UC-NRLF ^B ETD 7Dt ^i^ESOE IvIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF GEORGE MOREY RICHARDSON. Received, August, i8g8, zAccession No.73 7?k^ Class No tj^A-Am^^ i is^r? Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/allenlatinOOallerich INTRODUCTION TO Latin Composition REVISED AND ENLARGED WITH INTRODUCTORY EXERCISES ON ELE- MENTARY CONSTRUCTIONS BY WILLIAM F. ALLEN Professor in the University of Wisconsin BOSTON, U.S.A.: PUBLISHED BY GINN & COMPANY. 1889. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1880, by William Francis Allen, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 7 2 77 J NOTE TO REVISED EDITION. AFTER the present revised edition of this book was announced last summer, and when a part of it was already in type, it was decided to prefix to the original Lessons an introductory portion, to include the more elementary constructions of Latin syntax. This portion (Part L), with the revision of the entire book consequent upon the change of plan, has been executed by my brother. Rev. J. H. Allen, of Cambridge, Mass.,* with the valuable co-operation of Mr. John Tetlow, Master of the Girls' Latin School in Boston ; aided by the skilful and acute criticism of Prof. Peck of Cornell Uni- versity. Especial pains have been taken to facilitate the work of the earlier Lessons by a copious use of Oral Exercises (interlined) ; and very full references have been given throughout to the three Latin Grammars most in use. The experiment has also been tried of mark- ing the /ong- vowels in the Latin words employed, including those known to be long ' ' by nature," and those understood to be lengthened in practice before the combinations nf^ 7ts, and gii. Some changes of arrangement in Part IL, with the condensation or transposition of several topics, have resulted from the change of plan above-men- tioned ; but these will not, in general, prevent the use of the two editions together where desired. Considerable additions have been made to the Vocabulary, which includes a few scores of familiar words not employed in the exercises, in order to facilitate such addi- tional practice as teachers may find advisable. W. F. A. Madison, Wis., June, 1880. * Lecturer on Ecclesiastical History in Harvard University. PREFACE TO FIRST EDITION. THESE exercises are primarily designed as a training in Latin Syntax. It is taken for granted that the pupil has gone thoroughly through the Latin Lessons, or some other method of equal scope. No pains are taken, therefore, to illustrate the com- mon rules of agreement and government. On the other hand, I have not aimed to introduce rare constructions and mere idiomatic expressions. It has seemed to me that the regular principles of prose construction should be the only object of attention at this stage of advancement ; and that the rarer idioms will be acquired with little effort by those who follow out an extended course of Latin reading. Nearly all the sentences in the written Exercises are taken, without change, from classic authors. These sentences are trans- lated as literally as practicable; still, it has been impossible to avoid a considerable variety of expression, so that the Vocabu- lary will be found to contain quite a wide range of words and mean- ings, considering the whole number of sentences. I have thought it best not to provide special vocabularies for the several Lessons, nor many explanatory notes : it has been my desire to have the student acquire the habit of referring to grammar and vocabulary for gen- eral principles in the choice of words and constructions, rather than depend upon special directions in each case. It is believed that these exercises can be taken up by any scholar who has gone thoroughly through any of the usual courses of Latin Lessons. Still, except in the case of mature or unusually capable pupils, I should advise that some time should first be devoted to mere translation. The familiarity with vocabulary and construc- tions thus acquired will be the best preparation for writing. I should let a class go through portions of Caesar, and perhaps of other authors, as rapidly as is consistent with accuracy, and with very little parsing. Then I should take up parsing again, and intro- duce the writing of exercises. However, all such rules must vary with different classes and teachers. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, June, 1870. OJF TRB CONTENTS. PART FIRST. I. — Elements of the- Sentence. Lesson Page 1. .Subject and Predicate i 2. Object- Accusative 3 3. Interrogative Forms 5 4. Use of Relatives 7 5. The Passive Voice , ... 10 6. Infinitive and Subject- Accusative 12 : 7. Participles: Ablative Absolute 14 11. — Constructions of Cases. I . — Object' Cases, 8. Direct Object: Accusative 16 9. Dative of Indirect Object 18 10. Genitive and Ablative 19 2. — With Adjectives, 11. Genitive with Adjectives 21 12. Dative with Adjectives 22 1 3. Ablative with Adjectives .... • • '23 3. — Miscellaneous Uses, 14. Uses of the Accusative 2$ 15. Dative: Idiomatic Uses 26 16. Uses of the Ablative 28 17. Time and Place 30 18. Gerundive Constructions , 31 III. — Moods and Tenses. 19. Subjunctive: Independent Uses . . . . . .33 20. Sequence of Tenses 35 21. Conditional Sentences 37 22. Time-Clauses • • • • 39 23. Purpose and Result ...,..., 42 VI Contents. PART SECOND. I. — Substantive Clauses. {Indirect Discourse.) Lesson 24. Accusative and Infinitive. — i 25. Accusative and Infinitive. — 2 26. Accusative and Infinitive. — 3 Pace 44 . 46 . . . 48 27. Special Constructions 49 28. Indirect Questions 51 29. Other Forms of Substantive Clause 53 30. Impersonal Verbs 56 II. — Miscellaneous Construciions. 31. Modifications of the Predicate 58 32. Use of Tenses 60 33. Wishes and Commands 62 34. Use of Participles . 63 35. Gerund, Gerundive, and Supine 65 36. Use of Conjunctions . . 68 III. — Case- Constructions. 37. Apposition 69 38. Uses of the Genitive 71 39. Genitive after Verbs 73 40. Dative with Verbs 74 41. Dative with Passives 76 42. Special Uses of the Dative 78 43. Special Uses of the Accusative 80 44. Special Uses of the Ablative . _ 81 45. Relation? of Time 85 46. Relations of Place 87 IV. — Adjectives and Pronouns. 47. Adjectives : Special Uses 88 48. Derivatives : Possessives 90 49. Pronouns : Reflexive and Intensive 91 50. Relative Pronouns . 93 51. Correlatives 94 52. Indefinite Pronouns 96 Contents. vii V. — Subordinate Clauses. Lesson Page 53. Simple Conditional Clauses 99 54. Other Conditional Clauses loi 55. Implied Conditions 103 56. Comparative and Concessive Clauses 105 57. Temporal Clauses 106 58. Special Uses of Cum 108 59. Causal Clauses no 60. Final Clauses 112 61. Consecutive Clauses 114 62. Clauses of Characteristic ■ . 117 63. Infinitive Clauses 118 64. Intermediate Clauses , , .120 65. Dependent Conditional Clauses 122 VI. — Additional. 66. The English Potential , .125 67. Further Uses of the Relative 130 68. Supplementary Exercises 132 69. Comparative Forms of Speech 135 VOCABULARY. PART FIRST. I. — Elements of the Sentence. Lesson i. Subject and Predicate. 1. Learn the definitions of Subject and Predicate: §§ 172-174 (G. 192, except the first three paragraphs, 193. Rem., 194; H. 356. i, 2; 358, 360, 368). Note. — The references are to the sections of Allen & Green- ough's Latin Grammar, revised edition. Parallel references are also given, in parenthesis, to Gildersleeve's Grammar (G.) and to Harkness's (H.), *' Standard" edition. 2. Learn the meaning of the following Prepositions, observing the Case to be used with each : — Among or Between, inter (ace). Through, per (ace). By or From (away from), a, db (abl.). To (towards), ad (ace.)." From (out of), e, eoc (abl.). Under, sub. ^ In or On, in (abl.). With, cum (abl.).<- Into, in (ace). Without, sine (abl.) a. The preposition ad must be used to express motion to. Thus, in the sentence ** he goes to the river ^^'^ use ad with the Accusative ; but, in ** I give a book to the boy,'^'' use the Dative. b. When sub indicates rest in a place, it takes the Ablative; when it indicates motion towards, and in such phrases as sub vesperum, towards evening, it takes the Accusative. c. The preposition cum is regularly used to express in company with. Thus, in the sentence *'he is walking with his sister, '^'^ the ablative is used with cum; but in **he was killed with a sword ^^'^ the ablative alone is used. X 2 Latin Composition. 3. The learner is supposed to be familiar with the elementary Rules of Agreement : viz., 1. Of the Noun, in Apposition or as Predicate : § 183 (G. 319; H. 362, 363) ; 2. Of the Adjective with its Noun: §§ 186, 187 (G. 285, 286; H. 438, 439); 3. Of the Verb with its Subject-Nominative : § 204 (G. 202 ^ H. 460). 4. The order of words in a Latin sentence is com- paratively free ; but the following Rules may serve as a guide to the beginner : — 1. In general, put the Subject first and the Verb last. 2. Any very emphatic word may be first or last. 3. An Adjective, except for emphasis, follows the noun ; but may precede the preposition with its noun : as, multis in locis, 4. Put the Adverb immediately before the word which it modifies. Oral exercises. Note. — The examples marked for oral practice may be written out, at the pleasure of the teacher ; or they may conveniently serve for exercises at the blackboard. They are designed to enable the learner to avail himself, rapidly and easily, of the knowledge he has acquired by study of the Grammar ; and to aid him in acquiring the command of a stock of useful words, without the labor of incessantly turning to a dictionary. In writing these and the accompanying exercises, it is advisable to mark all the long vowels. I. The queen^s daughter is beautiful. — 2. The anchors are regina filia pulcher ancora large," crooked, and strong. — 3. The gates of the town are magnus curvus validus porta oppidun open. — 4. In the woods were many wild-creatures. — 5 . The aperius. stlva vttdtus /era moon was bright in a clear sky. — 6. The lofty gates of Corinth liitia liicidus serenus caelum alius Corinthus a. Insert "and." Object' Accusative, J were shut. — 7. We are boys, not men. — 8. Seneca" was a clausus puer iwn vir famous philosopher among the Romans. clarus philosophus Romanus Examples from Caesar. I. All Gaul is divided into three parts. — 2. Of all these the otnnis Gallia dlvisus ires pars hie bravest are the Belgae. — 3. This district was-called^ Tigurinus; fort is pdgus (m.) voco'^ for every Helvetian state is divided into four districts. — 4. This nam omnis Helvetius c'witas quattuor thing is announced to-the-Helvetii" through testimony. res enuntio^ indicium "Write in Ijatin. 1. The son of ^neas was Ascanius. 2. Anger is a great fault. 3. Athens was the native-city of many** great men. 4. Few slaves were faithful to [tjieir] * masters (dat.), 5. Great men are the gift of the good gods. 6. The moon and stars were bright in the clear sky. 7. You are men, not boys. 8. The forces of the Romans were great. Lesson 2. Object-Accusative, I. Learn the definitions and construction of the Accusative as the object of transitive verbs: Gr. § 177, with ^, comparing § 237 (G. 327 and 329. Rem. i ; H. 371. I. i) and 2), also 371. \\\.), Rule. — The Accusative is the case of the direct object of a transitive verb : as, • Caesar Galliam superavit, a. Proper names not translated are the same in Latin as in English. — b. The small figures denote the conjugation of the verb. — c. Words connected by hyphens are to be rendered by a single word (here by the dative). — d. Insert •• and " : § 208. c (G. 483. i ; H. 440. i, N.), — ^. Words in brackets are not to be translated. I XJNIVERSITT 4 Latin Composition, Oral Exercises. I. We see the moon and stars in-the-night. — 2. Horatius video 2 Stella noctu sustains a great storm of danger." — 3. We enter a great wood, susttneo^ procella periculuvt intro'^ black with- darkness/ near the town (ace.) . — 4. A lazy sailor ater ienebrae prope oppidutn ignavus nauta blames the winds and waves. — 5. You give good counsels to cuipo^ ventus unda do'^ bonus consilium [your] son. — 6. True glory holds a place among the stars. filius virus gloria habeo^ locus — 7. We praise the good/ we blame the bad. — 8. The laudo^ (plur.) vitupero^ malus Romans move [their] camp'* from the plain. — 9. A cruel ntoveo^ castra campus saevus wolf tears the tender lamb. — 10. The slaves fill great bowls lupus lacero^ tener agnus servus impieo^ poculum with-wine. — 11. The weary sailors enter a narrow strait. — vtnum fessus angusius /return 12. Chattering girls tell many [things] * among themselves/ garrulus puella narro'^ se Examples from Caesar. I. The Helvetii excel the rest-of^ the Gauls in-manhood.'^ — Praecedo^ reliquus G alius virtus 2. The w^dui send ambassadors to Caesar. — 3. This district tnitto 3 legdtus pugus had-slain Lucius Cassius the consul, and had-sent his army interficio^ is exercitus under the yoke.** — 4. Caesar held-back his [men] from battle. jugum contineo^ suus a proelium — 5. Caesar takes his right-hand; calls Dumnorix to him; prendo^ dextra Dumnorig- se sends-for [his] brother. — 6. He undertook the embassy to adhibeo^ f rater is suscipio^ legatio (f.) the States. civitds I a. When a noun is limited, as here, by an adjective and a genitive, the usual ^rderis (i) adjective, (2) genitive, (3) noun.^3. Ablative. — c. See § 188, with Remark (G. 195. Rem. i ; H. 441. i). — d. Tlfe Latin word for camp is the plural oi castrum. — e. Neuter plural. — f. Or, to one another: see ^ 196. /(G. 212; H. 448. i),—£: See § 193 (G. 287. Rem.; H. 440. N.2). — y5. Ablative: ^ 253 (G. 398; H. 424). — ?'. Ace: § 152. c (G. 413, 419; H. 435. i). Interrogative Forms, Write in L.atin. 1. Slaves fear a cruel master. 2. The black" darkness of the forest terrifies* small boys. 3. We owe a great [sum of] money to the jeweller. 4. Few [men] love glory more than life. * 5. We often see wolves in the forest. 6. We praise the good less than we blame the bad. 7. The Tyrians ^ praise the beautiful queen. 8. We have riches [as] a gift of the bountiful gods. Lesson 3. Interrogative Forms. 1. Learn the Forms of the simple sentence in § 171 a, by Cy and dy with the Definitions in §§ 179, 180, and read carefully § 180. ^, by Cy dy and e (G. Read care- fully the coarse type of §§ 192 and 474; H. Learn the coarse type of §§ 347 and 350, and read carefully 348, with the Notes). 2. Learn the meaning of the following Conjunc- tions : — Both . . . and, et . . . et* Either ... or, aut . . . aut. Whether ... or, utrum . . . an* Neither . . . nor, neque (nee) . . . neque {nee). 3. Learn the meaning and use of the Interrogative Particles, and the forms of Questions and Answers: § 210, with Uy Cy ey and § 212 (G. 456, 457, 458, also 473, 3 and 2 ; H. 351, with i, 2, and 3 ; and 352. Also, the forms of Double or Alternative Questions: § 211 (G. 460 and 461 ; H. 353). a. (iter. — b. Plural. — c. Accusative. — d. Tyrius. 6 Latin Composition, a. Compare the two forms of Questions — viz., of simple fact and of special circu?nstance— as stated in § 210. ^ and e; and learn the following Interrogative Words : — Who ? quis ? Where 2 uhi ? Which (of two) ? uter ? What? quid? When? quando? How? quomodo? Why? cwt-? Whither? quo? How many? quot? b. Notice that an exclamatory sentence in Latin is precisely the same as the latter form of Question ; while in English it is generally distinguished by the order of the words (§ 210. e, r.). ^Examples. Were you the friend of Marcus ? erasne Marcl amicus ? Were you not the friend of Marcus? Yes. nonne eras Marcl amicus ? eratn. Were you the friend of Marcus (i.e. you were not, were you?) ? No. num eras 3Ia7^cl amicus ? non eram. Were you the friend of Marcus or of Publius ? utrum Marcl (better, Marclne) an Publil amicus eras ? [Notice that, if it were Marcl aut Puhlil, it would mean that you might be the friend of both, or of neither.] Model Sentences. 1. Marcus is the son of Quintus. 2. Marcus is not" the son of Publius. 3. Is Marcus the son of Quintus? Yes.* 4. Is not Marcus the son of Quintus ? Yes. 5. Marcus is not the son of Publius, [is he] ?*' No.* 6. Who is the son of Quintus ? Marcus. 7. Is Marcus or Lucius the son of Quintus?"* 8. Both Marcus and Lucius are sons of Quintus. 9. Either Marcus or Lucius is a son of Quintus. 10. Neither Marcus nor Lucius is a son of Publius. 1 1 . Which is the son of Quintus, Marcus or Lucius ? Both.* 12. Which is the son of PubUus? Neither {neuter) f a. Put non immediately before the word which it negatives. — b. Use the verb: § 212 (G. 473. 3 and 2; H. 352), — c. Use 7ium : ^ 210. c (G. 458; H. 351. N. 3). — d. Put this in different forms: ^ 211. d (G. 460; H. 351 and 353)- — e. uterque, — / These forms should be repeated until both words and meaning are perfectly familiar. Other simple sentences may be varied in like manner, for oral or blackboard practice, the above serving as a model for the several variations. Use of Relatives, f Oral £xercises. I. Why do you fear the dangers of war? — 2. We see both timeo^ periculum be Hum video"^ with-the-eyes and the mind. — 3. How cold the water is! — oculus animus quam frigidus aqua 4. How-great are thy kindnesses towards us ! — 5 . When were ' quantus iuus beneficiuTn erga nos you at Rome or Athens?" — 6. Never; but I was often at Roma Athenae nunquam sed saepe Corinth." — 7. We often see many both fools and blind. — Corinthus multus stultus caecus 8. A good man neither harms [his] enemies, nor envies [them]. bonus vir noceo^ im'mic us {dzt.) invideo^ Write in I^atin. 1. Do you see a narrow road in the forest? Yes. 2. How great are the gifts of the gods ! 3. We were both weary and frightened. 4. We do not see wholly either with the eyes or with the mind (use neque . . . neque) . 5. The queen has two slaves, the one^ tall, the other ^ stout. 6. We have neither riches nor glory. 7. Does a good man ever envy the bad ? 8. The dangers of war frighten cowards, but not strong men. 9. How-many fingers have-you on the right-hand ? how many on the left ? 10. Pompey was an honest man, no doubt,'' and a good gen- eral ; but proud, jealous, sullen, and-not ^ a true friend. Lesson 4. Use of Relatires. Note. — The construction of the Personal, Demonstrative, and Possessive Pronouns is determined by their signification, and is the same as that of nouns and adjectives : see §§ 194-197, with the subsections (G. 198 and 290-299; H, 446-452), and compare the a. See \J^ 36. c; 40. a (G. 412; H. 425. i. and ii., with 4S,-4-«nti-^i. 6). — b, alter (ace.) . — c. quidem, — d. neque, .-^ ^IJNIVERSITT ) 8 Latin Composition. special uses of the Demonstratives in § 102. They require, therefore, no separate exercises in syntax. The Relative, on the other hand, is used to introduce a subordinate clause, with subject, predicate, and grammatical construction distinct from that of the antecedent clause. This relation is expressed in the Rule for the agreement of Relatives: § 198 (G. 616; H. 445). In the construction of Relative Clauses the following uses require to be noticed : — 1. The Rule of Gender: § 199 (G. 616. 3, ii. ; H. 445. 4) ; 2. Agreement with implied Antecedent: § 199. ^(G. id.; H.445. 5); 3. Repetition of the Antecedent: § 200. a (G. 617; H. 445. 8) ; 4. Noun only in Relative Clause : id. ^ ; 5. Omission of the Antecedent: id. c (G. 623; H. 445. 6) ; 6. Priority of Relative Clause: § 201. c (G. 622); see also § 201. a, b. a. A Relative is often used in Latin where in English we use a Demonstrative with and or but. Compare § 201. e (G. 612, with Rem. i; H. 453). Thus — And since these things are so, quae cum ita sinU But if they [shall] hesitate, qui si dubitdbunU b. Where as or that is used in English as a relative word, it must be rendered in Latin by the relative word which corresponds to its demonstrative antecedent : as. The same [person] as before. Idem qui ante. Such an orator as we know Cicero [to have been], talis orator qudlem Ciceronem novimus* I came to the same place that you directed, eodem venl quo manddstl* As many minds as men, quot homines tot sententiae. Oral Exerciseg. I. The soldier you praise (§ 201. a) does not keep [his] faith. miles laudo^ servo ^ fides — 2. The day is-at-hand in- which ** the Roman people yearly ^V|j(m.) tnsto^ populus quotannis a. Repeat the noun : § 200. a (G. 617 ; H. 445. 8) Use of Relatives. 9 elects [its] magistrates." — 3. Brutes do not move* from the creo^ magistrdttis^ bestiaiy.) commoveo^ ex is spot in which they are born. — 4. The' greater the army, [so locus natus exercitus^ much] the* heavier is the loss. — 5. A sort [of people] who gravis eludes (f). gens like-to tell-a-lie. — 6. Here-is [the man] I spoke-to yesterday. libenter (adv.) mentior^ ecce adloquor'^ heri £xainples from Caesar. I. Three parts, of which the Belgse inhabit one, the Aqui- pars incolo'^ iinus tani another, the Celtae a third. — 2. There- were in-all two alius tertius ojnnind duo ways by which they could go-out [from] home. — 3. It-was iter possum exeo domus full moon, [on] which day the sea '^ tides are greatest. — 4. He- plenus luna mariiimus aestus* himself pushes-on to them [by] the same way that the enemy contendo^ iter hostis {\>\\i.x .) had gone. — 5. They send ambassadors, head of which embassy eo mitto^ legdtus princeps legdtio was Divico, who had been chief of the Helvetii. dux Write in liatin. 1. The boys you were praising just now are very idle and troublesome. 2. Those are good citizens, who adorn the state by their warlike " glory, and their own homes by their virtues. 3. Whatever I have of riches, I give all to you. 4. We honor Rome, which -^ is the head of all Italy. 5. There was war between the Romans and Samnites, both of- whom ^ were brave and warlike people.'^ 6. Which do you consider the greatest general, Caesar, Scipio, or Hannibal ? Which the better orator, Cicero or Demosthenes ? a. The small figure denotes the declension. — b. Understand" themselves" : reverse the clauses. — c. Use quo ...eo: \ io6. c (G. 400, fourth illustrative sentence; H. 423). — d. This word is here an adjective. — «?. belUcus. — / See \ 199 (G. 616. 3. ii.; H. 445.4). — g. Nominative. — h. Plural. lO Latin Composition, Lesson 5. The Passiye Yoice, Besides the simpler uses of the Passive, correspond- ing to the meanings of the tenses as given in the Gram- mar, the following require especial attention : — a. In the tenses of completed action in the Passive, — the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect, — the participle (amatus, &c.) is treated as an adjective, agreeing in gender and number with the subject of the verb : as. War has been prepared, helium par alum est. The Gauls had been subdued, Galll domiti eranU The ships were sunk, naves depressae sunt» b. In the Passive Construction, the object of the action becomes subject, while the subject (or agent), if a person, or treated as a person (personified), is expressed by the ablative with the prepo- sition a or ab, by ; if not a person, by the ablative alone : as, Caesar subdued the Gauls, Caesar Gallos domuit. The Gauls were subdued by Caesar, Galll a Caesare domiti sunt. Hunger destroys men, faines necat homines. Men are destroyed by hunger, homines fame necantur, c. An Intransitive verb may be used impersonatty, in the third person singular of the Passive : as. There was fighting (lit. it [a batde] was fought), pugndtum est. Oral Exercises. I. This city of-ours will be attacked by the Gauls. — 2. Great oppHgno ^ seas were sailed-over by the Carthaginians. — 3. Caesar was navigo ^ Carthaginiensis slain by conspirators. — 4. The poor lamb will be mangled by a occldo^ conjurdtus miser dgnus lacero^ wolf. — 5. A vast monster was overcome by a maiden. — 6. Ye lupus ingens monstrum domo'^ virgo The Passive Voice. ii have been called the unhappiest of all women. — 7. In those appello'^ tniser mulier Hit places there-is-no-living outside the walls. — 8. The will of habito 1 extra (dat.) that man is always heeded. obtentpero ^ Examples from Caesar. I. When the Helvetii were informed of Caesar's approach, certiorem facio^ de adventus^ they sent ambassadors to him. — 2. Lucius Cassius the consul had been slain, and his army beaten and sent under the yoke. occldo^ pello^ — 3. Lucius Piso had been killed [in] the same battle as Cassius. — 4. So they fought* long and fiercely [in] doubtful ita diu acrzter anceps battles. — 5. When they had fought "long, our [men] gained cum (subjunctive) potior^ the baggage and camp. — 6. There-- was-terror throughout the impedimenta (n. plur. abl.) trepido'^ camp.* — 7. Lists were found in the camp of the Helvetii, and tabula repe rio * brought to Caesar, in which lists an estimate had been made-out refero (irr.) ratio conficio^ by-name. — 8. Of those who returned home, the number was nomindtim redeo (ace.) numerus found [to be] 110,000. (gen.) Write in Latin. 1. The faithful guards were praised by all the citizens. 2. The nightingale is charmed by her own songs. 3. Wreaths had been given to the victorious soldiers. 4. Let the mountain be held by our [men] . 5. A-battle-will-be-fought to-morrow. 6. Between the wolf and dog was a long'' dispute.** 7. Are you alarmed, Romans, at* the dangers of war? 8. There- was -terror throughout^ the city. a. Use the passive impersonal form (it was fought). — b. tolls castrls,-* f. dlu. — d. Verb: impers. pass. — ^. Ablative.—/ /^/«j (abl.). 12 Latin Composition, Lesson 6. Infinitive and Subject-Accusatire. 1. The following are the uses of the Infinitive : — a. The Infinitive {complementary) is used where the sense would be incomplete without another action of the same subject : as, I cannot change [my] plans, consilia non possum niutdre. Such verbs are to be able, dare, begin, cease, wish, and the like. b. The Infinitive is used like the no7ninative of a neuter noun, in such sentences as — To write (writing) is useful, scrlbere est utile. c. It is used like the accusative of a neuter noun, in such sen- tences as — Tlie enemy prepare to storm tlie town, hostes par ant ea?- pugndre oppidum, d. In either of these uses, it may take as subject the accusative of a noun or pronoun : as. For an old man to dance is unbecoming, seneni saltdre indecoruin est, I see that you are lame, video te esse claudum, 2. The Infinitive with Subject-Accusative is used with verbs and other expressions of Knowing, Think- ing, Telling, and Perceiving : as. He says [that] the hill is held by the enemy, dlcit montem ah hostibus teneri. There was a report that Catiline had armed tlie slaves^ rmnor erat Catillnam servos arindsse. Oral Exercises. I. It is disgraceful to show [your] back to the enemy [in] turpis do^ iergiim (pi.) (plur.) flight. — 2. No-man can be happy without virtue. — 3. The nemo bedius Infinitive and Subject- Accusative, 13 burden should be-fitted to the strength. — 4. It is the greatest onus debeo^ aJ>to^ vis (pi.) stimmus folly to persist in [one's] faults. — 5. The neighbors falsely dementia {g^n.) persevero'^ vitium vlcinus /also suppose that I am rich. — 6. They-say [that] the enemy have existimo ^ dives advanced. — 7. Word-is-brought [that] the Germans have advento'^ nuitlio^ Germanus crossed the Rhine. transeo Rhenus Examples from Caesar. I. He says [that] it is very-easy to win the-whole-of Gaul. — Perfacilis potior^ totus (gen.) 2. The Helvetii attempt to do that which they had-resolved. — Conor ^ constituo ^ 3. It-was-reported to Caesar, [that] they were- attempting to 7iuntio ^ is make [their] way through our province. — 4. He says" he can- iter provincia not," by the custom and example of- the Roman people, give to 7nos exe mplu in any* the right-of-way through the province. — 5. They now iter jam thought themselves '^ ready for this thing. — 6. The Helvetii [he paraitts is res says] will go '^ to that quarter and will-remain there, where Caesar pars sum Hi ubi has appointed.* constituo^ Write in liatin. 1. It is a grand -^ thing to be made consul (ace). 2. It is beneficial^ for a sick'^ man to sleep. 3. It is-better '' to live honorably ^ than to be born honorably. 4. There was, however, a rumor that the election * would be ^ put off."* 5. It is lawful for no man (ace.) to lead an army against [his] country. a. Use nego : \ 209. b (G. 446). — b. Use either ullus or quisquam, — c. Insert ^jj^. — d. Use fut, part., omitting esse. — e. Pluperf. (or perf.) subj. — f. magmficus.—g. utilis. — h. aegrbtus. — i. praestai.— L^Jgffn&Ttl.'-^krco^^itia (plur.). — /. fore ut, — m. differo (imp. subj.). J^ " ' ^p ^^^, tTNl VEBSITY X^ ■-^^£iUFORH\^ 14 Lathi Composition. 6. The scouts'* report that the Germans have already crossed* the Rhine. 7. I hear that Cicero has set out*' for- Athens (ace). 8. Divitiacus said that he knew these things were true. 9. I remember that [when] a boy I saw the orator Hor- tensius. «. 10. I take it ill*^ that I am poor. Lesson 7. Participles : Ablative Absolnte. The following are special uses of the Participle : — a. The Participle is often used to describe some circumstance : as, The envoys saluted Lncius Quinctias while ploughing (at the plough), arantem L. Quinctium legdtl salutdverunU b. A Noun and Participle are used together in the ablative to de- fine the time or circumstances of an action {ablative absolute) : as. If but few stand by me, I will not despair, panels a me stantibus, non desperdbo* When the enemy were put to flight, Caesar called back his men, hostibus fugdtls, Caesar suds revocdvU* Note. — The Ablative Absolute is very rarely found except with the present active and the perfect passive participle. Oral !Exercises. I. After the-expulsion-of the kings, consuls were created. post expello 3 ( part . ) creo'^ — 2. Caesar followed-up the Gauls [and] slaughtered [them] adsequor^ (part.) trucido^ while-in-flight. — 3. I will not send your son to-Rome without- fugio 3 m itto 3 (ace. ) your-consent. — 4. Pythagoras came into Italy [while] Tar- tii-invitus venio * quinius Superbus [was] king. — 5. Lysias, when [his] son was a. exploratory — b, transeo, — c. proficiscor? — d. aegre fero. Participles : Ablative Absolute. 15 banished from the state, lived many years at-Sardis. — 6. Cati- Pello^ e annus (ace.) (abl.pl.) line by the-murder-of [his] son made his house empty for a neca ^ domus vac uus guilty marriage. scelestus nuptiae !Exaxnples from Caesar. I. Having-attacked them while encumbered and off-their-guard, adgredior^ impedio^ inopinans he-cut-down a great part of them. — 2. When this battle was concldo^ Proeliuin over, he provided [for] making a bridge over the Arar. — 3. The facio^ curo^ (ger.) pons (m.) in (abl.) men, having sent [their] javelins, easily broke-through the miles (pass.) pilunt facile perfringo'^ enemy's phalanx. — 4. When this was scattered, drawing [their] (plur.) phalang- (f.) is disjicio^ destringo'^ (pass.) swords, they made an attack upon them. — 5. When the hill gladius impetus in mons was taken, [and] as our [men] were coming up, the enemy capio^ , succedo'^ attempted to out-flank our men on the march [on their] aggredior^ circuntvenio^ ex iter exposed flank. — 6. [In] all this fight, not-a-man could see an apertus latus^ proelium, iiem.o enemy with-his-back-turned. averto^ Write in liatin. 1. After ending" the war with the Veneti, Caesar put^ all the senate to death* [and] sold the rest [of the inhabitants] at- public-sale.*' 2. We strive ** in vain when nature opposes.* 3. The father, despairing- of -^ the arrival of his son, set-out^ for-Rome (ace). 4. The Latins, having lost* [their] army, begged peace of {a) the Romans. 5. The Romans, when the city was taken by the Gauls, retreated' to the Capitol. a, conficio 8 (abl. abs.) . — b. neco l (abl. abs.) . — c, sub corona. — d, contendo.^ — e. repugno}- — f. despero?-^—g. projiciscor^ — h. atnitto? — /. se recipere? 1 6 Lathi Composition. II. — Constructions of Cases. !• — Object-Cases. Note.— Observe that all the four Oblique Cases (§ 31. g) may be used in Latin as Object-Cases, with different classes of verbs, being represented alike in English by the objective case. Thus — 1. I see the man, hominem video (Accusative); 2. I serve the man, hominl servio (Dative); 3. I pity the man, hofulnis misereor (Genitive); 4. I treat the man as a friend, homine familidriter utor (Ablative). Lesson 8. Direct Object: Accusative. Subordinate to the use of the Accusative as Direct Object (Lesson 2), are the following : — a. Its use with verbs of Feeling: § 237. b (G. 329. ^} ; H. 371, 3,0); b. With verbs of Sensation (taste and smell) : id. c (G. id. ; H. id. 2)) ; c. After compounds (chiefly with circum and trans) : id. ^ (G. 330; H. 372); d. After Impersonal verbs (decet, &c.) : id. e (G. 345. r.^). e. The Cognate Accusative (so called) with verbs of kindred meaning: § 238 (G. 331 ; H. 371. ii.). f. As Secondary Object — 1. With verbs of Naming, &c. : § 239. a (G. 334 ; H. 373) ; 2. With Compounds : id. b (G. 330. R.^ ; H. 376) ; 3. With verbs of Asking and Teaching: id. c (G. 333 ; H. 374); 4. With celo and lateo: id. d. Oral Exercises. « ^ T. Little-by-little the Germans were-accustomed to cross the paulatim consuesco^ (plup.) trdnseo Rhine. — 2. Three divisions of [their] forces the Helvetii had Rhcnus pars copiae a. In these exercises the examples are, where convenient, but not uniformly, taken from Caesar. Uses of the Acctisative. -V^llEfl now led-across the Rhine. — 3. Hereafter we shall live a safer jam. trdduco'^ posthdc vlvo^ tutus life. — 4. We have laughed enough [at] your jokes," full of rideo^ satis jocus plenus fun. — 5. Every-man grieves-at his-own miseries. — 6. I will facetiae quisque doleo"^ miser ia teach you your fate. — 7. We beseech peace [of] all the gods doceo^ fdium{^\.) oro^ and goddesses. — 8. I will conceal the way [from] all. — 9. Some celo ^ iter ndnnulhis teach children only [what is] useful, [but] overlook [what is] Puer sohim utilis (pi.) 7ieglego^ honorable. — 10. The consul was first asked [his] opinion. — honestus rogo ^ sententia 11. The people elect [as] consuls Brutus and Collatinus. — creo^ 12. The Gauls begged peace of^ Caesar. Peto^ Write in liatin. 1. Caesar led his forces across the Rhine. 2. They afterwards lived a safer 'life. 3. My son complains'' [of] his fortune. 4. We shall go once [on] the last journey. 5. All men laugh-at folly : all men grieve-at misery, 6. These cakes have-a-taste-of cinnamon. 7. This thing is hid from most."* 8. Do you only beg* pardon of the gods. 9. I did not hide from you [my] friend's opinion. 10. Why do you ask me that? Ask your father. 1 1 . The consul Nero ^ skilfully concealed his march [from] Hannibal. 12. The senate saluted Cicero [as] father of [his] country. 13. Lucius Junius Brutus was called the liberator^ of Rome. 14. The people elected Lucius Junius Brutus and Lucius Tarquinius Collatinus [as] first consuls. 15. An old herdsman in vain begged* [his] liberty [of] Vespasian. a. § 79. b (G. 78; H. 141. — b. \ 239. c. Rem. (G. 333. R.2; H. 374. N. 3). — c. queror, — d. plerique. — e. posco? — /. Put the name before the title. — g. \ 185 (G. 197; H. 373. 2). 1 8 Latin Composition, Lesson 9. Datiye of Indirect Object. The uses of the Dative are the following : — a. As Secondary Object, with transitives : § 225, with c, d, e (G. 344; H. 384. ii.); b. As Indirect Object, with intransitives : § 226 (H. 384. i.). c. With verbs of special signification : § 227 (G. 345 ; H. 385) ; d. With Compounds: §§ 228, 229 (G. 346, with last illustration; H. 386, with 2). Note. — For passive use, see § 230 (G. 208; H. 301. i). Oral Exercises. I. People believe [their] eyes more than [their] ears. — homo credo^ ampiius quant auris 2. Some-people prefer the slightest gratification to the weightiest ndnniilli antepono^ levis delectatio gravis advantage. — 3. The immortal gods will pardon you [for] this utilitds inimortalis ignosco^ fault. — 4. The slaves cursed their masters. — 5. Men sound delictum maledlco^ dominus miles integer and fresh reheve the weary. — 6. Protect our innocence, [O] recens succurro^ fessus subvenio^ judges. — 7. A mother will always be obeyed by (a) a good son. judex pareo ^ — 8. The temples of the gods must-be-spared" by the victorious par CO ^ victor soldiery (dat.). — 9. Both consuls had indulged that legion. — miles uterque (sing.) 10. I could never be persuaded that souls are mortal.* nunquam. persuadeo 2 animus Write in L.atin. 1. The ant gets itself food in summer-time. 2. The sun shall give thee signs. 3. You pardon yourself; others you pardon not. 4. Patience heals '^ any ^ pain. 5. He told me every thing. a. Use the participle in dm, with est. — b. Accusative and Infinitive. — c. medeor. — d. qu'tvis. Genitive and Ablative. I9 6. I mercifully spared the wretched man. 7. A faithful soldier serves the state. 8. The soldiers spared ** the temples of the gods. 9. Our men pressed-hard ^ the flying Gauls. {Passive^ 10. Your glory is envied. 11. Liars are not believed." 12. The temples of the gods were spared. 13. That age is not envied, but even favored. 14. The authority of the senate will be obeyed. 15. Clodius was distrusted by all good citizens. Lesson 10. Genitiye and Ablatiye. The Genitive and Ablative ^are used as object-cases with only a few verbs, of the classes designated as follows : — a. The Genitive is the object of — 1. Verbs of Memory: § 219 (G. 375; H. 406. ii. and 409. i.) ; 2. Verbs of Accusing, &c. (of charge or penalty) : § 220 (G. 377; H. 409. ii.); 3. Verbs of Pity: § 221. a (G. 376; H. 406. i.) ; 4. The Impersonals miseret, etc. : id. b (G. id. ; H. 409. iii.); 5. The Impersonals refert and interest: § 222 and a (G. 381. 2 ; H. 408. I and 2) ; 6. Verbs of Plenty and Want (rarely) : § 223 (G. 389. r.^ ; H. 410. V. i). b. The Ablative is the object of the Deponents utor, fruor, fungor, potior, and vesoor, with several of their compounds : § 249 (G. 405; H. 421. i.). N. B. With these verbs the Ablative is strictly an ablative of means or source, rather than a direct object of the verb. Remark. — Notice the special use of the Genitive with potior: § 249. a (G. 405. R.3; H. 410. v. 3). a, tempero, — b. insto. — tr. credo. 20 Latin Composition. Oral Exercises. I. An old-man remembers [his] old griefs. — 2. Catiline senex metm'nt vetus dolor Catilina admonished one of his poverty, [and] another of his ambition. admoneo^ egestds cuP'ido — 3. Every-man regrets his own fortune. — 4. This boy is quisque paejiitet neither ashamed nor tired of his sloth. — 5. I am weary of Pudet taedet Ignavia taedet these daily vexations. — 6. Verres is charged with extortion. quotidianus niolestia arguo^ repetundae — 7. All the conspirators were capitally ** condemned. — conjuratus da m no ^ 8. Remember (said he) the ancient valor of the Helvetii. reniiniscor^ inguant pristinus virtus — 9. The Romans got-hold-of the baggage and the camp of potior^ impedimentum (pi.) Ariovistus. — 10. At-length the eyes do not fulfil their office. aliquando fungor munus — II. Pity a frail perishing race. — 12. We enjoy all the tnisereor^ fragilis caducus gens. /ruor^ advantages of life together with [our] friends. — 13. I feed on commodHin una vescor^ milk, cheese, [and] meat, writes the Scythian Anacharsis.^ lac case us euro Scythes "Write in !Latin. 1. Cato admonished the judges of the laws and of [their] of^-th.*' 2. We have-no -need ^ of your help. 3. The man is neither ashamed nor sorry for his cowardice. 4. The Athenians charged Socrates with impiety. 5. Forget slaughter and conflagration. 6. I lack not gold or silver. 7. You have charged me in-my-absence " with a capital offence.-'' 8. Brutus condemned to death " his two sons. 9. The Macedonian^ phalanx employed* very-long* spears. a. See § 220. a (G. 337. R.i ; H. 410. iii. Note 2). — b. Put the name first. — c, rellgio. — d. nihil iJidigere, — e. absens, — / res capltdlis, — g, Macedonicus. — h. utor, — i. praelongus. Genitive with Adjectives, 21 10. A brave man bravely performs his duty. 11. A base man takes- advantage -of the ignorance or folly of-others. 12. We enjoy the gifts of the earth, which therefore we call fruits and crops. 13. The soldiers of-the-legion ^ used a shield, a javelin, and a short sword. 2. — With Adjectives. Lesson 1 1 . Genitive with Adjectives. Adjectives which take the Genitive are the follow- ing : — a. Adjectives of Desire, Memory, &c. : § 218. a (G. yj2>\ H. 399- i- I' 2); b. Verbals in ax and Participles in ns : id. b (G. 374 ; H. id. ii.) ; c. Adjecdves of Quality, &c. : id. c (G. id. R.^ ; H. id. iii.) ; d. Adjectives used as Nouns : id. d (G. 356. r.^ ; H. 391. ii. 4). Note. — Compare § 218. d with the Remark under § 188. Oral Exercises. I. The Gauls are barbarous, and unacquainted-with our barbarus iniperitus customs. — 2. The mind of man is ignorant of fate and of consuetudo (sing.) mens (plur.) nescius fatutn coming destiny. — 3. I have sent men well-acquainted-with fttturus sors perltus (superl.) those regions. — 4. You have a leader mindful of you/ forgetful regio dux mentor oblUus of himself. — 5. The man had** a mind fierce and uncon- /erbx ini- trollable in wrath. — 6. [His] body was capable-of-enduring ira patiens a. abutor, — b, legibnarius, — c. See \ 194. b (G. 362). — d. Use ^jj^ with dative. 22 Latin Composition, abstinence, watching, [and] cold. — 7. Our life is full of snares inedia vigilia algor insidiae and fear. — 8. No age was more-fruitful-in virtue. metus * aetas ferax Write in liatin. 1. This man is eager ° for glory and greedy ^ of praise. 2. Most boys are careless*^ about antiquities. 3. Gaul is full of Roman citizens. 4. Night alone was conscious of this deed.** * 5 . This boy is very like * his father. 6. The consul was full of plans, [but] sparing-^ in words. 7. The river Rhine is common" to Gaul and Germany. 8. Achilles, bravest of the Greeks, was ungovernable* in wrath. Lesson 12. Dative with Adjectiyes. The Dative is used after Adjectives, to denote that to which the given quality is directedy or for which it exists. Under this use are included : — a. The dative of Fitness, Nearness, &c. ; b. Of Likeness and Unlikeness ; c. Of Service and Inclination: § 234. a (G. 356; H. 391. i). Remark. — Observe the use of the prepositions ad to denote the End: § 234. b (G. 356. R.^; H. 391. ii. i), (2)) ; and in or ergS with words of Inclination: id. c (G. id. R.*^; H. id. (i)). Also, notice the use of similis with the Genitive : id. d. Rem. (G. id.R.'; H. id. 4)). Oral £xercises. I. Another's virtue is always alarming to tyrants. — 2. A king alienus formiduldsus tyrannus is always exposed to faithless counsels. — 3. To each -one of the obnoxius in/idus constlium unusquisque virtues some vice is next-neighbor. — 4. The-rest-of the sons aliquis finitimus ceterus a. cupidus. — b. avidus. — c. negleg'ens. — d. /acinus. — e, ^ 218. d (G. 356. R.^ ; H. 391. ii. 4) ). — / parens. — g. impotens. ^ OF THB ^ rCTNiVERSITY Ablative with Adjectives, v^^^i i for^^Sl,**^ were survivors of [their] father. — 5 . That grief was common superstes dolor communis to the three brothers. — 6. Fathers are sometimes unjust to their- nofinunquam iniqiius own sons. — 7. Children are generally like [their] parents. — Hberl (plur.) plerumque parens 8. When these things were settled, having- found a time fit for coiistituo ' nanciscor * idonetis ad sailing, he set-sail about the third watch (abl.). — 9. He was fiavtgo^ solvo^ fere vigilia friendly to the Helvetii, because he had taken in marriage the amicus quod duco^ matrimdnium daughter of Orgetorix. "Write in L.atin. 1. Death is like a sleep. 2. To a frail ship all winds are contrary. 3. The death of Socrates was in-harmony " with his life. 4. I have noticed a harbor fit ^ for our ships. 5. Livius was of-the-same-age ! with Ennius. 6. Not even the gods — so they boast — are a- match- for ** the Swabians.* 7. Radishes-^ are bad^ for the teeth, says Pliny.* 8. This thing is easy for me, [but] hard for you. 9. Simple food is good* for children.-^ 10. The speech of Marius was very pleasing to the people. Lesson 13. Ablative with Adjectives. The uses of the Ablative with Adjectives are the fol- lowing : — a. Of Freedom and Want (also opus and usus) : § 243. dy e (G. 3333, 373. R.*, 390; H. 414. iii. iv.) ; b. Of Source (the participles natus, etc.) : § 244. a (G. 395 ; H. 415. ii.); c. Comparatives: § 247, with a (G. 399; H. 417, with i) ; a. consentaneus. — b. idoneus. — c. aequalls. — d, par. — e. Suevi. — f, rapha^ nus. — g. inlm'icus. — h, ait Plmius. — i, utllls. — j, puer. 24 Latin Composition, d. Of Abundance (participles and verbals) : § 248. c (G. 389. R.'' ; H. 421. ii.). e. Of Worth: § 245. a (G. 398. R.^ ; H. 421. iii.). /. To denote degree of difference : § 250 (G. 400; H. 423). Oral Exercises. I. A city bare of defence requires aid. — 2. Even a wise-man nudus praesiditim posco^ op- etiam sapiens (dat.) has need of friends. — 3. Tiberius Gracchus, born-of a most- opus noble mother. — 4. An honorable death is preferable to a base nobilts honestus potior turpis life. — 5. Nothing has been found among men rarer than a (abl.) invenio^ rarus perfect orator. — 6. We esteem all human [things] inferior to dtico^ virtue. — 7. He waged wars more bravely than successfully." — (abl.) gero^ /ortiter feliciter 8. It is a space of not more ^ than six hundred feet. — 9. The spatiujn anipiius Pes house of Verres was full of plundered ornaments. — 10. Good refertus rapio^ ornamentum men dread a life full and crowded with delights. — 11. Ireland meUw^ confertus voluptas Hibernia is smaller by half, as is reckoned, than Britain. — 12. Another parvus dimidium ut aestimo ^ alter way through the province, much easier and more expeditious. iter facilis expedltus Write in Liatin. 1. What Roman is free from this dishonor"? 2. The army was in-lack'* of all necessaries. 3. Cato, said his friends, was clear* of every human fault. 4. I have need-'' of your help. 5. Thou art sprung^ not from human blood, but from divine stock. 6. Ignorance of future evils is better than knowledge. 7. From* the tongue of the aged Nestor, says* Homer, flowed speech sweeter than honey. a. See § 192, with a (G. 314; H. 444. i^. — b. See § 247. c (G. 311. R.'*; H.417. N.2. — c, dedecus, — d, egens, — e, vacuus, — /. opus,—g, ortus, — h. ex, — i. ait. Uses of the Accusative, 25 8. These things are harder than- one -would- think.* 9. In the battle at-Cannse* the Romans lost more than 40,000 men. 10. The speech of the consul was more true than pleasing to the people. 11. He judged you unworthy of every honor. 12. We suffer no more from foreign enemies than [from] those-at-home.*' 13. Corinth was the richest city of Greece in pictures, statues, and gold. 14. Cicero was six years older than Caesar. 15. The more cautiously you go, the sooner ** you will arrive. 16. Veii was* about twenty miles distant* from Rome. 1 7. The battle of Cannae^ was fought seventeen years before^ [that] of Zama.^ Z. — Miscellaneous Uses. Lesson 14. Uses of the Accusative. The special uses of the Accusative are the follow- ing:— a. Adverbial : § 240. a, b (G. 331. r.^; H. 378, with 2) ; b. Of Specification : id. c (G. 332, with R.' ; H. 378, with i) ; c. Of Exclamation : id. ^ (G. 340; H. 381). Remark. — The Accusative of Specification is rarely used except in poetry, or in poetic description, and should generally be avoided in writing Latin prose (compare the Ablative of Specification: Lesson 16). Oral Exercises. I. The Swabians live for the greatest part on milk and meat Suevi lac pec us [of domestic animals]. — 2. I [am] extremely glad on your ntdgnopere gaudeo^ a. opinio, — b. Cannensis, — c. domesiicus. — d. citius, — e. abesse a, — f. In- sert quam. — g. Zamensis. 26 Latin Composition, account. — 3. He was a man in other [respects] excellent. — vicis vir ceterus egregius 4. When he was at-that-time of life, he was made chief-com- cunt (subj.) aetas im- mander. — 5. He was hit in the right knee with a stone. — perator ico^ dexter genu lapis 6. I said that they would- come at that time. — 7. Alas, the (fut. part.) tempus heu folly of men ! — 8. Oh the deceitful hope of man, and [his] dementia fallax (plur.) frail fortune, and our vain strifes ! fragilis indnis contentio Write in Liatin. 1. I am often sorry on your account.* 2. At that time Romulus was king. 3. A man at that age ought to be more discreet* than daring.*' 4. Hannibal was severely wounded right in the thigh ^ with a d^rt.* 5. The commander exhorted his [men] at-length.-^ 6. The maidens put on long robes/ 7. Ah ! * the faith of gods and men ! 8. What a man ! what impudence ! what audacity ! 9. Happy the Roman chiefs of-old.* 10. Ah V unhappy me ! Lesson 15. Datiye: Idiomatic Uses. Special or idiomatic uses of the Dative are the fol- lowing : — 1. Of Possession : § 231 (G. 349; H. 387). 2. Of Service (^predicate dative) : § 233 (G. 350 ; H. 390). a, vicis. — b. prudens, — c. audax (comparative). — d. adver sum femur, — e. tragula. — / multa. — g. § 240. c, N. (G. 332. 2; H. 377). — h. pro. — i. quon- dam. — /. heu. Dative: Idiomatic Uses. 27 3. Of Reference: § 235 (G. 343), including the Ethical Dative: §236(0.351 ; H.389). Remark: — After the Dative used with expressions of Naming (as nomen est) , observe that the name is more commonly in the Dative by attraction ; as huic puero nomen est Marco rather than Marcus, Oral Exercises. I. To the boy was given the name Egerius, from [his] indo^ ab poverty. — 2. In this person was a manly soul. — 3. The inopia homo insum virtlis ingenium friendship of the Roman people ought to be our ornament and (ace.) oportet ornamentum defence, not [our] ruin. — 4. Avarice is a great harm to men. Praesidium detrimentum avaritia malum — 5. When this thing was told, Caesar sent all the cavalry out (rel.) nuntio'^ equitatus of the camp, as a rehef to his [troops]. — 6. A fine house is castra auxilium. pulcher built for [its] masters, not for mice. — 7. Ortygia is situated on aedtfico^ dominus mus situs the right side as-you-enter " the great harbor of Syracuse. — pars intro^ portus Syracusae 8. What does this speech mean ? * oratio volo Write in liatin. 1. A sick man always has hope. 2. The surname of Lucius Scipio was Asiaticus ; of Publius his brother, Africanus. 3. The name of this disease is avarice. 4. We used to give him the nickname "^ of sluggard. 5. This book was of great service"* to me. 6. For whose (dat.) advantage * is this ? 7. The Germans came to our relief.-'' 8. I seek for myself no defence against danger ^ or helps to honors.^ a. See § 235. b (G. 354).—-^. Insert sibi. — c, cogndtnen.— d. usus,-^ €, ionum. — / auxilium, — g. Dative, ^..gg^g^ — ^^f^ ^^^^"--^^;^::^^ f^ OF THB ^ I TJNIVERSITT j 28 Latin Composition, 9. A good man seeks wealth not for himself only, but for his children and friends. ' 10. Anticyra is situated ** on the left as you enter the Corinthian gulf. Lesson 16. Uses of the Ablatire. Among the miscellaneous uses of the Ablative may be reckoned the following : — 1. Of Cause, Manner, Means, and Instrument: §§ 245, 248 (G. 401, 403, 406; H. 416, 419. iii., 420) ; 2. Of Quality: §251 (G. 402 ; H. 419. ii.) ; 3. Of Price: § 252 (G. 404; H. 422), comparing the Genitive of Value: § 252. a (G. 379, 380; H. 405) ; 4. Of Specification : § 253 (G. 398; H. 424). Oral Exercises. I. Some [people] by [reason of] some disease and dulness qutdant aliguis morbus stupor of sense do not perceive the sweetness of food. — 2. What sensus^ sentio^ suavitas cibus is-done through good-will, that you charge [as] done through fio benevolentia criminor^ hate. — 3. How many are unworthy^ of the light, and yet the odiuTtt indlgnus lux tamen day arises ! — 4. Great things are done, not by strength or orior^ (superl.) gero^ vis (pi.) speed of body, but by hardihood of soul. — 5. A man of most celerttas (plur.) fortitudo animus vigorous genius then ruled the state. — 6. There was between acer ingenium. tutn rego^ Labienus and the enemy a stream of difficult passage,*' [with] (plur.) Jiumen , difficills transitus^ Steep banks. — 7. The Gauls with the same speed pushed-on praeruptus rtpa contendo^ to our camp. — 8. I have bought this estate at a very-large m. e re or ^ fu tidus 'a, situs, — 6, See § 245. a (G. 398. R.2; H. 421. iii.). — ^. Insert "and." Uses of the Ablative. 29 price. — 9. My conscience is [worth] more to me than every- Peciinia conscieiitia body's talk. — 10. All the Gauls differ from one another "in sermo differg language, customs, [and] laws. lingua tnstituUini lex Write in L.atin. 1. For the sake of the repubUc, I accuse Lucius Catiline. 2. The Roman people held^ the young Scipio worthy^ of the highest honors. 3. I judge *" him most unworthy of every honor. 4. Ducks delight ^ chiefly in marshy * places. 5. Bulls defend themselves with [their] horns, boars with [their] tusks. 6. Great things are- done-'' not by strength or speed of body, but by counsel and valor. 7. Links of-steel^ are worn-out^ by constant use. 8. The barbarians were of vast size* of body (plur.). 9. A mountain of great height overhangs-^ the town. 10. Caesar was a man of extraordinary force* of intellect,' and of remarkable skill "* in-war." 11. I have sold my house for fifteen talents. 12. That oration cost** him a-great-deal-of labor. 13. In glory Cicero was far inferior to Caesar,^ but superior in eloquence and wisdom. 14. In laws and language the Greeks widely « differ from the Romans, but in warlike " glory they are nearly equal. 15. My brother is lame of the left '' foot. 16. The Spartans excelled* all the other Greeks^ in fidelity and reverence to the laws." 17. The Germans were a race of talP stature, fair complex- ion, blue "" eyes, courage in war," and great strength of body. a. inter se : \ 196. /" (G. 212; H. 448. n). — b. dignor?- — c. aestimo^ — d. detector)- — e. paluster. — /. gero? — g. ferreus. — h. contero^ — i. mag- nit udo. — y. impendeo.^ — k.v'is. — /. ingenium. — m. scientia. — n. retbellicae. — o. stoy — /. Ablative. — q; multum. — r. laevus. — s. antecello. — t. Dative. — ^* C^enitive. — v, grandis. — w, caeruleus. 30 Latin Composition. Lesson 17. Time and Place. The uses especially requiring to be noted are the fol- lowing : — 1. The Accusative of Duration and Extent : §§ 256, 257 (G. 337, ZZS\ H. 379); 2. The Ablative of Time : § 256 (G. 392 ; H. 429) ; 3. The Genitive of Measure : § 257. a (G. 364. r.) ; 4. The relations of Place, especially the Locative forms: § 258. a, b, c, d(0, 410, 411, 412, with R.^ ; H. 380, 425. i. ii., 412, 426 I, 2), and the Locative uses of the Ablative : § 258./ (G. 384-386; H. 425. 3). 5. The expression of Dates : § 259. e (G. App. ; H. (^-2). Remark. — With all names of places, at meaning near (not in) is to be expressed by ad or apud with the accusative. Oral Hxerciseg. I. The next night Caesar moved [his] camp. — 2. We have- proxim us tnoveo * been- waiting '^ [for] you all summer. — 3. I spend whole days totus aestas sum totus with Marcus, and quite-often a part of the night. — 4. We have saepenuinero besieged this city ten successive summers. — 5. I have lived circutnsedeo ^ contimi us within the last twenty years at Rome, Tarentum, Athens, Gabii, hie proxinius annus Carthage, [and] Sardis. — 6. Numa dwelt at Cures ; but he Carthago Sardes (pi.) habito^ afterwards reigned forty years in Rome. — 7. The soldiers Postea regno ^ made-a-halt at Alba, a fortified town.^ — 8. Cneius Pompey [when] consisto^ tnunltus a young-man had won the greatest glory at-home and in-the- adulescens adsequor^ service. — 9. That day was the 26th of March.* — 10. Marcus militia Regulus was sent from Carthage to Rome [to treat] of peace. d£ a. Present: § 296. a (G. 221; H. 467. iii. 2). — b. Use in: \ 184. c (G. 412. R.2; H. 425. 3, Note). — c. See \ 376. d (G. App.; H. 642. iii. with 2, 3). Gerundive Constructions, 31 Write in ILatin. 1. In winter and summer the Arabs roam-over" the plains. 2. At the beginning of summer* the consul passed '^ into Spain. 3. Agamemnon scarcely in ten years took one city. 4. Within three days I will finish ** the work. 5. Caesar moves [his] camp, and in about fifteen days arrives at the bounds* of the Belgse. 6. I was yesterday at Caesar's house {apud Caesarem), 7. That most illustrious-'' commander had strengthened^ the republic at home and abroad by his victories. 8. Brutus learned philosophy at Athens, eloquence in Rhodes. 9. My sisters are passing * their life in the country.* 10. I have lived in Rome, Carthage, Athens, Naples, and Corinth ; and have now been-^" three years at home in Gaul. 11. Amynander sent ambassadors both to Rome to the Sen- ate, and to the Scipios in Asia.* 12. Cicero after [his] exile sailed^ from Greece to Italy, and remained a few days at Brundisium \ then, through friendly cities, returned to Rome. Lesson i8, Gerundiye Constructions. In the use of Gerundive Constructions, the following should be carefully distinguished : — 1. The Participial or Adjective use : § 294 (G. 243 ; H. 200. iv.) ; 2. The Gerund, with Object-Accusative : § 295 (G. 295 ; H. 541) ; 3. The Gerundive in Agreement, having the force of the Gerund . § 296 (G. 428; H. 543, 544); 4. The special uses of the four Object-Cases : §§ 298-301 (G. 429- 434; H. 542, 544). a. pera^ro.'^ — b. ineunte aestate. — c. transeo. — d. perficio? — e. fines. — f. clarus, — g, augeo?' — h. ago? — /. See \ 258. d (G. 412. R.i; H. 426. 2).— /. Present. — k. Accusative. — /. navigo. 3^ Latin Composition. Remark. — In general, the gerundive construction in Latin cor- responds with the participial noun in -ing. The chief difference is — 1. That for the nominative, the Infinitive must be employed in Latin: as, Writing is useful, scrlhere est utile. But — The art of writing, ars scrlbendl, 2. That for the phrase ** without doing anything," or the like, some other form of expression must be used : as, for example, I went away witliout effecting my object, abii re Infectd. He came witliout warning, inopindtus venit. I did this without knowing it, hoe insciens feel. Oral Exercises. I. They considered that two-years were enough to accom- duco^ biennium ad con- plish these things. — 2. Thus they were better- prepared to Jicio 3 pa ratus undergo all dangers. — 3. Convinced by these things, Caesar subeo adduco^ decided that he must not wait." — 4. If anything should-happen * statuo^ (dat.) exspecto'^ quid accido'^ to the Romans, he has the strongest hope of holding the royal- summus spes obtineo^ reg- power by-means-of the Helvetii. — 5. Caesar takes his hand, nutn per prendo^ dextra consoles [him, and] begs [him] to-make * an end of entreaty. consolor rogo^ f'tnis oro"^ — 6. The Helvetii sent ambassadors for-the-sake of seeking causa ^ peto^ peace. — 7. Caesar provided-for making a bridge upon the euro ^ Pons Arar. — 8. The praetor appointed decemvirs for marking-out the ' creo"^ decemvir tnetior^ Samnite territory. — 9. The laws of the Cretans train [their] Samnis ager lex Cretes erudio^ youth by tasks, by hunting, running, fasting, thirst, cold, [and] juventus labor venor^ curro^ esurio^ sitio^ algeo^ heat. — 10. Caesar had everything to do at- once : to display aestuo'^ (dat.) ago'^ iind tempore prdpdno^ a. Impersonal passive: § 232(0.353; H. 388). — ^. Present subjunctive. Subjunctive: Independent Uses, 33 the battle-flag, to signal with the trumpet, to call-back the men vexillum signum do^ tuba revoco^ miles from work, to draw-up the line, to cheer the men, [and] give ab opus Instruo^ actes cohortor'^ the signal." "Write in L.atin. 1. The consul gives heed* to propitiating*' the gods. 2. All hope of taking the town was lost. 3. Caesar perceives ** that the war must be put-off* tilK summer. 4. The consul gave Fabius one legion to lead into Spain. 5. Conon provided-for^ the repair* of the walls of Athens. 6. A short time* of life is [long] enough to-^ live well and happily. 7. By always obeying the magistrates, the youth won* [them- selves] good fame. 8. The grass ^ here is very convenient"* for sleeping. 9. You have lost much time in play. III. — Moods and Tenses. Lesson 19. Subjunctive: Independent Uses. The Independent uses of the Subjunctive are the following : — 1. Of Exhortation or Command : § 266 (G. 256. i, 2, 3 ; H. 483. i. ii.) ; 2. Of Prohibition : § 269. a (G. 264, 266, with 2, 264. ii. ; H. 483. 3; 488,489); 3. Of Wish: § 267 (G. 253, 255; H. 484. ii.) ; 4. Of Doubt or Interrogation: § 268 (G. 251, 258: H. 486. ii.). a. Use the passive construction. — b. opera. — c. placo^ — d. animadverto^ — e. differo. — / ad. — g. curo^ — h. reficio? — i. spatium, — j. ad, — k. ad- sequor? — /. gramen. — vt. commodus. 34 Latin Compositio7t, Remark. — To these may be added the so-called Potential Sub- junctive; § 311. a (G. 250, 252, with R.* ; H. 485, 486. i.), though strictly belonging to the construction of Conditional Sentences. Notice especially the use of velim, etc., in expressions of Wish: § 267. c (G. 254, R.^^) ; also, the use of ne in prohibitions. f Oral ^Exercises. I. [Granted that] this is false if-you-will; at-least it is not (plur.) falsus sane certe harmful. — 2. I would-rather that you be good than seem [so]. molestus malo • videor^ — 3. This, in-truth, I may assert," without any hesitation, that vero confirmo'^ iillus dubitatio eloquence is the one thing most difficult of all. — 4. What can you do with* this man? — 5. If you are" resolved to do [this], certus do [it] ; but do not afterwards throw the blame on me. — verum post confero culpa 6. Pardon nothing, do nothing for the sake of favor, be not tgnosco causa gratia disturbed by pity. — 7. [Suppose] a good man to sell ^ a house cofnmoveo^ tnisericordia vendo^ aedes on-account-of some faults which he-himself knows,* others propter vitium nosco^ ceterus do not; [suppose] it-'' to be '^ pestilential and to be esteemed** ignoro pestilens habeo ^ wholesome ; [suppose] it is-not-known ^ that vermin-^ turn-up in salubris ignoro ^ serpens appareo * all the bedchambers ; [that it is] ill timbered [and] rickety, — cubiculum male materiatus rulndsus but lio-one knows "* this except the owner. fiemo scio^ praeter domimis. "Write in !Latin. 1. Let the advantage^ of the commonwealth prevail.* 2. Let us accordingly* bring-up-^" [our] child with every indulgence. a. Perfect. — b. See \ 244. d (G. 396. R.i ; H.415. iii).— c ** It is." — c?. These verbs are all in the hortatory subjunctive. — e. Perf. subj. — / Plural. — ^, uttli- tas, — k. valeo?- — i. proinde. — j, nutrio.^ Sequence of Tenses. 35 3. This thou shalt do** : this thou shalt not do.* 4. Let him write to me what he has done.* 5. I could not easily say* that this is better. 6. I wish'' [that] Athens may conquer.'' 7. This thing may [perhaps] seem absurd ^ to you. 8. Some-one*' may [perhaps] think that I am-wrong.-^ 9. No one can easily restrain* Caesar from victory. 10. I would-rather^ be at home than abroad.* 11. Suppose your friend should fall sick* or die, what will you do? 12. Let justice be done [though] heaven fall. Lesson 20. Sequence of Tenses. Note. — It is to be observed {a) that the rule for the Sequence of Tenses applies only to the tenses of the Subjunctive in subordi- nate constructions ; and (p) that the rule in Latin (with one or two qualifications) is the same as in English. 1. Learn the definitions of Primary (or Principal) and Secondary (or Historical) tenses, with the rule for the Sequence of Tenses : §§ 285, 286 (G. 216 ; H. 491). 2. Notice the use of secondary tenses (chiefly the Imperfect) after primary : viz., — 1. With the historical present : § 287. ^ (G. 511, R.^ ; H. 495. ii.). 2. With the perfect definite: id. a (G. 511. R.^; H. 495. i). Also, the application of the rule in — 3. The Imperfect of g'enera/ assertions : id. ^. Note. — The dependent verbs in the following examples (after **so-that," *'as-if," &c., are all to be in the subjunctive mood. a. Fut. imperat. — d. Perf. subj. — c. Pres. subj. — d. absurdus. — e. quispiariu f. erro^ (infin.). — g. malim. — h. forts,~^i. in morbum cadere. 36 Latin Composition, Oral Kxercises. I. It-is-impossible-that " many should lose [their] property, atnitto^ res without^ dragging more with-them into the same disaster. — traho^ calam Has 2. The king was so cruel, that he spared not his-own son. — adeo saevus tempero'^ 3. Our [men] took-by-assault [their] ships, one-by-one, so-that exptigno ^ singuli ut very-few out-of the whole number got * to land. — 4. [He Perpaucl omnis pervenio^ says] the Helvetii have been so trained by their ancestors, that (ace.) tnstituo^ majores ut they are-used * to receive hostages, not give [them]. — 5. Cicero consuesco^ accipio^ says that he has withdrawn from [his] country, so-as-to avert excedo^ ex patria ut averto^ civil war. — 6. We seem to have advanced so-far, that we are c will's proficio 3 tantus not ^ surpassed by the Greeks even ^ in wealth of words. — vinco^ Graecus cdpia verbum 7. He shuns every gathering of men, just-as-if he were odious coettis quasi (pres.) invlsiis to everybody. — 8. From his own misfortunes he learned how omnis Infortiiniuin disco^ uncertain is all hope of the future. — 9. He strengthens the incertus (subj.) spes res futurae communio^ town, so-as to deliver* his fellow-citizens from alarm. ut libera'^ ctvis trepidatio Write in Latin. 1. I write that I may admonish you. 2. I wrote yesterday that I might inform you. 3. He runs-away*'' as if he were^ frightened. 4. He undertook this task as if he were a good workman.* 5. I will come to-morrow to-see * you. 6. We went out yesterday to see *" the battle. 7. I have toiled-^ so-long * that I am completely tired-out.' a. Use non possunt. — b. Use ut ndn, with pres. subj. — c. Perfect subj. — d. Use tie . . . qu'idem. — e. Imp. : ^ 287. d. — / effugio? — g. Present subj. — h. faber. — i. ut, with subj. — j. labbro^- — k, tarn diu. — /. defessus. f u: Conditional Sentences, 8. Caesar was so merciful'* that not even [his] beaten* ene- mies "" feared him. 9. This man is so ^ just that no one ever feared * to confide in him. 10. A painful experience has taught [us], how sad [a thing] is the loss of fortune.-'' Lesson 21. Conditional Sentences. The forms of Conditions, which should be carefully distinguished, are the follov^ing : — 1. Simple Conditions — any tense of the Indicative: § 306 (G. 597; H. 508); 2. Future Conditions — Future Indicative or Present Subjunc- tive: § 307, with a, b, and c (G. 597, 598 ; H. 508, 509) ; 3. Conditions Contrary to Fact — Past tenses of the Subjunctive : § 308 (G. 599; H. 510, with I). a. Notice carefully the precise nature of the condition to be rendered into Latin. Thus — If he is now alive (Present), si nunc vlviU But— If he is alive to-morrow (Future), si eras vlveU If he were here now (Present), si nunc adesseU But — If he were to come to-morrow (Future), si eras veniatm b. Notice especially the use of the Present Subjunctive, cor- responding to the English should and would. Thus — If you should come to-morrow you would see (Future), si eras venids, videds* Compare — If you were here now you would see (Contrary to Fact), si nunc adesses videres. c. Clauses with quasi, tamquam, etc. (as if, as though), have their verbs in the Subjunctive : § 312, with Rem. (G. 604; H. 513. and ii.). a. Clemens. — b, victus. — c. ininiicus. — d. adeo, — e. Perfect subj. — /, res fatniliaris. 38 Latin Composition, d. The phrase if . . . not is generally to be rendered by nisi ; but, where the negative is thrown with emphasis on some single word, SI . . . non (neque) is to be preferred. Thus — If I am not mistaken, nisi fallor. If Brntus is not a friend but an enemy of CaBsar, si Brutus non amicus est, sed inimlcus Caesaris* Oral Exercises. I. If [my] mind does not deceive me, misfortune will not animus fallo^ Infortunium be-far-away. — 2. If [your] country should discourse with you, tnultum abesse patria loquor^ ought she not to prevail, even if she could not apply force ? — debeo^ impetro^ etiam adhibeo^ vis 3. If I should write* to my brother, he would make-haste ad propero * at-once [for] Rome. — 4. If I had ^ a pen handy,* I would write statim (ace.) calamus to Marcus. — 5. If [your] parents feared and hated you, and" parens timeo"^ ddl you could not '^ in any way reconcile them, you would withdraw ratio piaco^ concedo^ somewhere from their sight. — 6. If my counsel and influence aliquo oculus consilium. auctoritas had prevailed, you would this day be-a-beggar, we should be valeo^ tu hodil ' egeo^ free, the commonwealth w^ould not have lost so-many generals liber res pub lie a amitto^ tot dux and armies. — 7. The mind is pretty-much like iron: if you exercittis* mens prope utl ferrum use [it],** it wears-out*; if you don't use it, it gathers rust. — 4xerceo^ contero^ contraho^ robigo 8. Then [said] I : " What ! - even if he wanted you to take tum^ etiamne volo fero firebrands to the Capitol ?" " Never," said he, "would he have fax in Capitolium. inquam wished [it]."-'' — 9. At that time you would have thought ille tetnpus sentio^ differently.-'' — 10. He walks as if he were lame. aliter ambulo^ claudus . a. Perfect: § 307. c (cf. G. 236. R.2). — b. adsum. — c. neque. — d. Subj. of general condition: \ 309. a (G. 597. R.8). — *. Passive.—/ Observe the im- plied condition. Time-Clauses, 39 TVrite in liatin. 1. If you see your father to-morrow, what will you say? 2. If I had not known that you would come, I should have written. 3. I should not have gone" yesterday, if I had known. 4. If it is as you say, I was greatly mistaken. 5. I should go to-morrow if you should be ill.^ 6. Hannibal would not have fought at*' Zama if he could have helped'* [it]. 7. I would not have gone" unless Caesar had ordered. 8. You can always do that if you try." 9. If it is allowed,-^ I shall be-glad-to ^ speak. 10. If it would be allowed, I should be-glad-to ^ speak. 11. At another time I might think* so. 12. You speak as if you thought I was deceiving you. 13. [If he were] intending-to-return *' home, he would not delay-' so long in business.* 14. A life remote from the society of men and the protection of laws would justly^ be reckoned"* wild" and dreary." 15. Without help of the Gauls, Caesar could not have over- come^ the Germans. 16. In extreme poverty* old age cannot be a light [burden]. 17. Your friend spoke of the monuments and antiquities as if he had lived a year at Rome. Lesson 22. Time-Clanses. The use of the Moods in clauses of Time {wken, sincey before, after) depends on the distinction of abso- lute and relative time i^ 323, with Note), and may be learned from the rules given in the grammar ; viz. — a. proficiscor^ — b. aegrotoy — c. ad. — d. defugio? — e. conor^ — f. licet (fut.). — g. libenter (adv.). — h. Present subj. — i. Future participle. — / morory — k. negbtior^ (gerund.). — /. recte, — m. Present subj. — n. agrestis. — o, tristis, — /. supero^ — q. summa inopia. 40 Lathi Composition. 1. Use of ubi, postquam, etc. : § 324 (G. 563.; H. 471. ii. 4) ; 2. Use of cum tei?iporal: § 325 (G. 581, i. ii. ; H. 521) ; 3. Use of cum causal: § 326 (G. 581. iii. ; H. 517) ; 4. Use of antequam and priusquam : § 327 (G. ^'jd^ 579 ; H. 520) ; 5. Use of dum, donee, quoad: § 328 (G. 573, 574, 575; H. 519). To these the following may be added : — a. If WHEN is equivalent to whenever, use the Indicative : as, When I come home, I busy myself writing letters, cum, domum venl, operant do epistulls scribendls. b. If the clauses are reversed, so that the temporal clause con- tains the principal statement, use the Indicative : as, I was just looking for you when our friend came up, te ex- spectdham^ cum amicus noster advenit. c. If WHEN or WHILE approaches in meaning to since or though, use the Subjunctive : as, But if you do not yet quite see, when the thing is plain by so many clear proofs and tokens (Cic), quod si non~ dum satis cernitis, cum, res ipsa tot tam Claris argumentis signisque lUceat. Oral Exercises. I. When fortune blows-against [us], we are distressed. — fortiina reflo^ (perf.) affilgo^ 2. When Verres heard this, he called Diodorus to him. — ubi audio ^ 3. Pompey, as-soon-as he saw his cavalry beaten, withdrew Pompeius ut equitatus pello"^ excedo^ from the line. — 4. When this seemed too-difficult, and-no acies postquam videor"^ (compar.) neque opportunity was offered for effecting [it], they went-over to facultds ^^'(imp.) perficio'^ trdnseo Pompey. — 5. So the woman, while she wished" to keep-back ' ita mulier dum (pres.) retineo^ a few chattels, lost all [her] fortune. — 6. This had happened tnancipium perdo^ (plur.) before we came-back. — 7. Whenever spring began,* Verres redeo cum, ver coepi a. See \ 276. e (G. 572 ; H. 467. iii. 4). — b. Insert " to be." Time-Clauses. 41 would-give himself to toil and travel. — 8. The spring was now (imperf.) labor iter (plur.) jam coming-on, when Hannibal moved from [his] winter- quarters. adpeto^ moveo^ hiberna (pi.) — 9. Sailors reckon [it] a sign of stormy- weather, when many nauta puto'^ argumentuni tempestas meteors fly- across [the sky]. — 10. Since life without friends is Stella transvolo ^ full of treachery and fear, reason itself warns [us] to provide** Insidiae metus^ ratio tnoneo^ paro^ friendships. — 11. While in many respects men are weaker than cum res Injirmus brutes, in this thing they chiefly excel [them], that they can bestia maxime praesto^ quod talk. — 12. When Epaminondas had beaten the Lacedaemonians logiior^ C7im vinco^ -ius at Mantinea, and saw that he was getting-exhausted by a severe apud atque exanimo'^ gravis wound, he asked whether [his] shield was safe. vulnus^ -ne clipeus {sxxh}.) salvus Write in liatin. 1. When you come (fut. perf.), I shall go away.' 2. I was-asleep*' when the doctor came. 3. I had scarcely ** read your letter, when Lentulus ap- proached,* 4. When he had said this, he went away. 5. This he had said, when news-was-brought-^ that the enemy were in sight.^ 6. When summer had begim,* he used-to-make his quarters' at Syracuse. 7. Before I reached home, my father had already gone.^ 8. While he was speaking thus, his father arrived.* 9. When I come home at night,^ I take-comfort"* in-doing" nothing. 10. As soon as he saw his father coming, he ran-away." 1 1 . Since the time is-near,^ it becomes us all to be ready. a. Inf. or (better) «/withsubj. — b. abeo. — c. dormioA — d. vix. — e. appro- pinquo^ — /. niinfio ^ (impers.). — ^. conspectus.^ — h. Add " to be." — /. statlva (pi.) . — j. proficiscor? — k. venw,* — /. vesperi, — m. nie delecto, — n. Gerund. — 0, effugio? — p. adsum. 42 Latin Composition. 12. While I do not believe him to be a traitor, yet I distrust him. 13. Will you not believe, when the thing is so plain?* 14. I congratulate^ you that*' you have recovered '^ your property" at-last.-^ 15. You will not^ hear till I have been gone ten days. Lesson 23. Purpose and Result. Clauses of Purpose (Final Clauses) and of Result (Consecutive Clauses) require the Subjunctive, as fol- lov^s : — 1. Purpose, with Relative, ut (ne) : § 317 (G. 544. i., 545. i, 3 ; H. 497) ; 2. RjiSULT, with ut (ut non) : § 319 (G. 553, 554; H. 500). a. Observe the special use of quo (for ut) after Comparatives ; § 2>^1' b (G. 545. 2 ; H. 497) ; of quominus after words of Hinder- if'g- § 319- ^ (G. 549; H. 497) ; and of quin 2S\j^x negative expres- sions of Doubt or Hindrance: § 319. d (G. 551 ; H. 504, with 3). Also, the distinction to be observed in the use of the several expres- sions of Purpose : § 318. ^, <^, ^, d. b. In Latin, the constructions of Purpose and Result are pre- cisely alike in the affirmative^ but in the negative the former takes ne and the latter ut non. Thus — 1. He was guarded so that he might not escape, custo^ dltus est ne effugeret. 2. He was guarded so that he did not escape, custodltus est ut non effugeret. Oral Exercises. I. The Helvetii sent ambassadors to Caesar to ask-for peace. tegdtus qui peto^ — 2. There are many who rob from some to lavish on- others. eripio^ (dat.) quodlargior^ (dat.) a. manifestus. — b. gratulor'^ (dat.). — ^. ^«(?rf (followed by indie). — d. rC" cipio? — e. res. — f. tandem (before the verb). — g. non ante . . . quant. Purpose and Result. 43 — 3. Arria gave [her] husband a sword to kill himself with. — ntariUts gladius inier/icio^ 4. I do not doubt that** you are-glad of this news. — 5. Caesar dubito'^ gaudeo"^ nuntius (abl.) found-out that it was Afranius's fault* that^ he did not'' fight.** toghosco ' — 6. I write* you this for- the -very- reason that you may not ideo suppose-^ I have forgotten your message. — 7. So-great is the puto^ obliviscor^ tnandatum. (pi.) tantus power of integrity, that we love it even in an enemy. — 8. You vis probitas diligo^ eiiam were so far off that I could not hear. Write in liatin. 1. ^neas, that he might win^ the hearts of the Aborigines, called both the nations Latins. 2. Romulus, lest the greatness of the city should be void,* opened a certain place [as] an asylum. 3. The Clusians sent ambassadors to Rome, to ask aid from the Senate. 4. I sent [a man] to Antony, to* tell [him] this. 5. A pen-'' was given me to write with.* 6. He lived honorably, that ' he might quit"* life with a more calm mind. 7. Again and again I beg you to do it. 8. Thrice I have begged you to come as-soon-as-possible.** 9. What prevents you from coming at-once ? ** 10. I shall not prevent your returning home to-morrow. a. Use quln. — b. per A. stare. — c. quominus. — d. Passive impersonal. — e. Epistolary imperfect: \ 282 (G. 244; H. 472. i).— / Imp. subj. — ^. sibi conciliare. — k. vanus. — i. qui. — j. calamus. — k. quo scrlberem. — /. quo. — m. excedo^ a. — n. quam prlmum. — o. statlm. 44 Latin Composition, PART SECOND. I. — Substantive Clauses. (^Indirect Discourse.) Lesson 24. Accusatiye and Infinitive: — !. I. Learn the rule for the use of the Infinitive with Subject-Accusative: § 2T2 (G. 527 ; H. 535. i). a. This form is to be employed in Latin in cases where a simple statement of fact is introduced in English by that, following a verb of sayings &c.. Thus — He says that the mountain is held by the enemy, dlcit montem ah hostibus teneri. Here the actual words of the speaker were : mons ab hostibus tenetur, ^/le mountain is held by the enemy. In indirect discourse the subject mons becomes accusative, montem, and the verb tenetur is put in the infinitive, teneri. b. In these cases, the infinitive, with subject-accusative, is the Object of the verb, -and is called a Substantive Clause : §§ 329, 330^ (G. 523. K.\ 527; H. 533-535- 0- For example- He says [that] he knows [that] those things are true, dlcit scire se ilia esse vera. Here the object of dicit is the clause scire . . . vgra; the object of scire is ilia . . . vera. Standing by itself, it would be : ilia sunt vera, those things are true ; and in making this the object of scit, he knows, the nominative ilia becomes accusative, and the verb sunt becomes the infinitive esse. But again, scit ilia esse vera is made the object of dicit, when scit becomes scire, and its subject is put in the accusative. Note. — In clauses of this kind, the word that is often omitted in English, as in the above examples. Accusative and Ififinitive. 45 c. If the subject of scit is the same as the subject of dicit, — that is, if the speaker says that he himself knows, — the reflexive pro- noun must be used, because this refers to the subject of the princi- pal verb; so we have dicit se scire, etc., he says that he himself knows. But if the speaker is talking about somebody else, the accusative of is, ille, or hie must be used. Thus, dicit eum scire would mean, he (Marcus) says that he (Caius) knows. So dico me scire, l say that I know ^ &c. The sentence here analyzed illus- trates the common case of one accusative with the infinitive depend- ing upon another. d. Some verbs require the reflexive in Latin which do not in English ; thus, simulat se esse bonum, he pretends to be good. So sometimes verbs of desiring ; as, cupio me esse clementem, / desire to be merciful. 2. For the use of Tenses in Indirect Discourse, learn § 288 (G. 530; H. 541-543). Thus — 1. For incomplete, indefinite, or contemporary action: He says that he knows, now, dicit se scire; but He said that he knew, then, dixit se scire; and He used to say that he knew, dlcebat se scire; or, He was saying, &c., when something else occurred. He says that he is laughing, now, dicit se i^ldere; He said that he was laughing, then, dixit se rldere* Note. — The defective verb inquam is regularly used, paren- thetically, with direct quotations. All other verbs of saying, &c., — as dico, nego, respondeo, — are in general followed by Indirect Discourse. 2. For complete action : He says that he has laughed (but has ceased), dicit se rlsisse; He said that he had laughed (but had ceased), dixit se rlsisse* 3. For future action : He says that he will come, dicit se venturum [esse]; He said that he would come, dixit se venturum. 46 Latin Composition, Translate into L.atin. 1. We know that Caesar will be absent. 2. You think that he was your enemy. 3. He says that he is well. 4. He supposed that Marcus would not come. 5. I saw that the army was approaching. 6. They thought we should be " absent. 7. I feel that I have been merciful. 8. Caesar understood that I had been his friend. 9. I pretended to be mad. 10. He pretends to be your friend. 11. We are mindful that we are mortal. 12. There was a rumor ^ that Caesar was dead. Lesson 25. Accusative and Infinitive : — 2. The General Rules for the use of Tenses in Indirect Discourse have been given in the preceding lesson ; but certain verbs require special attention. a. After verbs oi hoping, pro?nising, and undertaking, the Future Infinitive should be used only when the action is future relatively to the predicate. Thus — I hope that you will come, spero te venturum esse; but, I hope that you are well, spero te valere. Remark. — Notice that when the person performing the action is the same as the person hoping, &c., the reflexive pronoun must be used. Thus — I promise to come, polliceor me venturum [esse]; You promise to come, polliceris te venturum ; He promises to come, pollicetur se venturum,, a. Should in this sentence represents shall of the actual thought, becoming past after the past tense thought. The original expression would be " we shall be absent." Use the future infinitive. — b. The infinitive clause, in this case, is sometimes called the object of the verbal phrase rumor erat ; but is, more strictly, th5 predicate after erat : see § 272, Rem. Accusative and Infinitive, 47 b. On the other hand, memini and similar verbs use the present infinitive for a past action, when it is an action actually witnessed by the person speaking. Thus — I remember that Caesar was present (I myself having witnessed it), fneiiiinl Caesar ein adesse; but, I remember that Caesar conquered Graul (having learned the fact from others), memini Caesar em Galliam vlcisse* Oral Exercises. I. I hope that Caesar will come. — 2. I hope to come. — 3. He promised that I should have a province. — 4. He prom- ised to give me a province. — 5. He said that Marcus was- absent." — 6. He said that Marcus had been absent. — 7. He hopes to meet^ us. — 8. He thinks that we shall meet Cato. — 9. He promised that we should meet Cato. — 10. They de- clared that we had-been-neglected.'' — 11. I think that she has been neglected. — 12. I thought that she was neglected. — 13. I remember that you were-present.** Translate into Latin. 1. I hope that King Deiotarus will send ambassadors to us. 2. We hope that you are no-longer distressed in mind. 3. He promises speedily to come with all his* forces to our camp. 4. Sextus Roscius demanded two of [his] father's slaves for {ad) torture : don't-'' you remember that Titus Roscius refused ? 5. You remember that I so laid-out the case in the beginning. 6. Who promised that we should see the ocean to-day? 7. He thinks that you have not-yet written the letter. 8. He thinks that you have not-yet written-out the oration. 9. The consul supposed that the enemy had already crossed the river; the enemy waited, hoping that the consul would lead his forces across. a. absum. — b. convenioA — c. neglego? — d. adsum. — e. The possessive is not to be expressed unless for emphasis or to avoid ambiguity ; but subs^ etc., may mean " his forces." — f. -ne : § 219. d (H. 351. 2). 48 Latin Composition. 10. I hope that you will be even firmer. 11. What did you suppose that those** said who saw^ [this] ? what [did you suppose] that those thought who heard * it ? 12. The Carnutes declare that they shrink from no peril, and the chiefs promise to make war. Lesson 26. Accusative and Infinitive : — 3. In the following points the Latin usage differs from the English : — a. The word which governs the Accusative with the Infinitive is sometimes omitted, being implied in a preceding expression : § 330. e (G. 652. N.^; H. 523. Note) : as, The jEduans send deputies to Caesar to ask for help, [saying] that they liad deserved so well, &c., Aedul legdtos ad Caesar em mittunt, rogdtuin auocilium ; ita se iner^uisse, etc. b. When the statement is in the form of a denial of the fact con- tained in the object-clause, nego is commonly used instead of dico . . . non. Thus — I am well, valeo; He says that he is well, ait se valere. I am not well, non valeo; He says that he is not well, negat se valere (instead of ait se non valere, which would be grammatically correct). c. A Relative or other subordinate Clause in indirect discourse (except where merely explanatory) has its verb in the Subjunctive : §336(0.653; H. 524). Thus- He said [that] these were [the men] whom he had seen, dixit hos esse quos vldisset* Oral Exercises. I. I am very much offended. — 2. I said that I was not offended. — 3. He did not say that he was a Roman citizen. — a. is, the proper pronoun to use as antecedent to a relative. — b» Subjunctive. special Constructions, 4^ 4. I said that he was not a Roman citizen. — 5. They said that they should not follow. — 6. He says this is the dog he bought yesterday. etno^ her I Translate into L.atin. 1. He says that you cannot write to me. 2. He says that you could not (were not able to) write to me. 3. He said that you could not (at that time) write to me. 4. He said that you could not have written to me." 5. They rejoice at having learned* (that they themselves have learned) . 6. King Deiotarus sent ambassadors to me, [saying] that he would come with all his forces into my camp. 7. I hear that you are distressed in mind, and that the physician says you suffer from*' this. 8. He said that the city which he had visited was not sufficiently fortified. 9. He did not say that the city was sufficiently fortified. 10. They hope soon to finish the work they bvigan** yesterday. 11. Who can deny* that all these [things) which we see (indie.) are ruled by the power of the gods ? 12. He despairs^ [he says] not only of (^,le) royal-power, but even of that power which he has (subj.). Lesson 27. Special Constructions* Besides the simple narrative of Indirect Discourse, several Special Constructions require to be noticed. These are — 1. Questions : § 338 (G. 654. R. ; H. 523. ii. 2 ; 2. Commands : § 339 (G. 655 ; H. id. iii.) ; 3. Conditions: § 337 (G. 659. i, 2; H. 527). a. Could not have written = zoere not able to ivrite ; th< refore use perf. infin. oi possum, with pres, infin. of scrlbo. — b. See \ 333. b (G. 533; H. 535. iii.). — c, ex. — d. inciplo.^ If the indicative is used here, it will mean, the work which (as we know) they actually began ; if the subjunctive, that which (as they say) they began. — e. Pres. subj. —^f. Indirect discourse. 50 Latin Composition. a. Questions are sometimes in the accusative and infinitive, — ■ especially the accusative of the Future Participle, esse being under- stood. Thus — Who (said they) will dare to succeed Alexander 2 quern ausurum Alexandro succedere ? b. The phrase would have been, or the like, is to be expressed in indirect discourse by the Future Participle with fuisse. Thus — I should have come if I had been well, venissetn (= ven- turus erafn) si valuissein. He wrote that he would have come if he had not been sick, scripsit se venturum fuisse^ nisi aegrotdsset. Note. — In the exercises below, the Question or Command is generally given in the direct form. The student should, accordingly, change the form to that of indirect discourse, putting all the verbs in the third person, and assuming a verb of saying or asking in the past tense. It may be well to write the sentences first in the direct form, comparing those given under § 339 (G. 664). If they should prove too difficult, they may be left till the review. Write in T^atin. 1. Ariovistus, when I" was consul, sought most eagerly the friendship of the Roman people : why does any-one so hastily suppose that he will withdraw from [his] duty? I for-my-part* am persuaded*' that he will cast-off neither my good-will nor [that] of the Roman people, 2. But if, driven by rage and madness, he should bring** war, pray what are you afraid-of"? 3. If any are troubled by-^ the defeat^ and flight of the Gauls, they, if they ask, can find, that while* the Gauls were worn-out by the length of the war, Ariovistus, having kept* him- self for many months in camp and in swamp, and having given no chance at him,-^' attacked ^ [them] suddenly, hopeless [as they were] of battle and dispersed, [and] conquered [them] more by skilP and strategy^ than by valor. a. Abl. abs. with me. — b. quidem. — c. Impersonal with Dative. — d. infer o (pluperfect). — e, vereor.^ — / Use the active construction. — ^. adversum froelium (nom.). — h. Ablative absolute. — ?. Clause with cum. — /. sui poies- tatem facer e, — k. adorior^ (participial construction). — /, ratio^ consilium^ Indirect Questions. 51 4. But if, besides, no one shall follow, still I will go with the tenth legion alone, about which I have no misgiving, and this shall be my (dat.) body-guard.** - 5. If you persist in pursuing (inf.) [us] with war, remember the old disaster of the Roman people, and the ancient valor of the Helvetians. Do not allow ^ that place where we have stood*' to take [its] name from the calamity of the Roman people and the slaughter of [their] army. 6. Who [said they] will give the signal in-our-retreat '^ ? who will dare to succeed Alexander ? Suppose ^ we penetrate as-far- as (ad^ the Hellespont in [our] flight, who will prepare a fleet in which we may cross-over? Anecdotes. 1. The mother-'' of Phalaris — writes Ponticus Heraclides, a learned man, a hearer and disciple of Plato — appeared to see in [her] sleep (plur.) the images of the gods, which she had consecrated in-her-house ; of (ex) these Mercury seemed from a bowl which he held in his right hand to pour blood, which, when it reached^ the ground seemed to boil-up,* so that the whole house overflowed with blood. This* dream of the mother was made-good-^' by the monstrous cruelty of [her] son. 2. Publius Scipio,-^ the same who was first called Africanus, used to say — [as] Cato has written, who was nearly of-his-time * — that he was never less idle^ than when at-leisure,^and-never™ less alone than when he was alone. Lesson 28. Indirect Questions. Note. — For the forms of interrogation in Simple Sentences, see Lesson 3. I. An interrogative expression may be incorporated in the main sentence as the subject or object of a verb, a. praetor ia cohors. — b. committer e ut. — c. consisto.^ — d. fugientibus. — e. ut. — / Indirect discourse depending oh j^rri^^r^. — g. attingo^ (plup.). — h. refervesco? — i. Relative. — /. comprobo'^ : use the active construction. — k. a^^'^a/z.y, with genitive. — /. otibsus. — m. nee. 5^ Latin Composition, thus becoming a substantive clause. In this case it is called an Indirect Question, and its verb is in the sub- junctive : § 334 (G. 469; H. 529). Thus — I see who has the book, video quis lihrum habeat. Note. — Here the form of direct question would be, quis librum habet f Other examples are — quantum hahes? — die mihi quantum habeas, unde venls? — nescio unde venids, num Romdnus es ? — rogo num Romdnus sis, nonne hoc vides ? — quaerit nonne hoc videds* a. In indirect questions num has the same force as -ne. b. The interrogative expression may be made the subject of the verb : as, non constat quis habeat Etruriam, it is not known who has Etruria^ where the clause quis . . . Etruriam is subject of constat. 2. Alternative questions, like simple ones, can be made the subject or object of a verb, and in this case take the subjunctive as Indirect Questions : thus — I do not know whether it was Caesar or Pompey, nescio utrum Caesar fuerit an Pompeius, It is not clear whether we have peace or war, bellum pa- cemne habedmus non constat* Oral Exercises. I. Who will* go with me*? — 2. What*' soldier will go with us? — 3. Will any one '^ follow Caesar ? — 4. He does not say who will go with you. — 5. I do not know whether any one will go with us. — 6. I asked whether you had seen Marcus. — 7. I wished to know whether you were absent. — 8. Will you* come, or I? — 9. Do you give us peace or war? — 10. Is Caesar to be king or not? — 11. I do not know whether Caesar is to be king a. = wishes to go. — b. mecum: \ 99. e (G. 414. R.^ ; H. 184. 2). — c. § 104. a (H. 188. I ; G. 104, first two lines). — d. num quis or ecquis. — e. " You " must be expressed, as it is contrasted with " I." f OF THB ( UlSriVERSITY Other Forms of Substantive C/i^W. or ^"^^^3 \ ^ or emperor. — 12. He did not say whether he was Nerc or not.— 13. When did you come? — 14. I ask you when you came. — 15. I asked you when you came. Translate into Liatin. 1. What was the cause of hatred? 2. I do not know what cause of hatred there was. 3. I do not know whether there was a cause of hatred. 4. How" do these matters stand? 5 . How these matters stand, I dare not* relate, even* in a letter. 6. Fearing to inquire which [of the two] was '^ Porsena, he kills the secretary instead-of the king. 7. 1 do not see what can be more suited to a good man than to stand aside from civil disputes. 8. I am uncertain whether I am more pushed by the sword or by famine. 9. Often it is asked, not whether a thing is [true] or not, but of-what-sort it is. 10. It is asked earnestly whether it was done or not. 11. Did the Picene land follow the mad-counsels of-the- tribunes,'' or the authority of the consuls ? 12. Did [then] conscience, as {id quod) is wont to happen, make you timid and suspicious ? 13. Doubt now, judges, if you can, by whom Sextus Roscius was killed ; by him who, on account of his death, lives in pov- erty and in [the midst of] plots, or by those who avoid investi- gation, [and] possess [his] property {bona). Lesson 29. other Forms of Substantive Clause. I. For the classification of Substantive Clauses, see § 329, Note (H. 540, comparing G. 507). a. quomodo. — b. ne . . . quldem. — c. \ 287. e (G. 511. R.l; H. 495. ii.)- — d. tribun'iclus : ^ 190 (G. 360. R.l ; H. 395. N. 2). 54 Latin Composition, Besides Infinitive Clauses (with or without subject- accusative), are the following : — A. — Subjunctive Clauses with ut. Note. — These differ from simple dependent clauses of Purpose or Result (see Lesson 23) in being the subject or object of a verb. See §§ 331, 332 (G. 544. i. ii., 546, 555. 2, 3, 4, 557, 558, 559; H. 540. iii., 498, 501). 2. Subjunctive Clauses are either — a. Clauses of Purpose, with ut or ne : as, I ask you to come, rogo ut venids. Here the clause ut venias is the object of rogo. Negatively, it would be I ask you not to come, rogo ne venids. Remark. — Notice the special use of ut and ne with verbs of Fearing: § 331./ (G. 552^; H. 498. iii. n. i). Thus — I fear he will come, vereor ne venial, I fear he will not come, vereor ut veniat. b. Clauses of Result, with ut or ut non : as, I cause you to come, efflcio ut venids. It happened that you had not come, evenit ut non ve^ nisses. Note. — It is not obvious, at first sight, that this last sentence difters in kind from He said that you had not come, which requires the Accusative and Infinitive of indirect discourse. The student will do well to study carefully and compare the lists of verbs or verbal phrases given at the foot of pages 239, 241, 242 of the Gram- mar (A. & G.). For the Sequence of Tenses in these and other dependent constructions, see Lesson 20. B. — Indicative Clauses with quod. 3. The Indicative Clause with quod is used — a. When a statement of fact is made for explanation or specifica- tion: § 2>32>y with a (G. 525. with r.'^: H. 540. iv.). Thus — Other Forms of Substantive Clause, 55 It is unlucky that he returned, quod rediit Infaustutn est. As to your saying this (i.e., as to the fact that you said it), &c., quod hoc dlxistl. b. When the clause is the object of a verb of Feeling: § 333. b (G. 542 and 533; H. 535. iii. n.). Thus — I am glad that you have come, gaudeo quod venistu Note. — Here the accusative and infinitive may also be used: as, gaudeo te venisse. Oral Exercises. I. I cause the Romans to fight (= that the Romans fight), — 2. I will cause the Romans to fight. — 3. I caused the Romans to fight. — 4. I have caused the Romans to fight. — 5. I had caused the Romans to fight. — 6. We will bring [it] to pass that he depart. — 7. He grieves because you are not well. — 8. I wished to come. — 9. They cried out that they were ready." — 10. They cried out that he should lead them against the enemy .^ — 11. I entreated him to spare me. Translate into liatin. 1. They caused the departure to seem {caused that the departure seemed) just-like a flight. 2. I wish/ fathers, to cross the Tiber, and enter the camp of the enemy. 3. What more befits a good and peaceful man, and a good citizen, than ^ to stand aside " fi-om civil disputes ? 4. I for-my-part will not make-the-mistake ■'' of giving (that I give to) you some ground of refusing. 5. The senate decreed^ that the consuls should inquire into * this aflair. 6. I am glad that I have interrupted you. a. Statement of a fact. — b. Something to be done. — c. \ 331. b (G. 532. R.3; H. 533. i.). — d. \ 332. b (H. 502. 2). — e. Either infinitive or ut with the subjunctive. — / § 332. e. — g. § 332. k (G. 546; H. 498. i. N.). — h. de. S6 Latin Composition, 7. He commands the Ubians to lead away ** [their] flocks, and convey all their ^ [possessions] from the fields into the towns. 8. He promises to write to me. Lesson 30. Impersonal Verbs. Impersonal Verbs may be divided, in respect to their construction, into two principal classes : — a. Those purely impersonal, which have no subject at all. These are — 1. Those which express operations of nature: as, grandinat, it kails ; pluit, it rains. 2. The passive of intransitive verbs : as, There is sinning, peccdtur ; Fighting was going on, pugndbatur; There is need of striving, nltendum est* Remark. — When an impersonal verb of this class is put into the construction of the accusative with the infinitive, it remains with no subject : as, ' It snows, ningit ; I see that it is snoYdng, video ningere. We must fight, pugnandum est ; It is clear that we mnst fight, constat pugnandum esse* b. Those which have a substantive clause as subject : viz., either an inf nitive clause, a subjunctive clause, or the clause with quod. I . Those which have a simple infinitive as subject are generally followed by the dative : as, I like to jolce, libet mihi jocdrl. To this class belong ' licet, it is permitted ; libet, il is pleasing ; placet, it is thought best ; necesse est, it is necessary ; and certum est, it is determined. a. § 331. a (H. 498. i. ; G. 546). — b. \ 197. d (H. 441 ; G. 195. 2). Impersonal Verbs. 57 2. Oportet, // behooves ', constat, it is well agreed; and occa- sionally those given above (libet, etc.), take the accusative with the infinitive : as, It was necessary that there should be some head, esse ali- quod caput oportebat. Here esse ... caput is subject of oportebat. 3. Those which have a subjunctive clause as subject (see Lesson 26) . To this class belong accidit and contingit, // happens ; se- quitur, // follows ; res tat and reliquum est, // remains ; fit, il happens ; f uturum est, il is going to happen ; mos est, // is custom- ary ; &c. . 4. Those which take the clause with quod (see Lesson 29). c. The passive of verbs of Saying, &c., may be used either per- sonally or impersonally. Thus, we may say either Crassus dicitur abesse, Crassus is said to be absent, or (less commonly) dicitur Crassum abesse, it is said that Crassus is abse7it, where Crassum abesse is subject of dicitur: § 330. a, b (G. 528; H. 534. i. with i). Note. — With impersonal verbs, the word it is used in English, but is not to be rendered into Latin. For special constructions, see §§ 221. b, c, 222, 227. e, 237. e (G. 376, 381, 382. 2 ; H. 409. iii. n., 408. I and 2). Oral Exercises. I. You may (it is permitted to you to) set out. — 2. May I go with you? — 3. He might have done this (it was permitted to him to do this). — 4. It will please us to call-upon you. — 5. Caesar ought (it behooves Caesar) to be angry. — 6. I ought not to have been angry. — 7. It does not become you to lie. — 8. It is raining. — 9. You see that it is raining. — 10. It is well agreed that Romulus founded Rome. — 11. It happened that Caesar was present. — 12. I (dat.) am determined to ad- vance. — 13. The consul thought best (it pleased the consul) to convene the senate. — 14. You have leave (it is permitted) to depart. — 15. It follows that you have leave to depart. — 16. We ought to rejoice. — 17. He said that I ought not to delay. — 18. It was said that Caesar had been defeated. r. OF THK ' \^ UNIVERSITY \ 58 Latin Composition, Translate into Liatin. 1 . It was necessary " for me to set out for the province with military-power. 2. It happened, contrary to my will and beyond [my] ex- pectation, that it was necessary for me to go into the province with military-power. 3. It has rained stones (abl.) on the Alban Mount. 4. It was announced to king and senate * that it had rained stones on the Alban Mount. 5. It is proper to write-out one speech out of so many. 6. I have judged it proper (that it is proper) to write out one speech out of so* many. 7. Which-of-the-two killed Sextus Roscius? 8. It remains, that we are in doubt [as to] this, which of the two killed Sextus Roscius. 9. People run (there-is-running) from all parts'' of the city into the forum. 10. He said that it had never pleased him "^ that Avaricum was defended. 11. It follows that you do not know how these matters stand. 12. It is enough not to be a liar." II. — Miscellaneous Constructions. Lesson 31. Modifications of the Predicate. I. An adjective agreeing with a substantive clause must be in the neuter gender : as, It is clear to all that there are gods, est omnibus per^ spicuum deos esse. Here, perspicuum agrees with the clause deos esse, with which it is connected by est. a. necesse. — b. patres. — c, locus. — d. The reflexive pronoun, as relating to the subject of said; dative 2Sx^x placet. — e. This should properly be an accusative with the infinitive, allquem esse, etc., that one is not, &.c. ; but aliquem is omitted. Modifications of the Predicate, 59 2. A subject, whether a noun or mfinitive clause, may be connected by the copula with a limiting geni- tive : § 214. ^ and d (G. 365 ; H. 401 and 403). Thus — The army is of (belongs to) the consul, consulis est exer~ citus* It is for the consul to defend the city, consults est de^ fendere urbem, a. A genitive used in this way often stands instead of a predicate adjective in agreement with a phrase or clause. Thus — It is wise to look before you leap, sapientis (not sapiens) est priusqua^n inruat prospicere. b. A genitive of this class is a subjective (or possessive) genitive, denoting the source of the action described. In the case of personal pronouns, the genitive cannot be used in this way, because their genitives, mei, tui, sui, nostri, and vestri, are only objective. Hence, It is for me (you, us) to defend the city, meum (tuum, suum, nostrum, not tnel, etc.) est defendere urbetn, 3. With impersonal verbs which govern the dative, an adjective with esse will be either in the accusative, or, by attraction, in the dative : § 272. a (G. 535. 2 ; H. 536. 2, 2), 3)). I am at liberty to take my ease, licet mihi esse otioso (or otiosum) ; but, I ou^ht not to take my ease, non oportet me esse oti- osum ; or, non deheo esse otiosus. Note. — With licet the dative is the usual construction ; with other impersonal verbs the accusative is preferred. Oral £xercises. I. To err is human. — 2. It is easy to do this. — 3. Is it not shameful to lie? — 4. It is wise (for a wise man) to despise empty honors. — 5. It shows wisdom to reject folly. — 6. It is not for you to say this. — 7. It is shameful for him to do so. — 60 Latin Composition. 8. It is [the duty] of the consuls to defend the city. — 9. It is our [privilege] to die for {pro) [our] country. — 10. You have leave to be neutral. — 11. They ought to be ready. — 12. The consuls think it best to be watchful. — 13. They had made up their minds {certum erat) to be faithful. — 14. It becomes you to be modest. ^ — 16. It was rash to advance so hastily. • imprudens progredior^ temere Translate into Latin. 1. It is a serious [thing] to be accused with- truth. 2. He thought it dangerous to enter within the guard. 3. It is a Roman [virtue] both to do and to suffer bravely. 4. It is wicked to deceive by falsehood ; it is shameful to change [one's] opinion. 5. It is uncertain what will chance. 6. It was your [privilege] to have served in that war. 7. To manage [one's] business ill is [worthy] of a madman. 8. It seems to you a royal [act] to despise all lusts, to think (senttre) freely in the senate. 9. It .is for me [who am] poor to count [my] flock. 10. In so great perils, it is for you, Marcus Cato, to see what is going on. 11. Is it for an orator to wish to excite laughter? 1 2. We ask whether it is for an orator to wish to excite laughter. 13. This very [thing] is [the mark] of a great (summus) orator, to seem a great orator (ace.) to the people. 14. It was more glorious to contend with him than not to have [any] adversary at all. Lesson 32. Use of Tenses. The relations of Time are expressed with more pre- cision by the tenses employed in Latin than by the cor- responding English usage. In particular — a. When the action of a subordinate clause is yet to come, the Future must be used in Latin, where English admits the Present : as, We shall be healed if we wish, sdndbimur si volemus. Use of Tenses. 6 1 b. When the action of the subordinate clause is complete in re- lation to the principal clause, the tenses oi completed action are used in Latin where English prefers the indefinite : as, It shall be done if you deserve (shall have earned it), si eris merituSf flet. Translate into L.atin. 1. This you, Brutus, will know at once {jajn) when you come into Gaul. 2. He will both judge what each needs, and will be able to speak in whatever manner the cause demands. 3. He will be eloquent, who is able to adapt his discourse to (that), whatever is becoming. 4. Whatever mischief," crime, slaughter there shall be, this ought to belong {pfoprius esse) to the Roscii. 5. If you listen to me, you will avoid enmities, and consult for the ease of posterity. 6. I shall accomplish this more easily if you come to me in (into) Cilicia ; and I think it concerns both me and the repub- lic, and especially you. 7. [Your] vices shall follow you whithersoever you go. 8. I truly will follow the old road, but if I find a nearer and more level one, this I will repair. 9. [As much] care as you bestow upon your health, so highly I shall judge that I am valued by you. 10. As quickly as I can,* and by as frequent letters, I will make'' the whole plan of my days and journeys known to you. 11. The earth never refuses [our] rule, and never returns without usury what it receives. A fox by chance had seen a tragic mask : " Oh how great a show," said he, " has no brain ! " This is said for those to whom fortune has granted honor and glory, [but] has taken away [from them] common sense. a. Partitive genitive. — b. quam celerrime potero. — c. efficere ut. 62 Lathi Composition, Lesson 33. Wishes and Commands. The following cases of the Subjunctive and Impera- tive require to be carefully observed : — 1. The hortatory and optative uses of the subjunctive in Wishes : §§ 266, 267 (G. 253-257; H. 483, 484. i. ii. with i, 2, 3, 4), distin- guishing the uses of the primary and secondary tenses. 2. The imperative in Commands : § 269 (G. 259 ; H. 487), noting the special uses of the Future : § 269. d, e (G. 262, 260. R. ; H. 487. 2). 3. The various forms of Prohibition ; § 269. a (G. 264, 266 ; H. 488, 489). Remark. — In Prohibitions, ne must be used instead of n5n; but nihil may be used for ne quid, nullus for nS ullus, etc. Oral Exercises. I. Send Marcus to me. — 2. Attend carefully. — 3. Let us go with him. — 4. Do not fear. — 5. Be sure you do not do this. — 6. May I accomplish your designs ! — 7. Do not boast without reason. — 8. Come and bring your brothers with you, and be sure you do not delay, — 9. Let me know of your ar- rival. — 10. Do not wonder that I come unwillingly. — 11. Do not think that I come unwillingly. — 12. Be assured that we shall be faithful. Translate into L.atin. 1. Consider this, as-is- worthy your nature. 2. Even if you have not [any thing] to write (which you may write, subj.), yet write. 3.. Do not say that I am obstinate. 4. Be not so unjust. 5. If you do not lie, may I perish. 6. Let the forum give way to the camp, peace to war, the pen to the sword, the shade to the sun. 7. Would that those songs were extant. Use of Participles, • 63 8. Do not suffer me, the grandson of Masinissa, to seek" aid from you in vain. 9. If you love me, if you wish to be loved by me, send letters to me. 10. Fear no army, no battle; 11. Pardon nothing ; grant nothing at all to favor; be not moved by pity. 12. Do not think that there has been any thing in our state more excellent than these two [men], 13. They shall not take nor {neve) give a bribe, neither {neve) in seeking, nor in administering power. 14. If they cannot stand, let them fall. 15. If there is any spirit in us, let us avenge the death of those who have perished most unworthily, and kill these robbers. 16. May your judgment and [that] of the Roman people approve my desire, and the hope of the rest of [my] life ! Anecdote. Epaminondas, the Theban, when his soldiers were saddened (abl. abs.) because^ the wind had carried away (perf. pass, part.) from his spear an ornament hanging after-the-manner {more) of a fillet, [and] driven [it] upon the tomb of a certain Lacedaemonian, said : " Do not be alarmed, soldiers ; destruc- tion is portended to the Lacedaemonians ; for [their] tombs are adorned with offerings." Lesson 34. Use of Participles. I. Participles are often used in Latin where Eng- lish usage prefers a subordinate clause, or even an independent sentence. See examples under § 292 (G. 667-673 ; H. 549). a. Accusative with infinitive. — b. = because the wind had driven an orna- ment [which was] carried away. 64 Latin Composition. 2. Respecting the time of participles, the following points are to be observed : — a. Only Deponent verbs have the perfect active participle. With other verbs, this relation is expressed either by a subordinate clause (generally with cum and the pluperfect subjunctive), or by the passive participle in the ablative absolute : as. Having learned this thing through [his] scouts, liac re per speculatores cognitd (Caes.) ; or, cum hanc rem cognovisseU b. The perfect participle of a few deponents is often used where we should use the present : § 290. b (G. 278. R. ; H. 550. n. i). Thus — Fearing an ambuscade, he kept his army in camp, Insidids verituSf exercitum, castrl^ continuit (id.). c. The future participle is often used to express intention or purpose : as, locuturus, abo7it (or mtending) to speak. Oral Exercises. N. B. In these sentences notice carefully the relation of the time of the participle to that of the verb. I. [While] withdrawing from the [line of] battle, he crossed cedo trdnseo a small river. — 2. The consul led the army across the river in-order-to-help Syracuse. — 3. Catching-sight-of the army of the cotispicor ^ enemy, he crossed the river in-order- to attack it. — 4. Defeating ciggredior"^ vinco^ the enemy with great slaughter, he set out with three legions. clddes — 5. Encamping on the bank of the river, he waited-for the ex spec to ^ rest-of the troops. — 6. Confessing their fault, they begged fateor- culpa peio^ indulgence. — 7. They cast themselves -at Caesar's feet, confess- venia projicto (dat.) ing their fault. Translate into r.atin. 1. The letters which had been given" made the crime manifest. 2. They beg that they be not deserted by the rest, now that a commencement of war has been made!* a. which had been given =. having-been-given. — b. Ablative absolute. Gerund, Gefimdive, and Supine. 65 3. They announce to our ambassadors that they have re- turned because they feared'^ the perfidy of the Bituriges. 4. The townsmen, terrified, seized^ those by whose means they thought the rabble had been stirred up, and led them to Caesar. 5. He sent colonists to Signia and Circeii, who should be a defence (plur.) to the city by land and sea. 6. It was announced to Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus [while] ploughing that he had been made dictator. 7. After recovei'ing this town, he trusted that he would bring the state of the Bituriges again into his power. 8. There is behind me a long line of those who seek '^ the same honor. 9. Are you going to take upon yourself so great labor, so great hostilities of so many men ? Anecdote. After^ Publius and Gnaeus Scipio had been overwhelmed in Spain, with the greater part of their army, and all the nations of that province had accepted {sequor) the friendship of the Carthaginians, since ^ no one of our generals dared to proceed thither to correct matters,' Publius Scipio, then in-^ his twenty- fourth year, promised to go. By which spirit-of-confidence, indeed, he gave hope of safety and victory to the Roman people. Lesson 35. Gerund, Gerundive, and Supine, [Compare Lesson i8.] I. In the use of the Gerund and Gerundive the fol- lov\^ing points are to be observed : — a. In transitive verbs the gerundive is generally used instead of a. Of the three verbs that mean fear {timeo, metuo, and vereor) , vereor alone, being a deponent, has a perfect active participle : use, therefore, either veriti or the clause quod tim'erent. — b. The participle, agreeing with %. § 331. a (G. 546 and 543. 2 ; H. 498. i.). — i. Imperfect, to imply a permanent possession. Gejtitive after Verbs. 73 orator, — to be able to enhance a subject by praising [it], and again ruin [it] by disparaging. 14. I have less strength than either of you [two]. 15. Begin, if you have any spirit. 16. No aid ought (oportet) to be brought. 17. They decided that no assistance, no aid, no help, ought to be brought by them (themselves) to men guilty of (bound by) so great a crime. Lesson 39. Genitive after Yerbs. The Genitive is used as the object of the following classes of verbs : — a. Of remembering, forgetting, and reminding; but see § 219, with Rem. (G. 375. R.\ R.^; H. 406. ii. ; 407. i, 2; 409. i.). b. Of accusing, condemning, and acquitting, to express the charge, and sometimes the penalty: § 220, with b (G. yjl- R•^ R-^j H. 409. ii.). c. misereor, miseresco, pity; also, the Impersonals miseret, pity ; piget, disgust ; paenitet, repent ; pudet, shame ; taedet or pertaesum est, weary ^ with the accusative of the person affected : § 221. a and b (G. 376; H. 406. i. and 410. iv.). d. Interest and refert, it concerns^ — the subject of the verb being a neuter pronoun, an infinitive clause, or the subjunctive with ut: § 222 (G. 381 and 382. 2 ; H. 406. iii. and 408. 2). Remark. — Instead of the genitive of the personal pronoun, the possessive is used in this construction, in the ablative singular femi- nine : § 222. a (G. 381'*; H. 408. i. 2)) : as, How does it concern you? quid id refert tud? Refert is rarely used in any other way. Oral Exercises. I. I am ashamed of my folly. — 2. They were tired of life. — 3. Do you recollect the battle of Cannae ** ? — 4. I shall not forget that man. — 5. It concerns me that you are well.* — 6. It a. Cannensis. Recollect = recorder . — b. Accusative with infinitive. 74 Latin Composition. concerned the republic to remember this. — 7. Who accused Marcus of treason? — 8. He did not remember us. — 9. I pity your misfortunes. — 10. I am sorry that I forgot your advice, — II. Whose interest is it that this crime be committed? — 12. We are acquitted of [the charge of] theft. — 13. Don't you remember" that I reminded you of that service? — 14. It is none of your business what I said to your brother. Translate into Liatin. 1. Publius Sestius, praetor elect, was convicted of bribery. 2. These benefits you have from me, whom you falsely- charge with treason. 3. It concerns each province ^ to subdue Amanus. 4. Already before, I had made-up-my-mind that it seriously concerned each province to subdue Amanus. 5. I am tired of the business. 6. It is incredible how tired of the business I am. 7. I, although I am dissatisfied with myself, am yet chiefly joined in* comparison with him. 8. The Athenian state ** is said to have been very wise* while it possessed power. -^ 9. Men pitied not more^ the punishment than the crime. 10. It greatly concerns both of us [two], that I see you. 11. From that oration he is reminded of your crime and cruelty. Lesson 40. Datire with Terbs. The following classes of verbs are follow^ed by the Dative of indirect object in Latin, though most of them are transitive in English : — 1. Verbs signifying \o favor, help, &c. : § 227 (G. 345 ; H. 385) ; 2. Compounds of ad, ante, con, etc. : § 228 (G. 346; H. 386) ; 3. A few compounds, whose meaning would seem to require the ablative: § 229 (G. 344. r."^; H. 386. 2). a. meministlne, — b. Of two. — c. Use the preposition. — ^. Of the Athenians, — e. Superlative. — /. pot'irl r'erum. — g. The adverb magis. Dative with Verbs, 75 Remark. — Neuter verbs which govern the dative are used in the passive ijnpersonally with the dative: § 230 (G. 208; H. 301. i). Oral Exercises. I. I do not envy you. — 2. You are not envied by me. — 3. He spared no one. — 4. I cannot beHeve Cato. — 5. We will not be angry with the legion. — 6. This was-advantageous to the state. — 7. Who can resist Caesar? — 8. Can Caesar be resisted?" (no). — 9. The Romans favored Masinissa. — 10. He had snatched away power from you. — 11. The woman cursed* him. — 12. Those men must be pardoned." Translate into L.atin. 1. He chiefly gives-attention to the cavalry. 2. Most-of the youth, but especially [those] of the nobles, were favorable to Catiline's schemes. 3. We, the Roman youth, declare this war against you. 4. I desire to satisfy'' this [man]. 5. That"* military glory must be preferred to your formulas and processes. 6. You will, doubtless, place this king above all the kings with whom the Roman people have carried on war. 7. They placed this consolation* before themselves. 8. You will pardon my haste, and the shortness of [my] letter. 9. That [degree] of burden is placed upon us by the de- sires of these youths. 10. Acts- of- injustice began to be committed-^ by the chiefs upon the commonalty, who, until this day, had been courted with the greatest eagerness. 11. Tell me, Marcus Pinarius, if I speak ^ against you, are you going-to-abuse me, as you have done to the others? As you sow,^ so shall you reap, said he. 12. Both the condition of the accuser and the power of the unfriendly shall be respected?* a. Impersonal. — b. ^ -zorj. ^., second line. — c. \ 227. e. : satisfacere. — d. ille, — e. Genitive.—/ ^ 143. a (G. 424. R.i; H. 297. i).— ^. Future perfect.— h. Impersonal. 76 Latin Composition. 13. What heavier punishment can happen to a man than that his letters should not be believed ? " 14. Violence deprives* young-men (dat.) [of] life. 15. This boy has just snatched away a jackknife from [his] brother. 16. A band of robbers plundered '^ this poor man of all [his] money. Lesson 41. Dative with Passives. In general, verbs which govern the Dative can be used only impersonally in the Passive. The following points, however, require to be noticed : — a. The passive is used personally when the verb also takes an accusative : as, Hostages are demanded of all the states, omnibus civi- tatihus ohsldes intperantur (Active, omnidus clvitatibus obsid'es imperaf). b. Certain verbs govern either the dative or the accusative, and so may be used either personally or impersonally in the passive : §227. ^, ^(G. 347; H. 385. 3); Thus — He consults me, consulit me; I am consulted, consulor. He consults for me (for my interests), consulit mihi ; my interests are consulted, consulitur inihu Oral Exercises. I. We .do not fear Catiline. — 2. We fear for the city. — 3. He consulted Caius. — 4. He consulted for [the interests of] Caesar. — 5. We take counsel against Cato. — 6. I believe you. — 7.1 trust this boy to you. — 8. Can you control the tempests? — 9. I guard-against you. — 10. I am-cautious for you. — II. Who compares Caesar with \_or to] Pompey ? — 12. He commanded us [to do] this. — 13. Did you threaten him with death?** — 14. I do not envy you your fortune. — 15. We foresaw danger. — 16. We provided for your safety. — 17. The Samnites are persuaded of this. a. Impersonal. — b. aufero, — c, adimo? — d. " death to him." Dative with Passives. JJ Translate into Latin. 1. He commands the cavalry to strike** as great terror as possible ^ into the enemy. 2. They entreat [him] to consult his own fortunes. 3. He could not persuade any state of the Germans. 4. Nor, nevertheless, could any state of the Germans be persuaded to cross the Rhine." 5. If my authority has any {quid) weight with {apud) you, I earnestly exhort and advise you to consult for [the interests of] these provinces. 6. The interests of these provinces were consulted. 7. He compares his [own old age] to the old age of a spirited and victorious horse. 8. This one [thing] I do not know, whether to congratulate you or fear [for you] . 9. It seems to you a kingly [thing] so to live that you not only serve'' no man {nemo), but not even any passion; to de- spise all lusts; to want not gold, nor {non) silver, nor other possessions {res) ; to think freely in the senate, to consult rather [for] the advantage of the people, than [its] desires ; to yield to no one, to resist many. If you think this to be kingly, I confess that I am a king. 10. Did not this Magnus [of] ours, who made [his] fortune equal to \_or with] his virtue, present Theophanes the Mity- lensean with the citizenship, in an assembly of the soldiers ? 11. Caesar commanded those states which had joined his friendship [to furnish] cattle. 12. Do you think that the glory of that victory is shared'' by you (dat.) with Marcus Crassus or Cneius {Gnaeus) Pompey? Epistle. King Alexander to Darius. Darius, whose name you have taken, laid waste with all [kinds of] destruction the Greeks, who occupy the coast of the Hellespont, and the Ionian colonies of the Greeks. Then a. ut with subjunctive. — b. quam with superlative. — c. Present subjunctive, — d. Perfect. 78 Latin Composition. with a great army he crossed the sea, carrying war (abl. abs.) upon Macedonia and Greece. Again, Xerxes, of the same race, came to attack" us with troops of savage barbarians; who, de- feated in a naval battle, yet left Mardonius in Greece, that even {quoque) in-his-absence he might lay waste cities, and burn fields. But who is ignorant that my father Philip was slain by those whom your [followers] had tempted by the hope of a great sum-of-money ? Therefore, I repel, not excite, war. Nevertheless, if you come ^ [as] a suppliant, I promise that you shall receive, without price, both your mother and your wife and [your] children. I know [how] both to conquer and to con- sider the conquered. Lesson 42. Special Uses of the Dative. The following uses of the Dative are more or less idiomatic : — a The dative of Service answers to a variety of constructions in English: see examples, with Note, under § 233 (G. 350; H. 390). b. The dative with esse is the usual form to denote simple Pos- session ; which is to be distinguished from the use of the genitive or possessive with esse, and from that of habeo, which means rather to hold ox keep: § 231. Rem. (G. 349. R.'^). c. The dative of Agency is regularly used with the gerundive expressing obligation, and sometimes with other passives, especially the perfect participle. But with the gerundive (used impersonally) of a verb governing the dative, the ablative with a or ab is used instead of a second dative. Thus — A boy should obey his mother, unatrl a fllio pdrendum est* Note. — The dative of the person who sees or thinks is regularly used after the passive of video (usually to be rendered seem) : as. It seems (or, seems good) to me, mihi videtur. a. Gerundive. — b. Future perfect. special Uses of the Dative, 79 Oral Exercises. T. This must be done by Caesar. — 2. We must go with him. — 3. I have a father. — 4. Cato had much judgment. — 5. It was a source ^pleasure. — 6. Eloquence is a dehght to me. — 7. They sent troops as aid. — 8. Hannibal must set out.** — 9. His plea was a great assistance to us. — 10. Caesar had many legions. — 11. What has happened to Caius ? — 12. What do you wish [for yourself]? — 13. The Gauls had a magistrate whose name was Vergobret.^ — 14. It seemed to Hannibal that the war must be carried over into Italy. — 15. The Roman Senate was at length persuaded by Cato that Carthage must be destroyed. Translate into !Latin. 1 . I have with Murena a great and long-established friendship. 2. Innocence has more peril than [it has] honor. 3. Tiberius Sempronius, whose surname was Longus,* fights successfully with Hanno. 4. Wealth began to be [esteemed] an honor; and glory, dominion, and power followed (sing.) it. 5. The greediness (plur.) of certain men was a hindrance to me. 6. To that brave (superl.) man, his father, he was a great aid in perils, solace in labors, [source of] congratulation in victory. 7. The Bituriges fall at the feet of the Gauls. 8. I grieve that*' I am suspected of negligence by you, 9. I was a [cause of] safety to him. 10. I have always thought that you ought not only to be pro- tected by me, but also honored and distinguished. 11. Two brothers, whose name was Philaenus.* 12. How did it come into your mind to answer thus? 13. Now, now, says Catulus, I understand, Crassus, what you say ; and by Hercules I assent. I see that you, a man very keen to learn,*^ have had enough time for ascertaining those things which you say. a. Impersonal. — b. Attracted into the case of the relative. — c. Accusative with infinitive, or quod clause. — d. ad with accusative of gerund. So Latin Composition. 14. If the splendor of the games is a pleasure to the people, it is not to be wondered at that" it profited Lucius Murena with the people. Lesson 43. Special Uses of the Accusative. The use of the Passive of verbs which govern two accusatives requires to be noticed. a. If one of the two accusatives is a predicate, as after verbs of naming^ etc., both become nominative. b. When one of the accusatives is a secondary object, as after verbs oi teaching, Slc, it remains in the accusative. Thus — I was taking lessons in music from the master, musicen ci TflCtgistVO docehav (Active, magister musicen me docebaf), c. The accusative of the thing also remains after the passive of rogo ; but with other verbs of asking the accusative of the Thing becomes subject-nominative, while the name of the Person is put in the ablative with a preposition. Thus — €ato was asked [his] opinion, Cato sententiam t'ogatus est. But — The Romans were asked for peace, pax a Romanis pete^ hdtur. Note. — For other idiomatic uses of the Accusative, see Lessons 8 and 14. Oral Exercises. I. Virtue is laughed-at by fools. — 2. He grieves^ [at] his* fate. — 3. We grieve [at] his ^ fate. — 4. I asked Cato his opinion. — 5. Cato was asked his opinion. — 6. We are taught the rules of virtue. — 7- O the cares of men ! — 8. He grieved much. — 9. Somewhat angry. — 10. Did he conceal^ his crimes from you? — 11. He taught us music. — 12. Who asked you your name ? — 13. I asked you what your name was. — 14. Cicero was saluted by the Senate [as] the father of [his] a. Accusative with infinitive, or quod clause. — b. Used here transitively. — c. Use suus. — d. The genitive of is. — e. celo always takes the accusative of the person, but may take the ablative of the thing with de. special Uses of the Ablative. 8 1 country. — 15. Aid was earnestly besought of Caesar by the ^duans agamst the Germans. Translate into Ijatin. 1. I request this [of] you, that you come-to-the-relief-of this anxiety of-mine. 2. He asks them to come thence with him to Turnus. 3. The army is panic-stricken-af* this act. 4. I have received letters from you two or three times at- most, and those very short. 5. I am distressed that it is at alP pleasant to you without me. 6. O deceitful hope and frail fortune of men, and empty contentions of-ours ! 7. You ask of me why I fear Catiline. 8. O excellent commander, no longer {nee Jam) to be com- pared with [that] brave (superl.) man, Manius Aquilius, but, in truth, with the Paulluses, Scipios, Mariuses ! 9. The shout which is raised behind the back of (dat.) those fighting has much effect in {ad) terrifying our men. Fable. A stag asked a sheep for a peck of wheat, taking a wolf as surety.'' But she, dreading trickery [said] : "The wolf is always accustomed to snatch-up and go-off; you [are accustomed] to flee out of sight with swift course. Where shall I look for you, when the day arrives ? " "^ Lesson 44. Special Uses of the Ablative. \_Co7npare Lessons lO. b ; 13. «, c\. The following are special or idiomatic uses of the Ablative : — I. Of Comparison : § 247, with ^ (G. 399 ; H. 417, with i and 2). ' df. Used here transitively. — b, quicquam, — c. Ablative absolute. — d. Future perfect. 83 Latin Composition, Note. — Observe the special use of plus, amplius, minus, with- out quam: § 247. c (G. 311. R.^*; H. 417. N. 2) ; also the use of two comparatives with quam to compare two qualities of an object : § 192, with a (G. 314; H. 444. 2). 2. Of Degree of Diflference : § 250 (G. 400; H. 423). 3. Of Birth or Origin : § 244. a (G. 395 ; H. 415. ii.). 4. Of Price : § 252 (G. 404 ; H. 422) ; compare Genitive of Value : § 252. a, b (G. 379, 380; H. 404, 405). 5. Of Need, with opus and usus : § 243. e (G. 390 ; H. 414. iv.). 6. With dignus, etc. : § 245. a (G. 373. R.^; H. 421. iii.). 7. With utor, etc. : § 249 (G. 405 ; H. 421. i.). Remark. — Notice especially the use of opus and usus with the perfect participle : as, cauto opus est, there is need of caution. Also of opus (indeclinable) as predicate: as, We require a guide, dudc nobis opus est. N. B. The topics of this Lesson, with the accompanying Exer- cises, may be divided according to the convenience of the teacher. Oral Exercises. I. Bolder than a lion. — 2. Three miles nearer. — 3. More prudent than brave. — 4. Less than twenty ships. — 5. With more than two hundred soldiers. — 6. Dearer to me than to you. — 7. Much smaller. — 8. You abuse our patience. — 9. I am not worthy of your friendship. — 10. He eats pears. — 11. Caesar needs troops. — 12. There was need of haste. — 13. We will en- joy these pleasures. — 14. He employed diligence. — 15. There was need of setting out at-once. — 16. What do I need?" — 17. The son of ^neas. — 18. Freed from odium. — 19. Valued at a high rate. — 20. At how much did you buy [it]? — 21. It is worth (stands) two thousand sesterces. — 22. I do not value (make) you a tuft-of-wool. — 23. Not far from the river. — 24. Descended from the Germans. — 25. A good-for-noth- ing beast. — 26. I bought the horses for a hundred sesterces apiece. — 27. I sold the horses dear (at a great price). — 28. I sold them for more than I bought them [at]. a. See Remark, above. special Uses of the Ablative, . 83 Translate into Latin. 1. Cato is dearer to me than Caesar [is]. 2. Cato is dearer to me than [to] Caesar. 3. None (by nothing) the less he sought the consulship for (in) the next year. 4. In one day, more than twenty cities of. the Bituriges are set-on-fire. 5. Be assured {scito) that nothing is more agreeable to me than your Dolabella [is]. 6. This mischief is spread more widely than is supposed {opinione) . 7. You prefer glory to {quam) wisdom. 8. I understand that Domitius had rather seem cruel in punishing than remiss in passing over [crimes] . 9. It is a more serious thing to be stripped of fortunes than not to be advanced in dignity. 10. I understand that your favor is highly valued. 11. That is the man who has driven us exiles" from [our] country. 12. He abdicated the consulship, and withdrew from the state. 13. I lack all enjoyment and all letters. 14. Servius Tullius was son of a [female] slave. 15. The Samnites are said to be sprung from the Sabines. 16. He preferred that all his possessions* [should] be sold, and that he should be stripped of his splendid (superl.) patri- mony, [rather] than that any delay should be caused to any one {quisquani) of his creditors. 17. The barbarians, catching-sight-of* the standards at a dis- tance, desist from the siege. 18. He interdicted them (dat.) from fire and water. 19. Approach Otho, as you write : finish up that matter. 20. I have at length read the letters, worthy of Appius Clau- dius, full of elegance, courtesy, [and] earnestness. a. Apposition. — <5. Accusative with infinitive. — c, Pterfcct p articip le ; as this act precedes that of the principal verb. , ■CTNIVERSI 84 • Latin Composition, 21. Caesar gets-possession-of a great number of cattle and men. 2 2. Now there is need that you be well in mind, in order that you may {possum) in body. 23. What need have I of your friendship, if you do not do what I ask? 24. One of the nearest performed the same duty; a third succeeded to the second, and a fourth to the third. 25. No expression was heard from them unworthy the majesty of the Roman people. 26. They, relying upon the strength {praesidium) of the place, take refuge in the woods (ace.) and marshes. 27. There is need of daily practice, and from things the attention must be transferred to words. 28. I hope that that order will consider me, as-is-due {pro) my labors in behalf of the republic, not unworthy of honor, espe- cially [that already] enjoyed. Anecdote. Titus Labienus, lieutenant of Caius Csesar, desiring to fight against the Gauls before the arrival of the Germans, who (ace.) he knew would come to aid** them, pretended want-of-confi- dence, and, placing his camp (abl. abs.) on the other bank, proclaimed a departure for {in) the next day. The Gauls, be- lieving that he was flying, began to cross the river, which was between {medius) ; [and] Labienus, leading his army round, cut them to pieces in-the-midst-of the very difficulties of crossing the river. [Epistle. A letter was brought to me from my brother Quintus, [to- gether] with the decree-of-the-Senate which was passed in-re- gard-to me. I have it in mind to wait-for the proposal of the laws, and if there shall-be-opposition, I will follow the advice of the Senate, and rather lose my life than my country. Do you, I beg, hasten to come to us. a. Dative of service. Relations of Time, 85 Lesson 45. Relations of Time. I. The more common relations of Time are ex- pressed by Cases as follows : — 1. Accusative oi duration : § 256 (G. ^^yj \ H. 379) ; 2. Ablative of time at or within which: id. (G. 392 ; H. 429). a. Distance of time is expressed by ante and post, used either as prepositions governing the Accusative, or as adverbs with the Abla- tive, and with either cardinal or ordinal numerals : as, Ten* days from now, post decern dies. Ten days afterwards, decern post diebus* The tenth day afterwards, decimo post die. b. These may be followed by quam, with a clause describing the event before or after which anything is : as. Ten days before he came, 'ante decern dies (decimum diem, decern diebus ante) quam venit. c. Also abhinc, ago^ may be used with either case : as, Ten days ago, abhinc decent dies, or diebus, 2. In the recording of Dates in the Roman manner, observe — 1. The divisions of the Month by Kalends, Nones, and Ides«: § 376, with the introductory Note (G. App. ; H. 642. ii.) ; 2. The rule for reckoning by these divisions : id. d (G. App. ; H. 642. iii.). a. The number of the day is expressed bymn ordinal numeral; the name of the month takes the form of an adjective. Thus the date will appear, if written out in full — April 19, die tertio decimo ante Tcalendds Maids. This is more commonly abridged, thus : tertio decifno [ante'] kalendds Maids ; or, with numeral letters, XIII. kal. (a. d. XIII. kal.) 3Idi. a. The nouns Kalendae, Nonae, Idas, are all feaiininppJjy.ral. / ■ ex -r,n ( TINIVERSITT I 86 Latin Composition. b. Often ante diem (a. d.), with an ordinal, is used like a prepo- sition governing an accusative : as, This day was the fifth day before the kalends of April (March 28), is dies erat a. d. F. hal, Apr* c. This phrase may even be governed by a preposition : as, To the fifth day before the kalends of November (October 28), in a. cf. F. kalendds Kove^nhres (KovembrisJ. d. The date of the Roman year is ordinarily expressed by the names of the Consuls in the ablative without a conjunction (compare Note, Lesson 2,7)* Oral ^Exercises. I. Within two years. — 2. In the eighth month. — 3. Five months ago. — 4. Seven years before. — 5. For eighteen days. — 6. During more than six days. — 7. He died three years ago. — 8. Twelve years after. — 9. I stood for several hours. — 10. Three days before Caesar fought with the Gauls. — II. Twelve years after Cato died. — 12. The day before the Kalends of January (Dec. 31). — 13. About the 5th of De- cember. — 14. September 4. — 15. March 23. — 16. May 15. — 17. June 15. — 18. September 5. — 19. October 5. — 20. May 31. — 21. May 30. Translate into liatin. 1. I, the ally and friend of the Roman people, am held be- sieged now the fifth month. 2. Although the period (times) of Homer is uncertain, yet he was many years before Romulus. 3. Cato departed from hfe eighty-five years old {natus), 4. Here the praetor of the Roman people, the guardian and defender of the province, lived now for successive summer days. 5. After a few days the Senate was freed from the danger of massacre. 6. He died the year before my censorship/ ten years after my consulship. a. ante me censorem. Relations of Place, S^ Lesson 46. Relations of Place. \_Compare Lesson I'].'] ■; In general, the relations of Place are expressed by Prepositions. The following, however, require to be separately noticed : — 1. The Accusative of Extent : § 257 (G. 335 ; H. 379) ; 2. The Genitive of Measure : § 215. ^ (G. 364. R. ; H. 396. v.) ; 3. The Ablative of the way by which : § 258. ^ (G. 387) ; 4. The special constructions, not requiring a preposition, and used chiefly with the names of Towns : viz., a. The Ablative of the place from which: § 258. a (G. 411; H. 428. ii.) ; b. The Accusative of the place to which : § id. b (G. 410 ; H. 428. i.) ; c. The Locative form of the place in which: § id. c, d (G. 412, with R.^ ; H. 428. iii.) ; d. The Ablative in special locative phrases: id. /(G. 385, 386; H. 425. 3)- Remark. — Prepositions must be used to denote neighborhood: as, Towards (not into) or near Tarentum, ad Tarentmn. For certain idiomatic uses of Prepositions as indicating place or direction, — especially ab, ex, in, — see § 260. ^, b. Epistle. Tullius to his Tiro. We departed from you, as you know, on the second of No- vember. We came to Leucas on the sixth of November, on the seventh to Actium ; there we tarried the eighth on account of the weather. Thence on the ninth we sailed in-fine-style to Corcyra. We were at Corcyra until the 15 th," delayed by a. Notice that when this letter was written, B.C. 52, November had only twenty-nine days : the thirtieth was added in Caesar's reform of the Calendar, B.C. 45. SS Latin Composition. storms. On the i6th, we proceeded a hundred and twenty fur- longs into the harbor of the Corcyraeans, to [the neighborhood of] Cassiope. There we were kept by the winds until the 2 2d. On that day, we set sail after dinner (having dined). Thence, with a very gentle south-wind, and a clear sky, we came in-high- spirits on that night and the day after to [the neighborhood of] Hydrus, in Italy; with the same wind the next day — that was Nov. 24 — at the fourth hour, we came to Brundisium ; and at the same time with us Terentia, who values you very highly, entered the town. ... I have left a horse and mule for you at Brundisium. It remains that I ask and beseech this of you, that you do not {ne) sail rashly. IV. — Adjectives and Pronouns. Lesson 47. Adjectives: Special Uses. The points chiefly requiring notice in the use of Adjectives are the following: — 1. The rules for Gender: § 187, with a, b, c (G. 282; H. 439. 1.2,3). 2. The use by Synesis: id. d (G. 202. r.^ ; H. 438. 6). 3. Adjectives (especially in the plural) used as Nouns: § 188 (G. 195. R.*; H.441). 4. Neuter adjectives, singular or plural, including their use as abstracts: § 189. a, b, c (G. 195. R.^ 202. r.'*; H. id. with i, 2; 438.4). 5. Certain superlatives — as summus — with medius, etc. : § 193 (G. 287. R. ; H. 440. N.2) in agreement, as designating a part. 6. The reciprocal use of alius and alter : § 203 (G. 306 ; H. 459, with i). 7. The adjective with adverbial force: § 191 (G. 324. R.^; H. 443)- Oral Exercises. I. Paetus and Arria are both dead. — 2. Virtue and honor are to be desired. — 3. Folly is an evil [thing]. — 4. In the Adjectives: Special Uses. 89 first part of the way. — 5. I came unwillingly. — 6. I was the first to come (I the first came). — 7. One helps one, another another. — 8. The nearest part of the province. — 9. In the middle of the assembly. — 10. With the rest of the soldiers. — II. The love of truth. — 12. He reports the truth (true things). — 13. I read the letter unwillingly. — 14. He is the most ready to follow (= he follows most ready). — 15. In the late [part of the] night. — 16. The greatest part of the boys have gone-off to play (sup.). — 17. I see a great crowd of roughs" howling in the square.^ Translate into I.atin. 1. A little before midnight/ going forth from the town in silence, they began to cross the river. 2. This is the third letter (this third letter) I have written to you on the same day. 3. I encamped in the farthest [part of] Cappadocia, not far from the Taurus. 4. They look round one upon another. 5. Treaties are made, one under one condition, another under another. 6. Messala when censor was the first '^ who made a theatre at Rome. 7. They assemble in crowds at daybreak. 8. Some of you are geese, which only scream, [but] cannot harm ; others dogs, which can both bark and bite. 9. It shows ^ a great soul to despise greatness (great things), and to prefer mediocrity to {quam) excess. 10. Some were sent among the Volscians, others to Cumae, to collect corn. 11. I commanded the lieutenant to lead these five cohorts to the rest of the army. 12. If you go unwillingly, why do you go ? 13. Avarice impels some, anger and rashness others. 14. I love the truth; I wish [to have] the truth told me : I hate a liar. a. turbulentus. — b, platea. — c. media nox, — d. /A-mwj, agreeing with the subject. — ^. = it is of, &c. go Latin Composition. Lesson 48. Derivatives : Possessives. Derivative Adjectives are generally to be preferred to the possessive genitive, and, in many cases, to the locative construction : § 190 (G. 360. R.i ; H. 395. n. 2). Thus — Another man's house, aliena domus. The fight at CannaB, pugna Cannensis, This use is especially to be remarked in the following cases : — a. The Personal Pronouns have no possessive genitive : hence the adjectives meus, etc., are the only possessive form. b. As the Possessive is equivalent to a genitive, it may have a genitive in apposition, or a relative in agreement (by synesis) : as, The country of us all, nostra omnium patria. The glory of you who have done this, vestra qui haec fecistis gloria. Remark. — As there is no personal pronoun of the third person in Latin, the forms his, him, her, their, them must be expressed by the oblique cases of the Demonstratives is, ille, iste, hie. Oral Exercises. I. They pushed back our [men]. — 2. Caesar exhorts his [troops]. — 3. The war of Cassius. — 4. A rebellion of slaves. — 5. The affairs of the city. — 6. On a mound of earth. — 7. Under the race of Hector. — 8. Great courage and judg- ment. — 9. The army is not yours, but Caesar's. — 10. The good all favor me, and the wicked envy me. — 11. He called out as many soldiers as possible. — 12. Your life and character are known to all. — 13. Labor is not an evil. — 14. This is not your shield, but his. — 15. He says this is not your shield, but his. — 16. This was my work alone (of me alone). — 17. Our labors, who are here present. — 18. He was the friend of you {tuus), who nevertheless destroyed him. Pronouns : Reflexive and Intensive, 91 Dialog:ue. Grumio. Go out doors out of the kitchen, [you] scoundrel, [you] who show-off your wit to me among [my] stew-pans. Go forth, [our] master's ruin, out of the house. I, by Pollux, will punish you well in the country, if I live (fut.). Go out, I say ! Why do you skulk ? Tranio. What the mischief is your (dat.) shouting here in front of the house ? Do you think you are in the country ? Be off from the house ! Go away into the country. Go away and be hanged to you. Be off from the door ! — Well ! [is] this [what] you wanted ? Gr. I am done for ! Why do you beat me ? Tr. Because you will [it]. What the mischief is your busi- ness with me, or what 1 am doing ? Lesson ^^c). Pronouns: Reflexive and Intensive. Ambiguity often arises, in English, from the double meaning of self, as reflexive (se) or as intensive {ipse). These are to be carefully distinguished in Latin. Thus, Cato killed himself (reflexive), Cato se occidit, I saw Cato himself (intensive), ipsum Catonem vldu N.B. The personal pronouns of the first and second persons are also reflexive : as, I greatly blame myself, veheinenter me culpo, a. When both are used, the emphatic ipse generally agrees with the subject of the verb, not with the object : as, I myself (I too, or it is I that) reproach myself, ipse ine culpa. b. To express own (emphatic) , the genitive of ipse is used in apposition with the genitive implied in the possessive : as, You have betrayed your own country, vestram ipsorum patriatn prodidistis. 92 Latin Composition. c. The possessive suus is itself emphatic, and is made more so by being put before the noun. Thus — r He slandered [his] friend, amlco maledixit {am'icb sud would be emphatic, and sud amtco, " his own friend," still more emphatic). Remark. — The special emphatic use of idem should be com- pared with that of ipse, and the several significations of the latter should be carefully observed : § 195./-/ (G. 297, 298 ; H. 452. 1-5). Oral Exercises. I. With Caesar himself. — 2. He thinks with himself. — 3. Even the veterans fled. — 4. He hates himself. — 5. The very walls tremble. — 6. Even into the forum. — 7. Our own pursuits. — 8. He despises his own [possessions]. — 9. In say- ing this he {idem) denies that he is a Roman. — 10. You have great confidence in yourself (/^/). — 11. Devotion {studium) to us. — 12. Even to me, his friend, he seems a liar. Translate into L.atin. 1. You even gave yourself into custody. 2. I am like myself, and they are like themselves. 3. I desire nothing more than that I be like myself, and they [like] themselves.** 4. He himself spoke in his own behalf, and Caius Cotta [spoke] briefly,* because he was [his] sister's son. 5. First give thanks to the immortal gods, then to your own valor. 6. Not even they themselves compare themselves with them in valor. 7. The town Alesia itself was on the top of the hill. 8. No one sees the pirate -captain himself, upon whom pun- ishment ought to have been inflicted. 9. They themselves have come-to-their-senses through ad- miration of my resolution. 10. They remember all the things which they care for, — who owe them, whom they themselves owe. a. Either accusative with infinitive, or ut with subjunctive. — b. Few-things. Relative Pivnoiins, 93 Anecdote. [When] Chabrias the Athenian [was] about to fight with the fleet, — as a thunderbolt struck (excussusy in front of his own ship, [and] the soldiers were " scared by such a prodigy, — he said, " Now especially we should enter into battle, when Jupiter, the greatest of the gods, shows that his favor is with our fleet." Lesson 50. Relative Prononns. The general construction of the Relative may be defined as follows : — a. As a connective, it agrees with its antecedent in gender, per- son, and number; b. As a pronoun, it has its own construction in its own clause. Thus — The Remi, who were nearest, sent ambassadors, Memlf qui proximl erant, legdtos mlserunt. Here qui, subject of erant, connects the relative to the antecedent clause by agreement with Remi, subject of the main verb, miserunt. Remark. — For the various constructions of the relative and antecedent clause, see the references and examples in Lesson 4. Translate into L.atin. 1. [Those] who were consulted* were in great power. 2. What both the republic and our friendship exhort me, [that] I do willingly. 3. What [of] hostages were left, he restored. 4. There is a place in the prison which*' is called Tullianum. 5. What I value highest in those matters, that I now have. 6. He who hears an orator believes what (those things which) is said. 7. These divine and excellent qualities {bond) which we see in Marcus Cato, be asssured that [they] are his own. a. Ablative absolute. — b. Habitual action. — c. The relative agrees with the predicate. 94 Latin Composition, 8. This is the origin of the first temple (of all) thaf* was consecrated at Rome. 9. The letter which you sent to me on the march before you went out of Asia, I read very unwillingly.^ 10. Thither came the magistrates of the Sicilians, [thither] came the Roman knights, as {id quod) you have heard from many witnesses. 11. He hastens where (to the place to which) he had sent Labienus. 12. The pirates were at your house one [month], a second month, in short, almost a year, from the time when (from what time) they were taken. 13. That prison which is called "the quarries," which was made at Syracuse by the cruel (sup.) tyrant Dionysius, was the residence of Roman citizens under (in) the rule of that [wretch] . Lesson 51. Correlatives. A Relative word — Pronoun, Adjective, or Adverb — alw^ays refers to, or implies, an antecedent word of its own class, and is subject to the same rules of Attrac- tion or omission of Antecedent that have been given in the case of relative Pronouns {Lesson 4). The fol- lowing are the points chiefly requiring notice : — a. When AS follows a demonstrative word — such, so, as — it is to be considered a Relative, and rendered by the Correlative of the antecedent Demonstrative: see lists, § 106 (G. 645. i, 2). Thus — So (as) great ... as, tantus . . . quantus. Such ... as, talis . . . qudlis. So (as) many ... as, tot . . . quot. The same ... as, Idem . . . qui ; idem . . . quod. b. The correlative expression the . . . the, with Comparatives, a, = which first of all. — b. Adjective. Correlatives. 95 is to be rendered by quo . . . eo, quanto . . . tanto (ablative of degree of difference) . Thus — The wiser he is, the less he seems wise to himself, quo est sapientior, eo minus sapiens sibi videtur. Oral Exercises. I. As much bravery as wisdom. — 2. As many opinions as men. — 3. With as great judgment" as authority. — 4. The same ships as before. — 5. The lighter, the swifter. — 6. The firmer I am, the longer is the war. — 7. Such heroes as we have never seen. — 8. So great enmities as you have incurred. — 9. How many ships have the Romans built? — 10. Do you know how many ships the Romans built ? — 11. Did they build such ships as the Carthaginians use? — 12. They have the same arms as before. Translate into Liatin. 1. As often as we speak, judgment is passed upon us. 2. There are as many kinds of speech (of speaking) as duties of the orator. 3. Nor nevertheless does this require so much labor ^ as it seems. 4. Order "^ to be promised to the physician [as much] pay as he shall demand. 5. What strait, what Euripus, do you think has so many movements, so great and so various tossings of the waves, as ** the business of the comitia has disturbances and eddyings ? 6. He was not sorry to do the same as you. 7. It is not sp fine [a thing] to know Latin, as disgraceful not to know [it]. 8. That most severe war of the Volscians, in which Corio- lanus took-part [as] an exile, was at about the same time as the war of the Persians. 9. [As much] land was given as he ploughed around in one day. 10. Bestow as much care upon yourself as you have love for me (you love me). a. The partitive genitive (Lesson ^S) cannot be used here; the adjective must agree. — 6. = is of so much labor. — c. Imperative. — d. quantus. 96 Latin Composition. 11. The king fortifies [his] camp in the same place in which he had routed the forces of the enemy. 12. PubHus Servilius recaptured the pirate with the same good fortune" with which he had captured him. 13. The longer I consider, the more obscure the matter seems to me. Lesson 52. Indefinite Pronouns, The following significations of the various Indefinites should be carefully distinguished, and the examples below studied and compared. a. Some, some one, or a is aliquis, quispiam, or nescio quis; when more definite, = A certain, quidam : as, Don't you see somebody in yonder field? videsne aliquem in isto agrb? A merchant was walking out yesterday, mercator quldarti heri deambuldbat, b. Any is variously rendered, viz., — 1. In a universal negative, — not any, without any, — by quisquam (subst.) or ullus (adj.) : as, I came, but saw nobody, venl nee quemquam vldl. The boy did it without any help at all, puer sine ullo auxilio hoc effecit, 2. After IF, lest, unless, whether, also in questions implying a negative, quis is used in preference, though quisquam may be used less indefinitely. Thus — Can anybody do this 1 nuin quis hoc facere potest ? (im- plying that nobody can). 3. In a universal affirmative — any one whatever — by quivls, quHibet. Thus — Is it for any one [who will] to do this? niiin cujusvls est hoc faceve ? (i.e., it can be done, but not by everybody). a. In the relative clause. htdefinite Pronouns, 97 c. The Distributive each, every, is quisque; each (of tv.o), uterque; every one (used independently, without a subordinate clause), unusquisque: as. Every one likes his own best, suu^n cuique maxhne placet. Remark. — Quisque stands rather in the subordinate than in the principal clause : as, Let each strive as much as he can, quantum quisque potest, tantutn nltatur. Compare §§ 93. c, 202. dy e (G. 305, with r.\ 645. 2. r.'"^; H. 458. I, 2, 461. 3). Examples. 1. Do you think anybody here is wiser than Solomon? nuin quemquam horuiu Salomone sapientioreni esse putds ? 2. A neighbor of ours is just going to sail for Europe, vlclnus qiildam noster ad Europa^n ndvigdturus est, 3. Did you earn anything besides your board and clothes I num quicquain nieritus es praeter cibuin et vestem ? 4. The little wasp is fiercer than any wild beast, parva vespa qudvls ferd est ferocior. 5. I hardly know any one more gentlemanly than your friend, neminem fere amlco tuo llherdliorem novl, 6. I never heard anything more painful than that news, isto nuntio nihil umquam audlvl luctuosius. 7. The estate of Rome was equal to any of the neiglibor cities, res Rmndna cuilihet flnithndru^n clvitdtum pdr erat, 8. The bravest men make least noise about it, fortissimus quisque minime glbridtur. 9. Here you see all the resources I have, ihi vides quicquid habeo copidrum^ 10. The greater the army, the more the carnage, quo indjor exercitus eo gravior clddes est ; or, ut quisque est exercitus maxitnus, ita gravissima clddes. 98 Latin Composition. Oral ^Exercises. I. Some fields. — 2. In a certain field. — 3. Without any danger. — 4. Anybody can sit an hour. — 5. Can anybody" do so great things ? — 6. Can somebody do this ? — 7. Who will do this? — 8. Will anybody do this? — 9. It is not every one* that can sit ten hours. — 10. Without anybody. — 11. Each will go when he is*' ready. — 12. All the boldest. — 13. Each loves his own (his own [things] are dear to each). — 14. Each of the scouts is ready. — 15. Each took what he pleased (what pleased each). — 16. All the eloquent will be listened-to. — 17. He performed each of [his] duties. Translate into [Latin. 1. A rude and rustic voice pleases some [persons]. 2. He was equal to anybody in speaking Latin. 3. Is there any shame? any religion? any fear? . 4. Do you think that anybody was more moderate than Cato, your great-grandfather? 5. Ancus reigned twenty- four years, equal to any of the former kings in the arts and glory of war and peace. 6. I find in some [writers] that in this year was the fight (it was fought) at Lake Regillus. 7. He asked whether he brought anything else besides the chest. 8. I earnestly beg of you to bring [it] about that no injury be done to me, and that no {neve quid) time be added to my year's duty. 9. I understand that certain wonderful [doctrines] have pleased some [men], who, I hear, have been esteemed wise in Greece. 10. Why do you ask any one to favor you, to aid you? II. I neither dare nor ought to place any burden upon you. 12. If any one was ever averse, both by nature and reason and education, to empty praise, I certainly am he. 13. Each in order, as he excelled'* in age and honor, (so) spoke ** his opinion. a. Express this with both meanings. — <5. = it is not of any one you please. — c. shall be. — d. The imperfect describes, the perfect states : § 115. b. Simple Conditional Clauses. 99 14. He summoned to himself all the best and noblest. 15. They will be-on-hand each in his own time. 16. Each for himself migrates from the country* (fields) into the city. 17. In the great need, each, in-proportion-to his private means, even" defrauding himself of his sustenance, bestowed something upon him. 18. Each [in proportion] as he speaks well (so: ita maxinie) fears the difficulty of speaking, and the various accidents of speech, and the expectation of men. 19. They go to the houses of those with whom each had served. 20. It was then the custom that* they were ready to grant (in granting) to each his [own]. 21. His own fraud and his own terror chiefly worry each. 22. It must be considered, not how much each benefits, but how much*' each is [worth]. 23. The more each*^ trusts himself, and the more each is fortified by virtue and wisdom, the more ^ he excels in winning and maintaining friendship (plur.). 24. Each formed opinions, and added something of his own fear to* that which he had heard from another. V. — Subordinate Clauses. Note. — For the definition of the several forms of Subordinate Clause, see § 180. c^ d, e, comparing the Note prefixed to § 316, and the lists of Subordinate Conjunctions in § 155. d.-h. (G. 505, 508; H. 555. i.-viii.). For the Sequence of Tenses in subordinate clauses, see Lesson 20, comparing Lesson 32. Lesson 53. Simple Conditional Clauses. The rules for Simple Conditions (if) may be stated as follows (compare Lesson 21) : — a. ipse. — b. ut, — c. § 252. a (G. 379; H. 405). — d. Use quisque (with superlatives). — e. Dative, or ^^ with accusative. lOO Latin Composition. a. When the Condition has reference to present or past time, — that is, when the existence or non-existence of the case supposed is in itself a matter of certainty, — use the Indicative. Thus — If Cato is [now] in Rome (of which I am not sure), he will call upon me, si Cato Hoinae est, jne convenieU b. For the future time, either the Indicative or the Present Sub- junctive may be used; the Future Indicative is equivalent to the idiomatic use of the Present Indicative in English ; as, If Cato is in Rome [when I arrive] he will call upon me, si Cato Momae erit, ine conveniet, c. The Present Subjunctive expresses a future condition less dis- tinctly, answering to the English use of should in the protasis, and should or would in the apodosis. Thus — If Cato should be in Rome [at any future time] he would call upon me, si Cato Romae sit, me conveniat. Oral Exercises. I. If you are well, I am glad. — 2. If he was not there, he was at Rome. — 3. If this book is yours {est ti^i) give it to me. — 4. If you do rightly, you are praised. — 5. If you [shall] do rightly, you will be praised. — 6. If you should do rightly, you would be praised. — 7. Unless you do rightly, you will not be praised. — 8. If you did not fight, you were cowards. — 9. If you do not fight, you are cowards. — 10. If you do not fight, you will be conquered. — 11. If Marcus should remain, we should be glad ; but if he should go, we should still praise him. Translate into I^atin. 1. If you see the good throng to me, will you invite the wicked to yourself ? 2. If the people should meet with you, and could speak with one voice, it would say this. 3. If by chance that which concerns me less pleases you more, I will restore that sedileship to you. 4. If you should ask me what (gua/is) I consider the nature of the gods to be, I should perhaps make no answer. Other Conditional Clauses, lOl 5. As, if any one should say that the republic of the Athenians is ruled by counsel, the word {illud) " of-the-Areo- pagus " would be-understood, so when we say that the world is controlled by providence, consider that "of the gods" is-under- stood. 6. If any god should grant to me that, from this period-of- life, I might become-a-boy-again, and cry in the cradle, I should strongly object. 7. If I should desire from you the greatest services, it ought (would deserve) to seem strange to no one. 8. If I should say this, that I passed over the province on your account, I should seem too fickle even {ipse) to you. Lesson 54. other Conditional Clanses* Other forms of Conditiorial Clause are as follov^s : — a. For Conditions Contrary to Fact, Secondary Tenses of the Subjunctive are to be used : § 308 (G. 599 ; H. 510, with i). Thus — If he were [now] here he would say thus, si adesset ita diceret. If he had been present he would have said thus, si adfuisset ita dlxisset. Remark. — The Indicative is often used in the apodosis for greater vividness, especially with the participles in -urus and -dus, and with expressions of powei% permission^ etc. : § 308. b^ c, d {G. 599. R.2, R.^ R.\ R.^; H. 511). Thus — I was about to fight [and should have done it] had you not In- terposed, dlmicdturus eratn nisi ohstitisses. If he were [now] a private man at Rome yet he ought to be appointed, si Romae 2>r*i'aiMs esset tamen erat deligendus (Cic). Compare, in Indirect Discourse — I am quite sure that he would have com? if he could, certo scio eum venturum fuisse si potuisset. b. In General Conditions, (i) the second person singular of the Present Subjunctive is used to denote an indefinite subject] and (2) I02 Latin Composition, in narrative the Secondary Ten^^es are (by late usage) employed to express customary action : § 309. a, b (G. 597. r.=^, 569. R.^ ; H. 486. iii.). The apodosis is in the Indicative. Thus — The memory weakens unless you practise it, memoria minuitur nisi earn exerceds. When [ever] he had said this he hurled a spear, ubi hoc dlxisset hastam projecit. (Compare a, under Lesson 22.) Other cases of General Condition take the Indicative. Oral Exercises. I. If this were so, I should be glad. — 2. If you had gone, I should have gone with you. — 3. Unless I were well, I should not set out. — 4. If you loved Caesar (at some former time), you did well. — 5. If you loved Caesar (now, — as you do not), you would do this. — 6. If you had loved Caesar, you would have done this. — 7. I could have helped him, had he not refused. — 8. If a soldier met him he [habitually] saluted him. — 9. If you do rightly you are happy. Translate into Latin. 1. I would write more, if I thought that you could read longer (Jam) with pleasure. 2. If you had gone to Britain also, surely no one in that so great island would have been more experienced than you. 3. If it were necessary for me only to speak against Later- ensis, nevertheless even {ipsum) this would be offensive in our great (tantus) intimacy and friendship. 4. If he had lived to [his] hundredth year, would he there- fore regret his old age ? 5. He was a tribune of the people, not perhaps so violent as those whom you justly praise, but at-any-rate such a one [that] if all had always been like {quails) [him], a violent tri- bune would never have been desired. 6 If plane-trees bore viols sounding rhythmically, of-course you would judge that music resided in plane-trees. 7. Whatever brought great advantage to the human race, this they thought took place not without a divine goodness towards men. Implied Conditions. 103 8. If I were the first to speak this opinion, you certainly would praise [me] ; if the only one, you at any rate would pardon [me]. 9. Should you not think that these men should be torn away from the provinces, if they were not at-some-time to be withdrawn [from them] ? Lesson 55. Implied Conditions. 1. Of Disguised Conditions the most frequent are — - a. A participial or other qualifying clause: § 310. a (G. 594. I, 2, 3; H. 549. 2). This often takes the form of the Ablative Absolute : as, If I had received the letter I should have set out, epistuld acceptd profectiis essem. b. An expression of Wish, Command, or hypothetical statement : § 310. b, c (G. 594. 4, 600; H. 487. 3). 2. Omitted conditions are — a. The Potential Subjunctive (so called) : § 311. ^ (G. 250, 252; cf. 602^; H. 485, 486. i., with N. I, 2) ; b. The Subjunctive of cautious or doubtful statement: § 311. ^ (G. 250; H.485). Remark. — Here belongs the common use of velim, etc.. in polite wish, and vellem to denote what is no longer possible. Com- pare the Dubitative Subjunctive: § 268 (G. 251, 258; H. 486. ii.). . Oral Exercises. I. You would have thought that a god spoke. — 2. Who would say that this is so? — 3. I am-inchned-to-believe that Caesar so wishes. — 4. Why should I say more? — 5. I wish you were to be here. — 6. I wish you were here. — 7. Who would not rather be wise than rich? — 8. This would have been disgraceful ! — 9. I should say that you were worthy of praise. — lo. I am sorry {rwlleni) that this has happened. — 11. No I04 Latin Composition, one, not a fool, would have thought so. — 12. A stranger or an enemy might have said that. — 13. To look at him, you would say he was a dunce. Hear him discourse, and you would call him shrewder and wittier than Socrates. Translate into Liatin. 1. I could wish {vellem) that he had been able to conform to your desire. 2. Nor would you find [any] other thing greater or more excellent. 3. Should I have feared (imp. subj.) that I, that fiercest enemy of kings, should myself undergo the charge of a desire of royalty ? 4. Shall I joke with you by letter, or write something more serious ? 5. Whither shall I, wretch [that I am], betake myself? To the Capitol? But it is wet with the blood of my brother. Home ? That I may see my wretched mother lamenting and distressed ? 6. Why should I not confess what is necessary ? 7. As I just said, in nearly all things, and especially in physics, I can tell what is not [true] quicker than what is. 8. If I lay aside even my enmities for the sake of the republic, who, pray, would have any right to blame me (blame me rightfully) ? ° ^ \ Cpistle. Cicero to his Atticus. I readily believe that you are glad to be at home. But I should like to know what remams for you, or whether you have already finished. I am expecting you in my Tusculan [estate], and the more on this account, because you wrote to Tiro that you would come immediately, and added that you thought there was need. Altogether I used to feel how much good you did me [when] present, but I feel [it] much more since your departure. Wherefore, as I wrote to you before, either I [must go] to you wholly,* or do you [come] to me when you may. a. Use the adjective ; ^ 191. ff OP THK f XJNiVERSli 1 Comparative and Concessive Clak&e.^^ '- i w ^ Lesson 56. Comparative and Concessive Clause. [ Co77tpare Lesson 20.] Closely allied in construction and meaning to Conditional clauses are — 1. Comparative clauses (introduced by AS if) : § 312, with Rem. (G. 604; H. 513. ii.); 2. Concessive clauses (although) : § 313 (G. 606-610 ; H. 515); 3. Clauses of Proviso (provided that): § 314 (G. 575; H. 513- i-)- Examples. Ton stray as if you were blind, errds tamqua^n caecus sis (compare Lesson 20). Though you are blind you do not stray, quamquam cae- cus es tainen non errds. Provided the health be good, valetudo modo bona sit* Oral Exercises. I. He speaks as if he knew. — 2. He spoke as if he knew. — 3. Although you are wise I do not believe you. — 4. How- ever wise you are, you do not know the number of the stars. — 5. Granting that you are wise, can you foretell the future ? — 6. He related Caesar's death, as if he had seen it. — 7. How- ever loud you speak, he will not hear you. — 8. Provided you be wise, no one will harm you. — 9. Although the enemy (plur.) were near, they advanced as if they knew there was no danger. — 10. Although you be my friend, there is yet a dispute be- tween us. Translate into L.atin. 1. Do not expect arguments from me, judges, as if there were some {aliquid) doubt. 2. Why do I make use of these witnesses, as if the matter were doubtful or obscure ? 3. Their natural powers remain to old men, provided their interest and industry continue. io6 Latin Compositio7t. 4. Although old age be not burdensome, yet it takes away that vigor in which Scipio was even now. 5. Scipio, a very few days before his death, as if he presaged [it], discoursed for three days on public affairs. 6.' The territory, granting that there be ten acres apiece, cannot support more than five thousand men. 7. [This] excellent man is on his guard not to buy {n'e with subj.) from [one who is] unwilling. As if truly we did not under- stand that to buy from one who is unwilling is a losing [job] ; from one who is willing, profitable. 8. Although he is not at all to be despised in speaking, yet he depends rather upon his foresight of important matters than upon his skill (ars) in speaking. 9. If you had brought me Sicyonian slippers, I would not use [them], however comfortable and well-fitted to the foot they were, because they are not manly. 10. Let them hate, provided they fear. Lesson 57. Temporal Clauses* Relative clauses of Time (when, while, until) may be regarded according as their action precedes, follows, or accompanies that of the leading clause. a. Time preceding that of the leading verb, being definite and precise, is expressed by the Indicative (generally the Perfect), intro- duced by postquam, etc. : § 324 (G. 563 ; H. 471. 4). b. For iimQ following that of the leading verb, may be used — 1. To state the limit as a fact, the tenses of the Indicative : |§ 327. a, c, 328 (G. 576-578, 573 ; H. 519. i., 521. i. 2) ; 2. In narration, more commonly, the Imperfect or Pluperfect sub- junctive with antequam or priusquam : § 327 ; cf. 325 (G. 579 ; H. 520. ii.) ; 3. To imply purpose, the Subjunctive with dum, donee, quoad: §328(G. 574; H. 519. ii.). Temporal Clauses. Remark. — Antequam and priusquam are often divided into two words, when the ante or prius stands as an adverb in the prin- cipal clause, and quam introduces the subordinate clause ; in this case they are to be translated together in the subordinate clause as before or until; as, Nor did he let him go until he gave a pledge, neque ante dlmlsit eiun quant fidetn dedit. c. Time accompanying that of the leading verb regularly takes the Present Indicative with dum, even when it relates to past time : § 276. e (G. 572 ; H. 467. 4). Thus — >\'hile these things were going on, word was bronglit, du^n haec geruntur, nuntidtuni est. Oral Exercises. I. We will wait until you arrive. — 2. I will see you before Caius sets out. — 3. I saw you before Caius set out. — 4. While he was standing, the enemy escaped. — 5. After they had crossed the river, they were attacked by the Gauls. — 6. Before they reached the town, fighting began. — 7. While these things w^ere going on, Caesar set out with the tenth legion. — 8. As soon as I saw you, I cried out. — 9. He cried out" before he saw me. — 10. He cried out" until I came to him. — 11. You-may {licet) sleep as-long-as you fear nothing. — 12. He will keep-on {pe7'severo^) until he reaches [his] end. — 13. So-far-as custom permits, I will proceed. Translate into Latin. 1. It greatly concerns each of us, that I see you before you go away.* 2. He brought all together into one place, before word could be brought to the Arvernians of his arrival. 3. The Gauls crossed into Italy two hundred years before they laid siege to Clusium and took Rome. 4. He would have surpassed the happiness {fortuna) of all, if it had been his (dat.) good-fortune {contingit) to see (///, etc.) you before he departed* from life. a. Notice the tense. — b. Subjunctive, io8 Latin Composition, 5. Before I approach those [points] which have been dis- cussed by you, I will say what I think of you yourself. 6. While he delayed a few days, fear suddenly seized upon all the army. 7. I wish you would call-to-mind what I did in the Senate in regard to you after you set out, what I said in the assemblies, what letters I sent to you. Anecdote. Cornelia, the mother of the Gracchi, when a Campanian matron (a guest at her house) was showing her most beautiful ornaments, detained her by conversation until her children re- turned from school ; and then said,* " These are my ornaments." Lesson 58. Special Uses of Cu^n. The use of the particle cum requires to be especially noticed, as employed to express — 1. Absolute time, with the Indicative: § 325, with Note, and a, b.c (G. 582-585; H. 318. 3); 2. Relative time, with the Secondary tenses of the Subjunctive: §325 (G 586; H. 521. ii. I); 3. Cause or Concession (since, while, though), with the Sub- junctive: § 326 (G. 587. R. ; H. 517. I, 515. iii.). Kxamples. When he had come, c\un venlsset. When he comes (shall come), cum veniet* Since he has arrived, cum adveneriU Oral Exercises. I. When I am at Athens, I always visit Mars* Hill. — 2. When I am at Athens, I shall visit Mars' Hill. — 3. When I was at Athens, I visited Mars' Hill. — 4. When I leave Athens, I shall return to Rome. — 5. Since night is approach- a. Use inquam. special Uses of Cum. 109 ing, let us depart. — 6. Since night was approaching, they sep- arated. — 7. When night approached, they separated. Translate into Latin. 1. When I compare my action with yours, although I do not favor myself more than [I do] you, nevertheless I am much better {niagis) pleased with my action than yours. 2. When ambassadors had come to him to beg" that he would pardon them and consult for their lives ^ (sing.), he orders the arms to be collected, the horses to be brought forward, [and] hostages to be given. 3. You who ask this, do somewhat {similiter) as if you asked me why I look at you with two eyes and not with one {alter), since I can accomplish the same thing with one. 4. He was acquitted by an assembly*' of the Roman people, although he confessed that his sister had been killed by his hand. Anecdote. Agesilaus, the Lacedaemonian, when he had placed his camp opposite the Thebans above a river-bank, and understood that the force of the enemy was much greater, and for- this -reason wished to restrain his men from the desire of fighting, said that he was ordered by an oracle of the gods to fight on high ground {ex collibus) ; and so, placing a small guard at the bank, he ap- proached the hills. [But] the Thebans interpreting this"* (as pro) fear, crossed the river ; and when they had easily driven back the guard, following the rest too eagerly,* they were beaten by- fewer men, on account of the disadvantage of the position. Dialogue. Tranio. Look around again. Theopropides. There is no one. Speak now at once. Tr. It is a fatal deed. Th. What is that ? I don't understand. a. Supine in um. — d. Dative. — c. The assembly was not regarded as a person, or corporate body, but as a mere instrument of action. — d. Relative, — e. Comparative : ^ 93. a. no Latin Composition. Tr. a crime, I say, was committed long ago, old and ancient ; this deed we have just now discovered. Th. What villainy is that, or who did it? Tell me. Tr. a host killed his guest [whom he had] caught with his hand. He, as I think, who sold this house to you. Th. Killed? Tr. And took away gold from [that] same guest, and buried that guest here in-this-very-place in the house. Th. Why do you suspect that this was done ? Tr. I will tell [you]. Listen. When your son had dined out {forts), after he returns home from supper, we all go to bed. We went to sleep. I had forgotten by chance to put out the light ; and he all-of- a- sudden cries out at-the-top-of-his-voice. Th. Who? my son? Tr. St, — be quiet ; he says that that dead man came to him in sleep. This is {ecce) what that dead man said to him : " I am Diapontius, a guest from-beyond-sea. Here I dwell. This dwelling was given to me. For Orcus would not {noluit) re- ceive me to Acheron, because I am deprived of life prematurely. I was deceived through confidence. My host here killed me, and he buried me secretly in this house, the villain, for the sake of gold. Now do thou depart hence. This house is accursed ; this dwelling is impious." Lesson 59. Causal Clauses. Causal clauses regularly take the Indicative ; but they take the Subjunctive when the reason is not simply stated as a fact, but assigned as a motive : as, Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth, Socrates accusdtus est quod corrutnperet juventutem, a. This is regularly the case with relative clauses expressing a reason : as. Since I see, quippe qui videam. Causal Clauses, ill b. In negative clauses non quo may be used in preference to non quod or non quia: compare § 341. R. (G. 538. R., 541. R.* ; H. 516. ii. 2) : as, Not that I fear, non quo timeain* Oral Sxercises. I. He hates me, because I am luckier than he. — 2. He hates me on-the-ground-that I have thwarted him. — 3. He is fortunate in having you with him. — 4. Since Caesar is my friend, I dare resist you. — 5. Since [he thought] Caesar was absent, he opposed his plans. — 6. I resisted him, not that I thought him an enemy, but I did not approve his designs. Translate into Latin. 1. Although, as I have written you before, wherever you are, you are in the same boat [with me], yet I congratulate you on your absence, because you do not see the things that we [see]. 2. I congratulate you on being absent. 3. He accuses them of having held discourses of this sort concerning him. 4. I had said that this first point needed no argument, because it is" clear to all that there are gods. 5. I appeared to bear my misfortune bravely, — not that I bore it with equanimity, but I consoled myself [by] thinking that there would not be a long separation between us. 6. I did not accept even that ; not that I thought [it] in- consistent with my dignity, but because I did not suspect that so great a crime was hanging over the republic. 7. If you did not know that Metellus thought thus (haec) of me, you ought to consider that your brother kept you igno- rant^ [in regard to] the most important matters ; but if, however, he imparted to you something of his plan, I ought to be con- sidered lenient and easy by you, since I make no complaint*' to (cum) you in regard to these very matters. a. Follow the rule of sequence of tenses. — b, celo^ with the accusative of the person, — c. — "complain [as to] nothing." 112 Latin Composition. Anecdote. Tarquin the Proud, the father, thinking that the chiefs of the Gabinians ought to be put to death, because he was not willing that this should be entrusted to any one, made no answer" to the messenger who had been sent him by his son ; nevertheless he struck off with a staff the tall poppy-heads, since by chance he was walking in a garden. The messenger, having returned without an answer, brought word to the young Tarquin what he had seen his father doing. He understood that the same thing was to be done to the eminent Gabinians. Lesson 60. Final Clauses. Clauses expressing a Purpose require the Subjunc- tive with ut (negatively n~e) or a relative : as, He sent men to plough the field, homines mlsit ut [qui] agrum ardrenU Remark. — For the various expressions of Purpose, see § 318, with rt, ^, c, d {G. 544. R.^). For the use of ut and ne, with ex- pressions of Fear, see Lesson 29, Remark. a. In negative clauses ne quis, ne quid, ne umquam, etc., must be used for ut nemo, ut nihil, ut numquam, etc. : these last are used in clauses of Result. b. When there is a comparative in the sentence, quo is generally used in preference to ut : as, That he might come the sooner, quo citius venlret, c. Substantive clauses which express a Purpose, following verbs of wishing, advising, necessity, &c., often omit the ut or ne: § 331. /. Rem. (G. 546. r.^; H. 499. 2) ; d. With phrases like ut ita dicam, so to speak; ne plura dicam, 7iot to say more, the principal clause is often omitted: § 317- ^• Oral Exercises. I. I have come to meet you. — 2. I came to meet Balbus. — 3. This is a pleasant spot, not to say delightful. — 4. He is a a. = answered nothing. Final Clauses, 1 1 3 brave man, — I do not say a good man. — 5. We fight that we may not be-slaves. — 6. He is another Plato, so to speak. 7. They founded a city which should be a refuge to the dis- tressed. — 8. We listen, that we may be more wise. — 9. We set out at once in order that we might arrive earher. — 10. Be- ware of pardoning. — 11. It is necessary that we set out. 12. I will ask him to come. — 13. I wish you were at Rome. — 14. Now, to pass over such [points], I will speak of making peace. — 15. I fear you are not sufficiently wily. — 16. He feared that the Gauls would attack him on the march. — 17. I fear he will not win the royal power. Translate into ILatin. 1. Three hundred of us (we, three hundred), chiefs of the Roman youth, have sworn to assault you. 2. I think that something should be given the physician himself, that he may be more zealous. 3. He sends forward to the Boii [men] who shall inform [them] of his arrival, and exhort them to remain in their fidel- ity, and withstand the attack of the enemy with good courage. 4. She whispers to (with) herself, but [so] that I may hear. 5. In the first place, I wish you to consider this, — that your feelings are strongly approved by me (dat.). 6. This one thing I do not know, whether to congratulate [you] or fear for you ; not that I fear that your virtue will not meet the expectation of men, but, by Hercules, lest, when you come (fut. perf.), you have no longer [any thing] to care for {quod, etc.). 7. As I myself have always joined Latin with Greek, I am of opinion that you should do the same, that you may be equally-good {par) in the use of each language {ser7?io). 8. I wish you would send letters as often as possible, espe- cially if there shall be any better-established [state of things], in-regard-to-which ** we may have-hope. 9. But, to pass over the common cause, let us come to ours. a. Use the relative. 114 Latin Composition. 10. Do you think, pray, that it was easier for Ligarius to go out of Africa, or for you not to come into Africa ? 11. I fear, Crassus, that I cannot concede those two points to you. 12. Do not fear, Hortensius, that I shall ask how it was per- mitted to a senator to build a ship. Anecdote. Manius Curius, the most perfect type of Roman frugality, and at the same time the most complete model of bravery, presented himself to the ambassadors of the Samnites, sitting at the hearth on a rude stool, and dining out of a wooden bowl. For he des- pised the wealth of the Samnites, [and] the Samnites wondered at his poverty. For when they had brought to him a great weight of gold, sent by the state {publice), he, when invited with kind words to be willing to use it, broke into laughter, and said at once : " Agents of a superfluous, not to say foolish, mission, report to the Samnites that Manius Curius would rather rule the rich than himself be rich ; and carry back that costly gift, and remember that I can neither be conquered in battle nor corrupted by money." Lesson 6i. Consecutire Clanses. Clauses of Result, like those of Purpose, take the Subjunctive after ut or with a relative : as, They place their chariots in such a way that they have a speedy retreat, ita currus conlocant, ut expedltum receptum habeant. a. In negative clauses of Result, ut non is used instead of ng, ut nemo for ne quis, etc. b. After secondary tenses the Perfect Subjunctive may be used in clauses of Result, to represent the historical perfect of the direct statement: as, The discnssion reached such a height that he fled to Yitellius, eo discorfliae ventuin [esf ] , ut ad Vitellium pev" fugerit (Direct, ad Vitellium perfugit). Consectitive Clauses. 1 1 5 c. The relative is often used in clauses of Result, where the Eng- lish idiom uses as with the infinitive. Thus — Who is so silly as to believe this? quis est ta^n ineptus qui hoc credat ? d. A peculiar construction in Latin is the phrase tantum abest, followed by an ut clause as subject and another as result : § 332. d (G. 556. R.^ ; H. 502. 3). It is so far [from being true] that friendships are sought on account of need, that those who need another least are the most liberal, tantmn ahest ut amlcitiae propter indigentiam colantur, ut il qui minime alterius indigeant, llherdlissiml sint. Here the substantive clause ut . . . colantur is subject of abest, and the consecutive clause ut . . . sint depends upon tantum. Remark. — For the use of quominus and quin in clauses of Result, see § 319. c, d (G. 547, 549-551 ; H. 504, 497. ii.). Oral Exercises. I. Who is so rash as to dare this? — 2. The river is so swift that we cannot swim in it. — 3. The cold is so great that wine freezes. — 4. I am so far (abest, not absufti) from being un- friendly to you, that I value you very highly. — 5. Caesar was so far from being defeated that he even pursued the enemy. 6. The peril was so great that we fled. — 7. I am not so sus- picious as not to believe you. — 8. Nothing hinders me from aiding Pompey. — 9. Nothing hindered me from aiding you. — 10. I shall never be prevented from rejoicing. — 11. There is no doubt that Rome is the capital of the world. 12. We do not object to your thinking us foolish. — 13. Caius left nothing undone to frustrate my plans. — 14. He was within a little of (it was very little distant but that) reaching the city. — 15. It cannot be {fiej'i) but that you believe this. — 16. It was owing to you that I did not go. Translate into Liatin. I. His speeches have so much wit, so many illustrations, so much elegance, that they almost seem to have been written in Attic style. Ii6 Latin Composition. 2. Will no virtue, therefore, ever be so respected by you" that it cannot be injured by suspicion ? 3. There cannot be readily found [one] who can give bet- ter counsel to another {alter) than you ; but at any rate no one will give better to you yourself. 4. If there are but few who love the nobility, is that our fault ? 5. I cannot help {praetereo) sending to you daily. 6. He is so far from influencing my opinion, that I think he himself should be very much ashamed at having departed from his [own] opinion. 7. What shrine in Achaia, what place or sacred-grove, has been so [held] sacred that any image or ornament is left in it ? 8. And yet I do not doubt that eloquence has always had great force. 9. How can it be doubted that the glory of military service brings much more of worthiness to win the consulship than [that] of civil law? (Worthiness = dignitas.) . 10. I could not help writing to you, and giving thanks. 11. Caesar, fearing for his men, sent to Titus Sextius, the lieutenant, that he should lead his cohorts quickly out of the camp, in order that he might terrify the enemy from pursuing freely. Epistle. Cicero to his Atticus, I had not doubted that I was to see you at Tarentum or Brundisium, and this had reference to many [points] ; among them, that we might tarry in Epirus and use your counsel on other things. Since this has not happened, this also will be [ranked] in the great number of our misfortunes. Our route is to Asia, especially to Cyzicum. I commend my [family] to you. I sustain myself with difficulty, and wretchedly. Given April 1 7, near Tarentum {Tarentlnum)} a, = " in your eyes," tidl. — b. de with abl. Clauses of Characteristic. 1 1 7 Lesson 62. Clauses of Characteristic. A RELATIVE clause with the subjunctive is often used to express a Characteristic of the antecedent, contain- ing more or less distinctly the idea of result. Thus — They say a great deal which they scarcely understand, inulta dlcimt quae vine intelleganU Note. — Here the indicative, intellegunt, would indicate things which they do not /;/ fact understand. The use of the subjunctive implies that the things are so difficult, or the speakers so stupid, that they cannot understand them. Clauses which occur under this head are — 1. Those following general expressions of existence : § 320. a (G. 634; H. 503- i-); 2. Following unus and solus: id. b (G. 633 ; H. id. ii.) ; 3. Following Comparatives with quam ( = too . . . to) : id. c (G.313; H. id. 3); 4. Of Restriction or Proviso, especially with quod : id. d (G. 629. R. ; H. 503. i. 3, N. 2) ; 5. Of Cause or Hindrance : id. e (G. 636, 637 ; H. 5 1 7, 5 1 5. ii. 4) ; 6. Following diguus, etc. (= worthy to . . .) : id. f (G. 556. R.'"* ; H. 503. ii. 2). Remark. — After general negative expressions, where the Eng- lish uses BUT, quin is often used for qui (quod, etc.) non : as. There is no one but says this, nemo est quln hoc dlcaU Oral Exercises. I. I am not worthy of receiving these honors. — 2. He is not fit to have those honors bestowed upon him (upon whom these honors should be bestowed). — 3. Caesar is the only one to whom such honors are due. — 4. There are [some] who envy me. — 5. There were [some] who envied me. — 6. He is too shrewd to be deceived (shrewder than who can be deceived). — 7. Who is there that thinks Titus mad? — 8. Who was there that thought Marcus wise ? — 9. There was nothing that you did not see. — 10. There was no one but thought you rash. — Ii8 Latin Composition. II. Who is there but thinks us wise? — 12. You were the only one to receive such rewards. Translate into L.atin. 1. There will be many to whom you can properly give let- ters, who will gladly bring them to me. 2. Nor was there any one who cared for booty. 3. There were [some] at that time who believed that Mar- cus Crassus had not been ignorant of this design. 4. There is no reason for you to hurry. 5. On {ex) each side there are some who desfa-e to con- tend. 6. This is the only place to which {quo) they may escape. 7. Who is there of those Greeks, who thinks that any one of us understands any thing ? 8. There is no one of us but knows that you have no enmi- ties with Sextus Roscius. 9. I have no reason to find fault with old age. 10. There is no one but understands that that republic is falling. 11. I ask you this, my Tiro, that you spare expense in noth- ing, so far as there is need for your health. Lesson 63. Inflnitiye Clauses. [Compare Lessons 6, 24-26.] The following special forms of Infinitive Clause are liable to occur, especially in the extended use of Indi- rect Discourse : — 1. The Periphrastic Infinitive, formed by fore or futurum esse with the Subjunctive, which is regular with verbs which have no supine stem, and is especially common after spero : § 288. /(G. 240. 2; H. 537, with I). 2. The Infinitive of Impersonal verbs, or the neuter of the Ge- rundive with esse, in such phrases as — Infinitive Clauses, 119 He saw that he must leap down, vtdit desiliendum esse (Direct, desiliendutn est), A report came to the Senate that it had rained blood, san^ guinem pluisse sendtul nuntidtiun est* 3. Rhetorical Questit)ns in Indirect Discourse (see Lesson 27. a). Oral Exercises. I. I hope to be able. — 2. He says that we shall soon be willing. — 3. He said that he should not fear. — 4. I under- stand that fighting-is-going-on. — 5. I understand that fighting has been going on. — 6. I understood that fighting was going on. — 7. Remember that you are envied." — 8. He says that fortune will again shine upon us. — 9. Do you think that [we] must fight? — 10. I do not think a rich [man] ought to be envied. Translate into L.atin. 1. They said they hoped that these designs which had been secretly entered into, contrary to the safety of the city and empire, would be brought to light. 2. All were of opinion that an addition would be enrolled in Italy for my legions and [those] of Bibulus. 3. You write that the physician is well esteemed (that it is well thought concerning, &c.). 4. He will say that he always wished to be asked, always to be entreated. * 5. Why [he asked] did they urge* him, already an old man, and [one who had] passed through [all] labors and the rewards of labors ? 6. Why, pray [he asked], did they fear, or why did they despair of their own valor or his {ipse) care ? 7. If these things {quae) [he urged] were not to be borne in a king, or the son of a king, who would bear [them] in so many private persons? Let them see [to it], lest by forbidding a. Verbs which govern the dative still govern the dative when used imper- sonally in the passive. — b. In all these sentences consider whether the ques- tion is real or rhetorical. f OP THE ^ I UNIVERSITT 1 2d Lathi Composition. men to speak freely in the senate-house, they should even excite talk outside the senate-house. When they wished, let them test how much braver is" a sense-of-grief than self-seeking. For what had they done by* the people? Let them not place too much hope in others' fear ! 8. Then Ahala Servihus, tribune of the soldiers, says that he has been silent so long, not because he was uncertain in opinion,*' — for what good citizen separates his own counsels from the public [counsels] ? — but because he chose that his colleagues should yield of their own accord to the authority of the Senate rather than suffer (imp. subj.) the power of the tribunes to be called upon against themselves. Lesson 64. Intermediate Clauses. The cases in which an intermediate relative clause must take the Subjunctive are the following : — 1. When the clause expresses the thought of some other person than the speaker or writer or his own in some other relation {infor- mat indirect discourse) ; 2. When the clause is an integral part of a subjunctive or mfini- tive construction {^attraction). Remark. — Many such clauses may be so regarded or not, as the speaker or writer chooses. Compare the following examples : — 1. He first mentioned that of which I have just spoken (direct statement), which (according to him) had its origin in a presentiment of the future, prlmum posult earn {causain) de qua modo dlxl, quae orta esset ex praesensione rerutn futurdruin, 2. He says that he sees what (as he alleges) I see, dlcit se videi*e ea quae videani {quae video would mean, what I see in fact) . a. Follow sequence of tenses. — d. — through. — c. Genitive. Intermediate Clauses. 121 3. I come to see what you see, venio ut mdeain ea quae tu videds (or vides), 4. For what can be so plain as that there is some Divinity, by whom these things are governed? quid enim potest esse tarn perspicuum quant esse aliquod nument quo haec regantur? Oral Exercises. I. He came that he might see the games, which then were going on. — 2. He came that he might see the games that were going on. — 3. I wish to cross the river, while you will stay in the camp. — 4. I wish to cross the river while you stay in the camp. — 5. I have received the letter which you sent. — 6. If I had not received the letter that you sent, I should have re- mained in the city. — 7. I have read the book which was given to me. — 8. I fear I shall not have an opportunity of reading the book that was given to me. — 9. He was prevented by his state-of-health from eating the oysters he bought." — 10. I see that the man of whom you speak is present. — 11. He said that he came as soon as he saw me. — 12. We understand that the city which we seek is distant. — 13. They understood that the enemy whom they were pursuing were not far distant. — 14. He under- stood that the enemy whom he had defeated were retreating. — 15. He understood that the enemy, whom he had not seen, were approaching. Translate into Latin. 1. Would that I may see that day when I may give you thanks because you have compelled me to live. 2. Not to know what happened before you were born, — this is to be always a boy. 3. Men pitied not more the punishment than the crime by which they had deserved punishment. 4. I would rather he had not given him so great strength, than that he should resist him now [that he is grown] so strong. a. Pluperfect, 122 Latin Composition, 5. I have sent Antonius to you, a brave man and especially trusted by me, that you might, if it should seem good to you, deliver to him the cohorts ; in order that, while the time of year was suitable, I might be able to perform some operation. 6. Nature leads [us] to favor those who are entering upon the same perils which we have passed through. 7. What great and earnest orator, when he wished to make the judge angry with his adversary, ever hesitated on this ac- count, — because he did not know what anger was, whether a fervor of the mind, or the desire of punishing a grievance ? 8. Poets wish each his own work" to be examined by the public, in order thaf, if any thing shall be censured by many, it may be corrected. 9. I informed Deiotarus that there did not seem to be [any] reason why he should be absent from his kingdom. 10. I confess that I have zealously followed those [pursuits] from which true glory could arise. 11. I thought that I ought to lead the army through that dis- ' trict of Cappadocia which touched upon Cilicia. 12. He is of opinion that there are gods, because it is neces- sary that there should be some excellent nature, than which there is nothing better. 13. When we call the fruits *' Ceres," and wine " Liber," we use, to be sure, a customary manner of speech ; but do you think any one so insane as to believe that that which he eats is a god? Lesson 65. Dependent Conditional Clauses. \_Co?npare Lesson 27.] In the case of Conditional Clauses in Indirect Dis- course, the following points are to be observed : — a. Follow the rule of Sequence of Tenses {Lesson 20), noticing a. quisque following the reflexive ; see Lesson 33. Dependent Conditional Clauses. 123 also whether a verb of complete or incomplete action is required. Thus — He promises to come if they wish, pollicetur se venturuni si velint (Direct, veniafu si voletis). He had given orders that unless he should arrive, &c., edlxerat nisi advenisset, etc. (Direct, nisi advenero), b. In a condition contrary to fact, the dependent clause (^pro- tasis) remains unchanged, while the principal clause {apodosis) is represented by the future participle with fuisse (see Lesson 27. b). Thus — I declare that if you had done this you would have received praise, dio si haec fecisses laudern te accepturuin fuisse (Direct, si Jiaec fecisses laudem accepisses). He said he could if he had wished, dlacit si voluisset futuruni fuisse ut posset {si voluisset potuisset) . Note. — These two constructions — the imperfect or pluperfect subjunctive in future conditions after a past tense, and the future infinitive with fuisse in the apodosis of conditions contrary to fact — are among the most common subordinate constructions in Indi- rect Discourse. For the Subjunctive representing the Imperative, see Lesson 27. Oral Exercises. I. If you are well,- 1 am glad. — 2. Be assured that if you are well, I am glad. — 3. I said that if he was well, I was glad. — 4. If you should do rightly, you would be praised. — 5. Re- member that if you should do rightly, you would be praised. — 6. We reminded them that if they should do rightly, they would be praised. — 7. I told them that if they had done rightly, I should have praised them. — 8. We said that we should have wondered if it had been otherwise. — 9. We know that if you had been here, you would have approved our designs. — 10. They declared that if hostages had not been given, they should have laid waste the country. Translate into L.atin. I. He understood that, if he should summon the legions to the province, they would contend in battle on the march in his absence (he being absent) . 124 Latin Composition, 2. Now I wish that you would persuade yourself of this {sic), that if reference is made to the Senate concerning these matters, I shall think that the highest praise is awarded to me, if you assent {comprobo) by your verdict [to] the honor paid me {mens), 3. He sees that, if the choice of accusing is transferred from boys of rank, whom he has hitherto eluded, to brave and re- spected men, he cannot lord it [any] longer in the trials, 4. They say that they wish to speak with Caesar concerning most important matters, if an opportunity should be given them. 5. The same one says that, if there are not gods, there is nothing in all nature better than man ; but that any man should think this — that there is nothing better than man — he judges is the greatest arrogance. Bpistle. Cicero to his Atticus. I am eagerly waiting for your advice. I fear that I am absent [at a time] when it were more honorable for me to be present : I dare not come without-special-reason. Of Antony's move- ments {iter) I hear somewhat {nescio quid) otherwise than as I wrote to you. Therefore, I wish you would explain every thing, and send me definite [tidings] . Of the rest, what shall I say to you? I burn with zeal for history — for your encouragement stimulates me incredibly — which indeed can neither be begun nor accomplished without your aid. Therefore we will consult together upon this at least. At present' I wish you would write to me in whose consulship (abl. abs.) Caius Fannius, son of Marcus, was tribune of the people. I think {videor mihi) I have heard in the censorship of Publius Africanus and Lucius Mummius. Dialog^ue. Theopropides. Well, Tranio, what's going on ? Tranio. The country-people are coming from the country : Philolaches will be here at once. Th. By Pollux, he comes in good time for me. I am of opinion that this neighbor [of] ours is a bold and bad man. Tr. How so? The English Potential. 1 25 Th. Because he says he does not know you. Tr. Says not? Th. And that you never gave him a [single] coin of money. Tr. Go away, — you are chaffing me, I am sure. He doesn't deny [it]. Th. What now? Tr. I know you're joking now ; for he, I am sure, doesn't deny [it]. Th. Yes, indeed, by Pollux, he denies [it] up and down ; and [says] that he didn't sell this house to Philolaches. Tr. Well, now, did he deny that money was given him, I beg [to know] ? Th. Nay, he promised to give me an oath, if I wished, that he neither sold this house, nor was money given him. Lesson 66. The English Potential. The Potential Mood is a name often given, in Eng- lish, to any form of a verb which is constructed w^ith the aid of may, can, must, might, could, would, or should. But these words are used with great variety and laxity, and give rise to many ambiguities. When used simply as auxiliaries, the verb they form is a genuine subjunctive ; but they are very commonly principal verbs, in which case the verb depending upon them is in the infinitive. A. — As A Principal Verb. a. May denotes permission ; Latin, licet : as, You may (have leave to) come, licet tihi venire, b. Might has the same meaning, being the past tense of may; but by a peculiar idiom, when used in this way, it is followed by the Perfect Infinitive in English : as. You might have come, licuit tibi venire* 126 Latin Composition. Remark. — May and fnif!;ht are also used to express power oi possibility, and are then rendered by possum : as, It may be so, potest ita esse; He might have come, potuit venire. This last expression in English may mean either, /le had permis- sion (licuit) , or he had it in his power (potuit) . Might, with Present Infinitive, is used in the apodosis of con- ditional sentences assumed to be false : as. He might come (if circumstances were otherwise), posset venire* c. Can and Could express power, and are translated by pos- sum: as, I can do this, possum hoc facer e ; Could often, like might, takes the Perfect Infinitive to express past time, and uses the Present Infinitive in either member of a con- ditional sentence assumed as false : as, I could do (or could have done) this, potul hoc facer e, I should do this if I could (but I cannot), hoc facer ern si possem, d. Would and Should are occasionally used as principal verbs ; would, like will, expresses a strong determination, and is rendered by volo : as, He WILL go, vult Ire; He would go, voluit Ire. He would if he could, vellet si jmsset. He might if he would, posset si vellet. Should is present, expressing obligation, and may be rendered by oportet : as. He should not return, non oportet eurn recllre. Shall also Is sometimes used in a similar way, in a future obliga- tion, amounting almost to compulsion: as, he shall go ; i.e., / will make him go. So with the Future Imperative : as, Thou Shalt not steal, ne facito furtum. The English Potential. 127 e. Must and Ought are likewise principal verbs. Must is ren- dered by the gerundive, which is always passive : as. We must wait for the consul, consul exspectandus est [nobls^ . We must fight (lighting must be done), pugnandum est. Ought is either debeo or the impersonal oportet ; but for past time the English uses the Perfect Inlinitive, just as for might and could: as. He ought to have done this, debuit hoc facere, or opov" tuit euiu hoc facer e. B. — As Auxiliaries. a. May and Might express purpose in final clauses, and are rendered by the Present and Imperfect Subjunctive : as, He comes that he may see, venit ut videat ; He came that he might see, venit ut videret. Might is also used in softened assertions : as, One might beiieve, credat quispiain, b. Can and Could are very rare in this use, but are occasionally the equivalents of a subjunctive of softened assertion: as, I could msh, velim or vellem ; What can I say? quid dixerim. c. Would is used in indirect discourse, to express an action which is future in relation to a verb in past time on which it depends ; it is rendered by the Future Infinitive : as, He said that he would come or would have come, dixit se venturum esse or fuisse. d. Should and Would are used in conditional sentences refer- ring indistinctly to future time, — in the protasis, should; in the apodosis, should (like shall) for the first person, would (like will) for the second and third. In this use they are rendered by the Pres- ent Subjunctive : as. If he should do so I should rejoice, si ita faciat gaudeam. You would rejoice, gaudeds. 128 Latin Composition. Should have and would have, in the apodosis of conditions assumed as false, and rendered by the Pluperfect Subjunctive : as, I should have come if I could, venissenn si potuissem. Should and would, like might, can, and could, may be used for implied conditions : as, "Why should I go 2 quid earn? One would commend, lauddveris. C. — Recapitulation. a. May expresses — 1. Permission, — liqet, with dative and infinitive. 2. Possibility, — possum, with infinitive. 3. Purpose, — ut, with present subjunctive. b. Might expresses — 1. Permission; 2. Possibility: — when followed by perfect infinitive in English, licuit or potuit with infinitive ; when followed by present infinitive in English, possem, expressing possibility in a supposition assumed as false. 3. Purpose, — ut with imperfect subjunctive. 4. Softened assertion. c. Can and Could express — 1. Power, — possum with infinitive. 2. Softened assertion. d. Would expresses — 1 . Determination, — volui or vellem. 2. Future time in indirect discourse (the future infinitive depend- ing on a past verb). 3 Apodosis of future time, — present subjunctive, second and third persons. 4. Apodosis of past time, condition assumed as false, — pluper- fect subjunctive, second and third persons. 5. Softened assertion. e. Should expresses — 1. Obligation, — oportet or decet. 2. Protasis of future time, — present subjunctive. The English Potential, I2g 3. Apodosis of future time, — present subjunctive, first person. 4. Apodosis of past time, false conaition, — pluperfect subjunc- tive, first person. 5. Softened assertion. Oral Exercises. I. You may go. — 2. You must go. — 3. You ought to go. — 4. You might go if you were well. — 5. You might have gone. — 6. You might have gone if you had wished. — 7. Who would go into such (so great) perils ? — 8. I wish Caius were present. — 9. I wish Caius might be present. — 10. What could I do ? — II. You could conquer if you would fight. Translate into Latin. 1 . They begged nothing else but that they might with their lips receive the last breath of their sons. 2. I ought to defend his safety no less than mine. 3. Here it might be recognized how much protection men have in firmness of soul. 4. You both refused what you ought not [to have refused], and received what you had-no-right [to receive]. 5. The one does not dare to inform us why he is called a commander \ the other must in a few days be ashamed to dare. 6. It was answered on tlie other side that Aulus Varro offered to come on the next day to a conference, and that he (the same one) would see how ambassadors might come in safety and declare what they wished. Anecdotes. I. The physician of Pyrrhus, king of the Epirots, came to Fabricius, general of the Romans, and promised to give poison to Pyrrhus, if a reward which should be worth his while should be paid him. But Fabricius, thinking that his victory had no need of such" a crime, informed-against the physician to the king, and by the merit of this good-faith drove ^ Pyrrhus to seek the friendship of the Romans. a. Use the relative qui at the beginning of the sente nce, —guod factnus. — b. Lit., deserved that he drove, j^^'^S B R Ap^*^ f OF THE ^V I "OTNIVERSITY ] 1 30 Latin Cofnposition. 2. Themistocles, leader of the Athenians, when he saw that it was advantageous to the Greeks to contend in the straits of Salamis against the multitude of ships of Xerxes, and could not persuade his\ fellow}, citizens of this \id), brought it about by craft that the Greeks were forced by the barbarians to their own advantage (pl»r.) . For, feigning treachery, he sent [a person^ to Xerxes to disclose that his countrymen were deliberating about flight, and that matters would be harder for him, if he should attack the states one by one, by siege./ And by this means he brought-it-to-pass, first that the army of the barbarians was kept from rest, since they were all night at their post of guard ; in the next place, that his own men fought with fresh strength with the barbarians, [who were] worn out by watching, [and] in a narrow place, as he had wished, where Xerxes could not use the multitude in which he had the advantage. Lesson 67. ^ Further Uses of the Relative. In the use of Relative Clauses, the following points remain to be observed : — a. The Relative often stands for a Demonstrative at the begin- ning of a sentence for the purpose of connecting the sentence closely with the preceding. In such cases it is often best to supply a con- junction in English. Thus — But when Ariovistus had caught sight of them, quos cum Ariovistus conspexisset. h. The neuter quod, used adverbially, often begins a sentence, followed by si, and may be best rendered biit, now, &c. : as, Now if the moou is a goddess, then the morning star, too, quod si Luna dea est, ergo etiam Lucifer, c. When a relative clause has another subordinate clause de- pending upon it, the Relative may stand in that clause, and be understood in its own : as, Further Uses of the Relative. 131 I had been one who, although it was permitted me to receive greater fruits, did not hesitate, is fuerafti, cut cum liceret mdjores fructus capere, non duhitdverim (for qui, cum inihi liceret). Translate into Latin. 1. These two points remain to me from your subdivision. And concerning these, if it seems [good] to you, I think we should discuss more thoroughly. 2. There are many monuments of your mercy, but chiefly the unharmed-condition (plur.) of those to whom you have given safety. And if these things are glorious in private persons, much more shall they be recounted in [regard to] kings. 3. Now if I pushed myself in that direction, I should cer- tainly find at once some way of resisting. 4. I attempted-to- satisfy (imperf.) the people by purchase, a?td if this had been arranged carefully, I thought the rabble of the city could be withdrawn, and the solitude of Italy made- populous. 5. What shall I say of myself, who cannot be relieved, although (///) every thing (omnia') should happen to me which I wish? 6. He was informed that all the Belgians, 7vhom we had shown to be the third part of Gaul, were conspiring against the Roman people. 7. Therefore but-few come to old age, [but] if this {quod) did not so happen, we should live'* both better and more pru- dently. 8. That is an old law of the genuine and true firiendship which now for a long time I have had with him, that friends always wish the same thing ; nor is there any surer bond of friendship than the harmony and union of plans and wills. 9. As to the people, — he who either envies or favors is always a partial judge of dignity. 10. He forbade a publican or the slave of a publican to be a. Impersonal. 132 Latin Composition. in-the-town {tl?i) in which he himself was, or to which he was coming. 11. I entreated Claudia, your wife, and your sister Mucia, to deter him from that act of injustice. 12. I came to Brundisium, April 17. On that day your boys gave me a letter from you, and other boys the third day after that day (gen.) brought me another letter. 13. As to your calling {quod vocas) me to life, you accom- plish one thing, that I withhold my hands from myself ; the other thing you cannot, that I should not repent our decision and [my] life. 14. Each ought to be contented with that [amount] of time which is given to him for living. Lesson 68. Supplementary Exercises. 1. — Epistle. I WRITE you this as I recline in the very villa of Scipio Afri- canus, after adoring his shades and the casket which I suspect to be the tomb of the great (tantus) man. His soul indeed, I am persuaded, has returned into heaven, from which it was ; not because he led great armies, — for these the mad Cambyses also had, — but on account of his excellent moderation and piety, more admirable in him when he left his country than when he defended it : either Scipio must {debeo) be wanting to Rome, or Rome without liberty. " In nothing," he said, " do I wish to detract from the laws and institutions. Let right be equal among all citizens. Make use of my services without me, my country. I have been to thee a cause of liberty, I will be also a proof [of it], I go forth, if I have grown more than is well for thee." Why should I not admire this greatness of mind, with which he departed into voluntary exile, and disburdened the state ? Therefore great pleasure came upon me as -I reflected-on Scipio's customs and ours : in this corner that dread of Carthage, to whom Rome owes that {quod) she was captured only once, Supplementary Exercises, 133 washed his body, weary with rustic labors. For he exercised himself with labor, and, as the ancient ^ custom was, he in person (ipse) subdued the earth. 3. — Anecdote. So many things are going on at Rome, that those which take place in the provinces are scarcely heard of. I do not fear that I shall seem to arrogate any thing to myself, if I speak of my quaestorship. For however brilliant it was, nevertheless I think that I have since held the greatest commands in such a way (I have been such (/>) in the greatest, &c.), that there is not so much glory to be sought from the reputation of my quaestorship. But yet I am not afraid that any one will dare to say that any- one's quaestorship in Sicily was either more renowned or more popular. At that time, I thought that men talked of nothing else at Rome but of my quaestorship. Therefore I'came away with this hope, that I thought the Roman people would offer every thing to me of their own accord. But when by chance in those days, for the sake of taking a journey, on my way {dece- dens) from the province, I had come by chance to Puteoli, when very many fashionable men are accustomed to be in that neighborhood {loco), I almost lost my balance, when some one had asked me on what day I had gone from Rome, and whether there was any thing new. When I had answered him^ that I was on my way from my province, "Yes, to be sure, by Hercules," says he, *' from Africa, as I think." Already rather- offended, I say to him disdainfully : " No, indeed ; from Sicily." Then one, as [one] who knew every thing, said, " How, don't you know that he was quaestor at Syracuse ? " In-brief, I left off being offended, and pretended that I was one of those who had come to the baths. 3. — Anecdote. Thence they came to Sidon, a city renowned for [its] antiquity and the fame of its founders. Hephaestion was permitted to establish as king [the one] of the Sidonians whom he should a. to the ancients. — b. Lesson 58. ijjWi 1 34 Latin Composition, V ' judge most worthy of that rank. The hosts of Hephaestionl were young men distinguished among their countrymen ; whoJ when an opportunity of reigning was offered them (>^'), sa^ that no one, according to the custom of the country, was admitted to that rank, unless born of royal stock. iVnd'^hey decide that no one is preferable to i^pvticrquam) a cerfain Abdalonymus,* connected with the royal stock, but on account of poverty culti- vating a garden in the suburbs with slender profit. The cause of his ^ poverty was honesty ; and, intent upon his daily work, . he did not hear the uproar of arms which had shaken all Asia. \ Suddenly then they entered his garden with the insignia of royal apparel. Then, after saluting him '^ king, one of them said : " You must exchange that filth for this suit of raiment which you see in my hands. Take the spirit of a king, and carry that self- restraint of yours into that fortune of which you are worthy. And when you sit upon the royal throne, master of the life and death of all citizens, do not forget this condition in which — nay, by Hercules, on account of which — you receive the royalty." The king ordered him straightway to be admitted, and look- ing upon him for a long time, said : " The bearing of your body is not inconsistent with the fame of your race ; but I should like to know by what patience you have endured poverty." Then he said, ^' May I be able to endure royalty with the same temper ! These hands sufficed for. my needs. To him who had nothing (part.), nothing was wanting." 4. — Epistle. Caius Pliny to his Septicius Clarus. Ho, you promise [to come] to dinner, and don't'' come. Judgment shall be pronounced, — you shall pay costs to a penny, and that not {nee id) trifling. There were prepared a head-of-lettuce apiece, three snails apiece, two eggs apiece, olives, beets, gourds, onions, a thousand other things no less a. After quam in indirect discourse the construction of the Accusative with the Infinitive is usually continued. — b. = to him. — c. = he having been saluted. — d. And not, neque. Comparative Forms of Speech. elegant. You would have heard comedians or a reader or a harper or — such {quae) [is] my liberality — all [of these] . But you preferred oysters, tripe, sea-urchins, and the Cadiz-beauties" with nobody-knows-who (nescio quis). You shall suffer punish- ment — I don't say what. You have done rudely ; you have grudged — I am inchned to think {nescio aii) yourself — at any rate me, but yet yourself too. How much we should have sported, laughed, studied ! You can dine more showily with many, nowhere more gaily, more simply, freer-from-restraint. In fine, make-a-trial, and unless hereafter you excuse yourself rather to others, excuse [yourself] to me always. Farewell. Lesson 69. Comparative Forms of Speech. Note. — The examples below are chiefly taken (by permission) from the list of '* Classified Latin Idioms" prepared by Professor L. S. PoTWiN, of Western Reserve College, Hudson, O. They may be used, at the pleasure of the teacher, in the review of points already considered, or for practice in the change of forms of expres- sion from one language to the other. The references are to the fore- going Lessons, where the forms are more fully illustrated. Differences in the forms of expression found in Latin and English may be classified as follows : — I. — Differences in the Use of Words. In seeking the equivalent in Latin of English words or phrases, the most important points to be noted are the following : — I. The more frequent use of Dual forms in Latin : as uter, alter, neuter, and the employment of the comparative in many cases where the superlative is found in English : as. The augury came to Remus first (before Romulus), priori Remo augurium venit. a. Gaditanae, * 136 Latin Composition, 2. The choice of concrete for abstract words : as, I do not fear a bad man's anger, improbum tratum nbn mefuo. (See further illustrations in A. & G.'s " Latin Composition," pp. 122, 123.) 3. Use of two nouns for adjective and noun (Jiendiadys) : as, An eye-witness, spectator et testis. A shameful disaster, 'ignominia et calamitas (id. p. 124). 4. Use of the Adjective for other forms of speech : as, Fear of the enemy, vietus hosfilis. He was the first to do it, primus hoc fecit. He spoke briefly, pauca locutus est. To tell many lies, inidta mentiri. 5. The double Comparative in such phrases as — More nice than wise, subtilior quam sapientior. The enemy behaved with more fury than discretion, ferocius quam con- sultius rem hosfes gerebant. 6. Use of atque (ac) after words of likeness : as, We ought to love our friends equally with ourselves, amicos aeque ac nosmeiipsos diligere deb'emus. 7. Verbal adjective to be translated by Participle : as, A rolling stone ; a living spring ; saxtim volubile ; fons vlvus. 8. Precision in the use of Pronouns, especially of the Reflexive and Intensive : Lesson 49. 9. Use of Demonstratives, especially ipse, idem: Gr. § 195. 10. The Relative for Demonstrative and Connective : Lesson 50. Compare the following : — Do nothing as to which you are in doubt whether it is right or wrong, nihil egeris quod dubitas aequum.sit an imquum. 1 1 . Indefinite Pronouns (often taking the place of the Article in English) : Lesson 52. 12. Form of Reply (for " yes " or ** no ") : Lesson 3. 13. Certain uses of Negatives (compare Lesson 36. d) : as, No poet or orator ever said that, nemo umquam neque poeta neque orator illud dixit. Flattery is unworthy not only of a friend but (not) even of a free man, adsentatio 7ion modo amico sed ne llbero quidem digna est. He says he was not there, negat se adfuisse. I fear he willmot come, vereor ut veniat. f OF THK > : CTNIVERSITY Comparative Forms of Spe&ch.f,^ = \X7J II. — Differences of Construction. Differences of syntax may be classified as (a) Case- Constructions, (p) Verb-Constructions, (c) Dependent Constructions. a, Case-Constructions. — The use of Cases, in agreement or government, has been fully illustrated in the foregoing Lessons, and is supposed to be familiar. Of those illustrating peculiarities in the use of Latin, the most important to be noticed are the following : — 14. The Objective Genitive, as corresponding with the use of various prepositions in English (^Lesson 38. 4). 15. The Partitive Genitive, In such phrases as the following: — - What is the trouble ? quid negoHi est ? Considerable time ; no delay, aliquantum temporis ; nihil morae, 16. Compare the following cases of Agreement : — How many are there of you? quot estis? I hear threats, none of which I fear, minas audio quas niillas timeo. 17. The Predicate Genitive in such phrases as — It is [the part] of a judge, judicis est. It is {or, it would be) wise to reflect, sapientis est cogitare {Lesson 31. 2). 18. Dative of Service {predicate dative) : see Lesson 15.2. 19. Ablative Absolute : Lesson 7. d. 20. Locative Constructions : Lessons 17, 46. 21. Idiomatic use of certain prepositions to express location or direction: as, I begin with this, ad hoc ordior. A shout was heard on that side, clamor ab ilia parte auditus est. In front ; on the flank ; in the rear, a fronte, a latere, a tergo, 22. Compare the following uses of Prepositions : — Of a sudden, ex improvtso. To put money into a box, pecuniam in area ponere. It is all over with the army, actum est de exercittc. To your satisfaction, ex tua sententia. So much for this, de hac re hactenus. I desire it with all my heart, ex animo hoc cupio. They differ widely from one another, multum inter se differunt. 1 3 '3 Latm Composition, Want increases from day to day, inopia in dies crescit. One war rose after another, aliud ex alio bellum or turn est. It is for your interest, in rem iuani est. Our ships rode at anchor, nostrae naves in ancorts constiterunt. While at play; at leisure, inter ludendum, per otium. He was informed both by the envoys and by letter, et a legatts et per lit- ter as certior /actus est. 23. Attraction in the Relative clause : as. He sent the most faithful slave he had, servum quern jidelissitnum habebat mtsit. Thebes, which was the head of Bceotia, Thebae, quod caput Boeotiae erat, b. Verb-Constructions. — The syntax of Moods and Tenses has been exhibited in Lessons 19, 20, 32, 33 ; and of Participles, &c., in Lessons 34, 35. Among special or idiomatic uses are to be noticed — 24. Reflexive meaning of the Passive (representing in Latin the Greek middle voice) : as. He buckles on his sword, gladium cingitur {cotxv^zxq fratr'i gladium cingii), 25. Use of Impersonal expressions : Lesson 30. 26. Precision in the use of Tenses, as in the following : — I have been long (and still am) desiring, jam pr'idem cupio. I might have gone, \niihi'\ 'ire licuit (see Lesson 66). I will do it if I can, faciam s'l potero (see Lesson 32). 27. The Subjunctive in Indirect Questions : Lesson 28 (strictly, a dependent construction) . 28. Tenses of the Subjunctive in expressions of Wish : Lesson 33. I ; and in such phrases as, I should like to do this, hoc facer e velim. I would rather you were here, mallem adesses, I wish he had done it, vellem hoc feci sset. 29. The Participle for the Infinitive in description (§ 292. e): as, I heard the birds sing, aves canentes audtvt. Did you see the house fall? domumne ruentem vtdistt ? 30. Participle in agreement, for coordinate or descriptive phrase : see Lesson 34. For example. He took the bridge and burned it, pontem captum incendit. He called the soldiers and showed them Italy, mtlitibus (dat.) vocatls Jtaliam ostendit. Comparative Forms of Speech. 139 I want men that will not give way before the enemy, quaero vnliies hostv- bus non cessiiros. I know nothing but what I have heard, nihil habeo praeter aud'itum. One who reckons pain the greatest evil cannot be brave, dolorem sum- mum f?ialum judicans fortis esse non potest. Obey no one unless [he be] a teacher or lawful ruler, nemint pareto nisi aut docenfi aut legitime imperanti. 31. Certain Gerundive constructions: Lesson 18, Remarks i and 2. Examples are — I meet no one without thanking him, neminem convenio quin etgr alias agam. He praises the poets without understanding them, poet as laudato neque {ebs^ intellegit. I have no doubt about your being well, nihil dubito quin valeas. Nothing prevents his doing it, nihil obstat quominus id facial. He was on the point of being killed, in eo erat ut interjiceretur. Far from being (instead of being) silent, you cry out, tantum abest ut taceas ut cla?nes {clamas cum tacere debeas^ . 32. Omission of the Verb in certain phrases : as, They do nothing but laugh, 7tihil aliud quam rtdent. Compare the rhetorical omission of the copula, frequent in Livy and Tacitus. 33. Preference of personal forms in the passive of Indirect Dis- course : as, It is said that Plato lived to be an old man, Plato usque ad senectutem vixisse dicitur. It seems we have done something, aliquid, ut videmur^ effecimus. 34. Clause (expressed or implied) after a Comparative : as, He is too kind to get angry, clementior est quam ut (^qui) trasc't possit. 35. Change of subject and predicate in second member of a sentence : as. Nothing was doing except to prepare for war, neque aliud agebatur quam bellum apparabatur. c. Subordinate Constructions. — These have been abundantly treated under the heads Indirect Discourse (^Lessons 24-29) and Subordinate Clauses {Lessons 53-65). 36. The structure of Latin is especially characterized by the preference of subordinate to independent or coordinate expressions, as may be seen in the following example : — He left his_house_and wandered about alone, cum domum refiquisset {domo relicta) solus vagatus est (compare under 30, above). 140 Latin Composition. 37. This is seen more distinctly by comparing the involved con- struction of a Latin period with the form in which it would be more natural to express the same idea in English. Thus — I knew they were on fire with rage Atque ego^ ut vidi quos maximo fu- and guilt. I saw that they had rore et scelere esse tnjiainmatds stayed behind at Rome, and were sciebam, eos nob'tscum esse et Romae in the midst of us. And so I spent remansissc, in eo omn'es dies noc- all my days and nights in feeling fesque consmtipsi, ut quid agerent, out and watching what they were quid vioi'trentur, sentirem ac vi- doing, what they were attempting. dereui, III. — Differences of Idiom. 38. The following examples will serve to illustrate some of the more common differences of idiom, or forms of expression, which should be borne in mind in translating from either language into the other. The list might ti^ extended indefinitely. You, your brother, and I, ego et tu et frater tuus. To demand satisfaction ; to make restitution, 7'es repetere ; res reddere. To keep a promise, fidem servare ; to break one's word, fideni fallere. It is worth the while, operae pretium est. He takes pains to understand, dat operant ut iyitellegat. Let me know; see that you write me, fac sciam ; fac ad me scribas. What does this mean ? quid hoc sibi vult ? I don't care a straw for your promise, protn'issum tuum non Jloca facio. To be condemned to death, capitis damnari. The thing in question, id de quo agitur. So it is (the case stands thus) , ita res se habet. They desire revolution, novas res cupiunt, " novis rebus student J' They refreshed themselves, corpora curabant (see 2, above). He is intimate with the Scipios, Scipionibus familiariter utitur. Richly endowed with knowledge, scientia auctus. Promoted to honors, honoribus (abl.) auctus. To undergo punishment; to receive a reward, poena affic'i; praemid affict, I will not lie, as they do, non mentiar ut istz solent. They were pinched with the cold, torrid t erant frigore. In brief ; to be brief, quid multa ? quid plura 9 Heaven forbid ! Dt meliora I What's the matter ? quorsus haec? They burst into tears, in lacrimas effusi sunt. Not to put too fine a point on it, ne nimis subtiliter dicam. I allow myself to be imposed upon, verba niihi dari patior. VOCABULARY. Note. — For Numerals and Pronouns, see Grammar, §§ 94-ioS- Regular verbs, of the first, second, and fourth conjugations, are simply marked. Of irregular verbs (except compounds oi fero and eo), and all of the third conjugation (except compounds oi facio), the several stems are given. Of nouns the genitive case is given, as indicating the declension. Phrases and groups of words are given either under the first word, or under the verb or noun or both, contained in it. Long vowels are marked, except the final i, o, and u of inflection, which may be assumed as long. Contractions : (adj.), adjective ; (n.), noun ; (v.), verb; (adv.), adverb ; (conj.), conjunction; (prep.), preposition. A, usually not expressed ; a cer- tain, quidam, quaedam, quod- dam. abdicate, ahdico^ (abdic. magis- trdtiim, or abd. se magistrdtu) . able (to he), possum, posse, potui. abode, domicilium, i, n. ; habi- tdtio, onis, F. about (adv.), circiter, fere. about (prep.), de; — to do, &c., fut. part. above (prep.), supra (accus.). abroad, forls (place where) ; fords (whither). absent, absens, ntis; to be — , absum. absolutely, sane. abundance, copia, ae, f. abuse, abiitor,^ abus- (abl.); = re- vile, male d'lco (dat.). accept, capio^^ cepi, capt- ; ac- cipio ; (friendship), sequor,^ secut-. accident, cds2is, eventus, iis, m. accomplish, conficio,^ feci, fee- turn ; efficio ; (some special aim), adsequor,^ secutiis. accord ; of one's own — , sponte (generally with possessive); idtro. according to, ablative case. account ; on this — , ed, ob hanc causam ; on — of, ob, propter (ace), causd,\\\th. gen. ; (abl.) make no—, nihili facio (ace). accursed, scelestus, a, um. accuse, accuso,^ arguo,^ i, ut-. accuser, accusdtor, oris, m. accustomed, to be, soleo^^solitus; adsuevi (perf. of adsuesco) ; imperf. of verb. Acheron, Acheruns, untis, m. acorn, gldns, dis, f. acquit, liber o.^ acre, jugerum, i, n. (sometimes gen. jugeris; pi. generally 3d decl. ; really, about half an acre). across, trans (ace). 141 142 Latin Coinposition. act (t.)j facio,^ feci, fact'. act (n.), factum, i; — of injiis- - tice, injuria, ae ; royal — , re- gium, i (neut. adj.). suitlon, factum, i, n. adapt, accommodo.^ add, addo,^didi, dit- ; to be added, accedo,'^ cessi, cess-. addition, supplementum, N. administer, gero,^ gessi, gest-. admirable, admirdbilis, e. admiration, admirdtio, onis, f. ^ admire, mlror, admiror.^ admit, admitto,^ misi, mm- ; (to one's self), recipio,^ cepi, cept-. admonish, moneo,^ admoneo.'^ adore, adoro.^ adorn, orno, adorno.^ advance (intr. v.), progredior,^ gress-; (tr. v.), augeo,'^ auxi, auct-. advantage, utilitds, tdtis, F. advantageous, utilis, e ; to be — , prosum (dat.). adversary, adversdnus, i, m. fiidvice, consilium, i, N. ; auctori- tds, tdtis, t. advise, moneo,'-^ ui, it-. eedileship, aedilitds, tdtis, P. iEneas, Aeneas, ae, an, a. affability, comitds, tdtis, F. affair, or affairs, res, fei, F. afraid, to be, vereor,^ veritus. after (prep.), post (ace.) j also, abl. abs. after (conj.), postquam. after (adj.), posterus. ^ jT^fterwards, posted. ~kJ again, rursus, etiain, iterum ; — and — , etiam atque etiam. against, contra, adversus (ace.). age, aetds, tdtis, f. ; old — , se- .nectiis, talis, f. aged, grandaevus, a, um. agent, minister, tri, m. ago, abhinc. agreeahle, jucundus, a, um. agreed (it is well — ), constat. aid (v.), adjuvo,^ juvi, jut- (ace.) aid (n.), auxilium, adjumentum, i, N. ; opiSy F. (gen. case) ; come to — of, subvenio,* veni, vent- (dat.). alarmed, ^ernYws, a, um; to be — , trepido.^ Alban, Albdnus, a, um. all, omnis, e ; tbtus, a, um ; (gen. lus) ; at — , omnmo ; not at — , minime, nihil ; — of a sudden, derepente. alliance, conjunctio, onis, f. allowed, it is — , licet, uit, itum. ally, socius, i, m. ' ^ almost, paene, props. alone, sohis, a, um (gen. lus), along with, lind cum (abl.). already, jam. also, et, etiam, quoque; but — , tum (following cum.. .). altar, dra, ae, F. although, quamquam, etsi, cum, quamvls, ut. altogether, omnmo, always, semper. am, see be. ambassador, legdtus, i, M. among, inter (ace.) ; in (abl.). ancestors, major es, um (pi. adj.). anchor, ancora, ae, f. ancient, antiquus, priscus, pristi- nus, a, um. and, et, atque, dc, -que ; — not, neque. anger, ira, irdcundia, ae, F. angry, irdtus (dat.) ; to be — , Irdscor,^ irdt- (dat.). Vocabulary. 143 animal, animal^ cilis, N. announce, nuntio, renuntio.^ another, alius; (of two), alter, a, urn (gen. ius) ; one — , inter se. answer (v.), or make an — , re- spondeo^^ di, sum. answer (n.), responsum, i, N. ant, formica, ae, f. antiquity, vetustds, tdtis, F. ; an- tiquities, res antiquae (plur.). Antony, Antonius, i, M. anvil, incus, udis, F. anxiety, sollicitudo, dinis, F. any, ullus., a, uin (gen. lus) ; sub- stantive, quisquam ; anybody (emphatic) , quivis, quaevis ; in- terrog. numquis (see Less. 52). apiece, distributive numeral. apparel, vestis, is, F. ; vestitus, us, M. appear, videor,^ visus ; appdreo.^ appearance, species, ei, F. apple, pomum, i, n. approach, accedo,^ cessi, cess- (in w. ace.) ; aggredior,^ gress- (ad w. ace), appropinquo.^ appropriate, ^ropriws, a, um. approve, p?'o6o, comproho.^ April, apr'ilis, e (adj.). are, sumus, estis, sunt ; a sign of the present. argument, argumentum, i, N. ; ordtio, onis, f. arise, ndscor,^ ndtus. arms, arma, drum (n. pi.). army, exercitus, us, m. ; (in line of battle), acies, iei, f. Arpinatian, Arpinds, dtis. arrange, constituo,^ tui, tut- ; dis- pono,^ sui, situm. arrangement, dispositio, onis, F. arrival, adventus, us, m. Hrrive, pervenio,"^ veni, vent-. arrogance, adrogantia, ae, f. arrogate, adrogo.^ arrow, sagitta, ae, f. art, ars, artis, f. as (a piece of money) , as, assis, m. as, ut, quasi, pro (abl.), id quod; noun in appos. ; as if, quasi, tamquam; as is due, or as is worthy, pro (abl.) ; as many as, quot; as often as, toties, quoties ; quotiescumque ; as to, quodpertinet ad (ace.) ; as yet, adhuc; as. ..as, tam...quam; such... as, talis... qudlis (see quantus, quot, quoties). ascertain, cognosco,^ novi, nit-. ashamed, usually with pudet (impers.) ; as, I am ashamed, me pudet (gen. or inftn.). ' aside (in compos.), se-; as, se- voco,^ to call aside. ( ask, oro, rogo ^ (two accus.) ; peto,^tivi, tit- (person expressed by ah w. abl.) ; quaero,^ quae- sivi, quaesit- (person expressed by ab, de, or ex w. abl.). ass, asinus, i, m. assault, grassor^ (in w. ace). assemble (intr.), convenio,* veni, vent-. /assemhly, conventus, us, m . ; con- tio, onis, F. ; (for voting), comi- tia, drum (n. pi.). assent, assentior,'^ sens-. assert, praedico.^ assistance, adjumentum, i, N. assured, be, scito. at, ad (ace), in (abl.) ; — hav- ing, &c. (to express a cause alleged), quod; — any rate, certe; — most, summum; — some time, aliquando ; — the top of his voice, maximum; 144 Latin Composition. locative, = near, ad ; — on ac- count of, on occasion of, ad (ace.) ; — last, demum ; — length, tandem. Athenian, Atheniensis, e. Athens, Athenae, drum, f. attack (v.), aggredior,^ gress- ; oppugno.^ attack (n.), impetus, r7s, M. attempt (v.), conor.^ attempt (n.), condtus, us, M.. attend, attendo,^ ndi, nt-. attention, studium, i, N. ; give — to, stiideo,^ dui (dat.) ; to give — , operam dare. Attic, Atticus, a, um. audacit)^, auddcia, ae, f, ; audd- citds, dtis, F. August, sexfdis, e (adj.). authority, aucton'tds, dtis, F. avarice, avdn'tia, ae, F. avenge, persequor,^ secut-. averse, rembtus {ah w. abl.) avoid, vito, f7igito.^ award, tribuo,^ bui, hut-. axle, axis, is, m. B. back (n.), tergum, I, N. back (adv.), retro, re- (in com- pos., as, re-ferd). bad, malus, a, mn; — people, improhi. bag, saccus, i, m. balance, to lose one's, concido,^ cidi. bald, calvus, a, um. band (of robbers) , caterva, ae, f. barbarian, harharus, a, um. barbarous (in character), im- mdnis, e. bark (v.), Idtro.^ bark (n.), cortex, ids, m. base (adj.), tutpis, e. basket, corhis, is ; fiscella, ae, f. baths, aquae, drum, f. battle, proelium, i, n. ; pugna, ae, f. ; line of — , acies, iei, f. be, esse (sum,fui,futurus) ; — off, ahscedo,^ cessi, cess-; — on hand (or with), adsum (dat.) ; — quiet, taceo '^ ; — understood (of a word omitted in a sen- tence), desum. beam, trahs, trahis, f. bear (v.), fero, ferre, tuli, Idt- ; (suffer) , patior,^ passus. bear (n.), ursus, i, m. ; ursa, ae, f. beard, harha, ae, f. ; bearded, harhdtus, i. bearing, hahitus, us, m. beast, hestia, ae, f. beat, verbero ' ; (in battle), vinco,^ vici, vict-. beautiful, pulcher, era, crum. heauty, pnlcritiido, inis, f. ; decor, oris, M. because, quia, quod. become, flo, Jieri, fact- ; (becom- ing to), decet (ace.) ; — a boy again, repuerdsco.'-^ bed, lectus, i, M. ; to go to — , aheo cuhitum. bee, apis, is, f. beet, hetdceus, i, m. befit, convenio,* veni, vent- (dat.). before (prep.), ante (ace). before (conj.), antequam, prius- quam. before (adv.), anted, ante. beg, oro^ (two ace.) ; peto,^ tivi, tit- {ah w. abl.) ; quaero^ slvi, sit- (prep. w. abl.) ; —to know, ohsecro.^ begin, incipio,^ cepi, cept- ; insti- tuo? tui, tut-; (perf.), coepi. Vocabulary. 145 beginning, initium^ I, N. ; in the — of summer, prima aestdte. behalf, in — of, oh (ace); pro (abl.). behind, posi (ace). behold, specto.^ Belgians, Belgae, drum. believe, credo,^ didi, dit- (dat. of person, ace. of thing). belong, proprius esse (dat. or gen.). benefit (v.)^ prosum (dat.). benefit (n.), henejicium^ i, N. berry, bacca, ae, v. beseech, peto,^ tivi, tit- (ah w. abl.), oro,^ imploro.^ besides (prep.), pme^er (ace). besides (adv.), etiam. besiege, ohsideo,^ sedi, sess- ; op- pugno.^ best, optimus. bestow, confero (dat. or in w. ace. ) ; impertio ^ (dat. ) ; — time, or attention, adhibeo^ (in w. ace). betalte one's self, se conferre (ad w. ace). betray, prodo,^ didi, dit-. betrothed, sponsus, i, m. ; sponsa, aey F. better, melior, us ; — prepared, pardtior, us. between (adj.), medius, a, um. between (prep.), inter (ace). beware, caveo,^ cdvi, caut-. heyond, p7*aeter (ace). bid, juheo^^ jussi, juss-. bill (beak), rostrum, t, n. bind, restringo (astringo^), nxi, stnct-; necto,^ xi (xui), xum; vinciOy* nxi, nctum. bird, avis, is, ¥. bite, mordeo,^ momordi^ mors-. bitter, acerbus, a, um. bitterness, acerbitds, dtis, F. Bituriges, Bituriges, gum. blaclt, niger, gra ; dter, tra, trum. blame (v.), culpo,^ vitupero,^ re- prehendo,^ di, sum. blame (n.), culpa, ae, f. blessing, bonum, i, N. blind, oaecus, a, um. blood, sanguis, inis, m. ; when shed, cruor, oris, m. blooming, Jlorens, tis. blossom, Jlos, Jloris, M. blow (v.), Jlo.^ blow (u.), ictus, us, M. boar, aper, apri, m. boast (v.), glorior.^ boast (n.), gloria, ae, f. boat, linter, tris, f. ; ndvis, is, f. 'body, corpus, oris, n. bold, auddx, dcis. bond, vinculum, i, N. bone, OS, ossis, n. book, liber, libri, m. booty, praeda, ae, F. border, /I?u*s, is, M. (rarely f.). born, ortus (abl.) ; to be — , ndscor,^ ndt-. both, ambo, ae, ; uterque, utra^ que, utrumque (gen. utriusque) ; — of whom, qui utrique ; both . . . and, et...et; on — sides, utrimque. bottom (of), imus, a, um. bound (v.), contineo^^ ui, tent-. bountiful, benrjicus, a, am. bounty, benejicium, i, N. bow, airus. f(s, M. bowl, catillus, i, m. ; patera, ae, F. ; pocuhim, I, N. boy, puer, eri, m. ; become a -^ again, repuerdsco.'^ brain, cerebrum, z, n. %4r^ Latin Composition. branch, ramus^ i, m. branching, rdmosuSf a, um. brandish, vihro.^ hrave, fortis, forte y' auddx, dcis. bravely, fortUer. hravery, fortitudo J diniSj F. bread, pdnis^ is, m. breadth, IdtitudOy inis^ F. break, frango,^ fregl, fract- ; — into laughter, vuUum rlsu sol- vere. brealting, /racitlra, ae, F. breast, pectus^ oris, m. breath, spiritus, us, M. brevity, hrevUdSj dtiSy F. bribe, donum, i, N. bribery, ambitus, us, M. brick, later, is, m. bridge, pons, pontis, u. brief, brevis, e ; in — , quid midtaf briefly, pa ?tca (ace. pi.). bright, claims, lucidus, a, um. brightness, cldritds, dtis, F. brilliant, be, floreo,'^ rui. bring, fero (irreg.), affero, per- fero ; — about, efficio, perjicio,^ feci, feet-; — charge against, crlminor * ; — forward, produ- CO, xi, ct- ; — out, effero ; — to light, illustro^ ; — to pass, ef^cio ; — together, cogo,^ coegi, coact-; — word, nuntio {re- nuntio^) ; — into power, redigo. broad, Idtus, a, tim. broken, fractus, a, um ; — piece, fragmentum, i, N. brook, rlvns^ rivulus, i, M. brother, /raier, tris, m. bud, gemma, ae, f. build, aedifico.^ bull, taurus, I, M. burden, onus^ onens, N. burdensome, gravis, e; less — , levior, us. burn (intr.), ardeo,^ arsi, ars-; (tran.), iiro,^ ussi, ust-. bury, sepelio,* Ivi, sepultum ; de- fodio,'-^ fodi, foss'. business, res, rei, F. ; negotium, I, N. ; ratio, onis, F. ; (a con- cern), curdtio, onis, f. busy, occupdtus, a, um. but, sed, at, autem, verb ; (unless, or except), nisi; after general negative expressions, quin ; — little, parum ; — feyv,pauci; — if, sin, quod si. buy, eino,^ emi, empt-. by (agent after passives), a, ah (abl.); — no means, nullo modo, nequdquam ; — day, in- terdiu; — night, noctu; of means, abl. C. Caesar, Caesar, arts. Caius, Gdius, i, m. (initial, C). cake, libum, I, n. calamity, calamitds, dtis, F. calf, vitulus, i, M. call, voco, appello ^ ; d'lco,^ xi, ct- ; — out, evoco^ ; — to mind, re- cordor^ ; — upon, imploro.^ calm, placidus, a, um. Cambyses, Cambyses, is. camp, castra, brum (n. pi.). can, joosswm, posse, potui ; cannot, nbn possum; nequeo, ire, ivi. Cannae, of -7-, Cannensis, e. capital (chief town), caput, itis, N. Capitol, Capitblium, Ij N. captive, captivus, a, um. capture (v.), capio,^ cepi, capt-. care, cura, ae, f. ; (watchful- ness), d'iligentia,ae, f. ; — for, Vocabulary. U7 or take — of, curo^ (ace); studeo,'^ dui (dat.). carefully, dilig enter. careless, neglegens^ ntis. carry, porto,^ fero (irr. ) , perfero ; — away, aufero, abstiili, ahldt- ; — on (war), gero^^ gess, gest- ; infero (dat.) ; — back, refero. Carthage, Carthago, inis, v. Carthaginian, CarthdginiensiSy e. casket, area, ae, f. Cassius, of, CassidmiSj rIvo.^ deprived, be, careo"^ (abl.). descended, ortus, a, nm (abl.). desert, desero,^ serui, sert-. deserve, mereo, or mereor^ ; de- heo,^ ui, it'. design, consilium, i, N. desire (v.), cupio, concupisco,-^ivi, It- ; {yi\sh),desidero ^ ; — more, mdlo {quam). desire (n.), cnpldo, inis ; cupidi- tds, tdtis, F. ; studium, ^, N. ; voluntas, tdtis, v. desirous, cupidns, a, um. desist, desislo,-^ stit'i, stit-. despair, despero.^ despise, contemno,-* psi, pt-. destiny, /(7^?/m, t, N. destroy, deleo,^ evij etum ; perdo,^ diifi, dit-. destruction, inteiitus, us, m. ; clddes, is, v. detain, traho,^ traxi, tract-. deter, deterreo.'^ determine, statuo,'^ tui, tiit-.'* determined; it is — , certum est. detract, derogo^ (dat.). devour, voro,^ devoro.^ dew, ros, roris, m. dictator, dictdtor, oris, M. die, monor,-^ mortuus, moriturus. diflfer, disto^ (no perf.), differo (irr.) ab; — in opinion, dis- sentio,* si, S2im. difficult, difficilis, e. difficulty, difficidtds, tdtis, v. ; with — , vix. dig, fodio,^ fodi, foss-. dignity, dignitds, tdtis, F. ; honor, oris, M. diligence, (Uligentia, ae, f. diligent, diligens, tis. dine, ceno.^ dinner, cena, ae, f. ; after — , cendtus, a, um (as adj.). direct, praescr'iho,^ psi, pt-. direction, pars, partis, f. disadvantage, iniquitds, tdtis, F. disaster, clddes, is, f. ; incom- modum, i, N. disburden, exonero.^ disciple, discipulus, i, M. disclose, indico.^ discourse (v.), dissero,^ rui, rt-; disputo,^ eloquorJ"^ discourse (n.), sermo, d7iis,M.; ordtio, onis, v. discover, invenio,^ veni, vent-. discuss, dissero,^ rui, rt- ; disputo} discussion, disputdtio, onis, F. disdainfully, fastidiose. disease, morbus, i, M. disgraceful, turpis, e. disparage, vitupero.^ dispersed, dispersus, a, um. dispute (v.), disputo.^ dispute (n.), disputdtio, onis, f. ; controversia, ae, F. dissatisfied, I am, me paenitet. 152 Latin Composition, dissuade, dvoco^ (ab). distance, spatium, intervallum, I, N. ; at a — , procul. distant (adj.), distdns^ ntis. distant (adv.) ; be — , abesse. distinguish, orno.^ distinguished, cldrus, a, um. distress, ango,^ anxi^ anct-. distressed, abjectus, a, um ; miser. district, regio, onis, f. distrust, diffido,^fisus (dat.). disturbance, perturbdtio^ onis^ F. divine, divinus, a, um ; or expr. by the gen. dedrum. do, faciOj^fecl, factum ; ago? egi^ actum; as auxiliary, iu ques- tions or commands, not trans- lated ; to be done, fieri ; — good, prosum (dat.) ; — not, cave, with pres. subj. ; 7idll, ne. doctor, medicus, I, M. doctrines, N. plur. of adj. doe, cerva, ae, f. dog, caydSj is, c. (gen. pi. tim), dominion, imperium, i, N. done for; be , pereo,* ii, it-. door, jdnua, ae, f. ; out of — , foris; (of motion) fords. doubt (v.) ; or be in — , dubito^ ; esse dubium (dat.). doubt (n.), dubium (x. adj.); dubitdtio, onis, f. doubtful, dubius, a, um. doubtless, sdne, nimirum. dove, columba, ae, v. dove-cote, columbarium, i, n. draw, traho,^ xi, ctum. [tuo.^ dread (v.), reformido,'^ praeme- dread (n.), horror, ons, m. dreadful, terribilis, e; formldu- losus, a, um. dream (v.), somnio} dream (n.), soinnium, i, N. drink, bibo.^ drive, pello (impello, compello),^ puli, puis-; ago,^ egi, act-; (away), depello, expello ; — back, depello; (In defeat), /wgro.^ drop (dropping), gutta, ae, f. duck, anas, atis, c. due, to be, passive of debeo.^ dunce (adj.), stolidus, a, um. during, accusative case. AvLsty pulvis, eris, m. duty, munus, eris, n. ; sense of — , offi,cium, I, N. dvrell, habito.^ dwelling, habitdtio, onis, f. E. each, quisque, quaeque, quodque, unusquisque ; (of two), uterque, utraque, utrumque. eager, cupidv^, a, um. eagerly, avide. eagerness; with greatest — , summd ope. eagle, aquila, ae, F. ear, auris, is, f. early (adj.), prlscus, a, um, early (adv.), mature. earnest, gravis, e. earnestly, vehementery magna opere. earnestness, dlligentia^ ae,, F. earth, ^en*a, ae, F. ; of — , ter- renus^ a, um. ease, otium., i, N. easily, facile^ facilius., facillime, easy, facilis, e. eat, edo? Mi., es- ; vescor^ (abl.). eddying, aestus^ ?ls, m. education, doctrlna., ae, F. eflfect, have, valeo.^ eggj ovum^ I, N. Vocabulary. 153 either, uler^ utra, utrum (gen. ms); either... or, aut...aut^ vel ...vel; not — , nec^ neque. elder, major ndtu. elect (y.)^facw^^feci^ fact-^ creo.^ elect (adj.), deslgndtus. elegance, urhdnitds^ tdtis^ f. ; humdnitds^ tdtis^ f. \_um. elegant, elegdns^ ntis ; lautus^ a, eloquence, eloquentia^ ae, F. ; ordtio, onis^ v. eloquent, eloquens^ ntis ; disertus^ a, um. else, aliud. elude, eludo^* lusi, lus-. eminent, eminens^ ntis. emperor, imperdtor^ on's, m. empire, imperium^ i, n. employ (make use of) , utoi\^ usus (abl.). empty, indnis, e. encamp, castra facia ,,^ feci ^ fact-. encouragement, hortdtio, cohor- tdtio^ onis, f. end,/I«ii>\ 16% M. (rarely f.). endure, /ero (irr.) ; patior^^pass- ;. tolero.\ enemy (public) , hostis, is, M. ; (personal), inimlcus^ I, m. enhance, augeo^^ auxi^ auct-. enjoy,fruor,perfruor,^fruct'(3ih\.). enjoyed, usitdtus^ a, um. enjoyment, delectdtio^ onis^ f. enmity, inimlcitia, ae, f. enough, satis (gen.). enrol, scrlho^^ psi, pt-. enter, intro^ ; ingredior,^ gress- ; introeo^^ ii^ it- ; — Into, ineo ; — upon, ingredior (ace). entirely, omriino^ plane. entreat, oro, exoro^ obsecro^ sup- plico^ (dat.) ; ago '^ cum. entrust, committo^^ misi^ miss-. envy (v.), invideo,^di, sum (dat.). envy (n.), invidia, ae, f. Kpaminondas, Epam'inondds, ae. Epicurean, JEpiciireus^ i. Epirot, Ep'irotes^ ae^ M. equal, pdr, paris ; (well-bal- anced), aequus^ a, ?mi; — in age, aequdlis^ e ; make — , adaequo.^ equanimity, acquits animus. err, erro.^ escape (v.), evddo,^ vdsi^ vds-; (intr.) , perfugio^^fug- ; efugio.,^ fug'i., fugitum. escape (n.),/z«^a, ae., v.; effugium^ I, N. especially, imprimis^ praesertim, maxime., potissimum. establish, cbnstituo^^ tui.. tut-. established, well, firmus, a. um. esteem, facio^^fcci^ fact- ; habeo.^ esteemed; to be — , dat. of service. estimation ; in — of, apud (ace). eternal, aeternus^ a, um. Etruscan, Etruscus, a, um. even, etiam^ quoque^ ipse; not — , m ...quidem ; — if, e^iamsl. , even (adj.). aequus. a, um. evening, vesper, eri, m. ever, timquam (only with nega- tive, «Sbc.). every, omnis, e ; — thing, omnia. evil, malus, a, um; as noun, malum., I, n. examine, considero.^ excel (trans.), />raes^o, stiti^ stit-^ or stdt- ; antecedo^^ cessi, cess- ; antecello^ (dat. or ace.) ; (in- trans.), excetlo.^ excellent, egregius, a, um; prae- stdns., excellens., ntis; praestd^ bills., e ; optimus^ praecldrus^ a, um. 154 Latin Composition, excess, nimia (x. plur.). exchange, permuto ^ (ace. of the thing given). excite, moveo^^ mdvi, mot-; — strongly, infiammo^ ; — war, infero (dat.). excuse, excuso.^ exercise, exerceo^^ cui^ cit-. exhort, hortor.^ exile, exsilium^ i, n. ; an — , exsul^ suliSj c. ; in — , extorris^ e (abl.). y expect, spero^ arhitror^ ; (wait for), exspecto.^ expectation, exspectdtio^ onis^ F. ; opinio, onis^ f. expense, sumptus, us, m. experience, experientia^ ae, F. experienced, peritus^ a, um (geu.). explain, explico.^ expression, an, vox, vocis, F. extant, be, exsto.^ extinguish, exstinguo,^ nxi, net-. extraordinary, singuldris, e ; ex- imius (egregius), «, um. \ extreme, summus, a, um. eye, ocnlus, I, m. ; dim. ocellus; in eyes of, apud (ace). F. fable, fdhula, ae, F. face, vultuSj us, M. fair, serenus ; albus, a, um. faith, Jides^ el, F. faithful, /Idi«s, a, um ; fidelis., e. Faliscan, Faliscus^ a, um. fall, eado,^ cecidlj cdsum; ruo,^ corruo.^ false, falsus^ a, um. falsehood, menddcium, i, N. fame,/amrt, ae ; gloria^ ae, F. family, /am ?7/«i!, ae, f. ; one's — ^^ poss. adj. masc. plur. famine, /ames, is, F. famous, egregius^ a, um; nbhilis. far, longe. procul. farewell, vale. farmer, agricola, ae, M. fashionable, lautus^ a, um. fast (adj.), ciYms, rapidus^a^ um. fast (adv.), cito. fasting, media, ae, f. fatal, capitdlis, e. fate, for tiina, ae, f. father, pater, tris; parens, tis; father's, patrius, a, um. fatherland, jxttria, ae, f. fault, vitium, i, n. ; culpa, ae, f. ; find — with, accuso.^ favor (v.), or be favorable, fa- veo^^ favi, faut- ; studeo.^ favor (n.), gratia, ae, f. favorable, secundus, a, um. fear (v.), timeo^^ mui ; metuo^^ tui; vereor'^ ; praemetuo, perti- mesco.^ fear (n.), timer, oris, m. ; metus^ us, M. feather, penna, pluma, ae, F. feed, vescor'^ (abl.) ; (tr.) pdsco,^ pdvi. past-. feel, sentio,* sensi, sens-, feelings, animus, i, m. feign, siimdo.^ fertile, fertilis, e. ferv^or, fervor, oris, M. fever, febris, is, im, i, F. few ; but — , pauci, ae, a ; panim multi ; very — , perpauci. fickle, levis, e. ndelity, Jidelitds, dtis; fides, ei, F. field, ager, agri, m. fierce, ferbx, ocis ; deer, cris, ere. &g,flcusy I, M. Vocabulary. 155 fight, pugno^^ dimico^ ; decerno^^ crevi^ cret-; confligo^^fllxi.Jlict'. fill, compleo {impleo)^^ evi^ etnm. fillet, infida^ ae, f. filth, squalor^ oris, u. find, invenio^'* veni^ vent-; re- perio,* peri, pert- ; — fault with, accuso.^ ^ne, praeddrus, a, um. fine ; in — , in summd. finger, digitus, i, m. finish, or — up, conjicio^^ feci^ feet-. fire, ignis, is, m. ; set on — , iii- ceyido^^ di, sum. Girm, Jirnuis, a, um. ^rmness, Jirmitds, tdtis, f. first, primus^ a, um; princeps, cipis. fish, piscis, is, m. fit, idoneus, a, um. flee, fugio^^ fiigi, fugit-, fleet, classis, is^ f. flesh, caro, carnis^ f. flight, f2iga, ae, f. flock, pecus, pecoris, n. flow, 7??(o,'' Jl2ixi, Jlux-. flower, flos, floris, m. ; made of lowers, Jloreus, a, um. fly (v.)^ volo^ ; flee, fugio,^fugi, fugitiim. fly (n.), miisca, ae, f. follow, sequor (Jnsequor) ,•* secut- ; — advice, utor^^ usus (abl.)- follower, sectdtor, oris, m. ; masc. adj. (as, Pompeidnus). folly, stultitia, ae, f. fond, studiosus, a, um (gen.). food, clbus, i, M. fool, stidtus, i, M. (adj. as noun). foolish, stultus, ineptus, a, um. foot, pes, pedis, m. footstep, vestigium, i, n. for (prep.), ad, in; (advantage), dative case; (characteristic), gen. case ; — this reason, idea. for (conj.), nam, enim, namqiie. forbid, veto,^ ui, itum (ace. and inf.) ; prohibeo,"^ ui, itum (with ne and subj.). force (v.), compello;^ puli, pids-. force (n.), vis, vim, vi ; pi., vlreSy ium, F. ; a — , manus, us, f. forces (troops), copiae, drum, f. foreign, externus {alienus), a^um, foreigner, peregrinus, i, M. foresee, p?'oyiVZeo,''^ vldi, vis-. foresight, prudentia, ae, v. forest, silva, ae, f. foretell, praedlco,^ dixi, diet-. forget, obllviscor,^ lit- (gen.). forgetful, oblitus, a, um; imme- ' mor, oris. forgive, Ignosco,^ gnovi (dat.). form (v.), jingo;* nxi, jlct- ; — - plans, ineo.^ form (n.) , forma, Jlgura, ae, F- former, superior, us. formula,, formida, ae, F. fortified, munltus, a, um. fortify, miinio,^ communio.* fortunate, ^Zix, Icis ; fortundtus, a, um. fortune, fortuna, ae, F. ; good — , fellcitds. forum, forum, i, N. found, condo^-* didi, dit-, founder, conditor, oris, M. fountain, fons, fontis. fourth (adj.), quartus, «, um. fourth (adv.), quarto. fox, vidpes, IS, F. frail, fragilis, e. fraud, fraus, fraudis, F. free (v.), llbero.^ free (adj.), liber, era, erum. 156 Latin Composition, freely, Xihere ; free from restraint, incaute. freeze, gelo^ gelor.^ frequent, creber, bra, brum; fre- quens, tis. fresh, recenSy tis; integer ^ gra, grum. friend, amicus, i, m. friendly, amicus , a, um. friendship, amicitia, ae, F. frighten, terreo,^ ui, itum. frightened, territus, a, um. frog, rdna, ae, f. from ; away — , a, ab (abl.) ; out of, e, ex; as denoting cause, express by ablative ; (after verbs of hindering, &c.), gwln, quominus. front; in — of, ante (ace.) frost, gelu, N. ; hoar — , pruina, ae, F. frugality, /r?7^aZiias, tdtis, r. fruit, fructus, ms, m. ; fruits, fruges, um^ f. frustrate, irritum facio.^ fuHy plenus, a, ifm(gen. or abl.). furlong, stadium, i, N. furnish, praebeo,^ ui, itum; mi- nistro.^ furthest, extremus^ a, um. future, futurus, a, um ; the — , futiira (N. plur.). G. Gabinian, Gabinus, a, um. gaily, hilare. game, ludus, i, M. garb, habitus (^vestitus), us, M. garden, hortus, i, M. gate, poria, ae, f. gather, colligo,^ legi, lect-. gathering, conventus, iis, m. Gaul, the country, Gallia, ae, f. ; the people, Gallus, i, m. general, imperdtor, oris, m. genial, sudvis, e. geniality, sudvitds, tdtis, v. gentle, lenis, mitis, e. genuine, Justus, a, um. get; — possession of, potior* (abl.) ; — back, repeto,^ tivi, tit- ; — together, comparo. • giant, gigds, gigantis, m. gift, donum, i; benejicium, i; munus^ eris, N. give, do, dare, dedi^ dat- ; reddo,^ didi, dit- ; — attention, studeo,'' dui (dat.) ; — a contract, loco ' (with gerundive) ; — over, trd- do'^; — thanks, grdtids agere; — away, cedo., cessi, cess-. glad, laetus, a, um; I am — to hear, libenter audio ; to be — , gaudeo^^ gdvisus. gladly, libenter., laetus (adj.). glorious, cldrus (praecldrus^ glo- riosus), a, um. glory, gloria, ae, f. go, eo*; projiciscor,'^ feet- ; (ad- vance), vddo,^ vdsi, vds- ; per- go^-^ rexi, rect- ; (arrive), per- venio,* vent, vent-; — away, abeo, decedo,^ cessi., cess-; — from or forth, exeo, egredior^^ gress- {ab, ex, c?e, or abl.) ; — off, abeo; — on (be per- formed), pass.of (zgroj^e^i, act- ; (of games), fio ; — to bed, abeo cubitum; — to sleep, con- dormio '* ; going to do a thing, fut. act. part. goat, caper, pri, m. ; capella, ae, p. god, deus, i, m. goddess, dea, ae, f. gold, aurum, i, N. Vocabulary. UNIVE: good, bonus, a, um; — courage, mdgnus animus ; — faith, fide^, Jidei, F. ; — will, gratia, benevo- lentia, ae, f. ; — for nothing, nihili ; do — to, prosum (dat. ) . goodness, bdnitds, dtis, f. goose, dnser, eris, m. gourd, cucurbita, ae, F. grace, gratia, ae, F. grandson, nepos, potis, M. grant, trihuo,^ bui, but-; conce- do,^ cessi, cess-; (bestow), lar- gior.^ granting that, licet^ ut. grasp, prehendo (comprehendo) ,^ di, sum ; — at, adripio.^ grass, grdmen, mis, N. ; herba, ae. great, mdgnus, a, um; how — , quantus^ a, um; so — , tantus, a, um; greatest (of qualities) , summus, a, um. great-grandfather, proavus, i, m. greatly, mdgni (with interest, etc.), mdgnopere. greatness, mdgnitudo, inis^ F. Greece, Graecia, ae, f. greediness, cupiditds, tdtis^ f. greedy, avidus, a, um. Greek, Graecus, a, um ; (the lan- guage), Graeca (n. plur.). grief, dolor, oris ; luctus, us, m. grievance (or sense of grief), dolor, oris, m. grieve, doleo,^ ui ; lugeo,^ xi, ct-. ground, terra, ae, f. ; solum, i, N. ; (reason), causa, ae, f. grove, sacred, lucus, i, m. grow, cresco,^ crevi, cret- ; orior,^ ort-, oriturus. grudge, invideo,^ vidi, vis- (ace. and dat.). guard (v.) against, or be on one's — , caveo,'^ cam, caut-. guard (n.), custodia, ae, r. ; prae- sidium, i, n. ; (guardian) , ens- tos, odis, c. guest, hospes, pitis, c; hospita, F. guide, dux, ducis, c. guilty of, astrictus, a, um (abl.) gulf, gurges, itis, M. ; sinus, us, M. H. hail, grando, inis, F. hair, crinis, is, M. hall, atrium, i, N. ; aula^ ae., f. hand, manus, us, f. hang over, impendeo,^ di (dat.) ; and be hanged to you, dierecte. hanging, dependens, tis. Hanno, Hanno, onis. h'appen, flo ; (to any one, favor- able), contingo,^ tigi, tact-; (unfavorable), accido,^ cidi. happily, bedte. happy, bedtus, a, um. harbor, portus, us, ubus, m. hard, difficilis, e ; durus, a, um. hardly any one, nemo fere. hardship, labor, oris, m. harm, noceo,^ ui (dat.). harmony, consensus, us, M. harper, lyristes, ae, m. haste, festlndtio, onis, F. ; need of — , properdto opus. hasten, festino,^ propero,^ hastily, temere. hate (v.), odi, osus. hate, hatred, odium, i, N. have, liabeo^ ; (dative of poss., Less. 42. b) ; — advantage, praesto,^ stiti, stit- ; — effect, valeo^; — hope, spero^ ; — leave, or right, licet; — need, egeo^^ ui (abl.) ; — respect to, pertineo ^ ad. 158 Latin Composition, he, zs", ille ; but generally implied ill third person. head, caput, itis, n. health, salus, utis^ f. ; state of — , valetudo, inis, f. ; be in good — , valeo.* healthful, saluber, hris, bre. . heap, acervus, i, m. hear, or — of, audio, exaudio.* hearer, auditor, oris, M. heart, cor, cordis, N. ; animus, i. hearth, /ocM5, i, m. heat, calor, oris, M. heaven, caelum, i, N. ; pi. caeli, m. heavy, gravis, e. Hector; of — , Hectoreus, a, um. height, altitudo, inis, v. Hellespont, Hellespontus, i, m. helm, guberndculum, i, n. help (v.), prosum, subvenio,* veni, vent- (dat.) ; cannot — , • praeterire, or facere non posse. help (n.), auxilium, i, N. hen, gallina, ae, f. hence, hinc. Hephsestion, Hephaestion, onis. her (obj.), earn; (poss.), ejus; — own (emph.), ipslus; (refl.), suus, a, um. Hercules, by, hercule, mehercule. herdsman, bubulcus, i, m. here, hlc. hereafter, posted. hero, vir, viri ; herds .^ ois^ oa^ M. hesitate, dubito.^ hidden, occultus, a, um. hide, celo ^ (2 ace.) ; occulo,^ ui, occultum. high, alius, a, um. highest, summus, a, um. high ground, colles, ium (m. pi.). highly, mdgni ; so high, tanti. hill, collis, is, m. himself (emph.), ipse; (refl.),se. hinder, obsto,^ stiti, slat-. hindrance, impedimentum', i, N. his, ejus (gen. of is) ; — own (emph.), ipslus; (refl.), suus, a, um : omitted when it is im- plied from the context. history, historia, ae, f. hitherto, adhuc. ho, heus ! hold, teneo (obtineo),^ ui, tent-; habeo^^ui, it-; (regard), tZilco.'' holding ; power of — , capdcitds, dtis, V. home, domus, us, f. ; at — , doml ; towards — , domum ; from — , domo. Homer, Homerus, i, m. honest, ^ro6ws, a, um. honesty, probitds, dtis, F. honey, mel, mellis, n. honor (v.), augeo,'^ auxi, auct-; honoro.^ honor (n.), honor, oris, m. ; decus, oris, N. honorable, honestus, a, um. honorably, honeste. hoof, ungula, ae, f. hope (v.), spero^ (ace). hope (n.), spes, spei, f. hopeless, desperdns, tis. horn, cornu, us, n.; with horns (horned), cornutus, a, um. horrible, atrox, atrocis. horse, equus, i, m. horseman, eques, itis, m. host, hospes, hospitis, c. hostage, obses, obsidis, c. hostile, infensus, inimicus, a, um. hostility, inimicitia, ae, f. hot, calidus, a, um. hotly, dcriter. hour, hora, ae, f. Vocabulary. 159 house, domus, us ; aedes, ium^ f. ; at the — of, apud (ace), domi. how, quanta quomodo ; (rel.), quemadmodum ; (interr.), quid, qui; — much, quantum; — many, gwot; —^eiit^uanlus, a, urn ; adv. (with compar.), quanto; (price), quanti. how so ? quidum ? however, autem ; quamvis. howling, fremens^ Us. human, humdnus, a, um. humble, demissus^ a, um. hunger, fames, is, f. [turn. hunt, venor^ ; a-huDting, vend- hunter, vendtor, oris, m. hurl, torqueo^^ si, turn ; jacio (con- jicio) ,^ jec't, jact- {ject-). hurry, /es^Iwo J Hydruns, Hydruns, ntis. I, ego, mei, mihi, me. ibis, ibis, is (idis), v. ice, glades, ei. f. ides, Idus, uum, f. idle, igndvus^ a, um ; iners, tis. if, si; but — , sin; even — , etiamsi. ignorance, Ignorantia, ae, f. ignorant, igndrus^ a, um; be — , ignbro^ (ace); nescio* (with clause). ill, inale. illustration, exemplum, i, n. image, imago, ginis, f. ; simula- crum, I, N. imitate, imitor.^ immediately, statim. immense, ingens, ntis. immortal, immortdlis, e. immortality, immortdlitds, tdtis. impart, impertio.* Itis. impatient, festmdns, impatiens. impede, impedio.* impel, impello,^ puli^ puis-. impiety, impietds, dtis, f. impious, impius, a, um. implore, imploro.^ important, mdgnus, «, um. impudence, impudentia, ae, f. in, in (abl.) ; — fine style, hel- lissime; — high spirits, ludi- bundus; — proportion to, or — behalf of, pro (abl.) ; — re- gard to, de (abl.) ; — the very place, ibidem ; — midst of, in (abl.), in medio. inch, uncia, ae, v. inclined to think (I am), nescio an ; — to believe, crediderim. inconsistent, alienus (abl.) ; be — , repugno^ (dat.). inconstant, levis, e. increase, cresco,^ crevi. incredible, incredibilis^ e. incredibly, incredibiliter. incur, suscipio,^ cepi, cept-. indeed, quidem. indulgence, venia, indulgentia, ae, F. industry, industria, ae, f. inferior, Inferior, us (with abl.). inflict, sumo,^ mpsi^ mpt- {sumere poenam de). influence, moveo,^ mdvi, mot-. inform, certiorem facere (de) ; — against, detego,^ xi, ct- (ace). injure, violo.^ injury, injuria, ae, v. injustice; act of — , injUria, ae, f. innocence, innocentia, ae, f. inquire, sciscitor ' ; — into, cog- nosco.,^ novi, nit- (de). insane, dmens, ntis. i6o Latin Composition. insignia. Insignia^ urn (n. pi.)- insolence, insolentia, ae, f. institution, histitutum, i, N. instead of, p'o (abl.). instruct, doceo^^ ciii, ct-. intending to, express by fut. part. intent, intentus, a, um (dat.). interdict, interdlco,^ xi, ct- (dat. of person, and abl. of thing). interest, sCudium, ^, n. ; it is one's — , interest (gen.) ; it is my — , med interest ; interests, res, rei, F. ; consult the — of, consulo,^ sului, snlt- (dat.). interpret, interpretor.^ interrupt, interpello. intimacy, iisus, us, M. into, in (ace). investigate, qnaero,^ swi, sit- (de). investigation, quaestiOy oniSj F. invite, invito.^ Ionian, Junius, a, um, iron, ferrum, i, N. island, insula, ae, f. it,i(Z, illud; — is, est; itself (for itself), sibi. Italy, Italia, ae, f. ivy, hedera, ae, f. jack-knife, cuUellus, i, m. January (of), jdnudinus, a, um. javelin, joi/Mm, i, n. jaiv, mala, ae, v. jealous, invidus, a, um. jeweller, gemmdrius, i, M. join (trans.), conjungo,^nxi, net- ; (intr.), accedo,^ cessi, cess- (ad), joining, junctui'a, ae, f. joint, artus, Us, M. joke (y.),jocor.^ joke (n.), jocus, i, m. ; pi. joca. journey, iter, itineris., n. Jove, Juppiter, Jovis, m. joy, gaudium, i, n. judge (v.), judico ; arhitror^ ; aestimo * ; censeo,^ nsui, ns-. judge (n.), judex, dicis. judgment (legal) , jus, juris, n. ; (of mind), existimdtio, onis, f. ; (decision), consilium, i, n. ; pass — on, jiidico^ (de), June (of), Junius, a, um. Jupiter, Juppiter, Jovis, just (adj.), Justus, aequus, a, um. just (adv. ) , adeo ; — now, modo ; — like, consimilis, e. justice, jws^iYia, ae, f. justly, jwre. K. Kalends, Kalendae, drum, keen, deer, dcris, acre, keenly, dcriter. keep, servo,^ teneo,^ retineo^ ; — from rest, inquieto.^ key, cldvis, is, F, kid, haedus, i, u, kill, interjicioi^ feci, feet- ; (with- out a weapon), neco^ ; (vio- lently), occido,^ cull, CIS-; oh- trunco.^ kind (n.), genus, eris, N. kind (adj.), benignus, a, um. kindness, beneficium, i, N. king, rex, regis, m. kingdom, regnum, i, N. kingly, regius, a, um. kitchen, colina, ae, f. knee, genu, us, N. knight, eques, equitis, M. knot, nodus, i, m. knovi^, scio '' ; intellego,^ lexi, led- ; (be acquainted), novi (perf. of nbsco) ; not — , nescio * ; let — , certiorem facere. Vocabulary. i6i knowledge, scientia, «e, F. known, notuSy a, nm. labor, labor J oris, M. ; opus, eris, N. Liacedaemonian, Lacedaemonius, a, um, lack, egeo (indigeo),^ ui (gen. or abl.) ; careo,'^ ui (abl.). ladder, scdla, ae, F. lake, lacus, us, M. lamb, dgnus, i, M. [bus. lame, claudus, a, um ; aeger pedi- lament, Idmentor.^ lamentable, flebilis, e. land, ager, gri, m. ; terra, ae, f. ; native — , patria, ae, f. ; by — and sea, terra marlque. language, lingua, ae, f. large, mdgnus, a, urn. last, ultimus, postremus, a, um ; at — , demum, postremo. lasting, diuturnus, a, um. late, serus, a, um. lately, nuper, paulo ante. Ijatin, Latinus, a, %im ; — lan- guage, Latlna, brum (n. pl.)> (adv.), Latine. laugb (v.), rideo,^ risi, r'ls-, laugh (n.), rlsus, us, m. laughter, rlsus, us, m. law (abstract), jus, juris, n. ; (statute), lex, legis, f. lawful, fas (indecl.), legitimus, a, um. lay aside, depono,^ posui, posit- ; I — siege to, oppugno^ (ace); — waste, populor,^ vasto'^ ; — out, distribuo.^ lazy, piger, gra, grum ; iners, tis. lead, duco {perduco) ,^ xi, ct- ; — to do u, thing, adferre ; — across, trdnsduco ; — away, deduco ; — forth, or out, educo {ex). leader, dux, ducis, C. leaf, folium, i, N. league, foedus, eris, N. learn, disco;^ didici ; — tliorough- ly, edisco, perdisco ; (become acquainted), cognosco,^ novi, nit-. learned, doctus, a, um. leave (trans.), relinquo,^ liqui, lict- ; (intrans.), excedo,^ cessi, cess- (abl.) ; have — , licet ; — oft*, desisto,^ stiti, stit- (inf.) ; — undone, praetermitto.^ least, minimus, a, um; at — , quidem. left, reliquus, a, um. left hand, sinistra, ae, f. ; (adj.), laevus; on the — , ad laevam. leg, criis, cruris, N. legion, legio, bnis, f. length, longitudo, inls, F. ; — of time, diuturnitds, dtis, f. ; at — , tandem. lenient, lenis, e. less (adj.), minor, minus. less (adv.), minus, secus. lest, we (followed by subjunctive). let know, certibrem facere. letter, epistula, ae, f. ; letters (literature), litterae, arum, f. lettuce, head of, lactuca, ae, f. IJeucas, Leucas, cadis, level, 2)ldnus, a, um. liar, menddx, dads, c. Liber, Liber, eri, m. liberality, Tiberdlitds, tdtis, F. liberty, Ubertds, tdtis, f. lie, jaceo,"^ cui, cit- ; (speak false- ly), mentior.* lieutenant, legdtus, z, m. 1 62 Latin Composition, life, mta^ ae, f. ; period of — , aetds, tdtiSj v. light (n.)> ^^^^1 liiciSf r. ; lumen, inis, N. ; (lamp), lucerna, ae, F. ; bring to — , illustro? light (adj.) in weight, levis, e, lightly, leviter. like (adj.), similis, e; just — , consimilis^ e ; in — manner, similiter. [yelim. lilte (v.), amo\' should — , libet, line, orclo^ diniSj m. ; — of battle, acies, ei, f. linlc, hdmus, i, m. lion, leo, onis^ m. lips, OS, oris, n. listen, or — to, audio,* exaudio,* ausculto.^ little (ad^.), parvus, a, urn. little (jid.\.),pauld; but — ,parum. live (v.), vlro,^ vlaii, vict- ; (dwell), habito.^ live (adj.), v'lvus, «, itm. load, onus, oneris, N. lock, sera, ae, f. log, lignum {tig ilium), i, n. long, longus, a, um; (distant), longinquus, a, um ; (time), diu- turnus, a, um; — established, vetus, eris (sup., -rimus) ; for a — time, diu ; — ago, jam diu ; so — , tamdiu. longer, diutius ; no — , non jam. look, videor,^ vlsus ; — at, con- tueor,'^ tuit-; — for, reqmro^; — round, circumspecto^ ; (in- trans.), circumspicio,^ spexi, spect-; — upon, contemplor.^ lord it, dominor.^ lose, dmitto,^ m'lsi, miss- ; perdo? didi, dit- ; careo,^ ui (abl.). losing, injuriosus, a, um. loss, jactura, ae, f. loud (adv.), cldre. [lect-. love (v.), amo^ ; diligo,^ lexi, love (n.), amor, oris, n. low, humilis^ e. lovrer (price) ; at — , minor is (gen.), luck, /or^z7?ia, ae, f. lucky, ^Zla:, ids. lurk, lateo,^ tui. lust, libido, dinis, f. luxury, luxuria^ ae, F. Lyso, Lyso, onis. M. mad, dmens, ntis; furiosus, a, um ; be — , furo,^ rui. madman, Jnsdnus, i, M. madness, amentia, ae, F. magistrate, magistrdtus, us, m. maiden, ^iteZZrt, ae ; virgo, inis, v. maintain (keep), teneo^^ ui, ten- turn; (hold an opinion), dis- puto ^ ; — friendship, colere. majesty, mdjestds, tdtis, F. make, facio,^ feci, factum; pas- sive, fio, fieri, f actus ; — an- swer, respondeo,^'^ ndi, ns- ; — complaint, expostulo^ ; — no complaint, nihil exp. ; — equal, adaequo ' (dat. or cum) ; — mistake, committere; — new, novo * ; — out, efficere ; — popu- lous, frequento ' ; — reference, referre ; — trial, experior,* pert- ; — up one's mind, statuo,^ tui, tut-; — use of, utor,^ us- (abl.). mian, vir, viri, M. ; a person in general, homo, inis ; a little — , homunculus, i, M. ; (meaning persons of a certain quality or descent), expressed by ad- jectives. Vocabulary. 1 6.^ manage, gero? gessi, gest-. mane, jw6a, ae, f. manifest, manifestus, a, um. manly, virllis, e ; fortis, e. manner, modus^ i, m. ; genus, eris, N. ; after the — , modo (with gen.) ; in like — , simili- ter ; in what — , quemadmodum, miantle, amictuSy us, M. ; pallium, i, N. many, multi, ae, a ; plures ; very — , plurimi. March (month), martius, a, um. march (v.), iterfacere, contendo.^ march (n.), i7er, itineris, n. mark of, or It marks, gen. case. marked, singular is, e. Mars Hill, Areopagus, i, m. marsh, palus, udis, f. mask, persona, ae, F. massacre, caedes, is, f. master (teacher), magister, tri ; (of property), dominus, i, m. ; of tlie — , erilis, e. matron, mdtrona, ae, f. matter, or matters, res, rei, r. May, mains, a, um (adj.). may (it is permitted), licet; in purpose clauses, ut with subj. ; of wish, pres. subj. meadow, pra^wm, i, n. mean, vllis, e ; abjectus, a, um. means, opera (with gen.) ; ratio, onis, ¥.; (resources), copiae, drum, F. ; by no — , nullo modo, nequdquam. measure (v.), metior,^ mensus. meat, caro, carnis, v. mediocrity, mediocria, ium (n. plur. adj.). meet, convenio,* veni, vent- (ace); congredior,^ gress- (cum) ; go to — , oh viam ire (dat.) ; — ex- pectations, &c.,respondeo,^ ndi, ns- (dat.). meeting, conventus, us, m. memory, memoria, ae, F. merciful, Clemens, tis. mercifully, clementer. Mercury, Mercurius, i. mercy, dementia, ae, f. ; miseri- cordia, ae, f. merry, hilaris, e. messenger, nuntius, i, M. middle (of), medius, a, um, midst; in the — , inter (ace). might, licet, possum. [tis. mighty, mdgnus, a, um; ingens^ migrate, demigro.^ mild ; to grow — , mitesco.^ mildness, sudvitas, tdtis, F. mile, mille passuum. military, militdris, e. milk, lac, lactis, N. mill, mola, ae, f. mind, mens, mentis, f. ; (feel- ings), animus, i, m. ; make up one's — , statuo,^ tui, tut-. mindful, memor, oris (gen.). mingling, mixtura, ae, F. mischief, malum, i, N. ; (com- mitted), malejicium, i, n. misery, miseria, ae, F. misfortune, malum, i, n. ; casus, lis, M. misgiving; to have no — , non dubitdre. mission, legdtio, onis, f. mistake, make, committere. mistaken ; to be — , fallor.^ mistress, magistra, ae, f. Mitylenaean, Mitylenaeus, a, um. mix, misceo,'^ cui, xt-. mob, turha, ae, v. ; tumultus, us,M. model, specimen, minis, n. moderate, mode ratits, a^ im. J OF THE ^ I XTNIVERSITT I i64 Lathi Composition. moderation, moderdtio, oniSj v. modest, modestiis, rt, um. money, or sum of — , pecunia, F. ; argentum^ i, x. monkey, s'lmia, ae, f. monstrous, immdnis, e. month, mensis, is, m. monument, monumentum, i, N. moon, luna, ae, v. jnore,plus,pluris ; (adv.), magis; also, sign of comparative. morning; in tlie — , mane. mortal, mortdlis, e, moss, muscusj i, m. most (men), plerlqiie ; (adv.), plurimum, maxime; sign of superlative. mother, mater, tris, f. mound, tumidus, i, m. [m. mount, mountain, mons, montis, mourn, liigeo,^ luxi, luct-. mournful, tristis, e. mouse, mus, muris, m. mouth, OS, oris, n. move, moveo (commoveo),^ movi, mot-; foriutrans., use passive. movement, motus, us, m. ; iter, itineris, n. much, midtum; by — , multo ; too — , nimius, a, um. mule, mulus, i, m. ; mida, ae, f. multitude, multitudo, dinis, F. music, musica, ae (or e, es), f. must, debeo"'; necesse est; gen- erally by participle in dus. my, mens, a, um ; voc. m., mi, myrtle (of), myrteus, a, um. N. nail, cldvus, i; (of the finger), unguis, is, m. name, nomen, minis., n. patria, ae^ f. Narbo, Narho, onis. narrow, artus, angustus, a, um, nation, gens, tis ; populus, i, m. ; ndtio, onis, v. native land, | native city, j natural powers, ingeniiim, i, n. nature, ndtura, ae, F. ; indoles, is, F. ; ingenium, i, N. nay, immo, q7un. neavy prope (ace); nearly, /ere. nearest, proximus, a, um; — to person speaking, citimus, necessarily, necessdrio. necessary, necessdrius, necesse ; opus (as pred.) ; necessaries, res necessdriae. neck, collum, i, N. need (v.), or have — ,e^eo^(abl.). need (n.), inopia^ ae, f. ; (= need- ful), opus, US21S (abl.) ; needs, desiderium, i, M. needful, opus (as pred.). needle, acus, ms, f. [neglego. neglect, negligo,^ glexi, gleet-; or, negligence, negUgentia, ae, v. negligent, neglegens, litis-. neighbor, vlclnus., proximus^ f'l- nitimus^ a, um. neighborhood, loca (n. plur.) ; in the — of, ad. neither (of two), neuter, tra, trum (gen. trlus) ; — ... nor, nee . . . nee. Nef-o, Nero, onis. net, rete, is, N. neutral, medius^ a, um. never, numquam. nevertheless, tamen. new, novus, a, um. news, nuntius, i. m. ; fdma^ ae, f. next, alter, a, um; (day), pos- terns., a, um; — day, postrldie. Vocabulary, 165. night, nox, noctis, v. ; by — , noctu. nightly, noctiirnus, a, um. no, or no indeed, immo ; (adj.), nullus^ rt, um; — longer, non jam; — one, nemo^ inis (for gen. and abl., nulUus,, nulla). nobility, ndhilitds^ talis. noble, nohilis^ e. nobody-knows-who, nescio quis. noise, strepitus, its, m. nones, Nonae^ drum. noon, meridies^ ei, m. nor, neque^ nee (see neither). north wind, Aquilo, onis, M. nose, ndsus^ i, u. ; epith., ndso. not, non ; — at all, minime ; in- terrog. nonne ; — yet, non- dum ; — even, ne.. . qiiidem ; imperative, ne. nothing, nihil, nihilitm, i, N. notice, animadverto^^ ti., sum. November, november^ bris^ bre. now, nunc ; = already, jam. number, numerus, i, m. ; a great — of, permuUi^ ae, a. nut, mix, nucis^ f. nymph, nympha^ ae, f. O. oak, quercus, us., F. oar, remus, e, m. oath, jusjurandum, jurisjurandi. obedience, obedientia, «e, f. obey, pdreo^ ui, itum (dat.). obscure, obscurus^ a, um. obstinate, contumdx, dcis. obtain, adipiscor.,^ adept-. occupy, teneo^^ tenui, tent-. ocean, oceanus., i, M. October, October, bris, bre (adj.). odium, odium., i, N. ; invidia. ae, F. of, expressed by genitive ; out — , ex; (of separation), ablative; (= concerning), de (abl.) ; — course, scilicet. off; to be so far — , tantum abesse, oflFence, injuria, ae., f. offended ; to be — , stomachor ^ ; rather — , stomachdns., litis. oflFensive, molestus^ a, um. oflfer, defero; — to do a thing, projlteor.,"^ fess-. oflfering, munus. eris, N. often, saepe ; very — , saepissime ; as — as, quotiescumque. oil, oleum, i, N. old, vetus., eris; — man, senex, w, M. ; years — , ndtus ; — age, senectus, utis., f. ; older, major ndtu, senior. olive, oliva, ae, f. omen, omen., inis. N. on, in (abl.) ; of time or instru- ment, expressed by ablative; — a side, ab. ex; = concern- ing, de ; — this account, eo, ob earn causam ; — the ground that, quod. once, semel ; (formerly), olim, quondam ; at — , statim, pro- tinus., jam. one, unus^ a, um (gen. lus) ; a certain — , qu'idam ; any — , quis, aliquis ; — ... another, alius . . . alius ; — ... the other, alter . . . alter ; no — , nemo ; the — who, is qui; — by — , singuli ; — another, inter se. onion, caepe, is, N. ; bidbus, i, M. only (adj.), solus, unus. a, um. only (adv.), solum, tantum, modo ; not — , cum (followed by tum). open (v.), aperio,* id, apertum. open (sid}.),apertus; be — .pateo:^ i66 Latin Composition. operation, negotitim, i, x. opinion, sententia, ae, f. ; (con- jecture), opinio, onis, F. ; be of — , censeo^'^ siii, sum; it is my — , mihi placet. opportunity, occdsio, onis, f. ; (power), /acwZias, tdtis ; potes- tds, tdtis, F. oppose, obsto,^ stiti^ stdt- (dat.). opposite, adversus, a, um (dat.). opposition; to make — , obtrecto.^ or, aut^ vel ; either... or, ant (vel) . . . aut (vel) ; whetlier ... or, utrum . . .an ; — not, necue., annon. oracle, responsum^ /, n. oration, ordtio^ onis^ F. orator, ordtor^ oris^ m. order (v.), jubeo* jttssi^ juss- (ace. and inf.). order (n.), ordo^ dinis, M. ; in — , ex ordine ; in — that, ut., uti, quo. origin, origo^ inis., F. ornament, orndmentum^ i*, N. other, alius ^ a, ud ; reliquus^ cMeri ; — (of two), alter; of others, alienus^ a, um ; (di- verse), diversus^ a, um. otherwise, aliter (followed by atque or dc). Otho, Otho, onis. ought, oportet (ace. and infln.) ; debeo.* our, noster, tra^ trum. ourselves (emph.), ipsi (w. verb in first pers. plur.) ; refl., nos. out of, ex; — of doors, forls^ fords. outside of, extrd (ace). over (prep.), super (ace. or abl.). over (adv.), suprd. overflow, redundo.^ overw^helm, snpero^^ op>primo^^ 2)ressi, press-. . OAve, deheo,^ debui, debit-. owing to, Stat per (quominus), owl, biibOj onis. u. own, proprius^ a, um; suus, or gen. of ipse. ox, bos, bovis (dat. plur. bobus), oyster, ostrea^ ae., f. Padua, Patdmum., i, n. pain, dolor^ oris, m. painful, acerbus, a, um. pale, pallidus^ «, um. panic-stricken (to be), paveo^ pdvi. paper, charta, ae, F. [(n.), venia. pardon, Ignosco,^ novi, wo^(dat.); parent, parens., tis^ M. or f. part, pars. partis^ F. ; (of a city), locus., i, M. ; for ray — , vero ; take — , inter sum (dat.). partial, inlquus^ a, um. partner, socius., i, m. pass (a decree), facio,^ feci, fact-; — by, praetereo,* ii., it- ; — judgment, jiidico ^ ; — over, praetereo^ trdnseo ; (neglect), omitto- ; praetermitto.^ misi^ miss- ; — through, perfungor,^ fund- (abl.). passion, cupiditds., tdtis^ F. [m. path, semita., ae^ f. ; trdmes., itis., patience, patientia., ae., f. patrimony, patrimonium, ^, n. pay (v.), constituo.,^ tui^ tut- ; pendo.,^pependi^pens-; — costs, impendium reddere. pay (n.), merces^ cedis. f. peace, pdx^ pdcis, Y.yotium, i,'i^. peaceful, quietus., a. um. Vocabulary, 167 pear (tree) , pirus^ i, F. ; (fruit) , pirum, i, N. peck, modius^ i, M. peculiar, singuldris^ e ; proprins^ a, um (geu. or dat.). pen, calamus, stihis, i, m. penetrate, penetro.^ penny, as, assis^ M. people, populus, i, m. ; common — , plebs^ plebiSy f. perceive, sentio,^ sensi^ sens-. perfect, perfectus^ exactus, a, um. perfidy, per/ifZia, ae, v. perform, gero,'^ gessi^ gest- ; — sacrifices, facio'\' — duties, f ung or, perfung or '^ (jih\.), perhaps, fortasse. peril, per'tculum^ i, n. period, tempora, um (n. pi.) ; — of life, aetds, talis., f. perish, pe?'eo, ire, wi {ii)^ itum. permit, permUto,'"^ misi, miss-. permitted; it is — , licet (dat.). Persian j Per^sa, qc, m. persist, per sever 0.^ person; use deriv. adjective. persuade, persuddeo,^ si, sum (dat. and ut with subj.). pestilence, pestis, is, f. pYiiilsniK, phalanx, angis, f. Phalaris, Phalaris, idis^ m. Philip, Philippus, i. Philolaches, Philolaches, is. philosopher, philosophus, i, M. philosophy, philosnphia, ae, F. Phoenician, Poenus, a, um. physician, medicus, i, u. physics, physica, drum (n. pi.). Picene, Picenus, a, um. picture, tabula, ae, f. piece, fragmentum^ i, n. ; cut to pieces, caedo,^ cecldi., caes-. piety, pietds., tdtis, f. pile, acervus^ i, M. pin, acicula, ae, F. pine, pinus, i {us), F. pir Site, pirdta, ae,M. ; — captain, archipirdta, ae. pity (v.) ; iiave — , misereor^^ mi- sertus (gen.), miseret. pity (n.), misericordia, ae, f. place (v.), pono,'* j^osui, posit-; (definite), loco^ ; — above, antepono (dat.) ; — before, pro- pono (dat.) ; — together, col- loco'^ ; — upon, impono (dat.). place (n.), locus, i, m. (pi., loca, N.) ; in next — , deinde ; to the — , eo ; take — , fio. plain (n.), campus, i, m. plain (ii(\].),pldnus, aequus, a, um. plan, consilium, i, n. ; (system), ' ratio, onis, f. plane-tree, platanus, ?*, F. Plato, Plato, onis. play, ludo;^ si, sum. plea, ordtio, onis, v. pleader, oi'dtor., oris, M. [um. pleasant, jucundus, amoenus, a, please, delecto^ (ace), libet ; (give satisfaction), pZaceo'' (dat.). pleasing, grdtus, a, um. pleasure, voluptds, tdtis, f. ; take — , libet ; with — , libenter. plots, insidiae, drum, f. plough, aro ' ; — around, cir- cumaro.^ poet, poeta, ae, c. point (spot, place) , locus, i, m. ,* pars, partis, f. ; n. adj. poison, venenum, i, N. politics, res pUblica. Pollux, by, pol, edepol. Pompey, Pompeius, i. pontifex, pontifex, jicis, m. poor, pauper, eris ; egens, tis. 1 68 Latin Composition, poppy, paimveVf ens, n. popular, (irdtiiSy a, nm. populous; make — , freqiiento.^ portend, signijii'o} position, loca, drum, m. possess, possideOy^ sediy sess- ; — power, potior* (abl. or gen.). possession ; take — of, ocnq)o.^ possessions, res, rerum\ n. adj. post, statioy oms, v. pour, fundo.* posterity, posteritds, tdtis, v. pox ertyy pauper tds, eyestds, (at is, F. ; inopia, ae, v. power, potestds, tat is, v. ; (abili- ty), j)o^e;i^/«,rt?,F. ; military — ^ - — iiiipei'unn, i, n. ; possess — , potior rerum. powerful, potens, tis. powers, vires, mrium, v. practice, exercitdtio, onis, f. praetor, praetor, oris, m. praise (v.), laudo.^ praise (n.), laus, laudis, v. pray, precor ' {ah aliquo) ; who — ? quis tandem ? prayer, 77?'ec?s, em, e (no uom.), F. precept, praeceptnm, i, m. prefer, mdlo (qttam) ; antepono,^ -posni, -posit- (dat.). preferable, ;)ofior, its (qiiam). prematurely, p?'rte?}i«^2lre. prepare, paro,^ praeparo.^ prepared (well), pardtns, a, tnn. presage (v.), praesdgio.* prescribe, praescr'ibo,'* 2)si, pt-. present (v.), (?o»o ' (dat. ami ace, or ace. and abl.) ; — one's self, se jji'aebere. present (adj.), praesens, -ntis ; be — , adsum ; at — , in prae- sentid* presently, 7nox. preserve, conservo,^ pretend, simnio ^ ; facio.^ prevent, impedio* (with quomimis or quln). prey, praeda, ae, F. price, pretium, i, n. priest, sacerdos^ otis, c. prison, career, eris^ m. prisoner, eaptlvus, i, m. [%im. private, ]}r'ivdtiis, domesticus, a, prize, praemiiim, i, n. proceed, prdcedo,^ cessi, cess- ; projiciscor,^ feet-. process, actio, onis, F. proclaim, edlco,^ xi, ct-. proconsul, pi'dconsul, is, m. prodigy, prodigiwn, i, n. profit {\.)^prbswn (dat.) profit (n.), stipis (gen. f.). profitable, quaestudsus, a, nm. promise, promitto,^ mlsi, miss- ; polUceor,'^ citits, pronounce (law), cUco,'* xi, ct-. proof, argiimentiim, i, N. proper; it is — ,decet. properly, recte. property, hona, drum (n. plur.). proportion ; in — to, pro (abl.) ; each in — as, use quisqne, with superlative. proposal (of laws), Idtio, onis. prosperous, prosper Its. a, nm. protect, tueor,"^ tnit-. or tut-. protection, praesidium, i, N. ; fides, ei, v. proud, stiperMis^ a, nm. prove, pr oho. ^ provide, provideo,^ v'ldi, vis- (dat. and ace). provided, dum, modo, dummodo, providence, providentia^ ae, F. province, provincia, ae, F. prudent, prudens, ntis. prudently, prudenter. Vocabulary. 169 public, piibUcAis^ a, urn; the — , vulgiis, ^, n. publican, puhlicdnus^ i, M. punish, puniOj* castigo * ; suppli- cium sumere de (abl.); ulciscor,^ ult' ; animadverto^^ verti^ vers- {in with accusative). punishment, poena, ae, f. [m. pupi^y, catulus ; dim., catellus^ i, purchase (n.), emptio, onis^ f. purple (11.), purpura^ ae. f. purple (ad^), purpiireus^ a, um. purse, fnu'sa (crumena), ae, f. pursue,persequorilnsequor,^secut-. pursuit, studium^ i, N. ; neut. adj. push, incito^^ urgeo,^ ursi ; — back, repello,'^ pidi, puis-. put on, induo^^ ui, utum (on one's self, pass, with abl.) ; — to flight, /?<^o ^ ; — to death, in^er- Jicio,^ feci., feet- ; — out (light) , exstinguo,^ nxi, net-. Q. quaestor, quaestor^ oris., M. qusestorship, quaestura^ ae, f. quality (good), bonum, i, n. quarrel, rixa, ae, f. quarries, laiitiimiae., drum., F. queen, regina, «e, f. quench, stinguo ^ (exstingiio) , stinxi, stinct-. quick, citus., rapidns, a, um. quickly, cito^ celeriter. quiet (V.) ; be — , taceo^^ ui, cit-. quiet (n), quies, etis^ f. [lict-. quit, linquo^ (relinqtio), Uqid," quite, prorsus^ omnino. R. rabbit, cimicitlus^ i, m. rabble, plebs., plebis., f. ; sentlna., ae, F. race, gens^ gentis, f. rage, furor, oris, m. raiment, vestis^ is, f. rain (v.), pluereJ^ rain {xi.), pluvia, ae, F. raise, tollo^^ sustuH^ subldt- raised, be (shout) , eocsisto.,^ stiti^ stit-. rake, rdstrum, i, n. rampart, vallum, i, N. rank, ordo, dims, m. ; high — , fastigium, i, n. ; of — , nobilis^ e. rapid, rapidus, a, um. rarely, rdro. rash, temerdrius, a, um ; praeceps, cipitis. rashly, temere. rashness, temeritds, tdtis, f. rate ; at any — , certe ; at high — (of'Value), mdgni. rather, potius ; (with adj.), com- parative ; would — , mdlo. ravage, vasto.^ reach, pervenio^* veni, vent- (ad) ; attingo,^ tigi, tact-. read, lego^^ legi, lect-. reader, lector^ oris, M. readily, facile. ready, pardtus, a, um ; facilis, e, reap, meto,^ messid, mess-. reason, ratio, onis., f. ; (cause), causa, ae, f. ; no — , nihil est quod; without special — , te- mere. rebellion, tumultus, us, M. recall, revoco.^ recapture, recupero.^ receive, accipio (recipio),^ cepi^ cept-. reckon, puto,^ existimo.^ reckoning, ratio, onis, f. recline, jaceo,'^ jacui. recognize, cogndsco.,^ novi., nit-. •/■ OF THB I/O Latin Composition, recount, commemoro} recover, recvpio^^ cepi^ cept-, red, ruber, hra^ brum. reduce, redigo,^ egi, act-. reference; to make — , referre. refinement, hnmdnitds^ talis, r. reflect, cogito.^ refuge, perfngutm J i, N. ; take — , cbnfiigio,^ fugi {in or ad). refuse, rcc?l50,' ncgo,^ abnno,'^md., iiidt-, or nut- ; remitto, mm, miss-. regard, existimo,^ duco^ ; in — to. de (abl.). region, locus, i, m. ; pi., loca, n. regret; I — , me ptaenitet (gen. or infin.). reign (v.), regno ' ; in the — of, express by ablative absolute. reject, rejicio {-icio),'* jeci, ject-. rejoice, lac tor, ^ gaudeo,'^ gdvls-. relate, narro, memoro.^ relieve, levo.^ religion, religio, bnis^ F. reljing, fretus ( abl . ) . remain (wait), maneo^^ nsi, ns- ; (be left), resto,^ stit- ; it re- mains, restat, reliquum est. remarkable, Insignis, e ; eximius. remedy, remedium, i, n. remember, memini ; (call to mind), reminiscor^ ; imperat., memento. remind, admoneo^ commonefacio.^ remiss, dissolutus, a, um. remote, remotusj longinquus, a, um. remove, d.moveo^ removeo^^ movi., mot-; migro^ ; discedo? cessi, cess-; abeo (irr.). renoivned, cZrtr?ts, inclituSj a, um. repair (roads), munio»* repeal, abrogo^ repel, repello,^ pull, pxds-. repent, paenitet (ace. and gen.). reply, respondeo,'^ di, sum. report, renuntio.^ [f. republic, respuhlica, re'ipublicae, reputation, laus, laudis, v. request, p)eto,^ pei'ivi, petit- (ab). require (or requiring), genitive with adjective. reside, Insum {in with abl.). residence, domicilium, i, N. resist, resisto, obsisto,^ stiti. resolution, integritds, talis, v. resolve, slaluo^ {consliluo), slalui, statu t-. respect, have (coucern), 2)^^f'^' neo,^ linui- {ad) ; (consider), pdreo,'^ pdrui (dat.). respected, spectdlus, a, um. rest (of), reliquus, a, um. rest (n.), requies, etiSy v.; keep from — , inquieto.^ restore, reddo,^ didi, dit-. restrain, cohibeoj^ tii^ itum ; arceo,^ cui, ct- {ab), retreat, pedem referre, return (trans.), reddo,^ didi, dit- ; (intrans.), redeo,* ii, it-; re- vertor,^ vers-. • reverence, reverenlia, ae, v. reward, merces, edis, v. ; pretitim, praemium, i, n. Rhine, EJienus, i, M. Rhodes, Bhodus, i, v. Rhone, Jlhodanus, i, ]\r. rhythmically, numerose. rib, cosla, ae, f. rich, dives, His {ditior^ ditissimus), riches, d/ivitiae, drum, v. ride, equito,^ vehor,^ vect-. right, jiis, juris, N. ; — hand, dexlra {lera), ae, v. ; have a — , licet (dat. of person). Vocabulary. 171 rightfully, j?7r«. rightly, rede. ring, anulus (anmihis), i, M. ripe, mdtums, a, nm. river,/?! me ?i, inis, N. ; amnis, is, M. ; — bank, ripa, ae, F. road, via, ae, f. roar, fremo,^ ui. robber, latro, onis, m. robe, vestis, is, F. rod, virga, ae, f. Roman, Bomdnus, a, um. Rome, lioma^ ae, f. roof, tectum, i, n. root, radix, icis, F. rope, funis, is, m. rose, rosa, ae., f. rough, asper, era, eritm. rout (v.), fiindo^^ fudi.^ fus-. rout (n.), clddes, is, f. route, i7er, itineris, n. royal, regius, a, um; — power, regmim, i, n. royalty, regnum, i, n. rub, tero,^^ trivi, trit-, rude, agrestis, e, rudely, dure. [didi, dit-. ruin (v.), ctffligo,^ xi, ct- ; perdo,^ ruin (n.), pernicies, ei, F. rule (v.), rego^-^ xi, ct- (ace); impero^ (dat.). rule (n.), imperium^ i, n. ; — of conduct, praeceptum, i, n. rumor, rumor, oris, m. ; fdma, ae, F. run, cxirro,^ cucitrri, cursum, rust, roblgo, inis, f. rustic, rusticus, a, um, S. sacred, sacer, era, crum; — grove, liicus, i, m. ; held — , sanctus, a, um. sacrifices, sacra, drum (n. pL). sad, tristis, e. sadden, contristo.^ safe, tiitus, a, um. safety, salus, litis, f. ; in — , tuto. sagacious, sagdx, dcis. sage, sapiens, ntis, sail (v.), ndvigo.^ sail (n.), velum, i, N. sake ; for the — of, causa. Salamis, of, Salaminius, a, um, salt, sal, salis, u. salute, saluto.^ same, idem, eadem, idem ; at the — time, simul. Samnite, Samnis, itis. sapling, surculus, i, M. satisfy, satisfacio'^ (dat.). savage, immdnis, e. save, servo. ^ saw, serra, ae, f. say, fZIco,-* xi, ct- ; loqzior,^ locut- ; dio, inquam; — not, nego,^ scarcely, vix. scare, exterreo^^ ui, it-. scheme, inceptum, i, n. school, schola, ae,v.; ludus, i, u. schoolmaster, ludi magister, tri. Scipio, Scipio, onis. scoundrel, mastigia, ae, M. scout, explordtor, oris, m. scream, cldmo.^ sea, wiare, is, n. ; from beyond — , trdnsmarinus, a, um. seal, signum, sigillum, i, n. sea-urchin, echinus, i, m, secretary, scriba, ae, M. secretly, clam (ace. or abl.). sedulously, diligenter. see, video,'^ v'ldi, vis- ; — clearly, cerno,^ crevi, cret-, seed, semen, inis, n. 172 Latm Composition, seek, peto {repeto^ adpeto),^ tivi, tit- ; quaero^^ sivi, situm. seem, or — good, videor,'^ visus. seize, prehendo,^ comprehendo,^ di, sum ; — upon, occupo} self (emph.), ipse; (refl.), se, sui, or personal pron. ; — restraint, continentia, ae, f. ; — seeking, cupiditds, tdtis, v. sell, vendo,^ didij dit- ; be sold, veneo,^ ii, it-. senate, sendtus, us, M. ; (= sena- tors), padres, ?fm, M. ; — house, ciiria, ae, f. senator, senator, oris, m. senatorial, sendtorius, a, um. send, mitto,^ m'lsi, miss- ; — for- ward, praemitto. Senones, Senones, um, sense, sensus, us, m. ; — of grief, dolor, ons, m. ; come to one's senses, se colligere. separate (trans.), secerno,^ crevi, cret-; (iutrans.), discedo,^ cessi, cess-. separate (adj.)i separdtus, a, um. separation, digressus, us, m. September, September, bris, bre. serious, gravis, e ; severus,, a, um. seriously, vehementer. seriousness, gravitds, dtis ; severi- tds, dtis, F. serpent, serpens, tis, m. servant, servus, villicus, i, m. serve, servio* (dat.) ; (military), stlpendia mereo.'^ service, ojfficinm, i, n. ; military — , res militdris ; services, bene- ficium, i, N. ; officia, n. sesterce, sestertius, i, u. sestertium, sestertium, i, n. set, pono,^ i^osui, posit-; — out, proficiscor,'^ feet-; — ou fire, incendo,^ndi, ns-; — sail, so?vo,' solvi, solut-. several, aliquot (indeclin. adj.). severe, gravis, e ; severus^ a, um ; tristis, e. severely, dcriter, graviter. severity, severitds. dtis, f. siiacle, shadoAv, umbra, ae, F. ; shades, md^ies, ium (m. plur.). shalce, concutio,'^ cussi, cuss-. siiail, sign of fut. or imperat. shame, pudor, oris, m. sliameful, tuiyis, e, siiape, forma, Jigura, ae, F. sliare, communico^ (cum). sliarer, particeps, cipis, c. sliarp, acutus, a, um, sheep, ovis, is^ v. shelter (v. ) , tego,^ xi, ct-. shelter (n.), tectum, i; tegmen, inis, N. shepherd, pastor^ oris, m. shield, scutum, i, x. ; clipeus, i, m. shine, luceo,^ xi ; — upon, illu- cesco ,^ luxi (dat. ) . {um, shining, fidgens, tis ; riitidus, a, ship, ndvis, is, v.; belonging to — , ndvdlis, e. shoe, calceus, i, m. short, brevis, e ; very — ,perbrevis, e ; in — , denique. shortness, hrevitds, tat is, f. should, sign of mood or tense. shoulder, humerus {umerus\ i, M. shout (v.), cldmo,^ excldmo. shout (u.), clamor, oris, u. shouting, cldmitdtio, onis, f. show (v.), ostendo,'^ ndi, nt- and ns- ; — otr, exhibeo^; it shows wisdom, sapientis est. show (n.), species, ei, f. shower, imber, bris, M. showily, appardte. Vocabulary, shrewd, callidiiSj a, urn ; sollers, shrine, /a?i?«m, i, N. \_tis. shrink from, recuso,^ shun, vito, evito.^ shut, claudo,^ si, sum. Sicilian, Siculus, a, um. Sicily, Sicilia, ae, f. sick, aegrotus, a, um. sickly, morbidus^ a, um. sickness, morbus, i, M. Sicyonian, Sicyonius, a, um. side, latus, eris, n. ; pars, partis, F. ; on both sides, utrimque ; on all sides, undique. Sidon, S'tdon, onis (ace. a). Sidonian, Sidonius, a, um. siege, obsidio, onis, f. ; (attack), oppugndtio, onis, f. ; lay — to, oppugno.^ sight, conspectus, us, m. ; catch — of, conspicor.^ sign, signal, slgnum, i, N. silence, silentium, i, N. silent, be, taceo,"^ cui, cit-. silly, stultus, a, um. silver, argentum, i, N. simple, simplex, ids. simply, simpliciter. since, cum (with subj.), quoniam; abl. abs. ; (adv.), j9osiea. sinev*^, nervus^ i, m. sinevry, nervbsus^ a, um. sing, cano,^ cecini, cantum. ^-, sister, soror, oris, f. sit, sedeo^ (resideo), sedi, sess- j assido,^ sed: size, mdgnitudo, inis, F. skilfully, scienter, prudenter. skill, scientia, ae ; ars, artis, f. skilled, ;)en^ws, a, um (gen.). skin, pellis, is, f. skulk (v.), lateo."^ sky, caelum, i, N. ; (pi. caeli, M.). slaughter (v.), trucido.^ slaughter (n.), caedes, is, F. ; clddes, is ' internecio, onis, f. slave, servus, i; (female), serva, ae ; of a — , servilis, e ; be — , servio* (dat.). slay, interjicio,^ feci, fectum. sleep (v.), dormio.* sleep (n.), somnus, i, m.; go to — , condormio.^ slender, tenuis, e ; exiguus, a, um. sling, funda, ae, F. slipper, calceus, i, M. slow, tardus, a, um. sluggard, igndvus, i, M. (adj.). small, parvus, a, um {minor, minimus) ; exiguus, a, um. smoke, fumus, i, N. smooth, levis, e. snail, cochlea, ae, F. snake, anguis, is ; serpens, tis, m. snatch (up), rapio,^ rapui, rapt-; — away, eripio,^ rept- (dat.). snow, nix, nivis, f. snowy, nivosus, a, um. so, ita, SIC ; — great, tantus ; — many, tot ; — ... as , tarn. . . quam ; — long, tamdiH ; — highly (of value), tanti. sober, sobrius, a, um. society, societds, dtis, F. soft, mollis, e. softness, mollitia, ae, f. solace, solatium, i, N. (-cium). soldier, miles, itis, m. ; belonging to — , militdris, e. soldiership, res militdris. solid, solidus, a, um. solitude, solitudo, dinis, f. some, aliquis, quidam ; (correl.), alius ; — or other, nescio quis. some time, aliquando ; (in dura- tion), aliquamdiu. 174 Latifi Composition, somewhat, aliquid^ quicquam ; (w. comparatives), aliquanto ; • (in like manner) , similiter (at- que or dc). son, filius, i; voc, fili; ndtus, i. song, cantus, lis, m. ; (the words), carmen, inis, n. soon, brevi, mox; as — as, simul atque. sorrow, dolor, oris, luctus, us, m. sorrowing, maestus, a, urn. sorry; to be — , doleo,^ ui; I am — ,mepaenitet; aegrefero (with quod, or ace. and iufin.). sort, genus, eris, n. ; of what — , qudlis, e ; of tliis — , ejusmodi. tioul, animus^ i, m. sound (v.), sono,^ sonui, sonit-. sound (n.), in general, sonus, i, M. ; — of voice, vox, vocis, f. ; — of arms, &c., sonitus, us, m. sour, acidus, acerbus, a, urn. south-east w^ind, Eurus, i, m. south wind, Auster, tri, m. sow, sementem {sementis, is) facere. Spain, Hispdnia, ae, F. spare, parco,^ peperci, parcitum. sparrow, passer, eris, m. speak, loquor,^ locutus {ad or cum) ; dlco,^ dixi, diet-. spear, hasta, ae, f. speech, contio (prdtio), onis, f. ; sermo, onis, m. speed, celeritds, dtis, F. speedily, cito. spend (time), molior.* spirit, animus, i, m. ; — of confi- dence, fiducia, ae, f. ; in high — , lUdibundus, a, um. spirited, fortis, e. splendid, orndtus, a, um. splendor, mdynijicentia, ae, F. spoil {la.), praeda, ae, f. sport, ludo,^ lusi, lus-. spot, locus, i, M. ; pi. loca. [um. spread (adj.), dissemindtus, a, spring (v.), salio,^ salui, saltum. spring (n.), ver, veris, n. sprung, ortus (part, of orior), oriundus (ab). spur, calcar, dris, n. spurn, sperno,^ sprevi, spret-, staff, virga, ae, f. stag, cervus, i, m. stand, s^o,^ steti, stat- ; (matter), se habere"^ ; — aside, abesse (ab). standard, signum, i, N. star, Stella ., ae, f. state, clvitds, talis, f. ; by the — , publice ; — of things, neut. adj. statue, signum, i, N. stature, statura, ae, F. stay, maneo (remaneo),^ nsi, ns-. steal, /wror.^ step, gradus, us, M. sternness, severitds, talis, F. stew-pan, patina^ ae., f. stiff, rigidus, a, um. [um. still (adj.), placidus, quietus, a, still (adv.), adhiio. stimulate, commoveo,^ movi, mot-. stir up, concito * ; cieo,^ civi, citum. stock, stirps, stirpis, f. Stoic, Stbicus, i, M. stone, lapis, idis, M. stool, scamnum, i, N. storm, hiems (hiemiJs), is, F. ; tempestds, dtis. story, fdbula, ae, F. stout (thick-set), crassus, a, um. straightway, protinus. strait, fretum^ i, N. straits, angustiae, drum (f. pi.). strange, mirus, a, um ; struns-er, stresLm, flume n, inis, x. [(ulcenn. Vocabulary. 175 strength, vires, ium (f. pi.) ; (de- fcDce), praesidium, i, N. strike, ferio,^ percutio,^ cussi, cuss- ; verbero ^ ; — (terror) , vn- ferre (dat.) ; — (thunderbolt), excutio,^ cussi, cuss-; — off, decutio. strip, spolio^ (abl.). strive (to do a thing), nitor (erii- tor)^nisus; (contend), certo^ ; contendo,^ di^ turn. strong, validus, a, um ; valens, Us. strongly, vehementer, valde. study, studeo,^ dui. style, stilus, i, m. ; in fine — , bel- lissime. subdivision, partUio, onis, F. subdue, subigo,'^ egi, act- ; pdco.^ subject, res, rei, f. subtlety, sollertia, ae, f. suburbs; in the — , suburbdnus, a, um. succeed, succedo,^ cessi, cess- (dat.). successfully, prospere. successive, continuus, a, um. such, talis, e ; (= so great), tan- tus, a, um. sudden, subitus, a, um. suddenly, subito. suffer, patior,'^ pass- ; (intrans. ) , laboro^ ; — punishment, dare poends. suffice, sufficio,^ feci, feet-. sufficient, satis. suit (of clothes), habitus, us, m. suitable, idoneus, a, um. suited, aptus, a, um (dat., or ad with ace). sullen, morosus, a, um. sum of money, pecunia, ae, F. summer, aestds, dtls, f. ; (adj.), aestivus, a, ttm. summon, arcesso,^ sivi, stt-. sun, sol, solis, m. sunset, solis occdsus, us., m. superfluous, supervacmis, a, um. superior, praestantior, us. superstitious, super stitiosus, a, um. supper, cena, ae, f. suppliant, supplex, plicis, c. support, sustineo,'^ tinui, tent-. suppose, arbitror,^ judico,^ puto^ (or subjunctive). suppress, comprimo,^ compressi, press-. sure, certus, a, um; I am — , credo''\ certo scio^ ; be — ,fac; be — not, cave (with subj.). surely, profecto, surety, sponsor, oris, m. surname, cognomen, minis, N. surpass, super o.^ surrender, se dedere. suspect, suspicor.^ suspected, suspectus, a, um. suspicion, suspitio {cio), onis, F. suspicious, suspitiosus, a, um. sustain, sustento ^ ; sustineo^^ ui, tentum. sustenance, victus, us, M. swamp, paZfts, iidis, ¥. swan, cygnus, i, M. swear, juro.^ svi^eet, dulcis, sudvis, e. sweetness, sudvitds, dtis, F. swift, velox, ocis ; celer, ems, ere ; rapidus, a, um. sw^iftly, cito. swiftness, celeritds, tdtis, F. swim, nato.'^ swine, sus, suis, c. sword, gladius, i, m. ; ferrum, i, N. Syracuse, Syrdcusae, drum, f. 176 Latin Composition, table, mensa^ ae. f. tail, Cauda ^ ae, f. take, capio^^ cepi, capt- ; sumo^^ 7 mpsi^ mpt- ; — away or from, aufero ; adimo ^ (dat.) ; — care of, euro ^ ; — counsel against, consulere {in with ace.) ; — journey, iter facere; — part, interesse (dat.) ; — place, fio ; — pleasure, lihet; — refuge, confugere {in with ace.) ; — upon, sumo (dat.) ; — upon one's self, suscipere. talent, talentum, i, n. talk (v.), loquor^^ locut-. talk (n.), vox^ vocis^ v. [um. tall, eminens^ ntis ; procerus^ a, Tarquin, Tarquinius, i. tarry, consisto,^ stiti, stit- ; moror.^ task, opus, eris^ N. taste; have — of, sapio,^ ivi, teach, doceo^ ui^ doctum. tear, lacrima^ ae, f. tear away, deripio,^ ripui, rept-. tell, nuntio ^ ; dico,'^ xi, ctum ; — a lie, mentior* ; — me, cedo. temper, animus^ i, M. tempest, tempestds^ dtis^ F. temple, templum^ i, N. tempt, sollicito.^ tend, curo.^ tender, tener, era, erum. tent, taberndculum^ i, n. terrified, p)erterritus^ a, um. terrify, terreo^^ ui^ itum, territory, ager^ agri^ M. ; fines^ ium (m. plur.). terror, terror^ oris ; metus^ ws, M. ; be in — , trepido * ; there is — , trepiddtur. test, experior^* pert-. testify, testijicor.^ than, quani (or ablative after comparative), atque dc. thanks ; give or return — , grd- tids agere. that (demonstr.), is, ille, iste; (relat.), qui, quae, quod. that (conj.), ut^ quo, quin, quod; (purpose), ut (subj.) ; — not, quin^ quominus. theatre, thedtrum^ i, n. Theban, Thebdnus^ a, um, theft, fur turn ^ i, n. Themistocles, Themistocles^ is» themselves, see self. then (at that time), turn; (there- upon), deinde, thence, inde. Theophanes, Theophanes^ is, there, ibi ; — is, est ; is — ? estnef therefore, itaque, ergo^ igitur. thiclc, crassus {densus'), a, um. thief, /ftr, /wris, m. thin, tenuis, e; gracilis., e. thing, res^ rei, F. ; (neut. adj.); good things, bona^ n. thinW, puto^ ; (suppose), opinor^; (by reasoning), existimo, arbi- tror^ ; (a judgment), censeo^ nsui, US- ; (opinion), sentio,* nsi, ns- ; (exercise the mind), cogito * ; I — best, mihi placet. thinness, tenuitds, dtis, f. thirst, sitis, is, im, J, f. this, hie; (a thing to be men- tioned), ille; — is, ecce. thither, eo, illuc. thoroughly, accurate. those, iZZi, ae, a (see that). threaten, minor * (ace. of thing, and dat. of person). threatening, mindx, deis. three days, triduum, i, N. Vocabulary. 177 thrice, ter. throat, giittur, uris, N. throne, solium, i, N. throng (v.), concurro,^ curri, mrs- ; conciirsum facere. through, per (ace); abl. (cause). throughout, express by totus. thunder, toiiitrus^ lis, M. {tru, N.). thunderbolt, fulmen, inis, n. thus, ita^ SIC, thwart, ohsto} stitif stdt- (dat.). Tiber, Tiberis^ is (ace, im), m. tidings, neut. plur. of adj. tie, nectOj^ xui, xum. tiger, tigriSy idis^ c. till, donee. time, temptts, oris, N. ; tempestds^ tdtis^ F. ; in good — , opportune ; at that — , turn; at the same — , simul ; idem^ agreeing with name of person ; some — , all- quando ; for some — , aliquam- diu, timid, timidus^ a, urn. timorous, pavidus, a, um. tired, fessus (lassus), a, um; I am — , me taedet. Tiro, Tiro, bnis. to, of motion, ad (ace.) ; of rela- tion, dat. ; before a verb, infln.; — be sure, scilicet. to-day, hodie; (adj.), hodiernus. tomb, sepulcrum^ i, n. together, coram., una. to-morrow, eras; (adj.), crdsti- nus^ a, um. tongue, lingua, ae, f. too (also), et, quoque ; — much, nimius, a, um ; compar. of adj. ; nimis, nimium. tooth, dens., dentis, m. top (of), summus, a, um. topic, locus, i, M. J plur. , locL torture; examination with — , quaestio, onis, f. tossing, agitdtio, onis, F. touch, tango,-^ tetigi, tact- ; — upon, attingo^^ tigi, tact-. towards, ergd (ace). town, oppidum, i, n. tow^nsman, oppiddnus, i, m. tragic, tragicus, a, um. train, exerceo.^ traitor, proditor^ oris, M. Tranio, Trcnio^ onis. transfer, trdnsfero. treachery, proditio., onis^ F. ; per- Jidia, ae, f. treei&on, proditio, onis, f. treaty, foedus, eris, N. tree, ai'hor, oris^ f. tremble, tremo^^ mui. trial, judicium, i, N. ; make a — , experior,^ pert-. tribe, tribus, its (uhus), f. tribune, tribunus, i, M. ; of the — , tribunicius, a, um. . trick, trickery, dolus, i, m. trifling, modicus, a, um. tripe, vidva, ae, f. (a similar dish) . troops, copiae, drum. .trophy, tropacum, i, N. trouble (v.), moveo (commoveo),^ movi, mot-. trouble (n.), opera, ae, v. ; labor, oris, M. troublesome, importUnus, a, um. Troy, Troja, ae, F. true, verus, a, um. ^f— truly, recte, vere, vero. trust, credo,'^ didi, dit- (dat.) ; confido,^ flsus (dat. or abl.). trusted, pi^obdtus, a, um (dat.). truth, veritds, tdtis, f. ; in — , vero ; with — , vere. try, Conor ^; experior,* expertus. 178 Latin Coinpositioit. tuft of wool, Jloccus^ i, M. turn, vertOj^ ti^ sum ; — out (in- trans.), evddo,^ vdsi, vds-. Tusculanum, Tusculdnum, i, n. tusk, dens, dentis, m. twin, gemimis, a, um. tj^pe, norma, ae, f. tyrant, tyrannus, i, m. U. ugly, turpis, deformis, e. Ulysses, Ulixes, is or i. unawares, improvlso. uncertain, incertus, a, um. under, sub (ace. or abl.). undergo, subeo,^ ii, it- (ace). understand, intellego (intelligo) ,^ lexi, led-; be understood (of words), desum. undertake, suscipio {recipio),^ cepi, ceptum. uneasy, solUcitus, a, um. unfriendly, inimlcus, a, um. unhappy, InfeUx, ids ; miser, . era, erum. unharmed, incolumis, e ; — cou- ditiou, incolumitds^ tdtis^ f. union, societds^ talis, f. unite, jungo {conjungd)?nxi^ net-. unjust, injiistus^ a, um., unless, nisi. until (conj.), dum^ donee. until (prep.), usque ad. untimely, immdturus., a, um. unwilling, invitus, a, um. unworthily, indigne. unworthy, indlgnus, a, um (abl.) . up, sursum. up and down, profecto, upon, in (ace. or abl.). uproar, strepitus, us, M. urge, sollicito.^ use (v.), and make — of, ntor^^ usus (abl.) ; (be accustomed), soleo^^ solitus. use (u.), utilitds^ dtis ; facuUds, tdtis., V. used-to, imperfect tense. usury, usura., ac, f. V. vain ; in — , frustrd. valiant, strenuus ; fortis., e. valley, vail is., is, v. valor, virtus, utis, f. value, aestimo ' ; facio^-* feci ^ fact-. various, varius^ a, um. Varro, Varro, onis. vast, ingens, tis. verdict, sententia, ae, F. Vergobret, Vergobretus^ i^ m. very, expr. by superl. or per-; (adj.), ipse ; — few, peipauci; — highly, plurimi; — much, valde; — short, perbrcvis., e; — unwilling, perinvitus^ a, \im. Vespasian, Vespasidnus, i, M. veteran, veterdnus^ i, m. vexed, be, moleste ferre. vice, vitium., i, N. victor, victorious, victor^ victr'ix. victory, victoria., «e, f. vigor, viriditds., tdtis., F. villa, villa, ae, f. villanons, and villain, scelestus., a, um. vine, vitis., is, F. viol, Jldicula, ae, f. violent, violens, ingens, entis ; vehemens, ntis. virgin, virgo^ inis, F. virtue, virtus, tutis^ f. visit, viso,'"^ visi, vis-. voice, vdx^ vocis^ f. Vocabulary. 179 Volscian, Volscus (^Vulsciis) ^ i. voluntary, voluntdrius, a, urn. W. wait; — for, exspecto.^ wake, vigilo.^ walk, amhulo.^ wall, murus, i, M. ; (of a house), jparies^ ietis, m. want, cgeo (indigeo),^ gui (gen. and abl.) ; volo ; — of couti- dancQ^diffldentia, ae, f. wanting, be, desum (dat.). wanton; to be — , liido,'^ lascivio.* war, belliim, i, x. ; (service), militia, ae, f. warlike, bellicosus, «, U7n. warm, tepidus, a, um. warn, moneo {admoneo),^ id, itum. wash, ahluo,^ lui^ lut- ; lavo.^ watch, vigilo.^ watchful, dlligens^ ntis. watching (adj.), vigildns^ tis. watching (u.)j vigilia^ «e, F. water, aqua, ae, F. ■wsiYQy Jluctus^ us^ M. way, via^ ae, f. ; give — , cedo^^ cessi^ cess- ; be on — from, decedo. we, nos (exp. only for emphasis). wealth, dwitiae^ drum, f. wealthy, opulentus, a, um. ^iveary,fessus, a, um. weather, tempestds., tdtis, F. weep, Jfeo,^ Jlevi, fletum. weigh, pendo,^ pependi., pens-. Tveight, pondus^ eris, n. welfare (common), ?'es, rei {pub- lica). well (adv.), 6e?ie, pro&e. well (interj.), hi., euge ; — now, elio ; be — , valeo '^ ; be — for, expedio^ (dat.) ; —fitted, aptus, «, um. wet, be, madeo^ madui. what, quod, id quod; (interr.), quid ? quis? quisnam ? whatever, quicquid (quidquid). wheat, trlticum., i, n. wheel, rota, ae, f. ^vhen, cum, quando^ ut^ ubi, etc.; abl. abs. ; noun in apposition. where, ubi. Avherefore, quam ob rem, Avherever, ubicunque. ■whether, aw, num ; — ... or, utrum ... an. which ? quis f to — , quo ; — of the two, uter, tra, trum. while, cum; dum (pres. indie). ■whirl, torqueo.,^ torsi., tortum. whisper, susurro.^ white, albus^ candidus, a, um, \vhither, quo. ■whithersoever, quocumque. who, -which, qui, quae, quod, ■who? ■what? quis., quae, quid? whole, totus., a, um. wholly, totus (adj.), omnino. why, cur^ quiUy qudpropter ; — not ? quidnl f wicked, improbus, a, um, ■widely, late. ■wife, uxor, oris, f. ■wild, feruSf a, um ; agrestis, e. ■will (v.), volo, velle, volui (or future) . Avill (n.), voluntas, dtis^ f. willingly, lib^nter. ■wily, sub dolus ^ a, um. win, adipiscor,^ dept- ; expeto,^ fivi, tit-. ■wind, ventus, i, m. ■window^, fenestra., ae, f. \\dne, vinum^ i, n i8o Latin Composition, wing, a/a, ae, r. ; — of army, cornu, N. winter, hiems (Jiiemps)^ is^ v. ; (adj.), hlbernus, a, urn; — quar- ters, hiberna, drum (n. pi.). wisdom, sapieutia, ae, f. wise, sapiens, prudens, ntis, wish, volo, velle, volui; cupio.^ wit, facetiae, argutiae, drum (f. plur.). with, cum (abl.) ; (ia presence of), apud (ace.) ; be — , adsum (dat.) ; instrum., express by ablative. withdraw (trans.), deduco,^ xi^ ct- ; exhaurio^* hausi^ haust- ; (intr.), cedo,^cessi, cess- (abl.). withhold, ahstineo,^ tinul, tent-. within, i?i^ra (ace.) ; abl. of time. without, sine (abl.) ; (destitute of), carens^ ntis (abl.). withstand, sustineo,'^ t initio tent-. witness, testis, is^ c. ; — in court, jurdtus, i, M. witty, facetus, a, um. wolf, lupus, i, M. ; lupa, ae, f. w^oman, mulier, eris, F. w^onder at, m'lror.^ wonderful, mirdbilis^ e. wont, to be, soleo^^ solitus. wood, lignum, i, N. ; (forest), silva, ae, v. wooden, I'lgneus, a, um. wool, Idna, ae, v. ; tuft of — , Jloc- cus, i, M. word, verhum, i, N. ; — by — , ad verhum; bring — , nuntio, re- nuntio.^ work, opus, eris, n. w^orld, mundus^ i, m. ; orbis ter- rdrum, u. w^orm, vermis, is, m. worn out, be, marceo^"^ defatlgor.^ worry, vexo.^ worse, pejor, us. worship, adoro • ; colo,^ ui, cultum. worth, be, sto,^ steti^ slat-; — while, operae pretium. worthy, dlgnus, a, um (abl., or clause with qu'i). would, utinam (subj.) ; (auxil.), subj. ; — rather, mdlo. wound (v.), vulnero.^ wound (n.), vulnus, eris, x. w^ounded, vidnerdtus, a, um. w^rath, ira, ae ; irdcundia, ae, v. w^reath, corona, ae., F. ; sertum, i, N. wretch, miser, i, M. ; that — , iste^ a, ud. wretched, miser, era, erum. w^retchedly, misere. w^retchedness, miser ia, ae, F. write, scribo,^ psi^ ptum ; — out, describo, perscr'ibo. writers, use adjective. writing, scriptum, i. wrong ; to do — , pecco ^ ; — is done, pecca^wr (impers.). w^rong (n.), injuria., ae, F. ; to do a — , injuriam Inferre. X. Xerxes, Xerxes, is. year, annus, i, m. ; year's (adj.), annuus, a, um. yes, to be sure, etiam ; — indeed, immo. Inus. yesterday, heri ; (adj.), hester- yet, tamen ; not — , nondum. yield, cec?o,^ cessi, cessum. yoke, jugiim, i, N. Vocabulary. I8i you, tu^ vos. young, adulescens, ntis ; — man, adulescens, juvenis, is. your, tuus, a, um ; vester., tra, trum ; iste. youth, adtilescens^ ntis^ c. ; ju- %enis^ is, m. ; abstract, or body of — , jiiventus, tutis, f. ; ad^i- lescentia, ae, f. Z. zeal, studium, i, n. zealous, stiidiosus, a, um. zealously, studiose. Latin Text-Books. INTROD. PRICE. Allen & Greenough : Latin Grammar ^1.20 Caesar (7 books, with vocabulary ; illustrated) . . . 1.25 Cicero ( 13 orations, with vocabulary; illustrated) . . 1.25 Sallust's Catiline 60 Cicero de Senectute 50 Ovid (with vocabulary) 1.40 Preparatory Course of Latin Prose 1.40 Latin Composition 1.12 Allen • • . 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