m m rn rn r 2! I o (P o (P UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES University of California Berkeley REGULATIONS CONCERNING PERFORMANCES IN THE GREEK THEATRE ADOPTED BY THE GREEK THEATRE COMMITTEE, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. The entire control of the use of the Greek Theatre for dramatic and musical purposes and for "rallies," save for the Senior Extravaganza, the Freshman Rally, and the Football Rally, having been vested in the Greek Theatre Committee by act of the President of the University, the committee adopts the following regulations for its guidance. I. The chairman of the committee, with the consent of a majority of the members, may arrange for the production of dramatic and musical works by professional performers. Only performances, by artists or companies of recognized standing, of works considered to have educational value and to be adapted for production in the Greek Theatre shall be permitted. Whenever possible, such performances are to be undertaken upon a percentage basis. II. As the Sunday "Half -hours of Music" are given by artists who serve the University, on these occasions, without charge, admission to these concerts shall be free. In case of inclement weather the Half-hour of Music shall not be given. III. Organizations not connected with the University may give musical and dramatic entertainments in the Greek Theatre only with the unanimous consent of the committee, following one month's notice, the conditions of presentation for each such production to be determined by the committee. IV. The English Club is permitted the use of the Theatre for one dramatic performance each semester, the date of which shall be set by the committee, provided the play be given, the coach to be engaged, the stage plan to be adopted, and the advertising to be contracted for meet the approval of the committee, and provided the try-outs shall be conducted under the supervision of the authorized coach in such a manner as to satisfy the committee that partici- pation in the plays is open to all students of the University without favor. The Greek Theatre Committee shall control the financial management ; all purchases must be authorized and bills passed by it; and all profits shall pass into the University Dramatic Fund, from which all losses shall be paid. The name of the play to be presented must be sub- mitted to the committee one week before the end of the semester preceding that in which it is purposed that th& performance shall take place. V. Other student organizations shall have the same right to present amateur dramatic and musical productions in the Greek Theatre subject to the several conditions above stated. Departments of the University may present ama- teur dramatic and musical productions under the same conditions, or may assume the entire financial control and risk. VI. No advertisements, save notices of performances under the management of the committee, shall be permitted on the programme of any entertainment given in the Greek Theatre. VII. The finances of the committee shall be operated under four funds : The Symphony Fund, the Choral Fund, the University Dramatic Fund, and the Greek Theatre Fund. The Symphony Fund is established by guarantee, and the means for the maintenance of symphony concerts shall be derived solely from such guarantee and from the income of said concerts. Money is not to be transferred from the other specified funds to the Symphony Fund. The Choral Fund is established by guarantee or by specific appropriation by the University, and the means for the maintenance of choral productions with orchestra shall be derived solely from such guarantee or appropriation and from the income of the productions. Money is not to be transferred from the other specified funds to the Choral Fund. The University Dramatic Fund is to contain the moneys derived from student dramatic productions and by direct appropriation by the committee, and such funds are to be conserved strictly for the purposes of student dramatic performances. The Greek Theatre Fund is to contain all other moneys Beyond those above specified. From this fund the committee will maintain the equipment of the Greek Theatre, and con- duct the professional musical and dramatic productions that may be given therein. Money may be voted from this fund to the Library and to the University Dramatic Fund. ALONZO E. TAYLOR, Chairman. WILLIAM DALLAM ABMES, H. MORSE STEPHENS, CHAUNCEY W. WELLS. Advisory Members: J. FRED. WOLLE, CHARLES D. VON NEUMAYER. PORTER GARNETT, Secretary. Approved : BENJ. I. WHEELER. January 31, 1908. T t f