GAYLAMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER *»* Manufactured by CAYLORD RROi. Inc. rOWTEEN DAY U ^E rowed KET URN TO DESK FROM WHKH ■"S6S 8 - Works on Christian Science written by mary baker eddy Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. In one volume. The original, standard, and only textbook on Christian Science Mind-healing. Cloth . . . $3 00 Pull leather 4 00 Morocco (pocket) 5 00 Levant 6 00 Large Type Edition. Leather 7 50 Vest pocket size, 2f| x 4 T \ inches. Ooze leather . 3 00 German Translation. Cloth 3 50 Morocco (pocket) 5 50 Miscellaneous Writings. Cloth 2 25 Morocco (pocket) 4 00 Levant (pocket) 5 00 The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany. Cloth 2 25 Morocco (pocket) * ' n Concordance to Science and Health. Morocco . . 5 00 Concordance to Mrs. Eddy's Other Writings. Morocco 00 Church Manual. Containing By-laws of The Mother Church. Cloth 1 00 Pocket Edition 2 00 rraati Translation. Cloth 1 00 Christ and Christmas. An illustrated poem. Cloth . 3 00 Dnity of Good and Other Writings. Morocco (pocket) 3 50 id Healing and Other Writings. Morocco (pocket) 3 50 Retrospection and Introspection. Cloth . . . • 1 UU Unity of Good. Library edition. Cloth .... 60 Leather (pocket) } JO Pulpit and Press. Library edition. Cloth . . . 1 OU Rudimental Divine Science. Library edition ... oO Pebbled cloth 32 Printed in New York point and American Braille systems for the blind 50 No and Yes. Library edition. Cloth 55 Pebbled cloth fjj Messages to The Mother Church. Cloth . . . . 1 50 Christian Science vs. Pantheism. Pebbled cloth . . 25 Message to The Mother Church. 190 'aper . . 20 ..ther people's individuality, health, md morals." All things are accom- )lished through the right idea, which isserts itself in human copscious- less and dispossesses us of our false )eliefs. The only thing that can lappen to the human sense of things s that it disappears in exactly the >roportion that we apprehend the ight idea. It is a law of metaphysics that hought externalizes itself. There- ore the right idea in Christian Science naturally expands into ex- >ression and brings thought into a lemonstration. When we attain the tandpoint from which we can see all naterial things as beliefs only, and hat these beliefs can be transformed md improved through holding the 18 POSSESSION right idea, we shall then begin to bring into our experience the things referred to by Paul when he said, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." Another line of thought which sug- gests itself at this juncture, is that mortals believe they are in posses- sion of a mind which they call their own, and that they can think and will as they please with respect to this mind. This belief leads to an- other erroneous conclusion, namely, that we are in possession of a body of our own, that we have per- sonal eyes, ears, lungs, and a private stomach, all of which we believe to be material, and for the well-being of which we are responsible. When this error takes possession of us, the next thing that mortal mind claims is an ability to deprive us of sight, POSSESSION 19 hearing, et cetera, and that our stomach can become disordered or diseased. This is all the result of be- lieving in another creator besides God, another intelligence and power to which we yield obedience. "Know ye not," Paul says, "that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey." The only remedy for the ills of the flesh is to correct the false beliefs that produce them by intro- ducing the right idea. On page 415 of Science and Health our Leader says: "Note how thought makes the face pallid. It either retards the cir- culation or quickens it, causing a pale or flushed cheek. In the same way thought increases or diminishes the secretions, the action of the lungs, of the bowels, and of the heart. The muscles, moving quickly or slowly and impelled or palsied by thought, represent the action of ail 20 POSSESSION the organs of the human system, .in- cluding brain and viscera. To re- move the error producing disorder, you must calm and instruct mortal mind with immortal Truth." In mortal mind's method of think- ing, thoughts are externalized as matter and are called the body. When we understand this, and grasp what Mrs. Eddy teaches in regard to the externalization of thought, we shall see that our bodies are nothing more or less than the outward ex- pression of our thought. Therefore, to heal what seems to be a diseased condition of the body, we must drop all thought of it as being material and recognize it as a purely mental product, an objectified condition of material sense, the correction of which, by replacing the false belief with the spiritual idea, will accord- ing to the law of God produce health and harmony. POSSESSION 21 God is the only creator, and all that He creates must be like Him- self. Man is the individualized ag- gregation of right ideas, the com- pound idea of God which includes these right ideas. Knowing is being; "for God to know is to be" (No and Yes, p. 16). Therefore what man knows of God constitutes his being, and the consciousness of man con- sists only of the knowing of those right ideas which already exist in the mind of God. It is scientifically impossible to put a wrong thought into consciousness, and there can be no imperfection in Mind, since what- ever God knows is perfect and in- violable and can never be changed or altered in any way. Nothing ex- ists but God and what God creates, consequently there is only one right idea of anything. "The divine Mind maintains all identities, from a blade of grass to a star, as distinct 22 POSSESSION and eternal" (Science and Health, p. 70). Mortal belief in its endeavor to see materially creates the human eye and declares it to be the organ of sight, while in reality sight is a qual- ity of Mind, entirely independent of iris, pupil, lens, or other parts com- prising the visual organism. When Jesus said that "the light of the body is the eye," he was not referring to a material eye, but to a mental con- dition. Hence what Mind knows about the thing we call eye is all there is to it. This is also true in regard to what mortal mind calls heart, liver, lungs, and all else that goes to make up the so-called mate- rial body. Mortal mind claims that man is organized matter, but mortal mind's beliefs are not substantive, and the fact remains that the only organization there is or ever can be, is that compound spiritual idea of POSSESSION 23 which this material organism is the counterfeit. Inasmuch as there can be only one right idea of everything, there is only one right concept of stomach. It is not made of matter; it is not a material thing. It is a mental concept, and as such has its rightful place in the divine Mind. Any other concept of stomach is false and misleading, and must even- tually be destroyed. "Every object in material thought will be de- stroyed, but the spiritual idea, whose substance is in Mind, is eternal" (Science and Health, p. 267). It is time for Christian Scientists to stop trying to doctor sick organs and devote themselves to exchanging their imperfect models for better and more improved beliefs, which is the only true method of healing. God is the law of health and harmony to». all His own ideas, and not only is this true, but the law of God which 24 POSSESSION governs the perfect spiritual idea is also the law of perfection to the human belief of things, and this extends to every organ of the human system. Whatever God knows about hand, eye, foot, is all there is to know about them. He knows that they are not material, but that they are perfect, har- monious, and useful ideas, and that their identity is distinct and eternal. If a man has the wrong concept of hand, eye, foot, his only salvation is to get the right idea concerning these useful members. If his body should be injured, it would be his concept of body that is affected, not God's, and the remedy is for him quickly to give up his erroneous be- lief of body and acquaint himself with God's idea. "Acquaint now thyself with him [God], and be at peace." On page 218 of Miscellany Mrs, POSSESSION 25 Eddy writes: "Neither the Old nor the New Testament furnishes rea- sons or examples for the destruction of the human body, but for its res- toration to life and health as the scientific proof of 'God with us.' The power and prerogative of Truth are to destroy all disease and to raise the dead — even the 'self-same Laza- rus. The spiritual body, the incor- poreal idea, came with the ascen- sion" # We can have no other body than the one perfect incorporeal idea. Man being the compound idea of God, it naturally follows that every- thing which is included in the con- sciousness of man must be spiritual and perfect, or it is not the con- sciousness that God knows and which man should have. Matter can never be spiritualized; but our mistaken belief which presents itself as matter can be corrected and thus 26 POSSESSION spiritualized. To heal an imperfect heart, which is simply a wrong belief of heart, one must repudiate the tes- timony of material sense and claim the presence of God's idea, in order to improve his false concept. It is not necessary that he should know just what the divine idea back of the human belief of heart is. All he needs to know is that his mistaken sense of heart, which appears to be material, is not the right one. There is a right idea of God of which the human belief of heart is the counterfeit, and that idea of God is present now and here and there is no other. If a man has an unhealthy belief of stomach, the only remedy is to recognize the falsity of all that mortal mind says about stomach and claim possession of God's idea, which is the only per- fect reality. All sickness is due to a wrong be- POSSESSION 27 lief of things, and the only remedy is to get the right idea. Because there is a right idea of heart and a right idea of stomach, we can under- stand what our Leader means when she says, "Divine Science . . . ex- cludes matter, resolves things into thoughts, and replaces the objects of material sense with spiritual ideas" (Science and Health, p. 123). If there were no spiritual ideas with which to replace objects of material sense, our diseased beliefs could never be corrected and our bodies could not be scientifically healed. God is not separate from His ideas; the spiritual idea of anything is al- ways present and carries with it the power and activity of infinite Mind, and when this spiritual idea is brought to bear upon the false be- lief, it produces a harmonious result. If it is true that a wrong belief concerning body manifests itself as 28 POSSESSION a disordered material condition, then the right idea which corrects the false belief must produce an im- proved physical manifestation. We can never heal by attempting to ex- ercise the power of Truth on a sick body. It is the exercise of the power of Truth on a belief of sickness that produces the healing results. Christian Science is an exact sci- ence, and as such it will permit of no deviation from its Principle and rule. It demands that the student, in order to demonstrate its truth, must be able to meet its require- ments. Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Then a knowledge of the truth of what Christian Science teaches is absolutely necessary to its demonstration. We are all laboring more or less under the belief that man is a human being separated from his creator, with POSSESSION 29 a mind and an intelligence all his own. This belief must be destroyed, and the only way to accomplish its destruction is by constantly holding in thought the right idea and by de- claring the presence and activity of all the ideas of God. As these ideas become more real to us the so-called human mind will disappear and we shall find ourselves growing more like Him, — more like infinite wis- dom, more like Truth and Love. Then it shall come to pass as is writ- ten by the prophet, "The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." Adam H. Dickey, C.S.D. Periodicals Published by The Christian Science Publishing Society Boston, U. S. A. FOUNDED BY MARY BAKER EDDY, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and author of the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." The Christian Science Journal PUBLISHED MONTHLY. Official organ of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. Prices to all countries: One year, $3.00; six months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents; single copy, 30 cents. Christian Science Sentinel PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Containing articles, editorials, testimonials of healing, and news items regarding the Chris- tian Science movement. Prices to all countries: One year, $3.00; six months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents; single copy, 7 cents. Der Herold der Christian Science PUBLISHED MONTHLY IN GERMAN. Original and trans- lated articles, and testimonials of healing. Prices to all countries: One year, $2.00; six months, $1.00; three months, 50 cents; single copy, 20 cents. The Christian Science Monitor AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER. Published every day except Sundays and legal holidays. Prices to all countries: One year. $9.00; six months, $4.50; three months, $2.25; one month, 75 cents; single copy, The Christian Science Quarterly [IED EVERY THREE MONTHS: January, April, Contains the Lesson-Sermons which are read roughout the year in all Christian Printed in English, Dutch, and German. all countries: One year. $1.00; single copy, GAYLAMOUNT PAMPHLET BINDER 0+0 Monuf odufw by i fiAYLOHO PROS. Inc. i Syr St* FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BOR 7Nov'99MW LD 21-100m-2,'55 (B139s22)476 General Library .