LATIN GRAMMAR FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES FOUNDED ON COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR BY JOSEPH H. ALLEN JAMES B. GREENOUGH [U1TI7BRSITT! BOSTON PUBLISHED BY GINN BROTHERS 3 BEACON STREET 1872 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by J. H. ALLEN AND J. B. GREENOUGH, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. CAMBRIDGE : PRESS OF JOHN WILSON AND SON. PREFACE. OUR aim has been to prepare, within moderate com- pass, a complete Latin grammar, to be used from the beginning of the study of Latin until the end of a college course. The whole has been composed from our own point of view, and is, in all essentials, a new and independent work. But we have used freely the standard authorities, as well those of the older scho- lastic as of the newer critical and scientific schools. In several points, particularly the topical arrangement of the Syntax, we have followed the outline sketched a few years ago by Professor Allen, of the University of Wisconsin. We have endeavored to adapt the scientific (philo- logical) method of inflection by stem and termination to the system used by the Romans themselves and handed down by general custom to our time. While the five Declensions are retained, with the old distinc- tions on which they are founded, at the same time the true philological difference, that of stems, is fully exhibited as the real basis of noun-forms. In the same way the true distinctions of verb-stems are adapted to the existing four Conjugations. We have preferred 'this to the " crude-form " system, partly because of the practical difficulty that our lexicons do not give VI PREFACE. stems, but words ; chiefly, however, from the inherent difficulty of a crude-form system in a language so decayed as the Latin. In respect to the actual forms of the language, we have not thought it necessary to go back of Neue's " Formenlehre," upon which we have relied, and which teachers will find digested so far as seems to come within the limits of a work like the present. In the Syntax, our design has been to leave no principle untouched which a student needs during his school and college course. "We have attempted to show, as far as possible, the reason and origin of con- structions, for which purpose notes have been inserted where it seemed desirable. Many things in the treat- ment of the Subjunctive, of the Protasis and Apodosis (in which we have followed Professor Goodwin's analysis), of Temporal particles, of the Infinitive and Participles, and much of the matter of the notes, appear for the first time in a school-book, and are the results of the authors' own investigations in Compar- ative Grammar. The Syntax is illustrated by upwards of a thousand examples cited from classical authorities, principally from Cicero ; besides nearly as many brief phrases in illustration of minor points, particularly the use of prepositions and cases. In Prosody and Versification we have taken a little wider range than usual, so as to enable the student to read metrically any poetry he will meet in his college course. In the typography and mechanical arrangement of the page, we have sought to give every aid that can be rendered in that, way to the easy comprehension of . the subject. The sub-sections in larger type (num- PREFACE. Vll bered 1, 2, 3, &c.) contain of themselves a complete outline, and we think will be found sufficient, with the accompanying paradigms or examples, for a course of elementary study. Details of form or structure, re- quiring to be committed to memory only as they occur in reading, are put in smaller type, marked a, 5, 0? THE IstogsO FOR the convenience of those who may wish to follow out special lines of study in general or comparative grammar, or to consult original sources on the history and development of the Latin, a list of works including the best and most recent author- ities is here subjoined : BOPP: Vergleichende Grammatik des Sanskrit, etc [Indo-European lan- guages]. 4vols. 3d Ed. Berlin, 1868-70. The original standard work on Comparative Forms. Later researches have corrected some erroneous details. English translation (poor), London: 1862. The best form is a French translation, with Notes and Introductions by Michel Breal. Paris: 1866. CORSSEN : Aussprache, Vokalismus und Betonung der Lateinischen Sprache. 2 vols. 2d Ed. Leipzig, 1868. The greatest work on Latin alone, treating the language in reference to its own individual development, particularly as to the sounds (Lautlehre). In. the comparative portion, it needs the correction of other investigators. CURTIUS, G. : Grundziige der Griechischen Etymologic. 3d Ed. Leipsic : 1869. Treats of Latin only by comparison; but is one of the most valuable works on the general subject. Erlduterungen zu meiner Griechischen Schul-grammatik. 2d Ed. Prag. 1870. English translation ("Elucidations"), London: 1870. Notes giving in connection with the Greek Grammar the simplest view of the doctrine of forms. DELBRUCK : Das Conjunctiv und Optativ, im Sanskrit und Griechischen. Halle: 1871. Origin of the Moods treated scientifically; should be read in connection with a notice in N. A. Review, Oct. 1871, and "Analysis of the Latin Subjunc- tive," by J. B. Greenough, Cambridge, 1870. Ablativ, Localis, Instrumental im indischen t etc. Berlin, 1867. Origin of the various Ablative constructions. FERRAR : Comparative Grammar of Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. Lon- don : 1869. Vol. I., including as far as Pronouns. A convenient hand-book in English. FICK : Vergleichendes Worterbuch der Indo-Germanischen Sprachen. Got- tingen :' 1870. A Dictionary of Roots and Words supposed to have existed in the Indo- European tongue, with the corresponding words and derivatives in the variouo a* X NOTE. languages. It can be used without a knowledge of German. No such book, however, is safe to use without careful study of the laws of consonant and vowel changes. HOFFMANN: Die Construction der Lateinischen Zeitpartikeln. Vienna: 1860 (Pamphlet). KUHN : See Zeitschrift. LUBBERT : Die Syntax von Quom. Breslau : 1870. NEUE : Formenlehre der Lateinischen Sprache. 2d Ed. Stuttgart, 1866. Storehouse of all Latin forms, 12^)0 pages, containing the result of late text- ual criticism. The standard work. PEILE : Latin and Greek Etymology. 2d Ed. Macmillan : London and Cambridge, 1872. ROBY : A Grammar of the Latin Language, from Plautus to Suetonius. Macmillan : London and New York, 1871. Vol. I. A thorough treatment of Latin Etymology on the principles of comparative grammar. Some errors have been pointed out in the N. A. Keview, Jan. 1872. SCHLEICHER : Compendium der Vergleichenden Grammatik der Indo- Germanischen Sprachen. 2d Ed. Weimar, 1866. ScHWEiZER-SiDLER : Elementar- und Formenlehre der Lateinischen Sprache, fur Schulen. Halle, 1869. The best summary of the results of comparative grammar as applied to Latin in short compass (137 pages). WILLIAMS : A Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language. 3d Ed. Oxford, 1864. A very convenient Sanskrit grammar, without some knowledge of which it is difficult to pursue the study of comparative grammar to advantage. Zeitschrift fur vergleichender Sprachforschung . Edited by Dr. A. KUHN. Vols. I. to XX. Berlin, 1851-1871, and still continued. The best essays on all disputed points of comparative Philology. Indispen- sable to correct theories of individual investigators. Each volume has an Index ; and there is also a general index to the first ten volumes. CONTENTS. PART I. ETYMOLOGY. SECTION PAGE 1. Alphabet 1 1. Classification ; 2. Early Forms ; 3. Changes ; 4. Com- binations; 5. Syllables. 2. Pronunciation 5 3. Quantity 6 4. Accent 7 5. Inflection 8 1. Definition ; 2. Root and Stem ; Inflected parts of speech; 4. Particles. 6. Gender 9 1. Natural and Grammatical; 2. Rules; 3. Common Gender; 4. Epicene. 7. Case 11 8. Declension 12 1. Declensions; 2. Rules; 3. Case-Endings. NOUNS. 9. First Declension . 14 1. Gender; 2. Case Forms; 3. Greek Nouns. 10. Second Declension . 15 1. Nominative; 2. Stems in ro-; 3. Gender; 4. Case Forms ; 5, 6. Nouns in er ; 7. Greek Nouns. 11. Third Declension 17 I. Vowel Stems. 1. Stems; 2. Nominative; 3. Case Forms ; 4. Greek Nouns. II. Liquid Stems 19 III. Mute Stems. 1. Labial ; 2. Lingual ; 3. Palatal ; 4. Peculiar Forms ; 6. Greek Nouns 20 IV. Rules of Gender. 1. Nominative endings ; 2. Stems; 3. Classified List 23 Xll CONTENTS. SECT. PAGE. 12. Fourth Declension 28 13. Fifth Declension 29 14. Irregular Nouns 30 1. Defective ; 2. Variable. 15. Proper Names 32 ADJECTIVES. 16. Inflection - 33 1. Of the 1st and 2d Declension; 2. Of 3d Declension; 3. Consonant Stems, Comparatives. 17. Comparison 38 1. Kegular; 2. Irregular; 3. Defective; 4. Adverbs; 5. Signification. 18. Numerals 41 1. Cardinal and Ordinal ; 2. Distributives ; 3. Numeral Adverbs; 4. Multiplicatives. PRONOUNS. 19. Personal and Reflexive 44 20. Demonstrative 45 21. Relative, Interrogative, and Indefinite 47 1. Case-Forms ; 2. Compounds. 22. Correlatives 49 VERBS. 23. Structure 50 24. Moods ... 51 25. Participles 51 26. Gerund and Supine 52 27. Tenses 52 1. Classification; 2. Meaning; 3. Perfect and Imper- fect; 4. Passive Tenses; 5. Stems. 28. Verb Forms 54 1. Personal Endings; 2. Changes of Stem; 3. Verb- Endings. 29. Esse and its Compounds 57 30. Conjugation 60 1. First Conjugation ; 2. Second Conjugation ; 3. Third Conjugation ; 4. Fourth Conjugation ; 5. Principal Parts; 6. Special Forms ; 7. Parallel Forms. 31. First Conjugation 66 32. Second Conjugation 68 33. Third Conjugation 70 1. Regular ; 2. Verbs in io ; 3. Irregular Conjugation . 72 CONTENTS. Xlll SECT. PAGE. 34. Fourth Conjugation 74 35. Deponent Verbs 75 1. Conjugation; 2. Semi-Deponents. 36. Derivative Verbs 77 37. Irregular Verbs 78 38. Defective Verbs 81 39. Impersonal Verbs .'..._ 82 40. Periphrastic Forms 83 PARTICLES. 41. Adverbs 84 1. Derivation; 2. Classification; 3. Signification. 42. Prepositions 88 1. With Cases ; 2. Meaning and Use : Examples ; 3. In Compounds. 43. Conjunctions 93 1. Classification; 2. Classified List ; 3. Special Meaning. 44. Derivation of Words 96 1. Noun Forms ; 2. Derivation of Verbs ; 3. Compound Words. PART II. SYNTAX. 45. Definitions 101 1. Sentence; 2. Subject and Predicate ; 3. Modification; 4. Phrase; 5. Clause; 6. Connectives; 7. Agree- ment; 8. Government. 1. SUBJECT AND PREDICATE. 46. Of Nouns 103 1. Appositive; 2. Predicate- Nominative. 47. Of Adjectives 105 1. Number ; 2. Gender ; 3. As Nouns ; 4. Use of Neu- ter ; 5. Possessives ; 6. As Adverbs ; 7. Compari- son ; 8. Superlatives of Place ; 9. Reciprocals. 48. Of Relatives 109 1. Person of Verb; 2. Gender; 3. Antecedent; 4. As Connective ; 5. Adverbs. 49. Verbs : Rules of Argument 112 1. Plural with Collectives, &c. ; 2. Nominative Subject. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. 50. Genitive 113 1. Subjective, 114; 2. Partitive, 115 ; 3. Objective, 117 ; 4. After Verbs, 119. XIV CONTENTS. SECT. PAGE. 51. Dative 121 1. With Transitives, 121; 2. With Intransitives, 122; 3. Of Possession, 126 ; 4. Of Agency, 127 ; 5. Of Service, 128; 6. Of Nearness, 128; 7. Of Advan- tage, 129; (Ethical Dative, 130). 52. Accusative 131 1. General Use (Cognate Accusative, 131); 2. Two Ac- cusatives ; 3. Adverbial ; 4. Special Uses. 53. Vocative 134 54. Ablative 134 1. Of Separation, 135 ; 2. Of Source, 136 ; 3. Of Cause, 137; 4. Of Agent, 138; 5. Of Comparison, 138; 6. Of Means, 139; 7. Of Quality, 141 ; 8. Of Price, 141; 9. Of Specification, 142; 10. Locative, Abla- tive Absolute, 142. 55. Time and Place 143 1. Time ; 2. Space ; 3. Place (Locative Form, 145) ; 4. Way by which. 56. Use of Prepositions 146 3. SYNTAX OF THE VERB. 57. Use of Moods . 148 1. Indicative ; 2. Subjunctive (Independent or Depend- ent ; 3. Hortatory ; 4. Optative ; 5. Concessive ; 6. Dubitative); 7. Imperative; 8. Infinitive (Com- plementary, 154 ; With Subject- Accusative, 155 ; Historical, 156). 58. Use of Tenses . , . . 157 1.. Indicative ; 2. Present (Conative, 157; Historical, 158); 3. Imperfect; 4. Future; 5. Perfect; 6. Plu- perfect ; 7. Future-Perfect ; 8. Epistolary Tenses ; 9. Of Subjunctive ; 10. Sequence of Tenses (Primary and Secondary, 162) ; 11. Of Infinitive. 59. Conditional Sentences 166 1. Protasis and Apodosis ; 2. Particular and General Con- ditions ; 3. Present and Past Conditions ; 4. Future Conditions; 5. General Conditions. 60. Implied Conditions 172 1. Condition Disguised ; 2. Condition Omitted. 61. Conditional Particles 174 1. Comparative; 2. Concessive; 3. Provisory; 4. Mean- ing and Use. 62. Relations of Time 176 1. Use as in Protasis ; 2. Absolute and Relative Time, (Cum temporal, 178; causal, 180). 63. Cause or Reason 181 1. With Indicative ; 2. With Subjunctive. CONTENTS. XV SECT. PAGE. 64. Purpose (Final Clauses) 182 1. Relatives or Conjunctions ; 2. Forms. 65. Consequence or Result (Consecutive- Clauses) . . . . 183 1. Subjunctive with ut (lie) ; 2. Of Characteristic. 66. Intermediate Clauses 185 1. Subjunctive of Citation; 2. Dependent Clauses. 67. Indirect Discourse 187 1. Indirect Narrative (Subject- Accusative, Relative Clau- ses, Conditional Sentences, Questions), 188; 2. In- direct Questions, 190; 3. Indirect Commands, 191. 68. Wishes and Commands 192 69. Relative Clauses (Classification of) . 193 70. Substantive Clauses 193 1. Classification ; 2. Accusative and Infinitive, 194 ; 3. Clauses of Purpose, 195; 4. Clauses of Result, 197 ; 5. Indicative with quod, 199. 71. Questions 200 1. Interrogative Particles ; 2. Double Questions ; 3. Ques- tion and Answer. 72. Participles 202 1. Distinctions of Tense; 2. Adjective use; 3. Predi- cate use ; 4. Future Participle ; 5. Gerundive. 73. Gerund and Gerundive 206 1. Gerund; 2. Gerundive; 3. Construction of Cases. 74. Supine 209 75. General Rules of Syntax 210 76. Arrangement 212 1. Normal Order; 2. Emphasis; 3. Structure (Periodic). PART III. PROSODY. 77. Rhythm 215 78. Rules of Quantity 215 1. General Rules ; 2. Final Syllables ; 3. Penultimate Syllables (Increment of Nouns and Vebs). 79. Feet 220' 80. Scanning 222 81. Metre 223 82. Forms of Verse 224 83. Early Prosody 232 84. Reckoning of Time 233 85. Measures of Value 235 APPENDIX 237 PART FIRST. FORMS OF WORDS (ETYMOLOGY). 1. ALPHABET. THE Latin Alphabet is the same as the English, wanting w. NOTE. The letter w is found, however, in many modern Latin words, especially proper names. 1. Classification. The letters of the alphabet are classified as follows : a. VOWELS (litterae vocales, or voice-letters) : a, e, i, o, u, y. The following are Diphthongs (double-vowels) : ae (ae), au, eu, oe (oe), ei, ui. 6. CONSONANTS (litterae consonantes, i.e., sounding-wiih the vowels) : MUTES : Labial surd p sonant b spirant f (v) nasal m Lingual t d ,, n Palatal c(k) g h [ng] Double Consonants, x (cs), z (ds). LIQUIDS: 1, m, n f r. SIBILANTS: surd s, sonant z. The letters i (j) and u (v) at the beginning of a syllable be- fore a vowel, also u in quis, suadeo, &c., are SEMI-VOWELS. The consonants f, g, p, z, are never used at the end of a word. NOTE. The Aspirate (or breathing) h follows in inflection the rule of palatals ; and was originally, in many words, a harsh guttural (kh), like the Greek \, or the Spanish j. Its later sound was very slight, and in most languages derived from Latin has quite disappeared. Sometimes, as in aheneus (=aeneus], it seems to be used only to separate two vowels. It is not reckoned as a consonant in Prosody. 2 EARLY FORMS. - CHANGES. [ 1:2 >3 2. Early Forms. The alphabet in the time of Cicero (N. D. ii. 37) consisted of " one and twenty letters." These were, a, b, c, b e, f, g, h, i, k, 1, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, x. y and z were added, in words derived from Greek, i and u, when used as consonants (" semi- vowels"), having the sound of y and w, are generally written j and v: as, juvenis for iuuenis. a. In early use, c was not distinguished in form or sound from g. After the distinction was made, C was still used, convention- ally, as the initial of names (Gaius, Gnaeus) beginning properly with G. It came, in later use, to take the place of k, which was retained only in abbreviations, or as the initial letter of a few words, as Kalendae, Karthago, in which it is followed by a. b. Till after the age of Augustus, u was never, in good use, preceded in the same syllable by u or v. In many words, as in volt, servos, o was written where later custom allows u ; while c was regularly used for qu in such words as cum (for quum), ecus (for equus), relicus (for reliquus), locuntur (for lo- quuntur), and the like; also in cotidie (for quotidie), and a few other words. The old forms quom (for cum) and quor (for cur) are also found. c. At the end of a few words, as sed, apud, illud, t was anciently written instead of d. In words ending in -s, final s was often elided (Cic. Orat. 48), as in qualist (qualis-est) ; plenu' fidei (Senect. 1). 3. Changes. Letters are often changed, according to general laws of inflection (vowel-increase), or to secure an easier or smoother sound (euphonic change) ; or have been altered or lost through long use (phonetic decay). Of such changes are the following : a. Vowels arc strengthened in inflection and derivation (vowel- increase)'. as, ago, egi (cf. tell, told)', disco, ddceo (tf.fa(l,fell^; sit, set)-, pendo, pondus; persono, persona; perfidus, jfidus, foedus (cf. bind, band). NOTE. The primitive vowel-sound may be assumed to be a, as in father. Starting with this, and gradually contracting the palate, we form in succession the sound of e (a) and i (ee], leading to the semi- vowel j (y). By contracting the lips, we in like manner form the sound of o and u (00), leading to the semi-vowel v (iv). By contracting both palate and lips, we form the French sound of u, in Greek v, and in Latin y. This, which is called the Vowel-Scale, is of great service in tracing the modifications of vowel-sounds. It may be represented thus : i J Y v u 1: 3-] EUPHONIC CHANGES. 3 b. Vowels are weakened by negligent pronunciation for long periods of time (phonetic decay). Thus, on one side of the scale, a becomes e, then i; or, on the other, becomes o, then u; while u and i meet in the French u (y) : as, agmen, agminis ; facio, conficio, confectum ; salio, exsulto ; sepelio, sepultus ; ebur, eboris ; maxumus, maximus (cf. master, mister, mistress). c. Two vowels coming together are contracted into a single sound: as, obit (obiit), cogo (co-ago), nil (nihil), debeo (de- hibeo), coetus (coitus), ingeni (cf. mayhem, maim).' d. The semi-vowels j and v are lost before a vowel, contrac- tion sometimes also takiiig place : as, obicit (6bjicit), coiiicit (conjicit), cunctus (conjunctus), rursus (re versus), coiitio (conventio), motum (mbvitum). e. Between two vowels, or before m or n, s becomes r: as, genus, generis; maereo, maestus; veternus (vetus-nus), carmen (casmen). f. When two consonants come together by derivation, inflec- tion, or composition, an easier pronunciation is secured thus : ! The first is entirely assimilated to the second. Thus, a liquid, m, n, or (less frequently) r before another liquid is changed to that liquid [but r is not changed to m or n] : as, collego (con-lego), corrigo (com-rego), illudo (in-ludo), illlco (in loco), intellego (inter-lego), asellus (asin[ii]lus) . So d before 1: as in lapilius (Uipidulus) ; and b (rarely) before a liquid: as, summitto (submitto). 2. The former is assimilated in kind. Thus : a. A sonant before a surd becomes surd : as, tego, texi (x=cs), tectum ; nubo, nupsi, nuptum ; coquo, coxi, coctum. b. A surd before a sonant becomes sonant, as in segmentum (seco). c. A labial nasal before a dental mute sometimes becomes dental: contendo (com-tendo), jandudum (jam dud urn), quant us (quamtus). d. A dental nasal before a labial sometimes becomes labial : as, impono (in-pono). e. d and t before t sometimes become s (see 4) : as, equester (equet-ter), est (edt). 3. The former is lost, having probably been first assimilated. Thus : a. d and t are lost before s, but sometimes only assimilated : as, pedes (pedets), vas (vads, vadis), esse (edse, edo). b. c and g are lost before t and s when 1 or r precedes: as, sartus (=sarctus, sar- cio), mulsi (=mulgsi, mulgeo), indultus (=indulgtus, indulgeo). c. c and g" are sometimes lost before m and n : as, examen (exagmen), luna (luc- na), lumen (luc-men). 4. The second is partially assimilated to the first (as in English wrecked becomes, in pronouncing, reckt) ; in this case both are often changed. Thus, after n and 1 rarely after other letters t be- comes s (the continued sound corresponding to the explosive t) : as, mansus (=mantus, maneo), pulsus (pello), casus (cado), passus (=pattus, pat/or), sparsus (=spargtus, spargo), tensus (tendo, but also tentus) , fixus (figo, but fictus from Jingo), maximus (for mag-timus), lapsus (labor), pasxus (pando). NOTE. After m, before s or t, p is inserted for euphony: as, sumo, sumpsi, sumptum. So hiemps for hiems. 4 ASSIMILATION. VARIATIONS. [ 1: 3 ^ 6. The following, which insert e, are declined like liber: ager, field; aper, boar; arbiter, judge; auster, south-wind; caper, goat; coluber, snake; conger, sea-eel; culter, knife; faber, smith; fiber, beaver; geometer, geometer ; magister, mas- ter ; minister, servant ; oleaster, wild-olive ; onager (grus), wild- ass; scomber (brus), mackerel. 11, I.] THIRD DECLENSION. 17 7. Greek Nouns, a. Many Greek names in eus, as Or- pheus (being of the third declension in Greek), have gen. ei or eos, dat. ei; ace. ea; voc. eu; abl. eo. b. Many in es, belonging to the third declension, have also a gen. in i: as, Thucydidi c. Some Greek names in er have a form in us : as, Teucer, Teucrus. d. About twenty words have the Greek ending 6s (M. or r.) or 6n (N.): as, lotos, water-lily; parelion, mock-sun. Among these are the following : Barbitos (on), lyre; miltos, cinnabar; mythos, fable ; nomos, district; rhythmos, rhythm; scopes, aim; spodos (F.), dross. 11. THIRD DECLENSION. Nouns of the Third Declension are most conveni- ently classed according to their Stems, whether ending in a vowel, a liquid, or a mute. I. VOWEL-STEMS. 1. Vowel-stems of this declension end in i. Thus that of turris is turri- ; and that of mare, mari-. a. Nouns of this class are parisyllabic ; that is, the oblique cases of the singular have no more syllables than the nominative. (For exceptions in al, ar, see 2, c.) b. A few stems ending in u-, as of grus, sus, were treated as consonant-stems. (See HI. 4, a.) 2. The Nominative, except in neuters, is formed from the stem by adding S. a. About thirty nouns (as nubes) change i to e in the nom- inative (Compare Note, p. 22). These are acindces, alces, ccedes, cautes, clades, compdges, contages, crates, fames, feles,Jides, labes, meles, moles, nubes, proles, propdges, sedes, sepes, sordes, strayes, suboles, sudes, tabes, torques, tudes, vates, vehes, vetres. b. The nominative of a few stems in ri- does not add s, but loses i, inserting e before r. These are imber, linter, uter, venter. c. The nominative of neuters is the same as the stem, with the change of i to e. But, when i is preceded by al or ar, the e is lost (except in collar e, mare, navale, tibiale). NOTE. This latter class were originally neuters of adjectives in alls, aris ; and, when used as adjectives, retain the e. They are the following : animal, cervical, cubital, puteal, toral, tribunal ; calcar, cochlear, exemplar y lacunar t laquear, lumlnar, palear, pulvlnar, torcular, vectlgal. 18 THIRD DECLENSION. [11, I. s/ SINGULAR. Tower (F.). Cloud (F.). Sea ( N.). Nom. turris nubes mare Gen. turris nubis maris Dat. turri nubi mari Ace. turrim (em) nubem marS Voc. turris nubes mare Abl. turri (e) nube mari Spur (N.). calcar calcaris calcari calcar calcar calcari PLURAL. Nom. turres nubes Gen. turrium nubium Dat. turribus nubibus Ace. turris (es) nubes Voe. turres nubes Abl. turribus nubibus maria marium maribus maria maria maribus calcaria calcarium calcaribus calcaria calcaria calcaribus 3. Case Forms, a. The regular form of the accusative singular, M. and F., is im (as am, um, em of the other vowel- declensions). But, in most nouns, this was supplanted by the con- sonant-form em ; and it is only retained in the following : 1. Exclusively (1) in Greek nouns and names of rivers; (2) in burls, cucumis, ravis, sitis, tussis, vis ; (3) in adverbs in tim (being ace. of nouns in tis), with partim and amussim ; 2. Along with em infebris,restis, turris, securis, sementis, and (in one or two passages) in many other words. &. The regular form of the ablative singular is i (as in the other declensions a, 6, u, e, with loss of the original d). This was also supplanted by e, and retained only 1. Exclusively (1) in those above having accusative in im; also securis, and the following adjectives used as nouns : cequalis, annalis, aqualis, consular is, gentilis, molaris, primipilaris, tribulis ; (2) in neuters (as above), except baccar, jubar, and sometimes (in verse) mare, rete; 2. Along with e in avis, clavis, febris, finis, ignis (always aqua et igni interdict), imber, navis, ovis, pelvis, puppis, sementis, strigilis, turris; and the following adjectives used as nouns : affinis, bipennis, canalis, familiaris, natalis, rivalis, sapiens, triremis, vocalis. 3. The ablative of fames, hunger, is always of the Fifth declen- sion. The defective mane, morning, has sometimes abl. mani. 4. Most names of towns in e as Prceneste, Ccere and the mountain Soracte, have the ablative in e. 11, H.] THIRD DECLENSION. LIQUID STEMS. 19 c. The regular nominative plural would be is, but this is rarely found. The regular accusative is is common, but not exclusively used in any word. d. The regular genitive plural ium is retained by all except the following: (1) ambages and volucris (always um) ; (2) vates (commonly urn) ; (3) apis, ccedes, clades, suboles (rarely um) ; (4) cams, juvenis, mensis, had not originally vowel-stems, and retain um ; but mensis has both. 4. Greek Nouns. A few Greek nouns in is have the ace. im or in, voc. i, abl. i. Many in es have forms of the First or Second Declension : as, Achilles, gen. ei or i, dat. i, ace. en, ea, voc. e, abl. i. NOTE. Nouns such as urbs, pars, having the genitive plural ium and the accusative (occasionally) is, were originally vowel-stems. II. LIQUID STEMS. In nouns whose stem ends in a liquid (1, n, r), the nom- inative has no termination, but is the same as the stem, except when modified as follows : a. Final n of the stem is dropped in masculines and feminines, except some Greek nouns : as, leon-is, leo ; legion-is, legio. b. Stems ending in din-, gin- (mostly feminine) retain in the nominative an original o : as, virgo. Tfyose in in- preceded by any other consonant retain an original e : as, carmen, inis, N. ; cornicen, mis, M. (Exceptions iv. 2, 6.) c. Nouns whose stem ends in tr retain in the nominative an original e: as, pater (compare i. 2, b.). d. In neuters whose stem ends in er, Sr, fir, the r was originally s, which is retained in the nominative, 6 of the stem being weak- ened into ii: as, opus, eris: corpus, oris. A few masc. and fern, stems also retain s. (Exceptions iv. 2, 6.) e. Stems in 11, rr, lose one of these liquids in the nominative. /. The following have gen. plur. ium: glis, mas, ren, mus. SING. Consul. PLUR. j SING. -Name. PLUR. Nom. consul consules nSmen nomina Gen. consulis consulum nomfnis nominum Dat. consuli consulibus nomini nominibus Ace. consulem consules nomen nomina Voc. consul consules nomen nomina Abl. consule consulibus nomine nominibus 20 THIRD DECLENSION. - MUTE STEMS. [11,111. Honor, M. . Lion, M. Father, M. Tree, F. Maiden, F. Work, N. Sing. N. V. h5n6r leo pater arbor virgo opus G. honoris leonjs patris arbdris virgmis operis D. honor! leoni patri arbor! virgin! operi A. honorem leonem patrem arb5rem virginem opus A. honore leone patre arb6re virgme opere Plur. N. A. V. honores leones patres arbSres virgines opera G. honorum leonum patrum arbSrum virginum operum D. Ab. honoribus leonibus patribus arboribus virginibus operibus III. MUTE STEMS. Masculine or feminine nouns whose stem ends in a Mute form the nominative by adding s. Neuters have for nomina- tive the simple stem. NOTE. If the stem ends in two consonants, the genitive plural generally has ium (n. 8, N.). Some of these, originally i-stems, have also an old nominative in is : as, trabis, urbis. 1. Labial. If the mute is a labial (b, p), s is simply added to the stem. a. Stems in ip- retain in the nominative an original e, the vowel having been weakened in the other cases : as, princeps, ipis. &. Most stems in cip- (M.) are compounds of the root cap (in capio) take: as, auceps (avi-ceps), bird-catcher. In these the stem sometimes has the form cup-, as aucupis. c. The only noun whose stem ends in in is hiemps, winter. (For the insertion of p, see note, foot of p. 3.) SING. City, F. PLUR. SING. Chief. PLUR. Norn, urbs urbes princeps principes Gen. urbis urbium principis princlpum Dat. urbi urbibus principi principibus Ace. urbem urbes principem principes Voc. urbs urbes princeps principes Abl. urbe urbibus principe principibus 2. Lingual. If the mute is a lingual (d, t), it is sup- pressed before s. a. Stems in it- (M. or F.) retain in the nominative an original e : as, hospgs, itis. (In a few, as comes, the e is not original.) NOTE. The only nominative in't is caput, ttis. b. Neuter stems ending in two consonants, and those ending in at- (Greek nouns), drop the final lingual in the nominative : as, cor, cordis; poema, atis. 11,111.] THIRD DECENSION. MUTE STEMS. 21 SING. Guard. PLUR. SING. Companion. PLUR. Nom. custos custodes comes comltes Gen. custodis custodum comitis comftum Dat. custodi custodibus comiti cormtibus Ace. custodem custodes comitem comites Voc. custos custodes comes comftes Abl. custode custodibus comite comitibus Sing. N. V. Age, F. Heart, M. Stone, M. eetas cor lapis Family, F. Head, N. Poem, N. gens caput poema G. SBtatis cordis lapidis gentis capitis poematis D. setati cordi lapidi genti capiti poemati A. setatem cor lapidem gent em caput poema A. setate(i) corde lapide gente capite poemate Plur. N. A. V. eetates corda lapides gentes capita poemata G. D. Ab. setatum (ium) lapidum setatibus cordibus lapidibus gentium capitum poematum gentibus capitibus poematis (or ibus) c. Case-forms. Some nouns of lingual stems have forms of the vowel-declension. 1. Participles used as nouns, and a few others originally i-stems, occasionally have the ablative in i : as, continenti, cetati, parti, sorti. 2. Stems in tat- (originally i-stems), nt- (participles used as nouns), d or t preceded by a consonant, also dis, lis, and pons, regularly have the genitive plural ium. 3. Names denoting birth or abode, with stems in at-, it- (originally adjectives), with penates, optimates, regularly have the gen. plur. ium. d. Greek neuters (as poema), with nom. sing, in a, frequently end the dat. and abl. plur. in is, and rarely the gen. in orum. 3. Palatal. If the mute is a palatal (c, g), it unites with s in the nominative, forming x. a. Stems in ic- (short i) have nom. in ex, and are chiefly mas- culine ; those in ic- (long i) retain i, and are feminine. &. In nix, nivis, snow, the nom. retains a palatal lost in the other cases (original stem snig-, compare ningit) ; supellex (-ectilis) is partly a lingual, partly an i-stem. SING. Peak, M. PLUR. SING. Raven, F. PLUR. Nom. apex apfces cornix cornices Gen. apicis aplcum cormcis cornlcum Dat. apici apicibus cornlci cornlcibus Ace. apicem apices cornlcem cornices Voc. apex apices cornix cornices Abl. apice aptcibus cornice cornlcibus 22 THIRD DECLENSION: MUTE STEMS. [11: in. Sing. Peace, p. "King, M. Light, P. Fruit, p. Citadel, P. Throat. N. pax rex lux [frux] arx G. pacis regis lucis frugis arcis D. paci regi luci frugi arci Ac. pacem regem lucem frugem arcem Ab. pace rege luce fruge arce fauce Plur. N. A. V. paces reges luces fruges arces fauces G. regum frugum arcium faucium D. Ab. pacibus regibus lucibus frugibus arcibus faucibus c. Case-forms. A few monosyllables, as faux (def.), arx, have gen. plur. ium ; in lux, an abl. luci occurs rarely. 4. Peculiar Forms. In many nouns the stem is vari- ously modified in the nominative. a. The vowel-stems gru-, su-, simply add s, retaining the original u ; grus 'has also a nom. griiis ; sus has in pi. subus. b. In bov- (bou-), the diphthong ou becomes 6 (bos, bbvis) ; in nav- (nau-) an i is added (navis, is) ; in J6v-(=Zei;f) the diph- thong becomes u in Ju-piter (pater), gen. Jbvis, &c. c. In iter, itineris (N.), jecur, jecinoris (N.), the nom. has been formed from a shorter stem ; so that these words show a combination of two distinct forms. d. Of the many original s-stems, only vas, vasis (pi. vasa, orum) retains its proper declension. NOTE. Of apparent s-stems, as (assis) is an i-stem ; of os, ossis, the original stem is osti- (cf. OO-TCOV and Sanskrit asthi} ; while the others have either (1) passed into r-stems (changed from s) in most of the cases, as honor, oris, corpus, oris (see liquid stems] ; or (2) have broken down into i-stems, as moles (cf. molestus), nubes (Sanskrit nabhas), sedes (cf. <-8os), vis (vires), &c. Sing. Ox, c. Snow, P. Old Man, M. Flesh, p. N. bos nix senex caro G. b6vis nivis senis carnis D. bdvi nivi seni carni A. bCvem nivem senem carne A. bQve nivS sSnS came Plur. N. A. V. bQves nives sSnes carnes G. b6um senum D. A. bobus nivlbus senlbus carnibu (bubus) Bone, N. 6s ossis ossi 6s osse Force. P. VIS vis vim vi ossa vires ossium virium ossibus viribus 5. The Locative form for nouns of the Third declension emls, like the dative, in I; sometimes, like the ablative, in e: as, ruri, I/I the country ; Karthagini, at Carthage ; Tibiire (Hor.), at Tibur ; plural in ibus: as, Trallibus, at Tralles. 6. Greek Nouns. Many nouns, originally Greek, - mostly proper names, retain Greek forms of inflection. a. Stems in in- (i long) add s in the nominative, omitting n : as, delphis (but also delphin), Salamis. So Phorcys. 11: IIL, iv.] THIRD DECLENSION: RULES OF GENDER. 23 b. Most stems in id- (nom. is) often have also the forms of i-stems : as, tigris, idis (idos) or is; ace. idem (Ida) or im; abl. ide or i. But many, including most feminine proper names, have ace. idem (ida), abl. ide, not im and i. These follow the forms in Greek, which depend on the place of the accent. c. Stems in 6n- sometimes retain n: as, Agamemnon (or Agamemno), onis, ace. ona. d. Stems in ont- form the nom. in on: as, horizon, Xeiio- phon ; but a few are occasionally latinized into on- (nom. o) : as, Draco, onis. e. Stems in ant-, ent-, have nom. in as, is : as, adamas, antis ; Simois, entis. So a few in unt- (contr. from cent-) have us : as, Trapezus, untis. Occasionally the Latin form of nom- inative is also found : as, Atlans, elephans. /. Case- Forms. Many Greek nouns (especially in the poets) have gen. 6s, ace. a; plur. nom. es, aec. as: as, aer, aether, crater, hero (ois), lampas (adis or ados), lynx (cis or c6s), nais (idos), Orpheus (eos). g. A few in ys have ace. yn, voc. y ; abl. ye : as, chelys, yn, y ; Capys, yos, yn, y, ye. h. Several feminine names in 6 have gen. sing, us, all the other cases ending in o ; they may also have regular forms : as, Dido; gen. Didonis or Did us; dat. Didoni or Dido, &c. IV. RULES OF GENDER. 1. The following are general Rules of Gender of nouns of the third declension, classed according to the termination of the nominative. NOTE. Rules of gender are mostly only rules of memory, as there is no necessary connection between the form and gender. In fact, most nouns could originally be inflected in all genders. ^ a. Masculine endings are o, or, os, er, es (idis, itis). b. Feminine endings are as (atis), es (is), is, ys, x, s (follow- ing a consonant) ; also, do, go, io (abstract and collective) , and us (udis, utis). 1 c. Neuter endings are a, e, i, y ; c, 1, t ; men (minis) ; ar, ur, us (eris, 6ris). . 2. The following are general Rules of Gender of nouns of the third declension, classed according to their stems. NOTE. See the Note above. But the preference of masc. and fern, (especially fern.) for long vowels cannot be accidental (compare long a of 1st declension). Some affixes also prefer one or another gender: as, tor (originally tar), masculine ; ti, feminine ; men (origi- nally man), neuter. 24 THIRD DECLENSION: RULES OF GENDER. [11: iv a. Vowel Stems. Stems in i, having a in the nominative are feminine, except those mentioned below (3, a). Those havinj nominative in S, or which drop the e, are neuter. &. Liquid Stems. Stems in 1 are masculine, except si] fel, mel, and sometimes sal (N ). Those in mln are neuter, ex cept homo, nemo, flamen (M.). Others in in are masculine except pollen^ unguen (N.). Those in en are masculine. Tho,* in din, gin, ion (abstract and collective) are feminine. Other in on, with cardo, margo, ordo, unio, senio, quaternio, an masculine. Those in r preceded by a short vowel are neufer except nearly 30 given below. Those in r preceded by a lon< vowel are masculine, except soror, uxor, glos, tellus, F. ; crus jus, pus, rus, tus (in which the long vowel is due to contraction), N c. Labial Sterns (no neuters). Stems in b and m ar< feminine, except chalybs. Those in p are chiefly masculim (exceptions below). d. Lingual Stems. Stems in ad, ed, id, nd, ud, aud, ar< feminine, except dromas, pes, quadrupes, obses, praeses lapis (M.). Those in at, ut, are feminine, except patrials (a; Arpinas), with penates and optimates. Those in ed, et, arc masculine, except merces and quies with its compounds. Those in et, it, are m,asculine, except abies, merges, seges, teges (F.) and those which are common from signification. Those in at arc neuter ; those in nt various (see List) ; those in It, rt, feminine (For a few isolated forms, see List.) e. Palatal Stems. Stems in c preceded by a consonant or long vowel are feminine, except calx (stone or heel), decunx phoenix, storax, vervex, M. Those in c preceded by a shorl vowel are chiefly masculine (for exceptions, see List) ; those in g, masculine, except frux, lex, phalanx, syrinx (also nix, nivis), 3. The following are the Forms of Inflection of nouns of the Third Declension, classed according to their Stems. a. Vowel-Stems. es, is: about 35 nouns (original s-stems, list p. 17), feminine, except tudes, hammer ; vates, prophet ; verres, pig (M.). Is, is: about 100 nouns, chiefly feminine. 11: iv., 3-] THIRD DECLENSION: FORMS OP INFLECTION. 25 e, is : upwards of 20 nouns, all neuter. al, alls; ar, arts: 16, neuter (see list, page 17; and for those in ar, aris, see Liquid Stems), er, ris : imber, shower ; linter, boat ; uter, bag ; venter, stom- ach^ all M. except linter, which is commonly F. PECULIAR: grus, gruis, crane, F. ; rhus, rhois (ace. rhum), sumach, M. ; sus, suis, hog, c. ; heros, herois, hero, M. ; misy, yos, truffle, F. ; oxys, yos, sorrel, F. ; cinnibari, vermilion ; gummi, gum; sinapi, mustard (indecl.), N. b. Liquid Stems. 1, lis : 9 nouns, masculine, except sil, ochre, and (sometimes) sal, salt, N. en, enis: hymen, marriage; ren, kidney ; splen (enis), spleen, M. en, mis: 10 nouns, M. except pollen, Jlour ; unguen, oint- ment, N. men, minis (verbal): about 30 nouns, neuter; but flamen, priest, M. on, onis (Greek) : canon, rule ; daemon, divinity ; gnomon, index, M. ; aedon, nightingale; alcyon, kingfisher; ancon, corner; sindon, fine linen, F. o, onis : nearly 60 nouns, all masculine. io, ionis (material objects, &c.) : about 30 nouns, masculine. io, ionis (abstract and collective) : upwards of 50, feminine. o, inis: homo, man ; turbo, whirlwind, M. ; nemo, no one, c. do, dmis : nearly 50 nouns, feminine excepting cardo, hinge; ordo, rank, M. go, ginis : about 30 nouns, feminine. ar, aris : baccar, valerian ; jubar, sunbeam ; nectar, nectar, N. ; lar, household god ; salar, trout, M. gr, ris: accipiter, hawk ; frater, brother; pater, father, M. ; mater, mother. er, eris (Greek) : crater, cup ; halter, dumb-bell ; prester, water- spout, M. er, eris : acipenser, hawk ; aer, air ; aether, ether ; anser, goose ; asser, stake ; aster, star ; cancer, crab ; career, dungeon ; later, brick ; passer, sparrow, M. ; mulier, woman, F. ; acer, maple ; cadaver, corpse ; cicer, vetch ; papaver, poppy ; piper, pepper ; tuber, hump ; uber, udder ; verber, lash, N. is, eris: cinis, ashes; cucumis, cucumber; pulvis, dust; vomis, ploughshare, M. 5r (os), oris : nearly 70 nouns (besides many denoting the agent, formed upon verb-stems), all masculine, except soror, sister ; uxor, wife. 26 THIRD DECLENSION: FORMS OF INFLECTION. [11: iv., 3. or, 8ris: castor, beaver ; rhetor, rhetorician, M. ; arbor, tree, F. ; ador, fine-wheat ; aequor, level; marmor, marble, N. 6s, oris: flos, flower ; mos, custom ; ros, dew, M. ; glos, sister- in-law, F. ; os, mouth, N. ur, 6ris: ebur, ivory; femur, thigh; jecur, liver; robur (or), strength, N. iir, uris: 9 masculine; with fulgur, thunderbolt; murmur, mur- mur ; sulphur, brimstone, N. us, eris: 13 neuter; also, Venus, F. us, oris : 14 nouns, neuter, except lepus, hare, M. us, uris: mus, mouse, M. ; tellus, earth, F. ; crus, leg ; jus, right ; pus, fester ; rus, country ; tus, incense, N. PECULIAR: delphin, mis, dolphin; sanguis (en) mis, blood; senex, senis, old man, N. ; caro, carnis, flesh, F, ; aes, aeris, cop- per; far, farris, corn ; fel, fellis, gall; mel, mellis, honey; iter, itineris, journey; jecur, jecinoris (jecoris), liver, N. ; glis,-iris, dormouse, M. c. Labial. bs, bis : chalybs, steel, M. ; plebs, people ; scrobs, ditch ; trabs, beam ; urbs, city, F. (original i-stems). ms, mis: hiemps, winter, F. ps, pis : 15 nouns, masculine, except forceps, pincers ; merops, bee-eater ; ops, help ; stips, gift; stirps, stock, F. d. Lingual. as, adis (Greek) : 14 nouns, feminine, except dromas, drome- dary ; vas, surety, M. es, edis : cupes, epicure ; heres, heir ; praes, surety, M. ; merces, pay, F. es, edis; pes, foot; quadrupes, quadruped, M. ; compes, fetter, F. is, idis: obses, hostage; praeses, chief, c. is, idis : nearly 40 nouns, mostly Greek, feminine, except lapis, stone, M. os, odis : custos, guardian, M. 6s, otis : nepos, grandson, M. ; cos, whetstone ; dos, dowry, F. us, udis: incus, anvil; palus, marsh; subscus, dovetail; with fraus, fraud ; laus, praise ; pecus, udis, sheep, F. a, atis (Greek) : nearly 20 nouns, neuter. as, atis: about 20 nouns (besides derivatives), feminine; also, anas, atis, duck. es, etis: celes, race-horse; lebes, kettle; magnes, magnet, M. ; quies, requies, rest ; inquies, unrest, F. 11: iv., 3-] THIRD DECLENSION: FORMS OF INFLECTION. 27 es, etis: aries, ram; interpres, interpreter; paries, house-wall, M. ; abies,^r; seges, crop ; teges, mat, F. es, itis : about 20 nouns, masculine (or common from significa- tion) . us, utis: juventus, youth; senectus, old age; servitus, slavery; virtus, virtue, F. ns, ndis: frons, leaf; glans, acorn; juglans, walnut, F. ns, ntis : nearly 20 (besides many participial nouns) , common, except dens, tooth; fons, fountain; mons, mountain; pons, bridge, M. ; frons, brow; gens, nation; lens, lentile; mens, mind, F. rs, rtis (originally i-steins) : ars, art; cohors, cohort; fors, chance ; mors, death ; sors, lot, F. ys, ydis : chelys, tortoise ; chlamys, cloak, F. PECULIAR: as, assis, penny, M.; lis, litis, lawsuit; nox, noctis, night; puls, pultis, pottage, F. ; caput, itis, head ; cor, cordis, heart; hepar, ads, liver; os, ossis, bone; vas, vasis, ves- sel, N. ; also, compounds of -pus, -pSdis (M.), Gr. for pes,foot. e. Palatal. ax, acis : anthrax, coal ; corax, raven ; frax (pl.) dregs ; pan- ax, panacea ; scolopax, woodcock, M. ; fax, torch ; styrax, a gum, F. ax, acis: cnodax, pivot; cordax, a dance ; thorax, breastplate, M. ; pax, peace, F. ex, icis : upwards of 40 nouns, masculine, except carex, sedge ; forfex, shears ; ilex, holm ; imbrex, tile ; nex (necis), violent death ; pellex, concubine, F. ix, icis: about 30 nouns (also, larix, icis, larch), feminine ; besides many in trix, regular feminines of nouns in tpr. ox, ocis : celox, cutter, F. ux, ucis : dux, leader, c. ; crux, cross; nux, nut, F. ux, ucis : balux, gold-dust ; lux, light, F. x, cis : arx, tower ; calx, lime ; falx, pruning-knife ; lynx, lynx ; merx (def.), ivare, F. ; calyx, cup; calx, heel, M. x, gis: conjux (nx), spouse; grex, herd; remex, rower; rex, king, M. or c. ; frux (def.), fruit ; lex, law; phalanx, pha- lanx, F., with a few rare names of animals. Other nouns in x are nix, nivis, mow; nox, noctis, night; su- pellex, ectilis, F. ; onyx, ychis, onyx, M. *" of "^ \ i v IMP VI f^ ?* T 171 W 1 28 FOURTH DECLENSION. [12: I, 2, 3. 12. FOURTH DECLENSION. The Stem of nouns of the Fourth Declension ends in u. (Usually this is weakened to i before -bus). 1. Masculine and feminine nouns form the nominative by adding s ; neuters have for nominative the simple stem, but with u (long). NOTE. The u in neuters is lengthened, probably on account of the loss of m. SING. Car(M.) PLUR. SING. Knee (N.) PLUR. Nom. currus currus genu genua Gen. currus (uis) curruum genu (us) genuum Dat. currui (u) curribus genu genibus Ace. currum currus genu genua Voc. currus currus genu genua Abl. curru curribus ' g en ^ ' genibus NOTE. The Genitive singular is contracted from the old form in uis. It is sometimes written with a circumflex : as, currus. 2. Gender* a. Most nouns in us are masculine. The following are feminine : acus, needle ; anus, old woman ; colus, distaff; dSmus, house; idus (pi.), the Ides; manus, hand; nurus, daughter-in-law ; , porticus, gallery ; quinquatrus, feast of Minerva ; socrus, mother-in-law ; tribus, tribe ; with a few names of plants and trees. Also, rarely, arcus, penus, specus. b. The only neuters are cornu, horn ; genu, knee ; pecu (def.), cattle ; veru, spit. (Some others are mentioned by grammarians, and the form ossua, as from ossu, occurs in inscriptions.) 3. Case-Forms. a. An original genitive in os is some- times found : as, senatuos ; and an old (but not original) geni- in i is used by some writers. &. The nominative plural has rarely the form uus. C. The genitive plural is sometimes contracted into urn. d. The following retain the regular dative and ablative plural in iibus : artus, partus, portus, tribus, veru ; with dissyllables in -cus, as lacus. e. D5mus, house, has also the following forms of the second declension : domi (locative; less frequently domui), at home ; dative (rarely) domo ; ablative domo (rarely domu) ; plural gen. domorum (rarely domuum) ; accusative domes (or domus). 13: I, 2.] FIFTH DECLENSION. 29 /. Most names of plants, with colus, distaff, have also forms of the second declension. 4. Most nouns of the fourth declension are formed from verb- stems, with the suffix -tus : as, cantus, song, from cano. a. The Supines of verbs are the accusative and ablative (or dative, perhaps both) of these nouns. #. Many have only the genitive, or the genitive and ablative : as, jussu (meo), by my command ; so injussu (populi), without the people's order. Some only the dative, memoratui, divisui. C. The remaining nouns of this declension are the following : sestus, heat; arcus, bow; artus, joint; coetus, meeting ; fetus, pro- duce; ftcus,Jig ; gradus, step; incestus, incest; lacus, lake; laurus, laurel; myrtus, myrtle; penus (def.), provision; pinus, pine; portus, port; rictus, gape; senatus, senate; sinus, fold, bay; situs, dust; specus, den; tonitrus, thunder; tumultus, tumult. NOTE. Several of these are formed upon verb-stqms not in use, or obsolete. ' * 13. FIFTH DECLENSION. The Stem of nouns of the Fifth Declension ends in e, which appears in all the cases. 1. The nominative is formed from the stem by adding s. SING. 77um7(F.)pLUR. SING. Z%(M.) PLUR. Faith (F.) Nom. res res dies dies fides Gen. rei rerum diei (die) dierum fidei Dat. rei rebus diei (die) diebus fidei Ace. rem res diem dies fidem Voc. res res dies dies fides Abl. re rebus die diebus fide NOTE. The e is shortened in the genitive and dative singular, when not preceded by i ; viz., in fides, plebes, spes, res. 2. Gender, All nouns of this declension are feminine, except dies and meridies, M. NOTE. Dies is sometimes feminine in the singular, especially in phrases indicating a fixed time, or time in general : as, longa dies, a long time ; constituta die, on the set day ; also in the poets : pulcra dies, a fair day. 30 IRREGULAR NOUNS. [13, 14: I. 3. Case-Forms. The genitive singular anciently ended in es (cf. as of first declension) ; and ei was sometimes contracted into i or e, as in the phrase plebi-scitum, peoples decree (Fr. plebiscite). An old dative in i or e also occurs. 4. Several nouns of the fifth declension have also forms of the first, of which this is only a variety : as, niateria, -ies, timber ; saevitia, -ies, cruelty. NOTE. Nouns in ies (except dies) are original a-stems. The others are probably (excepting res) corrupted s-stems, like moles, moles-tus ; dies, diurnus ; spes, spero. Requies (etis) has also forms of this declension ; with others, as saties (for satietas), &c. 5. The Locative form of this declension is represented by -e, as in hodie, to-day ; perendie, day-after-to-morrow ; die quarti, the fourth day. 6. Of about forty nouns of this declension, the only ones com- plete in all their parts are dies and res. Most want the plural, which is, however, found in the nominative, accusative, and voca- tive, in the following: acies, effigies, eluvies, facies, glacies, progenies, series, species, spes. 14, IRREGULAR NOUNS. 1. Defective. Many nouns are defective in their forms of declension, either from signification or by accident of use. a. Some are found only in the singular (singularia tantum), chiefly abstract nouns: as, pietas, piety; names of materials and things weighed or measured (not counted) : as, aes, copper, far, coin ; and proper names, as Cicero. Abstract nouns in the plural may denote repetitions or instances, as paces: names of things measured, &c., kinds or samples, as vina, wines, aera, brazen utensils ; proper names, two or more of the same, as Scipiones. So Galliae, the two Gauls, CastSres, Castor and Pollux, nives, snowflakes, soles, days, Joves, images of Jupiter, palatia, the buildings on the hill. b. Some are found only in the Plural (pluralia tantum) : these include (1) many proper names, including those of Festivals and Games ; (2) names of classes : as, majores, ancestors ; liberi, children ; penates, household gods ; (3) the following from sig- nification : arma, weapons ; artus, joints ; divitiae, riches ; excu- biae, night-guard ; insidiae, ambush ; manes, departed spirits ; minae, threats ; moenia, fortifications, and a few others, which are very rare. 14: I, 2.] IRREGULAR NOUNS. 31 . The following are defective in Case : ambage, F. ; astus (. and p.), astu, M. ; cassem, e, M. ; dapis, i, em,e, F. ; dicam, as, F. ; dicionis, i, em, e, F. ; fauce, F. ; foras, is (pi.), F. ; fors, forte, F. ; frugis, i, em, e, F. ; glos, F. ; gratia, as, is, F. ; impetus, urn, u, M. ; injittas, F. ; jut/era, urn, ibus, N. ; lues, em, e, F. ; mane (nom., ace , and abl. ), N. ; nattci, N. ; obice, c. ; opis, em, e, p. , pondo (abl. or milec.), N. ; precem, e, F. ; sentis, em, es, ibus, M. ; sordem, e, p. ; spontis, e, p. ; suppetias, F. ; venui, urn, M. (o, N.) ; vicis, em, e, es, ibus, F. The gen. plur. is also wanting in cor, cos,fax,fcex, lux, nex, os (on's),pax, pr&s, ros, sal, sol, tus, vas, ver ; jura, rura, have only nom. and ace. plur. Plural complete. Many nouns of the fourth declension occur only in the dative, or in the ace. and abl. (supines). The following neuters are indeclinable : fas, nefas, instar, necesse, nikil, opus, secus. Nouns found only in one case are called monoptotes; in two cases, diptotes ; in three cases, triptotes. 2. Variable. Many nouns vary in their form of declen- sion, their gender, or their signification under different forms. a. Some have two or more forms of Declension, and are called heterodites : as, Balnea or ce ; carbasus (F.), pi., a (N.) ; colus (1st and 4th), F.; femur, dris or mis; jugerum, i, or abl. e, pi. a, urn, N. ; margarlta, CB (p.), or um, i (N.) ; Muiciber, bri or beris : munus, en's, pi. munia (maenia), orum; pubes, ens ; em, e ; penus, i, or oris ; scevitia, ce ; -ies, iei ; -ittido, inis, F. ; sequester, tri, or tris ; with many found in the 1st and 5th declensions, and n few other rare forms. b. Some nouns vary in Gender (heterogeneous) : as, caelum (x.), pi. caeli (M.), sky; clipeus (M.), or clipeum (N.), shield; frenum (jn.), pi. freni (M.), rein. c. Many nouns vary in meaning as they are found in the singular or plural : as, aedes, is (F.), temple; sedes, ium, house. auxilium (N.), help ; auxilia, auxiliaries. career (M.), dungeon; carceres, barriers (of a race-course). castrum (M.),fort ; castra, camp. copia (F.), plenty; cop ise, troops. finis (M.), end ; fines, bounds, territories. forum, market-place; fori, gang-ways. gratia (F.), favor ; gratia?, thanks. impedimentum (N.), hinderance ; impedimenta, baggage. littera (F.), letter (of alphabet) ; Htterae, epistle. locus (M.), place [pi. loca (N.)] ; loci, passages in books. (In early writers this is the regular plural.) ludus, sport ; ludi, public games. opera, task; operae, day-laborers ("hands"). 32 PROPER NAMES. [14, 15. opis (F. gen.), help; opes, resources, wealth. plaga (F.), region [plaga, blow] ; plagge, snares. rostrum, beak of a ship ; rostra, speaker's platform. sal (M. or N.), salt ; sales, witticisms. tabella, tablet; tabellse, documents. sestertius (M.) means the sum of 2 asses, = about 4 cents. sestertium (N.) means the sum of 1000 sestertii, = about $40. decies sestertium means the sum of 1000 sestertia, = $40,000. d. Sometimes a noun in combination with an adjective takes a special signification, both parts being regularly inflected : as, jus- jurandum, juris jurandi, oath; respublica, reipublicae, com- monwealth. 15. PROPER NAMES. 1. A Roman had regularly three names. Thus, in the name Marcus Tullius Cicero, we have Marcus, the prcenomen, or personal name ; Tullius, the nmnen; i.e., name of the Gens, or house, whose original head was Tullus ; this name is properly an adjective ; Cicero, the cognomen, or family name, often in its origin a nickname, in this case from cicer, a vetch, or small pea. 2. A fourth or fifth name, called the agnomen, was sometimes given. Thus the complete name of Scipio the Younger was Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus jEmilianus ; Africanus from his ex- ploits in Africa; JEmilianus as adopted from the ^Emilian gens. 3. Women had no personal names, but were known only by that of their gens. Thus the wife of Cicero was Terentia, and his daughter Tullia. A younger sister would have been called Tullia secunda or minor, and so on. 4. The commonest praenomens are thus abbreviated : A. Aulus. L. Lucius. Q. Quintus. C. (G.) Gaius (Caius). M. Marcus. Ser. Servius. Cn. (Gn.) Gnaeus (Cneius). M\ Manius. Sex. Sextus. D. Decimus. Mam. Mamercus. Sp. Spurius. K. KJBSO. N. Numerius. T. Titus. .App. Appius. P. Publius. Ti. Tiberius. 16: i.] ADJECTIVES: INFLECTION. 33 ADJECTIVES. 16. INFLECTION OF ADJECTIVES. ADJECTIVES and Participles are in general formed and declined like Nouns, differing from nouns only in their use. In accordance with their use, they distin- guish gender by different forms in the same word. They are (1) of the first and second declensions, or (2) of the third declension. NOTE. Latin adjectives and participles are either o-stems with the corresponding feminine a-stems (originally a and a), or i-stems. Many, however, were originally stems in u or a consonant, which passed over, in all or most of their cases, into the i-declension, for which Latin had a special fondness. (Compare the endings es and Is of the Third declension with Greek s and as; navis (nom.) with the Greek vavs ; animus with exanimis ; cornu with bicornis ; lingua with bilingms ; cor, corde, corda, with discors, -di, -dia, -dium ; suavis with fjSiis; ferens, -entia, with pa>v, -ovra.) A few, which in other languages are nouns, retain the consonant-form : as, veins = ros, uber = ov0ap. Comparatives also retain the consonant form in most of their cases. 1. Stems in have the feminine a (originally a). They are declined like servus (M.), stella (F.), donum (N.): as, M. F. N. SING. Nom. cariis cara carum, Dear. Gen. cari carae cari Dat. car5 carae caro Ace. carum caram carum Voc. care cara carum Abl. caro cara car5 PLUR. Nom. cari carae cara Gen. carorum cararum carorum Dat. caris caris caris Ace. caros caras cara Voc. cari carae cara Abl. caris caris caris The masc. gen. of adjectives in ius ends in ii, and the vocative in ie ; not in i as in nouns. 2* ADJECTIVES I INFLECTION. [16: I. a. In adjectives of stems ending in ro- preceded by S or a consonant (also satur), the masculine nominative is formed like puer or liber ( 10; : as, Sing. N. miser G. miseri D. misero Ac. miserum V. miser Ab misero Plur. N. miseri miserae misera G. miserorum miserarum miserprum D miseris miseris miseris Ac. miserps miseras misera V. miseri miseree misera Ab. miseris miseris miseris ser, wretched. Ater, black. mis6ra miserum ater atra atrum miserse miseri atri atrse atri miserse misero atro atrse atro mis e ram miserum atrum atram atrum misera miseruin ater atra atrum misera misero atro atra atro atri atrse atra atrprum atrarum atrorum atris atris atris atrps atras atra atri atrse atra atris atris atris Stems in ero, with morigerus, properus, posterus, have the regular nominative in us. Like miser are declined asper, rough; gibber, hunched ; lacer, torn; liber, free; prosper (erus) , favoring ; satur (ura, urum), sated; tener, tender ; with compounds of -fer and -ger ; also, usually, dexter, right. In these the e belongs to the stem ; but in dexter it is often syncopated. Like ater are declined seger, sick ; creber, dose; faber, skilled; glaber, sleek; integer, whole; ludicer, sportive; macer, lean ; niger, dark; noster, our; piger, sluggish; ruber, red ; sacer, sacred; sinis- ter, left; teter,foul; vafer, shrewd; vester, your. The following feminines lack a masculine singular nominative : cetera, infera, postern, supera. They are rarely found in the singular except in certain phrases : as, postero die. A feminine ablative in o is found in a few Greek adjectives, as lectlcd octophoro ( Verr. v. 11.). b. The following (o-stems) with their compounds have the genitive singular in lus and the dative in I in all the genders : alms (N. aliud), other, rmllus, none, ullus, any( with negatives). alter, other (of two). solus, alone, unus, one. neuter, -trius, neither, totus, whole, uter, -trius, which (of two). I NOTE. The suffix ter, in alter, uter, neuter, is the same as the Greek comparative suffix -Tpo(s). The stem of aliud appears in early Latin and in derivatives as all-, in the forms alls, olid (for aliud), aliter, &c. Of these the singular is thus declined : M. F. . N. N. solus sola solum G. solms solms solius D. soli soli soli A. solum sol am solum A. solo sola solo N. alius alia aliud G. alius alius alius D. alii alii alii A. alium aliam aliud A. alio alia alio M. p. N. uter utra utrum utrms u trius utrius utri utri utri utrum utram utrum utro utra utro alter altgra alterum alterius alterius alterius alteri alteri alteri alterum alteram alterum altero altera altero 16:2.] ADJECTIVES: INFLECTION. 35 NOTE. These words, in Greek and Sanskrit, are treated as pro- nouns ; which accords with the pronominal forms of the genitive in ius, the dative in i, and the neuter d in aliud. The i in the geni- tive -ius, though long, may be made short in verse ; and alterius is generally accented on the antepenult. Instead of allus (gen.), alte- rius is more commonly used. In compounds as alteruter some- times both parts are declined, sometimes only the latter. 2. Stems in i distinguished by being parisyttabic have properly no form for the feminine, and hence are called adjectives of two terminations. In the neuter, i is changed to e. They are declined like turris (ace. em) and mare. Sing. M., Y. Light. N. M. Keen. F. N. N.V. levis leve acer acris acre G. levis levis acris acris acris D. levi levi acri acri acri Ac. levem leve acrem acrem acre Ab. levi levi acri acri acri Plur. N.V. leves levia acres acres acria G. levium levium acrium acrium acrium D. levibus levibus acribus acribus acribus Ac. leves (is) levia acres (is) acres (is) acria Ab. levibus levibus acribus acribus acribus a. Several stems in ri- form the masc. nom. in er (as acer, compare 11, i. 2, 6.) . These are the following : acer, keen. pedester, on foot. alacer, eager. puter, rotten. campester, of the plain. saluber, wholesome. celeber, famous. Silvester, wooded. equester, of horsemen. terrester, of the land. paluster, marshy. volucer, winged. Also celer, celeris, celere, swift; and, in certain phrases, the names of months in -ber. NOTE. This formation is not original ; and hence, in the poets, and in early Latin, either the masculine or feminine form of these adjectives was used for both genders. In others, as illustris, lugiibris, medidcris, muliebris, there is no separate masculine form. b. Case-Forms. These adjectives, as true i-stems, retain i in the abl. singular, the neut. plural ia, the gen. plur. ium, and often in the ace. plur. is, but never im in the ace. sing. For metri- cal reasons, an abl. in e sometimes occurs in poetry. When celer is used as an adjective, it has the regular gen. plur. in ium ; as a noun, denoting a military rank, it is celerum ; as a proper name, it has the abl. in e. 36 ADJECTIVES : INFLECTION. [16: 3. 3. The remaining adjectives of the third declension have the form of i-stems in the ablative singular I, the plural neuter ia, and genitive ium. In other cases they follow the rule of consonant-stems. a. In adjectives of consonant-stems (except comparatives) the nominative singular is alike for all genders : hence they are called adjectives of one termination. Except of stems in 1 and r, it is formed from the stem by adding s : as, Siny. M. F. Happy. N. M. F. Calling. N. N.V. felix felix vocans vocans Gen. felicis felicis vocantis vocantis Dat. felici felici vocanti vocanti Ace. felicem felix vocantem vocans Abl. felice or felici vocante or vocanti Plur. N.V. felices fellcia vocantes vocantia Gen. fellcium felicium vocantium vocantium Dat. felicibus felicibus vocantibus vocantibus Ace. Abl. fellces (is) felicibus fellcia felicibus vocantes (is) vocantibus vocantia vocantibus Other examples are the following : preeceps, headlong preecipitis praecipiti prs3cipitem prseceps praecipite prsBCipites prsecipitia prsecipitium prsBcipitibus M. F. N. vetus, old vetSris veteri veterem vetus vetere (i) vetSres vetSra veterum veteribus NOTE. The regular feminine of these adjectives, by analogy of cognate languages, would end in ia : this form is found in the abstracts amentia, desidia, socordia, frc., and in proper names, as Florentia (cf. Greek povpov) ; but in all except liquid stems, the masc. form in s has forced itself not only upon the neuter nominative, but upon the accusative also, where it is wholly abnormal. Sing. M. F. N. M. F. N. N.V. iens, going par, equal Gen. euntis paris Dat. eunti pari Ace. euntem iens parem par Abl. eunte (i) pari Plur. N.A.V. euntes euntia pares paria Gen. euntium par ium D. Ab. euntibus paribus Sing. M. F. N. M. F. N. N.V. dives, rick uber, fertile Gen. divitis ubSris Dat. diviti uberi Ace. divitem dives uberem uber Abl! divite (i) ubere (i) Plur. N.A.V. divites (ditia) uberes ubera Gen divitum ubSrum D Ab. divitibus uberibus 16: 3-] ADJECTIVES: INFLECTION. 37 A few of these forms, used as nouns, have a feminine in a : as, clienta, hospita, inhospita, with the appellation Juno Sospita. b. The stem of Comparatives properly ended in 8s, which became or in all cases except the neuter singular (N. A. v.), where s is retained, and 8 is changed to ii (compare honor, oris ; cor- pus, oris). Thus they appear to have two terminations. Sing. M. F. Dearer. F. M. F. More. N. N.V. carior carius <*" plus Gen. carioris carioris ^0**" pluris Dat. cariSri cariori ^.. pluri Ace. cariorem carius plus Abl. cariore or cariori plure Plur. N.V. cariores cariora phlres plura(ia) Gen. cariorum cariorum plurium plurium Dat. carioribus carioribus pluribus pluribus Ace. cariores cariora plures plura Abl. carioribus carioribus pluribus pluribus NOTE. The neuter sing, plus is used only as a noun. Its deriva- tive complures, several, has sometimes neut. plur. compluria. All other comparatives are declined like carior. c. Case Forms. 1. The ablative singular of these adjec- tives commonly ends in i ; but, when used as nouns, as super- stes, survivor, they have e. Participles in ns used as such, especially in the Ablative Absolute, or as nouns, regularly have e ; but as adjectives, regularly i. (So adjectives in ns as in the phrase, me imprudente.) In the following, e is the regular form : codes, compos, deses, dives, hospes, pauper, particeps, prceceps, princeps, superstes, supplex ; also in patrials (see 44), with stems in at-, it-, nt-, rt-, when used as nouns, and sometimes as adjectives. 2. The genitive plural ends commonly in ium, and the accusa- tive often in is, even in comparatives, which are less inclined to the i-declension. In the following, the gen. plur. ends in um: always in dives, compos, inops, prcepes, supplex, and compounds of pes ; sometimes, in poetry, participles in ns. In vetus (ens), pubes (em), uber (em), which did not become i-stems, the forms e, a, um, are regular ; but uber and vetus rarely have the abl. in i. 3. Several are declined in more than one form : as, gracilis (us), hilaris (us), inermis (us). A few are indecl. or defective : as, damnas (esto, sunto), frugi (dat. of advantage), exspes (only nom.),exlex- (nom. and ace.), mactus (nom. and voc.), nequam (indecl.), pernox (per-, nocta], potis, pote (indecl. or M. F. potis, N. pote), primoris, semineci, &c. 38 ADJECTIVES: COMPARISON. [17: i. d. Many adjectives, from their signification, are used only in the masculine or feminine, and may be called adjectives of common gender. Such are adolescens, youthful; deses, idis, slothful; inops, opis, poor ; sospes, itis, safe. So senex and juvenis may be called masculine adjectives. e. Many nouns may be also used as adjectives (compare 47, 3) : as, pedes, a footman or on foot ; especially nouns in tor (M.) and trix (F.), denoting the agent: as, victor exercitus, the con- quering army ; victrix causa, the winning cause. f. Certain cases of adjectives are regularly used as Adverbs. These are, the ace. and abl. of the neuter singular : as, multum, multo, much ; the neuter of comparatives (regularly) : as, carius, more dearly ; levins, more lightly ; together with those ending in e for o-stems, and ter for i-stems : as, care, dearly ; leviter, lightly ; acerrime, most eagerly. 17. COMPARISON. % 1. ^Regular Comparison. The Comparative is formed by adding, for the nominative, ior (old stem ios), neuter ius, and the Superlative by adding issimus, a, um (old iss- umus), to the stem of the Positive, which loses its final vowel : as, carus, dear ; carior, dearer ; carissimus, dearest. levis, light ; levior, lighter ; levissimus, lightest. felix, happy ; felicior, happier ; felicissimus, happiest. hebes, dull ; hebetior, duller ; hebetissimus, dullest. NOTE. The comparative suffix is the same as the Greek uov, or the Sanskrit iyans. That of the superlative (issimus) is a double form, but what is the combination is not certain; perhaps it stands for ios-timus. (comp. and sup.), or possibly for ist-timus (two superla- tives). Strictly, new stems are thus formed. a. Adjectives in er form the superlative by adding -rimus to the nominative (comparative regular) : as, miser, miserior, miserrimus ; acer, acrior, acerrimus. So vetus, veterrimus (for comparative, vetustior) from the old form veter ; and, rarely, maturrimus (for maturissimus). &. The following in lis add -limus to the stem clipped of its vowel : facilis, easy ; difficilis, hard ; similis, like ; dissimilis, unlike ; gracilis, slender ; humilis, love. NOTE. The endings -limus and -rimus, the regular superlatives, are formed by assimilation from -timus and -simus. 17: i, 2.] ADJECTIVES: COMPARISON. 39 C Compounds in -dicus (saying), -ficus (doing), -volus (willing), take the forms of corresponding participles in ns, which were anciently used as adjectives : as, maledicus, slanderous, maledicentior, maledicentissimus. malevolus, spiteful, malevolentior, malevolentissimus. d. Adjectives in us preceded by a vowel (except u) rarely have forms of comparison, but are compared by the adverbs magis, more; maxime, most : as, idoneus, fit ; magis idoneus, maxime idoneus. Most derivatives in -icus, -idus, -alls, -aris, -ills, -iilus, -undus, -timus, -mus, -ivus, -orus, with compounds, as degeiier, inops, are also thus compared. e. Participles when used as adjectives are regularly compared : as, patientior, patientissimus ; apertior, apertissimus. NOTE. Many adjectives as aureus, golden are from their meaning incapable of comparison ; but each language has its own usage in this respect. Thus niger, black, and candid us, white, are compared ; but not ater or aibus, meaning absolute black or white. 2. Irregular Comparison. Several adjectives are com pared "from different stems, or contain irregular forms : as, bonus, melior, optimus, good, better, best. malus, pejor, pessimus, bad, worse, worst. magnus, major, maximus, great, greater, greatest. parvus, minor, minimus, small, less, least. multum, plus (N.), plurimum, much, more, most. multi, plures, plurimi, many, more, most.- nequam (indecl.), nequior, nequissimus, worthless, frugi (indecl.), frugalior, frugalissimus, useful, worthy. dexter, dexterior, dextimus, on the right, handy. 3. Defective Comparison. The following are formed from roots or stems not used as adjectives : "cis, citra] citerior, citimus, hither, hithermost. in, intra] interior, intimus, inner, inmost. "prae, pro] prior, primus, former, first. jprope] propior, proximus, nearer, next. ultra] ulterior, ulttmus, farther, farthest. a. Of the following the positive forms (originally comparative) are rare, except when used as nouns, generally in the plural : [exterus] exterior, extremus (extimus), outer, outmost. [inferus] inferior, infimus (Tmus), lower, lowest. [posterus] posterior, postremus, latter, last. [superus] superior, supremus or summus, higher, highest. The plurals, exteri, foreigners ; poster!, posterity ; superi, the heavenly gods ; inferi, those below, are common. 40 ADJECTIVES: COMPARISON. [17:4,5. 6. From juvenis, youth, senex, old man, are formed the com- paratives junior, younger, senior, older. Instead of the superla- tive, the phrase minimus or maximus natu is used (natu being often understood) : as, maximus fratrum, the eldest of the brothers ; but, senior fratrum, the elder of the [two] brothers. In the following, one of the forms of comparison is want- ing: 1. The Positive is wanting in deterior, deterrimus, worse, ivorst; ocior, ocissimus, swifter, swiftest; potior, potissimus, more and most preferable [from potis, able']. 2. The Comparative is wanting in bellus, pretty ; caesius, gray ; falsus, false ; inclutus (or inclitus), famous ; invictus, unsur- passed ; invitus, reluctant ; novus, new (novissimum agmen, rear guard); pius, pious ; sacer, sacred; vetus, old; and most deriva- tives in His and bilis. 3. The Superlative is not found in actu5sus, energetic; alacer, eager ; arcanus, secret ; diuturnus, long-continued ; exilis, slender ; ingens, huge ; jejunus, sterile ; longinquus, distant ; opimus, rich ; proclivis, inclined ; satur, sated ; segnis, sluggish ; serus, late; supinus, supine; taciturnus, silent; tempest! vus, season- able; viclnus, neighboring. 4. Adverbs. Adverbs formed from adjectives are com- pared in like manner : as, carus, dear; care, carius, carissime. miser, wretched ; misere (iter), miserius, miserrime. levis, light ; leviter, levius, levissime. audax, bold; audacter, audacius, audacissime. bonus, good; bene, melius, optime. rn^alus, bad; male, pejus, pessime. Also, cjiu, long (in time), diutius diutissime ; potius, rather, potissimum, first-of-all ; saepe, often, saepius ; satis, enough, satins, preferable; secus, othenvise, secius, worse; multum (multo), m&gis, maxime, much, more, most. 5. Signification. Besides their regular signification, the forms of comparison are used as follows : c. tertius, third, &>c. in. 4. quattuor quartus iv. 5. quinque quintus v. 6. sex sextus vi. 7. septem septimus vu. 8. octo octavus vm. 9. novem nonus ix. 10. decem declmus x. 11. undecim undecimus xi. 12. duodecim duodecimus xn. 13. tredecim tertius decimus xin. 14. quattuordecim quartus decimus xiv. 15. quindecim quintus decimus xv. 1 6. sedecim sextus decimus xvi. 17. septendecim septimus decimus xvii. 1 8. duodeviginti(octodecim) duodevicesimus xvm. 19. undeviginti (novendecim) undevicesimus xix. 20. viginti vicesTmus (vigesimus) xx. 21. viginti unus or unus et viginti vicesimus primus, &c. xxi. 30. triginta tricesimus xxx. 40. quadraginta quadragesimus XL. 50. quinquaginta quinquagesimus x. or L. 60. sexaginta sexagesimus LX. 70. septuaginta septuagesimus LXX. 80. octoginta octogesimus LXXX. 90. nonaginta nonagesimus xc. 100. centum centesimus c. 42 NUMERALS. [18: I. ORDINAL. ducentesimus trecentesimus quadringentesimus quingentesimus sexcentesimus septi ngentesimus octingentesimus nongentesimus millesimus quinquies millesimus decies millesimus centies millesimus ROMAN NUMERALS. CC. ccc. cccc. 13, or D. DC. DCC. DCCC. DCCCC. CI3, or M. 133. CC133. CARDINAL. 200. ducenti, ae, a 300. trecenti 400. quadringenti 500. quingenti 600. sexcenti 700. septingenti 800. octingenti 900. nongenti 1000. mille 5000. quinque millia (milia) 10,000. decem millia (milia) 100,000. centum millia (milia) NOTE. The Ordinals (except secundus, tcrtius, octavus) are formed by means of the same suffixes as superlatives. Thus decimus (com- pare the form infimus) may be regarded as the last of a series of ten ; primus is a superlative of pro; the forms in -tiis (quartus, quintus, sex- tus) may be compared with the corresponding Greek forms in -TOS and irpwTos, superlative of irpd ; nonus is contracted from novimus; while the others have the regular superlative ending simus. Of the exceptions, secundus is a participle of sequor ; and alter is a comparative form (compare -rcpos in Greek). a. Unus, una, unum, one, is declined like solus ( 16, i.), gen. unms and dat. uni in all genders. It often has the mean- ing of same, or only. It is used in the plural in this sense, as also to agree with a plural noun of a singular meaning : as, una castra, one camp. So uni et alteri, one party and the other. b. Duo, two (also ambo, both) , is thus declined : duo duorum duobus duo duobus NOTE. This form in -o is a remnant of the dual number, which was lost in Latin, but is found in cognate languages. c. Tres, tria, three, is an i-stem, and is regularly declined like the plural of le*vis. The other cardinal numbers, up to centum (100), are indeclinable. The multiples of ten are compounds of the multiple, with a fragment of decem : as, viginti = dui-ginta. NOTE. The forms octodecim (18), novendecim (19), are rare, unde- viyinti, duodeviginti, &c., being commonly employed. d. The hundreds, up to 1000, and all the ordinals, are o-stems, and are regularly declined like adjectives of the first and second declension. Norn. duo duae Gen. duorum duarum Dat. duobus duabus Ace. Abl. duos (duo) duobus duas duabus 20: 1,2.] DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. 45 /. To the personal (and sometimes to/'the adjective) pronouns enclitics are joined for emphasis : meu to all the pronouns ; -te to tu; -pte to the abl. sing, of the adjectives, and in early Latin to the others : as, vosmetipsos proditis/ you betray your own very selves ; suopte pondere, by its own weight. 20. DEMONSTRATIVE. 1. The Demonstrative Pronouns are hie, this; is, ille, iste, that ; with the Intensive ipse, self, and idem, same. NOTE. These are combinations of o and i-stems, which are not clearly distinguishable. Hie is a compound of the stem ho- with the demonstrative -ce, which appears in full in early Latin (hice), and when followed by the enclitic -ne (hicine). In most of the cases it is shortened to c, and in many lost; but it is appended for empha- sis to those that do not regularly retain it (hujusce). In early Latin c alone is retained in some of these (horunc). Ille and iste are sometimes found with the same enclitic (illic, istuc). a. Ille is a later form of ollus (olle), which is sometimes used by the poets ; a gen. sing, in i, ae, i, occurs in ille and iste. 6. Iste is sometimes found in early writers in the form ste, &c., with the entire loss of the first syllable ; and the i of ipse and ille is very often found shortened. c. Ipse is compounded of is and -pse (for pte, from the same root as potis), meaning self. The first part was originally de- clined, as in reapse (for re eapse), in fact. An old form ipsus occurs. Idem is the demonstrative is with the affix -dem. 2. These demonstratives are used either with nouns as Adjectives, or alone as Pronouns ; and, from their significa- tion, cannot (except ipse) have a vocative. This. That. Sing. M. F. N. M. F. N. Nom. hie haec hoc Gen. hujus hujus hujus Dat. huic huic huic Ace. hunc hanc hoc Abl. hoc hac hoc Plur. These. Nom. hi hae haec Gen. horum haruin horum Dat. his his his Ace. hos has haec Abl. his his his is ea id ejus ejus ejus ei ei ei eum earn id eo ea eo Those. ii (ei) eae ea eorum earum eorum eis or iis eos eas ea eis or iis 46 DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. [20: 2. SING. M. N. me G. illms D. illi A. ilium V. A. illo That. P. ilia illius illi illam mi Those. N. mud illius illi illud illo PLUR. N. illi illse ilia G illprum illarum illprum I), illis illis illis A. illos iUas iUa A! illis illis iUis M. ipse ipsius ipsi ipsum ipse ipso ipsi ipsorum ipsis ipsos ipsi ipsis Self. F. ipsa ipsius ipsi ipsam ipsa ipso Selves. ipsse ipsarum ipsis ipsas ipsse ipsis N. ipsum ipsius ipsi ipsum ipsum ipso ipsa ipsorum ipsis ipsa ipsa ipsis The Same. SIXG. N. idem eadem Idem G. ejusdem ejusdem ejusdem D. eidem eidem eidem A. eundem eandem idem A. eodem eadem eodem PLUR. iidem eaedem eadem eorundem earundem eorundem eisdem or iisdem eosdem easdem eadem eisdem or iisdem a. Hie is used of what is near the speaker (in time, place, thought, or on the written page) ; hence called the demonstrative of the first person. It is sometimes used of the speaker himself; sometimes for " the latter" of two things mentioned. b. Ille is used of what is remote (in time, &c.) ; hence called the demonstrative of the third person. It is sometimes used to mean "the former"; also (usually following its' noun) of what is famous or well-known ; often /(especially the neuter illud) to mean " the following. 11 \? c. Iste is used of what is between the two others in remoteness ; often of the person addressed, hence called the demonstrative of the second person ; especially of one^ opponent, frequently imply- ing contempt. < eratis (erant essetis essent 29: ESSE AND ITS COMPOUNDS. FUT. PERFECT. 57 Sro eris erit erimus eritis erint tum > erit ta) ( IMPERATIVE. to te, tote nto < erunt re tor mini ntor b* Nominal Forms. INFINITIVE. PRESENT. re (Pres. stem) ri or i (old rier, ier) PERFECT. sse (Perf. stem) tus (a, um) esse FUTURE. turus (a, um) esse turn irL PARTICIPLE. PRESENT. ns, ntis PERFECT. FUTURE. turus, a, um SUPINE. turn, tu tus, a, um GERUNDIVE, ndus, a, um NOTE. The origin and meaning of some of the above verb-end- ings may be given as follows. The suffix bam is an imperfect of BHU, which appears in fui, futurus, fio, the Greek <|>va>, and English be; rem (for sem) is an optative or subjunctive imperfect of ES, which appears in sum, cl|it, am, &c. ; bo is a future, and vi a perfect, of BHU; si is a perfect of ES, and is kindred with the aorist-ending , root rep). 6. The root adds sc or isc (originally and often still incep- tive) : as in disco (= dicsco, root die), nascor (root gna) , nanciscor (root nac, compare ^aa/cu, evpianu). 7. The root adds t: as in pecto, plecto, mitto (compare KOTTTCJ). 8. The root adds i (originally y) in the following: capio, cupio, -cutio, facio, f6dio, fugio, jacio, -licio, pario, quatio (-ciitio), rapio, sapio, -spicio. NOTE. Verbal stems in u add merely the vowel e, and are of the third conjugation. The u may be radical, as in suo, pluo, fluo ; or developed from a palatal, as in loquor, stinguo (cf. CTI&) ; or may belong to the noun in denominatives, as statuo (statu-s), acuo (acu-s). Stems in o are lost, as po- (cf. potum) ; or have become of the first conjugation, as boo, boare. 30: 3-] CONJUGATION. 63 6. The stem-vowel e is weakened to i in several forms of the Present indicative and imperative ; is lengthened to e in the Imper- fect ; and undergoes other changes exhibited in the paradigm. c. The Future is formed (without the suffix bo) by vowel- changes to a and e before the personal endings. NOTE. The a (properly long) of the future is borrowed from the present subjunctive ; the forms in e have the same origin as the present subjunctive of the first conjugation, and are properly optative. d. The Perfect stem is formed in five different ways : 1. The root is reduplicated : as in cado, cecidi ; curro, ciicurri; disco, didici. 2. The root-vowel is increased, a becoming e, and i, o, u being simply lengthened : as in capio, cepi ; fodio, fodi ; fiigio, fugi. 3. The same form appears in the perfect as in the present stem : this is regular with verbs of this conjugation in uo (vo) : as, acuo, acui ; solvo, solvi. NOTE. It is probable that in the last two cases the root was originally reduplicated ; but that the reduplication was retained only where vowel-increase did not take place. 4. The suffix si ' is added to the root : as in carpo, carpsi ; gero, gessi; sumo, sumpsi; dlco, dixi; tego, texi. 5. The suffix ui (vi) is added to the root : as in colo, colui ; fremo, fremui ; gigno, genui ; rapio, rapui. Before this suffix a long vowel of various origin is often found : as in cupio, cupi- vi ; peto, petivi ; sperno," sprevi. NOTE. Both suffixes are combined in the following: necto, nexui ; plecto, plexui. A few verbs vary : as, pango, panxi (pegi Or pepigi) ; vello, velli or vulsi. e. The Present Subjunctive changes e to a: as, vehere, vehas. NOTE. This j form with a corresponds to the Greek and Sanskrit subjunctive withy Ipng vowel, and proceeds from the addition of another a (short) : Compare t\r\s, vahasi. f. The Supine stem is formed by adding to the root t-, which in many cases takes eup^ionically the form s- ( 1, 3, f. 4). NOTE. A few roots take a connecting vowel before this affix, and some have both forms. When this is the case, the future parti- ciple and derivative verb take the longer form : as, ortus, 01 Hums ; actus (ago), agito. gr. Some verbs of the third conjugation form the other parts upon the (modified) present stem as a root : as, fingo, finxi, fict- (fig) ; jungo, junxi, junct- (jiig). h. In verbs which add i to the root in the present stem, this vowel is lost where it would be followed by e or i (except in the future third person singular) : as in capit, caperet, capiet. 64 CONJUGATION. [30: 4, 5. 4. Fourth Conjugation. Verbs of the fourth conju- gation retain I throughout, except before another vowel. a Several forms of the present stem have in addition the final vowels of the third conjugation. In the Imperfect the regular form (retained in ibani, from eo) is often found in early Latin. 6. The Future does not take bo, but has ia and ie (from the third conjugation) before the personal endings. In early Latin the form in bo (retained in ibo) sometimes occurs. The Perfect stem adds vi to the present stem : as, finio, finivi. A few verbs add it to the root, as aperio, aperui; several add si, as sentio, sensi ; and in a few the perfect is the same as the present stem, with or without vowel-increase : as, reperio, reperi; venio, veni. d* The Supine stem adds t- to the present : as, finio, finitus. A few add it to the root : as, salio, saltus ; sepelio, sepultus. 5. Principal farts. The principal parts of a verb, which determine its conjugation throughout, are the follow- ing : 1. Present Indicative (showing the present stem) ; 2. Present Infinitive (the conjugation) ; 3. Perfect (the perfect stem) ; 4. Supine (the supine stem). a* The regular forms of conjugation are seen in the follow- ing: 1. voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum, call. 2. deleo, delere, delevi, deletum, destroy. 3. carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptum, gather. 4. audio, audire, audivi, auditum, hear. In the second conjugation, however, the characteristic e rarely appears in the perfect and supine : thus the type of this conjuga- tion is moneo, monere, monui, momtum, warn. 6. What is called the Synopsis of a verb consists of the first person singular of each tense, with infinitive and participles, given in regular order: as, of amo, I love INDIC. amo, amabam, amabo, amavi, amaveram, amavero. SUBJ. amem, aniarem, amaverim, amavissem. IMP. ama, amato. INF. amare, amavisse. PART, amans, amaturus, amatus, amandus. Notice that in all verbs the Imperf. and Pluperfect Subjunctive may be formed by adding the personal-endings to it-he present and perfect infinitive; and the Imperative Passive (second person) is the same in form with the present infinitive active. 30 : 6, 7-] CONJUGATION. 65 v In many verbs the principal parts take the form of two or more different conjugations : as, 1, 2. domo, domare, domui, domitum, subdue. 2, 3. augeo, augere, auxi, auctum, increase. 3, 4. peto, petere, petlvi, petitum, seek. 4, 3, vincio, vincire, vinxi, vinctum, bind. In these the conjugation is said to be denoted by the first or present stem. a* The compounds of many verbs vary from the forms of the primitive. This variation is seen especially (1) in the change of the vowel of the root, a in open syllables becoming i and in close syllables e, while e becomes i: as, capio, captum, concipio, conceptum ; teneo, contineo ; (2) in the loss of the reduplica- tion : as, concido, concidi. (This is, however, retained in com- pounds of disco, do, posco, sto, and in some of those of curro). 6. Special Forms. The following special forms are found in the conjugation of many verbs : a In tenses formed upon the Perfect stem, v between two vowels is often suppressed, and the second vowel merged in the first (unless a or e follows i or u) : as, amasse = amavisse ; flestis = flevistis ; audieram = audiveram ; uosse = novisse ; noram = noveram. This is especially frequent in verbs of the fourth conju- gation, and is regular in the compounds of eo : as, abiit for abivit. 6. In many forms s with its vowel is suppressed in like manner when it would be repeated : as, dixti for dixisti. c* Four verbs dico, duco, facio, fero with several of their compounds, drop the vowel-termination of the Imperative, making die, due, fac, fer (but effice, confice). The forms dice, duce, face (never fere) occur in early Latin. d For the imperative of scio, the future form scito is always used in the singular, and scitote usually in the plural. e* The following are ancient forms, rarely found except in poetry : 1. In the fourth conjugation -ibam, -ibo for -iebam, -iam (fut.) ; 2. In the present subjunctive -im: as in duim, perduim (re- tained also in religious formulas) ; 3. In the perf. subj. and fut. perf. -so, -sim: as, faxo, faxim; 4. In the passive infinitive -ier: as, vocarier for vocari. "7. Parallel Forms. Many verbs have more than one set of forms, of which only one is generally found in classic use : as, lavo, lavare or lavere, to wasli. scateo, scatere or scatere, to gush. ludifico, are or ludificor, ari, to mock. 66 FIRST CONJUGATION. 31. FIRST ACTIVE VOICE. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Present, / love or am loving. amo, / love. amem amas, thou lovest. ames am at, he loves. amet amamus, we love, amemus amatis, you love, ametis amant, they love. CONJUGATION. PASSIVE VOICE. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. I am beloved. [31. amor amaris (re) amatur amamur amammi amantur ament Imperfect, / loved (used to love). amabam, / loved, amarem amabar amabas amares amabat amaret amabamus amaremus amabatis amaretis amabant amarent Future, / shall love. amabo, / shall love. amabis amabit amabimus amabitis amabunt Perfect, / loved (have loved). amavi, I loved, amaverim amaveris amaverit amaverimus amaveritis amer ameris (re) ametur amemur amemini amentur I was loved. amarer amareris (re) amaretur amabaris (re) amabatur amabamur amaremur amabamini amaremini amabantur amarentur / shall be loved. amabor amaberis (re) amabitur amabimur amabimmi amabuntur / was (have been ) loved. amatus sum amatus es amatus est amati sumus amati estis amati sunt amatus sim amatus sis amatus sit amati simus amati sitis amati sint 7 had been loved. amatus eram amatus essem amatus eras amatus erat amavisti amavit amavimus amavistis amaverunt (ere) amaverint Pluperfect, / had loved. amaveram, / had amavissem amaveras [loved, amavisses amaverat amavisset amaveramus amavissemus amati eramus amaveratis amavissetis amati eratis amaverant amavissent amati erant Future Perfect, / shall have loved. I shall have been loved. amavero, / shall have loved. amatus ero ^ amaveris amaverit amaverimus amaveritis amaverint amatus esses amatus esset amati essemus amati essetis amati essent amatus eris amatus erit amati erimus amati eritis amati erunt 31: I, 2.] FIRST CONJUGATION. 67 ACTIVE. IMPERATIVE. PASSIVE. PR. ama, love. thou ( amare, be thou loved. amate, love ye. amamini, be ye loved. FUT. amato, Tie shall love. amator, he shall be loved. amatote, ye shall love. amanto, they shall love. amantor, they shall be loved. Noun and Adjective Forms. INFINITIVE. PRES. amare/. to love. amari, tobe loved. PERP. amavisse, to have loved. amatus^sse, to have been loved. FUT. amaturus esse, to be amatum iri, amatus fore. about to love. PARTICIPLES. PRES. amans, loving. p ERF . amatus, beloved. FUT. amaturus, about to love. GERUNDIVE, amandus, a, um, to be loved-^lovely). GERUND. amandum, -di, -do, loving. SUPINES. amatum, amatu, to love. 1. There are about 360 simple verbs of this conjugation, most of them formed directly upon a noun or adjective-stem, to which they generally give the force and meaning of an active verb: as, armo, to arm (anna) ; caeco, to blind (caecus) ; exsulo, to be in exile (exsul). Their conjugation is usually regular, like amo ; though of many only a few parts are found in use. 2. Those which form their Perfect and Supine stems differently are the following, those marked f having also regular forms ; and those preceded by a hyphen being found only in compounds : crepo, crepui, crepit-, resound, plico, plicui, -p\\c\t-,fold. cubo, cubui, cubit::, lie down. poto, potavi, fpot-, drink. do, dare, de.di, daf^, give. seco, secui, sect-, cut. domo, domui, domit-, subdue, sono, sonui, sonit-, sound. frico, fricui, f frict-, rub. sto, steti, stat-, stand. juyo, juvi, jut-, kelp. tono, tonui, tonit-, thunder. mico, micui, glitter. veto, vetui, vztit-, forbid. neco, f necui, f nect-, kill. t SECOND CONJUGATION. [32. 32. SECOND CONJUGATION. ACTIVE VOICE. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Present, I warn. moneo, / warn, moneam mones, you warn, moneas monet, he warns, moneat monemus moneamus monetis moneatis monent moneant PASSIVE VOICE. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. / am warned. moneor monear moneris (re) monearis (re) monetur moneatur monemur monemmi monentur moneamur moneammi moneantur Imperfect, / warned (was warning). I was warned. monebam monerem monebar monerer monebas monebat monebamus monebatis monebant Future, / shall warn. monebo monebis monebit monebimus moneres moneret moneremus moneretis monerent monebaris (re) monereris (re) monebatur moneretur monebamur moneremur monebamini moneremini monebaiitur monerentur / shall be warned. monebor moneberis (re) monebitur monebimur monebitis monebimmi monebunt monebuntur Perfect, / warned (have warned). I was (have monui monuerim monuisti monueris monuit monuerit monuimus monuerimus monuistis monueritis monuerunt (re) monuerint Pluperfect, / had warned. monuissem nionuisses monuisset T earned. ^unitus sim monitus sis monitus sit moniti simus moniti sitis moniti sint monitus eras monitus erat monuissemus moniti eramus monuissetis moniti eratis monuissent moniti erant monih 1 -' am mc v es ' monitus est moniti sumus moniti estis moniti sunt I had been warned. monitus eram monitus essem monitus esses monitus esset moniti essemus moniti essetis monue'ram monueras monuerat monueramus " lueratis , ^ ;ant monuissent moniti erant moniti esseiit Fut. i^erfect, / shall have warned. I shall have been warned. monuero monitus ero monueris monitus eris monuerit monitus erit monuerimus moniti erimus monueritis moniti eritis monuerint moniti erunt 32: 1,2.] SECOND CONJUGATION. 69 ACTIVE. IMPERATIVE. PASSIVE. Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. PR. mone, warn, monete monere monemini F. moneto monetote mone to monento monetor monentor INFINITIVE. PR. monere PF. monuisse PR. moneri PF. monitus esse F. mqniturus esse F. monitum iri (monitus fore) PARTICIPLES. monens moniturus monitus monendus GER. monendum, di, &c. SUP. monitum monitu % 1. There are nearly 120 simple verbs of this conjugation, most of them denominative verbs of condition, having a cor- responding noun and adjective from the same root, and an inceptive form in -sco : as, caleo, calor, calldus, calesco ; timeo, timor, timldus. 2. Most verbs of the second conjugation form their per- fect and supine like IfcOneo, The following have evi and etum : deleo, destroy ;' fleo, weep ; neo, spin ; and com- pounds of -"nleo, Jill. The renuy- .er are algeo, alsi. * ^>d moveo, movi, mot-, move. ardeo, arsi, ar's-, burn. mulcto, imilsi, muls-. soothe. audeo, ausus sum, dart. . ''' mulgeo, si (xi), muls- (mulct-), o, auxi, auct-, increase. milk. . cavi, caut-, care. niveo, nivi (nixi), iviuk. '. c*ens-, value^ paveo, pavi. fear. cico, civi, cit-, excite. pendeo, pependi, hang. doceo, docui, doct-, teach. . prandeo, prandi, prans-, dine. o, favi, faut-, favor. rideo, risi, ris-, laugh. ferveo, fervi (ferbui), glow. sedeo, sedi, sess-, sit. foveo, fovi, fot-, cherish. soleo, solitus sum, be tvont. frigeo, frixi, be cold. sorbeo, sorbui (sorpsi), suck. fulgeo, fulsi, shine. spondeo, spopondi, spons-, to gaudeo, gavisus sum, rejoice. strideo, stridi, w/iiz. [flledp*. hsereo, haesi, haes-, cling. suadeo, suasi, suas-, urge. indulgeo, indulsi, indult-, /;/- teneo, tenui, tent-, hold jubeo,jussi,jus-, order, \dulge. tergeo, tersi, ters-, ivi^ . langueo, langui. be faint. tondeo, totondi, tons-, shear. liqueo, liqui ^licui), melt. torqueo, torsi, tort-, twist. luceo, luxi, ihine. torreo, torrui, tost-, roast. lugeo, luxi, luct-, mourn. turgeo, tursi, swell. maneo, mar/ si, mans-, wait- urgeo, ursi, urge. misceo, cui. mixt- (mist-), mix. video, vidi, vis-, see. mordeo, mt-mordi, mors-, bite, voveo, vovi, vot-, vow. 70 THIRD CONJUGATION. [33. 33. T^HIRD CONJUGATION. ACTIVE VOICE. PASSIVE VOICE. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Present, I rule. rego, I rule. regam regis, thou rulest. regas regit, he rules. regat regimus, we rule, regamus regitis, you rule, regatis regunt, they rule, regant Imperfect, I ruled (was ruling). regebam, / ruled, regerem regebas regeres regebat regeret regebamus ^|g|Sj^nus regebatis ^jdpS^eretis regebant regerent, Future, / shall rule. regarii, / shall rule. regei reget regemus regetis regent Perfect, 'I ruled (have ruled). INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. I am ruled. regar regaris (re) regatur regamur regammi regantur regor regeris (re) regltur regimur regimini reguntur I was ruled. regebar regerer regebaris (re) regereris (re) regebatur regebamur regebamini regebantur / shall be ruled. regeretur regeremur ~ regeremini reerentur regeris (re) regetur regemur regemini regentur I was (have been) ruled. rexi, I ruled. rexe'rim rectus sum rectus sim r existi rexeris rectus es rectus sis rexit rexerit rectus est rectus sit r^;Lims rexerimus recti sumus recti simus rexistis rexeritis recti estis recti sitis rexerunt (re) rexerint recti sunt recti sint Pluperfect, / had ruled. rexeram, / had rexissem rexeras [ruled, rexisses rexerat rexisset rexeramus rexeratis rexeraiit rexissemus rexissetis rexissent / had been ruled. rectus eram rectus essem rectus esses rectus esset recti essemus recti essetis recti essent Fut. Perfect, 1 shall have ruled. rexero, / shall have ruled. rexeris rexerit rexerimus rexeritis rexerint rectus eras rectus erat recti eramus recti eratis recti erant I shall havt^een ruled. rectus ero rectus eris rectus erit recti erimus recti eritis recti erunt 33.] THIRD CONJUGATION. 71 Sing, ACTIVE. IMPERATIVE. Plur. Sing. PR. 2. rege, rule, reglte regere PASSIVE. Plur. regimini F. 2. regito 3. regito regitote regunto regitor INFINITIVE. PF. rexisse PR. regi reguntor PR. regere PF. rexisse PR. regi PF. rectus esse F. recturus esse PARTICIPLES. regens recturus rectus GER. regendum, di, &c. SUP. rectum, rectu F. rectum iri (rectus fore) l*egendus Verbs in io (present stem) are inflected as follows : INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. Present, 1 take. capio, / take. capiam capis, thou takest. capias capit, he takes. capiat capimus, we take, capiamus capitis, you take, capiatis capiunt, they take, capiant Imperfect, I took (was taking). capiebam, / took, caperem capiebas caperes capiebat caperet capiebamus caperemus capiebatis caperetis capiebant caperent Future, 1 shall take. INDICATIVE. SUBJUNCTIVE. / am taken. capior caperis (re) capitur capimur capimmi capiuntur capiar capiaris (re) capiatur capiamur capiamini capiantur capiebar capiebaris (re) capiebatur capiebamur capiebarnini capiebantur was taken. caperer capereris (re) caperetur caperemur caperemmi caperentur / shall be taken. capiam capiemus capiar capiemur capies capietis capieris (re) capiemini capiet capient capietur capientur PERF. cepi ceperim captus sum captus sim PLUP. ceperam cepissem captus sim captus essem F. P. cepero captus ero ^ IMPERATIVE, capite capere capimmi 4 :o capitote capito capiuiito capitor capiuntor INFIN. capere cepisse capi captus esse PAUT. capiens capturus captus capiendus 72 THIRD CONJUGATION. [33 : I, 2, 3, 1. The following simple verbs of this conjugation form the perfect and supine stems like rego, by adding s and t to the root. Those marked } take s in the supine: ango, choke ; carpo, pluck ; cingo, lind ; J claudo, shut ; clepo, steal; coino, comb: c6quo, cook; demo, take away; dico, say : duco, guide ; J figo, fix ; J flecto, bend ; frigo, fry ; J laedo, hurt ; lingo, lick ; { ludo, play ; nubo, marry ; J pecto, comb; fplaudo, applaud; plecto, twine; promo, bring out; {rado, scrape; rSgo, rule; repo, creep; Jrodo, gnaw; sarpo, prune; scalpo, scrape; scribo, write; serpo, crawl; sumo, take; tego, shelter ; tingo, stain ; traho, drag ; { trudo, thrust ; J vado, go; veho, draw; vivo, live. NOTE. In these verbs, h and v are treated as palatals, becom- ing x and ct ; p takes the place of b, and is inserted euphonically after m, before s and t; while d and t are omitted: as in scrips!, sumpsi, flexi, plausi; demo, promo, sumo, are old compounds. 2. Verbs in io of the third conjugation are conjugated as follows : capio, cepi, capt-, take. -licio, -lexi, -lect-, entice. cupio, cupivi, cuplt-, desire. pario, peperi, part- (pariturus), -cutio, -cussi, -cuss-, shake. bring forth. facio, feci, fact-, make. quatio, , quass-, shake. fodio, fodi, foss-, dig. rapio, rapui, rapt-, seize. fugio, fugi, fugit-,_/fe0. sapio, sapivi, or sapui, be wise. jacio, jeci, jact-, throw. -spicio, -spexi, -spect-. view. 3. Those otherwise conjugated are the following (see 30, 3, a, b). ago, egi, act-, drive. cudo, -cudi, -cus-, forge, [down. alo, alui, alt- (alit-), nourish. -cumbo [CUB], cubui, cubit-, lie arcesso, ivi, arcesslt-, summon, curro, cucurri, curs-, run. bibo, bibi, bibit-, drink. depso, depsui, depst-, knead. cado, cecidi, cas-,y/7//. disco [DIG], didici(discit-),/e#r#. caedo, cecidi, caes-, cut. divido, divisi, divis-, divide. cano, cecini, cant-, sing". -do, -didi, -dit- (as in abdo, &c., capesso, capessivi, undertake. with credo, vendo), put [DHA] cedo, cessi, cess-, yield. edo, edi, esum, eat ( 37, 5). -cello, -cellui(-culi), -eels-, push, emo, emi, empt-, buy. -cendo, -.cendi, -cens-, kindle. facesso, facessi,facessit-,A*?c#/. cerno, -crevi, -cret-, decree. fallo, fefelli, fals-, deceive. colo, colui, cult-, dwell, till. -fendo, -fendi, -fens-, ward off. compesco, compescui, restrain, fero, ferre, tuli, lat-, bear ( 37, consulo, lui, consult-, consult. findo [FID], fidi, fiss-, split. [4). cresco, crevi, cret-, increase. fido, fisus sum, trust.. 33, 3-] THIRD CONJUGATION. 73 fingo [FIG], finxi, fact- >f ask ion. premo, pressi, press-, press. fluo, fluxi, flux-,^/fozt>. {break, pungo [PUG], pupugi, punct-, frango [FRAG], fregi, fract-, to prick. fremo, fremui, fremit-, roar. qusero, qusesivi, quseslt-, seek. frendo, -fresi, fress-, gnash. quiesco, quievi, quiet-, rest. fundo [FUD], fudi, fus-,/0#r. rudo, rudivi, rudlt-, bray. furo, furui, rage. rumpo [RUP], rupi, rupt-, burst. gemo, gemui, gemit-, groan. ruo, rui, rut- (ruit-),///. gero, gessi, gest-, carry. scabo, scabi, scratch. gignoJGEN],genui,genit-, &?/. scando, scansi, scans-, climb. ico, ici, ict-, hit. scindo [SCID], scidi, sciss-, tear. incesso, incessivi, attack, {voke. scisco, scivi, scit-, decree. lacesso, lacessivi, lacessit-, pro- sero, sevi, sat-, sow. lambo, Iambi, lambit-, lap. sero, serui, sert-, entwine. lavo, lavi, lot- (laut-), wash sido, sidi (sedi), sess-, settle. (reg. of ist conj.). sino, sivi, sit-, permit. lego, legi(intellexi),lect-,^w/^/'. sisto [STA], stiti, stat-, stop. lino [LI], levi (livi), lit-, smear, solvo, solvi, solut-,^y, loose. linquo [LIC], -liqui, -lict-, leave, spargo, sparsi, sparr,-, scatter. luo, lui, luit-, wash. sperno, sprevi, spret-, scorn. mando, mansi, mans-, chew. sterno, stravi, strat-, strew. mergo, mersi, mers-, plunge. sterto, stertui, snore. meto, messui, mess-, reap. strepo, strepui, strepit-, sound. mitto, misi, miss-, send. -stinguo,-stinxi,-stinct-,^;/c^. molo, molui, molit-, grind. stringo, strinxi, strict-, bind. necto [NEC], nexi (nexui), nex-, struo, struxi, struct-, build. weave. suesco, suevi, suet-, be wont. nosco[GNo], novi,not-(cognit-), surgo, surrexi, surrect-, rise. nuo, nui, nuit-, nod. [know, tango [TAG], tetigi, tact-, touch. occulo, occului, occult-, hide. tendo, tetendi (-tendi), tens- pando, pandi, pans- (pass-), (tent-), stretch. open. tergo, tersi, ters-, wipe. pango [PAG], tpegi (pepigi),tero, trivi, trlt-, rub. f pact-, fasten. texo, texui, text-, weave. parco, peperci, parcit-, spare. tollo [TOL] (sustuli, sublat-), pasco, pavi, past-,/e. farcio,farsi (farct-) (-tum),s//^ sehtio, sensi, sens-, feel. fulcio, fulsi, fult-, prop. sepelio, sepelivi, sepult-, bury. haurio, hausi, haust-, drain. sepio, sepsi, sept-, hedge in. operio, operui, opert-, cover. venio, veni, vent-, come. raucio, rausi, raus-, be hoarse, vincio, vinxi, vinct-, bind. 35. DEPONENT VERBS. 1. Deponent Verbs have the form of the Passive voice, with an active or reflexive signification : as, 1. miror, mirari, miratus, admire. 2. vereor, vereri, veritus, fear. . sequor, sequi, secutus, follow. 4. p6tior, potiri, potitus, possess. 76 DEPONENT VERBS. [35: i. The synopsis of these verbs is given as follows: potior potiebar 1 potiar potitus sum eram INDICATIVE. PRES. miror vereor sequor IMP. mirabar verebar sequebar FUT. mirabor verebor sequar PERF. miratus sum veritus sum secutus sum PLUP. eram eram eram FUT. P. ero ero ero SUBJUNCTIVE. PRES. mirer verear sequar potiar IMP. mirarer vererer sequerer potirer PERP. miratus sim veritus sim secutus sim potitus sim PLUP. essem essem essem ,, 6ssem IMPERAT. mirare, ator verere, etor sequgre, itor potire, itor INPIN. mirari vereri sequi potiri PART. PR. mirans verens sequens potiens FUT. miraturus veriturus secuturus potiturus PERF. miratus veritus secutus potitus GER. mirandus verendus sequendus potiendus a. These verbs have the participles of both voices : as, mirans, admiring ; miraturus, about to admire ; miratus, having ad- mired ; mirandus, to-be-admired (admirable). b. The participle in dus (gerundive) has necessarily a passive meaning, and hence is found only in transitive verbs, or of neuter verbs used impersonally ( 39, c) : as, potienda est tellus, the land must be won ; pugnandum est nobis, we must fight. c. Most deponents are neuter or reflexive in their meaning, corresponding to what in Greek is called the middle voice. d>* More than half of all deponents are\.of the first conjuga- tion, and all of these are regular. e. About twenty verbs of active signification are found in both active and passive forms : as, mereo or mereor, deserve. f. Sgme deponents are occasionally used in a passive significa- tion : as, criminor, / accuse or / am accused. g. The perfect participle of verbs otherwise deponent is often passive : as, mercatus, bought ; adeptus, obtained. h. The following list contains all the irregular deponents : adipiscor, i, adeptus, obtain. -miniscor, i, -mentus, think. metior, iri, mensus, measure. morior, i (iri), mortuus (rnori- turus, moribundus), die. nanciscor, i, nactus (nanctus), find. nascor, i, natus, be born- nitor, i, nisus (nixus), strive. obliviscor, i, obll tus, jfo/^/. opperior, iri, oppertus, await. expergiscor, i, -perrectus, rouse. experior, iri, expertus, try. fateor, eri, fassus, confess. fruor, i, fructus, enjoy. fungor, i, functus, fulfil. gradior, i, gressus, step. irascor, i, iratus, be angry. labor, i, lapsus, fall. loquor, i, locutus, speak. 35: 2; 36.] DERIVATIVE VERBS. 77 ordior, iri, orsus, begin, [rise, queror, i, questus, complain. orior, i (iri), ortus (oriturus), reor, reri, ratus, think. paciscor, i, pactus, bargain. sequor, i, secutus,y 6. With the gerundive to denote duty or propriety : as, vera dicenda sunt, the truth must be told. This form is sometimes called the second periphrastic conjugation. C* With the perfect participle, in the regular inflection of the tenses of completed action in passives and deponents. NOTE. The participle in tus frequently, and that in ns regularly, is used with esse simply as an adjective : as, sapiens est, he is wise; acceptus est, he is welcome. 84 PARTICLES. [41: I. PARTICLES. 41. ADVERBS. What are called PARTICLES that is, all Adverbs, Prepositions, and Conjunctions are real or extinct i case-forms, or else compounds and phrases. In classification Particles cannot always be distinguished ; many prepositions and conjunctions being also reckoned among adverbs. 1. Derivation. The regular adverbs of manner are formed from Adjectives. [For the comparison of these adverbs, see 17, 4.] a* Adjectives of the first and second declensions change the characteristic vowel of the stem into e (originally an ablative in d) : as, from carus, dear, care, dearly. So abunde, saope, prope, from adjectives not in use; as also prod (pro), re- (red-), se-, (sed-). b. Adjectives of the third declension add -ter to the stem (most being treated as i-stems) : as, fortiter, bravely; vigilanter, watchfully. NOTE. This suffix is of uncertain origin, probably the same as in the Greek -repos, and in alter, uter / and, if so, these are neuter accusatives. c. Some adverbs of the former class have both forms : as, dure, duriter; misere, miseriter. (So allter from alius old stem all-.) d. The neuter accusative of adjectives and pronouns is often used as an adverb (strictly a cognate accusative, see 52, i, d) : as, multum, muck; actutum, at once; facile, easily; non ( ne unum), not ; iterum (comparative of is), again. e. The ablative neuter or (less commonly) feminine is used adverbially: as, false, falsely; cite, quickly; recta (via), straight (straightway) ; contra, on the other hand; qua (parte), where; qui, how; alioqui, otherwise. 41: 1,2.] PARTICLES. 85 /. A few adverbs are datives of adjectives and pronouns : as, quo, whither; adeo, so; ultra, beyond; citro, this side; retro, lack (compar. of uls, cis, re) ; illoc (illo-ce, weakened to illuc), thither. ff Some locative forms are used as adverbs: as, ibi, there; ubi, where, &c. ; peregre, abroad ; hie, here ; interim, mean- while; deinde, then; tamen, yet; and the compounds extrin- secus, outside ; perendie, day after to-morrow. h. Several feminine accusatives are used as adverbs : as, statim, on the spot; saltim, with a leap (generally in the form saltern, at least) ; palam, openly ; perperam, wholly otherwise (i.e., changed for the worse); tarn, quam, iiam (which maybe neuters) . i. Several plural accusatives, neuter and feminine, are used adverbially, as frustra, vainly; alias, otherwise; foras, out of doors. /. Some adverbs are of uncertain formation : (1) those in -tus (usually preceded by i) : as, penitus, funditus, from the bottom (utterly) ; divinitus, providentially, which are ablative in mean- ing ; (2) those in -dem, -dam, -do (in quan-do, when ; do-nec, until), dum, perhaps jam (from the same root with dies, diu, &c.). 1. Many phrases or clauses have grown into adverbs : as, antea, before; postmodo, a little after; denuo (de n6vo), again ; prorsus, utterly ; quotannis, every year ; quamobrem, wherefore; obviam, in the way ; pridem, before the day (i.e., be- fore this time) ; forsan, a chance whether ; forsitan (fors sit an) , perhaps ; scilicet (scire licet), to be sure. (For Numeral Adverbs, see 18, 3.) 2. Classification. Adverbs, other than those directly formed from adjectives, are classified as follows : a. Adverbs of Flace. ubi, where, quo, -whither, unde, whence. qua, by what way. hie, here. hue, hither. hinc, hence. hac, by this way. ibi, there. eo, thither. inde, thence. ea, by the way. istic ,, istuc ,, istinc ista ,, illic ,, illuc ,, illinc ilia (iliac) alicubi, somewhere ; aliquo alicunde aliqua. ibidem, in the same place ; eodem indidem eadem. alibi, elsewhere; alio aliunde alia. ubiubi, wherever ; quoquo undecunque quaqua. ubivis, anywhere ; quovis undique quavis. sicubi, if anywhere ; siquo sicunile siqua. necubi, lest anywhere ; nequo necunde nequa. 86 ADVERBS. [41: 2. nusquam, nowhere ; ultro, beyond (or freely) ; citro, to this side; intro, inwardly; porro, further on. quorsum (quo versum), to -what end? horsum, this 'way ; pror- sum, forward (prorsus, utterly) ; introrsum, inwardly ; retrorsum, backward ; sursum, upward; deorsum, down- ward ; seorsum, apart; aliorsum, another way. b. Adverbs of Time. quando? when? cum (quom, quum), when (relat). nunc, now ; tune (turn), then; mox, presently. primum (primo),}&?/; deinde (postea), next after; postremum, (postremo),j6W//y. umquam (unquam), ever ; numquam, never ; semper, always. aliquando, some time, at length ; quandoque (quandocumque), whenever- quotiens (quoties), how often; totiens, aliquotiens. quotidie, every day ; in dies, from day to day. nondum, not yet; necdum, nor yet ; vixdum, scarce yet ; quam primum, as soon as possible. c. Adverbs of Degree or Cause. quam, how, as ; tarn, so ; quam vis, however much. cur, quare, why ; quod, quia, because ; eo, therefore. ita, sic, so ; ut (uti), as, how; utut, utcumque, "however. quamquam (quanquam), although; etiam, quoque, even, also. d. Interrogative Particles. an, -ne, anne, utrum, num, whether. nonne, whether not; numquid, ecquid, whether at all ; (ecquid intellegis ? have you any idea /*) utrum (num), -ne, whether ; ... an (annon, necne), or. an, -ne ,, NOTE. The word whether is not now used in English, except in Indirect Questions (See 71). e. Negative Particles. lion, not in simple denial; haud (hau, haut), or minime, not in contradiction; ne, not in prohibition. ne, lest ; neque, nee, nor ; ne . . . quidem, not even. non modo . . . verum (sed) etiam, not only . . . but also. non modo . . . sed ne . . . quidem, not only NOT . . . but not even. si minus, if 'not ; quo minus, so as not. quin (relat.), but that; (interrog.) ivhy not? who (what) not? ne (in compos.), not: as, nescio, / know not; nego (ne-aio), / say no (aio, / say yes)] nemo (ne homo), no one; ne quis, lest any one. 41: 2, 3-] ADVERBS. 87 REMARK. Two negatives are equivalent to an affirmative: as, nemo non audiet, even/ one will hear. This is especially frequent with compounds of non : as, nonnul- lus (=aliquis), some; nonnihil (=aliquid), something; nonnemo (= aliquot), sundry persons ; nonnumquam (= aliquotiens), some- times; necnon, also. On the other hand, nemo non, nulli non, every one; nihil non, every thing ; numquam lion, always, &c. 3. Signification. The following adverbs require special explanation : a. Etiam, also, is stronger than quoque, and usually pre- cedes the emphatic word, while quoque follows it : as, terret etiam nos, ac minatur (Rose. Am. 40), us also he terrifies and threatens. hoc quoque maleficium (id.), this crime too. b. Nunc, now, means definitely the present time; jam, already, or, with the future, presently ; with negatives, no longer, has reference to the past. Tune, then, is a strengthened form of turn, which is correlative with cum, when: as, mine jam confiteris, noiv at length you confess. non est jam lenitati locus, there is no longer room for mercy. quod jam erat institutum, 'which had come to be a practice. nunc quidem deleta est, tune florebat (Lael. 4), notv (Y/s true) she [Greece] is ruined, then she was in her glory. turn cum regnabat, at the time he reigned. c. Certo means certainly ; certe (usually), at any rate : as, certo scio, I know for a certainty. aut jam urgentis aut certe adventantis senectutis (C. M. i.), of old age, -which is already pressing or at least approaching. d. Primum, first (first in order, or for the first time], is usually followed by delude, turn, . . . denique ; primo, at first, by postea (post) or mox, afterwards. (The adjective form is pre- ferred in such phrases as nos primi, we first, &c.) Thus, primum de genere belli, deinde de magnitudine, turn de impera- tore deligendo (Manil. 2), first of the kind of ivar, next of its greatness, then of the choice of commander. c. Quidem, indeed,, is emphatic, and often has a concessive meaning, especially when followed by sed, autem, &c. (see above nunc quidem, &c.). With ne . . . quidem, not even or not either, the emphatic word must stand between : as, senex ne quod speret quidem habet (C. M. 19), an old man has NOT EVEN any thing to hope for. nejugurtha quidem quietus erat (Jug. 51), NOR was Jugurtha quiet EITHER. 88 PREPOSITIONS. * [42: I, 2. 42. PREPOSITIONS. 1. Prepositions are not originally distinguished from adverbs in form or meaning. They are, however, distin- guished in their use, requiring to be followed by some special case of a noun or pronoun. a. The following Prepositions require the accusative: ad, to. erga, towards. post, after. adversus, or extra, outside. praeter, beyond. adversum, towards, infra, below. prope, near. ante, before. inter, among. propter, on account of. apud, atj near. intra, inside. secundum, next to. circa, or juxta, near. supra, above. circum, around. 6b, on account of. trans, across. circiter, about. penes, in the power, ultra, on the further cis, citra, this side, per, through. side. contra, against. pone, behind. versus, towards. & The following require the ablative : a, ab, abs, from, by. e, ex, out of. absque, but for, without. prae, in comparison with. coram, in presence of. pro, in front of, for. cum, with. sine, without. de, from. tenus, up to, or as far as. c The following may take either case, but usually with a dif- ference in meaning : in, into, in; sub, under; subter, beneath; super, above. In and sub, when followed by the Accusative, signify motion to, when by the Ablative, rest in, a place. (For the Syntax of Prepositions, see 56.) 2. The meaning and use of these prepositions may be seen in the following examples, which include many adverbial phrases : A, ab, aivay from (opposite of ad) : ab eo loco, from that place ; a nobis, from our house ; prope ab urbe, near (not far from) the city ; secundus a rege, next the king; liberare ab, to set free from ; occisus ab hoste (periit ab hoste), slam by an enemy ; a fronte, in front ; ab hac parte, on this side ; a primo, at first; ab re, afterivards ; dolet ab animo, he grieves at heart ; ab initio ordiri, to begin at the beginning ; stat ab amicis, he stands by his friends ; ab hac contione, after this speech ; ab re 42: 2.] PREPOSITIONS. 89 ejus, to his advantage ; servus a manu, an amanuensis', a pedi- bus, a footman. NOTE. ab signifies direction from the object, but towards the speaker; compare de and ex. Absque, -without: absque argumento, without argument; absque paucis, except a few ; absque me, but for me. Ad, to, towards, at (place or time) :-^eo ad patrem, I go to my father ; ad pedes ejus, at his feet ; ad flumen, near the river ; ad ripas, on the banks; ad meridiem, towards the south; ad vesperum, near evening ; ad tempus, at the (fit) time; adiit ad rempublicam, he went into public life'; ad manus, to blows; ad petendam pacem, to seek peace ; ad communem salutem,jfo;' the common safety ; nihil ad Csesarem, nothing in comparison with Ccesar ; ad hunc modum, in this way ; quem ad modum, how, as ; ad nuptias,ybr the wedding; ad auxilium, ybr aid; ad hos ca- sus, for these emergencies ; ad centum, near a hundred ; ad pri- mum nuntium, at the first message ; ad hoc, besides ; ad speciem, in respect to form ; ad praesens, for the moment ; ad verbum, word for ^vord; ad summum, in short, at most; ad ultimum, wholly, finally ; ad unum, to a man. Adversus (-sum), opposite, towards, against: adversus mon- tem, over against the mountain; te adversum, to your face ; ad- veYsus eum, in comparison with him ; adversus ea, in reply to this; adversus deos, towards the gods. Ante, in front, before (place or time): ante oculos, before his eyes; ante urbem captam, before the city was taken ; ante diem quintum (A.D.V.). Kal , the fifth day before the Calends (third day before the end of the month) ; ante quadriennium, fo#r years before or ago ; ante alios carissimus, dearest of all ; ante tem- pus, too soon; ante omnia, first of all ; ante Ciceronem, before Cicero's time. A pud, at or by (rarely of places) : apud forum, in the forum; apud populum, before the people ; apud exercitum, with the army; apud aliquem, at one's house; apud se, at home, or in his senses; apud Ciceronem, in Cicero (in his works); apud antiques, among the ancients. Circum (ace.), circa (abl.)> circiter (stem as in circus, circle), about, around: circum axem vertitur, it turns about the axle; circum haec loca, hereabout; circa se habent, they have with them; (of time or number, circa or circiter, not cir- cum) : circa eandem horam, about the same hour ; circiter pas- sus mille, about a mile ; circa bonas artes (late), in reference to good arts ; loca haec circiter, hereabout. Cis, citra (abl. of comparative, compare Greek -Tpos), this side of (both motion towards and rest in ; opposite to ultra) : cis Padum, this side the Po ; citra flumen, this side the river ; citra rustici operam, within the labor of a farmer ; citra usum, without regard to use; citra satietatem, not to fulness ; paucos cis dies, within a few days. 90 PREPOSITIONS. [42: 2. Contra (abl. comp of cum), opposite, against: contra Itali- am, over against Italy ; contra hostem, against the enemy, contra munera, as a set-off to the gifts ; haec contra, this in reply-, contra autem, but on the other hand, adv. ; quod contra, whereas on the other hand, adv. ; non pro me sed contra me, not for but against me ; contra fas, contrary to right. Coram, in presence of (only of persons) : coram judicious, before the judges ; Germanico coram (Tac.), usually an adverb. Cum, with (together in place or time) : cum fratre, with his brother ; abi cum donis, away with your gifts ; cum malo suo, to his own hurt ; cum labore, with toil ; cum dis volentibus, with favor of the gods ; cum decimo, tenfold ; confligere cum hoste, to fight with the enemy ; cum armis, in arms-, cum imperio, in power; cum pallio, in a cloak ; esse cum telo, to go armed', cum silentio, in silence. De, from, away, down from : de domo, out of the house ; de sella, down from his seat ; unus de plebe, one of the people (the whole, from which a part is taken) ; emi domum de Crasso, / bought a house of Crassus (also ab) ; de tuo (de te), out of your property ; qua de re, 'concerning which thing; qua de causa, for which reason; de summo genere, of high birth ; de improviso, of a sudden ; de industria, on purpose ; de integro, anew; de nocte, at night ; de tertia vigilia, just at midnight (starting at the third watch) ; de mense Dec. navigare, Y0 sail in December ; de amicorum sententia, in accordance with the views of friends ; triumphare de, to triumph over ; de schola, of that sect. Erga, towards (usually of persons) : erga aedes, opposite the house ; benevolentia erga nos, kindness towards us; malus erga me, spiteful towards me (but more generally used of a favor- able inclination). Ex, e, from (the midst, opposed to in), out of: ex urbe, from the city ; ex hoc die, from this day forth ; statua ex acre, a statue of brass ; ex fuga, during flight ; ex consulatu. right after his consulship ; ex acre aiieno, by reason of debt ; ex ejus sententia, after his opinion; ex aequo, justly; ex impro- viso, unexpectedly; ex tua re, to your advantage ; ex voluntate ejus, by his good will; magna ex parte, in a great degree; ex pede Herculem, to know one by a slight token ; felix ex misero, bettering one's condition ; ex Metello consule, beginning with Metellus's consulship ; ex pedibus laborare, to be lame in the feet ; ex equo pugnare, to fight on horseback. Extra, outside of (opposed to intra) : extra provinciam, beyond the province y extra causam, beside the case; extra te unum, except you alone (not used of time). In, into (ace. opp. to ex), in (abl. of time or place): in urbem ire, to go to town ; in mentem venit, it comes to mind ; amor in (erga or adversus) patrem, love for. his father* ; in aram con- fugit, he Jled to the altar (on the steps or merely to}', in diem, to the set day ; in dies, from day to day ; vi. pedes in longitudi- nem, six feet long; in vi. partes fractus, broken in six parts; 42: 2.] PREPOSITIONS. 91 in haec verba jurare, to swear to these words ; in alicujus verba jurare, to take an oath of allegiance to one ; in silvarn deponere, to (carry and) place in the wood ; hunc in modum, in this way ; oratio in Catilinam, a speech against Catiline-, in universum (in planum), on the whole ; in totum, wholly; in reliquum,_/br the rest ; in perpetuum,for ever ; in majus, too much ; in pejus, for the worse; in quantum, so far as; in magnam partem, in great part ; in utramque partem, on either side-, nos in diem vivimus (Tusc. v. n), we live from hand to mouth ; in urbe esse, to be in the city ; in tempore, in season ; in scribendo, while -writ- ing; est mihi in animo, I have it in mind; in collo, on the neck ; inarborGiUptketree; in ancoris (Cses.), at anchor; in altera parte, on the other side ; in sapientibus, among the wise ; in hoc homine, in the case of this man; in bonis artibus (Sail.)? in good behavior. Infra, below : infra caelum, under the sky ; infra nos, beneath tts ; infra Homerum, later than Homer ; infra iii. pedes, less than three feet. Inter, between (of two limits): inter flumen et montem, between the river and hill (so of time) ; inter noctem, in the course of the night; inter bibendum, while drinking; interest inter, there is a difference between; inter se amant, they love each other ; inter se loquuntur, they talk together ; inter nos, between ourselves ; inter ceteram planitiem, in a district elsewhere level. Intra, within (surrounded on all sides) : intra parietes, in- side the house; (of time), intra v. dies, within jive days ; intra legem, inside the law. Juxta, hard by (superl. from jungo) : juxta murum, close to the wall ; juxta se, alike with himself; juxta deos, next the gods; juxta vicinitatem (Liv.), by reason of nearness; juxta quam, nearly as ; juxta ac si, about as if. Ob, towards (in place) : ob Romam (early), towards Rome; ob oculos, before the eyes; ob earn causam,/0r that reason ; ob rem, to the purpose ; ob hoc, therefore ; quam ob rem, wherefore. Penes, with, in possession of (same root as penitus) : est penes me, he is with me (at my house) ; non est penes me, it is not in my power. Per, through (in any direction) : per urbem ire, to go through the city ; licet per me, you may for all me ; juro per leges, I swear by the laws ; per literas, by letter; perjocum, in jest; per Ion- gum tempus.ybr a long time ; per sotnnum, during sleep. Pone, behind (only in space) : pone tergum, behind the back. Post, after (space or time) : post iii. dies, after three days ; post tergum, behind the back ; post me, after me (in time). Prae, in front: prae se ferre, to carry before him (exhibit or make known}': prae gaudio conticuit, he was silent for joy (used only of an objection or hindrance) ; prae fratre egens est, he is or compared to his brother. ir 92 PREPOSITIONS. [42: 2. Praeter, by* on the outside: praeter spem, beyond hope; praeter hoc, besides this; praeter oculos, before the eyes ; nil prae- ter saxa, nothing but stones. Pro, in front (facing the same way) : pro populo, in pres- ence of the people ; pro lege, in defence of the law; argentum pro vino, money for TV ine ; pro hac vice, for this once; pro con- sule, in place of consul ; pro viribus, considering his strength. Prope, near: prope (propius, proxime) urbem, or ab urbe, near the city ; prope lucein, towards daybreak. Propter, near: propter te sedet, he sits next you ; propter quos vivit (Mil. 22), through whose means he lives ; propter me- tum, through fear ; propter frigora (Caes.), by reason of cold. Secundum, just behind, following along (part, of sequor) : ite secundum me (Plaut.), go behind me; secundum litus, near the shore; secundum flumen, along the stream; secundum ludos, after the games ; secundum naturam, according to nature ; secun- dum causam nostram, to the advantage of our cause. Sine, apart from : urbs sine regibus, a city without kings ; non sine lacrimis, with tears ; sine sanguine, bloodless. Sub, under : sub jugum mittere, to send under the yoke ; sub montem succedere, to come close to the hill ; sub noetem, towards night ; sub lucem, near daylight ; sub haec dicta, at these words; sub terra, underground ; sub Jove, in the open air ; sub monte, at the foot of a hill; sub castris, near the camp ; sub terra exi- mere (Plaut.), to take from under ground ; subprofectione (Caes.), during the. march; sub eodem tempore, about that time; sub oculis domini, under the master's eye; sub regno, under royal power ; sub lege, liable to the law. Subter (rarely with abl.), beneath : subter fastigia tecti, under the house- roof ; subter prsecordia, close to the heart; subter mu- rum, beneath the wall ; subter se, below itself; subter testudine, under the shed (of shields). Super, above, over: super tumulum, on the hillock; super ipsum, above him (at table) ; super In dos, beyond the Hindoos ; super cenam loqui, to talk during supper ; super morbum fames etiam, besides sickness famine also; super omnes, above all; super cervice (Hor.), over his h-ead ; super arbore sidunt, they perch on a tree; nocte super media (Vir.), about midnight; super tali re, about such an affair ; satis superque, more than enough. Supra, on the top: supra terrain, above ground; supra caput (Sail.), imminent; supra Alexandriam, beyond Alexan- dria ; supra hanc memoriam, before our remembrance; supra mille, above a thousand; supra morem, more than usual ; supra quod, besides. Tenus, as far as: capulo tenus, up to the hilt ; verbo (nom- ine) tenus, in name, nominally ; aurium tenus, as far as the ears (only); labrorum tenus, along the lips. -.Jlj'J Trans, beyond : trans mare, over sea ; trans flumen, beyond the river (rest or motion). 42: 3- 43: I, 2.] CONJUNCTIONS. 93 Ultra, on the further side : ultra eum, beyond him ; portas ultra, beyond the gates; ultra pueritiam, later than childhood-, ultra eum numerum, more than that number ; ultra fidem, incred- ible ; ultra mod urn, immoderate. Versus, turned to (Eng. -ward}: Italiam versus, towards Italy (usually with another prep.) ; modo ad urbem modo in Galliam versus (Sail.), now towards the city, now towards Gaul. 3. Prepositions are frequently compounded with verbs, retaining their original meaning as Adverbs : as, a, ab, away (aufero, bear off) ; ad, towards (affero, bring] ; ante, before; circum, around (urbem circumire = ire circum urbem); con (cum), together; de, down; di or dis (insep.), apart; ex, out, completely ; in, ///, on, against ; inter, between, into, to pieces ; ob, towards, in the way of; per, through, thor- oughly ; re, red (insep.), back, again ; se, sed (insep.), apart; sub, under, near ; super, over, in place of. (For the assimila- tion of the final consonant, see page 4.) 43. CONJUNCTIONS. 1. Classification. Conjunctions are more numerous, and their use is much more accurately distinguished, in Latin than in English. They are divided into two classes, viz. : a. Co-ordinate: these include Copulative (AND), Disjunc- tive (OK), Adversative (BUT), Causal (FOR), Illative (THERE- FORE) . b. Subordinate : these are Conditional (IF) , including Comparative (AS IF), Concessive (THOUGH, EVEN IF), Tem- poral (WHEN), Causal (BECAUSE, SINCE), Consecutive (so THAT), Final (IN ORDER THAT). 2. The following list includes most of the conjunctions and conjunctive phrases in common use. NOTE. Some of these have been included in the classification of Adverbs, and a list of Interjections has been added. See also list of Correlatives, page 49. a. Copulative and Disjunctive. et, -que, atque (ac), and. etiam, quoque, neque non (necnon), quinetiam, itidem (item), also. cum . . . turn ; turn . . . turn, both . . . and; not only . . . but also. qua . . . qua, on one hand, on the other hand. modo . . . modo, now . . . now. aut . . . aut; vel . . . vel (-ve), either . . . or. sivc (seu) . . sive, whether . . . or. 94 CONJUNCTIONS. et . . . et; et . . . -que (atque) ; -que . . . et; -que que (poet.), both . . . and. nee (neque) . . . nee (neque) ; neque . . . nee; nee.. . neque (rare), neither . . . nor. et . . . neque, both . . . and not. nee (neque) . . . -que, neither . . . and. b. Adversative. sed, autem, verum, vero, at, atqui, but. tamen, attamen, sed tamen, verumtamen, but yet-, nevertheless. nihilominus, none the less. at vero, enimvero, but (for) in truth. ceterum, on the other hand, but. c. Causal. nam, namque, enim, etenim, for. quia, quod, because. quoniam, quippe, cum (quom), quando, quandoquidem, siquidem, utpote, since, inasmuch as. d. Illative. ergo, igitur, itaque, ideo, idcirco, proinde, therefore. propterea (. . . quod), for this reason (. . . that}. quapropter, quare, quamobrem, quocirca, unde, wherefore, whence. e. Comparative. ut, uti, sicut, velut, prout, praeut, ceu, as, like as. tamquam (tanquam), quasi, utsi, acsi, as if. quam, atque (ac), as, than. f. Conditional. si, if; sin, but if; nisi (ni), unless, if not ; quod si, but if. modo, dum, dummodo, si modo, if only, provided. dummodo ne (dum ne, modo ne), provided only not. g. Concessive. etsi, etiamsi, tametsi, tamenetsi, quamquam, although. quamvis, quantumvis, quamlibet, however much. licet, ut, cum (quom), though. NOTE. A concessive is often followed by an adversative : as, tamen- etsi . . . tamen nihilominus, though . . . yet none the less. h. Temporal. cum (quom), cum primum, ubi, ut, ut primum, postquam, when. prius . . . quam, ante . . . quam, before (non ante . . . quam, not . . . until). quando, simulatque (simul ac), simul, as soon as. dum, usque dum, donee, quoad, until. i. Final. ut (uti), quo, in order that. ne, ut ne, lest (in order that not) ; neve (neu), nor. quin (after negatives), quominus, but that (so as to prevent). 43: 2, 3-] CONJUNCTIONS. 95 k. Interjections. O, en, ecce, ehem, papae, vah (of astonishment). io, evae, evoe (of joy). heu, eheu, vae, alas ! (of sorrow). heus, eho, ehodum, ho ! (of calling). eia, euge (of praise). proh (of attestation) : as, proh pudor, shame ! 3. Special Meaning. The following list includes most of the conjunctions whose meaning 6r use requires special notice : a. Et, and, connects independent words or clauses; -que (enclitic) combines closely into one connected whole ; atque (sometimes ac before consonants) adds with emphasis. In the second member, and not is expressed by neque or nee. Atque (ac), as, is also used after words of comparison and likeness, as idem, the same, simul, as soon, aliter, otherwise. b. Sed and verum or vero (more forcible) , but, are used to contradict what precedes, always after negatives ; at, yet, intro- troduces with emphasis a new point, especially in argument (at enim almost always) alluding to a supposed statement on the other side ; autem is used in the same way, especially in tran- sitions, but with less force. c. Ant, 07% excludes the alternative ; vel (-ve) gives a choice ; sive (seu) is properly used in disjunctive conditions, but is also used with single words, especially two names for the same thing. (But of aut and vel the use is not always clearly distinguished.) d. Nam (namque), for, introduces a sufficient reason ; enim, an explanatory circumstance ; etenim (for, you see ; for, you know), something self-evident, or needing no proof. e* Ergo, therefore, is used of things proved logically ; itaque, in proofs from the nature of things ; igitur, then (a weak ergo), in passing from one stage of the argument to another, often merely to resume ; idcirco, for this reason, to call attention to a special point. / Quia, because, regularly introduces a fact ; quod, either a fact or a statement or allegation ; quoniam, since, has reference to motives. Et . . . et, means simply both . . . and ; cum (less fre- quently turn) . . . turn has also the meaning not only . . . but also, emphasizing the second member. 96 DERIVATION OF WORDS. [43: 3. 44: I. t. Autem, enim, vero, always follow one or two words in their clause ; the same is generally true of igitur, and often of tamen. & Conjunctions are often doubled, for the sake of emphasis, or to bind a sentence more closely to the preceding : as, at vero, itaque ergo (namque, etenim). The same is true of Relatives, which are equivalent to a conjunction and demonstrative combined : as, qui ubi sit nescio, for where he is I know not. 44. DERIVATION OF WORDS. The ROOT is a primitive element of speech. All roots are monosyllabic, and have a short vowel. STEMS are formed from roots, and are divided into two main groups ; viz., noun-stems (including adjec- tives) and verb-stems. ' 1. Noun Forms* Derivative Nominal forms include (1) nouns of agency, (2) names of actions, (3) active and passive adjectives. NOTE. Examples of roots are ES, be; i,go; STA, stand; CAY, take; DUC, lead; FAC, make; FER, bear; RAP, seize; SED, sit; TEN, stretch (see also pp. 72,73). a. Roots and Steins. Roots may be used as stems (1) without change, as in due-is, nec-is ; (2) with vowel-increase, as in luc-is, pac-is; (3) with reduplication, as in furfur, marmor; (4) com- pounded, as in judic-is (jus, dico), con jug-is (con-jugo). But Stems are more commonly formed by means of suffixes added to the root (primary), or to a stem (secondary), either with or without the above changes. &. Primary Suffixes. The simplest suffixes are the vowels a (in Latin o, a) , i, u. Other primary suffixes are ta, ti, tu ; na, ni, nu; va, ra, ya, ka, an. NOTE. The vowel-suffixes a, i, u, are sometimes regarded as if merely added to the root to fit it for inflection ; but they are, in fact, true pronominal roots, and must be regarded as formative suffixes. The first is found in nouns and adjectives of a- and o-stems, as Indus, vagus, scriba, toga (root TEG) ; i is less common, and in Latin has frequently disappeared, especially in the nominative, as in scobs (scobis, root SCAB) ; u is disguised in most adjectives by an addi- tional i, as in suavls (for suadvis, cf. r/dvc), tennis (root TEN in tendo], and remains alone only in nouns of the fourth declension, as acns (root AK, sharp, in acer, acies, UKVC), pecu (root PAK, bind, in paciscor). 44: I.] DERIVATION OF WORDS. 97 The signification of the other primary suffixes is as follows : ta (in the form to-) makes the regular perfect participle, as tectus, tectum; sometimes active, as in potus, pransus; and is found in a few not recog- nized as participles, as putus, altus (alo) ; ti forms abstracts, rarely nouns of agency, as messis, vestis, pars, mens ; tu forms abstracts (in- cluding supines), sometimes becoming concretes, as actns, luctus; iia, forming perfect participles in other languages, in Latin makes adjectives of like meaning, which often become nouns, as magnus (=mactus, root MAG), plenus, regnum ; ni, nouns of agency and adjec- tives, as ignis, segnis ; nu, rare, as in mamis, sinus ; ma, various, as in animus, almus, finnus, forma ; va (commonly uo), of active or passive meaning, as iltea/uu*, arvum, conspicuus, exiguus, vacivos (vacuus) ; ra (or la, a passive participle termination in other languages), usually passive, as in ager, integer, pleri-qne ( = plenus = -pletus), sella (for sed-la, cf. edpa) ; ya (gerundives in other languages), adjectives and abstracts, including many of the first and fifth declensions, as eximius, audacia, Florentia, pernicies ; ka, sometimes primary, as in pauci (cf. travpoc; ), locus (for stlocus, cf. Sk. sthara, sthala, Ger. Stelle, Eng. stall) ; an (in, on), in nouns of agency and abstracts : as aspergo, compago (tnis), gero (onis). The above, with some compound suffixes given below, belong to the original language, and most of them were not felt as living formations in the literary period. But developed forms of these, with a few other primary suffixes, were used consciously, generally as secondary suffixes. The old primary suffixes thus used are (along witli ta and tu, given above) man, ant, vant, tar, tro, as. (Observe that it is the stem, not the nominative, that is formed by the suffix, although the nominative is given for convenience of reference.) c. Significant Endings. The principal classes of regular derivate nouns and adjectives, as indicated by their nominative- ending, are the following: 1. Nouns of Agency (active adjectives or appellatives), end- ing in tor (lengthened from tar, M.), trix (trie- = tar -|- ic, F.), added V to the same form of stem that precedes t of the supine (which for convenience maybe called the supine-base), or to noun- stems by analogy : as ductor, victrix, viator. Earlier forma- tions with tar are pater, mater. es (-itis), descriptive nouns, as miles, comes. t '' 2. Names of Actions (passing into abstracts, instruments, results) : or (M.), es (-is, F. all from as) : as timor, sedes, decus. io (added to pres. stem), tio, tura, tus (to supine base), verbal abstracts : as legio, actio\ pictura, cultus (those in tus more concrete). *#tfh S~f ium (ya) from neuter abstracts (with verb-stems), as gaudium; I or from nouns meaning offices or groups: as hospitium, servitium, collegium. 6 98 DERIVATION OP WORDS. [44: I. men (man), mentum (man + ta), monia, monium (man -(- ya), denoting act, means, or result: asflumen, carmen, orna- mentum, querimonia, matrimonium. ia, tia, tas, tus, tudo, do, go, feminine abstracts, often passing into concretes : as audacia, militia, duritia (ies), bonitas, semitus, altitudo, dulcedo, lanugo. brum, cruinf mim, bulum, ciilum, nouns of means, usually from verb-stems : as claustrum, lavacrum, vehiculum, turibulum. 3. Adjective forms, passing frequently into names of per- sons or things : ulus (following a vowel, 81us ; following s or r, culus), ellus, illus, DIMINUTIVES (with endings for gender), forming nouns or adjectives, meaning little or tender: as puerculus, puella (puerula), puellula, asellus (asinulus), misellus (miserulus). Rare diminutive forms are eculeus, homuncio. ades (F. as), ides, ides (F. is, eis), PATRONYMICS, denoting parentage, &c., as ^Eneades, Priamides, Priameis. anus, enus, inus ; as (-atis), ensis ; ius, iacus, acius, GENTILE names,, denoting country with other rare forms several being derived from the same word : as Ores, Creticus, Cretceus, Cressus, Cretensis. ax, ulus (rare), vus (uus, ivus), denote tendency or inclination, * those in ax being often faulty or aggressive, those in Ivus ^^rather passive : as pugnax, bibulus, protervus, nocuus, captivus. aris, aliSjlilisTllis, ulis (all from ra), with inus, orius, and several of the above gentile forms, denote various ideas of relation or possession. Several neuters of derivatives in ills signify place, as ovile; and many of those in alls, aris (usually with loss of e), also become nouns (regular i-stems); those in inus, from names of animals, are often used of flesh. eus, inus, aceus, icius, denote material, &c. : as fraxineus. osus (old onsus, vant), olens, olentus (root 61 in adolesco), denote full of, or inclined to, as fluctuosus, bellicosus ; so idus (generally verbal) with similar meaning: as cupidus, gelidus ; bundus, cundus, participial, but denoting persist- ence of quality : as ir a cundus. a tus, itus, utus (from imaginary verb-stems), denote provided with : as galeatus, aurltus, cornutus. ter (-tris), timus (a superl. form) from noun-stems : as campester, maritimus ; ternus, from adverbs of time : as sempiternus, hesternus (from heri, old hesi, cf. yesterday). minus, mnus, mna (Gr. -fievog), participles, but no longer sig- nificant as such: as terminus, alumnus, autumnus, lamina, cerumna, femina. ndus, the gerund-ending, forms a few words of active meaning, as secundus, rotundus (cf. volvendis annis). 44: 2.] DERIVATION OF WORDS. 99 2. Derivation of Verbs. Verbs of the third conju- gation, with irregular verbs and vowel-stems da, sta, are primitive. All others are either causative or denominative (formed from nouns). NOTE. The consciousness of roots was lost in Latin, so that in forming the parts of verbs only stems are dealt with. Thus moneo, monui (not menui), from root men, as in mens; ccedo, cecldi (not cecldi), from root (cad, as in cddo). For modifications of the root in verb-stems, see 28, 30. The derivative suffix in the regular conjugations is original ya added either to the root, the present stem in a, or the noun-stem. a. The following are the regular conjtigational forms : 1. Verbs of the first conjugation (generally active) may be formed from almost any noun or adjective of the first or second declension, by changing the stem-vowel into the characteristic a. A few add this vowel to the stem, as vigilare, exsulare. 2. A few verbs of the second conjugation are formed in like manner from noun-stems ; but most add the characteristic e to the root, and are intransitive or neuter in their meaning. 3. A few u-stems simply add the characteristic of the third conjugation, becoming either active or intransitive, as acuo, fluo. 4. Most verbs of the fourth conjugation add the characteristic i to the root, as scio, salio; many are formed from i- stems, as sitio, finio, polio (see 34). &. The following are regular derivative suffixes : sco or isco ( 36, i) inchoative, denoting the "beginning of an action ; they imply a primitive verb-stem, which is sometimes found only in the perfect and supine stems. asso, esso, denote attempt to do a thing ; they are of the third conjugation in the present stem, and of the fourth in the per- fect and supine. NOTE. These are probably denominative, from nouns originally in as (Latin es or us), but seem as if formed upon verb-roots. to, ito (first conjugation) denote frequent action, being added to the actual supine, or to another form of it, with a connecting vowel i, changing u to the characteristic a of the first con- jugation. illo (first conjugation) denotes feeble or trifling action like that of some simpler verb, but is formed from some real or supposed diminutive noun. urio (fourth conjugation), added to the supine-base, denotes desire to do the act expressed by some simple verb ; but is formed from some noun of agency in tor (sor). Viso is a regular inherited desiderative of an earlier formation. 100 DERIVATION OF WORDS. [44: 3- 3. Compound Words. In compound words, either (1) the second part is merely added to the first ; (2) the first part modifies the second as an adjective ; (3) the first part is governed by the second as a verb ; or (4) a verb is modified by a preposition or adverb prefixed. In all, only the second part receives inflection. NOTE. The Indo-European family had great power of forming compounds with mere stems. This power the Latin for the most part lost, as has English compared with German. Many compounds attempted by poets failed to become established in the language ; but there remain many traces of the old usage. The most usual compounds may be classed as follows : a. Meanings added : as suovetaurilia, undecim. b. Noun with modifying adjective : as latifundium, pceninsula, tergeminus. c. Noun and Verb, as armiger, cornicen, manifestus, carnufex, mantele. d. Compound adjectives, in which the last word is a noun, the . compound acquiring the meaning of possessed of the property de noted, as alipe*, magnanimus, concors, anceps (having a head both ends), obvius, multiformis, multiplex. e. Compounds of facio, with an actual or formerly existing verbal stem in e. These are causative in force, as consuefacio, calefacto. /. Adverbs (of manner) and Verb, which have grown together : as benedico, satayo. fj. Verbs with Prepositions, usually having their original ad verbial sense: as, ab, away] ex, out. In those with circmr praeter, trans, and sometimes ad and per, the compound retain the force of the preposition. h. Verbs with the following inseparable Particles, which no longer appear as prepositions in Latin : amb (am, an), around ; dis, di, asunder (in two) ; por, forward ; red, re, back ; sed, se apart. PART SECOND. USE OF WORDS (SYNTAX). 45. DEFINITIONS. 1. Sentence* A SENTENCE is a form of words which contains either a Statement, a Question, an Exclamation, or a Command. a. A sentence in the form of a Statement is called a DECLAR- ATORY SENTENCE : as, puer venit, the boy came. &, A sentence in the form of a Question is called an INTER- ROGATIVE SENTENCE : as, venitne puer, did the boy come ? c. A sentence in the form of an Exclamation is called an EXCLAMATORY SENTENCE: as, quam celeriter venit! how fast he came! d. A sentence in the form of a Command is called an IMPERA- TIVE SENTENCE : as, veni, puer, ad me, come to me, boy. 2. Subject and Predicate. The Subject of a sentence is the person or thing spoken of; the Predicate is that which is stated of the Subject. a. The Predicate may be either a neuter verb, a noun or adjective with the Copula (esse, fieri, &c.), or a Transitive verb with its Object. b. The verb esse, to be, when it connects an attribute with its subject, is called the Copula ; otherwise, it is cajled the Sub- stantive Verb. Thus in the sentence sunt viri fortes, there are brave men, sunt is a substantive verb; in viri sunt fortes, the men are brave, it is a copula. c. The Object of a verb is that on which its action is exerted : thus in the sentence pater vocat filium, the father calls his son, pater is subject, and filium object, of vocat. d. One or more words, essential to the grammatical complete- ness of a sentence, may be unexpressed : this is called ELLIPSIS, and the sentence is called an elliptical sentence. 102 DEFINITIONS. [45:3,4,5. 3. Modification. The Subject or Predicate of a sentence may be modified by single words, or by a phrase or clause. The modifying word may itself be modified in the same way. a, A single modifying word is generally either an Adjective, an Adverb, an Appositive ( 46), or the oblique case of a Noun. Thus in the sentence puer formosus venit, a handsome boy came, the adjective formosus modifies the subject puer ; in the sentence celeriter venit, he came quickly, the adverb celeriter modifies the predicate venit. &. The modifying word is in some cases said to limit the word to which it belongs : thus in the sentence video pueri patrem, I see the boy's father, the genitive pueri limits patrem. 4. Phrase. A Phrase is a group of words, without sub- ject or predicate of its own, which may be used as an Adjective or Adverb. Thus in the sentence puer erat eximiae formae, he was a boy of remarkable beauty, the words eximiae formae are used for the adjective formosus (or formosissimus), and are called an ADJECTIVE PHRASE ; in the sentence magna celeritate venit, he came with great speed, the words magna celeritate are used for the adverb celeriter (or celerrime) , and are called an ADVERBIAL PHRASE. 5. Clause. A Clause is a group of words forming part of a sentence, and having a subject and predicate of its own. Thus in the sentence puer qui heri venit formosus erat, the boy who came yesterday was handsome, the words qui heri venit are a RELATIVE CLAUSE; in the sentence puer si eras veniat acceptus sit, if the boy should come to-morrow he would be welcome, the words si eras veniat, are a CONDITIONAL CLAUSE. a. When a Clause is used as the Subject or Object of a verb, it is called a Substantive Clause (see 70). b. When a clause is used to modify the subject or predicate of a sentence, it is called a Subordinate Clause. Subordinate Clauses are Conditional, Temporal, Causal, Consecutive, and Final, like the conjunctions which introduce them ( 43, I, b). c. When two or more clauses in the same sentence are inde- pendent of one another, they are said to be Coordinate. d. Any clause introduced by a Relative is called a Relative Clause ; when used simply by way of explanation, and not other- wise connected with the form of the sentence, it is called an Intermediate Clause ( 66). 45; 46.] SUBJECT AND PREDICATE: NOUNS. 103 e. A clause expressing the purpose of an action is called a Final Clause: one expressing its result is called a Consecutive Clause (see ' 64, 65). NOTE. In English, a Consecutive clause is introduced by the phrase so that ; a Final clause by the phrase in order that. f. A clause containing a condition, introduced by IF or some equivalent ( 59), is called a Conditional Clause. A sentence modified by a conditional clause is called a Conditional Sentence. NOTE, -s- Observe that these classes are not exclusive, but that a single clause may belong to several of them at once. Thus a relative clause may be subordinate, conditional, or intermediate ; and two subordinate clauses may be coordinate with each other. 6. Connectives. Sentences or coordinate clauses are regularly connected by means of Conjunctions; but fre- quently in Latin very rarely in English sentences are connected by Relatives. In this case, the relative is often best translated in English by a conjunction with a demonstrative : as, quo cum venisset, and when he had come there; quae cum ita siut, but since these things are so ( 43, 3, k). . 7. Agreement. A word is said to AGREE with another when it is required to be in the same gender, number, case, or person. When a word takes the gender or number of some other word implied in that with which it should agree, this use is called SYNESIS, or constructio ad sensum. . Government. A word is said to GOVERN another, when it requires the latter to be in a particular case. I. Subject and Predicate. 46. OP NOUNS. A noun used to describe another, and meaning the same thing, agrees with it in Case : as, Servius rex, Servius the king. ad urbem Solos, to the city Soli. spes nostra Cicero, Cicero our hope. homo nata fuerat, she had been born human* 104 SUBJECT AND PREDICATE. [46: I, 2. 1. When the noun thus used is in the same part of the sentence (subject or predicate) it is called an appositive, and the use is called apposition. 2. When the noun is used to form a predicate with esse or a verb of similar meaning, it is called a predicate-nom- inative (or accusative as the case may be). externus timer, maximum concordise vinculum, jungebat ani- mos (Liv. ii. 39), fear of the foreigner, the chief bond of har- mony, united hearts. [Here both nouns belong to the subject] quattuor hie, primum omen, equos vidi (^En. iii. 537), I saw here four horses, the first omen. [Here both nouns are in the predicate] Ancum Marcium regem populus creavit (Liv. i. 32), the people made Ancus Marcius king. [Here regem is called the comple- mentary accusative.] consules creantur Caesar et Servilius (B. C. iii. i), Ccesar and Servilius are made consuls. [Here consules is predicate-nomi- native after creantur.] litteras Grsecas senex didici (Cat. M. 8), I learned Greek when an old man. [Here senex is in apposition with the subject of didici, expressing the time, condition, &c., of the act.] Gnseus et Publius Scipiones, the Scipios, Cneius and Publius* [Here the appositive is plural, as referring to more than one subject.] gloria virtutem tanquam umbra sequitur (Tusc. i. 45). [Here the appositive is introduced by way of comparison] a. The appositive will agree in gender when it can ; sometimes also in number: as, Aristseus, olivae inventor (N. D. iii. 18), Aristceus, discoverer of the olive. olese Minerva inventrix (G. i. 18), Minerva, inventress of the olive. ^ quia sequuntur naturam, optimam ducem (Lsel. 19), because they follow nature, the best guide. omnium doctrinarum inventrices Athenas (De Or. i. 4), Athens, discoverer of all learning. b. A common noun in apposition with a locative is put in the Ablative, with or without the preposition in : as, Antiochise, celebri quondam urbe (Arch. 3), at A ntioch, once a famous city. Albie constiterunt in urbe munita (Phil. iv. 2), they halted at Alba, a fortified town. 47: I, 2.] ADJECTIVES. 105 c. The genitive is used in apposition with possessives, taking the gender and number of the implied subject : as, in nostro omnium fletu (Mil. 34), amid the tears of us all. ex Anniana Milonis domo (Att. iv. 3), out of Annius Mile's house. NOTE. The proper appositive is sometimes put in the Genitive. See 50, i, /. 47. OF ADJECTIVES. Adjectives agree with their nouns in gender, number, and case. This rule applies also to adjective pronouns and participles. vir fortis, a brave man. cum ducentis militibus, with 200 men. consularia munera, the duties of consul. hac lege, by this law. uno interfecto, one being slain. REMARK. The adjective may be either attributive or predi- cate. An attributive adjective simply qualifies the noun without the intervention of a verb ; a predicate adjective is connected with its noun by esse, or a verb of similar meaning, expressed or implied. An adjective may also be used in apposition like a noun : as, Hortensium vivum amavi (Off. iii. 18), T loved Hortensius 'when living. 1. With two or more nouns the adjective is plural (also, rarely, when they are connected with cum) : as, Nisus et Euryalus primi (^En. v. 394), Nisus and Euryalus first. Juba cum Labieno capti (B. Afr. 52), Juba a?id Labienus 'were taken. 2. When nouns are of different genders, an attributive adjective agrees with the nearest : as, multae opera? ac laboris, of imich trouble and toil. vita moresque mei, my life and character. si res, si vir, si tempus ullum dignum fuit (Mil. 7), if any thing, if any man, if any time, -was Jit. a* A predicate adjective may follow the same rule if the sub- * jects form one connected idea : as, factus est strepitus et admurmuratio (Verr. i. 15), a noise of assent 'was made. 106 SUBJECT, AND PREDICATE. [47: 2, 3. 6. Generally, a predicate adjective will be masculine, if nouns of different genders mean living beings ; neuter, if things without life: as, uxor deinde ac liberi amplexi (Liv. ii. 40), then his 'wife and children embraced him. labor (M.) voluptasque (F.) societate quadam inter se naturali sunt juncta (N.) (id. v. 4), labor and delight are bound together by a certain natural alliance. Abstract nouns of the same gender may have a neuter adjec- tive : as, stultitia et temeritas et injustitia . . . sunt fugienda (Fin. iii. n), folly, rashness, and injustice must be shunned. pax et concordia jactata sunt (Tac. Hist. ii. 20), peace and harmony -were talked of. d. A masculine or femine adjective may belong (by Synesis) to a noun of different gender or number, when the existence of per- sons is implied : as, duo milia relicti (Liv. xxxvii. 39), two thousand were left. pars certare parati (^En. v. 108), a part ready to contend. magna pars raptae (Liv. i. 9), a large part [of the women] were seized. colonise aliquot deductse, Prisci Latini appellati (id. i. 3), sev- eral colonies -were led out [of men] called Old Latins. e. An adjective pronoun agrees in gender with a word in ap- position rather than with its antecedent : as, /, / /^. rf / >oW 94lJ, fat ta&0* rerum caput hoc erat, hie fons (Hor. Ep. i. 17), this was the head of things, this the source. earn sapientiam interpretantur quam adhuc mortalis nemo est consecutus [for id ... quod] (Lael. 5), they explain that [thing] to be wisdom which no man ever yet attained. f. Occasionally, an adjective takes the gender of a partitive genitive : as, velocissimum animalium delphinus est (Plin.), the dolphin is the swiftest of creatures. 3. Adjectives are often used as nouns, the masculine to denote men, and the feminine women : as, omnes, all men, or everybody ; majores, ancestors; veteres, the ancients ; barbari, barbarians ; amicus, a friend. instinctu purpuratorum (Curt. iii. 9), at the instigation of the courtiers [those clad in purple], iniquus noster (Plane. 2.), our foe. didicit jam dives avarus laudare disertos (Juv. vii. 30), the rich miser has now learned to flatter the eloquent. 47:3,4-] ADJECTIVES. 107 NOTE. The singular of adjectives in this use is more rare; the plural is very frequent, and may be used of any adjective or participle, to denote those in general described by it. d. This is especially frequent with possessives : as, nostri, our countrymen, or men of our party. Sullani, the veterans of Sulla's army. suos continebat (B. C. i. 15), he held his men in check. & The demonstratives is, ille, &c., used in this way, have nearly the force of personal pronouns. They are often thus used in apposition with a noun, or a clause : as, vincula, eaque sempiterna (Cat. iv. 4), chains, and that for ever. exspectabam tuas litteras, idque cum multis (Fam. x. 14), /, with many others, am expecting your letter. c* On the other hand, a noun is sometimes used as an adjective, and may be qualified by an adverb (compare 16, 3, e) : as, victor exercitus, the victorious army. servum pecus, a servile troop. admodum puer, quite a boy. magis vir, more of a man. fautor inepte (Hor.), a stupid admirer. 4. A neuter adjective may be used as a noun a. In the singular, to denote either a single object or an abstract quality : as, rapto vivere, to live by plunder. in arido, on dry ground. honestum, an honorable act, or honor (as a quality). &. In the plural, to signify objects in general having the quality denoted, and hence the abstract idea : as, honesta, honorable deeds (in general), or honor (in the ab- stract). omnium ignarus, ignorant of all. justis solutis, the due rites being paid. In apposition, or as predicate, to a noun of different gen- der: as, turpitudo pejus est quam dolor (Tusc. ii. 13), disgrace is worse than pain. labor bonum non est (Sen. Ep. 31), toil is no good thing. d. In agreement with an infinitive or a substantive clause : as, aliud est errare Caesarem nolle, aliud nolle misereri (Lig. 5), it is one tiring to be unwilling that Ccesar should err, another to be unwilling that he should pity. 108 SUBJECT AND PREDICATE. [47: 5, 6, 7. REMARK. The neuter of an adjective is ordinarily used as a noun only in the nominative and accusative : as, omnia, all things (everything} ; but, omnium rerum, of all things (omnium is usually of all persons} ; loquitur de omnibus rebus, he talks about everything (de omnibus, about everybody}. 5. Adjectives denoting source or possession may be used for the genitive : as, Pompeiana acies, Pompey's line. video herilem filium (Ter.), 1 spy master's son. ses alienum, another's money, i.e. DEBT. a. Possessives are thus regularly used for the genitive of the personal pronouns : as, domus mea, my house ; nostra patria, our country. b. A possessive in any case may have a genitive in apposition ( 46, c) : as, mea solius causa, for my sake. nostra omnium patria, the country of us all. An adjective is occasionally thus used for the objective geni- tive ( 50, 3, b) : as, metus hostilis (Jug. 41), fear of the enemy. feminea in pcena (Virg.), in punishing a -woman. periculo invidise meae (Cat. ii. 2), at the risk of odium against me. studiosus csedis ferinse (Ov. M. vii. 675), eager to slaughter game. 6. An adjective, with the subject or object, is often used to qualify the act, having the force of an adverb : as, primus venit, he came first (-was the first to come}. nullus dubito, I no way doubt. Iseti audire, they -were glad to hear. patre invito discessit, he departed against his father's 'wishes. erat Romse frequens (Rose. Am. 6), he was often at .Rome. serus in coelum redeas (Hor. Od. i. 2), mafst thou return late to heaven. 7. When two qualities of an object are compared, both adjectives (or adverbs) are in the comparative : as, longior quam latior acies erat (Liv. xxvii. 48), the line was longer than it was broad (or, rather long than broad). 47; 48.] ADJECTIVES: RELATIVES. 109 a. But not where magis is used : as, clari magis quam honesti (Jug. 8), more renowned than honor- able. 6. A comparative with a positive, or even two positives, may be thus connected by quam (a rare and less elegant use) : as, vehementius quam caute (Agric. 4), with more fury than good heed. claris majoribus quam vetustis (Ann. iv. 61), of a family more famous than old. 8. Superlatives denoting order and succession often desig- nate not what object , but what part of it, is meant : as, summus mons, the top of the hill. in ultima plataea, at the end of the avenue. So, prior actio, the earlier part of an action. Also, medius, midst; ceterus, other; reliquus, remaining: as, reliqui captivi, the rest of the prisoners. in colle medio (B. G. i. 24), on the middle of the hill. inter ceteram planitiem (Jug. 92), in a region elsewhere level. Similarly, sera uocte, late at night; nos omnes, all of us ( 50, 2). 9. The expressions alter . . . alter, alius . . . alms (as also the adverbs . derived from them), may be used recipro- cally; or may imply a change of predicate as well as of subject: as, hi fratres alter alterum amant, these brothers love each other. alius aliud petit, one man seeks one thing, one another. alius alia ex navi, out of different ships. alius alia vi civitatem auxerunt (Liv. i. 21), they enlarged the State each in his own way. For the use of Adjectives as Adverbs, see 16, 3, f. For the ablative used adverbially with Comparatives, see 54, 6, e. 48. OF RELATIVES. A Relative agrees with its Antecedent in gender and number ; but its case depends on the construction of the clause in which it stands : as, puer qui venit, the boy who came ; liber quern legis, the book you are reading ; via qua ambulat, the way he walks in. 110 SUBJECT AND PREDICATE. [48: I, 2, 3. NOTE. A Relative is properly an adjective pronoun, of which the proper noun (the Antecedent) is usually omitted. The full construc- tion would require a corresponding demonstrative, to which the relative refers. Hence, relatives serve two uses : 1. As Nouns in their own clause ; 2. As Connectives, and are thus often equivalent to a demon- strative and conjunction combined (see 69). The connective force is not original, but is developed from a demonstrative or indefinite meaning; the relative and the antecedent clause being originally co-ordinate. 1 . A Verb having a relative as its subject takes the person of the expressed or implied antecedent : as, adsum qui feci (^En. ix. 427), here am I -who did it. &. A relative generally agrees in gender with a noun (appositive) in its own clause, rather than with an antecedent of different gender : as, mare etiam quern Neptunum esse dicebas (N. D. iii. 20), the sea, toO) which y-ou said was a. A relative may (rarely) by Attraction agree with its ante- cedent in case: as, si aliquid agas eorum quorum consusti (Fam. v. 14), if you do something of what you are used to. & A relative may agree in gender and number with an implied antecedent: as, quartum genus ... qui premuntur (Cat. ii. 10), a fourth class, that are sinking. unus ex eo numero qui parati erant (Jug. 35), one of the number [of those] who were ready. conjuravre pauci. . . de qua [conjuratione] dicam (Sail. C. 18), a few have conspired . . .of which [conspiracy] I will speak. 3. The antecedent noun sometimes appears in both clauses ; usually only in the one that precedes ; sometimes it is wholly omitted : thus a. The noun may be repeated in the relative clause : as, loci natura erat haec quern locum nostri delegerant (B. G. ii. 18), the nature of the ground which our men had chosen was this. b. The noun may appear only in the relative clause : as, quas res in consulatu nostro gessimus attigit hie versibus (Arch, n), he has touched in verse the things which we did in our consulship. urbem quam statuo vestra est (^En. i. 573), yours is the city which I found. 48: 3, 4> 5-J RELATIVES. Ill In such cases the demonstrative is or hie usually stands in the antecedent clause : as, quae pars civitatis calamitatem populo Romano intulerat, ea princeps poenas persolvit (B. G. i. 12), that part of the State which had brought disaster on the Roman people was the first to pay the penalty. REMARK. In a sentence of this class, the relative clause in Latin usually stands first ; but, in translating, the noun should be transferred, in its proper case, to the antecedent clause, as in the example just quoted. c. The antecedent noun may be omitted : as, qui decimae legionis aquilam ferebat (B. G. iv. 25), [the man] who bore the eagle of the tenth legion. qui cognoscerent rnisit (id. i. 21), he sent men to reconnoitre. d* A predicate adjective (especially a superlative) agreeing with the antecedent may stand in the relative clause : as, vasa ea quse pulcherrima apud eum viderat (Verr. iv. 27), those most beautiful vessels which he had seen at his house. e. The phrase id quod or quae res is used (instead of quod alone) : to relate to an idea or group of words before expressed as, [obtrectatum est] Gabinio dicam anne Pompeio? an utrique id quod est verius? (Manil. 19), an affront is offered shall I say to Gabinius or Pompey f or which is truer to both ? 4. A relative often stands at the beginning of a clause or sentence, where in English a demonstrative must be used : as, quae cum ita sint, since these things are so. quorum quod simile factum? (Cat. iv. 8), what ever happened like this? qui illius in te amor fuit (Fam. iv. 5), such was his love for you. 5. A Relative Adverb is often equivalent to the relative pronoun with a preposition : as, quo (= ad quern), to whom ; unde (= a quo), from whom, &c. : as, apud eos quo se contulit (Verr. iv. 18), among those to whom he resorted. qui eum necasset unde ipse natus esset (Rose. Am. 26), one who should have slain his own father. A similar use is found with the demonstratives eo, inde, &c : as, eo imponit vasa (Jug. 75), upon them [the beasts] he puts the baggage. &X' 112 SUBJECT AND PREDICATE. [49: I. 49, VERBS. A Verb agrees with its subject-nominative in num- ber and person : as, ego statuo, I resolve ; oratio est habita, the plea was spoken. REMARK. The verb in the periphrastic forms sometimes agrees in gender and number with the predicate, or with a noun in apposition: as, non omnis error stultitia est dicenda (Parad. vi. 3), not every error should be called folly. Corinthus lumen Graecise exstinctum est, Corinth the light of Greece is put out. deliciae mese Dicearchus disseruit (Tusc. i. 31), my pet Dicear- chus discoursed. 1. Two or more singular subjects take a verb in the plural ; also, rarely, when one is in the ablative with cum : as, pater et avus mortui sunt, his father and grandfather are dead. dux cum aliquot principibus capiuntur (Liv. xxi. 60), the gen- eral and several chiefs are taken. a. When the subjects are of different persons, the verb will be in the first and the second rather than the third : as, si tu et Tullia valetis ego et Cicero valemus (Fam. xiv. 5), if you and Tullia are ivell, Cicero and I are 'well. b* If the subjects are joined by disjunctives, or if they are con- sidered as a single whole, the verb is singular : as, neque fides neque jusjurandum neque ilium misericordiarepres- sit (Ter. Ad.), not faith nor oath, nay, nor mercy, checked him. Senatus populusque Romanus intellegit (Fam. v.S), the Roman Senate and people understand. c. A collective noun also such distributives as quisque, every ; uterque, each may take a plural verb : as, pars prsedas agebant (Jug. 32), a part brought in booty. suum quisque habeant quod suum est (Plaut Cure.), let every one keep his own. This is most common in poetry. 49: 1,2. 50.] CONSTRUCTION OP CASES. 113 Corinth. a. Most verbs signifying to favor, help, please, serve, trust, and their contraries, also, to believe, persuade, command, obey, engy, threaten, pwrdon, and spare, take the Dative in Latin, though transitive in English. These include, among others, the following : adversor, credo, faveo, fido, ignosco, impero, invldeo, irascor, noceo, parco, pareo, placeo, servio, studeo, suadeo (persuadeo) : as, cur mihi invides, why do you envy me? civitati serviebat, he served the state. tibi favemus, we favor you. mihi parcit atque ignoscit, he spares and pardons me. sontibus opitulari poteram (Fam. iv. 13), / was able to help the guilty. bonis invident (Sail.), they envy the good. Catoni resistimus (Fam. i. i), ive withstand Cato. non omnjbus servio (id. xvi. 13), / am not a servant to every man. cum ceteris turn mihi ipsi displiceo (id. iv. 13), / dissatisfy other people and myself too. non parcam operse (id. xvi. 13), I will spare no pains. sic mihi persuasi (Cat. M. 21), so I have persuaded myself. huic legioni Csesar confidebat maxime (B. G. i. 40), in this legion CcBsar had special confidence. ex quo efficitur hominem naturae obedientem homini nocere non posse (Off. iii. 5), whence it appears that a man while obeying Nature cannot harm a fellow -man. REMARK. ! Some verbs of the same meanings take the ac- cusative : as, juvo, adjuvo, help; laedo, injure; jubeo, order; deficio, fail. 2. Some take the dative or accusative indifferently : as, adulor, flatter; aemulor, rival; comitor, attend; despero, despair; praestolor, await; medeor, medicor, heal. 3. Some take the dative or accusative according to their mean- ing: as, parti civium consulunt (Off. i. 25), they consult for a party of the citizens. cum te consuluissem (Fam. xi. 29), when I had consulted you. metuens pueris (Plant. Am. v. i), anxious for the boys. nec metutint deos (Ter. Hec. v. 2), they fear not even the gods (so also timeo.} ei caverc volo (Fam. iii. i), I will have a care for him. caveto omnia (id. xi. 21), beware of everything. 124 CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. [51: 2. prospicite patrise (Cat. iv. 2), have regard for the state. prospicere sedem senectuti (Liv. iv. 49), to provide a habita- tion/or old age [so also providere^. nequeo mihi temperare (Plin. xviii. 6), I cannot control myself. rempublicam temperare (Tusc. i. i), to govern the state [so also moderor\. See Lexicon, under convenio, cupio, fido (abl.), insisto, maneo, praesto, praeverto, recipio, renuntio, solvo, succedo. b. The dative is used after the Impersonals libet, licet ; after verbs compounded with satis, bene, and male; together with the following: gratificor, gratulor, haereo (rarely), jungo, medeor, medicor, misceo (poetic), nubo, permitto, plaudo, probo, studeo, supplico ; and the phrases auctor esse, gratias agere (habere),- morem gerere (morigeror), supplex (dicto audiens) esse: as, quod mihi maxime lubet (Fam. i. 18), what most pleases me. Di isti Segulio male faciant (id. xi. 21), may the gods send evil upon that Segulius. mihi ipsi nunquam satisfacio (id. 17), I never satisfy myself. virgo nupsit ei (Div. i. 46), a maiden married him. Pompeio se gratulari putent (id. i. i), they suppose they are doing Pompey a service. sed tibi morem gessi (id. ii. 18), but I have deferred to you. tibi permitto respondere (N. D. iii. i), I give you leave to ansiver. armatus adversario maledixi (Fam. vi. 7), in arms I cursed the foe. voluptati aurium morigerari (Or. 48), to humor the lust of the ears. habeo senectuti maximam gratiam (Cat. M. 14), I owe old age much thanks. maximas tibi gratias ago, I return you the -warmest thanks. c. Many verbs of the above classes take an accusative of the thing, with a dative of the person : as, cui cum rex crucem minitaretur (Tusc. i. 43), when the king threatened him with the cross. invident nobis optimam magistram (id. iii. 2), they grudge us our best of teachers [Nature]. frumento exercitui proviso (B. G. v. 44), when the army was supplied with corn. puerum [vocare] cui cenam imperaret (Ros. Am. 21), to call a boy and order supper of him. imperat oppidanis decem talenta, he exacts ten talents of the townspeople. omnia sibi ignoscere (Veil. ii. 30), to pardon one's self every- 51: 2.] DATIVE. 125 d. Most verbs compounded with ad, ante, con, in, inter, ob, post, prae, pro, sub, super and some with circum take the dative of the object on account of their acquired meaning (many take also the accusative, being originally transitive) : as, neque enim assentior iis (Lsel. 3), for I do not agree -with them. tempestati obsequi artis est (Fam. i. 9), it is a point of skill to yield to the -weather. omnibus negotiis non interfuit solum sed prsefuit (id. i. 6), he not only had a hand in all matters, but took the lead in them. pueritiae adulescentia obrepit (Cat. M.), youth steals upon childhood. [Archise] antecellere omnibus contigit (Arch. 3), it was his good fortune to outvie all. quantum natura hominis pecudibus antecedit (Off. i. 30), so far as man's nature is superior to brutes. nos ei succedimus (Fam. vii. 31), we succeed him. criminibus illis pro rege se supponit reum (Deiot. 15), he takes those charges upon himself in the king s behalf. nee unquam succumbet inimicis (id. 13), he 'will never bend before his foes. illis libellis nomen suum inscribunt (Arch. 13), they put their own name to those papers. tibi obtempera (F. ii. 7), restrain yourself . hibernis Labienum prseposuit (Cses.), he set Labienus over the -winter-quarters. cur mihi te offers, ac meis commodis officis et obstas (Ros. Am. 38), why do you put yourself in my way, to hinder and withstand my advantage ? So excello: as, tu longe aliis excellis (De Or. ii. ^, you far excel others. REMARK. 1. Some of the above compounds acquire a transi- tive meaning, and take the accusative : as, aggredior, approach ; adire, go to ; antecedo, anteeo, antegradior, precede (both cases) ; convenio, meet; iiieo, enter; obeo, encounter; offendo, hit; oppugno, oppose ; subeo, go under (take up) : as, nos oppugnat (Fam. i. i), he opposes us. quis audeat bene comitatum aggredi, who would dare encounter a man -well- attended ? munus obire (Lael. 2), to attend to a duty. 2. The adjective obvius also the adverb obviam with a verb takes the dative : as, si ille obvius ei futurus non erat (Mil. 18), if he was not intend- ing to get in his way. m'hi obviam venisti (Fam. ii. 16), you came to meet me. 126 CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. [51: 2,3. e. Many compounds of ab, de, ex, with adimo, take the dative (especially of persons) instead of the ablative of separation, the action being more vividly represented as done to the object affected by it : as, vitam adulescentibus vis aufert (C. M. 19), force deprives young men of life. nihil enim tibi detraxit senectus (id. i),for age has robbed you 1 of nothing. nee mihi hunc errorem extorqueri volo (id. 23), nor do / -wish this error wrested from me. cum extorta mihi veritas esset (Or. 48), 'when the truth had been forced from me. REMARK. The distinct idea of place, and, in general, names of things, require the ablative with a preposition ; or both con- structions may be used together : as, ilium ex periculo eripuit (B. G. iv. 12), he dragged him out of danger. victoriam eripi sibi e manibus, that victory should be wrested from his hands. f. Intransitive verbs governing the dative can be used in the Passive only impersonally: as, cui parci potuit (Liv. xxi. 12), who could be spared? non modo non invidetur illi setati verum etiam favetur (Off. ii. 13), that age [youth] is not only not envied, but is even favored. mihi quidem persuader! nunquam potuit (C. M. 22), I for my part could never be persuaded. resistendum senectuti est (id. n), -we must resist old age. plaudi tibi non solere (Deiot. 12), that you are not ^vont to be applauded. tempori serviendum est (Fam. ix. 7), we must serve the time. g. The dative is often used by the poets in constructions which would strictly require another case with a preposition : as, differt sermoni (Hor.), differs from prose [a sermone]. tibi certet (Virg.). may vie with you [tecum]. lateri abdidit ensem (id.), buried the sword in his side [in lateral, solstitium pecori defendite (Eel. vii. 47), keep the noontide from the flock [a pecore]. Here the poets regard the acting as done to the thing affected, for greater vividness of expression. 3. Dative of Possession. The dative is used after esse and similar words to denote the Owner : as, est mihi liber, / have a book. 51: 3, 4-] DATIVE. 127 REMARK. The Genitive or a possessive with esse emphasizes the possessor; the Dative the fact of possession: as, liber est meus, the book is mine (and no one's else) ; est mihi liber, / have a book (among other things) . This is the usual form to denote simple possession ; habeo, / have, generally signifying hold, often with some secondary meaning : as, legionem quam secum habebat (B. G. i. 8), the legion 'which he had 'with him. domitas habere libidines (De Or.), to keep the passions under. a. Compounds of esse take the dative (excepting abesse and posse ; for other compounds, see above, 2, d) . b. After nomen est, and similar expressions, the name is usu- ally put in the dative by a kind of apposition with the person : as, puero ab inopia Egerio inditum nomen (Liv. i. 34), the boy *w as called Rgerius from his poverty. cui Africano fuit cognomen (Liv. xxv. 2), whose surname 'was Africanus. But the name may be in apposition with nomen; or in the genitive ( 50, i,/) : as, cui nomen Arethusa (Verr. iv. 52), [a fount] called Arethusa. nomen Mercuri est mihi (Plaut. Am.), my name is Mercury. 4. Dative of Agency. The dative is used, after some passive forms, to denote the agent: viz. a. Regularly with the Gerund or Gerundive, to denote the person on whom the necessity rests : as, haec vobis provincia est defendenda (Man. 6), this province is for you to defend [to be defended by you], mihi est pugnandum, I have to fight [i.e., the need of fighting is mine; compare mihi est liber]. b. The dative is often used after perfect participles, especially when used in an adjective sense, rarely after other parts of the verb: as, mihi deliberatum et constitutum est (Rull. i. 8), I have deliber- ated and resolved. oratori omnia quaesita esse debent (De Or. iii. 14), an orator should search everything. acceptus mihi, acceptable to me. c. By the poets and later writers it is used in this way after almost any passive verb : as, neque cernitur ulli (^En. i. 440), nor is seen by any. felix est dicta sorori (Fast, iii.), she 'was called happy by her sister. 128 CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. [51:4,5,6. REMARK. The dative is regularly used after the passive of video (usually to be rendered seem) : as, videtur mihi, it seems (or seems good) to me. 5. Dative of Service. The dative is used to denote the purpose or end ; often with another dative of the person or thing affected : as, reipublicae cladi sunt (Jug. 85), they are ruin to the State. rati sese dis immortalibus curse esse (id. 75), thinking them- selves to be the special care of the gods. magno usui nostris fuit (B. G. iv- 25), // was of great service to our men. tertiam aciem nostris subsidio misit (id.), he sent the third line as a relief to our men. omnia deerant quae ad reficiendas naves erant usui (id. 29), all things -were wanting -which -were of use for repairing the ships. REMARK. In this use the dative is nearly equivalent to a noun in apposition with the subject or object of the verb. It is common with the words cordi, a delight (lit. to the heart) ; dono, a gift ; emolumeiito, a gain ; usui, an advantage ; vitio, a fault. The indeclinable adjective frugi is properly a dative of service. 6. Dative of Nearness, &c. The dative is used after Adjectives and Adverbs, to denote that to which the given quality is directed, or for which it exists. Such are especially words of fitness, nearness, likeness, service, inclination, and their opposites : as, nihil est tarn naturae aptum (Lsel. 5), nothing is so ftted to nature. carus omnibus exspectatusque venies (F. xvi. 7), you iv ill come loved and longed for by all. locum divinae naturae aeternitatique contrarium (Cat. M. 21), a point opposed to the divine nature and eternity. nihil difficile amanti puto (Or. 10), I think nothing hard to a lover. pompse quam pugnae aptius (id. 1$)*, fitter for a procession than a battle. consentanetim tempori et personae (id. 22), adapted to the time and the party. rebus ipsis par et aequalis oratio (id. 36), a speech equal and level 'with the subject. Also, in poetic and colloquial use, idem, the same: as, in eadem arm a nobis (Cic.), to the same arms ivit/i us. a Adjectives of Usefulness or Fitness take oftener the accusa- tive with ad, but sometimes the dative : as, 51: 6, 7-] DATIVE. 129 aptus ad rem militarem, jit for a soldier's duty. locus ad insidias aptior (Mil. 20), a place fitter for lying-in^ ad amicitiam idoneus (Lael. 17), apt to friendship. {wait. castris idoneum iocum deligit (B. G. vi. 10), he selects a suit- able camping-ground. & Adjectives and nouns of inclination may take the accusative with in or erga: as, comis in uxorem (Hor. Ep. ii. 2), kind to his wife. divina bonitas erga homines (N. D. ii. 23), the divine goodness to^vards men. The following may take also the possessive genitive : aequalis, affinis, amicus, cognatus, communis, consanguin- eus, dispar, familiaris, inimicus, necessarius, par, peculiaris, proprius, superstes. REMARK. After similis, like, with early writers, the genitive is more usual ; Cicero uses the genitive of persons, and the genitive or dative of things. d* The following take the accusative: propior, proximus (sometimes), propius, proximo (more commonly) as if preposi- tions, like prope. e* Verbal nouns take (rarely) the dative, like the verbs from which they are derived : as, invidia consuli (Sail.), ill-will against the consul. ministri sceleribus (Tac.), servants of crime. obtemperatio legibus (Leg. i. 15), obedience to the laws. sibi ipsi responsio (De Or. iii. 54), an answer to himself. 7. Dative of Advantage* The dative is often required not by any particular word, but by the general meaning of the sentence (dativus commodi et incommodi). NOTE. In these cases there may be only one word in the sen- tence ; but they are distinguished by the fact that the meaning of the verb is complete without the dative, while in the preceding cases it is required to complete the sense of some particular word. ttibi aras (PI. Merc. i. i), you plough for yourself . non solum nobis divites esse volumus sed liberis (Off. iii. 15), it is not for ourselves alone but for our children that we would be rich. res tuas tibi babe (formula of divorce), keep your goods. laudavit mihi fratrem, he praised my brother [out of regard for me; laudavit fratrem meum would imply no such motive]. 6* 130 CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. [51: 7. a. The dative of advantage is often used instead of the posses- sive genitive : as, iter Poenis vel corporibus suis obstruere (Cat. M. 20), to block the march of the Carthaginians even -with their bodies. se in conspectum nautis dedit (Verr. vi. 33), he put himself in sight of the sailors. versatur mini ante oculos (id. 47), it comes before my eyes. fe. The dative of advantage is used in relations of direction, answering to the English as you go in (on the right, in the front, &c.) : as, oppidum primum Thessalise venientibus ab Epiro (B. C. iii. 80), the [first toivn of Thessaly as you come from Epirus. laeva parte sinum intrantibus (Liv. xxxvi. 26), on the left as you sail up the gulf. The dative of advantage is used, rarely (by a Greek idiom), with the participle of volo or nolo, and similar words : as, g ut quibusque bellum invitis aut volentibus erat (Tac. Ann. i. 59), as they might receive the 'war reluctantly or gladly. ut militibus labos volentibus esset (Jug. 100), that the soldiers might assttme the task willingly. d. Ethical Dative. The dative of the personal pronouns is used to show a certain interest felt by the person referred to (dativus etliicus : compare * ' I'll rhyme you so eight years to- gether. 1 " As you Like it.) : as, quid mihi Celsus agit (Hor.), pray -what is Celsus doing? at tibi repente ve'nit mihi Cominius (F. ix. 2), but, look yoti, of a sudden comes to me Cominius. hem tibi talentum argenti (PI. Trin. v. i), hark ye, a talent of silver. quid tibi vis? 'what 'would you have ? avaritia senilis quid sibi velit non intelligo (Cat. M. 18), I do not understand 'what an old man's avarice means. REMARK. To express FOR meaning instead of, in defence of, in behalf of the ablative with pro must be used, not the dative : as, pro patria mori (Hor. Od. iii. 2), to die for one's country. pro rege, lege, grege (prov.), for king, la-w, people. ego ibo pro te (PI. Most.), I 'will go instead of you. non pro me sed contra me (De Or. iii. 20), not for me but against me. 52: I.] ACCUSATIVE. 131 52. ACCUSATIVE. The Accusative denotes that which is immediately affected by the action of a verb (Direct Object). 1. General Use. The Accusative is the case of the direct object of a transitive verb : as, legationem suscepit, he undertook the embassy. Caesar vicit Fompeium, Ccesar conquered Pompey. REMARK. The Object of a transitive verb in the active voice becomes its Subject in the Passive, and is put in the nomi- native : as, legatio suscipitur, the embassy is undertaken. Pompeius a Caesare victus est, Pompey was overcome by Ccesar. a. Many verbs which express Feeling, apparently intransitive, may take an accusative in Latin : as, fidem supplicis erubuit (Virg.), he respected [blushed at] the faith of a suppliant. flebat mortuos vivosque, he -wept the dead and living. meum casum luctumque doluerunt (Sest.69), they grieved [at] my calamity and sorrow. horreo conscientiam (Fin. i. 16), I shudder at conscience. Such verbs may accordingly be used in the passive : as, ridetur ab omni conventu (Hor.), he is laughed [at] by the whole assembly. b. Cognate Accusative. A neuter verb often takes an ac- cusative of kindred meaning (almost always modified by an adjec- tive, or in some other manner) : as, vivere earn vitam (Cic.), to live that kind of life. setatem tertiam vivebat, he -was living his third age. Similarly, in such phrases as vincere judicium, to gain one's case at court, and in poetic use : as, saltare Cyclopa (Hor. Sat. v. i), to dance the Cyclops. Bacchanalia vivere (Juv. ii. 2), to live in revels. c* Verbs of taste, smell, &c., take an accusative of the qual- ity: as, vinum redolens (Cic.), smelling of wine. herbam mella sapiunt (Plin.), the honey tastes of grass. 132 CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. [52: I, 2. d. Verbs of motion, and a few others, compounded with prep- ositions, especially compounds of circum and trans, frequently become transitive, and take the accusative : as, mortem obire, to die. consulatum ineunt (Livy iii. 6), they assume the consulship. neminem conveni (Fam. ix. 14), I met no one. tectum subire, to enter [go under] a place of shelter. colloquium baud abnuit (Livy xxx. 29), he did not refuse the interview. si insulam adisset (B. G. iv. 20), if he should go to the island. cives qui circumstant senatum (Cat. i. 8), the citizens ivho throng about the senate. e* Construct! Praegnans. The accusative is used in certain phrases constructively, the real object of the verb being something understood: as, coire societatem, to [go J together and] form an alliance. ferire foedus, to strike a treaty [i.e. to sanction by striking down the victim]. mare navigare, to sail the sea [i.e. to sail a ship upon the sea]. /. The accusative is used after the Impersonals decet, it be- comes ; delectat, juvat, it delights ; oportet, it behooves ; fallit, it deceives ; fugit, praeterit, it escapes: as, te non praeteriit (Fam. i. 8), it has not escaped your notice. (For Accusative and Genitive after Impersonals, see 50, 4, c.) 2. Two Accusatives. Several classes of verbs, besides the direct object, take another accusative, either in apposition or as a secondary object. a. The accusative is used in apposition after verbs of naming, choosing, &c. (See 46.) 6. A second accusative is sometimes used after transitive verbs compounded with prepositions : as, Hiberum copias trajecit (Liv. xxi. 23), he threw his forces across the Ebro. But with these verbs the preposition is oftener repeated. c* Verbs of asking and teaching govern two accusatives, either of which may be regarded as the direct object of the action : as, hoc vos doceo (Cic.), I teach you this. hoc te vehementer rogo (id.), this I urgently beg of you. REMARK. The accusative of the thing may remain, in this construction, after a passive : as, rogatus sententiam ; while the person will be, after verbs of asking, in the ablative with the prep- osition ab or ex: as, hoc a te rogatur. The preposition is 52:3,4-] ACCUSATIVE. 133 always used, to denote the person after peto, postulo (ab), quaero (ex or de) : as, pacem ab Romanis petere (Caes.), to beg peace of the Romans. d. The transitive celo, conceal, and the usually neuter lateo, lie hid, take the accusative of the person : as, hoc me celavit, he hid this from me. f '' &*'A* ^"~ ^ latet plerosque (Plin.), it ts hid from most. 3. Adverbial Accusative. The accusative is used ad- verbially, or for specification. This is found a. With many verbs usually intransitive, which take a neuter pronoun or adjective in the accusative: as, quid moror, 'why do I delay f pauca milites hortatus (Sail.), having briefly exhorted the men. dulce loquentem (Hor. Od. i. 22), sweetly speaking. acerba tuens (yEn. ix. 793), looking cruelly. torvum clamat (id. vii. 599), he cries harshly. idem gloriari, to boast the same thing. NOTE. Many of. these are cognate accusative. b* In a few adverbial phrases, such as id temporis, at that time ; meam vicem, on my part ; quod si, but (as to which) if. c* In the so-called synecdochical or Greek accusative, used by the poets to denote the part affected : as, caput nectentur (Virg.), their head shall be bound [they shall be bound about the head]. The part is strictly in apposition with the whole, and remains (as above) after the passive. REMARK. The accusative after passive verbs used reflexively is sometimes wrongly referred to this construction : as, inutile ferrum cingitur (Virg.), he girds on the useless steel. 4. Special Uses. Peculiar uses are the following : The accusative is used in Exclamations : as, O fortunatam rempublicam (Cic.)j O fortunate republic I O me mi serum ! Ah -wretched me ! 5. The subject of the Infinitive Mood is in the accusative. This is especially frequent after verbs of knowing, thinking, and telling (verba sentiendi et declarandi, 67, i). In all cases, the accusative is strictly the Object of the leading verb. c* Time how long, and Distance how far, are in the accusative. (See 55.) For the Accusative with Prepositions, see 56. 134 CONSTRUCTION OP CASES. [53; 54. 53. VOCATIVE. The Vocative is the form of direct Address : as, Tiberine pater, te sancte precor (Liv. ii. 103) , father Tiber ! thee, holy one, I pray. NOTE. The Vocative can hardly be called a case, as it properly has no case termination, and forms no part of the sentence. a* Sometimes the nominative of a noun is used instead of the vocative, in apposition with the subject of the Imperative : as, audi tu, populus Albanus (id. i'. 24), hear, thou people of Alba. &. Sometimes the vocative of an adjective is used instead of the nominative, where the verb is of the second person : as, censorem trabeate salutas (Pers.)', robed you salute the censor. So in the phrase, macte [= magne, root MAG] virtute esto (Hor.), be enlarged in manliness [bravo, well done]. 54. ABLATIVE. The Ablative is used to denote the relations ex- pressed in English by the prepositions from, in, at, with, by. NOTE. The Ablative form contains three distinct cases, the ablative proper, expressing the relation FROM ; the locative, IN ; and the instrumental, WITH or BY. This confusion has arisen partly from phonetic decay, by which the cases have become identical in form, and partly from the development by which they have ap- proached one another in meaning. Compare, for the first, the like forms of the dative and ablative plural, the old dative in e of the fifth declension, and the loss of the original d in the ablative ; and, for the second, the phrases a parte dextra, ON the right. ; quam ob causam, FROM which cause; ad famam, AT (in consequence of) the report. The relative of FROM includes separation, source, cause, agent, and comparison ; that of IN or AT, place, time, circumstance ; that of WITH or BY, accompaniment, instrunient, means, manner, quality, and price. It is probable that, originally, the idea of accompaniment had a separate case, which became confounded with the instrumental before the Latin was separated from the kindred tongues. 54: I.] ABLATIVE. 135 1. Ablative of Separation* Verbs meaning to remove, set free, be absent) deprive, and want, are followed by the ablative : as, levamur superstitione, liberamur mortis metu (Fin. i. 19), ive are relieved from superstition^ freed from fear of death. oculis se privavit (id. v. 29), he deprived himself of eyes. consilio et auctoritate orbari (Cat. M. 6), to be bereft of counsel and authority. legibus solutus, relieved from the obligation oflarvs. ea philosophia quse spoliat nos judicio, privat approbatione, omnibus orbat sensibus (Acad. ii. 19), that philosophy 'which despoils us of judgment ', deprives of approval, bereaves of every sense. omni Gallia interdicit Romanos (B. G. i. 46), he [Ariovistus] bars the Romans from the 'whole of Gaul. ei aqua et igni interdicitur (Vail. Pat. ii. 45), he is debarred the use oj fire and 'water. [cives] calamitate prohibere (Manil. 7), to keep the citizens from ruin. carere febri (Fam. xvi. 16), to be free from fever. voluptatibus carere (Cat. M. 3), to lack enjoyments. non egeo medicina (Lsel. 3), I want no physic. magno me metu liberabis (Cat. i. 5), you will relieve me of great fear. Ephorus calcaribus eget (Quint.), Ephorus needs the spur. a. Compounds of a, ab, de, ex, take the ablative when used figuratively ; but in their literal meaning, implying motion, they usually follow the rules of place from which (see 55, 3) : as, conatu desistere (B. G. i. 8), to desist from the attempt. exsolvere se occupationibus (Fam. vii. i), to get clear of occu- pation. prius quam ea cura decederet patribus (Liv. ix. 29), before that anxiety left the fathers. desine communibus locis (Ac. ii. 25), quit commonplaces. abire magistratu, to leave the office. abscedere incepto, to relinquish the undertaking. abstinere injuria, to refrain from 'wrong: exire aere alieno, to get out of debt. b. More rarely, the ablative is used after verbs without a prep- osition to denote the place from which : as, cessisset patria (Mil. 25), he -would have left his country. loco movere (Liv. i. 35), to move from its place. patria pellere, to drive out of the country. Gallia arcere (Phil. v. 13), to keep out of Gaul. manu mittere, to emancipate [let go from the hand]. 136 CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. [54: I, 2. c. Adjectives denoting freedom and want are followed by the ablative : as, liber cura et angore (Fin. i. 15), free from care and anguish. vacuos curis (ib. ii. 14), void of care. urbs nuda prsesidio (Att. vii. 13), the city naked of defence. immunis militia (Liv. i. 43), free of military service. plebs orba tribunis (Leg. iii. 3), the people deprived of tribunes. d. Opus and usus signifying need (with esse) are followed by the ablative (often by the ablative of the perfect participle, with or without a noun) : as, magistratibus opus est (Leg. iii. 2), there is need of magistrates. curatore usus est (id. 4, chiefly ante-classical), there is need of a manager. properato opus esset (Mil. 19), there were need of haste. ut opu'st facto (Ter. Heaut.), as there is need to do. REMARK. The nominative is often used with opus in the predicate : as, multi opus sunt boves (Varro R. R. i. 18), there is need of many cattle. dux nobis et auctor opus est (Fam. ii. 6), we need a chief and adviser. e. Egeo and indigeo are often followed by the genitive : as, ne quis auxili egeat (B. G. vi. n), lest any require aid. qua? ad consolandum majoris ingeni et ad ferendum singularis virtutis indigent (Fam. vi. 4), [sorrows] which for comfort need more ability, and for endurance unusual courage. REMARK. With all words of separation and want, the poets frequently, by a Greek idiom, use the genitive (see 50, 3, c) : as, desine mollium tandem querelarum (Hor. Od. ii. 9), cease at length from weak complaints. abstineto irarum (id. iii. 27), abstain from wrath. operum solutis (id. 17), free from toils. 2. Ablative of Source* The ablative is used to denote the source from which anything is derived, or the material of which it consists. a. Participles denoting birth or origin are followed by the > ablative. Such participles are natus, satus, editus, genitusf ortus : as, Jove natus et Maia (N. D. iii. 22), son of Jupiter and Maia. ortus equestri loco (Leg. Agr. i. 9), born of equestrian rank. edite regibus (Hor. Od. i. i), descendant of kings. quo sanguine cretus (^En. ii. 74), born of what blood. 54: 2, 3-] ABLATIVE. 137 REMARK. A preposition (ab, de, ex) is usually expressed with the name of the mother, and with that of distant ancestors. b. Rarely, the place of birth is expressed by the ablative : as, desideravit C. Felginatem Placentia, A. Granium Puteolis (B. C. iii. 71), he lost C. F. of Placentia, A. G. of Puteoli. C. The ablative is used with constare and similar verbs, to denote material (but with other verbs a preposition is generally used, except by the poets) : as, animo constamus et corpore (Fin. iv. 8), ive consist of soul and body. NOTE. The ablative with consistere and contineri is locative (see below, 10). d. The ablative of material is used with facere, fieri, and similar words: as, quid hoc homine facias (Verr. ii. 16), What are you going to do tvitk this man ? quid Tulliola mea fiet (Fam. xiv. 4), ivhat -will become of my dear Tullia ? quid te futurum est (Verr. ii. 64), what -will happen to you ? 3. Ablative of Cause. The ablative (with or without a preposition) is used to express the cause. NOTE. The cause, in the Ablative, is considered as source , as is shown by the use of ab, de, ex ; while with ad, ob, the idea of cause arises from nearness. But occasionally it is difficult to distinguish be- tween cause and means (which is instrumental) or circumstance (either locative or instrumental). nimio gaudio paene desipiebam (Fam. i. 13), I -was almost a fool -with excess of joy. negligentia plectimur (Lsel. 22), -we are chastised for negligence. csecus avaritia (Liv. v. 51), blind -with avarice. gubernatoris ars utilitate non arte laudatur (Fam. i. 13), tlie pilofs skill is praised as service not as skill. a. The ablative is used with the adjectives dignus, indignus, and with the verbs dignor, laboro (also with ex), exsilio, exsulto, triumpho, lacrimo, ardeo. vir patre, avo, majoribus suis dignissimus (Phil. iii. 10), a man most /worthy of his father, grandfather, and ancestors. doleo te aliis malis laborare (Fam. iv. 3), I am sorry that you suffer with other ills. ex aere alieno laborare (B. C. iii. 22), to labor under debt. exsultare lEetiti& ac triumphare gaudio coepit (Clu. 5), she began to exult in gladness, and triumph in joy. 138 CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. [54: 3, 4> 5- & The motive which influences the mind of the person acting is expressed by the ablative alone ; the object exciting the emotion often by ob or propter with the accusative : as, non ob praedam aut spoliandi cupidine (Tac. H. i. 63), not for booty or through lust of plunder. c. The ablatives causa and gratia, for the sake of, are used with a genitive preceding, or with a possessive in agreement : as, ea causa, on account of this] me& causa, for my sake. et ipsorum et reipublicae causa (Manil. 2), for their own sake and the republic's. sui purgandi gratia, for the sake of clearing themselves. With possessives the use of gratia in this sense is rare. .4. Ablative of Agent* The voluntary agent after a pas- sive verb is put in the ablative with ab (see 56, 4) : as, laudatur ab his, culpatur ab illis (Hor. Sat. i. 2), he is praised by these, blamed by those. ab animo tuo quidquid agitur id agitur a te (Tusc.i. 22), what- ever is done by your soul is done by yourself. a. This construction is sometimes used after neuter verbs hav- ing a passive sense : as, perire ab hoste, to be slain by an enemy. 6. The agent, considered as instrument or means, is expressed by per with the accusative, or by opera with a genitive or posses- sive : as, per Antiochum (Liv.), by means of Antiochus. mea opera (Cic.), by my means. So per vim, as well as vi (B. G. i. 14), by force. 5. Ablative of Comparison. The Comparative degree is followed by the ablative (signifying THAN) : as, quis me beatior (Tusc. i. 4), 'who more blest than If quid nobis duobus laboriosius est (Mil. 2), -what more burdened than uue two f NOTE. Here the object of comparison is the starting-point from which we reckon, as itself possessing the quality in some degree. That this is the true explanation is shown by the ablative in Sanskrit, and the genitive in Greek. a. Quam with the same case as the adjective may also be used, and must regularly be used when the adjective is not either nomi- native or accusative. But the poets sometimes use the ablative even then : as, 54: 5, 6.] ABLATIVE. 139 pane egeo jam mellitis potiore placentis (Hor. Ep. i. 10), I -want bread better than honey-cakes. REMARK. Quam is never used in this construction with rela- tive pronouns having a definite antecedent. & Particularly the idiomatic ablatives opinione, spe, solito, dicto, aequo, credibili, and justo, are used instead of a clause : as, celerius opinione (Fam. iv. 23), faster than one would think. amnis solito citatior (Liv. xxii. 19), a stream swifter than its wont. Plus, minus, amplius, longius, are often used with words of measure or numbe'r without affecting their case (being in a kind of apposition) : as, * *"' '^ ^^U^ plus septingenti capti (Liv. xli. 12), more than 700 were taken. plus tertia parte interfecta (Cses.), more than a third part being slain. spatium non amplius sexcentorum pedum (id.), a space of not more than 600 feet. NOTE. Alius is used by the poets with the ablative, perhaps in imitation of the Greek ; but the construction is found also in Sanskrit, and is probably original : as, alium sapienti bonoque (Hor. Ep. i. 16). Under comparatives belong the adverbs antea, antidea, postilla, postea, praeterea, earlier than this, &c. (see 56, 3). [For Ablative of Difference, see below, 6, e.~\ 6. Ablative of Means. The ablative is used to denote accompaniment, means, or instrument : as, vultu Milonis perterritus (Mil. 15), scared by the face of Milo. animum appellat novo nomine (Tusc. i. 10), he calls the mind by a new name. probabilia conjectura sequens (id. 9), following- probabilities by conjecture. excultus doctrina (id. 2), thoroughly trained in learning. fidibus canere (id.), to sing to the lyre. Fauno immolare agn& (Hor. Od. i. 4), to sacrifice to Faunus with a ewe-lamb. pol pudere quam pigere przestat totidem literis (Plant. Trin. 345), by Pollux better shame than blame, although the letters count the same [lit. with as many letters]. a. The ablative of accompaniment regularly takes cum (except sometimes in military phrases, and a few isolated expressions, especially in the early writers) : as, cum funditoribus sagittariisque flumen transgressi (B. G. ii. 19), having crossed the river with the slingers and archers. subsequebatur omnibus copiis (ib.), ne followed close with all his forces. [out. \ hoc prsesidio profectus est (Verr. ii. 34), with this convoy he set 140 CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. [54: 6. REMARK. Misceo and jungo, with their compounds, may take the ablative of accompaniment, without cum, or sometimes the dative. &. Words of contention, require cum (but often take the dative in poetry) : as, armis cum hoste certare (Cic.), to fight -with the enemy in arms. est rnihi tecum certamen (id.), I have a controversy with you. solus tibicertat Amyntas (Eel. v.},Amyntas alone vies with you. c. The ablative of means is used with words of filling, abound- ing, and the like : as, Deus bonis omnibus explevit mundum (Univ. 3), God has filled the world ^vith all good things. dialecticis imbutus (Tusc. i. 7), tinctured with logic. circumfusi caligine (id. 19), overspread with darkness. opimus prseda (Verr. i. 50), rich with spoil. vita plena et conferta voluptatibus (Sext. 10), a life full and crowded with delights. Forum Appi differtum nautis (Hor. Sat. i. 5), Fortim Appii crammed with bargemen. REMARK. These verbs and adjectives take the genitive in the poets by a Greek idiom : as, terra scatet ferarum (Lucr. v. 41), the land abounds in wild creatures. explere ultricis flammse (^En. ii. 586), fill with avenging flame. Compleo, impleo, and plenus, often take the genitive in prose. d* The deponents utor, fruor, fungor, potior, vescor, with several of their compounds, govern the ablative : as, utar vestra benignitate (Cic.), / will avail myself of your kindness. Numidae plerumque lacte et ferin&carne vescebantur (Jug. 88), the Numidiansfed mostly on milk and game. Potior also takes the genitive, as always in the phrase potiri rerum, to get the power. In early Latin, the accusative is sometimes found with these verbs. e. The ablative is used with comparatives and words implying comparison, to denote the degree of difference : as, duobus milibus plures, more numerous by 2000. quinque milibus passuum distat (Liv.), it is five miles distant. REMARKS. This use is especially frequent with the ablatives eo . . . quo ; quanto . . . tanto (see 22, c) : as, quo minus cupiditatis eo plus auctoritatis (Liv. xxiv. 28), the less greed the more weight. 54: 7, 8.] ABLATIVE. 141 *7. Ablative of Quality. The ablative is used, with an adjective or limiting genitive, to denote manner and quality: as, animo meliore, of better mind. more hominum, after the manner of men. non quaere quanta memoria fuisse dicatur (Tusc. i. 24), I do not ask how great a memory he is said to have had. O The ablative of description (with adjectives) is always used to denote physical characteristics (other qualities may be in the genitive) : as, vultu sereno, of calm face. capillo sunt promisso (B. G. v. 14), they have long hanging locks. b* The ablative of manner more commonly takes cum, unless it has a modifying adjective : as, minus cum cura (Plaut.), less carefully. hoc onus feram studio et industria (Rose. Am. 4), I 'will bear this burden with pains and diligence. But words of manner, modo, ratione, via, &c. with such ex- pressions as silentio, in silence, injuria, wrongfully hardly ever have cum. 8. Ablative of Price. The price of a thing (or that which is given in exchange) is put in the ablative : as, agrum vendidit sestertium sex milibus, he sold the field for 6000 sesterces. exsilium patria sede mutavit (Q^C. iii. 8), he exchanged his native land for exile. a* Certain genitives of Quantity are used to denote indefinite value. Such genitives are magiii, parvi, tanti, quanti, pluris, minoris: as, est mihi tanti (Cat. ii- 7), // is worth my -while. mea magni interest, it is of great consequence to me. REMARK. With verbs of buying and selling, the ablative of price (magno, &c.) must be used, except the following genitives : tanti, quanti, pluris, minoris. & The genitive of certain nouns is used in the same way : as, non flocci faciunt (PI. Trin.), they care not a straw. The genitives so used are nihili, nothing ; assis, a farthing ; flocci, a lock of wool, and a few others (see 50, i, i). [For the Ablative of Penalty, see 50, 4, b, Rem.] 142 CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. [54: 9, Ip. 9. Ablative of Specification. The ablative denotes that in respect to which anything is said to be or be done, or in accordance with which anything happens : as, virtute praecedunt (B. G. i. i), they excel in courage. incluta bello mcenia (^En. ii. 24), ^v alls famous in -war. claudus altero pede (Nep. Ages.), lame of one foot. lingua hsesitantes, voce absoni (DeOr. i.), hesitating in speech, harsh in voice. tanta caritas patriae est, ut earn non sensu nostro sed salute ipsius metiamur (Tusc. i. 37), such is our love of country, that we measure it not by our own feeling^ but by her oivn welfare. 10. Locative Ablative. The ablative of the- place where is retained in many figurative expressions : as, jure peritus, skilled in law [compare Sanskrit usages]. pendemus animis (Tusc. i. 40), we are in suspense of mind. socius periculis vobiscum adero (Jug. 85), I -will be present with you a companion in dangers. premit alto corde dolorem (JEn. i. 209), he keeps down the pain deep in his heart. conferta. legione (B. G. iv. 33), as they were in close order. pedibus prceliantur (id. 34), they jight on foot. quibus rebus (id. 35), under these circumstances. d* The verbs acquiesce, delector, laetor, gaudeo, glorior, nitor, sto, maneo, fido (confido), consisto, contiiieor, with the verbals fretus, contentus, laetus, are followed by the ablative : as, spe niti (Att. iii. 9), to rely on hope. prudentia fidens (Off. i. 33), trusting in prudence. Isetari bonis rebus (Lsel. 13), to rejoice in good things. REMARK. The above verbs also take the preposition in. &. Ablative Absolute. A noun or pronoun, with a parti- ciple, is put in the ablative, to define the time or circumstances of an action (compare 72). An adjective, or another noun, may take the place of the participle. vocatis ad se undique mercatoribus (B. G. iv. 20), having called to him the traders from all quarters. exigud parte aestatis reliqua (id.), when but a small part of the summer was left. M. Messal& et M. Pisone consulibus (id. i. 2), in the consulship of Messala and Piso. NOTE. In this use the noun is equivalent to the Subject, and the participle to the Predicate, of a subordinate clause ; and so they should 54: 10 ; 55.] TIME AND PLACE. 143 generally be translated. But, as the copula esse has no participle in Latin, a noun or adjective is often found alone as predicate, while the participle is found, in this construction, in Sanskrit and Greek. The noun originally denotes circumstance, considered as place or time (loca- tive) ; then, being modified by a participle, it becomes fused with it into a single idea, equivalent to that contained in a subordinate clause (compare ab urbe coiidita, lit, from the city built). Sometimes a participle or adjective (under the construction of the ablative absolute) is put in agreement with a phrase or clause, or is used adverbially : as, incerto quid peterent, since it was uncertain what they sought. auspicate (Tac. H. i. 84), after taking the auspices [the auspices having been taken], consulto et cogitato (Off i. 8), on purpose and with reflection [the matter having been deliberated and thought on], sereno (Liv. xxxi. 12), under a clear sky. d* The ablative is often used to denote the place where, of*the time when (see 55, i ; 3,./). [For the government of the Ablative by Prepositions, see 56.] 55. TIME AND PLACE. 1. Time. Time when (or within which) is put in the Ablative ; time how long the Accusative : as, constituta die, on the set day. quota bora ? at -what o'clock ? tribus proxumis annis (Jug. n), within the last three years. dies continues triginta, for a month together. paucis post diebus (or paucos post dies), after a few days. [Here diebus is the ablative of difference ( 54, 6, e), and post an adverb ( 56, 2, d}.~\ NOTE. The ablative of time is locative ; the accusative is the same as that of extent of space (see below), heri vespari). (t The use of a preposition gives greater precision and clear- ness : as, in diebus proximis decem (Sail.), ^vithin the next ten days. ' ludi per decem dies (Cat. iii. 8), games lasting ten days. b. The ablative is rarely used to express duration of time : as, milites quinque horis proelium sustinuerant (B. C. i. 47), the men had sustained the fight five hours. [This use is locative.] 144 CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. [55: 2, 3. 2. Space. Extent of space is put in the Accusative : as, fossas quindecim pedes latas (B. G. vii. 72), trenches 13 feet broad. NOTE. This accusative is the object through or over which the action takes place, and is kindred with the accusative of the end of motion . a. Measure is often expressed as a quality by the Genitive ( 50, i, h) : as, vallo peduni duodecim (B. G. ii. 30), in a rampart of 12 feet [in height]. b. Distance is put in the Accusative (as extent of space), or Ablative (as degree of difference) : as, quinque dierum iter abest (Liv. xxx. 29), it is distant Jive days' march. triginta milibus passuum infra eum locum (B., thirty miles below that place- tanto spatio secuti (B. G. iv. 35), having followed over so much ground. 3. Place. To express relations of Place, prepositions are necessary, except with the names of Towns and small Islands ; except also with domus, rus, and a tew other words in special relations. NOTE. Originally these relations were expressed with all words by the cases alone, the Accusative denoting the end of motion as in a certain sense the object of the action ; and the Ablative (in its proper meaning of separation) denoting the place from which. For the place where there was a special case, the Locative, the form of which was partially retained and partially merged in the Ablative (see Note, p. 134). The Prepositions (originally Adverbs) were added to define more exactly the direction of the motion, and by long usage at length became necessary, except in the cases given above. ct* The name of the place from which is in the Ablative : as, Rom profectus, having set out from Rome. rure re versus, having returned from the country. b. The name of the place to which is in the Accusative : as, Rom am red i it, he returned to Rome. rus ibo, I shall go into the country. REMARK. The old construction is retained in the phrases exsequias ire, to attend a funeral:! infitias ire, to make denial; pessum ire, to go to ruin ; pessum dare, to undo ; venum dare (vendere), to set to sale ; venum ire, to be set to sale; foras, out of doors ; and the Supine in urn (see 74, i). 55 : 3, 4-] TIME AND PLACE. 145 c. The name of the place where takes the Locative form, which in the first and second declensions singular is the same as the genitive ; in the plural, and in the third declension, the same as the dative: as, Romae, at Rome; Corinthi, at Corinth ; Lanuvi, at Lanuvium ; Karthagini, at Carthage; Athenis, at Athens; Curibus, at Cures. REMARK. In names of the third declension the ablative is often found, especially where the metre requires it in poetry : as, Tibure vel Gabiis (Hor. Ep. ii. 2), at Tibur or Galii. d. The words domi (rarely domui) , at home ; belli, militiae (in contrast to domi) , abroad in military service ; humi, on the ground; ruri, in the country ; foris, out-of-doors; terra marique, by land and sea, are used like names of towns, without a prep- osition; alsoheri, vesperi, infelici arbori (Liv.). e. A possessive, or alienus, may be used with domus in this construction ; but when it is modified in any other way, a preposi- tion is generally used : as, domi suse (Mil. 7), at his own house. in M. Laecae domum (Cat. i. 4), to Lcecd's house. f. The ablative is used without a preposition to denote the place where, in many general words as loco, parte regu- larly; frequently with nouns when qualified by adjectives (reg- ularly where totus is used) ; and in poetry in any case: as, quibus loco positis (De Or. iii. 38), when these aye put in their places. qua parte victi erant (Att. ix. n), on the side where they were beaten. se oppido tenet (id.), keeps himself within the town. media urbe (Liv. i. 33), in the midst of the city. tota Sicilia (Verr. iv. 23), throughout Sicily. litore curvo (^En. iii. 16), on the bending shore. REMARK. To denote the neighborhood of a place (to, from, in the neighborhood), prepositions must be used. 4. The way by which is put in the Ablative (of instru- ment) : as, via breviore equites praemisi (Fam. x. 9), / sent forward f he cavalry by a shorter road. mari trajecit (Liv. xxxvii. 14), he crossed by way of the 146 CONSTRUCTION OF CASES. [56: I. 56. USB OP PREPOSITIONS. 1. Prepositions govern either the Accusative or Ablative. a. The following govern the Accusative : ad, adversus, ad- versum, ante, apud, circa, or circum, circiter, cis, citra, con- tra, erga, extra, infra, inter, iiitra, juxta, ob, penes, per, pone, post, praeter, prope, propter, secundum, supra, trans, ultra, versus. b. The following govern the Ablative : a, ab, abs, absque, coram, cum, de, e, ex, prae, pro, sine, tenus. c In and sub take the Accusative when they denote motion ; when rest, the Ablative : as; in contionem venit (Off. iii. n), he came into the meeting. dixit in contione (ib.), he said in the meeting. sub jugum mittere (Cses.), to send under the yoke. sub mbnte consedit (id.), he halted below the hill. REMARK. The verbs of placing, such as pono and its com- pounds (except impono), loco, statuo, &c., though implying motion, take in Latin the construction of the place in which : as, qui in sede ac domo collocavit (Parad. iii. 2), who put one into his place and home. d. When it means concerning, super takes the Ablative ; other- wise the Accusative (unless in poetry) : as, hac super re (Cic.), concerning this thing. super culmina tecti (Virg.), above the house-top. e. After subter, the Accusative is used, except sometimes in poetry : as, subter togam (Liv.), under his mantle. subter litore (Catull.), below the shore, f. In Dates, the phrase ante diem (a. d.) with an ordinal, or the ordinal alone, is followed by an accusative, like a preposi- tion ; and the phrase itself may be governed by a preposition : as, is dies erat a.d. quintum kalendas AprilTs (B. G. i. 6), that day -was the $th before the calends of April [March 28]. in a.d. v. kal. Nov. (Cat. i. 3), to the $th day before the calends of November [Oct. 28]. xv. kal. SextilTs, the i$th day before the calends of August (July 18). [Full form, quinto die ante.'} g. Tenus (which follows its noun) regularly takes the Abla- tive : as, Tauro tenus (Mil. 13), as far as Taurus. capulo tenus (JEn. v. 55), up to the hilt. 56: I, 2, 3, 4.] PREPOSITIONS. 147 REMARK. Terms is found especially with the feminine of the adjective pronouns, in an adverbial sense : as, hactenus, hitherto ; quatenus, so far as, &c. Sometimes it takes the Genitive : as, Corcyrse tenus (Liv. xxv. 24), as far as Corcyra. 2. Many words may be construed either as Prepositions or as Adverbs : thus a. The adverbs pridie, postridie, propius, proxime, usque also (less frequently) the adjectives propior aod proximus may be followed by the Accusative : as, pridie Nonas Junias (Cic.), the day before the Nones of June (June 4). postridie ludos (id.), the day after the games. b. The adverbs palam, procul, simul, may take the Abla- tive : as, palam populo (Liv.), in the presence of the people. C. The adverb clam may take either case (very rare) : as, clam matrem' suam (Plaut), unbeknown to the mother. clam mini (id.), 1 in secret from me. clam vobis (Caes.), without your knowledge. d. Prepositions often retain their original meaning as Adverbs. This is especially the case with ante and post, in relations of time ; adversus, contra (on the other hand) , circiter, prope, and, in general, those ending in a. Clam and versus are often ex- cluded from the list of Prepositions. [For the use of prepositions in Composition, see 42, 3.] 3. Some prepositions or adverbs which imply comparison are followed, like comparatives, by quam, several words, or even clauses, sometimes coming between : as, neque ante dimisit eum quam fidem dedit (Liv. xxxix. 10), nor did he let him go until he gave a pledge. Such words are ante, prius, post, pridie, postridie. 4. The ablative, with a or ab, is regularly used after pas- sive verbs to denote the Agent, if a person, or if spoken of as a person ( 54, 4) : as, jussus a patre, bidden by his father. 148 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [57: I, 2. REMARK. The ablative of the agent (which requires the prep- osition) must be carefully distinguished from the ablative of instrument, which stands by itself: as, occisus gladio, slain by a sword ; but, occisus ab hoste, slain by an enemy. 5. The following prepositions sometimes follow their noun : ad, citra, circa, contra, inter, penes, propter, ultra, tenus ; e, de, juxta. [For the so-called Dative of the Agent, with the Gerundive, see 51, 4, .] . III. Syntax of the Verb. 57. USE OF MOODS. (See 24.) The MOODS of a Latin Verb are the Indicative, Subjunctive, Imperative, and Infinitive. NOTE. The Infinitive is not strictly a mood, being only the oblique case of a noun ; but it is most conveniently treated along with the moods. 1. Indicative. The Indicative is the mood of direct assertions or questions ; and is used when no special construc- tion requires one of the others. 2, Subjunctive. The Subjunctive is used in special con- structions, both in dependent and independent clauses, viz.: a. Independent Clauses. ! In independent clauses, the subjunctive is used to denote an Exhortation or Command (Jior- tatory subjunctive) ; a Wish (optative subjunctive) ; a Concession (concessive subjunctive) ; or a Doubtful Q.uestion (dubitative subjunctive). 2. It is also used to denote the conclusion of a Conditional sentence (apodosis), which is, grammatically, an independent clause, though logically depending on a condition expressed or implied (see 59, 60). 6. Dependent Clauses. In dependent clauses, the subjunc- tive is used to denote a Purpose ( 64), or a Result ( 65). It x 57:2,3-] USE OF MOODS: SUBJUNCTIVE. 149 is used, idiomatically, in Temporal Clauses ( 62), in Indirect Discourse ( 67), in Indirect Questions (id.), and in Intermediate Clauses ( 66). [For Subjunctive after Particles of Comparison, see 61.] [For the so-called Subjunctive of Cause, see 63.] NOTE. The Present Subjunctive contains two distinct forms, the Subjunctive and Optative of the " Indo-European" tongue. Both these forms had originally a future meaning ; and from these future meanings all the uses of this mood in Latin are developed. The subjunctive proper was originally a Present, denoting continued action, which became Future in sense (compare conative present and present for future, 58, 2, b) ; and afterwards, in many uses, Imperative (com- pare future for imperative). The optative contains, in composition, a past tense of the root i (whence eo, elui, go) ; so that it had Sifuturum in prceterito meaning, which developed into a conditional future, and into an expressive of wish and command', and, in Latin, lost its connection with past time. The other tenses of the Subjunctive are compounds formed (in Latin alone) to remedy the confusion of optative and subjunctive. Tiie Subjunctive has, therefore, the uses of both the optative and subjunctive of the cognate languages. 3. Hortatory Subjunctive. The subjunctive is used in the Present less commonly in the Perfect to express a command or exhortation : as, hos latrones intern* ciamus (B. G. vii. 38), let us kill these robbers. aut bibat aut abeat (Tusc. v. 41), let him quaff or quit. caveant intemperantiam, meminerint verecundiae (Off. i. 34), let them shun excess and cherish modesty. Epicurus hoc viderit (Acad. ii. 7), let Epicurus look to this. his quoque de rebus pauca dican'tur (Off. i. 35), of this, too, let a few words be said. NOTE. The Perfect represents an action as complete in the future; but in most cases it can hardly be distinguished from the Present. ct. The Second Person is used only of an indefinite subject, except in prohibition, in early Latin, and in poetry : as, injurias fortunse, quas ferre nequeas, defugiendo relinquas (Tusc. v. 41), the -wrongs of fortune, wJiich you cannot bear, you will leave behind by flight. nihil ignoveris (Mur. 31), pardon nothing. amicus populo Romano sis (Liv. xxvi. 50), be a friend to the Roman people. 150 ' SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [57: 3,4. b. In prohibitions , the Perfect is more common than the Pres- ent: as, hoc facito : hoc ne feceris (Div. ii. 61), thou shall do this : thou shalt not do that. nee mihi illud dixeris (Fin. i. 7), do not say that to me. ne territus fueris (Tac. H. i. 16), be not terrified. c. The hortatory subjunctive is used sometimes with modo, modo ne, tantum, tantum ne, or ne alone to denote 'a pro- viso : as, valetudo modo bona sit (Brut. 16), if only the health be good. aliam condicionem tantummodo sequam (Jug. 79), another condition, provided it 'were just. modo ne sit ex pecudum genere (Off. i. 30), provided only he be not of brutish stock. tantummodo Gnaeus noster ne Italian! relinquat (Qj.F. iii. 9), if only Pompey 'will not forsake Italy. manent ingenia senibus, modo permaneat studium et industria (Cat. M. 7), old men retain their mind if they only retain their zeal and diligence. d. The Imperfect and Pluperfect of the hortatory subjunc- tive denote an obligation in past time, the latter more clearly representing the time for the action as past : as, moreretur, inquies (Rab. Post.), he should have died you 'will say. ne poposcisses (Att. ii. i), you should not have asked. potius diceret (Off. iii. 22), he should rather have said. saltern aliquid de pondere detraxisset (Fin. iv. 20), at least he should have taken something from the 'weight. 4. Optative Subjunctive. The subjunctive is used to denote a Wish, the Present, a wish conceived as possible ; the Imperfect, an unaccomplished one in the present; the Pluperfect, one unaccomplished in the past : as, ita vivam (Att. v. 15), so may I live [as true as I live]. ne vivam si scio (id. iv. 16), I 'wish I may not live if I know. di te perduint (Deiot.), the gods confound thee ! valeant, valeant, cives mei ; valeant, sint incolumes (Mil. 34), farewell [he says], my fellow-citizens ; may they be secure from harm. a. The Perfect in this use is antiquated : as, male di tibi faxint (Plaut. Cure. 131), may the gods do thee a mischief. 57 : 4> 5-] USE OP MOODS: SUBJUNCTIVE. 151 b. The particles uti (ut), utinam, O si, often precede the Subjunctive of wish : as, falsus utinam vates sim (Liv. xxi.), I wish I may be a false prophet. ut pereat positum rubigine telum (Hor. Sat. ii. i), may the un- used 'weapon perish 'with rust. utinam me mortuum vidisses (Q^Fr. i. 3), would you had seen me dead. NOTE. In this use, the particle has no effect on the grammatical construction, except that O si is probably a Protasis. c. Velim with the present subjunctive, and vellem with the imperfect or pluperfect with their compounds (strictly, con- ditional sentences with the wish in a dependent clause) are often used instead of a proper optative subjunctive : as, de Menedemo vellem verum fuisset, de regina velim verum sit (Att. iv. 16), about Mendemus I wish it had been truej about the queen I hope it may be. nollem accidisset tempus (Fam. iii. 10), I wish the time never had come. 5. Concessive Subjunctive. The subjunctive is used to express a concession, either with or without ut, guamvis, quamlibet, and similar words. REMARK. In this use, the Present refers to future or indefinite time ; the Imperfect to present or past time, the concession being impliedly untrue ; the Perfect to past time or completed future time ; the Pluperfect to completed action in past time (usually untrue) : as, nemo is unquam fuit : ne fuerit (Or. 29), there never was such a one you 'will say : granted. quamvis comis in amicitiis tuendis fuerit (Fin. ii. 25), amiable as he may have been in keeping his friendships. sit Scipio clarus, ornetur African us, erit profecto aliquid loci nostrae (Cat. iv. 10), let Scipio be glorious, and Africanus honored, yet surely there 'will be some room for our fame. dixerit hoc idem Epicurus . . . non pugnem cum nomine (Fin. v. 27), though Epicurus may have said the same, I would not contend %vith the man. ne sit summum malum dolor, malum certe est (Tusc. ii. 5), granted that pain is not the greatest evil, at least it is an evil. fuerit aliis : tibi quando esse coepit (Verr. i. 4r), suppose he was [so] to others, when did he begin to be to you ? 152 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [57: 6, J. 6. The Present, and rarely the Perfect Subjunctive, are used in questions implying doubt, indignation, or an impossi- bility of the thing being done (dubitative subjunctive) : as, sed quid faciamus (Att. viii. 23), but what can we do ? quid loquar plura (Pis. 32), -why should I say more f quid hoc homine faciatis (Verr. ii. 16), what are you to do with this fellow f cui ego exspectem dum tabellae diribeantur (Pis. 40), what, shall I wait till the ballots are counted f quis enim celaverit ignem (Ov. Her. xv. 7), who could conceal the flame ? The Imperfect denotes the same idea in past time : as, an ego non venirem (Phil. ii. 2), what, should I not have come ? quid dicerem (Att. vi. 3), what was I to say? 7. Imperative. The Imperative is used in Commands ; also, by early writers and poets, in Prohibitions : as, consulite vobis, prospicite patrise, conservate vos (Cat. iv. 2), have care for yourselves, guard the country, preserve your- selves, [much. nimiurn ne crede colori (Eel. ii. 17), trust not complexion over- ad me fac venias (Fam. xiv. 4), do come to me. d. Prohibitions are regularly (in classical Latin) expressed by ne with the second person singular of the Perfect Subjunctive ; by noli with the Infinitive ; or by cave (colloquially fac ne) with the Present or Perfect Subjunctive : as, ne territus fueris (Tac. H. i. 16), be not frightened. noli putare (Brut. 33), do not suppose. cave faxis (Ter. Heaut. 187), do not do it. fac ne quid aliud cures (Fam. xvi. n), pray attend to nothing else. b. In early Latin, in poetry, and in general prohibitions, the Present Subjunctive is also used : as, Albi ne doleas (Hor. Od. i. 33), grieve not, Albius. denique isto bono utare dum adsit : cum absit ne requiras (Cat. M 10), in short, use this good while present ; when wanting, do not regret it. REMARK. The third person of the Imperative is antiquated or poetic. ollis salus populi suprema lex esto (id.), the safety of the people shall be their first law- justa imperia sunto, iisque cives modeste parento (Leg. iii. 3), let the commands be just, and let the citizens strictly obey them. 57: 7? 8.] USE OF MOODS: INFINITIVE. 153 The Future Imperative is used where there is a distinct reference to the future time : viz. 1. In connection with a, future or future-perfect ; 2. With adverbs or other expressions of time ; 3. In general directions, as Precepts, Statutes, Edicts, and Wills: as, cum valetudini consulueris, turn consulito navigation! (Fam. xvi. 4), iv hen you have attended to your health, then look to your sailing. rei suse ergo ne quis legatusesto (Leg.), no one shall be ambas- sador in his own affair. REMARK. The future form of the imperative is regularly used of scio, memini, and habeo (in the sense of consider) : as, filiolo me auctum scito (Att. i. 2), learn that I am blessed with a little boy. sic habeto, mi Tiro (Fam. xvi. 4), so understand it, my good Tiro. de palla memento, amabo (PI. Asin.), pray, dear, remember the gown. d. The Future is sometimes used for the imperative ; and quin (why not ?) with the present indicative may have the force of an imperative : as, si quid accident novi, facies ut sciam (Fam. xiv. %), you -will let me know if anything new happens. quin accipis? (Ter. Heaut. iv. 7), here, take it. 8. Infinitive* The Infinitive denotes the action of the verb as an abstract noun, differing, however, from other abstract nouns in the following points: (1) It admits, in many cases, of the distinction of tense ; (2) It is modified by adverbs and not by adjectives ; (3) It governs the case of its verb ; (4) It is only used in special constructions. NOTE. The Infinitive is properly the Dative case of an abstract noun, denoting Purpose, which has developed in Latin, in many cases, into a substitute for a finite verb. Hence the variety of its use. Its Subject is, strictly, the Object of some other verb, which has become attached to it: as, jubeo te valere, lit., 1 command you for being well (i.e. that you may be well) ; just as, in Purpose-clauses, the purpose becomes the object of command (compare Purpose Clauses, 64). a. Infinitive as Subject. The infinitive, with or without a subject accusative, may be used as the Subject of a verb (or in predicate apposition), and, rarely, as the Object : as, 7* 154 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [57: 8. nihil est aliud [hominem] bene et beate vivere. nisi honeste et recte vivere (Parad. i. 6), to live well and happily, is noth- ing else than to live honorably and rightly. invidere non cadit in sapientem (Tusc. iii. 10), envy does not belong to a wise man. est humanitatis vestrae . . . prohibere (Man. 7), it is for your humanity to hold safe, &c. nam istuc ipsum non esse cum fueris miserrirnum puto (Tusc. i. 6), for I think this very thing most wretched, not to be when one has been. In this use, the infinitive is found chiefly with esse and impersonal verbs, rarely with others. b. The infinitive is used with many Impersonal verbs and ex- pressions, partly as subject and partly as complement (see Note below) : as, te abundare oportet praeceptis (Off. i. i), you must abound in maxims. id primum in poetis cerni licet (De Or. iii. 7), this may be seen first in poets. reperiebat quid dici opus esset (Brut. 59), he found what needed to be said. haec praescripta servantem licet magnifice vivere (Off. i. 26), one who observes these precepts may live nobly. proponis quam sit turpe me adesse (Att. ix. 2), you make it clear how base it is for me to be present. c. Complementary Infinitive. The infinitive, without a subject, is used with verbs which require another action of the same subject to complete their meaning. Such are verbs denoting to be able, dare, undertake, remember, forget, be accustomed, begin, continue, cease, hesitate, learn, know how, fear, and the like : as, hoc queo dicere (Cat. M. 10), this I can say. mitto quaerere (Rose. Am ), I omit to ask. [own presence. vereor laudare prsesentem (N. D. i. 21), I fear to praise in ones oro ut matures venire (Att. iv. i), pray make haste to come. NOTE. The mark of this construction is that no Subject of these infinitives is admissible or conceivable ; though the same verbs, in other senses, may take an infinitive with a subject. d. The infinitive is used optionally with many verbs which also take a subjunctive clause ( 70) : such are those signifying willing- ness, necessity, propriety, resolve, command, prohibition, effort, and the like. The subject is usually, though not always, omitted, when it is the same as that of the principal verb : as, quos tueri debent deserunt (Off. i. 9), they forsake those whom they should protect. ^^Atticos volo imitari (Brut. 82), I wish to imitate the Attics. 57: 8.] USE OF MOODS: INFINITIVE. 155 student excellere (Off. i. 32), they aim to excel. istum exheredare in animo habebat (Rose. Am. 18), he had it in mind to deprive him of the inheritance. cupio me esse clementem [= cupio esse clemens] (Cat. i. 2), / desire to be merciful. Some of these verbs jubeo and veto regularly may take the infinitive with another subject : as, signa inferri jubet (Liv. xlii. 59), he orders the standards to be borne forward. NOTE. This construction, though in many cases different from the two preceding, shades off imperceptibly into them. In none of the uses is the infinitive strictly Subject or Object ; but its meaning is developed from the original one of purpose. Hence the distinction between the uses is not always clearly marked. e. With Subject Accusative. The infinitive, with subject accusative, is regularly used after verbs of knowing, thinking, telling, and the like (verba sentiendi et declarandi, 67, i) : as, dicit montem ab hostibus teneri (B. G. i. 22), he says that the hill is held by the enemy. NOTE. The Infinitive may thus represent, in indirect discourse, a finite verb in direct discourse, admitting all the variations of the verb except number and person (see 67). REMARK. 1. With verbs which govern the dative, the subject of the action may be in the dative. With licet regularly, and with others rarely, the predicate may also be in the dative : as, nemini certare cum eo necesse fuit (Liv. xxi. n), there was need for none to strive with him. non libet mi hi deplorare vitam (Cat. M. 23), I have no desire to bewail life. [gent. mihi negligent! esse non licet (Att. i. 17), I must not be negli- non est stantibus omnibus necesse dicere (Marc, n), // is not necessary for all to speak standing. expedit bonas esse vobis (Ter. Heaut. ii. 4), it is for your interest to be good. So with the dativus commodi : as, quid est tarn secundum naturam quam senibus emori (Cat. M. 19), what is so according to nature as for old men to die f 2. When the subject of the infinitive is not expressed, a predi- cate (except after impersonals) takes the case of the subject : as, si esset in iis fides in quibus summa esse debebat (Fam. i. i), if there were faith in those in whom it ought to be greatest. So, by a Greek idiom, even in Indirect Discourse : as, vir bonus et sapiens ait esse paratus (Hor. Ep. i. 7), a good and wise man says he is prepared^ &c. 156 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [57: 8. sensit mecjios delapsus in hostes (^Sn. ii. 377), he found himself fallen amongst the foe. f. In a few cases, the infinitive retains its original meaning of * purpose: viz. 1. With habeo, do, ministro, in isolated passages : as, tantum habeo polliceri (Fam. i. 5), so muck I have to promise. 2. After the adjectives paratus, suetus, and their compounds, id quod parati sunt face re (Quin. 2), which they are ready to do. 3. In poetry and later writers with any verb or adjective : as, durus componere versus (Hor. Sat. i. 4), harsh in composing furit te reperire (Hor. Od. i. 15), he rages to find thee. [verse. cantari dignus (Eel. v. 54), worthy to be sunr. REMARK. Rarely, in poetry, the infinitive is used to denote result. g. The infinitive, with subject-accusative, may be used in Ex- clamations (compare 52, 4) : as, mene incepto desistere victam (^n. i. 37), what ! I desist beaten from my purpose? te in tantas aerumnas propter me incidisse (Fam. xiv. i), alas! * lhat you should fall into such grief for me. NOTE. This construction is elliptical : that is, the thought is quoted in Indirect Discourse, though no verb of Saying, &c., appears, or perhaps is thought of (compare the French dire que). h* Historical Infinitive. The Infinitive is often used for the tenses of the Indicative in narration, and takes a subject in the nominative : as, turn Catilina polliceri novas tabulas (Sail. Cat. 21), then Cati- line promised abolition of debts [clean ledgers]. ego instare ut mihi responderet (Verr. ii. 77), I pressed him to answer. This usage is most frequent where many verbs are crowded together in rapid narrative : as, pars cedere, alii insequi ; neque signa neque ordines servare; ubi quemque periculum ceperat, ibi resistere ac propulsare; arma, tela, equi, viri, hostes atque cives permixti; nihil consilio neque imperio agi ; fors omnia regere (Jug. 51), a part give way, others press on ; they hold neither to stan- dards nor ranks ; where danger overtook, there each would stand and fight ; weapons, missiles, horses, men, foe and friend^ were mixed; nothing went by counsel or command ; chance . ruled all. 58: i,2.] USE OF TENSES: INDICATIVE. 157 58. USE OF TENSES. The TENSES are the Present, Imperfect, Future (of incomplete action), and the Perfect, Pluperfect, Future Perfect (of completed action). 1. Tenses of the Indicative. The tenses of the In- dicative denote absolute time ; that is, present, past, or future, in reference to the Speaker. 2. Present. The Present denotes an action or state, as now existing, as incomplete, or as indefinite witnout reference to time : as, agitur salus sociorum (Manil. 2), the safety of our allies is at stake. Senatus haec intellegit, consul videt, hie tamen vivit (Cat. i. i), the Senate knows this, the consul sees, yet this man lives. nihil est victoria dulcius (Verr. vi. 26), nothing is sweeter than victory. tu actionem instituis, ille aciem instruit (Mur. 9), you arrange a case, he arrays an army. CL. The present, with expressions of duration of time, denotes an action begun in the past but continuing in the present : as, patimur jam multos annos (Verr. vi. 48), we suffer now these . many years. anni sunt octo cum ista causa versatur (Clu. 30), it is now eight years that this case has been in hand. & Conative Present. The present sometimes denotes an action not completed at all, but only attempted : as, Quintus frater Tusculanum venditat (Att. i. 14), my brother Quintus is trying to sell the place at Tusculum. (So the present Infinitive and Participle.) The present, especially in colloquial language, is sometimes used for the future: as, imusne sessum (De Or. iii. 5), shall we take a seat? ecquid me adjuvas? (Clu. 26), won't you give me a little help? in jus voco te. non eo. non is? (PI. As. 480), I summon you to the court. I won't go. You won't ? si reus condemnatur, desinent homines dicere his judiciis pecu- niam plurimum posse (Verr. i. 2), if the prisoner is convicted, men will no longer say that money is the chief power in the courts. (See also under cum, antequam, dum 62.) 158 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [58 I 2, 3. d* Historical Present. The present in lively narrative is often used for the historical perfect : as, affertur nuntius Syracusas ; curritur ad prsetorium ; Cleomenes, quamquam nox erat, tamen in publico esse non audet; includit se domi (Verr. vi. 35), the news is brought to Syra- cuse ; they run to head-quarters; Cleomenes, though it was night, does not venture to be abroad ; he shuts himself up at home. The present is regularly used with dum, while, though re- ferring to past time : as, hsec dum aguntur, interea Cleomenes jam ad Elori litus per- venerat (id)> while this is going on, Cleomenes meanwhile had come down to the coast at Riorum. But when the time referred to is contrasted with some other, the past, tenses must be used : as, nee enim dum eram vobiscum animum meum videbatis (Cat. M. 22), for even when I was with you, you did not see my soul. f. The present is regularly used of writers whose works are extant: as, Epicurus vero ea dicit (Tusc. ii. 7), but Epicurus says such things. apud ilium Ulysses lamentatur in vulnere (id. 21), in him [Sophocles] Ulysses bewails over his wotind. 3. Imperfect. The Imperfect denotes an action or con- dition continued or repeated in past time : as, hunc audiebant antea (Man. 5), they used to hear him before. Socrates ita censebat itaque disseruit (Tusc. i. 30), Socrates thought so [habitually] and so he spoke [then]. C. Duiliurn redeuntem a cen& senem saepe videbam (C.M. 13), I would often see Duilius, then old, coming home from dinner. a. Hence the imperfect is used in descriptions : as, erant omnino itinera duo . . . mons altissimus impendebat (B. G. 16), there were in all two ways . . . a very high moun- tain overhung. & The imperfect is sometimes used in the sense of a pluperfect and imperfect combined (see above, 2, a) : as, copias quas diu comparabant (Fam. i. 13), the forces which they had long been getting ready. c The imperfect sometimes denotes an action merely attempted, ^Jbut never accomplished (compare conative present, 2, 6) : as, 58: 3? 4,5-] USE OF TENSES. 159 in exsilium eiciebam quern jam ingressum esse in bellum vide- bam (Cat. ii. 6), was I sending into exile one who I saw had already gone into war ? consules sedabant tumultus (Liv. iii. 15), the consuls busied themselves to calm the tumult. si licitum esset veniebant (Verr. vi. 49), they were coming if it had been allowed. d. The imperfect is sometimes used to express a certain sur- prise at the present discovery of a fact already existing : as, O tu quoque hie aderas, Phormio (Ter. Ph. v. 6), O, you are here too, Phormio. ehem pater mi, tu hie eras? (PI. id. v. 7), what, you here, father ? ah miser! quanta laborabas Charybdi (Hor. Od. i. 27), unhappy boy, what a whirlpool you are struggling in [and I never knew it]. e. The imperfect is often used in narration by the comic poets, where later writers would employ the perfect: as, ad amicum Calliclem quoi rem aibat mandasse hie suam (Trin. 956), to his friend Callicles, to whom, he said, he had intrusted his property. praesagibat animus frustra me ire quom exibam domo (Aul. 222), my mind mistrusted when I went from home that I went in vain. The Imperfect Indicative in Apodosis, contrary to fact, regularly refers to present time (see 59, 3, d). 4. Future. The Future denotes an action or condition bat will occur hereafter. [For Future instead of the Imperative, see 57, 7, d.~\ 5. Perfect. The Perfect definite denotes an action as now completed ; the Perfect historical, as having taken place indefinitely, in past time : as, ? ut ego feci, qui Grsecas litteras senex didici (C. M. 8), as I have done, who have learned Greek in my old age. , tantum bellum extrema hieme apparavit, infeunte vere suscepit, media aestate confecit (Man. 12), so great a war he made ready for at the end of winter, undertook in early spring, and finished by midsummer. ' [For the difference between the Perfect and Imperfect in nor- Ration, see Note, page 53.] - 160 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [58: 5,6. a. The perfect is sometimes used emphatically to denote that something no longer exists : as, fuit ista quondam in hac re publica virtus (Cat. i. i), there -was once such virtue in this commonwealth. fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium (yEn. ii. 325), we were Trojans, Ilium did exist. habuit, non habet (Tusc. i. 36), he had, he has no longer. b. The perfect is sometimes used of indefinite time in connec- tion with a general present : as, qui in compedibus corporis semper fuerunt, etiam cum soluti sunt tardius ingrediuntur (Tusc. i. 31), they -who have always been in fetters of the body, even when released move more slowly. c* The perfect is sometimes used of a general truth, especially with negations : as, qui studet contingere metam multa tulit fecitque (Hor. A. P. 412), he who aims to reach the goal, first bears and does many thing's. non seris acervus et auri deduxit corpore febres (id. Ep. i. 2), the pile of brass and gold removes not the fever from the frame. d* The perfect is often used in expressions containing or im- plying a negation, where in affirmation the imperfect would be pre- ferred: as, dicebat melius quam scripsit Hortensius (Or. 38), Hortensius t spoke better than he wrote. [Here the negative is implied in the comparison : compare the use of quisquam, ullus. &c. (foot of p. 48), and the French ne after comparatives and superlatives.] [For Perfect in apodosis of future conditions, see 59, 4, e ; for Perfect after ubi, &c., 62, 2, a.] REMARK. The Perfect and Pluperfect of a few verbs are equivalent to the Present and Imperfect of kindred verbs (novi, / know; coepi, / begin; memini, / remember; cognoveram, I knew ; venerat (= aderat), he was at hand (see 36, i) : as, qui dies sestus maximos efficere consuevit (B. G. iv. 29), which day generally makes the highest tides. cujus splendor obsolevit (Quinc. v. 18), whose splendor is now out of date. 6. Pluperfect. The Pluperfect is used to denote an action completed in time past ; sometimes, also, repeated in indefinite time : as, 58: 7- I0 USE OF TENSES. 161 neque vero cum aliquid mandaverat confectum putabat (Cat. iii. 7), for iv hen he had given a thing in charge he did not look on it as already done. quse si quando adepta est id quod ei fuerat concupitum, turn fert alacritatem (Tusc. iv. 15), if it [desire] ever has gained 'what it had desired, then it produces joy. ?. Future Perfect. The Future Perfect denotes an action as completed in the future : as, ut sementem feceris ita metes (Or. ii. 65), as you sotv, so shall you reap. REMARK. The Future Perfect is used (as above) with much greater exactness in Latin than in English, and may even be used instead of the Future, from the fondness of the Latins for repre- senting an action as completed : as, quid inventum sit paulo post videro (Acad. ii. 24), 'what has been found out I will see presently. ego certe meum officium pnestitero (B. G. iv. 25), / at least shall have done my duty. . Epistolary Tenses. In Letters, the perfect (his- torical) or imperfect may be used for the present, and the plu- perfect for past tenses, as if the letter were dated at the time it is supposed to be received: as, neque tamen, cum hsec scribebam, eram nescius quantis oneri- bus premerere (Fam. v. 12), nor -while I -write this am I ignorant under what burdens you are -weighed. ad tuas omnes [epistulas] rescripseram pridie (Att. ix. 10), / [have] answered all your letters yesterday. 9. Tenses of the Subjunctive. The tenses of the Sub- junctive denote Absolute time only in independent clauses. In these the Present always refers to future time ; the Imper- fect to either past or present ; the Perfect to either future or past ; the Pluperfect always to past. In dependent clauses, the tenses of the Subjunctive denote Relative time, not with reference to the speaker, but to the action of some other verb. 10. Sequence of Tenses. The forms which denote absolute time may be used in any connection. But those denoting relative time follow special rules for the Sequence of Tenses. For this purpose, tenses are divided into two classes: viz., 1G2 SYNTAX OP THE VERB. [58: IO. 1. Primary, including the Present, both Futures, and Perfect (definite) ; 2. Secondary, including the Imperfect, Perfect (historical), and Pluperfect^ RUL E. In compound sentences, a Primary tense in the leading clause is followed by a Primary tense in the dependent clause ; and a Secondary tense is followed by a Secondary : as, scribit lit nos moneat, he writes to warn us. scribet ut nos moneat, he will write tg warn us. scripsit ut nos moneat, he has written to warn us. scribe (scribito) ut nos moneas, write that you may warn us. scripsit ut nos moneret, he wrote to warn us. scribit quasi oblitus sit, he writes as if he had forgotten. scripsit quasi oblitus esset, he wrote as if he had forgotten. REMARK. The Rule appears in the following Diagram : TENSES OF THE SUBJUNCTIVE. Primary. 1. Action not complete (time rela- > PRESENT tively present or future). Secondary. IMPERFECT. 2. Action complete (time relatively > PERFECT . PLU P ERFE CT. past). I In applying the rule for the Sequence of Tenses, consider (1) whether the leading verb is primary or secondary ; (2) whether the dependent verb is required to denote complete action (i.e. rela- tively past), or incomplete (relatively present or future)". By tak- ing the corresponding tense, as given above, the correct usage will generally be found. Notice that the FUTURE PERFECT denotes relatively completed action, and hence is represented in the Subjunctive by the PER- FECT or PLUPERFECT. a. The perfect definite is properly a primary tense ; but as its action is (at least) commenced in past time, it is more commonly followed by secondary tenses : as, ut satis esset praesidi provisum est (Cat. ii. 12), provision has been made that there should be ample guard. adduxi hominem in quo satisfacere exteris nationibus possetis (Verr. i. i), / have brought a man in ivhose person you can make satisfaction to foreign nations. b. The perfect subjunctive is regularly used to denote any past action (either as Perfect definite or historical) depending on a verb in a primary tense : as, 58: 10.] USE OF TENSES. 163 ex epistulis intellegi licet quam frequens fuerit Platonis auditor (Or. 4), it may be understood from his letters how constant a hearer he -was of Plato. c. In clauses of Result, the perfect subjunctive is very often (the present rarely) used after secondary tenses : as, Hortensius ardebat dicendi cupiditate sic ut in nullo unquam flagrantius studium viderim (Brut. 88), Hortensius was so hot 'with desire of speaking" that I never saw a more burning ardor in any man. Siciliam Verres per triennium ita vexavit ac perdidit, ut ea restitui in antiquum statum nullo modo possit (Verr. i. 4), for three years [Verres] so racked and ruined Sicily, that she can in no way be restored to her former state* REMARK. This construction gives more emphasis to the fact stated as a result ; while the regular one gives more prominence to the main clause. The perfect, thus used, can stand only for a perfect indicative, not an imperfect ; and, in general, the perfect is often represented by the perfect subjunctive, contrary to the general rule : as, Thorius erat ita non superstitiosus ut ilia plurima in sua pa- tria et sacrifieta et fana contemneret; ita non timidus a'd mortem ut in acie sit ob rem publicam interfectus (Fin. ii. 20), Thorius ivas so little superstitious that he despised [con- tern nebat] the many sacrifices and shrines in his country, so little timorous about death that he ivas killed [interfectus est] in battle, in defence of the state. Zeno nullo modo is erat qui nervos virtutis incident [compare 5, d~] ; sed contra qui omnia in una virtute poneret (Acad. i. 10), Zeno was noway one to cut the sinews of virtue ; but one, on the contrary, who made everything depend on virtue alone. d. A general truth after a past tense follows the connection of tenses in Latin (though not usually in English) : as, ex his quae tribuisset sibi quam mutabilis esset reputabat (Q^C. iii. 9), from what she [Fortune] had bestowed on him, he re- flected how inconstant she is. ibi quantam vim ad stimulandos animos ira haberet, apparuit (Liv. xxxiii. 37), here it appeared what power anger has to goad the mind. e. The historical present, or the present with dum, may be followed by either primary or secondary tenses, but more com- monly by secondary : as, rogat ut curet quod dixisset (Qj-rinct- 5), he asks him to attend to the thing he had spoken of. castella communit quo facilius prohiberi possent (B. G. i. 8), he strengthens the forts that they might be more easily kept off. 164 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [58: IO, II. /. When the secondary tenses of the subjunctive are used in protasis and apodosis, they may stand after any tense : as, quia tale sit, ut vel si ignorarent id homines, &c. (Fin. ii. 15), because it is such that even if men -were ignorant. {/ The imperfect subjunctive, in protasis or apodosis, even when it refers to present time, is regularly followed by secondary tenses : as, si solos eos diceres miseros quibus moriendum esset, neminem exciperes (Tusc. i. 5), if you called only those 'wretched who must die, you 'would except no one. h* After the present, when a past tense appears to be in the writers thought, secondary tenses sometimes follow by a kind of Synesis: as, sed tamen ut scires haec tibi scribo (Fam. xiii. 47), but yet that you may know, 1 'write thus [as if Epistolary Imperfect], cujus przecepti tanta vis est ut ea non homini cuipiam sed Delphico deo tribueretur (Leg. i. 22), such is the force of this precept, that it -was ascribed not to any man, but to the Del- phic god [the precept was an old one]. 11. Infinitive. The tenses of the Infinitive are present, past, or future, relatively to the time of the verb on which they depend : as, nostros non esse inferiores intellexit (B. G. ii. 8), he ascertained that our men ivere not inferior. quam Juno fertur terris magis omnibus coluisse (^En. i. 15), which Jtmb, 'tis said, cherished above all lands. sperant se maximum fructum esse captures (Lael. 21), they hope they shall receive the greatest advantage. a. The present infinitive, after a verb in the past, must often be rendered by the perfect infinitive in English : as, scire potuit (Milo, 17), he might have known. qui videbatur omnino mori non debuisse (Arch. 8), who seemed [one that] ought not to have died at all. REMARK. This is most frequent with verbs of necessity, pro- priety, and possibility (potui, debui, oportuit) ; and occurs because the tenses of the corresponding verbs in English have lost their original past signification (compare " one whom he ought [owed] a grudge unto," A.D. 1597). 6. Memini and a few other verbs, stating what the speaker has personally witnessed, fake the present infinitive : as, memini Catonem mecum disserere (Lael. 3), I remember Cato's discoursing with me (So dicere aiebat, De Or. ii. 3.) Compare Greek present infinitive for imperfect (G. 203, N. i). REMARK. The infinitive posse is used also in the sense of a future. 58: II.] USE OF TENSES. 165 c. Except in Indirect Discourse the present infinitive only is generally used, with no distinct reference to time : as, est adulescentis majores natu vereri (Off. i. 34), it is the duty of the young to reverence their elders. de quibus dicere aggrediar (Off. ii. i), of which I -will under- take to speak. d. After verbs of wishing, necessity, and the like, the perfect passive infinitive is often used instead of the present : as, domestica cura te levatum [esse] volo (Q^.F. iii. 9), 1 wish you relieved of household care. liberis consultum volumus propter ipsos (Fin. iii. 17), we wish regard paid to children on their own account. quod jampridem factum esse oportuit (Cat. i. 2), which ought to have been done long ago. REMARK. In early Latin, and in poetry, the perfect active is also used, and even after other verbs than those of wishing : as, commisisse cavet (Hor. A. P. 168), he is cautious of doing. edixerunt ne quis quid fugse caus& vendidisse neve emisse vellet (Liv. xxxix. 17), they [the old laws] declared that none should sell or buy to escape obligation. baud equidem premendo alium me extulisse velim (id. xxii. 59), / would not by crushing another exalt myself. sunt qui nolint tetigisse (Hor. Sat. i. 2), there are those who would not touch. nollem dixisse (Verr. v. 20), I would not say. e. The perfect infinitive is used, especially by poets, to denote a completed action after verbs of feeling ; also with satis est (habeo), melius est, contentus sum, and in a few other cases where this distinction is important : as, quisse erit melius (Liv. iii. 48), it will be better to have kept quiet. non poenitebat intercapedinem scribendi fecisse (Fain. xvi. 21), I was not sorry to have made a respite of writing. pudet me . . . non praestitisse (id. xiv. 3), I am ashamed not to have shown. surit quoscurriculo pulverem Olympicum collegisse juvat (Hor. Od. i. i), there are those who delight, &c. majus dedecus est parta amittere quam omnino non paravisse (Jug. 31), it is more discredit to have lost one's gains than never to have gained at all. nil ego si peccem possum nescisse (Ov. Her. xvii. 47), if I go wrong, I cannot have done it in ignorance. f. Thp future infinitive is often expressed by fore or futu- rum esse ut ( 70, 4) : as, spero fore ut contingat id nobis (Tusc. i.), I hope that will be our happy lot. 166 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [59: I. 59. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. A Conditional Sentence (or Clause) is one beginning with IF, or some equivalent. 1. Protasis and Apodosis. In a conditional sentence, the clause containing the condition is called the Protasis ; and that containing the conclusion is called the Apodosis : as, si qui exire volunt [PROTASIS], conivere possum [APODOSIS] (Cat. i-i. 12), if any -wish to depart, I can keep my eyes shut. a. The Protasis is regularly introduced by the conditional particles si, if; sin, but if; nisi (ni), unless. But a clause in- troduced by an Indefinite Relative (as quisquis, whoever}, a Relative or Concessive Conjunction (cum, since, quamvis, al- though), a Participle, or an Imperative, is treated as a conditional clause : as, qusecunque causa vos hue attulisset, laetarer (De Or. ii. 4), / should be glad, 'whatever cause had brought you here [i.e. if any other, as well as the one which did]. philosophia, cui qui pareat, omne tempus aetatis sine molestia possit degere (Cat. M. i), philosophy, -which IF any one obeys, he -will be able to spend his ivhole life 'without vexation. virtutem qui adeptus erit ubicunque erit gentium a nobis dili- getur (N. D. i. 44), if any one shall have attained virtue, &c. [For Implied Conditions, see 60.] NOTE. The Indefinite Relative, whoever, whatever, whenever, may be regarded as a conditional expression, equivalent to if any one, if at ant/ time, &c., as is seen in the analogy of the Greek 6f av, OTO.V, and in the structure of relative as compared with conditional clauses. In the Statutes of Massachusetts, for instance, the phrase "Whoever shall" has been substituted for the old form " IF any person shall," &c. b The Apodosis, being the main clause, depends in form on the grammatical structure of the sentence, which may require a Participle, Infinitive, or Phrase : as, quod si prseterea nemo sequatur, tamen se cum sol& decima legione iturum (B. G. i. 40), but if no one else -would follow, he 'would go ivith the tenth legion alone. si quos adversum prcelium commoveret, hos reperire posse (id.), if the loss of a battle alarmed any, they might find. sepultura quoque prohibituri, ni rex humari jussisset (Q^ C. viii. 2), intending also to deprive him of burial, unless the king had ordered him to be interred. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. 167 2. Particular and General Conditions. The sup- position contained in a Protasis may be either particular or general. a. A Particular supposition refers to a definite act (or a definite series of acts) occurring at some definite time : as, si hsec condicio consulates data est . . . feram libenter (Cat. iv. i), if this condition has been imposed on the consulship, I iv ill bear it willingly. b. A General supposition refers to any one of a class of acts, which may occur (or may have occurred) at any time : as, si vero habet aliquod tamquam pabulum studi atque doctrinse, nihil est otiosa senectute jucundius (Cat. M. 14), indeed, if it have some sustenance (as it were) of study and learning, nothing is more cheerful than an old age of leisure. NOTE. These two classes of conditions are distinguished logically ; and in most languages are also distinguished grammatically, but only as to Present and Past Conditions. In Latin, in particular conditions, present or past tenses of the Indicative are regularly used in Prota- sis, where no opinion is intimated of its truth or falsity ; and the Apodosis may take any form of the verb which can be used in an in- dependent sentence. In general conditions, also, referring to Present or Past time, the Indicative is for the most part used both in Protasis and Apodosis. (Compare Goodwin's Greek Grammar, 220.) c. Classification. The principal forms of Conditional Sen- tences may be exhibited as follows : 1. PRESENT OR PAST CONDITIONS. (a) Simple statement ( si .f d *st bene est, if he is [now] hare, (nothing implied { . * " S?V as to fulfilment): / S1 ade r rat (ffmt) bene erat, ,/ he \ was [then] here, it was well. (6) Supposition con- ( si , aaew !f t bene esset, if lie were [now] trarvtofactfcondi < here, it would be well. tioii not fulfilled): ) adfuisset bene fuisset, if he had \ [then] been here , it would have been well. 2. FUTURE CONDITIONS. (a) More vivid (prob- f si aderit bene erit, if lie is [shall be] able): \ here, it will be welL (b) Less vivid (improb- ( si adsit bene sit, if he should [hereafter] able) : ( be here, it would be well. 3. GENERAL SUPPOSITIONS. (a) Indefinite subject: j si 1> OC d ' as bene est - V ' one sa V s this < ( it is well. i Repeated Action : j si h c *iceret bene , erat (rare) */ ( [whenever] tie said this, it was well. 168 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [59: 3. 3. Present and Past Conditions. A present or past condition may be simply stated, implying nothing as to its fulfilment ; or it may be stated so as to imply 'that it is not or was not fulfilled. a. In the statement of a condition whose falsity is NOT implied, the present and past tenses of the Indicative are used in Protasis ; the apodosis expressing simply what is, was, or will be, the result of the fulfilment (G. 221) : as, si tu exercitusque valetis, bene est (Fam. v. 2), if you and the army are well, it is 'well. si justitia vacat, in vitio est (Off. i. 19), if justice be wanting, it [bravery] 'is in fault. si placet . . . videamus (Cat. M. 5), if you please, let us see. fuerit hoc censoris, si judicabat (Div. i. 16), grant that it was the censor's duty if he judged, &c. quicquid jurarunt ventus et unda rapit (Prop. ii. 28), whatever they have sworn [i.e. if they have sworn anything], the winds and waves sweep away. b. In the statement of a supposition known to be false, the Im- perfect and Pluperfect subjunctive are used. the imperfect referring to present time, the pluperfect to past (G. 222) : as, quse si exsequi nequirem, tamen me lectulus oblectaret meus (Cat. M. n), if I could not [now] follow this [an active life], yet my couch would afford me pleasure. nisi tu amisisses, nunquam recepissem (id. 4), unless you had lost it, I should not have recovered it. si me urn consilium auctoritasque valuisset, tu hodie egeres, nos liberi essemus, respublica non tot duces et exercitus amisisset (Phil. ii. 15), if my judgment and authority had prevailed [as they did not], you would this day be a beggar, we should be free, and the republic would not hfive lost so many leaders and armies. ! NOTE. The implication of falsity, in this construction, is not in- herent in the Subjunctive; but comes from the transfer of a future \ condition to past time. Thus the time for the happening of the condi-i tion has, at the time of writing, already passed ; so that, if the con- dition remains a condition, it must be contrary to fact. So forms implying a future frequently take the place of the subjunctive in apodoeis in this construction (see c, below). c. In many cases the imperfect refers to past time, both in pro- tasis and apodosis, especially when a repeated or continued action is denoted, or when the condition if true would still exist : as, hie si mentis esset suae, ausus esset educere exercitum (Pis. 21). if he were of sane mind would he have dared to lead out tht army ? 59: 3-] CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. 169 non concidissent, nisi illud receptaculum classibus nostris pateret (Verr. ii. i), [the power of Carthage] -would not have fallen, unless that station had been open to our fleets. d. The past tenses of the indicative in Apodosis (after a sub- junctive in Protasis) may be used to express what ought to have been done, or is intended, or is already begun : as, si Romae privatus esset hoc tempore, tamen is erat deligendus (Manil. 17), if ke [Pompey]wre at this time a private citizen in Rome, yet he ought to be appointed. quod esse caput debebat, si probari posset (Fin. iv. 9), -what ought to be the main point if it could be proved. si licitum esset matres veniebant (Verr. vi. 49), the mothers iv ere coming if it had been allowed. in amplexus filias ruebat, nisi lictores obstitissent (Ann. xvi. 32), he -was about rushing into his daughter's arms, unless the lictors had opposed. REMARK. In this use, the imperfect indicative corresponds in time to the imperfect subjunctive, and the perfect or pluperfect indicative to the pluperfect subjunctive (the tenses of the subjunc- tive may, however, be used as well ; see Note, above) : as, satius erat (esset), it were better. e. This use is regular with all verbs and expressions denoting . the necessity ', propriety ', desirableness, duty, possibility, of an action ' including the two periphrastic conjugations (see page 83) where it is implied that what was necessary, &c., has not been done. It is sometimes carried still further in poetry : as, - nam nos decebat lugere (Tusc. i. 47), it -would befit us to mourn. si non alium jactaret odorem, laurus erat (Georg. ii. 133), *"/ -were a laurel, but for giving out a different odor. NOTE. Observe that all these expressions contain the idea of Futurity. Compare note under 6. e* So the participle in urus with fui is equivalent to a. plu- perfect subjunctive. Hence, when the Apodosis is itself a dependent clause, requiring the subjunctive, a pluperfect subjunctive may be [; represented by the Future Participle with the subjunctive of esse I (compare apodosis in Indirect Discourse, 67, I, c) : as, quid enim futurum fuit [= fuisset], si ... (Liv. ii. i), what would have happened, if, &c. neque ambigitur quin ... id facturus fuerit, si ... (ib.), and no doubt he would have done it, if, &c. . ex quo intellegi potest quam acuti natura sint, qui ha?c sine doctrina credituri fuerint (Tusc. i. 21), hence it may be understood how keen they are by nature, who, without instruc- tion, would have believed this. [Here the condition is con- tained in the words sine -ind.~\ 8 170 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [59: 4. adeo parata seditio fuit, ut Othonem raptnri fueriiit, ni incerta noctis timuissent (Tac. H. i. 26), so far advanced was the conspiracy, that they would have seized upon Otho, had they not feared the hazards of the night [in the direct discourse, rapuissent ni timuissent \. 4. Future Conditions* A Future condition may either make a distinct supposition of a future case, the apodosis expressing what will be the result ; or the supposition may be less distinct and vivid, the apodosis expressing what would be the result in the case supposed. a. If the condition is stated vividly, so as to he conceived as actually about to take place, the Future Indicative is used in both protasis and apodosis (G. 223) : as, sanabimur si volemus (Tusc. iii. 6), ive shall be healed if ive -wish. quod si legere aut audire voletis . . . reperietis (Cat. M. 6), if you 'will read or hear, you .'will find. b The Present -subjunctive expresses a future condition less vividly, or as less probable, than when the future indicative is used (G. 224) : as, hsec si tecum patria loquatur, nonne impetrare debeat (Cat. i. 8), if thy country should thus speak with thee, ought she not to prevail f quod si quis deus mini largiatur . . . valde recusem (Cat. M.23), but if some god -were to grant me this, I should earnestly refuse. REMARK. The present subjunctive sometimes stands in prota- sis with the future in apodosis. If the conditional act is regarded as completed before that of the apodosis begins, the future perfect is substituted for the future, and the perfect subjunctive for the present : as, sin, cum potuero, non venero, turn erit inimicus (Att. ix. 2), but if I do not come ivhen I can, he ivill be unfriendly. si non feceris, ignoscam (Fam. v. 19), if you do not do it, I ivill excuse you. REMARK. This is a very common construction in Latin, owing to the tendency of the language to represent an action as com- pleted, rather than as in progress. d. Any form denoting future time may stand in the apodosis of a future condition (so the participles in dus and rus, and verbs of necessity, possibility, and the like) : as, non possum istum accusare si cupiam (Verr. v. 41), I cannot accuse him if I should desire. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. % 171 alius finis constituendus est si prius quid maxime reprehendere Scipio solitus sit dixero (Lael. i6J, another limit must be set if I shall first state what Scipio was most wont to blame. Rarely the perfect is used (rhetorically) in apodosis with a present or even future in protasis, representing the conclusion as already accomplished : as, si hoc bene fixum in. animo est, vicistis (Liv. xxi. 44), if this is -well fixed in your minds, you have conquered. si eundem [animum] habueritis, vicimus (id. 43), if you shall have kept the same spirit, we have conquered. f. Frequently the present subjunctive of a future condition becomes imperfect by the sequence of tenses or some other cause (retaining the same force relatively to past time) : as, non poterat nisi vellet (B. C. iii. 44), -was not able unless he wished. * Caesar si pet^rs^. . . non quicquam proficeret (Hor. Sat. i. 2), if even Ccesar W^r^ to ask he would gain nothing. [Here the construction is not contrary to fact, but is simply si" petat non proficiat, thrown into past time.] tumulus apparuit ... si luce palam iretur hostis prseventurus erat (Liv. xxii. 24), a hill appeared . . . if they should go openly by light the enemy would preVwit. [Independent of apparuit, this would be, si eatur, prahjenturus est, for prce- veniat.] V 5. General Conditions* General conditions are distin- guished in Latin in only two cases : viz,, a. Indefinite Subject. The subjunctive is used in the second person singular, to denote the act of an indefinite subject (you = any one) . Here the present Indicative of a general truth may stand in the apodosis (G. 225) : as, mens prope uti ferrum est: si exerceas conteritur; nisi exer- ceas, rubiginem contrahit (Cato de Mor.), the mind is very like iron : if you use it, it wears away j if you don't use it, it gathers rust. virtutem necessario gloria, etianisi tu id non agas, consequitur (Tusc. i. 38), glory necessarily follows virtue, even if that is not one's aim. si prohibita impune transcenderis, neque metus ultra neque pudor est (Ann. iii. 54), if you once overstep the bounds with impunity, there is no fear nor shame any more. si cederes placabilis (Tac. Ann.), \Jie was~\ easily appeased if one yielded. b. Repeated Action. In later writers (not in Cicero), the Imperfect and pluperfect subjunctive are used in protasis, with the 172 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [60: I. imperfect indicative in apodosis, to state a repeated or customary action: as, accusatores, si facultas incideret, pcenis adficiebantur (Ann. vi. 30), the accusers, whenever opportunity offered, were visited -with punishment. quemcunque lictor prehendisset, tribunus mitti jubebat (Liv. . iii. n), whomever the lictor had seized, the tribune ordered to be let go. c* In all other cases, General Suppositions including those introduced by Indefinite Relatives take the indicative. 60. IMPLIED CONDITIONS. In many sentences properly conditional, the sub- ordinate member is not expressed as a conditional clause ; but is stated in some other form of words, or is implied in the nature of the thought. 1. Condition Disguised. The condition is often con- tained in some other form of words than a regular Protasis, in the same clause or sentence. a. The condition may be contained in a relative, participial, or other qualifying clause : as, facile me paterer vel ipso quaerente, vel apud Cassianos judices pro Sex. Roscio dicere (Rose. Am. 30), / -would readily allow myself to speak for Roscius, IF he, &c. non mihi, nisi admonito, venisset in mentem (De Or. ii. 42), it would not have come into my mind, unless [I had been] admonished [= nisi admonitus essem]. . nulla alia gens tanta mole cladis non obruta esset (Liv. xxii. 54), there is no other people that would not have been crushed by such a 'weight of disaster [i.e. IF it had been any other people], nemo unquam, sine magna spe immortalitatis, se pro patri& offerret ad mortem (Tusc. i. 15), no one, -without great hope of immortality, would ever expose himself to death for his country. quid hunc paucorum annorum accessio juvare potuisset (Lael. 3), what good could the addition of a few years have done him ? [if he had had them.] & The condition may be contained in a wish, or expressed as a command, by the imperative or hortatory subjunctive : as, utinam quidem fuissem! molestus nobis non esset (Fam. xii. 3), I wish I had been [chief] : he would not now be troubling us [i.e. if I had been]. 60: 1,2.] IMPLIED CONDITIONS. 173 roges enim Aristonem, neget (Fin. iv. 25), for ask Aristo^ and he -would deny. tolle hanc opinionem, luctum sustuleris (Tusc. i. 13), remove this notion, and you will have done a-way grief. naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret (Hor. Ep. i. 10), drive out nature -with a pitchfork, still she 'will ever return. manent ingenia senibus, modo permaneat studium et industria (Cat. M. 7), old men keep their mental powers* only let them keep their zeal and diligence. NOTE. This usage is probably the origin of the use of the sub- junctive in Protasis; the subjunctive being used first, as in 57, 3, while the conditional particle is a form of an indefinite pronoun. c* Rarely, the condition is stated in an independent clause : as, rides: majore cachinno concutitur (Juv. iii. 100), you laugh: he shakes -with louder laughter. de paupertate agitur : multi patientes pauperes commemor- antur (Tusc. iii. 24), we speak of poverty : many patient poor are mentioned. 2. Condition Omitted* The condition is often wholly omitted, but may be inferred from the course of the argument. REMAKK. Under this head belong all the apparently inde- pendent uses of the subjunctive not mentioned in 57, 2. In this use the perfect subjunctive is especially common, in the same sense as the present, referring to the immediate future ; the imperfect to past time (not to present, as in 57, 3). a. Potential Subjunctive. The present and perfect sub- junctive (often with forsitan or the like) are used to denote an action as possible; also, the second person singular of all the tenses, denoting an indefinite subject : as, hie quaerat quispiam (N. D. ii. 53), here some one may ask. ut aliquis fortasse dixerit (Off. iii. 6), as one may perhaps say. forsitan haec illi mirentur (Verr. v. 56), they may perchance marvel at these things. turn in lecto quoque videres susurros (Hor. Sat. ii. 8), then on each couch you might see 'whisperings. b The subjunctive is used in cautious, modest, or hypothetical statement (conjunctivus modestice) : as, pace tua dixerim (Mil. 38), I -would say by your leave. '. baud sciam an (De Or. i. 60), / should incline to think. tu velim sic existimes (Fam. xii. 6), I would like you to think so. vellem adesset M. Antonius (Phil. i. 7), I -wish Anthony -were here [here vellem implies an impossible wish in present time]. ' haec erant fere quse tibi nota esse vellem (Fam. xii. 5), this is about what I want you to know [here vellem is simply vclim transferred to past time on account of erat, by connection of tenses, and does not imply an impossible wish]. 174 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [60:2. 61. c. The Indicative of verbs signifying necessity, propriety, and the like, may be used in the apodosis of implied conditions, either future or contrary to fact : as, longum est [sit] ea dicere, sed ... (in Pison. 10), it -would be tedious to tell, &c. illud erat aptius, aequum cuique concedere (Fin. iv. i), it 'would be more fitting to yield each one his rights. ipsum enim exspectare magnum fuit (Phil. ii. 40), 'would it have been a great matter to 'wait for himself? quanto melius fuerat (Off. iii. 25), how much better it would have been. quod contra decuit ab illo meum [corpus cremari] (Cat. M.), whereas on the other hand mine ought to have been burnt by him. nam nos decebat domum lugere ubi esset aliquis in lucem editus (Tusc. i. 48), for it were fitting to mourn the house where a man has been born [but we do not], nunc est bibendum . . . nunc Saliaribus ornare pulvinar deorum tempus erat dapibus sodales (Hor. Od. i. 37), i.e. it would be time [if it were for us to do it, but it is a public act]. REMARK. Notice that, in this construction, the imperfect in- dicative refers to present time ; the pluperfect to simply past time, like the perfect. Thus oportebat means it ought to be [now] , but is not ; oportuerat means it ought to have been, but was not. d The omission of the protasis often gives rise to mixed con- structions : as, peream male si non optimum erat (Hor. Cat. ii. i), may I perish if it would not be better. [Here the protasis and apodosis come under 59, 3, d. Optimum erat is itself an apodosis with the protasis omitted.] quod si in hoc mundo fieri sine deo non potest, ne in sphaera quidem eosdem motus Archimedes sine divino ingenio potu- isset imitari (Tusc. i. 25). [Here the protasis of potuisset is in sine divino ingenio .] 61. CONDITIONAL PARTICLES. Certain Particles implying a Condition are fol- lowed by the Subjunctive, but upon several different principles. 1. Comparative ^Particles. The particles of compari- son tamquam, quasi, quam si, acsi, utsi, velutsi, yeluti, and poetic ceu introduce conditional clauses, of ,;, : I, 2, 3.] CONDITIONAL PARTICLES. 175 which the conclusion is omitted or implied; and take the subjunctive. REMARK. Contrary to the English idiom, the present and perfect subjunctive are regularly used with these particles, except where the connection of tenses requires secondary tenses : as, tamquam clausa sit Asia (Fam. xii. 9), as if Asia -was closed. tamquam si claudus sim (Plaut. Asin. 2), fust as if I were lame. quasi vero non specie visa judicentur (Acad. ii. 18), as if for- sooth visible things -were not judged by their appearance. velut si coram adesset (B. G. i. 32), as if he were there present. similiter facis ac si me roges (N. S. iii. 3), you do exactly as if you asked me. asque ac si mea negotia essent (Fam. xiii. 43), as much as if it were my own business. ceu cetera nusquam bella forent (^En. ii. 438), as if there were no fighting elsewhere. magis quam si domi esses (Att. vi. 4), more than if you were at home. ac si ampullam perdidisset (Fin. iv. 12), as if he had lost the bottle. Concessive Particles. The particles of concession although, granting that sometimes take the subjunctive, but under various constructions : viz., Quamvis and ut (except in later writers) take the hortatory subjunctive ( 57, 2) ; licet is a verb, and is followed by an object-clause ( 70, 3); etsi has the same constructions as si ( 59) ; cum has a special construction ( 62, i) ; quanquam takes the indicative (59, 3, a) : as, quamvis ipsi infantes sint, tamen . . . (Or. 23), however incap- able themselves of speaking, yet, &c. ut neminem ali aliam rogasset (Mil. 17), even if I had asked no other. licet ornnes in me terrores periculaque impendeant (Rose. Am. n), though all terrors and perils should menace me. etsi abest maturitas (Fam. vi. 18), though ripeness of age is wanting. etsi nihil aliud abstulissetis (Sull. 32), even if you had taken away nothing else. 3. A Proviso, introduced by mo do, dum, dummodo, re- quires the Subjunctive: as, valetudo modo bona sit (Brut. 16), provided the health is good. modo ne sit ex pecudum genere (Off. i. 30), provided it [plea- sure] be not after the manner of cattle. 176 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [61: 4. 62. oderint dum metuant (Off. i. 28), let them hate, if only they fear. dum de patris morte qustreretur (Rose. Am. 41), let the inquiry only be of a father's death. dummodo inter me atque te murus intersit (Cat. i. 5), provided only the city wall is between us. NOTE. The Subjunctive with modo is a hortatory Subjunctive ; with dum and dummodo, a development from the Subjunctive in temporal clauses. 4. The use of some of the more common Conditional Particles may be stated as follows: a. Si is used for affirmative, nisi and si non for negative con- ditions. With nisi, the negative belongs rather to the Apodosis, i.e. the conclusion is true except in the case supposed ; with si non, the Protasis is negative, i.e. the conclusion is limited to the case supposed. (The difference is often only one of emphasis.) Nisi is never used if the clause has a concessive force. Ni is an old form, reappearing in poets and later writers, and in a few con- ventional phrases. Sometimes nisi si occurs. 6. Nisi vero and nisi forte sometimes nisi alone regu- larly introduce an objection, or exception, ironically, and take the Indicative. c. Sive . . . sive (seu) introduce conditions in the form of an alternative. They have no peculiar construction, but may be used with any kind of condition, or with different kinds in the two branches, often also without a verb. cf. Of the concessive particles, the compounds of si are used in all the forms of protasis ; quanquam regularly introduces only conceded facts, and hence takes the Indicative ; quamvis, quan- tum vis, quamlibet, ut, cum, and libet, take idiomatic construc- tions corresponding to their original meaning. Later writers, however, frequently use all these particles like the compounds of si, connecting them with the Indicative or Subjunctive according to the nature of the condition. Even Cicero occasionally uses quanquam with the Subjunctive. 62. RELATIONS OP TIME. Temporal clauses are introduced by particles which are almost all of relative origin ; and are construed like other relative clauses, except where they have developed into special constructions. 62: I, 2.] RELATIONS OF TIME. 177 Temporal Particles are the following : ubi, ut (ut primum, ut semel), simul atque (sirnul ac or simul alone), cum (quom), antequam, priusquam, postquam (posteaquam), dum, donee, quoad, quamdiu, quando. 1. The particles ubi, ut, cum, quando, either alone or compounded with -cunque, are used as indefinite rela- tives, and have the constructions of Protasis ( 59) : as, cum rosam viderat, turn inciperc ver arbitrabatur (Verr. v. 10), whenever he had seen a rose, he thought Spring was begun [general condition]. cum id malum esse negas (Tusc. ii. 12), ivhen you [the indi- vidual disputant] deny it to be an evil. cum videas eos . . . dolore non frangi (id. 27), ivken you see [indefinite subject] that those are not broken by pain, &c. quod profecto cum me nulla vis cogeret, facere non auderem (Phil. v. 18), -which I would surely not venture to do, as long as no force compelled me [supposition contrary to fact]. id ubi dixisset, hastam in fines eorum emittebat (Liv. i. 32), ivhen he had said this, he [used to\-cast the spear into their territories [repeated action]. REMARK. So est cum, fuit cum, &c., are used in general expressions like est qui, sunt qui ( 65). 2. Temporal clauses of absolute time take the Indicative ; those of relative time, the Subjunctive. (For the definition of absolute and relative time, see 58, I, 9.) NOTE. This distinction is not made in other languages, but it may be made clear in the two following expressions : 1. When was the great fire in London ? Ans. When Charles II. was king (absolute time). 2. When Charles II. was king (relative time), a great fire broke out in London. In the first case the reign of Charles is referred Jo as an absolute fixed date, known to the hearer; while in the second the time is not so fixed, but is given as relative to the event narrated by the main verb, which alone denotes absolute time. In this construction, the Subjunctive describes the time by its characteristics (as in 65, 2), and thus is a branch of the Subjunctive of result. Hence this qualitative character of the temporal clause often reappears and occasions the Subjunctive, where the idea of relative time would not naturally be expected : as, turn, cum HABERET hcec respublica Luscinos, &c. . . . et turn, cum EH ANT G 'atones, &c. Here the former clause describes the char- acter of the age by its men (at a time when there were such men) ; in the latter, the individual men are present to the mind (at the time of the Catos, &c.). a. The particles postquam (posteaquam), ubi, ut (ut primum, ut semel), simul atque (simul ac or simul alone), introduce clauses of absolute time, and take the Indicative (usually the narrative tenses, the perfect and the historical present) : as, 178 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [62: 2. milites postquam victoriam adepti sunt, nihil reliqui victis fecre (Sail. Cat. n), when the armies had 'won the victory, they left nothing to the vanquished. Pompeius ut equitatum suum pulsum vidit, acie excess-it (B. C. iii. 94), ^vhen Pompey sa^v his cavalry beaten, he left the army. REMARK. ! Those particles may also take the imperfect, denoting a continued state of things, and the pluperfect, denoting the result of an action completed, in the Indicative : as, postquam instructi utrimque stabant, duces in medium pro- cedunt (Liv. i. 23), ^vhen they stood in array on both sides, the generals advance into the midst. P. Africanus posteaquam bis consul et censor fuerat (Div. in Csec. 21), -when Africanus had been [i.e. had the dignity of having been] twice consul and cetisor. postquam id difficilius visum est, neque facultas perficiendi dabatur, ad Pompeium transierunt (B. C. iii. 60), w/ie?i this seemed too hard, and no means of effecting it were given, they passed over to Pompey. post diem quintum quam barbari iterum male pugnaverant (= victi sunt), legati a Boccho veniunt (Jug. no), the Jifth day after the barbarians 'were beaten the second time, envoys came from Bocchus. 2. Rarely these particles denote relative time, and take the Subjunctive : as, posteaquam maximas aedificasset ornassetque classes (Manil. 4), having built and equipped mighty fleets. b. Cum (quom), TEMPORAL, meaning when, introduces both absolute and relative time, and takes either mood, the Indica- tive of the present and perfect, the Subjunctive of the imperfect and pluperfect: as, cum occiditur Sex. Roscius, ibidem fuerunt servi (Rose. Am. 61), when Roscius was slain, the slaves were on the spot. nempe eo [lituo] regiones direxit turn cum urbem condidit (Div. i. 17), he traced with it the quarters [of the sky] at the time he founded the city. cum servili bello premeretur (Manil. n), -when she [Italy] was under the load of the Servile war. inde cum se in Italiam recepisset (id. 12), when he had returned thence to Italy. cum incendisses cupiditatem meam . . . turn discedis a nobis (Fam. xv. 21), while you had inflamed my eager ?iess, yet you withdrew from us. NOTE. The Present takes the Indicative because present time is generally, from its very nature, defined in the mind ; and it is only when the circumstances are described as causal or adversative (see below, 65, 2, e) that the Subjunctive is used. The Perfect takes the Indicative as the tense of narrative, as with postquam, &c. The Imperfect and Pluperfect are, from their nature, fitter to denote rela- tive time. 62: 2.] RELATIONS OP TIME. 179 REMARK. ! But the imperfect and pluperfect may denote absolute time, and then are in the Indicative : as, res cum haec scribebam erat in extremum adducta discrimen (Fam. xii. 6), at the time I write [epistolary] the affair -was brought into great hazard. quern quidem cum ex urbe pellebam, hoc providebam animo (Cat. iii. 7), when -was about forcing him [conative im- perfect] from the city, I looked forward to this. fulgentes gladios hostium videbant Decii cum in aciem eorum irruebant (Tusc. ii. 24), the Decii saw the flashing swords of the enemy when they rushed upon their line. turn cum in Asia res magnas permulti amiserant (Manil. 7), at that time, when many had lost great fortunes in Asia. 2. When the clauses are inverted, so that the real temporal clause becomes the main clause, and vice versa, the Indicative must be used : as, dies nondum decem intercesserant, cum ille alter filius infans necatur (Clu. 9), ten days had not yet passed, when the other infant son was killed. hoc facere noctu apparabant, cum matres familiae repente in publicum procurrerunt (B. G. vii. 26), they were preparing to do this by night, when the women suddenly ran out into the streets. 3. With Future tenses, there is no distinction of absolute or relative time ; and hence the Indicative is used : as, non dubitabo dare operam ut te videam, cum id satis commode facere potero (Fam. xiii. i), I shall not hesitate to take pains to see you, when I can do it conveniently. longum illud tempus cum non ero (Att. xii. 18), that long time when I shall be no more. In the other tenses, the distinction is of late origin : hence in Plautus quom always takes the Indicative except where the Sub- junctive is used for other reasons. c. In narration aiitequam and priusquam also, in late writ- ers, dum and donee have the same construction as cum: as, antequam tuas legi litteras (Att. ii. 7), before I read your letter. nee ante finis fuit quam concessere (Liv. viii. 13), there was no end until they yielded [regular with non ante quam, &c.]. antequam homines nefarii de meo adventu audire potuissent, in Macedonian! perrexi (Plane. 41), before those evil men could learn of my coming, I arrived in Macedonia. nee obstitit falsis donee tempore ac spatio vanescerent (Tac. Ann ii. 82), nor did he contradict the falsehoods till they died out through lapse of time. REMARK. In reference to future time, these particles take tfye present and future perfect indicative ; rarely the future indica- tive and present subjunctive : as, 180 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [62: 2. prius quam de ceteris rebus respondeo, de amicitia pauca dicam (Phil. ii. i), before I reply to the rest, I -will say a little of friendship. non defatigabor ante quam illorum ancipites vias percepero (De Or. iii. 36), I shall not iveary till I have traced out their doubtful -ways. In a few cases the subjunctive of protasis seems to be used : as, priusquam incipias consulto et ubi consulueris mature facto opus est (Sail. Cat. i), before beginning you need reflection, and after reflecting, prompt action. tempestas minatur antequam surgat (Sen. Ep. 103), the storm threatens before it rises. [Compare 59, 5, a.~] d Dum, donee, and quoad, implying purpose, take the sub- junctive ( 64) ; otherwise, except in later writers, the indica- tive. Dum and dummodo, provided, take the subjunctive : as, dum hsec geruntur (B. G. i. 46), while this was going on. donee rediit silentium fuit (Liv. xxiii. 31), there was silence until he returned. dum res maneant, verba fingant (Fin. v. 29), so long as the facts remain, let them fashion words. hoc feci dum licuit, intermisi quoad non licuit (Phil. iii. 13), / did this so long as it was allowed, I discontinued so long as it was not. dummodo sit polita, dum urbana, dum elegans (Brut. 82), pro- vided it be polished, rejined, elegant. REMARK. With all temporal particles, the Subjunctive is often found, depending on other principles of construction. e* Cum CAUSAL, meaning since, while, or although takes the subjunctive (often emphasized by ut, utpote, quippe, prae- sertim): as, cum solitude . . . insidiarum et metus plena sit (Fin. i. 20), since solitude is full of treachery and fear. cum primi ordines .'. . concidissent, tamen acerrime reliqui resistebant (B. G. vii. 62), though the jirst ranks had fallen, still the others resisted vigorously- nee reprehendo : quippe cum ipse istam reprehensionem non fugerim (Att. x. 3), I do not blame it: since I myself did not escape that blame. But frequently in the sense of quod, on the ground that, it takes the Indicative : as, gratulor tibi cum tantum vales apud Dolabellam (Fam. xi 14), I congratulate you that you are so strong with Dolabella. NOTE. This causal relation is merely a variation of the idea of time, where the attendant circumstances are regarded as the cause. 63: I, 2.] CAUSE OR REASON. 181 /. Cum . . . turn, signifying both . . . and, usually take the Indicative ; but when cum approaches the sense of while or though, it may have the Subjunctive : as, cum multa non probo, turn illud in primis (Fin. i. 6), -while there are many things I do not approve, there is this in chief. cum res tota ficta sit pueriliter, turn ne efficit quidem quod vult (ib.), while the whole thing is childishly got up, he does not even make his point. 63. CAUSE OR REASON. Causal clauses may take the Indicative or Subjunc- tive according to their construction ; the idea of Cause being contained not in the mood itself, but in the form of the argument, or the connecting particles. 1. The Causal Particles quod, quia, quoniam, quando and in early Latin cum (causal) take the Indicative: as, quia postrema sedificata est (Verr. iv. 53), because it was built last. utinam ilium diem videam, cum tibi agam gratias quod me vivere coegisti (Att. iii. 3), O that I may see the day when I may thank you that you have forced me to live. quoniam de utilitate jam diximus, de efficiendi ratione dicamus (Or. Part. 26), since we have now spoken of [its] advantage, let us speak of the method of effecting it. quando ita vis di bene vortant (Trin. 573), since you so wish, may the gods bless the undertaking. quom tua res distrahitur utinam te redisse salvam videam (id. 617), since your 1 property is torn in pieces, oh, that I may see you returned safely ! 2. Clauses introduced by these particles, like any other dependent clause, take the Subjunctive of Indirect Discourse (see 67, i). a. A relative clause of characteristic, with its verb, in the sub- junctive, may have the force of a causal sentence (see 65, 2). & The particle cum, when used in a causal sense, idiomatically takes the Subjunctive ( 62, 2, e). 182 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [64: I. 64. PURPOSE. * 1. FINAL CLAUSES, or those expressing purpose, take the Subjunctive after relatives (qui = ut is), or the conjunction Ut (uti), in order that (negatively lit lie or ne, lest) : as, ab aratro abduxerunt Cincinnatum, ut dictator esset (Fin. ii. 4), they brought Cincinnatus from the plotigh, that he might be dictator. scribebat orationes quas alii dicerent (Brut. 56), he 'wrote speeches for other men to deliver. huic ne ubi consisteret quidem contra te locum reliquisti (Quinct. 22), you have left him no ground even to make a stand against you. nihil habeo quod scribam, I have nothing to 'write. habebam quo confugerem (Fam. iv. 6), / had [a retreat] 'whither I might Jlee. ut ne sit impune (Mil. 12), that it be not 'with impunity. ne qua ejus adventus procul significatio fiat (B. G. vi. 29), that no sign of his arrival may be made at a distance. REMARK. Sometimes the relative or conjunction has a correl- ative in the main clause : as, legum idcirco omnes servi sumus, ut liberi esse possimus (Clu. 53), for this reason ive are subject to the laws, that ive may be free. ea causa . . . ne, for this reason, lest, &c. NOTE. As ut (uti) is of relative origin, the construction with ut is the same as that of relatives. That with ne is perhaps, in origin, a hortatory subjunctive. a* The ablative quo (= ut eo) is used as a conjunction in final clauses, especially with comparatives : as, libertate usus est, quo impunius dicax esset (Quinct. 3), he availed himself of liberty, that he* might bluster 'with more impunity. Compare quominus ( ut eo minus), after verbs of hinder- ing ( 65, i, a). & The Principal clause, upon which a final clause depends, is often to be supplied from the context : as, ac ne longum sit ... jussimus (Cat. iii. 5), and, not to be tedious, we ordered, &c. [strictly, " not to be tedious, I say."] sed ut ad Dionysium redeamus, . . . (Tusc. v.22), but to return to Dionysius, &c. satis inconsiderati fuit, ne dicam audacis (Phil. xiii. 5), it 'was the act of one rash enough, not to say daring. 64: 2. 65.] CONSEQUENCE OR RESULT. 183 REMARK. To this principle belongs nedum, still less, not to mention that, with which the verb itself is often omitted : as, nedum . . . salvi esse possimus (Clu. 35), much less could -we be safe. nedum isti . . . non statim conquisituri sint aliquid sceleris et flagitii (Leg. Ag. ii. 35), far more will they hunt up at once some sort of crime and scandal. nedum in mari et via sit facile (Fam. xvi. 8), still less is it easy at sea, and on a journey. Final clauses easily become the object of verbs of wishing, commanding, &c. (see 68). 2. The Purpose of an action is expressed in Latin in various ways ; but never (except rarely in poetry) by the simple Infinitive, as in English. The sentence, they came to seek peace, may be rendered (1) venerunt ut pacem peterent . . . [final clause with ut] ; (2) qui pacem peterent [final clause with Relative] ; (3) ad petendum pacem (rare) [gerund with ad]; (4) ad petendam pacem [gerundive with ad] ; 1 (5) pacem petendi causa* [gerund with causa]; (6) pacis petendae causa [gerundive with causa] ; (7) pacem petituri [future participle (not in Cicero)] ; (8) pacem petitum [former supine]. * Or gratia. 65o CONSEQUENCE OR RESULT. 1. CONSECUTIVE CLAUSES, or those expressing result, take the Subjunctive after relatives or the conjunction ut, so that (negatively, ut non) : as, nemo est tarn senex, qui se annum non putet posse vivere (Cat. M. 7)5 no one is so old as not to think he can live a year. nam est innocentia affectio talis animi, quae noceat nemini (Tusc. iii. 8), for innocence is such a quality of mind as to do harm to no one. sunt alise causae quae plane emciant (Top. 15), there are other causes, such as to bring to pass. REMARK. A negative result is expressed by ut non. Some- times, when the result is regarded as intended (though not a pur- pose), ut ne or ne is used : as, [librum] ita corrigas ne mihi noceat (Fam. vi. 7), correct the book so that it may not hurt me. 184 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [65: 1,2. hoc est ita utile ut ne plane illudamur ab accusatoribus (Rose. Am. 20), this is so useful, that tve are not utterly mocked by the accusers {i.e., only on this condition]. The subjunctive with quominus (= ut eo minus) may be used, to express a result, after verbs of hindering : as, nee aetas impedit quominus agri colendi studia teneamus (Cat. M. 17), nor does age prevent us from retaining an interest in tilling the ground. & A clause of result is introduced by quin after general negatives, where quin is equivalent to qui (quae, quod) non; also after clauses denoting hindrance, resistance, doubt, and sus- pension of effort (when these clauses are also negative) : as, non dubitoquin, I do not doubt that [dubito an, 7 'doubt -whether]* aegre (vix) abstinui quin, I hardly refrained from, &c. nihil impedit quin . . ., there is nothing to prevent, &c. abesse non potest quin (Or. 70), /'/ cannot be but that. nihil est illorum quin [=quod non] ego illi dixerim (Plaut. Bac. iii. 9), there is nothing of this that I have not told him. REMARK. The above clauses of result easily pass into Substan- tive Clauses, for which see 70. 2. A relative clause of Result is often used to indicate a characteristic of the antecedent, even where the idea of result can be no longer perceived. This is especially common where the antecedent is otherwise undefined : as, neque enim tu is es, qui qui sis nescias (Fam. v. 12), for you are not such a one, as not to know ivho you are. multa dicunt quae vix intelligant (Fin. iv. i), they say many things such as they hardly understand. paci quse nihil habitura sit insidiarum semper est consulen- dum (Off. i. n), we must always aim at a peace which shall have no plots. unde agger comportari posset, nihil erat reliquum (B. C. ii. 15), there was nothing left, from which an embankment could be put together. NOTE. These cases of result are to be distinguished from the In- definite Relative in protasis ( 59, i). Such relative clauses of characteristic are used in several idiomatic constructions : viz., After general expressions of existence and non-existence, including questions implying a negative : as, erant qui Helvidium miserarentur (Ann. xvi. 29), there were some who pitied Helvidius. 65: 2. 66.] INTERMEDIATE CLAUSES. 185 quis est qui id non maximis e'fferat laudibus (LseU 7), who is there that does not extol it with the highest praises f sunt alia? causae quae plane efficiant (Top. 15), there are other causes which clearly effect, &c. b* After unus and solus : as, nil admirari prope res est una solaque qua? possit facere et servare beatum (Hor. Ep. i.t>), to 'wonder at nothing is almost the sole and only thing that can make and keep one happy. c. After comparatives followed by quam : as, majores arbores csedebant quam quas ferre miles posset (Liv. xxviii. 5), they cut larger trees than -what a soldier could carry. Canachi signa rigidiora sunt quam ut imitentur veritatem (Brut. 18), the statues of Canachus are too stiff to represent nature. d. In expressions of restriction or proviso, introduced by Relatives : as, quod sciam, so far as I know. Catonis orationes, quas quidem invenerim (Brut. 17), the speeches of Cato^ at least such as I have discovered. servus est nemo, qui modo tolerabili condicione sit servitutis (Cat. iv. 8), there is not a slave, at least in any tolerable con- dition of slavery. e. When the quality indicated is connected with the action of the main clause, either as Cause on account of which (since) , or as Hindrance in spite of which (although): as, O virum simplicem qui nos nihil celet (Or. 69), oh, guileless man, who hides nothing from us ! egomet qui sero Grsecas litteras attigissem tamen compjures Athenis dies sum commoratus (De Or. 18), I myself , though I began Greek literature late, yet, dec. [lit., a man who~]. /. Dignus, indignus, aptus, idoneus, take a clause of result with a relative (rarely with ut) ; in the poets the Infinitive : as, idoneus qui impetret (Manil. \Q>), fit to obtain. dignum notari (Hor. Sat. i. 3), worthy to be stigmatized. 66. INTERMEDIATE CLAUSES. A Relative or other subordinate clause takes the Subjunctive, when it expresses the thought of some other person than the speaker or writer, or when it is an integral part of a Subjunctive clause or equivalent Infinitive. 186 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [66: I, 2. 1. The Subjunctive is used in intermediate clauses to express the thought of some other person tt. In subordinate clauses in Indirect Discourse (see 67) . & When the clause depends upon another containing a wish, a command, or a question expressed indirectly, though not indirect discourse proper : as, animal sentit quid sit quod deceat (Off. i. 6), an animal feels 'what it is that is fit. hunc sibi ex animo scrupulum, qui se dies noctesque stimulet ac pungat, ut evellatis postulat (Rose. Am. 2), he begs you to pluck from his heart this doubt that goads and stings him day and night. [Here the relative clause is not a part of the Purpose expressed in evellatis^ but is an assertion made by the subject of postulat.'} When the main clause of a quotation is merged in the verb of saying, or some modifier of it : as, nisi restituissent statuas, vehementer iis minatur (Verr. iii.67), he threatens them violently unless they should restore the statues. [Here the main clause, "that he will inflict punishment," is contained in minatur.~\ prohibitio tollendi, nisi pactus esset, vim adhibebat pactioni (id. iv. 14), the forbidding to take away unless he came to terms gave force to the bargain. d. With a reason or an explanatory fact introduced by a rela- tive or by quod (rarely quia) :*as, Favonius mihi quod defendissem leviter succensuit (Att. iii. i), Favonius gently chided me for my defence. Psetus omnes libros quos pater suus reliquisset mihi donavit (id.), Pcetus presented me all the books his father had left. REMARK.. Under this head, even what the speaker himself thought under other circumstances may have the subjunctive. So also with quod, even the verb of saying may take the subjunctive. To this use also belong non quia, non quod, introducing a reason expressly to deny it. Non quo, non quin, introduce a result clause, but with nearly the same meaning as non quod : as, pugiles ingemiscunt, non quod doleant, sed quia . . . (Tusc. ii. 23), boxers groan not -with pain, but, &c. non quia philosophia , . . percipi non posset (id. i. i), not that philosophy cannot be found, &c. non quoniam hoc sit necesse (Verr. ii. 9), not that this is necessary. NOTE. This usage probably originates in apodosis, the condition being the supposed truth of the speaker, the main subject. 2. A clause depending upon another subjunctive clause (or equivalent Infinitive) will also take the subjunctive if it is regarded as an integral part of that clause : as, 66: 2. 67.] INDIRECT DISCOURSE. 187 non ptignabo quominus utrum velis eligas (Div. C. 18), I 'will not oppose your taking 'which you will. imperat, dum.res adjudicetur, hominem ut asservent : cum judicatum sit, ad se adducant (Verr. iv. 22), he orders them 'while the affair is under judgment '; to keep the man ; 'when he is judged-, to bring him to him. etenim quis tarn dissolute animo est, qui haec cum videat, tacere ac neglegere possit (Rose. Am. n) , for -who is so reck- less of spirit, that when he sees these things, he can keep silent and pass them by ? si tibi hoc Siculi dicerent, nonne id dicerent quod cuivis pro- bare deberent (Div. C. 6), if the Sicilians said this to you, -would they not say a thing -which they must prove to everybody ? mos est Athenis laudari in contione eos qui sint in prceliis interfecti (Or. 44), *'/ is the custom at Athens for those to be publicly eulogized -who have been slain in battle. NOTE. The subjunctive in this use is either a Protasis or Apodosis, and partakes of the nature of the clause on which it depends, or at least of its original nature. In all cases except purpose and result, this is clearly seen. In these, the case is undoubtedly the same ; as the Purpose has, of course, a future sense, and the Result is a branch of apodosis. (See "Essay on the Latin Subjunctive/' page 27.) It is often difficult to distinguish between this construction and the preceding. Tims, in imperat ut ea fiant quce opus essent, essent may stand for sunt, and then will be Indirect Discourse (under i, 6) ; or it may stand for erunt, and will then be Protasis (under 2). 67. INDIRECT DISCOURSE. A Direct Quotation is one which gives the exact words of the original speaker or writer. An Indirect Quotation is one which adapts the original words to the construction of the sentence in which they are quoted. REMARK. The term INDIRECT DISCOURSE (oratio obliqua) is used to designate all clauses even single clauses in a sentence of different construction which indirectly express the word or thought of any person other than the speaker or writer, or even his own under other circumstances. But it is more strictly used to include those cases only in which the form of Indirect Quotation is given to some complete proposition or citation, which may be extended to a narrative or address of any length, as found in the Speeches of Caesar and Livy, the form being dependent on some word of saying, &c., with which it is introduced. The term DIRECT DISCOURSE (oratio recta) includes all other, forms of expression, whether narration, question, excla, command. 188 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [67: I. 1. Indirect Narrative. In a Declaratory Sentence in- indirect discourse, the principal verb is in the Infinitive, and its subject in the Accusative. All subordinate clauses take the Subjunctive : as, esse nonnullos quorum auctoritas plurimum valeat (B. G. i. 17), there are some, whose influence most prevails. [In direct dis- course, sunt nonnulli . . . valet.~\ nisi jurasset, scetus se facturum [esse] arbitrabatur (Verr. i. 47), he thought he should incur guilt, unless he should take the oath [direct, nisijuravero,faciam\. Stoici negant quidquam esse bonum, nisi quod honestum sit (Fin. ii. 21), the Stoics assert that nothing is good but what is right. [The verb nego is used in preference to dice with a negative.] a. Subject- Accusative. The subject of the infinitive in Indirect Discourse must regularly be expressed, even though it is wanting in the Direct : as, orator sum, I am an orator ; [dicit] se esse oratorem, [he says] he is an orator. But rarely, it is omitted, when it would be easily understood : as, ignoscere imprudentia dixit (B. G. iv. 27), he said he pardoned their rashness. rogavi pervenissentne Agrigentum : dixit pervenisse (Verr. iv. 12), / asked -whether they [the curtains] had come to Agri- gentum : he answered that they had. REMARK. After a relative, or quani (than), where the verb would be the same as that of the main clause, it is usually omitted, and its subject is attracted into the accusative : as, te suspicor eisdem rebus quibus meipsum commoveri (Cat. M. i), I suspect that you are disturbed by the same things as /. fr. Relative Clauses. A subordinate clause merely explana- tory, and containing statements which are regarded as true inde- pendently of the quotation, takes the Indicative. It often depends merely upon the feeling of the writer whether he will use the in- dicative or subjunctive : as, quis neget hsec omnia quae videmus deorum potestate admm- istrari (Cat. iii. 9), who can deny that all these things we see are ruled by the power of the gods ? cujus ingenio putabat ea quae gesserat posse celebrari (Arch. 9), by whose genius he thought that those deeds which he had done could be celebrated. [Here the fact expressed by quce gesserat, though not explanatory, is felt to be true without regard to the quotation : qua gessisset would mean, what Marius thought he had done.] 67: I.} INDIRECT DISCOURSE. 189 REMARK. Some clauses introduced by relatives are really independent, and take the accusative and infinitive. Rarely, also, subordinate clauses take this construction. The infinitive con- struction is regularly continued after a comparative with quam : as, Marcellus requisivisse dicitur Archimedem ilium, quern cum audisset interfectum permoleste tulisse (Verr. iv. 58), Mar- cellus is said to have sought for Archimedes, and when he heard that he was slain, to have been greatly distressed. unumquemque nostrum censent philosophi mundi esse par- tem, ex quo [= et ex eo] illud natura consequi (Fin. iii. 19), the philosophers say that each one of us is a part of the uni- verse, from which this naturally follows. quemadmodum si non dedatur obses pro rupto se foedus habi- turum, sic deditam inviolatam ad suos remissurum (Liv. ii. J 3) [be says] as in case the hostage is not given up he will consider the treaty as broken, so if given up he will return her unharmed to her friends. addit se priiis occisum iri ab eo quam me violatum iri (Att. ii. 20), he adds that he himself will be killed by him, before 1 shall be injured. The subjunctive with or without ut also occurs with quam. (see 70). WT^^- Conditional Sentences. In a conditional se^mce, the Indicative in APODOSIS is in any case representejl^By the \ spending tense of the Infinitiye. The Subjunctive is represen by the Future Participle with fuisse for the pluperfect, and the Future Infinitive for the other tenses (compare the use of the par- ticiple in urus with fui for the pluperfect subjunctive). The PROTASIS, as a dependent clause, is in all cases Subjunctive : as, se non defuturum [esse] pollicetur, si audacter dicere velint (B. C. i. i), he promises not to fail, if they iv ill speak their minds boldly [non dee'ro si voletis]. NOTE. The future infinitive, representing the imperfect subjunc- tive in Protasis, is for some reason very rare, and only four or five examples occur in classic authors. On the contrary, the form with fuisse is quite common. d , Questions. A Question coming immediately after a verb of asking or the like is treated as an Indirect Question (see below, 2) ; but questions generally rhetorical coming in course of a long indirect discourse are treated like Declaratory Sentences : as, num etiam recentium injuriarum memoriam fse] deponere posse (B. G. i. 14], could he lay aside the memory of recent wrongs? [num possum?] quern signum daturum fugientibus? quern ausurum Alexandro succedere (Q^C. iii. 5), who will give the signal on the re- treat ? who will dare to succeed Alexander ? 190 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [67: 2. REMARK. Generally real questions, expecting an answer (chiefly in the second person), take the subjunctive. Questions asked by the dubitative subjunctive must retain the subjunctive (see 2, b) : as, quid sibi vellent (B. G. i. 44), 'what did they -want? [quid vultis?] 2. Indirect Questions. An Indirect Question takes its verb in the Subjunctive: as, quid ipse sentiam exponam (Div. i. 6), / will explain '-what I think [direct, quid sentio~\. id possetne fieri consuluit (id. 7), he consulted -whether it could be done [direct, potestne~\. quarn sis audax omnes intellegere potuerunt (Rose. Am. 31), all could understand how bold you are. doleam necne doleam nihil interest (Tusc. ii. 12), it is of no account 'whether I suffer or not. incerti quidnam esset (Jug. 49), uncertain what it 'was. REMARK. An Indirect Question is any sentence or clause, introduced by an interrogative word (pronoun, adverb, or particle), depending immediately on a verb, or on any expression implying uncertainty or doubt. In grammatical form, exclamatory sentences are not distin- guished from interrogative, as in the third example given above. The Future Indicative is represented in indirect questions by the participle in urus with the subjunctive of esse, rarely by the simple subjunctive : as, prospicio qui cdncursus futuri sint (Div. in CZEC.), I foresee 'what throngs there will be [erunt]. quid sit futurum eras, fuge quserere (Hor. Od. i. 9), forbear to ask what will be on the morrow [erit, or futurum est]. & The Dubitative Subjunctive referring to future time remains unchanged except in tense : as, [quaeritur] utrum Carthago diruatur, an Carthaginiensibus reddatur (De Inv. i. 12), [the question is] shall Carthage be destroy ed* or restored to the Carthaginians. nee quisquam satis certum habet, quid aut speret aut timeat (Liv. xxii. 7), nor is any one assured what he shall hope or fear. [Here the participle with sit could not be used.] incerto quid peterent aut vitarent (Liv. xxviii. 36), since it was doubtful [abl. abs ] what they should seek or shun. c. The Subject of an indirect question is often, in colloquial usage and in poetry, attracted into the main clause as Object (accusative of anticipation) : as, n6sti Marcellum quam tardus sit (Fam. viii. 10), you know how slow Marcellus is. In like manner, 67: 2, 3-] INDIRECT DISCOURSE. 191 potestne igitur earum rerum quare futurae sint ulla esse prse- sensio (Div. ii. 5), can there be, then, any foreknowledge as to those things, -why they will occur ? REMARK. In some cases the Object becomes Subject by a change of voice, and an apparent mixture of relative and inter- rogative construction is the result : as, quidam saspe in parva pecunia perspiciuntur quam sint leves (Lael. 17), it is often seen, in a trifling matter of money, how unprincipled some people are. quemadmodum Pompeium oppugnarent a me indicati sunt (Leg. Ag. i. 2), it has been shown by me in what way they attacked Pompey. d. In early Latin and poetry, questions which elsewhere would have the Subjunctive as indirect often have the Indicative : as, non reputat quid laboris est (Amph. 172), he does not consider what a task it is. vineam quo in agro conseri oportet sic observato (Cato R.R 6), in what soil a vineyard should be set you must observe thus. NOTE. These cases are usually considered Direct questions ; but they occur (as above) where the question cannot be translated as direct without distortion of the meaning. A few expressions properly interrogative are used idiomati- cally as indefinites, and do not take a subjunctive : such are nescio quis, &c., mirum (or nimirum) quam or quantum, immane quantum, &c. : as, qui istam nescio quam indolentiam magnopere laudant (Tusc. iii. 6), who greatly extol that painlessness (whatever it is). mirum quantum profuit (Liv. ii. i), it helped marvellously. / Occasionally, a virtual indirect question is introduced by si in the sense of whether (like ifm English) : as, circumfunduntur hostes, si quern aditum reperire possent (B. G. vi. 37), the enemy pour round [to see] if they can find entrance visam si domi est (Heaut. 118), I will go see if he is at home. 3. Indirect Commands. All Imperative forms of speech I take the Subjunctive in indirect discourse : as, i reminisceretur veteris incommodi populi Romani (B. G. 13), remember [said he] the ancient disaster, &c. [reminiscere]. I ne committeret ut (ib.), do not [said he] bring it about [ne commiseris]. \ finem orandi faciat (id. 20), let him make an end of entreaty [fac]. 192 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [68. The following example may serve to illustrate some of the fore- going principles in a connected address : Indirect Discourse. Direct Discourse. Si pacem populus Ronianus cum Helvetiis faceret, in earn partem ituros atque~ ibi futuros Helvetiosf\\\A eos Caesar con- stituisset atque esse voluisset : sin bello persequi perseveraret, reminisceretur et veteris incom- modi populi Romani, et pris- tinae virtutis Helvetiorum. Quod improviso unum pagum ador- tus esset, cum ii qui flumen transissent suis auxilium ferre non possent) ne ob earn rem aut suce magno opere virtuti tribue- ret, aut ipsos dcspiceret : se ita a patribus majoribusque suis didicisse* ut magis virtute quam dolo contenderent, aut insidiis niterentur. Quare ne commit- teret, ut is locus ubi constitissent ex calamitate populi Romani et internecione exercitus nomen caperet, aut memoriam pro- deret. B. G.4. 13. Si pacem populus Romanus cum Helvetiis faciet, in earn partem ibunt atque sy ibi erunt, Helvetii, ubi eos Caesar constit- eritfSitque esse voluerit: sin bello persequi perseverabit, reminiscere [inquit] et veteris incommodi populi Romani, et pristinae virtutis Helvetiorum. Quod improviso unum pagum adortus es, cum ii qui flumen transierant suis auxilium ferre non possent, ne ob earn rem aut tuae magno opere virtuti tribueris, aut nos despexeris : nos ita a patribus majoribusque nostris didicimus, ut magis vir- tute quam dolo contendamus, aut insidiis nitamur. Quare, ne commiseris, ut hie locus ubi constitimus ex calamitate populi Romani et internecione exerci- tus nomen capiat, aut memo- riam prodat. 68. WISHES AND COMMANDS. 1. WISHES are expressed by the Subjunctive, often strengthened by the particles ut, utinam, si (early Latin), qui ; the primary tenses being used in reference to future time, the secondary to express a hopeless wish, the imper- fect in present time, the pluperfect in past (see 57, 4). REMARK. A periphrasis with velim, vellem, &c., is some- times used (57, 4, c). 2. COMMANDS are expressed by the Imperative or Sub- junctive ( 57, 3, 7) ; PROHIBITIONS by the Subjunctive, or by a periphrasis with noli or cave ( 57, 7, a). The object of the command is given in a purpose-clause ( 70, 3) with ut or ne, except after jubeo and veto ( 70, 2). 3. Indirectly quoted, all these forms of speech take the Subjunctive (see 67, 3). 69. 70.] CLAUSES. 9. RELATIVE CLAUSES. Wb 1. A simple relative, merely introducing a descriptive fact, takes the Indicative. 2. The Subjunctive appears more or less frequently in many relative clauses (which have been already treated). These relatives always either (1) are general relatives of Protasis ; or (2) express some logical connection between the relative and antecedent, or (3) have no effect at all upon the construction* These constructions are ! General or Future Conditions in Protasis ( 59, 60, 61). 2. a. Final Clauses ( 64). &. Consecutive Clauses ( 65). c* Relatives of Characteristic ( 65, 2). d* Relatives implying Cause or Hindrance ( 65, 2, e). Temporal Clauses of relative time (62, 2). 3. a. Intermediate Clauses ( 66). &. Clauses in Indirect Discourse ( 67) . 70. SUBSTANTIVE CLAUSES. A Substantive Clause is one which, like a noun, is the subject or object of a verb, or in apposition with a subject or object. REMARK. The Infinitive with the Accusative, though not strictly a Clause, is equivalent to one, and may be treated as such. When a substantive clause is used as Subject, the verb to which it is subject is called Impersonal ( 39), and its sign, in English, is IT ; when it is used as Object, it generally follows some verb of knowing, fyc. ( 67, i) or of wishing or effecting, and its sign, in English, is THAT, or TO (Infinitive). 1. Classification. Substantive Clauses are of four kinds: 1. The Accusative with the Infinitive, denoting an idea as thought, or spoken ( 67, i) ; 2. Indirect Questions (67, 2) ; 3. The Subjunctive with ut, ne, quo, quin, or 9 194 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [70: 1,2. quominus, denoting purpose or result; 4. The Indicative with quod, denoting a fact. But the Infinitive alone may take the place of either 1 or 3. 2. Accusative and Infinitive. The Accusative with the Infinitive is used as the Object 1. Of all verbs and expressions of knowing, thinking, and telling (Indirect Dis- course, 67, i) ; 2. Of jubeo and veto, and rarely of other verbs of commanding, requesting, admonishing, and the like ; 3. Sometimes of verbs of wishing: as, dicit montem ab hostibus teneri (B. G. I. 22), he says that the height is held by the enemy. negat ullos patere portus (Liv. xxviii. 43), he says that no ports are open. Labienum jugum mentis adscendere jubet (id. 21), he orders Labiemis to ascend the ridge of the hill. judicem esse me non doctorem volo (Ov. 33), I -wish to be a judge, not a teacher. a* ' After Passives. If the main verb is changed to the pas- sive, either (1) the Subject of the infinitive (like other objects of active verbs) becomes nominative, and the infinitive is retained ; or (2) the passive is used impersonally, and the clause retained as its Object. With verbs of saying, &c,, the former construction is more common, especially in the tenses of incomplete action ; with jubeo and veto it is always used : as, primi traduntur arte quadam verba vinxisse (Or. 13), they first are related to have joined words 'with a certain skill. jussus es renuntiari consul (Phil. ii. 32), you -were under orders to be declared consul. in lautumias Syracusanas deduci imperantur (Verr. v. 27), they are ordered to be taken to the stone-pits of Syracuse. hie accusare non est situs (Sest. 44), he -was not allowed to accuse. praedicari de se ac nominari volunt (Arch. 10), they -wish to be talked of and known by name. [Here the passive is used impersonally.] voluntaria morte interisse creditus est (Tac. H. iv. 67), he was thought to have perished by voluntary death. nuntiatur piratarum naves esse in portu (Verr. v. 24), it is told that the ships of the pirates are in port. & The poets extend the use of the passive to verbs which are not properly verba sentiendi: as, colligor dominse placuisse (Ov. Am. ii. 6, 61), it is gathered [from this memorial] that I pleased my mistress. 70: 2, 3-] SUBSTANTIVE CLAUSES. 195 c. Such indirect discourse may depend on any word implying speech or thought, though not strictly a verb of saying, &c. : as, eos redire jubet: se in tempore adfuturum esse (Liv. xxiv. 13), he orders them to return [promising] that he will be at hand in season. orantes ut urbibus saltern jam enim agros deploratos esse opem senatus ferret (id. xvi. 6), praying- that the senate 'would bring aid to the cities for the fields [they said] were already given up as lost. d. Verbs of promising, expecting, threatening, swearing, and the like, regularly take the construction of Indirect Discourse, contrary to the English idiom ( 67, I, a) ; but sometimes a simple complementary infinitive : as, me spero liberatum [esse] metu (Tusc. ii. 27), / trust I have been freed from fear. minatur sese abire (Asin. iii. 3), he threatens to go away. [Direct, abeo, I am going away, ,] ex quibus sperant se maximum fructum esse captures (Lsel. 21), from which they hope to gain the utmost advantage. quern inimicissimum futurum esse promitto ac spondeo (Mur. 41), who I promise and warrant will be the bitterest of enemies. dolor fortitudinem se debilitaturum minatur (Tusc. v. 27), pain threatens to wear down fortitude. pollicentur obsides dare (B. G. iv. 21), they promise to give hos- tages [compare Greek aorist infinitive after similar verbs.] 3. Clauses of Purpose. The clause with ut (nega- tive lie), developed from PURPOSE, is used as the Object of all verbs denoting an action directed towards the future. Such are a. Verbs of commanding, asking, admonishing, urging, and in general those denoting an influence upon some one ( 64). These verbs rarely take the Infinitive (except jubeo and veto, which take it regularly) : as, his uti conquirerent imperavit (B. G. i. 2), he ordered them to search. monent ut omnes suspiciones vitet (id. 20), he warns him to avoid all suspicion. b. Verbs of wishing and the like. These take also the simple Infinitive ; more commonly when the subject remains the same, less -commonly when it is different (see 2, above) : as, cupio ut impetret (Capt. i. 2), I wish he may get it. cum nostri perspici cuperent (B. G. iii. 21), when our men wished it to be seen. 196 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [70: 3. mallem Cerberum metueres (Tusc. i. 6), I would rather you feared Cerberus. quos non tarn ulcisci studeo quam sanare (Cat. ii. 8), whom I do not care so much to punish as to cure. c. Verbs of permission, concession, and necessity. These take also the Infinitive : as, permisit ut partes faceret (De Or. ii. 90), permitted him to make divisions. vinum importari non sinunt (B. G. iv. 2), they do not allow wine to be imported. nullo se implicari negotio passus est (Lig. 3), he suffered him- self to be tangled in no business. sint enim oportet si miseri sunt (Tusc. i 6), they must exist, if they are wretched. REMARK. The clause with licet (usually without ut) is regularly used to express a concession in the sense of although. d. Verbs of determining, resolving, bargaining, which also take the Infinitive. Those of decreeing often take the participle in dus, on the principle of indirect discourse : as, edicto ne quis injussu pugnaret (Liv. v. 19), having commanded that none should fight without orders. pacto ut victorem res sequeretur (id. xxviii. 21), having bar- gained that the property should belong to the victor. Regulus captivos reddendos non censuit (Off. i. 13), Regulus voted that the captives should be returned. [He said, in giv- ing his opinion, captivi non reddendi sunt.~\ e. Verbs of caution and effort. Those denoting an effort to hinder may also take quominus or ne : as, cura et provide ut nequid ei desit (Att. ii. 3), take care and see that he lacks nothing. non deterret sapientem mors quominus . . . (Tusc. i. 38), death does not deter the wise man from, &c. ne facerem impedivit (Fat. i. i}, prevented me from doing. /. Verbs of fearing take the Subjunctive, with ne affirmative and ne non or ut negative : as, ne animum offenderet verebatur (B. G. i. 19), he feared he should offend the mind, &c. vereor ut tibi possim concedere (De Or. i. 9), I fear I cannot grant you. baud sane periculum est ne non mortem optandam putet (Tusc. v. 40), there is no danger of his not thinking death desirable. REMARK. The particle ut or ne is often omitted, generally after verbs of wishing, necessity, permission ; with cave, die, fac ; and in indirect discourse, frequently after verbs of commanding and the like. 70: 4-] SUBSTANTIVE CLAUSES. 197 gr. With any verbs of the above classes, the poets may use the Infinitive : as, hortamur fari (&n. ii. 74), we exhort [him] to speak. 4. Clauses of Result. The clause with lit (negative ut non, &c.), developed from RESULT, is used as the Object of verbs denoting the accomplishment of an effort : as, commeatus ut portari possent efficiebat (B. G. ii. 5), he made it possible that supplies could be bought. [Lit., he effected that, &c.] a. The substantive clause becomes the Subject of such verbs in the passive ; and hence is further used as the subject of verbs denoting it happens, it remains, it follows, and the like ; and even of the simple esse in the same sense, and other phrases : as, sequitur ut doceam (N. D. ii. 32), the next thing is to show, &c. accidit ut esset plena luna (B. G. iv. 29), it chanced to be full moon. accedit ut conturber (Deiot. i), besides this I am troubled. reliquum est quarta virtus ut sit ipsa frugalitas (id.), it remains that the fourth virtue is thrift. quando fuit ut quod licet non liceret (Gael. 20), 'when was it that 'what is now allowed was not allowed ? b. A result clause, with or without ut, frequently follows quam, after a comparative : as, perpessus est omnia potius quam indicaret (Tusc. i. 22), he endured all, rather than betray, &c. c. A result clause with ut is often used elliptically, in ex- clamations, with or without -ne (compare 57, 8, g) : as, quanquam quid loquor? te ut ulla res frangat (Cat. i. <)-,yet why do I ask i that anything should bend you ! egone ut te interpellem (Tusc. ii. 18), what, I interrupt you f ' REMARK. The infinitive, in exclamations, usually refers to something actually occurring ; the subjunctive to something con- templated. d. The phrase tantum abest, it is so far [from being the case], besides a subject-clause (substantive) with ut, regularly takes another ut-clause (of result) depending on tantum : as, tantum abest ut nostra miremur, ut usque eo difficiles ac mor- osi simus, ut nobis non satisfaciat ipse Demosthenes (Or. 29), so far from admiring our o^vn matters, we are difficult and captious to that degree, that not Demosthenes himself satisfies us. [Here the first ut-clause depends directly on abest j the second on tantum ; and the third on usque eo.~\ 198 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [70: 4. e. The expressions facere ut, committere ut, often form a periphrasis for the simple verb (compare fore ut for the future infinitive) : as, invitus feci ut Flamininum e senatu eicerem (Cat. M. 12), it was -with reluctance that I expelled, &c. /, Rargly, a thought or idea is considered as a result, and takes the subjunctive with ut instead of the accusative and infini- tive (in this case a demonstrative usually precedes) : as, altera est res, ut . . . (Off. i. 20), the second point is that, &c. praeclarum illud est, ut eos . . . amemus (Tusc. iii. 29), this is a noble thing, that we should love, &c. quae est igitur amentia, ut . . . -what folly is there then in de- manding, &c. (/, Verbs and other expressions which imply hindering and the like, may take quin when the main verb is negative, formally or virtually: as, facere non possum quin . . . (Att. xii. 27), I cannot avoid, &c. nihil praetermisi quin scribam . . . (Q^ F. iii. 3), / have left nothing undone to write. ut nulla re impedirer quin (Att. iv. 2), that I might be hin- dered by nothing from, &c. non humana ulla neque divina obstant quin (Sail. Ep. Mith. 17), no human or divine laws prevent, but that, &c. REMARK. This usage is found especially with the phrase non dubito and similar expressions making a kind of indirect dis- course : as, non dubitabat quin ei crederemus (Att. vi. 2), he did not doubt that we believed him. illud cave dubites quin ego omnia faciam (Fam. v. 20), do not doubt that I will do all. quis ignorat quin (Flacc. 27), who is ignorant that, &c. ? neque ambigitur quin Brutus pessimo publico id facturus fue- rit si priorum regum alicui regnum extorsisset (Livy, ii. i), nor is there any question that Brutus, if he had wrested the kingdom from any one of the former kings, would have done it with the worst results to the state [direct discourse, fecisset\. h. Some verbs and expressions may be used either as verbs of saying as well as of commanding or effecting and the like, and may be construed accordingly : as, sequitur illico esse causas immutabiles (Fat. 12), it follows directly that there are unalterable causes. [The regular construction with sequor used of a logical sequence.] laudem sapientise statuo esse maximam (Div. v. 13), / hold that the glory of wisdom is the greatest. 70: 5-] SUBSTANTIVE CLAUSES. 199 statuunt ut decem milia hominum mittantur (B. G. xii. 21), they resolve that 10,000 men shall be sent. res ipsa monebat tempus esse (Att. x. 8), the thing itself -warned that it was time [monere ut, -warn to do something}. fac mihi esse persuasum (N. D. i. 27), suppose that I am per- suaded of that [facere ut, accomplish thaf\. hoc volunt persuadere non interire anitnos (B. G. vi. 13), they -wish to convince that souls do not perish. huic persuadet uti ad hostes transeat (B. G. iii. 18), persuades him to pass over to the enemy. NOTE. The infinitive, with a subject, in this construction is in- direct discourse, and is to be distinguished from the simple infinitive sometimes found with these verbs. 5. Indicative with quod. The clause in the Indicative with quod is used (more commonly as Subject) when the statement is regarded as a fact : as, alterum est vitium, quod quidam nimis magnum studium conferunt (Off. i. j6), it is another fault, that some bestow too much zeal-, &c. [Here ut with the subjunctive could be used, meaning that they should, or the accusative and infin- itive, meaning to more abstractly; quod makes it a fact that men do, &c.] inter inanimum et animal hoc maxime interest, quod animal agit aliquid (Ac. ii. 12), there is this chief difference, &c., that an animal has an aim. quod rediit nobis mirabiie videtur (Off. iii. 31), that he [Reg- ulus] returned seems wonderful to us. [Redisse would mean he should have returned.] a. In colloquial language, the clause with quod appears as an accusative of specification, corresponding to the English WHEREAS : as, quod de domo scribis (Fam. xiv. 2), as to what you write of the house. quod mihi de nostro statu gratularis, minime miramur te tuis pra3claris operibus laetari (Att. i. 5), as to your congratulat- ing me on our condition, no wonder you are pleased with your pwn noble works. b. Verbs of feeling and its expression take either quod (quia) or the accusative and infinitive (Indirect Discourse) : as, quod scribis .. .gaudeo(Q 1 F. iii. i). I am glad that you write. quae perfecta esse vehementer laetor (Rose. Am. 47), I greatly rejoice that this is finished. facio libenter quod earn non possum praeterire (Leg. i. 24). / am glad that I cannot pass it by. RKMARK. Rarely, an apparent substantive clause, with miror and similar expressions, is introduced by si (really a Protasis) : as, miror si quemquam amicum habere potuit (Lael. 15), I should wonder if he could ever have a friend. 200 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [71 : I, 2. 71. QUESTIONS. Questions are introduced by Interrogative Pronouns, Adverbs, or Particles, and are not distinguished by the order of words, as in English. The Interrogative Particles are, an, utrum, num, and the enclitic -ne (see page 86). For other interrogative words, see list, page 49. 1. Interrogative f articles. The enclitic -ne is used in questions asked for information merely ; nonne, when the answer yes, and num when the answer no, is expected or im- plied: as, meministine me in senatu dicere (Cat. i. 3), do you remember my saying in the senate f nonne animadvertis quam multi salvi pervenerint (N. D. iii. 37), do you not observe how many have come through safe ? num dubium est (Rose. Am. 37), there is no doubt, is there f REMARK. The interrogative particle is sometimes omitted: as, patere tua consilia non sentis (Cat. i. i), do you not see that your plans are manifest ? a. In Indirect Questions, num loses its peculiar force : as, qusero num aliter evenirent (Fat. 3). / ask whether they would turn out differently. b. The form of Indirect questions is the same as that of Direct ; the difference being only in the verb, which regularly takes the subjunctive ( 71, 2). REMARK. In English, indirect questions are introduced by interrogatives, or by the particle whether. c. The enclitic -ne is often added to interrogative words when not required : as, utrumne, numne, anne. d. The expressions nescio an, dubito an, and the like, incline to the Affirmative, / don't know but. 2. Double Questions. In Double or Alternative Ques- tions, utrum or -ne, whether, stands in the first member ; an, anne, or ; annon, necne, or not, in the second : as, utrum nescis, an pro nihilo id putas (Fam. x. 26), don't you know ? or do you think nothing of it ? 71:2,3-] QUESTIONS. 201 quaere servosne an liberos (Rose. Am. 27). / ask -whether slaves or free. [Here servos aut liberos would mean, were there any, either slaves or free.] REMARK. In direct questions, annon is more frequently found in the alternative ; in indirect, necne. a. The interrogative particle is often omitted in the first mem- ber ; when -ne (anne, necne) may stand in the second : as, Gabinio dicam anne Pompeio (Manil. 19), shall I say to Ga- binius or to Pompey f sunt haec tua verba necne (Tusc. iii. 18), are these your words or not ? b. Sometimes the first member is omitted or implied ; and an (anne) alone asks a question usually with indignation or sur- prise : as, an tu miseros putas illos (Tusc. i. 7), -what I do you think those men wretched? c* The second member may be omitted, when utrum asks a question to which there is no alternative : as, utrum in clarissimis est civibus is quem. . . . (Place. 19), is he among the noblest citizens, whom, &c. d. The following exhibits the various forms of alternative questions : utrum ... an ... an (anne) -ne ... an 3. Question and Answer. As there is no word in Latin meaning simply yes or no, in answering a question the verb is generally repeated : as, valetne, is he well f valet, yes (he is well). eratne tecum, was he with you ? non erat, no (he was not). a. An intensive or negative particle is sometimes used in answer to a direct question : thus immo (nay but) , vero (in truth) , or etiani (even so) may have the meaning of yes ; and non (not), or minime (least-of-all) , of no. b. In the answer to an alternative question, one < member of the alternative must be repeated : as, tune an frater erat, was it you or your brother ? ego [eram], it was I. NOTE. Tune aut pater would mean, was it either of you? 202 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [72: I. 72. PARTICIPLES. The Participle expresses the action of the verb in the form of an adjective ; but has a partial distinction of tense, and generally governs the case of its verb. 1. Distinctions of Tense. The Present participle de- notes the action as not completed; the Perfect as completed ; the Future as still to take place. a* Present. The Present participle has several of the irregu- lar uses of the present indicative (compare 58, 2) : as, quaerenti mihi jamdiu certa res nulla veniebat in mentem (Fam. iv. 13), though 1 had long soztght, no certain thing came to my mind (cf. ib. a}. C. Flaminio restitit agrum Picentem dividenti (Cat. M. 4), he resisted Flaminius while attempting to divide, &c. (cf. ). iens in Pompeianum bene mane hsec scripsi (Att. iv. 9), / 'write this when about going- to my place at Pompeii (cf. c). Hence it is used in late writers to denote purpose. b. Perfect. The Perfect participle of a few deponent verbs is used nearly in the sense of a Present. Such are, regularly, ratus, solitus, veritus; commonly, fisus, ausus, secutus, and occasionally others, especially in later writers : as, cohortatus milites docuit (B. C. iii. 80), encouraging the men, he showed, &c. iratus dixisti (Mur. Tp),you spoke in a passion. oblitus auspicia (Phil. i. 13), forgetting the auspices. insidias veritus (B. G. ii. n), fearing ambuscade. imperio potitus (Liv. xxi. 2), holding the command. ad pugnam congressi (id. iv. 10), meeting in fight. rem incredibilem rati (Sail. C. 48), thinking it incredible. c. The present participle, wanting in the Passive, is usually supplied by a clause with dum or cum ; rarely by the participle in dus: as, Die, hospes, Spartse, nos te hie vidisse jacentes, Dum sanctis patrise legibus obsequimur. Tell it, stranger, at Sparta, that -we lie here obedient to our country's sacred laws. [Here dum obsequimur is a transla- tion of the Greek nettiontvoi.'] crucibus adfixi aut flammandi (Ann. xv. 44), crucified or set on fire [compare note under 73]. 72 2, 3-] PARTICIPLES. 203 2. Adjective use. The present and perfect participles are used sometimes as attributes, nearly like adjectives : as, cum antiquissimam sententiam turn comprobatam (Div. i. 5), a view at once most ancient and approved. signa nunquam fere ementientia (id. 9), signs hardly ever deceitful. auspiciis utuntur coactis (id. 15), they use forced auspices. a. Thus they are used, like adjectives, as nouns : as, sibi indulgentes et corpori deservientes (Leg. i. 13), the self- indulgent, and slaves to the body. recte facta paria esse debent (Par. iii. i), right deeds ought to be like in value. male parta male dilabuntur (Phil. ii. 27), ill got, ill spent. consuetude valentis (De Or. ii. 44), the habit of a man in health. b. So, also, they are connected with nouns by esse and simi- lar verbs : as, videtis ut senectus sit operosa et semper agens aliquid et moliens (Cat. M. 8), you see how busy old age is, always aiming and trying at something. Gallia est omnis divisa (B. G. i. i), all Gaul is divided. locus qui nunc saeptus est (Liv. i. 8), the place which is now enclosed. c. From this adjective use arise the compound tenses of the passive, the participle of completed action with the incomplete tenses of esse developing the idea of past time : as, interfectus est, he was (or has been} billed, lit., he is having- beeri- killed [i.e., already slain]. cL. In the best writers (as Cicero) this participle, when used with the tenses of completed action, retains its proper force ; but in later writers the two sets of tenses (as, amatus sum or fui) are often used indiscriminately : as, [leges] cum quce latse sunt turn vero quce promulgate fuerunt (Sest. 25), the laws, both those which -were proposed, and those which were published. [The proposal of the laws was a single act: hence latce sunt is a pure perfect. The publish- ing, or posting, was a continued state, which is indicated by promulgates, and fuerunt is the pure perfect.] - arma quse fixa in parietibus fuerant, humi inventa sunt (Div. i. 34)5 the arms which had been fastened on the walls were found upon the ground. [Compare occupati sunt et fuerunt (Off. i. 17) : the difference between this and the preceding is, that occupatus can be used only as an adjective.] 3. Predicate use. The Present and Perfect participles are often used as a predicate, where in English a clause 204 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [72: 3. would be used to express time, cause, occasion, condition, concession, characteristic, manner, circumstance: as, vereor ne turpe sit dicere incipientem (Mil. i), I fear it maybe a dishonor [to me] 'when beginning to speak. salutem insperantibus reddidisti (Marc. 7), you have restored a safety -which we did not hope. nemo ei neganti non credidisset (Mil. 19), no one -would have disbelieved him 'when he denied. REMARK. This use is especially frequent in the Ablative Ab- solute (see 54, 10, 6 and Note). A co-ordinate clause is some- times compressed into a perfect participle ; and a participle with a negative expresses the same idea which in English is given by without: as, imprudentibus nostris (B. G. v. 15), while our men were not looking. miserum est nihil proficientem angi (N. D. iii. 5), it is -wretched to vex one's self without effecting anything. instructos ordines in locum aequuin deducit (Sail. C. 59), he draws up the lines, and leads them to level ground. ut hos transductos necaret (B. G. v. 5), that he might carry them over and put them to death. a. A noun and passive participle are often so united that the participle and not the noun contains the main idea (compare the participle in indirect discourse in Greek : G. 280) : as, ante conditam condendamve urbem (Liv. Pref.), before the city was built or building. illi libertatem civium Romanorum imminutam non tulerunt; vos vitam ereptam negligetis (Manil. 5), they did not endure the infringement of the citizen^ liberty ; will you disregard the destruction of their life ? So with opus : as, opus est viatico facto (Plaut. Trin.), there is need of laying in provision. maturato opus est (Livy viii. 13), there is no need of haste. [Here there is no noun, as the verb is used impersonally.] &. The perfect participle with habeo (rarely with other verbs) is almost the same in meaning as a perfect active : as, fidem quern habent spectatam jam et diu cognitam (Div. C. 4), my fidelity, which they have proved and long known. (Hence the perfect with have in modern languages.) C. The perfect participle, with verbs of effecting, effort, or the like (also with volo where esse may be understood, cf. 70, 3, 6), expresses more forcibly the idea of the verb : as, proefectos suos multi missos fecerunt (Verr. iv. 58), many dis- charged their officers. 72: 4, S-] PARTICIPLES. 205 hie transactum reddet omne (Capt. 345), he -will get it all done. me excusatum volo (Verr. i. 40), I 'wish to be excused. d. The present participle is sometimes nearly equivalent to an infinitive, but expresses the action more vividly (after facio, in- duco, and the like, used of authors, and after verbs of sense) : as, Xenophon facit Socratem disputantem (N. D. i. n), Xenophon represents Socrates disputing. 4. Future Participle. The Future Participle (except futurus and venturus) is rarely used in simple agreement with a noun, except by later writers. a. The future participle is chiefly used with esse in a peri- phrastic conjugation (see 40, a) : as, morere, Diagora, non enim in caelum adscensurus es (Tusc. i. 46), die, for you are not likely to go to heaven. conclave illud ubi erat mansurus si ... (Div. 1^15), that cham- ber 'where he 'would have staid if, &c. sperat adolescens diu se victurum (Cat. M. 19), the young man hopes to live long ( 67, i). neque petiturus unquam consulatum videretur (Off. iii. 20), and seemed unlikely ever to seek the consulship. By later writers it is also used in simple agreement to express likelihood or purpose, or even an apodosis : as, cum leo regem invasurus incurreret (Q C. viii. i), -when a lion rushed on to attack the king. rediit belli casum de integro tentaturus (Liv. xvii. 62), he re- turned to try the chances of war anew. ausus est rem plus famae habituram (Liv. ii. 10), he dared a thing 'which 'would have more repute. [See also examples in 59, i, 5.] 6. With past tenses of esse, the future participle is often equivalent to the pluperfect subjunctive ( 59, 3, e). 5. Gerundive. The Gerundive, in its participial or ad- jective use, denotes necessity or propriety. a. The gerundive is sometimes used, like the present and per- fect participles, in simple agreement with a noun : as, fortem et conservandum virum (Mil. 38), a brave man, and 'worthy to be preserved. & The most frequent use of the gerundive is with esse in a second periphrastic conjugation ( 40, 6) : as, non agitanda res erit (Verr. vi. 70), -will not the thing have to be agitated? 206 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [73: I, 2i REMARK. The gerundive in this construction is passive in meaning. But in early Latin, and occasionally elsewhere, it is used impersonally, governing the accusative ; and it is regularly so used with utor, fruor, &c., governing the ablative (sometimes called the nominative of the gerund) : as, via quam nobis ingrediendum sit (Cat. M. 2), the way we have to enter. agitandumst vigilias (Trin. 869), I have got to stand guard. [Compare Greek verbal in -reog, G. 281.] It is also used to denote purpose after verbs signifying to give, deliver, agree for, have, receive, undertake, demand: as, redemptor qui columnam illam conduxerat faciendam (Div. ii. 21), the contractor 'who had undertaken to make that column [the regular construction with this class of verbs]. sedem Castoris habuit tuendam (Verr. ii. 50), he had the temple of Castor to take care of. naves atque onera diligenter adservanda curabat (id. vi. 56), he took care that the ships and cargoes should be kept. For the Gerundive after verbs of decreeing, see 70, 3, d. For the ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE, see 54, 10, 6. 73. GERUND AND GERUNDIVE. 1. Gerund* The Gerund is a verbal noun, retaining the government of the verb, and modified by adverbs, but in grammatical construction following the same rules as nouns. REMARK. The use of the Gerund, in the oblique cases, cor- responds to the use of the Infinitive as Subject ( 57, 8, a) , its nominative form being found only in the impersonal use of the participle in dus: as, ars bene disserendi et vera ae falsa dijudicandi (De Or. ii. 38), the art of discoursing well, and distinguishing the true and false. [Here the Verbal nouns discoursing and distinguish- ing, if used in the nominative, would be expressed by the infinitive disserere and dijtidicare.^\ juveni parandum. seni utendum est (Sen. Ep. 36), it is for the young to get, for the old to enjoy (compare 51, 3, 4). 2. Gerundive. When the gerund would have an object in the accusative, the Gerundive is generally used instead, agreeing with the noun, and in the case which the gerund would have had : as, paratiores ad omnia pericula subeunda (B. G. i. 5), readier to undergo all dangers. [Here subeunda agrees with pericula, which is itself governed by ad: the construction with the gerund wouW be, ad subeundum, &c. ; ad governing the gerund, and the gerund governing the accusative pericula.~\ 73: 2, 3-] GERUND AND GERUNDIVE. 207 exercendae memorise gratia (Off. i. if), for the sake of training the memory. [Here the gerund construction would be, exer- cendi memoriam.~\ REMARK. The verbs utor, fruor, &c. ( 54, 6, d), are treated like verbs governing the Accusative, as they do in early Latin : as, expetuntur divitiae ad perfruendas voluptates (Off. i. 8), riches are sought for the enjoyment of pleasure. NOTE. The gerundive construction is probably the original one. The Participle in dus seems to have had a present passive force as in secundus (from sequor), rotundus, volvendis, annis (Virg.), flaminandi (Tac.), from which the idea of necessity was developed through that of futurity, as in the development of the subjunctive. Consilium urbis delendaz would thus have meant a plan of a city being destroyed [in process of destruction], then about to be destroyed, then to be de- stroyed, then a plan of destroying the city, the two words becoming fused together as in ab urbe conditd. The gerund is simply an imper- sonal use of the participle, in its original present sense, retaining the case of its verb, as in agitandum est vigilias ; quid opus est facto ? 3* Construction. The Gerund (if of transitive verbs, with a noun in government) and the Gerundive (with a noun in agreement) are used, in the oblique cases, in the construc- tions of nouns, as follows : a. Genitive. The Genitive is used after nouns or adjectives in the constructions of the objective genitive ( 50, 3) ; more rarely in the predicate after esse, or as a genitive of quality : as, neque consilii habendi neque arma capiendi spatio dato (B. G. iv. 14), time being given neither for forming plans nor for taking arms [objective genitive after spatio~\. ne conservandse quidam patrise causa (Off. i. 45), not even in order to save the country. vivendi finis est optimus (Cat. M. 20), it is the best end of life. non tam commutandarum rerum quam evertendarum cupidos (id. ii. i), desirous not so much of changing as of destroying the state. quae res evertendae reipublicas solent esse (Verr. iii. 53), which things generally tend to the overthrow of the commonwealth. cognoscendse antiquitatis (Ann. ii. 59), to study old times. [Here gratia is, by a rare construction, omitted.] The genitive of the Gerund is, in a few cases, used (like a noun) with the genitive of an object agreeing neither in gender nor number : as, ejus videndi cupidus (Ter. Hec.), eager to see her. fC-Cof** f reiciendi trium judicum potestas (Inv. ii. 2), the power of challenging three jurors. REMARK. In the genitive, the construction of the gerund and gerundive are about equally common. 208 SYNTAX OF THE VERB. [73: 3. b. Dative. The Dative is used after the adjectives (and rarely nouns) which are followed by the dative of nouns ( 51, 6) ; also, in a few expressions after verbs : as, prseesse agro colendo (Rose. Am. 18), to take charge of tillage. esse solvendo, to be able to pay. genus armorum aptum tegendis corporibus (Liv. xxxii. 10), a sort of armor suited to the defence of the body. reliqua tempora demetiendis fructibus et percipiendis accom- modata sunt (Cat. M. 19), the other seasons are fitted to reap and gather in the harvest. diem prsestituit operi faciendo (Verr. ii. 56), he appointed a day for doing the work. It is also used in certain phrases belonging to the civil law, after nouns meaning officers, offices, elections* &c. : as, comitia consulibus rogandis (Div. i. 17), elections for nomin- ating consuls. triumvirum coloniis deducundis (Jug. 42), a triumvir for leading out colonies. Accusative. The Accusative is used after the prepositions ad, inter, circa, ob (rarely in and ante) ; most frequently after ad, denoting purpose (compare 72, 4) : as, vivis non ad deponendam sed ad confirmandam audaciam (Cat. i. 2), you live, not to put off, btit to confirm your daring. inter agendum (Eel. ix. 24), iv/iile driving. me vocas ad scribendum (Or. 10), you call me to ivrite. d* Ablative. The Ablative is used to express means or in- strument ; also manner (often by later writers, in a sense equiv- alent to the present participle) ; after comparatives ; and after the prepositions ab, de, ex, in, and (rarely) pro and cum: as, multa pollicendo persuadet (Jug. 46), he persuades by large promises. his ipsis legendis (Cat. M. 7), by reading these very things. nullum officium referenda gratia magis necessarium est (Off. i. 15), no duty is more important than gratitude. in re gerenda versari (Cat. M. 6), to be employed in affairs. Latine loquendo cuivis par (Brut. 34), equal to any man in speaking Latin. nullis virtutis praeceptis tradendis (Off. i. 2), 'without giving any precepts of virtue. obscuram atque humilem conciendo ad se multitudinem (Liv. i. 8), calling to them a mean and obscure multitude. REMARK. The gerund is occasionally found in apposition with a noun : as, ad res diversissimas, parendum atque imperandum (Livy, xxi. 3), for the most ividely different things obeying and com- manding. NOTE. From the ablative of manner comes the Italian and Spanish form of the participle, the true participle form becoming an adjective. 74 : i, 2.] SUPINE. 209 74, SUPINE. The Supine is a verbal noun, having no distinction of tense or person, and is limited to two uses. NOTE. The Supine is a verbal abstract of the fourth declension. The form in um is the accusative of the end of motion. The form in u is probably dative of purpose, though possibly ablative. 1. Former Supine. The Supine in um is used after verbs of motion to express the purpose of the motion; it governs the case of its verb, and is modified by adverbs : as, quid est, imusne sessum? etsi admonitum venimus te, non flagitatum (De Or. lii. 5), how now, shall we be seated? though we have come to remind not to entreat you. nuptum collocasse (B. G. i. 18), to establish in marriage. venerunt questum injurias (Liv. iii. 25), they came to complain of wrongs. REMARK. The supine in um is used especially after eo; and with the passive infinitive iri forms the future infinitive passive (see 55, 3, 6, Rem.) : as, fure cives qui rempublicam perditum irent (Sail. C. 36), there were citizens who went about to ruin the republic. non Graiis servitum matribus ibo (^En. ii. 786), I shall not go in slavery to the Grecian dames. si scisset se trucidatum iri (Div. ii. 9), if he [Pompey] had known that he was going to be murdered. 2. Latter Supine. The Supine in u is used only after a few adjectives, and the nouns fas, nefas, and opus, to de- note that in respect to which the quality is asserted : as, O rem non modo visu fcedam, sed etiam auditu (Phil. ii. 25), a thing not only shocking to see, but even to hear of! quserunt quid optimum factu sit (Verr. ii. 27), they ask what is best to do. humanum factu aut inceptu (Andr. 236), a human thing to do or undertake. si hoc fas est dictu (Tusc. v. 13), if this is lawful to say. So rarely with verbs : as, pudet dictu (Agric. 32), it is shame to tell. REMARK.- The supine in u is found especially with such adjectives as indicate an effect on the senses or the feelings, and those which denote ease, difficulty, and the like. But with facilis, difficilis, jucundus, the construction of ad with the gerund is more common. The Infinitive is often used in the same significa- tion, by the poets, with all these adjectives. 210 GENERAL RULES OP SYNTAX. [75. 75. GENERAL RULES OF SYNTAX. 1. Nouns meaning the same thing agree in case ( 46) . 2. Adjectives agree with Nouns in gender, number, and case (47). 3. Possessive Adjectives are used for the genitive, and in any case may have a genitive in agreement (47, 5). 4. Relatives agree with their antecedents in gender and number ; their case depending on the construction of their clause (48). 5. A Verb agrees with its Subject in number and person (49). 6. Two or more singular subjects also collective nouns, with quisque and uterque may take a plural verb (49, i). 7. The Subject of a finite verb is in the NOMINATIVE (49, 2). 8. A Noun used to limit or define another is in the GENITIVE (50). 9. The Genitive is used to denote the author, owner, source, and (with adjectives) measure or quality (50, i). 10. Words denoting a part are followed by the genitive of the whole to which the part belongs (50, 2). 11. Certain adjectives of Quantity are used in the genitive to express indefinite Value (50, i, i). _ 12. Many words of memory and feeling, knowledge or ignorance, fulness and want, also verbals and participles used as ad- jectives, govern the genitive (50, 3). 13. Verbs of accusing, condemning, and acquitting take the gen- itive of the charge or penalty (50, 4, b). 14. The DATIVE is the case of the Indirect Object (51). 15. Words of likeness, fitness, nearness, service, or help are fol- lowed by the dative (51, 5, 6). 16. Verbs meaning to favor, help, please, serve, trust, and their contraries, also to believe, persuade, command, obey, envy, threaten, pardon, and spare, govern the dative (51, 2, a}. 17. The Dative is used after esse, to be, to denote the Owner (51, 3). 18. Most verbs compounded with ad, ante, con, in, inter, ob, post, pise, pro, sub, super, govern the Dative (51, 2, d). 19. Verbs of giving, telling, sending, and the like and some- times of comparing and taking away govern the accu- sative and dative (51, i). 20. The dative is used to denote the purpose or end ; often with another dative of the person or thing affected (51, 5). 21. The ACCUSATIVE is the case of the Direct Object (52). 22. The subject of the Infinitive mood is in the accusative (52, 4, b). 23. Time how long and Distance how far are in the accusative. 24. The accusative is used adverbially, or for specification (52, 3). 25. Verbs of naming, choosing, asking, and teaching govern two accusatives (52, 2). 75.] GENERAL RULES OF SYNTAX. 211 26. The ABLATIVE is used of cause, manner, means, instrument, quality, specification, and price (54). 27. The Voluntary Agent after a passive verb is in the ablative with ab (54, 4). 28. Words denoting separation and plenty or want also opus and usus signifying need govern the ablative (54, i). 29. Participles denoting birth or origin govern the ablative (54, 2, a). 30. The adjectives dignus, indignus, with many verbals, as contentus, fretus, laetus, praeditus, govern the abla- tive (54, 3, a; 10, a). 31. The deponents utor, fruor, fungor, potior, vescor, and their compounds, govern the ablative (54, 6, d). 32. Comparatives may tg,ke the ablative instead of quam, than. 33. Degree of Difference is put in the ablative (54, 6, e). 34. Time at or within which is put in the ablative (55, i). 35. Ablative Absolute. A Subject and Predicate in the ablative are used to define the time or circumstances of an action. 36. The name of the Town where is in form like the Genitive of singular names in us, a, um, otherwise Dative or Ablative ; that tvhither in the Accusative, and whence in the Ablative. So of domus, rus (also humi, belli, militia}, and many names of Islands. 37. With other words (including names of Countries) Prepositions are used to denote where, whither, or whence. 38. The Infinitive is used like a neuter noun, as the Subject or Object, or to complete the action of a verb (57, 8, a). 39. The Infinitive, with subject-accusative, is regularly used after verbs of knowing, thinking, telling, and the like (57, 8, e). 40. Historical Infinitive. The Infinitive is often used for tenses of the indicative in narration (57, 8, h). 41. The Gerund, governing the case of its verb, or the Gerundive in agreement with a noun, has the construction of a verbal noun. 42. The Supine in um is used after verbs of motion ; the Supine in u after adjectives. 43. The Subjunctive is used independently to denote a wish, com- mand, or concession (57, 2). 44. Relatives or Conjunctions implying purpose or result, also relative clauses of characteristic, require the Subjunctive. 45. Indirect Questions take a verb in the subjunctive (67, 2). 46. The Subjunctive present and perfect are used in future condi- tions ; the imperfect and pluperfect in those contrary to fact. 47. Dependent clauses in Indirect Discourse, or in a subjunctive construction, take the subjunctive. 48. In the sequence of Tenses, primary tenses are followed by primary, and secondary by secondary (58, 10). 212 ARRANGEMENT. [76:1,2. 76. ARRANGEMENT. In Latin the words do not follow the order of con- struction, yet they have a regular arrangement. This, however, is constantly modified for emphasis, harmony, and clearness. 1. Normal Order. Regularly the subject stands first, followed by its modifiers ; the verb last, preceded by the words which depend upon it : as, civis Romanus sum (not sum civis Romanus). voluptates blandissimae dominae majores partes animi a vir- tute detorquent (Off. ii. 10). a* A predicate nominative, as the most important part of the predicate, is often placed after the copula : as, qui Athenis est mortuus (id. 24). hsec ad judicandum sunt facillima (id. iii. 6). &. The forms of esse meaning there is, &c. 9 often come first in the sentence : as, sunt qusedam officia quae aliis magis quam aliis debeantur (Off. i. 18). c. A numeral adjective, or one essential to the meaning of the phrase, goes before its noun; one simply descriptive commonly follows : as, omnes homines decet. est viri magni rebus agitatis punire sontes (Off. i. 24). omnis actio vacare debet temeritate et neglegentia (id. 29). cum aliqua perturbatione (id. i. 38). Lselius et sapiens et amicitiae gloria excellens (Lael. i). d* A Demonstrative pronoun precedes the noun, Relatives stand first in their sentence or clause, Adverbs stand directly before the word they qualify. 2. Emphasis. Inversion of the above order gives em- phasis. a. Particularly the verb comes first and the subject last. This makes either or both emphatic : as, dicebat idem C. Curio (Off. ii. 17). & Any word closely connected with the preceding sentence comes first, and with the following last : as, ac duabus iis personis quas supra dixi tertia adjungitur (Off. i. 32). 76:2,3-] ARRANGEMENT. 213 objecit [Cato] ut probrum M. Nobiliori quod is in provinciam poetas duxisset; duxerat autem consul ille in JEtoliam ut scimus Ennium (Tusc. i. 2). maxime perturbantur officia in amicitiis ; quibus et non tri- buere quod recte possis, et tribuere quod non sit aequum, contra officium est (Off. iii. 10). A word or phrase inserted between the parts of compound tenses becomes emphatic : as, ille reprehensus a multis est (N. D. ii. 38). d. A modifier of a noun and adjective or participle is often placed between them. So in the gerundive construction : as, de communi hominum memoria (Tusc. i. 24). de uno imperatore contra praedones constituendo (Manil. 17). e. Sometimes a noun and its attribute are separated as far as possible, so as to include less important words : as, objurgationes etiam nonnunquam incidunt necessariae (Off. i. 38). /. One pair of ideas is set off against another, either in the same order or in exactly the opposite order. The latter, which is very common, is called chiasmus from the Greek X on account of the cross arrangement. Thus, , rerum copia verborum copiam gignit (De Or. iii. 3, 31). pro vita hominis nisi hominis vita reddatur (B. G. vi. 16). leges supplicio improbos afficiunt, defendunt ac tuentur bonos (Fin. iii. 3). non igitur utilitatem amicitia, sed utilitas amicitiam consecuta est (Lael. 14). [Here the arrangement of cases only is chiastic, that of ideas is regular.] g. Different forms of the same word are often placed together, also words from the same root. h* A favorite order with the poets is the interlocked, by which the attribute of one pair comes between the parts of the other. This is often joined with chiasmus : as, et superjecto pavidse natarunt aequore damae (H. Od. i. 2, n). arma nondum expiatis uncta cruoribus (id. ii. i, 5). 3. Special Rules. a. Prepositions regularly precede their nouns (except terms and versus), but they are often placed between a noun and ad- jective : as, quern ad modum ; quam ob rem ; magno cum metu ; omnibus cum copiis; nulla in re. 214 ARRANGEMENT. [76 : 3, 4. b. Itaque regularly comes first in its sentence, or clause; eiiim, autem, vero, quoque, never first, but usually second, sometimes third if the second word is emphatic ; quidem never first, but after the emphatic word : ne . . . quidem include the emphatic word or words. c. Inquam, inquit, &c., credo, opinor, quaeso, used par- enthetically, always follow one or more words* d. The negative precedes the word it especially affects ; but if it belongs to no one word, it begins the sentence. 4. Structure. Latin expresses the relation of words to each other by inflection, rather than by position, like modern languages. Hence its structure not only admits of great variety in the arrangement of words, but is especially favor- able to that form of sentence which is called a Period. In a period, the sense is expressed by the sentence as a whole, and is held in suspense till the delivery of the last word, which usually expresses the main action or motive. An English sentence does not often admit this form of structure. It was imitated, sometimes with great skill and beauty, by many of the early writers of English prose ; but its effect is better seen in poetry, in such a passage as the following : " High on a throne of royal state, which far Outshone the wealth of Ormus and of Ind, Or where the gorgeous East with richest hand Showers on her kings barbaric pearl and gold, Satan exalted sat." Paradise Lost, Book II. 1-5. PAET THIRD. RULES OF VERSE (PROSODY). 77. RHYTHM. 1. The Poetry of the ancients was not composed, like modern poetry, according to accent and rhyme; but was measured, like music, by the length of the syllables, or vowel sounds. The measured flow of verse is called Rhythm. 2. Each syllable is considered as either long or short, In Quantity or length (not in Quality or sound, as we speak of the long or short vowel-sounds in English) ; a long syllable JDeing reckoned in length equal to two short ones (see p. 3). REMARK. The quantity of radical or stem-syllables as of hort a in pater or of long a in mater can be learned only >y observation or practice, unless determined by the general rules if Quantity. Most of the rules of Prosody are only arbitrary ules for the purposes of memory ; the syllables being long or hort because the ancients pronounced them so. In those cases yhich cannot be conveniently grouped, the quantity is shown by he actual practice of the ancients, and is said to be determined by he authority of the Poets, the principal means we have of learn- ig it. In some inscriptions, however, the long vowels are distin- uished in various ways by marks over the letters, or by doubling. Owing to the practice of Roman poets of borrowing very irgely from the poetry and mythology of the Greeks, numerous {reek words, especially proper names, make an important part f Latin poetry. These words are generally employed in accord- ,nce with the Greek and not the Latin laws of quantity. Where liese vary in any important point, they will be noticed in the rules iven below. 78. RULES OF QUANTITY. 1. General Rules. a* A vowel before another vowel is short : as, via, traho. REMARK. The aspirate h, as in the example above, is not eckoned as a Consonant in the rules of prosody (See 1, I, Note). 216 PROSODY. [78: I, 2. EXCEPTIONS. 1. In the genitive form ius ( 16, I, 6), i is long. It is, however, sometimes made short in verse. 2. In the fifth declension (genitive and dative singular), e is long between two vowels : as, diei; but is short after a consonant, as in fidei. 3. In fio ( 37, 4), i is long except when followed by er: as, flo, fiebam, fiam, fieri, fierem. 4. In the terminations aius and eius, a and e are long : as in Caius, Pompeius ; also in the verb aio, and genitives in ai. 5. In many Greek proper names, the vowel in Latin represents a long vowel or diphthong, and is consequently long : as, Troes, Thalia, heroas. But many Greek words are more or less Latin- ized in this respect as Academia, chorea. 6. A Diphthong is long : as, foedus, cui, caelum, delude. EXCEPTION. The preposition prae in compounds is generally short before a vowel (as in praeustis, ^En. vii. 524) . c. A vowel formed by contraction (cram) is long : as i in nil (for niMl) ; currus (genitive for curruis). But not where the vowels are united by synceresis, as in parietibus (par-yetibus) . d . A syllable in which a short vowel comes before two con- sonants or a double consonant also before the letter j is long: as, magnus, rex, pejor, it ventis ocior, (but adhuc). But if the two consonants are a mute followed by 1 or r, the syllable is common, that is, it may be either long or short in verse : as, allcris, pltribus, refluo. REMARK. Sometimes the y or v resulting from synaeresis has the effect of a consonant : as, fluviorum rex (G. i. 482). e. In early Latin s at the end of words was not sounded, and hence does not make position with another consonant. In many other cases in the comic poets two consonants do not make posi- tion, especially in pronouns and particles : as, ille, iste, nempe. REMARK. A short syllable, made long under this rule, is said to be long by Position: as, in docetne. In docesne, the same syllable is long by the general rule (2, h, below). The rules of Position do not, in general, apply to final vowels. %. Final Syllables. a. Words of one syllable ending in a vowel are long : as, me, tu, hi, ne. The attached particles -ne', -que, -ve, -eg, ptS, and re- (rgd-) are short ; se- is long : as, secedit, exercitumque reducit. 78: 2.] RULES OF QUANTITY. 217 b. Nouns of one syllable are long : as, sol, os (oris), bos, vis. EXCEPTIONS. c6r, fel, mel, 5s (ossis), vir. c. Final a in words declined by cases is short, except in the ablative singular of the first declension ; in all other words it is long: as, ea Stella (nominative), cum ea Stella; frustra, voca (imperative), postea, triginta; also, qua (plural). EXCEPTIONS. eia, ita, quia, puta (suppose); and, in late use, triginta, &c. d. Final e is short, except (1) in nouns of the fifth declen- sion; (2) in adverbs formed from adjectives of the first and second declension, with others of like form ; (3) in the impera- tive singular of the second conjugation : as. nubS, ducite, fide, fame ( 11, 6, 3), quare (qua re), hodie (hoc die), mone, monete, saepe, saepissime. EXCEPTIONS. bene, male; fere, ferme; also (rarely), cave, habe, tace, vale, vide; inferng, superne. e. Final i is long : as in turri, fill, audi. But it is common in mini, tibi, sibi, ibi, ubij and short in nisi, quasi, ciii (when making two syllables), and in Greek vocatives, as Alexi /" Final o is common; but long in datives and ablatives; also, usually, in verbs. EXCEPTIONS. citS, mod6, ilic6, profecto, dummodo, immo, eg6, du6, oct6. g* Final u is long ; final y is short . h* Final as, es, os, are long; final is, us, ys are short: as, nefas, rupes, servos, honos; hostis, amicus, Tethys. EXCEPTIONS. as is short in Greek plural accusatives, as lampadas ; and in anas. es is short in nouns of the third declension (lingual) increasing short: as miles (itis), obses (idis), except abies, aries, paries, pes ; in the present of esse (es, ades) ; in the preposition penes ; and in the plural of Greek nouns. os is short in compos, impos ; in some Greek endings, as barbit8s ; also o for later u in the second declension, as servos (nominative) . is in plural cases is long, as in bonis, omnis (accusative plural) ; in sis, vis, velis, mails, nolis ; in gratis, foris (prop- erly plurals) ; in the second person singular of the fourth conjuga- tion, as audis (where it is the stem-vowel) ; and sometimes in the forms in -eris (perfect subjunctive), where it was originally long. 10 218 PROSODY. [78 : 2, 3. us is long in the genitive singular and nominative and accusa- tive plural of the fourth declension ; and in nouns of the third declension having u long in the stem: as virtus (utis), incus (udis). i. Of other final syllables, those ending in a consonant, except c, are short : as, ad, ac, istuc, am at, amatur. EXCEPTIONS. donee, fac, nee, sometimes hie ; en, non, quln, sin; eras, plus; cur, par. 3. Penultimate Syllables. a. Increment* A Noun is said to increase, when in any case it has more syllables than in the nominative singular. Thus Stella is said to increase long in stellarum ; and corpus to increase short in corporis. NOTE. The rules of increment are purely arbitrary, as the syllables are long or short according to the proper quantity of the stem or the formative terminations. The quantity of noun stems appears in the schedule of the third declension ( 11, iv. 3), and that of terminations, under the various inflections where it is better to learn them. A Verb is said to increase, when in any part it has more syllables than in the stem (inclusive of the final vowel). Thus amo is said to increase long in amatis; and rego to increase short in regitis. The final syllable of an inflected word is called the termi- nation ; that immediately preceding is called the increment. Thus, in the examples given above, the penultimate syllable is called the increment. In itmeribus, amaveritis, the syllables marked are called the first, second, and third increments of the noun or verb. b. Nouns. In the increment of Nouns and Adjectives, a and o are generally long; e, i, u, y, generally short (see list, pp. 25-27) : as, aetatis, honoris, servorum ; operis, carmmis, murmuris, pecudis, chlamydis. Exceptions are : a: baccar (aris), hepar (atis), jubar (aris), lar (laris), mas (maris), nectar (aris), par (paris), sal (salis), vas (vadis), daps (dapis), fax, anthrax (acis). 6 : neuters of third declension (except 6s, oris) ; arbor (oris), scrobs (scrobis), ops (opis). 78: 3-] RULES OF QUANTITY. 219 e: increments of fifth declension; heres (edis), lex (legis), locuples (etis), merces (edis), plebs (plebis), quies (etis), rex (regis), ver (veris). i: most nouns and adjectives in ix: as, felicis, radicis (except filix, nix, strix); dis (ditis), glis (gllris), lis (litis), vis (vires), Quirites, Sammtes. u: forms from nouns in us: as, paludis, telluris, virtutis ; also lux (lucis), frux (frugis). c. Verbs. In the increment of Verbs (see Tables of Inflec- tion, pp. 66-74), the characteristic vowels are as follows : Of the first conjugation a : as, amare, amatur. Of the second conjugation e : as, monere, monetur. Of the third conjugation e, i: as, regere, regitur. Of the fourth conjugation i: as, audire, auditor. Exc. do and its compounds have a: as, dare, circumdabat. In other increments a is always long : as, monearis, regamus. e is long in tense-endings : as, regebam, audiebar. But it is short before ram, rim, ro ; in the future personal endings -beris, bere; and sometimes in the perfect -erunt (as steteruntque comae, ^En. ii. 774). i is long in forms after the analogy of the fourth conjugation : as, petlvi, lacessitus (in others short : as, monitus) ; also in the subjunctive present of esse and velle, and (rarely) in the endings -rimus, -ritis ; but short in the future forms amabitis, &c. o is found only in imperatives, and is always long. u is short in sumus, volumus, quaesiimus; in the supine and its derivatives it is long : as, soluturus. d. Perfects and supines of two syllables lengthen the stem- syllable : as, jiivo, juvi, jutum; video, vidi, visum; fiigio, EXCEPTIONS. -r- bibi, dedi (do), fidi (findo), scidi (scindo), steti (sto), stiti (sisto), tiili (fero); citum (cieo), datum (do), itum (eo), litum (lino), quitum (queo), ratum (reor), riitum (ruo), satum (sero), situm (sino), statum (sto or sisto). In some compounds of sto, statum is found long, as prostatum. e. Reduplicated perfects shorten both syllables : as, cecidi (cado) , didici (disco) , cecini (cano) ; but cecidi from caedo, pepedi from pedo. 220 PROSODY. [78. 79. /. Forms from the same STEM retain the original quantity : as, amo, amavisti, genus, generis. EXCEPTIONS. 1. bos, lar, mas, par, pes, sal, vas also arbos (not arbbr) have a long vowel in the nominative from short stems. 2. Nouns in or, genitive oris, have the vowel shortened before the final r : as, hon6r. (But this shortening is comparatively late, so that in Plautus and some inscriptions these nominatives are often found long.) 3. Many verb-fbrms with original long vowel shorten it before final t: as, am^t, diceret (compare amemus), audit, fit. (The final syllable in t of the perfect seems to have, been originally long, but to have been shortened under this rule.) g. Forms from the same ROOT often vary in quantity from vowel-increase (see 1, 3, a; 5, 2 ; 44, i, a) ; as, dico (cf. mal- edicus) , duco (duels) , fldo (perfidus) , vocis (v6co) , legio (lego). /*. COMPOUNDS retain the quantity of the words which com- pose them: as, occido (calo), occido (caedo), iniquus (aequus) . Greek words compounded with irpo have o short, as prbpheta, prologus. Some Latin compounds of pro have o short, as prbficiscor, prdfiteor. Compounds with ne vary : as, nefas, iiego, nequeo, iiequis, nequam. So dejero and pejero from juro. [For the quantity of Penultimate Syllables in regular Deriva- tives, see 44, pages 97-99.] 79. FEET. 1. The most natural division of musical time is into inter- vals, consisting of either two or three equal parts, making what is called double or triple time ; but the ancients also distinguished five equal parts. These intervals are in music called Measures ; in prosody, they are called Feet. 2. The feet most frequently employed in Latin verse con sist either of two or three syllables ; and may be represented by musical notation, as follows : 79.] FEET. 221 a. OF Two SYLLABLES. L I- I C 5 I ^rto C ~) : as bonus. o ' r w \ 2. -i I |* J | Trochee or Choree (" w ) : as, cariis. 3- - I C P I I am ^ us C ~) : as bbnos. Q I Ir I I 4. J- | Spondee (" ~) : as, caros. 5. OF THREE SYLLABLES. L T i r * 5 1 Dactyi ( " ~ ^ : as> d5taut 2. 4- I * J * | Anapcest f w ") : as, dfcmmos. J |* * | Amphibrach ( ) : as, amiciis. 4- - I C C C I Tribrach (" w w ) : as, h6minfe. o ' ^ ^ ^ ' 5. -4- f r I Molossus (" " ") : as, fugerunt (rare). Of three syllables, but more than three units of time. 6. I Amphimacer or Cretic ("""): as, eggrant. 7. | p f f | Bwchius ( --- ) : as, regebant. OF FOUR SYLLABLES. 1. Choriambus (trochee, iambus) : as, detulerant. 2. Greater Ionic (spondee, pyrrhic) : as, dejecerat. 3. Lesser Ionic (pyrrhic, spondee) : as, rStulissent. 4. The first, second, third, or fourth Epitritus has a short syllable in the first, second, third, or fourth place with three long syllables. 5. The first, second, third, or fourth Pceon has a long syllable in the first, second, third, or fourth place with three short syllables. 6. The Proceleusmatic consists of four short syllables, as 6per- ibiis. NOTE. Narrative poetry was written for rhythmical recitation, or chant ; and Lyrical poetry for rhythmical melody, or music, often to be accompanied by measured movements or dance. But in read- ing, it is not usual, though it is better, to keep the sjk;t measure of time; and often accent is substituted for rhythm, as ^(Pnglish poetry. 222 PROSODY. [79: 2-5. 80: i. d. In general, feet of the same time can be substituted for each other, and two short syllables may stand for a long one. In the latter case, the long syllable is said to be resolved. Thus the Spondee may take the place of the dactyl or anapaest, the Tribrach of the trochee or iambus ; the Proceleusmatic, or a Dactyl standing for an anapaest, is the resolution of a spondee. When a long syllable having the ictus is resolved, the ictus properly belongs to both the short syllables ; but the accent to indicate it is placed on the first : as, Nunc experiar | sitite aceto | tibi cor acn? in | pdctore. BACCH. 405. 3. Arsis and TJiesis. The accented syllable of each foot is called the Arsis ; and the unaccented part the Thesis. NOTE. The name Arsis meant originally the raising of the foot in beating time (" upward beat"), and Thesis the putting down ("downward beat"); but these terms came, in later use, to signify respectively the raising and depression of the voice. ( See Mar. Viet. Chap, ix.) 4. Ictus. Accent, in prosody, is called Ictus, that is, the beat of the foot, as in a dance or march. 5. Ccesura. The end of a word interrupting a foot is called Caesura; and when this coincides with a rhetorical break in the sense, it is called the Cassura of the verse. NOTE. 'The position of the principal Caesura is important, as affecting the melody or rhythm. See description of verses below. 80. SCANNING. 1. Verse. A single line in poetry, or a series of feet set in metrical order, is called a Verse (i.e. a turning back). To divide the verse, in reading, into its appropriate feet, according to the rules of quantity and versification, is called Scanning or Scansion (i.e. climbing, or advance by steps). A verse lacking a syllable at the beginning is called Acephalous (headless) ; lacking a syllable at the end, it is called Catalectic (stopped) ; complete, Acatalectic. Sometimes a verse appears to have a superfluous syllable, and is then called Hypercatalectic. The word Verse (versus, a turning) is opposed to Prose (pror- sus or pro-^^us, straight ahead). 80: 2-5. 81.] SCANNING: METRE. 223 2. Elision. In scanning, a vowel or diphthong at the end of a word (unless an interjection) sometimes even at the end of a verse is dropped, when the next word begins with a vowel or with h. This is called Synalocpha (smearing), or Elision (bruising) ; or, at the end of a verse, Synapheia (binding). A final m, with the preceding vowel, is dropped in like manner : this is called Ecthlipsis. (Hence a final syllable in m is said to have no quantity of its own ; its vowel, in any case, being either elided, or else made long by position.) Thus in the verse : Monstrum horrendum informs ingens cui lumen ademptum. . iii. 658. NOTE. The practice of Elision is followed in Italian and French poetry, and is sometimes adopted in English, particularly in the older poets : as, T* inveigle and invite th' unwary sense. Comus, 538. In early Latin poetry, a syllable ending in s was often elided, even before a consonant : as, Senio confectu' quiescit. Ennius (quoted in Cat. M. 5). 3. Hiatus. Elision is sometimes omitted when a word ending in a vowel has a special emphasis, or is succeeded by a pause. This is called Hiatus (gaping). &-&. 6 4. A final syllable, regularly short, is sometimes length- ened before a pause : it is then said to be long by Caesura. (This usage is comparatively rare, most cases where it appears being caused by the retention of an original long quantity.) Nostrorum obruimur, oriturque miserrima caedes. ^En. ii. 411. 5. The last syllable of any verse may be indifferently long or short (except in some forms of Anapaestic and Ionic verse). 81. METRE. 1. Metre is the regular combination of feet in verse, and is named from its most frequent and ruling foot : as, Dactylic, Iambic, Trochaic, Anapaestic, Choriambic. ^ 224 PROSODY. [81. 82: i. NOTE. The ruling foot, so called, always consists of a combina- tion of long and short syllables, and is therefore never a pyrrhic or spondee. The shorter feet (Iambus, Trochee) are counted not by single feet, but by pairs (dipodies), so that six Iambi make a trimeter, &c. 2. A Verse consists of a given number of feet arranged metrically. It is named from the number of feet (or pairs) it contains, as Hexameter, Trimeter. 3. A Stanza, or Strophe, consists of a definite number of verses ranged in a fixed order. It is often called from the name of some poet, as Sapphic, Alcaic, Horatian. 82. FORMS OP VERSE. 1. Dactylic. The most common forms of dactylic verse are the Hexameter and Pentameter. a. Hexameter. The Hexameter, called also Heroic verse, is used in narrative and pastoral poetry. It consists of six feet, of which the last is always incomplete (a trochee or spondee), the fifth generally a dactyle, and the rest indifferently dactyles or spondees. The fifth foot is rarely a spondee, in which case the verse is called spondaic. The principal Caesura falls after the arsis (sometimes in the thesis) of the third foot or after the arsis of the fourth. In the last case there should be another in the third. The introductory verses of the .ZEneid, divided according to the foregoing rules, will be as follows, the principal Caesura in each verse being marked by double lines : arma vi|rumqu'ca|n6 || Tro|jae qui | primus ab | oris I tali jam fa|to profu|gus || La|vmzaque | venft Htora, | multe ilk | et terjris || jac|tatus et j alto vi supe|rum saejvae || mem6|rem Ju|noms 6b | Tram ; multa quo|qu et beljlo pasjsus || dum | conderet | urbem, mfer|retque de|6s Lati|o, || genus | unde La|tmum, Alba|nlque pa|tres, || at|qu^ altae | mcenifa | Romae. Another form of caesura is seen in the following : Hoc facJ|ens vi|vam meli|us || sic | dulcts a|micis. HOK. SAT. I. 4, 135. 82: I ? 2.] FORMS OF VERSE. 225 The Hexameter verse has been illustrated in English thus : " Strongly it | bears us a (long, || in | swelling and | limitless | billows, Nothing be | fore and | nothing be | hind, || but the | sky and the | ocean." &. Pentameter. The Pentameter consists of five feet, and is used alternately with the hexameter to form the Elegiac stanza. It must be scanned as two half- verses, of which the latter always has two dactyls, and each ends in a long syllable or half-foot. There is no caesura ; but the first half-verse must always end with a word : as, cum subit | IllT|us tris|tissrnia | noctis i|mago qua mini | supre|mum || tempus tn | urbe fu|ft, cum repe|to nocjtem qua | tot mflrf | cara re|liqui, labitur | ex 6cu|lls || nunc quoque | gutta me|is. jam prope | lux ade|rat, qua | me dls|cedere | Caesar f mibus | extre|mae || jusserat | AusonT|ae. Ov. TKIST. I. EL. 3, 1-6. The Elegiac Stanza has been illustrated thus : "In the hex|ameter | rises the | fountain's | silvery | column, In the pent|ameter | still || falling in | melody | back." c. Rarely, other dactylic verses, or half- verses, combined with trochees or iambs, are used by the lyric poets : viz., Dactylic pentameter : arbon|busque co|mae. HOB. OD. IV. 7. Dactylic tetrameter : eras In | gens ite|rabfmus | aequor. OD. I. 7. Archilochian heptameter : solvitur | acris hi|emps, gra|ta vfce | veris | et Fa|voni. OD. I. 4. %. Iambic. The most common forms of Iambic verse are the Trimeter (Senarius), and Tetrameter (Septenarius or Octonarius). a. Trimeter. The Iambic Trimeter is the ordinary verse of dramatic dialogue. . It consists of three measures, each containing a double iambus. In the first half-measure (odd places), the Spondee or its equivalents (anapaest or dactyl) may be regularly 10* 226 PROSODY. [82: 2. substituted. In the comic poets, these substitutions may be made in any foot except the last : as, O lucis al|me rector || et | caeli decus ! qui alterna cur|ru spatfa || flam|mifero ambiens, illustre lae|tis || exseris | terns caput. HERC. FUR. 592-94. homo sum: huma|m || nihil a m^ ali|enum puto. vel me mone|r^ hoc || vel perc6n|tari puta. HEAUT. 77, 78. REMARK. The choliambic (lame Iambic) substitutes a trochee for the last Iambus : as, sed non vlde|mus manticae | quod in tergo est. CATULL. XXII. 21. b. Tetrameter. The Iambic Tetrameter catalectic (Septen- arius) consists of seven iambic feet, with the same substitutions as the above. It is used in more lively dialogue : as, nam Idclro? arces|sor, nuptias | quod m/ adpara|rT senstt. quibus quidem quam facile potuerat | quiesci si hie | quiesset ! ANDRIA, 690-91. The iambic tetrameter acatalectic (Octonarius) consists of eight full iambic feet with the same substitutions. It is also used in lively dialogue : as, hocinesthuma|num facto aut | In'cepta? hocTnest6f|fMumpaMs ? quid illud est ? pro | deum f Idem, | quid est, si hoc non con - tumeliast ? ANDRIA, 236-7. c Dimeter. The Iambic Dimeter consists of either four (acatalectic) or three and a half (catalectic) iambic feet. The former is used in combination with a longer verse, and the latter only in choruses : as, beatus il|le qui procul | negotfls, ut prisca gens | mortallum, paterna ru|ra bubus ex|ercet suls, solutus 6m|m fenore ; nequ^ excita|tur classico | miles truci, neque horret i|ratum mare ; forumque vi|tat, et super ba civium potenti6|rum limina. HOR. EPOD. II. 1-8. 82: 3> 4, 5-] FORMS OF VERSE. 227 quonam cruenlta Maenas, praeceps am5|re saevo, rapftur quod Im|potenti facmus parat | furore ? MEDEA, 850-53. 3. Trochaic. The most common form of Trochaic verse is the Tetrameter catalectic (Septenarius), consisting of seven complete feet with an additional syllable. Strictly, the spon- dee and its resolutions can be substituted only in the even places ; but the comic poets allow the substitution in every foot but the last : as, ftid^ habetpeta|s^wacvestitum: | tarn consimillst | atqu^ego. sura, pes, sta|tura, tonsus, | ocull, nasum, | vel labra, malae, mentum, |. barba, collus : | totus ! quid ver|bis opust ? si tergum cllcatricosum, | n/hil hoc similist | similifus. AMPHITR. 443-46. 4. Anapcestic. Anapaestic verses of various lengths are found in dramatic poetry. The spondee, dactyl, or proceleus- matic may be substituted for the anapaest : as, hfc homost | omnium homl|num prae|dfpu6s voluptajtibus gau|d/Tsqu^ an|tepotens. Ita c6m|moda quae | cupt > 30. HI. in leap-year, the III. J prid. ,. 31. prid. (So Aug., Dec.) vi. Kal. (2^th) being counted twice.] prid. ,, So June, Sept., Nov. (So May, July, Oct.) NOTE. Observe that a date before the Julian Eeform (B.C. 46) is to be found not by the above, but by taking the earlier reckoning of the number of days in the month. 85. MEASURES OF VALUE. 1. The Money of the Romans was in early times wholly of copper, the unit being the As. This was nominally a pound, but actually somewhat less, in weight, and was divided into twelve unciae. In the third century B.C. the As was reduced by degrees to one-twelfth of its original value. At the same time silver coins w^re introduced ; the Denarius = 10 Asses, and the Sestertius or sesterce (semis-tertius, or half-third, represented by IIS or IIS = duo et semis) = 2^ Asses. 2. The Sestertius, being probably introduced at a time when it was equal in value to the original AS, came to be used as the unit of value : hence nummus, coin, was used as equivalent to Sester- tius. Afterwards, by the reductions in the standard, four asses became equal to a sesterce. Gold was introduced later, the aureus being equal to 100 sesterces. 236 MEASURES OF VALUE. [85. The value of these coins is seen in the following Table : 2<| asses = i sestertius or nummus (HS), value about 4 cents. 10 asses or 4 sestertii = i denarius ... ,, 16 ,, looo sestertii = i sestertium ,, ,, $40.00. 3. The Sestertium (probably the genitive plural of sestertius) was a sum of money, not a coin ; the word is inflected regularly as a neuter noun: thus, tria sestertia = $l20.00. When com- bined with a numeral adverb, hundreds of thousands (centena milia) are to be understood : thus decies sestertium (decies HS) = $40,000. In the statement of large sums the noun is often omitted: thus sexagies (Rose. Am. 11) signifies, sexagies [centena milia] sestertium (6,000,000 sesterces) = $240,000. 4. In the statement of sums of money in cipher, a line above the number indicates thousands ; lines at the sides also, hundred- thousands. Thus HS. DC. = 600 sestertii ; HS. DC. = 600,000 ses- tertii, or 600 sestertia; HS. [DC] = 60,000,000 sestertii. 5. MEASURES OF LENGTH. 12 uncise {inches) = i Roman Foot (pes, 11.65 English inches). i Feet= i Cubit. 2^ Feet= i Degree or Step (gradus). 5 Feet = i Pace (fassus). 1000 Paces (mille passuum) = i Mile. The Roman mile was equal to 4850 English feet. The Ju- gerum, or unit, of measure of land, was an area of 240 (Roman) feet long and 120 broad ; a little less than f of an English acre. 6. MEASURES OF WEIGHT. 12 uncise (ounces') = one pound (libra, about! Ib. avoirdupois). For fractional parts of the pound, see Lexicon, art. as. The Talent was a Greek weight = 60 librae. 7. MEASURES OF CAPACITY. 12 cyathi = i sextarius (nearly a pint). 16 sextarii = i modius (peck). 6 sextarii = i congius (3 quarts, liquid measure). 8 congii = i amphora (6 gallons). APPENDIX. LATIN was originally the language of the plain of Latium, lying south of the Tiber, the first territory occupied and governed by the Romans. This language, together with the Greek, Sanskrit, Zend (old Persian), the Sclavonic and Teutonic families, and the Celtic, are shown by comparative philology to be offshoots of a common stock, a language once spoken by a people somewhere in the in- terior of Asia, whence the different branches, by successive migra- tions, peopled Europe and Southern Asia. The name Indo-European (or Aryan) is given to the whole group of languages, as well as to the original language from which the branches sprang. By an extended comparison of the cor- responding roots, stems, and forms, as they appear in the different branches, the original ("Indo-European") root, stem, or form can in very many cases be determined; and this is used as a model, or type, to which the variations may be referred. A few of these forms are given in the grammar for comparison (see, especially, p. 59). A few are here added for further illustration : 1. Case Forms (Stem VAK, voice). Indo-Eur. Sanskr. Greek. Latin. SING. Norn. vaks vaks ty vox Gen. vakas vachas 6ir6s vocis Dat. vakai vache 6irl voci Ace. Vakam vacham 6ira vocem Abl. Loc. vakat vaki vachas vachi (gen. or dat.) (dat.) voce(d) (dat.) Instr. vaka vacha (dat.) (abl.) PLUR. Nom. vakas vachas fores voces Gen. vakam vacham dw&v ocum Dat. vakbhyams vagbhyas 6\//l vocibus Ace. vakams vachas forces voces Abl. vakbhyams (as dat.) (gen. or dat.) vocibus Loc. vaksvas vaksu (dat.) Instr. vakbhis vagbhis (dat.) (abl.) (For Verb-Forms, see p. 59.) 238 APPENDIX. 2. Cardinal Numbers. Indo-Eur. Sanskr. Greek. 1 2 dva [eka] dva [*] dto 3 tri tri r/oets 4 kvatvar chatur (Y^crcrc 5 kvankva panchan jrtvre 6 ksvaks shash % 7 saptam saptan 7TT& 8 aktam ashtun OKT& 9 navam navan tvvta 10 dakam dasan dtKCL 12 dvadakam dva-dasan dddcicc 13 tridakam trayo-dasan TplffKCL 20 dvidakanta vinsati elVoo-t 30 tridakanta trinsati TpldKO 100 kantam satam Kar6i> Latin. [unus] duo tres quattuor quinque sex septem octo novem decem duodecim tredecim viginti triginta centum Latin. pater iriater socer imrus frater soror potis domus sedes vetus (old) ager bos ovis sus jugum rota (wheel) medius suavis The immigrants who peopled the Italian peninsula also divided into several branches, and the language of each branch had its own development, until they were finally crowded out by the dominant Latin. Fragments of some of these dialects have- been preserved, in monumental remains, or as cited by Roman antiquarians, though no literature now exists in them ; and other fragments were prob- ably incorporated in that popular or rustic dialect which formed the basis of the modern Italian. The most important of these ancient languages of Italy not including Etruscan, which was * Clansman. 3. Familiar and Household Words. Indo-Eur. Sanskr. Greek. Father. patar- pitri- TTCLTrjp Mother. matar- matri- V'Tfr'np Father-in-law. evakura- cvaiira- CKVpOS Daughter-in-law. snusha- snusha- VVOS Brother. bhratar- bhratri- fppdTTJp Sister. svasar- (?) svasar- [dde\(prj Master. pati- pati- TTOffLS House. dama- dama- do/uios Seat. sadas- sadas- Zdos Year. vatas- vatsa- ZTOS Field. agra- ajra- dypds Ox, Cow. gau- go- (3ovs Sheep (Ewe). avi- avi- &LS Swine (Sow). su- su- 6s, o-tfs Yoke. yuga- yuga- wybv Wagon. rata- rata- [ctyaa^a] Middle. madhya- madhya- /JL^ffOS Sweet. svadu- svadu- 7)5lJS APPENDIX. 239 of uncertain origin were the Oscan of Campania, and the Um- brian of the northern districts. Some of their forms as compared with the Latin may be seen in the following : aragetud censtur censazet contrud, N. Latin. Oscan. accinere alteri(loc.) alttrei argento avibus censor censebit contra, F. cornlcem dextra dicere dixerit iuodecim extra facito fecerit iertote fratribus ibi mperator nter iceto magistro medius mugiatur multare Umbrian. arkane deicum dicust ehtrad factud fefacust curnaco destrn (cf. venum-do) desenduf fertuta fratrus embratur anter licitud anter moltaum mestra mefa mugatu Latin, neque per portet quadrupedibus Oscan. nep perum quatuor quinque qui, quis quid quod cui quom rectori siquis stet subvoco sum est sit fuerit fuerunt fuat tertium ubi uterque utrique petora pomtis pis pid pod piei regaturei stai e t(stai e et) sum i e st set fust fufans fuid Umbrian. portaia peturpursus petur pis pod pone, pune svepis subocau fust fuia tertim puturus pid putrespe puf puterei Fragments of early Latin are preserved in inscriptions dating back to the third century before the Christian era ; and some Laws ure attributed to a much earlier date, to Romulus (B. c. 750) and !Numa (B. c. 700) ; and especially to the Decemvirs (Twelve Tables, 5. c. 450) ; but in their present form no authentic dates can be as- signed to them. Some of these are usually given in a supplement to the Lexicon. (See also Cic. de Legibus, especially ii. 8, iii. 3, 4.) Latin did not exist as a literary language, in any compositions known to us, until about B. c. 200. At that time it was already strongly influenced by the writings of the Greeks, which were the :-hief objects of literary study and admiration. The most popular [lays, those of Plautus and Terence, were simply translations from (freek, introducing freely, however, the popular dialect and the slang of the Roman streets. As illustrations of life and manners t'aey belong as much to Athens as to Rome. And the natural growth of a genuine Roman literature seems to have been thus 240 APPENDIX. very considerably checked or suppressed. Orations, rhetorical works, letters, and histories, dealing with the practical affairs and passions of politics, seem to be nearly all that sprang direct from the native soil. The Latin poets of the Empire were mostly court-poets, writing for a cultivated and luxurious class ; satires and epistles alone keep the flavor of Roman manners, and exhibit the familiar features of Italian life. In its use since the classic period, Latin is known chiefly as the language of the Civil Code, which gave the law to a large part of Europe ; as the language of historians, diplomatists, and philos- ophers during the Middle Age, and in some countries to a much later period ; as the official language of the Church and Court of Rome, down to the present day ; as, until recently, the common language of scholars, so as still to be the ordinary channel of com- munication among many learned classes and societies ; and as the universal language of Science, especially of the descriptive sciences, so that many hundreds of Latin terms, or derivative forms, must be known familiarly to any one who would have a clear knowledge of the facts of the natural world, or be able to recount them intelli- gibly to men of science. In some of these uses it may still be regarded as a living language ; while, conventionally, it retains its place as the foundation of a liberal education. During the classical period of the language, Latin existed not only in its literary or urban form, but in several local dialects, known by the collective name of lingua rustica, far simpler in the forms of inflection than the classic Latin. This, it is probable, was the basis of modern Italian, which has preserved many of the ancient words without aspirate or case-inflection, as orto (Tiortus), genie (gens). In the colonies longest occupied by the Romans, Latin often in its ruder and more popular form grew into the language of the common people. Hence the modern languages called "Romance" or "Romanic"; viz., Italian, Spanish, Portu- guese, and French, together with the Catalan of Northeastern Spain, the Provencal or Troubadour language of the South of France, the " Rouman " or Walachian of the lower Danube (Rou- mania), and the " Roumansch " of some districts of Switzerland. A comparison of words in several of these tongues with Latin will serve to illustrate that process of phonetic decay to which reference has been made in the body of this Grammar, as well as APPENDIX. 241 the degree in which the substance of the language has remained unchanged. Thus, in the verb to be the general tense-system has been preserved from the Latin in all these languages, together with both of the stems on which it is built, and the personal endings, somewhat abraded, which can be traced throughout. The following exhibit the verb-forms with considerably less alteration than is found in the other Romanic tongues : Latin. Italian. Spanish. Portuguese. French. Provencal. sum sono soy s6u suis son (sui) es sei eres es es ses (est) est e es he est es (ez) sumus siamo somos s6mos sommes sem (em) estis siete sois sois etes etz (es) sunt sono son sao sont sont (son) eram era era era etais era eras eri eras eras etais eras erat era era era etait era eramus eravamo eramos eramos etions eram eratis eravate erais fcreis etiez eratz erant erano eran erao etaient eran fui foi fui fui fus fui fuisti fosti fuiste foste fus fust fuit fu fue f6i fut fo (fon) fuimus fummo fuimos fomos fumes fom fuistis foste fuisteis fostos fates fotz fuerunt fiirono fueron forao furent foren sim sia sea seja sois sia sis sii seas sejas sois sias sit sia sea seja soit sia simus siamo seamos sejamos soyons siam sitis siate seais sejais soyez siatz sint siano sean sejao soient sian fuissem fossi fuese fdsse fusse fos fuisses fossi fueses fosses fusses fosses fuisset fosse fuese fosse fut ^ fossa (fos) fuissemus fossimo fuesemos fOssemos fussions fossem fuissetis foste fueseis fdsseis fussiez fossetz fuissent fossene fuesen fOssem fussent fossen es sii se se sois sias esto sia sea seja soit sia este siate sed sede soyez siatz sunto siano sean sejao soient sian esse essere ser ser etre esser [sens] essendo siendo sendo etant essent PRINCIPAL ROMAN WRITERS. B.C. T. Maccius Plautus, Comedies 254-184 Q.. Ennius, Annals, Satires, &c. (Fragments) . . . 239-169 M. Porcius Cato, Husbandry, Antiquities, &c. . . . 234-149 M. Pacuvius, Tragedies (Fragments) 220-130 P. Terentius Afer (Terence), Comedies 195-159 L. Attius, Tragedies (Fragments) 170-75 C. Lucilius, Satires (Fragments) 148-103 M. Terentius Varro, Husbandry, Antiquities, &c. . . 116-28 M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, Letters, Dialogues . . 106-43 C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries . 100-44 T. Lucretius Carus, Poem "De Rerum Natura " . . 95-52 C. Valerius Catullus, Miscellaneous Poems .... 87-47 C. Sallustius Crispus (Sallust), Histories .... 86-34 Cornelius Nepos, Lives of Famous Commanders . . . Etymology 1-100. Vi Euphonic changes 2 c, 3b. EX 90 c, following noun 148 a, com- pounds of, with dative 126 a. Exclamations (accus.) 133 c. Exclamatory sentences 101 b, accus- ative with infinitive 156 b. FA cio 80 c, compounds 100 c, facio ut in periphr. 198 a. FAIU 82 a. Feeling, nouns of, with genitive 117 a, verbs of, with ace. 131 b. ( Feminine forms lacking masc. 34 b, abl. in o 34b,_m -A of adj. of 3d decl. 37 a, abl. afcl^. 85 a. Festivals, names oft-plural 30 c. FERO 78 b. Fillitt|^/verbs of, with abl. or genitive Final clauses 102 c, 103 a, 182, 195. Finite verb 113 a. FIO 80 c, defective comp. 82 c. Foot (in prosody) 220 e, classif. 221. FORE UT for fut. inf. pass. 55 c, 165 c. FORIS (loc. form) 145 a. Frequentative verbs 77 c, 99 c. FRUOR and FUNGOR with abl. 140 b. Future tense 53 a, endings 54 c, 61 b, c, of subj. 83 c, for imperative 153 b, syntax 159 b, has no relative time 179 b, infin. expr. by FORE UT 165 c, participle 202 a. Future Perfect 53 a, syntax 161 a, used for future id., how repr. in subjunctive 162 b, in protasis 170 c. Future infin. pass. (sup. with IRI) 55 c. Games, names of, plural 30 c. GAUDEO 77 a. Gender 9c, grammatical 10 a, of ap- position 104 c, of adjective 105 c. General truth in seq. of tenses, 163 c. Genitive 11 c, plural ending 13 b, in AI and AS 14 b, in IUM 19 a, c, in lus 34 b, in appos. with possessive 105 a, 108 b, construction 113 c, sub- jective 114 a, in pred. b, with phrase id., of adj. for neuter noun 114 c, of substance id., for noun in apposition 115 a, of quality and measure id., of value id. b, partitive id., after adj. for noun 116 b, two gen. with one noun 117 a, objective 117 a, of speci- fication 118 a, after verbs 119 a, (of remembering &c. 119 a, of accus- ing &c. b, of emotion 120 a, imper- sonals 120, of plenty and want 120 c, 136 b, 140 b, with POTIOR 121 a, 127 a, of price 141 c. Gentiles, names of, 8 b. Gerund 50 a, 52 b, syntax 206 c. Gerundive 52 a, ending 55 b, periphr. forhi 83 c, with dative of agent 127 c, syntax 205 c, 206, origin 207 a. Glyconic verse 228 b. Government 103 c. GRATIA with gen. 11 5 b, 138 a. Greek accus. (synecd.) 133 b. H (aspirate) 1 c, used with c 4 c, omitted 4 c, not reckoned in posi- tion, 215 c. HABEO, imperative 153 b, with perf. part. 204 c. Heteroclites 31 b. Heterogeneous nouns 31 c. 248 INDEX. Hexameter verse. HIC 45, 46. Hindrance, subject of 185 b. HUMI (loc.) 145 c. I in perf. 55 a, added to root 62 c, lost in 3d conj. 63 c, suffix 96 c. Iambic verse. ID QUOD, lllb. IDCIRCO 95 C. IDEM 46, deriv. 45 b. IDONEUS with QUI and subj. 185 c. -IER in intin. pass. 65 c. IGITUR 95 c, position 96 a. ILLE 45, 46. -JM in present subjunctive 65 c. IMMO 201 c. Imperative 51 b, termin. 54 b, a weak- ened 63 a, drops termin. 65 a, sen- tence 101 a, in commands 152 b, 3d person antiq. 152 c, future 153 a, equiv. to condition 172 c. Imperfect 53 a, lengthens vowel 63 a, of subj. 64 c, of hortat. subj. 150 b, optat. subj. 150 c, concess. subj. 151 c, syntax 158 b, in descriptions 158 c, for pi up. id., of surprise 159 a, for perf. 159 b, in epist. style 161 b, subj. in unfulfilled cond. 168 b, in temp, clauses 178 a, 179 a, subjunctive re- ferring to present time 164 a. Impersonal verbs 82, with gen. 120 a, used personally 120 b, with dative 124 b, passive of verbs governing dative 126 b, with ace. 132 b, with inlin. 154 b, with subst. clause 193 c. Impure syllable 5c. IN 90 c, construction of 87 b, 146 a. Inceptive forms 62 c, verbs (inchoa- tive) 77 b, 99 c. Incomplete tenses 53 c. Increment 218. Indeclinable nouns 31 a, gender 10 c, adjective 37 c, 49 c. Indefinite subj. omitted 113 a, rela- tive, equiv. to condition 166 c. Indicative 51 a, 61, 63, syntax 148 b, tenses of 157, in cond. clauses 167 b, 168 a, in apod, of unfulf. cond. 169 a, in fut. cond. 170 a, in apod, of im- plied condition 174 a, absolute time 177 b, in inverted clauses 179 a, with CUM 180 c, in causal clauses 181 b, with QUOD in subst. clauses 199 b. INDIGEO with genitive 120 c, 136 b. INDIGNUS, with relative and subjunc. 185 c, with ablative 137 c. Indirect discourse 187 c, subj. of infin. om. 155 c, subjunct. in subord. clause 1K() a, example 192. Infinitive 51 b, endings 55 b, c, pass, in -IER 65 c, syntax 153 c, as subj. id., with impers. 154 b, complementary 154 b, for subst. clause 154 c, with subj. ace. 155b, of purpose and re- sult 156 a, in exclam. 156 b, 197 c, historical 156 c, tenses 161 b, only used in present 165 a, with ace. in subst. clauses 194 a, with ace. after passives 194 b, after verbs of wish- ing 195 c, verbs of permission 196 a, of determining 196 b, used by poets 197 a. Inflection 8 a. INQUAM 81 c. INSTAR with gen. 115b. Intensive verbs 77 c, 99 c. INTEREST 120 b. Interjections 9 c, 95 a. Intermediate clauses 102 c, with sub- junctive 185c. Interrogative particles 9c, 86 b, 200 a, omitted 200 b, 201 a, sentences 101 b. IPSE (IPSUS) 45, 46c. Irregular nouns 30 b, verbs 78. is 45, 46 c. Islands, gender of, 10 c. ISTE 45, 46. ITAQUE 95, accent 7 c (ergo, 96 a). ITER, declined 22 b. JAM 87 b. JECUR, decl. 22 b. JUBEO, constr. 155 a, 194 a. JUCUNDUS, constr. of 209 c. JUNGO with abl. 140 a. j UPPITER, decl. 22 b. JUXTA 91 b, following noun 148 a. L doubled (3d conj.) 62 b. Labial stems 20 b, gender of 24 b, 26 b. LATEO with acc. 133 a. -LIBET 48 a. LICET with dat. of pred. 1&J, with subj. 175 b, 176 c, 190 a. Lingual stems 20 c, gender 24 b, 26 b. Liquid stems 19 b, gender 24 a, 25. Locative case 12 b, as adverb 85 a, in appos. 104 c, for place 145 a. LOCO without prep. 145 c. LONGIUS, constr. of, 139 a. MAGIS in compar. 39 a, 109 a. MALO 79 b. Masculine adj. 38 a. Material, gen. of, 114 c, abl. 137 b. MAXIME, in comp. 39 a. Means, abl. of, 139 b. Measure, gen. of, 115 a, 144 a. Meditative verbs 78 c, 99 c. MEMINI 81 b, imperative form, 153 b. -MET, enclitic, 45 a. Metre 223 c. MILITIvE (lOC.) 145 a. MILLE, decl. and constr. 43 a. MINIME 41 a, in answers 201 c. MINORIS (of value) 141 c. MINUS 41 a, constr. of 139 a. MIRUM QUAM 191 b. MISCEO with abl. 140 a. 'XJ. * I 2* H MISERET 83 a, 120 a. Modification of subj. or pred. 102 a. , MODO with hort. subj. 150 a, 175c. Monoptotes 31 a. ^ INDEX. 249 Months, gender of 10 c, in -BER 35 c, construction 146 c, division 234 b. Moods 50 a, 51, syntax of. 148 b. JN'otion, preps, with ace. 122 b, verbs fCf (comp.) with ace. 132 a. Motive with OB or PROPTER 138 a. Mountains, gender of, 10 c. Multiplication 43 b. Multiplicatives 43 c. Mute stems 20 a. N of stem lost 19 b, inserted in 3d conj. 62 b. NAM, NAMQUE 35 b, 96 a. Names of men and women 32. NE with hort. subj. 150 a, in final clauses 182 a, in consec. 183 c, with verbs of caution 196 b, of fearing 196 c, omitted id. -NE (enclitic) 200 a, with me 45 b, added to interrog. words 200 c, in double questions id. _/ NECNE 200 c. NEDUM 183 a. Negative particles 9 c, 86 c, two equal to affirmative 87 a. NEGO for DICO NON 188 a. NEQUEO 82 b. NE . . . QUIDEM 87 C, 214 a. NESCIO AN 200 C, NESCIO QUIS 191 b. Neuter passives 77 a. Neuters, like cases 13 a, in AL and AR 17 c, of adj. in s 36 e, ace. as adv. 84 c, of adj. with abstr. nouns 106 a, as noun 107 b, partitive use 115 c. Neuter verbs, with agent 138 b. Neutral passives 77 b. NI, NISI 176 b, 166 b. NIX, decl. 22 c. NOLO 79 b, NOLI 192 c. NOMEN 32 b, with dative 127 a. Nominative lib, formed from stems 12 c, in adj. 36 a, as subj. of verb 113 a, used for voc. 134 a, with opus 136 b. NONNE 200 a. Nouns 14-32, used as adj. 38 a, 107 b, verbal 50 a, irreg. 30 b, derived 96 a, compound 100 b, agreement of 103 c, in relative clause llOc, understood with gen. 114 a, governing dat. 129 c. NUM 200 a. Number of appositive 104 c, of adj. 105 b, of verb 112 b. Numerals 41 b, partitive use 115 c. N umeral adverbs 43 c. NUNC 86 b. O si with subjunct. of wish 151 a. o for u after u 2b, in verb-stems 62 c. Object 101 c, indir. 121 b, direct 131 a. Oblique cases 12 a. oi$vii:,s with dative 125 c. ODI 81 b. Open syllables 5 c, pron. 6 a, affix 9 b, in compounds 65 a. OPERA with gen. 138 b. OPUS with abl. 136 a, with perf. part. 204 c. Oratio O6/igita,see Indirect Discourse, ^rder of words 212. Ordinal numbers 41 b, how formed, 42 b, declined 42 c. OS for us 15 c. os, ossis, decl. 22 c. P inserted before M 3c, 20 b, 72 b. PALAM 147 b. ^ Relative pronourrrff, clauses 102 b, classif. of 193, equiv. to condition 1124^, 166 c, of purpose 182 a, 195, of result 183 c, 197, of characteristic 184 b. Result, infin. of, 156 a, perf. subj. 163 a, subjunctive 183 c, 197 a, elliptical 197 b. Rhythm 215, Rivers, gender 10 c. Root 8 c, 96, of ESSE 59 c, of third con- jugation 62 b. RURI, RURE, 145 a. RUS, constr. of 144 b. S elided 2 b, 232 a, becomes R 3 a, 19 b, termin. of nom. 12 c, 13a, in perf. stem 62 a, 63 b, 64 b, syncop. 65 b. SE added 62 c. SALVE S2b. SATIS, KON SATIS 41 a. SCIN' 5b. scio, imperative forjafes c, 153 b. SECUNDUM 92 b. /^ SED 951). SEMI-DEPONENTS 77 a. SEMI-VOWELS Ic, i and u 2 a. SEXEX, lecl. 22 c. Separation, with dat. 126 a, abl. 134 a. Sequence of tenses 161 c. Sesterces 101 b. Sestertius 32 a, 236. SELT (see SIVE). si 166 b, whether 191 c, SI NON 176 b, MIROR si 199 c. SI KM 59 C. ' Signs of quantity 76, of accent 8 a. -SIM in perf. subj. 65 c. SIMUL with abl. 147 b. SIMUL ATQUE 177 C. SIX 16(1 b. SI\E 92 b. Sin gutctrid fantum 30 c. sis '(si vis) 5b. six K '.r> i. J76b. -so in future perfect 65 c. ,soi>i:s (si AIDES) 56, 77b. SOLKO 77 a. Son s with sulj. 185 a. Sp'i<-p. acc. <>f. !;:;<, 144.1. Ipecification, acc. of, i:t:)a, abl. 142 a. Spoiling, various, 4 c. Stem s<;, %, of nouns 12 c, 96 b. incor- rect use 13 c, of adj. 33 b, of verbs 53 c, 60 c, changes 54 c, vowel 61, present 64 b, third conj. 62 b, in u 62 c, perf. 64 b, third conj. 63 b, su- pine 64 b, quantity of 220 a. SUB in compos. 41 a, constr. 87 b, 146 a. Subject 101 c, of verb 113 a, of passive ma, of intin. 133 c. Subjunctive 51 a, present (vowel- change) 61 a, 63 c, inserts E 61 c, syntax 148 c, hortat. 149 b, as con- dition 172 c, optat. 150 c, concess. 151 b, 175 b, dubit. 152 a, in proliib. 152 b, tenses 161 c, in false condition 164 a, 168 b, in fut. coiid. 170 b, pres. becomes iinperf. 171 b, third person for indef. subjunc. 171 c, repeated action id., potential 173 b, cautious 173 c, with comi .""and coinpar. par- ticles 174 c, relative time 177 b, after CUM 178 c, of protasis after ANTE- QUAM &c. 180 a, after BUM, b, of cause 181 b, 185 c, in hid. disc. 181 c, 186 a, in final clauses 182 a, after NEDUM 183 a, of result 183 c, after QUIX and QUOMINUS 184 a, of char- acteristic 184 b, after_ uxus and SOLUS 185 a, after QUAM id., of re- striction 185 b, after DIGNUS &c. 185 c, in intermed, clauses id., after UT in subb^, clauses 195 c, 197 a, after verbs of commanding 195 c, of happening 197 ?,, after QUAM 197 b, in exclamation?. 197 c, in in- direct questions 190, 200 '>. Subordinate clauses 102 c. Substantive clauses 102 c, syntax 193. SUPER, SUPRA 92 c. SUBTER 92 b, constr. 87 b, 146 b. Superlative of eminence 40 c, of parti- ciple 109 b, used partitively 115 c. Supine 29 a, 50 a, 52 b, stem 53 c, 55 b, acc. of place whither 144 c, syntax 209. Syllables, division of 5 b, pure, open &c. 5c. Synesis 103 b, of adj. 106 b, verbs 112 c, of secondary tenses 166 a. Synopsis 64 c. Syntax 101-214, general rules 210, 211. T for D 2b, intercl. with c 4b, end- ing 54 c, 61 b, 62 a, c. T^DET 120 a. TAMEN, position 96 a. TAMQUAM with subj. 174 c. TANTI, gen. of value 141 c. TANTUM as correl. 49 b, with hort. subj. 150 a. TA'XTUM A BEST UT 197 C. TK, end i tic 45 c. Teaching, verbs of 2, acc. 133 c. Temporal conjunctions 94 c, clauses 102 c, 176c. -TKR, sutiix 34 c. Tenses 50 a, 52 c, syntax 157, sequence 151 c. TENUS 92 c, construction 146 c, follow- ing noun 148 a. 252 INDEX- T-5RRA MARIQUE 145 a. Time, absolute and relative, 157 a, 161 c, how long (ace.) 133 c, 143 b, when (abl.) 143 b. Towns, gender 10 c, in us, fern. 16 a, in E 18 c, names of, constr. 144 b.. TRANS 92 c. Trees, gender 10 c. TRES 42 C. Triptotes 31 a. Trochaic verse 227 a. TUM, TUNC, 87 b, with CUM 95 c, 181 a. U stems (verbs) 62 c, 64 a, 96 c. UBI as indef. rel. 177 a, c. ULLUS with neg. 48 $. ULTRA 93 a, following noun 148 a. UNQUAM with neg. 48 c. UNUS 42 b, with rel. and subj. 185 a. USQUAM with neg. 48 c. USQUE with ace. 147 b. us us with abl. 136 a. UT with concess. subj. 151 b, 175 b, 176 c, as indef. rel. 177 a, UT CUM 180 c, in final clauses 182 a, consec. do. 183 c, subst. do. 195 b, 197 a. with verbs of fearing 196 c, oinitti"li 11;; c, with nouns and pronouns 116 c. UTI, rTJL\AM. with subj. of wish 151a, . f c. .ii.j. 174 c. . used alone 201 b. =.;a, syncop. 65 b. \ ..UK 41 a. Value, genitive of 115 b. VAPULO 77 b. Variable nouns 31 b, adj. 37 c. -VE, VEL, 95 b. VELIM, VELLEM, with subj. 151 a. VELUTl, VELUTSI 174 C. VENEO 77 b, 80 a. Verbs 50-83, forms 54, 56, endings 55 c, special forms and parallel 65 b, de- ponent 75 c, irreg. 78, defect. 81, impers. 82, deriv. of 99, compound 100 b, syntax 112, 113, 148-209, omitted 113 b, of remembering &c. 119 a, of accusing &c. 119 b, of emotion with gen. 120 a, of plenty, . &c. 120 c. Verbals in AX 98 b, with gen. 117 c. VERO 96 a, in answers 201 c. Verse 222 c, forms of 224-231. VERSUS 93 a, as adv. 147 b. VERUM 95 b. VESCOR with abl. 140 b. VETO, constr. of 155 a, 194 a. VIM 5b, vis 48 a. Vocative 12 a, 13 a, of nouns in lus 16 b, construction 134, of adj. for nom. 134Jb. Voices 50 a. VOLO 79. Vowels 1 b, strengthened 62 a, weak- Vowel change in verbs 56, in future 63 a, subj. 53 c, in compounds 65 a. Vowel increase 2 c, 61 a, 62 b, 63 b, 96 b. Vowel scale 2 c. Vowel stems 12 c, 17 b, 19 a, 20 a, gen- der of 24. Winds, gender 10 c. Wishes and commands 192. Women, names of, 32 c. Y in root of third conj. 62 c. E ft R A T A. 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