mg)]CKENS 3 |6 !6 4 i3 '8 HINTS TO COLLECTORS ■ iwwi n i m> ,i M i wpap»wwiBiiiii)wh»iiriniwiiffr»twi to £\o. HINTS TO COLLFXTORS. T I II. Title. Sunday/ Under three Heads./ {Woodcut)! as it is;/ {Woodcut)! as Sabbath bills would make it;/ {Woodcut)! as it might be made./ By Timothy Sparks./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, i86, Strand./ 1836. Collation, pp. v-49, with three illustrations and illustrated cover. Notes. This is one of tlie scarcest of Dickens's books. There are two modern reprints, which can with care be distinguished from the original. The first reprint, issued by Mr. Jarvis, was reproduced by some " process," and the plates are blurred and indistinct ; the second, issued in Manchester, has some misprints in the text, but the plates were engraved on wood, and are very fair reproductions of the originals. Some copies of the original have the date erased, probably by some dealer, who bought up the remaining copies and hoped to sell them as a new publication. Price. ^8 to ^10. 1 2 DICKENS. III. Title. The/ VILLAGE COQUETTES:/ A Comic Opera./ In two Acts./ By Charles Dickens./ The Music by John Hullah./ London :/ Richard Bentley,/ New Burlington Street./ 1836. Collation, pp. 71. Title. Songs,/ Choruses, and Concerted Pieces,/ in/ The Operatic Burletta/ of/ The Village Coquettes./ as pro- duced at/ The St. James' Theatre./ The Drama and Words of the Songs/ By "Boz."/ The Music by John Hullah./ The Music is Published by Messrs. Cramer and Co.,/ 201, Regent Street./ Printed by Bradbury and Evans, White- friars./ 1837. [Price Tenpencej Collation, pp. 16. Notes. The Opera has been reprinted 'vs\ facsimile . The reprint bears, however, on the back of the title-page, the words, "■ h. facsimile re- print." and cannot therefore be mistaken for the original. The original Opera, and the Songs, cSic, quoted above, are both very scarce. Price. Original Opera, ^10 to ^12, Reprint, -^s. Songs, &c., £s- HINTS TO COLLECTORS. I 3 IV. Title. The/ Strange Gentleman;/ a comic Burletta,/ In two Kci^.l BY "B0Z.7 First performed/ at/ The St. James's Thea,tre,/ on/ Thursday, September 29, 1836./ Lon- don :/ Chapman and Hall, 186, Strand./ MDCCCXXXvn. Collation. One unnumbered page, " Costume," and pp. 46, with frontispiece by " Phiz." Notes. One of the scarcest of Dickens's works, especially with the frontispiece. It has been reprinted, but without the frontispiece, and with many misprints, Mr. Paihhorpe has etched a frontispiece for the reprint. Price. For the original, with frontispiece, from ;^I5 to ^20. Without frontispiece, £fi to ^10. Reprint, ts. 14 DICKENS. V. Title. The/ Posthumous Papers/ of/ The Pickv/ick Club./ By Charles Dickens./ with/ Forty-three ilkistrations, by R. Seymour and/ Phiz./ London:/ Chapman and Hall, i86, Strand./ mdcccxxxvii. Collaiio7i. pp. xiv, two unnumbered pages of Directions to the Binder and errata, pp. 609. Notes. Published in twenty numbers, in green wrappers, one of which should be preserved. A volume, as large as this, might be written on " Pickwick " alone. The collector need only be told what forms such a complete, first edition as can now be obtained. It should have seven plates by Seymour, thirty-six plates by " Phiz," and twn plates by Buss. The last two, the "Cricket Match," and "Arbour Scene," are not essential, as they were so bad that they were suppressed, and two others, "The Influence of the Salmon," and another "Arbour Scene," by Phiz, were substituted. .The collector should see that all these plates are good impressions, and that they have no letterpress descriptions under them. He should also see that the plates by Buss are original impressions, as they have been republished in so-c^iWcd facsimile. The republished plates were first issued on India paper only, in which form they could deceive nobody, but I have since seen copies on ordinary paper. The most cursory comparison of an original with one of these impressions will, however, enable anybody to distinguish between them. It is also desirable to have the four notices issued with Numbers 2, 3, 10 and 15 respectively. Price. £10 to £1^, for such a copy as I have described. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. VL Title. Oliver Twist ;/ or, the/ Parish Boy's pro- gress./ By "Boz.'V In three Volumes./ Vol. 1./ (Vol. 11.)/ (Vol. in.)/ London:/ Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street./ 1838. Collatioti. Vol. 1. One unnumbered page of List of Illustra- tions, pp. 33 f, with nine illustrations. Vol. II., pp. 307, with seven illustrations. Vol. III., pp. 315, with eight illustrations. Notes. The first two volumes were originally issued in " Bentley 's Mis- cellany." The three volumes were then published before the completion of the third volume in the "Miscellany." The last plate, "Rose Maylie and OHver," showing four figures in a room in front of a fire- place, commonly called the " Fireside Plate," was cancelled, and another plate, bearing the .same title, and representing Rose Maylie and Oliver in front of the tomb of Oliver's mother, was substituted. This second plate appeared in " Bentley's Miscellany" and in all but the earliest copies of the book. Care must be taken to see that the title- pages read as above. A second edition bearing the same date, but with a title-page reading as follows: "Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens," was published, and often passes as a first edition. Price. With the cancelled plate, £b to ^7. With the substi- tuted plate, ^4 to £5. Title. The/ Adventures/ of/ Oliver Twist ;/ or,/ The Parish Boy's Progress./ By/ Charles Dickens./ With twenty-four illustrations on Steel, by/ George Cruikshank./ A new Edition, Revised and corrected./ London :/ Published for the Author,/ By Bradbury & Evans, Whitefriars./ MDCCCXLVI, Collation, pp. xii-311. Notes. The first octavo edition, issued in ten numbers, with a green wrapper by George Cruikshank, representing scenes, some of which are not included in the original illustrations. The wrapper should be pre- served. The plates were touched up, and I think some of them must have been re-etched, as the variations from those in the three volume edition are considerable. Price. £6 to ^8, in numbers. ^3 to £^\, in cloth. 1 6 DICKENS. VII. Title. Sketches/ of/ Young Gentlemen./ Dedicated to the Young Ladies./ With six illustrations/ by/ " Phiz."/ London :/ Chapman and Hall, i86, Strand./ MDCCCXXXVIII. Collation, pp. viii-76, with six illustrations and an illustrated cover. Note. The cover should be preserved, also the advertisements at the end. Price. £2 to £1. VIII. Title. Memoirs/ of/ Joseph Grimaldi./ Edited by/ " B0Z.7 With illustrations by George Cruikshank./ In Two Volumes./ Vol. I./ (Vol. 11.)/ London:/ Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street./ 1838. Collation. Vol. I., pp. xix, one unnumbered page " Embellish- ments," and pp. 288, with a portrait of Grimaldi and six other illustrations. Vol. II., pp. ix-263, with six illustrations. Notes, The first issue was in pink cloth. Another issue, with the same title-page, was bound in very dark cloth. In this issue the final plate, "The Last Song," has round it a border representing panto- mimic characters. It is, if anything, rarer in this state than without the border. Price. £6 to £S. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. I 7 IX. Title. The/ Life and Adventures/ of/ Nicholas NiCKLEBV./ By Charles Dickens./ With illustrations by I'hiz./ London:/ Chapman arid Hall, 186, Strand./ MDCCCXXXix. Collation, pp. xvi-624, with a portrait of Dickens and thirty- nine illustrations. Notes. Issued in twenty numbers in gieen wrappers, one of which should be preserved. In the first edition the plates, up to and inclusive of that opposite p. 45, bear the publishers' names. Price. £2 los. to ^3. X. Title. 1:\\qI Loving Ballad/ of/ Lord Bateman./ illus- trated by/ George Cruikshank./ London :/ Charles Tilt, Fleet Street ;/ and Mustapha Syried, Constantinople./ mdcccxxxix. Collatiofi. pp. 40, with eleven illustrations and a page of music, and green cloth cover with an illustration by Georpre Cruikshank stamped on it in gold. Notes. The notes and preface were written by Dickens. Tlie first edition has the numbers of the pages in the middle, not in the corner, as in later issues. In the edition of 185 1 the trees in the seventh, and the hills in the ninth, plate had been shaded, and the plates otherwise touched up. The cover should be preserved. Price. £4, to ^5. 1 8 DICKENS. XI. Title. Sketches/ of/ Young Couples ;/ with an/ urgent remonstrance to the Gentlemen of England (being bachelors or Widowers),/ on the present alarming crisis./ by/ the Author of " Sketches of young Gentlemen."/ with sLx illustrations/ by/ " Phiz.7 London :/ Chapman and Hall, i86, Strand./ MDCCCXL. Collation, pp. 92, with six illustrations, and an illustrated cover. Notes. The cover should be preserved. Also the advertisements at the end, which include an announcement of " Master Humphrey's Clock." Fricc. Iz to i^. XII. Title. Master Humphrey's Clock./ By Charles Dickens./ With Illustrations/ By/ George Cattermole and Hablot Browne./ Vol I./ (Vol. 11./ Vol. III./) London :/ Chap- man and Hall, 186, Strand./ mdcccxl. Vols. II. and III. are dated mdccCXLL Collation. Vol. I., pp. iv-306. Vol. II., pp. vi-306. Vol III., pp. vi-426. Notes. Issued in eighty-eight weekly numbers, with white, and in twenty monthly numbers, Avith green illustrated wrappers. A copy of each wrapper should be preserved. In numbers 9, 80, 81, 82, 83 and 87 will be found addresses by the author. Price. £2 to ^4- HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 1 9 Xin. Title. The/ Pic Nic Papers./ by various hands./ Edited by/ Charles Dickens, Esq./ Author of/ " The Pick- wick Papers," " Nicholas Nickleby," &c./ with illustrations by George Cruikshank, Phiz, &c./ in three volumes./ Vol. I./ (Vol. n.)/ (Vol. III.)/ London:/ Henry Colbum, Publisher,/ Great Marlborough Street./ mdcccxli. Collation. Vol. I., pp. vi, one unnumbered page of illustrations, and pp. 323, with four illustrations. Vol. II., one unnumbered page of contents, pp. 298, with four illustrations. Vol. III., pp. 378, with six illustrations. Note. The first stoiy was written, the rest of the book edited, by Dickens. Price. £s to £6. 20 DICKENS. XIV. Title. American Notes/ for/ General circulation./ By Charles Dickens./ In Two Volumes./ Vol. I./ (Vol. 11.)/ London :/ Chapman and Hall, i86, Strand./ mdcccxlii. Collation. Vol. I., pp. xvi, one unnumbered page, Going Away./ and the passage out./ and pp. 308. Vol. II., pp. vii-306. Notes. In the earliest copies of Vol. I., the preliminary pages, though only eight in number, are paged up to sixteen. This was corrected later, and many copies of the first edition will, consequently, be found with the preliminary pages numbered up to eight only. A reference to " The Life of Charles Dickens," by John Forster, vol. ii., p. 13, et scq., will explain the original error, as it seems probable, though Mr. Forster does not say so, that the introductoiy chapter had been printed before it was decided to suppress it, and the pagination of tlie earliest copies was not altered. Price. £2 to £2 ioj:. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 2 I XV. Title. A Christmas Carol./ in Prose./ being/ A GHOST STORY OF CHRISTMAS./ by/ CHARLES DiCKENS./ With illustrations by John Leech./ London :/ Chapman & Hall, 186, Strand./ MDCCCXLIII. Collation. Two unnumbered pages, preface, and contents, and pp. 166, with four full-page coloured illustrations. Notes. The first issue was in brown cloth, with gilt edges. The earliest copies have green end papers, and on p. r is "Stave L", the later copies having " Stave One," to match with the headings to the later chapters. Much discussion has been caused by the existence of some copies having the date of 1844, with no acknowledgment on the title-page as to edition, and with the parts of the title-page that are usually printed blue, printed green. The question is, "Is this a first edition?" I think that, though it is dated 1844, and there were several editions in 1843, it is a first edition as much as, but no more than, the red and blue edition. My reason for saying so, is that all the red and green copies I have seen have " Stave I." on the first page. My theory is that some red and blue copies, dated 1843, and some red and green copies, dated 1844, were printed to enable the author to see which looked best, the red and blue copies were preferred, and the others were consequently not issued in any considerable number. I am convinced that the red and blue copies are genuine first editions, because I have in my possession a red and blue copy absolutely uncut, having "Stave I." on p. i, and being, I believe, the very first copy printed and sent to the binder for his guidance. Price. £,\ to £6. 22 DICKENS. XVI. Title. Evenings/ of/ a working man,/ being the occupation of/ His scanty leisure :/ by JOHN Overs./ with a preface relative to the Author,/ by Charles Dickens./ Lon- don :/ T. C. Newby, 72, Mortimer Street,/ Cavendish Square./ 1844. Collation, pp. xiii, one unnumbered page of contents, and pp. 205. Note. Issued in tirown cloth, with gilt edges. Price. £2. XVII. Title. The/ Life and Adventures/ of/ Martin Chuzzlewit./ By Charles Dickens./ with illustrations by Phiz./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, 186, Strand./ mdcccxliv. Collation, pp;' xiv, one unnumbered page of Errata, and pp. 624, with forty illustrations, including the illustrated title-page. Notes. Published in twenty numbers in green wrappers, one of which should be preserved. A curious mistake was made in one of the plates etched for the illustrated title-page, the amount of the reward offered by the notice on the signpost being pi^inted as loO;^. This was altered in the other plates to £\oo. Copies with the mistake are scarce, and consequently more valuable than the others. Price. £1 to ^5- HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 23 XVIIL Title. The Chimes :/ a Goblin Story/ of/ some bells that rang an old year out/ and a new year in./ by Charles Dickens./ London:/ Chapman and Hall, 186, Strand./ mdcccxlv. Collation. One unnumbered page of illustrations, and pp. 175, with two full-page illustrations. Notes. Issued in red cloth covers, which should be preserved. The ilkistrated title-page in the first issue has the publishers' names etched on the plate. In the later issue their names are printed below the plate. I cannot refrain from noticing here a most interesting copy of "The Chimes " in a friend's collection. He bought it in a set of the Christmas Books, and found to his annoyance that it was imperfect, many of the woodcuts not having been printed in the spaces left for them. He showed it to me, and I found that the lower part of the woodcut on p. 125 differed from that in the published book. Leech had misunderstood his author, as in the "Battle of Life," but had been foinid out in time. Instead of drawing Richard "with matted hair," he had drawn a dissipated " Trotty Veck," with hat, apron and all, which was not what Dickens intended. This is probably the only impression of this woodcut in existence. Price. £\ los. with the illustrated title in the first state. \^s. to 20s. in the second state. 24 DICKENS. XIX. Title. The/ Cricket on the Hearth./ A/ Fair)' tale of Home./ by/ Charles Dickens./ London :/ printed and pub- lished for the Author,/ by Bradbury and Evans, 90, Fleet Street./ and Whitefriars./ mdcccxlvi. Collation. Two unnumbered pages of Dedication and Illus- trations, and pp. 174, with two full-page illustrations. Note. Issued in red cloth covers, which should be preserved. Price. \^s. XX. Title. Pictures from Italy./ by/ Charles Dickens./ The Vignette illustrations on Wood, by Samuel Palmer./ {Wood- cut.)! The Street of the Tombs : Pompeii./ London :/ Pub- lished for the Author,/ by Bradbury & Evans, Whitefriars./ mdcccxlvi. Collation. One unnumbered page of contents, and pp. 270. Azotes. Issued in dark blue cloth. This book, owing to some defect in the paper, is almost always found with the edges discoloured. Price, ijjr. to £i ^s. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 25 XXL Title. The/ Battle of Life./ A Love Story./ by/ Charles Dickens / London :/ Bradbury(S: Evans, Whitefriars./ MDCCCXLVI. Collation. Two unnumbered pages of Dedication and Illustra- tions, and pp. 175, with two full-page illustrations. Notes. Issued in red cloth covers, which should be preserved. I suppose nobody has ever seen a second edition of this book. The title-page is always the same. There were however three issues, which can be distinguished by the illustrated title. The first issue has " A Love Story " printed in a simple scroll, and underneath is printed : London :/ Published by Bradbury & Evans, Whitefriars./ 1846. The second issue, which is far the scarcest, has "A Love Story," borne by a cherub, and underneath is printed, London : Bradbury & Evans, Whitefriars. The third issue is quite common, and is similar to the last, but bears no publisher's name on the illustrated title. Price. For first or second issues, £,2. For third issue, \os. 2 6 DICKENS. XXII. Title. DoMBEV AND Son./ by/ Charles Dickens./ With Illustrations by H. K. Browne./ London:/ Bradbury and Evans, ii, Bouverie Street./ 1848. Collation, pp. xvi, one Unnumbered page of errata, and pp. 624, with forty illustrations, including the illustrated title-page. Notes. Published in twenty numbers, in green wrappers, one of which should be preserved. The collector must look carefully at the impres- sions of the plates, as some of them are very poor. As Mr, Thomson points out in his " Life of Phiz," if the plate at p. 547, " On the dark Road," is in good state, the other plates are likely to be good also. Price. £2 to £2,. XXIII. Title. The Haunted Man/ and/ the Ghost's bargain./ a fancy for Christmas time./ by/ Charles Dickens. London:/ Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street./ 1848. Collation. One unnumbered page of illustrations, and pp. 1 88, with two full-page illustrations. , Note. Issued in red cloth covers, which should be preserved. Price, los. to 15^. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 2" XXIV. Title. The Personal History/ of/ David COPPERFIELD./ by Charles Dickens./ with illustrations by H. K. Browne./ London :/ Bradbury «& Evans, ii, Bouverie Street./ 1850. Collation, pp. xiv-624, and one unnumbered page of errata, with forty illustrations, including the illustrated title-page. Notes. Published in twenty numbers, in green wrappers, one of which should be preserved. In the first edition the illustrated title-page bears the date, 1850, which is absent from later editions of the same year. Price. £z to £A- XXV. Title. Christmas Numbers. There were nine Christmas numbers of " Household Words " from 1850 to 1858, inclusive. There were also nine Christmas numbers of "All the Year Round" from 1859 to 1867, inclusive. Note. These should be obtained in parts, as issued, in which form they are very scarce. Price. £1 to ^4. 2 8 DICKENS. XXVI. Title. Mr. Nightingale's Dl\ry :/ A Farce./ In one Act./ by/ {This is left blank) London :/ 185 1. Collation. One unnumbered page of Dramatis Personcr, and pp. 26. Title. Mr. Nightingale's Diary :/ A farce/ in one Act./ by Charles Dickens./ Boston :/ James R. Osgood and Com- pany,/ late Ticknor Or' Fields, and Fields, Osgood, <2r^ Co.\ 1877. Collation, pp. 96. Notes. The first edition was privately printed, and is practically un- obtainable. The above particulars are taken from the copy in the P'orster Collection at the South Kensington Museum, which is the only copy I know of. The American edition is now scarce. Price. American edition, 15^-. to 20s. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 29 XXVn. Title. A/ Child's History of England./ by/ Charles Dickens./ With a frontispiece by F. \V. Topham./ Volume I./ England from the Ancient Times, to the death of/ King John./ LONDON :/ Bradbury & Evans, ii,Bouverie Street./ 1853^ Collation. Vol. L, pp. xi-210, with full-page frontispiece. Title. A/ Child's History of England / by/ Charles Dickens./ With a frontispiece by F. W. Topham./ Volume 11./ England from the Reign of Henry the Third, to the/ Reign of Richard the Third./ London:/ Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street./ 1853. Collation. Vol. II., pp. viii-214, with full-page frontispiece. Title. A/ Child's History of England./ by/ Charles Dickens./ WithafrontispiecebyF.W. Topham./ Volume III./ England from the Reign of Henry the Seventh to/ the Revolution of 1688./ London :/ Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street./ 1854. Collation. Vol. III., pp. viii-321, with full-page frontispiece. Notes. Issued in dull red cloth covers, with an illustration stamped in gold, which should be preserved. The centre pictures in the frontis- pieces are different. Care shouUl be taken to see that the date of each volume is as above. Other editions have later dates, but are not otherwise distinguishable from the first issues. Price. £1 to .^4. 30 DICKENS. XXVIII. Title. Bleak House./ by/ Charles Dickens./ With Illustrations by H. K. Browne./ London :/ Bradbury and Evans, ii, Bouverie Street./ 1853. Collation, pp. xvi-624, with forty illustrations, including the illustrated title-page. Notes. Issued in twenty numbers with green wrappers, one of which should be preserved. Care should be taken to see that the impressions of the plates are good, as some, especially the darker ones, are very poor. Price, ^i to ^2. XXIX. Title. Hard Times./ For These Times./ bv Charles Dickens./ London :/ Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street./ 1854. Collation, pp. viii-352. N'ote. Issued in green cloth . Price. £ito£i s^. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 3 1 XXX. Title. Little Dorrit./ by/ Charles Dickens./ With Illustrations by H. K. Browne./ London :/ Bradbury and Evans, ii, Bouverie Street./ 1857. Collation, pp. xiv-625, with forty illustrations, including the illustrated title-page. Notes. Published in twenty numbers, with green wrappers, one of which should be preserved. The impressions of the plates vary greatly, and the collector should see that all the dark plates especially are in good condition. Price. £1 to/2. XXXI. Title. The Story/ of/ Little Dombey./ by/ Charles Dickens./ London:/ Bradbury & Evans, 11, Bouverie Street./ 1858. Collation, pp. 121. Notes. Revised by Dickens for his own Readings and published in a green cover, with a woodcut of " Little Dombey." Care should be taken to see that the date is 1858. P7ice. £1 t.0 £\ los. 2)2 DICKENS. O XXXII. Title. The Poor Traveller :/ Boots at the Holly- tree Inn:/ and/ MRS. Gamp./ by/ Charles Dickens./ Lon- don :/ Bradbury & Evans, i r, Bouverie Street./ 1858. Collation, pp. 114, Notes. Arranged by Dickens for his own Readings and issued in green wrappers. Care should be taken to see that the date is 1858. Price, i^s. to 20s. XXXIII. Title. A/ Tale of two Cities./ by/ Charles Dickens./ With Illustrations by H. K. Browne./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly ;/ and at the Office of All the Year Round,/ 11, Wellington Street North./ mdccclix. Collation, pp. viii, one unnumbered page " List of Plates," and pp. 254, with sixteen illustrations. Notes. Originally issued in "All the Year Round," and afterwards in eight numbers with green wrappers, one of which should be pre- sers'ed. The sale in numbers was very limited, and the numbers are conse- quently scarce. In many copies the letterpress and plates have "printed off." Price. .^4 to ^"6. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 33 XXXIV. Title. Great Expectations/ by/ Charles Dickens./ In Three Volumes./ Vol. I./ (Vol. 11.)/ (Vol. III.)/ London :/ Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly./ MDCCCLXI./ [ The right of translation is reserved.^ Collation. Vol. I., one unnumbered page of inscription, and PP- 344- Vol. II., pp. 351. Vol. III., pp. 344. Notes. The whole first edition of this book was absorbed by the libraries, and it is, consequently, one of the most difficult of all Dickens's books to get in clean, uncut state. Other editions were printed, bearing on the title-pages an announcement of second, third, or otlier edition. These editions have been transformed into first editions by some dis- honest person, who has printed title-pages as above, and has, no doubt, done a profitable trade with unsuspecting purchasers. The title-pages should be carefully inspected to see if they correspond as to paper, type, etc., with the remainder of the book. This book has never been worthily illustrated in England ; I am glad, therefore, to announce the issue, by Messrs. Robson and Kerslake, of twenty-one etchings by Mr. Pailthorpe, which, from what I have seen of them, are likely to be very successful. Price. £7 to ^10, 34 DICKENS. XXXV. Title. lYi^l Uncommercial Traveller/ by/ Charles Dickens./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly./ MDCCCLXl. Collation. Two unnumbered pages, preface and contents, and pp. 264. Note. Issued in cloth, and now very scarce. Price. £2. XXXVI. Title. Our Mutual Friend./ By/ Charles Dickens./ With Illustrations by Marcus Stone./ In Two Volumes./ Vol. I./ (Vol. 11.)/ London :/ Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly./ 1865./ {The right 0/ Translation is reserved."] Collation. Vol. I., pp. xi-320, with twenty illustrations. Vol. II., pp. vii and one unnumbered page of " Illustrations to Volume II.", and pp. 309, with twenty illustrations. Notes. Issued in twenty numbers, with green wrappers, one of which should be preserved. An explanatory note as to the title was issued on a slip of paper, and should be bound in. Price. £1. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 35 XXXVI L Title. LEGENDS and LYRICS./ by/ ADELAIDE Anne Procter./ With an introduction by/ Charles Dickens./ New Edition, with Additions./ Illustrated by/ W. T. C. Dobson, A.R.A., Samuel Palmer, J. Tenniel, George H. Thomas,/ Lorenz Frohlich, W. H. Millais, G. Du Maurier, \V. P. Burton,/ J. D. Watson, Charles Keene, J. M. Carrick,/ M. E. Edwards, T. Morten./ London : Bell and Daldy, 186, Fleet Street./ 1866. Collation. Four unnumbered pages of Contents ; one un- numbered page of Illustrations ; eleven unnumbered pages of Introduction, and pp. 330. Note. The introduction only was by Dickens. Price. £1 los. to £2. XXXVIII. Title. The Mystery/ of/ Edwin Drood./ by/ Charles Dickens./ With twelve illustrations by S. L. Fildes,/ and a Portrait./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly./ 1870./ \the right of Translation is reserved.^ Collation, pp. vii, one unnumbered page of Illustrations, and pp. 190, with portrait, \'ignette on first title-page, and twelve illustrations. Notes. Issued in six numbers in gi-een wrappers, one of which should be preserved. The issue was then stopped by the author's death. Price. 6s. to los. 36 DICKENS. XXXIX. Title. Hunted Down :/ A Story./ by/ Charles Dickens./ With some account of/ Thomas Griffiths Waine- wright,/ the Poisoner./ [Woodcut^] The fatal house, No. 12, Conduit Street, JVJ London :/ John Camden Hotten,/ 74 & 75, Piccadilly. Collation, pp. 89. Notes. Issued in green wrappers, which should be preserved. The title-page bears no date, but the book was issued in 1870. The story had formerly appeared in an American journal. Price. \^s, to 20J. XL. Title. Is She his Wife ?/ or,/ something singular./ a comic burletta/ in one act./ by Charles Dickens./ Boston :/ James R. Osgood and Company,/ late Ticknor dr' Fields, and Fields, Osgood, &^ Co. I 1877. Collation, pp. 80. Note. Said to have been privately printed in 1837, but no copy is known to exist. Price. For the American edition, 20s. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. XLI. Title. The Lamplighter/ A Farce/ By/ Charles Dickens/ (1838)/ now first printed from a manuscript in the/ Forster Collection at the South/ Kensington Museum/ London/ 1879 Collation, pp. 45. Note. 250 copies only were printed from the manuscript, in the Forster Collection at the South Kensington Museum. Price, ts. XLIL Title. The/ MuDFOG Papers,/ etc./ By Charles Dickens,/ Author of "The Pickwick Papers," etc./ Now First Collected./ London : Richard Bentley and Son,/ Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen. 1 880./ {All rights reserved. ) Collation, pp. iv-198. Notes. The papers originally appeared in Bentley's Miscellany. It is surprising that they should not have been reprinted earlier. Price. 6s. ■'S DICKENS. O XLIII. Title. The Letters/ of/ Charles Dickens./ Edited by/ his Sister-in-law and his Eldest Daughter./ In two Volumes./ Vol. I./ 1833 to 1856./ (Vol. 11./ 1857 to 1880./) London :/ Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly./ 1880./ \The Right of Translation is Reserved^ Collation. Vol. I., pp. ix, one unnumbered page, "Book I." and slip of errata, and pp. 463. Vol. II., one slip oi errata, and pp. 464. Title. The Letters/ of/ Charles Dickens./ Edited by/ his Sister-in-Law and his Eldest Daughter/ VoL III./ 1836 to 1870./ London:/ Chapman and Hall, Limited,/ 11, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden./ 1882./ {The Right of Translation is Reserved.] Collation. One unnumbered page of preface and slip of errata, and pp. 308. No^es. Later editions bear on the title-pages the words second, third, or other thousand. In Mr. Shepherd's Bibliography is contained a long list of errata, and additional letters, which is very useful. Price. £1 los. to £2. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 39 XLIV. Title. The/ PLAYS and Poems/ of/ Charles Dickens/ with a few Miscellanies in Prose/ now first Collected/ Edited Prefaced and Annotated/ by/ Richard Heme Shepherd/ In Two Volumes/ Vol. I./ (Vol. 11./) London/ W. H. Allen & Co. 13 Waterloo Place S.W./ Publishers to the India Office/ 1882/ {All rights reserved) Collation. Vol. I., pp. 406. Vol. II., pp. vi, one unnumbered page oi errata, and pp. 420. Notes, This collection contained copyright matter, and was almost immediately suppressed. Very few copies, especially of the large paper edition, got into circulation. A new edition, dated 1885, has just been issued, from which the copyright play of "No Thoroughfare " has been omitted. Price. Large paper copies, ^4 ; small paper copies, £,2, DICKENSIANA. [A-/ew of the more mteresting Books relating to Dickens and his works are noted belo%vi\ (1849—1885.) XLV. Title. i:\i&l Battle of London Life ;/ or,/ Boz AND HIS Secretary./ By Morna./ With six Designs on Stone by George Sala./ London :/ George Peirce, 310, Strand./ 1849. Collation, pp. iv-io6, with five full-page illustrations, not six, as stated on the title-page. Note. This book, described by Mr. Sala in a letter to me as a " rub- bishing production," was written by Captain Thomas O'Keefe, and is chiefly interesting for the portrait of Dickens in his Study by Mr. Sala. Price. £2 to ^3. XLVL Title. Lizzie Leigh./ By Charles Dickens. Collation, p. 13 to p. 63 inclusive, with a portrait of the heroine. Notes. This story has, perhaps, as much, or rather as little, right to claim Dickens as its author, as has " A Curious Dance round a Curious Tree." (See No. XLVII. ) This story was written by Mrs. Gaskell, was published in "All the Year Round," was, no doubt, f^/Z/^a' by Dickens, and was published in "The Irving Offering" for 1851, New York, under his name. I know of only two copies. Price. £S' HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 4 1 XLVn. Title. A Curious Dance/ Round a Curious Tree./ By/ Charles Dickens, (n.d. [i860.]) Collation, pp. 19. Notes. There is no title-page. Tlie title above is taken from the cover. There are two editions of this little pamphlet, which was written by Mr. \V. H. Wills, and originally published in "All the Year Round." One of the copies in the British Museum, which I believe to be the first edition, is in a purple wrapper. The other edition, which I believe to be later, is in a pink wrapper. The pattern on this is difterent from that on the purple wrapper ; a comma, instead of a full stop, comes after the word "Tree," and the last seven lines on p. 19 are printed in thick type. Price. £2 to ^3. XLVin. Title. The Charles Dickens Dinner./ An Authentic Record/ of/ The Public Banquet/ given to/ Mr. Charles Dickens,/ at the/ Freemasons' Hall, London,/ On Saturday, November 2, 1867,/ Prior to his departure for the United States./ With a report of the Speeches from Special Shorthand Notes./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, 193, Picca- dilly ;/ Ticknor and Field, Boston./ 1867. Collation, pp. 32. Note. This pamphlet is now becoming scarce. Price. \os. 42 DICKENS. XLIX. Title. Charles Dickens./ By/ George Augustus Sala./ London :/ George Routledge and Sons,/ The Broadway, Ludgate. Collation, pp. x-144. Notes. A most interesting little memoir, reprinted, with additions, from " The Daily Telegraph." It was issued in yellow paper covers bearing a portrait of Dickens. Price. 5j. L. Title. Speeches/ Literary and Social./ By/ Charles Dickens./ {Woodcut Portrait.)] Now first collected./ With Chapters on " Charles Dickens as a Letter Writer,/ Poet, and Public Speaker."/ London/ John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly Collation, pp. 372, with a photograph of Dickens from Count D'Orsay's Drawing of him. Note. Anether edition was shortly afterwards published without the photograph. Price. 1 5 J. to zos. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 43 LL Title. Charles Dickens/ The Story of his Life/ by the/ Author of the " Life of Thackeray "/ {}Voodad)l Bleak House at Broadstairs/ with illustrations and facsimiles/ London/ John Camden Hotten, Piccadilly Collation, pp. xvi-367, and one unnumbered page of errata, with a Photograph of Dickens, as Captain Bobadil, and ten full- page illustrations. Notes. Another edition, without the photograph and other illustra- tions, was shortly afterwards published. The first edition has long been scarce. Price. £,\ \os. to £;2.. LIL Title. Pen Photographs/ of/ Charles Dickens's Readings./ Taken from Life/ By Kate Field,/ An American./ With illustrations./ London :/ Trubner & Co., 60 Paternoster Row./ Boston, U. S. :/ James R. Osgood and Company,/ Late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields, Osgood, & Co./ 1871. Collatioti. pp. iv, one unnumbered page of contents, and pp. 152, with a portrait and nine full-page illustrations. Note. The first edition has a slip inserted referring to Messrs. Chap- man and Hall's consent to its publication in England. Price, los. 44 DICKENS. LI 1 1. Title. The Life/ of/ Charles Dickens./ By John Forster./ Volume the First./ 1812-1842./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly./ 1872./ \The Right of Translation and Reproduction is reserved."] The Life/ of/ Charles Dickens./ By John Forster./ Volume the Second./ 1842-1852./ London:/ Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly./ 1873./ [The Right 0/ Translation a7id Reproduction is reserved.'] The Life/ of/ Charles Dickens./ By John Forster./ Volume the Third./ 185 2- 1870./ London :/ Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly./ 1874./ {The Right of Translation and Re- production is reserved^ Collation. Vol. L, pp. xviii, one unnumbered page of Illustra- tions, and pp. 398, with illustrations as in list. Vol. II., pp. xx-462, with illustrations as in list. Vol. Ill,, pp. XV-5S2, with illustrations as in list. Notes. The later editions have the words second, third, or other thousand on the title-page. The brown cloth covers should be bound in. Price. £2 10s. to ^3. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 45 LIV. Title. Dickens/ by/ Adolphus William Ward/ London :/ Macmillan and Co./ 1882./ The Right of Traiislation and Reproduction is Reserved. Collation, pp. vi, one unnumbered page of Contents, and pp. 224. Notes. Later issues have the words second, third, or other thousand on the back of the title-page. Care should be taken to see these words are not there. Price. Si', to 105-. LV. Title. About England/ with Dickens/ By/ Alfred Rimmer/ Author of/ * Rambles round Eton and Harrow,' ' Our Old Country Towns,' etc./ {Woodcut portrait of Dickens.)\ With fifty-eight illustrations/ by C. A. Vanderhoof, Alfred Rimmer, and Others/ London/ Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly/ 1883/ [All rights reserved\ Collatio7i. pp. ix-307. Note. The illustrated cloth cover should be bound in. Price. Js. LVL Title. The Youth and Middle Age/ of/ Charles Dickens/ By/ James Payn/ (From Chambers's Journal)/ 50 Copies Printed/ 1883 Collation. 20 unnumbered pages. Note. Fifty copies only were reprinted from " Chambers's Journal,"' and they are now scarce. Price, los. 46 DICKENS. LVII. Title. The/ Childhood and Youth/ of/ Charles Dickens./ {Wooden t.)l Wiih retrospective notes, and Elu- cidations, fromj his Books and Letters! By/ Robert Langton, F.R. Hist. See./ Associate of the Manchester Academy of Fitie Arts. I Manchester: Published by the Author at Albert Chambers./ 1883. Collatiojt. pp. xviii-250, with numerous illustrations, of which there is a list. Notes. A most interesting book, with two portraits of Dickens among the illustrations. Large paper copies have been printed. Price. For large paper copies, £2 2s. For small paper copies, \2s. 6d. LVII I. Title. Charles Dickens/ As I knew Him/ The Story/ of the/ Reading Tours/ in/ Great Britain and America/ 1 866- 1 870)/ By/ George Dolby/ London/ T Fisher Unwin/ 26 Paternoster Square/ 1885 Collation, pp. xiii-466. Notes. Issued in red cloth, with a facsimile of Dickens's signature, which should be kept. Price, ds. PLAYS. THE following list of Plays, founded on Dickens's works, is probably incomplete, but it includes all I have been able to find that were issued in England, and a few issued in America and elsewhere. 1. Sam Weller,/ or, the/ Pickwickians./ A Drama,/ in three Acts./ as performed/ At the New Strand Theatre,/ with unexampled Success./ By W. T. Moncrieff, Esq./ London,/ 1837. 2. The/ Pickwickians ;/ or,/ The Peregrinations of Sam Weller./ A Comic Drama,/ In Three Acts./ Arranged from Moncrieff's Adaptation of Charles Dickens' Works,/ by/ T. H. Lacy. (n.d. Lacy's edition.) 3. The Pickwick Club :/ or/ the age we live in !/ A Bur- letta,/ in/ Three Acts./ PyE. Stirhng, Esq./ J. Duncombe & Co. (n.d. [1837.] With an Etching of Pickwick in The Pound, by Findlay.) 4. Bardell v. Pickwick./ ( The Trial Scene frem Pick- wick.)l A Farcical Sketch,/ in One Act./ by Charles Dickens./ Arranged for the Stage from the Author's Special Reading Copy./ By John Hollingshead. New York :/ R. M. De Witt. (N.D.) 48 DICKENS. 5. Oliver Twist./ A Serio-comic Burletta,/ In three Acts./ by/ George Almar, Comedian./ as Performed at/ The Royal Surrey Theatre. (n.d. With an etching, by Pierce Egan the younger. Web- ster's edition.) 6. Oliver Twist;/ or,/ The Parish Boy's Progress./ A Drama,/ In three Acts./ Adapted from the celebrated Novel, by/ Mr. Charles Dickens./ Thomas Hailes Lacy. (N.D. With Frontispiece by Findlay. Lacy's edition.) 7. Oliver Twist./ A Serio-Comic Burletta,/ in Four Acts,/ By George Almar, Comedian./ New York./ Samuel French. (N.D.) 8. Bumble's Courtship./ From/ Dickens' "Oliver Twist."/ A Comic Interlude,/ In one Act./ by/ Frank E. Emson./ Pub- lished by Permission of Messrs. Chapman & Hall. (n.d, Lacy's edition.) 9. Master Humphrey's Clock ;/ A Domestic Drama,/ in/ Two Acts./ By Frederick Fox Cooper, Esq. (n.d. With Frontispiece by Mr. Findlay. Duncombe's edition.) 10. The/ Old Curiosity Shop./ A Drama,/ In two Acts./ by/ E. Stirling, Esq. (n.d. With Frontispiece. Lacy's edition.) 11. Barnaby Rudge./ a domestic Drama,/ In Three acts./ by/ Charles Selby/ and/ Charles Melville. (n.d. French's edition.) HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 49 12. Nicholas NiCKLEBY,/ A Farce,/ In Two Acts./ Taken from the popular work of that name by " Boz."/ By/ Edward Stirling, Esq. (n.d. Webster's edition, with an etching by Pierce Egan the younger.) 13. The/ Fortunes of Smike,/ or a/ Sequel to Nicholas Nickleby./ A Drama,/ In Two Acts./ By Edward Stirling, Esq. (n.d. Webster's edition, with an etching by Pierce Egan the younger.) 14. Martin Chuzzlewit,/ A Drama,/ In three Acts./ By Charles Webb, Esq. (n.d. Barth, London.) 15. Martin Chuzzlewit !/ A Drama,/ in Three Acts./ Adapted from C. Dickens, Esq. Celebrated Work,/ By Edward Stirling, Esq. (n.d. Thomas Hailes Lacy.) 16. Martin Chuzzlewit/ or,/ His Wills and his ways,/ What he did, and what he didn't./ A domestic Drama,/ in Three Acts,/ founded on Charles Dickens' Popular Story./ By/ Thomas Higgle/ and/ Thomas Hailes Lacy. (n.d. Lacy's edition.) 17. Mrs. Sarah Gamp's/ Tea and Turn Out ;/ a Bozzian Sketch,/ In one Act./ By B, Webster, Esq. (n.d. With an etching by Brewer. Webster's edition.) 18. Mrs. Harris./ A Farce/ in one Act,/ By Edward Stirling. (n.d. Thos. Hailes Lacy. With an etching by T. H. Jones.) ;0 DICKENS. 19. A/ Christmas Carol ;/ or, the/ Miser's Warning !/ (adapted from Charles Dickens' celebrated work.)/ by/ G. Z. Barnett. (n.d. With frontispiece. Lacy's edition.) 20. The Chimes/ A goblin Story, of/ some Bells that rang an old year out/ and/ a new year in ;/ A Drama,/ In Four Quarters,/ Dramatised By/ Mark Lemon,/ and Gilbert A. a' Beckett. (N.D. Webster's edition. With an etching by Clayton.) 21. The/ Cricket on the Hearth ;/ or,/ A Fairy Tale of Home./ A Drama, in Three Acts./ Dramatized by/ Albert Smith Esq.,/ By the express permission of the Author,/ Charles Dickens, Esq. (n.d. New York, Samuel French.) 22. The/ Cricket/ on the Hearth,/ A fairy tale of Home./ by/ Edward Stirling, Esq. (n.d. With an etching by G. Dorrington. Webster's edition.) 23. The/ Cricket on the Hearth/ A Fairy Tale of Home/ in/ Three Chirps/ Adapted from/ Mr. Charles Dickens's/ Popular Story. (n.d. With frontispiece by T. H. Jones. Lacy's edition.) 24. The Battle of Life ;/ A Drama,/ in Three Acts./ (founded on Mr. Dickens's celebrated work.)/ By Edward Stirling, Esq. (n.d. Frontispiece by Mr. T. Jones. Duncombe's edition.) 25. The drama/ Founded on the new Christmas annual of/ Charles Dickens, Esq.,/ called/ The Battle of Life,/ dra- matized by/ Albert Smith, Esq./ by the Express permission of the Author,/ Charles Dickens Esq. (n.d. [1846.] Nassau Press.) HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 5 I 26. La Bataille de la Vie,/ Piece en trois Actes, melee de chant,/ Par MAL Mdlesville et Andr^ de Goy,/ Representee, pour la premiere fois h. Paris, sur Ic Theatre du Vaudeville,/ le 3 Septembre 1853. (n.d. Beck, Paris.) 27. DOMBEY AND SON./ Dramatized from Dickens' Novel./ By John Brougham, Esq./ In Three Acts. (n.d. Samuel French, New York.) 28. Little Em'ly./ ("David Copperfield.")/ A Drama,/ in Four Acts./ By Andrew HaUiday./ New York :/ De Witt. (N.D.) 29. David Copperfield./ A Drama, in two Acts./ Adapted from Dickens' popular work of the same name./ By John Brougham, Esq. (N.D. New York, Samuel French.) 30. The Tale/ of Two Cities :/ A Drama in Three Acts,/ And a Prologue,/ Adapted from Mr. Charles Dickens's Story,/ By Henry J. Rivers. (N.D. Davidson's Actable Drama. With a lithograph.) 31. A Tale of two Cities./ A Drama,/ in two Acts and a prologue,/ Adapted from the story of that name by/ Charles Dickens, Esq./ by/ Tom Taylor, Esq. (n.d. Thomas Hailes Lacy.) 32. The/ Dead Witness ;/ or,/ Sin and its Shadow./ A Drama,/ In three acts,/ Founded on "The Widow's Story" of the seven poor Travellers,/ by Charles Dickens./ The Drama written by/ Wybert Reeve. (n.d. Lacy's edition.) ^ 2 DICKENS. D 33. A/ Message From the Sea./ A drama, in three acts./ by/ Charles Dickens/ and/ Wilkie Collins./ London :/ Pub- lished by G. Holsworth,/ At the Office of " All the Year Round." Wellington Street, Strand./ 1861. 34. No Thorough Fare./ A Drama/ In Five Acts and a Prologue./ By Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. (N.D. [1868.] R. M. De Witt.) 35. Identity;/ or,/ No Thoroughfare./ By Louis Lequel./ Dramatized from the Christmas Story of/ Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. (N.D. New York, Samuel French.) 36. L'Abime/ Drama en cinq Actes, en onze Tableaux/ par/ Charles Dickens/ M L/ Paris/ Michel Ldvy Frferes, Libraires Editeurs/ Rue Vivienne, 2 bis, et Boulevard des Italiens, 15/ A la Librairie Nouvelle/ 1868/ Droits de reproduction, de traduction et de representation reserves. PORTRAITS OF CHARLES DICKENS. A /TORE Portraits have probably been issued of Charles •^*-^ Dickens than of any other Englishman, with the ex- ception, perhaps, of George IV. I may mention that I have, in my collection, more than ninety different Portraits of Dickens, although there are many others that I have not been able to obtain. I hope that the following list, though incomplete, may prove useful to collectors. I have arranged the Portraits ap- proximately in order of date, not of publication, but of the period at which Dickens is represented. 1. Woodcut. Dickens as a Boy. From Langton's " Child- hood and Youth of Charles Dickens." 2. Etching. From " David Copperfield," under the title of " My magnificent order at the public-house." By " Phiz." 3-6. Etchings. From " Sketches by Boz," under the titles of " Public Dinners," " Early Coaches," " A Pickpocket in Cus- tody," and " Making a Night of it." By George Cruikshank. 7. Woodcut. From " Bentley's Miscellany." By " Phiz." 8. Engraving in Outline. By C. H. Jeens, after D. Maclise, R.A. 9, Woodcut. By R. Herbert, after J. Stephenson. 10, Engraving. By R. Graves, A.R.A., after D. Maclise, R.A. D 2 54 DICKENS. IT. Lithograph. By Weld Taylor, after Samuel Lawrence, signed " Boz." 12. Engraving. From "Nicholas Nickleby." By Finden, after D. Maclise, R.A. 13. Engraving. An American version of the same. By J. C. Buttre. 14. Woodcut. From " Heads to Nicholas Nickleby." 1 5. Etching. By F. W. Pailthorpe, after George Cruikshank. 16. Etching. By the same, after the same. 17. Etching. By "Phiz." 18. Woodcut. From the Prospectus of " Master Humphrey's Clock." By " Phiz." 19. Lithograph. After a drawing by Count D'Orsay. 20. Engraving. Dickens, his Wife, and her Sister. By C. H. Jeans, after D. Maclise, R.A. 21. Woodcut. Dickens only, after the same. 22. Engraving. From Fields' "Yesterdays with Authors." By J. A. J. Wilcox. 23. Engraving. Dickens reading " The Chimes " in Forster's chambers. By C. H. Jeens, after D. Maclise, R.A. 24. Engraving. By J. C. Armytage, after Miss M. Gillies. 25. Woodcut. By W. J. Linton, after the same. 26. Woodcut. An American version, after the same. 27. Engraving. An American version, after the same. 28. Woodcut. Dickens in an Arm-chair. 29. Woodcut. Dickens and other Authors, carrying Adver- tisements of their Works, entitled, " Hints to Novelists, for 1846." 30. Woodcut. By W. J. Linton. 31. Engraving. By A. Halbert, after a Bust by H. Dexter. 32. Woodcut. By Henry Linton, after a Photograph by Mayall. 33. Woodcut. From " Christmas Stories," under the title of " Tom Tiddler's Ground," Doubtful. HINTS TO COLLECTORS. 55 34. Woodcut. Dickens at the Dulwich Charity Meeting. By Landells. 35. Lithograph. By R. J. Lane, A.R.A., after a Photograph by C. and J. Watkins. 36. Engraving. By J. Brown, after the same. yj. Engraving. By Oldham Barlow,R.A.,afterW. P. Frith, R.A. 38. Engraving. By R. Graves, after the same. 39. Engraving, By J. D. Pound, after a Photograph by Mayall. 40. Lithograph. By Baugniet. 41. Lithograph. As Captain Bobadil. By T. H. Maguire, after Leslie, R.A. 42. Woodcut. After the same. 43. Woodcut. Dickens and Forster, in "Every Man in His Humour." 44. Engraving. By J. C. Armytage, after an American Photograph. 45. Woodcut. Dickens reading " Little Dombey " in St. Martin's Hall. 46. Woodcut. Dickens in " The Frozen Deep." 47. Engraving. From Edwin Drood, By J. H. Baker, after a Photograph by Mason and Co. 48. Engraving. From a private plate. Anonymous, but probably from the same Photograph. 49. Engraving. From Fields' "Yesterdays with Authors." By J. Greatbach, after a Photograph by C. and J. Watkins. 50. Engraving. By J. T. Stuart, after the same. 51. Engraving. Anonymous, after the same. 52. Etching. By Pilotell. 53. Engraving. Anonymous. " Likeness rom an approved Photograph." 54. Engraving. ' Engraved on Steel for the " Eclectic," by Geo. E. Perine, New York.' 56 DICKENS. 55. Woodcut. By Procter. Dickens surrounded by his Characters, taking leave of John Bull. 56. Lithograph. Published by Wood & Co., Strand. 57. Etching. In red. Dickens writing, with Pickwick, Micawber, Fagin, and Oliver Twist in the four corners. 58. Woodcut. By C. P. & G., after a Photograph by The London Stereoscopic Company. 59. Woodcut. From " The Uncommercial Traveller," under the title of " Leaving the Morgue." 60. Phototype. Dickens reading to his Daughters. From " Life." 61. Woodcut. From " The Mask." By H. Harral. 62. Woodcut. From " The Mask." By the same. 63. Woodcut. From " The Illustrated London News." 64. Woodcut. From " The Illustrated Times." After a Daguerrotype, by Mayall. 65. Woodcut. From " The Tomahawk," printed in green. 66. Woodcut. From " Fun," with characters from his works. 67. Woodcut. From "People of the Period," printed in colours. 68. Woodcut. From "The Hornet," with characters from his works. 69. Woodcut. Dickens in his Garden at Gadshill. 70. Woodcut. The same subject. 71. Engraving. By T. H. Baker. 72. Woodcut. From " The Entr'acte." 73. Etching. Dickens, and Characters from his Works, round a Calendar for 1 883. CHISWICK PRESS :— C. WHITTINGHAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. A SELECTION FROM MR. REDWAY'S PUBLICATIONS. Cosmo de' Medici : An Historical Tragedy. And odier Poems. By Richard Hengist Horne, Author of "Orion." Fourth Edition. With Engraved Frontispiece. In crown 8vo, 5j-. "This tragedy is the work of a poet and not of a playwright. Many of the scenes abound in vigour and tragic intensity. If the structure of the drama challenges comparison with the masteipieces of the Elizabethan stage, it is at least not unworthy of the models which have inspired it." — Times. Dickensiana : A Bibliography of the Literature relating to Charles Dickens and his Writings. Compiled by Fked. G. KiTTON, Author of "Phiz," "John Leech." With Portrait, Crown 8vo. \^In preparation. The Anatomy of Tobacco : or Smoking Methodised, Divided, and Considered after a New Fashion. By Leolinus SiLURiENSis. Crown 8vo, parchment, 3^. M. " A very clever and amusing parody of the metaphysical treatises once in fashion. Every smoker will be pleased with this volume." — Notes and Queries. " We have here a most excellent piece of fooling, evidently from a University pen .... contains some very clever burlesques of classical modes of writing, and a delicious parody of scholastic logic." — Literary World. " A delightful mock essay on the exoteric philosophy of the pipe and the pipe bowl .... reminding one alternately of 'Melan- choly ' Burton and Hcrr Teufelsdroch, and implying vast reading and out-of-the-way culture on the part of the author. " — Bookseller. Tobacco Talk and Smokers' Gossip : An amusing miscellany of fact and anecdote relating to the "Great plant " in all its forms and uses, including a selection from nicotian literature. Demy iSmo, vanilla paper, \s. " One of the best books of gossip we have met for some time. ... It is literally crammed full from beginning to end of its 148 pages with well-selected anecdotes, poems, and excerpts from to- bacco literature and history." — Graphic. Mr. Red-way's Publications. Tamerlane and other Poems : By Edgar Allan Poe, first published at Boston in 1827, and now first republished from a unique copy of the original edition, with a preface by Richard Herne Shepherd. Fcap. 8vo, parchment, 155. Mr. Swinburne has generously praised " so beautiful and valuable a little volume, full of interest for the admirers of Foe's singular and exquisite genius." Studies of Sensation and Event : Poems by Ebenezer Jones, edited, prefaced, and annotated by Richard Herne Shepherd, with memorial notices of the author by Sumner Jones and William James Linton. A new edition. With photographic portrait of the poet. Post 8vo, cloth, 5^-. " This remarkable poet affords nearly the most striking instance of neglected genius in our modern school of poetry. His poems are full of vivid disorderly power." — Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The Bibliography of Swinburne : A Bibliographical list arranged in chronological order of the published writings in verse and prose of Algernon Charles Swinburne (1857-1884). Crown 8vo, wrapper, (ys. ; large paper, \os. 6d. "Among other entries will be found a remarkable novel, pub- lished in instalments and never issued in a separate form, and several productions in verse not generally known to be from Mr. Swinburne's pen." John Leech, Artist and Humourist : A Biographical sketch by Fred. G. Kitton. New edition, revised. Demy l8mo, vanilla paper, is. " In the absence of a fuller biography we cordially welcome Mr. Kitten's interesting little sketch." — Notes and Queries. An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank : By William Makepeace Thackeray, reprinted verbatim from the " Westminster Review." Edited with a prefatory note on Thackeray as an Artist and Art-Critic, by W. E. Church, with upwards of forty illustrations, including all the original woodcuts, and a new portrait of Cruikshank, etched by F. W. Pailthorpe, Demy 8vo, wrapper, 3^-. 6d. ; large paper, "Js. 6d. " It was a pleasant and not untimely act to re-print this well- known delightful essay .... the artist could have found no other commentator so sympathetic and discriminating .... The new portrait of Cruikshank by F. W. Pailthorpe is a clear, firm etching. ' ' — The A rtist. The Scope and Charm of Antiquarian Study : By John Batty, F.R.H.S. Demy 8vo, vanilla paper, li-. " A useful and entertaining guide to a beginner in historical researches." — Notes and Queries. Mr. Redwafs Publications. Phiz (Hablot Knight Browne) : A Memoir, including a selection from his correspondence, and notes on his principal works. By Fred. G. Kitton. With a portrait and numerous illustrations. Demy 8vo, wrapper, 3^. dd. " Mr. Kitton is already known as an artist, many of his drawings having appeared in this journal for some years past, together with occasional articles. The monograph is extremely interesting .... Mr. Kitton has done his task in a sincere and simple fashion .... Some of the letters were written to Charles Dickens, and are now published for the first time." — Graphic. Confessions of an English Hachish Eater. Demy iSmo, vanilla paper, \s. " There is a sort of bizarre attraction in this fantastic little book, with its weird, unhealthy imaginations." — Whitehall Revird). " A weird little book .... The author seems to have been delighted with his dreams, and .... carefully explains how hachish may be made from the resin of the common hemp plant." — Daily Chronicle. "The stories told by our author have a decidedly Oriental flavour, and we would not be surprised if some foolish individuals did endeavour to procure some of the drug, with a view to ex- perience the sensation described by the writer of this clever brocJmre." — Edinburgh Co2irant. The Valley of Sorek : By Gertrude M. George. With a critical introduction by Richard Herne Shepherd. Crown 8vo, 2 vols., cloth, £\ \s. "There is in the book a high and pure moral and a distmct conception of character .... The dramatis personcs .... are in reality strongly individual, and surprise one with their incon- sistencies just as real human beings do ... . There is something powerful in the way in which the reader is made to feel both the reality and the untrustworthiness of his [the hero's] religious fervour, and the character of the atheist, Graham, is not less strongly and definitely conceived .... It is a work that shows imaghiation and moral insight, and we shall look with much anticipation for another from the same hand." — Contemporary Rrdinv. Hints to Collectors of Original Editions of the Works of W. M. Thackeray : By Charles Plumptre Johnson. Crown 8vo, parchment, ds. 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