UC-NRLF PI Si AUTOGRAPH LETTERS m\h Historiral IBotum^nts THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE MES. JULIA iDAVIES of Cheltenham "" (Sold by Order of the Executrix). ^i^^^^^o^^^C^^^;;:!C•:^■'- 8ags 0f ^aU. FiKST Day Mondaj^ November 16th. Lots 1 to 166 Second Day .. Tuesday, November 17th. Lots 167 to 334 ^;^^^rv^i^c# Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cMalogueofautogOOdavirich CATALOGUE OF AUTOGRAPH LETTERS AND THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE MES. JULIA DAVIES of Cheltenham (Sold by Order of the Executrix), including a 0f CBttglantr antt Jfratta, AN UNPUBLISHED LATIN EPIGRAM BY ERASMUS. Letters of MICHAEL ANGELO, QUEEN HENRIETTA MARIA, COTTON MATHER of New England, L. STERNE, DEAN SWIFT AND MANY OTHERS OF GREAT RARITY, THE ORIGINAL ASSIGNMENT BY KEATS OF THE COPYRIGHT OF ''LAMIAS Etc. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, AT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On MONDAY, the 16th of NOVEMBER, 1908, and Following Day, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be Viewed Two Days prior. Catalogues may be had. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 8-9, Frith-street, Soho-square, W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above five pounds 2s. 6c?., and so on in proportion. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase-money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The sale of any lot is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VI. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense, imme- diately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of Two Days after the conclusion of the sale, the lots are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the ex- pense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which they were bought. Messrs. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will have the option of re-selling the lots uncleared, either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good hy the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen, who cannot attend this Sale, may have their Commissions faithfully executed hy their humble Servants, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE, 13, Wellington Street, Stra7id, London. ^4Z CATALOGUE -se-m OF AUTOGEAPH LETTERS anh Htstorttal Bomimnts, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Mrs. JULIA DAVIES, of Cheltenham' {Sold by Order of the Executiix). A. L. s.= autograph letter signed, one entirely in the handwriting of the signer. L. s. = letter signed, the signature only in the handwriting of the sender. A D s ^ ' > = as above, reading document for letter. Doc. s. J FIRST DAY'S SALE. LOT 1 Abercromby (Sir Ralph) General, A. L. s. 1 p. folio, Feb. 22, 1801, fine letter written shortly before his death: "The wind is now fair, and the fleet is getting under weigh," por- trait — Conway (H. S.) Field-Marshal, A. L. s. 3 J pp. 4to, Park Place, 2nd Oct. 1791 (2) 2 Addison (Joseph) Essayist and Poet, Signature to Order for payment of a Bill, Deer. 1717 — GoNGREVE (William) Dramatist, Receipt s., both scarce (2) 3 Albany (Louise de Stolberg Countess of) Wife of the "Young Pretender," A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Florence, 16 Mars, 1820, and 3 pp. of Notes in her autograph 4 Albemarle (G. Monck Duke of) Restorer of Monarchy, L. s. ordering the delivery of 13 barrels of powder, 30^^ March, 1663; also Two Letters with signatures of T. Wriothesley E. of Southampton, Bulstrode Whitelock, etc., portraits (3) 5 Alen^on (Francois Due d') Son of Henry II of France, suitor to Q. Elizabeth, L. s. 1 p. 4to, Septr. 1582, scarce, with 2 portraits 6 Allen (Ralph) of Bath, the Prototype of Fielding's " Squire All- worthy," A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Widcombe, Deer. 8th, 1739, to his sister 7 Anne (Queen of England) Royal Sign Manual to an Order for payment of " Queen Anne's Bounty," interesting ; and Two Documents with signatures of the Duchess of Marlborough, the Duke of Buckingham, and others, portrait (3) b jvi7532l0 First Day 4 8 Anne of Austria, Wife of Louis XIII of France, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 4 Juillet, 1644, to her brother the Duke of Orleans, FINE, ivith seals and silks, portrait 9 Antonelli (Cardinal) L. sub. and s. folio, Rome, 25 Novembre, 1851, endorsed by Cardinal Wiseman 10 Argyll (Archibald Campbell Marquis of) beheaded 1661, Sig- nature to a printed Order, Edinb., 7 April, 1645; and A. L. s. from the first Earl of Bridgwater to the Duke of Buckingham, July, 1626 (2) 11 Argental (Madame d') Fine A. L. 6 J pp. 4to, Paris, 15 Juin, 1770 12 Arlington (H. Bennet Earl of) Member of the "Cabal" Ministry, L. s. 1 p. folio, July 21, 1680, portrait — Nottingham (H. Finch Earl of) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to ; and two others (4) 13 Athlone (Ginkell Earl of) General, d. 1703, interesting L. s. 7 pp. 4to, concerning the Army in Ireland 14 Barkstead (J.) Eegicide, Governor of the Tower, L. s. 1 p. folio, Toiver, Sept. Qth, 1653; and an Order s. by Miles Corbet, John Jones, Regicides, and General Fleetwood, portraits (2) 15 Barras (Paul Jean) Dictator for the coup d'etat of 18 Fructidor, Signature as Member of the Directory, 8 Nivose, an vi, scarce 16 Barry (Comtesse du) Favourite of Louis XV, L. s. 8vo, 15, ^hre, 1786 ; and A. L. s. from the Vicomte du Barry (2) 17 Bassano (H. J. Maret Due de) A. L. s. 2 pp. folio, 4 Messidor, an X ; others of Latouche Treville and Eegnier Due de Massa (3) 18 Beauharnais (Eugene de) Viceroy of Italy, L. s. 1 p. 4to, 16, d>bre, 1813, portrait — Beauharnais (Fanny de) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to — Fesch (Cardinal) L. s. folio, 13 Brumaire, an xii (3) 19 Bernadotte (J. B.) afterwards Charles XIV of Sweden, L. s. with auto, postscript, 26 Fructidor, an xili, portrait — AuGEREAU (Marshal) L. s. with fine engraved heading (2) 20 Berry (Mary and Agnes) the sisters to whom Walpole addressed so many of his letters, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo from each, ivitJi fine portrait of Mary Berry (2) 21 Berthier (Marshal) Prince de AVagram, L. s. 1 p. 4to — Talley- rand (Marquis) L. s. folio, 17 Germinal, an ix, with por- traits (2) 22 Bertrand (Henri Comte) accompanied Napoleon I to St. Helena, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo ; others of the Comte de Las Cases, Ben- jamin Constant, and F. J. Vidocq, portrait (4) 23 Bewick (Thomas) Wood-engraver, Signature with thumb mark receipt for ^sop's Fables, portrait, etc. 24 Blucher (L. von) Prussian Field-Marshal, L. s. folio, 24 Juin, 1813, portrait 25 Bonaparte (Caroline) Queen of Naples, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, to her Mother — Bonaparte (Pauline) Princess Borghese, second sister of Napoleon, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, portrait (2) 5 First Day 26 Bonaparte (Elise) Duchess of Tuscany, Napoleon's eldest sister, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 27 Juin, 1809, to her brother, fine portrait 27 Bonaparte (Jcrdme) King of Westphalia, youngest brother of Napoleon, L. s. 1 p. folio, 14 Novembre, 1859, portrait 28 Bonaparte (Joseph) King of Spain, elder brother of Napoleon, A. L. s. J p. folio, 1803, with portrait 29 Bonaparte (Louis) King of Holland, brother of Napoleon, L. s. with 5 lines holograph, \er jour complement aire, an xii, ivitli portrait 30 Bonaparte (Lucien) Prince of Canino, brother of Napoleon, L. s. 4to, Rome^ fifloreal, an xii, poi^trait 31 Bonaparte (Letizia) Madame Mere, mother of Napoleon, L. s. 4to, Rome, 3 Janvier, 1820, to her grandson, with portrait 32 BoswELL (J.) Biographer of Dr. Johnson, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Gt. Portland St., 10 August, 1792, on the escape of some prisoners from New South Wales, mentions his tour in Devonshire, etc. 33 Bradshaw (John) President at the Trial of Charles I, L. s. 1 p. folio, 13 December, 1650, to the Governor of the I. of Wight on the reception of a public minister from the King of Por- tugal, with seal and portrait, fine specimen If hee desire to come on shore wee thinke fitt hee should be civilly treated at his owne charge and have an Honorary guard, and that hee doe not remove from thence untill you shall receive the further pleasure of the Parliament or this Councell. 34 Broke (Sir Philip) Commander of the "Shannon" during the fight with the "Chesapeake," A. L. s. 2\ pp. 4to, Sept. 3, 1802, scarce 35 Browne (H. K.) Artist, illustrator of Dickens' books, A. L. s. ij pp. 8vo, Jan. 7, '57 — Leech (J.) A. L. s. ij pp. 8vo, July 17, 1841, to W. Shoberl, both scarce (2) 36 Bruce (James) Abyssinian traveller, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, 23rc? Feby. 1794, scarce; others of Sir A. H. Layard and Sir J. G. Wilkinson (3) 37 Brune (Marshal) L. s. 1 p. 4to, 21 Septr. 1792, curious, a per- mission to keep a horse for the service of the Section" — Davoust (Marshal) A. L. s. 2 J pp. 4to, 30 Ventose, an vi (2) 38 Buckingham (G. Villiers second Duke of) L. s. 2 pp. folio, Jany. '2\st, 1664, in reference to the Dutch prisoners, with other signatures — Warwick (Sir P.) Author of "Memoirs of Charles I," A. L. s. 1 p. folio, Sept. 8, 1664; and Two Docs. s. by the Duke of Albemarle, Earl of Shaftesbury, Sir J. Mennes, and others (4) 39 Burgoyne (John) General, capitulated at Saratoga, Declaration on the appointment of a captain s. by him — Clinton (Sir Henry) Orders., New York, 31st July, 1781, both scarce (2) 40 Burke (Edmund) Statesman, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to (undated), an interesting letter on the Duke of Portland's government, portrait First Day 6 41 Burnet (Gilbert) Bishop of Salisbury, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Glasgow, 10 Now. 1672, SCARCE AS A HOLOGRAPH 42 BuRNEY (Dr. C.) A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, Mar. 17, 1809, interesting letter to E. Malone 43 Burns (Robert) Poet, Autograph Verses s. "Sylvander," to Mrs. Me — , alias Clarinda, eighteen lines, commencing : I burn, I burn, as when thro' ripened corn By driving winds the crackling flames are borne ! On the reverse are sixteen lines in his autograph being the concluding stanzas of a poem ; the six last lines read : On the lofty ether borne Man with all his powers you scorn Swiftly seek on changing wings Other lakes and other springs And that Foe you cannot brave Scorn at last to be his slave. 44 Byron (Lord) Poet, A. Note s., Trin. Coll. Cambridge, Deer. 28tk, 1807, to Mr. Eidge of Newark, relative to "Hours of Idleness " Mr. Ridge, Insert the enclosed after "Childish Recollections" and send the proofs, etc. — Byron. 45 C^SAR (Sir Julius) Judge and Statesman, Signature on a Petition addressed to him by Robert Norton, 17 tk Octr. 1618 — WiNWOOD (Sir Ralph) Statesman, A. L. s. 1 p. folio, and Doc. s. by John Jegon, Bishop of Norwich, Sir Anthony Browne, and J. Ryvers, portrait (3) 46 Cambaceres (J. J.) Duke of Palma, second Consul with Napoleon, L. s. folio, 16 Brumaire, ati ill; others of Le Brun, third Consul, and Toussaint L'Ouverture, portrait (3) 47 Carlyle (T.) Author, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, Chelsea, 12 Novr. 1856, to Sir F. Madden, with envelope, recommending Mr. A. Gil- christ, author of the "Life of Blake"; and others of J. A. Froude and Harriet Martin eau (3) 48 Carnot (Lazare) French Statesman, L. s. folio, Paris, 19 Juin, 1815, respecting the Garde Nationale, interesting, written the day after Waterloo ; others of De Bourrienne (A. L. s. 1 p. 4to), Baron Fain, General Leclerc, and Paul Real, public accuser during the Revolution (5) 49 Carrier (J. B.) Revolutionary, noted for his atrocities, Signature on a Decree by the National Convention awarding com- pensation for imprisonment, with seal, 11 Prairial, an ii, jine specimen 50 Catherine de Medici Queen of Henry II of France, L. s. folio, 16 Juin, 1578, to M. de Flassane respecting her son Henry III, stained 51 Charles I (King of England) Royal Sign Manual on Instructions for raising a supply to re-instate the Elector Palatine in his Dominions, folio {undated) 52 Charles I, Royal Sign Manual on a Warrant to M. Brodley, Paymaster-General, for the payment of various officers, 2 pp. folio, 30^^ October, 1642, fine specimen of the early period of the Civil Wars, with portrait 7 First Day 53 Charles II (King of England) Eoyal Sign Manual on an Order for the payment of £10 to "our most deare and most en- tirely beloved sonne James Duke of Monmouth" for the relief of poor soldiers, endorsed "Monmouth," \bth August^ 1676, fine specimen, seal and portrait 54 Charles II, Eoyal Sign Manual on an Order, folio, 27^^ July, 1666, countersigned by Sir W. Morice, mezzotint portrait hy Smith 55 Charles V (King of France) the Wise, d. 1380, Sign Manual to an Ordonnance for payment of "cincq cens royauls d'or pourcertaines besoignes secretes qui tres grandement touchent I'onneur et I'estat de Mons. et de nous," obi. folio, on vellum, Meleun, Mars 12 (1356-60), fine and extremely rare, with portrait *^(.* Charles V was at this time Eegent of France during the captivity of John, the Good, in England. 56 Charles YII (King of France) Orleans saved for him by Joan of Arc, d. 1461, Eoyal Sign Manual on a Document on paper, obi. 4to, with portrait 57 Charles VIII (King of France) d. 1498, Eoyal Sign Manual on a Letter to the Due de Milay, pres Tours, 1 Octohre (no year), fine specimen, with portrait 58 Charles V (Emperor of Germany and Spain) Eoyal Sign Manual on a Document on paper, folio, Moncon, xxx Juin, 1528 59 Charlotte (Princess) daughter of George lY, A. L. s. (initials) 3 pp. 8vo, Blackheath, Octr. 11th — Charlotte, Queen of George III, Agreement s. respecting lands at AVindsor ; and L. s. by Edward Duke of Kent (3) 60 Charlotte (Queen of Naples) L. sub. and s. with auto, postscript of six lines, Naples, 9 Novembre, 1802 — Nelson (Lady) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Bath, Jany. 9th, 1799 (2) 61 Child (Sir Josiah) Banker, A. L. s. 4to, 2 Feb. 1688 ; others of Francis Child and Thomas Coutts (3) 62 Clarendon (Edward Hyde Earl of) Statesman and Historian, A. L. s. "Edw. Hyde," 2 J pp. folio, Hague, 3rd October (1648), to Prince Eupert, A fine historic letter "Con- cerning the dealings of some false sea Captains about the shutting the sluices," etc., porti^ait 63 Clauzel (B.) Signature to a Letter from the Committee of Public Safety, 17 Fructidor, an ii ; and Two Eevolutionary Docu- ments s. by Legendre, Fourcroy, Delmas, Carnot, and numerous others (3) 64 Colbert (Jean Baptiste) French Statesman, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Paris, 9 Aoust, 1677 ; others of the Vicomte de Foucquet who died in the Bastille, and Antoine de Grammont (3) 65 Coleridge (S. T.) Poet, A. L. s. J p. 4to, 26 Jany. 1819, to Mudford, editor of the Courier ; Doc. s. as Secretary to the Governor of Malta, 19 June, 1805 (2) First Day 8 66 CoMPTON (Henry) Bishop of London during the rebuilding of St. Paul's, A. L. s. 1 p. folio, to the Lord Keeper, portrait — Sancroft (Wm.) Archbishop of Canterbury, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, March 3rd, 1682 ; and Signatures of Bishops Symon Patrick and Seth Ward (4) 67 CoNDE (Louis II de Bourbon Prince de) the Great, L. s. 1 p. folio, 25^ Juin, 1643, with fine seal 68 Cook (Capt. James) Navigator, Draft Letters in his autograph covering 3 pp. folio, with four signatures, addressed to the Commissioners of the Navy while in command of the Gren- ville Schooner at Deptford, Jany. and Feby. 1765, during a visit to England after his survey of the Coast of Newfound- land, with portrait 69 Coram (Captain Thomas) advocated the establishment of the Foundling Hospital, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 20 May, 1739, portrait — Guy (Thomas) Founder of Guy's Hospital, Receipt s., 6 June, 1701, both scarce (2) 70 Corbet (Miles) Regicide, L. s. folio, Butchy Chamber, 6 8ept. 1645, portrait — Civil War Document s. by E. Prideaux, Cromwell's attorney-general, and others respecting a constant post to Southampton, Poole, Weymouth, etc., Btarr Chamber, nth May, 1645 (2) 71 Cowper (AV.) Poet, Doc. s. 1 p. folio, Sheffield, Qth May, while a Commissioner of Bankrupts, with portrait 72 Crabbe (Rev. George) Poet, A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, Trowbridge, Jany. 9th, 1828, fine and interesting letter on the Evidences of Religion, addressed to his son 73 Cromwell (Henry) youngest son of the Protector, Lord Deputy of Ireland, L. s. 1 p, folio, Dublin, l^th November, 1656, to the Commissioners of the Admiralty, on the conveyance of ships to Jamaica, s. also by Miles Corbet, Col. M. Thomlin- son to whose custody Charles I was committed during his trial, and others 74 Cromwell (Oliver) Protector, fine signature to an Order, folio, for the payment of £1983 17s. 4d. for 28 days' pay of the Train of Artillery, 25^/^ Aug. 1649, the receipt for the above sum is s. by Nath. Boyce, Paymaster of the train, portrait 75 Cromwell (Richard) Protector, son of the above, fine signature 'Richard P.' to a Deed on vellum, folio, 1659, with i^emains of seal, proof portrait ■^^fr"*^ This document is one of the few signed by him as Protector, and the date of the completion being left blank shows that it is probably one of the very last so signed. 76 Cruikshank (G.) Artist, A. L. s. 3 pp. 12mo, to Mr. Behnes, with pen-and-ink sketch — A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Nov. 5, 1860 — Inscription s. on the fly-leaf of a book, presenting it to the Editor of the Dispatch (3) 77 CuviER (Baron George) Naturalist, L. s. 1 p. 4to, 12 Janvier, 1824— Geoffrey (St. Hilaire) Zoologist, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to— Lamarck (J. B.) Naturalist, A. "Rapport" s. 2j pp. 4to (3) 9 First Day 78 Danton (G. J.) Kevolutionary, guillotined 1794, L. s. 1 p. folio, as Minister of Justice, 31 Aoust, 1792, fine specimen, with poi^trait 79 Darwin (C.) Naturalist, A. L. s. 2 J pp. 8vo, Mmj 18, mentioning his " Origin of Species " ; others of J. J. Audubon and J. E. Gray (3) 80 Davies (Thomas) Bookseller, friend of Dr. Johnson, A. Receipt s. 1 p. 4to, May 17, 1776; others of Edmund Curll, Jacob Tonson, etc. (4) 81 DiBDiN (T.) Dramatist, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, May 3rd, 1838— Auto. Verses, 3 pp. 4to, addressed to the Rev. T. AVilkinson (2) 82 Dickens (C.) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Broadstairs, October 7tk, to S. Rogers, and 2 addressed envelopes, both with signatures (3) 83 DiGBY (Sir Kenelm) Author and Diplomatist, signature to a Deed on vellum, dated ith November^ 1663, with seal, s. also by 0. Cornwallis, covenanting to pay £5450 to Sir Wm. Humble, portrait 84 Disraeli (B.) Earl of Beaconsfield, A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, May SOth, 1855, portrait— GcLABSTO-HE (Rt. Hon. W. E.), A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, and 2 others (4) 85 DODSLEY (R.) Bookseller, Auto. Memorandum s. 1 p. 4to, of an agreement between him and T. Warton, Jan. 21, 1752 — TiGHE (Mary) Author of "Psyche," A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo (2) 86 Dorchester (Catharine Sedley, Countess of) favourite of James II, Receipt s. 31 3Iay, 1716, scarce, with portrait — List of Salaries of Officers in the Tower of London s. by the Duke of Albemarle, Earl of Rochester, George Lord Jefferies, A rare signature, and others (2) 87 Edward VI (King of England) Royal Sign Manual to a Warrant on vellum, obi. folio, to the Chamberlain of the County of Chester for the granting of Letters Patent, A very fine document, bearing also the signatures of Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset (the Protector), Thomas Cranmer, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, Cuthbert Tunstall, Bishop of Durham T. Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, Sir Anthony Browne, the Earl of Winchester, Sir William Paget, Thomas Lord Seymour, John 1st Earl Russell, Sir A. Denny, the Earl of Warwick, Sir W. Herbert and Sir Edward North, portraits 88 Elizabeth (Queen of England) Royal Sign Manual to an Order on vellum, folio, for the delivery to John Norris, gentleman usher of the Parliament Chamber, certain materials for the furnishing of the said chamber, dated Oxford, Uh September, 1565, countersigned by Lord W. Howard "Belted Will," ^we seal and portrait 89 Erasmus (D.) Dutch Philosopher and Reformer, d. 1536. An unpublished Latin Epigram, 1 p. folio, consisting of 24 lines entirely in his autograph, with Letter from Dr. Gerlach respecting the same, fine and rare, with portrait B 2 First Day 10 90 Essex (R. Devereiix 2nd Earl of) Favourite of Queen Elizabeth, Signature to a Privy Council Order, folio, 9M January, 1598, s. also by C. Howard Earl of Nottingham, E. Cecil Earl of Salisbury, T. Lord Buckhurst, and others, poi'trait 91 Essex (R. Devereux 3rd Earl of) Parliamentary General, L. sub. and s. folio, on board the "Admirall," Sept. 4:tk, 1644, to Col. Sydenham, Governor of Weymouth, respecting the state of the garrison there, with portrait 92 Eugene of Savoy (Prince) General, L. s. 1 p. folio, Milan, 27 February, 1710, with seal 93 Fairfax (Thomas, Lord) Parliamentary General, A. L. s. 1 full p. folio, York, 24 Deem. 1641, to his father Lord Fairfax, "over against the Dog taverne in Pallais Yeard," ivith portrait and seal '^^f,* Fine and interesting letter, respecting the Papist suspects in the city of York. 94 Fielding (Henry) Novelist, MS. in his autograph, 1 p. folio from a volume illustrative of the Criminal Laws of England — Attestation s. 27 Ju7ie, 1750, with 2 portraits 95 FoucHE (Joseph) Due d'Otrante, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo — Clarke (Henri) Due de Feltre, Order s. 22 Juillet, 1812, portrait (2) 96 Fouquier-Tinville (A. Q.) Public Accuser to the Revolutionary Tribunal, signature to the Death Warrant of J. Babier, ex- noble, and 7 Assignats (8) 97 Fox (Sir Stephen) Statesman, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Chiswick, 12 June, 1690, scarce, with portrait; 2 A. L. s. of T. Osborne, Earl of Danby and Duke of Leeds, A. L. s. of the 1st Duke of Portland, and signature of Sir John Holt (5) 98 Fox (Sir Stephen) L. s. ^rd July, 1696, s. also by the Earl of Halifax, etc. and 2 others (3) 99 Francis I (King of France) Royal sign Manual to a Document on vellum, obi. folio, 1th October, 1540, with portrait 100 Franklin (Benjamin) American Statesman, signature to a Document, 4 pp. folio, as plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the French King, dated Paris, 24 Mars, 1779, with portrait 101 Frederick II (King of Prussia) the Great, Royal Sign Manual, 4to, Berlin, 12 Januarii, 1777, with mezzotint portrait 102 Gainsborough (T.) R. A., Painter, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Sept. 11th, 1783, to his sister, Mrs. Gibbon, with seal, rare 103 Gardiner (Col. James) Killed at the Battle of Preston Pans, L. s. 1 p. 4to, Edinb. 30th Jany. 172|, ordering ammunition for t\iQVQg\mQnt,a raresignature,with portrait — Oglethorpe (General J. E.) Receipt s. (2) 104 Garrick (D.) Actor, A. L. s. ij pp. 4to, Friday Morning {no year), to Dr. Haye, with seal the little Manager of Drury Lane has so much benefited by yr. last skillfull dissection, that in ye fullness of his gratitude he has sent a haunch of venison to regale yo\x on Sunday next. 11 First Day 105 Genlis (Stephanie Comtesse de) Authoress, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to — GiFFORD (William) Author of the "Maeviad," etc. A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo (2) 106 George I (King of England) Two Royal Sign Manuals on Documents, one relating to the 1715 Rebellion, countersigned by the Earl of Nottingham, Sir R. Walpole, and others, portrait by Houbraken (2) 107 George II (King of England) Two Royal Sign Manuals on Commissions, ivith seals — Caroline (Queen of George II) L. s. 1 p. 4to, Richmond, 16 Juin, 1726, to the King of Denmark, poi'trait (3) 108 George III (King of England) A. L. s. (initials), 1 p. 4to, Windsor, April IStk, 1790 : "I fear the sentiments of the different Courts are so opposite that the effecting a General Peace is not very likely at present " ; Two Royal Sign Manuals, one during his illness, mezzotint portrait by J. Watson (3) 109 George IV (King of England) A. L. s. (as Prince Regent), 3i pp. 4to, Jany. 2^th, 1819, to Lady Ellenborough, mention- ing Lady Hastings, etc. — Royal Sign Manual on a Document relating to convicts, with poi'trait (2) 110 Goethe (J. W. von) German Poet, signature on an Agreement, 1 p. folio, with Dr. Weller, dated Weimar, 24 May, 1826 111 Goodwin (John) Republican Writer, author of "Defence of the Sentence passed upon Charles I," Autograph Verses, 2 pp. folio, in Latin and English, " in defence of Beasts," a curious MS. with poi'trait — Document with signatures of the Com- missioners of the Navy during the Protectorate (2) 112 GoURGAUD (Baron) General, accompanied Napoleon to St. Helena, A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to ; others of Marshals Jourdan (during the "Hundred Days") Duroc and Gouvion St. Cyr, withportrait (4) 113 Gregory XIII (Pope) celebrated for his reformation of the Calendar, L. s. \ p. folio, 14 August, 1572 114 Grimaldi (Joseph) Clown, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Octr. 2nd, 1822, to Fanley. Interesting letter as to an engagement for his son, mentions Kemble, etc. scarce 115 Grimm (F. M. Baron) Minister plenipotentiary of Catharine II, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo — Sparks (Jared) American Author, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo (2) 116 Grouchy (E. Marquis de) Marshal, sent in pursuit of Bliicher after Ligny, L. s. with long autograph postscript alsos. Nantes, 26 Messidor, an X — Pichegru (General) L. s. 1 p. 4 to, with portrait (2) 117 GuiLLOTiN (J. Ignace) introduced the guillotine into France, L. s. 1 p. 4to, 23 Germinal, an IV — Maillard, distinguished at the taking of the Bastille, L. s. (2) 118 GuizoT (F. P. G.) French Statesman, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, others of A. de Lamartine, Louis Blanc, Cavaignac and the Members of the Provisional Government of 1848 (5) B 3 First Day 12 119 GusTAVUS Adolphus (King of Sweden) d. 1632, L. s. 2 pp. folio, 29 December^ 1627, scarce^ with portrait 120 Hale (Sir Matthew) Lord Chief Justice, Statement of Case for the Lady Elizabeth Tollemache, 1 J pp. large folio, the latter portion being apparently in his autograph and s. by him 'Matthew Hale," 1 Mai'ch, 1658, with portrait 121 Hales (Rev. Stephen) Natural Philosopher, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Teddington, Deer. 25, 1750, with portrait — Lateobe (C. T.) L. s. 4 pp. 4to (2) 122 Hamilton (Emma, Lady) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, mentioning Lord Nelson— Ward (Mrs. H. N.) Nelson's " Horatia," A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo, Nov. 18, 1849, an interesting letter^ respecting an early portrait of her said to be by Sir T. Lawrence (2) 123 Hardy (Sir Thomas) Captain of the "Victory "at Trafalgar, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Portsmouth^ September 16^^, 1812, to the Duke of Clarence "I am appointed to the Ramillies and if I possibly can I will take young Hay with me " — Collingwood (Cuthbert, Lord) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, ''Mediator,'' Octr. llth, 11 ^Z, portrait (2) 124 Hastings (Warren) Governor General of India, A. L. s. Sj pp. 4to, Daylesford House, 6th Ap7'il, 1812 — Appointment s. by him and by Sir Philip Francis, E. Wheler, and Sir Eyre Coote, portrait (2) 125 Henrietta Maria (Queen of Charles I) A. L. s. 1 p. folio, fine letter addressed to her brother the Duke of Orleans, with silks and seals, portrait Monsieur mon frere, Le Roy monseigneur et moy envoyant le Sieur de Monveyne pour vous rejouir de heureuse convalescence du Roy monsieur mon fr^re je luy ai command^ de vous presenter cette lettre de ma part et de vous assurer que je nay plus de passion que celle que vous me soutenniez en voz bonnes graces et que vous croyez que je tacherai en toutes occasions de les meriter, etc. 126 Henriot (Fran9ois) Revolutionary, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 5 Floreal, an II, portrait, others of P. G. Chaumette and Collot d'Herbois (3) 127 Henry HI (King of England) A curious "Vidimus," an official Document attesting that Henry HI of England did homage to Saint Louis of France, in 1259, in the presence of ten English noblemen, herein named, including Archbishop Boniface, Peter de Montford, John de Baliol (founder of Balliol College), etc. On paper, obi. folio. Probably one of the oldest sheets of European paper in existence. 128 Henry VII (King of England) Royal Sign Manual to a Warrant on vellum, obi. 4to, dated Westminster, Xllth December, 1497, to Sir Robert Litton "Keper of our great W^ardrobe," with portrait 129 Henry VIII (King of England) Royal Sign Manual to a Passport on vellum granted to Thomas Tirell of the bodyguard to go with 3 of his servants beyond sea to Calais or elsewhere, dated 28 February, 1510, with fine privy seal, A beautiful specimen, proof portrait 13 First Day 1 30 Henry VIII (King) Royal Sign Manual to a Document on vellum, large folio, endorsed *' the maine deed from King Henry VHI to the Bishop of Duresme," dated \st July^ 2^th year of his reign, with poi'traits of the King and Bishop Tunstall 131 Henry Benedict, Cardinal York, younger brother of the Pretender, d. 1807, L. sub. and s. 1 p. 4to, Roma, 30 Decembre, 1772 132 Henry II (King of France) L. s. 1 p. folio, dated 6th September, 1551, countersigned by Cosmo Clausse, secretary of finance, po7^t7^ait 133 Henry III (King of France) A. L. s. 1 p. folio, to Monsieur de Lairogre (?), fine and rare, with 2 portraits and facsimile 134 Henry IV (King of France) L. s. 1 p. folio, March, 1588, countersigned by Philippe, Sieur du Plessis Mornay, and another (2) 135 Herbert (Edward Lord) of Cherbury, Soldier and Ambassador, d. 1648, Receipt s. 2\st Jany. 1645, A rare signature, portrait — Rushworth (J.) Historian, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Jan. 3, 1645 (2) 136 Herschel (Sir William) Astronomer, A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, Slough, June 10, 1814, to Lucien Bonaparte, j^7ie letter m reference to his telescopes, portrait, others of Sir J. F. W. Herschel and De la Lande (3) 137 Hewson (Col. John) Regicide, A. L. s. 1 p. folio, 1656, asking for a convoy to Ireland with wrapper s. and addressed by him, rare, portrait — Lilburne (Elizabeth) wife of John Lilburne, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to (2) 138 Hood (Thomas) Poet, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 17, Elm Tree Road; others of Theodore Hook, G-. R. Gleig, and B. W. Proctor (auto, verses) (4) 139 Hugo (Victor) French Poet, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 31 Aout, 1879 ; others of W. H. Ainsworth, S. Lover, Alexandre Dumas (p^re), Wilkie Collins and Samuel Warren (6) 140 HuNSDON (H. Carey Lord) cousin to Q. Elizabeth, Doc. s. by him and by Roger Lord North, Lord Buckhurst, Sir J. Fortescue and Baron EUesmere — BuRGHLEY (W. Cecil Lord) L. s. 1 p. folio, with portraits (2) 141 Irving (Washington) American Writer, A. L. s. 3 pp. large 8vo, Madind, April \^th, 1845, to Irving Paris of N.York; interesting letter on the connection of a Spanish family with America 142 Isabella (Infanta of Spain) Queen of the Low Countries, L. s. folio, 21 May, 1626, with seal, fine specimen 143 James I (King of England) Royal Sign Manual, when James VI of Scotland, to a Document on paper, obi. 4to, Feby. 27, 1592, " The Kings majesties presentation to the Abott of Bulmum (?) of ane ordinair Lord of Session," with scarce portrait First Day 14 144 James I (King) L. sub. and s. " Vostre tres affectionne frere et cousin, Jacques R," large folio dated from the Court at Newmarket^ 26 November, 1615; fine letter addressed to the King of France praying him to give full credence to his ambassador in his endeavour to settle any differences existing between the two Kingdoms, with seal 145 James II (King of England) Signature on an Order to the Ranger of AVoodstock Park for the delivery of a fat buck, ^rd August, 1688; Signature on an Authority to raise and command a troop of horse, dated St. Germains, '20th June, 1692 (after his deposition), with portrait (2) 146 James Edward Stuart, the " Old Pretender," L. sub. and s. 1 p. 4to, Rome, l^th 3Iars, 1735, to the Due de Bourbon, re- turning thanks for the Duke's sympathy at the death of the Queen, with portrait 147 Jenner (Dr. E.) Discoverer of Vaccination, A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, 12^^ August, 1805 ; fine letter on the ravages of the small-pox, portrait Out of the many instances which might be brought forward of the fatal efifects of smallpox, when spread about the Town by its inoculation, I beg leave to lay before you the enclos'd. It is not in our Metropolis only we witness the miseries of this baleful practice. 148 Johnson (Dr. S.) A. L. s. ij pp. 4to, Dec. 23, 1775, to the Rev. Dr. Taylor at Ashborne, with seal, franked by Hy. Thrale, respecting the claim of a Mr. Wood, 2 portraits If the lawyers judge your claim untenable, or even disreputable, I would not have you bring it into the Courts. 149 Josephine (Empress) First Wife of Napoleon, L. s. 1 p. 4to, Mayence, 14 Decemhre, 1806, to M. Hedourille — Marie Louise, 2nd wife of Napoleon, Auto, endorsement s. on a MS. Dedication of the "Plutarche Autrichien,"by Dr. Jean de Carro, portraits (2) 150 Junot (Marshal) Due d'Abrantes, L. s. ij pp. 4to, La Rochelle, le 28 Octohre, 1808— Junot (Madame) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 21 Aout, 1831, portrait (2) 151 JuxoN (William) Archbishop of Canterbury, attended Charles I on the Scaffold, L. s. folio, May 19, 1640, to Sir Robert Pye, respecting payment of the monthly allowance to the Queen Mother (Marie de Medici) 152 Kean (Charles) Actor, A. L. s. 4 pp. 8vo, Belfast, 29 Dec, 1844, to E. Clarkson, vei'y interesting letter respecting his financial difficulties-, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 1st Nov., 1844, others of Mrs. C. Kean, with portrait, Madame Vestris, etc. (9) 153 Kean (Edmund) Actor, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, 12^^ May, 1823 : "I will play Posthumous on Wednesday next — I shall not answer any further questions " — Admission Order s. to the Gallery, Drury Lane, for the Play of " Othello," \st Nov., 1817 (2) 15 First Day 154 Keats (John) Poet, The Original Assignment on 3 pp. folio, s. twice " John Keats," witnessed and dated \Q September, 1820, of the Copy and Copyright of his two works "Poems by John Keats," and "Lamia, Isabella, the Eve of St. Agnes, and other Poems " for the sum of £100 to John Taylor and J. A. Hessey the Publishers, A most interesting and IMPORTANT document 155 Kellermann (Marshal) Due de Valmy,L.s. with Auto. Postscript also s. Mayence, '^ Novemhre, 1806, respecting the "Armee de Reserve" — Lefebvre (Marshal) Due de Dantzic, L. s. 2 pp. folio, Armee de Samhre et Meuse, 6 Messidor an III, ivlth poi'traits (2) 156 Kemble (J. P.) Actor, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Sept. 11th, 1809, to W. Mudford ; A. L., 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo to EUiston, respecting an engagement, and A. L. s. of C. Kemble, portrait (3) 157 KiLLEGREW (Thomas) Dramatist, b. 1612, d. 1683, A. L. s. 1 full p. folio, 6 Decemb., 1637. A curiously worded epistle re- specting the loan of £200 from " My Lord Bannig," etc., A LETTER of THE UTMOST RARITY, with portrait 158 KiRGATE (T.) Printer to Horace Walpole at Strawberry Hill, two A. L. s. each 1 p. 4to, June 20th, 1801, etc., both respecting his book on Strawberry Hill, a scarce autograph, with pro- spectus, etc. (2) 159 KiRKE (Lieut. Gen. P.) Colonel of Kirke's Lambs, cruelly suppressed Monmouth's Rebellion, d. 1691, A. L. s. 1 p. folio, Penrith, Api'il 24, 1689, scarce and interesting letter on military matters — List of Arms from the Hon. Col. Kirke's Regiment, 2^rd May, 1713, relating to another member of the family (2) 160 Kneller (Sir Godfrey) Portrait Painter, Receipt s., 21 August, 1716, and a signature of P. Sandby, R.A. (2) 161 Lafayette (Marquis de) French General, served in America, A. L. s. i p. 4to, La Grange, 28 May, 1827, 2 portraits — Malesherbes (C. G. L.) Advocate for Louis XVI, L. s. 1 p. folio, 10 Aout, 1775 (2) 162 Lally-Tollendal (T. G. Marquis de) opposed the extreme party in the French Revolution, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, 20 Octobre, 1815, interesting letter on the "Parlement de Bordeaux" — BoissY d'Anglas (F. a. Comte de) Member of the Council of 500, president of the Tribunate in 1803, A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, Paris, 18 Juillet, 1811 (2) 163 Lamb (Charles) Poet and Essayist, A. L. s. 1 full page folio, to V. Novello, FINE letter, written in his usual charming manner You express yourself concerning H. (probably Leigh Hunt) like a true friend, and have made me feel that I have somewhat neglected him, but without knowing very well how to rectify it. I live so remote from him — by Hackney — that he is almost out of the pale of visitation First Day 16 Lot 163 — continued. at Hampstead. . . . When I shall be brought low by any sickness or untoward circumstance, write just such a letter to some tardy friend of mine — or come up yourself with your friendly Henshaw face — and that will be better .... God bless you for your kindness to H. which I will remember. But do not show N. this, for the flouting infidel doth mock when Christians cry God bless us. Yours and his too and all our little circle's most affectionately, C. Lamb — Mary's love included. 164 Laud (W.) Archbishop of Canterbury, executed 1645, Privy Council Letter s. folio, 8th June, 1635, s. also by the Earl of Manchester, Sir Francis Windebank, and Francis Lord Cottington, portrait 165 Lavater (J. G.) Physiognomist, two Auto. Memoranda s. with portrait and A. L. s. 1 p. 4to of Peter Thellusson (3) 166 Lawrence (SirT.) P.E.A., Painter, A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, Russell Sq., Nov. 22, 1829, interesting letter respecting the acting of Miss Fanny Kemble, which he says recalls that of Mrs. Siddons — Landseer (Sir Edwin) Two A. L. s. 4 pp. 8vo, one addressed to H. W. Pickersgill (3) 17 SECOND DAY'S SALE. LOT 167 Leicester (Robert Dudley Earl of) Favourite of Q. Elizabeth, Signature on an Order, folio, to the Treasurer of the Ex- chequer to pay Sir T. Cotton £51 5s., signed also by E. Clinton, Earl of Lincoln, W. Cecil, Lord Burghley, Sir J. Mason, etc., "2nd December^ 1564 168 Lennox (Charlotte) Novelist and writer on Shakspeare, friend of Dr. Johnson, A. L. s. 1 p. folio, August 20, 1775, to David Garrick, interesting letter respecting an invitation to present herself at the Adelphi, portrait — Colman (George) the younger, two A. L. s., Feb, 16, 1787 ; etc., portrait (3) 169 Lenthall (W.) Speaker, L. s., conjointly by him and by William first Lord Grey, ijpp. folio, Westminster, I'd May, 1645, to the Committee of the City of Norwich, fine letter on the means to be adopted for putting an end to "this unnaturall warre," Oxford is to be besieged and help in the M^ay of money and recruits is demanded for the forces under Sir T. Fairfax — Order s. by R. Rich Earl of Warwick, the Earl of Denbigh, and others, 17 Sept. 1646, with porti^ait (2) 170 Le Verrier (U.) Astronomer, joint discoverer of the planet Neptune, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo — Airy (Sir G. B.) A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to ; and another (3) 171 Lewis (M. G.) author of "The Monk," A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, to his mother, scai'ce — Hunt (Leigh) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Chelsea, Nov. 2, nice specimen, with portrait — Godwin (W.) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, May 12, 1821, to J. Acton (3) 172 LiGONiER (J.) Field-Marshal, served under Marlborough, L. s. 2 pp. folio, July 15, 1762 — Granby (Marquis of) Order s. respecting the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, seal (2) 173 Linnaeus (C. von) Botanist, A. L. s. (at the head of the letter) 26 Sept. 1749, a letter of congratulation in Latin to A. von Haller, ivith seal, scarce ; others of J. Sowerby and A. de Candolle, portrait (3) 174 Louis XI (King of France) d. 1483, Royal Sign Manual to a Letter on vellum, obi. folio, dated 14 Juillet, 1471, with portrait 175 Louis XII (King of France) d. 1515, Royal Sign Manual to a Letter on paper, 4to, 22 Janvier, 1509, to the Bishop du Luy de Pompadour 176 Louis XIII (King of France) d. 1643, Royal Sign Manual to a "Lettre de Cachet," dated 29 Novembre, 1632, ivith two portraits Second Day 18 177 Louis XIV (King of France) d. 1715, Eoyal Sign Manual to an Order for payment of money — Notes in his auto, on the margin of an estimate of charges for water conduits at a Eoyal Palace, 15 Sept. 1699, portrait (2) 178 Louis XV (King of France) d. 1744, Royal Sign Manual to an Order for the liberation of the Sieur de Mirabeau imprisoned in the Chateau de Vincennes, 24 Octohre, 1760, portrait 179 Louis XVI (King of France) Royal Sign Manual and one line in his autograph on a grant of remission in favour of the Sieur de Besance, 28 May, 1786 — Royal Sign Manual to an Order, 7 Juillet, 1791, portrait (2) 180 Louis XVIII (King of France) Royal Sign Manual to a Brevet on parchment — Passport, s. by Charles X, and Two L. s. by Louis Philippe, portrait (4) 181 Lyttleton (G-. Lord) Statesman, opponent of Walpole, A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, October 17 tk, interesting letter; others of W. Pul- teney. Earl of Bath, ivith mezzotint portrait, Hon. C. Yorke, H. B. Legge, and the Earl of Hardwicke (5) 182 Macaulay (T. Babington Lord) Historian, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo ; others of Sir J. Mackintosh, J. G. Lockhart, J. Forster, W. H. Prescott, mentioning his "Philip II," scarce; and others (8) 183 Maitland (Sir F. L.) Captain of the " Bellerophon " at the time of Napoleon's surrender, A. L. s. 3 pp. 4 to, Fehy. 2\st, 1832, scarce 184 Maria Theresa (Empress of Austria) Letter, the latter portion being in her autograph, 1766 — Fine L. s. folio, addressed to the Pope's Nuncio, Vienna, 20 February, 1760, with seal (2) 185 Marie de Medici (Queen of Henry IV of France), L. sub. and s. 1 p. 4to, Ruelle, 27 Aoust, 1624, to her nephew the Due de Lorraine, with seals, portrait *.H-^ A beautifully written letter, commiserating him on the death of his father. 186 Marie Antoinette (Queen of Louis XVI) Signature to the re- appointment of J. A. Viberi as Usher of the Kitchen in the Royal Household, on vellum, folio, Versailles, 8 Mai, 1785, portrait 187 Marie Therese Charlotte, Duchesse d'Angouleme, daughter of Louis XVI, early writing exercise s. "Marie Therese Charlotte fecit anno 1786," scarce — Edgeworth (Abbe) Con- fessor of Louis XVI, A. L. s. 8vo (2) 188 Marlborough (J. Churchill Duke of) Signature to an Appoint- ment, folio, dated 11th November, 1718, portrait by Houbraken 189 Marmont (Marshal) Due de Raguse, A. L. s. ijpp. 4to, 24 Juillet {no year) ; others of Marshal Macdonald, Hyeres, 18 Fev. 1809, and the Comte de Lauristou (3) 19 Second Day 190 Marmontel (J. F.) Author of " Belisarius," etc. fine A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, Jeudi {no year), addressed to Madame Necker ; he informs her that Le Roi n'est point fach6 contre M. Necker, mais qu'il a voulu le punir de lui avoir d^sobei. On rend justice a la probite du nouveau ministre, mais on dit que ce n'est pas I'homme dont on a besoin dans ce moment, et au milieu des fleuves d'or qu'il depend du roi de voir couler, et qui ' demeurent suspendus a leur source jusqu'au rappel de M. Necker. *^^ Written just on the outbreak of the Revolution. 191 Marten (Col. Henry) Parliamentary Officer and Regicide, L. s. folio, March 31s#, 1652, scarce, with portrait — Lisle (Lord) President of Cromwell's Council of State, L. s. 26 Feb. 1657 (2) 192 Mary I (Queen of England) Royal Sign Manual "Marye the Queue," on a document on vellum {mended), dated the first year of her reign, rare, with portrait 193 Mary II (Queen of England) Royal Sign Manual on an Order for the payment of various sums, folio, l^th October, 1691, countersigned by Sir Stephen Fox, Sydney Lord Godolphin, and others, portrait by Houbi'aken 194 Mather (Cotton) Pastor at Boston, opposed the despotic mea- sures of Charles II and James II in New England, A. L. s. Ijpp. folio, Boston, N. E., 10 Xber, 1720, to the Rev. J. Walrond, on the spread of heretical teaching, FINE AND RARE, with mezzotint portrait by P. Pelham I have lately transmitted some American sentiments unto our bretheren in London. But because I know not whether they may see a conveni- ence of the occasion to make use of them, and because I also know not what better to offer unto you on the present occasion, I have sent the same American sentiments unto your worthy neighbour Mr. Eveleigh, who will communicate them. 195 Mazarin (Cardinal) L. sub. and s. 2 pp. folio, Paris, 5^ Fevr. 1644, to the Landgravine of Hesse 196 Melancthon (Philip) German Reformer, d. 1560, A. L. s. in Latin, 2 pp. folio, dated 2 July, 1545, to L. Mangolin (?) of Niirnberg, fine letter in perfect condition 197 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Felix) Composer, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Dusseldo7if, 14 3fay, 1834, to Herr C. F. Peters of Leipzig, FINE LETTER, respecting some pianoforte music 198 Metastasio (Pietro) Italian Poet, b. 1698, d. 1782, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Vienna, 2 October, 1760 199 Meyerbeer (G.) Composer, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Berlin, 26/9/41, fine letter ; others of G. Verdi and M. W. Balfe (3) 200 Michael Angelo Buonarotti, Painter, Architect and Poet, A. L. s. Buonarotti, 1 p. folio, Parma, l^th August, 1506, with 3 portraits and a drawing attributed to him, FINE LETTER AND OF THE UTMOST RARITY ; translation follows : — Most illustrious and venerable my most respected Sir, My Alberto is now coming as a messenger sent to His Excellency on afiairs respecting Secotid Day 20, Lot 200^ontinued. which your Lordship will hear from himself. I wished with this letter to wait upon you and kiss your hands, and since I have begged my Alberto to refer to you some affairs on my behalf, I pray your Lordship to condescend to place in him the same confidence you would in me and, trusting entirely to his account, it is needless that I should say any more, for with this I finally kiss my hands anew and humbly recommend myself to your favour. 201 Middlesex (Lionel Cranfield Earl of) Lord High Treasurer, d. 1645, L. s. 1 p. 4to, Chelsea, 16 March, 1623; others with signatures of George Heriot, jeweller to James I and founder of Heriot's Hospital, rare ; Sir Dudley Carleton, Visct. Dorchester, Thomas Lord Coventry, Sir R. Naunton, etc., portraits 202 MONCEY (A.) Due de Conegliano, Marshal, L. s. with Auto. postscript, 30 Prairial, an xiii — Massena (A.) Prince d'Essling, Marshal, L. s. 2 pp. folio, 30 Floreal, an vii, portrait (2) 203 Montesquieu (C. de Secondat Baron de) Author of " L'Esprit des Lois," etc., L. s. ij pp. 4to, Bordeaux, 4 Juillet, 1752, to W. Warburton, with seal 204 Montmorency (Anne de) Constable of France, d. 1567, L. s. on vellum, obi. folio, 30 Mars, 1561 205 Moore (Sir John) General, fell at Coruna, A. L. s. 2j pp. 4to, Sandgate, 23 Novr. 1803, on the breaking up of a camp 206 MoREAU (J. V.) General, killed before Dresden, 1813, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Paris, 29 Germinal (1798); others of Admiral Eustache Bruix and General C. Malet (3) 207 MuLREADY Envelopes, complete with the flaps (2) 208 Napoleon I, Emperor, Signature "Buonaparte" and one line in his autograph, as General-in-chief of the Army of the Interior, Paris, 22 Brumaire, an iv, an early signature 209 Napoleon I, Signature "Buonaparte" on a Letter, folio, to General Duf resse, 1 9 Nivose, an iv, with portrait 210 Napoleon I, Signature "Bonaparte" on a Letter from General Moreau, 8vo, dated Paris, le 24 Brumaire, an ix 211 Napoleon I, Signature as First Consul to an Order on vellum, awarding a " fusil d'honneur " to a corporal for bravery at the Battle of Marengo, 4 Nivose, an viii, s. also by Berthier and Maret, with seal 212 Napoleon I, Autograph Directions and Signature "N" on a report addressed to the Emperor by the Minister of War, signed at Paris, December 19, 1812, portrait ^^"^ This very interesting document bears the signature of the Emperor Napoleon a few hours after his return to Paris, which took place on the night of the 18th December, 1812, from the disastrous Russian campaign. 21 Second Day 213 Napoleon III, Emperor, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Arenenherg, 18 Janv. 1836, his Visiting Card while at Arenenberg, and Signature and Letter from Prince Napoleon Bonaparte during the Crimean War (3) 214 Necker (Jacques) Minister of Finance to Louis XVI, L. s. 2 pp. folio, 17 Septemhre, 1779, to M. Berthier, with portrait 215 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, written with his right hand, Septr. 28tk, 1785, AN early letter while captain of the " Boreas " on the American station, where he was engaged in putting down illicit trading ; he writes that he has confi- dence in the home authorities supporting his action, with portrait Whatever civil prosecutions may be carried on against officers in the execution of their duty, ministers will afford them the protection they stand in need of. It is a great consolation to officers who mean to serve their country faithfully. 216 Nelson (Lord) A. L. s. 1 p. 4 to. Admiralty, Septr. 1th, 1805, to Vice Admiral Collingwood, written shortly before Tra- falgar My dear Coll : I shall be with you in a very few days, and I hope you will remain second in command. You will change the Dreadnought for Royal Sovereign, which I hope you will like. 217 Newman (J. H.) Cardinal, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, The Oratory, Feby. 7, 1867, mentioning Dr. Pusey — PusEY (Dr. E. B.) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, on the Law of Copyright (2) 218 Newton (Sir Isaac) Mathematician and Astronomer, Report s. addressed to the Commissioners of the Treasury respecting the Coinage, Mint, Novr. 23, 1717 — Flamsteed (J.) Astro- nomer, Certificate s. (2) 219 Ney (Marshal) Prince de Moskwa, L. s. ij PP- 4to, 20 Thermidor, an XTii, to General Dutaillis, interesting letter on military operations — Murat (Joachim) King of Naples, A. L. s. 1 p. folio, addressed to Oudinot a few days before the Battle of Austerlitz — Mortier (Marshal) L. s. folio, 3 Fructidor, an VIII (3) 220 North (Edward Lord) Statesman, one of the executors of Henry VIII, d. 1564, Doc. s. on vellum, obi. 4to, 8 Novr. 1559 221 North (Frederick Lord) Prime Minister during the American AVar of Independence, A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, Downing St., Deer, eth, 1774; others of Edward Lord Thurlow, Sir Horace Mann, Lord Camden and Sir John Fielding (the three last Signatures) (5) 222 O'Connell (Daniel) Irish Reformer, A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to, 12 April, 1838, to his daughter, interesting letter on family matters, mentions the Queen's Coronation — Shiel (R. L.) Irish Politician, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to (2) 223 Offenbach (J.) Composer, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo ; others of M. Jullien, the Composer and Conductor, and John Hattou (3) Second Day 22 224 Orleans (Charles Duke of) commanded at the Battle of Agin- court where he was taken prisoner by Henry Y, Signature to an Order on vellum, obi. folio, for raising money for his ransom (he was liberated in 1445), dated Blots, 19 Mars, 1450, with remains of seal, fine and rare; and another Document, dated 24 Mars, 1450 (2) 225 Orleans (Gaston, Duke of) third son of Henry IV of France, d. 1660, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 22 Septemhre, 1641, to the French Chancellor, fine letter, with seals, portrait 226 Paganini (N.) Violinist, A. L. s. 1 p. oblong 8vo, Edinburgh, 18 November, 1831, scarce; others of Lablache, Puzzi and Persiani (4) 227 Payne (Roger) Bookbinder, Epigram in his autograph s. 1 p. folio : " Subject The Honble. Charles Fox destresset by Sherifs Officers and his Book to be sold by Auctioneers and on His giving an ancient (Iluminated) Edition of Macrobius to A. Storer, Esq.," A very rare AUTOGRAPH, with scarce portrait of him in his bindei-y 228 Pepys (Samuel) Diarist, L. s. 1 p. folio, Derby House, 2ith Jany. 1673, to the Commissioners of the Navy, with the RARE portrait BY R. WhITE 229 Perceval (Spencer) Prime Minister, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, May 22, 1807 ; A. L. 3rd person, 1 p. 4to, and Signature of J. Bel- lingham (his assassin) to a printed petition, engraviyig of his assassination by Cruikshank (3) 230 Philip II (King of Spain) L. s. 1 p. folio, Madrid, 16 June, 1579, countersigned by Demretieres 231 Piozzi (Mrs. H. L.) A. L. s. ij pp. 4to, Penzance, 22 Octr. 1820, to Alfred Bunn, contains an interesting recollection of David Garrick's acting and her opinion of Scott's "Ivanhoe," with the following postscript : no Company here, no Books, no Conversation. I wait my Bill and Ticket with Impatience. 232 Pitt (Right Hon. Wm.) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Downing Street, March 1st, 1785 — Fox (Charles James) A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Sunday Night {no year), with portraits (2) 233 Pope (Alexander) Poet, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Sept. 26, 1740, to the son of his great friend Dr. Arbuthnot ; he is very con- cerned about the ill-health of Mrs. Arbuthnot, whom he has lately seen, and warns her son on her precarious condition 234 PoRSON (Kichard) Greek Scholar, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, to Perry, editor of the "Morning Chronicle," Trin. Coll., 30 May, 1801 — More (Hannah) A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Cowslip Green, 28 Oct. 1799 ; others of Lindley Murray, scarce, and J. Lempriere (4) 235 Portsmouth (Louise de Querouaille, Duchess of) Mistress of Charles II, Doc. s. 2j pp. folio, while domiciled in Paris, 26 Aoust, 1714, with other Signatures ; and another Document relating to her, portrait (2) 23 Second Day 236 Pride (Colonel) Parliamentary Officer, who "purged" the House of Commons of the Koyalist Members, Doc. s. folio, an Abstract of issues made to the Fleet between 1st October, 1653, and 24th May, 1654, a very rare signature 237 Printers and Publishers. Letters of W. Bulmer, J. Lackington, T. Macklin, W. Upcott, A. Constable, Galignani, etc. (7) 238 Kadcliffe (Dr. John) Physician to Q. Anne, signature on a Statement of Accounts, Aug. 5, 1695 — Signatures of Sir Hans Sloane, Dr. Richard Mead and others, on the Report of an official visit to the Greenwich Observatory, March 13 1714 (2) 239 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) P.R.A., Painter, A. L. s. ij pp. 8vo, to Liston, the actor, with 2 portraits I saw your "Bottom" last night I think your Pyramus Dress might be much improv'd — could you see yourself in the Front, you would see that the Dress isn't half grotesque or marking enough — you should have a Roman Helmet & a large shield — certainly the latter — because when you are at Theseus's feet and he orders you to rise you may throw the shield over your head a la Falstaff. 240 Rich (John) Actor and Manager, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, May 20th, 1723, addressed to Wilks, Booth and Cibber: "Sirs/ You are desir'd to take notice that Mr. Chapman and Mr. Merrival are entertain'd as Actors at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's Inn Fields." — Two curious Bills, one a " Property Bill," the other "Mad. Oldfield's Bill," ^ber 10, 1714, each signed by Colley Cibber, R. Wilks and Barton Booth (3) 241 Richelieu (A. J. de Plessis, Cardinal de) Doc. s. on vellum, obi. folio, dated 8 Septembre, 1628, with portrait 242 Robespierre (Maximilian) Revolutionary, Signature on a " Commission," 28 Prairial, an II, s. also by Carnot, C. A. Prieur and Billaud-Varennes, for providing the Army of the Mozelle with certain stores 243 Rochester (Lawrence Hyde, Earl of) Statesman, A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, May ye Vdth, 1701, to the Justices of Ireland, an im- portant HISTORICAL letter respecting the assistance to be given to the States-General and the transport of regiments from Ireland — HALIFAX (C. Montague, Earl of) Signature to a Bill, portrait (2) 244 Rodney (G. Brydges, Lord) Admiral, Signature to an Appoint- ment, others of Admiral Lord Gambler, Richard Earl Hood (2), and Samuel Viscount Hood (5) 245 RoOKE (Sir George) Admiral, L. s. 26 April, 1696, to the Navy Board — Shovell (Sir Cloudesley) Signature to a Demand for Gunners' Stores on board the "Roebuck," June \lth, 1705, s, also by Captain T. Kempthorn (2) Second Day 24 246 Rousseau (J. J.) French Author, A. L. s. ij pp. ito, Wootton le 2 Mars, 1767, an interesting letter written while he was domiciled in England, respecting the disposal of his books and engravings, complains of ill-health, etc. L'^tat ou vous avez trouve mes livres me fait sentir k quels embarras je vous ai expos6. Vous m'obligerez beaueoup si vous voulliez bien prendre M. Louis ou un autre pour les assortir et lui payer sa vacation sur le produit des livres. 247 ROAVE (Mrs. Elizabeth) Poetess, d. 1737, A. L. 1 p. 4to {un- dated), to her brother Theodore Rowe — A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, July 23, on the death of Lady Scudamore, portrait — Mel- MOTH (W.) Author, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, portrait (3) 248 Rupert (Prince) Nephew of Charles I, L. s. 1 p. folio, 29#/^ Aprill, 1673, to Captain Haddock (afterwards Sir Richard), ordering him to set sail in the " Royal Q\iqx\q^," poi^trait 249 RusKiN (J.) Art Critic, A. L. s. 1 p. Svo, "The Claude items are now first-rate, quite delightful," others of Canon Kings- ley, Prof. Groldwin Smith, and Dean Ramsay (4) 250 Sacheverell (Henry) Political Preacher, A. L. (signature torn off), 1 p. folio, Oj:on. June itli, 1709 — Signature "Henr. Sacheverell e Coll. Magd. Oxon." from the fly-leaf of a book, portrait, A rare signature (2) 251 Sadleir (Sir Ralph) Statesmen under Henry VIII and Elizabeth, his "Letters and Negociations," published by Sir W. Scott, Doc. s. on vellum, conveying the Rectory of Buttsbury, Co. Essex, to Sir Wm. Petre, 1540 252 Sainte Thecle (La Soeur Agnes de) Aunt of the dramatist Racine, Abbess at Port Royal, Doc. s. on vellum, 23 Fevrier, 1682, with seal 253 Sandwich (E. Montagu, Earl of) Naval Commander, killed in South wold Bay, L. s. 1 p. folio, March '2nd, 1656, s. also by T. Widdrington — Lawson (Sir John) Admiral, L. s. 1 p. folio, ''Fairfax," '2nd July, 1654 (2) 254 Santerre (a. J.) Commander of the National Guard, presided at the execution of Louis XVI, L. s. folio, 1 Septembre, 1792— The "Journal du Soir," from 20th Jan. 1793, con- taining notices of the King's last words before his execution (2) 255 Saxe (Marshal) Victor at Fontenoy, Signature to a list of Officers, Dresden, 7 May, 1727, with seal — Monteouculi (R. de) General, d. 1681, L. s. folio, 16 May, 1636 (2) 256 Schiller (J. F. C. von) German Poet, A. L. s. 1 full p. 4to, Jena, 28 Januar, 1791, fine letter, to Goeschen, whom he addresses as " liebster freund," with portrait 257 Schonberg (Frederick, Duke of) General, killed at the Battle of the Boyne, 1790, L. s. 3 pp. 4to, Paris, 2 Decembre, 1668, to the Earl of Lauderdale, fine letter, on the state of affairs between England and France, etc. with silks and seals 27 Second Day 277 Strafford (T. Wentworth, Earl of) Statesman, executed 1641, L. s. 1 p. folio, Dublin Castle, 8tk 3Iarc/i, 1635, to the Earl of Leicester, important letter on his intended JOURNEY TO England, tvitk portrait Itt will not be many dayes after the receat of these letters, that I am by his Ma*^ gratious leave, to waite upon him in England, soe as I shall have full leisure to discourse with yo'" Lo^p upon those two pointes mentioned in youres of the eight of January. Considering then the instant trouble of my journey now upon mee, I humbly beseech you to exspect the delivery of my opinion therein, till I may have the honor to attend you myself. 278 Suffolk (T. Howard, first Earl of) Lord High Treasurer, d. 1626, L. s. folio, 9 June, 1604, with portrait and seal — Privy Council Letter, ordering the payment of troops in Ireland, signed by the Earls of Devonshire, Shrewsbury and Suffolk, Sir Robert Cecil, Baron Buckhurst, and numerous others, 24 July, 1603 (2) 279 Suffolk (T. Howard, first Earl of) Signature to Bill of Charges for attendance on the Danish Ambassador, s. also by Sir L. Lewkenor, 31 March, 1612 — Knolly^s (William Lord) L. s. folio, 28 March, 1607 (2) 280 Swift (Jonathan) Dean of St. Patrick's, A. L. s. ijpp. 8vo, Deanery House, June \st, 1737, rare, with portrait My Lord / I have been a long time, and still continue so perpetually tormented with deafness and giddyness, that I am not fit for any com- pany or conversation, and this disorder hath made it impossible for me to wait on your Grace ; But a late incident, I mean the death of Dr. Drury, hath forced me as Dean of the Cathedrall, where he had a Prebend to recommend a successor to whom you have shewn some favour, I mean Mr. King of St. Bride's, who is now only a nominall Prebend''^ and is a very worthy usefull clergyman, without any reproach, and as well principled in point of loyalty and good notions as your Grace can desire. 281 Tallien (J. L.) President of the Convention, Signature on a "Commission des Armes," 29 Thermidor, an II, with other signatures, and another ' Commission," s. by Belland-Yar- ennes and B. Barere (2) 282 Talma (F. J.) French Tragedian, A. L. s. 1 p. folio, to the Minister of the Interior, sending him a list of plays, fine portrait — Mars (Mdlle.) French Actress, A. L. s. 2 pp. 8vo, scarce (2) 283 Tenison (T.) Archbishop of Canterbury, Certificate s. when Vicar of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 6 Dec. 1688, scarce — . TiLLOTSON (J.) Archbishop of Canterbury, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Oct. X'^th, 1688, tvith portrait (2) 284 Tennyson (Alfred Lord) Poet, A. L. s. 1 p. 12mo, Bexley Hall, Maidstone, March 12th, a nice little specimen You may have heard that desperate of having my cold cured in the great city, I have fled into Kent. I left the Concordance you gave me: do not think that I slight the gift, but keep it for me till I call again. 285 Theatrical. Inchbald (Mrs.) A. L. s. 3 pp, 4to, llth October, 1801, to Mrs. Siddons, and Four Accounts of Takings at her benefits ; also Letters from Jane Powell and Chas. Macklin, and Two Programmes, one on satin (9) Second Day 28 286 THEATRICA.L. Letters from Fanny, Adelaide and Priscilla Kemble ; others of Mrs. Mountain and F. G. Waldron, portrait (8) 287 Theatrical. Betty (Henry) the Infant Roscius, A. L. s. 3 pp. 8vo ; others of R. W. EUiston (2), and Two Signatures, portrait (5) 288 Theatrical. Kelly (Miss F. M.) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, to R. W. Elliston, two portraits \ others of Harriet Mellon, Duchess of St. Albans, and Miss Macaulay (5) 289 Theatrical, including C. M. Young, S. T. Russell, John O'Keefe, W. Dowton, J. Munden, and J. Fawcett, portrait and programme on satin (8) 290 Theatrical. Letters of Charles Mathews, F. H. Yates (2), J. AVallack, T. P. Cooke, Mrs. Ongar and Maria Foote, Countess of Harrington, portraits (9) 291 Theatrical. Letters of W. C. Macready (3), G. Bartley, Louisa Nesbitt, portrait, Henrietta Waylett, Tyrone Power, W. MoncriefF and B. Wrench (9) 292 Theatrical, including Helen Faucit (Lady Martin), with por- trait^ John Liston, Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Glover, portrait, W. Farren, Taglioni the Danseuse, and others (13) 293 Theatrical, including J. Emery, Benjamin Webster, R. Keeley, C. Fechter, Mme. Rachel, etc. (16) 294 Theatrical, including C. J. Mathews, Fanny Stirling, T. E. Sothern, J. B. Buckstone, E. Falconer and others (13) 295 Theatrical. Letters of J. L. Toole, H. Vezin, Dejazet, E. Stirling, A. Wigan, Mrs. Bancroft, etc. (7) 296 Thiers (A.) French Statesman, L. s. 10 Septembre, 1835 ; others of Marshal Canrobert, A. Fould, Comte de Monta- lembert. Marshals Excelmans and Pelissier, Jules Favre, and others (10) 297 Thoresby (Ralph) Antiquary, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Leeds, 16 3Iai/, 1711 — Strype (J.) Certificate s. when Vicar of Low Leyton, Essex, portraits (2) 298 Thurloe (John) Secretary of State to Cromwell, L. s. 1 p. folio, 25tk February^ 1652, s. also by the Earl of Salisbury, p>or- trait 299 Turenne (Marshal) French Commander, killed at Salzbach, 1675, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, 23 Juin, 1643, fine letter ivith seals, portrait 300 TuRGOT (A. R. J.) Minister under Louis XVI, L. s. ij pp. 4to, Paris, 8 Octobre, 1763 — Soubise (C. de Rohan, Prince de) A. L. s. 2jpp. 4to, 30 Octobre, 1771 (2) 301 Turner (J. M. W., i?.^.) Painter, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Friday morning {no year), to W. Pickersgill, scarce Sorry to say I am engaged out of town to-day, so I must be put down on the Black List instead of the Brown Sherry. 29 Second Day 302 Vane (Sir Heiirj') the Younger, Parliamentarian, Governor of Massachusetts, L. s. folio, \^ May, 1652, s. also by Lord Grey of Groby, the Regicide, Sir H. Mildmay and others — WiLLOUGHBY (Lord Francis) of Parham, Commonwealth Admiral, drowned 1666, L. s. 1 p. folio, Portsmouth, May 23, 1853, to the Commissioners of the Navy, ivith seal (2) 303 Van Tromp (Marten H.) Dutch Admiral, killed 1653, L. s. 1 p. oblong folio, 12 June, 1647, with seal, scarce 304 Vernet (Horace) French Artist, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, Paris, 24 Mars, 1815, with portrait 305 ViLLENEUVE (P. C.) French Admiral at Trafalgar, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Toulon, 11 Brumaire, an 13 — Ganteaume (Admiral) Commander at the Battle of Aboukir, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, 6i)/a7-5, 1793 (2) 306 VoLTA (A.) Inventor of the Voltaic Pile, L. s. Milano 2, %re, 1781_Davy (Sir H.) Long A. L. s.—D ALTON (J.) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to (3) 307 Voltaire (F. M. Arouet de) A. L. s. 3 pp. 4to, aux Delices, 10 x^- 1760, to M. Heron, who has written some notes on the first page in view of answering the letter, which commences : J'obeis a vos ordres avee autant de reconnaissance que de joye. J' ay I'honneur de vous envoier ma requete contenant ma declaration que je renonce a la haute justice De la Perriere, qu'elle appartient au Roy et que I'amande prononc6e en ma faveur ne m'appartient pas. 308 Wager (Sir Charles) Naval Commander, d. 1743, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, Admiralty, 22>rd June, 1731, interesting letter on saluting the Spanish flag — Anson (George Lord) L. s. folio, 2^July,\li^ (2) 309 AValker (Clement) Author of "History of Independency," committed by Cromwell to the Tower, Signature to Ex- chequer Warrant, i June, 1648; others of Walter Strick- land and Wm. Lord Saye and Sele, portrait (3) 310 Waller (Sir Hardress) Judge on the Trial of Charles I, Order s, 1 p. folio, November 16, 1648, to Col. R. Bennett for the disposition of the Parliamentary Forces in the Counties of Devon and Cornwall, and three other interesting Civil War Letters with Signatures of the Earls of Manchester, Warwick, Northumberland and Pembroke, Sir H. Mildmay and nu- merous others, portrait (4) 311 Walpole (Horace) Earl of Orford, Virtuoso, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Strawberry Hill, Aug. 27, 1792, interesting: " I am ex- ceedingly flattered by your kind attention to Miss Berry, and I assure you she is so to, tho' she will not allow that she has any title to such a distinction." — A. L. 3rd person, J p. 4to, to Mr. Malone, thanking him for Mr. Jephson's poem, Straw- berry Hill, July 28, 1794, portrait (2) 312 Walpole (Sir Robert) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, June 11, 1719, rare as a holograph, imth proof portrait — Pelham (T.) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to ; and three others (5) Second Day 30 313 Washington (George) L. s. 1 p. folio, United States, Sept. list, 1789, to His Excellency Samuel Huntingdon, transmitting to him An Act to suspend part of an Act, entitled ' ' An Act to regulate the collection of the duties imposed by Law on the Tonnage of Ships and Vessels, and on Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes imported into the United States." 314 Watt (James) Engineer, A. L. s. "Boulton & Watt," 1 p. 4to, Birmingham, Sept. 19, 1791 ; others of Thos. Telford, with proof portrait, R. Stephenson and Sir W. Armstrong (4) 315 Weber (C. M. von) Composer, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Dresden, 24 Febr. 1825— Cherubini (L.) L. s. 1 p. folio, Paris, 8 Octo- hre,\%^Q, portrait (2) 316 Wellington (Duke of) Two A. L. s., A. L. 3rd person, and Signature of Sir T. Picton (4) 317 Wesley (John) Founder of Wesleyan Methodism, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, IZrd Oct. 1749, to R. Davenport of Wotton, Derbyshire, who assisted J. J. Rousseau, sending him some tracts, and thus concluding his letter : May I request One thing of you, Sir ? Do not speak evil of Jesus Christ. You may some time stand in need of him. And if you should (I can say from a very little experience) you will find him the Best Friend in Heaven or Earth. 318 AVhitgift (John) Archbishop of Canterbury, Signature on a Privy Council Letter, November 30, 1601, to the Lord High Treasurer, ordering the embarkation for L^eland of 150 men raised in the County of Lancaster, ivith numerous other signatures 319 Wilkes (John) Politician, published " The North Briton," A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, May 9, 11 SS, portrait, etc. ; two Signatures of Brass Crosby, and A. L. s. from the Hon. C. Yorke (4) 320 Wilkinson (Tate) Actor, Manager of the York Circuit, A. L. s. 2 pp. 4to, April 6, 1778, to Mrs. Inchbald ; others of G. Mattocks, W. Digges, and "Gentleman" Smith (4) 321 William HI (King of England) Royal Sign Manual to a Warrant for a Commission to Alex. Brand to be Steward of Orkney and Zetland, Feb. 28, 1693-4, signed by Tweedale, Linlithgow, and other Scottish Peers — Royal Sign Manual to a Commission, on vellum, Oct. 4, 1693, with seal (2) 322 William IV (King of England) A. L. s. 4 pp. 4to., Btishey House {no year) — Royal Sign Manual on Order for the discharge of L. Burton from Ilchester Gaol, portrait — Victoria (Queen) Royal Sign Manual to a Royal Letter Patent (3) 323 WiNWOOD (Sir Ralph) Secretary of State, procured release of Sir Walter Raleigh, A. L. s. in Latin, 2 pp. folio, July 25, and one other, with portrait (2) 324 Woodfall (H. S.) Publisher of the "Letters of Junius," A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, to G. Steevens, scarce — Woodfall (W.) Brother of the preceding, A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, March 5, 1777 (2) 31 Second Day 325 Wordsworth (W.) Poet, A. L. s. 1 p. 8vo, to Mr. Mackenzie — Southey (K) A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, Keswick, Sept, 21, 1811 (2) 326 WoTTON (Nicholas) Statesman and Divine, negociated the marriage of Henry VIII with Anne of Cleves, d. 1566, L. s. in French, 2 pp. folio, Mai 28, 1547, to M. de Sassy, fine letter, written while ambassador in France 327 "VVydeville (Richard) or Woodville, 1st Earl Rivers, father of Elizabeth Woodville Queen of Edward IV, executed at Kenil worth 1469, Signature to a Receipt on vellum from the Receiver General of Normandy for £1050 17s. 7d. for the wages of his company in the service of K. Henry VI, July 15, 1442, fine and extremely b,aris,, portrait of his daughter 328 York (Richard Plantagenet Duke of) Father of Edward IV and Richard III, slain at Wakefield 1460, Sign Manual to a Warrant on vellum for payment of forty livres Tournois for the salary of a trumpeter, Hunsdon, xxviiijour de Juillet, 1446, with part of seal, fine and extremely rare, poi'trait 329 Young (Rev. Edward) Author of " Night Thoughts," A. L. s. 1 p. 4to, August 12, 1754, CURIOUS and interesting LETTER, addressed to S. Richardson respecting the figure of a centaur in the dedication of his book ; with A. L. s. from Richardson, dated August 14, on the reverse in reply to this letter and an Auto. Bill of Richardson's for printing Young's " Night Thoughts " and " Centaur " (2) 330 Authors, Poets, Antiquaries, Scientists, etc. A large Collection neatly arranged in 2 folio albums, with biogi^aphies and some portraits, including Adam Ferguson, J. S. Mill, Professor Max Miiller, W. Robertson, J. Caulfield, T. Tanner, T. Pennant, R. Gough, J. Nichols, Joanna Baillie, J. S. Knowles, E. Scribe, W. Whitehead, Dr. J. War- ton, Maria Edgeworth, T. Percy Bishop of Dromore, Amelia Opie, Anna Seward, Jane Porter, S. Rogers, T. Campbell, Chateaubriand, Beranger, T. Moore with Auto. Song and Music, Lord Lytton, Albert Smith, Dr. S. Parr, A. Kippis, Dr. Dibdin, Rev. Sydney Smith, W. Hone, Count D'Orsay, Mark Lemon, W. Blackwood, G. Belzoni, T. Clarkson, Gilbert Burns (brother of Robert), Rajah Brooke, Baron Denon, and numerous others 331 Artists, Musical Composers, and Singers. An interesting Collection with biog?'aphies and portraits, in a folio album, including J. Barry, A. Canova, H. Fuseli, Sir D. Wilkie;10 early Admission Tickets to the R. A. Lectures, signed by R. Cosway, Northcote, Nollekens, J. S. Copley, and others ; B. R. Haydon, with sketches ; W. Etty, with studies ; S. Prout, A. W. Pugin, J. Gibson, Copley Fielding, Lord Leighton, Sir H. R. Bishop, S. Thalberg, J. Braham, A. Catalani, J. Bannister, Mario, Grisi, Roger, H. Phillips, T. Tietjens, Sims Reeves, and others Second Day 32 332 Naval, Military, Scientific, Medical, and other Cele- brities. A similar Collection, with biographies and port7'aits, folio, including E. Boscawen, Visct. Keppel, Sir H. Parker, Earl St. Vincent, Sir Sidney Smith, Visct. Keith, Sir J. Eoss, Marshal Wade, Lord Heathfield, Marquis of Anglesey, Lord Clyde, Sir D. Brewster, Baron Berzelius, M. Faraday, J. Tyndall, Dr. W. Cullen, and numerous others 333 Statesmen and Politicians. A similar Collection, with biographies and portraits, folio, including Letters, etc. of John Duke of Argyll, H. St. John Visct. Bolingbroke, Sir E. Walpole, Bishop Sherlock, G. Bubb Dodington, Earl of Chesterfield, Earl of Bute, Earl Camden, Lord North, Duke of Grafton, Earl of Mansfield, J. Home Tooke, Marquis Wellesley, W. Cobbett, W. Wilberforce, Lord Erskine, Visct. Castlereagh, G. Canning, Sir E. Peel, Lord J. Eussell, Earl of Derby, and others 334 Three Guard-Books, containing blank leaves, folio (3) end of sale. Dryden Press : J. Davy & Sons, 8-9, Frith-street, Soho-square, W.