IRLF B 3 D3M 7fi5 im 5 re-/.- ANNUAL REPORT STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER -&^T, TO OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917 HERBERT NUNN STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER ANNUAL REPORT OF THE STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER TO THE OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION FOR THE YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917 HERBERT NUNN STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER SALEM, OREGON : STATE PRINTING DEPARTMENT 1918 EXCHANGE REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER To the Honorable State Highway Commission, Salem, Oregon Gentlemen : I have the honor to submit for your approval the yearly report of 1917, for the fiscal year ending November 30. On account of the fact that the organization of the State Highway department was not completed until after the vote was taken on the $6,000,000.00 bond issue, there remained very little time for preliminary and final surveys and investigation during the working season, and due to the same fact, a comparatively small amount of construction was completed. It seems that at this time a voluminous report would hardly justify the expenditure, and it has been decided by the department that to submit a financial statement and summary of all work handled by this department would be sufficient. Any one desiring a detailed statement on any particular project can have same by applying to this office. I wish to call particularly to your attention the large amount of investi- gation which has been demanded by state, county and federal post aid work Such investigations demand a reconnaissance, preliminary and, ofttimes, final survey in order to determine the route to be taken, and in some cases where we have been refused federal cooperation, the surveys will be finally lost and the money expended on them will have to come out of the general engineering funds. The same is also true as regards some state and county work where it was necessary to make surveys entirely through a district or county in order to get the best location, while as a matter of fact, the money available would only build a very short section on such location. In the latter two cases, however, the money expended for investigation has not been lost and these surveys will be available when further work is contemplated within these districts. In regard to general office costs and general engineering work, I would like to call to your attention the fact that from one to three per cent prelim- inary expenditure before construction is started is legitimate, and in the case of the newly organized Highway Com\mission. with a very few work- ing months ahead of it after the money became available, this expenditure will show somewhat greater than if we had had a full working year ahead of us. I would like to call to your attention thfe items under the heading of "Construction Jobs," showing that we have thirty-two jobs actually under construction, amounting to a total of $2,367,300.00, and to the fact that the engineering cost on this work to date has been 1.53 per cent on the esti- mated cost. We feel that on account of the large amount of preliminary investigation and surveys both under previous administration and under our administration that this cost is very fair and that the work will be completed under a total low percentage of general overhead and engineering. The items under the heading "Construction Jobs" do not include all of the work which the State Highway department has handled and we will call to your attention the items under "Bridge Design and Construction," showing the amount of work designed and constructed and the cost. We also wish you to note the amount of investigation and actual sur- veys made for the different counties and for federal post and forest roads, wherein estimates have been made and where construction is comtemplated 676893 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER or is actually under way. The general overhead and engineering cost of these items has been prorated against the estimated cost of the work, the same as under actual state construction, and we believe, has been a legitimate expenditure and of great aid to the counties financially and on account of the standardization and uniformity of the proposed work. On much of this preliminary work the money is now available for actual construction, such as the John Day Highway, with an estimate of $740,000.00, and in Coos County, with an estimate of $360,000.00, the work is practically complete. Many state highway locations have been made through counties at their request on which they expect to do grading next year and in a large number of these counties the money is available and construction actually under way. Curry County is an example of engineering expenditure which makes little showing at this time, as in order to find out where the small sum of $50,000.00 available could be spent to the best advantage, it was necessary to make the location entirely across the county paralleling the coast. This, however, has the advantage of making a location which the county will accept as final and upon which they will expend their funds as they become available in the next few years. Some of the preliminary and final sur- veys in the rougher counties are very costly, a completed and staked line often costing as high as $150.00 to $160.00 per mile. Our bridge department has made an especially fine showing, as an examination of the tabulated report will show, and the large number of counties which have requested such design and supervision show a con- fidence in that department which is highly pleasing to our organization. Under general office expense it will be found that a very large amount of equipment, printing of specifications, advertising, and the standardizing of blank forms has been charged. The office, however, is now 7 well equipped with the necessary adding machines, forms, etc. It is to be remembered that the summary of costs in this report includes the entire fiscal year for the State Highway department, including previous administration work up until the time of the present organization. It also includes considerable county work handled by the previous administration, but which has since been charged against the present administration, which charges would show in August of this year. We have every reason to believe that the administration and engineering expenses will be decreased this year as the preliminary surveying, locating and investigating crews are considerably larger than the actual construc- tion crews, and now that construction has commenced, many of these crews are being dropped. However, provided that the engineering and admin- istration expense continue as heavy as they have been during the past year, we could continue the entire construction program over a period of five years and still remain within the ten per cent limit for administration and engineering expenses. I have every reason to believe, however, that this expense will be much less when actual construction is completed. I simply call this to your attention because of the heavy burden we are carry- ing in regard to county requests, and have no reason to believe that this work will consume a period of five years. The cost of testing of materials and inspection, as well as the cost of sending men into the different counties to give advice and assist in road surfacing and other work has been carried against our general engineering without segregation and is a considerable item, but is considered by this REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER department as the most important end of our work. This work includes the location of quarries, gravel pits, advice on paving mixtures and testing of same. The unusual conditions caused by the war have made it exceedingly hard to maintain engineering and construction organizations, and especially is this true where the state has had work in outlying districts. We believe, however, that all things considered, the actual construction work in the state shows a very uniform and comparatively low cost, and the present price of labor has not advanced the cost of work as much as was expected last year. In county cooperative work, it ovas found that where the counties owned equipment and maintained an organization, it was ofttimes advisable to place the work in their hands, and this system has proven successful, as an investigation of the work in Lake County, Deschutes County and Lane County will show. The promptness of the investigations of the State Highway department and the fact that we have been able to complete as much work under the unfavorable conditions as we have, is due to the careful investigations and prompt decisions made by the State Highway Commission, our work never having been delayed at any time because of lack of definite orders. I also wish to thank each member of the highway organization for their splendid cooperation and assistance in helping make our work a success. The cooperation between the highway department and the county judges and commissioners of the respective counties has been carried on without the least friction and the cordial relationship that now exists between these departments insures the success of our future state and county cooperative construction. In every instance, this office has received the help of all county officials. Respectfully submitted, HERBERT NUNN, State Highway Engineer. ROAD LAWS OF THE STATE OF OREGON ENACTED BY THE 1917 LEGISLATURE CHAPTER 175 Whereas, the Sixty-fourth Congress of the United States of America passed a statute which is now in force which is in the following language : "Be It Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress Assembled : "Sec. 1. That the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to cooper- ate with the states, through their respective state highway departments, in the construction of rural post roads ; but no money apportioned under this Act to any state shall be expended therein until its legislature shall have assented to the provisions of this Act, except that, until the final adjournment of the first regular session of the legislature held after the passage of this Act, the assent of the governor of the state shall be suffi- cient. The Secretary of Agriculture and the State Highway department of each state shall agree upon the roads to be constructed therein and the character and method of construction ; provided, that all roads constructed under the provisions of this Act shall be free from all tolls of all kinds. "Sec. 2. That for the purpose of this Act the term 'rural post roads' shall be construed to mean any public road over which the United States mails now are or may hereafter be transported, excluding every street and road in a place having a population, as shown by the latest available Fed- eral census, of two thousand five hundred or more, except that portion of any such street or road along which the houses average more than two hundred feet apart; the term 'State Highway department' shall be con- strued to include any department of another name, or commission, or offi- cial or officials, of a state empowered, under its laws, to exercise the functions ordinarily exercised by a State Highway department ; the term 'construction' shall be construed to include reconstruction and improvement of roads ; 'properly maintained' as used herein shall be construed to mean the making of needed repairs and the preservation of a reasonably smooth surface considering the type of the road ; but shall not be held to include extraordinary repairs, nor reconstruction; necessary bridges and culverts shall be deemed parts of the respective roads covered by the provisions of this Act. "Sec. 3. That for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917, the sum of $5,000,000.00; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, the sum of $10,000,000.00; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1919, the sum of $15,000,000.00 ; for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, the sum of $20,000,- 000.00 ; and for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, the sum of $25,000,- 000.00. So much of the appropriation apportioned to any state for any fiscal year as remains unexpended at the close thereof shall be avail- able for expenditure in that state until the close of the succeeding fiscal year, except that amounts apportioned for any fiscal year to any state which has not a State Highway department shall be available for expendi- ture in that state until the close of the third fiscal year succeeding the REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER close of the fiscal year for which such apportionment was made. Any amount apportioned under the provisions of this Act unexpended at the end of the period during which it is available for expenditure under the terms of this section shall be reapportioned, within sixty days thereafter, to all the states in the same manner and on the same basis, and certified to the Secretary of the Treasury and to the State Highway departments and to the governors of states having no State Highway departments, in the same way as if it were being apportioned under the Act for the first time ; provided, that in states where the constitution prohibits the state from engaging in any work of internal improvements, then the amount of the appropriation under this Act apportioned to any such state shall be turned over to the Highway department of the state or to the governor of said state, to be expended under the provisions of this Act and under the rules and regula- tions of the Department of Agriculture, when any number of counties in any such state shall appropriate or provide the proportion or share needed to be raised in order to entitle such state to its part of the appropriation apportioned under this Act. "Sec. 4. That so much, not to exceed three per centum, of the appro- priation for any fiscal year made by or under this Act as the Secretary of Agriculture may estimate to be necessary for administering the provi- sions of this Act shall be deducted for that purpose, available until ex- pended. Within sixty days after the close of each fiscal year the Secretary of Agriculture shall determine what part, if any, of the sums theretofore deducted for administering the provisions of this Act will not be needed for that purpose, and apportion such part, if any, for the fiscal year then current in the same manner and on the same basis, and certify it to the Secretary of the Treasury and to the State Highway departments, and to the governors of states having no State Highway departments, in the same way as other amounts authorized by this Act to be apportioned among all the states for such current fiscal year. The Secretary of Agriculture, after making the deduction authorized by this section shall apportion the remainder of the appropriation for each fiscal year among the several states in the following manner: One-third in the ratio which the area of each state bears to the total area of all the states, as shown by the latest available federal census; one-third in the ratio which the population of each state bears to the population of all the states, as shown by the latest available federal census ; one-third in the ratio which the mileage of rural delivery routes and star routes in each state bears to the total mileage of rural delivery routes and star routes in all the states at the close of the preceding fiscal year, as shown by the certificate of the Postmaster General, w r hich he is directed to make and furnish annually to the Secretary of Agriculture. "Sec. 5. That within sixty days after the approval of this Act the Secretary of Agriculture shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury and to each Highway department and to the Governor of each state having no State Highway department the sum which he has estimated to be deducted for administering the provisions of this Act and the sum which he has apportioned to each state for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917, and on or before January 20 next preceding the commencement of each succeeding fiscal year shall make like certificates for such fiscal year. "Sec. 6. That any state desiring to avail itself of the benefits of this Act shall, by its State Highway department, submit to the Secretary of 8 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER Agriculture project statements setting forth proposed construction of any rural post road or roads therein. If the Secretary of Agriculture approve a project, the State Highway department shall furnish to him such sur- veys, plans, specifications and estimates therefor as he may require; pro- vided, however, that the Secretary of Agriculture shall approve only such projects as may be substantial in character, and the expenditure of funds hereby authorized shall be applied only to such improvements. Items included for engineering, inspection and unforeseen contingencies shall not exceed ten per centum of the total estimated cost of the work. If the Secretary of Agriculture approve the plans, specifications and estimates, he shall notify the State Highway department, and immediately certify the fact to the Secretary of the Treasury. The Secretary of the Treasury shall thereupon set aside the share of the United States payable under this Act on account of such project, which shall not exceed fifty per centum of the total estimated cost thereof. No payment of any money apportioned under this Act shall be made on any project until such statement of the project, and the plans, specifications and estimates therefor shall have been submitted to and approved by the' Secretary of Agriculture. "When the Secretary of Agriculture shall find that any project so approved by him has been constructed in compliance with said plans and specifications, he shall cause to be paid to the proper authority of said state the amount set aside for said project; provided, that the Secretary of Agriculture may, in his discretion, from time to time make payments on said construction as the same progresses; but these payments, including previous payments, if any, shall not be more than the United States' pro rata part of the value of the labor and materials which have been actually put into said construction in conformity to said plans and specifications; nor shall any such payment be in excess of $10,000.00 per mile exclusive of the cost of bridges of more than twenty feet clear span. The construction work and labor in each state shall be done in accordance with its laws, and under the direct supervision of the State Highway department, sub- ject to the inspection and approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and in accordance with the rules and regulations made pursuant to this Act. "The Secretary of Agriculture and the State Highway department of each state may jointly determine at what times, and in what amounts, payments, as work progresses, shall be made under this Act. Such pay- ments shall be made by the Secretary of the Treasury, on warrants drawn by the Secretary of Agriculture, to such official, or officials, or depository, as may be designated by the State Highway department and authorized under the laws of the state to receive public funds of the state or county. "Sec. 7. To maintain the roads constructed under the provisions of this Act shall be the duty of the states, or their civil subdivisions, according to the laws of the several states. If at any time the Secretary of Agricul- ture should find that any road in any state constructed under the provisions of this Act is not being properly maintained, he shall give notice of such fact to the Highway department of such state, and if within four months from the receipt of said notice said road has not been put in a proper con- dition of maintenance, then the Secretary of Agriculture shall thereafter refuse to approve any project for road construction in said state, or the civil subdivision thereof, as the fact may be, whose duty it is to maintain said road, until it has been put in a condition of proper maintenance. REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER "Sec. 8. That there is hereby appropriated and made available until expended, out of any moneys in the national treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1,000,000.00 for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and each fiscal year thereafter, up to and including the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and twenty-six, in all $10,000,000.00, to be available until expended under the supervision of the Secretary of Agriculture, upon request from the proper officers of the state, territory or county for the survey, construc- tion, and maintenance of roads and trails within or only partly within the national forests, when necessary for the use and development of resources upon which communities within and adjacent to the national forests are dependent; provided, that the state, territory or county shall enter into a cooperative agreement with the Secretary of Agriculture for the survey, construction and maintenance of such roads or trails upon a basis equitable to both the state, territory or county, and the United States ; and provided, also, that the aggregate expenditures in any state, territory or county shall not exceed ten per centum of the value, as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, of the timber and forage resources which are or will be avail- able for income upon the national forest lands within the respective county or counties wherein the roads or trails will be constructed ; and the Secre- tary of Agriculture shall make annual report to Congress of the amounts expended hereunder. "That immediately upon the execution of any cooperative agreement hereunder the Secretary of Agriculture shall notify the Secretary of the Treasury of the amount, to be expended by the United States within or adjacent to any national forest thereunder, and beginning with the next fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter the Secretary of the Treasury shall apply from any and all revenues from such forest ten per centum thereof to reimburse the United States for expenditures made under such agreement until the whole amount advanced under such agreement shall have been returned from the receipts from such national forest. "Sec. 9. That out of the appropriations made by or under this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to employ such assistants, clerks, and other persons in the City of Washington and elsewhere, to be taken from the eligible lists of the Civil Service Commission, to rent buildings outside of the City of Washington, to purchase such supplies, material, equip- ment, office fixtures, and apparatus, and to incur such travel and other expense as he may deem necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Act. "Sec. 10. That the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to make rules and regulations for carrying out the provisions of this Act. "Sec. 11. That this Act shall be in force from the date of its passage. "Approved July 11, 1916." And Whereas, under the apportionment of the federal fund provided under said Act made by the S'ecretary of Agriculture, there is and will be available during the next five years for the State of Oregon, the sum of $1,180,310.55 (see Senate document No. 548, Sixty-fourth Congress, first session), for the construction of rural post roads, under the provision of Section 6 of the above set out Act; and there will also be available during said period of time the sum of $638,970.00 for the construction or maintenance of roads and trails within, or partly within, the national forests in this state, under the provisions of Section 8 of said Act. Now, therefore, 10 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon : Section 1. That the State of Oregon hereby accepts the provisions of said Act and agrees to cooperate with the federal government in carrying out the provisions thereof. Section 2. The state board, commissioners, or officers having control of the state highways of the State of Oregon shall, out of the money received in the highway funds of the State of Oregon each year, first set aside a sufficient amount to comply with the terms of said Federal Act, and if there is any deficiency in said highway fund for such purpose then the State Board of Control of the State of Oregon is hereby authorized, empowered and directed each year during the next five years to sell the bonds of the State of Oregon in an amount sufficient to raise enough money which, taken together with any money available from appropriations from other funds of the State of Oregon, if any there be, to equal the amount required of the State of Oregon in order to fully meet the requirements, conditions and provisions of said federal statute, and the federal officials operating under said statute ; provided, however, that such bonds shall not be issued unless necessary to enable the State of Oregon to avail itself of the federal aid as provided hereinabove, or any other aid hereafter furnished by the United States. Section 3. The state board, commissioners or officers having control of the state highways in the State of Oregon are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to enter into such contracts, appoint such officers and do any other act or thing necessary to fully meet the requirements of the United States and the officers acting under said federal statute. Section 4. The Attorney General shall, under the direction of the State Board of Control, prepare a form of bonds of the state to be sold as above required, which bonds shall be payable at such time and under such con- ditions of refunding and payment as shall be provided by the Board of Con- trol of the State of Oregon, not exceeding, however, twenty years from the date thereof, and shall bear a rate of interest not to exceed four per cent per annum, payable semiannually at the office of the State Treasury of the State of Oregon, and if said board shall so direct, said bonds may also pro- vide for payment at some other place. Said bonds shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America, of the present value of weight and fineness at the date of issue thereof, and shall be in a form embodying the absolute promise of the State of Oregon to pay the amount of said bonds. Said bonds shall be in such denominations as the State Board shall elect. They shall be signed by the Governor, Secretary of State and State Treas- urer, constituting said board. After the funds, if any, which have been appropriated from the current moneys of the state for the purpose of meet- ing the requirements of this Act have been exhausted, or if no appropriation therefor has been made, then each year said State Board of Control shall sign, date, issue and sell bonds as required to raise funds sufficient to meet the obligation of the State of Oregon in carrying on road construction as provided for in said federal statute. Said bonds shall bear coupons for the interest in the installments in which the same shall become due, upon which shall be printed the facsimile signatures of said officers. Said board may at its option, cause said bonds to be payable to the purchaser thereof and register the same at the office of the State Treasury with an appropriate indorsement upon each of said bonds to the effect that said bonds will be paid only to the owner appearing on the register, and providing a method REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER for reregistering the same as title to said bonds may be passed ; or it may provide a form of bond payable to bearer and not subject to registration, or either of said bonds as said board may decide. Section 5. The Board of Control shall take such steps as it may deem necessary for the advertisement of each issue of bonds before the same are sold ; and the money arising from the sale of each issue of bonds shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of a special fund subject to being paid out in carrying into effect the purposes of the said Federal Act and the purposes of this Act. Section 6. Inasmuch as the federal funds are now available for imme- diate use, and if the amount apportioned is not used during the next year the same will revert to the federal fund and will be lost to the state, and inasmuch as climatic conditions are such in this state that road construc- tion must be completed before inclement weather in the fall of the year begins : It is hereby declared that an emergency exists and that it is necessary that this Act take effect immediately after it is passed by the legislature and approved by the Governor and that the same is necessary for the preservation of public peace, health and safety. Therefore this Act shall be in full force and effect from and after it is approved by the Governor. CHAPTER 194 Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon : Section 1. That Chapter 174 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1911, as amended by Chapter 135 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1913 and as amended by Chapter 350 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1915, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 1. Definitions. The term "chauffeur" shall mean any person operating a motor vehicle for hire, or as the employe of the owner of a motor vehicle for hire. The term "State" as used in this Act, except where otherwise expressly provided, shall also include the territories and the federal districts of the United States. The term "owner" shall include any person then in the operation of the vehicle and be synonymous for that purpose with chauffeur as to the operation of the same, and shall also include any person, firm or association renting a vehicle or having the exclusive use thereof under lease or otherwise for a period greater than thirty days, and these meanings of the term "owner" shall be in addition to the usual signification of the word. Every moving thing except railroad and street cars upon the streets, roads and highways of this state moved by power shall be a "vehicle" under the terms of this Act. The term "motor vehicle" as used in this Act, except where otherwise expressly provided, shall include all vehicles propelled by any power other than muscular power. The term "manufacturer" and the term "dealer" shall signify any person, firm, association or corporation having in his, its or their possession vehicles for sale and trade and for use and operation pursuant thereto, and shall be considered owners of vehicles manufactured and dealt in by them for the purposes of this Act prior to sale and delivery thereof, and of all vehicles held in their possession and driven by them or their employes. The term "motor truck" shall mean a motor vehicle with a carrying capacity of over one and one-half tons intended and used for the purpose of transporting any commodity, produce or freight. 12 REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER Sec. 2. The laws of the road everywhere in this state are declared to be as specified in the following sections : 1. Vehicles proceeding in opposite directions shall pass to the right, giving one-half the road to each ; 2. Vehicles proceeding in the same direction overtake each other by passing to the left ; 3. The overtaking vehicle shall maintain its speed until clear of the overtaken vehicle, and for such distance thereafter as shall prevent dust and mud throwing upon the overtaken vehicle; 4. The signal so to pass shall be given by one blast or stroke of the horn, bell, whistle, gong or other signaling device ; 5. Should the overtaken vehicle then not give way, three such blasts or signals shall be given, and on failure to comply therewith the overtaking vehicle may at the next suitable place safe to both vehicles go by without further signal ; 6. It shall be the duty of every overtaken vehicle to turn to the right and give one-half of the road to the overtaking vehicle ; 7. Vehicles approaching an intersecting road, street or highway shall be under control so as to permit the vehicle on the right of the vehicle approaching to first cross the intersecting street, road or highway ; 8. At all intersections the vehicle approaching the intersection from the right of any other vehicle approaching the intersection shall have the right of way ; 9. All vehicles approaching an intersection of a street, road or high- way with the intention of turning thereat shall, in turning to the right, keep closely to the right, and in turning to the left, shall run to and beyond the center of the intersection ; 10. The person in control of any vehicle moving slowly along and upon any street, road or highway shall keep such vehicle as closely as practicable to the right-hand boundary of such street, road or highway, allowing more swiftly moving vehicles reasonably free passage to the left ; 11. The person in charge of any vehicle in or upon any street, road or highway, before turning, stopping or changing the course of such vehicle, and before turning such vehicle when starting the same, shall first see that there is sufficient space for such movement to be made in safety, and if the movement or operation of other vehicles may reasonably be affected by such turning, stopping or changing of course, shall give plainly visible or audible signal to the person operating, driving or in charge of such vehicles of his intention so to turn, stop or change his course ; 12. In passing and overtaking, such assistance shall be given by the occupants of each vehicle respectively to the other as circumstances shall demand and either request, and each of them exercise due care and caution to get clearance and avoid accidents. Every person having control of any motor vehicle, whenever upon any street, road or highway and approaching any vehicle drawn by horse or horses or any horse upon which any person is riding, shall operate, manage and control such motor vehicle in such manner as to exercise reasonable precaution to prevent frightening of any such horse or horses, and to insure the safety and protection of any person riding or driving the same. And if such horse or horses appear frightened the person in control of such motor vehicle shall reduce its speed, and, if requested by signal or otherwise by the driver or rider of such horse or horses, shall not proceed further toward such animal unless such movement REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER be necessary to avoid accident or injury, or until such animal appears to be under control of its rider or driver ; 13. In passing railroad or street cars operated in any city, town or village in this state, vehicles shall be operated upon that side of said street or railroad car with due care and caution that the safety of passengers boarding or alighting from such street or railroad car shall be fully pro- tected and for that purpose said vehicle shall be brought to a stop, if necessary, but upon the other or left side of said street or railroad car, should there be a clear passage, said vehicle shall be permitted to so increase its speed for the necessary distance to negotiate a safe clearance between said street or railroad car and said vehicle so desiring to pass, and the rate of speed requisite and necessary so to do shall not be deemed an excessive rate of speed, having due regard to the speed of said railroad or street car; 14. In parades, at theaters and all other occasions and places where traffic is congested, vehicles shall be operated with due care and caution, and jockeying vehicles or running by for position is prohibited by this Act. Every vehicle, upon embarking and discharging its load, shall immediately move out and away from the congested area, and the next vehicle shall follow the same ; 15. Every vehicle shall be kept upon the right half of the road, street or highway traveled and no vehicle shall overtake and pass any other when the view ahead is not clear for at least one hundred yards; 16. Every motor vehicle, when moving in defiles, canyons or mountain passes where curvature of the road or highway prevents a clear view for a distance of one hundred yards, shall be held under control and not per- mitted to coast, and shall in approaching all curves give signals with fre- quent blasts or strokes of horn, bell, whistle, gong, or other signaling device of its approach, and upon all curves to the right shall keep to the inside of said curves, and upon all curves to the left shall keep to the outside of said curves ; 17. No race or contest for speed shall be held upon any road, street or highway in this state without the permission of the authorities of this state, county or city having jurisdiction of said road, street or highway, and unless the same is fully and efficiently patrolled for the entire dis- tance over which said race or contest for speed is to be held ; 18. Every vehicle shall be run at a rate of speed at no time greater than is reasonable and proper having due regard to the safety of the public, the traffic and use of the road, street or highway then being traveled ; 19. The rate of speed on all roads, streets and highways of this state shall be a reasonable speed, up to and not exceeding twenty-five miles an hour, but any speed in excess of twenty-five miles an hour upon any road, street or highway of this state shall be an unreasonable speed and is pro- hibited by this Act ; provided, however, that no motor vehicle shall be driven at a rate faster than eight miles an hour upon the country roads or highways of this state when within one hundred yards of any vehicle drawn by horse or horses ; 20. Upon all narrow ways in parks, passes and defiles not otherwise herein provided for, all vehicles shall proceed in one direction only as the signboards and conspicuously displayed regulations upon such narrow ways in parks, passes and defiles so located shall then define. The direction in which all vehicles shall so proceed may be declared by park commissioners REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER in parks and by the county commissioners with respect to narrow passes and defiles within their respective jurisdiction ; and when so declared shall be so conspicuously marked with signs as to indicate the rule and regula- tion in regard thereto and the direction in which all vehicles shall so travel ; 21. No vehicle shall be moved, run or operated on the roads, streets or highways of this state by any person unable or incapable to control and properly operate the same with due regard to the safety of the public and other vehicles ; provided, that in all cases any person in a state of intoxica- tion is deemed conclusively incapable and unable to control and operate the same; 22. No vehicle used upon the streets, roads or highways of this state shall be left standing unsecured, and howsoever it may be moved its motive power shall be so secured that the same can not operate or move the vehicle without some action upon the part of the owner or operator so to do; 23. No vehicle shall be operated with an excessive smoking exhaust upon any road, street or highway in this state ; 24. Ambulances, while being operated as such, and vehicles for the use of doctors, physicians and surgeons, shall while answering emergency calls only, be exempt from the provisions of this Act as to speed but not traffic regulations, where preference for right of way can be given them with due regard to the safety of the public; provided, that each of the same shall bear a red cross conspicuously placed ; 25. Patrol wagons, police ambulances, fire patrols, fire engines and fire apparatus shall in all cases, with due regard to the safety of the public, have right of way, all provisions of this Act to the contrary not- withstanding, but this Act shall not protect the driver of any such vehicle from consequence in the arbitrary exercise of this right or for injuries wilfully inflicted ; 26. In all localities where an authorized officer, marshal, constable or policeman, conspicuously displaying his star and then discharging the duty of regulating and directing traffic in his locality, shall signal any vehicle to take any direction or to stop or otherwise proceed for the safety of the public, it shall be the duty of the driver of such vehicle to obey said direc- tion and to comply with the orders of said authorized officer in that behalf ; 27. Should any pedestrian or other object, through want of care or other cause, come in contact with a moving vehicle in the roads, streets or highways of this state, it shall be the duty of such vehicle to stop and of the owner or operator thereof to ascertain the name of the person or object and to render such aid and assistance as may be required, and in case of collision or other accident to render like assistance to the colliding vehicle or vehicle struck, as the case may be, and to the occupants thereof as may be necessary, taking the name of the vehicle, its number, the time, the place and other data concerning the accident or event, with the names of witnesses present, and likewise giving his own name and number for identification. Each and all of said information, however, shall not be construed or determined as fixing liability in either case for fault or negli- gence of either party, but shall be a means of identification of the facts and circumstances only ; and neither party to a collision or consequence result- ing from a mistake in judgment or arising from accident shall move away from the place of its occurrence without complying with this section, and REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 15 if this complying with this section, however, is not done it shall be a viola- tion of this Act and punished accordingly as herein provided, and in civil action for damages, as in this Act elsewhere provided, shall be construed as an evidence of fault. Sec. 3. Registration of Vehicles Pleasure, Commercial and Demon- stration Cars. Every owner of a motor vehicle which shall be driven in this state, except as otherwise provided herein, shall after he becomes the owner thereof, cause to be filed by mail or otherwise in the office of the Secretary of State, an application duly signed by such owner for registra- tion on a blank or blanks to be furnished by the Secretary of State for the purpose, containing (1) the name, residence and business address of the owner of such motor vehicle and the name of the county in which he resides ; (2) a brief description of the motor vehicle to be registered, includ- ing the name of the manufacturer, style, type and engine number of such motor vehicle, the capacity, if a motor truck, the character of the power and the number and diameter of the cylinders ; provided, that every person, firm, association or corporation manufacturing or dealing in motor vehicles for the purpose of sale or exchange, instead of registering each motor vehicle so manufactured or dealt in, may make an application upon a blank to be furnished by the Secretary of State for a general distinctive number for all motor vehicles owned or controlled by such manufacturer or dealer for the purpose of sale or exchange, such application to contain (a) a brief description of each style or type of motor vehicle manufactured or dealt in by such manufacturer or dealer, including the character of the motor power, and (b) the name and business address, including the county, of such manufacturer or dealer. Upon the receipt of such application in due form and the payment of the registration fee of ten dollars, the Secre- tary of State shall cause the same to be filed in his office in the manner provided in this Act. There shall thereupon be assigned and issued to such manufacturer or dealer, a general distinctive number, and delivered to such manufacturer or dealer, at a place within the State of Oregon to be desig- nated by him in his application, a certificate of registration in such form as the Secretary of State shall prescribe, and duplicate number plates with a number corresponding to the number of such certificate of registration. Such number plates shall be displayed in the manner provided in this Act, by every motor vehicle of such manufacturer or dealer when the same is operated or driven upon any road, street or highway of this state. Such manufacturer or dealer may obtain as many duplicate sets of number plates of such number so assigned to him hereunder as may be desired upon the filing of a formal application therefor with the Secretary of State and the payment of $2.50 for each additional duplicate set. No plate or sign shall be used other than those furnished by the Secretary of State. Nothing in this section shall be construed to apply to a motor vehicle operated by a manufacturer or dealer for private use or hire. Sec. 4. Registration Record and Index Book. Upon receipt of an application for registration of a motor vehicle the Secretary of State shall file such application in his office and register such motor vehicle and the facts stated in such application in a record book and index to be kept for the purpose under the distinctive number assigned to such motor vehicle by the Secretary of State, which record book and index shall be a public record and open to inspection by the public during reasonable office hours. 16 REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER Sec. 5. Number Plates. Upon the filing of such application and the payment of the license fee herein provided for, the Secretary of State shall assign to the motor vehicle a distinctive duplicate number and, with- out expense to the applicant, issue and deliver to the owner two number plates, rear and front, described in this Act. The number plates assigned as herein provided shall be and remain with the motor vehicle for the period of registration mentioned in the application therefor ; provided, how- ever, that in the event of the loss, mutilation or destruction of a number plate or plates the owner of a registered vehicle may obtain from the Secretary of State a duplicate or duplicates thereof upon filing in the office of the Secretary of State an affidavit showing the fact and the payment of a fee of one dollar. Sec. 6. The Secretary of State shall during the month of February of each year furnish to the county clerk and assessor of each county, and, upon request, to the various police officers throughout the state having jurisdiction of the enforcement of this Act, a complete list to February first, and thereafter monthly an additional list of the registrations and transfers mentioned in this Act, including the name and address of the owner or chauffeur, the name and business address of the manufacturer or dealer, the distinctive number assigned to each, and a brief description of each car registered. The distribution of said lists shall be confined to the officers mentioned in this section, and the said lists furnished to said county clerks to be filed in their respective offices and subject to inspection during office hours. Sec. 7. Reregistration Annually. All registrations under this Act shall expire on December thirty-first of each year and shall be renewed annually in the same manner and upon the payment of the same fee as provided in this Act for original registration, such renewal to take effect on the first day of January of each year. Sec. 8. Sale and Transfer. Upon the purchase of a motor vehicle registered in accordance with this Act, the title of the number plates shall vest in the vendee, and said vendee shall within five days after the date of purchase notify the Secretary of State, stating his name and business address, the name of the vendor, the license or registration number and the engine number under which such motor vehicle is registered, upon the receipt of which information the Secretary of State shall transfer the said license or registration number to said vendee. A fee of one dollar shall be paid to the Secretary of State for each transfer, which transfer he shall file in his office and note upon the registration book or index. No sale or transfer of any motor vehicle registered under this Act shall be valid without compliance with the provisions of this section. Sec. 9. Distinctive Number on Vehicles. No person shall operate or drive a motor vehicle upon the roads, streets or highways of this state, unless such vehicle shall have the number plates assigned to it by the Secretary of State conspicuously displayed on the front and rear of such vehicle in plain view and so as to be easily read by the public ; and it shall be unlawful to display more than one registration number upon the front or rear of any vehicle, or any number which does not entitle the holder thereof to operate such vehicle upon the public highways of this state. Sec. 10. Change of Color of Number Plates Annually. Such number plates shall be of a distinctly different color or shade for each year, to be designated and selected by the Secretary of State, and there shall be at REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 17 all times a marked contrast between the color of the number plates and that of the numerals or letters thereon. Sec. 11. Form of Number Plates. Such number plates shall be enameled metal, four and one-half inches wide and not more than thirteen inches in O length, in the left-hand end of which shall be the abbreviation R in letters E set one above the other as here shown, each of said letters to be not more than one inch long, and to the right thereof there shall be the distinctive number assigned to the vehicle set forth in numerals three inches long, each stroke of which shall be at least one-half inch in width, and to the right of such number the year for which said license is issued set in numerals one above the other in figures not to exceed one inch in length. Sec. 12 Equipment, (a) Every motor vehicle shall be provided with adequate brakes sufficient to control the vehicle at all timtes, and a suitable bell, horn, whistle or other signaling device, and (b) shall during the period from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise, display at least two white lamps on the front and one red light on the rear of such vehicle. Said rear lamp shall show a white light across the rear of the vehicle. The white rays of such rear lamp shall shine upon the number plate carried on the rear of such vehicle. The light of v the front lamps shall be visible at least two hundred feet in the direction in which the vehicle is proceed- ing ; provided, that motor bicycles or motorcycles and all vehicles other than motor cars shall be required to display but one lighted lamp, such lamp to be placed on the front of the vehicle so that it shall be visible at least one hundred feet in the direction in which the vehicle is proceed- ing, and show red light to the rear, (c) When the convenience or safety of the use of any public highway demands, the front lights of every motor vehicle shall be dimmed so as to prevent any glare therefrom, or shall be so directed that the center rays thereof shall strike the ground at a distance not to exceed seventy-five feet in front of such vehicle ; provided, that nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to render inoperative the provisions of subdivision (b) of this section relative to the plain visibility of such lights in the direction in which such vehicle is proceeding. Sec. 13. Other than on vehicles actually engaged at the time in con- struction or repair work on roads or highways, no tire on any motor vehicles or any other vehicles shall have on its periphery any block, stud, cleat, bead or any other protuberance of metal which projects more than one-fourth of an inch beyond the tread or traction surface of the tire; but this sec- tion shall not be so construed as to prohibit the use of tire chains of reason- able proportions on motor vehicles when required for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause such vehicles to slide or skid, nor as to prevent the use of traction engines with cleats on the driving wheels thereof on dirt or unimproved roads. Sec. 14. No person shall throw or deposit any glass bottle, glass, nails, tacks, hoops, wire, cans or any other substance likely to injure any person, animal or vehicle upon any road, street or highway of this state. Sec. 15. No person shall, individually or in association with one or more others, wilfully break, injure, tamper with or remove any part or parts of any motor vehicle, for the purpose of injuring, defacing or destroy- ing such vehicle, or temporarily or permanently preventing its useful opera- tion for any purpose against the will or without the consent of the owner 18 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER of such motor vehicle, or in any other manner wilfully or maliciously inter- fere with or prevent the running of such motor vehicle or the operation of the same. Sec. 16. No person, except an authorized officer, marshal, constable or policeman, shall, without the consent of the owner or person lawfully in charge of a motor vehicle, climb upon or into such motor vehicle, whether the same be at rest or in motion ; or, while such motor vehicle is at rest or unattended, attempt to manipulate any of the levers, the starting crank or other device, brakes or mechanism, or to set said vehicle in motion. Sec. 17. Registration of Chauffeurs. Every person hereafter desiring to operate a motor vehicle as chauffeur shall file in the office of the Secretary of State an application under oath for registration on a blank form to be furnished by the Secretary of State for that purpose, containing : (1) The name and residence address of the applicant, and that he is over the age of eighteen years and is physically and mentally competent to operate a vehicle and possesses the qualifications required by this Act; (2) whether or not the applicant has been previously convicted of a violation involving moral turpitude or any of the provisions of this or any other vehicle law or traffic regulation, giving the date and place of such conviction and the provision or provisions of the law or ordinance violated; and therewith shall pay a registration fee of two dollars ($2.00), but for all licenses for that year issued after August first in any registra- tion year but one-half said fee provided in this section shall be paid. Sec. 18. Reregistration Annually. Such registration shall be renewed annually in the same manner and upon the payment of the same fee and hold good until December thirty-first each year, each renewal to take effect on the first day of January of the following year. Sec. 19. Chauffeur's Registration Book. Upon receipt of such applica- tion, the Secretary of State shall thereupon file the same in his office, assign the applicant a number and register him in a book or index for the registration of motor vehicles. Sec. 20. Chauffeur's Badge. The Secretary of State shall forthwith upon registering such chauffeur, and without other fee, issue and deliver to him a badge of aluminum or other suitable metal, which shall be in such form or shape as the Secretary of State may determine, and upon which shall be stamped the words "Registered Chauffeur Number , State of Oregon," with the number and date of expiration inserted therein. This badge shall thereafter be worn by such chauffeur pinned upon his clothing in a conspicuous place at all times while he is operating a vehicle upon the public highways of this state. In the event of the loss, mutila- tion or destruction of a chauffeur's badge, such chauffeur may obtain from the Secretary of State a duplicate thereof upon filing in the office of the Secretary of State an affidavit showing the fact and the payment of a fee of one dollar. Sec. 21. Change of Form or Shape of Chauffeur's Badge Annually. Such badge shall be of a distinctly different shape or form for each year, to be designated and selected by the Secretary of State. Sec. 22. Fictitious Badge. No chauffeur having registered as herein- before provided shall voluntarily permit any other person to wear his badge; nor shall any person while operating a vehicle wear a chauffeur's badge belonging to another person, or a fictitious chauffeur's badge. Sec. 23. Unregistered Chauffers Can Not Drive Vehicles. No per- REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 19 son shall operate or drive a motor vehicle as chauffeur upon the public highways of this state after this Act takes effect, unless such person shall have complied in all respects with its requirements ; provided, however, that a nonresident chauffeur who has registered under the provisions of the law of the state of his residence which are substantially similar to the provisions of this Act shall be exempt from registration under this Act ; provided further, he shall wear the badge assigned to him in the state of his residence in the manner provided in this Act. Sec. 24. Revocation and Suspension of License and Registration. The Secretary of State may suspend or revoke any certificate of registration or any license to any chauffeur under the provisions of this Act upon a due and regular hearing for any cause which he may deem sufficient, and may suspend such license or registration and order the same delivered up without a hearing whenever he shall be of the opinion that the holder thereof is an improper or incompetent person or physically or mentally incompetent to operate a motor vehicle, or the vehicle of which said regis- tration then appears of record is improperly, inefficiently or inadequately equipped to be operated safely, and in either of said cases to be governed by the safety of the public, and not to exercise this authority in an arbitrary manner, and neither certificate of registration nor license as to motor vehicle or chauffeur shall be reissued unless upon examination or investigation after hearing he determines that the chauffeur or motor vehicle should again be permitted to operate. Sec. 25. Nonresident Owners. All motor vehicles owned and operated by nonresidents of this state who shall have complied with the provisions of the laws of the state of their residence relative to such vehicles therein are relieved for a period of thirty days from compliance with the terms of this Act during a thirty-day sojourn in this state ; provided, that all such vehicles shall conspicuously display the state number thereon of the state from which they come; but this exemption shall not apply to motor vehicles of nonresident corporations doing business in this state, nor exempt nonresident corporations. Sec. 26. No person under fifteen years of age shall operate or drive a motor vehicle upon any road, street or highway of this state unless such person is accompanied by his or her parent or guardian or by the owner of such motor vehicle. Sec. 27. Registration Fees. The following fees shall be paid to the Secretary of State upon the registration or reregistration of a motor vehicle in accordance with the provisions of this Act; provided, that for any registration made after August first of any year, but one-half of said fees shall be paid : Motorcycles and motor bicycles $ 3.00 Electric vehicles for pleasure _ 6.00 Electric service vehicles 10.00 All steam, gasoline and other hydrocarbon operated vehicles, except motor trucks, for whatsoever use up to twenty-six horsepower 6.00 In excess of twenty-six horsepower and inclusive of thirty-six horse- power 10.00 In excess of thirty-six horsepower and inclusive of forty horsepower 15.00 In excess of forty horsepower 20.00 On all motor trucks the following rates shall be paid : Over one and one-half tons and under two tons 15.00 Two tons and under two and one-half tons 18.00 Two and one-half tons and under three tons 21.00 Three tons and under three and one-half tons 24.00 Three and one-half tons and under four tons 27.00 Four tons and not over five tons 30.00 Five tons and over (see Sec. 28) 5.00 20 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER All horsepower ratings herein specified for the purpose of determining the registration fees herein enumerated shall be based upon Haskell's Horsepower Formula for Steam Vehicles and upon the formula of the Associated Licensed Automobile Manufacturers for Gasoline Vehicles. And in case of doubt where the Secretary of State is unable from either of said formulas to determine the acual rated horsepower of any such motor vehicle, it shall take the rate of the next class of motor vehicle to which its horsepower approximates, that it may pay a fair and uniform registra- tion fee of all such other vehicles upon its horsepower. Sec. 28. No motor truck of over five tons' capacity shall be driven or operated on or upon any road or highway of this state except with the consent of and upon a permit . issued by the county court of the county wherein such truck is sought to be driven or operated. Such permit shall be issued in the discretion of the county court upon a written petition setting forth the necessity therefor, and such permit when issued shall specify the period for which issued, the business in which said truck is to operate thereunder, the restrictions imposed upon such operation, and the specific roads or highways over which same is allowed to be driven or operated. The county court shall before issuing any such permit collect a fee therefor of not less than eight dollars per month. All sums so received under this section shall be paid to the county treasurer of the county wherein such permit is issued, and by him paid into the geperal road fund of such county. Sec. 29. Penalties. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act, and who shall be convicted thereof, or who shall plead guilty to any complaint for the violation thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding fifty dollars and costs of prosecution, or if such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the county jail for not exceeding twenty-five days ; for the second offense he shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution, or if such fine be not paid, then by imprisonment in the county jail for not exceeding fifty days; and for a third or any subsequent offense he shall be punished by a fine not exceed- ing one hundred fifty dollars and costs of prosecution, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding seventy-five days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. The term "county jail" as referred to in this section, shall be construed to mean the county jail of any county where the violation of any of the provisions of this Act shall occur. Sec. 30. Every person who takes or uses without authority any vehicle without intent to steal the same, or who shall be a party to any such unau- thorized taking or using, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than two years, or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ; provided, that in case of first offense the court may in its discretion reduce the punishment to imprisonment in the county jail for not more than six months, or a fine of not more than two hundred dollars ; provided further, that the provisions of this Act shall be construed to apply to any person or persons employed by the owner of said vehicle or anyone else, who, by the nature of his employment, shall have the charge of or the authority to drive said vehicle if said vehicle is driven or used without the owner's knowledge or consent, and when so driven the owner thereof shall not be responsible. Sec. 31. Local authorities shall have no power to pass, enforce or main- tain any ordinance, rule or regulation, (1) requiring of any owner or oper- REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 21 ator of a vehicle any license fee or permit to use the public highways, or excluding or prohibiting any vehicle whose owner has complied with this Act from the free use of streets, roads and highways of this state, except such driveway, speedway or road as has been or may be expressly set apart by law for the exclusive use of horses and light carriages, or except as herein provided; (2) affecting a slower rate of speed than herein specified at which such vehicle may be operated, or the use of the roads, streets and highways of this state, contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act ; and all such ordinances, rules and regulations now in force are hereby declared to be of no validity or effect ; provided, how- ever, that the local authorities may limit by ordinance, rule or regulation hereafter adopted, the speed of vehicles on the streets within their respec- tive corporate limits, on condition that such ordinance, rule or regulation shall also fix the speed limitation for all vehicles, not to be in any case less than one mile in six minutes, and on further condition that local authorities shall also have placed conspicuously on each main street, road or highway of this state w r here the boundary of such local authority crosses the same and on every main street where the rate of speed changes, signs of suffi- cient size to be easily readable by persons using the same, bearing the words "Slow down to miles" (the rate being inserted), and with an arrow pointing in the direction where the speed is to be reduced or changed ; and provided further, that such ordinance, rule or regulation shall fix the penalties for violation thereof, similar to and no greater than those prescribed in this Act for violation of speed limitation by vehicles; and provided further, that on any portion of any road, street or highway, where, on account of sharp curvature or other causes, it is deemed unsafe for vehicles to operate at the maximum speed allowed in this Act, or to be parked on such portion of said highw r ay, the county court or other jurisdictional body may regulate such speed or parking privilege, by ordi- nance, rule, or regulation hereafter adopted, on condition that said ordi- nance, rule or regulation shall regulate all vehicles alike, said speed limit not to be in any case less than one mile in six minutes, and on further con- dition that said jurisdictional body shall cause to be posted at either end of such portion of said highway, signs of sufficient size to be easily read- able, setting forth the speed and parking privileges allowed, and stating by whose order said regulations are made, and thereafter any violations of said order shall be deemed unlawful and shall be punishable as set out in Section 29 of this Act; and provided further, that nothing in this Act contained shall be construed as limiting the power of local authorities to make, enforce and maintain further ordinances, rules and regulations affecting vehicles which are used to carry the public for hire. Sec. 32. All police judges or recorders of any city or town, or justice of the peace, or district judges, of the county, shall have jurisdiction of all violations of the provision [s] of this Act, excepting Section 30 hereof, committed within their respective city, town or county. Sec. 33. Any police officer of any city, any marshal, deputy marshal or watchman of any incorporated village, or any sheriff or deputy sheriff of any county, or any constable of any township, shall have full power and authority within the limits of their jurisdiction to arrest any person known personally to any such officer, to have violated any of the provisions of this Act, and to immediately bring such offender before any magistrate having jurisdiction, and any such person so arrested shall have the right to 22 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER an immediate trial and all other rights given to any person arrested for having committed a misdemeanor; and if such hearing can not then be had, be released from custody on giving his personal undertaking to appear in answer to such violation at such time and place as shall then be indi- cated, secured by the deposit of a sum equal to the maximum charged, or in lieu thereof by leaving the vehicle being operated by such person with such officer ; or in case such officer be not accessible, be forthwith released from custody on giving his name and address to the officer making such arrest and depositing with such officer a sum equal to the maximum fine for the offense for which such arrest is made, or in lieu thereof by leaving the vehicle being operated by such person with such officer ; provided, that in such case the officer making such arrest shall give a receipt in writing for such sum or vehicle and notify such person to appear before the most accessible magistrate, naming him, on that or the following day, specifying the place and hour. In case security shall be deposited as in this section provided, it shall be returned to the person forthwith on such person being admitted to bail. Sec. 34. Certifying Convictions to the Secretary of State. Upon the conviction of any person for violation of any of the provisions of this Act, the magistrate or other judicial officer before whom the proceedings are held shall immediately certify the facts of the case, including the name and address of the offender, the character of the punishment and the amount of any fine imposed and paid, to the Secretary of State, who shall enter the same either in the book or index of registered chauffeurs, as the case may be, opposite the name of the person so convicted, and in the case of any other person in a book or index of offenders to be kept for such pur- pose in alphabetical order. The Secretary of State shall send notices of all convictions for violations of this Act, with the names and addresses of the persons convicted and the judgments of the court on such convictions, to the county clerk of every county in this state, who shall enter the same on the list of registered vehicles or registered chauffeurs, as the case may be, opposite the name of the person convicted, or on a list of other offenders, which he shall maintain in his office as a public record in the same manner as the lists of registered vehicles and chauffeurs, and on due application, furnish copies of such lists to the magistrates or other judical officers of his county before whom violations of the provisions of this Act are triable. If any such conviction shall be reversed upon appeal therefrom, the person whose conviction has been so reversed may serve on the Secretary of State a certified copy of the order of reversal, whereupon the Secretary of State shall enter the same in the proper book or index in connection with the record of such conviction, and shall also notify each county clerk of the same. Sec. 35. All fines, penalties or forfeitures collected for violations of any of the provisions of this Act shall be paid over by the judge, magistrate or other judicial officer collecting the same to the county treasurer of the county in which such violation was committed, and all moneys paid to the county treasurer pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be appropriated and paid into the general road fund of the county. Sec. 36. All fees paid to the Secretary of State, as provided in this Act, shall be turned over to the State Treasurer and applied to a fund which shall be known as "The Motor Vehicle Fund." Sec. 37. The Secretary of State shall purchase the necessary station- REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 23 ery, books, number plates, 'badges, postage, and provide for the printing and other necessary incidental expenses and the employment of the neces- sary clerical aid to fully carry out the objects and purposes of this Act; and the Secretary of State is hereby directed to draw his warrant for any of said claims against "The Motor Vehicle Fund" and the State Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same out of said fund. Sec. 38. Any sum of money or balance that shall be or remain in "The Motor Vehicle Fund" on the thirty-first day of December of each year after the payment of the claims of said year under the provisions hereof, shall be remitted and transferred by the Secretary of State to the county treasurers of the various counties of the State of Oregon in proportion to the amount of such fund which shall have been received from, each county for licenses, and all moneys so returned to and remitted to such county treasurers by the State Treasurer shall be appropriated and paid into and be and become a part of the general road fund of such county; provided, however, that if the State of Oregon shall accept the benefits of the Act passed by the Sixty-fourth Congress of the United States, entitled "An Act to provide that the United States shall aid the states in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes," according to the terms thereof,' any such sum of money or balance that shall be or remain in "The Motor Vehicle Fund" on the thirty-first day of December of each year while an Act accepting such Act of Congress shall be in force, shall be used for the purposes thereof, and the Secretary of State is hereby directed to pay over said sum or balance to such board, commis- sion or person provided for or created, and in such manner as the Act accepting such benefits . shall provide. Sec. 39. This Act shall be known as the "Oregon Motor Vehicle Law" and shall take effect on the first day of August, 1917. Sec. 40. The purpose, object and intent of this Act is to provide a comprehensive system for the regulation of all motor and other vehicles in this state, except that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to apply to traction engines, road rollers, fire wagons and fire engines. Sec. 41. Section 6359 of Lord's Oregon Laws and all Acts and parts of Acts upon the regulation of motor vehicles and drivers and operators thereof, in conflict herewith, are each and every one of them hereby expressly repealed. Sec. 42. The provisions in this Act contained are declared to be an exercise of the police powers of the State of Oregon. CHAPTER 221 Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon : Section 1. As soon after the taking effect of this Act as practicable the State Highway Commission shall adopt standard specifications for lay- ing and constructing the several kinds of hard surface pavements which the Commission deems suited and adapted to the needs of the state includ- ing asphaltic concrete pavement and hydraulic concrete pavement and none of which specifications shall infringe any patented pavement or pave- ments ; and the State Highway Commission thereupon shall furnish copies of all such specifications to each county court or board of county com- 24 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER missioners in the state. All such specifications shall provide the quantity and proportions of the several materials and ingredients composing each of such pavements and the kind, quality and standard of the materials and ingredients therein and the manner of determining and testing such mate- rials and ingredients for quality and standard and shall provide the man- ner of laying and constructing the pavement and mixing and preparing the materials and ingredients thereof, all in conformity with the best approved engineering practices to the end that the public body charged with the responsibility of improving any highway with any such pavement may secure the construction of highways in strict compliance with the specifica- tions under which the work may be done. Sec. 2. Whenever it is proposed to improve any road or highway with a hard surface pavement including asphaltic concrete pavement and hydraulic concrete pavement, the State Highway Commission, the county court, or board of county commissioners as the case may be, shall invite bids and proposals in the manner now provided by law for making such improvement upon specifications adopted by the State Highway Commis- sion and shall let the contract for making such improvement to the lowest responsible bidder upon the specifications set forth or referred to in the notice and advertisement for proposals and bids except as provided in Sections 3 and 4 of this Act. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation in response to the notice and advertisement for bids referred to in Section 2 of this Act may under the conditions imposed upon bidders in the notice inviting such bids or by law, submit a proposal and bid to make the improvement with a patented pave- ment or unpatented pavement of special design of the character and type described in such notice that every such proposal and bid to make the proposed improvement with a patented pavement or unpatented pavement of special design shall be accompanied by and there shall be submitted therewith specifications for laying and constructing such patented pave- ment or unpatented pavement of special design, providing the quantity and proportion of the several materials and ingredients composing said patented pavement or unpatented pavement of special design, and the kind, quality and stardard of the materials and ingredients to be used therein and providing that the quality and standard of such materials and ingredients shall be determined and tested in the manner provided by the standard specifications of the State Highway Commission and shall also provide the manner of laying and constructing the pavement and mixing, and preparing the materials and ingredient^ thereof, all with the same minuteness of detail as is provided in the standard specifications of the State Highway Commission. Sec. 4. If in response to a notice or advertisement for bids for making any highway improvement any person, firm or corporation shall submit a bid and proposal to make the same with a patented pavement, or unpat- ented pavement of special design, and after full consideration the State Highway Commission, county court or board of county commissioners as the case may be shall be of the opinion such patented pavement, or unpat- ented pavement of special design, with which such bidder proposes to make the improvement, is as good or better than the pavement provided for in the standard specifications of the State Highway Commission in durability and utility and the bid submitted is as low or lower, in the judgment of the State Highway Commission, county court or commis- REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 25 sioners' court, taking into consideration the utility, material, and specifica- tions submitted with any such bid, than any bid submitted upon said stan- dard specifications, the State Highway Commission, county court or board of county commissioners may award the contract to the responsible person, firm or corporation submitting the best bid in the estimation of the State Highway Commission, county court, or board of county commissioners, for making the improvement with such patented pavement, or unpatented pave- ment of special design ; provided that the Highway Commission, county court or board of county commissioners may reject any and all bids. CHAPTER 237 Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon : ARTICLE I Title and Definitions Section 1. This Act shall be known as the Oregon Highway Law. Sec. 2. The term "State Highway Commission," "the Commission," and "Commission" shall be taken and deemed to mean the State Highway Commission created by this Act. Sec. 3. Federal Funds ; Rural Post Roads. "Federal Funds" shall be taken and deemed to mean funds provided by the United States of America for cooperative road work with states and municipal subdivisions thereof, under and by virtue of the Act of Congress approved July 11, 1916, entitled "An Act to provide that the United States shall aid the states in the con- struction of rural post roads, and for other purposes" (39 U. S. Statutes at Large, p. 355), and other Acts of Congress for similar purposes. "Rural Post Roads" shall be taken and deemed to mean rural post roads as defined in said Act of Congress. Sec. 4. Roads; Highway; State Highway. Where the terms "road" or "highway" are used they shall be taken and deemed to include necessary bridges and culverts, and they shall not be taken or deemed to mean or include city streets. "State Highway" shallbe taken and deemed to mean any road or highway designated as such by the Commission or by law. Sec. 5. County Court The term "County Court" as used here and elsewhere in this Act, is intended to cover and include all county officers or boards now or hereafter charged by law with the duty of building, con- struction, repair, alteration or maintenance of roads and bridges. Sec. 6. State Highway Department. The State "Highway Department" shall consist of the State Highway Commission, the State Highway Engineer, and all their employes. ARTICLE II The Highway Commission; Powers; Duties Section 1. Highway Commission. There is hereby created a State Highway Commission, which shall consist of three members to be appointed by the Governor, one from each Congressional District of the state, to hold office for a period of three years ; provided, however, that the members forming the first Commission hereunder, who shall be appointed within 26 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER thirty days after the passage of this Act, shall serve as follows: One Commissioner up to and including March 31, 1918, and one Commissioner up to and including March 31, 1919, and one Commissioner up to and including March 31, 1920. Before the expiration of the term of a Com- missioner, the Governor shall appoint his successor to assume his duties on April first next following; provided, however, in case of a vacancy for any cause, the Governor shall make an appointment to become imme- diately effective for the unexpired term ; said successor to be appointed from the same Congressional District in which the vacancy occurs. Each member of the Commission shall be allowed his actual traveling and other necessary expenses incurred in performing the duties of his office. Sec. 2. Bond. Each member of the Commission shall give a good and sufficient bond to the state for five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) condi- tioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his office, the bond to be approved by the Governor and Attorney General, and the premium to be paid from the state road fund. Sec. 3. Organization ; Rules. Said Commission shall first meet at the call of the Governor as soon as practicable after the passage of this Act, and shall select a chairman who shall preside at all meetings thereof ; and appoint a state highway engineer, hereinafter in this Act called the "engineer," who shall be a competent civil engineer and qualified by a technical training as well as practical construction experience in highway work. The engineer shall hold office during the pleasure of the Commis- sion, but for a period not to exceed four (4) years without reappointment ; shall receive an annual salary to be fixed by the Commission not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) payable in monthly instalments, together with such actual traveling and other necessary expenses as may be incurred in the official discharge of his duties ; and shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, execute a good and sufficient bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) which shall be approved by the Commission and filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Said Com- mission shall provide the engineer with offices and sufficient equipment to discharge his duties as prescribed by said Commission and this Act. A majority of the commissioners shall constitute a quorum to transact business, and the act or decision of any two of the commissioners shall be deemed the act or decision of the commission. No vacancy shall impair the right of the remaining commissioners to exercise all the powers of the Commission ; provided, however, upon the selection of state highways here- inafter provided for, the decision of the Commission must be unanimous, and in case said commissioners are unable to so agree, the Governor of the State of Oregon shall have the right to vote as a member of said Commission. The Commission shall employ such clerks, officers and assistants to said engineer, at such salaries and for such terms as appear necessary; pro- vided, however, the total cost in any one year of maintaining the Com- mission for salaries or other overhead expenses shall not exceed ten per cent of the total funds available to the Commission that year for its work. Said clerks, officers and assistants shall take the prescribed oath of office before entering upon their official duties. The State Highway Commission and the state highway engineer and all their employes shall be designated as the State Highway department, which is hereby established. REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 27 Sec. 4. Offices. The Commission shall be provided by the Secretary of State with suitable offices in the State Capitol, and its offices shall be kept open at such times as the business of the Commission and the convenience of the public shall require. Such offices shall be conveniently and properly furnished, and shall be the repository for all the records of the Commission. Sec. 5. Powers and Duties of Commission. Said Commission shall have the power to carry out the provisions of this Act, and its duties shall be such as are provided herein. The Commission is hereby authorized to make such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary. Said Commis- sion shall have general supervision over all matters pertaining to construc- tion of state highways, letting of contracts therefor and the selection of materials to be used in the construction of state highways, under the authority of this Act. Said Commission shall meet at such times and for such periods in the office of the Highway department, or at such other place as it may select, for the transaction of any business that may be necessary for the satisfactory execution of the provisions of this Act. The Commission shall also determine and adopt the general policy of the High- way department and decide the questions relating to the administration of the department. The Commission shall publish an annual report to the Governor containing the report of the engineer and such general informa- tion as may appear desirable regarding the construction, improvement or maintenance of highways and bridges ; and other information gathered and available in the office of the Highway department. Said Commission shall designate, construct or cause to be constructed a system of state high- ways within the State of Oregon, which highways shall be designated by number, and by the point of beginning and terminus thereof. That the legislature of the State of Oregon hereby assents to the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved July 11, 1916, entitled "An Act to provide that the United States shall aid the states in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes" (39 U. S. Statutes at Large, p. 3.55). The State Highway department is hereby authorized to enter into all contracts and agreements with the United States government relating to the survey, con- struction or improvement and maintenance of roads under the provisions of said Act. of Congress, to submit such scheme or program of construction or improvement and maintenance as may be required by Secretary of Agri- culture, and do all other things necessary fully to carry out the coopera- tion contemplated and provided for by said Act. For the construction or improvement and maintenance of rural post roads the good faith of the state, is hereby pledged to make available funds sufficient to equal the funds apportioned to the state by or under the United States government during each of the five years for which federal funds are appropriated by Section 3 of the said Act, and to maintain the roads constructed or improved with the aid of funds so appropriated, and to make adequate provisions for carrying out such maintenance. The good faith of the state is further pledged to make available funds at least sufficient when combined with the funds made or to be made by the several counties to equal the sum apportioned to the state by the Secretary of Agriculture under the rules and regulations approved by him for carrying out Section 8 of the Act of Congress ; provided, that funds made so available from the State Highway fund shall be spent only upon the highways comprising the system of state roads and the good faith of the State is further pledged to maintain 28 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER such roads and to make adequate provisions for carrying out such main- tenance, and other Acts of Congress for similar purposes. Sec. 6. Highway Engineer; Duties. The State highway engineer shall keep a record of all proceedings and transactions of the Highway depart- ment, and shall, so far as he is able under the provisions of this Act, com- pile statistics relative to the public highways throughout the state, and shall collect all information in regard thereto which he may deem impor- tant. Said engineer shall keep on file copies of all plans, specifications and estimates prepared by his office. He shall cause to be made and kept in his office a general highway plan of the state, and shall collect informa- tion and compile statistics relative to the mileage, character and conditions of the highways and bridges in the different counties in the state. Said engineer shall, under the direction of the Commission, investigate and determine the methods of road construction best adapted to the various counties, giving due regard to the topography, natural character and avail- ability of road building materials and the cost of building and maintain- ing roads under the provisions of this Act. Said engineer shall prepare surveys, plans, specifications and estimates for the materials to be used in and the manner or method of construction of any highway constructed under the provisions of this Act, subject to the approval of said Commis- sion, and in advertising for bids on any such highway it shall be the duty of said Commission to invite bids in conformity with such plans and specifi- cations. Such advertisment for bids shall be in accordance with the regula- tions adopted by said Commission, but awards of contracts for the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of said highways shall be made by said Commission to the lowest and best responsible bidder upon the kind of material or materials selected by said Commission ; pro- vided, however, that any or all bids may be rejected if it appears to the best interests of the state. If no satisfactory bid is received, new bids may be called for, or the work may be done without letting to contract, as may be determined by the Commission. On work involving an expenditure of less than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) it shall be discretionary with the Highway Commission whether such construction, improvement or repair shall be let by contract or be performed by day labor. On such w r ork per- formed by the state by day labor, the engineer shall be held responsible for the economical prosecution of the work. Said engineer shall keep an accurate and detailed account of all moneys expended in the construction of all highways and roads which are con- structed under his general supervision, direction and control, and shall keep a record of the number of miles so constructed in each county, the date of construction, the width of such roads and the cost per mile of con- struction. On all state highways and on county roads constructed under his supervision a simple but adequate accounting system shall be installed in order that all expenditures and costs may be classified as the work progresses. Partial payments shall be allowed and made on contracts for highway improvement based upon estimates prepared and certified to by the engineer and approved by the Commission, but not more than eighty- five (85) per cent of the contract price of the work completed shall be paid before the completion of the contract and its acceptance by the engineer; but no such payment shall be construed as acceptance or approval of such work or waiver of any defects therein. REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 29 On or before .the tenth day of each month said engineer shall make a report to said Commission of the work done during the preceding calendar month, and of the progress of all work which he may have in charge. He shall also prepare proper vouchers covering claims for all salaries and expenses of his office and other expenditures authorized by the Commis- sion. Such claims as may be approved by the Commission shall be indorsed by it and be presented to the Secretary of State for audit in the same manner as other claims against the state. Employes may be paid by a payroll, said payroll to be prepared by the engineer, who shall set forth the name of each employe, the rate of salary or wages, the capacity in which each person is employed and the amount due each employe. Such payroll shall be verified by the engineer and approved by a majority of the commissioners. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to audit such payroll and draw a warrant on the State Treasurer for the aggregate amount allowed thereon, in favor of the engineer, whose duty it shall be to deposit such warrant in a reputable bank and immediately pay over the moneys received thereon to the several parties entitled thereto. Payroll checks issued by the engineer after having been properly indorsed and paid shall be filed in the office of the Com- mission and shall constitute a full receipt of payment for services rendered. In addition to his official bond the engineer shall furnish a payroll bond in such sum as the Secretary of State may direct, not less, however, than the aggregate of the payrolls for the month which the same may cover, the cost of said bond to be paid by the state. The payroll bond herein required shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Said engineer shall make an annual report to said commission on the first day of December of each year, which shall set forth all that has been done by the Highway department during the period covered by said report, and all money expended under his direction, and all highways and roads that have been constructed and maintained under the direction of said Commission, and all highways and roads toward the construction, improve- ment, maintenance or repair of which the state has contributed, giving the number of miles constructed in each county and the cost per mile of con- struction. The engineer shall prepare a map to accompany said report which shall show the work performed during the year to date, find par- ticularly the work done under Sections six (6) and eight (8) of the Act of Congress above referred to in Section three (3), Article one (1) of this Act. Said report shall also include such statistics and other information as to the matters falling within the scope of the duties of said engineer as may be considered necessary by him, and such suggestions respecting matters of legislation as he may deem necessary. Sec. 7. Highway Engineer ; County Courts ; Plans and Information. Said engineer shall act in an advisory capacity to and may be consulted by the county courts of the different counties at all reasonable times in the matter of road construction or maintenance. Upon request of the county court of any county, said engineer shall cooperate with the county officials, assist in the matter of road improvement, and furnish specifications for any piece of proposed road improvement in such county upon being fur- nished the necessary information and data to enable him to prepare such specifications; and such specifications shall be so furnished free of all costs to such county. The county court of any county shall from time to time, upon the written request of said engineer, furnish him with all avail- 30 REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER able information, maps and plans connected with the construction and maintenance of public highways, culverts and bridges in their respective localities. Any such county official who shall wilfully refuse to furnish such information, maps or plans when so called upon, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00). Whenever any county desires to construct or improve any part of a state road lying within such county, the county court of such county may make application to the State Highway Commission for the definite location and grade for such road, and the state highway engineer shall cause such road or portion thereof to be definitely located and the grade thereof established, and the cost thereof shall be charged to such road on the books of the State Highway department as a part of the cost of construction. Sec. 8. Contracts ; Bonds ; Convict Labor. All contracts executed for the improvement of state highways shall be made in the name of the State of Oregon and executed by the Commission, and on all such contracts a satisfactory bond shall be required of the contractor of not less than fifty (50) per cent of the total amount of his bid, for the faithful performance of his contract. In case no satisfactory bids are received, new advertise- ments may be made, or the work may be performed by day labor under the direction of the engineer, subject to the approval of said Commission. The Commission may authorize and provide for the construction of any highway or part of a highway by convict labor, and if said Commission so author- izes and provides for convict labor, the Governor shall, upon its request, detail from the State Penitentiary such convicts as in his judgment may seem proper for use in the work of constructing such highway or such part of a highway; and such convicts shall be delivered to said engineer on such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by the parole board and approved by the Governor. The said Commission is hereby authorized to enter into agreement with any county for the furnishing of material or materials for the construction of any state or county roads, and may furnish any material or materials necessary for the construction of any county or state highway. Sec. 9. Rights of Way; Condemnation. The rights of way for state highways, and roads improved or constructed under this Act, shall be acquired by the counties in which the highways are situated by either donation, purchase, agreement, condemnation, or through the exercise of the pow r er of eminent domain by the county before any contract shall be let. In case of neglect or refusal to so acquire said right of way, the state shall have the power, through the Commission, to acquire said right of way either by donation, purchase, agreement, condemnation, or through the exercise of the power of eminent domain in the same manner as is pro- vided by law for acquiring property for other public uses, and the Com- mission is hereby given full power and lawful authority to request the Attorney General of the state, in accordance with the provisions of Chap- ter 45, Title I of Lord's Oregon Laws, and other laws for taking of prop- erty for public uses, to institute the necessary condemnation proceedings for acquiring such rights of way ; provided, that the State Highway depart- ment shall be reimbursed by the county in which such right of way may lie for any and all expense so incurred, by a warrant drawn by the county clerk on the county treasurer, at the order of the county court, and if not REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 31 so paid, same shall be deducted from any funds due the county from the Highway department, or from any state fund due the county for road work. Sec. 10. State Highway Supervision. All construction work done by counties upon any of the state highways to which the state contributes not less than twenty-five per cent of the cost of construction shall be subject to the supervision of the State Highway department. All moneys raised by counties for road purposes, and expended or to be expended upon roads within such counties other than state highways, shall be under the exclusive control of the county courts of such counties. Nothing in this Act contained shall be construed so as to prohibit the county from cooperating with the federal government under Section 8 of the Federal Aid Road Act for the construction and maintenance of roads in or partially within the national forests. No part of the State Highway fund shall be expended upon other than state highways. Sec. 11. State Highways, Maintenance. The maintenance of state highways constructed or improved under this Act shall be under the super- vision of the Highway department, on such terms as may be mutually agreed upon between the Commission and the county court of any county ; provided, however, that the counties shall not pay more than fifty (50) per cent of such maintenance cost. Sec. 12. State Highway Fund ; Taxation. Eacb year at the time the State Tax commission determines the amount of tax to be levied against each county for state purposes it shall, in addition to other state taxes, make a state levy against all taxable property in each county subject to taxation of an additional amount, equal to one-fourth mill on each dollar of assessable property within the county. Said tax shall be collected by the county and paid to the State Treasurer as other state taxes are paid ; and all moneys collected on said tax and paid to said State Treasurer shall constitute and be kept in a fund to be known as the "State Highway Fund," and all moneys in said fund shall be at the disposal and subject to the use of said Commission for the purposes of this Act. All taxes hereto- fore levied under the provisions of Chapter 339 of the Laws of 1913, and thereby required to be collected and paid into the "State Road Fund," shall be collected as therein provided notwithstanding the repeal of said chapter by this Act, and when received shall, with any and all road funds, become a part of the State Highway fund. Sec. 13. State Highway Fund ; Apportionment. The Commission shall first set aside from the highway fund of the state an amount sufficient for the salaries and expenses of the State Highway department ; then a suffi- cient amount to cover the cost of operating and maintaining state high- ways which have been constructed or improved ; then sufficient funds to meet the federal government appropriation and requirements of Sections six (6) and eight (8) of the Act of Congress referred to in Section three (3), Article one (1) of this Act, or any federal appropriation that may be hereafter provided ; then the remainder shall be used for any purposes of this Act, and the State Highway Commission is hereby authorized to enter into cooperative agreements and undertaking with any county for the sur- vey, construction, improvement, reconstruction, repair or maintenance of any state highway or part thereof upon such basis of contribution as may be agreed upon between them; provided, however, that any amounts or sums as individual counties have acquired through the issue of bonds and expended since May 1, 1913, on roads that are now or may hereafter be 32 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER designated as state roads, or sections thereof, shall be considered and treated as having been contributed by such county under any cooperative agreement hereafter entered into between the state and the county. Sec. 14. Transfer of Records, Maps and Equipment. On the qualifica- tion of the members of the State Highway Commission hereby created, the State Highway Commission created by Chapter 339 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1913, and the state engineer, deputy state engineer, state highway engineer, as created by Chapter 337 of the General Laws of Ore- gon for 1915, shall transfer to the State Highway Commission hereby created all records, maps, equipment, and property of the state pertaining to roads, bridges, or highways then in its or their custody, or under its or their control, taking proper receipt therefor, and thereafter all such records, maps, equipment, and property shall be in the custody and for the use of the State Highway Commission hereby created. Sec. 15. Ocean Shore. Nothing in this Act contained shall be deemed to affect the character of the shore of the Pacific Ocean as a public highway as now fixed and defined by law. Sec. 16. Unconstitutionality. If any section, subdivision, sentence or clause in this Act shall for any reason be held unconstitutional, such deci- sion shall not affect the validity or meaning of any other portion of this Act. Sec. 17. Repealing Clause. Chapter 339 of the General Laws of Ore- gon for 1913, and Chapter 337 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1915, and all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 18. Emergency. It is hereby adjudged and declared that existing conditions are such that this Act is necessary for the immediate preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety; and an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Act shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Governor. CHAPTER 403 Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon : Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, or association bidding upon, or entering into any contract with the State of Oregon, or with any county, city, town, school district, road district or other public corporation, or quasi-public corporation, within the State of Oregon, or with any public officer or officers in the State of Oregon, or for any agent of said person, firm, corporation or association to enter into any conspiracy or collusion with any person, firm, corporation or association which tends to or does lessen or destroy free competition in the letting of such contract, or to pay or agree to pay to any other bidder, or to any public officer, directly or indirectly, any sum of money or anything of value in order to obtain such contract ; provided, that any one or more of such persons shall have done any act to effect the object of said conspiracy or collusion. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or by imprisonment in the county jail not longer than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 33 Sec. 3. In any action in any court wherein the violation of the fore- going provisions is at issue, no witness shall be privileged from testifying to any matter, or from producing any books, papers, or letters on the ground that the same might or would tend to render such witness criminally liable, but such witness shall not be prosecuted for any offense whatever growing out of or connected with the matters and things so testified to or produced by him ; provided, such witness shall not be exempt from prosecution for perjury committed in so testifying. CHAPTER 423 Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon : Section 1. The State Highway Commission is hereby authorized, empowered and directed, during the next five years, to sell the bonds of the State of Oregon as hereinafter provided, in an amount sufficient to raise enough money to meet the requirements of this Act. Provided, that not more than $1,000,000.00 in bonds shall be issued hereunder during the year 1917, and that not more than $2,000.000.00 in addition to any surplus unissued or unexpended over the $1,000,000.00 authorized for the year 1917, shall be issued during the year 1918. Sec. 2. The State Highway Commission is hereby authorized, empow- ered and directed to enter into such contracts, appoint such officials, and do any other act or thing necessary to fully meet the requirements of this Act. Sec. 3. The Attorney General shall under the direction of the State Highway Commission, prepare a form of interest-bearing gold bond of the State of Oregon, to be sold in order to provide funds for the carrying out of the purposes of this Act. Said bonds shall be numbered serially, beginning at Number 1, and shall be payable in the order of their issuance. Said State Highway Commission is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue bonds of the State of Oregon for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act in an amount not exceeding $6,000,000.00 of which sum at least $600,000.00 shall be issued in denominations of $500.00 each, or less. The bonds issued in any year under the provisions of this Act shall be payable one-twentieth each year, commencing with the sixth year after the issuance thereof. One-half of the bonds payable each year shall be payable on the first day of April and the other half on the first day of October. Each bond shall bear upon its face a statement showing the date of its maturity. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of four per cent per annum, payable semiannually on April first and October first. Prin- cipal and interest on said bonds shall be payable at the office of the State Treasurer at Salem, Oregon, and if said State Highway Commission shall so direct, said bonds may also provide for payment at some other place. Said bonds shall be in a form embodying an absolute promise of the State of Oregon to pay the amount thereof in gold coin of the United States of America of the value of weight and fineness of the date of such bond, and shall be in such denomination as the State Highway Commission shall elect. They shall be signed by the Governor, Secretary of State and State Treas- urer. Said bonds shall bear coupons evidencing the interest to become due thereon for each instalment of such interest, upon which shall be printed 34 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER the facsimile of the signatures of said officers. Said board may, at its option, cause a part or all of said bonds to be payable to the purchaser thereof and register the name of such purchaser in the office of the State Treasurer and provide an appropriate indorsement upon each of such bonds to the effect that the same will be paid only to the owner appearing on the register thereof, and providing a method for reregistering the same as the title may be passed, and it may also provide that a part or all of said bonds shall be payable to bearer and not subject to registration. Not less than ten days before the payment of the principal or interest falls due on any of the bonds provided for this Act, the State Highway Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the amount necessary to meet the pay- ment thereof. Upon receipt of such certificate by the State Treasurer he shall prepare and verify a claim for the amount mentioned therein, attach- ing thereto said certificate, and present the same to the Secretary of State, who shall audit such claim, in like manner as other claims against the state are audited and pay the same out of any moneys provided by law for the payment thereof. The State Treasurer is authorized and directed to make any such payments of principal or interest on said bonds at such places, other than at Salem, Oregon, as the State Highway Commis- sion may provide. All bonds and interest coupons upon payment shall be deposited by the State Treasurer with the Secretary of State to be attached to the original claim of the State Treasurer for the payment thereof. Sec. 4. The State Highway Commission shall provide such method as it may deem necessary for the advertisement of each issue of said bonds before the same are sold, and shall also require such deposit with bids as may be required, and generally shall conduct the sale and issuance of said bonds under such rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Act as shall be adopted by said Commission. Sec. 5. The money arising from the sale of each issue of bonds shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of a special fund, which shall be used in carrying into effect the provisions of this Act. The Secre- tary of State is hereby authorized and directed to audit all claims incurred in carrying out the provisions of this Act in the same manner as other claims against the state are audited and pay the same from any moneys provided by law for the payment thereof upon the submission of duly veri- fied vouchers therefor approved by the Commission; provided, that bonds and coupons shall be paid as is provided in Section 3 hereof. Sec. 6. The highways described in Sections 6 and 7 of this Act are hereby determined to be the highways of first importance to the general public of the State of Oregon. It is hereby determined that the following highways should be permanently constructed and finished with a hard surface : 1. The Columbia River Highway from the Multnomah County line to Astoria, Seaside, and South in Clatsop County to the Tillamook County line. Inasmuch as the counties of Columbia and Clatsop have already expended large sums of money in constructing the said Columbia Highway through said counties and in doing so have practically exhausted their ability to raise money by an issuance of county bonds, the State Highway Commission is hereby authorized, from the funds arising under this Act, in addition to paving said highway, to use from said funds sufficient to provide for the preparation of said highway through said counties for the paving thereof. REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 35 2. The Pacific Highway from the Multnomah County line through Washington County and Yamhill County by way of Hillsboro, Forest Grove, McMinnville to Dallas, Monmouth and Independence in Polk County; to Corvallis and Monroe in Benton County and through Eugene to the north line of Douglas County . 3. The Pacific Highway from the Multnomah County line through Oswego, Oregon City and Canby in Clackamas County, thence through Marion and Linn Counties, to a junction with the highway at Junction City. 4. Such portions of the Columbia River Highway between the Multno- mah County line easterly through the City of Hood River and Hood River County and through The Dalles and Wasco County, through Sherman County, through Gilliam County, by way of the town of Arlington and up the Columbia River to the confluence of the Umatilla River with the Columbia River; thence up the Umatilla River through Hermiston, Stan- field, Echo and Pendleton, and thence by such route as shall be deter- mined by the State Highway Commission to La Grande, Baker, and to the Idaho line, as the county courts of the various counties affected shall agree to prepare the road ready for paving. Provided, that inasmuch as the County of Hood River has raised by a bond issue and expended upon said Columbia River Highway practically its full constitutional limit, said Commission may expend on said Columbia River Highway in Hood River County, such portion of the money arising under this Act as it may deem proper in preparing said Columbia River Highway for paving. The various county courts in said counties in eastern Oregon through which said Colum- bia River Highway is projected shall agree with the State Higlfway Com- mission upon what portions of said highway are to be paved with a hard surface paving and what portions are to be constructed as post roads, and whenever any of said counties shall have prepared a portion of said high- way ready for paving, then the State Highway Commission shall proceed promptly to pave the same under the provisions of this Act and the remainder thereof shall be improved as a post road under the provisions of this Act, and such portion so improved as a post road shall not be eligible for paving at the expense of the state under the provisions of this Act. 5. The Pacific Highway through Jackson County, where the same has not already been paved, along the route heretofore adopted by the State Highway Commission. Inasmuch as the County of Jackson has already expended large sums of money in constructing said Pacific Highway, and in paving a large portion thereof, and in so doing has practically exhausted its ability to raise money by an issuance of county bonds, the said Highway Commission is hereby authorized, from the funds arising from this Act, in addition to completing the paving of said highway in Jackson County, to use from said funds sufficient to provide for completing the preparation of said highway through said county, for the paving thereof. 6. Commencing on the Columbia River Highway at or near Arlington in Gilliam County, thence up Willow Creek in Morrow County, through the cities of lone, Lexington and Heppner in Morrow County and through Pilot Rock, Pendleton, Adams, Athena, Weston, Milton and Freewater in Umatilla County to the Oregon and Washington state line. 7. A road from the south line of Clatsop County, at the end of its highway described in Paragraph 1 hereof, south by Wheeler to Garibaldi. 36 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 8. A road from the Multnomah County line by Tigard, Rex and Newberg to McMinnville. For the purposes of this Act the above highways are to be known as hard surfaced highways. Sec. 7. The following highways, to-wit : 1. The road running from the north line of Douglas County to the Jackson County line over the line of the Pacific Highway as adopted by the State Highway Commission ; 2. All that portion of the Columbia River Highway described in the fourth paragraph of the description of hard surfaced roads as described in Section 6 of this Act, which the county courts of the several counties through which the same is located shall not determine to prepare for paving with hard surfaced paving as is herein provided, shall be considered a post road, and eligible to improvement as such under the provisions of this Act ; 3. A road from Roseburg, by Myrtle Point and Coquille to Marshfield ; 4. A road from the Pacific Highway, from a point at or near McMinnville, by Willamina to Tillamook City ; 5. A road from The Dalles by way of Dufur, Maupin and Shaniko to Redmond, Bend and from thence to Klamath Falls ; 6. A road from Bend to Lakeview ; 7. A road from an intersection with the Columbia River Highway at a point either in Sherman or Gilliam County, by way of Condon, Fossil and Spray and thence up the John Day Valley to such point as the High- way Commission shall elect, and from thence to Vale and the Idaho line; 8. A road from La Grande through Union and Wallowa Counties to Joseph ; 9. A road from Bend through Burns and Harney to Vale shall be known as post roads and shall be constructed along routes between said certain points to be agreed upon by the representatives of the federal government, and said State Highway Commission. Said post roads shall be constructed according to specifications agreed upon between the repre- sentatives of the federal government and said State Highway Commission ; provided, that if the Counties of Douglas and Josephine, or either of them, shall prepare any part of the said Pacific Highway, and make same ready for paving according to the requirements of the State Highway Commis- sion, then said Commission shall immediately pave the road so prepared, and such portion of said road shall be excepted from the classification as a post road. If the County of Coos shall prepare and make ready for paving, accord- ing to the requirements of the State Highway Commission, twenty or more miles in length of the post road between Roseburg and Marshfield herein- before described, or the County of Tillamook shall so prepare and make ready for paving twenty or more miles in length of the post road between Tillamook City and McMinnville, and if such portions of said road in either or both of said counties, are so prepared, that the same shall be ready for paving according to the requirements of the State Highway Com- mission, then said Commission shall immediately pave the road so prepared and such portion of said road shall be excepted from the classification as a post road, and such portion shall then be classified as a paved road. Sec. 8. Roads over the following routes are hereby adopted and designated as forest roads, to-wit: REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 37 1. A road from Medford in Jackson County as surveyed and adopted by the federal government in cooperation with the State of Oregon, by the way of Crater Lake to a point in Klamath County to be selected by the said Highway Commission and the federal officials representing the federal government, operating under what is known as the "Shackelford Bill." 2. A road from a point in Lane County to be selected by the State Highway Commission and the federal officials representing the federal government, operating under what is known as the "Shackelford Bill," by way of the Siuslaw River to a point in Coos County to be selected by said Highway Commission. 3. A road from Eugene connecting the Willamette Valley with eastern Oregon, by way of the McKenzie River to Bend. 4. A road connecting the post road from the Columbia River Highway up the John Day Valley with the post road between The Dalles and Bend. 5. A road from Albany via Lebanon, Cascadia and Fish Lake to Bend. No preference shall be given in the construction, improving or paving of any of the roads described herein by reason of the numerical designation of such roads. The funds with which to pay the portion of the expense of construc- tion of said post roads and forest roads payable by the State of Oregon, shall be secured from the sale of bonds as is provided in House Bill No. 21, passed by the present legislative session, which bill is entitled "A Bill for an Act to accept the benefits of the Act passed by the Sixty-fourth Con- gress of the United States entitled 'An Act to provide that the United States shall aid the states in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes,' and to provide for the issuance of bonds of the State of Oregon to raise such money as may be required to meet the requirements of said federal statute, and to authorize the State Board of Control to take such action and perform such duties as may be necessary to meet the requirements of said Federal Act and federal officials acting under said Act." Of the funds made available by said Act for post roads, at least sixty per cent shall be expended on the above mentioned post roads, in the counties east of the Cascade Mountains. Provided, however, that the above provision shall not be construed to impair the assent of the state to the federal aid as hereinabove specified, and to limit the necessary cooperation between this state and the federal government in the construction of forest and post roads. No description of any highway provided for herein shall be construed to prevent the State Highway Commission from making such local changes in the location thereof as they may deem proper. Sec. 9. The State Highway Commission is also authorized to adopt such other roads or routes connecting portions of the state and to provide for the construction of post roads or forest roads over such routes and the improvement and maintenance thereof, and to pay for the same from the fund created by House Bill No. 21 referred to by title and in Section 8 hereof. Sec. 10. The State Highway Commission is hereby authorized, empow- ered, and directed whenever the county through which any portion of said hard surfaced roads may be located, shall have constructed all or any section of any such hard surfaced roads in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the State Highway Commission, along routes prescribed by said commission, and shall have provided for suitable drain- 38 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER age of said roads in accordance with the requirements of said Commission, and shall have prepared the foundation in accordance with the require- ments of said Commission, then said Commission shall let contracts, or otherwise provide according to law for the completion of said hard sur- faced roads, by causing said roads to be finished and hard surfaced according to plans and specifications prepared by said Commission, and the fund required therefor shall be derived from the sale of said bonds, provided for in Section 3 hereof. Sec. 11. The State Highway Commission shall pay the interest upon said bonds as the same shall become due, from any funds subject to its control, from whatever source the same may come, and the payments upon the principal of said bonds, as the same shall become due, shall be paid by the State Highway Commission from any funds within its control, without regard to the origin of said funds. Sec. 12. Any surplus or unexpended balance of the fees received under the operation of House Bill No. 509, passed by this legislative session, which bill is entitled "For an Act to amend Chapter 174 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1911, as amended by Chapter 135 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1913, and as amended by Chapter 350 of the General Laws of the State of Oregon for 1915 ; providing for regulating the use, registra- tion, license, identification, conduct and operation of i vehicles operated upon the public roads, streets and highways of the State of Oregon ; to regulate and license the persons who drive the same ; to prescribe penalties for viola- tion hereof and to prohibit the unauthorized possession or use of a vehicle and to provide a penalty therefor; to license and identify all motor vehicles ; to limit the authority of cities and towns on like subjects con- cerned with said vehicles ; to prescribe the duties of the Secretary of State as to certain provisions of this Act; to provide for the handling and dis- tribution of the funds derived from the operation of this Act and to repeal all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict herewith," remaining after the pay- ment of all claims incurred in carrying out the provisions thereof or estimated by the Secretary of State as necessary to defray any further administrative expenses for the balance of any license year, shall be trans- ferred on the first day of April and the first day of October in each year by the Secretary of State to an account to be expended under the juris- diction of the State Highway Commission in payment of the interest and principal as same shall become due upon bonded indebtedness of the State of Oregon, contracted for road purposes under the provisions of this Act or the provisions of the said House Bill No. 21 referred to by title in Section 8 of .this Act. Any remainder of such surplus or unexpended balance so transferred to the jurisdiction of the State Highway Commis- sion shall be subject to the payment of any other lawful claim or claims incurred or contracted by said Commission. Sec. 13. The State Highway Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into contracts for the purpose of constructing the roads provided in this Act; provided, however, that all contracts shall be let according to law and in open and public session of said Commission ; pro- vided further, that if in the opinion of a majority of the members of said Commission, the lowest bid for the construction of any of the roads or parts of roads herein authorized to be constructed, shall be excessive, then and in that event, said Commission shall have the right and it is hereby empowered and authorized to reject all bids and to construct under REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER its own direction and supervision, all of such roads or any part thereof, and to this end and to accomplish this purpose said Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase or lease all necessary machinery, equipment, tools and appliances and to employ all necessary help and labor and to do all things necessary and convenient to carry out the provisions of this Act. Sec. 14. This Act shall be referred to the people for their ratification or rejection at a special election to be called in the manner provided for by law, said election to be held on the fourth day of June, 1917, and shall be in full force and effect as soon as ratified by the people at such election. Sec. 15. On account of the importance of the early decision of this matter and the importance of getting funds for construction of roads, this Act is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the people of the State of Oregon, and the special election hereinabove declared should not be delayed beyond the time hereinabove set, and for that reason an emergency is declared to exist, and this Act shall be in full force and effect in accor- dance with the terms and provisions therein set forth from and after its passage, as- regards said special election. 40 REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER JO JU80 J9I UT : : : : || | | | : : | : | : i ! I : {{] ^ 8 rHo o-* t- os e CO OO * CO^i MCO t- OS OS OO OO OO CO US ^t" rHOOCO **< OCOOO OOt- US^ C- t- US O5 fr- CO O (M *< CO O O US OS -OOSt-l CO COl-HCO i-l CCiH C O OS rH *< OO O C- cs- 1 I CO US^f OO US (M OS IM rH rH I US t- OSLO CO CO U5 US COOOO : : ;::::::: i '- bo !^ 1 Mil i ! Clackamas County Canemah-New Era section, grading Oregon City-Canby section, paving Clatsop County Astoria-Svensen section, grading and paving.. Svensen-Westport section, slides and macade Columbia County Multnomah County line-Scappoose section, pa nnhlp sfiptirm era diner : t> i I 1 1 !IJ li i : o aj TO j^rg fc-if^ bctccri c <^l - S ' ;5 ^ 3 e ^Hr-tC^w c r ^3 p Oo5 Ti - juoicc'O as CCCJS-H-- 8 -a be eja|j -o J-2bcg K dc .^ojiHi^o ci5 bcbi) &* ** ^ C^ ^ Wl r^ ^ ^ "^ Jii bfi ^ c S *^ ^j 5 S c cTjfoa; m -hrj^ o^.Sot5 r -2.2'-g w A S fi **-'^^ (-T Of)Q.) r C3 tH'Or'* SSSg*5 o ^50252 ortg COOC^ ,^ Ko2 Cy ^ ^^H.ili :ll|^P 1 i|ls | u l a^ISfl s J*n9 " Ills Sc w i-S I-S -^S^o^ ^2 o^og ffi cd .^O S .2 od So^ir^ **-! 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M M R 3 p I 02 n H ^ - i : ! uoponjjsuoo jo i 3803 pa^Bumsg j JO ?U90 J8I U] 1 ^soo 8up98ui8ug ; cc c tt H ll >> o o og C 2 C O s ^ o> 1 1 L "d c O 5 c +J . ^ 3 o ~ C d c 1 c C w k O i >>. oJ be o | c'So a o c o "5 *W 1 1 O ll U ;>, bo- 2> .73 ker County Baker-Cornucopia ckamas County Oregon City-Osweg js County Coos County, locat Myrtle Point to D( uglas County Roseburg to Coos int County John Day Highwa 1 iephine County Grants Pass-Jacks ne County Tf.iia-fino tn "Dparlw rrow County Columbia River H Oregon-Washingto Ik County Monmouth-Dallas, lamook County Coast Hiehwav. T e 5 o C o 3 C) CD S ^ I &H EH. REPORT OP STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 43 t- oocooo * Lft *! t- t-Tf oscoce a- OOCO CO Tt< ** 06 TH CO C<) co co co rH CO us O5OOCO O C<1 CO T-I O O co co 05 cot-co * r> ^* CO CO LA O rH Tj< CO CO CO OOOOCO CO OO TH rH CO Tf CO CO OO LAt-CO OO rH O r*if i-Tr-Teg" THCO'CO" o oo 06 CO eo" LA 6*- 000 000 000 ooo ooo ooo o' o o o o' o o' o o "ooo ooo ooo o 000 00 O O o CO CO ^f a! 3 > .S . >j t- G Jx "c "3 % 3 a c c s| 1 O XJ ' rt ^fi eS -^ C 3 .593 5 02 oil |!l * ||g 531 |s| i BB3 Jlo ^ " |g og' 3 H! oooo ^|| ^ *&&& |55J ^^ci 1 1 g * Administration cost t- co o eoco oo o o co o o 05 C005 U5 l> IA t- SO rH O5 T H CO rl CO b- rl t~ ^ oo <: 5 TH OS CO CO ^ CO 05 t^c S rH rH CO t^ 05* LA OSS 1 O IA LA OO !> <^ O5 TH LO IO O CO CO Tf rH t- OO 000000 00 000000 o o o' o' o o o o oo o o o o o o oo o o o o o o co-* U t- * e> f IH o' LA CO rH rH CO r-T CO H ^ c "S & 1 2 o S 1 'o a ft "c ' a t Is | g i 2 oi h "3 h w S. -*-* ^ ^ ^ 5 .Sr w > rt M SS fc c ^ STO O O P o> O 3 Kfi ! 1 I s | til ii ti ; j t5 1? , !-; 1* ^ If f| |s | 1 III HI II !! 1 si 1 1 1 1 II I 03 1 1 'c 73 * 44 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER RECONNAISSANCE SURVEYS Project * Total Amount Expended Baker County Austin to Baker $ 279.06 Benton County Corvallis to Eddyville 47.56 Benton and Polk Counties Independence to Corvallis 47.48 Clatsop County Tillamook to Seaside 397.49 Columbia County Columbia River Highway in Columbia. County 104.87 Curry County Coast Highway in Curry County 79.91 Douglas County Oakland to Greene 44.24 Klamath County Klamath Falls to Olene 27.75 Lane, Douglas and Coos Counties Eugene to Marshfield 804.65 Lincoln, Yamhill and Tillamook Counties Coast and Yamhill-Nestucca Highways 53.31 Malheur County John Day Highway, Malheur County 93.02 Wasco County Columbia River Highway in Wasco County 131.49 Wasco, Umatilla, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow, Union and Baker Counties Hood River to Baker 342.08 Yamhill County Grand Ronde Section ... 42.46 Total $2,495.37 *Administration costs for all projects included in summary, only. GENERAL CHARGES (Administrative, Engineering Supervision, etc.) Item Total Amount Expended Administration $18.389.13 Highway Commission 2,328.35 Auditing Office (Salem) 3,970.94 Engineering Office (Salem) 4,193.50 Division Offices (Pendleton and Roseburg) 3,743.70 District Engineers 1,505.18 Total $34,130.80 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 45 jo luaf) aaj ui COOr-IC-OC-O I O5 OO O^ CO OO Ol b- I rH oo o LO o oo T-5 ;' T-H rt< Oi 05 CO t- 00 CO <> I- ^ r-t 10 CO 46 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER BRIDGES DESIGNED NOVEMBER 30, 1916. TO NOVEMBER 30, 1917 Reinforced concrete over Four Mile Creek, Coos County $ 4,500.00 Reinforced concrete over Bethel Creek, Coos County 1,200.00 Reinforced concrete over Butte Creek, Coos County.... 1,000.00 Reinforced concrete Overland Overcrossing, Coos County 6,500.00 Forty-five-foot wood A. frame, Coos County 500.00 Forty-foot wooden lift bridge over Haynes Slough, Coos County 4,000.00 Forty-foot wooden lift bridge over North Slough, Coos County 4,000.00 Forty-foot wooden lift bridge over Larson Slough, Coos County 4,000.00 Eighty-foot- opening swing draw (wood), Isthmus Slough, Coos County 5,500.00 One hundred twenty-six-foot wooden bridge at Gravel Ford, Coos County 5,000.00 Reinforced concrete over crossing one mile north of Myrtle Point, Coos County 4,000.00 Reinforced concrete over Three Mile Creek, Wasco County 700.00 Reinforced concrete over Eight Mile Creek, Wasco County 3,000.00 Reinforced concrete over Mosler Creek, Wasco County 7,000.00 Reinforced concrete over Tygh Creek, Wasco County 5,500.00 Reinforced concrete over Tygh Creek, Wasco County 8,000.00 Butler Canyon, Wasco County 1,800.00 Wooden bridge, Sherman and Gilliam Counties .\ 15,000.00 Reinforced concrete, east fork of Hood River, Hood River County.... 6,000.00 Reinforced concrete over Neal Creek, Hood River County 1,000.00 Reinforced concrete over Odell Creek, Hood River County 600.00 Wooden bridge at Dee, 'Hood River County 3,500.00 Reinforced concrete over Herman Creek, Hood River County 4,500.00 Four-by-five reinforced concrete culvert at Sonny, Hood River County 500.00 Reinforced concrete culverts, one 2x3 feet, one 2x6 feet, one 4x6 feet, Hood River County 800.00 Reinforced concrete over Viento Creek, Hood River County 1,500.00 Reinforced concrete over Gorton Creek, Hood River County 2,500.00 Four-by-ten culvert near Viento, Hood River County....: 500.00 Wooden bridge over John Day, Grant County 11,000.00 Salem-Marion-Polk County bridge over Willamette 250,000.00 Replanking Salem railroad bridge, Marion County 11,000.00 Wooden lift and truss span over north fork of Nehalem River, Tillamook County 6,000.00 Reinforced concrete over Beaver Creek near Beaver, Tillamook County 7,000.00 Reinforced concrete over Beaver Creek in Beaver, Tillamook County 6,000.00 Reinforced concrete over Munson Creek, Tillamook County 500.00 Twelve reinforced concrete bridges in Beaver Valley, Columbia County 45,000.00 Nine wood alternate designs for above, Columbia County 4,500.00 Wooden span over Big Applegate, Jackson County ., 4,000.00 John Day (wood), Clatsop County 33,000.00 Reinforced concrete over Plympton Creek, Clatsop County 2,000.00 Reinforced concrete over Big Creek, Clatsop County 4,500.00 Reinforced concrete over Little Creek, Clatsop County ; 1,200.00 Reinforced concrete over Graham Creek, Clatsop County 1,000.00 Reinforced concrete over crossing, Lane County 5,200.00 Reinforced concrete over Goble Creek, Columbia County 4,500.00 Capitol Hill over crossing, Multnomah County '. 800.00 Four-by-six-foot reinforced concrete culvert, Washington County.. 300.00 Onion flat trestle (wood), Washington County 11,000.00 Wooden bridge over Grand Ronde River, Union County 8,000.00 Wooden bridge over Grand Ronde River, Union County 8,000.00 Wooden bridge over Bridge Creek, Wheeler County 8,000.00 Wooden bridge near Mitchell, Wheeler County 3,800.00 Wooden bridge near Mitchell, Wheeler County 500.00 Wooden bridge near Mitchell, Wheeler County 8,000.00 Wooden trestle near Monmouth, Polk County 500.00 One 5x5 reinforced concrete culvert, Benton County 900.00 One 6x8 reinforced concrete culvert, Benton County 1,500.00 Reinforced concrete bridge over Rock Creek, Douglas County 1,600.00 Reinforced concrete bridge over Pass Creek, Douglas County 1,200.00 Reinforced concrete bridge over Pass Creek, Douglas County 1,200.00 Reinforced concrete bridge over Pheasant Creek, Douglas County.... 1,000.00 Total for bridges $555,300.00 REPORT OF STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER 47 BRIDGES UPON WHICH CONSTRUCTION WAS STARTED NOVEMBER 30, 1916, TO NOVEMBER 30, 1917 Haynes Slough North Slough Larson Slough Hosier Creek Neal Creek Odell Creek Dee bridge Butler Canyon Tygh Creek ............... . Gravel Ford Salem bridge North Fork Nehalem Columbia County bridges Big Applegate John Day, Clatsop County Bridge in Beaver Herman Creek Munson Creek ...................................... ,. .......................................... Culvert at Sonny One 2x3, one 2x6, and one 4x6 culverts, Hood River County Capitol Hill over crossing Four-by-six culvert, Washington County ............... , Cascade Locks culvert Viento Creek bridge .................... . .................... . Gorton Creek bridge .......................... . Four-by-ten culvert near Viento Goble Creek bridge Eight-by-ten culvert, Columbia County 4 4 4 7 1 3 1 5 5 250 6 45 4 33 7 4 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 600.00 ,500.00 ,800.00 ,500.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,000.00 ,500.00 500.00 500.00 800.00 800.00 300.00 500.00 ,500.00 ,500.00 500.00 ,500.00 ,000.00 Total $399,300.00 676893 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY