of q journey fron H-r^tf ofti to f ' -tTU'n Ivi 1828... Nathaniel Gooriv. in .** THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES MEMORANDUM ALLS AND RETURN IN 1828 ALSO PRIVATELY PRINTED FHOM THK OHIOINAI, M ANDSCHIFT IS THE PCS SE 8 SIOX OF FRANK D. ANDREWS VIXKLAITD S". J. HUXDRE13 AJTD IfllTE MEMORANDUM OF A JOURNEY FROM HARTFORD TO NIAGARA FALLS AND RETURN IN 1828 Printed from the original manuscript in the possession of FRANK D. ANDREWS Vineland New Jersey 1909 s . PREFACE / Although the manuscripts from which the following pages are printed have no name attatched, they are in the handwriting of Nathaniel Goodwin, of Hartford, Conn , who it is supposed made the journey's at the dates mentioned. The manuscripts are printed with the hope they may prove of value to some one inter- ested in the history of the past. Nathaniel Goodwin was born in Hartford, Connecticut, March 5, 1782 In his youth he learned the printers trade, he also taught school and was a land-surveyor. He was treasurer of the city of Hartford for a num- ber of years. He became interested in the subject of genealogy and collected material for family histories which have been publish- ed. He died at Hartford, May 29, 1855. 516184 Lasers A JOURNEY FROM HARTFORD To NIAGARA FALLS IN 1828. Monday August 25, 1828, I left home for the State of New York. Monday night, 12 o'clock reached Pitts- field,' company in the stage a young lady and gentleman, bound to Ohio, and a lady with an infant child to Pittsfield. Tuesday, 26. Lebonon Springs to break- fast, took in at the Springs, a gentleman his wife and 2 daughters for Albany, Reached Albany at 2 P. M. Wednesday 27. went to Schenectady, dined there, took the packet boatafter din- ner for Utica. Thursday 28, about 3 P. M. took tea at Canal coffee house, a great com. panyat table, and left at 7 P. M At i 2 at night came on board 2 stage loads of pas- sengers from Utica, amongst them Mr. Peck, Mrs. Peck and Miss Barnes, for Rochester, 6 A JOURNEY TO NIAGARA FALLS IN 1828 Saturday 30, 4 o'clock left the boat at Pittsfordafewmilesout of Rochester. Stop't at Acres inn, where tarried during the Sab- bath 31 st. Sunday evening were called for by Judge Barnard of Mendon. Spent Monday ist. Sept. with him and family, and on Tuesday the 2d, about 1 1 accompanied by Mr. & Mrs. Barnard took a packet boat at Pittsford, and proceeded west. Reached Rochester in the evening of the same day, Wednesday 3d, 12 at night reached Buf- falo. Thursday morning 4th went to Eai>le tavern, tarried to breakfast and dinner, after- noon rode to Niagara Falls and took lodg- ngs at Forsyth's at 7 evening. Present: parties from New York, Canada and Wash- ington City. Mr. Wirt and 2 -daughters, Friday 5th visited the deep cut in the Welland can;.']. Viewed the falls went to the American side, on to Goat Island, paper mill, bones of the natives, impression of a bears foot on a stone. A JOURNEY TO NIAGARA FALLS IN 1828 7 Saturday 6th, Left Forsyth's forLockport passed in sight of the ground on which was fought the battle of Niagara Qeenstown, Brock's monument, crossed the Niagara at Queenstown, reached Lock port to dine. Had for stage company a Mr. Williams of Pennsylvania. Left Judge Barnard and wife at Lockport and proceeded east in the Cana packet at about 2 P. M. Sunday morning about 7 o'clock reached Rochester, where spent the Sabbath, attend- ed the Episcopal Church, staid at the Roch- ester House, kept by Mr. Noyse formerly of Stonington, Conn. D. D. Barnard and & Lady, Mr. Talmam & Lady. Mr. & Mrs- Peck, George Terry, Messrs Barnard and Robbins, Miss Perkins, Mr. & Mrs. Bissell, Mr, Thompson. Monday 8th. continued in Rochester, eve- ning arrived Mr and Mrs. Barnard. Tues- day morning Qth, left in the stage for Pitts- ford, which place reached about 1 1 o'clock 8 A JOURNEY TO NIAGARA FALLS IN 1828 and parted with Mr. & Mrs. Barnard, Acres, Hopkins. Same day about 1 2 took the Packet boat. Passengers Mr. & Mrs Tal- man came on board, during the passage, Mrs. Wright of Syracuse. Wednesday loth, noon reached Syracuse where Mr. & Mrs Talman left. Came on board the Canada parties whom we had seen at the Falls. Thursday morning i ith. about 8 reached Utica where were joined by sundry others amongst whom were Mr. Dewett and son of Albany. Friday morning I2th. about 8 reached Schenectady, took breakfast at the hotel. Judges Thompson & Duer, many strangers, after breakfast, to Albany, which reached about ii A. M. Dined, and at 3 left in a coachee and rode 15 miles on the stage rout toward home, and stop't for the night at Tobias inn in Chatham. Mrs. Tobias' daughter in law, Miss Van Vol Vanbergh, ^ to Mrs. Tobias A JOURNEY TO NIAGARA FALLS IN 1828 9 Saturday morning i3th, about 6 took the stage, which had then arrived from Albany, and reached home about 10 P. M. r HARTFORD To MENDON AND RETURN There has been preserved the memoran- dum of a trip to Mendon, N. Y , the home of Mr. Barnard, where after a short sojourn the return was made. As the names of the tavern-keepers are given it may be of inter- est to insert it here. Thursday 6 Sept. in the morning left Hart- ford, for Mendon. New Hartford, Seymour, dined, 2om. Canaan, Pease lodged 18 Friday 7 Sept. Sheffield Ensign breakfast 9 Greenbush Younghanse, lodged 35 Saturday 8 Sept. Albany Skinner. breakfast. 9 Schenectady. 1 5 Amsterdam, Groats. 1 5 Sunday 9 Sept Johnstown, Conyne, breakfast i i Manheim, at the bridge over East Canada Creek, Mason, bHjre 22. HARTFORD TO MENDON AND RETURN l82l I- 1 Monday 10 Sept. Little falls, Myers, breakfast 10 Whites borough - lodge 24 Tuesday 1 1 Sept. Vernon. I. Dyer, breakfast, 12 Salina, Corset, lodge 27 Wednesday, 1 2 -- Brockway, breakfast. 6 Seneca falls, Erwin, to lodge 28 Thursday. 13, Geneva breakfast 14 East Bloomfield, Carter, lodge 25 Friday 14. Arrived at Mr. Barnard about 1 1 in the morning. 1 1 RETURNING Tuesday 25 Sept. 1821. Left Canandugua, Coe, lodge 14 Wednesday, 26 Phelps, Beall, breakfast, 15 Auburn, Coe, lodge 25 12 HARTFORD TO MENDON AND RETURN l82I Thursday, 27. Skeneateles Lake, breakfast. 6 Pompey, Morley, lodge, about 35 Friday, 28. Sangerfield North to lodge 34 Saturday 29. Winfield. Pendergrass, breakfast, 12 Sharon Butler, lodge 29 Sunday, 30. Schorarie, Huntington, breakfast 10 Germans, Guilderland. lodge 2 1 Monday, October, i Skinners Albany breakfast 14 Tuesday 2 . Greenbush, Younghanse, breakfast 9 Barrington to sleep 29 Wednesday, 3. m Sheffield Dewey, breakfast i i Marshal lodge 3 5 Thursday, 4. Home 9 308 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-C5m-9,'47(A5G18)444 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES F1E3 G65m Goodwin - ; lorandum of a journey from Hartford iagara Falls. F123 G63m "' V - - . ' Wt