-HE UC-NRLF B ^ 57t 515 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Gl FT OF U. S. Supt. of Document?. Class LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DIVISION OP BIBLIOGBAPHY SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF RAILROADS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A. F». C. G-R-IFFIN CHIEF OF DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY 7!^"^ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1903 (^ ^.LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY SELECT LIST OF REFEEEN^CES ON GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF RAILROADS COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A. P. C. G-RIFFIT\ CHIEF OF DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 19 3 x^^ ,v A '^ INTRODUCTION This is one of a number of lists upon topics of current interest which have been compiled to meet requests by letter. So far as it could be distributed at all it has hitherto been distributed in typewritten form. The applications have become so numerous that it has now been reduced to print, so as to be available for more general distribution. It has no claim to completeness, nor does it even attempt to exhaust the resources of this Library on the subject. Its purpose is merely to present some of the authorities of interest to the general inquirer. The special investigator must, of course, go much further. A. P. C. Griffin, Chief of Dlmsion of Bibliography. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress. Washington, D. C, March 26, 1903. 3 f /? r: 4 r» rt REFERENCES ON GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF RAILROADS. Ac-worth, W. M. The state in relation to railways. {In Mackey, Thomas, ed. A policy of free exchange, pp. 163-210. London, 1894. 8°.) Adams, Charles Francis. Railroads: their origins and problems. yew York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1878. (^), 21^6 pp. 12^. The regulation of all railroads through the state ownership of one. Speech on behalf of the Mass. board of railroad commissioners, made before the joint standing legislative committee on railways, February 14, 1873. Boston: James P. Osgood and company, 1873. 39 j)}). 8^. Adams, Henry C. Relation of the state to industrial action. \Baltlmore\: American economic association., January, 1887. 85 2)p. (§°. {American economic association. PiMications, vol. 1, no. 6.) Alexander, E. Porter, Railway practice, its principles and suggested reforms reviewed. JVew Yorh and London: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1887. {2), 60 j)2>. 12^. {Questions of the day., no. 36.) A discussion of the railway problem as involving only the principles upon which tariffs are formed and competition between water lines and rival railways is conducted. Holds that railway tariffs must be based upon value of service rendered, and limited by a reasonable profit upon cost of service and investment employed; and, also, that stability, publicity, and uniformity of rates can only exist where there is a community of interest between the carriers, while such community can only exist under a pool or under consolidation. American economic association. The railway question. The report of the committee on transportation of the American economic association, with the paper read at the Boston meeting May 21-25, 1887, on "The agitation for federal regulation of railways." By Ednnuid J. James. [^Baltimore, 1887.] 66 pp. 8'-. {Ame7'ican economic associa- tion. PuNications, vol. ^, no. 3.) 5 6 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS. Baker, Charles Whiting. Monopolies and the people. New York and London: G. P. Putnanvs sons, 1889. xv, W3 ;P2?. 1'2'^. {Questions of the day, no. 57.) Same. 3d edition, revised and enlarged, Wew York and London: G. P. Putnam'' s sons, 1899. xx'dl, (2), 368 pp. m°. {Questions of the day, no. 69.) Barker, Wharton. The great issue. Reprints of some editorials from The American, 1897-1900. PkiladeJphia, 190"2. 391 jjp. 1^- Pp. 32-59 contain editorials headed "Railroad as the master," ' ' Our railroads as oppressors of the honest and servitors of the unscrupulous," "Nationalize the railroads or pauperize the nation," "Railroad monopoly." Bolen, George L. The plain facts as to the trusts and the tariff, with chapters on the railroad problem and municipal monopolies. New York: The Maernillan company, 1902. vlli, Jjol 2>P- "The railroad problem," pp. 44-90. Bonham, John M. Industrial liberty. New York and London: G. P. Putnani's sons, 1888. i;c, {1), mpp- 8^' " The relations of railways and the ' trust' to industrial liberty," jjp. 96-128. Railway secrecy and trusts. Ne-iv York and London: G. P. I^utnaai's sons, 1890. 138 p)p- 12°. {Questions of the day, no. 61.) Borght, R. van der. Das Verkehrswesen. Leipzig: C. L. LLirsohfeld, 189 It., x, Jf.68 pp. 8'°. {Lland- und Lehrbuch der 8ta,atswi.ssenchaften. 1. Aht., 7. Bd.) "Der Eisenbahnverkehr," pp. 273-350. Cook, William Wilson. The corporation problem. The public phases of corporations, their uses, abu.ses, [etc.] New York: G. P. Putnani's sons, 1891. vi,262pp. 12°. "Remedies for the railroad problem," pp. 120-181. Dabney, W. I). The public regulation of railways. New York and London: G. L^. Putnam s sons, 1889. r, {1), 281pp. 12°. {Questlons(fthe day,no.60.) A consideration of the legal and economic aspects of jjublic regula- tion. Discusses the sources of legislative power and the limita- tions on it arising, first, from charter contracts, and, secondly, from the i)rivate proi)erty rights of owners of railways or railway securities. Following comes an investigation of the limitation on state powers arising from the exclusive right of Congress to "regulate commerce among the States." The economic aspects of the question are treated in three chapters, while the last two are on the interstate commerce act and exi)ress traffic. REFERENCES ON GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF RAILROADS. 7 Dixon, Frank H. State railroad control, with a histor}' of its devel- opment in Iowa. With an introduction bj' Henr}' C. Adams. New Yorl': Thomas Y. CroHiell cfc company^ \1896\ /,/;, (7), '251 pp. Folded table. Folded map. 12^. {Lihrary of economies a7id 2>ol It Ics, no. 9.) In four parts. Part 1 outlines railroad history before 1873; part 2 deals with the advisory commission; part 3 with the commission with power, and part 4 presents the author's general conclusions, in which is set forth a comparison between the commissions of Massachusetts and Iowa. An appendix gives the laws relating to the Iowa commission, a list of the Iowa commissioners, 1S7S- 1894, and a table of complaints presented to the Iowa commission- ers, 1878-1894. Dr. Dixon asserts that for adequate control of tlie interstate business Congress must be looked to, "and the soln- tion of this entire question o^ control must come through a t-om- bination of national and state control, and a judicioiTS division of powers," p. 208. Farrer, Thomas Henry, Baron. The state in its relation to trade. With supplementary chapter by Sir Robert Giffen. London: Macmillan and co., 1902. xl, (1), 208 pp. 12'^. {The English citizen.) "Railways," pp. 136-146. Giddings, Franklin Henry. Democracj" and empire; with studios of their ps^x-hological, economic, and moral foundations. JSfew Toi'i: The Macmillan co., 1900. x, 363 pp. 8'-. "The railroads and the state," pp. 145-156. Great Britain. Diploaiatic and consular reports. Miscellaneous series, no. 574. Report on Prussian railways. Dmdon, 1902. 36 pp. 8\ Hadley, Arthur T. Railroad transportation: its histor}' and its laws. New York and London: G. 1\ Putnani's sonx., 1885. v, (2), 269 pp. 12^. Haguet, Henri. Le rachat des chemins de fer suisses et des conse- quences. Paris: Ch. Berang^r, 1902. 8\ Hanion, Frantz. L*a\enir de la politique fran^aise en matiere de chemins de fer, coinplement Ti Touvrage de M. R. de Kauf- man n. Paris: Ch. Berangtr, 1900. {2), 351pp. 8'\ Hendrick, Frank. Railway control b}" commissions. 0. P. Pittnam\s sons, New York ck London., 1900. iii, (1), 161 pp). 12-. {Questions of the day ^ no. 96.) Contents: Introduction; Railway regulation in France; Italy; Aus- tria; Belgium; England; The United States; The railway regula- tion (>! the Massachusetts commission as a guide to American lailway contro!; Switzerland and the state purchase of railways. 8 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS. Hole James, National ^ailwa}^s: an argument for state purchase. 2d ed., with appendix, CasseU ch CO., Londfm,^ 1895. ocvi, 1^08 pp. 1'2^. Hudson, James F. The railways and the republic. Mw York: Harper dihrothers, 1886. {I^), ^89 pp. 8°. "Competition versus combination," pp. 287-315. Jeans, J, S, Railwa}^ problems: an inquiry into the economic con- ditions of railway working in different countries. London: Longmmu^ Green, and co., 1887. xxviii, 560 pp. 8°. Jevons, W. Stanley. The railways and the state. {In Owens College, Manchester. Essays and addresses, pp. 465-505. London, 1874. 8°.) Reprinted in the author's "Methods of social reform," pp. 353-383. London, 1883. 8°. Kaufmann, Richard von. La politique f ranf aise en matiere de chemins de fer, traduit, mis a jour et precede d'un etude com- plementaire par F. Hamon. Paris: Ch. Beranyer, 1900. (^), xi, (1), 999pp. 8°. For supplement, see Hamon, Frantz, "L'avenir de la politique fran^aise en matiere de chemins de fer," Paris, 1900. Kirkman, Marshall M. Economic theorj^ of rates. Private versus government control of railroads, JVew York and Chicago: The World railway publishing com- pany, 1903. 355 pp. i^°. {The science of railways^ vol. 8-) Railway rates and government control. Economic questions surrounding these subjects. Chicago and JVeio York: Hand, McNally & co.., 189'2. 35 If, pp. 5°. The relation of the railroads of the United States to the people and the commercial and financial interests of the country. Chas. N. Trivess, p>r inter, Chicago. \1885.\ 5J4.pp. 8^. Larrabee, William. The railroad question; a historical and practical treatise on railroads, and remedies for their abuses, 10th ed. Chicago: The Schulte 2>uhlishing comj>a/)y, 1898. Jf88 pp. Fron tisp iece [portrait) . W^. Le Chevalier, Roger, Du caractere juridique de Tadministration des chemins de fer de I'etat. Paris: Arthur Rousseau. 1902. ll^i JU^- 8^- 1A< '_ I t- U li.ii. REFERENCES ON GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF RAILROADS. 9 Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre Paul. L'etat moderne et ses fonctions. 3. ed., revue et augmentee. Paris: Guillaumin <& cie., 1900. xii, JiB7 pj). 8°. "De I'exploitation des chemins de fer par l'etat," pp. 204-229. Traite de la science des finances. 6. ed., refoudue et aug- nientee. Paris: Guillawnin et cie., 1899. 2 vols. 8°. {Economistes <& 2^^f^^icistes contemporains. ) "Etats qui sont proprietaires de chemin de fer," vol. 1, pp. 25-27; "Arguments pour et contre I'exploitation des chemins de fer par l'etat," vol. 1, p. 100; " Les resultats de I'exploitation des chemins de fer par l'etat et les compagnies dans les differents pays," vol. 1, pp. 103-105. LeTvis, George H. National consolidation of the railways of the United States. New York: Dodd., Mead d; company, 1893. xv, (i), 326 pp. 12°. LevTis, William Draper. The federal power over commerce and its etl'ect on state action, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania press, 1892. llfB pp. 8°. ' ' To trace the development of these constitutional ideas as set forth in the opinions of the Federal courts is a most interesting and instructive study, as one will find by reading the monograph before us." ijeyen, A. von der. Eisenbahnpolitik. {In Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 2. Auflage, vol. 3, pp. 526-557. Jena, 1900. 4°.) Massachusetts. Board of railroad commissioners. Twenty-third annual report. January, 1892. Boston: Wright dd Potter 2>rinting company , 1892. xv, (1)., 336 pp. Folded diagrams. Foldedmap. Folded plan. 8°. "The Hungarian zone system," pp. 49 etseq.; "The Austrian zone system," pp. 55 et seq. Micheli, Horace. State purchase of railways in Switzerland. Trans- lated by John Cummings. {In American economic association. Economic studies, vol. 3, December, 1898, pp. 349-420. ) Translated from the Musee social. An abridged translation is printed in the Popular science monthly, vol. 53, September, 1898, pp. 609-620. 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Morgan, Appleton. The people and the railways, a popular dis- cussion of the railway problem of the United States, by way of answer to "The railwa3^s and the republic,-' b}^ James F. Hudson, and with an examination of the inter- state commerce law. NeiD York and Chicago: Belford^ Clarke <& comjjany^ 1888. 2J45 pp. m^. Nimmo, Joseph, jr. Pooling and governmental control of the rail- roads. December 26th, 1888. Washington: Gihson hros., 1888. 11 j)p- ^'°- {The rela- tlons of the railroads to the 2nd)lic interests., no. 1.) Parsons, Frank. Private monopoly in transportation contrasted with public ownership and cooperative operation. {In United States. Industrial commission. Reports, vol. 9, pp. 123-193,883-890. Washington, 1901. 8°.) See also the Commission's report, pp. xxxvi-xlvii. Pe^w, Arthur. Notes on government railroads. Atlanta., Oa.: The American 2?iib. & eng. cp., 189.!f. 68 pp. 8°. Raynaud, L. Etude sur la nationalisation des chemins de f er suisses. (These.) Fart's: A. Bousseaii, 1901. xv, 286pp. 8°. Seligman, Edwin R. A. Railway tariffs and the interstate commerce law. {III. Political science quarterly, vol. 2, June, 1887, pp. 223-264; Sep- tember, 1887, pp. 369-413. ) Squire, William P. The political problem of national ownership of railroads. Will it benelit the farmers ? Washington.) D. C. : Press of Hartman ds Cadick, 189Jf-. 8 pp. 8°. Sterne, Simon. History and political econom}^ of railways. {In Lalor, J. J. Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States, pp. 493-531. Chicago, 1884. 8°.) Stevrart, John L. Government ownership. Chicago, 1900. 203-262 pp. Portraits. 8^. {Progress. Issxied monthly hy The university association in the interests of xmiversity and world's congress extension, vol. 5, 710. Jf.) Contents: Rise of the problem ; Historic objects; Industrial changes; Demand for the extension of government ownership; Arguments in favor; Arguments against; Railroads in Germany, France, Bel- gium', Italy and Switzerland; The telegraph in England and United States; Government ownership in the United States; The Austra- lasian experiments; Conclusion. EEFEEENCES ON GOVEENMENT OWNERSHIP OF RAILEOADS. 11 Stickney, A. B. The railway problem. \Yith niau}- illustrative diagrams. St. Paid., Minn.: D. D. Merrill coiripany., 1891. vii, (1), 249 pp. m^. Todd, Mrs. Marion. Railway's of Europe and America; or, Govern- ment ownership. With notes from official sources. Boston: Arena publishing company, 1893, 293 pp. 12^. Ulrich. Franz. Traite general des tarifs de chemins de fer, contenant une etude speciale des tarifs appliques en Allemagne, ' Autriche-Horigrie, Suisse, Italie, France, Belgique, Hol- lande, Angleterre et Russie. Ed. franpaise, revue par Tauteur. Paris: Baudry et cle., 1890. (3), ,e, 555 pp. 8^. United States. Department of State. Report on the relations of the governments of the nations of western Europe to the railways, prepared b}^ Simon Sterne. Feb. 17, 1887. 45 pp. 8°. v. S. Jfdth Congress.) 2d sessloii. Senate miscellaneous docu- ment no. 66. Industrial commission. Reports. Washington: Government p)rlntlng office.^ 1900-1902. 19 vols. Maps. Facsimiles. Tahles. Diagrams. 8'\ Vols. 4 and 9 are devoted to transportation and include evidence on the government ownership of railroads. The same subject is also discussed in vols. 12 and 17. In the final report of the Commis- sion, vol. 19, pp. 481-484, recommendations on the subject of transportation are made which include one for the revival and strengthening of the policy of government supervision and con- trol of railroads as originally laid down in the Senate committee report of 1886 and embodied the following year in the interstate- commerce act. Senate. Select committee on interstate commerce. Report. Submitted to the Senate January 18, 1886. Washington: Government printing office.^ 1886. 2 vols. c9°. {Ji9th Congress.^ 1st session. Senate report no. 1/6., parts 1 and 2.) Yo\. 1. Report, with appendix. Yol. 2. Testimony. Waring, Charles. State purchase of railways. London: Chapman di Hall., 1887. xl^ 20 If, pp. 8^. GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIPOF RAILROADS: ARTI- CLES IN PERIODICALS. 1871. The government and the railroad corporations. Charles F. Adams, jr. Nm'th American review^ vol. IW {Jan.., 1871): 31-61. 1883. State regulation of corporate profits. T. M. Cooley. Worth American review.^ vol. 137 (Se/^t., 1883): 205-'217. 1884. The railway and the state. Gerrit L. Lansing-. Worth A^nerican review, vol. 138 {May, 1884) : Jf61-Jf.75. 1884. Les chemins de fer italiens. Cucheval-Clarigny. Revue des deux mondes, 5Jf,. annee, 3. per'wde, vol. 6Jf. {July i, 188 J^): 72-105; {July 15, 188 1^): 373-1^17. 1886. The difiiculties of railroad regulation. Arthur T. Hadley. Popular science monthly, vol. 29 {May, 1886) : 1-11. 1886. Social studies. 1. The nature of the railway problem. 2. The economic evils in American railway methods. 3. The reform of railwaj^ abuses. Richard T. Ely. • Harper's new moiithly magazine, vol. 73 {July, 1886): 250- 257; {Aug., 1886): 450-1^57; {Sept., 1886): 571-578. 1886. Railroad abuses, at home and abroad. Arthur T. Hadley. -IVew Princeton review, vol. 2 {Wov., 1886): 355-365. 1893. Nationalization of railroads. Solomon Schindler. Arena, vol. 7 {Jan., 1893): 209-212. 1893. The railway policy of Prussia. Gustav Cohn, Journal of political econoniy, vol. 1 {Mar. , 1893) : 179-192. 1893. Governmental ownership of railroads. J. W. Mason. American journal of politics, vol. 2 {Apr., 1893): 355-375. 1893. L'exploitatiou des chemins de fer de la Prusse depuis leur rachat par I'etat. Alfred Mange. Revue des deux mondes, 63. annee, 3. periode, vol. 117 {May 1, 1893): U2-168. 12 EEFEKENCES ON GOVEENMENT OWNERSHIP OF EAILBOADS. 13 1894. The state ownership of railroads. American laio review, vol. 28 {July- Aug. , ISOJf) : 608-611. 1894. State railways in Australia. William Hill. Journal of political economy., vol. 3 {Dec. , 189Jf) : 1-23. 1896. State ownership of railroads. Frank L. McVey. Gunton's magazine, vol. 11 {July, 1896) : 5Jf.-63. 1896. The relation of the railroads to the state. S. Sterne. Citizen, vol. 2 {Sept., 1896): 237-2^3. 1897. A decade in Federal railway regulation. H. T. Newcomb. Popular science monthly, vol. 51 {Oct., 1897): 811-819. 1897. The administration of Prussian railroads. With special refer- ence to the adjustment of railway rates. B. H. Meyer. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 10 {Mv.,1897): 389-423. With list of sources. 1898. The naturalization of Swiss railways. W. M. Acworth. Economic journal, vol. 8 {June, 1898): 265-269. 1898. Railroads and the government. B. W. Arnold, jr. GxintotHs magazine, vol. 15 {Aug. , 1898) : 125-133. 1899. The regulation and nationalization of the Swiss railways. Hans Dietler. Translated from the German by B. H. Meyer. American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 13 {Mar., 1899): lJf3-172; {May, 1899): 291-i. 1900. The railroad and the people. A new educational policy now operating in the west. Theodore Dreiser. Harper'' s neio montlily magazine, vol. 100 {Feh., 1900): If.79- m. 1900. The principles of government regulation of railroads. E. R. Johnson. Political science quarterly, vol. 15 {Mar. , 1900) : 37-Jf9. 1900. Federal regulation of railways in the United States. S. J. McLean. Economic journal, vol. 10 {June, 1900): 151-171. 1900. State regulation of railways in the United States. S. J. McLean. Economic journal, vol. 10 {Sept., 1900): 3.'t9-S69. 14 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1900. Government ownership of railroads. R. L. Richardson. Canadian magazine^ vol. 15 {Sept., 1900): Jfi3-JiD9; {Oct.^ 1900): 531-536; (iV^v., 1900): 60-66; {Dec, 1900): 16If,-171. 1902. Government ownership of railroads. Martin A. Knapp. American academy of 2)olitical and social science. Annals, vol. 19 {Jan., 1902): 61-73. 1902. Proposed extension of Prussian state railways. Board of trade journal, vol. 39 {N'av. W, 1902): 361-362. 1903. Extension of public ownership of railways. B. O. Flower. Arena, vol. 29 {Jan. , 1903) : 91-92. O 165465 ^ ,// UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRAk^^ ■m- M%ip m mmM w<'m\^i{!it wmMmmm ti.W i-^n^' 'mv:i.'U