Rh. i, 558. Epic, To frighten, -ivoeat II. 13, 810; imperat. 1 70 Aei &0. 4, 184, -la-a-eado) 15, 196; rarely intrans. fear, quail, 8fi8la-(Tt(T0ai II. 2, 190; see Hippocr. 8, 66, SiSto-o-- (Lit.): imp. SetStWfTo trans, frightened, in tmesi II. 12, 52, dreaded Orph. Arg. 56: fut. 8S/mu will frighten, Hes. Sc. in ; -te To fear, pres. perhaps Epic, and only i pers. sing. II. 14, 44. Od. 12, 122; Ap. Rh. 3, 481; Q. Sm. 2, 46; 8i8 Q. Sm. 4, 36; Or. Sib. 12, 152 ; Aristid. 46, 168, KOTO- Epist. Phal. 84 : aor. e8fra II. 10, 240 (Bekk.); Simon. Am. 14, 2 ; Aesch. Sept. 203; Eur. Hec. 1138; Ar. Lys. 822 ; Her. i, 153 ; Thuc. i, 74 ; Lys. 14, 9; Xen. An. 6, 6, 7; Isocr. 9, 57, Epic (88- II. 10, 240. 22, 19 (Vulg. Dind.) see below, Seio-a II. 8, 138; subj. delays Soph. El. 1309; Ar. Eccl. 586; Xen. An. 7, 3, 26, -ay II. 24, 116; PI. Theaet. 166, -7^-e II. 24, 779; Soph. O. R. 1414, -o-t Isocr. 12, 133; Opt. 8fi 555- 21, 198; Callim. Epigr. 45; subj. rare SeSoiVwo-i Hippocr. 4, 1 66 (Lit.); (opt.?): pip. as imp. SeSrHmi> Xen. Cyr. i, 3, TO; PL Charm. 175. Rep. 472, -r Ar. Plut. 684; Luc. Icar. 3; App. Mithr. 58, - Lys. 12, 50; (Isocr.) 17, 14. 22, pi. f8f8olKftrav Thuc. 4, 27 ; Xen. An. 3, 5, 18 ; Polyaen. 2, 1, 6 ; inf. Poet. 8e8oiKfvai Eur. Supp. 548 ; Ar. Plut. 354. Vesp. 1091 ; and late prose (PL) Ax. 372 ; Polyaen. 8, 28 ; Apollod. 2, 5, 4; Luc. Ner. 4; Plut. Pyr. 16; T. Grach. 16; 8edoiK. In the aorist, Epic writers, at least most of our editions, double the 8 after the augment: eddeia-a II. i, 33. 10, 240. 20, 61. 23, 425 &c. ; Callim. Dian. 51 ; Ap. Rh. 3, 1293, and generally in COmp, 7rf/n'Sfi virev\fpde II. 20, 6 1, and put up with one in 8e 8fi\ 554) why might he not, lengthen e, similarly situated, in Xa\(\Trr)v f\8fla-arf II. 13, 624, and rot 8' f8\d Od. IO, 219, instead of e'SS-? It appears to us that in the first case the stress has been laid on the vowel, and left no trace ; in the second, it has been laid on the consonant, and generated its like. But by the Poet, or the Editor? Are there metrical or rational grounds for the difference ? We are inclined to think that Bekker is right in editing e'So-a, TrepiSeio--, {nroSeia-- always with single 8 in his last edition (1859). The following examples may, by shewing the usage, serve to aid the easier comprehension of the case : no doubling of the 8 (= digamma) beyond the aor. &>Se y t\8ei8ifj,ev II. 6, 99, Ki\vov yap e\dei- II. 5> 790, yap KaX' e'|8ei'Si(rai/ 15, 652 (Bekk.), -ov Kal e&eidurav 'J, 1 51, TiWe OT'| 8ei8oiK- II. 12, 244, Te/3i|8ei'Sta, II. 10, 93 ; where no trace of it appears even in the aor. rS>v 8' apa\ Sturavr\K>v. Od. 12, 203. 24, 534, vno-\8eia-aTe\ Od. 2, 66 ; where 8 is doubled perhaps unnecessarily, e'SSfto-a II. i, 33, &c. &c., see above. The instances of 8*i'8a> in pres. beyond the i pers. sing, are rare, and by some thought doubtful, 8ei8eTc Anth. Pal. 9, 147, 8et'8o,uej/ Dio. Hal. Ant. 6, 32. The correction to Se/Stre, 8St/i is easy, and in Dio. Hal. has now been made, but the question is as 172 AeieXmco easy, and not unreasonable would later writers feel themselves restricted to exactly Homeric usage? Perf 8f8oiKa, pip. f8e8oiK(iv seem confined to the indie, usually singular, part, and inf. ; subj. SeSoiVeoort, however, Hippocr. 4, 1 66 (Mss. B. M. N. Lit.): 8e8ia, again, is used throughout, but less frequently, in indie, sing. perf. and pip. : of 8i8oiica, good prose writers use i and 3 sing, the pi. is Poet. : of e'SeSotWti/ they use i and 3 sing, and 3 pi. ; fiefioueobs rarely ; 8f8oiKft>ai perhaps never (PI.) Ax. 372. These are partially supplied by (8f8ia), 8e8infv, 8(8iT(, fieStWi; SfStcos freq. Antiph. 2, 8, i ; Dem. 18, 263. 23, 126 &c. &c. ; 8(8iivai Hippocr. 1222 (Foes); Thuc. i, 136; PI. Conv. 198 &c. See dim. Cobet (Nov. Lect. p. 588) says " forma So-o/uai a Grammaticis ficta est, neque usquam in Graecorum libris legitur," and on this ground objects to L. Dindorfs reading SeiW Xen. An. 7, 3, 26, for dfioys (Vulg. Kriig. Saupp.) Horn, has this fut. twice indisputably: Cobet would, therefore, have taken safer ground if he had denied its being a prose form. (AeieXidw) To take an afternoon meal, Epic and only aor. part. SeteXtijo-a? Od. 17, 599. Acitcacctu To shew (the hand\ Poet. pres. late, Arat. 209 : imp. iter. 8(iKavaa Theocr. 24, 56. Mid. SeiKavdofMi to welcome, imp. 3 pi. Epic deucavouvTo II. 15, 86. Od. 24, 410, e'fiet/c- Ap. Rh. I, 884. (a.) AeiKkuju To extend the hand, shew, Pind. Fr. 108, 5 ; Soph. O. C. 1145; Eur.- Heracl. 1048. Ion 1341 ; Ar. Av. 1080; Her. 2, 86 (Bekk. Dind.); Isocr. 4, 29; Isae. u, 3; PI. Rep. 514. 523 ; Xen. Oec. 20, 13, OTTO- Antiph. 5, 59, and S^wvoj Hes. Op. 451; Com. Fr. (Men.) 4, 93. 245; Aeschin. 2, 71 ; Dem. 18, 76. 21, 169. 36, 47 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, i, 7 (Popp. -wri Dind. Saupp.), -iiovcri An. 6, 2, 2 (Kriig. Saupp. -vaa-i Dind. Hug), rrpo- Her. 7, 37 (Bekk. Dind.), eV- Andoc. 2, 14, eVi- Isocr. 4, 4, dwo- Isae. 9, 31 ; imper. fieucwe Hes. Op. 502 ; PI. Phaedr. 228. 268 (Vulg.) ; Dem. 45, 45 (Bekk. Dind.), but ftc/ow PI. Rep. 523, eVt- Ar. Av. 666 (never -v&), -v Soph. O. C. 1532; Dem. 21, 28; SfiKws II. 13, 244; Her. 2, 78; PI. Tim. 50; -vw Xen. Mem. i, 3, i ; Dem. 24, 35; 3t/i5i/at Theogn. 771 ; Her. 2, 148; PI. Apol. 21 ; Dem. 2, 5, -vttv Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 430 ; Dem. 2, 12. 24, 48; Luc. Prom, n, em- Xen. Cyr. 8, i, 21 (Dind. Saupp.) : imp. fdfiKvw Xen. An. 4, 5, 33. Cyr. 8, 4, 35 ; Dem. 18, 213 ; SeiKw Hes. Op. 526, fdtiKwov Her. 4, 150 ; Antiph. 5, 76 ; Aeschin. 3, 118 ; Dem. 18, 233. 34, 42, eV- Lys. 6, 51, SetW- Pind. P. 4, 220: fut. 8eiga> Od. 12, 25; Solon 10; Aesch. Eum. 662; Soph. Aj. 66; Her. 4, 79 (Bekk.); Thuc. 5, 9, Ion. 8fga> see 173 below : aor. ?8e(a Od. 27, 147 ; Find. P. 6, 46 ; Aesch. Pr. 482; Eur. Cycl. 9; Thuc. 4, 73; Lys. 12, 49; PL Tim. 41, 8ei- Od. 3, 174; Find. Ol. 13, 75, Ion. eSt|a see below: p. 8e8dxa Aristot. Top. i, 18, 4; Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 517, OTTO- 3, 503, eVt- (Dem.) 26, 16 : p.p. SeSety^ai Soph. Fr. 379 (D.); Xen. Cyr. 2, 3, 9 ; PL Leg. 896, Epic Sei'Se-y/xm see mid. : pip. e'Se'SfiKTo, an-- Xen. Hell. 3, 2, 13, Ion. -f8(8(KTo Her. 3, 88, Epic 88r see mid. : aor. e'Se/x^i/, en-- Isocr. 4, 145, QTT- PL Prot. 359; but 8tix0!J Polit 278; 8etx^" at Antiph. 2, i; -&'? Eur. Supp. 1209; PL Legg. 822: 8(ix0Tios eorat Antiph. 5, 80, aTTO- Xen. An. 7, i, 26. Ion. forms, fut. 8 Her. 4, 179 (Bekk. Dind. Dietsch, Abicht), airo- 3, 122. 5, 22 : aor. fSea Her. 2, 30 (Dietsch, Abicht), an- 5, 22 (Bekk. Dind. Dietsch &c.) : 8e8(yp.ai, airo- I, 153: f8e8(KTo, (car- 7, 215: aof. e'Se'^^j/, arr- 6, 104; -0'r I, I : sea'/Li7v, drr- I, 170. 7, 46. Mid. SfiWfyat Epic, /0 ^0/W 3. e '"- PI- Apol. 32; Dem. 21, 145 ; Saatro, eV- Eur. Ale. 154: p. SfiSexarat 3 pi. Od. 7, 72, em-SfdeiKrai PL Tim. 47, eV- Dem. 18, 10; (Hippocr.) Epist. 9, 400 (Lit); D. Sic. 20, 93, missed by Lexicogr. : pip. SetSe* 3 sing. II. 9, 224, SetSt'^aTo 3 pi. greeted, II. 4, 4, aTro-SeSfiy/ieVot ^a-ai/ Xen. An. 5, 2, 9. Vb. SetKr/ov Xen. Mem. 3, 5, 8. On the forms -v/u, -uw, Mss. and editors vary exceedingly: Horn, has only 8ftKvvs; Hes. 8eiKvva> always, unless Seuci/u Op. 526, be imp. ; Her. 8cuv 3, 79. 3 pi. -vovo-t 3, 119, fVi- 4, 168, airo- 5, 45, Trpo- i, 209, and -va-i, OTTO- i, 171. 4, 8. 5, 45 (Bekk. Dind. -vouo-i 5, 45 Gaisf. Dietsch, Stein) ; Pind. has Seiicvvtv P. 4, 200, but dno-8fiKvv[j.tvoi N. 6, 49; so Her. AnnMicMyd 2, 16. 18, a?r- eSfiKvvarav 2, 144. 9, 80, and 7rpo-Setcn;et 7, 37, imp. f8fiicvve 4, 150, pres. and imp. indie, were used by earlier Attic writers only when the v is followed by a long vowel or diphthong, as 8fiKvi>fi, but not Mss. however and the most stringent editors present I 74 Aet/zamo Ae/p&). Antiphon 5> 7^i and wpvvov Thuc. 5, 19. 23. 24, Lys. 19, 26. To fear, Horn. H. 2, 226; Tyrt. n, 3; Aesch. Pr. 41 ; Her. 8, 140; PL Rep. 330 ; -aiVot/u Soph. O. C. 492; Mosch. 3, 55; -*.> Ar. Vesp. 1042; Her. 3, 35; PI. Leg. 933; Plut. Mor. 729 ; -vew Aesch. Pers. 600; PI. Leg. 790 : imp. c8tip.atvov Eur. Rhes. 933, iter. 8et/uVeo-Ke Q. Sm. 2, 439 : fut. fcifiavfl in some editions of Aesch. Eum. 519, is an emendation of Abresch for deiftaivfi (Mss. Vulg. Sei/iarol Franz, 8tl ptvuv Dobr. and now Bind.) At Aesch. Eum. quoted, it means to frighten, and perhaps Pers. 600 ; PI. Leg. 865 : hence pass, dfipaivovro Q. Sm. 2, 499. In good Attic prose, Plato only. Acifoci), CK- To make dreadful, exaggerate^ Joseph. 17, 5, 5: in simple, only 1 aor. part. 8eivcrai Plut. Per. 28. AemWu To sup, Ar. Eccl. 683 ; Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 37 : imp. c8ftm>fe Od. 17, 506; Hippocr. i, 594, -m Andoc. i, 45; PI. Conv. 217 : fut. -ijo-to Ar. Pax 1084; Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 35, 3 pi. Dor. -acrfvvTi Callim. L. P. 115 (Ernest. Bl.) : and late -qo-o/itu Plut. Mor. 225; Diod. Sic. n, 9; Galen 10, 6 : aor. eSetW^o-a Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 95; Hippocr. 5, 212; PI. Conv. 203, Sew- Od. 14, in ; -f)ff(>)fjLfv Xen. An. 4, 6, 17; -f]o-fiav Od. 9, 155 ; 8(urvf]o-us 15, 79; Thuc. 3, 112 : p. SfStiTrvrjica Ar. Eccl. 1 133 ; Hippocr. 5, 222 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, 21 : pip. e'SeSewn^KeH' Antiph. i, 18: PL Conv. 217, 8f8fm- Od. 17, 359. Syncop. forms 8e8ei7rvaiJ.fv Com. Fr. (Eubul.) 3, 248. (Alex.) 3, 429; 8(8fini>avai Com. Fr. (PL) 2, 663. (Ar.) 2, 1051. 1139 (Antiph.) 3, 79- (Eub.) 3, 248, for -ijKa/iev, -q/ceWu : p.p. SeSeiTm^eVoj, irapa- Com. Fr. (Amph.) 3, 315. See a/H. This verb is once only in Trag. Seinvelv if sound, Eur. Fr. Incert. 688 (D.) 8enmw to entertain, Anth. n, 394; Her. 7, 118; Xen. Mem. i, 3, 7. Oec. 2, 5 : has fut. 8enrviS> Com. Fr. (Diph.) 4, 405 : aor. fSeiTTvia-a Her. 7, n8; Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 5, Poet, deirrvia-a Matron (Athen.) 4, 13 ; part, fanrvivaas Od. 4, 535. u, 411 : p.p. late 8f8fnri>iafi.fvos Plut. Mor. 92. This verb does not occur in Tragic poetry, occasionally in Comic, rare in Epic, only Od. quoted : rare also in Attic prose, only Xen. and late Luc. Ep. Sat. 22 ; Plut. quoted. Aei'pw To flay, a lengthened form of the more Attic 8>o>, Sflpovo-t Her. 2, 39, dno- 4, 64 ; imperat. 8cipe Com. Fr. (Cratin.) 2,224; Ar. Av. 365 (Dind. Bergk); (Luc.) Asin. 6; ddpetv Ar. Nub. 442 (Dind. Bergk) : aor. eSeipa, an- Her. 5, 25 ; subj. 8i'/)a>(7i, OTTO- Her. 4, 61 ; Seipas, dno- 4, 60. 64: pass. imp. Ae/co/xcu Aep/co/xcu. 175 jv Ar. Vesp. 1286: for p.p. and aor. see 8fpa>. In Ar. Bekk. reads Salpe, tiaipav. AeKOfiai To receive, Aeol. and Ionic prose for fax-, Sapph. i, 22 (Bergk); Her. 9, 91 ; also Find. Ol. 2, 63. P. i, 98; imper. SfKtv Ol. 13, 68 : imp. fieWo Find. I. 8 (7), 68, e'Se*- Her. 3, 135. 5, 18, -KOVTO 6, 13. 8, 28. Aejioj To build, pres. rare, part, fa'pav Horn. H. 3, 87 : imp. also rare, 8e'^oj> Od. 23, 192 : fut. (Se/xw?) : aor. e'Sei/m II. 21, 446 ; Ap. Rh. 4, 469 ; Her. 2, 124, 8/t- Ap. Rh. 3, 37 ; subj. fiet'/no/xei/, for -w/xei', II. 7, 337; 8flp.as Eur. Rhes. 232 (chor.); Her. 9, 10 : p. (Se'S/w/Ka?) : p.p. Stfyu^ai II. 6, 249 ; Theocr. 17, 18; Her. 7, 200, Dor. -5/u Theocr. 15, 120: pip. eSe'S/xrjro II. 13, 683; Her. 7, 176, 6e'8- Od. 14, 6. Mid. /0 build for oneself, aor. eSet/nd/iiji' Od. 6, 9 ; Eur. Fr. Dan. 22 ; Her. 4, 78 ; late Attic prose (PI.) Ax. 370; Arr. 2, 5, 4 ; (Luc.) Amor. 36; Apollod. 2, 7, 2 ; Dio. Hal. i, 55, Sei'/za^' Od. 14, 8, dual fiei/m- o-0?;i/ Opp. C. 4, 87. The pres. and imp. are confined to Ion. poetry, and are very rare. Sfpovra Horn. H. 3, 188, is an emendation of Barnes for vepovra. The verb scarcely occurs in Attic poetry, perhaps never in classic Attic prose, it is chiefly Ionic and late Attic. Put. 8ffj.S>, p. 8fdp.rjKa, 2 p. fie'Soyna we have never seen. A late form of p.p. SeSo^/ieVor, as if from occurs Arr. An. 7, 22; Aristid. 43, 555: aor. Hesych. : aor. mid. So/^o-aro Lycophr. 48 : redupl. fut. ftjjtrerat as act. Or. Sib. 3, 384. Aei/SiXXw To glance at, Epic and only part. -XXwi> II. 9, 180; Ap. Rh. 3, 281. Ae|ioGfxai Dep. To stretch out the right hand, entreat, greet, Plut. Mor. 62; -ovfifvos Eur. Rhes. 419; Xen. Hell. 7, 2, 9; -ova-Oat Aristot. Mund. i, 6 ; Luc. Alex. 41 : imp. 'Sfioi)ro Ar. Plut. 753 ; Xen. Cyr. 6, 3, 15, 3 pi. Epic -oWro Horn. H. 6 (5), 16; Ap. Rh. 2, 756. 3, 258: fut. -wo-o/zat Aesch. Ag. 852; Soph. El. 976; Hyperid. Leosth. Col. 13, 13; Dio. Hal. 8, 45; Luc. Bis ace. 9; Herodn. 2, 13 : aor. e'Sf^uotra/^i/ Lys. 2, 37; Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 53 : but e'Se^tw^i/ pass. PI. Rep. 468. SeSei'co/i), 8paiteis to Pind. This verb does not occur in early prose, occasionally in late, Sep/copai (Luc.) D. Syr. 20, especially the perf. 8t8opKa Plut. Mor. 15. 281; Luc. Calumn. 10. Herm. 20. Hist. Con. 37. Icar. 6; Galen i, 5 (K). Late is found a pres. act. form emSepKet, Pseud. -Callisth. i, 33, missed by Lexicogr. Ae'pw To flay, Com. Fr. (Anax.) 3, 181; PL Euthyd. 285; 8epa>v Ar. Ran. 619 ; 8epeiv (Luc.) Asin. 6 : imp. efitpoi/ II. 23, 167, 8epov Od. 8, 61 : fut. 8epS> Ar. Eq. 370 : aor. f8upa II. 2, 422 ; Dio. Hal. 7, 72, e- Eur. Elec. 824; Hyperid. Fr. 116, air- Luc. D. Deor. 16, 2; 8eipas, (K- PL Rep. 6l6 ; Setpm, 'K- Xen. An. i, 2, 8: p.p. 8e8apfjuu, ~8dpdai Solon Fr. 33 (Bergk); -8apn(vos Ar. Lys. 158, - Her. 7, 70 : 1 aor. e8dp6rjv, 8ap6fis Com. Fr. (Nicoch.) 2, 844 : 2 aor. f8aprjv Ael. Epist. n ; Luc. Lexiph. 2 ; 8aptis (Menand.) Mon. 422, C'K- Her. 7, 26, OTTO- Xen. An. 3, 5, 9: fut. late 8apf). Aeuo) To need, want, Aeol. and Epic for 8ea>, pres. act. not used, aor. e'Sei/jjo-a Od. 9, 540, see 8eta. Mid. 8twp.ai as act. 2 Sing, -fai II. 23, 484, and -rj Od. I, 254, -erai 7, 73, -ovrat Q. Sm. i, 459; -OIVTO Callim. Ap, 50, -otWo II. 2, 128; -opevos 3, 294; Lesb. Tit. 2189, Dor. -o/zei/a Eur. Tr. 276 (chor.): imp. e8evfo II. 17, 142, -tvero I, 468. 602. 4, 48, 8ivovro 2, 709: fut. 8evr](T(ai Od. 6, 192. 14, 510 ; -Jj0-e is softened from the digam- mated 8e7w. Aevw Ae^o/xai. 177 To zve/, II. 2, 471 ; Ar. Fr. 267 (D.); rare in prose -a>v Hippocr. 6, 298. 420 ; -nv 422. 8, 386 : imp. etitvov Od. 8, 522, 8eve II. 23, 220, iter. Seveo-Koi' Od. 7, 260: fat. fievcrw Com. Fr. (Eub.) 3, 247 : aor. eSeuo-a Soph. Aj. 376 ; Eur. Phoen. 674, nor- II. 9, 490 ; rare in prose, ebtva-e PI. Tim. 73 ; 8ev 57- 23, r 5- Ae'xkujiat Poet. To receive, late form for Se^o/iat, Anth. (Antip.) 9, 553; imper. 8exvvM< pass. V. T. Lev. 19, 7, Kara- Dio Cass. 40, 40: 3 fat. SeSe^o/iat act. II. 5) 238 ; Anth. 5, 9 ; Or. Sib. 3, 351 ; Nonn. 46, 262. This reduplicated fut. seems to be Epic, for at Aesch. Pr. 866 (860 D.) now stands Se 8tfrai (Dind. Herm. Paley), and for 8e8eerai. Ar. Vesp. 1223 N 1 78 Ae'-^co Ae'ft*. (Mss. R. V. Vulg. Br. Bekk), is now edited, rightly we think, 8e|eTcu (Bergk, Hirschig, Richter &c.), compare 1225. 1243. Pax 144. Av. 1312 &c. &c. In no instance in fact, except the one recorded, do the Mss. offer a trace of 8eS 353 (Bekk.); Find. Ol. 2, 49 ; Anth. 7, 25, w-Hes.Th. 513, 8fKTo II. 15, 88 ; imper. 8o II. 19, 10, 8t^e Ap. Rh. 4, 1554 ; inf. Se'x&u II. i, 23 ; Eur. Rhes. 525. Of these Buttmann takes fSfynqv received, tdeicro, SeVro, 8e'|o, Se'x&u as syncop. aor., and assigns to the perf. and pip. those forms only which signify to wait, expect. Vb. 8re'os Luc. Hermot. 74 (Jacob.), OTTO- Xen. Oec. 7, 36. A&l/u To work, knead, Ion. Her. 4, 64 : fut. (-ijo-co) : aor. 8^T]. Mid. aor. 8tyr)TUt, fK- (Hesych.). Vb. a-Se^rjjrof Od. 2O, 2. Ai> Tb <5/W, Hes. Fr. 94, 3; Her. 4, 72; PI. Crat. 403; deoifj.1, Od. 8, 352 ; imper. Seire Eur. Ion 1403 ; SeovTw Od. 12, 54 (Wolf, 8i8firra>v Aristarch. Bekk. La R.) ; 8flv H. Hym. 7, 12 : imp. eS PI. Crat. 403; Dem. 24, 145, 8eov Od. 22, 189; Hes. Sc. 291, 6K--I1. 23, 121 : fut. S^o-w II. 21, 454; Ar. Eq. 367 ; Andoc. 4, 17; Xen. An. 5, 8, 24 ; Dem. 24, 144: aor. f8r)(Ta II. 14, 73; Aesch. Eum. 641 ; Ar. Thesm. 1022 ; Her. 2, 122 ; Thuc. 8, 70, Poet. 8^a-fv II. 21, 30; Hes. Th. 502 ; Pind. P. 4, 71 ; imper. S^o-crre Od. 12, 161, 8t]a-dvro)v 12, 50; Dor. pt. 8f]crais Pind. P. 4, 234: p. 8t8fKa Dem. 24, 207 ; and late (Dem.) Epist. 3 (1477) ; Anth. (Meleag.) 5, 96. 12, 132 ; Plut. Tit. 10, and Se'Sij/m Aeschin. 2, 134 (Bekk. B. Saupp. -em Franke, Weidner) : pip. e'SeSijjcei Andoc. 4, 17 (Emper. B. Saupp. Blass, f'8f8(Kti Franke, e'Se8otc Bekk.): p.p. 8f8e^ai Theogn. 178; Pind. N. 11,45; Eur. Rhes. 617. Hipp. 160; Hippocr. 4, 190; 8f8ffievos Antiph. 5, 47 ; Thuc. i, 93 ; Her. 3, 39, eVi- Hippocr. 4, 220 (Lit.), v. r. SeSeoyt- see below; imper. Se8eV0o> PI. Leg. 880; 8(8ea-0ai H. Cer. 456; Lys. 10, 16 ; Dem. 24, 103 : pip. e8f8enT)v Her. 9, 37 ; Andoc. i, 48; Lys. 6, 23. 13, 55; Luc. D. Deor. 21, 2, Se'Sero II. 5, 387, 8c8evro Od. 10, 92, f8f8earo Her. i, 66. 5, 77 : aor. c8e8r)v Her. 6, 2 ; Antiph. 5, 17; Lys. 13, 34; 8fdS> PI. Meno 98; btQeitv Dem. 24, 121; 8e6eis Pind. N. 6, 35; Soph. Aj. 108 ; Eur. Hipp. 1237 ; PI. Leg. 919; SfBfivai PI. Leg. 954 : fut. Se^o-o/xat Dem. 24, 126. 131. Aew. 179 190. 191, fTTi- Hippocr. 3, 444 (Lit.): 3 fat. SeS^o-o/wu Xen. Cyr. 4, 3, 18; PI. Rep. 361 ; Alciphr. 3, 24; Luc. Catapl. 13. Tox. 35 (v. r. Se^o-- at both) ; but SeSeVo/wu Aristid. 53 (Jebb, 8e8fj(T- Dind.). Mid. fieo/zat trans, and Poet, in simple, bind for oneself, dva-Seovrai Her. i, 195; imper. wo-Selo-fle Ar. Eccl. 269 ; dva-8ovp.tvoi Thuc. i, 6. 50. 2, 90, viro- PL Theaet. 193 : imp. deovro 11. 1 8, 053, TrepifSovfji- PI. Leg. 830 : fat. Sijo-opu simple, perhaps late, Or. Sib. 12, 293, mpi- Ar. Eccl. 122, viro- Luc. Anach. 32, Kara- Theocr. 2, 158 (Ahrens, Fritzsche, Ziegl.) for -6vo-o(juu (Vulg. -edvva Mein.) : aor. e8r)ffdp,r)v II. IO, 22, dv- Thuc. 2, 92, Poet. eK-8fiVTai Her. 3, IIOJ 8rjo-aifj.r]V II. 8, 26; 8rj, Kara- Hippocr. 8, 488 ; 8^o-ao-0ai Hes. Op. 542 ; 8T]o-dfj,evos II. 17, 290; Ap. Rh. 2, 1013; Anth. 5, 255, dv- Pind. N. n, 28, dva- Thuc. 7, 74, - Her. 4, 76 : and p. p. vn-o-SeSe^eW may be mid. Xen. An. 4, 5, 14, am- Polyb. 16, 6, 10: pip. 8i-f8e8ero Luc. D. Mort. 12, 3. Perf. act. 8e8r)Ka is best supported, Aeschin. quoted, only one Ms. has 8e'8e*ca. The p. p. Se'Setr/iat, v. r. Her. quoted, has very slender support, Cod. Fl. ; and for eVifieSeoTieVoff Hippocr. 3, 2IO (Ktihn), the MSS. give -8e8e(jievos 4, 22O. 268, irpoo-- 302 (Lit.) Vb. 8eros, and com- pounds violate the general rule of dissyllable verbs in by contracting other concourses than ee, t, as 8ey, 8fj, avv- PI. Rep. 462, 8fov, 8ovv Plat. Crat. 419, dva8fv Ar. Plut. 589, Ka.T-e8eot>, -e8ovv Thuc. 6, 53, dva-8ovvrai PI. Rep. 465, . PI. Polit. 277. Mid. 8eofjiai, Epic 8ev- to want, entreat, Ar. Nub. 429; Her. i, 8; Antiph. i, 3. 5, 5; Thuc. 7, 63; Lys. 10, 21 ; PI. Phaed. 87, 8e Ar. Thesm. 264; PI. Parm. 126, Set Ar. LyStr. 605, Epic 8fvrj Od. I, 254, dfveai II. 23, 484, Setrnt Aesch. Supp. 358; Soph. O. R. 1293; Ar. Av. 74; Antiph. 2, y, 9 ; PI. Rep. 465, 8(6^60 Eur. Rhes. 321 ; Ar. Pax 474; Thuc. 6, 80, Siovrai Thuc. i, 81; PI. Theaet. 151 ; 8eV al Crat. 406 ; deoivro Leg. 72O, Ion. Seoiaro Her. 5, 73 ; de'ea-de 8, 22 ; -opevos Pind. N. 7, 13 : imp. e'Seo'/i^i' Ar. Vesp. 850 ; Her. 3, 36 ; Andoc. i, 49; Lys. 12, n ; Isocr. 17, 41, edeov Her. 7, 161, '8 8. 7, 7, 31 (most Mss. Kriig. Semu, Selvdai i Ms. Dind. Popp. Saupp.) ; 8fecrdai Mem. i, 6, 10. 2, i, 30. 8, i, zrpoo-- 4, 8, n ; Se'ercu 3, 6, 14, 717300- 3, 6, 13. 14; efit'fTO Hell. 6, I, 1 8 (Mss. Buttm. Kiihner, Breitb. &c. 8el-, 8i- Mss. Lob. Popp. L. Dind. and now Saupp.) These instances, if correct, would seem to shew that Xen. sometimes did not avoid using certain forms open which are usually contracted in this verb : Isocr. also has a) Aj/Xe'o/xcH . 1 8 1 the act. form open 8e'f n, 4. The aor. mid. we have never met, except fSfrja-aro in the Argum. by Anton. Bongiovan. to Liban. Or. 13; and Sajo-acr&u Emperius's unaccountable emendation adopted unaccountably by Westermann for fut. dtfia-fadai LyS. 27, 14 (for which 8ei)6rjvai Kaiser, SeSe^o-flai Cobet.) Ar]6(Wi> To linger, only pres. fydvurjo-da Od. 12, 121 ; Srjdvvoav II. 6, 519; Ap. Rh. 2.985; Anth. (Maced.) 5, 223 ; -vvew Od. 17, 278; Ap. Rh. 2, 75 : and imp. r)6vv* II. 6, 503. AT] too) 70 waste, Ionic, Opt. 8r]i6a>fj,fv Od. 4, 226; drjtowv II. 1 8, 195- 23, 176; Ap. Rh. 4, 489; Q. Sm. 7, 554, Attic SyS,, drjovre Ar. Lys. 1146, drjovpev Xen. Cyr. 3, 3, 18; so Horn, when the third syllable is long, part. 8yS>v II. 17, 65; Thuc. 4, 87 : imp. Ion. fSijtovv Her. 8, 33. 50 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind. Stein, &c.), so 5, 89 (Mss. Stein), -tevv (Bred. Kriig. Abicht), but e'Sjffw (Ms. S. V. Bekk. Gaisf. Dind.), Attic &jwv Thuc. i, 65 ; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 23, Sjow II. it, 71, iter. fyidavKov Ap. Rh. 2, 142, see below: fut. S^wo-co H- 12, 227; Soph. O. C. 1319; Thuc. 2, 71; Xen. Cyr. 5, 4, 21 : aor. e'S^tBo-a Thuc. i, 114; subj. SyaxTT) II. 16, 650, -ocrti/ 4, 416; Thuc. 2, 13 ; -dxretav Ap. Rh. 1, 244; part, bgfaras II. 8, 534. 18, 83; Solon 13, 21 ; Xen. Hell. 2, 2, 9, Ion. Srflaxras Her. 6, 135. 8, 121 (no v. r. Bekk. Gaisf. Dind.): p. late Se^Wa Sopat. Rhet. p, 193 : p. p. SeSg- 6ijv Her. 7, 133 (Gaisf. Bekk. Dind.); S^ek II. 4, 417; firj^vai Ap. Rh. i, 8 1. Mid. (87700/104), fut. as pass, d^a-fa-dai Ap. Rh. 2, 117 : aor. as act. ebrjaxrd^v Opp. H. 5, 350 ; Subj. SrjaMranrrai Q. Sm. 5, 374; -wo-ao-^at 5, 567 ; late prose 8rjuxrdfifvos Joseph. Jud. B. 2, 13, 2 (Bekk.) For imp. pass, difiocavro II. 13, 675, we have analogy in dpoWt, for dpova-t from dpoca, but drjidaa-Kov Ap. Rh. quoted, points rather to (8r?u0, Srfidio), imp. f8f)1ov Ap. Rh. 3, 1374, iter. Srjidao-Kov Ap. Rh. 2, 142. See ^vi To shew, Soph. Aj. 355 ; Ar. Eccl. 7 ; Her. 2, 5 ; Antiph. i, 30 ; Thuc. i, 3 : imp. ffyXovv Her. 2, 4 ; Thuc. 4, 68 : fat. SrjXaVo) Soph. El. 29 ; Ar. Eccl. 3 ; PI. Crit. 108 ; Isae. ii, ii : aor. e'SrjXoxra Aesch. Pers. 519; Antiph. i, 30; Thuc. 2, 50; Isocr. 15, 5: p. SeS^Xaxca Her. 2, 106 ; Thuc. i, 9 ; Isocr. 15, 10 : p. p. 8*817X0^01 Her. 5, 36 ; Thuc. 5, i ; imper. SeSqXoxr&a Her. 2, 33 : aor. f8r)\d>6r)v Antiph. 5, 70; -adjj Her. i, 159 : fat. pass. S^Xw^o-o/nai Ar. Ran. 1303; Thuc. i, 144: 3 fat. SeSTjXdxro/iat Hippocr. 4, 190 (Lit.): and mid. S^Xucro/wu pass. Soph. O. C. 581; but act. late Or. Sib. i, 294. Vb. 8r)\Q>Tfot> PI. Tim. 48. Herwerden suspects fat. pass. 8t)\o>dr)- o-fTQt Thuc. i, 144, and would substitute fat. mid. S^Xwa-erat. He had better ascertain if the constitution of the line in Aristoph. Ran. quoted will stand the cure. AT]fAOKpa.Te'ofj.cu (Kparew) as pass. To have a democratical con- stitution, Ar. Eccl. 945 ; Her. 6, 43 ; Thuc. 8, 48 ; Isocr. 20, 20: imp. e^oKpa-rdadf Isocr. 16, 37; (Dem.) 17, 10 : with fat. m. -^o-ojxm Thuc. 8, 48; Lys. 34, 4; Dem. 24, 99; and Thuc. 8, 75 (Ms. G. Popp. Kriig. Stahl), but fat. pass, -ydfaofjiai (best Mss. A. B. E. F. &c. Bekk.) : p. late 8eS>7/w)/, see 87100). Airjpidoj (ia) Poet. To contend, part, fypiuv Pind. N. n, 26, ~6v 21, 647; Ap. Rh. 2, 89, -oWreu 4, 1729; Opp. Hal. 2, 555. 4, 375; a/^i-S^ioVei/or Simon. (Am.) 7, 118; -daadai II. 16, 96 : imp. 8r}pi6a>vro Od. 8, 78 ; Q. Sm. 4, 255. For fat. and aor. see foil. Epic, To contend, act. late, fat. Srjpivo Lycophr. 1306 : A>/&> Amtraoj. 183 aor. (&T]p~o ; Anth. 7, 370; Orph. L. 607 ; Dion. Per. 483, Sijo/*ei> Od. 4, 544. 16, 44, 8f]fre II. 9, 685, fi^ovo-t Ap. Rh. 4, 591; subj. 8f)<0(j.fv 4, 1336 (Vulg. Merk.) ; opt. 8r)oipev 4, 1460, which Wellauer reads at 4, 1336 also: imp. etyev Hesych. ATJGJ, see Si?ido>. AiaiTdu 70 arbitrate, &c. Find. Ol. 9, 66 ; Hippocr. 7, 30. 8, 236 (Lit.); Dem. 47, 12; Theocr. 12, 34: imp. Sii/raw Dio. Hal. 2,75; Galen 6, 332. 10, 678, but in comp. Kar-eSigra (Dem.) 49, 19 : fut. 8tmrj?cra> Isae. 2, 30; Dem. 29, 58, rara- 33, 16 : aor. St^o-a Isae. 2, 31 ; Plut. Pomp. 12; App. Civ. 5, 20; Strab. 2, 3, 8, but in comp. dn-e&iJT- Isae. 12, 12; Dem. 40, 17. 30, 31, Kar-eSiriT- Isae. 12, ii ; Dem. 21, 84. 96. 27, 51. 40, 17, fJ.fT-f8i^r- Luc. D. Mort. 12, 3, late e'Siamyo-a, air- Argum. Dem. 40, KO.T- ibid., Dor. SwuYdo-a Pind. P. 9, 68 : p. 8e- SiTjrrjKO. Dem. 33, 31 : pip. KaT-e8e8ir]Tr)Kfi 21, 85 (D.), Kara-SeS- (Bekk.) : p. p. (SeSt^r^at Thuc. 7> 77> see mid.), OTTO- Dem. 21, 85. 96, Kara- 55, 31: pip. {8e8irjrT)To e- Thuc. i, 132; Galen 6, 686. Mid. Stairao/zm to pas s life, Her. i, 120. 5, 16, -eo/iai Hippocr. i, 574. 580 (Lit. Erm.) ; -acrdai Soph. O. C. 928 ; Andoc. 2, 10; Thuc. 2, 14; -a>nevos Thuc. i, 6 ; PI. Gorg. 449: imp. 8ir)Ta>iJir)v Com. Fr. (Plat.) 2, 669; Lys. i, 9. 32, 8; Isocr. 18, 49. 21, 2; Isae. 6, 21. 8, 9. 9, 27; PI. Phaed. 61; Plut. Dion. 51 ; Dio Cass. 58, i, Ion. 8iaiTv, 8n'iTr}cra v Eur. Ion 396; PI. Leg. 955; -fiv Rep. 466 (Ion. dirjKov-, see fut.) : imp. f8iax6vovv Com. Fr. (Alcae.) 2, 828 ; Eur. Cycl. 406 (Herm. Dind. Nauck, Kirchh. 2 ed.), BITJKOVOW Eur. quoted (Mss. Vulg. Kirchh. i ed.) ; and later, see Luc. Philops. 35; Himer. Or. 14, 30; N. T. Matth. 4, n : fut. SiaKovrjo-o Com. Fr. (Cratet.) 2, 237; PL Gorg. 521, Ion. Siya- Her. 4, 154 : aor. indie, late St^o'wjo-a Aristid. 46, 198 ; but inf. Siaicovfj- T]dt)v Dem. 50, 2 : 3 fut. 8eSiaKoi^ Epic, pondered, II. II, 407. 17, 97. 21, 562. 22, 385; Ar. Fr. 321 (D.); and late prose, discussed, Dio Cass. 38, 18. 56, i ; Aristid. 13, 144 (D.); Philostr. Ap. 156: p. &fiAey/u Lys. 8, 15; Isocr. 5, 81; PL Theaet. 158; pass. Aristot. Topic. 8, n, i : pip. 8teiXe*cro Dem. 21, 119 ; but seemingly pass. Lys. 9, 5 : aor. SifAex^i/ as mid. Her. 3, 51; Xen. Mem. i, 6, i ; Isocr. 19, 37; Isae. 9, 20; AiaXvofJLCtt At(5acr/cw. 185 PI. Parm. 126. Theaet. 142 ; Dem. 18, 252 ; -X^S Isocr. 3, 8; -Xx#eiV AT. Nub. 425. Plut. 1082; Hippocr. 5 446; PI. Apol. 39; -drjvm Xen. Cyr. 7, 5, 40; Isocr. 5, 14 ; -dels 12, 38 ; Xen. Mem. 4, 4, 5 : and fut. 8idkexdf]o-opai Isocr. 9, 34 ; Dem. 18, 252; Plut. Mor. 236. 1082: 2 aor. rare StaXcyiJi/cu Aristot. Eth. M. i, 29. Top. 7, 5, 2. 8, 3, 6 (Bekk.) ; Seym. Ch. Perieg. 7 (Mein.) Vb. SiaXe/mfof Isocr. 12, 134; PI. Lys. 211. This verb seems not to occur in Trag. : irpodiaXtyofMi is Dep. pass. -\fX0fis Isocr. 12, 6; -xdfjvcu 199. AiaXuofxcu, see Xvco. Aiai/ooGfAai, see votoa. Alcurepcuow To take across, unclassic in act. Plut. Sull. 27. 8ianfpuiovp.ai be conveyed across, pass through, over, Thuc. 8,32: has aor. pass. -fn(paidx0ai Aesop 305 (Halm, but simple renVaKTai Hip- pocr. 6, 112 Ms. A. Lit. : and Epic aor. eYtVax&i/, for -drja-av, II. 1 6, 348); -x&fis Plut. Cimon 16: fut. m. Smi/aeT To walk or live delicately, luxuriate, only perf. -Kf^XiScas Com. Fr. (Archipp.) 2, 728. AiSdaKu To teach, Od. i, 384; Aesch. Supp. 1061 ; Soph. El. 396 ; Ar. Av. 550 ; Her. 9, 31 ; Antiph. 5, 14. 6, 2 ; Lys. 14, 22 ; PI. Conv. 185 ; imper. 8i8ao-Kere Thuc. 4, 118 ; inf. -K*IV PI. Rep. 338, Epic -acrKe'/nei/ai II. 9, 442, -a.CTKfp.fv 23. 308 : imp. e'8iS- Simon. C. 148, 6 ; Her. 6, 138 ; Antiph. 6, u ; Thuc. 4, 83 : fut. 8t8dj> Od. 12, 54 (Bekk.): imp. 3 sing. 8i8ij for e'8i- II. n, 105. Ai8<5w To give, 2 sing. 8i8ols ( : Ar. Eq. 678 ; Her. 6, 86; Andoc. i, 101 ; Dem. 50, 10. 55, 27, Trap- Isocr. 17, 38, an- Dem. 33, 25, e'8/Sovr Od. 19, 367 (-80)9 Bekk.); Xen. An. 5, 8, 4 (2 Mss. Born. Kriig. Dind.), an- Dem. 34, 26. 31, e8i'Sov Od. n, 289 (Vulg. Dind. La Roche, -i'So> Bekk.); Hes. Th. 563; Theogn. 916; Pind. P. 9, 117; Her. i, 208. 3, 128; Thuc. 8, 29 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 2, 17 ; Isocr. 4, 94 ; Isae. n, 2 ; Aeschin. i, 102 ; Dem. 19, 166. 335. 50, 23, St'Sou II. 5, 165. 6, 192. 219 (Vulg. Dind. La Roche, 8i'8w Bekk.), 3 pi. e'8t'8ow Hes. Op. 139; Hippocr. 8, 446 (Lit.), an- 5, 126; D. Hal. 5, 6: fut. StSwo-o) Od. 13,358. 24,314. See 8i'8a>/ut. 8i'8ot 2 sing, imperat., though in Pind., Ahrens thinks not Doric (Dor. Dial. 314.) Bekker, in his last edition of Horn. (1859), writes the imp. always with long vowel, e'8i'8a>i>, Si'8a>. (AiSpdcTKw) To run off, only in comp. a7ro-8i8pao-/c (see Phrynichus p. 737): imp. dn-tdiSpavKts PL Crit. 53, dn-edpw Apocr. Jud. n, 16 : fut. i, dno- PI. Rep. 457 ; Dem. 9, 74 (act. late dnoSpda-ei 187 Theod. Grace. Aff. p. 103, 8, Gaisf. avvairoSpdo-ovras Zonaras Annal. vol. 2, p. 1 2), Ion. SpTjcro/xcu, OTTO-, &c. see below : 1 aor. (eSpao-a), an- in classic authors occurs now only as a v. r. e- edpacr formerly Eur. I. T. 193, now e edpas; dno-8pdo-rj Xen. Cyr. 1, 4, 13, now OTToSpa ; but late dir-fSpao-ev Ael. V. H. 13, 27, -eSpa (Kerch.); subj. 0770-8^0077 Theophr. Char. 18 (Foss) ; opt. 8m- Spao-eie Heliod. 7, 24 ; diro-8pd, dn-- Her. 4, 43 ; subj. -8pS> Ar. Pax 234 ; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 13, -8pa Thuc. 7, 86 ; Xen.. Cyr. i, 4, 13; PL Hipp. Maj. 295, -Spwo-i Xen. Cyr. 5, i, 12 ; (Dem.) Epist. 3, 1478 ; opt. -bpairjv, OTTO- Theogn. 927 ; Xen. An. 2, 5, 7, -fyxjV Aristot. Oec. 2, 35 (Bekk.), -Spalripcv Xen. An. 6, 3, 16 ; imper. late -8padi V. T. Gen. 27, 43; 8pavai, (Hesych.), OTTO- Thuc. 4, 46; PL Prot. 317; Isocr. 12, 93, gvvairo- Ar. Ran. 81; -8pos Od. 17, 516; Ar. Eccl. 196. Av. 726; Andoc. i, 125. 4, 17 ; Xen. An. 6, 3, 26; Lys. 6, 27, Sto- Isocr. 18, 49; Her. 8, 75. 9, 58, all in comp. Ion. SiSpT/o-Ko) also comp. OTTO- Her. 9, 59, - 3, 4. 9, 88 : imp. -f8l8pT)(TKov 2, 182: flit. 8pr)o-ofuit } OTTO- 7? 210, 810- 8, 60 : p. 8e8pr)ica, OTTO- Hippocr. 8, 282 (Lit.) : 2 aor. eSp^i/, OTT- Her. 4, 43. 6, 2. 9, 37 ; inf. -Spipot 3, 45 ; but part, always 8pds, diro- 3, 148. 9, 118, 8ia- 8, 75, eV 4, 148. Vb. a-Sprja-ros Her. 4, 142. This verb seems to occur only twice in Trag. and only in 2 aor. Soph, and Eur. quoted. We have never seen 8i8pdarKca uncomp. except part. 8i8pda-Kav in Hesych. Of the pure pres. form 8i8pda>, OTTO- &c. we know no instance : ciTroSpaa-a (Bekk.), oTroSpaa-af Lys. 6, 28 (old edit.) was altered by Reiske to dn-oSpas, which has been adopted by Bekker and every subsequent editor, drroSpda-rj Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 13 (Vulg.), now oTroSpa (best Mss. Schneid. Popp. Dind.), ee'8pacr* Eur. I. T. 194 (Mss. Vulg. Musgr. Seidler), now e e8paj in every edit. &c. In recent editions of even late auth. the 2 aor. has often been restored, dnoSpoxrao-i Dio Cass. 43, 38 (Vulg.), f/cSpwo-i (Bekk. L. Dind.); IS&purev 78, 34 (Vulg.), e'^'Spo (Bekk.), da-r) Theophr. Char. 18 (Foss), aTro8pa (Dind.), a7ro8pao-ao-a 1 88 Plut. Mor. 767 (Vulg.), dTroSpao-a (Ms. E. Winck. Diibn.) &c. see above. Mid. aor. dirobpdaao-dai, if correct, Philon. vol. i, P- 55 r > 3 1 ) which should perhaps be altered to fut. -ao-ecr&u Galen 9, 272, as 8ta8pdt Soph. Aj. 1354; Eur. Supp. 409; Ar. Pax 1262; PI. Phaed. 100, fit'Soxrt II. 20, 299 ; Archil. 16 ; Find. P. 5, 65; Soph. O. C. 446; Ar. Plut. 278; Antiph. i, 19; Thuc. 2, 101 ; Isae. n, 2, 8i8ofjiev II. 2, 228 ; Ar. Eq. 69 ; Isae. 2, 5, 8i8ore Andoc. 2, 23; Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 13 (5, i, i Dind. Saupp.), StSoWi Ar. Vesp. 715 ; Antiph. 5, 34 ; Thuc. i, 42 ; Isocr. 8, 135, StSotJo-t scarcely Attic, Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 85 ? ; subj. 8iS, ri- Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 12, 8i8<3? Eur. H el. 1257; Ar. Ach. 799; PI. Prot. 310, 8i8m Theogn. 186 ; Eur. Or. 667 ; Ar. Av. 519 ; PL Leg. 691, 8i8> Aesch. Supp. 703; Andoc. i, 90; Xen. An. 3, 2, 7 ; imper. 8i8ov see 8i86a>, 818061 occurs not, Epic 8i8a>8t Od. 3, 380, StSorca PI. Leg. 916, 8i8orc Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 47, 8i86vra>v, diro- PI. Leg. 829, 8t8ovs II. 9, 699 ; Andoc. 2, 23 ; inf. 8i86vai Her. 6, 62 ; Antiph. 6, 38 ; Thuc. 2, 97, Poet. 8i86pfv Pind. N. 7, 97. I. 8, 60: imp. (eft&ter), e'St'Swr Od. 19, 367 (Bekk. Dind. -ovs Ameis, La Roche) ; Xen. An. 5, 8, 4 (Vulg.), but t8i8ovs (Ms. A B. Born. Kriig. Saupp. and Dind. now], 8i8a> Od. n, 289 (Bekk. 2 ed. -Sou Vulg. Dind. La Roche), 8i8a> II. 5, 165. 6, 192. 219 (Bekk. -8ov Dind. La Roche), 2 pi. e'Si'Sore Com. Fr. (Sophil.) 3, 581, 3 pi. f8i8oo-av Her. 8, 9 ; Thuc. 7, 87 ; PI. Critias 119, 8i8oaav Od. 17, 367, Epic f8i8ov H. Cer. 437, 8i8ov 327, 3 pi. f8i8ow not Attic, see 8i86a> : fut. Soxrw II. 14, 268; Hes. Op. 57; Pind. P. 12, 32; Aesch. Supp. 733; Soph. Ant. 315; Eur. I. T. 744; Her. 8, 5; Antiph. 6, 36; Thuc. 7, 36; Lys. 10, 3; PI. Phaedr. 236, Dor. Swo-a Theocr. 5, 96 ; inf. 8ej' 10, 323. 22, 117 (Spitzn. Dind. La R. -eiv Bekk.), Epic StStoo-oo Od. 13, 358; inf. 8i8Kas Od. 4, 647, e8a>K II. n, 243 ; Hes. Th. 914 ; Find. P. 2, 89; Aesch. Eum. 850; Eur. Cycl. 141; Ar. Eq. 1220; Her. 3, 160; Antiph. 6, 17 ; Thuc. i, 58; PI. Leg. 679, Poet. Sake II. 5, 2 ; Hes. Op. 705 ; Pind. OL i, 63, and '8o>ice Soph. Aj. 1303, ehaKafjLev Eur. Cycl. 296 ; Xen. An. 3, 2, 5. Hell. 6, 3, 6 ; Dem. 20, 139, npov8Kav Hes. Op. 741 ; Pind. P. 4, 115 ; subj. late, if correct, dno-8<*Kcoo-i Aesop 78 (Tauchn.) : p. 8e8a>Ka Pind. N. 2, 8 ; Aesch. Pr. 446 ; Soph. Ph. 664 ; Ar. Eq. 841 ; Her. 6, 56 ; Antiph. 6, 12; Lys. 10, 14; Xen. Cyr. i, 4, 26; Isae. 8, 41 ; opt. 8e8a>Koifv, napa- Thuc. 7, 83 : pip. f8e8d>Kfi Xen. Cyr. 1, 4, 26; Isae. 3, 10; Dem. 3, 14. 37, 12, -*f<-Her. 8, 67 : p.p. 8f8ofj.cn II. 5, 428 ; Aesch. Supp. 1041 ; Eur. Supp. 757 ; Her. 6, 57; Xen. Lac. n, 6; PL Lys. 204; 8e8o'o-0o> PI. Tim. 52; 8f86(rdai Her. 2, 141; -opeW Thuc. i, 26; Isocr. 5, 15: pip. e8(8oTo Thuc. 3, 109: aor. f86drjv Com. Fr. (Alex.) 3, 502 ; Her. 8, 136; Thuc. 3, 60; PI. Leg. 829; subj. 8o6f, s Com. Fr. (Theop.) 2, 804, 8o0fj (Dem.) 12, 14; opt. 8o6dr) in tmesi Od. 2, 78; Isae. n, 40; SoQrjvai Eur. Fr. 771 (D.) ; Her. 9, 81; Xen. An. i, i, 8; 8odds Aesch. Eum. 393; Eur. An. 15; Com. Fr. (Mon.) 752 ; Thuc. 5, in : fat. So^a-o/iat Soph. Ph. 774; Eur. Phoen. 1650; Isae. 3, 39 ; (Dem.) 44, 63. 64. 59, 76, - Isocr. 17, 9 : 2 aor. act. (e8a>v) not in indie, sing. eSo/iev Ar. Vesp. 586; Isocr. 17, 19, 86fj.tv II. 17, 443, eSore Andcc. 2, 22; Lys. 19, 21 ; Aeschin. 3, 187, e8o Od. 20, 296; Ar. Eq. 706. Pax 851 ; Andoc. i, 113 ; Xen. Cyr. 8, 4, 16, 8ms II. 7, 27; Ar. Eq. 710. Av. 978; Xen. Cyr. 4, 6, 14; Dem. 22, 7, 8$ Hes. Op. 354; Ar. Vesp. 583. Ran. 606; Antiph. i, 24; Xen. Eq. 10, 16, 8S,p (V II. 23, 537. Od. 8, 389; Eur. Supp. 1231; Ar. Pax 730. Thesm. 801 ; PL Leg. 702, S>TC Xen. An. 7, 3, 17, 8S>ai II. 3,66; Eur. Tr. 1267; Her. 6, 133, see below; opt. 8cuV Od. 15, 449; Soph. O. R. 1161; Ar. Pax 1217; Her. 9, in ; Lys. 24, i, SotV II. 16, 625. Od. 17, 455 ; Aesch. Sept. 260 ; Ar. Nub. 108 ; Xen. Cyr. 3, i, 35, Boirj II. 17, 127 ; Aesch. Ch. 889 ; Soph. O. C. 869 ; Ar. Ach. 966; Antiph. i, 19 ; PL Conv. 196, Soirj^tv Xen. Cyr. 5, 3, 2 ; PL Men. 96 (Vulg.); (Dem.) 10, 71, 8oI/ II. 13, 378; PL Rep. 607, SoirjTe Her. 7, 135; Xen. Cyr. 4, 5, 47 ; PL Phaedr. 279, dno- Isae. 7, 41, BoiTt, diro- Od. 22, 61 ; PL Tim. 20, Soi'/jo-ai/ Com. Fr. (Damox.) 4, 532, -napa- Xen. An. 2, i, 10 (Mss. Kriig. Kiihner, &c.), Soiev II. 23, 650; Aesch. Sept. 418; Com. Fr. (Antiph.) 3, 89 ; Xen. An. 4, 8, 7, napa- 2, i, 10 (Mss. Popp. Saupp. Dind. now} ; fids II. 5, 118 ; Hes. Op. 453 ; Aesch. Ch. 140; Soph. Aj. 483; Ar. Nub. 81; Xen. Cyr. 5, i, 29, 86 II. 1 8, 301 ; Eur. I. T. 735 ; Ar. Vesp. 935 ; Her. i, 155 ; PL Leg. 929, Sore II. 6, 476 ; Hes. Th. 104 ; Soph. O. C. 102 ; PL Lach. 187, 8oT&>o-ai> Xen. Hier. 8, 4, $6vru>v PL Leg. 753; dovvat H. 23, 593; Hes. Fr. 172; Pind. P. 4, 35 ; Soph. Ant. 303; Ar. Av. 347; Her. 6, 87; Antiph. i, 12; Thuc. 5, 59, Poet. Soncvat. II. 19, 138, So'/xej/ 9, 571; Hes. Op. 354; Theogn. 919; Pind. N. 8, 20; Ar. Av. 930 (Lyr.). 973 (hexam.) ; dovs Od. 15, 369 ; Aesch. Pr. 826 ; Soph. O. C. 855 ; Ar. Vesp. 52; Her. 3, 140; Thuc. 5, 45. Mid. 8/So^ai in simple we have not seen except in tmesi, and not often in comp. except with drro, etc, Kepi, pres. ex- 8i8ovrat Her. 2, 47 (-So'areu Bekk.): fat. Trepi-Saxropu Od. 23, 78, en- Hippocr. 7, 528 (Lit.), eVt- Hym. Merc. 383, nepi- II. 10, 463 (Bekk. Dind. -jSwo-o/xm Wolf, Spitz. La R.) : 2 aor. e8oj/ro in tmesi, an- . . . Her. 2, 39, e-e'8ov Eur. Med. 309, -e'Soro Dem. 41, 26; tTri-8a>(jif6a II. 22, 254, i p. dual 7repi-8d>/ie#oj> rare II. 23, 485; irfpi-8ov Ar. Ach. 772. Nub. 644; -8do-&u Pind. P. 4, 295; PL Leg. 740, TTtpt- Ar. Eq. 791, see dno8i8a>fu. Vb. Sore'os Her. 8, in ; PL Phil. 32. For Attic 3 pi. pres. StSoao-t Horn, has always St&oCo-t II. 19, 265. Od. 17, 450 &c. j Her. almost always, 2, 30. 4, 80, dno- 3, 15, - 4, 49 &c., but eV-StSoWt i, 93 (Bekk. Dind. Dietsch, -StSoCo-t Bred. Kriig. Abicht, Stein) ; and late, SiSoCo-t Dio Cass. 65, 13, eK-SiSovo-iv Arr. An. 6, 5, 7, but irapa-8i86ao-i 5, 25, 6, i pers. pi. rare and late 8i86ap.ev Joseph. Ant. n, 5 ; Galen n, 349, napa- 13, 374 ; Sibcotii imper. for (di8o6i) Od. 3, 380, Aeol. 8i8oi Pind. OL i, 85. 6, 104 &c. ; 8t8owai Epic for 8i86vai, or from StSdo>, II. 24, 425 : iter. 2 aor. 86a-Kov II. 14, 382 ; subj. (8o)o>, 8^5)8^ II. 6, 527. 7, 81. 16, 725, for 8c5, also fiwijo-i for 8003, II. i, 324. 12, 275, Scbwo-t for 86io-t, 191 II. i, 137. 9, 278; Hes. Th. 222; Ap. Rh. i, 1293, and 8wo-t for 8v Theocr. 29, 9 (Ahr. Fritzsche, Ziegl. 8i8S>v Vulg. Mein. Wordsw.) A late form of 1 aor. is e'8wo-a, subj. 80)0-17$ Anth. App. Epigr. 204, rt- Aristaen. i, 5 ; opt. 8o>o-ai/u Schol. Aesch. Pr. 292 : and 1 aor. m. (usually denied) occurs late txTro-Sw/ca/ie^ Maneth. 5, 126. Ahrens refers the aoristic forms in *ca to the second, not to the first aor. (Conjug. in /, p. 14.) See 8t86 To consider, only pres. Her. i, 65 (Orac.) : and imp. 8ie II. 1 6, 713. Mid. 8io(jiai to seek, Sec. Nonn. Paraph. 8, 151, -feat Theocr. 25 (20), 37, -erm Opp. Hal. i, 334. 5, 585; Nonn. Paraph. 4, 135, -6fif6a Orph. Arg. 940, -ovrcu Callim. Epigr. 17 ; subj. 8i&) n, i ; -eo Anth. u, 376 ; Nonn. 16, 154; -eadai Hes. Op. 603 ; Callim. Epigr. 1 1 ; -o/wos Orph. Arg. 1217; Opp. Hal. i, 790 : imp. &t'fcro Musae. 109, fn- Mosch. 2, 28, 8i'f- Bion ii, 2; Orph. Arg. 210; Nonn. 12, 104, St'feo 1 6, 195. This verb seems to be entirely poetic. In Her. i, 94- 95- 3> 4 1 & c - > Democr. Stob. Flor. i, 40; (Luc.) D. Syr. 22, where it used to stand, the kindred form Si&pai is found in one or more of the best Mss., and is now uniformly adopted by the best Editors. AIT]K Ion. for 8ia/c-. Aitjp for 8uTj|u, To send through, dilute, perhaps does not occur, for 8itis seems to be part. 2 aor. Com. Fr. (Sotad.) 3, 586; Hippocr. 4,162 (Lit.); PI. Tim. 77 : so mid. as act. 2 aor. part. 8UfjLvos AT. Plut. 720; diea-dai. Hippocr. i, 478 (K.) (Awjui) To chase away, only in comp. imp. unaugm. iv- 8trav II. 1 8, 584. Mid. Sie/wii to speed, flee, Aesch. Pers. 700 (Herm. Dind. now), -evrat II. 23, 475 ; Nic. Ther. 755 ; ^rt Ap. Rh. 2, 330; -fa-dai II. 12, 304. See 8i'o>. AIKCIW To judge, determine, II. 8, 431 ; Pind. Ol. 2, 59; Aesch. Ag. 1412; Her. 2, 137. 3, 31; Antiph. i, 3; Thuc. 3, 58; Isocr. 15, 21 ; Epic inf. 8iKae/iei> II. i, 542 : imp. fdinaCov Her. i, 14; PI. Criti. 119, SiVcaf- II. 18, 506: fat. StKao-w II. 23, 579; Ar. Eq. 1089. Vesp. 689. 801 ; Antiph. 5, 85; Isocr. 15, 173; PI. Phaedr. 260. Rep. 433; Dem. 20, 118. 58, 25, -a (Phocyl.) n, Ion. &*&>, inf. -KO.V Her. i, 97, but see mid. : aor. ebiKaaa Eur. Or. 164; Her. 3, 14 ; Thuc. 5, 31 ; PI. Leg. 877, SiKcura Od. II, 547, -ao-cra II. 23, 574; 8icao-rai Theogn. 543 : p. 8(8iKaica Athen. 12, 13 : p.p. 8tdiKa Thuc. i, 28; PI. Rep. 614: fat. 8iKaadT]a6p.fvos Dio. Hal. Ant. 5, 61: 3 fat. 8f8iKa/x Her. 5, 92 (Orac.); Thuc. 5, 26 ; Polyb. 3, 31 ; Dio. Hal. Rhet. 8, 3 ; Dio Cass. 52, 26. Fr. 35, 2. 57, 47 (Bekk.): and mid. - has been altered to fKifr. AiKeuw Poet. To turn round, trans, and intrans. Eur. Phoen. 792 (chor.); Opp. Hal. 2, 93. 4, 672; -voi II. 4, 541; -ev*>v 18, 543 ; Ap. Rh. i, 215; Eur. Tr. 200 (chor.). Or. 837 (chor.): imp. f8ti>fvov II. 18, 606, iter. 8iv(i>(o-Kov II. 24, 12; Ap. Rh. 4, 1456 : aor. later, 8ivevcras Ap. Rh. 3, 310; Philo, denied by our lexicons. Pass, or mid. StKevo/xew late, Arat. 455 ; Opp. Hal. i, 376; -evijrai Orph. L. 705; -evffvi>n, -, Theocr. 15, 82; 8iv>v (Luc.) Asin. 31; Dio. Hal. i, 15: imp. o cSivfov II. 18, 494; Luc. Salt. 13, 8iv- Od. 9, 384: fut. (-q) : aor. i8ivT]o-a Nic. Alex. 188, Dor. SiVdo-c Eur. Or. 1459 (chor.); Theocr. 24, 10; 8i^o-f II. 23, 840; Aesch. Sept. 490, diro- Her. 2, 14: p.p. 8(Sivr)Tai (Hesych.), d/i^t- II. 23, 562, eV- Hippocr. 5, 274: aor. cSivfjfyv, 8ivf)6- II. 22, 165 (La R. ntpi-8iv- Bekk.); 8un)8Sxrt Hym. Merc. 45; Sivrjdeis Od. 22, 85 (Vulg. Dind.); Eur. Rhes. 353; -drjvai Od. 16, 63, Dor. e'Sn/uKr)6r) Luc. Necyom. 19 : fut. -K^o-erai Lys. 30, 35. Mid. SioiKovfjMi to manage at will, Dem. 44, 28 ; D. Hal. Rhet. 9, 7 fut. -jj(7o/>iai Dem. 8, 13, but pass. Herodn. 8, 7, 6 : aor. Stw/cij- o-aro Aristot. Oec. 2, 24; Dem. 18, 247. 50, n; App. Lyb. 113: with p.p. &upKT)pai as mid. Dem. 18, 178 (58, 30). In very late writers, occur edio'iKow, eftuoKow Malal. 4, p. 69. Unlike fitairdw, this verb follows the same law in comp. as in simple. This double augm. occurs occasionally even in early Attic : dvexopai, r)V(i\6^r]v, ^TVfi^o^v, 8f8ij)Tr]Ka &C. Aiopib>, see opifa. At4>d(i> To search, examine, only pres. 8i$o Callim. Fr. 32, -$ai-e Fr. 165, Ion. 8i$e'&> Anth. 9, 559 J 8i