z 73Z 0/9^ CATALOGUE UC-NRLF III iiiiiiiiiii mill B ^ S70 fill OF T1[K ENGLISH PROSE FICTION, INCLUOING TRANSLATIONS AND JUVENILE FICTION, MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, \ ' -\ OF BALTIMORE, TO OCTOT^KK, 1874. «u-^ ♦-♦-♦- B A I^ T I M () R E : JOHN W. WOODS, PRINTER. 1874. COPIES BOUND IN CLOTH 50 CTS, PAPER, 40 CTf CATALOGUE OF THE ENGLISH PlIOSE FICTION, INCLUDING TRANSLATIONS AND JUVENILE FICTION, IN THE MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. OF BALTIMORE, TO OCTOBER, 1874. -♦♦♦ ~r-^ B A L T T M O R E : JOHN W. WOODS, PRINTER. 1874. 3 /o NOTE. The present list of Fiction is put forth to supply a want that has long been felt. Although the need of a Catalogue of this department is not so urgent as that of the other departtnents of the Library, yet it was thought desirable, in view of the great expense attending, and time necessary for compiling and printing a complete Catalogue of our collection, to print this first, and as soon, as the income of the Library will permit, to publish the Catalogue of the other departments. The following list includes all the Library possesses in this department, to October, 1874. The Authors and Titles are arranged in one alphabet, the easier mode of reference, it is thought. In cases of Pseudonyms, (printed ptteud.) a cross reference from the assumed to the real name (when known) wnll be found, after which the assumed name follows in parentheses and italics, as : MARVEL, Ik. pseud. Sec Mitchell, D. G. MITCHELL, Donald Grant. (Ik Marvel) Initials or names within parentheses and in Roman type, are such as belong to, but seldom used by, such authors, as: HOOK, Theodore (Edward.) Many works in this department are published, as : By the author of. In all such cases they have been placed under the title of the first or best known work of that author, as: TAKEN upon trust, By the author of Recommended to mercy. Under RECOMMENDED to mercy, will be found all works by that author. A few titles have been classified, as : Fairy tales; French, translations from : German, Swed- ish, Danish and Norwegian, translations from ; and Musical stories. A class of Historical Fiction w'ould have been very desirable, but the shortness of time given for the mere clerical work on the volume, precluded this; the Library, however, possesses such a list, issued by the Public Library of Boston, which may be consulted, upon application. t < t € t r r r i:i. v:: ADAMS. ^SOP. ADAMS, WM. T. {Oliver Optic)— Continued. Bivouac and battle. Brave old salt. Breaking away. The coming wave. Cringle and crosstree. Cross and crescent. Desk and debit. Dikes and ditches. Down the Rhine. Down the river. Field and forest. "FiKhtin" Joe. Freaks of I'ortune. In doors and out.- Isles of the sea. Little bobtail. Make or break. Money maker. Northern lands. Outward bound. Palace and cottage. Plane and plank. The red cross. The sailor boy. Sea and sliore. Seek and find. Shamrock and thistle. The soldier boy. The starry flag. Sunny shores. Up the Baltic. Vine and olive. The way of the world. The yacht club. The Yankee middy. The young lieutenant. ADDISON, Joseph. Sir Roger de Coverley. ADELA Cathcart. G. Macdonald. ADELE.' J. Kavanagh. ADELAIDE Lindsay. A. C. Marsh. ADELER, Max, pseud. See Clark, Charles Helier. ADELINE Mowbray. A. Opie. Works v. 1. ADEN Power. F. Owen. ADOLPHE Renouard. J. Ward. ADVENTURES in Texas. Ill Tales from Blackwood, v. 5. ADVENTURES in the North-west Territory. lu Tales froiii Blackwood, v. 9. ADVENTURES of A. Gordon Pym. E. A. Poe. ADVENTURES of an actor. T. (E.) Hook. ADVENTURES of lui aide-de-camp. J. Grunt. ADVENTURES of an attorney. G. Stephen. ADVENTURES of Baron Munchausen. R. E. Raspe. ADVENTURES of Caliph Haroun Alraschid, A. Manning. ADVENTURES of Captain Priest. S. A. Ham- mett. ADVENTURES of Dr. Brady, The. W. 11. Russell. ADVENTURES of Frizzle Pumpkin. ADVENTURES of a gentleman in search of a horse. G. Stephen. ADVENTURES of Gil Bias. A. R. Le Sage. ADVENTURES of a guardsman. C. Cozzens. ADVENTURES of Gusnian of Alfarache. A. R. Le Sage. ADVENTURES of Harry Franco. C. F. Briggs. ADVENTURES of Harry Richmond. G. Mer- edith. ADVENTURES of a Marquis. A. (D.) Dumas. ADVENTURES of a medical student. R. Douglas. ADVENTURES of Mr. Ledbury and his friend Jack Johnson. A. Smith. ADVENTURES of Mr. Simon Suggs. J. J. Hooper. ADVENTURES of Mr. Verdant Green. E. Bradley. ADVENTURES of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys. H. Mayhew. ADVENTURES of Mrs. Hardcastle. C. Thynne. ADVENTURES of a mounted trooper. W. Burrows. ADVENTURES of my cousin Smooth. C. Adams. ADVENTURES of a new year's eve. (J.) H. (D.) Zschokke. Ill Good stories, v. 3. ADVENTURES of Philip. W. M. Thackeray. ADVENTURES of Punchinello. ADVENTURES of Robin Day. R. M. Bird. ADVENTURES of St. George after the encoun- ter with the dragon. W. F. Peacock. ADVENTURES of six days. M. A. P. de Go- mez. ADVENTURES of Telemachus. F. (de S. de La M.) Fenelon. ADVENTURES of a young naturalist. L. Biart. ADVENTURES of a younger son. E. J. Tre- lawny. ^NONE. L. Kip. ^SOP. Fables. ^ESOP Junior in America. AFLOAT. ALDERMAN. AFLOAT and ashore. J. F. Cooper. AFLOAT in tlie forest. M. Ileid. AFKA.IA. T. Miigee. AFTER the balL A. Opie. AVorks, v. 3. AFTER dark. (W.) W. Collins. AFTER life. E. M. Sewell. AGAINST the stream. Mrs. E. Charles. AGAINST the world. J. R. Haderniann. AGAINST time. A. I. Shaiid. AGAINST wind and tide. H. Parr. AGATHA Beaufort. By the author of Pique. Note.— Same as Family pride. AGATHA'S husband. D. (M.) M. Craik. AGE of chivalry, The. T. Bultinch. AGE of fable, The. T. Bulfinch. AGINCOURT. G. P. R. James. AGNES. J. Abbott. AGNES. By the author of Ida May. AGNES. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. AGNES de Mansfeldt. T. C. Grattan. AGNES Graham. S. A. Dorsey. AGNES Grey. E.Bronte. AGNES Hopetoun's schools and holidays. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. AGNES Serle. E. Pickering. AGNES of Sorrento. H. (E.) B. Stow^e. AGNES Wentworth. S. IT. Palfrey. A. GORDON Pym. Adventures of. E. A. Poe. AGUILAR, Grace. The days of Bruce. Home influence. Home scenes and heart studies. Josephine. Mother's recompense. Vale of cedars. Woman's friendship. The women of Israel. xVHMED Ibn Hemden. Turkish evening en- tertainments. AIDE, Hamilton. Carr of Carrlyon. Confidences. In that state of life. The Marstons. Mr. and Mrs. Faulconbridge. Morals and mysteries. Penruddocke. Rita. AILIEFORD. AIMARD, Gustave. The chief of the \ ncas. The Indian scout. Loyal heart. The trail hunters. The trapper's daughter. I^ I B R A uY UNlVKKsiTY O (^ALlPoiiNlA. AIMEE. A. Giberne. AIMS and obstacles. G. P. R. James. AINSWORTH, William Harrison. Auriol Boscobel. Cardinal Pole. Constable de Bourbon. Constable of the tower. Cricliton. The flitch of bacon. Guy Fawkes. Hilary St. Ives. Jack Sheppard. John Law. Lancashire witches. Lord mayor of London Mervyn Clitheroe. Tlie miser's daugliter. Myddleton Ponifret. The old court. Old Saint Paul's. Ovingdean grange. Rookwood. St. James's. The South Sea bubble. The Spanish match. Tlie spendthrift. The star chamber. Talbot Harland. Tower hill. The tower of London. Windsor Castle. ALAIN family, The. (J. B.) A. Karr. A LB AN. J. V. Huntington. ALBATROSS, The. W. H. G. Kingston. . ALBERT Hastings. M. S. Whitaker. ALBERT Lunel. H. lord Brougham. ALBIGENSES, The. C. R. Maturin. ALCESTIS. ALCHEMIST, The. H. de Balzac. ALCOTT, A. Story without an end. ALCOTT, H. H. Isora's child. ALCOTT, Louisa May. Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. Hospital sketches. Little men. Little women. Moods. Morning glories. An old-fasliioned girl. Work. ALDA, the British captive. A. Strickland. ALDEANE. L. Preston. ALDERMAN Ralph. A. Hornbook. ALDRICH. 6 ANNA. ALDRICH, Thomas Bailey. Daisy's necklace. Out of his head. The story of a bad boy. Maijorie Daw and other people. Prudence Palfrey. ALEC Forbes of Howglen. G. Macdonald. ALEC'S bride, i/iss Jolly. ALEXANDER, Mrs. Which shall it be? The wooing o't. ALFORD, E. M. Netherton-on-sea. ALFRED. G. W. M. Reynolds. ALFRED de Rosann. G. W. M. Reynolds. ALFRED Hagarth's household. A. Smith. ALGER, Horatio, Jr. Frank's campaign. Helen Ford. Slow and sure. ALGIO researches. H. R. Schoolcraft. ALHAMBRA, The. W. Irving. ALICE. E. (G. E. L.) Bulwer-Lytton. ALICE Learmont. D. (M.) M. Craik. ALICE Paulet. M. Mussey. ALICE Seymour. Mrs. E. C. Grey. ALICE'S adventures in wonderland. C. L. Dodgson. ALIDE. E. Lazarus. ALLAN Breck. G. R. Gleig. ALLEN Prescott. C. xM. Sedgwick. ALL in the dark. J. S. Le Fanu. ALL for greed. i?a?-(7«ess Blaze de Bury. ALLA Giornata. Lady C. Bury. ALL'S not gold that glitters. A. B. Haven. ALMERIA. M. Edgeworth. ALMOST a heroine. E. S. Sheppard. ALMOST faultless. By the author of "A Book for governesses." A. L. O. Yl., pseud. See Tucker, C. ALONE. M. V. (H.) Terhuue. ALROY. B. DTsraeli. ALSACIAN schoolmaster, The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. ALTAMONT. C. (E. S.) Norton. ALTANESL G. F. Novels. lu Roscoe's Italian uovelists, v. i. ALTHA. A. M. Field. ALTHEA Vernon. E. Leslie. ALTON Locke. C. Kingsley. ALWAYS in the way. T. Jeans. AMABEL. (M.) E. Wormeley. AMADEUS. K. Valmann. AMAURY. A. (D.) Dumas. AMAZON, The. F. Dingelstedt. AMBASSADOR'S wife, The. C. G. F. Gore. AMBER gods, The. H. (E.) P. Spoflford. AMBER witch. The. J. W. Meinhold. AMBROSIA, the monk. M. G. Lewis. AMELIA. H. Fielding. AMELIA. E. Leslie. AMELIA Harrington. AMERICAN baron. The. J. De Mille. AMERICAN cardinal. The. J. M. Leavitt. AMERICAN wonderland. R. M. Bache. AMES, C. Victorie. AMES, Mary Clemmer. Eirene. AMES, N. Mariners' sketches. AMES, Nellie. (Eleanor Kirk.) Up Broadway and its sequel. AMONG strangers. Ed. by E. S. Maine. AMY Harrington. AMY Herbert. E. M. Sewell. AMY Lee. ■ AMY Lothrop, jyseud. See Warner, A B. AMYAS Leigh. C. Kingsley. ANASTASIUS. T. Hope. ANCESTRAL stories. J. Timbs. ANCIENT regime, The. G. P. R. James. ANDERDON, W. Antoine de Bonneval. ANDERSEN, Hans Christian. Danish fairy legends and tales. The Danish story book. The ice maiden. The Improvisatore. O. T. Only a fiddler. Picture book without pictures. The sand hills of Jutland. The shoes of fortune. Stories and tales. Stories for the household. Story book. Tales and fairy stories. To be or not to be. The two baronesses. Wonder stories told for children. Wonderful tales. ANDERSON, F. Zenaida. ANDERSON, W. Blanche, the Huguenot. ANDREAS Hofer. C. (M.) Mundt. ANDREW Howie. Mrs. J ohu&Ume. In Johnstone, Edinbiirg tales, v. 3. ANDREE de Taverney. A. (D.) Dumas. ANDREW, the Savoyard. P. De Kock. ANGELA. A. C. Marsh. ANGELINA. M. Edgeworth. ANNA Clayton. F. M. Dimmick. ANNA. ' 7 ARTHUR, ANNA Hammer. J. D. H. Temme. ^ ANNALS of an eventful life. G. W. Dasent. ARGYLE, Anna, jmml. Olive Lacy. ARISTOCRAT. The. G. E. Jewsbury. ANNALS of a quiet neighborhood. G. Mac- tlonald. ARLINGTON. T. H. Lister. ARMADALE. (W.) W. Collins. ANNALS of Quodlibet. J. P. Kennedy. ANNE Furness. 3Irs. T. A. Troilope. ARMENIANS. The. C. MacFarlane. ARMSTRONG, H. S. Trifles for the holidays. ANNE Grey. ANNE Hereford. E. P. Wood. ARNE. B. Bjornson. ARNOLD, W. D. Oakfield. ANNE Judge, spinster. F. W. Robinson. ANNE Severin. Mrs. P. Craven. AROUND a spring. G. Droz. AROUND the world in eighty days. J.Verne. ANNE of Geierstein. Sir W. Scott. ANNIE and her master. ANNIE Grayson. N. P. Lasselle. ANNIS Warleigh's fortunes. H. Parr. ANTE-BELLUM. M. Lennox. ARRAH Neil. G. P. R. James. ARRINGTON, A. W. {Charles Summerfield.) The rangers and regulators of Tanaha. ARROM, Csecilia Bohl de (Faber.) [ {Fernan Caballero) formerly Miss Faber.] Elia, or ANTEROS. G. A. Lawrence. Spain fifty years ago. ANTIQUARY, The. Sir W. Scott. ANTOINE de Bonneval. W. H. Anderdon. ANTONIA, the orphan of Florence. ANTONIA. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. La Gaviota. ARTEMUS Ward, pseud. See Browne, C. F. ARTEMUS Ward's panorama. C. F. Browne. ARTHUR, Timothy S. Bargains. ANTONINA. (W.) W. Collins. ANTONIO di Carara. Bell Martin. The divorced wife. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 10. ANTONY Brade. R. (T. S.) Lowell. Doing as other people. Fanny Dale. ANTONY Waymouth. W. H. G. Kingston. APPEARANCE is against her. A. Opie, v. 2. Friends and neighbors. The good time coming. APELLES and his contemporaries. H. Green- The hand but not the heart. ough. APICIAN morsels. Tales of the table, kitchen and larder. Insubordination. Lizzy Glenn. The maiden. APOSTLE of the Alps, The. A. Manning. APULEIUS. The metamorphoses. Translated Making a sensation. Martyr wife. by Head. ARABELLA Stuart. G. P. R. James. Nothing but money. The old man's bride. ARABESQUES. R. S. Greenough. ARABIAN days' entertainments. W. Hauff. The orphan children. Out in the world. ARABIAN nights' entertainments. Translated The portrait. by Forster. ARABIAN nights' entertainments. Translated Prose fictions. Six nights with the Washingtonians. by Lane. ARABIAN nights' entertainments. Arranged Sparing to spend. Stolen wife. by Mrs. Sugden. ARABIAN tales and anecdotes. E. W. Lane. Story book. Sweethearts and wives. ARBELL. J. W. Hooper. ARBOUVILLE, Countess d'. See Bazancourt, Tales from real life. Temperance tales. S. de. ARCHDEACON, M. Priest hunter. Temptation. Ten nights in a bar-room. ARCHER, E. M. Christina North. Three eras in a woman's life. ARCHER, T. A fool's paradise. ARCHIE Lovell. Mrs. A. Edwardes. ARCTIC adventures. P. B. St. John. Three years in a man-trap. Tired of housekeeping. Village doctor. ARETHUSA. F. Chamier. What came afterwards. ARTHUR. 8 AYTOUN. ARTHUR, Timothy '^.— Continued. The widow Morrison. Woman to tlie rescue. ARTHUR. Mrs. Davies. ARTHUR. M. J. Sue. ARTHUR Arundel. H. Smith. ARTHUR Blane. J. C4rant. ARTHUR Bonnicastle. J. G. Holhmd. ARTHUR Brown. E. Kellogg. ARTHUR Mervyn. V. B. Brown. ARTHUR O'Lcary. C. (J.) Lever. • ARTICLE 47. A. Belot. ARTINGALE castle. T. A. Trollope. ARTIST wife. M. Howitt. ARTIST'S bride, The. E. Bennett. ARTIST'S married life. L. Schefer. AS by fire. N. Marshall. AS good as a comedy. ASCANIO. A. (D.) Dumas. ASHTON Royal. E. Tarbor. ASKAROS Kassis the Copt. E. De Leon. ASMODEUS. A. R. Le Sage. ASMODEUS at large. E. (G. E. L.) Bulwer- Lytton. ASPASIA. C. Holland. ASPEN court. (C.) S. Brooks. ASPENDALE. H. W. Preston. ASPHODEL. ASPIRATION. C. H. B. Richards. ASYLUM. J. Mitchell. AT anchor. " AT her mercy. J. Payn. AT his gates. M. (O. W.) Olipiiant. AT last. M. V. (H.) Terhune. AT odds. I. von Tautphoeus. AT the altar. E. Wci-ner. AT the back of the north wind. G. Macdonald. ATALA. R. F. (A.) de Chateaubriand. ATHALIAH. .1. H. Greene, .Ir. ATHALIE. S. A. Dorsey. ATHELINGS, The. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. ATHERN, Anna. Here and hereafter. Step by step. ATHERSTONE priory. L. N. Comyn. ATHERTON. M. R. Mitford. ATHOL. M. R. Iligham. ATLANTIC clulj book. J. K others. ATTACHE, The. T. C. Haliburton. ATTIC philosopher. The. E. Souvestre ATTICUS. R. P. -Ward. ATTILA. G. P. R. James. Paulding and ATTORNEY, The. .L T. Irving. ATTO\A'AN. J. W. -SVebb. AUBREY. A. C. Marsh. AUBREY Conyers. E. Stewart. AUER, Adelheid von. It is the flxshion. AUERBACH, Berthold. Black forest village stories. Edelweiss. Florian and Crescenz. German tale?. Joseph in the snow. The little barefoot. On the heights. The professor's lady. The villa on the Rhine. Waklfried. AULNOY. See Aunoy. AUNOY, or Aulnoy Marie C. J. de B. Comtesse d\ Fairy tales. AUNT HATTIE, pseud. See Baker H. N. (W.) AUNT Jane's hero. E. Prentiss. AUNT Jo's scrap-bag. 3v. L. M. Alcott. AUNT Margaret's trouble. Mrs. T. A. Trollope. AUNT Patty's scrap-bag. C. L. Hentz. AURIOL. W. H. Ainsworth. AURORA Floyd. M. E. Braddon. AURUNZZEBE. AUSTEN. Jane. Emma. Mansfield park. Northanger abbey. Persuasion. Pride and prejudice. Sense and sensibility. AUSTIN, Jane G. Cipher. Moonfolk. The sailor boy. The shadow of Moloch mountain. AUSTIN and his w^fe. A. Opie. Works, v. 2. AUSTIN Elliot. H. Kingsley. AUSTIN friars. J. H. Riddell. AUTHOR'S daughter, The. M. Howitt. lu Johustone, Edinburg talcs, v. !i. AUTHORSHIP. J. Neal. AUTOBIOGRAPHY of a beggar boy. AUTOBIOGRAPHY of a New England farm house. N. H. Chamberlain. AYESHA. J. Morier. AYTOUN, William E. The emerald studs lu Talcs from Hlackwcocl, v. ti. The Glenmutchin railway, lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 1. How I became a yeoman. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 2. AYTOUN. 9 BARKER. AYTOUN, William E. — Cont.inved. How I stood for the Dreepdaily Burghs. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 4. How we got possession of the Tuileries. Ill Tales from Blackwood, v. 5. The surveyor's tale. In Talcs from Blackwood, v. 8. AYTOUN. AVENGER, The. T. DeQuincey. In Good stories, v. 1. AVERILL, C. E. Pirates of Cape Ann. AVERY Glibun. R. H. Newell. AVILLION. D. (M.) M. Craik. AVONDALE. T. Clarke. AXEL and Anna. F. Bremer. AYESHA. J. Morier. AZARIAN. H. (E.) P. Spofford. AZEGLIO, Massino D'. Niccolo dei Lapi. BABOLAIN. G. Droz. BACHE, Richard Meade. American wonder- land. BACHELOR and the married man, The. BACHELOR of the Albany, The. M.W. Savage. BACHELOR of Salamanca, The. A. R. Le Sage. BACHELOR reclaimed, The. T. Flint. BACHELOR'S story. The. O. B. Bunce. BACON, Francis, lord. New Atlantis. BAFFLED. J. Goddard. BAGBY, G. W. {Moses Adams.) What I did with my fifty millions. BAKED heaseud. See Wilson, John. CHRISTOPHER Tadpole. A. Smith. CHRONICLE of Ethelfled, The. A. Manning. CHRONICLE of the drum. W. M. Thackeray. CHRONICLE of the reign of Charles IX. P. Merimee. CHRONICLES of Carlingford, The. M. (O. AV.) ()lii)han(. CHRONICLES of theCanongate. Si?- W.Scott. CHRONICLES of Cartaphilus,The. 1st series. D. Hoffman. CHRONICLES of Clovernook. 1). Jerrold. CHRONICLES of Golden Friars. J. S. Le Fanu. CHRONICLES of the Schonberg Cotta family. E. Charles. CHRONIQUEUSE, pseud. See Sykcs, Olive Logan. CHRYSAL. C. Johnstone. CHURCH, Florence Marryat. Conlessions of Gerald Estcourt. Forever and ever. The girls of Feversham. Her lord and master. Love's conflict. Nelly Brooke. No intentions. Petronel. The poison of asps. Prey of the gods. Temper. Too good for him. Veronique. Woman against woman. CHURTON, Henry. Toinette. CINDERELLA. A. I. Thackeray. CINQ-MARS. A. de Vigny. CINTHIO, G. (B.) C. Novels. lu Roscoe's Italian novelists, v. 2. CIPHER. J. G. Austin. CIRCE. B. White. CIRCUIT rider. The. E. Eggleston. CITIZEN Bonaparte. E. Erckmannand A. Chatrian. CITIZEN of Prague. CITOYENNE Jacqueline. Keddie. CITY^ and suburb. J. H. Riddell. CITY of refuge. A. I. Thackeray. CLACY. Ellen. (Cijda.) Pattie Durant. CLAIBORNE, the rebel. W. H. Carpenter. CLAN-ALBIN. Mrs. Johnstone. CLARA. F. W. Hacklander. CLARA d'Albe. CLARA Howard. C. B. Brown. CLARA Vaughan. R. D. Blackmore. CLAREMONT. CLARENCE. C. M. Sedgwick. CLARISSA Harlowe. S. Richardson. Same. Condensed by C. H. Jones. CLARK, Charles. Crumbs from a sportman's taljlo. CLARK. 20 COLLIJ^JS. CLARK, Charles Heber. (^fax Adeler.) Out of tiie hurly-lnirly. CLARK, Louis Gaylorcl. KnickerlKicker sketch-book. CLARKE, Charles. The Beauclercs. CLARKE, C. C. Lord Falconbcrg's heir. CLARKE, Mary Cowden. Girlhood of Sl)akt'speare's heroines. The iron cousin. Portia. CLARKE, Rebecca Sophia. (Sophie May.) The doctor's daughter. CLARKE, Thomas. Avondale. CLASSIC tales. Contents. — C'ottin, S. R., Elizabeth ; Goethe, J. W. von. The sorrows of Werther; Gold- smith, C, The vicar of Wakefield ; The Indian cotrau'e : Johnson, S, Rasselas ; Lani^'horue, J., Theodosius and Constautia ; Saint Pierre, J. H. B. de, I'aul and Yirarinia ; Sterne, L. Sentimental journey: Swift, J., Gulliver's travels ; Walpole, 11., The castle of Otranto. CLAUDE, the colporteur. A. Manning. CLAUDE Gueux. V. (M.) Hugo. CLAUDIA. A. M. Douglas. CLAVERINGS, The. A. Trollope. CLEMENCY Francklyn. A. Keary. CLEMENS, Jere. Bernard Lile. Mustang Gray. The rivals. Tobias Wilson. CLEMENS, Samuel L. {Marh Twain:) The celebrated jumping frog. Mark Twain's autobiography and first romance. and Warner, Charles Dudley. The gilded age. CLEMENT Lorimer. A. B. Reach. CLERGYMAN'S wife. The. A. C.(M.) Ritchie. CLEVE hall. E. M. Sewell. CLEVER Jack, the adventures of a donkey. CLEVER woman of the family. The. C. M. Yonge. CLIFF climbers. The. M. Reid. CLIFFORD Troup. M.J.Westmoreland. CLINTON Bradshuw. F. W. Thomas. CLIQUE of gold, The. E. Gaboriau. CLIVE, Catherine. Paul Ferroll. Why Paul Ferroll killed his wife. Year after year. CLIVES of Burcot, The. II. Smith. CLOCKMAKER, The. T. C, Ilaliburton. CLOISTER and the hearth. The. C. Reade. CLOTHILDE. A. de Pontmartin. CLOUDED in mystery. M. A. A. Bird. CLOUDESLEY^ W. Godwin. CLOUDS and sunshine. C. Reade. CLOLTDS and sunshine in the life of a village ])astor. CLOVEN foot. The. R. H. Newell. CLOVERNOOK. A. Carey. CLUB, The. J. Puckle. CLUB-book. G. P. R. James and others. CLYDE. Alton. Under foot. CLYFFARDS of Clyffe, The. J. Payn. COBB, Sophia Dickinson. Hillsboro' farm. COCKTON, Henry. George St. Julian. Lady Felicia. The love match. The marrying man. Stanley Thorn. The steward. Sylvester Sound. Valentine Vox. CCELEBS in search of a wife. H. More. CffiLEBS the younger in search of a wife. COFFIN, Charles Carleton. (Oarleton.) My days and nights on the battle-fields. Winning his way. COFFIN, R. B. (Barry Gray.) Cakes and ale at Woodbine. Castles in the air. Matrimonial infelicities. My married life at Hillside. Out of town. COLD heart, The. W. Hauft". COLD stream. H. Vaughan. In Good Stories, v. 1. ^- COLERIDGE, Christabel R. Han bury mills. Lady Betty. COLERIDGE, Sara. Phantasmion. COLIN Clink. C. Hooton. COLLEGE theatricals. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 2. COLLEGIANS, The. G. Griffin. COLLINS, A. Maria. Mrs. Ben. Darby. COLLINS, Charles A. The bar sinister. COLLINS, Mortimer. Marquis and merchant. Two plunges for a pearl. The Vivian romance. COLLINS, (William) Wilkic. After dark. COLLINS. 21 CONTl. COLLINS, (William) WiVk-XG.— Continued. Antdiiina. Armudale. Basil. Tlie crossed path. The dead alive. The dead secret. Tlie frozen deep. Hide and seek. Man and wife. Miss or Mrs ? The moonstone. My miscellanies. The new Magdalen. No name. A plot in private life. Poor Miss Finch. The queen of hearts. The woman in wliite. The yellow mask. COLLOQUIES of Edward Osborne. A.Manning COLOMBA. P. Merimee. COLOMBO, M. Novels. In Roscoe's Italiau novelists, v. 4. COLONEL Dacre. Mm Jolly. COLONEL de Surville. M. J. Sue. COL. FLOYD'S wards. M. V. (H.) Terhune COLONEL Fortesque's daughter. C. Thynne. COLONNA, the painter. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1. COMEDY of terrors, A. J. De Mille. COMETH up as a flower. R. Broughton. COMFORTER, The. F. Bremer. COMIC tales and recollections. J. Poole. COMIC tales and sketches. A. Smith. COMIC tales and sketches. W. M. Thackeray. COMING race, The. E.(G.E.)L.Bulwer-Lytton. COMING wave, The. W. T. Adams. COMINS, Lizzie B. {Laura Caxton.) The Hartwell farm. COMMANDER of Malta, The. M. J. Sue. COMMISSIONER, The. G. P. R. James. COMMONPLACE, C. G. Rossetti. COMMONPLACE book of romantic tales. COMMON sense. C. J. Newl)y. COMPENSATION. A. M. H. Brewster. COMPTON Friars. A. Manning. COMTESSE Dash, pseud. See Saint-Mars, C. de C. COMYN, L. N. Atherstone priory. Elena. CONCEALMENT. CON Cregan. C. (J.) Lever. CONDENSED novels. (F.) B. Harte. CONE cut corners. B., A. and L. Abbott. CONFESSION. W. G. Simms. CONFESSIONS of Amelia Harrington. CONFESSIONS of an attorney. b\ Warren. CONFESSIONS of an elderly lady and gentle- man. M. Gardiner. CONFESSIONS of Filz Boodle. W. M. Thackeray. CONFESSIONS of Gerald Estcoiirt, The. F. M. Church. CONFESSIONS of an odd tempered man. A. Opie. Works, v. 3. CONFESSIONS of a poet. L. Osborn. CONFESSIONS of a pretty woman. J. Pardoe CONFESSOR, The. L\ihbe Deleon. CONFIDENCE man, 'Ihe. H. Melville. CONFIDENCES, H. Aide. CONGRESSMAN'S Christmas dream and the lobby member's happy new year. A. O. Hall. CONINQSBY. B. DTsraeli. CONNELLS of castle Connell, The. J. Gordon. CONNELLY, Emma M. Under the surflxce. CONNOLLY, J.W.F. The romance of the ranks. CONQUEST and self-conquest. M.J.Mcintosh. CONSCIENCE, Hendrik. The curse of the village. The demon of gold. The lion of Flanders. • Tlie merchant of Antwerp. The miser. Rick-e-tick-e-taclc. Tales of Flanders. - Tales of Flemish life. Veva. CONSCRIPT, The. A. (D.) Dumas. CONSCRIPT, The. E. Erckmann and A. Cha- trian. CONSPIRATOR, The. A. E. Dupuy. CONSPIRATORS, The. A. (D.) Dumas. CONSTABLE de Bourbon. W. H. Ainsworth. CONSTABLE of the tower. W. H. Ainsworth. CONSTANCE Aylmer. H. F. Parker. CONSTANCE Herbert. G. E. Jewsbury. CONSTANCE Lindsay. C. G. Hamilton. CONSTANCE Sherwood. Lady G. (L. G.) FuUerton. CONSUELO. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. CONTARINA Fleming. B. DTsraeli. CONTI, the discarded. H. F. Chorlev. CONTRABAND. 22 COUNTESS. CONTRABAND. G. J. W. Melville. CONTKAST. H. Parr. CONTRAST, The. M. Edgeworth. CONTRAST, The. C. H. Phipps. CONVICT, The. G. P. R. James. COOKE, John Esten. Doctor Vandyke. Ellie. Fairfax. Hammer and rapier. Henry St. John gentleman. Her majesty the queen. Hilt to hilt. Justin Harley. The last of tlie foresters. Leather stocking and silk. Moliun. Out of the foam. Pretty Mrs. Gaston. Surry of eagle's nest. Virginia Comedians. COOKE, Philip St. George. Scenes and ad- ventures in the army. COOLIE, The. E.Jenkins. COOPER, Frank, pseud. See Simms, W. G. COOPER. James Fenimore. Afloat and ashore. The bravo. The chainbearcr. The crater. The deerslayer. The headsman. The Heidenmauer. Home as found. Homeward bound. Jack Tier. The last of the Mohicans. Leather stocking tales : The deerslayer ; Last of the Mohicaus ; The pathfinder ; The pioneers ; and The prairie. Lionel Lincoln. Mercedes of Castile. Miles Wallingford. Monikins. Ned Myers. The oak openings. Outward bound. The pathfinder. The pilot. The pioneers. The prairie. Precaution. Red rover. COOPER, James Fenimore. — Continued. The Redskins. Satanstoe. The sea lions. The spy. The two admirals. The water-witch. Ways of the hour. The wei)t of Wish-toTi wish. Wing and wing. Wyandotte. COOPERS, The. A. B. Haven. COPCUTT, Francis. Leaves from a bachelor's book of life. COPLAND, S. S. Katharine Douglas. COQUETTE, The. H. Foster. CORA and the doctor. H. N. (W.) Baker. CORAL island. The. R. M. Ballantyne. CORBETT, Mmes. Sisters' budget of tales. CORD and creese. J. DeMille. CORINNE. (A. L. G. N.) de Stael-Holstien. CORNER stone. J. Abbott. CORNW ALLIS, Kinahan. Pilgrims of fashion. CORSE de Leon. G. P. R. James. CORSICAN brothers. The. A. (D.) Dumas. COSTARD Sly, psend. See Sly, Costard. COSTELLO, Dudley. Faint heart never won fair lady. The millionaire of Mincing lane COTTAGE Ijy the cathedral, The. E. Charles. COTTAGE on the cliff. The. C. G. Ward. COTTAGERS of Glenburnie. E. Hamilton. COTTIN, Sophie Ristaud. Elizabeth. COTTON lord. The. H. Glyn. COULTON, Jfiss. From hay-time to hopping. COUNT Alarcos. B. D'Israeli. COUNT de Valmont. COUNT Ernest's home. P. (J. L.) Heyse. In Good stories, v. 4. COUNT Julian. W. G. Simms. COUNT Kostia. V. Cherbuliez. COUNT Mirabeau. T. Mundt. COUNT Robert of Paris. Sir W. Scott. COUNT of Monte Christo. A. (D.) Dumas. COUNT of Moret, The. A. (D.) Dumas. COUNTERPARTS. E. S. Sheppard. COUNTESS, and other tales. A. M. Hall, M. R. Mitford and others. COUNTESS de Charny. A. (D.) Dumas. COUNTESS Gisela. E. John. COUNTESS Ida. T. S. Fay. COUNTESS Kate. C. M. Yon^e. COUNTESS. 23 CREOLE. COUNTESS of Rudolstadt, The. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. COUNTESS of St. Alban, The. F. W. Hack- la en der. COUNTESS of Salislniry. A. (D.) Dumas. COUNTRY courtships. A. Beale. COUNTRY curate, The. G. R. Gleig. COUNTRY neighborhood, The. E. A. Dupiiy. COUNTRY quarters. M. Gardiner. COUNTRY stories ; Finden's tableaux. M. R. Mitford. COUNTRY stories. ?I. Parr. COUNTRY town life. M. R. Mitford. In Johnstone, Edlnburg tales, v. 2. COUNTRY of the dwarfs, Tlie. P. Du Chaillu. COURSE of true love never did run smooth. C. Reade. COURTESIES of wedded life, The. H. N. (W.) Baker. COURTSHIP and matrimony. R. Morris. COURTIER, The. Translated by Hobby. B. Castiglione. COURTYARD of the Ours d'Or. A. I. Thackeray. COUSIN Alice, pseud. See Haven, A. B. COUSIN Geoffrey. T. (E.) Hook. COUSIN Harry. Mrs. E. C. Grey. COUSIN Hinton. COUSIN Maude. M. J. Holmes. COUSIN Paul. J. Glenn. COUSIN Phillis. E. G. Gaskell. COUSIN Stella. C. Jenkin. COUSIN Trix. G. M. Craik. COUSINS, The. M. F. Tytler. In Johnstone, Ediubnrg tales, v. 1. COUSINS, The. J. A. Maitland. COX, George W., and Jones, E. W. Popular romances of the middle ages. COZZENS, Charles. Adventures of a guards- man. COZZENS, Frederick Swartwout. The Spar- rowgrass pajDers. CRADOCK Newell. R. D. Blackmore. CRAGFONT. CRAIGALLEN castle. C. G. F. Gore. CRAIK, Dinah (Maria) Muloch. Agatha's husband. Alice Learmont. Avillion. A brave lady. Bread upon the waters. Bright schemes and bold strokes. CRAIK, Dinah (Maria) lAv\\oc\\.--C(mtimitd. Clirislian's mistake. The fairy book. Hannali. The head of tJic family. A hero. Is it true ? John Halifax. A life for a life. Little Sunshine's holiday. Lord Erlistoun. Mistress and maid. My mother and I. A noble life. Nothing new. The Ogilvies. Olive. Our year. Romantic tales. Studies from life. Two marriages. The unkind word. The woman's kingdom. (Editor.) Twenty years ago. CRAIK, Georgiana M. Cousin Trix. Esther Hill's secret. Faith Un win's ordeal. Hero Trevelyn. Leslie Tyrrell. Lost and won. Mildred. Miss Moore. Sylvia's choice. Winifred's wooing. Without kith or kin. CRANFORD. E. C. GaskelL CRATER, The. J. F. Cooper. CRAVEN, Pauline. Anne Severin. Fleurange. A sister's story. CRAYON, Crotchet, pseitd. Rival houses of Hobbs and Dobbs. CRAYON, Geoffrey, psevd. See Irving, W. CRAYON miscellany. W. Irving. CRAYON sketches. T. S. Fay. CREAMER. Hannah G. Delia's doctors. CREASY, Edward (Shepherd) The old love and the new. CREECY, James R. Scenes in the South. CREOLE, The. (J.) H. (D.) Zschokke. CEEOLE. 24 CUTHBERT. CREOLE orphans, The. J. S. Peacocke. CRE YTON. Paul, psevd. See Trowbridge, J. T. CRICHTON. W. H. Ainsworth. CRICKET on the hearth. C. (J. H.) Dickens. CRINGLE and crosstree. W. T. Adams. CRIPPLE of Antioch, The. E. Charles. CRIS Fairlie's boyhood. C. J. Eiloart. CROCK of gold. M. F. Tupper. CROCKFORDS. CROKER, Thomas Crofton. Fairy legends of the south of Ireland. CROLY, George. Marston. Salathiel. Tales of the great St. Bernard. CROMWELL. H. W. Herbert. CROOKED places. L F. Mayo. CROOME, W. The gold sands of Mexico. CROPPY, The. M. Banim. CROSLAND. C. Hubert Freeth's prosperity. CROSLAND, Camilla Toulmin. English tales and sketches. Hildred. Partners for life. CROSS and cn'scent. W. T. Adams. CROSS purposes. T. C. De Leon. CROSS purposes. C. Sinclair. .^CROS&BD i)ath. The. (W.) W. Collins. CROTCHET castle. T. L. Peacock. CROtTCH,.'Julia. Three successful girls. CROWE, Catherine. Ghost stories and fimily legends. Lady Glenlyon. Light and darkness. Linny Lockwood. Night side of nature. Story of Martha Guinnis and her son. lu Johnstone, Edinburt? tales, v. 1. Susan Hopley. CROWN jewels. E. L. Moffett. CROWN from the spear, A. C. V. Hamilton. CROWQUILL, A, pseud. See Forrester, A. H. CRUELEST wrong of all, The. CRUIKSHANKS, George. Oinnibus. Three courses and a dessert. CRUISE of the Frolic, The. W.H.G. Kingston. CRUISE of the Midge. M. Scott. CRUMBS from a sportsman's table. C. Clark. CRUSE, Mary A. Cameron hall. CRUST and the cake. The. L F. Mayo. CRYPTOGRAM, The. J. De Mille. CUDLIP, Annie Thomas. Called to account. A dangerous secret. Dennis Donne. The dower house. False colors. Gerard Carlton. He Cometh not, she said. Married at last. Maud Mohan. No alternative. On guard. A passion in tatters. Played out. Playing for high stakes. Theo. Leigh. The two widows. Walter Goring. CUMMINS, Maria S. El Fureidis. Haunted hearts. The lamplighter, Mabel Vaughan. CUMWORTH house. 3Iiss Jolly. CUNNINGHAM, Allan. Lord Roldan. CUNNINGHAM, George Godfrey. Foreign tales and traditions. CUPPLES, George. The two frigates. CURATE and the rector. The. E. Strutt. CURATE of Cumberworth, The. F.E.Paget. CURATES discipline. The. C. J. Eiloart. CLTRIOUS storied traditions of Scottish life. A. Leighton. CURIOUS stories about fairies and other fun- ny people. CURLING, Henry. The soldier of fortune. CUURER Lyle. L. Reeder. CURRIER, S. By the sea. CURSE of Clifton, The. E. D. E. N. South- worth. CURSE of gold. The. R. W. Jameson. CURSE of the village. The. H. Conscience. CURTIS, J//,ss. The jilt. CURTIS, George William. The Potiphar papers. Prue and I. Trumps. CURTIS, Laura J. Christine. Now a days. CUT n drift. A. Fonl)lanque, Jr. CUTHBERT Bede, pseud. See Bradley. i?e«. E. CUTHBERTSON. 25 DAYS. CUTHBERTSON, Mm. Santo Sebastiano. CUTLER, Lizzie Petit. Household mysteries. CYCLA, jmud. See Clacy, E. CYPRESSES. Miss Jolly. CYRIL Tliornton. T. Hamilton. CYRILLA. I. von Tautphoeus. CZARINA. B. (\V.) Hofland. DACRE, B. Brand, Ladi/. Tales of the peerage and the ])easantry. DAISIE'S dream. By author of Recommend- ed to mercy. DAISY. S. Warner. DAISY Burns. J. Kavanagh. DAISY chain, The. C. M. Yonge. DAISY Nicliol. Ladij Hardy. DAISY'S necklace. T. B. Aldrich. DALBERG, WoUgang Heribert von. Mehaled and Sedli. DALLAM, James W. The lone star of Texas. DALLAS Galbraith. R. (B.) H. Davis. DALTON, W. The wolf boy of China. DALTONS, The. C. (J.) Lever. DAME nature and her three daughters. (J.) X. Boniface, called Saintine. DAMES of liigh estate. P. de AVitt. DAMSEL of Darien.. W. G. Simms. DANES sketched by themselves. Mrs. Bushby. DANESBURY house. E. P. Wood. DANGERFIELD'S rest. H. Sedley. DANGEROUS game, A. DANGEROUS guest, A. Gilbert Rugge. DANGEROUS secret, A. DANIEL, Mrs. Mackenzie. Elsie's married life. Fernley manor. Jeremiah Parkes. Marrying for money. The old maid of the family. Our guardian. DANISH fairy legends and tales. H. C. Andersen. DANISH story book. The. H. C. Andersen. DANVERS papers. The. C. M. Yonge. D'ARBLAY, Frances Buruey. Camilla. Cecilia. Evelina. The wanderer. DARE Fairfax. A. A. Gott. DARK lady of Doona. W. H. Maxwell. 4 E. (H.) Yates. By the author A. T. Cudlip. of DARK night's work. A. E. C. Gaskell. DARKNESS and daylight. M. J. Holmes. DARNLEY. G. P. R. James. DARRELL Markham. M. E. Braddon. DARYL, Sidney. Told in the twilight. With the tide. DASENT, George Webbe. Annals of an eventful life. Lady Sweetapple. Popular tales iVom the Norse. DASH, Comtesse, pseud. See St. Mars, C. de C. DASHES of American humor. H. Paul. DAUGHTER of an Egyptian king, The. G. Ebers. DAUGHTER of an empress. The. C. (M.) Mundt. DAUGHTER of Bohemia, A. F. C. Fisher. DAUGHTER of Heth, A. W. Black. DAUGHTER of night. S. W. Fullom. DAVENPORT Dunn. C. (J.) Lever. DAVID Copperfield. C. (J. H.) Dickens. DAVID Dumps. T. H. Bayly. DAVID Elginbrod. G. Macdonald. DAVID Lloyd's last will. H. Smith. DAVIES, Mrs. j > . =^= TT- f a , f L I B R A U Y The heir of Ardennan. DAVIS, L. C. A stranded ship. _ DAVIS, Rebecca (B.) IM^-^ ^^ ^^ ^1 S I T Y < ) F Dallas Galbraith. ii JohnAndross. l O ALlFi ■>i\N lA . Kitty's choice. %s s ^ Margret Howth. StejDhen Yarrow, lu Good stories, v. 3. Waiting for the veidict. DAVIS, W. M. Nimrod of the sea. DAWES, Rufus. Nix's mate. DAWN. Mrs. H. A. Adams. DAWSON, Florence. An old debt. DAY, Julia. The old engagement. DAY, Thomas. Sanford and Merton. DAY of small things. A. Manning. DAYRELLS, The. Viscountess Enfield. DAYS and ways of cocked hat. The. M. A. Denison. DAYS of Bruce, The. G. Aguilar. DAYS of my life, The. M. (O. AV.) Oliphant. DAYS of old. The. J. Mills. In Johustone Edinburgh tales, v. 2. DAYS of Shoddy, The. H. Morford. % DAYS. 26 DESERT. DAYS of Y^)re. Keddie. DAY'S ride, A. C. (J.) Lever. DEAD alive, The. (W.) W. Collins. DEAD guest, The. (J.) H. (D.) Zschokke. DEAD lake, The. P. (.J. L.) Heyse. DEAD men's shoes. J. R. Hadermann. DEAD sea fruit. M. E. Braddon. DEAD secret, Tlie. (W.) W. Collins. DEALINGS witl) t^ie fairies. G. Macdonald. DEANE, Milory. Marjory. DEAN'S daughter. The. C. U. F. Gore. DEAR experience. G. Ruffini. DEATH-BED, The. A. Opie. Works, v. 1. DEATH ship. DEBENHAM'S vow. A. B. Edwards. DEBIT and credit. G. Freytag. DEBORAH'S diary. A. Manning. DEBUTANTE, The. C. G. F. Gore. DECAMERON, The. G. Boccaccio. DE CLIFFORD. R. P. Ward. DE CRESSl'. By the author of Still waters. DEEDS not words. M. BelL DEEP down. R. M. Ballantyne. DEEP waters. A. H. Drur}'. DEERBROOK. H. Martiueau. DEERSLAY^ER, The. J. F. Cooper. DEER stalkers. H. W. Herbert. DEFAULTER, The. T. Hood. In Good stories, v. 1. DE FOE, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. DE FOREST, J. W. Kate Beaumont. Miss Ravenal's conversion from secession to loyalty. Overland. Seacliff. The Wetlierel affair. DELAPLAINE. M. T. Walworth. DE LA RAME, L. See Rame L. de la. DELAWARE. G. P. R. James. DELEON UabU. The confessor. The nun. Under the ban. DE LEON, Edwin. Askaros Kassis the Copt. DE LEON, T. Cooper. Cross purposes. DELIA'S doctors. H. G. Creamer. DE LIEFDE, J. The postman's bag. DE LIEFDE, John B. Galama. DELLINGBOROUGH castle. DELORAINE. W. Godwin. DE L'ORME. G. P. R. James. DEMETRIUS. DE MILLE James. The American baron. The boys of Grand Pre school. A comedy of terrors. Cord and creese. The cryptogram. The Dodge club. Helena's household. The lady of the ice. The lily and the cross. The living link. Lost in the fog. An open question. Picked up adrift. The seven hills. Treasure of the seas. DEMON of Gold, The. H. Conscience. DEMPSTER, Charlotte. Hotel du petit St. Jean. Vera. DENE hollow. E. P. Wood. DENIS Donne. A. T. Cudlip. DENIS Duval. W. M. Thackeray. DENISE By the same author: Madame Fontenoy. Mademoiselle Mori. On the edge of the storm. DENISON, C. W. Gracie Amber. DENISON, Mary A. The days and ways of cocked hats. Home pictures. Victor Norman, rector. What not. DENNINGS and their beaux, The. E. Leslie. DENOUNCED, The. .L Banini. DE QUINCEY, Thomas. The avenger. lu Good stories, v. 1. Klosterheim. DERBY, George Henry. {John Ph(mi.r.) Phamixiana. The Squibob papers. DE ROHAN. M. J. Sue. DERRICK, Francis. Beneath the wheels. Family pride. Mildred's wedding. Olive Varcoe. Patience Crerhydon. DESERT home, The. M. Reid. DKSEETED. 27 DISINHERITED. DESERTED wilb, Tlie. E.D.E.N.Southwortli. DESK and debit. W. T. Adams. DESPARD, Mrs. M. C. Chaste as ice, pure as snow. DESPERATE remedies. T. Hardy. DE STAEL. See Stael-Holstein. DESTINATION. C. Reeve. DESTINY. M. Terrier. DE STOLZ, Madame, pseud. See Begon, F. de. DESULTORY man, The. G. P. R. James. DETLEF, Carl. Must it be? Valentine, the countess. DE VERE, Ma.ximilian Scheie. The great empress. DE VERE. R. P. Ward. DEVEREUX. E. (G. E.) L. Buhver-Lyttou. DEVEREUX hall. C. A. Southey. lu Talcs from Blackwood, v. 2. DEVIL on two sticks. A. R. Le Sage. Same as Asmodeus. DEVOTED, The. Lady C. Bury. DIAMOND on the hearth, The. M. James. DIAMOND cross. The. W. B. Phillips. DIAMOND cut diamond. T. A. Trollope. DIAMOND rose. The. Keddie. DIANA Gay. P. Fitzgerald. DIANA of Meridor. A. (D.) Dumas. DIANA'S crescent. A. Manning. DIARY, A. F. Bremer. DIARY and houres of Ladye Adolie. DIARY of a desennuyee. C. G. F. Gore. DIARY of a late physician. S. Warren. DIARY of an ennuyee. A. (M.) Jameson. DIARY of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq. W. M. Thackeray. DIARY of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. E. Charles. DIAVOLA. M. E. Braddon. DIAZ, Abby Morton. William Henry and his friends. The William Henry letters. DICK Lawson. DICK Turpin. DICKENS, Charles (John Huffam.) Barnaby Rudge. Battle of life. Bleak house. The child wife,/7Wrt David Copperfield. The chimes. Cliristmas books. A Christmas carol. Christmas stories. DICKENS, Charles, (Join) Hiifiam.)- Cordirnud The cricket on the hearth. David Copperfield. Dr. Marigold's prescriptions. Dombey and son. Great expectations. Hard times. A house to let. The lamp lighter's story. Little Dorrit. Little Nell,y/ywi Old curiosity shop. Martin Chuzzlewit. Master Humphrey's clock. Message fi'om the sea. Mrs. Lirrifer's lodgings. The mystery of Edwin Drood. The mystery of Edwin Drood, part. 2, by the spirit jjen of C. Dickens, through a medium. New stories. Nicholas Nickleby. The old curiosity shop. Oliver Twist. Our mutual friend. Pickwick papers. Sketches by Boz. Smike, from Nicholas Nickleby. Somebody's luggage. Tale of two cities. The Tuggs at Ramsgate. The uncommercial traveler. and Collins, (William,) Wilkie. No thoroughfare. and others. Pic-nic papers. DICKINSON, Anna E. What answer ? DIEKENGA, J. E., and Ashworth, T. M. Tom Chijis. DIG BY Grand. G. J. W. Melville. DIKES and ditches. W. T. Adams. DIMITRI, Roudiue. J. S. Turgenef. DIMITRY, Charles. The house in Balfour street. DIMMICK, F. M. Anna Clayton. DINAH. Moore. DINGELSTEDT, Frank. The Amazon. DION and the sibyls. M. G. Keon. DISCARDED daughter. The. E. D. E. N. Southworth. DISCIPLINE. M. Brunton. DISCIPLINE of life. E. C. M. Pousonby. DISINHERITED and the insnared. Lady C. Bury. DISOWJSED. 28 DOWN; DISOWNED, The. E. (G.E.) L. Bulwer-Lytton. D'ISRAELI, Benjamin. Alroy. Coningsby. Contarini Fleming. Count Alarcos. Henrietta Temple. The infernal marriage. Ixion in heaven. Lothair. Sybil. Tancred. Venetia. Vivian Grey. Voyage of Captain Poi3anilla. The young duke. DISRAELI, Isaac. Flim-flams. DI VASARI, a tale of Florence. C. Edwards. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 8. DIVORCED, The. Lady C. Bury. DIVORCED wife. T. S. Arthur.' DIXON, Broken columns. DOCTOR Antonio. G. Ruffini. DOCTOR Austin's guests. W. Gilbert. DOCTOR Basil i us. A. (D.) Dumas. DOCTOR Birch and his young friends. W. M. Thackeray. DR. Brady, Adventures of W. H. Russell. DOCTOR Goethe's courtship. DR. Howell's family. H. B. Goodwin. DOCTOR Jacob. M. B. Edwards. DOCTOR Johns. D. G. Mitchell. DOCTOR Kemp. DR. Marigold's prescriptions. C.(J. H.)Dickens. DOCTOR Oldham at Greystones. C. S. Henry DOCTOR Ox. J. Verne." DOCTOR Thorne. A. TroUope. DOCTOR Vandyke. J. E. Cooke. DR. Wainwright's patients. E. (H.) Yates. DR. Wihner's love. M. Lee. DOCTOR'S daughter, The. R. S. Clarke. DOCTOR'S dilemma, The. H. Smith. DOCTOR'S wife. The. M. E. Braddon. DODD ftimily abroad, The. C. (J.) Lever. DODGE, Mary Mapes. Hans Brinker. DODGE club. The. J. De Mille. DODGSON, Charles Lutwidge. {Lewia Cairoll) Alice's adventures in wonderland. Through the looking glass. DOESTIcks, Q. K. Philander, pseud. See Thompson, M. S. DOG of Flanders, A. L. de la Rame. DOING as other people. T. S. Arthur. DOING his best. J. T. Trowbridge. DOINGS in Loudon. DOINGS in Maryland. M. McAlpin. DOLLARS and cents. A. B. Warner. DOMBEY and son. C. (J. H.)Dickens. DOMINIE'S legacy. A. Picken. DON FROILLA and his ten daughters. A. Strickland. DON QUIXOTE. M. de Cervantes-Saavedra. DONA BLANCA of Navarre. F. N.ViUoslada. DONALDSON, James Lowry. Sergeant Atkins. DONBAVAND, B. Wild Ireland. DONI, A. F. Novels. lu Uoscoe's Italian novelists, v. 3. DORA. J. Kavanagh. DORA Deane. M. J. Holmes. DOROTHY. By the author of Still waters. DOROTHY FOX. L. Parr. DORR, Julia C. R. Expiation. Lanmere. Sibyl Huntington. DORSEY, Anna H. Nora Brady's vow. AVoodreve manor. DORSEY, S. A. {Filia.) Agnes Graham. Athalie. Lucia Dare. DOTEN, E. My affinity. DOUBLEDAY, Thomas. The eve of Saint Mark. The murderer's last night. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 7. DOUBLES and quits. L. W\ M. Lockhart. DOUGLAS, Amanda M. Claudia. Home nook. In trust. Lucia: her problem. Seven daughters. Stephen Dane. Sydnie Adriance. With fate against him. DOUGLAS, Robert. Surgeon, B. N. Adventures of a medical student. DOVE in the eagle's nest, The. C. M. Yonge. DOWAGER, The. C. G. F. Gore. DOWER house. The. A. T. Cudlip. DOWN the Rhine. W. T. Adams. DOWN the river. W. T. Adams. \ DOWN. 29 DUMAS. DOWN the river, or practical lessons under the code duello. DOWN EASTERS. J. Neal. DOWNING, F. M. Nameless. DOWNING.Maj. Jack, jyse«(Z. See Smith, Seba. DRAMA of life'. DRAMA of Pokerville. J. M. Field. DRAMATIC scenes from real life. Lady S. O. Morgan. DRAYTON. DRAYTONS and the Davenants, The. E. Charles. DREAM life. D. G. Mitchell. DREAM numbers. T. A. Trollope. DRED. H. (E.) B. Stowe. DRIFTING about. S. C. Massetfc. DRIVEN from the path. Edited by C. Smart. DROZ, Gustave. Around a s^^ring. Babolain. DRURY, Anna Harriet. Deep waters. Eastbury. Friends and fortune. Light and shade. Misrepresentation. The Normans. A story of a shower. DU CHAILLU, Paul. The country of the dwarfs. Lost in the jungle. My Apingi kingdom. Wild life under the equator. DUCHESS, The. A. Boyd. DUCHESS of Trajetto, The. A. Manning. DUDEVANT, Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin. {Oeorge Sand.) Antonia. Cesarine Dietrich. Consuelo. The Countess of Rudolstadt. Fadette. Fanchon, the cricket. Handsome Lawrence. The haunted marsh. Indiana. Mile. Merquem. The Marquis of Villemer, Manprat. The miller of Angibault. Monsieur Sylvestre. A rolling stone. The snowman. DUDEVANT. A. L. A. T>.— Continued. Teverino. DUDEVANT, (.J. F.) M. (A.) {Maurice Sand.) Callirhoe. DUELLISTS, The. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 10. DUGANNE, Augustine J.H. The tenanthouse. DUKE, Tlie. Mrs. E. C. Grey. DUKE and tlie cousin. The. Mrs. E. C. Grey. DUKE of Monmouth. G. Griffin. DUKE'S dilemma. The. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 4. DUKE'S honor, The. E. Wilberforce. DUKESBOROUGH tales. R. M. Johnston. DUMAS, Alexandre, Jils. Camille. Wife murder. DUMAS. Alexandre (Davy.) Acte of Corinth. Adventures ol a marquis. Amaury. Andree de Taverney. Ascanio. Beau Tancrede. The black tulip. Bragelonne. Catherine Blum. Cecilia. Chevalier D'Harmentel. The chevalier de Maison Rouge. Chicot, the jester. The conscript. The conspirators. The Corsican brothers. Count of Monte Christo. The count of Moret. Countess de Charny. Countess of Salisbury. Diana of Meridor. Doctor Basilius. Edmond Dantes, sequel to Count of Monte- Christo. Emmanuel Philibert. Tlie fallen angel. Felina de Chambure. Fencing master. Ferdinande. The foresters. The forty-five guardsmen. Genevieve. George. The guillotine. DUMAS. 30 EDGEWORTH. DUMAS, Alexandre (Davy.) — Continued. The half brothers. Ingenue. The iron hand. The iron mask. Isal)el of Bavaria. Knight of Maiikon. Lonise hi Valliere. Love and lil)erty. Madame de Chamhhiy. Tlie mail with five vvives. Marquerite de Valois. The marriage verdict. [Memoirs of a pliysician series.] Memoirs of a physician : The queen's necklace ; Sis years later; The countess de Charny ; Audree de Taveruey : The chevalier. Nanon. The page of the duke of Savoy. Paul Jones. Pauline. Tlie polish spy. The queen's necklace. Recollections of Antony. Regent's daughter. Rosa Woodville. The royalist daughtej's. Royalists and republicans. The Russian gipsy. Six years later. The still hunt. Sylvandire. Taking the bastile. Thousand and one phantoms. [The three guardsmen series.] The three guardsmen ; Twenty years after ; Bragelouue ; The iron mask ; Louise la Val- liere. The three musketeers. Three strong men. Twenty years after. The two Dianas. War of women. The watchmaker. Tlie wedding dress. DUMBLETON common. E. Eden. DUMONT, J. A. Life sketches from common paths. DUN, The. M. Edgeworth. DUNALLAN. G. Kennedy. DUPUY, Eliza A. The conspirator. The country neighborhood. The planter's daughter. DURHAM village. C. Lynn. DURIVAGE, F. A. Love in a cottage. The three brides, and Burnham, G. P. Stray subjects. DURNTON abbey. T. A. Trollope. DUTCHMAN'S fireside. The. J. K. Paulding. DUTHIE, William. Proved in the fire. DUTY and inclination. L. E. Landon. DYNEVOR terrace. C. M. Ycmge. EACH for himself. F. Gerstacker. EARL'S daughter. E. M. Sewell. EARL'S dene. R. E. Francillon. EARL'S heirs, The. E. P. Wood, EARL'S promis-e, The. J. H. Riddell. EARLY called. C. A. Southey. EARLY dawn. The. E. Charles. EARLY English prose romances. W. J. Thoms. EARLY life of old Jack. W. H. G. Kingston. EARTHQUAKE, The. J. Gait. EAST and west. F. W. Thomas. EASTBURY. A. H. Drury. EAST Lynne. E. P. Wood. EASTER off"ering. F. Bremer. EASTMAN, Mary H. Fashionable life. EASY Nat. A. L. Stinson. EBB tide. F. C. Fisher. EBEN Erskine. J. Gait. EBELYN. A. C. (M.) Ritchie. EBERS, George. The daughter of an Egyp- tian king. EBONY idol. The. G. M. Flanders. ECHOES of a belle. B. Shadow. EDDIES round the rectory. O. Varra. EDELWEISS. B. Auerbach. EDEN, Eleanor. Dumbleton common. EDEN, Emily. The semi-attached couple. The semi-detached house. EDGAR, Clifton. C. Adams. EDGAR Huntley. C. B. Brown. EDGEWORTH, Maria. The absentee. Angelina. Almeria. Belinda. Castle Rack rent. The contrast. The dun. Emilie de Coulanees. EDGE WORTH. 31 PLEPHAiNT EDGEWORTH, Maria.— Continued. Ennui. Essay on Irish bulls. Forester. The good aunt. The good French governess. The grateful negro. Harrington. Helen. The knapsack. Lame Jervas. Leonora. The Limerick gloves. The lottery. Love and law. Madame de Fleiiry. Mademoiselle Panache. Manoeuvring. The manufacturers. The modern Griselda. Murad, the unlucky. Ormond. Out of debt, out of danger. Patronage. Tlie Prussian vase. Rosanna. The rose, thistle and shamrock. Self-justification. Thoughts on bores. To-morrow. Vivian. The will. EDTTH Hale. Mrs. E. T. H. Putnam. EDITH Vaughan's victory. H. W. Pierson. EDITH'S legacy. EDITH'S ministry. H. B. McKeever. EDMOND Dantes, sequel to Monte Christo. A. (D.) Dumas. EDNA. E. Carra. EDNA Browning. M. J. Holmes. EDWARD, the crusader's son. Mrs. Barwell. EDWARD Vernon. E. V. Childe. EDWARDES, Annie. Archie Lovell. Miss Forrester. The morals of May Fair. The ordeal for wives. Ought we to visit her ? A i^oint of honor. Steven Lawrence, yeoman. Susan Fielding. A vagabond heroine. EDWARDS, Amelia Blandf )r(]. Barbara's history. Debenham's vow. Half a million of money. Hand and glove. In the days of my youth. The ladder of life. Miss Carew. My brother's wife. EDWARDS. C. Di Vasari, a tale of Florence, lu Tales from Blackwood, v. S. EDWARDS, H. Sutherland. Tlie three Louisas. EDWARDS, Matilda Betham. Doctor Jacob. Kitty. The Sylvestres. Wild tinwer of Ravensworth. EDWIN Brotliertoft. T. Winthrop. EFFINGHAMS, The. EGAN, Pierce. Fair Rosamond. Lady Maud. Pilgrims of the Thames. EGGLESTON, Edward. Book of queer stories and stories told on a cellar-door. The circuit rider. The end of the world. The Hoosier schoolmaster. The mystery of Metropolisville. EGGLESTON, George Gary. A man of honor. EIGHTH commandment, I'he. C. Reade. EILOART, Mrs. C. J. Oris Fairlie's boyhood. The curate's discipline. From thistles — graj^es. Just a woman. Madame Sylva's secret. Meg. Out of h<'r sphere. St. Bede's. Woman's wrong. EIRENE. M. C. Ames. EKKEHARD. J. V. Scheflel. EL BUSCAPIE. M. de Cervantes-Saavedra. ELDER sister, The. M. James. ELEANOR'S victory. M. E. Braddon. ELECTIVE affinities. J. W. von Goethe. ELECTRIC telegraph of fun. ELENA. L. N. Comyn. ELEONORE. Frmi von Ingersleben. ELEPHANT clul), The. M. S. Thompson. EL FUREIDIS. 32 ERIZZO. EL FUREIDIS. M. S. Cummins. ELIA ; or Spain fifty years ago. C. B. de (F.) Arrom. ELIZABETH de Bruce. ELIZA Woodson. E. W. Farnham. ELIZABETH. S. R. Cottin. ELIZABETH. M. Natliusius. ELIZABETHINES, The. C. G. F. Gore. In Johnstone Ediuburg tales, v. 3. ELKSWATAWA. ELLEN Glanville. ELLEN Linn. J. Abbott. ELLEN Middleton. G. FuUerton. ELLEN Norbury. E. Bennett. ELLEN Parry. Olivia. ELLEN Seymour. S. Sheppard. ELLEN Wareham. E. Pickering. ELLEN Woodville. ELLET, Elizabeth Fries. Evenings at Wood- lawn. ELLIE. J. E. Cooke. ELLIOT, Frances. Romance of old court life in France. ELLIOTT, C. W. (Mr. Thorn White.) Wind and whirlwind. ELLIOTT family. C. Burdett. ELLIS, Sarah Stickney. Family secrets. Hearts and homes. Home, or the iron rule. Look to the end. Pictures of private life. Self decei^tion. Temper and temperament. ELLMS, C. Robinson Crusoe's own book. ELOINA. ELOISA. J. J. Rousseau. ELSIE Magoon. F. D. Gage. ELSIE Venner. O. W. Holmes. ELSIE'S married liie. Mis. M. Daniel. ELSTERS' folly. E. P. Wood. ELVES, The. L. Tieck. In Johnstone, Edinburg tales, v. 1. ELVIRA, the nabob's wile. Mrs. Monkland. EMERALD, The. E. Sargent. EMERALD studs. The. W. E. Aytouu. In Tales from Blackwood, v. fi. EMERY, E. Myself. EMERY, Eliza B. Queens. EMERY, Sarah A. Three generations. EMIGRANTS of Ahadarra. W. Carleton. EMILIA in England. G. Meredith. EMILIA Wyudham. A. C. Marsh. EMILIE de Coulanges. M. Edgeworth. EMILY Chester. A. (M.) C. Seemuller. EMMA. ,1. Austen. EMMANUEL Philibert. A. (D.) Dumas. EMMELINE. M. Brunton. EMPEROR'S picture, The. W. Hauff. EMPRESS, The. G. Bennett. EMPRESS Josephine, The. C. (M.) Mundt. ENAULT, Louis. The pupil of the legion of honor. ENCHANTED princess. The. M. D. Nauman. ENCHANTING and enchanted. F. W. Hack- lander. END of a long day's work. A. I. Thackeray. END of the world. The. E. Eggleston. ENFIELD, Visconntess. The Dayrells. ENGLISH army. J. J. ENGLISH at home. ENGLISH fashionables abroad. C. D. Burdett. ENGLISH orphans. M. J. Holmes. ENGLISH tales and sketches. (C.T.)Crosland. ENNUI. M. Edgeworth. ENSEMBLE. W. Brad wood. ENTAIL, The. J. Gait. ENTHUSIASTS, The. R. P. Ward. EOLINE. C. L. Hentz. EOTVOS, Joseph. The village notary. EPICUREAN, The. T. Moore. EPISODES in an obscure life. ERCKMANN, Emile, and Chatrian, Alexandre. The Alsacian schoolmaster. The bells. The Ijlockade of Phalsbury. Citizen Bonaparte. The conscript. The foiest house. Friend Fritz. The illustrious Dr. Matheus. The invasion of France in 1814. Madame Therese. A man of the people. A miller's story of the war. Outbreak ol the great French revolution. Peace. Popular tales and romances. The story of a peasant. War. Waterloo. Y'ear one of the republic. ERIC. F. W. Farrar. ERIZZO, S. Novels. In Roscoe's Italian uovelists, v. 3. KRLTNG, 33 FAIRY. ERLING, the bold. R. M. Ballantyne. EIIMA'S engagement, by author of Blanclie Seymour. W. H. G. Kingston. Greenough. ERNEST Bracebiidge. ERNEST Carroll. ERNEST Grey. M. Maxwell. ERNEST Harcourt. ERNEST Linwood. C. L. Hentz. ERNEST Maltravers.E. (G.E.)L.Bulwer-Lytton ERNESTIN. EROS and Anteros. .T. H. L. CampbeU. ERRATA. J. Neal. ESPERANCE. M. Lander. ESTELLE. J. P. C. Florian. ESTELLE Grant. ESTELE Russell, by the author of The private life of Galileo. ESTHER Hill's secret. G. M. Craik. ESTVAN, M. Harry Delaware. ETHEL. M. .James. ETHEL Mildmay's follies. Mrs. Markham. ETHEL'S love life. M. J. M. Sweat, ETHELYN'S mistake. M. J. Holmes. EUGENE Aram. E.(G. E.) L. Bulwer-Lytton. EUGENIE Grandet. H. de Balzac. EULENSPIEGEL, T. Tyll Owlglass. EUSTACE diamonds. The. A. Trollope. EU PAW. W. G. Simms. EVA Morton and her cousins. M. M. Bell. EVA St. Clair. G. P. R. James. EVAN Dale. F. Keyes. EVAN Harrington. G. Meredith. EVANS, Augusta J. See Wilson, A. (J.) E. EVANS, Marian J. See Lewes, M. J. (E.) EVANS, Robert Wilson. Evenings with the chroniclers. EVE of Saint Mark, The. T. Doubleday. EVELINA. F. (B.) D'Arblay. EVELY^N Forrester. M. A. Power. E.VELYN Marston. A. C. Marsh. EVENING museum, The. EVENINGS at Haddon hall. EVENINGS at Woodhiwn. E. F. EUet. EVENINGS of a workingman. EVENINGS with the chroniclers. R. W. Evans. EVENINGS with the old story tellers. EVEN TIDE. Miss Harper. EVERARD Norton. EVERLEY. By the same author: The home at Heatherbrae. 5 EVERY day. F. W. A. Pike. EWALD, H. F. The story of Waldermar Krone's youth. EX-WIFE, The. .1. Lang. EXEMPLARY novels. M. de Cervantes-Saavedra. EXILE. R. Johnson. EXILE of Erin ; or the sorrows of a bashful Irisliman. EXILES, The. T. A. L. (v. J.) Robinson. EXILES in Babylon. C. Tucker. EXILES of Lucerna. J. R. Macduff. EXPECTANT, The. E. F'ickering. EXPERIENCE of life. E. M. Sewell. EXPERIENCES of a barrister. W. Warner. EXPERIENCES of Richard Taylor, Esq. M7'S. Johnstone, lu Johnstone, Ediuburg tales, v. 1. EXPIATED. By author of Behind the veil. EXPIATION. J. C. R. Dorr. FABER, Cecilia de (B.) See Arroni,C.B.de (F.) FABLES, .^sop. FABLES. J. Northcote. FABLES. Pilpay. FABLIAUX, or tales abridged from French Mss. of 12th and 13tli centuries, by Le Grand, translated by Way, with notes by Ellis. FACA. O. S. Willcox. FACTS in a clergyman's life. C. B. Tayler. FADETTE. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. FAINT heart never won fair lady. D. Costello. FAIR to see. L. W. M. Lockhart. FAIR god. The. L. Wallace. FAIR Harvard. W. T. Washburn. FAIR maid of Perth, The. Sir W. Scott. FAIR play. E. D. E. N. Southworth. FAIR Rosamond. P. Egan. FAIR Saxon, A. J. McCarthy. FAIR women. 3Irs. Forrester. FAIRFAX. J. E. Cooke. FAIRFIELD, C. E. Our bible class. FAIRY' book. The. D. (M.) M. Craik. FAIRY fancies. L. von Ploennies. FAIRY fingers. A. C. (M.) Ritchie. FAIRY legends of the south of Ireland. T. C. Croker. FAIRY night caps. Mrs. F. Barrow. FAIRY tales:' Andersen, H. C. Danish. Aunoy, M. C. J. de B. Fairy tales. Austin, J. G. Moonfolk. FAII;Y. 34 FAUSTUS. FAIRY Tales:— Continved. Bache, R. M. American wonderland. Barrow, F. Fairy night caps. Basile, G. B. The Pentamerone. Bogon, F. de. The lioiise on wheels. Blum, G., and Wahl L. Seaside and fireside fairies. Child's own book of. Craik, D. (M.) M. The fairy book. Craik, G. M. Cousin Trix. Croker, T. C. Fairy legends of the south of Ireland. Curions stories about fairies and other fun- ny people. Frere, M. Old deccan days. Grimm, J. (L. C.) and C. (W.) German. Hacklaender, F. W. Enchanting and en- chanted. Hamilton, A. count. Fairy tales and legends. How Nellie found the fairies. Ingelow, J. Mopsa the fairy. Kingsley, C. Water babies Macdonald, G. At the back of the north Dealings with the fairies. [wind. Mace, J. Home fairy tales. Nauman, M. D. The enchanted princess. Parr, H., (Holme Lee.) Fairy tales. Perrault, C., Four and twenty. Ploennies, L. von. Fairy fancies. Ridley, J. Tales of the genii. Ruskin, J. King of the golden river. Segur, S. (R.) de. For little folks. Thackeray, A. I., For grown folks. FAITH Gartney's girlhood. A. D. T.Whitney. FAITH Unwin's ordeal. G. M. Craik. FAITHFUL, Emily. A reed shaken with the wind. FALCON family, The. M. W. Savage. FALKLAND. E. (G. E.) L. Bulwer-Lytton. FALKNER. M. W. Shelley. FALL of man, or the loves of the gorillas, The. R. G. White. FALLEN angel. The. A. (D.) Dumas. FALSE colors. A. T. Cudlip. FALSE heir. The. G. P. R. James. FALSE or true. A. Opie. Works, v. 3. FAMILY Christmas in Germany. Ill Good stories, v. 3. FAMILY pictures. A. Manning. FAMILY pride. F. Derrick. FAMILY secrets. S. S. Ellis. FANCHON, the cricket. A.L.A.D. Dudevant. S. P. E. He! me. .%eFinley,(M.F.) FANNY Dale. T. S. Arthur. FANNY Fern, pseud. /S^e Parton, FAR above rubies. J. H. Riddell. FARDOROUGHA. W. Carleton. FARINA. G. Meredith. FAR.IEON, B. L. A blade o'grass. Bread and cheese and kisses. Golden grain. Grif Joshua Marvel. London's heart. FARLEY, Harriet. Happy homes at Hazel Nook. FARMER of Inglewood forest, The. FARMERS' daughters. Mrs. Cameron. FARMINGDALE. C. Thomas. FARNHAM, Eliza W. Eliza Woodson. The ideal attained. FARO table. FARQUHARSON, Martha. FARRAR, Frederic W. Eric. ■ Julian home. St. Winifreds. FAR west. FASHION and famine. A. S. Stephens. FASHIONABLE life. M. H. Eastman. FASHIONABLE wife,The. A. Opie. Wks. v.l. FAST of St. Magdalen. A. M. Porter. FAT contributor, The. W. M. Thackeray. FATAL marriage, The. E. D. E. N. South- worth. FATAL passion, A. C. de Bernard. FATAL repast. The. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 10. FATALIST, The. FATE, The. G. P. R. James. FATHER and daughter. F. Bremer.. FATHER and daughter,The. A.Opie. Wks. v.l. FATHER Brighthopes. FATHER Butler. W. H. Carleton. FATHER D'Arcy. A. C. Marsh. FATHER Gorist. FATHER Tom and the po])e. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 3. FATHERS and sons. T. (E.) Hook. FATHERS and sons. I. S. Turgenef FAUSTINA. FAUSTINA. I. countess Halm Halm. FAUSTUS. J. T. Trowbridge. S. Fergusson. FAUSTUS. 35 FITZ-BOODLE. FAUSTUS and queen Elizabeth, lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 2. FAWCETT, Edgar. Purple and fine linen. FAWN of the pale faces. J. P. Brace. FAY, Theodore S. Countess Ida. Crayon sketches. Hoboken. Norman Leslie. Sydney Clifton. Ulric. FAYE-Mar of Storm-cliff. S. J. Prichard. FEAR of the world. H. Mayhew. FEATHERED arrow, The. F. Gerstacker. FEATS on the fjord. H. Martineau. FELICIA'S dowry. F. Okeden. FELINA de Chambure. A. (D.) Dumas. FELIX Holt. M. J. (E.) Lewes. FEMALE quixotism. T. Tenney. FENCING master, The. A. (D.) Dumas. FENELON, Francois (de Salignac de la Mothe.) Telemachus. FENTON, E. D. Sorties from "Gib." FENTON'S guest. M. E. Braddon. FERDINAND, count Fathom. T. (G.) Smollet. FERDINANDE. A. (D.) Dumas. FERGUSSON, Samuel. .Father Tom and the pope. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 3. FERN, Funny, pseud. See Parton, S. P. FERN leaves. S. P. Parton. FERNAN C'dhixWero, pseud. >See Arrom, C. B. de (F.) FERNANDO de Lemos. C. (E. A.) Gayarre. FERNLEY manor. Mrs. M. Daniels. FERNYHURST court. By the author of Stone edge. FERRIER, Mary. Destiny. Marriage. FERRY, Gabriel. The cavaliers and free lances of New Spain. Vagabond life in Mexico. FETTERED for life. L. D. Blake. FEUILLET, Octave. Camors. The romance of a poor young man. The story of Sibylle. FIELD, Ada M. Altha. FIELD, J. M. Drama of Pokerville. FIELD, Margaret. Bertha Percy. FIELD and forest. W. T. Adams. FIELDING, Henry. Amelia. Jonathan Wild. Joseph Andrews. Tom Jones. FIELDING. H. P. Ward. FIFTEEN days. M. L. Putnam. FIFTEEN years. T. A. L. (v. J.) Robinson. FIGHT at dame Europa's school, The. H. W, Pullen. FIGHTING the flames. R. M. Ballantyne. FIGHTING Joe. W. T. Adams. Flhl A., pseud. See Dorsey, S. A. FILLAN, A. D. Stories of two rebellions Hi: Scotland, 1715 and 1745. FINDEN'S tableaux. M. R. Mitford. FINGER of fate, The. M. Reid. FINLEY, Martha (Farquharsou.) Casella. Lilian. An old fashioned boy. Our Fred. Wanted : a pedigree. FINNETTE. E. (R. L.) Laboulaye. FIOR D'Aliza. A. (M. L. P.) de Lamartiue. FIORENTINO (G.) Novels. lu Roscoe'e Italian novelists, v. 1. FIRENZNOLA, A. Novels. In Roscoe's Italian novelists, v. 2. FIRESIDE saints and other pajiers. D. Jerrold. FIRST and last. W. Mudford. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 4. FIRST and last crime. The. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1. FIRST and last kiss, The. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 10. FIRST false step, The. FIRST friendship, A. FIRST lieutenant's story. The. C. Long. FIRST love and last love. J. Grant. FIRST of the Knickerbockers. P. H. Myers. FISHER, Admiral. Petrel. FISHER, Frances C. (Christian Eeid.) Carmen's inheritance. A daughter of Bohemia. Ebb tide. Mabel Lee. Morton house. Nina's atonement. Valerie Aylmer. FISHER maiden, The. B. Bjornson. FISHEHS' riverscenes and characters. "Skitt." FITZ-Boodle papers. W. M. Thackeray. FITZGEKALD. 36 FOKTUNES. FITZGERALD, Percy. Di:ina Gay. Never forgotten. Tlie second Mrs. Tillotson. Seventy-five Brooke street. FITZGEORGE. FITZ-Hugh St. Clair. S. F. Cliapin. FIVE hundred majority. W. Niles. FIVE hundred pounds reward. FIVE nights of St. Albaii's. W. Mudford. FIVE weeks in a balloon. J. Verne. FLAGG, W. A good investment. FLANDERS, Mrs. G. M. The ebony idol. FLEETWOOD. W. Godwin. FLEMING, May Agnes. Guy Earlcourt's wife. A wonderful woman. FLETCHER, A. {Slieelah.) Ballyshan castle. FLETCHER, Maria Jane, formerly Miss Jews- hury. Three histories. FLETCHER, Miriam. The methodist. FLEURANGE. P. Craven. FLIES in amber. J. Pardoe. FLIM-FLAMS. I. Disraeli. FLINT, Timothy. Bachelor reclaimed. FLIRT, I1ie. Mrs. E. C. Grey. FLIRTATION. Lady C. Bury. FLITCH of bacon. W. H. Ainsworth. FLOATING beacon. The. lu Talcs from Blackwood, v. 1. FLOATING city, and the blockade runners. J. Verne. FLOOD and tield. W. H. Maxwell, FLORENCE O'Neill. A. M. Stewart. FLORA Lyndsay. S. Moodie. FLORENCE. M. E. Hammond. FLORENCE and John. J. Abbott. FLORIAN, Jean Pierre Claris. Bathmendi. Estelle. Numa Pomijilius. FLORIAN and Crescenz. B. Auerbach. FLORIDA pirate. The. lu Tale& from Blackwood, v. 9. FLORINE. W. B. MacCabe. FLOUNCED robe, The. H. B. FLOWER of the family, The. FLOWER, fruit and thorn pieces. J. P. F. Richter. FLOWER garden. The. E. Souvestre. FLUSH times in Alabama and Mississippi. J. G. Baldwin. FLYING Dutchman, The. J. K. Paulding. McKeever. E. Prentiss. FOE in the household. The. C. Chesebro'. FOGGY night at Ofl'ord, The. E. P. AVood. FOLLE Farine. L. de hi Rame. FOLLEN, Eliza Lee. Sketches ol married life, FONBLANQUE, Albany, Jr. Cut adrift. The man of fortune. A tangled skein. FOOL of quality. The. H. Brooke. FOOL'S paradise, A. T. Archer. FOR and against. F. Wilbraham. FOR better, for worse. E. (H.) Yates. FOR ever and ever. F. M. Church. FOR her sake. F. W. Robinson. FOR lack of gold. C. Gibbon. FOR love and life. M. (O. W\) Oliphant. FOR richer, for jioorer. H. Parr. FOR the king. C. Gibbon. FORAYERS, The. W. G. Simms. FORD, Sallie R. Grace Truman. Mary Bunyan. FOREIGN tales and traditions. G. G. Cunningham. FOREST, The. J. V. Huntington. FOREST days. G. P. R. James. FOREST e-xiles. The. M. Reid. FOREST house. The. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. FOREST knight, Tiie. J. D. Nourse. FOREST tragedy, A. S. J. Lippincott. FORESTER. M. Edgeworth. FORESTERS, The. A. (D.) Dumas. FORGERY^ The. G. P. R. James. FORGIVEN at last. J. R. Hadermann. FORGIVING kiss, The. M. Loth. FORGOTTEN by the world. FORLORN hope. E. (H.) Yates. FORREST-race romance, The. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 8. FORRESTER, Mrs. Fair women. From Olymjjus to Hades. My hero. FORRESTER,Alfied Henry. {Alfred Crowquill.) A bundle of crowquills. FORSAKEN, The. R. P. Smith. FORTINI, P. Novels. In Robcoe's Italiau Novelists, v. 2. FORTUNATE union, The, from the Chinese. FORTUNE hunter. The. A. C. (M.) Ritchie. FORTUNES of the Colville family. F. E. Smedley. FORTUNES. 37 FRKNGH. FORTUNES of Glencore. The. C. (J.) Lever, FORTUNES of Nigel, The. Sir W. Seott. FOI^TUNES of the Scattergood family. A. Smith. FORTUNES of Torhigh O'Brien. FORTY-FIVE guardsmen. A. (D.) Dumas. FOSCARINI. FOSTER. G. G. New York in slices. FOSTER, Haniuih. The coquette. FOSTER l)rotliers, The. Mrs. Gerry. FOUL play. C. Reade and D. Boucicault. FOUND dead. J. Payn. FOUNTAIN of Arethusa. R. E. Landor, FOUQUE. See La Motte Fouque. FOUR phases of love. P. (J. L.) Heyse. FOUR oaks. E. W. Bellamy. FOUR seasons, The. F. (H. C.) de La Motte Fouque. FOUR sons of Aymon, The. W. Hazlitt. FOUR, and what they did. H. C. Weeks. FOXTON, E., psevd. See Palfrey, S. H. FRAMLEY parsonage. A. Trollope. FRANCESCA Carrara. L. E. Landon. FRANCTLLON, R. E. Earl's dene, Grace Owen's engagement. Pearl and emerald. Zelda's fortune. FRANCIS, Francis. Sidney Bellew. FRANCIS, Mark. No easy task. FRANK Cooper, pseud. See Simms, W. G. FRANK Elliott. J. Challen. FRANK Fairlegh. F. E. Smedley. FRANK Hilton. J. Grant. FRANK Mildmay. F. Marryat. FRANK Warrington. M. C. Harris. FRANK Wildman's adventures. F. Gerstaker. FRANKENSTEIN. M. W. Shelley. FRANK'S campaign. H. Alger, Jr. ERASER, James Bailie. The Kuzzilbash. Tales of the caravanserai. FREAKS of fortune. W. T. Adams. FREAKS of fortune. J. B. Jones. FREAKS on the fells. R. M. B:.llantyne. FRED and Maria and me. E. Prentiss. FRED and the gorillas. T. Miller. FRED Markham. W. H. G. Kingston. FREDERICK the Great and his court. C. (M.) Mundt. FREDERICK the Great and his family. C. (M.) Mundt. FREDRICH, Fredrich. The lost dispatch. FREELANCE. Radical, Esq., josfw^/. The philosophers ol Fouf luville. FRENCH, Translations from the. About, E. (F. V.) Aimard, G. Aunoy, M. C. J. de B. Balzac, H. de. Bazancourt, S. de. Beaiivoir, R. de. Begon, F. de. Belot. A. Bernard, C de. Biart, L. Blanche. (A.) A. Blaze de Bury, Baroness. Bouilly, J. N. Brehat, A. de. Cairon, C. A. Chateau Morville. Chateaubriand, R. F. (A.) de. Cherbuliez, V. Chesnez, E. M. des. Cottin, S. R. Craven, P. De Kock, P. Deleon, L'abbe. Droz, G. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. {George Sand.) Dudevant, (J. F.) M. (A.) {Maurice Sand.) Dumas, A.fils. Dumas, A. (D.) Enault, L. Erckmann E., and Chatrian, A. Fenelon, F. (de S. de La M.) Feuillet, O. Florian, J. P. C. de. Gaboriau, E. Gautier, T. Genlis, S. F. D. de St. A. Girardin, E. de. Gomez, M. A. P. de. Guizot, (E. C. P. de M.) Hugo, V. (M.) Karr, (J. B.) A. Laboulaye, E. (R. L.) Lamartine, A. (M. L. P.) de. Levis, P. M. G. dm de. Mace, J. Malot, H. Marmontel, J. F. Maturin, E. FRENCH. 38 GALT. FRENClI, Translations from the. — Continued. Merimee, P. Perrault, C. Petis de la Croix, F. Pontmartin, A. de. Porchat, J. J. Presseiise, Mine E. de. Reyband, C. Rousseau. J. J. yaint-Mars, C. de C. (Comtesse I)at .» \J I oi woman s trials. HALL, Ann Maria.- Marian. Midsummer eve Tlie outlaw. Sketch Tales Uncle Horace. The whiteboy. Mitford, M. R., and others. Countess and other tales. HALL, A. Oakey. The congressman's Christ- mas dream, and the lobby members hap- py new year. HALL, Jame.o. The Harpe's head. Legends of the west. The soldier's bride. HALL and the hamlet, The. W. Howitt. HALLIG, The. J. C. Biernatzki. HAMERTON, Philip Gilbert. Wenderholme. HAMILTON, Anthony, count. Fairy tales and romances. HAMILTON, C. G. Constance Lyndsay. HAMILTON, Celia V. A crown from the si)ear. Ropes of sand. Woven of many threads. HAMILTON, Elizabeth. Cottagers of Glen- burnie. HAMILTON, Thomas. Cyril Thornton. HAMILTON King. M. H. Barker. HAM LEY, Edward Bruce. Lady Lee's widowhood. Lazaro's legacy. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 2. A legend of Gibraltar. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1. HAMMER, Julius von. New Arabian nights entertainments. HAMMER and anvil. HAMMER and rapier. HAMMETT, Samuel A Adventures of Captain Priest. HAMMOND, M. E. Florence. HAMMOND, Samuel H. Wild northern scenes. HAMMOND. William A. Robert Severne. HAMPDEN, Alien. Hartley Norman. HAMPTON heiglits. C. Starbuck. HANBURY mills. C. R. Coleridge. HAND and glove. A. B. Edwards. HAND, but not the heart. The. T. S. Arthur. HANDIE. J. Abbott. F. Spielhagen. J. E. Cooke. {Philip Paxton.) HANDS. 46 HAUNTING. HANDS, not hearts. J. Wilkinson. HANDSOME Lawrence. A..L. A.D. Dudevant. HANDY AiKly. S. Lover. HANKINS, Marie Louise. The women of New York. HANLEY, Sylvanus. Caliphs and sultans. HANNAH. D. (M.) M. Craik. HANNAH Thurston. (J.) B. Taylor. HANNAY, David. Ned Allen. HANNAY, James. Sand and shells. Singleton Fontenoy. HANS Drinker. M. M. Dodge. HANS of Iceland. V. (M.) Hugo. HAPPY boy, The. B. Bjornson. HAPPY laces. A. Opie. Works, v. L HAPPY homes at Hazel Nook. H. Farley. HAPPY tliought hall. F. C. Barnand. HAPPY thoughts. F. C. Barnand. HARCOURT, Helen. Bertram Raymond. HARD cash. C. Reade. HARD times. C. (J. H.) Dickens. HARDENBERG, Fredrich, (Ludwig) von {Nooalis.) Henry of Ofterdingen. HARD MAN, F. Christine, a dutch story. In Talcs' from Blackwood, v. 6. My English acquaintance. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 7. My Iriend the Dutchman, lu Tales from Blackwood, v. (5. HARDY, Lady. Daisy Nichol. HARDY, Thomas. Desperate remedies. A pair of blue eyes. Under the greenwood tree. HARDY, M. D. A casual acquaintance. HARDY and Hunter. Mrs. H. Ward. HARE, R. Standish. . HARLAND, Marion, pseud. See Terhune, M. V. (H.) HAROLD. E. (G. E.) L. Bulwer-Lyttou. HAROUN Alraschid. A. Manning. HARPER, Miss. Eventide. HARPE'S head. The. J. Hall. HARRINGTON, G. F. Inside. HARRINGTON, M. Edgeworth. HARIHS, George W. Sut Lovingood's yarns. HARRIS, Miriam (Cole.) Frank Warrington. Louie's last term at St. Mary's. Richard Vandermarck. Roundhearts. HARRIS, Miriam (Cole.) — Co7itinued. Rutledije. St. Philips. The Sutherlands. HARRY, pseud. Hermit's dell. HARRY Austin. HARRY Bolton's curacy. Ill Tales from Blackwood, \ . 9. HARRY Coverdale's courtship. HARRY Delaware. M. Estvan. HARRY Franco. C. F. Briggs. HARRY Gr'mgo, pseud. See Wise, H. A. HARRY Harson. J. T. Irving. HARRY Heathcote of Gangoil. A. Trollope. HARRY Lee. HARRY Lorrequer. C. (J.) Lever. HARRY Muir. M. (0. W.) Oliphant. HARRY Ogilvie. J. Grant. HARRY O'Reardon. A. M. Hall. HARRY Richmond. G. Meredith. HART, Gev&ld, pseud. See Irving, T. J. HARTE, (Francis,) Bret. Condensed novels. The luck of roaring camp. Mrs. Skaggs's husl^ands. HARTLEY house, Calcutta. HARTLEY Norman. A. Hampden. HARTM ANN, Maurice. The last days of a king. HARTWELL farm, The. L. B. Comins. HARVEY Belden. HARVEYS, The. H. Kingsley. HARWOOD, J. The serf sisters. HATCH, Alice J. Under the cedars. HATTIE, Aunt, pseud. See Baker, H. N. (W.) HATTON, Joseph. Christopher Kenrick. Provincial papers. The Tallants of Barton. HAUFF, Wilhelm. Arabian days entertainments. Three tales: Contents.— The beggar girl of the Pout des arts ; The cold heart ; The emperor's picture. HAUNTED crust. The. K. Saunders. HAUNTED hearts. M. S. Cummins. HAUNTED homestead. The. E. D. E. N. Southworth. HAUNTED house. The. F. Gerstacker. HAUNTED marsh,The. A. L .A. D. Dudevant. HAUNTED merchant. The. C. F. Briggs. HAUNTERS and the haunted, The. E. (G. E.) L. Bulwer-Lytton, lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 10. HAUNTING shadow, The. L. F. Morgan. HAVEN. 47 HENPECKED. HAVEN, Alice Bradley. (Cousin Alice.) All's not gold that glitters. The Coopers. Home stories. Loss and gain. HAVEN, C. M. Christmas hours. HAVERHILL. J. A. Jones. HAWKS of Hawks hollow. R. M. Bird. HAWKSTONE. W. Sewell. HAWKSVIEW. H. Parr. HAWSER, Martingale, pseud. See Sleeper, J. S- HAWTHORNDEAN. C. M. Thompson. HAWTHORNE, Julian. Bressant. Idohitry. HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. The Blithedale romance. Christmas i)anquet. lu Good stories, v. 3. The house of the seven gables. The marble faun. Mosses from an old manse. Peter Goldthwaite's treasure, lu Good stories, v. 1. The scarlet letter. Septimius Felton. The snow image. Tanglewood tales. True stories. Twice told tales. A wonder-book. HAY, John, and others. Not pretty, but pre- cious, and other stories. HAZLETT, Helen. (M. H. Tatem.) Glennair. The heights of Eidelberg. HAZLITT, William. The iour sons of Aymon. HE Cometh not, she said. A. T. Cudlip. HE knew he was right. A. Trollope. HEAD, Miss. Rybrent de Cruce. HEAD of the family, The. D. (M.) Craik. HEADLAND home. E. P. de Lesdernier. HEADLESS horseman. The. M. Reid. HEADLEY, Joel Tyler. Stanhope Burleigh. HEADLONG hall. T. L. Peacock. HEADSMAN, The. J. F. Cooper. HEADSMAN, a tale of doom. The. In Talcs from Blacliwood, v. 3. HEALY, Mary. Lakeville. A summer's romance. HEART. M. F. Tupper. HEART and cross. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. HEART hungry. M. J. WcstuKu-eland. HEART of Mid-Lothian, The. Sir W. Scott. HEART or head. J. C. Thomson. HEARTH ghosts. By the author of Gilbert Rugge. HEARTS and homes. S. S. Ellis. HEARTS unveiled. S. E. Saymore. HEARTS of steel. HEARTSEASE. C. M. Yonge. HEAVENWARD led. C. M. Jones. HECKINGTON. C. G. F. Gore. HECTOR O'Halloran. W. H. Maxwell. HEDGED in. E. S. Phelps. HEIDELBERG. G. P. R. James. HEIDENMAUER. The. J. F. Coojier. HEIGHTS of Eidelberg. H. Hazlett. HEIR expectant. The. By the author of Ray- mond's lieroine. HEIR of Ardennan, The. Mrs. Davies. HEIR of Malreward. ]^y author of Son and heir, HEIR of Redclyflfe, The. C. M. Yon^f. HEIR of Selwood. C. G. F. Gore. HEIR of Wast-Wayland. M. Howitt. HEIR to Ashley, The. E. P. Wood. HEIRESS, The. A. S. Stephens. HEIRESS of Greenhurst. A. S. Stephens. HEIRESS of Haughtou, The. A. C. Marsh. HEIRS of Gauntry. HELD in bondage. L. de la Rame. HELEN. M. Edgeworth. HELEN and Arthur. C. L. Hentz. HELEN and Olga. A. Manning. HELEN Courtney's promise. Mrs. C. H. G. Glover. HELEN Erskine. Mrs. M. H. Robinson. HELEN Fleetwood. C. E. Tonna. HELEN Ford. H. Alger, Jr. •HELEN Leeson. HELEN Lincoln. C. Capron. HELEN Mulgrave. HELENA Bertram. HELENA'S household. J. De Mille. HELME, Elizabeth. The farmer of Inglewood forest. St. Clair of the isles. HELOISE. T. A. L. (v. J.) Robinson. HELPS, Arthur. Casimir Maremma. Ivan di Biron. Real mail. HEMLOCK swamp. The. E. L. Whittlesey, HENPECKED husband. Mrs. E. C. Grey. HENRIETTA. 48 HILLS. HENRIETTA, pseud. Lilla's relations. HENRIETTA Bellman. A.H. J. La Fontaine. HENRIETTA Temple. B. DTsraeli. HENRY, Caleb Sprague. Doctor Oldham at Greystones. HENRY Calverly. HENRY Dnnbar. M. E. Braddon. HENRY VIII and his court. C. (M.) Mundt. HENRY Esmond. W. M. Thackeray. HENRY Lyle. E. Marryat. HENRY Masterton. G. P. R. James. HENRY of Guise. G. P. R. James. HENRY of Ofterdingen. F. (L.) von Harden- berg. HENRY Powers. R. B. Kimball. HENRY St. John, gentleman. J. E. Cooke. HENRY Smeaton. G. P. R. James. HENRY VVoodville. A. Opie. Works, v. 3. HENTZ, Caroline Lee. Aunt Patty's scrap-bag. The banished son. Eoline. Ernest Linwood. Helen and Arthur. Linda. The lost daughter. Love aftei- marriage. Marcus Warland. The planter's northern bride. Rena. Robert Graham, Ugly Effie. Victim of excitement. Wild Jack. HEPTAMERON, The. Margaret. Queen of \ Navcvrre. HER face was her fortune. F. W. Robinson. HER lord and master. F. M. Church. HER majesty the queen. J. E. Cooke. HER title of honor. H. Parr. HERBERT, Henry William. {Franlc Forrester.) The brothers. Cromwell. Deer stalkers. Marmaduke Wyvil. My shooting box. The Quorndon hounds. The Roman traitor. The Warwick woodlands. HERBERT Tracy. M. L. Byrn. HERCULES Harding. HERE and hereafter. A. Athern. HERETIC, The. LajetchnikoflF. HERE WARD. C. Kingsley. HERMAN. S. H. Palfrey. HERMANN Agha. W. G. Palgrave. HERMIT'S dell. Harry. HERNDON, Mary E. Louise Elton. HERO ; or the adventures of a night. HERO, A. D. (M.) M. Craik. HERO Carthew. L. Parr. HERO Trevelyn. G. M. Craik. HEROES, The. C. Kingsley. HEROES of Asgard, The. A. E. Keary. HEROINE, The. E. S. Barrett. HEROINES and their grandmothers. HEROINES in obscurity. Keddie. HERTHA. F. Bremer. HESELTINE, W. Last of the Plautagenets. HESPERUS. J. P. (F.) Richter. HESTER Kirton. K. S. Macquoid. HESTER Morley's promise. H. Smith. HESTER'S sacrifice. E. Farbor. HETTY. H. Kingsley. HEWLETT, J. T.^ Peter Priggins, the college scout. HEYSE, PaulCJ. L.) Count Ernest's home, lu Good stories, v. 4. The dead lake. Four phases of love. L'Arrabiata The lonely ones. HIDDEN, path. The. M. V. (H.) Terhune. HIDE and seek. (W.) W. Collins. HIGGINSON, Thomas Wentworth. Malbone. HIGH life. HIGH life in New York. J. Slick. HIGH mills, The. K. Saunders. HIGHAM, M. R. AthoL HIGHER law. The. E. Maitland. HIGHLAND widow. The. Sir W. Scott. HIGHLANDERS of Glen Ora, The. J. Grant. HI LA Dart. M. E. Mumford. HILARY St. Ives. W. H. Ainsworth. HILDRED. C. T. Crosland. HILDRETH, Richard. The white slave. HILL, A. Savile house. HILL, W. L. The mystery of Holly tavern. HILLERN, Wilhelmina von. By his owMi might. Only a girl. A two fold life. HILLS of the Shatemuc. S. Warner. HILLSBOKO 49 HOME. HILLSBORO" farms. S. D. Cobb. HILLYARS and the Burtons, The. H. Kingsley. HILT to hilt. J. E. Cooke. HIRAM Ehvoorl. HIRELL. J. Saunders. HIS level best. E. E. Hale. HISTORICAL tales of the wars of Scotland. HISTORY and records of the Elephant club. M. S. Thompson. HISTORY of an adopted child. G.E. Jewsbury. HISTORY of a flirt. HISTORY of king Arthur. Compiled by MaU)ry, edited by Wright. HISTORY of Mr. John Decastro and his brother Bat. HISTORY^ of my pets. S. J. Lippincott. HISTORY^ of Netterville. HISTORY^ of Samuel Titmarsh. W. M. Thackeray. HISTORY of Sanford and Merton, The. T. Day. HISTORY" of Sir Thomas Thumb. C. M. Y'onge. HISTORY of Valentine and Orson. HITCHCOCK, Ethan Allen. The red book of Appin. HITHERTO. A. D. T. Whitney. HO BO KEN. T. S. Fay. HODDER, Edwin. Tossed on the waves. HOEFER, E. The old countess. HOEY^ Mrs. Cashel. A golden sorrow. A house of cards. HOFFMAN, Charles Fenno. Greyslaer. HOFFMAN. David. The chronicles of Carta- philus. 1st series. HOFFMANN, Ernst Theodor Wolfgang. Tlie golden pot. In Johustone, Edinburg tales, v. 2. HOFLAND, Barbara (Wreaks.) The captives in India. Czarina. Son of a genius. The unloved one. HOGG, James. A singular letter from southern Africa. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 5. Tales of the wars of Montrose. Winter evening tales. HOHENSTEINS, The. F. Spielhagen. , HOLBERG, Ludwig von. Niels Klim's journey under the ground. HOLCOMBES, The. M. T. Magill. HOLDEN with the cords. W. M. L. Jav. 7 HOLIDAY' house. C. Sinclair. HOLL, Henry. The white favour. HOLLAND, C. Aspasia. HOLLAND, Josiah Gill)crt. (Timothy Titcomb.) Arthur Bonnicastle. The bay path. Miss Gilbert's career. HOLLY, Marietta. My opinion and Betsey Bobbetts. HOLLY'WOOD hall. J. Grant. HOLM, Saxe, jjse'/fZ. Stories. Contents.— Draxy Millers dowry ; The elder's wife: Esther Wyuu's love letters; How one woman kept her husband; The one-legged dancers: Whose wile was she? HOLMBY liouse. G. J. W. Melville. HOLME Lee, psewfZ. See Parr, H. HOLMES, Elizabeth (E.) Scenes in our parish. HOLMES, Mary J. The Cameron pride. Cousin Maude. Darkness and daylight. Dora Deane. Edna Browning. English orphans. Ethelyn's mistake. Homestead on the hillside. Hugh Worthingtou. 'Lena Rivers. Maggie Miller. Marian Grey. Meadow Brook. Millbank. Rose Mather. Tempest and sunshine. AYest Lawn. HOLMES, Oliver Wendell. Elsie Venner. The guardian angel. HOLT, Emily Sarah. Isoult Barry, of Wynscote. HOLT, John S. {Abraham Page.) Abraham Page, Esq. What I know about Ben. Eccles. HOME, The. F. Bremer. HOME, or the iron rule. S. S. Ellis. HOME and the abbey. HOME and the world. Mrs. W. C. Rives. HOME as found. J. F. Cooper. HOME at Heathei'brae, The. By the author of Everley. HOME in the valley. E. F. Carlen. HOJIE is home. HOME fairy tales. J. Mace. HOME inflnenco. G. .\guilar. HOME. 50 HOW HOME life in Russia. HOME memories. Mrs. C. Brock. HOME narratives, from Household words. HOME nook. A. M. Douglas. HOME pictures. M. A. Denison. HOME scenes and heart studies. G. Aguilar. HOME stories. A. B. Haven. HOME, sweet home. J. H. Riddell. HOMESPUN. T. Lackland. HOMESTEAD on the hillside. M. J. Holmes. HOMEWARD bound. J. F. Cooper. HONEYMOON, The. M. Gardiner. HONOR bright. HONOR May. M. Bartol. HOOD, Thomas. The defaulter. In Good Stories, v. 1. The humorist. Mrs. Peck's pudding. National tales. Tales, romances and extravaganzas. Tynley hall. Whims and oddities. Whims and waifs. Whimsicalities. HOOD, Tom, {the younger.) A golden heart. Love and valor. HOOK, James. Pen Owen. HOOK, Theodore (Edward.) Adventures of an actor. Births, deaths and marriages. Cousin Geoflrey. Fathers and sons. Gilbert Gurney. Gurney married. Jack Brag. The marrying man. Maxwell. Ned Musgrave. The parson's daughter. Sayings and doings. HOOPER, Henry. The lost mcdeL HOOPER, Jane W. Arbell. HOOPER, Johnson J. Adventures of Mr. Simon Suggs. Tales of Alabama. HOOSIER school-master. The. E. Eggleston. HOOTON, Charles. Colin Clink. HOPE, Ascott R., pseud. See Moncrieff, R. H. HOPE, Cecil. Seabury castle. HOPE, Thomas. Anastasius. HOPE deferred. E. F. Pollard. HOPE Leslie. C. M. Sedgwick. HOPES and fears. C. M. Yonge. HOPKINS, Samuel. The youth of the old dominion. HORACE Templeton. C. (J.) Lever. HORACE Vernon. HORN, van. pseud. See Oertel, P. F. W. HORNPLOWER, Mrs. Nellie of Truro. Vara. HORNBOOK, Adum, pseud. Alderman Ralph. HORNBY mills. H. Kingsley. HORSESHOE Robinson. J. P. Kennedy. HORT, J. J. The guards. HORTON, Mrs. M. B. The wife's messenger. HOSMER, James K. The thinking bayonet. HOSMER, Margaret. The Morisons. Ten years of a life time. HOSPITAL sketches. L. M. Alcott. HOTEL du petit St. Jean. C. Dempster. HOTEL Lambert. M. J. Sue. HOTSPUR. M. T. Walworth. HOUR and the man. H. Martineau. HOUSE by the church-yard. The. J. S. Le Fanu. HOUSE in Balfour street. C. Dimitry. HOUSE in town, The. S. Warner. HOUSE of cards, A. C. Hoey. HOUSE of Elmore, The. F. W. Robinson. HOUSE of the seven gableSjThe. N. Hawthorne. HOUSE of Yorke, The. HOUSE on the heights. The. II. B. McKeever. HOUSE on the moor. The. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. HOUSE on wheels. The. F. de Begon. HOUSE to let. C. (J. H.) Dickens? HOUSEHOLD angel in disguise. H. N. (W.) Baker. HOUSEHOLD mysteries. L. P. Cutler. HOUSEHOLD narratives for the home circle. HOUSEHOLD of Bouverie. C. A. Warfield. HOUSEHOLD of Sir Thomas More, The. A. Manning. HOUSEHOLD stories. J. (L. C.) and W. (C.) Grimm. HOUSEKEEPER, M. R. My husband's crime. HOUSES of Oema and Almeria, The. R. M. Roche. HOW a bride was won. F. Gerstacker. HOW could he help it ? A. S. Roe. HOW he won her. E. D. E. N. Southworth. now. 51 HYLTON. HOW 1 became a yoemaii. W. E. Aytoun. In Talt's from Blackwood, v. 2. now I managed my liouse on £200 a year. E. Warren. HOW I stood for the Dreep daily Burghs. W. E. Aytoun. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 4. HOW I tamed Mrs. Cruiser. G. A. Sala. HOW it all happened. L. Parr. HOW Nellie found the fairies. HOW we got possession of the Tuileries. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 5. HOWARD, C. A strange family. HOWARD, Edward. Jack ashore. Midshipmen's expedients. Old commodore. Rattlin' the reefer. HOWARD, Waldo. The mistake of a life time. HOWARD Pinckney. F.W.Thomas. 'hOW^E, Mary a. The rival volunteers. HOWELLS, William Dean. A chance acquaintance. Their wedding journey. HOWITT, Mary. The artist wife. The author's daughter. In Johnstone Edinburgh tales, v. 2. Heir of Wast-Wayland. Love and money. A school of life. The two aiDprentices. Wood Leighton. and William. Stories of English and foreign life. HOWITT, William. The hall and the hamlet. .Jack of the mill. Woodburn grange. HOWLAND, M. Papa's own girl. HUBBACK, J. Love and duty. May and December. The old vicarage. The stage and the company. Three marriages. HUBBELL, Martha Stone. The shady side. HUDSON'S bay. R. M. Ballantyne. HUGESSEN, Edward Hugessen Knatchbull. Pussy-cat mew. Queer folk. Stories for my children. HUGH Worthijigton. M. J. Holmes. R. James. Keddie. HUGHES, Thomas. School days at Rugby. The scouring of the white horse. Tom Brow^n at Oxford. HUGO, Victor (Marie.) Bug Jargal. Claude Geueux. Hans of Iceland. Hunchback of Notre Dame. Les miserables. The man who laughs. Slave king. Ninety-three. The toilers of the sea. HUGO. E. O. Smith. HUGUENOT, The. G. P. HUGUENOT exiles, The. HUGUENOT family, The. HULDxi. F. Lewald. HULSE house. HUMAN follies. C. A. J. Cairon, or Cayron. HUMOR and pathos. G. R. W. Becker. HUMORIST, The. T. Hood. HUMOROUS stories. J. Brougham. HUMORS of Falconbridge. J. F. Kelly. HUMOURS ofEutopia. HUMPHRY Clinker. T. (G.) Smollett. HUNCHBACK of Notre Dame. V. (M.) Hugo. HUNCHBACK'S charge. The. W. C. Russell. HUNGARIAN maiden and the Taveauicus C. G. F. Gore. In Johnstone Edinburg tales, v. 3. HUNGERFORD, James. The old plantation. HUNT, (James Henry) Leigh, {Editor.) One hundred romances of real life. HUNT, Robert, {Editor.) Popular romances of the west of England. HUNTED to death. HUNTER'S least. M. Reid. HUNTING the romantic. J. Sandeau. HUNTINGTON, Jedediah Vincent. Alban. The forest. Lady Alice. Rosemary. HUNTLEY, Henry V. Peregrine Scramble. HURRYGRAPHS. N. P. Willis. HUSBAND hunter. D. J. Moriarty. HUSBANDS and homes. M. V. (H.) Terhune. HUSH money. C. H. Ross. HUSKS. M. V. (H.) Terhune. HYACINTHE. Mrs. E. C. Grey. HYLTON house. C. L. Scott. HYP ATI A. 52 IRVING. HYPATIA. C. Kingsley. HYPERION. H. W. Longfellow. ICE bound. W. Thornbury. ICE maiden, The. H. C. Andersen. IDA May. F. W. A. Pike. IDA Norman. A. L. Phelps. IDALIA. L. de la l^ame. IDEAL attained, The. E. W. Farnham. IDOLS in the heart. C. Tiiclx H. Sylvia's world. KING, Katherine. Queen of the regiment. KING, S. P. Lily. KING of the golden river. J. Ruskin. KING of the Hurons. P. H Myers. KING of the mountains, the. E. (F.V.) About. KING George's middy. W. Gilbert. KING'S highway, The. G. P. R. James. KING'S own. The. F. Marryat. KINGSFORD. By the authorof Son and heir. KINGSLEY, Charles. Alton Locke. Hereward. The heroes. Hypatia. Two years ago. The water babies. Westward ho ! Yeast. KINGSLEY% Henry. Austin Elliot. The boy in grey. Geoffrey Hamlyn. The Harveys. Hetty. The Hillyars and the Burtons. Hornby mills. Leighton court. Mademoiselle Mathilde. Oakshott castle. Old Margaret. Ravenshoe. Silcote of Silcotes. Stretton. Tales of old travel. Valentin. KINGSTON, William H. G. The albatross. Anthony Waymouth. KliNGSTOX. 58 LAIKD. KINGSTON, Win. H. G.— Continued. The cruise of the Frolic. Early life of Old Jack. Ernest Bracebridge. Fred Markhani. In the Eastern seas. In the wilds of Africa. Mark Seaworth. On the banks of the Amazon. The pirate of the Mediterranean. Tlie tliree lieutenants. Washed ashore. KINSMAN, J. B. Cadet life at West Point. KINZIE, Mrs. John H. Walter Ogilby. Wau-Bun. KIP, L. yEnone. KIRK, C. D. Wooing and warring in the wilderness. KIRK, Eleanor, ^sew/7. See Ames, N. KISS for a blow. H. C. Wri-ht. KISSING the rod. E. (H.) Yates. KIT Kelvin's kernels. J. Canning. KITTY. M. B. Edwards. KITTY'S choice. R. (B.) H. Davis. KLOSTERHEIM. T. De Quincey. KNAPSACK, The. M. Edgeworth. KNAVES and f .ols. E. M. Whitty. KNICKERBOCKER, Diedrich, pseud. See Irving, W. KNICKERBOCKER sketch book. L. G. Clark. KNIGHT, Charles. Begged at court. KNIGHT of Gwynne, The. C. (J.) Lever. KNIGHT of Mauleon. A. (D.) Dumas. KNIGHT of St. John. The. A. M. Porter. KNITTING work. H. P. Shillaber. KNORR, J. The two roads. KNOWLES, James Sheridan. George Lovell. KNOW- nothing. KOCK, Paul de. Andrew the Savoyard. KOERNER, J. Secre of Prevost. KONINGSMARKE. J. K. Paulding. KOSTER, J. G. Our first families. KRILOF and his fables. W. R. S. Ralston. KRUMMACHER, Fredrich Adolph. Parables. KUZZILBASH, The. J. B. Fraser. L., J. VV. Brockley moor. £. s. d. or treasure trove. S. Lover. LA BELLE assemblee. M. A. P. de Gomez. LA BE AT A. T. A. Trollope. LABOULAYE, Edouard Rene Lefebure. Abdallah. Finnette. Paris in America. LACKLAND, Thomas. Homespun. LADDER of gold. The. R. Bell. LADDER of life, The. A. B. Edwards. LADIES of Bever Hollow. A. Manning. LADY in her own right, A. W. Marston. LADA" of Glynne. LADY of limited income. A. Manning. LAD A" of Lyndon. Lady Blake. LADA^ of Provence, A. C. Tucker. LADY of the ice. The. J. De Mille. LADY of. the Isle, The. E.D.E.N. Southworth. LADY of the manor, The. M. M. Sherwood. LADY Adelaide's oath. E. P. Wood. LADY Alice. J. V. Huntington. LADY Ann Granard. L. E. Landon. LADY Anna. A. Trollope. LADY Anne and Lady Jane. A. Opie. Wks.,v.2. LADY Ashleigh. J. F. Smith. LADY Audley's secret. M. E. Braddon. LADY Bell. Miss Keddie. LADY Betty. C. R. Coleridge. LADY Betty's governess. L. E. Guernsey. LADA^-Bird. Lady G. (L. F.) FuUerton. LADY Chevely. LADA" Felicia. H. Cockton. LADY Glenlyon. C. Crowe. LADY Orreen Satin and heV maid Rosette. E. M. des Chesnez. LADA'' Hester. C. M. Aw)nge. LADY Jane Grey. T. Miller. LADY Judith. J. McCarthy. LADY Lee's widowhood. E. B. Hamley. LADY Leighton. C. G. F. Gore. LADA^ Lisle, The. M. E. Braddon. LADY Mary. C. B. Tayler. LADY Maud. P. Egam LADY Sweetapple. G. W. Dasent. LADY Wedderburn's wish. J. Grant. LADA^'S gilt. J. K. Stanford. LADY'S mile, The. M. E. Braddon, LAFITTE, J. P. The red doctor. LAFITTE. J. H. Ingraham. LA FONTAINE, August Heinrich Julius. Henrietta Bellman. LA GAYIOTA. C. B. de (F.) Arrom. LAING, Caroline H. Butler. Old farm house. LAIRD of Norlaw, The. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. LAIRD'S Jock, The. Sir W. Scott. LAJETCHNTKOFF. 59 LAWRIE. LAJETCHNTKOFF. Heretic. LAKE liouse. F. Lewald. LAKE shore, The. E. Souvestre. LAKES of KiHarney. A. M. Porter. LAKEVILLE. M. Healy. LAMAll, J. B. Polly Peablossom's wedding. LAMARTINE, Alphonse (M. L. P.) de. Fior (TAliza. Genevieve. Graziella. Raphael. The stone-mason of Saint Point. * LAMB, Charles and Mary. Mrs. Leicester's school. Tales from Shak^peare. LAMB, Martha J. Spicy. LAMB, R. Captain Christie's granddaughter. LAME Jervas. M. Edgeworth. LA MOTTE FOUQUE, Caroline, laroness de. Tales. LA MOTTE FOUQUE, Fredrich (Heinrich Carl,) baron de. The four seasons. The magic ring. Minstrel love. Romantic fiction. Sintram and his companions. Thiodolph. Undine. Violina. Wild love. LAMPLIGHTER. The. M. S. Cummins. LAMPLIGHTER'S story. C. (J. H.) Dickens. LANCASHIRE witches, The. W.H. Ainsworth. LANCES of Lynwood, The. C. M. Youge. LAND at last. E. (H.) Yates. LAND sharks and sea gulls. "W. N. Glascock. LANDER, Meta. Esperunce. Marion Graham. LANDO, O. Novels. lu Roscoe'i? Italian novelists, v. 3. LANDON, LetitiaE. Duty and inclination. Francesca Carrara. Lady Ann Granard. LANDOR, Robert Eyres. Fountain of Are- thusa. LANDOR, Walter Savage. The i3entameron. LANE, Edward AVilliam. Arabian tales and anecdotes. LANE, Wyclitfe, pseud. See Jenings, E. LANETON parsonage. E. M. Sewell. LANG, John. The ex-wife. Will he marry her ? LANGDON, Mary, pseud. See Pike, F. W. A. LANGHORNE, J. Theodosius and Constantia. lu Classic tales. LANGLEY manor. C. J. Newby. LANGLEYHAUGIL LANIER, Sidney. Tiger lilies. LANMERE. J. C. R. Dorr. LA petite Madelaine. C. A. Soulhey. In Talcs* from Blackwood, v. 3. LA RAME, L. de. See Rame L. de la. L'ARRABIATA. P. (J. L.) Heyse. LASCINE. LASELLE, Mrs. N. P. Annie Grayson. Magdalen, the enchantress. The belle of Washington. LAST of the barons. E. (G. E.) L. Bulwer- Lyttou. LAST of the cavaliers, The. By the same author : _ The gain of a loss. LAST of the fairies. G. P. R. James. LAST of the foresters, The. J. E. Cooke. LAST f)f the Mohicans, The. J. F. Cooper. LAST of the Mortimers. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. LAST of the Plantagenets. W.Heseltine. LAST Athenian, The. V. Rydberg. LAST chronicle of Barset, The. A. Trollope. LAST days of a king, The. M. Hartmann. LAST days of Pompeii. E. (G. E.) L. Bulwer- Lytton. LAST man. The. M. W. Shelley. LATE laurels. By author of Wheat and tares. LATER years. W. C. Prime. LAURA Caxton, pseud. See Comins, L. B. LAVENGRO. G. Borrow. LAVINIA. E. F. Carlen. LAVINIA. G. Ruffini. LAWRENCE, G. A. Anteros. Barren hcjnor. Brakespeare. , Breaking a butterfly. ^ Guy Livingstone. Maurice Dering. Sans merci. Sword and gown. LAWRENCES, The. C. Turnbull. LAWRIE Todd. J. Gait. LAZARIELLO. 60 LELIA. LAZARTELLO de Tormes. D. H. cle Mendoza. LAZAEO'S legacy. E. B. Hamley. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 2. LAZARUS. Emma. Alide. LEAF in the storm, A. L. de la Rame. LEATHER stocking and silk. J. E. Cooke. LEAVES from a bachelor's book of life. F. Copcutt. LEAVES from a family journal. E. Souvestre. LEAVES from Margaret Smith's journal. J. G. Whittier. LEAVES from my log-book. F. Grummett. LEAVES from the note book of a New York detective. J. B. Williams. LEAVITT, J. M. The American cardinal. LE BRUN, P. My uncle Thomas. LEBRUN'S lawsuit. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 12. LEE, Day Kellogg. Merrimack. LEE, Eliza Buckminster. Oliver Wyndham. Parthenia. LEE, Harriet. The Scotsman's tale. In Good silories, v. 2. and Sophia. The Canterbury tales. LEE, General Henry. Champe's adventure. LEE, Holme, pseud. See Parr, H. LEE, Margaret. Dr. Wiimer's love. LEECH club. The. G. W. Owen. LE FANU, J. Sheridan. All in tlie dark. Checkmate. Chronicles of Golden Friars. Guy Deverell. The house by the churchyard. A lost name. The rose and the key. The tenants of Malory. Uncle Silas. Welder's hand. The Wyvern mystery. LEFT on Labrador. C. A. Stevens. LEFT to herself. J. Woodville. LEGEND of Gibraltar, A. E. B. Hamley. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1. LEGEND of Montrose. Sir W. Scott. LEGEND of -The big Fluke." M. O'Connell. In Johnstone, Ediuburg tales, v. 3. LEGENDARY fictions of the Irish Celts. P. Kennedy. LEGENDARY pieces illustrative of American history. N. P. Willis. LEGENDS and records. C. B. Tavler. LEGENDS and stories of Ireland. S. Lover. LEGENDS and traditionary stories. LEGENDS of Charlemagne. T. Bulfinch. LEGENDS of Lampidosa. LEGENDS of number nip. M. Lemon. LEGENDS of terror. LEGENDS of the black watch. J. Grant. LEGENDS of the library at Lillies. G. N. and A. L. Grenville. LEGENDS of the Rhine. W. M. Thackeray. LEGENDS of the west. J. Hall. LEGGETT, William. Tales and sketches by a country schoofmaster. LE GRANGE, H. M. Salted with fire. LEIGH, Marian. My own story. LEIGHTON, Alexander. Curious storied traditions of Scottish life. LEIGHTON court. H. Kingsley. LEILA. E. (G. E.) L. Bulwer-Lytton. LEILA. G. W. M. Reynolds. LEISURE hour series: Alcestis. Alexander, Mrs. Which shall be? The wooing o't. Auerbach, B. Joseph in the snow. Little barefoot. Cherbuliez, V. Count Kostia. Joseph Noirel's revenge. Prosper. Craven, P. Fleurange. Freytag, G. Ingo. Ingrabam. Hardy, T. Desiderate remedies. Pair of blue eyes. Under the greenwood tree. Heine, H. Scintillations. Jenkin, C. Jupiter's daughters. Palgrave, W. G. Hermann Agha. Parr, L. Hero Carthew. Richardson, S. Clarissa. Slip in the fens. Spielhagen. F. What the swallows sang. Turgenef, I. S. Dimitri Rondine. On the eve. Spring floods. LELIA Stewart. W. G. Cambridge. LEMON. 61 LIFE. LEMON. Mark. A Cliristmas hamper. Golden fetters. Legends of mimber nip. Leyton hall. Loved at hist. 'LENA l^ivers. M. .T. Hohnes. LENNOX, Mary. Ante-bellum. LENZEN. Marie. Not in their set. LEO, pseud. The scapegoat. LEONARD, Agnes. Vanquished. LEONARD Normandale. LEONORA. M. Edgeworth. LEONOR.V Casaloni. T. A. Trollope. LEONORA d'Orco. G. P. R. James, LEONTINE. K. C. Maherley. LERMONT, L. Ups and downs. LE SAGE, Ahiin Rene. Adventures of Gusman of Alfarache. Asmodeus. The bachelor of Salamanca. Gil Bias. LESDP:RNIER, E. p. de. Headland home. LESLIE, Eliza. Althea Vernon. Amelia. The Dennings and their beaux. Pencil sketches. LESLIE, Madeline, jose«(Z. See Baker,H.N.(W.) LESLIE Tyrrell. G. M. Craik. LES miserables. V. (M.) Hugo. LESTER, Elizabeth B. The Quakers. LETTER BAG of the Great Western. T. C. Haliburton. LETTERS left at the pastry cooks. H. Mayhew. LETTERS of a betrotlied. M. A. Power. LETTICE Arnold. A. C. Marsh. LETTICE Lisle. By the author of Stone edge. LEVER, Cliarles (James.) Arthur O'Leary. Barrington. The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. Charles O'Malley. Con Cregan. The Daltons. Davenport Dunn. A day's ride. The Dodd family abroad. The fortunes of Glencore. Gerald Fitzgerald. Harry Lorrequer. Horace Templeton. LEVER, Charles (James.)— Continued. Jark Hinton. The knight of Gwynne. Lord Kilgobbin. Luttrell of Arran. Martins of Cro' Martin. Maurice Tiernay. Nevilles of Garretstown. The O'Donoghue. One of them. A rent in a cloud. Roland Cashel. St. Patrick's eve. Sir Brooke Fossbrooke. Sir Jasper Carew. That i)oy of Norcotts. Tom Burke of "ours." Tony Butler. LEVIS, (Pierre Marc Gaston) due de. The Carbonaro. LEWALD, F. Hulda. Lake house. LEWELL pastures. By author of Fabian's tower. LEWES, George Henry. Ranthorpe. Three sisters and three fortunes. LEWES, Marian J. (Evans.) {Oeorge Eliot.) Adam Bede. Felix Holt. Middlemarch. The mill on the Floss. Romola. Scenes of clerical life. Silas Marner. LEWIS, Matthew Gregory. Abellino. The monk. Rtmiantic tales. LEWIS Arundel. F. E. Smedley. LEWIS Carroll, pseud. See Dodgson, C. L. LEYTON hall. M. Lemon. LICHEN tufts. E. B. Wright. LIEFDE. See De Liefde. LIFE and adventures of Lazariello de Tormes. D. H. Mendoza. LIFE and adventures of Major Roger Sherman Potter. P. Von Truesdale. LIFE and its aims. LIFE and sayings of Mrs. Partington. B. P. Shillaber. LIFE. 62 LITTLE. LIFE bcf u-e him. LIFE for a life, A. D. (M.) M. Craik. LIFE in a man-of-war. LIFE in Australia. W. H. Thomes. LIFE in China. LIFE in India. LIFE in Paris. G. W. M. Reynolds. LIFE in the East Indies. W. H. Thomes. LIFE in the New World. K. Postel. LIFE of a sailor. F. Chamier. LIFE of Mnjor Gahagan. W.M.Thackeray. LIFE of vicissitudes, A. G. P. R. James. LIFE sketches from common paths. J. A. Dumont. LIFE struggle, A. .1. Pardoe. LIFE'S assize. A. J. H. Riddell. LIFE'S discipline. T. A. L. (v. J.) Robinson. LIFE'S lesson. M. Thomas. LIFE'S lesscms, A. C. G. F. Gore. LIFE'S lottery. E. Osborne. LIFE'S secret, A. E. P. Wood. LIFFITH Lank. C. H. Webb. LIFTING the veil. M. W. McLain. LIGHT. H. Modet. LIGHT and darkness. C. Crowe. LIGHT and shade. A. H. Drury. LIGHT dragoon, The. G. R. Gleig. LIGHTS and shadows of American life. M. R. Mitford. LIGHTS and shadows of domestic life. LIGHTS and shadows of English life. LIGHTS and shadows of German life. J[fiss Montgomery. LIGHTS and shadows of Irish life. A. M. Hall, LIGHTS and shadows of Scottish life. J. Wilson. LIGHTS, shadows and reflections of the Whigs and Tories of England. LIKE and unlike. A. S. Roe. LIKE father, like son. J. Payn. Same as Bred in the bone. LIKES and dislikes. LILIAN. M."(F.) Finley. LILIAN. S. L. Greenough. LILIAN Dalzell. LILIAS and her cousins. LILLA'S rehitions. Henrietta. LILLIAS Davenant. E. M. Stewart. LILLIESLEAF. M. (O. VV.) Oliphant. LILLIPUT levee. LILY. S. P. King. LILY and the .cross, The. J. De Mille. LILY and the totem. W. G. Simms. LILY Bell. LILY Huson. A. Gray. LILY White. E. Godwin. LIMERICK gloves, The. M. Edgeworth. LINDA. C. L. Hentz. LINDEN. C. Our general. LINDEN. L. Chestnut wood. LINDISFARN chase. T. A. Trollope. LINNET'S trial. M. B. Smediey. LINNY Lockwood. C. Crowe. LINTON, Eliza Lynn. Joshua Davidson, communist. Lizzie Lorton of Greyrigg. Sowing the wind. LINWOOD. LINWOODS, The. C. M. Sedgwick. LION in the path. The. J. Saunders. LION of Flanders, Tlie. H. Conscience. LION Ben of Elm island. E. Kellogg. LIONEL Lincoln. J. F. Cooper. LIONEL Wakefield. W. Massie. LION'S skin and the lover's hunt. The. C. de Bei-nard. LIPPINCOTT, Sara Jane. (Grace Greenwood.) A forest tragedy. History of my pets. Stories and legends for children. LISTENER, The. C. F. Wilson. LISTER, Thomas Henry. Arlington. Gran by. LITTLE barefoot. The. B. Auerbach. LITTLE beauty. The. Mrs. E. C. Grey. LITTLE boljtail. W. T. Adams. LITTLE classics. R. Johnson. LITTLE dinner at Timmins's. W.M.Thackeray. LITTLE duke. The. C. M. Yonge. LITTLE Dorrit. C. (J. H.) Dickens. LITTLE fo.xes. H. (E.) B. Stowe. LITTLE Hodge. E. Jenkins. LITTLE Kate Kirby. F. W. Robinson. LITTLE men. L. M. Alcott. LITTLE moorland princess. The. E. John. LITTLE Nell, /?w« Old curiosity shop. C. (J. H.) Dickens. LITTLE night cap letters. F. Barrow. LITTLE Nortons, The C. B. Martin. LITTLE Peg O'Shaughnessy. In Good stories, v. 4. LITTLE Red Riding Hood. A. I. Thackeray. LITTLE savage, The. F. Marryat. LITTLE. 63 LOVE. LITTLE scholars. A. L Tliackeray. LITTLE Sunshine's holiday. D.(M.)M.Craik LITTLE wife, The. Mrs. E. C. Grey. LITTLE women. L. M. Alcott. LIVE and let live. C. M. Sedgwick. LIVE it down. J. C. .Jeaft'reson. LIVERMORE, Elizabeth D. Zoe. LIVING and loving. V. F. Townsend. LIVING link, The. J. De Mille. LIZA. I. S. Turgenef. LIZZIE Leigh. E. C. Gaskell. LIZZIE Lorton of Greyrigg. E. L. Linton. LIZZY Glenn. T. S. Arthur. LIZZY Walter. J. A. Stelzig. LLEWELLYN, E. L. Title hunting. LOCKER, Arthur. Sweet seventeen. LOCKHAKT, John Gibson. Captain Raton's lament, lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 5. Napoleon. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 1. Valerius. LOCK HART, L. W. M. Doubles and quits. Fair to see. LODOLI. C. Novels. lu Roscoe's Italian novelists, v. 4. LODORE. M. W. Shelley. LOFTY and the lowly. M. J. Mcintosh. LOG of commodore Rollingpin. J. H. Carter. LOGAN. J. Neal. LOIS, the witch. E. C. Gaskell. LOIS Carrol. S. S. Vance. LONDON homes. C. Sinclair. LONDON nights' entertainments. L. Ritchie. LONDON'S heart. B. L. Farjeon. LONE dove. LONE star of Texas, The. J. W. Dallam. LONELY ones. The. P. (.J. L.) Heyse. LONG, Catlierine. The first lieutenant's story. Sir Holand Asliton. LONG look ahead. A. S. Roe. LONGBEARD. C. Mackey. LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth. Hyperion. Kavanagh. Outre-Mer. LONGSTREET, Augustus Baldwin. Georgia scenes. LONGWOODS of the grange. The. A.C.Marsh. LOOK beftn-c you leap. LOOK to the end. S. S. Ellis. LOOKING at life. G. A. Sala. LOOKING around. A. S. Roe. LORD and lady Harcourt. C. Sinclair. LORD of himself. F. H. Underwood. LORD of the forest and his vassals. LORD Bantam. E. Jenkins. LORD Erlistoun. D. (M.) M. Craik. LORD Falconberg's heir. C. C. Clarke. LORD Kilgobbin. C. (J.) Lever. LORD Mayor of London. W. H. Ainsworth. LORD Montagu's page. G. P. R. James. LORD Oakburn's daughters. E. P. Wood. LORD Roldan. A. Cunningham. LORENZO and Onolaska. LORDS and ladies. J. Stretton. LORENZO Benoni. G. Ruffini. LORIMER Littlegood. F. E. Smedicy. LORNA Doone. R. D. Black more. LOSS and gain. A. B. Haven. LOST in the fog. J. De Mille. LOST bank note, the. E. P. Wood. LOST daughter. The. C. L. Hentz. LOST dispatch. The. F. Fred rich. LOST heiress, The. E. D. E. N. Snuthworth. LOST hunter, The. J.T.Adams. LOST love, A. A. Ogle. LOST love, The. LOST manuscript, The. G. Freytag. LOST model, The. H. Hooper. LOST name, A. J. S. Le Fanu. LOST ship. The. R. Starbuck. LOST Sir Massingberd. J. Payn. ^ LOST and saved. C. (E. S.) Nortoi/ V* LOST and won. G. M. Craik. -^^^ LOST in the jungle. P. Du Chaill'hy LOTH, M. The forgiving kiss. S^> LOTHAIR. B. D'Israeli. ' LOTTA Schmidt. A. Trollop LOTT-ERY. LOTTERY, The. M. Edgcworth. LOTTIE Darling. J. C. Jeaffreson. LOUD, Jeremy. Gabriel Vane. LOUIE'S last term at St. Mary's. M. C. Harris. LOUISA of Prussia and her times. C. (M.) Mundt. LOUISE Elton. M. E. Herndon. LOUISE La Valliere. A. (D.) Dumas. LOUISIANA swamp doctor. J. S. Robb. LOVE. Lady C. Bury. LOVE after marriage. C. L. Hentz. LOVE and aml)iti<>n. By author of Rockingham LOVE. 64 MACDONALD. LOVE and duty. J, Hubback. LOVE and duty. A. Opie. Works, v. 1. LOVE and duty. By author of Basil St. John. LOVE and law. M. Edgeworth. LOVE and liberty. A. (D.) Dumas. LOVE and money. M. Howitt. LOVE and skates. T. Winthrop. In Good stories, v. 1. LOVE and valor. T. Hood, {the younger.) LOVE in a cottage. F. A. Durivao-e. LOVE in idleness. LOVE in the 19th century. H. W. Preston. LOVE match, The. H. Cockton. LOVE me for my love. By author of Flirts and flirts. LOVE me little, love me long. C. Reade. LOVfil/mystery and superstition. A. Opie. Works, V. 3. LOVE or marriage. W. Black. LOVE stories of English watering places. LOVED at last. M. Lemon. LOVEL the wid(wer. W. M. Thackeray. LOVELS ol Arden. The. M. E. Braddon. LOVER, Samuel. Barney O'Rierdon. Handy Andy. £. s. d. or treasure trove. Legends and stories of Ireland. Rory O'More. Tom Crosbie and his friends. LOVER and liusband. C. G. F. Gore. LOVER'S stratagem, The. E. (F.) Carlen. LOVERS and thinkers. H. Gordon. LOVE'S conflict. F. M. Church. LOVE''S labor won. E. D. E. N. Southworth. LOVE'S progress. C. Oilman. LOVE'S provocations. E. Bradley. LOWELL, Robert Traill Spence. Antony Brade. The new priest in Conception bay. LOWTH, G. T. The Morrices. LOYAL heart. G. Aimard. LOYAL unto death. LUCIA : her problem. LUCIA Dare. S. A. Dorsey. LUCIA, the betrothed. A. Manzoni. LUCK of Barry Lyndon, The. W. M. Thackeray. LUCK of Ladysmede, The. LUCK of roaring camp, The. (F.) B. Harte. LUCRETIA. E. (G. E.) L. Bulwer-Lytton. LUCRETIA ; or the heroine of the nineteenth century. F. E. Paget, LUCY. E. Junker. LUCY Arlyn. J. T. Trowbridge. LUCY Croft on. M. (O. W.) Oiiphant. LUCY Howard's journal. L. H. Sigourney. LUCY Osmund. LUIGI da Porto. Novels. In Roscoe's Ilaliau uoveljsts, v. 2. LULU. M. T. Walworth. LULU'S novels. E. Polko. LUTTRELL of Arran. C. (J.) Lever. LYNDON, pseud. See Bright, M. A. LYNN, Corra, jose?/(Z. Durham village. LYNX hunting. C. A. Stevens. M. D's daughter, The. M., L. M. Olie. Together. M., S. H. Miranda Elliott. M or N. G. J. W. Melville. MABEL, the actress. MABEL Clifton. F. Brierwood. MABEL Lee. F. C. Fisher. MABEL Vaughan. M. S. Cummins. MABEL'S mistake. A. S. Stephens. MABEL'S progress. Mrs. T. A. Trollope. MABERLEY, Kate C. Leontine. Macallan, Emma. Stories of the Isle of Wight. McALPIN. Mary. Doings in Maryland. MACARIA. a. J. (E.) Wilson. MACAULEY, Miss E. W. Tales of the drama. MacCABE, William Bernard. Florine. McCarthy, Daniel. Siege of Florence. McCarthy, Justin. A fair saxon. Lady Judith. My enemy's daughter. Paul Massie. The AVaterdale neighbors. McCONNEL, JohnL. The Glenns. Grahame. Talbot amd Vernon. MACDERMOTS of Ballycloran, The. A. Trol- lope. MACDONALD, George. Adela Cathcart. Alec Fori)es of Howtrlen. Annals of a quiet neighborliood. At the back of the north wind David Elginbrod. MACDONALD. 65 MADEMOISELLE. MACDONALD. Qenrgc. — Continued. Dealings with the fairies. Guild court. Pliantastes. The portent. The princess and the goblin. Ranald Bannerman's boyhood. Robert Falconer. The seaboard parish. The vicar's daughter. Wilfred Cumbermede. MACDUFF, J. R. Exiles of Lucerna. MACE, Jean. Grandpapa's arithmetic. Home iairy tales. MacFARLANE, Charles. The Armenians. Camp of refuge. Tlie romance of history, Italy. MacGREGOU, Annie L. John Ward's governess. Tlie professor's wife. McHENllY, James. O'Halloran. MACHIAVELLI, N. Novels. lu Roscoe's Italian novelists, v. 2. McINTO-SH, Maria J. Charms and counter charms. Conquest and self conquest. The loft) and the lowly. Meta Gray. Praise and principle. Two lives, or to seem and to be. Two pictures. Violet. MACKARNESS, Matilda Anne. The golden rule. A mingled yarn. A peerless wife. Sibert's wold. Sunbeam stories. MACKAY, Charles. Longbeard. McKEEVER, Harriet B. Edith's ministry. The flounced robe. The house on the heights. Maud and Miriam. Sdver threads. Sunshine. Twice crowned. West brook parsonage. Woodcliff. 9 Married against MACKENZIE, A. Shelton. reason. MACKENZIE, Erick. The Roua pass. MACKENZIE, Henry. Julian de Roubigne. The man of feeling. The man of the world. The story of La Roche. MACKENZIE, Mary Jane. Private life. MACKENZIE, R. Shelton. Bits of blarney. Tressilian and his friends. McLAIN, Mary W. Lifting the veil. MacLeod, Donald. The bloodstone. Pynnshurst. McLEOD, Georgie A. Hulse. V Ivy leaves from the old homestead. Sea drifts. Sunbeams and shadows, and birds and blossoms. MacLeod, Norman. The gold thread. The old lieutenant and his son. The starling. MACNISH, Robert. The Metempsychosis. lu Good stories, v. 2. And in Tales from Black- wood, V. 2. MACQUOID, Katherine S. A charming widow. Hester Kirton. Miriam's marriage. Patty. Rookstone. Too soon. MADAME de Beaupre. C. Jenkin. MADAME de Chamblay. A. (D.) Dumas. MADAME de Fleurj'. M. Edgeworth. MADAME de StaeL A. Bolte. MADAME Fontenoy. By the author of Denise. MADAME la Marquise. L. de la Rame. MADAME Sylva's secret. C. J. Eiloart. MADAME Therese. E. Erckmann and A. Cha- trian. MADDEN, Richard Robert. The Mussulman. MADELINE. J. Kavanagh. MADELINE. A. Opie. Works, v. 1. MADELINE Leshe, pseud. .Sc-e Baker, H.N.(W.) MADEMOISELLE Fifty Millions. C. de C. de St. Mars. MADEMOISELLE Mathilde. H. Kingsley. MADEMOISELLE. 66 MANNING. MADEMOISELLE Merquem. A. L. A. D. MAJOR Jack Downing's letters. S. Smith. Dudevant. MAJOR Jones' courtship. W.T.Thompson. MADEMOISELLE Mori. By author of Denise. MAJOR Jones's scenes in Georgia. MADEMOISELLE Panache. M. Edgeworth. W. T. Thompson. MADGE. H. B. Goodwin. MAJOR Rose. MADONNA Mary. M. (0. W.) Oliphant. In TaU's from Blackwood, v. ;J. MAFFITT, -lohn Newlaiid. Nautilus. MAKE or break. W. T. Adams. MAGA ptories. MAKING a sensation.- T. S. Arthur. MAGALOTTL L. Novels. MAKING merry. A. I. Thackeray. In Roscoe's Italian novelists, v. 4. MALBONE. T. W. Higginson. MAGDALEN, the enchantress. N. P. Lasselle. MALBROOK. MAGDALEN Hepburn. M. (0. W.) Oliphant. MALESPINNI, C. Novels. MAGDALENA. E. John. In Roscou's Italian novelists, v. 3. MAGGIE Miller. M. J. Holmes. MALORY, Thomas. Morte D"Arthur. MAGIC of kindness. H. Mayhew. MALOT, Hector. Romain Kull)ris. MAGIC rhvr, The. F. (H. C.) de La Motte MAMMON. C. G. F. Gore. Fouque. MAN and wife. (W.) W. Collins. MAGICIAN. L. Ritchie. MAN at arms, The. G. P. R. James. MAGILL, Mary Tucker. MAN in the bell, The. The Holcombcs. In Tales from Blackwood, v. (i. Women : or, chronicles of the late war. MAN made of money. D. Jerrold. MAGINN, Willif>m. Bob Burke's duel with MAN of birth and the woman of the people. ensign Brady. M. S. Scliwartz. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 3. MAN of feeling. The. H. Mackenzie. MAHMOUD. MAN of fortune. C. G. F. Gore. MAID Marian. T. L. Peacock. MAN of fortune. The. A. Fonblanque Jr. MAID of honour. A. S. G. de C. Bawr. MAN of honor, A. G. E. Eggleston. MAID of honour, The. C. G. F. Gore. MAN of the people, A. E. Erckmann and A. In Johnstone, Edinburg tales, v. 1. Chatrian. MAID of Orleans. J. Robinson. MAN of the world, The. H. Mackenzie. MAID of Sker, The. R. D. Blackmore. MAN who laughs. The. V. (M.) Hugo MAIDEN, The. T. S. Arthur. MAN with five wives, The. A. (D.) Dumas. MAIDEN aunt, The. M. B. Smedley. MAN with the broken ear, The. E. (F. V.) MAIDEN sisters. By the author of Still waters. About. MAILLARD, Annette M. MANDEVILLE. W. Godwin. The jealous husband. MANINGAULT, G. Saint Cecilia, pt. 1 : Matrimonial shipwrecks. Adversity. Miles Tremenhere. M ANNE l^S, jMts., pseud. See Richards, C.H.B. Zingra. MANNERS. MAINE, E. S. Editor. Among strangers. MANNI, D. M. Novels. MAINSTONE'S housekeeper. E. Meteyard. In Rofecoe's Italian Novelists, v. 4. MAISTRE, Xavier de. A journey round my MANNING, Anne. room. Adventures of Caliph Haroun Alraschid. MAITLAND, Edward. The apostle of the Alps. By and by. Belforest. The higher law. Bessy's money. The pilgrim and the shrine. Cherry and violet. MAITLAND, James A. The chronicle of Ethelfled. Cabin boy's stories. Claude, the colporteur. The cousins. Colloquies of Edward Osborne. Sartaroe. Ccmipton friars. The watchman. The day of small things. MANNING. 67 MAllKIAaE. MANNING, A.\\w.— Continued. Deboruli's diary. Diana's crescent. The duchess of Trajetto. Family pictures. The good old times. Helen and Olga. Tlie houseliold of Sir Thomas More. The interrupted wedding. Jack and the. tanner of Wymondham. Jacques Bonneval. The ladies of Bever hollow. Lady of limited income. Mary Powell. The masque at Ludlow. Meadowleigh. Mrs. Biddy Frobisher. Moravian life in the Black Forest. A noble purpose nobly won. The old Chelsea bun-house. Passages Irom the life of the faire gospeller. Poplar house academy. Provocations of Madame Palissy. Selvaggio. • (?) The sower's reward. The Sjianish barber. Tasso and Leonora. Town and forest. Valentine Duval. Village belles. The year nine. MANCEUVRING. M. Edgeworth. MANCEUVRING mother, The. il/rs. E.G. Grey. MANSFIELD park. J. Austen. MANUFACTURERS, The. M. Edgeworth. MANUSCRIPT, The. Rev. Griggs. MANZONI, Alessandro. The betrothed. MARBLE faun, Tiie. N. Hawthorne. MARCHIONESS of Brinoilliers, The. A. Smith. MARCUS VVarland. C. L. Hentz. MARDENS and Daventrys. J. Pardee. MARDl. H. Melville. MARETIMO. B. St. John. MARGARET. Queen of Navarre. The Heptameron. MARGARET and her bridesmaids. J. Stretten. MARGARET. S. Judd. MARGARET. C. B. Tayler. MARGARET. A story of a life in a prairie home. M. A. Bright. MARGARET Cecil. C. D. Bell. IVIARGARET Denzil's history. F. Greenwood. MARGARET Graham. G. P. R. James. MARGARET Hamilton. C. J. Newby. MARGARET Maitland. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. MARGARET Moncrieffe. C. Burdett. MARGARET Percival. E. M. Sewell. MARGARET Percival in America. L. P. Hale. MARGARET'S engagement. ■ By the same author : Sister May. MARGRET Howth. R. B. (H.) Davis. MARGUERITE. E. de Girardin. MARGUERITE de Valois. A. (D.) Dun, MARGUERITE Kent. M. W. Wayne. MARIAN. A. M. Hall. MARIAN Rooke. H. Sedley. MARIAN Withers. G. E. Jewsbury. MARIE Antoinette and her son. C.(M.)Mundt. MARIE de Berniere. W. G. Simms. MARIE Derville. H. de Witt. MARIE Louise. E. (F.) Carlen. MARIETTA. T. A. Trollope. MARINER'S sketches. N. Ames. MARION Graham. M. Lander. MARION Harland, pseud. See Terhune,M.V.H. MARION Wilson. R. NicoU. In Johnstoue, Ediuburg tales, v. 3. MARJORIE Daw and other people. T. B. Aldrich. MARJORIE Fleming. J. Brown, M. D.. Edin. MARJORIE'S quest. J. T. Gould. MARJORY. M. Deane. MARK Hurdlestone. S. Moodie. MARK Merrivale. MARK Rowland. J. S. Sleeper. MARK Seaworth. W. H. G. Kingston. MARK Twain, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. MARK Twain's autobiography and first ro- mance. S. L. Clemens. MARK Wilton. C. B. Tayler. MARKHAM, Mrs. Ethel Miidmay's follies. MARLITT, E., pseud. See John, E. MARMADUKE Wyvil. H. W. Herbert. MARMONTEL, Jean Fran9ois. Belisarius. The Incas. MAROON, The. M. Reid. MAROONER'S island. F. R Goulding. MARQUIS and merchant. M. Collins. MARQUIS of Villemer. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. MARRIAGE. M. Ferrier. MARRIAGE : a lottery. Mrs. E. C. Grey. MAERTAGE. 68 MARY. MARRIAGE verdict, The. A. (D.) Dumas. MARRIED. C. J. Newby. MARRIED against reason. A. S.Mackenzie. MARRIED at last. A. T. Cudlip. MARRIED belle, The. J. P. Smith. MARRIED for both worlds. A. E. Porter. MARRIED, not mated. A. Carey. MARRIED or single ? C. M. Sedgwick. MARRYAT, Emdia. Henry Lyle. MARRYAT. Florence. See Church, F. M. MARRYAT, Frederick. The children of the new forest. Frank Mildmay. Jacob Faithful. Japhet in search of a father. The king's own. The little savage. Masterman Ready. The mission. Mr. Midshipman Easy. Newton Forster. The pacha of many tales. Percival Keene. Peter Simple. The phantom shii). The pirate and the three cutters. The poacher. Poor Jack. The privateersman. The settlers in Canada. Snarleyow. Travels of Monsieur Violet. Valerie. MARRYING in haste. MARRYING man. The. H. Cockton. MARRYING man, The. T. (E.) Hook. MARRYING for money. Mrs. M. Daniels. MARRYING too late. G. Wood. MARSH, Anne Caldwell. Adelaide Lindsay. Angela. Aubrey. Castle Avon. Emilia Wyndham. Evelyn Marston. Father D'Arcy. The heiress of Haughton. Lettice Arr.old. The Longvvoods of the grange. Mordaunt hall. Norman's bridge. Ravenschflie. MARSH. Anne Caldwell.— CoHif/wMf^Z. Tlie rose of Ashurst. Time the avenger. The triumphs of time. Two old men's tales. The Wilmingtons. MARSH. J. Toiling iind hoping. MARSHALL. E. Christable Kingscote. MARSHALL. Nellie. As by fire. " MARSTON, W. A lady in her own right. MARSTON. G. Croly. MARSTON of Dunoran. MARSTONS, The. H. Aide. MARTELL, Martha. Second love. MARTHA. W. Gilbert. MARTIN, Clara B. The little Nortons. MARTIN, the foundling. M. J. Sue. MARTIN Cliuzzlewit. C. (J. H.) Dickens. MARTIN Fabf^r. W. G. Simms. MARTIN Pole. J. Saunders. MARTIN Rattler. R. M. Ballantyne. MARTIN Tourtond. J. Morier. MARTINEAU, Harriet. The billow and the rock. Deerbrook. Feats on the fjord. The hour and the man. MARTINGALE, Hawser, juse'/^. See Sleeper,J.S. MAIiTINS of Cro' Martin. C. (J.) Lever. MARTYR of the Catacombs. MARTYR wile. T. S. Arthur. MARTYRIA. W. Mountford. MARTYRS, The. R. F. (A.) de Chateaubriand. MARTYRS of Spain. E.Charles. MARVEL. Ik. psend. See Mitchell, D. G. MARY B.rton. E. C. Gabkell. MARY Bell. J. Abbott. MARY Brandagee. C. Peck. MARY Hunyan. S. R. Ford. MARY Derwent. A. S. Stephens. MARY Erskine. J. Abbott. MARY Lyndon. MARY Lyndsay. E. (C. M.) Ponsonby. MARY Maturin. W. B. Jerrold. MARY ol Burgundy. G. P. R. James. . MARY of Lorraine. J. Grant. MARY Powell. A. Manning. MARY Raymond. C. G. F. Gore. MARY Schweidler. J. W. Meinhold. MARY Seaham. Mrs. E. C. Grey. MARY Staunton. R. E. White. MARY Stuart. G. W. M. Reynolds. MASQUE. 69 MELBOTJEN '• ' « It MASQUE at T.udlow. Tlie, A. Manning. MASSARY. I. Social life in Sydney. MASSETT, Stephen C. (Jeems Pipes.) Driftintj al'out. MASSIE, W. Lionel AYakefield. MASTER Humpli ley's clock. C.(J.H.)Dickens. MASTEIi John Bull. R. H. Moncrief^'. MASTER of Grcylands, The. E. P. Wood. MAS'IEK of Winirhourne, The. MASTERMAN Ready. F. Marryat. MASTER'S house. T. B. Thorpe. MATCHMAKING. MATHE\ys, Cornelius. BiiT Ahell and little Manhattan. Career of Puffer Hopkins. Motley book. MATILDA. M. J. Sue. M.'VTILDA Montnomerie. .J. Richardson. MATRIMONIAL infelicities. R. B. C-.ffin. MATRIMONIAL misfortunes of Peter Clancy. AV. H. Maxwell. MATRIMONIAL shipwrecks. A. M. Maillard. MATRIMONY. A. T. .J. BuUard. MATTHEWS, Albert. {Pmd Swgvolk.) \\' alter Ash wood. MATTIE— a stray. F. W. Robinson. MATURIN. Charles Robert. 'J'he Albigenses. Women ; or pour et contre. MATURIN. Edward. Montezuma. MAUDE. E. .1. Whately. MAUD and Miriam. H. B. McKeever. MAUD Molian. A. T. Cudlip. MAUDE Talbot. H. Parr. MAUPRAT. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. MAUHICE Dering. G. A. Lawrence. MAURICE ^nn(\, pseud. S-ce Dudevant, (J. F.) M. (A.) MAURICE Tiernay. C. (J.) Lever. MAX Ade]er,psf ?//-?. 6'ee Clark, Charles Heber. MAX Kromer. H. Smith. MAXIMUMS and specimens of William Mug- gins. C. Selby. MAXWELL, Maria. Ernest Grey. MAXWELL. V\ illiam Hamilton. The bivouac. Brian O'Linn. Dark lady of Doona. J^'lood and tield. Hector O'Halloran. Joscelina. Matrimonial misfortunes of Peter Clancy. MAXWELL, William 'R&m\\tor\. — Contimicd. My life. Stories of Waterloo. MAXWELL. T. (E.) Hook. MAXWELL Drewitt. ,J. H. Riddell. MAY, Edith J. Saxelford. . MAY, Sophie, jD.se?/ (7. See Clarke, R. S. MAY^ M. (O. W.) Oliphant. MAY and December. J. Hubback. MAY flower. The. H. (E.) B. Stowe. MAY you like it. C. B. Tayler. MAYHEW, Augustus. Paved with gold. MAY'HEW, Henry. Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys. MAY'HEW, Horace. Greatest plague of lile. Image of his father. Letters left at the jjastry cooks. Magic of kindness. Whom to marry and how to get married, and Augustus. Fear of the world. MAY^O, . (Rvth Oarreft.) A chance child. MAY'O. Is d)ella Fivey. (Edward Garrett.) By still waters. Crooked places. The crust and the cake. Friends and acquaintances. Gold and dross. Occupations of a retired life. Premiums paid to exi^erience. Quiet Miss Godolphin. Seen and heard. White as snow. MAYO. William Starbuck. The beri)er. Kaloolah. Never again. R >niance dust. MAYOR of Windgap. J. Banim. MAZE of life, The. MEADOW Brook. M. J. Holmes. MEADOWLEIGH. A. Manning. MEANS and ends. C. M. Sedgwick. MEDICAL student. Adventures of R.Douglas. MEDUSA. A. (K.) Sartoris. »MEG. G. J. Eih.art. MEHALED and Sedli. W. H. von Dalberg. MEINHOLD, .lohann Wilhelm. 'Ihe amber witch. Sidonia, tlie Sorceress. MELBOURNE house. S. Warner. MELTNCOURT. 70 MTLLEE. MELTNCOURT. T. L. Peacock. MELINE, Mary M. Churteris. MELLICHAMPE. W. G. Simms. MELVILLE, George John Whyte. Bones and I. The BiDokes of Bridlemere. Cerise. Contraband. Digby Grand. General Bounce. The i.dadiators. Good for notliing. Hoi in by house. The interpreter. Kate Coventry. M, or N. The queen's Maries. Sarcliedon. Sateiiello. Tilbury Nogo. Uncle John. The white rose. MEI>VILLE. Herman. The coiitideiice man. Israel Potter. Mardi. Moby-Dick. Omoo. Piazza tales. Pierre. Redburn. Typee. White Jacket. MEMBER lor Paris, The. G. Murray. MEMOIRS of lemme de chaml)re. M.Gardiner. MEMOES of a peeress. C. G. F. Gore. MEMOIRS of a physician. A. (D.) Dumas. MEMOIRS of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush. W. M. Thackeray. MEN are what women make them. A. Belot. MEN of Character. D. Jerrold. MEN, women and ghosts. E. S. Phelps. MEN'S wives. W. M. Thackeray. MENDOZA. Diego Hurtado de. Life and adventures of Lazariello de Tormes. MEPHISTOPHILES in England. MERCEDES of Castile. J. F. Cooper. , MERCHANT of Antwerp, The. H. Conscience. MERCHANT of Berlin, The. C. (M.) Mundt. MERCHANT'S daughter. The. E. Pickering. MERCHANT'S clerk. S. Warren. MEREDITH, Louisa A. Phoebe's mother. MEREDITH, George. Adventures of Harry Richmond. Emilia in England. Evan Harrington. Farina. The shaving of Shagpat. Vittoria. MEREDITH. Owen, pseud. See Bulwer-Lytton, (E.) R. MEREDITH. M. Gardiner. MERIDIANA. J. Verne. MERIMEE. Prosper. A chronicle of the reign of Charles IX. Colomba. MERKLAND. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. MERRIMACK. D. K. Lee. MERRY Mount. J. L. Motley. MERRY tales of the three wMse men of Gotham. J. K. Paulding. MERVYN Clitheroe. W. H. Ainsworth. ' MESSAGE from the sea. C. (J H.) Dickens. META Gray. M. J. Mcintosh. METAMORPHOSES, The. Translated by Head. Apulems. META'S faith. E. Tarbor. METEMPSYCHOSIS, The. R. Macnish. lu Good stories, v. 2. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 2. METEYARD. Eliza. Mainstone's housekeeper. METHODIST, The. M. Fletcher. METHODISM in earnest. METROPOLITES, The. R. St. Clair. MICHAEL Armstrong. F. Trollope. MIDDLEMARCH. M. J. (E.) Lewes. MIDSHIPMAN Easy, Mr. F. Marryat. MIDSHIPMAN'S expedients. E. Howard. MIDSUMMER eve. A. M. HalL MIKE Fink. E. Bennett. MILDRED. G. M. Craik. MILDRED Arkell. E. P. Wood. MILDRED Vernon. H. Murray. MILDRED'S wedding. F. Derrick. MILES Tremenhere. A. M. Maillard. MILES Wallinglbrd. J. F. Cooper. MILITARY sketch book. MILL on the floss, The. M. J. (E.) Lewes. MILLBANK. M. J. Holmes. MILLER, Hugh. Scenes and legends. Tales and sketches. MILLER, Thomas. Fred and the gorillas. MILLKR. 71 MISUNDERSTOOD. MILLER, Thomas.— Continued. Brrtish wolf Imnters. Godfrey Malvern. Lady Jane Grey. Rural sketches. MILLER of Angil)anU. A. L. A.D.Dudevant. MILLER'S story of the war, A. E. Erckmann and A. Cliatrian. MILLIONAIRE of Mincing Lane, The. D. Costeilo. MILLS, John. The briefless barrister. The days of old. In Johnstoufc, Ediiibiirg tales, v. 2. MILLS of Tuxbury, Tlie. V. F. Townsend. MILLY. L. E. Guernsey. MILLY'S hero. F. W. Robinson. MIMIC life. A. C. (M.) Ritchie. MINGLED yarn, A. M. A. Mackarness. MINISTERING chihlren. M. L. Charlesworth. MINISTER'S wife. The. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. MINISTER'S ^vooing, The. H. (E.) B. Stowe. MINISTRY of life, The. M. L. Charlesworth. MINNA Monte. MINNA Raymond. MINNIE Hermon. T. W. Brown. MINNIE Myrtle, pseud. See Johnson, A. C. MINSTREL love. F. (H. C.) de La Motte Fouque. MIRAMICHI. Mrs. W. T. Savage. MIRAND.V Elliott. S. H. M. MIRIAM. M. Y. (H.) Terhune. MIRIAM, or the power of truth. MIRIAM May. MIRIAM Montfort. C. A. Warfield. MIRIAM'S marriage. K. S. Macquoid. MIRK Abl)ey. J. Payn. MIRROR of life, The. L. C. TuthiU. MISER, The. W. Carleton. MISER, The. H. Conscience. MISERIES of human life. J. Beresford. MISERRIMUS. F. M. Reynolds. MISER'S daughter. The. W. H. Ainsworth. MISER'S heir. P. H. Myers. MISREPRESENTATION. A. H. Drury. MISS Carew. A. B. Edwards. MISS Columbia's public school, or will it blow ovei'. MISS Dorothy's charge. F. L. Benedict. MISS Forrester. A. Edwardes. MISS Gilbert's career. J. G. Holland. MISS Mackenzie. A. TroUope. MISS MajL, DonaLl Grant. {Ik Marvel.) Doctor .Johns. Dream life. Fudge doings. Reveries of a bachelor. Seven stories. MITCHELL, J. Asylum. MITCHELL. John. Rachel Kell. MITCHELL, W. Bryan Maurice. MITFORD, A. B. Tales of old Japan. MITFORD, Mary Russell. Atlierton. Bel ford Regis. Country stories : Finden's tableaux. Country town life. In Johnstone, Edinbdrg tales, v. 2. The fle^ll\v:lt(■r fis-honijin. In Johu^'toue, Edinburg tales, v. 1. Lights and shadows of American life. Old master Green. In Johnstone, Ediuburg tales, v. 3. Our village. Talcs of our neigliborhood. MIXED sweets. From Routledge's annual. MOBY-Dick. H. Melville. MODERN accomplishments. C. Sinclair. MODERN chivalry. H. H. Brackenridge. MODERN flirtations. C. Sinclair. MODERN Grisehla, 'i'he. M. Edgeworth. MODERN pik-rims. G. Wood. MODERN society. C. Sinclair. MODERN story teller. MODERN vassal, The. J. Wilmer. MODET, Helen. Li-ht. MOFFETT, Emma L. Crown jewels. MOHAMMED Ali and his house. C. (M.)Mundt. MOHUN. J. E. Cooke. MONARCH of Mincing lane. The. W. Black. MONARCHIST, The. J. B. Jones. MONASTERY, Tiie. Sir W. Scott. MONCRIEFF, Henry Wellwood. A visit to my discontented cousin. MONCRIEFF, Robert Hope. (Ascott B. Hope.) Master John Bull. Stories about boys. Stories of French school life. Stories of school life. MONEY, Edward. The wife and the ward. MONEY and music. C. (F.) Barnard, Jr. MONEY lender, The. C. G. F. Gore. MONEY maker. W. T. Adams. MONIKINS, The. .]. F. Cooper. MONK, The. M. G. Lewis. MONKLAND, Mrs. Elvira, the nabob's wife. MONSIEUR Sylvestre. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. MONTEZUMA. E. Maturin. MONTGOMERY, Miss. Lights and shadows of German life. MONTGOMERY, Florence. Misunderstood. Thrown together. Thwarted. A vei-y simple story. MOODIE, Susannah. Flora Lyndsay. Geoffrey Monckton. Mark Hurdlestone. MOODS. L. M. Alcott. MOONFOLK. J. G. Austin. MOONSTONE, The. (W.) W. Collins. MOORE. . Dinah. MOORE. H. J. The golden legacy. MOORE, John. Mordaunt. Zelucn. MOORE, Oliver. The staff" officer. MOORE, Thomas. The epicurean. MOORLAND cottage. The. E. C. Gaskell. MOPSA, the fairy. J. Ingclow. MORALS. Francisco de. Palmerin of England. Translated by Southey. MORALS and mysteries. H. Aide. MORALS of May Fair, The. A. Edwardes. MORAVIAN life in the Black Forest. A. Manning. MORDAUN r. J. Moore. MORDAUNT hall. A. C. Marsh. MORE, Hannah. Coelebs in search of a wife. MORE, Thomas. Utopia. MORE happy thoughts. F. C. Burnand. MORE than a m.itch. By the author ol Recom- mended to mercy. MORE than she could bear. L. Bendbow. MORELAND Vale. MORETl rS Campanula. A. I. Thackeray. MORFORD, Henry. The days of shoddy. Shoulder straps. Utterly wrecked, and others. John Jasper's secret. MORGAN, Mrs. Susan Dallam. The Swiss heiress. MORGAN, L. F. The hunting shadow. MORGAN. 73 MURRAY. MORGAN, Ladij Sydney Owenson. Dramatic scenes from real life. O'Briens and O'Flahertys. Princess. The wild Irish girl. MORGESONS, The. E. (D. B.) Stoddard. MORIARTY, D. J. Husband hunter. Wife hunter. MORIDA CENO, A. Novels. lu Roscoe's Italian uovelists, v. 3. MORIER, James. Abell AUnutt. Ayesha. Hajji Baba. Martin Tourtrond. Zohrab. MORISONS, The. M. Hosmer. MORLEY Ernstein. G. P. R. James. MORNING glories. L. M. AUcott. MORRICES, The. G. T. Lowth. MORRIS, Joliii. Wanderings of a vagabond. MORRIS, Robert. Courtship and matrimony. MORTE d'Arthur. T. Malory. MORTIMER, C. B. Morton Montagu. MORTON house. F. C. Fisher. MORTON Montagu. C. B. Mortimer. MORTON'S hope. J. L. Motley. MOSE Evans. W. M. Baker. MOSES Adams, pseud. See Bagby, G. W. MOSS Cliff abbey. M. J. Young. MOSS-SIDE. M. V. (H.) Terhune. MOSSES Irom and old manse. N. Hawthorne. MOTHER and son, The. A. Opie. Worl/ Emily (Charh)tte Mary.) Discipline of life. Mary Lyndsay. Nora. Pride and irresolution. Sir Owen Fairfax. Twt) brothers. Violet Osborne. PONTMARTIN, A. (A. J. M.) de. Clothilde. POOLE, .lohn. Comic tales and recollections. Paul Pry's delicate attentions. Paul Pry's journal. Phineas Quiddy. Sketches and recollections. POOR cousin, The. E. Pickering. POOR fellow, A. POOR humanity. F. W. Robinson. POOR .Jack. F. Marryat. POOR Mat. J. Ingelow. POOR Match. H. Parr. POOR Miss Finch. (W.) W. Collins. POPLAR house academy. A. Manning. POPULAR romances of the middle ages. G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones. POPULAR romances of the west of England. R. Hunt. (Editor.) POPULAR tales and romances. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. POPULAR tales irom the Norse. G.W. Daseut. PORCELAIN tower. PORCHAT, Jean Jacques. Three months un- der the snow. PORTENT, The. G. Macdonald. PORTER, Ann E. Married for both worlds. PORTER, Ann Maria. Fast of Saint Magdalen. The knight of St. John. Lakes of Killarney. The recluse of Norway. PORTER, Jane. Banaockburn. The pastor's fireside. The Scottish chiefs. Thaddeus of Warsaw. PORTER, Rose. Sunmier drift-wood for the winter fire. Uplands and lowlands. The winter fire. PORTER, William T. Quarter race in Kentucky. PORT-FOLIO of a southern medical student. G. M. Wharton. PORTIA. 84 PROVOCATIONS, PORTIA. M. C. Clarke. PORTRAIT, The. T.S.Arthur. PORTRAITS of my married friends. Uncle Ben. POSTEL, K. (Charles SeahfieU.) The cabin book. Life in the new world. North and south. Tokeah. POSTMAN'S bag. The. J. De Liefde. POSTHUMOUS papers of a person about town. C. Webbe. POTIPHAR papers, The. G. W. Curtis. POTTLETON legacy. The. A.Smith. POTWIN, H. K. Ruby Duke. POWDER and gold. L. Schucking. POWER, Marguerite A. Evelyn Forester. Letters of a betrothed. POWERS. S. Muskingum legends. PRAIRIE, The. J. F. Cooper. PRAIRIE bird. The. C. A. Murray. PRAISE and principle. M. J. Mcintosh. PRATT, L. J. Sheaves of love. Unfortunate mountain girl. PREACHER and the king. L. Bungener. PRECAUTION. J. F. Cooper. PREFERMENT. C. G. F. Gore. PREMIER and his wiii?, The. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 11. PREMIUMS paid to experience. I. F. Mayo. PRENTISS, Elizabeth. Aunt .Jane's hero. The flower of the family. Fred and Maria and me. Nid worth. The Percys. Stepping heavenward. The story Lizzie told. PRESENTMENT. C. G. F. Gore, lu Johnstone, Edinburg tales, v. 3. PRESIDENT'S daughters, The. F. Bremer. PRESSENSE. Mme. E. de. Rosa. Two years of school life. PRESTON Harriet W. Aspendale. Love in the XlXth century. PRESTON, Laura. Aldeane. In >)ond«. PRETTY Mrs. Gaston. J. E. Cooke. PREY of the gods. F. M. Church. PRIDE and irresolution. Lady E. (C. M.) Ponsonby. PRIDE and its prisoners. C. Tucker. PRIDE and prejudice. .J. Austen. PRIDE of life. Lady C. h. ^cotX. PRIDE of the mess. W. J. Neale. PRIDE of the village. The. H. M. Jones. PRIEST hunter. M. Archdeacon. PRIME, William Cowper. Later years. Old house by the river. PRINCE and the pedlar, Tlie. E. Pickering. PRINCE Charles and Alice Arran. J.F. Smith. PRINCE Eugene and his times. C. (M.) Mundt. PRINCE of Kashna. R. B. Kimball. PRINCE of the house of David. J.H.Ingraham. PRINCESS. Lady (S. O.) Morgan. PRINCESS and tlie goblin, The G.Macdnnald. PRINCESS of Brunswick-Wollenbiiltel. The. (J.) H. (D.) Zschokke. PRINCESS ol Thule, A. W. Black. PRIORS of Prague. W. J. Neale. PRIORY of St. Bernard. PRISONER of the border. P.H.Myers. PRITCHARD, Sarah J. Faye-Mar of Storm- cliff. PROSPER. V. Cherbuliez. PRUDENCE Palfrey. T. B. Aldrich. PRUE and I. G. W. Curtis. PRIVATE life. M. J. Mackenzie. PRIVA^fEERSMAN, The. F. Marryat. PROBLEMATIC characters. F. Spielhageu. PROBUS. W. Ware. PRODIGY, The. H. F. Chorley. PROFESSIONAL visits of le docteur Noir. A. de Vigny. In Johnstone, Edinburg tales, v. 3. PROFESSOR, The. C. Bnmte. PROFESSOR. The. E. (F.) Carlen. PROFESSOR, The. W. M. Thackeray. PROFESSOR'S lady, The. B. Auerbach. PROFESSOR'S wife, The. A. L. Macgregor. PROGRESS and prejudice. C. G. F. Gore. PROPHET of the Caucasus, The. E. Spencer. PROPOSALS of marriage. A.Opie. Works,v.3. PROSE fictions. T. S. Arthur. PROTESTANT, The. A. E. Bray. PROVED in the fire. W. Duthie. PROVINCIAL papers. J. Hatton. PROVOCATIONS of nuvdame Palissy. A. Mauniny. r^ V I ^' ; ,, PROVOST. 85 BAME. PROVOST, The. J. Gait. PRUSSIAN vase, The. M. Ed.yeworth. ' PSYCHE of to-day, A. C. Jenkin. * PUBLICANS and sinners. M. E. Braddon. PUCK. L. de la Rame. PUCKLE, James. The club. PUDDLEFORD and its people. H. H. Riley. PUCKLER-Muskau, Hermann (L. H.) Prince Tutti frutti. PUGH, E. L. In a crucible. PULLEN, H. W. The fii^ht at dame Europa's school. Tom Pippin's wedding. PULSZKY, Theresa. Tales and traditions of Hungary. PUNCHINELLO, Adventures of. PUNCH'S letters to his son. D. Jerrold. PUNCH'S prize novelists. W. M. Thackeray. PUPIL ol the legend of honor, The. L. Enault. PURITAN an.seM(?. See Haliburton. T. C. SAM Slick's wise saws and modern instances. T. C. Haliburton. SAMUEL Titmarsh. W. M. Thackeray. SANCTUARY, The. G. W. Nichols. SAND, George, jyseMfZ. -S'eeDudevant, A.L.A.D. SAND, Maurice, pseud. See Dudevant, (J. F.) M. (A.) SAND hills of Jutland. H. C. Andersen. SAND and shells. J. Hannay. SANDEAU, Jules. Hunting the romantic. SANDFORDS, Tlie. SANFORD, 3Iiss. Two ways to wedlock. SANFORD and Merton. T. Day. SANFORD and Merton, New history of. F. C. Burnand. SANS merci. G. A. Lawrence. SANSOVINO, F. Novels. In Roscoe's Italian novelists, v. 3. SANTO Sebastiano. 3Iiss Cuthbertson. SANVITALE, L. Novels. In Roscoe's Italian uove,listf , v. 4. SARATOGA. SARCHEDON. G. J. W. Melville. SARGENT, Epes. Peculiar. (Editor.) The emerald. SARGENT, George E. Richard Hunne. SARTAROE. J. H. Maitland. SARTORIS, Adelaide (Kemble.) Medusa. A week in a French country house. SATANSTOE. J. F. Cooper. SATENELLA. G. J. W. Melville. SATURDAY Sterne. J. E. Reade. SAUNDERS, John. Abel Drake's wife. Bound to the wheel. Hirell. Israel Mort, overman. The lion in the path. SAUNDEES. 92 SCOTT. SAUNDERS, John.— Continued. Martin Pole. The shadow in the house. SAUNDERS, Katherine. Gideon's rock. The haunted crust. The high mills. Joan Merryweather. SAUZADE, John S. Garrett Van Horn. SAVAGE, Marmion W. Bachelor of the Albany, The falcon family. My uncle, the curate. Reuben Medlicott. The woman of business. SAVAGE, Mrs. W. T. Miramichi. SAVILE house. A.Hill. SAXE Holm stories, See. Holm, Saxe, pseud. SAXELFORD. E. J. May. SAY and seal. S. Warner. SAYINGS and doings. T. (E.) Hook. SAYINGS and doings at the Tremont house, Boston, in 1832. C. Sly. SAYMORE, Sarah E. Hearts unveiled. SCALP hunters, The. M. Reid. SCANDAL. J. T. Bickford, SCAPEGOAT, The. Leo. SCARLET letter, Tlie. N. Hawthorne. SCENES and adventures in the army. P. St. Q Cooke. SCENES and legends. H. Miller. SCENES and stories from European historry, SCENES in our parish. E. (E.) Holmes. SCENES in the south. J. R. Creecy. SCENES of clerical life. M. J. (E.) Lewes. SCEPTRES and crowns. S. Warner. SCHARLING, H. The rivals. SCHEFER, Leopold. Artist's married life. SCHEFFEL, J. V. Ekkehard. SCHELE De Vere, M. See De Vers, M. S. SCHILLER. (Jonann Christian.) Fredrich, The ghost-seer. SCHINDERHANNES. L. Ritchie. SCHMID, C. Genevieve. SCHMID, Herman. The Habermeister. SCHOOL days at Rugby. T. Hughes. SCHOOL for husbands. Lady R. (W.) Bulwer- Lytton. SCHOOL of fashion. SCHOOL of life, A. M. Howitt. SCHOOLCRAFT, Henry Rowe, ' Algic researches. SCHOOLMASTER of Abbach, The. (P. F.) W. Oertel. SCHUCKING, (Christoph Bernhard.) Leven. Powder and gold. SCHWARTZ, Marie Sophie. Birth and education. Gerda. Gold and name. Quilt and innocence. The man of birth and the woman of the people. The right one. The son of the organ grinder. The two family mothers. The v/ife of a vain man. SCOTSMAN'S tale, The. H. Lee. lu Good stories, v. 2. SCOTT, Lady C. Lydia. Henpecked husband. Hylton house. The pride of life. Rose Douglas. Trevelyan, Two families. SCOTT, Michael. Cruise of the Midge. Tom Cringle's log. SCOTT, Sir Walter. The abbot. Anne of Geierstein. The antiquary. The betrothed. The black dwarf. The bride of Lammermoor. Castle dangerous. Count Robert of Paris. The fair maid of Perth. The ibrtunes of Nigel. Guy Mannering. The heart of Mid-Lothian, The highland widow. Ivanhoe. Kenilworth. Tlie laird's jock. Legend of Montrose. The monastery. My aunt Margaret's mirror. Old mortality. Peveril of the peak. The pirate. Quentin Durward. Redgauntlet. SCOTT. 93 SEVEN. SCOTT, Sir ^YuMcv.— Continued. Rob Roy. St. Ronan's well. The surgeon's daughter. The talisman. The tapestried chamber. Two drovers. Waverley. Woodstock. SCOTTISH chiefs, The. J. Porter. SCOURING of the white horse, The. T. Hughes. SCOUT, The. W. G. Simms. SCROPE ; or, the lost library. F. B. Perkins. SCUDDER, Horace Elisha. Stories from my attic. SEA and shore. W. T. Adams. SEABORN, }l(X-avl\, pseud. Symzonia. SEA cliff. J. W. De Forest. SEA drifts. G. A. (H.) McLeod. SEA drifts. M. C. L. Reeves. SEA gift. E. W. Fuller. SEA lions, The. J. F. Cooper. SEA of ice. The. P. B. St. John. SEA stories. G. P. Putnam. SEABOARD parish, The. G. Maodonuld. SEABURY castle. C. Hope. SEALSFIELD, Charle?,, pseud. See Postel, K. SEAMSTRESS, The. SEASIDE and lireside fairies. G. Blum and L. Wahl. SEAWORTHY, Gregovs , pseud. Bertie. Nag's head. SECOND cousin Sarah. F, W. Robinson. SECOND love. M. Martell. SECOND marriage, The. C. Burdett. SECOND Mrs. Tiliotson, The. P. Fitzgerald. SECOND wife, The. E. John. SECRE of Prevost. J. Koerner. SECRET band of brothers. J. H. Green. SECRET dispatch, The. J. Grant. SECRET foe, The. E. Pickering. SECRET of a life. M. M. Bell. SECRET passion, The. R. F. Williams. SECRET tribunal. The. SEDGWICK, Catherine Maria. Allen Prescott. Clarence. Hope Leslie. The Linwoods. Live and let live. Married or single ? SEDGWICK, Catharine Maria. — Continued. Means and ends. New England tale. Redwood. and others. Tales of Glauber spa. SEDGWICK, S. L. Walter Thornley. SEDLEY, Henry. Dangertield's rest. Marian Rooke. SEED-TIME and harvest. F. Reuter. SEEK and find. W. T. Adams. SEEMULLER, Anne Moncure (Crane.) Emily Chester. Opportunity. Reginald Archer. SEEN and heard. L F. Mayo. SEGUR Sophie (Rostopchine) de. Fairy tales for little folks. The inn of the guardian angel. SELBY, Charles. Maximums and specimens of William Muggins. SELF. C. G. F. Gore. SELF-CONTROL. M. Brunton. SELF-DECEPTION. S. S. Ellis. SELF-DEVO'ITON. H. Campbell. SELF-JUSTIFICATION. M. Edgeworth. SELF-MADE. E. A. Welty. SELF SACRIFICE. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. SELLING Lucky. J. Abbott. SELVAGGIO. A. Manning. SEMLATTACHED couple, The. E. Eden. SEMI-DETACHED house. E. Eden. SENSE and sensibility. J. Austen. SENTIMENTAL journey, A. L. Sterne. SEPARATION, The. Lady C. L. Bury. SEPTIMIUS Feltnn. N. Hawthorne. SEQUEL to ministering children. M. L. Charlesworth. SERF sisters, The. J. Harwood. SERGEANT Atkins. J. L. Donaldson. SERMINI, G. Novels. In Roscoe'sltalian novelistB, v. 2. SETTLERS in Canada, The. F. Marryat. SEVEN capital sins : pride, or the duchess. M. J. Sue. SEVEN champions of Christendom, Renowned history of the. R. Jolmson. SEVEN daughters. A. M. Douglas. SEVEN hills, The. J. De Mille. SEVEN gray pilgrims. SEVEN" sons of mammon, The. G. A. Sala. SEVEN. 94 SILENT. SEVEN stories. D. G. Mitchell. SHELTON, Fredrick William. SEVEN years. J. Kavanagh. Rector of St. Bardolphs. SEVENTY-FIVE Brooke street. P. Fitzgerald. Salander and the dragon. SEVENTY-SIX. J. Neal. SHEPHERD, Mrs. Anne. Ellen Seymour. SEWELL, Elizabeth Missing. SHEPPARD, 3frs. Edwin. Judge not. Alter lile. SHEPPARD, Elizabeth Sara. (E. Berger.) Amy Herbert. Almost a heroine. Cleve hall. Charles Auchester. The earl's daughter. Counterparts. E.xi:ierience of life. Rumor. Gertrude. SHEPPARD Lee. R. M. Bird. A glimpse of the world. SHERBROOKE. Mrs. H. B. Goodwin. Ivors. SHERWOOD, Mary Martha. Journal of a home life. Lady of the manor. Katherine Ash ton. Roxobel. Laueton parsonage. Stories explanatory of the church catechism. Margaret Pcrcival. SHIFTING scenes in theatrical life. The sketches. E. Winstanley. Ursula. SHIFTING winds. R. M. Ballantyne. Walter Lorimer. SHILLABER, Benjamin, P. {Mrs. Partington.) SEWELL, William. Knitting work. Hawkstone. Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington. SEYMOUR, Mary Alice. Whitsuntide at Cedar Partingtonian patcliwork. grove. SHILOH. W. M. L. Jay. SEYMOUR, Mrs. Mary H. Recompense. SHIP ahoy ! SHABBY genteel story, A. W. M.Thackeray. SHIRA. lu Good stories, v. 4. SHIRLEY. C. Bronte. SHADOW, Ben, pseud. Echoes of a belle SHOEMAKER'S village. M. Browne. SHADOW in the house. The. J. S; lunders. SHOES of fortune. The. H. C. Andersen. SHADOW of Ashlydyat, The. E. 1 P. Wo od. SHOULDER knot. The. B. F. Tefft. SHADOW of Moloch mountain, The. J. G. SHOULDER straps. H. Morford. Austin. SHRIMPTON, Charles. The black phantom. SHADOWS of the clouds. Zeta. SIBERT'S wold. M. A. Mackarness. SHADY side. The. M. S. Hubbell. SIBYL. M. RusseU. SHAKESPEARE and his friends. R. F. Wil- SIBYL Huntingdon. J. C. R. Dorr. Hams. SICK giant and the doctor dwarf. D. Jerrold. SHAMROCK and thistle. W. T. Adams. SIDNEY Bellew. F. Francis. SHAND, Alexander I. Against time. SIDNEY Elliott. M. D. Nauman. SHANDY McGuire. J. Boyce. SIDONIA, the sorceress. J. Meinhold. SHANNONDALE. E. D. E. N, So uthworth. SIEGE of Florence. D. McCarthy. SHAVING of Shagpat. G. Meredith. SIGISMUND Fatello. SHAW, Henry W. (Josh Billings:) Josh Bill- lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 8. ings on ice. SIGNE'S history. M. Thoresen. SHE would be a governess. SIGOURNEY, Lydia Huntley. SHEAVES of love. L. J. Pratt. Lucy Howard's journah SHEELAH, pseud. See Fletcher, A Past meridian. SHELLEY, Mary WoUstonecraft. Sketches. Falkuer. SIKES, (W.) Wirt. One poor girl. Frankenstein. SILAS Marner. M. J. (E.) Lewes. The last man. SILCOTE of Silcotes. H. Kingsley. Lodore. SILENT woman, The. By the author of Bey- Perkin Warbeck. minstre. SILENT. 95 SKETCHES. SILENT struggles. A. S. Stephens. SILVER cold. The. (C.) S. Brooks. SILVER tlireuds. H. B. McKeever. SILVERVALE, L, pseud. An orphan of the Old Dominion. SILVERWOOD. SILVIA. J. Kavanagh. SIMMS, William Gilmore. Beauchampe. Black riders of the Congaree. The border beagles. Camden. Carl Werner. Confession. The cassique of Kiawah. Castle Dismal. Charlemont. Damsel oi Darien. Eutaw. The forayers. Guy Rivers. Katherine Walton. Lily and the totem. Miirie de Berniere. Martin Faber. Meilichamije. The partisan. Pelayo. Richard Hurdis. The scout. Southward ho ! The sword and the distaff. Vasconselos. W^igwam and the cabin. Woodcraft. The Yemassee. SIMON Suggs. J. J. Hooper. SIMPKINS, Jonas, ^seacZ. Reveries of a wood- sawyer. SIMPLE story, A. E. Inchbald. SIMPLETON, A. C. Reade. SIMPLICITY and fascination. A. Beale. SINCLAIR, Catherine. Beatrice. Charlie Seymour. Cross purposes. Holiday house. Jane Bouveric. London homes. Lord and lady Harcourt. Modern accomplishments. Modern flirtations. SINCLAIR, Catherine. — Continued. Modern society. Sir Edward Graham. SINGLETON Fontenoy. J. Ilannay. SINGULAR letter from southern Africa. J. Hogg. In Tales from Blackwood, v. ,5. SINK or swim. SINTRAM and his companions. F. (H. C.) de La Motte Fouque. SIOGVOLK, Paul, pseud. See Mathews, A. SIR Bernard Gaston. J. F. Smith. SIR Brooke Fossbrooke. C. (J.) Lever. SIR Charles Grandison. S. Richardson. SIR Edward Graham. C. Sinclair. SIR Harry Hotsjjur of Humblctlnvaite. A. Trollope. SIR Hubert Marston. F. Vincent. SIR Jasper Carevv. C. (J.) Lever. SIR Jasper's tenant. M. E. Praddon. SIR Launcelot Greaves. T. G. Smollett. SIR Owen Fairfax. E. (C. M.) Ponsonby. SIR Roger de Coverley. J. Addison. SIR Rohan's ghost. H. (E.) P. Spofford, SIR Roland Asliton. C. L(mg. SIR Theodore Broughton. G. P. R. James. SIR Th(nnas Braunston. W. Gilbert. SIREN, A. T. A. TroHope. SISTER Agnes. SISTER May. By the author of Margaret's engagement. SISTERS of Soleure, The. C. S. W. SISTER'S budget of tales. Misses Corbett. SISTER'S bye-hours, A. J. Ingeiow. SIX in all. V. F. Townsend. SIX cushions, The. C. M. Yonge. SIX months hence. By the author of Behind tlie veil. . SIX nights with the Washingtonians. T. S. Arthur, i SIX of on(4 by half dozen of the other, H.(E.) B. Stowe and others. ' SIX years later. A. (D.) Dumas. SKETCH book. W. Irving. SKETCHES. L. H. Sigourney. SKETCHES, The. E. M. Sewell. SKETCHES and travels in London. W. M. Thackeray. SKETCHES and recollections. J. Poole. SKETCHES by Boz. C. (J. H.) Dickens. SKETCHES of Irish characters. A. M. Hall. SKETCHES of married life. E. L. Pollen. SKETCHES. 96 SMOKE. SKETCHES of naval life. SKETCHLEY. Artliui-, pseud. See Rose, G. SKIRMISHING. C. Jenkin. SKITT, pseud, Fisher's river scenes and charac- ters. SLAVEHOLDER abroad, The. SLAVE king. V. (M.) Hugo. SLAVE of the lamp. W. North. SLAVER'S adventures, A. W. H. Thomes. SLAVES of the ring. F. W. Robinson. SLEEPER, John fihfivhwvne. {Hawser Martingale.) Jack in the forecastle, Mark Rowland. Tales of the ocean. SLEEPING beauty in the wood. A. I. Thackeray. SLICK, Jonathan, jDsewfZ. High life in New York. SLICK, Sam, psewfZ. See Haliburton, T. C. SLINGSBY, H. My grandmother's guests. SLIP in the lens, A. SLOW and sure. H. Al^'er, J. SLY, Costard, pseud. Sayings and doings at tlie Tremont house, Boston, in 1832. SMALL house at AUington, The. A. TroUoi^e. SMALLCHANGE family, The. lu Good stories, v. 2. SMART, Charles, M. D. Driven from the path. SMART, Haw ley. Breezie Langtou. A race for a wife, SMEDLEY, Francis Edward. Fortunes of the CoWille family. Frank Fairlegh. Harry Coverdale's courtship. Lewis Arundel. Lorrimer Littlegood. SMEDLEY, Menella Bute. Linnet's trial. Twice lost. Use of sunshine. SMIKE,/rowi Nicholas Nickleby. . C. (J. H.) Dickens. SMILES and frowns. S. A. Wentz. SMITH, Albert. Adventures of Mr. Ledbury and his friend, Jack Johnson. Christopher Tadpole. Comic tales and sketclies. Fortunes of the Scattergood family. The marchioness of Brinoilliers. The Pottieton legacy. Students of Paris. SMITH, Alexander. Alfred Hagaith's household. Miss Oona McQuarrie. SMITH, Charlotte. Romance of real life. SMITH, Caroline Mary. The Veriieys. SMITH, Elizabeth Elton. Three eras of woman's life. SMITH, Elizabeth Oakes. Bertha and Lily. Hugo. Newsboy. SMITH, Hannah. {Hesla Stretton.) Bede's charity. The Clives of Burcot. David Lloyd's last will. The doctor's dilemma. Hester Morley's promise. Max Kromer. SMITH, Horace. Adam Brown. Arthur Arundel. Gale Middleton. Jane Lomax. New forest. Rosine Laval. Tales of the early ages. Tin trumpet. , Walter Colyton. Zillah. SMITH, John, pseud. Irish diamonds. SMITH, J. Frederick. Lady Ashleigh. Prince Charles and Alice Arran. Sir Bernard Gaston. Stan field hall. AVoman and her master. SMITH, Julie P. (Ghristabel Goldsmith.) Brazen gates. Cliris and Otho. The married belle. Ten old maids. W^idow Goldsmith's daughter. The widower. SMITH, Richard Penn. Actress of Padua. The forsaken. SMITH, Seba. (Maj. Jack Doioning.) Maj. Jack Downing's letters. My thirty years out of the senate. Way down east. SMITH, William. Thorndale. SMOKE. L S. Tursenef. SMOLLETT. 97 SPENDTHRIFT. SMOLLETT, Tobias (George.) Ferdinand, count Fathom. Humphrey Clinker. Peregrine Pickle. Roderick Random. Sir Launcelot Greaves. SMUGGLER, The. G. P. R. James. SMUGGLER'S leap, The. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 10. SMYTHIES, Mrs. Gordon. Warning to wives. SNAPT gold ring, A. F. Wedmore. SNARLEYOW. F. Marryat. SNOW image. The. N. Hawthorne. SNOW man, The. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. SNOWING up of Strath Lugas. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 13. SO fair, yet false. E. Vachette. SO runs the world away. A. C. Steele. SOAVE, F. Novels. In Eoscoe's Italian novelists, v. 4. SOCIAL life in Sydney. I. Massary. SOCIETY. SOLDIER boy, The. W. T. Adams. SOLDIER of fortune. The. H. Curling. SOLDIER of Lyons, The. C. G. F. Gore. SOLDIER'S bride. J. Hall. SOLDIER'S return, The. A.Opie. Works, v.l. SOLITAIRE, pseud. See Robb, J. S. SOLITARY, The. F. Bremer. SOLITARY of .luan Fernandez, The. (J.) X. Bonifice, called Saintine. SOLOMON Seesaw. ,T. P. Robertson. SOME women's hearts. L. C. Moulton. SOMEBODY'S luggage. C. (J. H.) Dickens. SOMETHING for everybody. R. Carlton. SOMETHING to do. SOMMERS, Jane R., pseud. See Jones, C. SON of a genius. B. Hofland. SON of the organ grinder. The. M.S.Schwartz. SON of the soil, A. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. SOONER or later. (C.) S. Brooks. SOPRANO, The. C. (F.) Barnard, Jr. SOPtROWS of gentility. G. E. Jewsbury. SORPvOWS of Werter. J. W. von Goethe. SORTIES from 'Gib." E. D. Fenton. SOULE, (Melchior) Frederic. Mysteries of the heaths. SOUTH Sea bubble, The. W. H. Ainsworth. SOUTH-WEST. SOUTHERN and south-western sketches. SOUTHEY, Caroline Anne. Devereux hall. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 2. 13 SOUTHEY, Caroline Anne. — Coutimied. The early called. La petite Madelaine. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 3. SOUTHWARD ho ! AV. G. Simms. SOUTHWOLD. L. D. Umstead. SOUTH WORTH, Emma D. E. N. The broken engagement. The curse of Clifton. The deserted wife. The discarded daughter. Fair play. The fatal marriage. The gipsy's prophecy. The haunted homestead. How he won her. India. The inebriate's hut. The lady of the isle. The lost heiress. ' Love's labor won. The missing bride. Mother-in-law. Old neighborhoods and new settlements. Retribution. Shannondale. The two sisters. Virginia and Magdalene. Vivia.. The wife's victory. SOUVESTRE, Emile. The attic philosopher. Brittany and La Vendee. Tales. The flower tjarden. The lake shore. Leaves from a fomily journal. Norva. SOWERS reward. The. A. Manning. (?) SOWING the wind. E. L. Linton. SOZZINI, A. Novels. In Koscoe"s Italian novelists, v. 2. SPAEWIFE, The. J. Gait. SPANIARD, Tiie. M. Rymer, SPANISH barber. The. A. Manning. SPANISH brothers. The. SPANISH match. The. W. H. Ainsworth. SPARING to spend. T. S. Arthur. SPARROWGRASS papers. The. F.S.Cozzens. SPEIGHT, T. W. Under lock and key. SPENCER, Edmond. The prophet of the Cau- casus. SPENDTHRIFT, The. W. H. Ainsworth. SPHINX, 98 STICKKEV, SPHINX. The. C. R. Bayoys. R. H. Moncriefl". STORIES and legends for children. S. J. Liijpincott. STORIES and tales. H. C. Andersen. STORIES explanatory of the church catechism. M. M. Sherwood. STORIES for my children. E. H. K. Hugessen. STORIES for tlie home circle. STORIES for the household. H. C. Andersen. STORIES from Blackwood. STORIES from history. A. Strickland. STORIES from my attic. H. E. Scudder. STORIES from old English poetry. A. S. Richardson. STORIES of a bride. STORIES of English and foreign life. M. and W. Howitt. STORIES of Frencli school life. R. H. Mon- criefl". STORIES of pcliool life. R. H. Moncrieff. STORIES of the American revolution. STORIES of the Isle of Wight. E. MacAUan. STORIES of travels in Turkey. STORIES of two rel)ellions in Scotland. A. D. Fillan. STORIES of Waterloo. W. H. Maxwell. STORM. I. Immen-See. STORMCLIFF. M. T. Walworth. STORMY life, A. Lodi/ G. (L. G.) Fnllerton. STORY. James P. Glioisy. STORY, Sydney A.. Jr., pmid. See Pike,F.W.A. STORY book. H. C. Andersen. STORY book. T. S. Arthur. STOliY Lizzie told, Tlie. E. Prentis.-:. STORY of a bad boy. The. T. B. Aidrich. STORY of afamdy. STORY of a featlier. D. -Jerrold. STORY ot a millionnaire. C. (M.) Mnndt. STORY of a i)easant. The. E. Erckiuann and A. Chati'ian. STORY of a jjocket bible. STORY of a s^hower, A. A. H. Drury. STORY of Elizabeth, The. A. I. Thackeray. STORY of Kennett, The. (.1.) B. Taylor. STORY of La Roche. H. Mackenzie. STORY of Martha Guinnis and lier son. C. Crowe, lu Johnstoue, Kdiiiburg talcs, v. i. STORY of Sibylle, Tlie. O. Feuillet. STORY of Waldermar Krone's youtli, The. H. F. Ewald. STORY with a vengeance. A. B. Reach and (C.j S. Brooks. STORY without a name. G. P. R. James. STORY without a tail, A. In Tales from Blackv.'ood. v. 'i. STORY without an end. A. B. Alcott. STORY teller, The. R. BelL STOWE, Harriet (E.) Beecher. Agnes of Sorrento. Dred. Little foxes. The May flower. The minister's wooing. My wife and I. Oldtown lireside stories. Oldtown folks. The pearl ol Orr's island. Pink and white tyranny. Uncle Tom's cabin, and others. Six of one by half dozen of the other. STRANDED ship. A. L. ('. Davi.'^. STRANGE adventures of Captain Dangerous. G. A. Sala. STRANGE adventures of a i)haeron. The. AV. Black. STRANGE familv, \. r. ibnvard. STEANGE. 100 SWEET. STRANGE story, A. E. (G. E.) L. Bulwer- Lytton. STRANGERS and pilgrims. M. E. Brad don. STRAPAROLA, G. F. Novels. In Roscoe's Italian uoveliets, v. 3. STRATHERN. M. Gardiner. STRATHMORE. L. de la Rame. STRATTON Hill. STRAY subjects. F. A. Durivage and G. P. Burnliam. STREAKS of squatter life. J. S. Robb. STRETTON, Hesha, pseud. See Smith,Hannali. STRETTON, Julia. A book of heroines. Lords and ladies. Margaret and her bridesmaids. Mr. and Mrs. Asheton. The Peniberton family. The queen of the county. The rector's wife. Three wives. STRETTON. H. Kingsley. STRICKLAND, Agnes. Alda, the British captive. Don Froilla and his ten daughters. Pilgrims of Walsingham. Stories from history. Tales and stories from history. STRIFE. E. D. Wallace. STRIFE and peace. F. Bremer. STRING of pearls. G. P. R. James. STRUGGLE for existence. The. R. K. B. von Bayer. STRUGGLE for life. The. L. P. Hale. STRUGGLE in Ferrara,The. AV. Gilbert. STRUGGLES of Brown, Jones and Robinson. A. Troll ope. STRUTT, Elizabeth. Chances and changes. The curate and the rector. STRUTT, Joseph. Queenhoo hall. STUART of Dunleath. C. (E. S.) Norton. STUBB'S calendar. W. M. Thackeray. STUDENTS of Paris. A.Smith. STUDIES ibr stories. J. Ingelow. STUDIES from life. D. (M.) M. Craik. STURMER. I. Romer. STUYVESANT. J. Abbott. SUBALTERN'S log-book. SUE, Eugene, pseiaL See Sue, M. J. SUE, Marie Joseph, (called Eugene Sue.) Arthur. Colonel de Surville. The commander of Malta. De Rohan. The godolphin Arabian. Hotel Lambert. Martin, the foundling, Matilda. The mysteries of Paris. Paula Monti. Seven cai:)ital sins; Pride, or the duchess. The temptation. The wandering jew. SUMMER drift-wood for the winter fire. R. Porter. SUMMER in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. A. D. T. Whitney. SUMMER stories of the south. T. A. Richards. SUMMERFIELD, Charles, pseud. See Arring- ton, W. A. SUMMER land. SUMMER'S romance, A. M. Healy. SUMMERTON, Winter. Will he find her ? SUNBEAM stories. M. A. Mackarness. SUNBEAMS and shadows, and birds and blossoms. G. A. (H.) McLeod. SUNNY shores. W. T. Adams. SUNNY south, The. J. H. Ingraham. SUNNYBANK. M. V. (H.) Terhune. SUNSHINE. H. B. McKeever. SUNSHINE and clouds. A. Bowman. ,SURGEON'S daughter. The. Sh- W. Scott. SURR, T. S. George Barnwell. Winter in London. SURRY of Eagle's Nest. J. E. Cooke. SURTEES, R. Scott. Jorricks, jaunts and jollities. Mr. Facey Romford's hounds. Mr. Sponge's sporting tour. SURVEYOR'S tale, The.' W. E. Aytoiin. In Tales from Blackwood, v. S. SUSAN Fielding. A. Edwardes. SUSAN Hopley. C. Crowe. SUT Lovingood's yarns. G. W. Harris. SUTHERLANDS, The. M. (C.) Harris. SWALLOW t.arn. J. P. Kennedy. SWEAT, Margaret Jane Mussey. Ethel's love life. SWEDES in Prague, The. C. Pichler. SWEET seventeen. A. Locker. SWEETHEAETS. 101 TALES. SWEETHEARTS and wives. T. S. Arthur. SWELL life at sea. J. W. Gould. SWIFT, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels. SWISS family Robinson. J. R. von Wyss and L J. P. P. de B. Montolieu. SWISS heiress, The. Mrs. S. D. Morgan. SWORD and the distafl'. W. G. Simms. SWORD and gown. G. A. Lawrence. SYBARIS and other homes. E. E. Hale. SYBIL. B. DTsraeli. SYBIL Leiinard. Mrs. E. C. Grey. SYBIL'S second love. J. Ivavanagh. SYDENHAM. M. Mussey. SYDNEY Clifton. T. S. Fay. SYDNIE Adriance. A. M. Douglas. SYKES, Olive Logan. (Chroniqueuse.) Chateau Frissac. The good Mr. Bagglethorpe. They met by chance. SYLVAN Holt's daughter. H. Parr. SYLVANDIRE. A. (D.) Dumas. SYLVESTER Sound. H. Cockton. SYLVESTRES, The. M. B. Edwards. SYLVIA'S choice. G. M. Craik. SYLVIA'S lovers. E. C. Gaskell. SYLVIA'S world. Mrs. H. King. SYMZONIA. A. Seaborn. TAINSH, E. C. One maiden only. TAKEN at the flood. M. E. Braddon. TAKEN upon trust. By the author of Recom- mended to mercy. TAKING the Bastile. A. (D.) Dumas. TALBA. A. E. Bray. TALBOT, Frederick. Through fire and water. TALBOT and Vernon. J. L. McConnel. TALBOT Harland. W. H. Ainsworth. TALE of trials, A. A. Opie. Works, v. 2. TALE of two cities, A. C. (J. H.) Dickens. TALES : C. Gilman. C. de La Motte Fouque. J. K. A. Musaeus. E. A. Poe. J. P. (F.) Richter. J. Sterling. L. Tieck. (J.) H. (D.) Zschokke. TALES and confessions. L. Ritchie. TALES and fairy stories. H. C. Andersen. TALES and sketches. H. Miller. TALES and sketches. W. L. Stone. TALES and sketches by a country schoolmaster. W. Leggett. TALES and sketches of christian life. E. Charles. TALES and souvenirs of a residence in Europe. Mrs. W. C. Rives. TALES and stories from history. A. Strickland. TALES and st(jries of the Irish peasantry. W. Carleton. TALES and traditions. TALES and traditions of Hungary. T. Pulszky. TALES by the modern novelists of France. TALES for Christmas eve. R. Broughton. TALES for mothers. J. N. Bouilly. TALES for the marines. H. A. Wise. TALES for the paih)ur. TALES from Blackwood. 12 v. Contents : Adventures in Texas, v. 5. Adventures in the north-west territory, v.9.' Antonio di Carara. v. 10. Aytoun, W- E. The Glenmutchin rail- way, v. 1. How I became a yeoman, v. 2. How I stood for the Dreepdaily Burghs. V. 4. How we got possession of the Tuileries. V. 5. The emerald studs, v. 6. The surveyor's tale. v. 8. Bazancourt S. de. Countess d'Arbouville. The village doctor, v. 5. The beauty draught, v. 9. The boxes, v. 8. The bridegroom of Barna. v. 12. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E.) L. The haunt- ers and the haunted, v. 10. College theatricals, v. 2. Colonna the painter, v. 1. Doubleday, T. The murderer's last night. V. 7. Tlie duellists, v. 10. The duke's dilemma, v. 4. Edwards, C. Di Vasari, a tale of Florence. V. 8. The fetal repast, v. 10. Faustus and queen Elizabeth, v. 2. Fergusson, S. Father Tom and the j^ope V. 3. Few words on social philosophy, v. 12. The first and last crime, v. 11. The first and last kiss. v. 10. The floating beacon, v. 1. TALES. 102 TALISMAN, TALES fi om BlackwoDcl. — Continued. 'I'lie F.orida pirnte. v. 9. The Forrest-race romance, v. 8. Gait, J. The wearj'ful woman, v. 3. Hamlcy, E. B. Laz^iro's legacy, v. 2. A legend of Giliraltar. v. 1. Harclmin,F. Christine: a dutch story, v. G. My English acquaintance, v. 7. My hiend the dutchman. v. 0. Harry Bolton's curacy, v. 9. The headsman, a tale of doom. v. 3. Hogg, J. A singular letter irom southern Ali-ica. V. 5. Hughes, J. Magic lay of the one horse shay. V. 4. The involuntary experimentalist, v. 12. John Rmtoul. v. 11. Lebrau's lawsuit, v. 12. Lockhart, J. G. Capt. Paten's lament, v. 1. Napoleon, v. 1. Maginn, W. Bob Burke s duel with ensign Brady, v. 3. Macnish, R. The metempsycliosis. v. 2. Major Kose. v. 11. The man in the bell. v. 6. Mudiord, W. First and last. v. 4. The iron shroud, v. 1. My college friends : Charles Russell, v. 4. Horace Leicester, v. 6. Mr. W. Wellington Hurst v. 6. The Natolian story-teller, v. 11. The old gentleman's teetotum : "Woe to us when we lose the watery wall." v. 4. The pandour and his princess, v. 0. The premier and his wife. v. 11. A reading party in the long vacation, v. 3. Rosaura, a tale of Madrid, v. 9. Sigismund Fatello. v. 8. The smuggler's leaf. v. 10. The snowing-up of Strath Lugas. v. 12. Southey, C. A. Devereu.v hall. v. 2. La petite Madelaine. v. 3. A story without a tail. v. 2. Tickler among the thieves, v. 12. Vanderdecken's message liome. v. 1. The vision of Cagliostro. v. 10. The wags. v. 7. The wet wooing, v. 7. ' Zschokke (J.) H. (D.) Narration of certaio uncommon things that did formerly happen tome. Herbert Will is. B.D. v.7. TALES from real life. T. S. Arthur. ♦ TALES from Shakespi are. C. and M. Lamb. TALES from the German. Translated by N. Greene. TALES from the German. Translated by J. Oxenford and C. A. Felling. TALES from the operas. G. F. Pardon. TALES illustrative of tlie five senses. G. Griffin. TALES of a traveller. W. Irving. TALES of an American landlord. TALES of Alabama. .J. J. Hooper. TALES of all countries. A. Trollope. TALES of xirdennes. H. D. Inglis. TALES of every day life in Sweden. F. Bremer. TALES of fashion and reality. C. F. and H. M. Beauclerk. TALES of female heroism. TALES of Flemish life. H. Conscience. TALES of Flanders. H. Conscience. TALES of Glauber spa. C. M. Sedgwick, W. C. Bryant and others. TALES of illustrious men. TALES of military Hie. G. R. Gieig. TALES of old Japan. A. B. Mitford. TALES of old travel. H. Kingsley. TALES of our neighborhood. M. R. Mitford. TALES of real life. A. Opie. TALES of terror. H. St. Clair. TALES of travellers. M. Hack. TALES of woman's trials. A. M. Hall. TALES of the borders. J. M. Wilson. TALES of the caravanserai. J. B. Eraser. TALES of the castle. F. S. D. St. A. de Genlis. TALES of the colonies. C. Rowcroft. TALES of the day. T. H. Carter. TALES of the drama. Mm E. W. Macauley. TALES of the early ages. H. Smith. TALES of the eastern land. A. L. Grimm. TALES of the geuii. J. Ridley. TALES of the great St. Bernard. G. Croly. TALES of the grotesque and the arabesque. E. A. Poe. TALES o{ the ocean. J. S. Sleeper. TALES of the peerage and the peasantry. B. Brand, Lady Dacre. TALES of the town. H. W. Bellairs. TALES of the tripod. T. Watkins. TALES of the wars of Montrose. J. Hogg. TALES of the west. TALES, romances and extravaganzas. T. Hood. TALISMAN, The. Sir W. Scott. TALLANTS. 10: '» TIIACKEKAY. TALLANTS of Barton. The. J. H: it ton. TEMPLETON, Timothy, pseud. See Adams, C. TALMON, Thrace, psevd. TEMPTATION. T. S. Arthur. See Putnam, Mrs. E. T. H. TEMPTATION, The. M. J. Sue. TALVI, pseud. See Robinson, T. A. L. (V. J.) TEN nights in a bar-room. T. S. Arthur. TANC'RED. B. D'Israeli. TEN old maids. J. P. Smith. TANGLED skein, A. A. Fonblanq ue, Jr. TEN thousand a year. S. Warren. TANGLETOWN letters. TEN times one is ten. E. E. Hale. TANGLEWOOD tales. N. Hawthorne. TEN years of a life time. M. Hosmer. TAPESTRIED chamber, The. Sir W. Scott. TENANT house, The. A. J. H. Duganne. TARBOR, Eliza. TENANT ofWildfell hall. A.Bronte. Ashton Royal. TENANTS of Malory, The. J. S. Le Fanu. The l)lue ribbon. TENNEY, Tabitha. Female quixotism. Hagar. TENZAS, Madison, M. D.^pseud. See Robb,J.S. Hester's sacrifice. TERHUNE, Mary Virginia (Hawes.) {Marion .Fanita's cross. IlarJand.) Jeanie's cjuiet life. Alone. Meta's liiith. At last. Nine years old. Colonel Floyd's wards. St. Olave's. The hidden path. When I was a little girl. Husbands and homes. TASSO and Leonora. A. Manning. Husks. TATEM, M. H., pseud. See Hazlett, Helen. Jessamine. TAUTPHOEUS, I. (Montgomery) von. Miriam. At odds. Moss-side. Cyrilla. Nemesis. The initials. Phemie's temptation. Quits. Ruby's husband. TAYLER, Charles B. Sunnybank. Facts in a clergyman's life. True as steel. Lady Mary. TERRIBLE temptation, A. C. Reade. Legends and records. TERRIFIC register. The. Margaret. TESTED. C. E. Gardner. Mark Wilton. TEVERINO. A. L. A. D. Dndevant. May you like it. THACKERAY, Anne Isabella. Truth. Writings. Contents: TAYLOR, (James) Bayard. Beauty and the iieast. Beauty and the beast. Chirp'iig crickets. Hannah Thurston. Cinderella. John Godfrey's fortunes. A city of refuge. Joseph and his friend. Courtyard of the Ours d"Or. The story of Kennett. End of a long day's work. TEFFT, Benjamin F. The shouldei ki lOt. From an island. TEKEL. H. A. Bragg. Heroines and their grand-mothers. TELEMACHUS. F. (de S. de La M .) Fenelon. Jack the giant killer. TEMME, J. D. H. Anna Hammer. Little Red Hiding hood. TEMPER. F. M. Church. Little scholars. TEMPER. A. Opie. Works, v. 3. Making merry. TEMPER and temperament. S. S. Ell is. Moretti's CamiJanula. TEMPERANCE tales. T. S. Arthur. Old Kensington. TEMPEST and sunshine. M. J. He )lm es. Out of the silence. TEMPEST tossed. T. Tilton. Out ot the world. TEMPLE house. E. D. Stoddard. A sad hour. THACKERAY, 104 THORNBURY. THACKERAY, Anne Isnhella..— Continued. The sleeping beauty in the wood. Sola. Story of Elizaljeth. To Esther. Toilers and sjiinsters. Two ladies — two hours. The village on the cliff. THACKERAY, William Makepeace. Adventures of Philip. The Bedford-row conspiracy. Book of snobs. Character sketches. The chronicle of the drum. Comic tales and sketches. Denis Duval. Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq. Doctor Birch and his young friends. The fat contributor. The Fitzboodle papers. The great Hoggarty diamond. Henry Esmond. History of Samuel Titmarsh. Irish sketch book. The Kickleburys on the Rhine. Legends of the Rhine. Life of Major Gahagan. A little dinner at Timmins's. Lovel, the widower. The luck of Barry Lyndon. Memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush. Men's wives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berry. Mr. Brown's letters to a young man about town. The Newcomes. Novels by eminent hands. Our street. The Paris sketch book. Pendennis. The professor. Punch's prize novelists. Rebecca and Rowena. The rose and the ring. A shabby genteel story. In Good stories, v. 4. Sketches and travels in London. Stubbs' calendar. Vanity fair. The Virginians. THADDEUS of Warsaw. J. Porter. THALATTA. THAT boy of Norcott's. C. (J.) Lever. THAYER, William. The bobbin boy.' THEIR wedding journey. W. D. Howells. THEO Leigh. ■ A. T. Cudlip. THEODOSIUS and Constantia. J. Langhorne. THERESE Dunoyer. THEY met by chance. O. L. Sykes. THIEF in the night. The. H. (E.) P. Spofford. THINE and mine. F. Neale. THINGS by their right names. A. L. Barbauld. THINKING bayonet. The. J. K. Hosmer. THINKS-I-TO-MYSELF. E. Nares. THIODOLF. F. (H. C.) de La Motte Fouque. THIRTY'' years since. G. P. R. James. THIS, that and the other. E. L. Chandler. THOM White, Mr. psevd. See Elliot, C. W. THOMAS of Swarraton, armiger, ^sew^. The noble traytour. THOMAS, Caroline. Farmingdale. THOMAS, Frederick William. Clinton Bradshaw. Howard Pinckney. East and west. THOMAS, M. Life's lesson. THOMES, William H. The bushrangers. The gold hunters in Europe. Life in Australia. Life in the East Indies. A slaver's adventures. A whaleman's adventures in the Sandwich islands. THOMPSON, C. M. Hawthorndean. THOMPSON, Daniel Pierce. Centeola. Gaut Gurley. The Green Mountain boys. THOMPSON, Mortimer S. (Q. K. Philander Doesticks, P. B.) The elephant club. The witches of NeM' York. THOMPSON, W. T. Major Jones' courtshijj. Major Jones' scenes in Georgia. THOMS, William John. Early English prose romances. THOMSON, John Cockburn. {Philip Wharton.) Heart or head, THORESEN, Magdalene. Signe's history. THORNBURY, (George) Walter. Ice bound. The vicar's courtship. THORN DALE. m TOM. THORNDALE. W. Smith. THORPE, Kamba, psettd. See Bellamy, E. W. THORPE, Benjamin. Yule-tide stories. THORPE, Thomas Bangs. Master's house. Mysteries of the backwoods. THORPE. W. Mountford. . THORl'E Regis. F. M. Peard. THOUSAND and one phantoms. A.(D.)Dumas. THOUGHTS on bores. M. Edgeworth. THRACE Talmon, pseud. See Putnam, Mrs. E. T. H. THREE Bernices, The. A. M. Bright. THREE brides, The. F. A. Durivage. THREE brothers, The. M. (O. W.) Oliphant. THREE clerks, The. A. TroUope. THREE courses and a dessert. G. Cruikshank. THREE eras in a woman's life. T. S. Arthur. THREE eras of woman's life. E. E. Smith. THREE generations. S. A. Emery. THREE guardsmen, The. A. (D.) Dumas. THREE histories. M. J. Fletciier. THREE hundred a year. jlf^-s.H.W.Clietwynd. THREE lieutenants, Tlie. W. H. G. Kingston. THREE little spades. A. B. Warner. THREE Louisas, The. H. S. Edwards. THREE marriages. J. Hubback. THREE months under the snow. J.J.Porchat. THRKE nights in a life time. THIiEE of a trade. F. .J. O'Brien. In (ifood !»tories, v. 3. THREE pines. The. J. Abbott. THREE sisters and three f)rtunes. G.H.Lewes. THREE Spaniards, Tlie. G. Walker. THREE strong men. A. (D.) Dumas. THREE successful girls. J. Crouch. THREE tales. S. de Bazancourt, coM?i^ess d'Ar- l)ouville. THREE tales. W. Hauff. THREE times dead. M. E. Braddon. THREE weddings. By author of Still waters. THREE wise men of Gotham. J.K.Paulding. THREE wives. J. Stretton. THREE years in a man trap. T. S. Arthur. THRILLING stories of the forest and frontier. THRILLING tales and passages from celebra- ted autliors. THRONE of David, The. J. H. Ingraham. THROUGH fire and water. F. Talbot. THROUGH night to light. K. Gutzkow. THROUGH night to light. F. Spielhagen. THROUGH the looking glass. C. L. Dodgson. 14 THROWN together. F. Montgomery. THWARTED. F. Montgomery. THYNNE, Lady Charles. Adventures of Mrs. Hardcastle. Colonel Fortesque's daughter. Off the line. TICKLER among the thieves. lu Talea from Blackwood, v. 12. TICONDEROGA. G. P. R. James. TIECK, Ludwig. The elves. lu Johnetoue. Edinburg tales, v. 1. The Roman matron. Tales. TIES of kindred. The. O. Wynn. TIFFANY, Osmond. Brandon. TIGER hunter. M. Reid. TIGER lilies. S. Lanier. TIGHE Lyfford. TILBURY Nogo. G. J. W. Melville. TILTON, Theodore. Tempest tossed. TIMBS, John. Ancestral stories. TIME and tide. A. S. Roe. TIME the avenger. A. C. Marsh. TIMOTHY Templeton, pseud. See Adams, C. TIN trumpet. H. Smith. TIRED of housekeeping. T. S. Arthur. TIT for tat. TITAN. J. P. (F.) Ricliter. TITLE hunting. E. L. Llewellyn. TO be, or not to be. H. C. Andersen. TO DAY. R. B. Kimball. TO Esther. A. L Thackeray. TO love and to be loved. A. S. Roe. TO-MORROW. M. Edgeworth. TO the bitter end. M. E. Braddon. TOBIAS Wilson. J. Clemens. TOGETHER. L. M. M. TOILERS and spinsters. A. I. Thackeray. TOILERS of the sea. The. V. (M.) Hugo. TOILING and hoping. J. Marsh. TOINETTE. H. Churton. TOKEAH. K. Postel. TOLD in the twilight. S. Daryl. TOLLA. E. (F. Y.) About. TOM Brown at Oxford. T. Hughes. TOM Brown's school days. T. Hughes. TOM Burke of "Ours." C. (J.) Lever. TOM Chips. J. E. Diekenga and T. M. Ash- worth. TOM Cringle's log. M. Scott. TOM Crosbie and his friends. S. Lover. TOM. 106 TKOLLOPE. TOM Jones. H. Fielding. TOM Pippin's wedding. H. W. Pullen. TOM Racquet and his three maiden aunts. TOMMIEBERG shootings, The. T. Jeans. TONE masters. C. (F.) Barnard, Jr. Bach and Beethoven. Handel and Haydn. Mozart and Mendelssohn. TONNA, Charlotte Elizabeth. {Charlotte Eliza- heth.) Helen Fleetwood. TONY Butler. C. (J.) Lever. TOO good for him. P. M. Church. TOO much alone. J. H. Riddell. TOO soon. K. S. Macquoid. TOO strange not to be true. Lady G. (L. G.) Fullerton. TOO true. TOORGENEF. See Turgenef. TOPELIUS, Z. Gustave Adolf. TOPFFER, Rudolph. .Julius My uncle's library. Rosa and Gertrude. TOPSAIL sheet blocks. M. H. Barker. TORCH light. The. H. A. Olcott. TOSSED on the waves. E. Hodder. TOTEMWELL. G. Payson. TOTTENHAM, G. L. Charlie Villars at Cam- bridge. TOUGH yarns. M. H. Barker. TOUR of the world in eighty days. .T. Verne. TOWER liill. W. H. Ainsworth. TOWER of Helvin. A. G. Keratry. TOWER of London, The. W. H. Ainsworth. TOWN and forest. A. Manning. TOWNSEND, Virginia Frances. Janet Strong. Living and loving. The mills of Tuxbury. Only girls. Six in all. While it was morning. TRADING. S. Warner. TRADITIONS. TRADITIONARY stories and legendary illus- trations. A. Picken. TRAFTON, Adeline. Katherine Earle. TRAIL hunters, The. G. Aimard. TRAITS and stories of the Irish peasantry. W. Carleton. TRAITS and traditions of Portugal. J.Pardoe. TRAITS of American humor. T. C. Haliburton. TRAMMELL, W. D. C^a Ira. TRAPPER'S bride. TRAPPER'S daughter, The. G. Aimard. TRAVELLING bachelor, The. J. F. Cooper. TRAVELS of monsieur Violet. F. Marryat. TREASON at home. R. S. Greenough. TREASURE of the seas. J. Do Mille. TREASURE trove. S. Lover. TRELAWNY, Capt. E. J. Adventures of a younger son. TREMAINE. R. P. Ward. TREMENHERE. A. M. Maillard. TRENCH, W. Stewart. Irene. TRESSILIAN and his friends. R. S. Mackenzie. TREVELYAN. Ladi/ C. L. Scotl. TREVLYN hold. E. P. Wood. TRIAL, The. C. M. Yonge. TRIALS of an American housekeej^er. TRIALS of the heart. A. E. Bray. TRIALS of life. Mrs. E. C. Grey. TRIALS of Margaret Lyndsay. J. Wilson. TRICOTRIN. L. de la Rame. TRIFLES for the holidays. H. S. Armstrong. TRIPPINGS of Tom Pepper. C. F. Briggs. TRISTRAM Shandy. L. Steme. TRIUMPHS of time. The. A. C. Marsh. TRODDEN down. C. J. New by. TROLLOPE, Anthony. Barchester towers. The Belton estate. The Bertrams. Can you forgive her? ^ Castle Richmond. The Claverings. Doctor Thorne. The Eustace diamonds. Framley parsonage. The golden lion of Grand pere. Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. He knew he was right. The Kelleys and the O'Kellys. Lady Anna. The last chronicle of Barset. Lotta Schmidt. The Macdermots of Bally cloran. Miss Mackenzie. Orley form. Phineas Finn. Phineas Redux. Rachel Ray. Ralph, the heir. TROLLOPE. 107 TWISTED. TROLLOPE, Anthony.— Conti7iued. Sir Harry Hotspur of Humblethwaite. The small house at Allinsrton. Struggles of Brown Jones and Robinson. Tales of all countries. The three clerks. The vicar of Bullhampton. The warden. TROLLOPE, Frances. The abbess. Michael Armstrong. Mrs. Mathews. Petticoat government. Refugee in America. Romance of Vienna. The ward. TROLLOPE, Thomas Adolphus. Artingdale castle. Beppo. Diamond cut diamond. Dream numbers. Durnton abbey. The Garstangs of Garstang grange. Gemma. Giulio Malatesta. La Beata. Leonora Casoloni. Lindisfarn chase. Marietta. A siren. TROLLOPE, Mrs. T. A. Anne Furness. Aunt Margaret's trouble. Mabel's progress. The sacristan's household. Veronica. TROWBRIDGE, John Townsend. (Paul Crey- ton.) Doing his best. Father Brighthopes. Jack Hazard and his fortunes. Lucy Arlyn. Neighbor .lackwood. Neighbor's wives. The old battle ground. TRUE as steel. M. V. (H.) Terhune. TRUE story of Mrs. Shakespeare's life. TRUE to herself F. W. Robiason. TRUE to him forever. F. W. R. TRUE to the last. A. S. Roe. TRUE love. Lady D. De V. Beauclerk. TRUE stories. N. Hawthorne. TRUE womanhood. J. Neal. TRUEBA-Y-COSIA, Telesforo de. The Castilian. The Incognita. The romance of history. Spain. Salvador, the guerilla. TRUMPS. G. W. Curtis. TRUTH. C. B. Tayler. TRUTH and fancy. . M. J. Windle. TUCKER. Beverley. George Balcombe. The partisan leader. TUCKER, Charlotte. {A. L. 0. E.) E.xiles in Babylon. Idols in the heart. A lady of Provence. Pride and its prisoners. Rescued from Egypt. TUGG'S at Ramsgate, The. C. (J. H.) Dickens . TUPPER, Martin Farquhar. Crock of gold. The twins and heart. TURF, The. TURGENEF, Ivan Sergievitch. Dimitri Roudine. Father and sons. Liza. On the eve. Smoke. Spring floods and a Lear of the steppe. TURKISH evening entertainments. Ahmed Ibn Hemden. TURNBULL, C. The Lawrences. TUTHILL, Louisa Caroline. The mirror of life. Reality. TUTOR'S ward. TUTTI-FRUTTI. H. (L. H.) von Piickler- Muskau. TWAIN, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. TWENTY thousand leagues under the seas. J. Verne. TWENTY years after. TWENTY years ago. Craik. TWICE crowned. H. B. McKeever. TWICE lost. M. B. Smedley. TWICE married. C. W. Philleo. TWICE told tales. N. Hawthorne. TWINS and heart. The. M. F. Tupper, TWIN roses. A. C. (M.) Ritchie. TWISTED threads. M. D. Nauman. A. (D.) Dumas. Edited by D. (M.) M. TWO. 108 VALENTINE. TWO admirals, The. .T. F. Cooijer. TWO apprentices. M. Howitt. TWO aristocracies, Tlie. C. G. F. Gore. TWO baronesses. The. H. C. Andersen. TWO brothers. Lady E. (C. M.) Ponsonby. TWO convicts, Tlie. F. Gerstacker. TWO Dianas, The. A. (D.) Dumas. TWO drovers. Sir ^Y. Scott. TWO families. Lady C. L. Scott. TWO family mothers. The. M. S. Schwartz. TWO flirts. M. Gardiner. TWO fold life, A. W. von Hillern. TWO French marriages. C. Jenkin. TWO friends. The. M. Gardiner. TWO frigates, The. G. Cupples. TWO guardians. The. C. M. Yonge. TWO hearts. Mrs. E. C. Grey. TWO hemispheres. O. Rupius. TWO homes. The. H. N. (W.) Baker. TWO ladies — two hours. A. I. Thackeray. TWO life patlis. The. C. (M.) Mundt. TWO lights. The. TWO lives in one. C. Gordon. TWO lives, or to seem and to be. M. J. Mcin- tosh. TWO marriages. D. (M.) M. Craik. TWO men. E. (D. B.) Stoddard. TWO mottoes. The. TWO old men's tales. A. C. Marsh. TWO pictures. M. J. Mcintosh. TAVO plunges for a pearl. M. Collins. TWO prima donnas, The. G. A. Sala. TWO roads, The. J. Knorr. TWO sisters, The. E. D. E. N. Southworth. TWO sons, The. A. Opie. Works, v. 3. TWO vocations. The. E. Charles. TWO ways to wedlock. Miss Sanford. TWO widows. The. A. T. Cudlip. TWO years ago. C. Kingsley. TWO years of school liie. Mme. E. de Pressense. TYLER, Moses Coit. The Braw^nville papers. TYLL Owlglass. T. Eulenspiegel. TYNLEY hall. T. Hood. TYPEE. H. Melville. TYPHAINES abbey. A. de Gobineau. TYTLER, C. C. Eraser. Jasmine Leigh. TYTLER, M. Fraser. The cousins, lu Johustoue, Ediuburg tales, v. 1. TYTLER, '&'<\rn)\, pseud. See Keddie, Miss. UGLY Effie. C. L. Hentz. ULRT^ T. S. Fav. ULRICH, I. (M. L. S.) countess Hahn-Hahn. ULMSTEAD, Lillie Devereux. Southwold. UNAWARES. F. M. Peard. UNCLAIMED. UNCLE andnei)hew,The. A. Opie. Works, v. 1. UNCLE Ben, j9sei«Z. &<; Ben, Uncle. UNCLE Horace. A. M. Hall. UNCLE John. G. J. W. Melville. UNCLE Ralph. By the author of Still waters. UNCLE Silas. J. S. Le Fanu. UNCLE Tom's cabin. H. (E.) B. Stowe. UNCOMMERCIAL traveller. The. C. (J. H.) Dickens. UNDER foot. A. Clyde. UNDER lock and key. T. Speight. UNDER the ban. Z'a&Je Deleon. UNDER the cedars. A. J. Hatch. UNDER the greenwood tree. T. Hardy. UNDER the spell. F. W. Robinson. UNDER the surface. E. M. Connelly. UNDER two flags. L. de la Rame. UNDERCURRENTS of Wall st. R.B.Kimball. UNDERWOOD, Francis Henry. Lord of himself. UNDINE. F. (H. C.) de La Motte Fouque. UNFORGIVEN. Berriedale. UNFORTUNATE man. F. Chamier. UNFORTUNATE mountain girl. L. L Pratt. UNGAVA. R. M. Ballantyne. UNINVITED, The. In Good stories, v. 2. UNKIND word. The. D. (M.) M. Craik. UNLOVED one. The. B. (W.) Hofland. UP Broadway and its sequel. N. Ames. UP the Baltic. W. T. Adams. UPLANDS and lowlands. R. Porter. UPS and downs. E. E. Hale. UPS and downs. L. Lermont. URSULA. E. M. Sewell. URSULA'S love story. USE and abuse. USE of sunshine, The. M. (B.) Smedley. UTOPIA. T. More. UTTERLY. H. Morford. VACHETTE, E. {E. Chamette.) So fair, yet false. VAGABOND heroine, A. A. Edwardes. VAGABOND life m Mexico. G. Ferry. VALE of cedars. The. G. Aguilar. VALENTIN. H. Kingsley. VALENTINE, the countess. C. Detlcf, VALENTINE. 109 VISION, VALENTINE DuvaL A. Manning. VALENTINE McClutchy. W. Carleton. VALENTINE Vox. H. Cockton. VALENTINE'S eve. A. Opie. Works, v. 2. VALERIE. F. Miirryat. VALERIE Aylmer. F. C. Fisher. VALERIUS. J. G. Lockhart. VALISNERIA. I. Pleiffer. VALMANN, Karl. Amadeus. VAN Horn, pseud. See Oertel P. F. W. VANCE, Susa S. Lois Carrol. VANDERDECKEN'S message home, lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 1. VANITY fair. W. M. Thackeray. VANQUISHED. A. Leonard. VAN Truesdale, Pheleg, pseud. Life and ad- ventures of Maj. Roger Sherman Potter. VARA. Mrs. Hornl)lo\ver. VARRA, O. Eddies round the rectory. VASCONSELOS. W. G. Simms. VASHTL A. J. (E.) Wilson. VASSALL Morton. F. Parkman. VATEK. W. Beckford. VAUGHAN. H. Cold Stream, lu Good stories, v. 1. VENETIA. B. DTsraeli. VENTILATOR of the old House of Commons. In Johnstone, Ediuburg tales, v. 3. VERA. C. Dempster. VERNE, Jules. The Baltimore gun club. Same as From the earth to the moon. Doctor Ox and other stories. Five weeks in a balloon. A floating city, and the blockade runner. From the clouds to the mountains. From the earth to the moon. The fur country. A journey to the centre of the earth. Meridiana. The mysterious island. Tour of the world in eighty days. Twenty thousand leagues under the seas. Voyage around the world in search of the castaways. VERNER'S ]iride. E. P. Wood. VERNEYS, The. C. M. Smith. VERNON grove. C. H. Glover. VERONICA. Mrs. T. A. Trollope. VERONIQUE. F. M. Church. VERRI, Alessandro. Roman nights. VERSATILITIES. R. H. Newell. VERY hard cash. C. Rcade. VERY young couple, A. VESTAL, The. T. Gray. VETERANS of Chelsea hospital. G.R. Gleig. VEVA. H. Conscience. VICAR of Bullliami)ton, The. A. Trollope. VICAR of Roost, The. F. E. Paget. VICAR of AVakefield, The. O. Goldsmith. VICAR'S courtship. The. (G.) W. Thornbury. VICAR'S daughter. The. G. Macdonald. VICISSITUDES of Bessie Fairfax. H. Parr. VICTIM of excitement. C. L. Hentz. VICTIMS of society, The. M. Gardiner. VICTOIRE. C. Ames. VICTOR Norman, rector. M. A. Denison. VICTORIA. C. Chesebro'. VICTORY Deane. C. Griffith. VICTORY of the vanquished. The. E. Charles. VIEUX Moustache, pseud. See Gordon, C. VIGNY, Alfred de. Cinq-Mars. The professional visits of le docteur Noir. In Johnstone, Ediuburg tales, v. ?. VIKRAM and the vampire. R. F. Burton. VILLA on the Rhine, The. B. Auerbach. VILLAGE belles. VILLAGE belles. A. Manning. VILLAGE doctor, T. S. Arthur. VILLAGE doctor, The. S. de Bazancourt. lu Tales from Blacliwood, v. 5. VILLAGE notary. J. Eoloos. VILLAGE on the cliff. A. I. Thackeray. VILLAGE school. The. Mrs. Perring. VILLETTE. C. Bronte. VILLOSLADA,F.N. Dona Blanca of Navarre, VINCENT, F. Sir Hubert Marston. VINCENZO. G. Ruffini. VINE and olive. W. T. Adams. VIOLA. Miss Jolly. VIOLET. VIOLET. R. F. Greeley. VIOLET. M. J. Mcintosh. VIOLET Hamilton. Mrs. Johnstone. In Johnstone, Ediuburg tales, v. 2. VIOLET Osborne. Lady E. (C. M.) Ponsonby. VIOLET Woodville. VIOLINA. F. (H. C.) de La Motte Fouque. VIRGINIA and Magdalene. E. D. E. N. Southworth. VIRGINIA comedians. The. J. E. Cooke. VIRGINIANS, The. W. M. Thackeray. VISION of Cagliostro, The. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 10. VISIONS. 110 WARNER. VISIONS, The. F. de Quevedo de Villegas. VISIT to my discontented cousin. H. W. Moncrieff. VITTORIA. G. Meredith. VIVIA. E. D. E. N. Southwoith. VIVIA. F. Wilford. VIVIAN. M. Edgeworth. VIVIAN Grey. B. DTsraeli. VIVIAN romance, The. M. Collins. VLADIMIR and Catherine. VOLCKHAUSEN, A. von. Why did he not die ? VOYAGE of Captain Popanilla, The. B. DTsraeli. VOYAGE round the world in search of the castaways. J. Verne. VULPIUS, Charles August. Rinaldo Rinaldini. W., C. S. The sisters of Soleure. WACONSTA. J. Richardson. WAGGERIES and vagaries. W. E. Burton. WAGS, The. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 7. WAILLY, (Armand Francois) Leon de. Stella and Venessa. WAITING for the verdict. R. (B.) H. Davis. WAITING race, A. E. (H.) Yates. WALDFRIED. B. Auerbach. WALKER, George. The three Spaniards. WALKING doll, The. R. H. Newell. WALL, van de. A great lady. WALLACE, E. D. Strife. WALLACE, Lew. The fair god. WALLACE. J. Abbott. WALLENCOURT. W. Piatt. WALPOLE, Horace. Castle of Otranto. WALREE, E. C. W. {Christine Midler.) The Burgomaster's family. Charlotte Ackermann. WALSINGHAM. F. Chamier. WALT and Vult. J. P. (F.) Richter. WALTER, the murderer. C. A. Bolen. WALTER Ashwood. A. Mathews. WALTER Colyton. H. Smith. WALTER Goring. A. T. Cudlip. WALTER Lorimer. E. M. Sewell. WALTER Ogilby. J. A. Kinzie. WALTER Thornley. S. L. Sedgwick. WALTHAM. G. R. Gleig. WALTHAM. L. Ritchie. WALWORTH, Mansfield Tracy. Beverley. Delaplaine. WALWORTH, Mansfield Hxac^.— Continued. Hotspur. Lulu. Stormcliff. Warwick. WANDERER, The. F. B. D'Arblay. WANDERING heir, The. C. Reade. WANDERING Jew, The. M. J. Sue. WANDERING Willie. WANDERINGS of a beauty. Mrs. E. James. WANDERINGS of a vagabond. J. Morris. WANTED : a pedigree. M. (F.) Finley. WANTED— a home. WAR. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. WAR life. M. Reid. WAR path, The. J. B. Jones. WAR trail. The. M. Reid. WAR of women. A. (D.) Dumas. WARBURTON, Eliot. Reginald Hastings. WARD, Kxtexaus, pseud. (See Browne, C. F. WARD, Catherine G. The cottage on the cliff. WARD, Mrs. Harriet. Hardy and Hunter. Jasper Lyle. WARD, James. Adolphe Renouard. WARD, Robert Plumer. Atticus. Chatsworth. De Clifford. De Vere. The enthusiasts. Fielding. Penruddock. St. Lawrence. Sterling. Tremaine. WARD, Tiie. E. TroUope. WARDEN, The. A. Trollope. W' ARE, William. Julian. Probus. Rome and the eai-ly christians. Zeiiobia. WARFIELD, Catherine Ann. Household of Bouverie. Miriam Montfbrt. Romance of Beauseincourt. WARLOCK, The. M. H. Barker. WARNER, Anna B. {Amy Lothrop.) Cas2)er. Dollars and cents. My brother's keeper. WARNEE. Ill WK.'iTMORELAND. WARNER, Anna B.— Continued. Three little spades, and Susan. Carl Krinken. Mr. Rutherford's children. Say and seal. WARNER, Susan. {Elizabeth Wetherell.) Daisy ; sequel to Melbourne house. Hills of tlie Shatemuc. The house in town. Melbourne house. The old helmet. Opportunities. Queechy. Sceptres and crowns. Trading. What she coufd. Tlie wide, wide world. Willow brook. WARP and woof. H. Parr. WARNER, Warren. Experiences of a barrister. WARNING to wives. Mrs. G. Smythies. WARREN, Mrs. E. How I managed my house on £200 a year. WARREN E. W. Nellie Norton. WARREN Samuel. Conlessions of an attorney. Diary of a late physician. The merchant's clerk. Now and then. Ton thousand a year. WARS of Wapsburgh, The. C. M. Yonge. WARWICK. M. T. Walworth. WARWICK Woodlands, The. H. W. Herbert. WAS he successful ? R. B. Kimball. WAS it a ghost ? J. A. Bennezete. (?) WAS she engaged ? WASHBURN, C. A. Gomery of Montgomery. Philip Thaxter. WASHBURN, Katherine Sedgwick. Ina. The Italian girl. WASHBURNE, W. T. Fair Harvard. WASHED ashore. W. H. G. Kingston. WATCHMAKER, The. A. (D.) Dumas. WATCHMAN, The. J. A. Maitland. WATER babies, The. C. Kingsley. WATER witch. The. J. F. Cooper. WATERDALE neighbors. The. J. McCarthy. WATERLOO. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. WATERS, T., pseitd. (?) Recollections of a po- liceman. WATKINS, Tobias. {Pertina.v Particular.) Tales of the tripod. WAU-BUN. J. A. Kinzio. WAVERLEY. Sir W. Scott. WAY down east. S. Smith. WAY of the world. The. W. T. Adams. WAY to do good. J. Abbott. WAYNE, M. W. Marguerite Kent. WAYS of the hour. J. F. Cooper. WE are all low jjeople, there. WE girls. A. D. T. Whitney. WEARITHORNE. M. C. L. Reeves. WEARYFOOT common. L. Ritchie. WEBB, Charles Henry. Liffith Lank. St. Twel'mo. The wickedest woman in New York. WEBB, Mrs. J. B. Naomi. WEBB, James Watson. Altowan. WEBBE Cornelius. Posthumous papers of a person about town. WEBBER, Charles Wilkins. Old Hicks, the guide. Spiritual vampirism. W^EDDED life in the upper ranks. WEDDING dress. The. A. (D.) Dumas. WEDMORE, F. A snapt gold ring. WEEK in a French country house. A. (K.) Sartoris. WEEK with mos'joo with a weakness for mam'selle, A. C. H. Ross. WEEKS, Helen C. Four and what they did. WEIRD of the Winrams. Mrs. Johnstone. In Johnstone, Edinbnrg tales, v. 3. WELCOME home. The. A. Opie. Works, v. 2. WELD, Horatio Hastings. Jonce Smiley. WELTY, Mrs. E. A. Self-made. WENDERHOLME. P. G. Hamerton. WENSLEY. E. Quincy. WENTZ, Sara A. Smiles and frowns. WEPT of Wish ton-wish, The. J. F. Cooper WERNER, E. At the altar. Good luck. WEST Lawn. Mrs. M. J. Holmes. WESTBROOK parsonage. H. B. McKeever. WESTMINSTER abbey. J. Robinson. WESTMORELAND, Maria Jourdan. Clifford Troup. Heart hungry. WESTWARD. 112 WIELAIsD. WESTWARD ho! C. Kinjrsley. WESTWARD lio ! J. K. Paulding. WET wooinsr, The. lu Tales from Blackwood, v. 7. WETHEREL affair, The. J. W. De Forest. WHALEMAN'S adventures in the Sandwich islands. W. H. Thomes. WHARTON. George M. Portfolio of a south- ern medical student. WHARTON, Fhil]]\ pseud. See Thomson, J. C. WHAT answer ? A. E. Dickinson. WHAT came afterwards. T. S. Arthur. WHAT can she do ? E. P. Roe. WHAT I did with my fifty millions. G. W. Bagljy. WHAT I know about Ben Eccles. J. S. Holt. WHAT not. M. A. Denison. WHAT she could. S. Warner. WHAT the swallows sang. F. Spielhagen. WHAT will he do with it? E.(G.E.)L.Bulwer- Lytton. WHAT money can't do. WHAT you will. WHATELY, E. Jane. Maude. WHEAT and tares. By the same author : Late laurels. WHEN I wafe a little girl. E. Tarbor. WHERE shall he find her? WHICH is the heroine ? WHICH shall it he ? Mrs. Alexander. WHICH : the right or the wrong ? WHIGS of Scotland. WHILE it was morning. V. F. Townsend. WHIM and its consequences. G. P. R, James. WHIMS and oddities. T. Hood. WHIMS and waifs. T. Hood. WHIMSICAL woman. E. (F.) Carlen. WHIMSICALITIES. T. Hood. WHITAKER, Mary S. Albert Hastings. WHITCHER. Frances M. ( Widow Bedott.) The Widow Bedott papers. Widow Spriggins. WHITE, Babington. Circe. WHITE, Blythe, Jr.. 2}seud. See Robinson. S. WHITE, M. Agnes. Gord(m lodge. WHITE, R. E. Mary Staunton. WHITE, Richard Grant. Fall of man ; or, the loves of the gorillas. WHITE, Mr. Thom, pseud. See Elliott C. W. WHITE as snow. I. F. Mayo. WHITE chief, The. M. Reid. WHITE cockade. The. J. Grant. WHITE favour. The. H. HoU. WHITE gauntlet, The. M. Reid. WHITE jacket. H. Melville. AVHITE lies. A. Opie. Works, v. 2. WHITE lies. C. Reade. WHITE rose, The. G. J. W. Melville. WHITE slave, The. R. Hildreth. WHITE wife. The. E. Bradley. WHITE boy, The. A. M. Hall. WHITEHEAD, Emma. Pierce Falcon. WHITEHEAD, ilfz-s. Traftbrd. The Grahamea. WHITNEY, Adeline D. Train. Boys at Chequasset. Faith Gartney's girlhood. The Gayworthys. Hitherto. The other girls. Patience Strong's outings. Real folks. A summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. We girls. Zerub Throop's experiment. WHITSUNTIDE at Cedar Grove. W. W^ Sey- mour. WHITTIER, John Greenleaf. Leaves from Mar- garet Smith's journal. WHITTLESEY, E. L. The Hemlock swamp. WHITTY, Edward Michael. The Bohemians of London. Knaves and fools. WHO breaks — pays. C. Jenkin. WHO did it? WHO is to have it ? WHO shall be heir? E.Pickering. WHO would have thought it? WHOM to marry and how to get married. H. May hew. WHY did lie not die ? A. von Volckhausen. WHY Paul Ferroll killed his wife. C. Clive. WHY she refused him. WHYTE-MELVILLE G.J. See Melville, G.J.W. WICKED woods of Tobereevil. Miss Mulhol- land. WICKEDEST woman in New York, The. C. H. AVebb. WIDE, wide world. The. S. W' arner. WIDOW Bedott. pseud. See Whitcher, F. M. WIDOW Morrison. T. S. Arthur. WIDOW" Spriggins. F. M. Whitcher. WIDOWER, The. J. P. Smith. WIELAND. C. B. Brown. WIFE. 113 WINTHROP. WIFE and the ward, The. E. Money. WIFE and woman's reward. C. (E. S.) Norton. AVIFE hunter, The. D. J. Moriarty. WIFE murder. A. Dumas Ms. WIFE of a vain man. The. M. S. Schwartz. WILLIS, Nathaniel Parker. Charles Vincent. Fun jottings. , Hurrygraphs. Inklings of adventure. WIFE to order. A. F. Gerst acker. WIFE'S duty. A. A. Opie. Works, v. 3. WIFE'S evidence, The. W. G. Wills. WIFE'S messenger, Tlie. M. B. Horton. WIFE'S stratagem. The. F. Barrow. WIFE'S trials, The. J. Pardoe. WIFE'S victory. E. D. E. N. Southworth. WIGHT, Orlando W. Romance of Abelard and Heloise. AVIGWAM and the cabin. W. G. Simms. WILBRAHAM, Frances 31. For and against. WILD flower of Ravensworth. M. B. Edwards. WILD huntress. M. Reid. WILD Ireland. B. Donbavand. WILD Irish girl. The. Lad^/ (S. O.) Morgan. WILD Jack. C. L. Hentz. WILD life. M. Reid. WILD life under the equator. P. Du Chaillu. WILD love. F. (H. C.) de La Motte Fouque. WILD Northern scenes. S. H. Hammond. WILD scenes in forest and prairie. WILD Western scenes. J. B. Jones. WILD flower. WILFORD, Florence. Nigel Partram's ideal. Vivia. WILFRED Cumbermede. G. Macdonald. WILFULLNESS of woman. WILHELM Meister's api^renticeship and trav- els. J. W. von Goethe. WILKINSON, Janet W. Hands, not hearts. WILL, The. M. Edgew^orth. WILL he tiud her? W. Summerton. WILL he marry her ? J. Lang. WILL watch. W. J. Neale. WILCOX, O. S. Faca. WILLE. Elizabeth de. Johannes Olaf WILLIAM the conqueror. C. J. Napier. WILLIAM Henry and his friends. A. M. Diaz. WILLIAM Henry letters. The. A. M. Diaz. WILLIAMS, John B. Leaves from the note book of a New York detective. WILLIAMS, Robert Folkstone. The secret passion. Shakespeare and his friends. The youth of Shakesjjeare. WILLIAMSON, E. H. The Quaker partisans. 15 Paul Fane. Romance of travel. (Editor.) Legendary pieces illustrative of American history. WILLIS. The pilot. WILLOW brook. S. Warner. WILLS, W. G. Notice to quit. The wife's evidence. WILLS, William Henry. Old leaves gathered from Household Words. WILMER, J. The modern vassal. WILSON, Augusta J. (Evans.) Beulah. Inez. Macaria. St. Elmo. Vashti. WILSON, Caroline (Fry.) The listener. WILSON, James Mackay. Tales of the borders. WILSON. John. (Christopher JSforth.) Lights and shadows of Scottish life. Trials of Margaret Lyndsay. WILMINGTONS, (The.) A. C. Marsh. WIND and whirlwind. C. W. Elliott. WINDLE, 3Iary Jane. Truth and fancy. WINDSOR Castle. W. H. Ainsworth. WING-AND-WING. J. F. Cooper. WINIFRED. L. E. Guernsey. WINIFRED Bertram. E. Charles. WINIFRED'S jewels. M. A. Bird. WINIFRED'S wooing. G. M. Craik. WINKLES, The. J. B. Jones. WINNIE and L WINNING his way. C. C. Coflin. WINSCOM, Jane Anne. Onward. WINSTANLEY, Eliza. Shifting scenes in thea- trical life. WINTER evening tales. J. Hogg. WINTER fire, The. R. Porter. WINTER in London. T. S. Surr. WINTHROP, Theodore. Cecil Dreeme. Edwin Brothertoft. John Brent. Love and skates. In Good stories, v. 1. WINTHROPS. 114 WOODCLIFF. WINTHROPS, The. E. L. Biscoe. WIRT, William. The old bachelor. WISE, Henry Augustus. {Harry Oringo.) Captain Brand of the Centi^aede. Tales for the marines. WISE saws. T. C. Haliburton. WISE as a serpent. J. A. St. J. Blythe. WITCHES of New York. M. S. Thompson. WITH fate against him. A. M. Douglas. WITH the tide. S. S. Daryl. WITHIN an ace. C. Jenkin. WITHIN an inch of his life. E. Gaboriau. WITHIN the maze. E. P. Wood. WITHOUT kith or kin. G. M. Craik. WITT, Henrietta de. Marie Derville. WITT, Pauline de. Dames of high estate. A French country family. Motherless. An only sister. WIVES and daughters. E. C. Gaskell. WOLF boy of China, The. W. Dalton. WOLFERT'S Roost. W. Irving. WOMAN against woman. F. M. Church. WOMAN and her master. J. F. Smith. > WOMAN I loved and the woman who loved me, The. I. Blagden. WOMAN in spite of herself, A. J. C. Jeaffreson. WOMAN in white, The. (W.) W. Collins. WOMAN of business, The. M. W. Savage. WOMAN of the world. WOMAN our angel. A. S. Roe. WOMAN to the rescue. T. S. Arthur. WOMAN'S devotion. WOMAN'S friendship. G. Aguilar. WOMAN'S kingdom. The. D. (M.) M. Craik. WOMAN'S life. E. (F.) Carlen. WOMAN'S love. E. Phipps. WOMAN'S love. G. H. Rodwell. WOMAN'S love, A. A. Opie. Works, v. 3. WOMAN'S ransom. F. W. Robinson. WOMAN'S reward. C. (E. S.) Norton. WOMAN'S strategy. WOMAN'S vengeance, A. J. Payn. WOMAN'S trials, A. G. Ramsay. WOMAN'S whims. (J.) X. Boniface, mlled Saintine. WOMAN'S worth. WOMAN'S wrong. C. J. Eiloart. WOMEN; or chronicles of the lat^ war. M. T. Magill. WOMEN; or pour et centre. C. R. Maturin. WOMEN of Israel, The. G. Aguilar. WOMEN of New York, The. M. L. Hankins. WOMEN of the last days of old France. WON — not wooed. .J. Payn. WONDER book, A. N. Hawthorne. WONDER stories told for children. H. e. Andersen. WONDERFUL tales. H. C. Andersen. WONDERFUL woman, A. M. A. Fleming. WONDROUS strange. C. J. Newby. WONTUS. W. M. Runkel. WOOD, Ellen Price. Anne Hereford. Bessy Rane. Castle wafer. The castle's heir. The Channings. Danesbury house. Dene hollow. The earl's heirs. East Lynne. Elster's folly. The foggy night at Oflford. George Canterbury's will. Gervase Castonel. The heir to Ashley. Lady Adelaide's oath. A lilie's secret. Lord Oakburu's daughters. The lost bank note. The master of Greylands. Mildred Arkell. Mrs. Halliburton's troubles. The mystery. Orville college. Oswald Cray. The Red court farm. Roland Yorke. St. Martin's eve. The shadow of Ashlydyat. Squire Trevylyn's heir. Trevlyn hold. Verner's 23ride. Within the maze. WOOD, George. Future life. Marrying too late. Modern pilgrims. Peter Schlemihl in America. WOODBURN grange. W. Howitt. WOODCRAFT. W. G. Simms. WOODCLIFF. H. B. McKeever. WOODLEIGH. 115 YOUNG. ^VOODLEIGH. F. W. Robinson. WOOD, Leighton. M. Hewitt. WOODRANGERS, The. M. Reid. WOODSTOCK. Si?' W. Scott. WOODMAN, (Tlie.) G. P. R. James. WOODREVE manor. A. H. Dorsey. WOODVILLE, J. Left to herself. WOOING and warring in the wilderness. C. D. Kirk. WOOING o't, The. Mrs. Alexander. WORK. L. M. Alcott. WORLD of ice. The. R. M. Ballantyne. WORLD to blame. W. H. Philips. WORMELEY, (Mary) Elizabeth. Amabel. Our cousin Veronica. WORTLEBANK diary, The. H. Parr. WOVEN of many threads. C. V. Hamilton. WRAXALL, (Frederick Charles) Lascellas. Camp life. Golden hair. Only a woman. WRAYFORD'S ward. F. W. Robinson. WRECKED in port. E. (H.) Y^ates. WRIGHT, Daniel Thew. Mrs. Armington's ward. WRIGHT, Elizabeth C. Lichen tufts. WRIGHT, Henry C. A kiss for a blow. WRIGHT, Thomas, ( The journeyman engineer.) The bane of life. WURTHERING heights. A. Bronte. WYANDOTTE, J. F. Cooper. WYLDER'S hand. J. S. Le Fanu. WY'NN, Owen. The ties of kindred. WYSS, Johann Rudolph von, and Montolieu, Jeanne Isabelle Pauline Poller de Bot- tens. The Swiss family Robinson. WYVERN mystery. The. J. S. Le Fanu. Y'ACHT club. The. W. T. Adams. Y'ANKEE middy. The. W. T. Adams. YANKEE stories. T. C. Haliburton. YATES, Edmund (Hodgson.) Black sheep. Broken to harness. A dangerous game. Dr. Wainwright's patients. For better, for worse. Forlorn hope. Kissing the rod. Land at last. YATES, Edmund (Hodgson.)— Co«.imw(Z. Nobody's fortune. Running the gauntlet. A waiting race. Wrecked in port. The yellow flag. YEAR nine, The. A. Manning. YEAR after year. C. Clive. Y^EAR one of the republic. E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. YEAST. C. Kingsley. YELLOW flag. The. E. (H.) Yates. YELLOW frigate. The. J. Grant. YELLOW mask. The. (W.) W. Collins. YELLOWPLUSH papers. W. M. Thackeray. YELVERTON, Therese. Zanita. YEMASSEE, The. W. G. Simms. YONGE, Charlotte Mary. Abbey church and mystery of the cavern. Beechcroft. Ben Sylvester's Avord. The caged lion. The castle builders. The chaplet of pearls. The clever woman of the family. Countess Kate. The daisy chain. The Danvers papers. The dove in the eagle's nest. Dynevor terrace. Friarswood post office. Heartsease. The heir of Redclyffe. History of Sir Thomas Thumb. Hoi>es and fears. Kenneth. Lady Hester. The Lances of Lynwood. The little duke. New ground. P's and q's. The pillars of the house. The six cushions. The Stokesley secret. Storehouse of stories. The trial. The two gua'rdians. The wars of Wapsburgh. The young step-mother. YOUNG, Mary Julia. Moss cliflf abby. YOUNG Brown. G. Murray. YOUNG curate. The. YOUNG. 116 ZULEIKA, YOUNG duke, The. B. D'Israeli. YOUNG exiles, The. A. Bowman. YOUNG fur-traders, The. R. M. Ballaiityne. YOUNG governess. Y^OUNG husband, The. Mrs. E. C. Grey. Y'OUNG lieutenant, The. W. T. Adams. Y^OUNG marooners, The. F. R. Goulding. Y'OUNG Muscovite, The. F. Chamier. Y'OUNG naturalist, Adventures of. L. Biart. Y^OUNG patroon. P. H. Myers. YOUNG prima donna. The. Mrs. E. C. Grey. YOUNG step-mother, The. C. M. Y^onge. Y'OUNG student. (E. C. P. de M.) Guizot. Y'OUNG voyageurs. The. M. Reid. Y'OUNG yachtsman. The. A. Bowman. Y^OUNG yagers, The. M. Reid. Y'OUNGER son, Adventures of. E. J.Trelawny. Y'OUTH of the Old Dominion, The. S.Hopkins. Y'OUTH of Shakespeare, The. R. F. Williams. Y'ULE-TIDE stories. B. Thorpe. ZAIDEE. M. CO. W.) Oliphant. ZANITA. T. Yelverton. ZANONI. E. (G. E.) L. Bulwer-Lytton. ZELDA'S fortune. R. C. Francillon. ZELUCO. .J. Moore. ZENAIDA. F. Anderson. ZENOBIA. W. Ware. ZERUB Throop's experiment. A. D. T.Whitney. ZETA, pseud. Shadows of the clouds. ZILLAH. H. Smith. ZINGRA. A. M. Maillard. ZOE. G. E. -Jewsbury. ZOE. E. D. Livermore. ZOE'S brand. By author of Recommended to- mercy. ZOHRAB. J. Morier. ZSCHOKKE, (Johan) Heinrich (Daniel.) Adventures of a New Year's eve. In Good stories, v. 3. The Creole. The dead guest. Jonathan Frock. Narration of certain uncommon things that did formerly happen to me, Herbert Willis, B. D. In Tales from Blackwood, v. 7. The Princess of Brunswick — WolfenbiitteL The refugee. The rose of Disentis. ZULEIKA. YD 19604 Z7^' dJ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY