<>8- REESE LIBRARY ^2 o^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Received CCc^£€^lAzli88A Accessions No. _ /:tr^4L^ ^ _ SMf No ^ ^^ 4^U — ■ -: 'rmf% ' J- > A mmm ^;' ^-'V !=^^ ; c -^ '^' 4 ''^ K^-'- TOPICAL SHAKESPEARIANA OR A COLLECTION OF ENGLISH SHAKESPEARIANA (^EXCLUSIVE OF EDITIONS) Arranged xjnder Headings to Facilitate Reference to Special Subjects of Investigation By H. H. morgan \v^ (,K THE ^ 'UNIVEESITY ST. LOUIS (i. L JONES AM) COMPANY 18 7 9 Entereil accnriling to Act of Congress, in the year 1S79, )jy Hublisl)ing an Edition. Letter to G. W. Ilardinjie. Edition. H. Staunton — Edition. J. T. Tyrwhitt — Observations and conjectures on some pas- safzes. E. Taylor — The Moor of Venice. ( Cliutliio's Tale of Shakesi)eare.) L. Theobald — Shakespeare Eestored. Tate — History of Kin^i' Lear. John Upton — Critical Observations on Shakespeare. /> q^. F. G. Waldron — Free Eetlections on Miscellaneoiis TPa-"'"'^'^'^ pers, &.C. D. Webb — Remarks on the Beauties of Poetry, F. Webb — Shakespeare Ms, of Mr, Ii eland examined. S. Weston — Short Xotes on Shakes[)eare. Richard Grant Wiiite— Shakes])eare Scholar. W. Whiter — Speciiueii of a Commentary, Peter Whalley — Inquiry into Learning of Shakespeare. Thos. Wilson— Analysis of Wilson's Illustrated Shakes- speare. Win. Warbnrton — Edition. M, Wyatt — Comparative Review of Mr, Boaden's Opinions, Atbenaenni, Feb. 5, 187G (Review of Skeat's Plutarch). 11-413 (of Drake) lH-9. 1844-103G (Review of Unntei). LS5;5-840 (Review of Gnizot), Antenor's Letter to Geo. Chalmers. A few words in rei)ly to the Animadversions of Mr, Dyce upon 2 18 Topical Shakespeariana. Mr. Hunter's Disquisitions. An examination of Mr. Ken- rick's Review of Dr. Johnson. Analj^sis of Illustrated Shakes- peare of Thos. Wilson. Answer to certain passages of Shakespeare in Mr. Warburton's Preface. A few words in defence of Shakesj)eare — Capell. Annotations by Johnson and Steevens and the va.rious commentators upon Hamlet and Titus Audronicns, Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1859-454 (of Collier). 1859, Jan., Ill, and Feb., 241, (R. G. White). An- notations upon the Plays of Shakespeare. Annotations in Scholey's Edition. Answer to Mr. Pope's Preface. A few remarks upon the emendation, " Who Smothers her with painting," in Cymbeline. A letter from Gibber to Pope. American Journal of Education, Feb., 1873. Another Es- sence of Malone. Christian Examiner, 20-454 (Collier's Edi- tion). 11-209 (R. G. White). Cursory Criticisms on Malone's Edition, 1792. Cupid's Cabinet Unlock't (attributed to Shakespeare). Collection of Prologues. Comparative Re- view of the Opinions of J. Boaden. Dublin University Re- view, July, 1876. Edinburgh Review, 24-449 (Donee's Edi- tion). 90-69 (Ulrici's Art). 28-472 (Hazlitt's Characters). Encycloppedia of Wit. Enquiry into the Conduct of Mr. Malone. Essence of Malone. Free and Familiar Letters to Warburton. Facts and Reasons in answer to Farren. Gal- axy, 1876-629 (Skeat's Plutarch). Horatian Canons of Criti- cism. Imperfect Hints towards a new edition of Shake- speare, written chiefly in 1872: London, J. Walter, 1787. Impartial Remarks on Warburton's Preface. London Quar- terly Review, 1845, 1-51. 1819,1867. 1849-1-25 (Dyce's). Loudon Magazine, 1823-4 (Singer's Jest Book). London Monthly Review, 92-53 ( Hazlitt's Characters). Literary Gazette, l847-3«-l (Hunter's). 1850-237 (Halpin's). 1852- 844 (Guizot). North British Review, 1850 (Guizot's). New York Nation, 17-92 and 22-355, Notes of Stud es on the Tem- Topical Skalccspeariana. 19 pest. North American Review, 63-29, 88-244, 371, 67-84. Old and New, 2-367. Penn Monthly, 5-881, 2-1140. Put- nam's Majjazine, Jan., 1856, July, 1856, Oct. and Nov., 1853, 1857. Observations on Shakespeare Forgeries at Bridgewa- ter House. Eeply to X. E. S. A. Hamilton. Retrospective Review, August, 1854 (Singer's Jest Book). Remarks on a late Edition of Shakespeare. Romance of the Stag:e, p. 278, Ireland Forgeries. Shakespeare Revised. Shakespeare Re- stored, 1853. Second Api)endlx to ^Ir. Malone's Sui)plement. Shakesi)eare Annotations, illustration of Plays ( by John- son, Steevens, Malone, Theobald, Warbnrton, Farmer, Heath, Pope, Hawkins, Hanmer, Reynolds and Percy) 1819. Speci- men of a Commentary, 1794. Scribner's, April, 1875 (Shake- speare Bacon Controversy). Strictures on Hamilton's Inqui- ries (Scrutator). Southern Review, 8-116. The Book of , Gems (Landscapes illustrative of Shakespeare's Dramas). The Etymologist (a Comedy). The Prefaces and Annotations of the Various Commentators. COMPARISON WITH OTHER AUTHORS. N. Drake — Shakespeare ^Memorials. E. Dubois— The Wreath (Sai)pho, Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus). Wm. Godwin — Life of Chaucer. 1-509 (Homer and Shake- speare). 499 (Chaucer and Shakes[)i'are). ^ nr ■- Victor Hugo— Shakespeare (p. 28). ''' '' * ' ^ ''^^ * ^ Mrs. E. Montague — Essay on Writings and Genius of Shakespeare (French and Greek Authors). W. Richardson — Cursory Remarks on Shakespeare (French and Italian Poets). J, E. Riddle— Illustrations of Aristotle from Shakespeare. Rudloff— Sliakespeare, Schiller, and Goethe. 20 Topical JShaJcespeariana. E, Taylor — Cursory Eemarks on Tragedy (French and Ital- ian Dramatists). E. C. Trench — Calderon. H. Ulrici— Shakespeare's Dramatic Art (Calderon, p. 4CG), (Goethe, p. 514.) Blackwood's, June, 1851, Vol. LXIX. (^schylus and ^Goethe), ('oilier, Coleridge, and Shakespeare: London, 1800. Eclectic, 1865, Vol. 1-97 (Goethe). Parallel of Shakespeare and Scott. CONCORDANCE. S. Ayscough — Index to Remarkable Passages and Words made use of by Shakespeare. A. Beckett — Concordance. -^ Mary Cowden Clarke — Concordance. yC Furness— Variorum Edition. C. Lyndon — Concoidance of Select Quotations from Shake speare. Wheler — Concordance to Shakespeare's Poems. CRITICISM. C. Badhara — Criticism applied to Shakespeare. S. T. Coleridge— Shakespeare Notes and Letters. Seven Letters on Shakespeare and Milton. Works. John Dennis — Life of Dennis, the renowned Critic. Impar- tial Critic (Review of Rymer.) J. Drake— Ancient and Modern Stages Surveyed. N. Drake — Shakespeare and his Times. Memorials oi Shakespeare. John Dryden— The Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy. W. Duff— Critical Observations on Writings of Original Genius, p. 127. Topical IShakespeaHana. 21 M. Paul Dnpont — Literary Essays on Shakespeare. T. Edwards — Canons of Criticism and Glossary. Karl Elze — Essays on Shakespeare. Geo. Fletcher — Studies in Shakespeare. ^ G. G. Gervinus — Shakespeare Commentary. C. Gildon — Comparison between the two Stages of Shake- speare. Wm. Guthrie — Essay on English Tragedy. J. H, Hackett — Notes and Comments on Plays and Actors. - H. N. Hudson — Life, Art and Characters of Shakespeare. J. O. Ualliwell — Curiosities of Modern Criticism. Joseph Hunter — New Illustrations of Shakespeare. S. Jacox — Shakespeare Diversious. Wm. Watkins Lloyd — Critical Notices of Shakespeare. Mercade — Hamlet, or Shakespeare's Philosophy of History. Alfred Pownall — Shakespeare weighed in an even balance. Thos. Kymer — Tragedies of the Last Age examined by the Ancients. Wm. Richardson — Cursory Remarks on Shakespeare. Es- says on some of Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters. J. Ritson — Cursory Criticisms. D. J. Snider— The Western, 1875 and 1876. Journal of Speculative Philosophy, Vols. 6-10. A. Strachey — Analysis of Hamlet. E. Taylor — Shakespeare Gallery. H. Ulrici — Shakespeare's Dramatic Art. J. Upton — Critical Observations on Shakespeare. T. Wade— What does Hamlet Mean ? W. Sidney Walker — Criticisms of Shakespeare. E. P. Whipi)le — Dramatic Literature Age of Elizabeth, p. 32. Wilke — General View of the Stage. Geo. Wilkes— Spirit of the Times, 1875. 22 Topical Shakespeariana. L. Withington — Bibliotheca Sacra, 4-522. An E[)istle to Mr. Pope on Verbal Criticism. Answer to certain passages of Shakespe-are in Mr. Warburton's preface to his Edition, London, 1748. British Quarterly, April, 1864. Blackwood's, 1835. Criticism on Kemble's Hamlet. Critical Reflections on the old English Dramatic Writers. Cnriosities of Shakespeare Criticism. Eclectic Eeview, Dec, 1.^53. His- toriographer Dramatica. Literary Cookery. London Quarter- ly, April, 1864. Mirror of Taste. Miscellaneous Observations on the Tragedy of Hamlet. North British Review, XII-62 (Goethe as a Critic). North American Review, 49-321, 83-29, 85-490, 31-448. New Exegesis, 1859 (Principle of Races). Of Verbal Criticism. Retrospective Review, 1823, p. 380. West- minster Review, Dec, 1843 (Shakespeare Criticism and Act- ing). ENTOMOLOGY. R. Patterson — Natural History of Insects in Shakespeare's Plays. Letter on Insects mentioned in Shakespeare. FAULTS. Chateaubriand — Sketches of English Literature. F. Douce — Anachronisms and Some Incongruities of Shake- speare. Wm. Godwin — Life of Chaucer. 1-512 (Particulars in which Chaucer is superior). 514 (Indelicacy of the Principal Char- acters of Shakespeare in Troilus and Cresseida.) ^ H. N. Hudson— Life, Art, and Characters of Shakespeare. D. Hume — History of England (Appendix to James Ist's Reign). T. Kenny — Life and Genius of Shakespeare. Topical iShakespeariana. 23 G. Langbaine — Momus Triumpbans, or tbe Plagiaries of tbe Englisb Stage. Abby Sage Eicbardson — Galaxy, 10-855 (Shakespeare as a Plagianst). W. KicliardsoD — Essays ou some of Sbakespeaie's Dram- atic Cliaiaotois. Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare. Eetrospective Ee- ' view, 12-259 Geo. Wilkes— Spirit of tbe Times, 1875. FITNESS FOR EEPRESENTATION. Geo. Fletcher — Studies of Shakespeare. Charles Lamb — Essays ou Tragedies of Shakespeare. GRA;RrMAR. /C E. A. Abbott^Shakespearian Grammar. Dalgleish — Shakespearian Ecader. 4# J. Harris — Hermes, pp. 12, 13, 23, 41, 47, 51, 53. HERMETIC WRITINGS. Eobt. Deverell — Hieroglyphic and other Antiquities. H. Green — Sliak('si)eai-e and Die Emblem Writers. E. A. Hitchcock— Eemarks ou Shakespeare's Sonnets as Hermetic Writings. HEROES AND HEROINES. ThoR. Carl., le — Heroes and Hero Worship. Mary Cowdeu Clarke — Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines. W^m. Godwin — Life of Chancer. 1-500 (Character ol" Ulys- ses in Troll us and Cresseida). Clias. Heath — Portraits of Shakespeare. Noith American Ee view, 41-344. The Heroines of Shake spearc (Illustrations). 24 Topical ShaJcespeariana. HISTORICAL PLAYS. Geo. H. Calvert — The Gentleman, 84. (Shakespeare's His- torical Plays). T. P. Coiirtenay — Commentary on Historical Plays of Shakespeare, Harding— Historical Dramas of Shakespeare illustrated by Portraits of Persons mentioned. W. T. Hanis— The Western, 1875. •How — Historical Shakespeare. Mercade — Hamlet, or Shakespeare's Philosophy of History. Thos. Macnight — Shakespeare : a Prize Essay. J. F. D. Maurice — The Friendship of Books. J. R. Planche — Costumes of Historical Tragedies. T. Percy — Essay on Origin of Buglish Stage. Henry Reed — Lectures on Origin of English Literature. English Literature as illustrated by Shakespeare. Blackwoods, 1835-747 (JuHqs Caesar). 757 (Coriolanus). Edinburgh Review, May, 1876 (Shakespeare and History). Prize Essay on Historical Plays of Shakespeare. Shake- speare's History of the Times. HOME AND HOME LIFE. J. C. M. Bellew — Shakespeare's Home. Ernest Edwards — Shakespeare : Birthplace, Home and Grave. Fairholt — Home of Shakespeare illustrated and described. C. V. Griiifield — Pilgrimage to Stratford-ou-Avon. J. O. Halliwell — A new Book about Shakespeare and Strat- ford-on-Avou. An historical account of New Place, Strat- ford-on-Avon. Stratford on- Avon in the Times of the Shake- speares. Rose, Shamrock and Thistle Magazine, Dec, 1863. W. Howitt— Homes and Haunts of British Authors. R, E. Hunter— Shakespeare and Stratford-on Avon. Topical tShakesveariana. 25 Sam'l Ireland — Pictorial Views on Avon. J. M. Jephson — Shakespeare's Birthplace, Home and Grave. J. Mackray — Shakespeare's Birthplace. J. McKaiu Meek — Memorial of Merits and Genius of Shake- speare. Geo. May — Guide to the Biithtowu of Shakespeare and the Poet's Rural Hauuts. Sam'l. Neil — Notes and Queries, 1864. Shakespeare's Home Described. W. Eider — Views in Stratford-on-Avon. H. R. (S?) Storer— Historical Topography. S to we— Leisure Hour, 1864, No. 642 (House and Tomb). R. B. Wheler — Historical Descriptive Account of Shake- speare's Birthplace. Historical Antiquities of Stratford. James W. Wilson—Harper's, 23-t33. J. R. Wise — Shakespeare : his Birthplace and its Neigh- borhood. E. Walford — Brief Account of Stratford-on-Avon. Account of Stratford on Avon, 1800. A new Book about Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon. Brief Account of Strat- ford-on-Avon, 1790. Country Trips. Harper's Magazine, Vol. XXIX, p. 337. Histrionic Topography. Illustrated News, Sept. 18, 1847 (Honse and Life Illust). I'histrations of Strat ford-on- Avon. Knickerbocker Magazine, 35-245. New Book about Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon. Shakespeare's Birthplace, 1859. Stratford-on-Avon, 1809. Views in Strat- ford on- Avon. HUMAN LIFE IN SHAKESPEAEE. Henry Giles — Human Life in Shakespeare. HUMOR AND JESTS. J. P. Collier— Fools and Jesters. 26 Topical 8hakespeariana, F. Douce — Illustrations of Shakespeare. Henry Giles — Human Life in Shakespeare. Wm. Hazlitt— Lectures on English Comic Writers. W. Carew Hazlitt — Jest Books. J. O. Halliwell— Taiiton's Jests and News out of Purga- tory. S. Drolls. ^ ^' ' -''" Jeffreys — Shakespeare Jests. Francis Meres — Treasuiy of Wit. Kenny Meadows — Points of Humor. H. H. Morgan — American Journal of Education, Feb., 1873. C. Morris— Essay toward fixing standard of wit, humor, raillery, satire, and ridicule (Falstaff, Coverley and Quixote). H. Oesterly — Shakespeare's Jest Book, London, 1866. A. W. Von Schlegel — History of Dramatic Literature (Puns). S. W. Singer — Shakespeare Jest Book. . Encyclopaedia of Wit. Falstaff's Jests or the Quintessence of Wit and Humor. Jests, 1770. Jubilee Jester. Merry Tales from Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dream : Mer- ry Conceited Humors of Bottom the Weaver. Optick Glass of Humors. Shakespeare Jest Book. Shakespeare's Jests, or the Jubilee Jester, 1750, 1795. Specimens of a new Jest Book. Shakespeare Society Publications, 1842, Part lY. The Hun- dred Merry Tales. Shakespeare Merry Tales. LANGUAGE AND VERSIFICATION. Sam'l. Ayscough — Index to Shakespeare. J. R. Bartlett— Dictionary of Americanisms. C. Bathurst— Eemarks on Shakespeare's Versification (a1 Different Periods). A. Beckett— Shakespeare Set Free. Shakespeare Eevised. Shakespeare Himself Again. Alex. Chalmers — Glossary. Topical Shakespeariana. 27 Chateanbriand — Sketches of English Literature. Mar^- Cowdeu Clarke — Concordance to Shakespeare. G. L. Craik — English of Shakespeare. Learning and Lit" eratare in England, II-lTl. Thos. Dolby — Shakespeare Dictionary (Index to Passages). Dnyckinck — Edition. T. Edwards — Canons of Criticism and Glossary. Alex. J. Ellis — Early English Pronunciation (Puns, Ehymes and Pronunciation). ' '' ~ FurnesK — Concordance to Shakespeare. E. G. Fleay — Shakespeare Manual. Win. Goodvvin — Life of Chaucer, 1-421 (Antiquity). Z. Grey — Critical and Historical Notes. J. Harris— nerraes, pp. 12, 13, 23, 41, 47, 51, 53. Ualliwell & Wright— fare's Glossary, 1872. S. Jervis — Dictionary of the Language of Shakespeare. Thos. Keightley — Shakespeare Expositor. E. Malone — Life of Shakespeare (Phraseology). Geo. P. Marsh — English Language and Literature, p. 567. Nares — Glosssary. Lf muel S. Potivin — Bibliotheca Sacra, 19-551. W. L. Rushton — Shakespeare's Euphuism. Shakespeare's Testamentary Language. A. W. Von Schlegel — History of Dramatic Literature. C. A. Schwerdtgeburth— Appendix to Shakespeare's Dra- matic Works. A. C. Swinburne — Fortnightly Review (Shakespeare's Ver- sification), May, 1875, Jan., 187C. Alex. Schmidt — Shakespeare Lexicon. F. Twiss — Complete Verbal Index. W. Sidney Walker — Shakespeare's Versification. R. Warner — Glossary. Geo. Wilkes— Spirit of the Times, 1875 &ITF^-SS'> 28 Topical Shalcespeariana. Appendix to Dramatic Works, Leipzig, 1826. North Amer- ican Review, 98-342. April, 1864. Eeraarks jii Differences of Shakesijeare's Versification in different periods of liis life. LEARNING AND SOURCES OF ICNOVYLEDGE. Thos. Amyot — The Old Taming of the Shrew. Thos. P. Barton — Library. Sir E. Barckley — Discourse on the Felicitie of Man (p. 24, Story of the Induction to the Taming of tbe Shrew). E. Capell — Notes and various Eeadings of Shakespeare. J. P. Collier — Shakespeare Library. N. Drake — Memoirs of Shakespeare. C. Dicey — Titus Andronicus — from the Kalian. Dodsley— Six Old Plays (Lear, Taming of the Shrew, King John, Henry IV., Measure for Measure, and Comedy of Er- rors). " ' ' Karl Elze — Essays on Shakespeare. Eichard Farmer — Essay on Learning of Shakespeare. E. L. Fiddes — Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Godwin's Life of Chaucer, 1-467, 497, 499, 501, 346, 496, 467. 11-38, 174. Henry Home— Elements of Criticism, 1-371, 403. 404. II- 120, 246, 258, 294, 301. J. O. Halliwell — Introduction to Midsummer Night's Dream. 1st Sketch, M. W. W. Dorastusand Fawuia (Winter's Tale). W. Carew Hazlitt — Shakespeare's Library. Ealph Holinshed — Chronicles of England. Nath'l Holmes — Authorship of Shakespeare. Joseph Hunter — Illustrations of Shakespeare. Dissertation upon the Time, Scene, and Origin t'f the Tempest. Mrs. 0. Lennox — Illustrations of Shakespeare. Topical iShaJcespeariana. 29 E. Malone— Account of the Incidents from which title and part of the Story of The Tempest was derived. Thos. Middletou— The Witch. Meres — Treasury of Wit. Wm. Maginn — Shakespeare Papers. John Nichols— Six Old Plays. W. Parr— Story of the Moor of Venice (from the Italian). j Duncan Pell— Harper's, 23-486. ^ K. Prescott — Essay on the Learning of Shakespeare. B. Eobinson — Translation of Gesta Eomauorum. Sir Philip Sidney — Arcadia (Parallelisms). Alex. Sylvayu — Orator (Plot of Merchant of Venice). W. W. Skeat— Shakespeare's Plutarch. Stearns — Shakespeare Treasury. B. Thorpe — Anglo-Saxon Version of the Play of Pericles. Lope de Vege — Komeo and Juliet. ^*eter Whalley — An Inquiry into the Learning of Shake- speare Geo. Whetstone — Promos and Cassandra. Geo. Wilkins — Pericles, Prince of Tyre : a novel. ApoUouius of Tyre ( Anglo-Saxon Version of Pericles). Chronicle History of Leir, King of England. Dublin Uni- versity Magazine, July, 1876. Enphues Golden Legacie (As You Like It). Essay on Authorship, three parts Henry VI., 1859. Famous Victories Henry V. Gentleman's Magazine, 1833, Vol. 1-415. Gesta Eomauorum. London Quarterly Eeview, 1849, et aliter. North American Eeview 54-318. Pitiful History of Two Loving Italians. Papers of the Shake- speare Society : (Passage in Marlowe's Edward IL, and in first part of The Contention. Ballad illustrating Eomeo and Juliet. Illustrative of Twelfth Night. Campbell's Mistake about the Tempest. Punctuation of "too, too," in Hamlet. Heywood's Ballad of the Green Willow vs. Othello's Green 30 Topical SJiakespeariana. Willow. Imitations of Shelley in Shelley's Ceres. Shake- speare's Puck. Illustration of a Passage in Taming of the Shrew. Shakespeare illustrated : or the novels and histories upon which the Plays of Shakespeare are founded.) Eetro- spective Eeview, 8-108, 127, 129, 130, 225. Shakespeare Soci- ety Publications, 1842 (Old Play of Timon). Shakespeare il- lustrated: novels and histories on which the Plays of Shake- speare are founded, 1753. The novel from which Merchant of Venice is taken. Six old Plays on which Shakespeare founded his Measure for Measure, Comedy of Errors, Taming of the Shrew, John, Henry IV. and V. LEGAL KNOWLEDGE. Lord Campbell — Legal Acquirements of Shakespeare. E. F. Fuller— Monthly Eeview, Nov., 1862. Heard — Legal Attainments of Shakespeare. W. L. Eushton — Herrig's Archiv., XXXl-3 (Shakes i)eare's Tenures). XXXII-1 and 2 (illustrated by Lex Scripta). Shakespeare's Legal Maxims. Shakesi)eare as a Lawyer. Shakespeare illustrated by Lex Scripta. Shakespeare's Testamentary Language. H. T. — Was Shakespeare a Lawyer? Geo. Wilkes— Spirit of the Times, 1875. LIFE. S. A. Allibone— Dictionary of Authors, 11-2006. D. E. Baker — Biogrophia Dramatica. Bell — Missing Years in Life of Shakespeare. Sir Thos. Blount — Eemarks on Poetry. H. G. Bohn — Biography and Bibliography of Shakespeare. C. H. Bracebridge — Shakespeare no Deerstcaler. John Britton — Eemarks on Shakespeare's Life and Writ- ings. Topical SJialcespeariana. 31 C. A. Brown — Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems. David Paul Browu — Sketches of Life and Genius of Shake- speare. Thos. Campbell — Specimens of British Poets (Moxon's Ed.) Lives of the British Dramatists, Phila., 1846. Alex. Chalmers — Works of the English Poets. Encyclo- pfedia Metropolitaua. General Biog. Dictionary. E. Chambers — Cyclopaedia of Eng. Literature, -109 T. Cibber — Lives of the Poets, Vol. L J. P. Collier — History of Early English Stage. New facts concerning the life of Shakesi)eare. Fred. Cox — Essay on Genesis, Life and Character of Shake- speare. Z. Craft — Shakespeare Monument. Curll — Life of Dennis. Nathan Drake — Shakespeare and his Times. Memorials of Shakespeare. Duyckinck — Edition. Alex. Dyce — Life of Shakespeare. Poems with Memoir, J. A. M. Evans — The Progress of Human Life. Clara Fisher — Eemembrance of Shakespeare. F. G. Fleay— Shakespeare Manual. Thos. Ford — Shakespeare and his Contemporaries. S. AV. Fullom — The History of Wm. Shakespeare. C. F. Green — Legend of Shakespeare's Crab Tree. John Hall — Select Observations ou English Bodies (Shake- speare's connections). J. O. Halliwell— Misc. Illustrations of the Life of Shake- speare. Life of Shakespeare. Life and Will of Wm. Shake- speare. W. Harness — Life (prefixed to Edition), Harvey— Shakespeare's Biography. 32 Topical ShaJcespeariana. J. A. Heraud — Temple Bar, April, 1862, V-53 (Inner Life, as illustrated in Shakespeare's Works.) ■^ Victor Bugo— Shakespeare. (^ A«J<^ <^^ .; ^ H. N. Hudson — Life, Art, and Character of Shakespeare. Joseph Hunter — Illustrations of Shakespeare. Npth'l. Holmes — Authorship of Shakespeare. Giles Jacob — The Poetical Eegister. G. Jones — Tecum seh, &c., with Ovation on Life of Shake- speare. The First Jubilee Oratious. W. C Kent — Dreamland. T. Kenny — Life and Genius of Shakespeare. Keightley — Shakespeare Expositor. C. Knight — Biography of Shakespeare. ><- W. S. Landor — Citation before Sir Thos. Lucy. E. Malone— Life of Shakespeare. H. H. Morgan — American Journal of Education, Feb., 1873. S. Neil— Shakespeare: a critical Biography. Edward Phillips — Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum. < Thos. DeQuincey -EncyclopsediaBrilanica. Biographies. Works. C. Robert — Wm. Shakespeare. C. A. Schwerdtgeburth— Appendix to Shakespeare's Dra- matic Works. S. W. Singer — Essays on the Life and Plays of Shake- speare. Aug. Skottowe — Life of Shakespeare. C. Symmons — Preface to Singer's Edition. H. Ulrici — Shakespeare's Dramatic Art. -A- Cardinal Wiseman — Wm. Shakespeare : a Lecture. ^ Ward — English Dramatic Literature, 271. R. B. Wheler — History and Antiquities of Stratford-on- Avon. T. B. Whincoop— Scanderberg : a Tragedy. Topical Shalcespeariana. 83 E. P. Whipple— Atlantic Monthly, June, 1867. Eichard Grant White — Memoirs of Life of Shakespeare, with an Essay towards the Expression of his Services. Christian Examiner, 1866-26. Geo. Wilkes— Spirit of the Times, 1875. Appendix to Dramatic Works, Leipzic, 1826. Biographia Britanica. Boston Lyceum, 1-126 and 206. British Curiosi- ties in Art and Nature. Encyclopaedia Americana. Ency- clopaedia Metropolitana. Illustrated London News, Sept. 18, 1847. Illustrations of the Life of the Life of Shakespeare, London, Longman's. Lardner's Cyclopaedia. Lippincott's Biog. Dictionary, 2007. London Quarterly Eeview, July, 1871, CIIL Eemarks on Life and Writings of Shakespeare. Wm. Shakespeare : a Biography, London, 18U5. Shake- speare: (Traits of Character). Southern Eeview, 4-37. Shake- speare's Merry Tales. Shakespeare : a Miscellany. Shake- speare's Life : 12 Stereoscopic Pictures. Traditionary Anec- dotes of Shakespeare. Traditionary Anecdotes of Shake- speare collected in AVarwickshire. MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE. Bell — Principles of Surgery, Vol. 11-557. Horatio E. Bigelow — Hamlet's Insanity. A. Brigham — London Quarterly Eeview, 49-181 ; 82-357 to 371; 380 to 383 ; and 390 to 394 (Insanity). J. C. Bucknill — Medical Knowledge of Shakespeare. Mad Folk of Shakespeare. Psychology of Shakespeare. G. Farren — Observations on the Laws of Mortality and Disease (Melancholia of Lear, Hamlet, Ophelia, and Edgar). Dr. Fergusson — On the Madness of Hamlet. Sir Henry Halford — Essays and Orations (Shakespeare's Tests of Insanity). 3 34 Topical ShaJcespeariana. A. O. Kellogg — Shakespeare's Delineations of Insanity (Cordelia). Isaac Eay — American Journal of Insanity, III. G. Eoss — The Mad Characters of Shakespeare. C. W. Stearns — Shakespeare's Medical Knowledge. W. Wadd — Quarterly Journal of Science, 1829. Geo. Wilkes— Spirit of the Times, 1875. F. Wiuslow — Obscure Diseases of the Brain, Ch. 4-58. Harper's, 8-391 (Case of Lady Macbeth medically considered.) MUSIC. Addison — Music of Shakespeare arranged for the Piano. T. A. Arne — Music of Merchant of Venice. Dirge in Cym- beline. As You Like It. Twelfth Night. Romeo and Juliet. Garrick's Ode to Shakespeare Songs and Duets in the Blind Beggar. Sam'l. Arnold— Scotch Airs in Macbeth. T, Ay 1 ward — Six Songs (Harlequin's Invasion, Cymbeline, and Midsummer Night's Dream). F. 'M. Bartholdy — The Music to Midsummer Night's Dream. H. E. Bishop — As You Like It, set to music. Music in Midsummer Night^s Dream. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Comedy of Errors. W. Boyce — The Masque of the Tempest. W. H. Calcott— Music iu Macbeth. T. Caulfield — Vocal Music in Shakespeare's Plays. Wm. Chilcott — Songs set to Musie. C. D. Collett— Locke's Music in Macbeth. C. Dibdin — Shakespeare's Garland. John Eccles— Selections from Music in Macbeth. B. Gilbert — Shakespeare's Dream. John Gilbert — Songs and Ballads illustrated. Topical IShakespeariana. 35 J. L. Hatton — Music in King Henry VIII. C. E. Horn — Songs of Midsummer Night's Dream. Shake- speare's Seven Ages. J. Isaacson — Music in King Henry V. Kitchiner — Collection of Vocal Music in Shakespeare. J. F. Lampe — Dirge in Romeo and Juliet. Pyramus and Thisbe — a mock Opera. W. Linley — Dramatic Songs to all of Shakespeare's Dramas. M. Lock — The Introductory Symphony in Macbeth. Matthew Locke — Original Music in Macbeth. Introduc- tory Symphony in Macbeth. Music of The Tempest. Vocal Music in Psyche. J. Loder — Introductory Symphony in Macbeth (for Piano). F. W. G. Mapleson— Songs and Ballads illustrated. F. Mendelssohn — Music in Midsummer Night's Dream. G. Nicks — Ophelia's Airs. J. Noble — Shakespeare Album, 1862. Novello — Musical Times. F. T. Palgrave — Songs and Sonnets. Henry Purcell — Adaptation of Midsummer Night's Dream. Geo. Soaue — Shakespeare's Seven Ages. J. C. Smith — The Tempest : an Opera. Howard Staunton — Songs and Sonnets. Stiatford-on-Avon. A. Sullivan — Music in Tbe Tempest. Vernon — Music in Twelfth Night. Two Gentlemen of Ve- rona. Album for the Pianoforte, 1864. Choice Ayres and Dia- logues. Complete Edition of Locke's Music for Macbeth. Music in The Tempest : by Purcell, Arne and Linley. Songs of Shakespeare, illustrated by the Etching Club, 1843, 1853. Shakespeare Album, or Warwickshire Garland. Songs, Choruses, &c., at the Jubilee, 1769. Songs in the Jubilee at Drury Lane, 1770. Shakespeare Vocal Magazine. Songs in 36 Topical Shalcespeariana. the New Entertainment of the Jubilee, 1787. Songs in Gar- rick's Jubilee, 1816. Shakespeare Album for the Pianoforte. The Tempest: an Opera, 1756. The Fairies : an Opera. The Songster's Pocket Book, 1770. Vocal Album. MYTHOLOGY. W. Bell — Shakespeaie's Puck and Folk Lore. J, O. Halliwell— Illustration Fairy Mythology of Shake- speare. A. RofiV — Ess;iy on the Ghost Belief of Shakespeare. W. Thorns — Three Notelets on Shakesi)oare. Shakespeare Society Papers, 1845. (Halliwell's Illustrations of Fairy Mythology). NOVKLS. H. Curling— Geraldine Maynard, a tale of the days of Shakespeare. Shakespeare as Poet, Lover, Artist, and Man : a Romance. Kathan Drake — Noontide Leisure. Charles Lamb — Tales from Shakespeare. E. Severn — Aune Hathaway or Shakespeare in Love. C. A. Somerset — Shakespeare's Early Days: an historical play. F. Williams — Shakespeare and his Friends. The Youth of Shakespeare. E. F. AVilliaras — The Secret Passion. Congel and Fenella : a tale founded upon Macbeth. Shake- speare Novels. ORATORY. W. P. Heston— The Western, 1873. lutroduction to Shakespeare's Plays. ORNITHOLOGY". J. E. Harting— Ornithology of Shakespeare. Topical Shalcespeariana. 37 PHILOSOPHY. Delia Bacon — Philosophy of Shakespeare. W. Birch — Inquiry into Philosophy and Eeligion of Shake- speare. T. Price — Wisdom and Genius of Shakespeare. Michael H. Raukin — The Philosophy of Shakespeare, 1841. Isett Raukin — Philosophy of Shakespeare. Philosophy of Shakespeare, 1857 and 1864. Philosophy of Shakespeare, Edinburgh, 1867. Shakespeare's Philosophy, 8vo., 1857. The Philosophy of Wm. Shakespeare, 1859, 1860, PLOTS. J. O. Halliwell — Remarks of Karl SimrockJ Charles Lamb — Tales from Shakespeare. \x ^^ - ^^ ^\^' Karl Sim rock — On the Plots of Shakespeare. vJ ^^^ 1^ Aug. Skottowe — Life of Shakespeare. Shakespeare Society Papers (Remarks of Karl Simrock). PORTRAITS. J. V. Barrett — Shakespeare fresh chiseled in stone. Beeton — Shakespeare Memorial. J. Boaden — Authenticity of various portraits and prints. J. NicoU Boydell — Catalogue of Pictures in Shakespeare Gallery, Pall Mall. John Britton — Remarks on Monumental Bust of Shake- speare at Stratford. J. P. Collier — Dissertation on imputed Portraits. Sam'l. Cousins — Wm. Shakespeare. N. Drake — Memorials of Shakespeare. Martin Droeshout — Portrait in Folio. R. H. Forster — Few Remarks on Chandos Portrait. H. Friswell — Life Portraits of Shakespeare. 38 Topical ShaJcespeariana. Harding — Shakespeare illustrated by an assemblage of Portraits and Views. Gabriel Harrison — Stratford Bust. Jeffreys — Stratford Bust. Chas- Knight — Studies of Portraits. J. McKaia Meek — Memorial of Merits and Genius of Skake- speare. Merridew — Catalogue of Engraved Portraits of the Nobili- ty, &c. Nett Eankin— Proposals for Engraving Telton Portrait. N. Eichardson — Proposals for Eugraving Telton Portrait. H. Rodd — On the Chandos Portrait. S. Sj)Ooner — Prints from Pictures printed to illustrate the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. Geo. Schaai^ — Principal Portraits of Shakespeare. Taylor — The Bee (Catalogue of Pictures in Shakespeare Gallery). W. Thoms — Notes and Queries, 1864-121 (Kesselstadt Mask). Stratford Bust of Shakespeare. T. Whincoop — Scanderberg : a Tragedy. A. Wivell — Account of his Portrait of Shakespeare. His- torical Account of Bust of Shakespeare at Stratford. In- quiry into Authenticity, &c., of Shakespeare Portraits. Sup- plement to Historical Account of Bust at Stratford. Athengeum, 1848-937 and 1033 (Chandos Portrait). Appen- dix to Dramatic Works, Leipzig, 1826. Catalogue of Pictures in Shakespeare Gallery. Collection of Prints from Pictures illustrating Shakespeare. Leisure Hour Series, No. 644. London Eeader, 1863-1-562 (Stratford Busts). Portrait pho- tographed from First Folio, Ellis, 1864. Portfolio, 15-588. Pic- tures in Boydell's Shakespeare Gallery. Eemarks on Monu- ments and Busts at Stratford. Shakespeare Society Papers, 1849 (Dissertation on Imputed Portraits). Scribner's Monthly, Topical JShalcespeariana. 39 >^ Vol. X., p. 558, and Sept., 1875. Stratford Portrait and the Athenaeum. PSYCHOLOGY. J. C. Bucknill — Psychology of Shakespeare. Dyson Wood — Hamlet. RELIGION AND MOKALITY AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE BIBLE. W. Bell — Bible Truths with Shakespeare Parallels. W. Birch — Inquiry into Philosophy and Eeligion of Shake- speare. John Bascora — Philosophy of English Literature. John Brown — Bible Truths with Shakespeare Parallels. Jeremy Collier — Short View of Immorality and Profane- ness of Euglish Stage, 1698. T. R. Eaton — Shakespeare and the Bible. Mrs. Elizabeth Griffiths — The Morality of Shakespeare's Plays illustrated. Thos. Greenfield — Remarks on the Moral Influence of Shakespeare's Plays. C. V. Grinfield — Remarks on the Moral Influence of Shake- speare's Plays. J. E. KimbaJl— The Western. Briusley Nioolson— Notes and Queries, 1865, No. 174, and Parallel Passages, Shakespeare and Daniel. T. Price — Wisdom and Uenius of Shakespeare. James Rees— Shakespeare and the Bible. E. R. Rapel— Theological Review, Oct., 1876, p. 27. Stearns — Shakespeare Treasury. Geo. Wilkes— Spirit of the Times, 1875. Chas. Wordsworth — Shakespeare's Knowledge and Use of the Bible. Bible Truths with Shakespeare Parallels, London, 1862. 40 Topical ShaJcespeariana. Grentleman's Magazine, 1831. 11-257. Leisure Hour, l^o. 644 (As a Moral Teacher). Moral Sentences and Sentiments, compared with Holy Writ, 1847, 1850. Moral Sentences cull- ed from works of Shakespeare compared with Sacred Passa- ges drawn from Holy Writ ; London, no date. Eeligious and Moral Sentences culled from the Works of Shakespeare, com- Ijared with Passages drawn from Holy Writ; London, Cal- kin & Budd, 1843. Eeligious Extracts from Shakespeare. Religious and Moral Sentences from Shakespeare. Shake- peare compared with Holy Writ, 1843. The Rambler, 1854, jSTo. 7 (Was Shakespeare a Catholic.) 1S58, March to May (What was the Religion of Shakespeare). Time and Truth, reconciling the Moral and Religious world to Shakespeare. SONNETS. John Armstrong — Sonnets from Shakespeare, by Albert. Wm. R. Alger — Christian Examiner, Nov., 1862. J. Boaden — Remarks on Sonnets of Shakespeare. C. A- Brown — Shakespean^'s xVuiobiographical Poems. Henry Browne — Sonnets of Shakespeare solved. Thos. C. Budd — Shakespeare's Sonnets. B- Corney — Sonnets of Shakespeare. Sir W. Cornwallis— Sonnets of Shakespeare. Ignatius Donnelly — The Sonnets of Shakespeare : an Essay. Nathan Drake — Shakespeare and his Times. Wm. Godwin — Life of Chaucsr, lY-ll. , T. J. Graham— Key to Shakespeare's Sonnets. G. G. Gervinus — Shakespeare Commentary. John Gilbert— Shakespeare's Songs and Sonnets. Staun- ton's Shakespeare's Songs and Sonnets. J. A. Heraud— Temple Bar, April, 1862, Vol. V-53. Topical Shakespeariana. 41 E. A. Hitchcock — Eemarks on Sonnets of Shakespeare (as Hermetic Writings). H. N. Hudson — Life, Art, and Character of Shakespeare. Sir Henry James — Sonnets Photozincographed from origin- al MS., 1862. Gerald Massey— Shakespeare's Sonnets. Quarterly Eeview, 18G4, No. 230. F. T. Palgrave — Songs and Sonnets. E. Simpson — Introduction to Philosophy of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Howard Staunton — Songs and Sonnets. American Eeview, 6-304. Christian Examiner, 5th Series, 9-403. London Quarterly Eeview, 1864-11-224. Poetical Works of Shakespeare and Surrey. Sonnets of Wm. Shake- speare, London, 1859. Sonnets: facsimile of originail edition. Westminster Eeview, July, 1857. STATESMANSHIP. Harper's Magazine, Vol. XyiII-493. TEXT. Andrew Beckett — Shakespeare Himself Again. Shake- speare Set Free. Sam'l. Bailey — Eeceived Text and Its Improvement. Efl^b't. Cartwright — New Eeadings of Shakespeare. J. P. Collier — Notes and Emendations to Text of Shake- speare. Hiram Corson — Jottings on the Text of Hamlet. T. Crofton Croker — New Eeadings of the Teini)est. P. A. Daniel — Notes and Conjectural Emendations. 42 Topical ShaJcespeariana. H. Elwin — Shakespeare Eestored (Macbeth). Z. Grey — Critical and Historical Notes on Shakespeare. Grimaldi — Notes and Emendations. J. O. Halliwell — Observations ou MS. Emendations of Text of Shakespeare. Chas. Heath— Eevisal of Shakespeare's Text. J. Holt — Attempt to Kescue Shakespeare from Many Er- rors. C. M. Ingleby — Englishman's Magazine. Jan., 1865. W. H. Ireland — Authentic Account of Shakespeare MS. Z. Jackson — Shakespeare's Genius Justified. S. Jervis — Proposed emendations. Thomas Keightley — Shakespeare Expositor. Isaac Eeed — Edition. J. Eitson — Eemarks Critical and Illustrative. The Quip Modest. Cursory Criticisms on Malone's Edition. S. W. Singer — Text of Shakespeare Vindicated. M. Scriblerus — Explanations and Emendations of Beau- mont, and Fletcher, and Shakespeare. E. H. Seymour — Eemarks on Old Plays of Shakespeare. New Eeadings of Shakespeare. Howard Staunton— Text of Shakespeare Vindicated. Geo. Steevens— Edition. L. Theobald— Shakespeare Eestored (Hamlet). T. Tyrwhitt — Observations and Conjectures on some Pas- sages. N. Willesley — Stray Notes on Text of Shakespeare. Eichard Grant White — Shakespeare Scholar. W. Sidney Walker — Critical Examination of Text. A Few Concise Examples of Errors Corrected in Shake- speare's Plays : London, 1818. An Attempt to illustrate a few Passages in Shakespeare: 1802. Confessions of Wm. Ireland. Dublin University Mag., June, 1876 (An Emenda- Topical Shalcespeariana. 43 tion). Knickerbocker ]\ra<:;azine, 44-13 (Eeadings of Winter's Tale). ]ietter to Geo, Hardinge, Esq. MS. Coirections from a copy of the 4th Folio. Notes aud Emendations to Text. North Am. Keview, 78-331. Eemarks on a late edition of Shakespeare. Shakespeare Society Papers (Blacks tone's Corrections). TIMES. Nathan Drake— Shakespeare and his Times. Theo. Faed — Shakespeare and his Contemporaries. J. A. Froude — History of England. Guizot — Shakespeare and his Times. DaA-id Hume — History of England. Thomas Sackville — Gorboduc. A. W. YonSchlegel — History of Dramatic Literature. H. Taine — History of English Literature. G. W. Thornbury— Shakespeare's England. Tweddell — Shakespeare's Times and Contemporaries. H. Ulrici — Dramatic Art and Literature. Shakespeare's History of hi s Times. WISDOM AND GENIUS. Anna 0. Brackett — Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 1-240. John Bascom — Philosophy of English Literature. John Britton — Essays on Merits and Characteristics of Shakespeare. David Paul Brown — Sketches of Life and Genius of Shake- speare. Fred. Cox — Essay on Genius, Life and Character of Shake- speare. Chateaubriand — Sketches of English Literature. J. Dennis — Essay on Writings and Genius of Shakespeare. Edward Dowden — Shakespeare : a Critical Study. 44 Tojjical ShaTcespeariana. I^athan Drake — Memorials of Shakespeare. W. Daflf — Critical Observations on Writings of Original Genius. H. M. Graves— Essay on Genius of Shakespeare (Critical Kemarks on Characters in Eomeo and Juliet). Eob't. Greene— Groat's Worth of Wit. Gerard — An Essay on Genius. Wm. Godwin — Life of Chaucer, 4-56. J. A. Heraud— Temple Bar, April, 1862 (Shakespeare's In- ner Life, as intimated in his Works.) Harcourt — Shakespeare Argosy. ^ Victor Hugo — Shakespeare, p. 161. -^ Paul Hifferman — Dramatic Genius. Z. Jackson — Shakespeare's Genius Justified. T. Kenny — Life and Genius of Shakespeare. Mrs. C. Lennox — Illustrations of Shakespeare. A. A. Morgan— Mind of Shakespeare as exhibited in his Works. J. McKain Meek — Memorial of Merits and Genius of Shake- speare. Mrs. E. Montagu — Essay on Writings and Genius of Shake- peare. Henry Neele — Literary Eemams. Alex. Pope — Preface to Edition. T. Price — Wisdom and Genius of Shakespeare. B. W. Proctor (Barry Cornwall) — Preface to Works of Jonson. W. C. Eichard — Shakespeare Calendar. Scadding — Shakespeare the Seer and the Interpreter. A. W. VonSchlegel — History of Dramatic Literature. C. W. Stearns — Treasury of Wisdom and Thought. >- Henri Taiue— History of English Literature. X Voltaire— Letter to the French Academy. Topical iShakespeariana. 45 E. P. Whipple— Atlantic Monthly, Aug., 1867. Eichard Grant White — Memoir of Life of Shakespeare. Essay on Writings and Genius of Shakespeare. Loudon Quarterly Ee view, July, 1871. North American Eeview, 38- 172. Shakespeare Calendar of Wit and Wisdom. Treasury of Thought from Shakespeare, 1866. MISCELLANY. Joseph Addison — Spectator, No. 40, 279, 419 (allusions). G. Adlard — Amye Eodsart and the Earl of Leicester and Kenilworth. H. Aiken — Shakespeare's Seven Ages (Illustrations). J. A. Allen — Lamda-Nu : Tercentenary Poem. Thos. Aird— The Old Bachelor. Mark Akenside — Inscription for a Monument to Shake speare. Isaac Ambrose — Cymbeline. Mrs. Balmanno — Lines addressed to T. Crofton Croker. Thos. Bancroft — Ten Books of Epigrams and Epitaphs, 1669. J. Baretti — Discours sur Shakespeare et M. Voltaire. Eich'd. Barnefield— Poems in Divers Humours, 159 (allu- sion). Albert Barnes— Essays and Eeviews. Lectures on Evi dences of Christianity. C. A. ^artol— Christian Examiner, 45-303. Bartolozzi — Twelfth Night — a Series of Prints, &c. Thos. P.' Barton — Description of a copy of the First Folio. Fred. Beasley — Knickerbocker Magazine, Oct., 1835 (Vol- taire's Shakespeare). Beckett— Dramatic Miscellanies. Benfrey — Pantschatantra. W. Bell — Shakespeare's Birth : an Ode. Sir T. P. Blount. 46 Topical ShaTcespeariana. Jas. Boaden — A Letter to Geo. Steevens (Ireland Papers). Luke Booker— Springs of Plyiilimmon (Benry V). Francis Bowea — North American Eev., 78-400 (Singer's Edition). April, 1854, 390-423 (Collier's Notes, &c.) Chas. Brady — Lines written on visiting the Shrines of Shakespeare. Jas. Boswell — Biographical Memoir of E. Malone. C. B. Bradshaw — Shakespeare & Co. : a Comedy. Thos. Bowdler — Postscript to 4th Edition Family Shake- speare. Chas. Brooke — The Ghost of Eichard III., (in verse). Bromley — Shakespeare's Seven Ages Illustrated. Irving Brown — Cream Curdle Brown — Shakespeare Almanac. Branston — Shakespeare Illustrated by 37 Engravings on Wood. E. Browne — Antipodes: a Comedy of 1638. Brough Brothers — Tempest Burlesqued as the Enchanted Isle. E. B. Brough— Life of Sir John Falstaff. W. Brown — Winter's Tale Burlesqued. John Brougham — Shakespeare's Dream : an Historic Pa- geant. Lord Brougham — Men of Letters, Time of Geo. III. John Bruce— Gentleman's Magazine, 1840-1-39, 161, 374, 591. Wm. Cullen Bryant — Orations and Addresses. C.Bullock — Miscellany. The Cobler of Preston: founded on Taming of the Shrew. E. Burke — Essay on the Sublime and Beautiful. G. Burnet — History of His Own Time. J. H. Burton — The Book Hunter. C. Burnaby — Love Betrayed: alteration of Twelfth Night. To^ncal ShaJcespeariana. 47 James Bnrtt — Loudon Times, 1869. John T. Burgess — London Athenaeum, 1867. Eichaid By — Eicbard III : Travestie. Lord Byron — Lady Blessington's Conversations. T. Caldecott — Mr, Ireland's Vindication. Hamlet and As You Like It (Spec. Edition). ?^ - Lord Campbell — Lives of the Lord Chancellors. E. Capell — Prolusions to Edward III. J. C. The Modern Eeceipt (Imitation). Ge. Saville Carey — Shakespeare Jubilee : a Masque. F. B. Calvert — An Ode to Shakespeare: an Ode to Shake- speare suggested by his Ter-centenary. Earl of Carlisle — Tercentenary Address. G. Caryll — English Princess, or Death of Eichard IIL Cassell — Tercentenary Pocket Keepsake (Almanac). J. Caulfield — Inquiry into the Conduct of E. Malone. Geo. Cavendish. M. Michel Chasles — MS. Autograph Forgeries. De Chatelain — Shakespeare Gems in French and English Settings. E. Chambers — Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Lord Ched worth — Letters from Eev. Thos. Crampton, 1780- 1795. C '- Henry Chettle — Preface to Groate's Worth of Wit. Eng- land's Mourning Garment. Kinde Harte's Dream, 1593. Eobert Chester — Love's Martyr (Poetical Essays on Shake- speare). Colley Gibber — Lives. T. Gibber— Letter to Gibber (King John). Albert Cohn — Shakespeare in Geruiauy, 1500-1600. Sir Aston Cokain— Ou Drayton's Death, 1631. Fioeludium to Browne's Plays (allusions). 7^ 48 Topical Shalcespeariana, S. T. Coleridge — Zapo/la : an Imitation of Winter's Tale, 1817. J. P. Collier — Ghost of Kicliard III. Memoirs of Edward EUeyu. Diary of Philip Henslowe. T. Collier— Life and Death of Gamaliel Eatney. G. Col man — Works, Vol. II. A Fairy Tale, taken from Midsummer Night's Dream, 1763. Man and Wife : a Com- edy. Sheep Shearing : a Dramatic Pastoral in 3 acts taken from Shakespeare, London, 1777, Chas. T. Congdon— Harpers, 27-492. M. D. Conway — Harper's 29-337 (Shakespeare's Tercen- tenary). Christian Examiner, 67-178 (Influence of Shake- speare). E. Cook — Illustrations of Shakespeare and other Dramat- ists. T. Cooke — Epistle to Countess of Shaftesbury (Prologue and Epilogue on Shakespeare.) J. G. Cooper — The Tomb of Shakespeare : a Poetical Vis- ion. H. C. Coote — Athenaeum, 1865 (Shakespeare at Paris). Notes and Queries. Bolton Corney — Argument on the assumed Birthday of Shakespeare. Barry Cornwall — Preface to Works of Jonson. Sir W. Cornwallis — Essays on Certain Paradoxes (Plays on Eichard III). Eobt. Cox — Merry Conceited Humors of Bottom the Weaver. J. Cox — The Tercentenary. J. S. Coyne — Eichard III. Burlesqued. J. C. Croker — Eemarks on an article in Papers of Shake- speare Society. Topical Shakespeariana. 49 Zachary Croft — First Sitting of Committee on Proposed Mouumeut to Shakespeare. Crowell — Thirty Years Among the Players. W. J. Courthope — 300th Anniversary of Shakespeare's Birth. G. G. Cunningham — English Nation, 11-405. Dalgleish — Macbeth. E. W. Dale— Genius the Gift of God. John Davenant — Last Will and Testament of J. D. J. Davenport — Correspondence with E. Malone. John Davies — Scourge for Paper Persecutors. Scourge of Folly. Mrs. Phoebe Deighton — Shakespeare Eelics (Illustrations). H. Denison — Julias Caesar done into Latin. John Dennis — The Comical Gallant (Imitation). The Inva- der of his Country (Imitation). Thos. DeQuincey — On the Knocking at the Gate in Mac- beth. M. Desenfans — Letter to Mrs. Montagu. C. Dibdin — Library Companion, 817. Eemains, 354. Ee- miniscences. Charles Dickens — The Uncommercial Traveler: Night Walks (allusion). D'Israeli — Curiosities of Literature. Quarrels of Authors. Anecdotes of Literature. Gentleman's Magazine, 1840-1-49. T. F. Dolby — Apotheosis of Shakespeare : in verse. John Donne — Polydoron, p. 32. J. Doran — History of the English Stage. Douglass — Memoirs of Court of Scotland (Scene and His- tory of Macbeth). Edward Do wden— Academy, Oct. 21, 1876, 401 (Schmitz's Ulrici). John Downes — Eoscius Anglicanus (Prompter's Book). 50 Topical ShaJcespeariana. Nathan Drake — Shakespeare and His Times (Customs, &c.) John Drout — The Pitiful History of Two Loving Italians (Translation). John Dryden — Epistle to Sir Godfrey Kneller. All for Love (Imitation). Progress of Poesie. Works. Sir and Lady H. B. Dudley — Passages Selected on the Trial of Vortigern. W. DuflF— Critical Observations on Writings of Original Genius, 127. Thos. Durfey — The Injured Princess (Imitation). Alex. Dyce— The Old Play of Timon. Eckerman — Conversations with Goethe, 1-114. G. Egestorf— Literary Gazette, Oct., 1827 (Hamlet). E. W. Emerson — Prose Works, 11-101 (Shakespeare or the Poet). English Traits. Conduct of Life. Culture. The Over- Soul. The Intellect. Kepresentative Men. John Evans — The Progress of Human Life (Memoirs and Illust.) A. H. Everett— North American Eeview, 19-258 j 35-168, 445. Edward Everett — Orations. F. G. Fairfield — Appleton's Journal, 9-213 (a Shakespeare Memorandum). Fawcett — Prospectus, &c., for the Enchanted Island. C. C. Felton — Familiar Letters from Europe. J. H. Fennell — Shakespeare Kepository. Kate Field — Atlantic, Nov., 1870, (Fechter as Hamlet). J. T. Finegan — Attempt to Illustrate a Few Passages in Shakespeare's Works. Thos. Fisher — A Series of Paintings in Fresco. F. G. Fleay — Shakespeare Manual. Florio — First Fruits. John Forde — Line of Life. Honor Triumphant. (Imitation). Topical Shakespeariana. 51 Thos Fortesqiie — The Forest: or Collection of Histories. John Foster — Life. Fiiswell — Shakespeare's Will. Geo. Eussell French — Letter to the Editor of the Cam bridge Shakespeare. S. \V. Fullom — Shakespeare the Player and Poet- David Gairick — Ode ou Dedicating a Building, &c., 1769. The Tompest: an Opera. Florizell and Perdita. G. Gascoigue — Works. Walter Gay — Hamlet : adapted and condensed. Gerard — An Essay on Genius. E. Gibbon — Decline and Fall of Koman Empire : chs. 27, 43. Miscellanies. E. L. Gibson— Shakespeare Gems. C. Gildon — Retlections on Eymer's Short View of Tragedy. O. Gilchrist — Examination of Charges of Jonson's Enmity. T. Gilks — All About Shakespeare illustrated. Thos. Gilliland — The Dramatic Mirror. Giraud — Flowers of Shakespeare. Wm. Godwin — Life of Chaucer, 1-138 (Boys in Female Characters). 1-377, 392,488} 1-358 j n-234, 426, 498 j ni- 33; lV-11, 84, 199. Goethe— Wilhelm Meister. ^^^ H^-^^f''] O. Goldsmith— Vicar of Wakefield. Goodull — Tercentenary Playing Cards — Shakespeare's Sev- en Ages. H. T. Gough — Ode inscribed to Memory of Wm. Shake- speare. Thos. Gray — Progress of Poesy (Tribute). Wm. Gray — Ye Comic Shakespeare. Eobt. Greene — Groate's Worth of Wit. Gregory — Letters on Literature, Taste and Composition, 11-252. 52 Topical SUakesj^eariana. Sir John Hales — Edward Hall — Union of tlie Two Noble and Illustrious Families of York aud Lancaster. H. T. Hall — Shakespeare Statistics. J. Hall — Illustrations of Shakespeare. J. O. Halliwell— S. Drolls. The Will of Sir Hn^h Clopton. Dictionary of Old English Plays. First Sketch 2d and 3d Parts Henry VI. A Few Eemarks on the Emendation, "Who Smothers her with Painting?" Bill of Complaint in Chancery concerning Mr. Shakespeare's Legacy. Shake speare's Will. Some Account of the Antiquities, Coins, &c., in possession of Mr. Halliwell. Traditionary Anecdotes of Shakespeare collected in Warwickshire. Notes and Queries (Journeys between Stratford and London.) H. Hallam — Literature of Europe, 11-175 (Spelling of Name). Sir Wm. Hamilton — Letters on Metaphysics, 33, 21, 23. Olphar Hamst — Handbook for Fictitious Names. Harcourt — Shakespeare Argosy. J. A. Halpin — Oberon's Vision (compared with Lylie's En- dymion). J. Hannet— The Forest of Arden (Topography), J. G. Hare — The Victory of Faith. Geo. Hardinge — Miscellaneous Works. Harrison — The Infant Vision of Shakespeare and other Poems. J. Harris — Facsimiles of all known Autographs of Shake- speare. J. Harris — Philosophical Inquiries, II. Joseph C. Hart — Romance of Yachting, 208 (Authenticity). John C. Hart — Putnam's, '56-353 (Shakespeare in Ger- many). F. Hawkins — Origin of the English Drama. Topical ISliakespeariana. 63 i^ath'l. Hawthorne— Our Old Home (Delia Bacon). Wm. Hazlitt— Table Talk. W. Carew Hazlitt— Handbook of Popular, Poetic and Dra- matic Literature. Chas. Heath — Shakespeare Gallery : 45 Portraits. Philip Henslowe — Diary. E. Heron — Letters of Literature (Tribute). Thos. Hey wood— Plays. Hierarchy of the Blessed An- gels. Fayre Maide of the Exchange (Allusion). S. Hickson— Athenaeum, 1851 (Shakespeare in Germany). Paul Hifferman — Dramatic Genius. H. Home— Elements of Criticism, 1-371, 403 (Sentiments). 11-120 (Invention). 246 (Characters). 258 (Style). 294 (Dia- logues). 301 (No Barren Scenes). O. W. Holmes — Atlantic, June, 1864. C. E. Horn — Shakespeare's Seven Ages. Hornby — Extemporal "Verses written at the Birthplace of Shakespeare. Frank Howard— Spirit of the Plays of Shakespeare (Illus- trations). H. Howard — Visionary Interview at Shrine of Shakespeare. Joseph Howe — Oration, April 23, 18G4. Thos. Howell— A Few Stray Thoughts on Shakespeare. Hurd — Disquisition on the Province of the Diama. Joseph Hunter— Gentleman's Magazine, 1812-11-344 ; 1826 1-421; 1840-11-35, I-3G9; 1820-1-4215 1856-11-00. • W. Ord Hunter — Cream Curdle. E. Hunt — The Bow of Jonathan. John Huckel — Avon : a Poem in Three Cantos. Thos. Hudson — Four Odes intended for Choruses to a Tragedy altered from Shakespeare on Death of Csesar. B. Ibbot— A Fit of Spleen. C. M. Ingleby — Shakespeare's Centnrie of Praysc. Shake- 54 Topical Shakespeariana. spearc's Hermaneutics. Shakespeare Controversy. Shake- Bpeare Fabrications. W. H. Irelaud— Shakespearian Hunt. -^ W. Irving— Sketch Book. E. Jacob — Lamentable and True Tragedy of M. Arden. J. Jarvis^Correct Detail of the Ceremonies attending the Shakespeare Gala. M. Jastrow — Libanon, 1-8, Shylock. y< Francis Jelfrey— Edinburgh Review, Aug., 1817, 28-472; Oct., 1821, p. 52; Aug., 1811-287 ; 36-52, 415. Catherine Jemmat — The Tragedy of Lear as lately publish- ed. Verses on Seeing Mr. Barry, &c. E. Jerningham — The Shakespeare Gallery : a Poem. John Jeremiah — Notes on Shakespeare and Memorials of the, Urban Club. J. M. Jeshsou — Shakespeare's Tempest. C. Johnson — The Cobbler of Preston. John Johnson — Academic of Love. J. Jordan — Welcombe Hills : a Poem. G. W. Jones — The American Tragedian. H. Jones — Clifton : a Poem. H. H. Jones — Ode on Shakespeare Jubilee, 1769. / H. K. Jones — Journal of Speculative Philosophy. Winter Jones — Observations on Division of Man's Life in- to Stages. Ben Jonson — Discoveries. Epitaph. Lines on Droeshout Portrait in the First Folio. Poetaster. Bartholomew Fair. Staple of News. E. Kean — Richard, Duke of York. T. Keightley — Shakespeare Expositor. M. Kelly — Hamlet's Letter to Ophelia, versified. Wm. Kelly — Notices Illustrative of the Drama. Chas. Kemble — Shakespeare Readings. Topical ShaJcespeariana. 55 Fanny Butler Kemble — Atlantic, Sept., 1860 (Notes on Shakespeare. W. Keurick — FalstaflTs Wedding : a Comedy. Introduction to the School of Shakespeare. II. W. King — Specimen of Shakespeare's Plays. P. Kouewka — Midsummer Night's Dream, illustrated with 24 hue Silhouettes. Lacy — Acting Edition of Plays. Mary Lamb — Tales from Shakespeare (Charles Lamb). W. S. Landor — Imaginary Conyersatipns (Citation of Shake- speare before Sir Thomas Lucy, Poems. J. R. Lane — Chas. Kemble's Readings from Shakespeare. J. A. Langford — The Tercentenary Year : Poems in Mem- oriam. J. W. Lathbridge -Shakespeare Almanac, 1849. Lansdowne — Works. Three Plays; The Jew of Venice Preserved, from Shakespeare. F. A. Lee — Coriolanus photolithographed. Thos. Legge — Richard III. Goodwin Lewis — Shakespeare's Creations. Lessing — Discussion of Plays. Robert Lemon — London Athenffium, 1857-107, 1856-14C7, 1574, IGll. Calendar of State Papers, 3517. James Lenox — Historical Magazine (Plays in Folio). C. R. Leslie— Recollections. Richard Leveridge — A Comic Masque of Pyramus and Thisbe. W. J. Lightfoot — Notes and Queries, 1864 (Shakespeare in Kent). G. Lillo — Mariana (Imitation). Thersites Literarius — Address to readers of Shakespeare. R. Lloyd— Shakespeare : an Epistle to Mr. Garrick. Thomas Lodge — Rosalind (Source of Winter's Tale). De- fence of Poetry, &c. 66 Topical Shakespeariana. J. E. Lowell — Among My Books (1st Series). George Luut — Three Eras of New England and other Ad- dresses — (a Shakespeare Eesearch). ^Alex. Luders — Essay on Character of Henry V. when Prince of Wales. Lord Lyttleton — Ephemera. John Lydgate — Translation of John Bochas. Macbeth — Might and Mirth of Literature (Figures). Macdouell — Essays on Hamlet and the Tempest. D. Maclise — Original Designs for Seven Ages of Man. ;, Sir. F. Madden— Gentleman's Magazine, 1840-1-262. Ob- eervations on Autographs of Shakespeare. >^ Sir. J. Mackintosh — Edinburgh, 9-34. Works. W. D. Mackray — Notes and Queries, 1865. (Entries re- specting the Family of Thos. Shakspere). E. Malone — Caveat Against Booksellers. Hist. Account of Kise and Progress of Eng. Stage. > T. B. Macaulay — Drydeu. Mitford's Greece. Milton. D' Arblay. Principal Italian Writers. Moore's Byron. Cro- ker's Boswell. y Christopher Marlowe — King John. (Ascribed to Shake- speare). Marsh — Shakespeare Playing Cards. Shakespeare's Kid- dles. Masson — British Novelists. Essays in Biography and Criticism. J. Martin — Seven Ages of Man Illustrated. T. G. Mathias — The Editor, the Booksellers, and the Critics. Kenny Meadows — Etchings. Courtney Melmoth — The Shadow of Shakespeare : a Mon- ody. Topical Sha]ces;peariana, 67 A. Meadows — Hamlet : an Essay. J. E. Mills — Shakespeare Oracle. John Milton — L' Allegro (Allusion). Epitaph in Second Folio. i^T. Michel— The Shakespeare Festival : an Ode. James Miller — The Universal Passion. Tycho Momsen — Athenaeum, Feb. 7-1857. W. T. Moncrieft" — Shakespeare's Festival, or new Comedy of Errors. Tom Moore — Memoirs. Moutemayor — Diana. J. Morgan — Coriolanus Travestie. Moser— European Magazine, 1809. Anthony Muuday — John a Kent and John a Cumber. Moses and Sou — Tercentenary of Shakespeare. J. Mortimer — Shakespeare's Characters (Illustrations). Sir. Thos. More — Tragical History of Life and Death of Ei chard III. Max Miiller — Chips from a German Workshop III. (Eulogium). Science of Language, 1st Series, 267 (Number of Words in Plays). - Thos. Nash — Pierce Pennilesse's Supplication to the Devil. J. P. Neale. — Views of Stratfordou-Avon Church. P. le Neve — Cursory Eemarks on some of the Ancient English Poets. Sam'l Neil— Notes and Queries, 1864. (The 2d Shake- speare). James Nichols — Notes on Shakespeare. John Nichols — Six Old Plays, 1779. Notes on Shake- speare. John G. Nichols — T. Fisher's Ancient Frescoes on the Walls of the Chapel at Stratford. P. Nichols— The Celebrated Letter of Sir. T. Hanmer. UNIVERSITY 58 Topical ShaJcespeariana, Kichols — Literary History of 19th Century (Correspon- dence between Lewis, Theobald, Thirlby, and Warburtou). Literary Anecdotes. Illustrations of Literature. S. Nicholson — Acolastus his Afterwitte (Plagiarisms from Shakespeare). J. Parker Norris — American Bibliopolist (Gossip). J. Boy- dell's Gallery of Illustrations. W. K. Northall— Macbeth Travestie. A Northbrooke — Treatise on Dicing, Playing Cards etc. A Tbos. Norton — Gorboduc. John Ogden — Varieties in Verse. Wm. Oldys — MSS. Notes to Langbaine's Dramatic Poets. John O'Leary — Catalogue of Pictures Painted by Single- ton. Onslow — Burnet's Own Times (Anecdote). Orton — Familiar Verses from the Ghost of Willy Shake- speare to Sammy Ireland. Thos. Otway — Caius Marius. W. E. Oulton — Vortigern under consideration. Wm. Page. Scribner's, 10-558. Henrietta Lee Palmer — Stratford Gallery (Illustrations). E. Peacock — Acr.demy, Oct. 21, 1876 (Shakespeare's Possi- ble Troth-plight). W. Pearce — The Haunts of Shakespeare: a Poem. 7 Sara'l Pepys — Diary. F. Peck— New Memoirs of Life and Writings of Milton. W. Perry — Treatise on the Identity of Heme's Oak. Phillips — Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum. Philalethes— Shakespeare MS. in Possession of Mr. Ireland, Examined. J. W. Pinks— Country Trips, «&c., 1860. J. R. Planche — Costumes of As You Like It. J. M. A. Plumptree — Observations on Hamlet, Topical ShaTcespeariaiia, 59 J. Poole — Hamlet Travestie. Poynders — Literary Extracts. Alex Pope — Imitatious, Book II, Epistle I. Sir J. Prior— Life of E. Malone. K. Prescott— Shakespeare : Eava Avis in Terra. Eemarks on Shakes])eare. W. H. Prescott — Miscellanies. North American Eeview, 19-253, 35-168. Mary A. Wells Pumpelly— Galaxy, 15-733. Shakespeare: a Poem, Henry Purcell — Adaptation of Midsummer Night's Dream. Josiah P. Qaincy — MS. Corrections from a Copy 4th Polio, 1854. A. Eamsay — Shakespeare in Germany (Places and Dates). H. Eepton — The Bee (Illustrations). Eetzsch — Shakespeare Gallery. J. Eeynolds — Dolarney's Primerose. John J. Eeed — Prospectus for the Publication of an Ameri can Edition of Boydell's Illustrations. ^Barnabe Eich — Farewell to the Military Profession. Eimbault — Who was Jack Wilson? Ehodes — Shakespeare's Dramas Illustrated. J. Eitson — The Stockton Jubilee. English Antl ology. The Quip Modest. Geo. Edw. Elce — An Old Play in a New Garb (Hamlet). Abby Sage Eichardson— Atlantic, 23-665, 21-188, (Hamlets of the Stage). W. C. Eichards — Shakespeare Calendar. Sam'l Eogers — EecoUectious. Eooney — Pamphlet on the Discovery of the Eare Hamlet. Wm. Eowley — Fortune by Land and Sea. K. Eowe — Tragedy of Jane Shore (Imitation). L. S. Euhl — Sketches for Shakespeare's Plays. 60 Topical JShaJcespeariana. James Eush — Hamlet : a Dramatic Prelude. Thos. Eymer — Short View of Tragedy. W. L. Eashton — Shakespeare as Illustrated by Old Au- thors. England as seen by Foreigners. Miss Eumsey — Translation of Tieck's Midsummer Night's Dream. Wm. B. Eye — England as seen by Foreigners, &c. Sir Walter Scott — Works. Life. Essay on the Drama. Encyclopaedia Britannica. George Sand — Letter to M. Eegnier (Adaptation of As You Like It). Vincent Savolio — His Practice : in Two Books. C. A. Schwerdtgeburth — Appendix to Shakespeare's Dra- matic Works. A. Scolaker — Polimanteia, 1594. Eeturn from Parnassus, 1606. Daiphantus, 1604. C. Severn — Diary of Eev. John Ward Chas. Selby — Antony and Cleopatra : a Burletta. Thomas Shadwell — The Tempest: an Opera. W. Shirley— Edward the Black Prince : after the manner of Shakespeare. M. Sherlock— A Fragment of London, 1786, J. Sherwin — Vindicatio Shakespeariana. Archbishop Sharpe — Alex. Sylvayn — Oration. Edward E. Sill — Overland Monthly, 14-506 (Shakespeare's Prose). Eichard Sill — Eemarks on the Tempest. E. Simpson — School of Shakespeare. W. G. Simms— A Supplement to the Plays of Shakespeare (Doubtful Plays). G. Skene— The Genius of Shakespeare : a Summer Dream. B. H. Smart — Shakespeare Eeadiugs. Topical Shakespeariana. 61 E. Smirke— Seven Ages of Man (Illustrations and Com- ments). J. C. Smith — The Fairies : an Opera. Eob't. Southey — Life. Colloquies. Speed — Theatrura Imperii Maguse Britanniae. Edmund Spenser — Tears of the Muses (Allusion). Colin Clout's Come Home Again (Allusion). Chas. Sprague — Prize Ode. G. Stephens — Shakespeare Story Teller. Geo. Steevens — Letter to Geo. Hardinge. W. Staiford — Examination of Certain Ordinary Complaints. Earl of Stirling — Julius Ciesar. E. J. Stough ton— Leisure Hour, 18G4, No. 640. Howard Staunton — Memorial of Shakespeare (Will, &c.) Eicb'd. Stack — Transactions of the Irish Academy. Stowe — Leisure Hour Series, 1864, No. 642. E. L. Swifte — Notes and Queries, 1804 (Shakespeare : a Poem. C. Symmons — Preface to Singer's Edition. Mrs. Siddons — Campbell's Life of Mrs. Siddons. Boaden's Memoirs of Mrs. Shakespeare. Sargeant & May — The New American Etymological Eead- ei (Etymol). F. Talfourd — Shakespeare, or Merchant of Venice Pre- served. T. N. Talfourd— Edinburgh Eeview, 34-441. Eichard Tarltou — Jests and News Out of Purgatory. J. E. Taylor — The Moor of Venice. Tate — History of King Lear. E. Taylor — Cursory Eemarks on Tragedy. Taine — History of English Literature. Characters, Wit, and Genius. G. Ticknor — Spanish Literature. 62 Topical Shakespeanana. W. Thorns— Three Notelets. Notes and Queries, 1864 121 (Kesselstadt Mask). Thew — Shakespeare's Hamlet after Fuschi. Thomson — Illustrations of Shakespeare. Thorlby — Correspondence Nichol's Illust. Lit., 2 189. G. W. Thorubury — Shakespeare's England. L. Theobald — Cave of Poverty (Imitation). E. Thomson — Triuculo's Trip to the Jubilee. Thomson — Illustrations of Shakespeare, 1825 and 1830. L. Tieck — Letters on Shakespeare. Tighe — Annals of Windsor. Tilt — Miniature Classics. G. H. Townsend — W. Shakespeare not an Impostor. y Trench — Calderou. Tercentenary Sermon. ^ Sharon Turner — History of England. Turner — Pursuits of Literature. H. Tuckerman — Month in England. M. F. Tupper— Ode for 300th Birthday of Shakespeare. J. Upton — Critical Observations on Shakespeare. Geo. Yaudenhoff — Leaves from an Actor's Note book. A. J. Valpy — The Eoses (Compiled from Henry YI). Lope de Yega — Romeo and Juliet. Yerstegan — Eestitution of Decayed Intelligence, 294 (Ori- gin of Name). Jones Yery — Essay on Poems, 29 (Shakespeare's Hamlet). B. Yictory — History of Theatres of London and Dublin, 1761. L Yoltaire — Letter to French Academy. J. Wallace — Shakespeare Sketches. J. Warton— The Adventurer, Nos. 593-97-113-116-122. Waldron — Yirgin Queen — (Sequel to the Tempest). Free Eeflections on Miscellaneous Papers. Shakespeare Miscel- lany. Shakespeare Museum. J. Ward — Diary. V Topical ShaJcespeariana. 63 T. Wade— What does Hamlet mean? E. Warner — Letter to David Garrick. -^ Thos. Warton— History of English Poetry. Ward — English Dramatic Literature, 151. Bishop Watson. W. Wadd— Quarterly Journal of Science, 1829. Wm. Warburton — Nichols' Illustrations of Literature, 2-189 (Correspondence). H. Walpole— Letters, 6-394, 395, 7-135, 373, 8-160, 9-254. J. Wetherell— Athenaeum, JNIay, 20, 1865. S. Weston — Short Notes on Shakespeare. John Webster— Preface to White Devel, 1612. Dan'l Webster— Works 1-174. John Weever — Epigrammes. John Weiss — Twelve Essays. Lady Wharnecleli'e — Illustrations of Shakespeare. E. G. White— Evenings with Shakespeare. Galaxy, Apr., 1870 ; Oct. 1876. Christian Examiner, 8-546. Shakespeare Scholar. Atlantic, Sept., 1861-257 (Shakespeare Mystery). Galaxy, Nov., 1876 (On Eeading Shakespeare). James White — Original Letters to Sir John Falstaff. T. B. Whiucoop — Scanderberg: a Tragedy. Whately — Bacon's Essays. E. Whately — Eemarks on Shakespeare's Character. E. P. Whipple— Atlantic, 19-715 (The Man and the Dra- matist). North American Eeview, 67-209 (Verplauck). Willobie — His Avisa. Jas. Wiss — On the Eudiments of the Shakespeare Drama: Frankfort, 1828. Geo. Wilkes — Spirit of the Times, 1875. Wilmot — Eetrospective Eeview of Fechter's lago. Wilke — General View of the Stage. Geo. Wilkins — Pericles, Prince of Tyre : a Novel. 64 Topical Shalcespeariana, Wilson — A House for Shakespeare. John Wilson— Works, 7-420, 102, 398, 399. Blackwood's, May, 1819. Geo. Wise — Chart showing 1906 Spellings of Shakespeare's J. Worsdale — A Cure for a Scold. Woodmason — Illustrations to Shakespeare. G. M. Woodward — Familiar verses from ghost of William Shakespeare to Sammy Ireland. W. Woods— The Twins (Imitation). W. Wordsworth — Memoirs. Preface to Poetical Works. Justin Winsor— Eound Table, 1-147, 163, 180, 213, 243, 259, 292. John Yarrow — Shakespeare : a Tercentenary Poem. E. Young — Conjectures on Original Composition. Academy — Oct. 28,1876, p. 430 (Shakespeare Holinshed an- nounced). Nov. 4, Announcement of issue by 'Sew Shakespeare Society of the Two Noble Kinsmen. A Letter on Shake- speare's authorship of Two Noble Kinsmen, and on the char- acteristics of Shakespeare's style and the secret of his su- premacy; Prof. Wm. Spalding, Jno. Hill Burton and F. J. Furnivall. Nov. 11, Henry Cuudell's Boudoir Shakespeare ; William Addis Wright's King Lear; W. B. Kernshead's King Lear with Notes ; Jeremiah's Notes on Shakespeare, and Memorials of the Urban Club. A collection and selec- tion of Prologues and Epilogues. A few concise examples of errors corrected in Shake- speare's Plays, London, 1818. Account of only known MS. of Shakespeare's Plays. Account of the new pantomime Eutortainment. Act for dividing and inclosing certain common fields in the parish of Stratford. Addresses Accepted : Macbeth Travestie. Topical IShakes'peariana, 65 Aldine Poets. Alarum for London All the Year Round, IS64. American Whig Review— J5-17, and 114 (MSS). American Review — 5 470 ( Shakespeare and Geo. Sand). 14, Shakespeare MSS. American Q. Review— 2-25 (Polities); 7-15 (as a Lover); 8- 148 (Drama), American Literary Magazine. American Gazette— Oct. 15, 1859, p. 374; 18G3, 1 395; 1858, 274. American Publishers' Circular. American Bibliopolist — (Gossip). An historical tragedy— supposed to be by the author of Vortegern. Auti Midas— 1769. Angelica, or the Rape of Proteus. Anthropological Review, May, 1864. An attempt to illustrate a few Passages in Shakespeare, 1802. Aualectic Magazine, 5-68, 11-346. A Parody on the Tent Scene in Richard IIL Archseologia (Review of Shakespeare Literature). A Reverie at the Boar's Head Tavern. ^ Athenaeum — Jan. 28, 1865 (a new Autograph). 1863, 796. 1859, 1-84, 418,179; 11-397, 464. 1846, 469, 470. 1858,1- 686, 788, 557; 2-300, 263 (Rowdier). 1856, 1299. 1857,501, 822. 1860, 11-78. 1842, 603 (Collier's). 1861, 1-432, 467, 561, 11-446, 511, 545, 619. 1861, 11-721, 845. 1862, II 465, 49 (Birthday); II-9. ^ Atlantic Monthly— 1859. Sei)t., 1861, 6-202 (Shakespeare done into French) ; 4-S4 (Shakespeare Attorney at Law). 1876, p. 629 (Skeat's Plutarch). Aug., 1876 (Poem). 4 66 Topical iShakespeariana. Arden of Feversham (ascribed to Shakespeare). Bentley's Miscellany. Bibl. Parriaua, 522. Bill in Chancery respecting Shakespeare's Legacy. ^ Blackwood's— 5-217, 276 ; 44-468; 45-353; 46-145. Feb.. 1866, 353 ; 23-9 ; 26-949 ; 27-G32 ; 30-489 ; 34-866. May, 1810. 33-124, 143,391, 543; 37-«;23, 747; 39-699; 59-534; 69-646; 44-468 ; 1-484 ; 4-705 ; 57-148, 383, 385. Boston Prize Poems, 1824. X British Quarterly, Oct., 1857. British Cnriosities in Art and Nature, 71. Capnlet and Montague (after Eomeo and Juliet). Catalogue of household furniture and efiects at Stratford. Chambers' Journal (Tercentenary). Colburn's New Monthly Magazine, Feb., 1862. Collection of the most celebrated Prologues spoken at the theatres, 1728. Considerations on the Stage (Lear). Coriolanus : an Opera, 1749. Cornhill Magazine, Feb., 1865 (Shake^pelre in France). Oct., 1867. Confessions of W. H, Ireland. Continental Monthly. Collection and Selection of Prologues and Epilogues. Critical Review. Curious Fragments from MS. Collection ascribed to Shakespeare, 181L Democratic Review. Description of First Folio in Library of T. P. Barton. Descriptive account of the Late Gala Festival, 1830. Diverting history of Falstaff. Dramatic Magazine, 1830, 12, 357. 1831, 12, 44. Dramatic Souvenir. Topical ShaJcespeariana. 67 Dramatic Historiographer (Hamlet, Henry IV., Caesar, Lear, Macbeth, Othello and Merry Wives of Windsor). Dublin University Ma-^azine — May, 1801 (Shakespeare Kotes). 13-350, 34-733, 16-40, 7 485. Eclectic Keview— 4tlj S. 9-541, 13-33. Eclectic Magazine — 14-1, 10-416. Edinburgh Monthly Eeview. Edinburgh Review, April, 1856 ; April, 1800; Aug., 1811, 7-420; 9-11,13, 15, 16; 17-21, 26; 29-; 31-; 36-52, 445; 38-, 42-, 43-, 47-, 48-, 49-, 50-, 51-, 52-, 54-, 55-, 59-04, 00-, 61-, 02-, 03- 71- 73-, 74-, 70-, 78-, 81-; 103-183, 18,";, 187, 188, 194 ; 111-233, 250 ; 22-, 10-, 11-, 1^-; 123-74, 75, 30, 83, 91; 130-43. Edward the Black Prince (Imitatiou). Epistle iiom Sbakespeare to his countrymen. Essay on the Jubilee at Stratford-on-Avou, 1769. Essays by a Society of Geutlamen, 1796. Examiner. Facsimiles of all known Autographs. Facsimile of letter mentioning Shakespeare — collection of Earl Ellesmere. Falstaff and his Companions. Farrago: Essays on Boxing, Shakespeare, and other Things. Florio, his First Fruits. Foreign Quarterly Review, 11—697, 12-445. Eraser's— 23-350 (Ghost of Hamlet). 80-237 (Shakespeare's Vocabulary). 1800, Jan., Feb., May ; 1805, Aug., Nov. 7-43 ; 21-470,493; 25-045; 20-29; 10-527; 40-277 j 13-552; 35-163j 24-18; 20-254, 475; 41-499, 097; 42-38. Garrick Vagary, 1709. Garland of Shakespeariana, 1854. 68 Topical Shakespeariana Galaxy— 1-172 (Birthday). Galaxy — 6106. Shakespeare, Newton, and Gravity. Gentleman's Magazine— 1839, 304. 1856, 11-60. 1839, 304 (Wisdom and Genius). 1840, 78 (Shakespeare's Jest Book). A Gesta Eomauoruum. Genuine Works of Geo. Grenville (alterations of Merchant of Venice). Hamlet — an Opera, 1712. Hamlet — a new Burlesque : Lonrlon, 1838. Hamlet Travestie, in two acts, 1849. Handbook of Literature. History of Sophia Shakespeare. Here and There in England. Heme's Oak. Histories and Tragedies published according to original coi)ies, 1864. Harper's— 9-842 (Shakespeare and Lady Macbeth). 21-275 j 27-566; 29-264 (Anniversary Festivals). Henry II., an historical drama (Forgery). Illustrations of Shakespeare. Illustrations to Shakespeare: a series of 44 beautiful ide 1 heads of principal female characters in the Playts of the Great Poet. Bogue, no date. Indentures respecting the Cage — a house inhabited by Shakespeare's son-in-law. Introduction to School of Shakespeare. Imperial Magazine. Ireland Forgeries. Imitations of Shakes[)eare and Spenser, 1770. Illustrations of Shakespeare and the Biilish Drama, 1831. Illustrations to Shakespeare. Illustrations to Shakespeaie, Valpy, 1834. Topical Shakespeariana,, 69 Jealousy Exemplified (Othello). ^ John a Kent and John a Cumber. Jubilee in honor of Shakespeare, 1873. Judith ; a Sacred Drama, King Ilenry lY. (Specimen of Shakespeare's Plays fur- nished with the manners and costumes of the age in which the drama's plot is laid). King Queer and his Daughters Three. (Burlesque of King Lear). King Lear — (History Lear, revived by Tate), Knickerbocker's IMa-azine, 1838, 114, 226, 319, 12-21, 113, 232. 1839, 13-80, 32-518, 11-233, 500. 1854, 13. Lardner's Cyclopnedia. Lecture on Genius, Life and Character of Shakespeare, 1853. Letter to Miss Xossiter. Letters from Snovrden. (Lear as acted in Wales). Lines read before the Shakespeare Society. Dublin, 1819. Literary and Graphical Illustrations of British Drama. Littell's Living Age, 1567. 15-158, 2-230, 6-17, 535, 8-4. )5, 27-27, 29-367, 33-145, 36-385, 90-823, 91-110, 90-822, 108-195, 387, 121-320, 122-52, 123-131. (A Country Walk with Poets). Life of Dennis the Renowned Critic. Life of Mecaenas, and Canons of Criticism. Lines read before the Shakespeare Society. Dublin, 1819. Literary Museum — 1792. Eoscius Anglicanus, or Promp- ters' Book). Literary Gazette — Feb., 1859. London Reader— 1864, 11-801, 1-192, 534; 1803, 1-257, 562. London Monthly Review— 1819, 11-372; 1821, 413. London Times— Jan., 22, July 5, 13, 16, 2i) 1859. London Quarterly Review— 1859, 1-25, 1-19—, 21-38—, 41, 42, 45, 43, 44, 47, 49 ; 52^35, 7, 425 ; 53-84, 85, 89 ; 59-17, 18, 22, 23; 62-345; 61-38, 39,40, 428; 64-348, 349; 65-355,356, 70 Topical Slialcespeariana. 357, 358, 4G9 ; 66-24 ; 67-439 ; 69-4, 31, 39, 30 ; 70-62, 64 ; 71- 456; 74-70; 79-310, 311, 312, 313, 316, 318, 319, 320, 321, 327, 323,324,330,329,332,333; 82-403; 85-195, 207, 209, 213(n), 214(n), 357-371, 3S0-3S3, 390(ti), 394(n), 87-439,88-215,102-247, 103-, 105-25 40, 110-242, 115-224-239 ; Oct., 1814, 1342. London Gentlemau's Magazine, 70-178. 1842, 1-48. Lyrical Ode on Fairies, Aerial Beings, and Witches of Shakespeare. Loudon Times— Jan. 22, 1859. July, 5, 13, 16, 29. Dec. 28, 1861. London Critic— Oct. 2, 1858. Jan., 1861. Jan., 28, 1860. Lowell Shakespeare Memorial. London Saturday Eeview— July 23, 1859 ; April 29, 1860. London Literary Journal — 1859 (Review of Delia Bacon). Macbeth and King Eichard III. (Answer to J. P. Kem- ble). Macbeth Eeconsidered (Answer to Whately's Eemarks). Macraillan's Magazine. Merchant of Venice as produced at Winter Garden, Jan., 1867. Memoirs of principal actors of Shakespeare. Memoirs of Shakespeare Head in Coveut Garden. Metropolitan Magazine. Melodrama Mad. Midsummer Night's Dream ; merry, conceited humors of Bottom the Weaver. Miscellany of tlie Shakespeare celebration in Central Park. Miscellaneous Observations on Tragedy of Macbeth, 1745. Shakespeare Cave. Miscellaneous Pieces of English Poesie (by S. Marston). Mirror of Taste. Miscellaneous papers and legal instruments under hand of William Shakespeare, 1796. Topical iShalcespeariana. 71 Modern characters from Shakespeare. Monument commemonitive of the Tercentenary. IMonument to SliaUcsi)eiire. Monthly Reviiw— 89-:]57, 116-98, 92-53, 104-412. May 1828 Dec, 1824; Aug., 1819. Museum— 2G-28I. V North American Review— 15-141, 16 150, 152, 18-401, 22- 449, 31-448, 36 172, 313, 38-173, 39-27, 28, 48-399, 49-321, 157, 322, 324, 52-488, 67-84, 54-318 N. S., 11-447, 4-466, 467, 7-133, 78-371, 49-321, 27-401, 01-468, 83-29, 86-412, 98-342, 41-344, 38-172, 85-190, 31-448, 88-244, 27-401 (Objects as a Writer), 86-412 (Influence upon French). April, 1864. July, 1859. Jan., 1867, 57-343, 58-274, 66-464, 69-84108, 63-71, 48, 13-444, 14-155, 53-105, 407, 56-121, 275. New York Tribune— Aug. 6, 1859. Aug. 27, 1859. New Monthly Magazine. National Quarterly Review — Sep., 1876, Beaumont and Fletcher (Intiuence). 26-234 (Motives and Struggles ol' Shakespeare). 17-227 (Thiee Centuries of Shakespeare). National Shakespeare Committee and the late Mr. Thack- eray. Notes and Emendations of Grimaldi Shakespeare (Squib), V North British Review— 12-61 72, 20-151170, 24-246, 252, 25-13, 31-251-264, 43-149 239, ."2-36 48, 12-6 ;■ 73, 8-143. ■ Notes and Queries— 116 (When was Shakespeare Born). 173 (The word Cue.) 189 (Prices of Quartos). 1864, 121 (De- scendants of Shakespeare's sister Joan). 116 (Epitaph). 135 (The White Heads). 121 (Jonson's Lines on Portraits). 1865, 189 (Shakespeare's Family). 121 (Inventory of Goods). 1856, July 5. 1862, Jan. 18. 1854, 1-95. Ode to Garrick, 1749. Old and New — 6-198 (Shakespeare in Germany). 7-730 (Shakespeare Studies). UNIVERSITY 72 Topical Shalcespeariana. Ode on Shakespeare. Ode on Shakespeare and Testimonies to Genius and Merits of Shakespeare. Ode on Fairies, &c., of Shakespeare. Ode on Erecting a Statue to Shakespeare, 1827. Official Programme of Tercenteuary Festival. Optick Ghisse of Hnmouis (Illustrative of M. of Y.) Othello Travestie, 1813. Othello in He 11, and the Infant with the Branch of Olives. Outline Illnstiations of Shakespeare, Goethe, and Schiller. Outlines to Shakespeare's Tempest. Outlines of the Tempest. Oxford and Cambridge Magazine. Pearls of Shakespeare, London, 1860. Papers and Legal Instruments under the hand of Shake- speare. Passages. Passages Selected, &c. Pyramus and Tliisbe, 1811. Pyramus and Thisbe: a Pantomime, 1798. Playbill and Handbill Respecting Tragedy of Yortigern, 1796. Picturesque Beauties of Shakespeare (Illustrations), Poetical Epistle from Shakespeare in Elysium to Mr. Gar- rick. Popular Encyclopsedie, 6, Part 2. Poetical Works of Sliakespeareand Surrey, Edinburgh, 1856. Portfolio— 15-588 (Mme. de Stsel). Poems of Shakespeare, London, 1840. Proposals for Printing the Works of Shakespeare by John- son, 1750. Prefaces by Johnson, Pope, Theobald, Hanmer, Warbu - ton. Topical Shakespeariana. 73 Programme of Tercentenary Festival, 1864. Programme of the Music in Grand Musical Festival, 1834 Prologues at Lincoln's Inn and Drury Lane. Precious Relics. Principal Actors of Shakespeare's Plays. Proceedings of the 4th Shakespeare Festival. Proceedings of Sheffield Shakespeare Club, 1819-1829. Proceedings of New Shakespeare Society, Oct. 13 — Aca- demy Oct. 21, 1876, 413, by Miss Jane Lee. (2d and 3d Parts Henry 6th and their Originals: I. Contention between the two famons houses of York and Lancaster. II. True Tragedy of Eichard Duke of York. IIL No part Shakesi)eare'8. IV. By Marlowe and Greene, and possibly by Peele. V. Shake- speare helped by Marlowe altered them into 2d and 3d Henry 6th). Putnam's Magazine— 11-378 (Most Plausible of Collier's. Corrections). 532, 571 ; III-552 (Shakespeare vs. Perkins). Jan., 1856. Quarterly Eeview— 1826, 1834. 1-35, Power of Exciting Emotions. 87, Passion for Foreign Discoveries. 257 Weari- someness. 273. 11-372, Lady Constance and Hecuba. III- 179, Moral Advantages. 6Q. 435, Subscribed Name Differ- entl;y. TV-176, 1st Performances J. Cajsar. 506, 507, 509. V-263, 531. VI-187, 406, 462, Dramatists. VI 1-282, 331, TJnrivaled Dramatist. 3!)1, 445. VlII-111, 112n, P>igoted remarks on. 120, 220. I\-l 11, 146. X-61, 131, 150, 302, 350, 362, 378, 382, 383, 385, Parallel Scenes in Grecian Dnuua. 528, Historical Plays not acted in America. 381, Diamaiic Characters. IX-33. VI-37, 178, 189, 190, Coleridge's Imita- tion. 272, 401, 456, 408, Points of Sui)eriority to Racine. 483, Points of Superiority to Chaucer. 486, 487, Poem and Commentators. 121. VlI-132, Knowledj^e as Dramatist. 134, Some of his Pieces. 136, 146, Si)urious Plays. 380, 509, 74 Topical Shakespeariana. Citation. XIII-39, Preternatural Agency. 86. XIV-366, Schlegel only just Foreign Critic. 367,474. XV-75, Gaudy Apparatus Demanded by a Loudon Audience. 126, Merit — Human Character. 127, 349, Citation. XVI-85, Specimen Absurd Emendation. 204, 212, 400, 437, Scotch Counterpart to Fool. 446, 56, Multiplicity of Characters. 187n. XVII- 251 Dramatic Eminence. 446, 461, 465. XVIII-158, 189, 254, 464. XIX-127, 134, Citations. 211, 216, 241, Statue of Hermi- one as painted. 296, Citations. 327, 430, 500. XLI-70, Mac- beth. XLVI-477. XLVlI-243. XLIV-120, 181, 185, 187. LI-41, 182, 461, Ophelia. LII-35, Not Popular in England. 7, Music in V. and A. 425, Bowyer's Edition. LIII-84, Sweetness of Temper. 85, Characteristics of Shakespeare. 89, Dramatic Art. LIV-65. LIV-17, Unique Greatness. 18, Characteristics of Plays. 22, Mercutio, Ophelia. 23, Sum- mary of Powers. LXI-38, Whole World. 39, Subordinate Characters. 40, Art compared with Beaumont and Fletcher's. 425, Intimations of Personality. 428,439. LXII-345. LXIV- 348, 349, Picture of a Beggar. LXV-355, Juvenile Diction. 356, Imitators. 357, Timon of Athens. 358, Coriolanus. 469, Hunter's Tempest. LXVI-24, Original of Miranda. 355, 469. LXVII-439, Merchant of Venice, Othello. LXIX-4, Troilus and Cresseida. 31, 39, Quotations Winter's Tale. 33, Quota- tions, L. L. L. 70, 64. LXX-62, Extract De Quiucey. LXXII- 400. LXXIV-170, Thurston's Edition. LXXIV-1G7, 312, 333. 310, 321, Various Commentators. LXXXViI-439. LXXXIX.- 310, Kemarks of A. Dyce. LXXXV-357, 371-383, 390 n., 394 n. CII-247. Ranter's Ranting. Remarks on Shakespeare. Reader, 1863, 1-16. Reprint Folio 1623. Retrospective Review— 1-13, 14, 19, 113, 151, 152, 160, 170 Topical Shakespeariana. 75 172, 1S\ 190, 316, 8, 306, 307, 2-24, 31, 33, 43, 78, 84, 92, 149, 166, 190, 197, 198, 228, 250, 3-101, 126, 4-61, 62, 63, 64,149, 147, 156,3;;3, 334, 335, 3J7, 5-9, 18, 7-178, 378, 8-31, 35, 108, 127, 129, 130, 235, 333, 9-19, 21, 188, 189, 201, 203, 291, 318, 10 8, 51, 58, 200, 215, 11-205, 12-95. 259, 1-91, Ui Editions ; 92, 96 (Authenticity); 394 (Preservation of Family Names); 13-314; 15-315. Revue des Deux Mondes — 3me series., tome 4. Eiohaid HI: A Parody. Richard III: Tiavestie, 1823. Round Table 7-201, (Resemblance of Taming of the Shrew to Lucanor). 9-100 (Shakespeare Revivals). Romances collected and arranged by Shakespeare II. Romeo and Juliet Travesty, 1812. Romeo and Juliet Travesty, 1837. Romeo and Juliet Travesty, 1855. School for Satire. Scribner's IMonthly April, 1875, (Shakespeare-Bacon Con- troversy). 8-340. Selections from Edinburgh Review. Seven Ages Illustrated, 1810, 1840. Seven Ages of Man. Shakespeare Cyclop£Edia, 1862 (Knowledge of "Eirature and its Phenomena). Shakespeare Anthology. Shakespeare First, 2d and 3d Folio, &c., Macmillan, 1869. Shakespeare: a Miscellany. Shakespeare Album : or Warwickshire Garland (Songs Il- lustrating Shakespeare). Shakespeare Almanac 1849, 1850. Shakespeare and Jousoq : dramatic Verses. Shakespeare's England. Longmans, 1856. Shakespeare and his Friends. 76 Topical JShakespeariaua, Shakespeare's Curse and other Poems. Shakespeare's Character Cards. Shakespeare and Honest King George. Shakespeare Festival : a Drama. Shakespeare Gems in a series of Landscapes. Shakespeare's Garland : Jubilee at Stratford, 176D. Shakespeare Garland, or Warwickshire Jubilee. Shakespeare Gazette — 1864. Shakespeare Gallery. Shakespeare Gallery. Shakespeare Gallery, 1867. Shakespeare's History of the Times. Shakespeare Memorial, 1865. Shakespeare Museum, 1794. Shakespeare's Mental Photographs. Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor, Sliakespeare Miscellany. Shakespeare not an Impostor. Shakespeare's Life in 12 Stereoscopic Views. Shakespeare Portfolio : 100 line Engravings. Shakespeare Tercentenary Monument Committee, Shakespeare vs. Harlequin. Shakespeare's Will : Photographic Eeproduction. Shakespeare Society Publications, 1811 — (Books illustra- tive of Shakespeare and his Times : Gosson's School of Abuse, Hey wood's Apology for Actors, Coventry Mysteries, Thynu's Pride and Lowliness, Patient Grissell,) 1842. (Accounts of Eevels at Court in reigns of Elizabeth and James — Jonson's conversations with Drummond — First Sketch of Merry Wives of Windsor— Nash's Pierce Penniless— Heywood's Edward IV—). 1843 (Northbrooke's Treatise— First Sketch 2d and 3d Parts Henry 6th — Chester Whitsun Plays — Alleyn Papers — Inedited Tracts.) 1844— Tarlton's Jests and News out of Topical iShakespeariana. 77 Purgatory — True Tragedie of Eichard. Ill — Ghost of Richard III. Sir Thos. More, a Play— "Papers"— Taming of the Shrew. 1845 — First and second parts Heury IV — " Papers". 1846 — Marriage of Wit and Wisdom : a Comedy — Richard's Farewell to the Military Profession— Memoirs of principal actors of Shakespeare's Plays. 1847 — The Moral Play of wit and science — Extracts from the registers of the Stationers' Co. — Life of loigo Jones — Vol. II. of registers of the Station- ers' Co. — Selections from the Oldys MS. 1850— First and second parts of the Fair Maid of the West — Remarks on Karl Simrock — Royal King and Loyal Subject. 1851 — Two his- torical plays of Life and reign of Queen Elizabeth — The Golden Age and The Silver Age. 1852 — John a Kent and John a Cumber. 1853 — Defence of Poetry, Music and Stage Plays. Short View of Tragedy, 1693. Sir John Falstaft's Letter to Sammy Ireland. Blender's Ghost, or Hamlet's Soliloquy Imitated. Some remarks on the tragedy of Shakespeare, 179G. Some remarks on the tragedy of Hamlet, 1736. Southern Literary Messenger— 4-132, 15-34, 3-7C1. Spectator No. 141 (AlLasion). Stratford Jubilee : a New Comedy. Studies of Shakespeare, 1809. Tail's Magazine. Temple Bar, June, 1864(Garrick and Shakespeare Jubilee). March, 1864 (Shakespeare Commemorated) Ten Tracts relating to the Stratford Jubilee, 1769, 1816. Tercentenary of Corydon. Tercentenary Pocket Keepsake and Almanac, 1864. Tercentenary Celebration. Testimonial to Mrs. Mary Cowden Clarke. The ancient ballad of the fair widow of Watling Street. The Antiquary : a Farce. 78 Topical Shakespeariana. The Barrow — Diggers. The Book of Shakespeare Gems. The City Friends of Shakespeare, &c. The costume of Heury 8, Wien, 1858. The Droll of the Bouncing Knight: constructed out of Shakespeare. The Editor, Bookseller and Critic. The Fairy Queen : an Opera, 1692. The Genius of Shakespeare : a Summer Dream. The Grimaldi Shakespeare (Squib). The Immortality of Shakespeare: a Poem. The Interview, or Falstafifs Ghost. The Life and Humors of Falstaff : a Comedy, 1829. The Northern Lord : a Ballad. The Ode on dedicating, building and erecting a statue to Le Stue, Cook to the Duke of Newcastle, &c., 1709. The Eeturn from Parnassus, 1606. The Kout: a Parody on Richard III. The School of Shakespeare. The Secret History of Macbeth King of Scotland, 1708. The Siege of Troy : a Drama, 1708. The Siege of Troy, 1718. The Shipwreck : from Shakespeare and Dryden, 1780. The Stratford Jubilee: a Comedy, 1769. The Students : a Comedy. The Tempest illustrated by Birket, Foster and others. The Three Conjurers. The Triumph of Envy. The 1st part of The Contention between the Two Famous Houses of York and Lancaster, 1594. The Young Gentleman and Lady's Preceptor. Thirteen Tracts relating to the Ireland Forgeries. Topical Shalcespeariana. 79 Three Essays on King Lear by pupils in the city of London School. Tour in quest of genealogy. Traditionary Anecdotes of Shakespeare. Tragical History of Macbeth: a Song. Treatise od the Passions. Troublesome Eeign of King John. Truth illustrated by great authors, 1855. Universalist Review. Union Shakesiteare Illustrations, 1826, 1829, Verses to Sir T. Hanmer. Vortigern, 1790. Westminister Eeview— 20-151, 26-30, 43-40, 41-1, 44-1. Will of Shakespeare. 1838. ADDENDA. BOOKS AXn ARTICLES OF VALUE WHICH HAVE APPEARED SINCE THE PREPA- RATION OF THE PLATES FOR "TOPICAL SHAKESPEARIANA." Adams, W. D. — Brief account of Life and Writings. Sword and Pen, p. 446. Barrett, Lawrence — Charlotte Cushman. Galaxy, Jan. 1878. Edwin Forrest. Galaxy, Oct. 1877. Bellam}', C. — A new Dictionary of Quotations. Bellam}^ G. Somers — Shakesperian Sermons. Cliaring Cross Magazine, Nov. and Dec, 1877. London. Blair, Hugh — Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. Boucicault — Decline of che Drama. North American, Sept. and Oct., 1877. Curling, H. — The Forest Youth. Dallas, H. S. — The Gay Science. Dodil, Rev. W. — Beauties of Shakespeare. lUustration in Photogiapliy. Fifteen engravings. 4to. Doran, Dr. John — Shakespeai'e in France. Nineteenth Centurj-, Jan., 1878. Dunlop, John — History of Fiction. Fleay, Rev. F. G. — Text of " Romeo and Juliet." Macmillan's Magazine, July, 1877. Fuller, Tiiomas — The Worthies of England. Furness, H. H. — IVnu Monthly, July, 1873. Furnivall, F. J. — The Succession of Shakespeare's Works. Genest, John — Some Account of the Early English Stage. Greene, Robert — Pandosts : The Triumph of Time. Hazlitt, Wm. — Lectures on the English Poets. Heraud, Jno. A. — Shakspere : His Iinier Life. Humphreys, H. N. — Sentiments and Similes of Shakespeare. # '% ^^ t'h' THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. 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