^ THE OF MAINE. MEETIflG-HOlJSE. P/\f^isH LINE. TH REE SPOT TED L# L0T5 26,27.28, ' 30,31.32,33.59, 46,47,48,49.52, 34,53,56.57, 59,60,71,72 74, 73, \ 78 giVeN tot^e F\S7 Settlef^s. M 1 N OT AUBURN / HISTORY TURNER, MAINE FROM ITS SETTLEMENT TO 1886 By REV. ^W. R. B^RENCH, 33. ID. ILLUSTRATED PORTLAND, MAINE HOYT, FOGG & DONHAM 1887 T^ F7 ILLUSTRATIONS. Plan of Turner frontispiece The First Meeting-house 35 House where Hon . Eugene Hale was born ... 83 Portrait of Hon. Eugene Hale 85 Mr. Keene's Chair Factory and Hotel .... 91 Mrs. Irish's Hotel 169 iv;i?S871 CONTENTS. PAGE The "Propriety" 1 Karnes of the Proprietors 5 Mills Built 22 Settlers in 1779 30 Meeting-house Built 35 Rev. John Strickland Settled 38 Town Incorporated 40 Family Sketches 41 Location of the Early Settlers 66 Turner Tillage 74 Turner Center 83 North Turner 88 Keen's Mills 91 Chase's Mills 93 North Turner 95 North Turner Bridge 98 Surface, Soil, and Products 100 North Turner Cheese Factory 103 Turner Center Dairying Association 103 Post-oflSces and Mail Routes 105 Congregational Parish 110 The Baptist Society 118 The Universalist Parish . • 125 The Methodist Church 137 Meeting-houses 138 Ministerial and School Funds 140 Marriages Solemnized by Rev. John Strickland . . 159 Marriages Solemnized by Ichabod Bonney, Esq. . . 163 VI CONTENTS. Taverns 166 Schools 169 Physicians 171 Lawyers 178 The First Organ 180 Turner Grange, No. 23, Patrons of Husbandry . . 181 Masonic Organizations 182 Odd Fellows 185 Temperance Organizations 185 Cemeteries . . 186 War Eecord. Soldiers in the Kevolution .... 195 War of 1812 196 The Aroostook War 197 War of the Kebellion 199 Annals 206 The Centennial Celebration 259 The Procession . 295 Address of Welcome. Dr. J. T. Cushing . . . 264 Centennial Poem. Mrs. Caroline W. D. Rich . . . 268 Hon. Washington Gilbert's Address .... 279 Judge Wilson's Address 293 Hon. E. B. Washburn's Address 299 Speech of Ex-Governor Merrill of Iowa .... 301 " Clarence Hale, Esq 305 " Col. F. M. Drew 307 " Dr. Kendall Kewhall 308 " Orin Bearce, Esq., of Missouri . . . 308 " Solon Chase, Esq 310 " Daniel Lara, Esq 311 " Hon. Rufus Prince 312 The Great Stone Mortar 312 PREFACE. 2^(5^^ This work was undertaken by the urgent solicitation of others, knowing something of the diflBculties that must be encountered, and of the tax upon the time and strength which were all needed for other labors. But it seemed desirable that the history of the town should be written, as the celebration of its Centennial would awaken a special interest in it; and as no other came to mind who could conveniently attend to it, the work was reluctantly undertaken. Dr. Timothy Howe wrote a history of the town, which he left in manuscript; this has furnished much valuable information which it would be diflBicult, if not impossible, to gain now. The writer of this has been largely indebted to him, and wishes to make suitable acknowledgments. The records of the Proprietors of the Township have been carefully consulted, as also the Records of the Town from the date of its incorporation, and the Records and Papers in the State House, Boston. Items of information have been gleaned from histories of towns, and other publications; and several elderly people have contributed from the stores of memory, items of interest which have added VIII PREFACE. value to these pages. Some facts have been learned by corres- pondence with people in other towns, and no available source of infoi-mation known to the author has been neglected, in hope of thus making the history as complete and reliable as possible. An effort has been made to condense the history into the compass of a small volume, which could be furnished at a moderate cost; and no illustrations have been employed except the plan of the town and such as have been furnished by interested parties, since, though adding to the interest, they would add much to the ex- pense. Great changes have been wrought since our fathers made for themselves homes in the wilderness, where we now dwell in the midst of comforts which were denied to them; and instruction and benefit may be gained by looking upon them, and noting their manner of life in those early times. The burden of labor in compiling this history has been lightened by the pleasure found in the more intimate acquaintance with the life, customs, and fortunes of the early settlers ; and the reward of effort will consist largely in adding to the enjoyment, pleasure, and information of the reader. TV. R. F. HISTORY OF TURNER. THE "PROPRIETY." The town of Turner lies on the left bank of the Androscoggin River, in about 44° 15' north latitude. It is bounded, southerly, by the city of Auburn and the town of Minot, five and a half miles ; westerly, by Hebron, Buckfield, and Hart- ford, ten miles and one hundred and eighty rods ; northerly, by Livermore, three miles and two hundred and fifty rods; and easterly, by the Andro- scoggin River. Leeds and Greene are adjoining towns on the right bank of the river. It originally constituted a part of Cumberland County, was afterward embraced in Oxford County, but, in 1842, became a part of Androscoggin County, which was at that time created out of several adjoining counties. The township was originally granted to the heirs and assigns of Captain Joseph Sylvester and his company, for military services, rendered in the invasion of Canada, under Sir William Phipps, in 1690. Mr. Dean, in his history of Scituate, gives this account of the Sylvester family : " Richard 2 HISTORY OF TURNER. Sylvester, the father of Captain Joseph, lived in Weymouth in 1633, where he acquired an unfortu- nate notoriety by espousing certain religious opin- ions too liberal for the age in which he lived. Mr. Robert Lenthal, his minister at Weymouth, advanced the sentiment, " that all baptized persons should be admitted to the communion without further trial." {Magnolia, /., 222,) This was a heresy, to be noticed by Government, and he was ordered to retract in presence of the General Court, with which order he complied. But Richard Syl- vester, who held the same sentiments, still adhered to his own opinion, and, in consequence of so doing, was fined and disfranchised by the Government. This put him upon removing from the colony, and he came to Scituate in 1642. Joseph, who was his third son, settled also in Scituate, and had a farm on Church Hill in 1664." Joseph Sylvester, of Cumberland County, Maine, married Lucy Wade in 1788. He lived at a place -called Front's Gore. Joseph commanded a company under the famous Colonel Church, in his eastern expedition against the Indians in 1689. The next year he raised a company, sixteen of which belonged to Scituate, and many of whom never returned, and joined in the enterprise undertaken by Sir William Phipps, against the French possessions of Port Royal and HISTORY OF TURNER. 3 Quebec. In this campaign, Israel Chittenden was his lieutenant, and John Stetson, ensign. This enterprise proved disastrous and fatal to the brave Captain Sylvester, and many of his men. The his- torian, before quoted, says of them : " Many nun- cupative wills were entered, and proved in the Pro- bate Court Plymouth County, and that among the number was that of Captain Sylvester himself. This will was proved by the testimony of three of his soldiers, Benjamin Stetson, John Perry, and William Perry, and reads thus : ' I give all my land at Hugh's Cross to my son Joseph ; the three younger sons to be provided for by their mother, out of my other property. Wife Mary to be exec- utrix.* " The records show also that Timothy Roggers was appointed to administer on the estate of Nathaniel Parker, who joined the Canada expe- dition of 1690. The widow, Mary, was appointed administratrix on the estate of her husband. Ensign John Stetson. Eliab Turner was appointed administrator on the estate of his brother, Lazarus Turner, who died in the same service. Moses Simmons, in his will, says : " Being bound to Canada as a soldier, in 1690, in case he shall never return," orders his property to be equally divided between his brothers; his brother John to be executor. He did not return, and his will was puly executed. 4 HISTORY OF TURNER. Samuel Bryant fell in the same expedition, and an inventory of his property was taken by William Perry and Samuel Stetson. Samuel Dwelly died also in this expedition, and an inventory of his property was taken by Jere- miah Hatch and Thomas Hyland. His father was administrator. Robert Sprout was another that did not return. These few names are rescued from oblivion. Mindful of this service, the General Court of Massachusetts granted a township of land to the heirs and assigns of Captain Sylvester and his company, situate, as supposed, in the Province of Maine; but, on running the line between Maine and New Hampshire, the township was found to be in the latter State. A petition was then presented by the parties interested, to the General Court for another township, on which action was taken as follows : — Province of Massachusetts Bay, In the House of Representatives, June 25, 1765. On the petition of James Warren and Joseph Joslyn Esqrs. and Mr. Charles Turner, Agents for the proprietors of a Town- ship granted to Capt. Joseph Sylvester and Company who served in the expedition against Canada in 1690, which town- ship was known by the name of Sylvester-Canada, and that the whole of said Township on running the line between this Province and New Hampshire, fell with the government of New Hampshire. HISTORY OF TURNER. 5 Resolved^ that in lieu thereof there be granted to the Petition- ers & the Legal Representatives or assigns of the said Joseph Sylvester and Company a Township of the Contents of seven miles square in the unappropriated Lands belonging to this Province. Provided that the Grantees within six years settle Thirty Families in said Town, build a house for publick worship, and settle a learned Protestant Minister, and lay out one sixty- fourth part of said town for the use of the first settled Minister, and one other sixty-fourth part for the Ministry, and one other sixty-fourth part for a Grammar School, and one sixty-fourth part for the use of Harvard College. Provided^ also the said Township be laid out in such a part of the unappropriated lands belonging to this Province adjoin- ing to some former Grants to the eastward of Saco River, and that they return a Plan thereof into the Secretary's office within twelve months from this day, for confirmation. In Council, June 25th, 1765. Read and Concurred. Con- sented to by the Governor. True Copy from the Records of the General Court. Vol. 20, Page 71. Attest. John Avery Jun., Secretary. The number of the original proprietors was sixty, and the names were as follows : — Joseph Atkinson, Samuel Bryant, Robert Buck, Nathaniel Bartlett, John Delano, Samuel Dwelly, Samuel Doughty, William Eaton, John Field, Eleazar Jackson, John Joyce, Cornelius Jones, John Kent, Joseph Knap, John Kingman, John Lambert, Arthor Low, Mark Lothrop, Edward Smith, Thomas Snell, Thomas Soper, John Silvester, Benjamin Sutten, Joseph Studley, Mathew Stetson, Samuel Sprague, Joseph Shelley, 6 HISTORY OF TURNER. Benjamin Gannett, Paul Guilford, James Glass, Joseph Goold, Samuel Hunt, James Howard, Thomas Hiland, Isaac Hanmer, James Harris, Nathaniel Harlow, Nathaniel Holmes, Gershom Marble, Thomas Morton, Samuel Pittifer, Joseph Prior, Robert Pheney, Nathaniel Parker, Elnathan Palmer, Peter Roach, John Reccords, Capt. Jos. Silvester, Edward Standley, James Snow, Moses Simmons, John Stetson, Stephen Totman, Lazarus Turner, Thomas Wild, Jabez Warren, Return Waite, Ebenezar White, Benony WoUy, John Wetherel. The proprietors selected and located the town- ship granted them by the General Court, and returned a plan thereof, as required. The town- ship, as located, was confirmed to them by the fol- lowing act : — Province of Massachusetts Bat, In the House of Representatives, June 2oth, 1768. Resolved^ that the within plan of a Township of the contents of Seven miles square, granted to James Warren Esqr. and others, Agents for the Proprietors of a Township called Sylvester Canada, formerly granted to Capt. Joseph Sylvester and Com- pany, which Township, by the late running the line between this Province and the Province of New Hampshire, fell within the bounds of the Government of New Hampshire, to them and their legal Representatives and Assigns, and by them laid out on the west side of Androscoggin River, bounded as follows. Viz — Beginning at a place in Androscoggin River called crooked Repels, six miles (as the River runs) above Androscoggin great falls, which is the easterly corner of Bakerstown so called, from thence running North Sixty Degrees West, in the North- HISTORY OF TURNER. 7 easterly line of said Bakerstown, five miles and a half, to the northerly corner thereof, then running North twenty-six Degrees East by Province Land Ten miles and i8o rods to a stake with stones about it, then running by Province land South Sixty Degrees east Three miles and 250 rods to a heap of Stones by said River, thence running Southerly by said River to the bounds first mentioned, be accepted and hereby is confirmed to the said Petitioners and the legal Representatives of the said Joseph Sylvester and company, their heirs and Assigns forever, they complying with the following condi- tions, Viz — The grantees within six years settle thirty families in said Town, build a house fit for public worship, and settle a learned protestant minister, and lay out one sixty-fourth part of said Town for the use of the first Settled minister, and one sixty-fourth part for the Ministry, and one sixty-fourth part for a grammar School in said Town, and one Sixty-fourth part for the use of Harvard College, in Cambridge. Provided the same doth not exceed the quantity of Seven miles square, (exclusive of three thousand and two hundred Acres allowance for Ponds therein contained) nor interfere with any former grant. In Council, June 20th 1768. Read and Concurred. Consented to by the Governor upon condition that there shall be Eighty-one families according to the engagement here- with written. The engagement is as follows : I do in behalf of the Proprietors of this Township engage that there shall be eighty-one settlers, being the proportion of Settlers agreeable to the size of this Township. Signed, James Warren. A true extract from the Records of the General Court. Vol. 21, Page 360-61. Attest : — John Avery Jun., Secretary. Having secured their township of land and located it, the proprietors now proceeded to lay out 8 HISTORY OF TURNER. lots, and to induce the required number of families to settle on their lands. In July, 1768, they called a meeting of the proprietors, to be held at Mrs. Ruth Turner's, innholder, in Hanover, on the 20th day of October, following. At this meeting, Hon. John Gushing was chosen moderator; Charles Tur- ner, proprietors' treasurer, and William Turner, clerk. It was voted " that each proprietor pay the sum of twenty shillings on each share to the treas- urer, on or before the third Tuesday in May, 1 769, for discharging the debts that are or may be due from the propriety." It was also voted that Colo- nel James Warren, Charles Turner, and David Little, Jun., be a standing committee, to transact the affairs of the propriety, settle accounts, adjust the debts that are or may be due from the propriety, and order payment of the same, and, agreeable to law, make sale of those proprietors' lands who are delinquent in paying their taxes ; to determine the number, quality, and situation of the settling lots, and about convenient roads ; and procure a plan of the same, to be lodged with the clerk as soon as may be." Roads were to be made, and proper inducements offered to settlers, else they would not leave comfortable homes to locate in a wilderness, where they would suffer many deprivations without compensating advantages. New Gloucester had already been settled, and its people were enjoy- HISTORY OF TURNER. 9 ing the comforts of life. But the^jp was no road through Bakerstown, now Auburn, in which there was a river to cross before reaching Sylvester-Can- ada, and the proprietors found it difficult to induce men to purchase the farms which they had to offer, or even to accept them without price. The com- mittee were, doubtless, active and energetic, yet little seems to have been accomplished for a con- siderable time. Meetings of the proprietors were called, and adjourned, without doing any important business, for the reason, doubtless, that it was diffi- cult to tell what it was best to do. At a meeting held in Pembroke, January 2, 1770, it was voted to raise a tax of thirty shillings on a share, to be paid to the treasurer, on or before the first day of Feb- ruary ensuing. In the summer of 1870 something was done toward making the necessary roads, it seems ; for, in August of that year, it was voted that "Major Joseph Josleyn, David Little, Jun., and Charles Turner be a committee to employ some suitable person or persons to repair very soon to the township and continue the road begun by Aaron Hinkley, Esq., to the limits of the township to Bakerstown, and, likewise, mark out a road from thence through Bakerstown." Meantime the proprietors were troubled by tres- passers coming up the Androscoggin River, in the winter time, and cutting valuable pine trees, which lO HISTORY OF TURNER. grew in abundance near the banks, and running them down the river in the spring. Hence, at a meeting held in Pembroke, October 23, 1770, "Hon. John Gushing, Esq., and Charles Turner were chosen a committee to prosecute all trespass- ers on said township." But the trespassers were bold and persistent ; they even cut hay on the meadows, and stacked it for the use of their teams in the winter. The proprietors, being equally per- sistent, chose a committee to burn their stacks of hay, and continue the prosecutions. At the meet- ing mentioned above, Hon. John Gushing and Gharles Turner were chosen a committee " to employ some suitable person or persons to clear out the road laid out from the meeting-house lot, in said township, to the line of said township, adjoin- ing Bakerstown." This must be the road now known as the Upper Street, leading by Mr. Bar- ren's, over Dillingham Hill, in Auburn, and through the village of North Auburn. The first tier of lots was laid out upon the Androscoggin River, beginning at the Auburn line, and extending northerly, making twenty lots in number. A second and third tier of lots, each con- taining the same number as the first, and lying side by side, were soon laid out, and a site selected for a meeting-house. It was at the line between lots numbered thirty-four and thirty-five, on the ledgy HISTORY OF TURNER. II hill just north of Mr. G. W. Blossom's present resi- dence. The proprietors, it seems, expected settlers would purchase lots, and make themselves homes in the wilderness, when roads were opened for their convenience. But in this they were disappointed. No one was disposed to locate in the township, and subject himself to the inconvenience and hardship of pioneer life, and expose himself to peril by living in the vicinity of Indian tribes, who might, at any time, become hostile. The relations also between the colonies and the mother country were becoming unfriendly, and Dr. Howe well says : " The storm of civil warfare was seen to be gathering over the country, and, in case of that event, the situation of frontier settlers in the backwoods, where they must be exposed to the invasions of wandering bands of hostile savages, was not at all inviting." The act granting the proprietors a township of land was passed in 1 768, on condition that thirty families were settled therein within six years, a meeting-house built, and a learned Protestant minister settled. A considerable portion of this time was already passed, and none of the above conditions had been complied with ; and it does not appear that there were any grounds for hope that the conditions would be com- plied with in seasonable time, unless greater induce- ments were held out to attract settlers to their lands. Wherefore, in January, 1 771, at an adjourned meet- ing, at Hanover, the following vote was passed : — 12 HISTORY OF TURNER. Whereas said Township remains unsettled, although there is a number of Lots laid out, and a Plan thereof returned to the Pro- prietor's Clerk, and whereas the time limited by the General Court for settling said Township is far elapsed ; and the Proprie- tors apprehending that by granting away to settlers some of the Lots laid out, to such persons as will perform the conditions ordered by the said court, the settling of said Township would be expedited : Wherefore the said Proprietors agree to grant to any person that inclines to go and settle said land, one of said Lots, already laid out and marked on said Plan, being about 125 acres, and so to every person that inclines to go, not exceeding the num- ber of 30, and that they shall choose their own Lots, any where in the three first tier of Lots on Androscoggin (or the great) river, taking one, or another, that is marked on said Plan, and make return to said Clerk, of the Lot so chosen, within six months from this time, and the Proprietors will confirm the same to each of said Settlers, they giving security to Mr. Charles Turner their Treasurer, for performing the conditions mentioned in the grant of said Township, as to clearing of land, and building a house : and further, if any of those 30 Settlers choose a lot that has no meadow in it, such settler shall have privilege to cut hay on any Proprietor's land, during the first five years, the 50th and 51st lots excepted, one for the Minister, the other for the Ministry, which are not to be included in the above 30 lots. And that Col. James Warren Esq, Joseph Josleyn Esq, Aaron Hinkley Esqr, Mr. Charles Turner and Mr. David Little Jun, be a committee to procure settlers upon the terms aforesaid, and forward the settlement of said Township. The gi£t of a lot, at the choice of the settler, together with certain other privileges, was supposed, no doubt, to be a sufficient inducement to incline HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 3 men to accept the gift ; but in this the proprietors were disappointed. Their meeting for business was adjourned from time to time, hoping, doubtless, that their committee would be successful in procuring settlers in the spring. There was, indeed, much to arouse effort to procure settlers, since the time allowed them for this purpose was fast slipping away, and, unless they should succeed in their efforts soon, they must suffer a considerable pecuniary loss. In August of 1 87 1, at an adjourned meeting, the fol- lowing vote was passed : — That Mr. Peleg Wadsworth be employed to go to the Township and lay out two other tier of Lots, in addition to the three already laid out, and Road lengthwise between them of four rods wide, and that any person inclining to settle there, on the terms proposed by vote of the Proprietors at their meeting the 8th day of January last, have liberty to choose one Lot not already taken up, any where in said 5 tiers, excepting the two Lots men- tioned in said Vote ; and likewise 8 other Lots containing the largest quantity of Meadow, and most suitable for Mills, to be pitched upon, and the numbers returned by Mr. Wadsworth to the Clerk as soon as may be ; and whereas the time for taking up Lots and making return to the Clerk mentioned in said Vote is elapsed, that the time be prolonged to the first day of May next : The Proprietors reserving roads of 2^ rods wide between any two Lots, where it may be convenient. Voted to give a bounty of Six Pounds to each settler, that shall take a Lot and build a house, and clear 5 acres of land, agree- able to the grant to the Proprietors, by the first day of Novem- ber, 1772. 14 HISTORY OF TURNER. Voted to appoint a person to go down the latter part of Sum- mer to see and assist the Committee of Bakers Town, in making a road from Bakers Mills, to the foot of Sylvester Town, also to see that they cut out the same. Voted to cut out the road between the second and third tier of Lots, a rgd wide, making it join the road through Bakers Town. These various inducements procured no settlers, and the forests of Sylvester remained unbroken. It was not only necessary to make generous offers to settlers, but also to see that a road was made for their convenience in getting to the township. A farm, however desirable in itself, which could be reached only by following spotted trees for miles through a dense forest, would have few attractions to most men. Hence, the proprietors were as earnest in their efforts to secure a road through Bakerstown, now Auburn, as in their own township. At a meeting holden April 15, 1772, it was Voted^ That the time for taking settling Lots, and making returns, be lengthened out till the first of September next. Voted to appoint an agent to make application to the next Sessions at Falmouth to get or procure a road laid out from Little Androscoggin River to Sylvester Town. We may infer from this vote that the people or proprietors of Bakerstown took no interest in the road through their township to Sylvester, and were not inclined to make one for the accommodation of HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 5 their neighbors. As a further inducement for men to settle in Sylvester, the following votes were passed at this meeting : — That any person that inclines to take a Mill Lot and one set- tling Lot, and will give security to Mr. Charles Turner, Proprie- tor's Treasurer, by the first of January next, to build a Saw Mill fit to saw boards, and two years from the first of January next a Gristmill fit for grinding meal, shall have said two Lots con- firmed unto him by the Proprietors, he doing the duty of per- forming the conditions of one settling Lot. Voted to give four pounds and ten shillings Bounty to settlers, from the first of November 1772 to the first of July 1773, they performing the conditions as before. Voted that Mr. Josiah Smith, the Agent, be directed at the expense of the Propriety to procure some kind of conveyance for horses over Little Androscoggin River. Voted that the time for making returns of Lots taken, be lengthened out from the first of September 1772 until the first of July 1773. Dr. Howe says : " Hitherto all efforts of the pro- prietors to procure settlers for their new township had proved utterly abortive ; but this year, Daniel Staples, Thomas Records, Elisha Records, Joseph Leavitt, and Abner Phillips entered the town with axes on their shoulders, and commenced the first actual settlement of the place. These were the true pioneers of Turner. The proprietors seem now to have been encour- aged to make renewed efforts to secure settlers. The forests once broken, and even a few homes 1 6 HISTORY OF TURNER. established, men would be more willing to come in and select lots for themselves. Some social advan- tages were now possible, and life would be relieved of that feeling of isolation and desolateness which must have been suffered by the first settler. At the proprietors' meeting, held in Pembroke, August 4th, 1772, the following votes, among others, were passed : — Voted to allow William Turner, Proprietors' Clerk, twelve pounds in full for his service to this day. Voted that a Committee be chosen to get a Grist and Saw-mill built in the Township, upon the best terms they can for the Pro- priety ; and have liberty to give a sum not exceeding Twenty Pounds to any person or persons that will undertake to build them, in addition to what was voted by the Proprietors at their meeting in April last, provided said person or persons shall compleat the Gristmill by the fourth day of August next, and the Sawmill by the fourth day of August 1774, and give good and sufficient security to the Treasurer, Mr. Charles Turner, on or before the first day of December next, for performing the same, and keeping them in order for grinding corn and sawing stuff for the Proprietors and Settlers, at all times as customary, for twenty years next following ; said Committee, in case they can- not agree with any person or persons on the terms limited by this vote, to report, as soon as may be, what is best for the Pro- prietors to do, in order to accomplish the business : that this Committee consist of three, that Mr. Charles Turner, David Little Jun, and Col. Joseph Josleyn be this Committee. Other meetings of the proprietors were held in the autumn of this year, but no business was accomplished, except to raise a tax of thirty shil- HISTORY OF TURNER. I 7 lings on each original share, to be paid to Mr. Charles Turner, their treasurer, on or before the 15th of March, 1773. This had been the most suc- cessful business year since the beginning of their efforts to induce settlers to locate in the township. The prospect of war with England was favorable to their enterprise rather than otherwise ; and they seem to have been more hopeful of securing the requisite number of settlers within the time speci- fied by the General Court. Dr. Howe makes the following record: "This year (1773), Peleg Wads- worth, Ichabod Bonney, Jun., and Peleg Chandler performed such settling duties as to entitle them- selves to three of the several settlers' lots ; and Josiah Staples commenced a bona fide settlement upon a fourth. At about the same time one Elisha Lake actually removed his family into the new plan- tation, but his continuance in the place was only of short duration, and did not entitle him to the rights of settlement." In March, 1773, it was voted: — That Daniel Staples, Thomas Records, Elisha Records, Joseph Leavitt and Abner Phillips, have ten dollars Bounty, each, paid to them by the Treasurer, they giving security for performing the conditions of settlement, agreeable to a former vote. Dr. Howe makes this note : " Although Ichabod Bonney, Jr., and Peleg Wadsworth took up settlers' lots in 1773, Captain Bonney did not remove to the 3 1 8 HISTORY OF TURNER. town till 1783 ; and General Wadsworth never was a permanent resident here. He graduated at Har- vard College, in 1 769, and, for several years, taught a grammar school in Plymouth. He took an active part in lotting out and selling this town, but when the Revolutionary war broke out he entered into the military service, and was employed some time in arming, equipping, and disciplining the raw troops of the country. He held several important military appointments, and in 1 780, when the General Court of Massachusetts projected a scheme for expelling the British forces from the Penobscot, the com- mand of the land forces was confided to him. In this enterprise he encountered incredible hardships and dangers, and was finally taken a prisoner by the English. After the close of the Revolutionary war, General Wadsworth removed to Maine, and settled in the town of Portland, but afterward removed to Hiram, where he lived much respected, and died universally lamented by his numerous acquaintance." It was also voted : — That all those persons who have or shall take settling Lots, on or before the 24th day of May next, and shall give security to the Treasurer, for performing the conditions of settlement, and shall perform said Conditions by the first day of July, 1774, shall be entitled to four pounds ten shillings Bounty. Trespassers continued to be a trouble to the pro- prietors, and at their meeting in May of this year, it was voted : — HISTORY OF TURNER. I9 That the Committee for prosecuting trespassers be hereby fully empowered and authorized to prosecute all trespasses that have been or shall be committed on said Township, until final issue, with power of substitution : also that they be hereby fully empowered to see the road cleared out from Little Androscog- gin River to Sylvester Town; also to procure conveyance for horses over Little Androscoggin River, if Bakers Town people will not build a bridge. Hearing that their meetings, held in previous years, were not legal, and that they might be involved in difficulties, should they attempt to enforce their resolutions against trespassers, or should there be a disposition on the part of any one not to comply with their votes, they proceeded to call a meeting of the proprietors in legal form, that the question of legality might be at rest, and all their acts be surely valid. The first meeting under the new call was held' in Hanover, March 8, 1774. It was then voted : " To confirm all and any former votes and grants, at any former meeting or meet- ings." About this time the " Pejepscut " deed and claim came to the knowledge of the proprietors, and they were fearful that this claim would interfere with their grant, as located by them. To set this matter at rest, they voted, at a meeting held April 5, 1774: — That Charles Turner be appointed, and he is hereby appointed, to make all necessary enquiry, in the best way possi- 20 HISTORY OF TURNER. ble as to the Pejepscut Deed and Confirmation, how it is bounded, especially where it begins, and crosses Androscoggin River, and procure an attested copy thereof, if possible ; also as to the westerly bounds of the Plymouth Company's Grant ; and make any other inquiry he shall think necessary, relative thereto, and make report of his doings at the adjournment of this meeting. As no action was taken at the adjourned meeting on this matter, it is presumed that the " Pejepscut " deed did not interfere with their grant. But, after all their efforts, they could not succeed in procuring the erection of a saw and grist mill; hence, they thought best to offer greater inducements, as the following vote will show : — That if any person or persons will undertake to build a Corn Mill in Sylvester Town, by the tenth day of October, 1774, and a Saw Mill by the tenth day of October, 1775, fit for grinding and sawing, and will give good and sufficient security to Mr. Charles Turner, Proprietors' Treasurer, for performing the same, and keeping them in order for grinding and sawing for the Proprie- tors and Settlers, for twelve years next following, shall have one Mill Lot and one Settling Lot confirmed unto him or them by said Proprietors, he or they doing the duty or performing the conditions of one settling Lot : also shall have twenty-five Pounds Lawful Money. Also voted, that Col. Warren, Charles Turner, and Peleg Wadsworth Jun. or the major part of them, be a Committee to let out the same. It appears that the people of Bakerstown were not disposed to build a bridge across Little River for the accommodation of the proprietors and the HISTORY OF TURNER. 21 public, for at meeting held May loth, 1774, it was voted : — That Mr. Ichabad Bonney Jun. be desired at a suitable time in the ensuing summer to go down to the Eastward, and build a bridge over Little Androscoggin River, in the road lately cleared from Bakers Town to Sylvester, and for that purpose employ a suitable number of hands in the most prudent and cheap way he can, either by carrying them from here, or employing those that are there, — said Bonney to have for his service ten Dollars per month, to commence from the time of his going from home, and to end with the time the work is done, and he to allow for the time he is employed in his own service there, and he to be allowed for his own expenses in going down and while he is there, during the time he is engaged in said service, excepting a house which he is to find himself. To meet the expenses, they voted : — A tax of twenty shillings on a Right, to be paid to the Treas- urer, on or before the fourth day of September, 1774. And, to encourage the building of mills, it was voted : — That the Committee for letting out the Mills have liberty to give ten Pounds more, in addition to the twenty-five Pounds already voted, if occasion require. At a meeting of the proprietors, held in Pem- broke, July 19, 1774, it was voted: — That Mr. Ichabod Bonney Jun. be desired and employed, and he is hereby desired and employed, at a suitable time this summer, to go to the eastward to forward the building of a Grist and Saw Mill in Sylvester Town, as far as he shall think neces- 2 2 HISTORY OF TURNER. sary the ensuing fall, and for that purpose to employ a suitable number of hands, in the most prudent and cheap way he can, either by carrying them from here, or employing those there ; said Bonney to have for his own service four Pounds per month, and his own expenses, excepting a horse, — to commence from the time he goes from hence and to expire with the time he is employed there. This new effort seems to have been crowned with success, since at a meeting held October 25th, i774» the proprietors voted as follows : — Whereas Mr. Samuel Blake proposes to build a Grist and Saw Mill in Sylvester Town, to be completed fit for grinding and saw- ing, in one year from this date, and to keep them in good repair for twelve years next ensuing, for said Mill Lott, and the whole of the preparation already made by said Proprietors in said Township for building said Mills to this day, and also £^^ — 6 — 8, lawful money, the one half of which to be paid in three months from this date, the other half when the work is com- pleted: Therefore said Proprietors hereby contract with said Blake, on the conditions aforesaid, he giving security to Mr. Charles Turner, Proprietors' Treasurer, for performing the same. In January, 1775, each proprietor was assigned a lot of land for his own use, and thirty lots were returned as " settlers' lots," the numbers of which were placed on record, but no mention is made of the owners' names. These lots were located on the Upper Street and Lower Street, so called, and a few on the road leading south from the village. About this time the Revolutionary War began to be immi- HISTORY OF TURNER. 23 nent, and the attention of the people was given to those things which deeply concerned their country's welfare. The proprietors of " Sylvester Town " even found a subject to engross their minds more intensely than their lands to the "eastward," and seem to have forgotten the meetings which were called for the transaction of business, for it does not appear by their records that the meeting appointed for September 4th, 1775, was ever held, or that any meeting was held during the two years following. But Mr. Charles Turner, their treasurer, was mean- while actively engaged in securing settlers, and in promoting the interests of all concerned. Dr. Howe makes the following note : — Samuel Blake was a native of Taunton, Bristol County, Massa- chusetts, and married Abigail Richard, of Thompson, Conn, He died January nth, 1802, leaving the following issue : Caleb, who married Betsey Briggs, June nth, 1793 ; Samuel, who mar- ried Nabby Bonney, January 27th, 1776 ; Thatcher, who married Sarah Evans, November nth, 1778; Edward, who married Sally Harwood, of Bowdoinham ; Abigail, who married Dr. Michael Rowland, of Bowdoinham ; Grinfill, who married Eunice Cary, January 2d, 1805 ; Silas, who married Sophia Cary, studied med- icine with Dr. Luther Cary, and settled in the town of Otisfield ; Joseph, who studied medicine with Dr. Joseph Snell, of Win- throp, and died in Turner, August i8th, 1813 ; and Lydia, who married Gustavus Newhall, April 7th, 181 1. At this time mills had not been built, and every grist had to be carried to New Gloucester to be 24 HISTORY OF TURNER. ground. Roads were not completed, hence it was necessary for those sturdy men to carry their corn on their shoulders to New Gloucester to be ground, guided a portion of the way by "spotted trees.*' We may well suppose that many a one shrank from this task, and tradition informs us that one man, not a lover of farm labor, would carry a bushel of corn to mill in exchange for a day's work, and that he was often employed in this service. But notwithstanding the great discouragements of the time, and the hard- ships incident to pioneer life, the work of bringing new settlers into the town went surely, though slowly, on. Says Dr. Howe : — A number of single young men were, during this period, in- duced to take up settling lots, and a few families actually moved into the plantation. In the spring of 1775, Israel Haskell removed his family from New Gloucester into Sylvester, and this was the first family that made a permanent settlement in the plantation. Mr. Haskell had married Abigail Davis, by whom he had a large family, whose names and marriage relations were as follows : Abigail, married Richard Phillips ; Hannah, married Abner Phillips; Israel, married Juda Wellman; Jacob, married Mary Johnson, March 15th, 1793; Esther, married Joseph Tyler, March 15th, 1793; Phebe, married Samuel Tyler; Asa, married Jemima Bray; Elizabeth, married Daniel Bray; and Mary, married Nehemiah Sawtelle. Soon after, Hezekiah Bryant removed his family from Halifax, in the County of Plymouth, which made the second family. Mr. Bryant had married Deborah Crooker, of Pembroke, who died April 22, 1782. In November following, he married Mary Ellis, of Hebron, Maine, who died in March, 1784. In July, 1784, he HISTORY OF TURNER. 25 married the widow Joanna Colley, who died in June, 1805. August 18, 1805, he married the widow Rebecca Child, who died February 27, 1826. Mr. Bryant's children with their marriage connections were as follows : Deborah, who married William Gott ; Sophia, who married Joshua Purrington ; and Thomas, who married Salome Sawtelle. The above were born in Halifax, and the following in Sylvester : Bethiah, the first child born in Sylvester, married Ebenezer Keith, of Livermore ; Jonathan, who married Anna Morse ; and Hezekiah, who married Polly Townsend. Moses Stephens, in the same season, removed his family from New Gloucester, which made the third family in Sylvester. Mr. Stephens had married Mary Collins, who died on the 24th of April, 1780, which was the first death that occurred in the plan- tation. After her death, Mr. Stephens married the widow Han- nah Davis, of Gloucester, Mass. His children and their mar- riage connections were as follows : Anna, who married Joseph Leavitt, July i8, 1776 ; Jacob, who married Patty Sawyer ; Mary, who married Isaac Phillips, in 1779; Elizabeth, who married Oliver Turner, October 12, 1788 ; Moses, who married Nancy Smith, October 9, 1788; Aphia, who married Seba Smith, October 9, 1788 ; Michael W., who married Polly Bryant, Octo- ber 14, 1805 ; and Lydia D., who married Alden Blossom, Octo- ber 23, 1803. What other settlers came in during these years there are no records to show, but it appears that the proprietors turned their attention to their township again, and active measures were taken to promote the interests of the settlement. The resolve grant- ing them the township required them not only to secure a certain number of settlers within a given time, but also to build a meeting-house and settle a 26 HISTORY OF TURNER. learned Protestant minister. But this had not been done, so they now determine to fulfil this part of their contract with the State. In a meeting held August 24, 1778, they voted: — That it be recommended to the Rev. Mr. Charles Turner to enquire of the settlers of Sylvester Township what they will build a meeting-house for, 30 feet square, 18 feet posts between joints, finish the outside, lay the lower floor, with 6 windows in the house ; and upon his return to report to the Propriety. Voted^ that it be recommended to the Rev. Mr. Charles Tur- ner, to agree with some person to clear two acres on the meet- ing-house spot. Voted^ that all who have taken up Lotts in Sylvester Township and have not fulfilled the original conditions, unless they will perform the conditions on their respective Lotts, by the first day of June, 1779, they one and all shall forfeit their title to deeds ever thereafter. Voted^ That the Rev. Mr. Charles Turner should take a view of the road upon the westernly side of Wilson Pond, and that he would be so good as to inform the Proprietors what he thinks the settlers ought to have for their trouble. Voted^ that Mr. Charles Turner, Treasurer of the Propriety be empowered to run the lines of the two westerly tier of Lotts, and to run three tier of Lotts from Androscoggin to the end of the Township, parrelled with the Lotts already laid out, at the expense of the Propriety. There is no record of Rev. Mr. Turner's report, but the proprietors apparently acted on his sugges- tion, since at a meeting held March 9, 1779, they voted : — That the sum of twenty Pounds be allowed the settlers of Sylvester Town for clearing the road at the westerly end of HISTORY OF TURNER. 27 Wilson Pond, to be distributed among them according to their several services in clearing said road. It was also voted at the same meeting: — That Capt. Ichabod Bonney be a committee to repair to Syl- vester Town, and prepare all the materials of wood, for building a Meeting-house of thirty-five feet square, and twenty feet posts, and procure workmen to frame and raise the same, and board the walls with one and a half inch stuff, and compleat the roof, and procure nails for the purpose, and conduct the whole in such a manner as shall appear to be the least expensive to the Proprietors. Voted^ That the Rev. Mr. Baldwin be desired to write a letter to the Settlers of Sylvester Town, informing them of the full acquiescence of the Proprietors with their proposal of settling the Rev. Mr. Charles Turner as their minister, and transmit to them what part of his support, during five years, the Proprietors have voted to pay. This Rev. Mr. Baldwin seems to have become one of the proprietors, since he was generally pres- ent at their meetings for a few years, and on several occasions was chosen clerk, yet his name does not appear in the list of proprietors who drew lots. To remove all doubt as to the meaning of the proprie- tors in their offer to pay a portion of the minister's salary, they passed the following vote April 19, 1 779. Whereas the Proprietors at their last meeting, voted to pay one half the charge the settlers shall be at, for the support of a Clergyman for three years, and one third part for two years after, and whereas some doubts may arise with regard to the intention of the Proprietors in case the settlers should agree for 28 HISTORY OF TURNER. articles of produce, in certain quantities, instead of Money in its present uncertain situation : Therefore, Voted, that it is the meaning and intention of the Proprietors to conform to the contract which the settlers shall make with the Rev. Mr. Charles Turner, for his standing salary, agreeable to the proportion in their said Vote expressed, whether it be for money or articles of produce. Though they made commendable effort and gen- erous offers to induce settlers to locate on their lands, and to fulfil their part of the contract with the State within the specified time, the proprietors were not fully successful. The appointed time was expiring ; the requisite number of settlers was not secured; a meeting-house was not built, and a learned Protestant minister was not settled. Hence, at a meeting held August 9, 1779, Hon. James Warren was chosen an agent of the propriety to present a petition to the General Court, represent- ing the difficulties they had labored under in fully complying with the conditions of settlement "on account of the particular situation of the times, and to pray the General Court to extend to them a further time for that purpose." The following resolve shows the result of this petition : — State of Massachusetts Bay. In the House of Representatives, September 14th, 1779. On the petition of James Warren, Agent for the proprietors, of a Township of land on Androscoggin River, called Sylvester- Canada, confirmed to himself and others, by the General Court John Avery, Dep. Sec. HISTORY OF TURNER. 29 of this State, on the eighteenth day of June 1768, upon certain conditions, as may appear by the resolve of that date. Resolved^ that for the reasons in said Petition assigned, the furthur term of three years be allowed said Proprietors for ful- filling the conditions required by the aforesaid Resolve of the i8th of June 1768, within which term the fulfillment of said conditions, by said Proprietors shall operate and be to all in- tents and purposes as satisfactory as if performed within the Term prescribed by the aforesaid Resolve of June i8th, 1768, said Resolve to the contrary notwithstanding. Sent up for concurrence. John Hancock, Speaker. In Council, September 14th, 1779. Read and concurred. Consented to by the major ) part of the Council. ]" True copy. Attest : John Avery, Dep. Sec. Dr. Howe says: — These measures put the affairs of the plantation on sound footing again, and most of those who had been diverted from the enterprise, by entering into the military service, had now returned to Sylvester, and a number more of families had moved into the place, and several additional young men had taken up settling lots. I will therefore endeavor to furnish a detailed account of all the families and individual settlers in the plantation on the first of January, 1780. Up to this time there had occurred no death in the township, nor am I aware of more than one death which occurred in the military service among the settlers of Sylvester. Andrew Bass, of Halifax, who had taken up a settler's lot, went into the army and fell at Stillwater, at the capture of General Burgoyne and the army under his com- mand. 30 HISTORY OF TURNER. Inhabitants of Sylvester Canada in 1780: Jotham Briggs, wife and four children ; Israel Haskell, wife and seven children ; Daniel Briggs, wife and five children ; Abner Phillips, wife and one child ; Daniel Staples and wife ; Josiah Staples, wife and one child; Benjamin Merrill ; Moses Stephens, wife and five children; Joseph Leavitt, wife and one child; Jacob Leavitt, wife and seven children ; Charles Turner, Jun. and William Turner, 2d; Seth Staples, wife and one child; John Keen, wife and nine children ; Daniel Merrill, wife and three children ; Benjamin True, wife and four children ; Richard Phillips, wife and two children ; Malachi Waterman ; Jabez Merrill, wife and two children ; Levi Merrill, wife and one child ; Ezekiel Brad- ford, Jun. ; Hezekiah Hill ; Isaac Phillips and wife ; Stephen Bryant, wife, five children and mother ; William Hayford, wife and nine children ; Samuel Andrews ; William Bradford, wife and two children ; Jesse Bradford ; Hezekiah Bryant, wife and six children ; James Crooker and Ebenezer, his brother ; Sam- uel Blake, wife and five children ; Mark Andrews ; Henry Jones, wife and one child. Total population in 1780, one hundred and thirty-two. The number of inhabitants in Sylvester Canada in 1780, and the order of time in which they moved into the plantation or formed into families, were as follows : — 1775 Israel Haskell, 9 Moses Stephens, 7 Hezekiah Bryant, 8 1776 Jabez Merrill, 4 Abner Philips, 3 Joseph Leavitt, 3 1777 Richard Philips, Jun., 4 William Bradford, 4 Samuel Blake, 7 John Keen, 1 1 Josiah Staples, 3 Daniel Briggs, 7 1778 Stephen Bryant, 8 Dea. Daniel Merrill, 5 Seth Staples, 3 Daniel Staples, 2 Jacob Leavitt, 9 William Hayford, 11 Jotham Briggs, 6 1779 Henry Jones, 3 Isaac Philips, 2 Total, 119 There were also at that time, not formed into families, the follow- ing: — Benjamin Merrill, Charles Turner Jr., William Turner 2d, Hezekiah Hill, Samuel Andrews, Mark Andrews, Jesse Bradford, James Crooker, Ebenezer Crooker, Benjamin Jones, Levi Merrill, Ezekiel Bradford Jr. There were twelve of these, making the whole population at the begin- ning of this year, 131. HISTORY OF TURNER. 3 1 Dr. Howe had opportunities for making a correct list of the early inhabitants of Sylvester which none now enjoy, and he improved them faithfully, yet he does not feel certain that his list is free from error. He adds the following interesting statements : — Of these settlers, Jesse Bradford, Levi Merrill, Richard Phil- ips, Abner Philips, John Keen, and his oldest son John, Mark Andrews, Samuel Blake and Joseph Leavitt, had all performed service in the army of the revolution, but had now returned to the plantation. I will now give a more detailed account of some of the fami- lies contained in this enumeration. John Keen came from Taunton in 1777, where he had mar- ried Jerusha Blake. Their children and their marriage connec- tions were as follows : Keziah, who married Mesheck Keen, of Butterfield, now Sumner ; John, who married Priscilla Robert- son ; Jerusha, who married Elijah Fisher, December 4, 1785 ; Elisha, who married Anna Briggs, November 26,1790; Mary B., who married John Munroe, January 13, 1793 ; Grinfill, who married Molly Rose, of Dighton, Mass. ; Mercy, who married Bradford Rose, June 8, 1800 ; Rebecca, who married Elisha Pratt, April i, 1799; Edward, who married Hannah Kingsley, December 21, 1800; and Priscilla, who married Gushing Phil- ips, April s, 1805. William Hayford removed into Sylvester the same year, and his children were, William, who married Phinela French, Novem- ber 24th, 1785 ; Betty, who married Benjamin Alden, November 24th, 1785; Artamis, who married Joel Simmons; Arvida, who married Mary Ellis, March 14th, 1796; Matilda, who married Abiathar Briggs, December ist, 1789; Gustavius, who married Abigail Fuller, August 13th, 1797; Zeri, who married Sally Chickering; Gad, who married Sally Bisbee; and Albert, who married Deborah Bonney. 32 HISTORY OF TURNER. Jacob Leavitt had married Sylvia Bonney, and their children were, Joseph, who married Anna Stephens, July i8th, 1776; Sylvia, who married Levi Merrill; Tabatha, who married Benja- min Jones ; Isaiah, who married Lydia Ludden, September 7th, 1797; Jacob, who married Rhoda Thayer, January ist, 1788; Cyrus, who married Sarah Pratt ; Sarah, who married Jeremiah Dillingham, April 29th, 1787 ; and Isaac, who married Ruth Perry in 1797. Daniel Briggs removed from Taunton in 1777, where he had married Silence Hart. Their children were, Daniel, who mar- ried Elizabeth Bradford, February 4th, 1788; Silence, who married Jairus Philips, December 15th, 1785 ; Abiathar, who married Matilda Hayford, December ist, 1789 ; Arunah, who married Lydia Godfrey in 1793 ; Anna, who married Elisha Keen, November 26th, 1790; Betsy, who married Caleb Blake, July nth, 1793; Hart, who married Betsy Records in i8oo; John, who married Jennet Munroe, March 28th, 1802 ; and Lydia, who married Briggs Curtis, March 31st, 1799. Stephen Bryant removed from Halifax, where he had married Rebecca Bass, and brought his widowed mother with him, who died January 30th, 1802, at the age of ninety-one years. Their children were, Saba, who married Cornelius Jones, April 3d, 1788 ; Hannah, who married Job Prince, June 23d, 1791 ; Bath- sheba, who married Gideon Southard, May 5th, 1806 ; Rebecca, who married Daniel Niles, May 14th, 1797 ; Abia, who married Jonas Mason, March 17th, 1799 ; Polly, who married Michael Stephens, October 14th, 1805 ; Lucy, who married Josiah Holmes, June 12th, 1803 ; Asenath, who married Ichabod Leavitt, April loth, 1808. Mr. Bryant had also two other chil- dren, Thomas and Lydia, who died young. We find that in 1780 there were in the town twenty-five families, and twelve young men, unmar- ried, who had taken up lots with the intention of HISTORY OF TURNER. 33 becoming permanent • residents. But no meeting- house had been built, and no minister had been settled, though the proprietors had done what they could to accomplish this result. The settlement had now become so large, and the prospects of its increasing so encouraging, that the means of relig- ious worship and instruction had become a necessity to the moral welfare of the community. Besides, the proprietors were under obligation to secure the establishment of religious worship for the benefit of the families they should induce to settle on their lands. No meetings of the proprietors were held in 1780, but in December of the following year they passed this vote: — That the Clerk be desired to write to the settlers relative to their taxation, present and in future, building a meeting house, settling a minister, &c ; and to signify to them the desire of the Proprietors, that they choose a Committee of settlers, and properly and fully empower it to settle and determine with the Proprietors relative thereto, and that this committee attend at the adjournment of this meeting, and also to signify to the settlers the readiness and willingness of the Proprietors to do anything in their power to promote the further settlement of the town, and the welfare and prosperity of the present settlers. But passing votes, though done vigorously and earnestly, does not always secure the object desired; so now, votes passed in Massachusetts did not build a meeting-house in Sylvester, and more efficient 4 34 HISTORY OF TURNER. action must be taken. Hence, in March, 1782, the proprietors Voted^ That Capt. Ichabod Bonney be a committee to repair to Sylvester Town and to erect a Meeting-house, thirty-five feet square, and twenty feet posts, to finish the outside by covering it with shingle and clapboard, set twenty-five window frames, glaze six windows of twenty-four squares each, seven by nine, and lay the lower floor, to complete the above mentioned work as soon as may be, and in the most frugal manner. Voted^ That Capt. Ichabod Bonney be, and he hereby is, authorized by the Propriety, to offer the settlers of Sylvester Town a sum not exceeding sixty pounds towards erecting a Meeting-house, provided they, the settlers, will obligate them- selves to build a Meeting-house not less than thirty-five feet square, to be completed agreeable to the preceding vote, by the last day of September next, and to take security for performing the same ; and if the settlers shall agree and oblige themselves to build a Meeting-house as above mentioned, then the said Capt. Bonney is to desist building an house as in the preceding vote. And in case the settlers shall agree with Capt. Bonney as aforesaid, and shall complete said Meeting-house as afore- said, then said house shall be the sole property of those settlers undertaking the business. Voted, that Capt. Ichabod Bonney be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to set the Meeting-house as near the centre of the Parish, upon a road, as best to commode the Pro- prietors and settlers. At a meeting of the proprietors on August 12th, 1782, they made a still more generous offer, as the following vote will show: — HISTORY OF TURNER. 35 That the vote of the 4th of March last, instructing Capt. Ichabod Bonney to offer the settlers of Sylvester Town two hundred Dollars for them to build a Meeting-house within a limited time, be and hereby is so far reconsidered that he shall have full power to give the settlers any sum he shall think proper, and to allow the undertaker or undertakers such further sum as he shall judge necessary for compleating said house as directed in said vote. This action of the proprietors effected the object in view, as will appear by the report of their com- mittee. Captain Ichabod Bonney, at a meeting held on the nth day of November following. Your committee reports: — That he has agreed with the settlers for building said Meet- ing-house, for seventy-eight Pounds, to be paid in the several materials he had before provided, and the remainder in cash, and has taken security for the performance of the contract in a Bond signed by Samuel Blake, Henry Jones, John Kei n, Nathan Niles, William Bradford, Joseph Leavitt, Benjamin Jones and Jabez Merrill, who are over and above to have the property of the ground room and other parts of said Meeting- house, as expressed in said Bond, which I lodge with the Clerk, to be delivered to the Treasurer who may be chosen in the room of Mr. Charles Turner, deceased, to be prosecuted by him or his successor for any default in the performance of the con- ditions expressed in said bond. Ichabod Bonney Jun. Charles Turner, Esq., was then chosen treasurer and collector in place of his father, Charles Turner, deceased. The proprietors were very earnest in their pur- pose to have a minister settled in the plantation as 36 HISTORY OF TURNER. soon as possible, and they felt compelled to take action in the matter at once, as the settlers seem not to have made energetic efforts to provide for themselves the privileges of public worship and religious instruction. Hence, on December 9th, 1782, it was voted: — That Charles Turner, Esqr, General Wadsworth, and Capt. Ichabod Bonney, or any two of them, be a Committee to settle a minister in Sylvester Town agreeable to the Constitution, Resolves of the General Court and Votes of this Propriety heretofore passed, and make report of their doings to the Pro- priety as soon as possible. It was contemplated and expected at one time that the Rev. Charles Turner would be settled in Sylvester, but for some reason, which is not appar- ent, he did not become the first minister in town. There are some indications that the settlers did not choose to invite him; but whether he was not agreeable to them, or whether they did not wish to assume the burden of his support, cannot now be determined. On September 28th, 1784, the pro- prietors chose a committee "to inquire into the qualifications of Mr. John Strickland as a Gospel Minister, and to report to the Propriety as soon as possible." On the 29th of March, 1785, the proprietors "voted a further tax of thirty shillings on each original right for the purpose of paying Rev. Mr. HISTORY OF TURNER. 37 Strickland's salary." The funds for the support of public worship were not raised by subscription, but by vote of the town. Money was appropriated for this purpose the same as for any other for which money was raised, and the parish was the whole town. The settlers in Sylvester, at a meeting held August 1 2th, 1 784, voted a call to Mr. Strickland " to settle in the work of the ministry," and to pay him fifty pounds lawful money for his annual salary, so long as he shall be the minister of the town, and they adopted "a plan of church govern- ment according to a paper read at said meeting." They also chose Captain Ichabod Bonney, Dr. Daniel Child, and Stephen Bryant a committee to extend the call of the parish to Rev. Mr. Strick- land, and to acquaint the proprietors of the town- ship with their action in regard to this matter; they also approved and adopted as their own, the vote of the church and congregation, as follows: " In consideration of the great importance of having the stated means of grace settled in this place, and having heard the Rev. John Strickland, a member of Salem Presbytery some time, and being satisfied with his principles in doctrine and discipline, his ministerial gifts, and moral character, do make choice of him, the said John Strickland, as our minister, and do appoint Messrs. Richard Phillips, John Keen, and Benjamin True to attend the Pres- 38 HISTORY OF TURNER. bytery at their next session in the town of Gray, to solicit this our call before the Presbytery, the same having been unanimously voted at a meeting held for that purpose, on the 12th of the present month, August." The town also voted that Mr. Strickland be allowed a reasonable time to visit his friends to the westward, annually, and that he should have " the common land five years, rent free." As a vote passed by the settlers in a plantation was not considered legal, a number of men gave Mr. Strick- land a bond for fifty pounds for his salary, which bond was to become null and void when the town should be incorporated, and a vote should be passed to pay him that amount. From a journal kept by Mr. Elijah Fisher, who came into Sylvester in 1783, we learn that Mr. Strickland was installed pastor of the town, September 20th, 1784. He continued in the ministry here a number of years, and was doubtless successful in his work. He raised up a large family, and some of his grandchil- dren remain in the vicinity, or have, until recently, of whom Major Isaac Strickland is one. Sylvester-Canada, after a long struggle with many difficulties, had now become a prosperous settlement in which the means of comfort were possessed in abundance. Roads had been built, mills had been provided for sawing boards, and HISTORY OF TURNER. 39 grinding corn and grain, a meeting-house had been erected, a learned Protestant minister settled, and public worship established. But the people suf- fered from the depreciation of Continental money, and were often embarrassed in their business trans- actions. The state of the proprietor's treasury, February 4th, 1782, will show how serious a trouble this was: — There remains of the ;^io tax uncollected, ;^2i3- 14-11^, which if collected at 11 for one, will be in gold and silver £ 2 1-1-41^ There remains of the sale of lands, Nov. 15, 1779, ;^2 00-8-3, which if collected at 24 for i, will be in gold and silver 8-7-0 Paper, £ 432-^-2}^ ^ advanced to Aaron Hinckley, Esqr, in gold and silver 10-18-0 Balance in the hands of the Treasurer in silver. . . 13-13-8^ There also remains ;£'2,792^ Continental, old emis- sion dollars in the Treasury. This shows the great depreciation of paper money from which the people suffered. The "old emission," it seems, was valueless. There were inconveniences suffered by the settlers living in a plantation, and they now desired that the town might be incorporated, so that any action they might take, or votes they might pass, might be legal and valid. And, in 1786, they notified the proprietors of their wish to become incorporated 40 HISTORY OF TURNER. into a town, and the proprietors, at their meeting on the 25th of April of that year, voted, "That no objection be made to the proposed incorporation of the township." Dr. Howe says: — There was still some difficulty in the selection of a name for the new town. The settlers cherished with warm affection the name of Sylvester, as embracing some of the most tender and sacred associations of their minds; but the proprietors felt a strong predilection for the name of Turner, from the considera- tion that Charles Turner, Esq., of Scituate, had been one of their prominent members, and had served their corporation from the period of its organization to that of his death, with great ability and fidelity, as their Treasurer ; and also in con- sideration of the valuable services of Major William Turner, who had been their standing Clerk during the whole period, and had been very active in lotting out, and pushing forward the settlement of the plantation, and whose civil and military ser- vices to the commonwealth and nation had justly acquired an enviable reputation. But on presenting the two names to the General Court, that body decided at once, from the great respect which it held for the character and services of the Rev. Charles Turner, who had for many years stood in the front rank of its Senate, as a bea- con light, to direct its counsels through the gloomy and por- tentous struggle of the Revolution, that the name should be Turner. And, accordingly, on the 7 th day of July, 1786, passed the following act of incorporation : — An act to incorporate the Plantation called Sylvester, into a Town by the name of Turner. Whereas it appears to this Court that it would be productive of the public good, and for the benefit of the inhabitants and proprietors of the said Plantation, that the same should be incorporated into a Town : — HISTORY OF TURNER. 4 1 Section i. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the Plantation called Sylvester, and included within the boundaries described by this Act, together with the inhabitants thereof, be, and they hereby are, incorporated into a Town by the name of Turner. [ Here follow the boundaries contained in the original grant to the Proprietors.] And the said Town is hereby vested with all the powers, rights and immunities which Towns within this Commonwealth are entitled to, or by law do enjoy. Section 2. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- said. That Isaac Parsons, Esqr, of New Gloucester, be, and he hereby is, empowered to issue his warrant to some principal inhabitant of said Town, requiring him to warn the inhabitants thereof to meet at such time and place, as he shall therein set forth, to choose all such officers as towns are required by law to choose in the month of March or April annually. Dr. Howe has favored us with interesting sketches of the early settlers of the town, and this seems to be a proper place to introduce them. As nearly all the people who were acquainted with the early set- tlers have passed away, it is impossible to gather the information which was obtainable a generation ago, and we may well be thankful that this work of rescuing from oblivion these sketches of the pio- neer settlers of the town was undertaken by one so well qualified for the task. Colonel William Turner was the younger brother of the Rev. Charles Turner, and graduated at Har- vard College in 1767. After the completion of his education, he spent a number of years in school- 4^ HISTORY OF TURNER. teaching, and gained a high reputation as a teacher of youth. At the commencement of the Revolu- tionary War he raised a company of rangers, and marched to Cambridge as their captain. In open- ing the effective batteries upon Dorchester Point, which drove the British forces with precipitation from the town of Boston, the critical and hazard- ous duty of advance guard was assigned to Cap- tain Turner, with his Scituate Rangers; and it was executed with such daring intrepidity as to attract the favorable notice of the commander-in- chief. After the relief of Boston, Captain Turner marched his company with the main army to New York, where he was, not long afterward, selected by General Washington as one of his aids, with the rank of major. This was a situation for which, both by education, and natural gifts, Major Turner was eminently qualified, and in which he remained during the war, serving successively under Wash- ington, Lee, Greene, Lincoln, and Knox. The facility with which he transcribed general orders, and the dexterity with which he transmitted them, rendered his services in the highest degree useful to the commanding general. He served some part of the time in every cam- paign during the war; but when the active opera- tions of the season were over, and the army retired into winter quarters, he generally returned to his HISTORY OF TURNER. 43 family, and engaged in some more active employ- ment than that of performing the mere formalities of camp service. But when the spring opened, and the army again took the field. Major Turner promptly repaired to the post of duty. When he left the army in 1777, General Lee presented him with a valuable war-horse, in recognition of his valuable services. That winter he held a seat in the General Court of Massachusetts as representa- tive from the town of Scituate. From this date to 1779, nearly his whole time was employed in the military service, but the greater part of the latter year was devoted to civil duties. That year the State Constitution of Massachusetts was formed, and Major Turner was a member of the Conven- tion that framed it. He was also the same year a representative to the General Court of Massachu- setts, and a member of a Congress of Delegates, holden at Concord, to consider the subject of paper currency, and to devise some means of removing or mitigating the evil of its depreciation. After this year he was generally with the army until the close of the war, when he returned to Scituate, and was once more elected member of the General Court. In 1801 he removed his family to Turner, but his health had now become too much impaired to permit him to take an active part in the duties of life, either public or private. He died at the age 44 HISTORY OF TURNER. of sixty-one, leaving a widow, and several children. His remains were deposited in the village burying- ground, and at the head of his grave a tablet has been erected by his daughter, Mrs. Oriens Hum- phrey, of Boston. His children, with their marriage connections, were, William, who married Betsey Smith; Betty, who married Joseph Tilden; Xoa, who died December 12th, 181 5; Charles Lee, who married Cascarilla Child; Stephen, who married Nabby Cooper, and fell in a sanguinary conflict on the Canadian frontier in 18 14; Eunice, who mar- ried Martin Burr; Fanny, who married William Lee; Oriens, who married Benjamin Humphrey; Nancy, who married Briggs Sampson; Aphia, who remained single, in Boston ; and George, who died December 5th, 1793. Rev. Charles Turner. From him the town received its name. He was a native of Scituate, in Massachusetts, a descendant of Humphry Turner, who came from Essex, in England, about the year 1630, and was one of the first settlers in the town. Humphry took up a settler's lot, which he left to his son Thomas, who left it to his son Charles, who in turn left it to his son Charles, and thus it has descended from father to son, and still remains in the possession of the Turner family. The subject of this sketch was born in 1732, was graduated at Harvard College in 1752, and was settled as a min- HISTORY OF TURNER. 45 ister of the gospel in the town of Duxborough in 1755. Here he continued to discharge the duties of his calling until the political turmoil preceding the Revolutionary War, when it became expedient for him to resign his charge. He was an active and zealous Whig; and by his intimacy with Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and their copatriots; by the open and fearless manner in which he expressed his political opinions; and especially by the bold views expressed in an election sermon which he preached before Governor Hutchinson, he had given great offence to the royalists and tories of that time. The royal governors and their councils of assistants had, from year to year, found great difficulty in the selection of a chaplain to preach the annual election sermon. They finally agreed that the governor and the council should each alternately appoint a chaplain of their choice, and the right of selection having fallen to the council, that board appointed Mr. Turner. The governor and his party were disturbed by this appointment, and Mr. Gray, the treasurer of the colony, being present, expressed the hope that Mr. Turner would not, on that occasion, at least, forget the important maxim that prudence is a virtue. This remark was doubtless designed as a caution to Mr. Turner, but James Otis replied that he would pledge him- 46 HISTORY OF TURNER. self in behalf of Mr. Turner that he would not, on this occasion, forget to speak a word in season. Election day arrived, and the country parson was found equal to the occasion. He affirmed that Christianity, instead of countenancing any en- croachments upon the civil and religious rights of the people, gave its most solemn sanctions to their support. The governor winced under the sharp admonitions of the preacher. He was observed to change color repeatedly, and once to rise from his seat, as if about to leave the house. But resuming his seat, he heard the sermon through. However, he neglected to invite Mr. Turner to the public dinner, which custom made proper, and even demanded. But when the guests were assembled at the table, moved either by the promptings of his better judgment, or the advice of friends, he sent a messenger to find Mr. Turner and invite him in. But he returned after an hour's fruitless search, and the dinner proceeded without him. Meanwhile Mr. Turner was enjoying a good dinner in the house of a friend, in company with a few warm- hearted Whigs. But the governor could not easily forget the sermon, and declared " there was as much treason contained in it as ever had been vented from the Independent Chronicle^' the lead- ing Whig paper at that time in the colonies. Mr. HISTORY OF TURNER. 47 Turner was threatened with personal vengeance, and his house of worship, standing in an exposed situation, near the sea-shore, was once nearly sur- rounded by a mob of armed men, and he was obliged to escape through a window, and flee for safety among his friends. It was under such cir- cumstances that he thought best to resign the pastorate in Duxborough, in accordance with the advice of friends, whereupon he returned to his paternal residence in Scituate. The next year ( 1773), he was chosen a member of the Senate of Massachusetts, and was almost continuously a member of that body until 1788; and that year he was a member of the convention to ratify the Constitution of the United States. Although he entered with zeal upon these political and civil labors, and discharged the duties incum- bent upon him with ability and fidelity, he never for a moment ceased to lose sight of his ministerial character and obligations. He believed that a dis- pensation of the gospel had been committed to him, and that the chief duty of his life was to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ. He considered that no situation in human society in which he could enlighten the minds, or improve the condition of any portion of his fellow men, was to be shunned by the Christian philanthropist. Hence, in 1789 he went to Castle William, in 48 HISTORY OF TURNER. Boston Harbor, in which the public convicts were confined, and labored faithfully as a chaplain, for two years, among that degraded class of people."^ In his religious views and feelings he was liberal and charitable, declaring " that he would suffer no intolerance in his own heart unless it was against intolerance itself." He was an intimate friend of the learned Dr. Chauncy, of Boston, and coincided with him in the belief that all lapsed intelligences would ultimately be restored to a state of holiness and happiness. In 1791 he removed his family to Turner, and preached in this town and in Hallowell for parts of a number of years. In 1803 he was chosen one of the electors of President and Vice President, and visited Boston for the last time in the discharge of that official duty. Soon after this, the infirmities of age compelled him to cease from all public employment, and professional labors, * Anecdotes. When Mr. Turner was about commencing his labors upon Castle Island, he had great fears that his efforts would be in vain among such a class of people. On expressing his misgivings to his friend, Eev. Mr. Hichcock, of Pembroke, he received this counsel, Go on with good cheer, for conviction is but the necessary preliminary step to conversion ; and he would find his whole congregation under conviction to his hand. The notorious Stephen Burrows, who, with a bundle of stolen sermons, had, in some of his peregrinations, passed himself off as a minister of the gospel, especially in the town of Pelham, was a convict in the Castle when Mr. Turner arrived there, and was, for some act of insubordination, confined at that time in a cell. Burrows, on hearing that a minister had come among them, wrote Mr. Turner a complimentary note, saying that he was a brother minister, and was ready to give him every assistance in his power, and that he should be happy to commence an acquaintance by an exchange of places for the next Sabbath, if such an arrangement would suit his convenience. HISTORY OF TURNER. 49 and the remainder of his days was spent in the quiet and peace of home. In this retirement from public life, his virtues and graces of character were less known to the world, but more fully appreciated by neighbors and friends. His knowledge of books, and extensive acquaintance with men and things, made him an interesting and instructive companion, w^hile his happy temperament made him a pleasing and genial associate. He died in Turner in 1818, in the eighty-sixth year of his age. He left two sons, the Honorable Charles Turner, of Scituate, and General John Turner, of Turner; and two daughters, Mrs. Eunice Torrey, of Scituate, and Mrs. Persis Thayer, of Turner. Rev. Charles Turner has no lineal descendants in the town, bearing his name. His sons, William and Charles, came here in 1780, but remained only one season, when they returned to Scituate. Will- iam died young, but Charles attained to years and At the commencement of the late war with Great Britain, a requisition was made upon the town of Turner for a detachment of the militia to hold themselves in readiness at any moment to march for the defence of the sea-coast or frontier of the State. Captain Stephen Turner, a brave man, who afterward gloriously ll in the battle of Bridge the militia companies of the town, and when he assembled his fell in the battle of Bridgewater, at that time commanded one of company to make the detachment, he exhorted his townsmen not to disgrace their patriotic fathers. Captain Turner then requested every man who was willing to stake his life in defence of his country, and to hold himselt in readiness to march at a moment's waruin^^, for its protection, to follow the music. The music struck up, and Mr. Turner was the first one to press into the ranks, wnereupon, every man present joiiHtd immediately in the train of volunteers. • # 50 HISTORY OF TURNER. honors, fulfilling a successful career of public life in his native State. Persis, his youngest child, married Abner Thayer, and removed to this town in 1 79 1. Her children, with their marrirge con- nections were, Abner, who married Harriet Taber, of New York City; William T., who died August 5th, 1803; Sarah K., who married Charles Cush- ing ; Persis, unmarried ; Charles, who married Amelia Towne; Rushbrooke, who married Harriet Warker; John, who married Temperance F. Cush- ing; Evelina, who married Elisha Dagget; William T., who married Haddasah Davis; Mary, who mar- ried Zachariah Hall ; Lucius, who married Sophro- nia Chandler; Jane, unmarried; Emma, who died; Francis, who married Lois Warker; Harriet, who married Micaiah Kelly; Henry, who died Septem- ber 4th, 1820; and Henry 2d. From Barry's History of Hanover, Massachu- setts, we learn that Turner is an ancient family of Norman-French origin, which appears in England as early as 1067, the date of the Norman conquest, when " Le sire de Tourneur" accompanied King William in his expedition. Several families appear early in New England, among whom are Hum- phrey, of Scituate, the tanner, who arrived with his family in Plymouth in 1628, and had a house assigned him in 1629, and erected a house in which he probably lived in 1633. HISTORY OF TURNER. 5 1 Charles Turner, a descendant of Humphrey, graduated at Harvard in 1752, and was twenty years a minister in Duxbury, was afterward well known in political life, was a member of the con- vention that formed the Massachusetts State Con- stitution, and of that which adopted the Federal Constitution, and was also a senator in the State legislature. Ichabod Bonney was born in Pembroke, Ply- mouth County, on the 3d of September, 1737. He took a prominent part in the efforts made to induce settlers to take up lots in the plantation, as will appear by the proprietors' records ; and he also took an active part in the struggle for national independence, serving as an officer in the revolu- tionary army. He removed to Turner in 1803. He married Mary Turner, of Pembroke, by whom he had the following issue: Ichabod, who married Anna Merrill, February 21st, 1788; Mary, who married Philip Bradford, April 9th, 1789; John, who married Betsey Caswell, August 9th, 1789; Sarah, who married William Silley, May 12th, 1793; Joseph, who married Rhoda Merrill, Febru- ary 4th, 1796; Nabby, who married Samuel Blake January 27th, 1796; and Sylvia, who died single- Mr. Bonney married Rhoda House, September 13th, 1 801, who survived him several years. He died in Turner, February 25th, 1807, sincerely lamented by a large circle of friends. 52 HISTORY OF TURNER. Joseph Copeland was one of the proprietors of the town. He married CeHa Loring, of North Yarmouth, and removed to Turner in 1790. His intentions of marriage are dated August 1 2th, 1 789, the date of his marriage I do not find. His chil- dren were, Michael; Phebe, who married Charles Staples; Elizabeth; Loring; and Seth, who mar- ried Polly Jones. Mr. Copeland died in 1842, leaving an aged widow, and was remembered for his great honesty and integrity. Dr. Daniel Child was a native of Woodstock, in Connecticut. He removed to Turner in 1801, having married Rebecca Howland, of Pembroke. His children were, Daniel, who married Hannah Turner; Ruth, who married Ephraim Turner; Anna, who married Forest Hatch; Xoa, who mar- ried Giles True; Cascarilla, who married Charles Lee Turner; Howland, who married Apsah Wing; Lyman, who married Appa Hatch; Lydia, who married Benjamin Seabury; and Rebecca, who died in infancy. Dr. Child died October i6th, 1802, aged fifty-five years. Daniel French removed from Taunton to Turner in 1 78 1. His wife was Sarah Sumner, of Taunton. His children were, Sally, who married Chandler Bradford; Daniel, who married Marion True; Phil- ena, who married William Hayford, November 24th, 1785; Polly, who married John Pumpelly, Septem- ber nth, 1788; Waitstill L., who married Anson HISTORY OF TURNER. 53 Soule, January 21st, 1792; and George, who mar- ried Wealthy Johnson, February i8th, 1799. Mrs. Sarah French died in Taunton, April 7th, 1776, after which he married the widow Sarah Turner, in Turner, February 20th, i ySS, by whom he had three sons, Riley, who died in childhood; Charles, who married Nancy Caswell, and after her death, Hannah Caswell; and Henry, who married Delana Leavitt. Daniel French died in 181 3, I think, and his widow in June, 1845, ^^ ^^e age of ninety-eight years, nearly. Joshua Barrell removed from Bridgewater, where he married Olive Bass. His children were Su- sanna, who married Oaks Whitman, June 17th, 1790; Jennete, who married John Loring, Esq.; William, who married Haddassa Bisbee, June 4th, 1 801; Samuel, who married Olive Howard, Decem- ber 5th, 1822; Elijah, who married Adaline Kim- ball ; Azor, who married Lurana Chamberlain, February i6th, 1829; Chesly, who married Abagail Chase ; and Paschal, who married Salome Bonney, and Betsey Hayford. Mr. Barrell died May 25th, 1828, and Olive, his wife, July 20th, 1834. All the people in town by the name of Barrell were descended from him. Deacon Benjamin True came into town from New Gloucester. His wife was Rhoda Merrill ; and his children were, Elizabeth, who married 54 HISTORY OF TURNER. Nathaniel Daily ; Polly, who married Major Joseph Mills ; Sarah, who married Captain Samuel Pum- pelly; Giles, who married Xoa Child, April i8th, 1802 ; Patty, who married Simeon Bradford; Jabez, who married Eliza Allen, of Leeds ; Benjamin, who married Abagail Staples, July 31st, 1806; Rhoda, who married Alpheus Wing, of Wayne ; and Jane, who married Obed Wing, of Wayne. Deacon True died in Livermore in 18 14, much esteemed for his piety, candor, gentleness, and liberality. Caleb House removed from Abington in 1784. He married Elizabeth Randall, of Pembroke. His children were, Rhoda, who married Captain Icha- bod Bonney, September 13th, 1801 ; Abagail, who married Samuel Herrick, June 14th, 1789; Mary, who married Ezekiel Bradford, December 14th, 1786; Betsey, who married Nathaniel Shaw, June 15th, 1783; Parmela, who married Nathaniel Beals, October 20th, 1 799 ; Caleb, who married Bethiah Young, July 2d, 1793; Cyntha, who married Seth Rose, May 13th, 1796 ; Anna, who married Zebulon Rose, of Livermore ; and Penelope, who married Nathaniel Larrabee. Mr. House died March 12th, 1795. His descendants are numerous. Richard Phillips married Ruth Bonney, and his children were, Benjamin, who died at sea; Deborah, who married Thomas Records ; Abner, who married Hannah Haskell; Richard, who married Abagail HISTORY OF TURNER. 55 Haskell, December 12th, 1796; Isaac, who married Mary Stephens, December 12th, 1799; Gaius, who died early; Jairus, who married Silence Briggs, December 15th, 1785; Chloe, who died single; Ichabod, who married Polly Baily ; Ruth, and Lydia, who died single; Benjamin, who married Jennet Allen ; and Cyntha, who married John Allen. Jasial Smith removed from Taunton, where he had married Anna Grossman. His children were, Laban, who married Molly Bryant ; Hannah, who married Samuel Andrews ; Nancy, who married Moses Stephens ; Seba, who married Aphia Stephens ; Jasial, who married Rachel Purington ; Asa, who married Jane Niles ; Keziah, who married James Waterman ; Rachel, who married John Strickland ; and Ghloe, who married Dr. Gharles Hays. Henry Jones removed from Taunton, where he had married Phebe Richmond, in 1799. His chil- dren were, Polly, who married Abner Jones, Octo- ber 5th, 1800; Henry, who married Relief Triboo, December nth, 1803; Hannah, who married Seth Staples, September 26th, 1802 ; Richmond, who married Mary Bryant; Phebe, who married Hart Briggs, November 13th, 1814; Joanna, who mar- ried Gasander Gary, February 3d, 1819; Amy, who died, June 29th, 1792, at the age of four years; Amiel, who died, September 12th, 1802, aged two 56 HISTORY OF TURNER. years; Amy 2d, who married a Mr. Myric; Aba- gail, who married Tilden Jones, August 15th, 181 3 ; and David, who died, October 3d, 181 7. Benjamin Jones married Tabitha Leavitt, of Syl- vester, and his children were, Isaac, who married Luna Dillingham ; Benjamin, who married Jennet Niles ; Abijah, who married Joanna Allen ; Libeus, who married Hannah Roberts ; Hira, who married Betsey Allen ; Galon, who married Rispa Briggs ; Sally, who married Warren Richmond ; Tilden, who married Abagail Jones; Asia, who married Stella Blake ; Africa, who married Lydia Records ; Tabitha, who married Daniel Briggs ; Sylvia, who married Benjamin Briggs; Jennet, who married Salmon Reckords, Jr.; Julia, who died young; and Julia 2d, who married Jefferson Bray. Sylvester Jones removed to Turner in 1797, from Taunton, where he had married Deborah Lincoln, and after her death he married her sister, Mercy. His third wife was Mercy Pratt. His children were, Sylvester, who married Lydia Grossman ; Gornelius, who married Saba Bryant ; two sons, and a daughter, who died at Taunton ; Deborah, who married Dan Pratt; Sybil, who died single; Apollos, who married Prudence Ghase ; Abner, who married Polly Jones ; two children that died in infancy; and Barnum, who married Betsey Sampson. HISTORY OF TURNER. 57 Deacon Daniel Merrill came into Turner, from New Gloucester, in 1776; the Merrill families in town were descendants of his. His children were, Rhoda, w^ho married Benjamin True ; Joseph, who married Elizabeth True ; Jabez, who married Han- nah Sawyer ; Benjamin, who died single ; Levi, who married Sylvia Leavitt ; Moses, who died single ; Anna, who married Ichabod Bonney, Jr. ; and Daniel, who married Clarissa Record. Governor William Bradford was born in York- shire, England, in March, 1589, and died. May 9th, 1657. He came to this country in the May Flower, in 1620, and was governor of Plymouth Colony thirty years. November 30th, 161 3, he married Dorothy May in Holland. She was drowned in Cape Cod Harbor, December 7th, 1620. She left a son, who died without issue. August 14th, 1623, he married the widow, Alice Southworth. His chil- dren were, William, born June 17th, 1624, and died February 20th, 1703; Marcy, born in 1626; and Joseph, born in 1630. William married Alice Richardson by whom he had ten children ; his second wife was Mrs. Wiswall, who left one child. His third wife was Mrs. Mary Holmes, widow of Rev. John Holmes, by whom he had four children. Ephraim, the second child by his third wife, was born about 1680-5, ^^^ married Elizabeth Brewster, by whom he had a large family of children, all born in Duxbury. 58 HISTORY OF TURNER. Ezekiel Bradford, the eighth child of Ephraim, was born in 1728, and married Betsey Chandler, of Duxbury, in which town, it seems, his children were born. He was one of the early settlers in Sylves- ter, as also were several of his sons. His children were, Ephraim, who married Judith Moulton ; Will- iam, who married Assenath Mason ; Deborah, who married Barnabas Winslow ; Jesse, who married Judith Weston; Rebecca, who married William True ; Chandler, who married Sarah French ; Eze- kiel, who married Mary House; Martin, who mar- ried Prudence Dillingham; Philip, who married Mary Bonney; and Elizabeth, who married Daniel Briggs. Mrs. Caroline W. D. Rich, wife of Professor Thomas H. Rich, of Bates College, furnishes the following interesting sketch of her grandfather's life, Mr. Joseph Leavitt: — My maternal grandfather, Joseph Leavitt, was the son of Jacob Leavitt, of Pembroke, Massachusetts. His mother's maiden name was Sylvia Bonney. He was a lineal descendant of John Leavitt, who was born in England in 1608, and came to New England in the year 1628, and settled in Dorchester, Massachusetts. In 1636 he removed to Hingham, Massachu- setts, where he became influential in town affairs, holding many offices of trust, being magistrate of the town, and representa- tive to the General Court several years. He also held the office of deacon in the church. He died in 1691, aged eighty- three years. Some of his descendants went to New Hampshire, some to HISTORY OF TURNER. 59 the Province of Maine, and some to Connecticut. Many of them were college graduates, and quite a number were minis- ters. The subject of this sketch enlisted in the Continental Army at the breaking out of the War of the Revolution. When his term of enlistment (three months) expired, he felt that he could not fight. He said, " Some must stay at home and raise bread " ; others might fight, but he " would raise bread for them." His comrades gave him the name of Quaker Joe, on account of his peace principles, a cognomen which he always bore among his friends. He came to the Province of Maine at the age of eighteen, as an assistant to the surveyors employed by the government to lay out the townships on the Androscog- gin. He was much pleased with the township of what is now Turner, and told the surveyors that he should return and settle there, and wished them to select a lot for him. They said, jokingly, " Well, Joe, you will like to go to meeting, so we will give you a lot next to the meeting-house lot." And that was the spot on " Upper street," where he made his home, and where he lived and died. The place is still known as the Leavitt Place. The spring following the survey, young Leavitt returned to the township alone, living in the heart of the wilderness, with only savages about him. The nearest white inhabitant was twenty miles away. He remained through the summer, finding the Indians friendly, and often doing them a kindness, which resulted in securing their loyalty to himself. He was obliged to transport all his supplies on his back through the forest. His friendly relations with the Indians made it possible for him to do so. The most powerful tribe was the Algonquins, who claimed the hunting grounds from the Andro- scoggin Valley to the Penobscot. My grandfather's stories, and the incidents related to his children, were treasured by them in memory, and were traditions full of romance to his grandchildren. 6o HISTORY OF TURNER. The indomitable perseverance of my grandfather enabled him to fell the forest, and make a *' clearing," in which he erected a block-house. He then went back to Pembroke, Massachusetts, and spent the winter. The next summer he returned to the township, and put in seed, anticipating a good "crop", which he realized at harvest time. After the crops were put in, he went to Bakerstown (New Gloucester) and bought nineteen young apple-trees, which he carried on his shoulders through the forest by a " spotted line " to his new home. He planted them near his house, and the next year one apple grew and ripened, the first apple in a town that has since been celebrated for its superior apples. At the time he planted his trees, he also planted some apple seeds on a piece of land that had just been burnt, and he used to say that half the seeds parched and burst open, the ground was so hot when he planted them. The same summer he left his clearing in the care of friendly Indians and went back to Pembroke, his native town, and married Anna Stevens. He brought his bride on horse- back, seated on a pillion behind himself, from Pembroke, Mass., through New Hampshire into the wilderness of the " Province of Massachusetts " to his home in the little clearing. Her effects were transported on other horses, in saddlebags and portman- teaux. From Bakerstown they had only a " blazed line " to fol- low j often the young bridegroom was obliged to dismount and hold the limbs of trees away for her to ride under them. Some- times she had to dismount and cross a brook on a fallen tree, which served as a bridge. The journey from Pembroke to the home in the wilderness occupied several weeks, a most romantic bridal tour indeed. As years passed on Mr. Leavitt saw the need of a public house for travelers, and as soon as he erected a frame house, he opened his doors in the way of keeping a tavern, though he never hung out a " sign ", yet his hospitality for man and beast was as complete as though he had advertised in that way. He built the first frame building in the town, HISTORY OF TURNER. 6 1 which is still an old landmark. He held many offices of trust, and represented his townsmen in state councils. His sterling integrity and liberal hand won friends while living, and left a memory greatly beloved and respected. Like his father and earlier ancestors, he belonged with the " Old Standing Order" in his church relations. His granddaughter, the writer of this sketch, is the daughter of Anna Leavitt Stockbridge, who was his sixth child by his first wife, Anna Stevens Leavitt. Mr. Joseph Leavitt was married three times ; first to Anna Stevens who bore him eight children, the oldest being the first male child born in the township ; his second wife, Hannah Chandler, bore him two children ; his third wife, Elsea Caswell, was childless. The Leavitt family was remarkable for longevity ; nearly all of Joseph Leavitt's children lived the three score years allotted to man, and some of them attained a much greater age. The patriarch, Jacob Leavitt, was father of thirteen children. He was born in Pembroke, Mass., in 1732, removed to Turner August 6, 1778, and died January 25, 1814, aged 82 years. Mrs. Sylvia Bonney Leavitt was born in Pembroke, Mass., Sep- tember 3, 1733, and died December 31, 1810. By records found in Washington, D. C. and in Pembroke, Hingham, Dorchester, Plymouth and Boston, we trace the line of Leavitt back to the Teutons of England. The first authentic name is Sire John Leavitt, born in England 1608, and came to New England in 1628. His son Josiah, eighth child of John, born in 1653, lived in Hingham. He married Margaret John- son October 20, 1676. Joshua, son of Josiah, was born in 1687. Jacob, son of Joshua, was born in Pembroke in 1732. He and Sylvia Bonney were married March 15, 1753 by Rev. Daniel Leires. Joseph Leavitt, second child of Jacob, was born in Pembroke, in 1757. Joseph Leavitt Jr., first child of Joseph Leavitt, was born in Turner (then a township) in 1777. 62 HISTORY OF TURNER. According to the birth records of the parish in Pembroke, we find that " Sylvia Bonney, daughter of Ichabod and Elizabeth Bonney, was born Sept. 3, 1733." She was sister to Lydia Bonney (Hamlin), first wife of Eleazer Hamlin, and great- grandmother to Hon. Hannibal Hamlin ; so that in the line of Joseph Leavitt, the pioneer of Turner, there is a union of Ham- lin and Leavitt blood. The Hon. Washington Gilbert, of Bath, has fav- ored me with the following information respecting the Gilbert family in Turner: — Elijah Gilbert came into town at an early period, in what year is not known, and secured four lots of land, one of which was number twenty, and the others were adjacent, or in the vicinity. His land embraced a part of the cedar swamp at the foot of the " Gilbert Hills," as they were sometimes called, on the road leading from the " Upper Street " to the river, between the farms of Richard Phillips and Benjamin Jones. Elijah Gilbert married, in Plymouth County, Mass., the widow of a Mr. Randall, whose maiden name was Hannah Stetson- Their children were Josiah, Elijah, Nisa, so-called, but it is sup- posed to be Eunice, Caleb, Hannah, and James Drew. The children of Josiah Gilbert and Bethany Day, his wife, were Daniel, who died young ; Clarisa, who married and moved away ; Olive, who married and deceased ; Luther, now living in Turner ; Sarah, who lives in Massachusetts ; a daughter, name not remembered ; Randall, removed from town, and Lovicea, deceased. Elijah Gilbert Jr. removed to Chesterville, where he left a family of daughters. The children of Caleb Gilbert by his first wife, Dianna Curtis, were Lewis, who settled in Turner, but at length removed to Greene, where he spent a large portion of his life ; Caleb, who HISTORY OF TURNER. 63 married a daughter of Ichabod Leavitt, now deceased ; Diana who married Alden Rose, deceased; Franklin, who spent his life in the town; Melzar, who married Alma Bradford, and is now living ; Hiram, who married Sarah Ann Bidwell, removed from town ; and one that died in infancy. By his second wife, Achsah Burgess, his children were John, who removed from town and deceased ; Achsah, who married away ; Elijah, who died in early life ; Mary, who married away ; Love, who also married away. By his third wife, a Miss Blaisdell, his children were Fairfield, Clinton, and one whose name is not remembered. These all removed from town. The children of James Drew Gilbert and Rebecca Day, his wife, were Hannah, who married John S. Leavitt, deceased ; Washington, who married Jane Badger, and is a lawyer in Bath ; Carolus, who lives in Auburn; James Drew, who married and settled in Turner; Roxanna, who married George A. Hinkly, deceased ; Octavia, who married the same, lives in Newton, Mass. ; Ammi, who died unmarried, and Everline, who married Ralph Davenport of Newton, Mass. The children of Lewis Gilbert and Eunice Alden, his wife, are Ziba A., who married Clara Bradford, and resides in Greene ; Osca, who married a Mr. Cole of Lewiston ; Selden, who married a Miss Whitmore of Bowdoinham, and is the pastor of a church in New Haven, Conn. ; Ellen, who married Horace Bradford of Turner, and a son who resides m Massachusetts. The following information respecting the Smith family is gathered from genealogical tables and a communication furnished by Mrs. A. M. Pulsifer, of Auburn : — Jasiel Smith was born in Taunton, Mass., March 25, 1734; married Anna Grossman, April 14, 1757. They continued to reside in Taunton for thirty years, and there their children were bom. 64 HISTORY OF TURNER. Their children were Hannah, born Feb. 15, 1758, and married Samuel Andrews of Berkley, Mass., June 29, 1779, and moved into Turner in July. A daughter born July 9, 1759, died in infancy. Laban, born Feb. i, 1760, married Molly Bryant in Turner. Jasiel, born Feb. 7, 1763, married Rachael Purrington of Topsham. Asa, born Aug. 22, 1765, married Jane Niles, in Turner. Seba, born June 13, 1767, married Aphia Stevens. Nancy, born May 13, 1769, married Moses Stevens, of Turner. Keziah, born Sept. 22, 1771, married James Waterman of Tur- ner. Chloe, born March 16, 1774, married Dr. Charles Hay of Reading. Rachel, born March 25, 1780, married John Strick- land of Turner. Samuel Andrews, who married Hannah Smith, bought the farm on which Rev. George Bates lived many years, on the Lower street, now owned by Lewis Briggs, and was probably the iirst merchant in town. Reports and traditions are some- what confusing, but it seems that he brought his goods from Portland on horseback, in saddlebags, and kept them in a drawer or cupboard ; that his house was at first a simple roof resting upon the ground, which he raised up in due time, plac- ing walls under it. As his business increased he devoted more space to it, until at length his house became a store, though occupied also as a dwelling. From an account book bearing date April, 1793, I copy the following charges : — s. d. I Speling book i 4 1 Mouse trap 6 A " Jewsarp " 10 Fishhook 8 I penknife 8 I penknife i i Gingerbread and biscuit 6 I Book 9 I Biscuit I Cakes 2 Buttings and tacks i 8 HISTORY OF TURNER. 65 This account will give some idea of the trade in this store opened on Lower street so many years ago. It is probable that the store had been open for business a considerable time when this account was made. Anna Crosman Smith, who with her husband moved into Turner in June, 1787, possessed a remarkable memory as well as poetic gifts, which have been inherited by her descendants. An eulogy in verse, written in honor of her great-grandfather, Major Thomas Leonard of Taunton, by Rev. Samuel Danforth, the associate of Elliot in his missionary labors among the Indians, she committed to memory from a printed copy pasted upon the wall in her grandfather's house. She was then very young, for when she was six years of age the house was burned, " but the eulogy was safe in her retentive memory." On her eighty-fourth birthday she wrote as follows : — This day another year is done Since first I drew my breath; And here I stand a candidate To choose my everlasting state, And seal my destiny of fate, Of endless life or death. Thy wondrous mercy guarded me Through childhood, youth and years ; Thy hand unseen conveyed me safe Through dangers, toils and cares. Oh ! let my soul with joy record The boundless goodness of the Lord, And still repeat his praise. Old Age is come with all her train. Disease and sickness, grief and pain ; But why should living man complain ? So let thy will be done. 6 66 HISTORY OF TURNER. She lived to a great age, retaining in a remarkable degree her powers of body and of mind. Seba Smith, the son of Seba and Aphia Smith, was born Sept. 14, 1792, in Buckfield, it is said, though his father, or pos- sibly his uncle Laban Smith, once lived on the Lower street, where Walter Dresser now resides. He graduated at Bowdoin College in 18 18, and settled in Portland as a writer for the periodical press. He married Elizabeth Oakes Prince of Port- land in 1823. He gained a wide reputation by the publication of letters during Gen. Jackson's administration over the signa- ture of "Maj. Jack Downing." These letters were witty and amusing, being somewhat in the style of Petroleum V. Nasby's letters of the present day. They were first published collec- tively in 1833, and have since passed through several editions. He removed to New York in 1842 where he continued to reside. He published " Powhatan," a metrical romance, and other volumes, as also many minor poems. His wife, Elizabeth Oakes Smith, became a noted authoress and lecturer. The productions of her pen are several volumes of prose and verse, besides numerous contributions to magazines and other periodi- cals. The Smith family was quite numerous, but probably it has now no representative resident in Turner. THE EARLY SETTLERS. The early settlers were located as follows ; — Israel Haskell, on lot number 27 Moses Stevens, " " 32 Hezekiah Bryant, " " 58 Joseph Leavitt, " " 53 Jabez Merrill, " " 58 Abner Phillips, " " 28 Richard Phillips, " " 39 Wm. Bradford, " " 56 HISTORY OF TURNER. 67 Samuel Blake, on the mill lot John Keen, on lot number 34 Josiah Staples, ti 49 Daniel Briggs, tt 48 Stephen Bryant, <( 74 Dea. Daniel Merrill, {< Seth Staples, n 33 Daniel Staples, n Jacob Leavitt lived with his son, Joseph. Wm. Hayford, on lot number Jotham Briggs, 47 Henry Jones, IT Isaac Phillips, Ezekiel Bradford, 60. Chandler Bradford, 47 Jesse Bradford, 171 Martin Bradford, 6z Daniel French, 72- Dr. Daniel Child, 78 Dr. Luther Cary, 73 Daniel Cary, 76 Ezra Cary, 26 Joshua Barren, 46 The early settlers chose the high lands as best for the first crops, hence they selected farms on the " Upper Street," so called, and on the " Lower Street," which run parallel with each other, three- fourths of a mile apart. In lotting the township a strip of land four rods wide was left at the westerly end of the " Lower Street " farms, but the settlers,, preferring the land on the easterly end of their farms for the first crops, laid out the road accordingly. 68 HISTORY OF TURNER. It is said that the first clearing in the plantation was on the farm now owned by Lucius Gary ; yet several clearings must have been made nearly as early on the other farms. The families that came into the town in the first years of its settlement, suffered many deprivations and hardships, yet they were united in the bonds of a firm friendship, and were neighbors, though living miles apart. Their first houses were rude structures, though comfort- able, but as a saw-mill was built in the year that the first settlements were made, they were soon able to procure boards for use in building. At first they were compelled to carry their corn to New Glou- cester, about twenty miles, to be ground; and as there were no roads, each man was obliged to take his grist on his back and follow the path through the woods, or even be guided by spotted trees. It was a hard day's work to carry a bushel of corn to mill, and return with the meal. But they were soon favored with a mill in their own town, when carrying a grist to be ground became a pleasure. The manner of living was very simple, as the set- tlers depended mostly on their farms for the supply of their tables. I have heard my grandmother say that when the matrons visited each other they would very likely have roasted potatoes and milk for tea. A simple, frugal diet was enjoyed, and was suited to the needs and the circumstances of the HISTORY OF TURNER. 69 people. The maple furnished them with sugar, their fields with bread, and their pastures with meat and the products of the dairy. Many things, now become necessaries, were then hardly known as luxuries. Their clothing was manufactured at home, the flax furnishing material for summer wear, and the wool for winter. The busy housewife, in addition to the usual cares and duties devolved on the head of the family, carded the flax, the tow, and the wool by hand, spun the rolls into yarn which she wove into cloth for the use of the family. Bed- ding and table linen were the fruits of her industry and skill. Solomon's description of a virtuous woman will apply to the matron among the early settlers : " She seeketh wool and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands. She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff. She is not afraid of the snow for her household ; for all her household are clothed with scarlet." As a rule the clothing for church and holiday wear was made by hand as well as that for home use ; and spinning and weaving by hand did not become lost arts until a little more than a generation ago. Other wants were supplied in a similar manner. My grandfather, Daniel French, was probably the first tanner in town. He pounded the hemlock bark with a hammer, as he had no mill to grind it, and made the hides into leather in the most simple 70 HISTORY OF TURNER. manner. He may have contrived to make the brook which flowed near his house operate the ham- mer that pounded the bark, or perhaps he did all the work by hand. With a knife formed something like a drawshave, having a hook in one end placed in a staple driven into a tall block of wood or a log, with a handle at the other end of the knife, he fash- ioned his lasts as best he could, and then made boots and shoes for his own family and others, as he might have a call for the exercise of his artistic skill. And for a long time it was the practice of the farmers to carry the hides, taken from the cattle killed for beef, to the tanner, and when the leather was ready for use in the fall, to call in the shoe- maker, and have the shoes made for the family. A like custom prevailed as to the making of garments for the men and boys. The cloth was taken from the loom, colored, fulled, and pressed, at the fulling- mill, so called, and when finished, the tailor came and fitted the menfolks with coats and pants, and sometimes with overcoats. Home-spun clothing was worn by all the people. As soon as the people found it convenient, they built houses having a frame covered with boards over which shingles were laid. They presented an appearance of comfort and neatness. The inside was finished, not infrequently, by ceiling the walls with boards. Carpets were then unknown, and HISTORY OF TURNER. 7 1 rarely, perhaps, was the floor painted, but nice, white sand was procured, sprinkled upon the floor, and gently brushed with a broom into various forms according to the taste of the housewife, to make it look attractive. The custom of dressing or deco- rating the floors of the best rooms in this manner prevailed for a long time among certain classes of the people. When the people found it convenient to build good houses, they built them large and two stories high. Nearly all the best houses of the early settlers were of this description, and some of them now remain, to indicate the taste and aspira- tions of the farmers of that period. Stoves and furnaces had not been thought of then, it is probable, and each room was furnished with a brick fire-place ; that in the kitchen, or living- room, being very large, capable of holding a huge pile of wood. These great fires sent out a cheery warmth and glow, which made the rooms pleasant and summer-like in winter's cold, and invited con- versation and story-telling with neighbors in the long evenings. All the cooking for the family was done over or about the great open fire, except as the brick oven was brought into use. And some- times a long seat made of boards, with a high back, called a settle, was a part of the kitchen furniture, and made a comfortable seat for the children, when drawn up near the fire on a cold day or evening. 72 HISTORY OF TURNER. The roads were not good, and wagons had not come into use. The people were in the habit of riding on horseback, the man seated on a saddle, and the woman on a pillion behind him. Parties for pleasure-riding enjoyed themselves in this man- ner, and they not infrequently enjoyed the excite- ment of a fast ride as well as gentlemen and ladies now in their carriages. In the same way the people made journeys on business or pleasure. Even the early representatives to the General Court in Boston went on horseback, taking their clothing in saddle-bags. The journey to Boston, made in this way, required several days; and probably no one then even dreamed that after a half century the journey would be made in a few hours while seated in a carriage more richly furnished than any parlor then in town. The people rode to church in the same manner, and not infrequently they would " ride and tie " if the place of worship was a consid- erable distance away. One, or perhaps two, would mount the horse and ride a portion of the way, when they would dismount, tie the horse by the road-side, and proceed afoot. When the other party came up with the horse, they would mount, and ride on past their companions, when they in turn would tie the horse and proceed afoot. In this way they accomplished the journey to and from church. The same mode of traveling was equally HISTORY OF TURNER. 73 convenient on other occasions when all could not ride at the same time. In a few years the roads were better and wagons were introduced, but as ^they were large and heavy, and not furnished with springs, riding in them was not without some discomfort. The business of the early settlers was, of course, clearing up their farms and raising crops suited to their wants, and raising such live stock as their needs required. Each family, each neighborhood, was, in a sense, a community by itself, not only raising the farm products which supplied the table, but manufacturing their own clothing from the raw material, and living in a great measure independently of other communities and of the great world out- side. When the seasons were propitious and the harvests abundant, plenty crowned their board ; but an unfavorable season involved them in more or less of suffering, for transportation between their town and distant places was next to impossible. But with industry and economy they secured the neces- saries and comforts of life, and the wolf of want rarely entered their doors. In the winter season they engaged in lumbering operations to some extent if not on a large scale. The town was noted for its forests of pine of the best quality, and many of its majestic trees were sought for masts and spars. 74 HISTORY OF TURNER. TURNER VILLAGE. Mr. Samuel Blake built the first mills for sawing boards and grinding corn in 1775, by contract with the proprietors of the township, for which he received one or two lots of land, and certain mate- rials to be used in the erection of the mills. This mill was totally destroyed by the great freshet in 1785. Hon. Job Prince, in his history of Turner, prepared for the Atlas of Androscoggin County, says : " This was a serious misfortune to the settlers, and their first resort was to dig out mortars in which to pound their grain. When the water sub- sided, a small mill was constructed on the brook, east of ' Meeting-house Hill,' by which a scant supply of meal was obtained until the ice of the succeeding winter put an embargo upon operations. To increase the supply, Samuel Andrews made a mortar in which corn was pounded by wind power. In the course of the next season, Blake's Mills were rebuilt, and have been in successful operation since, except for a short period in 1856 when they were burnt, but were soon rebuilt again." Oliver Pollard became the owner of these mills probably about 1800, or a little later, and they remained in his possession until about 181 7 when he exchanged property with Col. Cyrus Clark who lived on the hill in Minot, now known as West Auburn. He built over the saw-mill, and continued to operate it HISTORY OF TURNER. 75 for many years. The grist-mill remained in his possession until his death, I think, when it passed into the hands of his son, Gen. Philo Clark, who rebuilt it in 1856, after the destructive fire of that year, and made it one of the best mills in this sec- tion of the state. After his death, in the summer of 1885, Mr. North bought the mill. The saw-mill changed hands several times. Solon Chase and Daniel French were the owners when it was burnt, March 12th, 1856. It was rebuilt at once, and was soon in readiness for use. Charles Blake and Asa Jones bought it, but at length it was owned solely by Mr. Jones, who had control of it until the au- tumn of 1885, when he sold his interest to Charles Willard. At an early period a fulling-mill, so called, was built, probably by David Gorham. In this mill the woolen cloth manufactured in hand looms in the homes of the farmers was prepared for use. That designed for women's wear was colored and pressed ; while that designed for men's wear was fulled, colored, and pressed ; and if for Sunday use, it was sheared, so as to give it a nicer appearance. At the first the shears were operated by hand, but in due time they were operated by water-power, which was a great improvement. About 18 15, Alanson Cary came into possession of the mill, but did not succeed in the business, and soon gave it up. Isaac 76 HISTORY OF TURNER. Gross was the owner for many years and did a flourishing business. He became so skillful in dressing cloth that his mill was patronized by the farmers to a considerable distance away, and during the autumn and early winter his mill presented a busy scene. Becoming aged, he gave up the busi- ness, and it was soon discontinued, for the custom of buying cloth ready made at the factories prevail- ing, the fulling-mill ceased to be patronized. About 1800, the father of Nathan and John Cole built an oil-mill and set up a machine for carding wool. At that time the farmers were in the habit of raising flax, and an abundant supply of seed for the manufacture of oil was easily obtained. These mills were run night and day in their season. Mor- rill Cole bought out his brother Nathan's interest, and the mills were operated by him and his brother John. The business was continued for many years with good success. John Cole was ever bubbling over with fun, and he took pleasure in playing harmless tricks upon boys, and others who came to his mill. Many amusing anecdotes are related of him. Payne Merrill and Melzar Gilbert at length bought the oil-mill, but it was closed about 1836. When the farmers ceased to raise flax, the supply of seed for the mill was not at hand; and the cus- tom of selling the wool, instead of manufacturing it at home, greatly diminished the business of wool- carding. HISTORY OF TURNER. 77 William B.Bray, George Mitchell, and Dea. Hiram Donham enlarged the building in which the card- ing machine had been placed, and for about ten years carried on an extensive business in the manu- facture of churns, pails, and washtubs. These churns were cylinders, and the paddles inside for exercising the cream were turned by a crank. These churns found ready sale far and near, and large numbers of them were thrown upon the market. But this building, with its machinery, lumber, and finish for a church which was about to be erected in the village, was consumed in the fire of 1856, which destroyed the other mills near it. On the site of the oil-mill John Donham erected a carriage factory, and was engaged for a number of years in the manufacture and repair of carriages and sleighs. After the fire mentioned above, he rebuilt, and in a few years enlarged his building, thus securing ample space for the different depart- ments of his work, and for circular saws, a planer, and other machinery useful in his business. Ad- vancing in years, he sold the property to Benjamin Knapp, who still owns it, and is kept very busy in his line of work. In another part of the village Mr. E. Fernald has a carriage factory where he does all kinds of work that one in his business may be required to yS HISTORY OF TURNER. do. He makes wagons and sleighs, irons them and paints them, and does all manner of repairing. He has facilities for doing these various kinds of work. He has been in the business at his old stand for many years, and is still actively engaged in it. In 1836 General Alden Blossom obtained from the legislature an act of incorporation, constitut- ing him, his associates and successors, a body cor- porate for the purpose of manufacturing cotton, wool, iron, and steel, to be known as the Turner Manufacturing Company, and empowering them to hold and employ for that purpose a capital of not more than fifty thousand dollars. The first meet- ing of this corporation was held in the month of October of the same year, when Hon. Job Prince, Major Hiram Clark, Isaac Gross, Esq., General John Turner, and Mr. Charles Snell were chosen for their board of directors. At this meeting the stock of the company was made to represent one hundred shares of one hundred dollars each, and at a subsequent meeting as many more shares were voted. Funds were raised by selling shares in the stock, and an amount was secured sufficiently large, as supposed, to cover the whole expense. The stock sold amounted to twelve thousand dollars. The foundation was laid, bricks procured, and the building erected. A canal had to be blasted out of the solid ledge in which to bring the water from HISTORY OF TURNER. 79 the dam to the factory, a distance of several rods. The funds raised were all consumed in this work, and as there were no means with which to purchase machinery and set it in operation, the building stood some years unoccupied. At length Thomas Harback, usually called Major Harback, put in an old set of machinery, the owners giving him the use of the building two years ; but after the expira- tion of this time he was to pay them two dollars and a half per share a year for the use of it. He made nice cloth, suitable for men's wear. The business next passed into the hands of a Mr. Thomas, who manufactured the same kind of goods. He talked much, and seemed to promise great things, but in a few years came out at the little end of the horn. Cyrus Cole and Washing- ton Long, of Buckfield, were his successors, and did a good business a number of years. Morrill Cole owned it, or an interest in it, for awhile. At some time a Mr. James manufactured flannel for a short period. It has been difficult to ascertain the dates so as to give an exact history of the factory. R. B. Dunn became an owner, but accomplished little or no work while he held it in possession. Finally, Mr. Faulkner bought the property, the original owners selling their shares at a large dis- count. This seemed to be the only way of saving anything out of their original investment. Mr. 8o HISTORY OF TURNER. Faulkner manufactured flannels, but the fire of 1856 put a period to his operations. The mill remained idle several years, but at length it was enlarged, and put in operation, and its machinery has been running most of the time until the pres- ent. F. T. Faulkner, son of the former owner by this name, is the present proprietor, and under his supervision the factory is doing a good business. Mr. Faulkner started up the mill the last time in the spring of 1879. He runs four sets of forty- four-inch cards, and twenty-four broad looms. He gives employment to over forty hands, and manu- factures from twelve to fifteen thousand yards of twilled flannels per week, which are colored either blue or scarlet. He consumes, in the manufacture of these goods, from two hundred thousand to three hundred thousand pounds of wool in the raw state, annually. The machinery is driven by a five feet Improved Tyler Wheel, and the mill is heated by steam generated by a tubular boiler. Many cords of wood are consumed annually in heating the mill and coloring the goods. William B. Bray, Sen., probably opened the first store in the village. He continued in business several years. He died in middle life from injuries received in the saw-mill. Oliver Pollard was a resi- dent of the village in 18 10, and owned the mills, but was not engaged in trade. He remained here HISTORY OF TURNER. 8 1 until about 1817, when he made an exchange of property with Colonel Cyrus Clark, of Minot, now Auburn, who thus became the owner of the mills. He soon built a store, and was in successful busi- ness until the time of his death, in the winter of 1835-6. His son. General Philo Clark, built a store close by his residence in 1831, and continued in business till about 1849, when he leased his store to Jesse and Hira Bradford, who were in company eight years, since which time Hira Bradford has continued in trade by himself alone at the old stand. William Harris opened a store at about 1825, and continued in the business ten or twelve years. In those early times traders dealt quite largely in West India goods, which meant sugar, molasses, and rum. There were no railroads in those days, and freight was moved mostly by ox- teams. It was no unusual thing then to see an ox-team coming into the village with a hogshead of molasses, two hogsheads of rum, with smaller pack- ages of choicer liquors, to supply the wants of the people. And in the time of haying and harvesting it required a hogshead of rum a week to keep the laborers in good condition for work. Indeed, liquors were in constant demand for all occasions, for the raising and moving of buildings, for sol- diers on parade or other duty, for the ordination or installation of ministers, and for social occasions in 7 82 HISTORY OF TURNER. the homes of the people. A great change has been effected in public sentiment, and in the cus- toms of society in regard to the use of intoxicating drinks, and the impression that some seem to have that society is becoming corrupt, is here shown to be erroneous. It would now be a strange sight to see a good deacon standing beside the rum casks, dealing out liquors to the men who are engaged in raising the frame of a church in which he has a special interest. But once this was thought a proper thing to do. In March, 1823, William B. Bray Jr., opened a store, and continued in business a number of years. Possessing energy and business capacity, or in- sight, he uniformly succeeded in whatever he undertook. His brother Jefferson became the owner of the store, and managed the business for a few years. Hiram Clark was interested for a series of years in the store which his father. Colo- nel Cyrus Clark, had occupied. It is neither easy nor necessary to enumerate all the names of the men and the firms which have succeeded each other in trade here. Jesse Bradford spent most of the active period of his life in business in the village, and his son, William, is his successor. William B. Bray, after engaging in business in other places, returned to the village, and had a store while engaged in the manufacture of churns. He was afterward in company with John Blake. c6 o PQ HISTORY OF TURNER. 83 William L. Bonney began trade here many years ago, on the north side of the river, and in company with another, or by himself, has remained in the same store to the present time. Lucius Dresser began the business of a tanner about 1840, and for a portion of the time has done a large amount of work. In 1886 he sold his tannery to Charles Willard, who converted it into a factory for the manufacture of boxes. John Blake and son went into the stove and tin- ware business about 1850, and in April, 1867, William H. French engaged in it, and continues to make it a success. About 181 7, Aaron Rogers and Caleb Bourne opened blacksmith shops, and industriously ham- mered out their fortunes on the anvil unto the last. Numerous have been their successors, each in his time doing the work his hand found to do, and there are those who are doing it still. TURNER CENTER. Jesse Bradford, General John Turner, and Henry Jones built a saw-mill and grist-mill at Turner Center, formerly known as Bradford Vil- lage, in 1795. The privilege was bought of Joseph Copeland, or a lease of it was secured for nine hundred and ninety-nine years. A condition of the lease was that if at any time no mills were main- tained on the privilege for four years in succession, 84 HISTORY OF TURNER. the lease should be null and void. The lot on which the privilege was situated was sold to David Hood, subject to the lease above mentioned, but he came under bonds of two hundred dollars not to interfere with the mill lot. The grist-mill was burnt not long after its erection, but was rebuilt by Jesse Bradford and General Turner, and was in success- ful operation many years. A shingle machine and clapboard machine were set up at the time the Masonic building was raised at the village, about 1834, in May. It was very cold for the time of year, the ground freezing so that farmers could not plow. A northwest wind blew the spray from the dam upon the north end of the grist-mill, and by this means it was soon covered with a coat of ice. A fulling-mill was built at an early day, and Hira Bradford colored, pressed, and dressed cloth in it about seventy years. Hartson Bradford, then a mere lad, turned the shears to shear the cloth. William Harris bought a half interest in the fulling-mill, and Jefferson Bray worked in it three or four years, dressing cloth. Anson Gott then bought the mill, and used it for the manufacture of wooden bowls. Joseph Ludden purchased the grist-mill after Jesse Bradford's death, about 1830, and kept it in operation so long as it stood. He and Hart- son Bradford became owners of the saw-mill. Hosea Cushman had for a time a blacksmith shop ^xe HISTORY OF TURNER. 85 in which a trip hammer was operated by water- power. All these mills were in operation until carried away by a great freshet about 1845. This freshet washed away the rights of the mill-owners, Anson Gott and Hartson Bradford, and then there was a contest as to the ownership of the privilege between the heirs of Joseph Copeland and David Hood. The Hoods added several acres to the privilege on the west side of the river, and sold their interest in it to Lyman Eustis and Eland Fuller, who continue to be the owners. The privi- lege, though the best in the town, has remained unoccupied to the present time. There was, indeed, soon after the freshet which proved so destructive, an offer made to the owners under the lease by parties who wished to improve the water power, but Mr. Gott was unwilling to sell his interest for the sum offered, and the waters have flowed without restraint down the rapids to the present hour. At an early period Leonard Richmond built a store, a house, and a shop for the manufacture of reeds used in weaving cloth in hand looms. The house was the old one recently torn down, standing opposite the residence of Aubrey Leavitt. Thomas Additon, Joel Fairbanks, and William Mitchell, worked at reed-making a number of years. The reeds were widely sought for when the people manufactured their own clothing in their own 86 HISTORY OF TURNER. homes. But the manufacture of reeds ceased when the carding machine and fulling-mill became silent. Samuel Wood, of Winthrop, did business in the store four or five years, when Hartson Bradford and Gushing Mitchell bought it, but after two years H. Bradford became sole owner, and con- tinued the business two years more, when he built the store which now constitutes a part of Grange Hall. He remained in this building about seven years. During the latter part of this time his brother Jesse was associated with him in business, and continued in it after the senior member of the firm retired. Joel Paine, whose wife was a sister of Henry Humphrey, was in trade for a time in the store. At length it was sold to Allen Bonney, who did a small business for a few years; but he went to the far West and never returned. Hira Bradford opened a variety store in the place, and continued in business several years. George Turner opened a grocery store in a small building near his house, that in which James B. Walker now resides. He afterward bought the store constituting a part of Grange Hall, and con- tinued in business until the infirmities of age made it necessary to retire. Mr. Wing succeeded him, but did not remain very long. Though so many were engaged in the business, there were many HISTORY OF TURNER. Sj years in which there was no store, not even a grocery, in the place. After the grange was insti- tuted it was thought desirable to have a store for the accommodation of its members, and a grocery was opened by Aubrey Leavitt, but in a short time the grange ceased to have any interest in it. In a few years this was closed by the will of the pro- prietor. Not long after this, Lewis P. Bradford opened a first-class country grocery in the Grange Hall building, and still prosecutes the business with success. As the farmer's family, for many years after the first settlement of the town, manufactured the cloth for the use of the members, spinning-wheels must be had. To supply the demand for these, Hanibal Thompson opened a shop for the making of these wheels, and for many years he prosecuted the busi- ness at Turner Center. Wheels for spinning flax were entirely different from those for spinning wool; the former were called "little wheels," and the latter, "great wheels." It was necessary that each family should have one of each kind, and if much spinning was to be done, two or three, especially of the "great wheels." Mr. Thompson was a good mechanic, and his spinning-wheels were widely known and sought for. He prosecuted his business for many years, and being remarkable for ready wit, his shop was an agreeable place in which 8S HISTORY OF TURNER. to spend a leisure hour. He lived to a good old age, but in the last years there were few calls for his work, as in the change of customs, spinning- wheels, carding machines, and fulling-mills, all went down together, and became things of the past. At an early period Reuben Thorp established a pottery for the manufacture of brown earthen-ware, the first and only one ever operated in the town, and the house in which he lived has remained a memento of his life and time, until recently. NORTH TURNER. The first settler inside of one mile from the center of the village, was Caleb House Jr., who made himself a home on what is called House's Hill, in or about the year 1792. He was a farmer, and the father of ten children, all born upon the same farm, except the two oldest, and nine of whom grew up to manhood and womanhood. The first settler at the village was Caleb Gilbert, who built a saw-mill, if not a grist-mill. He built and lived in a little log house on the right bank, or southwest- erly side, of Martin Stream, according to the testi- mony of " one of the oldest inhabitants." He must have made this beginning as early as 1800, or even earlier, for in 1803 said Gilbert deeded to John Keen, then a resident of Sumner, all his interest in the west half of lot number two hundred and thirty- HISTORY OF TURNER. 89 eight, and the west half of number two hundred and thirty-nine, "except so much thereof as has been taken or may be taken for roads." The above described premises cover the present mill-site, the consideration being sixteen hundred dollars. A copy of this deed is now in the possession of Ben- jamin Keen, Esq. John Keen moved on to his possessions in January, 1804, since which time the mill property has, for the most part, been in his hands, or the hands of his posterity. About the year 1806, the first dam, built by Mr. Gilbert, was carried away by a great freshet, but it was speedily rebuilt. Near the year 18 14, or 181 5, the saw-mill was burnt, evidently the work of an incendiary, as scraps of birch bark were found in board-piles, partially burnt. In 1818 the grist-mill was also burned, the origin of the fire being a mys- tery. The mills were rebuilt by John Keen Jr., now gathered to his fathers. The first wooden- bowl factory in the State was set up by one James Hale, of New York State, who prosecuted the business about a year, then sold his interest to Josiah Keen, on the 17th of November, 1820, and returned to his home. The next enterprise was a carding and clothing mill, built by John A. Kimball, and a shop for the manufacture of carriages by Essec Fuller. About 1855, William B. Bray, the first merchant of note 90 HISTORY OF TURNER. in the place, built the store and dwelling attached, now occupied by Lewis A. Farrar, and commenced quite a business in the boot and shoe line. In the year 1817, Edward Blake, Stephen, and John Gammon built a saw-mill at or near the foot of Bear Pond, and near the village. Here they erected the first machine in the county for saw- ing clapboards, and operated it successfully several years, turning out no knotty spruce, but the clearest, choicest pumpkin pine clapboards. Barzillai Streeter, Esq., one of the famous family of preachers, once practiced law here. Dr. John Drake was for several years an active and success- ful physician, and at a later period. Dr. Young, all self-made men. The earliest residents were Caleb House and wife, Caleb Jr. and wife; then James Torrey and wife, who raised up a large family, nearly all of whom passed away before he did. Joseph Merrill, the first blacksmith in the place, long ago finished his work, and none of his chil- dren remain. Dr. Timothy Howe and family, save one; Jabez T. Merrill and family, and others, have gone from us. Reuben Libby, who could split, shave, and bunch more pine shingles in a day than any other man in town, has laid down the tools of his craft. Cornelius T. Richardson, the first black- smith in the village proper, and who made the first spring-steel pitchforks in these parts, is among CO :;^ I- a (^ 5- §- c ^ O o <-/ f ^ HISTORY OF TURNER. 9 1 those who live in memory. John Keen, Sen., the early mill-owner, with all his numerous family, have* ceased from the activities of earth. He dwelt in a house, not a very elegant structure, standing on the site of L. A. Farrar s store. His wife was a famous spinner of linen thread, weaver of cloth, and the like. Ephraim Turner, Sen., by trade a carpenter, passed the latter half of his life in this vicinity. Other names might be mentioned. The first set- tlers were obliged to journey to New Gloucester for their groceries, nor did they think it a hardship, not even to saddle their horses and ride to Boston on business. Several industries are now prosecuted in the village, as in past time, in addition to which Benja- min Keen and Company have erected a building for the manufacture of fancy and other chairs of cane. The above information was kindly furnished by Benjamin Keen, Esq. keen's mills. The village which bears this name is in the easterly part of the town, near the mouth of the Twenty Mile River. Nathaniel* Robertson was the first settler on the south side of the river, and built a saw-mill in about 1798. Benjamin Allen settled on the north side of the river, and built a grist-mill 92 HISTORY OF TURNER. about 1800. These were the first mills in the place. Hanover Keen came into the place in 1805, and became owner of the grist-mill, which was carried away by a freshet in 18 14, but was rebuilt, and has been in use until the present time. It has been owned and operated for many years by his son, Nathaniel Keen. Adna Gilmore built an iron foundry about 1820, and for many years made cast- ings for the people in the town and vicinity as they had need. He was a mechanic, possessing skill and genius, and the products of his foundry were seen in the houses, and about the premises of a large part of the inhabitants. A carriage shop was built by. Chase and Lord in 1834. Sarson Chase was a superior workman, and everything made by him was well and nicely done. He could do all the work on a carriage or sleigh, from the beginning to the finish, in a style which few could excel, or even equal. His last years were spent in Massachu- setts. The first settlers in the place were Nathaniel Robertson, Benjamin Allen, GrinfiU H. Keen, and Prince Waterman. The last named, the father of Deacon Thomas Waterman, of Turner Village, was the first blacksmith, and there was no one to succeed him in the business until 1835 or 1836, when John Warren set up the business in the base- ment of Chase and Lord's carriage-shop. For HISTORY OF TURNER. 93 some years a Mr. Stevens has done the blacksmith work. Many years ago Cyrus French purchased the saw-mill, removed the up-and-down saw, put in a circular saw for sawing boards and timber, a machine for planing boards, and other machinery. About 1870, A. K. P. Gilmore erected a large build- ing on the site of the old foundry, which was designed for various industries, but is used at pres- ent as a saw-mill. A Mr. Alden, a perfectly blind man, opened a store here, which he managed suc- cessfully for a number of years. After him William Andrews went into trade, but three or four years ago closed out his goods, and engaged in the busi- ness of manufacturing ready-made garments for men's wear. A post-office was established here in 1873, and Mr. Andrews has been post-master nearly, if not quite, all the time from the first. About 1875, Fred Wing opened a grocery store, which is now the only one in the place. chase's mills. Bani Teague built a saw-mill here about 1 790 or 1795. A grist-mill was built about ten years later, and the saw-mill was rebuilt. Southard Wash- burn bought the mills about 181 5, and owned them several years. Joseph Howard, an excellent mechanic, repaired the mills, making great improve- ment in them. He went west or south to make 94 HISTORY OF TURNER. mills for ginning cotton. Colonel Isaac Bearce built the " Mansion House," so-called, and had an interest in the mills at one time, but receiving serious injury in repairing the "bulk-head," he dis- posed of his interest, but whether he remained in the place, or moved away, our informant saith not. Jairus Allen bought the' saw-mill, and operated it a number of years. William Lombard bought the grist-mill, and continued in business through the active period of life. In 1818 or 1820, a Mr. Phelps put in a machine for sawing clapboards, the building used for the purpose being about forty feet by twenty-five. This was the first machine of the kind in the vicinity. Isaac Chase came into the place, a young man, in 1820, and soon built a house, that in which his son Otho now lives; he also built a store, and became an active business man, and a prominent citizen. Up to this time the mills had been located on the right hand side of the bridge, across the stream, several rods above their present site. The dam erected at that point caused the low lands on the north and east to be overflowed in the time of high water, thus making them nearly valueless. Isaac Chase bought the saw-mill about 1835, when it was decided to remove all the mills to their present location below the bridge. In 1837 Mr. Lombard began to turn bowls, mortars, and wagon-hubs, and the grist-mill ceased HISTORY OF TURNER. 95 to be operated. He continued in the business until the infirmities of age forbade. Thomas G. Burdin, a young man, came to learn the trade, or to work in the mill on some terms, gained an interest in the family, and in due time succeeded to the business. He ceased to make bowls and mortars, and gave his attention to turning hubs. His business became large and prosperous, and in 1884 he erected for himself one of the best residences in town. His mill was burnt in the winter of 1884, but was soon rebuilt and is in successful operation again. C. Carol Chase, the grandson of Isaac Chase, now owns the machine for sawing shingles, and controls the saw- mill. He manufactures large quantities of shingles, boards, and other lumber. Solon Chase began the publication in this place, of ''Chases Chronicle^^ January 2d, 1875, ^^d his connection with it continued until 1879, when it had a circulation of six thousand copies. It was then moved to Portland, its name changed to " Greenback Labor Chronicle'^ but was suspended in about a year. ''Chases Enquirer'" was started March i8th, 1880, by a stock company, under the management of Solon Chase. The company be- came dissatisfied with the management, took the paper from the editor, and moved it to Lewiston in October, 1881. It was suspended in six months. When it was removed it had a circulation of three 96 HISTORY OF TURNER. thousand copies. March 15th, 1882, he started another paper called " Them Steers',' in which the "anti-fusion idea" was vigorously advocated. But this "idea" was not sufficiently popular to enable even a popular editor to win success under such a flag, and the paper was discontinued May 21st, 1883. The rooms in which these papers were printed were over Thomas G. Burdin's hub factory, which was consumed by fire March 20th, 1885, and in this fire the press, types, and fixtures were destroyed. NORTH TURNER BIRDGE. There is a small village in the northeast part of the town known by the above name. The bridge spans the Androscoggin River, connecting the town at this point with Leeds, formerly in Kennebec County. In 1825 the people of this place and vicinity became interested in the project of build- ing a bridge here, and petitioned the legislature for an act of incorporation, which was secured the next year. This company was organized January 20th, 1827, by the choice of Edward Blake, Walter Foss, and Nathaniel Perley as a board of directors. Dr. Timothy Howe was chosen general agent, and Thompson Hall, of Norway, architect. The bridge was built in 1828, was two hundred and sixty feet long, thirty-two feet wide, and cost about five thou- HISTORY OF TURNER. 97 sand dollars. At its completion, dedicatory exer- cises were held, at which there was rejoicing and congratulation, and Dr. Howe made an address. This bridge was carried away January 27th, 1839, by the great freshet which swept away the bridges at Turner Center, Jay, Canton, and other places. The bridge was rebuilt in the summer fol- lowing, at a cost of about five thousand dollars. Mr. George Emerson superintended the building. The work was successfully accomplished, but when it was nearly done, he fell from the top upon the eastern abutment, and injured his spine so seriously that he died December 2d, 1839. Aaron Soule, C. T. Richardson, and Isaiah Lara were the directors, and Joshua Whitman clerk. Colonel Lee Strickland had a variety store in the place for several years previous to 1833, and was post-master. At the date mentioned, he sold out to Church P. Leavitt, who continued the busi- ness, and was post-master twenty-three years. At one time there was considerable travel on the river road and across the bridge, and a stage ran across the country from Paris to Augusta, crossing the river at this place, and there seemed to be some grounds for hope that Dr. Howe's prophecy respecting the growth of the village and the increase of travel would be fulfilled. The store not only furnished the needed supplies for the families in the vicinity, 8 98 HISTORY OF TURNER. but was a convenient center for many who wished to talk over the news of the day, and find refresh- ment for the inner man. Mr. Leavitt chose to conduct his store on temperance principles. He built a hotel which he kept for ten years, when he leased it to other parties. The railroads were an injury to the business and thrift of the village, since they changed the course of travel, and caused the hopes that were at one time cherished, to perish. For many years there has been but little to enliven the place but a small country grocery and a black- smith shop. TURNER CENTER BRIDGE. Before the railroads were built an effort was made to secure direct communication between Oxford County and Augusta, the capital of the State. A route from Paris through Buckfield, Turner, and Monmouth, on to the capital, was planned, a new road built some portion of the way, leading across the Androscoggin River at a point about midway between the northern and southern bounds of Turner, and at one time a mail was carried across the country over this route. A bridge became necessary to accommodate the pro- spective travel, and an effort was made to secure one. The legislature granted the request of the petitioners for an act of incorporation. At a meeting held in February, 1834, the corpo- HISTORY OF TURNER. 99 ration voted to build a bridge, and " to furnish no spirits " to the men employed on the work. Pro- posals were received for the piers, abutments, and wood-work in separate jobs. In the fall of 1835 the bridge was opened to travel, and the efforts of the corporation were crowned with success. The great ice freshet which occurred in January, 1839, was destructive to bridges, and the Turner Center Bridge suffered with the rest. The corporation,, not discouraged, held a meeting in February of that year, and voted, forty-five to eight, to rebuild their bridge. It seems that the piers were swept away as well as the superstructure, for it was voted to do the stone-work by the day, while bids were invited for doing the wood-work. The bridge was completed that season, and by autumn was open again to travel, and paid fair dividends to the stock- holders, though it was more valuable for the accom- modation it furnished to the neighbors and the traveling public, than as a money investment. In the spring of 1863, it appears that the bridge suffered again from a freshet, for in May of that year it was voted, "That J. W. Webster be agent to stick up and take care of that part of the bridge we saved." Immediate action was taken for rebuild- ing, but it was only by persistent effort that the means were secured for the work. The shares changed hands in a lively manner, indicating that lOO HISTORY OF TURNER. many were anxious to sell that they might not be liable to another tax. The money, as an invest- ment, was flowing in the wrong direction; the bridge and the money both seemed going down stream together. But the difficulties were overcome, twenty-five new shares of stock were created and sold, funds were raised, and the bridge was rebuilt, but not until 1868. The bridge was now con- sidered better, perhaps, than ever before, and the corporation hoped it would long remain for the accommodation of the public, and be a source of profit to its owners. But in the summer of 1876, July 14th, a terrible cyclone passed that way, uprooting trees and wrecking everything in its path, took the bridge in its course, and hurled it into the river, amidst such a roar of elements that the crash of the falling structure was not heard by those who were nearest to it. And on the 7th day of August, the corporation voted " to take measures to remove the wreck of their bridge from the river." The corporators made some effort to rebuild, and held their annual meetings for a few years, but January 5th, 1880, they adjourned to the 24th of that month, but there is no record of a meeting at that or any subsequent time. SURFACE, SOIL, AND PRODUCTS. The surface is undulating for the most part, though there are, in some portions of the town. HISTORY OF TURNER. ID I rugged hills. In the southern portion there is quite an extensive plain which has never been con- sidered desirable for cultivation, and has remained in its natural state, except that the wood and lumber have been removed as they came to maturity. In the western portion of the town there are hills, but on their sides, and in the valleys between, there are good farming lands. Much of the soil is a rocky loam, excellent for pasturage and the production of hay. It also produces the crops usually grown in Northern New England, and the judicious farmer secures good returns for his labor. The people are engaged for the most part in agriculture, and though not wealthy, as this word is generally used, are in good circumstances, possess the comforts of life, and are independent. Their buildings are generally suited to their needs, in good repair, and pleasing in appearance. The rocky loam is adapted to orcharding, and apples and other fruits are grown in abundance. There is a good orchard on nearly every farm, while on some there are large orchards. Mr. Albion Ricker raised twelve hundred barrels of apples in 1885, besides pears and other fruits. This may not be regarded as an extraordinary harvest, though it may be more than an average one. Hon. Rufus Prince, David J. Briggs, the Messrs. Blossom, Lewis B. Staples, Rackley D. Leavitt, and others have 102 HISTORY OF TURNER. large orchards. A large proportion of the trees have been grafted, and the Baldwin is the favorite apple for the market, though others are produced in considerable quantities. There are two cider-mills in town at which large quantities of cider are made from fruit worth but little for other purposes. The owners of these mills, G. W. Blossom and Lewis B. Staples, make the apples into cider, giving three gallons for each bushel, and receiving three cents per gallon for their labor. This is a great improvement on the former custom, which was, that each man made his own cider, paying for the use of the mill. The interest in fruit growing is increasing, and apples grown in Maine have a flavor and possess keeping qualities which secure for them a good reputation in the market. There are many orchards in town that have not yet come into bearing. The dairy business is, perhaps, the leading one in town, a large part of the farmers being engaged in it, and several of them quite extensively. The farmers have given special attention to the improve- ment of their dairy herds, and the Jersey cow is uniformly selected as the best adapted to their use. Some claim that Turner stands first in the State as a dairy town; and it is certain that if any other town challenges her right to this claim, she will find in Turner no mean competitor for the coveted honors. HISTORY OF TURNER. IO3 The cheese factory at Richmonds Corner, usually designated as North Turner Cheese Factory, was started in the spring of 1874, by Perkins Torrey, Rackley Leavitt and one or two others. The sum of $2500 was raised for the purpose, a building was erected, and Ira Mason began to make cheese in June of that year. Only 2,648 pounds of milk were received in one day ; 600 cheeses were made, weigh- ing eight tons. The enterprise proved successful, and the product of cheese has increased from year to year under the faithful management of Mr. Mason, and the capital stock has been increased to $3000. In 1885 over 35 tons of cheese were made, and 5200 pounds of milk were received in one day. The factory was in operation from April 27th to October 21st. The cost to the patrons for making is one and one-fourth cents per pound, and the divi- dend received by the shareholders is eight per cent. The cheese has a good reputation in the market, and commands a good price and ready sale. The present year promises to be equally successful as the preceding, and the same man has charge of it, this being his thirteenth year in the factory. TURNER CENTER DAIRYING ASSOCIATION. This association was organized in February, 1882, in accordance with the law of the state, and a board of officers was chosen. Its object was declared to be the manufacture of "butter, cheese, and evapo- I04 HISTORY OF TURNER. rated apples." A constitution and by-laws were adopted, and subscriptions to the capital stock, amounting to $1,345.00 were secured. A building was erected, and all the apparatus needed in the manufacture of cheese provided. The services of George A. Young were secured and the factory went into operation in June. It was conducted with a fair degree of success, but many farmers in the vicinity did not patronize it because they preferred to make butter. About thirty-two tons of cheese were made, and found a ready market at remunera- tive prices. During the next winter the subject of making butter was discussed, but the Association not favoring a change in the business, the season of 1883 was devoted to cheese-making with a fair degree of success, but in the autumn, rooms were fitted up in the basement of the cheese factory for the manufacture of butter, the machinery and vari- ous appliances for the business were procured, and Edwin L. Bradford began to make butter February 4, 1884. One hundred pounds were made the first day, and nearly that amount was made daily through the winter. It was a new enterprise and every- thing had to be learned, but the product of the factory was received with favor and took rank with the best makes in the markets of Boston and other cities. The success was such that the stockholders were not in favor of making cheese, though the rooms used for that purpose were unoccupied. HISTORY OF TURNER. IO5 In the eleven months ending with November, 1885, there were collected 162,566 inches of cream, and 79,628 1-4 pounds of butter made. The butter sold for $19,751.26, to which must be added the receipts for cream, buttermilk, and salt bags, $490.24, all amounting to $20,241.50. The amount paid the patrons was $16,796.52, leaving $3,444.98 for ex- penses, interest, etc. The expense of collecting the cream, making and marketing the butter, was a little over four cents per pound. The amount now made per day is 450 pounds, and finds a ready market in the cities, and places of summer resort on our coast. There are several farmers who choose to make their butter at home. Among these are Eransus Merrill, who makes about 2,900 pounds a year and receives a good price for it from a commission mer- chant in a Massachusetts city, who has received it for years; Nathaniel Merrill who makes about 2,500 pounds a year and supplies customers who seek a choice article; Russel Merrill who makes about 2,200 pounds a year and has city customers ; and Roscoe Dillingham who makes about 4,700 pounds a year and supplies customers in the adjacent cities. POST-OFFICES AND MAIL ROUTES. The first county road through the town passed along the Upper Street, so called, and probably I06 HISTORY OF TURNER. down by Mr. Barrell's, through the woods, by the residence of Dea. Martin Bradford, where Alden Briggs now lives, over Dillingham hill to North Auburn, thence over West Auburn hill and Perkins' Ridge to Minot Corner, known formerly as Groven- eur's Corner, through Poland and New Gloucester on to Portland. The road was extended north from the " Upper Street " as the needs of the settlers required. Inquiry makes it probable that this was the road traveled for many years to and from Portland, and that this was substantially the route by which the first settlers reached the planta- tion when the road was a path through the woods, and spotted trees served as guide-boards. The first post-office in town was established in 1804, and Ichabod Bonney was appointed post- master. His death occurring soon after. Gen. Alden Blossom was appointed his successor. For a number of years the people were favored with a weekly mail only, carried on horseback. When the postman approached the office, he sounded a trum- pet to notify all hands within hearing that he was near, that they might be prepared for his reception by their presence and attention. For twenty-five years or more the town had enjoyed no postal facil- ities, and now a mail brought once a week into their very midst, and its coming announced by sound of trumpet, moved them not a little. For were they not highly favored .f^ Josiah Smith and HISTORY OF TURNER. IO7 William Sawin were the mail carriers in those days. In 1825, a new post-office was established at Turner Village, and William K. Porter was ap- pointed postmaster. A new county road was made through the town, much easier for travelers than the old one, being over land much nearer level, so that the old road was used but little. The first post-office now accommodated only the neighbor- hood and was discontinued, the post road not lead- ing by it. William K. Porter was postmaster until his death, I think. The mail, after a time, was carried in a stage-coach drawn by four horses, and was brought three times a week each way. John Blake was postmaster till about 1848 when Hiram Clark was appointed his successor, and continued in office about ten years, or until his death. Hira Bradford took charge of the office October 22, 1 86 1, and retired from it April 22, 1869. Mellen A. Bearce was postmaster from April 23, 1869, to March 31, 1881. William L. Bonney had charge of the office from April I, 1881, to October 19, 1885. Walter B. Irish became postmaster October 20, 1885. The stage ran from Farmington to Portland through Turner every other day, and on alternate days from Portland to Farmington, until the rail- I08 HISTORY OF TURNER. road was built to Auburn when that place became the terminus of the stage route. The post-office at East Turner was established in 1 83 1, and Ezekiel Martin was appointed postmaster. He retained the office twenty-five years. The mail was brought at first on horseback from Winthrop, probably once a week. At length it was carried from Auburn up the river road. Hooper Conant carried the mail at an early period over this route, if he was not the first to carry it. A post-office was established at North Turner Bridge shortly after that at East Turner, and was supplied in the same manner. At one time, before the railroads were built, it was attempted to establish a stage line and mail route across the country from Paris to Augusta, and for awhile the mail was carried thus. This was about 1841 and later. But stages could not compete with railroads, and when the latter were constructed the stages were compelled to retire. John W. Webster was appointed postmaster at East Turner in 1856, and continued in the office till 1863, when James D. Gilbert was appointed his successor, and cared for the office until 1874. R. S. Coolidge was postmaster two years. In 1876 John W. Webster was appointed again and served until his death in September, 1881 ; when the present occupant was appointed, Warren Webster. This, HISTORY OF TURNER. IO9 as well as all the other offices in town, is favored Hvith a daily mail each way. The post-office at North Turner was established at an early day, and Dr. Timothy Howe was ap- pointed postmaster. Lewis A. Farrar has had charge of the office for many years, discharging the duties thereof in a manner satisfactory to all persons and parties. This was on the old route from Farmington to Portland, but for a long while the mail has been carried daily each way between this place and Auburn. The post-office at Turner Center was established February 24, 1873, and Lewis P. Bradford ap- pointed postmaster. The first mail was delivered March 13, 1873; and no change has been made by new appointments since. The post-office at Keen's Mills was established in 1873, and William Andrews was appointed post- master, but on account of a pressure of private busi- ness he resigned recently, and Fred Wing was appointed his successor. At South Turner Charles H. Barrell was ap- pointed postmaster January 25, 1875; he received his commission February 13th following, and the first mail was received the 15th of March ensuing. No change has been attempted in this office. A stage runs daily from Auburn, by South Turner, Turner Center, East Turner, Keen's Mills, to North Turner Bridge. no HISTORY OF TURNER. The post-office at Chase's Mills was established in December, 1874, and Solon Chase appointed postmaster, who still holds the position. This office is served by a mail carried from Turner Village to Buckfield, a distance of six miles. CONGREGATIONAL PARISH. The history of the first church and society in the town was written by Rev. Allen Greely, and pub- lished in the Ecclesiastical History of Maine, by Rev. Jonathan Greenleaf. This history is doubtless correct, and will be read with interest, and is as follows : — The Plantation was visited in 1776 by the Rev. Charles Turner, who the year before had been dismissed from the church in Duxborough. He preached to the few who lived in the place, and baptized two of the children of Mr. Haskell. * He made a second visit in 1799, received some into covenant rela- tion, and baptized several children and one adult. Nothing further was done at that time respecting organizing a church. Among the families which removed into the plantation was that of Deacon Merrill who belonged to the church in New Gloucester, and he usually led in the exercises of the religious meetings among the settlers. For five years after Mr. Turner's second visit, the plantation was not favored with the visits of any ministers except the Rev. Mr. Brown, of Westbrook, and the Rev. Mr. Nash, of Gray, who spent each a Sabbath or two with them. In the summer of 1784, the place was visited by the Rev. John Strickland, who had previously been settled in * The children baptized on the first visit were Asa and Elizabeth Haskell, and on the second visit, William Bradford and the following children: Mary Haakell, Edward Keen, Gad Hayford, Hannah Merrill, and Edward Blake. HISTORY OF TURNER. Ill the pastoral office twice ; first at Oakham, Massachusetts, and afterward at Nottingham West, in New Hampshire. He was born in Hadley, Massachusetts, and graduated at Yale College, in 1669. Not long after Mr. Strickland came to the place, measures were taken to organize a church, which was done in the Presbyterian form, August 16, 1784. The following paper, signed in Sylvester, July 11, 1799, by Charles Turner Jr., Israel Haskell, Jacob Leavitt, Daniel Briggs, Daniel Staples, Jabez Merrill, and William Bradford, but omitted by Mr. Greely, is worthy of preservation : ** We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, inhabitants of the plantation of Sylvester, or preparing to settle there, appre- hending ourselves called of God into the church state of the Gospel ; admiring the wonderful grace of God in condescending to deal in a covenanting way with the sinful children of men ; confessing our great unworthiness to be so highly favored of God as to be admitted into covenant with him, and humbly relying on those aids of grace the Gospel furnisheth to those who humbly and sincerely seek them, and of which we acknowledge ourselves to stand in the greatest necessity ; do now thankfully lay hold on the evangelical covenant and would choose the things which please God. We declare our session's belief that the Scriptures are the inspired word of God, to the great doc- trines of which we desire to conform our faith, and sincerely promise to conform with all diligence and good conscience our tempers and our lives to the excellent directions and precepts of Christianity as long as we live in the world. At the same time we oblige ourselves to take a laudable care of the relig- ious Christian education of the children whom God hath gra- ciously given or may give unto us. And all this we do, flying to the blood of the everlasting covenant for the pardon of our errors, and praying that the glorious Lord, who is the Great Shepherd, would prepare and strengthen us for every good 112 HISTORY OF TURNER. work to do His will, working in us that which is well pleasing to Him ; to whom be glory forever. Amen." The church was composed of fifteen members, twelve men and three women. The plan of a church government was approved by the people assembled as a congregation, and Mr. Strickland received the united and unanimous call of the church and congregation to become their pastor. On the twentieth of the next month (September, 1784), the " Sabon Presbytery" assembled, consisting of Rev. Nathaniel Whitaker, d.d.. Rev. Samuel Perley, and Rev. John Urquhart, with which Mr. Strick- land was connected, at Sylvester, for his installation. On this occasion Mr. Urquhart offered the introductory prayer, Dr. Whitaker preached from 2 Kings 2: 19-22, and Mr. Perley gave the charge. At the time of Mr. Strickland's settlement, the families in town were about thirty, containing probably about two hundred souls. After his settlement, Mr. Strickland enjoyed peace in his connection with the people for a number of years, and the church increased to about thirty members. Six years after his settlement, the minds of the people became divided, and at length a majority in regular town meeting voted for his dismis- sion.* With this proposal Mr. Strickland did not see fit to comply. Those who were alienated from him, now joined with a number of people of Buckfield and petitioned the General Court for an act of incorporation as a Baptist society. The act was passed November 17, 1792, by which sixty-one persons were incorpo- rated. Twenty-four of these lived in Turner. In less than two years, twenty persons more joined this society, and the adherents of Mr. Strickland were left few in number. * This was a trying tune to Mr. Strickland. He had a large family to support, and the number of his true friends was very small. His means were limited. At a meet ing called March 12, 1792, to consult about his dismission, fourteen voted in favor and only four against. HISTORY OF TURNER. II3 Nevertheless, in consequence of their desire, he consented to continue their minister, agreeing to relinquish such pro- portion of his salary as the taxable property of those who left bore to the whole town. After this the number of Mr. Strickland's friends diminished by deaths and removals, so that, in 1795, it was thought advisable, under existing circumstances, to solicit the advice of an Ecclesiastical Council. The churches of Harpswell, Brunswick, Freeport, and Tops- ham composed this council. The pastors of these churches, with a delegate from each, met September i6th, and after attending to such statements as were made to give a view of existing difficulties, the council advised that Mr. Strickland should continue his pastoral connections with the church for one year, and if the difficulties should then subsist, he should ask a dismission, and the church and people should grant it. At the same time, in view of this event, the Council recom- mended Mr. Strickland as a man of unimpeached character, and sound in the faith. After the expiration of the year, things being no more favorable, it became a question with the church whether another council were necessary, and having ascertained that it was not, after some delay, a dismission was granted to Mr. Strickland by the church and the people. May 18, 1797. For several years after Mr. Strickland's dismission, the place was a spiritual wilderness. The church was diminishing by death and removals of members, and the few that remained had so little of the life and power of religion, that they did not maintain public worship. The town being without a minister, complaint was made against them in the fall of 1802 to the Court of Sessions of the Peace,* '*for neglecting to provide themselves with a public teacher of piety, morality, and religion." The town, by their agent, appeared before the court, and • laaiah Bonney was the witness against tlie town in this case, and Daniel Howard, Esq., was chosen to appear in behalf of the town. 9 114 HISTORY OF TURNER. pleaded that they were unwilling to contend, and desired to have longer time to comply with the law. Being thus excited to do something for the support of a minister, Mr. Strickland, who still continued to reside in town, and Rev. Charles Turner, who had resided in town from 1792, were each employed for a time. After both had preached the term of time agreed upon by each, a call, with certain conditions, was voted by the town for Mr. Turner to settle in the work of the Gospel ministry.* The church, having previously selected Mr. Strickland to the pas- toral office, voted not to concur with the town, but to adhere to the election they had made. In this election of the church, the town refused to concur. There being this disagreement between the town and the church, there could be no further proceedings in relation to either candidate. As the church had been six years destitute of a pastor, and their members had become much diminished by several members withdrawing themselves and uniting with other denominations, and by the death and removals of others ; and, as but imperfect records had been kept of the proceedings of the church, and it not appearing distinctly by the records of the church who belonged to it, some, dissatisfied that the church did not concur with the town, denied that a church existed there. This induced the church to call an Ecclesiastical Council, to advise them in their difficulties, and to determine whether they were a church. A council, as requested, assembled on the i8th of October, 1803, and after attending to a representation to the existing state of things, gave it as their unanimous opinion that * At a public meeting held May 25, 1803, the town voted " unanimously to settle the Rev. Mr. Charles Turner in the ministry, upon condition the pastoral relation be dis- solved at the option of either of the contracting parties, and on condition he accept of four dollars and one half per week during the time he shall actually supply the pulpit, and on condition the church will give him a call to settle in the place." A committee was also raised " to request the church to give the Rev. Mr. Charles Turner a call, agreeable to the above conditions." HISTORY OF TURNER. II5 the church was not extinct. The church then, in presence of the Council, voted to change their form to that of a Congre- gational church, and seven male members subscribed a confes- sion of faith and covenant. * Previous to these transactions of the church, Mr. Amasa Smith, a candidate for the Gospel ministry, being on a journey, and passing through the town, was employed by the inhabitants to supply them with preaching. After having preached a num- ber of weeks, the church unanimously gave him a call to settle with them. The town concurred in the invitation, and Mr. Smith was ordained there May 23, 1804. The inhabitants of the town were not fully agreed in the set- tlement of Mr. Smith, f and the immediate consequence of it was the establishment of a society of Universalists, in which fifty-four persons were incorporated, and thirty others joined them within a year. These measures left the Congregational part of the inhabitants free to organize themselves as a distinct parish, in which capacity they have since acted. The lands which had been reserved for the use of the minis- try in the town, and those for the use of schools, had been sold a little before this by order of the Legislature, and the proceeds vested in a Board of Trustees, to be applied for the respective * This matter must have awakened a deep interest, for on Jime 15, 1803, the town, in public meeting, voted "to choose a committee to inquire into the standing of the church, and to make such otlier inquiries relative to church discipline as they shall think necenary." The town also seems to have been determined to settle a minister independently of the church, for having chosen a committee to " supply the pulpit with preaching," they instructed tlmt committee to ascertain If the proceedings of the town were legal, and if legal, then proceed agreeable to their mission in supplying the town with preaching." t At a meeting held September 26, 1803, the town chose a committee to wait on Mr. Smith and ascertain if he would "supply the pulpit four Sundays longer." Tlie meet- ing wa« adjourned to October 24th, when it was voted, twenty-four to fifteen, to invite Mr. Smith to become their pastor. Tlie meeting then adjourned to November 7th, when a motion having been made to reconsider the vote of invitation, it was voted to give Mr. Smith a call to settle in the town, forty being in favor and twenty-five The large vote at this meeting shows the interest felt in the question. Il6 HISTORY OF TURNER. purposes for which they were designed, as soon as the interest of the school fund should amount to two hundred dollars, and the ministerial, when it amounted to three hundred and fifty dollars. The school fund became productive in 1808, and the ministerial fund in 181 1.* As there was no assistance from the ministerial fund for the support of Mr. Smith, and as nearly half of the town had become a distinct society and were not taxed in raising his salary, the burthen upon the remaining part was considerably heavy. It had been agreed between Mr. Smith and the people, at his settlement, that, when two-thirds of the people requested it, he should be dismissed. In the spring of 1806, a meeting was called to consider the subject, but two-thirds were not found to vote for the proposed dismission. A committee was chosen, however, to consult with Mr. Smith with regard to the subject, and he and they agreed that his dismissal should eventually take place. It was finally accomplished October 7th, of the same year, and on the 2 2d of the same month he was installed pastor of the Second church in North Yarmouth. The ministry of Mr. Smith at Turner was short, but, it is hoped, not wholly without good effect. Much of the seed of divine truth was sown, but the extent of the harvest, viewed in all its consequences, can be known only to God. Eight per- sons, while he was in the pastoral office, became members of the church. After the dismission of Mr. Smith, four years passed away, and the church was destitute of a pastor. During this period the place was visited by several missionaries, mostly from the Hampshire County Missionary Society. In the spring of 18 10, Rev. Allen Greely began to preach * May 28, 1802, the town voted that " Luther Gary, Esq., Mr. William Bradford, and Mr. John Loring be a committee to petition the General Court for liberty to sell the parsonage and school lands laying in Turner." This was probably accomplished soon. HISTORY OF TURNER. I17 as a candidate for settlement. At this time the church con- tained only twenty-one members. In the course of the summer, Mr. Greely received the united invitation of the church and society, and was ordained October 24, 18 10. The next summer after his settlement, a few individuals had their attention excited to the things of the eternal world, but there was no general awakening. More than six years passed away, and gross darkness covered the people. At length, in the summer of i8i6, God was pleased to impress seriously on the minds of a number. The influences of the Spirit were silent, and its effects solemn. The influence continued during two seasons, and, in consequence of it, the church was enlarged so as to contain more than sixty members. Mr. Greely 's history of this church closes here. He continued to be the pastor of the church till May 29, 1844, a period of thirty-four years. Rev. Henry Eddy was pastor from 1844 to 1846. Rev. Woodbridge L. James, from 1846 to 1847. Rev. John Dodd, from 1847 to 1854. Rev. Samuel Bowker, from 1855 to i860. Rev. Simeon C. Higgins, from i860 to 1863. Rev. Stacy Fowler, from 1864 to 1866. Rev. Benjamin F. Manwell, from 1866 to 1867. Rev. Ferdinand W. Dickinson, from 1868 to 1870. Rev. Alvin B. Jordan, from 187 1 to 1872. Rev. Frederick E. Emrich, from 1872 to 1873. Rev. Uriah Small, from 1873 to 1875. Rev. Edwin S. Tingley, from 1876 to 1882. Rev. Richard H. McGown, from 1882 to 1885. Rev. Albert N. Jones, from 1886 to Il8 HISTORY OF TURNER. THE BAPTIST SOCIETY. The early town records show that some of the citizens wished to be freed from the obHgation to pay their proportional part of the tax raised by the town to support public worship. They caused an article to be inserted in the warrant for town-meet- ing for this purpose. This was repeated year after year without effect, and at length they joined in the petition which was presented for the incorpora- tion of a Baptist Society, since, if they were legally members of a properly incorporated society, they would be released from the obligation to pay a tax for the support of the settled minister of the town; and it is probable that their subscriptions to the funds of the society petitioned for, were not large. A copy of their petition is presented, with the names of the petitioners, and the action of the General Court thereon. The spelling of two or three names is peculiar. Irish is written in the petition, '' I Risk,'' and in the act of incorporation it is printed, ''Risk''; and '' Doble'' is printed ^' Dobbr The plantation is written Buckstown, but in the act it appears as Bucktown, now called Buck- field. The petition is without date, as follows : — To The Honorable The Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled: The Petition of a Number of the Inhabitants of Turner HISTORY OF TURNER, 119 and the Plantation called Buckstown in the County of Cum- berland. Humbly sheweth, That your Petitioners, Inhabitants of said Towns have formed themselves into a Religious Society by the name of The Baptist Society of Turner and Buckstown, and whereas they think it necessary for the Good Order of said Society that they sTiould be Incorporated, Therefore Pray the Honorable Court to incorporate them, and your petitioners as in duty bound shall ever pray. Joseph Roberts, Jun. John Shurls. William I Risk. William Berry. Samuel Crocker. Andrew Ellet. John W. Ellet. Jonathan Philbrook. Joshua Wescott. William Doble. Jeremiah Hogsdon. Jeames Hogsdon. Thomas Lowell. John Swett. David Warren. Joseph Roberds. John I Risk, Jun. Enoch Hall. Mark Andrews. Henry Jones. Benjamin Selley. William Lowell. Eleazer Chase. Simon Records. Joshua Keen. Josiah Keen. Edmund Irish. John Buck. William Selley. Nathaniel Smith. Jonathan Roberds. Jotham Shaw. James Jordan. Caleb Young. Amos Brown. Richard Taler. Joseph Chase. John I Risk. Samuel Blake. Samuel Andrews. Asa Smith. Joshua Davis. Thomas Irish. Stephen Lowell. Jonathan Record. Benjamin Jones. Jesse Bradford. I20 HISTORY OF TURNER. Josiah Smith, Jun. Josiah Smith. Laban Smith. Daniel French. Daniel Child. Daniel Merrill. Hezekiah Bryant. John 'Brown. Levi Merrill, Jun. Ezekiel Bradford. Richard Phillips. Joseph Leavitt. John Dillingham. Nathaniel Gilbert. Samuel Gorham. In the House of Representatives, June lo, 1791. Read and committed to the standing Committee on applica- tions for Incorporations of Towns, etc. Sent up for concur- rence. David Cobb, Speaker. In Senate, June 14, 1791. Read and concurred. Sam'l Phillips, Fresidt Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the House of Representatives, June 26, 1792 On thePetition of Joseph Roberds and others. Inhabitants of the town of Turner and Plantation called Buckstown, praying to be incorporated into a Society by the name of the Baptist Society. Ordered that the petitioners or one of them notify the Inhab- itants of the town of Turner and Plantation of Buckstown by leaving an attested copy of this petition and order thereon with the town clerk of Turner and Plantation clerk of Buckstown to appear the second Wednesday of the next sitting of the Gen- eral Court and shew cause if any they have why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Sent up for concurrence. D. Cobb, Spkr. In Senate, January, 26, 1792, Read and concurred. Sam'l Phillips, Presidt. HISTORY OF TURNER. 121 Indorsed on the petition is a certificate from Ichabod Bonney, town clerk of Turner, dated April 2, 1 792, that service has been made on the town. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. June, 1792. The Standing Committee on the subject of incorporations having considered the petition of sundry inhabitants of the Town of Turner and Plantation of Buckstown, praying to be incorporated into a religious Society by the name of the Bap- tist Society of Turner and Buckstown, Ask leave to report as their opinion^ that the prayer of said Petitioners be granted and that the Petitioners have leave to bring in a bill for that purpose, which is submitted. Stephen Choate, per order. In Senate, June 9, 1792. Read and accepted and ordered accordingly. Sent down for concurrence. Sam'l Phillips, Presdnt, In the House of Representatives, June 11, 1792. Read and concurred. David Cobb, Spkr, An act for incorporating a number of the Inhabitants of Turner and the Plantation called Buckstown, in the County of Cumberland, into a distinct religious Society. Section i. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That Simeon Record, [here follow the names of the petition- ers,] members of the said religious Society, together with their estates, be, and they hereby are incorporated by the name of 122 HISTORY OF TURNER. The Baptist Society of Turner and Bucktown, with all the privileges, powers and immunities, to which other parishes in the Commonwealth are by law entitled. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted, That Josiah Thatcher, Esquire, is hereby authorized to issue his warrant, directed to some principal member of said Society, requiring him to warn the members of the said Society, qualified to vote in parish affairs, to assemble at some suitable time and place in said town or plantation, to choose such parish officers as are by law required to be chosen in the month of March or April annually, and to transact all such matters and things as are necessary and may be legally done in said Society. This act was passed, November 17, 1792. From the manuscript history of Turner by Dr. Timothy Howe, and from notes prepared by Hon. Job Prince for the map of Androscoggin County, the following statements respecting the Baptist Society in Turner are gathered. Soon after the town was incorporated, Elder James Potter, an itinerant preacher of this denom- ination, who was laboring to establish churches in Buckfield and Hebron, visited Turner and baptized a few persons. When the society was incorporated in 1792, twenty or more of the active citizens of the town joined it. But nothing was accomplished for several years, and those who had connected themselves with the society lost their interest, and the parish ceased to manifest any religious life. In 181 1, Elder Lewis Leonard, of Albany, New York, visited the town, preached several times, and baptized HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 23 two persons, and from this time there was a deeper interest in the subject of religion. In 1816, there was a revival in town which widely prevailed, but a large part of those who came under its influence connected themselves with the Congregational church, yet ten persons were baptized by immer- sion, and eight of them joined the Baptist church in Minot, there being no church organization of that denomination in Turner. Elder Ricker, of Minot, was employed to preach one-sixth of the time for two years, the people worshiping on the other Sabbaths at the Congregational church, for the most part. May 12, 18 14, a Baptist church was organized, composed of eight men and fifteen women, all residents of Turner. Some were mem- bers of churches in Hebron, Livermore, Buckfield, Minot, Canton, Leeds, and Greene, and brought letters of dismission and recommendation from the churches of which they had been members. The public services of the occasion were held in Deacon Nathan Cole's large barn, which was put in order for the purpose. Elder Nathan Nutter presented to each member the right hand of fel- lowship. Elder Ricker spoke of the propriety and necessity of appointing officers, and advised the church to choose deacons. Nathan Cole and Thomas Merrill were then chosen to this office. The deacons were set apart by prayer and laying 124 HISTORY OF TURNER. on of hands by the elders. Deacon Charles Bar- rell gave them the right hand of fellowship. Elder Norton addressed them on the importance and duties of their office, and the services were con- cluded with prayer by Elder Palmer, and singing. Their first pastor was Rev. Adam Wilson, d.d., who was with them from 1824 to 1828, when he removed to Portland. In 1829, Elder John Hull, from the province of Nova Scotia, was engaged, but he died the same year. Elder Charles Miller, from Sterling in Scotland, commenced preaching with them in 1830, and con- tinued with them till 1833. Elder William O. Grant came in 1833, but re- mained only one year. Elder Josiah Houghton became their pastor in 1835, and was with them until his death which occurred in 1838. His death was sincerely mourned by all. Elder Eliab Coy came in 1838, and remained one year. Elder J. F. Curtis became their pastor in 1839, and after preaching with them about nine months, left for the State of Georgia. In 1 84 1, Rev. Adam Wilson, d.d., was again their minister, and continued with them until 1843, when he returned to Portland. At this time the commu- HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 25 nicants in the church numbered one hundred and thirty-three. Nathaniel Butler, d.d., became the pastor in 1844, and resigned in September, 1850. July 9, 1 85 1, Rev. C. Ayer commenced his pas- torate, and resigned October 27, 1853. He was succeeded by Rev. L. D. Hill, February 26, 1854, who resigned January 9, 1858. His successor was Rev. H. B. Marshall, October 20, 1859. He closed his labors with the church December 11, 1861. Rev. Abner Morrill became pastor October 4, 1862; his pastorate ended July 25, 1864. He was succeeded by Rev. John Richardson, who remained until 1868. His successor was Rev. I. Record, who continued with the church until September 10, 1876. Rev. A. A. Smith became pastor December 3, 1876, and resigned November 30, 1879. Rev. S. A. Severance began his services as pastor July 3, 1 88 1, and closed them in May, 1883. The present pastor, Rev. C. T. Clarke, began his ministry here November 18, 1883. THE UNIVERSALIST PARISH. A society was formed at an early day, and meas- ures were taken to secure an act of incorporation, as will appear from the following papers copied from the records at the State House in Boston. 126 HISTORY OF TURNER. To the Honorable^ the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts^ in General Court assembled. The petition of the subscribers, Inhabitants of Turner, in the County of Cumberland and Commonwealth aforesaid, humbly sheweth : That under a sense of the propriety and the expediency of the maintenance of public, social worship and of worshiping the Supreme Being according to the dictates of their own con- sciences ; but being of different religious sentiments from those of the other Inhabitants of the town, with whom that unan- imity which ought to subsist between the members of one and the same religious Society, cannot be expected. Your petition- ers, with a full determination always to demean themselves as quiet and peaceable citizens of the United States of America, and to yield all due subjection to the laws of the Land and the government under which they take their residence, and never to interrupt, molest or disturb any other religious Society in their religious worship, deeming it consentaneous with the con- stitution of this Commonwealth, whereby all religious sects are tolerated, have this day mutually agreed by subscribing to a number of good and wholesome rules and regulations have in fact formed themselves into a distinct religious parish by the name of The First Universal Gospel Parish in Turner, having by the said rules and regulations obliged themselves to main- tain the public worship of God in said parish according to the dictates of their own consciences. Wherefore they humbly pray your Honors to take this their situation under your impar- tial, judicious consideration, and in your superior wisdom and charity, by an act of said General Court to incorporate them and all who may afterwards join them, together with their estates, into a distinct parish by the name aforesaid, with all like privileges and immunities which have been granted to any other religious parish or Society in this Commonwealth, reserv- ing liberty for any one, with his estate, to leave said parish and HISTORY OF TURNER, 127 join any other who may please, and your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray. Dated at Turner the 24th day of Decem- ber, of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three. Jabez Merrill. Arthur Bradman. Samuel Pumpilly. Levi Merrill. Seriah Merrill, or Seriab, Hezekiah Bryant, Jun. Hezekiah Bryant. Richard Phillips. Jesse Bradford. David Hood. Reuben Thorp. John Soul. Aaron Soul. Nathaniel Sawtell. Benjamin Sawtell. Joshua Whitman. Elisha Pratt. Ezekiel Bradford, Jun. Isaac Jones. Benjamin Jones, Jun. Bennet Pumpilly. Jabez Merrill, Jun. Abraham Maxim. Richard Phillips, Jun. Gushing Phillips. Robert Bradman. Benjamin Chamberlain. Cyrus Leavitt. Joseph Leavitt, Jun. William Bradford. Ephraim Turner. Asa Bradford. Joseph Bonney. Abiel O. Turner. James Leavitt. Chandler Bradford. Henry Jones, Jun. William Gorham. William Bradford, Jun. Samuel Kinsley. Samuel Kinsley, Jun. Jchabod Bonney, Jun. Daniel French, Jun. George French. Elijah Gilbert. Josiah Gilbert. Elijah Gilbert, Jun. Church Pratt. Joseph Merrill. Jabez T. Merrill. Caleb Gilbert. Moses Allen. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In Senate, February 29, 1804. On the petition of Benjamin Chamberlin and others, inhabi- tants of the town of Turner in the County of Cumberland, 128 HISTORY OF TURNER. praying that they may be incorporated into a Religious Society, by the name of The First Universal Gospel Parish of Turner, Ordered, that the petitioners cause an attested copy of their petition, with this order thereon, to be served on the town clerk of the said Town of Turner forty days, at least, before the second Tuesday of the first session of the next General Court, that all persons concerned may then appear and there shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petitioners should not be granted. Sent down for concurrence. David Cobb, Presdt. In the House of Representatives, March i, 1804. Read and concurred. H. G. Otis, Speaker. Cumberland ss, 2d April, a. d. 1804. I served an attested copy of the annexed petition and order thereon, on town clerk of the town of Turner. Attest: Arthur Bradman, clerk of the proposed First Universal Gospel Parish in Turner. This certifies that on the second day of April a.d. 1804, I was duly served with an attested copy of the annexed petition and order thereon. Attest: Joseph Bonney, Turner town clerk. This may certify that at a legal town meeting held May 14th 1804, there was a clause in the warrant to see if the town would choose some person as an agent to appear on the second Tues- day of the first session of the next General Court to make such objection to the incorporation of the Universal Society of this Town as the town shall think proper to order and direct. The following vote was passed, viz : Voted unanimously not to send a man as an agent to appear on the second Tuesday of the first Session of the next General HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 29 Court to make objection against the incorporation of the Uni- versal Society of the town. Turner, May 26, 1804. A true copy as of record. Attest : Joseph Bonney, town clerk. In Senate, June 9, 1804. Read and committed to the Standing Committee on applica- tions for incorporation of parishes, and to hear the parties and report. Sent down for concurrence. H. G. Otis, Pres. The following petition will show that there was objection to the incorporation of the Universalist Society, and that there was reason for certain state- ments in their petition of their intention to be peaceable citizens and not molest any other relig- ious society. To the Honorable^ the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled at Boston. May Dom. 1804. The undersigned inhabitants of the town of Turner in the County of Cumberland, Respectfully represent that the people of said town [believing as a large portion of them do, that the happiness of a people and the good order and preservation of Civil government essentially depend upon Piety, Religion and Morality, and that these cannot be generally diffused through a community but by the Institution of the Public Worship of God and of Capital instruction in Piety, Religion and Morality,] did on the month of October last pass a vote to settle among them such an Instructor. In this transaction there was not that unanimity the undersigned and those who voted with them could have wished. 10 130 HISTORY OF TURNER. A number of people in this place have been in the habit of viewing Religious Institutions, false objects of expense ; and as such, are determined to avoid them. This description of per- sons being in the minority and finding opposition in Town una- voiding, no plan occurred to them so likely to answer their purpose, as an application to the Honorable Legislature for an act of incorporation. A petition was consequently presented to the last General Court praying that Benjamin Chamberlain and others might be incorporated into a Universal Society. The undersigned will not be thought sensorious by those acquainted with the petitioners, when they say, that pecuniary motives and not religious principles influenced the conduct of the body of them ; indeed many of them expressly avowed it, but as their schism embraces every description of persons ; so it is not improbable some may have acted from other motives ; a small number appear to have acted Conscientiously, and as the undersigned have no disposition to abridge the rights of Conscience ; so it shall be thought fit and reasonable by your Honorable Body to incorporate the petitioners, the undersigned will silently submit, but those part of their petitioners that pray that provision may be made for any, who may be disposed to join them hereafter, and for liberty for any [which may amount to all] to abandon their incorporation, at their option, are in the opinion of the undersigned so unreasonable, espe- cially the latter, and would have such a direct tendency to perpetuate discords and divisions, that they beg leave Respect- fully to Remonstrate against their request being granted, because it is a fact and the petitioners are in possession of it, that should they be exempted from contributing to the support of their present minister, it would so diminish the number of those now liable as to render it in a degree difficult and bur- densome for the residue to support him. HISTORY OF TURNER. I3I The petitioners therefore confidently expect [if incorporated upon the very liberal plan prayed for] that such members will shrink from the burden of Ministerial taxation, and shelter themselves under their incorporation, as will at no distant period constitute them the majority, [and considering the moral state of Society there is reason to apprehend such an event] the consequence will be that either from the paucity of num- bers, or in case they should not abandon their incorporation, or by a Major Vote, in case they should, the undersigned would be forced to Relinquish an Institution, which they believe highly important and interesting to themselves, their Rising Families and Society at large. They therefore pray your Honorable Body to take their Situ- ation in your deliberative consideration, and if it shall be thought expedient to incorporate Benjamin Chamberlin and 54 others into a distinct Society ; the undersigned earnestly intreat that the act may be so framed as to promote the peace, har- mony and best interests of the undersigned and of those who have acted with them, from being disturbed by them in future. Dated at Turner, May 28, a.d. 1804. Daniel Howard. Benjamin Evans. Samuel Blake. John Strickland. Thatcher Blake. John Loring. David Hale. Willard Mason. Levi Mitchell. Daniel Briggs. Blake. David Talbot. Caleb Bourne. Hart Briggs. Zacheriah Chickering. John Briggs. Judah Teague. Daniel Gary. Samuel Irish. Luther Gary. Seth Harris. Ezra Gary. Simeon Warren. Ezra Gary, Jun. George O. Ghickering. David Talbot, Jun. 132 HISTORY OF TURNER. Ebenezer Harlow. Isaac W. Talbot. Samuel Brown. William Barrell. Benjamin Conant. Abner S. Strickland. Michael H. Stevens. Joseph Ludden. Joseph Coopling. Alden Blossom. Moses Stevens. Martin Leonard. Sylvester Jones. Bani Teague. In Senate, June 7th 1804. Read and committed to the standing committee on applica- ions for incorporation of parishes, etc. to hear the parties and report. Sent down for concurrence, D. Cobb, Pres't. In the House of Representatives, June 7, 1804. Read and concurred. H. G. Otis, Speaker. The Committee of both houses appointed to consider appli- cations for Incorporation of Parishes and Religious Societies, on the Petition of Benjamin Chamberlain and other Inhabitants of the Town of Turner in the County of Cumberland, pray- ing that they may be incorporated into a Religious Society by the name of the First Universalist Gospel Parish in Turner, Report, that the prayer of the petitioners be so far granted that they have leave to bring in a bill for that purpose, which is submitted. Isaac Coffin. In Senate, June 15, 1804. Read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. D. Cobb, Pres. In the House of Representatives, June 15, 1804. Read and concurred. H. G. Otis, Speaker. HISTORY OF TURNER. I 33 Cumberland ss. To the Honorable House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts^ in General Court assembled. The Petition of the subscribers, inhabitants of Turner in the County of Cumberland and Commonwealth aforesaid, humbly shevveth, that in as much as a respectable number of the inhab- itants of this Town are professed Universalists, some of which have formed themselves into a distinct parish and presented a petition to the General Court of this Commonwealth for an Incorporation, the prayer of which has been already granted by the Honorable Senate at a former session, and whereas a vote of the other Inhabitants of this Town at a legal Town meeting has been heretofore passed against opposing the same, notwith- standing some individuals have remonstrated against it, your Petitioners, who are not members of said parish of Universa- lists, take leave to inform your honors that the adverse party, as a body, are far from wishing to interpose in the affair, it being the general opinion, as well as that of your present petitioners, that the granting of their the said Universalists' Petition will make for peace and good fellowship in this town [the adverse party, or other Society in Turner, as a body, are under no apprehension of the least degree of danger of any molestation from them, they having unanimously agreed not to oppose them, in regard to ministerial and religious matters] wherefore and for diverse other good reasons which are need- less to mention, your Petitioners humbly pray your Honors to concur, with the Honorable Senate in granting the prayer of their the said Universalists' Petition, and your present Peti- tioners as in duty bound will ever pray. Dated at Turner the 5th day of November a.d. 1804. John Turner. George Bradman. Ichabod Bonney. Charles Lee Turner. Enos Turner. Nath'l Robinson. 134 HISTORY OF TURNER. Samuel Gorham. Stephen Turner. Isaiah Leavitt. John Allen, Jun. Stephen Bryant. Josiah Staples. Dan Pratt. Levi Merrill, Jun. James Torrey, Jun. Benjamin Jones. William Turner. Seth Staples. Job C. Randel. Samuel Speare. Southard Washburn. Jonathan Philips. Abner Thayer. Nath. Staples. Henry Jones. Cornelius Staples. An act to incorporate a number of the Inhabitants of the Town of Turner, in the County of Cumberland, into a Religious Society, by the name of The Universalists' Society in Turner. Sect. i. Be it enacted by the Senate and house of Repre- sentatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That Benjamin Chamberlain, (here follow the names of all the petitioners, which are omitted,) with their families and estates, be, and they are hereby incorporated into a relig- ious Society by the name of the Universalists' Society in Turner, with all the powers, privileges and immunities to which other parishes are entitled by the Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth, for religious purposes only. Sect. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person belonging to the said town of Turner, who may at any time within one year from the passing of this Act, actually become a member of, and unite in religious worship with the Society aforesaid, and give in his or her name to the Town Clerk of said Turner, with a certificate signed by the Minister or clerk of said Society, that he or she has actually become a member of, and united in relig- ious worship with the Universalists' Society aforesaid, fourteen days at least previous to the town-meeting to be holden in said Turner, in the months of March or April annually, shall, from and after giving such certificate, with his or her polls and HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 35 Estates, be considered as part of said Society, Provided how- ever, That such person or persons shall be holden to pay their proportion of all money assessed in said town of Turner pre- vious to that time. Sect. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any member of said Universalists' Society, shall at any time within one year from the passing of this Act, see cause to leave the same, and unite in religious worship with any other religious Society in said town, and shall lodge a certificate of such his or her intention with the Minister or Clerk of said Universalists' Society, and also with the Clerk of the town of Turner, fourteen days at least before the town-meeting in the months of March or April annually, and shall pay his or her proportion of all money assessed in said Society previous thereto, such person shall, from and after giving such certificate, with his or her polls and estates, be considered as belonging to the town or parish in which he or she may reside, in the same manner as if he or she had never belonged to the said Universalists' Society. Sect. 4. And be it further enacted. That any Justice of the Peace in the County of Cumberland be, and hereby is author- ized to issue a warrant, directed to some suitable member of said Universalists' Society, requiring him to notify and warn the members thereof to meet at such time and place in said town as shall be directed in said warrant, to choose such officers as parishes in this Commonwealth are by law authorized to choose in the months of March or April annually. (This Act passed February 16, 1805.) This act of Incorporation was not satisfactory to the society, and some of its members advised its rejection because it limited the time for receiving members to one year, and contained no provision for the reception of members after the expiration 136 HISTORY OF TURNER. of that time. But, on the whole, it was thought best to accept it, yet it became, not long after, a dead letter. By an act of the Maine Legislature, this original act of incorporation was rescinded, and the society made a territorial parish about 1830. Rev. Thomas Barnes, a native of Vermont but a resident of Poland, Maine, was probably the first preacher employed by this society. From 1800 to the time of his death, which occurred in 18 16, he frequently preached in town. Rev. Isaac Root seems also to have been employed during these years; he resided in town with his family five or six years. In 1806, Rev. Sebastian Streeter, then a young man, and a native of New Hampshire, preached for a season and awakened a deep inter- est, and is said to have made many converts to his views. For several years previous to 1824, there was preaching irregularly by Revs. William Frost, Thomas Barnes, Jabez Woodman, William Fare- well, a Mr. Smith, a Mr. Sargent, Benjamin Thorn, and others. About 1824, Rev. Sylvanus Cobb commenced preaching with them, and continued his ministry two or three years. Rev. William A. Drew sup- plied for them a portion of the time. On the second Sabbath in February, 1827, Rev. George Bates commenced his ministry, preaching regularly every other Sabbath until January, 1830, HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 37 when he was settled as the minister of the First Parish in Turner. He was installed in the pastoral office on the i8th of that month. Rev. William A. Drew, of Augusta, preached the installation ser- mon. He continued to perform the duties of his office until 1852, a period of about twenty-five years. A church was organized October 12, 1849, consisting of twenty-nine members. In March, 1853, Rev. W. R. French was engaged as pastor, and continued his services for seventeen years. In 1870, Rev. H. C. Munson became their pastor, and remained with them about seven years. In the spring of 1878, Rev. G. M. D. Barnes was engaged, and continued his ministry two years. In August, 1879, Rev. W. R. French became their pastor again, and continued his services four years, making twenty-one years in the whole. In the autumn of 1883, the services of Rev. John Kimbal were secured, and he continued in the pas- toral office till July i, 1886, when he resigned. METHODIST CHURCH. Several years ago, Methodist meetings were sus- tained for a time in North Turner, but no organi- zation was effected, and there was no church building in which to hold the services. Rev. E. Martin, then a young man, was the minister, and was not, probably, in full connection with the 138 HISTORY OF TURNER. church; and when he was appointed to a station or circuit, the meetings at North Turner ceased, and no visible results were manifest. But on Feb- ruary 8, 1879, a Methodist Episcopal Church was organized at Turner Village by Rev. S. T. Record, who in middle life had then just entered the minis- try, and in May following was appointed to that charge, and held it for three years. During his term of service, he succeeded in erecting a chapel with a vestry, the latter being finished and occupied for the Sabbath services. The audience room was finished as funds were secured, thus an example was set of building slowly, and not rushing into debt, that the parish might not be oppressed, and perhaps crushed by a heavy burden. Rev. N. C. Clifford was appointed to the charge in May, 1882; and Rev. J. Moulton, in 1883, and was the pastor as long as the rules of that church would permit. Rev. John P. Roberts was appointed the pastor, April 29, 1886. At this date the membership of the church is twenty-two. MEETING-HOUSES. The first meeting-house was built on the upper street, on the ledge a little north of G. W. Blos- som's, for the accommodation of the whole town. It was erected in 1783, under a contract between the HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 39 proprietors and several of the settlers, who were to receive eighty-seven pounds toward the expenses of building it. It was to be thirty-five feet square, with twenty feet posts, the walls covered with boards and clapboards, and the roof with boards and shingles. There were to be twenty-four win- dow-frames set, and six windows glazed, and the lower floor was to be laid. In 181 9, the Congregational ists built a large church on the cross road, half a mile to the west of the former, and occupied it till the winter of 1836, when it was destroyed by fire. Afterward, they built a chapel on the spot occupied by the first house, but after a few years they sold it, and built a tasteful church at the village, in which they have continued to worship to the present time. The Baptists built a church at the village, in 1826, which they occupied for many years, but at length erected a church of fine proportions, with vestry accommodations, and pleasing in style. It is probably the most expensive church in the town. In 1825, the Universalists erected a large church on the lower street, designed to accommodate the people in all the country round. It was two stories high, with capacious galleries. This house was taken down in 1848, and the materials used in the construction of a new one at the center, a location which much better accommodates the parish. Its 140 HISTORY OF TURNER. interior now presents an attractive appearance, and it is a comfortable place of worship. The Universalists about the north part of the town built a chapel at Richmond's Corner in 1841, before the site of the first church was changed, but public worship has not been sustained in it except in the mild portion of the year. It stands in the midst of thrifty farmers, to whom it sends out its silent invitations. In the autumn of 1877, the people of North Turner dedicated a small church of graceful pro- portion, tasteful finish, and attractive in every feature. It is a little gem. The peculiarity in its erection is that the ladies of the place took it in hand, raised money by levees and by subscriptions, made the contracts, and pushed the work along to completion; and it was dedicated free from debt. It is called a union church; the several ministers in town united in the service of dedication, and its doors are opened for religious services without regard to the faith of the minister officiating. No pastor has been settled there. MINISTERIAL AND GRAMMAR SCHOOL FUNDS. The original proprietors of Sylvester Canada were required by the act of the General Court which secured to them the township, to set apart one sixty-fourth part thereof, for the support of a HISTORY OF TURNER. I4I learned Protestant minister, one sixty-fourth part for the support of schools in the town, and one sixty-fourth part for the benefit of Harvard College. For a number of years, the settled minister culti- vated the land set apart for his support, or as much of it as he chose, and in this way received a portion of his salary; but there was no way to get any rev- enue from the school lands but to rent them. Only very small funds were raised in this way for the support of schools in the town. It soon became apparent that all these lands would better promote the interests for which they were set apart, if they were sold, and from the proceeds a permanent fund created, the interest of which should be expended annually for the support of public worship and schools. Hence, in 1802, the town voted to peti- tion the General Court for liberty to sell the parsonage and school lands. Their petition was favorably received, and the following act was passed. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In the year of our LORD, one thousand eight hundred and three. An Act to authorize the raising a fund for the support of the ministry, and a Grammar School in the town of Turner in the County of Cumberland. Sec. I St. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same, that Ichabod Bonney esqr, William Bradford, Benja- 142 HISTORY OF TURNER. min Evans, John Turner esq, Daniel Gary, Luther Gary and John Loring be, and hereby are appointed trustees to sell the ministerial and school land in said Town of Turner, and put out at interest the monies arising from such sale, in manner hereafter mentioned, and for that purpose. Sec. 2d. Be it further enacted, that the said Trustees be and hereby are incorporated into a body politic by the name of the Trustees of the Ministerial and Grammar School funds in the town of Turner in the Gounty of Gumberland ; and they and their successors shall be and continue a body politic and cor- porate by that name forever, and they shall have a common Seal subject to be altered at their pleasure ; and they may sue and be sued in all actions real, personal, and mixed, and pros- ecute and defend the same to final judgment and execution, by the name aforesaid. Sec. 3d. Be it further enacted, that the said trustees and their successors, shall and may annually elect a President and Glerk to record the doings and transactions of the trustees at their meetings ; and a Treasurer to receive and apply the monies hereinafter mentioned, as hereinafter directed, and any other needful officers for the better managing of their business. Sec. 4th. Be it further enacted, that the number of trustees shall not, at any time, be more than seven, nor less than five, and five of their number to constitute a quorum for transacting business; and they shall and may from time to time fill up vacancies in their number, which may happen by death, resig- nation or otherwise, from the members of said town ; and shall also have power to remove any of their number who may become unfit and incapable from age, infirmity, misconduct or any other cause of discharging their duty, and to supply a vacancy so made by a new choice from the town aforesaid. And the said trustees shall annually hold a meeting in March or April, and as much oftener as may be found necessary to HISTORY OF TURNER. I43 transact their business, which meetings, after the first, shall be called in such way and manner as the trustees shall hereafter direct. Sec. 5th. Be it further enacted, that Ichabod Bonney esqr. be and hereby is authorized to fix the time and place for holding the first meeting of the trustees and to notify each trustee thereof. Sec. 6th. Be it further enacted, that said trustees be, and they hereby are authorized to sell and convey in fee simple, all the ministerial and grammar school lands belonging to said town and to make, execute and acknowledge a good and sufficient deed or deeds thereof, which deed or deeds subscribed by the name of their Treasurer, by direction of said trustees with their Seal thereto affixed, shall be good and effectual in law to pass, and convey the fee simple from said town to the purchaser, to all intents and purposes whatever. Sec. 7th. Be it further enacted, that the monies arising from the sale of said lands shall be put at interest as soon as may be, and secured by mortgage of real estate to the full value of the estate sold ; or by two or more sufficient sureties with the principal, unless the trustees shall think it best to invest the same in public funded securities, or bank stock of this Com- monwealth, which they may do. Sec. 8th. Be it further enacted, that the interest arising from time to time on such monies, shall be annually, or oftener if practicable, put out at interest and secured in manner aforesaid, unless invested in the funds or bank stock as aforesaid, and also the interest accruing from the interest, until a fund shall be accumulated on the sale of school lands and the interest arising thereon, which shall yield yearly the sum of two hundred dollars, and from the ministerial lands, three hundred and fifty dollars annually. Sec. 9th. Be it further enacted, that as soon as an interest 144 HISTORY OF TURNER. to that amount shall accrue, the trustees shall forthwith apply the same, or that part arising from the sale of the ministerial lands, toward the support of a learned protestant minister which may then be settled in town, or which may thereafter be settled there j and as long as the said town shall remain without a set- tled minister, the annual interest aforesaid shall be put at interest and secured as aforesaid to increase the said fund, until there be a resettlement of a minister ; and that part arising from the sale of the school lands as aforesaid towards the sup- port of a grammar School in said town ; and it shall never be in the power of said town to alienate or anywise alter the funds aforesaid. Sec. loth. Be it further enacted, that the Clerk of said Corporation shall be sworn previous to his entering on the duties of his office; and the Treasurer of the Trustees shall give bond faithfully to perform his duty, and to be at all times responsible for the faithful application and appropriation of the money which may come into his hands, conformably to the true intent and meaning of this act, and for all negligence or mis- conduct of any kind in his office. Sec. nth. Be it further enacted, that the Trustees or their officers for the services they may perform shall be entitled to no compensation out of any money arising from the funds aforesaid, but if entitled to any shall have and receive the same of said town as may be mutually agreed on. Sec. 1 2th. Be it further enacted, that the said Trustees and their successors shall exhibit to the town at their annual meet- ing in March or April, a regular and fair statement of their doings. Sec. 13th. Be it further enacted, that the said Trustees and each of them shall be responsible to the town for their personal negligence or misconduct whether they be officers or not, and liable to a suit for any loss or damage arising thereby, the debt or damage recovered in such suit, to be for the uses aforesaid. HISTORY OF TURNER. I45 In the House of Representatives February 7th 1803. This bill having had three several readings passed to be enacted. John C. Jones, Speaker, In Senate, February 8th 1803. This bill having had two several readings passed to be enacted. David Cobb, President. February 9th 1803. By the Governor approved. Caleb Strong. True copy, Attest: John Avery, Secretary, At a meeting of the trustees, convened at the house of Ichabod Bonney, Esq., March 15, 1803, Benjamin Evans was chosen Clerk* Luther Gary, Esq., President, and John Turner, Esq., Treasurer. At a meeting held the following month, a commit- tee was chosen consisting of Ichabod Bonney, William Bradford, and John Turner, to appraise the ministerial and grammar school lands with ref- erence to their sale. The treasurer was instructed to procure a seal with the letter T. It is presumed that this letter was designed to represent Turner ; but, at a subsequent meeting, it was voted to adopt the letter J instead, but nothing appears to indicate the reason for the change. The following is a statement of the sale of the ministerial and school lands in the town of Turner, and county of Cumberland. 146 HISTORY OF TURNER. MINISTERIAL LANDS Lot No. 224, sold to Stephen Drew Jun. and Chand- ler Decosterj notes given dated June nth, 1803, for one thousand dollars. $1,000.00 Thatcher Blake and Stephen Drew were bondsmen for Chandler Decoster, and Zeri Hayford and Chandler Decoster were bondsmen for Chand- ler Decoster Jr. Lot No. 126 was sold June 15th, 1803, to Asa Brad- ford, for cash, 50.00 Lot No. 203 was sold June 15th, 1803, to Seraiah Merrill; note for 250.00 Of Lot No. 51, the northwest quarter was sold to Luther Cary, January 2, 1804, for 450.00 Samuel Gorham and Joseph Leavitt were his bondsmen. Of Lot No. 51, the southwest quarter was sold to Samuel Gorham for S50'00 Luther Cary and Joseph Leavitt were his bondsmen. Of Lot No. 51, the northeast quarter was sold to Joseph Leavitt for 750.00 Luther Cary and Samuel Gorham were his bondsmen. Of Lot No. 51, the southeast quarter was sold to Samuel Pumpilly for 800.00 Total, $3,850.00 SCHOOL LANDS. Lot No. 99 was sold to David Hale and Oliver Hale for $1,100.00 The note given was dated May 20, 1803, and Oliver Hale and the selectmen of Waterford were bondsmen. Lot No. 257 was sold to Joshua Whitman for 350*00 HISTORY OF TURNER. I47 The note given was dated June 11, 1803, and Sam- uel Gorham and John Strickland Jun. were bondsmen. Lot No. 168 was sold to John Swett for 700.00 The note given was dated June 15, 1803. Judah Teague and Samuel Irish were bondsmen. Lot No. 4 was sold to Ezra Gary Jun. and Seth Staples for 400.00 The note given was dated September 10, 1803. Ezra Gary and Abner Thayer were bondsmen. Total, $2,550.00 As the ministerial and grammar school funds were not productive until the annual interest of the former amounted to three hundred and fifty dol- lars, and the latter to two hundred dollars, the trustees had but little business, except to keep up their organization and look out for the notes given for lands sold. A committee was chosen annually to advise with the treasurer respecting the notes in his keeping. When there was money in the treas- ury arising from the payment of notes due, any man in town could hire it, or as much as he might need, by procuring the names of two men as indorsers who were acceptable. There was rarely a time when no one was ready "to borrow money of the town," as it was called, when there were funds in the treasury; and in this way, the people of the town were accom- modated, and the money kept at interest. This was a great convenience to those in need of money. 148 HISTORY OF TURNER. since the rate per cent was not high, and the prin- cipal could be retained for years, or until the borrower could pay it, without inconvenience to himself. It was desirable that the annual interest on the money loaned to individuals should all be paid at a certain date, so that the treasurer of the trustees might be furnished with funds to meet the demands on the treasury at regular times. Hence, in April, 1808, a vote was passed instructing the treasurer to have all notes for money loaned so adjusted that the annual interest on school funds should be paid on the third Monday in March, and the interest on the ministerial fund, on the second Monday in March. To make the payment of money loaned sure, and still not compel one to be a bondsman longer than he might choose, it was Voted, that when a bondsman shall express his desire to the treasurer to be free from such engagement, it shall be the duty of the treasurer at the expiration of one year from the time such person became bound, to notify the principal to procure other sufficient bondsmen, and in the event of such principal refusing or neglecting to procure such bondsmen within a reasonable time, the treasurer is directed to enforce the pay- ment of the sum due. At an adjourned meeting held in April, 1808, it was voted that thanks be presented to the treasurer for the faithful discharge of his duty, it appearing upon a settlement with him, that the funds have accumulated agreeable to the intention of the Legislature ; that no loss accrued, there being in his hands HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 49 on the first Monday of March last, securities to the ministerial fund amounting to . . . . . . . $4,978.99, and to the school fund 3>376.72. When the school fund became productive the trustees were in doubt as to the proper and legal manner of expending the annual income. It was by the act creating the fund devoted to the support of a grammar school. A public school of that grade could not be supported in town by the funds at command, and it did not seem right to- divert the money to the support of the common schools; but the town desired that the money should be thus diverted. To relieve the trustees from their em- barrassment the town voted to secure them against any loss or harm they might incur by putting the interest of the school fund to this use. And for some years the interest was so applied. At length, another plan was adopted which secured the same result. The fund money was assigned to two or three of the largest of the public schools in town, which for this reason were required to employ a teacher qualified to give instruction in the higher branches of education, students in college being usually selected, while the other schools, supported wholly by the town's money, might be taught by those possessing more slender qualifications. This plan was open to objection in that the college stu- dents required higher wages, and the schools in 150 HISTORY OF TURNER. their charge were sometimes no better than those in charge of common teachers. Hence, the schools which seemed to be favored were compelled to pay for advantages which they did not receive. Some other arrangement must be made, and the trustees, in 1828, voted "that the proceeds of the school fund be expended in a grammar school for one year," and Alden Blossom was chosen "a committee to carry the above into effect." It is presumed that a school was opened in the fall of that year, since at a meeting held December i, 1828, a com- mittee was chosen "to settle with Mr. Lewis Bailey for keeping school." In July, 1830, Isaac W. Tal- bot was chosen " agent to procure a schoolmaster to keep the grammar school one quarter." Mr. Joseph T. Huston was employed, who taught twelve weeks in the autumn following. From that time onward, twelve weeks of school have been provided each autumn in which the higher branches of learning have been taught, and in which those who desired might be fitted for college. These schools were held in the different districts in turn, that all parts of the town might share equally in their advantages. But after a time, it was thought best to have two schools in the autumn season of six weeks each, instead of one school of twelve weeks; and this plan has been adhered to until the present time. As these schools are supported by the gram- HISTORY OF TURNER. 151 mar school fund, they have always been called grammar schools, though they are designed to be, in fact, high schools. They are sustained without expense to the town, and the school committee do not have them in charge. These schools have been a great benefit to the town, having afforded educational facilities to many who otherwise would have been deprived of them. Rev. Allen Greely was settled as pastor of the Congregational church and society in 1810, and also of the first parish, which included the town ; the town, as such, in public meeting voting to set- tle him as their pastor. Being the pastor of the parish embracing the town, he received annually the interest of the ministerial fund, and no other minister settled in town was entitled to a dollar of it while he was the pastor of the first parish. The fund became productive in 181 1, and in that year the trustees voted to pay Rev. Allen Greely seventy dollars. The annual income of the fund was regularly paid him for several years, though other religious societies soon began to think they ought to share in the benefits of the ministerial fund. A Baptist society was formed at an early date, and not long after a Universalist society. The latter society asked for its share of the annual income of the ministerial fund, but the trustees did not favor this request. There was no way to gain 152 HISTORY OF TURNER. their request, but to dismiss Mr. Greely as the pastor of the first parish, which included the town, and settle another in his stead, for the settled min- ister of this parish would be entitled to the income of the ministerial fund. Accordingly, a meeting of the parish was called about 1830, to vote upon the question of dismissing Mr. Greely and settling another man in his place. This meeting awakened considerable interest, and some feeling. I think Francis Gary, Esq., was chosen presiding officer, whose sympathies were with the first parish, then holding the reins of power. Every voter in town was a voter at this meeting unless he had forfeited his right by becoming a legal member of some other religious society. At this meeting many votes against Mr. Greely were rejected because they were thought to be illegal, those who offered them being supposed to be legal members of some other religious society. A sufficient number of votes were rejected to make the majority, as de- clared, in favor of Rev. Mr. Greely, but the actual majority was against him. This majority took action accordingly, declaring that Mr. Greely was dismissed, and that Rev. George Bates was chosen pastor of the first parish. George French, Esq., was chairman of the committee chosen to notify Mr. Greely of his dismission. Matters were now in a very confused state. There were two par- HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 53 ties claiming to be the first parish, and two ministers, each claiming to be the legally settled pastor thereof. There was no way out of this but by a process of law. Several of those whose votes were rejected sued the presiding officer of the meet- ing for denying them their legal rights, and long, tedious, and vexatious lawsuits resulted. It required nearly ten years to grind this grist in the mill of the law, and it may be safely said that it put patience and other Christian virtues to a severe test; but the actual majority was finally sustained, and the action they took was ascertained to be legal. Meanwhile, neither pastor could get the annual income of the ministerial fund, for the trustees would not, of course, pay it out to Mr. Bates, who was not admitted to be chosen pastor by a majority at the parish meeting named above ; and they dared not pay it out to Mr. Greely, for if he were legally dismissed, they would be personally holden and under obligation to pay Mr. Bates a sum equal to the income of the fund. Mr. Bates, claiming to be the legal pastor, was, under the circumstances, obliged to sue the trustees for the money due him ; hence they were involved in a lawsuit, and in Octo- ber, 1831, voted "that Isaac W. Talbot be an agent for the trustees of the ministerial and grammar school fund in Turner, to appear at Paris, at the 154 HISTORY OF TURNER. Supreme Judicial Court, October term 1831, to an- swer to the suit of the Rev. George Bates against said trustees." It will readily be seen that this case could not be decided until it had first been determined whether the votes rejected were legally thrown out or not. It must require a long time to grind this grist. At length, Mr. Greely at- tempted a compromise, which was successful, as follows : — Articles of agreement made and concluded by and between Allen Greely of Turner in the County of Oxford and State of Maine on the one part, and George Bates of said Turner on the other part, executed this — day of April, Anno Domini, 1834. The parties to this agreement being mutually anxious to close the unhappy dissensions which have heretofore existed in relation to the ministerial funds in the town of Turner in a satisfactory and equitable manner, have mutually agreed, That on condition that the first Parish will relinquish all claims upon the Trustees of the ministerial and school funds in the town of Turner for any interest which may have arisen from the ministerial funds prior to the second day of January 1830, and provided also that the Trustees of said funds shall assent to this agreement, then the following Articles of Agreement shall become firmly binding and obligatory between the said parties, viz: Article 1st. It is mutually agreed by and between the said parties to this agreement, that all the interest which has arisen from the ministerial fund in the town of Turner since the second day of January, a.d. 1830, when the said George Bates assumed the duties of said Parish, shall be divided in equal shares by and between the said Allen Greely and the said George Bates ; HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 55 and each of the said parties shall make and execute all such receipts, releases and discharges as may be necessary to secure the trustees of said ministerial fund, and to carry the conditions of this article into full effect. Article 2d. It is further mutually agreed by and between the said parties to this agreement; that the action brought by the said George Bates against the trustees of the ministerial and school funds in Turner, and which is now pending in the Supreme Judicial Court for the County of Oxford, shall be withdrawn and discharged, each party paying his own costs. Allen Greely, George Bates. This mutual agreement disposed of the difficulty for the present, arising out of the ministerial fund, and in the interests of peace an agreement was made between the Congregational and Universalist societies that the income of the ministerial fund should be divided annually between the different religious societies in town for five years. But when the five years had expired the old difficulties had to be adjusted again. There was an unwillingness on one of the parties to continue or renew the agree- ment, and for a time nothing was accomplished in the way of harmonizing the discordant elements. At length Hon. Job Prince, Dr. Philip Bradford, and others petitioned the Legislature for authority to divide the annual income of the ministerial fund between the religious societies in town. This ef- fort was successful, resulting in the act following. 156 HISTORY OF TURNER. An act to divide the Ministerial Fund in Turner. Sec. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives in Legislature assembled : That the Trustees of the Ministerial Fund in the town of Turner be, and they hereby are directed and empowered to divide annually the interest arising on said Ministerial Fund among the several Protestant settled Ministers in said Turner in proportion to the ratable polls adhering to or belonging to the Societies or parishes of said Ministers respectively; Provided the Minister and a majority of the first Parish agree thereto. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, that the legal voters in said town are hereby empowered and authorized to proceed in such manner as they may deem proper to enumerate the adherents to the said several Societies in said town, and to ascertain the number belonging to each, that an equitable division may be had. This copy of the act is preserved in the old rec- ords of the trustees, but it is without date. The Universalists and their friends, claiming to be a majority of the first parish over which their minis- ter was the settled pastor, were now in a condition to carry this act into effect, and willingly conceded to others the rights which they had secured to themselves ; and from that time the interest arising from the fund has been divided annually, in accord- ance with the act of the Legislature. From the time this act went into effect the first parish vir- tually ceased to exist, for the town, as such, has not since then performed any parish duties, or been regarded as a parish in any proper sense. HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 57 The manner of ascertaining the number of adhe- rents to each religious society has for a long time been as follows: When the selectmen take the val- uation of the town in the month of April annually, they ask each voter which society he wishes to have his proportion of the fund money, and a mark is placed against his name accordingly. The trus- tees, at their annual meeting in March, divide the interest arising from the fund among the Protestant societies in town having settled pastors, in propor- tion to the number of names in favor of each. This method has given satisfaction, the dissensions of the former years are forgotten, and all are in peace. The following is a list of the trustees of the ministerial and grammar school funds in Turner, with their times of service so far as the records give information. TRUSTEES. Ichabod Bonney, from 1803 to . William Bradford, from 1803 to 18 12. Benjamin Evans, from 1803 to 18 15. John Turner, from 1803 to 1832. Daniel Gary, from 1803 to . Luther Gary, from 1803 to 1835. John Loring from 1803 to 1807, when he moved out of town. Joshua Barrell, from 1807 to i8ii. Beniah Niles, from 1807 to 181 1. Alden Blossom, from 181 1 to 1856. 158 HISTORY OF TURNER. Isaac W. Talbot, from 18 12 to 1849. Asa Bradford, from 1812 to 1813. Martin Bradford, from 18 13 to 1832. Jonathan Phillips, from 1815 to 1827. Francis Gary, from 1820 to 1838. Azor Barrell, from 1827 to 1867. Richmond Bradford, from 1832 to 1836. J. Bass Barrell, from 1832 to 1838. Luther Whitman, from 1835 to 1847. Job Prince, from 1836 to 1863. Asa Phillips, from 1838 to 1853. Philip Bradford, from 1838 to . Ajalon Dillingham, from 1850 to 187 1. Ezekiel Martin, from 1854 to . Justus Conant, from 1856 to 1881. Philo Clark, from 1863 to 1884. George W. Turner, from 1864 to 1877. Mellen French, from 1864 to 1885. Hira Bradford, from 1867 ^^ 1885. Justus C. Bailey, from 187 1. Jairus Gary, from 1877. Rufus Prince, from 1878. Horace G. Haskell, from 1881. Leonard M. Beals, from 1884. Rackley D. Leavitt, from 1885. William H. French, from 1885. CLERKS. Benjamin Evans, from 1803 to 18 12. Alden Blossom, from 1812 to 1855. Luther Whitman, from 1856 to 1864. George W. Turner, from 1865 to 1877. Justus C. Bailey, from 1878. HISTORY OF TURNER. 159 TREASURERS. John Turner, from 1803 to 18 15. Isaac W. Talbot, from 1815 to 1830. Azor Barrel!, from 1830 to 1835. J. Bass Barren, from 1835 to 1837. Job Prince, from 1837 ^^ 1863. Philo Clark, from 1864 to 1884. Rufus Prince, from 1884. Marriages solemnized by Rev. John Strickland, the first settled minister in town. 1785 Benjamin Pettingill and Mary Briggs. Edmond Bowe and Patience Barrows. Thomas Atherton and Bethiah Richmond. Rufus Briggs and Elizabeth Eliot. William Hayford and Phillena French. Benjamin Alden and Betty Hayford. Joshua Ford and Cele Bisbe. Elijah Fisher and Jerusha Keen. Jairus Phillips and Silence Briggs. 1786 James Sampson and Jemima Stetson. Dominions Record and Jane Warren. William True and Rebeccah Bradford. Jabez Churchill and Merriah Benson. Jeremiah Hodgden and Thankful Keen. Elijah Briggs and Rachel Pettingill. Jacob Stephens and Martha Pettingill. Benjamin Heald and Rebeccah Spalden. Robert Glover and Keziah Barrows. Cushing Clerk and Lucy Carver. Ezekiel Bradford and Mary House . July 17- Sept. I. Oct. 27- Nov. 3. Nov. 24. Nov. 24. Dec. 8. Dec. 14. Dec. '5- Jan. 12. Jan. 19. Jan. 19. Jan. 25- Jan. 26. Mar. 16. April 5- April 30- July 27- Aug. 14. Dec. 14. l6o HISTORY OF TURNER. 1787 Edward Fifield and Mary Bagly. Peter Joslyn and Kitty Bank. Jeremiah Dillingham and Sarah Leavitt. Chandler Freeman and Betty Millett. Samuel Crafts and Nancy Packard. Phineas Jones and Ruth Ames. Samuel Perkins and Mehitable Shurtlief. James Bowker and Judith Chace. Moses Woodbury and Hannah Davis. 1788 Jacob Leavitt and Rhoda Thayer. Asa Robertson and Deborah Briggs. Simon Berlin and Elizabeth Robertson. Robert Youling and Anna Carrall. Daniel Briggs, Jun. and Betty Bradford. Daniel French and Sarah Turner. Ichabod Bonney, Jun. and Anna Merrill. Cornelius Jones and Saba Bryant. Edward Packard and Prudence Stutson. Joel Foster and Phebe Buck. Peabody Bradford and Hannah Freeman. John Pumpilly and Polly French. Moses Stevens and Anna Smith. Seba Smith and Aphia Stevens. Oliver Turner and Elizabeth Stevens. George Berry and Rhoda Clough. 1789 Philip Bradford and Mary Bonney. John Merril and Anis Barker. Samuel Herrick and Abagail House. Ebenezer Irish and Bathsheba McFarland. Mar. I. Mar. 2. April 29. June 5- Sept. 27. Oct. II. Oct. 3^- Nov. IS- Dec. 23- Jan. I. Jan. 10. Jan. 10. Feb. 7- Feb. 14. Feb. 20. Feb. 21. April 3- July 10. July 10. July 29. Sept. II. Oct. 9- Oct. 9- Oct. 12. Oct. 16. April 9- May 10. June 14. Aug. 5- Aug. 6. Aug. 9- Aug. 30- Oct. 14. Oct. 14. Dec. 25- Dec. 25- Feb. 18. Mar. 10. Mar. 15- Mar. 25- July 4- July II. Aug. 9- Aug. 10. Aug. II. Oct. ^S- Oct. 15- Oct. 17- Oct. 17- Nov. 26. Jan. II. Mar. 10. June II. June ^3- June 13- June 16. June 16. June 23- Aug. 25- HISTORY OF TURNER. 161 John Bumpus and Mary Burges. John Bonney and Betsey Caswell. Josiah Tilson and Hannah Sturdefant. John Buck, Jun. and Polley Warrin. Moses Bisby and Ellen Buck. Abiather Briggs and Metilda Hayford. Stephen Putnam and Sally Eliot. 1790 Volintine Mathews and Sarah Coburn. Jesse Coburn and Experience Hinkly. Moses Safford and Joanna Pettingail. John Warrin Eliot and Sarah Coburn. Jothani Briggs and Mehe table Hodgdel. Joshua Purinton and Sophia Bryant. William Lowel and Margery Fish. Martin Bradford and Prudence Dillingham. Daniel Merrill and Charitty Record. Benjamin Spalden, Jun. and Martilly Roberson. William Swan and Bethiah Pratt. Nathaniel Daley and Elizabeth True. Jeremiah Whitney and Lydia Cole. Elisha Keen and Anna Briggs. 1791 John Gray and Rhoda Andros. Nathaniel Bishop and Judith Hercy Gilbert. Michael Samson and Betsey House. Elnathan Benson and Barshaba Bumper. David Dudley and Rebeckah Bucknam. Joseph Cole and Molley Washburn. David Gorham and Hannah Pratt. Job Prince and Hannah Bryant. Ruben Hersey and Sally Conant. 12 Jan. 4. May 10. May 17- Sept. 6. Nov. I. Nov. 4- Dec. 27. 162 HISTORY OF TURNER. Nov. 10. Stephen Washburn, Jun. and Batsey Record. Nov. 10. Thomas Cormon and Eleler Gardnett. Nov. 17. Henry Sawtelle and Lydia Croket. Nov. 26. John Cole and Elizabeth Oldham. 1792 Thomas Seabury and Betsey Harris. John Clay and Rebeckah Buck. Isaac West and Nabbey Weson. Oliver Pratt and Jedidiah Luce. William Cobb and Betsey Merrick. Benjamin Seabury and Olive Shaw. Jonathan Hodgkin and Anna Welsh. 1793 Jan. 6. Arunah Briggs and Lydia Godfrey. Jan. 13. John Munro and Mary Bisbee Keen. Nov. II. Joseph Merrill and Jenny Young. Nov. 28. Samuel Hillman and Jenny Norton. 1794 Daniel Bray and Elizabeth Haskel. Jacob Horsly and Jenny Clefford. Seth Stapels and Asenath Soule. Jonathan Pratt and Isabella Collins. Caleb Blake and Betsey Briggs. Enoch Freeman and Caroline Shaw. Josiah Woodman and Ruth Fuller. Winslow Ricket and Hannah Chandler. Zebulon Harlow and Rachel Bates. Jonathan Chandler and Keziah Denning. Jan. 16. April 24. June 4- June 9- June II. June 26. July 31- Oct. 9. Oct. 23. Dec. 30- HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 63 1795 May 26. William Geats and Martha Morgan. July 19. Nathaniel Parley and Luendia Strickland. Aug. 3. Moses Allen and Sally Morrill. Nov. 2. Benjamin Pettingill and Phebe Parker. Nov. 19. Joseph Herik and Lidia Safford. 1796 April 14. Peter Lane and Lois Verrel. 1797 Jan. I. Charles Hay and Cloe Smith. Marriages solemnized by Ichabod Bonney, Esq. 1790 Asa Smith and Jane Niles. William Gott and Deborah Bryant. 1791 Jonas Cohen and Hannah Mathews. Nathaniel Chase and Jemima Harskell. Bennett P. Pelley and Elizabeth Merrell. Esquire Caswell and Martha Davis. Rogers Tarrel and Penelope Perry. 1792 Anson Sole and Lusenda French. William Francis and Rebeckah Thayer. John Steapels and Pattey Randel. Silvenus Robens and Molley Landers. John Bisbe and Sarah Phillbrooks. Nov. 14. Dec. 26. July 3- Sept. 3. Sept. 21. Oct. 26. Oct. 26. Jan. 24. Feb. 16. Mar. 11. Mar. 19. April I. April IS- April 30- May 6. May 17- July 19. July 19. July 25- July 25- Aug. 2. Nov. 15- Oct. 18. 164 HISTORY OF TURNER. Judah Keen and Susanah Roberson. Edmond Irish and Bethiah Keen. Joshua Davis and Elizabeth Cole. Benjamin Chamberlain and Mary Bradford. Daniel Merrill and Olive Record. Benjamin Washburn and Mary Hogain. Thomas Irish and Elizabeth Roberds. James Waterman and Kezia Smith. Hate Evil Hall and Juda Morgain. John Brock and Susanah Crandle. Samuel Pelley and Sarah True. 1793 Mar. 15. Joseph Tyler and Easter Haskel. Mar. 15. Jacob Haskel and Mary Jonson. Mar. 16. Abner Rason and Nabbey Fuller. Mar. 25. Samuel Irish and Elizabeth Teague. April 9. Davis Person and Silvina Hall. April 9. Benjamin Selley and Pattey Person. April II. Cyprion Stephens and Sally Roberson. April II. John Washburn and Azubah Fuller. April II. Job Barce and and Bettey Turner. April 22. Abial Drake and DoUey Phillbrooks. April 25. Jonathan Dammon and Patience Josselyn. April 26. Caleb Lumber and Hannah Selley. May 9. Ezekiel Merrill and Mary Barrows. May 12. Philiemon Person and PoUey Cole. May 12. William Selley and Sarah Bonney. June 27. Nathaniel Benson and Deborah Tubbs. June 27. Barnabas Barrows and Martha Tool. July 2. Caleb House, Jun. and Bethiah Young. July 8. Ebenezer Bray, Jun. and Eleanor Royal. Aug. 6. William Stadman and Synthia Garnet. HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 65 Aug. 27. Ebenezer Gary and Martha Brook. Sept. 10. William Livermore and Salley Jones. Sept. 22. Simeon Dennen and Rebeckah Chickering. Oct. 12. William Chenery and Susannah Merry. Nov. 10. Stephen Landers and Huldah Russel. 1794 William Moody, Jun. and Polley Dresser. Joseph Mills and Mary True. William Loring and Hannah Snell. Peleg Weston and Betsey Snell. Nathaniel Barrows and Hannah Richmond. Ichabod Bryant and Ruth Richmond. Caleb Fuller and Hannah Perkins. James Niles and Marcy Caswell. Richard Taylor and Mary Roberds. Isaac Bolster, Jun. and Hannah Cushman. Joseph Hutchins and Salley Russel. James Follet and Eastur Hall. Snow Keen, Jun. and Sarah Bradford. Daniel Cambel and Abigail Hall. 1795 John Huszey and Abigail Lapham. Jabez Taylor and Dorcas Irish. Jonathan Dwinel and Rebekah Ryns. Timothy Smith and Dorothy Smith. Solomon Bisbe and Ruth Barrett. Ziba Knapp and Elizabeth Basey. Peter Silley and Martha Legro. Josiah Keen and Eunice Wistact. John Brown and Phebe Rogers. Joseph Chase and Anna Legrow. Jan. 10. Feb. 19. Feb. 22. Mar. 6. Mar. 19. Mar. 19. Mar. 19. April 20. April 23- July 3- Sept. 18. Oct. 18. Oct. 26. Dec. 29. Feb. 9- Feb. 9- Feb. 19. Feb. 19. May 10. May 31- Aug. 18. Aug. 20. Aug. 30- Sept. 16. Nov. 2. Nov. 3- Nov. i6. Nov. 19. Jan. 27. Feb. 4. Feb. 28. Mar. 14. April 3- May 8. May 13- July 18. 166 HISTORY OF TURNER. Nathan Hall and Susanna Fobes. Benjamin Noys and Phebe Hill. Simeon Bucknal and Rebeckah Irish. Asa Roberson and Margett Bartlet. 1796 Samuel Blake, Jun. and Nabey Bonney. Joseph Bonney and Rhode Merrill. William Witham and Jane Loring. Arvady Hayford and Mary . Moses Stephen and Nancey Munro. Ephraim Turner and Ruth Child. Seth Rose and Santha House. Joseph Leavitt and Allis Caswell. 1796 Nov. 3. John Richerdson and Lydia Willard. Nov. 10. Bani Teague, Jun. and Sarah Tuttle. Nov. 17. Joel Crocket and Sarah Parlin. 1797 Jan. 31. Joseph Crocket and Hannah Parlin. Feb. 9. Levi Perry and Nancy . TAVERNS. The Upper Street was for many years the princi- pal thoroughfare of travel through town, it being a portion of the road from Farmington to Portland. Places of entertainment for travelers on that street soon became a public convenience, if not a neces- sity. Joseph Leavitt was the first to open his HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 67 house for the accommodation of travelers, and it was patronized as a tavern for years, but he never put out a sign. His house was located just north of the cemetery, where Messrs. Bryant and Wilson now live. About half a mile further north John Keen re- sided, who opened his house for the accommodation of travelers, a few months later. He put out a sign to notify the weary and hungry that they might find rest and refreshment at his inn. This was the first sign hoisted by any citizen of the town to invite in the needy for refreshment and rest. This sign did duty for many years, and is now carefully preserved by Benjamin Keen, of North Turner, as a memento of the olden time. But the hostelry, to which it invited the weary for rest, has fallen into decay, and nothing remains to mark the place where it stood. Afterward, General Alden Blossom, whose resi- dence was nearly opposite, put out a sign, and for many years furnished entertainment for man and beast as need might require. But the sign and the inn-holder have long since passed away. In the north part of the town, Isaiah Leavitt hung out a sign bearing the date of 1806, and for a considerable time his house was open for the entertainment of travelers. This sign has been carefully preserved, and is an heirloom, regarded 1 68 HISTORY OF TURNER. with a sort of veneration as a relic of the old tav- ern in which their ancestors received their guests. At a later date, David Talbot opened a tavern at the south end of Upper Street, where Lucius Gary now lives. It was a large, two-story house, which was long since taken down, and a smaller dwelling erected better suited to the needs of the family occupying it. After a time, people became tired of traveling over the hills which the early settlers chose for farms, and demanded that a road should be laid out through town over land nearer level, and on a more direct line to Portland, where the farmers found a market for their products. H^nce, a road was opened through the village, the Upper Street was no longer a great thoroughfare of travel, and its taverns ceased to be patronized. A hotel was opened at the village by William B. Bray, and later by Isaac Gross. The latter house, or one close by, has been open for the accommodation of travelers most of the time until the present, but there has been frequent change of landlords. The house has now become the "Traveler's Home." At North Turner Village, a hotel was opened years ago. The house was built of brick, and was sufficiently large for the needs of the place. With- in a few years a large addition has been made, and great changes also in the internal arrangements, so Mrs. Hannah C. Irish is the daughter of Stephen Foster, the first white male child born in Winthrop. He helped bury the remains of Sagar, who was exe- cuted in the winter of 1833. His body was kept forty days in the attic of his mother's house, near the Forks of the Road, so called, now Manchester. '* On the east branch of the river, opposite the southerly end of the Delta Island, the tourist will notice a few old bricks. These mark the spot where once stood the cabin of the great hunter, Stephen Foster. Like Daniel Boone, he preferred the wild woods to meadows and wheat fields. He sickened and died while on a visit to his native town, and was kindly cared for by one who drew her first breath in the same town, and near the same spot. His descendants are among the first families of Leeds." The great-grandfather of Mrs. Irish, Timothy Foster, came from England with three brothers, John, David, and Stephen. She was born Januarys, 1804, and married Daniel Irish November 14, 1831. She has lived in Turner twenty-seven years, and accepted the Methodist faith at the age of twelve. HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 69 that the building presents a pleasing appearance, and -is capable of accommodating a large number of guests. Elias Keen is the landlord. Since the railroads have been in operation the course of travel has changed, and the farmers do not take their products to market in the manner of former times, so that the hotels in a country town have small patronage, and few are disposed to subject themselves to the inconvenience of being always prepared to entertain travelers, who seldom call. SCHOOLS. The first school taught in town was a private school on the Lower Street, about 1788, Mr. Arthur Bradman being the teacher. Probably nothing was taught but reading, writing, arithmetic, and spelling. No text books were used in arithmetic, but the teacher placed examples on the slates of the scholars, and by performing these, with such explanations as were deemed necessary, they gained a knowledge of the rudiments of arithmetic. This method of teaching was practiced for many years. The same man continued in the business so long that he came to be known as Master Bradman. About 1 790, Mr. Joseph Stockbridge, of Freeport, was employed to teach a public school on the Upper Street. This was probably near where Wil- 170 HISTORY OF TURNER. liam C. Whitman now lives. After this, two schools were kept in town, and Elisha Sylvester and Benjamin Evens were the teachers for several years. But there was no supervision of these schools, at least the town chose no committee for this purpose. A school committee was chosen at the annual meeting in 1797, but their duties were simply those of agents, probably, since a member of this committee was chosen for each school dis- trict in town, and the committee was enlarged from year to year as the number of districts increased. Very gradually the schools were improved, the course of study extended, more ample funds were provided for their support, and at length a com- mittee was chosen annually to have the supervision of them. The trustees of the school fund decided to establish a school of a high grade for the ben- efit of those who wished to push their education farther than they could in town schools, and to encourage and foster a general love of learning among all classes of the people. These schools have been kept in the autumn, changing their location from year to year that all parts of the town might be equally benefited by them, and it has been the design to make them equal to an acad- emy. In them the youth pursue advanced courses of study, and even fit themselves for college. For a number of years, free high schools have HISTORY OF TURNER. 17I been sustained in the spring, which have offered nearly the same facilities for an education that the grammar schools have, which are kept in the fall. By these means the standard of education has been raised, the town schools have been improved, the course of study has been extended, and the young people have been favored with better facili- ties for acquiring an education that will fit them for the various duties of life. Several years ago, the town voted to abolish the district system, and place the schools wholly under the care of the school committee. The school-houses are owned by the town, and the committee employ the teachers and have the care and supervision of the schools, which are all of the same length. This plan gives excellent satisfaction. PHYSICIANS. Dr. Daniel Child was the first physician in town. He came from Woodstock, Connecticut, in 1781. He settled on the Lower Street, on the farm now occupied by Henry Turner. He was chosen mod- erator at the first town meeting held after the town was incorporated, and was elected to this office at several annual meetings thereafter. He was also chosen by the town one of the committee to invite Rev. Jphn Strickland to be the first settled minis- ter in the township. He is remembered as a 172 HISTORY OF TURNER. skilful physician, and was especially noted for his success in the treatment of bilious colic. He rarely failed of saving the patient, even though given over by other doctors, whom he did not per- mit to be present when he made his prescription. At that time, physicians uniformly rode on horseback to visit their patients, their medicines being carried in saddlebags. Dr. Child was a lover of strong drink, and sometimes, unfortunately, was unable to mount his horse. But the animal was so well trained, and was so obedient to his master, that at his command, he would lie down for the doctor to crawl upon his back, when he would rise and proceed gently on his way. If the doctor leaned hard to one side, the horse would move that way, so as to favor the unsteady rider; and if the doctor fell off, he would stand over him and per- mit no one to touch him. But on one occasion the faithful horse departed from his usual custom. One cold day in the midst of a driving snow-storm, the doctor, perhaps chilled with the cold, fell to the ground. The horse did not stay to watch over him, but hastened home and on reaching the door whinnied vigorously. Some one answered to the call, who, taking in the situation at a glance, leaped upon the horse's back, who immediately turned and retraced his steps, halting when he reached the place where the doctor lay, covered with snow. He HISTORY OF TURNER. I 73 was placed upon the horse and carried safely home. A good understanding and a strong attachment must have existed between the doctor and his horse. The former died in 1802, leaving many descend- ants, some of whom continue to this day. Dr. Luther Gary came from Bridgewater, Massa- chusetts, in 1 798, and settled near the south end of Lower Street. He possessed intelligence, a good education for the times, and was a man of high character. He was a successful practitioner, and soon acquired a good reputation which he sustained until the infirmities of age compelled him to retire gradually from the active duties of his profession. He raised up a large family of sons and daughters, but all removed from the town except one son, Hugh, who lived and died on the home farm. He was several times elected president of the Medical Society of Maine, and, in 1805, was appointed judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Oxford, which then had been recently organized. He spent a busy life very usefully, and died in old age, retaining the esteem and the confi- dence of the community. His death occurred in 1848. Dr. Timothy Howe was born in Hillsborough, New Hampshire, in 1778, and moved into Turner about 1804, his family then consisting of a wife and two children. He was the first postmaster at 174 HISTORY OF TURNER. North Turner. After residing in town several years, he removed to Brettun's Mills, Livermore, where his son, Hon. Timothy O. Howe, was born. He returned to Turner, and resided at a place called Richmond's Corner until his death, which occurred in August, 1848, at the age of seventy. He was older in appearance than many men of that age, as he made no effort to keep himself young. He was interested in learning, and in the general improve- ment of society. He wrote a history of Turner which he left in manuscript. He gathered up much valuable information respecting the early settlers of the town that otherwise must have been lost, and the author of this volume is indebted to him for many interesting facts which could not have been gathered from any other source. Dr. Philip Bradford was born at Turner Center, formerly known as Bradford's Village, July 15, 1789. After gaining what education he could in the town schools, he studied at Hebron Academy for a considerable time. Having chosen the medi- cal profession as the one to which he would devote the years of his life, he attended lectures in the medical school connected with Dartmouth College, and in due time received a diploma, showing that he had accomplished the prescribed course of study in a satisfactory manner. He chose to locate in his native town, and in the place of his birth. He HISTORY OF TURNER. I 75 was a successful practitioner, and did a large busi- ness in the wide field which was open to him. He practiced in Greene and Leeds, and other towns, as well as in Turner. He enjoyed the confidence of the public both as a man and physician, and was actively engaged in his profession until about a week previous to his death. He died of pneu- monia, after a short sickness, June 24, 1863, aged nearly seventy-four. Dr. Henry D. Irish was born in Buckfield in 182 1. He made the best use of the slender advan- tages possessed in early life, studied medicine, and located at Turner Village December, 1847. He devoted himself to the business of his profession with great industry, and in due time pushed his way to the front. He was energetic, persevering, and persistent in a remarkable degree. Whatever he undertook he engaged in with a will, and he grew in usefulness and in the public estimation to the last. He gained a large country practice, and was the leading physician in town at the time of his death, which occurred January 16, 1871, at the age of fifty. He died of typhoid fever. Though passing away in the midst of life, he left a com- petency for his family. Dr. William H. Jewett was born at Kent's Hill, Readfield, about 1825. Living near to the Wes- leyan Seminary located on the hill, he enjoyed 176 HISTORY OF TURNER. good facilities for gaining a thorough education. After receiving a diploma which entitled him to the degree of m.d., he located in Turner Village, and was a resident physician through life, except a term of service as surgeon in the War of the Rebellion. He was interested in education, and for a series of years was one of the town school committee, and discharged the duties of his office in a very acceptable manner. He was a faithful physician, and he sustained an irreproachable char- acter. The last of his life he suffered much from internal cancer, which caused his death August 26, 1879, at the age of fifty-three years and eight months. His wife did not survive him long, and a daughter alone is left of the family. Dr. Elbridge G. Edgecomb came from Liver- more, in which town he was born in 18 14. Three brothers in his family became physicians, the oldest being now settled near the place of his birth. El- bridge G. graduated at the medical school connected with Bowdoin College, at Brunswick, and practiced medicine in different places, but settled at Turner Center in 1865 or 1866, where he has remained until the present time, except that for a few years, after the death of Dr. Irish, he was located at Turner Village. He has sustained a good reputa- tion, has been successful in his profession, and now, at the age of seventy-two, is active, and seems yet to have the promise of many years of usefulness. HISTORY OF TURNER. 177 Dr. Richmond Bradford, when a young man, opened an office at his father's, near the south line of the town, but he soon removed to Auburn, where he became a well-known physician, and con- tinued in his profession until the infirmities of age compelled him to relinquish its duties. Dr. Roscoe Smith opened an office in Turner Village, April 25, 1871. He is a self-made man, possessing abundant energy, and a determined pur- pose to succeed in his profession. He has secured a large country practice, and devotes himself with unwearied diligence to the duties of his calling. He is especially interested in temperance, and gives it the weight of his influence on all occasions. He is yet in the prime of life, and many years of use- fulness are apparently before him. Dr. H. L. Irish commenced practice in Turner Village, March 6, 1875. He is the son of Dr. H. D. Irish, who died in 1871. It was his wish, I think, that his son should be his successor, and be prepared to take upon himself the duties of his profession, as he himself should be compelled to cease from them. In accordance with this wish and desire of the father, the son studied medicine, and after graduating from a medical school in New York City, reopened the office which had been closed by the death of the senior Dr. Irish, and continues to practice in the very field of effort in 13 lyS HISTORY OF TURNER. which his father toiled. He has also served much of the time as a member of the school committee, and to the satisfaction of the people of the town. Dr. John T. Gushing was born in Turner, Sep- tember 30, 1 83 1. He removed to Ohio, where he lived for about twenty years, except that he served for a time as assistant surgeon in the army during the War of the Rebellion. He was settled in Huron, where he practiced medicine and enjoyed the position which he occupied as a physician in the city. On the death of Sulivan Hale, Esq., Mrs. Cushing's father, he was persuaded by Senator Hale to remove to Turner, and take care of his aged mother, who was unwilling to leave the home in which she had lived so long. There being no other member of the family who could conveniently perform this filial duty. Dr. Gushing returned to Turner in April, 1881. He is so situated that he does not choose to practice medicine, but makes himself useful as one of the school committee, and in other ways as a citizen of his native town. LAWYERS. It is said that Ezekiel Whitman, who became a distinguished jurist, came into Turner on the 7th of May, 1799, in the midst of a blinding snow- storm, and opened a law office, but he remained only a short time. HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 79 William K. Porter came from Bath in 1818, and established himself at the village. He was well read in his profession, was a safe counselor, and acquired a lucrative practice for a country lawyer, and continued in the business of his profession until 1834, when he died, greatly lamented. He was honorable, dignified in bearing, faithful in the discharge of every duty, and worthy of confidence. He was the first postmaster at the village, and retained the office until his death. He is the only lawyer that settled permanently in town. Not long after his decease, Charles Andrews opened a law office in town, and was popular in his profession for a few years. He represented the town in the Legislature, and had great influ- ence over the masses, but there was not sufficient business in his profession to make it desirable to remain, and he sought a location elsewhere. Timothy Ludden practiced law for a few years, but soon removed to Lewiston. He was at one time Judge of Probate for Oxford County, and was reporter of decisions from January 29, 1857 to 1859 for volumes forty-three and forty-four. Mandeville T. Ludden, a relative of Timothy, began the practice of law in town, but after a few years he also removed to Lewiston, where he be- came a noted advocate at the Androscoggin bar, and achieved success in his profession. He was l8o HISTORY OF TURNER. actively engaged in the duties of his calling until a short time previous to his death. Barzilla Streeter practiced law in North Turner for a few years, but he died long ago, and no one has chosen since his death to open a law office in the place. For years there has been no lawyer in town, and no inducement for one to settle therein. The peo- ple are not fond of litigation, and the justice can perform most of the duties required of the profes- sional lawyer, who therefore becomes a gentleman of leisure, and seeks a more desirable location. THE FIRST ORGAN. William Bradford, the second male child born in town, was a great lover of music. He played the bass viol, but was not prominent as a singer. He enjoyed very highly the tones of the pipe organ, and resolved to procure one for use in his home. He had one made in Portland about the year 1830, a sweet toned instrument, which in due time filled his house with music and his soul with rapture. He took a daughter to Portland to learn to play it. He would be moved to tears as he was trans- ported by the music of that organ. Most of the people in the town and vicinity had never seen or heard such an instrument, and numbers went to hear and enjoy. Even parties were got up to HISTORY OF TURNER. l8l visit his house excursion-like from various parts of Turner, and from Buckfield, and all felt well paid for their trouble in seeing and hearing the organ. It was a new thing to nearly all, and the style and character of the music was unlike any music to which they had previously listened. The organ remained in the home a number of years, and was a source of great enjoyment to the music-loving por- tion of the family. But a change was at length effected in that home ; the daughter that played it presided over a home of her own, to which the organ was transferred, but for many years it has done duty in the Universalist Church at Turner Center. TURNER GRANGE, NO. 23, PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY, Was organized May 23, 1874. This grange has increased in numbers and influence from the first, and has become one of the most prosperous in the State. It owns a building at Turner Center, which contains dining-room, kitchen, cloak-room, entry, and store, on the lower floor, and on the second floor, a hall with ante-rooms. Meetings are held on the first and third Saturdays of each month. In the fall and winter, these meetings continue through the day. A paper is read in the forenoon by a member appointed for the purpose, on some subject relating to husbandry, and is followed by discus- 1 82 HISTORY OF TURNER. sions. The exercises are interspersed with singing, the grange being favored with musical talent. At noon, a picnic dinner is served, and is made an occasion of much social enjoyment. In the after- noon, a lady member reads a paper on some subject deemed appropriate, perhaps it will be a poem, or essay on a moral or social theme, and this is fol- lowed by discussions. The singing of grange and other songs and hymns is interspersed as in the morning, and thus the day is pleasantly and prof- itably spent. These meetings are usually well attended, and a good degree of interest is mani- fested. The social advantages of these meetings are considerable, the interest in farm life is in- creased, and a more thorough knowledge of hus- bandry is gained. In the summer season, the meetings are held in the evening only, but are conducted in much the same manner as the all-day meetings of winter. All the meetings are well attended, the people being drawn to them by their social attractions, and their discussions of farm and other topics. MASONIC ORGANIZATIONS. March 3, i860, a dispensation was granted by M. W. G. M. Hiram Chase, of the Grand Lodge of Maine, to George W. Turner, Hira Bradford, H. N. Mayo, Philo Clark, Seth D. Andrews, Deering HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 83 Farrar, F. M. Mayo, M. T. Ludden, William Bray, Henry Turner, Charles E. Bradford, Gilbert Phil- lips, and Rufus Prince, to open and hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, under the name of Nezinscot Lodge, at Turner, Maine. OFFICERS OF THE LODGE UNDER THE DISPENSATION. George W. Turner, Master. Chas. E. Bradford, Sen. Deacon. Seth D. Andrews, Sen. Warden. Henry Turner, Junior Deacon. H. N. Mayo, Junior Warden. Gilbert Phillips, Senior Steward. Deering Farrar^ Treasurer. F. M. Mayo, Junior Steward. Rufus Prince, Secretary. Philo Clark, Marshal. M. T. Ludden, Tyler. May 3, i860, a charter was granted, and on the 23d day of June following, the Lodge was duly consecrated, and the following officers installed: George W. Turner, M.; S. D. Andrews, S. W.; H. N. Mayo, J. W.; Deering Farrar, T. ; Rufus Prince, Sec; M. T. Ludden, S. D.; Henry Turner, J. D.; Gilbert Phillips, S. S.; F. M. Mayo, J. S.; Jehiel Eldridge, Tyler. The stated communication of the Lodge is held on Saturday on or next preceding each full moon, at seven o'clock p.m., unless otherwise ordered by the Master. This Lodge has continued to prosper; it owns a three-story building in the village in which it has rooms fitted up for its own use, and rents the first 184 HISTORY OF TURNER. and second floors. Several of its members are members also of the Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, which has been organized for the benefit of the Masonic Fraternity. TURNER CHAPTER OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS, NO. 4I, Was granted a dispensation January 6, 1876, and on May 3, 1876, it was granted a charter, and was constituted June 30, following. OFFICERS INSTALLED IN 1876. M. E. Carlos E. Kempton, High Priest, E. Harrison M. Pratt, King, E. Philo Clark, Scribe. Comp. Henry C. Munson, Chaplain. " Horace C. Haskell, Captain of the Host. ** Charles H. Thayer, Principal Sojourner, " Franklin K. Jack, Royal Arch Captain. " Sumner S. Merrill, Master 3d Vail. ** William L. Loring, Master 2d Vail. ** John E. Ashe, Master ist Vail. ** Seth D. Andrews, Treasurer. " Francis T. Faulkner, Secretary. ** Asa Bradford, Senior Steward. '* Frederick M. Loring, Junior Steward. ** Henry W. Humphrey, Sentinel. The meetings of the Chapter are on the Satur- day next succeeding each full moon, at such hour and place as the Chapter or the High Priest may direct. HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 85 ODD FELLOWS. A Lodge of Odd Fellows, with twenty-one char- ter members, was instituted March 30, 1885. The officers then installed were Dr. H. L. Irish, N. G.; D. Y. Harlow, V. N. G.; Caleb Blake, Treasurer; W. B. Beals, Rec. Secretary; and I. F. Quinby, Per. Secretary. They meet Monday evening of each week, at the village, and have now increased to fifty-four members. They have met all their pecun- iary obligations, and have funds in the treasury. They lease a room, or rooms, for their meetings. TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS. There is a healthy temperance sentiment preva- lent in town, and there have been various tem- perance societies during the forty years past. The Washingtonian movement, which began as early as 1 84 1, and swept over the State, made its influence felt in Turner, and a new interest was awakened in the subject. All parts of the town felt the awak- ening, and addresses were given and societies were formed for the purpose of reforming the drunkard, and of shielding the young from the power of temptation. Much good has been done by these means, and the people, as a whole, are decidedly temperate. An agent is annually chosen to sell liquors for medicinal and mechanical purposes, and occasionally one feigns sickness that he may obtain 1 86 HISTORY OF TURNER. liquor to satisfy his craving thirst, but seldom with success. There are three lodges of good Templars active in this work; one at the village, one at North Turner, and one at Chase's Mills. Many young people are members of these societies, and thus they receive good and do good, and strengthen the temperance sentiment in the community. CEMETERIES. For many years no pains were taken to make the place of burial in Turner pleasant and attractive, but the acre set apart for the burial of the dead was neglected, and permitted to grow up to weeds and briars. By this means the associations of death were gloomy and repulsive, and the thought of death awakened any emotions rather than those of a cheerful nature, and the young especially experi- enced a sense of relief when the "graveyard" had been safely passed, in the dark especially. But when taste began to be exercised in the planning of the grounds, in the erection of monuments, and in making the graves attractive with flowers and flowering shrubs, the cemetery assumed an attrac- tive appearance, and the thoughts and associations awakened by its presence ceased to be dreadful, but were pleasant and cheerful rather. Thus the cem- etery becomes a teacher, an inspirer of hope, and HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 87 invites reflection and calm communion with dear ones, not lost, but gone before. The location of the first cemetery was on the Upper Street, adjoining the farm of Joseph Leavitt, whose house was the first tavern in town. It is a small plot of ground, supposed by the early settlers, doubtless, to be large enough for their needs. It was common property, and was not laid out in lots with paths or walks between, but each one buried his deceased friend in any part of it he might choose, which was not already occupied. Head- stones or monuments were not generally erected, and in process of time, it became difficult for one not well acquainted with the grounds to tell where the remains of a former generation were buried. There was little or no order in the location of the graves, and in making a new one, very likely it would be found to be the place of an ancient one. Ezekiel Bradford was, probably, the first one buried here, and in this centennial year, his descendants have erected a monument to his memory. An account and description of this is annexed. This cemetery became the resting place of the early settlers as they passed away, and probably there is now scarcely a square foot of soil within its walls, in which the dust of some departed one does not mingle. It is a chaos of graves, into which it seems impossible to introduce any order. Many 1 88 HISTORY OF TURNER. headstones and monuments have been erected in the later years, and some efforts have been made to relieve it of the desolate and dreary look which it formerly had, but not with full success. It cannot now be easily made a pleasant and attractive city of the dead. Amidst its monuments and its un- marked graves, one feels invited to muse thought- fully and solemnly upon life, upon its changes, and the future which is seen only by the light of revelation. ACCOUNT OF EZEKIEL BRADFORD'S MONUMENT. BY MISS CHLOE B. TURNER. A fine monument has been recently erected, in the Upper Street burying-ground, to the memory of those noble pioneers, Ezekiel Bradford and wife, whose graves have until now remained unmarked, save by the common stones of the field. The idea was conceived as early as 187 1, by Lieutenant R. B. Bradford, United States Navy, a great-great-grandson, who, while recovering from a tedious illness, occupied himself in collecting data concerning his branch of the Bradford family in Maine. With this end in view, he prepared an interesting historical paper on the family, which was published in the Lewis ton Weekly journal of January 18, 1883. In this paper he stated the object in view, and invited subscriptions to be sent to him, and to L. P. Bradford or A. E. Bradford, both of Turner, they having consented to act with him as a committee to forward the enterprise. A few generous contributions, and many small ones, were received at once ; but since that time, Lieutenant Bradford, having in the course of his profession left the country, the work has, until recently, made slow progress, or none at all. HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 89 During the past winter, the preparations for our approaching centennial celebration, and a general re-awakening of interest in the history of the town and its first settlers, revived the subject in the minds of those interested. The money on hand, however, was quite inadequate to the purpose in view, and its accomplishment appeared doubtful. At this juncture, the movement received a new impetus in the form of substantial aid from Mellen Bray, Esq., of Boston, a great-grandson, and a native of Turner, and Lieutenant Commander Bradford, above mentioned, also a native of Turner. To the united liberality of these gentlemen, the completion of the enterprise is due. The monument is of Quincy granite, eight feet in height, weighing five thousand pounds, is beautiful in design and execution, and is an honor to the many descendants who have contributed to its erect jon. The inscription is as follows : — Front : EzEKiEL Bradford, Great-Grandson of Gov. William Bradford, OF Plymouth Colony; Son of Ephraim Bradford AND Elizabeth Brewster. Born in Kingston, Mass., 1728. Died in Turner, Maine, 18 16. Rear: Side: Betsey Chandler, Wife of EzEKiEL Bradford, Born in Duxbury, Mass., 1728. Died in Turner, Maine, 181 i. Six op Their Sons Settled in Turner. Opposite Side: All Honor to Our Pioneer Ancestors. I go HISTORY OF TURNER. At an early period, a place for burial was found to be necessary at the village, and a lot was obtained for the purpose. It was common property, and any one who had occasion to use it, selected a site for a grave where it pleased him. Thus it was, in the course of years, nearly all occupied, but little or no order was observed in locating the graves. Within a few years, the people being more thoughtful of such things than in former times, an effort was made to introduce some order into the arrangement of the lots, and to have paths for the accomodation of visitors and friends. The effort was only par- tially successful, yet there are now several family lots on which tasteful monuments have been erected, and surviving friends can visit the resting place of their departed, feeling that they sleep side by side, free from the intrusion of any not their own. At the Center, a portion of land was early devoted to the burial of the dead, but it was not laid out in order, and each one had the privilege of selecting any place for a grave which was not already occu- pied. But several years ago, an association was formed to take charge of the cemetery, and put the grounds in order. Walks were made, graves were removed when necessary, lots for family use were arranged and sold to those who wished to buy, and a large addition was made to the grounds by pur- chase. Though it was impossible to lay out the HISTORY OF TURNER. I9I grounds as would be desirable, without disturbing a large portion of the graves, yet something like order has been introduced, and each family has a lot sacred to the rest of its own dead. Most of the lots have received some care, and many monuments have been erected to the memory of departed loved ones. The association has kept up its organiza- tion, and meets annually for the choice of officers and the transaction of business. Though all has not been done that is desirable, yet the grounds have been improved, and it is a somewhat attractive place of rest for the departed. At North Turner, a parcel of land was secured many years ago for burial purposes. The grounds are laid out in such a manner, that each family lot is accessible by a path or drive-way. Some pains have been taken to make the grounds attractive, but they might be made more attractive still, when more pleasant thoughts would be associated with death, and lessons of cheerfulness and hope be taught, with a more emphatic emphasis, to all who visit the place. For the cemetery is a teacher no less than the church. If the place where our dead lie is made beautiful and attractive, death ceases to be the king of terrors, and we contemplate upon it with emotions of solemn joy. At Richmond's Corner, two miles east of North Turner, a portion of land has been set apart for the 192 HISTORY OF TURNER. burial of the dead, and enclosed by a neat fence, as other burial places are in town. It is sufficiently- large for the accommodation of the community in the midst of which it is located. Families own lots large enough, doubtless, in many instances, to fur- nish a resting place for the departed of several generations. Many neat memorial stones mark the places where the remains of the loved were buried. Near Chase's Mills, in the westerly part of the town, an elevated spot of ground has been selected for a cemetery. It is not large, and having been used for many years, there are apparently few lots which have not been occupied already. Doubtless, more sleep in that narrow enclosure, than now live in that section of the town. The grounds show that departed friends are remembered, but all has not been done that might be to make the place a pleasant city of the dead. On the river road, below the center bridge, a small parcel of ground has been surrounded by a substantial stone wall, and set apart as a burial place. But it has a neglected appearance, for which reason many residing in its near vicinity chose to bury their dead in other places. It is not pleasant to commit the remains of friends to rest in a place which has little to make it attractive. There are a few private, or family cemeteries in town. Those living at a distance from either of HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 93 the grounds described above, chose to set apart a plot of ground for burial purposes. Two or more neighbors sometimes united in this work, so that they who had dwelt together in life, should not be separated in death. The family sketches which follow appear out of place, because the information necessary to make them was gained at a late hour. Mr. Pratt kept a record of various matters relating to his family and his affairs, a small portion of which has been acces- sible to me, and from it a few items have been taken for the benefit of the reader. Dan Pratt was born in Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts, October 7, 1761. Deba Jones, his wife, was born in Taunton, March 22, 1766. They were joined in marriage, November 14, 1783. Mr. Pratt kept the record of his children's birth with unusual exactness, as follows : — John, their first child, was born in Taunton, January 14, 1785, Friday morning at nine o'clock. Cyrus was born in Taunton, April 20, 1787, at ten o'clock Friday evening. **Salla" was born in Taunton, May 19, 1790, at six o'clock Thursday evening. Daniel was born in Taunton, June 6, 1793, at two o'clock Thursday afternoon. Benjamin was born in Taunton, March 15, 1796, at four o'clock Tuesday morning. 14 194 HISTORY OF TURNER. Their sixth child was born in Taunton, April 5, 1799, at one o'clock Friday morning, and died Sunday, the fourteenth of the same month. Deba was born in Turner, October 10, 1800, at ten o'clock in the morning. She married Thomas Waterman and died June 28, 1825, aged twenty-five years. Almina was born in Turner, June 29, 1805, at one o'clock in the afternoon. On the eleventh day of September, 1799, he removed from Taunton to Turner. He reached Capt. Sylvester Jones' the twenty-seventh of the same month, and remained with him until April 29, 1800, when he removed his family to John Turner's, with whom he lived until January 10, 1805, when he moved into his own house. His farm was lot 198, which he bought of Jeremiah Dillingham. He makes these notes which will be read with interest. On April 15, 16, and 17, 1803, snow fell twenty or twenty-two inches deep on a level. And on the eighth of May, snow fell to the depth of ten or twelve inches. June 7, 8, and 9, 18 16, there was a fall of snow. May 27, 1820, snow fell to the depth of three to six inches. Mr. Pratt was in the War of the Revolution, and his gun and many other things which made up a soldier's outfit at that time have been carefully preserved, and they are interesting souvenirs of the past. HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 95 WAR RECORD. List of Revolutionary soldiers who have resided in town. Col. William Turner, aide to Gen. Wash- ington ; Elijah Dresser, in the battles of Bunker Hill and Stillwater; Peleg Wadsworth, Brigadier- General in Massachusetts militia; Samuel Blake, Mark Andrews, Moses Merrill, Levi Merrill, Mala- chi Waterman, Richard Phillips, Abner Phillips, Joseph Merrill, served in defence of Boston in 1775 ; Luther Gary, Joseph Wardwell, Jasial Smith, Laban Smith, James Lara, Bennet Pumpilly, Nathaniel Sawtelle, Richard Hine, Benjamin Co- nant, Paul Lowell, Joshua Davis, Moses Snell, Simeon Caswell, in the continental army; Benjamin Jones, John Keen, John Keen Jr., Asa Battles, Nathaniel Shaw, Daniel French, Jairus Phillips, Nathan Richmond, Benjamin Merrill, William Hay- ford, Job Randall, Solomon Millett, Ephraim An- drews, Benjamin Alderi, William Putnam, John Allen, Thomas Atherton, Benjamin Chamberlain, Wait Bradford, Isaac Phillips, Ichabod Phillips, in the Massachusetts militia; Joseph Ludden, in the Boston tea-party and in the continental army ; Jesse Bradford, on guard of Burgoyne's captured army, 1777; Abner Thayer, on Castle William in Boston harbor; Elijah Fisher, member of Gen. Washing- ton's life-guard ; Abial Turner, scales-man in com- missary department ; John Bailey, last three years' 196 HISTORY OF TURNER. service ; Dan Pratt, in Rhode Island State troops ; Cornelius Jones, Massachusetts State troops and seaman ; Andrew Bass, fell in the battle of Still- water, 1777; James Allen, musician in Massa- chusetts line ; Jacob Gardner, during the war ; Nathaniel Marston, in New Hampshire line. WAR OF 181 2. Judge Prince, in his history of Turner furnished for the Androscoggin County Map, makes these remarks: "In this war the following citizens of the town volunteered, and served on the Canada frontier one year or more. Capt. Stephen Turner, Isaac Allen, James Allen, James Allen Jr., Jacob Merrill, William Lombard, Theodocius Merrill, Peter Lombard, John Bailey, Charles Staples, Josiah Keen, Israel Smith, Jacob Keen, and Barnet Pumpilly. Captain Turner was killed at the battle of Bridgewater, and Theodocius Merrill died in the army. In September, 18 14, a British seventy-four gun-ship lay off Portland harbor, and other indica- tions that the enemy designed to land on our coast so alarmed the people that the entire militia were called out to defend the sea-coast. The militia of this town consisted of two companies of infantry, commanded by Captains Seth Staples and Aaron Soule, and one of artillery, commanded by Capt. Leonard Richmond. The Turner troops were or- HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 97 dered to Portland where they served two weeks, when about one-half were drafted to serve forty days longer, the others given liberty to return home. Those of the infantry thus liberated re- turned, but the artillery (with two or three excep- tions) remained the forty days. In that campaign, Mr. Benjamin Jones of this town furnished nine sons, leaving no one at home but the ' old folks ' and five daughters to do the harvesting ; of these fourteen children, all lived to be married and have families of their own. Previous to this, Mr. Jones had lost one daughter in 1804, aged one year." THE AROOSTOOK WAR. I quote from the same authority, as follows: " The Aroostook or Madawaska War is entitled to some notice. Although more tears than blood were shed, and not a person was killed or wounded, and but one taken prisoner, still it was of sufficient magnitude to sound the tocsin of war, and to claim the attention of the whole country at the time. There had been some difficulty on the northeastern boundary of Maine, and dispute as to the true line between this State and the Province of New Bruns- wick. In 1839, the crisis came. A party from New Brunswick seized Mr. Rufus Mclntire, land agent of Maine, near the Madawaska settlement, and carried him to Fredricton on a horse-sled. The igS HISTORY OF TURNER. news sped with the rapidity of lightning over the country. Gov. Fairfield, of this State, called out the militia. Gen. Hodsdon, of Penobscot, took command, and the troops rendezvoused at Bangor and Augusta. Those from Turner marched no further than Augusta. Gen. Scott was ordered by the government to Maine, and upon his arrival at Augusta, sent a communication to Sir John Harvey of the provincial government. Mr. Mclntire was released, the alarm subsided, and the troops were disbanded and returned home. In 1842, a treaty was formed between the two nations, and the whole cause of trouble amicably adjusted." The Aroostook War caused a great deal of excitement and anxiety in Turner, as in other parts of the State, for if war should come in earnest, we should seem to be in the very midst of it, and might suffer in various ways. The writer of this went with the troops when they marched to Au- gusta, and saw the militia from this section of the State reviewed by Gov. Fairfield, and participated in the excitement, the enthusiasm, and the anxiety which prevailed on all sides. Both the State gov- ernment and the soldiery were in earnest, and were determined not to submit to any injustice or wrong treatment. The thought of a posse invading our territory, seizing one of our citizens when in the discharge of his duty as a State official, and hurried HISTORY OF TURNER. 1 99 away to prison beyond our jurisdiction, could not be endured. Whether it was the intention to res- cue the prisoner, and restore him to liberty in his native State, we do not know ; but there was a deep conviction that something must be done, and an earnest purpose to do it. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. When soldiers were called for in the War of the Rebellion, Turner responded with a good degree of promptness. As this is no place for recording the events connected with the war, nothing will be attempted except to give the names of those who filled the quotas required from time to time. It has been no easy task to make out a full list of names that is wholly free from errors. It is hoped that the list here presented is substantially correct. Numbers, after serving the time for which they enlisted, enlisted again, so that a full list of all the names will not represent the full number of soldiers for which the town received credit. The names of those who fell in battle or died of disease, are sim- ply recorded, as also the names of those who were promoted for faithful service or gallant conduct. Several men are not assigned to regiments. 200 HISTORY OF TURNER. TURNER SOLDIERS IN Francis M. Blossom. Sanford Conant. Luther K. Gary. Samuel F. Coffin. A. H. Davis. Henry Donham. Alvah N. Dexter. Charles Emerson. Alonzo Fuller. Horace J. Gilbert. Arad E. Gilbert. Charles Gilman. Samuel J. Gilman. Edwin W. Gould. George W. Harradon. James Jones. William W. Keen. Frank Kilgore. Albert Ladd. Orpheus M. Leonard. Lucius Libby. Thaddeus Leavitt. Charles E. Metcalf. Mellen Merrill. Billings J. Hood. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. Charles H. Piper. Davis O. Pollard. Samuel H. Powers. Edward Record. Nathaniel Spaulding. William H. Shaw. George E. Stone. Charles H. Thayer. John Werner. Roscoe A. Williams. Hiram Beal. James M. Gilbert. Luther C. Burgess. Everet G. Ford. Joseph W. Richardson. Stewart Holmes. George Anderson. Daniel Patterson. Charles E. Shirley. Edward Wilson. Thomas Roustin. Henry C. Drake. Isaac A. Tukey. Addis E. Luke. First Cavalry, Charles R. Delano. Seth H. Keene. George M. Delano. Laban Smith. HISTORY OF TURNER. 20I District of Columbia Cavalry, John French. Dexter W. True. Thomas J. Owen. First Regiment Infantry, Robert C. Thayer. Sixth Regiment. Martin V. B. Gilmore. Seventh Regiment. Henry J. Ricker. Loren C. Records. Eighth Regiment, Franklin Bradford. Elisha Keen. Henry Calahan. Waldo B. Keen. Sylvester G. Delano. Thomas A. Kilgore. George E. Fales. Josiah Libby. Augustus Hayford. Cyrus E. Metcalf. Gad Hayford. Levi W. Metcalf. Samuel Holt. William W. Sampson. Abraham W. Jackson. Samuel E. Smith. Edward Shurtleff. Ninth Regiment, John Blake 2d. James B. Walker. Tenth Regiment, Ethan Allen. Moses Merrill. Gladden Bonney. John F. Quinby. Horace J. Coburn. Edward Rickards. Charles O. Fargo. Aaron A. Simonds. Charles M. Keen. Ezra F. Stephens. Henry Stirk. • Twelfth Regiment, Royal A. Bray. 202 HISTORY OF TURNER. Thirteenth Regiment. Waldo A. Blossom. Wayne W. Blossom. Daniel F. Smith. Fourteenth Regiment. Charles Walker. Sixteenth Regiment. Seth H. Alden. Frank M. Merrill. Sidney A. Allen. Isaac J. Monk. William Bray. Sarson C. Pratt. Curtis V. Fales. George T. Piper. Freeman H. Farris. Thomas L. Roberts. George C. Hamond. Joseph W. Richardson. Otis Hood. William B. Staples. Calvin M. Haywood. Sampson A. Thomas. Orlando A. Jones. Jones Whitman. Archibald D. Leavitt. Columbus A. Whitney. Aubrey Leavitt. Charles P. Winship. Seventeenth Regiment. Edward L. . Stevens. Twentieth Regiment, Henry C. Simmonds. Twenty-third Regiment. Jason L. Allen. John E. Ashe. Charles E. Bradford. Lewis P. Bradford. Leonard P. Bradford. Chandler B. Bailey. Benjamin F. Beals. John O. Bean. Mellen A. Bearce. Asa L. Berry. Charles Blake. William Bray. Philip Bray. Benjamin L. Briggs. Morrill E. Briggs. Samuel S. Butler. James Clark. James A. Cary. HISTORY OF TURNER. 203 Twenty-third Howard Conant. Sanford Conant. Benjamin Cox. Jason Cutler. Thomas W. Davis. William H. Delano. Elbridge G. Francis. Edwin S. French. Hartwell S. French. Edwin E. Fuller. Lewis D. Hayford. Cyrus W. Hersey. George F. Holmes. Ronello B. Keen. Lorenzo D. Leavitt. John B. Woodman. Regiment — Contin tied. James McCorrison. Calvin McKenney. Marcellus S. Merrill. Shirley Merrill. Winslow Merrill. Seth Pickard Jr. Samuel T. Perry. Isaac Phillips. Edson Reckards. Philo C. Reckards. Justin K. Richardson. Ira A. Shurtleff. Edgar E. Swett. George C. Wheaton. James A. Whiting. Thirtieth Horace C. Haskell. Simeon C. Higgins. Seth D. Bradford. Chandler B. Bailey. Benjamin F. Beals. Asa L. Berry. Philemon A. Bradford. John C. Carver. Regiment. Jason Cutler. James M. Fish. Oscar L. Johnson. Albert P. Leavitt. Justin K. Richardson. Jacob Keen Jr. Ronaldo B. Keen. William H. Washburne. Thirty-Hrst Regiment. Andrew J. Bryant. Fred J. Johnson. Hiram A. Conant. Oliver N. Leavitt. Cephas Fish. Alvora S. Pease. Albion Hood. Isaac Phillips. Daniel G. Harlow. Orison C. Phillips. Mellen N. Jones. George Sylvester. 204 HISTORY OF TURNER. Thirty-second Regiment. James J. Chase. Francis Snell. Charles B. Chandler. James B. Walker. Judson Pratt. Charles E. Phillips. First Battalion Infantry, Royal A. Bray. Horace J. Gilbert. John E. Ashe. Samuel J. Gilman. William S. Alden. Frank Kilgore. Sanford Conant. Thaddeus Leavitt. Luther K. Cary. Lucius Libby. Algernon H. Davis. Orpheus M, Leonard. Henry Donham. Albert Ladd. Alvah N. Dexter. Mellen Merrill. Alonzo Fuller. Edward Shurtleff. Edwin S. French. Charles H. Thayer. Mounted Artillery, Roscoe A. Williams. Charles Emerson. First Regiment Veterans, Welcome Beals. Albert W. Hinds. George M. Delano. Joseph Jones. Davis N. Merrill. Third Regiment Veterans. Thomas J. Bryant. James L. Faden. William B. Bryant. Orville Young. Fifth Regiment Veterans, George W. Fargo. Albert W. Hines. Charles E. Jones. Several men procured substitutes, and their names do not appear in the above list. HISTORY OF TURNER. 205 VALUATION. The valuation of the town, as shown by the assessor's books for the year 1886, is given below. Probably the full value of all taxable property is considerably in excess of the amount given, for the assessors would naturally choose to be on the safe side by fixing a valuation on all estates at less rather than above the prices at which they are held by the owners. The valuation of resident real estate is $502,360 Valuation of non-resident real estate is 32,225 Total valuation of real estate, ^534»S8s Valuation of resident personal estate is $143,801 Valuation of non-resident personal estate is 377 Total valuation of personal estate, $144,178 Total valuation, $678,703 Amount of tax, $12,015.71. Number of polls, 491. Rate per cent, .0163. There are about three hundred and fifty farms in town, varying in size from twelve to three hundred acres in each ; and their total value, with buildings, is about five hundred thousand dollars. The amount and value of stock is given below. Number of horses, 479, and their value, $29,630. Number of colts, 73, their value being $2,630. Number of oxen, 171, having a value of $9,318. Number of cows, 1,144, valued at $32,976. Number of cattle three years old is 238, having a value of $5,905. Number of two years old, 372, valued at 206 HISTORY OF TURNER. $6,078. Number of yearlings, 396, valued at $2,890. The sheep number 989, with a valuation of $1,830. The swine number 258, valued at $1,585. The total value of live stock is $92,843. ANNALS. It has been thought that a brief account of the doings of the town from year to year will show the progress that has been made, the changes that have been effected in public opinion, and the men who have been brought to the front by the judgment and voice of the citizens. The men who have been called to fill the most important offices in town for a series of years must have had the confidence of their fellow-citizens, and have been regarded as the most capable and trustworthy men in the com- munity. For this reason, the annals of the town have been compiled, hoping that they may not be without interest and profit to the reader. An act of incorporation was passed by the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts, July 7, 1786, erecting the plantation of Sylvester-Canada into a town, but as the law of the State provided for the election of town officers only in the month of March or April, the first meeting could not be legally held until 1787. By the act of incorporation, Isaac Parsons, Esq., of New Gloucester, was authorized to issue his warrant to some prominent citizen in the town, to call the first meeting, which he did as follows: — HISTORY OF TURNER. 207 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, CUMBERLAND SS. To Ichabod Bonney of the town of Turner^ in said County of Cumberland^ Gentleman : — You are hereby required in the name of the Commonwealth aforesaid, to notify and warn all the inhabitants of said Turner (qualified as the law directs) to meet and assemble together at the meeting-house in said town on Tuesday the sixth day of March next, at ten of the o'clock in the forenoon, to act on the following articles, viz.: first, to choose a moderator for said meeting ; second, to choose all town officers that are required by law to be chosen in the month of March or April. And make return of your doings herewith unto the moderator and clerk that shall be chosen at said meeting. Given under my hand and seal at New Gloucester, the first day of February, Anno Domini 1787. Isaac Parsons, Justice Peace, RETURN. Turner, March 6, 1787. Agreeable to the above warrant, I have warned the inhabi- tants of said town to meet at the time and place above said, and to act and do agreeable to the above warrant. To Doctor Daniel Child, moderator; and Mr. Benjamin True, town clerk. Ichabod Bonney. In accordance with this warrant, the first town meeting was held at the time and place designated. Dr. Daniel Child was chosen moderator; Benjamin True, town clerk ; and Capt. Ichabod Bonney, Ben- jamin True, and Israel Haskell, selectmen and assessors. John Allen was chosen collector, and was to receive fourpence on the pound for collect- 208 HISTORY OF TURNER. ing the taxes. Samuel Blake was chosen treasurer; Moses Stephens, Jeremiah Dillingham, Stephen Bryant, and Capt. Henry Jones, surveyors of high- ways ; and Stephen Bryant and Israel Haskell, " wardians." The officers required by law having been chosen, no other business was transacted, for the reason probably, that it was not deemed legal to transact any other business under the call for said meeting. Another meeting was called at once to be held March 27, 1787, at which important matters came up for consideration. In August, 1784, a vote had been passed in town-meeting to invite Rev. John Strickland to be the minister of the town at an annual salary of fifty pounds. They had also adopted, by popular vote, a plan of church govern- ment, and had transacted other business, which now seems proper to a religious society alone. The votes passed in 1 784 were now reaffirmed, that they might be legal and binding on the people. The first vote was that " The Church and Congre- gation of Sylvester Plantation, taking into consid- eration the great importance of having the stated means of grace settled in the place, and having heard the Rev. John Strickland, a member of Salem Presbytery, sometime ; and being satisfied with his principles in Doctrine and Discipline and ministerial gifts and moral character, do make choice of him, the said John Strickland, as our HISTORY OF TURNER. 209 minister, and do appoint Messrs. Richard Phillips, John Keen, and Benjamin True, to attend the Presbytery at their next session at the town of Gray, to solicit this our call before the Presbytery, the same having been unanimously voted at a meet- ing held for that purpose on August 12th day of this instant August, the same being again proposed to the Church and Congregation was unanimously approved." As the vote formerly passed to pay Mr. Strick- land fifty pounds was not considered legal, several of the citizens had given him a bond to that amount to make his pay secure. The town now released those men by assuming the obligation. Certain men had also advanced twelve pounds to defray the expense of Mr. Strickland's installation. The town voted to refund this money. After voting a salary of fifty pounds a year, they voted seventy-five pounds, " lawful money, " for his salary for three years. This is explained by the fact that the proprietors agreed to pay a portion of his salary for that length of time. The town also voted to give him the use of " the common land five years rent free, " and " that he have a reasonable time to visit his friends to the westward annually." Twenty-two pounds were also raised " to defray the charges of the Beef Execution;" and twelve shillings to each of the selectmen for their services. '5 2IO HISTORY OF TURNER. Nothing was done for schools, nor for other objects such, as now claim attention. But it was voted that " Mr. Daniel French, and his family while under him, be exempted from paying the minister tax." Why he should be exempted, and the same favor be denied to another, it does not appear. 1788 Captain Ichabod Bonney was chosen moderator; Benjamin True, clerk; Benjamin True, Samuel Blake, and Henry Jones, selectmen and assessors ; and Samuel Blake, treasurer. Samuel Andrews was chosen sealer of weights and measures; William Bradford, tithing-man; Joseph Leavitt and Levi Merrill, "wardians"; Stephen Bryant and Jeremiah Dillingham, hog-reeves; Daniel Russell, deer-reeve; Seth Staples, fence-viewer; Andrew Eliot, clerk of the market; Abner Phillips, sealer of leather; Moses Stephens, keeper of the pound; Captain Henry Jones, Richard Phillips, Moses Stephens, and Ste- phen Bryant, surveyors of highways; and Nathan Niles, collector at eightpence on the pound. The selectmen were voted twenty-four shillings each for their services ; and Stephen Bryant twenty-four shil- lings "for his carrying Lois Layden to the town of Pownalborough in the County of Lincoln." William Bradford, Daniel Briggs, and Samuel Andrews were HISTORY OF TURNER. 211 chosen a committee to lease out thirty acres on each end of the parsonage lot, No. 5 1 ; the lot on which William Whitman now resides. This year, the road was established from the center of the town through the Lower Street, two rods wide; also, the road from the meeting-house to the Lower Street school- house; the road down the Gary Hill to Blake's Mill; and the road leading from the Upper to the Lower Street by Nelson Jones'. Fifty pounds were raised for roads, and twelve pounds were raised to be laid out on school lot for support of a school,, though how anything was to be realized for the support of a school, does not appear. Thirty-three pounds were voted for Mr. Strickland's salary. It was voted to pay men three shillings a day for work on the road ; two shillings and sixpence for a yoke of oxen, eightpence for a cart, and eight- pence for a plow. It was voted that Mr. Strick- land's salary should be paid in silver at six shillings and eightpence per ounce, to be reckoned from his installation. Action was taken on several roads, and a committee was raised to petition "the gen- eral session of the peace for and within the County of Cumberland" for a road through this town to New Gloucester. At a meeting held on October 5, 1788, votes were thrown for County Register. Stephen Waite had seven votes, and Enoch Free^- man one. 212 HISTORY OF TURNER. 1789 Dr. Daniel Child was chosen moderator; Ben- jamin True, town clerk; William Bradford, Sam- uel Blake, and Captain Henry Jones, selectmen and assessors; Mark Andrews, collector, at three- pence-half-penny on the pound for collecting; and Samuel Blake, treasurer. One hundred pounds were raised, to be expended in labor on the roads ; the selectmen were voted eighteen shillings each for their services; thirty pounds were raised to support a school the ensuing year; and forty pounds to build three school-houses. At a meeting held the sixth day of April, John Hancock received sixteen votes for Governor; for Lieutenant-Governor, Benjamin Lincoln received thirteen votes, and Sam- uel Adams, Esq., three; and John Lewis, nine votes for Senator. It was voted not to exempt Hezekiah Bryant and Andrew Eliot from paying the minister tax. 1790 Captain Ichabod Bonney was chosen moderator; Benjamin True, town clerk; Samuel Andrews, Nathan Niles, and Benjamin True, selectmen; and Stephen Bryant, town treasurer. Jesse Bradford collected the taxes for sixpence on the pound. Jacob Leavitt was chosen clerk of the market. There is no intimation of his duties. Twenty HISTORY OF TURNER. 213 pounds were raised for schools. It was voted that the proprietors of the Forge clear ten acres a year on the school lot, and sow to grass, and so each year, till fifty acres are cleared and in grass, for which the proprietors were to receive the two first crops. Voted not to open the meeting-house. In June, a committee was raised to petition the Gen- eral Court to make and repair the county road from this town to New Gloucester. The town would not release those men from paying the minister tax who had certificates that they "attend on the Bap- tist preaching." The article to see if the town would choose a committee to prosecute the select- men for clearing Hezekiah Bryant and Andrew EHot from the minister tax for 1789, was passed. Fifty pounds were raised for Mr. Strickland's sal- ary. A county road was provided for from Israel Haskel's to the county road at the south part of the town, but the town was not ready to extend the road to Livermore. The article to see if none shall be required to pay the minister tax without their consent, was passed, and also the article to see if the town will allow the selectmen to give orders to the Baptists on the town treasurer for the minis- ter tax. In January, votes were thrown for a Representa- tive to represent the counties of York, Cumberland, Lincoln, Hancock, and Washington, in the Con- 214 HISTORY OF TURNER. gress of the United States. Hon. George Thatcher received ten votes. 1791 Captain Henry Jones was chosen moderator; Ichabod Bonney, town clerk; Ichabod Bonney, Samuel Andrews, and Samuel Blake, selectmen; and William Bradford, treasurer. Jesse Bradford collected the taxes for eightpence on the pound. The selectmen were allowed sixteen shillings each for their services. Eighteen pounds were raised for the support of a school. It was voted not to raise fifty pounds for Mr. Strickland's salary. Votes for Representative to the General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts were thrown as follows: — For William Lithgow, Esq., eighteen. For George Thatcher, Esq., two. For Governor, John Hancock had eighteen votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, Thomas Russell had fifteen votes. For Senator, William Wedgry, Esq., eighteen votes. At a special meeting held in June, it was voted to raise fifty pounds for Mr. Strickland's salary; but at an adjourned meeting the vote was recon- sidered. Samuel Andrews, William Hayford, Dan- iel Child, William Bradford, and Nathan Niles HISTORY OF TURNER. 215 were chosen a committee to consult with Mr. Strickland relative to a dismission, and to the dif- ferences in regard to his salary. 1792 Captain Henry Jones was chosen moderator; Ich- abod Bonney, town clerk; Ichabod Bonney, Sam- uel Blake, and Samuel Andrews, selectmen; and William Bradford, treasurer. Voted not to raise Mr. Strickland's salary for the past or present year. A committee was chosen to " treat " with Mr. Strick- land relative to a dismission. Seventy-five pounds were voted for repair of highways; and twenty pounds for a school. Each of the assessors were voted twenty-four shillings for their services ; the treasurer, twelve shillings ; and Dr. Child, two shil- lings, the amount of his bill against the town. This year, John Hancock had thirty-four votes for Governor. Samuel Adams, thirty votes for Lieutenant- Governor. David Mitchell, six votes for Senator. William Wedgry, one vote for Senator. In October of this year, votes were cast for Rep- resentatives with the following result : — For the County of Cumberland — Peleg Wads- worth, Esq., six votes ; William Wedgry, Esq., two votes. 2l6 HISTORY OF TURNER. County of York — George Thatcher, Esq., eight votes ; Nathaniel Wells, Esq., one vote. Counties of Lincoln, Hancock, and Washington — William Lithgow, Esq., eight votes ; Daniel Coney, Esq., one vote. For Electors — Samuel Freeman, Esq., two votes; John Frothingham, Esq., two votes ; Thomas Rice, Esq., one vote ; Daniel Coney, Esq., eight votes ; Edward Cutts, Esq., nine votes. 1793 William Hayford was moderator; Ichabod Bon- ney, town clerk ; Ichabod Bonney, Samuel Blake, and Samuel Andrews were selectmen and asses- sors ; and William Bradford, treasurer. A commit- tee was raised to build a school-house on the Lower Street, and ten pounds raised for the purpose. Seventy-five pounds were voted for repair of high- ways, and twenty-four pounds for the support of a school. 1794 Dr. Daniel Child was chosen moderator ; Ichabod Bonney, clerk ; Ichabod Bonney, Samuel Blake, and Caleb House, selectmen ; William Bradford, treas- urer; and Nathan Niles, Samuel Gorham, and Richard Phillips, surveyors of highways. Beniah Niles, Seth Staples, and Jabez Merrill were HISTORY OF TURNER. 21 7 chosen a school committee. This committee, it is presumed, performed the duties of school agents and supervisors. Twenty pounds, or about sixty- seven dollars, were raised for support of schools. Voted one hundred pounds for building two bridges over the Twenty Mile River, and repair of high- ways, one bridge above Blake's dam, and the other at " Mr. True s waiding place." Mr. Strickland's salary was not voted. At a special meeting called in February, 1794, to see if the town would raise Mr. Strickland's sal- ary for 1 791, 1792, and a part of 1793, it was voted to dissolve the meeting. In November, the votes thrown for Representa- tives in Congress were as follows : — Peleg Wads worth, Esq., thirteen votes. William Wedgry, Esq., thirteen votes. At a meeting held December 25th, Ichabod Bon- ney was chosen a committee to procure " a stock of powder, balls, and flints," as required by law. For many years, a quantity of ammunition was kept in readiness for any emergency, in a small brick build- ing called a powder-house. 1795 At a special meeting held April 5th, votes were thrown as follows : — For Governor, Samuel Adams, thirty-two votes. 2l8 HISTORY OF TURNER. For Lieutenant-Governor, Moses Gill, forty-two votes. For Senators, David Michel, sixteen votes ; Wil- liam Wedgry, seventeen votes; Stephen Longfellow, fourteen votes ; Charles Turner, twenty-seven votes. On the next day. Dr. Daniel Child was elected moderator ; Ichabod Bonney, town clerk ; Ichabod Bonney, Samuel Blake, and Beniah Niles, select- men ; and William Bradford, treasurer. It was voted to "lease out the commons," meaning the school lands, and including, perhaps, the ministerial lots. Twenty-two pounds were raised for support of schools, and seventy-five pounds for repair of highways. Beniah Niles was engaged to build a pound near the meeting-house, for four pounds and ten shillings. The use of the commons was sold to John Loring for five years, at two pounds, six- teen shillings a year. On the sixth of May, a special meeting was called, at which twenty-seven votes were cast for a revision of the constitution. 1796 Dr. Daniel Child was moderator; Ichabod Bon- ney, town clerk; Ichabod Bonney, John Turner, and Chandler Bradford, selectmen; and William Bradford, treasurer. Voted one hundred dollars for the support of a school, the first time Federal HISTORY OF TURNER. 219 money appears in the town records. One hundred and twenty pounds were raised for repair of high- ways. The selectmen were directed to lay out a road from John Turner's to Livermore line, and between the lots owned by Benjamin Jones and Richard Phillips Jr., to the great river, to accom- modate Elijah Gilbert. A portion of school lot No. 99 was leased for five years. At the Governor meeting held in April, the fol- lowing votes were thrown : — For Governor, Samuel Adams, twenty-nine votes ; Increase Sumner, three votes. For Lieutentant-Governor, Moses Gill, twenty- eight votes. For Senators, Stephen Longfellow, twenty-eight votes ; Charles Turner, twenty-five votes ; Stephen Bryant, one vote. There were at this time four school districts in town: first, the Upper Street from the meeting- house south ; second, the Upper Street from the meeting-house north, including the Center and Eli- jah Gilbert's ; third, the Lower Street and Blake's ; fourth, Snell's Hill and all to the west of it. Dan- iel Briggs, Jesse Bradford, William Bradford, and Moses Snell were chosen a school committee. It was also voted to accept of John Sole, of Pembroke, in the county of Plymouth, to be an inhabitant of the town of Turner. 220 HISTORY OF TURNER. 1797 Dr. Daniel Child was chosen moderator ; Ichabod Bonney, town clerk; Ichabod Bonney, John Turner, and Chandler Bradford, selectmen ; and William Bradford, treasurer. Thirty-six pounds were voted for schools, and John Loring, Jabez Merrill, Wil- liam Bradford, and John Bonney, school committee. One hundred and fifty pounds were raised for repair of highways. Votes for Governor, Increase Sumner, forty-two votes. Lieutenant-Governor, Moses Gill, forty-two votes. Senators, Stephen Longfellow, thirty-three votes ; Daniel Davis, thirty-six votes. 1798 Dr. Daniel Child was elected moderator; Ichabod Bonney, town clerk; Ichabod Bonney, John Turner, and Chandler Bradford, selectmen. One hundred and twenty dollars were voted for schools, and five hundred dollars for repair of highways. In November there was an election of Represen- tatives to Congress, at which Peleg Wadsworth, Esq., received seventeen votes, and Charles Turner two. Increase Sumner received forty-two votes for Governor, and Moses Gill forty votes for Lieuten- ant-Governor. HISTORY OF TURNER. 221 For Senators, Stephen Longfellow received twen- ty-two votes, and Daniel Davis thirty votes. 1799 Nathaniel Sawtelle was chosen moderator; Ich- abod Bonney, town clerk ; Ichabod Bonney, John Turner, and Chandler Bradford, selectmen ; and William Bradford, treasurer. Benjamin Evans, Hezekiah Bryant, Jabez Merrill, and Job Randal were elected school committee. One hundred and twenty dollars were raised for schools, and six hun- dred and fifty dollars for repair of highways. Wil- liam Bradford collected the taxes for one shilling on the pound. This year, a committee, consisting of Dr. Luther Cary, William Bradford, and Ichabod Bonney, was chosen to. petition the General Court for leave to sell the lands belonging to the town. 1800 Nathaniel Sawtelle was elected moderator; Ich- abod Bonney, town clerk ; William Bradford, treas- urer; and Ichabod Bonney, John Turner, and Chandler Bradford, selectmen. Chandler Bradford, Richard Phillips Jr., Luther Cary, and William Loring Jr. were chosen school committee. Two hundred dollars were voted for schools, and one thousand dollars for highways. It was voted to 222 HISTORY OF TURNER. build a school-house in the west district. Roads were laid out each year for the accommodation of the settlers, but it is not easy in every instance to determine their location. In April, the vote for State officers was as follows : — For Governor, Caleb Strong, Esq., forty-six votes ; Moses Gill, Esq., two votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, Moses Gill, Esq., forty- eight votes. For Senators, Daniel Davis, Esq., twenty-one votes ; Stephen Longfellow, twenty-one votes. In November, Peleg Wadsworth received thir- teen votes for Representative to Congress. Daniel Briggs, William Bradford, and Joseph Copeland were chosen a committee to repair the meeting-house. Two hundred dollars were raised to supply the town with preaching, in accordance with a late law of the State, and a committee was chosen to procure a preacher. A committee was also chosen to care for the parsonage and school lands, and to prosecute trespassers. 1801 At a meeting called for the purpose, votes were thrown for State officers, as follows : — For Governor, Caleb Strong, Esq., forty-one votes ; Elbridge Gerry, Esq., twenty-five votes. HISTORY OF TURNER. 223 For Lieutenant-Governor, Samuel Phillips, Esq., thirty-eight votes ; William Heath, Esq., twenty-one votes ; Daniel Islley, Esq., one vote ; John Gushing, Esq., one vote ; Galeb Blake, one vote. For Senators, Stephen Longfellow, forty-eight votes ; Luther Gary, twenty-eight votes ; Mr. Wood- bury, twenty votes ; Daniel Islley, eight votes ; John Gushing, eleven votes ; John K. Smith, two votes. For Gounty Register, Daniel Islley, Esq., twen- ty-five votes. At the annual meeting, Luther Gary was chosen moderator ; Ichbod Bonney, town clerk ; Ichabod Bonney, John Turner, and Ghandler Bradford, selectmen; and William Bradford, treasurer. Dr. Luther Gary, Rev. John Strickland, Jabez Merrill, and Daniel Tuttle were chosen school committee. Three hundred dollars were raised for schools, and one thousand dollars for highways ; and certain roads were accepted. 1802 Nathaniel Sawtelle was elected moderator ; Ich- abod Bonney, town clerk ; Ichabod Bonney, Benja- min Evans, and Nathaniel Sawtelle, selectmen ; and William Bradford, treasurer. Ghandler Bradford, Joseph Ludden, Joseph Bonney, and Daniel Tuttle were chosen school committee. Three hundred and fifty dollars were raised for schools, and one 224 HISTORY OF TURNER. thousand dollars for highways. Five shillings a day were allowed on the highways in June and July, and four shillings in the autumn. At a meeting for the election of officers, held in April, votes were thrown as follows: — For Governor, Caleb Strong, Esq., fifty-two votes ; Elbridge Gerry, Esq., thirty-six votes ; Joseph Leav- itt, two votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, Edward H. Rolins, forty-six votes ; William Heath, thirty votes ; Sam- uel Pumpelly, one vote. For Senators, Mr. Woodbury, thirty-nine votes ; John Gushing, Esq., thirty-nine votes ; Luther Gary, Esq., seven votes ; Samuel P. Russell, Esq., six votes. A committee was again raised to petition the General Gourt for leave to sell the parsonage and school lands. A committee was raised to divide the town into school districts, and a road was accepted to Livermore line, beginning on a line between Nathaniel Sawtelle Jr.'s and John Soul's. Sixty dollars were raised for repairing the meeting- house. Four hundred dollars were raised to build a bridge over Twenty Mile River, and it was voted to pay seventy-five cents a day for labor. Peleg Wadsworth received eleven votes for Representa- tive to Gongress. HISTORY OF TURNER. 225 1803 At a meeting held January 24, Daniel Howard, Esq., was chosen " to appear at the Court of Gen- eral Sessions to be holden at Portland in the County of Cumberland on the third Tuesday of February next to answer in behalf of said town for not being provided with a public Teacher of Piety, Religion, and Morality." At a meeting held in April, State officers were voted for as follows : — For Governor, Caleb Strong, Esq., sixty-three votes ; Elbridge Gerry, Esq., eight votes ; Joseph Ludden, one vote; Edward Blake, one vote. For Lieutenant-Governor, Edward H. Robbins, forty votes ; David Cobb, one vote ; William Heath, two votes ; Luther Cary, one vote. For Senators, Woodbury Storer, thirty-eight votes; John Gushing, thirty-six votes; Ezekiel Whitman, one vote. At the annual meeting, William Turner was chosen moderator; Benjamin Evans, town clerk; Benjamin Evans, Ichabod Bonney, and John Turn- er, selectmen; and William Bradford, treasurer. Four hundred dollars were raised for schools, and one thousand dollars for highways. It was voted to sell the school-houses. The school districts had now increased to seven. The first embraced the Upper Street and the river road as far north as the meet- 16 226 HISTORY OF TURNER. ing-house ; the second, the river road to the Twenty Mile River, and westward to the meadow brook ; the third, the whole north part of the town ; the fourth, the northwesterly part of the town, includ- ing Chase's Mills ; the fifth, the middle portion of the western part of the town ; the sixth, the south- westerly part of the town ; the seventh, the central part. At a meeting held in May, the town voted unan- imously to settle the Rev. Charles Turner, on the condition that the pastoral relations may be dis- solved at the option of either of the contracting parties ; that he will preach for four dollars and fifty cents a week ; and that the church will give him a call. Two hundred dollars were voted for the sup- port of preaching, and a committee was chosen to inquire into the standing of the church, and to make such inquiries relative to church discipline as they shall think necessary. The church insisted on settling Mr. Strickland, and the town in settling Mr. Turner, hence no one was employed. At length. Rev. Amasa Smjth came, and giving gen- eral satisfaction, the town voted in September, twenty-four to fifteen, to give him a call. Accord- ingly, he became the minister of the parish, which was the town, and two hundred and fifty dollars were raised for his yearly support. At a meeting held December 19, the town chose HISTORY OF TURNER. 227 John Loring a delegate to meet a convention of delegates on Paris Hill, to take action in reference to forming a new county. 1804 Votes for State officers were as follows : — For Governor, James Sullivan, Esq., sixty-four votes ; Caleb Strong, Esq., twenty-eight votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, William Heath, Esq., fifty-eight votes ; William H. Rolins, Esq., twenty- three votes. For Senators, Isaac Parsons, Esq., thirty-three votes ; Woodbury Storer, twenty-three votes : Dan- iel Ilsley, thirty-one votes ; John Gushing, twenty- one votes. At the annual meeting in March, Ichabod Bon- ney was chosen moderator; Joseph Bonney, town clerk ; Ichabod Bonney, John Turner, and Chandler Bradford, selectmen ; and William Bradford, treas- urer. Voted four hundred and fifty dollars for schools, one thousand five hundred dollars for highways, and three hundred and fifty dollars to pay debts. Voted to set off the north part of Turner to the three spotted line, to the south part of Livermore, and annex it thereto. Members of the Universalist Society, who had paid the minister tax for the preceding year, were allowed to draw back the same. 228 HISTORY OF TURNER. Votes for Register of Deeds were, for Thomas B. Wait, eighteen ; Isaac Adams, nine ; Joseph C. Boyd, eleven ; and Isaac Gage, sixteen. Votes for Representatives to the General Court were, for William Wedgry, Esq., thirty-seven ; Peleg Wadsworth, Esq., nine ; Isaac Parsons, Esq., one. For the first time, the town voted this year for Electors of President and Vice-president. The number was nineteen. It was also voted expedient to form a new county, and to petition the General Court therefor. 1805 All the inhabitants of the town, twenty-one years of age, having a freehold estate of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds, were notified to meet on the first day of April, to give in their votes for Governor and Lieutenant-Governor. For Governor, Hon. James Sulivan, ninety votes; Hon. Caleb Strong, twenty-nine votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, William Heath, Esq., eighty-nine votes ; Edward H. Rollins, Esq., twenty- four votes. For Senators, Daniel Ilsley, seventy-nine votes; Isaac Parsons, eighty-five votes; John Gushing, twenty-four votes ; Woodbury Storer, twenty-four votes ; Charles Turner, six votes. HISTORY OF TURNER. 229 At the annual town-meeting, Ichabod Bonney was chosen moderator; Joseph Bonney, town clerk; Ichabod Bonney, John Turner, and Chandler Brad- ford, selectmen; and William Bradford, treasurer. Voted to grant the Universalist Society the use of the meeting-house a portion of the time. There were raised for schools, four hundred and fifty dol- lars ; and for highways, two thousand dollars. At a call which assembled the men who had the legal freehold qualifications, votes were given for Representatives to the General Court, as follows: — John Turner, Esq., seventy-one votes; Ichabod Bonney, Esq., one vote. On August 12, the town voted for County Reg- ister as follows: — For Sturtevant, Esq., eighteen votes; Joseph Rust, six votes; Eleazar Hamlin, seven votes; Joseph Blake, twenty-five votes ; John Strickland, sixteen votes ; Arthur Bradman, six votes ; Henry Printis, one vote ; Isaac Livermore, one vote. An agent was chosen in December to remon- strate against Fryeburg being made a half shire. 1806 Benjamin Chamberlain was chosen moderator; Joseph Bonney, town clerk ; Ichabod Bonney, John Turner, and Chandler Bradford, selectmen; and William Bradford, treasurer. A committee was 230 HISTORY OF TURNER. chosen for each school district, but the sole duty seems to have been that of agents. It does not appear that there was or had been any supervision of the schools. Voted four hundred dollars for schools, and one thousand dollars for highways, and to pay the town debts, two hundred dollars. The votes for County Register were, for Joseph Rust, ninety-four ; for Eleazar Hamlin, seventeen. On April 7, they who had the legal freehold qualifications voted for State officers. For Governor, Hon. James Sullivan received one hundred and sixteen votes; Hon. Caleb Strong, twenty-three votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. William Heath, one hundred and sixteen votes ; Hon. Edward H. Rollins, fifteen votes. For Senators, Maj. Daniel Ilsley, one hundred and nine votes; Col. Levi Hubbard, one hundred and nine votes ; John Gushing, fifteen votes ; Hon. Woodbury Storer, fifteen votes. For County Treasurer, Levi Hubbard, forty-eight votes. On the fifth of May, the property holders voted for Representatives to the General Court. John Turner, Esq., had forty votes, and Jesse Bradford one. The roads were constantly receiving atten- tion ; a new road, or some change in an old one, being frequently asked for. HISTORY OF TURNER. 23 1 November 3, the freeholders cast their votes for Representatives to Congress. Hon. Daniel Ilsley had seventy-two votes ; Ezekiel Whitman, fifteen. 1807 Benjamin Chamberlain was chosen moderator; Joseph Bonney, town clerk; John Turner, Chandler Bradford, and George French, selectmen; David Talbot, treasurer. Raised five hundred dollars for schools, and one thousand seven hundred for high- ways; seven hundred dollars of it for the county road from the bridge to Livermore line. April 6, the freeholders cast their votes for State officers. For Governor, Hon. James Sullivan had one hundred and seventeen votes; His Excellency, Caleb Strong, had twenty-seven votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. Levi Lincoln had one hundred and seventeen votes; Hon. Ed- ward H. Rollins had twenty-six votes. For Senators, Hon. Levi Hubbard had one hun- dred and seventeen votes; Capt. James Means had one hundred and seventeen votes ; Lothrop Lewis, Esq., had twenty-two votes; Hon. Luther Cary had twenty-one votes ; and Hon. Woodbury Storer had one vote. On the question of making Maine a separate State, the yeas were sixty-six, and the nays thirty- one. 232 HISTORY OF TURNER. For County Treasurer, Levi Hubbard, Esq., re- ceived fifty-seven votes. On May 11, all male persons twenty-one years of age, and owning a freehold worth sixty pounds, were warned to meet and cast their votes for Rep- resentative to the General Court. John Turner, Esq., had fifty-five votes ; William Bradford had one vote. This year the River Road was laid out. 1808 Dea..Ezra Cary was chosen moderator; Joseph Bonney, town clerk ; John Turner, Joseph Bonney, and Benjamin Chamberlain, selectmen ; and Benja- min Chamberlain, treasurer. Voted three hundred dollars for schools, and one thousand five hundred dollars for highways. The old road from Meadow Brook Bridge to Moses Snell's was discontinued, and a new one accepted. The road from Mr. John Bonney 's to Minot line was established. On April 4, the male inhabitants, twent)^-one years of age, having a freehold estate of the annual income of ten dollars, or any estate to the value of two hundred dollars, cast their votes for State officers. For Governor, His Excellency, James Sullivan, received one hundred and twenty-six votes ; Hon. Christopher Gore, twenty-one votes ; and Hon. Levi Lincoln, one vote. HISTORY OF TURNER. 233 For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. Levi Lincoln had one hundred and twenty-two votes; Hon. David Cobb had twenty votes. For Senators, Hon. Levi Hubbard received one hundred and twenty-four votes ; Hon. James Means, one hundred and twenty-four votes ; Lothrop Lewis, Esq., twenty votes ; Ammi R. Mitchell, Esq., twenty votes. For County Treasurer, Hon. Levi Hubbard received thirty-nine votes. The property holders on May 2, gave in their votes for Representative to the General Court. For John Turner, Esq., forty-seven votes ; for Isaac Root, Esq., thirty-one votes ; for Joseph Copeland, one vote. This year, a school district was established, em- bracing the inhabitants on the River Road from Elijah Gilbert's to Hanover Keen's. On November 7, the property holders gave in their votes for Representative to Congress for Cumberland County, as follows : for Daniel Ilsley, Esq., one hundred and thirty-seven votes; for Ezek- iel Whitman, Esq., nineteen votes. 1809 Dea. Ezra Cary was chosen moderator; Joseph Bonney, town clerk ; John Turner, Joseph Bonney, and Benjamin Chamberlain, selectmen ; and Benja- 234 HISTORY OF TURNER. min Chamberlain, treasurer. Voted fifteen hun- dred dollars for highways ; one hundred dollars for schools, in addition to the school fund ; and one hundred dollars for town debts. A road was accepted, running from a pine stump near Caleb Lombard's to Blake's Mill, and also one leading up by Pickerel Pond to the Hartford Road. The male inhabitants worth sixty pounds voted for officers, as follows : — For Governor, Hon. Levi Lincoln received one hundred and thirty-seven votes ; Hon. Christopher Gore, twenty-five votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. Joseph Varnum received one hundred and forty votes ; Hon. David Cobb, twenty-seven votes ; Benjamin Evans, one vote. For Senators, Hon. Levi Hubbard, one hundred and forty-five votes ; Hon. James Means, one hun- dred and forty-five votes; Hon. Lothrop Lewis, twenty-seven votes ; Hon. Ammi R. Mitchell, twen- ty-seven votes. For County Treasurer, Hon. Levi Hubbard, one hundred votes. On May 8, they voted again for Representative to the General Court, as follows : for John Turner, Esq., thirty-nine votes ; for Isaac Root, Esq., twenty- six votes ; for William Bradford, one vote. HISTORY OF TURNER. 235 181O Dea. Ezra Cary was elected moderator ; Joseph Bonney, town clerk; William Bradford, Daniel Cary, and George French, selectmen ; and Joseph Bonney, treasurer. Voted three hundred dollars for schools, and that the school fund be appropri- ated for the district schools as last year. Voted seventeen cents bounty for every crow killed within the limits of the town. Elisha Pratt engaged to build a bridge over Twenty Mile River, near its mouth, for one hundred and forty-nine dollars. Voted fifteen hundred dollars for highways. The male freeholders, April 2, cast their votes for officers, as follows : — For Governor, Hon. Elbridge Gerry, one hundred and thirty-eight votes ; His Excellency, Christopher Gore, twenty-seven votes ; Oliver Turner, one vote. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. WilHam Gray, one hundred and thirty-nine votes; Hon. David Cobb, twenty-six votes ; Hon. Elbridge Gerry, one vote ; Hon. Elbridge Cary, one vote. For Senators, Hon. Levi Hubbard, one hundred and forty votes ; Hon. James Means, one hundred and forty votes ; Hon. Lothrop Lewis, twenty-seven votes ; Hon. Luther Cary, twenty-six votes ; Hon. Ammi R. Mitchell, one vote. For County Treasurer, Capt. Henry Rust, one hundred and seven votes. 236 HISTORY OF TURNER. May 7, all legal residents of the town, having an estate of an annual income of ten dollars, or any estate valued at two hundred dollars, were notified to meet for the election of a Representative to the General Court, in Boston. Votes were cast, for George French, forty-eight; for Daniel Gary, Esq., twenty ; for Martin Leonard, two ; for William Bradford, two ; and for John Turner, Esq., three. In November, the vote for Representative to Congress was, for Hon. William Widgery, ninety- one ; for John Turner, Esq., three ; for Joseph E. Foxcroft, Esq., one. 181 1 Ezra Cary was chosen moderator ; Joseph Bon- ney, town clerk ; John Turner, George French, and Jesse Bradford, selectmen ; and Joseph Bonney, treasurer. Chose a school committee of three. Dr. Luther Cary, Dr. Timothy Howe, and John Turner, Esq., instead of one for each district as heretofore. It is probable that this committee were charged with the supervision of the schools, since the sev- eral districts were recommended to choose agents for the conduct of " their own affairs." For schools three hundred dollars were raised, and for high- ways, one thousand five hundred dollars. One thousand nine hundred dollars were raised to de- fray the expenses of the town for the current year. HISTORY OF TURNER. 237 The selectmen were paid nine dollars each for their services ; and Joseph Bonney, who was both town clerk and treasurer, received ten dollars. Joseph Rust, Esq., received seventy-nine votes for County Register, and Alanson Mellen one vote. A special meeting was called the eighteenth day of March, at which it was voted to indemnify the trustees of the school fund for paying out the inter- est of said fund for the support of English schools. On April i, votes were cast as follows : — For Governor, His Excellency, Elbridge Gerry, one hundred and thirty-seven votes; for Christo- pher Gore, sixteen votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, His Honor, William Gray, one hundred and twenty-two votes ; William Phillips, Esq., fifteen votes; His Excellency, El- bridge Gerry, one vote ; Hon. William Heath, one vote. For Representative to Congress, Hon. Levi Hub- bard, one hundred and twenty-four votes ; Hon. James Means, one hundred and twenty-four votes ; Hon. Lothrop Lewis, fifteen votes ; Hon. Luther Cary, fourteen votes ; and Hon. Ammi R. Mitchell, one vote. A road was accepted this year leading from the residence of Joseph Leavitt Jr. to the Androscog- gin River. April I, Henry Rust Jr. received fifty-two votes for County Treasurer. 238 HISTORY OF TURNER. On May 6, the property holders voted for Rep- resentative at the General Court, as follows : — George French received eighty-four votes ; Alden Blossom, forty-eight votes ; Jesse Bradford, one vote ; and John Turner, Esq., four votes. In September, five hundred dollars were raised for repair of highways, under the direction of the selectmen; and one hundred and fifty dollars for building a bridge over Martin Stream; and fifty dollars for building a powder-house. On February 8, Daniel Gary, Esq., was chosen an agent for the town to appear at the Court of Common Pleas, in Paris, " to answer to a presentment found against said town for neglect in repairing the road." 1812 John Turner was chosen moderator; Joseph Bonney, town clerk ; George French, Jesse Brad- ford, and Thomas Merrill, selectmen; and Joseph Bonney, treasurer. A committee of one in each school district was chosen. For highways, two thousand dollars were raised ; and for schools, three hundred dollars. In April, eighty-one votes were cast for Henry Rust Jr. for County Treasurer. All possessing an income of ten dollars, or an estate valued at two hundred dollars, were warned to meet April 6, for the election of Governor and other ofiicers. HISTORY OF TURNER. 239 For Governor, His Excellency, Elbrldge Gerry, received one hundred and fifty-three votes ; Caleb Strong, Esq., twenty-five votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. William King had one hundred and forty-nine votes ; and William Phillips, Esq., forty-nine votes. For Senators from the district of Cumberland and Oxford, Eleazer W. Ripley received one hun- dred arid fifty votes ; Jonathan Page, Esq., one hun- dred and fifty votes; Ebenezer Poor, Esq., one hundred and fifty votes ; Mathew Cobb, Esq., twen- ty-five votes ; Lothrop Lewis, Esq., twenty-five votes; and Daniel Stowell, Esq., twenty-five votes. On the fourth of May, the votes for Representa- tive to the General Court were as follows: — Joseph Bonney, forty-eight ; George French, thir- ty-five ; John Turner, Esq., four. At a meeting held on the fourth of May, it was voted " to lay out a road from near Mr. Daniel Tuttle's to Samuel Kinsley's, leading by Bonney's Mills, so-called, and build a bridge across Twenty Mile Stream, provided that individuals would pro- cure the land therefor, and cover the bridge." The meeting took into consideration " our pres- ent alarming situation," and sought to ascertain what measures best be taken to secure the volun- teer service of able bodied men in the army. A committee chosen for the purpose, made a report 240 HISTORY OF TURNER. which was accepted, but not put on record. One hundred and ten dollars were raised to pay an exe- cution against the town, probably on account of defective highway. On November 2, votes were cast for Representa- tive to Congress, as follows : — For Hon. Levi Hubbard, eighty-one ; Ebenezer Fessenden, Esq., twenty-three ; John Turner, Esq., one; Henry Rust, Esq., two. It was also voted that the selectmen take charge of the poor during the winter. On November 1 2, votes were cast for Electors of President and Vice-president of the United States, as follows : — Hon. John Woodman received eighty-four votes ; Theodore Mussey, Esq., eighty-four votes; Henry Rust, Esq., eighty-four votes ; Lothrop Lewis, forty- three votes ; Nathaniel Goodwin, forty-three votes ; Samuel Parris, forty-three votes. 1813 John Turner, Esq., was elected moderator; Jos- eph Bonney, town clerk ; John Turner, Joseph Bonney, and Jonathan Phillips, selectmen ; and Joseph Bonney, treasurer. There were raised for highways two thousand dollars, and for schools, two hundred dollars. The school districts were desig- nated by numbers, ten in all. For town charges HISTORY OF TURNER. 24 1 and support of the poor, three hundred and fifty dollars were raised. On the fifth day of April the property holders cast their votes for public officers as follows: — For Governor, Hon. Joseph B. Varnum received one hundred and fifty votes ; His Excellency, Caleb Strong, twenty-nine votes ; Hon. William King, one vote. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. William King received one hundred and forty-five votes; Hon. William Phillips, twenty-six votes. For Senators to represent the District of Cum- berland and Oxford, Hon. Ebenezer Poor received one hundred and forty votes; Jonathan Page, one hundred and thirty-nine votes; Capt. Robert Ilsley, one hundred and forty votes ; Hon. Lothrop Lewis, twenty-eight votes; Jacob Abbott, twenty-eight votes ; Daniel Stowell, twenty-eight votes ; William King, one vote. April 23, Henry Rust, Esq., received sixteen votes for County Treasurer. May 14, Joseph Bonney, was chosen Represen- tative to the General Court, receiving forty-three votes. 1814. At a town-meeting held January 14, it was voted to indemnify the Trustees for expending the school 17 242 HISTORY OF TURNER. fund in the manner they did, which was, probably, in support of the common town schools. At the annual meeting in March, Thomas Mer- rill was chosen moderator; Joseph Bonney, town clerk; John Turner, Jesse Bradford and Jonathan Phillips, selectmen ; and Joseph Bonney, treasurer. The selectmen were chosen a school committee, but their duties were not specified. A school agent for each district was also chosen. It was voted that notices for town-meetings be posted up on the guide- post at the corner by William Bradford's. It was voted to open the road from Joseph Leavitt Jr.'s to the great river; and to accept the road between the land of John Briggs and David Talbot, and Chand- ler Bradford and Jacob Ames to the great river. For highways, two thousand dollars were voted ; three hundred dollars for support of schools ; and two hundred dollars for town charges. Men of age, having an annual income of ten dollars, or real estate to the value of two hundred dollars, met on the fourth of April, to cast their votes for public officers, with the following result: — For Governor, Hon. Samuel Dexter, one hundred and sixty votes; His Excellency, Caleb Strong, thirty-four votes ; Henry Dearborn, Esq., one vote ; Hon. William Gray, one vote. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. William Gray, one hundred and sixty-two votes ; His Honor, Wil- liam Phillips, thirty-two votes. HISTORY OF TURNER. 243 For Senators to represent the District of Somer- set and Oxford, Albion K. Parris, Esq., received one hundred and fifty-three votes; and Hon. Daniel Stowell, thirty-one votes. For County Treasurer, Henry Rust, Esq., received fifty-five votes. At a legal meeting held May 9, it was voted not to send a Representative to the General Court. The selectmen were directed to remonstrate in behalf of the town, against the petition of the in- habitants of Fryeburg and others, praying that one term of the Circuit Court of Common Pleas, for the County of Oxford, may be held at Fryeburg. On June 6, at a legal meeting, a committee was raised, consisting of the selectmen, Capt. Henrys Jones and Samuel Blake, to make a draft of a bridge, and superintend the building of it, across the Twen- ty Mile River ; and five hundred dollars were raised therefor. November 9, the property holders of lawful age, voted for Representative to Congress as follows : — Hon. Albion K. Parris, received one hundred and seventeen votes ; and Samuel A. Bradley, Esq., twenty-seven votes. 1815. John Turner was chosen moderator; Joseph Bon- ney, town clerk; John Turner, Jesse Bradford, and 244 HISTORY OF TURNER. Jonathan Phillips, selectmen ; and Joseph Bonney treasurer. In addition to the school agents a school committee was chosen, consisting of Daniel Hutch- inson, Alden Blossom, and Joseph Bonney. From this time forward, it seems that some attention was given to the supervision of the schools in town. There were raised for highways, fifteen hundred dollars ; and for schools, three hundred dollars. The same committee of three for supervision, was chosen this year. There were raised four hundred dollars to pay town charges. The property holders of legal age, on April 3, cast their votes for public officers as follows: — For Governor, Hon. Samuel Dexter, one hundred and sixty votes; His Excellency, Caleb Strong, forty-four votes ; Hon. William Gray, one vote. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. William Gray, one hundred and forty-nine votes ; His Honor, Wil- liam Phillips, one vote. For Senators to represent the District of Oxford and Somerset, Hon. William Read, one hundred and forty-five votes ; Hon. Daniel Stowell, thirty- eight votes. For County Treasurer, Henry Rust, Esq., eighty votes. At this meeting the road was accepted which had been "laid out" by the selectmen, leading from Minot line to Maj. Pollard's Mills ; it being the road from North Auburn to Turner Village. HISTORY OF TURNER. 245 At a legal town-meeting held May i, votes were cast for Representative to the General Court as follows : Joseph Bonney had fifty-one votes ; John Gorham, thirteen votes ; Alden Blossom, ten votes ; and George French, one vote. Maj. Oliver Pollard and Gen. John Turner were chosen agents for the town, to attend Court at Paris, the second Tuesday in June, to conduct the business respecting an indict- ment found against the town for a deficiency of town stock. May 22, for County Register, Alanson Mellen, Esq., received thirteen votes, and Dr. Cornelius Holland, ten votes. At a meeting called for November 20, it was voted to divide the interest arising annually from the Ministerial Fund in the town of Turner among every religious sect or denomination known in law in said town ; and John Gorham, George French, Jesse Bradford, John Turner, Esq., Aaron Soule, Jonathan Phillips, and Joseph Bonney were chosen a committee to petition the Legislature for permis- sion to divide the annual interest arising from the Ministerial Fund, in the manner mentioned above. 1816. Thomas Merrill was chosen moderator, four votes being cast; Joseph Bonney, town clerk; Joseph Bonney, George French, and Aaron Soule, select- 246 HISTORY OF TURNER. men; and Joseph Bonney, treasurer. For high- ways, fifteen hundred dollars were raised, and six hundred dollars for schools, but this sum was im- mediately reduced to four hundred dollars. For town debts, two hundred dollars were raised. A committee of one in each district, was chosen to have the care of the schools. This was a return to primitive methods. The property holders held a legal meeting April i, and voted for public ofificers : — For Governor, Hon. Samuel Dexter had one hundred and fifty-one votes ; Gen. John Brooks, forty-four votes; Hon. Levi Hubbard, one vote; Hon. William Gray, one vote. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. William King received one hundred and forty-four votes ; His Honor, William Phillips, thirty-six votes. For County Treasurer, Henry Rust, Esq., receiv- ed thirty votes. For Senators for the District of Oxford and Som- erset, Hon. Levi Hubbard received one hundred and twenty-eight votes ; Levi Whitman, Esq., thirty- five votes ; and John Turner, Esq., one vote. For County Register, Alanson Mellen received forty-four votes. Five hundred dollars to be assessed in the money tax were voted for highways, to be expended by a committee chosen for the purpose. HISTORY OF TURNER. 247 The qualified voters met May 6, for the election of a Representative to the General Court, which was to convene on the last Wednesday of the month. George French, Esq., received sixty-one votes; Joseph Bonney, four votes; and Jonathan Phillips, three votes. At a meeting held September 2, to ascertain the pleasure of the town as to forming the District of Maine into a separate and independent State, the yeas were seventy-five, and the nays sixty-five. John Turner, Esq., was chosen delegate to repre- sent the town in a convention to be held in Bruns- wick on the last Monday of the month, to consider the expediency of erecting Maine into an indepen- dent State. It was voted to build a pound thirty feet square on the inside, to be made of stone capped with timber. November 4, votes were cast for Representative of the Seventh Eastern District in the Congress of the United States, with the following result : — Hon. Albion K. Parris received seventy-three votes ; Samuel A. Bradley, Esq., ten votes ; Henry Rust, Esq., eight votes ; and William Ladd, Esq., two votes. 1817 On January 13, the town consulted as to the most economic manner of supporting the poor 248 HISTORY OF TURNER. through the winter, and voted "to put up the poor at vendue." The members of a family were sepa- rated, only one person being " set up " at a time. Eight members of one family were " bid off " by as many different men to support through the win- ter, at a cost to the town varying from twenty-six cents to one dollar per week for each person. Sev- enteen persons, some of them mere children, were disposed of in this manner for the winter, and in addition, a widow was voted five cords of wood, which a man agreed to furnish at one dollar per cord. At the annual town-meeting in March, Thomas Merrill was chosen moderator; Joseph Bonney, clerk; Joseph Bonney, Jonathan Phillips, and Al- den Blossom, selectmen ; and Joseph Bonney, treas- urer. An agent for each school district was chosen ; also a school committee, consisting of three, viz.: Nathan Cole, Thatcher Blake, and Philip Bradford. Two thousand dollars were raised for highways, and three hundred for schools. The school fund was a source of perplexity, since by the act creating the fund, the interest was to be devoted annually for the support of a grammar or high school, and the town wished to use it for the sup- port of the district schools. The trustees were unwilling to expend the money in this way unless the town w^ould indemnify them for any loss they might sustain. HISTORY OF TURNER. 249 There were raised for the support of the poor and to meet other obligations, one thousand dollars. At a meeting held April 7, for the choice of pub- lic officers, votes were cast as follows : — For Governor, Gen. Henry Dearborn received one hundred and twenty-eight; His Excellency, John Brooks, twenty-six ; and Hon. William King, two. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. William King received one hundred and seventeen votes; and His Honor, William Phillips, twenty-seven votes. For Senators, John Moor, Esq., received one hundred and one votes ; and Levi Whitman, Esq., twenty-three votes. For County Treasurer, Henry Rust, Esq., had thirty-four votes. At a meeting held on May 5, for the purpose of choosing a Representative to the General Court, it was voted not to send one. At a meeting held September 8, it was voted "to set up the paupers at vendue," and they were set up at once. It was agreed that the overseers clothe the paupers, and that they who bid them off fur- nish simply their board. The price per week varied from sixteen cents to a dollar and a half, but there were only twelve this year; whether the fear of being " bid off " stimulated some to more earnest effort to support themselves, it does not appear. 250 HISTORY OF TURNER. 1818 This year Thomas Merrill was chosen modera- tor; Joseph Bonney, clerk; Joseph Bonney, John Turner, and Alden Blossom, selectmen ; and Joseph Bonney, treasurer. In addition to the usual num- ber of school agents, a school committee consisting of Cyrus Clark, Alden Blossom, and Aaron Soule, was chosen. There were two thousand dollars raised for highways, and six hundred dollars for schools. No action was taken in regard to the sup- port of the poor. At a meeting held in March, to choose a Repre- sentative to the Congress of the United States, Albion K. Parris having resigned, Enoch Lincoln, Esq., received fifty-six votes, and Hon. Judah Dana, twenty votes. At a meeting held April 6, for the election of public officers, votes were cast as follows : — For Governor, Hon. Benjamin Crowningshield, one hundred and fourteen votes ; His Excellency, John Brooks, twenty-four votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. Thomas Kitter- idge, one hundred and fourteen votes; and Hon. William Phillips, twenty-four votes. For Senators, Doctor Samuel Small, one hun- dred and fourteen votes ; Hon. Luther Cary, twen- ty-four votes ; Hon. Daniel Stowell, one vote ; and Gen. John Turner, one vote. HISTORY OF TURNER. 25 1 At a meeting held May ii, it was voted not to send a Representative to the General Court. At this meeting, it was voted not to reconsider the vote passed at the annual meeting to appropri- ate six hundred dollars for schools, showing that some were unwilling to pay so large a sum for that purpose. It was voted that " the paupers be sold at vendue for one year," and that they who bid them off keep them comfortably clothed. The bids ranged from nothing up to forty-nine cents a week, and the number sold was only eight. Ap- parently this method of supporting the poor had a wonderful effect in arousing their ambition to pro- vide for themselves. April 6, votes were cast for County Treasurer. Henry Rust, Esq., had forty-two. On November 2, votes were cast for Representa- tive to Congress for the Seventh Eastern District, as follows : — For Enoch Lincoln, Esq., fifty-one votes; for Samuel A. Bradley, Esq., one vote ;^ and Hon. Judah Dana, one vote. At this meeting, a road was accepted leading to the residence of John Swett Jr.; and another "near Nathan Cole's Tuttle House"; and still another, from Jabez T. Merrill's to the great river. 252 HISTORY OF TURNER. 1819 At the annual meeting, John Turner, Esq., was chosen moderator; Joseph Bonney, clerk; John Turner, Alden Blossom, and Aaron Soule, select- men ; and Joseph Bonney, treasurer. Thomas Merrill, Philip Bradford, and Joseph Bonney were chosen a school committee, who were instructed to establish a grammar school in such place, or places, as in their judgment would be for the best interest of the town, to be supported by the school fund so far as it would go. But this was a step in advance of public opinion, and the vote to establish a grammar school was reconsidered at an adjourned meeting. For the support of schools, six hundred dollars were raised ; seventeen hun- dred dollars for highways, to be expended in the usual manner, and five hundred dollars to be expended under the direction of a special commit- tee ; and six hundred dollars for support of the poor and other purposes. There were only six persons to be supported by the town, and they were " bid off " as in previous years, the cost of keeping each one per week varying from nothing up to one dollar and seventy cents. At a meeting held April 5, votes were cast for public officers, as follows : — HISTORY OF TURNER. 253 For Governor, Hon. Benjamin Crowningshield, one hundred and thirty-two votes ; for His Excel- lency, John Brooks, twenty-six votes. For Lieutenant-Governor, Hon. Benjamin Aus- tin, one hundred and thirty-two votes; for His Honor, William Phillips, twenty-six votes. For Senators, Hon. John Moore, one hundred and thirty-two votes ; for Hon. Peleg Wadsworth, twenty-six votes. For County Treasurer, Henry Rust, Esq., one hundred and eight votes. At a meeting held the third day of May, to choose a Representative to the General Court, Doctor Philip Bradford received forty-seven votes ; Joseph Bonney, thirty-six votes ; John Turner, Esq., five votes ; and Cyrus Clark, three votes. At this meeting, it was voted to raise an addi- tional sum of five hundred dollars to be expended on the highways under a special committee, and to build a bridge over the Twenty Mile River, under the direction of Alden Blossom, Thatcher Blake, and Jesse Bradford. Voted to discontinue the road between the land of Isaac Leavitt and Warren Richmond to the great river; also the road from Amasa Tribou's dwelling-house toward Pond Brook; and also the road from Blunt Nose, so called, toward Lumbard's Bridge. 254 HISTORY OF TURNER. On the sixth day of July, the town voted on the following question : " Is it expedient that the Dis- trict of Maine become a separate and independent State, upon the terms and conditions provided in an act passed by the General Court for that pur- pose ? " The number of votes in favor of erecting Maine into an independent State were one hundred and fifty-one ; opposed to it, fifteen. At a meeting held September 20, called to choose delegates to attend a convention of dele- gates to be held in Portland on the second Monday in October, to form a constitution and frame of government for the new State, Gen. John Turner and Doctor Philip Bradford were chosen. This convention having accomplished its work, a meeting was called for December 6, that the town might express its approbation or disapprobation of the proposed constitution. Eighty-eight votes were cast in favor of it. It seems that the town had some difficulty with Southworth Washburn for work done on the road, and for building a bridge near his house, for at a meeting called for the purpose, the selectmen were authorized to settle with him, if they could, on terms satisfactory to themselves, " otherwise said Washburn may seek his own remedy." HISTORY OF TURNER. 255 1820 Gen. John Turner was chosen moderator of the annual meeting ; Joseph Bonney was chosen clerk ; Joseph Bonney, Asa Bradford, and Philip Bradford, selectmen ; and Joseph Bonney, treasurer. Nathan Cole, William K. Porter, and John Blake, were chosen school committee. There were raised for schools, six hundred dollars ; fifteen hundred dol- lars for highways, and two hundred dollars for highways, to be expended under the direction of a special committee. At a meeting held the third day of April, votes were cast as follows : — For Governor, Hon. William King, one hundred and forty. For Senators, Hon. Samuel Small, one hundred and forty-five; James W. Ripley, Esq., one hundred and forty-five. For Representative to the Legislature, Gen. John Turner, one hundred and twelve ; Col. Cyrus Clark, fifty-two; Joseph Bonney, eight. For County Treasurer, Alanson Mellen received thirty votes. At this meeting, it was voted to refer the matter in dispute between the town and Southworth Wash- burn, respecting the bridge and road near his mills, to referees for settlement. His mills are now known as Chase's Mills. 256 HISTORY OF TURNER. At a meeting held May i, it was voted that " the poor be sold at vendue "; that those who " bid them off must keep them comfortably clothed and fed, and send the children to the town school, and pay all expenses except doctor's bills"; but were to have the benefit of their labor. The number bid off was four only, at a price ranging from seventeen cents to forty cents per week. In addition to this, the town agreed to pay Abijah Gorham twenty- eight dollars to furnish Jotham Briggs, wife, and two children, house room for a year, and seventeen cords of wood. The town also voted to pay Jotham Briggs fifty cents per week, and furnish him fifteen pounds of flax and wool. For support of poor and town debts, nine hundred dollars were raised. On November 6, the town voted as follows : — For Electors at Large, Gen. Joshua Wingate, ten votes ; William Moody, Esq., ten votes. For Elector of the Seventh Congressional Dis- trict, Gen Levi Hubbard, nine votes. For Representative to Congress, Enoch Lincoln, Esq., ten votes. 1821 At the annual meeting Thomas Merrill was chosen moderator ; Joseph Bonney, clerk ; Joseph Bonney, Asa Bradford, and Aaron Soule, selectmen ; and Joseph Bonney, treasurer. The selectmen HISTORY OF TURNER. 257 were chosen the school committee, and an agent was chosen for each of the fourteen school districts. Voted three thousand dollars for highways, and four hundred dollars for schools, which was after- ward increased to five hundred dollars ; and five hundred and fifty dollars for support of the poor, and to pay town charges. September lo, a meeting was held for the elec- tion of State and county officers. For Governor, Albion K. Parris received one hun- dred and fifty-four votes; Ezekiel Whitman, eighteen votes ; Gen. Joshua Wingate, ten votes ; and Mark L. Hill, one vote. For Senators, Gen. James W. Ripley received eighty-one votes ; Cornelius Holland, eighty-one votes ; Gen. James Steele, seventy-two votes ; George French, seventy-two votes ; Joseph Bonney, one vote ; and Thomas Merrill, one vote. For Representative, Joseph Bonney received sev- enty-nine votes ; Cyrus Clark, fifty-nine votes ; and Nathan Cole, one vote. The selectmen, treasurer, and town clerk held several meetings during the fall and early winter, at which David Talbot and Alden Blossom, were licensed as innholders for one year; and Cyrus Clark, William Parris, Alden Blossom, and Isaac Chase were licensed to " retail strong liquors until the first Monday of September next." 18 258 HISTORY OF TURNER. 1822 Thomas Merrill, Esq., was chosen moderator; Joseph Bonney, town clerk ; Thomas Merrill, John Blake, and Philip Bradford, selectmen ; and Joseph •Bonney, treasurer. Rev. Allen Greely, Dr. Luther Gary, and William K. Porter, Esq., were chosen school committee. " Voted to indemnify the trus- tees of the school fund from harm in consequence of a part of the interest of said fund being expended in a common English school." Three thousand dollars were raised for highways, five hundred for support of schools, and five hundred for the sup- port of the poor, and for other town charges. It was voted that Elisha Sylvester and wife, paupers, be removed to Scituate, Massachusetts, at the expense of the town, and that " the other pau- pers be set up at vendue." Two families and one person were provided for in this manner, the single person being kept for fifteen cents a week. The selectmen, treasurer, and town clerk licensed Cyrus Clark, William Harris, Alden Blossom, and Isaac Chase to sell strong liquors one year, and Alden Blossom and David Talbot to be innholders for the same time. At a meeting held in September, fifteen hundred dollars were raised for highways. The town owned no building in which to hold the annual meetings, and a proposition to buy the school-house near Sylvester Jones's for that purpose was rejected. It has been thought best not to continue the Annals any further. THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. This occurred at the village, July 7, 1886, one hundred years from the date of the Act of Incorporation passed by the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts, erecting the plantation of Sylves- ter-Canada into the town of Turner. The day was favorable, and large numbers of former residents, and of people from the adjacent towns were present. Two large tents were procured, each two hundred feet long and fifty feet wide, one for the celebration proper, and the other for the dinner. The com- mittee of arrangements, chosen at the town-meeting in the preceding March, consisted of Hon. Rufus Prince, Maj. H. C^ Haskell, Rackley D. Leavitt, Henry Turner, Elias Keene, and Dr. John T. Cushing. THE PROCESSION. It was about a mile long, and was half an hour in passing a given point. The tableaux of every day scenes of a century ago, the representations of the costumes and customs of the settlers of Turner, the historical allegories and quaint reminders of long ago, made it a most gratifying and instructive panorama. It was headed by the Norway Band, twenty-four pieces. The. Chief Marshal was Maj. H. C. Haskell, and his aids were Capt. Aubrey Leavitt and Capt. J. E. Ash. The Marshal of the second division was Henry Turner, and his aids, Henry Bon- ney and L. E. Merrill. The first division was the marching division ; the second and most diverting, was the costumed historical show on wheels. Wilson Post, G. A. R., thirty-two men, had the right of the line. Four carriages followed, containing the President of the day, Hon. Rufus Prince, the orators and invited guests. The- 26o HISTORY OF TURNER. next organization was Nezinscot Lodge of Free Masons, thirty- two men. Teagues Hill Lodge of Good Templars, twenty-three persons, rode in a decorated hay-rack. Turner Grange made a grand display. The chief officer rode in a handsome barouche. Seven more nice teams conveyed the officers and members, each officer carrying a banner with an evergreen inscription. An Ancient Drum and Fife Corps played for the second division. This drum corps was one of the inspiring features of the parade. Round after round of applause broke out as these gray-haired grandsires marched by, with heads erect, playing lustily. The snare drummers were Amasa Johnson of Auburn, aged sixty-six years, S. H. Keene of Hebron, aged sixty-two. Fifer, Nathaniel Keene of Poland, aged seventy-two years next August. He was fifer for Co. K in the late rebellion. He and Mr. Johnson were both in the Madawaska war. Mr. Johnson played a drum that was made in 1786. These old men merrily beating and piping ''The girl I left behind me," formed an unwonted spectacle. Going to Church in 1786. This scene was pictured by Mr. J. H. Conant and Mrs. Mary Parsons, who rode in the first wagon brought into the town of Turner. They were dressed in the steeple hat, sun-bonnet, and other clothing of a hundred years ago, and made a laughable tableau. Shingle Makers. On a cart rode several men, shaving shingles, portraying an early industry of Turner. Early Settlers. An old-fashioned family on an ox-cart represented the Keene family moving into Turner in 1777. Goddess of Liberty. Mrs. Stella Brown of North Turner, in an appropriate costume, rode in a triumphal car and depicted the Goddess of Liberty. The Choir. This was one of the most elaborate and pleas- ing parts of the show. In a hay-rack were the old fiddlers and singers, costumed from Turner's attics. Horace True, in a tall white hat, was the conductor; Maurice Gary and Welcome HISTORY OF TURNER. 26 1 Beals, fiddlers ; Jairus Gary and Albert E. Bradford, bass viol ; Mrs. J. P. Waterman, Mrs. H. A. Hildreth, Mrs. A. K. Bickford, Mrs. C. J. Fish, sang the air; Mrs. S. I. Decoster and Mrs. Leonard P. Bradford, counter ; Mr. Lewis P. Bradford and Rev. A. N. Jones, tenor ; Mr. J. P. Waterman and Mr. D. J. Briggs, bass. Robert Sutton was driver. The choir played and sung old tunes as they proceeded ; but, alas ! their hay-rack broke down before they had gone far. The bass viol played by A. E. Bradford, was the one which his grandfather, William Brad- ford, used to play in church, and is understood to be the one first brought into town. Chair Factory. This North Turner industry was repre- sented by a crew of men on a car, making wicker chairs. Canning Factory. Another North Turner Industry was shown by a crew making tin cans, with their machinery, on a cart. The Four Seasons. North Turner also contributed this carriage to the parade, and it was one of the prettiest. Four young ladies were dressed as the seasons. Spring had flowers, Summer was in the garb of the zephyr. Autumn bore sheaves and a sickle and fruit, Winter, rather hard on her, was done up in a fur-trimmed cloak and hat. The Most Remarkable Turnout was a carriage conveying the four children of Caleb House, the first settler of North Turner, three old gentleman and one old lady, aged eighty-eight, eighty-six, eighty-three, and seventy-eight years, respectively. One of them said, '* There is another one seventy-six years old, but he could not come." Is it not remarkable that the children of the first settler should survive to celebrate the centennial. Going to the Parson's. This idea was carried out by a blushing young couple in a very old chaise. They wore clothes a century old. The couple were Mr. A. F. Pratt, and Miss M. O. Hooper. 262 HISTORY OF TURNER. Pioneer Evening Scene. This was a felicitous conception well consummated. A large, long cabin, with open doors and windows, was mounted on trucks. In the interior you saw the father shelling corn into a tub, the mother knitting, and the children occupied with their stints. The corn-sheller was Charles Bonney, of the North Parish. Going to a Party ; Old and New. A company of men and women on horseback, in continental costumes, was the " old " ; a modern team the " new." The costumes were very nice. A Relic of ancient Turner was carried in the next tableau. A rough log-house was set up and in front of it was nailed a weather-beaten sign, barely legible, nearly one hundred years old, reading "John Keen, Tavern, 1792." Redskins. The Indians were a department of the show that edified the children exceedingly. Ten braves and squaws with painted faces, feathers, and all the trappings of the typical wild Indians, rode horse-back, and flourished tomahawks. Chair Bottomers. The old way of bottoming chairs was shown in this carriage. The One-Hoss Shay. A model of Dr. Holmes' immortal- ized vehicle was put in by Mrs. A. R. Cary of South Turner. The First Settler. Another log-cabin on wheels, inhabited by pioneers with their guns and powder-horns, was a tribute to the men who moved to Sylvester-Canada (now Turner), when it was a wilderness. W. C. Whitman and S. Adkins were the pioneers. Ancient Weaving. In a car imitating an olden kitchen, Mrs. Calvin McKinney rode, plying her loom busily. The old loom was a novelty to many observers. The Bridal Party was a spectacle worthy of the most bril- liant carnival. It was a realistic picture of a bride and groom coming to town with a mounted escort, one hundred years ago. The whole party of five wore elegant velvet and silk costumes HISTORY OF TURNER. 263 of the Revolution, and rode handsome horses. Mr. Harry A. Bearce was disguised as the bride, and Mr. Frank E. Bray was the groom. Them Steers. Solon Chase was the lion of the day. He drove a beautiful pair of black steers, hauling a hay-rack full of children, who carried a banner reading, "We drive them steers." The crowd cheered and applauded Solon, and many rushed into the road to shake his hand. Solon was quite in his element. Revolutionary Relics. The representatives of Snell's Hill rode in another old kitchen scene. On the front of the car, Caleb Snell, in full war paint, brandished a rifle, captured by his father in the Revolutionary war. A Revolutionary fife and drum were played by a pair of performers, while women in Revolutionary gowns churned Revolutionary churns, and revolved Revolutionary spinning-wheels. An Indian Wigwam. There was no more faithful tableau than this, done by Mr. George Staples and his family. They were dressed and painted as Indians, and had a birch canoe, bows, arrows, and all the Indian fixings. A pretty little girl, who passed as their captive, elicited the admiration of the spectators. The Schools. Every school district in the town sent its hay-rack or large load of children to the parade, and their shining faces enlivened it, and made the show seem to enjoy itself full as much as other folks enjoyed it. Their carriages were trimmed with leaves and evergreen, and they were dressed in their best. The boys of one school, who rode in a boat, wore blue sailor suits. In another school, the girls wore little white bonnets, and the boys straw hats with red bands all alike. The Village Grammar School boys wore white jockey caps, with " V. G." on them. District No. 7 rode in a great black shoe. A Unique Device closed the procession. It was dedicated to ** Our Prodigals." A beautiful young lady carried a welcom- 264 HISTORY OF TURNER. ing banner in advance. A butcher and a fatted calf rode in a cart, the butcher sharpening his knife. The cart was inscribed " Our Prodigals have returned." Daniel C. Stevens and James F. Ridley were butcher and driver. The above description of the procession is taken from the Lewiston yournal^ mostly, the enterprising publishers of which made full and elaborate reports of the celebration. The order of exercises in the great tent was as follows : — Centennial March, by Norway Band. Prayer by Rev. E. Martin, late Presiding Elder, Lewiston District. Singing, by chorus of one hundred voices, Albert E. Brad- ford, conductor. Address of Welcome, by Dr. J. T. Gushing. Historical Address, by Rev. W. R. French, d.d. Singing. Poem, by Mrs. Caroline W. D. Rich of Auburn, granddaughter of one of the first settlers in Turner. Dinner, in a large tent on the grounds. Address, by Hon. Washington Gilbert of Bath. Music. Address, by Hon. George A. Wilson of South Paris. Music. Short Speeches, by residents and former citizens of Turner. Singing. Music by the Band. DR. One hundred years ago the seventh day of last month, a bill incorporating the town of Turner passed one branch of the Legislature of Massachusetts, and received the signature of the Speaker of the House, Artemas Ward. Just one month later it passed the Senate, and was signed by the Governor, James Bowdoin. I hold in my hand a copy of the original bill as it HISTORY OF TURNER. 265 passed the Legislature of Massachusetts, making this wide domain about us a town. One hundred years are past. We meet today to celebrate the event. Our first word is a word of welcome. We, whose privilege it is to remain within these borders, have anticipated this day and this happy reunion, and have prepared to celebrate it. We welcome all, — fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, friends. We welcome here the descendants of that band whose sturdy arms here felled the giant oak and beech of the primeval forest, and built Christian homes where Indian camp-fires had smoked, and savage beasts reared their young. We welcome the descendants of those coming later, who brought encouragement and hope to the scattered settlers. We welcome the venerable men and women who shared in those early labors, privations, and victories, the fruit of whose toils can be seen throughout the length and breadth of this prosperous and wealthy town. We welcome all the sons and daughters of this town who have come to us from far and near ; from the Pacific slope and the boundless prairies of the West, the Atlantic shores and the sunny groves of the South. Welcome to every citizen and resident of early or later years, to our hospitality and good cheer. One hundred years ago, the conditions of life in the world abroad were as different from those that exist today as we can well imagine. The country had but recently emerged from a long and bloody conflict with England, in which the stupidity and arrogance of George III. had been pitted against the patriotism and bravery of the American colonies, with Massa- chusetts, of which this town was a part, in the van. The States, with their resources crippled and burdened with a heavy debt, were still struggling under the imperfect pro- visions of the Articles of Confederation. It was nearly two years after the incorporation of this town that that wonderful charter of American rights and freedom, the Constitution of the United States, was adopted, and that 266 HISTORY OF TURNER. government of the people, for the people, and by the people, under which we have lived so prosperously and securely, was safely inaugurated. Previous to this time, George Washing- ton had resigned his commission as Commander-in-Chief of the army, and was now a private citizen. Perhaps the thought of being President of the United States, or of there ever being a President, had never entered his mind. Oh ! the events of a hundred years. History fails to record them half! But our fathers builded better than they knew. They gave us a govern- ment which maintains peace amid change and progress without revolution. While the settlers here were trying the experiment of self-government in that glorious New England institution, the town-meeting, the horrors of the French Revolution were being enacted, and the reign of terror was chilling the blood of the civilized world. A few years later, when England hurled her second menace across the ocean, and the young republic rose to arms to defend her dear bought rights and privileges, our native town was not behind her neighbors in sending her sons to the front, and so it has been throughout the century. The men of Turner have been found in the front at every call of duty. As we sit here today, we can recall the stirring scenes which transpired all over the North twenty-five years ago. We can recall the excitement that was caused when the news was flashed along the line that Fort Sumter had fallen. We can remember how eagerly and yet how thoughtfully we read Presi- dent's Lincoln's proclamation, calling for seventy-five thousand volunteers. At this call, our hitherto peaceful and industrious people began to enroll themselves as soldiers of the republic, realizing that only at the point of the bayonet could the Union be preserved, bringing to the altar of their country, that most precious of all gifts, their heart's blood. But the treason was not crushed by that insignificant army. And so the call went forth for five hundred thousand additional troops, and our old men, our young men, our middle aged men, HISTORY OF TURNER. 267 rose in their might, determined to defeat and drive back the mighty hosts that threatened to destroy the constitution, crush liberty, and take the life of the nation itself. In face of this threatened danger, old party lines gave way ; the people, with- out regard to political faith, rallied to the defence of the old flag. But the rebellion continued to gain strength, and Mr. Lin- coln's call again rang throughout the land, ** Send me three hundred thousand volunteers." The patriotic men of the North did not falter ; they started for the front, shouting with united voice, " We are coming. Father Abraham, three hundred thou- sand more." And thus the great North kept filling up the ranks of the army, as they were thinned by disease and rebel bullets, until, at last, treason went down, and the Union was saved. The flags floating from our hillsides on each Memorial Day bear sorrowful witness to the bravery and the patriotism of the men of this town who willingly offered up their lives. " Brave boys were they, Gone at their country's call, And yet, and yet, we cannot forget, That many brave boys must fall." That the incorporators of this town were men of sterling worth and advanced ideas in morals and education, no one to-day can doubt. The results of their wisdom and foresight have been that our churches have been prosperous, and our schools have been the pride of the whole community. We have to thank the fathers for much in this respect, and to blame them for little. But we are gathered here not only to look backward, but also to look forward. We are here not to close up anything. Noth- ing ends to-day but a century of time. The political and social questions of the present are for our solving, as those of a hundred years ago, were for our fathers. As we gather to-day 268 HISTORY OF TURNER. to talk over the past of our town, let us not forget her present and future work. The privations and hardships may be past, but our duties as citizens lie straight on before us, to keep our town in the peaceful and prosperous way of the past, to see that we remain an honorable and law-abiding community, remembering that " Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Once more, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, friends, we bid you a cordial and hearty welcome. The Historical Address is omitted, as the facts and items of interest contained in it may be found in the history of the town. turner's centennial.* History ever interweaveth In her checkered web of fate, Silken meshes of sweet living, Threads that gleam and undulate All along the shadowy cycle. Twining 'round dear names of old, Like a coronet of jewels, Strung upon a thread of gold. People of the past are thronging All about me, as I write ; They are gathering in the evening. In the rosy, morning light They come, through the mists and shadows. Stalwart men and maidens fair, Side by side, with heads of silver. Mingling, thronging, here and there. * By Mrs. Caroline W. D. Rich, daughter of Mrs. Anna Leavitt Stockbridge, who was the daughter of Joseph Leavitt, pioneer of Turner, Copyrighted. HISTORY OF TURNER. 269 Now they tarry for a moment, Now are vanishing again, As, sometimes, the shadows linger, Over fields of golden grain. • How their griefs and woes are mellowed ! And their loves, so true and strong. Fragrant as the faded rose leaves, Hallowed as the matin song ! A century now closes, Since this town had its birth ; And still the Androscoggin flows, With plenty teems the earth. The wild bird sings his love-song. The seasons come and go. And, over rocky hill-sides, The lingering brooks still flow. The years are full of promise ; The sunshine and the rain, The winter snows, the springtime dews, Have never been in vain. Aye, backward roll historic wheels. And let us see again. The old-time men and women, As they were living, then. It is a simple story, Yet it is grand and true; No myth, or idle fancy, Through history's glass we view. Our fathers felled the forests On hills and valleys fair ; They braved the cruel Indian, 270 HISTORY OF TURNER. The wild beast in his lair. The solitude of ages Gave place to busy toil, And men of good old English blood, Were tillers of the soil. They peopled these rough hillsides, They dwelt beside the streams, They planned for future ages, They dreamed their daring dreams. Not the most skillful limner. Could paint those early years ; The heavy burdens of the day, The nights of ceaseless fears. When mothers held their babies So closely to their breast, As ** dire alarm or tragic fear," Prevented restful rest. O, those were days of patience, When men and women brave. Were noble and heroic, Dear liberty to save. They came from homes of plenty, One hundred years agone, Through forests by a '''- spotted line ^^ Those men and women strong. Strong in their love of country, Strong in their trust in God, And strong in hope of future Fruition and reward. The wild beasts howled about them. Strange terrors oft would creep HISTORY OF TURNER. 27 1 Into their slumbering fancy, And nightly revels keep. These primal, dense, dark forests, Were Indian hunting ground ; And here the Abenakis, A powerful tribe, was found. Near by the Androscoggin, Their wigwams stood in line ; O'erhung by pine and hemlocks, And graceful wild woodbine. One old, ancestral legend, You '11 pardon, if I tell, The pioneer — young Leavitt — * The man whom it befell, Had built a house of timbers, Plastered the cracks with clay, A fire-place of unhewn stone, With his strong arms he lay ; And then in cob-house fashion. The chimney carried out, With sticks, well chinked with mud or clay, ('T was a fine house, no doubt.) A bar of hammered iron. Served for a rustic crane, The hooks were of witch-hazel, (I trust I make it plain.) Then, like a frontier hunter. He hung the pot, to cook The venison from the forest, Or fish from out the brook. He left his kettle boiling, When he went out one morn, But when he came for dinner, Kettle and fish were gone ! 72 HISTORY OF TURNER. With yankee wit and shrewdness, Young Leavitt, with his gun, Went out to find a red man, And have a little fun. He met an Indian Sachem, And put him to the test, Explaining the witch-hazel, To carry out his jest. Told how the white man used it, To find perennial springs ; With it he found out secrets. And petty pilferings ! And his trick worked like magic. When he came home that night, The pot was hanging on his crane, His household goods all right. The women of those early days, Were busy as the men ; For homespun clothes and coverlids, Were all the fashion then. The great wheel in a corner. With snowy heap of rolls. Was turned by fair young maiden, Before the glowing coals ; For, smoother and much finer, The fleecy wool would run. If standing near an open fire. Or in the summer sun. The carding and the spinning Of wool, and tow, and flax, Kept all the household busy, While menfolk used the axe. HISTORY OF TURNER. 273 The little wheel we covet To decorate our halls, Our grand-dames kept a-buzzing, Within their humble walls. Full many a fine spun kerchief, Of whitest, softest flax, Has helped the rustic farmer To pay his Sunday tax. Heirlooms of precious treasure, We keep them all today, The work of loving fingers, That long since passed away. The loom, so tall and clumsy, The treadle, and the beam, The warping bars, and harness, The shuttle, with its gleam, As flying back and forward, With deftest toss, it went. Were, in themselves a poem. In homes of sweet content. The new mown hay, so fragrant. From rafters, down to bay, Filled all the air with odors. While girls and boys, so gay. With peal on peal of laughter, And milk-pails on their arm, Came from the yard at milking-time. Such was life on the farm. Upon the highest hillside. They built the house of prayer, With pulpit like a telescope, And narrow, winding stair. 19 274 HISTORY OF TURNER. From seventeen hundred seventy-seven, Till seventeen eighty-one, Good Parson Strickland preached and prayed, And with a nasal twang, The deacon, deaconed out the hymn, And then the singers sang. Then General Court sent them Priest Turner ; He came from old Scituate ; He wore a wig, and cocked hat, Was courtly, and learned, sedate — Just a trifle too proud, it may be, Too liberal in creed about fate, Knew WHISKEY from old Souchong tea. And drove through his parish in state. A legend illustrates his manners, When meeting a bear to the face. His polish was too much for bruin, His courtliness made him feel small, And so, with his grizzly head drooping. Bruin turned and jumped over the wall. Parson Greely, I think, was the next ; The meeting-house now had come down, And stood on the side of the hill. Half way between high and low town. The parson was learned and wise. His sermons were wordy and long. The deacons could sleep with closed eyes, And sometimes they snored loud and strong. The young-folk, in pews like a box, Could whisper and laugh on the sly, While at noontime they staid in the porch, And ate bread and cheese and mince pie. HISTORY OF TURNER. 275 There were huskings, and raisings, and choppings, And apple-bees, summer and fall ; There were singing-schools, kept in the winter, And spelling-schools, better than all. For then they chose sides, and did battle, Hurling mighty words, each at the other, And the victor went sleigh-riding home. With some other girl's handsome brother. Besides the ministers I mention, It is my duty, and intention, To speak of those whose names you cherish, For there are names that ne'er will perish. Of military men, this town Had a good share, and some renown ; For General Wadsworth, known to fame, Once on a time, to Turner came ; And as we reckon pedigree — His grandson — Longfellow — you see, A scion of the Wadsworth line, Belongs to Turner — and in fine. Might have been born in this old town, Had General Peleg settled down. And Joseph Leavitt,* histories tell. To save old Boston, fought right well. Turner, and Putnam, and Sawtelle, Blake, Allen, Merrill, and Wardwell, And others, heard their country's call. But time would fail, did I name all. • Joseph Leavitt wa« a yolanteer In 1775, In the original three months' army, to defend old Boston. 276 HISTORY OF TURNER. Your men of letters, with high aim, Have a good record, some have fame. Your journalist of earlier days, Was Seba Smith, who won much praise ; The busy world would pause to read "Jack Downing," and forget its greed. As humorist, he led the van ; Others have followed his quaint plan ; Artemas, Twain, and Partington, Are scarcely peers of Turner's son. Of royalty you well may glory. Princes % you have, but not a tory. One Governor this town has had — Ah, no ! I have a note, You lost that honor, I believe, By just one single vote. A wealthy man — Bradford by name — Heard the tin horn, and homeward came. The day was hot, and so in joke. Upon a stake he flung his coat. And to his men he said, " You '11 see What a fine scare-crow this will be." There was another man, you know, Joe House his name — called Uncle Joe. He had keen wit, and waggish tongue ; He drank " New England " just for fun. He was a ne'er do well to boot. Was often crazy as a coot ; His pranks would make the sternest smile, X Turner has always had men of the name, who have held posts of honor. HISTORY OF TURNER. 277 And even a scare-crow did beguile To swap the coat that Bradford left ; " Swapping," he said, *' could not be theft." Passing that way, he saw quite plain, A scare-crow with a coat. In vain His challenge for a "swap." No word. Indeed the scare-crow never stirred. At length, said Joe, ** It seems quite plain, That all my talking is in vain. Silence means yes, we '11 change at once, I can't spend words on such a dunce." The better coat, Joe wore away. And Bradford went without that day. As glancing over history's track. The lapsing years are ranged, Hardships are scarcely recognized ; Change hastens after change. They come ! they go ! from first to last. Men of good blood and brain. Our fathers left their sons to fight Life's battles o'er again. With eagle's quill is written here In golden characters, so clear That truth oft sung, and often told, ** Good deeds can never die," Crushed truth, again will rise ; Forever pointing to the sky, Forever a surprise. 278 HISTORY OF TURNER. • Out of the pain, the toil, God makes Every tomorrow bright. Out of truth vanquished, still he gives Strength for a stronger fight. My rhymes have lingered in the past, But, looking forward, themes more vast, Arrest my thought ; and urge my pen, To speak a word for future men. These rocky hills a century hence may see, The smoking engine, like a burning tree, Go through these valleys, with an echoing shriek. It may be, then, across the land you '11 speak, To transatlantic friends, as you today Speak to your neighbor, living o'er the way. Across the seas, a tube may then be thrown, Through which a novel carriage will be blown, By compressed atmosphere, on some new plan. Perchance invented by a Turner man. Down the shadowy, unknown future. Thronging generations go ; Time's dull bell is ringing, ringing, Time's strong wheel turns sure, yet slow ! As the moments, swiftly passing, Noiseless come, and noiseless go, Like the arrow, which the bow-string HISTORY OF TURNER. 279 Speeds from tensely bended bow On, and on, till a new century, Has its mystic cycle run ; Then, perchance, another poet. With more gifted pen than mine, Will rehearse the new — old story ^ Of the days of " Auld Lang Syne." HON. WASHINGTON GILBERT'S ADDRESS. All communities, whether great or small, have their epochs. We compute long periods of time by centuries. And it is at this joyous season, when nature is in her most gorgeous splen- dor, when the landscape charms the eye with visions of beauty and fills the heart with glad and beneficent emotions, when the harvests of the year are beginning to ripen into fruition in reward of labors worthily bestowed, that we are assembled to commemorate the birth of an infant municipality and to cele- brate the achievements of its first hundred years. These thoughts gf necessity bring to our minds the memory of the early inhabitants of the town, who, with strong arms and stouter hearts, came to hew out homes from the depths of the wilderness, and cheerfully encountered the privations and the terrors of wilderness life in pursuit of competence and indepen- dence, and to attain to thrift by steady and frugal industry. The homage of the heart is willingly rendered to their courage and constancy, to their manly and womanly virtues. To con- sider their early deeds in their true light, and award them the full honors due to their merits, we must view them as separating themselves from paternal homes, from the embrace and sympathy of friends, and the society of peaceful communities, to enter upon the labors of a lifetime in the face of a frowning forest reluctant to submit to the conquest of man ; without roads, without churches, without school-houses, without mills, without barns, without habitations of much comfort, largely without resources 28o HISTORY OF TURNER. outside of themselves, without most things except their own strong arms and a brave and steadfast hope, these were the men and these the heaven-blessed women who planted organ- ized society in the solitude, which, until they came, had pos- sessed the hills and vales of Sylvester-Canada; established religion and social order, invested the forest with the charms of civilized life, and made an abode of peace, plenty, and happi- ness, where the solitary grandeur of nature unvexed by man had hitherto dwelt. How well these brave and manly spirits did their work the chronicles of the epoch, which we now cel- ebrate, declare. That they made war upon the forest and builded habitations for man and shelter for beasts is but small praise. These were but the efforts of necessity. They did more, immeasurably more, when they built mills, opened roads, established ferries, founded schools, and planted their relig- ious establishment on the solid foundations of the civil and ecclesiastical polity of the times. The parent colony, which, beside its lands and wealth of wilderness, had little else to bestow upon her swarming children, took good care to provide ample measures for the advancement of the great cause on which they had erected their edifice of society, and not less care to demand the full performance of ecclesiastical duty. And when we consider the many difficulties of their situation, and the many exactions upon the time and slender resources of pioneers planting society beyond the outmost verge of civiliza- tion, we can easily pardon them if our ancestors were for a time slow in the structure of their religious institution. Con- sidering all things, we may fairly conclude they were not reluc- tant in spirit, and that whatever there was of retardation was the work of necessity, not of will. They performed to the best of their power, and the names of Strickland and Turner, religious teachers of the early times, were long familiar in the speech of the people after those apostles had gone to the reward of their labors. The sturdy liberty pole of revolutionary \ \ HISTORY OF TURNER. 28 1 sires, and the old meeting-house of the grandfathers, long after a more ambitious place of worship had arisen, survived in cor- dial association, as relics of primitive times and memorials of the religious and patriotic spirit of the youthful period of the town. Thus they laid broad and deep the foundations of civil and social order and of religious observance. These dwellers of the forest proceeded securely and builded slowly the humble edifice of their newly born society, and with joy, as the years rolled on, beheld it gradually developing in symmetry and strength into one of the vast fraternity of towns of which the republic is made. The original inhabitants of the town were descendants of the Puritan stock. Some of them had migrated from the shadow of Plymouth Rock. With them the love of civil and religious liberty was inborn. From their ancestors they had inherited deep and decided convictions and determined and steady pur- pose. Of these traits were born in them steadfast principles and the faculty of rigorous adherence to whatever was deemed to be of the obligations of duty. It is not necessary to assert that the Puritan was always right, or that his convictions, how- ever intense, were always the offspring of enlightened intelli- gence. In fact it was but a result in logical order and sequence that the very intensity of his convictions and the severe concentration of thought and will upon his favorite theme tended to make him narrow-minded, and to plant in his mind prejudices not well founded. Yet it was his aim always to follow truth and duty as his guides ; and if for want of light his principles at any time failed to lead him, his prejudices were equal to all emergencies and adequate to all needed ser- vice. To say the whole truth, his prejudices were as dear to him as his principles, and not wholly without reason, since they were by times of equal service to him. For his prejudices grew out of his honest and steadfast principles, and he knew not how to analyze and separate the one from the other ; in fact, he was 282 HISTORY OF TURNER. delightfully unconscious of the existence of the one, and, of consequence, knew no distinction between the one and the other. And yet, it is but just to say of this historic body of men that if this was a fault in them, their descendants are not entire strangers to the same frailty ; and while we sit here to pass judgment upon them, and to commemorate their immortal achievements in the cause of human progress, we must meekly confess that we, descendants of Puritans, are not likely to go far astray for want of prejudices sturdy and potent. It was these inherited qualities of mind and heart which gave to the early inhabitants of Turner and their early descend- ants their character and their manner of life. A frugal industry marked their ways. Hence, they were enabled to subdue an unbroken forest, to overcome the difficulties of frontier life, where everything was to be created by labor out of the natural resources of the country, and through privations and hardship to attain to general thrift and competence. Their frugality descended to minute things. Children were taught that it was sinful to suffer a kernel of corn to be wasted. The pipe was lighted by a coal from the hearth, or by a blazing sliver first lighted at the open fire. The burning coals were preserved on the hearth over night to rekindle the fire on the following morn- ing. No expense of match or tinder box vexed the finances of the family until competence had been reached. Such was the diligent care of the elders. Pity it is that we have forgotten so many of these simple, frugal ways ; when the coming generation have never learned " to rake up a fire," when, indeed, the life- giving light upon the hearth has gone out ; when the turkey no longer gets the scattered kernel reclaimed with pains, or the pig the apple core ; when the simple pipe is discarded, and the devotee of the exhilarating herb, who, perhaps, never knew the joyous boon of labor for subsistence, strikes two or three, or perchance half a dozen matches to light his perfumed cigar, and recklessly casts the blazing stumps in the place of danger. No, HISTORY OF TURNER. 283 my friend of the new generation, if you must smoke return to the simple pipe of pure tobacco ; if you can't bring yourself to that, and will smoke, light your unmedicated, unperfumed cigar with a single match, and carefully dispose the burning stump in the ancestral manner. But smoke not. Save the scattered kernels and the single apple core. Then you can put the ances- tral fire upon your hearth and learn to " rake up " the fire. These trivial things afford a glimpse of the practical and economical life of those times. From them we may understand much. And in a moral and religious aspect their lives were equally marked. Strenuous and exacting in matters of faith, measurably censorious and austere, in manners not over courtly or finely polished, they rigidly maintained the order and deco- rum of society by a fixed public opinion imperious and intoler- ant. These characteristics, with a large measure of success, they strove to transmit to their children and their children's children. And we award them not too much of honor when we say that the good order, morality, and intelligence, which have always characterized the town, and given her a high position among her contemporaries may be traced largely to these right beginnings of our ancestors, who builded their comely fabric of society in the wild frontier of civilized life upon these deep andl secure foundations of immutable canons, which, if sometimes made over harsh or austere in practice, nevertheless draw their inspiration from the only true source of human excellence, the only sound and enduring basis of human society. All else is fragile and perishable, this immortal. And I speak not of the men alone of the early period. I plead also for the sacred memory of the mothers of that time, without whose joint heroism and co-operating service the sacri- fices of the fathers would have been lost. I speak not from history and tradition alone when I venture to employ the lan- guage of eulogy in praise of the women of the early inhabitants of the town. It was my own good fortune in the days of my 284 HISTORY OF TURNER. youth to know some of them at that time rapidly passing within the veil to their eternal reward. The daughters of these worthy women I knew as the mothers of my early associates, and though it was not their lot to have been tried by the same experiences, they had yet inherited the excellences of the mothers, and from them learned to walk in paths of peaceful duty and honor, diffusing around them the benign rays of peace and contentment, and training their sons and daughters to lives of virtue, usefulness, and felicity. The world little notes, and the more is the pity, the heroism of woman's life. We speak of the toilers on whom rests the great burden of the world, — from whom springs eternal the elements of that life and strength to which we owe the vigor and duration of our race. We are dazzled and intoxicated with the splendor of military exploits and the achievements of warfare. We honor with applause and renown the bravery and prowess of the valiant soldier ; and him who has sustained the shock of armies and distinguished himself by half an hour's exposure and exertion, we call a hero. But what is all this glory and honor of the pomp and splendor and heroic exertion of warfare as compared with the lives, and the lifelong endurance of the vast majority of the women of the land, — the mothers of a nation ? The hero is a hero because he has bravely encountered trav- ail and danger, bravely suffered wounds, disability, or death, or encountered the dangers of them. It may not be a small thing for the patriot heart to die for his country. It may not be easy for him to incur danger in her cause. But in what is this more than the mothers of a nation are doing daily? Do they not stand in their lot and calmly accept even death as the fruit of their relations to society as mothers, as heads of families ? Amid all the toils, the vigils, the sacrifices, the privations, the anxieties, the dangers, and the nameless burdens incident to the lives of the mothers of our land, are they not the perpetual HISTORY OF TURNER. 285 fountain of love ever flowing forth to " make glad the city of God?" In the midst of pangs ever ready to bless? Under the burden of many toils of body and mind ever cheerful to afford solace ? And the chief dignity of woman's woes is that in the main they are endured in silence, — pangs unrecorded, sorrows unspoken ; we are therefore at liberty to say that the chief heroism is practiced by the women of the nation who are unknown to fame. And although it be not emblazoned on stone or embalmed in history, its merits ought to be realized, its memory consecrated in our hearts. Of this mold were the women of the early period of the town ; and to their courage and fortitude, and heroic daring and endurance alike with the robust and stalwart virtues of the men, are we indebted for the early, the well-laid founda- tions of society in the town. Such were, such are, such always have been the mothers of Turner, by whom the better elements of character have been enstamped upon successive generations to the present time. And it may be, in justice it must be added, that the women of the olden times of Turner were of those commended by the wise man, those who " seek wool and flax, and work willingly with their hands." They knew little of the harpsichord and the lute, but they were familiar with the distaff and the loom. The toils of women, in times when the chief articles of apparel and the principal part of all textile fabrics of household use were produced on the farm, are little understood now that the spin- ning-jenny and the cotton-mill, the inventions of Arkwright and Hargrave, and the host of inventors who have followed them, have changed all these conditions of domestic life. It is fit that the wives and daughters of this generation rejoice that the wonderful achievements in the mechanical arts, made within the hundred years since their great-grandmothers delved with their masculine help-meets and toiled at the distaff and the spindle to send down to them a rich inheritance, have relieved them 286 HISTORY OF TURNER. of untold drudgery, and of consequence have given them the more time and strength for self- culture and the study of the polite accomplishments. And the public reports of the industries of Turner afford gratifying assurance that if the hum of the spindle and the clack of the loom are no longer heard in their houses, as, thanks to the times they need not, they are no strangers to those less poetical, but equally honorable emblems of industry, the churn and the cheese-press. An accomplished woman of wise industry is one of the glories of this mortal life, one of the highest embellishments of our being ; reaching forth her hand to the needy, affording counsel and comfort to the weak and the unfortunate, deft in every domestic art and duty, *' she openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness." Go on, respected matron, to adorn the paths of industrious peace, conscious of dignity and worth, and it shall be said of you, " Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all." This is but a rapid and incomplete commentary sketch of things which have passed into the history of a hundred years, and somewhat more. In it we find instruction, and trace there the origin and progress of the present well-being of the town and of those who have gone forth from its hearths and orderly, virtuous homes to fight the battle of life on other fields. The orderly state of society, and the general prevalence of a high morality, which has always characterized the town, attest the innate character of the people. We find in the almshouses, the hospitals, or the prisons of the country, few, if any, who had their birth in the town of Turner. And among the men of the country in the various departments of industry or of business, or in the professions, or in official station, we find many natives of the town, men and women, in good standing and condition. These facts are fairly to be imputed to the robust principles of religion and morality cherished by the early ancestors, and by them actively inculcated and enforced and HISTORY OF TURNER. 287 transmitted to and through their descendants, and to the con- stant, scrupulous, and rigorous training to industry. A deep and strong religious sentiment pervaded the people of the town in the early times, and perhaps none the less to the present time. Differences of opinion the fathers had, which but declared the earnestness of their convictions and the depth of their zeal. Yet amid all the differences of opinion and con- troversies, there was in the formative periods of the town, and subsequently has been, a widely spread and deeply seated religious sense, which, without cant, and, it is verily believed, with the least hypocrisy ever known, impressed itself on the character of the people. Such then were the early fathers of the town and their worthy consorts, and such the spring and the seeds of a century's local history. It is a solemn contemplation to cast back a hundred years and view the deeds of those who then walked these vales, who builded the foundations and the superstructure of this community, and whose memory is dear to our hearts. They sleep the sleep of the just. We would not that the doings of this day should disturb their repose. Nor may we venture to hope that our feeble applause of what they did here can enhance the beauty or the joy of their rest. Yet who shall say that the ascended spirits of our ancestry, heroes and patriots all, may not now be hovering over the scene of this presence to view the works which have followed their own labors and sacrifices, with plaudits, which our ears of flesh have no faculty to hear ? The time allotted to me does not allow a full discussion of the relations of the town to the republic. Yet I would fain say somewhat more. If we bear in mind that the town is no more nor less than one of the integral elements of the national exist- ence, all working together to constitute one general whole, one for all and all for one, we shall readily see the importance of a sound public sentiment, and a careful and wise administration of local affairs, and of local measures to advance the intelligence 288 HISTORY OF TURNER. and promote the orderly conduct of the people. Such institu- tions our ancestors received from their fathers, and transmitted them to their descendants expecting them to bequeath them to their posterity in indefinite succession. The careful management of the affairs of the town instructs and trains the people to attend and control the affairs of the State. And the administration of the affairs of the State enables them to understand and guard their rights under the national polity and administration. Hence it follows that every citizen, who would perform his entire obligations in his political relations, should strive to be an honest and intelligent states- man, watching carefully local affairs, participating actively and honestly in the proceedings of the town-meeting. The town meeting I claim to be an essential institution of a republic, — the town-meeting or its equivalent in some other form. It is the school of statesmen. It is the place where the individual learns to make his voice heard, and to exert his power as one of the people. It is the training-school where he learns the logic of argument and the art of debate. Temperate exercise causes development and firmness of muscle. And the exercise of the powers of freemen makes freemen strong. It is not too much to say of the good old New England insti- tution that it was the remote cause of the Declaration of Independence. They, who have read the full and impartial details of the progress of the great cause, must be aware that without the immortal John Adams independence would have been long delayed, — probably one or more generations. And John Adams learned the art of forensic debate, the tactics of deliberative bodies, and the rudiments of statecraft in the town- meetings of Braintree and Boston. Here he acquired strength and self-reliance as to public affairs. He and his colleagues went to the Continental Congress under a cloud of suspicion on the part of the Middle States and some of the Southern States against Massachusetts and Boston, and against her suspected HISTORY OF TURNER. 289 schemes of separation from the crown. Beginning with mod- esty and moderation, and growing with the rising exigency, his bold courage, his ardor, his invincible logic inspired such men as Thomas Jefferson and Patrick Henry. There the training received in the town-meeting became of vital importance to him and his country, when by oft-repeated debates on many points in session, and more sedulous labors in private, he and his coadjutors and supporters, aided by the lessons of Lexington and Bunker Hill, were able to carry the Declaration against a powerful pressure in 1776. Otherwise the day, which then became transcendently and immortally glorious, would have continued to hold a place in the calendar, and no more. It may be said that independence was the logical destiny of the colonies. And so it was. Three millions of people in spite of oppression growing to six, or twelve, or twenty millions, would have fallen away from the crown at last, as the ripened fruit falls from its parent stalk. But it is yet a historical truth that but few of the contemporaries of John Adams, at the beginning of the Revolution, dared to think of anything but mild resistance to be employed to induce respect for the laws and to scare or coerce the king to better treatment of his Amer- ican subjects. The town-meetings also were the organs of the people, in the beginning without other government, through which they acted under the inspiration of Adams and the other bold leaders in the inauguration of revolutionary measures. And the act of separation is so far due to the bold and advanced opinions, to the bold and intrepid exertions, the skill in parliamentary tactics and debate of that illustrious, immortal patriot, that without him, his generation, at least, would have lived and died as British subjects. So we can but justly affirm that the school of the town-meeting, where John Adams received the most important part of his training, both prepared and enabled the people to assert their liberties, and provided for them a successful champion. 20 290 HISTORY OF TURNER. The lesson of this history would seem to be that the town- meeting should be cultivated with care and attended with punctuality as the training-school of freemen, where the citizen should learn to deliberate with decorum and prudence, and decide from intelligent conviction and not from the blind zeal of an untutored will, or an easy deference to the will of others. I love the memory of the town-meetings of my youthful days, when Judge Prince, then known as Major Prince, used to preside with his usual tact and ability ; when Capt. Pompelly was accustomed to deliver his annual speech against the pitiless practice then prevalent in the country of setting up the support of the paupers at auction in open town-meeting ; when Mr. Bray was neither afraid nor ashamed to express his views with freedom and ardor; and when that then distinguished citizen and memorable genius, Joseph House, was wont, as the spirit warmed in his thoughtful breast, to edify the boys with the piety and profound philosophy of his preaching. Peace to the ashes of poor Joe. No doubt it may be said with truth that the town-meeting is the source whence many a youth has drawn his first inspiration. Let the worshiper at the shrine of the republic keep alive the assemblies of the people and there promote the utmost freedom of action. Thus did our Puritan fathers ; thus have done their posterity in your town and your sister towns, all drawing their true inspiration of free dom and obedience to law and duty from the same origin ; thus it is fit that we all continue to do, remembering that we have a country to save or to lose, and forgetting not that no nation has any guaranty of the endurance of its institutions without the steadfast support of a virtuous and enlightened people. The time will come when another century shall have rolled around, and on the recurrence of this joyous anniversary, other prophets shall stand upon this rostrum and hold the ears of the people to judge the present generation as we now judge the HISTORY OF TURNER. 29 1 past, in praise or censure. We stand not before the world alone as witnesses of the grand spectacle of a great people successfully exercising the art of self government. We stand also before the future of a vast posterity to arise in endless suc- cession, who will rejudge the judgment of today, rising up to render homage to the memory of us and our ancestr}^, or to deplore the folly and the weakness which shall have made a wreck of the hope of humanity. We stand before the future of the civilized world, who hold a joint right in the inheritance of a high example designed for the instruction of mankind. Hence we may strive to realize the grandeur and imipensity of the trust in our hands, and perhaps deplore the evidences that we are in some measure falling away from the better part of the austere principles and wholesome practices of the fathers. And if we are ever inclined to smile at the errors of the Puritan, it is well to remember that his faults leaned to the good ; that whatever is great, whatever is beautiful, whatever is beneficent in our institutions, traces back its ultimate origin to him and the Christian patriots of similar mold among his contemporaries. And the Puritan is happy above all men in this, that even his mistakes have tended to the welfare of his posterity. By these contemplations we see God in history, and, as Chris- tian patriots, learn :o adore the overruling care of Him who led his people in the wilderness by the cloud by day, and the pillar of fire by night, remembering that God helps those who help themselves. Emphatically, He helps those who help Him And if we desire the intervention of Divine Providence to promote our national welfare and national existence, we must not forget that he can work only through the minds and hearts of the people ; that these, therefore, must be attuned in harmony with Him. Not prayers alone, not faith alone, but works we must give in co-operation with Divine Power ; and to the end that He may work for us, we must work for Him. Having derived our origin from an essentially religious peo- 292 HISTORY OF TURNER. pie, I may have your pardon when I speak of matters of faith in their bearing on secular affairs. I would not offend by too much freedom of speech ; but the occasion is too great, the hour is too solemn, and its ministries too sacred to permit the language of adulation, or indiscriminate eulogy. And, in truth, it must be said that it is but too obvious that religious faith has somewhat declined among the men of the country. Yet she still holds her refuge in the hearts of the women. And in behalf oi the future, and in the interests of good citizenship, we may safely appeal to them whose heroism and fidelity to duty have been but too faintly eulogized, and especially to the mothers of the nation for an active and effective co-operation with the fathers in the molding of those who are to follow them. When we remember the power of the maternal instinct over the offspring, when we consider that the infant citizen in the mother's lap drinks in the maternal influence as he draws his sustenance from the pure fountain, that her teachings and her thoughts sink deep in his receptive mind and make their impression there for a lifetime, that the unuttered language of her heart and the unspoken words of her mind go forth to him as an inspiration to form and fix his character and determine his con- duct; when we see the weary and wayworn mother patiently soothing the tired child to his rest, chanting from the depths of a weary spirit, in simple phrase, the great lessons of life and of manhood, we know that our country has a destiny, the republic an immortal hope. Tossed perhaps by storms of doubt and desolation, there we find a harbor of refuge, a haven of hope. And you, matrons and maidens, I exhort, if need were, I would implore you to consider that you are or are to become the mothers of men, or the adjuncts and coadjutors of the mothers of men, who are to be the keepers of a nation's weal. Rejoice in the exalted boon which Providence has laid upon you as his instruments in molding a nation's destinies to honor and felicity. As God needed, and therefore raised up and trained to his ser- HISTORY OF TURNER. 293 vice, a Moses, a Caesar, a Washington, a Napoleon, so no less has He placed you in your lot as chosen vessels of His will and His purposes. Not one, mother or maiden, but shall have her proper function in the great work, and share the duty and the glory of her sex if she will but hear the call. The republic is upon its trial on high. The great horologue of time solemnly and sublimely tolls the years, while God and His purpose await the answer to His requisition for service upon the women of America. And so shall you, ever moving forward in the grand march of time, and ever rising upward, consecrate yourselves to the great cause of human progress. So shall you become the blessed instruments of Divine Providence in the development of a nation's greatness. So shall your own works adorn your lives, and a grateful posterity shall arise to decorate your memory. JUDGE Wilson's address. Mr. President^ Ladies and Gentlemen : — Ninety and nine times have the anniversary moments come and gone, the anniversary of that dauntless energy and indom- itable will, which leaving all those things that to us seem to beautify and adorn life and render it worth living, dared to plunge into the trackless forest, with the axe in one hand and the gun in the other, there to make the rude homes of the brave pioneers, and lay strong and deep the foundations of this goodly town. Ninety and nine times in succession since then have the warm rains and gentle breath of spring unlocked the icy fetters of winter, and released the earth from its cold and close embrace. Ninety and nine times since that frail beginning have the buds unfolded, the blossoms appeared, and been fol- lowed by the fruit, which, under the hallowing and ripening influence of the autumn suns, has reached a glorious and per- fect maturity. Ninety and nine times has this all been followed by the cold hand and killing breath of winter. Today, we 294 HISTORY OF TURNER. celebrate the hundredth anniversary. The buds and blossoms and incipient fruit have again appeared, and adorn the earth with their beauty and fragrance, to be again followed, we trust, by a plentiful and bountiful harvest. The bright skies which arch o'er us are filled with golden sunlight, bearing rich stores of food for growth and increase, to the swelling fruit. Amid this beauty and grandeur, on this fair July day we have assembled at the call of our native town, coming from all quarters of this great land of ours ; not only from our fair New England homes, but also from the far distant South and the broad prairies of the West. However far her sons may have wandered, however long they may have been absent, however separated in life they may have been from her, on this her anniversary day their thoughts and hearts turn fondly toward her. We come a motley throng. Some laden with honors and wearing on our brows the chaplet of fame, others wearied in the ceaseless struggle and anxious for rest, and still others of us return like prodigal sons, prepared to be thankful for a seat among the servants, but we all receive a royal welcome. The fatted calf is killed, the feast is spread, and all are given seats around the banquet table, while our mother town, with head adorned with the glories of a hundred summers, and whitened with the snows of a hundred winters, stretches forth her arms and gives us a true maternal welcome. It is fit on such an occasion as this that we should rejoice, and that our hearts should be filled with great gladness. We can today catch the faint echo of our boyish shouts still linger- ing among the hills and valleys of old Turner. Age has only increased her loveliness. There are no wrinkles about her heart. It beats with the freshness of perennial youth. It is only the outward form that shows the lapse of years. Old age is at all times sacred, but when that age is simply the sum and substance of good deeds and a life moving in a regular and illustrious course of virtue, then it becomes more than sacred* HISTORY OF TURNER. 295 it becomes honorable and venerable. It is with such feelings that we regard our native town of Turner. We honor her for her pure unspotted record, and venerate her as the place where good and honorable men and women have lived and died. The fragrance of their memory clings around her still, and as the sentiments of honor and veneration exalt the mind, we are lifted up, as it were, by such contemplation to grander thoughts and nobler life. A few days ago, the wires flashed across the ocean the intel- ligence that our sister Republic of France had passed an act exiling all her so-called princes, descendants of the royal fami- lies who had in former times ruled over her, and the papers were full to overflowing with descriptions of their sorrowful and pathetic departure from their native country. It was a cruel act, and an unwise and foolish one from whatever standpoint you view it. In marked distinction from this is the action of that municipality whose hundredth birthday we celebrate today. She not only strives to retain the Princes she has, but would gladly welcome back any wandering Princes. Her citizens are not all Solons^ but the spirit of the wise Lawgiver has descended upon them, and they recognize the fact that no country can afford to part with good men and faithful citizens, be they of royal race, or unknown lineage, unused to toil, or skilled in driving them steers. Standing at the end of the first century of the town, we involuntarily cast our eyes backward and seek to view the past. The later years are seen in the broad sunlight of midday, but as we go further back the shadows deepen, the twilight thickens, until as we approach the end, the darkness gathers. Such age would seem to be the merest childhood, when com- pared with the age of those ancient monuments which have looked out over the sands of Egypt for thousands of years, but measuring age by the good wrought to our fellow-men, by purity of life, and faithful labors in the great cause of humanity, and 296 HISTORY OF TURNER. not by the mere lapse of years, the comparison would not be so manifestly unequal. New England ideas of religious liberty, free education, freedom to all, have gone forth and permeated not only this wide land, but most quarters of the globe, and my faith in the truth of such ideas, and in the power and gracious- ness of an overruling Providence, is so strong that I believe their sway will grow wider and wider, until it embraces the whole earth. These ideas are the outgrowth of New England intelligence and culture, and have been the mainspring of the actions and lives of the inhabitants of this town. As our eyes turn backward, we see standing out prominently in the history of the town for these hundred years, the famous men of the town and the notable deeds accomplished by them. I will not attempt to enumerate them. It is not my province to sing their praises today. Eulogies of them and their deeds will be heard on every hand. They are the men and deeds which give honor and character to a town, as the world goes, but I wish to go deeper than this mere superficial view. I wish to give honor where honor is due. I wish to call up before you today the mem- ories of those men and women whom the world has not called great or famous, but who, in this goodly town, have lived and died, doing within the narrow walks of their daily life their duty to God and man. Honorable and faithful to the few trusts committed to them, their lives were redolent of purity and vir- tue, and their sweet memories, embalmed in the hearts of their fellow-citizens, were their grandest monuments. It is this class of men and women that constitute the strength and beauty of the land. From among them spring those whom we term the great men of their day, men, who by the exercise of some power or advantage, have lifted themselves or been lifted above the mass of their fellows. From their solitary position they tower aloft, and are seen and admired of all men, just as the spire of a grand monument is seen and admired more than the founda- tions of the superstructure. Judging by the eye alone, the spire HISTORY OF TURNER. 297 constitutes the whole of the monument, but the good, strong foundation is as essential to the monument, and really contrib- utes as much to its strength and glory, as the towering spire pointing heavenward. To apply this illustration to the human edifice, these honest, God-fearing, and God-loving men and women constitute the broad, substantial, and sound foundation upon which the whole superstructure of our civil and religious liberty rests, and while that superstructure is adorned with many lofty spires and glittering minarets, which attract the eye and please the fancy, yet if they were not supported by these firm foundations they would fall and crumble in ruins. It is not given to every man to be a great man, but goodness often outranks greatness, even in the present life, while the triumph- ant declaration comes pealing down the ages, " He has put down the mighty from their seat, And hath exalted them of low degree." The man upon whose tombstone can be truthfully written, " faithful unto the end," is a noble man, whether the world calls him great or not. Let us be careful then in our judgment, and not measure men wholly by the eye. I repeat, let us give honor where honor is due. •"T is greatly wise to talk with our past hours, And ask them what report they bore to heaven." Not only is this true of the contemplation of our own past, but also of the contemplation of past ages. It is of advantage just in proportion as we draw therefrom correct ideas of duty and responsibility, and weave those ideas into the woof and warp of our actual life. Life has been well described as a pilgrimage up a steep and toilsome ascent in which the successes and failures of others form beacon lights to guide us on our way. Every step of progress is made by climbing up over the failures of those who have sunk down fainting by the wayside. And in pauses, such as this of today, in the weary struggle up the hill of life, when we turn around, and resting at our ease look back 298 HISTORY OF TURNER. adown the long vista of the past, not only upon the small past covered by our own lives, but over the advance accomplished in the years preceding, it seems fit that we should, if possible, each one for himself, draw true lessons therefrom. The lives of these good men and women of Turner furnish striking examples for us. They were careful to be right, and consistently and conscientiously firm when a conclusion was reached. Standing today on the border line between two centuries, and looking back on their calm, peaceful, and happy lives, which begun, con- tinued, and ended within the boundaries of this quiet town, the conviction insensibly but surely steals over us, that the great foe to the happiness and comfort of the American people is the wild and insane struggle for wealth. Everything is brought and freely laid on this sacrificial altar, — health, comfort, happiness, and even life itself, and alas, often in vain, and the remaining years are embittered by wild longings and vain regrets. Our American life is conducted largely on the high pressure principle, everything is whirled along with startling rapidity, and even those who would fain resist this tendency are borne along by the mighty rush and swirl of the current. A large proportion of the American people, instead of promoting and encouraging the beauties and graces of life, willingly run them down with railroad and steamboat, or crush them to atoms between the massive cogwheels of our factories. I call attention to this tendency of the age, that the young men and fair maidens I see before me, may realize from the lives I have been describing the important truth that true comfort and happiness may be found as well within the borders of your own town, as at any other place. Stick to your native town, young men. Become the " Type of the wise, who soar but do not roam, True to the kindred points of heaven and home." As the evening shades shall bring these exercises to a close, many of us will pass from these scenes to other towns, there to HISTORY OF TURNER. 299 take up again the thread of our daily life, but I leave with each one of you the wish that your life may be so unsullied, that at its close you may be deserving of a better tribute than I have been able to offer today to those citizens of my native town who are unknown to fame. HON. E. B. Washburn's address. Mr. President'. — I beg leave to recall to you a certain incident. When you did me the honor to invite me to be present on this occasion, you were kind enough to say that I should not be called upon to take any part in the exercises against my inclination. I am certain that I did not expect that a gentleman so well known, and so much respected by all the people of Turner, and in fact by all the people of Maine, would break his word to me on this occasion. When he told me that I should not be expected to make a speech, I concluded that I might safely run down from Port Royal, which was the original name of Livermore, to Sylvester-Canada, which you know was the original name of Turner. I have made in my life — you will all see it has been a very short one — as many speeches as any white man should ever make. I have not only made a great many public speeches, but I have made a good many private speeches, both to gentle- men, and I may say to ladies, and so far as the latter are concerned, I do not think that I ever gained much so far as the returns have come in from the back towns. But I could not conceal or suppress the strong desire I felt to be present here today, and to meet so many people of my native State, and, I might say, of my own neighborhood, the neighborhood of my nativity. And when I look around me and see all these strong and stalwart men, and all of these beautiful and gracious women, I feel that no one can blame me for desiring to be here today. For I am interested in all that concerns the history of 300 HISTORY OF TURNER. Maine, and especially of that locality in Maine in which I was raised. I have always been proud of my native State ; I have always been proud of her history. And, Mr. President, if I ever forget or forsake that dear all-mother of ours, Maine, may this strong right arm fall from my shoulder blade, and my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth. I love the history of my native State. I love her grand mountains and her great lakes. I love her fir clad hills and her smiling valleys, and I love her tall pines and her strong oaks. I revere her history, going back to old colonial times, the times of Sir William Phips, of whom Mr. French spoke, and of Mr. Pepperill. And you men of Maine will remember that there were but two men knighted by the mother country, in New England, and those two men were natives of Maine, William Phips of Woolwich, and William Pepperill of Kittery. I remember, coming down to a later time, two of the greatest men who were ever born in Maine, Rufus King of Scarborough, and George Evans of Hallowell, and in that opinion I believe my friend. Governor Perham, will agree with me. And I will come down to later times even, and I trust I may be excused if I refer to Oxford County, my native county, and indulge in a certain pride in the men of that county. I need not tell you that the first lawyer that ever settled in this village was Ezekiel Whitman, who came here in the midst of a blinding snow storm on the 7th of May, 1799. Every citizen of Turner will be proud to recollect that Judge Whitman, who achieved so much honor as a jurist, and who was one of the glories of the State of Maine, lived here in your village. And I might come down to the present moment and mention one of the most prominent men of the time, whose name is upon all your lips. Turner gave him to the country. You anticipate me when I say Eugene Hale, Senator of the United States from the State of Maine, a man so distinguished for his character, for his conspicuous ability, for his great knowledge of public affairs, saying nothing of the loyalty which he has always shown (applause). HISTORY OF TURNER. 3OI These are some of the glories of Turner. And, sir, my friend here at my left, although he may possibly be a little younger than I, will recollect the time when the country towns like Turner used to give the great men to the State, and I wish it were so today; I wish the country held its own against the town. In those days it was at the cross roads, at the four corners, that your great lawyers settled, like Judge Whitman, like General Fessenden at New Gloucester, and Simon Green- lief at New Gloucester, and would lay deep and broad founda- tions for their future success in their profession in the quiet of country life. In those times everybody did not seem to desire to rush to the centers of population ; they were content to live in the country, and to be a part of the country. And it is my pride and boast, Mr. President, that my father lived sixty-seven years in your adjoining town on the very spot where I was born ; and he was contented with his lot, and, like the parson as described by Goldsmith, " he never changed nor wished to change his place " ; he was contented to live in the country. And I wish it were so at the present time ; I wish the people would remain more in the country and not go away from their homes, because the country is the place. You strike out the country towns of Maine and what would be left ? I do not know why the people of Maine should not be satisfied. You have the most glorious summer climate in the United States, and I am glad to know that the people all over the country begin to appreciate it, and come here every summer in increas- ing numbers. And your winters, they tell a great deal about your winters, and I think sometimes the people of Maine them- selves are foremost in depreciating the State and talking about the severity of the winters. Our fathers and our mothers lived here summers and winters alike, and if we cannot do it, I think we are a pretty poor set of creatures. The winters are not so bad ; they are cold, as a matter of course, but I observe you have fine warm houses, and at every fireside in the winter time 302 HISTORY OF TURNER. there sit enthroned intelligence and virtue and progress. And when the genial spring comes kindly on, after the repose of winter, all are ready for the duties of summer. And in Maine, I believe, there is as much true happiness as there is anywhere that I have ever been. And my faith is shown somewhat by my works, for every time I can get to Maine I am certain to come, and I intend to come as long as I can get money enough to pay my expenses. Let the people of Maine be satisfied ; let them be contented to remain at home. They have happy homes, good government, good town government, which Judge Gilbert spoke of so much to my gratification, and I would not want to see it changed. These country people, however they may be regarded in the city by the men who wear stovepipe hats, and tall collars, and squeaky boots, are a pretty good set of fellows, and I hope to see them hold their own, and more than their own, and go forward and not backward. It is of public importance that the country towns should be kept up, for " 111 fares the land, to hastening ills a prey, Where wealth accumulates and men decay. But a bold peasantry, their country's pride, When once destroyed can never be supplied." I am delighted to be able to be present here, even for a few hours. It has renewed my love for my native State, and my hopes for its prosperity and its happiness. I am delighted at what I have seen here today. I am more than delighted with the display which has been made here today ; and, for one, I shall carry with me to my distant home the most agreeable souvenirs of this interesting occasion. And I know, having enjoyed ourselves as we have, we will all agree, if we are alive, to return on a similar occasion in 19S6. And if we shall see as much improvement as we have seen in the century gone by, I presume we will have the same contentment that we have today, and the same desire, remembering all of the experiences of today, to come back here just one century hence. HISTORY OF TURNER. 303 EX-GOVERNOR MERRILL OF IOWA. Ladies and Gentlemen : — I have come a long way to meet old friends. My father's family was born in the southern portion of this town, and as a family we are all here today, numbering six, one-half of whom have passed their threescore years and ten, and by reason of strength are approaching their fourscore years. I am next to the youngest of the family. We meet around the family board probably for the last time. And, coming here after an absence of forty odd years, it is a very great pleasure to me to meet so many that I used to know. There is, with me, a mingling of sadness as well as of joy ; joy to see so many, and sadness to see and feel that so many have passed away. I am not accus- tomed to make public speeches, though I have had the honor, as was suggested by your president, to be the governor of the great State of Iowa. I never attained that honor by making any public speeches. I was asked by a gentleman last winter, while I was in California, how it was possible for a man to get to be governor of Iowa and not make a speech. I told him that was probably the reason I got the position, that if I had made a speech I might not have been so fortunate. I remember of reading, three years ago, some remarks of Hannibal Hamlin when he met with the sons of Maine at Chicago. He said that more great men had gone out of Oxford County than any other county in the world, and he mentioned about twenty of them ; but fortunately or unfortu- nately he did not mention me, so I concluded I was not so great a man after all. Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you very much indeed for bringing about this grand meeting, and now I bid you goodby. Goodby, John ; goodby, Henry ; goodby, Louisa, and a hundred such names I might mention ; I bid you all goodby. 304 HISTORY OF TURNER. DR. PEARL MARTIN OF MEDFORD, MASS. Mr. President, and Fellow-citizens of My Native Town : — I thank you for this kind greeting. Although I have been an errant son for more than thirty years, there is a warm place in my heart for the friends of my boyhood. There is no spot on God's green earth that I love as I do my old home, and this grand old town on the banks of the beautiful Androscoggin. Every drop of water that flows in that dear old river, from the lake to Merrymeeting Bay, is sacred to me. The very sight of the old river is sufficient to call up all the memories of the past, and to moisten and make green all the withered leaves about the recollections of my youth. It carries me back to the time when I sported on its banks, and paddled my frail raft on its crystal waters, and waded neck deep to gather the pale lilies that were as white as the driven snow, and as pure as the dreams of sleeping innocence. I am confused by thousands of childish recollections that rush upon me at this time. I see before me a cyclorama on which is painted every event of my early life. *' And memory paints raptures that manhood in vain "Would barter the wealth of the world to regain, And clothes with a halo of beauty and truth The friends of his boyhood, the home of his youth." I see in the foreground of the picture the green in front of the old homestead and the hill in the rear. I see the barn> the orchard, the garden, the hay-mow on which I used to land when I turned somersaults from the great beam overhead. I can see the old stump on the bank of the river where I caught my first minnow. I can see all the green hills, fields, woods, the creeks, bogs, lakes, rivers, and rivulets, from Auburn to Livermore, from the great river to the western stream. I see little school children in the dewy morn picking roses by the roadside to give to their teacher. The scene changes from the season of the year when all nature is robed in her loveliest apparel, to the season of. the HISTORY OF TURNER. 3O5 year when vegetable life is held in the icy fangs of a northern winter. I see boys and girls sliding and skating on the ice covered ponds and rivers. I see sleds shooting down snow covered hills. I see snow banks by the roadside printed by the frolicsome forms of schoolboys. I see in the hazy distance the graves of loved ones. I see still further in the dim distance a monumental pile with its shaft piercing the very sky, built out of the solid gratitude of the best spirits of Turner, and sacred to the memory of those far-seeing men, who endowed this town with the school fund. I see before me men and women, whose hairs are silvered by the circling years, and whose lineal marks are cut deep by the anxious cares of life, whom I once knew when their cheeks were radiant with the glow of health and the Wush of modest youth. CLARENCE HALE OF PORTLAND. Mr. President^ and Ladies and Gentlemen : — My Friends of Turner: — I am very glad to be here. I am very glad to add my voice to this noble celebration. The memories of Turner and the intimacies of Turner are some of the most gracious and blesssed things of my life. I was born within half a mile of where I now stand. My father was born there, and lived there seventy-two years. My grandfather lived there fifty-six years. So that within that orbit of time, every memory, every scene of that old farm is made sacred and memorable to me. Mr. President, as the historical orator this morning was describing in his careful, suggestive, and interes t- ing manner the past events of Turner, I was thinking how many things are beyond the realm of recorded history. How many things, the most sacred to you and to me, who have lived in Turner and who have gone out from Turner, are beyond the realm of recorded history, because they are the things that per. tain to life, to the growth of thought, to the growth of character 31 306 HISTORY OF TURNER. to the growth of things that are making this town great, noble, and memorable today. Mr. President, who can describe historically what the old fall schools have done for Turner ? Think of it ! Who can describe what the fall schools have done for Turner simply by saying who the teachers were, simply by dwelling upon the important function that the school exerted in the history of Turner .<* There are things deeper than that. They were the things that organized the thought of the people ; they were the circles from which have gone out all the culture and all the thought that are making Turner a historical town today, a well-educated town today, a town which is sending her men and women all over the world to be religious teachers and educational teachers in the world of thought and the history of the times. Who can describe, Mr. President, what the town- meetings of Turner have done, those town-meetings presided over so many years by your honored father, Hon. Job Prince ? Who can conceive what a stimulus was given by those debates that I as a boy have heard in those town-meetings, where the men rose and expressed themselves with all the earnestness, with all the vigor that any of us have ever heard in any legis- lative assembly since ? Who can describe what the grand homes of Turner have done for the town } Who can describe, by saying who the fathers and mothers were, by describing historically those houses and those homes — who can elaborate and describe their potent effect throughout the past history of the town, and throughout the future ? But, Mr. President, I do not intend to make a speech ; I am here simply to add my word, to say how glad I am to be here, how glad I have been all day to shake the hands of old com- rades and schoolmates of mine, and of my father and mother of the past ; and I can only add what the eloquent orator just before me has said, — stay in Turner; and I will presume to add to that, if you do not stay in Turner, stay true to the moral HISTORY OF TURNER. 307 and religious lessons of Turner; stay true to the lessons of these homes, and of these fathers and mothers for all time to come. COL. F. M. DREW OF LEWISTON. Mr. President., and Ladies and Gentlemen : — Today has reminded me of one of the pleasantest things that I ever remember, and that is the Thanksgiving reunion when all of us used to go home to grandfather's, and when grand- mother always let us do just what we wanted to. We children had a good time and a good dinner. Well, we have now come home today to our mother. She has arrived at her one hun- dredth year, a venerable old lady. She has invited us all home, and we have come from near and from far; we have come two or three thousand strong, and the old lady must excuse us if we have been letting ourselves out and having a good time. And right here I want to ask the pardon of these able men and women who have so well entertained us by their historical addresses and by the beautiful poems, and I promise, on the part of us boys and girls, who have been having a good time shaking hands outside, that if the historian will put them all into his book, he may put us down on his list, and we will agree to read also what is published in the Lewiston jfoumal. But, Mr. President, and Ladies and Gentlemen, it has afforded me very great pleasure to be here ; although the greatest part of my life has been spent elsewhere, it has always been my pride and pleasure that I was born in this town. The city may be a good place to live in, but the town is a better place to be born in. This has been a delightful occasion to me, because for the first time for almost thirty-four years, I have met many of my old friends and acquaintances. And, speaking for all, I know that I have a right to congratulate the town, the officers, and the committees, upon the magnificent preparations which you have made for this celebration. I say that your parade 308 HISTORY OF TURNER. this morning has not been excelled by any other town, — cer- tainly by any of its size. So, in closing, allow me to say that we go away bearing with us pleasant memories of the old town, and loyal hearts to Turner. DR. KENDALL NEWHALL OF RHODE ISLAND. Mr. President^ and Ladies and Gentlemen : — I am from a town which has a sacred name, the name of Providence, a place in Rhode Island, the smallest State in the union, a State that was founded under peculiar circum- stances, and under a special providence, such as guides and governs every one of us in all of our efforts. A particular Providence led Roger Williams to leave Massachusetts and go to Rhode Island; a particular Providence attends us all in every act and in every word ; a particular Providence numbers the days of our lives ; a particular Providence makes us sick ; a particular Providence restores us to health. It is in accor- dance with this that I appear before you on this occasion. Turner is my native town ; Turner was the place of my boyhood ; and it was the place that I left in my very early manhood. And I am thus induced to be here today, and to con- gratulate you on the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the town. Its religious privileges, its religious duties, its Sabbath day observances have not entered much into the exer- cises of today, but they cannot be dispensed with, and set aside as unimportant; they are something to be recognized. Hence I refer to these matters, and I beg to be excused from any more words, for I did not expect to be called upon at all. ORIN BEARCE OF MISSOURI. I am not a politician, nor a public speaker. I desire simply to return my sincere thanks to those who have brought about this grand reunion in my native town. It is a great gratification HISTORY OF TURNER. 3O9 to me, and I have come thirteen or fourteen hundred miles to be here with you. I have enjoyed myself very much. It would be vain in me to try to entertain this intelligent audience, and I shall not attempt to make a speech. EX-GOVERNOR SIDNEY PERHAM OF PARIS. I am glad your president has informed you that he does not ask of me a speech. I am under heavy bonds not to make a speech, and I have not made any for a long while. I judge this- will be very good news to some of you who have heard my voice too often in times past. I came here today because I wanted to come. I wanted to mingle with the citizens of Turner, and with the sons and daughters who have gone out of this good old town and return today for the purpose of cele- brating your anniversary. And at the risk of breaking the bond I spoke of, I want to relate one incident and then I will close. I was reminded of it by the very excellent procession you had this mornmg, and especially by that part of it repre- senting the old church music. It illustrates how very conven- ient the name of Turner is sometimes, and how persons have been helped out of very serious dilemmas by using it. There was a good old deacon up in the town of Rumford some years ago, who led the choir in the old church as deacons were in the habit of doing. Some of you remember that in those old times, they had a fork by which they pitched the tune. The leader would strike it upon something, and hold it up to his ear to get the key, and then sound it vocally before he named the tune, and before the choir began to sing. The deacon took out his fork from his pocket, and struck it on something before him, put it up to his ear to get the sound, and then made the vocal sound corresponding to it, and undertook to give the name of the tune, but he bad forgotten it, and could not recollect it for his life. By and by, a happy thought striking him, he looked 3IO HISTORY OF TURNER. down into one of the pews near him and said, ** Mother, mother, where does Sallie live ? " " Turner," said the old lady. "Turner," said the deacon, and the choir went on and sang the tune. SOLON CHASE. Mr. President : — I will take but a moment of your time. I hope you who have returned to the old manor have had a good time today j I hope you have enjoyed yourselves. Some of you have gone west ; some of you have gone south, and some to the southwest ; and some of you have helped to fill up our cities in Maine. You have come back to the old home to see us today. We are glad to see you. We hope you have had a good time. All of us did not leave the town \ some of us are here, and we are going to stick. So when you come back again, at the end of the next hundred years, friends, you will find somebody here to welcome you. We will be here at that time. I believe you have had a good time today. I have met many of you, and you have cor- dially grasped my hand. As for myself, I have enjoyed religion hugely (laughter). One hundred years have gone by, and of course we look backward and say, " What an improvement has been made ! " Why, a hundred years ago it was a good deal of work to go to New Gloucester to mill, and now we go to Min- neapolis, and don't think of it. A hundred years ago, New Gloucester was a good way off, and now the whole world is a neighborhood, right in our neighborhood. Here we reach right out and communicate with everybody and everything. A hun- dred years more are going to roll by. We are wise in our day. We stand up in the town of Turner and point back and say what we have done, and we think we are the wisest men in the world, and think everything has been learned and done. But let me tell you when the next hundred years have gone by, they will have take-offs in their procession on us of today. They HISTORY OF TURNER. • 3II will be hauling our road machine around in the procession as an antiquated relic of the past. We think it is a big thing. In a hundred years from now in the procession, they will have a town-meeting in operation with only men voting, and point back to this day as a time of barbarism, when we did n't allow the women to vote. We have cranks you know, lots of them. A hundred years hence, they will look back to the cranks of today and call them far-seeing philosophers. Now, don't let us think we know it all ; don't let us think we are going to stop right here ; don't let us think there will not be progress in the next hundred years. I did not want to say a word here today, and I would not, but the president called so many names of those that have gone away from here, and failed to get any response, and then he said I was always ready. Don't you know every man and woman in the town of Turner is always ready to make a speech. But we do not want to talk here today ; we are right here all the time, and we have a chance to make speeches in our town-meetings ; but you people that are away from here do not have that opportunity. We want you to come back at the end of the next hundred years, and if we are not all here then, there will be somebody here to drive them steers. [Laughter and applause, and three cheers for Uncle Solon.] DANIEL LARA OF AUBURN. I did not expect to be called on, and I am not going to make a speech. There have been some anecdotes told of the old families in town, and something has been said about the Leavitt family among others. There was one old man by the name of Leavitt that we called Uncle Cyrus in the olden time. He had a receipt for setting out cabbage plants, and Turner being something of an agricultural community, and the receipt being among the lost arts to this generation, I think I will give it to 312 • HISTORY OF TURNER. you. Uncle Cyrus said, *'If you want to set out cabbage plants and have them do well, you must pull them up about nine o'clock in the morning of a dry day, and lay them out on a board, and the next morning turn them over, and the next morning set them out, and they will be damned glad to take hold." RUFUS PRINCE. I am no speaker, and if I were, I have worked so hard for the last two weeks in getting ready for this celebration, that I am too weary to make a speech. But, ladies and gentlemen, I can say that I feel proud of Turner's centennial ; I feel proud to say that I have had a part in it. It is one of the proudest things of my life. I shall always recollect this day, and I believe that every person that lives in Turner will feel proud hereafter to look back upon this day. I wish, ladies and gen- tlemen, to thank you all fop what you have done. You have all done what you could to assist your committee, and your com- mittee has tried to carry out the wishes of the town. If we have succeeded, fellow-citizens, I am very glad indeed ; if we have not, please overlook all the imperfections of the day, and believe that we have done as we thought best for your interest. Note. Samuel Andrews noticed on page 64, lived on the Lower Street, where Lewis Briggs now lives. He made a stone mortar in which corn was made into meal by pounding. It held about a bushel. When Rev. George Bates rebuilt the house, about 1836, he found this mortar, and buried it in the middle of the cellar, under the ell part of the house. It is supposed to lie there now. Page I, first line, for right read west. " I, tenth line, for left read east. ** 3, last line, iox puly read duly. " 9, sixteenth line, for 1870 read 1770. *' 52, twelfth line, for 1801 read 1781. " 274, sixth line from bottom should read sit instead of sleep» LOAN PERIOD HOME AU BOOKS MAY BE RECAIUD AFTER 7 DAVS FORM NO, DD6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY BERKELEY, CA 94720 C0Sl3M7sm ^ iwli79871 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY