EX-LIBRIS LOUISE ARNER BOYD THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF berna; WISS ICTURES Drawn with Pen and Pencil REV. SAMUEL MANNING, LED., AUTHOR OF "THOSE HOLY FIELDS," "THE LAND OF THE PHARACHS,' "AMERICAN PICTURES," ETC. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY MR. WHYMPER, AND OTHERS. % |lctu onto (Snlargtb (L^it'tcw. LONDON: THE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY, 56 Paternoster Row, 65 St. Paul's Churchyard, and 164 Piccadilly. [All Rights Rescr-.ed.} "The feeding of the rivers and the purifying of the winds are the least of the services appointed to the hills. To fill the thirst of the human heart with the beauty of God's working, — to startle its lethargy with the deep and pure agitation of astonishment — are their higher missions. They are as a great and noble architecture; first giving shelter, comfort, and rest ; and covered also with mighty sculpture and painted legend." Ruskin, LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS. OTFT 72 MA-W CONSULTING MURRAY. 1403 3 CONTENTS. Eastef^ 3 wit ^ ERXj A nd a ^ d the T(hijsie. BELGIUM AND THE RHINE — HEIDELBERG — SCHAFFHAUSEN — CONSTANCE AND JOHN 1IUS— ZURICH — EINSIEDELN — ST. GALL AND APPENZELL — THE GRISONS — HEAD WATERS OF THE RHINE — THE VIA MALA — THE ENGADINE AND l'IZ LANGUARD pages 9-36 Illustrations. Consulting* Murray ...... page 4 Wild Life in the Alps 10 Initial — Belgian Signal-woman . . . .11 Canal and Belfry at Bruges . . . . 12 The Lurlie Rock . . . . . . 13 Stolzenfels ........ 13 Boppart ........ 14 Rhcinfels ........ 15 Heidelberg . . . . . . . .16 The Falls of the Rhine, SchatThau&en . . 17 Constance ........ 19 Hus's Monument ...... 20 John Hus in Prison .... Zurich Cathedral .... Einsiedeln Basle Female Costumes in Appenzell Peasants of Eastern Switzerland Via Mala ...... Piz LanguarJ ..... Sources of the Rhine ...... 33 Valley in the Engadine ..... 34 The Ortler Spitz ....... 35 Caub and Pfalz ....... 36 page at 23 . 24 26 . 28 29 ■ 3° 32 The Fof(E3t CajNTOjNS. LUCERNE — THE RIGI — A SUNDAY ON THE RIGI — THE LAKE ENGELBERG— THE ST. GOTHARD AND DEVIL'S BRIDGE OF LUCERNE — pages 37-58 Illustrations. In the Pine Forest . . . . . Page 38 Initial — The Chamois Hunter 4 39 Bridge of Lucerne 40 Monument to the Swiss Guard . Tell's Chapel, Lake of Lucerne Ascending the Rigi The Rigi and Kussnacht .... Pilatus, Lake of Lucerne .... 41 41 42 43 44 The Rigi Railway . , . . . . -45 Railway up the Rigi . Vitznau Station on the Rigi Night Ascent of the Rigi .... On the Lake of Lucerne .... By the Lake of Lucerne .... The Chaise-a-Porteur ..... Engelberg and the Titlis .... The Devil's Bridge, on the St. Gothard Road page 46 47 . 49 52 • 53 55 ■ 55 57 69S CONTENTS. The ^ijviplon "Road a^id the jSwijsjs-Itali^ I_(Ake£. ROUTES INTO THE LAKE DISTRICT — CONSTRUCTION OF THE SIMPLON ROAD — A WINTER ADVENTURE ON THE SIMPLON — ITALY — ITALIAN TOWNS — COMO, LUGANO, MAGGIORE, AND ORTA — THE BORROMEAN ISLANDS — STORM ON LAKE COMO — VENICE pages 5y-8o Illustrations. Fishing by Torchlight on the Swiss Lakes . page 60 Initial— Death of the Chamois .... 61 Brieg, on the Simplon 62 Crossing an Alpine Pass in Winter ... 64 Avalanche Gallery on the Simplon ... 66 Arrival at the Hospice on the Simplon . . 67 A Winter Adventure on the Simplon ... 68 Domo d'OssoIa 70 Pallanza, Lago Maggiore .... page 71 Boats on Lago Maggiore ..... 72 Lugano ......... 73 Isola Bella, Lago Maggiore .... 74 Storm on Lake Conio ...... 75 The Bridge of Sighs . . . . . . 77 Bronze Horses of St. Mark ..... 79 The Moj^ite l^ogA District. THE VAL ANZASCA — MACUGNAGA — HEAD OF THE VAL ANZASCA — THE PASS OK MONTE MORO — SAAS — THE WEISSTHOR — ZERMATT — GLACIERS — THE MATTER- HORN — ASCENT OF THE MATTERHORN pages 8l-I08 Illustrations. 'Twixt Life and Death page 82 Macugnaga Church Saas ...... Head of the Val Anzasca . Fagles and Chamois . Head of Chamois . On the Weissthor . . . . Roped together on a Snow Slope Trying a Glissade . . Monte Rosa from the Gorner-Grat 83 84 86 ?8 90 91 92